                    April 16, 1929. f. herlach et al	1,709,399
Filed May 19, 1928	2 Sheets-Sheet 1

April 16, 1929. F. HERLACH ET AL AUTOMATIC FIREARM Filed May 19, 1928 1,709,399 2 Sheets-Sheet 2
Patented Apr. 16, 1929. 1,709,399 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. FRITZ HERLACH AND THEODOR RAKULA, OF DUSSELDORF, GERMANY, ASSIGNORS TO RHELNISCHE METALLWAAREN- UND MASCHINENFABRIK, OF DUSSELDOBF-DEREN- DORF, GERMANY. AUTOMATIC FIREARM. Application filed May 19, 1928, Serial No. 279,131, and in Germany April 27, 1926'. Our invention relates to an automatic fire arm to which the cartridges are fed from the side, and has for its object to afford the possi- bility of a great number of shots to be fired 5 uninterruptedly, and to avoid, notwith- standing, the employment of voluminous and heavy magazines hitherto required therefor. The invention substantially consists in the fact, that the fire arm is designed to simul- 10 taneously receive two separate cartridge magazines, adapted to be exchanged inde- pendently of one another and to be brought by suitable means successively into the range of the members of the arm that shift the 15 cartridges in the direction of the bore of the barrel into the cartridge chamber of the latter. The invention further comprises means for alternately adjusting automatically the one 20 or the other of the two magazines for the feed of the cartridges and to cause, when one magazine is empty, the fire to be continued from the other magazine. Means are further provided, by which the feed from a maga- 25 zine may be interrupted at any time, even if it is not yet emptied, whereupon the other magazine automatically undertakes the fur- ther feed of cartridges. Furthermore, in order to not have extended 30 undesiredly, after both magazines have been emptied, the interruption of the fire that arises due to the insertion of new full maga- zines, by starting anew the automatic opera- tion of the arm by hand, whereby much time 35 is occupied, a mechanism is provided, by which the firing of the last present cartridge, after being shifted into the cartridge cham- ber, is automatically rendered impossible, by the trigger mechanism of the arm being 40 locked. Only by the insertion of a full maga- zine in the magazine chamber the possibility . of uninterruptedly firing is re-established. In order to allow of our invention to be more easily understood, a preferred embodi- 45 ment of same is illustrated in the accompany- ing drawings as applied to an automatic barrel recoil firm arm. In these drawings: Figure 1 is a cross section of the arm seen from the muzzle toward the magazine mech- 50 anism, two cartridge magazines being in- serted, Figure 2 is a top view of ti e magazine mechanism, Figure 3 is the lateral view of an empty opened magazine, 55 Figure 4 is a similar view of a full maga- zine, Figure 5 is a top view of a full magazine, Figures 6 and 7 are a lateral and top view, respectively, of a detail of the magazine go chamber. The magazine chamber. A case Ъ serves as slide for the barrel and for the breech sleeve a connected thereto, 65 which case has laterally arranged on it the magazine chamber c which is open on its outer end. A horizontal partition c1 divides the chamber c into two compartments each adapt- ed to lodge a cartridge magazine. The upper 70 and lower wall of the chamber c has pocket- like rises c2 to enable parts projecting from the magazines to freely pass. When the barrel assumes the firing or run out position, the passage opening, leading to 75 the bore of case Z>, of the magazine chamber c is closed by the outer wall of the breech sleeve <z, whilst with the barrel in recoil position, an aperture forming the cartridge inlet, of sleeve a registers with said chamber opening, so both compartments of the magazine chamber opening into the cartridge inlet. Two lip- shaped cartridge feeders cZ, d project, re- spectively, from the upper and lower cham- ber Avail into the path of the breech sleeve a, 85 which feeders are mounted on these walls and, when the barrel is in firing position, pass into slots ah provided in sleeve a. The cartridge magazines. The cartridge magazines e, Figures 3-5, consist of thin-walled sheet metal boxes open on one of their narrow sides' and are each provided with a feeder e2 adapted to be shift- ed under the action of a feed spring e1 in the 95 direction toward their opening. The cart- ridges are inserted in tne magazine trans- versely of their longitudinal axis, whereby the feeder e2 is urged back and the feed spring e1 is tensioned. . mo The opening of the magazine box is closed by a lid f that is provided with means for locking it in open and closed position. To this end locking bolts g2 are vertically shift- ably mounted in guidc blocks g on those of 105 the broad sides / of the box^s, which, after ।
2 1,709,399 the box has been inserted in the chamber c, abut on the upper and lower wall thereof, see also Figure 1. The locking bolts g2 are provided with notches ff1 and pressed out- 5 ward by flat springs g3 arranged below them. In this outer position the bolts g2 lock the lid f in the closing position against an open- ing motion, by hooks abutting on the stem of the bolts g2. Upon depressing however the 10 bolts g2, the notches g1 arrive opposite the hooks 71 of the lid f. The latter is then lifted by hand or by the pressure exerted by the cartridges contained in the box, and is se- cured against an automatic closing motion 15 by its hooks Z1 engaging the notches g1. Upon a pressure being exerted on the lid f, the hooks Z1 release the notches g1, the lid passes to closing position and is again locked therein by the locking bolts g2 being lifted under the 20 action of the springs g3. Mechanism, for alternately and automatically adjusting to feed position the introduced magazine boxes. 25 The adjustment of a full cartridge maga- zine box e in a condition to feed a cartridge to the barrel takes place by opening the lid Z by the action of a releasing mechanism pro- vided on each magazine compartment. When 30 a magazine box e is inserted in a compart- ment, its lid Z is in closed position and the upwardly projecting locking bolts g2 glide unhinderedly into the above-mentioned ' pocket c2. 