Tags: weapons   mortar  

Year: 1956

                    ORD 9 SNL A-43
MORTAR, 60-MM, T18E6, М2,
and M19; MOUNT M5
JUNE 1956

*ORD 9 SNL A-43 SUPPLY MANUAL j No. ORD 9 SNL A-43 f DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Washington 25, D. C., 29 June 1956 MORTAR, 60-MM, T18E6, М2, AND M19; MOUNT M5 This manual is correct to 14 June 1956 1, General, a. This manual is an illustrated alphabetical list of parts of the 60-mm mortars T18E6, М2, and M19 and 60-mm mortar mount M5. Note. Many of the parts listed are not stocked for issue. See ORD 7 and ORD 8 sections of this manual for listings of those parts stocked and authorized for issue to the various categories of maintenance. When parts not listed in the ORD 8 are needed, separate requisition for these parts should be forwarded through normal supply channels with justification therefor. b, This list of all service parts is to be used for identification and storage purposes. Every individual part is not necessarily stored by it- self ; many parts are stored as authorized as- semblies. Such assemblies are indicated herein. The components of such assemblies are listed alphabetically with the total quantities of each part required for that particular application. c. The Federal stock number column lists the 11-digit Federal stock number (or the 7-digit Federal item identification number) assigned by the Cataloging Division, OASD (StL). These numbers are for information only and will not be used in connection with supply operations until implementation of the Federal Cataloging Program is accomplished through editing ac- tion on appropriate supply documents (requisi- tions, issue slips, excess lists, etc.). Where no Ordnance stock number is listed, the Federal stock number will be used for requisitioning purposes and must be suffixed with the mission assignment code, e.g., 5340-715-7622-404-?. The mission assignment code is used among Ordnance depots and stock control points to designate the responsible national stock control point. d. An explanation of reference symbols used in this manual is included under NOTES. c. The prefix letter and number of the stock number (i.e.. A033 or AO-13) usually signifies that the particular part or component was originally coded under the major-item designa- tion for that SNL, and does NOT mean that the part is used ONLY in that major item. All subsequent manuals for materiel incorporating the part will include the same stock number for the part. /. Additional applications of items are listed in the ORD 5-5 series. g. For prices of items, see the appropriate manual of the ORD 5-3 series. h. The major items, 60-mm mortars T18E6, М2, and M19 and 60-mm mortar mount M5, are stored, issued, and reviewed under SM 9-5— 1005, 10, 15. i. For full information relative to the Ord- nance section of the Department of the Army supply manual, including its purposes and uses, the procedure followed, and the principles em- ployed in its compilation, see ORD If and for an index thereof, see DA PAM 310-29. 2. Special Information, a. The difference be- tween the М2 and the M19 and T18E6 is in the firing mechanism. b. The baseplate Ml contains a button where- as the baseplate T1 contains a metal strap loop. 3. Abbreviations. anld----------------annealed assy ---------------assembly (ies) bbl-roll------------barrel-roller br-pltd ------------.brass plated b-hd----------------.button head cd-pltd -------------cadmium plated' cham----------------chamfer (ed) cold-fin-S----------cold finished steel cop.'---------------copper corr-res-S ---------corrosion-resistant steel ck-hd----------------countersunk head dia_________________diameter dog-pt--------------dog point dl-rd _____ ________drill ro<| tin. .. — .... ... finisht ing t ‘This manual supersedes ORO 9 SM. A-43. 25 August 191м. including Cl. 1« July 1954. AGO Т4Л .luly
