Tags: weapons   mortar  

Year: 1971

                    FM 23-91

FM 23-91 Field Manual No. 23-91 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Washington, D. C., 17 December 1971 MORTAR GUNNERY Paragraph Pag» PART ONE INTRODUCTION AND FUNDA- MENTALS Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION 1-1—1-6 1-1 2. Section I. FUNDAMENTALS OF MORTAR GUNNERY Elements of Firing Data and Ballistics - 2-1—2-22 2-1 II. Dispersion and Probability 2-23—2-31 2-14 PART TWO Chapter 3. Section I. FORWARD OBSERVATION PRO- CEDURES OBSERVER PROCEDURES Introduction ... 3—1—3-5 8-1 II. Preparatory Operations 3-6—3-9 3-2 Chapter 4. LOCATING TARGETS 4-1—4-8 4-1 5. CALL FOR FIRE 5-1—5-11 5-1 6. Section I. ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE BY GROUND OBSERVER General ... 6—1—6—6 6-1 II. Adjustment of Deviation .. 6—7—6—8 6-2 III. Adjustment of Range 6-9—6-13 6-6 IV. Adjustment of Height of Burst . . .... 6-14—6-17 6-8 V. Subsequent Corrections 6-18—6-31 6-9 Chapter 7. Section I. ADJUSTMENT OF FIRE BY THE AIR OBSERVER Introduction 7-1—7-2 7-1 I. Preflight Preparations 7—3—7—4 7-1 III. Determination of Initial Data 7-6—7-8 7-1 IV. Adjustment Procedures 7-9—7-10 7-8 Chapter 8. Section I. PRECISION AND AREA FIRES Precision Fire ... 8-1» 8—3 8-1 II. Area Fire - 8-4—8-7 8-1 Chapter 9. PART THREE Chapter 10. Section I. ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE FOR SPECIAL SITUATIONS FIRE DIRECTION PROCEDURES FIRE DIRECTION, GENERAL Introduction ... ... 9-1—9-10 10-1—10-3 9-1 10-1 II. Fire Direction Center 10-4—10-6 10-1 III. Firing Charts .. .. Ю-7—10-12 10-3 Chapter 11. Section I. FIRE CONTROL TOOLS AND PROCEDURES Tools 11-1—11-2 11-1 II. Procedures 11-3—11-13 11-7 Chapter 12. Section I. THE SURVEYED FIRING CHART Preparing the Chart 12-1—12-10 12-1
FM 23-91 Paragraph Рая* II. Firing Records and Commands . 12-11—12-14 12-11 III. Registration and the Conduct of a Mission 12-15—12-22 12-24 IV. Engaging Standard Targets . 12-23—12-27 12-29 Chapter 13. ADVANCED PROCEDURES Section I. Special Types of Missions 13-1—13-10 13-1 II. Advanced Techniques for Determining Corrections ... 13-11—13-25 13-14 Chapter 14. OBSERVED AND M0DIF1ED- OBSERVED FIRING CHARTS AND TRANSFER _. . 14-1—14-7 14-1 15. FIRE CONTROL WITH THE M16 PLOTTING BOARD 15-1—15-36 15-1 16. FIRE PLANNING AND TARGET ANALYSIS AND ATTACK Section I. Fire Planning . 16-1—16-9 16-1 II. Target Analysis and Attack . . 16-10—16-18 16-11 Chapter 17. OPERATIONS .... 17-1—17-16 17-1 Appendix A. REFERENCES _ . A-l B. DUTIES OF SAFETY OFFICER . B-l C. COMMON MISTAKES AND MAL- PRACTICES . C-l D. 4.2-INCH MORTAR AND FDC EQUIPMENT D-l Index . Index 1 H
FM 23-91 PART ONE INTRODUCTION AND FUNDAMENTALS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1. Purpose a. Mortar gunnery includes a practical appli- cation of ballistics and a system combining those principles, techniques, and procedures essential to the delivery of timely and accurate mortar fire. Since prescribed methods cannot cover all situa- tions, the information in this manual should be used as a guide. b. The principles, techniques, and procedures in this manual are applicable to 60 mm, 81 mm, and 4.2-inch mortar. For information pertaining to mechanical training, crew drill, and general information concerning each mortar refer to the appropriate manual: FM 23-85 60 mm, FM 23- 90 81 mm, or FM 23-92 4.2-inch mortar. 1—2. Changes or Corrections Users of this publication are encouraged to sub- mit recommended changes and comments to im- prove the publication. Comments should be keyed to the specific page, paragraph, and line of text in which the change is recommended. Reasons will be provided for each comment to insure un- derstanding and complete evaluation. Comments should be prepared using DA Form 2028 (Recom- mended Changes to Publication) and forwarded to the Commandant, United States Army Infantry School, ATTN: ATSIN-I-T, Fort Benning, Geor- gia 31905. 1—3. Mission The mission of the mortar platoon is to provide close and continuous indirect fire support for the infantry battalions companies. 1—4. General a. Doctrine demands the timely and accurate delivery of fire to meet the requirement of sup- ported units. All members of the indirect fire team must be continually indoctrinated with a sense of urgency; they must strive to reduce by all possible measures, the time required to ex- ecute an effective fire mission. b. For mortar fire to be effective, it must be of adequate density and must hit the target at the proper time and with the appropriate projectile and fuze. c. Good observation permits delivery of the most effective fire. Limited observation results in a greater expenditure of ammunition and less effective fire. Some type of observation is desira- ble for every target fired on in order to insure that fire is placed on the target. Observation of close-in battle area is usually visual. When targets are hidden by terrain features or when great dis- tance or limited visibility is involved, observa- tion may be by radar or sound. When observa- tion is available, corrections can be made to place the mortar fire on the target by adjustment pro- cedure; however, lack of observation must not preclude firing on targets that can be located by other means. d. Mortar fire must be delivered by the most accurate means which time and the tactical situa- tion permit. When possible, survey will be used to locate the mortar position and the target ac- curately. Under some conditions, only a rapid estimate of the relative location of weapons and targets may be possible; however, a survey of all installations should be as complete as time per- mits in order to achieve the most effective massed fires. Inaccurate fire wastes ammunition and re- duces the confidence of supported troops in mortar fire. e. The immediate objective is to deliver a mass of accurate and timely fire so that the maximum number of casualties are inflicted. The number of casualties inflicted in a target area can be in- U1
FM 23-91 creased in most instances by surprise fire. If surprise massed fires cannot be achieved, the time required to bring effective fire on the target should be kept to the minimum. f. The greatest demoralizing effect on the enemy can be achieved by delivery of a maximum num- ber of rounds from all the mortars in the mortar section in the shortest possible time and without adjustment. g. Mortar units must be prepared to handle multiple fire missions when the situation dictates. h. Mortar units can provide a heavy volume of accurate and sustained fire on a close and con- tinuous basis. The mortar platoon may be employed to neutralize or destroy area or point tar- gets, to screen large areas with smoke for sus- tained periods, to provide illumination, or attack targets with chemical fires. i. In the mechanized infantry battalion, the mortars are normally fired from armored car- riers; however, infrequently they are fired from ground positions. On-carrier firing permits rapid displacement and quick reaction to the tactical situation. In the infantry, airborne, airmobile, and light infantry battalions, displacement and re- action times are normally greater in moving situa- tions. j. The relationship between the 4.2-inch mor- tar platoon and the companies within the bat- talion is the same as the relationship between the 81 mm mortars and the platoons within the com- pany. 1-5. Mortar Gunnery Problems Mortars are normally emplaced in defilade to conceal them from the enemy. For the vast ma- jority of targets, placing the mortars in defilade precludes sighting the weapons directly at the target (direct lay). Consequently, indirect fire must be employed to attack the targets. The gunnery problem is primarily the problem of in- direct fire. The solution of this problem requires weapon and ammunition settings which, when applied to the weapon and the ammunition, will cause the projectile to burst on, or at a proper height above, the target. The steps in the solution of the gunnery problem are: a. Location of the target and mortar positions. b. Determination of chart data (direction, range, and vertical interval from mortars to tar- get). c. Conversion of chart data to firing data. d. Application of firing data to the weapon and the ammunition. 1-6. The Indirect Fire Team (fig. 1—1) The coordinated efforts of the indirect fire team must be connected by a communications system. The elements of the indirect fire team are: a. Forward Observation Section. The observers detect and locate targets, initiate a call for fire, and if necessary, adjust fires. b. Fire Direction Center. The fire direction center (FDC) evaluates the information received from the observers, determines firing data, and furnishes this data in the form of fire commands to the mortar section. c. Mortar Section. The mortar section applies the firing data to the weapons and fires the wea- pons. 1-2

FM 23-91 CHAPTER 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF MORTAR GUNNERY Section I. ELEMENTS OF FIRING DATA AND BALLISTICS 2—1. Elements of Firing Data a. General. The data required to lay (point) a mortar cannon so that the projectile, when fired will burst at the desired location are called firing data. These data are based on the direction, hori- zontal range, vertical interval, and meteorological conditions from the weapons to the target and on the desired pattern of bursts at the target. b. The Mil. The unit of angulai- measurement in mortar gunnery is the mil. A mil is the angle sub- tended by an arc which is 1/6400 of the circum- ference of a circle (para 4-3t>). c. Direction. Direction is expressed as a hori- zontal angle measured from a fixed reference. The indirect fire team normally uses grid north (the direction of the north-south grid lines on a tactical map) for the fixed reference and meas- ures the angle clockwise from grid north. When weapons are emplaced, they are laid for direc- tion, and the direction in which they are laid is used as a basis for angular shifts to point the weapons at the target. The direction to the target may be computed, determined graphically, or estimated (fig. 2-1). d. Range. Range is the horizontal distance from the gun to the target and is expressed in meters. Range may be computed, measured graphically, or estimated. The range achieved by a projectile is a function of the charge (muzzle velocity) and the vertical angle (elevation) to which the weapon is raised (fig. 2-1). e. Vertical Interval. Vertical interval is the difference in altitude between the mortar section or observation post and the target or point of burst. The altitude is determined from maps, by survey, or by a shift from a known point (fig. 2-1). f. Distribution of Bursts. Distribution of bursts is the pattern of bursts in the target area. Nor- mally, all weapons of the platoon fire with the same deflection, fuze setting, charge, and eleva- tion. However, since targets may be of various shapes and sizes, it is sometimes desirable to ad- just the pattern of bursts to the shape and size of the target. (1) In some cases, individual weapon cor- rections for deflection, fuze setting, charge, and elevation are computed and applied to get a speci- fic pattern of bursts. These corrections are called special corrections. (2) The term sheaf denotes the lateral dis- tribution of the bursts of two or more weapons fired together. The width of the sheaf is the lateral distance (perpendicular to the direction of fire) between the centers of the flank bursts. The front covered by any sheaf is the width of the sheaf plus the effective width of one burst. A sheaf may be in any one of the following forms (fig. 2-2): (a) Parallel sheaf (normal). A parallel sheaf is one in which the trajectories of all wea- pons are parallel. (b) Converged sheaf. A converged sheaf is one in which the trajectories intersect at the target. (c) Open sheaf. An open sheaf is one in which the lateral distance between the center of any two adjacent bursts is equal to the maximum effective width of one burst (fig. 2-2). (d) Special sheaf. A special sheaf is any sheaf other than one of those described above. 2-2. Interior Ballistics Interior ballistics is the science which deals with the factors affecting the motion of the projectiles before they leave the muzzle of the weapon. The total effect of all interior ballistic factors de- termines the velocity with which the projectile leaves the muzzle. This velocity is called the muz- zle velocity and is expressed in meters per second. 2-1
FM 23-91 TGT Figure 2-1, Elements from which firing data is determined. 2-3. Nature of Propellants and Projectile Movement a. A propellant is a low order explosive which burns rather than detonates. The mortar fires semi-fixed ammunition. When the gases generated by the burning propellant develop pressure suf- ficient to overcome initial bore resistance the pro- jectile begins to move. b. The gas pressure builds up quickly to a peak and gradually subsides shortly after the projec- tile begins to move. The peak pressure, together with the travel of the projectile in the bore, de- termines the speed at which the projectile leaves the tube. c. Factors which affect the velocity perfor- mance of a weapon-ammunition combination are given in (1) through (5) below. (1) An increase or decrease in the rate of burning of the propellant increases or decreases resultant gas pressure. (2) An increase in the size of the chamber of the weapon without a corresponding increase in the amount of propellant decreases gas pres- sure. (3) Gas escaping around the projectile in the barrel decreases pressure. (4) An increase in bore resistance to pro- jectile movement before peak pressure further in- creases pressure. (5) An increase in bore resistance at any time has a dragging effect on the projectile and decreases velocity. Temporary variations in bore resistance are caused by extraneous deposits in the barrel. 2-2
FM 23-91 Figure 2-2. Sheaves (distribution). 2-3
FM 23-91 2—4. Standard Muzzle Velocity ft. Appropriate firing tables give the standard value of muzzle velocity for each charge. These standard values are based on an assumed stand- ard tube. The standard values are points of de- parture, not absolute standards, since they can- not be reproduced in a given instance; that is, a specific weapon-ammunition combination cannot be selected with the knowledge that it will result in a standard muzzle velocity when fired. b. Charge velocities are established indirectly by the military characteristics of a weapon. Can- nons capable of high-angle fire (4.2-in and 81 mm) require a greater choice in number of charges than do cannons primarily capable of low-angle fire (guns). This greater choice is needed in order to achieve range overlap between charges in high-angle fire and desired range-trajectory. Other factors considered in establishing charge velocities are the maximum range specified for the weapon and the maximum elevation and charge (with resulting maximum pressure) which the weapon can accommodate. 2-5. Factors Causing Nonstandard Muzzle Velocity In gunnery techniques, nonstandard velocity is expressed as a variation (plus or minus so many meters per second) from an accepted standard. Round-to-round corrections for dispersion can- not be made. In the discussion in a through к below, each factor is treated as a single entity assuming no influence from related factors. ft. Velocity Trends. Not all rounds of a series fired from the same weapon using the same am- munition lot will develop the same muzzle velocity. The variations in muzzle velocity follow a normal probability distribution about the average muz- zle velocity. This phenomenon is called velocity dispersion. Under most conditions, the first few rounds follow a somewhat regular pattern rather than the radom pattern associated with normal dispersion. This phenomenon is called velocity trend. The magnitude and extent (number of rounds) of velocity trends vary with the mortar, charge, and tube condition at round 1 of the series, and firings proceding the series. Velocity trends cannot be quantitatively predicted; there- fore, any attempt to correct for the effect of a velocity trend is impractical. b. Ammunition Lots. Each lot of ammunition has its own performance level when related to a common tube. Although the round-to-round prob- 2-4 able error within each lot is about the same, the mean velocity developed by one lot may be higher or lower than that of another lot. Variations in the projectile, e.g., the diameter and hardness of the rotating disk, affect muzzle velocity. (Pro- jectile variations have a much more apparent effect on exterior ballistics.) c. Tolerances in New Weapons. All new mortars of a given caliber and model will not necessarily develop the same muzzle velocity. In a new tube, the predominant factors are variations in the powder chamber and the interior dimensions of the bore. If a battalion armed with new mortars fired all of them with a common lot of ammuni- tion, a velocity difference of 3 or 4 meters per second between the mortar with the highest muz- zle velocity and the mortar with the lowest muz- zle velocity would not be unusual. d. Wear of Tube. Continued firing of a mortar wears away portions of the bore by the action of heated gases, chemical action, and movement of the projectile. These erosive actions are more pronounced when higher charges are being fired. Increased tube wear trends to decrease muzzle velocity by allowing more room for expanding gases, allowing the expanding gases to escape past the rotating disk, and decreasing resistance to initial projectile movement which lessens pres- sure buildup. Although normal wear cannot be prevented, it can be minimized by careful selec- tion of the charge and proper cleaning of weapon and ammunition. e. Rotating Disks. Ideal rotating disks allow proper seating, provide obturation, create proper resistance to initial projectile movement to allow uniform pressure buildup, and also provide a minimum dragging effect on the projectile once motion has started. Dirt or burrs on the rotating disk cause improper seating, which increases tube wear and contributes to velocity dispersion. If excessively worn, the lands may not sufficiently engage the rotating disks to impart proper spin to the projectile. Insufficient spin reduces projectile stability in flight and can result in dangerously short, erratic rounds. When erratic rounds occur or excessive tube wear is noted, an ordnance ballistic and technical service team should be asked to determine the serviceability of each tube by wear measurements and other checks. f. Propellant Temperature. Any combustible material burns more rapidly when it is heated prior to ignition. When a propellant burns more rapidly, the resultant pressure on the projectile
FM 23-91 is greater and muzzle velocity is increased. The firing tables show the magnitude of this change. Appropriate corrections to firing data can be computed; however, such corrections are valid only as they reflect the true propellant tempera- ture. The temperature of propellants in sealed packing cases remains fairly uniform, though not necessarily standard (70s F.). Once the propellant is unpacked, its temperature tends to approach the prevailing air temperature. The time and type of exposure to weather result in propellant tem- perature variations between rounds as well as mean propellant temperature variations between mortars. It is not practical to measure propellant temperature and apply corrections for each round fired by each mortar. Action must be taken to maintain uniform propellant temperatures; fail- ure to do so results in erratic firing. The effect of a sudden change in propellant temperature can invalidate even the most recent registration cor- rections. (1) Ready ammunition should be kept off the ground; should be protected from dirt, mois- ture, and the direct rays of the sun; and should have an air space between the ammunition and protective covering. This procedure allows pro- pellants to approach atmospheric temperature at a uniform rate. (2) A sufficient number of rounds should be unpacked in advance so that it is not necessary during a mission to mix freshly unpacked am- munition with ammunition which has been opened for some time. (3) Rounds should be fired in the same order as they are unpacked. g. Moisture Content of Propellant. Handling and storage can cause changes in the moisture content of the propellant, which will affect the velocity. The moisture content of the propellant cannot be measured or corrected for; therefore, ammunition must be provided maximum protec- tion from the elements. h. Weight of Projectile. The weight of like pro- jectiles varies within certain weight zones. The appropriate weight zone is stenciled on the pro- jectile. A heavier than standard projectile is harder to push throughout the length of the tube and a decreased velocity results; whereas, a lighter projectile is easier to push throughout the length of the tube and a higher velocity results. (Weight of projectile is also a factor in exterior ballistics.) i. Tube Condition. The temperature on the tube has a direct bearing on the developed velocity. For example, a cold tube offers a different resist- ance to projectile movement than a warm tube. j. Propellant Residues. Residues from the burned propellant and certain chemical agents mixed with the expanding gases are deposited on the bore surface in a manner similar to copper- ing. Unless the tube is properly cleaned and cared for, these residues aggravate subsequent tube wear by causing pitting and augmenting the ab- rasive action of the projectile. k. Oil or Moisture. Oil or moisture in the tube or on the rotating disk tends to increase velo- city of the particular round by causing a better initial gas seal and reducing projectile friction on the bore surface. The oily tube condition usually exists concurrently with the cold tube condi- tion. Hence the high velocities induced by oil combining with the erratic velocities character- istic of a cold tube complicate normal velocity trends. Moisture on the projectile normally affects only that particular round. Generally, firing with a cold, dry tube is preferable to firing with a cold, oily tube; for that reason, the projectiles should be dried before firing regardless of the tube con- ditions. 2-6. Exterior Ballistics Exterior ballistics is the science which deals with the factors affecting the motion of a projectile after it leaves the muzzle of a weapon. At the time the projectile leaves the tube, the total ef- fect of interior ballistics in terms of developed muzzle velocity and spin have been imparted to the projectile. Were it not for gravity and the atmosphere, the projectile would continue inde- finitely at constant velocity along a prolongation of the tube. a. Gravity. Gravity causes the projectile to re- turn to the surface of the earth. b. Atmosphere. If the projectile were fired in a vacuum, the path (trajectory) would be simple to trace. All projectiles, regardless of size, shape, or weight, would follow paths of the same shape and would achieve the same range for a given muzzle velocity and tube elevation. However, if the projectile were fired in atmosphere, the path (trajectory) would be different. There are two reasons for this: (1) Projectiles of different sizes or weights respond differently to identical atmospheric con- ditions. 2-5
FM 23-91 (2) A standard atmosphere can be defined, but it is seldom experienced. A given elevation and muzzle velocity can result in a wide variety of trajectories, depending on the combined prop- erties of both the projectile and the atmosphere. 2-7. The Trajectory The trajectory is the curve traced by the center of gravity of the projectile in its flight from the muzzle of the weapon to the point of impact or point of burst. 2-8. Elements of the Trajectory The elements of the trajectory are classified in three groups intrinsic elements, initial elements, and terminal elements. Intrinsic elements are those which are characteristics of a trajectory by its very nature. Initial elements are those which are characteristic at the origin of the trajectory. Terminal elements are those which are characteristic at the point of impact or point of burst. 2-9. Intrinsic Elements (fig. 2—3) a. Origin. The location of the center of gravity of the projectile when it leaves the muzzle of the weapon is the origin of the trajectory. However, because the magnitude and the direction of jump and therefore the line of departure (para 2-10b and c) cannot be predetermined, the term “ori- gin” when used for the remaining definitions, relating to the elements of the trajectory, will designate the center of the muzzle when the weapon has been laid. b. Ascending Branch. The ascending branch is that portion of the trajectory traced while the projectile is rising from its origin. c. Descending Branch. The descending branch is that portion of the trajectory traced while the projectile is falling. d. Summit. The summit is the highest point of the trajectory. It is the end of the ascending branch and the beginning of the descending branch. e. Maximum Ordinate. The maximum ordinate is the difference in altitude between the origin and the summit. f. Level Point. The level point is the point on the descending branch of the trajectory which is at the same altitude as the origin. g. Base of Trajectory. The base of the trajectory is the straight line from the origin to the level point. 2-10. Initial Elements (fig. 2-4) a. Line of Elevation. When the weapon is laid, the line of elevation is the axis of the tube ex- tended. 2-6
FM 23-91 b. Line of Departure. The line of departure is a line tangent to the trajectory at the instant the projectile leaves the tube. c. Jump. Jump is the displacement of the line of departure from the line of elevation that exists at the instant the projectile leaves the tube. Jump is caused by the shock of firing during the interval from the ignition of the propelling charge to the departure of the projectile from the tube. d. Angle of Site (fig. 2-4). The angle of site is the smaller angle in the vertical plane from the base of the trajectory to the straight line joining the origin and the target. The angle of site is plus when the target is above the base of the trajectory and minus when the target is below the base of trajectory. The angle of site is the angle subtended by the vertical interval (para 2-1 e) at the gun-target range. For a discussion of how to compensate for vertical interval, for 81 mm mortar, and 4.2-inch mortar, see para- graph 12-86. e. Angle of Elevation. The angle of elevation is the smaller angle at the origin, in a vertical plane, from the line of site to the line of elevation. 2—11. Terminal Elements (fig. 2—5) a. Point of Impact. The point of impact is the point where the projectile first strikes in the target area. (The point of burst is the point at which a projectile bursts in the air.) b. Line of Fall. The line of fall is the line tangent to the trajectory at the level point. c. Angle of Fall. The angle of fall is the smal- lest vertical angle, at the level point, between the line of fall and the base of the trajectory. d. Line of Impact. The line of impact is a line tangent to the trajectory at the point of impact. (2) TRAJECTORY WITH AH AHGLE OF SITE Figure 2-t. Initial elements of the trajectory. 2-7
FM 23-91 Figure £-5. Terminal elements of the trajectory. Figure £-6. Trajectory relationships. e. Angle of Impact. The angle of impact is the acute angle, at the point of impact, between the line of impact and a plane tangent to the surface at the point of impact. This term should not be confused with the term “angle of fall.” 2—12. The Trajectory in a Vacuum (fig. 2-6) a. The factors which must be known to con- struct a firing table for firing in a vacuum are the angle of departure, the muzzle velocity, and the acceleration due to the force of gravity. The ini- tial velocity imparted to a projectile consists of two components, a horizontal velocity and a ver- tical velocity. b. The relative magnitudes of horizontal and vertical velocity components vary with the angle of elevation. For example, if the elevation were zero, the initial velocity imparted to the projectile would be horizontal; there would be no vertical component. If the elevation were 1,600 mils (dis- regarding the effect of rotation of the earth), the initial velocity imparted to the projectile would be vertical; there would be no horizontal component. c. Gravity causes a projectile in flight to fall to 2-8
FM 23-91 earth. Because of gravity, the height of the pro- jectile at any instant is less than it would be if no such force were acting on it. In a vacuum, the vertical velocity decreases from the initial velo- city to 0 on the ascending branch of the tra- jectory and increases from 0 to the initial velo- city on the descending branch. Zero vertical velocity occurs at the trajectory summit. For every vertical velocity value upward on the as- cending branch there is an equal vertical velocity value downward equidistant from the summit on the descending branch. Since there is no resist- ance to the forward motion of the projectile in a vacuum, the horizontal velocity component is a constant. The acceleration due to the force of gravity (9.8 meters per second) affects only ver- tical velocity. d. In a vacuum, the form of the trajectory would be determined entirely by the elevation of the tube, the muzzle velocity, and gravity. The form would be parabolic with the angle of fall equal to the angle of elevation. The summit would be at a point halfway between the origin and the level point. 2-13. The Trajectory in the Atmosphere The resistance of the air to a projectile depends on the air movement, density, and temperature. An assumed density, and temperature structure and a condition of no wind are used as a point of departure for computing firing tables. The air structure so derived is called the standard atmos- phere. 2—14. Characteristics of Trajectory in Standard Atmosphere (fig. 2-6) The most apparent difference between the trajec- tory in a vacuum and the trajectory in standard atmosphere is the reduction of the range. This reduction occurs mainly because, in the atmos- phere, the horizontal velocity component is not a constant, but is continually decreased by the re- tarding effect of the air. The vertical velocity component is likewise affected by air resistance. The characteristics of a trajectory in a vacuum are as follows: a. The velocity at the level point is less than the velocity at origin. b. The mean horizontal velocity of the pro- jectile beyond the summit is less than the mean velocity before the summit; therefore, the pro- jectile travels a shorter horizontal distance, the descending branch is shorter than the ascending branch, and the angle of fall is greater than the angle of elevation. Also, since the mean vertical velocity is less beyond the summit than before it, the time of descent is greater than the time of ascent. c. The spin (rotational motion) initially im- parted to the projectile causes it to respond dif- ferently than in a vacuum because of air re- sistance. d. A trajectory in standard atmosphere, as op- posed to one in a vacuum, will be shorter and lower after any specific time of flight. Therefore, the summit in a vacuum is midway between the origin and the level point; in the atmosphere, it is nearer the level point, and the angle of fall in a vacuum is equal to the angle of elevation; in the atmosphere, it is greater. This is because: (1) Horizontal velocity is no longer a con- stant but decreases with each succeeding time interval. (2) Vertical velocity is affected not only by gravity but also by the additional retardating ef- fect of the atmosphere. 2-15. Standard Conditions and Corrections Certain atmospheric conditions and material conditions are accepted as standard. These condi- tions are outlined generally in the introduction to firing tables. b. When variations from standard conditions are experienced, the trajectory will not conform to the predicted trajectory. Some of these varia- tions can be measured, and corrections can be made to compensate for them. Among the condi- tions for which corrections may be determined are: (1) Difference in altitude between cannon and target. (2) Propellant temperature. (3) Drift (fig. 2-7). (4) Ballistic wind. (5) Air temperature. (6) Air density. (7) Weight of projectile. 2-16. Firing Tables a. Firing tables are based on actual firing of the weapon and its ammunition under, or corre- lated to, a set of conditions defined and accepted as standard. These standards are points of depar- 2-9
FM 23-91 ture used to compensate for variables in the wea- pon-weather-ammunition combination that are known to exist at a given instant and location. The atmospheric standards accepted in United States firing tables reflect the mean annual condi- tion in the North Temperate Zone. b. The principal elements measured in experi- mental firing include angle of elevation, angle of departure, muzzle velocity, attained range, drift, and concurrent atmospheric conditions. c. The main purpose of a firing table is to pro- vide the data required to bring effective fire on a target under any set of conditions. Data for firing tables are obtained by conducting firings with the weapon at various elevations and charges (4.2-in mortar elevations 800, 900, 1065, and various charges). Computed trajectories, based on the equations of motion, are compared with the data obtained in the firings. The computed tra- jectories are then adjusted to the measured re- sults and data tabulated. Data for elevations (charges for the 4.2-in mortar) not fired are de- termined by interpolation. Firing table data de- fine the performance of a projectile of known properties under conditions of standard muzzle velocity and weather. 2—17. Unit Corrections a. Firing tables describe unit corrections as range corrections for an increase or decrease in range wind, air temperature, density, and pro- jectile weight followed by the appropriate unit value in meters. b. Each correction is computed on the assump- tion that all other conditions are standard. Ac- tually, any given correction will differ slightly from that computed if one or more of the other conditions are nonstandard. The amount of dif- ference depends on the effect of the other nonstandard conditions. The effect of one non- standard condition on the effect of another non- standard condition is known as an interaction effect. c. The effect of a nonstandard condition is a function of the time the projectile is exposed to that condition. d. The extent to which weather affects a pro- jectile can be determined from a meteorological (MET) message if the maximum ordinate achieved is known. e. Correction for these effects can be com- pensated for in the appropriate firing tables (FT 4.2-H-2) (FT 81-AI-2). 2-18. Standard Range a. The standard range is the range opposite the charge in the firing table. It is assumed to be measured along the surface of a sphere con- centric with the earth and passing through the muzzle of a weapon. For practical purposes, standard range is the horizontal distance from origin to level point. b. The attained range is the range which is developed as a result of firing with a given elevation and charge. If actual firing conditions duplicate the ballistic properties and meteoro- logical conditions upon which the firing table is based, the attained range and standard range will be equal. c. The corrected range is that range which corresponds to the given elevation and charge that must be fired to reach the target. 2-19. Effect of Nonstandard Conditions a. Deviations from standard conditions, if not corrected in computing firing data, will cause the projectile to impact or burst at some point other than the desired point. b. Corrections for nonstandard conditions are made to improve accuracy. The accuracy of mor- tar fires depends on the accuracy and complete- ness of the data available, computational pro- cedures used, and care in laying the weapons. Accuracy should not be confused with precision. Precision is related to tightness of the dispersion pattern without regard to its proximity to a desired point. Accuracy is related to the location of the mean point of impact with respect to a desired point. 2-20. Range Effects a. Vertical jump is the angle formed by the lines of elevation and departure. The shock of firing causes a momentary vertical and rotational movement of the tube prior to the ejection of the projectile. Vertical jump has the effect of a small change in elevation. The effect of vertical jump depends mainly on the eccentricity of the center of gravity of the recoiling parts with respect to the axis of the bore. In modern weap- ons, vertical jump cannot be predicted and is usually small. For these reasons, vertical jump is not considered separately in the gunnery prob- 2-H
FM 23-91 lem; it is a minor contributing factor to range dispersion. ft. Muzzle velocity is the speed of the pro- jectile at the time it is protected from the muz- zle; the greater the velocity of a given projectile, the greater the attained range. c. The weight of the projectile affects muzzle velocity. Two opposing factors affect the flight of a projectile of nonstandard weight. A heavier projectile is more efficient in overcoming air re- sistance; however, because it is more difficult to push through the tube, its muzzle velocity is normally lower. An increase in projectile effici- ency increases range, but a decrease in muzzle velocity decreases range. In firing tables, cor- rections for these two opposing factors are com- bined into a single correction. The change in muzzle velocity predominates at shorter times of flight; the change in projectile efficiency pre- dominates at longer times of flight. Hence, for a heavier than standard projectile, the correction is plus at the shorter times of flight and minus at the longer times of flight. The reverse is true for a lighter than standard projectile. d. Air resistance affects the flight of the pro- jectile both in range and deflection. The com- ponent of air resistance in the direction opposite to that of the forward motion of the projectile is called drag. Because of drag, both the hori- zontal and vertical components of velocity are less at any given time of flight than they would be if drag were zero, as in a vacuum. This de- crease in velocity varies directly in magnitude with drag and inversely with the mass of the projectile. This means, in terms of attained range, the greater the drag, the shorter the range; and the heavier the projectile, the longer the range, all other factors being equal. Several factors considered in the computation of drag are: (1) Air density. The drag of a given pro- jectile is proportional to the density of the air through which it passes. For example, an in- crease in air density by a given percentage in- creases the drag by the same percentage. Since the air density at a particular place, time, and altitude varies widely, the standard trajectories reflected in the firing table are computed with a fixed relation between density and altitude. (AIR RESISTANCE IS LEAST WHEN CENTER OF PRESSURE IS ON THE TRAJECTORY: THAT IS ZERO YAW.) Figure 2-8. Yaw of projectile rn flight. 2-12
FM 23-91 (2) Velocity. The faster a projectile moves, the more the air resists its motion. Examina- tion of a set of firing tables shows that for a given elevation, the effect of 1 percent air den- sity (hence 1 percent drag) increases with an increase of charge; that is, muzzle velocity. The drag is approximately proportional to the square of the velocity except in the vicinity of the ve- locity of sound. There the drag increases more rapidly because of the increase in pressure behind the sound wave. (3) Diameter. Two projectiles of identical shape but different size will not experience the same drag. For example, a large projectile will offer a larger area for the air to act upon; hence its drag will be increased by this factor. (4) Drag coefficient. The drag coefficient combines several ballistic properties of typical projectiles. These properties include yaw (the angle between the direction of motion of the projectile and the axis of the projectile (fig. 2-8) and the mach number, the ratio of the velocity of the projectile to the speed of sound (fig. 2-9)). MACH NUMBER VELOCITY OF PROJECTILE 1. MACH NUMBER3 SPEED OF SOUND 2. THE SPEED OF SOUND IS FASTER IN WARM AIR; HENCE AN INCREASE (DECREASE) IN AIR TEMPERATURE DECREASES (INCREASES) THE MACH NUMBER. 3. A CHANGE IN THE MACH NUMBER CAN CHANGE THE VALUE OF THE DRAG COEFFICIENT EITHER UPWARD OR DOWNWARD, DEPENDING ON THE MACH NUMBER AT WHICH THE CHANGE OCCURS. 4. AN INCREASE (DECREASE) IN THE VALUE OF THE DRAG COEFFICIENT DECREASES (INCREASES) THE DEVELOPED RANGE. Figure 2-9. Effect of velocity (mach number) on drag coefficient. 2-13
FM 23-91 e. The shell surface finish affects muzzle ve- locity. A rough surface on the projectile or fuze will increase air resistance, thereby decreasing range. /. The ballistic coefficient of a projectile relates its efficiency in overcoming air resistance to that of an assumed standard projectile. For ease in computations, all projectile types are classified into certain standard groups. Each projectile, however, has its own efficiency level. Each pro- jectile lot has its own efficiency level; that is, ballistic coefficient. In order to establish firing tables, it is necessary to select and fire one spe- cific projectile lot. Based on the performance of this lot, standard ranges are determined. The ballistic coefficient of this particular projectile lot becomes the firing table standard. However, other projectile lots of the same type may not have the same ballistic coefficient as the one re- flected in the firing tables. If one of the other lots is more efficient, that is, has a higher bal- listic coefficient than the firing table standard, it will achieve a greater range when fired. The reverse is true for a less efficient projectile lot. g. As the air temperature increases the drag increases, thereby increasing range. This does not hold true as the projectile approaches the speed or sound. Here drag is related to the mach number and the relationship changes abruptly in the vicinity of mach 1. h. Air density effects have been previously discussed as directly related to drag, with the more dense air offering greater resistance and vice versa. i. Range wind is that component of the bal- listic wind blowing parallel to the direction of fire and in the plane of fire. The plane of fire is a vertical plane that contains the line of elevation. Range wind changes the relationship between the velocity of the projectile and the velocity of the air near the projectile. If the air is moving with the projectile (tailwind), it offers less re- sistance to the projectile and a longer range re- sults ; a headwind has the opposite effect. 2—21. Deflection Effects a. Lateral jump is caused by a slight lateral and rotational movement of the tube at the in- stant of firing. It has the effect of a small error in deflection. The effect is ignored, since it is small and varies from round to round. b. Drift is defined as the departure of the projectile from standard direction because of the combined action of air resistance, projectile spin, and gravity. In order to fully understand the forces that cause drift, it is necessary to understand the angle or yaw, which is that angle between the direction of motion of the projectile and the axis of the projectile. The direction of this angle is constantly changing in a spinning projectile—right, down, left and up. This initial yaw is greatest near the muzzle and gradually subsides as the projectile stabilizes. The atmos- phere offers greater resistance to a yawing pro- jectile; therefore, it is fundamental in the design of projectiles that yaw be kept to a minimum and be quickly damped out in flight. At the summit, where the descending branch of the trajectory begins, summital yaw is introduced and the effect on the projectile is to keep the nose pointed slightly toward the direction of the spin. Therefore, since mortar projectiles (4.2- in.) have a clockwise spin, they drift to the right. The magnitude of drift (expressed as lateral dis- tance on the ground) depends on the time of flight and rotational speed of the projectile and the curvature of the trajectory. c. The crosswind is that component of the ballistic wind blowing across the direction of Are. Crosswind tends to carry the projectile with it and causes a deviation from the direction of fire. However, the lateral deviation of the pro- jectile will not be as large as the velocity of the crosswind acting on that projectile. Wind com- ponent tables simplify the reduction of a ballis- tic wind into its two components with respect to the direction of fire. 2-22. Time of Flight Those nonstandard conditions which affect range also affect time of flight. Section II. DISPERSION AND PROBABILITY 2—23. General a. If a number of rounds of the same caliber and same lot of ammunition are fired from the same weapon with the same charge, elevation, and deflection, the rounds will not all fall at a single point, but will be scattered in a pattern of bursts. In discussions of mortar fire, the nat- ural phenomenon of change is called dispersion. The array of the bursts on the ground is the dispersion pattern. 2-14
FM 23-91 b. The points of impact of the projectiles will be scattered both laterally (deflection) and in depth (range). Dispersion is the result of minor variations of many elements from round to round and must not be confused with variations in point of impact caused by mistakes or constant errors. Mistakes can be eliminated and constant errors compensated for. Those inherent errors which are beyond control and cause dispersion are caused in part by: (1) Conditions in the bore. Muzzle veloc- ity is affected by minor variations in weight, moisture content, and temperature of the pro- pelling charge; variations in the arrangement of the propellent charge; differences in the ig- nition of the charge; differences in the weight of the projectile and in the form of the rotating disk; and variations in the temperature of the bore from round to round. (2) Conditions of the standard. Direction and elevation are affected by play (looseness) in the traversing mechanisms of the standard, phys- ical limitations on precision in setting scales, and nonuniform reaction to firing stresses. (3) Conditions during flight. Air resistance is affected by differences in weight, velocity, and form of the projectile; and by changes in air density, wind velocity, and temperature. 2—24. Mean Point of Impact For any large number of rounds fired, it is possible to draw a diagram showing a line per- pendicular to the line of fire that will divide the points of impact into two equal groups. Half of the rounds considered will be beyond the line, or over when considered from the weapon; half will be inside the line, or short. For this same group of rounds there will also be a line parallel to the line of fire that will divide the rounds equally. Half of the rounds will fall to the right of the line; half will fall to the left of the line. The first line, perpendicular to the line of fire, represents the mean range; the second line, par- allel to the line of fire, represents the mean de- flection. The intersection of the two lines is the mean point of impact (fig. 2-10). 2-25. Probable Error Consider for a moment only the rounds 'hat have fallen over (or short) of the mean ;<‘int of impact. There is some point along th- ine of fire, beyond the mean point of imp.»».- at LEFT 2-15
FM 23-91 which a second line perpendicular to the line of fire can be drawn that will divide the overs into two equal parts (line AA, fig. 2-11). Ail of the rounds beyond the mean point of impact manifest an error in range—they are all over. Some of the rounds falling over are more in error that others. If the distance from the mean point of impact to line AA is a measure of error, it is clear that half of the rounds over have a greater error and half of the rounds over have a lesser error. The distance from the mean point of impact to line AA thus becomes a convenient unit of measure. This distance is called one probable error. The most concise definition of a probable error is that it is the error which is exceeded as often as it is not exceeded. 2—26. Dispersion Pattern In the distribution of rounds in a normal burst pattern, the number of rounds short of the mean point of impact (MPI) will be the same as the number of rounds over the mean point of im- pact. The probable error will be the same in both cases. a. It is a coincidence of nature that for any normal distribution (such as mortar fire) a dis- tance of four probable errors on either side of the mean point of impact will include virtually all of the rounds in the pattern. This is not pre- cisely true, since a very small fraction of the rounds (about 7 out of 1,000) will fall outside 4 probable errors on either side of the mean point of impact, but it is true for all practical purposes. b. The total pattern of a large number of bursts is roughly elliptical (fig. 2-11). However, using the fact that four probable errors on either side of the mean point of impact (in range and in deflection) will encompass virtually all rounds, a rectangle normally is drawn to include the full distribution of the rounds. This rectangle is the 100-percent rectangle (fig. 2-12). 2-27. Dispersion Scale If one probable error is used as the limit of meas- urement to divide the dispersion rectangle evenly into eight zones in range, the percentage of Figure £-11. Range probable error. 2-16
FM 23-91 Figure 2-12. 100 percent rectangle. .02 .07 .16 .25 .25 .16 .07 .02 .02 .0004 .0014 .0032 .0050 .0050 .0032 .0014 .0004 .07 .0014 .0049 .0112 .0175 .0175 .0112 .0049 .0014 .16 .0032 .0112 .0256 .0400 .0400 .0256 .0112 .0032 .25 .0050 .0175 .0400 .0625 .0625 .0400 .0175 .0050 .25 .0050 .0175 .0400 .0625 .0625 .0400 .0175 .0050 .16 .0032 .0112 .0256 .0400 .0400 .0256 .0112 .0032 .07 .0014 .0049 .0112 .0175 .0175 .0112 .0049 .0014 .02 .0004 .0014 .0032 .0050 .0050 .0032 .0014 .0004 Figure 2-13. Dispersion rectangle. rounds falling in each zone will be as shown in figure 2-12. By definition of probable error, the 50 percent of rounds nearest the mean range line (line through the mean of impact) fall within one probable error. The other percentages have been found to be true by experiment. Again, what is true in range will be true also in deflection. If range dispersion zones and deflection disper- sion zones are both considered, a set of small rectangles is created. The percent of the rounds falling in each rectangle is shown in figure 2-13. 2-28. Normal Probability Curve a. The dispersion of mortar projectiles fol- lows the laws of probability and normal distri- bution. The pattern of bursts on the ground can be graphed with a normal probability curve, a common method of representing the probability of the occurrence of an error of any given mag- nitude in a series of samples. b. Distances of points on the horizontal (base) line (flg. 2-14) measured to the right and left 2-17
FM 23-91 of the center represent errors in excess (over) or in deficiency (short). The area under the curve inclosed by vertical lines cutting the base line and the curve represents the probability of the occurrence of an error within the magnitudes represented by the ends of the base line segment considered. In figure 2-14 the shaded area rep- resents the number of rounds falling over and within one probable error of the mean point of impact, which is 26 percent. c. The curve (fig. 2-14) expresses the follow- ing facts: (1) In a large number of samples, errors in excess and errors in deficiency are equally frequent (probable), as shown by the symmetry of the curve. (2) The errors are not uniformly distri- buted. The smaller errors occur more frequently than the larger errors, as shown by the greater height of the curve in the middle. 2-29. Range Probable Error The approximate value of the probable error in range (PEr) is shown in the firing tables and can be taken as an index of the precision of the piece. Firing table values for probable errors are based on the firing of specific ammunition under controlled conditions. The actual round-to- round probable error experienced in the field will normally be larger. 2—30. Deflection Probable Error The value of the probable error in deflection (PEd) is given in the firing tables. For can- nons, the deflection probable error is considera- bly smaller than the range probable error. For I PER ( 1 PROBABLE ERROR IN RANGE) Figure 2-14. Probability curve. 2-18
FM 23-91 example, for a 4.2-inch mortar firing charge 21 at a range of 3600 meters, elevation 900, the de- flection error is 6 meters. In other words, 50 percent of the projectiles fired will hit within 6 meters, 82 percent will hit within 12 meters, and 96 percent will hit within 18 meters of the mean deflection. 2—31. Application of Probable Errors a. Normal distribution is expressed in terms of probable errors (PE’s), because the distri- bution of bursts about the mean is the same re- gardless of the magnitude of the probable error. Firing tables list probable errors for range, de- flection, height of burst, and time to burst at each listed range. It is possible to express a given distance in terms of probable errors and solve problems by using the dispersion scale or pro- bability tables. b. To compute the probability of a round land- ing within an error of a certain magnitude, reduce the specified error to equivalent probable errors in one direction along the dispersion scale, and multiply the sum by 2. For example, a 4.2- inch mortar has fired a number of rounds with charge 21, elevation 900, and the mean point of impact has been determined to be at 3600 meters. What is the probability that the next round fired will fall within 54 meters of the mean point of impact? Solution: Range PE at 3600 meters (charge 21) = 27 meters. Equivalent of 54 meters in PE’s (54/27) = 2. Percent of rounds falling within 2 PE 2(25% +16%) = 82% (fig. 2-13). 2-19

FM 23-91 PART TWO FORWARD OBSERVATION PROCEDURES CHAPTER 3 OBSERVER PROCEDURES Section I. INTRODUCTION 3-1. General a. Mortars are employed in a manner requir- ing some type of observation. This observation may be visual, it may be electronic, or it may be indirect observation through study of aerial photographs or maps. b. Electronics devices generally fall into two classes—radar ranging equipment and sound ranging equipment. c. Observer procedures discussed in this manual pertain solely to visual observation and include both air and ground observer techniques. When appropriate, these techniques are explained in the light of their relationship to other phases of gunnery, primarily the fire direction phase. d. Target grid procedure, on which fire direc- tion and observation are based, relieve the ob- server of many functions normally required of him by other gunnery systems, such as firing without a FDC. However, the observer is an im- portant member of the gunnery team. The ob- server is the only member of the team who can actually see the enemy forces, the friendly forces, and the fires placed on the enemy by all combat arms. His ability to observe and his knowledge of the battle situation must be ex- ploited to assist in keeping his unit informed at all times. Moreover, the observer must know and understand the FDC procedures. He can then combine this knowledge with his own judge- ment to assist the gunnery team in fulfilling its purpose. 3-2. Purpose Observation by mortar units has four purposes: target acquisition, adjustment of fires when neces- sary, surveillance of fire for effect, and battle- field surveillance. a. Target acquisition is concerned with detect- ing suitable targets and determining their ground locations. This information is reported to the FDC where it may be used in the production of firing data. b. Adjustment of fires is necessary to get ef- fective fire on the target when the location of the mortar position and the target location is in question, and when current meteorological or registration corrections are not available. c. Surveillance of fire for effect is a follow- through of target acquisition. As the observer can see the target, he can direct fire and report its effect to the fire direction center. This report should include an accurate account of damage and any shifts necessary to make the fire more effective. d. Battlefield surveillance (intelligence) is a very important byproduct of forward observa- tion. Observers must report all enemy activity. Information not necessary for the conduct of fire must be reported promptly, but such action must not delay fire missions. 3-3. Duties of the Observer Teams The teams are to— a. Accompany the forward units and advise the commander of the supported units of the capabilities of the mortar. b. Request fires for the supported units, ob- serve and adjust fires for the mortar platoon. They may request and adjust artillery fires through the mortar platoon FDC. 3-1
FM 23-91 c. Report all combat information. d. Keep the FDC informed of the tactical sit- uation and location of the supported unit. 3-4. Personnel Each observer team consists of an observer and an assistant. The assistant serves as a radio- telephone operator. The assistant should be crossed trained in forward observation proce- dures as the team usually provides a 24 hour surveillance capability. 3-5. Equipment In addition to the equipment prescribed in ap- plicable TOE and TA, the FO should have ex- tracts of signal operating instructions (SOI), maps, observed firing fans, and necessary plot- ting equipment. Section II. PREPARATORY OPERATIONS 3-6. General The observer’s preparatory operations contribute to his speed and accuracy in locating targets and reporting information to the FDC. a. Before occupying an observation post (OP) the observer should: (1) Check equipment. (2) Report to the unit to which he is at- tached for briefings and coordination. (3) Brief his section. (4) Make a map reconnaissance. (6) Check communications. b. Upon occupying an OP or joining the com- pany that he is to support, the observer should: (1) Check communications. (2) Orient his map and plot those points the locations of which can be determined. (3) Report his location and field of obser- vation to the FDC. (4) Prepare an observed fire (OF) fan. (5) Prepare a terrain sketch to supplement the map. (6) Prepare calls for fire for points at which targets may appear. c. A call for fire is not delayed merely to complete preparatory operations. 3-7. Orienting for Direction a. Target grid procedures require that the grid direction from the observer to the target be determined and reported to the fire direction center. The observer should orient himself for direction by determining and recording the grid direction to a number of easily defined terrain features that he has chosen as reference points. b. Grid directions normally are measured with a declinated magnetic instrument. Directions may also be measured from a map when the observer’s position is known and plotted. c. After a number of reference point direc- tions have been recorded, the observer can de- termine the direction (dir) to any other point in the target area by measuring, with the hori- zontal mil scale in his binoculars, the angle from a reference point to the desired point. In figure 3-1 the target is 40 mils left of the reference point. Direction to the target is 2,060 mils (2,100 - 40 - 2,060mils). d. The mechanized unit is faced with a special problem in determining direction because mag- netic instruments will not function properly in an armored carrier. If the APC is stationary and the observer knows his location, direction can be measured from a map; but if the APC is mov- ing, the problem can be solved by using the gun- target line, a prominent terrain feature, or a cardinal direction. 3-8. Location of Known Points To facilitate the location of targets, the observer and FDC select points in the target area which can be identified by the observer and are plotted on the firing chart. The location of the known points may be determined from maps, by sur- vey, or by firing. 3—9. Auxiliary Map Data a. When the observer has completed his initial orientation, he begins a systematic augmenta- tion of map data. This augmentation consists principally of recording information on his map and preparing a terrain sketch. As time per- mits, he also prepares a visibility diagram. b. The map is augmented with lines of direc- 3-2
FM 23-91 Figure 3-1. Use of reference point direction and binocular scales to determine direction to target. tion radiating from the observer’s position at convenient angular intervals. These lines are intersected with arcs of distance by using the observer’s position as the center (fig. 3-2). The observer then marks points of importance which were not included on the map when printed. He also marks any points which he might need frequently, such as reference points, registration points, targets, and likely points of enemy activ- ity. c. An observed fire (OF) fan may be used instead of marking a map as in b above. The observed fire fan (fig. 3-3) is a fan-shaped pro- tractor constructed of transparent material, cov- ering a 1600 mils sector. This fan is divided by radial lines 100 mils apart. Arcs representing dis- tances from the OP are printed on the fan in increments of 500 meters from 1,000 to 6,000 meters. To use the OF fan the observer orients the fan on his map with the vertex on his OP location, the fan centered approximately on the zone of observation, and one of the radial lines parallel to a grid line or other line of known direction. The fan is then taped or tacked to the map. The line of known direction is labeled 3-3
I-M 23-91 Figure 3-2. Map augmented to show lines of direction and distance from the observer's position. with their directions. If desired, only the 200-mil direction lines are labeled. d. Another device to assist in the location of targets is the terrain sketch (fig. 3-4). The ter- rain sketch is a panoramic representation of the terrain, sketched by the observer, showing ref- erence points, registration points, targets, and points of probable activity. The terrain sketch is a rapid means of orienting relief personnel. e. When available, photographs of the area of observation should be marked, showing per- tinent points and lines of direction, and used in conjunction with the terrain sketch. Copies of the photograph and the terrain sketch may be required for reference at the fire direction center. f. The visibility diagram (fig. 3-5) is a sketch of the area of observation, drawn to map scale, showing those portions which cannot be ob- served from a given OP. This diagram may be prepared by observers or by FDC personnel if the position of the OP is plotted on FDC maps. (1) When the observer prepares the visi- bility diagram, a copy on overlay paper is sent to the FDC. The diagram is prepared by con- structing profiles of the terrain along radial lines emanating from the OP (FM 21-26). Each adjacent pair of rays should form an angle no greater than 100 mils. When the profile along each ray is completed, straight lines are drawn from the observer’s position to each point of high ground in the field of observation. These rays represent lines of vision; all areas between a peak point of tangency and the intersection of a ray with the ground are blindspots (fig. 3-6). 3-4
FM 23-91 Figure 3-3. The observed fire fan. 3-5
LONE TREE DIR 2200 ALT 70 DIS 4000 FM 23-91 HILL 80 DIR 1300 DIS 2800 HILL 150 DIR 1540 DIS 3800 AA0050 DIR 1800 ALT 110 DIS 3500 FARM HOUSE DIR 2650 ALT 80 DIS 4800 RG 700 DESTROYED TANK *RP2 Figure 3-i. Terrain sketch.
FM 23-91 These blindspots are projected to the base of the diagram and transferred to the appropriate line of direction on the observer’s map or on a piece of overlay paper. Related points are con- nected and blind areas are shaded (fig. 3-6). (2) Use of a visibility diagram will reduce the chance of observer error in reporting target locations. If the target is plotted in an area which is not visible, the location data are ob- viously in error. The diagram aids the S2 in evaluating target area coverage and in determin- ing the best places for additional observation posts. Figure 3-5. Construction of visibility diagram using direction rays. 3-7
FM 23-91 Figure 3-6. Use of profile to show blindspots (shaded areas). 3-8
FM 23-91 CHAPTER 4 LOCATING TARGETS 4-1. General The most accurate means available are used in locating targets and determining initial data in order to insure safety to friendly troops, to save ammunition, to save time in adjustment, and to increase effectiveness of fire. This initial accuracy is gained by using data from all previous firing in the area as well as maps, photographs, or panoramic sketches of the area. The preparatoiy operations discussed in chapter 3 are desirable and necessary; however, failure to complete them on occupation of an OP will not keep the observer from calling for fire as soon as targets are ob- served. Firing often begins before the prepara- tion phase is completed; and the firing may be precision fire, which places fire on a specific point, or area fire, which covers a given area with fire. With either precision or area fire, the observer processes the call for fire through the FDC by using a standard sequence of procedure. The se- quence follows: a. Target locating. b. Preparation and submission of a call for fire. c. Adjustment of fire, if necessary. d. Surveillance of fire for effect. 4—2. Target Locating a. Methods. The following four methods are used by the observer in designating the location of targets so that FDC troops may plot them on their charts: (1) Grid coordinates (para 4-5). (2) Shifting from a known point or reference point (para 4-6). (3) Polar coordinates (para 4-7). (4) Marking round (para 4-8). b. Accuracies and Announcement of Data. All data for target locations in calls for fire and subsequent corrections are determined to an ac- curacy consistent with the equipment used for determination. The observer will normally round off and announce his data as follows: (1) Direction—to the nearest 10 mils. (2) Deviation—to the nearest 10 meters. (3) Vertical change—to the nearest me- ters. (4) Distance—to the nearest 100 meters. (5) Grid coordinates—to the nearest 10 me- ters. Note. Round off rule, 0.1 to 0.4 round down, 0.5 to 0.9 round up. 4-3. Determination of Distance The observer must be able to determine quickly and accurately the distance between objects, tar- gets, or burst in order to determine basic data and to adjust fire effectively. Distances can be determined by estimation or computation. a. Estimation of Distance. Estimating distance is facilitated by establishing a yardstick on the ground in the target area. This yardstick can be established by firing three rounds with 200 me- ters apart in range between rounds for the same piece. The observer can also establish a known distance in the target area by determining from his map or photograph the distance between two points which he can identify both on the map and on the ground. The approximate distance from the observer to a sound source (bursting shell, weapon firing, etc.) can be estimated by timing sound. Speed of sound in still air at 59° F. is about 340 meters per second. Wind and variation in temperature alter this speed somewhat. For practical use by the observer, the speed of sound may be taken as 350 meters per second under all conditions. The sound can be timed with a watch or by counting from the time the flash appears until the sound is heard by the observer. For example, the observer counts “one 1,000, two 1,000," etc. to determine the approximate time in seconds. The time in seconds is multiplied by 350 to get the approximate distance in meters. 4-1
FM 23-91 Example: The observer wishes to determine the distance from his position to a burst. He begins counting when the burst appears and stops count- ing when he hears the sound. He counted 4 sec- onds; therefore, the burst was about 1,400 me- ters (850 x 4) from his position. b. Computation of Distance. Distance may be computed by using the angle measured from one point to another and the known lateral distance between the two points. The distance from the observer may be computed by applying the mil relation formula. The mil relation formula is based on the assumption that an angle of 1 mill will subtend a width 1 meter at a distance of 1,000 W meters. The formula is expressed as = 1, where jri is the angular measurement in mils be- tween the two points, R is the distance in thou- sands of meters (expressed to the nearest 100) to the known points from which angle jrt was measured (fig. 4-1), and W is the lateral dis- tance in meters. c. A convenient way of using the mil rela- ' W tion formula,, is to cover the value desired and perform the calculation indicated, for exam- ple; to find the range the “R” would be covered leaving the width (W) to be divided by the mils Of). Example. An observer measured an angle of 5 mils between the ends of a flat car which he knows to be 16 meters long. The distance from the ob- server to the flat car is determined by substituting W 16 in the formula R r- (R = -=— = 3.2) pa о The distance is 3,200 meters. 4—4. Measurement of Angles An observer usually uses an angle-measuring de- vice, such as binoculars, an aiming circle, or a compass to measure angles. When instruments are not available, angles can be measured by ufe- ing the hand and finger held at a fixed distance from the eye. The specific angle subtended by Figure 4-1. Mil relation formula. 4-2
FM 23—91 the hand in various attitudes must be determined by the soldier before he goes into the field and must be memorized for rapid use (fig. 4-2). 4-5. Target Locating by Grid Coordinates a. Auxiliary map data greatly simplifies the determination of accurate grid coordinates of a target. When the observer sees a target that is located where it cannot be plotted by rapid in- spection, he must first determine the target di- rection. He determines the direction by using any method described in paragraph 3-7. b. After the observer has determined the direc- tion and his location, he refers to the correspond- ing line of direction on the map (or observed fire fan). He selects the point on this line which best describes the target location. He may locate this point by comparing map features with ground features or by estimating the distance from his position to the target. In figure 4-3, the ob- server has measured a direction of 680 mils to a target located on a small hill an estimated 3,000 meters from his location. He has pinpointed the target on the map by plotting a distance equiva- lent about 3,000 meters along a ray corresponding to direction 680 mils on the observed fire fan. A study of the contour lines helps the observer estimate the range more accurately. c. After the observer has located the target on the map, he marks the location and determines the grid coordinates with a coordinate scale or by estimation. When properly used, the coordinate scale enables the observer to measure both east- ing (E) and northing (N) coordinates with one Figure 4-2. Measurement of angles by hand and fingers. 4-3
FM 23-91 Figure k-3. Use of observed fire fan to assist in reading coordinates. placement of the scale. To measure the coordina- tes of a target, the observer first determines the grid coordinates of the lower left-corner of the grid square containing the target. Starting at this grid intersection, he slides the coordinate scale to the right, keeping the horizontal scale in coinci- dence with the E-W grid line, until the target is reached by the vertical scale. He then reads the distance east and the distance north from the scale (fig. 4-4) and adds these readings to the co- ordinates of the grid square to get the coordinate of the target; i.e., 53152475. d. Grid coordinates may also be determined by relating the target location to one of several ground features marked on the map. Use this system with care, especially in deceptive terrain, unless the location is such as to preclude error (road junction, building, bridge, etc.). A rapid check of the accuracy of the coordinates can be made by use of the contour lines on the map. If the plotted altitude of the target shows marked disagreement with the actual ground conforma- tion, the target should be replotted. 4-6. Target Locating by Shift From a Known Point To locate a target by a shift from a known point, FDC troops must have the location of the known point plotted on their charts. Either the observer or the chief computer may select points for use as known points, but both the observer and the FDC troops must know their location and designations. Registration points, prominent terrain features, and previously fired targets are commonly used as known points. To locate a target by a shift from a known point, the observer must determine the observer target direction, a horizontal shift, and a vertical shift. a. Observer-Target Direction. The observer- target (ОТ) direction is normally determined by measuring the angular deviation from a refer- ence point to the target and applying the meas- 4-4
FM 23-91 Figure 4-4. Use of coordinate scale. ured deviation to the direction from the observer to the reference point. The measured deviation is added if the target to the right of the reference point and subtracted if the target is to the left of the reference point. Observer-target direction may also be measured with a properly declinated magnetic instrument. b. Horizontal Shift. The horizontal shift (flg. 4-5) from a known point to a target consists of a lateral shift in meters and a shift in range along the ОТ line. The lateral shift is made from the known point along a line perpendicular to the ОТ line at the point (Tl) at which the perpendicular intersects the ОТ line. The shifts are plotted in the FDC on a target grid oriented on the ОТ direction. The method used by the observer to compute the horizontal shift depends on the size of the angular deviation measured from the known point to the target. (1) Deviation of less than 600 mils. When the angular deviation from a known point to the target is less than 600 mils, the mil relation formula (para 4-36) is used to compute the lat- eral shift. The shift in range is determined by comparing the distance from the observer to the known point to the distance from the observer to the target. Example. An observer measures an angular de- viation from the known point to the target as right 250 mils. He knows the distance to the known point to be 3,200 meters and estimates the distance to target to be 3,700 meters (fig. 4-5). The lateral shift is determined by substituting in the formula W = Rnf (W - 3.2 x 250, or right 4-5
НИ 23-91 ОТ =3700 METERS NOTE: ОТ1 IS ASSUMED TO EQUAL OBSERVER - RP 1 DISTANCE Figure i-S. Computation of a lateral shift. 800 meters). The shift is announced as RIGHT 800, ADD 500. (2) Deviation of 600 mils or greater. (a) Using sine factor formula. When the angular deviation from a known point to the target is 600 mils or greater, the mil relation formula for computing the lateral shift is no longer valid, and a different method must be used to determine the horizontal shift. This method uses the relationship between the two sides of the right triangle. In figure 4-6, the sine of angle A is the length of the side opposite angle A divided by the length of the hypotenuse. The sine of л . side opposite angle A , “nEle A---------hypotenuse----- ' The f°mula w used is F = -p where F is the sine factor for the angular deviation jri (value taken to the nearest 100 mils), D is the known distance to the reference point (length of hypotenuse), and W is the width of the side opposite the angle jatf. Note the D (distance) is not reduced to units of thou- sands of meters when sine factors are used. The sine factors follow:
FM 23-91 (1600 MILS) SINE OF ANGLE “A” = SIDE OPPOSITE HYPOTENUSE Figure i-6. Sine factor. Апкк in mUu 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 .. 1200 -- 1300 1400 1500 . 1600 Sine factor 0.1 .2 .3 .4 .6 .6 .6 .7 .8 .8 .9 .9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 The lateral shift is computed by substituting in the formula W = F x D where F is the sine factor of the angular deviation from a known point to the target and D is the distance (to the nearest 100 meters) to the known point. Example (fig. 4-7). An observer measures the angular deviation from registration point 1 to the target as right 850 mils (rounded off to 900 mils). The distance from the observer to regis- tration point 1 is 2,500 meters. Solution: Lateral shift is W = 0.8 (sine factor of 900 mils) x 2,500 = 2,000 or Right 2000. To determine the range shift, it is first necessary to determine the distance from the observer to the point at which a perpendicular from RP #1 to the ОТ line strikes the ОТ line (Tl). This is accomplished by substituting again in the formula W = F x D where, this time, F is the sine factor of the angle complementary to the angle of deviation and D again, the distance from the observer to RP #1. The range shift is determined by comparing the OT1 distance and the observer-target distance. Note. Every triangle contains 3200 mils. To determine the complementary angle subtract the angle of deviation from 1600 mils. The right angle of the triangle contains the other 1600 mils. In the example in figure 4-7, the complementary angle - 1600 mils minus the angle of deviation 1600xt — 850m •* 750Л1, rounded off equals 800 mils). Example (fig. 4-7). Angle complementary to the angle of deviation is 750 mils (round off to 800 mils). The distance to RP #1 is 2,500 meters. Solution: W = 0.7 (sine factor of 800 mils) x 2,500 = the distance from the observer where the perpendicular strikes the ОТ line (Tl), which is 2,000 meters. The difference between the ОТ distance and observer Tl distance is ОТ distance minus OT1 distance - range shift, 3000 meters (ОТ distance) minus 2000 meters (OT1 distance) = 1000 meters or ADD 1000. Total shift from known point in example given be- comes RIGHT 2000, ADD 1000. 4-7
FM 23-91 Computing lateral shift Figure 4-7. Computation of lateral and range shift using the sine factor. (b) Sine factor table. To assist the FO in quickly computing the deviation and range change, the Sine factor table shown in figure 4-8 may be used. This table can be used by the FO to engage a target, when absolute accuracy is necessary and time is available; or it can be 4-8 used to help the FO quickly engage targets ac- curately withoui having to use the sine factor formula. (c) Most expedient method of use of the Sine factor table. 1. Determine the distance to the RP rounded off to the nearest 100 meters.