35 A shaft h is mounted each on the upper and lower chamber wall, see Figures 1 and 2, each of which shafts has so fixed on it twTo releas- ing levers A1 that their cam-shaped ends A2, that project into recesses of the chamber 40 walls, are opposite the above described lock- ing bolts g2 of the magazine boxes e. . The rocking motion of the shafts h is derived from the inserting and withdrawing motion of the magazine boxes. 45 On the side walls of the compartments are arranged casings i in which rods i1 are lodged so as to be shifted toward the barrel under the action of springs i2. Levers h3 fixed on each shaft h engages each a slot of the re- 50 spective rod i1 and thus serve to transmit the shifting motion of the rods i1 to the shafts h in one or other direction and to convert it into a rocking motion of these shafts. The shaft h mounted on the upper compartment 55 and acting by its releasing levers h1 upon the inserted magazine box, is in mesh with the rod i1 of the lower coihpartment and vice-versa. - When the compartments are empty, the 60 cam ends h2 of all releasing levers h1 project under the action of the springs i2 into the path of (the magazine locking bolts g2 of the lids Z;_ which bolts assume their upper posi- tion. When a box e is inserted in one of the 65 compartments, e. g. in the upper one, noses e3. that project on the box wall, see Figures 3 to 5, take with them the rods i1, whereby the springs i2 are tensioned, and thereby rock the shaft h of the lower compartment and therewith the lower releasing levers hl out 70 of their operative position. At the same time the locking bolts g2 of the inserted upper box hit the cams h2 of the upper releasing levers and are depressed by them. Consequently the lid Z of the upper box is lifted under the 75 pressure acting upon it by the cartridges and is locked in open position by the bolts g2 and hooks Z1, as above described. The magazine box e introduced in the up- per compartment is thus adjusted for feeding 80 a cartridge, whilst the releasing mechanism of the lower compartment has been brought into an inoperative position. The lid f of a box introduced later on in the lower com- partment remains closed. This lower box 85 however rocks out of operation the releasing levers A1 for the lid f of the upper box e. This lid thus remains unacted upon in the locked open position. When the upper box is withdrawn, the fit) springs i2 of the upper compartment are re- laxed by the simultaneous withdrawal of the noses e3, while the lid f of the lower box e is automatically opened by the lower releas- ing levers A1 being rocked. Only one single 05 box is thus open and adapted to supply cart- ridges. In order to fix the boxes in their extreme position within the compartments against the action of the feed springs e1 and springs i2, 100 two locking levers k1 are rigidly fixed on an upper and lower shaft k, the hook-shaped ends of which levers engage through suitable slots of the compartment walls each a nose e* of the box walls. By springs k2 coiled on 105 the shaft к the locking levers k1 are pressed toward the box wall, see Figure 1. When a box e is introduced, its noses e* lift the lock- ing levers k1, whereupon the hook ends of the latter engage behind the noses e4 and thus 110 lock the box against the action of the springs i2 and e1. The locking levers k1 may be. disengaged by hand by means of the handles k3 rigid on the shaft A. When the locking levers k1 are 45 disengaged by manipulating the handles k3, the respective box e is automatically ejected from its compartment by the action of the springs i2. The described release of the magazine lock- 120 ing mechanism may only be executed after the lid Z of the respective box has been closed, as otherwise the cartridges still contained in the box would be ejected by the feed spring e1 and would deposit in the respective com- 125 partment. To prevent this, a lid closing lever I is fixed on each shaft k, the curved end of which lever abuts on the open lid f in the midst thereof, of a box that is present in locked position in the respective compart- 130
1,709,390 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 ment. Upon releasing the locking levers 7г1 by means of the handle k3 the lid closing lever I depresses the opened lid f into closing position, whereby the engagement of the lock- ing bolts g2 and hooks f1 is suppressed. When arrived however in closing position, the lid / is at once locked again by the bolts g~. Upon the box then being ejected by the springs г'2, at the same time the lid f of the other box that remains in its compartment, is automat- ically opened. When a magazine box, e. g. the upper one, lias been unlocked and ejected, the releasing levers h1 of the lower compartment, which levers now press upon the bolts g- of the lower box due to the upper springs i2 being relaxed, and open the lid f of this box, will not allow of the lower box to be unlocked by the handle k3 and of its lid f to be closed simultaneously. To permit this nevertheless, handles г3 are jrovided on the rods г1, by means of which handles a temporary lifting of the releasing , evers h1 may be obtained when the lower box should likewise be unlocked by hand. In order to automatically close an emptied magazine box and simultaneously opening the other full one, the following mechanism is provided. An unlocking lever m fulcrumed at m7 on the chamber wall is provided sym- metrically for each magazine box. The end m2 of these levers forms a stop and projects through a recess of the chamber wall into the path of a projection e6 provided on the feeder e2 and projecting from the side wall of the box and running in a slot e5 of the latter. After the last cartridge has left the magazine box and entered the breech of the arm, so that the box is empty, the projection ee of the feeder e2 hits the stop m2 of the unlocking lever m