                    United States Patent Office
Patented July 25, 1967
Wilford E. Martwick, Minneapolis, and Duane C. You-
mans, Eden Prarie, Minn., assignors to Honeywell Inc.,
Minneapolis, Minn., a corporation of Delaware	5
Filed Dec. 22,1965, Ser. No. 526,647
6 Claims. (Cl. 42—1)
This application discloses a combined rifle and grenade
launcher. Mechanical means are provided whereby the
rifle operator can convert the rifle to a grenade launcher.
This Invention pertains to a dual purpose weapon and
more particularly to a weapon capable of firing both a
point round and area projectile. For purposes of this
specification the term “point round” is defined as a con-
ventional round containing one or more essentially solid 20
projectiles (e.g., a rifle bullet) and the term “area pro-
jectile” includes grenades, explosive projectiles, artillary
shells, flares and the like.
There have been many prior art designs of this type
of weapon. Many of the dual purpose weapons attach the 25
area projectile launcher mechanism to a conventional
rifle in such a manner that the only means available for
disabling it is the removal of the entire mechanism.
There is absolutely no provision in these designs for using
the dual weapon as a point round weapon (rifle) only. 30
Other design attempts attempted to solve the problem
of utilizing a dual weapon as either a point round weapon
or an area projectile weapon at the option of the operator.
One such attempt is illustrated in U.S. Patent 1,816,265,
Savani, wherein the entire area projectile launcher mech- 35
anism must be rotated about the rifle band by the opera-
tor so as to be displaced along screw threads to the de-
sired position. This, of course, is a very slow and undesir-
able approach.
The applicants, however, have solved this problem by 40
providing a dual purpose weapon having mechanical
means which allow the weapon operator to easily and
quickly select the mode of operation of the weapon.
In one particular embodiment, the applicants’ invention
comprises a modification of an M-16 rifle by attaching an 43
area projectile barrel to the rifle barrel. For purposes of
this specification the term “area projectile barrel” is de-
fined as an area projectile launching barrel. Valve means
are mounted upon the rifle proximate the breech mecha-
nism. The valve means are operable in a first position to 50
place the rifle barrel in fluid communication with the area
projectile barrel and in a second position to prevent fluid
communication therebetween. Mechanical means are con-
nected to the valve means so that the operator, by slight
movement thereof, places the valve means in the first 5S
position whereby a point round and an area projectile
are fired simultaneously. The mechanical means may also
be displaced so as to place the valve means in the second
position whereby only a point round is fired.
With the applicants’ unique dual purpose weapon, the ° J
area projectile may be loaded at all times and fired at
will by merely positioning the valve means in the first
position by slight displacement of the mechanical means.
In the particular embodiment illustrated, the applicants’
dual purpose weapon results in only a slight modification
to the M-16 rifle. It causes a weight increase of only one
pound and will not detract from the handling qualities of
the rifle. The applicants’ design also allows rapid reload-
ing of area projectiles.
The scope of the applicants’ invention will become 70
apparent from a study of the accompanying specification
and claims in conjunction with the drawings in which:
FIGURE 1 is a partial cross-sectional view of the ap-
plicants’ dual purpose weapon;
FIGURE 2	is a partial cross-sectional view of the area
projectile barrel;
FIGURE 3	is a cross-sectional view of the valve means;
FIGURE 4	is a schematic representation of the me-
chanical means for selecting the mode of operation of
the dual purpose weapon; and
FIGURE 5	is a cross-sectional view of the valve means.
Referring now to FIGURE 1, reference numeral 10
generally depicts the applicants’ dual purpose weapon.
In this particular embodiment, the point round weapon
comprises an M-16 rifle 11 having a barrel 12 and a
breech mechanism 13. The M-16 rifle is, of course, oper-
able to fire a point round. The applicants’ invention is not
limited to any particular type of rifle.
The conventional hand guard of the M-16 is replaced
with a modified hand guard 15 which includes the area
projectile launching mechanism 20. Area projectile launch-
ing mechanism 20 comprises an area barrel 21 hinged
to rifle barrel 12 at pivot 22. An area barrel breech block
23 is attached to rifle barrel 12 in a position contiguous
to the left end of area barrel 21 as viewed in FIGURE 1.