fl-fil-hd----------.flat fillister head fl-hd --------------flat head fl-pt--------------flat point hdls---------------headless hex ----------------hexagonal in. ----------------inch(es) г id------------------inside diameter (dimension) lea. _______________leather lg------------------length (long) mfr assy____________manufactured assembly mm -----------------millimeter(s) NC -----------------American National Coarse Thread NF -----------------American National Fine Thread od -----------------outside diameter (dimension) oval-fil-hd --------.oval fillister head oval-hd_____________oval head phos-ctd------------phosphate coated phos-bz ____________phosphor bronze rd-hd ______________round head sp _________________special S_____;_____________Steel stk_________________.stock stght_______________straight thk_________________thick(ness) UNC-----------------Unified National Coarse w___________________.wide, width w/__________________with zn-pltd___________..zinc plated 4. Suggestions and Recommendation. Notice of discrepancies and recommendation^' should be forwarded through command channels to the Chief of Ordnance, Department of the Army, Washington 25, D. C., ATTN ORDFM-Pub. (1) ILLUS- TRATION NO. (2) REFER. ENCE SYMBOLS (3) FEDERAL STOCK NO. (4) ORDNANCE STOCK NO. OR MISSION ASSIGNMENT CODE «) ORDNANCE PART NO. <» DESCRIPTION 1 (7) . QUAN- l TITY INCOR- PORATED IN UNIT ' (8) UNIT OF । ISSUE PARTS OF 60-MM MORTAR М2 .<* 5 -520-7654 A043-5207654 5207654 BARREL, assy Composed of one 6008465 CAP and one 7307372 TUBE. 1 ea- 5 5 i 600-8465 6008465 7238501 CAP, base MORTAR, 60-mm М2 PIN, firing 1 1 ea ea 5 5315-502-5272 A043 5025272 1 ea 5 ------ - -558-3700 A043-0100040 7307372 TUBE, mortar PARTS OF 60-MM MORTAR T18E6 1 ea 23, 24 1 722-8864 A043-7228864 u 7228864 BARREL, assy. Composed of one 7157628 CAP, one 7157624 EXTENSION’, and one 7307372 TUBE. 1 ea 24. 25 .715 7628 A043 -7157628 7157628 CAP. base (welded) l_.. . - 1 <‘a 24, 25 ... 1010-715-7624 A043 7157624 EXTENSION, nase cap 1 (»a 25 _ _ . . . . — 7157625 HOLDER, firing pin i 1 ea 23 . 4020-715-7031 A 043 7157631 LANYARD, sash cord, 10 in 1 I ea 25 ; 1010-722 8865 A043 72288(ю LEVER, firing w/welded ring .. 1 <41 25 25 । 1 1010-722-8866 A043 1 i 72x8866 7157630 LOCK, striker (mfr assy) l._ MEC HANISM, firing .assy. _. Compose! of one 7157628 CAP, one 7157624 EXTENSION, one 7228865 LEVER, one 7228866 LOCK, assy. 1 <»ne 7225867 PIVOT, one 7157607 PLLC, one 7157601.» PLUNGER, one 7157620 SETSCREW, one 7157622 SPRING, and one 72- 28868 STRIKER, assy. 1 1 1 1 ea ea 23 .... ... 723.8759 1 MORTAR, 60-mm TISE<»_ I (*a 25 5315 715 7619 A043 7157619 PIN. firing. I । ea 25 ... - _ . AO43 7225867 7225867 PIVOT, spring locked (mfr assy) l__ 1 ea 25 25 1 4730 715-7607 1010 715-7606 A043 AO43 7157607 7157606 PLCG, flush, slotted, hr. S-21NE 2. 4 Ik. I’Ll’NG ER. retracting 1 1 ea ea For explanation of footnotes, see NOTES, page 9. 2 AGO 7IA
(1) ILLUS- TRATION NO. (2) REFER- ENCE SYMBOLS (3) FEDERAL STOCK NO. (4) ORDNANCE STOCK NO. OR MISSION ASSIGNMENT CODE 1 (5) ORDNANCE PART NO. 1 DESCRIPTION I (7) (8) 1 QUAN- | TITY UNIT i IN COR- OF PORATED ISSUE . IN UNIT PARTS OF 6C-MM MORTAR T18E6— । Continued 25 5305-715-7620 A043 7157620 SETSCREW: oval-fil-hd, «log-pt, S. 1 1 ea 0.10-32NE-2 x 0.310. | 1 25 5340-715-7622 A043 7157622 SPRING, compression. S, 0.0317 dia 1 ea stk. 0.155 o<l, 27 coils. 1 25 1010-722-8868 A043 7228868 STRIKER, assy 1 ea Composed of one 7157625 HOLDER 24 558-3700 A043-0100040 7307372 1 and one 7157619 PIN. ! i 1 PARTS OF 60-MM MORTAR M19 Lil 7 1010-723-0419 A043 7230419 ADAPTER, firing mechanism housing. 