New York
Hong Kong

William Cherry Zhuan Ye Nevanlinna's Theory of Value Distribution The Second Main Theorem and its Error Terms Springer 
Willia", Chrry University of North Texas Department of Mathematics Iknton, TX 76203 USA e-mail: wchent.edu Zhuan Yt Northern IUinois University Department of Mathema tical Sciences DeKalb, IL 60115 USA e-mail: ymath.niu.edu elP dAtaapphed (or Di OwttcM BibliolMk .OP.Einhti..aufnahnw Owrry. WaUiam: nJinna'lthtOry of valu diJtribullon : tM wcond main theoftm and nl nor trms I Wilham Chrry: 7.huan Y. · Ikrlin; Hftcltlrs; }Hw York 8arciona; HOfti Ko London; Milan; Paris; S....po Tokyo: Sprinpr. ZOO I (Sprinsr monosnphs in mathnnaticl) ISBN ). S4H641t..5 Mathematics SubjKt Classification (2000): 30D3S (Primary);' "97 (Setond.ry) ISSN 1439-7382 ISBN 3-540-66415 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York nu. work 11 subJ«t to copyriaht. AU nptl a raaved. whdhtr th wIMM or part o( th matr'" II concrMd. IpecifKaUy th riptl of tranUtion. reprinti r o( iDUllntionl. recitation. broackaltinl- production on miaoftJm or in any OChr way. and ItoraF in c:Iata banks. Ouph<ation o( thiJ publication or partlth( is p«nutted only u...ur the provisioRi of tM Gftman Copyn"'t Law of ptftftr 9. 1965. in itl cunnt wrlion. and Pftmallion (or  mutt alweY'  obtaaned (rom Sprinpr. Vrlaa. Violatioftla li&bl (or prosecution undtr th Gftnw n Copyri..t Uw. Sprinpf. Vnlaa Bfttin HdtI'I New York a mftl\bn ol BmmmannSpral1lu SciMu+BuailWU Med GmbH http-Jlwww..sprinpr.dr o Sprinftt. VftbiS sm.n Hftd.'I ZOO I Printed in Gftmany 11w UK ollftWtal dncriptift nam"- "listfted namft. tra-.narb de. in thit pubhcatlon doct not imply. n in the ablmC o( a lpecific .tatftMnt. thlt such nam1 an nnnpt from th mt protK1iw bI..and repJ.tionl and thndor (ree (or snftal UM. Covu dnian: Erulr K,rclr"". twidtlbnJ TyJHMninS b, tM authon uina a  macro  PriDled on acid.(ree pepa SPIN 10724004 41/)142ck.54 )210 
Preface The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra says that a polynomial of degree d in one complex variable will take on every complex value precisely d times, provided the values are counted with their proper multiplicities. Toward the end of the nineteenth century. Picard [Pic 1879) generalized the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra by proving that a transcendental entire function - a sort of polynomial of infinite degree - must take on all but at most one complex value infinitely many times. However, there are a great many infinities, and after Picard's work, mathematicians tried to distinguish between ..different''' infinite degrees. In hindsight, one recognizes that the key to progress was viewing the degree of a complex polynomial P(z) as the rate at which the maximum modulus of P(z) approaches infinity as Iz(  00. A decade after Picard's theorem, work of J. Hadamard [Had I 892a), [Had I 892b), [Had 1897) proved there was a strong con- nection between the growth order of an entire function and the distribution of the function's zeros. E. Borel [Bor 1897) then proved a connection between the growth rate of the maximum modulus of an entire function and the asymptotic frequency with which it must attain all but at most one complex value. Finally, R. Nevanlinna [Nev(R) 1925) found the right way to measure the ..growth" of a meromorphic func- tion and developed the theory of value distribution which now bears his name, and which is the subject of this book. In the late 1920's, Nevanlinna organized his theory into the monograph [Nev(R) 1929). That theory, including more recent developments, also makes up a substan- tial part of his his later monograph [Nev(R) 1970). Another classic monograph, unfortunately now out of print, that discusses the theory in detail is that of W. Hay- man [Hay 1964). Many of those who grew up in the Russian speaking part of the world learned the theory from the excellent book by A. A. Gol'dberg and I. V.Os- trovskiT [OoOs 1970), a book which for some reason has yet to be translated into English. One of the reasons we have decided to write the present book is that the above mentioned books, though far from obsolete, are now somewhat out of date, and with the exception of [Nev(R) 1970), are becoming harder to find. We hasten to point out though that each of the above books contains many interesting topics and ideas we do not touch on here, and that we definitely do not see our present work as a replacement for any of these "classics." 
\'1 Preface R. Nevanlinna's original proof (Nev(R) 1925) of his "Second Main Theorem," the focus of our book, makes heavy use of special pn)perties of logarithmic deriva- tives. Almost immediately after R. Nevanlinna proved the Second Main Theorem.. F. Nevanlinna.. R. Nevanlinna's brother, gave a ...geometric.... proof of the Second Main Theorem - see [Nev(F) 19251, [Nev(F) 1927), and the ".note" at the end of (Nev(R) 1929]. This geometric viewpoint was later expanded upon by T. Shimizu I Shim 1929] and L. Ahlfors [Ahlf 1929).. (Ahlf 1935a1, and tilliater by S.-S. Chern [Chern 19601. Both the "geometric" and "logarithmic derivative'" approache to the Second Main Theorem has certain advantages and disadvantages.. so we will treat hoth approaches in detail. Despite the geometric investigation and interpretation of the main term in Nevan- Iinna's theorems, the so-called "error term'" in Nevanlinna"s Second Main Theo- rem wa... until recently. largely ignored. Motivated by an analogy between Nevan- linna theory and Diophantine approximation theory, discovered independently by c. F. Ogood [Osg I 985)and  Vojta (Vojt 1987). S. Lang recognized that the care- ful study of the error term in Nevanlinna.s Second Main Theorem would be of inter- est in itself. To promote its study Lang wrote the lecture notes volume (Lang 1990).. where in the introduction he wrote: .... . it seemed to me useful to give a leiurely exposition which might lead people with no background in Nevanlinna theory to some of the basic problems which now remain about the enur term. The existence of these problems and the possi- bly rapid evolution of the subject... made me wary of writing a book.. ... ,.. As Lang predicted, a flurry of activity in the investigation of the error term.. much of it involving the second author of this book, developed after [Lang 1990) appeared. Now things have calmed down on this front.. and the error term in Nevanlinna's Second Main Theorem is very well understood and full of interesting geometric meaning. What remains to be done probably requires fundamentally new ideas, and so we felt this was a good time to write a book collecting together the existing work on error terms. We have included a small sampling of applications for Nevanlinna"s theory be- cause we feel some exposure for the reader to the myriad of possible applications is essential to the reader's aesthetic appreciation of the field. However, applications are not the emphasis of this work and indeed. many of the applications we discuss are due to Nevanlinna himself and already present in his 1929 monograph (Nev(R) 1929]. We do describe in some detail how knowledge of explicit error terms in Nevanlinna's theory provides a new look at some old theorems. but we have left it to others to write up to date accounts of applications to such subjects as differential equations, complex dynamics and unicity theorems. For a more in depth overview of applications.. the reader may want to read the book of Jank and Volkmann (JaVo 1985).. and those particularly interested in complex differential equations may want to look at 1. Laines book [Laine 1993]. Because the connection between Nevanlinna theory and Diophantine approxima- tion has been the motivation for so much of the current work in Nevanlinna theory and because of the considerable cross-fertilization between the two fields, we have 
Preface vii included several sections discussing this connection in some detail, although lack- ing complete proofs. These sections assume no background at all in number theory and we hope these sections will whet the appetites of a few die hard analysts enough that they will seek out more advanced treatments such as [Vojt 19871. While including the state of the art in errorterms we have retained Lang's philos- ophy of providing a leisurely introduction to the field to those with no background in Nevanlinna theory, and this book will be easily accessible to those with only a basic course in one complex variable. Some readers may feel a bit uncomfortable at times because we did not hesitate in our use of the language of differential forms. Readers having difficulty with this language may want to consult a book such as [Spiv 19651. We have two reasons for using this language of differential forms. First, we believe it is the language that most clearly and efficiently conveys the ideas behind some of the geometric arguments, and second learning this language is absolutely essential to learning the several variable theory, a topic we plan to address in a future volume. Finally, the reader should be aware that our bibliography is by no means a com- plete guide to the literature in the vast field of value distribution theory. Rather we have tried to cite references that give the reader a good sense of the historical origins of the main ideas around the Second Main Theorem, and we have tried to provide a guide to the most recent work on the Second Main Theorem's error terms. We made no attempt to provide a complete history of each idea from its birth to today's state of the art error terms. Thus our bibliography omits many important works that have advanced the field over the years. Denton, Texas, 2000 DeKalb, Illinois 2000 WILLIAM CHERRY ZHUAN YE Acknowledgements. The authors would like to begin by thanking their Ph.D. advisors, Serge Lang and David Drasin. They got us interested in this field they introduced us to each other's work, they encouraged us to begin this project and they helped us in other ways too numerous to mention here. Walter Bergweiler, Mario Bonk, Gunter Frank, Rami Shakarchi, and Paul Vojta provided very helpful and detailed feedback on early drafts of this work, sometimes simplifying or im- proving some of our proofs. The authors are grateful to Alexander Eremenko for numerous references and his extensive knowledge of the history of mathematics. They would also like to thank Linda Sons and Eric Behr for their concern and sup- port. Dr. Catriona Byrne was our first contact at Springer- Verlag. We thank her for being so patient with our questions throughout the process and for her understand- ing whenever our writing fell behind schedule. When this project began, William Cherry was at the University of Michigan, and much of this book was written while he wa. visiting the Mathematical Sciences Rch Institute, the Institute for Ad- vanced Study.. and the Technische Universitiit Berlin. In addition to the University of North Texas, he would like to thank each of the places he visited for their ex- ceent working conditions and their friendly faculties. Last but nOileast William Cherry would like to acknowledge the generous financial support of the U.S. Na- tional Science Foundation (through grants DMS-9S0S041 and DMS-9304580) and 
VIII Preface the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany. Without this support. this book would have never been written. Zhuan Ye would like to thank Northern Illi- nois University for providing him with a good working environment. Zhuan Ye is especially grateful to his wife. Mei Chen. and to his children Allen and Angelin for their understanding, for their patience. and for allowing him to spend many long hours and weekends working on this project. 
A Word on Notation We use the standard notation of Z, R, and C to denote the integers. real numbers" and complex numbers. respectively. We use the notation Z>o to denote those inte- gers that are > O. We use en, R n, etc. to denote the n -th Cartesian producl of these spaces. The closed interval {x E R : a < x < b} is denoted [a, b], and the open interval is denoted (a, b). Half-open intervals are denoted (a, b] or [a, b). A function is called Coo if derivatives of all orders exist. If / is a function of several variables" then Coc means all partial derivatives exist. A function is called C" if all (partial) derivatives of order < k exist and are continuous. If ..1; is a set in R n, in en, or in some other space" we denote the closure of }( by X. We write complex numbers either as z = x + yi or z = x + y A . As we often want to keep the letter i free for summation indices. we tend use the A notation. though the i notation looks better in exponents. If z = x + y A is a complex number. then we use z = x - y A to denote the complex conjugate. The real part x is denoted Rc z, and the imaginary part y is denoted 1m z. Note that if X is a multi-point subset of e, then X will be used to denote the closure of "Y in e as defined in the Ia.t paragraph, and it does not denote the image of "Y under complex conjugation. We often write / = 0 when we want to say that a function / is the zero function. and similarly the notation /  0 means that / is not the constant function O. Purists will argue that the proper notation for this is / = 0 and /  0 respectively, but it sometimes happens that some authors write / (z)  0 to mean / never takes on the value 0, whereas others use this to mean / does not vanish at the point z. Thus it is convenient to have the notation /  0 to avoid this confusion. As do the physicists. we use the symbols « and» to mean umuch less than'" and Umuch greater than:. Thus. r » 0, means for all r sufficiently large. We use big and little ....oh.. notation throughout for asymptotic statements. though in a slightly non-standard way. For example.. if f(t) and g(t) are real-valued func- tions of a real variable t and if h( t) is a real-valued function which is positive as t  to, meaning that h(t) is positive for t sufficiently near to (or sufficiently large if to = (0). then if we write f(t) < g(t) + O(h(t»), and we are interested in what 
x Notation happens asymptotically as t  to, then we mean that 1im sup f(t) - g(t) < 00. ''o h(t) When we write j(t) < g(t) + o(h(t)), then we mean lim sup f(t) - g(t) < o. ''o h(t) - Usually when we write such asymptotics. it will be clear from the context what asymptotic value to we are interested in, and we will not state this explicitJy.. Most often. we will mean as t  00. Ifwe write j(t) = g(t) + O(h(t)), then we mean that both j(t) < g(t) + O(h(t)) and g(t) < j(t) + O(h(t)), and similarly for the little uoh u notation. Often h( t) will be taken to be the constant function 1. So for example. the statement j (t) < g( t) + O( 1), means that j (t) - g( t) is bounded above for t sufficiently near to (sufficiently large in the typical case when to = oc).. Occasionally, we may write something like j(t) < g(t) + O(h(t)) to emphasize that 1 .. j(t) - g(t) .msup h( ) '-"0 t is bounded hy a constant that may depend on some external parameter €. Constants which do not especially interest us will often be called C or some odler unfancy name. Thus, the symbol C stands for many different constants throughout the book. and may even change its meaning within a single proof. Constants that we find interesting or want to refer back to at a later point are given names with sub- scripts. such as e'm. or 13... All such Ulong-term" constants appear in the Glossary of Notation so that their definitions can be easily located. Theorems. lemma.., propositions. and so fonh are numbered by chapter and sec- tion. Thus. Theorem 2.3.1 would refer to the first theorem in the third section of Chapter 2. Especially important equations are also numbered by chapter and section. Equa- tions that we want to refer back to several times within the context of a single proof. but never again later. are labeled by (.), (..), elt:. Thus, there are many equation ( . ) · s. and a reference to equation (.) alway refers to the most recently occurring equation (.). 
Contents Preface . . . . . . . . v A Word on Nolatlon IX Introduction . . . . I 1. The Fint Main Theoftlll . . . . 5  1.1. The Poisson-Jensen Formula 5  1.2. The Nevanlinna Functions .. 12 Counting Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Mean Proximity Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 Height or Characteristic Functions . . . . . . . . 17  .3. The First Main Theorem .................. 17  .4. Ramification and Wronskians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20  .5. Nevanlinna Functions for Sums and Products ...... . . .. 23  .6. Nevanlinna Functions for Some Elementary Functions. . . .. 24  .7. Growth Order and Maximum Modulus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27  .8. A Number Theoretic Digreion: The Product Formula .. .. .. 28  .9. Some Differential Operators on the Plane ............... 31  .I o. Theorems of Stokes, Fubini, and Green-Jensen. . . . . . . . . . . .. 33  .11. The Geometric Interpretation of the Ahlfors-Shimizu Characteristic . 35  .12. Why N and t are Used in Nevanlinna Theory Instead of n and A 41  .13. Relationships Among the Nevanlinna Functions on Average . . . . .. 43  .14. Jensen's Inequality ........................ 47 2. The Second Main Theoftlll via Neptlve Curvature . . . . . . . 49 2.1. Khinchin Functions and Exceptional Sets ............. 49 2.2. The Nevanlinna Growth Lemma and the Height Transform . 5 I 2.3. Definitions and Notation ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 2.4. The Ramification Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 2.5. The Second Main Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 2.6. A Simpler Error Term . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 71 2.7. The Unintegrated Second Main Theorem. . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 
;l(ii Contents 2.8. A Uniform Second Main Theorem . . . . · 74 2.9. The Sphericallsoperimetric Inequality . . . 78 3. Logarithmk Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 89 3.1. Inequalities of Smirnov and Kolokolnikov . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 89 3.2. The Gordberg-Grinshtein Estimate. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 92 3.3. The Borel-Nevanlinna Growth Lemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 98 3.4. The Logarithmic Derivative Lemma . . . . . . . . . . . 104 3.S. Functions of Finite Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 4. The Second MaIn Theorem via Logarithmic Derivatives . . . . 107 4.1. Definitions and Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 4.2. The Second Main Theorem . . . .... . . . . . . . . . 108 4.3. Functions of Finite Order . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 s. Some Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 5 .1. Infinite Products . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 5.2. Defect Relations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 5.3. Picard's Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 5.4. Totally Ramified Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 5.5. Meromorphic Solutions to Differential Equations . . . . . . . . . . . 129 5.6. Functions Sharing Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 5. 7. Bounding Radii of Discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 5.8. Theorems of Landau and Schottky Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 5. 9. Slowly Moving Targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 5.1 O. Fixed Points and Iteration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 6. A Further Digression Into Number Theory: Theorems 01 Roth and Khinchln ................................. 15 I 6.1. Roth. Theorem and Vojta.s Dictionary. . . . . . . . . . 151 6.2. The Khinchin Convergence Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 7. More on the Error Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 7 .1. Sharpness of the Second Main Theorem and the Logarithmic Deriva- tive Lemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 7 .2. Better Error Terms for Functions with Controlled Growth . . . . 170 7 .3. Error Terms for Some Classical Special Functions . . . . . 177 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . Glossary 01 Notation . . . . . 187 193 I Jadex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ............ 197 
Introduction One of the first theorems we learn as mathematics students is the the Fundamen- tal Theorem of Algebra, which says that a degree d polynomial of one complex variable will have d complex zeros. provided that the zeros are counted with multi- plicity. If P(z) is a degree d polynomial. then max{IP(rei')1 : 0 < 8 < 211'} grows essentially like r tl as r  00. Therefore, we can rephrase the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra as follows: a non-constant polynomial in one complex vari- able takes on every finite value an equal number of times counting multiplicity, and that number is determined by the order of growth of the maximum modulus of the polynomial on the circle of radius r centered at the origin as r  00. A good way to sum up value distribution theory, otherwise known as Nevanlinna theory. is by saying that the main theorems in value distribution theory are generalizations of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra to holomorphic and meromorphic functions. The purpose of this book is to describe this theory for meromorphic functions on the complex plane C, or more generally for functions meromorphic in a disc in C. Before we begin to be precise about how the Fundamental Theorem of Alge. bra can be extended to meromorphic functions. we make a few quick observations about the differences between polynomials and transcendental functions. First. we note that the entire function e= takes on many values infinitely often but never takes on the value O. Thus, the most naive generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra that one might imagine is not true for entire functions. Second, tran- scendental functions take on values an infinite number of times, so we cannot really speak of the total number of times that a function takes on a value. Since a function meromorphic on the entire complex plane can have only finitely many zeros inside any finite disc. what we can and will speak of instead is the rate at which the number of zeros inside a disc of radius r grows as the radius tends to infinity. Given a meromorphic function I and a value a E C U {oo}, Nevanlinna theory studies the relationship between three associated functions: N(f, a, r).. nl(/, a, r), and T(f, r). We will wait until  1.2 to give precise definitions of these functions and content ourselves here with the following informal descriptions. The function N(/, a, r) is called the "counting function" because it counts, as a logarithmic av. erage. the number of times I takes on the value a in the disc of radius r. The 
2 Introduction function m(/, a, r) is called the "mean-proximity function:' and it measures the perccntage of the circle of radius r where the value of the function I is closc to the value a. The function T(/, r) is called the "characteristic" or "height" func- tion it essentially mea.ures the area on the Riemann sphere covered by the image of thc disc of radius r under the mapping I and does not depend on the value a. If I is an entire function. then the characteristic function measures the growth of the maximum modulus of the function I. The characteristic function plays the same role in Nevanlinna Theory that the degree of a polynomial plays in the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. In Chapter I we define thesc "Nevanlinna functions" prccisely. and we prove: First Main Theorem If I is a non-constant romorphi(' function on C and II is a point in C U { 00 }, then T(/,r) - m(/,a,r) - N(/,a,r) = 0(1) a." r  00. Since ,n(/,a,r) > 0 and T(/,r) does not depend on ll, the First Main Theo- rem says that the function I cannot take on the value a too often in the scnse that the frequency with which I takes on the value a cannot be so high that the func- tion N(/, a, r) grows faster than T(/, r). This is analogous to the statement that a polynomial of degree d takes on every value a at most d times. Actually. the First Main Theorem says even more in that it says the sum m(/, a, r) + N(/, a, r) must be essentially independent of a. Thus. if I takes on the value a with a small enough frequency that N(/,a,r) does not grow as fast as T(/,r), then the fUnc- tion m(/.. a. r) must compensate. meaning that the image of I stays near the value a for sufficiently large arcs on large circles centered at the origin. The subject of the later chapters is the deeper: Serond Main Theorem If I is a non-constant meronuJrphic function on C, and (II .. . . .  a q a" distinct points in C U {oo }, then q (q - 2)T(/,r) - LN(/,aj,r) + N,am(/,r) < o(T(/,r») J=J for a sequence of r  00. In fact. we will prove stronger and more precise forms of this theorem. The term lJ'am(/, r) is positive (at least when r > 1) and measures how often the function I is ramified. Thus. the Second Main 1beorem provides a lower bound on the sum of any finite collection of counting functions N (I, a j , r) for certain arbitrarily large radii r. Thus. taken together with the First Main Theorem. which provides an upper bound for the counting functions. we have our generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. The key results presented in this book. namely the First and Second Main 1beo- rems. are essentially due to R. Nevanlinna (Nev(R) 1925) and F. Nevanlinna (Nev(F) 
Introduction 3 1927]. The Nevanlinnas gave precise, though not Ubest possible," estimates for the function implicit in the o{T(/, r» on the right of the inequality in the Second Main Theorem. This function is known as the .'error term." The fine structure of the error term was not considered especially interesting until relatively recently. In this book, we pay careful attention to the error terms, and the error terms we give are better than those obtained by the Nevanlinna brothers. In many ways our presentation of this material resembles those of Nevanlinna (Nev(R) 1970], Hayman [Hay 1964], and Lang [Lang 1990]. Those familiar with the Russian work by A. A. GoI'dberg and I. V. OstrovskiT [GoOs 1970] or the Ger- man work by Jank and Volkmann [JaVo 1985) will also recognize their inftuence on our presentation. The primary manner in which our presentation of the Second Main Theorem differs from those of Nevanlinna and Hayman is that we are careful in our treatment of the error terms, and of what is known as the "exceptional set:' There are several fundamentally different ways of proving the Second Main The- orem. Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the Second Main Theorems that result from each approach are not quite the same. Chapter 2 contains the first of two fundamentally different proofs we will give for the Second Main Theorem. This proof is based on "negative curvature," a technique introduced by F. Nevanlinna into the theory almost from the very beginning [Nev(F) 1925], [Nev(F) 1927]. The error term estimate we give in Chapter 2 is essentially the work of -M. Wong [Wong 1989], and our presentation is quite similar to Chapter I of [Lang 1990]. In 2.6 we incorporate the work of Z. Ye (Ye 1991] in order to simplify the appearance of Wong's error term. Finally. in 2.8, we discuss how the Second Main Theorem is uniform over families of functions, and we are not aware of any other similar treatment. In Chapter 3, we undertake a detailed study of Logarithmic derivatives. The main result of that chapter is: GoI'dberg-Grinshtein Inequality If / is a meromorphic function on C then for any r and p with 1 < r < p < oc. , { p(2T(/. p) + 13.) } m(J I Jt 00, r) < max 0, log r(p _ r) + c.. . Here fJl and " are constants that will be defined in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, using ideas from Ye's refinement of Cartan's approach to the Sec- ond Main Theorem [Cart 19331, as in rYe 19951, we use the precise estimate on ,n(/' / /, r, X) provided by the Gol'dberg-Grinshtein estimates in Chapter 3 to prove the Second Main Theorem and give a careful analysis of the error term and exceptional set obtained by this method. There is a third altogether different approach to proving the Second Main The- orem, initiated by A. Eremenko and M. Sodin (ErSo 1991]. This relatively new approach might be said to be a potential theoretic approach. Although this newer approach to the subject is very interesting and important, we have chosen not to 
4 Introduction discuss this method in this volume because ll as yet, no one has succeeded in proving a version of the Second Main Theorem that includes the ramification term by this potential theoretic approach ll nor has a detailed analysis of the error term coming from this approach been undenaken. Although the applications of Nevanlinna.s theory are not our focus, we feel that some detailed discussion of applications is essential in order that those readers new to the subject can gain an appropriate aesthetic and utilitarian appreciation for what often appears to be a very technicaJ and obscure subject. There fore 11 we have in- cluded a lengthy chapter. Chapter S. on applications. We chose our applications only to illustrate the utility of the theory. and thus we made no effort to choose the most current or refined application of any given type. Our chosen applications are for the most part as in [Hay 1964] and [Nev(R) 1970], and many of them are due to R. Nevanlinna himself. In fact, those readers looking for more refined applica- tions than those we give in Chapter S might wen stan by reading Nevanlinna's first monograph [Nev(R) 1929]. Our applications chapter does differ somewhat though from pa.t treatments in that we have put some emphasis on what can be gained from precise knowledge of the error terms ll something ignored by most previous authors. The materiaJ covered in Chapter 7. where we discuss the sharpness of the error termsll the precise error terms of some classicaJ special functions ll and improvements to the error term for functions with restricted growth. has. up till now. only been available in the research literature. The connection between Nevanlinna theory and Diophantine approximation the- ory has inspired a lot of recent work in both fields. and we have therefore including several sections ll referred to as unumber theoretic digressions,u explaining and moti- vating in some detail this connection. We assume no background in number theory in these sections and hope that these sections ill encourage even the most pure analysts to further explore this fascinating connection. Given our emphasis on the Second Main Theorem and its error terms ll we have not discud anywhere in this volume the various other techniques for studying the distribution of values of meromorphic and entire functions. We instead refer the reader to the recent book [Rub 1996 J for an introduction to some of these other techniques. 
1 The First Main Theorem As we mentioned in the introduction ll the basis for Nevanlinna's theory are his two umain" theorems. This chapter discusses the first and ea.ier of the two. To understand where we are headed. looking at the concrete example of the tran- scendental entire function e Z is again helpful. We pointed out that e:: takes on all values other than zero infinitely often. Notice also that by periodicity each of these non-zero values is also taken on with the same asymptotic frequency. Of course e:: never attains the value 0; nor does it attain the value 00. On the other hand ll on every large circle centered at the origin ll the function e:: spends most of its time close to one of these two omitted values. That iS ll fixing a small €, the percentage of the circle of radius r where e: is either smaller than £ or larger than 1/£ tends to 100% a. the radius of the circle tends to infinity Nevanlinna's First Main Theorem will tell us that this behavior is typical. That is. if a meromorphic function takes on a panicular value less often than uexpected:lI then it must compensate for this by spending a lot of time "near" that value. As a consequence, Nevanli nna ll s First Main Theorem gives an upper bound (in terms of the growth of the function) on how often a meromorphic function can attain any value. This is analogous to the statement that a polynomial of degree d can take on any value at most d times. Note this last statement about polynomials is much easier to prove than the full Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. It is thus no surprise that Nevanlinna's First Main Theorem is much ea.ier than his Second Main Theorem ll which says that most values are taken on by a meromorphic function with the maximum asymptotic frequency allowed by the First Main Theorem. 1.1 The Poisson-Jensen Formula We begin this chapter with this brief section which recalls the Poisson Formula for harmonic functions and applies this to the logarithm of the modulus of an analytic function to derive what is known as the "Poisson-Jensen Formula. u The material in this first section is usually covered in a first course in complex analysis. and we could have chosen to regard the material in this section as a prerequisite. On the other hand ll the Poisson Formula is at the very heart of Nevanli nna ll s theory of value distributionll and the First Main Theorem of Nevanlinn8 theory is really nothing 
6 1be First Main Theorem (eb. I) other than the Poisson-Jensen formula dressed up in new notation. Thus. we felt a detailed treatment of this material here would be of value to the reader. We begin with some general notation. We will use C to denOie the complex plane. We will use rand R to denote positive real numbers. which will usually be radii of discs, we will always have r < R, and we will also allow R = 00, whenever this makes sense. We will use D(r) and D(R) to denOie open discs of radius r and R, respectively, each centered at the origin. When R is aJlowed to be infinite, D( R) will refer to the entire complex plane C. We will consider the value distribution of meromorphic functions on D( R), and it will be convenient to consider a meromorphic function as a holomorphic map to what is known as the Riemann sphere or the projective line C = C U {<x>} = Pl. To be more consistent with the higher dimensional theory. we prefer to refer to the Riemann sphere as the pn)jective line Pl. If R < 00, we will use D(R) to denote the closure of the disc D(R) in the com- plex plane. If we say a function is harm onic. respectively holomorphic. or respec- tively meromorphic on the closed disc D(R), then we mean that function should be harmonic. res pective ly holomorphic. or respectively meromorphic on some open neighborhood of D(R). We will now recall the Poisson and Poisson-Jensen Formulas. Let P(z,() = /(/2 _/Z/2 = Re { ( + Z } . I( - zl2 ( - Z The function P(z, () is called the Poisson kernel. Note that for fixed ( and for Izi < 1(1. (+z (-z is holomorphic, and hence P( z, () being the real part of a holomorphic function is harmonic in z. We being by showing how the Poisson kernel transforms under a MObius auto- morphism of a disc. Proposition 1.1.1 ut T(w) = R2(Z - w) . R2 - zw Then, T(tJ,) is an automorphi,fm of D(R) that interrhange,f 0 and z. Mo"over. when IT(u')1 = R, then dw d( = P(z, T(w)) 2 ... ( ' 21ri UJ II . whe" P(z, () is the Poi,fson kernel and ( = T(w). 
(S 1.1) Poisson-Jensen Formula 7 Proof. One easily verifies that T(w) is holomorphic on D(R ), and that when Iwl = R, then IT(w)1 = R. Hence. T is an automorphism of D(R) that inter- changes 0 and z. Noting that T is its own inverse in the group of linear fractional transformations, we have that = T( / ) = R2(Z - () W , R2 _ z( . We then compute dw _  ( -1 Z ) d( _ ( -( Z( ) d( 21riw - 21ri z - ( + R2 - z( - z - ( + Kl - z( 27ri( . Note that when 1(1 2 = R 2 , -( + z( = -( + _z( = R 2 -lzl 2 = R.e { ( + z } . 0 z - ( R2 - z( z - ( «( - z) I( - zl2 ( - Z Our first theorem. called the Poisson Formula. allows us to express a hannonic function in a disc as an integral around the boundary circle. Theorem 1.1.2 (Poisson Formula) ut u b e hanno nic in the open disc D(R), R < 00 and continuous on the closed disc D(R). ut z be a point inside the disc. Then u(z) = 1 2 . u(ReiB)p(z.RI"B), whe" P(z, () denotes the Poisson umel. P roof Fi rst we will prove the theorem in the case that u is hannonic on the closed disc D (R). Let ( = T(w) as in Propositio n 1.1. 1. Because T is holomorphic on D(R), we know u(T(w)) is harmonic on D(R). By the mean value property of harmonic functions. u(z) = u(T(O» = 1 2 . u(T(Re iB ))  = f u(T(W» 2w ' ItL'I=R Leuing ( -= Re iB . using Proposition 1.1.1. and recalling that  = d8, u(z) _ f u(T(w» du: = f2. u (Re. B ) P(z, ne i9 ) d8 . 21rlW 10 211' ItI'l=R In the case that u is not harmonic in a neig hbo rhood of D(R), all we need do is note that for p < 1, u(pw) is harmonic on D(R), and we can use what we have already proven to conclude that f2rr R2 - Izl 2 d8 u(pz) = 10 u (pRe'B) l&i9 _ zl2 b' The result follows by noting that u(pw) -+ u(w) uniformly on Iwl = R as p -+ 1. o 
8 TIle First Main Theorem (eb. I) Corollary 1.1.3 Let P(z.. () denote the Poisson uI"M1 and let R > O. Then 2Jf L P(z. Re iS ) : = 1. Proof Apply Theorem 1.1.2 to the constant function u (z) = 1. 0 We can also use the Poisson kernel to create harmonic functions in a disc if we are just given a continuous function on the boundary circle. This is known a. "solving the Dirichlet Problem for the disc:' To prove this 9 we need the following estimate. Proposition 1.1.4 Let P( z, () denote the Poisson umel. Given (0 su,.h that 1(.)1 > 0, Riven E > 0, and Riven d > 0, the" exists a d' such that for all ( M.ith I( - <01 > d and 1(1 = 1(01, and all z with 0 < Iz - (01 < d'.. Wi' ha,'e iP(z..()1 < E. Proof We have for z near (0 and I( - <01 > d that 1(1 2 - Izl 2 1<01 2 - Izl 2 1<01 2 - Izl 2 P(z, () = . = < . I( - zl2 1(( - <0) - (z - (0)1 2 - (d - Iz - (01)2 The term on the right clearly tends to zero as z -+ (0' 0 Theorem 1.1.5 (Solution to the Dirichlet Problem) Let <fJ(Re iB ) be a continu- ou... fun,.tion of 8 for a fixed R < 00. Then. 1 2Jf dB der . . u(z) = <fJ(Re'B)p(z, Re 'B ) - o 2 i... i' han"oni,'fun,.tion of z in D(R). andfor ea,.h 8 0 lim u( z) = <fJ( Re 'BO ). ::.RI.O Proo! To check that u is harmonic. we differentiate under the integral sign with respect to z. which we can do because <fJ is continuous in 8 and so are P and its z -derivatives since Izl < R. Because P is harmonic in z. so is u. It remains to check that lim tl( z) = tfJ( Re '8o ). :.H'.O We have by Corollary 1.1.3 :l Jf d8 lu(z) - (Rt)s)1 = 1 (tj)(Re tJI ) - tj)(Re'So» P(z. Rt.'s) 211' < 1 2 " 1tj)(Re'S) - tj)(Re'SO)1 P(z, Re'S)  , 
(I.I) PoisM)J1..Jenscn Fonnula 9 since P( z, () is always positive. Let € > O. By the continuity of 4>, there exists a d > 0 such that 14>( Re iB ) - 4>(Re iBO ) I < € for those 8 with IReIBo - &IB I < d. Hence f 1t/)(Rt'I8)_(ReiBO)IP(z.R{.iB) : < 1 2 "eP(z,Rc. B ) : e. {B'I R'. - R'.o I <6} On the other hand. from Proposition 1.1.4.. there exists a d' such that if o < Iz - Re iBo I < d' and IRc,Bo - ReiBI > d, then IP(z, Re iB ) I < €. Thus.. for these z, f 1t/)(Re iB ) - (Re'BO)1 P(z, Re iB ) : {B:I R'. - R'.o 16} (21f dB < e J o 1t/)(Re'B) - t/)(Rc'BO) I 211" The proof is completed by noting that f2" 1t/)(Re iB ) _ t/)(&iBO)1 d8 10 2 is bounded by the continuity of 4>. 0 If I is analytic and free from zeros.. then log III is harmonic.. and we can there- fore apply the Poisson Formula to it. However.. since we are interested in the distri- bution of the zeros of I, we will want to see what happens in the case that I ha. zeros. This is what is called the "Poisson-Jensen'" Formula. Before giving the precise statement of the Poisson-Jensen Formula. we introduce some additional notation. Given a non-constant meromorphic function I and a point a in the complex plane. we can always write I (z) = (z - a) m g( z), where ,,, is an integer.. and 9 is analytic and non-vanishing in a neighborhood of a. The integer ,n is called the order of I at the point a and is denoted ord a I. Note that ordal > 0 if and only if I has a zero at a, and ordal < 0 if and only if I has a pole at a. We will refer to the non-zero complex number g(a) as the Initial Laurent coefliclent of I at a, denoted i1c( I, a), because it is the first non- vanishing coefficient of the Laurent expansion of I expanded about a. Theo rem 1.1.6 (Poisson-Jensen Formula) Let I  0,00 be meromnrphic nn D(R). Let a1,... ,a p dennte the zeros of I in the lJn disc D(R), each zero rrpeated acc.lJrding tn it.' multiplicity. and let b., . . . , b, denote the poles of I in 
10 The First Main Theorem (Ch. 11 D(R). also rrpeated a,.,.orrJing to multiplicity. For any: in D(R) which is not a :ero or pole of J, we have (2" R2 - 1:1 2 . dB log 1/( z)1 = 10 1 Re" _ zl2 log I/(Re." )1 2 11' - t IOK 1 :;za:) 1 + t log 1 :;z b:) (2" R2 _ 1:1 2 . dB = 10 IRe i ' - zl2 IOK 1/(Re")1 2 11' I R2 ( - L (ord<f) log R(z  (z) {ED( R) If :. = 0, thi.f .fimplifies to 1 2" dB log IJ(O)I = log IJ(Re is ) 1- 2 () 1r 1 2" dB = log IJ(Re' S )1- o 21r - tlOgl  1 + tlOgl  1 - L (ord<f) IOK 1  I. (ED( R) Corollary 1.1.7 Let R, J, 01,...,01" and hI, . . . ,h, be as in Theorrm 1.1.6. Thn, for an)' : which is not a zero or pole of J, J' (:) (2" 2Re' s dB /(z) = 10 (Rei' - z)2 log I/(Re")/ 2; 1' ( a 1 ) ' ( b 1 ) + . + - ' - + L W-iiz z-a L W-bz z-b .= I · · i= I · · 1 2" 2Re'S . dB = (R" )2 log 1 /(Re")1- 2 o e' -: 1r + L (ord<f) ( R2  (z + z  ( ) · (ED( H) Proof of Corollal)' I. 1.7. Note that J' ( : ) a {) /(z) = az log /(z) = 2 ()z log I/(z )1. where the last equality follows from the Cauchy-Riemann equations since 1 - log IJ(:)I = 2 [log J(:) + log J(:)). The corollary then follows by differentiating the equation in the theorem and moving the derivative inside the integral. D 
[51.1) Poiwn-Jensen Formula II Corollary 1.1.1 Let 1 _ 0, 00  meromorph;c on D( R). Let 0". . . ,op de- note tM non-zero zeros of 1 in D(R), rrpeated according to ""'Itiplicity. and let b". . . , b, denote the non-zero poles of 1 in D( R), rrpeated according to multiplicity. Then. 1" loglilc(f.O)1 = 1 logl/(Re")I :: p R 9 R - Llog - + Llog - - (ordo/)logR . , o. . , bi .= .= 1 211' dB I R I = 0 log 1/(Re i ')l 21f - L (orf) log "( (ED( R) (O - (ordo/) log R. (1.1.9) Remark. Equation (1.1.9) in Corollary 1.1.8 as well as the second equation in Theorem 1.1.6 are referred to simply as Ihe Jensen Formula. Proof of Corollary /. / .8. Simply apply Theorem 1.1.6 (the Poisson.Jensen for- mula) to Ihe function I(w)w-ordol. D Proof of Theorrm /./.6. First of all. note that it suffices to prove the theorem when 1 has no zeros or poles on the circle of radius R. Indeed. because zeros and poles on the circle of radius R do not cause the integrals on the right hand sides of the formulas to diverge, we can consider the function 1 (pw) t which will not have any zeros on the circle of radius R for all p sufficiently close to. but less than 1. The theorem follows from this case by letting p -+ 1 and Lebesgue dominated convergence. Now we assume 1 has no zeros or poles on the circle of radius R. Consider the function p ( R1_ii'W ) n R(w - :i) F(w) = I(w) , ( R2 _ biw ) · II R(w - b,) .= , We have chosen F so that it has no zeros or poles in the closure of D(R) and so that IF("J)I = I/(w)1 when 1 1EJ R . The function log IF(w)1 is therefore harmonic in an open neighborhood of D( R). The proof of the theorem is completed by applying the Poisson Formula to log IFI. 0 If we look closely at equation (1.1.9). we can start to see our generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. The left-hand side of equation (1.1.9) is just a constant. The right-hand side of the equation has two different types of terms. The first term on the right is an integral over the circle of radius R involving the absolute value of I. The other term is a sum over the zeros and poles of f. If f is 
12 The First Main Theorem (Ch. 1 J holomorphic or meromorphic on the whole plane C, then as R -+ 00, the left-hand side of this equation does not change. so that means although all the terms on the right-hand side might tend to infinity. if they do. then they always essentially cancel each other out. 1.2 The Nevanlinna Functions At the end of the last section. we noted that equation (1.1.9) can be viewed as the first step toward generalizing the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra to meromorphic functions. In this section. we explore this in more detail. We begin by defining the Nevanlinna functions and then state the first fundamental relationship between them.. known as the uFirst Main Theorem'" of Nevanlinna theory. Although the First Main Theorem is really just a restatement of the Jensen Formula (Corollary 1.1.8). it is this formulation which makes clear that Jensen's Formula is a weak generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. As we proceed to define the Nevanlinna functions. I will always be a meromor- phic function on D(R), where R might be 00, and r < R. Note that most of our definitions will not mau an)' senSe for certain constant functions I, and thus we exclude an)' such constant functions from consideration. Counting Functions First.. we define the countine functions. The unlntegrated counting function 71(/.. Xi, r) simply COunl\ the number of poles the function I has on the closed disc D( r). each pole counted according to its multiplicity. Note that because I is meromorphic on some larger disc.. this number is always finite. If a is a complex number. we define n(/, a, r) to be n(f,a,r) = n ( / a .oo,r), which i imply the number of times I take s on the vaJue (1 on D(r). We choose to count the a-points of I in the closed disc D(r) instead of in the open disc D(r) because we can then use n(/, O. r) to denote the multiplicity with which I takes on the value a at z = O. We then define the Integrated countlne function N(/, a, r) by l r dt l\r (I, (1, r) = 11 (I. a, 0) log r + [11 ( I, a, t) - n (I, a, 0)] - . o t So. in panicular. N(f.O,r) - (ordtf)logr + :<ordf)logl;l, : E DC r) : 
(S 1.21 1be Nevanl inna Functions 13 where ord I = max{O,ordz/} is just the multiplicity of the zero. Note that the points % on the circle 1%1 = r where 1(%) = 0 do not contribute to N(/, 0, r) since in that case log Ir / % 1 = O. Thus we see that the integrated counting function is very similar to the terms in the right hand side of equation (1.1.9). In fact. with this new notation, we can rewrite Corollary 1.1.8 as Corollary 1.2.1 Let I _ 0, 00 be meromorph;c on D( r ). Then. (2W ,dB loglilc(/,O)I = 10 logl/(re' 8 )1 2 11' + N(/,oo,r) - N(f,O,r). The unintegrated counting function n(/, a, r) of course appears to be the more Unatural" of the two counting functions to consider. and those new to the field often wonder why N(/, a, r) is used so often instead of n(/, a, r). One reason is that it is N and not n that naturally appears in Corollary 1.2.1. Another advantage of N over n is that it is a continuous function of r. We will say a bit more on this in 1.11. We will also have occasion to discuss truncated counting functions. We let n(lt)(/, 00, r) denote the number of poles I has in the closed disc of radius r, but this time we only count each pole with a maximum multiplicity of k. In other words, if %0 is a pole of I in the disc with multiplicity < k, then it is counted ac- cording to its multiplicity. If. however, %0 is a pole of I in the disc with multiplicity greater than k, then we count %0 as if it only had multiplicity k. We similarly de- fine n(lt) (I, a, r). Note in particular that n(l)(I,a, r) counts the number of times I takes on a without counting multiplicity at all. As the reader might now expect. the integrated truncated counting function N(Ir)(/,a, r) is then defined by (r dt Nllr)(f,a, r) = n(Ir)(f,a,O) logr + 10 [n11r)(f, a, t) - n(Ir)(f,a,O)]T' Mean Proximity Functions We will now explain the significance of the integral term in Corollary 1.2.1. To begin with, it is useful to introduce the notion of a Weil function. Given a point a in pi , a Weil function with singularity at a is a continuous map '\4: pi \ {a} -. R which has the propeny that in some open neighborhood U of a in pi, there is a continuous function 0 on U such that J\4 ( %) = - log 1% - a I + Q ( % ), where % is a holomorphic local coordinate on U. Thus.. Weil functions are almost continuous functions. except that they have a cenain specified logarithmic singular- ity at the point a. Notice that the difference between any two Weil functions with 
14 The Firsl Main Theorem ICh. I J the same singular point will be a continuous function on pI and will therefore be bounded since pi is compact. Also notice that for a meromorphic function / (: ) on D(R), the composition of / with a Weil function >'0(/(:)) is large precisely when / (:) is close to a. Given a Weil function >'0' one defines a meaa proxinalty lunction (2Jr dB m(f, ,r) = 10 '\0 (f(re iS )) 211" . The mean proximity function measures how close / is. on average. to a on the circle of radius r. Note that if we take two different Weil functions with the same singularity a, then the mean proximity functions we get from each Weil function will differ by a bounded amount 8.\ r -+ R. One has many choices for Weil functions. but many things do not depend on the specific choice of Weil function. Two specific types of Weil functions come up often in Nevanlinna theory. each type having its own advantages. R. Nevanlinna used the following Weil functions in his first proof of the his main theorems. + 1  (z) = log I I if a, z  00 :-a >'0 (oc) = 0 if a 1- 00 >'0 (:) = log+ 1:1 if a = 00, where for a positive real number x, log + x = max { 0, log z }. Hence. we define 1 2Jr 1 I dB m(f,a,r) = log+ f( 'S) _ 2 o re' - a 11' (2" dB m(f, 00, r)= 10 log+lf(rc, S )1 2 11" . a 1- 00 and When looking at things from an ..analytic" viewpoint. we will find it convenient to use Nevanlinna.s choice of Weil function as above. but when we wish to look at things ..geometrically;. we will prefer a different choice of Weil function. which we now describe. Let :1 = rl e i8 . and :2 = r2ei8 be two points in C. If we use stereographic projection to identify the complex plane with the sphere of radius 1/2 centered at the origin in R 3 , minus the nonh pole. and if (pj,8 J , (J),j = 1 2 are the cylin- drical coordinate representations of the images of : j, then we have the following relations: r. r 2 - 1 P _ J (- J J - 1 + r j - 4( 1 + r) . J J Now. the square of the standard Euclidean distance in R 3 between the two points (PJ,8j,) is given by 2 2 2 2 PI + p;j - 2PIP2C08(8 1 - 8 2 ) + (I + (2 - 2(1(2. 
( I. 2] The Nevanlinna Functions IS Writing P J and (j in terms of r j and simplifying. one sees that the square of the distance between the images of ZI and Z2 in a 3 is given by rl + r - 2rl r2 cos(9 1 - 9 2 ) _ IZ1 - z21 2 (1 + r1)(1 + r) - (I + Izd 2 )(1 + IZ212). We therefore define the (square of the) chordal distance between two poinl in the complex plane to be 2 I Z 1 - z11 2 IIzl. z211 = (1 + Izd 2 )(1 + IZ212) ' The term "chordal distance" comes from the fact that we derived this formula by measuring the length of the chord of the sphere connecting Z 1 and Z2 when thought of as points on the sphere. We note that it is not obvious by just looking at the formula for II ZI , z211 that this distance satisfies the triangle inequality. However. since the chordal distance comes directly from the Euclidean distance in a 3 . it clearly must satisfy the triangle inequality. We can continuously extend our notion of chordal distance to pi by saying thai 2 1 IIz,ooll = 1 + Iz12 ' We now define another Weil function associated to a by G (z) = - log II z, all, and this is the other Weil function we will choose to work with. Note that unlike the Weil function used by Nevanlinna. this more "geometric" . Weil function J\G is smooth, and even real analytic. away from the point a. In Ahlfors's collected works [Ahlf 1982. pp. 56). Ahlfors says '4rightly or wrongly" he was initially .'somewhat disturbed" by the non-smoothnes. of the \.Veil function J\. used by Nevanlinna. He explains that his experimentation with oo as an al- ternative was what led him [Ahlf 1929) to discover the geometric interpretation of Nevanlinna t s characteristic function (to be defined below). This interpretation had previously been discovered by T. Shimizu [Shim 1929) and will be explained in detail in  1.11. Since we have identified the Riemann sphere with the sphere of radius 1/2 in a:\ we always have J\a (z) > 0 since II z ,all < I. We will take 1 2W dB "'U. a, r) = 0 - log 11/( rei.), all 21r to be our definition of the "geometric" mean proximity function to a of I, which we distinguish from our previous definition by writing a small circle above the m. Since working with explicit constants is one of our goals in this book. we record here the explicit constant relating Nevanlinna's definition of mean proximity to this other mean proximity function. 