and rocks the latter about its fulcrum so that lever m by means of a face m3 that abuts on the locking lever k'1, rocks the maga- zine locking mechanism k, k1 in the unlocking direction, while at the same time the lid / is closed by the appurtenant lid closing lever 1. The empty closed magazine box is there- upon ejected and may be re-filled and intro- duced anew, while in the meanwhile car- tridges are supplied from the other magazine box. Automatic trigger locking mechanism. An automatic trigger locking mechanism is provided allowing of the possibility of fir- ing to be suppressed after the last cartridge has been fed from a magazine box to the bar- rel. To this end noses e7 are provided near the front end of the magazine boxes, which noses, when the boxes are inserted in the com- partments, strike against double levers n piv- oted on the front wall of chamber c and rock these levers in such a manner, that the other ends of the latter, that engage suitable re- cesses of a shiftable rod o, Figures 1 and 2, shift this rod against the action of a spring p. This spring p is tensioned, as soon as any magazine box is introduced, and remains ten- sioned, as long as any box is being lodged in locked state in the compartments. A double- armed interrupting lever q is fulcrumed on 70 the chamber c, the one arm of which lever q engages another recess provided in the rod <?, while its other arm q7 is in connection with the trigger mechanism (not shown) and acts as a locking member therefor. When at least 75 one box is in the chamber c, the lever arm q1 is out of the range of the trigger mechanism. The single box still in the chamber c is ejected)by unlocking it manually or after the last cartridge has been fed therefrom to so the barrel, the lever n follows under the ac- tion of spring p the nose e7 that now gives way toward the right, rod о is shifted and locks the locking member (lever arm) q1 of the interrupting lever q into a position in S5 which it locks the trigger mechanism. Hence, the last cartridge is introduced still in the car- tridge chamber of the barrel, but cannot be fired, before a full box e has been inserted in the chamber c. 90 A handle q2 of the interrupting lever q al- lows of the lever arm q1 to be released'by hand from locking position, so that the trigger is ready to fire the last cartridge that has al- ready been transferred into the barrel. 95 The mechanism for interrupting the firing possibility operates thus in dependence upon the ejecting motion of a box e that has been unlocked within the compartment. In order to warrant this interruption as to the last car- J00 tridge, when a failure of ejection of the empty box occurs, as it may be the case' e. g. due to a bruised box getting jamibed in the compartment, a special safety device is pro- vided that operates independently of the- 105 ejecting motion of the box e. To this end the stop face of the lever n, Figures 6 and 7, on which abuts the nose e7 in inserting a box, is not rigidly arranged on this lever, but is de- signed as a bolt s shiftably arranged trans- no versely of the inserting direction of the box against the action of a spring .. Toward the box the bolt s has a slope face s1, on which strikes the projection ea of the feeder e2, when the last cartridge is supplied from 115 the box to the closure of the arm, shortly be- fore this injection causes the unlocking of the box in co-operation with the locking mecha- nism m к к1. The projection e6 presses the bolt s out of the range of the box nose e7 that 120 abuts thereon, so that the leverя passes past the nose e7 under the action of spring p and the locking member q1 is rocked into the po- sition to lock the trigger mechanism. 1 °5 Mode of operation. A full magazine box e is firstly inserted in one of the compartments of chamber c, e. g. in the upper compartment, and is automatically locked in its feed position by the locking i"0
4 1,709,399 levers 7г1. Its lid f is then unlocked auto- matically and opens under the pressure of the cartridges lodged in the box and lirged by the feed spring e1. The first cartridge abuts on 5 the outer face of the breech sleeve a. The locking member q1 of the trigger locking mechanism is being rocked into inoperative position, so that this mechanism is ready to fire. Another magazine box that now is in- 10 serted in the lower compartment, is firstly waiting therein with closed lid / and in locked state, this box however rocking the lid un- locking mechanism A1 h2 of the upper com- partment into inoperative position. 15 To start the automatic operation of the arm, the barrel is drawn back by hand, while at •the same time its closure (not shown) that glides in the breech sleeve a, is opened, where- by the cartridge inlet opening of sleeve a 20 comes to lie opposite the first cartridge of the upper, open magazine box e. This cartridge is shifted under the action of the feed spring e1 laterally into the path of the sleeve a and is held in this position by the upper feeding 25 lip d and the front edge c4 of the partition c1 of chamber c, see Figure 1. Upon the barrel running out, the rear wall of the cartridge inlet opening of sleeve a shifts the cartridge forward out of the range 30 of the lip d and of the partition c1. The next cartridge of the upper magazine box presses the first one into the path of the breech piece not shown), which then effects in known man- ner the further shift of the first cartridge 35 into the cartridge chamber of the barrel. The arm is now in loaded state and for a continuous fire only the operation of the trig- ger and the supply of full magazine boxes is required to replace the empty and auto- 40 matically ejected ones. When the last cart- ridge of the upper box has arrived in the path of the breech sleeve a, the unlocking lever m of the upper compartment lifts under the action of the projection e6 of the feeder e2 the 4.5 locking levers k1 from the box noses e4, while at the same time the lid f of the empty upper box is closed. The latter is then ejected by the action of the springs г2, which at