1 ea 7 4730-723-0410 A043 7230410 BUSHING, firing pin. adapter group 1 (»a 6 722-9667 7229667 1 ea 6 1010-723-0420 A043 7230420 COVER, firing mechanism housing I ea 6 1010-722-9668 A043 A043 7229668 7229663 HOUSING, firing mechanism _ .. LEVER, firing ea 6 1010-722-9663 1 ea 7 ' .. 5310-723-0411 A043 7230411 LOCK, firing pin 1 ea 6 . _ 1010-722-9669 A043 7229669 MECHANISM, firing, assy . . 1 t ea Composed of one 7230419 ADAPTER. one 7230410 BUSHING, one 722- 9667 CAP. one 7230420 COVER, one 722966S HOUSING, one 722- 9663 LEVER, one 7230411 LOCK, on<‘ 7229650 PAWL, one 7307165 [ PIN. one 7229651 PIN. о:ю 7230413 , PIN, one 7230414 PLUNGER, one i 7229652 PLUNGER, on< 7230415 1 1 | SETSCREW, one 7230421 SE- 1 LECTOR, one 7229655 SLEEVE, one 7229657 SPRING, one 5023II SPRING, one 7230417 SPRING, one 7230416 SPRING, one 7229658 SPRING, one 7230418 STOP, one 7229665 STRIKER, one 7306626 TRIPPER, and one 7229661 i WASHER. [ 1 1 1 6 ... A001-723850:*. 7238503 MORTAR. 60-mm. M19 1 1 ea 8 i 1010-722-9650 A043 7229650 PAWL, firing pin striker ! 1 ea 5315-722-9651 A043 7229651 PIN. firing ’ 1 ea 8 5315-723-0413 A043 7230413 PIN. sight. S. 0.140x0.470 1 ea 6 — . .. . . 5315-730-7165 A043 7307165 PIN. STRAIGHT. HEAD: rover. _ ! 1 ea 8 1010-723 0414 A043 7230414 PLUNGER, firing pin striker pa\vL_ . . i : ea 6 1010 722 9652 1010-723 0421 A043 A043 7229652 7230421 PLUNGER. sehrtor SELECTOR. firing .... । ea 6 - i ea 6 - . . . . 5305-723-0415 A043 7230415 SETSCREW: кн-к __ i i ea 6 . . _ ... 3120-722-9655 A043 7229655 SLEEVE, firing lever spring i ea 6 5340-723-0416 A043 7230416 SPRING, compression. S. 0.092 dia stk, ‘ i ea 0.770 od. ’8 coils. 7 5340-723 0417 AO43 7230417 SPRING, compression. S. 0.037 din stk. i ea 0.375 od. З1 о roils. 1 6 5340-722-9657 A043 7229657 SPRING, compression, S, 0.039 dia stk, i (•;» i i i 0.370 od. 11 eoils. | AGO 74A 3
(1) ILLUS- TRATION NO. (2\ REFER. ENCE SYMBOLS (3) FEDERAL STOCK NO. (4) ORDNANCE STOCK NO. OR MISSION ASSIGNMENT CODE (5) ORDNANCE PART NO. (6) DESCRIPTION (7) QUAN- TITY INCOR- PORATED IN UNIT (в) UNIT OF ISSUE PARTS OF 60-MM MORTAR M1J- । Continued 8 11 2 5310 050 2311 11002 0502311 502331 I SI’RIXG. HELICAL COM I’ll E.4SIOX: 1 ea S, 0.015 dia stk, 0.125 <>.1. free 1g, । I 9 eoils. 1 6 5340 722-965S A043 7229058 ! SPRING, torsion, S, 0.051 dia stk, 0.365 1 ea <xl, 934 coils. I 6 1010 723-0418 A043 7230418 j STOP, firing spring . . _ ... ea (>, 8 1010-722-9Ш55 A043 7229005 1 STRIKICK, firing pin . _ ' 1 ea 6 1010-730-6626 A043 7300020 , । TRIPP1CR, firing pin striker pawl 1 ea 6 — — 7307372 TUBE, mortar, 60-mm, MI9 1 ea 7 3120-722-9661 | A043 7229001 WASHER, retracting spring stop . .. 1 ea i 1 PARTS OF 60-MM MORTAR MOUNT M5 ! 1010-653-6240 A043 6536240 BASEPLATE (welded) ’ ! i ea Includes the following renewable parts: one 5207661 LATCH, assy, one 1 1 5154564 SCREW and one 540891 ( SETSCREW. | 1 9, 17, 18 3120-502-5246 A043 5025240 1 BEARING, clevis *2 ea 16 3120-502-5229 1 A043 5025229 1 BEARING, elevating . . .. . 1 ea 12, 1G 3120-502-5227 : A043 5025227 । BEARING, expanding . _ 2 I ea 15 ; 3120-722-8720 I A043 7228720 ; BICARING, traversing . 1 ea 13 I 7308320 1 BODY, hand wheel 1 ea A043-0200090 ’ 0008455 ! BODY, left leg .. 1 ea i-i , 722-8280 A033-7228280 7228280 ' BODY, nut, traversing spindle* 1 1 ea 18 1 1 600-8462 ! 1 0008402 I BODY, right leg ..... 1 ea 10 1 1 7228727 BODY, yoke __ । 1 ea 19 1 5305-502-5279 A043 5025279 BOLT, latch 1 ea 17 1010-600-8456 A043 ! 0008450 BRACKET, sliding • 1 1 ea 11 ! 3120-502-5217 A043 5025217 BUSHIXG, shock absorber .. 2 I ea 11 3120-502-5218 A043 5025218 BUSHING, shock absorber . 