16 The Fil'Sl Main Theorem [ Ch. I) Proposition 1.2.2 For all x > 0, 1 . lo g 2 log+z < 2log(1 + z2) < log+z + To Also. Riven a E pI and a meromorphic function f _ a on D(R), we have for all r < R.. o log 2 ,n(f,a,r) < n,(f,a,r) < m(f,a,r) + T' Proof. The inequalities 1 . log 2 log+z < 2 log (1 + z2) < log+z + To are elementary. and the other inequality follows from this and the definitions. 0 We also record here the following useful observation. which we will use to relate the various proximity functions. For those already familiar with Nevanlinna theory. this observation is what is used in what is often known as the 6'product into sum'" estimate. We will say more about this when we discus.\ the Second Main Theorem. Proposition 1.2.3 iLt a., . . . , a 9 be q dLttinct points in p'. Then. for all w in p' , 9 ( 1 ) .-' ( ) II IIw. 0)11 > 2 mjn II 110" 0)11 m)n IIw, 0)11 0 J= . 'J Morrover. if '\(1) arr Weil function.f with singularities at the points aj suc.h that therr exiJt non-negativec.onstants C 1 and C 2 so thatforallu, 1- aj in p', -C. < - log lIaj, wll - '\a) (w) < C 2 , then for all w 1- a J in p', we hove q L '\a J (w) < m '\oJ (w) + log n} II lIa;, ajll-l + (q - I) log2 + qC 1 + C:z. . J J. J= 'J Proof The point is that w cannot be close to all the points at the same time. More precisely, since liz, wll is a metric on p', the triangle inequality implies that there is at most one index j such that II w, a j II < _ 2 1 mi n 110;, a) II. 'J For all other indices i. again by the triangle inequality. 1 II w , a,1I > 2 11a j , ai II. Thus, the first statement. The second follows easily from the first. 0 Because Proposition 1.2.3 will be used on several occasions, it is convenient to introduce some notation. Given distinct points aI, . . . , a., we define · II -I V(a.,...,a.) = logmax lIa;,ajll + (q-I)log2. J . . 'J 
IS 1.3) The Firs. Main Theorem 17 Height or Characteristic Functions Finally. we define the last of our Nevanlinna functions. The Nevanlinna height or NevanJInna characteristic ruoctlon with respect to a is defined by IT(j,a,r) = m(J,a,r)+N(J,a,r),] and the "geometric" height or characteristic ruDdion with respect to a is defined by o T(/ta..r) = m(l,a,r) + l'/(/a,r) + r-tm' (I, a), where C fm . (I, a) is a constant that does not depend on r and is defined by log II/(O)t all if 1(0) 1- a r-tmt (I.. a) - log lilc(1 - at 0)1 + 2 log lIa, ocll if 1(0) = a, a 1- 00 (1.2.4) - Jog 1i1(/t 0)1 if 1(0) = a = oc. The geometric characteristic function is often called the Ahlrors-Shimizu charac- teristic runctlon for reasons that we will explain in  1.11. The constant C("" is known as the First Main Theorem constant. for reasons which will become appar- ent below. The height or characteristic function T (or t), the mean proximity function m (or m), and the counting function N are the three main Nevanlinna functions. Nevanlinna theory can be described as the study of how the growth of these three functions is interrelated. We would like to point out that there is not universal agree- ment on what the order of the three arguments to each of these functions should be. and many authors use a subscript for one or more of the arguments.. We have decided we would like to avoid subscripts for typographical reasons, and we have ordered the arguments the way we have because one often thinks of having one function 1 at a time. a finite number of values a, and an infinite set of radii r. Our arguments thus appear in order of increasing cardinality. 1.3 The First Main Theorem This brings us to the main result of this section. Nevanlinna's First Main Theorem says that the height function T does not really depend on a. More precisely, Theorem 1.3.1 (First Main Theorem) LLI a E C, and leI 1 _ at 00 be a meromorphicfunclion in D(R), R < 00. Then. IT(J. a, r) - T(J, OCt r) + log 1i1c(J - a,O)11 < log+ lal + log 2, and t(/t at r) = t(/, 00, r). 
18 The Fil'Sl Main Theorem (Ch. I) Re....rks. The equality between the t explains the the definition of C-("". This . equality is one of the advantages of the Weil function ,\ coming from the chordal metric. For the Nevanlinna characteristic T the best one can say is the difference is bounded. as in the statement of the theorem 9 not that the difference is actually constant. Proof We first prove the equality between the T. Directly from the definition of the chordal distance. "i (I, (1, r) -m(/, 00, r) {2Jr dB 1 (2Jr dB - 10 - logl/(re. 8 ) - a 1 21r + 2 10 log(l + 1/(rc"W) 21r 1 1 (2" dB + 2 log(l + lal 2 ) - 2 10 log( 1 + 1/(re i ')/2) 21r (2Jr dB - 10 - log I/(re i ') - a l 2; - log /la, 0011. Corollary 1.2.1 applied to I - a gives us that '2" L - log I/(re") - al :: = N(f -0,00, r) - N(f -a.O, r) - log lilc(f -a,O)I. Clearly 1\/(1 - a, 0, r) = N(/, a, r), and since I and I - a have the same poles. "(I - a, 00, r) = N(/, 00, r). Therefore. if 1(0) 1- a, 00, then by the definition of T and Cfm', T(/.. (I, r) -T(/, 00, r) - m(/, a, r) - m(/, 00, r) + N(/, a, r) - N(/, oc, r) + log 111(0), all - log 11/(0),0011 - - log lIa, 0011 - log 1/(0) - al + log 11/(0), all - log 11/(0), 0011 = o. If 1(0) = (lOr oc" then the definition of Ct"" was chosen so that we would get a similar cancellation. This we leave as an exercise to the reader. Using Corollary 1.2.1 with the m functions as we did with the ';i functions. we get "'(I, a, r)-m(/,, r) .lJr I 1 = 10 + 10 g /(re i ') - a 1 2" 1 = I + o og I(re i ') - a dB 1 2Jr dB - - log+l/(re i8 )1- 21r 0 21r dB 1 2" dB - - log+l/(re. 8 )-al- 21r 0 21r 
[ I. 3] The Firsl Main Theorem 19 . (2Jr . dB 1 2ft' . dB + 10 log+ I!(re") - al 211" - 0 log+ 1!(re")1 211" = N(j, 00, r) - N(j, a, r) - log lilc(j - a,O)1 1 2Jr dB + (log+lj(re i8 ) - aJ -log+lj(re i8 )1] -. o 2 For the inequality involving the T functions. note that if x and y are positive real numbers. then log+ (x + y) < log+ (2 max{ x, y}) < log + x + log+ y + log 2. Thus.. if w is any complex number. Ilog+ Iw - al - log+ Iwll < log+ lal + log 2. This then gives us IT(f, a,r) - T(f, oc, r) + log lilc(f - a,O)11 S 1 2 " Ilog+I!(re") - al-log+I!(rei')II :: < log+lal + log2. 0 Note that the First Main Theorem is really just Jensen's Formula written with different notation. and is thus not particularly deep. Given the First Main Theorem. one often writes just T(j, r) instead of T(j, a, r) since any two of these differ by a term bounded independent of r. To be definite, we will take I T(f, r) = T(f, 00, r), I and similarly I r(f, r) = r(f, 00, r).1 We began this chapter by promising that it would contain a generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Lefs see where we are in that regard. If it were true that N (j, a, r) were essentially independent of a, then we would indeed have a generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. because this would say that the rate of growth of the set of points where j is equal to a is independent of a, or loosely speaking j takes on all values equally often. We have already mentioned that this cannot be true because. for example. e;: is never O. In fact. if one allows a = 00, this is not even true for polynomials. since polynomials have no poles. What the First Main Theorem tells us though is that m(j,a,r) +N(j,a..r) does not depend on a, except for a bounded term independent of r. Thus. if we measure the growth of not only the set of points where j is equal to a, but also 
20 The Firs. Main Theorem (Ch. IJ where 1 is ..close to" a, then this combination grows in such a way that it is es- sentially independent of a, and this is our first generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. Of course. this is not a strict generalization in the sense that it in no way implies the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. This also explains why the function '11(1. a, r) is sometimes called the compensation ruDdion because it "compensates" for the fact that the most naive generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra is not true for meromorphic functions. We point out that since ,n (I, a, r) is always positive. the First Main Theorem gives us an upper bound on the number of times 1 takes on the value a. Thus. it can be regarded as an analog of the statement that a polynomial of degree d has at mtJ.ft d zeros. Looking back at our example of {:, we notice that although e= is never O. it is close to zero (meaning that it is les. than E in absolute value. € a positive number much less than one) on nearly half of each large circle centered at the origin. On the other hand. if a is a non-zero finite value. then e: hits a regularly. e= being a periodic function. but e Z is close to a, meaning thaa e: - a is less than E in abso- lute value. only on a very tiny arc of each large circle centered at the origin. Notice that for (;: , the counting function N dominates the sum 111 (I, a, r) + N (I, a, r) for most values of a, and only for the special values of 0 and 00 is the mean proxim- ity function m significant. Those readers already familiar with Picard's Theorem. which states that a non-constant meromorphic function on the complex plane can omit at most two values in p1, might already suspect that for most a, the counting function is the dominant term. This is indeed the case. and later when we discuss the Second Main Theorem. we will turn toward proving deeper resull in thaa direction. In summary. the First Main Theorem gives us an upper bound on N (I, a, r) and hence on the number of times 1 takes on the value a, wherea.\ the more elusive lower bounds on N(/, a, r) will have to wait u,:,til Chapter 2 and Chapter 4 where we prove the Second Main Theorem. 1.4 Ramification and Wronskians We now diM:uSS "ramification" and introduce one last piece of notation. Although we will not prove anything about ramification until Chapters 2 and 4. we would like to introduce the concept and the notation here. A point Zo in D(R) is called a ramification point for a non-constant meromor- phic function I: D( R) -+ P' if 1 is not locally a topological covering map at the point Zo. If I(Zo) :F 00, then 1 has a series expansion at Zo of the form I(z) = .4 + B(z - zo)P + (z - zO)p+1g(Z), where B :F 0 and g( z) is analytic in a neighborhood of zo0 One ea.ily sees that 1 is locally a topological covering map at Zo precisely when p = 1, in which ca. 1 is locally a one sheeted covering by the inverse function theorem. If p > 1, then locally in a neighbomoodof Zo, the map 1 is a p to 1 cover. except at Zo. If p > 1, 
[ 1.4] Ramification and Wronskians 21 then the integer (p - 1) is called the ramlftcatlon Index of I at Zo. Note that if I is analytic. then I ramifies precisely at the zeros of I', and if %0 is a ramification point then its ramification index is given by ordzo/'. If I(zo) = 00, then one must look at the series expansion of 1/1 at Zo, and in that case. the rami fication index of I at Zo is given by ord: o (1/ I )'. We emphasize that the ramification index is always non-negative, even at a pole of I. Let I be a meromorphic function and write I = I. / 10. where 10 and 11 are holomorphic without common factors. We regard the fact that any meromorphic function on D(R), R < x can be written as the quotient of two holomorphic func- tions without common zeros to be a fundamental fact from complex variables. and we will make use of this fact throughout without further comment. Those unfamiliar with this result should see. for example, Chapter XIII of (Lang 1993]* Then. away from the poles of I (i.e. the zeros of 10). we have that I , = 10/; - loll (/0)2 ' and this is zero precisely when 101: - 1/1 = O. At the poles of I, which are not zeros of 11 since we have assumed 10 and I. to be without common factors. ( ! ) ' _ I/. - 101: I (I. )2 and again the zeros of (1/ I)' are given precisely by 10/. - 101: = O. Thus. the Wronskian w = W(/o, It> = !: = 10/; - I/I of 10 and 11 is a useful function since its zeros are precisely the ramification points of I. and ord: o ". is exactly the ramification index of I at Zo. The zeros of Jlt together with their multiplicities are referred to 8.\ the ralDlftcation divisor of I. Note that t,,. has no poles. If P is a polynomial, then the ramification divisor for P is given by the zeros of P'. counted with multiplicity. and so the degree (= the number of points counted with multiplicity) of the ramification divisor of P is one less than the degree of P itself.. In some sense, one of the consequences of the Second Main Theorem in Nevanlinna theory will be a generalization of this observation to entire functions. For meromorphic functions. looking only at polynomials is actually misleading. Instead. we should look at rational functions. Let R = P/Q be a non-constant rational function. where P and Q are polynomials without common factors. Let p be the degree of P and let q be the degree of Q. The ramification divisor of R is determined by the zeros of the Wronskian of P and Q. which is a polynomial of degree at most (p + q) - 1. Thus. the number of points. counted with multiplicity. in the ramification divisor cannot be more than a little less than the sum of the number of zeros and pole of R, again counted with multiplicity. It is a generalization ofthi5 
22 The First Main Theorem I Ch. I) statement to meromorphic functions that will be part of the content of the Second Main Theorem. Of course the ramification divisor of a holomorphic or meromorphic function can have infinitely many points. and so we do not measure its size by counting the total number of points. but rather its growth. just as we did with the zeros and a-points (a in pi ) of the function itself. We thus introduce the unintegrated and integrated counting functions associated to the ramification divisor. Let I be a meromorphic function on D(R), and let W be the associated Wronskian. Then for r < R, define nram(/, r) = n(W, 0, r) and N,am(/, r) = N(W, 0, r). The following alternative to Wronskians for computing the ramification term will also be useful. Proposition 1.4.1 ut I be meromorph;c' on D( R). Then. for r < R, n,am(/, r) = n(/', 0, r) + 2n(/, 00, r) - n(/', , r), and N,am(/, r) = N(/', 0, r) + 2N(/, 00, r) - N (I', oc, r). Proof. If Zo is a ramification point of I, and if I is analytic at zo, then Zo is a zero of I', and moreover the ramification index of I at zo is the order of vanishing of I' at zoo Clearly, such zo are not poles of I nor I'. On the other hand, if Zo is both a pole of I and a ramification point with ramification index p - 1, then locally at Zo, I looks like ( 1 ) p ( 1 ) p-I I(z) = A + g(z), z-zo z-zo where 9 is analytic in a neighborhood of zo, and A is a non-zero constant. Thus. I'(z) = -Ap ( 1 ) 1'+1 + ( 1 ) " h(z), z - Zo z - zo where Ii is analytic in a neighborhood of Zo. Therefore I has a pole of order p at Zo and I' has a pole of order p + 1 at zoo Hence. 20rd zo l - ord:o/' = 2p - (p + 1) = p - 1, and this is the ramification index at Zo. 0 Remark. We conclude this section by pointing out that R. Nevanlinna used the notation N I for ramification, and that Nevanlinna's notation is more widely used than the notation rram that we use here. We prefer the N ram notation because we feel it is more descriptive notation. and therefore easier to remember what it stands for. Moreover. we feel that the use of the N I notation makes it harder for the reader to distinguish when one means the ramification counting function from when one means the counting function truncated to order 1. 
( I.S) Sums and Products 23 1.5 Nevanlinna Functions for Sums and Products As complicated functions are often built by piecing together simpler functions. in this brief section. we discus.\ how the Nevanlinna functions of sums and products are related to the Nevanlinna functions of the summands and factors. Proposition 1.5.1 UI fl, 0 . . , fp be men)morphic func"tions  . We have Ihe flJllowinR inequalities m(E fi, oc, r) < L 111(f,,, r) + logp, m(n fi, oc, r) < L m(f,,, r), N(E fi, 00, r) < L N(fi, 00, r), N(n fi, oc, r) < L N(fro. r). T(E fi, r) < L T(f" r) + logp, T(n fi, r) < L T(f., r). Remark. Similar statements are true for m and T since these differ from m and T by bounded terms. PnJ(J/. The inequalities involving the mean-proximity functions are obvious once one notes that for positive real numbers XI, . . . , X p, p P log+ LX, < log+(pmaxx,) < log+ Inaxxi + logp < L log+ L, + logp. =1 ,=1 The inequalities involving the counting functions follow from the observation that the only way a point Zo can be a pole of a sum or product is if it is a pole of at least one of the summands or factors. The height inequality then follows simply by adding the proximity and counting inequalities together. 0 We now verify that the height or characteristic function is unchanged. up to a hounded term. after po"t-composition by a linear fractional transformation. Proposition 1.5.2 If f i.f a non-c'onslant meromorphic function. and if af +6 9 = (Of + d' for con.'flanl.'f a, b. c, and d with ad - br # 0, Ihen T(g, r) = T(j, r) + O( 1). 
24 The Fil'Sl Main Theorem (Ch. ) J Proof If r = 0, then this is trivial by Proposition 1.5.1. If c 1- 0, note that if we set Ii = / + d . h = ('ft. h = 1 1 , and /. = (be - ad) fa , c 2 r then g = f4 + aIr, and so by repeated use of Proposition 1.5.1" and the First Main Theorem (Theorem 1.3.1), we see that T(g, r) = T(f.. r) + 0(1) = T(f3, r) + 0(1) = T(f2, r) + O( I) =T(f"r) +0(1) = T(f,r) +0(1). D 1.6 Nevanlinna Functions for Some Elementary Functions We now compute the Nevanlinna functions for some familiar meromorphic func- tions. Rational Fuactions Consider p + p-l + f( ) = z a p _' z · · · ao z c b ' J.._ ' zq + q _ , zq - ... + 110 where the numerator and denominator have no common factors, and r 1- O. If p > q. then f(z)   as z  00, and so m(f,a,r) = ()(I) a.. r  oc for all finite a. Also, the equation f (z) = a has p -roots, counting multiplicity, for all finite li_ making l\1(f, r, a) = p log r + O( I) a.'i r -+ oc. Hence, T(f, r) = m(f, a, r) + N(f, a, r) + O( I) = p log r + O( I). The equation f ( z) =  has q solutions, so 1V(f, oc, r) = q logr + 0(1), and hence by the First Main Theorem (Theorem 1.3.1), m(f, 00, r) = (p - q) log r + O( I). Turning things upside-down, we have if q > p, that T(f, r) = q log r + 0(1). For a 1- 0, we have N (I, a, r) = q log r + O( I) and m (f, a, r) = ()( 1 ). 
( 1.61 Elemen.ary Functions 2S Also, m(/,O, r) = (q - p) log r + O( 1), and N(/, 0, r) = p log r + 0(1). On the other hand, if p = q, then T (I, r) = q log r + O( 1 ) . Also. for a  c, m(/,a,r) = 0(1), and f t l(/.lI_r) = qlr + 0(1). Furthermore. if k denotes the order of vanishing of 1 - c at 00, then '11(/, c, r) = k logr + 0(1) and J\r(/"t., r) = (q - k) logr + 0(1). In all cases, I T(f, r) = d log r + O( 1) ,I where d is the degree of the rational map. In 5.1 we will take up a discussion of representing cenain meromorphic func- tions. specifically those of finite order. as cenain infinite producl. When we do so, we will derive the converse to what we have discussed here. Namely, if we know T(/, r) = O(logr), then 1 must be a rational function. The Exponential Function e: Now consider the function 1 (z) = e:. In this case. m(f,oc,r) = f 2 "log+le rt '.1 dB = I t rcos9 dB _ r J 0 211' - i 211' 11' Since 1 is entire. N(/ _ r) = 0 and so T(/, r) = r/lI'. For a not equal to zero or infinity. I( z) = a has solutions which are 211'i periodic. Thus. there are about 2t /211' roots in the disc of radius t, and hence l rtdt r N(/,a,r) = - - + O(logr) = - + O(logr). o 11' t 11' Hence. m(/,a,r) = O(logr). In fact. using a more refined analysis, we can see: Proposition 1.6.1 ILt 1 (z) = e Z . If a  0 is a non-zero ('omplex number. then T(/,a,r) =  + 0(1), ]\,'(/,a,r) =  + 0(1), andm(/,a,r) = 0(1). 11' 11' I/a = 0 or oc, then T(/,a,r) =, .(/,a,r) = 0, andm(/,a,r) = . 11' 11' Herr. as u.fual. the ()( 1) term.f arr bounded/unction.f a.f r  oc. 
26 The First Main Theorem I Ch. I J Proof. We have already proven this in the case a = 0, 00. and simply restated it here for the convenience of the reader. That r T(/,a,r) = - + 0(1) 1r for all other a then follows immediately from the First Main Theorem (Theo- rem 1.3.1). Also. that m(/..lI, r) = O( 1) for a 1- 0, oc will follow from the First Main Theorem and the statement, N (I, a, r) = 2r/21r + ()(I). We will now do the estimate for 1'1(/, I, r). Exactly the same method gives the ame estimate for r (I. a, r) for any a 1- 0,00, but the notation is a little more straightforward in the case a = I, so we leave the other cases as an exercise for the reader. The function e: is equal to 1 at the points :!: 21r k R .. where k is a non-negative integer. Thus, N(f,I,r) = logr+2 L log 2:k ' O<Il$r /2" where the sum runs over posi tive integers k < r / 21r. If we let l r / 21r J denote the largest integer < r /2k, then we easily see that this can be written N(f,I,r) = logr + 2 U ;1r J IOK ;1r -log l ;1r J'). We now recall that Stirling's formula tells us that for integers j, -, I . J. 1m . ..tEiJ = I. Jrx jJe- J 1rJ We can use this to replace the logLr/21rJ! term in our expression for N(/, I, r) to conclude that \.(/, 1, r) is equal to JOK r + 2 ( l !... J log .!...- - l -!:... J log l  J + l !- J - ! Jog l  J ) + O( I). 21r 21r 21r 21r 21r 2 21r Now. r l r J ( lr /21r J + 1 ) ( 1 ) 1 IOK 21r - lug 21r < lug lr /21r J < log 1 + lr /21r J < lr /21r J + 0(1). Thus the term l ;1r J (II ;1r -log l ;1r J) appearing in our expression for !\;.(/.. I.. r) is bounded. Moreover, the IOKlr/21r J cancels the logr term out front, up to a bounded term, and the only thing that remains is the 2lr /21r J term, which is of course equal to r / 1r, up to a bounded term. 0 
(S I. 7 J Growth Order and Maximum Modulus 27 The Trlconometrk Functions sin z and cos z. We can use the same analysis based on Stirling's formula that we used to prove Proposition 1.6.1 to conclude that for all finite a, N(sin z. a, r) + 0(1) = N(ms z. (1. r) + O( 1) = 2r + O( 1). 1r Since sill z and cos z can be expressed as linear combinations of f': and e- i :.. we have . 2r T(slIlz,r) + 0(1) = T(c08z.r) + ()(I) < - + 0(1). 1r It follows that . 2r T(slnzr) + 0(1) = T(cosz,r) + ()(I) = - + 0(1), 1r and ,,,(sin z, a, r) + 0(1) = m(ros z,a, r) + 0(1) = 0(1). 1.7 Growth Order and Maximum Modulus In this section we define the "growth order" of a meromorphic function 1 in terms of the growth of the Nevanlinna height (or characteristic) function T(/, r) defined in  1.2. In the case that 1 is holomorphic. we also compare the growth of T(/, r) to the growth of the maximum modulus of I. In this section. we only consider non- constant meromorphic functions 1 defined on all of C. We define the (Crowth) order p and lower (Crowth) order ,\ of 1 by I . log T(/, r) p= 1m sup I r-+oo og r and \ I . · f log T(/, r) ,,= 1m In . r-+oo log r If p = 00, then 1 is said to be of Infinite order. and if p < 00, then 1 is said to be of finite order. When 0 < p < oc one further distinguishes the growth of T(/, r) 8..\ follows. Let C . T(/,r) = hmsup . r-+oo r P One says that 1 has naaxinaal type if C = +00, one says 1 has mean type if o < C < oc, and one says 1 has minimal type if C = O. In addition. one says that 1 belongs to the conve... class if f: T(/, t)/t P + 1 dt converges. We remark that if 1 belongs to the convergence class. then 1 is also of minimal type. To put things in perspective. we now compute the growth orders of the elementary functions we discussed in  1.6. In  1.6. we saw that if 1 was a rational function. then T(/, r) = O(log r). Therefore. rational functions have order O. If 1 = e:', then we saw that T(/. r) = r/1r + ()(I). Hence. c:' is of order I, mean type. and 
28 The First Main Theorem I Ch. II the same is true for sin: and cos:. The function e' is an example of a function with infinite order. We now consider only the case of holomorphic functions I. Define the maxi- mum modulus ruDCtlon Af(/.. r) = Illax 1/(:)1. 1:I=r We then have the following fundamental relationship between J\l and T. Proposition 1.7.1 ut I  a holomorphic function in an open neighborhood of Izl < R < oc. If 0 < r < R, then R+r T(/, r) < log+ M(/, r) < R _ r T(/, R) Proof. The first inequality follows from the fact that since I is holomorphic.. (2W dB T(/, r) = 10 log+lI(re i6 )1 211' . Note that the second inequality is trivial if A/(/, r) < 1. If A/(/, r) > 1.. then choose o so that II ( rc''''O ) I = AI (I, r). From the Pois.n-Jensen Formula, The- orem 1.1.6. we then have 101(+ \I (I, r) = log AI (I, r) = log I/(rei'f?O)1 (21f R 2 - r 2 if dB < 10 I&i' - re'4>o 1 2 log I/(Re )1 2 11' < : + r (2. log+ 1 /(Rt"8)1 2 dB - r J o 1r = : + r T(/, R). 0 -r The significance of this proposition is that for a holomorphic function I, we can define the growth order and growth type with T(/, r) as we have done here.. or in the more cla.sical way. by using Jog AI (I, r), and in either case we get the same resu It. 1.8 A Number Theoretic Digression: The Product Formula A lot of current research in Nevanlinna theory is motivated by the deep analogy between Nevanlinna theory and Diophantine approximation. Although in this book we will never go very deeply into number theory or this analogy.. we will from time 
(  1.8 J Product Formula 29 to time make brief digressions into number theory to point out certain aspects of this imponant connection between the two fields. In this section. we make our first such digression to explain how the Jensen Formula can be considered the Nevanlinna theory analogue to what is known as the '.product formula" in number theory. Let F be a field. By an absolute value ()n F, we mean a real-valued function II on F satisfying the following three conditions: AV I. lal > 0, and lal = 0 if and only if a = o. AV 2. labl = lallbl. AV 3. la + bl < lal + Ibl. The inequality in condition AV 3 is known as the triangle Inequality. Two absolute values II. and 112 are called equivalent if there is a positive constant ,\ such that II. = II. Over the rational number field Q, we have the following absolute values. We have the standard Archimedean absolute value II, also called "the absolute value at infinity" and sometimes denoted 1100, which is defined by Ixl<Xi = x if x > 0, and Ixl oo = -x if x < 0.. Given a prime number p, we can also define a p-adk absolute value as follows. Given a rational number x, write x = pt a/b, where e is an integer and a and b are integers relatively prime to p. Then define Ixl p = p-. It is left to the reader to verify that lip satisfies the three conditions neces. to be an absolute value. In fact. lip satisfies a strong form of AV 3, namely AV 3'. III + bl p < max{ lal p , Ibl p }. An absolute value that satisfies this strong form of the triangle inequality. A V 3', is called non-Ardllmedean, and an absolute value that does not satisfy AV 3' is called Archimedean. A theorem of A. Ostrowski [Ostr 1918) states that any abso- lute value on Q is equivalent to one of the following: a p-adic absolute value for some prime p, the standard Archimedean absolute value 1100, or the trivial absolute value 110 defined by Ix 10 = 1 for all x  O. See, for example. (CaFr 1967] for the proof of Ostrowski's Theorem. Now notice that if x is a non-zero rational number. and p is a prime that does not divide the numerator or denominator of x, then l.rl p = 1. Consider the product II Ixl p, p where we include the ca p = ex in the product. This product is well-defined because only finitely many terms in the product are different from I. Now it is an easy exercise to check that for any non-zero r this product is in fact equal to one. Written additively. this so-called product formula reads () = L log Ixl" - p L log Irl p + log Ixl. p. "'nlt.. 
JO The First Main Theorem ( Ch. I) Although the product formula is trivial to verify on Q, the Artin-Whaples Product Formula says that over any number field F (a number field is just a finite extension of Q),. we can choose absolute values II t. in the various equivalence classes v of absolute values on F so that o = LIOglxltr - L log Ixlt l + LinK Ixl", ( I .8. I ) 't t. 't non - Ar("hirnfdan t. If Ar("hin.dAn We remark that for the non-Archimedean v, we can choose exactly one absolute value per equivalence class. and each equivalence class is counted precisely once. However, for the Archimedean equivalence classes. we count each equivalence cla.s with multiplicity either one or two. This is a technical detail which can be ignored for now we will return to it in 6.1. C. F. Osgood (Osg 1981] (Osg 1985] noticed similarities between the structure of some proofs in Nevanlinna theory and the proofs of some Diophantine approxi- mation results from number theory. Later,. but independently from Osgood,. P. Vo- jta (Vojt 1987] explored the connections between Nevanlinna theory and number theory in much greater depth,. creating a complete dictionary translating between Nevanlinna theory and Diophantine approximation theory. We will discuss Vojta's dictionary in greater detail in Chapter 6. One of Vojta"s observations was that the Anin-Whaples Product Formul equa- tion (1.8.1), is the analogue of the Jensen Formula. equation (1.1.9). To better appreciate this. we can define the fo llowing absolute values on the field of me ro- morphic functions defined on D( r). Let I be a function meromorphic on D( r). If z is a non-zero point in the interior of D( r), we can define I r 1 - ord.1 1/1:.r = - . z Notice that these absolute values are completely analogous to the p-adic absolute values on Q. If z = 0, then we define I/lo.r = r-ordo/. The analogues to the Archimedean absolute values are given by the uabsolute val- ,.,. ues Ifl/l.r = I f (reI') I, as (J varies between 0 and 271'. Note that technically these are not really absolute values because they do not satisfy condition AV I and because they can be infinite at poles of I. However. if I  0,00, then the zeros and poles of I are discrete,. so the I/IB.r are well-defined and non-zero for all but finitely many 8. We can then re-write equation (1.1.9) as 2. dO log lik(f, 0)1 = L log Ifl:.r + 1 log Ifl/l.r 271" ' :€D( r) 0 
( 1.9) Some Differential Operalors on Ihe Plane 31 This looks exactly like the Artin- Whaples Product Formula. except that on the left- hand side we have a constant instead of zero. and on the right-hand side we have an infinite number of Archimedean absolute values. so we have to integrate them instead of adding them up. 1.9 Some Differential Operators on the Plane As usual. let z = x + y A be the complex variable on the plane. where x and y are the standard Canesian coordinates on the plane. Let {)/{Jx and {J/{}y be the usual partial differential operators on the plane. The following differential opercltors will be useful:  = ! [ !... - p !... ] {Jz 2 {)x lJy and  = ! [ i. + p i. ] . {)z 2 {)x lJy The operator {J / {J z goes back at least to H. Poincare (Poin 1899) but was perhaps first used systematically as we shall here by W. Wininger (Win 1927J. We will therefore refer to these operators as Wininger derivatives. Note that in terms of the Wininger derivatives. the Cauchy-Riemann equations can be written {Jj /{Ji = O. Associated to the Wininger derivatives. we have the differential operators {J and a. If j is a CI function, then {J j and fJ J are the I-forms: {Jj {)j = -dz {Jz and - {)j {J j = -dz {Ji ' and the operators () and [) are extended to forms of all degrees in the natural way. Most often we will prefer to work with the operators: I d=a+8 and ,r =  (8 - a). I Note that d is just the standard exterior derivative. and that both operators are real in the sense that if '1 is a real-valued form. then so are d" and tJC". The operator tJC wa first introduced by J. Carlson and P. Griffiths in (CaGr 1972]. and the con- stant out front was chosen to help minimize the number of constants appearing in imponant formulas. We also note at this point that if j is a C 2 function. then A - P {J'lj _ 1 ( {J2j ()2 f ) M f = 271" aDf = 271" azDz dz 1\ dz = 471" Dx'l + {)y2 dx 1\ dy, and so j is hannonic if and only if dJC' j = O. Here we have used the standard notation A for the wedge product. We also remark that in polar coordinates (r.8), the operator tJC has the form: tf' j = ! ( r {) j dO _ () j  ) . 2 Or 271' 08 271'r ( I. 9.1 ) 
32 The Firsl Main Theorem [Ch. I I In terms of the holomorphic coordinate z, any I-form" can be written as  =g(z,z)dz +h(z,z)dz, where 9 and h are functions on the plane. The pull back of a I-form '1 by a differentiable function f, denoted f* '1, is then given by r" = (g 0 f) [ : + :: ] dz + (h 0 f) [ : + : ] dE. Similarly, any 2 -form 0 can be written o = g(z, i)dz " di, and pull back by a function f takes the form * [ of aj lJ! lJ f ] f 0 = (g 0 f) {jz . {ji - a; · oz dz" dz = (g 0 f)J(f)dz "di, where J(f) denotes the determinant of the Jacobian matrix of f. Note in panicular that if " = g( z )dz is a holomorphic I-form and f is a holomorphic function, then f*" = (g 0 f)f'dz, and that if n = II(z, z)dz "dz is a 2-form and f is again holomorphic. then f-O = (II 0 f)lf'1 2 dz " di. Combining the operator drY with the logarithm function will be imponant in var- ious contexl. so we state here a proposition containing some useful formulas. Note that the opercltor M log is an imponant operator 1 called the first Chem operator, because it i related to the first Chern class associated to a line bundle. However, we prefer not to discus. this relationship in the one variable setting so as to keep the one variable discussion as simple as possible. Proposition 1.9.2 ut u be a C 2 function. Then u 2 M log u = u - du "d'u, Mu du "iTu M log(1 + u) = 1 - ( )2 ' +u I+u Mu ,,2dJC' log u - (l+u)2 + (l+u)2 ' du " cf' u udJC' log u = + . u(l+u)2 I+u Proof Equations dd c 1 and dd c 2 follow by direct computation using the fact that d and rY are derivations, and hence they satisfy the ibniz Rule. Equation dd c 3 follows by combining dd c 1 and dd c 2, and dd c 4 follows by again using dd c 1. 0 dd C l dd C 2 dd C 3 dd C 4 
( 1.10) Theorems of Siokes. Fubini. and Green-Jensen 33 1.10 Theorems of Stokes, Fubini, and Green-Jensen We began this chapter with the Poisson and Poisson-Jensen formulas. We will look at these again. but this time in the context of Stokes's Theorem (or Green.s Theo- rem). We first recall Stokes's Theorem in the form we will need. Theorem 1.10.1 (Stokes's lbeorem) ut" be a I-form which is C 1 in a neigh- borhood of the disc of radiu.t t, D(t). t'XCt'pt po.t.tibly at a discrete set of points Z. Assume that d" i.t absolutely integrablt' on D( t), and that '1 i.t absolutely in- tegrable on oD(t). Denote by S(Z, €) tht' formal.tum of.tmall (.ircles of radius E around the points in Z. Then / d'i = / '1 -  /'1' D(I) lID(') S( l'.) Remark. The formula in Stokes's Theorem consists of three different integral terms. each of which we will give a name according to the following table: interior term boundary term si.......r term / d" /" lim /" o D(I) lID(' ) S( z.) We also recall here Fubini 9 s Theorem in a global form. Theorem 1.10.2 (Fublnl) ut 11': .. -+ 1" be a fibering of real manifoldt. mean- ing a COC map of manifolds which i.t locally i.tomorphic to a pnJduct. ut q = dinl}" and dim 4 = P + q, so p is the dins;on of a fibt'r. ut '1 be a p -form on ..\ and let  be a q -form on }". Assume that 11'.  A '1 i.t absolutely integrable on ..Y. Then. /1f. A" = / X liE }' / " (1I). ,..-1(11) Proof. By using a partition of unity. the proof reduces to a local statement which is nothing more than the more familiar Fubini Theorem over a product space. 0 Before stating the next theorem. we recall that dB can be considered as a I-form on C \ to}. Namely. J d I ( Y ) rdy - ydr IC" I 2 au = tan - - = . . = 211'u IOK Z I . X x'l + y2 
34 The First Main Theorem ( Ch. 11 Theoftm 1.10.3 (Green-Jensen Fonnul.) Let u be a function that is C2 in a neighborhood of D(r) except at a disc"te set of singularitie.t Z, and a.tsume that u i.t (.ontinuous at O. Assume further that u sati.tfies the following three conditions: GJ I. u i.t abj"olutel)' integrable on 8D(r). GJ 2. du 1\  is abJolutely integrable on D(r). GJ 3. For eve f)' non-Zero a in Z, Urn f u 2 dD = O. £-+0 'If' I:-al=£ GJ 4. Mu is absolutely integrable on D(r). Then 1 r f 1 r f 1 1 2. dD 1 - dtf"u + - lim tf'u = 2 u(re")- 2 - 2 u (O), o tot £ -+0 0 1r D(I) S( Z.t ,I) M'he" S(Z,E, t) is the portion of S(Z,E) i1Ltide D(t). Proof. We will evaluate the integral f du 1\  D(r) twoditTerent ways: by using Stokes's Theorem and by using Fubini's Theorem. We remark that the integral is convergent by condition GJ 4. If () is in Z.. let Z' = Z \ {OJ, and otherwise let Z' = Z. To apply Stokes's Theorem. note that f d (u :: ) = ! f d (u  ), D(r) D(r)- (D(£)UO(ZI .t)) where D( Z' . E) denotes the formal sum of open discs of radius E centered around the points of Z'. Because d(dD) = O. du 1\  = tI ( u  ) and applying Stokes's Theorem (Theorem 1.10. 1 ). we get / d ( U  ) = / tJ  - li!Po [ / u r'; + / u  ] · D(r) 8D(r) 8D(t) .(Z',f) 
ISl.lll The Geomctric Inlcrpretation of the Ahlfors-Shimizu Characlcrislic 35 Now, Urn / u 2 dD = u(O) 1-+0 7r 8D( ! ) since u is a.umed to be continuous at O. The term . / 118 hOl u _ 2 £-+0 7r S(Z' .!) vanishes by assumption GJ 3. Before applying Fubini, note that for any two C'l functions (} and 8, we have, for degree reasons, do: 1\ IE (j = d8 1\ tE (). So in particular, away from singularities, du A  = du A tf log Izl 2 = d log Izl:l A tfu. The disc D(r) is fibered over the interval (0, r) by the map z t-+ Izl, and the form d log Izl 2 is the pull back of the form 2dt/t on the interval (0, r) under this mapping. Therefore. when we apply Fubini (Theorem 1.10.2), we get / dB (r dt / du A 2; = 2 10 T tfu. D(r) lID(t) Thus, l r dt / 1 / dO 1 - lEu = - u(re") - - -u(O). o t 2 27r 2 8D(I) OD( r) Since for almost all t, the set of singularities Z does not intersect the boundary of D(t), we can therefore again apply Stokes's Theorem (Theorem 1.10.1) to the left hand side of the above equality to complete the proof. 0 1.11 The Geometric Interpretation of the Ahlfors-Shimizu Characteristic With these preliminaries out of the way. we begin to explore the geometric signifi- canceofthe Ahlfors-Shimizu characteristic function T(f, r). The Fubinl-Study or spherical.rea form w on pi is defined in terms of a local coordinalc z by A dz I\di w = 27r (1 + IzI2)7l. 
6 The First Main Theorem (Ch. I J Note that this form is well-defined on all of p' because it remains invariant if we replace z by l/w. The form w is called the spherical area form because if D is a subset of pi and if we think of P' as a sphere in R3. then l) j, pn}ponional to the area of D thought of as a subset of the sphere in R3. When we discussed the chordal distance in  1.2, we identified pi with the sphere in R J of rudius 1/2. which has total area 7r. Here, the form w i normalized so that ( w = 1, }Pl so thi is not entirely consistent with what we did in  1.2. Nonetheless, this dis- crepancy by a factor of 7r in our normalization of the area form turns out to be convenient in that introducing the factor of 7r here once and for all keeps various factors of 7r from entering into imponant formulas. The Euclidean form + on the complex plane C is defined by I R 1 d8 1 · . = 271" dz A dz = ;dz A dy = 2r dr A 2;' where (r.y) and (r.8) are the standard Canesian and polar coordinates on the plane. If D i a subset of the complex plane, then L. is. again up to a factor of 1/ 7r. the area of D considered as a subset of the plane. If I = I. / 10 is a meromorphic function with 10, II holomorphic without com- mon zeros. then let (It) 4? 1/'1 2 (1 + I/I2fl 11'W1 1 - (1/01 2 + 1/112)2' where 1" = 101: - 1/l is the Wronskian of 10 and I., which is holomorphic. Note that 1/01 2 + 1/.1 2 is a positive real analytic function, and hence (/)2 is also real analytic. Funhermore, we have I j"w = (f)2..1 Since (/)'l mea.ures the ratio of the forms 1-:.' and +, we see that (/)'l measures how much I locally distons area as it maps from the Euclidean plane to pi , where 
rI.11) The Geometric Inlerpretation of the Ahlfors-Shimizu Characterislic 37 area on P' is spherical area. For this reason. the quantity I' is called the spherical derivative of the mapping I. The form I.w is what is known as a "pseudo area form:' Away from the zeros of I C .. I.w is an actual area form, but because I.' is zero when I is zero. it is not a true area form, and hence the term ....pseudo:. The following proposition is an example of what is known as a "curvature com- . " putatlon. Proposition 1.11.1 We ha't' (i) I.w = (/ 2 fl+ = dlr'loK(l/oI 1 + 1/112). Away from the poles of I. (ii) dJ' Jog( 1 + 1/1 2 ) = M log(l/ol 2 + 1/.1 1 ). AM-'a)' from point. z where 1 2 (z) = 0, M-'hh"h a" p"(:i.tely the ramifi('ation points of I. (iii) -MJog/2 = dcflog(l/ol 2 + 1/.1 2 ), Remark. The equation I. w = -M log II is a manifestation of the fact that pi with the Fubini-Study metric has constant curvature + 1. Notice that with positive curvature. one gets a negative sign in equations involving M log, Conversely. with negative curvature, one does not get a minus sign in M log equations. Thus. in many ways, it would have been more convenient had the notions of positive and negative curvature been reversed. Proof. Because 1 + 1/12 = l/ol:.! + 1/.1 2 1/01 2 and because l log 1/01 = O. we get (ii), Since (/ C )2 = 1""1 1 /(1/01 2 + II. Fl)2, and M IOK 11'''1 = 0, (iii) follows similarly. To get (i). we apply equation dd c 3 of Proposition 1.9,2 with 1J = 1/1 2 . Away from the poles of I, MI/12 = 11'1:1+ and dtt' log 1/1 2 = o. Combining this with dt log 1/01 = 0 and (ii) gives us (i), 0 Proposition 1.11.2 ut 9 be hollJmorphic on an opt'n neighborhood oftht' closed di.tc of radiu,t r, and as.tume g(O) :F o. Let Z dt'note the zero,f of 9 inside D(r), and let S(Z. E) denote the formal .tum of ,tmall cirr:le,t of radius E cen. te"d at each of the point.t in Z. Then, log Igl 2 .tati.tfie.t the GJ condition.t of Theo"", /./0.3. and 'no"o\'er I i II. f If' log I 9 1 2 = 11 (g. O. r). E'o S(Z.e-) 
38 The Firsl Main Theorem (Ch. I) Proof. If 9 has no zeros on the circle of radius r, then condition GJ I is clearly satisfied. Since 9 has at most finitely many zeros on the circle of radius r, the question of integrability is local. We leave it as an exercise to the reader to verify that for a  0, the function log Iz - al is integrable on the circle of radius lal. From this. GJ I easily follows. Because M log Igl2 = 0 away from singularities. condition GJ 4 is trivially satisfied. Let w be a local coordinate around a zero of g, so that w = 0 corresponds to the lero. Then. we can write g(w) = wmh(w), where" is a holomorphic function with h(O)  O. For GJ 2. note that in terms of z, dl I ( )1 2 d8 A ( g,(Z) 1 g'(z) 1 ) d d - og 9 z A - = - + - - z A z. 271' 471' g(z) Z g(z) z Thus. dlogI912"  I$ I  ldZ"dzl. Near z = 0, Ig' /gl is bounded since we assume that g(O)  O. Convening to polar coordinates. 1 1 f;i- and Idz A dil = 2rdrl18, and so d log Igl4! A d8 is absolutely integrable in a neighborhood of O. The other possible problems could be the zeros of g. In terms of the local coordinate w, g'(w) m h'(w) --+ g(w) - w h(w) · Because h(O)  0, the term Ih' /hl is bounded in a neighborhood of w = o. The term 1/lzl is bounded in a neighborhood of w = 0, and so convening to polar coordinates tlf = pei." around w = 0, we again see d Jog Igl2 A d8 is absolutely i ntegrab Ie. For condition GJ 3, / Ing Igl 2 dO = / Ing ItlJl 2 . n dO + f log Ihl2 dO 271' 2 271' Iu'l=t Iwl=t lu'I=! = log£2m /  + / log Ihl  . I u'l =t I u'l =t 
IS 1.11) The GeomClriC Inlcrpretalion of Ihc Ahlfors.Shimizu Characlerisli 39 Since w = 0 is not at z = 0, by Stokes's Theorem. /  = / lu'l=t lu'I( d(dD) = o. 271' Also. since log Ihl 2 is Coc near w = 0, / "J dB Jim log Ihl _ 2 = o. t-+O 71' lu'l=t Thus. Jog Igl2 satisfies GJ 3. We now compute Jim f iT log Ig12. t-+O S( Z.t) To finish the proof of the proposition. it suffices to show .. / 2 11m iT log Igl = ordu'=o g. t-+O Iwl=! Because Jog Igl 2 = log Iwl 2m + log Ih1 2 , and because Jog Ihl 2 is Coo at w = 0, lim / (f" log Igl2 = linl f iT Jog Iwl 2m . !-+o tO Iwl=! 1I=t Using the polar coordinate formula for tf', equation (1.9.1), we get / 1 2" d tf' Jog lu'1 2m = m.£ = m. 0 o 211' I u'l = t Combining Proposition 1.11.1 and Proposition 1.11.2 gives us a geometric in. terpretation of the height or characteristic function. which was first discovered by Ahlfors IAhlf 19291 and Shimizu (Shim 19291. and this is why we have attached their names to t. lbeorem 1.11.3 (Ahltors-Shlmizu) LLt I bf' a non-constant fun(.t;on. mero. morphic in an opf'n neighborhood of D(r), and /f't w be the Fubin;-Stud}'form on pl. Then. T I l r dt f . l r dt f C 2 ( · a, r) = T(f, 00. r) = 0 t I :.oJ = 0 f (f ) ct. 0(1) 0(1) 
....... ...... ......... .."''''... ,''''". · J We point out here that the geometric significance of this theorem is that the Ahlfors-Shimizu height function measures. as a logarithmic average. the growth of the spherical area on pI covered by the map I. Hence the First Main Theorem says that up to the constant cfmt(/, a). the sum ,n(/, a, r) + N(/, a, r) is equal to the natural geometric quantity L r t / rw. 0(1) Proof of Theo"m /.//.3. By Proposition 1.11.1. L r t / rw = L r tt / (fC)2+ = L r t / tId'" log(l + 1/12). 0(1) O(t) 0(1) Write I = I. / lo where I. and 12 are holomorphic without common zeros. For now. assume that 1(0)  X). Recall that log(l + 1/12) = IOK(l/o1 1 + 1/112) -log 1/01 2 . The function log(l/ol 1 + 1/112) is Coc, and since 10(0)  0, the function log 1101 1 , and hence the function log(l + 1/12), satisfies the conditions of Theorem 1.10..3 by Proposition 1.11..2. Applying 'Theorem 1.10.3. we get j r dt / 1 j 21C dB II f dtf" log( 1 + 1112) = 2 0 10,;(1 + I/(re'B)12) 271" 0(1 ) 1 - 2 log (1 + 1/(0)1 2 ) j r dt / - - Iim cf 10K( 1 + 1/1 2 ). o t  o S(Z.t.l) Directly from the definitions 1 d9  L log(1 + I/( re iB )12) 211' = m(f, 00, r), and I 1 - 2 10g (1 + 1/(0)1 ) = log 11/(0),0011. Because log(l/ol2 + 1/.12) is ex., it does not contribute to the limit as E  O. and so the final term becomes L r dt / - t linl cr 10K 1/01 2 = 1'1(/. oc, r) o EO S(Z..I) 
1!tI.I.l1 Why N and T 41 by Proposition 1.11.2.. Putting these together gives us the theorem when 0 is not a pole of f. In the case that 0 is a pole. then let 9 = II f. Noting that w is invariant under z ..... II z, and applying Theorem 1.3..1. we get T(f, 00. r) = T(f, 0, r) = T(g, oc, r) = l r t f g.w - 0(1) l r t f rw. 0 0(1) Since f rw 0(1) is a nondecreasing. nonnegative function of t, an easy consequence of the Ahlfors- Shimizu interpretation of the height is that T(f, r) is a convex. strictly increa.ing function of Jog r. Recall that a real valued function X(t) of a real variable t is called convex (sometimes called "concave up") if for every pair of real numbers x and y and every t in the interval [0, 1), one ha X(tx + (1 - t)1/) $ tX(x) + (1 - t)X(1/), or in other words that every secant line for the graph of cP lies above the graph itself. That N(f. a, r) is a nondecreasing convex function of log r is immediate from its definition (since n(f, a, t) is a nonnegative nondecreasing function of t.) However. the proximity function m(f a, r) need not be nondecreasing nor a convex function of 10K r. Thus. that T is a convex nondecreasing function of Jog r is not immediate from the definition T(f, a, r) = 111(f, a, r) + N(f, a, r) + 0(1).. We will see in  1.13 that the Nevanlinna characteristic T(f, r) is also a convex function of log r. o 1.12 Why Nand T are Used in Nevanlinna Theory Instead of n and A We saw in  I. I I that . (r dt f T(f, r) = 10 T rw. 0(1) People first learning Nevanlinna theory often wonder about the logarithmic integra- tion with respect to dtlt. If one lets .4(/, r) = f rw, O(r) 
42 The First Main Theorem (Ch. II then .-t(/, r) measures the amount of spherical area covered by the imge of D(r) under I. This seems like it might be a more natural quantity than T(/, r), and similarly the unintegrated counting function n(/, a, r) seems more natural than the integnlted form /vP(/, a, r). After all. if I is a degree d polynomial. then the Fun- damental Theorem of Algebra ys d = iii" 11(1, a, r) = Urn ..4(/, r) r ......1')(. r -. .x for all tl in C. Thus. one might think that comparing n(/. a, r) to .4(/.. r) for an arbitrary meromorphic function is a more natural generalization of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra than the comparison between 1'1(/, a, r) and T(/.. a. r) given by the First Main Theorem. However. the natural occurrence of \ (I. a, r) in the Jenen Formula (Corollary 1.2.1) indicates that working with N (I, a. r) may in fact be more natural than working with n(/, a, r). Once one accepts that integrating 11(/.. a, t) against dtlt is a natural thing to do. doing the same with ,,4(/, r) to get T(/.. r) is clearly the natural quantity with which to compare N (I, a, r). As it turns out. comparing n(/, a, r) and A(/, r) is a far more subtle busi- ness than comparing 1\/(/, a, r) and T(/, r). Because 1n(/, a, r) is positive. The- , orem 1.3.1 implies that NJ/, a, r) < T(/, r) - Cfmt (I, a), and we interpreted this informally as saying that T provides an upper bound on how often I can attain the value a. An analog of the First Main Theorem would be an inequality of the form 11(/. a, r) < .4(/, r) + O( 1). However. J. Miles (Miles 1971) gave an example of a meromorphic function such that I . 11(/,0, r) _ 1m sup A(I ) - 00. r-.oc , r In fact.. in {0011978). Gordberg constructed an entire function I such that for every a in C. . n(/,a,r) hm !lUP 4(/ = :)0. rx. . ,r) Thus. unlike with l\T and T. one cannot bound n in terms of .4 for all sufficiently large r. There are weaker statements that one can prove. For example. if we replace lint sup by linl iuf, then the First Main Theorem implies that if I is a meromorphic function on C, then 11(/. a, r) < .-t(/, r) + o( 1) for a sequence of r -+ 00. ( 1.12.1 ) Indeed. if inequality (1.12.1) were false. then n(/,a,r) would be greater than .-t(/..lJ, r) for all r sufficiently large. Integrating this inequality against dtlt would then contradict the First Main Theorem. Inequality (1.12.1) could be called the Uunintegrated First Main Theorem:. One disadvantage of inequality (1.12.1) is that the sequence of r -+ oc for which the inequality holds may depend on the point a. This problem is addressed by a theorem ofW. Hayman and F. Stewart {HayStew 1954 J (see also I Hay 1964)). 