FM 23-91 ESTIMATED 3000 Computing range shift Figure 4-7—Continued. 4-9
FM 23-91 X MILS RANCE, TO Rp\ 100 L 200 К 300 J 400 1 500 M 600 G 700 F 800 E 900 D 1000 c 1100 8 1200 A WHEN COMPUTING RANGE CHANGES FOR ANGLES. 400 z OR GREATER, USE THE FOLLOWING GUIDE. 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 60 70 80 80 90 90 200 20 40 60 80 90 110 130 140 150 170 183 180 300 30 60 90 HO 140 170 190 210 230 250 260 280 400 40 80 120 150 190 220 250 280 310 330 350 370 500 50 100 ISO 190 240 280 320 350 390 420 440 460 600 60 120 170 230 280 330 380 420 460 500 530 550 700 70 140 200 270 330 390 44 0 490 540 580 620 650 doo BO 160 230 310 380 440 510 570 620 670 710 740 ANGLE FROM RP TO TGT 900 90 180 260 340 420 500 570 640 700 750 790 830 1000 Ю0 200 290 380 470 560 630 710 770 B30 B80 920 1100 no 210 320 420 520 610 700 780 850 910 970 1020 COLUMN USED FOR RANGE CHANGE 1200 120 230 350 460 570 670 760 850 930 1000 1060 1110 1300 130 250 380 500 610 720 820 940 IOOO 1080 1150 1200 1400 140 270 410 $40 660 780 890 990 1080 1160 1230 1290 1500 150 290 44 0 570 710 В 30 950 1060 1160 1250 1320 1390 f 1 1600 160 310 460 610 750 890 1020 1130 1240 1330 1410 1480 1700 170 330 490 650 800 940 1080 1200 1310 1410 1500 1570 400 * 1800 ISO 350 520 690 850 1000 1140 1270 1390 1500 1590 1660 1900 190 370 550 730 900 1060 1210 1340 1470 15B0 1680 1760 500 В 600 C 2000 200 390 580 770 940 1110 1270 1410 1550 1660 1760 1850 2100 210 410 610 810 990 1170 1330 1480 1620 1750 1850 1940 2200 220 130 640 840 1040 1220 1400 1560 1700 1830 1940 2030 700 D 2300 230 450 670 880 1080 1280 1460 1630 1780 1910 2030 2120 2400 240 470 700 920 1130 1330 1520 1700 1860 2000 2120 2220 800 E 2500 250 <90 730 960 1180 1390 1590 1770 1930 2080 2200 2310 900 F 2600 250 510 750 1000 1230 1440 1650 1840 2010 2160 2290 2400 2700 260 530 780 1030 1270 1500 1710 1910 2090 2250 2380 2490 1000 G 2800 270 550 810 1070 1320 1560 1780 1980 2160 2330 2470 2590 2900 280 570 840 1110 1370 1610 1840 2060 2240 2410 2560 2680 1100 H 3000 290 590 870 1150 1410 1670 1900 2120 2320 2490 26SO 2770 3100 300 600 900 1190 1460 1720 1970 2190 7400 2580 2730 2860 1700 1 3200 310 620 930 1220 1510 1780 2030 2260 2470 2660 2820 2960 1300 J 3300 ftO 640 960 1260 1560 1830 2090 2330 2550 2740 2910 3050 3400 330 660 990 1300 1600 1890 2160 2400 2630 2830 3000 3140 uoo к 1500 L 3500 340 680 1020 1340 1650 1940 2220 2470 2710 2910 3090 3230 3600 350 700 1050 1380 1700 2000 2280 2 550 2780 2990 3170 3330 3700 360 720 1070 1420 1740 2060 2350 2620 2860 3080 3260 3420 3800 370 740 1100 1450 1790 2110 2410 2690 2940 3160 3350 3510 TGT ft). TO Dt-i’ !>. СМЙ i’. Г01МТ pancc colu«*«. ;•// and ANCi6 r t ojvoto 50.н s” f lUTCrHC’ • • v Nlf VALJt TO » Г’ - . о» X. - - • । qn i . <ahg! f0 TQ ОТ - *н(и» гачьс ;ol: r?c- TaCL( At-Q.C A'i COuj**:»* z.v- Nt»r ut.u( to rue ЛГ1 - > •- o»rt0CMCt • cp Oi’ANCt to 3? » - о» л:о 3900 380 760 1130 1490 1840 2170 2470 2760 3010 3240 3440 3600 4000 390 780 1160 1530 1890 2220 2540 2830 3090 3330 3530 3700 4100 400 800 1190 1570 1930 2280 2600 2900 3170 3410 3620 3790 4200 410 820 1220 1610 1980 2330 2660 2970 3250 3490 3700 3880 4200 420 840 1250 1650 2030 2390 2730 3040 3320 3580 3790 3970 4400 430 860 1280 1680 2070 2440 2790 3110 3400 3660 3880 4070 4500 440 880 1310 1720 2120 2500 2850 3180 3480 3740 3970 4160 4600 450 900 1340 1760 2170 2560 2920 3250 3560 3820 4060 4250 4700 460 920 1360 1800 2220 2610 2980 3320 3630 3910 4140 4340 4800 470 940 1390 1840 2260 2670 3050 3390 3710 3990 4730 4410 4900 480 960 1420 I860 2310 2720 3110 3460 3790 4 070 4320 4530 5000 490 980 1450 1910 2360 2760 3170 3540 3870 4)60 4410 4620 5100 500 10 «Ю 1480 1950 2400 2830 3240 36Ю 3940 4240 4500 4710 5200 510 1010 1510 1990 2450 2890 3300 3680 1020 4 $20 4590 4800 5300 520 1330 1540 2030 2500 294C 3360 3750 4 iaa 44 10 46П 49Г.Э 5400 530 1050 1570 2070 2550 300C 3.130 3820 4170 447<i I? 60 49r»v 5500 540 1070 1600 2100 2590 3060 3J90 3H9Q 4250 4570 4852 SC 80 5600 550 1090 1630 2140 2640 3’10 3SS0 2960 43 30 466: :<*4.. 5 1 5700 560 1110 1650 7180 2690 3170 3620 4 330 4110 Г1Г *i * • r 52 ’0 5800 570 ИЗО 1680 2 229 27 30 31-20 3o8Ci 4 IOC • u^ । *; - i < • 5900 580 1 150 1710 2260 C 3280 3?4? 1 'l ? 4$6' :: Г • • • 6000 $90 1 170 17 4Л 2300 28 30 < J 30 J R b J 4? 40 4$ 4V Front Figure i-8. Sine Factor Table. 4-10
FM 23-91 2. Measure the mil angle from the RP to the target to the nearest 100 mils. .?. To determine the lateral distance us- ing the sine factor card, locate the line corre- sponding to the range to the RP in the left hand column, (Range to RP column). After rounding off the mil angle from RP to target to the nearest 100 mils, (Ш to 49д1 round down; 50j»f to 99X round up), locate the appropriate mils column across the top. Move down the ap- propriate mils column and across the line cor- responding to the range to RP. Where these two intersect is the lateral deviation, distance in meters to where a perpendicular from the RP will meet the ОТ line (point OT1). Example. Mil deviation from RP to target is right 640 mils (rounded off to 600 mils), and range to RP is 2485 (rounded off to 2500 me- ters). Move down left hand column to 2500 line and across top line of 600 column; then across 2500 line and down 600 column to where they intersect, which gives a lateral distance of 1390 meters, or RIGHT 1390. 4. To determine a range change, go to box on right of card, find line corresponding to mil angle of deviation, (round off to nearest lOOnf read letter at right on same line, go to column at top of sine factor table and locate ap- propriate column corresponding to the letter. Move down this column to line of range to RP. Where they intersect is the range in meters to where the perpendicular will meet the ОТ line (point OT1). Subtract this value from the estimated range to the target to determine the range correction. Example. Mil deviation from RP to target is right 640 mils (rounded off to 600 mils), and range to RP is 2485 (rounded off to 2500 meters). Box at right indicates column “C.” Move down column “C” to where 2500 line intersects. Range to point OT1 is 2080 meters. Estimated range to target is 3000 meters. Subtract 2080 meters from estimated range to target (3000 meters), which is 920 meters or rounded off to 900 meters. Range correction to target is therefore, ADD 900. Note. If estimated distance to target is less than dis- tance to point OT1, subtract ОТ distance from OT1 dis- tance to determine range correction. Example. Estimated distance to target is 2000 meters; distance to point OT1 as determined by sine factor card is 2080 meters: 2080 meters minus 2000 meters 80 meters (rounded off to 100 meters). Range change correction is there- fore DROP 100. (d) Most accurate method. 1. Determine the FO-RP distance rounded off to the nearest 100 meters. 2. Measure the mil angle from the RP to the target to the nearest 10m. 3. Determine lateral distance from RP to OT1, locate the line corresponding to the range to the RP in the left hand column (range to RP column). Locate the appropriate mils column across the top (rounded down to the nearest lOQnf). Move down the appropriate mils column and across the line corresponding to the range to RP. Extract the value shown at this point of intersection and the value shown in the next higher mil column. Subtract the extracted values and interpolate between the two to determine the lateral distance from RP to ОТ to the near- est 10 meters. Example. Mil deviation from RP to target is right 660 mils (rounded down to 600 mils), and range to RP is 2485 (rounded off to 2500 meters). Move down left hand column to 2500 meter line and across top line to 600 mils column; then across 2500 line and down 600 column to where they intersect; extract this value (1390jri) and the value shown in the next higher mil column (1590jtf); determine the difference between the extracted values (1590 — 1390 200). To exact- ly determine the lateral shift in meters we must consider the 60xi we initially rounded off. To compensate for this value we multiply 60/100 or .60 times the difference between the extracted values .60 x 200 - 120.00 add this value to the smaller of the extracted values 1390 + 120. » 1510. Therefore, the lateral shift will be RIGHT 1510j₽ri. 4. To determine a range change, go to box on right of card. Find line corresponding to mil angle of deviation, rounded down to the nearest lOOjrf; read the letter at right on same line. Go to column at top of sine factor table and locate appropriate column corresponding to that letter. Move down this column to line of range to RP. Where they intersect extract this value and the next value to the left. Interpolate between the two values to determine the range. Determine the difference between this value and the rounded off range to the target. Apply this difference (add or subtract) to the estimated FO — Tgt - Distance to determine the range correction. Example. Mil deviation from RP to target is 660 mils (rounded down to 600), and range to RP is 2485 (rounded off to 2500 meters) box at right 600x1 indicates column “C.” Move down column “C” to where 2500 line intersects 208Qiri. 4-12
FM 23-91 Extract this value and the next value to the left 1930m. Determine the difference between these values 2080 -1930 = 150m. In order to exactly de- termine the distance from FO - OT1 we must consider the 60jrf we initially rounded off. To compensate for this value we multiply 60/100 or .60 times the difference between the extracted values .60 x 150 = 90jd. Subtract this value from the larger 2080 - 90 - 1990. The distance from FO - OT1 is 199Qjrf. Estimated distance to target 3000л! - 1990л! = 1010 or ADD lOOQjtf. c. Vertical Shift. When the shift from a known point method is used, a vertical shift must be made if there is an obvious difference between elevation of the known point and the target. The vertical shift may be computed with an angle- measuring instrument (М2 compass, aiming cir- cle). The following procedure is used to compute a vertical shift: the observer measures the ver- tical angle to the known point; knowing the dis- tance from his observation post to the known point; and using the mil relation, the observer 2500 METERS 1500 METERS Figure 4-P. Determination of difference in elevation of known point and target. VERTICAL INTERVAL OP-RP= 12.5 » VERTICAL INTERVAL OP-TARGET=+20 X 3«+60 m VERTICAL SHIFT DOWN 75. (SKETCH IS NOT TO SCALE) Reference point above horizontal, target below horizontal Figure 4-9—Continued. 4-13
FM 23-91 Reference point and target above horizontal Figure 1,-9—Continued. determines the vertical interval at the known point; he then computes the vertical interval between his OP and the target; by comparing the known point vertical interval to the target vertical interval, he determines the vertical change (up or down) from his known point to the tar- get. Example (fig. 4-9). The observer measures a vertical angle of minus 10 mils to a target at a distance of 2,500 meters. The distance and the vertical angle from the OP to the known point (RP), are 1,500 meters and minus 20 mils, re- spectively. In the formula W = Rjri, let W repre- sent the vertical interval, jri represent the meas- ured angle in mils, and R represent the distance to the target in thousands of meters. Therefore, W = 10 x 2.5 = -25 meters of vertical interval between the OP and the target. When the same procedure is used, the vertical interval between the OP and the known point (RP) is —30 me- ters (W - 20 x 1.5 = -30). A comparison of results shows the target to be 5 meters above the known point. Thus, the vertical shift would be announced as UP 5. Example {fig. 4-9). The observer measures a vertical angle of minus 5 mils to a target at a distance of 2500 meters. The distance and the vertical angle from the OP to the known point (RP), are 3,000 meters and plus 20 mils, respectively. In the formula W = Rjri, let W rep- resent the vertical interval, yd represent the meas- ured angle in mils, and R represents the dis- tance to the target (known point) in thousands of meters. Therefore, W = — 5 x 2.5 = -12.5 meters of vertical interval between the OP (hor- izontal) and the target. When the same proce- dure is used, the vertical interval between the OP (horizontal) and the known point (RP) is + 60 meters (W - +20 x 3 • +60). A com- parison of results shows the target to be 72.5 meters below the known point (RP). Thus, the vertical shift would be announced as DOWN 75. Example {fig. 4-9). The observer measures a vertical angle of plus 15 mils to a target at a distance of 2800 meters. The distance and the vertical angle from the OP to the known point (RP) are 2200 and a plus 10 mils .respectively. In the formula W = Rjfi, let W represent the vertical interval, jrf represent the measured angle in mils, and R represents the distance to the target in thousands of meters. Therefore, W e + 15 x 2.8 = +42 meters of vertical interval between the OP and the target. When the same procedure is used, the vertical interval between the OP and the known point (RP) is +22 me- ters (W = +10 x 2.2 - +22). A comparison of results shows the target to be 20 meters above the known point (RP). Thus, the vertical shift would be announced as UP 20. 4—7. Target Locating by Polar Coordinates Polar coordinates consist of the direction, dis- tance, and vertical shift from the observer to
FM 23-91 the target. The observer’s location must be plotted on the charts at the FDC if the polar coordinate method is to be used. The principal advantage of the polar coordinates method is the rapidity with which the observer can determine the target location. If the direction is correct and accurate corrections are applied to firing data, the first round(s) fired should fall on or close to the line which passes through the observation post and the target (ОТ line). Subsequent cor- rections are then easier to determine. As in the grid coordinate method, the observer measures or computes the direction and estimates the dis- tance to the target. In figure 4-10, the polar co- ordinates of the target would be reported to the FDC as DIRECTION 1000, DISTANCE 2000. A vertical shift must be made if there is an obvious difference in altitude between the ob- server’s location and the target. The observer, using an aiming circle or М2 compass, measures the vertical angle to the target. This vertical angle is measured from the horizontal plane through the observer’s location to the target. Substituting the measured vertical angle and the estimated distance to the target for jA and R, respectively, in the mil relation formula, the ob- server computes the vertical shift. Example. The observer measures the vertical I—«---------------------------------------------2000 angle to the target of +20 mils. The estimated distance to the target from the observation post is 2,000 meters. According to the mil relation, 20 = W 2 Q-, W = 40 meters. A vertical shift would then be included as follows: DIRECTION 1000, DIS- TANCE 2000, UP 40. 4-8. Marking Rounds a. Poor visibility, unreliable maps, deceptive terrain, or rapid movement through unfamiliar terrain sometimes make it difficult, if not im- possible, for the observer to accurately locate the target or himself. In the event the observer should ever find himself in such a situation, he can re- quest that the FDC fire rounds on specific points on the battle field to help him to locate and orient himself. Rounds fired for this purpose are known as marking rounds. b. The observer may call for a marking round to be fired on a registration point, a previously fired target, or a prominent terrain feature; e.g., MARK REGISTRATION POINT NUMBER 1, MARK TARGET AA 0050 or MARK HILL 437. c. As a last resort, the observer may call for a round to be fired in the center of the target area. This type of mission is known as MARK ——= 1 OR *>2.0 X 20=40 METERS OR CORRECTION OF UP 40. Rft Figure i-10. Polar coordinates vertical shift. 4-15
FM 23-91 CENTER OF SECTOR. This type of adjustment procedure should only be used in the event that the firing section has not registered or fired on any other targets in the area. d. The FO usually calls for a type of projectile which is easily identifiable, such as white phorphorus or illumination. e. After the FO identifies the marking round, he then uses the shift from a known point method to engage the target. 4-16
FM 23-91 CHAPTER 5 CALL FOR FIRE 5-1. Elements and Sequence of Calls for Fire a. When an observer has located a target on which he wishes mortar fire, he transmits a call for fire. A call for fire is a concise message pre- pared by the FO containing the information needed by the FDC for the determination of data and volume of fire required to achieve the desired result. The call for fire contains six ele- ments arranged in a prescribed sequence. b. The following is a list of the elements and the sequence in which they are transmitted (para 5-3 through 5-8). (1) Observer identification. (2) Warning order. (3) Location of target. (4) Description of target. (5) Method of engagement. (6) Method of fire and control. 5—2. Standardization of Terminology Many military operations involve forces of allied nations. Therefore, the sequence and terminology used in calls for fire has been standardized among allied nations so that an observer may call for and adjust the fires of another nation’s indirect fire weapons. For example, azimuth is stated as direction, and coordinates are stated as grid. Other examples are evident in the suc- ceeding paragraphs. 5-3. Observer Identification The element observer identification consists of appropriate call signs or codes necessary to es- tablish contact between the observer and the unit FDC to which he is calling for fire. For example, the observer transmits HOTEL 40 (call sign of FDC), THIS IS HOTEL 42 (call sign of ob- server). 5-4. Warning Order The warning order is the notice sent by the observer to get communication priority and to alert the fire direction center. The warning or- der is announced as FIRE MISSION. 5-5. Location of Targets a. The location of target contains two or more elements, depending on the way it is reported by the observer. One element is always required in the call for fire by the ground observer is the reference line. The following are examples of reporting the direction of the reference line: (1) Grid azimuth from observer to target —DIRECTION 4310. (2) Magnetic azimuth from observer to tar- get—MAGNETIC DIRECTION 2450. (3) Gun-target line (GT line)—DIREC- TION GUN TARGET. Note. И no direction is ordered by an air observer, the GT line will be used as the spotting line. b. When a target is located by grid coordinates, the elements of the target location are transmitted in the following way: (1) Grid coordinates—GRID 67513428. (2) Grid azimuth from observer to target— DIRECTION 4310. c. When a target is to be located by a shift from a known point, the elements of the target location are transmitted in the following se- quence : (1) Known point—FROM TARGET AA- 0050. (2) Observer-target azimuth—DIREC- TION 1670. (3) Lateral shift (if any)—RIGHT (LEFT) 200. (4) Range (distance) shift (if any)—ADD (DROP) 400. (5) Vertical shift (if any)—UP (DOWN) 20. (6) If there is no shift in a particular di- mension, that element is omitted—FROM REG- ISTRATION POINT 1, DIRECTION 860 5-1
FM 23-91 RIGHT 400, UP 40 or FROM TARGET AA0051, DIRECTION 1060, ADD 400 UP 20. d. The target number and known point are locations which are known to the fire direction center and to the observer. If a known point is to be fired on, the target location would be re- ported as: (1) REGISTRATION POINT 2, DIREC- TION 4320. (2) TARGET AA0055, DIRECTION 120. e. When the location of a target is reported by polar coordinates, the elements of the target location are transmitted in the sequence: (1) Observer-target azimuth—DIREC- TION 1620. (2) Observer-target distance—DISTANCE 2500. (3) Vertical shift (if any)—UP 55. 5-6. Description of Target The element indicating the description of target includes a description of the installation to in- clude degree of protection, personnel, equipment, or activity which is observed. The description should be brief but sufficiently informative to enable the chief computer to determine the rela- tive importance of the target and the best man- ner of attack. a. The observer should state the approximate number of men or units of material comprising the target—INFANTRY PLATOON IN OPEN. b. The observer should give a clear descrip- tion of the target shape only when it is signifi- cant. When the target is rectangular in shape, the observer gives the length and width in me- ters and the azimuth on the long axis to the nearest 50 mils—400 by 200, ATTITUDE 2850. When the target is circular the observer gives the radius—RADIUS 200. 5—7. Method of Engagement ct. Type of Adjustment. In adjustment, two types of fire may be used, area or precision. (1) If no specific type of adjustment is des- ignated, area fire will be used. (Split a 100 meter bracket.) (2) When precision fire is desired, the ob- server announces either REGISTRATION or DESTRUCTION, depending on the reason for firing. (Split a 50 meter bracket.) (3) The term danger close will be included in the method of engagement when the target is within 400 meters of freindly troops. b. Type of Trajectory (Artillery Only). A choice of two trajectories normally is available: low-angle or high-angle. When low-angle fire is desired, this element is omitted. If the observer desires high-angle, he requests HIGH ANGLE. When the observer omits a reference to trajec- tory but computations in the FDC indicate high- angle fire to be necessary, the S3 will notify the observer that high-angle fire will be used. c. Ammunition. If the observer does not re- quest a specific projectile or fuze, he is given shell HE, fuze quick. (1) The observer may request one type of projectile initially and subsequently request an- other type of projectile to complete the fire mis- sion. This also applies to fuzes. (2) When the observer requests smoke, the chief computer normally will direct the use of HE initially in the adjustment and smoke for the completion of the adjustment and fire for ef- fect. (3) When the observer wants a combina- tion of projectiles, or fuzes in effect, he must so state in this element of the call for fire— HE AND WP IN EFFECT or VT AND QUICK IN EFFECT. (4) The observer may also request the vol- ume of the fire he deems necessary in fire for ef- fect —3 ROUNDS. If the observer does not specify the number of rounds to be fired in effect the FDC should notify the observer of the number of rounds that will be fired in fire for effect. d. Distribution of Fire. A parallel sheaf is fired on an area target in fire for effect, when another type of sheaf is desired, the observer must so announce—CONVERGE or OPEN SHEAF. 5—8. Method of Fire and Control a. Method of Fire. Adjustment normally is conducted with the number two mortar. The observer may, however, request any weapon or combination of weapons to adjust. For example, if the observer wants to see where each of the mortars in the section hits, he may request SEC- TION RIGHT (LEFT). The normal interval of time between rounds fired by a section right or left is 10 seconds. If the observer wants some other interval he may so specify. 5-2
FM 23-91 b. Method of Control. The control element in- dicates the control which the observer will exer- cise over the time of delivery of fire, and whether an adjustment is to be made or fire is to be de- livered without adjustment. Method of control is announced by the observer by use of the terms below. (1) At my command. AT MY COMMAND indicates that the observer desires to control the time of delivery of fire. The observer announces AT MY COMMAND immediately preceding the announcement in (2) or (3) below—AT MY COMMAND, ADJUST FIRE or AT MY COM- MAND, FIRE FOR EFFECT. When the weapons are ready to fire, the FDC personnel announce SECTION IS READY to the observer who an- nounces FIRE when he wants the mortar sec- tion to fire. AT MY COMMAND remains in ef- fect until the observer announces CANCEL AT MY COMMAND. (2) Adjust fire. ADJUST FIRE indicates that an adjustment is necessary and that the observer can see and adjust the fire. Unless AT MY COMMAND has been included, ADJUST FIRE also indicates that the firing unit may begin firing when ready. (3) Fire for effect. When the location of a target is sufficiently accurate to eliminate the need for an adjustment, the observer announces FIRE FOR EFFECT. Accurate, immediate fire for effect has appreciable surprise value and is preferred whenever possible. Fire for effect with- out an adjustment is warranted when the target has been fired upon previously, or when it is within transfer limits of the RP (±1500#, R or L 400#) and its location is either surveyed or accurately specified by the FO. FIRE FOR EF- FECT indicates that the observer can see the fires and, unless he has requested that the mis- sion be conducted AT MY COMMAND, that the firing unit may fire when ready. (4) Cannot observe. CANNOT OBSERVE indicates that the observer is unable to adjust fire; however, he has reason to believe that a tar- get exists at the given location and that it is of sufficient importance to justify firing on it with- out adjustment. 5-9. Call for Fire Format The following is the format for a call for fire and some examples. a. Format for call for fire. (1) Observer identification. (2) Warning order. (3) Location of target. (a) Grid coordinates, direction. (b) Shift from a known point: direction, lateral shift, range shift, vertical shift. (<;) Polar coordinates: direction, distance, vertical shift from the OP. (4) Description of target. (5) Method of engagement. (a) Type of adjustment: 1. Area. 2. Precision. (a) Registration. (b) Destruction. 3. Danger close. (b) Type of trajectory (artillery only). (<?) Ammunition and fuze. (d) Distribution. 1. Parallel sheaf. 2. Open sheaf. 3. Converged sheaf. J. Special sheaf. 5. Range spread or lateral spread or range lateral spread (ilium, only). (6) Method of fire and control. (a) Method of fire. (b) Method of control. 1. At my command. 2. Adjust fire. 3. Fire for effect. 4. Cannot observe. b. Example of an initial call for fire using grid coordinates to register the mortars. FO HOTEL 40 THIS IS HOTEL 42 FO FIRE MISSION OVER FDC HOTEL 42 THIS IS HOTEL 40 FIRE MISSION OUT FO GRID 86829141 DIRECTION 1100 OVER FDC GRID 86829141 DIRECTION 1100 OUT FO REGISTRATION (split a 50 meter bracket) FO ADJUST FIRE OVER FDC REGISTRATION ADJUST FIRE OUT c. Example of an initial call for fire using grid coordinates to locate the target. FO HOTEL 40 THIS IS HOTEL 42 FO FIRE MISSION OVER FDC HOTEL 42 THIS IS HOTEL 4c FIRE MISSION OUT
FM 23-91 FO GRID 85429781 DIRECTION 800 OVER FDC GRID 85429781 DIRECTION 800 OUT FO INFANTRY PLATOON IN OPEN 200 BY 100 METERS ATTI- TUDE 1100 FO ADJUST FIRE OVER FDC INFANTRY PLATOON IN OPEN 200 BY 100 METERS ATTI- TUDE 1100 FDC ADJUST FIRE OUT d. Example of an initial call for fire using shifts from a known point. FO HOTEL 40 THIS IS HOTEL 42 FO FIRE MISSION OVER FDC HOTEL 42 THIS IS HOTEL 40 FIRE MISSION OUT FO FROM ROAD JUNCTION 49 DI- RECTION 700 RIGHT 200 DROP 200 OVER FDC FROM ROAD JUNCTION 49 DI- RECTION 700 RIGHT 200 DROP 200 OUT FO INFANTRY PLATOON DUG IN WITH OVERHEAD COVER FO DESTRUCTION FO DELAY IN EFFECT FO ADJUST FIRE OVER FDC INFANTRY PLATOON DUG IN WITH OVERHEAD COVER FDC DESTRUCTION FDC DELAY IN EFFECT FDC ADJUST FIRE OUT e. Example of an initial call for fire using polar coordinates. FO HOTEL 40 THIS IS HOTEL 42 FO FIRE MISSION OVER FDC HOTEL 42 THIS IS HOTEL 40 FIRE MISSION OUT FO DIRECTION 1540 DISTANCE 2500 UP 50 OVER FDC DIRECTION 1540 DISTANCE 2500 UP 50 OUT FO INFANTRY SQUAD IN OPEN FO VT IN EFFECT FO ADJUST FIRE OVER FDC INFANTRY SQUAD IN OPEN FDC VT IN EFFECT FDC ADJUST FIRE OUT 5-10. When Transmitting Elements in the Call for Fire The observer may announce two or more elements in one transmission commensurate with estab- lished procedures and the training and experience of men concerned. Examples of the elements and subelements contained in a call for fire are shown in paragraph 5-9. The radiotelephone procedure is prescribed by ACP-125C. 5—11. Correction of Errors «. Errors may be made by the observer trans- mitting erroneous data or by someone transmit- ting an incorrect read-back. If an observer realizes that he has made an error in his trans- mission, he announces CORRECTION and trans- mits the corrected data. If the observer notes that the FDC read-back is incorrect, he an- nounces WRONG and transmits the correct data. If two or more elements or subelements of the initial call for fire were contained in one er- roneous transmission, the observer will correct only that element or subelement in error if the remainder of the transmitted data will not be affected by the correction. If an error is made in the subsequent call for fire the entire subse- quent call for fire is repeated. Example. The observer has transmitted FROM REGISTRATION POINT #2 DIRECTION 5680, RIGHT 100 ADD 200 OVER. FDC Read back FROM REGISTRATION POINT #2 DIREC- TION 5580 RIGHT 100 ADD 200 OUT. FO an- nounces WRONG, DIRECTION 5680 OVER. b. When an error has been made in a sub- element and the correction of that subelement will affect other transmitted data, the incorrect subelement and the affected data will be trans- mitted in proper sequence following the word CORRECTION. Example. The observer has transmitted LEFT 200, ADD 400, UP 40. He then realizes he should have sent DROP 400. To correct this element, he will send CORRECTION, LEFT 200, DROP 400, UP 40, because the LEFT 200 and UP 40 would have been canceled if not included in the corrected transmission. c. If the observer has transmitted his entire call for fire and then discovers that he has made an error or omitted an element or subelement, the correct version of that element or subelement must be transmitted together with other affected data. Example. The FO sent: HOTEL 40 THIS IS HOTEL 42 FIRE MISSION OVER. FROM REG- ISTRATION POINT 2 DIRECTION 5680 LEFT 200 ADD 400 UP 40 OVER, INFANTRY IN OPEN, ADJUST FIRE. He then realized that proximity (VT) is a better fuze to use on this target. To correct this error, he must send CORRECTION, VT IN EFFECT, OVER. 5-4
FM 23-91 CHAPTER 6 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE BY GROUND OBSERVER Section I. 6-1. When to Adjust When the observer cannot locate the target with sufficient accuracy to warrant fire for effect, he will adjust. Inaccuracy in the location may result from poor visibility, deceptive terrain, poor maps, or difficulty on the part of the observer in pin- pointing the target. If, in his opinion, fire for effect can be delivered on the basis of target location, and surprise is desired, he will request FIRE FOR EFFECT in his call for fire. If reg- istration has not been accomplished recently, ad- justment may be directed by the chief computer regardless of the accuracy of the target location. 6-2. Adjusting Point The obseiwer must select a point upon which to adjust (adjusting point). In precision fire, the adjusting point is the target. In area fire, the adjusting point should be a well-defined point near the center of the area occupied by the target. 6-3. Appearance of Bursts The observer must be able to identify the type of shell and fuze used from the appearance of the burst. Descriptions of types of shells and fuzes with which an observer will be concerned are given in a through d below. These types apply to all indirect fire weapons; however, the size of the bursts will vary according to the caliber of the weapon. a. Shell HE, Airburst, Fuze Time or Fuze Proximity (VT). A fuze time or fuze proximity (VT) is characterized by a flash, a sharp explo- sion, and puff of black smoke which becomes elongated along the trajectory. The effect of fragments on the terrain may be seen below the burst if the burst is not too high and soil condi- tions are favorable. b. Shell HE, Fuze Quick. A burst resulting from a fuze quick detonation is characterized by black smoke, discolored by dirt, which spreads GENERAL upward and laterally. If the impact occurs on a rock or other hard surface, a flash may also appear. Fuze quick fired into a wooded area will sometimes result in airbursts, caused by the pro- jectile striking the trees and detonating before reaching the ground. c. Shell HE, Fuze Delay, Mine Action. A mine action burst is characterized by the eruption of a vertical column of earth, often with clods of earth. There is very little smoke, and the ex- plosion is muffled. d. Shell WP, Fuze Quick. A fuze quick WP shell burst is characterized by a fountain of brilliant white smoke and burning phosphorus. Small particles of phosphorus are spread upward and outward as a pillar of smoke forms and rises. 6-4. Fuze Selection for High-Explosive Projectiles The effect attained with an HE projectile depends on the fuze action. a. Fuze Proximity (VT). A proximity (VT) fuze is a radio-activated fuze which detonates the projectile automatically at a predetermined height above the earth’s surface. Therefore, a height-of-burst adjustment is not required. Dur- ing the adjustment, fuze quick normally is em- ployed to speed and facilitate observer spottings. Fuze proximity (VT) is suitable for use against: (1) Troops in the open or in foxholes with- out overhead cover. (2) Area targets when neutralization is de- sired. b. Fuze Time. A time fuze detonates the pro- jectile on operation of a preset time mechanism or on impact. The height of burst is controlled by the observer. Since the observer must adjust the height of burst, use of this fuze is more time consuming than fuze proximity (VT). However, with the fuze time the observer may get any 6-1
FM 23-91 height of burst desired. Fuze time is suitable for use against the same types of targets as those against which fuze proximity (VT) is used, with- in the limits imposed by the vertical probable error of the fuze. c. Fuze Delay. When delay action of the fuze is used, the projectile has time after impact and before detonation either to penetrate and produce mine action. Fuze delay is used with shell HE for destruction missions which require penetra- tion. When penetration occurs and the shell is in the earth at the instant of detonation, there is little fragmentation effect above the ground. Pen- etration into a bunker or dugout will produce casualties by blast effect and fragmentation. Penetration into a structure built of logs, sand- bags, or similar materials results in the blowing apart of constituent units. Effectiveness depends on the amount of high-explosive filler. d. Fuze Quick. Quick (superquick) fuze ac- tion bursts the projectile immediately on impact. Ease of spotting a fuze quick burst, together with the fact that no height-of-burst adjustment is necessary, makes possible a rapid adjustment. Fuze quick is suitable for use against: (1) Troops in the open. (2) Troops in sparsely wooded terrain where tree bursts give the effect of a low airburst. (3) Material, when penetration is not re- quired. e. Combined Fuze Action in Fire for Effect. When the target is such that more than one type of fuze action will add to the effectiveness of fire for effect, the observer will include the fuzes desired in the call for fire or subsequent corrections. 6-5. Spottings Determination by the observer of the location of a burst or group of bursts with respect to the adjusting point as observed along the ОТ line is called a spotting. Spottings are made for height of burst, range, and deviation. Spottings must be made by the observer at the instant the burst occurs except when delayed to take advantage of drifting smoke. a. The observer should be required to announce his spottings during his early training. As an observer gains experience, spottings need not be announced. b. Under certain conditions the observer may be able to make a spotting, even though he can- not see the burst. For example, if the observer heard the burst and the only possible place the burst could occur and not be visible to the observer was in a ravine beyond the adjusting point, then the burst could be properly spotted as being beyond the adjusting point. c. If visibility is temporarily impaired or if the observer is unable to get a spotting for a 'particular round, he reports UNOBSERVED, REPEAT. 6-6. Corrections The observer causes the mean point of impact or burst to be placed on, or close to the target by making corrections during the adjustment. From his spottings, the observer determines deviation and range corrections in meters; he announces these corrections in that sequence as commands to bring the bursts onto the ОТ line; and to es- tablish the appropriate bracket of the adjusting point along the ОТ line. Section II. ADJUSTMENT OF DEVIATION 6-7. Deviation Spottings a. Deviation is the lateral distance from the burst center to the ОТ line. A deviation spotting is the angular amount and direction of the devia- tion. During conduct of fires, the observer meas- ures, in mils, the angular amount from the ОТ line to the center of each burst or group of bursts (fig. 6-1). b. A burst, or the center of a group of bursts, may be on the ОТ line or it may be right or left of the ОТ line. Possible deviation spottings are LINE or (so much) RIGHT (LEFT). For ex- ample, the observer sees a burst which he meas- ures to be 20 mils to the right of the ОТ line. His deviation spotting in the instance is 20 RIGHT. 6-8. Deviation Corrections a. A deviation correction is the distance in meter’s perpendicular to the ОТ line required to move a subsequent group of bursts to the ОТ line. Except when the observer is entering fire for effect, or when the rounds persist in falling on the same side LEFT (RIGHT) of the ОТ 6-2
FM 23-91 Figure 6-1, Deviation, 6-3
FM 23-91 line, minor deviations (20 meters or less) should be ignored in the adjustment of area fire unless such action precludes getting range spottings. In the adjustment phase of a precision mission or when adjusting a sheaf, all deviations, however minor, must be corrected to the ОТ line. b. Deviation corrections are computed by mul- tiplying the deviation spotting by the ОТ factor. The ОТ factor is the ОТ distance in thousands of meters. If the ОТ distance is 1,000 meters or greater, the ОТ factor is expressed to the nearest thousand. If the ОТ distance is less than 1,000 meters, the ОТ factor is expressed to the nearest hundred. The following are examples of computa- tions of deviation corrections: ОТ distance ОТ factor Spotting Deviation correction 3600 4 40 RIGHT LEFT 160 3500 4 40 RIGHT LEFT 160 3400 3 50 LEFT RIGHT 160 800 0.8 40 LEFT RIGHT 30 c. The deviation correction is expressed to the nearest 10 meters and announced to the FDC as LEFT (RIGHT) (so many meters). The direc- tion of the correction is always opposite the direction of the spotting. d. When the angle between the ОТ line and the gun-target (GT) line (angle T) is between 500 and 2700 mils, the FDC will notify the FO of this fact after the first SHOT is given (fig. 6-2). When angle T is between 500 and 2700, the observer Figure 6-2. Angle T.
FM 23-91 should consider the range dispersion of the weapon when determining corrections. What the FO sees as deviation may be due, in whole or in part, to range dispersion which cannot be cor- rected by deviation corrections. In figure 6-3 the two rounds shown were fired at the same deflec- tion and elevation. The difference in locations of the burst is due to range dispersion along the GT line. As viewed by observer 1, from whose location the angle T is relatively small, there appears to be little difference in the amount of deviation correction needed to bring the bursts to the ОТ line. However, as viewed by observer 2, round 2 bursts appear to be twice as far from the ОТ line as round 1 bursts. OBSERVER 1 Figure G—3. The effect of Angle T when viewing range dispersion. 6-5
FM 23-91 Section III. ADJUSTMENT OF RANGE 6-9. General The normal procedure for the adjustment of range is the establishment of a bracket along the ОТ line (fig. 6-4). A bracket is established when one group of rounds falls over and one group of rounds falls short of the adjusting point. The observer must establish the bracket early in the adjustment and then successively decrease the size of the bracket until it is appropriate to enter fire for effect. 6-10. Range Spottings «. Definite range spottings are required to make a proper range adjustment. Any range spotting other than DOUBTFUL or LOST (UN- OBSERVED) is definite. (1) A burst or group of bursts on the ОТ line normally gives a definite range spotting. Figure 6-5 is a guide showing approximate areas for the various spottings. (2) Definite range spottings may be made when the burst(s) is not on the ОТ line by using a knowledge of the terrain, drifting smoke, shadows, and wind. However, even experienced observers must exercise caution and good judg- ment when making such spottings. (3) Spottings of airbursts for range are based on the location of the burst fragmentation pattern on the ground. b. Possible range spottings follow: (1) Over. A burst which appears beyond the adjusting point is OVER. (2) Short. A burst which appears between the observer and the adjusting point is SHORT. (3) Target. A round that bursts within the target area. (4) Range correct. A burst or center of a group of bursts which is at the proper range is RANGE CORRECT. (5) Doubtful. A burst which can be observ- ed but cannot be determined as over, short, tar- get, or range correct is DOUBTFUL. (6) Lost over (short). Make a correction for a burst which is not observed but is known to be definitely beyond or short of the adjusting point. 6-11. Miscellaneous Spotting a. Lost. A burst is lost when its location cannot be determined. Lost rounds must be reported to the FDC and a bold shift in deviation or range should be made. b. Erratic. A round which varies greatly from normal behavior is classified as an erratic round. 6-12. Bracketing a. When the fii’st definite range spotting is obtained, the FO should make a range correction that is expected to result in a range spotting in the opposite direction; e.g., if the first definite range spotting is SHORT, the observer should add enough to get an OVER on the next round. The inexperienced FO should use the following guide to determine the initial range change to establish a bracket: Aftnirnttm ОТ dfataiuv range change (ADD ar DROP) Up to 999 meters........... 100 meters Over 1,000 to 1,999 meters 200 meters 2,000 meters and over...... 400 meters b. Once a bracket has been established it is successively decreased, usually by splitting it in half, until it is appropriate to enter, fire for effect. Fire for effect is usually requested in area fire when a 100 meter bracket is split. c. The procedures in a and b above are not to be inflexible. The observer must use his knowl- edge of the terrain, knowledge gained from pre- vious firing, general experience, and good judg- ment in determining the size of the initial and subsequent range changes. For example, if the observer adds 800 after an initial range spotting of SHORT and the second range spotting is OVER but the bursts are much closer to the adjusting point than the initial rounds, a range change of DROP 200 would be appropriate. 6-13. Creeping Method of Adjustment When danger close mission is requested, use the creeping method of adjustment. When the ob- server requests an adjustment on a target that is within 400 meters of friendly troops he adds a 200 meter safety factor to insure that the first round does not fall short. When the initial round is spotted, he estimates the overage in meters. He then makes the correction for range by drop- ping half of the estimated overage. Once he has given a correction of DROP FIVE-ZERO, he continues to DROP FIVE-ZERO until he has either a RANGE CORRECT or TARGET or a SHORT spotting. If, during the adjustment, a round falls short of the target the observer con- tinues the adjustment using the bracket method of adjustment. 6-6
FM 23-91 FIRST ROUND V BRACKET TARGET SECOND ROUND ОТ LINE Figure 6-4• Establishing a bracket for range.
FM 23-91 DIRECTION OF ОТ LINE Figure 6-5. Range spotting. Section IV. ADJUSTMENT OF HEIGHT OF BURST 6-14. General In firing fuze time in area fire, the observer must adjust the height of burst. The adjustment of deviation and range is conducted with fuze quick and upon splitting the range bracket, (normally 100 meters) or on getting a range correct spotting, the adjustment of height of burst is begun and further corrections to deviations and range are not usually required. The FO spots the height of burst and determines and announces the correc- tion to the nearest 5 meters as UP (DOWN) (so much) to raise or lower the bursts to the desired height. Computations are made by using the mil relation in the same way as for devia- tion shifts. The proper height of burst for fire for effect is 20 meters above the target. Any time two bursts are widely separated in height the observer must report this fact to the FDC. When proximity (VT) fuze is used, only malfunctions and graze bursts are reported. 6-8
FM 23-91 6-15. Height of Burst Spottings Height of burst spottings for fuze time follow: a. Air. A round or group of rounds bursting in the air is spotted AIR. b. Graze. A round or group of rounds bursting on impact is spotted GRAZE. e. Mixed. A group of rounds resulting in an equal number of air bursts and graze bursts is spotted MIXED. d. Mix Air. A group of rounds resulting in both air bursts and graze bursts is spotted MIXED AIR when the majority of the bursts are airbursts. e. Mixed Graze. A group of rounds resulting in both air bursts and graze bursts is spotted MIXED GRAZE when the majority of the bursts are graze bursts. 6-16. Height of Burst During Adjustment a. The adjustment of time fuze is begun at the split of a 200 meter range bracket with the objective of getting a 20 meter height of burst. Fire for effect is entered only when a correct height of burst (20 meters) is assured. (Two mortars should be used when adjusting height of burst.) b. During the adjustment of time there are three possible height of burst spottings AIR, GRAZE, or MIXED. Rules for height of burst adjustment follow: (1) When the initial rounds are AIR, ad- just to 20 meter height of burst and fire for effect. However, if very high airbursts occur and the observer is not sure that the next correction will produce a 20 meter height of burst, a correc- tion to HOB without entering fire for effect is proper (judgment and experience are the govern- ing factors). (2) When the initial rounds are GRAZE, apply UP 40 and continue the adjustment. A 40 meter height of burst correction will be applied until spottings of AIR or MIXED occur and then the rules in (1) above or (3) below apply. (3) When the initial rounds are MIXED, apply UP 20 and fire for effect. (4) Widely separated bursts must be re- ported to the FDC and in most cases a repeat command is given, e.g., REPEAT, 100 METER HEIGHT OF BURST SPREAD; 60 METER MEAN HEIGHT OF BURST. c. The height of burst is determined by meas- uring the vertical deviation in mils between the target and the burst or the center of the group of bursts and then multiplying the vertical de- viation by the ОТ factor. The height of burst thus determined is compared with the desired height of burst in order to compute the correc- tion. Example. The ОТ factor is 3. The observer measures the vertical deviation from the target to the burst as plus 20 mils. The height of burst is the 60 meters above the target (W « R x = 3 x 20). The correction is DOWN 40, FFE (the desired height of burst is 20 meters and the 60 meters above the desired height of burst). 6-17. Fuze Proximity (VT) No adjustment of height of burst is possible with fuze proximity (VT). The height of burst is influenced by the angle of fall of the pro- jectile; the greater the angle of fall, the lower the height of burst. Section V. SUBSEQUENT CORRECTIONS 6—18. General a. After the initial burst(s) appears, the ob- server transmits subsequent corrections until the mission is completed. These corrections include proper changes in parts of the call for fire pre- viously transmitted and the necessary correc- tions for deviation, range, and height of burst. Announce these in the following order— (1) Observer-target direction. (2) Method of fire. (3) Distribution. (4) Projectile. (5) Fuze. (6) Deviation. (7) Range. (8) Height of burst. (9) Control. b. Any element for which a change or cor- rection is not desired is omitted. 6-19. Change in Observer-Target Direction A change in observer-target direction is given when it deviates from the announced direction 6-9
FM 23-91 by more than 100 mils. For example, an observer began an adjustment on several self-propelled guns, using a tree at direction 6620 as the ad- justing point. During the adjustment the self- propelled guns moved to a new position an appreciable distance from the adjusting point. The FO selects a new adjusting point in the vicinity of the target and measures direction 6840 to that point. The first element of his next correction is DIRECTION 5840. 6-20. Change in Method of Fire The observer must announce any change he de- sires in the method of fire. For example, in order to change from volley firing (all weapons firing simultaneously) to mortars firing in order from left to right the observer requests SECTION LEFT. This change may be requested to take advantage of the wind when smoke shells are being fired or to clarify spottings when one burst is obscuring another. SECTION LEFT is can- celed by saying CANCEL SECTION LEFT. 6—21. Change in Distribution If the observer desires a sheaf other than paral- lel, he must specify the type desired; e.g., CON- VERGE or OPEN. If the observer wishes to change to a parallel sheaf, he requests CANCEL (CONVERGE, OPEN). 6-22. Change in Projectile When the observer desires to change the type of projectile, he announces the desired change; e.g., WP, SMOKE, etc. 6-23. Change in Fuze When the observer desires to change the fuze or fuze action, he announces the desired change; e.g., PROXIMITY (VT), FUZE DELAY, etc. 6-24. Correction for Deviation The observer transmits deviation corrections to the nearest 10 meters as RIGHT (LEFT) (so much). 6-25. Correction for Range If there is no range correction, the range ele- ment is omitted; e.g., RIGHT 200, OVER. a. ADD. The term “ADD” is used by the observer to move subsequent burst(s) away from the observer along or parallel to the ОТ line. If the burst(s) falls short of the target, the obser- ver commands DROP (so much). b. DROP. The term “DROP” is used by the observer to move subsequent burst(s) toward the observer along or parallel to the ОТ link If the burst(s) appears beyond the target, the ob- server commands DROP (so much). 6-26. Correction for Height of Burst The observer transmits height-of-burst correc- tions to the nearest 5 meters as UP (DOWN) (so much). 6-27. Change in Control When the observer wants to change the method of control (other than AT MY COMMAND, he announces the new method of control; e.g., FIRE FOR EFFECT. 6—28. Repeating Previously Fired Data a. The term “REPEAT” is used to indicate that the observer wants a subsequent round or group of rounds fired but does not want to make any changes, corrections, or additions. For ex- ample, if several rounds burst in the area of observation simultaneously and the FO could not determine which rounds to observe, he would re- quest REPEAT. b. The term “REPEAT” is also used to indicate that the observer wants fire for effect repeated with or without changes or corrections to any of the elements; e.g., ADD 50, REPEAT. 6-29. Correction of Errors If the observer discovers an error or omission in the transmission or read-back of a subsequent correction, he corrects the error as outlined in paragraph 5-11. 6-30. Additional Information If the FO wishes to transmit information neces- sary to the conduct of a mission and there is no specific format prescribed, he should transmit the infonnation in clear, concise language in a sequence least likely to cause confusion and most likely to expedite the mission. 6—31. Calls for Fire From Higher Headquarters Calls for fire from higher headquarters and calls for fire from the FO are similar in format. Higher headquarters’ call for fire will specify in 6-10
FM 23-91 the warning order the fire unit to fire for effect, whereas the observer’s call for fire can only request the fire unit. An example of a call for fire from higher headquarters follows: Warning order ........ FIRE MISSION Target location ...... TARGET AA0055 Description of target INFANTRY BATTALION ASSEMBLY AREA ♦Method of engagement .. VT 3 ROUNDS Control ............ TIME ON TARGET WILL BE 10 MINUTES FROM NOW. The time on target may be set by giving the time of day that fire is to be delivered. For example, the order may state TIME ON TARGET IS 0915, TIME IS 0903__________NOW. *Note. Projectile and fuze if other than HE quick will be specified. 6-11

FM 23-91 CHAPTER 7 ADJUSTMENT OF FIRE BY THE AIR OBSERVER Section I. INTRODUCTION 7—1. General Observation and adjustment of mortar fires may be accomplished by use of Army aircraft. An air observer usually is employed, since it is dif- ficult for a pilot to navigate and observe at the same time. However, the pilot should be well trained in the adjustment of fire, since such knowledge is valuable in training a new air ob- server and improves the chance of getting prompt and accurate fire if an observer is not available. 7-2. Observation From Army Aircraft Observation from Army aircraft usually is limit- ed to altitudes and locations which allow the aircraft to avoid enemy ground fire and enemy fighter aircraft. Section II. PREFLIGHT PREPARATIONS 7-3. General The air observer and pilot should be given a pre- flight briefing by the intelligence (S2) and op- erations (S3) officers. 7-4. Preflight Briefing я. A pilot and an observer flying a mission should be briefed on points pertinent to the mission, including: (1) Locations of mortar positions, registra- tion points, targets, known points, reference lines to be used in making corrections (if GT line is not used), suspected targets, and areas to be searched. (2) Tactical situation, to include locations of friendly troops and no-fire lines and zones of action of supported troops. (8) Surveillance required, time of mission, type of adjustment to be made, maps and photo- graphs to be used, known enemy air defense, flight instructions, and security restrictions. (4) Communication details, to include loca- tions of ground radios and panel stations, fre- quencies to be used, call signs, check-in time(s), and prearranged signals. b. All important enemy locations, lines, and areas discussed in the briefing are recorded on the proper map. Photographs, oblique or vertical, are gridded when possible and direction and locations of critical points, lines, and areas are marked on the photographs. Section III. DETERMINATION OF INITIAL DATA 7-5. General The air observer must transmit a call for fire in the same sequence as the ground observer. Most target locations are given as military grid ref- erences ; other target locations are given in terms of a shift from a known point and a reference line.. Since the plane is constantly moving, the observer-target line method of adjustment is not applicable. Therefore, spottings are based on a given reference line (spotting line) instead of an ОТ line. 7-6. Determination of a Spotting Line The air observer makes spottings and corrections with respect to a spotting line. The spotting line and its direction must be known by the FDC personnel of the unit for which the observer is adjusting fires. If possible, the spotting line is established prior to flight. There are three spot- ting lines which the observer may select for use in making his adjustment, the GT line, a line of known direction, or a convenient spotting line which the observer selects when in flight and de- 7-1
FM 23-91 scribes in sufficient detail so that the FDC men can determine its direction. Since the observer is moving continuously, his spotting line on the ground must be easily identified and distinctly visible. In addition, the observer should select a prominent terrain feature or object near the tar- get to facilitate target identification at all times. a. Gun-Target Line. The observer may select the GT line as his spotting line. If the observer knows the locations of the weapons, visualization of the GT line is facilitated (fig. 7-1). If he does not know the location of the weapons, the ob- server requests RANGING ROUNDS in the dis- tribution of fire (fig. 7-2). These three rounds fired at the same deflection but 200 meters be- tween rounds in range will enable the observer to visualize the GT line. If the observer’s aircraft has a homing capability, the GT line can be easily determined prior to firing. The aircraft can be maneuvered over the target area. At the ob- server’s request, the adjusting section’s radio op- erator keys the radio for 20— 30 seconds. The aviator then turns the aircraft in the proper di- rection (left or right) until the on-course signal is received. Once the observer determines the di- rection of the GT line, he should select terrain features, such as a road, stream, or ridgeline which will assist him in remembering the GT direction. If no spotting line is stated by the ob- server, the GT line will be used in the FDC as the spotting line. b. A Line of Known Direction. The observer may select a line formed by a road, a railroad, a canal, or a series of objects. Prior to flight the observer selects the line and determines its direction, informs the FDC of this line and direction, and bases his spottings and corrections on this line (fig. 7-3). c. A Convenient Spotting Line. While in flight, the air observer may select a spotting line which is convenient and easily identifiable. To use this line, the observer must describe it in detail to the FDC so that its direction may be determined. If FDC personnel can confirm the location and direction of the line, they tell the observer to start using it as his spotting line. Note. A cardinal direction may be used as a convenient spotting line or as a line of known direction. 7—7. Location of Targets When a target is observed, its location can be determined and indicated by grid coordinates, or by a shift from a known point using a spotting line, a prearranged code, or cardinal direction. 7-2 a. Grid Coordinates. The observer locates the target on his map and transmits the grid coordi- nates of the location. b. Shift From a Known Point and a Spotting Line. The observer may indicate the location of a target by announcing a shift from a known point and a spotting line. The point may be a registra- tion point or any point previously located by survey or by firing. The observer announces the shift from the known point to the target in me- ters; e.g., FROM REGISTRATION POINT 1, RIGHT 50, ADD 400 (fig. 7-4). If any spotting line other than the GT line is used, it must be identified; e.g., FROM TARGET AF2406 SPOT- TING LINE NORTH-SOUTH HIGHWAY, RIGHT 400, ADD 800. Subsequent corrections are made in the normal manner, using the same shotting as in the call for fire. When no maps are available and there has been no previous fir- ing in an area, the air observer may request MARK CENTER OF SECTOR, and then shift from the marking rounds. c. Prearranged Code. When the location of a target has been established by the FDC and the observer prior to a flight, a code name or target number may be given to it. In this case, the ob- server need only transmit the preassigned code name or target number to get fire on the target. d. Cardinal Direction. Cardinal points of the compass may be used for locating targets from a reference point; for example, FROM REGIS- TRATION POINT 1, EAST 400, NORTH 800. Another example is FROM REGISTRATION 'POINT 1, CARDINAL NORTH, RIGHT 400, ADD 800. 7—8. Determination of Distance The observer can determine distance on the ground by requesting RANGING ROUNDS. The three ranging rounds are fired from one mortar using the same deflection; the charge is adjusted so that the rounds impact 200 meters apart, starting with the one nearest to the mortar and ending with the one farthest from the mortar. The 400 meter range spread obtained from rang- ing rounds will allow accurate visualization of the GT line and it will establish a “yardstick” for estimating subsequent range and deviation cor- rections. The air observer may use any one of the three rounds as a point from which to shift. Example: From number one round RIGHT 50 ADD 100.