2 • ea 12, 16 । - - - 3120-723-0001 A043 7230001 ; BUSHING, thrust 2 ea 12 ' 1010-300-5339 ! A043 7308278 : CAP, assy. । 1 ea i I । | Composed of one 7308274 FLANGE * 1 and one 586672 PIN. 11 1010-520-7656 A043 5207050 1 CLAMP, mortar, assy.... 1 | (*a 1 { 1 Composed of one 5570412 COLLAR । ; 1 and one 5025260 PIN. 17 । 5340-557-0409 A043 5570409 i (’LEVIS, left leg... ........ 1 ea 18 5340-723-7591 A043 7237591 1 CLEVIS, right leg . ... 1 ! ea 18 i 5310-502-5252 A043 5025252 COLLAR, grip __ 1 ea IS I 5310-502-5253 : A043 5025253 i COLLAR, grip . 2 ea 11 i ... ....... .. 5570411 ! COLLAR, lower half.... _ . . 1 ea 11 1 - .... . _ ।. ....... . 5570412 COLLAR, upper half _ 1 ea 15 | - J 1010-520 7657 A043 5207657 1 CONNECTOR (mfr assy) 1 __ . . 1 ca 17, 18 1 1 1010 502-5247 A043 5025247 ; (’OVER, clevis latch | 2 I ea 1<> 1 1 1010 -520 7658 . 5207658 (‘BANK, elevating screw (’mfr assy) L __J 1 ea 13 1 1015 520 7748 A033 5207748 (‘RANK, traversing (mfr assy ) L. . 1 ea 10,11,15 11-16 1 HO 16 0507612 507612 ! CUP. oil. ball valve, drive. S. Л|Л in. dia .5 (‘a 13 1015-501 2975 A033 5012975 DETENT, traversing crank. 1 ea 12 . -. . ~ .. . 7308274 ELANGE, traversing rap _ -I 1 ea i". IS 1 1010 557 0410 AO43 5570410 E< M )T. bipod ; •j (*a IS I 5340 722 8729 A043 7228729 CHIP. HANDLE: right leg . . j 1 ea For vx»* bmalion of footnotes. s«4* NOT! 4 AGO 74Л
(1) ILLUS- TRATION NO. (2) REFER- ENCE SYMBOLS (3) FEDERAL STOCK NO. ORDNANCE STOCK NO. OR MISSION ASSIGNMENT CODE (5) ORDNANCE PART NO. (6) DESCRIPTION (П ! QUAN- TITY < INCOR- PORATE!: IN UNIT (8) UNIT OF I ISSUE PARTS OF 60-MM MORTAR MOUNT M5 —Continued 1 11 9, 13 19 19 17, 18 9 — 1010-600-8451 1005-300-5340 5980-502-5280 1010-520-7661 1010-502-5248 722-8483 A043 J A043 AO43 A043 A043 6008451 7308325 5025280 5207661 5025248 7228483 i GUIDE, shock alisorber HANDWHEEL, traversing. assy Composed of one 7308326 BODY, one 5207748 CRANK, assy, one 5012075 DETENT, one 216270 PIN, one 5012974 PIN, and two 5012976 SCREW. i KNOB, latch bolt ! LATCH, baseplate, assy Composed of one 5025279 BOLT, one 5025280 KNOB, one 6008481 LE- VER, one 505468 PIN, and one 5025281 SPRING. LATCH, clevis LEG, assy Composed of one 7230150 LEG, left, assy and one 5207663 LEG, right 2 1 । 1 2 1 ea ea ea ea ea 9, 17 9, 18 19 15. 16, 9 1 i 1010-723-0150 1010-520-7663 i ! 600-8481 ! 1 1 1 i 1 A043 A043 I 7230150 5207663 । 1 6008481 , 7228725 i 1 assy. LEG, left, assy Composed of one 5025246 BEARING, one 6008455 BODY, one 6008456 BRACKET, one 5570409 CLEVIS, one 5025247 COVER, one 507612 CUP, one 5570410 FOOT, one 5025248 LATCH, one 6008457 NUT, one 505464 PIN, three 505501 PIN, one 5025234 RING, one 5025233 RING, two 5025235 SCREW, three 5025250 SCREW, three 5025251 SCREW, one 7230007 SLEEVE, one 5025237 SLEEVE, one 5025238 SPRING, one 5025249 SPRING, and two 5025239 WASHER. LEG, right, assy Composed of one 5025246 BEARING, one 6008462 BODY, one 7237591 CLEVIS, two 5025252 COLLAR, one* 5025253 COLLAR, one 5025247 COVER, one 5570410 FOOT, one 7228729 (J RIP, one 5025248 LATCH, one 505464 PIN, three 505501 PIN. three 7238755 PIN, one 213511 RIVET, three 5025250 SCREW, three 5025251 SCREW, one 5025249 SPRING, and one 7237590 STRAP. LEVER, latch 1 MECHANISM, elevating, assy_ Composed of one 5025229 BEARING, one 7228720 BEARING, one 502- 5227 BEARING, one 7230001 BI S1IING. one 5207658 (’RANK, assy, one 507612 (TP, <»ne 6008452 NET. one 5025225 NTT. one I 1 1 1 1 ea ea ea ea AGO 74A 5