(1.13J Nevanlinna Functions on Average 43 Theoftllll.l2.% (Hayman-Stewart) Let I bf' a non-constant romorphic.func- tion on C and set n(/, r) = up n(/, a, r). a€P' Then. 1 < 1 " · f n(/, r) < 1m In e. - r.....X> .4(/, r) - Hayman and Stewart asked whether the constant e in Theorem 1.12.2 could be reduced to 1, and then this would have been an analog of the First Main Theorem for 11 and A. However, S. Toppila (Topp I 976J constructed a meromorphic function I such that for all r sufficiently large.. 80 n(/, r) > 79 A(/, r). The constant e in Theorem 1.12.2 is not best possible and has recently been im- proved by J. Mi les (Mi les 1998). 1.13 Relationships Among the Nevanlinna Functions on Average Recall that the First Main Theorem (Theorem 1.3.1), said that for a function I meromorphic on C, T(/, a, r) = m(/, a, r) + N(/, a, r) is essentially independent of the value a, in that for fi xed I, and r  x), changing a changes T by a bounded term. We also promised we would see later that for "mos'" values of a, N is the dominant term in the sum, and this was indeed the case in the specific examples we considered in  1.6. In the next chapter, we will begin in earnest our journey toward Nevanlinna's Second Main Theorem.. which makes this statement precise in a very strong way. In the present section we content ourselves with a weaker statement, first proved by H. Canan (Cart 1929J. Cartan's theorem allows us to conclude that N is the dominant term for "most" a, and it follows almost immediately from the Jensen formula. Theorem 1.13.1 (Cartan) ut I(z) bf' a meromorphicfunction in D(R), and let 0 < r < R. Then. T(f, r) = 1 2 '1< N (fte;"', r)  + C, "'he" C = log+ 1/(0)1 if 1(0)  OC, and C = log lilr(/, 0)1 if 1(0) = 00. Furthenno", [21C d 10 rn(f,e i "', r)  < log 2. 
44 The Firs. Main Theorem I Ch . I J Since the First Main Theorem tells us that N(/,a,r) < T(/.r) +0(1)" one should think of Theorem 1.13.1 as saying that the proximity function m(/, a, r) is insignificant for most values a on the unit circle. and that T( I.. r) essentially equals i.\(/" a. r) for most values (Ion the circle. Note that there is nothing panicularly special about the unit circle. Indeed.. since T remains invariant up to a bounded term if 1 is replaced by L 0 I, where L is a Mobius transformation (Proposition 1.5.2). a similar inequality is true if the unit circle is replaced by any circle or line in the plane. In fact" Frostman [Fros 1934] has shown that a imilar result holds if the circle is replaced by any set of positive capacity. Since t differs from T by a bounded amount, we get similar results for T and II'.. up to bounded terms. Because lV is convex function of log r, and we have expressed T as an integral of \r. we immediately get the following corollary. Corollary 1.13.2 Th" function T(/. r) is a convexfunct;on of log r. We begin the proof of Theorem 1.13.1 with a Proposition. Proposition 1.13.3 For any a E C, 'l1C d8 [ log 10 - rt)"'I- = max{log 101, log r} 10 271' Prr)(if. The case (I = 0 is obvious. so we assume (I  O. We apply the Jensen Formula (Corollary 1.2.1)" to the function a - z when I z I = r. If lal > r, we get 21C  log 101 = 1 log 1 0 - rth'l 271" ' and if 0 < lal < r, we get 'l1C d I I log lal = [ log Itl - re i .;- I 2 'P + log . 0 10 71' r PrrHif of Th"orem /./3./. If 1(0)  x. then for all ..; for which 1(0)  e l .,;' . Corollary 1.2.1 applied to I(z) - (_''; gives us 21C d log 1/(0) - t""'1 = 1 log I/(re'o) - e''''' ffr + N(f. 00. r) - N(J,e'';, r). If 1(0) = 00.. then we get instead 21C . d8 . log lik(f, 0)1 = 1 log I/(re") - (""'1 2 71" + N(f, 00. r) - N(f, .''''. r) 
l1.13J Nevanlinna FunClions on Average 45 for all 'P. In either case, we integrate with respect to 'P. When 1(0)  00, we get {2ft d {.11t (11C d8  J o 10'; '/(0) - e i "', 2: = J o J o log 1/(re '8 ) - ei"'l 271" 2; +N(f,x.r) _1 2 1< N(f,el.;.r). Interchanging the order of integration in the double integral. and making use of Proposition 1.13.3, we get log+ 1/(0)1 = 1 2 1< log+I/(re i8 )1  + N(f. ce. r) - 1 2 1< N(f, e i ",. r) : . In case that 1(0) = 00, we get log lilc(/, 0)1 on the left hand side instead. and we have proved the first equality. For the second inequality. by the First Main Theorem, Theorem 1.3.1. for each 'P, we have Im(f, e i .;, r) + N(f, e i .." r) - T(f, 00, r) + log lilc(f - ('1"',0)1\ < log 2. We now integrate with respect to 'P. From the first equality in the statement of the theorem. we have that T(f, 00, r) - 1 2 1< N(f, e ' ''', r) ::' = C. If 1(0) = 00, then i1c(/- e;"', 0) = ilc(/.O) for all 'P. and so 1'l1< 10'; Iilc(f - e'''', 0)1 ::' = log lilc(f, 0)1 = C. If. on the other hand. 1(0)  00, then for all 'P such that 1(0)  e i "" we have ilc(1 - c'''', 0) = 1(0) - ci, and so {"l1C . d (2ft .  J o 10'; Iilc(f - e'''', 0)1 2 = J o log 1/(0) - e''''1 271" = C, where the second inequality follows from Proposition 1.13.3. This cancellation leaves us with the desired inequality. 0 We now give another variation on this theme. Theorem 1.13.4 111(z) ;smeromorphic in D(R) and 0 < r < R. then T(f, r) = f N(f, (I, r) w, and aEP' f m(f,a.r)w aEP' 1 = -, 2 whef'P w is the ...pherical arra lonn defined in .tection  /.//. 
46 The Firsl Main 1beorem I Ch. II Before proceeding to the proof. we state a couple of Propositions. Proposition 1.13.5 Forany z E C, jlogiz - olw =  log(l + IzI 2 ). aEP1 Proof From the definition of wand from Proposition 1.13.3. we have j 1 00 1 2. d4p 2rdr log I z - al w = log I z - re' I - 2 o 0 211" (1 + r 2 ) aEP' 1 00 2rdr = max{log Izl, log r} 2 o (1 + r 2 ) 1 = 2 log ( I + Iz1 2 ), 0 Proposition 1.13.6 j c,.... (/.0) w = - , aEp1 PrrHJf For almost all a in pI, 1 2 1 2 (.fm' (I, a) = log 1/(0) - al- 2 10g (1 + 1/(0)1) - 2 log (1 + lal ). Integrating over a in pi and applying Proposition 1.13.S. we find j c,....(/.o) = -  jlog(l + /0/2) W. aEPJ aEP1 The integral on the right is a straightforward computation: 1 j . 1 f2 tr f fX, log( 1 + r 2 ) dO 1 -2 log(l + 1012)w = -2 J o J o (l + r2)2 ,2rdr 271" = -2' 0 (J E P J PrrN}f of Theorrm /./3.4. By replacing 1 by 1/1 if necessary. we may assume without loss of generality that 1(0) ¥- X>. For all a ¥- 1(0), we have again by Corollary 1.2.1 that (2W d9 log 1/(0) - 01 = 10 log I/(re iB ) - 01 2; + 111(/,00, r) - N(/, 0, r). 
(1.14J Jensen.s I nequalily 47 Integrating over 0 E pi and making use of Proposition 1.13.5, we get 1 (2JC 1 dB 2 10 ,;(1 + 1/(0)1 2 ) = 10 2 1 011;(1 + 1/(re./I)1 2 ) 271" + N(f, 00, r) - / N(f,a,r)w. a€p1 The term on the left is nothing other than -t.,...,(/. oc) and the first integral on the right is the definition of ,;,,(/,00, r). Hence / N(f,a,r)w = m(f,oo,r) + N(f,oc,r) + cfm.(f, (0) = T(f,r). aEpl This together with the First Main Theorem (Theorem 1.3.1), and Proposition 1.13.6 impl ies that / m(f,a, r)w = - / Ctm.(f,a)w =. a aEP' aEPI In [Ahlf 1935a), Ahlfors extended the averaging technique presented in this sec- tion. Rather than integrating against just the spherical area form, Ahlfors considered integrals of the form / N(f,a,r)p(a)w, oEpl where p is an almost everywhere continuous and positive probability distribution on pi, meaning in particular that / p(a)w = l. aEPI Choosing p judiciously and using some of the techniques we will explain in Chap- ter 2, Ahlfors gave a panicularly clear and easy proof of Nevanlinna's Second Main Theorem that illuminates the underlying geometry behind the Second Main Theo- rem. 1.14 Jensen's Inequality We conclude this chapter with an imponant lemma of a different character. Recall that a real-valued function  on the interval (0, b) (where we allow 0 = -00 and b = +(0) is called concave (or "concave down") if for every z and 11 in the interval (0, b), and for every t in the interval [0, 1], we have (tz + (1 - t)lI) > t\(.r) + (1 - t)(lI). Note that this is just the familiar fact from calculus that a function is concave down if and only if all the secant lines lie below the graph of the function. 
48 The First Main Theorem (Ch. I J Theorem 1.14.1 (Jensen's InequaUty) Let (X, IJ) be a measu" space such that IJ(.\") = 1. Let  be a concave function on the interval (a, b) (whe" we allow a = -00 and b = +oc'. Then. for an.v integrable "al valued function 1 with a < f(x) < bforalmostall x in .-, we have l (f(x))dl'(x) <  (If(X)dlJ(X)) . Remark. The concavity of  implies that  is continuous. and hence measur- able. so the integral on the left makes sense. As we will only apply Theorem 1.14.1 to specific functions like log and log + which are obviously continuous. we leave this fact as an exerci se. We wi II typically apply Theorem 1.14.1 in the following context: 1 2 " logf(8)  < log (1 2 " f(8)  ) · ProofofTheo"m /./4./. Let c = f f(x)dlJ(x). x By the concavity of , for any 8 and t such that a < s < c < t < b, we have (c) - (8) (t) - (c) > . (.-8 - t-c Hence. if we let (t) - (c) m = sup , c<I<" t -: c then for a < s < c < t < b, (c) - (8) > > (t) - «(..) 1n . (:-8 - - t-c This implies that (/(x)) - (r) < m(f(x) - c) for almost all r because a < I(x) < b. Integrating this Ia.t inequality and making u of the fact that IJ(.) = 1, we see that l \ (f(x))dl'(x) - (t.-) < m [If(X)dlJ(X) - c] · But. ('= / f(x)dl'(x) and so [(f(X))dlJ(r) <  (/ f(X)dlJ(r)). as desired. 0 
2 The Second Main Theorem via Negative Curvature Shortly after R. Nevanli nna" s first proof of the Second Main 'Theorem.. Nevanlinna.s brother.. F. Nevanlinna.. gave a ..geometric.... proof of the Second Main Theorem. In this chapter. we give a geometric proof of the Second Main 'Theorem based on "neg- ative curvature;" which broadly speaking, has the same overall structure as F. Nevan- Iinna"s proof.. although in terms of details, the proof we present here bears much greater resemblance to the work of Ahlfors (Ahlf 1941). In Chapter 4, we will give another proof of the Second Main Theorem that is closer to R. Nevanlinna's original proof. Of course.. neither the Nevanlinna brothers nor Ahlfors were interested in the exact structure of the error term. The error term we will present here is essentially due to P.-M. Wong (Wong 1989). We have decided to begin with a negative curvature proof because obtaining a good error term using the geometric method requires le preparation than does the logarithmic derivative approach used in R. Nevanlinna"s original proof. The ge- ometric proof also has the virtue that the explicit constanl occurring in the error terms have natural geometric interpretations. Another advantage of the geometric method is that one can use it to obtain the best possible error term for what's known as the "Ramification theorem;" something which has yet to be accomplished using logarithmic derivatives. Moreover.. in higher dimensions.. the geometric approach has been successfully applied to a greater variety of situations than has the loga- rithmic derivative approach. On the downside.. the structure of the error term here initially appears to be somewhat more complicated than the error term we will ob- tain in Chapter 4. 2.1 Khinchin Functions and Exceptional Sets Before proceeding directly to the Second Main Theorem. we introduce some nota- tion and terminology that will help us in our discussion of U error terms:" We begin with a definition. A function tjJ will be called a Khlnchin function if !P is a real-valued. continuous.. nondecreasing.. and > 1 on the interval [e, oc), and 1/J satisfies the following convergence condition (known as the Khinchln convergence condition ): I X> 1 cLr < 00. (" .c1/'( x) 
50 Second Main Theorem via Nelative Curvature (Ch. 21 In fact. since we will be interested in the value of the above integral. we will give it a name. Given a Khinchin function 1jJ, define 1  1 ko=ko(w)= , dx<oc.  x1JJ(x) We will explain in 6.2 why we have chosen the names uKhinchin function.. and "Khinchin convergence condition:. We note that in the original work of Nevan- linna. 1;_.( x) was taken to be (log x) I +! for positive €. One might find it helpful to keep this example in mind. Note that our choice of c a. the stan of the interval of definition of 1/1 could be replaced with an arbitrary positive number. but because we have the prototypical example of .,( x) = (log x) I +1 in mind. and because we want ti'.( r) > 1, the number e is a convenient choice. One technical element that exists in all proofs of Nevanlinna.s Second Main The- orem is the use of what is known as a "growth lemma:' Historically. the growth lemmas were stated and proved for arbitrary functions 1/J satisfying the Khinchin convergence condition. but then before using the growth lemma. to prove theo- rems in value distribution theory. the function 1/J was immediately specialized to be (log r) 1 +!. S. Lang suggested keeping 1/J arbitrary throughout.. We will also explain the number theoretic motivation for keeping 1/J arbitrary in 6.2.. Nevanlinna's Second Main Theorem will assel1 that a certain inequality holds for all radii r outside of a cenain set E known as the exceptional set (of radii). The Second Main Theorem will have non-trivial content because the "size;. in a sense we will make more precise in the next paragraph. of the exceptional set will be bounded in terms of our choice of Khinchin function 1jJ, or more precisely in terms of ko ( w ). Thus. the larger our function 1/J, the smaller ko ( 1/J) will be. and therefore the smaller our exceptional set. However. then: will also be a tradeoff. in that the Khinchin function w will also appear in the various inequalities themselves in such a way that the larger the function 1jJ, the weaker the inequalities will be. Included in the statements the Second Main Theorem. the Khinchin function 1/J will always have a companion function which we will always denote by t/J. As we mentioned above. the Second Main Theorem will tell us that a certain inequality i true for all radii outside an exceptional set whose .'size.. is bounded in terms of ko( tjJ). The function 4> is what specifies what we mean by "size:. More precisely. our exceptional sets E will be such that the integral f dr J E 4>(r) can be hounded in terms of ko ( fJ''). For example. if we take tfJ( r) = I, then our exceptional sets will have finite Lebesgue measure. and in fact. Lebesgue measure bounded in terms of ko( t/,). If we take t/)(r) = r, then our exceptional sets will have finite Ulogarithmic mea.ure:. meaning that if E is such an exceptional set. then 1 dr - < 00. E r 
lS2.2) The Nevanlinna Growth Lemma and the Height Transform 51 In applications of the Second Main Theorem. as in Chapter S, the idea is to choose tb and t/J so that the exceptional set will be ..small" and yet 1/J will not be too "large." When one studies meromorphic functions defined (except for poles) on the whole plane. one often wants to choose t/J so that for every r., (OC dr Jrl <t>(r) = x. Then, since inequalities coming from the growth lemmas will hold true for all r outside a set E with ( dr J E t/J(r) < 00, we conclude that the exceptional set E cannot contain any intervals of the form (r. , 00 ), and so there must be a sequence of r outside E which tends toward infin- ity. In other words, whatever inequality is of interest to us will hold for a sequence of r tending toward infinity. For example. one often chooses t/J(r) = 1 or t/J(r) = r. Similarly. when one studies functions meromorphic in a disc of radius R < 00, then one often chooses. for example. t/J(r) = R - r so that for every r. < R, (R dr J,., t/J( r) = 00, and again we can find a sequence of r tending to R outside any exceptional set E whose measure with respect to t/J is bounded. If one chooses a larger function t/J, then the exceptional set E can grow larger. However. it is also often true that the larger the function t/J, the better the inequality that will hold. Thus. the advantage of keeping t/J arbitrary is that one can trade a larger exceptional set for an improvement in an inequality. This trade-off was recog- nized by the Nevanlinnas almost from the beginning. So. although the appearance of arbitrary Khinchin functions t/J in the statement of key theorems in value distribu- tion appears only recently. the presence of arbitrary functions t/J in these statements goes back almost to the beginning. Finally. we would like to point out that although continuity is pal1 of our definition of Khinchin function, it is not really necessary to require the continuity of t/J. With a little effol1. one easily sees that the same qualitative results can be obtained without assuming the continuity of t/J. 2.2 The Nevanlinna Growth Lemma and the Height Transform The main result of this section is a technical result. known as a Ugrowth lemma." When one is interested in good explicit error terms. as we shall be. one must care- fully formulate one.s growth lemma because it affects the qualiry and structure both 
2 Second Main Theorem via Negative Curvature (Ch. 2 ] of the error terms and of the exceptional set. Although the statement and proofs of the results in this section can get a little "technical:' the ideas involved are never deeper than those of freshman calculus. and therefore growth lemma. are often re- ferred to as "calculus lemmas". A reader who is new to the subject of Nevanlinna theory might want to skip this section on a first reading. referring back to it as the various lemmas are used later on, We now present the Nevanlinna growth lemma. an "elementary.. growth lemma, which we will use in an iterated fashion (Lemma 2.2.3 below) in what we term the .'curvature'. approach to the proof of the Second Main Theorem. Because we iterate the growth lemma in this way, the Sb"Ucture of the error terms we will obtain via the curvature approach will be somewhat complicated. Lemma 2.2.1 ut F(r) be a positive nondecreasing fun('tion defined and > e for ro < r < R < 00. AS,fume further that F has piecewise continuous derivative. Ut (x) be a positive. n(}nde,'reasing. continuous function defined for e < x < 00, and let (r) be any positive asurable fun(.tion defined for ro < r < R, Ut C be a positive constant and let E be the ('Iosed subset of [ro. R) defined by { , (F(r)) } E = r E [ro. R) : F (r) > CF(r) 4I(r) . Then. for all p with ro < p < R, I dr 1 f F(p) dx 4I(r) < C r x{(x)' En[,.o.p) Proof. From the definition of E and change of variables, I dr 1 f p F'(r)dr <  fFIP) dx . (r) < C ro F(r){(F(r)) - C )Flro) x{(x) En(,.o.p) The lemma follows since F(ro) > e. 0 Lemma 2.2.2 (Nevanllana) Ut R, F(r), and </J be a..f in umma 2.2. J. and let t/, b a Khinchinfunction. Then. there exists a mea,furable set of radii E K'ith /, dr f iX dx - < ko(1J'J) = · F: Q(r) - f' .l'tp(x) such that for all ro < r < R and not in E. the inequality F'(r) < F(r) 1J!(F(r)) </J( r) is valid. 
I 2.21 The Nevanlinna Growth Lemma and the Height Transform 53 Remark. Intuitively. Lemma 2.2.2 simply says that the derivative F' of a non- decreasing function F cannot be big unless F itself is big most of the time. prrHJf. Let C = 1, let (x) = 4>(x), and choose E a. in Lemma 2.2.1. Because tJ', satisfies the Khinchin convergence condition. for all p < R, we have I F (P) dx j x dz < = ko(tf')'  x1/J(x) ,. x1b(r) The proof is completed by letting p  R. 0 In the Second Main Theorem we will want to bound a second derivative of the II . characteristic function T in terms of T itself. Hence. we iterate Lemma 2.2.2 to get the following complicated looking lemma which simply says the second derivative of a nondecreasing function F can be bounded in terms of F outside an "excep- tional set:. Lemma 2.2.3 ut F (r) be a C2 function defined for ro < r < R < oc. A.f.fume further that both F(r) and rF'(r) arepositivenondecreasingfun(.tions(Jfr, and tMt F(ro) > e. Ut b l be any numlHrsu,'h tMt blrF'(r) > e for all r > ro. (Such a number trivially exists since we Mve assumed rF'(r) is positive and nondecreasing.) Ut 1jJ be a Khinchinfunction and let 4> be a positive measurable function defined fi}r ro < r < R < 00. Then, there exists a measurable .fet of radii E ((.alled the Uexceptionol set") such that ( dr J E q,(r) < 2ko(t/!). .fuch tMt for all ro < r < R and not in E, we Mve w(F(r)) , b.rF(r) q,(r) > b1rF (r) > e, and su(.h that for all ro < r < Rand n(Jt in E, the inequality . ( 1/J(F(r)) ) !  [ r dF ] < F(r) 1/I(F(r» tp b.rF(r) q,(r) r dr dr 4>(r) 4>(r) i. valid. f'f'(){Jf. Apply Lemma 2.2.2 twice. first to F(r), and then to b l rF'(r). 0 Remark. Lemma 2.2.3 was stated and proved in this generality by R. Nevanlinna. However. Ncvanlinna and those who followed immediately specialized the function tjJ to tjJ(x) = (logx)I+£. S. Lang (Lang 1990] suggested keeping the function tt: arbitrary to better see its connection to Diophantine approximation. We now describe the main context in which the functions to which we will apply Lemma 2.2.3 arise. Let u be a function defined on D( R), R < oc satisfying the following three hypotheses: 
54 , Second Main Theorem via Neptive CurvatUR (Ch. 2) HT I. u is continuous and > 0 except at a discrete set of points HT 2. For all 0 < r < R, the integral 1 2,.. dS u(re l ') - o 21f is absolutely convergent and the function 1 2,.. dS r H u(re i ') - o 21f is continuous. HT 3. There exists ro such that 1 "0 dt f o T u+ > e. D(C) Here + is the Euclidean area form on C, defined in  1.11. Given a function u satisfying HT 1.3. define the ht.p t transfonn. which we will denote by 1i(u, r), by ,,. dt f 'H(u,r) = 10 T u+. D(t) Lemma 2.2.4 Ifu satisfiesHTI-3.1l(u,r) is a C 2 functionofr and ! [ cnl(u,r) ] = 21 2 ,.. ( ., ) dS d r d urc 2 . r r r 0 1f Proof. Recalling that in polar coordinates + = 2rdrdS /21f, we see that dF 1 2"' 1 " dS r dr = 2 0 0 u(te")t dt2;' Differentiating once more and dividing by r gives us the formula. 0 Combining Lemma 2.2.3 and Lemma 2.2.4. we immediately get the following fundamental estimate for the height transform. Lemma 2.1.5 Ut u be a function on D(R), R < 00 .fatisfying HT 1.3. let ro be .tu("h that 1l( u, ro) > e, and let b. be any nur such that 6, f u+ > e. D( "0 ) 
I 2.2] The Nevanlinna Growth Lemma and the Height Transform 55 Ut tP be a Khinchinfunction. and let 4J be a positive measurable function defined ftlr ro < r < R. Then, there exists a s1 E of radii with f dr < 2kohb) J E 4J(r) and su(.h that for all r > ro and not in E. the inequality (2f1 dB log 10 u(re " ) 211' { . } . 1JJ(H.( u, r < log 1l( IJ, r) + log 4I(r))) + log .. (b ,u ( ) 1b (1i ( u, r) ) ) tp l r n. u,r (r) (r) is valid. Remark. We could have subtracted log 2 from the right hand side. but we .ve chosen to throw this out. The right hand side of Lemma 2.2.5 is a little messy, and we will use the following lemma to simplify some results after applying Lemma 2.2.5. Lemma 2.2.6 Ut tP(r) be a Khinchinfunction. Ut p  1 be a ,-ral number. Set tP. (r) = min{ tP(max{ e, r l / P }), r l / P }. Then tP.(r) is also a Khin(.hinfunction with ko(tP.) < 2p - 1 + pko( t/ J ). Moreover t/J.(r) < r 1 / p , tP.(r P ) < f/J(r), and w.(r) < tP(max{e,r 1 / P }), forall r > e. Proof Clearly tP. is continuous. nondecrea.ing. and greater than 1. Moreover. 1 00  - f b f   rtP. ( r ) rt/J. ( r) + rtP. (r ) {,.t': tP.(")"'I"} {,.t': .(")<"'I") Clearly. l oc dr j oe dr < r rrl/r> + r rtJI(max{e,r'/r>}f l ex: dr / = . p / < p. t rl+l PeP Setting s = r 1 /p. we get j x.. dr 1 X> pds ,. rt/'(max{e,r 1 / p }) - 1/" stJ"(max{e,s}) 1  pdb 1 00 pds < -+ - - 'I" S t' sw(s) p - 1 + pko ( t/, ). 0 
56 Second Main Theorem via Negative Curvature (Ch. 2) 2.3 Definitions and Notation Throughout the remainder of thi. (.hapter. we maintain the following notational ('on- \'entions: R will be a positive real number or oc. D(R) will be the disc of radius R (or C when R = oc). I = I. /10 will be a meromorphic function on D(R).. and 10 and II will be holomorphic without common zeros. II. = 101: - I. I will be the Wronskian of I. IV,..m(/, r) = N ("',0, r). q will be an integer > o. (I. . . . . . a q will be distinct points in P'. D(a., . . . , a q ) = - log mn n lIai, aj II + (q - 1) log 2. J 'J . TO will be a positive real number so that T(/, ro) > e. tI.' will be a Khinchin function. 4>(r) will be a positive measurable function on [ro, R). f oc dx ko(Ji.) = .( ) < 00.  xtp X IJI will be any positive number such that d 6. ro dr TU, r) > e. "0 (/) = log lilc(I"., 0)1 - log(l/o(0)1 2 + II. (0)(2) b 3 (q) = 12 q 2 + 2q31o 2. b.. (I. a. , . . . , a q ) o log+ lilc(1 - a J , 0)1 +(or<lo(1 - a J ))Iog+(l/ro) log+ (1 /lilc(/, 0) I) + (or<lo( 1 / I) )Iog+ (l/ro) if 1(0) # a J for all j if for some j, 1(0) = a J # oc if for some j, 1(0) = aj = 00. ,. = v:; dz A di will be the Euclidean form on c. A dz" di" b " . S d  P I c..) = 211' (1 + Iz12)2 will be the Fu 101- tu y .orm on · 
r2.41 The Ramification Theorem 57  will be a positive constant between 0 and 1. .\(r) will be a nonincreasing function of r with values between 0 and 1. /,,\(z) = (11 I1f (Z),Ojll-21 1 - A <I:m) (/'(Z))2, OA(Z) = (t,lIf(Z),OJII-211-ACI:III) (p(Z))2. 0(/, {a"... ,aq},A) = ( t IIf,OJII-;lII-.\I ) I.w = OA+. )=, Remarks. When It(O)  0, then bz(/) = 1011;/ ' (0). We will see later that if 1 1 (0)  0, then we can estimate ro and b, only in terms of It(O). 2.4 The Ramification Theorem One of the consequences of Nevanlinna's Second Main Theorem is a bound on how uramified.. a meromorphic function can be. in terms of its growth. This bound is known as the uRamification Theorem." and obtaining the Ramification Theorem by using negative curvature is somewhat easier than obtaining the general Second Main Theorem. Hence. we will begin our discussion of the Second Main Theorem with the Ramification Theorem. Before stating the Ramification Theorem. we state a proposition expressing the Ahlfors-Shimizu height or characteristic function as a height transform, as in 2.2. Proposition 2.4.1 ut I be a meromorphic function on D(R). Then for all . CI o < r < R, we have T(/, r) = 1l((/'f2, r). Proof. This follows directly from Theorem 1.11.3 and the definitions. 0 Proposition 2.4.2 Ut I be a meromorphic funt'tion on D(R), and let (/) be dfined a.f in 2.3. Then. for all r < R, we have N ' I CI _ 1 1 2Jr I I 2 dB r.m( ,r) - 2T(/, r) - 2 0 log( ) 211' - (/). If IC(O)  0, then (/) = IUK IC(O), and this simplifies to r .. 1 (2Jr I 2 d8 a r.n.(/' r) - 2T(/, r) = 2 Jo log(f) 211' - log f (0). 
58 Second Main Theorem via Negll ive Curvature (Ch. 2) Proof. Let s = n,am(f,O) and let u = log(f')2 - slog Iz1 2 . Note that because we have corrected for the ramification of f at 0, the function u is Crx. at O. and satisfies the conditions of Theorem 1.10.3 by Proposition 1.11.2. The formula stated in the proposition is a consequence of the Green-Jensen formula a." fo 1I0ws. To compute the interior term in Stokes's Theorem. note that away from singular- ities. M log Izl 2 = 0, and so by Proposition 1.11.1 and Theorem 1.11.3. we have 1 r t / Mu = 1 r t / M log(/')2 0(1) 0(1) 1 ,. dt / = 0 t -M log(l/ol2 + 1/11 2 )2 - 0(1) -2T(f, r). For the singular term. note that 1 ,. dt lim f er u = 1 ,. dt liln / if" log W 2 . o t! o 0 t t o z. S(Z.!.t) S(Z.!.I) Keeping in mind that we are canceling out the ramification at zero. we now have from Proposition 1.11.2. and the fact that the zeros of R'" count the ramification. that the singular term is Nram(f, r) - slog r. Putting the singular and interior terms together and applying Green-Jensen (Theo- rem 1.10.3) we get that J\ffam(f, r) - s logr - 2f(f, r) 1 " dt / 1 ,. dt h = - liln cJC u + - M u - o t! -+0 0 t o( t ) S(Z,t.I) 1 1 2" d8 1 - u(re") - - -u(O). 2 0 271' 2 Now. 1 1 2" dB 1 1 2" d8 - u(re i8 ) - = - log(fC(re"))2 - - sloKr. 2 0 211' 2 0 211' Canceling the .41 10K r terms on both sides and computing u(O) gives us what we want. 0 Theorem 2.4.3 (Ramification Theorem) ut f be a non-con.ftant meromorphic funt.tion on D(R). Ut tjJ, (jJ, ro, ko, b l , and b- l be defined as in 2.J. Then. there exi.ft.f a measurable .fet E of radii. called "the exceptional set," with ( dr J E 4J( r ) < 2 ko ( '" ) 
12.4 ) The Ramification Theorem 59 such that for all r > ro and outside E, the following inequality holds: Nram(/, r) - 2T(/, r) 1. { tj'(T(/, r)) } < 2 logT(/, r) + log q,(r) + log t/J (6 1 rT(/, r) t/J(; r» ) 4>( r ) - (f). Proof From Proposition 2.4.2, we have that 1 (2ff d8 N.. m (/, r) - 2t(/, r) = 2 10 log(/')2 211' - b- l (/). We use the concavity of the logarithm, Theorem 1.14.1, to pull the logarithm out of the integral ! {2" log(/I)2 dB < ! log {OZ" (/')2 dB . 2 10 211' 2 10 211' Noting that T(/, r) = 11.((/1)2, r) by Proposition 2.4.1, and applying the growth lemma. namely Lemma 2.2.5, we get a set E as in the statement of the theorem such that for r not in E, 1 1 2,.. d8 -log (f' (rei') )2 - 2 0 2 tP ( 61 rt(/, r) fjJ(; r» ) 1 1 { w(T(/, r)) } < 2 log T(/, r) + log (r) + log q,(r) and hence the theorem follows. 0 The Ramification Theorem gives an upper bound on the growth of the ramifica- tion divisor of a meromorphic function I. Namely. it says that except for a small error term. the ramification divisor can grow at most twice as fast a. T(f, r). Com- pare this to the fact that the ramification divisor of a rational function has degree at most twice that of the function itself. Notice that 1 ramifies precisely when I' = O. Recall also that the pseudo area form f- w is "pseudo'. precisely when II = O. In some sense. the ramification 
60 Second Main Theorem via Nepaivc CUrv8Uture (Ch. 2] of I is adding negative curvature to the pseudo area fornn I.w, and thus what is happening in this "curvature" proof of Theorem 2.4.3 is that we are bounding the growth ()f the ramification divisor of I by bounding t the amount of negative curvature a pseudo area form on D( R) can have. The right hand side of the inequality in Theorem 2.4.3 is i called the "error term." It i called an error term because in many applications it is imsignificant compared to the terms on the left. and thus the error term can often be mcore or less ignored. This is one of the reasons that historically people were not very 1 interested in the precise structure of the error term. We emphasize though that the staructure of the error term i i mponant for some applications. and we have chosen sorme of our applications in Chapter S to illustrate this. The Ramification Theorem. with this error tenn, is due t to Lang (Lang 1988]. It is interesting that we can get the 1/2 out front here. That thne coefficient 1/2 is best possible was shown by Z. Ye (Ye 1991]. Notice also that although the exceptional set E in the Raamification Theorem can and does depend on the panicular function I.. the size of E · is bounded independent of I. Of course. the inequality only holds for r > ro(/»), and so there is some dependence on I. However. this is a very explicit dependeence. and in applications to cenain families of functions. one can often easily estimabte ro uniformly over the family. See Corollary 2.8.2 where such a unifonn bound is" established. 2.5 The Second Main Theorem We now state the Second Main Theorem that can be obtainned by the method of this cha pter. Theorem 2.5.1 (Second Main Theoftlll) ut a". . . , aJ q be a finite set of dis- tinct point.t .in pI , and let I be a non-constant merrJmo,rphic function on D(R). Let '\ 4>, V(fl't..., a q ), ro, ko, b" b. 1 . b:J.. and b.. be: defined as in 2.3. Then, there exists a measurable .tet E ofradi; .;th 1 dr - < 2ko(tIJ) E tjJ(r) - .uch that for all r > ro and outside E, tht follo';ng in.equality holds: q (q - 2)T(/, r) - L N(/, a J , r) + J\',.", (I, r) J=I 1 { <>2 } { ' 1P((q)t2(/, r)) } < 2 log b;j(q)T (f.r) + log. q,(r) 
I .51 The Second Main Theorem 61 + log tj, (6, rb:J {q )j2 (f, r) tjJ{ 6 3 { (f. r)) ) (r) -(/) + V(a.,... ,a q ) + b..(/,al,." ,at) + 1. Remark. Recall that b 4 = 0 if 1(0)  a J for all j, and b-l(/) = log I(O) if 1=(0)  o. When q > 2, Theorem 2.5.1 complemenl the upper bound on the counting functions provided by the First Main Theorem by saying that the sum of q counting functions is bounded below by (q - 2) times the characteristic function. again up to the error term. Thus. for most values a, the characteristic function gives both an upper and lower bound on the number of times the function 1 takes on the value a, and the Second Main Theorem gives a precise limit on how much the lower bound can fail for all a's taken together. Before proceeding toward the proof. we make some remarks about the error term. First, notice that in Theorem 2.5.1. we have t2(/, r) on the right hand side. whereas in Theorem 2.4.3. we only had T(/, r). After combining log f2(/, r) with the o 1/2 out front. we get log T(/, r) as the dominant term in the error term in Theo- o rem 2.5.1. Theorem 2.5.1 was proved by R. Nevanlinna with O(logrT(/,r)) for an error term. Theorem 2.5.1 with the error term given is due to P.-M. Wong [Wong 1989]. S.-S. Chern. in (Chern 1960J. obtained an error term with dominant term (1/2 + €) log T(/. r), but Chern's paper contains an error that went unnoticed until S. Lang (Lang 1988J found it. We will give examples of functions. due to Z. Ye [Ye I990J (also (Ye 1991 J) in 7.1 that sh one cannot obtain an error term for the Second Main Theorem with (1/2 + €) log T(/, r) as the dominant term. The overall structure of the proof of Theorem 2.5.1 using curvature is similar to the proof of Theorem 2.4.3. Of course. the added complication here is the fact that we now also have to deal with the points al,. . . , a q via what is called a "curvature computation." The use of curvature in value distribution theory was initiated by F. Nevanlinna (cf. (Nev(R) 1970J). although the way curvature appears in this chap- ter is closer to Ahlfors (Ahlf 1941 J. and wa. often used by Stoll (cf. (Stoll 1981 J). The result we present here in its precise form is due to P.-M. Wong (Wong 1989J. although a weaker version of it appears in Stoll (Stoll 1981. Theorem 10.3J as an uAhlfors estimate." To describe what we mean by a "curvature computation:' we begin by introducing some notation. We let .\(r) denote a (for now arbitrary) nonincreasing function of r.. and we recall the following functions and forms on D(R), which we defined 
62 Second Main Theorem via Negative Curvature [Ch. 21 in 2.3: "YA(Z) = (}1I1/(z),a ill - 2 (,-AIIZI)I) (/'(z»"l, o,,(z) = (t,II/(z),aJII-211-AIIZI)I) (/I(z))"l, O( I, {a 1 , . . · , a q }, \) = ( t II /, a J 11- 2 ( I - A» ) I.  = 0.\ + . J=t These functions and forms appear in the various works of Ahlfors. Stoll. and Wong. The form O( I, {a 1 , . . . , Oq }, A) is known as a Usingular area form," and note that this is not quite an area form because it can be zero at those points z where I' (z ) vanishes. Moreover. 0(/, {at,. . . , a q }, A) is not CX) at those points z where I(z) = a J , and this is the reason that it is called a "singular U area form. The .curvatureU we will compute is the curvature of the singular metric coming from the singular area form 0(/, {al,.. . ,a q }, A). In some sense. we would really like to consider A = 0, but in that ca. our curvature estimates Iow up:. The way to get around this is to choose \ allowing \ -. 0 as r -. R. The error in Chern.s work (Chern 1960] that was mentioned above was caused by Chern's attempt to simplify Ahlfors.s work by considering only constant , rather than functions A(r) of the radius r. In the end. Chern needs to take a limit as  tends to zero (actually  -. 1 in Chern.s notation), but as this happens. the size of Chern.s exceptional set might a priori grow and become unbounded. We present Wong.s curvature computation in a sequence of lemmas. We be- gin with a lemma collecting useful derivative formulas involving the expression II I, an 2 .\. Lemma 2.5.2 Let I be a meromorphic function. let a be a point in pI, let  be a real number> 0, and let u = III, an 2 . Then. (i) M log u.\ = _(/.)2+, (ii) dtJ 1\ cFu = u(1 - u)(/')2+. ( ;;i) M u.\ = { 2 U - ( 1 - .\) -  ( + 1) u.\ } ( I' ) 2 + , ,2 - ( 1 -.\) ' ( , + 1 ) .\ ,2.\ ( . J_IC" I (1 .\ ) _ J\ U - J\ J\ U - J\ U (1 ' ) 2+ ,v)uu og +u - (l+u.\)2 · Proof We recall that 2 (I - a)(1 - lJ) 11/, all = (1 + //)(1 + oaf 
IS2.S1 The Second Main Theorem 63 For equation (i), note that taking log convens the product into a sum, and the only term that contributes to dcY is therefore the (I + I I) term in the denominator. For equation (ii), note that for any Cl function ,  1\ tY differs from lJ 1\ {J by a factor of R /21r. By direct computation. we see that 811/. a 1l 2 = {-  · 11 j)"l · (1 + aha/. + aa (1 + Since III, all 2 is real valued, we get the tJ derivative just by conjugating the above. Wedging them together gives us 8111 all 2 ,,(Jill all 2 = (f - a)(f - ii)(l + a/ + I + Cliil f) al ,,(Jf. " (I + aii)2 (1 + I I)" The definition of III, all, switching back to d and tY, and noting that R 81 "hf = 11'1"l+ 21r completes the proof of (ii). For the proof of (iii), first note that dtfu). = ( - l)u).-2du I\cEu + u)'-IMu. We can use equation (ii) to express du I\cru in terms of (/')2 +, and formula ddcl from Proposition 1.9.2 gives us that dtJ 1\ cJC u cUru = uMlogu + . u Using (i) for the M log u term and (ii) for the du 1\ cru term gives us another expression in (/a)2 +. Combining all the (/-)2 + factors results in the expression on the right hand side of (iii). For (iv). we can use dd c 3 from Proposition 1.9.2 to express M log(1 + u).) in terms of Mu). and M log u).. We then use equations (iii) and (i) to conven M IJ). and dtr log u). into expressions involving (/')2+. So doing. gives us (iv). 0 Next we give the curvature estimate for constant . LemhUI 2.5.3 UI I b a meromorphi('function. let a be a p(}int in pI, and let   (, "al numhe r btM'en 0 and I. Then 211/, all- 2 (1-).) (/I) + < 4dl£ log( 1 + III, aIl 2 .\) + 12(/- )2+. 
64 Second Main Theorem via Negative Curvalure ICh. 2 J PrrN}f. We stan with equation (iv) of Lemma 2.5.2. and then note that since o < III, a1l 2 '\ < 1, we get dd'" I()K(l + III, all) > { A211/, all- 2 ( I-) - A(A + 1) - A} (/')2+. Now. ,\ + 1 < 2, and so M IOK(l + III, all) > {  II/,all-( I-) - 3A} (/')2+, which. after rewriting, is what wa. to be shown. 0 Now we check that we can apply the Green-Jensen formula. Lemma 2.5.4 Let I be a meromorph;c function on D(R), let a be a point in pI" let ,\ be a real number> 0, and let u = III, a1l 2 . Then. for all r < R, f" dt / 10 T M log(l + u) D(t) 1 f'lJr dB 1 = 2 10 log(l + u(rei8)) 2; - 2 log (1 + u(O)). Proof. In what follows. one needs to make obvious adjustments for the ca. a = 00. We leave these adjustments as an exercise for the reader. Note that v = 10K( 1 + u'\) is continuous. and so in panicular it is continuous at O. integrable on oD(r), and satisfies condition GJ 3. The singularities of v occur at points Zo where I(zo) = a. Let w be a local coordinate around such a point Zo such that w = 0 corresponds to zoo Then, I/(w) - al 2 = Iwl 2m 8(w), where ,n i a positive integer. and ll(w) is non-zero and Coc in a neighborhood of w = O. Let w = ..., be polar coordinates in a neighborhood of Zo. To see that v tisfies GJ 4. note that by equation (iv) of Lemma 2.5.2, the dis- continuity of M v comes from the term U-(I-'\)(/')2+. To check that this is integrable reduces to checking that 1/'(w)1 2 _ I/(w) _ aI2(1-) Idw 1\ dwl 
(S2.51 The Second Main Theorem 65 is integrable in a neighborhood of w = O. Up to invenible factors. If'(w)1 2 looks like I w1 2 ( m -1) and If (w) - al 2 looks like IwI 2 ,n. Thus, the question of integrability boils down to whether I w I 2 (m-l) _ Iwl 2m (l- ,\) Idu' " dwl is integrable. Switching to polar coordinates. this is the same as p2Um-1)-m(I-)] pdpd = p-I+m dpdl.p. Since 711'\ > 0, this is indeed integrable. To check GJ 2, note that '\u-ldtJ dv = 1  . +u In a neighborhood of at = 0, IU-l I < A/lwl:l m ( -I) , for some constant AI. By direct computation, du = ,nlu'I 2 (m-1)8(w)(wdw + wdw) + Iwl 2m d/}(tl'), where 13 is a Coo function. Thus, in a neighborhood of w = 0, IU-I dul < A/'lwI2'n-1 ! for some constant AI'. If Zo  0, then dB /21f is smooth in a neighborhood of w = 0, and so dv " : < AJ"lwI 2m ,\-lldw" dwl = M" p"lm,\-I pdpd,p, for a constant AI". Thus. dB dv 1\ - 21f is integrable (and even continuous) at zo. If Zo = 0, then dB 1 - <- 21f - lUll' and so we only lose one power of p in the above estimate for dB dt, 1\ 21f ' which is therefore st ill integrable. 