the same time unlock the lid f of the lower box 50 through the intermediary of the lid releasing mechanism Л3 A1 h2. The lower box thereupon undertakes the further feed of cartridges into the path of the movable parts of the breech without any interruption of the fire. 55 The described play of the magazine mecha- nism is automatically continued so that the arm is continuously firing;, until either the trigger is released or no full magazine box is inserted in due time or is not inserted at all 60 instead of an ejected one. In this case the firing possibility is interrupted shortly after the last cartridge has been supplied from the box still present in one of the compartments, by means of the trigger locking mechanism 65 e7 s n 0 p q q1. The last cartridge is still introduced in the barrel, but perseveres there- in without being fired. What we claim, is:— 1. In an automatic firm arm a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral car- 70 tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- tridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines adapted to be intro- duced in saia frames, said magazines each 75 consisting of a box having a cartridge out- let, a spring-actuated feeder arranged in said box and adapted to urge the cartridges to- ward said outlet and a lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to retain the cartridges 80 in said box. 2. In an automatic fire arm, a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral car- tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- 85 tridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines adapted to be intro- duced in said frames, said magazines each consisting of a box having a cartridge out- let, a spring-actuated feeder arranged in 90 said box and adapted to urge the cartridges toward said outlet, a lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to retain the cartridges in said box, and means for automatically locking said lid both in closed and open 95 position. 3. In an automatic fire arm, a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral car- tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- 100 tridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines adapted to be intro- duced m said frames, said magazines each consisting of a box having a cartridge out- let, a spring-actuated feeder arranged in 105 said box and adapted to urge the cartridges toward said outlet, a lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to retain the cartridges in said box, means for automatically locking said lid both in closed and opened position, 110 and means for automatically unlocking said lid in closed position upon the box inserting in one of said frames. 4. In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral car- 115 tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- tridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines adapted to be intro- duced in said frames, said magazines each 120 consisting of a box having a cartridge out- let, a spring-actuated feeder arranged in said box and adapted to urge the cartridges toward said outlet, ar lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to retain the cartridges 125 in said box, means for automatically locking said lid both in closed and open position, means arranged on each of said frames and adapted to unlock in closed position the lid of the box contained in the other frame and 130
1,709,899 5 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 ©5 for leaving unacted upon the lid locking means of the box contained in the own frame, and vice versa, and for unlocking in closed position the lid of the box contained in said own frame upon the box of the other frame being withdrawn therefrom. 5. In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral car- tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- tridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines adapted to be intro- duced in said frames, said magazines each consisting of a box having a cartridge out- let, a spring-actuated feeder arranged in said box ana adapted to urge the cartridges toward said outlet, a lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to retain the cartridges in said box, means for automatically locking said lid both in closed and open position, a projection on each of said boxes, a. member arranged on each of said frames and adapted to be shifted thereon by said projection upon a box being inserted in said frame, a spring adapted to act against this shift, a lever ful- crumed on each frame and adapted to be rocked by said shiftable member of the other frame, and another lever positively connected to said first-named one and adapted to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means to unlock said lid in closed position. 6. In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral car- tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- tridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines adapted to be intro- duced in said frames, said magazines each consisting of a box having a cartridge out- let, a spring-actuated feeder arranged in said box and adapted to urge the cartridges toward said outlet, a lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to retain the cartridges in said box, means for automatically locking said lid both in closed and open position, a projection on each of said boxes, a member arranged on each of said frames and adapted to be shifted thereon by said projection upon a box being inserted in said frame, a spring adapted to act against this shift, a lever ful- crumed on each frame and adapted to be rocked by said shiftable member of the other frame, another lever positively connected to said first-named one and adapted to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means to unlock said lid in closed position, means for locking said boxes in said frames in feed- ing position, releasing means for said box locking means, and means for ejecting the emptied boxes from said frames. 