(1) ILLUS- TRATION NO. (2) REFER- ENCE SYMBOLS (3) FEDERAL STOCK NO. (4) ORDNANCE STOCK NO. OR MISSION ASSIGNMENT CODE (5) ORDNANCE PART NO. 1 (6) DESCRIPTION (Л QUAN- TITY INCOR- PORATED IN UNIT 1 (8) UNIT OF j ISSUE 1 PARTS OF 60-MM MORTAR MOUNT M5 —Continued 505504 PIN, one 140151 PIN, one 505273 PIN, one 5025269 RE- TAINER, one 5025230 RING, one 7230002 RING, one 6008453 SCREW, one 5025228 SCREW, one 5025231 SPRING, one 6008454 TUBE, and one 5025268 WASHER. 9,10,’ll, 12,13, 7228726 ЛI EC IIA N ISM, traversing, assy i Composed of one 5025227 BEARING, 1 1 ea 14 1 1 1 1 1 'i 1 i one 7228727 BODY, one 7230001 i BUSHING, two 5025218 BUSH- ING. two 5025217 BUSHING, one 1 7308278 CAP, assy, one 5570412 COLLAR, one 5570411 COLLAR. 1 three 507612 CUP. two 6008451 I GUIDE, one 7308325 HAND- 1 WHEEL, assy, one 5207666 NUT, assy, one 7228721 NUT, one 7228279 NUT, assy, one 5025225 NUT, one 113390 PIN, one 111840 PIN, one 111841 PIN, one 5025260 PIN, one 216270 PIN, one 505336 PIN. two 7238754 PIN, one 5025261 PIN, one 7228719, PLATE, two 5025219 PLUG, two 5025262 RETAINER, I one 5025230 RING, one 5025228 SCREW, four 145368 SCREW, one 5025251 SCREW, one 7228286 SCREW, two 5025216 SCREW, two 5025220 SETSCREW, two 5025263 SETSCREW', one 50- 25231 SPRING, two 5025221 SPRING, one 5025259 STUD, one 7228723 TUBE, and one 5025268 1 WASHER. , i ! ! 1 12, 16 5310-502-5225 A043 ; 5025225 NUT, adjusting NUT, connector pivot 2 1 ea 9, 15 16 17 ! 5310-502-5265 5310-600-8452 5310-600-8457 A043 A043 A043 1 5025265 6008452 6008457 2 ! 1 1 1 ea ea ea NUT, leg adjusting 11 5310-520-7666 5207666 NUT, mortar clamp (mfr assy) L_ , 1 ea 12 5310-722-8721 A043 ; 7228721 NUT, traversing screw _! 1 ea 9, 14 1010-722-8279 A043 7228279 ! NUT. traversing spindle tube, assy 1 Composed of one 7228280 BODY, one 1 1 ea I 7228281 PACKING, one and 722- ’ 8283 WASH EK. 14 - 722-8281 A033 -7228281 7228281 PACKING, fibre, grease sealing, 0.860 1 ea id, 1.156 od, 0.160 thk. 11 1 5025260 PIN, collar, upper half PIN, SPRING: S, phos-etd. 0.062 x PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: chain. 1 ea 12 П-1 । II101-0586672 586672 1 ea 17, 18 II-l 5315-050-5464 11001-0829139 505464 2 ea dl-rd. plain fin, !|« x 5ir>. 1 hi II-l 5315-050-5468 11001 -0829144 505468 PIN. STRAIGHT. HEADLESS: chain, 1 ea dl-rd, plain fin, 11« x ?|6. | 1 For explanation of footnotes, see NOTES, page 9 6 AGO 74A
(1) ILLUS- TRATION NO. (2) REFER- ENCE SYMBOLS (3) FEDERAL STOCK NO. (4) ORDNANCE STOCK NO. OR MISSION ASSIGNMENT CODE (5) ORDNANCE PART NO. (6) DESCRIPTION 1 (7) QUAN- TITY INCOR- PORATED IN UNIT (8) UNIT OF ISSUE 1 PARTS OF 60-MM MORTAR MOUNT M5 —Continued * • 17, 18 H-l 5315-050-5501 H001-0829749 505501 PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: cham. 6 t ea dl-rd, plain fin, x 1 15 H-l 5315-050-5504 H001-0829752 505504 1 PIN, STRAIGHT. HEADLESS: cham, 1 ea ! dl-rd, plain fin, % x 1J^. 16 H-l 5315-050-5273 II001-0829252 505273 PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: cham, 1 ea : dl-rd, plain fin, 2-min (0.078) x 9 H-l H001-0829913 505336 PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: cham, 1 ea dl-rd. plain fin, 5-inm (0.197) x 1 %. 11 5315-502-5261 A043 5025261 ; PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: collar _ PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: trav- 1 ea 13 5315-501-2974 A033 5012974 1 ea । ersing crank. 10 5315-723-8754 A043 7238754 : PIN, straight, S, cham, drill rod, 0.115 2 ea • 18 5315-723-8755 A043 7238755 Pin, straight, S, cham, drill rod, ?^x Hji- - PIN, TAPERED, PLAIN: cold-fin-S, 3 ! ea 11 H-l 5315-011-3390 H001-0824019 113390 1 ea plain fin, no. 00 (0.141) x Ц. 9 H-l 5315-010-3564 H001-0824026 103564 | PIN, TAPERED, PLAIN: cold-fin-S, 1 ea plain fin. no. 0 (0.156) x 1. 11 5315-011-1840 H001-0824020 111840 PIN, TAPERED, PLAIN: cold-fin-S, I plain fin, no. 2/0 (0.141) x %. 1 ea 11 H-l 5315-011-1841 H001-0824021 111841 ! PIN, TAPERED, PLAIN: cold-fin-S, 1 ea i ! plain fin, no. 2/0 (0.141) x 1. 