66 Second Main Tbeorem via Negative Curvature (Ch. 2) It remains to check that the singular term in Stokes's Theorem makes no contribu- tion. Using the polar coordinate expression for tIC, equation (1.9.1), this amounts to verifying that lim f P O l} log (I + p1rn" fJ. ({J("» d 2 "" = o. O p  ,,= where /J I is C'X.J and non-zero in a neighborhood of UJ = O. But, by direct compu- tation. o p-Iop; (1 + p2m). 8 1 (/WI.,,)) Op p2m).ym).-1 #1 (pe') + p2m).+I0{3I/0p 1 + p2m). IJI (pel) and this clearly tends to 0 as p  O. 0 We now state the key estimate. Lemma 2.5.5 ut .\(r) be a nonincreas;ng function of r with 0 < .A < 1. ut I be a non-con.ttant meromorphic function. Given q distinct point. a I , . . . , a q in pI, we Mve for all r < R, il ( ) 2q log 2 12qT(/, r) OA.r < A2(r) + A(r) · Proof. Because 0A, and hence also il (()\ , r), are additive in the a J' it suffices to verify the inequality when q = 1. Thus. we may assume QA(Z) = II/(z),all- 2 (I-A(I:I»(/ C (z))2, for some point a in pl. Let ). = A(r), and let. o).(z) = n/(z),all- 2 ('-).)(/I(z))2. Since .\ is nonincreasing and between 0 and 1, II/(z),all- 2 (I-A(I:I» < II/(z),all-2(1-\(,.» foralllzi < r. Hence. .  1l ( 0 A , r) < 1l ( () )., r). Then. from Lemma 2.5.3. we get 1l( 0)., r) d('f 1 ,. dt f ill, all- 2( 1-),) (I' )2+ u t D(I) < ;2 1 r  f Mlog(1 + II/.aIl 1 ") + I: l r 7 f (f)2. D(t) D(t) 4 (r dt f ;l)' 12 0 - >.2 )0 T Mlog(1+II/.all )+TT(f,r). D(t) 
(S2.SJ The Second Main Theorem 67 Now, applying the Green-Jensen formula in the form of Lemma 2.5.4. we get f" dt / 10 t M log(l + III, aIl 2 '\) D(t) 1 1 2" dB 1 = - log(1 + II/(re t '), aIl 2 '\) - - - 2 Iog(1 + 1I/(O),aIl 2 '\). 2 0 2 Since 11/( z), all < I, we get o 2 log 2 12. 'H(o,\, r) < 2 + >:t(/, r). [J In the above curvature estimate we used the additivity of {}A in the a j. However. it is "'fA that we will need in our proof of the Second Main Theorem. Thus, we need a way to go from "'fA to GA. We do this by what is known as a "product into sum" estimate, which we now state. Proposition 2.5.6 (Product Into SUDI) Let aI, ..., a q be q distinct points in pl. TMn. for all w  aj in pI, andfor all  with 0 <  < I, we have q q II IIw, a l l1- 2 ( 1-'\) < e 2D (GI....G.) L IIw, Uj 11- 2 ( 1-,\), J=I j=1 where D(a",.. ,a q ) = -logmn II lIa., aj II + (q - I) log 2, J . tJ just as in PlrJpo.tition 1.2.3. Proof Let ( I ) q-I s= 2 minllllai,ajll, J ij and note that by the triangle inequality, i.e. Proposition 1.2.3, q II IIw,a J II- 2 (1-'\) < .-2(1-,\) mlIw,aJII-4!('-'\) . I J J= q < s - 2( I - ,\) L II w, a j 11- 2( I - ,\) . j=1 Since 8,  < I, we have 8- 2 (1-'\) < s-2, and the proposition follows from the definition of V(al , . . . , a q ). 0 We have a... an immediate corollary: 
68 Second Main Theorem via Negative Curvature (Ch. 2) Corollary 1.5.7 log 1'.\ < OA + 2V(al, . . . , a q ). We now have all the tools we need to give the negative curvature proof of the Second Main Theorem. Proof of Thorem 2.5. J. Directly from the definition. 1 1 211 dB ,;, (f, a J' r) = 2 0 lop; II I ( rt " ), a j 11- 2 2;' Thus. for any constant ,\.. 1 1 2,.. " d8 (I - >'),h(f, a j, r) = 2 0 log III (rl,I'). a J 11- 2(1 -.\) 211" Combining this with the Proposition 2.4.2. we get that 9 L (1 - ,\) m (I, a J ' r) - 2T (I t r) + ftl r . m (I t r) J=I 9 1 (21l . d8 - L 2 10 log II/(rc " ).a J II- 2 (hA) 2; J=1 0 1 (1.Jr dB + 2 10 1()p;(f(rei'))2 211' - "'1 (f). So. if we let ''1.\(z) = (ll.II/(Z),llJII- 1 (1-.\») (f(z))2. we have that 9 L(l - ).)Th(f.. a J .. r ) - 2t(f,r)+N r . m (f.r) J=1 1 ('l1l "' d8 = 2 10 log 'h(r,,' ) 211' - "'1(f). Note that r remains constant in the integral on the right. so if we let 1 A{r) = (f)' (IT t r and let ,\ = . \ ( r), we get q L( 1 - .\(r))';,(/,oJ. r)-2T(/.. r) + 1\',....(/.. r) J=l 1 ('J'" dB = 2 10 log 1,\ (rei') 211' - /}.z(f). 
lS2.S) The Second Main Theorem 69 By concavity of the logarithm. Theorem 1.14.1. (2. d9 (2W d9 J o log'1'A (re i8 ) 211' < lop; J o '1'.\ (re i8 ) 211" Note that by the definition of ro.. .\ (,.) < 1 for all r > TO' Therefore. by the product into sum estimate. Lemma 2.5.7. 1 2. d9 1 1. d9. lop; 0 1.\ (re I8 ) 2; < log 0 0.\ (re i8 ) 211' + 2'l>(ol.' . . , U.,). for all r > roo Because 0.\ > (fC)2t we have 1l(o.\.r» lforr > ro and 6. / 0.\+ > 1. D( ro) Therefore we can apply the growth lemma. Lemma 2.2.5. to get the existence of a mea.urable set of radii E such that 1 dr . - < 21:0(.;:). E <t>(r) and such that for all r > ro t 1 2. dB log 0 n.\ (rf'i8) 211' tiJ( 6. r F( r) fj,;;» ) < lop; F(r) + log { t/';» } + log (r) where F(r) = 1l(o;\,r). From the curvature computation. Lemma 2.5.5. we get that F( ) 2qlog2 12qT(ft r) r < 2 + . - .\ (r) .\(r) Substituting l/qt(f, r) for At we get F(r) < (2q:' JOK 2 + 12q'l)T2(f. r) = b:J(q)T2(f. r). At this point. we have q (1 - .A(r)) E ,n(f, (I). r) - 2T(/. r) + N,am (I, r) );1 
10 Second Main Theorem via Negative Curvature (Ch. 2)   logb 3 t 2 (f, r) + log { tP(:;;{' r)) } tjJ (b1rb:tt'l(f, r) tP(b:t:;;{, r)) ) + log .p(r) . -(/) + 1'(al,..' ,a,). By the definition of T(/, r), we have that if 1(0)  aj, then T (I, r) - N (I, a j , r) = m (I, a j , r) + log III (0), a j II < ,h( I, a j, r). If 1(0) = aj for some j, then for that particular j, T(/, r) - N(/, aj, r) S m(/, a J , r) + C, where C = { max{o, log lilc(1 - aj, O)I} if a J  00 max{O, -log lilc(/, O)l} if aj = 00. Hence. keeping in mind that 0 < A(r) < I, (I - .\(r)) ( qt(f,r) - t N(f, aj, r) ) < (1 - .\(r)) t m(f,aj' r) + C. J=I J=I Thus. , (I - 4\(r))qT(/,r) - LN(/,aj,r) J=1 , , < (I - .A ( r)) L '11 (I, a j , r) + C - \ ( r) L N ( I, a j . r) j= 1 j= 1 , , < (I - A(r)) L m(/, aJ' r) + C + L nlax{O, -N(/, aj, r)} J=I J=I q  (1-.\(r))L m (/,aJ,r)+b 4 , j=1 
IS2.6 J A Simpler Error Term 11 by our choice of constant h4. Recalling that 1 A(r) = 0 , qT(/. r) leaves us with q q qT(f, r) - L .""(/, aj, r) < (1 - .\(r)) L m(/, a J , r) + h4 + 1. J:I J=I and completes the proof of the theorem. 0 2.6 A Simpler Error Term As wa done by Z. Ye lYe 199IJ. we now use a calculus lemma (Lemma 2.2.6) to show that the error terms in the theorems in this chapter can be simplified at the cost of enlarging the exceptional set by a I ittle bit. Theorem 1.6.1 (RanUftcation Theorem) LLt f IH a non-constant memmorphic function on D(R). LLt fjJ, t/J, ko, hi, and   defined as in 2.3. Then. there exist.f a measurable set E of radii with f dr < J F: 4>(r) - 8ko(tb) .uch that for all r outside E and so large that T(/, r) > max{e, hi (I)}, the following inequality holds: Nr.m(f, r) - 2t(f, r) 1: 1jJ(T(f, r)) 1 ( { r }) < 2 log T(f. r) + log 4>(r) + i 10g tb max e, 4>(r) - b-l(f). Proof Define ti ' . as in lemma 2.2.6 with p = 4. Apply Theorem 2.4.3 with fjJ., which provides an exceptional set such that /, dr F. 4>(r) < 8ko( t/!). We now examine the terms on the right-hand side of the inequality of Theorem 2.4.3 one by one. We leave the term (1/2) log T(f, r) alone. For the next term. we have 1/1.(t) < 1/1.(t 4 ) < 1jJ(t), fort > 1 
72 Second Main Theorem via Negative Curvature (Ch. 21 by construction. and so I, tj'.(T(f.r)) < 11 tiJ(T(f.r)) 2 og (r) - 2 og (r) . We now come to the term involving ,.., (b T  (f ) 1J"e (T(f, r)) ) t.i . t r  r (r) . By construction. fP.(T(f,r)) < Tt/-t(f,r) < T(f,r). Moreover. we assume that t(f, r) > ht. Thus. h T (f ) tiJ.(T(f.r)) < T3 (f ) tr ,r (r) - (r) ..r · . If T(f.. r) > r/(r), then the above expression is < T4(f, r). If. on the other hand. T(f, r) < r/(r), then the above expression is < (max{e, r/(r)})4. By construction. we have that 1jJ. (t 4 ) < 1/J(t), and so we have ( .. 1/ J e(T(f,r)) ) «- log 1;". hI rT(f. r) <{>(r) < log )(T(f. r)) + log fiJ(max{ r.. r / (j,(r)}). The proof is completed by combining these estimates. 0 As was mentioned earlier. we know from the work of Z. Ye [Ye 1991) that the coefficient 1/2 in front of the term log t(f, r), the dominant term in the error term. is best possible. and the term log ,;'(T(f, r))/(r) is also necessary. It is not known if the term 1 2 log 1JJ ( m ax { e, r / 4J ( r ) } ) is extraneous. and it remains an open question whether one can prove , · 1. 1P(T(f,r)) N,....(f. r) - 2T(f, r) < 2 10g T(f. r) + log <{>(r) + O( 1) fur all r sufficiently large and outside a set whose measure with respect to  de- pends only on .;J. We can use the same trick to simplify the error term for the Second Main Theo- rem. This time Lemma 2.2.6 is applied with p = 5, and we leave the details as an exercise for the reader. 
[2.11 Uninlegratcd Second Main Theorem 13 Theorem 2.6.2 (Second Main Theorem) LLt at,..., a q In a finite set of dis- tinct points in pt, and let I In a non-constant memmorphic /unction on D(R). LLt 1/J, t1J, D(at,..., a q ), ko, b l , , b 3 - and b 4 be defined as in 2.3. Then. theTP exists a mea.furable set E of radii with f dr < lOko(1/J) JE t1J(r) - .fuch that for all rand out.fide E and so lal'Re that T(/,r)  max{e,bt(/)b:J(q)}, the following inequality holdf: q (q - 2)T(/, r) - L N(/,a), r) + N,.m(/, r) )=1 < logT(f,r) + log 1/I()r)) +  IOK' (max {e. q,r) }) 1 .. +2Iogb3(q) - b-l(/) + 1'(al,.'. ,a q ) + b 4 (/,a.,... ,a q ) + 1. In particular. if t1J(r) > r, then for all r as above, q (q-2)T(/,r) - LN(/,aj,r)+N,.m(/,r) j=t < logt(f,r) + log 1/I(;r)) + 0(1). 2.7 The Unintegrated Second Main Theorem In  1.12. we briefty discussed the unintegrated First Main Theorem.. which said that if I is a non-constant meromorphic function on C, then for all a, there exists a sequence of r -+ oc such that A(f,r) = / rw. D(r) By 4'differentiating U the Second Main Theorem. we get what is known as the "unin- tegrated Second Main Theorem." ,1(/, a, r) < .4(/, r) + 0(1), where Theorem 2.7.1 (Unlntegrated Second Main Theorem) If I is a memmorphi,. junction on C and at, .... (I, aTP q distinct points in pt, Ihen q (q - 2).4(/, r) - L n(/. n), r) + n..n.(/, r) < 0(.4(1, r)) J=:t for a sequence of r -+ 00. 
14 Second Main Theorem via Negative Curvature (Ch. 2) In [Ahlf 1935b). in work that won Ahlfors one of the first Fields medals. Ahlfors developed a theory of "covering surfaces" to interpret Nevanlinna's theorems as ge- ometric propenies of the covering surface determined by the meromorphic function I. In panicular. Ahlfors proved the following. Theorem 2.7.2 LLt 1 be a non-con.ftant memmorphi,' function on C and let 1I1' ..., a q be a finite set of distinct points in Pl. Then. q L lI(I)(/,aj, r) > (q - 2)A(/.r) - kL(/. r), j=1 ,,'heTP k is a po.fitive constant, L(/, r) i.f the length of thf' boundar)' of the CI}V. ering .fur/ace determined by 1 TPstricted to D(r), and ml}I'PO,'er; I . · f L(/, r) 0 1m In A(I ) = · r:)O , r Ignoring the geometric interpretation of L(/, r), the statement of Theorem 2.7.2 is weaker than Theorem 2.7.1. which was a trivial consequence of the Second Main Theorem. but the significance of Theorem 2.7.2 is its geometric character and proof. Ahlfors's method allowed him to generalize his theory to both quasiconformal map- pings and to replace the "points" a j by simply connected domains D j' We will not attempt to give a detailed account of Ahlfors.s theory here. We simply remark that Theorem 2.7.2 can be viewed as the natural generalization of the Riemann- Hurwitl Theorem to meromorphic functions. The geometric basis for Value Distri- bution theory developed by Ahlfors in [Ahlf I 935bJ and the explicit connection he made between the Second Main Theorem and the "Gauss-Bonnet Formula" in [Ablf 1937) were profoundly impol1ant in extending Nevanlinna's theory to qUa.iconfor- mal mappings and to higher dimensional holomorphic mappings. For a detailed discus-ion of Ahlfors's theory, we refer the reader to [Ahlf 1935bJ. [Nev(R) 1970], or [Hay I964J. In the case of entire functions. some may consider it more natural to compare the counting functions n (I, a J ' r) to loll. AI (I, r). In [Berg 1997 J t W. Bergweiler gives a lower bound on the unintegntted counting functions associated to an entire function in terms of log AI (I, r) that is analogous to the Second Main Theorem. This is more subtle than Theorem 2.7.1 because one must be able to compare the counting functions to .4(/, r) and A(/, r) to log Al (I, r) using the same sequence of r  00. 2.8 A Uniform Second Main Theorem In Theorem 2.5.1. the constants ro, hl,, and h.. depend on the function I. For some of our applications. we wish to bound these constants uniformly in I. Recall 
12.81 Uniform Second Main Theorem 7S that if I( 0)  01,..., 0q, then the constant h4 is zero, so for convenience we now assume that 1(0)  OJ for all j. We wish to bound the remaining constants uniformly in I. In particular, if we normalize our function so that 1'(0) = 1, then we would like to find explicit bounds for these constants, independent of I given this nonnalization. Of course, once we normalize 1'(0) to be 1, then  = 0 directly from the definition. Thus, we are faced with bounding ro and hi. We begin with an estimate for rOt which follows easily from the First Main The- orem. lbe inequality in Theorem 2.5.1 is valid for all r (oulide an exceptional set) greater than ro, where ro is such that t(/, ro) > e. We are thus looking for a universal constant ro such that if 1'(0) = I, then T(/, ro) > e for all such I. In fact. we can take ro to be the number e, which is an easy consequence of the following proposition. Proposition 1.8.1 UI I In a fMmmorphic junction on D(R) with 1.(0)  O. Then flYr all r < R, we have T(/, r) > log r + log 1'(0). Proof. Because replacing I by 1/1 affects neither 1 1 (0) nor T(/, r), by The- orem 1.11 .3, we assume that 1(0)  00. In that case, the First Main Theorem and equation ( 1.2.4), which defines t, give us T(/,r) = T(/,/(O),r) = m(/, 1(0), r) + N(/, 1(0), r) + log I He (I - 1(0) to) I + 2 log II I (0), 00 II. Now, ';, IS always positive, and directly from the definition. since I is assumed un rami fied at 0, N (I, I (0), r) > log r. Since I'({D)  0, the other two terms combine together to give log 1'(0). 0 Corou.ry 2.8.2 If 1 1 (0) = 1, then T(/, r) > e /tlr all r > e, or in other words. ""0 (I) < ef'. Remarlk. The function I (z) = z shows that the constant e cannot be improved. The estiimate for hi is more involved than the very elementary estimate we just gave fur r(O. Recall that hi is a con stant such that d b. ro dr t(f, r) > e, ro or what is nhe same thing, / (J')2ft > ;: . D( ro) 
76 Second Main Theorem via Negative Curvature ICh. 2 J In the case weare interested in we will take ro = e, so the estimate for hi amoUnts to finding a lower bound for A(f, (''') = / (f' )24». D(. ) Geometrically this integral measures how much area on the Riemann sphere is cov- ered by the function j. Thus giving an upper bound on hi amounts to giving a lower bound on the spherical area covered by j. The constant hi is then also a natural geometric constant. We base our bound on hi on the following theorem of Dufresnoy (Duf 1941 J. Theorem 2.8.3 (Dufresnoy) Suppose j is meromorphic on D(R) and suppo.fe .4(j.R) < 1. Then. for all 0 < r < R.. we have 1 A(j, r) <  .4(j, R) r'l 1 - .4(j, r) R2 1 - .4(j, R) . Moreover. [j -(O) ) 'l <  .4(j, R) - R'l 1 - .4(j, R) . Proof. To prove the theorem we need a spherical isoperimetric inequality. which we will prove in 2.9. Theorem 2.9.3 will tell us that because .4(j, R) < 1, we have A(j, r)[l - .4(j, r)) < (L(j, r))2, for all r < R. where f2rr dB L(f, r) = 10 j'(re") 2,.. ' We apply the Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality to the L"l term. [L(f,rW < [L 21r 1  ] [L 21r [j'(r("'W  ] . We recognize the right hand side as {2tr (f'(re"W d8 _ 10 271' 1 d.4(j, r) 2r dr _ ! tI.4(j, r) 2 d log r · and hence we have dA(j, r) 2A(f, r)[l - A(f, r)] < dlog r · 
12.81 Unifonn Second Main Theorem 71 Thus, 2f R di f R d.4(/,r) ogr < , r r .4(1. r)[1 - .4(/, r)} and we get I R2 < I .4(/, R)/[l - .4(/. R)} og2_og [ 1 } . r .4(/, r)/ 1 - .4{ , r) Exponentiating resulL in I A(/, r) < I .4(r, R) rI-A(/,r) R 1-.4(/,R). Now, for r near 0, we see from the definition of .4(/, r) that .4(/, r) is like [/'(O)}2 r 2. Thus" taking the limit as r -+ 0 in the above inequality results in [/ .(0) } 2 <  A(/, R) 0 - /(l 1 - A(/, R) · CoroUary 1.8.4 Set b 1 =e(l+e- 2 t') If 1 is a memm(}rphic function with 1'(0) = I, then - d ' hi ro dr T(/, r) > e, ro for all ro > e . Remark. Again the function I(z) = z shows the constant b, cannot be im- proved Proof. It suffices to assume .4 (I, e) < 1, in which ca. we can apply Theo- rem 2.8.3 to conclude that 1 = [1'(0)]2 <  A(f,e t ) . - f/lt' 1 - A(/, et') Isolating .4{/. ef') gives us that A ( J, (') > 1 1 2 · - + p-  Taking the reciprocal and multiplying by e gives us our bound. 0 
78 Second Main Theorem via Negative Curvature (Ch. 21 Theorem 2.8.5 (Uniform Second Main 1beorem) LLt a I, ..., a q In a finite set of di.ftinct points in pi, and let 1 In a nOn-COft..ftant me romorphic function on D(R). AS.fume further that 1(0)  a J for all j and that 11(0) = 1. LLt 1/J, 4J, o !to, b3, and D(al,.. ., aq)..1n defined as in 2.3 (and note that none of the con- .'.tants dendf on I). LLt b l < 2.74  the constant defined in Corollary 2.8.4. Then. thelP exists a measurable set E of radii with f dr J E cf>(r) < 2ko( "') .fu,.h that for all r > f and outside E, the following inequa!it.v holds: q (q - 2)T(/, r)- L N(/, aj, r) + Nr.m(/, r) J=I <  logt2(f,r) +Iog{ tiJ(b 3 :;;{'r)) } ./. ( b b T 2 (1 ) fjJ(b3T2(/, r)) ) 'P I r 3 , r 4J( r ) 4J( r ) + log . + D( a I , . . . , a q ) + 1.. Proof Given Corollary 2.8.2 and Corollary 2.8.4. this "theorem" is an immediate corollary of Theorem 2.5.1. 0 2.9 The Spherical Isoperimetric Inequality In this section we introduce the spherical isoperimetric inequality which we needed () prove Theorem 2.8.3. which we used in 2.8 to give the best possible estimate on b l . Our presentation here is potential theoretic and based on a paper of A. Huber (Hub 1954J. with some ideas from [Ran 1995]. As such. this section is of a rather different character from the rest of the book. We work toward our goal of our spe- cific case of the isoperimetric inequality as quickly as possible and do not attempt to give a detailed introduction to potential theory or isoperimetric inequalities in general. To try to keep things as simple as possible for those reader unfamiliar with potential theory and subhannonic functions. we work only with the specific subhar- monic functions we have already met in this chapter. Those already familiar with the theory will recognize the general principles behind what we do here. Those readers 
12.91 Sphericallsoperimetric Inequality 79 interested only in Nevanlinna's theory may skip this section without impairing their understanding of the rest of the book. We begin with the Ahlfors-Beurling Inequality [AhlBeu 1950). Theorem 2.9.1 (Abifors-BeurUnllnequaiity) LLt K be a ,.ompact .fub.fet of C and let .4 = f" 4-, wheTP 4- i.f the Eu,-lidean form defined in  J. 9. Then, for an)' z in C, f 1 (w) < VA. ]I\W-Z Proof The inequality is clear if A = 0, so we may assume .4 positive. By translating and rotating K, we may assume that z = 0 and that f" u,-I 4-( w) IS positive. Let  = {W : Re (  ) > 2 } · which is a disc of radius VA. Then. since f K w- I 4-( w) is real, i  (w) = i Re (  ) (w). By the definition of , and since f  = A = f , ] ]" we have i R (  ) (w) < I Rc (  ) (w) + I 2 1 a (w) I\() K\( K()) = I Re (  ) (w) + I 2 (w). "()  \( K()) Thus, f .!.(w) < f R(' ( ! ) 4-(u,) ]" w ] w = f  1 2 VA COlt (I C05 (J rdrdD _ VA. 0 w O r 1r - I This leads immediately to the following version of the planar isoperimetric in- equality. 
80 Second Main Theorem via Negative Curvature (eb. 2) Theorem 2.9.2 (Isoperlnletric Inequality) ut F be analytic on D( r). Then. f 1F12+ < [1 2 " 'F(re;'),  r · D(r) Remark. This form of the isoperimetric inequality is due to Carleman [Carl 1921]. Proof. Let G be analytic on D(r) such that G' = F. Define and A d.r f 1F12+ = f G.+. D(r) D(r) L d.' f2" IF(re i ')1 28 = t.IG'(rl")1 2(J . 10 21r 10 21r Then. by a change of variables formula that counts multiplicity. .4 = f G... = f [ (2rr G'(z) dZ ] "(w) 10 G(z) - w 21r N D(r) (.(D(r) - _ 1 2rr f 1 A.. (w) G'(z)dz [ Fubini J 'If' G(z) - w 21r N (;(D(r») < 1 2 " f I G ' ,9 I dB G ( z) - w · ( t1! ) I ( re ) 211' G( D( r» f G(D(r) 1 (2rr dB G(z) - IJ1 +(w) 10 IG'(reiO)1 r,; (Ahlfors- Bcurl ing 1 < f +(w). L G(D(r)) (Change of Variables] < f G... L = LJA. 0 D(r) Remark. One sees the geometric content of the theorem most clearly when one thinks of F = G' with G a conformal homeomorphism of D(R). Then. Theo- rem 2.9.2 says that of all curves of a fixed length, none encloses more area than a 
(S2.9) Sphericallsoperimetric Inequality 81 circle. In fact. one can also show that if equality holds. then the boundary curve must be a circle. Now we will work towards a spherical isoperimetric inequality. For the remainder of this section we will let I be a meromorphic function on D(R), and will will have o < r < R. We also define (2rr de L(/, r) = 10 f(re'o) 271' A(/, r) = / /"w = / (/')2,.. D(r) D(r) Theorem 1.9.3 (Spherkallsoperimetric InequaBty) Wi,h notation as above. 4(/, r)(1 - A(/, r)} < (L(/, r)}2. Remark. Note that the spherical isoperimetric inequality only has non-trivial content when A(/, r) < I. This should not be a surprise because if A(/, r) is more than one. then I can map D(r) onto the whole sphere. Before proceeding to prove Theorem 2.9.3. we need to recall the notion of "sub- harmonic function." A function  is said to be subharmonk if for every point Zo and for every p such that the disc Iz - zol < p is in the domain of , we have 2rr . dB ,p(Zo) < 1 4>(zo + pe'o) 271' · This inequality is known as the sub mean value property. Compare this with the mean value property of harmonic functions. where equality holds. A Iso note that if a harmonic function is added to or subtracted from a subharmonic function, the result is still subharmonic. As in the previous sections we choose holomorphic functions 10 and I. without common zeros so that I = I. / 10, and we let W be the Wronskian of 10 and I. . Proposition 1.9.4 The functions z  log 11' ' ( z ) I and z  log(l/o(z)1 2 + 1/.(z)1 2 ) are subharml1nic on D( R). Proof. Fix Z() in D(R) and let p < R - Izol. We need to show log IW(zo)I < 1 271 loglW(zo + IX"')I  and log( IJo(zoW + IJdzo)12) < 1 271 log(IJo(zo + pt'j')1 2 + IJdZo + pt'j' )1 2 ) . 
82 Second Main 1beorem via Nelative Curvature (Ch. 2) If Z() is a zero of W, then the inequality is clear. so we may assume log IWI is continuous at Z(). Thus. we have by continuity in both cases. that 1 2" . dB log 1""(Zo)1 = lim log IW(Zo + ee")1 _ 2 £-+0 0 1r log(1 lo(zo) 1 2 +1/. (Z(») 1 2 ) 2" = lint { logO/o(Zo + fe"W + 1ft (zo + u")12) d8 2 . t-+oJo 1r and In both cases. we use Stokes's Theorem (Theorem I. 10.1) to compare the inte- gral along I Z() - z I = p and I Z() - z I = e. Noting that away from singularities titr log 11'''1 = 0, we have {2rr _ dB {2" . dB 10 loglW(Zo + pe")1 2 11' > 10 loglW(Zo +ce")I2; by Proposition 1.1 1.2. On the other hand, {2rr dB 10 logO/o( Zo + fe")1 2 + 1ft (Zo + cei9)12) 211' {2" dB > 10 logO/o(Zo + pei')1 2 + 1ft (zo + pe")12) 211' by Proposition 1.1 1.1. 0 We now use Theorem 1.1.5 to create harmoni functions associated with the two subharmonic functions in Proposition 2.9.4. Hencefonh we fix r so that the Wron- skian 'I. has no zeros on the circle Izi = r, and let P(z, () be the Poisson kernel. Dc fi ne u. (z) = f: rr log 1"'(rei')IP(z, rei')  U2(Z) = f: rr log(l/o(re i ')1 2 + III (rei')12)P(z rei') : . Then. by the definition of P and Theorem 1.1.5, ". and U2 are harmonic functions that agree with log 1""'''1 and log(l/012 + 1/.12) respectively on the boundary circle Izl = r. Let .., . ( z) = U I (z ) -log I W ( z ) I and "'2 (z) = U2 (z )-log(l/o(z )1 2 +1/. (z) 12). Then. because -.., 1 and -"'2 are subharmonic functions that are identically zero on the boundary circle Izl = r, we see from the sub mean value property for sub- harmonic funct ions that .., 1 and "'2 are non-negative functions. We also define I U = u. - U2. , 
IS 2.91 Spherical lsoperimetric Inequality 83 It turns OUt it will be useful to have an integral representation for "'2, so we briefly introduce here the concept of a .'Green's function;. which has a close relationship with the Poisson kernel. We define the Glftn's function g(z, () for D(r) by r 2 - (z g(z, () = log r(z _ () · Notice 9 is harmonic in both variables except for the singularity at z = (. Notice also that 9 is defined in tenns of a Mobius automorphism of D(r). Those readers familiar with distribution theory will recognize this as a distribution that inverts the Laplacian. We make a connection here to the Poisson kernel. Proposition 2.9.5 LLt g(z, () be the Green'sjunction/or D(r) and let P(z, () In the Poisson kernel. Then/or 1(1 = r and all z E D(r), we have -d(g(z,() = P(z,()tflogl(1 Remark. The ( in the subscript of tJC is to remind us that we are differentiating with respect to ( and keeping z fixed. Proof. Let ( = T(w) = r 2 .(z -_w) , r 2 - zw as in Proposition 1.1.1. Then. Proposition 1.1.1 tells us that for Iwl = r, cE log Iwl = P(z, ()tf log 1(1. But. I 1 1 1 r 2 (z - () og w = og r 2 _ i( =Iog r 2 (z --() r 2 - (z =-g(z,() + logr 0 This allows us to find our integral representation for "'2. ProposItion 2.9.6 With th notation above. +2(Z) = 2 / g(z,()/"w«). <eD(r) 
84 Second Main Theorem via Nelative Curvature [Ch. 2) Proof By Proposition 1.11. I. we have / g(z,()rw«) = / g(z,()M IOK<I 10 «H' + IIa«W). (ED(r) (ED(r) Let 0 and tJ be C 2 functions. Then. d(oC£ 13 - :Jet' (}) = do " cf tJ + oM jj - dfl " tf' (} - /JM o. Since do " cE/l = d(J " If" 0, we find from Stokes.s Theorem that, / oM{J - / (JMo = / ofFfJ - / llcEo. D(r) D(r) 1.I=r 1:I=r We will apply this with o() = g(z,() and P() = log(l/o()1 2 + II. ()12), although we have to remember that 0 is singular at z. In fact, except for this singu- larity, 0 is harmonic. and hence we can use Proposition 1.11.2 to calculate that the singular term in Stokes's Theorem will be precisely - log(l/o(z)fl + 1/,(z)1 2 ). Because g( z. () = 0 for 1(1 = r, we only have to compute the boundary term -1271log(l/o(re.")f'! + IIa(re")1 2 )fFg(z,rc") 1 211' dB = ! log(l/o(re"H' + IIa(re")1 2 )P(z,re iO )- 2 0 2 I = 2u:z(z) from Proposition 2.9.5 and the definition of U:z. Putting this together we find 2 / g( z, ()rw«) = U2( z) - log( I/o(z W + II, (z W!) = "':l( z). 0 (ED(r) We nuw begin putting together the proof of Theorem 2.9.3. We being by applying the planar iperimetric inequality as follows. Lemma 2.9.7 If Ii i.f the harmonic function defind earlier in this s("tion. then ! e:luJII < [L(/,rW. D(r) 
12.9) Spherical I soperi metric lnequalily 85 Proof Let u. be a conjugate harmonic function for u on D(r). Then F = ea,+ ,a,- is holomorphic on D(r) with IFI = e U . Thus. the planar isoperimetric inequality (Theorem 2.9.2) tells us f [ 2w dB ] 2 e2u < 1 e." (rl"o) 271" . D(r) Because .., I and '11 2 vanish on 1:1 = r, the integral on the right is just 2w dB 1 exp[log I W (re" ) I-Iog( I foe re." W + If. (re" W)] 271" 1 2w dB = /-(r(!UJ) - = L(/, r). 0 o 211' Beginning of the proof of Theorrm 2.9.3. Let ..4(/, r). 1l, 'III, and '11 2 be defined as earlier in the section. Then. .4(/, r) = f rw D(r) = f (jD)2 D(r) = f exp(2[logIWI-log(lfoI 2 + If.12)]) D(r) = f e 2 "-2"'. +2"'2 D(r) < f 12U+:l.2 D(r) since 'III is non-negative. Let '1(z) = L; ('xp(u + iu.), where again u. is a conjugate harmonic function for u On D(r). Clearly '1 always ha. non-zerO derivative. Therefore. we can find a simply connected Riemann surface 
86 Second Main Theorem via Negative Curvature (eb. 2) ..\ spread over a planer domain D so that ..\' is conformally homeomorphic to D(r). Then. let T be the isometric mapping from X down onto D. By the change of variables formula. f e2u+2'1t2,. = f e 2 '1t 2 IrlI 2 ,. = 1 e2'1t2o,,-loT:F0,.. .'( [)(r) [)(r) We now take a break from the proof of Theorem 2.9.3 in order to make some estimates on the surface 4"(. Our first lemma comes from (PoSz 1945.IV.89J. Lemma 2.9.8 LLt D be a planar domain and let T : X  D be an alUJlytic map with non-vanishing derivative from a simply connected Riemann surface ..\'. Assume 1 :F 0 " < 00. .'( LLt Q : ..\'  D(p) be a ('onfonnal homeomorphi.fm of .-\' onto a disc. and choose p so that p2 = { :F 0 ". lx Then for all p' < p, f :F 0 " < (p')2. v - · ( [)( p' )) Proof. Write :)0 ToQ-l(Z) = LcnZ n . n=O Then. ( 1 p 1 271' 00 00 dB A d.f J, :F 0 " = L L nJRCncmtm+n-2ei(n-m)' 21r 2tdt. x 0 0 n = 1 nl = 1 By periodicity. the 8 integrals remove all terms from the sum where m 1: n, and we are left with { l pOC 00 lJ :F 0 " = Ln2lcnl2t2n-22tdt = L n lc n l 2 l n , x 0 n=1 n=1 Similarly. a d.r f :F 0 " = f: nlc n I 2 (p')2n. (;_1 ([)(p')) n= I 
(S2.9) Sphericallsoperimetric Inequality 87 Thus, A p2 -;; - (P')2 = 00 (p'fl p2 L nlc ra I 2 (p2n-2 _ (p')2n-2) n=2 > 0 00 - · L nl(.ul4!(p')2n-4! '.= 1 The lemma follows from the assump(ion that ..4 = p"J.. 0 Corollary 2.9.9 LLt .\'  the Riemann surface for the proof of TheoTPm 2.9.3. Choo.fe p .fO that l = ( T.. J..'( LLt Zo in .\' and let Q be a conformal homeomorphi.fmfmm .\' onto D(p) such that Q(zo) = o. Note that such a Q exists by the Riemann mapping theoTPm. Assume A(j, r) < 1. LLt g(z,O) = log p - log IzllH the Green"s function on D(p). Then. ( [ A j ) I'! ) 0 ] . (L(j, r)]2 J x exp 2 ( · r g((z. ) T  < 1 - A(/. r) · Proof. Because the level lines of the function g( z , 0) are concentric circles cen- tered at the origin in D(p), we conclude from Lemma 2.9.8 that Ix (>xp[2.4(/.r)g(g(z).O)JT. < / exp[2A(/,r)g(z.O)] D(p) 1 21f 1 p dB = 0 0 (>xp(2A(/. r)(log p - log t) 2tdt 211' _ p2 - 1 - A(j, r). The corollary then follows from l = /'1( T. = / D(r)ez.. $ [L(/. rW, with the last inequality being Lemma 2.9.7. 0 Lemma 2.9.10 ut .Y, Q, T, and u  as above. A.fsume that A(j, r) < 1. Then ( exp[2+ 2 0,,-1 0 .T)T. < fL(/, r)):l . J.'( - 1 - A(j, r) 
K8 Second Main Theorem via Negative Curvature [Ch. 2] Proof By Lemma 2.9.6, we can compute '112 as an integral representation in- volving the Green.s functions. Pulling this up to ..\", that means L ('xp[21112 0,,-1 0.1").1".. = / cxp[4 / g(Q(z), Q(w»dJl(w»).1"... : e .\' u.e .\' where dp is the Borel measure on ..1; equal to (f 0 ,,-. 0 T). w. For N a positive constant. let g. (z, 11') = JIlin { N.. g( Q (z ), Q (w)) } and let IN = / exp[2 / 9N(Z, w)dJl(w»).1"... :e.x u.e .'( The point is that by cutting off the Green's function. the integral in the exponent is well behaved and we can nOw approximate the Borel mea.ure I' by a discrete collection of point masses. Indeed, suppose that the points WI, ..., W m with weighL q., ..., qm approximate dp, which of course implies that m L qj = 1 dJl = .4(/, r). J= I .\' For convenience, set PJ = qj/A{f,r).. Then, IN = / ('xp[2 L QJ9N(Z, w J »).1".. :e.'( m = / II [exp[2A(/, r)gN(z, Wj)JJP) .1"... :e.\' J=I Now we apply the Holder inequality to get that the integral on the right is bounded by j1 [ :L ('X1>[2A(j, r)gN(z. W J »).1"..] p) Now that the second integration is gone. we are in the situation of Corollary 2.9.9. The proof is completed by taking a limit as l\  00. 0 Completion of the proof of Theorem 2.9.3. Lemma 2.9.10 essentially completes the proof of Theorem 2.9.3. except for the technical detail that we often assumed that the Wronskian Ii" did not have any zeros On Izi = r. This is not a serious problem ince these r values are discrete and the integrals in the statement of the theorem are well-behaved for all values of r. Thus, we can conclude that the theorem holds for all values of r by, for example. Lebesgue dominated convergence. 0 
3 Logarithmic Derivatives For obvious reasons. a meromorphic function 9 is said to be a logarithmic deriva- tive if I' g- -7 for some meromorphic function I. Not any meromorphic function can be expressed as a logarithmic derivative. and thus one might ask what special properties functions which are logarithmic derivatives posses. For example. if 9 = 1'/1 is a logarithmic derivative. then aJl the poles of 9 must be simple poles. In terms of what to expect from a value distribution point of view. we again look at polynomials for a clue. If P is a polynomial. then P' ha. degree smaller than P, and so P / P stays small a.-; z goes to infinity. Of course. one cannot expect exactly this behavior in general. For example. if I = e: 2 , then I' /1 = 2z, and so II' / II  00 a. Izl  00. However. we see here that the rate at which log II' /11 approaches infinity is very slow by comparison to T(/, r). The main result of this chapter is what is known as the Lemma on the Logarithhmic Derivative (Theorem 3.4.1 ). which essentially says that if I is a meromorphic function. then the integral means of log+ II' /11 over large circles cannot approach infinity quickly compared with the rate at which T(/, r) tends to infinity. The Lemma on the Logarithmic Derivative was first proved by R. Nevanlinna and was the basis for his first proof of the Second Main Theorem. The presentation we give in this chapter is closer to that given in [GoOs 1970]. However. we incorporate various refinements from the work of A. Gordberg and A. Grinshtein [GoGr 1976J. as in the work of J. Miles (Miles 1992J. In fact. it is often the Gordberg-Grinshtein result. either in the form of Lemma 3.2.1 or in the form of Theorem 3.2.2. that is most convenient to apply in applications. particularly if One is after the best error terms. 3.1 Inequalities of Smirnov and Kolokolnikov Before stating any results about logarithmic derivatives, we derive some preliminary estimates. Our flrst lemma is due to v. Smimov (Smir 1928). 
 Logarithmic Derivalives [ Ch. 3) 1"e1lUlUl3.1.1 (Smlmov's Inequality) ut R < 00, and let F(z) be alUJlytic;n the disc D(R). For 0 < 8 < 211', define u(8) by u(8) = linlinf IF(z)l. :.......Rr... I:I<R If either of the functions Re F( z) or 1m F( z) has "onj"tant sign, then for an)' 0 ut;th 0 < (} < 1, we have 1 2" dO o u" (8) 211' < sec( 11'0/2) I F(O)l" . Proof Assume, without loss of generality. that Re F(z) > 0 for Izl < R. The function F is non-zero in D(R), and we can fix a choice of arg F(z) so that largF(z)1 < 11'/2 for Izl < R. Thus the function (z) = IF(z)IQe,o&rKF(:) is analytic in D(R). and it follows that R(' {(z)} is harmonic. Since Re F Q ( z) = 1 F( z ) I Q cos( n arg F ( z)) > 1 F ( z ) 1 Q cos( 011' /2)  we have 1 2. dO 1 2. dO IF(rr i8 )I U - < scc(()1r/2) ReF Q (re,8)- 2 = sec(nlr/2)Re(O), o 211' 0 11' and so 1. dO 1 IF(re,8)IQ- < sc((01r/2) IF(O)I Q , forany r < R. o 211' Finally. we conclude the proof of the lemma by passing to the limit as r -+ R and making use of Fatou's L-emma. 0 We will apply Smimov's inequality in the form of the following inequality due to A. Kolokolnikov, who also studied logarithmic derivatives [Kol 1974 J. Lemma 3.1.2 (Kolokolnikov.s Inequality) ut R < 00, and let {Ci} be a finite sequence of complex numbers;n D(R). For It = % 1, define L i' H(z) = . z - rlt k Then, for any a with 0 < a < I, andfor 0 < r < R. 1 1 " IH(rf'.8)I O  < (2 + 2:l-0) sec(01l' /2) ( n(H,;. R) ) <> . 
[3.11 Inequalities of Smimov and Kolokolnikov 91 Proof L-et <Pit = arg Cit , p" = 61t COS 'Pit , and qlt = It in <Pit. We can then write the function H(z) in the form H(z) = '" eiop.p,. +  z - Cit le,1 > r p,>O e i .,:, Pit L z - (', 1("" I >r p" <0 L -ei"" qlt L -ei"" qlt + H + H z - rlt Z - Cit k,l>r 1(",1> r " >0 q, < 0 '" It '" It +  z - Cit +  z - ("It 1(",I$r k,l$r 6, = 1 6, =-1 = F 1 ( z) + F 2 ( Z) + . . . + F6 (Z ) . Since for ICIt I > rand Iz I < r, we have that Re {e'..p, j (z - CIt)} < 0, we know the functions FI" . . , F4 satisfy the assumptions of L-emma 3.1.1. Therefore, for j = 1,...,4, . 1 IFJ(re i8 )IO = < sec(01l" /2) IFj(O)IO < sec(Q1I'j2) ( L IC:I ) () le,1 > r < sec(01l" /2) ( n(H, OC, R) ; n(H, 00, r) ) <> . When Izl = r, we have 1 L z - (", 1c,1 $ r - L r 2  c,.z . Ic,l$r Therefore. if we define -- '" r F 5 (z) =  2 - , Ic,lrr -CItZ 6,=1 then because when ICIt I < r and I z I < r we have Re (r 2 - Cit z) > 0, we can apply L-emma 3.1.1 to IF(re;8)1 _ IF!)(r(Jio)1 -   r:l - ,re.18 · Ie. 1 $ r 6,=1 
92 Logarithmic Derivatives ICh. 3) and we get 1 2 . IF:;(re i8 W  < !K'C(01l" /2) IFI\(OW:' < 8e('(a1l" /2) ( n("'r OO , r) ) " Similarly. we obtain {2. !F6(re i8 ) 1 0 dO < see 011" ( n(H, 00, r) ) 0 J 0 211' - 2 r · We remark that if d j are non-negative real numbers and 0 < C.t < 1, then (  d J ) 0 <  dj , and we use this remark to conclude that 1 2. dO 6 1 2. dO IH(re i ')10 - < L IFj(re")IO- o 211' )=1 0 21r < 2s(a1r/2) ( n(H,00,R) ) Q [ 2 (1- n(H,oo,r) ) "+ ( 1I(H,00,r) ) 0 ] . r  n(H, 00, R) n(H, 00, R) The proof is completed by noting that if 0 < d < 1, then (1 - d)O + cr < 2 1 -°. 0 3.2 The Gol'dberg-Grinshtein Estimate The fundamental estimate of A. Gol'dberg and A. Grinshtein [GoOr 1976J is essen- tially the following lemma bounding the integral of 1/'/ IIQ over the circle of radius r. The hound is in terms of nl(/, (0] + (00), .41), and n(/, [0] + [00], s), where S is any number> r, and by definition 111(/,[0] + [:x>],s)=111(/,0,s) + m(/,00,.4f), and 11(/.(0] + [oo],8)=n(/,0,s) + n(/,oo,8). We similarly define N (I, [0] + [:x>], s). Lemma 3.2.1 (Gol'dberg-Grinshteln) ut I be a meronuJrph;c function on D(R) (0 < R < 00), and let 0 < l} < 1. Then.for r <.41 < R, we have 1 2Jf 1'(rc.8) 1 0 dO ( S ) 0 /(re. 8 ) 211" < r(s _ r) m(f, [0) + [oc), s) +(2 + 2 3 - 0 ) Sf>{'(a1l" /2) ( n(f, [0) ; (00),8) ) " . 
