                    Ergjish grammarfrom jokes and cartoonsBy Alexander (jerasimenlcoАнглийская громмокиика
мо инукикй/н мкарикатурам

Г nglish grammarfrom jokes and cartoons£)y Alexander (jerasimenlcoSuper восэкАнглийская грамматика
no жучкам и карикатурам.
Dasi Взрослых.+1002 аузио на CD ГМРЗ^
ББК 81.2Англ-2
Г37Все права защищены.Никакая часть этой книги, включая оформление и иллюстрации,
не может быть воспроизведена в какой бы го ни было форме
Я какими бы то ни было средствами
без письменного разрешения владельца авторских прав.Герасименко А.П.Г37 Superbook Английская грамматика по шуткам и карикатурам : учебник
/ А.П. Герасименко. — М. : КНОРУС, 2008. — 188 с. : ил. + CD-ROM. —
Данные тит. л. частично англ.ISBN 978-5-85971-959-4Сапнтарпо-эпидемиологическое заключение
№Д.011206.11.06 от 28.11.2006 г.Изд. № 818. Подписано в печать 25.09.2007.Формат 47x62/8. Печать офсетная. Бумага мелованная
Тираж 5000 экз. Заказ № 805.ЗАО «КноРус». 129110, Москва, ул. Большая Переяславская, 46.
Тел.: (495) 680-7254, 680-0671, 680-1278.E-mail: office@knorus.ru http://www.book.ruISBN 978-5-85971-959-4©Герасименко А.П., 2008
©ЗАО «КноРус», 2008
ContentsStructurePartTrac DurationageUsing this bookОт ачтора001 1:2681 unitPresent continuousRules0Ю 1:4510Exercises011 2:3711Jokes012 2:4912Cartoons013 0:34132 unitPresent simpleRules014 2:0014Exercises015 3:0515Jokes016 1.5916Cartoons017 0:37173 unitPresent cont. vs. present simpleRules018 3:2118Exercises019 2:4719Jokes020 2:2220Cartoons021 0:41214 unitPast simpleRules022 1:4622Exercises023 2:1123Jokes024 2:3224Cartoons025 0:44255 unitPast continuousRules026 1:4526Exercises027 2:5027Jokes028 2:4328Cartoons029 0:47291-5 units: revisionSeniences030 3:2330Dialogues031 2:06316 unitFuture: be going toRules032 1:4332Exercises033 1:4833Jokes034 2:4334С artoons035 0:49357 unitFuture simple: vi ill doRules036 2:0536Exercises037 3:0037Jokes038 2:1838Cartoons039 0:44398 unitTalking about the futureRules040 1:1640Exercises041 2:5741Jokes042 2:4342Cartoons043 0:52431-8 units: revisionSeniences044 3:1644Dialogues045 2:09459 unitPresent perfect (l): present resultRules046 2:0146Exercises047 2:1747Jokes048 2:5248Cartoons049 0:504910 unit Present perfect (2): just, already, yet.Rules050 2:1050Exercises051 2:5351Jokes052 2:5252Cartoons053 0:485311 unitPresent perfect (3): up to nowRules054 2:4654Exercises055 3:3055Jokes056 2:4656Cartoons057 0:4457Superbook3
Contents12 unitPresent perfect continuousRules058 2:07Exercises059 2:22Jokes060 3:05Cartoons06! 0:4213 unitPresent perfect vs. present perfect continuousRules062 2:11Exercises063 3:081-13 units: revisionSentences064 3:47Dialogues065 2:0514 unitPast perfectRules066 I:34Exercises067 2:52Jokes068 2:50Cartoons069 0:3715 unitPast perfect continuousRules070 l:42Exercises071 3:03Jokes072 2:49Cartoons073 0:4716 unitFuture: perfect, perfect continuous, continuousRules074 2:22Exercises075 3:321-18 units: revisionTable of tenses076 5:03Exercises077 7:5!Sentences078 3:32Dialogues079 2:3617 unitPassive (l): past simple, present simpleRules080 2:01Exercises081 3:50Jokes082 2:18Cartoons083 0:4518 unitPassive (2): all the