16 H-l 5315-014-0151 1 H001-0824014 140151 । PIN, TAPERED, PLAIN: cold-fin-S, 1 plain fin. no. 4/0 (0.109) x 1. 1 ea 13 H-l 5315-021-6270 H001-0824003 216270 PIN, TAPERED, PLAIN: cold-fin-S, 1 ea I plain fin, no. 6/0 (0.078) x %. 9, 15 5305-502-5266 ' A043 5025266 PIVOT, connecting link 2 ea 10 722-8719 A043-7228719 7228719 PLATE, name 1 ea 10 4730-502-5219 I A043 5025219 PLUG, shock absorber RETAINER, elevating mechanism 2 ea 1 5310-502-5269 A043 5025269 1 ea 11 1 1 1010-502-5262 A043 5025262 RETAINER, shock absorber ' 2 (*a 16 1 723-0002 A043-7230002 1 7230002 RING, elevating mechanism RING, expanding bearing 1 ea 12. 16 5310-502-5230 A043 5025230 2 ea 17 5310-502-5234 A043 ' 5025234 RING, leg adjusting nut 1 ' ea 17 1010-502-5233 A043 I 5025233 RING, leg adjusting nut locking RIVET, TUBULAR: fl-hd, br, plain fin, 1 ea 18 H-l 5320-021-3511 H001-0931042 I I 213511 1 ea I । 10 H-l : 5305-014-5368 H101 1 145368 ' SCREW, DRIVE: rd-hd. S, case-hard- 4 ea ened, cd- or zn-pltd, no. 2 x | i 16 < 5305-600-8453 AO 43 6008453 SCREW, elevating 1 ea 19 5154564 SCREW, latch lever 1 ea 11 5305-502-5216 A043 ; 5025216 SCREW', MACHINE: fil-hd, S, %- 24NF-3 x 5532, threaded % in. 2 ea 13 — 5305-501-2976 A033 5012976 SCREW. MACHINE: fi-fil-hd, S, no. 8 2 ea (0.164) 36NF-3 x 17, 18 5305-502-5250 A043 5025250 SCREW. MACHINE: oval-hd, S, no. 5 ' (j ea (0.125 )-44 N F-3 x 0.240. 1 12, 16 5305-502-5228 AO-13 5025228 SCREW. MACHINE: oval-hd, S, no. 12 2 ea (0.216)-28NF-2x 0.190 9, 15. 17, - _ 5305-502 5251 A043 5025251 SCREW. MACHINE: sp. oval-hd, S, 7 ea 18 no. 8 (0.1641-36NF 3 x 0.320. j i 1 17 — 5305-502 5235 AO-43 5025235 SCREW, oval-hd, S, no. 8 (0.164)- । 2 1 (‘a । 36NF-3 x 0.210. ]2 | 5305-722-8286 A033 7228286 SCREW*, traversing . _ j 1 1 (‘a AGO 74A 7
(В 1 (2) 1 (3) (4) | (5) 1 (6) (Л (8) ORDNANCE QUAN- ILLUS- REFER- STOCK NO. TITY UNIT TRATION ENCE FEDERAL OR MISSION ORDNANCE DESCRIPTION INCOR- OF NO. SYMBOLS STOCK NO. ASSIGNMENT PART NO. PORATED ISSUE CODE i IN UNIT 1 PARTS OF 60-MM MORTAR MOUNT M5 1 —Continued * 19 H-l 5305-054-0891 H001-1037036 540891 1 SETSCREW: hdls, fl-pt, corr-res-S, 1 ea ! no. 8 (0.164)-36NF-2A x 10 5305-502-5220 A043 5025220 । SETSCREW: shock absorber, plug । SETSCREW: shock absorber retainer 2 । ea 11 5305-502-5263 A043 5025263 2 1 ea 17 1010-723-0007 A043 7230007 ; SLEEVE, locking । SLEEVE, sliding | 1 ea 17 3120-502-5237 A043 5025237 1 ea 9. 12 7230151 SPINDLE, traversing, assy , , Composed of one 5025227 BEARING, j 1 । (ka i | one 7230001 BUSHING, one 730- । 1 8278 CAP, assy, one 5025225 NUT, | । one 7228721 NUT, one 5025230 ; RING, one 5025228 SCREW, one 7228286 SCREW, one 5025231 SPRING, one 7228723 TUBE, and ' one 5025268 WASHER. i । 17, 18 5340-502-5249 A043 5025249 SPRING, compression, S, 0.051 dia stk, i 0.165 od, 12 coils. 2 ea 19 5340-502-5281 A043 5025281 SPRING, compression, S, 0.054 dia stk, 0.390 od, 7 coils. | 1 ea 11 5340-502-5221 A043 5025221 , SPRING, compression, S, 0.080 dia stk, * 0.600 od, 17 coils. 2 ea I 12, 16 5340-502-5231 A043 5025231 SPRING, compression, S, 0.080 dia stk, 1.000 od, 1 coil. 2 ea 17 5340-502-5238 A043 5025238 । SPRING, compression, S, 0.102 dia stk, 0.990 od, 1 coil. 1 1 , ea 18 1 1010-723-7590 A043 7237590 STRAP, right leg STUD, mortar damp.. j TUBE, elevating mechanism screw guide. 1 ea 11 5305-502-5259 A043 5025259 1 ea 16 1 4710-600-8454 A043 6008454 1 I ea 12 1010-722-8723 ! A043 7228723 1 TUBE, traversing mechanism spindle 1 (‘a 17 5310-502-5239 i A043 5025239 WASHER. ELAT: phos bz. 0.865 id. 2 ea 1 1.099 od. 0.120 thk. 12. 