7. In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral car- tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- tridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines adapted to be introduced in said frames, said magazines each consist- ing of a box having a cartridge outlet, a spring-actuated feeder arranged in said box 70 and adapted to urge the cartridges toward said outlet, a lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to retain the cartridges in said box, means for automatically locking said lid both in closed and open position, a projec- 75 tion on each of said boxes, a member ar- ranged on each of said frames and adapted to be shifted thereon by said projection upon a box being inserted in said frame, a spring adapted to act against this shift, a lever ful- 80 crumed on each frame and adapted to be rocked by said shiftable member of the other frame, another lever positively connected to said first-named one and adapted to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means to unlock 85 said lid in closed position, means for locking said boxes in said frames in feeding position, releasing means for said box locking means, and means for ejecting the emptied boxes from said frames, these meaps being formed 90 by said spring-actuated shiftable m,ember and said box projection. 8. In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral car- tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged 95 on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- tridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines adapted to be intro- duced m said frames, said magazines each consisting of a box having a cartridge outlet, 100 a spring-actuated feeder arranged in said box and adapted to urge the cartridges to- ward said outlet, a lid arranged on said out- let and adapted to retain the cartridges in said box, means for automatically locking 105 said lid both in closed and open position, a projection on each of said boxes, a member arranged on each frame and adapted to be shifted in the box inserting direction and adapted to be shifted by said projection upon 110 a box being inserted in said frame, a spring adapted to act against this shift, a lever ful- сгшпеф on each frame and adapted to be rocked by said shiftable member of the other frame, another lever positively connected to 115 said first-named one and adapted to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means to unlock said lid in closed position, means for locking said boxes in said frames in feeding position, releasing means for said box locking means. 120 and means for ejecting the emptied boxes from said frames, these means being formed by said spring-actuated shiftable member and said box projection. 9. In an automatic-fire arm a barrel, a 125 breech closure thereon having a lateral car- tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- tridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines adapted to be introduced 13©
в 1,709,399 in said frames, said magazines each consist- ing of a box having a cartridge outlet, a spring-actuated feёder arranged in said box and adapted to urge the cartridges toward 5 said outlet, a lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to retain the cartridges in said box, means for automatically locking said lid both in closed and open position, a projection on each of said boxes, a member arranged on 10 each frame and adapted to be shifted by said projection upon a box being inserted in said frame, a spring adapted to act against this shift, a lever fulcrumed on- each frame and adapted to be rocked by said shiftable mem- 15 ber of the other frame, another lever posi- tively connected to said first-named one and adapted to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means to unlock said lid in closed position, a pawl pivoted on each frame, a 20 stop face on each box adapted to co-operate therewith so as to lock said box in feeding position, a lever positively connected to said pawl and adapted to act upon the open lid of the respective box so as to unlock said lid 25 in open position upon said pawl being disen- gaged from said stop face, and means for ejecting the emptied boxes from said frame. 10. In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral car- 30 tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said cartridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate car- ” tridge magazines adapted to be introduced in said frames, said magazines each consist- 35 ing of a box having a cartridge outlet, a spring-actuated feeder arranged in said box and adapted to urge the cartridges toward said outlet, a lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to retain the cartridges in said box, 40 means for automatically locking said lid both in closed and open position, a projection on each of said boxes, a member arranged on each frame and adapted to be shifted by said projection upon a box being inserted therein, 45 a spring adapted to act against this shift, a lever fulcrumed on each irame and adapted to be rocked by said shift-able member of the other frame, another lever positively con- nected to said first-named one and adapted 50 to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means to unlock said lid in closed position, a pawl pivoted on each frame, a stop face on . each box adapted to co-operate therewith so as to lock said box in feeding position, a third 55 lever positively connected to said pawl and adapted to act upon the open lid of the re- spective box so as- to unlock said lid in open position upon said pawl being disengaged from said stop face, and means for ejecting 60 the emptied boxes from said frames, these means being formed by said spring-actuated shiftable member and said box projection. 