structuresRules084 2:41Exercises085 2:55Jokes086 2:22Cartoons087 0:441-18 units: revisionSentences088 3:12Dialogues089 2:2219 unitArticles (l): general rulesRules090 2:11Exercises- -Jokes092 1:51Cartoons093 0:3620 unitArticles (2)' a/an or theRules094 2:21Exercises095 3:41Jokes096 2:26Cartoons097 0:4121 unitArticles (3) the - you know which oneRules098 2:30Exercises099 4:21Jokes100 2:30Cartoons101 0:4922 unitArticles (4): the or no articleRules102 2:01Exercises103 3:27Jokes104 1:56Cartoons105 0:5924 unitArticles (5). the: geographical namesRules106 3:05Exercises107 3:4425 unitArticles (6), the\ special casesRules108 2:36Exercises109 2:275859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586878889909192939495969798991001011021031041051061071081094 Superbook
Contents585919-24 units: revisionSentencesDialoguesnoin3:312:351101116025 unit Some, anvRules1122:0511261Exercises1132:551136263Jokes1141:5711464Cartoons1150:381156526 unit Modal verbs (l)- certaintyRules1162:2311666Exercises1173:1011767Jokes1182:2811868Cartoons1190:351196927 unit Modal verbs (2) obligationRules1202:3412070Exercises1213:0212171Jokes1222:2912272Cartoons1230:431237328 unit Modal verbs (3): real and unreal situationsRules1242:0812474 _7576Exercises1253:42125Jokes1262:1812677Cartoons1270:501277825-28 units: revisionSentences1283:5412879Dialogues1292:40129808182Superbook: revision8384Present and past events1302:5813d85Future events1314.3013136Events with duration1323:2913237Articles and modals1333:34133OO OsTenses, modals. articles1341353:534:16134135Answer key
Irregular verbs136154186Superbook 5
БлагодарностьЗенкину ВладимируЗа профессиональное воплощение моих идей в карикатурах.Brian FandersЗа коррекцию текста и озвучивание книги.Mark LesniowskiЗа озвучивание книги.Robert GreiteЗа помошь в коррекции книги.D. Laurance KlosterЗа помощь в коррекции книги.Антончук ИринеЗа коррекцию русской орфографии.Антончуку АлександруЗа коррекцию транскрипции и русской орфографии.Тишкину ЕвгениюЗа консультации по программному обеспечению.Студии “Неон”За качественную аудиозапись.Superbook
Воспользуйтесь преимуществами Superbook:Superbook - аудиокурсСайт Superbook.ruНа CD в формате MP3 записано абсолютно все, что Вы читаете
на английском языке в Superbook.Четкая речь диктора поможет Вам:• сделать учебу интересней (получить больше впечатлений
и оказаться участником описываемых в книге ситуаций);• научиться воспринимать информацию на слух;• лучше запомнить фразы.На сайте Superbook.ru Вы найдете-• дополнительные правила и упражнения;• бесплатные уроки on-line;• дальнейшие рекомендации по учебным материалам;• информацию по занятиям с автором;• ссылки, полезные для изучающих английский язык.BQQK-RUПраймы Supertw*&SuperbookАнглийская грамматика по шуткаи
и карикатурамдапикУроави,Формат в* идомп. ,в. тДатамтусш:Superbook auH,~QWCTOCbE ni'iFftndMC Uflrtrlt- - Л ШКТОСЫс■ \A 4*41A f £ J Продолиигвльноспгулить сдааш 1 yfподдает i паывгъ P#«o<ШЗТООЫ*! MW« «ОГД» n■Miff как nftafo BCtu ii xowr aur«>1. Suparbook экономит времяСтруктураКГ10 Ка»Дй1Й yp« • . uMHWJWT VMMdiver ce
blindlajij' шутка, приаш
li'vps] развод
dau’neit] гтякертвовап.