Area barrel 21 is latched in its operating position (FIG-
URE 1) substantially parallel with rifle barrel 12 by
means of a latch member 24 which co-acts with breech
block 23. Latch member 24 is held in the latched posi-
tion by detant block 25.
As illustrated in FIGURE 2, area barrel 21 is easily
pivoted to the loading position by unlatching latch mem-
ber 24 and rotating area barrel 21 about pivot 22. An
area projectile 27 is also illustrated in FIGURE 2. It
should be noted that area projectile 27 has an obturator
band 28 thereon which prevents the escape of gases
supplied to the area barrel 21 as will be explained herein-
after. Obturator band 28 also functions to hold area pro-
jectile 27 in place in area barrel 21 when it is not being
fired. О rings 29 are provided in breech block 23 to pro-
vide a gas seal between area barrel 21 and the breech
block. Recoil links 26 are connected between breech block
23 and breech mechanism 13 of the M-16 rifle.
A valve means 35 is attached to rifle barrel 12 proxi-
mate the breech mechanism 13. Valve means 35 com-
prises a valve body 36 having a slideable piston 37
positioned in a chamber 38 therein (see FIGURE 3).
Piston 37 is biased in a first position in FIGURE 3 by
spring means 39. A connecting rod 40 is attached to piston
means 37 at one end thereof. Chamber 38 of valve means
35 is in fluid communication with rifle barrel 12 by
means of conduits 42 and 43. Chamber 38 is in fluid com-
munication with area barrel 21 by means of a conduit
44. Chamber 38 is in fluid communication with breech
mechanism 13 by means of fluid conduit 45 in this
particular embodiment. This communication is only nec-
essary because the M-16 is a gas operated rifle. When a
non-gas operated rifle is utilized in tht applicants’ unique
dual purpose weapon conduits 42 and 45 are not necessary.
As is clear from FIGURE 3, when piston 37 is the first
position as shown, it prevents fluid communication be-
tween rifle barrel 12 and area barrel 21. However, fluid
communication is allowed between rifle barrel 12 and
breech mechanism so as to allow operation of the M-16
rifle in a conventional point round mode of operation.
Connecting rod 40 is connected on one end to piston
37 and on the other end to a connecting rod handle 41.
Connecting rod handle 41 is positioned contiguous to
rifle barrel 12. It is illustrated in FIGURE 4. Connecting
rod handle 41 collectively define mechanical means
connected to valve means 35 for operation thereof. As
previously indicated, when piston 37 is biased in the first

3,332,162 position dual purpose weapon 10 functions as a conven- tional rifle firing a point round. Operating rod handle 41 is illustrated in the first position in FIGURE 4. The operator of dual purpose weapon 10 can change the mode of operation thereof merely by slightly displacing operating rod handle 41 so as to overcome the biasing effect of spring 39 and position valve means 35 in the second position. FIGURE 5 illustrates valve means 35 in the second posi- tion. In the second position, rifle barrel 12 is in fluid communication with area barrel 21 through conduit 43, chamber 38 and conduit 44. A different mechanical means 50 is connected to valve means 35 in FIGURE 5. Mechan- ical means 50 comprises a connecting rod 51 attached to one end of piston 37 on one end and on the other end to a trigger member 52. Trigger member 52 is located contiguous to the trigger 53 of rifle 11. The operator can change the mode of operation by merely displacing trigger 52. Dual purpose weapon 10 operates in the following manner. Assume that a point round is loaded in rifle 11. Latch member 24 is forced forward (away from the oper- ator of dual purpose weapon) so as to unlatch area barrel 21. Area barrel 21 is pivoted about pivot 22 into the loading position and an area projectile, such as 27, is positioned within the area barrel 21. Area barrel 21 is pivoted back to the operating position substantially parallel to rifle barrel 12. Latch member 24 is forced rearwardly (towards the operator) into breech block 23 and is locked by locking means 25. At this point, valve means 35 is biased in the first position and the dual purpose weapon can be utilized as a conventional rifle firing a point round. The area projectile can be carried loaded in area barrel 21 for as long as desired while utilizing the dual purpose weapon as a conventional rifle. When it is desired to fire the area projectile the operator of the dual purpose weapon slightly displaces operating