11. In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral car- 65 tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- tridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines adapted to be introduced in said frames, said magazines each consist- ing of a box having a cartridge outlet, a 70 spring-actuated feeder arranged in said box and adapted to urge the cartridges toward said outlet, a lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to retain the cartridges in said box, means for automatically locking said lid both 75 in closed and open position, a projection on each of said boxes, a member arranged on each- frame and adapted to be shifted by said projection upon a box being inserted therein, a spring adapted to act against this shift, a 80 lever fulcrumed on each frame and adapted to be rocked by said shiftable member of the other frame, another lever positively con- nected to said first-named one and adapted to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means 85 to unlock said lid in closed position, a pawl pivoted on each frame, a stop face on each box adapted to co-operate therewith so as to lock said box in feeding position, a third lever positively connected to said pawl and adapt- " ed to act upon the open lid of the respective box so as to unlock said lid in open position upon said pawl being disengaged from said stop face, manipulative releasing means for said pawl and said third lever connected 95 thereto, and means for ejecting the emptied boxes from said frames, these means being formed by said spring-actuated shiftable member and said box projection. 12. In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a 1110 breech closure thereon having a lateral car- tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- tridge inlet and opening thereinto1, separate cartridge magazines adapted to be introduced lf>5 in said frames, said magazines each consist- ing of a box having a cartridge outlet, a spring-actuated feeder arranged in said box and adapted to urge the cartridges toward said outlet, a lid arranged on said outlet and 1,0 adapted to retain the cartridges in said box, means for automatically locking said lid both • in closed and open position, a projection on each of said boxes, a member arranged on each'frame and adapted to be shifted by said 115 projection upon a box being inserted therein, a spring adapted to act against this shift, a lever fulcrumed on each frame and adapted to be rocked by said shiftable member of the other frame, another lever positively connect- 120 ed to said first-nained one and adapted to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means to unlock said.lid in closed position, a pawl piv- oted on each frame, a stop fasce on each box adapted to co-operate therewith so as to lock 125 said box in feeding position, a third lever positively connected to said pawl and adapt- ed to act upon the open lid of the respective box so as to unlock said lid in open position upon said pawl being disengaged from said 130
1,709,399 7 stop face, means for automatically disengag- ing said pawl and actuating said third lever after the last cartridge has been supplied to the closure of the arm, and means for ejecting 5 the emptied boxes from said frames. 13. In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral car- tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- lo tridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines adapted to be intro- duced in said frames, said magazines each consisting of a box having a cartridge outlet, a spring-actuated feeder arranged in said 15 box and adapted to urge the cartridges to- ward said outlet, a lid arranged on said out- let and adapted to retain the cartridges in said box, means for automatically locking said lid both in closed and open position, a 20 projection on each of said boxes, a member arranged on each frame and adapted to be shifted by said projection upon a box being inserted therein, a spring adapted to act against this shift, a lever fulcrumed on each 25 frame and adapted to be rocked by said shift- able member of the other frame, another lever positively connected to said first-named one and adapted to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means to unlock said lid in closed 30 position, a pawl pivoted on each frame, a stop face on each box adapted to co-operate therewith so as to lock said box in' feeding position, a third lever positively connected to said pawl and adapted to act upon the open 35 lid of the respective box so as to unlock said lid in open position upon said pawl being dis- engaged from said stop face, a rocking lever adapted to lift by its rocking motion said pawl from said stop face and to actuate said third lever, a nose arranged on said spring- actuated feeder of each box and adapted to rock said rocking lever, and means for eject- ing the emptied boxes from said frames. 14. In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a 45 breech closure thereon having a lateral car- tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- tridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines adapted to be introduced 50 in said frames, said magazines each consist- ing of a box having a cartridge outlet, a spring-actuated feeder arranged in said box and adapted to urge the cartridges toward said outlet, a lid arrang id on said outlet and 55 adapted to retain the cartridges in said box, means for automatically locking said lid both in closed and open position, a projec- tion on each of said boxes, a member arranged on each frame and adapted to be shifted by co said projection upon a box being inserted therein, a spring adapted to act against this shift, a lever fulcrumed on each frame and adapted to be rocked by said shiftable mem- ber of the other frame, another lever posi- es tively connected to said first-named one and adapted to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means to unlock said lid in closed position, a pawl pivoted op each frame, a stop face on each box adapted to co-operate therewith so as to- lock said box in feeding 70 position, a third lever positively connected to said pawl and adapted to act upon the open lid of the respective box so as to unlock said lid in open position upon said pawl being disengaged from said stop face, means for 75 automatically disengaging said pawl and ac- tuating said third lever after the last car- tridge has been supplied to the closure of the arm, means for ejecting the emptied boxes from said frames, and manipulative means so arranged on said shiftable members and adapted to allow of said lid unlocking levers to be thrown out of their operative position. 