13.2J The GoI'dbelJ-Grinshtein Estimate 93 Proof. L-et at,... ,a, (resp. b t ,... b q ) denote the zeros (resp. poles) of I in D(8), repeated according to multiplicity. From the Poisson-Jensen formula (Corol- lary 1.1.7), we have that for any z in D( 8) which is not a zero or pole of I, I'(z) {2. 28e. .. d',? /( z) = Jo (sei.p - z )2 log 1/(8('....) 1 211' + t ( 82 j ii . z + z  (J ) - t ( /12  b . z + z  b ) . )=1 ) ) )=t ) ) Consequently. I'(z) (2. 28 I I d." /(z) < Jo 18e'''' - zl2 log 1/(8(""')1 2 L p 0- L q b' + ) _ )- + 8 2 - ii . Z 8 2 - b . z j= t ))= t ) p 1 q 1 L z-a -L z-b . j=t ) j=t ) For 0 < () < 1 and for positive real numbers d), we know that (E d))n < E dj . Applying this to the above inequality, we get I' (z) Q < ( (2. 28 I log 1/(8ei) I I c/,J.p ) n I(z) - Jo 18e. - zl2 211" Q (t , ii- q b ' 1 q 1 + ) - ) + - .  8 2 - 0 Z  8 2 - b z  z - a -  z - b . )=t ) )=t ) j=t ) j=l ) Now. set z = rc i8 and integrate with respect to 8 to get ( 0 2Jf I' (re'8) n dB {2. ( (2Jf 2.41 I . I d\;? ) n dB Jo /(re' 8 ) 211' < Jo Jo 18e'''' - r('.81 2 log 1/(8(' "')1 211' 211' Q + ( o 2.  fI)  b) Jo  8 2 - a re. 8 -  8 2 - b re. 8 )=t ) j=l ) dB 211' a + 1 2. P 1 q 1 L re i8 - a. - L r('.8 - b )=1 ) )=1 ) = It + 12 + 13. By applying the Holder inequality and Interchanging the order of integrdtion, we see that dB 211" "lJf 2Jf dB t/a f ( f 28 I I i8 1I d ) It < Jo Jo Is("'" - rf'.81 2 IOK /(81' ) 211' 211' [2. ( [2. 1 dB ) . d = 2s Jo Jo Isf'.... - r('.81 2 211' I log 1/(8(""'>11 2: ' 
94 Logarithmic Derivatives 101. 31 By the Poisson Fonnula (Theorem 1.1.2). taking u = 1. we see that the inner integral above is equal to 1 1 ." . 8 - r- Moreover. 1 2" tip 1 2" . d 1 2" 1 d", o I log IJ(lIe''''') 11 211" = 0 log+ IJ(8f"";) 1 2: + 0 log + J(8f",p) 211" = m(/ 00,8) + 111(/,0,8) = ,,,(/, [0] + [oc],8). Thus. I, < ( 2 211 2 m(f, [0] + [00],8) ) a < ( (8 ) m(f, [0] + [00],8) ) 0 , 8 -r r8-r where the last equality follows directly from s + r > 2r. Now we estimate 1 2 . For each zero OJ (resp. each pole b j ).. let {Ij = R('o) (resp. '11j = Re b j ). and let 2j = 1m 0) (resp. 'h) = 1m b j ). Write  ii)  h j (  Ij  '1lj )  8 2 - ii z -  .,2 - h z =  8 2 - ii z -  S2 - b z ) = 1 )) = I ) ( I" >0 ) '11" < 0 ) (  -Ij  -'11) ) -  8 1 - ii'z -  8 2 - b Z (1,,$0 ) '11"0 ) _ R (  2j _  '12)_ )  8 2 - ii z  8 2 - b Z (:2" >0 ) '12" <(J ) + R (  -1) _  -rn! )  8 2 - ii z  8 2 - b Z (2" o ) '12" o ) = hi (z) - h 1 (z) - R /'3(z) + H h 4 (z). Note that we have iij and h j in the numerator, which accounts for the minus signs in the imaginary part. So. .. 1 2. dO h  L Ih)(rc,8W 211" ' j= I () Because R(, (.,2 - ii) re,8) and RE:' (8 2 - b j re iO ) are positive, we can now apply Lemma 3.1.1 to get 20 4 8 1 2 < ",2a  1 / ,)(0)1° Sf'('(01r /2) -  j=1  t [ Co Ii) I + ,,o l'Iij I) 0 + Co I{i) I + ,,o l'Iij I) 0] · 
IS3.2) The GoI'dberg-Grinshlein Eslimaie 95 Note that Itj I and l'1tj I are < s, so the last sum is $ 8 0 t. [ (/ + o 1) <> + (o 1 + o 1) a] · L-et L 1+ L 1 (." >0 '11rJ <0 < 1 "Yt = . n(/, [0] + [oc], s) - So. in other words. sa t. [(o 1 + o 1) 0 + (o 1 + '/O 1) <> ] 2 Q Q = 8 0 L [ ( "Ylrn(/, [0) + [00),8)) + ((1 - "Y1r )n(/, [0) + [00),8)) ], t=1 and hence 2a 2 8 h < (sn(/, [0) + locI, s))O Lhf + (1 - "Y1r )0). (a/2) t=1 We will now estimate the second factor on the right in the last inequality. Note that for any l' between 0 and I. and for any () between 0 and I  2 "Yo + (1 - 1')Q < 2 1 - Q and so L["Yt + (1 - "Yt )Q] < 2 2 - Q . t=1 Thus. / 1 < S.( n /2) 8 -1 a . Sa . (n( /, [0] + [00), 8)Q . 2 2 - Q = 22-0 !«'(:(mr /2) ('.(/, [0) ; locI. s) ) <> < 2 2 - 0 !«'(:(O1l' /2) ( n(/, [0) ; locI, 8) ) a , where the last inequality is simply s > r. Finally. we estimate 13 by applying L-emma 3.1.2 on D(8), whereby /3 < (2 + 2 2 - 0 ) seder1l' /2) ('.(/, [0) ; [00), If) ) 0 . 
96 Logarithmic Derivatives ICh. 3) The lemma follows by combining the estimates for I. t 1 2 and 13' 0 An imponant feature of Lemma 3.2.1 is that the constants involved are indepen- dent of the function I. One often wants to bound the integral on the left in the Lemma in tenns of the characteristic function T. Such a bound is an easy conse- quence of the lemma and the First Main Theorem. a. in the following theorem. but because of the use of the First Main Theorem. one must either formulate the bound under the nonnalizing assumptions 1(0) = 1, or one must allow the constant on the right hand side to depend on I. Our precise fonnulation of Theorem 3.2.2 differs a little bit from what is in [GoOr 19761 because Gordberg and Grinshtein chose to normali7.e I so that 1(0) = 1, whereas we prefer to treat the general case. Theorem 3.1.2 (Gol'dberg-Grinshteln) UI I be a meromlJrphic fun('Iion in D(R) (0 < R < oo).andlelO<o<l, Ihen.forro<r<p<R, we have L 2 Jf I' ( re' 8 ) Q dO ( p ) Q Q f(re'8) 211' < Cu(a) r(p _ r) (2T(/, p) + fld , where 81 = 81 (/, ro) = lordofllog+ r: + I log lilc(/.O)II + log 2 and Cu(a) = 2° + (8 + 2. 20) (11' . Remark. It turns out that we will want to apply Theorem 3.2.2 with an n such that df 1 c..(n) = -logCM(n) a is small. Thus. we let r u = inf c..(n). Q By doing some numerical calculation. we see that 1(".. $; ("..(0.7866) $; 4.5743.1 Proof. Let If = (r + p) /2. Then. Lemma 3.2.1 tells u f 0 2. 1'(rei8) 0 dO ( 11 ) 0 in f(re iO ) 211' < r(.. _ r) m(/, (01 + [001, ..) + (2 + 23-0) sec(01l' /2) ( n(/, [01 ; [001. ..) ) .. . (.) 
(3.2J The Gol tdbelJ-Grinshtein Estimate 97 Note that 8 - r = p - 8 = (p - r)j2, and so 8 = r + p < 2p . r(.4J - r) r(p - r) - r(p - r) Now. using the definitions of the Nevanlinna functions together with the First Main Theorem (Theorem 1.3.1). we see that ,,,(/,0, s) = T(/, 0.8) - N (/,0.8) 1 < T(/,O, 8) + max{O.ordo/}log+- ro < T(/,oc,s) + max{O,ordof}log+ r: + IIOKlilc(/,O)11 + log 2. Similarly. m(/.00.8) < T(/,oo.s) + max{O,-ordo/}log+(ljro), and so we have m(/, (0] + (00],8) = m(/. 0,8) + m(/, 00, II) < 2T(/, s) + 13.. Moreover. because p> 8, we know that T(/,8) < T(/,p). Thus. the first tenn on the right in (.) is less than or equal to 2 Q ( r(p r) ) Q (2T(/, p) + PdQ. Now we estimate the second term on the right in (.) in terms of T(/, p). We have P ( N(/, (0) + (00), p) + lordo/llog+ .!. ) P-8  l p dt > p n(/, (0] + (X)], t) - t P - 8 . p l p dt > 11(/, (0] + (00], 8) - p-s . p = n(/, (0] + (00],.1). Hence. 11(/, [0] + (X)], 8) < p ( N (/, (0) + (oc), p) + lordo/llog+ .!. ) P-8  < 2p (2T(/,p) + tJd. p-r where the last inequality follows from the First Main Theorem. Thus, the second tenn on the right in (.) is < (8 + 2. 2") sec(mr/2) ( r(p r) ) 0 (2T(f,p) + PdQ. 0 Choosing an n lets us bound m(/' j 1,00. r). 
9H Logarithmic Derivatives 101. 3) Coronary 3.2.3 (GoI'dberg-Grinshtein) ut 1 be a meromorphic !unt:tion on D(R) (0 < R < :)0). Then. lor any r and p with ro < r < p < R.. m(f' /1. oc. r) < log+ P(2T/, p) ; Pa) + c.. rp-r < log+T(f.p) + I(lg+ (p ) + log+ 8 1 + c.. + 21og2, rp-r ,.:here, a.f in the theorem, 8 1 = fl. (f. ro) = lordolllog+ :0 + 1 log lik(f, 0)11 + log 2. and c.. is the constant defined in the remark 101/0 wing the theorem. Remark. In [GoOr 1976]. Gol.dberg and Grinshtein consider only the case when 1 (0) = 1. but in that case they obtain rn(/' / I, r) < log+T(/, p) + log+ (p ) + 5.8501, rp-r where the 5.8501 is a somewhat better constant than what we obtain if we specialize the inequality in Corollary 3.2.3 to the cCL 1(0) = 1. PnHif. Using the concavity of log+ (Theorem 1.14.1) to pull the log+ outside the integrdl, and then using Theorem 3.2.2, we get , 1 1 2" + 1'(re i8 ) (. dO 1 f 1 2Jf 1'(r(18) Q dO rn(f /I,oc,r)=- log I( .;8) _ 2 < -log 1 8 a 0 rc. 1r 0 0 (re') 21r <.!.log+C (0) + log+ p(2T(f,p) + Pa) . - a II r(p - r) Using the identity log+ (..r + y) < log+ x + logf y + log 2, we get. log+ P(2T/. p) ; i1.} < log+T(f, p) + log + (p ) + log + 8. + 2 log 2. rp-r rp-r The proof is completed by replacing log+CII(n) with c... 0 3.3 The Borel-Nevanlinna Growth Lemma In this section we will prove another "growth'. or "calculus" lemma which will be used in contexts similar to that of L-emma 2.2.3. If the reader hCL skipped Chapter 2. he or she may now want to go back and read Section 2.1 before proceeding with the rest of this chapter. The growth lemma we state and prove here stems from E. Borel [Bor 1897]. The idea was then further developed by R. Nevanlinna (Nev(R) 1931]. The form we present here is similar to the formulations in: [Hay 1964]. [Hink 1992]. and (Wang 1997]. 
13.3 ) The Borel-Nevanlinna Growth Lemma 99 Lemma 3.3.1 ut F(r) and (j>(r) be positive. nondecreasing. continuousfunc. tions defined for ro < r < 00. and a......ume that F(r) > e for r > ro. ut (x) be a positive, nondecrecuing, continuous funt...tion defined for e < x < x. ut C > 1  a constant. and let E  the ('Iosed subset of [ro, 00) defined by E = {r E (ro,:x»: F (r + (» ) > CF(r)}. Then, for all R < x, f En(ro.RJ dr <  + 1 f F(R' dx . (j>(r) - (e) log C r x(x) Proof To ease notation. set h(r) = (j>(r)/(F(r)). We may assume the set E is non-empty. otherwise the lemma is trivial. Since E is not empty. let rl be the smallest r E E with r > ro. Now assume we have found numbers rl, . . . . r n , 81. . . . , 8n-I' We describe here how to inductively extend this set.. and we continue this process as long as possible. If there is no number 8 with F(8) > CF(r n ), then stop here. Otherwise. by the continuity of F, there exists an 8 with F(8) = C F(r n ). L-et 8n be the smallest such 8. Then. if there is an r E E with r > 8n, let r n + 1 be the smallest such r. Otherwise. stop here. For each pair rj, S j, clearly Sj > rJ' and since rJ E E, F(rJ + h(r J )) > CF(r)) = F(8j). Since F is nondecreasing. this implies r j + h( r j) > 8 j. and so 8 J - r j < II( r j ). Moreover. F(rJ+I) > F(8)) = CF(rj) since rJ+l > 8). Hence. F(rn+l) > C F(r n ) > C 2 F(rn-I) > . .. > C n F(rl)' It follows that either we could only find finitely many r n or else the sequence r n goes to 00 as n goes to :)0. L-et 1'1 < 00 denote the largest" such that r n < R. If 8n > R or could not be found, then replace 8n by R. The set En (ro, R) is clearly contained in the union of intervals N U (r n . sn). n=1 and so ". f dr (!1 ft dr 4>(r) <  Jr N 4>(r) ' En( ro. RJ 
100 Logarithmic Deri vatives ICh. 3) Because tP is non decreasing, and since S n - r n < h( r n), 1 ." dr .',. - r n 1 -< < . r" 4>(r) - 4>(r n ) - (F(rn)) Since  and F are nondecreasing, f dr N 1 lV 1 4>(r) <  {(F(r,,)) <  {(Cn-IF(r.)) "'n[ro.HI 1 1 I F (R) dll < + . - w(F(rl)) logC f'(r.) (u) The lemma follows since F(rl) > e and (x) > (e). 0 We will apply L-emma 3.3.1 in the following two contexts, depending on whether we are working with functions defined on the whole plane or only in a disc of finite radius. Lemm.3.3.2 (Plane Growth Lemma) ut F(r)  a po.itive, nondecrea.ing, cont;nuousfunction defined and > e for e < ro < r < 00. ut fIJ  a Khinchin function, and let 4>( r) IH a positive. nondecreas;ng, continuous function defined for ro < r < oc. Set p = r + 4>(r)j1J',(F(r)). If 4>(r) < r for all r > ro. then there exists a clo.ed .et E C (ro, oc) (called the "exceptional set") such that r dr J F: 4>( r) < 1 + ko ( tJl) < 00. and .fuch that for all r > ro and not in E, 'e have logF(p) < logF(r) + 1 and p tp(F(r)) log ( ) < log () + log 2. rp-r - 4>r If. on the other hand, cP( r)  r, then there exi.t. a ,.Iosed set E C (ro oc) (called the "exceptional set.. ) such that r d ( r ) < 1 + 2ko(fIJ) < oc, J. tP r and .uch that for all r > ro and not in E, 'e have log F(p) < log F(r) + 1  and log+ r(p  r) < log+ ");)) + log 2. 
(3.31 The Borel-Nevanlinna Growth Lemma 101 Proof. Apply L-emma 3.3.1 with { = ti'" C = e, and R -+ 00 to conclude there exists a set Ea such that 1 dr f F( R) d.r f oc d.r - < 1 + linl < I + = I + ko(ti') F:. 4>(r) - R-+ r .r1;..(.r) - (' x1i 1 (X) and such that F(p) = F (r + ,)) ) < f'F(r). for all r > ro and not in E.. Thus, for r not in Ea" 10gF(p) < IF(r) + I. If 4>(r) < r, then note that p 1/'(F(r)) 1 < w(F(r)) + 1 21b(F(r)) r(p - r) = q,(r) +;: q,(r) < r) · and so the lemma follows with E = Ea. If 4>( r)  r, then let E2 = {r > ro : 4>(r) > rti,(r)}, and observe that 1 dr f 'X- 1 - < = ko(t/,). 1:: 1 4>( r) - r r1i1( r) We now work with the tenn log p r(p- r) and consider various cases. For those r not in E2 such that F(r) > r > ro, we have p = 1 ( l+ p-r ) = 1/,(F(r)) ( I+ (r) ) r(p - r) p - r r 4>(r) r1f"(F(r)) < w( F ( r)) ( I + 4>( r) ) - rp(r) rti,(r) 2 tP (F(r)) < <>(r). If.. on the other hand. F(r) < r, and in addition p < 2r, then p < 2 = 2 1P (F(r)) . r(p - r) - p - r 4>( r) 
)02 Logarithmic Derivatives (01. 3) Therefore. in either of these two cases. log + P < log+ t/J(F(r)) + log 2. r(p - r) - 4>(r) The last case to consider is the case that F(r) < r 9 and p > 2r. Note that d [ P ] -r2 dp r(p - r) = r 2 (p _ r)2 < 0, and so pt-+ P r(p- r) is decreasing in p. Since 2r > p by assumption, if we replace p by 2r9 we get p < 2r =  < 2 r(p - r) - r(2r - r) r 9 where the last inequality follows since r > F(r) > e > 1. Hence in this case. log+ p < log 2. r(p - r) - The proof of the lemma is completed by taking the E to be El U . 0 Lemma 3.3.3 (Disc Growth Lemma) LLt F(r) be a positive, nondecretU;ng, ,'ontinuous function defined and > e for 0 < ro < r < R < 00, LLt t/J be a Khinch;n function. and let 4>( r) be a positive continuous function defined for ro < r < R, and ,uch that the function r t-+ (R - r)-14>(r) is nondecreas;ng. Then, there exists a clo.ed set E C [ro, R) (called the "exl:ept;onal set") .uch that r dr J F: cf>(r) < 1 + ko(v') < 00, and .uch that if we .et [ 1 (R - r)-24>(r) ] -1 p=R- R-r + ejl(F(r)) , then for all r > ro and not in E9 we have 10gF(p) < 10gF(r) + 1, and log+ (p ) < log + t/J( (;)) + log+ R 1 + log!! + log 2. rp-r r -r r Moreover. if <t>(r) < R - r, then log p < log t/J(F(r)) + log R + log 2. r(p - r) - 4>(r) r 
(S3.3J The Borel-Nevanlima Growth Lemma 103 Proof. Consider the function 1 s = ..1 ( r) = R-r whose inverse is given by 1 r = r( s) = R - -. s Clearly the functions s and r are increasing, and the function s is a bijection from the interval [ro, R) to the interval [lj(R - ro), x). Let 1 So = s(ro) = R · - ro Set F(s) = F(r(s)), and observe that F(s) is a continuous. positive. nondecreas- ing function > e on the interval [so, 00 ). Set (s) = s24>(r(s)), which by a."umption is positive. continuous. and nondecreasing on [so, 00). Thus \!e may apply Lemma 3.3.1 (with  = t/J, C = e, and R -+ oc) to get a closed set E in [so, 00) such that ( _d8 < 1 + 100(1/1), Ji 4>(s) - - and such that for all s > So and not in E, we have F ( 8 + 8) ) < eF(s). t/J( F(..1)) This can be rewritten as F ( R _ [ 1 + (R - T)-Zq,(T) ] -1 ) R - r tP(F(r)) - F (R - [s + :;:) rl) _ F ( s + 4>..') ) vJ(F(s)) - < eF(..,) = eF(r), and the inequality holds provided r is not in the set E de! r( E). Let p be as in the statement of the lemma. and note that since (s) s(p) = s(r) + _ > s(r). t/J(F(s)) 
104 Logarithmic Derivatives 101. 3) we have r < p < R. After some manipulation. one finds that 1 1I,(F(r)) 1 = + ' p-r 4>(r) R-r If (,')(r) < R - r. then 1 tlJ(F(r)) + 1 2 w (F(r)) < < . p-r- (r) - 4>(r) In general. log+ 1 < Iog+ .p((;)) + log+ R 1 + log 2. p-r 4>r -r The proof of the theorem is completed by noting that for r outside E, log F(p) < log F(r) + 1, and that by the change of variables fonnula, fdr f cL" fds< 1 0 11£ <I>(r) = 1.(1£1 8 2 <1>(8) = 1 i; 4>(8) 1jJ(F(r)) + ko(1/J). 3.4 The Logarithmic Derivative Lemma Theorem 3.4.1 (Lemma on the Log.rlthmlc DeriVlltive) ut C u be the con- ...tant from CORJllar)' 3.2,3. and let J  a nOR-constant meRJmlJrphic function Oil D(R). R < 00, Assume that T(J, ro) > ( for some ro, and that in the case n = oc that ro > e. ut 8. = fJl (J, ro) = lordo/llug+ .!.. + I log liI(:(J, 0)1 1 + log 2, ro and let 1i'J  a Khin,'hinfunct;on, ( I, In the ca...e that R = 00. let 4>( r) be a p(}.it;'.tI. nonde,'reasing. continuous fun,'tion dtlfintld for ro < r < 00. Then. the", exist... a clostld set E of radii ...u,-If that f dr fi>( r) < 2ko( 'I') + 1. E and su('h that for all r > ro out,..ide of E, we have fj'(T(J, r)) m(f'//,oc.r) $lugT(f.r) + logt q,(r) +c u + log+/jl + 31og2 + 1. 
13.4J The Logarithmic Derivative Lemma 10S Moreover. if 4>(r) < r, then f dr - < ko ( tlJ ) + 1, 4>( r ) - E and for all r > ro outside of E, we have , '.(T(J, r)) m(f / /,00, r) < log T(f. r) + lug tJ>(r) +c.. + log+;31 + 3 log 2 + 1. (2, In the case that R < 00, let 4>(r)  a positive ('ontinu(}u.function defined for ro < r < R, .uch that r ...... (R - r)-24>(r) ;s a nondecreasingfun(.t;on. Then, there exists a closed set E of radii .uch that f dr 1 (r) < ko("') + t/J(T(f, ro» < ko(t/J) + 1, E and .uch that for all ro < r < R and outside of E, we have t/J(T(J, r» + 1 m(f' / /, oc, r) < logT(f, r) + log+ () + log R 4>r -r R + log - + log+ 13. + c.. + 3 log 2 + 1. r Moreover. if 4>(r) S R - r, then tlJ(T(J, r)) m(f' / /, 00, r)  log T(f, r) + log (r) R + log - + log+ PI + c.. + 31og2 + 1. r Remarks. Theorem 3.4.1 is known as the uLemma on the Logarithmic Deriva- tive,n but it is a significant result and of independent interest.. so we have decided to call it a ..theorem." So that the reader can appreciate the fonn in which we have stated the Lemma on the Logarithmic Derivative, we briefty recall our discussion of exceptional sets at the beginning of Chapter 2. Namely, the idea is to take tIJ(x) small subject to the Khinchin convergence condition, for example 1P(x) = (logX)I+t. Similarly, one often wants to choose 4> so that for every rl  i n (Ir rl 4>(r) = 00, 
106 Logarithmic Derivatives I Ch. 3 ) and thus the exceptional set E cannot contain any intervals of the fonn (rl, R), and so there must be a sequence of r tending toward R for which the key inequality holds. Thus. the L-emma on the Logarithmic Derivative says that a logarithmic derivative poorly approximates infinity when Iz 1 is large and outside of a small exceptional set. Proof The theorem follows immediately from Corollary 3.2.3 and the Borel- Nevanlinna growth lemma in the fonn of L-emma 3.3.2 or Lemma 3.3.3 as appro- priate. 0 3.5 Functions of Finite Order In the case of meromorphic functions of finite order. the error tenn in the L-emma on the Logarithmic Derivative can be funher simplified. Theorem 3.5.1 (Ngoan-OsarovsldJ) If J ;s a non-constant meromorphic func- tion on C of finite order p, then for all E > 0, and for all r Juffi(.iently large (depending on E). m(J'jJ,r) < max{O,(p-l+E)logr} +0(1). Remark. Note how the order of the function appears as a coefficient in the error tenn in a natural way. Theorem 3.5.1 says that the mean-proximity function of the logarithmic derivative of a meromorphic function of order p grows essentially at most like the characteristic function of a polynomial of degree p - 1. We emphasize that the inequality in Theorem 3.5.1 is true for all sufficiently large r, and that there is no need for an exceptional set of radii. Theorem 3.5.1 was first proved by V. Ngoan and I. V. OstrovskiT in [NgoOst 1965]. PnJ(if. From Corollary 3.2.3. we have for p > r, m(f' / f. r) < log+ p(2T(f, p) + 0(1)) + O(l). r(p - r) Taking p = 2r, the right hand side simplifies to log+ 4T(f, 2r) + 0(1) + 0(1). r For r sufficiently large. 4T(J,2r) + 0(1) < 5T(J.. 2r). Thus. for r sufficiently large. 111(J' j J, r) < nuiX{O, logS + log T(J, 2r) - log r} + O( 1). Since J has order p, we have log T(J, 2r) < (p + E) l()r for r sufficiently large. and hence the theorem follows. 0 
4 The Second Main Theorem via Logarithmic Derivatives In this chapter we give a logarithmic derivative based proof of the Second Main Theorem. R. Nevanlinna's original proof of this theorem was along these lines, and the proof we give here is generally speaking similar to the proof given in Hayman's book (Hay 1964]. Neither Nevanlinna nor Hayman were interested in the precise structure of the error tenn. and they did not use the refined logarithmic derivative estimates of Gol'dberg and Grinshtein. as we shall here. A sharp error tenn in the Second Main Theorem using this type of method was first obtained by Hinkkanen [Hink 1992]. The exact method of proof given here makes use of ideas from Ye's refinement of Canan's method [Can 1933), as in lYe 1995). 4.1 Definitions and Notation Thn}ughout this chapter. unless explicitl}' stated otherwise. we maintain the follow- ing notational conventions: R will be a positive real number or 00. D(R) will be the disc of radius R (or C if R = 00). J will be a meromorphic function on D(R). N,.rn(J, r) = N (J', 0, r) + 2N (J, 00, r) - N (J', oc, r) (see Proposition 1.4.1). q will be an integer > 2. 01, . . . ,Oq will be distinct points in p I , at least two of which are finite. Without loss of generality, we will assume that if one of the points oJ is infinity, then it is a q = oc. q' > 2 will equal the number of finite a J . V(al'... ,a q ) = (q' - 1) [ IOg+ Inax laJI + log+ ( .  I )] . IJq' mln o. - O. I.<jq' J ro will be a positive real number so that T(J, ro) > e. Moreover, if R = 00. then we assume ro > e. 11.' will be a Khinchin function. 
10M Second Main Theorem via Logarithmic Derivatives 1 Ch. 4 ) f OO dx ko ( "'1) = ( ) < ee. r XtjJ X 3d! - OJ I rO) = lordo(f - uJ)llog+ r: + I log lik(f - IIJ. 0)11 + log 2. , q J"l(/, al,. . · , a,) = L log lilc(1 - OJ' 0)1 - log 1i1('(/'. 0)1. J=)  3 (I, ai, · . . . a q' ro) = log + max {21og + la j 1 + ,fl l (I - a J <I ro) } " )  J  q' Rem.rk. The constant V(al" . . , (lq) is a geometric constant that more or less mea.ures how close the a J are to one another on the Riemann sphere. By this we mean that 1>( a I , . " . , a q ) gets big in one of two ways. Either one of the points gets close to 00, or two of the finite points get close to one another. Compare this with o the term V(a) , . . . , a q ) defined in  1.2 in connection with Proposition 1.2.3. 4.2 The Second Main Theorem Theorem 4.2.1 (Second M.in Theorem) ut a), " . . , a q be a finite .tet of d;s. tin(.t po;nt. in pi such that at lea.t two of them al'r finite. ut 1 be a non- constantmeromorphic fun("t;on on D(R), and let ro, 132.. f:J:J, and 1>(al".., a q )  defined a. at the R;nning of the .e(.t;on. Then. (I, We have ftJr all ro < r < p < R, q (q - 2)T(/, r) - L.lV (I, a J , r) + Nr.m(/ r) j=1 p < log T (f. p) + log ( ) + V( 0 I . . .. . Oq) rp-r +{:J2(/, (ll,. . . .. a q ) + ,8 3 (/, ai, . . . , a q , ro) +  log q + 5 + (q + 1) log 2 - log T(f. p) + 101/; p) + 0(1). r(p - r (2, If R = x. and 4>(r) is a po.itive. nonde("reasing. c(Jntinuou. fun("t;on on [ro, 00), then there exists a cl(}'ed set ofradi; E .u("h that r dr 1 J f: 4>(r)  tjJ(T(f. ro)) + 2ko(t/l)  1 + 21.0("") < ee, and such that for all r  ro and outside of E, q (q - 2)T(/,r) - L IV(/,aJ,r) + .'.m(/,r) J=I 
[.21 The Secood Main Theorem 109 + 1/ J (T(/, r))  log T(f. r) + log <I>(r) + 'D(01, .. · ,0,) + fJ2 (I, a 1 . . . . , a q ) + fJ3 (I, ai, · . · , a q , ro) 4 + 3 log q + 6 + (q + 2) log 2 - log T(f, r) + log+ "'(:; r)) + O( 1). If. in addition, 4>( r)  r, then L <I>) < fi'(T(, ro)) + 1.0(1/1) < 1 + 1.0(1/1) < 00, and for all r > ro and outside of E, q (q - 2)T(/, r) - L ]\l(/, a), r) + Nram(/, r) )=1 t/J(T(/,r)) < log T(f, r) + log cf>(r) + 'D(OI. . . ..0,) +82(/, al,. . · , a,) + 83(1, al,.. · .., a" ro) 4 + 3 log q + 6 + (q + 2) log 2 - logT(f,r) + log t/1(:()) + 0(1). (3, If R < 00, and 4>(r) i. a po.;tive continuous function defined on [ro, R) such that r ...... (R - r) - 24>(r) is nondecreasing, then there exists a closed set of radii E such that r dr 1 J E cf>(r)  t/1(T(f, ro)) + ko()  1 + ko(t/J) < :)0, and such that for all ro  r < R and outside E, , (q - 2)T(/, r) - L N (I, OJ, r) + NrAm(/, r) )=1 < I T(I ) I + t/J(T(/..r)) - og , r + og 4>( r ) + 1 R + lOll; R + log - + V( 01 , . . . , Oq) -r r +.82(/' ai, .. · · , a q ) + 83(/,01,. ... , a" ro) 4 + 3 log q + 6 + (q + 2) log 2 _ logT(f,r) + log+ tP(:;r)) 1 +Iog+ R _ r + 0(1). 
110 Second Main Theorem via Losarithmic Derivatives [Ch. 4] If. in addition. c/)( r) < R - r, then for all ro < r < Rand out.fide E, , (q - 2)T(f, r) - L N(f, aj, r) + N,.rn(f, r) )=1 < log T(f, r) + log "'(:; r)) R + log - + 'D(al,... ,0,) r + /l (f, a 1, · . · , a,) + j1 3 (f, a I , · · . , a" ro) 4 +3logq + 6 + (q + 2) log 2 _ log T(f, r) + log 1/J(:;r)) + 0(1). Before we actually give a proof of the Second Main Theorem 9 we make a few comments and state some corollaries. If one chooses c/) and 1/1 appropriatelY9 one sees that the error term in inequality (2) in the theorem is of order 0 (log T (f, r) ), and the error term in inequal ity (3) is of order o (logT(f, r) + log+ R  r ) · With an error term of order O(log rT(f, r)) in the R = 00 C8Se 9 and of order o (IOg(rT(f, r)) + log+ R  r ) , in the ca. of finite R, the Second Main Theorem is due to R. Nevanlinna. An error term of the form log T(f, r) + log+ tiJ(:; r)) + O( 1) in the case R = oc. or of the form 1/1(T(f, r)) I log T(f, r) + log+ I/)(r) + Iop;+ R _ r + 0(1) in the ca. of finite R was first obtained by A. Hinkkanen [Hink 1992]. We will see in 7.1 that the coefficient 1 in front of the log T(f, r) term in the error term is best possible. Hinkkanen also gives explicit O( 1) constanl. Since the details of our proof differ from Hinkkanen 9S proof 9 the explicit O( 1) constants we get are dif- ferent from those that Hinkkanen gets 9 though not in any imponant way. However 9 notice that in inequality (1) in Theorem 4.2.1 9 we have log[p/(r(p - r))] 
r.21 The Second Main 'Theorem III on the right-hand side, whereas Hinkkanen has log+ in his corresponding term. We will take advantage of this seemingly small improvement when we discuss func- tions of finite order. Moreover, 8..\ we will show in Theorem 4.2.4, by combining Theorem 4.2.1 with Theorem 2.6.2, one can avoid the use of log + entirely in the R = 00 c8... We would also like to point out that by the First Main Theorem, , q (q-2)T(f,r)- LN(f,aJ,r) = L,n(f,a J .r)-2T(f,r)+O(I), j=l j=l and thus the left-hand side of the inequalities in Theorem 4.2.1 (which is always the same) can be replaced with , L m(f,a J , r) - 2T(f, r) + h'uun(f, r), j=1 provided that the ()( I) term on the right is modified according to the constant terms that appear in the First Main Theorem. Moreover, since the mean-proximity func- tions are all positive, for any ql < q, we have " , Nr.rn(f,r) < Lm(f,aJ,r) + Nr.rn(f,r) < Lm(f,aj,r) + .r.rn(f,r). j=l j=1 Thus, we can immediately conclude the following corollaries. Corollary 4.2.2 (Ramlftralion Theorem) ut f be a non-constant meromor- phicfunct,'on on D(R), and let ro, t/J and c/)  as in the theorem. Then ( I) If R = 00, then for r > ro, out.vide an exceptional set as in the theorem. f N ' (f ) I T f I + 1jJ(T(f, r)) ) - 2T ( . r) + .om ,r < og ( ,r) + og 1/>( r) + 0 (1 · ( 2) If R < oc. then for r > ro, outside an exceptional set as in the theorem, -2T(f. r)+ l\l, am (f, r) < logT(f, r) + log+ f/J(TJ) r)) + log+ R 1 + 0(1). c/)r -r Corollary 4.2.3 Let a 1 . . . . "a, be arbitrary distinct point.f in pi, without any restriction on the number. ut f be a non-constant meromorph;c function on D( R), and let ro, tjJ and c/) be as in the theorem. Then 
112 Second Main Theorem via Logarithmic Derivatives I Ch. 4) (/) /f R = 00, then for r > ro, outside an exceptional set as in the theorem.. q (q - 2)T(f, r)- L N(f, aj, r) + N,am(f, r) j=l < log T(f, r) + log + "'(:  ) r» + O( 1). (2) /f R < 00, then/or r > ro, outside an exceptional set as in the theorem. q (q - 2)T(f, r)- L N(f,aj, r) + Nrarn(f, r) J=I < logT(f, r) + log+ ")(TJ; r» + Iop;+ R 1 + 0(1). c/)r -r Remark. If one funher restricts c/), as in Theorem 4.2.1.. then one can change log + t/(T(f, r)) / c/)(r) to log 1/J(T(f, r))/ c/)(r), as in Theorem 4.2.1. Note that the difference between Corollary 4.2.3 and the theorem itself is that in the corollary we allow q < 2 and we do not require that two of the a j be finite. One could of course work out the precise constants O( 1) in these corollaries.. as we did in the theorem itself. Indeed.. one simply needs to add points (l J until the hypotheses of Theorem 4.2.1 are satisfied.. apply the First Main Theorem to conven to mean-proximity functions, and then adjust the explicit constants given in the theorem accordingly. However.. this is quite tedious.. and so we have decided to omit this computation. Recall that we gave explicit O( 1) constants for the Second Main Theorem. without any conditions on the number of points a J' in Chapter 2. We remark that here in Corollary 4.2.2 the coefficient in front of the log T(f, r) term in the elTOr term is 1, whereas it was 1/2 in Theorem 2.6.1 (the Ramification Theorem proven by way of negative curvature). On the other hand.. the error term in Theorem 2.6. I had a term of the form log 1/) ( max { e, c/)( r) / r } ), and no such term is present here. To either prove or find a counterexample to the Ramification Theorem with elTOr term of the form  log T(f, r) + log+ ,/J(:;r» + 0(1) is sti II an open problem. PrrHJf of Theorem 4.2./. Just as in the Lemma on the Logarithmic Derivative (Theorem 3.4.1), inequalities (2) and (3) follow from inequality (1) and the Borel- Nevanlinna Growth Lemma in the form of Lemma 3.3.2 or Lemma 3.3.3 as appro- priate. Thus we prove (1). Recall that we a.'tumc that if one of the aj.s is infinite, then it is a q = 00. Recall also that q' = q - 1 in that case, and otherwise q' = q. 
[ 4. 21 The Second Main Theorem 113 Let 8 = min la, - ajl. , $;<j$q' As in Proposition 1.2.3. for each %, I (%) can be close to at most one point a J. More precisely, by the triangle inequality, for each .: which is not a pole of I, there is at most one index io < q' such that I I (%) - II Jo I < 8/2. For now we wi II regard z a. a fixed point such that: (i) % is not a pole of I; (ii) I(z)  a J for any j; and (iii) I' ( z)  O. We let io be an index such that I I (%) - a jo I < I I (%) - a) I for all j < q', and so in panicular, by what was just said, I/(z) - ajl >  for all j < q' and :F jo. Thus, for all j < q' and not equal to jo, log+l/(z)1 < 10g+l/(z) - ajl + log+laJI + log 2 2 < 1081/(%) - ajl + log+ - + lug+lajl + log 2. 8 Therefore, (q' - 1) log + I I ( z ) I , , q q 2 < L logl/(z) - ajl + L log+laJI + (q' - l)(log+ s + log 2) J=1 J;1 jjo jjo , , q q 2 < L log 1/(%) - aJI + L log+ laJI + (q' - 1) (log + - + log 2) !f j=1 J=1 J j , q < L log I I (%) - a J I + 1)( ai, · . . , a q ) + (q - 1) log 2. j=1 Jjo Now. , q L IOKI/(%) - a J I J=' JJO , q I' ( ) - L lugl/(z) - aJI-logl/,(z)1 + lug /( )  J= , % a Jo < t,lu g I/(z) - aJI - log 1/,(z)1 + log (t, /(:;()(IJ I) . 
114 Second Main Theorem via Logarithmic Derivatives 1 Ch. 41 This last expression does not involve jo, and therefore we no longer need to regard = as fixed. Note that f' is the derivative of f - a j, and so the last term on the right above involves logarithmic derivatives. We have thus established a bound for (q' - l)log+lf(z)1 that involves logarithmic derivatives. The strategy for the rest of the proof will be to use the techniques of the previous section to bound this logarithmic derivative term, and to use Jensen's Formula to identify the other terms with terms in the statement of the theorem.. By integrating log + If(z)1 around the circle and making use of the bound we established above, we find 1 2" l8 (q' - l)m(f, oc, r) = 0 (q' - l)log+I/(rei')1 ;11' I q 1 2" d8 1 2" dB < L log I/(re") - ajl 211' - log II'(rei')1 211' J= I 0 0 ( I ) 2. q f'(re i ') dB + 1 log L /(rei') _ a. 211' + l>(a..... , a,) J=l J + (q - 1) log 2. From Jensen's Formula (Corollary 1.2.1), we have (2ff dB 10 log I/(rf"') - a J 12; = N(f, aj, r) - N(ft oc, r) + log lilc(f - aj, 0)1. and (21f log II' (re")! dJJ _ N (f', 0, r) - N (I', 00, r) + log lilc(f', 0)1. 10 21r Thus, (q' - l)m(f, oc, r) q' - L Jl1V(f a J , r) + q' N(f, 00, r) + N(f', 0, r) - l\l(f', 00, r) J=I ( , ) 1ff q f'(re") dB < log , - - 1 0 L /(rf"') - a. 211' J=l J + ( f log lilc(f - a J , 0)1 ) - log lih(f', 0)1 J=I + 1)( al , . . .. , a q ) + (q - 1) log 2 
[S4.21 The Second Main Theorem II S 1 2" ( 9' f'(rc i ') ) d8 - 0 log L J(re") - a 2", )=1 ) +f32(f,al,...,a,) +1)(al...... a ,) + (q-l)log2. The left-hand side of this last inequality is nothing other than 9' (q' - l)T(f, r) - L N(f, aj, r) - \r(f. . r) + N,.m(f, r). )=1 If a, = 00, then note that this is exactly , (q - 2)T(f, r) - L N(f,a), r) + N,.m(f, r), )=1 which is what appears on the left-hand side of the inequality in the statement of the theorem. If a,  OC, then since -T(f, r) < -N(f, 00, r), we still have the expression on the left in the theorem bounded by ( , ) 2. 9 f' (rei') l log {; J(re i ') - aj d8 21r +{:J2(f, a), · · · , a,) + 1>(al, · · . ,a,) + (q - 1) log 2. To complete the proof of the theorem, we still need to bound the integral term involving logarithmic derivatives. Let Q be a real number between 0 and 1, so ( , ) ( , ) 0 2. , f'(re i ') d8 1 2. q f'(re i8 ) dB 1 0 log L J(re i ') - a 2; < a 1 0 log L I f(re") - a. 21r . )=1) )=1) Since Q < 1, we can bring the Q inside the sum to get the above 1 1 2" ( q' 1 f'(re") 1 ° ) dB < - log'" - . - B 0  f (re") - a 21r )=1 ) Next, apply concavity of the logarithm in the form of Jensen's Inequality (Theo- rem I .14.1 ) and interchange the integral with the sum to get this ( ' ) 1 '2" f'(r'8) a dB < Q log f; 1 I J(re i ') - aj I 2", · 
116 Second Main Theorem via Losarithmic Derivatives ICh. 4] Now we apply the Goldberg-Grinshtein estimate (Theorem 3.2.2) to get that the above expression is < ('..(0) + log r(p r) +  log ( t(2T(f - a},p) + ,8d! - a},ro))o ) , J=' where c..(t.t) is as in Theorem 3.2.2. We will eventually take Q = 3/4, and then one can check numerically that c ss (3/4) < 5. We thus concern ourselves with the term involving the T(f - aJ,p). Now , 1 q o log)2T(f - aj,p) + 3d! - a},ro))O J=I < .!.. logq' max{(2T(f - aj, p) + fl. (J - a), ro))!)} o J$q' - .!..Iogq' + log max{2T(J - u}, p) + 11. (J - a), ro)}. o Jq' Using Proposition 1.5.1.. we see logmax{2T(f - aJ,p) + IJI (f - aj, ro)} Jq' < log max{2T(f, p) + 210g+ laj 1+ BI (f - a J , ro)}. J$q' Finally.. using log+ (x + y) < log+ x + Ing+ y + log 2, we get log Inax{2T(f, p) + 210g+ la J I + 8 1 (f - aj, ro)} Jq' < logT(f,p) + P3(f,al,.'. ,aq,ro) + 2 log 2. Combining these various estimates completes the proof of the theorem. 0 If we combine the Second Main Theorem in this Chapter with the Second Main Theorem in Chapter 29 then we obtain the following Second Main Theorem with the simplest error term possible: Deorem 4.2.4 Let a" . . . , a q be a finite .fet of distinct po;nt.f in pi, let f be a non-constant meromorphic fun("tion on C, let 1jJ be a Khinchinfunction. and let <II be a fHJS;tive. non-decrea.fing. cont;nuou.ffunction on [ro, oc). Then for all r .uffi(.;entl.\'large and out.fide an exceptional .et E of radii M,.;th f dr < 00 J, tJ>(r) , we have q (q - 2)T(f, r) - L N(f, aj.. r) + .l*-l,..", (f. r) J=I < log T(f, r) + log t/J(:; r)) + O( 1). 
[4.31 Functions of Finite Order 117 PlOOf. Combine Theorems 4.2.1 and Theorem 2.6.2. Use the inequality in The- orem 4.2.1 for those r where tI>(r) < r, and use the inequality in Theorem 2.6.2 when tI>(r) > r. 0 That one could combine Theorems 4.2.1 and Theorem 2.6.2 to obtain an inequal- ity without any log+ .s in the elTOr term. as in Theorem 4.2.4 was first observed by H. Chen and Z. Ye (ChYe 2000]. 4.3 Functions of Finite Order We will now see how the error term in the Second Main Theorem can be simplified in the event that the meromorphic function f ha. finite order. Theorem 4.3.1 Let f  a non-con.ftant meromorphic fun(.t;on on C of finite order p, let al , . . . , a q  q > 0 distinct {HJint.f in pi , and I"t e > O. Then. for all r sufficiently large. q (q - 2)T(f, r) - L N(f, a J , r) + Nram(f, r) < (p - I + e) logr + 0(1). j=1 Remark. Note how the order of the function appears as a coefficient in the error term in a natural way.. and note that we agai n get (p - 1 + E) as in Theorem 3.5.1. However, unlike in Theorem 3.5.1. the error term in Theorem 4.3.1 actually tends to - oc in the ca. that f has order smaller than 1, and in particular if f is rational. We emphasi7. as we did in the logarithmic derivative case, that the inequality in Theorem 4.3.1 is true for all sufficiently large r, and that there is no need for an exceptional set. The error term of the precise form (p - 1 + e) log r + O( 1) for the Second Main Theorem is due to Z. Ye (Ye 1996a]. Proof As in the discussion preceding Corollary 4.2.2. since we make no state- ment about the value of the implicit constant in the ()( 1) notation. we may. without loss of generality. assume q > 3. If we then take p = 2r in statement (I) of Theorem 4.2.1.. we get q (q - 2)T(f, r) - L .(f,(JJ" r) + 'rarn(f, r) < log T(f, 2r) - log r + 0(1). J=I Note that to get the - log r term, it is imponant that we have written statement (1) of Theorem 4.2.1 with lug on the right hand side and not with log+ . Now. since f ha order p, and since e is regarded as fixed. we then have that for all r sufficiently large (depending on e and f). that log T(f. 2r) < (p + e) 10'; r, and hence the theorem is proved. 0 
5 Some Applications The emphasis of this book is Nevanlinna's Second Main Theorem, and the precise structure of its error term: applications of the Second Main Theorem, or of Nevan- linna theory more generally, are not our focus. However, for the student just learning Nevanlinna theory, we feel we must provide some son of survey of what Nevanlinna theory is "good for" so to speak, and this is what we aim to do in the present chapter. Our goal here is to describe a variety of applications in as little space as possible. not to present the most cun-ent or refined application of any given type, Indeed, many of the applications we give here are due to R. Nevanlinna himself, and Nevanlinna's own 1929 monograph (Nev(R) 1929] is one place the reader can find more refined versions and more detailed exploration of some of the applications we present here. We have, however, also made some limited effon to direct the interested reader to some of the cUlTent literature related to the applications discus. here. We have chosen the topics in this chapter according to whether we feel they meet one of two criteria: (I) the problem to which the Second Main Theorem is applied can be ea.ily described to someone who is not familiar with Nevanlinna theory, or (2) the application requires knowledge about the structure of the error term in the Second Main Theorem. Examples of applications meeting the first criterion are our sharing values and iteration applications. Examples such a. these were chosen because we feel they have the greatest impact in convincing someone new to Nevan- linna theory of its utility. Examples, like our radius bound application, that fit the second criterion were chosen because they illustrate the value of studying the error terms, which is what distinguishes our book from most others on the subject. In fact. a few of the applications we discuss do not really fit either of these criterion, but have been included because they will help us discus.. another application which does. We do not mention a number of celebrated applications of the Second Main Theorem, either because the result does not fit either of our criteria or because we could not treat the application in what we felt to be a rea.onable amount of space. given the emphasis of our book. We therefore apologize to the expen in Nevanlinna theory who does not find his or her favorite type of application of the Second Main Theorem in this chapter. We remark that many of the applications that we chose because they fit our first criterion are applications of the Second Main Theorem that do not require any knowledge about the error term except that it is of order o(T(/. r)), and this is 
120 Applications ICh. 5) one of the reasons error tenns were ignored for so long. We should also point out that many of the results in this chapter can be proved without making use of the Sec- ond Main Theorem at all. and that we occasionally give a brief indication of these alternate approaches. s. t Infinite Products We begin by discussing an application that does not even require the Second Main Theorem. but which funher emphasizes the connection Nevanlinna theory makes between entire (meromorphic) functions and polynomials (rational functions). A consequence of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra is that any polynomial P( z) can be written P(z) = cz P ,iI (1 - : ) t J=p+1 J where the Z J are the non-zero zeros of P, repeated with multiplicity. Of course. given any finite set of zeros. we can also use such a product to make a polynomial with precisely those zeros. We will now see how this can be generalized so that meromorphic functions of finite order can be written as infinite products of functions specifying the zeros and poles. We define. for any non-negative integer q, the Weientrus pri....ry 'actor Eq(z) = (1- z)e:+::l/ 2 +...+:'/q, where fur q = 0 we take Eo(z) = 1 - z. Theorem 5.1.1 ut f be a meromorphic fun (.tion on C with :eros a J and poles IJ) repeated ac('ording to multiplicity. SUppo..fl' there exists an integer q .fu('h that either (a) I . . f T(f.. r) - 0 1m III +1 - r oc r q or (b) lim T(f, r) = O. roo r q + I Then, there exi..fts an ;nteRer p and a polynomial of degree at most q su("h that II Eq(z/aj) P p ( . ) In J 1< r f( z) = z e V" linl r.-x II Eq(z/b j ) Ib J 1< r convees uniformly on compa(.t sub..fets of the plane. K'here in case (a) the limit taU.f place o,'er ..fome sequence of r -+ oc, K'hereas in case (b). the limit takes place over all r -+ 00. 