FM 23-91 Section IV. ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURES 7-9. General Adjustment procedures for the air observer are the same as those for the ground observer except as noted in paragraph 7-10. a. Considerations for the selection of an ad- justing point are the same for both air and ground observers. b. The air observer can adjust mortar fire at night by using standard procedures. However, artificial illumination may be necessary to make the target area discernible. The illumination may be accomplished by searchlight, illumination rounds or parachute flares. When parachute flares are used, it is desirable that the flares be released from an aircraft other than the observer’s air- craft so that the observer will not be looking into the target area directly past a burning flare. Night adjustment missions should be planned during daylight hours. Plans should include a day- light flight over the proposed area of operation for the selection of checkpoints and for general terrain orientation. The aerial observer must con- sider the different shapes and shadows which will be formed in the target area as a result of the illumination. Orientation may also be a prob- lem, especially on very dark nights. However, fire can be placed on the target by a well-trained ob- server. c. The air observer may use AT MY COM- MAND during the adjustment so that the air- craft can be positioned for proper observation of each round. The time of flight is included in the message to the observer to facilitate aircraft orientation. A new time of flight will be an- nounced when it changes more than 5 seconds from that originally announced. A 5-second splash warning is transmitted from the FDC to the ob- server for each round. 7—10. Adjustments a. Adjustment of Deviation. The air observer determines deviation in meters with respect to the GT line or other spotting line, and announces corrections in meters. In some instances, it may be faster and more accurate to bracket the GT line for deviation than to attempt precise devia- tion corrections to the GT line. b. Adjustment of Range. The air observer spots bursts for range with respect to the chosen spot- ting line and the target. Using the bracket method of adjustment, he announces range corrections in meters. c. Adjustment of Height of Burst. The air ob- server cannot readily determine differences in height of burst; consequently, he seldom will be requested to adjust height of burst. He may be required to observe time registrations in which only spottings of AIR or GRAZE are transmitted. 7-8
FM 23-91 CHAPTER 8 PRECISION AND AREA FIRES Section I. PRECISION FIRE 8—1. General a. Precision fire is used in registration and destruction missions. The adjustment in precision fire is normally conducted with number 2 mortar. b. The observer requests fire for effect upon splitting a 50 meter range bracket, getting a range correct, or getting, a target hit. 8-2. Registration Mission Registration missions are normally conducted with fuze quick. During the adjustment phase of a registration with fuze quick, the observer an- nounces the range and deviation spotting as out- lined in paragraph 6-8 and 6-12. Registration is completed when a 50 meter bracket has been split. However, a confirming round can be fired if requested by the observer. The sheaf is fired upon completion of the registration to determine if any sheaf corrections are necessary. 8-3. Destruction Mission a. In a destruction mission, the FO will nor- mally use fuze quick in the adjustment. This pro- cedure facilitates valid spottings by the observer and expedites determination of an adjusted de- flection and elevation at the FDC. Subsequently, the FO will use the fuze that will be the most effective against the target; e.g., fuze delay. When a 50 meter bracket has been split the fire for effect phase will begin. b. During fire for effect, the observer announces corrections just as he does in a registration with fuze quick. c. Fire for effect consists of a number of rounds fired singly or in groups of two or three by the adjusting mortar. The FDC informs the observer of the number of rounds that are to be fired in the initial group and in subsequent groups if a change is to be made in the number of rounds to be fired. If during the fire for effect the observer notes that the center of impact of the rounds does not fall on the target, he will send corrections to bring subsequent rounds onto the target. d. Fire for effect is continued until the ob- server notifies the FDC that the target has been destroyed. Section II. 8-4. General a. In area fire, the observer normally requests fire for effect at the conclusion of an adjustment. However, he may fire for effect when his target location is accurate enough to preclude the need for adjustment. b. The type and volume of fire delivered in fire for effect are determined by the chief computer. His decision is based on the observer’s request, description of the target effect sought, and status of ammunition supply. If fire for effect is ineffective or insufficient, necessary corrections are made and additional fire for effect is called for by requesting REPEAT. AREA FIRE c. Upon completion of fire for effect, the ob- server sends END OF MISSION and reports the effect observed. 8-5. Fire for Effect After Adjustment a. Deviation. The adjustment of deviation is complete when the mean point of impact or burst is on the ОТ line. Since, during the adjustment, the observer sends successive deviation correc- tions to place the bursts on the ОТ line, it should not be necessary to make a large shift upon enter- ing fire for effect. b. Range. The adjustment of range is complete when the observer has obtained bursts at the 8-1
FM 23-91 same range as the adjusting point (range cor- rect) or when he has split the appropriate range bracket. When the target is fixed, of little depth, and clearly visible it is proper to split a 100- meter range bracket. When the target is moving, has substantial depth, or is poorly defined, it may be better to employ zone fire (fig. 8-1). 8-6. Distribution a. Normally, the chief computer determines the proper distribution of fire for a target. His de- cision is based on the observer’s call for fire and other available information. Unless the na- ture and size of the target requires a special sheaf, the chief computer directs the fire to be delivered at center range in a parallel sheaf. The chief computer may also direct FDC to fire 100 or 200 meter zone fire for greater range cover- age. b. When appropriate, the observer may call for a particular sheaf. This should be announced in the call for fire when possible. It may be an- nounced later if it becomes apparent that the sheaf being fired does not provide satisfactory distribution. In making such a request, the ob- server announces the type of sheaf desired; e.g., OPEN SHEAF 50 METERS. c. When the number of pieces allocated to the mission is not adequate to cover the target with an open sheaf, the observer may make succes- sive shifts in fire for effect to insure coverage of the target. 8—7. Surveillance of Fire for Effect The observer carefully observes the results of the fire for effect, and takes that action necessary to complete the mission. a. If the fire has been effective and sufficient, the observer announces END OF MISSION and reports the effect observed; for example, 20 CASUALTIES, ENEMY DISPERSED. If he de- sires to make a correction to improve the ac- curacy of the replot of the target but not to repeat 8-2
FM 23-91 fire, he announces the correction; e.g., LEFT 20, and follows it immediately by END OF MIS- SION. b. If the fire has been insufficient but accurate, the observer may request REPEAT to get addi- tional fire. c. If any element of the fire for effect (devia- tion, range or height of burst) was sufficiently in error so that the effect sought was not attained, the observer should correct the element(s) in error and continue to fire for effect; for example, ADD 50, REPEAT. d. If the observer wants the target replotted for future use, he announces appropriate correc- tions and RECORD AS TARGET, END OF MISSION, and reports the effect observed. The fire direction center will assign the target a target number and notify the observer of that number. 8-3

FM 23-91 CHAPTER 9 ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE FOR SPECIAL SITUATIONS 9—1. Final Protective Fires a. A final protective fire (FPF) is a prear- ranged barrier of fire designed to protect friendly troops and installations by impeding enemy move- ment across defensive lines or areas. (1) The general location of the 4.2-inch mor- tar FPF is designated by the battalion com- mander. Based on the general location, the com- pany commander, in whose area the FPF is to be located, selects the exact location. After selec- tion of the exact location, it is pointed out on the ground to the heavy mortar FO, who records its location on his target list. After the completed target list has been approved by the company commander, it is forwarded to the heavy mortar platoon FDC. (2) The location of the 81 mm mortar FPF is designated by the company commander. Based on the weapons platoon leader’s recommendation, the company commander assigns each mortar squad a FPF or assigns the entire section a FPF. The FPF should cover approaches into the com- pany area not covered by heavier final protective fires or extend or supplement the coverage of heavier final protective fires. b. The characteristics of a mortar final protec- tive fire— (1) Final protective fires are usually planned so that the near edge of their impact area is as close as practical to friendly troops in no case is it more than 200 meters from friendly troops (FEBA). Because the FPF is within 200 meters of friendly troops, the adjustment of a FPF is a danger close mission. (2) The maximum width of a 4.2-inch mor- tar FPF is 200 meters. The maximum width of an 81 mm mortar FPF is 100 meters. (3) It is integrated in the final protective fires of the supporting unit. (4) It requires current firing data from the time it is established until the time it is with- drawn. (5) It is stationary after being established. (6) It has priority over all other fires. Some ammunition should be prepared in advance, and the mortars should be laid on the FPF unless they are engaged in another mission. c. After the FO has been shown on the ground, the exact location of the FPF by the company commander, he should: (1) Record the grid coordinates to the center of mass of the FPF on his target list. Once the company commander approves of the target list it will be sent to the FDC, either by messenger (preferred method) or called in on field phone. If the use of a messenger phone is impossible, the FO will contact the FDC and call in his target list by radio. When the FO uses his radio to call in his target list, he will encode the grid location of each of his targets using the shackle code in the SOI. When transmitting data pertaining to the FPF, do not describe the FPF, but give it a code name taken from the current SOL (2) Determine the exact location of the front- line troops with respect to the FPF. (3) Advise the company commander (for 4.2-in) or the rifle platoon leader (for 81 mm) of the relative danger during the adjustment of the FPF. (4) Determine the time that the FPF can be adjusted. (5) Determine the adjusting points for each mortar (fig. 9-1). The exact location of the ad- justing points can be determined by use of the mil relation formula. When selecting the adjusting points, the 4.2-inch mortar center of burst should be no more than 20 meters from the left and right limits of the FPF. The 81 mm mortar center of burst should be no more than 15 meters from the left and right limits of the FPF. The distance between each burst should be no more than: (a) 81 mm mortar__________ 35 meters (b) 4.2-inch mortar ..... 40 meters d. The FO formulates a call for fire as outlined 9-1
**М 23-91 Figure 9-j 9-2
FM 23-91 in figure 9-2 in order to begin the adjustment of the FPF. (1) The FO may use the grid coordinate, polar coordinate, or shift from a known point method of target location, to locate the initial adjusting point of the FPF. (2) Since a FPF is located within 200 me- ters of the friendly troops, the creeping method of fire adjustment is used (para 6-13). The FO must establish an initial adjusting point for the FPF at least 200 meters beyond the ultimate location of the FPF along the ОТ line (fig. 9-1). (3) The FO must include the words DAN- GER CLOSE in the method of engagement of the call for fire. (4) Delay fuze action should be requested during the adjustment of the FPF to minimize the danger to friendly troops. This fuze action reduces the danger to friendly troops in case of short or erratic rounds. (5) Initially the FO will request a section left (right) depending on the wind direction, in order to determine the ATTITUDE (axis of the length) of the sheaf. (a) After ascertaining the ATTITUDE of the sheaf, he will compare it to the ATTITUDE of the FPF in order to determine which flank mortar to use to adjust fire. He will choose the flank mortar (I or 4 for 4.2-inch; 1 or 3 for 81 mm) which strikes closest to its final location in the FPF (fig. 9-3). (&) After determining which flank mor- tar to use, he will drop its fire one half of the estimated overage until it is adjusted to its ad- justing point. Example. Number 1 (4) ADJUST, DROP 100 (fig. 9-3). (c) After the flank mortar has been ad- justed, the FO will notify the FDC, NUMBER 1 (or 4) ADJUSTED. He will then begin ad- justing the next mortar (number 2 or 3 for 4.2- in; number 2 for 81 mm) by requesting NUM- BER 2 (or 3) REPEAT, and he will continue the process until all mortars are adjusted along the FPF line with the centers of burst at proper dis- tance between each other. The observer ends the mission by stating END OF MISSION, SHEAF ADJUSTED, OVER. e. In some situations the width of the mortars final protective fire may be less than the maximum size. To determine the adjusting points for each mortar, the distance of the FPF should be divided equally by the number of mortars that will be used to fire the FPF. The maximum effective sizes of mortar FPF are: (1) J№-inch mortar: (a) 2 mortars—100 by 50 meters. (b) 4 mortars—200 by 50 meters. (2) 81 mm mortar: (a) 1 mortar—35 by 50 meters. (6) 2 mortars—70 by 50 meters. (c) 3 mortars—100 by 50 meters. Note. 4.2-inch mortars are not employed singly in a FPF. FO: HOTEL 40 THIS IS HOTEL 42. FO: DROP 100 OVER. FO: FIRE MISSION OVER. FDC: NUMBER ONE ADJUST. FDC: HOTEL 42 THIS IS HOTEL 40 FDC: DROP 100 OUT. FIRE MISSION OUT. FDC: SHOT OVER. FO: FROM BLUE—DIRECTION 1100 FO: SHOT OVER. ADD 200 OVER. FO: DROP 50 OVER. FDC: FROM BLUE—DIRECTION 1100 FDC: DROP 50 OUT. ADD 200 OUT. FDC: SHOT OVER. FO: DANGER CLOSE. FO: SHOT OUT. FO: FUZE DELAY IN ADJUSTMENT. FO: DROP 50 OVER. FO: SECTION RIGHT. FDC: DROP 50 OUT. FO: ADJUST FIRE OVER. FDC: SHOT OVER. FDC: DANGER CLOSE. FO: SHOT OUT. FDC: FUZE DELAY IN ADJUSTMENT. FO: ADD 25 NUMBER ONE AD- FDC: SECTION RIGHT. JUSTED NUMBER TWO RE- FDC: ADJUST FIRE OUT. PEAT OVER. FDC: SHOT OVER. FDC: ADD 25 NUMBER ONE AD- FO: SHOT OUT. JUSTED NUMBER TWO RE- FO: NUMBER ONE ADJUST. PEAT OUT. Figwre 9-2. Example of a call for final protective fire. 9- .1
FM 23-91 Deciding which mortar to adjust first Figure 9—3. Adjustment of final protective fire. f. Ammunition availability permitting, any time the section will fire within 200 meters of friendly troops, the entire section should be fired in ad- justment. 9—2. Battlefield Illumination The purpose of battlefield illumination is to pro- vide friendly forces with light to assist them in night operations. When properly used, night il- lumination increases the morale of friendly troops, facilitates operations, and harasses and blinds the enemy. The mortar section/weapons platoon is responsible for providing illumination for the bat- talion/company. Prior to firing illumination, the FDC checks with the battalion fire support co- ordinator to insure that the illumination will not adversely affect friendly operations. 9-3. Conduct of Fire Using Illuminating Round a. Uses. Illuminating projectiles are used for— (1) Illuminating areas of suspected enemy movements. (2) Providing illumination for night adjust- ment or surveillance of mortar fire by an air or ground observer. (3) Harassing the enemy positions or instal- lations. (4) Furnishing direction to friendly troops for attacks or patrol activities. (Illumination rounds must be placed well forward of friendly troops to avoid illuminating the troops.) (5) Guiding low-level tactical bombers on targets within mortar range. b. Ammunition. The tabulation data (fig. 9-4) gives some factors to consider in the use of il- luminating rounds. These data are approximate and vary with conditions. c. Call for Fire. When the observer wants to illuminate the battlefield, he calls for fire using procedures described in chapters 4 and 5. Ele- ments of the call for fire that require special con- sideration are: 9-4
FM 23-91 Adjusting the flank mortar which is nearest the FPF Figure 9-3—Continued. (1) Method of engagement. The size and shape of the area to be illuminated, ОТ distance, conditions of visibility, and candlepower of the projectile influence the selection of the method engagement. The following methods of engage- ment may be used: (a) One gun. One round from one gun. (6) Two guns. One round from each of two guns firing simultaneously with the same data and at about the same point in the air. (c) Two guns lateral spread. One round from each of two guns bursting simultaneously at the same range but separated in deflection. (For distance between bursts, see fig. 9-4.) (All spreads are made with respect to the GT line.) (d) Two guns, range spread. One round from each of two guns bursting simultaneously but at different ranges along the GT line. (For distance between bursts, see fig. 9-4.) (e) Four guns, range lateral spread. One round from each of four guns fired to provide a lateral spread and a range spread simultaneously (fig. 9-5). (2) Type of projectile. Illuminating must be specified. (3) Type of fuze. Fuze time is used with il- luminating projectile. Therefore, this element is omitted from the call for fire. d. Adjustment. (1) Range and deviations are adjusted by using standard observed fire procedures. Because of the large area illuminated by a single round, adjustment is considered complete when the il- lumination is within 200 meters of the desired location. Normally, deviation, range and height of burst are adjusted concurrently. If the height of burst is drastically in error, it may be neces- sary to adjust the height of burst before, adjust- ing the other elements in order to have enough light to see the target. (2) The correct relative position of the flare to the adjusting point depends on the terrain and the wind. Generally, the position of the flare should be to one flank of the adjusting point and at about the same range. In a strong wind, the 9-5
FM 23-91 Cannon Projectile Initial HOB (meters) Distance between Burst* (spread) Burning time (sec) Rate of continuous illumination (rounds per min) Rate of fall (meters per sac) Candle power 4-2 in 835 700 500 60 2 10 500,000 4-2 in 335A1 700 500 70 2 10 500,000 4-2 in 335A2 400 1000 90 1 5 850,000 81 mm 301A1 400 500 60 2 6 500,000 81 mm 301A2 400 500 60 2 6 500,000 81 mm 301A3 600 500 60 2 6 500,000 Figure 9-Ь. Tabulated data using illuminating rounds.
FM 23-91 \ DIRECTION OF FIRE Figure 9-5. Mortar illumination—four gun*. 9-7
FM 23—91 point of burst will have to be some distance from the adjusting point because of the drift of the flare. If the target is on a forward slope, the flare should be on the flank and at a slightly shorter range. If the adjusting point is a promi- nent target, better visibility may be obtained by placing the flare beyond the target to silhouette it. (3) The proper height of burst is that which will allow the flare to strike the ground just as it stops burning. Changes in heights of burst are made in multiples of Б0 meters (any fraction of 50 meters is rounded UP). The variation in the time of burning of flares makes any finer adjust- ment of the height of burst useless. Con-ections for range and deviation are made in multiples of 200 meters. (4) When the point of burst is too high, the height-of-burst change is estimated from the height of the flare as it burned out. When the point of burst is too low, the change required is estimated from the length of time (T) in seconds that the flare burned on the ground. For example, multiplying T x 5 (approximate rate of descent of projectile 335A2 flare, 5 meters per second), the observer can determine the approximate cor- rection required. Example. Flare burned 13 seconds on the ground; 13 x 5 « 65; the correction is UP 100. (5) After the observer has adjusted the flare to the desired location, he should control the rate of fire and number of pieces firing to keep am- munition expenditure to the minimum needed for the required observation. e. Illumination for HE adjustment. (1) If adjustment of the illuminating round discloses a suitable mortar target, the observer should request CONTINUOUS ILLUMINATION while he adjusts HE fire on the target. (2) As soon as the observer has located a suitable target for HE fire, he should initiate a normal call for fire. If no better means of designat- ing the location of the target is possible, the burst center of the illumination can be used as a reference point. (8) If the observer decides to adjust both the illuminating fire and the HE fire concurrently, he prefaces the corrections pertaining to illumina- tion with the word ILLUMINATING and those pertaining to HE with the letters HE; for ex- ample, ILLUMINATING, ADD 200: HE, RIGHT 60, ADD 200. This method usually requires an at my command method of control. (4) If the HE adjustment is made on an immobile target, such as a disabled vehicle or a bridge under construction, the observer may be able to conserve illuminating ammunition by coordinating illumination with the adjustment of HE. The observer requests COORDINATED IL- LUMINATION instead of continuous illumina- tion and requests control to be BY ROUND, AT MY COMMAND. This indicates that both HE and illuminating rounds will be fired only at the observer’s command. As soon as the FDC reports that illuminating and HE fires are ready, the ob- server commands the firing of the illuminating round and then gives the command to fire the HE round so that the rounds will arrive during the period of maximum illumination of the target. /. Following is an example of a call for fire (illumination): FO: HOTEL 40 THIS IS HOTEL 42; FIRE MISSION OVER. FDC: HOTEL 42 THIS IS HOTEL 40; FIRE MISSION OUT. FO: GRID 689857; DIRECTION 1100 OVER. FDC: GRID 689857; DIRECTION HOC OUT. FO: SUSPECTED PATROL; ILLUMINATION 1 ROUND; ONE MORTAR; ADJUST FIRE OVER. FDC: SUSPECTED PATROL; ILLUMINATION 1 ROUND; ONE MORTAR; ADJUST FIRE OUT. FDC: SHOT OVER FO: SHOT OUT. FO: LEFT 400 OVER. FDC: LEFT 400 OUT. FO: REPEAT OVER. FDC: REPEAT OUT. FDC: SHOT OVER. FO: SHOT OUT. FO: END OF MISSION OVER. NO TARGET OBSERVED. 9-4. Screening Missions a. A smoke screen is a cloud of smoke used to mask friendly installations and maneuvers from enemy observation. The type of smoke screen us- ually employed by mortal's is the smoke curtain. A smoke curtain is used mainly at the forward edge of the battle area to deny or restrict enemy ground observation of friendly positions and ac- tivities. It is a dense, vertical development of 9-8
FM 23-91 smoke rather than a horizontal blanket spread out over an area. However, the effects of the weather (para 9-5) determine whether the smoke screen will be a vertical curtain or a horizontal blanket. A screening mission requires authoriza- tion by the highest command whose troops will be affected by the smoke. b. A mortar smoke screen is used to prevent enemy ground observation of friendly areas such as: (1) Movement of elements, equipment, or supplies. (2) Construction of emplacements and weap- ons sites. (3) River crossings. (4) Clearing of enemy or friendly minefields. 9-5. Factors That Affect the Screen a. Wind is the major consideration in the em- ployment of a screen. Wind factors that affect the screen include: (1) Direction. The direction of the wind de- termines which mortar will be used in adjustment and where the adjusting point will be. (2) Speed. The speed of the wind determines how long the smoke will remain in an area. A de- sirable wind speed is between 4 and 10 knots. At speeds below 3 knots and above 17 knots, con- siderable difficulty will be experienced in a screen- ing mission. Wind gusts also affect the screen. b. The stability of the atmosphere is expressed as a temperature gradient (increase or decrease in temperature with respect to height above the ground). Temperature gradients are measured by subtracting the air temperature 1 meter above the round from the air temperature 16 meters above the ground. Within logistical limitations, smoke can be produced under any temperature gradient condition. The temperature gradient conditions are expressed as follows: (1) Lapse. A lapse condition exists when there is a decrease in temperature with an in- crease in height above the ground. The air is unstable with much air turbulence. During lapse conditions, smoke tends to rise and diffuse rap- idly. Lapse conditions are favorable for estab- lishing and maintaining a smoke screen in the form of a smoke curtain. Lapse conditions nor- mally exist on a clear day. (2) Inversion. An inversion condition exists when there is an increase in temperature with an increase in height above the ground. During inversion conditions, smoke jpreads and diffuses slowly. Inversion conditions are favorable for the employment of a smoke screen in the form of a smoke haze. Inversion conditions normally exist on clear nights. (3) Neutral. During neutral conditions, the characteristics of the smoke screen vary between those of lapse and inversion conditions. A neu- tral condition tending toward lapse is good for the production of smoke curtains. When neutral conditions tend toward inversion, a smoke blan- ket screen may be produced. c. Humidity can affect a smoke screen con- siderably. The higher the percentage of humid- ity, the more dense the smoke screen will be. The smoke particles tend to absorb the moisture in the air and stay closer to the ground. d. When the sky is covered with clouds, the atmosphere is moderately stable and conditions are favorable for the use of smoke. As the amount of cloud cover decreases during the day, lapse conditions develop; as the amount of cloud cover decreases during the night, inversion conditions develop. e. Smoke normally follows the contours of the earth’s surface. On flat, unbroken terrain and over water, smoke spreads and is carried away quickly. Obstructions, such as trees, tend to slow the smoke, making a more effective screen. Hill masses and very rugged terrain cause cross cur- rents which disperse smoke and make holes in the screen. 9-6. Steps in Conducting a Screen A screening mission is conducted in four steps as follows: a. Adjustment. The adjusting mortar and ad- justing point are selected based on the direction of the wind in the target area (fig. 9-6). The location of the adjusting point right, left, short or over the enemy position is varied by the observer to fit the weather and terrain condi- tions. The observer choses his initial adjusting point based on his estimate of the wind direction in the target area. Depending on the direction of the wind the observer • will choose his final adjusting point on the upwind side and use the upwind mortar for adjustment. The adjustment step is begun with high explosive ammunition using normal observer procedures. The last round fired in adjustment is WP, to check the results achieved with one round. 9-9
FM 23-91 0 0 Q 0 ENEMY LEGEND: A HEAD WIND ADJUSTING POINT В TAIL WIND ADJUSTING POINT C FLANKING WIND ADJUSTING POINT D QUARTER HEAD WIND ADJUSTING POINT E QUARTER TAIL WIND ADJUSTING POINT Figure 9-6. The adjusting paint. b. Opening the Sheaf. After the adjustment is completed, the observer sends a subsequent cor- rection to open the sheaf. As a guide, the observer opens the sheaf three-fourths of the distance to be screened for a flanking or quartering wind (fig. 9-7 and 9-8). For a head or a tail wind, the parallel sheaf is used (fig. 9-9). Example. (4.2-in. mortar) The wind is from the flank at 3 o’clock. The area to be screened is 600 meters wide. The adjusting point is short and right of the enemy position. The last round in the adjustment (WP) has been fired. To de- termine the amount the sheaf should be opened, the observer multiplies the total distance to be screened (600 meters) by 3/4; 3/4 x 600 = 450 meters. The subsequent correction to open the sheaf is OPEN LEFT 450, SECTION LEFT. SECTION LEFT is used so that the smoke of one round will not obscure the burst of another round. The observer determines the number of mils equal to 150 meters (the interval between bursts) and picks points on the ground where each burst should occur. If the rounds do not impact on or near the selected points, the ob- server makes corrections as necessary. Once the sheaf has been opened, it is desirable to keep smoke continuously on the area to be screened. Corrections for the guns are sent back in turns (1 turn = lOjri for speed, and fire for effect is requested immediately. c. Establishing the Screen (Fire for Effect). After the screen is adjusted or a small correction is made, the observer requests FIRE FOR EF- FECT. The fire direction center determines the number of rounds needed to establish the screen. The fire direction center may request informa- tion about the weather, terrain, and wind con- ditions in the target area. If the initial fire for effect does not effectively establish the screen, the observer may repeat fire for effect or make corrections and repeat fire for effect. He must insure that the screen is established before en- tering the next step. During the establishment phase of the smoke screen the observer must determine the control factors he will use during the maintenance phase. He then sends his method of control to the FDC; e.g., CONTINUOUS FIRE FROM THE RIGHT (LEFT). d. Maintaining the Screen. (1) Flanking wind. With a flanking wind (parallel to the front to be screened) 150 meters is the frontage that can be screened by one mortar without traversing. Under these condi- tions, the section (4.2-in. mortar) can screen a frontage of 600 meters employing section fire and using an open sheaf. The 81 mm platoon can screen a frontage of 300 meters using 3 mortars. The rounds are placed far enough upwind from the target so that when the wind spreads the smoke a heavy concentration will settle over that flank. It may be necessary to place the heaviest concentration upwind and small concentrations at intervals on the downwind part of the target. The rate of fire is increased or decreased by the observer as necessary. If one flank of the screen 9-10
FM 23-91 Figure 9-7. Flanking wind. QUARTERING WIND 320 METERS Figure 9-8. Quartering wind. thins out, he may increase the rate of fire on that flank. Corrections for rate of fire or devia- tion may be necessary for individual mortars or the entire section. Example. NUMBER ONE, DOUBLE RATE OF FIRE, RIGHT TWO TURNS, or SECTION DOU- BLE RATE OF FIRE, LEFT THREE TURNS. (2) Quartering wind. With a quartering wind (oblique to the front to be screened), 30 meters is the average frontage that can be screened by one mortar without traversing. Un- der these circumstances, the 4.2-inch mortar sec- tion can screen a frontage of about 320 meters when an open sheaf is employed. Under these conditions the 81 mm mortar can screen about 200 meters. The line of impact is to the upwind flank. The range center of impact is about 500 meters upwind of the target for a quartering 9-11
FM 23-91 HEAD WINO =---------------------------- 160 METERS TAIL WIND 40 METERS — -------------------------- 160 METERS ---------------------------Э Figure 9-9. Head wind and tail wind. 9-12
FM 23-91 tailwind or 100 meters upwind of the target for a quartering headwind. The observer should re- quest SECTION RIGHT (LEFT) to start the maintenance phase and control the firing as in a flanking wind, (1) above. (8) Headwind or tailwind. With a head- wind or tailwind (perpendicular to the area to be screened), 40 meters is the average frontage that can be screened by one mortar without traversing. Under these conditions, the 4.2-inch mortar section can screen a frontage of about 160 meters when a parallel sheaf is employed. Under these conditions the 81 mm platoon can screen 200 meters. The range center of impact is placed about 500 meters short of the target for a tailwind and about 100 meters over the target for a headwind. After the establishment phase the observer should request CONTINU- OUS FIRE RIGHT (LEFT), to start the main- tenance phase, and control the firing as in a flanking wind (1) above. e. Mortar screening capabilities. A mortar unit of four 4.2-inch mortars can screen a front of about 600 meters; under the most favorable conditions it can screen three times its average front. 9-7. Corrections by Turns a. The FO may change deviation spottings to turns when speed is essential as in a screening mission. He must know the gun-target range and be located within 100 meters of the GT line before he can use this method of adjustment. The FDC acts as a relay station when corrections are sent in turns. It relays all commands from the FO to the firing section. The formula used to com- pute turns is — ?• S = T; F = the factor ОТ distance c . , , **. . gun-target range' S = the °bserver s 3₽ottlng in mils; 10 is the number of mils in one turn of the traversing handwheel; and T = the number of turns required. This gives the number of turns required to move the mortar so that the round bursts at the proper position in the sheaf. Turns are computed to the nearest one-half turn. Example. Observer-target distance is 8,000 meters. Gun-target range is 4,000 meters. Observer-target distance 8000 _ 8 . gun-target range or 4000 “ "4" ' ac or) Spotting is 20 mils left. (8 15 у x 20 - (mils per turn) = 11/2 turns x = T T = one and one-half turns The correction relayed through the FDC is No. (mortar in error), RIGHT ONE AND ONE- HALF TURNS. b. The observer may request his location in reference to the gun-target line and the gun- target range from the FDC. He may also deter- mine this information from a map if the coor- dinates of the mortar position are known and a map of the area is available. 9-8. Toxic Chemical Agents a. General. Toxic chemical rounds are fired within restrictions imposed by higher authority. Wind velocity and direction are always carefully considered so that friendly troops are not en- dangered. Data for these rounds should be the most accurate obtainable. To achieve surprise, adjustment is conducted with HE quick. b. Persistent Toxic Chemical Agents. Persis- tent agents are most effective against troops when well distributed on vegetation, material, and the ground. Dispersion from several mortars causes better distribution than a number of rounds from one mortar. For details on the use of persistent and nonpersistent chemical agents, see FM 3-8 and TM 3-240. 9-9. Adjustment of Fire by Sound When observer visibility is restricted, fire may be adjusted by use of sound alone. a. Target Location. Target locations may be reported to the observer by the supported unit or they may be determined by the observer. If the observer can hear noises at the enemy posi- tion (weapon firing, vehicles, troop movement, etc.), he can estimate a direction and distance from his position. b. The Call for Fire. When adjustment by sound is to be used, the observer so indicates in the call for fire. If troop safety is involved, the call for fire must produce data that is safe. c. Adjustment. (1) Only one gun is used in the adjustment. Upon hearing the burst of the adjusting round, the observer estimates the direction to the burst and compares it to the direction to the target. 9-13
FM 23-91 The deviation is converted to a lateral shift in meters by using the estimated distance from the observer’s position to the target. (2) Distance to the adjusting burst is diffi- cult to judge; therefore, it may be necessary for the observer to use creeping techniques to adjust onto the target. Distance can be determined by measuring the time that it takes for the sound of burst to reach the observer and multiplying the time interval by the speed of sound, which is 340 (round off to 350) meters per second. (In this case, the time of impact must be an- nounced by the FDC.) (3) The observer must be cautious in rug- ged terrain. In hills or mountains the sound may have traveled around a hill before arriving at the observer, thus producing a false direction to the burst. d. Adjustment With More Thau One Observer. (1) A more accurate target location can be derived if two or more observers can hear the noises produced at the enemy location. Each ob- server reports an estimated direction to the en- emy location. The FDC can plot the data and determine the target location by intersection. (2) During the adjustment, each observer reports the direction to the burst and the FDC plots the data. The FDC uses intersection to determine the impact point of the round and applies correction to bring the next round to the target. 9-10. Mean-Point-Impact Registration a. General. At night, visual adjustment of fire on a ground registration point is impossible with- out illumination. In desert, jungle, or arctic oper- ations, clearly defined registration points in the target areas are often unavailble. There are spe- cial procedures to permit registration under these conditions. One such procedure is a wean-powit- impact registration. b. Orientation of Observers. In a mean-point- impact registration (MPI), two observers are normally employed. The location of each ob- server and the desired point of impact must be known by the FDC. The FDC will determine and furnish to each observer the grid direction and vertical angle to the expected point of burst. A typical message to the observers from the FDC follows: PREPARE TO OBSERVE MPI REG- ISTRATION. HOTEL 42 DIRECTION 2580 VERTICAL ANGLE + 40; HOTEL 41 DIREC- TION 2850 VERTICAL ANGLE +10 REPORT WHEN READY TO OBSERVE. c. Conduct of Registration. The observers will orient their aiming circle on the direction and vertical angle given and report when ready to observe. (PREPARED TO OBSERVE MPI.) The chief computers will direct the firing of the orienting round. The orienting round will be within 50 mils of the expected point of impact. If either of the observers has a spotting of 50 mils or more they must reorient their instru- ments on the burst and send back a new direction to the FDC. The chief computer will then direct the firing of as many rounds as are necessary to get six usuable spottings. The observer will record each deviation spotting and send it to the FDC. The observer should not later reorient his aiming circle if the first round strikes within 50 mils of the expected point of burst. Once the chief computer is satisfied that a sufficient num- ber of valid spottings has been received (disre- gard spottings which are obviously erratic), he will inform the observer that the mission is complete. 9-14
FM 23-91 PART THREE FIRE DIRECTION PROCEDURES CHAPTER 10 FIRE DIRECTION, GENERAL Section I. INTRODUCTION 10-1. Definitions a. Fire Direction. Fire direction is the tactical employment of firepower, the exercise of tactical command of one or more units in the selection of targets, the concentration or distribution of fire, and the allocation of ammunition for each mission. Fire direction also includes the methods and techniques used in fire direction centers to convert calls for fire into proper fire commands. b. Tactical Fire Direction. Tactical fire direc- tion is the exercise of tactical control by the FDC over the mortar section in the selection of targets, the designation of the units to fire, and the allocation of ammunition for each mission. c. Technical Fire Direction. Technical fire di- rection is the conversion of calls for fire received from the FO to firing data and fire commands for the mortar section. d. Fire Direction Center. The fire direction center is the element of the mortar platoon head- quarters which controls the fire of the mortar section, relays combat information and intelli- gence from the observers to higher headquarters, and acts as net control station (NCS) for the mortar platoon fire direction net. 10-2. Scope This section of the manual is concerned with technical fire direction for the heavy mortar platoon at battalion level and the 81 mm mortar platoon within the rifle company. For tactical fire direction procedures, see chapter 16 of this manual, FM 7-10, and FM 7-20. 10-3. Principles of Fire Direction Fire direction methods must insure: a. Continuous, accurate, and timely fire sup- port under all conditions of weather, visibility, and terrain. b. Flexibility to engage all types of targets within the company battalion's area of respon- sibility. c. Ability to engage two or more targets si- multaneously. Section II. FIRE DIRECTION CENTER 10-4. Role of the Fire Direction Center (FDC) The FDC is the element of the indirect fire team which receives the call for fire from the FO or higher headquarters, determines firing data, and announces the resulting fire commands to the firing section. The FDC also determines and ap- plies corrections to standard firing table values in order to achieve accuracy in firing. 10-5. Principles of Operation a. Production of Firing Data. Firing data normally are produced in the FDC. However, fir- ing data may be produced by the squad leader when the section is firing without an FDC. b. Processing Fire Missions. Accuracy, flex- ibility, and speed in the execution of fire mis- sions depends on: 10-1
FM 23-91 (1) Accurate and rapid preparation of fir- ing data from the firing chart, and transmission of commands to the mortar section. (2) Accurate and rapid verification of fir- ing data. (3) Efficient division of duties. (4) Adherence to standard techniques and procedures. (5) Efficient use of FDC plotting equip- ment and data determining devices. (6) Teamwork and operating in a specified sequence. (7) Efficient use of communication equip- ment, including the FDC switchboard. 10-6. Fire Direction Center Personnel and Duties The fire direction center of the 4.2-inch mortar platoon consists of four men: One staff sergeant E6 fire direction chief, two specialist E5 fire direction computers (one is trained as a driver), and one PFC E3 driver/radio telephone operator. The FDC of the 81 mm mortar platoon consists of two specialist E5 fire direction computers (one is trained as a driver). a. Fire Direction Chief. The fire direction chief (chief computer) is the senior enlisted member of the FDC. He plans, coordinates, and supervises the activities of the FDC and is re- sponsible for the training of all FDC troops. He must be able to operate and supervise the operation of all FDC equipment. His duties in- clude: (1) Makes the decision to fire. When a tar- get is reported, the chief computer examines its location relative to friendly troops, boundary lines, no-fire lines, and fire coordination lines. This information, along with the nature of the target, ammunition available, and the policy of the commander, provides the basis for making the decision to fire. If the decision is to engage the target, this same information is useful in deciding how to attack the target. (2) Issues the FDC order. Once the chief computer has decided to engage a target, he issues the FDC order to inform the other mem- bers of the FDC how the mission will be con- ducted (para 12-18). (3) Verifies corrections and commands. Fir- ing corrections obtained from a registration or a MET message must be verified before they are applied. The chief computer insures that all fir- ing data and fire commands sent to the mortar section has been cross-checked to eliminate er- rors. If a discrepancy of more than Б mils of deflection or 1/8 charge is detected, the chief computer resolves it. (4) Determines the altitude of a target (de- termined from the map). Normally it is an- nounced immediately after the FDC order so that the computers may compute and apply (charge) correction. (5) Maintains records for all fire missions and all corrections to be applied. (6) Evaluates and relays information which comes into the FDC in the form of target sur- veillance or intelligence reports from observers. (7) Coordinates with the direct support ar- tillery regarding sectors of responsibility and up-to-date tactical information. In the event the FDC gets a call for fire at a target it cannot en- gage immediately or effectively, it may relay the call to the artillery. Survey of the mortar section position and the target area must be requested from the artillery. Finally, the artillery provides support for the section, and assumes responsi- bility for the mortar sector of responsibility during displacement. (8) Performs the duties of section sergeant when— (a) In the heavy mortar platoon of the mechanized infantry battalion there is no sec- tion sergeant. His duties are performed by the chief computer. (b) In the 81 mm mortar platoon, the platoon sergeant performs the duties of both chief computer and section sergeant. b. Fire Direction Computers. There are two specialist E5 fire direction computers in the FDC of the 4.2-inch and 81 mm mortar platoons. The firing chart, a standard artillery grid sheet, is used by the computers of the 4.2-inch FDC to plot observer data and convert it to fire com- mands to be sent to the firing section. The M16 plotting board is the primary means of fire con- trol for the 81 mm mortar platoon and alternate means for the 4.2-inch mortar platoon. To pre- vent errors in the FDC, two charts should be kept at all times, one to cross-check the other. The computer’s duties include: (1) Prepare and maintain a horizontal con- trol chart for the plotting of targets and pro- duction of firing data. 10-2
FM 23-91 (2) Plot target locations called in by the observer, and update them with observer correc- tions. (3) Determine and announce charge, ele- vation, and deflection. (4) Determine the size of angle T and an- nounce it when necessary. (5) Replot targets and number for future reference. (6) Compute and apply registration and MET corrections. (7) Post information to the firing chart or M16 plotting board concerning the location of friendly elements, supported unit boundaries, ob- servers, no-fire lines, and safety limits. (8) Maintain the firing data sheet with cur- rent firing information on all targets. (9) In the 81 mm mortar platoon, one of the computers will act as RTO for communications with the observers, and the other will relay fire commands to the section. (10) In the 4.2-inch mortar platoon one of the computers will drive a 11/4 ton truck. There are several reasons for having two computers in the FDC. Not only is there a vastly reduced possibility of error, but speed and efficiency of operation are increased, and the section may be split to fire multiple missions. If all the members of the FDC are cross-trained in computing, ro- tation of men for around-the-clock operations is possible. c. Driver/Radio-Telephone Operator. The ra- dio-telephone operator in the FDC is also the driver for one of the two 11/4 ton trucks as- signed to the FDC. The RTO must be trained in FDC communication procedures and should also be trained in the duties of the computers. His specific duties are to operate the telephones and radios within the FDC; install remote wire,/ radio circuits from the radio truck to the FDC; repeat calls for fire received from the observer; make communications checks as required; drive and maintain one of the two 11/4 ton trucks in the FDC; and issue the message to observer (para 12-19). Section III. FIRING CHARTS 10-7. General The firing chart is a grid sheet, or plotting board on which are shown the relative locations of mortars, registration points, targets, and other details needed in preparing firing data. Maps and photomaps are not normally, but could be, used as firing charts. 10-8. Map Maps (usually 1:50,000) are used to supplement firing charts. A map is only as accurate as the ground survey from which it is made. Maps based on accurate ground survey require the least ad- ditional survey for mortar section use. These maps provide direction and horizontal and verti- cal control and can be used as the basis for sur- vey from which it is made. Maps based on accu- rate ground survey require the least additional survey for mortar section use. These maps pro- vide direction and horizontal and vertical con- trol and can be used as the basis for survey. However, if the map is not based on accurate and adequate ground control, it should only be used to get approximate locations and altitudes to supplement a grid sheet firing chart. 10-9. Photomap A photomap is a reproduction of an aerial photo- graph or a mosaic on which are added grid lines, marginal information, and place names. A photo- map must not be considered exact until its accu- racy has been verified. Errors caused by tilt, distortion due to relief, and errors due to poor assembly may be detected in photomaps by in- spection. The scale must be determined before points can be located on the photomap to survey accuracy. Normally, vertical control can be es- tablished only by estimation. Some photomaps have spot elevations, but interpolation is difficult and inaccurate. 10-10. Firing Charts a. Grid Sheets (fig. 10-1). A grid sheet is a sheet of paper on which are printed equally- spaced horizontal and vertical lines called grid lines. Since the grid sheet bears no relation to the ground and basic information must come from other sources, any scale desired may br used. Chapters 12 through 14 discuss the grid sheet used as the primary means of fire control for the battalion mortars. However, many tech- niques of fire control can be used with the M16 10-3
FM 23-91 plotting board by a competent computer. (For a discussion of the grid sheet, see para ll-2e.) b. Plotting Board. The plotting board (fig. 15-1) consists of a rotation disk of transparent plastic, and a removable range arm, both attached to a flat grid base. The base is a white plastic sheet bonded to a magnesium alloy backing. On the base grid is printed a grid in red or green at a scale of 1:12,500. The M16 plotting board is a primary means of fire control for the com- pany mortars and an alternate means for the battalion mortars. For a discussion of the M16 plotting board, see chapter 15. 10—11. Purpose of the Firing Chart The firing chart is used to determine the range (charge), direction (deflection), and vertical in- terval (charge correction) from the mortar sec- tion to the target. The effectiveness of mortar fire depends in large measure on the speed and accuracy with which the firing chail is used. 10-12. Types of Firing Charts There are three types of charts used in the FDC: the surveyed firing chart, the observed firing chart, and the modified-observed chart. a. The surveyed firing chart is one on which the locations of all key points (mortar position, registration points, and usually OP’s) are known to survey accuracy. (In this manual, survey accu- racy means: known to at least 8-digit coordi- nates—within 10 meters.) Plotted points are in correct relation to one another and are tied to- gether by actual map coordinates. The procedures pertaining to construction of a surveyed firing chart and determination of data from it are discussed in chapter 11. b. The observed firing chart is used when no positions are known to survey accuracy, and an accurate coordinate system cannot be superim- posed. All that is needed to construct it is an approximate direction and distance from the mortars to a target. The locations of all targets are determined by the adjustment of fire. Pro- cedures for determining data from the observed firing chart are discussed in chapter 14. c. The difference between the observed and modified-observed firing charts is that on the latter, one point (either the section or a target) is known to survey accuracy, permitting a real coordinate system to be superimposed on the chart. Otherwise, all procedures of data deter- mination are the same. The modified-observed firing chart is also discussed in chapter 14.
FM 23-91 N NOTE: EVERY OTHER GRID LINE IS NUMBERED FOR SCALE OF 1/12500 Figure 10-1. Grid sheet. 10-5

FM 23-91 CHAPTER 11 FIRE CONTROL TOOLS AND PROCEDURES Section I. 11—1. General The purpose of all fire control equipment is to produce proper firing data from the firing charts to be sent to the guns. The more accurate the data is, the more successful and consistent will be the resulting fires. To this end, the selection of the proper implements for the job, and the precise and consistent application of standard- ized procedures in their use, is essential. The construction and use of a firing chart requires the use of special equipment. Proper use and care of this equipment will insure continuing accu- racy. 11-2. Plotting Equipment a. The 6H Pencil. Any line drawn on the firing chart from which accurate measurements will be made must be drawn with a 6H (hardlead) pencil. It is sharpened in a special sharpener which cuts only the wood away, and rubbed against an abrasive to get a sharp wedge point. This results in sharp linework. b. The 4H Pencil. The 4H pencil is used for lettering and to accentuate linework. It should be sharpened to a conical point. c. Map Pins. Map Pins, commonly referred to as plotting pins, are used to plot all positions on the firing chart. They are to mark all plotted points except the mortar position. d. Vertex Pin. The vertex pin is placed in the mortar location to act as a pivot for the graph- ical firing fan or range-deflection protractor dis- cussed below. e. Platting Scale. Because of the large scale of mortar firing charts, the plotting scale (fig. 11-1) is rarely used for plotting. However, it is the most accurate tool for determining distances and plotting coordinates, and should be used if extreme accuracy is desired at the expense of speed. (Para 11-5 describes the method.) TOOLS f. Coordinate Scale (Aluminum) (fig. 11-1). The aluminum coordinate scale is for plotting and determining coordinates of targets on the mortar firing chart. Properly used, it is only slightly less accurate than the triangular plotting scale. The scale is graduated in yards and meters at scales of 1:25,000 and 1:50,000, and has a projecting knob for ease in handling. For use on the mortar firing chart, the coordinate scale is normally renumbered at a scale of 1:12,500, as discussed in paragraph 11-3 and used as de- scribed in paragraph 11-4. g. Coordinate Scale (Plastic). The plastic co- ordinate scale (fig. 11-1) is an L-shaped scale used the same way as the aluminum coordinate scale. h. Protractor. The semi-circular plastic pro- tractor (fig. 11-2) is used to measure angles and azimuths. The arc of the half circle is graduated in 10 mil increments with each 100 mil gradua- tion numbered in a clockwise and counterclock- wise sequence. The hairline connecting the 0 and 3200 mil graduations is used as the baseline for measuring angles. The straight edge of the pro- tractor is graduated in yards: 1:25,000 scale (black) and 1:50,000 scale (red) (para 11-1). i. Graphical Firing Fan (Aluminum). The graphical firing fan (GFF) (fig. 11-3) is to measure angles and distances. A number of bal- listic plates may be interchangeably placed on the range arm so that ballistic data for most ammunition may be determined directly from the firing chart The left edge of the range arm of the GFF is graduated in meters, both 1:25,000 and 1:12,500 scales, and ballistic plates are avail- able for both. The mil arc of the GFF is grad- uated both outside and inside in 5 mil increments with each 100 mil increment indicated by a long line. The outside arc, which covers 1400 mils, is normally used to measure deflections; the inside arc, which covers 1100 mils, is normally used for azimuths, although either scale may con- 11-1
FM 23-91 *• ! л J A I •• ENGINEER TRIANGULAR BOXWOOD FLAT BOXWOOD (ALUMINUM) FLAT SQUARE SHAPED (PLASTIC) FLAT L-SHAPED Figure 11-1. Plotting acalet. veniently be used for either measurement. Proper numbering of the mil arc for azimuths and de- flections is described in paragraph 11-7; con- struction and labeling of azimuth indices, in paragraph 11-8; measurement of azimuths, in paragraph 11-9; and plotting a point located by polar coordinates, in paragraph 11-10. At present there are 5 ballistic plates available for use with the GFF. They are prepared at scales of 1:12,500 and 1:25,000 for the M329, M329A1, M328, M328- Al, М3 series, and М2 series for elevations 800, 900, and 1065, and for M335 illumination at eleva- tion 900. A clear plastic cursor is placed over the ballistic plate and moved along the range arm until the notch at the left side of the cursor tightly engages a pin placed in the target. Firing data (range, drift, time of flight, charge, site correc- tion, and the 100/R factor) may now be accurately read under the manufacturer’s gageline on the cursor. If registration corrections are determined, 11-2
FM 23-91 Figure U-S. Protractor. a new gageline can be drawn on the cursor with the 6H pencil, so that data can be read for any given range. j. Range-Deflection Protractor (Aluminum). The aluminum range-deflection protractor (RDP) (fig. 11-4) is used to measure angles and dis- tances in the same way as the GFF. It differs from the latter in three major respects: (1) The mil arc is graduated only on the out- side ; it spans 1000 mils and is graduated in 5 mil increments with a longer graduation every 60 mils. (2) The range arm is graduated only at a scale of 1:25,000 meters. (3) The RDP does not have ballistic plates; instead, the computer must determine a range to the target, and with this range find the proper data either on the graphical firing scale (k. below) or in the appropriate firing tables. k. Graphical Firing Scale. The graphical firing scale 4.2-H-l (fig. 11-5) contains the same in- formation, in very nearly the same form as the ballistic plates with the GFF. It has a sliding plastic cursor with a manufacturer’s gageline, and penciled gagelines may be drawn to reflect firing corrections. I. Grid Sheet. The standard grid sheet is lined at a scale of 1:25,000. In the mortar FDC, the firing chart is prepared from the sheets at a scale of 1:12,500. This change of scale is accomplished by letting each preprinted square represent 500 meters instead of 1000. When map coordinates are superimposed on the grid sheet, the numbers are written along the bottom and the extreme left edge of the sheet, and only every other grid line is numbered. The coordinate numbering scheme is chosen (usually by the chief computer) so that as much as possible of the sector of re- sponsibility on the battlefield can be plotted on the firing chart. In any event, all charts in the FDC should be made as uniform as possible to facilitate cross-checking of data (fig. 10-1). m. Tabular Firing Tables. The tabular firing tables are the most complete compilation of bal- listic data available to the FDC. In addition to firing data they provide supplemental informa- tion such as maximum ordinate and probable errors, as well as correction factors for computing MET corrections. The most current 4.2-inch mortar tables are FT 4.2-H-2; they differ from FT 4.2-H-l in that they contain data for rounds XM630 (tactical CS) and M335A2 (illumina- tion), and that table C has changed. 11-3
FM 23-91 Figure 11-3, Graphical firing fan.
FM 23-9^ lililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililJililililililililililJJHilililililililililililililililililililililililihlililihlililililililililililiiililililihlililHiTrr^ Figure 11-4. Range-deflection protractor. 11-5
'фОЗ бЩМ} •g-ITMltyj FM 23-91
FM 23-91 Section II. 11—3. Converting the Aluminum Coordinate Scale to a Scale of 1:12,500 Meters The aluminum coordinate scale is manufactured with graduations at scales of 1:50,000 and 1:25,000 yards and meters. The firing charts normally constructed in the 4.2-inch mortar FDC employ a scale of 1:12,500, necessitating a re- numbering of one of the scales. Because most FDC maps are at a scale of 1:50,000 and because the 1:25,000 scale can be renumbered to give a full 1000 meters at 1:12,500, the 1:25,000 meter scale is used. First, place a thin strip of masking tape over the numbering for 1:25,000 meters. With this old numbering, each small graduation rep- resented 20 meters and each longer one, 100; after renumbering, they should represent 10 and 50 meters, respectively. To superimpose the new numbers on the masking tape, count 2 large grad- uations (10 small ones) from the lower right corner of the square and neatly draw the number 1; count 2 (10) more graduations and number 2; continue until the entire square is renumbered as in figure 11-6. 11-4. Plotting and Determining Coordinates With the Aluminum Coordinate Scale On any map or firing chart numbered using the US Military Grid Reference System, all location coordinates must contain an even number of dig- its. The first half of these digits specify the easting (distance east of the lower left-hand cor- ner of the 100,000-meter square containing the point), and the other half specify the northing. A 1000-meter grid square is referenced by means of the first two digits of the easting, which tell the numbering of the north-south grid line of the left side of the square, and the first two digits of the northing, which tell the numbering of the east-west grid line running along the bot- tom of the square. Closer specification of locations within the square is accomplished by measuring right and up from where those two lines inter- sect. Measure with an instrument graduated to the same scale as the chart. a. Plotting. To plot a point using the coordi- nate scale, first break the coordinate into two equal parts. Locate the north-south grid line num- bered with the first two digits of the easting and the east-west grid line numbered with the first two digits of the northing. Place the aluminum coordinate scale on the chart with the taped scales on the bottom and right and the comer PROCEDURES where the scales meet at the intersection of the two grid lines. Keeping the edge of the bottom scale just touching the east-west line, slide the coordinate scale to the right until the last part of the easting (beginning with the third digit) is read on the bottom scale opposite the grid inter- section. (The third digit of a coordinate is read from the numbering on the taped scale, the fourth is counted along the small unnumbered graduations, fifth and subsequent digits must be interpolated.) Without moving the coordinate scale, locate the last part of the northing on the vertical scale in the same way. This point is the location desired; push a plotting pin into the chart to mark the position. b. Determining Coordinates. To determine the coordinates of a plotted position, place the co- ordinate scale on the chart with the bottom scale along a numbered east-west grid line and the right scale over the center of the pinhole mark- ing the location. An intersection of numbered grid lines somewhere along the bottom scale gives the first two digits of the easting and northing and provides an index for reading the rest of the easting from the bottom scale. The rest of the northing is read from the vertical scale at the pinhole. 11-5. Plotting Coordinates and Measuring Distances With a Plotting Scale The plotting scale is used instead of the coordi- nate square when extreme accuracy is desired or when printed grid lines on the chart are not spaced at the proper interval. a. A normal grid is a grid which is printed to the exact scale of the plotting scale. To plot a point, grid 0472986684, on a normal grid, first locate the grid square 0486. Then, using the grid square above 0486, place the 0 graduation of the plotting scale on the north-south line 04 and the 1000 meter graduation on the north-south line 05. Mark off 729 meters with a map pin. Move the scale to the grid square below 0486 and repeat the process. Remove the pins and using the 6H pencil, connect the centers of the two pinholes with a thin, light line (fig. 11-7). This line is the north-south line passing through the desired point. Using the grid squares to the right and left of 0486, construct the east-west line through the desired point in the same way. The inter- section of the lines marks the coordinate location, 11-7
FM 23-91 Figure 11-6. Converting the plotting scale with tape. and should be marked with a hollow cross (para 11-6). b. Because of poor manufacturing processes or the shrinking or stretching of the grid paper the distance between grid lines sometimes varies, so special procedures for plotting are required. (1) When grid lines are closer than normal, plot the point in the same manner as in a above, inclining the scale so that the 0 of the scale is on one grid line and the 1000 meter graduation is on the other grid line. The point will then be plotted in its true relation to the grid, as the slant of the scale reduces the scale proportionally to fit the grid (fig. 11-8). (2) If the grid lines are farther apart than normal, measure the distance between the grid lines and find how much farther apart than nor- mal this is. The proportional part of this distance is then added to a measurement. For example, if the distance between grid lines is measured to be 1,020 meters, the difference from normal is 20 meters. The proportional part of this distance for 11-8
FM 23-91 Figure 11-7. Plotting a point from coordinates (normal grid). a 400 meter measurement is 400/1000 x 20, or 8 meters. The 400 meter measurement is then scaled as 408 meters (1, fig. 11-9). Similar results can be attained by inclining the plotting scale so that the 0 graduation of the scale is on one grid line and the 2000 meter graduation on the adjacent grid line. The desired measurement is multiplied by 2 (to compensate for the slant), and that re- sult is scaled. For example, when the easting co- ordinate is plotted as in 2, figure 11-9, the 400 meter measurement would be scaled as 800 on the inclined plotting scale. c. Grid coordinates are measured in the same way as they are plotted, with the distance read directly between the point and the numbered grid lines below and to the left of it. The first two digits of the easting coordinate are the num- bers of the north-south grid line immediately west of the point. The rest of the easting co- ordinate is the distance (number of meters) of the point east of this north-south line, as meas- ured with the scale. The first two digits of the northing are taken from the numbering of the east-west grid line immediately below the point, and the rest are the distance of the point from the line. 11-9
FM 23-91 Figure 11-3. Plotting a point front coordinates (grid lines doser than normal). Figure 11-9. Plotting a point from coordinates (grid lines more distant than normal). 11-10
FM 23-91 M-6. Hollow Crosses a. A hollow cross is a symbol used to mark the pinhole which represents the location of an in- stallation or a target plotted on the firing chart (fig. 11-10). It is constructed in the form of a cross, the lines beginning 20 meters from the pin- hole and extending to 100 meters from the pin- hole (1:12,500 scale). Normally the lines of the hollow cross are drawn parallel to the grid lines on the firing chart; however, if the plotted point falls on or very close to a grid line, the tick mark is drawn at a 45-degree angle to the grid lines. There are three types of hollow crosses: (1) Surveyed point. The hollow cross for any surveyed location is drawn in black (4H pencil), indicating its grid location is known to at least 8-digit coordinates. (2) Firedrin location. Very few targets are surveyed; instead, the observer locates them by shifting from a known point or adjusting. What is known about such a target is not its location, but the firing data which hit it. The hollow cross marking such a location is drawn in red. (3) Temporary location. Occasionally it is necessary to plot temporarily a location which will either be moved or not included as a perma- nent part of the firing chart. Temporary loca- tions are plotted with black (4H pencil) dashed lines. b. The identification of the point is placed in the upper right quadrant of the hollow cross. (1) Mortar. The mortar position is desig- nated by a black (4H) M. (2) Registration points. Registration points are indicated by RP and the number of the point, in black, e.g., RP3. (3) Forward observation post. The military symbol and the call number of the observer are shown in black. If the observer is from another unit, both the call sign and call number will be used. (4) Targets. The assigned target number is shown in black; e.g., AF2415. c. The altitude in meters of the plotted point is placed in the lower left quadrant in black. d. Optionally, the fuze type fired is included in the lower right quadrant in black. 11—7. Numbering the Mil Arc of the Graphical Firing Fan or Range-Deflection Protrac- tor The mil arc of the GFF (RDP) is used for fast and accurate measurements of angles and de- flections on the firing chart. However, because of the variety of uses to which this equipment is put by its many users, the angular scales are not prenumbered by the manufacturer. For use in the mortar FDC, the following methods of num- bering have proven best: a. Graphical Firing Fan. The directional con- trol indexed by the gunner on the mortar sight is called deflection. It increases numerically as the mortar cannon is shifted to the left. Deflection is read on the outside scale of the mil arc of the GFF whenever possible. The long graduations on the outside scale are numbered with consecutive integers from 0 to 9 beginning at the long grad- uation beside the range arm (i.e., from left to right). To preclude confusion between deflections and azimuths, the azimuths increase in the other direction (counterclockwise). These are meas- ured and read from the inside scale of the GFF. Number the long graduations of the inside scale from 0 to 9 beginning at the right-hand side. Figure 11-11 shows a properly renumbered GFF. Because the surface of the mil arc is smooth metal, numbers applied with pen or pencil are easily rubbed off. For greater permanence it is suggested that small pieces of tape be cut and placed on the mil arc, and the numbers penciled on the tape. To avoid confusing azimuths with deflections, it is further suggested that different colors be used for numbering the two scales, e.g., blue for deflections and red for azimuths. b. Range-Deflection Protractor. The RDP dif- fers from the GFF in that only the outside of the mil arc has angular graduations. On the RDP, therefore, both deflections and azimuths must be read from the outside scale. The deflection scale is numbered as before, beginning with 0 at the leftmost long graduation, and increasing con- secutively through 9. The azimuth scale is num- bered directly under the deflection scale, begin- ning with 0 at the rightmost long graduation and increasing through 9. The numbering of the RDP is shown in figure 11-12. Here again it is recommended that the numbers be written on tape in two different colors. 11