15. In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral car- 85 tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- tridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines each consisting of a box having a cartridge outlet, a spring-actuated ,J0 feeder arranged in said box and adapted to urge the cartridges toward said outlet, a lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to retain the cartridges in said box; means for auto- matically locking said lid both in closed and 95 open position, a projection on each of said boxes, a member arranged on each frame and adapted to be shifted by said projection upon a box being inserted therein, a spring adapted to act against this shift, a lever fulcrumed on 100 each frame and adapted to be rocked by said shiftable member of the other frame, another lever positively connected to said first-named one and adapted to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means to unlock said lid in 105 closed position, a pawl pivoted on each frame, a stop face on each box adapted to co-operate therewith so as to lock said box in feeding position, a third lever positively connected to said pawl and adapted to act upon the open no lid of the respective box so as to unlock said lid in open position upon said pawl being dis- engaged from said stop face, means for auto- matically disengaging said pawl and actuat- ing said third lever after the last cartridge 115 has been supplied to the closure of the arm, means for ejecting the emptied boxes from said .frames,v manipulative means arranged on said shiftable members and adapted to allow of said lid unlocking levers to be thrown 120 out of their operative position, and means for crippling the trigger mechanism after a last cartridge has been supplied to the closure. 16. In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a 125 breech closure thereon having a lateral car- tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said car- tridge inlet and opcning thereinto, separate cartridge magazines each consisting of a box 130
8 1,709,399 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 having a cartridge outlet, a spring-actuated feeder arranged in said box and adapted to urge the cartridges toward said,outlet, a lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to re- tain the cartridges in said box, means for automatically locking said lid both in closed and open position, a projection on each of said boxes, a member arranged on each frame and adapted to be shifted by said projec- tion upon a box being inserted therein, a spring adapted to act against this shift, a lever fulcrumed on each frame and adapted to be rocked by said shiftable member of the other/frame, another lever positively con- nected to said first-named one and adapted to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means to unlock said lid in closed position, a pawl pivoted on each frame, a stop face on each box adapted to co-operate therewith so as to lock said box in feeding position, a third lever positively connected to said pawl and adapted to act upon the open lid of the re- spective box so as to unlock said lid in open position upon said pawl being disengaged from said stop face, means for automatically disengaging said pawl and actuating said third lever after the last cartridge has been supplied to the closure of the arm, means for ejecting the emptied boxes from said frames, manipulative means arranged on said shift- able members and adapted to allow of said lid unlocking levers to be thrown out of their operative position, another nose near the for- ward end of each box, a crippling lever for the trigger mechanism of the arm, and adapt- ed to be rocked'into inoperative position by said last-named nose, upon a box being in- serted in one of the frames, and a spring adapted to be held tensioned by said nose and to rock said crippling lever into operative position when relaxed by said nose releasing it, that is when the respective box is ejected. 17; In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral car- tridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the,arm opposite said car- tridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines each consisting of a box having a cartridge outlet, a spring-actuated feeder arranged in said box and adapted to urge the cartridges toward said outlet, a lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to re- tain the cartridges in said box, means for automatically locking said lid both in closed and open position, a projection on each of said boxes, a member arranged on each frame and adapted-to be shifted by said projection upon a box being inserted therein, a spring adapted to act against this shift, a lever ful- crumed on each frame and adapted to be rocked by said shiftable member of the other frame, another lever positively connected to said first-named one and adapted to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means to unlock said lid in closed position, a pawl pivoted on each frame, a stop face on each box adapt- ed to co-operate therewith so as to lock said box in .feeding position, a third lever posi- tively connected to said pawl and adapted to act upon the open lid of the respective box so 70 as to unlock said lid in open position upon said pawl being disengaged from said stop face, means for automatically disengaging said pawl and actuating said third lever after the last cartridge has been supplied to the 75 closure of the arm, means for ejecting the emptied boxes from said frames, manipula- tive means arranged on said shiftable mem- bers and adapted to allow of said lid unlock- ing levers to be thrown out of their operative 80 position, another nose near the forward end of each box, a 'crippling lever for the trigger