rod handle 41 (or trigger 52) by pulling it towards himself and holding it in this position. This displaces piston means 37 to the second position and places rifle barrel 12 and area barrel 21 in fluid communication. The point round is then fired from rifle 11 and generates expanding gases behind the point round. A portion of the gas generated by the point round is supplied to the area barrel 21 through conduit 43, chamber 38 and conduit 44. The breech of area barrel 21 is sealed by О ring 29 and ob- turator band 28 of the area projectile. Consequently, the portion of the 'gas supplied from rifle barrel 12 to area barrel 21 is sufficient to fire (propel) the area pro- jectile out of area barrel 21. Area barrel 21 can then be reloaded in the manner described above. Thus the applicants have provided a unique dual purpose weapon wherein the operator can quickly and easily select the mode of operation of the weapon. This is accom- plished by utilizing valve means which can be enclosed in a first position or a second position by mechanical means connected thereto. The applicants’ dual purpose weapon allows the operator to carry the area barrel loaded at all times and to fire it by merely displacing his hand on the hand guard so as to displace the mechanical means. While we have shown and described a specific embodi- ment of this invention, further modification and improve- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 4 ments will occur to those skilled in the art. We desire to be understood, therefore, that this invention is not limited to the particular form shown and we intend in the ap- pended claims to cover all modifications which do not depart from the spirit of the scope of this invention. We we claim is: 1. A dual purpose weapon including a rifle having a barrel and breech mechanism and adapted to fire a point round in combination with: (a) an area barrel hinged upon the rifle barrel, said area barrel being adapted to be latched in a operating position substantially parallel with said rifle barrel, said area barrel being further adapted to be pivoted to a loading position so that an area projectile may be positioned therein; (b) valve means mounted upon said rifle barrel proxi- mate the breech mechanism, said valve means being operable in a first position to prevent fluid communi- cation between said rifle barrel and said area barrel, said valve means being operable in a second position to place said rifle barrel in fluid communication with said area barrel; and (c) mechanical means connected to said valve means, said mechanical means being operable to place said valve means in the second position whereby the point round and the area projectile are fired simultaneously. 2. The combination set forth in claim 1 wherein said mechanical means comprises a connecting rod attached to said valve means and a connecting rod handle positioned contiguous to said rifle barrel. 3. The combination set forth in claim 1 wherein said valve means comprises a slideable piston biased in the first position. 4. The combination set forth in claim 2 wherein recoil links are connected between said area barrel and said breech mechanism. 5. The combination set forth in claim 2 wherein said valve means comprises a slideable piston biased in the first position and said connecting rod is attached to said piston. 6. A dual purpose weapon including a rifle having a barrel and breech mechanism and adapted to fire a point round in combination with: (a) an area barrel mounted upon the rifle barrel sub- stantially parallel with said rifle barrel; (b) valve means mounted upon said rifle barrel proxi- mate the breech mechanism, said valve means includ- ing a slideable piston means biased in a first position to prevent fluid communication between said rifle barrel and said area barrel, said piston means being operable in a second position to place said rifle barrel in fluid communication with said area barrel; and (c) mechanical means including a connecting rod con- nected to said piston means, said mechanical means further including means attached to said connecting rod for displacement thereof whereby said piston means is placed in the second position and the point round and the area projectile are fired simultaneously. No references cited. BENJAMIN A. BORCHELT, Primary Examiner.
July 25, 1967 w. E, martwick etal 3,332,162 COMBINED RIFLE AND GRENADE LAUNCHER Filed Dec. 22, 1965 3 Sheets-Sheet г riu. INVENTORS WILFORD E. MARTWICK DUANE C. YOUMANS BY • f ^9 ATTORNEY