Maindi слепой
клр|| параSuperbook
От автораЯ бы хотел поделиться с Вами некоторыми мыслями о том, почему эта книга была
написана, чему Вы научитесь, а так же, как читать книгу, чтобы извлечь максимальную
пользу.Почему была написана книга Традиционные учебники английского языка написаныавторами, которые считают, что главное - .это поместить в
книгу правила и дать к ним упражнения.Я НЕ СОГЛАСЕНЯ считаю, что главное - это интересное, запоминающееся
содержание, в которое должны быть помещены правила и
упражнения.Пора признать факт, что времена изменились, и находить
время для учебы стало еще тяжелее Появились новые
раздражи 1 ели: глянцевые журналы, мобильные телефоны и,
конечно же, интернет. При этом учебники не смогли
и*мениться вместе со временем и остались такими же
скучными. Это окончательно склонило силы в сторону
бесполезного времяпрепровождения.Когда я сел писать книгу, я поставил перед собой цель -
изменить эту ситуацию, я ввел новые приоритеты и сделал
ставку на интерес и юмор.Так и появился Superbook - серьезный конкурент за Ваше
время.Чему Вы научитесь Выучив все, что написано в этой книге, Вы станетеуверенным “строителем” правильных английских
предложений, научитесь точно высказывать мысли и
почувствуете уверенность в своих знаниях.Кто-то далеко продвинется в знаниях английского языка,
кто-то пойдет гораздо дальше и сформирует у себя полезную
привычку - учиться с интересом.Superbook
извлечь максимальную пользуЧтобы получить максимум от моей книги и от времени, которое Вы посвятите ее
изучению, пожалуйста, выполняйте следующие рекомендации:1. Читая книгу, представляйте себе описанные события. Научитесь
видеть ситуации, которые “стоят за буквами”.2. Выполняя упражнения, всегда задавайте себе вопрос - почему та
или иная грамматическая структура используется в данном
предложении.3. Прочитав диалог, историю или анекдот, постарайтесь пересказать
прочитанное на английском языке. Озвучьте все предложения,
которые относятся к иллюстрациям.Я знаю, как это иногда бывает трудно, но я гак же знаю, какие это
всегда приносит высокие результаты.4. Читая книгу, думайте о каких событиях из вашей жизни Вы могли
бы рассказать, применяя изучаемую структуру.5. Не учите больше одного урока в день.6. Объясняйте правила другим людям, обучайте ваших близких.7. Сразу после того как Вы прошли урок в книге, прослушайте его.
используя аудиокурс Superbook.8. Постарайтесь найти возможность заниматься с преподавателем.
Это создаст атмосферу реального общения и укрепит ваши
знания.9. И еще. как только Вы прочитали и прослушали урок, обязательно
поставьте галочку напротив этого урока в оглавлении. Эти
маленькие галочки придадут Вам гордости за ваши достижения,
и, надеюсь, научат Вас самому главному - учить английский язык
каждый день.Enjoy the bookSuperbook
Present continuousI’m working. Leave me alone!The present continuous образуется из вспомогательного глагола to be (am/is/are) и основного глагола с окончанием ing. На русский язык
the present continuous переводится как обычное настоящее время 7 am working. Leave те aloneГ - "Я работаю. Оставьте меня в покоеV'
или дословно - “Я есть работающий”. Дословный перевод звучит не красиво, но очень четко передает мысль о том, что это действие
происходит прямо сейчас.AffirmativeУтвердительноеNegativeОтрицательноеInterrogativeВопросительное1am1am notam1he/she/itisdoinghe/she/itis not doingishe/she/itwe/you/theyarewe/you/theyare notarewe/you/theydoing> I’m listening to the music.
' He’s standing in the rain.' You 're speaking too fast.Я слушаю музыку.Он стоит под дождем.Ты говоришь слишком быстро.I'm not playing cards now.