М 23-91 TARGET NUMBER FIRED-IN locotion - cross drown in red pencil. M I (TEMPORARY LOCATION) 381 SURVEYED f I TEMPORARY (DASHED BLACK LINES) Figure 11—10. Hollow стой (examplee). 11-12
Figure 11-11. Numbering the mil are. 11-13
FM 23-91 Figure 11-12. Numbering the mil arc of the range-deflection protractor. 11-14
FM 23-91 11-8. Construction of Azimuth Indices for the GFF (RDP) a. Azimuths are used to describe the direction from a specific point to some other point of in- terest; for the azimuth to have meaning, the specific point from which it is measured usually must be known. On the firing chart each point from which azimuths will be measured (plotted) must be plotted, and each point must have its own azimuth indices. b. An azimuth index is a line constructed on the firing chart opposite which the numbering of the azimuth scale on the GFF (RDP) can be read. The mil arc is numbered at 100 mil inter- vals from 0 through 9 (we actually read through 999), which means that indices should be con- structed at 1000 mil intervals, and numbered in thousands of mils. The thousands digit of an azimuth will be read from the index; the hund- reds digit, from the numbering on the mil arc; and the tens and units digits, by interpolation. c. Azimuth indices are constructed so that when the left edge of the range arm is aligned on an azimuth which is an integral multiple of 1000, the appropriately numbered index is opposite the 0 (rightmost) graduation of the arc. The procedure for constructing azimuth indices fol- lows: (1) Plot a location directly north or south (i.e., with the same easting coordinate), or east or west (i.e., with the same northing coordinate) of the vertex point at a range of about 3000 me- ters, and place a pin in it. This establishes a precise reference line (not drawn) at an azimuth of 0000, 3200,1600, or 4800 mils, respectively. (2) Place a vertex pin in the vertex point, and engage it with the vertex of the GFF (RDP). Orient the GFF (RDP) so that the left edge of the range arm is tight against the plotting pin. Find the second digit of the azimuth along which the range arm is pointing (e.g., 2 for 3£00). Locate the digit on the numbering of the azimuth scale of the mil arc, and place a plotting pin in the firing chart beside the corresponding long graduation. This is illustrated for azimuth 3200 in figure 11-13 using the GFF. (3) Rotate the GFF (RDP) so that the left edge of the range arm is over the index pinhole (the pin has been removed). Using the 6H pencil, draw a fine line from the pinhole to 1 to 11/2 inches from the mil arc. The index is labeled with the appropriate identification (M for mortar, 42 for the OP with call sign HOTEL 42), the letters A2, so that it cannot be confused with other in- dices, and the thousands digit which should be read at the index. For example, the identification of the mortar section’s 3000 mil azimuth index would be MAZ3 (or MAZ8000). (4) Enough azimuth indices should be placed out so that any azimuth within a mortar’s (OP’s) sector of responsibility can be determined. To construct an azimuth index 1,000 mils right (left) of a previously established index, measure 1,000 mils right (left) of the old index mark, place a pin beside the mil arc, and draw the index as in (3) above. Figure 11-14 shows proper procedure using the RDP. Since azimuths in- crease to the right, the index will be numbered one higher if it is to the right of the old one and one lower if it is to the left. The only exception to this procedure is the 6000 mil index, which is only 400 mils left of 0000 (0000 is also 6400). 11-9. Measuring and Plotting Azimuths and Angles With the GFF (RDP). a. Once the appropriate azimuth indices have been drawn, measurement of azimuths is quick and simple. Place a pin in the location to which an azimuth is desired, and rotate the range arm until its left edge is against the pin. The first digit of the azimuth is red from the information printed beside the index mark touching the scale. The second digit of the azimuth is read from the numbering superimposed on the azimuth scale of the mil arc. The third and fourth digits are read from the finer (unnumbered) gradua- tions on the mil scale. b. To plot an azimuth, rotate the GFF (RDP) until the appropriate index mark touches the mil scale beside the desired azimuth. The range arm then points along the desired azimuth. c. To measure an angle with the GFF (RDP), place a vertex pin in the chart at the vertex of the angle, and engage it with the vertex of the GFF (RDP). Rotate the range arm to the left until it touches a pin pushed into the left edge of the angle. Place a pin in the chart next to the 0 mark on the azimuth scale. Rotate the range arm to the right until the left edge of the range arm is against a pin on the right edge of the angle. Read the azimuth opposite the pin by the azi- muth scale; this is the size of the angle in mils. If the angle is over 1,000 mils, the index pin must be moved in increments of 1,000 mils until the right edge of the angle is reached. The size of the 11 -ie
FM 23-91 N Figure U-1S. Constructing an axwnuth hide» with the GFF. 11-16
fM 23-91 P-А* \ г п » 15 U* _oL L-y* ° I Я NI J&-U ° / Г"$( 7^ В’1* 1 lb 0 о п $ 8 6 fe-1 < /К 1 э \ л 1 ° X X''чХ E.U \ fe-u \ к ’Sr ) 7 га Хул К %* р-1 IS Lu / уо 1 386 Figure 77-74. Constructing additional azimuth indices with the RDP. angle is then the azimuth ready by the index pin plus however many thousands of mils the index was moved. If azimuth indices have been con- structed, the size of the angle is simply the dif- ference in mils between the azimuth of the left side of the angle and the azimuth of the right side of the angle. d. The value for angle T may be computed by comparing the gun-target azimuth, read off the inner scale of the mil arc, and the observer direc- tion. If the result is greater than 8200 mils, sub- tract it from 6400 to determine the actual value for angle T. Example A Gun-target azimuth . . 6000 yd Observer direction ................ 4100 pi Results equals...................... 1900 yd Value is between 500 and 2700 and is sent to observer as “angle T equals 1900.” 11-17
FM 23-91 Example В Observer direction ________ — .. 6000 jarf Gun-target azimuth ........... .. 050 jri Results equals 5950 6400 Mi Value is greater than 3200, so sub- tract .. . ........... -5950 jri Actual angle T equals _________ . 450 yA Value is less than 500 and is not sent to observer. e. To plot an angle from a given point, much the same procedure is used. First, move the range arm of the GFF (RDP) against a pin in the given point. If the angle is to be plotted to the right (left) of the given point, index 0 (the size of the angle to be plotted) on the azimuth scale with a pin. Rotate the range arm to the right (left) until the size of the angle to be plotted (0) is read at the index pin. The range arm then points along the desired direction. Once again, if azimuth indices have been constructed, the pro- cedure is simplified. Measure the azimuth to the given point, and add (right shift), or subtract (left), the size of the angular shift to it. Index the result and the desired azimuth has been plotted. 11-10. Plotting a Point Located by Polar Coordinates or Intersection a. Polar Coordinates. The observer locates a point by polar coordinates in his call for fire by giving the direction and distance from his OP to the point. His position must be known to survey accuracy (8-digit coordinate), plotted on the fir- ing chart, and azimuth indices constructed. The vertex pin is pushed into the plotted observer position, and engaged with the vertex of the GFF (RDP). Rotate the GFF (RDP) until the ap- propriately numbered azimuth index touches the mil scale opposite the direction announced by the observer. The range arm then points along the observer’s line of sight to the point. Slide the plastic cursor along the range arm until the manu- facturer's gageline is over the range announced by one observer. Place a plotting pin in the firing chart. The point has been located, and the com- puter may return the vertex pin to the mortar location and determine firing data. b. Intersection. The intersection method of target location requires two observers in surveyed locations. Each of them announces the direction from his position to the target point, and one of them may also give a vertical shift; however, no estimation of distance is necessary. A point located by intersection from two surveyed locations is considered surveyed. On the firing chart, both OP locations must be plotted, and azimuth indices must be constructed. First, move the vertex pin to one of the OP’s and position the GFF (RDP) so that the range arm points along the corres- ponding observer’s direction to the target. Using the 6H pencil, draw a fine light line along the range arm. Repeat the process for the other OP. Where the two light lines cross, place a plotting pin; this is the location of the target. After return- ing the vertex pin to the mortar location, firing data may be determined. 11-11. Measuring and Plotting Angles With the Protractor a. To determine the grid azimuth of a line from one point to another on the firing chart or on a map, use the following procedure: (1) Draw a thin light line with the 6H pen- cil from the plotted starting position to the other plotted point (i.e., the point to which the grid azimuth is desired). (2) Place the index of the protractor (the pinhole drilled through the plastic) over the plotted starting position, and put a pin in it to use as a pivot. (3) Rotate the protractor until the 0-3200 jri line is parallel to a north-south grid line on the chart. (4) Read the value of the azimuth where the thin light line crosses the outside numbered scale. If the rounded arc of the protractor is to the right (east) of the pivot pin, this value is the desired azimuth, i.e., the azimuth is less than 3100 jeA as in 1, figure 11-15. If the arc is to the left (west) as in 2, figure 11-15, the computer must add 3200 to the value read from the scale to get the desired azimuth. b. To plot a direction line from a. known point on the firing chart (as in polar plot) the pro- cedure is similar: (1) Place the index of the protractor over the known point and insert a plotting pin. (2) Aline the 0-3200 mil line of the pro- tractor parallel to a north-south grid line. The arc should be on the east side if the angle is less than 3200 mils, and on the west side if greater than 3200. (3) Find the desired azimuth reading on the 11-18
FM 23-91 GRID AZIMUTH - 100 Protractor east of pivot point Figure 11-15. Measuring a grid azimuth with a protractor. 11-19
FM 23-91 GRID AZIMUTH = 4400 Protractor west of pivot point Figure 11-15—Continued. 11-2*
FM 23-91 mil arc (desired azimuth minus S200 if greater than 3200), and place a plotting pin beside it. (4) Remove the pin and connect the known position and the direction pinholes with a fine line. This line is the grid direction line. If a specific distance is to be plotted from the known point, as in polar plot, measure this distance from the known point and place a plotting pin in the chart. 11-12. Target Grid a. General. The target grid is a convenient de- vice for plotting shifts and corrections called in by the observer with respect to his line of sight. This procedure enables the observer to make all of his corrections with respect to the line con- necting his position and the target (the ОТ line). In the FDC, on the other hand, all data is com- puted with respect to the gun-target (GT) line. A target grid is therefore used with each chart in the FDC to expedite plotting. An arrow extends across the target grid indicating the direction in which the observer is looking. Around the out- side of the grid is an azimuth scale, graduated every 10 mils and numbered every 100. It is num- bered in a counterclockwise direction because the scale is read opposite a stationary index on the chart. The scale of the target grid must be the same as that of the firing chart on which it is used. On a 1 .*25,000 scale chart, each small square represents 100 meters; on a 1:12,500 chart, 50 meters (fig. 11-16). b. Positioning the Target Grid. Whenever a tar- get grid is first positioned and oriented, a pin must be placed in the center of the grid as a pivot. Since this center point is used very fre- quently, it wears quickly unless reinforced; a small piece of masking tape on the bottom side of the grid is normally used. With a pin through the center, the target grid may be placed anywhere and oriented as in c below; however, it will al- most always be placed on a target previously plotted.'When properly oriented, it can be used to shift from some known point to a new target. c. Orienting the Target Grid. Once the target grid has been placed on the chart at some con- venient location with a pin through the center to act as a pivot, an index must be drawn for proper orientation. This index is drawn directly north of the center of the grid in the following way. (1) Rotate the target grid until the arrow points generally north. (2) Make fine adjustments until the lines on the grid are exactly parallel to the grid lines on the firing chart. (3) Mark the location of 0 on the azimuth scale with a pinprick on the chart, lift the target grid slightly and a fine line running in a north- south direction is drawn from slightly below the pinprick to about 1 inch above it. This index line is labeled with an “N” so it will not be con- fused with other indices. (4) Rotate the target grid until the ОТ di- rection given in the call-for-fire is opposite the index mark. Observer-target direction is AL- WAYS rounded to the nearest 10 mils. d. Plotting Observer Corrections. Once the target grid has been oriented, plotting correc- tions is straightforward. All corrections are plot- ted from the last round fired (last point plotted). To plot a correction, move the pin from its last position in the direction indicated in the cor- rection: ADD means move the pin toward the arrowhead along one of the lines which parallel the arrow; DROP means move it away from the arrowhead; RIGHT means move it to the right of the arrow along one of the lines perpendicular to the arrow; LEFT, move it to the left. e. Plotting a Target by Shift From a Known Point. The target grid is placed with a pin in its center over the known point, and oriented on the direction given by the observer. The shift is plot- ted in the same manner as an observer cor- rection discussed in d above. Figure 11-17 shows the plot of the following observer’s shift: FROM REGISTRATION POINT 1, DIRECTION 4110, RIGHT 600, DROP 1000. f. Measuring an Angle. The target grid may be used to measure an angle when a high degree of accuracy is not required. An angle is measured by placing the center of the target grid over the apex of the angle to be measured and the 0 of the azimuth scale over the right edge of the angle. The size of the angle in mils is read from the azimuth scale at the point where the other side of the angle crosses it. g. Marking the Target Grid. Especially in early computer training, it is helpful to mark the target grid for easier reading. With a red pencil darken the 0-3200 mil line and the 1600-4800 line. In the quadrant from 0 to 1600 put a large +R; in the 1600 to 3200 quadrant put -R; in the 3200 to 4800 quadrant put -L; and in the 4800-0 quad- rant put + L. These should help the computer see 11-21
FM 23-91 TARGET GRID Figure 11-16. Target grid. which direction to move the plotting pin for any type of shift or correction. 11-13. Angle T a. General. Angle T is the angle between the observer-target line and the gun-target line. It is significant when it reaches 500 mils, for at that point range changes with respect to the GT line begin to appear as deviation changes to the observer. It is an uncorrectable ballistic charac- teristic of mortars that range probable error (the statistical uncertainty as to exactly where along the GT line the round will impact) is fairly large; a round could easily land 25 meters over or short of a target, firing the same data. Deviation probable error is small by comparison. This relationship explains why the FO corrects deviation to the nearest 10 meters, but range only to the nearest 50. When angle T is over 500 mils, range probable errors begin to show them- selves as deviations to the FO. He is therefore informed by the FDC when angle T is between 500 and 2700 mils, and halves all the deviation corrections he calls in. For the procedure to compute angle T see paragraph ll-9d. To meas- 11-22
FM 23-91 11-23
FM 23-91 ure angle T using target grid see paragraph ll-13c. b. Measuring Angle T With the GFF (RDP). If azimuth indices have been constructed for the gun position, angle T can be measured as dis- cussed in the last part of paragraph ll-9d by finding the difference between the ОТ and GT azimuths. The ОТ azimuth was given by the observer in the call for fire. The GT azimuth is found by rotating the range arm of the GFF (RDP) against a plotting pin in the target, and reading the azimuth where the appropriate index mark touches the azimuth scale on the mil arc. c. Measuring Angle T Using the Target Grid. Since angle T need not be known to exact ac- curacy, the target grid may be used to measure it. To use the target grid for measuring any angle, the center of the grid must be over the target (where the ОТ line and the GT line inter- sect). The target grid is oriented along the ob- server azimuth given in the call for fire in the usual way (para ll-12e); the observer’s line of sight is represented by the 0-3200 line on the grid. To measure angle T, rotate the range arm into contact with the pin in the center of the target grid. Angle T is the angle between the range arm and the 0-3200 line on the grid; the computer should count graduations from which- ever end of the 0-3200 line is visible over to the range arm. Each graduation on the target grid represents 10 mils, and that is the accuracy to which angle T is recorded. d. Angle T is always measured and recorded on the Computer’s Record (DA Form 2399) to the nearest 10 mils. If it is between 500 mils and 2700, it is transmitted to the FO in the message to the observer rounded to the nearest 100 mils. 11-24
FM 23-91 CHAPTER 12 THE SURVEYED FIRING CHART Section I. PREPARING THE CHART 12-1. General The surveyed firing chart is the most complete and accurate of three types which can be pre- pared in the mortar FDC. To prepare it, you must know: the exact location of the mortars and the RP surveyed or spotted to survey ac- curacy; and the altitudes of both points. The surveyed firing chart is the preferred means of fire control as the data derived from it is most consistent and reliable. This chapter describes procedures for setting up a surveyed firing chart, registering to get firing corrections, and con- ducting standard missions on it. If, however, the FDC has insufficient information to prepare a surveyed chart, one of the other types is. used. The observed firing chart is used when only an estimated distance and direction from the mortar section to the target is available. The modified- observed chart is prepared when one of the points becomes known to survey accuracy, en- abling the computer to superimpose a real co- ordinate system. The FDC procedures employed in preparing and using both observed and modi- fied-observed charts are similar to those for the surveyed chart, so familiarity with the proce- dures discussed in this chapter is a prerequisite to understanding the observed and modified-ob- served charts. The construction and use of ob- served and modified-observed firing charts, and transfer of data to more accurate charts as in- formation becomes available, is discussed in chapter 14. 12-2. Choosing the Most Effective Coordinate Numbering System for the Chart The FDC will normally have a map (scale 1:50,000) and unnumbered artillery grid sheets (scale 1:25,000). The grid sheet is normally used by the mortar FDC at a scale of 1:12,500 to increase the accuracy of plotting. Each pre- printed square on the grid sheet will then rep- resent a 500-meter square on the firing chart, so only alternate lines are numbered. a. Considerations. To plot fires on the maxi- mum hostile battlefield area with a single firing chart, care must be taken in plotting the mortar location. The computer considers: (1) The general direction to the center of sector (usually the location of the RP). (2) The width of the sector upon which fires must be placed. (3) Allowance for displacement of the mortars to alternate positions (up to 500 jfi). b. Procedure. By plotting both the mortar and RP locations on his map (or by tentatively plot- ting them on a blank grid sheet) the chief com- puter determines a general direction of fire (DOF) from the mortars to the RP. He has a computer orient his GFF (RDP) in this direc- tion and place it on an unnumbered grid sheet. Keeping the GFF (RDP) oriented the same di- rection, the computer slides it over his grid sheet until: (1) The vertex is between 500 X and 1,000 X from the edge of the sheet. (2) With the vertex there, he can shift at least 400 mils in either direction (preferably to the limits of his sector). (3) The number “8” on the outside mil arc of the GFF (RDP) is at least one inch inside the edge of the chart, permitting construction of a deflection index (para 12-5). The vertex of the GFF (RDP) now lies in the 500 pi square in which the mortar location should be plotted. c. Numbering the Grid Sheet. Remember that each square on the grid sheet represents only one-quarter of a grid square on the map. By looking at the section coordinates or the plot on his map, the computer can see which quarter of the 1,000 X grid square the mortars are plotted in, and transfer the coordinate numbering from 12-1
FM 23-91 his map to the proper intersection on the grid sheet. After numbering, the mortar should not have moved from its original square. In early FDC training this procedure is made more understandable by having the computer work with both a map and a grid sheet. He should draw lines through the map square containing the mortar, dividing it into quarters so that the correspondence to the grid sheet will be more apparent. Then, orienting the map to the grid sheet, he should mark off on the grid sheet with dark lines the 1,000 m grid square containing the mortar position (it should be 2 squares by 2 squares). The coordinates of the grid square containing the mortars are superimposed at the lower left-hand corner of the darkened square on the grid sheet. The procedure is illustrated for a mortar positioned at 17405960 in figure 12-1. To complete the numbering of the firing chart, the easting coordinate is brought down to the very bottom of the firing chart, and the northing coordinate is moved to the extreme left edge of the sheet. For a scale of 1:12,500, every other line on the grid sheet should be numbered se- quentially from the numbers just entered. 12—3. Plotting Tactical Information a. General. Once the firing chart has been numbered, all surveyed locations are plotted. With the addition of indices, the firing chart is ready to produce data; however, the firing chart is not ready for missions to be conducted on it. The chief computer’s decision to fire a mission is based in part on safety considerations and restrictions imposed by higher headquarters. In- formation concerning these limitations of fire is posted onto the firing chart as it is received. b. Definitions. (1) Area- of responsibility. A defined area z t 62 — 0 1 “ /л oU Hl I 1 t_L 59 — 17 co — □q ““ 1: : 25,00 0 C7 1:12 ,500 3/ c >9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 f 11 в Figure 12-1. Numbering the grid sheet after the mortar location has been chosen. 12-2
FM 23-91 of land for which responsibility is specifically assigned to the commander of the area for the control of movement and the conduct of tactical operations involving troops under his control, along with authority to exercise these functions. (2) No fire line. A line, short of which artil- lery does not fire except on request of the sup- ported commander, but beyond which they may fire at any time without danger to friendly troops. (3) Controlled fire zone. An area into which fires cannot be directed unless certain predeter- mined situations arise or permission of the com- mander imposing the control is secured. (4) Fire coordination line. A line between two forces beyond which fire may not be de- livered without coordination with the affected forces. (5) Fire support coordination line. A line established by the appropriate ground command- er to insure coordination of fire not under his control but which may affect current tactical operations. The fire support coordination line should follow well defined terrain features. (6) Target acquisition installation. A sta- tion established for the detection, identification, and location of targets in sufficient detail to permit the effective employment of weapons. (7) Target. Personnel, materiel, or a prom- inent terrain feature which warrants engage- ment by fire and/or numbering for future refer- ence. c. Use. The FO will plan and call for fires within his unit’s area of responsibility. He may find it necessary to call for fires on targets out- side this area. Therefore, the FDC should know of any restrictions on firing into adjacent areas and get necessary clearance before ordering the mortars to fire. This information is obtained from the battalion S3, the Bn S2, and from the artillery battalion FDC and S2. This information is plotted in its size (to scale), shape, and loca- tion on the firing chart. Normally linework limit- ing fires is done in red; radar installations are plotted in green; and other information is plotted in a noticeable color which will not lead to con- fusion. 12-4. Mounting Azimuth a. Direction of Fire. The direction of fire is the grid azimuth measured to the nearest mil from section center (surveyed) to a surveyed location in the principal direction of fire (it is normally the RP, chosen in the center of the area of responsibility). It is measured using either the azimuth scale of the GFF (RDP) or the plastic protractor. Figure 12-2 illustrates a di- rection of fire of 6345. b. Drift. Drift is the characteristic curvature to the right of the trajectory of any (right) spin-stabilized projectile. It can be depicted by a smooth curve, as in figure 12-2. The amount a projectile has curved away from the direction along which it was fired at any given range can be expressed in mils. This mil value is found on the ballistic plate of the GFF, the GFS, or in the tabular firing tables. If the 4.2-inch mortar is aimed directly at a target, the curving of the trajectory will cause it to miss the target; if the tube is pointed slightly to the left of the target, by the amount of the drift at the target range, the round should hit the target. Since the 81 mm mortar round is fin-stabilized, it does not drift. c. Mounting Azimuth. The mounting azimuth is the azimuth on which the mortars are mounted and laid. For the 4.2-inch mortar, the mounting azimuth is to the left of the direction of fire by the amount of drift at the gun-RP range. Com- pute by subtracting the drift from the direction of fire. In figure 12-2, with a DOF of 6345 and a drift of 46, the mounting azimuth is 6299. Note from the diagram, however, that the mounting azimuth compensates for the drift only at the gun-RP range; to engage targets at greater or shorter ranges, additional compensations, called deflection corrections (para 12-9), are included. For the 81 mm mortar, which has no drift, the mounting azimuth is simply the direction of fire. 12-5. Deflection a. Deflection Definitions. (1) Deflection. The horizontal, clockwise angle measured from the rearward extension of the axis of the mortar tube to the line connecting the sight and a designated aiming point. When the section displaces to a new location, the mortars should be boresighted; this procedure alines the 0-3200 line of the sight with the axis of the mortar tube. When the section is laid, all tubes point along the mounting azimuth. (2) Refer. To bring the sights onto a spe- cified aiming point or deflection reading without moving the cannon of the weapon itself. Once the mortars have been laid, the tubes should all point the same direction, but the sights may all read different deflections. The section sergeant 12-3
М 23-91 will command the mortars to refer a particular deflection and set out aiming posts. (3) Referred, deflection. With the mortars laid on the mounting azimuth, the deflection to which the sight is referred is the deflection to use to place out aiming posts. Any deflection between 0 and 6400 (0 and 3200 with the M34A2 sight) can be chosen, though 2800 is normally used. (See FM 23-92, para 52 for the procedures for placing out aiming post.) As soon as the section sergeant chooses the referred deflection he will use, he sends this information and an ammunition count to the FDC. b. Deflection Index. The referred deflection received from the section sergeant is the link used to tie the firing charts to the weapons. By laying the mortars on the mounting azimuth, the FDC has them pointing in the proper direc- tion to hit the RP under standard conditions. The weapons read the referred deflection (2800) on their sights; the FDC should read the same deflection on its firing charts. Deflections will be read from the outside mil arc of the GFF (RDT) opposite an index in much the same way that azimuths were read from the inside. Para- graph 11-7 has instructions on numbering the 12-4
FM 23-91 mil arc. The thousands digit is read from the appropriate index mark; hundreds, from the numbering on the tape; tens and units, from the smaller graduations. To construct the deflection index, engage the vertex pin and rotate the range arm of the GFF (RDP) until its left edge is tight against a pin in the RP. Find the hundreds, tens, and units digits of the referred deflection on the outside mil scale, and place a pin in the firing chart opposite the location. Rotate the range arm over the pinhole, and using the 6H (wedge) pencil, draw a fine line 1 to 11/2 inches long outward from the hole. Usually a small arrow- head pointing toward the hole is drawn about 1/8 inch out along the line from it. The deflection index is normally identified with just the thousands digit read from that index (e.g., "2” for the index constructed by the 8 on the mil arc for deflection 2800). If there is more than one mortar section plotted, or if there are many azimuth indices on the chart, further identifica- tion may be desirable or necessary. If, for ex- ample, the sections were split and there were a number of azimuth indices, a right section de- flection index might be lettered RSDF3 for Right Section DeFlection, 3000 mil index. c. Supplementary Deflection Indices. Supple- mentary indices for deflection are constructed 1,000 mils apart just as for azimuths, except that here the numbers increase to the left and de- crease to the right. This is the LARS rule: Left Add, Right Subtract. 12-6. The 6400 Mil Firing Chart The situations presented by fast-moving combat frequently yield a target area larger than that which can be effectively engaged using the nor- mal firing chart. The larger 6400 mil firing chart enables the FDC to plot fires in a full circle around the mortar position on a single grid sheet. For these purposes use a grid sheet at least 36 inches square. Procedures for plotting and de- termining firing data are the same as those used on the smaller charts, though a few additional procedures are necessitated by the size of the chart. a. Numbering the Firing Chart. Since fires will be plotted all the way around the mortar position, the mortar location should be plotted as close to the center of the grid sheet as possi- ble. By counting grid lines or squares, find the intersection of grid lines which is closest to the center of the grid sheet and mark it with a small "x.” Darken the lines which surround the grid square containing the x. Number the lower left-hand corner of the square with the coordinates of the grid square containing the mortar position. These numbers are brought to the bottom and left edges of the grid sheet and the other lines are numbered. b. Constructing Deflection Indices. Once the grid system has been superimposed, all surveyed locations are plotted. These should include the mortar position, OP’s, and RP’s. Azimuth in- dices are constructed all around the firing chart for the mortar and in the areas to be observed from the OP’s. It is not unusual for the GFF (RDP) to measure a few mils more or less than 6400 mils around the chart; when this occurs, distribute the error evenly among the indices rather than all at one point. One of the RP’s is normally chosen as the principal direction of fire for the purpose of laying the mortars. The di- rection of fire is measured, drift read, and the mounting azimuth computed and sent down to the section. A deflection index is constructed at the referred deflection reported by the section sergeant, and supplementary indices drawn all the way around the firing chart. Once again, distribute the measured difference from 6400 equally among all the indices. Figure 12-3 shows firing charts with 6400 mil capability prepared for use with the M53 sight and the M34A2 sight. c. Special Consideration. Speed of adjustment, especially of the first round, is frequently slowed by the large deflection shifts encountered in pro- viding 6400 mil coverage. This loss of time, caused by shifting the mortar, can be minimized by announcing a rough azimuth or deflection im- mediately after the chief computer accepts the mission, but before the initial fire command is issued. The estimate need only be accurate to approximately the nearest 100 mils, so the com- puter may estimate the direction or use azimuth or deflection indices to get a quick approxima- tion. If the estimate is forwarded to the section as an azimuth, it is advisable to have azimuth stakes set out in the firing section for the cardi- nal directions. 12-7. Determining Chart Data Chart data is read directly from the firing chart and plotting equipment, before the corrections discussed in paragraphs 12-8 and 12-9 are ap- plied. The vertex of the GFF (RDP) engages the pin in the mortar location; the left edge of the range arm is tight against a pin in the target location. 12-5
FM 23-91 1. FIRING CHART NUMBERED WITH 6400 MIL DEFLECTION CAPABILITY FOR THE M53 SIGHT UNIT. Figure 12-S. Numbering deflection indices on the 6i00 mH chart. a. Graphical Firing Fan. When using the GFF with ammunition for which a ballistic plate is available, chart data consists of a deflection and charge. The deflection is that read at the appro- priate index mark, expressed to the nearest mil. The charge is read to the nearest 1/8 charge. It is read from the manufacturer’s gageline if no adjusted charge gageline has been constructed to reflect current firing conditions. If adjusted charge gagelines have been constructed, it is read from the gageline which the chief computer believes most accurately represents current firing conditions at the target. If there is no ballistic plate for the ammunition being fired, range (to the nearest 10 meters) is read as chart data rather than charge. The appropriate firing tables can then be entered to determine the corre- sponding charge. b. Range Deflection Protractor. With the RDP, chart data is always a deflection and range. To determine the charge, the GFS or tabular firing tables must be consulted. 12-8. Target Altitude, Vertical Interval (VI), and Charge Correction a. Target altitude. The altitude of a target may be determined by one of the following four meth- ods: (1) Determined by survey. (2) Contained in the call for fire (usually this is the case when another unit or higher headquarters determines the target location). (3) The call for fire may locate the target with respect to a known point. In this case, the vertical shift is applied to the known or assumed altitude of the known point to determine the altitude of the target. If no vertical shift is 12-6
FM 23-91 Figure 12-3—Continued. specified, the altitude of the target is assumed to be the same as the altitude of the known point, i.e., map altitude is disregarded. The ob- servation post is the known point in a polar plot mission. (4) The altitude is determined from the map when the observer has located the target by grid coordinates. b. Vertical Interval (VI). The vertical inter- val is determined by subtracting the altitude of the mortar position from the altitude of the tar- get. If the altitude of the target is greater than that of the mortar position, the sign of the vertical interval is plus. If it is less, the sign is minus. c. Charge Correction. The charge read from the ballistic plate, GFS, or tabular firing tables is accurate only for targets at the same altitude as the mortar section. Figure 12-4 shows the effects of firing on three targets, all at the same range, but different altitudes. The round fired at a target higher than the mortars falls short, while the round fired at a point below the mor- tars overshoots the target. It is therefore neces- sary to compensate for the difference. For the 81 mm mortar, the FDC corrects by applying one-half the vertical interval to the gun-target range before determining charge and elevation. For the 4.2-inch mortar, the charge is adjusted; the procedure for determining the size of the correction is described below. d. Computing the Charge Correction, 1.2- inch mortar. First the vertical interval is de- termined (it must always be recorded with a sign). With the GFF, index the target with the 12-7
FM 23-91 Figure 12-4. Engaging targets at the same range but different altitudes. plastic cursor and determine which site zone the gageline crosses on the ballistic plate. With the RDP, range is determined and site found on the GFS. Site is the fraction of a charge needed to compensate for 100 meters of VI. If the difference is greater or less than 100 meters, the correction is proportionally more or less than the site. Figure 12-5 shows a table of corrections for different sites and vertical intervals. As an example of how to use the table, suppose the vertical interval is +80 meters. The site deter- mined from the ballistic plate is 4/8. Enter the 4/8 column in the table; search down that column until an interval which includes the determined vertical interval is found (here it is the 63-87 interval); read across that line to the left-hand column to find the charge correction. It will be +8/8, taking the same sign as the VI. If the sign is plus, the correction is added to the chart charge; if it is minus, it is subtracted. 12—9. Deflection Correction The deflection indices constructed on the firing chart cannot be moved when firing corrections are determined as can the charge gageline. Also, because there is a different amount of drift at every range, adjustments must be made to chart deflections in determining firing data. These ad- justments are called deflection corrections. The basis for deflection corrections is the precision registration. The deflection correction (LARS) necessary to transform the chart deflection read at the surveyed location to the firing data de- flection which hit the RP is applied as the de- flection correction for the RP range. The numbering is applied to the drift numbers on the ballistic plate or GFS and read where the charge gageline crosses the charge scale. The drift mark closest to the chart charge at the RP is numbered with the RP deflection correction. Since drift causes rounds to curve to the right, corrections beyond the RP become progressively more left; 12-8
FM 23-91 CHANGE IN CHARGE ADJUSTMENT FOR VERTICAL INTERVAL Charge 2/8 VI (m) 3/8 VI (m) 4/8 VI (m) 5/8 VI (m) 0 0-25 0-16 0-12 0-10 1/8 26-75 17-50 13-37 11-30 2/8 76-125 51-83 38-62 31-50 3/8 126-175 84-116 63-87 51-70 4/8 176-225 117-150 88-112 71-90 5/8 226-275 151-183 113-137 91-110 6/8 276-325 184-216 138-162 111-130 7/8 326-375 217-250 163-187 131-150 1 376-425 251-283 188-212 151-170 1 1/8 284-316 213-237 171-190 1 V8, 317-350 238-262 191-210 1 3/8 351-383 263-287 211-230 1 4/8 384-416 288-312 231-250 1 5/8 313-337 251-270 1 6/8 338-362 271-290 1 7/8 363-387 291-310 2 388-412 311-330 2 1/8 331-350 2 2/8 351-370 2 3/8 371-390 2 4/8 391-410 Figure 12-5. Change in charge adjustment far vertical interval. those short of the RP, more right. The number- ing of deflection corrections is consecutive be- cause of the smooth curving of the trajectory. Figure 12-6 shows the trajectories of rounds fired at three different ranges. The registration yielded no deflection or charge corrections, so drift mark 40 on the ballistic plate (GFS) was renumbered with “0.” A round fired at a shorter range would not curve as much as the drift com- pensated for in the mounting azimuth; therefore, a right correction is necessary to bring it back on the gun-target line. Similarly, a round fired at a greater range requires a left correction. On a 6400 mil chart, there are likely to be different deflection corrections at each of the several RP’s. Numbering several sets of deflection corrections on the ballistic plate (BFS) would be confusing, so instead, a “T” scale, a small, two-column scale relating the deflection corrections to the corresponding drift mark numberings is con- structed. 12-10. Firing Data Firing data is sent to the section in fire com- mands. It is computed by applying the total de- flection correction to the chart deflection and the charge correction to the chart charge. It includes a time setting, read or computed from the time of flight read from the ballistic plate, GFS, or firing tables. And finally, it includes the eleva- tion, which in the absence of other control is the command to fire. 12-<
FM 23-91 Figure 1S-6. Deflection correction for drift at registration point range. 12-10
FM 23-91 Section II. FIRING RECORDS AND COMMANDS 12-11. The Computer's Record—DA Form 2399 The computer’s record (fig. 12-7) is a worksheet used to record corrections, data, and commands during a fire mission. The computer uses a com- puter’s record for each mission received and fired by the FDC. Each computer will keep a file of all computer's records for missions fired; if questions later arise concerning the conduct of a mission, reference can be made to the file. a. CaH-for-Fire. The call-for-fire begins every normal fire mission. It alerts the FDC to prepare to compute, and supplies the target location, ОТ direction, and description used by the chief com- puter in deciding whether and how to fire the mission. b. FDC Order. As soon as the call-for-fire is re- ceived, the chief computer has the target plotted to see that it is within his area of responsibility, that it does not endanger friendly troops, and also to find out what clearances are necessary. He considers whether the mission will support the overall mission of the unit, and whether the ammunition necessary can be spared. If he de- cides to accept the mission, he decides how the target will be engaged. The FDC order is issued to the other members of the FDC as soon as it is prepared, to let them know how the mission will be conducted. (1) MORT TO FFE. Specifies which mor- tars will participate in the FFE. It can be the section, or any lesser combination of mortars. (2) MORT TO ADJ (mortar to adjust). Tells which mortar(s) will fire during the adjust- ment. For HE missions, it usually includes the base piece; for screening or illumination mis- sions, a flank piece is normally used. If this line is the same as MORT TO FFE above, it may be left blank. (3) METH OF ADJ (method of ad- justment). Gives the number of rounds to be fired from each adjusting mortar in each step of the adjustment, e.g., ®. (4) BASIS FOR CORR (basis for correc- tions). If registration corrections have been de- termined (several RP’s may have been fired up- on), the point at which the corrections to be applied to this target were determined, e.g., RP1. (5) SHEAF CORR (sheaf corrections). Spe- cifies any unusual sheaf to be fired, such as one converged on number 4 mortar or a sheaf fired at attitude 1650jati. (6) SHELL AND FUZE. If the same type of fuze and shell will be fired in adjustment and FFE, the type is written on the first line. If different types are to be used, the type to be used to adjust is written on the first line with “in adj,” and the type to be fired for effect, on the second line with “in FFE.” (7) METHOD OF FEE. Tells the number of rounds to be fired from each mortar in the FFE. (8) RG/LATERAL SPREAD (range lateral spread). Used only with illumination ammuni- tion. A range spread is two rounds, normally fired with the 2 and 8 mortars, spread (spacing depends on the type of ammunition) along the GT line. A lateral spread, normally fired with 1 and 4, is spread to the sides from the GT line. (9) ZONE. When an area target is engaged, a zone may be fired to spread the FFE along the line of fire. By firing different charges on the rounds, they may be made to fall about 50 meters apart; without extension, the charges are cut 3/8 charge apart; with extension, 4/8 apart. For a platoon-sized target, the section fires three rounds for a 100 meter zone; for company, five rounds for a 200 meter zone. (10) TIME OF OPENING FIRE. Tells what control the FDC is exercising over the section, e.g., AMC (at my command) or W/R (when ready). c. Heading Data. At the end of the FDC order the chief computer may announce a target num- ber if he believes the target may be of value as a future reference; target number is recorded in the upper right corner of the computer’s rec- ord. Organization identification and the date may already be entered on the form; if not, that in- formation and the time the mission was received is recorded at the top. If the target is located by coordinates, the chief computer checks his map to determine the altitude of the target, which he announces to the computers. Data for the target is determined as follows: (1) VI. The difference in altitude between the mortar section and the target. The sign is plus if the target is above the mortars. (2) CHG/RG CORR (charge/range correc- tions). The correction which must be applied to 12-11
FM 23-91 COMPUTER S RECORD For Uic of thn form, ice FM 23-91,- the proponent agency 15 U. S. Contincntol Army Command 0R0 /-М JTvr DATE TIME TGT NO. /5 JM72 2/30 ^2} 0003 Vl -80 CHG RG CORR _ CHART DEFL 2797 CHART RG DEFL CORR /33 ANCLE T 320/ CHG , CALL-FOR-FIRE FDC ORDER INITIAL FIRE COMMAND RDS EXP ОГЗ £/7 Я? /?/?! £7/? 0200 L/OO + 400 ow do CO /A' O£>£77 /bX/ZO/f? /}/£ ААПРТ TO FFE s&c. MORT TO FOLL SHELL & FUZE MORT TO FIRE METHOD OF FH Ф MORT T METH 0 BASIS F SHEAF SHFLL 0 ADJ « /'2 zZr<S> F ADJ £ DR COR 2ORR«« R ?E — r ov 77/£ L PI17P //PG /А АОУ DEFLEC CHARGE TIME SE elevai //£ Я&2 //v 74 */£ METHOD OF FFE RG LATERAL SPREAD ..ГЛ..# TTING |ЛМ ZOt TIM <e ; 200 Af 700 E OF OPENING FIRE OBSERVER CORR CHART DATA SUBSEQUENT COMMANDS DEV RG iTImE) HEIGHT DEFL CHG <RG) MORT FIRE METHOD FIRE defl RG 2^ CHG TIME SETTING ELEv Z -200 2802 /4% 2247 /?/# 700 f/OO 2832 /4 2827 740 -£O /zz 2843 /4 % zse 2840 /4% /4% /3% /3% 24 7oo £0/7 £$Г sous. AMMUNITION LOT NUMBER L0P/&S lop#* TYPE S/£G WP £4/Wax £*Owdt ON HAND /ЗО' /00 20 RECEIVED О 0 0 TOTAL /74Г /00 20 EXPENDED 23 0 20 REMAINING /72 /00 О 20 0A Form 2399, 1 Oct 71 REPLACES DA FORM 2399. t JUL «8, WHICH IS OBSOLETE- For the 4.2-inch mortar Figure 12-7, DA Form 2399 (Computer's Record). 12-12
FM 23-91 COMPUTER’S RECORD For inc of this form, see FM 23-91, the proponent ogcncy is U. S. Continental Army Command CHG RC CORR DATE TIME TGI NO. & tf?/O/ CHART defl _ _ __________243/ angle т _ ._ 0430 CHART RG DECL CORR CHG CALL - FOR - FIRE FDC ORDER INITIAL Fl RE COMMAND RDS EXP 37-7 ///?£M/es/tA'' /?/> jP/f&rw /?/ОУГ 70 4OOOS 7 4070 MORT T MORT T METH 0 BASIS F( SHEAF ( SHELL * 0 FFE •••••••«••••••••••••• MORT T SHELL * MORT Ti METHOD 0 FOLLOW.. OaDJ 1, fuze F ADJ 0 FIRE e< £••••••• •• DR CORR . I OF FIRE • •••••• :orr««••••••••••••••••••••• i fuze •••••••••••••••••«•• DEFLEC Гы A Of E Zfj?/. 3 METHOD RG LAT ► OF FFE * eral SPREAD TIME SE ELEVA7 TTING ZONE TIME OF OPENING f :IRE •••••••••••••• ION OBSERVER CORR CHART DATA SUBSEQUENT COMMANDS DEV RG (TIME) HEIGHT DEFL CHG IRG) MORT FIRE METHOD FIRE OEFl RG TIME SETTING ELEV #2o +/t>0 2674 3 ^-"70*0 2474 //4 9 / 4/0 -7o 24 79 2479 //#4 7/77. 7/407 4Г//4 7 AMMUNITION LOT NUMBER ON HAND RECEIVED TOTAL EXPENDED REMAINING 24o о П4о /7 223 do 7// no fifar/A/fr S»A Form 2399, 1 Ос» 71 REPLACES DA FORM 239», 1 JUL «8, WHICH IS OBSOLETE, 4a О 60 For 81 nun mortar Figure 12-7—Continued. 12-13
FM 23-91 the chart charge/range to compensate for the VI. To compute a charge correction (4.2-in. mortar), find the site factor at the target range, search the corresponding column in the charge correc- tion table (fig. 12-5), and read the charge cor- rection from that line in the left-hand column. A range correction (81 mm mortar) is equal to one half of the VI. (3) DEFL CORR (deflection corrections). The correction which must be applied to the chart deflection read from the firing chart to compensate for drift and the deviation effects determined from a registration. It is read from the renumbering of the drift marks of the bal- listic plate (GFS) at the drift mark closest to where the charge gageline crosses the charge scale. (4) CHART DEFL (chart deflection). The deflection read with the range arm against a pin in the surveyed location from the deflection index on the firing chart. (5) CHART RG (chart range). The range from the mortars to the plotted location of the target. It is only used with the GFF when there is no ballistic plate for the ammunition being fired. (6) ANGLE T. The angle formed by the ОТ line and the GT line. It is significant when it is 500 mils or greater, for then the observer halves his deviation corrections. When it reaches this size it is reported to the FO in the message to the observer. To insure that it will be detected if it reaches this size, angle T is measured and recorded at the beginning of every fire mission (para 11-13) to the nearest 10 mils. (7) CHG (charge). The chart charge is read from the ballistic plate of the GFF, from the GFS, or from the firing tables. It is read and recorded to the nearest 1/8 charge. d. Initial Fire Command. The mortar section should have been alerted to prepare for a fire mission as soon as it becomes apparent that the chief computer intended to accept the mission. Issuing the initial fire command once data has been computed does two things: it provides the first firing data for the mortar(s) which will be adjusting; and it tells the section sergeant which mortar(s) will be firing in effect, and the number and type of rounds to have ready for the FFE. It includes the following information, taken or synthesized from information in the parts pre- viously discussed: (1) MORT TO FOLLOW. (2) SHELL AND FUZE. (3) MORT TO FIRE. (4) METHOD OF FIRE. (5) DEFLECTION. (6) CHARGE. (7) TIME SETTING. (8) ELEVATION. e. Elements of the Initial Fire Command. (1) MORT TO FOLLOW. The mortar(s) which will follow the adjusting piece(s) in de- flection, though not actually firing. Usually if the section is to fire for effect it will follow the ad- justing mortar in deflection so that a large deflec- tion change will not be necessary just before the FFE. (2) SHELL AND FUZE. The shell and fuze to be fired on the first adjusting round, or if no adjustment is to be conducted, on the FFE. (3) MORT TO FIRE. The mortar (s) des- ignated to fire the first round. (4) METHOD OF FIRE. The adjusting mortar(s) is told how many rounds to fire, how to fire, and any special control desired. The second line warns what type and how many rounds will be fired in effect if an adjustment is conducted. (a) Volley fire. A volley may be fired by two or more mortars. The command for volley fire is SECTION (so many) ROUNDS. Fire is begun at the section sergeant’s command FIRE (he normally controls the first round). Each des- ignated mortar then fires the remaining number of rounds as rapidly as in consistent with ac- curacy and safety, without regard to the other mortars. (5) Section fire. In section fire the rounds are fired at short, fixed intervals (10 seconds unless otherwise specified), with each mortar fir- ing successively from the right or left as desig- nated. Section fire is used when the observer is adjusting the sheaf or when firing a screening mis- sion. The command for the section to be fired at 10 second intervals beginning at the right flank is ONE ROUND, SECTION RIGHT. When all squads report their mortars ready, the section sergeant commands FIRE; thereafter control is in the hands of the squad leader next to fire un- less the section sergeant specifies otherwise. (c) Continuous fire. In continuous fire a series of sections or volleys are fired without further command until the method of fire is changed or CHECK FIRE/CEASE FIRE is given. 12-14
FM 23-91 It is used to maintain smokescreens and when firing illumination and FPF’s. The command to initiate fires is CONTINUOUS FIRE (FROM THE RIGHT [LEFT]), with the designated mortars firing at 10 second intervals unless other- wise specified in the command. Since interrup- tions to the fire are to be avoided, changes in de- flection (and range for the 81 mm mortar) are commanded in turns of traverse (and elevation). (d) Zone fire. With the 4.2-inch mortar, deep targets are engaged by firing a zone using a series of different charges. For the 81 mm mor- tar, zone coverage, called searching fire, is ac- complished by varying elevation. (e) Traversing fire. When a target is too wide to be covered by a parallel sheaf and addi- tional mortars are not available, the target may be covered by opening the sheaf and employing traversing fire. Traversing fire consists of firing volleys with a number (designated by the FDC) of traversing turns between rounds, all the rounds being fired at the same range. Prior to sending the command to the section, the FDC announces, SECTION, PREPARE TO TRAVERSE RIGHT (LEFT). This warns the section to move the traversing mechanism to the extreme left (right) and back off two turns before laying on the aim- ing posts. The command to begin traversing fire is (so many) ROUNDS, TRAVERSE RIGHT (LEFT) (so many) TURNS. If a repeat is nec- essary, the section begins at the deflection where it left off and traverses the other direction. (5) DEFLECTION. The deflection which should be placed on the mortar sight. It should be the initial deflection with the deflection correction applied. The word “DEFLECTION” always pre- cedes the sight setting when the command is for- warded to the section, e.g., DEFLECTION 2751. When different deflections will be fired by two or more mortars, the number of the mortar to which each deflection applies is written before the de- flection, e.g., 4-2805 if number 4 is to fire de- flection 2805. (6) CHARGE. The charge(s) which should be cut at the mortar section. The charge correc- tion has been applied to the chart charge de- termined with the plotting equipment. If several charges are to be fired (as with a zone), they are recorded in order from highest to lowest. The word “CHARGE” always precedes the amount, e.g., CHARGE 16 5/8. (7) TIME. The time setting to be placed on the round. For mechanical time fuzes, it is re- corded to the nearest 0.1 second. Foi' proximity fuzes, a special time setting is required. The time of flight for the lowest charge to be fired is de- termined, rounded DOWN to the nearest whole second, and one second is subtracted from it. The result is recorded (still rounded to the nearest whole second) beside the lowest charge (fig. 12- 7). (8) ELEVATION. This element serves two purposes: it gives the exact elevation setting to be placed on the mortar sight, and in the ab- sence of controls imposed in the method of fire, it serves as the command to fire. The word “ELE- VATION” always precedes the amount when the command is sent to the section. Unlike deflection and charge, which need not be repeated if they and the mortars to fire do not change, the ele- vation must be included in every fire command which initiates fires (the command DOUBLE RATE OF FIRE during continuous fire; for example, would require no elevation). f. Rounds Expended. The number and type of rounds fired is recorded, as the data is being computed for a command, in the right-hand col- umn of the computer’s record. When a SHOT is received from the section, the number is circled to signify that the rounds have been fired. The numbers in this column represent cumulative totals. As soon as END OF MISSION is re- ceived, the totals expended are posted to the ex- pended line at the bottom of the page. The am- munition remaining at the section is computed by adding the number of rounds received to the number originally on hand, and subtracting the number fired on this mission. The result is car- ried forward and entered on the ON HAND line of the next computer’s record to be used. g. Observer Corrections. Information received from the FO is recorded in this section. Space is provided for the most common corrections re- ceived, namely, deviation and range corrections and adjustments to height of burst. Other in- formation, including request for FFE, deviation corrections in turns, modification of the method of fire, and intelligence, are recorded in any con- venient manner. h. Chart Data. These are the deflection and charge (range if there is no ballistic plate for the type of ammunition being fired) read from the plotting equipment. If a range is recorded, the charge corresponding to it is frequently writ- ten either in the lower part of the CHG box or in parentheses in the adjoining unused MORT FIRE box. 12-15
FM 23-91 i. Subsequent Commands. The items which com- prise the subsequent command are the same as those which make up the initial fire command. If any item except elevation is unchanged from the previous command and mortar to fire has not changed, that item need not be repeated. The goal of the FDC in putting together any fire com- mand is to make it as brief as possible, yet to elim- inate any possibility of misunderstanding or error. j. Transmitting Commands. Commands are transmitted to the section exactly as they appear on the computer’s record. The section sergeant reads back all information coming from the FDC to check his copy. If he misses an element of the command, he may request it as follows: SAY AGAIN (name of the element). The FDC replies, THE COMMAND WAS (the element). If the section sergeant’s copy is imperfect, the FDC must correct it. In an initial fire command the incorrect element is corrected by saying COR- RECTION and giving the corrected element. In a subsequent command, the FDC says CORREC- TION and repeats the entire command. If there is to be an interruption in the firing, the FDC tells the section CHECK FIRE, indicating a temporary halt, but not an end to the alert. Firing can be resumed with the same firing data by announcing the deflection, or by issuing a new initial fire command. At the conclusion of a mis- sion, the FDC calls END OF MISSION to the section to give the crews on the mortars a break. Gunners should lay on the final protective fire data if it is available before taking a break. 12-12. Data Sheets The data sheets are used to record and main- tain up-to-date information and firing data for targets. These may be targets previously fired and of sufficient significance to maintain data on, or preplanned targets upon which fires are scheduled or data maintained on call. When fir- ing corrections are updated through re-registra- tion or the computation of MET corrections, all targets are updated to reflect current firing condi- tions. DA Forms 2188-1-R (fig. 12-8®) and 2188-2-R (fig. 12-8®) will be locally reproduced on 10 1/2 x 8 inch paper. (1) Organization.. Identification of the unit firing. (2) Mortar grid. Survey coordinates of sec- tion center. If the altitude of the section can be determined, it is written above the coordinates of the section. (3) Date. The date on which the data on the sheet is current. (4) Mounting data. The direction of fire de- termined for mounting purposes is recorded on the proper line. The drift used to compute the mounting azimuth is recorded above the DOF, and finally the mounting azimuth on which the section was laid. (5) OP grid. If the location of any of the OP’s is known by grid coordinates, it and its altitude is recorded here. b. Data Section. The most current data for reg- istration points and targets is recorded here; if the FO should call for a repeat of fires placed on one of these targets, the data can be sent directly to the section. (1) Target data. The target number and fl- digit coordinates locating it on the firing chart are written in this section. The target coordinates written here may not precisely locate a target on the ground (in fact, some firing charts are numbered with arbitrarily chosen coordinates); instead, these coordinates are important for main- taining consistency of all firing charts within the FDC. (2) Chart data. The deflection and charge (range) read from the firing chart at the target location are recorded here. (3) Firing corrections. The deflection cor- rection written at the top of the computer’s rec- ord used to fire the mission is used. After up- dating corrections or when transferring, the deflection correction read from the ballistic plate of the GFF (GFS) is used. The most accurate information on the target altitude and the cor- responding altitude difference is recorded and used to compute the altitude correction. (4) Firing data. This section contains the most current firing data, in a form suitable for transmission to the section, namely, deflection, charge, and elevation. (5) Intelligence. Record information in this section which may be of value for future ref- erence by the FDC or the S-2. The time box is used for two purposes: when ammunition re- quiring a time setting is fired, the time setting is written here; and the time a mission was fired can also be written here. Target description, meth- od of engagement, and surveillance are self- explanatory and should be clear from the ex- amples in figure 12-8. 12-16
FM 23-91 DATA SHEET (81mm Mortar) For use of this form, too FM 23-91, the proponent agency is U. S. Continental Army Command. ORGANIZATION COA/-tfe MORTAR GRID ALTITUDE 7X? DATE MOUNTING OP GRID: 1 Of lOITOb OP ALT: 1 550 REFERRED AZ blTO 2 » DEFLECTION 2 TOO J w TARGET IDENT CHART DATA FIRING CORRECTIONS FIRING DATA INTELLIGENCE TGT. NG. GRID DEFL. RN DEFL. CORR. RCF ALT VI ALT CORR. DEFL RN / /CHG. FUZE TIME SETTING ELEV TIME FIRED TAR DESCR METH OF ENGHT SURVEILLANCE /гР 0ЗЗ0 /7g5T 2З48 /*-z5* <7 0 723 0 О 234-8 /jzsx /s iSOO RP Зесф s/<- KES COMP ВКю! ЮЮ /75~o zl71 /4 я О О 728 О О 2113 145°/ X 3 lit к Ok3O 14 Mir Р2Л7 /HOPEfl Sec® E5T /OCAS BK10Z ofto /8/0 2?7l яГГо О 0 778 Г 27 237l tris^ /S ton H far CO /Н OPEN See® ?5T 25~CAS — — — — — — у/ — — — — — DA Form 2188- 1-R, 1 Ос» 71 For the 81 mm Mortar Figure 12-8. DA Form 2188-1-R (Data Sheet). 12-13. The Ballistic MET Message—DA Form 3675 The Ballistic MET message form (fig. 12-9) is used to record the standard NATO meteorological message as it is received (usually by radio) from the MET station. The MET message is trans- mitted in six-character blocks, and consists of two major sections: the introduction (the first four six-character blocks) and the body (an even number of six-character blocks). The introduc- tion identifies the MET station, tells what types of weapons systems the MET is applicable to, and gives information about the MET station which is useful in computing the MET correc- tions. The body of the message breaks the atmos- phere into layers, beginning at the ground, and for each layer specifies the direction and speed of the wind and the temperature and density of the air. Each box on the MET message form has coding in the heading which indicates how many characters are to be written in that box. The MET section of chapter 13 contains more in- formation on the use of this form. 12-14. MET Data Correction Sheet for Mor- tars—DA Form 2601—1 The MET data correction sheet (fig. 12-10) is a worksheet used to compute the effects of weath- er on the behavior of a round fired at a sur- veyed location. Each part of the form is discussed 12-17
ЯМ 23-91 DATA SHEET (4.2 INCH MORTAR) For use of this form, sec FM 23-91, the proponent agency it U. S. Continental Army Command ORGANIZATION: /3//- MORTAR GRID: 02658625 ALTITUDE: /£Q DATE: ^/^/7 70 DIR OF DRIFT о, MT 0. P. CRIPW 0345B72QQ. P. ALT (O 3£Z> FIRE: 0350 AZ 03/9 (9J0SV98763 (3>/7S- TARGET IDENT CHART DATA FIRING CORRECTIONS FIRING DATA INTELLIGENCE TGT NO. GRID DEFL RG CHG DEFL CORR ALT VI CHG CORR DEFL CHG FUZE TIME SETTING ELEY TIME FIRED TARGET DESCR. METH OF ENGMT SURVEILLANCE /?p 033/ 8807 28oo "% /?// 2/0 1- 60 2789 /2% 1/^ 9oo /330 /?p зесф S/L- Oo/Y^. Mo&Sb 0303 8365 2998 /4% /?8 2/0 + 4,0 2980 /5% 900 //2o PLAT /A'Off» IOOH20& SST /О CAS. MooSTi 0344 8895 2792 ,7% /?3 300 + /S0 -1 2709 /8% 900 /440 wooom BLOG &4& H£D bldg- out o'er £ cas Л/ООЯ 04/0 876o 23/5 12 /7/2 5Ъ -/00 I <>o\* 2803 "i 900 /500 TPUHC WPOAO SfCQ) НТО ТЯисГ £>XST £*T 3 AAcefj 034/ 8788 27+8 "% /?/5 70 ~8o -4 2&& to % 20 <?0O /6/5 Co м/ /ix /А1л змпма X^r Sb — — — — — — — DA Fem ШМ-R. 1 Oct 71 For the 4.2-inch Mortar Figure 12S—Continued. specifically and in detail in the MET section of ing corrections so determined to get current firing chapter 13, along with the procedures for apply- data. 12-18
FM 23-91 DATASHEET (81mm Morior) For uto of thio form, *oe FM 23-91, the proponent agency io U. S. Continental Army Command. ORGANIZATION MORTAR GRID ALTITUDE DATE MOUNTING 0P GRID: 1 0,1 ALT: 1 REFERRED AZ j j DEFLECTION TARGET IDENT CHART DATA FIRING CORRECTIONS FIRING DATA INTELLIGENCE TGT. NG. GRID DEFL. RN DEFL. CORR. RCF ALT VI ALT CORR. DEFL RN / /CHG. FUZE TIME SETTING ELEV TIME FIRED TAR DESCR METH OF ENGHT SURVEILLANCE OA Form 2188» l*R, I Oct 71 Blank form (81 mm mortar), to be reproduced locally. Figure 12-$—Continued. 12-19
FM 23-91 DATA SHEET (4.2 INCH MORTAR) For use of this form, soe FM 23-91, the proponent ogency is U. S. Continental Army Command ORGANIZATION: MORTAR GRID: ALTITUDE: DATE: DIR OF DRIFT MT 0. P. GRID 0. P. ALT FIRE: AZ TARGET IDENT CHART DATA FIRING CORRECTIONS FIRING DATA INTELLIGENCE TGT NO. GRID DEFL RG CHG DEFL CORR ALT VI CHG CORR DEFL CHG FUZE TIME SETTING ELEV TIME FIRED TARGET DESCR. METH OF ENGMT SURVEILLANCE ОД 2181-2- R. I Oct 71 Blank form (4.2-inch mortar), to be reproduced locally. Figure 12-8—Continued. 12-20
FM 23-4J BALLISTIC MET MESSAGE F °* of ih.a FM 6-1S; th* proponent Оф»п<у ta United Stele* Continental Army Commend, IOENIIFI , TYPE (OCTANT CATION : t.l.'JG i । i METB ' К ' 0 i i LOCATION Ш-аЧ ^o^o^-o or or XXX XXX DATE i TIME 1 DURATION । (GMT) । (HOURS) i i YY [GqGoGo ! 6 STATION > MOP HEIGHT 'PRESSURE (10'sM) * % OF STD hhh J PPP METB ; ; 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 ZONE HEIGHT (METERS) LINE NUMBER ZZ BALLISTIC WINDS BALLISTIC AIR DIRECTION (100's MILS) dd SPEED (KNOTS) FF TEMPERATURE (% OF STD) TTT DENSITY (% OF STD) AAA SURFACE 00 200 01 500 02 1000 03 1500 04 2000 05 3000 06 4000 07 5000 08 6000 09 8000 10 10000 11 12000 12 14000 13 16000 14 18000 15 REMARKS DELIVERED TO: RECEIVEO FROM: TIME (GMT) TIME (LST) MESSAGE NUMBER DATE RECORDER CHECKED DA /”"3675 REPLACES DA FORM 6-57,1 MAR 62, WHICH IS OBSOLETE. Figure 12-9. DA Form 3675 (Ballistic MET Message). 12-21
FM 23-91 COMPUTER'S RECORD For us* of this form, see FM 23-91; the proponent ogency is U. S. Continentol Army Command 0RC /-66 INF DATE TIME TGT NO. /FJAN 72 /F3O RP 76o CHG RG CORR , 2s CHART DEFL CHART RG OEFLCORR & ANCLET 220* CHC /7 CALL-FOR-FIRE FDC ORDER INITIAL FIRE COMMAND RDS EXP OR/ FAf RP DIR 0470 RFG A/P МАРТ ТП PPP src MORT TO FOLL SHELL 8. FUZE MORT TO FIRE MFTHnn nF Fll ow....£££. Ф MORT T METH 0 BASIS Fl SHPAP Г 0 ADJ . F ADJ. ::3==: ... .ftp® . . ' 4F 2 DR COR 'ПРР.. ,₽. Jti SHELL & FUZE • DEFLEC CHARGE /7% METHOD OF FFE RG LATERAL SPREAD TIME SETTING ZOb TIM ELEVA1 |OkJ 900 С ЛС nOCkJUJC Cl DC - - _ e. --- OBSERVER CORR CHART DATA SUBSEQUENT COMMANDS DEV RG (TIME) HEIGHT DEFL CHG 1 RG) MORT FIRE METHOD FIRE DEFL RG :hg TIME SETTING ELEV J?FO <400 27F? /9% 27F9 ZF Л 900 -200 277/ !8‘/e 277/ /878 <700 (g> -too 2777 17 2777 /7 900 ^7 'FO 278/ F7% 278/ /7% <7oe Ftp +2F £OM RttCMP 2777 /7% S£t 'Т/ОЛ/ /г/cFr SFC ф */л DNF 2777 /7 % <7oo 9 Ъ/?6О Ф 27F8 <7oo & #/£20 MF 2704 £0/4 S/ '£AF A Vl/S/B? src 2777 2FA/./OF A.F AMMUNITION LOT NUMBER /0Р&О7 7//6О-/Я/ TYPE Nf# Fi.F/?cx ON HAND /aa (pt) 30 RECEIVED 0 о 0 TOTAL /00 30 EXPENDED о О REMAINING 60 30 DA Form 2399, 1 Oct 71 replaces da form 239», 1 jul 08. which is obsol » n Figure 12-11. DA Form 2399 (Computer's Record). (See fig. 13-7 for completed example of form.)