mechanism of the arm, and adapted to be rocked into inoperative position by said last- named nose, upon a box being inserted in one 85 of the frames, a spring adapted to be held tensioned by said nose and to rock said crip- pling lever into operative position when relaxed by said nose releasing it, and manipu- lative means arranged on said crippling lever ob and adapted to rock it into inoperative posi- tion independently of said nose. 18. In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral cart- ridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on 95 a fixed part of the arm opposite said cart-' ridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines each consisting of a box having a cartridge outlet, a spring-actuated feeder arranged m said box and adapted to 100 urge the cartridges toward said outlet, a lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to re- tain the cartridges in said box, means for automatically locking said lid both in closed and open position, a projection on each of 105 said boxes, a member arranged on each frame and adapted to be shifted by said projection upon a box being inserted therein, a spring adapted to act against this shift, a lever ful- crumed on each frame and adapted to be 110 rocked by said shiftable member of the other frame, another lever positively connected to said first-named, one and adapted to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means to unlock said lid in closed position, a pawl 115 pivoted on each frame, a stop face on each box adapted to co-operate therewith so as to lock said box in feeding position, a third lever positively connected to said pawl and adapted to act upon the open lid of the re- 120 spective box so as to unlock said lid in open position upon said pawl being disengaged from said stop face, means for automatically disengaging said pawl and actuating said third lever after the last cartridge has been 125 supplied to the closure of the arm, means for ^ejecting the emptied boxes from said frames, manipulative means arranged on said shiftable members and adapted to allow of said lid unlocking lever to be thrown out 130
1,709,809 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 of their operative position, another nose near the forward end. of each box, a crippling lever for the trigger mechanism of the arm, and adapted to be rocked into operative po- sition by said last-named nose, upon a box being inserted in one of the frames, a spring adapted to be held tensioned by said nose and to rock said crippling lever into operative position when relaxed by said .nose releas- ing it, that is when the respective box is ejected, and means for rocking said crippling lever into operative' position in case of fail- ure of the box ejection. 19. In an automatic fire arm a barrel, a breech closure thereon having a lateral cart- ridge inlet, two frames laterally arranged on a fixed part of the arm opposite said cart- ridge inlet and opening thereinto, separate cartridge magazines each consisting of a box having a cartridge outlet, a spring-actuated feeder arranged in said box and adapted to urge the cartridges toward said outlet, a lid arranged on said outlet and adapted to retain the cartridges in said box, means for auto- matically locking said lid both in closed and open position, a projection on each of said boxes, a member arranged on each frame and adapted to be shifted by said projection upon a box being inserted therein, a spring adapt- ed to act against this shift, a lever fulcrumed on each frame and adapted to be rocked by said shiftable member of the other frame, another lever positively connected to said first-named one and adapted to act, when rocked, upon said lid locking means to un- lock said lid in closed position, a pawl piv- oted on each frame, a stop face on each box adapted to co-operate therewith so as to lock said box in feeding position, a third lever positively connected to said pawl and adapt- ed to act upon the open lid of the respective box so as to unlock said lid in open position upon said pawl being disengaged from said stop face, means for automatically disengag- ing said pawl and actuating said third lever © after the last cartridge has been supplied to the closure of the arm, means for ejecting the emptied boxes from said frames, manip- ulative means arranged on said shiftable members and adapted to allow of said lid un- 50 locking lever to be thrown out of their oper- ative position, another nose near the forward end of each box, a crippling lever for the trigger mechanism of the arm, and adapted to be rocked into operative position by said 55 last-named nose, upon a box being inserted in one of the frames, a spring adapted to be held tensioned by said nose, an intermediate lever adapted to be rocked by said spring and to transmit this rocking motion to said crip- 60 ling lever so as to rock the latter into oper- ative position upon said spring being re- laxed by said nose releasing said intermedi- ate lever, a spring-actuated sliding bolt on said intermediate lever and adapted to co- 65 operate with said nose for rocking said inter- mediate lever, said bolt having a slope face adapted to co-operate with said feeder nose and to be depressed by it shortly before said feeder nose unlocks its box for ejection, so 70 as to throw said sliding bolt out of the range of said first-named nose. 20. In an automatic fire arm, two maga- zine chambers, a cartridge magazine adapted to be inserted in each of said chambers and 75 having a cartridge outlet and a spring actu- lated cartridge feeder, means for securing t’ ? cartridge magazine in the magazine chamber, means for automatically cutting out the cartridge feeder of one magazine 80 when the other magazine is feeding cart- ridges, and means for automatically releas- ing and ejecting the magazine from which all cartridges have been fired and simultane- ously bringing the other magazine into ac- 85 tion to feed cartridges therefrom. In testimony whereof we have affixed our signatures. FRITZ HERLACH. THEODOR RAKULA.