She isn V looking.We aren't copying.Я не играю в карты сейчас.Она не смотрит.Мы не списываем.• Am I talking to you?> Is it raining?• Are they waiting for us?Я с тобой разговариваю?Дождь идет?Они нас ждут?1. Right now We use the present continuous to talk about actions happening
right now.• You are reading now.• Phone me back in ten minutes, 1 'm talking to some customers now.1. Прямо сейчас Мы иснильзуем the present continuous, чтобы говорить о действиях, происходящихпрямо сейчас.Вы читаете сейчасПозвони мне через десять минут, я разговариваю с клиентами сейчас.2. Around now We use the present continuous to talk about actions happening
at the time around now (this week, these days...).• I 'm saving money to buy an MP3 player.• She is looking for a job.2. “Около сейчас” Мы используем the present continuous, чтобы говорить о действиях происходящихво времени, приближенном к настоящему моменту (на этой неделе, в эти дни...).Я ко/пю деньги, чтобы купить MP3 плейер.Она ищет работу, (в эти дни, не обязательно прямо сейчас)3. Present changes We use the present continuous to talk about a changing situation.• The climate is getting warmer.• Computers are becoming cheaper.3. Изменения Мы используем the present continuous, чтобы говорить о ситуации, которая изменяется.Климат становится теплее.Компьютеры становятся дешевле.4. Arrangements We use the present continuous to talk about plans with fixed time
and/or place.• I’m seeing myJianceesparents this evening.• We are watching Bruce Almighty’ this weekend.4. Договоренности Мы используем the present continuous. чтобы говорить о планах с фиксированнымвременем и/или местом.Я встречаюсь с родителями моей невесты сегодня вечером.Мы будем смопцтеть "Брюс всемогу щий ” в выходные.Superbook
Exercises1.1 Use the verbr in brackets to complete the sentences.A pilot is reporting to ground control:1. It (rain) is Gaining. heavily.2. The parachutists (jump) one after another.3 We (toss out) those who are afraid.Policemen are reporting to the police station:4. We (beat) an innocent man.5. He (shout) very loudly.6. People around (watch) with amazement.A taxi driver is reporting to the dispatcher.7. It’s 4 o’clock in the morning. I (drive) past a cemetery.8. Three men (sit) in the back seat.9. They (sing) gaily.1.2 A doctor is talking to some very fat ladies. Complete the sentences.Doctor: What are you doing to lose weight?1. Amanda, a lawyer: I (not eat) eating dinner this week.2. Erica, a shop assistant: I (walk) to work these days.3. Julia, a housewife: My husband and 1 (not eat) bread this month.Doctor: Then, why aren’t you losing weight94. Amanda: Maybe it’s because I (eat) at night?5. Erica: Maybe it’s because I (eat) on my way?6. Julia: Maybe it’s because we (eat) too many sweets?1.3 Complete the sentences.1. Her biceps' (get) bigger every day.2. My apartment rent (go up) every month.3. The trust in the US dollar (decrease) steadily.4. I (get) cleverer with every sentence that I learn.1.4 Gangsters are discussing their plans. Complete the sentences.1. We (rob) the bank at 3 o’clock tomorrow.2. I (hijack) a plane to Cuba tomorrow.3. My friend (kill) the headmaster of his son’s school thisevening.4. We (just / have) a drink and a figfft at the pub.Vocabularycopyl'topi lсписывать10toss out[tOb]выброситьcheaper[t/i:pa]дешевлеИbeat[bi:t]битьfiancee[fi'onsei]невеста12innocent[ masnt]невиновныйalmighty[orl'maitMвсемогущий13shoutIJaut]кричатьverb|v3:b]глагол14loudlyj'laudli]громкоbracket[brsekit]скобка15amazement [a'meizmant] изумлениеreport|ri'po:t]докладывать16cemetery[sematri]кладбищеground control наземный контроль17singhi]петьheavily( hevzli]сильно18^gaily1 9e|li|весело19^lose [lu:z]терять28'"decrease [di Y 'уменьшаться л20weight [weit]вес29steadily[siedili]постепенно21lawyer |'b:ja(r)]юрист30clever[kleva(r)]умный22shop assistantпродавец31sentence [ sentansjпредложение23housewjfe| Ii a uswa if (домохозяйка32rob[rob]грабить24sweet [swirt] сладкое блкдо33hijack['haidjaeklугонять25biceps ['baiseps]бицепсы34headmasteif, hed'ma:stal дир. школы26apartment^'pa:!mant)квартира35just[d.iAbt]просто27Jrust (trAst)доверие ^36fight[fait;драка JAnswer key p. 136Superbook 11
Present continuous: jokes and clever expressions©©©Ajuggler is driving to his next performance
when a policeman stops him. ‘What are
these matches and lighter fluid doing in
your car?’ asks the cop. ‘I'm ajuggler, and I
juggle flaming torches in my act.’ ‘Oh yeah?’