FM 23-91 Section III. REGISTRATION AND THE CONDUCT OF A MISSION 12-15. The Purpose of Registration If conditions of materiel and weather were al- ways standard on the battlefield, firing the mortar at a particular elevation and charge would cause the projectile to travel the distance shown in the firing table corresponding to that data. Similarly, with the proper deflection set on the weapon (in- cluding drift correction for the 4.2-in mortar), the projectile would burst right on the gun-target line. However, standard conditions seldom exist simultaneously for so many variables, and the projectile rarely hits the target with the stand- ard data. Nonstandard atmospheric conditions, materiel tolerances, and errors in survey or the firing chart may all contribute errors. The num- ber of meters by which the projectile misses the target is the combined effect of these errors. The magnitude of the combined errors, and hence the corrections necessary to bring the burst of the rounds back on target, can be determined by registration. To do this, an adjustment is con- ducted to determine firing data (called adjusted data) which will place the mean burst location of rounds fired with it at the target point. The dif- ference between the data originally fired and this adjusted data is the amount of correction neces- sary at the gun-target range; it is used to compute corrections at other ranges. In this section, regis- tration is discussed (see chapter 13 for other means of deriving corrections), and to the extent that a registration mission is like any other, the steps outlined in the next five paragraphs are similar of those followed in every mission. A registration should be conducted, whenever the situation permits, upon occupation of any new firing position. Firing data should be kept current by reregistration or other means at regular in- tervals (atmospheric conditions normally change sufficiently in 3-5 hours to require it). Assume the section has just moved into a new position and the squads are off-loading the mortars. The chief computer issues the data for constructing a sur- veyed firing chart: mortar location 9.3287957, altitude 280 meters; RP location 93988239, alti- tude 340 meters. The appropriate coordinate sys- tem is superimposed on the firing chart (lower left-hand corner should be 91 79); elevation 900 will be fired, mounting data is determined as fol- lows: DOF 0249, DFT 40, MA 0209. The mor- tars are laid, and the FDC receives the section sergeant’s report, which normally contains the following— (1) Referred deflection: TWO EIGHT HUNDRED. (2) Limits of traverse: UNLIMITED. (3) Limits of elevation: UNLIMITED. (4) Ammunition: HEQ, 100RDS M329A1, lot No. 10P657; WP, 60RDS M328A1, lot No. LS164; fuze proximity (VT), 30, lot No. SAB 711-60-121; weight zone, HE 3—, WP 2___ (5) Powder temperature: 54° F. Before targets can be engaged, the baseplates of ground-mounted mortars must be settled. The highest elevation (1065 for the 4.2) and charge within safety limits is used to exert the greatest amount of force downward on the baseplates. The number of rounds used depends on the soil, though two are usually sufficient. The deflection of the center of sector is used unless friendly troops are known to be in the area. If possible, the location of the RP should be coordinated with the FO before he leaves to join his company; if this is the case he may call for fires on it by a prede- termined number, e.g., RP2, without having to specify a grid location. The registration point may be any point, but it should be readily identi- fiable both on the ground and on the map (firing chart), relatively pennanent, fixed in nature, and near the center of the target area (if the target area is large, there should be more than one). 12-16. The Observer's Call-for-Fire Once the FO has selected and occupied his OP, he should establish communications with the FDC, informing them that he is ready to observe. If the RP location has been coordinated, he locates it and prepares his call-for-fire; if not, he selects the RP, and formulates his call-for-fire. Example: HOTEL 42 THIS IS HOTEL 41 FIRE MISSION GRID 93988239 DIRECTION 0470 REGISTRATION ADJUST FIRE It would be recorded on the computer’s record (DA Form 2399) as shown in figure 12-11, ab- breviating as much as possible. 12-17. FDC Order If the RP (or any target called in) has not been previously plotted, the computers do so immedi- ately to check its location reltaive to friendly 12-24
FM 23-91 forces and restricted fire areas. The chief com- puter assesses the importance of the target in supporting the mission of the battalion (company) to determine whether and how the target is to be engaged. The registration will be fired unless a more pressing mission is called in. The method of conducting it is fairly standardized. He issues his decision as soon as possible to let the other members of the FDC know how the mission will be conducted. Paragraph 12-1 Id tells how the FDC order is put together. The FDC order for an initial registration appears in figure 12-11. 12-18. Heading Data and the Initial Fire Command The heading data is entered from the firing chart: vertical interval (VI) is the difference between the recorded altitudes of the mortar section and the target. The charge correction is computed by reading SITE from the ballistic plate (GFS) and multiplying it by the VI + 100. The deflec- tion correction is read from the numbering of drift marks (for the RP it is zero initially be- cause the mortars were laid on the RP). The initial deflection and charge are read from the plotting equipment. Angle T is calculated by measuring the gun-target direction and finding the difference between that and the observer- target direction given in the call-for-fire. The initial fire command can now be prepared and issued, applying corrections to chart data to get firing data. Figure 12-11 shows the heading data and initial fire command properly completed. 12—19. Message to the Observer a. While the computers are preparing the ini- tial fire command, the radio-telephone operator, guided by the chief computer, extracts certain information from the FDC order and heading data and combines them into the message to the DATA SHEET (4.2 INCH MORTAR) For use of this form, $•© FM 23-91, the proponent ogency is U. S. Continental Army Command ORGANIZATION: j^p MORTAR GRID: ^^877^7 ALT,TUDE: Z8& DATE: JA/y 70 DIR OF DRIFT 40 MT 0. P. GRID 0. P. ALT FIRE: 0247 to. 0207 TARGET IDENT CHART DATA FIRING CORRECTIONS FIRING DATA INTELLIGENCE TGT NO. GRID DEFL RG CHG DEFL CORR ALT V| CHG CORR DEFL CHG FUZE TIME SETTING ELEV TIME FIRED TARGET OESCR. METH OF ENGMT SURVEILLANCE 9998 8Z39 28oo /7^ Я23 34o + 60 2777 700 /£30 /?/=> Я№Тф s/8 /2^ aw/z — — — — — — — — — — — DA Forn JI8B-2R, I Od 71 Figure 12-12. DA Form 2188-2-R (Data Sheet (4.2-inch mortar)). 12-25
FM 23-91 observer. The purpose of this message is to let him know the mission is being conducted, and to give him information which will make his ob- servation more effective. It consists of the follow- ing elements: (1) Mortar to fire for effect (if it is not what the observer expects). (2) Mortar to adjust (if other than the base mortar). (3) Method of fire for adjustment (if it is not what the observer expects. (4) Angle T (when it is between 600 mils and 2700 mils). (5) Shell and fuze (if other than HE quick). (6) Method of fire for effect (always). (a) Zone. (b) Volley. (c) Section left (right). (7) Target number (if the observer requests MARK AS TARGET or the chief computer deems the target of sufficient importance to receive a number). b. The message should be transmitted as early as possible, usually before the first round is fired, especially if angle T is 500 mils or greater. Other information not included in the initial transmis- sion is sent later. 12-20. Observer Corrections After each round is fired, the FO sends back a correction to move the strike of the round nearer the target. For normal missions, he establishes a range bracket around the target and successively splits it until he splits a 100-meter bracket, at which time he calls for fire for effect. In a pre- cision mission such as the registration, however, the adjustment is not complete until a 50-meter range bracket is split. To plot the observer’s cor- rections, the target grid must be properly oriented on the firing chart (para 11-12). After each cor- rection is received, the computer plots it, and determines and records new chart data from the firing chart on the DA Form 2399 (Computer’s Record) (fig. 12-11). The vertical interval and deflection corrections are applied to the chart data to get the new firing data, which is recorded and transmitted to the section along with any changes to method of fire. At the end of the ad- justment, the observer will usually request a fire for effect; however, since registration is not a destructive mission, no FFE is required. If the observer includes END OF MISSION, REGIS- TRATION COMPLETE with his last correction, the FDC computes only chart data and warns the section CHECK FIRE, REGISTRATION COMPLETE. At the section, mortar crews may relax a bit, but realize that the mission alert is not terminated; the FDC may wish to adjust the sheaf. If the FDC plans to do so, it warns the observer PREPARE TO ADJUST THE SHEAF, at which time he picks out adjusting points for each of the mortars with respect to the RP, de- termines the approximate direction of the wind (he wants the mortars fired successively begin- ning at the downward side), and calls back SEC- TION RIGHT (LEFT) accordingly. If the FDC decides not to adjust the sheaf, it calls END OF MISSION to the section. * 12-21. Adjusting the Sheaf Once the observer has told the FDC which way he wants the section fired during the adjustment of the sheaf, the FDC can prepare a fire com- mand from the last chart data determined. MORTAR TO FIRE has changed to SECTION, but since the FDC knows number 2 mortar is hitting in the right place, it need not be refired. METHOD OF FIRE, therefore, is ONE ROUND SECTION RIGHT (LEFT), NUMBER TWO DO NOT FIRE. The section right (left) is fired (10 second intervals between rounds), and the ob- server notes carefully where each one lands. He sends back deviation corrections in meters; range corrections are ignored if less than 50 meters. If a deviation correction is 50 meters or greater, it must be refired; corrections to be refired should always be transmitted first by the FO. Each de- viation correction is recorded on a separate line with the number of the mortar to which it per- tains. To compute piece corrections, the 100/R factor at the surveyed RP range is determined (it could have been recorded in the DEFL CORR box at the beginning). The 100/R factor tells how many mils deflection must be changed to move the strike of the round 100 meters. For a smaller correction, the proper fraction must be used, e.g., in figure 12-11, for number four mortar, the cor- rection is RIGHT 60. The deflection adjustment will be 60/100 x (100/R factor) = 0.6 x 35 21 mils. When the round fired from number four landed 60 meters off, the sights read a de- flection of 2777. To this must be added an adjust- ment of right 21 mils. Using the “left add, right subtract” (LARS) rule, subtracting 21 from 2777 gives a new deflection of 2756. After the observer sees that the sheaf is properly adjusted, he calls back END OF MISSION, SHEAF ADJUSTED. 12-26
FM 23-91 At the section, all four mortars point in exactly the same direction, although they may read several different deflections on the sights (as is the case with the registration recorded in figure 12-11). To make sure that the sights read the same deflection when the mortars point the same direction, and to insure an alined sight picture at the RP deflection, the FDC issues the command SECTION, DEFLECTION (the firing deflection corresponding to final chart deflection), REFER AND REALINE AIMING POSTS. Without mov- ing the weapons themselves, the mortar crews refer the indicated deflection and set their aim- ing posts out in an alined sight picture. The section should always refer and realine at the conclusion of a registration. 12-22. Applying Registration Corrections to the Fire Control Equipment As the firing chart is being prepared, the data sheet can be filled in with available information, specifically, all of the heading data and the target data section for the RP. Unlike most of the targets which will be engaged on the surveyed fir- ing chart, the final marked location for the RP will be the location originally plotted. The plot- ting pin should be returned to the surveyed loca- tion. Once the deflection index is constructed on the firing chart, it cannot be moved; the chart deflection at the RP is therefore 2800. The com- puter can, however, change the gageline with which he reads charge. Copy the last charge in the chart charge column (17 3/8) from the computer’s record to the data sheet, as in figure 12-12. Slide the plastic cursor of the GFF (GFS) until it is tight against the pin in the RP (at the surveyed RP range). Draw a small mark over the adjusted chart charge, and using a straightedge, connect the dot and the pin with a fine black line, as in figure 12-4. (On the GFS, draw a vertical line through the adjusted charge as in fig. 12-14). Additional information may now be copied from the computer’s record, to include the altitude of the RP, the VI, charge correction, firing data deflection, charge, and elevation, and all of the intelligence information. Only one space remains to be filled, the deflection correction. It is easily computed as the LARS correction which must be applied to the chart deflection to get the firing data (deflection). It must have both a magnitude and a direction (RIGHT 23, in fig. 12-12). The deflection correction can now be applied to the plotting equipment. Find which drift mark is closest to where the adjusted charge gageline crosses the charge scale. This drift mark will be renumbered with the deflection correction just determined. As range increases, drift will increase to the right. To correct for it, corrections must increase to the LEFT as range increases. It is apparent that for the trajectory of the round to be a smooth curve, deflection corrections must be consecutive numbers. If drift mark 40 is renum- bered R23, then 41 would be R23 + LI = R22, and 39 would be R23 + R1 = R24. Figure 12-13 shows the ballistic plate of the GFF properly numbered, and figure 12-14 shows the proper GFS numbering. Over what size area of the bat- tlefield are these corrections valid, though ? Trans- fer limits, define the area in which, if the ob- server locates the target to survey accuracy, the section can expect to fire for effect successfully without first conducting an adjustment. They prescribe the size of the area in which correc- tions are valid. For the 4.2-inch mortar, transfer limits are 400 mils right and left of the RP, and 1,500 meters over and short of it, as shown in figure 12-15. Outside this area the corrections are normally used in the absence of anything more accurate, but the computer should be aware that an adjustment onto the target is necessary. Any time a large area is to be supported, espe- cially a 6400 mil area, several RP’s should be chosen and registered. Each one will probably re- quire a different adjusted charge gageline and a different deflection correction scale. A different cursor may be used for each RP, or two or three different charge gagelines may be drawn on each. In eithei' case, each gageline should be clearly marked with the number of the RP to which it applies. Numbering two or more deflection correc- tion scales on the ballistic plate or GFS is out of the question. Instead, a small scale is drawn on an unused edge of the firing chart or the back of the data sheet for each RP. One column has the numbering of the drift marks from the ballistic plate (GFS), and the other column has the de- flection correction for each drift mark. As with the charge gagelines, deflection correction scales must be carefully numbered with the identifica- tion of the RP to which they pertain. 12-27
FM 23-91 CHART RG 2910^ Figure 12-18. Ballistic plate after registration. ADJUSTED CHART CHARGE (17 3/8) CHART RG 2П0« о 1 1 1 In! 1 1 -1—L ADJUSTED CHART CHARGE (17 3 8> О Jul |”'Г—-г I 1 "I "| I У I | I1 I JL_ ___LLT_____2_____2 I I I I I I I H I I I I 111111111111111 Т113ИГЮПИ1 I U I I I Id I I I Id I I I I-................ "^'''Ь|1|ЦцДцц1цц1ш1Ццуцц11|||| i i i 11 u Ц.Ш Figure 12-14. Graphical firing scale after regieration. 12-28
FM 23-91 TRANSFER LIMITS FOR ONE RP Figure li-15. Transfer limits. Section IV. ENGAGING STANDARD TARGETS 12—23. Adjustment Procedures a. Bracketing Method. Adjustment can be speeded by establishing a range bracket of bursts on both sides of the target and successively split- ting it until the burst of the rounds is sufficiently close to the target that dispersion makes further adjustment unnecessary or ineffectual. The ob- server locates the target as precisely as he can in the call-for-fire. After the first round is fired, the observer attempts to make a range correc- tion which is as small as possible, yet which will cause the next round to burst on the other side of the target. For inexperienced observers, the mini- mum range change guide is used: for ОТ distance less than 1000 meters, minimum observer correc- tion (first round) to range is 100 meters; for ОТ distances of 1000-2000 meters, minimum correc- tion is 200 meters; over 2000 meters, 400 meters. For more experienced observers, discretion should temper use of the guide. Subsequent corrections 12-29
FM 23-91 reduce the size of the bracket until the observer calls for fire for effect. He does so on normal mis- sions when a 100-meter bracket is split; in de- struction missions, precision registrations, and adjustment of the FPF, a 50-meter bracket must be split. When the target grid is properly oriented on the firing chart, all range corrections (except a final 25 meter correction) can be plotted on the grid lines of the target grid. b. Creeping Method. When friendly troops are within 400 meters of where fires are being ad- justed, the FO announces DANGER CLOSE and adjusts by the creeping method. The location he calls in to the FDC should be 200 meters farther from friendly troops than the target. Ammuni- tion permitting, the observer moves the burst of the rounds closer to the target by sending in cor- rections which are half the estimated distance from the last burst to the target. Once the cor- rection is 50 meters, it should not be changed. Any time the section is to be fired for effect within 200 meters of friendly troops, the FDC should insure that the entire section is fired in adjustment once the 200 meter mark is reached. Take special care to see that the section receives and fires correct data on danger close missions. 12—24. Zone Fire Many times a target will either be spread over an area so large or its location may be sufficiently uncertain to the observer, that the fire for effect must cover an area greater in depth than that expected with normal range dispersion. Size of the target area is indicated by the observer’s de- scription of the target, e.g., PLATOON IN OPEN, or COMPANY ASSEMBLY AREA 200 x 200. The 4.2-inch mortar engages a zone by firing different charges to achieve ranges about 50 metei*s different for each round fired. The observer’s adjusting point is the center of the target; in the fire for effect, rounds are fired at this range and an equal number of ranges over and short of it, as illustrated in figure 12-16. To get the 50 meter range spacing between rounds, charges are cut 3/8 charge apart when firing without extension, and 4/8 charge apart with extension. These increments are added to, and subtracted from, the middle or base charge. With the 81 mm mortar, range variation is achieved by searching (changing the elevation a number (spe- cified by the FDC) of turns between rounds). The observer adjusts the base mortar to a point on either the near or far edge of the target, tells the FDC the size of the target so that they can calculate how many turns of search are re- quired between rounds, and issues the proper fire command to the section. 12-25. Wide and Extremely Large Targets When a target is too wide to engage with a parallel sheaf, the section can employ traversing fire in the fire for effect. The observer chooses an adjusting point on one of the flanks of the target and reports its location to the FDC along with the width of the target and the number of the flank mortar to adjust. At the end of the adjustment the FDC divides the target into equal segments, as in figure 12-17. The number of rounds needed to cover the segment is computed from its width, and the number of turns of traverse between rounds (1 turn is about 10 mils). A different starting deflection is required for each mortar, computed as follows: The width of the target is divided by the number of mortars to fire (4 for 4.2, 3 for 81), and 40 (the distance between mortars) is subtracted. This is divided by 100 and multiplied by the 100/R factor cor- responding to the gun-target range. The result is the difference in the deflections of adjacent mortars. If the right flank mortar was used in adjustment, the deflection for number two is the deflection for number one plus the difference computed above; number three is the same amount greater than number two. If the left- flank nortar is used to adjust, the difference is subtracted from each successive deflection. For example, let the number four mortar be adjusting on a target 400 meters wide; 100/R is 35, and the adjusted deflection fired with number four is 2720. Each mortar must cover 400 meters +• 4 = 100 meters; however, when firing the same deflection on all mortars the rounds will strike 40 meters apart. A deflection adjustment must be computed which will move the point of im- pact 100 - 40 60 meters to the right. This deflection adjustment is 60/100 times the 100/R factor » 0.6 x 35 = 21 mils. Number 3 deflec- tion is therefore 2720 - 21 = 2699; if number 2 were also fired at 2699 it would strike only 40 meters right of number 3, so the adjustment must also be applied to it. Number two deflec- tion is 2678, and number one deflection, 2657. To calculate the number of turns of traverse between rounds, the 100/R factor is used again. The distance between bursts is computed by dividing the width of the sector by the number of rounds allocated to it. This is converted to mils by dividing it by 100 and multiplying it by the 100/R factor. The result is converted to 12-30
FM 23-91 ADJUSTING POINT - 4.2 INCH ADJUSTING P0INT-81mm Figure 12-1 в. Engaging area targets with zone fire. mils by dividing it by 100 and multiplying it by the 100/R factor. The result is converted to turns by dividing by 10 and rounding to the nearest half turn. For extremely large or unusually shaped targets, traversing and searching can be combined. For example, the section can traverse one direction, search to a different range, tra- verse to the other direction, etc., almost indefi- nitely. 12—26. Destruction Dispersion, characteristics of all indirect fire weapons, makes mortars more effective against area targets than point targets. Nonetheless, if a point target is of sufficient significance and there is time and ammunition available to engage it, precision fire may be directed to destroy it. Field experience has shown that engagement of such targets by a single mortar firing a large number of rounds yields the most satisfactory results, and also leaves the rest of the section free for other missions during the lengthly ad- justment. If however, the chief computer desires to fire the entire section in effect, the fires are converged on the adjusting mortar. Both tech- niques are described below. a. Single Mortar. If the chief computer decides to fire for effect with just one mortar, he desig- 12-31
FM 23-91 TARGET WIDTH 400 METERS 100 METERS » *> ONE SEGMENT NO. 4 MORTAR ROUNDS IN SEGMENT Figure 12-17. Traversing fire. nates which one under MORT TO FFE in the FDC order. It should be a flank weapon; if it is number four, then number two can adjust missions for the rest of the section. When the initial fire command is issued only the adjusting mortar is designated to follow the deflections announced for the mission. Any time a mortar other than number two is used to adjust, a spe- cial deflection correction must be computed and added to the deflection correction read from the plotting equipment. The deflection read opposite the deflection index on the firing chart is the deflection for the number two mortar to hit the target; however, if number four (one) were to fire the same deflection, it would strike 80 meters to the left (40 meters to the right) of where number two would have hit. The special deflec- tion correction is computed by converting the number of meters the strike of the round is to be moved to mils using the 100/R factor. For number four, the correction is applied to move the strike of the round to the right; for number one, to the left. Figure 12-18 illustrates the following example: the observer’s call-for-fire lo- cates the target at a range of 8400 meters from the section at an initial deflection of 2917, with a deflection correction of R19. The 100/R factor, read from the manufacturer’s gageline, is 30 at that range. For a number four adjust, the special correction is 80/100 x 100/R “ 0.8 X 30 - 24 mils to the right. For number one it is 0.4 x 30 = 12 mils to the left. The deflection correction recorded by the computer in the head- ing of the computer’s record is the sum of the correction read from the plotting equipment and the special correction computed above. For num- ber four he would record R19 + R24 = R43, and for number one, R19 + L12 = R7. The de- flections for number four and number one to hit the target are 2874 and 2910, respectively. At the end of an adjustment conducted to the nearest 25 meters of range, the observer will call for the fire for effect. This will be a number of rounds large enough in the opinion of the chief computer to destroy the target described by the observer. If it does not do so, the observer 12-32
FM 23-91 MOVE THE BURST 80 m RIGHT MOVE THE BURST _ 40 m LEFT Я RAHGE 3400 m DEFL CORR R19jrf 100/R 30 К Figure 12-18. Moving the burst of rounds m the sheaf using the 100/R factor. may make further adjustments and/or call for a repeat fire for effect. When the FDC receives END OF MISSION, the target will probably be recorded on the data sheet. The deflections on the data sheet should be recorded as if number two mortar had conducted the adjustment, that is, 12-33
FM 23-91 the special deflection correction is omitted from the recorded deflection correction and the com- mand deflection. b. Entire Section to FFE. The precision ad- justment is normally conducted with the base mortar. A new element is added to the FDC order; CONVERGE ON (the adjusting mortar) is written under SHEAF CORR. Even though each mortar will fire a different deflection in ef- fect, the entire section should be designated to follow the adjusting mortar during the adjust- ment. Then, when the observer calls for FFE, the following mortars will have only small de- flection changes to make, thus speeding the com- pletion of the mission. The observer adjusts onto the target with the same precision as in the one mortar situation. When FFE is called for, the entire section must fire on the spot to which the base mortar has been adjusted. The most accurate method of doing this would be to plot each mor- tar individually, construct a deflection index for each mortar, and read four different deflections to the final adjusting point. This procedure is so complex and time consuming, that it is rarely used. Instead, the 100/R factor is used to move the strike of rounds fired from the other mortars to the same spot as those fired from the adjust- ing mortar, as illustrated in figure 12-18. A sep- arate line of the computer's record is used to record each mortar’s deflection, the deflection itself being preceded by the number of the mor- tar to which it applies. For the situation depicted in figure 12-18, the firing (command) deflec- tions would look like this: 1-2910 2-2898 3-2886 4-2874 Because of dispersion and the error inherent in computation, it is not expected that every round fired will impact on the target. For this reason, a large number of rounds must be fired for effect to destroy any small, sturdy target. 12—27. Proximity (VT) Fuze The proximity (VT) fuze is used to achieve an air burst above enemy troops. It operates on the radar principle, bouncing a signal off the ground; when the returning signal becomes strong enough to indicate the round is close to the target, it detonates. The height of burst increases with the density of the ground near impact, and decreases with high angles of fire; however, there is noth- ing the section can do to change the height of burst, which averages about 3-6 meters. The proximity (VT) fuze is extremely expensive com- pared with other types, and should be used ONLY when no other fuze will accomplish the same results. The FO adjusts onto the target, normally with the base mortar, until his ad- justment splits a 100-meter range bracket, at which time he fires for effect. The section should have been alerted in the initial fire command to the number of rounds of HE proximity (VT) to have ready for the fire for effect. If all rounds are to be fired at the same range in the fire for effect, the time setting which is sent to the sec- tion as part of the subsequent fire command is the time of flight (read from the ballistic plate, GFS, or firing tables) rounded DOWN to the nearest second, with one subtracted. For exam- ple, if the time of flight is 26.3 seconds, the computer would round down to 26 and subtract one to get 25, which is sent to the section. If zone fire is to be employed in the FFE, the com- puter determines the time of flight corresponding to the lowest charge to be fired in the zone, rounds down, and subtracts one; this time set- ting is placed on all rounds fired in the zone. 12-34
FM 23-91 CHAPTER 13 ADVANCED PROCEDURES Section I. SPECIAL TYPES OF MISSIONS 13-1. The Screening Mission The techniques used by the mortar unit in at- tacking targets with smoke are influenced by factors independent of the mission itself, e.g., weather, terrain, dispersion, adjustment, dis- tribution of fire, and ammunition availability. a. Types of Screening Missions. (1) Smoke curtains (screens) are estab- lished between enemy observation and friendly units or installations to hamper observation, to reduce hostile observed fire, to hamper and con- fuse hostile operations, and to deceive the enemy regarding friendly operations. (2) Blinding smoke is placed directly on the enemy position to obscure enemy visual ob- servation into friendly territory, and to produce casualties. b. Getting Clearance to Fire. The primary consideration in planning for a smokescreen is that it must accomplish its purpose without in- terfering with the activities of friendly troops. This requires considerable advance planning in the FDC. Authority to fire smoke missions rests with the highest commander whose troops will be affected (normally a brigade or battalion commander). The flank unit commanders will be notified by the approving authority; however, the supported unit commander must check with commanders of the flank units which will be affected to insure that they have been informed. The platoon leader directs and closely supervises the employment of smoke once he is authorized to fire the mission. c. Considerations in Firing a Screening Mis- sion. Generally the platoon leader is given the mission of firing snoke through command chan- nels. The method he uses to accomplish the mis- sion is not usually prescribed, but is developed by the chief computer and the FO who will adjust the mission. The chief computer considers the following factors in deciding how to engage the target: (1) Ammunition requirements. The number of rounds required to establish and maintain a screen is influenced by various factors. Most important is the size of the target and meteorolog- ical conditions affecting the dispersion of the smoke. Since the chief computer cannot accu- rately determine the weather conditions that will exist at the time the mission is fired, he determines the amount of ammunition for the most unfavorable conditions which might rea- sonably be expected at that time and place. Techniques for computing the number of rounds required are discussed in d below and paragraph 18-2. (2) Mortars required. The heavy mortar platoon can, under favorable conditions with a flanking wind to spread the smoke, screen a front of 800 meters using all four mortars. A limitation, however, is the maximum rate of fire of the weapons. At maximum charge, the 4.2- inch mortar can fire 18 rounds the first minute, 9 rounds per minute for the next 5 minutes, and thereafter, a sustained rate of 3 rounds pei’ minute indefinitely. For the entire section, multi- ply these rates by four. (If the required number of rounds per minute exceeds these rates of fire, the platoon leader must get more weapons tem- porarily or use field expedient techniques for cooling the weapons.) (3) Casualty or blinding effects. If smoke is to be placed directly on the target for blind- ing or casualty-producing effects, the observer adjusts the center of impact of the rounds onto the center of the target as with a destructive (HE) mission. The number of rounds per minute to produce this effect is twice that for a normal screening mission. d. Computing the Number of Rounds Required for a Screen. A screening mission is conducted in four phases. First, the observer adjusts the upwind flank mortar to the upwind edge of the area to be screened using HE ammunition; at the end of the adjustment, one round of smoke is fired to see that it hits at the same location. 13-1
FM 23-91 Second, the observer calls for the sheaf to be opened; the FDC spaces the section evenly over the area to be screened, and each mortar fires one round to confirm that it is hitting where it should. Third, the screen is established by firing twice the number of rounds required to maintain the screen for one minute, or 10 rounds, which- ever is greater; these rounds are fired as quickly as possible. Finally, the screen is maintained by firing a certain number (determined by the procedure discussed below) of rounds per minute. The smoke chart (fig. 13-1) is used to compute the rate of fire necessary to maintain the screen. This chart is prepared for various weather con- ditions for a screen 500 meters wide; other widths are computed by scaling the values pro- portionally. To extract the proper value from the card, the chief computer must know the wind speed and direction, relative humidity, and tem- perature gradient (this tells whether smoke will rise or linger on the battlefield). Wind speed and direction at ground level are reported in SMOKE AMMUNITION REQUIREMENTS FOR 4.2-INCH MORTARS A. SMOKE CURTAIN. NUMBER OF WP ROUNDS PER MINUTE TO MAINTAIN A SMOKE CURTAIN ON A 500-METER FRONT IN FLANK WINDS. RELATIVE HUMIDITY (PERCENT) TEMPERATURE GRADIENT WIND SPEED, KNOTS 2 4 9 13 18 22 26 30 LAPSE NEUTRAL INVERSION 13 9 6 13 9 6 11 7 4 11 7 13 9 9 11 60 LAPSE NEUTRAL INVERSION 9 6 3 9 6 3 7 4 3 9 4 9 6 7 9 90 LAPSE NEUTRAL INVERSION 7 4 3 7 4 3 6 3 3 6 3 7 4 6 6 FOR QUARTERING WINDS, MULTIPLY TABLE VALUES BY 2. FOR TAIL WINDS, MULTIPLY TABLE VALUES BY 2. FOR HEAD WINDS, MULTIPLY TABLE VALUES BY 2-1/2. TABLE QUANTITIES ARE FOR SHELL IMPACT ON LAND; FOR WATER IMPACTS, MULTIPLY TABLE VALUES BY 1.4. FOR CURTAINS GREATER OR LESS THAN 500 METERS IN WIDTH, SCALE THE TABLE VALUES UP OR DOWN PROPORTIONALLY. TO ESTABLISH A SMOKE CURTAIN, EMPLOY VOLLEY FIRE, USING TWICE THE TABLE VALUE (BUT NOT LESS THAN 10 ROUNDS). B. OBSCURING SMOKE EFFECT. THE NUMBER OF ROUNDS PER MINUTE REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN AN OBSCURING SMOKE EFFECT ON A 500-METER FRONT IS OBTAINED BY DOUBLING THE VALUES IN A ABOVE. Figure 13—1. The smoke chart for computing ammunition requirements. 13-2
FM 23-91 line 00 of the MET message, but should be con- firmed just before the mission is fired by the FO. The other information may be obtained from the MET data station, the battalion S2, instru- ments near the section, or estimation. The rela- tive humidity (amount of moisture in the air) is rounded to the value nearest one of those in the table, and the table is entered at that point. Temperature gradient is a measure of how air temperature changes with altitude; lapse is the most common condition existing when the air temperature decreases with increasing altitude; neutral conditions exist when there is no appre- ciable temperature change with altitude; and inversion exists when the temperature rises with altitude (as in the early morning). The temper- ature gradient determines which line to use. The wind speed in KNOTS determines which column to use. The box at which the proper row and column meet contains the number of rounds per minute needed to MAINTAIN a screen 500 meters wide for one minute with a flank wind. For a wider or narrower screen increase or decrease the number in the box proportionally. For a quartering (diagonal) wind, or a tail wind, multiply the value by two; for a head wind, by two and one-half. For a condition of 60 percent humidity, neutral temperature gradient, and a four knot wind, it would take 6 rounds per minute to maintain a 500 meter screen with a flank wind. With a tail wind, the value must be multi- plied by two; 12 rounds per minute are required. If the screen is to be only 400 meters wide, multiply by 400/500, or 0.8; the result (9.6 in this case) is ALWAYS ROUNDED UP since the section can’t fire a fraction of a round, and since the values so determined are the minimum requirement. In the example, then, 10 rounds per minute are required. To establish a screen, twice the number of rounds needed to maintain the screen for one minute is computed; at least 10 rounds are always fired to establish a screen. The total number of smoke rounds needed for the mission is computed as follows: Adj ustment phase 1 (all missions) Opening phase 4 (all misions) Establishment (2 x number to phase maintain for one Maintaining minute; at least 10) (number to main- phase tain for one min- Total ute x number of minutes) For the purpose of ordering for a mission, the FDC makes estimates as to what weather will exist, remembering that it is better to have too much ammunition than too little. 13-2. Conduct of a Screening Mission a. Receipt of the Mission Directive. The di- rective to fire a screening mission will come to the FDC in a form similar to the following: HEAVY MORTAR PLATOON ESTABLISH SMOKE CURTAIN FROM (COORDINATES) TO (COORDINATES) AT H MINUS FIVE MINUTES AND MAINTAIN UNTIL H PLUS FIVE MINUTES. Using the firing chart con- structed in paragraph 12-16, these coordinates might be 9510 8276 to 9563 8248. The chief computer plots the area to be screened on the firing chart and on his map, analyzing the ter- rain to determine whether special adjustments or unusual distribution of fire will be necessary. b. Ordering Ammunition. The chief computer measures the width of the required screen to be 600 meters. He estimates that the worst con- ditions likely to exist at the time the mission is fired will be: 60 percent humidity, lapse, two knot quartering wind. The table value for those conditions is 9 rounds per minute times two (for quartering wind), or 18. For a 600 meter front, he multiplies by 600/500 ” 1.2, and gets 21.6, or 22, rounds per minute. He must order 1 round for adjustment, 4 for opening, 2 x 22 = 44 for establishment, and 10 x 22 = 220 for the maintaining phase, a total of 269 rounds. c. Briefing the Observer. Because of the many clearances required to fire the mission, the chief computer normally will have ample time to brief the observer on the screening misssion. This briefing includes a map reconnaissance of the area to be screened so that the observer will have no difficulty identifying it on the ground, and selection of an OP from which the entire screen can be observed. d. CaU~for-Fire. At the appointed time, usu- ally 10-20 minutes before the screen is to be fired so that data can be prepared in advance and ammunition prepared at the section, the observer prepares and transmits his call-for- fire, as recorded in figure 13-2. He should have checked the wind so that his call-for-fire will specify the upwind mortar to be used in ad- justment. Since the FDC already knows the co- ordinates of the ends of the screen, his call will locate the point he has chosen as an adjusting point. 13-3
FM 23-91 e. Exact Ammunition Requirement. About the time the call-for-fire is received, the chief com- puter makes a final check on the weather and directs the computation of the exact ammunition requirements for the mission. For example in figure 13-2, humidity is 60 percent, neutral, with a 4 knot flank wind. Table value is 6, which must be multiplied by 1.2 for a 600 meter screen to get 7.2 or 8 rounds per minute. Total smoke ammunition needed is adjustment 1, opening 4, establishment 2 x 8 = 16, and maintaining 10 x 8 - 80, for a total of 101 rounds. The chief computer calls the section to have at least that much smoke broken down and on the sec- tion. f. Computing the Mission. The chief computer issues the FDC order (fig. 13-2); method of FFE is the number of rounds computed to es- tablish the screen, 16, divided by the number of mortars to FFE, 4. Time of opening fire is at the chief computer’s command; he will begin the adjustment at a time so that the screen can be established at H minus 5 minutes. Once the first round of smoke has burst, there should be no delays; deviation corrections are requested in turns and relayed to the section. Once the first round of smoke is fired, all commands should be such that they can be applied with a minimum of reaction time. The computer, upon receipt of the FDC order, determines heading data. The de- flection correction must compensate for adjust- ment by number one mortar rather than the base piece. This is done using the 100/R factor as described in paragraph 12-26«. The initial fire command is prepared and issued. HE is adjusted to within 100 meters of the adjusting point for range. The observer splits the 100-meter bracket and calls for WP to see that smoke will strike the adjusting point and to determine how large an area one mortar can screen. The deflection to be fired with smoke is the same as would be fired if the final adjusting round were HE, but since M328A1 WP ammunition is much heavier than HE, a different charge must be computed. In the example, the section sergeant reported that the HE was 3 □ ammunition and WP was 2 □. The computer checks the table of equivalent weights at the front of the firing tables to de- termine the weight difference. The difference is found to be +6 □ in the example. Checking Table D, columns 18 and 19, the computer finds that each square of additional weight at the adjusted target range is equivalent to firing 14 meters farther. The total weight difference, then, is equivalent to firing 6 x 14 - 84 meters far- ther. This difference is added to the adjusted target range to read the charge to be cut on the smoke rounds, in this case, 23 6/8. The ob- server’ makes corrections as necessary, then calls for the sheaf to be opened. In the example he would call OPEN LEFT 450. Each mortar will fire a different deflection, and the bursts will be spaced equally across the area to be screened. Rather than plotting each mortar separately, the 100/R factor is used to open the sheaf. The amount to be opened is divided by 3 (there are three open spaces separating 4 mortars); from the result 40 is subtracted (the bursts will be 40 meters apart firing the same deflection on all mortars); this difference is divided by 100 and then multiplied by the 100/R factor recorded beside the deflection correction in the heading. The final result should be the difference in de- flections between adjacent mortars; moving from right to left, each sight should read this differ- ence more than the mortar to its right. In the example, 450/3 - 150; 150-40 = 110; 110/100 x 27 = 29.7, or 30. In the call to open the sheaf the observer also requests SECTION RIGHT (LEFT), asking for the downwind mor- tal* to be fired first, so that he can check the spacing of the bursts. Piece corrections are in turns (1 turn is about 10 mils), and the FDC quickly relays these to the section. Rarely is there a range change after the command to open the section, so time can be saved by cutting all charges at the charge specified in the command to open the sheaf. When the observer requests FFE, the FDC tells the section how many rounds to shoot employing volley fire. The maintenance phase begins almost immediately; the FDC sim- ply relays observer corrections to the section. If the observer notices the screen thinning in one place (frequently the upwind end), he may double the rate of fire from one or more mortars. Control in ending the screening mission rests with the commander who order it established; normally screens will be fired according to a time schedule; however, even with a schedule, the commander may order it maintained beyond the scheduled termination time. In the absence of external control, the FDC will control the timing, ordering the section to cease fire. The section sergeant should give the FDC a count of rounds expended (or remaining) at the end of the mis- sion. 13-3. Tactical Chemical Missions Whenever chemical projectiles are used, particu- lar attention must be given to selection of the 13-4
FM 23-91 COMPUTER S RECORD For use of this form, ... FM 23-91; the proponent agency is U. $. Continental Army Command ORC DATE TIME TGT NO. /£144/72 /&*> V1 CHG RG CORR ? CHART DEFL .. 23838 CHART RG DEFL CORR Я77 +£// - /?£ (% =27) ANGLE T 200 pt CHG -as 22% CALL-FOR-FIRE FDC ORDER INITIAL FIRE COMMAND RDS EXP 0P1 P/V AW 9ЛЗ 8248 0/2 0482 &/. 0£F. Pas. 804/» A4&/F 8е/?8£лг/8а МАРТ ТП FFF MORT TO FOLL SHELL & FUZE MORT TO FlPF ow..*££ 0 MORT T METH 0 0 ADJ . F ADJ .<2 ^7 JASIS FOR CORR >HEAF CORR..... iHELL & FUZE . l//S> /2 888 METHОС deflec CHARGE TIME SE ELEVA! > OF FIRE....... :tion.....^?.^5 22 &A AETHOD OF FFE =IG LATERAL SPREAD TTING < inu ZOh TIM IE Г00 y/A/Z* E OF OPENING FIRE ........ OBSERVER CORR CHART DATA SUBSEQUENT COMMANDS DEV RG (TIME) HEIGHT DEFL CHG (RG) MORT FIRE METHOD FIRE DEFL RG У' TIME SETTING ELEV 2383 22% 23<7 23% ?0O 0/2 Pi ’/>£47 23% ®ivP 23% />Р£Л/ LfTT 40*A S£C Sp*a /2387 2-2327 3-24/7 4-2447 23% 744 *3», wri '71/88/ PP£ ®/vp #3/?27 ?00 С4Л/Г/, WQl/S 2/08 A 73/81 t/elr c/7?@ 9203 /= 77/80 78 <306 &/tex W/rA \4;/Ли£ #>7. Г 7,2 c//£eP 3}4;р£/ /,2 £0/7 /4287 SCJ?£EA/£-£> AMMUNITION £0/f (®W» LOT NUMBER /00887 IC/44 TYPE WP ON HAND 80 RECEIVED a 0/a TOTAL <7/ 278 EXPENDED 2 /0/ REMAINING 97 /4? 1 DA Form 2399, ] Oct 71 replaces da form 2309. i jul «8. which is obsolete. Figure 1 -2. DA Form 2399 Computer's record for a screening mission. 13-5
FM 23-91 area into which chemical projectiles will be fired. Wind direction, velocity, and temperature gra- dient are factors of great importance in this selection and will determine the number of chem- ical projectiles to fire to achieve the desired re- sults. If chemical rounds are to be fired over friendly troops, or if friendly troops are down- wind- from the target area, they must mask. See FM 8-10 for information concerning the com- putation of safety distance. Chemical rounds for the 4.2-inch mortar are base-ejecting, similar to the illumination round. Ballistic data, to include charge, drift, and time setting, are included in the firing tables 4.2-H-2. 13-4. The Air Observer Army aircraft are used extensively for surveil- lance of large areas. With the inclusion of a trained FO, fires may be directed at targets of opportunity over a wider area than is possible with a ground observer. Because the air observer is constantly moving, however, the FDC has difficulty converting his corrections into plots on the firing charts unless the observer can make these corrections with respect to a line whose direction is known to the FDC. There are three convenient groupings for these lines: a. Gun-Target (GT) Line. The observer may be able to see both the section and the target simultaneously, enabling him to “see” the gun- target line. His aircraft may be equipped with a radio homing device, so that with the target in sight he can fly toward the mortar position. Frequently, however, neither of these is the case, and the FDC must identify the GT line for the observer. It does this by firing three rang- ing rounds toward the location identified by the observer as the target, one 200 meters short of it, one on it, and one 200 meters beyond it, in that order, in rapid succession. Not only does this tell the observer the direction upon which to base his corrections, but it provides a con- venient yardstick for distance. In the FDC a pin is placed in the initial target location on the firing chart. The pin is removed, placed in the center of the target grid, and returned to the hole. The target grid is then rotated until the 0-3200 line lies along the edge of the range arm of the GFF (RDP) pushed tight against the pin, with the 0 end (arrowhead) pointing away from the mortar position. The target grid is taped in place, and corrections are plotted in the usual way. The three ranging rounds are individually plotted and different charges read. 13-4 Since the order of firing is critical, the charges in the INITIAL FIRE COMMAND should read as follows: CHARGE FIRST ROUND 16 6/8, CHARGE SECOND ROUND 16 7/8, CHARGE THIRD ROUND 18 1/8. The observer will make his first correction from whichever round bursts closest to the target. b. Line of Known Direction. This may be any line recognizable from the air and on the firing chart, and is coordinated in the FDC before the air observer leaves on the mission. The observer may refer to this line by its direction, by a code name previously coordinated with the FDC, or by the terrain features which comprise it. In the FDC the attitude of the line is determined (since it is coordinated in advance this will normally have been done already), and the target grid is oriented in the proper direction over the new target or the point being shifted from. c. Convenient Spotting Line. If the observer has not coordinated a spotting line or is unable to use it, he may call in any other convenient line. This may be a cardinal direction, a linear terrain feature, or an imaginary line connecting two prominent features. Regardless of what he uses, the observer must be sufficiently specific in describing his intended spotting line so that the FDC can determine exactly what he means, and orient its equipment to the proper direction. The observer will normally specify a general direction to clarify which way he is looking along the line, but the direction used by the FDC is the direction of the linear feature(s) measured to the nearest 10 mils (the measurement is made on the straight portion nearest the target). 13-5. Adjusting the FPF The FPF is the highest priority mission fired by the mortar section; when the call for the FPF comes in, the section is ordered to check fire on the mission being conducted, bring the weapons onto the FPF data, and fire until the alert is over or the ammunition exhausted. There- fore, care should be taken in the planning and adjustment of the FPF. The FPF should be closely integrated with other defenses, and un- der no circumstances should it be planned morel than 200 meters from friendly troops. / a. Precautions. Because the FPF will be ad- justed to within 200 meters of friendly troops, the adjustment is danger close, so add at least 200 meters to the initial range for safety. Use the creeping method of adjustment. Fuze delhy
FM 23-91 is used on the adjusting rounds to further reduce the danger. Unless the exact orientation of the sheaf is known by the observer, the entire sec- tion should fire one round so that he can choose the mortar closest to its final position in the FPF (i.e., closest to freindly troops) to adjust. That way, when the first mortar has been adjusted, the FO can call for a repeat of that data on the next mortar knowing it will hit outside the FPF. b. Procedure. After coordinating the location of the FPF with the appropriate commander, the FO plots its location on his map, adds a 200 meter safety zone and determines coordi- nates, if possible, to the first adjusting point. He watches the first round fired by the entire section to see which flank mortar is closest to its final FPF location (1, fig. 13-3). He calls back the number of that mortar and the cor- rection which will bring it half the distance to its final position in the FPF. He continues the creeping adjustment (para 12-246) until the burst is in its proper location (2, fig. 13-3). The observer then tells the FDC (number of the mortar next to the one just adjusted) RE- PEAT. The FDC commands the next mortar to fire the deflection, charge, and elevation with which the other completed adjustment. When this round is fired, (3, fig. 13-3) it should hit slightly outside its proper location in the FPF; the observer creeps it into the proper location. He has the next mortar fired at the repeat data with which the second mortar hit its proper location and adjusts it (4, fig. 13-3). Finally, the last mortar is adjusted. Note that at no time was there danger of a round landing too close to friendly troops. c. Precut Ammunition for the FPF. Many units have an SOP to lay the section on the deflection of the FPF when not engaged in a fire mission. In this case, it is desirable to have a certain number of rounds precut at the ad- justed FPF charge for almost instantaneous ini- tiation of fires. The number of rounds precut and set aside is based on the following considera- tions : (1) Unit SOP. (2) Availability of ammunition. (a) Basic load. (6) Ammunition on hand. (c) Ammunition carried by the battal- ion. (3) Daily ammunition supply rate (ASR). Record data for all four mortars in the FDC. When updated firing corrections are determined, they should be applied to the FPF data, and this new data should be forwarded to the section. 13-6. Illumination Illumination is used generally so that daylight tactics may be used during hours of limited visibility. Before firing it, consider whether or not it will help the enemy as much as friendly troops. Clearance to fire must always be ob- tained, as with smoke and chemical rounds, from the highest unit commander affected. Co- ordination must be made with all affected sub- ordinate commanders so as not to jeopardize their mission. Finally, consider the amount and placement of illumination rounds necessary to achieve the desired results. a. Adjustment. The ejection point of the il- luminating round must usually be adjusted to achieve the best illumination. A strong wind will necessitate large adjustments to range or de- flection because of the burning time of the rounds. However, once illumination has been adjusted over a known point, the same adjustments to range and deflection can be applied in illuminat- ing other targets in the same way that registra- tion corrections are applied to the adjustment of HE missions. One other consideration in ad- justing illumination is safety. The range to im- pact must be checked for possible friendly posi- tions, and the range adjusted if there is danger of friendly casualties in the event the round malfunctions. b. Number of Rounds Required. The size of the area illuminated depends on the observing distance and atmospheric conditions. Two rounds fired from adjacent mortars should be used for observing under adverse conditions due to haze, smoke, dust, or an extended observing range; the observer requests TWO MORTARS. If a large area is to be illuminated, two (four) rounds may be fired from two (four) mortars with the bursts spaced 500 or 1000 meters apart (depend- ing on the ammunition) in range or (and) de- flection. 13-7. Computing Single and Multiple-Mortar Illumination The FO calls in the mission in the usual way, specifying a location, which is plotted on the firing chart, and an ОТ direction, which is in- dexed on the target grid for plotting corrections. Because of the large area illuminated by a single 13-7
FM 23-91 round, corrections to range or deflection must be multiples of 200 meters, and height of burst cor- rections, multiples of 50 meters. All corrections are applied to the preceding round fired. Once the location above which the illumination is desired has been plotted, the deflection and range are read from the GFF (RDP). The firing tables are en- tered (take care to use the proper table for the ammunition on hand) under range to determine the charge (elevation for 81 mm) and time setting required. For illumination, no corrections are ap- plied for drift, vertical interval, or adjustment with a mortal* other than the base piece, since these corrections would make so small a difference compared to the area illuminated. For the same reason, only elevation 900 is used for illumination with the 4.2-inch mortar. Corrections for range and deviation are simply plotted on the firing chart, and a new deflection and range read. For corrections to height of burst, the firing tables show correction factors for charge and time set- ting to change the height of burst Б0 meters. To increase the height of burst, charge is added and time setting decreased; to decrease height of burst, charge is reduced and time setting in- creased. For corrections of more than 50 meters, the correction factors are multiplied by the ap- propriate number, e.g., for a 200 meter height of burst correction (4 x 50), the unit corrections would be mltiplied by 4. a. Single Mortar Illumination. Especially with the new (M335A2) ammunition, the area illumi- nated by a single round is so large that rarely is more than one mortar required to fire illumina- tion. A flank piece is used to fire single mortar illumination, usually the one farthest from the base piece so the latter can adjust HE missions for the remaining three mortars. If number 2 is used to adjust HE, then number 4 should fire the illumination. Whenever possible, 1, 2, and 8 should fire HE at elevation 900 when number 4 firing illumination. b. Two Mortars, Same Deflection. This tech- nique is used only under conditions of poor visi- bility. Two mortars, usually numbers 3 and 4, fire rounds simultaneously at the same deflection, charge, and time setting to provide a large amount of light in a small area. c. Two Mortars, Range Spread. If the suspect- ed target is so large or the observer is so un- certain of its location that he desires a larger area illuminated, he may call for TWO MOR- TARS, RANGE SPREAD. Two mortars fire one round each at the same deflection but different charges, so that the rounds burst at different distances along the same line. Normally number 2 and 3 mortars are used to fire a range spread. The location called in by the FO is plotted on the firing chart. The target grid is positioned with its center over the plotted location, and oriented with the 0-3200 line along the GT line (along the range arm). If the illumination ammunition on hand is M335A2, a point is plotted 500 meters beyond the target on the GT line, and another one 500 meters short of it, and firing data is computed for both; the result will be two rounds 1000 meters apart. For all other types of 4.2-inch and 81 mm ammunition, data is determined for points 250 meters over and short of the target. With the 4.2, a range spread may be fired with one mortar and two different charges. d. Two Mortars, Lateral Spread. If the area to be illuminated is thought to be wide rather than deep, the observer will call for lateral spread rather than range spread. It is normally fired with the two flank mortars. Once again, the point located by the FO is plotted on the firing chart, and the charge and time setting to achieve the proper range computed. The deflection to the plotted point is read; and the 100/R factor is used to move the burst of the rounds 500 (250) meters to the right and left. e. Four Mortars, Range-Lateral Spread. If the target area is extremely large or conditions of limited visibility exist, the observer may call for RANGE-LATERAL SPREAD, which com- bines the two methods described above. The re- sult is a large diamond-shaped pattern of bursts on the sky. By using the flank mortars for the lateral spread and the center mortars for the range spread, the danger of rounds crossing paths in flight is eliminated. 13—8. Conduct of an Illumination Mission A call-for-fire is received from the FO specifying the general location of suspected enemy trucks, as in figure 13-4. The location is plotted on the firing chart; the chief computer accepts the mis- sion and issues the FDC order. a. For example—SECTION LOCATION 785- 25333, ALT 210 M; RP LOCATION 79145727, ALT 300 M; ELEVATION 900 W/O EXT.; RESULTS OF REGISTRATION, DATA TO HIT THE RP: DEFL 2834, CHG 22 4/8 (includes +3/8 site charge); AMMUNITION HEQ 100, M335A2 ILLUM 50. The computer plots the 13-9
FM 23-91 location on his firing chart to determine head- ing data. For illumination, charge and deflection corrections are disregarded, so 0 is written in the spaces on the computer’s record. Chart deflection read from the chart is 2700 and chart range, 3750 meters. Most of the information for the initial fire command is copied straight from FDC order and the heading; however, the charge and time setting must be determined from the firing tables, FT 4.2-H-2. Since the ammuni- tion on hand is M335A2, the computer* turns to Part 4 of the firing tables. He finds the meas- ured range in column 1 (if the exact range is not shown, as in this case, he rounds UP to the next higher range in the table). Following the line corresponding to that range across the page, he finds the proper charge (column 2) and fuze setting to the nearest 0.1 second (column 3). He also checks the range to impact (column 6) on his firing chart to see whether he is endangering friendly troops. b. If there is any wind at all, the observer will probably want to adjust the opening point of the round for better illumination of the target area. These corrections are in multiples of 200 meters for range and deviation, and multiples of 50 meters for altitude of burst. In the example, the observer calls back corrections for both range and height of burst. The computer plots the correction on the firing chart and determines a new deflection and range. He enters the tables at this range to determine the corresponding charge and time setting. In this case, however, there is also a correction to height of burst, which means that corrections must be applied to both. The procedure for applying the correction fol- low: (1) Divide the amount of the correction by 50 to get the multiplier; here, 100 + 50 = 2. (2) Find the corrections corresponding to the range being fired in the table; here, +2/8 charge and —0.18 second. (3) Multiply the corrections by the multi- plier; here, 2 x ( + 2/8) = +4/8, 2 x (-0.18) = —0.36, which should be rounded to the near- est 0.1, or -0.4. (4) If the FO correction was UP, apply the corrections as the signs indicate (here, charge 231/8 and time setting 30.7); if the correction is DOWN, reverse the signs. (5) The FO corrections are always applied to the last height of burst fired, even if a new range is fired. For example, if a round was fired at range 3400 with a correction of UP 100 ap- plied and the FO called back a correction which changed the range 200 meters and the height of burst up another 50 meters, the correction to be computed at the new range would be UP 150 from the values in the table. When the second round of illumination is fired, the observer agrees with the range but feels height of burst should be raised another 50 meters. To do this, the com- puter simply applies 50 + 50 и 1 times the correction factors already read for that range to the last charge and time fired, to get a charge of 23 3/8 and a time setting of 30.5. At this point, if no enemy activity is sighted, the observer calls back END OF MISSION, NO PATROL OB- SERVED. If, however, there is a target worthy of being engaged, he calls in a normal call-for- fire on that target, requesting coordinated il- lumination, so that he can see the burst of the HE with respect to the target and make correc- tions. An illumination round will be fired just prior to each HE round; for purposes of main- taining the ammunition count the illumination round fired with the first HE round is recorded on the computer’s record with the original il- lumination mission. 13—9. Conduct of a Coordinated Illumination Mission The adjustment of HE onto the target revealed by the illumination is recorded on a separate computer’s record. The observer will issue a call- for-fire specifying the location to be engaged with HE, and giving the direction of the line with respect to which his corrections will be made. Since the precise timing of the firing of illumination and HE is critical (the observer will wait until the illumination opens to see that it has functioned properly before calling for HE; however, since the illumination only burns 90 seconds [70 or less for other types of ammuni- tion], and since time of flight can be up to 40 seconds, the command to fire HE must be re- layed to the section as soon as it is received by the FDC), the FDC should have the section standing by, ready to fire when the observer is told that the section is ready. All rounds are fixed at the command of the observer. A typical call-for-fire for a coordinated illuminated mis- sion is recorded in figure 13-5. a. FDC Order. Because the number 4 mortar is firing the illumination, only 1, 2, and 3 will be able to fire HE. The registration corrections de- termined previously are applied to firing HE. 13-10
FM 23-91 COMPUTER S RECORD For use of this form, FM 23 — 91; the proponent agency is U. S. Continental Army Command °RG /~44 TA/P DATE /5jA/!/ 72 TIME 23 OQ TCT NO. v' 0 CHG RG CORR & CHART DEFL ~ 2700 CMART ™375O DEFL CORR @ ANGLE T 40 a CHC 22% CALL-FOR-FIRE FDC ORDER INITIAL FIRE COMMAND RDS EXP OP 2 PAf p/? ppi 0300 P4-OO- 200 SUSP P/U7?0L ILL Ap MORT T MORT T METH 0 BASIS F SHEAF 0 FFE • MORT T SHELL / MORT T METHOC AA4 0 FOLLOW. ....... ........... Ф 0 ADJ & FUZE faoj $ 0 FIRE ..»..»».мммммм» OR CORR ) OF FIRE••••••£•••••••••••• 1 1 1 >HELL & FUZE DEFLECTION....^?j4V? CH.RGF. . .... AETHOC LAT ZONE • > OF FFE * ERAL SPREAD * TIME SE ELEVA1 TT,NG • ’ION . Г1МЕ OF OPENING FIRE OBSERVER CORR CHART DATA SUBSEQUENT COMMANDS DEV RG (TIME) HEIGHT DEFL CHG (RG) MORT FIRE METHOD FIRE DEFL RG s'" TIME SETTING ELEV L200 u/oo 2755 3770 2755 23% 30.7 700 U50 23% 30.5 700 4T А/ЧС 7oo - (NOTE:' This rouni 11 lum inatii d is really 1 an m i ssion he first rou fFia. nd of the c< and it reeoi >ordinoted rded an this Computer's Record for booking purposes. It Is fired _ to illuminate the kurtt nf the fir«t ME round.) AMMUNITION LOT NUMBER TYPE ON HAND RECEIVED TOTAL EXPENDED REMAINING /00 О /00 О /00 42 ZU 50 О 50 44 DA Form 2399, ] Oct 71 REPLACES DA FORM 23DD. 1 JUL OS. WHICH IS OBSOLETE. Figure J3-4. DA Form 2399 Computer's record for an illumination misoion. 19-11
FM 23-91 All rounds will be fired at the command of the observer (relayed through the FDC) when both the illumination and HE are reported ready to fire. b. Heading Data and Initial Fire Command. Data is prepared just as for any other HE mis- sion: the altitude of the target gives the vertical interval, and with the SITE read from the bal- listic plate, charge correction can be determined. The deflection correction and charge are read from the ballistic plate (or GFS) in the usual way. The initial fire command is issued as soon as it is ready. Note AT MY COMMAND under the method of fire. c. Adjustment. The observer calls back IL- LUMINATION REPEAT so that another illumi- nation round is prepared for firing with the next adjusting round of HE. The correction for HE is plotted and new firing data determined in the usual manner. If changes in the wind or move- ment of the target necessitate an adjustment to the illumination, these corrections are computed as discussed in paragraph 13-8 above. d. Fire for Effect. Once the observer has ad- justed the HE, he calls for fire for effect. The FDC orders the mortar firing illumination to cut enough ammunition to fire continuous illumina- tion (1 round every 30 seconds unless visibility is poor). The data for the FFE is given to the rest of the section. When both illumination and HE are ready, the observer will request CON- TINUOUS ILLUMINATION, wait until the target area is adequately illuminated, and call for fire for effect. Normally the continuous illumina- tion continues for a short time after the HE has been fired to allow target surveillance. The observer will normally signal when to cease fir- ing illumination. 13—10. Engaging Targets at a Specified At- titude The dispersion, particularly range dispersion, of mortal's makes them well suited to engage area targets. Even clearly defined targets can be ef- fectively engaged by allowing the dispersion of the weapons to saturate the area containing the target with fire. In certain circumstances, how- ever, as for an FPF or interdictory fires on a road, the tactical significance of the linear na- ture of the target justifies the extra time and effort required. On any danger close mission, the method described in paragraph 13-6 should be used to adjust the attitude. For other targets the following method may be used: a. Preparing the Chart. The attitude at which the section is laid is determined by having the section sergeant measure it as accurately as pos- sible. All four mortars are plotted at this attitude in their proper positions relative to that for the base piece. The strike of each mortar is plotted relative to the RP on the same attitude. Finally a small, light deflection index is drawn for each mortar (since these will only be required for this mission, they should be erased at its con- clusion). b. Adjustment. The observer should choose one edge of the target as an adjusting point and specify the flank mortar to adjust. The vertex pin should be moved to the proper hole, and fir- ing data computed using only the corrections read from the plotting equipment (i.e., no addi- tional deflection correction is necessary). The adjustment is conducted in the usual way. c. Fire for Effect. At the end of the adjust- ment the target grid is moved so that its center is over the hole for the last adjustment. A new north index is drawn, and the grid is oriented to the attitude of the target specified by the observer (since the observer can only estimate the attitude, the best method is for him to iden- tify the linear feature for the FDC so the chief computer can find the exact attitude from his map; otherwise, the coordinates of both ends of the target should be given). The computed width of the target is divided by 4, and the other mortar’s strikes are plotted at this interval on the target grid. Data is read from the plotting equipment for each mortar. The same corrections applied to the adjusting mortar are applied to the others to get firing data. 13-12
FM 23-91 COMPUTER'S RECORD For use of this, form, see FM 23-9); the proponent ogency is U. S. Contrnentol Army Commond °RC /-^ 77VA DATE TIME TGT NO. /EJ//N72 23/Г /700$-/ *' + 70 CHG RG CORR 3y CHART DEFL „ 2 776 CHART RC DEFL CORR _ L 30 ANGLE T л ~ fl CHC /8% CALL-FOR-FIRE FDC ORDER INITIAL FIRE COMMAND RDS EXP ш /war COO/?0//M7EO JU &//? 6/00 1200 -tOO 2М%Л/7ЯУ ЯГ MORT TO FFE MORT TO ADJ . METH OF ADJ* BASIS FOR COR SHEAF CORR** SHELL A FU7F /, 2, 3 / 2 ъ MORT TO FOI 1 ~ Ф //eq 0. .... R „^z ...<й&. SHELL i MORT T< METH^C DEFLEC CHARGE l FUZE 0 FIRE LOF FIRE..&i&?£ :tion • • »*^^^?^ ••• ••••••••• A 77 AETHOD OF FFE Qi L RC LATERAL SPREAD**• TIME SETTING ZON TIM МА/Я ELEVAT 'I AM 900 E OF OPENING FIRE *x/*35f* OBSERVER CORR CHART DATA SUBSEQUENT COMMANDS DEV RG (TlMEl HEIGHT DEFL CHC (RG 1 MORT FIRE METHOD FIRE DEFL RG 'У' :hg TIME SETTING ELEV rILLi T #4 ?oo *40 + eoo 277/ /7% 4/2 282/ 20% 700 fILLI ’EPEA T #4 700 c tHE -too 2784 17% #2 28/4 /7% 700 (CON TJNUC WILL *4- COMTUL AMC 700 c Ы / EE 2787 /7% /2.3 @AMC 28/7 20% /7% Еомр. ip/3 RERSED /7% 700 rsi ’ 30 c AS. ENOCH Af/Sf/Л AMMUNITION LOT NUMBER TYPE /7fQ A2EU ON HAND /00 46 RECEIVED 0 0 TOTAL /00 46 EXPENDED /f // REMAINING 8^' i rA 1 Л ГЛ 1 rt а елоM 9.' 1 JUL. 6 B. WHICH IS OBSOLETE. DA Form 2399, 1 Oct 71 Figure 13-5. DA Form 2399 Computer's record for a coordinated illumination, mission. 13-13
FM 23-91 Section II. ADVANCED TECHNIQUES FOR DETERMINING CORRECTIONS 13-11. Re-registration The corrections determined from the initial reg- istration will generally be valid for only a few hours. Changing weather, further settling of the baseplates, changes in ammunition temperature, and other factors tend to invalidate them. There- fore, every three to five hours firing correction should be verified and updated if necessary. One way of doing this is the re-registration, in which the same RP(s) is (are) refired to determine how much firing corrections have changed. 13-12. Conduct of a Re-registration The chief computer will normally decide when a re-registration will be conducted. He coordinates with an FO to adjust the re-registration, and alerts his computers to receive the FO’s call-for- fire. a. Example. The re-registration will be con- ducted on the same firing chart as that con- structed in paragraph 13-8a. In the initial reg- istration, data to hit the RP was DEFL 2834. and CHG 22 4/8. Having no better first approxi- mation for the data to hit the RP, the computer should use the final adjusted data from the initial registration for the first round. b. FDC Order and Initial Fire Command. Un- less a large number of rounds have been fired, the sheaf will still be parallel. All that is neces- sary from the re-registration is the data to bring the strike of the base piece back onto the regis- tration point. The chief computer therefore des- ignates only number 2 to fire. Since the results of the last registration are the starting point for the re-registration, RP1 is the basis for cor- rections. The heading data is computed and rec- orded as for any other mission, as in figure 13-6. The initial fire command is prepared and issued from the FDC order and the heading data. c. Corrections. The observer’s corrections are plotted on the firing chart, and data is computed and sent to the section. When the observer splits a 50 meter range bracket, he announces END OF MISSION, RE-REGISTRATION COMPLETE with his correction. The computer measures chart data and computes the final firing data, but it is not sent to the section (note the parenthesis around it on the computer’s record in fig. 13-6). END OF MISSION is sent to the section. The chief computer may adjust the sheaf again if he has reason to suspect it, but generally this is not done. 13-13. Applying Re-registration Corrections to Fire Direction Equipment Return the plotting pin to the surveyed RP location. a. Updating the Data Sheet. The adjusted fir- ing data for the RP should be in parenthesis on the last completed line of the computer’s record (fig. 13-6). Skip a line on the data sheet (or write RE-REGISTRATION on the line) and copy the new firing data in the proper spaces. The chart deflection is the deflection read at the surveyed point, in this case, 2800. The new de- flection correction is the LARS correction which must be applied to the chart deflection to get the firing deflection; here LEFT 30 is necessary to get from 2800 to 2830. The new chart charge is taken from the last line of the computer’s record under initial data, here, 21 5/8. b. Charge Gageline. The old adjusted charge gageline should be erased. The plastic cursor should be moved to the pin in the surveyed loca- tion (the cursor of the GFS should be over the surveyed range); a new adjusted charge gageline is drawn through the chart charge on the data sheet. c. Deflection Correction Scale. A new deflec- tion correction scale is constructed for the RP (if there is only one RP, the drift marks of the ballistic plate (GFS) are renumbered). The drift mark closest to where the new adjusted charge gageline crosses the charge scale is renumbered with the RP deflection correction on the data sheet, here, drift mark 46 is renumbered with L30. The other drift marks are numbered ac- cordingly. 13—14. Updating Previously Determined Data With Corrections From a Re-registration Once the re-registration corrections have been applied to the fire control equipment, updating the firing data for a target previously engaged becomes a comparatively simple task. All of the target locations should have been plotted and numbered on the firing chart at the end of the adjustment. To determine new chart data for a target, place a plotting pin in its plotted location and read the data from the plotting equipment. The deflection correction is read from the de- 13-14
FM 23-91 COMPUTER'S RECORD For u>e of this form, see FM 23—91; the proponent agency is U. S. Continental Army Command ORG /Д/Р Date time tgt no. /&JM72 0 300 RP/ V 1 * ?0 CHG/RG CORR 2/ * % CHART DEFL 2934 CHART RG OEFL CORR ANGLE T 560 VP "C 22 Ys CALL-FOR-FIRE FDC ORDER INITIAL FIRE COMMAND RDS EXP OP 3 FM RP1 DIR ЬООО fi/P MORT T MORT T METH 0 BASIS F SHEAF 0 FFE 0 ADJ j. MORT TO FOLL SHELL & FUZE MORT TO FIRE METHOD OF FIR ow 0 F ADJ DR CORR :ORR« - SHELL 8. FUZE DEFLEC CHARGE ZZVf 4ETHOD OF FFE.e..e RG/LATERAL SPREAD TIME SETTING <?OO ZOh TIM IE ELEVAI •1 E OF OPENING FIRE OBSERVER CORR CHART DATA SUBSEQUENT COMMANDS DEV RG (TIME) HEIGHT DEFL CHC (RG> MORT FIRE METHOD FIRE DEFL RG .S' TIME SETTING ELEV L 50 -too Z93I 21 Vs 2931 21 Vs 4oo ® RZO +50 Z93* XI 2939 Zl /r 200 (3) '15 so* Atocoor Z930 5- EOM AMMUNITION LOT NUMBER TYPE ON HAND RECEIVED 0 TOTAL 95 EXPENDED 3 REMAINING 2Z ft 4 il 11 Aft UUUI С Ы IQ в OA Form 2399, 1 Oct 71 Figure 13-6. DA Form 9399 Computer’s record for a re-registration. 13-15
FM 23-91 flection correction scale; the charge (VI) cor- rection remains the same. Updated firing data is obtained by applying the corrections to the chart data. The procedure is repeated for all targets to be updated. 13-15. Mean-Point-of-Impact (MPI) Registra- tion a. The most convenient way to conduct a reg- istration is for a FO to adjust one mortar until it hits the object or terrain feature selected as the RP. This method, however, requires the FO to be able to see and identify the registration point, conditions which may not always exist in combat. A mean-point-of-impact registration, on the other hand, allows the FDC to determine cur- rent firing corrections during periods of darkness and on featureless terrain. b. The MPI registration may be used to de- termine either initial firing corrections, if it is the first registration conducted after moving into a position, or updated corrections from an earlier registration or application of MET corrections. 13-16. Conduct of an MPI Registration a. Two observers will conduct an MPI regis- tration. Their locations, and those of the mortar section and the expected point of burst (the target), must be known by the FDC to survey accuracy. The altitudes of all four points must also be known. b. In selecting a point on the ground to be used as the expected point of burst, the terrain and visibility from the OP’s must be considered. Both observers must be able to see the bursts of all rounds fired during the registration. For this reason the target point should be selected by ground reconnaissance during daylight hours. If this is impossible, a close map reconnaissance may suffice. The ideal location for the expected point of burst is on a gradual uphill slope that is free of vegetation. c. Once the locations of the observers and the target point have been plotted, the FDC can compute and report orienting data to the obser- vers so that the instruments with which they will observe the rounds (М2 aiming circle if possible) may be oriented on the expected point of burst. The orienting data includes— (1) A direction from each OP to the target point. 13-16 (2) The vertical angle between each OP and the target point. d. Orienting data is determined as follows: First, the direction from each of the OP’s to the target is measured on the firing chart to the nearest 1 mil (the computer may use the GFF (RDP) if azimuth indices have been constructed for the OP’s, or the protractor if they have not). These directions are recorded in the proper spaces at the top of the MPI computer’s record DA Form 2399-1-R (fig. 13-7Ф). DA Form 2399-1- R (fig. 13-7®) will be locally reproduced on 8 x 10 1/2 inch paper. The vertical angle from the OP to the target must also be determined, because a significant difference in altitude be- tween the two might otherwise hinder observa- tion. The computer again uses the MPI com- puter’s record. The altitudes of the OP’s and the target are recorded in the proper spaces, and a VI is determined for each OP. The 100/R corre- sponding to each ОТ distance is written in the propel* space. Finally, the VI is converted to a vertical angle, and the result, rounded to the nearest mil, is copied above in the MESSAGE TO OBSERVER space. It can now be transmitted to the FO. e. For example, the orienting data from figure 13-7 would be transmitted to the observers as follows: FDC HOTEL 41, HOTEL 42, THIS IS HOTEL 40, OVER. OP1 HOTEL 40, THIS IS HOTEL 41, OVER. OP2 HOTEL 40, THIS IS HOTEL 42, OVER. FDC PREPARE TO OBSERVE MPI REGISTRATION. HOTEL 41, DIRECTION 4203, VERTICAL ANGLE—22. HOTEL 42, DIRECTION 4936, VERTICAL ANGLE—104. REPORT WHEN READY TO OB- SERVE, OVER. OP1 HOTEL 41, DIRECTION 4203, VERTICAL ANGLE—22, OVER. OP2 HOTEL 42, DIRECTION 4936, VERTICAL ANGLE—104, OVER. FDC HOTEL 40, OUT. During the next few minutes the observers orient their equipment to observe the registration.