(SS.11 Infinite Products 121 Re....rk. Theorem 5.1.1 does not assen that the products in the numerator and denominator converge separately. Note also that if 1 is a meromorphic function of finite order (respectively finite lower order). then 1 automatically satisfies hypoth- esis (b) (respectively hypthesis (a) ) of the theorem for sufficently large q. Corollary 5.1.2 /f 1 ;s a romorph;(.funct;on on C then 1 is a rationalfun('. tion if and on/)' if T(/, r) = O(log r) as r -+ oc. Moreo,'er. if 1 is not rational. then I . T(/,r) 1111 I = +X>. roo ogr Proof of Corollary 5./.2. We already saw in  1.6 that rational functions satisfy T(/, r) = O(logr). For the converse. note that if I . . f T(/,r) - c 1m 10 I - < x. roo ogr then because. for any r, (I ) < I ' . f N(/, a,p) - N(/, a, r) n ,a,r Imlo - p-+oc logp - logr I " . f T(/,p) + 0(1) - N(/,a, r) < 1m In - poc logp - log r 1 can only take on each value a at most C times. In particular. 1 has at most a finite number of zeros and poles. The corollary follows by noting that we may take q = 0 in the theorem. and hence the theorem tells us that 1 is the quotient of two polynomials. 0 Proof of Theorem 5././. Because of the factor zP out front. we can always divide out by zP and asume 1(0)  0,00. We wish to compute = C < X) lfI+ I 8zQ+l log/(z). From the Poisson-Jensen Fonnula (Theorem 1.1.6). as long as z is not a zero or pole of I, we can write 1 1Jr . re i9 + z dB log I/(z)1 = log 1(/(re I9 )1 R(\ 9 _ 2 o rei - z 1r r 2 - jj z r 2 - b z _  lug J +  J  r(z - a )  r(z - b ) laJI<r J IbJI<r J As in Corollary 1.1.7. from Cauchy-Riemann. multiplying by 2. and moving the derivatives inside the integral, we get {fI+ I '" (-1 )qq! '" (-1 )9q! DZ'l+I IOK/(z) =  (z _ (&)'1+1 -  (z _ b.)9+ 1 + Sr(.:) + Ir(z). luJI<r J IbJI<r J 
122 Applications (Ch. 51 where and ( - ) q+ I ( b ) q+ I Sr(z) = q! L r 2 :i aoz - q! L r 2 _ib z ' 1:,I<r J IbJI<r) 2. i9 I ( , 1 1 I f i 9 I 2re (18 r (Z) = q + 1). oK (re ) ( 9 ) t1 _ 2 · o rei - % q 1r The idea is to show that Sr and Ir tend to zero unifonnly on compact subsel as r -+ x, possibly through a panicular sequence in case (a). Once we know that. we can write iJI+1 { II } 10 f(z = (-I)q+l q ! lim - . Ozq.. I g) r....:x; L (z - b)q+J L (z - a )q+J IbJI<r J la,l<r J Since the sums converge unifonnly on compact subsets. we can integrate tenn by term q + 1 times and exponentiate to get the statement of the theorem. Note that Pq(%) is the polynomial of degree (at most) q such that a* ()* {) Ie Pq ( %) = {) It log f ( % ) , k = 0, · · · , q. % :=0 % .:=0 Thus. we just need to show that Sr and Ir vanish unifonnly on compact sets. For Sr.. note that for 1%1 < t < r, we have il) r'l - il % ) la)1 1 < . <-. - r'l - laj Ir r - t Therefore.. ( - ) q+ I L r2 :J a z la,l<r ) < n(f,O,r) _ u(f,O..r) (r - t)q+I - r q + 1 (I - t/r)q+I · Note that l r dt u(/. O. r) = n(/. 0, r) r t l r dt < r n(/.O.t)T < N(f,er,O) < T(f,er) + ()(I). Therefore. since I . . f T(f, r) 0 1m III + 1 = roo r q or lim T(f, r) = 0 rXI r q + 1 
(SS.2) Defect Relations 123 the same is true for n(f, 0, r)/r q + l , and hence the sum converges unifonnly for 1:1 < t. A similar estimates shows the convergence for the sum involving the poles b J , and hence 5r tends to zero unifonnly on compact sets as r -+ oc, through an appropirate sequence in case (a). We now estimate Ir. Again. let I: 1 < t. Then. 11r(z)1 < : = :1: 1 211 Ilog IJ(rf"O)1I : < 2 (q + I)! [m (f , 0, r) + '" (f. oc, r) + () ( 1 ) ] - (I - t/r )q+'lr q + I 4(q+I)! T(f,r) +0(1) < , - (I - t/r)q+2 r q + I and hence I r also tends to zero unifonnly on compact subsel. 0 5.2 Defect Relations Given a meromorphic function f, and al,. . . , a q distinct points in pi, denote by q 5(f, {aj} = I' r) = (q - 2)T(f, r) - L (f, aj, r) + N"arn(f, r) j=1 q = (q - 2)t(f, r) - L N(f,a J , r) + N"am(f, r) + 0(1). J=I The following weak fonnulation of the Second Main Theorem is all that is needed for many of the applications discussed in this chapter. Theorem 5.2.1 (Weak Second MaIn Theorem) ut aI, ..., a q  distinct points in pl. If f ;s a non-constant meromorphic function defined on C, then S (f { a' }  r ) I . · f ' J J= I ' < 0 1m In . rX) T(f, r) - If f ;.f a meromorph;c function defined on D(R), R < 00. such that r . f T(f, r) JJ = II:: log(l/(R _ r» > 0, thl'n I . . f 5(f, {aJ}=I,r) < 1 1m In -. rR T(f, r) - p, 
124 A pplicatiOR.\ [Ch. S I PTno/. If f is defined on all of C, then by taking f/)(r) _ I and by taking -,"(x) = (logx)2 in the Second Main Theorem, in the fonn of either Corollary 4.2.3 or Theorem 2.5.1, we have that S (f, {a J } : I ' r) < U (log T (f, r) ) · for r sufficiently large and outside of a set of finite Lebesgue measure. If f is defined on D(R), R < 00, then instead choose (j)(r) = R - r and apply the Second Main Theorem in the fonn of Theorem 2.5.1 to conclude thai S(f. {a) }J=I' r) < log R  r + O(log T(f. r» for all r sufficiently close to R and outside an exceptional set that cannot contain any intervals of the fonn (R - E, R) for E > o. Thus. I . . f S (f, { a J }  = I ' r) I . log ( I I (R - r)) I 1m 111 < 1m sup = - rH T(f, r) - r-+R T(f, r) Jl by the definition of Jl. Note that the lim sup is required on the right because we do not know where the exceptional set lies. 0 We pause to remark that in the disc case R < 00, the precise bound of lip cannot be obtained by Theorem 4.2.1 or its corollaries: we must use the negative curvature version of the theorem, as we have done in the proof. This is because the error tenn in Theorem 4.2.1 has an extra tenn of the fonn log I/(R - r) which, when combined with the log I/f/)(r) tenn, makes the bound of lip unobtainable by this method. Our first application of the Second Main Theorem will be an application to the study of what are known as "defects." In all honeslY, this application is more of a weaker re-fonnulation of the Second Main Theorem than a true application of it. We introduce this topic first because we derive some of our other applications as a consequence of the so-called "defect relation" rather than of the full Second Main Theorem. We begin by defining defects and introducing notation for them. Although defects are mot often discused in the context of meromorphic functions defined on all of C. we will also define them for meronnorphic functions on a disc, D( R), so let f be a meromorphic function on D(R), R < 00. We will only be able to make meaningful statements about defects in the event that HIli T(f, r) = 00.. r-+R su we hencefonh assume this, and we remark that if R = 00, then this assumption is nothing more than assuming f to be non-constant. Given a point a in pi, the Nevanlinna defect d(f.. a) is defined by  (f .. f { N(f,a,r) } o ,n) = h'N 1 - T(f, r) · 
( SS.21 Defect Relations 125 We remark that by the First Main Theorem. . . ,n ( I. a, r) 6(f, a) = lam IIIf T(f ) . r.--.R .r We also point out that one gets the same thing if one uses T( I. r) in place of T( I. r) (or ril(/,a,r) in place of 'n(/,ar). Recall that we defined the truncated counting function .\r( 1) in  1.2. and that this function counl how often a meromorphic function takes on a panicular value without regard for multiplicity. We warn the reader not to confuse what we have denoted by N( I) with what R. Nevanlinna and subsequent authors have denoted by .lV l . which they use to denote the counting function associated to the ramification divisor.. One of the reasons we have broken with tradition and use Prarn to denote the ramification counting function is so that it will not be confused with the counting function truncated to order 1. We define the ramlftcatlon defect a (1 ) = I . . f { "(/,a, r) - NO )(/, a, r) } u , a 1m In T(I ) . r.--.R , r The quantity { N( I ) (I a r) } 6 111 (f, a) = 6(f. a) + 9(f. a) = li:f 1 - T(f.' r)' is known as the truntated defect (to order 1) since the truncated counting function is used in its definition. Calling the defect "truncated" is a bit of a misnomer though in the sense that <5( I) > <5. We also point out that what we have denoted by <5( I) is often denoted bye. We prefer the <5( I) notation because in higher dimensions one wants to discuss defects truncated to order j, which is convenient to denote by cS()) . As a direct consequence of the First Main Theorem. we have Proposition 5.1.1 For l'Vl'1)' a in pi, o < <5(/, a). 0 < 9(/, a), and <5( I) (I, a) = <5(/, a) + 9(/, a) < 1. A value a is cCilied deftcient for 1 if <5(/, a) > O. The value a is said to be maximally deficient if <5(/, (J) = 1. Note that any omitted value is maximally deficient. Theorem 5.1.3 lit 1 M a non-(.onstant ml'romorphic function on C. Thl'n. thl' .fl't oj"(,IUl'.f a .fuch that <5(/. a) > 0 or 8(/, a) > 0 ;.f (.ountabll'. and morl'O"l'r. L dO) (I, (,) = L (cS(/, a) + 8(1, a)) < 2. nEP' aEP' 
126 ApplicatiOR.\ (Ch. S I PrrHJf. Let ai, . . . , a q be a finite number of distinct points in pl. Then. q L(tS(f,o)) +9(f,aj)) )=1 q q q qT(f. r) - L N(f, ajt r) + L "1(f, aj. r) - L N(I )(f. 0), r) linl inf )=1 j=1 j=l roc T(f, r) Observe that ;" (f, at r) - N(I) (f, a, r) counts the number of times f = a with multiplicity greater than 1. and so q q L N(f,a J , r) - L N(I)(f,aJ' r) < N.....(f,r) + u,....(f, O)log+ . )=1 )=1 Note that the log + (1 /r) tenn is zero for r > 1 t and in any case bounded as r -+ oc. Thus. q q qT(f,r)- LN(f,('J,r)+N.....(f,r) "'(tS(fta))+9(ft a j)) < liminf )=1  r T(f, r) )=1 2 + lim inf roo q (q - 2)T(f, r) - L N(f, a), r) + "',am(f, r) j=l T(f, r) 2 I . . f S(f,{aj}j=l,r) + 1m In < 2, r T(f, r) the last inequality being Theorem 5.2.1. Thus. for any finite collection of distinct point. the sum of the defects is at most two. In panicular. for every positive integer kt there are at most finitely many values o with (I )(f, a) > 1/ k. Since  {(,: (l)(fta) > O} = U {a: tS(l)(f,a) > l/k}, k=l there are at most countably many a uch that (1 )(f, a) > o. If there are only finitely many such 0, we are done. If there are countably many such a. then enu- merate them by a) and note that 00 q '" tS(I )(f, aj) = lim '" (I )(f, a)) < 2.  q-+  j=l j=_ since each finite sum is < 2 by what was shown above. 0 
rS.2J Defecl Relations 121 Corollary 5.2.4 If / is an entire fun(.tion. then L 6(1 )(/. a) = L (6(/. a) + 9(/. a)) < 1. nEC nEC Proof. If / is entire, then 6(1) (/, oc) = 6(/. 'X:,) = 1. 0 The so-called defect relations are our long sought after generalizations to the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. The defects measure how far the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra is from holding for / at the value () (i.e. 6(/, a) measures to what extent / does not take on the value a with the expected frequency), and the defect relation ys in some sense that the analogue of the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra fails by a finite amount. and provides a quantitative bound for that failure. The following question was posed by Nevanlinna and is known as the Nevanlinna Inverse Problem. Question 5.1.5 (Nevanlinna Inverse Problem) For 1 < i < N < oc, let {6,} and {9,} be sequences of non-negative real numbers su("h that o < 6, + 9, < 1 and L(6; + 9,) < 2. ut ai. 1 < i < N be distin('t po in tj' in pl. Does there exist a meromorph;c function / on C such that 6(/,a,) = 6, 9(/,a,) = 9, 1 < i < f.; and so that 6(/, a) = 9(/, a) = 0 for all a  {ai}.? Nevanlinna solved this "inverse problem" in some special cases, and the problem was completely solved by D. Drasin in (Dras 1976J. We conclude this topic by stating a disc version of the defect relation. 1beorem5.2.6 ut / be a meronuJrphicjunction on D(R),R < 00. If r . f T(/, r) 0 p, = 1 I!":: IOK ( 1 / (R - r)) > , then the .fet of values a in pi ,fuch that 6(/, a) > 0 or 8(/, a) > 0 ;s ('.ountable. and mo"over. L /S(I)(j,a) = L (t5(j, a) + 8(j,a» < 2 +.!.. a E P · a E P . I' 
128 Applications r Ch. S I pfoof The proof is exactly the same as the proof of Theorem 5.2.3. 0 Wc mention without proof that if f: D(R) -+ pi \ {a), . . . . a q } i a universal covering map with q > 3, then 1 . · f T(f,r) 1 11!..IJl log( 1/( R - r)) - q - 2 4tnd f clearly has q maximally deficient values. Thus, the bound in Theorem 5.2.6 is sharp. We refer the reader to (Nev(R) 1929] for a funher diussion. For a more thorough treatment of defects as well as the discussion of some illu- minating examples we refer the reader to Chapter X of [Nev(R) 1970). Chapter 4 of [Hay 1964] consists of a much broader study of defects than we have presented here, and includes, among other things. a panial solution to the Nevanlinna Inverse Problem a. well a. some additional conditions that defects of functions of finite order must satisfy. 5.3 Picard's Theorem The defect relation we just derived has as immediate consequcnce: Theorem 5.3.1 (Picard's Theorem) ut f  a meromorphic fun (.t;on on C. If f omit.f th"e di.ftinct ,'alues in p i , then f must be constant. Proof. If f omits three distinct values, then there are three distinct points a with .s(f. a) = I. This clearly contradicts Theorem 5.2.3. 0 We take a moment to remind the reader of Picard's original proof [Pic 1879]. If f omit three values. then by post -composition with a fractional linear transformation, onc may assume the values are 0, 1, and XL Then, in present day language, the Picard modular function gives a universal covering map from the unit disc to pi \ {O, 1. x>}. Thus any meromorphic function on C that omits O. 1, and x can be lifted to the universal cover, namely the disc. This lifted map is bounded (since it maps into the disc) and therefore must be constant by Liouville's Theorem. In somc sense Picard's proof is simpler than the proof we present based on the Second Main Theorem. On the other hand, Picard's proof relies on knowing that the thrice puncturcd sphcrc is uniformized by the disc, and this is in some sense "deeper" (though cenainly not morc complicated) than the proof of the Second Main Thcorem, which is really only Stokes's Theorem and a lot of calculus. Therefore. some people regard the Second Main Thcorem proof of Picard's Theorem as a more "clementary:' if more complicated, proof of Picard's Theorem. An advantage of the proof being "elementary" is that this proof generalizes to prove highcr dimensional analogs of Picard's Theorem in cases that Picard's "uniformization" proof does not. 
rS.41 Totally Ramified Values 129 5.4 Totally Ramified Values We call a point a in pi a totally ramlfted value for a meromorphic function f if for every z such that f(z) = a, we have ord:(f - a) > 1 if a is finite. or ord:f < -1 if a = 00. Note that an omitted value trivially satisfies this definition. but that it will be useful to distinguish between omitted values and non-omitted totally ramified values. Theorem 5.4.1 (R. NevanHnna) If f is a nOli-constant meromorphic function defined on all of C. then m'ice the number of omitted values plus the numr of non-omitted totall)' ramified values cannot e.t(.eed 4. In particular. a meromor- phi£" function f has at most four totall)" ramifif'd ,'alues. a holomorphic fun(.t;on has at mO.ft m'o finite totally ramified valut's. and a unit (i.e. a holomorphicfunc- tion that i.f never zero) can have no totally ramified '.alue.f (other than 0 and 00 which a" omitted). Proof. If a is an omitted value. then a is totally ramified and t5(1)(f.a) = t5(f,a) = 1. If a is totally ramified. but not omitted. then since every value is taken with at least multiplicity 2, we have by the First Main Theorem that (1) . · { N(l)(f,a,r) } .. f { ;" (')(f.a,r) } 1 6 (f. a) = hmlnf 1 - T(f ) > hmm 1- N(f ) > _ 2 ' r'--'OO ,a,r roc ,a.r Thus. the defect relation, Theorem 5.2.3, implies that the number of omitted values. plus half the number of totally ramified but not omitted values. can be no more than two. 0 We remark that cos z is an entire function with 1 and - 1 a" totally ramified values. and thus an entire function can have two totally rdmi fied values. We leave it as an exercise for the interested reader to check that the WeierstrdSs V function has four totally ramified (and not omitted) values. and thus Theorem 5.4.1 is sharp. 5.5 Meromorphic Solutions to Differential Equations Value distribution theory has proved to be an indispensable tool in the study of entire or meromorphic solutions to differential equations. Here we give only one modest example of a theorem which can be proven using Nevanlinna theory. Theorem 5.5.1 (Malmquist's Theorem) Denote by C(z) thf' field of rational f"nction.f in 'he ,.c,ric,ble .: K.ith cOlnple,t cOf'fficients. Df'notf' h.\' C(.:)[ .\"] the one ,'aric,ble polynomial ring ".ith c(Jt'ffi("ients in C(.:). lit P(._\"') and Q(..\"') be "Iat;,'el,'" prilne f'lel,rents of C(.: )(.-\"']. If the diffe"nt;al equation f' = P(f) Q(f) 
130 Applications ICh. 51 ha.( a transcendental meromorphic solution I, then Q has deRlYe zero in .,\ and P ha.'i dg lYe at most 2 in .\. Rentarks. A differential equation of the form I' = Oo(z) + 0, (z)1 + O'l(z )/ 2 , is called a Riccati equation. Thus. Malmquist's Theorem says that the only differen- tial equations of me form I' = P(/)/Q(/) mat admit transcendental meromorphic solutions are the Riccati equations. Malmquist's proof [MaIm 1913J of Theorem 5.5.1 Was published in 1913. well before Nevanlinna invented his theory. K. Yosida gave the first Nevanlinna the- ory based proof when he generalized Malmquist's Theorem in [Yos 1933]. Since that time. a whole range of theorems in differential equations can be cla.sified a. "Malmquist- Yosida" theorems. We break the proof of Malmquist's Theorem up into pieces. First we prove a proposition relating me characteristic function of P(/) /Q(/) to the characteristic funct ion of I. Proposition 5.5.2 ut P and Q be as in TheolYm 5.5./ t and let I be a tran- scendental meromorphic function. Set 9 = P(/)/Q(/). Then T(g, r) = max{ deg P, d Q}T(/, r) + o(T(/, r)). Proof Write p P(.Y) = L aj(z)..yj )=0 q and Q(..Y) = L b)(z )..\' j, j=O where a) (z) and b) (z) are rational functions of z. Note mat by Corollary 5.1.2. T(aj,r) = ()(Jogr) = o(T(/,r)), and similarly forme b j . We first treat the polynomial case. that is the ca. when q = deg Q = 0, in which ca we may assume Q = 1. We show T(g,r) = T(P(/),r) < pT(/r) + o(T(/,r)) by induction on p. When p = 0 mis inequality is trivial. In general. note mat P(f) = / (t, OJ/j-I) + 00. Thus. by Proposition 1.5.1. we have T(P(f). r) < T(f, r) + T (t Ojj1-1 ,r) + T(ao, r) + IOK 2, 
I SS.S) Meromorphic Solutions to Differential EquatiOM 131 and hence me induction step. To show T(P(/), r) > pT(/, r) + o(T(/, r)), we consider me counting and mean-proximity functions separately. The counting function is me easier of the two. There are only finitely many points where one of the rational functions a J can have zeros or poles. If Zo is not one of these finitely many points and if / has a pole of order k at zo, then /P has a pole of order pk at Zo, and hence so does P(/). Thus, if it weren't for the zeros and poles of the coefficient functions aj, we would have lV(P(/), OC, r) = pN(/, 00, r). Taking the finitely many zeros and poles of the coefficients into account gives us N(P(/), oc, r) > pN(/, oc, r) - O(log r). Because the coefficient functions a J are rational functions, there exists an integer d such mat for r » 0 and for j = 0, . . . ,p - I, la J (re '8 )1 d lop( reiB)1 < r . Deli ne Sr = {8 E [0,211'] : 1/(re i8 )1 > rd+I}, and denote by S me complement of Sr in me interval [0,211']. Then, for Z = re ,8 with 8 E Sr and r > 0, we see P  aj(z) 1P(f(z))I = lop(z)ll/(z)l 1 +  op(z)[/(z)]P-j > 10p(z)II/(z)l p (1 - ) > la,,(Z)ll/(z)lp, and thus for mese z and r » 0, 1/( z)1 < 1/ (z )11' < 21  )1 . On the other hand. for z = re i8 with 8  Sr, we have 1/(z)1 < r d + I. Thus. for all sufficiently large r, 1 ,m (f. oc, r) = f log+ 1/(re'B)!" dB + j log+ 1/(reiB)lp dIJ J S,. 211' s 211' < f log+2 IP (f(re'B»I dIJ + f log+rp(d+l) dB - J s,. la p ( re '8 ) I 211' J s 211' 2w d9 < 1 log+IP(J(re'B))1 2", + O(logr), 
132 Appl ications ICh. 51 and hence fll(P(f), oc, r) > JlfI1(f, oc, r) - O(log r). Combining this with our earlier etimate for the counting functions. we have T(P(f), r) > pT(f, r) + o(T(f, r)). We now show T (g, r) < IIlax {p, q } T ( f, r) + o( T (f, r) ) in the general case g = P(f)/Q(f) when d('gQ > 1. By the First Main Theorem (Theorem 1.3.1), T(g, r) = T( 1/ g, r) + O( 1), and  without loss of generality we may assume p > q'! and we proceed by induction on q. By the division algorithm. we can write P/Q = A + B/Q, were _4,B E C(z)[X), with the degree of A (in _\) equal to p - q, and the degree of B strictly le than the degree of Q. Thus, from Proposition 1.5.1  T(g,r) < T(A(f),r) + T(B(f)/Q(f),r) + 0(1). We have already proven the inequality for polynomials. so T(_4(f), r) < (p - q)T(f, r) + o(T(f, r)). Using the First Main Theorem (Theorem 1.3.1) and the induction hypothesis. we have T( R(f)/Q(f). r) = T(Q(f)/ B(f), r) + O( 1) < qT(f. r) + o(T(f, r)). and hence T(g, r) < pT(f, r) + o(T(f, r)) as was to be shown. It remains to show T(g, r) > IUax{p, q}T(f, r) + O( 1), and here we need to use the assumption that P and Q are relatively prime. Since P and Q are relatively prime. we have by the Chinese Remainder Theorem. 1 = CP + DQ, for some C, D E C(z)[..\]. Dividing through by CQ, we have 1 P D CQ = Q + C . Again by the First Main Theorem. we may assume q > p, in which case r = d(gC > dD. Because CQ is a polynomial (in .-\). and we have already proved the proposition for polynomials. T(C(f)Q(f), r) = (l' + q)T(f, r) + o(T(f, r)). 
IS.SJ Men)morphic Solutions to Differential Equalion 133 On the other hand. by Proposition 1.5.1 and the inequality in the other direction ( 1 ) ( P(/) ) ( 8(/) ) T C(f)Q(f) , r < T Q(f) ' r + T Q(f) · r + log 2 < T (  . r) + rT(f, r) + o(T(f, r)). Making use of the First Main Theorem one last time. «(' + q)T(f. r) + o(T(f, r)) = T ( C(f)(f) ' r) < T (  , r) + ('T(f. r) + o(T(f. r)). and hence the proposition. 0 We now state a weaker version of Malmquist's Theorem as a lemma. ...emma 5.5.3 ut P(..\) and Q(x) be rrlat;,'/y prime polynomial.'t in C( z )[..\] and It I M a tranj"cendental meromorphic solution to J' = P(f) Q(/) . Then. d('g P < 2 and <leg Q < 2. Proof. Let d = nlax{dgP,d('gQ}. Since I' - P(/)/Q(/) by Proposi- tion 5.5.2 we have Irr(/, r) = T( P(/)/Q(/), r) + o(T(/, r)) = T ( I' . r) + o( T (I. r ) ) = nl (I' . oc, r) + t\' ( I' , x, r) + o( T (I. r ) ) · Now.1V(/',ocr) < 2N(/,oc.r) for r > I. and by Proposition 1.5.1 , ( I' ) m(f ,00, r) < 111 7' x. r + m(f. 00. r). Clearly. '''(/.:)0. r) + 2"'(/. OCt r) < 2T(/, r), and so we conclude from the Log- arithmic Derivative Lemma (Theorem 3.4.1 ) that 0(/. r) < 2T(/. r) + o(T(/. r)). for a sequence of r  :)0. or in other words that d < 2. 0 Lemma 5.5.3 reduces the proof of Theorem 5.5.1 to the case when P and Q are quadratic. The proof is essentially completed by a the following elementary proposition about quadratic polynomials. 
134 Applicalions (Ch. s 1 PropositJoo5.5.4 UI P('t) = a2..'t 2 + al"'t + ao and '1  Q(..¥) = b-.l.¥ + b l ..\: + bo, ,,'h,-re (10, a1, a2' bo, b l .. and b- 1 arr in C(z). UI P(.Y) = ao.y:l +a1" Y +a2 and Q(..Y) = bo..y 2 + bl..Y + h- 1 . Then, P and Q arr rrlalively prime in C( z )[ ..\'] if and only if P and Q arr rrlalively prime in C(z )[..Y]. Proof Let Co and CI be elements of C(z). Then. (c-1..Y + c-()) is a common factor of P and Q if and only if (C()..Y + CI) is a common factor of P and Q. 0 Proof of Theorrm 5.5. J. Let I be a transcendental meromorphic solution to the differential equation /' = P(f) Q(/) . By Lemma 5.5.3. P(..Y) = 02..y2 + al"\' + ao and Q(.,Y) = b- 1 ..y 2 + b 1 .'t + bo, where 00, 01, a2t bot b l t and  are in C(z). We need to show that b 1 (z) = b:z(z) = o. Let 9 = 1/1 Then. , - - I' _ 9 - 1 2 -- ao + all + a2/ 2 _ g2[ao + ally + a2/g2] 12[bo + bll + /2] - bo + b./g 2 + /g2 2 [ '1 ] _ 9 aog + al 9 + a2 - bog 2 + big + b:z Thus. 9 is a transcendental meromorphic solution to , g2 P(g) 9 = - .. Q(g) where P(..Y) and Q(..\') are defined as in Proposition 5.5.4. Since ..t 2 P(..\') has degree 4 > 2, Lemma 5.5.3 implies that ..y2 P(..t) and Q(..\') have a quadratic factor in common. On the other hand. P and Q are relatively prime by Proposi- tion 5.5.4. Thus. ..y 2 divides Q(..'t). 0 For a comprehensive introduction to the role of Nevanlinna theory in Ihe study of meromorphic solutions to differential equations. see (Laine 1993J. 
( 5.6J Funclions Sharing Value  135 5.6 Functions Sharing Values Perhaps some of the most striking applications oflNevanlinna theory are results that state if two functions share values then they must be identical (or differ by a constant. or differ by a fractional linear transfonnaion. etc.). We content ourself here with giving just one such example due to Nevar"linna himself. Theorem 5.6.1 (NevanliODa Five Values Theoftm) ut /1 and /2 M mem- morphic !un ('.tionj' on C. For a point a in Pl. an" for I = 1. 2, denote by G/(a) = {z E C : /,(Z) = ll}. If G I (a)) = G 2 (aj) for five di.ttinct value. al.. , . ,a. then either /1 = /2 or /1 and /2 arr both constant. Remark. When GI(a) = G 2 (a), the function /1 and /1. are said to share the value a (ignoring multiplicity). Note that e: nd c-  share the four values 0, 1. -1. and 00, so the 5 in the statement of tHe theorem cannot be replaced by 4. We emphasize that the sets G t do not aCCOUl1lt for multiplicity. If one takes the multiplicities into account. meaning that /1 =' a and /2 = a occur at the same points and with the same multiplicities. then Ievanlinna [Nev(R) 1929) also showed that apan from certain explicit exceptions (Ike the example of I': and e-:: mentioned above). three or four shared values are su\1)cient to detennine /. Proof. Suppose that /1 and /2 are neither both constant. nor identical. If either /1 or /2 is constant. then our as.umption implies the ,l)ther Omil\ at least four values. and so is constant also by Picanfs Theorem. Thus. we may assume neither /, is constant. , Let g( z) = (/1 (z) - /2(Z)) -I, and note that 9 is Rot identically 00 since /1 and /2 are assumed not to be identical. From the First Nlain Theorem (Theorem 1.3.1) and Proposition 1.5.1. we know that T(g,r) = T(/I - /2,r) + 0(1) S T(/I,r) + T(/2,r) + 0(1). J Let al,... ,a be five values such that G I (a)) = (rl2(a J ) for each j = 1,...,5. Without Ios.\ of generality. we may assume none of the a) are infinite. Define  5 · .l\(I)(r) = E.1\r(l)(/I,aj,r) = E r-. f (1)(/2,a),r). )=1 );1 By construction. for r > 1, f{l)(r) < }\r(l)(g.x,r) < N(g,oo,r) < T(g,r). On the other hand. for I = 1, 2, and r > 1, we have 5 J N{I)(r) > Li'(/I,(l),r) - !\'ram(/,r) = 3T(.ft,r) - 5(/" {aj}}=I,r). j=l 
136 Applications (Ch. SJ Therefore, 2 3[T(/I, r)+T(/2, r)) < 2.'\:,(1 )(r) + L S(II, {a) };=1' r) '=1  < 2T(g.r) + LS(II,{aj}=I.r) t= I  < 2[T(/I' r) + T(/, r)) + L S(II, {a) };:1' r) + 0(1). ,= 1 As the It are non-constant by assumption. this contradicts the weak Second Main Theorem (Theorem 5.2.1 ). 0 We now describe a variation of this idea. Given a subset S of pi and a mero- morphic function I on C, define GI\t(/ S) = {z E C: I(z) = a for some a E S} and G(,I (I, S) = {(z, rn) E C x Z>o : I(z) = (J with multiplicity rn for some a E S}. Here "1M" and "CM" stand for ignoring and counting multiplicity. If a subset S of pi is such that whenever GII (II. S) = GI\t (/" S) for two non-constant mero- morphic functions II and 12, then II must be identically equal to 11. then S is called a unique nnle set ignoring multiplicity. We similarly define the notion of a unique range set counting multiplicity. A very interesting and active topic of current research in Nevanlinna theory is to provide necessary and sufficient conditions for a subset of pI to be a unique range set, and another problem is to find the minimal cardinality of a unique range set (counting or ignoring multiplicity). As things are not settled yet, and there is rapid progress in this area, we prefer not to state any results. but simply reference the recent work of E. Mues and M. Reinders (MuRe 19(5). the work of G. Frank and M. Reinders (FrRe 1998). and the work of P. Li and C.C. Yang: (LiYa 1996) and (LiYa 1995]. S.7 Bounding Radii of Discs We aw above in the discusion of Picard's Theorem that a meromorphic function omitting Ihree values in the Riemann sphere mut be constant. We now turn to a finite version of this question. That is to say suppose that a function meromorphic in a disc omits at least three values. then is there a bound on how big the radius of that disc can be? or course for this question to make sense. one must normalize the derivative of the meromorphic function at the origin. Thus, we will now examine the following question: 
155.7) Bounding Radii of Discs 137 Question 5.7.1 ut q  3, and let al.. . ., a q be q distinct points in Pl. ut 1 be a function memmorphic on D( R). omillinR the values a I , , . . . a q , and normaliz.edsothat 1'(0) = 1. Can ".efindan explicit upper bound on R (inde. pendent of 1 )? We remark that any such bound must certainly depend on the omitted values a) because as the omitted values cluster together (i.e. as the distance between the a) decreases) one can obviously map larger and larger discs into the sphere omitting the a). It turns out that finding an explicit bound on R in Question 5.7.1 is a direct con- sequence on our uniform Second Main Theorem (Theorem 2.8.5 ). although because of the generality with which we have stated the fundamental inequality in Theo- rem 2.8.5. we need to do some routine manipulations to get uch a bound out of the inequality. We also need to make several arbitrary choices as we pfOl;eed. We have tried to make these choices in a relatively straightforward. yet efficient, manner; one can make different such choices to get better bounds. We begin with a proposition that chooses specific functions for the functions :, and tP. in Theorem 2.8.5 and then separates terms containing the characteristic func- tion t from the other terms. Proposition 5.7.2 ut aI, . . . ,a q be q > 3 di.tin(.t points in Pl. ut bJ(q). bl' and V(al' . . . ,a q ) M as in Theorrm 2.8.5. Let 1 M a memmorphic function on D(R) ",,'hich omits the aj. Assume that 1 is normali:.ed so that 1 1 (0) = 1. Then. for all r such that (loll; r)2 > ef' and outside tl set of Lebesgue measurr at mo.(t 2, (q - 2)T(/, r)- 101( T(/, r) - 2 log log T(/. r) - log log 101( r 2 (/. r) . 1 < log log r + D( (l1 . · . . . a q ) + 2 log b:J (q) + lug lug h3 (q ) + log log log b:J(q) + log log hi b:J(q) +  log 2 + 1, Rentark. The right hand side of the above inequality is independent of I, and the only term on the right that depends on r is the lOll; log r term. PRlot Start with the inequality in Theorem 2.8.5. and note that the .N(/, ('j. r) terms are all zero since the (J j are all omitted values. The function f is unramified at the origin.. and in any case r > 1. ) the 1\',.", (I.. r) term is positive and can be ignored. Choose tP(r) = 1 and fo"(.r) = (log.r)1. Ry freshman calculus. ko('.) = I. and so the Lebesgue measure (ince tP = 1) of the exceptional set is bounded by 2. By the First Main Theorem. or more precisely by Proposition 2.8.1. since we have assumed (log r)2 > e. we knoW! that 21o log t 2 (I, r) > 2 log log( (log r)2) > 2. 
138 Appl ic Blions ro. SJ Similarly, 10gt(/, r), lob3, 2Iulogb:1 and logb.b:J are all > 2, and so we can repeatedly use the inequality log( J" + Y) < log r + log y x , y > 2 to simplify the inequality in Theorem 2.8.5. Collecting all the terms involving T( 1ft r) on the left then gives the desired inequality. 0 To simplify our estimate, we now make the left had side of the inequality in the previous proposition linear in T. Proposition 5.7.J The left hand .(ide of the inequality in Pmpo.(ition 5.7.2 can be rrplaced by (q - 5/2)t(/, r). Proof. We assume t 2 (/, r) > ef! > 9, and by elementary calculus one easily sees that for all x > 9, 1 2 2X < x -logx - 2 log log x -lologlogx. 0 Next we again use that T(/, r) > logr to eliminate the T(/, r) terms. and we will be left with a bound on r. Namely. Theorem 5.7.4 Ut 01, . . . , 0,  q  3 distinct points in Pl. ut b., b 3 (q) and D(o... . . . .. 0,)  defined as in Theorrm 2.8.5. ut I  a memmorphic function in D(R) omillinR the values OJ and normali:.ed .fO that 1'(0) = 1. Then. we ha,'e that . [ ? 1 log R < (q - 13/5) - V( o. , · · . , 0,) + 2 log b: 1 + log log b:J + lop; log log  + log log b,  + 4 log 2 + I] + log 2. Proof ince t( I, r) > I() r by Proposition 2.8.1, we can replace the term (q - 5/2)T(/, r) with (q - 5/2) logr. Then we gather the terms depending on r and use the fact that 2 1 5logr < 2Iogr-log!ugr. (!ogr)2 > e, which can be verified by elementary calculus, to conclude that ? 1 (q - 13/5) log r < V( u. . · · · , u,) + 2 log b 3 + log IUK b:J + log log log b:J + log 10 g b. b- J + 410g2 + 1. 
I S. 71 Bounding Radii of Discs 139 Solving for log r and adding log 2 to account for the possibility that the exceptional set could be the interval [R - 2, R) gives us the upper bound for R. 0 We would like to point out that one can prove a theorem like Theorem 5.7.4 with- out actually using the Second Main Theorem. One can construct a negatively curved singular area form (in a similar manner as in the curvature proof of the Second Main Theorem) and then apply an Ahlfors-Schwarz type lemma. We also point out that one cannot prove a theorem like Theorem 5.7.4 by using the Second Main Theorem as we have if one only knows that the error term in the Second Main Theorem is of order O(log T(j, r)), because the error term (and the size of the exceptional set for that matter) could a priori depend on the function j in some complicated way. To get any kind of radius bound. one must have some sort of uniform estimate on the error term 8.\ we provided in Theorem 2.8.5. and if one want an explicit bound as we have given here. then the constants in the error term must be estimated explicitly as well. We conclude this topic with a discussion of the sharpness (or lack thereoO of the bound in Theorem 5.7.4. For special cases. Theorem 5.7.4 is very far from sharp. We leave it as an exercise to the reader to check that if q = 3 and if {al,a2,a3} = to, l,oc}, then the bound given to us by Theorem 5.7.4 is on the order of R < (3O, which. although explicit. is much much larger than the sharp bound. M. Bonk and W. OIerry (BoCh 1996) showed that the sharp bound in this case IS R r(1/4)4 4 4 30 < 2 <. <t:e . - 41f On the other hand. thinking of q 8.\ fixed. the only part of the bound in Theo- rem 5.7.4 that depends on the points a 1, . . . , a q is V(a 1, . . . , a q ). If we set 8 = illllai, ajll, 'J then we e8.i Iy see that 8.\ 8 -+ 0, e(al.....a.) = 0 ( (r-l) . Thus the bound in Theorem 5.7.4 is of the type q-l R < 0 ( ) q - 13/5 a. s -+ 0, where the constants implicit in the 0 notation depend on q. Actually. one easily sees that the same techniques we used to derive Theorem 5.7.4 from Theorem 5.7.2. can be used to show that given any € > O. ( q-l ) R < O ()q-2-t . 
140 Applications (Ch. S) where the implicit constants now depend on both q and . In any case" the point we wish to make here is that in either case, the exponent of 118 tend\ to I as q  x. To see the significance of this" specialize to the case that a J = A/c'JtriV'=i/q. j = I,.. ., q! and .\1 large. Using stereographic projection to compute the minimal chordal dis- tance between the points (l J' one easily sees that ! = O( AI) ... as 41  00. where again the implicit constants depend on q. Thus, when the (IJ are chosen in this manner, q-I R<O Alq- 13 / 5 On the other hand, the map f(z) = z satisfies fl«()) = I and maps the disc of radius AI into C \ {(ll. . . . , a q }, and so we see that Theorem 5.7.4 is in some nse sharp as both 8  0 and q  x at the same time. This leaves us with the following question: Question 5.7.5 Given a fixed q > 3, 'haL i.( the smallest pOJ.(ible exponent p(q) su(.h that if (ii, ..., a q a" di.ftinct point.) ,,'ith lIu"tlJII > ." for all i :/: j. and if f is a meTrJmorphi('function on D(R) omilling the value.( u J and 1IlJn"t,li:.ed .(0 that fC(O) = I, then R < 0 ( ()P(q)) . ,,'he" the con.(tant.( impli(.it in the biN () 1I(ltation ma.\' depend on q. but not on f or the tl J . Remark. The discus-'tion above shows that q-I I < p(q) < 2 +€' q- for any positive €. Note that this does not imply p(q) < (q - 1)/(q - 2)" since the constants implicit in the big 0 notation could a priori blow up a. € --+ O. 
ISS.8) Theorems of Landau and Schottky Type 141 5.8 Theorems of Landau and Schottky Type Theorem 5.7.4 gives us a bound on the radius of a map given a normali7.ation of its derivative at the origin. Obviously. one can turn this around and normalize the radius. and then get a bound on the derivative at the origin. When such a theorem is stated this way. it is known as a theorem or Landau type after E. Landau.s Theorem [Land I904J. Composing with a disc automorphism allow one to bound the derivative at any point. and it is this result we now state as a corollary of Theo- rem 5.7.4. Corollary 5.8.1 (Landau's Theorem) Let 01,. . . 'IOq be q > 3 distinct values in pl. ut b l . b:J(q) and V(o". . . 'I a q ) be as in ThelJn'm 2.8.5. ut C = exp { (q - 13/5)-' [i>(a...... (1 9 ) +  logb:J + log logb 3 + log log log b:J + log log b. b:J + 4 log 2 + 1] + log 2 } . ut 1 be a menJmorphic function on D( R), R < 00 (JmillinR the 0). Then. f(Jr all z in D(R). c f' (z) < R ( 1 _I  I) · Proof. Assume the conclusion of the theorem is false for some %0 in D( R). Since we may replace 1 by 1/1 and the II) by I/a) without changing the statement of the corollary. we may a.ume without loss of generality that %0 is not a pole of I. Let AI = Rf'(:o) (1-I  r) > c. Let h be the automorphism of D( R) given by h ( ) = R 2 (% - %0) % R 2 - , - Zo% and let g( z) = f 0 h ( , z ) , which is holomorphic in the disc of radius AI. We see that g(O) = 1(%0) and that Ig'(O)1 =  (1 -I  r) 1/'(:0)1 = (l + 1/(zoI1) 
142 Applications I Ch. S J by construction. Hence. g-(O) = 1. Theorem 5.7.4 then tells us that log Al < log C. 0 We remark that this theorem gives an etTective upper bound on 1/'(0)1 in terms of 1/(0)1 and the minimal distance between the ai' We point out that the version of Landau' Theorem in (Land 1904] follows ea..ily from the Schwarz Lemma and the fact that pi minus the omitted points is covered by the unit disc. This observation. first made by Caratheodory (Cara 1905]. bounds 1/'(0)1 in terms of 1/(0)1 and the universal covering map. which of course i not the same form of the theorem we have given here. The bound we have given here is of the form 1/'(0)1 < Const. x (1 + 1/(0)1 2 ). On the other hand. if the omitted values are 0, 1 and oc, one knows (see Hempel (Hemp 1979] and Jenkins (Jenk 1981]) that 1/,(0) 1 < 21/(0)1 (I log 1/(0)11 + r(:)4 ) . and this is clearly a better bound. and in fact best possible. as 1/(0) 1 goes to zero or infinity. Although. see [BoCh 1996) for a further discus."ion of the quadratic bound. including the computation of the best possible constant. Integrating Corollary 5.8.1 results in an etTective version of Schottky.s Theorem (Scho 1904]. Corollary 5.8.2 ut ai, ..., a q be q > 3 dutin,.t values in pi, and let C be as in Corollary 5.8./. ut / be a meromorphic function on D( R), R < oc omitting th II). Then. for all r < R, o C'J. R2 T(/,r) < T 10g R2 _ r 2 . Proof Using Theorem 1.11.3 expressing t as an integral of (/_)2 and the bound on /c given in Corollary 5.8.1. we get T(/. r) = l r t f (/')21) OCt) l r dt 1 2Jr i t C2 dO < 0 too R2(l- s2fR2)2 2sds 27r l r [ 1 ] dt = c 2 U (l - flf R2) - 1 t C2 R2 = T log 1fl _ r 2 . 0 
IS.81 Theorems of Landau and Schottky Type 143 If the function 1 is holomorphic. rather than meromorphic. we can use Propo- sition 1.7.1 to restate this last corollary in terms of the maximum modulus of the function. or in other word. give an upper bound on II (:) 1 in terms of 1 % I. Such a theorem is called a theorem oIhoUky type. Corollary 5.8.3 (hottky's Theorem) ut al  .." a q be q > 3 distinct \'alues in pi, and let C be a.f in Corolla", 5.8./. ut 1 be a holomorphic function on D( R). R < X) omillinR the a j. Then. for all r < R. 4R [ C 2 4R2 ] log 1/(:)1 < R _ 1:1 Tlog R2 _ 1:12 - lop; 11/(0), cell · Proof Let : be in D(R) and let r = 1%1. From Proposition 1.7.1 we have for any p between rand R, p+r log 1/(%)1 < T(/, p). p-r By taking p = (R + r)/2, we get 4R log 11(:)1 < R _ r T(/, (R + r)/2). Using equation (1.2.4) and Proposition 1.2.2 to relate T and t, we have 4R [ '0 ] log 1/(:)1 < R _ r T(/. (R + r)/2) -loJP; 11/(0), cell . Finally. we use the estimate in Corollary 5.8.2 and the fact that 1 4 R 2 _ ( R ; r ) 2 < R2 - r 2 to conc lude 4R [ C 2 4R2 ] log 1/(:)1 < R _ r T log R2 _ r 2 - log 11/(0),0011 . 0 We again point out that the venion of Schottky's Theorem we have given here is effective. but we again stress that for typical cases. such a. the complement of 0, 1, 00, the constant we give is very far from best possible. 