says the cop. ‘Let’s see how you do it.’The juggler gets out and starts juggling the
blazing torches masterfully.A couple driving by slows down to watch.
‘Wow,’ says the driver to his wife, ‘I’m glad
1 quit drinking. Look at the test they’re giv¬
ing now!’©©©A husband said to his wife, ‘Put your coat
on, love, it’s time to go down to the pub.'
She replied, ‘But you never take me out.’
‘I'm not,’ said the husband, ‘but I'm
turning the heat off before I go.’©©©I believe in making the world safe for our
children. But not our children’s children,
because I don’t think children should be
having sex.©©©A blind man with a guide dog walks into a
bar. The blind man picks up the dog and
starts swinging it around. The barman asks,
‘What are you doing?’ The blind man
replies, ‘Just looking around.’©©©A man from the United Way comes to a
lawyer and reminds him that he made over
$ 1,000,000 last year, but donated nothing to
charity.‘First of all,’ says the lawyer, ‘my mother is
sick and dying in hospital, and it’s not
covered by insurance'. Second, I have five
kids from three divorced marriages. Third,
my sister’s husband died suddenly, and she
has no one to support her four children../
‘I’m terribly sorry,’ says the United Way
man, ‘1 feel bad about asking you for
money. ’The lawyer responds, ‘Yeah, well, if I’m not
giving them any money, why should I give
you any?’If you go parachuting, and your parachute
doesn't open, and your friends are all
watching you fall, I think a funny gag would
be to pretend you are swimming.©©©What’s a nice girl like you doing with a
face like that?©©©Newsflash Earthquake in China...20,000
dead... US is sending cash. Australia is
sending food. Britain is sending replace¬
ment Chinese.Vocabularyjugglerэ] жонглер ЛК)couple!'клр1]параN19Remind[ri'maind]напоминать л28rsupport[sa port] поддержатьperformance[- fo:rm ] представ. 1ениеIIslow downjslaujзамедлить20donate[dau'neit]пожертвовать24respond[ri spDnd] отвечатьmaich[niEetJJспичка12quit[kwit]перестать21charity[tja?rati]олапггворит-егьЗПgag[yaeyj шутка, приколlighter[laitd(r)]зажигалка1 яput on[put an]надевать22sick[sik|больной31pretend[pri'tend] притворитьсяfluid['f[u:idjжидкость14reply[ri'plai]отвечать23cover['клуэ(г)]покрывать32newsflash['nju:zfla?Jl экстренноеflame[fleim|пылать15heat[hi:t|отопление24insurance[ i n Ju^rons ] мед.страховкасообщениеtorch!,Э:,Лфакел16blind[blamd]слепой25divorce[ di'vD:s|развод33earthquake[#3:0kweik]blaze[bleizjпытать17pick uppif iвзять, поднять26marriage[ maerid3) бракземлетрясение^masterfully[foli]мастерски ^18swing[bvvioiраскачивать/27^suddenlyf'hAdanlilвдруг J34^replacement [ rr pie ism an t] запасной12 Superbook
Present continuous: cartoonsHoney, what are we having for dinner tonight ?I have the feeling that someone is watching me‘Holmes, what are xou do \ng in our wardrobe?