FM 23-91 COMPUTER’S RECORD (MPI) For use of this form, see FM 23-91; the proponent ogency is U. S. Continentol Army Commend. UNIT /- 66 /MF DATE !5 JAN 72 TIME 2340 MESSAGE TO OBSERVER: OBSERVERS' SPOTTINGS: PREPARE TO OBSERVE MPI REGISTRATION np / nip //203 22 ROUND NO. OP / op 2 1 30R 5010 op 2 dir 4936_ REPORT WHEN READY TO VA^> /04 2 4-2 R 7L OBSERVE. 3 A-5R IOR VERTICAL ANGLE COMPUTATIONS 4 40 R 25 R TGT ALTITUDE LZ51— 5 35 R !5R OP 1 TGT ALT I7_J -OP ALT 240 VI 65 100 R= 32 VI 100 x .7 (NEAREST .11 уаЛ> 2.2 (NEAREST MIL) OP tgt ait /75* -OP ALT 402- vi 2.2-7 100 R- 45 vi loo x 2'3 (NEAREST .1) 104 (NEAREST MIL) 6 38 R 2-0 R 7 32 R 8 9 (TOTAL R) 232 R 99 R 10 (TOTAL L) OL 7L TOTAL SPOTTINGS (L-R OR R-L) .232. R qzR AVG. OF SPOTTINGS ( TOTAL +6) ytR \5R INITIAL OBS. DIR. 420 3 ЗОЮ DIR TO MPI (RALS) 424^ 5025 DATA SECTION MPI ALT / 6..Q. M ALT SOQ. Vl£> /Fl'Q (USE THIS VI TO COMP. THE CHG. CORR.) ГЦаОТ rUADr.C TH TUC MPI CHARGE FIRED 28% CHG. rnRR^ ^3 (SUBTRACT IF + ADD IF -) 29^% CHART DE FL. TO MPI DEF L^F 1R E D 28QO \ GIVES R DEFL) CORR. (J) (DETERMINE THE LARS CORR. TO GET FROM MPI TO RP DEFL.) GRID OF THE MPI: 4507 2619 CHART RANGE TO THE MPI 4QOO DA Form 2399-1-R, I Oet 71 Figure 13-7. Mean-point-of<mpact registration computer’» record When an observer is ready to observe, he reports to the FDC as follows: OP1 HOTEL 40, THIS IS HOTEL 41, OVER. FDC HOTEL 41, THIS IS HOTEL 40, OVER. OP1 READY TO OBSERVE, DIREC- TION 4203, VERTICAL AN- GLE—22, OVER. FDC HOTEL 40, OUT. /. A single round is fired at data which the FDC computes should hit the target point. The round is used by the FO’s to check the orienta- tion of their instruments. If it bursts less than 13-17
FM 23-91 COMPUTER’S RECORD (MPI) For use of this form, see FM 23-91; the proponent agency is U. $. Continental Army Command. UNIT DATE TIME MESSAGE TO OBSERVERS: OBSERVERS’ SPOTTINGS: PREPARE TO OBSERVE MPI REGISTRATION +• OP • DIR VA_= OP DIR VA REPORT WHEN READY TO OBSERVE. ROUND NO. OP" OP 1 2 3 VERTICAL ANGLE COMPUTATIONS 4 TGT ALTITUDE 5 OP" TGT ALT -OP ALT VI ± 100/R = VI/100 X (NEAREST .1) VA ± (NEAREST MIL) 0 P TGT ALT -OP ALT VI ± 100/R= VI/100 X (NEAREST .1) VA± (NEAREST MIL) 6 7 8 9 (TOTAL R) 10 (TOTAL L) TOTAL SPOTTINGS (L-R OR RD AVG. OF SPOTTINGS (TOTAL +6) INITIAL OBS. DIR. DIR TO MPI (RALS) DATA SECTION MPI ALT M ALT VI ± CHARGE FIRED CHG. CORR.— (SUBTRACT IF + ADD IF -) CHART D ^Xt DEFL. Fl \gi\ DEFeCC (DETERM EFL. TO MPI 0 RED <ES R )RR. 1 (USE THIS VI TO COMP. THE CHG. CORR.) INE THE LARS CORR. TO CHART ГНАРГ.Р ТП THE MPI GET FROM MPI TO RP DEFL.) GRID OF THE MPI: CHART RANGE TO THE MPI DA Form 2399-1-R. 1 Oct 71 (Blank form for local reproduction) Figure 13-7—Continued. 50 mils from the expected point of burst, the observer sends the FDC a spotting telling them the number of mils right or left of the expected point of burst that it landed, e.g., 27 RIGHT. If the round lands 50 mils or more from the expected point of burst, the observer re-orients his instrument and announces the new direction to the FDC. Six usable spottings are necessary; if one observer re-orients his instrument, the spotting of the other observer is disregarded. Observers will not re-orient their instruments if the first round is within 50 mils of the expected point of burst. When both observers report their instruments are properly oriented the number of rounds necessary to get six usable spottings are fired at 10 second intervals unless the ob- server specifies otherwise. g. After all the rounds have been fired, each 13-18
FM 23-91 FO reports a deviation spotting to the FDC for each round fired, and the FDC, in turn, records them on the MPI computer’s record (DA Form 2399-1-R) as in figure 13-7. The six usable spottings are totaled and divided by six to deter- mine the average spotting of each FO. This aver- age is then added to (if it is RIGHT) or sub- tracted from (if it is LEFT) the direction on which the observer’s instrument was oriented when he made the spottings (remember that in the example observer number 2 re-oriented to 5010). The resulting azimuths are the directions from the surveyed locations of the observers to the mean point of impact of the six usable rounds. Using either the GFF (or RDP) or the semi- circular protractor, the computer constructs on the firing chart a thin line from each observer’s location along the azimuth to the MPI. Where these two lines cross is the mean-point-of-im- pact. 13-17. Determining and Applying MPI Corrections a. General. By plotting the intersection of the two ОТ directions, the FDC has determined a survey-accuracy location for the MPI. It may be designated by a black hollow cross. The com- puter knows the exact firing data which hit the MPI. This information is sufficient to determine current firing corrections. b. Charge Correction. The location of the MPI should be marked with a plotting pin on the firing chart. It is probably at a different range from the section and a different altitude from the target point upon which fires were originally plotted and computed. The manufacturer’s gage- line on the plastic cursor will therefore generally show an incorrect chart charge for engaging that point, and an adjusted charge gageline will have to be drawn. To compute the chart charge which should be read from the plotting equip- ment, the computer must strip an altitude cor- rection computed at the MPI (not at the expected point of burst) from the charge the mortar fixed to hit the MPI. The coordinates of the MPI are determined from the firing chart, and the altitude of that location is read from a map. By comparing this altitude with that of the sec- tion (using the appropriate spaces on the MPI computer’s record (DA Form 2399-1-R) fig. 13- 7), the vertical interval can be determined. This VI is used to calculate a new charge correction which is removed from the charge fired to give the chart charge to the MPI. Index the pin in the MPI with the plastic cursor of the GFF (index the range to the MPI with the GFS), and draw the adjusted charge gageline through the chart charge just determined. c. Deflection Correction. The deflection correc- tion is the difference between the deflection meas- ured at the MPI and the deflection the computer knows hit the MPI. It is the LARS correction which must be applied to the deflection read on the firing chart at the MPI (chart data) to get proper firing data to hit it (see the MPI com- puter’s record (DA Form 2399-1-R) fig. 13-7). The drift graduations (or the appropriate de- flection correction scale if there are several) are renumbered to reflect the correction. The drift mark closest to the initial charge for the MPI is numbered with the deflection correction deter- mined above; the other drift marks are renum- bered accordingly. d. Use of Corrections. The corrections from the MPI registration may be used in the same way as corrections determined by precision reg- istration. 13-18. Using MPI for Re-registration The MPI is suited just as well to re-registration as to initial registration. The RP from the earlier registration may be used as the expected point of burst of the rounds; however, any point chosen must be visible to two observers. Once the correc- tions have been determined and applied to the plotting equipment, the procedure for updating target information is the same as for re-registra- tion, discussed in paragraph 13-14. 13-19. The Ballistic MET Message a. To place fire on a target without adjust- ment, a mortar unit must know the exact location of the target, and be able to compensate for all nonstandard conditions. The re-registration is the most accurate method for determining and maintaining current firing corrections, but re- registration is not always practical. The Ballistic MET message provides a means of determining the corrections necessary for changes in many of the conditions that affect the flight of rounds during the periods between registrations. These conditions include changes in powder tempera- ture, projectile weight, air temperature and den- sity, and the speed and direction of the wind. Assumed that all other factors remain relatively constant until the section displaces. b. The following paragraphs on the MET mes- 13-19
FM 23-91 sage provide FDC men with the rules and proce- dures for computation of the MET message. For the 4.2-inch mortar, firing tables FT 4.2-H-2 provide MET information for M329A1 and M32- 8A1 ammunition. Computation of meteorological corrections is also possible with the 81 mm mortar using firing tables FT 81-AI-2. In gen- eral, plus signs have been omitted from the fir- ing tables; numbers without signs are considered positive. c. By themselves, corrections computed from the MET message are not adequate firing cor- rections. To be of value to the FDC, a valid MET message must be received concurrent (within 4 hours) with a registration. The registration corrects for all nonstandard conditions; a MET received and computed concurrent with the reg- istration tells the FDC how much of the total registration correction is attributable to weather. By comparing the corrections obtained from a later MET message, the FDC can modify the registration corrections to account for changes in weather. The use of MET corrections there- fore eliminates the need for re-registration. d. The Ballistic MET message (fig. 13-8) has two parts; the introduction, which identifies and describes the MET station, and the body, con- taining meteorological data; both parts are de- scribed in detail in the introduction to the firing tables and in paragraph 13-20. MET messages can normally be obtained from the division artil- lery MET station every 4 hours. When a corps field artillery target acquisition battalion (FA- TAB) MET station is in the same area, the two MET stations may alternate the transmission of messages. Since MET information is normally broadcast on AM radios, it will come to the FDC through battalion headquarters. 13-20. Recording the MET Message (DA Form 3675) a. Format of the MET Message. The MET message is broadcast in 6-character blocks, as shown in figure 13-8. The first four 6-character groups are known as the introduction, and are recorded on the top line of the recording form. The rest of the message is the body; two 6- character groups comprise each line of the body. b. Introduction. The first four 6-character groups of the MET message are the introduction, identifying the type of message and the station transmitting the message. The recording of the introduction in figure 13-8 on DA Form 3675 (Ballistics MET Message), (fig. 13-9), is dis- cussed below. For a more detailed description of the meaning of each of the characters which make up the introduction, see the introduction section of the firing tables. The meaning of the characters in the introduction recorded in figure 13-9 follows: GROUP 2 344985 * 049982 GROUP 4 INTRODUCTION 002618 009976 012618 009978 022720 008978 032924 004981 042927 0029 8 2 BODY 053129 004987 063228 004010 073227 004008 083228 002007 093128 001005 Figure 1S-8. Sample Bailie tic MET meatage.
FM 23-91 BALLISTIC MET MESSAGE For ute ot thl« term, tat FM 6-1$; the proponent agency 1» United Stole» Continental Army Commend. IDENTIFI- । TYPE iOCTANT CATION i MSG i i i METB ' К 1 Q 1 l LOCATION LqLqLq or or XXX XXX DATE ' TIME I DURATION i (GMT) i (HOURS) i i *Y :g0g0g0: g STATION ! MDP HEIGHT 'PRESSURE (10'sM) ' % OF STD hhh ; PPP METB ! 3 ! / z>7 \/0 /if\ ZONE HEIGHT (METERS) LINE NUMBER zz BALLISTIC WINDS BA LLISTIl C AIR DIRECTION (100'$ MILS) dd SPEED (KNOTS) FF TEMPERATURE (% OF STD) TTT DENSITY (% OF STD) AAA SURFACE 00 xc /5 00 Я Ш 200 01 o& У J7J__ 500 02 £0 0 о 8 1000 03 з4 60 4 i/S / 1500 04 60 - 2000 05 il go if 3000 06 3 2- О о 4 6} о 4000 07 3a. 6 о Ц 6o 8 5000 08 3 i 2,8 6000 09 3 / 0 6 ( 0 0 $ 8000 10 10000 11 12000 12 14000 13 16000 14 18000 15 REMARKS DELIVERED TO: RECEIVED FROM: TIME (GMT) TIME (LST) MESSAGE NUMBER DATE RECORDER CHECKED ОД F0RM 3675 REPLACES DA FORM 6-57,1 MAR 62, WHICH IS OBSOLETE. Figure 13-9. Proper recording of a MET message on DA Form 3(1'5. 13-21
FM 23-91 METS31 (Group 1) MET_______Indicates that the transmission is a MET message. S ________Type fire: must be an “S” for sur- face to surface fire for the rest of the message to be copied by the mortar FDC. 3 ... ...Type msg: must be a “3” for the message to apply to mortars. 1 ______ .Octant: indicates in which octant of the earth the MET station is located (for the key to the oc- tant designation system see the introduction section of the ap- propriate firing tables); 1 desig- nates north latitude, 90° to 180° west longitude. 344985 (Group 2) 344 . . Indicates the latitude of the MET station expressed in degrees and tens of minutes: hence, 344 = latitude 34° 40'. 985 . . Indicates the longitude of the MET station expressed in degrees and tens of minutes. Whenever the longitude is equal to or greater than 100°, the first digit, 1, will be omitted; for example, 053 = 105° 30'. The octant specified in Group 1 tells the FDC whether the station is located in north or south latitude and east or west longitude. 071014 (Group 3) 07 .... Indicates the day of the month the period of validity of the message begins; 07 = the seventh day of the month. 10 .. .Indicates in Greenwich Mean Time the hour at which the period of validity begins; 10 — 1000 hours GMT. Greenwich Mean Time must be converted to local time for local use. 14 Indicates the hour, GMT, at which the period of validity ends. 049982 (Group 4) 049 Indicates the altitude of the MET station (also referred to as the meteorological datum plane, or MDP), recorded in tens of me- ters. The altitude should be writ- ten on the recording form exactly as it is received to avoid con- fusion ; 049 written on the sheet means 490 meters. 982 ......Atmospheric pressure at the MET station. This value is not used to determine MET corrections for mortars, but is recorded to avoid confusion in recording the mes- sage. c. Body. The atmosphere is divided into height zones parallel to the meteorological datum plane, as depicted in figure 13-10. Meteorological con- ditions are determined for each height zone and recorded in two six-digit groups. The data for each zone is numbered, beginning at 00 for the zone containing the MET station, and recorded on the line bearing the corresponding number. The data for line C3 is shown below as an example. 032924 03 ... The first two digits of any line in the body of the MET message in- dicate its line number. These numbers run sequentially from 00 (surface conditions) up to 15 (18,000 meters); however, with present ammunition only lines 00 through 06 are used since mortar projectiles never exceed the zone height corre- sponding to line 06. Record the entire MET message to reduce the chance of omitting significant data. 29 .. . . Indicates the direction from which the ballistic wind is blowing. It is a grid azimuth expressed in hundreds of mils, e.g., 29 = 2900 mils. 24 . .Indicates the speed of the ballistic wind expressed to the nearest whole knot; 24 = 24 knots. 004981 004 .. .Indicates the ballistic air tempera- ture expressed to the nearest 0.1% of standard. When the val- ue is equal to or greater than 100 (whenever the first digit trans- mitted is less than 4), the initial digit, 1, has been omitted in transmision. The computer re- cording the message may add the 1 for clarity if he desires to do so. Here, 004 100.4%. 13-22
FM 23-91 LINE 06 ZONE HEIGHT 3000 M- - ' —........... LINE 02 ZONE HEIGHT 500 M 981 ______Indicates the ballistic air density expressed to the nearest 0.1 % of standard. As with temperature, the initial 1 is omitted in trans- mission when the value equals or exceeds 100.0. In this case, 981 - 98.1%. d. Correcttotts and Owtsstons. At the end of the transmission of a MET message, the recorder checks to see that his copy is complete. The for- 13-23
FM 23-91 mat of the message enables the recorder to ask for a repetition of only the part he has missed, as in SAY AGAIN INTRODUCTION, or SAY AGAIN LINE 04. When his copy is complete the recorder reads back the entire message to check it for errors. If line 05 has been recorded in- correctly, the transmitting station would catch the error and report WRONG, LINE 05 : 053129 004987. 13-21. Firing Tables The firing tables provide data for computing the meteorological effects on the trajectory of a mor- tar projectile. The ballistic data for standard A high explosive ammunition appears in part I of the firing tables FT 4.2-H-2 and 81-AI-2. The types of data in each of the tables are outlined below: a. Table A. Breaks a one knot (unit) wind into cross wind and range wind components to show the effect on a round in flight. The chart direc- tion of the wind is the angle formed by the direc- tion of fire and the direction of the wind. b. Table B. Shows corrections which must be applied to the ballistic air temperature and density to compensate for the difference in altitude be- tween the mortar section and the MET datum plane (MET station). c. Table C. Shows the correction to muzzle ve- locity for various temperatures of the propellant charges. d. Table D. Contains firing data and correction factors which convert variations from standard to mils and meters. e. Table E. Gives supplemental data which is not used in computing MET corrections. 13-22. DA Form 2601—1 (Computing MET Data Corrections Sheets for Mortars) a. Known Data. Known data is that which is available to the FDC prior to the receipt of a MET message. It is collected by the chief com- puter from his computers and the section ser- geant, and recorded in the proper spaces on the MET data correction sheet when received. Known data consists of the following items: (1) Charge. This is the most up-to-date fir- ing data charge on the data sheet for the RP. This charge determines which line of the firing tables is consulted to determine the correction factors to be used, and which line of the MET message to use. (2) Chart range. For purposes of applying MET corrections, the chart range is the distance measured on the firing chart between the plotted locations of the mortars and the RP. (3) Elevation. The elevation used to deter- mine the adjusted charge; corrections will be taken from the same section of the firing tables. (4) Direction of fire. For use with the MET measured to the nearest degree fahrenheit or the mortars to the plotted location of the RP, rounded to the nearest 100 mils. It is measured from the firing chart, or with a surveyed chart, it may be read from the mounting information at the top of the data sheet. (5) Altitude. The altitude of the firing sec- tion is read from the data sheet, rounded to the nearest 10 meters, and recorded in the proper box. (6) Powder temperature. The temperature of the ammunition propellant at the section is measured to the nearest degree fahrenheit or centigrade. If the propellant temperature cannot be determined, air* temperature can be substituted. (7) Projectile weight. Projectile weights vary from lot to lot and among different types of ammunition. The weight, expressed in squares, is normally shown near the lot number. Two squares (2 □) has been set as standard projectile weight. b. Computation. Once the known data has been recorded on the MET data correction sheet, the transmission of the MET message is awaited. The computation of the MET corrections is quick and more accurate if the computer has organized his thoughts and data before the mes- sage is received. Figure 13-11 shows a MET data correction sheet which indicates the sources, movements, and precisions of the data recorded on the sheet. The following is a guide for or- ganizing MET computations: (1) Any known data not previously recorded should be written in the proper spaces prior to receipt of the MET message. (2) Enter the proper subsection of the firing tables, find the firing charge in column 2, read across to find which line of the MET message to use (col. 6). (3) After the MET message is received and recorded on DA Form 3675, extract the in- formation contained in the introduction of the 13-24
FM 23-91 message and in the line of the body determined above, and record this information in the proper spaces of the MET data correction sheet. (4) Compute corrected values for air tem- perature and density; determine the chart direc- tion of the wind and the corresponding wind components; and compute the deflection correc- tion. (6) Compute the MET range correction. (6) The corrections for deflection and range are rounded to the nearest 1 mil and 10 meters, respectively, and recorded in the THIS MES- SAGE box at bottom to determine the correction to apply. c. Example. The following known data will be used to compute corrections based on the sample meteorological message contained in figure 13-8 and recorded in figure 13-9: Adjusted charge Chart range Elevation Direction of fire Section altitude Ammunition Propellant temp. 17 4/8 2910 meters 900 w/o ext. 4320 m 460 meters 3 □ M329A1 60° F. d. Procedure for Using DA Form 2601-1 to Compute MET Corrections. (1) Known data. Record all known data in the spaces provided. (2) Determination of line number. Enter Part I of the firing tables, the section for eleva- tion 900 w/o ext., and search down column 2 until the adjusted charge (17 4/8) is found. Read across to column 6 (5 for FT 81-AI-2) to determine the line number of the MET message to use (in this case, 3). (3) MET values. Record the data from the introduction and the appropriate line (03) of the MET message in the proper spaces on DA Form 2601-1 (fig. 13-12). For brevity, the location of the MET station should remain as it appears in the MET message. All other data should be changed to read their actual values: altitude should be changed from 049 to 490; wind direc- tion, from 29 to 2900. Values for the altitude of the MET station, wind direction, and wind speed are used in other sections of the sheet, and should be recorded in these other sections at this time. (4) Temperature and density corrections. Determining дН and corrected values for air temperature and density. дН is the difference in altitude between the mortar section and the MDP; the sign is plus if the section is above the MDP and minus if it is below: Altitude of the MDP 490 -Altitude of mortars 460 ДН -30 (Section below MDP) The дН corrections modify the values of air temperature and density determined at the MET station to what they would be at the mortar sec- tion. The value for дН is used to locate the ap- propriate corrections in table В (fig. 13-13). Corrections for air temperature (дТ) and air density (дО) are arranged in four double rows in the table. The number 0, +100—, +200-, + 300-, located in the left column of the table represent дН expressed in hundreds of meters; the numbers 0, +10—, through +90— across the top represent дН in tens of meters. Where the proper hundreds row crosses the proper tens column, the corrections may be found. The nu- merical sign of the corrections will be the opposite of the sign of дН. In the example дН = -30, the corrections are found where the 0 row crosses the +30- column. The sign of дН is minus, making the corrections plus: дТ is +0.1 and aD is +0.3. Enter these in the spaces provided on the form and determine the corrected values for temperature and density (fig. 13-13). (5) Wind components. The wind direction should already have been entered in the proper space, and also the direction of fire. If the direc- tion of fire is larger than the direction of the wind, add 6400 to the latter (4300 is larger than 2900; 2900 + 6400 = 9300). Subtract the direc- tion of fire: the result is the chart direction of the wind (9300 - 4300 = 5000). Enter table A (fig. 13-14) and find the chart direction of the wind just determined. Read across that row to find the cross wind and range wind components (LEFT 0.98 and HEAD 0.20); copy these in the proper spaces. Multiply the components by the wind speed to get lateral wind and range wind. The range wind (24 x L 0 = L 23.5) is multi- plied by the correction factor corresponding to the adjusted charge (17 4/8) taken from table D (basic data), column 9 (1, fig. 13-15) to get the deflection correction (L 23.5 x 0.9 = L 21.2, which rounds to L 21). The result is moved to the bottom and placed in the THIS MESSAGE space for deflection correction. 13-25
23-91 FT 4.2-Н • 2 PROJECTILE. НЕ, М329А1 W/O EXTENSION FUZE, PD, M557 TABLE В AIR TEMPERATURE AND DENSITY CORRECTIONS |9OOnS| CORRECTIONS TO TEMPERATURE (ДТ) AND DENSITY (A D). IN PERCENT, TO COMPENSATE FOR THE DIFFERENCE IN ALTITUDE, IN METERS, BETWEEN THE BATTERY AND THE MDP Д H 0 + 10 +20- T > +30- +40- +50- +60- +70- +80- +90- 0 ZS T 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.1 + -0.1+ -0.1 + -0.2+ -0.2+ -0.2+ A D 0.0 -0.1 + -0.2 + . -0.3 + -0.4 + -0.5+ -0.6 + -0.7+ -0.8+ -0.9+ +100- Д T -0.2+ -0.2+ -0.2+ -0.3+ -0.3+ -0.3+ -0.3+ -0.4+ -0.4+ -0.4+ A D -1.0+ -1.1 + -1.2+ -1.3+ -1.4+ -1.5+ -1.6+ -1.7+ -1.8+ -1.9+ +250- ZST -0.5+ -0.5+ -0.5+ -0.6+ -0.6+ -0.6+ -0.6+ -0.7 + -0.7+ -0.7+ Д D -2.0+ -2.1 + -2.2+ -2.3+ -2.4+ -2.5+ -2.6+ -2.7+ -2.8+ -2.9+ +300- AT -0.7+ -0.7+ -0.7+ -0.7+ -0.8+ -0.8+ -0.8+ -0.9+ -0.9+ -0.9+ -3.0+ -3.1 + -3.2+ -3.3+ -3.4+ -3.5+ -3.6+ -3.7+ -3.8+ -3.9+ NOTE - ДН IS THE HEIGHT OF THE BATTERY, IN METERS, WITH REFERENCE TO THE MDP. IF THE BATTERY IS ABOVE THE MDP, USE THE SIGN THAT PRECEDES THE NUMBER. IF THE BATTERY IS BELOW THE MDP, USE THE SIGN THAT FOLLOWS THE NUMBER. Figure 13-13. Table B, air temperature and density corrections. (6) Range correction. All known values should already be written in the proper spaces except aV, which is found as follows. The com- puter enters table C (fig. 13-16) and finds the temperature closet to that recorded for the pro- pellant (it may be either fahrenheit or centi- grade) ; aV appears in the center column on the same line as the temperature. The computer now determines the amount by which these known values vary from the standard values upon which the firing tables are based. The variations from standard must be multiplied by correction factors from table D (2, fig. 13-15) to convert them to range corrections in meters. Enter table D (cor- rection factors) on the line corresponding to the adjusted charge (or the range corresponding to the adjusted charge) and find the correction fac- tor for each variation from standard; enter the factor with its sign on the MET sheet. Multiply the variation from standard by the correction factor and place the result (rounded to the nearest whole meter) in the column with the same sign as the correction factor. When all of the cor- rections have been multiplied, sum the two col- umns and determine the net correction (36 in the example). Round the result to the nearest ten meters and write it in the range box for THIS MESSAGE. (7) MET correction. The contribution of meteorological factors at the time the MET was computed in the amount recorded by THIS MES- SAGE, here, L21, +40. 13-23. Determining and Applying MET Firing Corrections a. Concurrent MET. If the MET is computed concurrent with a registration, the registration corrections compensate for ALL nonstandard con- ditions, and the MET merely tells how much of 13-28
FM 23-91 FT 4.2-H-2 TABLE A PROJECTILE, HE, М329Д1 W/O EXTENSION FUZE, PD, M557 WIND COMPONENTS 1900» | CORRECTION COMPONENTS OF A ONE KNOT WIND CHART CROSS RANGE DIRECTION WIND WIND OF WIND MIL KNOT KNOT 0 0 H1.00 100 R.10 H.99 200 R.20 H.98 300 R.29 H.96 400 R.38 H.92 500 R.47 H.88 600 R.56 H.83 700 R.63 H.77 800 R.71 H.71 900 R.77 H.63 1000 R.83 H.56 1100 R.88 H.47 1200 R.92 H.38 1300 R.96 H.29 1400 R.98 H.20 1500 R.99 Н.Ю 1600 R1.00 0 1700 R.99 T.10 1800 R.98 T.20 - 1900 R.96 T.29 2000 R.92 T.38 2100 R.88 T.47 2200 R.83 T.56 2300 R.77 T.63 2400 R.71 T.71 2500 R.63 T.77 2600 R.56 T.83 2700 R.47 T.88 2800 R.38 T.92 2900 R.29 T.96 3000 R.20 T.98 3100 R.10 T.99 3200 0 T1.00 CHART DIRECTION OF WIND MIL CROSS WIND KNOT RANGE WIND KNOT 3200 0 T1.00 3300 L. 10 T.99 3400 L.20 T.98 3500 L.29 T.96 3600 L.38 T.92 3700 L.47 T.88 3800 L.56 T.83 3900 L.63 T.77 4000 L.71 T.71 4100 L.77 T.63 4200 L.83 4300 L.88 T.47 4400 L.92 T.38 4500 L.96 T.29 4600 L.98 T.20 4700 L.99 T.10 4800 L1.00 0 4900 L.99 H.10 ► 5000 (L?9§) (7i?25) 5100 L.96 H.29 5200 L.92 H.38 5300 L.88 H.47 5400 L.83 H.56 5500 L.77 H.63 5600 L.71 H.71 5700 L.63 H.77 5800 L.56 H.83 5900 L.47 H.88 6000 L.38 H.92 6100 L.29 H.96 6200 L.20 H.98 6300 L.10 H.99 6400 0 H1.00 Figure 13-1A. Table A—wind components. 13-29
Л 23-91 TABLE D 900pi BASIC DATA FT 4.2-Н-2 CTG, HE, M32941 W 0 EXTENSION FUZE, PD, M557 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 1 9 R c D CHG FS FOR DR LINE TIME AZIMUTH A H PER GRAZE PER NO. OF CORRECTIONS N A 100 M BURST 1 8 FLIGHT G R DR INC DRIFT cw E G FUZE D CHG (CORR OF E M564 TO L) 1 KNOT M INC INC M NO. SEC MIL MIL 2410 14 58 25.6 21 3 25.8 36.5 0.8 2430 14-1 '8 5 '8 25.7 21 3 25.9 36.7 0.8 2450 14-2 '8 5 8 25.8 21 3 26.0 36.8 0.8 2470 14-3/8 5'8 25.9 21 3 26.2 36.9 0.8 2490 14-4/8 5/8 26.0 21 3 26.3 37.0 0.9 2510 14-5/8 5/8 26.2 21 3 26.4 37.2 0.9 2530 14-6/8 5 8 26.3 21 3 26.5 37.3 0.9 2550 14-7 '8 5'8 26.4 21 3 26.6 37.4 0.9 2570 15 5/8 26.5 21 3 26.8 37.5 0.9 2590 15-1/8 5/8 26.6 21 3 26.9 37.6 0.9 2620 15-2/8 5/8 26.8 21 3 27.0 37.8 0.9 2640 15-3/8 5'8 26.9 21 3 27.1 37.9 0.9 2660 15-4/8 5/8 27.0 21 3 27.2 38.0 0.9 2680 15-5/8 5/8 27.1 21 3 27.3 38.2 0.9 27 00 15-6/8 5/8 27.2 21 3 27.5 38.3 0.9 2720 15-7/8 5/8 27.3 21 3 27.6 38.4 0.9 2740 16 5/8 27*. 5 21 3 27.7 38.5 0.9 2760 16-1/8 5/8 27.6 21 3 27.8 38.7 0.9 2780 16-2/8 5/8 27.7 21 3 27.9 38.8 0.9 2800 16-3/8 5/8 27.8 21 J - 28-° 38.9 0.9 2830 16-4/8 5/8 27.9 _ 21 3_ 28.2 39.1 0.9 2850 16-5 '8 5/8 28.0 21 3 28.3 39.2 0.9 2870 16-6/8 5/8 28.2 21 3 28.4 39.3 0.9 2890 16-7 z8 5/8 28.3 21 3 28.5 39.4 0.9 2910 17 5/8 28.4 21 3 28.6 39.6 0.9 2930 17-1/8 5/8 28.5 21 3 28.7 39.7 0.9 2950 17-2Z8 5/8 28.6 21 3 28.8 39.8 0.9 2970 17-3/8 5/8 28.7 21 3 29.0 40.0 0.9 —3000» • 17-4/8 5/8 28.8 21 3 29.1 40.1 | 3020 17.5/8 5'8 29.0 21 3 29.2 40.2 0.9 3040 17-6/8 5/8 29.1 21 3 29.3 40.4 0.9 3060 17-7/8 5/8 29.2 21 3 29.4 40.5 0.9 3080 18 5/8 29.3 21 3_ 29.5 40.6 0.9 3100 18-1/8 5/8 29.4 21 3 29.6 40.8 0.9 3120 18-2/8 5/8 29.5 22 3 29.8 40.9 0.9 3150 18-3 '8 5/8 29.7 22 3 29.9 41.0 0.9 3170 18-4/8 5/8 29.8 22 3 30.0 41.1 0.9 Basic data Figure 13-15. Table D. 13-30
FM FT4.2-H-2 table d CTG, HE, M329A1 W 0 EXTENSION FUZE, PD, M557 |900rt 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 R A N G E RANGE CORRECTIONS FOR MUZZLE VELOCITY 1 M S RANGE WIND 1 KNOT AIR TEMP 1 PCT AIR DENSITY 1 PCT PROJ WT OF 1 SQ 2 SQ STD DEC INC HEAD TAIL DEC INC DEC INC DEC INC M M M M M M M M M M M 2410 23.0 -22.6 3.8 -2.8 0.0 0.0 -4.5 4.6 -9 10 2430 23.1 -22.6 3.8 -2.8 0.0 0.0 -4.5 4.7 -9 10 2450 23.1 -22.7 3.9 -2.8 0.0 0.0 -4.6 4.7 -9 10 2470 23.1 -22.7 3.9 -2.9 0.0 0.0 -4.7 4.8 -10 10 2490 23.2 -22.8 4.0 -2.9 0.0 0.0 -4.8 4.9 -10 10 2510 23.2 -22.8 4.0 -2.9 0.0 0.0 -4.8 5.0 -10 10 2530 23.3 -22.8 4.1 -3.0 0.0 0.0 -4.9 5.1 -10 10 2550 23.3 -22.9 4.1 -3.0 0.0 0.0 -5.0 5.1 -10 10 2570 23.3 -22.9 4.2 -3.0 0.0 0.0 -5.1 5.2 -10 10 2590 23.4 -23.0 4.2 -3.1 0.0 0.0 -5.1 5.3 -10 10 2620 23.4 -23.0 4.2 -3.1 0.0 0.0 -5.2 5.4 -10 10 2640 23.4 -23.0 4.3 -3.1 0.0 0.0 -5.3 5.4 -10 10 2660 23.4 -23.1 4.3 -3.2 0.0 0.0 -5.4 5.5 -10 10 2680 23.5 -23.1 4.4 -3.2 0.0 0.0 -5.5 5.6 -10 10 2700 23.5 -23.1 4.4 -3.2 0.0 0.0 -5.5 5.7 -10 10 2720 23.5 -23.2 4.5 -3.3 0.0 0.0 -5.6 5.8 -10 10 2740 -23.6 -23.2 4.5 -3.3 0.0 0.0 -5,7 5.9 -10 10 2760 23.6 -23.2 4.6 -3.3 0.0 0.0 -5.8 5.9 -10 to 2780 23.6 -23.3 4.6 -3.4 0.0 0.0 -5.9 6.0 -10 10 2800 23.6 -23.3 4.6 -3.4 0.0 0.0 -5.9 6.1 -10 10 2830 23.7 -23.3 4.7 -3.4 0.0 0.0 -6.0 6.2 -10 10 2850 23.7 -23.4 4.7 -3.5 0.0 0.0 -6.1 6.3 -10 10 2870 23.7 -23.4 4.8 -3.5 0.0 0.0 -6.2 6.4 -10 11 2890 23.7 -23.4 4.8 -3.6 0.0 0.0 -6.3 6.5 -10 11 2910 23.8 -23.5 4.9 -3.6 0.0 0.0 -6.4 6.6 -10 11 2930 23.8 -23.5 4.9 -3.6 0.0 0.0 -6.4 6.7 -10 11 2950 23.8 -23.5 5.0 -3.7 0.0 0.0 -6.5 6.7 -10 I) 2970 23.8 -23.6 5.0 -3.7 0.0 0.0 -6.6 6.8 -10 11 ► 3000 -23.6 (j-1^) -3.7 0.0 ВЫГ^Л 6.9 -10 3020 23.9 -23.6 5.1 -3.8 0.0 0.0 -6.8 7.0 -10 11 3040 23.9 -23.6 5.2 -3.8 0.0 0.0 -6.9 7.1 -10 11 3060 23.9 -23.7 5.2 -3.9 0.0 0.0 -7.0 7.2 -11 11 3080 23.9 -23.7 5.3 -3.9 0.0 0.0 -7.1 7.3 -11 11 3100 24.0 -23.7 5.3 -3.9 0.0 0.0 -7.2 7.4 -11 11 3)20 24.0 -23.7 5.3 -4.0 0.0 0.0 -7.2 7.5 -П 11 3150 24.0 -23.8 5.4 -4.0 0.0 0.0 -7.3 7.6 -11 11 3170 24.0 -23.8 5.4 -4.0 0.0 0.0 -7.4 7.7 -11 11 Correction factors Figure 19-.15—Continued. 13-31
23-91 FT 4.2-H- 2 TABLE С PROPELLENT TEMPERATURE PROJECTILE , HE, M329A1 W. P EXTENSION FUZE, PD. M557 900 CHANGES IN MUZZLE VELOCITY FOR PROPELLENT TEMPERATURE TEMPERATURE OF PROPELLANT DEGREES F CHANGE IN VELOCITY M/S TEMPERATURE OF PROPELLANT DEGREESC -40 -5.5 -40.0 -35 -5.2 -37.2 -30 -5.0 -34.4 -25 -4.7 -31.7 -20 -4.4 -28.9 -15 -4.2 -26.1 -10 -3.9 -23.3 -5 -3.7 -20.6 0 -3.4 -17.8 5 -3.1 -15.0 10 -2.9 -12.2 15 -2.6 -9.4 20 -2.4 -6.7 25 -2.1 -3.9 30 -1.9 -1.1 35 -1.7 1.7 40 -1.4 4.4 45 -1.2 7.2 50 -0.9 10.0 55 -0.7 12.8 60 15.6 65 -0.2 18.3 70 0.0 21.1 75 0.2 23.9 80 0.5 26.7 85 0.7 29.4 90 0.9 32.2 95 1.1 35.0 100 1.3 37.8 105 1.6 40.6 110 1.8 43.3 115 2.0 46.1 120 2.2 48.9 125 2.4 51.7 130 2.6 54.4 Figure 13-1 ft. Table C—propellant temperature. 13 32
FM 23-91 the corrections are the result of weather. In this case, the MET correction values are saved to be compared with values calculated several hours later. The values on the THIS MESSAGE line are recorded on the LAST MESSAGE line of the MET data correction sheet on which the next MET will be computed. b. Subsequent MET. When a subsequent MET is received and computed, the MET corrections de- termined can be compared with the corrections determined from the preceding MET to find how much the weather effects on projectiles fired at the RP have changed. Since all other conditions are assumed to be constant, the difference in weath- er conditions is the only change to compensate for in updating firing corrections. c. Determining the Correction to Apply. To calculate the correction to apply to the fire con- trol equipment to compensate for meteorological changes, find the change from the LAST MES- MAGE corrections to those for THIS MES- SAGE. Example: Several hours later, another MET is computed, the corrections being L8, + 100. These would appear on the bottom of the MET data correction sheet as follows: Deflection Капке © © (Concurrent MET) LAST MESSAGE 21 40 R — © © (1st Subsequent) THIS MESSAGE 8 100 R — L + CORR TO APPLY R — The change in the deflection correction is ex- pressed as the direction and number of mils change from the concurrent MET (L21) to the 1st subsequent MET (L8). The horizontal scale of figure 13-17 illustrates a convenient method for determining the difference, in this case RIGHT 13. The range change is the difference be- tween the range correction for the concurrent MET (+40) and that for the subsequent MET ( + 100). The vertical scale of figure 13-7 shows how to determine the range correction, here, + 60. The completed MET CORR TO APPLY section would look like this: Deflection Range © © LAST MESSAGE 21 40 R © © THIS MESSAGE 8 100 R L @ CORR TO APPLY 13 60 The method for placing the CORR TO APPLY (R13, +60) on the fire control equipment is described in d below. If several hours later an- other MET is received and calculated (call this the second subsequent MET), the corrections to apply would be calculated by finding the changes in deflection and range corrections between the first subsequent MET (which is now in the LAST MESSAGE box) and the second subsequent MET, using exactly the same method as was used be- fore. d. Applying MET corrections to fire control equipment. If the MET range correction to be ap- plied is anything but 0, a new adjusted charge gageline will have to be drawn. The procedure for doing this follows: (1) Add the MET range correction to be ap- plied (subtract if the sign is minus) to the chart range to the RP recorded at the top of the MET data correction sheet. (2) Index this range with the plastic cursor of the GFF (or GFS) and read the charge under the adjusted charge gageline (if there is no ad- justed charge gageline, use the manufacturer's gageline). This is the new chart charge for firing at the RP. (3) Return the cursor to the surveyed RP range and erase the old gageline. (4) Draw the new adjusted charge gageline through the new chart charge for the RP de- termined in (2) above. Example: The chart range to the RP is 2910 meters, the old chart charge for the RP was 17 3/8, and the MET range correction to apply is +60. Adding 60 to 2910, the computer gets 2970; indexing it, he reads a charge of 17 6/8 under the gageline. He moves the cursor back to the RP (range) and draws the new adjusted charge gageline through charge 17 6/8. Applying the deflection correction is even simpler. The computer applies the correction he determines algebraically to the numbering of all existing deflection corrections. For example, if the 13-33
FM 23-91 13-34
FM 23-91 registration gave drift mark 40 a deflection cor- rection of L23 and the MET deflection correction to apply was, as in the correction above, R13, the old and new deflection correction scales would look like the following: Deflection cor- L25 L24 L23 L22 L21 Defl corr rection scale —|--------1------1-----1------1---------- after the initial 42 41 40 39 38 Dftmark registration Deflection cor- L12 Lil LIO L9 L8 Defl corr rection scale | |------[-----1------[---------- after 1st subse- 42 41 40 39 38 Dft mark quent MET 13—24. Updating Firing Data With MET Cor. rections After the new firing corrections have been ap- plied to the fire control equipment, it is possible to determine updated initial and firing data for all plotted targets. This should be done as soon as the situation permits. The procedure for up- dating target information is exactly the same as with re-registration corrections. The plotting pin is placed in a target location, and new chart data (charge) and corrections (deflection correction) are read from the firing chart. When the correc- tions are applied to the chart data on the data sheet, new firing data is produced. 13-25. The 6400 Mil МП a. General. Frequently the target area is larger than the transfer limits of the RP, and yet time, ammunition, and the tactical situation will permit only one registration. By assuming negligible error in survey or maps, the lay of the weapons, and preparation of the firing charts, the registra- tion corrections for the RP can be broken into two parts. The first part is a correction which is only a function of the range fired, and is constant for a given range regardless of direc- tion. The second part is a function of the direc- tion fired. If the amount of the concurrent MET computed for the RP is subtracted from the total registration correction, the result is an absolute registration correction which does not change with the direction fired, and which is independent of weather. The FDC can then plot imaginary RP at the same range as the original RP but in other directions (usually 800 mils apart), com- pute a MET correction for each of these other directions, and by adding the different MET cor- rections to the absolute registration correction, determine different firing corrections for each of the imaginary RP. The firing corrections de- termined for the imaginary RP can then be ap- plied when engaging targets within their transfer limits. b. Computing MET Corrections for Large Sec- tor Capability. A special worksheet, such as that shown in figure 13-18 is needed to compute multi- ple MET from a single registration. The supple- mental (imaginary) RP are spaced 800 mils apart, extending to the right and left of the RP as far as needed to cover the sector of responsibility. The example in figure 13-13 shows a full 6400 mi) capability. On the firing chart all of the imaginary RP are plotted at the same range from the mortar position as the real RP. Compute the MET as follows: (1) Fill in the top section of the sheet and compute дН and the corrected values for air temperature and density in the usual way. (2) Determine the chart direction of the wind as on a regular MET. Copy the result into the box marked I (RP) and as many others as there are imaginary RP (II is 800 mils clockwise from the RP, and the numbers increase in a clockwise direction to VIII, which is 800 mils counterclockwise from the RP). (3) Add the directional variations to the chart direction of the wind, subtracting 6400 if necessary to keep the result less than 6400. (4) Copy the wind velocity into the first row of boxes under deflection corrections and range corrections. Do not use any column which does not have the chart direction of the wind written at the top. (5) From table A extract the appropriate cross wind component (record it in the deflec- tion corrections section) and range wind com- ponent (record in the range corrections section) for each value of chart wind to check points. (6) Multiply the velocity by the components to get values for cross wind and range wind. (7) Find the cross wind correction factor in table D, col. 9 (fig. 13-15) corresponding to the adjusted RP charge. Multiply it by the cross wind to get the MET deflection correction. (8) Find the proper range wind unit cor- rections in table D, col. 12 and 13 (fig. 13-15). Multiply it by the range wind to get the range wind correction. (9) Compute the range corrections for powder temperature, air temperature, air density, and projectile weight in the usual manner. The net of the four is the ballistic range correction. 13-35
FM 23-91 MET DATA CORRECTION SHEET 6400 MlLStMORTARSI For vsc of this, form, tee FM 23»9); the proponent ogency is U, $. Continental Army Commond. FIRING DATA MET MESSAGE CHARGE ti I CHART RANGE 171 29/0 ELEVATION QOO TYPE S3 JT*T,0H3V¥ 485 PATS 0 7 ALTITUDE OF MORTARS <M| 4<o0 TIME ALT MOP 440 LIRE NUMBER 03. altitude of mdp MO WIND DIRECTION 2&OQ WIND VELOCITY AIR TEMP too. AIR DENSITY "fa/ ABOVE + SECTION MDP л H Qbelqw-j e 30 Л H CORRECTIONS дтф ./ A°<g 3 CORRECTED VALUES tOO. 5 78.4 WIND COMPONENTS WHEN DIRECTION OF WIND IS LESS THAN DIRECTION OF FIRE ADD №00 (RP) I л ИГ ТГ X "SI "ИГ ЗЕШ DIRECTION OF wind total 43оЪ DIRECTION OF FIRE -4300 CHART DIRECTION OF WINO I ADD 64M IF LESS THAN CORRESPONDING DIRECTIONAL VARIATION TO CHECK POINTSI 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 DIRECTIONAL variation TO CHECK POINTS -О -300 -IbOO -Z4oo -3200 4000 -4300 -5b00 CHART WIND TO CHECK POINTS 5000 зчоо 2G00 /300 /ООО 200 5300 DEFLECTION CORRECTIONS WINO VELOCITY IKNOTSl 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 CROSS WIND COMPONENT Ч?1 .£3 .27) m.83 (И .20 У 5 b CROSS WINO i 4.8 (h 236 tb 4.8 W/3.4 CROSS WIND CORRECTION FACTOR 5 .? .4 .4 .? .4 DEFLECTION CORRECTION 1? 21 it TT (fe 12 (b 21 db /У (LJL V /2 RANGE CORRECTIONS WIND VELOCITY (KNOTS! 24- 24 Z4 24 24 24 24 24 range wind component b) H . ^.<73 41.23 .20 [н).У6 m -48 ^.87 RANGE WIND .И 4.9 ^/3.4 ^225 4.3 ft) 2.3,5 range wind unit correction 5-1 -3.1 —3,7 -3.7 -3.7 5! 61 5.! RANGE wino CORRECTION У 24 & 50 & 77 & 74 £>18 k>3 S )20 -tot KNOWN VALUE STANDARD values variation FROM STANDARD UNIT CORRECTIONS PLUS MINUS PQWOERTEMP^g p Av = - 0.5 о ’ 0.5 23.? /2 AIR TEMP /00. 5 100 < 0 AIR DENSITY <TZ,4 100 ’ # /.4» -k>.7 II PROJECTILE WT 3 D X a . ъ IB II // ABSOLUTE REGISTRATION CORRECTIONS 23 H II REGISTRATION CORRECTION Ф \oO 1 k> 23 BALLISTIC RANGE CORR. /2. RP MET CORRECTION ® 4-0 ’ У 21 ABSOLUTE REG. CORRECTION ® 20 1 ? 2 DIRECTIONAL CORRECTIONS X IRP> П Ш XT X Д. 3ZH ТДП. BALLISTIC RANGE CORR. Ф l2 1® i2 IZ ® 12 /2 12 ? /2 - 12 RANGE WIND CORRECTION ® 24 I© 60 < & 77 ® 74 (=) lb 120 Ф 101 TOTAL RANGE CORRECTION ® 40 |<*> цо c Ъ 70 & e> 10 ® 80 Ф /30 ® HO MET CORRECTION $70 r 4 6 0&П 6>IO(% 2! L -80(^13 i) •- -130(5)4 ^110^ IZ ABSOLUTE REG. CORRECTION -2.0 r Z м hj -20 R 2 9“ о « Э1 ад x CORRECTIONS TO APPLY ® (9 U i -fro R U|"20 r20 ’ ho R (o & L a -100 14 l ~100®1<‘ i) l ~I5O@Z -130 Я 14 DA Form 2601*2» R, 1 Oct 71 Figure 13-18. DA Form 2601-2-R (MET data correction sheet) (6^00 mils mortars). 13-36
rM 23-91 (10) Combine the ballistic range correction with the various range wind corrections to get the total range corrections, which are rounded to the nearest 10 meters and recorded. (11) The total MET corrections are obtained by bringing together the range correction and the deflection correction for each of the points. (12) Determine the absolute registration cor- rection. First, calculate the registration correc- tion. The registration range correction is the dif- ference between the chart range to the RP and the range corresponding to the initial range at the RP; it is plus if the chart range is smaller. The deflection correction is the LARS correction which must be applied to the initial deflection read at the RP to get the firing deflection which hit it. The RP MET correction, which has been recorded under I (RP), is then subtracted from the registration correction; the result is the ab- solute registration correction. (13) The absolute registration correction is added to each point MET correction to get the corrections to apply at the points. c. Applying Corrections to Fire Control Equip- ment. The imaginary RP should all be plotted on the firing chart, 800 mils apart and at the same range from the mortar section as the real RP. By measuring the coordinates of the imaginary RP and consulting a topographical map, altitudes may be determined to compute VI corrections if the observer wants one of these points (whose locations are not known to the observers) marked by fire. A separate adjusted charge gageline and deflection correction scale must be constructed for each imaginary RP. To draw the adjusted charge gageline, first add the range correction under CORR TO APPLY to the chart range to the RP. Index that range with the cursor and read the charge under the manufacturer’s gage- line. Return the cursor to the chart range to the RP and draw the gageline through the charge just determined; mark the gageline with the number of the RP to which it applies. Find the drift mark closest to where the new adjusted charge gageline crosses the charge scale; con- struct a deflection correction scale which equates that drift mark with the deflection correction under" CORR TO APPLY. Repeat the process for each of the imaginary RP. d. Example. The 6400 mil MET data correction sheet in figure 13-18 was prepared using the same data as was used in paragraph 13-21 c to prepare the regular MET data correction sheet in figure 13-12. Note that the corrections de- determined in figure 13-18 for I (RP) are exactly the same as in figure 13-12. For the 6400 mil MET, however, seven imaginary RP were plotted 800 mils apart at a range of 2910 meters from the section, and data for them was computed in figure 13-18. The charges through which the adjusted charge gagelines for the eight points would be drawn, and the deflection cor- rections applied at the points, are shown below. Point KRP) II III IV V VI VII vin Adj chg 17 3/8 17 6/8 17 7/8 17 5/8 17 16 6/8 16 6/8 16 7/8 Defl corr L23 L14 R2 R16 R19 R10 L6 L20 The deflection correction scale constructed for imaginary RP III would look like this: HI 43 о 42 R1 41 R2 40 R3 39 R4 e. Subsequent MET. When a subsequent MET is received, it is computed in the same way as the concurrent MET, and the MET corrrection for each point is recorded at the bottom. The absolute registration correction does not change when a subsequent MET is computed. It is added to each of the point MET corrections to get the new corrections to apply. Add the new range correction to apply to the chart range to the RP, index the result with the cursor, and read the charge under the manufacturer’s (not the adjusted charge) gageline. Return the cursor to the chart range, erase the old charge gageline, and draw a new one through the charge just determined. The deflection correction to apply replaces the old numbering of the drift mark nearest the adjusted charge gageline, and the other drift marks are renumbered accordingly. 13-38
FM 23-91 CHAPTER 14 OBSERVED AND MODIFIED-OBSERVED FIRING CHARTS AND TRANSFER 14-1. The Observed Firing Chart The mobile nature of modern combat frequently requires the mortars to provide accurate and re- sponsive indirect fire support before survey in- formation becomes available. The observed firing chart provides this capability. All that is re- quired is an approximate direction and distance from the section to the target to set up the chart, and thereafter targets are called in by shifts from previous targets and plotted in the locations of the last adjusting rounds. There is no coordinate system (since neither target nor mortar is located by coordinates), so an arbi- trary (assumed) grid system may be introduced if a grid sheet is used. 14—2. Construction and Use of the Observed Firing Chart a. Construction. The first target (RP) is spec- ified to the FDC by a direction and distance from the mortar location. The computer orients the range arm of his GFF (RDP) on his grid sheet (see para 24-3 for procedure with no grid system) pointing in the approximate direction to the RP. He moves the fan, keeping it pointing the same direction, until— (1) The vertex is on an intersection of grid lines 500 meters from the edge of the sheet. (2) The range arm can be moved at least 400 mils either direction and still be on the sheet. (3) The entire mil arc of the GFF (RDP) is on. the sheet, enabling him to draw a deflec- tion index. The mortar location is plotted with a red hollow cross at the grid intersection, and azimuth indices are constructed. The target (RP) is plotted with a dashed, or temporary, hollow cross along the specified azimuth at the specified distance. Moving the range arm tight against the pin in the RP, a deflection index is marked and constructed at the referred deflection (usu- ally 2800). (The mounting azimuth should have been computed by subtracting the drift at the target range from the reported azimuth and sent to the section as soon as the RP information be- came available.) The firing chart is ready for the firing of the first mission. b. Engaging Targets. Since the direction and distance to the RP were at best good estimates, and since nonstandard firing conditions must be compensated for, a registration should be con- ducted when the situation permits. The observer specifies the ОТ azimuth, and the FDC orients the target grid along it to plot observer correc- tions. On the observed firing chart, the final pinhole, the one from which the data which hits the target is read, is plotted as the actual tar- get location with a red hollow cross. This is true for the RP and other targets as well. At the end of the registration, the temporary hollow cross at the original location is erased, and a red hollow cross is drawn at the final plot. Note that no mention was made of the altitudes of the mortars or the RP; on the observed chart it is assumed that the difference in altitudes is zero. Since other targets are located by them if they are not at the same altitude. Targets of opportu- nity are engaged in the usual manner; the FFE location is marked with a red hollow cross. Data for the RP and targets is recorded on the data sheet just as with the surveyed chart. The arbi- trary grid numbering which may be placed on the observed chart is used when discrepancies arise between the chief chart and check chart. c. Updating Firing Corrections. Regardless of the type of firing chart used to generate data, meteorological and other changes necessitate up- dating firing corrections every 3-5 hours. Be- cause дН cannot be determined, the MET mes- sage is not used to update firing corrections, and a re-registration is conducted. The first round is fired at the old registration data, but normally corrections are necessary. Rather than moving the final plot for the RP (and all the targets to be updated) the pin is returned to the hollow cross from the initial registration. An adjusted charge gageline is drawn through the new 14-1
FM 23-91 charge to hit the RP. The drift mark nearest the new charge is renumbered with the LARS cor- rection which must be applied to the deflection read at the pin to obtsin the new firing deflec- tion. All other targets are updated by placing .a plotting pin in their marked locations, read- ing new initial data and corrections from the firing chart, and applying them to generate cur- rent firing data on the data sheet. 14-3. The Modified-Observed Firing Chart a. General. Although it may not be possible to determine target locations to survey accuracy, the introduction of a real coordinate system is of benefit to the observer (when maps are avail- able). The FDC can superimpose a grid coordi- nate system on the firing chart if one point (usually the mortar position) can be located to survey accuracy. The requirements for a modi- fied-observed firing chart, then, are one surveyed location, and a direction and distance from the mortars to the RP. b. Setting Up the Chart. To locate the mortar position on the firing chart, orient the range arm in the general direction of fire and move it until— (1) The vertex is 500-1000 meters from the edge of the chart. (2) Several hundred mils’ shift either di- rection from the RP is possible. (3) A deflection index can be drawn on the chart. The coordinate numbering system is super- imposed on the chart and the mortar position plotted. Azimuth indices are constructed and the RP plotted at the proper distance and direction. c. Targets. A registration is conducted, and the final RP location is marked in red. Targets are plotted and firing data determined in exactly the same way as for the observed firing chart. Update firing corrections periodically by re- registration. 14—4. Transfer An understanding of the limitations on each of the three types of firing charts should make clear the desirability of using the most precise firing chart that the available data will permit. Fre- quently, however, accurate data does not become available until after the firing chart has been constructed and several targets engaged. It is therefore necessary to have the capability of transferring data from one type of firing chart to a more precise type. The next three para- graphs outline techniques for transferring data. A principle common to all types of transfer is that: the firing data which hits the target does not change when the firing chart from which it is read is altered. Firing data is the basis for p-ansfer; however, only chart data can be read from the firing chart. The existing firing data must therefore be converted to new chart data, which, in turn, is plotted on the firing chart. 14-5. Transfer From Observed to Modified* Observed Firing Chart The data from an observed firing chart can be transferred to a modified-observed chart as soon as either the mortar or a target location (usually the mortar location) becomes known to survey accuracy. From the coordinates of the known point and the general direction of fire, the grid sheet is numbered by the method described in paragraph 12-2. Azimuth indices are constructed for the mortar position. Use the following proce- dure to transfer data to the new firing chart: a. Determine the direction on which to plot the RP. Record the direction of fire correspond- ing to the referred deflection at the top of the data sheet; this correspondence provides the link between azimuths and deflections. Also known is the deflection which actually hit the RP; what needs to be determined is the azimuth corre- sponding to that deflection. Calculate the LARS correction to get from the referred deflection to the final firing deflection. Apply this correction (using the RALS rule) to the azimuth corre- sponding to the referred deflection. The result is the desired azimuth. The method is illustrated by the following example: the referred deflection, 2800, corresponds to a direction of Are of 0473. The deflection which hit the RP was 2835. L35 AZIMUTH 0473 0438 RALS DEFLECTION 2800 2835” LARS L35 A correction of L35 is necessary to get from 2800 to 2835. Applying this same correction to azimuth 0473 yields 0438, the azimuth on which the RP is to be plotted. b. The RP is plotted in red on the direction determined at a range corresponding to the ad- justed charge which hit it. On the modified- observed chart a new altitude may be found for the known point, but it is still assumed that the altitudes of the mortars and the RP are the 14-2
FM 23-91 same, so the RP is labeled with the same altitude as the mortars. The range arm of the GFF (RDP) is moved against the pin in the RP, and a deflection index is constructed at the final deflection which hit the RP. The drift mark nearest the manufacturer’s gageline is renum- bered 0, and all of the other drift marks renum- bered accordingly. (Even if a re-registration has been conducted, it is possible to transfer the data so that no adjusted charge gageline is nec- essary.) Record the RP data on the data sheet. c. To update targets, first bring down the firing data which hit them on the data sheet. Update target altitude (remember that the verti- cal interval should not have changed) and bring down the charge correction. Strip the charge correction from the firing charge to get the chart charge. Index the chart charge with the cursor and read the deflection correction (record it on the data sheet). This must always be done be- cause the deflection correction read from the plotting equipment changes if there is a large change during the adjustment of a mission; however, the deflection correction recorded on the data sheet was that read at the initial target location called in by the observer. The new de- flection/correction is stripped from the firing de- flection, leaving a new initial deflection. Plot the target on the firing chart at the new chart deflection and charge. Repeat the process for each target to be transferred. 14—6. Transfer From Modified-Observed to Surveyed Firing Chart (i. When both the mortar location and a target location are known to survey accuracy, the sur- veyed firing chart can be constructed. Number the firing chart as described in paragraph 12-2; the numbering should be the same as on the modified-observed chart. The mortar and target (it need not be the RP) locations are plotted with black hollow crosses. The range arm of the GFF (RDP) is brought against the pin marking the surveyed target, and a permanent deflection index is drawn at the firing deflection which hit the target. b. Once two locations are known to survey accuracy, chances are small that the vertical in- terval for the RP is 0, as was originally assumed. Enter the surveyed altitude of the target on the data sheet (the firing data for the target should be brought down if this has not already been done) and compute a new VI for the surveyed target. Indexing the surveyed target with the cursor site is read, and the charge correction calculated and recorded. The charge correction is stripped from the firing charge and the result recorded as the new chart charge to the surveyed target. The adjusted charge gageline is drawn through this chart charge. The drift mark closest to it is numbered 0, and the other drift marks, accordingly. c. To update other targets, first bring down the firing data on the data sheet. Determine the difference between the assumed VI for the sur- veyed target (used before transfer) and the ac- tual VI. For example, assume the surveyed target is the RP (frequently it will be); the assumed VI was 0, but checking the surveyed coordinates on a topographic map, the difference is found to be +80 meters. The difference between the ac- tual difference, +80, and the assumed difference, 0, is +80. Apply this difference to the VI as- sumed for all other targets, and record the re- sults as the updated VI. Compute a new charge correction for each target based on the new VI, and strip it from the firing charge. The result is the new chart charge for the target. Index the new chart charge with the cursor and read the new deflection correction. Strip the new deflec- tion correction from the firing deflection to get the new chart deflection. Plot the target at the new initial charge and deflection. 14-7. Transfer From Ml 6 Plotting Board to the Modified-Observed Firing Chart Frequently the M16 plotting board is used as a secondary means of fire control with the 4.2-inch mortar, especially in fast-moving situations and inclement weather. When the situation becomes more stable, it may be desirable to transfer from an observed chart on the M16 to a modified- observed or surveyed firing chart. This para- graph describes the procedure for transferring to a modified-observed chart; by combining it with the procedure in paragraph 14-6, the transfer to a surveyed chart can be accomplished. First, a modified-observed chart is constructed. a. The direction of fire is rounded to the near- est 50 mils for computing mounting data and for numbering deflections on the M16 plotting board. Remembering this, use the same procedure de- scribed in paragraph 14-6a to determine the azi- muth on which to plot the RP. For example, if the direction to the RP was 1820 mils, referred deflection 2800, and the deflection to hit the RP 2764, the azimuth to the final plot is figured as follows: the DOF is rounded to the nearest 50, or 14-3
FM 23-91 1800, and equated to the referred deflection. The correction to get from 2800 to 2764 is R36; ap- plying this to azimuth 1800 (and using the LARS rule), the azimuth to the Anal plot is 1836. The RP is plotted on this azimuth at a distance corresponding to the charge which hit the RP. The deflection index is drawn opposite the de- flection which hit the RP; the drift mark under the manufacturer’s gageline is renumbered 0, and the other marks renumbered accordingly. b. Once the proper indices and corrections have been applied to the Are control equipment, the data is transferred just as from an observed chart to a modified-observed firing chart. The firing data is brought down on the data sheet and the charge correction stripped out of the firing charge. The new chart charge which re- sults is indexed and the new deflection correction read. When this is removed from the firing de- flection, the remainder is the new chart deflec- tion. The target is plotted at the new chart charge and deflection. 14-4
FM 23-91 CHAPTER 15 FIRE CONTROL WITH THE Ml 6 PLOTTING BOARD 15-1. General The M16 plotting board (fig. 15-1) is a fire con- trol instrument (firing chart or firing chart sub- stitute) designed to assist the operator in com- puting firing data by providing the range and direction (deflection) from the mortar position to the target. It is sturdy, easy to operate, ac- curate, and suitable for use in the field by all infantry mortars. It is the primary means of fire control for the 81 mm mortar and the secondary means for the 4.2-inch mortar. 15-2. Description of Ml 6 Plotting Board The plotting board consists of a rotating disk of transparent plastic and a removable range arm, both attached to a flat grid base (fig. 15-2). a. Base. The base is a white plastic sheet AZIMUTH DISK Figure 15-1. M16 plotting board and carrying caae. 15-1
^3-91 Figure 15-2. M16 plotting board. bonded to a magnesium alloy backing (fig. 15-2). On the base is printed a grid in red or green, at a scale of 1:12,500. Note. The verical centerline is graduated and numbered upward and downward from the center (pivot point) from 0 through 31 in hundreds of meters. The numbers are spaced every second (thin) horizontal line. Each small grid square represents 50 meters. To the left of the vertical centerline is an alternate range scale 0 to 6000 meters inclusive. This scale facilitates range determina- tion when the mortars are plotted below the pivot point. (1) The index mark points to the center of the vernier scale at the edge of the plotting board. The index mark is the point at which de- flections or azimuths may be read to the nearest 10 mils. The operating position of the board is with the straight side of the base to the opera- tor’s right. When plotting at the pivot point, it represents the location of the #2 mortar. (2) In addition to the grid pattern, a ver- nier scale is printed on the base. It is used to get greater accuracy when reading the mil scale on the azimuth disk. The vernier scale permits the operator to read azimuths and deflections ac- curately to the nearest 1 mil when the index 15-2
FM 23-91 mark is between one of the 10-mil graduations on the scale of the azimuth disk. (3) On the straight edge of the base, a double map scale in meters with representative fractions of 1:50,000 and 1:25,000 is available for use in transferring data to and from a map that has one of these scales. b. Azimuth Disk. The rotating azimuth disk is made of plastic. It is roughened on the upper surface to receive pencil marks. A mil scale on the outer edge runs clockwise to conform to the azimuth scale of a compass, and is used for plot- ting azimuths and angles. The scale is divided into 10-mil increments from 0 to 6400 and is numbered every 100 mils. In addition, the disk has two black lines referred to as centerlines. They are printed across the center of the disk from 0 to 3200 and from 1600 to 4800 mils. They serve no purpose in mortar gunnery other than to assist in orienting the disk (fig. 15-2). c. Range Arm. The range arm is used when the mortars are located at the pivot point. It is made of plastic and can be plugged into the pivot point. On the arm is a range scale, a centerline, and a vernier scale. The arm eliminates the need for rotating the disk away from the observer- target (ОТ) azimuth to read deflections or ranges (fig. 15-2). 15-3. Care of the Ml 6 Plotting Board a. Handling. Handle the plotting board with care to prevent bending, scratching, or chipping. Avoid excessive heat or prolonged exposure to the sun which may cause the board to warp. When storing the board, place it in its carrying case, base down on a horizontal surface. Do not place the plotting board on end or store other equipment on it. b. Cleaning. It can normally be cleaned with a nongritty (art gum) eraser. If the board is excessively dirty, a damp cloth may be used. The contact surfaces of the disk and base should be cleaned frequently. Remove the disk by push- ing a blunt instrument through the pivot point from the back of the base. Do not attempt to re- move the disk by lifting its outer edges. (For further information on the M16 with the green grid base, see TM 9-1220-204-14.) Do not use cleaning fluids, solvents, or gritty substances on the plastic portion of the plotting board. Clean- ing solvents or paint thinner may be used on the metal surfaces. Do not use map pins, needles, or ink when making plots. 15—4. Operation Plotting should be done with a very sharp, soft lead pencil (No. 2 or softer). Be careful when placing a plot on the disk, for a very small plotting error could cause the final data to be off as much as 25 meters in range and more than 10 mils in deflection. To avoid distortion, the com- puter should place his eye directly over the loca- tion of a plot and hold the pencil perpendicular to the board. The plot should be so small that it is difficult to see. For ease of identification, each plot is circled and numbered. 15-5. Plotting at the Pivot Point a. The simplest and fastest method of using the board is used when the mortars are located at the pivot point. This method allows the use of the range arm. To prepare the plotting board, chart data must be determined. This is normally determined from a map by measuring the range and grid azimuth from the mortar position to the target or registration point. For example, assume the range to the registration point is 2,600 meters and the azimuth is 2320 mils. b. In order to set up the board with this chart data, the azimuth must be rounded off to the nearest 50 mils. This is necessary in order to have a 50-mil graduation as a starting point for the deflection scale. In this case, the mounting azimuth would be rounded off to 2300 mils (for greater simplicity in reading deflections). When this has been done, rotate the disk to azimuth 2300 mils (azimuth 2300jri over the index mark of the base). Place the deflection scale on the disk starting with the referred deflection (norm- ally 2800) (fig. 15-3), and directly below azi- muth 2300 mils. The remainder of the deflection scale would be placed on the disk as shown in figure 15-3. This deflection scale is placed on the disk by following the LARS rule (left add, right subtract). The next step is to determine the de- flection which corresponds to the grid azimuth (232QM) to the registration point. To do this, ro- tate the disk to an azimuth of 2320, and holding the disk in place, read the corresponding deflec- tion, in this case, deflection 2780. c. To make the plot for the first round, insure that deflection 2780 jri is opposite the index mark. Read on the range scale 2600 meters, and make a small plot at that range directly over the ver- tical centerline. For ease of identification circle the plot and label it 1 (for first plot) (fig. 15-3). d. The observer would be notified to register 15-3
№ 23-91 Figure 15-3. Example of superimposed deflection scale and plotting for the first round. the section. In his call for fire, the observer will report his direction to the registration point (example: 2150jtrt). Assume that the first round is fired, and the observer makes a correction of RIGHT 50, DROP 200. Since the observer made his correction with respect to the ОТ line, the FDC must make corrections with respect to the same line. Rotate the disk until azimuth 2150 mils (ОТ direction) falls over the index on the base. To help in referring rapidly to the ОТ azimuth, it can be marked with the ОТ symbol. Note. When using the range arm, the rotatable plastic disk must remain indexed at the ОТ azimuth. This orients the plotting board to the azimuth (direction) from which the observer is looking at the target. Each small grid square has a value of 50 meters; therefore, the correction of RIGHT 50, DROP 200, would be one square to the right of the initial plot and four squares down. At this point make a second plot, circle it and label it 2 (flg. 15-4). e. After the first plot is made, use the range arm to determine all subsequent ranges and de- flections. Rotate the arm until the centerline falls over the No. 2 plot. The range is determined to the nearest 25 meters on the range scale (2,425 meters). The deflection is determined by using the index and vernier scale of the range arm. Use the index to find the deflection to the nearest 10 mils. In this case the index falls between 2740/6 and 2750/6. Since the deflection scale in- creases to the left, the first three digits of the deflection are 274. To determine the last digit of the deflection (to the nearest mil) use the left portion of the vernier scale (the right portion is used to read azimuths to the nearest mil), count- ing vernier scale graduations to the left until one alines exactly with a graduation on the mil scale. For this problem, the 7-mil graduation alines directly with a graduation on the azimuth scale. 15-4
FM 23-91 Figure 15-4. Plotting the observer correction. 15-5
FM 23-91 Figure 15-5. Use of the range arm. The deflection for plot No. 2 is then 2747 mils (fig. 15-5). /. The second round would be fired with a de- flection of 2747 mils and at a range of 2,425 meters. ff. All subsequent corrections from the ob- server would be computed on the plotting board using the same procedures outlined above, mov- ing from the strike of the previously plotted round. h. When the observer reports END OF MIS- SION, REGISTRATION COMPLETE, the final round plotted will then be the plot for the regis- tration point. This plot should be marked with a hollow cross and labeled RP (fig. 15-6). The other plots will be erased from the board. i. All target plots will be represented by a hollow cross on the M16 plotting board (fig. 15- 7). Plots located within survey accuracy will be marked with an ‘S’ ( ) in the upper left hand quadrant. 15-6. Adjustment of Parallel Sheaf a. After the registration by the base mortar is completed, the computer directs the observer to adjust the sheaf. Although the mortars are laid parallel with a compass or aiming circle, the sheaf produced on the ground in the target area may not be parallel. This may be caused by the differences in the settling of the baseplates of the mortars. b. There are two methods to adjust the sheaf. The method used depends on the location of the observer with respect to the gun-target line (whether angle T is greater or less than 500 mils). The angle T is the difference between the azimuth of the GT line and the azimuth of the ОТ line. c. Whenever possible the computer selects an observer located near the GT line so that the angle T will be less than 500 mils. 15-6
FM 23-91 RP Figure 15-6. Registration point symbol (nonsurvey). 15-7. Adjustment of Parallel Sheaf When Ob- server is Near Gun-Target Line (Angle T is Less Than 500 Mils) a. The computer issues a fire command to No. 1 and 3 (and 4 with the 4.2-in. mortar) mortars to fire a section right (or left) with the same adjusted deflection and elevation obtained by the No. 2 mortar. The observer sends back individual deviation corrections in meters for any burst that needs correcting to place it in the proper position in the sheaf. Using the mil relation formula for the 81 mm mortar, the computer changes these corrections in meters to mils (for the 4.2-in. mortar, use the 100/R scale). These corrections are then applied to the deflection on the mortars. The mortars are relaid on the aim- ing post with this deflection. Another section right (or left) may be fired to recheck the sheaf if necessary. Note. Any correction of 50 meters or more is refired. When a parallel sheaf is attained, the computer notifies the gunners to refer all mortar sights to a common de* flection and to re-aline aiming posts. This common deflection is the deflection for the base (No. 2) mortar to hit the registration point. The computer disregards small range errors when adjusting the sheaf. The range determined for the base (No. 2) mortar is used by all mortars in the section. b. For example, a deflection of 2850 and a range of 1,200 meters. The observer’s corrections are: NUMBER ONE, LEFT THREE ZERO END OF MISSION SHEAF ADJUSTED (1) Mortar No. 3. Since no correction was reported by the observer for the No. 3 mortar, its position in the sheaf is correct. The computer determines the correct deflection for mortar No. 1 as in (2) below. (2) Mortar No. 1. The observer’s correction of LEFT THREE ZERO (in meters) is equal to 25 mils at a range of 1,200 meters (using the 100/R factor or the mil-relation formula), the left 25 mils is added (LARS) to the deflection setting of 2850 because the observer’s correction was left and becomes 2875 mils. The computer issues the command NUMBER ONE, DO NOT 15-7
s_l_ Figure 15-7. Surveyed point symbol. FIRE, DEFLECTION TWO EIGHT SEVEN FIVE, ELEVATION ONE TWO SIX EIGHT. The gunner of mortar No. 1 lays his mortar with the announced deflection and elevation. When the mortar is laid, the computer issues the following command: SECTION DEFLECTION TWO EIGHT FIVE ZERO REFER RE-ALINE AIMING POSTS The gunner of mortar No. 1 refers his sight to a deflection of 2850 mils and directs the No. 3 man in his squad to re-aline the aiming posts without moving the mortar. All mortars are then laid parallel with a common deflection of 2850 mils. Therefore, to fire a parallel sheaf on any target, each mortar of the section is given the same de- flection, the one determined for the base mortar. 15-8. Plotting Board Method of Adjusting a Parallel Sheaf a. General. The plotting board may be used to convert the observer’s corrections from meters to mils for mortars out of sheaf. This technique eliminates the need for the computer to convert the observer’s correction to mils using the mil- relation formula or deflection conversion table and then applying the LARS rule to determine the deflection. b. Procedure. The FO’s correction in meters for the mortar out of sheaf is plotted as a shift from the registration point with the disk ori- ented on the ОТ azimuth. The range arm is then rotated over the plot, and the deflection is read at the centerline for the mortar(s) out of sheaf. After the deflection has been determined, the plot is removed from the plotting board. If the mor- tars are not plotted at the pivot point, the same procedure is followed except for the application of the parallel line method when determining the deflection reading. The computer determines the deflection which would move the No. 2 mortar the distance specified by the observer in his cor- rection. Since all mortars were fired with a com- mon deflection, a deflection which would move the No. 2 mortar a specified distance would also move the No. 1 and/or No. 3 mortar the same distance. c. Sample Problem. The section mounted on an azimuth of 2000 mils completed registration 15-8
FM 23-91 with a range of 2,450 meters and deflection 2749 mils. The section fires for sheaf adjustment and the observer reports, NUMBER THREE, RIGHT THREE ZERO. The observer’s azimuth is 2150 mils. To plot the correction, rotate the disk to the observer’s azimuth and make a plot 30 meters to the right of the registration point. Rotate the range arm over the plot and determine the deflection (2737). This is the deflection which would move the No. 2 mortar 30 meters to the right. Since No. 3 mortar has the same deflection as No. 2 mortar on the sight, it will also move the No. 3 mortar 30 meters to the right. 15-9. Adjustment of Parallel Sheaf When the Observer is Not Near the Gun-Target Line (Angle T More Than 500 Mils) Procedure when mortar section is located at pivot point or below: a. After the base mortar has adjusted on the registration point, the computer and the FO co- ordinate adjusting a converged sheaf. The com- puter determines the firing data to converge the sheaf on the registration point. b. The FO adjusts each mortar except the base mortar on the registration point, one at a time. c. The computer orients the plotting board on the ОТ azimuth. He plots each correction with the plotting board oriented on this azimuth. He considers the registration point as the plot for the first round from each of the mortars. After each mortar completes the adjustment, the com- puter orients the board to the GT azimuth, then places a plot 30-35 meters (the distance between mortars) left and right of the final adjusted plot for each mortar. The range arm of the M16 plotting board can be used to determine the de- flection for each mortar to open the sheaf when plotting from the pivot point. To do this, rotate the range arm to the desired position to the right of the registration point and determine the de- flection for the No. 1 mortar. Repeat the process to the left for the No. 3 mortar. d. After each mortar is laid with the correct deflection to form a parallel sheaf, the section is referred to a common deflection and the aiming posts are re-alined. 15-10. Firing Tables a. Firing tables (abridged or unabridged) are provided for each type of 81 mm mortar ammu- nition. Abridged firing tables are printed in card form and are included in some ammunition pack- ing boxes. See figure 15-8 for an example of an abridged firing table. b. In commencing a fire mission, take care in selecting data for firing the first round. When two sets of data are available for the desired range for the first round, select a charge zone that allows the greatest increase and decrease in range without changing charge zones. Once the mission begins, use the same charge zone as long as possible. c. In selecting a charge zone for the initial round, if both charge zones have equal latitude for increasing or decreasing range, select the lower charge zone. Less dispersion results with a lower charge because of a lower maximum ordi- nate. 15-11. Plotting on the Firing Chart by Map Coordinates a. When the coordinates of the mortar posi- tion and registration point are known, a sur- veyed firing chart may be established on the plotting board. This information may be ob- tained from a terrain map or survey data from the artillery. b. To establish a surveyed firing chart, a co- ordinate system must be placed on the plotting board. After the coordinate system has been established, the plotting board represents a 1:12,500 map of the firing area. This is one of the most desirable ways of using the plotting board. 15—12. Establishing a Coordinate System on the Ml6 Plotting Board a. Orienting the Board. To place a coordinate system on the plotting board, the disk must be oriented to azimuth 0. This orients the vertical lines of the grid on the base to a north-south direction. The coordinates can now be placed on the plastic disk. When plotting by coordinates or reading coordinates of a given location on the disk, the disk must be oriented to azimuth 0. b. Selecting and Numbering the Grid System. Careful selection of the major grid designator representing the pivot point is necessary. The computer must select this grid intersection so that the pivot point (center of the board) will not interfere with the area concerned. This can normally be done by selecting a grid intersection 15-9
oi-si FM 23—91 •ANGE m EL6V NILS CHG elev NILS CMC T$ 1500 0 100 1476 0 12$ 1445 0 ISO 1412 0 ITS 1379 0 200 1344 0 1502 1 225 1309 0 1490 1 250 1271 0 1470 1 275 1231 0 1465 1 300 1119 0 1452 1 525 1142 0 1439 1 550 1089 0 142T 1 575 1025 0 1414 1 400 9)8 0 1400 1 425 13*7 1 450 1374 1 475 1360 1 SCO 1429 2 1346 X 525 1420 2 13’2 X 550 14U 2 1318 X 575 1402 2 1303 X 6C0 1393 2 1288 X 625 1384 2 1273 1 650 1375 2 1257 X 675 1)65 2 1241 X 7 CO 1356 2 1225 1 725 1346 2 1208 1 750 13)6 2 1141 1 715 1326 2 1173 X •CO 1316 2 1154 1 • 25 1306 2 1134 1 •50 1296 2 1113 X ei5 1286 2 1091 X 900 1275 2 1060 1 925 1265 2 1042 X 930 1254 2 1014 X 97$ 1243 2 962 X 2000 1231 2 945 X XANGE m ELtV NILS CHG EL8V NILS CHG 1000 123X 2 945 1 1025 1220 2 895 X 1050 1208 2 1075 1196 2 1100 1184 2 1125 1171 2 1298 1 1150 1158 2 1290 3 1175 1144 2 1282 3 1200 1131 2 1274 3 1225 1116 2 1266 3 1250 1101 2 1258 3 1275 1086 2 1250 3 1300 1069 2 1241 3 1325 1052 2 Г2ЭЭ 3 1330 1014 2 1224 3 1375 1014 2 121$ 3 1400 99? 2 1206 3 1425 969 2 1197 3 1450 942 2 1188 s 1475 909 2 1178 3 1500 865 2 1169 3 1525 1159 3 1550 1149 3 1575 1138 3 16G0 1248 4 1128 3 162$ 1241 4 1137 3 1450 1234 4 1106 3 1675 1227 4 IC94 3 1700 1220 4 1082 3 1773 1213 4 1070 3 1730 1206 4 1057 3 1775 1199 4 1044 3 1800 1191 4 1029 3 1825 1184 4 101$ 3 1850 1176 4 999 3 1875 1168 4 982 3 1900 1160 4 963 3 ХАНОЕ m ELEV NILS CHG ELEV NILS CHG 1900 1160 4 963 3 1925 1152 4 943 3 1950 1144 4 919 3 1975 1136 4 891 3 2000 1127 4 854 3 2025 1119 4 2050 1110 4 2075 1101 4 2100 1091 4 1205 5 212$ 1082 4 1199 5 2150 1072 4 1193 5 217$ 1061 4 1187 5 22C0 1051 4 1181 5 2225 1040 4 1174 5 2250 1028 4 1168 5 2275 1017 4 1161 5 2300 1004 4 1154 5 2325 991 4 1147 5 2350 977 4 1141 5 2375 962 4 1133 $ 24C0 946 4 1126 5 2425 928 4 1H9 5 2450 9O> 4 1112 5 2475 884 4 1104 $ 2500 854 4 1096 5 2525 802 4 1088 5 2550 1080 5 2$75 1072 5 2600 1063 5 2625 1163 6 1055 $ 2650 1158 6 1046 5 2675 1152 6 1036 $ 2700 1146 6 1027 $ 2725 1140 6 1017 $ 2750 11)4 6 1006 $ 277$ 1128 6 99$ $ 2800 1121 6 984 5 XANGE m I ElEV 1 nils CHG UtV NILS CHC 2800 na 6 984 5 2850 1108 6 959 5 2900 1095 ь 9)1 5 2950 1081 6 897 $ ЭСОО 1067 6 • SO 9 ЭС50 1051 6 3100 10)6 6 3150 1019 6 1123 7 >200 1001 6 1112 7 3250 981 6 1100 7 3)00 960 6 1088 7 3350 936 6 1016 7 Э40О 908 6 1063 7 3450 874 6 1049 7 3500 821 6 10)5 7 3550 1020 7 3600 1004 7 3650 987 7 3700 1075 • 969 T 3750 106) 8 949 7 3600 1051 8 926 7 3150 10)6 8 901 7 3900 1024 • •69 7 3950 1010 • 823 7 4COO 99$ 8 4C50 979 8 4Ю0 962 8 1054 9 4150 944 8 1042 9 4200 923 8 10)0 9 4250 899 • 1017 9 4300 •71 • 1004 9 4350 831 8 990 9 4400 975 9 4450 958 9 4500 941 4550 921 9 4600 •99 9 4650 •7) 9 4700 •39 9 Figure 15-В. Abridged firing table.