144 Appl ical ions ICb. 51 5.9 Slowly Moving Targets Borrowing the language of number theory (see Chapter 6). the Second Main Theo- rem gives us information about how well a meromorphic function I approximates a finite number of points on the Riemann sphere. (If the function has large deficiency for the value a, then it stays close to the value a often and so "well-approximates U the value a. The Second Main Theorem says that a non-constant function cannot well-approximate too many values.) One could also ask. ..how well does I approx- imate other functions'!.. To be more precise. we say that a meromorphic function a(:) on D( R) is slowly IDOving with respect to a meromorphic function I (also defined on D(R) if . T(a,r) hm T(f ) = n. r-. R , r One also calls a slowly moving function a smaD function. One can then define the various Nevanlinna function in this context of moving targets; for example. In(/, a, r) = In(1 - a, o r). and l\r(1 )(/, a, r) = ]\/(1 )(1 - a, O. r). Nevanlinna showed that the Second Main Theorem for fixed targets implies the following panial second main theorem for moving targets. Theorem 5.9.1 ut I, ai, a2 and a3 be meromorphic functions on C. A.\'sume tlratthe a J a" 'I(},,'ly movinR 'ith "Sctt(} I, and that no two of the aj a" identically equal. Then. for all r sufficientl)' large and out.tide of a set of finite ubesgue mea.\'u". 3 T(/,r) - EN(')(/,aJ,r) < o(T(/,r)). j=1 Actually, Nevanlinna had an extra ()( log r) term on the right because he had this term in his error term for the Second Main Theorem. Since we do not have this term in our error terms. we do not get it here either. Because the main emphasis of this book is the precise structure of the em)r term in Nevanlinna theory. and because the fine structure of the error term in the case of moving targets ha.. yet to be seriously studied. we have decided not to include any discussion of the modem treatment of the Second Main Theorem with moving targets. We content ourselves here with giving a proof for the theorem of Nevanlinna tated above. which we will need for our discussion of iteration later in this section. and we simply direct the readers attention to the work of Osgood. Steinmetz. Ru. and Stoll: (Osg 1985). (Stei 1986). (RuSt 1991a) (RuSt 1991bl. and (Ru 19971 for more detailed treatments of moving targets. However. we remark that the three moving target theorem of Nevanlinna that we shall prove presently includes a "ramification term U in that we have stated the theorem using the truncated counting functions. This sort of ramification term seems elusive in the mOre general slowly moving 
ISS.91 Slowly Moving Targets 145 target theorems cited above. and finding a proof for a moving target second main theorem that works with truncated counting functions is an important open problem. Proof of Theorem 5.9. /. Let (j - "I )(a:! - (13) g= . .. (j - 03) ( (I:l - (II ) If we let S(r) = T(g,r) - .(1)(g,oo,r) - N(I)(g,O,r) - 1\.(1)(g, l,r), then we know from the Second Main Theorem for fixed targets that S(r) < O(logT(g. r)) for all large r outside a set of finite Lebesgue measure. Using Proposition 1.5.1. the First Main Theorem (Theorem 1.3.1). and the fact that the OJ are slowly moving with respect to j, we see T(j,r) = T(j,oc,r) < T(j-03,r)+T(03,r)+O(1) < T(j - 03,0, r) + o(T(j, r)) < T((03 - UI )/(j - 03).OC, r) + o(T(j, r)) ( 03 - UI ) < T 1 + 1_ ":I ,r + o(T(f,r)) = T( (j - 01 )/(j - a:.), r) + o(T(j, r )). Similarly. T((02 - 0,)/(02 - 03),r) = o(T(j.r)), and so T(j, r) < T(g, r) + o(T(j. r)). Therefore. :. T(j, r) - L !\( I )(j, OJ, r) < S(r) + o(T(j, r)) < O(log T(g r)) + o(T(j, r)) )=1 for all r sufficiently large and outside a set of finite measure. But. again by Propo- sition I.S. I. T(g. r) < T(j. r) + o(T(j, r)), and so the theorem is proven. 0 
146 Application. (eb. S) 5.10 Fixed Points and Iteration The study of the dynamics of rational functions is a rich and diverse branch of math- ematics. One can also study the dynamics of transcendental holomorphic functions namely if / is holomorphic. then consider /n(z) = /0. .. o/(z), where / is composed with itlf n times. What happens a. ,. becomes large? How i the behavior of /n related to propenies of /? These are some of the sons of questions one studies in complex dynamics. We will not discuss dynamics in any detail. but we simply state that one theme that occurs frequently in dynamics is the study of fixed points. A point Zo is called a fixed point for a holomorphic map / if /(zo) = zoo Generalizing this idea. we call a point Zo a fixed point or order u. if /n(zo) = Zo. If Zo is a fixed point of order n and not a fixed point of any lower order. then Zo is called a fixed point of exact order n. We remark. that if /n(Zo) = Zo, then Zo is a zero of the function /n(z) - z, and thus that Nevanlinna theory should be a useful tool in the study of fixed points. or complex dynamics more generally. really comes as no surprise. We give here just one example of how Nevanlinna theory can be used in the study of dynamics of transcendental holomorphic functions. Our discussion here is taken essentially from Hayman (Hay 1964]. The result we discuss here depends on a Schottky type theorem. and the only real difference between our treatment and that of Hayman. is that we use Corollary 5.8.3. which was a direct consequence of the Second Main Theorem. whereas Hayman uses a Schottky type theorem derived by other means. The example we have decided to give in this section is the following theorem of Baker (Bakr 1960 J. Theorem 5.10.1 (Baker) /f / i.f a tran..f("endental (i.e. non-pol.\'nomial) enti" function. then exceptfor at mO.ft one pt}'itive integer n. the function / possesses infinitely many fixed point.f of exact order n. We postpone the proof of Theorem 5.10.1 for now so that we may state and prove some results we shall need for the proof of Theorem 5.10.1; these results are also of idependent interest. First we give a theorem of Bohr (Bohr 1923J. Theorem 5.10.2 ut / be a holomorphic fun(.tion in the unit dis(' .fuch that /(0) = 0 and .fu(.h that .\f(/, 1/2) > 1. ut r. = [1 + 48 c: r C2 ] -I. whe" C is as in Corollary 5.8. J. Then. the" exists some r > ro .fuch that / takes on every value w on the cirrle Iwl = r at lean once inside the unit dis(' Izi < 1. 
IS.IO) Fixed Points and Iteration 147 Re....rk. Hayman [Hay 1951 J has shown. by different methods. that Theo- rem 5.10.2 remains true with r, = 1/8.. which is much better than what we have done here. PrrJOf. Let r2 > 0 be such that for every r > r2, there exists a point W r with Iwrl = r, and such that W r is omitted by I. We need to how that r2 > r,. For j = 1,2, choose points w) so that IWjl = jr2 and such that I(z) # Wj for all Izi < 1. Then. let 1 ( z) - tl I g(z) = , U'2 - w, and note that 9 is analytic on the unit disc and omits the values 0 and 1  Note also that Ig(O)1 = -WI < 1. W2 - w, Then. Schottky.s Theorem (Corollary 5.8.3) tells us that - ( 16 ) log Ig( Z H < C = 4 C2 log 3" + log 2 1 for 1 z 1 < 2. Thus. I/(z)l < Iw,1 + I W 2 - w,llg(z)1 < r2(1 + Je c ) On the other hand. we.ve assumed the maximum modulus on Izl - 1/2 to be at least one. and thus 1 r2 > - = r,. 0 1 + 3 e C' Next we will state and prove a lemma which tells us that the chardcteristic func- tion of the composite of two entire transcendental functions grows faster than the characteristic function of the oUlide function. Lemnaa 5.10.3 ut 9 and h be transcendental (i.e. non-pol).nomial)enti" func- tions, and let I(z) = go h(z). 1Mn. lim T(g, r) = O. r.....OO T(/, r) Proof. Let r be a positive number and let .. ,,( r z /2) - ',(0) "r(Z) = M(f, - h(O), r /4) ' Note that hr(O) = 0 and AI(h r ,I/2) = 1. Let r, be as in Theorem 5.10.2 and apply Theorem 5.10.2 to h r to conclude that there exists some r > r, such that h r 
148 A ppl ications I Ch. S I assumes all values Iwl = r at lea..\t once in the unit disc. In other word" h assumes in Izl < r /2. all values on some circle {w: Iu,. - h(O)1 = R,}, with RI > rl A/(h - h(O), r/4) > rl (A/(h, r/4) - Ih(O)I). Choose 8 0 so that g(h(O) + R t e,8 o ) = R'ax Ig(w)l, lu' - h(O)I=RI and choose Zo so that Izol < r/2, and I(Zo) = h(O) + R,e i80 . Then. by the maximum modulus principle. I/(Zo)1 = Ig(h(Zo))1 = Ig(h(O) + R,eiOo)1 = max Ig(u')1 lu.-h(OH=HI > max Ig(w)1 = A/(g, R, -lh(O)I). lu'IRI-lh(O)l In other words" A/(/, r/2) > A/(g, R'J), where R 2 = R, -lh(O)I. Thus. by using Proposition 1.7.1 to relate the Nevanlinna characteristic function to the maximum modulus. we obtain III T (I, r) > '3 101. Af (I, r /2) > '3 log ..f (g  R ) > '3 T (g. R 2) · Note that R"l > r, A/(h, r/4) - (rl + 1)lh(O)I. Because h is transcendental. for any fixed positive integer k and for all r sufficiently large. we have r, M (I, r /4) > r' + t + (r 1 + I) I h( 0) I, and so ) 1 '+1 T(/, r > '3T(g, r ). By Corollary 1.13.2. T(g, r) is a convex function of log r and thus T(g, r) - T(g, r2) log r - log r, is non-decreasing a. r -+ X) and r2 remains fixed. Thus. T(g"r lct ') > (k+ I)T(g,r) +0(1) for r sufficiently large. where the O( I) term does not depend on r or k. Thus" for r sufficiently large (depending on k). k+1 T(f, r) > 3 T(g, r) + O( 1), 
ISS.IOI Fixed Poinls and Ileralion 149 and hence the theorem is proved. 0 Proof of Theo rtm 5. /0. /. Suppose that I has only a finite number of fixed points of exact order n, and call them (I , . . . , (q. It suffices to prove that I ha..\ infinitely many fixed points of exact order k for all k > n. So. let k > n, and let Zo be a solution to the equation lit (z) = lit - n (z ). Then In(/lt-n(zo)) = Ik-n(zo), and so ( = lit - n ( zo) is a fixed point of order 11. Thus. either ( is one of the (j, or else ( is a fixed point of exact order strictly less than n. If ( is not among the (j, then note that IIt-n+m(zo) = IIt-n(zo), where ,n < n - 1 is the exact order of the fixed point (. Thus. any solution to IIt(z) = IIt-n(z) is either a solution to IIt-n(z) = (j for some j, or a solution to IIt-n+m(z) = IIt-n(z) for some 1 < m < n - 1. Thus. N(I)(/It_ IIt-n, 0, r) n-I q <  N(I)(IIt-n+m _ IIt-n,O,r) + N(I)(/It-n,(j,r) m=l )=1 < 0 (T(l,r)) , where the last inequality follows from the First Main Theorem. Clearly. lit = It 0 lit -I , 1 < l < k - 1, and I' and lit -I are transcendental. Hence we know that T (I' , r) = o( T (lit, r) ) by Lemma 5.10.3. Thus the functions 01 (z) = z, 02(Z) = IIt-n(z), and 03(Z) = 00 are all slowly moving with respect to lit, and therefore by Theorem 5.9.1. we have a sequence of radii r, -. 00 such that 3 T(/It,r,) S N(l)(IIt,o),ri) +o(T(/It,r;)). )=1 However. fit has no poles since it is entire. and we just saw that N(I)(flt, flt-n, r) = o(T(flt, r)). 
ISO Applications (Ch. 5) Thus. T(flc, r;) < N(I)(flt ,aI, r;) + o(T(flt, r;». Now. again by the First Main Theorem and Lemma 5.10.3. the number of fixed points of order strictly less than k is o(T(flc, r», and so f ha. infinitely many fixed points of exact order k for all k > n. [] Remark. In the proof. we used Lemma 5.10.3 simply to compare T(flc, r) with T(f'..r). We chose to include Lemma 5.10.3 even though its proof. making use of Theorem 5.10.2, is somewhat complicated because it is a nice application of Schottky's Theorem (Corollary 5.8.3). However. if Theorem 5.10.1 were our only goal. it would have sufficed to use the following lemma, which. given the Second Main Theorem. is much easier to prove. Lemnaa5.10.4 iLt 9 and It tran.tcendental(i.e. non-polynomial)entirefunc- tions, and let f (z) = 9 0 h( z). Then, there exist.t an exceptional set E with finite iLsgue measure such that . T(h, r) lam T(/ ) = o. roo . r rfE Proof Because 9 is transcendental, there exists a point bEe such that g( z) = b has infinitely many solutions. aI, a2, .... To see this. suppose no such b existed. Then. we conclude from Theorem 5.1.2 that every value b is deficient for g. This contradicts Theorem 5.2.3. Then. from the First Main Theorem. for each q, q T(f, r) + 0(1) > N(f,b, r) > L N(h,a), r). j=1 For each q we can use the Second Main Theorem to find an exceptional set Eq with Lebesgue measure < 2- q such that q LN(h,a),r) > (q-2)T(h,r)-o(T(h,r» j=1 for all r > ro outide Eq. Thus. 1 . T(h, r) 1 un < roo T(f, r) - q - 2 rfE. The proof is completed by taking E to the union of all the Eq. 0 One can remove the exceptional set from Lemma 5.10.4. See, for instance, [Clun 1970]. We conclude by remarking without proof that W. Bergweiler [Berg 1991) has improved Baker's Theorem. Theorem 5.10.5 (BergweUer) If f ;s a transc'endental entire function and n i.t an integer > 2, then f ha.t infinitely many fixed points of exact order n. For a general introduction to they dynamics of entire and meromorphic functions. see [Berg 1993). [ChuYal990). [Oro 1972]. or [HuaYa 1998]. 
6 A Further Digression into Number Theory: Theorems of Roth and Khinchin This chapter is our second digression into number theory. We saw in  1.8 that Jensen's Fonnula (or the First Main Theorem) can be viewed a. an analogue of the Anin- Whaples product fonnula in number theory. In the present chapter, we discus. a celebrated number theory theorem known as Roth's Theorem, and we ex- plain how this is analogous to a weak fonn of the Second Main Theorem. In fact, it was the fonnal similarity between Nevanlinna's Second Main Theorem and Roth's Theorem that led C. F. Osgood (see [Osg 1981] and [Osg 1985) to the discovery of an analogy between Nevanlinna theory and Diophantine approximations. As we said previously, such an analogy was later. but independently. explored in greater depth by P. Vojta. In this chapter we will discuss, without proof, some of the key points in Vojta's monograph [Vojt 1987), and we include Vojta's so called "dictio- nary" relating Nevanlinna theory and number theory. This section is intended for the analytically inclined and is only intended to provide the most basic insight into the beautiful analogy between Nevanlinna theory and Diophantine approximation theory. By omitting proofs, we have tried to make this section less demanding on the reader than [Vojt 1987]. However, a true appreciation for Vojta's analogy cannot be obtained without also studying the proofs of the number theoretic analogues in their full generality. Any reader that is seriously interested in the connection be- tween Nevanlinna theory and Diophantine approximation is highly encouraged to carefully read Vojta's monograph [Vojt 1987). We will also discus. in this section some of the ways that the analogy we explore here has affected the study of Nevanlinna theory, and in panicular, we will discuss how it led Lang (Lang 1988]t and then others, to the more detailed study of the error tenn in Nevanlinna's Second Main Theorem, which is the main emphasis of this book. 6.1 Roth's Theorem and Vojta's Dictionary We begin by stating Roth's theorem over the rational numbers, as in Roth's original paper [Roth 1955]. We recall that a real or complex number is called an algebraic number if it is the zero of a polynomial with rational coefficients. 
152 Theorems of RO(h and Khinchin (Ch. 6) Theorem 6.1.1 (Roth'. Theorem) Let 0  an algebraic nr and let E  a real number > O. Then, for all but finitely many pairs of relatively prime integers nl and n (n > 0), the followinR inequality hold.t: 1 0 -  1 > . n - n 2 +t' Roth's theorem is a quantitative statement, but qualitatively what it is saying is that an algebraic number cannot be too closely approximated by infinitely many rational numbers. The appearance of the 2 in the exponent in the inequality in Roth's theorem, and the appearance of the 2 in the Second Main Theorem (as in ((1 - 2)T(/, r), or as in the sum of the defects is less than 2) is what, in pan, led Osgood to find an analogy between Nevanlinna theory and number theory. We point out here that the Euler characteristic of the Riemann sphere is also 2, and as one sees if one studies higher dimensional Nevanlinna theory and higher dimensional versions of Roth's Theorem, this is no coincidence. Before eXplaining in more detail how Roth's Theorem connects to Nevanlinna theory, we first introduce some notation and state a more general version of Roth's theorem. This more general version of Roth's theorem demands some patience from the reader unfamiliar with number theory and its notation, but we feel this general version of Roth't s theorem is essential to understanding the analogy. We will state the general Roth theorem over an arbitrary number field, but we encourage the reader who has never n these ideas before to continually think of what happens in the concrete case of the rational number field Q. We will let F denote a number field. recalling that a number field is a finite extension of the rationals Q. We let [F: Q] denote the degree of F over Q, or in other words the dimension of F as a Q -vector space. Now, recall that in  1.8. we discu the Artin- Whaples product fonnula (equation (1.8.1», which says. when written multiplicatively, that we can choose absolute values I 'v in the various equivalence classes v of absolute values on F such that for every x in F \ {O}, we have Ix I.,  1 for at most finitely many v, and moreover II Ix'v = 1. v We will now describe the absolute values I I t' in more detail, recall ing that these absolute values can be divided into Archimedean and non-Archimedean absolute values. The Archimedean absolute values arise in the following way. We note that any number field has only a finite number of embeddings (1: F  C. For each such embedding (1 , and for x in F, we define the absolute value Ix I a = 1(1(x)l, where the absolute value on the right is the standard absolute value on C. We re- mark that if (1(F) is not contained in the real numbers R, then (1 has a conjugate 
(S6. I J Roth.s Theorem and Vojta'5 Dictionary 153 embedding l1 coming from complex conjugation. and that in this case Ixl a = Ixl for all x. In such cases. we consider both Iia and II, even though they are really the same. Alternatively. one can consider conjugate pairs of embeddings to be one embedding. but counted with multiplicity two. The non-Archimedean absolute values on F arise in much the same way as they do on Q, although to get the product fonnula to work out. they have to be nor- malized appropriately. More precisely. recall that an algebraic number x is called an algebraic Integer if x is a root of a monic polynomial with coefficients in Z. Recall that a polynomial with integer coefficients is said to be monic if the leading coefficient is one. The elements of F which are also algebraic integers fonn a ring R, called the ring oflntegen in F. Many of the nice propenies we take for granted about the ring Z need not apply to R. In panicular. one may not be able to uniquely factor elements of R into primes, nor need R be a principal ideal domain. A key advance in number theory came about when one realized that rather than look at the factorization of elements of R, one should look at the factorization of ideals in R. Let x be an element of R, and let p be a prime ideal in R. Although we may not be able to uniquely factor the element x into a product of prime or irreducible elements. the principal ideal in R generated by x does factor uniquely into a prod- uct of prime ideals. We denote by ordpx the number of times the prime ideal p appears in this ideal factorization. Every prime ideal p lies above some everyday prime p in Q, namely the characteristic of the finite field R/ p. Let Qp be the completion of Q with respect to the p-adic absolute value I I p on Q. Note that this completion is fonned in the standard way by looking at equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences. two Cauchy sequences being equivalent if their difference is a sequence converging to o. Write F = Q(XI,..., x 4 ) so that the Xj generate F. Then. let F p = Qp(Xt,.. . ,x 4 ). Note that F  FH although this embedding is not unique. We remark that some elements of F which are not in Q might already be in Qp, and so [F p : Qp) might be strictly less than [F: Q). For elements x in R, we now define Ixl p = p-IFp:Q,.lordpz. Note here the similarity with the absolute value lip on Q. The factors [F",: Qp) are necessary for the product fonnula to work out. The absolute value lip and the order function ord p extend to F in the natural way by writing any x in F as the quotient of two elements in R. We remark that the factors (F p : Qp) used in the nonnalization of lip can be thought of as the 4. mu ltiplicities" with which we count an absolute value in that equivalence class. In this way. these factors correspond to the "multiplicities" [R: R] = 1 and [C: RJ = 2 that arise in the Archimedean case depending on whether for a complex embedding D, we have t7(F) contained in R or not. If we insist on sticking with absolute values. we cannot include the Archimedean multi- plicities in the nonnalization. as we have in the non-Archimedean case. because II does not satisfy the triangle inequality if Iia is an Archimedean absolute value. 
154 Theorems of Roth and Khinchin I Ch. 6) The product fonnula (equation (1.8.1» can then be written as 1 = ( II I x l a ) · ( II Ixlp ) t a F.......C P where if x  0, then for all but finitely many prime ideals p, Ixl., = I. Let x be an element of F, and define the relative he....t H (F, x), by H(F,x) = ( n max{l, Ix I,,} ) . ( II max{l, Ix I.,} ) . a : ,. ....... c P The height H (F, x) measures the Usize" or "complexity" of a number. To get an intuitive feel for the height. the reader should right now verify that if F is the rational number field Q, then H(Q,x) = max{lml,lnl}, where x = m/n, and m and n are relatively prime integers. Thus. the height of a number is large if either the numerator or the denominator is large. For the reader unfamiliar with number theory. it is useful to keep this special case in mind. The height H(F, x) is called "relative" because it is relative to the number field F. Note however that if E is a finite extension of F and if x is in F, then H(E,x) = H(F,x)IF::".). (6.1.2) Also note that: Given a positive number M, only a finite number of elements x in F have H(F,x) < M. Given a in pi, let '\Q be any Weil function. For definiteness. one can take { IOg+ a  x>, Z  a,oc Q(z) = 1%  al lo+lzl a = OCt z   We are now ready to state the more general version of Roth's theorem. Theorem 6.1.3 (General Roth Theorem) iLt al,.. . ,a, be (not nce.t.tarily distinct) elements of F U {oc}, where F i.t a number field. Then. given e > 0, there are only finitely man)' x in F that do not sati.tj)' the ;nequal;t)' L m '\a(oJ )(o(.r» < (2 + e) log H(F, x), } a where the sum is taun over all embeddinR.t 0: F y C, and where by convention we let l7( 00) = X>. 
(.I ) Roth's Theorem and Vojta's Dictionary 155 Remarks. The inequality does not make sense for z = aj, and so the a J are among the finitely many exceptions. We leave it as an exercise for the reader to prove that Theorem 6.1.3 actually implies Theorem 6.1.1. Note that in Theorem 6.1.1 we do not require (} to be rational, but in Theorem 6.1.3 we require the a} to be in F. By way of a hint. we remark that the one shou Id consider for F the spl itting field for the irreducible polynomial of which Q is a root. and then take u- 1 (0) for the a} as D runs through the embeddings u: F '-+ C (i.e. the other roots of the irreducible polynomial). We also point out that since to prove Theorem 6. 1.1 . one only needs to consider rational numbers close to 0, and so one need only consider rational numbers z = m/n where m and n are relatively prime positive integers. and H(Q, x) < Cn for some constant C. If we introduce more notation, we will see how this is the analogue of Nevan- linna's Second Main Theorem. First. we modify our notion of height a little. Given a non-zero algebraic number z contained in a number field F, we define the abso- lute loprlthmk height by 1 h(x) = [F:Q1 IogH(F,x). We note that by equation (6.1.2) this height does not depend on the number field F, and hence the term absolute; we also thus omit F from the notation. This height h(z) will be the Diophantine analogue to Nevanlinna'5 characteristic func- tion T(f, r). Now. let's see what the analogues to the other Nevanlinna functions should be. To do this, let's think back to our discussion of the product formula in  1.8. In the notation of  1.8. for a in C, 1", + 1 d8 m(f,a, r) = f log If I _ 2 . 10 - a , ,r 11' Now. recall that we thought of the ..absolute values" Ifl',r for (J between 0 and 211' as the analogues of the Archimedean absolute values on a number field. i.e. the absolute values Iia coming from embeddings u of F into C. By this analogy then, given a number field F, and two distinct points a and z in F, define 1  + 1 1  m(F,a, z) = [F: QI L log Ix _ al., = [F: QI L ..\"(4, )(O'(Z», a : F.......C a ; F.......C and similarly, m(F,oc,x) = [FQI L log+lxl., = [FQI  ..\",,(O'(x», t1:F.......C a:" c where we have used ,\ to denote the Weil function formed with log+. Of course, one can define such U mean proximity" functions using any Weil function. Now that we have all this additional notation, we can see the resemblance to the Second Main Theorem by stating Roth's Theorem as follows. 
156 Theorems of Roth and Khinchin (Ch. 6) Theorem 6.1.4 iLt F  a number field. and let al,. . . , a 4  q distinct ele- ment.f of F u {oc }. Then. given t > 0, there are only finitely many x in F that do not satisfy the inequality q L,n(F,aj,x) < (2+t)h(x). j=1 Note to see that Theorem 6.1.4 is equivalent to Theorem 6.1.3 one must use the fact that only finitely many elements of F have bounded height. and also Proposi- tion I .2.3 to go between the sum over j in Theorem 6.1.4 and the maximum over j in Theorem 6.1.3. To funher explore the analogy, we introduce even more notation. Recall that in Nevanlinna theory, we saw that when 1(0)  a, N(f,a,r) = L (ord:(f - a» log 1:1' : E D( r) Now. let p be a prime in F, and let F p be as above. As usual. we define ord:x = max{O,ordpx}. We will replace the log(r/lzl) in the definition of N(/, a, r) with [Fp: Qp] logp to define the number theoretic analogue of the counting function. Namely. given two distinct elements x and a in a number field F, we define 1 N(F,a,z) = [F:Q) L(ord:(z-a»[Fp:Qp)logp, "EF and similarly we define 1 ,,+1 ] N(F, oc, z) = IF: Q) L)ord p z )[ F p : Qp logp, pEF taking N(F, 00,0) = O. Let's now come back to the Artin-Whaples Product Fonnula. When put into the present notation, thi!\ says that for non-zero x, n1 (F, 0, x) + ". ( F, 0, x) = h( x) = m (I, 00, x) + N (I, oc, x). The reader should right now verify thi asertion in the ca. that F i Q. Moreover, one easil y sees that h(x - a) = h(x) + 0(1), thinking of x as variable and a as fixed. Thus. h(x) = nl(F,a,x) + N(F,a,x) + 0(1), where the 0(1) term depends on a, and x is considered the variable. In other words, we have the analogue of Nevanlinna's First Main Theorem. and so we can again re..tate Roth's Theorem as 
IS6.1) Roth's Theorem and Vojta's Dictionary 157 Table 6.1: Vojta's Dictionary Value DistrlbutJoo non-con.\tant I: C  pi A radius r A finite measure set E of radii An angle 8 I/(rc i ' )1 r (ord: I) log iZi Characteristic function: T(f, r) = L 2 " log+ 1/(re"')1 g; +N(/, 00, r) Mean-proximity function: 1n(/, a, r) - 1 2" I + 1 dB o OK I(re") - a 211' Counting function: "'(/, a, r) = L (ord-;<1 - a)) log  1:1<  First Main Theorem: ,..r(/, a, r) + m(/, a, r) = T(/, r) + O( 1) Second Main Theorem: q (q - 2)T(/, r) - L N(1) (I, oJ' r) J=I < 10g(T(/, r)tjJ(T(/, r))) + O( 1) Weaker Second Main Theorem: q (q - 2)T(/, r) - L "'(/, oJ' r) J=I < E:T(/.. r) Jenn' Formula: 1 2" dB o log 1/(rc")1 2,.. = N(f,O, r) - N(f, 00, r) + 0(1) DIophantine Appro......tion infinite {.r} in a number field F An element z of F A finite subset of {x} An embeddint! a: F  C. Ixl 6 (ord....z)(F....Qp) logp Logarithmic height: h(x) =  L log+I.rI.. (F:Q) ": "'-..c +N(F,oc,r) Mean-proximity function: m(F,o,x) = L log+ xa : "'-..c " Counting function: N(F,o,x) =  L (ord;(x - a))IF,,:Q.Jlogp ("':Q( ",E F Height propeny l\.(F, a, z) + m(F, a, x) = h(x) + 0(1) Roth type conjecture: q (q - 2)h(x) - L ,..(I)(F,oJ'x) J=I < log (h (x) tP ( h (z) )) + 0 ( 1 ) Roth's Theorem: q (q-2)h(z)- LN(F,o},z) J=I < E:1,(x) Anin- Whaples Product Fonnula: L log Ixl = 6ES = l\'(F, 0, x) - N(F, OO,.E) 
158 Theorems of Roth and Khinchin (Ch.6) Theorem 6.1.5 iLt F be a number field. Let aI, · . . ,a,  q distinct elements in F U {  }. Then. given e > 0, there are only finitely many x in F that do not satisfy the inequality , (q - 2)h(x) - L ;(F,aj,x) < eh(x). )=1 In Vojta's dictionary, a non-constant meromorphic function in Nevanlinna theory is the analogue of an infinite set of numbers {x} in a number field F. We empha- size that the meromorphic function in Nevanlinna theory does not correspond to an individual number. Rather. a theorem in Diophantine approximation which holds for all but finitely many numbers x corresponds to a theorem in Nevanlinna theory that holds for all radii r outside a set of finite measure. Thus, in some sense, the individual numbers x correspond to radii r. As an illustration of how Roth's Theorem can be applied in ways similar to the Second Main Theorem, we look at the following analogue of Picard's Theorem. the proof of which we leave a. an exercise to the reader. Theorem 6.1.6 ut F be a numr field. let at, a2, and a3  three distinct elements in F U {oc }. Then. there are on (v finitely many elements x in F such that 1/ (x - a) (or X itself if a j = (0) ;.f an algebraic integer for all j = 1, 2,3. Now that we have introduced this analogy and pointed out some similarities be- tween the Second Main Theorem and Roth. s Theorem. let's make some observations about the differences. The most significant difference between Roth.s Theorem and the Second Main Thcorem is that none of the versions of Roth's Theorem we have stated here contains a tcoo analogous to the ramification teoo N,am(f, r) in Nevanlinna's Second Main Thcorem. Proving a version of Roth's Theorem with some son of ramification teoo. for example truncated counting functions, would have dramatic consequences in number theory. In fact. one could convincingly argue that finding a proof for a Roth type theorem that includes a ramification teoo is the most important open problem in Diophantine approximation theory. For a more detailed discuion of conjectural number theory analogs to the ramification teoo and their imponance, see Chapter 5 of VOjta's monograph (Vojt 1987]. 6.2 The Khinchin Convergence Condition Another difference between the versions of Roth's Theorem stated here and the Second Main Theorem is that the error teoo in the above Roth theorems is eh(x). This is not as strong as the error teoo we have given for the Nevanlinna Second Main Theorems. Given the error teoos that have been obtained in Nevanlinna theory, one could ask whether the following stronger refinement of Roth's Theorem is true. 
rS6.2) The Khinchi n Convergence Condition 159 Conjecture 6.1.1 leI F be a number field and let aI, . . . ,a, be distinct ele- ments of F U {oc }. Let 1/1 be a Khinchin function. Then. for all but finite(v many z in F, , L m(F,aJ,z) - 2h(x) < 10g(h(r)1J"(h(z») + 0(1). ';=1 In fact, that Roth' s Theorem could be improved along the lines of Conjecture 6.2. I is a conjecture of Lang dating back to the sixties.. see [Lang 1965] and [Lang 1971 I. Similar conjectures were also made by Bryuno (Bry 19641. and by Richtmyer. De- vaney. and Metropolis (RDM 1962]. Lang's motivation for Conjecture 6.2.1 was the following theorem of Khinchin (see (Khin 19641). Theorem 6.1.1 (Khinchin'. Theorem) Let t/ be a positive increasing function .fuch that 00 1 L - < 00. n=1 n1/J(n) Then. all real numbers Q outside a set of measure 0 (dending only on tP) are such that for all but finitely man.v pairs (m, n) of relatively prime integers. n > 0, the inequalit.". -login - : 1- 210gn < log tb(n) ;s valid, the finitely many exceptional pain dependinR on ,,, and Q. Note the similarity with Roth's Theorem. To compare Theorem 6.2.2 with Con- jecture 6.2.1. set tJ(n) = (log n)1P(log n), and note that because t/J is a Khinchin function, 1/, satisfies the conditions ofTheo- rem 6.2.2. In fact, this is why we call our functions 1/J "Khinchin functions:' Thus. Conjecture 6.2.1 says that algebraic numbers behave like almost all numbers. After Lang became aware of the analogy between the Second Main Theorem and Roth's Theorem. he conjectured that the best possible error tenn for the Second Main Theo- rem would have the same strUcture as his conjectured refinement of Roth's Theorem. This is what led people to compute the exact fonn of the error tenn, as in this book, and why Lang introduced the arbitrary Khinchin functions tP into the theory. Lan_g (see ILang 196001 and [Lang I 966b1) defined a real number it to be of type 1/ if all but finitely many pairs of relatively prime integers (711" n) with n > 0 satisfy the fOllowing inequality: - log In - ': 1- 2 log n < log lI(n). Lang then posed the problem of computing the types of algebraic numbers, as well as "cla.icar' numbers like P,7r and so forth. Lang also transposed this problem to 
160 Theorems of Roth and Khinchin (Ch. 6) Nevanlinna theory, namely to compute the precise form of the error tenn in the Sec- ond Main Theorem for the classical special functions. We will take up a discussion of this in 7 .3. Z. Ye rYe 1996b] addressed the question of finding a Nevanlinna theory analog of Theorem 6.2.2. 
7 More on the Error Term In this final chapter. we funher explore the error tenn in the Second Main Theorem and the Logarithmic Derivative Lemma. In 7.1. we construct examples showing that in the general case. the error tenns we have given in the previous chapters are essentially the best possible. In 7 .2. we explain how by putting rather modest growth restrictions on the functions under consideration and by enlarging the excep- tional set. the lower order tenns in the error tenn can be funher improved. Finally. in  7.3. we compute the precise fonn of the error tenn for some of the more familiar special functions. 7.1 Sharpness 01 the Second Main Theorem and the Logarithmic Derivative Lemma In thi section we will discuss the sharpness of the error tenns in the Second Main Theorem and in the Lemma on the Logarithmic Derivative. We do this by construct.. ing specific holomorphic and meromorphic functions for which we can explicitly estimate the growth of these error tenns. We show that the coefficient 1 in front of the log T( f, r) tenn in the error terms in the Second Main 1beorem and Lemma on the Logarithmic Derivative cannot be reduced. and we show that some son of tenn involving a Khinchin function tP is necessary. More precisely. Theorem 7.1.1 (Sharpness of SMT and LDL) Let ro < R < 00, and let h(r) be a positive continuous function on [ro, R). Let {(x) be any positive non.. decrrasing function defined on (e, x» such that 1 00 dz t {(x) = 00. (7.1.2) Then. therr exists a ,'Iosed set E in [ro, R) such that in the case that R = 00, { dr < 00, J ,.; and in the case that R < 00, f dr J E (R - r)2 < 00; 
162 More on the Error T enn (Ch. 7) and such that morrover; (I) Therr exists a holomorphic function 1 on D(R) .tuch that for all r > ro and outside E, ,n(/' / 1,00, r) > log T(/, r) + 10g{(T(/. r» + h(r), and (2) Given a I , . . . , a q (q > 1) distinct points in pi, the" ex;.tt.t a meromorphic function 1 such that for all r > ro and out.tide E, q (q - 2)T(/, r)- L N(/,a), r) + N,.rn{/, r) )=1 > log T(/, r) + log {(T(/, r» + h(r). Before proving the theorem, we make various remarks. Because {(z) = 1 satisfies equation 7.1.2. we see that for any function h(r), we can find a meromorphic function whose error tenn in the Logarithmic Derivative Lemma or Second Main Theorem is > logT(/, r) + h(r). Thus. the coefficient 1 in front of the log T( I, r) in the error tenns for the Second Main Theorem and Logarithmic Derivative Lemma cannot be reduced. Compare the role of the function { in Theorem 7.1.1 with the role of Khinchin functions 1P in the Lemma on the Logarithmic Derivative and the Second Main Theorem. Equation 7.1.2 says precisely that the functions { in Theorem 7.1.1 do not satisfy the Khinchin convergence condition. Thus, Theorem 7.1.1 shows that some son of tenn involving Khinchin functions is necessary in the error terms of the Second Main Theorem and Logarithmic Devative Lemma. Notice that the role of the exceptional set E here in Theorem 7.1.1 is son of dual to the role of the exceptional set in the Second Main Theorem and Logarithmic Derivative Lemmas. The results in this section that we use to prove Theorem 7.1.1 are laken from the work of J. Miles [Miles 1992), Z. Ye [Ye 1991), and A. Hinkkanen [Hink 1992). The type of construction use here has been used in various contexL in value distri- bution theory before. see for example [EdFu 1965). Miles [Miles 19921 was the first to use this construction to demonstrate that the error tenn in the Lemma on the Log- arithmic Derivative is sharp. For the case R = oc, Miles obtained statement I in Theorem 7.1.1 in the special ca. that h(r) = -log r, except that he only showed the inequality for a set of r outside a set E such that ( dr < 00. i,.; r His treatment of the case R <  was for the case h(r) - -log(R - r), and outside a set E such that f dr J,.; (R - r) < . 
IS7.1 J Sharpness 163 At around the same time. Ye [Ye 1991] improved Miles.s result in the case R = 00 to the fonn presented here, and he observed that this same construction also shows the sharpness of the error tenn in the Second Main Theorem. A. Hinkkanen [Hink 1992) also constructed, in the same manner as we do here. examples show- ing sharpness of the Logarithmic Derivative Lemma and the Second Main Theorem. and Hinkkanen improved on Miles's treatment of the disc case (i.e. R < 00). which ww; not addressed in lYe 1991). In [Ye 1991), Ye also showed that the coefficient 1/2 in front of the log T(j, r) tenn in the error tenn in the Ramification Theorem (i.e. Theorem 2.4.3) is best pos- sible. We have decided not to include the details of that computation here becuase it is more involved than the other examples. We further postpone the proof of Theorem 7.1.1 until after we prove some prelim- inary results. We will use the given data. namely the functions { and h, to construct a holomorphic function 9 on D(R) and the exceptional set E. We will then prove various propenies about this function g, and we will finally see that elementary modifications of the function 9 will give us the functions j needed in the theorem. Given a sequence rj,j > jo, we will consider functions defined by infinite prod- ucts of the following fonn: 00 ( 2J ) g( z) = II 1 + ( rZ ) · J=Jo J (7.1.3) Notice that the multiplicity of the zeros of 9 grow exponentially with j, and that therefore the function 9 has rather large growth. Proposition 7.1.4 Let rJ for j > jo be a nondecrrasing .fequence of rral num- rs in [ro, R) such that rj  R as j  00. Then the function 9 defined b)' equation (7.1.3) is holomorphic on D(R). Proof. Let Izl < t < R. Then. because rJ  R, we have for all j sufficently large that 2 J t 1 <- - 2' r. J We thus have that for all j sufficiently large. log ( 1 + (  r ' ) < 2 .:.. 1 21 t rj and thus for Izl < t < R, the sum  log ( 1 + ( :. ) "lJ ) J= Jo J 
164 More on the Error T enn ICh. 7] converges unifonnly. 0 We now turn to the question of how to choose the rJ' We begin by remarking that we can make the following simplifying assumptions. First. without loss of generality. we may a.ume that h is increasing and that h(r)  00 as r  R. This is because replacing h by a bigger function only makes the statement of the theorem stronger. Second. we can a.sume without loss of generality that { and h are both Coc. Indeed. it is ea.y to see that one can smooth h in such a way that h only gets larger. It is only slightly harder to see that { can be smoothed in such a way that { only increases. but not so much that the divergence of the integral in equation (7.1.2) is affected. Proposition 7.1.5 Let {(z) be as;n the statement of Theorrm 7. I. I. and assume the { is COC. Let 80 > 0, let H (s) M a po.f;t;ve Coo function on [So, x» such that H(s) ;s strictly incrras;ng. and as.fume that H(8)  X> as s  oc. Then. the function j ' dz U(t) = c x{(x) ;s a CXJ strictly incrras;ngfunct;on talcing (e, (0) onto [0, (0). Morrover. ifwe then define "'(8) = u- 1 (1: H(t)dt) , then \  ;s a strictly ;ncrras;ng Coo function on [so, oc), and V'(s) = H(s)V(s){(V(s)). Proof. Freshman calculus. 0 Proposition 7.1.6 Let ro, R, {, and h be as in the statent of Theorrm 7././. A,\.,\'ume { and h arr Coo, that h(r) ;s strictly incrras;ng. and that h(r)  00 as r  R. Let s(r) = {  R-r ,/R=oc if R < OCt and let r(s) = { 8 1 R-- s be tht' ;nver.fe function of s(r). Let So = s(ro). and define H(8) on ['.0, X» by ifR=oc ifR<oc H(..,) = ph(r(.))+,. Let ,(..) be defined a.f in Proposition 7.1.5. Finally. define v(r) by v(r) = rH(s(r)) \' (s(r) )(' (s(r)) )s' (r). 
(1.1 ) Sharpness 165 Then. therr exists ;0 such thatfor each integer; > jo, the equation 2 J + 1 = v(rj) (7.1.7) has a unique solution rj in (ro, R), and morrover the rJ arr strictly incrrasing with rj  R as j  00. PITH)f. The function H(s) is increasing by assumption. the function s(r) is in- crea.ing by definition. the function { is increasing by assumption. and the function "'''(8) is incre4Ling by Proposition 7.1.5. Clearly s'(r) is nondecreasing. and so v is therefore strictly increasing, Since we have a.umed H(s)  X> as s  OC, we clearly have v(r)  00 as r  R. The rest easily follows. 0 We now state the key lemma. Lem.... 7.1.8 ut ro, R, {, and h be as;n the statement ofTheorrm 7././. with { and h also assumed Coo, h incrrasing. and h(r)  oc as r  R. ut ""(s) be a.f in Proposition 7./.5. and let s(r), r(s), H(r). and v(r) be as in Proposition 7./.6. ut rj,j > ;0 be defined as in equation (7.1.7), and let g(z) M defined by equation (7.1.3) using these r j. Then. 9 ;s a holomorphic function on D(R) such that N(g,O,r) < V(s(r)) + 0(1). Morrover. therr exist,f a closed set E in [ro, R) su(.h that Ldr<oo ifR=oo or i dr <X> F: (R - r)2 if R < x>, .fuch that for all r > ro and not in E, we have (1) T(g, r) = N(g,O, r) + O( 1), and such that for all z with Izl = r, and r > ro and not in E, we have (2) log ((:: > log T(g, r) + log{(T(g, r)) + h(r) + s(r) - 0(1). Proof. In as much as possible we try to uniformly treat the cases R < oc and R = x>. Whenever we say. "for r sufficiently large;' this will be mean for r sufficiently close to R in the case that R < 00. We also point out we can add any interval of the fonn [ro, t] for any t < R to the set E without destroying the finite measure condition required by the theorem. Thus. whenever we say for r sufficiently large. we add such an interval to E, and provided we only do this a finite number of times. we will be OK. Now then. we already know that 9 is holomorphic on D(R) by Proposition 7.1.4. so the first thing we need to show is: N(g,O, r) < V(s(r» + 0(1). 
166 More on the Error T enn (eb. 71 Given r sufficiently large. choose j such that r J -1 < r < r J' Then. J n(g,O,r) = L 2' = 2 j - 2 JO < v(r) - 2 jo . '=JO By the definition of v and Proposition 7.1.5, v(r) = H(s(r))\'(s(r)){(\'(s(r)))s'(r) = \"(s(r))s'(r). r Thus N(g,O,r) = j r n(9,O,t) dt + 0(1) ro t < j r v(t) dt _ 2jo logr + 0(1) ro t 1 .(r) < V'(s)d.. + 0(1) < V(s(r)) + 0(1), . ( ro ) as was to be shown. We now describe the set E. For each j > jo, let rj = r(s(rJ) - j-2), " ( ( ) '-2 ) rJ = r tJ rJ + J , and Ej = [rj, rj'l. In addition to any small r that we want to exclude as per our comment in the first paragraph of this proof. we will take 00 E  U EJ' j=jo If R = x, then clearly 1 dr < O( 1) + L  < :)0. f: j=jo J If. on the other hand. R < x>, then 1 dr 1 002 (R _ r)2 = dll < 0(1) + L "':2 < OC. R .( E) J=jo J Note that although the Ej need not be disjoint. E has the propeny that for any r not in E, there exisL a unique integer k such that r > r;' for j = jo, . . . , k and r < rj for j = k + 1,. . . . 
IS1.1) Sharpness 161 Note that if Izl = r, and r is not in E, then if we choose k as above, we have It It I 2) I loglg(z)1 = 2jlog  + Iog C: ) + 1 00 2) + L log 1 + ( : ) j=lt+l ) (.) = N(g, 0, r) + 1: 1 + 1: 2 , We will now show that 11:.1 and 11: 2 1 are 0(1) as r  R, from which (1) in the statement of the lemma follows. In order to do these estimates. we remark that if R = 00, then for large r, v(r) > e"(r)+r > (r and so r) < j + 1 for large j. On the other hand. if R < 00, then for large it rj<R<i+1. Therefore. if r  rj', and j is sufficiently large. then r ( r-r. ) log - = log 1 + ) rj r) ( '-2 ) 1 '-2 '-2 > log 1 + L > - . L >  . - r) - 2 r) - 2(J + 1) Thus. for those r, we have ( ) 2J ( 2) )  > exp 2j2(j + 1) · (..) Similarly. if r < r; and j is sufficiently large. then ( ) ( '-2 ) °-2 1 r r. - r J J - log - = log 1 - J < log 1 - - < - - < '2' . r) r) r) r) J (J + 1) So we have for these r, 2) (  ) < exp ( - P (j2 1) ) . (...) Now. from (..), there exists t such that if j > t, and r  r) and not in E, we have 1 r j 1 2' < !. r - 2 
168 More on the Error Term leb. 7) Thus. for r sufficiently large. again using (..), k 2' II:. I < L log CJ ) + 1 , 1 Z J= t - 1 2' < L log C; ) +1 J=I k 2' + L2( ; ) j=t 00 ( 2j ) < 0(1) + 2 L exp - 2 ":l( " 1) < 0(1). j=l J J + Similarly. using (...), for r sufficiently large. we have 00 2' 1I:21 < 2J  . (  ) 00 ( 2J ) < 2 L exp - '2 ( . + 1) J=I J J < 0(1). Hence. we have proven (1). We now proceed to prove (2) in the statment of the lemma. Differentiating (.) and multiplying by z we get k k 00 2 . / 2' zg'(z ) -2J J (z r.) . =  2 J +  +  J g(z)   1 + (z/r. ) 2' .  1 + (z/r. ) 2' J=I J=I J J=i+1 J = n(g,O, r) + E3 + E... From (..) and (...), we find i 2 J 00. ( 2J ) 1I: 3 1 < 2 L ( / -)2' < 2 L 2 J exp - 2 '2(" 1) + 0(1) < 0(1), j=1 r rJ j=1 J J + and oc 2 j ( r / r J ) 2' x). ( 2) ) 1I: 4 1 < L _ ( / .)2' < 2L2'exp - ':l(' 1) +0(1) < 0(1).  1 1 r r J . J J + J=A+ J=I Thu. when Izl = r and r is not in E, we have f'(z) = n(g,O,r) + 0(1). f(z) r Choose j so that rj_1 < r < rJ' and so then. 1 . 1 n(g,O,r) = 2 J - 2 JO = 2 v(rJ) - 2 JO > 2 v(r) - 0(1). 
(7.1 ) Sharpness 169 Thus. using the definition of v and H, I f ' ( rei9 ) n ( 0 ) I > Iog g" r - 0 ( 1 ) og f(rei9) r > log v(r) - 0(1) r > 10gH(s(r)) + 10g(1-"(s(r){(l"(s(r)))) + logs'(r) - 0(1) > h ( r) + s ( r) + log \ r ( S ( r )) + log {( , · ( s ( r) )) - 0 ( 1 ) . Now. we have already shown that for r not in E, T(g, 0, r) < N(g,O, r) + 0(1) < '.(s(r)) + 0(1), and hence we have shown (2). 0 Now that we have Lemma 7.1 .8, it is very easy to complete the proof of Theo- rem 7, I. I. ProofofTheorrm 7././. Let 9 and E be as in Lemma 7.1.8. Let s(r) be as in Proposition 7.1.6. Note that from (2) in Lemma 7.1.8. we immediatly have for all r > ro and not in E, that , (f'(re i ') I dB m(g /g, 00, r) > J E log I(re i ') 2,.. > log T(g, r) + 10g{(T(g, r)) + h(r) + s(r) - 0(1). Now note that s(r)  X> as r  R, so by enlarging E if necessary we can assume the s( r) tenn cancels the -O( 1) tenn and we have proven statement (1) in Theorem 7.1.1 by taking f = g. For statement (2) in the theorem, recall that we have assumed q > 1. In the case that o. = 00, then again take f = g. Otherwise. take 1 f = a. + -. 9 In either case, note that Nr.m(f, r) = N(g', 0, r). Also note that m(f, 0" r) = nl(g, 00, r), and of course T(f, r) = T(g, r) + 0(1). Because 9 is holomorphic. we also have ",(g, , r) = T(g, r).. and so we have q (q - 2)T(f, r)- L N(f,a J , r) + Nr.m(f, r) j=l > m(f, a" r) + Nr.,"(f, r) - 2T(f, r) - 0(1) = N(g',O, r) - T(g, r) - 0(1). 