'It 's elementary, my dear Watson. ’Yes dear, m having a workout. Right now I’m
exercising my eyebrows.гржать1атьа, прикол
(бщениегрясениешпаснойVocabulary1т34TeelingIfhlinjчувствоsomeone[\AmwAn]кто-тоhoney['hAni]дорогойdinner['d]na(r))ужинloniuhtv[ta'nait]сегодня вечеромЬ7К9wardrobe [ woiiiraub]workout |'w3:kaut]exercise ['eksasazz)eyebrow [ aibrau]гардероб
i ренировать
бровьSuperbook 131
Present simpleI like shrimp with beer.Утвердительные предложения в the present simple (настоящее простое время) строятся проело: подлежащее + глагол. Но есть одна
трудность: если подлежащее единственного числа ( he/she/ir /elephant)Alexander), то на конце глаюла ставится буква s
(местоимение 7' - “я” исключение).9 Отрицания и вопросы строятся: подлежащее + вспомогательный глагол do (I /we/you/they ) или does ( he/she/it) + инфинитив
(начальная форма) основного глагола.AffirmativeNegativeУтвердительноеОтрицательное1weiweyoulike youdo notliketheytheyheheshelikes shedoes notlikeitit• / like shrimp with beer.• He hates math.Я люблю креветки с пивом.Он ненавидит математику.do not = don’t
does not = doesn't> We don 7 work.> It doesn’t matter.Мы не работаем.Это не имеет значения.InterrogativeВопросительноеDo you speak English?
Does she drink wine?Вы говорите по-английски?
Она пьет вино?1. Things that are always trueWe use the present simple to talk about things that are always
true, that happen often or always.• Cats chase mice. • I often watch CAW in the evenings.I Вещи, которые все!да
верныМы используем the present simple, чтобы говорить о вещах, которые
всегда верны, которые происходят часто или всегда.Кошки гоняются за мышами. Я часто смотрю CNN по вечерам.2. Timetables3. CommentariesWe use the present simple to talk about timetables.• The train arrives at 5:39 p.m. • The lesson starts at four2. Расписания Мы используем the present simple, чтобы говорить о расписаниях.Поезд приезжает в 5.39- Урок начинается в четыре.We use the present simple in commentaries, demonstraiions, and
instructions to describe short actions happening one after another.• Jordan passes to Pippen. He shoots and scores!• I break two eggs into the bowl and light the gas...• You go straight on to the crossroac... and turn left .3. КомментарииМы используем the present simple в комментариях, демонстрациях,
инструкциях, чтобы описать действия, происходящие одно за другим.
Джордан пасу ет Пипену, он бросает и забивает!Я[юзбтаю два яйца в миску и зажигаю газ...Вы идете прямо вперед до перекрестка и поворачиваете налево..4. We do things by sayingSometimes we do things just by saying something,
(apologize, insist, recommend, promise...)• I apologize. • / recommend this book to everybody.4. Мы делаем вещи, Иногда, мы делаем действие, просто проговаривая его.говоря что-то (извиняться, настаивать, рекомендовать, обещать...)Я извиняюсь. Я рекомендую эту книгу всем.(сказав "я извиняюсь вы извиняетесь; сказав "я рекомендую ", вы уже рекомендуете)Superbook
Exercises2.1 Look at the information in the box. Make present simple sentences.Tl;• ink*X ~ Jlike TysonEss j]12-Siamese twinsSnore'NoYesLike shrimpYesNoBe politeNoYesYouYes or no
Yes or no
Yes or no1 Xyson dqesn't snote. J[he Siamese twins... 2 
32.2 Make questions. Put the words in the right order.1. What / mean / this word? 4. How much / cost / the ticket to New York?2. You / how / open that window? 5. Why / drink / the man in the flat downstairs /3. The lesson / what time / start? too much vodka?2.3 Two people are traveling in a compartment. Complete the sentences with present simple verbs.They are guessing each other’s occupation.1. Patricia: I (treat) people for diseases they could easily avoid.2. Jack: I (beat) people for money.Jack. You are a venereologist! Great! 