FM 23-91 to represent the pivot point which is to one flank of the area of operation, and insuring that the pivot point is as close to the area of operation as possible, (this is to insure that the entire target area will be on the plotting board). The grid intersection which represents the pivot point should be 1500 to 2000 meters in front of the mortar position (fig. 15-9). By selecting these coordinate designators properly, the mortars, when located by coordinates, will be positioned so their maximum range can be accommodated on the plotting board. To prepare the board, each second large grid line is numbered, giving each small grid square a value of 50 by 50 meters. The board prepared as shown in figure 15-10 rep- resents the expected firing area as shown i.i fig- ure 15-9. c. Locating the Mortars and Registration Point by Coordinates. The coordinate system es- tablished gives each small square a value of 50 Figure 15-9. Using overlay of the area of operations to determine grid intersection of pivot point. 15-1 i
FM 23-91 Figure 15-10. Board prepared for operation in plotting by coordinated. meters by 50 meters, thereby facilitating plot- ting to the nearest 10 meters. For example, as- sume the following positions have been located by map inspection of the terrain shown in figure 15-9. Mortar section coordinates ............ 22296031. Registration point coordinates........... 23545134. With the disk oriented at azimuth 0, the posi- tions are plotted as shown in figure 15-10 using map reading procedures. 15-13. Preparing the Chart for Firing a. Determining Azimuth. To determine the azimuth between the mortar section and the reg- istration point, rotate the disk until the mortar position and the registration point are alined on the same vertical line or equally distant between the same two vertical lines with the mortar posi- tion to the bottom. Bead the azimuth at the index mark (fig. 15-11). Using the example in para- graph 15-12c, the following data is obtained: 15-12
FM 23-91 (1) Azimuth to registration point 0934 mils. The azimuth is determined in the same manner used when plotting at the pivot point. (2) Range to registration point 1660 meters. The range is interpolated to the nearest 25 meters by counting the number of 50 meters grid squares or measuring the distance between the two points with a straight edge and applying it to one of the range scales on the plotting board. b. Superimposing the Deflection Scale. In or- der to superimpose the deflection scale at a 50- mil graduation on the disk, azimuth 0930 is rounded off to the nearest 50 mils (0950). This is the mounting azimuth. The deflection scale is then superimposed on the disk. c. Firing the First Round in Registration. The first round in the registration is fired at the de- flection which corresponds to the actual azimuth to the registration point or target. Rotate the disk until the mortar plot and the registration point plot are parallel to a vertical grid line and read the deflection at the index mark. d. Use of Corrections. Errors resulting from poor map inspection, map errors, or atmospheric Figure 15-11. Parallel line method. 15-13
FM 23-91 conditions will be corrected in the data obtained in registration. Upon completion of registration, neither the coordinate location of the registra- tion point nor the section position is replotted. The difference in adjusted data (obtained by registration) and plotted data is carried in the form of correction factors. 15—14. Plotting Location of Observer on Firing Chart a. Resection. The computer directs the FO to give the azimuths from his OP to two reference points whose locations are plotted on the plotting board. The computer then orients the board on the azimuth to one reference point. He draws a line from this reference point along a vertical grid line or parallel to the nearest vertical grid line toward the bottom of the board. He does the same for the other reference point. The point of intersection of the two lines is the location of the observer. For accuracy, the angle of inter- section should be greater than 500 mils. b. Coordinates. The position of the FO can be plotted by coordinates when the coordinate sys- tem of plotting is used by the FDC. 15-15. Plotting New Targets Using the Shift Method After orienting the plotting board on the ОТ azimuth, the computer plots the initial target location given in the observer’s call for fire by moving right or left, and adding or dropping from the reference point or numbered target. If the mortars are located at the pivot point, the range arm may be used to determine range and deflection. If the mortars are not located at the pivot point, use the parallel line method to deter- mine deflection and range. Subsequent correc- tions throughout an adjustment are plotted in the same way (board oriented on ОТ azimuth) for each round fired by moving from the location of the previously plotted point. After fires for effect, when the observer informs the computer that the mission is accomplished, the computer removes the OP symbol and the plots for all the observer’s corrections except the final plot. This he labels with a target number. These la- beled targets are now called reference points (AA0025, AA0039). 15—16. Plotting New Targets by Intersection When the locations of two observers are known and plotted on the plotting board, the computer may plot the initial location of a new target by intersection. This procedure follows: a. The computer plots the locations of two FO on the plotting board, and then directs each FO to read the azimuth from his OP to the same point on the new target and to report the azi- muth reading. b. The computer rotates the disk to the azi- muth read by one observer. He draws a line from this observer’s location along one of the vertical grid lines or parallel to the nearest vertical grid lines toward the top of the plotting board. c. He follows the same procedure for the azi- muth reported by the other observer. d. The point of intersection of the two lines is the location of the target. For accuracy, the angle of intersection should be greater than 500 mils. 15-17. Plotting New Targets by Polar Coordi* nates When the chart location of an FO is known and plotted on the plotting board, the initial location of a new target may be plotted by polar co- ordinates. This method is particularly desirable in the case of large lateral shifts and short ОТ distances. The computer plots the new target on the azimuth and at the distance from the ob- server’s plotted location as reported by the ob- server in his call for fire. 15-18. Correcting ОТ Azimuth The observer may send the FDC an ОТ azimuth which is in error. The resulting error in orienta- tion of the plotting board on the ОТ azimuth should be corrected if it is large enough to cause the observer difficulty in adjustment. Example: The observer’s first correction re- sults in a burst which is short and on the ОТ line (plot No. 1, fig. 15-12). His next correction is ADD TWO HUNDRED. The computer moves up the ОТ line (vertical centerline or grid line parallel to it which passes through the target plot) from plot No. 1 and makes the correction as plot No. 2. A round is fired with the data from this plot, and the observer’s next correction of RIGHT ONE HUNDRED should indicate the reported ОТ azimuth is in error. The computer moves right 100 meters from plot No. 2 and marks a plot No. 3, the position of the con- structed line shot on the plotting board. If the round fired from the data for plot 3 bursts on 15-14
FM 23-91 the ОТ line (observer’s correction for the round is DROP ONE HUNDRED) the computer ro- tates the disk until an imaginary line connecting plots 1 and S is parallel to the vertical centerline. The plotting board is now oriented correctly on the ОТ azimuth and the corrected ОТ aximuth is read over the index mark on the base. The correction for DROP ONE HUNDRED would then be made with the disk oriented on the cor- rected ОТ azimuth. 15-19. The 6400 Mil Firing Chart The 6400 mil chart enables the FDC to plot fires in a full circle around the mortar position with a single plotting board. Since fires will be plotted all the way around the mortar position, the mor- tar location should be plotted at the pivot point or near the pivot point, so that a range of 3000 meters may be obtained in all directions. If it is necessary to obtain the maximum range in a 6400 mil capability the chart scale must be CORRECTED DIRECTION OF GRID Figure 15-12. Correcting misorientation of plotting board. 15-15
FM 23-91 changed from a scale of 1:12,500 to a scale of 1:25,000 (each small square represents 100 me- ters). See paragraph 15-13 and 15-14 for placing a grid system on M16 plotting board. a. Numbering the Firing Chart. After the re- ferred deflection has been determined (normally 2800) superimpose the referred deflection under the mounting azimuth rounded off to the nearest 50 mils. The remainder of the deflection scale should be numbered as in 1, figure 15-13. Note. See chapter 2, FM 23-90, for the procedure for placing out aiming posts using the above method. b. Alternate Method of Numbering the Firing Chart. After the referred deflection has been de- termined superimpose the referred deflection un- der the mounting azimuth rounded off to the Primary method Figure 16-13. Example of superimposed deflection scale, using the MS3 eight. 15-16 *
FM 23-91 nearest 50 mils. The remainder of the deflection scale should be numbered as in 2, figure 15-13. Note. See chapter 2, FM 23-90, for the procedure for placing out aiming posts using the above method. 15—20. Obtaining Maximum Ranges on the M16 Plotting Board a. Obtaining Ranges. To get ranges greater than 3,200 meters, the mortars are plotted away from the pivot point. Plotting the mortar position away from the pivot point does not change the procedure for computing firing data. The com- puter plots the desired location of a burst with the board oriented on the observer’s azimuth, and computes the firing data by using the parallel line method. b. Preparation of the Plotting Board. The plot- ting board is prepared initially by determining Alternate method Figure 15-13—Continued. 15-17
FM 23-91 the azimuth to the registration point or center of sector and rounding the azimuth off to the near- est 50 mils. The disk is then oriented to the mounting azimuth and the deflection scale super- imposed. The mortar position will then be plotted away from the pivot point and parallel to the mounting azimuth. This plot must be located in such a position so that the maximum range of the weapon can be attained. Plot the mortar position 3000 meters below the pivot point and 500 meters left or right of the vertical center- line. (This is necessary to place the pivot point to the left or right of the vertical centerline and decrease the likelihood of plotting fire on the pivot point.) The plot for the first round is made by rotating the disk to the actual azimuth of the registration point or center of sector and the plot made using the parallel line method of plot- ting. 15-21. Replotting Mortar Position and Regis- tration Point (Observed Fire) Occasionally, with observed fire, the computer will plot the mortars at the pivot poi.:t, register the section, and then move the plot oelow the pivot point to get more range. There are two ways to move the mortar plot and registration point plot. Both methods accomplish the desired result, but the first method is faster and easier. a. Rotate the disk to the deflection at which the registration point was hit. Replot both the mortar position and the registration point on the same vertical line using the adjusted range to the registration point. b. Rotate the disk to the mounting azimuth and plot the mortar position on the vertical cen- terline. Rotate the disk to the deflection of the registration point and plot the registration point at the required range using the parallel line method of plotting. 15—22. Using the Ml 6 Plotting Board as an Observed Firing Chart With 4.2-inch Mortar The computer must first determine a direction of fire and range to the registration point or target. This information is usually taken from a map. The grid azimuth taken from the map is rounded off to the nearest 50 mils to superimpose the de- flection scale. The amount of drift is subtracted from the direction of fire and becomes the mount- ing azimuth. The deflection scale is superimposed on the rotating plastic disk with the referred deflection at the rounded off direction of Are. The mortar position and registration point (tar- get) are plotted on the actual direction of fire on the index line. The number of mils of round off in the direction of fire is compensated for in the chart deflection. When the registration is complete or when the target is hit, the final deflection is indexed at the index mark and the mortar position and the target plot are replotted on the plastic disk at the index line. The mortar position is normally located 3,000 meters below the pivot point. 15-23. Survey Firing Chart (Ml 6 Plotting Board) With 4.2-inch Mortar The first action of the computer is to superimpose the survey data (COORDINATE SYSTEM) on the plastic disk of the plotting board. The disk is first rotated until 0 is indexed at the index mark. The next step is to locate the mortar position and the registration point by an eight digit grid coordinate. The mortar position and the registra- tion point are paralleled along the same vertical grid line insuring that the mortar position is located at the bottom of the board. By reading an azimuth at the index mark an initial direc- tion of fire can be determined by rounding this azimuth off to the nearest 50 mils. The amount of drift for the initial round is then subtracted from the direction of fire and becomes the mount- ing azimuth. The referred deflection is superim- posed at the rounded off direction of fire (LEFT ADD RIGHT SUBTRACT). To fire the first round the deflection must coincide with the di- rection of fire that was determined when the mor- tar position and the registration point were alined along the same vertical grid line. 15-24. Targets Less Than 100 Meters Wide (4.2-in Mortar) Targets less than 100 meters wide are normally engaged with one or two mortars, depending on the width. To engage point targets, one mortar is usually sufficient. Converging or opening the sheaf of the section is not normally done unless the target requires it, because it slows the de- livery of FFE by necessitating individual cor- rections for each mortar rather than firing all mortars with the same data (parallel sheaf). 15-25. Converging Sheaf It is sometimes necessary to converge the sheaf to engage targets of a special size and shape or to enable the FDC to adjust the sheaf of a unit 15-18
FM 23-91 when the FO is more than 600 mils off the GT line. The sheaf may be converged by using the mil-relation formula, 100/R factor (used with 4.2-in. mortar), or by using the plotting board. a. Formula Method. When using the mil-relation formula, or 100/R factor, the computer converts the distance in meters between mortars to mils at the range determined by the base mortar adjust- ment on the registration point or target. He ap- plies the number of mils to the deflection of each mortar other than the base mortar, using the LARS rule. b. Plotting Method. The computer determines the deflections for mortars No. 1 and No. 3 (and in the case of the 4.2, No. 4) to hit the registra- tion point. To do this, the computer alines the registration point plot with each mortar position and reads the deflection at the index mark. The mortar unit position plot on the disk represents the No. 2 (base) mortar of the unit. To deter- mine the deflection for each of the other mortars, use either of the following methods: (1) When the mortar position is located be- low the pivot point, the location of the Nos. 1 and 3 mortars can be plotted with respect to the base mortar. Do this by rotating the disk to the mounting azimuth (the section front is usu- ally perpendicular to the mounting azimuth) and plotting the positions of Nos. 1 and 3 mortars 40 meters right and left of the dot on the index line (representing the No. 2 mortar). (2) When the mortar position is located at the center of the plotting board, the pivot point obscures part of the grid. To determine the de- flection for each mortar, the computer rotates the disk until the mark representing the desired location of the initial burst from each of the mortars appears as follows : (a) No. 1..-----35-40 meters right of the index line (the distance between mortars). (b) No. 2_____ .on the index line. (c) No. 3... 35-40 meters left of the index line. (d) No. 4..... .35-40 meters left of No. 3. 15-26. Attacking Wide Targets a. Targets that are wider than the front of the section parallel sheaf (150 meters) are not nor- mally assigned to the mortar section because they require large amounts of ammunition. However, targets as wide as 450 meters can be engaged. When it is necessary to engage targets that are wider than the front of a section parallel sheaf, use one of the following methods: (1) The parallel sheaf of the section is shifted successively to engage portions of the target, shifting fire. (2) The sheaf is opened and the individual mortars cover the target by traversing. b. To engage a target of this nature, the FDC should knowr the dimensions of the target in me- ters and the target attitude. c. For example—300 x 100, attitude 5100. (1) Shifting fire. (a) To shift fire, divide the target into segments of 150 meters and place fire on each segment, one at a time. Shifting the fire of the section normally should not be done more than twice in engaging any one target. Overlapping fire on each segment is desirable. Therefore, tar- gets between 150 and 450 meters wide can be engaged by shifting fire. (b) The computer plots on the plotting board the point in the target area to w'hich the ОТ azimuth was read. Adjustment on this point is made with one mortar to determine the cor- rect range and deflection to the point. When the FDC plans to engage a target by shifting fire, often a flank mortar is used to adjust. In such case, the point of adjustment is the flank of the target. In computing firing data for other than the No. 2 mortar, the computer rotates the disk until the plot for each correction and the posi- tion of the particular mortar concerned are along, or the same distance from, the same ver- tical line. After this adjustment, the computer indicates the limits of the target (as reported by the observer) on the plotting board by orienting the board on the ОТ azimuth and drawing a line from the final adjusted plot to the right and left limits of the target (fig. 15-14). On this line, representing the entire width of the target, he marks the dividing point between segments. The computer determines the firing data for the sec- tion to engage each segment of the target by using the data obtained for the adjusting mortar to each segment. After fire for effect is delivered on the first segment, the sheaf of the section is shifted to the second segment and fire for ef- fect is delivered on that segment. The amount of shift to the second segment is determined from the plotting board, the mil-relation formula, or 100/R factor. To speed delivery of fire for effect on the second and third segment, it may be given in number of turns of the traversing handwheel. 15-19
Figure 15-14. Section engaging target in width by shifting or traversing. (2) Traversing fire. (a) Traversing fire is accomplished by di- viding the width of the target into equal seg- ments for each mortar. Each mortar is laid on the left (right) of its segment and all segments are covered by traversing the mortal’s to the right (left). Traversing fire by a section can be used to engage targets between 150 and 450 meters wide. (6) The computer plots on the plotting board the point in the target area to which the ОТ azimuth was read. Adjustment is made with the base mortar to determine the correct range and deflection of the point. The computer then indicates the limits of the target on the plotting board by orienting the board on the ОТ azimuth and drawing a line from the final adjusted plot to the right and left limits of the target as re- ported by the observer. On this line, representing the entire width of the target, he places pencil marks to represent the desired location of the initial burst of each mortar. These marks are placed on the opposite side of each segment from the desired direction of traverse (to the left of 15-20
FM 23-91 each segment if the desired direction of traverse is right). He does this by dividing the width of the target into a number of segments equal to the number of mortars to fire for effect on the target. He numbers these marks 1, 2, and 3 (and 4 when firing four mortars) to correspond with the mor- tars in the section firing position. To get firing data for each mortar, the computer uses the pa- rallel line principle with each mortar plot The deflection is used at the index mark. He determines the range for each mortar by referring to the range scale or by counting the squares between the mortar position and the plot of the desired loca- tion of the burst. If the range difference between flank mortars is less than 25 meters, the computer uses the range of the base mortar for all the mortars. d. Example. (1) The following call for fire is received at the FDC; OP TWO, FIRE MISSION, FROM TARGET AA0031 DIRECTION ZERO EIGHT HUNDRED, RIGHT ONE HUNDRED, DROP TWO HUNDRED, TROOPS IN OPEN 300 x 50 ATTITUDE 2500, FIRE FOR EFFECT. (2) Fire on target AA0031 by the base mor- tar (No. 2) on deflection 3040 and at a range of 1,650 meters (mounting azimuth 1300, fig. 15-14). No adjustment on the target is desired by the observer. The computer decides to fire four rounds for effect with each mortar and tra- verse left. (3) The computer plots the target on the plotting board, divides it into three equal seg- ments and plots the desired location of the ini- tial round from each mortar. He determines the firing data by rotating the disk until the desired location of the initial round for the particular mortar and the mortar position are along, or the same distance from the same vertical line. (4) The computer determines the number of turns for each mortar by using the mil relation formula. He divides the intervals (one less than the number of rounds e.g., 4 rounds = 3 intervals) into the width of the target in turns. The target W ion width in mils is/rt = »42rfi 4 2 (mils per turn of traversing handwheel) - 4.2 = 4 turns. Dividing this number (4) by the number of intervals (3), = 11/3. Each mor- tar would traverse 1 1/3 turns between rounds. The computer issues the following fire command: SECTION HE QUICK FOUR ROUNDS, PREPARE TO TRAVERSE LEFT NUMBER ONE, DEFLECTION TWO NINE ZERO FIVE NUMBER TWO, DEFLECTION TWO NINE THREE FIVE NUMBER THREE, DEFLECTION TWO NINE SEVEN FIVE CHARGE THREE ELEVATION ONE ONE EIGHT TWO AT MY COMMAND (5) After the gunners have placed this in- formation on their mortars and they are pre- pared to fire, they will inform the FDC. The subsequent command would be: TRAVERSE LEFT ONE AND ONE THIRD TURNS, FIRE 15-27. Attack of Deep Targets a. Attack of targets 100 meters in depth. An 81 mm section laid parallel firing three rounds from each mortar, can be expected to cover an area about 150 meters wide by 50 meters deep with casualty-producing fragments. By firing five or more rounds from each mortar at greater ranges, this depth can be expected to increase to 100 meters due to greater dispersion. b. Attack of Targets More Than 100 Meters in Depth. Targets 100 to 300 meters in depth may be covered by searching fire. The method of distributing fire over a target in depth is the same as that employed in delivering traversing fire, except that the gunner depresses (or ele- vates) the mortar after each round the number of turns of the elevating crank specified in the com- mand. 15-28. Traversing and Searching Fire The mortar can be used against targets that extend laterally or in depth, or both, by travers- ing and searching fire. Areas to be covered with fire are restricted because of the mortar’s limited traverse and its inability to neutralize target areas without a great expenditure of ammuni- tion. On the other hand, when a large amount of ammunition is available, area targets can be covered effectively. A single mortar firing four rounds correctly distributed in width or depth, covers a target approximately 100 meters wide or deep with casualty producing fragments. An area target 100 meters wide can be covered with 15-21
FM 23-91 a single mortar by a series of traversing and searching fires. A section can cover an area target up to 100 meters deep by 300 meters wide. For the 4.2-inch mortar changes in charge are used in- stead of changes in elevation. 15-29. Split Section Fire «. When the mortars are operating independ- ently or displacing (located in separate firing po- sitions), a computer normally accompanies each mortar and operates an FDC for that mortar. The section may be located in three different mor- tar positions or in two positions (two mortars in one position area). b. When the mortars are located in a section firing position but have been assigned different sectors of fire, the computers determine firing data for each mortar. c. When the mortars are located in three sep- arate firing positions but have the same sector of fire, or when a portion of the sector of fire of each overlaps, the section leader controls the fire of all mortars. When more than one mission is requested, the section leader determines the priority of missions. When two or three fire missions are of equal importance, he assigns a fire mission to each mortar. d. Plotting Mortar Location. (1) Since the M16 plotting board was con- structed to a scale of 1:12,500 meters, it is readily adaptable to both plotting targets and locating new firing positions by coordinates. If accurate maps or survey data are available, target loca- tion can be reported by the FO using coordinates. This will speed up the delivery of fires for effect since little adjustment will be necessary. (2) If the computer has his plotting board set up for coordinates, he can displace one or more mortars to new locations by first locating the position of the displaced mortar(s) on the map and then transferring this coordinate data to the plotting board. (3) If proper communications are available, the FDC can control the fires of any displaced mortar from a central location. If this is not possi- ble, a computer can be assigned to displace with the mortar squad and function as an FDC. (4) It is desirable to have the mortar that was displaced use the same registration point as the section (-) as this will facilitate the adjust- ment of fires. When operating under these con- ditions the FDC, after plotting the mortar loca- tion on the board, would determine a mounting azimuth using the parallel line method of plott- ing. The computer would then place the referred deflection scale for this mortar under the mount- ing azimuth. (5) When the location of the displaced mor- tar is such that known registration points or tar- gets cannot be used, the computer assigned will have to determine the mounting azimuth and reg- ister the mortar following normal FDC pro- cedures. (6) For example (fig. 15-15). A mortar section is located at grid 05308280. The computer, through map inspection of his company area, de- cided to register on a point located at grid 04498120. He determined the azimuth to this point to be 3680 mils and a range of 1,800 meters. He then mounted the mortars on an azimuth of 3700 mils with a referred deflection of 2800 mils. A message came to the FDC to displace one mor- tar squad to the 2d platoon’s area. The section leader sent the No. 1 mortar squad with instruc- tions to maintain communications with FDC. When this squad reached their location they re- ported to the FDC they were located at grid 05058055. The computer plotted this location, ro- tated the disk until the No. 1 mortar and the registration point were parallel and determined the mounting azimuth (true azimuth 5680, range 850 meters) to be 5700 with a referred deflection of 2800. 15-30. Computing Firing Data The following is a procedure for massing fires of all three mortars on a single target when all mortal’s are located in separate firing positions (fig. 15-16). a. For example, the following data is known to the FDC: (1) The No. 2 mortar is located at grid 00647713, the registration point (RP) is located at grid 99377883. The azimuth from No. 2 to the RP is 5740 mils. The mounting azimuth is 5750 mils with a referred deflection of 2800 mils. (2) No. 1 mortar has moved from No. 2 mortar along an azimuth of 0300 a distance of 1,000 meters, resulting in a location at grid 009- 37808. The azimuth from No. 1 to the RP is 5250 mils. The mounting azimuth is 5250 mils with a referred deflection of 2800 mils. (3) No. 3 mortar has moved from No. 2 mortar along an azimuth of 3800 a distance of 15-22
FM 23-91 Figure 15-15. Split section firing survey data. 1,000 meters resulting in a location at grid 0080- 7630. The azimuth from No. 3 to the RP is 6120. The mounting azimuth is 6100 mils with a re- ferred deflection of 2800 mils. b. When the fires of all mortars are desired on one target, the computer(s) determines the firing data for each mortar. A different deflection and elevation (range) for each mortar is included in the fire command. An observer sends the fol- lowing call for fire to the FDC: THIS IS OP NUMBER TWO FIRE MISSION FROM REGISTRATION POINT NUMBER ONE DIRECTION FIVE NINE HUNDRED RIGHT TWO HUNDRED DROP ONE HUNDRED PLATOON IN OPEN FIRE FOR EFFECT 15-23
FM 23-91 Figure 15-16. Masamg fire». c. The computer rotates the disk until it is oriented on the observer-target azimuth, 6900 mils. The observer’s correction is measured from the registration point, 200 meters to the right and 100 meters toward the bottom of the board. The computer then marks the location of the target with a plot and labels it 1. d. To get the deflection and range to the target for No. 1 mortar, the computer rotates the disk until the plot representing the location of the new target, and the plot representing the loca- tion of No. 1 mortar position, are parallel. He reads the deflection at the index as 2732 and the range as 1,550 meters. e. To determine the deflection and range for No. 2 mortar, the computer rotates the disk until the plot representing the new target is parallel to No. 2 mortar. He reads the deflection as 2714 and the range as 2,000 meters. f. To determine the deflection and range for No. 3 mortar, the computer rotates the disk until 15-24
FM 23-91 the plots representing the target and the No. 3 mortar are parallel, and reads the deflection over the index as 2700 mils and the range as 2,600 meters. g. The technique outlined above would con- verge all three mortars on the target. To engage a target it may be necessary to Are a parallel sheaf. To do this, the computer plots the desired point of impact for each mortar in the target area. To determine the deflection and range for each mortar, the target plot is alined parallel with its respective mortar. 15—31. Correction of Adjusted Data a. Although a target has been adj'listed upon once, it may be necessary to apply different firing data to the mortar to hit the same target at a later date. This is caused by weather and material. b. Determine this correction by firing on the registration point. Correct both range and de- flection. Apply the correction factors—range and deflection—when firing on any targets which have already been fired upon and for which data has been obtained. Readjust on the registration point several times each day, particularly after any weather change, to determine any correc- tion factors. To determine corrections without readjustment on the registration point, it is necessary to compute meteorological corrections. c. To determine the range correction factor, first determine the range difference between the initial registration and the latest adjusted reg- istration. The difference is divided by the range factor from the initial registration expressed in thousands of meters (rounded to the nearest hundred). The result is the range correction fac- tor, expressed as plus or minus so many meters per thousand meters. If the adjusted range is larger than the initial registration range, the range correction factor (RCF) is plus; if the adjusted range is smaller, the RCF is minus. The correct range to any target now fired at is determined •by multiplying the range correction factor by the initial adjusted range (in thousands of me- ters) to the particular target fired at and then adding or subtracting the result, depending on whether the range correction factor is plus or minus, from the initial adjusted range to the target. d. To determine the deflection correction factor, subtract the deflection used in the initial regis- tration from the deflection used in the adjusted registration. This difference is expressed as either plus or minus and is applied to the deflection for any target previously fired upon. e. For example— (1) The initial firing data necessary to ad- just on the registration point calls for a deflec- tion of 2880 mils and a range of 1,500 meters. Several hours after this initial registration, the observer readjusted on the registration point to determine if there were any firing corrections necessary. The date to hit the registration point this time was a deflection of 2870 mils and range of 1,475 meters. The correction factors to apply to firing data for other targets already fired upon are determined as follows: Range correction = (latest registration range minus initial registra- tion range)_____________________________________ (initial adjusted range (R) to registration point in thousands of meters) 1475-1500 -25 1C - -----L5----------ГГ= 16 Deflection correction factor = deflection for last registration minus correction for initial registra- tion = 2870 - 2880 - -10 mils. (2) The initial adjusted data for target AA- 0025 was deflection 2710 and a range of 1,100 meters. The FO wanted to fire at target AA0025 again. The firing data now to be placed on the mortar to hit target AA0025 is determined as follows: (a) Range: range correction factor times the initial adjusted range to target AA0025 (in thousands of meters) —16 x 1.1 — —18 meters. (d) Correct range to target AA0025: 1100 - 18 1082 or 1075 meters (nearest 25 meters). (c) Deflection: deflection used in the ini- tial adjusted data to hit target AA0025 plus the deflection correction factor: 2710 + (-10) - 10 = 2700 mils. (d) Correct deflection for target AA0025 = deflection 2700 mils. (3) When firing corrections have been de- termined as indicated above, this information is recorded on the firing data sheet. When fire for effect is requested for a target (or final protective fire) for which firing data has previously been determined by fire adjustment, these firing cor- rections are applied to the range and deflection data determined from the firing chart (M16 plotting board) or taken from the firing data sheet. Firing corrections are not considered in 15-25
FM 23-91 an adjust fire mission until the Are mission has been completed, and then they are used to deter- mine the data for replot (or to determine data to be recorded on the firing data sheet). The data for replot is determined by removing the firing correction from final adjusted data (signs + or - must be reversed). This data is used to plot the permanent chart location of the target and is also the data recorded or the firing data sheet for new targets. 15-32. Map Correction Factors (Adjustment Made on Registration Point) a. When initial data for the registration point, targets, and final protective fires is obtained from a map or photomap and the adjustment is limited to the registration point, map correction factors are established. To get correct ranges and direc- tions to these targets and final protective fires, the correction factors are applied to the initial data determined for these targets from the map or photomap. Example: Adjusted range to registration point, 1,800 meters. Map range to registration point, 1,750 meters. Map range correction factor = (range for adjustment or registration minus map range to registration point)_______________________ (map range (R) to registration point in thou- sands of meters) 1800-1750 +50 1.7 “ 1.7 - +29 meters. Range: Map range to target 2,400 meters. Corrected range - map range to target plus (RCF times map range to target in thousands of meters) - 2400 + (29 x 2.4) - 2,470 or 2,475 meters (to nearest 25 meters). b. The section is mounted on azimuth 1500 mils (center of sector) with a referred deflection of 2800 mils. The adjusted deflection to the reg- istration point is 2760 mils. The map azimuth to the registration point is 1560 mils. Map deflection correction factor (DCF) = adjusted azimuth to registration point minus map azimuth (grid) to the registration point equals 1540 — 1560 = - 20 mils. Deflection: Corrected azimuth - map azimuth to target plus DCF. Then change cor- rected azimuth to a corresponding deflection equals 1420 + (—20) = 1400 mils (azimuth). Mounting azimuth of 1500 mils corresponds to referred deflection of 2800 mils, therefore cor- rected (target) azimuth of 1400 mils equals a de- flection of 2900 mils. Corrected deflection to place fire on new target located by map is 2900 mils. The latest adjusted range and deflection (azi- muth) are used to determine the map correc- tion factors. c. The above method of determining map cor- rection factors and corrected data (range and de- flection) can be used to place fire on new targets located by map if adjustment is not possible or desirable, or, if it was necessary to increase the range to deliver accurate fire on other targets. d. If it was necessary to move the mortar tube to the right to hit the registration point, then it will be necessary to move the mortar tube to the right to deliver accurate fire on other targets. 15-33. Data for Replot a. General. All targets are plotted on the plot- ting board and recorded on the firing data sheet without firing corrections. These corrections are determined after a registration or reregistration. All fires which are conducted after this registra- tion will include the corrections which caused the difference in the registration. It is necessary that all plots on the plotting board reflect the same conditions; that is, it is undesirable to have some targets plotted with data determined before the registration and other plotted with data de- termined after, when the registration has shown that different firing conditions prevail. All cor- rection factors, therefore, are removed from ad- justed firing data before the final plot for that target is placed on the firing chart or before the adjusted data is recorded on the firing data sheet. AU targets are plotted as if they had been fired at the same time the registration point adjust- ment was conducted. The data which is recorded on the firing data sheet or plotted on the firing chart is the data for replot. It is the adjusted data less all firing corrections. Thus, as new firing corrections are determined by registration, they can be applied as such to all plotted data on the same basis, regardless of when it was plotted. When the mortars displace, or when for any other reason a new firing chart is made up, the process starts over again. b. When Removing Firing Corrections. If a deflection correction is LEFT so many mils, the computer would add it in applying the correction but would subtract in removing it. If the current range correction at a given range is —120 meters, the computer would add it when removing the correction. 15-26
FM 23-91 c. Adjust Fire Missions. During the adjust- ment on a target, the effects of the correction factors are included in the subsequent correction of the observer. When the FO notified the FDC that the adjustment is satisfactory, the computer plots this target on the plotting board for future reference. The data that is presently on the mor- tar, although accurate to hit the target at this time, would not be accurate to hit the target under the conditions which existed at the time of the initial registration, since it includes the corrections for the new conditions. This data, therefore, must have all firing corrections re- moved before it can be replotted. The data for replot for an adjust fire mission is the adjusted data less all current correction factors. d. Fire for Effect Missions. Before a fire for effect mission, the current correction factors are applied to the firing chart range and deflection. If the corrections are removed after the comple- tion of a mission, the data remaining will be that data taken from the chart. e. Correction Factors. Once correction factors have been determined, they are either applied before firing or removed after firing. In adjust fire missions (where correction factors are not applied) they must be removed before plotting that target on the firing chart. In fire for effect missions (where correction factors are applied to the firing chart data) there is no replot; the chart data is the data for replot. Example. As a result of re-registration, firing correction factors have been determined to be: Range correction factor ..................... — 63 meters Deflection correction factor.................... +30 mils The observer has been conducting an adjust fire mission and reports to the FDC, END OF MIS- SION, TARGET DESTROYED. The computer’s final plot indicates that the adjusted data to hit this target was range 2,300 meters, deflection 3075 mils. The data for replot for this target is determined as follows: Range: Range correction factor times . —63 meters Target range (in thousands of meters) . ..................... 2.3 Total range correction .......... —145 meters Adjusted range to target plus . ......... 2,300 meters Total range correction.................... -145 Range data for replot (to nearest 25) . — 2,450 meters The range correction factor was added to the adjusted range because, if conditions were the same as when the initial registration was con- ducted, the mortars would have had to fire at a range of 2,445 meters to hit the target. Deflection: Firing chart deflection minus .. 3075 mils Deflection correction factor........... -(+30) mils Deflection data for replot............ 3045 mils The deflection correction was subtracted from the adjusted deflection because, if conditions were the same as when the initial registration was conducted, the mortars would have had to fire with deflection 3045 to hit the target. 15—34. Correction for Vertical Interval When there is a difference in altitude between the mortar position and the target, a range cor- rection is made. Since the mortar round has a steep angle of fall, corrections are made only when differences of 50 meters or more in altitude exist. Correct the chart range by one-half the difference in altitude expressed in meters. Add the correction when the target is above the mor- tar, subtract when the target is below the mor- tar. Difference in altitude can be determined from contour maps, by estimating, or by meas- uring the angle of sight, using the mil relation formula. Example. The map shows that the altitude of the target is 100 meters higher than the altitude of the mortar position. The correct range to the target is 1,800 + (1/2 x 100) = 1,850 meters. 15-35. Use of Smoke a. It the call for fire for a screening mission indicates that an adjustment is necessary to lo- cate one flank of the screen accurately, that ad- justment is conducted. The sheaf is then opened on the plotting board as requested by the FO. To do this, the computer indicates the limits of the target on the plotting board by orienting the board to the ОТ azimuth and drawing a line from the final adjusted plot to the right or left limit of the target area, as indicated by the ob- server correction. On this line, representing the entire width of the target, he places pencil marks to indicate the initial burst from each mortar. Normally, the two flank mortars are designated to fire at the flanks of the target while the re- maining mortar spaces the fire an equal distance from the flanks. Firing data for each mortar is then obtained by paralleling each mortar posi- tion plot with its respective target plot. b. The FDC may cause a section right (left) to be fired to allow the observer to adjust the 15-27
FM 23-91 rounds on the area to be screened and to confirm the wind direction and velocity. The FDC in- forms the FO of the method of engaging the target so that he will have a basis for corrections. From the available information, the computer determines the number of rounds to establish the initial screen. The observer maintains the screen by requesting the necessary rounds and by filling in any gaps which appear by sending individual corrections for the mortars. The com- puter converts these corrections in meters to mils of deflection and mils of elevation and sends them to the mortar position. Changes to data are ap- plied so as not to break the continuity of fire. The correction may be sent in turns of traversing handwheel and the elevating crank so as not to delay the mission by requiring the mortar to re- lay. 15-36. FDC Procedure in Use of Illumination a. After the FDC determines the direction and range at which to place the flare, the proper fir- ing table is used to find the correct charge, fuze setting, and elevation. The table also gives the change in fuze setting (seconds) to increase the height of burst 50 meters. Data from the table produces a height of 1,250 feet. For ranges up to 500 meters, the burst appears on the ascending part of the trajectory. b. To adjust the height of burst, the observer changes (increases or decreases) it in incre- ments of 50 meters. He announces the height correction as UP or DOWN between the devia- tion and range elements of the subsequent cor- rection. Once a height correction factor of UP or DOWN has been given for any one range, that same height correction factor will be applied for each subsequent round regardless of the range at which it is fired. Example. The FDC computed the range for the initial round to be 1,500 meters; using the firing table, the FDC would send the following to the mortar: CHARGE THREE, TIME 20.9 ELEVATION 1114. The FO spotting for the round was SHORT, 50 LOW; thus his subsequent correction would be UP 50, ADD 200. Then the computer would see that elevation for 1,700 meters is 0930 mils with charge three and the fuze setting of 17.8 seconds. After applying the height correction constant of UP 50, the FDC would send the subsequent fire command: TIME 17.3 (17.8 - 5 = 17.3), ELEVATION 0939. When the burst is too high or too low, the change required is measured from the position of the flare when it burns out oi* hits the ground, whichever is sooner. c. Use two or more rounds set to burst simul- taneously when observation conditions are poor because of range. Such a pair of rounds fired from separate mortars permit better observation than two rounds from the same mortar bursting at the same position. To illuminate a large area, rounds properly located to cover the area should be fired simultaneously. d. The rate of fire for ideal continuous illumi- nation is one round per 30 seconds. This provides one round bursting, one round halfway down, and one just burning out. A rate of one round per minute provides for one round bursting as the preceding one burns out. Continuous illumi- nation fire requires a large expenditure of ammunition which must be stocked prior to the mission. e. When required by the situation, night ad- justment of HE fire can be done using the illumi- nating round to aid observation. With one or more mortars providing continuous illumination of the target area, an FO can adjust the fire of other mortars on the target. /. The illuminating shell should not be fired to burst in rear of or above friendly forces except in emergencies. Such flares aid the enemy in observing positions; in addition, each round ejects parts which can produce casualties through free fall. 15—28
FM 23-91 CHAPTER 16 FIRE PLANNING AND TARGET ANALYSIS AND ATTACK Section I. FIRE PLANNING 16-1. General Mortar platoons can engage targets with accu- rate and sustained fires. The extent to which this capability is exploited depends in part on the precision and thoroughness of their fire plan- ning. Because fire planning is a continuous proc- ess, the flow of information takes on the char- acteristics of an uninterrupted cycle. Fire plan- ning is going on concurrently at all levels of command. Issuance of a fire plan does not slow down the process and continual planning and updating is necessary. The principles of fire planning by the artillery apply to the mortar platoons also. The more important ones are: a. Close and continuous support of the bat- talion. b. Maximum prearrangement of fires. c. Coordination with adjacent and higher units. d. Continuous planning. 16-2. Fire Planning Terms a. Target. A target may be personnel, mate- rial, or terrain that warrants engagement by fire and which may be numbered for future refer- ence. A solid cross is the symbol used to desig- nate a target with the center of the cross rep- resenting the center of the target. The target number, consists of letters and numbers allocated by higher headquarters. This numbering system identifies the unit that planned the target and prevents duplication of targets. b. Target of Opportunity. Targets of oppor- tunity are those for which fires have not been planned. c. Planned Targets. Planned targets are those on which a later need for fire is anticipated. They may be scheduled or on call. (1) Scheduled targets are those which will be fired on at a specific time e.g., minutes before or after H-hour, or upon completion of a pre- determined movement or task. (2) On-call targets are those fires for which a need is anticipated but which will be fired only upon request. On-call targets are further sub- divided as: (a) Targets for which firing data is kept current (e.g., countermortar targets). (b) Targets for which firing data is not prepared in advance (e.g., prominent terrain features such as a road junction which the FO may use as a reference point). d. Groups of Targets. A group of targets con- sists of two or more targets to be fired simul- taneously. It is designated by circling the tar- gets as a group and identifying it with a group number. This is done at the FDC of the artillery battalion in direct support of the brigade. The designation is normally based on a request from an FO, liaison officer, or lower supported unit. The designation of a group of targets does not preclude the firing at any individual target with- in the group. e. Series of Targets. A series of targets is a number of targets or groups of targets planned to support a maneuver. For example: A series of targets may be planned on a large objective so that fires will be lifted or shifted as the supported unit advances. It is designated by the use of a code word; i.e., series “Bear.” The FDC of the artillery battalion in direct support of the bri- gade plans the series based on the requests of FO’s, liaison officers, and lower supported units. f. Final Protective Fire. The final protective fire is an immediately available prearranged bar- rier of fire designed to impede enemy movement across defensive lines or areas. The final protec- tive fire is represented on a map or firing chart by a linear plot (or a rectangular plot). The length of the plot depends on the type of unit 16-1
FM 23-91 assigned to fire the final protective fire. A single final protective fire by the heavy mortar platoon, under normal conditions, has a planning width of 200 meters and a depth of 50 meters. For the 81 mm mortar section a final protective fire of 100 meters in width and 50 meters in depth is used for planning. Place the designation of the unit to fire the final protective fire above the plot representing the final protective fire. (See para 9-1 e for FPF coverage.) g. Preparation. A preparation is the intense delivery of fires according to a time schedule to support an attack. The decision to fire a prepara- tion is made by the commander ordering the attack. The questions to resolve pertaining to the firing of a preparation are: (1) Will the effect gained offset the loss of surprise? (2) Have a sufficient number of profitable targets been located? (3) Is enough artillery and ammunition available? (4) What is the enemy reaction time? h. Counterpreparation. A counterpreparation is the delivery of intense planned fires when the imminence of an enemy attack is discovered. It is designed to break up enemy formations, dis- organize command and communications systems, reduce the effectiveness of enemy preparation, and impair his offensive spirit. The counterprep- aration is fired on order of the force commander. The fires are planned, assigned to firing units, and firing data is kept current. t. Program of Targets. A program of targets is a number of targets planned on areas of a similar nature; for example, a counterbattery program. Although the artillery battalion in direct support of the brigade will normally plan counterprepara- tions, and program and designate groups and series of targets, the battalion mortar platoon will be considered in the planning and subsequent- ly will be assigned targets. j. Harassing and Interdiction Fires. (1) Harassing fires are planned on known enemy positions to inflict losses, curtail move- ment, and to disrupt and keep the enemy off bal- ance. (2) Interdiction fires are planned on criti- cal areas (bridges, defiles, possible OPs, road junctions) to deny the enemy the use of these areas. (3) Harassing and interdiction fires are planned to the greatest extent feasible. Plans should include the number of rounds to be fired and the times of firing. Varying the number of rounds and firing at irregular intervals greatly increases the effectiveness of these fires. 16—3. Target Considerations Planned targets include areas of known and sus- pected enemy locations, and prominent or key terrain features. These areas are determined through intelligence sources, knowledge of the situation, and by map and terrain study. a. Known Enemy Locations. Plan fires on all known enemy locations which could hinder the supported unit’s mission. Plan without regard to boundaries or weapon capabilities. Duplication of effort will be resolved by the next higher headquarters. The time of firing on these targets will depend on the situation and the potential threat of the particular target. b. Suspected Enemy Locations. This category includes such areas as probable OPs, troop posi- tions, assembly areas, avenues of approach, and routes of withdrawal. Fires are planned on these suspected locations so they will be readily availa- ble if the target is confirmed. The time of attack is governed by the same criteria as that for known enemy locations. c. Prominent or Key Terrain Features. In this category are such features as hilltops, road junc- tions, manmade objects, and other locations easily identified on a map and on the ground. These targets are planned to provide reference points from which to shift to targets of oppor- tunity. Firing data for these targets normally is not kept current since fires are seldom delivered on them. 16-4. Support of Offensive Operations Fires planned to support an attack consist of a preparation, if ordered, and subsequent fires supporting the attack. The preparation may be delivered prior to the advance of the assault elements from their line of departure and may continue for a short time thereafter. Fires plan- ned for the preparation are normally limited to known targets and suspect areas. The delivery of fires on scheduled targets should be consistent with the threat imposed, time available for co- ordination, and availability of ammunition. a. Supporting Artillery. An artillery prepara- 16-2
FM 23-91 tion is usually phased to permit successive at- tacks of certain targets. The phasing should be planned to provide for early domination of enemy fire support means, then the attack of local reserves and command and control installa- tions, and later the attack of enemy forward elements. The detail and extent of preparation plans depends on the availability of intelligence. b. Heavy Mortar Platoon. The battalion fire plan table for a preparation may include fires by the heavy mortar platoon. These fires should be limited to the engagement of enemy forward elements. Once the preparation is fired, the mortar platoon is available for fire support of the battal- ion maneuver elements. In some situations the battalion commander may exclude the mortars from the preparation and retain them for targets of opportunity throughout the attack. c. Company Mortar Platoon. The company mortal’ platoon may be required to fire prepara- tion fires. These fires are limited to the engage- ment of enemy forward elements. Before commit- ting the mortars to preparation fires, consideration should be given to ammunition resupply and availability of mortars to quickly attack targets of opportunity. d. Fires Supporting the Attack. (1) Fires planned in support of the attack are shifted to conform to the movements of the supported unit. These fires are planned in the form of targets, groups of targets, and series of targets. They may be fired on a time schedule or on-call, and include targets from the line of de- parture to the objective, on the objective, and beyond the objective. (2) Supporting fires are planned to— (a) Assist the advance of the supported unit by neutralizing enemy forces, weapons, and observation short of the objective. (b) Assist the supported unit in gaining fire superiority on the objective so that the as- sault echelon can close to assault distance. (c) Protect the supported unit during periods of reorganization. (Protective, on-call targets are planned on likely assembly areas and routes for enemy counterattacks.) (d) Prevent the enemy from reinforcing, supplying, or disengaging his forces. (e) Quickly provide mutual fire support to lower, adjacent, and higher headquarters. 16-5. Support of Defensive Operations Fires in support of defensive operations include long-range fires, close defensive fires, final pro- tective fires, and fires within the battle area. a. Long-Range fires. Long-range fires are de- signed to engage the enemy as early as possible to inflict casualties, delay his advance, harass, interdict, and disrupt his organization. They con- sist of the fires of the COP and supporting weapons within the battle area capable of long range fire. The enemy is engaged by long range weapons as soon as he comes within range. The volume of fire increases as he continues his ad- vance and comes within range of additional weapons. A counter-preparation, designed to disrupt the enemy’s attack preparations prior to the actual launching of the attack, may be fired as part of long-range fires. b. Close Defensive fires. These are supporting fires employed to destroy the enemy attack forma- tions prior to the assault. c. Final Protective Fires. Final protective fires (FPF) are fires planned to prohibit or break up the enemy assault on the forward defense area. These fires consist of prearranged fires of sup- porting weapons and include machinegun final protective lines (FPL) and mortar and artillery (indirect) FPF. Only those weapons whose FPF are in front of the threatened unit fire their as- signed fires; all other available weapons use ob- served fire to supplement or reinforce the FPF in the threatened area. Direct fire weapons en- gage targets of opportunity while indirect fire weapons fire targets in front of the threatened area to reinforce FPF or to engage other targets. (1) The artillery and mortar FPF are in- tegrated with the FPL of the machineguns. Each artillery battery will normally fire one FPF. The mortar platoon of the battalion may fire one or two FPF; however, their fire is more effective in one FPF than in two. (2) A single FPF of a 4.2-inch mortar platoon is, under normal conditions, 200 meters wide and about 50 meters deep. The mortar pla- toon may be split and may fire two FPF, each 100 meters wide. The 105 mm howitzer battery FPF is 200 meters wide. The depth of an FPF is not fixed. It will depend upon such factors as the bursting area of the round, the range dispersion, and the gun formation. The 155 mm howitzer battery is 300 meters wide. If necessary, the pattern of an FPF may be varied to fit the tactical situation. 16-3
FM 23-91 (3) The FPF of the direct support artillery are available to the supported brigade and its battalions. The FPF of any artillery reinforcing direct support battalion is also normally availa- ble. The brigade commander designates the gen- eral areas for available FPF or allocates them to the maneuver battalions. The maneuver bat- talion commander, in turn, designates general locations or allocates them to maneuver com- panies. The precise location of an FPF is the responsibility of the company commander in whose sector it falls. The exact locations of FPF within each forward company are included in the fire plan and reported to battalion. (4) Fires within the battle area. Fires are planned within the battle area to limit penetra- tions and to support counterattacks. 16-6. Coordination and Control Measures a. General. To facilitate rapid coordination and to provide safe-guards for friendly troops and installations, various coordinating and con- trol measures are used. b. Boundaries. Boundaries define areas of re- sponsibility. These boundaries are also used as a means of coordinating fire support. For ex- ample, if a battalion locates a target in another battalion’s area, they must coordinate with that battalion before engaging the target. c. No-Fire Line (NFL). The no-fire line is a line short of which no indirect fire unit may fire without prior clearance from the unit which established it. However, a unit may fire beyond the NFL without coordinating with anyone. The location of the NFL is based on the tactical plans of the supported units and is established by the commander of the direct support artillery battalion. The purpose of the NFL is to expedite firing across boundaries into adjacent zones with- out endangering the forward elements of the maneuver force. The NFL is shown by a broken red line on the maps and firing charts of all indirect fire units. A date time group at which it becomes effective accompanies the NFL. Infor- mation concerning the NFL is disseminated laterally to adjacent units and up and down the chain of command. d. Fire Coordination Line (FCL). The FCL is established to coordinate all fires between air- borne forces and linkup forces or between two converging forces. Fires with effects extending across the line must be cleared with the head- quarters of the force on the other side of the line prior to firing. The FCL is established by the next higher commander who controls the affected units. It should be designated on easily identifiable terrain features. 16-7. The Company Fire Plan a. Procedures. Company fire planning is ini- tiated by the company commander’s announce- ment of his concept of fire support for his com- pany’s initial commitment into battle. The company fire planning team consists of the com- pany commander, the company mortar platoon leader, the artillerj' FO, and the heavy mortar FO. (1) The company commander gives guid- ance to the fire planning team in the form of a concept which briefly outlines his scheme of maneuver and his desires for fire support. Later, when the mortar platoon leader submits the pro- posed consolidated target list/company fire plan to him, he approves it or directs changes to it. (2) The company mortar platoon leader su- pervises the preparation of the company mortar fire plan and coordinates the fire planning ac- tivities of the heavy mortar FO, and the artillery FO with those of the company. In coordination with the rifle platoon leaders, and based on the recommendations (target lists) of the 81 mm mortar FO’s, he draws up the company fire plan (fig. 16-1). He consolidates this with copies of the target lists prepared by the heavy mortar FO, and the artillery FO (figs. 16-2 and 16-3). He submits the consolidated lists to the company commander for approval (fig. 16-4). (3) The artillery FO and the heavy mortar FO inform the supported company commander of the fire support available and get the following information from him: (a) Location of forward elements. (t>) Scheme of maneuver. (c) Known enemy location, avenues of ap- proach, and assembly areas. (d) Fires desired. (e) The exact location of heavy mortar and artillery FPLs. (/) Location of the command post. Upon receipt of this information they start plan- ning fires to support the company. Through map inspection, terrain analysis, and coordination with the mortar platoon leader of the supported company, the target lists are prepared. If time and facilities permit, an overlay giving a graphic representation may also be prepared (fig. 16-5). 16-4
FM 23-91 COMPANY FIRE PLAN < WPNS PLAT LDR TARGET LIST) LN NO TARGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION LOCATION REMARKS 1 FPF 14898346 2 Defensive Target 14948381 3 Defensive Target 15488353 4 Defensive Target 15008325 5 Defensive Target 15528303 6 OP 14218287 On Call 7 Hilltop 14848250 8 OP 15108245 9 Hill 15128286 10 Enemy Position 16188288 On Call 11 Road Junction 14608190 On Call 12 Crossroads 15248171 13 Rood Junction 15638160 14 Road Junction 16308183 On Call 15 Figure 16-1. Company fire plan (weapons platoon leader's target list). 16-5