16 5310-502-5268 ' A043 502526)8 WASHER, keyed. S. ,6 ID, 1 od. 0.014 2 ('a 1 I thk. 14 1 722-8283 j 7228283 i WASHER. S. 0.868 ID. 1.155 od. 0.060 1 ea thk. I 10 1 7228767 Y(ЖЕ, assy . _ ... _ _ I ea i Compost'd of one 7228727 BODY, one 1 1 i 1 1 507612 (’UP. two 7238754 PIN. one 7228719 PLATE, and four 145368 SC R EW. ! i i 1 PARTS FOR EQUIPMENT 1 i 1 FOR: 1 FRAME, MORTAR, TOOL AND AMMUNITION | 1 CARRYING PACK, T7 ANO T9 j 2Я. 29 j | "3 1 ...। 11003 -0101835 545122 STRAP, lea. bbl-roller, buckle, double keeper. 1 in. w. 16 in. Ig, 7 holt's. 2 ea 28. 29 11-3 j 1 ПООЗ 0102120 545457 । STRAP, lea, bbl-roller. buckle, double 2 ea 1 keeper. 1l4 in. w. 13 in. 1g, 6 holt's. 28. 29 — .. . .... , 11003 0102100 ' 1 515158 STRAP, lea, bbl-roller. buckle, double keeper. 1 !4 in. w. 16 in. Ig. 7 hob's. 3 ! ea 28, 29 i H-3 1 1 — 11003 0102215 | 545402 । STRAP, lea. bbl-roller, buckle, double | keeper, 1 !4 in. w, 40 in. Ig. 10 holes. | 1 ; 1 ea 8 AGO 74 A
(1) ILLUS- TRATION NO. (2) REFER- ENCE SYMBOLS (3) FEDERAL STOCK NO. (4) ORDNANCE STOCK NO. OR MISSION ASSIGNMENT CODE (5) ORDNANCE PART NO. (6) DESCRIPTION (7) QUAN. TITY IN COR- । РО RATED IN UNIT PARTS FOR EQUIPMENT—Continued FOR: MOUNT, SIGHT, T6 27 27 7227180 7228274 7227187 140741 BUSHING, extension 1 CLAMP, tube (welded and riveted) L___ MOUNT, sight, T6, assy [ 1 23, 27 27 1010-722-7187 A043 1 — Composed of one 7227180 BUSHING, one 7228274 CLAMP and one 140741 NUT. NUT, PLAIN WING; forged or pressed S, phos-ctd, J<-20UNC-23. 1 PLATE, BASE, M1 AND T1 21 1 7238895 7227188 BODY, base plate (welded)1 1 ! 26 722-7188 A043-7227188 (for Ml only). BODY, base plate (welded)1 1 21, 22, 26 22 1010-722-7190 A043 7227190 (for Tl only). CAP, hinged, assy--- 1 1 7237384 Composed erf one 7237384 HINGE, one 7227191 LINK, one 505491 PIN and two 110789 RIVET. HINGE, cap.-- ------- 1 22 22 20, 21 23, 26 22 23 3020-722-7191 5315-050-5488 A043 7227191 LINK, hinged cap. * *._-. 1 Г.. H001-0829592 505491 7238892 PIN, STRAIGHT, HEADLESS: cham, drill rod, plain fin, И x PLATE, BASE, Ml, asqy_. 1 1 1010-722-8278 7228278 Composed of one 7238&Э5 BODY, and one 7227190 CAP, PLATE, BASE, Tl, assy 1 1 H-l 5320-011-0789 1 H001-0924052 i 110789 136497 Composed of one 7227188 BODY, one 7227190 CAP, assy, and one 7228567 STRAP, assy. RIVET, SOLID: l>hd, S, plain fin, anld, % x %. RIVET, TUBULAR: ck-hd, br, plain fin, % x И- SNAP, carrying strap 2 1 23 7228790 1 i 23 7228567 STRAP (mfr assy) 1 1 23 548207 WASHER, FLAT: cop, plain fin, no. 9 (0.148 id, 0.469 od, 0.040 thk). 1 (8) UNIT OF ISSUE ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea g g g NOTES Explanation of Symbols H-l SNL symbols such as H-l, H-3, H-16, etc., refer to the SNL in which the item is reviewed. Footnotes 'This item consists of two or more components. These components are not listed because their disassembly is considered impractical. AGO 74A 9
Fitju '*• 1. Mortar, MJ anti mount, mortar, no-mm, M-5—rifjht side I'icir. 10 AGO 7 lA
I'i'iurc 2. Mortar, 60-mm, Ml!) ami mount, mortar, iSO-nim, Л/.7—ri<jlit *i<le ririr. AGO 71Д 11
Fh/are !. Mortar, ih'miim, Mia and mount. mortar, ao-mm, Mo—left side ru ir. J2 AGO 74A
Figure 4, Mortar, 60-mm, M19 and nioihit, mortar, t:o-mm, J/5—exploded rietr. AGO 71Л 13

AGO 71Л Figure в. Mortar, вО-тт, МЮ (7288503)—tube and firing mechaniam— exploded view.
ADAPTER—7230419 Figure 7. Mortar, ио-ннп, Milt—firing pin adapter group—exploded view. 16 AGO 74A
MECHANISM, ASSY-7228726 Fit/нге P. Mount, Mortar, W-min, Mo. МЮ 74A 17
PLUG-5025219 Figure JO, Mount, mortar, tUf-mm, Л7.*»—mortar clamp mid цок*—partial exploded view. 18 AGO 74A
AGO 74A NUT-5207666 PIN-5025261 Figure 11. Mount, mortar, 60-mm, M5—mortar clamp and shock absorber—exploded view,
AGO 74A TUBE-7228723 RA PO 243926 Figure 12. Mount, mortar, 60-mm, M5—spindle assy (7230151)—exploded view.