170 More on the Error Term (01. 7) An easy computation reveals (again using that 9 is holomorphic)9 N(g',O,r) = N(g,O,r) - N(g'lg, 00, r) + N(g'lg,O,r). Now. the First Main Theorem (Theorem 1.3.1) tells us N(g'lg,O,r) - N(g'lg,oo,r) = rn(g'lg,oo,r) - m(g'lg,O,r) + 0(1). Thus. N(g',O,r) - T(g,r) = N(g,O,r) + m(g'lg,oo,r) - m(g'lg,O,r) - T(g,r). Using (1) in Lemma 7.1.8 9 we have N(g,O,r) - T(g,r) = 0(1) for r outside E. Thus, for r outide E, q (q - 2)T(f, r)-  N(f,a J , r) + N,.m(f, r) j=1 > N(g',O,r) - T(g,r) - 0(1) > m(g'lg, 00, r) - m(g'lg, 0 9 r) - 0(1) 1 2. g'(rei6) dB - log (9) 2 - - 0(1). o 9 rei  The proof is completed by applying (2) of Lemma 7.1.8 and enlarging E as neces- sary so that s(r) absorbs any -0(1) tenn. 0 7.2 Better Error Terms for Functions with Controlled Growth The error tenns in the versions of the Logarithmic Derivative Lemma and Second Main Theorem presented in this book have always had tenns of the fonn I f/J(T(f, r)) og 4>( r), where vJ satisfies the Khinchin convergence condition. Such inequalities are valid for radii outide a set E of finite measure. The measure of the set E is bounded by the integral in the Khinchin convergence condition 9 and the type of mea.ure (Lebesgue. logarithmic. etc.) is specified by the function 4>. As we have em- phasized before 9 taking smaller functions tP and larger functions 4> improves the 
(7 .2) Functions with Controlled Grow(h 171 log tjJ(T(f, r))/t/J(r) tenn in the error tenns at the cost of enlarging the exceptional set. It is then a natural question whether this kind of trade off can be funher ex- ploited. That is. can we get even further improvements in the error tenn by enlarging the exceptional set even f unher? We recall here the notion of the (upper) density of a set. Let t/J be a positive function on (ro, R), and let E be a measureable subset of (ro, R). Then. we define the upper density of the set E with respect to the function t/J to be / dt t/J( t ) I . En(ro.r) 1m sup l r d t · r-+R ro t/J( t) Thus. the upper density of a set is a real number between 0 and 1 and measures what percentage of the interval (ro, R) the set E fills up. where percentage is measured with respect to t/J. If t/J is chosen so that {R dt J ro t/J ( t ) = 00, then any set E with finite measure with respect to t/J, i.e. such that ( dt J b. 4>(t) < 00, will clearly have upper density O. A natural question is u can the error tenn in the Second Main Theorem or the Logarithmic Derivative Lemma be improved if we ask only that the inequality hold outside a set of density zero or outside a set of density less than I?" Recall that for many applications. all that is needed to apply the Second Main Theorem is the existence of a sequence of r  R such that the inequality holds. If the Second Main Theorem holds outside an exceptional set with upper density le than one. then the existence of such r would of course follow. The examples constructed in the last section show that, in general. no such im- provement is possible. That is. Theorem 7.1.1 says that for { not satisfying the Khinchin convergence condition. there exist meromorphic functions f with error tenns greater than 10gT(f, r) + 10g(T(f, r)) for all r outside a set E of finite measure (at least for certain t/J). and so in particular the error tenns are large outide a set of density zero. On the other hand. we also remarked that the functions constructed in the pre- vious section grow very rapidly. M. Jankowski (Jan 1994) recognized that by 
172 More on the Error Term (at 7] restricting the growth of the functions under consideration and applying Borel- Nevanlinna growth Lemma (Lemma 3.3.1) to functions that do not necessarily sat- isfy the Khinchin convergence condition, the error tenn in the Lemma on the Log- arithmic Derivative could be improved outside an exceptional set of upper density less than one. This idea was carried out in complete generality based on the Borel- Nevanlinna growth lemma (Lemma 3.3.1) by Y. Wang [Wang 1997) and based on the Nevanlinna growth lemma (Lemma 2.2.1 )by H. Chen and Z. Ye [ChYe 2(00). In this section, we briefty describe this work for functions meromorphic on the whole plane. Analogous results are true for functions meromorphic in a disc, but we leave the precise fonnulations in the disc ca. to the reader. Wang's key observation was that the Borel-Nevanlinna growth lemma in the fonn of Lemma 3.3.1 immediately implies the following: Lemma 7.2.1 ilt F and f/> be a positive. non-decrrasing. continuous functions on (ro, (0), and leI  be a positive. non-decrrasing. continuousfunction defined on (, 00 ). Suppose further that I F (r) dx lim !lU!> t r x{(x) < T < OC, r-.oc 1 dx f: tJ>(z) and that 1 °c dr ro tJ>(r) = 00. Then. the upr density (with rrspect to f/» of the set E = {r E (ro.oo) : F (r + {()) ) > CF(r) } i.f < T(log C)-', wherr C is a positive constant. Note of course that Lemma 7.2.1 has non-trivial content only when log C > T. Theorem 7.2.2 (Wang) /1t tJ> he a positive. nondecrrasing. continuous function defined for 0 < ro < r < 00 .fuch that 1 °c dr ro tJ>(r) = 00. ilt { be a positive. nondecreasing. continuou.ffunct;on defined on (e, (0). ilt I he a meromorph;c function on C .fuch that 1r(/.r) dx . J . z(z) (} = hmsup [ r-l_ r-+oo cu- . tJ>( z ) < 00. 
(7.2) Functions with Controlled Growth 173 If 0 > 0, ler 0 < B < 1. If 0 = 0, rhen ler fj = O. Then 1 ' / +{(T(/,r)) 0 (1) m( /, r)  log T(f, r) + log (r) + a.a(1) ourside an ex('eprional ser of radii of upper den...;' (K'irh rr.fpecr ro dJ) < [-J. Morro\'er. for an.\'finire ser of disrincr poinrs a) . . . . , (1 41 in pt, (2) (q - 2)T(/, r)+ E=t N(/, aj. r) + r-..ra,.,(/, r)  (T(f. r)) < logT(f,r)+loK (r) +0 0 ..1(1) ourside an ex('eprional...er of radii of upper den...i,y (wirh rr...pe('r ro f/» < /J. Remark. Theorem 7.2.2 is only an improvement over the theorems in previous chapters in the event that 1 00 dz  z(z) = 00. Proof The theorem follows immediately from Corollary 3.2.39 statement (1) of Theorem 4.2.1, and Lemma 7.2.1 in a manner that the reader should by now find routine. 0 Chen and Ye recognized that an argument similar to Wang's9 but applied to Lemma 2.2.1 instead of Lemma 3.3.1. would result in the following. Lemma 7.2.3 /1r F(r) be a C 2 funcrion definedfor ro < r < :x). A......ume fur- rher rhar borh F(r) and rF'(r) arr posirive nonde('rrasingfuncr;()n... of r and rhar F(ro) > (. /1r b 1 beanynumbersuchrhar btrF'(r) > forall r > roo /1r t/) be a po...ir;ve measurrable funcrion defined for ro < r < 00, ilr  be a fH}...irive nondecrrasing conrinuous funcrion defined on (e, 00.) Suppo...e further rhar I F'r' dz limsup r 1r (X)  T < :xJ. r-+oc € t/)(z) and rhar (OC dr J rn tP(r) = 00. /1r C be a po...irive consranr. Then. rherr exisrs a ser E of upr den...ir.\' (,,'irh rr,"pe('r ro f/» < 2T / C ...uch rhar for all r > ro and our...ide E. 1 d [ dF ] 2 (F(r))  (Ch. rF(r) !!!I ) ;: dr r dr < C F(r) If>(r) If>(r) . 
174 More on the Error Tenn rCh. 7) Proof Let E, = {r; ; [rF'(r)] > CF'(r) (h,;(r)) }. Then. applying Lemma 2.2.1 to the function b1rF'(r) and using I F (r) dz lim sup r r z(z) < T, r-.oc 1 dz  (x) we bound the upper density of EI by r IC. Outside E 1 , ! d d [r F' ( r )] < C F' ( r) ( h, r r; ( r)) . r r  r Now. set  = {r: F'(r) > CF(r) ()) } and apply Lemma 2.2.1 to F(r). Then.  has upper density < rlC. Because  is nondecreasing. we have the desired inequality for all r outide E 1 U , which has density < 2r1C. 0 Theorem 7.2.4 (Chen-Ye) /1r  be a posirive. nondecrras;ng. ('onrinuousfunc- rion on 0 < ro < r < oc such rhar roo dr Jro (r) = 00. iLr  be a posirive. nondecreasing, conrinuous/JIncrion defined on (e, oc). /1r f be a meromorphic funcrion on C such rhar j T(/,r) dz I '  x(x) o = In1 sup l r..l- < 00. r-+oo (U"  (x ) If 0 > 0, ler 0 < fj < 1. If (} = 0, rhen ler /3 = o. Then. for an)' fin ire ser of disrincr poinrs ai, .... a q in pI, q (q - 2)T(f,r)+ E N(f,aJ,r) + N,.m(f,r) j=1 (T(f, r)) < logT(f, r) + log 4>(r) + O(t.(l) oursidean exceprional.fet of radii of upper density (wirh rescr ro ) < /1. 
r7 .2) Func(ions wim Coo(rolled Growth 175 Proof We break the proof into two cases. If tIJ(r) < r, then choose C large in Lemma 7.2.1 and use statement (1) of Theorem 4.2.1 and an argument as in Lemma 3.3.2 to get the desired in equality. If9 on the other hand 9 tIJ(r) > r, then we proceed as follows. As in Lemma 2.2.6 9 we let .(z) = min{(max{('.xl/}),xl/}. Notice that9 using the same computation as in the proof of Lemma 2.2.6 9 we see I T (I.r , dz limsup t r z{.(z) r-+Xo 1 dz f: tIJ(z) l 'T(/t r ) dx 9+5 < limsup .. 4(z) - r-+oo l r dz t <1>( x) < 50 < oc. Moreover. .(Z5) < (z) and .(z) < :rl/. (.) Then 9 we replace the use of Lemma 2.2.3 in the proof of Theorem 2.5.1 with Lemma 7.2.3 using . in place of  and choosing a large constant C. This gives us a set E of upper density < 100:/C such that for all r > ro and outside E, we have , (q - 2)T(f, r) - I: N(f, aJ, r) + N,.",(f, r) j=1 <  log {C2t:l(J, r)} + log { {.(:\I, r)) } {. (blrct:l(J, r) {.(:(:\/I r)) ) + log 4>(r) + 0(1). Here b l and b:J are as in 2.3. We fix C so large that lOo:/C < /3. Then 9 the first tenn on the right in the above inequality becomes log T(f, r) + On.fl( 1). Becau we can add any finite interval to E without changing its upper density. we may assume T(f, r) > max{b 1 Cb:J, Cb:J}. 
176 More on the Enol" Term [Ch. 7) Hence I { . (b 3 f2(/, r)) } < I (T(/, r)) og 4>(r) - og 4>(r) by (.). For the last tenn, .(b:Jt2) < [t2]1/ < t by the construction of . and since t(/, r) > b 3 . Moreover. O 2 b Cb T .2 (1 ) .(b3T (/,r)) <  (I ) 1 r 3 , r 4>( r ) - 4>( r).L - ,r. o 0 For each fixed r, either T(/,r) > r/4>(r) or T(/,r) < r/4>(r), and hence {. (blrCb:,t2(/,r) {.(b:,:\I,r» ) log </>( r ) < IOg {()r» +log{(max{,r/</>(r)}), again by (.). We are then done because we have assumed 4>(r) > r, so the second tcnn on the right is bounded. 0 Remark. Note that the proof of Theorem 7.2.4 shows that the theorem remains true if 4> is assumed only to be positive and measureable. provided one adds the tenn 1 2 log  ( max { e , r / 4>( r ) } ) to the error tenn in the inequality. Corollary 7.2.5 /1t I be meromorphi(' on C such that 10gT(/, r) = O(r), and let al,. . . , a q be distinct points in pl. Then. outside an exceptional set of ubesgue upper density < 1, m(/' / I, r) < 10gT(/, r) + 0(1) and q (q - 2)T(/,r) - L N(/,aj,r) + Nr.m(/,r) < logT(/,r) + 0(1). j=1 
(7 .3] Error Terms for SpeciaJ Fuoc(ions 177 Proof Apply Theorem 7.2.4 with  = 1 and t/J = 1. 0 We leave it as an exercise for the reader to check that the inequality in Theo- rem 4.3.1 is recovered by applying Theorem 7.2.2 or Theorem 7.2.4 with  = 1 and t/J( r) = r, but only outside an exceptional set of logarithmic density < 1. Given natural growth restrictions on I it is usually easy to see that there exist functions  satisfying the hypotheses of either Theorem 7.2.2 or Theorem 7.2.4 for I such that 1 00 dz  x(x) = 00. In fact in [Wang 1997). Wang shows that for any meromorphic function I, there exists some function  satisfying the hypotheses of Theorem 7.2.2 and such that 1 00 dz  x(x) = oc. Moreover, one may always find such divergent  so that the 0 in the theorems is O. 7.3 Error Terms for Some Classical Special Functions Recall that in 6.2 we discussed Khinchin's Theorem (Theorem 6.2.2), which said that almost all real numbers 0 have the property that for all but finitely many rela- tively prime pairs of integers (m, n), 1 Tn 1 - -log 0-;- -2Iogn < log1/1(n), where 1/1 is analogous to a Khinchin function. Recall that we also mention that S. Lang defined the type of a number 0 to be the best (or smallest) function f/J that could be taken so that the above inequality is satisfied for the specific number o. Lang then posed the problem of finding the "types" of the well-known numbers like e, 1f' , "y, and so fonh. After the analogy between Nevanlinna theory and Diophantine approximation was established, Lang [Lang 1990) transposed this problem of find- ing the type of well-known numbers to finding the type of well-known functions. Lang's problem of detennining the type of cenain well-known functions was taken up by L. Sons and Z. Ye in [SoYe 1993]. where they compute the type of Euler.s gamma function and the various Weierstrass functions from the theory of elliptic functions. In this chapter we will compute the types of rational functions. the expo- nential function, some trigonometric functions, and Euler.s gamma function. which is the easiest of the functions treated by Sons and Ye. We now make a precise definition of what we mean by the "typen of a function. which following Sons and Ye ISoYe 1993], we will call the ""Lang type". Let  be a positive real-valued function on the interval (e, (0). A function f meromorphic on C is said to be of Lang type less than or equal to  if 
]78 More on the Error Term [ Ch. 7] LT < . Given any finite set of distinct complex numbers aI, a2, ..., a q , q (q-2)T(/,r) - LN(/,aj,r) + Nram(/,r) < 10g(T(/,r)) +0(1), j=1 for all r outside a set of finite Lebesgue measure. In the other direction, a function 1 meromorphic on C is said to be of Lang type greater than or equal to  if LT > . There exists some (possibly empty) set of distinct complex numbers aI, a2, ..., a q such that q (q - 2)T(/, r) - L N(/, aj, r) + N ram (I, r) > log (T(/, r)) + 0(1), j=1 for all r outside a set of finite Lebesgue measure. If conditions LT < and LT > are satisfied at the same time for the same function  then we say that the meromorphic function 1 has precise Lang type . This agrees with what Sons and Ye termed simply "Lang type." If  can be taken to be a constant function in LT < or LT > , then we say 1 has Lang type less than or equal to 1, Lang type greater than or equal to 1, or precise Lang type 1, accordingly. If (x) == x1/}(x) for any Khinchin function , then the Second Main Theorem exactly tells us that any non-constant meromorphic function has Lang type < . On the other hand, if we take q = 0 in condition LT > , we see that for all r > 1, -2T(/, r) + Nr"m(/, r) > -2T(/, r) = loge- 2T (/,r), and so all non-constant meromorphic functions have Lang type > e -2x . What interests us here is the determination of the precise Lang type for various special functions. We begin with rational functions. Rational Functions Proposition 7.3.1 If 1 is a rationalfunction ofdegree d > 0, then 1 has precise Lang type e- x / d . Proof. Note that we determined in  1.6 that T(/,r) = T(/,r) +0(1) = dlogr+O(I). Thus, loge-T(/,r)/d == -logr + 0(1), 
(7.3] Error Terms for Special Functions 179 and so to prove the proposition, we must show on the one hand that for every finite set of distinct points a 1, ..., aq, we have q (q - 2)T(f, r) - L N(f, a}, r) + Nram(f, r) < -logr + 0(1), j=1 while on the other hand for some choice of a I, ..., a q , q (q-2)T(f,r) - LN(f,aj,r) + Nrf&m(f,r) > -logr+O(l). j=1 Because f is rational, it extends to a function on all of pl. Let c = f(oo), and let m be the multiplicity with which f takes on the value c at 00. Then, for a :I c and for all large r, N(f,a,r) == dlogr + 0(1) == T(f,r) + 0(1). On the other hand, for the value c, N(f,c,r) = (d-m)logr+O(l), for all large r. For all large r, we also have Nram(f, r) == 2(d - 1) logr - (m - 1) logr. Let a1 == c and let a2 be any other point in pI (so q = 2). Then, 2 (q-2)T(f,r) - LN(f,aj,r) + Nram(f,r) jl - 0 - [(d - m) logr + dlogr] + [2(d -1) logr - (Tn - l)logr] + 0(1) -logr + 0(1), establishing that f has Lang type > e- x / d . On the other hand, adding more points a} does not change the left hand side, except by a bounded term, since the Nand t terms cancel. Taking away the points al or a2 makes the left hand side smaller. Thus f also has Lang type < e- x / d . 0 Remark. Since rational functions have order 0, Theorem 4.3.1 implies the weaker statement that rational functions of degree d > 0 have Lang type less than or equal to e(€-1)x/d for all positive c. 
180 More on the EnorTerm (Ch. 7 J Exponential and Trigonometric Functions Now we turn our attention to a transcendental function. namely e=. Proposition 7.3.2 The exponential/unction e= has prrc;se Lang ty 1. Proof Letting a} = 0 and a2 = 00. the left hand side of the key inequality in the Second Main Theorem is equal to O. so e% is clearly of Lang type > 1. The reverse inequality is a consequence of Proposition 1.6.1. 0 We leave it a. an exercise for the reader to show that sin z and cos z also have precise Lang type 1. The reader will need to show that for these functions Nram(j, r) = T(j, r) + O( 1). See the discussion of sin z and cos z in S 1.6 following Proposition 1.6.1. Euler's Gamma Function Recall that Euler's gamma function f(z) is a meromorphic function with the fol- lowing propenies: . r has simple poles at the non-positive integers: 0, -1, -2, ..., and these are its only poles. . f(z + 1) = zf(z) for all z which are not poles. . f(l) = 1. From this it follows that for all strictly positive iritegers n, f(1') = (n - I)!, and so r is a meromorphic function extending the factorial function on the positive integers. We will take for our definition of f the following product development: 1 n °o ( Z ) : -=e"Y z z 1+- e- n , r(z) n=l n n 1 where, = lim ( -logn +  -: ) . n-+oo  J j=l The constant "Y is is called Euler's consbmt. For those unfamiliar with the proper- ties of the gamma function. see Section 2.4 of Chapter S of (Ahlf 1966). As was said before. f has simple poles at the non-positive integers. and it is clear from the product development of 1 If given above that it has no zeros. We will now discuss some of the well-known propenies of f', the derivative of the gamma function. Proposition 7.3.3 The derivative o/the gamma function f' has at least one zero on the positive rral-ax;s. and/or each integer k > 1. therr u;sts a negative rral numMr XIc: with -k < XIt < -k + 1 such that f'(xlt) = O. 
(7 .3) Error Terms for Special Functions 181 Remark. In fact. all the zeros of f' are real. there is precisely one zero between every two non-positive integers. and there is exactly one positive real zero. This will follow from what we will do a bit later in this chapter. See Corollary 7.3.8. Proof We consider f( x) as a function of a real-variable x. Then f is real-valued and smooth away from the non-positive integers. Since f interpolates the factorial function. we know f(I) = O! = I = I! = f(2) and so by calculus, f' has a zero between I and 2. Similarly. f has poles at the non-positive integers, it is never zero. and therefore must have local extrema between every non-positive integer. 0 We now prove a well-known (see for example fonnula 6.3.20 of (Dav 1965) estimate giving more precise infonnation on the location of the negative real zeros of f'. Proposition 7.3.4 Let Xlc: with -k < Xk < -k + I be a negative rral zero of f'. Then, XA: = -k + 10 k :f: 0 ( (10: k):l ) · Proof. We find the zeros of f' by finding the 7.eros of d I  { I I } -Iogf(z)=-"Y--+ -;- . , dz z . 1 z + 1 )=1 where this fonnula comes from logarithmically differentiating the product expan- sion for Iff. We assume Xlc: is a zero between -k and -k + I and plug in to get I ex { I I } o = -"Y - - + L  - . . XIc: . 1 XIt + 1 )=1 Now we separate the su m OC { I I }  J - XA: + j I I 00 { I I } 00 { II } - k - XI: + k + L j - j - k + L j - k - XA: + j . j=1 )=1 ) j1c: The first sum on the right telescopes to Ic:-I L' j=1 1 
182 More on (he Error Tenn (01. 7] and this differs from log k by a bounded amount. The second sum is easily seen to be hounded. Finally. since Xle and k are bounded away from zero. l/xle and Ilk are bounded. Thus. 1 k -Iogk < 0(1). :rle + From this the proposition follows. 0 At this point. we know everything about the zeros and poles of r, and we know quite a bit about the real zeros of its derivative. This is enough to give a lower bound on the Lang type of r. Lemma 7.J.5 Euler.s gamma/unction has Lang type > logx. Proof Because N (r , 0, r) = 0 for all r, to prove the lemma, it suffices to show Nram(f,r) - N(f,oc,r) > loglogr - 0(1) for all sufficiently large r. We know all the poles of f. Thus. if K is the largest integer < r, K .I\'(f, 00, r) = logr + )og  . 1e=1 All the poles of r are simple poles. so none of the poles are ramification points for f. Thus Nram(r, r) = N(r', 0, r). By Proposition 7.3.3. we know that for every polc of f, there is a zero of r' to the right of the pole on the real-axis. Thus. for r > 2, f' has at least as many zeros in D(r) as r ha. poles. Let Xo denote the lcro of f' on the positive real-axis. and let XIe, k > 1 denote the negative zeros of r' a in Proposition 7.3.4. Then. if r > 2 and K is as before. K r  r Num(f,r) > log- + Iog-, Xo L -Xle a-=1 and so K N...n(r,r) - N(r,oc,r) > Llog - i: + 0(1). 1e=1 Note that logk/( -XIe) > 0 since k - 1 < -Zle < k. From Proposition 7.3.4. '" k K k L log -Xi: = L k - l/{logk) % O(I/(logk)2) ">0 1e>0 K 1 =  1 - I/(klogk) % 0(1/(k(logk)2)) a->O = t log (I + klgk % 0 ( k(lOk)2 )) · a->O 
IS743) Error Tenns for Special Funclions 183 We now use the Taylor expansion for log in a neighborhood of 1 to conclude KkK 1 K ( 1 ) L log =;- = L klo k % L 0 k(lu 10)2 > loglogr % o(log log r). t>o t t>o g t>o g From this the lemma follows. 0 Remark. From the fact that f is zero-free. Proposition 2.4.2. the First Main Theorem. and the definition of the proximity functions nl(f, O. r) and m(f  oc r) we have .. 1 2" f'(rtl.8) dB J'.n.(r, r) - N(r, 00, r) = (I log [(re i8 ) 211" + 0(1). In (SoYe 1993). Sons and Ye use a Stirling's fonnula type estimate for this integral to prove Lemma 7.3.5 for all r outside a set of finite Lebesgue measure. M. Bonk suggested the method of proof used here based on the precise locations of the zeros of f'. We now directly estimate an upper bound for the Lang type of r. Our approach here is the same as in (SoYe 1993). Proposition 7.3.6 T ( f, r) = (1 + o( 1)) r log r. 7r Proof By the First Main Theorem. Theorem 1.3.1. T (f , r) = nJ (f , 0, r) + N (f , 0, r) + O( 1), and since f is zero-free. we need only estimate f1Jl + 1 d8 m(r. O. r) = 10 log r(rri8) 2;' We do this using the product development for l/f. Write log 11/rl as log I r:z) I = log Izi + log Ihr..(z)1 + log Ihr.z(z)1 + log Ih r .3(Z)I. where for fixed r > 1. the h r . i are the holomorphic functions defined by "r.. (z) = t'xp ( "'yZ - L  ) n<:lr n<2r hr.:z(z) = II (1 + :. ) n=1 h r .3(Z) = II (1 +  ) c-:/ n . nr 
184 More on (he Error Term [Ch. 71 Note that log Ih r . 1 (re. 8 )1 = ( -r - L  ) r (OS 8. n<2r We see from the definition of "Y that ( -r- L  ) = -(I+o(I))logr, n<2r where the o( 1) tenn tends to zero as r -+ oc. Thu. log+ Ih,..1 (re I8 )1 = (1 + CJ( 1))r log r nlax{O, - cos8}, and so 'l" 3" /2 /IOg+lhr.a(r,(J)I  = (1 +o(l))rlogr / -n)S9  = (I +0(1)) : logr. o ,,/2 If we show that h,..1 is the dominant tenn and the other tenns can be neglected. then we will have proved the proposition. We make two observations about the function h r . 2 . First. IIr.2 is largest on the positive real-axis. and so n<2r log Ih r ,2(re ill )1 < log Ih r . 2 (r)1 < L Ig( 1 + r /11) < O(r) n=1 hy comparison with the integral (2r 1. log( 1 + r /;e) dr. Second. since h r : l has no poles and since N(h r . 2 , 0, r) is non-negative for r > 1, we have from the Jensen Fonnula (Corollary 1.2.1) that 1 2W 1 d9 l 'lW d9 log+ h ( ,ill) _ 2 < log+lhr.:l(rc.9)1- 2 - \r(f,O,r) < O(r) o ,..:l rc 7r 0 7r by our upper bound on log Ih r . 2 1 above. The function h,..:t is even easier to estimate. Namely. 11c)Klh r . J (z)11 = E log (I + ;, ) - E : . n 2" n 2r 
r7 .3) Error Terms for Special Functions 18S Because Iz/nl < 1/2 here, we can use the Taylor expansion for log x around I. which is an alternating series. to conclude Iloglh,..3(re i8 )1t < 0 ( L ( : f ) = O(r), n :l,. where the last equality follows by comparison with the integral 1 ,")(., cLc :l . 2,. r Therefore, we clearly have m(r, 0, r) < ,n(h r .!, 00, r) + m(I'r.2, OC, r) + ".(h r . 3 , 00, r) r = (1 + o(I))-logr + o(r lor). 7r For the inequality in the other direction. m(f. O. r) = 1 2 . log + Ire" h r . 1 (rei')hr.2(re")hr.3(rei8)1  1 2" + ;9 dB 1 2" + 1 d8 > log Ih r . 1 (re )1- 2 - log h ( ") a 1r 0 r.2 re. 21r :l" dB -1 log + hr.3(e") 2'11' r r > (1 + o(l))-logr - O(r) - O(r) = (1 + o(I))-logr 7r 7r by our estimates above. 0 Theorem 7.3.7 Euler'j gammafunct;on has prec;.fe I..tJng type logx. Proof. We have already shown in Lemma 7.3.5 that r ha. Lang type > log x. We show here that r has Lang type < logx. Indeed, we have by the Second Main Theorem, in the fonn of statement (1) of Theorem 4.2.1 (taking p = 2r). that for r sufficiently large and for any finite collection of distinct points ai, . . . , "fl' (q - 2)T(f. r) - t N(f. a}. r) + N."m(f. r) < log T(f. 2r) + O( 1). r )=1 Then. using Proposition 7.3.6. we have log T(f. 2r) = loglogr + 0(1). (] r 
186 More on the Enor Term (Ch. 7J Corollary 7.3.8 The z.ero.f of r' arr all rral. each occurring with multiplicity one. Therr;s exactly one po.fit;ve rralz.ero. and for each integer Ie > 1, therr ;.f e.ta(.tly (Jn :.ero X" with -k < X" < -k + 1. Proof We have already seen that the zeros specified in the corollary exist. Were there any other zeros. we would have a tenn in Nram{r. r) that would not be can- celed by a tenn in l'l(r, OCt r), and thus we would have .1\.r.n.{r, r) - N{r. OCt r) > Jog r :f: o(log r). This contrctdicts the theorem. 0 Remark. Corollary 7.3.8 follows from "Laguerre.s Theorem on Separation of l..cros... This is because l/r is contained in what is known a. the "Polya-Laguerre cla.:' which consists of entire functions that are real on the real axis. have only real zeros. and have "genus.. 0 or 1. See [Rub 1996. Chapter IS) and (Lev 1980. Chapter VIII]. Sons and Ye did not compute the Lang type of the Riemann zeta function in their paper [So Ye 1993 J. Ye has since made some computations of the Nevanlinna func- tions for the zeta function lYe 1999]. Nevenheless. detennining the Lang type for the Riemann zeta function remains an open problem. In Corollary 7.3.8 we used our precise detennination of the error tenn for r to conclude that r' has no zeros. other than the ones we know must exist for obvious reasons. Thus. Corollary 7.3.8 is an example of how the precise error tenn for a special function can be used to dcduce a strong statement about the value distribution of that function (or a closely related function). Because precise error tenns can sometimes be used to make such conclusions, it would be very interesting to compute the Lang type of the Riemann lcta function. Because detennining the zero distribution of the Riemann zeta func- tion is known to be a hard problem. it is perhaps no surprise that the Lang type has alo yet to be detennined. 
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Glossary of Notation I: (a, b) (a, b) (a, h) (a. b) " II 110 II x lip II  II, .r Ill.r <: > X II . II z A spherical derivative of I. 36 open interval. ix half-open interval. ix half-open interval. ix closed interval. ix wedae product. 31 absol ute value. 29 trivial absolute value. 29 Archimedean absolute y.tlue. 29 p-adic absolute value. 29 p-adic absolute value. 153 Archimedean '.absolute value" of meromorphic function. 30 " % -adic" absolute value of meromorphic function. 30 much le\ than. ix much greater than. ix closure of the set ... ix chordal distance. 15 complex conjugate of the complex number z. IX ident ically equal. i x imaainary unit. ix .-1 spherical area covered by a meromorphic function. 41. 81 q distinct points in p.. 56. 107 expression u.\eful in proof of the Second Main Theorem. 57 a J 0.\ b. b.  b 3 b4 li. d I w chosen  bl ro;r;: T(/. r) > c. 53. 56 ro h. chosen uniformly for all I with I: (0) = I.. 77 b 2 (/) = log lilr.('. 0)1 - log(l/o(O)1 2 + II. (0)1 2 ). 56 b 3 (q) = 12 q J + 2q.llug 2. 6 a contant in the error term of the Second Main Theorem. 56 l. (I - oJ' ro) = lordo(1 - a J )lIog+.!. + log lilc(1 - oJ' 0)1 + log 2. ro 96. 104. 108 /J-J q' 8'J(/. a... .. ,Oq) = L log lilc(1 - a J . 0)1 - log lilc(/', 0)1. 108 J-I 
194 J3 C C C C(:) C(:)(.\'] ("'m' C u ('.. Cx. C lc C n tl f) f) D(oo) D(r) (f' (f' WE dcY log 8 iJ 8/D% 8/8i d dB f.: e. / /0 /. FJ> 9 r ! H h 11. . i Ie ( /, 0 ) Glos. of Notation 'i:\(/, 0" . . . t Oq, ro) = log+ max {210«+ IOJ I + fl. (/ - oJ t ro)}. 108 . J q' an unspcci fied constant. x complex numbers or plane. ix.6 Riemann sphere (or projective line). 6 field of rational functions in z with complex coefficients. 129 one variable polynomial rina with coefficienl\ in C( % ) . 129 Fit Main Theorem constant. 17 Gordbera-Grinshtein constant. 96 Gordberg-Grinshtein constant, 96 infinitely differentiable. ix k -differentiable. ix complex n -space. ix exterior derivative = 8 + a. 31 constant depending on the distances between the points OJ' 107. 108 c()ntant from Proposition 1.2.3. 16. 56 a disc of infinite radius. or in other word. the complex plane. 6 open disc of radius r in C centered at O. 6. 56. 107 = £! ( a-8 ) 31 4" · pol ar coordi nate fonn of tJC. 31 complex Laplacian. 31 first Chern operator. 32 8 -operator, 31 a.operator, 31 Wirtinaer derivative with respect to % . 31 Wirtinaer derivative with respect to %. 31 Nevanlinna defect. 124 I.form dB. 33 exceptional set. 50 exponential function. 5 a meromorphic function on D(R).. 12. 56. 107 analytic "denominator" of /, ;.. / = /. //0. 21. 56 analytic "numerator" of /, ;.. / = /. / /0 . 21. 56 field extension of Qp. 153 Green's function. 83 aamma function. 180 Euler's constant. 180 relative heiaht of an element of a field F, I  absolute loaarithmic height of an alaebraic number, 155 hciaht transform. 54 A . ix initial Laurent coefficient of the meromorphic function / at the point o. 9 
Glossary of Notation 195 1m ii. IX .J Jacobian. 32 ko k o (.,) = 1 00 l/(z'(x))dr. So.. 107 L lenth. 81 .\(r) nonincreasina function with values between 0 and 1. 57.61  lower (growth) order. 27  positive real number between 0 and 1. 56  Weil function with sinaularity at a. 13  Weil function with sinaularity at a (Nevanlinna.s). 14  Weil function with sinaularity at a (acometric). 15 log + 10«+ z = max{O,log z}. 14 AI maximum modulus function. 28 mean proximity function (Nevanlinna .s). 2. 14 number theoretic analog of mean proximity. 155 mean proximity function (aetxnetriC). 15 ,n ". ". N r . n . countina function (intearated). I. 12 number theoretic analog of countina function. 156 countina function (unintegrated). 12 Nevanlinna's oriainal notation for lV,,,m. 22. 125 truncated countina function. 13 truncated countina function (unintearated). 13 countina function associated to ramification divisor. 2. 22. 56. 107 countina function (unintegrated) a.,,\uciated to ramification divisor. 22 N N R N. N(Ir) '1 ( Ir ) R..n. o ord o / ord: / bia "oh", ix little "oh.'. ix bia "oh.. with implicit con!\tant dcpcndina on e. x sinaular area form. 57 Fubini-Study form. 35. 56 order of the function / at the point a. 9 = max{O, orela/}. 13 o O n \.Ai" p p P pi . 4> IP Poisson kernel. 6 Weief'S(ra.\ ,)-function. 129 prime ideal. 153 projective line (or Riemann phere). 6 Euclidean form. 36. 56 companion to Khinchin function. 50. 56 Khinchin function. 49. 6. 107 Q q q' rat ionaJ numbers, 29 An inteaer - the number of points a J. 56. 107 An inteaer - the number of finite points a J. 107 
196 Glossary of Notat ion Qp field of p-adic numbers. 153 Ii an upper bound on the lengths of all radii under l.onsideration. 6. 56. 107 R rina of inteaers. 153 r the length of a radius. uually < R. 6 R real numbers. ix ro positive real number such that T(f, ro) > e or T(f, ro) > t:. 56. 7. 107 Rt- real part. ix p (growth) order. 27 R ra real'l-space. ix S( z. €) S (f, {a I . . . . t a q } t r) = (q - 2)T (f.. r) -  = I N (f. a J ' r) + .,.. '''"' (f, r) . 123 formal sum of small circles around Z. 33 embeddina of a field in C. 152 S n T T e 8 characteristic (or heiaht) function (Nevanlinna.s). 2. 17. 19 characteritic (or heiaht) function (geometric). 17. 19. 39 traditional notation for the truncated defect d( I) . 125 rami fication defect. 125 ''" Wronskian. 21. 56 Z Z>u inteaers. ix integers > O. IX 
Index Baker. I. N.. 146 Bergweiler, W.. 74, 150 Beurlina, A., 79 Bohr, H., 146 Bonk, M., 139, 183 Borel, E., v, 98 Borel-Nevanlinna growth lemma. 98 boundary term (in Stokes's Theorem). 33 Bryuno. A., I 9 calculus lemma, 52, 53 Caratheodory, C.. 142 Carleman, T., 80 Carlson, J., 31 Canan's Theorem equaling height or characteristic with the averaae of the counting function, 43 Cartan, H., 3. 43, 107 Cauchy-Riemann equations, 31 chuacteristic function. 2 expressed as average of countina function. 43. 45 expsed as heiaht transfonn, 57 aeometric (Ahlfors-Shimizu). 17, 39 invariance under linear fractional tran5fonnation.23 Nevanlinna. 17 Chen, H.. 117, 172, 173 Chern class. 32 Chern operator, S fil'S( Chern operator Chern, S.-S., vi, 61. 62 Cherry. W., 139 chordal distance, 15 compensation function, S mean prox- imity function complex conjuaate. ix concave, 47 concavity of the logarithm, 48 conjuaate, complex, S complex conju- gate coo.\tants, x converaence c IL"", 27 convex. 4. convexity of T(f. r) (in log r). 41 convexity of T(f, r) (in log r ), 44 absolute value, 29 p-adic, 153 Archimedean, 29 on a number field, 152 at infinity. 29 equivalence between. 29 for meromorphic functions. 30 non-Archimedean, 29 on a number field, 153 p -adic, 29 trivial, 29 Ahlfors's theory of coverina surfaces. 74 Ahlfors, L., vi, 15, 39, 47, 49, 61, 62. 74. 79 Ahlfors-Beurlinalnequality, 79 Ahlfors-Shimizu characteristic (or heiaht). S characteristic function algebraic integer. 153 alaebraic number. 151 Archimedean absolute vaJue. s, absolute vaJue, Archimedean Artin- Whaples Product Formula, 30. 152, 154. 156 AV 1-3, 29 A V 3' . 29 
198 cos ine Nevanlinna functions for. 27 order of. 28 counting function. I. 12 associated to ramification divisor. 22. 12 number theoretic analogue of. 156 truncated. I 3. 125 unintegrated. 12 compared to A. 42 upper bound on. 20 curvature. 37. 60 curvature computation. 37. 61 ddCl - 4.32 defect. 124 ramification. 125 truncated. 125 deficient. 125 density upper. 171 Devaney. M.. 159 differentiaJ equations. 129 Dufrenoy. J.. 76 Eremenko. A.. 3 error term. vi. 3. 60 Euclidean form. 36 Euler's constant. 180 Eulcr's gamma function. j gamma funct ion exceptional set. 3. 50 exponential function. S. 20 Lang type of. 180 Nevanlinna functions for. 2S order of. 27 exterior derivative. ] I finite order. j' order. finite Second Main Theorem for functions of. 117 fil1\t Chern operator. 32 First Main Theorem. 2. 5. 17 equivalent to Jenn' Formula. 19 unintegrated. 42 First Main Theorem constant. 17 fixed point. 146 of order n. 146 Frank. G.. 136 Index Fubini's Theorem. 33 Fubini.Study form. 35 Fundamental Theorem of Algebra. v. I. II. 19.42. 120 gamma function. I KO derivative of. 180 Lang type of. 185 Gaus.\-Bonnet Formula. 74 GJI-4.34 GoJ'dberg. A. A.. v. 3. 42. 89. 92. 96. 98. 107 Gol'dberg.Grinshtein inequality. 3. 92. 96.98 Green's function. 83 Green-Jensen Formula. 33 Greens function relation to Poisson kernel. 83 Griffiths. P., 31 Grinshtein, A.. 3. 89. 92. 96. 98. 107 growth lemma. 52. 53 growth order. $ order. growth growth type. $ type. growth Hadamard.J..v harmonic, 31 on closed disc. 6 Hayman. W.. v. 3. 42. 107. 146. 147 Hayman-Stewart Theorem. 43 height absolute logarithmic. 155 number theoretic. 154. 155 height function. 2 expressed as average of counting fUIk.'tion. 43. 45 geometric (Ahlfors-Shimilu). 17. 39 invariance under linear fractional transfonnation. 23 Nevanlinna. 17 height transform. 54 Ahlfors-Shimizu characteristic ex- pres.\ed L\. 57 fundamental estimate for. 54 second derivative expressed as inte- gral on circle. 54 Hempel. J.. 142 Hinkkanen. A.. 107. 110. 162. 163 holomorphic on closed disc. 6 
HT 1-3. 53 Huber. A.. 78 imaginary pan. ix infinite order. S order, infinite example. 28 initial Laurent coefficient. 9 integers. in a number field. 15J interior term (in Stok's Theorem). 3] isoperi metric inequal ity planar, 79 spherical. 81 Jank. G.. vi, 3 Jankowski, M., 171 Jenkins, J., 142 Jensen Formula. II Jen.n's inequality. 48 Jensen. J.. 9 Khinchin convergence condition. 49. 159 Khinchin function. 49. 159 Khinchin's Theorem. 159. 177 Khinchin, A.. I S9 Kolokolnikov's inequality. 90 Kolokolnikov, A.. 90 Laguerre'5 1beorem. 186 Laine, I.. vi Landau type theorem. S theorem of Landau type Landau. E.. 141 Lang type. 177 greater than or equal. 178 Lang type 1. 178 less than or equal, 177 of exponential function. 180 of gamma function, 185 of rational fun(.1ion. 178 of trigonometric funct ions. 180 precise. 178 Lang. S.. vi. 3. 50. 5J. 60, 61. I  I. I S9. 177 Lemma on the Logarithmic Derivative. 89. 104 sharpne, of, 161 Li,. 136 logarithmic derivative. 89 logarithmic measure. SO Index 199 lower order. j order. growth. lower LT < . 177 LT > .178 Malmquist's Theorem. 129 Malmquist. J.. 130 maximal type. 27 maximum modulus function. 28 mean proximity function difference between Nevanlinna and geometric. 15 geometric. 15 Nevanlinna. 14 number theoretic analog of. I SS sometimes caJ led "compensation" function. 20 mean type. 27 mean-proximity function, 2 meromorphic on closed disc. 6 MetropOlis. N.. 159 Miles. J.. 42. 43. 89. 162 minimal type. 27 monic polyoomial. I S3 moving targets. 144 Mues. E.. 136 Nevanlinna characteristic function. .t characteristic function Nevanlinna defect. .t defect Nevanlinna functions. 17 for exponential function. 25 for rational functions. 24, 121 for sine and cosine. 27 for sums and products, 23 how they are related on average. 43 Nevanlinna growth lemma. 52. 53 Nevanlinna Inverse Problem. 127 Nevanlinna theory. I. 17 Nevanlinna. F.. vi. 2. 3. 49. 61 Nevanlinna. R.. v. vi. 2-4. Ngoan. V., 106 non-Archimedean. t" absolute value, non-Archimedean number field. 30 number theoretic digresion. 4. 29 numbering conventions. x 
200 "(Jh" notation, ix order finite. 27 growth, 27 lower, 27 infinite, 27 of a zero or pole, 9 Osgood. C. F., vi, 30, 144, 151 OstrovskiT. I. V.. v,3, 106 Ostrowski, A., 29 p-adic absolute value, .t absolute value, p-adic Picard's Theorem, 20, 128 number theory analogue of. 158 Picard. E., v, 128 Poincare. H., 31 Poisson Formula, 7 Poisson kernel, 6 hannonic. 6 relation to Green's function, 83 tranM)fmation under MObius automor- phism. 6 Poi\..on. S., 7 Poisson-Jensen Formula, 9 polar coordinate form of tJC , 31 Polya-Laguerre class. 186 product formula, 29 product into sum. 16, 67 projective line, 6 proximity function. S mean proximity function pseud<) area form, 37 pudo volume (area) form, 59 pull back. 32 radiu bound. 138 ralnificatioo, 20 alternative to Wronskian, 22 c()Unting function. s, counting func- tion Lsociated to ramification di- vi sor defect. I 25 divisor. 21 for polynomials and rational func- tions. 21 index, 21 point, 20 Index term, S counting function asssoci- ated to ramification divisor Ramification Theorem, 58. 71, III coefficient 1 /2 bet pos-\ible, 60 open question about improving enor term. 72, 112 rational function Lang type of, 178 rational functions Nevanlinna functions for. 24, 121 real pan, ix Reinders, M., 136 Riccati equation, 130 Richtmyer, R.. 159 Riemann sphere. 6 Riemann zeta function. 186 Riemann-Hurwitz Theorem. 74 ring of integers, 153 Roth's Theorem, 151, 154, 156, 158 conjectural improvement of. 159 Roth. K., 151 Ru. M., 144 Schottky type theorem. s, theorem of Schottky type Schottky, F., 142, 143 Second Main Theorem, vi, 2. 60. 72, 77. 108 or moving targets, 144 for functions of finite order, 117 sharpness of, 161 uniform. 77 via curvature, 60, 72 via logarithmic derivatives, 108 sharpness of the Lemma on the Logarithmic Derivative, 161 of the Second Mai n Theorem, 161 Shimizu, T., vi, 15, 39 ine Nevanlinna functions for, 27 order of, 28 ingular term (in Stokes's Theorem). 33 contribution from log Igl:l , 37 singular volume (area) form. 62 slow Iy moving. 144 mall function, 144 Smimov's inequality. 90 Smimov, V.. 89, 90 
SocIin. M.. 3 Solution to the Dirichlet Problem. 8 S<Mt\.L.. 177.183.186 "pherical area form. 35 spherical derivative. 37 Steinmetz. N.. 144 stereographic projection. 14 Stewart. F. 42 Stirling's formula. 26 Stokes's Theorem. 33 Stoll W.. 61. 62. 144 ub mean value propeny. 81 subharmonic. 81 theorem of Landau type. 141 theorem of Scholtky type. 14J Toppila. S.. 43 totally ramified value. I 29 triangle inequality. 29 for chordal distance. 15 trigonometric functions Lang type of. 180 truncated counting function. sr counting function. truncated truncated defect. s, defect. truncated type of a function. s Lang type of a number. I 59. 177 growth. 27 Index 201 uniform estimate for b. . 77 uniform estimate for ro. 75 uniform Second Main Theorem s, Sec- ond Main Theorem. uniform unintegnted First Main Theorem. 42 unique range set. 1:\6 upper density. 171 value distribution theory. I Vojta' dictiooary. 157. 158 Vojta. . vi. vii. 30. 151. I 57  158 Volkmann L.. vi 3 Wang V.. 172. 173. 177 wedge product. 31 Weietra.\s p - function 129 Weierstrass primary factor. 120 Weil function 13. 155 for geometric proximity. 15 for Nevanlinna proximity 14 Wininger derivatives. 31 Wininger. W.. 31 Wong. -M.. 3 49. 61. 62 curvature computation of. 62 Wn)nskian 21 Vang. C.C.. 136 Vet Z.. 3. 60. 61. 71. 72. 107. 117. 162. 163. 172. 17J 177.183.186 Vosida. K..IJO 
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