FM 23-91 HEAVY MORTAR FO TARGET LIST LN NO TARGET HUMBER DESCRIPTION LOCATION REMARKS 1 FPF 15508330 2 Defensive Target 15802424 3 Defensive Target 15278336 4 Defensive Target 15368319 5 Hilltop 14848250 6 Hilltop 15038196 7 Crossroads 15248171 8 Ridge 15118081 9 Mortar Position 152802 100 m tone 10 11 12 13 14 15 Figure 16-2. Heavy mortar FO target list. 16-6
FM 23-91 ARTY FO TARGET LIST LN NO TARGET NUMBER DESCRIPTION LOCATION REMARKS 1 FPF 15908330 2 Defensive Target 15808424 3 Defensive Target 15488353 4 Defensive Target 15968320 5 Road Junction 15728272 6 Bridge 152791 Destroy on Call 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Figure 16-3. Artillery FO target list. 16-7
FM 23-91 CONSOLIDATED TARGET LIST LN NO TARGET LIST DESCRIPTION LOCATION REMARKS 1 C FPF 14898346 2 1 -66 FPF 15508330 3 1 -45 FPF 15908330 4 AA0050 Defensive Target 15278336 5 AA0051 Defensive Target 15368319 6 AA0052 Hilltop 14848250 7 AA0053 Hi Htop 15038196 8 AA0054 Crossroads 15248171 9 A AO055 Ridge 15118081 10 AA0056 Mortar Position 152802 100 m Zone 11 A AO 150 Defensive Target 14948381 12 AA0152 Defensive Target 15008325 13 AA0153 Defensive Target 15528303 14 AA0154 OP 14218287 On Call 15 AA0155 OP 15108245 16 A AO 156 Hill 15128286 17 AA0157 Enemy Position 16)88288 On Call 18 AA0158 Road Junction 14608190 On Call 19 AA0159 Road Junction 15638160 20 AA0160 Road Junction 16308183 On Call 21 AL7000 Defensive Target 15808424 22 AL7001 Defensive Torget 15488353 23 AL7002 Defensive Target 15968320 24 AL7003 Road Junction 15728272 25 AL7004 Bridge 152791 Destroy on Coll Figure 16-4. Consolidated target list. 16-8
FM 23-91 The target lists include, for each target, map coordinates, description, and amplifying remarks if required. They do not include target altitudes. These are determined by the respective FDCs. When time is a limiting factor, target informa- tion may be submitted by telephone or radio directly to an FDC. (4) The company mortar platoon leader as- signs numbers to targets not included in the artillery and heavy mortar lists. Numbers from the separate target lists are transferred to the corresponding targets on the approved consoli- dated target list/company fire plan. Targets on the list are arranged by target number alphabeti- cally and in numerical sequence. b. Distribution. Once the fire plan is prepared it is distributed to those who will need it to in- clude rifle platoon leaders, the mortar FOs, the fire direction center, the company fire planners, and the battalion S3. Coordinating with the com- pany mortar platoon leader, the artillery FO and the heavy mortar FO prepare their target lists. Each gives a copy of this list to the company pla- toon leader. In addition, the heavy mortar FO sends a copy of his target list to his FDC, and the artillery FO sends his list to the artillery liaison officer at battalion headquarters. The heavy mortar FDC, and the artillery liaison officer as- sign numbers to targets on their respective lists and give this information back to their respective FOs. 16-8. Battalion Fire Support Plan a. Fire planning at battalion level is initiated on the same basis as that in the company. The battalion fire planning team consists of the bat- talion commander, the S3, the heavy mortar pla- toon leader, and the artillery liaison officer. As the heavy mortar platoon must always be directly responsive to the desires of the battalion com- mander, the platoon leader positions himself where he can best assist the S3 in planning and in getting fire support. The artillery liaison officer is normally the battalion FSCOORD, but in his absence, the heavy mortar platoon leader serves as such. b. The battalion commander, assisted by the S3, presents the commander’s concept of the op- eration which, as in the case of the company, includes the scheme of maneuver and the plan for fire support. After the FSCOORD has con- solidated the target lists prepared by the heavy mortar FO and the artillery FO, the battalion commander approves the consolidated target list as part of the battalion fire support plan. This plan, when written out, becomes an annex to the operation plan. c. The heavy mortar platoon leader coordinates and consolidates target lists prepared by the heavy mortar FO. He gives the list to the chief com- puter at the FDC. The chief computer has data computed to engage all targets within range. He eliminates duplications and safety hazards and insures that the most appropriate fires are planned. Target numbers are assigned, if not in- cluded already, and the altitude of all planned targets is determined. The product of this FDC procedure is the heavy mortar fire plan. It nor- mally consists of an overlay (the graphic portion), a consolidated target list, and marginal data. There should be a copy for each observer, a copy for each organic and attached company, one for retention, and one copy to forward to the bat- talion FSCOORD for coordination and approval. d. The artillery liaison officer is usually the battalion FSCOORD. He receives target lists from the artillery FO and from the heavy mortar FDC. Once duplications are eliminated, all fire plans are updated by assigning target numbers or by consolidating targets as appropriate. After this is done the FSCOORD submits all fire plans/ target lists to the battalion S3 as the proposed battalion fire support plan. e. The S3 insures that the proposed fire support plan does support the scheme of maneuver. After the fire plan is approved by the battalion com- mander, it becomes an annex to the battalion op- eration plan and is disseminated to all subordinate elements to include rifle companies and the heavy mortar platoon. 16-9. Artillery Fire Plan a. General. The battalion artillery fire plan represents the details of how the artillery portion of the battalion fire support plan will be imple- mented. When published, the artillery fire plan becomes an appendix to the battalion fire support plan. Heavy mortar planned fires are coordi- nated and integrated into the artillery fire plan at maneuver battalion level. (1) Target list. The target list includes all targets. It shows the target number, its descrip- tion, location by coordinates, altitude, and perti- nent remarks. The targets on a target list are arranged alphabetically and in numerical se- quence. 16-9
1 4 17 Figure 16-5. Company fire plan overlay. 16-10
FM 23-91 (2) Target overlay. On the target overlay of the fire plan, symbols indicate areas or targets on which fires have been planned and includes graphic symbols representing control measures. (3) Written portion. The written portion includes instructions necessary to understand the fire plan and any special information regarding the employment of mortar and artillery fire in support of the battalion; for example—the tacti- cal plan, priority of fires, and request for special missions. The written portion has a formal head- ing and ending. There is no particular format for the body. The ending of this portion of the fire plan is the battalion commander’s signature. (4) Fire plan tables. The fire plan table allocates targets to firing units. In addition, it specifies— (a) Times for the engagement of sched- uled targets. (b) The expenditure of ammunition by each fire unit on each target. (c) The type of ammunition to fire at each target. (d) On-call targets. (e) The time for opening fire. The artil- Section II. TARGET 16-10. General The chief computer, when planning fires or when deciding to engage a target, must insure that the fire conforms to the scheme of maneuver of the supported unit, and that his knowledges of the enemy situation is as complete as possible. 16-11. Target Description The method of attacking a target depends largely on its description. Target description includes the type, size, density, cover, mobility, and impor- tance. These factors are weighed against the guides established by the commander and a de- cision is made by the FDC as to type of projectile, fuze, fuze setting, and ammunition expenditure. a. Fortified targets must be destroyed bj' point- type fire, using projectiles and fuzes appropriate for penetration. Mortar fire does not usually de- stroy armor. However, it can harass and disrupt armor operations. (The 81 mm mortar is not a point-type fire weapon. It has no armor destroy- ing ammunition.) b. A target consisting of both men and materiel lery fire plan table may be fired on order, at a predetermined time, or when a specific event oc- curs. (/) Any special instructions. b. Table of Groups of Targets. If groups of tar- gets have been planned, a table of groups of targets is necessary. This table is to indicate tar- gets within a group of targets to be fired simul- taneously. Each target is normally assigned to a separate firing unit. c. Structure. An artillery fire plan will vary in detail depending on the tactical situation and the time available. It must include four parts. These parts are the target list, the target overlay, writ- ten portion, and fire plan tables. If an attack or- der is to be executed in a matter of hours, the plan may consist of only a target list. But if a unit has been in a defensive position for several days, the fire plan should be fairly complete. Al- though continual updating is taking place, the basic structure remains the same. Once this struc- ture has been developed, subsequent operations should require a reduced amount of planning. This is because the fire plan for one operation nor- mally forms the basis for the fire planning in sup- port of the next operation. ANALYSIS AND ATTACK is normally attacked by area fire using air or impact bursts to neutralize the area. c. Engage flammable targets with WP projec- tiles to ignite the materiel, and with HE projec- tiles to inflict fragmentation damage. 16-12. Results Desired The method of attacking a target is governed by the results desired. Results are of four types: destruction, neutralization, harassing, and inter- diction. a. Destruction Fire. Fire delivered for the sole purpose of destroying materiel. b. Neutralization Fire. Fire delivered for the purpose of reducing the combat efficiency of the enemy by hampering and interrupting the fire of his weapons, by reducing his freedom of action by reducing his ability to inflict casualties on friendly troops, and by reducing his movement within an area. Neutralization is often main- tained by following the initial fires with repeated fires of less intensity at varying intervals. 16-11
FM 23-91 c. Harassing Fire. Fire delivered for purposes of disturbing the rest, curtailing movement, and lowering morale of enemy troops by the threat of casualties or losses in materiel. d. Interdiction Fire. Fire delivered to restrict the enemy’s use of an area or point. Interdiction fire is usually less intense than neutralization fire. 16-13. Registration and Survey Control a. Transfer limits should be maintained through registration, survey data, and current MET message. When this data is not available, or inadequate, attack targets with observed fire since, in such cases, unobserved fires may be ineffective. b. When possible, surveillance should be ob- tained on all missions to determine the results of fire for effect. If accurate, fire for effect without adjustment is highly effective against troops and mobile equipment because damage is inflicted be- fore the target can take evasive action. All de- struction missions and missions fired at moving targets must be observed, and fire for effect ad- justed on the target. 16-14. Area to be Attacked a. The size of the area to be engaged is de- termined by the size of the target, or by the size of the area in which the target is known or sus- pected to be located. This information is usually an estimate based on intelligence and experience in similar situations. The size of the area to be attacked is a limitation when considering units to fire. b. The 4.2-inch mortar, because of its versatility in making range changes and maintaining high rates of fire without changing elevation, is the best weapon for engaging targets in depth. The 4.2-inch and 81 mm mortars can both shoot tra- versing fires with only minor manipulations. 16-15. Maximum Rate of Fire a. The greater effect is achieved when surprise fire is delivered with maximum intensity. Inten- sity is best attained by massing the fires of sev- eral organic battalion units with supporting fires, using time-on-target (TOT) procedures. The in- tensity of fires available is limited by each unit’s maximum rate of fire and ammunition supply. b. The maximum rates of fire shown in figure 16-6 are guides. These rates cannot be exceeded without danger of damaging the tube. To main- tain these rates (either to maintain neutraliza- tion on a target, or to attack a series of targets), it is important that the pieces be rested or cooled from previous firing, or the heat may cause igni- tion of the increment or charges on a round be- fore it reaches the bottom of the tube. The lowest charge possible should be used during periods of prolonged firing, since heating is more pronounc- ed with the higher charges. 16-16. Amount and Type of Ammunition a. The amount of ammunition available is an important consideration in the attack of targets. The available supply rate (ASR) should not be exceeded except by authority of higher head- quarters. When the ASR is low, missions should 60 mm Mortar Cartridge Mortar Maximum Sustained M49A2, El & M30E1 60 mm 30RPM for 1 min. 18RPM for 4 min. 8 RPM 81 mm Mortar Cartridge Mortar Maximum Sustained M362 M29 15RPM for 2 min. 27RPM for 1 min. 4 RPM M362 M29E1 21RPM for 2 min. 80RPM for 1 min. 5 RPM M374 & M375 M29 18RPM for 2 min. 30RPM for 1 min. 5 RPM M374 & M375 M29E1 25RPM for 2 min. 30RPM for min. 8 RPM 4.2-ZncA Mortar Cartridge Mortar Maximum Sustained All Ammunition M-30 18RPM for 1 min. 3 RPM 5RPM for 9 min. Figure 16-6. Rates of fire. 16-12
FM 23-91 be limited to those which contribute the most to the mission of the supported units. When the ASR is high, missions fired may include targets which affect planning or future operations, and targets which require massing of fires without adjustment. b. The selection of a charge with which to engage a target depends on the elevation selected. The range and the terrrain dictates the elevation to be used, so targets at a great range require the lowest elevations and greatest charge, while targets in deep defilade require the highest eleva- tions. Targets in deep defilade and at great range are difficult to engage since the low elevation necessary to reach this target prevents the round from having the highest trajectory. The 4.2- inch mortars use one of three constant elevations, while making range changes by varying the charge. The 81 mm and 60 mm mortars vary both the elevation and charge, but attempt to stay at a constant charge while varying the elevation. The elevation and charge selected to engage a target should provide the greatest latitude as to range, so that time is not lost in being forced to change their elevation (4.2-in. mortars), or charge (81 mm and 60 mm mortars) during the mission. This is especially applicable to targets located by approximate methods where the range may vary greatly from the initial range reported. 60 mm Mortar HE PD WP PD Ill. Time (fixed, 14.6 sec.) 81 mm Mortar HE PD (SQ or Delay), Proximity WP PD (SQ or Delay), Proximity Ill. MT 4.2-inch Mortar HE PD (SQ or Delay) Proximity (VT). MTSQ WP PD (SQ or Delay) Ill. MT Gas MTSQ Figure 16-7. Ammunition and fuze options. c. The type of ammunition selected to engage a target depends on the nature of the target and the characteristics of the ammunition available (fig. 16-7). d. The effect of HE ammunition varies with the fuze used. (1) Use fuze quick and superquick for im- pact detonation (fig. 16-8). Use the highest ele- vation that can be used since the effective frag- mentation of an impact HE projectile is greatest if it lands on hard ground at a large angle of impact (fig. 16-9). When the projectile passes through trees, detonation may occur in the foli- 16-13
FM 23-91 Figure 16-9. High trajectory buret. age and its effectiveness may be either improved or lost, depending on the density of the foliage and the nature of the target. (2) Use fuze proximity (VT) and time with HE ammunition to get airbursts (fig. 16-10). Il- luminating ammunition uses a standard time fuze. (a) A proximity (VT) fuze detonates auto- matically upon approach to an object. It is used to get airbursts without having to adjust the height of burst. If the proximity element fails to function, a fuze quick action occurs upon impact. The height of burst varies according to the caliber of projectile, the slope of fall, and the type of terrain in the target area. If the terrain is wet or marshy, the height of burst will be increased. Light foilage has little effect on a proximity fuze, but heavy foliage will increase the height of burst by about the height of the foliage. Since it is not limited by range and has a small height-of-burst probable error, the proximity fuze is preferred to a time fuze for targets which are at long ranges, which require high angle fire, or which may be engaged at night. The greater the angle of fall, the closer the burst will be to the ground. When the target is close to friendly troops, the highest practical elevation should be used to get an ex- treme angle of fall. (b) Fuze time gives an airburst, depend- ing on the time set on it. This setting is de- pendent on the charge and elevation fired. If the time element fails to function a fuze quick action occurs upon impact. When fuze time is used the height of burst can be adjusted, but because of dispersion, not all bursts will be at the desired height. The highest practical charge should be used with fuze time to minimize the height-of- 16-14
FM 23-91 Figure 16-10. Effect of an airburst using a proximity (VT) or time fuze. burst probable error. A height-of-burst probable error greater than 15 meters is considered exces- SiyA (3) Use fuze delay to produce a mine action caused by the round’s penetration before detona- tion (fig. 16-11). Fuze delay can be used to de- stroy earth and log formations, and is effective against some masonry and concrete. Do not use fuze delay against heavy armor. The depth of penetration depends on the type soil and the ter- minal velocity of the round. e. Chemical ammunition is used for producing casualties, for incendiary, for screening, for marking, and to harass. Among the types of fillings in chemical projectiles are gas agents and white phosphorus. (1) Projectiles filled with toxic chemical agents are useful for causing casualties in forti- fied position or installations. See FM 3-10 for in- formation on the use of chemical projectiles. Toxic chemical agents may be used at low expenditure rates to harass the enemy and force them to wear protective masks for prolonged periods. (2) The influence of weather (wind direction, velocity, temperature, temperature gradient, and humidity) has a lot to do with the effectiveness and tactical desirability of chemical agents. If the weather is favorable, toxic agents are more ef- fective than HE on a round-for-round basis in certain situations. 16-17. Considerations in Selection of Units to Fire a. The unit selected for a mission must have weapons of the proper caliber and range to cover the target area quickly, effectively, and economi- cally. Many targets are of such size as to allow a wide choice in the selection of the units to be 16-15
FM 23-91 Figure 16-11. Effect of fuze delay. used. If the unit selected to fire cannot mass its fire in an area as small as the target area, am- munition will be wasted. Conversely, if a unit can cover only a small part of the target area at a time, surprise is lost during the shifting of fire and the rate of fire for the area may be in- adequate to get the desired effect. The decision whether to have many units firing a few rounds on a large target or a few units firing many rounds is often a critical one. b. Many overlapping factors affect the selection of units and the number of units and the number of rounds to fire on a target. Some of these fac- tors are discussed below. (1) Availability of mortar fire. When the number of available mortar units is small, more targets must be assigned to each mortar unit. (2) Size of the area to be covered. The size of the area to be covered must be compared to the effective depth and width of the sheaf to be used by the platoon or platoons available. (3) Increased area coverage. Targets grdfr in depth and width than the standard sizes can be covered by— (a) Increasing the number of units firing. (b) Dividing the target into several targets and assigning portions to different platoons. (c) Shifting fire laterally or using zone fire with a single unit or with a number of units controlled as a single fire unit. (4) Caliber and type of unit. The projectiles of larger calibers are more effective for destruc- tion missions. (5) Surprise. For surprise, a few rounds from many pieces are better than many rounds from a few pieces. (6) Accuracy to target location. Certain im- 16-16
FM 23-91 portant targets which are not accurately located may justify the fire of several units to insure coverage. (7) Critical targets. The emergency nature of certain targets may justify the use of all available mortar units and the supporting artil- lery unit. Enemy counterattack formations are such targets. (8) Dispersion. At extreme ranges for a given mortar, fire is less dense because of in- creasing probable error. More ammunition is re- quired to effectively cover the target. To com- pensate for this dispersion when firing at a target at an extreme range, select a unit whose GT line coincides with the long axis of the target. (9) Maintenance of neutralization and in- terdiction. Neutralization and interdiction fires may be maintained by the use of a few small units. A unit may be able to fire other missions during the period that it is maintaining neutrali- zation or interdiction fires. (10) Vulnerability of targets. Some targets should be attacked rapidly with massed fire while they are vulnerable. Examples of such targets are truck parks and troops in the open. 16-18. Typical Targets and Method of Attack Mortar targets include enemy materiel, fortifica- tions, and troops in sufficient numbers to justify ammunition expenditure (fig. 16-12). Mortar fire is not effective against minefields and barbed wire: a. Minefields. HE ammunition is ineffective for clearing minefields. The mines are detonated only by direct hits. Mortar fire fails to clear the mine- field and compounds the problem of locating and removing the mines by hand and of moving equip- ment across the mined area. b. Barbed Wire. The employment of mortars to breach wire requires extravagant use of ammuni- tion. 16-17
FM 23-9) CHAPTER 17 OPERATIONS 17—1. Methods of Employment There are three methods of employment for mor- tars: general support (GS), direct support (DS), and attached (atch). a. In general support the platoon supports the entire unit. This is the most common and most desirable method of employment because it pro- vides flexibility in shifting and massing fires and it simplifies control and logistical support. General support is the method of employment to use whenever centralized control will permit de- livery of fires in support of all or a major portion of the unit throughout its zone or sector. b. In direct support the platoon, or part of the platoon, has the mission of supporting one ele- ment (subunit) of the unit. It must answer di- rectly to the supported subunit’s request for fire support. The subunit that has the mortar platoon, or part of it in DS, issues fire missions directly to, and gets priority of fire from the mortar unit. When not firing a mission for the subunit to which it must give direct support, the mortar unit may fire in response to a request from another subunit. Direct support is the usual method of employment when the unit front is so broad that the mortars cannot give adequate support from one position. The mortar platoon is then split so part is in DS of one subunit and part in DS of another subunit. c. When a mortar platoon or squad is attached, it is commanded by the commander of the unit to which it is attached. That commander selects the attached mortar(s) position(s) and controls its displacement as well as its fires. He is also responsible for the logistical support and the security of the attached mortar unit. Mortars are attached to isolated rifle units on separate mis- sions such as, COP, roadblock, ambush, etc., when these missions are conducted out of range of the mortar platoon’s initial location. This method, and its additional burdens on the tactical commander should be avoided if adequate fire support can be provided some other way. d. A common compromise between GS and DS is frequently arranged by assigning the mortar platoon the mission of—general support with priority of fire to one of the subunits. This pro- vides the advantages of centralized control while arranging for one subunit to have priority of fire. The commander may give a subunit priority of fire because it is making the main effort, because it is defending the most dangerous approach, be- cause it lacks an equitable share of other fire support, or because the terrain indicates it needs more indirect fire support than adjacent elements. 17-2. Daylight Attacks In planning for the attack, the mortar section should be positioned well forward to give the sec- tion as much range as possible before it must displace. The platoon leader should determine where the unit commander plans to locate his final coordination line to determine if and where the mortars will be displaced in order to provide close supporting fires. The final coordination line will normally be located from 100 to 150 meters from the objective. Indirect fires normally are lifted or shifted when the leading elements reach this point. If the commander wants a high as- surance of receiving no casualties from friendly supporting fires, four range probable errors must not exceed 100 or 150 meters, depending on how far from the objective the commander wants the final coordination line. 17-3. Preparatory Fires a. Fires planned for the preparation are limit- ed to known and suspected target areas. The de- livery of scheduled fires should be consistent with the threat imposed, time available for coordina- tion, and the availability of ammunition. b. The force commander ordering the attack decides whether there will be a preparation and its duration. He considers— (1) Whether the probable effect of the prep- aration will justify the attendant loss of surprise. 17-1
FM 23-91 (2) Available fire support and the supply of ammunition. (8) The number of worthwhile targets that can be located in time to prepare and assign fires. (4) Whether the effect sought can be ac- complished before the enemy can change his tacti- cal dispositions to meet the attack. This is par- ticularly important when fires are delivered in support of an exploitation. c. Preparations may be divided into phases to concentrate fires successively on the various tar- gets. What can be accomplished in each phase is limited by the gun-target range. (1) First phase fires—to interdict routes, and neutralize enemy command, communications, and observation systems. (2) Second phase fires—to neutralize de- fensive areas, weapons, reserves, assembly of unit and to destroy obstacles. (3) Third phase fires—to neutralize targets engaged during phases I and II, to deliver massed fires on enemy forward defensive areas with pri- ority to those positions that threaten the success of the maneuver unit’s attack. 17—4. Displacement a. During any tactical operation, it is desir- able to have at least a portion of the mortars in position to fire at all times. If the distance from the line of departure to the objective is such that the mortars cannot provide close supporting fire on the objective, the section must displace during the attack to a firing position from which they can fire close supporting fires. It is undesirable to have all the mortars displacing at the same time, the section should displace in echelons. The section can displace in the following ways: (1) Displace one or two mortars initially, and then displacing the remaining mortar(s) when the displacing elements are in position and ready to fire. (2) Displace the entire section at the same time. This is the least desirable method because continuous fire support is not provided. b. In determining the method of displacement, consider the tactical situation. If the commander anticipates a requirement for heavy fire support early in the attack, and then a lessening require- ment until the final objective is reached, he might wish to displace only one mortar initially. c. If he does not visualize a heavy require- ment for mortar fire in the initial phases of the attack, he may choose to displace two mortars initially. d. If the commander anticipates a long and slow movement from the line of departure to the ob- jective, he might decide to displace one mortar at a time, and if the distance is great, leapfrog the mortars to a series of positions, until the entire section is in position to provide close supporting fire on the final objective. One advantage of this method is that there are always two mortars in position to fire; however, displacement to the final section position takes longer. e. In displacing, when a temporary position is occupied it should be as near as possible to the main route of advance to provide for rapid dis- placement to the next location. 17—5. Ammunition Before the attack starts, the unit should have on hand enough ammunition to carry it through the attack and to fight off a counterattack that might come after the objective has been taken. If the enemy position to be assaulted is not well prepared with overhead cover, the amount of proximity (VT) fuzes should be increased. If the enemy posi- tions are well prepared with overhead cover, the number of delay fuzes should be increased. The delay fuze is excellent for disrupting dug-in com- munications lines, and collapsing lightly covered earth bunkers and weapons positions. 17-6. Night Attacks a. If a preparation is to be fired in support of a night attack, it should be short and violent. In determining whether a preparation is to be fired, the probable effects of the preparation in sup- porting the maneuver must be weighed against the effect of a surprise attack by the maneuver force. b. Fires should be planned to isolate the zone of attack, and to protect the supported unit upon its arrival at the objective. If a preparation is not fired, the mortar section should continue to fire its pattern of harassing fires. These harassing fires can be used to cover the noise of the move- ment of the attacking troops. The section should plan for the use of illumination, and be prepared to fire it, should the commander decide to use it after the attack has been discovered, or if he decides to make a night attack using daylight techniques. c. If possible, the section should be in a firing position prior to the attack that is forward far enough to preclude the need for displacement 17-2
FM 23-91 during the attack. It is also desirable to have the section forward far enough to fire beyond the ob- jective without making a night displacement once the objective is secured. d. In planning the fires to isolate the objective, and prevent reinforcement of the objective, it is wise to use the “limit of advance line” for ground troops as a no-fire line. The unit com- mander may require that he be the only one who can give permission to fire inside of the “limit of advance line.” 17-7. Exploitation and the Pursuit a. In the exploitation and pursuit the section must make many rapid displacements. In this type of action, the commander will probably displace one mortar at a time, and leapfrog the remaining mortars, providing for continuous movement and fire support. b. In this type of operation ammunition resupply is more difficult than a normal attack. The use of Army aircraft is one way of solving this problem. c. In this type of operation, fire planning is more difficult. The majority of targets are targets of opportunity, and usually are fleeting in nature. 17-8. Movement to Contact and Security Missions During a movement to contact, the mortars are employed as in an exploitation, but the displace- ments are not as rapid. During other type security missions, such as flank security, it may be better to employ the mortars attached using fire without an FDC. The length of the area to be secured usually will be the determining factor. 17—9. Defense a. Use of the FO Teams. In any defense, the mortar section’s FO teams are a vital link in fire planning. Normally one FO team is attached to each subordinate unit or where best utilized. The FO must work in close coordination with the unit leader to which he is attached when planning fires to support the defense. Fires should be plan- ned forward of the defensive positions to repel enemy attacks and within the positions to limit penetrations and to support counterattacks. b. The Mortar Section Location. (1) Locate the mortar section forward far enough to support the combat outpost, and far enough to the rear to fire in support of a counter- attack. The mortar section should be located near the reserve unit or some other installation for security. However, it should not be so close to the unit than enemy fire placed on the unit will cause casualties the mortar section or that fire on the section will cause casualties in the unit. The firing position should be near routes of with- drawal. Routes of withdrawal and firing posi- tions along these routes should be reconnoitered. /Time permitting, alternate and supplementary positions should be prepared, and the base mortar should be moved to these positions and adjusted on the registration point, final protective fires, and as many targets as possible. When time or the situation does not permit such registration, the alternate and supplementary positions are sur- veyed with respect to the location of the base mortar at the primary positions to the alternate and supplementary positions. The alternate and supplementary positions are then plotted on the plotting board. Firing data can be determined from these positions to the registration point and other targets that are fired by the unit while in the primary position. (2) If the position will be occupied for an extended period of time with the unit remaining in defense, ammunition should be stockpiled on positions, so the sections’s vehicles can be used for resupply. (3) Wire communication should be estab- lished with all observers, and should be the pri- mary means of communications in the defense. 17-10. Retrograde Operations a. Withdrawal Under Enemy Pressure. As the withdrawal begins, the mortar section should lay down a heavy volume of fire and a smokescreen, if authorized to help forward forces disengage. Mortar squads displaced to the rear by echelon. Stockpiles of ammunition that cannot be with- drawn are fired or destroyed at the last possible moment. If, in the withdrawal, the zone to be covered is wide, the section may be split to sup- port the forward companies. b. Withdrawals Not Under Enemy Pressure. Withdrawals not under enemy pressure con- stitute a more orderly movement to the rear. (1) If possible, use a reconnaissance party. One or more of the mortars may accompany the reconnaissance party if they are not needed at the position from which the unit is withdrawing. (2) At least one of the mortal’s should be left with the detachments left in contact to give the appearance of normal fire support. 17-3
FM 23-91 (3) The mortar(s) with the detachment left in contact should be left only that ammunition they are expected to use prior to their withdrawal. When more than one mortar is left in support of detachment left in contact, the ammunition al- lowance left behind may include enough rounds to allow the detachment to increase its rate of fire until the displaced mortars can resume firing. All other ammunition should leave with the main body and reconnaissance party to the new position. If the withdrawal is conducted during periods of reduced visibility leave sufficient illuminating rounds with the detachment left in contact. c. Delaying Actions. Delaying actions are usual- ly conducted over wider frontages than a normal defense. Decisive combat is avoided and positions are organized to be held for a limited time. (1) In a delay, maximum firepower is located well forward to take the enemy under fire as soon as possible to cause his early deployment. The FOs select OPs which give them the best long- range observation. (2) Since the squads will displace frequent- ly, the positions occupied should allow rapid dis- placements to the rear. (3) In conducting a delay, it may be neces- sary to launch limited counterattacks to disen- gage forces that become decisively engaged. Fires should be planned to support these limited count- erattacks. (4) Since long-range fires are desired, use air observers as much as possible. 17-11. River Crossings In river crossing, operations, use the mortars for tasks that apply to the situation, such as: «. Illuminate the crossing sites. b. Screen the crossing sites and enemy OPs. c. Cover crossing noise with harassing fires. d. Support feints to deceive the enemy as to the true crossing sites. Because of the light weight of the 81 mm mortar, and its ability to be hand-carried, the mortar platoon should be in one of the earlier (usually the second) waves in the crossing, to provide indirect fire support before other indirect fire support means can be transported across the river. When the mortars are hand-carried, additional support must be given the section for carrying ammunition. The section has little capability to hand-carry the mortars and. ammunition. 17—12. Defense of a Riverline In planning fires for the defense of a riverline, try to halt and destroy the enemy before he reaches the river. Plan fires on assembly areas near likely crossing sites, on the approaches to them, and on the likely crossing sites themselves. Also plan fires on routes out of the crossing sites on the near bank, particularly when minimum forces are employed forward. If the enemy suc- ceeds in crossing some forces, fires should be placed on the far bank of the river in an attempt to isolate the successful crossing so that those forces can be destroyed before they can be rein- forced. Final protective fires are normally planned on the far bank at probable crossing sites. 17-13. Reliefs During a relief, the departing unit should relay as much information as possible to the relieving unit. The new FOs should be shown the observa- tion posts and the location of the registration point, final protective fires, and other targets. If at all possible, the base plates and aiming stakes should be left in place; the entire weapon may be exchanged. The FDC should turn over to the new unit its firing data sheet to aid in the determining of firing data for the new unit. Once in position, the new unit can fire confirming rounds on the registration point. 17-14. Desert Operations a. Because the soil in most deserts is sandy, it presents some special problems to the mortar section. In very sandy soil, the baseplate will not settle properly. It will tend to shift to the rear during firing. This can be solved somewhat by digging a baseplate hole and placing sandbags under the baseplate. b. Deserts are also characterized by frequent windstorms. These windstorms carry large amounts of sand so the mortars must be pro- tected against the abrasive effect of the wind- borne sand. During windstorms, the mortars should be covered. The mortars should also be free of oil and cleaned frequently. c. In a desert, it is difficult to conceal a mortar firing position. Camouflage nets must be used. Trucks should not be parked at the firing position. d. It is difficult to estimate range in a desert. There is usually an absence of prominent terrain features to use as references. Sand dunes may change locations in a windstorm so they make poor references. 17-4
FM 23-91 17—15. Cold Weather Operations a. Protect proximity (VT) fuzes from long exposure to temperatures below —20° F. Prox- imity (VT) fuzes should not be used in tempera- tures below -25° F. Store fuzes where they will be protected from the weather. At the mortar positions, fuzes can be kept inside the clothing to reduce the effects of extreme cold. b. Since metal parts become brittle when ex- posed to extreme cold for long periods of time, be careful when handling the mortar. c. Six inches of snow or more will reduce the fragmentation effect of ammunition armed with the superquick fuze as much as 80 percent. Be- cause of this, use proximity (VT) fuzes to get the desired results. d. Baseplate holes must be dug so that the baseplates will settle properly. Placing sandbags under the baseplates will also provide more ac- curate fire. 17—16. Operations in Tropical Climates a. The fragmentation effect with superquick fuzes in marshy areas, or areas with dense under- brush, is greatly reduced. In these areas also, the proximity (VT) fuze must be used to get the best results. b. A heavy tree canopy will often cause the superquick fuze to function at the top of the canopy, causing little effect below the canopy. It will also usually cause the proximity (VT) fuze to function above the canopy with little of the desired results. In dense canopies where this occurs, the fuzes should be set at delay. Using the delay fuze under these conditions will usually result in an airburst below the canopy. 17-5

FM 23-91 APPENDIX A REFERENCES AR 385-63 Regulations for Firing Ammunition for Training, Target Practice, and Combat. FM 3-8 (C) FM 3-10B FM 3-50 FM 6-20-1 FM 6-20-2 FM 6-40 FM 6-135 FM 7-10 FM 7-20 FM 23-85 FM 23-90 FM 23-92 ASubjScd 7-27 FT 4.2-F-l Chemical Reference Handbook. Employment of Chemical Agents (U). Chemical Smoke Generator Units and Smoke Operations. Field Artillery Tactics. Field Artillery Techniques. Field Artillery Cannon Gunnery. Adjustment of Artillery Fire by the Combat Soldier. The Rifle Company, Platoons, and Squads. The Infantry Battalions. 60 mm Mortar, M19. 81 mm Mortar, M29. 4.2-inch Mortar, M30. Heavy Mortar Platoon Tactical Training. Mortar, 4.2-inch, M430, Firing Projectile, HE, M329 and M329B1; Pro- jectile, HE, M3A1; Projectile, HE, М3, and М3 Alternate; Projectile, Chemical, М2 Al (WP, FS, HD); Projectile, Chemical, М2 and М2 Alternate (WP, FS, FM, H, HT, HD, CG); Projectile, Chemical E84R7 (WP); Projectile, Illuminating, M335 (E71R1). FT 4.2-H-2 Firing Tables for Mortar 4.2-inch M30; Carrier 107 mm Mortar, M106A1 and M106 Firing Ctg., HE M329A1, Ctg, Smoke, WP, M328A1; Ctg., Tactical CS, M630; Ctg. Illumination, M335A1; Ctg. Illumination, M335A2. FT 60-L-l Mortar, 60 mm, M19 and М2; Firing Shell, HE, M49A2; Shell, Practice, M50A2; Shell, Smoke, WP, M302; Shell, Illuminating, M83A1; Projec- tile, Training, M69. FT 60-L-2 Mortar, 60 mm, M19 and М2; Firing Cartridge, HE, M49A2 Cartridge, TP, M50A2; Cartridge, Smoke, WP, M302; Cartridge, Illuminating, M83A1. FT 60-L-4 Mortar, 60 mm, M19 and М2; Firing Cartridge, HE, M49A2E2; Cartridge, TP, M50A2E1; Cartridge, Smoke, WP, M302E1. FT 81-AB-2 Firing Tables for Mortar, 81 mm, M29 and Ml; Firing Cartridge, HE, M362; Cartridge, HE, M43A1 and TP, M43A1; Cartridge, WP, M57 and M57A1; Cartridge, Illuminating, M301A1 and M301A2; Cartridge, Il- luminating, M301AB. FT 81-AI-2 Mortar, 81 mm, M29; Mortar, 81 mm, SP: M125A1 and M125; Assault Ve- hicle, Full-Tracked, Amphibious, XM733; Firing Cartridge, HE, M374; Cartridge, WP, M375. TM 3-240 TM 9-1015-215-12 Field Behavior of Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Agents. Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Mortar, 4.2-inch: Can- non M30 on Mount M24 or M24A1; and Mortar Subcaliber, 60 mm, M31. TM 9-1220-204-14 Operator, Organizational, Field and Depot Maintenance Manual: Fire Con- trol, Indirect Fire, Plotting Board, M16. TM 9-1300-200 TM 9-1300-203 Ammunition, General. Artillery Ammunition. A-1
FM 23-91 TM 9-1300-206 ТВ 34-9-137 GTA 7-1-5 GTA 7-1-17 Care, Handling, Preservation, and Destruction of Ammunition. NATO Code of Colors for Identifying All Ammunition 20 mm in Caliber and Above. Target Grid Method of Fire Control. Mortar Fire Without a Fire Direction Center. A-2
FM 23-91 APPENDIX A DUTIES OF THE SAFETY OFFICER В—1. General Safety is a command responsibility. Safety of- ficers must assist commanders in satisfying this responsibility. The safety officer has two prin- cipal duties: first, he must insure that the section is properly laid so that the rounds, when fired, will land in the prescribed impact area; second, he must insure that all safety precautions are observed at the firing point. B—2. Duties of Safety Officer Before Departing for Range a. Read and understand the following: (1) AR 385-63. (2) Post range and terrain regulations. (3) Terrain request of firing area for safety limits and coordinates of firing position. (4) Appropriate field and technical manuals covering weapon and ammunition to be fired. b. Coordinate with officer-in-charge for pro- curement of following equipment and informa- tion : (1) Appropriate safety card (para B-6). (2) Appropriate firing tables (tabular). (3) Ammunition repack card (if used). (4) Aiming circle. (5) Gunner’s quadrant or boresight device M45. (6) Schedule of fires to include anticipated ammunition expenditure. (7) Range safety limits and grid mounting azimuth. B-3. Duties of Safety Officer Before Firing a. Verify that mortar safety card applies to the unit and exercise. b. Verify that firing position is same as shown on safety card. c. Verify that boresighting and sight calibra- tion are correct. d. Verify laying of the mortars. e. Determine right and left deflection limits. f. Verify firing chart, if FDC is in firing posi- tion. g. Draw safety diagram (paraB-7). h. Supervise placing of safety stakes (if used). i. See that all ammunition at firing position is placed to minimize the possibility of ignition, explosion, or detonation in case of an accident. It should be in a dry place and protected from the direct rays of the sun by a tarpaulin or other covering. j. Inform each safety NCO and gunner of the right and left limits, maximum elevation and charge, minimum elevation and charge, and min- imum time settings for fuzes. k. Check lot number and weight zone mark- ings of ammunition. I. Check communication to control point and ask for range clearance. m. Determine if all or part of the impact area is visible, checking to see that it is clear of per- sonnel and unauthorized material. n. Notify OIC when range is clear. o. Ascertain that medical personnel are on station. p. See if safety card specifies overhead fire, insuring that firing is in accordance with AR 385-63. q. Insure mortars are safe to fire by checking the following: (1) Mask and overhead clearance. (2) Safety checks made on weapons and ammunition (see appropriate TM). (3) Sights are properly seated on weapons. B—4. Duties of Safety Officer During Firing After his preliminary checks are made, the safety officer will indicate to the OIC that the B-1
FM 23-91 mortars are safe to fire. During firing, the safety officer will— a. Enforce safety regulations at all times. (1) Allow no open fires within 100 meters of any ammunition. (2) Check for careless handling of ammuni- tion, smoking near weapons, and other safety procedures. Require all unused charges to be put in an ammunition pit at least 30 meters to the rear of each piece. (3) See that steel helmets are worn during firing. b. Allow no piece to be fired with incorrect settings which will cause projectile to burst out- side of safety limits. Check charge, elevation, deflection. c. Indicate to OIC when it is safe to fire (if required). d. Supervise action in removal of misfire. e. In case of malfunction of ammunition or weapons, take appropriate action. (Malfunction of ammunition, see AR 385-63 sec. VII; malfunc- tion of weapon, see appropriate TM.) f. See that the squad leader does not signal that the squad is “Ready to Fire” until safety officer has declared that the mortar is “Safe to Fire.” ff. Apply registration corrections to safety limit as announced by FDC immediately after registration (if surveyed data is used and main- tained). h. See that all piece settings are to remain as last announced until subsequent command is announced by FDC. If command “Cease Fire” is given other than at end of a mission, the gun squad will “Fall In” in rear of the mortar and allow no persons near the piece until a new fire mission or other instructions are received from OIC of firing. i. See that different ammunition lot numbers are not mixed. B-5. Misfires A misfire is sometimes the result of a mechanical failure and sometimes the result of a human error. Whatever the cause, when a misfire has occurred, the action required in AR 385-63, FM 23-90, and FM 23-92 must be observed. Notify explosive ordnance disposal personnel for the proper disposal of malfunctioning ammunition. B-2 B-6. Safety Card a. The safety officer should receive a copy of the safety card from the OIC of firing before allowing fire to begin. The safety officer con- structs a safety diagram based on the informa- tion contained on the safety card. There is no prescribed format for the safety card; however, it should contain: (1) Problem number or unit firing. (2) Type weapon and fire. (3) Authorized projectile, fuze, and charge- zone. (4) Grid of the platoon center. (5) Azimuth of left and right limit. (6) Minimum and maximum range and ele- vation. (7) Any special instructions to allow for any varying limits on special ammunition or situations. b. A safety card should be prepared and ap- proved foi- each firing position. B-7. Safety Diagram a. The safety officer, on receipt of the safety card, constructs a safety diagram. The diagram need not be drawn to scale but must accurately list the piece settings which delineate the impact area; the diagram serves as a convenient means of checking the commands announced to the gun crews against those commands which represent the safety limits. The diagram shows the right and left limits, expressed in deflections corre- sponding to those limits; the maximum and mini- mum elevations; and the minimum fuze settings (when applicable) for each charge to be fired. The diagram must not be cluttered with unnec- essary information. b. The safety diagram is a graph portrayal of the data on the safety card. On the safety diagram are shown the minimum and maximum range line, the left and right azimuth limits, the de- flections corresponding to the azimuth limits, and the direction in which the guns are laid. Unless a registration has been fired and correc- tions have been applied, all rounds must be fired in the central portion of the impact area. After a registration has been fired (and surveyed data is used and maintained), the deflection limits of the safety diagram must be corrected by applying the deflection correction to each deflec- tion limit (an example of a safety diagram is at fig. B-l).
FM 23-91 B-8. Actions After Firing a. Personally dispose of unused propellent in- crements by burning in a safe area at least 50 meters from troops, trucks, mortars, and tentage. The burning area must be 100 meters from any other ammunition or explosives. Burn propellent increments at the termination of each problem by placing the increments in a single layer 1 to 2 feet wide in a shallow ditch, or on bare ground. To ignite the increments a train of flammable material, such as excelsior, of sufficient length to allow the person igniting the charges to reach a safe distance, is placed so that it and the powder burn into the wind. Men must be upwind when igniting increments. Parallel beds of in- crements prepared for burning must be separated by not less than 50 feet. If increments are to be ignited directly, a safety fuze and fuze lighter must be used. The safety fuze must be long enough to permit troops to reach a safe distance. Under no circumstances will a fuze be used that burns through in less than 2 minutes. The safety fuze train will be laid out so that it and the train of powder burn into the wind. Burning must not be repeated on previously burned plots within 24 hours. b. Inventory and return unused ammunition and empty containers to the proper agency ac- cording to post regulations and SOPs. Prepare ammunition repack cards in duplicate. Place one inside of the empty ammunition box before it is repacked and staple the other to the out- side so as to prevent opening of the box without destroying the card. c. Inspect the weapons to insure that the bar- rels are free of any obstruction and insure equip- ment logbooks have been properly filled out. B-4
FM 23-91 APPENDIX C COMMON MISTAKES AND MALPRACTICES C— 1. General Inaccuracies and waste in mortar fire too often occur from mistakes and malpractices of a re- curring nature. A mistake is an unintentional error in action or perception committed while following correct procedure. A mistake usually indicates carelessness or lack of concentration and can be detected only by a positive, inde- pendent check or very close supervision. A mal- practice is a procedural error and usually indi- cates incomplete or incorrect training. The best prevention for mistakes and malpractices is the use of proper habits in training by insisting on exactness and allowing no deviation from correct procedures. This section lists some of the com- mon errors. C—2. Common Mistakes a. Fire Direction Center. (1) Failure to apply LARS rule when super- imposing deflection scale. (2) Failure to refer to ОТ direction when computing subsequent corrections. (3) Using incorrect value of squares on plot- ting board or target grid. (4) Selection of improper charge and eleva- tion from firing table. (5) Sending fire commands to the mortar improperly. (6) Failure to mark the RP when the mis- sion is completed (RP or target). (7) Improper use of the deflection conver- sion table. (8) Improper use of mil relation formula. (9) Failure to plot correction properly. (10) Failure to apply LARS rule in deter- mining deflection once shift in mils has been determined. (11) Failure to index new ОТ direction. (12) Failure to include section in Are com- mand. (13) Failure to include proper number of rounds in fire command. (14) Failure to superimpose new referred deflection and scale properly. (15) Failure to relocate RP properly. (16) Failure to aline mortar position and target properly. (17) Failure to superimpose grid system properly. (18) Failure to locate mortar position prop- erly. (19) Failure to determine separate fire com- mand for each mortar squad (when needed). (20) Failure to locate forward observers position properly. b. Mortars. (1) Mounting and boresighting weapon in- correctly. (2) Placing improper deflection and elevation on sight (100 mil and 3200 mil errors common on M34 series sight). (3) Failure to level mortar for elevation and deflection. (4) Failure to place out aiming posts cor- rectly. (5) Failure to use correct sight picture (compensated). (6) Improper charge. (7) Failure to remove safety wire. (8) Failure to set proper time setting on fuze when applicable. (9) Failure to make proper safety checks and premount checks. (10) Failure to realine aiming posts prop- erly. (11) Failure to fire at FDC command. c. Forward Observer. (1) Failure to determine correct ОТ direc- tion. (2) Failure to spot the round correctly. (3) Poor range estimation. C-1
FM 23-91 (4) Mil relation formula not used or used incorrectly. (5) Failure to use minimum range change guide to establish a bracket. (6) Failure to request section right or left when appropriate. (7) Failure to use binoculars. (8) Failure to request fire for effect in call for fire. (9) Failure to request proper sheaf. (10) Failure to state “DANGER CLOSE” and give attitude of target when appropriate.
FM 23-91 APPENDIX D 4.2-INCH MORTAR AND FDC EQUIPMENT ITEM FSN Aiming Circle М2_________________________________ 1290-614-0008 Battery, Dry 1.5V, Flat Surf. Term Cyl BA 30 ...... 6135-120-1020 Binocular, 6 x 30 Military Reticle M13A1 ......... 6650-530-0973 Binocular, 7 x 50 Military Reticle M17A1__________ 6650-530-0974 Board, Drawing and Trestle... ................... 6675-248-1243 Board, Plotting M16 w/Eqpt .................... . 1220-602-7941 Brush, Cleaning, Artillery .................. 1015-857-0421 Case, Carrying .. .......................... . 1290-694-5191 Case, Sight Unit M166_________________ __________ 1240-823-5611 Chest, Light M21 ___________ ________________ 1290-654-5472 Chest, Plotting Eqpt Command Post . .............. 6675-049-5132 Clipboard, File: 12Ц X 9 in ..................... 7520-281-5918 Compass, Unmounted Magnetic Mil Graduations . .... 1290-560-6596 Cover, Muzzle Assy_______... ............ .... 1015-830-0254 Fire Direction Set, Artillery 15,000m .. .... ___ 1290-299-6893 Fuze, Setter M27 __ __________ ______ .. 1290-764-7761 Fuze, Setter M63 ... ______ __________ 1290-966-9318 Graphical Firing Fan M329 ___ .... 1220-999-5473 Case, Carrying GFF ..... . _____ 1220-999-5474 Light, Aiming Post M14 ..................... 1290-535-7629 w/Red & Green Filters Filter, Green .. .......... . 1290-617-3860 Filter, Red . .. ____________________________ 1290-617-3781 Light, Instrument, M42 (In case M78) .... 1290-769-0603 Light, Instrument M53 -------... 1240-691-5537 Magnifier, Monocular .. . ............ 6650-527-7451 Map Tack, Metal, Plastic or Glass Spherical Head, 1/8 in 1g Steel Pin 3/8 in—100 per box Black . . . .. .................... 7510-272-3086 Blue . . ... __ ... 7510-272-3087 Green____________ .. ________ .. . 7510-272-3091 Red.. .......................... .. _________ 7510-272-3096 Map Tack, Metal Spherical Head 1/4 in 1/8 in 1g—100 per box Black . .... .................. 7510-274-5450 Blue .. ...................... 7510-274-5451 Green ... . ................ 7510-274-5452 Red .. ___________ 7510-274-5453 Mortar, 4.2-In on Mount M30 on Mount M24A1 1015-840-1840 Paper, Tracing 17 x 22 in—100 sheets 7530-235-4033 20 yd roll—21 in wide____ .. ... ______________ 7530-236-9305 Pencil Pointer 7 1/4 in 1g 1 3/8 in wide 3/16 in thk .. 7510-237-4926 Plastic Sheet, Cellulose Acetate _________________ . 9330-282-8324 D-l
FM 23-91 ITEM ESN Transparent Mat Finish 20 in wide, 50 ft roll Plotting needle, Red Head, Tapered Shaft . . ..... 7510-851-9854 11/16 in 1g, 0.020 to 0.030 in dia. 11/8 in 1g, 4 per folder Plotting Set, Artillery Fire Control .. ........ .. 6675-641-3680 Plotting Sheet, 100m grid ______________________ 7530-656-0818 Protractor, Fan, Range, Deflection 15,000m Range .... 1290-266-6890 Protractor, Semi-Circular, Plastic, 16 in dia .... 6675-556-0118 Post, Aiming M1A2 Set ..... _______________________ F035-5800118 Post Aiming M1A2 . . ___________________________ 1290-535-7617 Cover, Aiming Post M401 ______________ 1290-653-7993 Quadrant, Fire Control Gunners M1A1 ... _____ 1290-891-9999 Scale, Plotting, Aluminum Hollow Sq Shape.... 6675-283-0018 Scale, Plotting, Wood & Plastic Flat, Rectangular . 6675-283-0037 Scale, Plotting, Wood & Plastic, Triangular . . . 6675-288-0040 Screwdriver ____ _____________________ ___ ... . 5120-278-1269 Screwdriver, Jeweler’s . . .. ............. 5120-180-0728 Sight, Bore, Optical M45 . .......... ..... 1240-690-8811 Sight Unit, M34A2 ___ _____ ____________ 1240-300-7989 Sight Unit M53_______________________________ 1240-856-9452 Shears, Straight Trimmers, Steel Blade & Handle 9 in 1g _________________ __________________________ 5110-161-6912 Slide, Rule, Double Face, Field Arty............... 7520-656-0660 Metal 111/2 to 12 1/2 in 1g w/Leather Case Staff, Section Cleaning, Artillery_ ..... .. .... 1090-699-0633 Triangle, Drafting, Plastic, Right Angle 30 deg, 10 6675-190-5867 in 1g. Triangle, Drafting, Plastic, Right Angle, 45 deg, 6675-190-5862 8 in 1g. D-2
FM 23-91 INDEX Paragraph Раяе Adjustment of deviations: Deviation corrections 6-8 6-2 Deviation spottings 6-7 6-2 Adjustment of fire by the air observer: Adjustment procedures 7-9 7-8 Determination of initial data . 7-5 7-1 Preflight briefing . ..... . 7-4 7-1 Adjustment of height of burst 6-14 6-8 Adjustment of range: Bracketing 6-12 6-6 Creeping 6-13 6-6 Range spottings 6-10 6-6 Adjustment procedures: Bracketing method .. 12-23 12-29 Creeping method ...... 12-23 12-29 Ammunition and fuze options (fig. 16-7) . 16-13 Angle T - 11-13 11-22 Appearance of bursts (types of fuzes) 6-3 6-1 Attachment _. . 17-1 17-1 Attacking targets: Deep targets 15-27 15-21 Less than 100 meters wide .. 15-24 15-18 Wide targets 15-26 15-19 Auxiliary map data 3-9 3-2 Ballistics: Exterior . .... 2-6 2-5 Interior .... 2-2 2-1 Calls for fire: Calls for fire from higher headquarters 6-31 6-10 Elements 5-1 5-1 Format ... 5-9 5—3 Computer’s record . 12-11 12-11 Corrections: Correction for vertical inter- val - 15-34 15-27 Correction of adjusted data . 15-31 15-25 Map correction factors 15-32 15-26 Subsequent corrections 6-18 6-9 Direct support 17-1 17-1 Dispersion -. 2-23 2-14 Displacement .. 17-4 17-2 Elements of the trajectory 2-8 2-6 Engaging standard targets: Adjustment procedures . ... 12-23 12-29 Destruction 12-26 12-31 Proximity (VT) fuze 12-27 12-34 Wide and extremely large tar- gets 12-25 12-30 Zone fire 12-24 12-30 1 Paragraph Раке Equipment . App D D-l Estimating distance 4-3 4-1 FDC procedure in use of illumina- tion 15-36 15-28 Final protective fires 9-1, 13-5 9-1, 13-6 Fire direction: Definitions . 10-1 10-1 Fire direction center ... 10-4 10-1 Firing charts 10-7 10-3 Fire planning: Artillery fire plan 16-9 16-9 Battalion fire support plan _.. 16-8 16-9 Company fire plan 16-7 16-4 Coordination and control meas- ures ... . 16-6 16-4 Terms . 16-2 16-1 Fires: Area fire ... 8-4 8-1 Precision fire 8-1 8-1 Preparatory fires . 17-3 17-1 Zone fire ...... 12-24 12-30 Firing chart: Modified observed firing chart. 14-3 14-2 Observed firing chart 14-2 14-1 The 6400 mil firing chart .. 15-19 15-15 Transfer from modified observed to surveyed firing chart 14-6 14-3 Transfer from observed to modified observed firing chart 14-5 14-2 Firing data: Elements .... 4. 2-1 2-1 Updating with MET correc- tions .. 13-24 13-35 Firing tables: Deflection effects . 2-21 2-14 Effect of nonstandard condi- tions 2-19 2-11 General 2-16 2-9 Range effects 2-20 2-11 Standard range . 2-18 2-11 Types of data 13-21 13-24 Unit corrections 2-17 2-11 General support 17-1 17-1 Illumination: FDC procedure in use of illum- ination ... 15-36 15-28 Illuminating missions .... 9-3, 13-6 9-4, 13-7 Indirect fire team . 1-6 1-2 Marking rounds . - 4-8 4-15 Mean-point-impact registration . 9-10, 13-15 9-14, 13-16 lndex-1
FM 23-91 Paragraph Раяе Meteorological message: Computing MET corrections . 13-22 13-24 Recording 13-20 13-20 The 6400 mil MET _ . ... 13-25 13-35 Use .. 13-19 13-19 Methods of employment 17-1 17-1 Mil relation formula 4-3 4-1 Mistakes and malpractices ...... Арр C C-l Observer procedures 3-1 3-1 Observer's preparatory operations 3-6 3-2 Operations: Daylight attacks 17-2 17-1 Defense 17-9 17-3 Desert operations 17-14 17-4 Exploitation and pursuit . . 17-7 17-3 Night attacks 17-6 17-2 Operations in tropical climates 17-16 17-5 Retrograde 17-10 17-3 River crossing . ... 17-11 17-4 Orienting for direction 3-7 8-2 Plotting: By intersection . . .... 15-16 15-14 By polar coordinates 15-17 15-14 Equipment 11-2 11-1 Procedures ... . 11-3 11-7 Plotting board, M16: Adjustment of parallel sheaf . 15-6 15-6 Care of . 15-8 15-3 Coordinate system on the M16 15-12 15-9 Description . 15-2 15-1 Plotting at the pivot point 15-5 15-3 Plotting by intersection 15-16 15-14 Plotting by map coordinates .. 15-11 15-9 Plotting by polar coordinates . 15-17 15-14 Preparing the chart for firing 15-13 15-12 Range probable error ..... . . . 2-29 2-18 Rates of fire (fig. 16-6) 16-12 References App A A-l Registration: Adjusting the sheaf 12-21 12-26 Applying registration correc- tions to fire control equip- ment 12-22 12-27 FDC order . 12-17 12-24 Paragraph Page Heading data and initial fire command 12-18 12-25 Message to the observer 12-19 12-25 Observer corrections ...... . 12-20 12-26 Observer’s call for fire ...... 12-16 12-24 Purpose - 12-15 12-24 Registration and survey con- trol 16-13 16-12 Reregistration 13-11 13-14 Safety: Duties of safety officer Арр В B-l Safety diagram (fig. B-l) ... B-3 Screening: Screening missions 9-4, 13-1 9-8, 13-1 Use of smoke 15-35 15-27 Split section fire 15-29 15-22 Standard conditions and correc- tions 2-15 2-9 Surveyed firing chart: Coordinate numbering sys- tems 12-2 12-1 Deflection 12-5 12-8 Determining chart data 12-7 12-5 Firing data . - . 12-10 12-9 Mounting azimuth 12-4 12-3 Plotting tactical information . 12-3 12-2 Target altitude 12-8 12-6 Target analysis and attack: Amount and type of ammuni- tion 16-16 16-12 Rate of fire 16-15 16-12 Registration and survey con- trol 16-18 16-12 Results desired 16-12 16-11 Selection of unit to fire 16-17 16-15 Size of area to be attacked 16-14 16-12 Target locating: General 4-1 4-1 Locating by grid coordinates . 4-5 4—3 Locating by polar coordinates. 4-7 4-14 Toxic chemical agent missions .... 9-8, 13-3 9-13, 13-4 Visibility diagram 3-9 3-2 Wide and extremely large targets. 12-25 12-30 Index-2
FM 23-91 By Order of the Secretary of the Army: W. C. WESTMORELAND, General, United States Army, Official: Chief of Staff. VERNE L. BOWERS, Major General, United States Army, The Adjutant General. Distribution: To be distributed in accordance with DA Form 12-11, requirements for 81 mm Mortar, M29 and 4.2-inch Mortar, M30. #U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE» 1979-310*983/1529