BODY-7308326 Figure 13. Mount, mortar, W-nwi, Mo—handwheel, as*y (730S325)—exploded view. RA PD 243928 Figure 74. Mount, mortar, ito-inni, Mo—nut, аму (731872b)—exploded view. (20 74A 21
ьэ KA PD 243929 Figure 25. Mount, tn or far, вО-тпт, 217.5—elevating mechanism—partial exploded view. AGO
RETAINER-5025269 Праге Hi. Mount, mortar, GO-mm, M5—mechanism assy (7228725)—exploded view. AGO 74A 23
NUT-6008457 WASHER-5025239 WASHER-5025239 SPRING-5025238 SLEEVE-5025237 RING-5025233 SCREW- 5025235 BRACKET- 6008456 SLEEVE- 7230007 SCREW- 15025235 PIN-505501 RING-5025234 PIN- 505501 BODY-6008455 Figure 17. Mount, mortar, (iO-mm, M.5—leg assy (7210!50)—exploded vieiv. FOOT—5570410 SCREW-5025250 CLEVIS-5570409 COVER-5025247 LATCH-5025248 SPRING-5025249 SCREW-5025251 BEARING—5025246 RA PD 243931 AGO 74A
AGO 74Л тпг INCHES ПГ ТГ RA PD 243932 tsO 5Я Figure 18, Mount, mortar, 60-mm, M5—leg assy (5207663)—exploded view.
*KNOB—5025280 Figure 19. Mount, mortar, (iO-mm, Mo—baseplate (НЫ&ЦО)—exploded rieir. Pt ATE, Ml (MORTAR, Ml9 )(SEE FIG. 6) inches *| RA PD 243934 Figure 20. Mortar, вО-тт, M19 w/plate, base, Ml. 26 AGO 74A
Figure 21. Plate, ba*e, Ml (72 W92). RIVET-110789 A 1ЙЛ LINK-7227191 ! INCHES '1 1 2J I PIN-505491 Figure 22. /’/,///% /nw, Mf uud Tl—cap, assp ( RA PD 243936 7 JJZ1 uo)—crphuled rieir. 27 AGO 71A
Figure 23, Mortar, 60-mm, T18E6 w/plate, base, T1 (7228278) and mount, sight, TG. CAP-7157628 EXTENSION-7157624 TUBE—7307372 RA PD 243938 Figure 24» Mortar, бо~тт, T18E6—barrel, assy (7228864)—partial exploded view. 28 AGO 74A
AGO 74A PIVOT-7225867 LOCK—7228866 CAP-7157628 SETSCREW-7157620 SPRING-7157622 LEVER-7228865 EXTENSION-7157624 PLUNGER—7157606 PLUG-7157607 INCHES RA PD 243939 COMPONENTS OF BARREL, ASSY-7228864 STRIKER, ASSY/ |PIN-7157619 7228868 ( /HOLDER—7157625 Fif/ure 25. Mortar, 60-mm, TlsEti, mechanism assy (7157030)—exploded view.
Figure 26, Plate, bane, T1 (7228278). CLAMP-7228274 RA PO 243941 Figure 27, Mount, sight, T(i, assy (7227’87). } 30 AGO 74A
AGO 74A STRAP-545457 STRAP—545458 STRAP-545422 Figure 28. Frame, mortar, tool and ammunition RA PD 243942 car vying pack, T-7 modified. W
Figure 29. Frame, ammunition pack, T-9 modified.
By Order of Wilber M. Brucker, Secretary of the Army: MAXWELL D. TAYLOR, General, United States Army, Official: Chief of Staff. JOHN A. KLEIN, Major General, United States Army, The Adjutant General. Distribution: Active Army: CNGB (1) ASA (2) Tec Svc, DA (1) except COFORD (17) Ord Bd (2) Hq CONARC (3) Army AA Comd (2) OS Maj Comd (2) OS Base Comd (2) Log Comd (3) MDW (1) Armies (3) Corps (2) Div (2) Ord Gp (2) Ord Bn (2) except TOE 9-45R (1) Ord Co (2) except TOE 9-12R, 9-17R, 9-46R, 9-47R, 9-57R, 9-229R, 9-347R, 9-367R, 9- 387R (1). Ft & Cp (2) except Ft Hood (7), Ft Bliss (7), Ft Sam Houston (7), Ft Sill (7) Gen & Br Svc Sch (2) except Ord Sch (50) PMST Ord ROTC Units (1) Ord Ammo Comd (1) Gen Depots (2) except Atlanta Gen Depot (None) Ord Sec, Gen Depots (5) Ord Depots (10) except Rossford Ord Depot (12) Anniston Ord Depot (18) POE (OS) (2) Trans Terminal Comd (2) Army Terminals (2) OS Sup Agencies (1) Ord PG (10) Ord Arsenals (5) except Raritan Arsenal (200) Benicia Arsenal (20) Frankford Arsenal (15) Mil Dist (1) Ord Proc Dist (10) MAAG (1) Mil Msn (1) AMS (2) JBUSMC (2) JUSMAG (Greece) (2) Fid Comd, AFSWP (1) NG: State AG (6); units—same as Active Army except allowance is one copy to each unit. US AR: None. For explanation of abbreviations used, see SR 320-50-1. tYu. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1«Вв-400бА< AGO 74A 33