1 have a question for you. Ahh... I have this friend...Here the train stops in the tunnel. Patricia panics.3. Patricia: The scientific conference (start) at 15:00. and I’m the first speaker!4. Jack: I don’t care. 1 hope dinner (come) on schedule.Patricia meets the car attendant in the corridor.5. Patricia: Excuse me, how (I get) to the club car?6. Car attendant: (Go) along the corridor, (walk) through the doors togo from car to car... the club car is three cars down.As Jack starts eating Patricia’s burgers with caviar, he hears the announcement:7. We (apologize) for the delay. We (recommend) you engage yourself insome interesting activity like reading or playing cards or chess. If anyone has any
experience fighting fires, please see the conductor. Immediately! Thank you.Vocabulary"shrimp[frimplкреветка, -ткиhate[heit]ненавидетьmatterj'nueta]иметь значениеwine[wain]виноchase[ijeis]гнатьсяmice[mais]мышиshoot[J*4бросать (мяч)score|sb:(r)]забить мяч л9яйцо л17Sentence! ser »r -'предложение Л25 jfavoid ['избегать Л|Пbowljbaul]миска18snore [sn3:(r)|храпеть26\ enereologist[ va'niarial-)венеролог11light[lait]зажигать19polite [pa'laitjвежливый27car attendant j^'tendantj проводник12straight[streit]прямо20order |'3:da(r)]порядок28club car [kUb ka:J вагон-ресторан13crossroads [ krosraudz]перекрёсток21downstairs|- steaz)вниз по лестнице29caviar [ kaevia(r)]икра14apologize [a'poladjaiz]извинятьсяттcompartment [kam pa:tmant] купе30announcement ['nauns ]объявление15insist[ in'ms! ]настаивать23guess [gesjугадывать31delay [di 'lei]задержка i16I promisej'promib]обещать24^disease jdi'zirz]болезнь J32^chess [tfes]шахматы JAnswer key р. 136Superbook15
Present simple: jokes and clever expressions©©©Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out
alive, anyway.©©©Borrow money from pessimists. They don’t
expect it back.©©©What do you do when you see an
endangered animal eating an endangered
plant?©©©Age doesn’t always bring wisdom.
Sometimes age conies alone.©©©The early bird gets the worm, but the second
mouse gets the cheese.©©©Q: What do you call a man that doesn’t
use contraceptives?A: Daddy.©©©Don’t worry about the world ending today.
It’s already tomorrow in Australia.©©©Never argue with an idiot They drag you
down to their level, then beat you with
experience.©©©Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables
you to recognize a mistake when you make
it again.©©©Crime doesn’t pay. Does that mean my job
is a crime?©©©I pretend to work here; they pretend to pay
me.©©©I don’t suffer' from insanity; I enjoy
every minute of it.©@©If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him
he has the right to remain silent?©©©1 don’t discriminate. I hate everyone!©©©How do 'Do not walk on the grass’ signs get
there?©©©It’s not that I'm afraid to die. I just don’t
want to be there when it happens.Vocabularytake [teik] воспринимать
get out [get aut] выбраться
alive [a'laiv] живой
anyway ['eniwei] так или иначе
endangered [m'deind33t|вымирающий
plant [pla:nt] растение
age [eid-;] возрастwisdom[vvizdsm]мудрость■\16borrowI'bDrau)занимать Л23recognize ['rekagnaizj узнатьworm[w3:mlчервяк17evpect[ik'spekt)ожидать24crime[krarm]преступлениеcheese[tji:z]сыр18argue['a:gjii:]спорить25pay[pe,iприноситьmime[та|ш|танц. пантомима14dras[drag]ташитьрезультатыremain[ri'mein]оставаться20levelI'levllуровень26mean[mi:n]значитьsilent[\ailanr]молчащий21experience [ ik' spiarians]опыт27pretend[prr'tend]притворятьсяgrass[gro:s]трава->Тenable[i neiblдавать28suffer['SAf3(r)lстрадатьVign[чаш]знакУвозможность29jnsanity(in sEenati]безумие16 Superbook
Present simple: cartoonsWhat do you want to repent to me about, my
child?I don‘t give a lift to people w ith dogs.Oh, that v OK, ’cause I 'm strying Take her to
Bernard street 24. ’No, no, we don’t want am thing. We just want you.
handsome./ th mk the dog needs to go out.Vocabulary(натьвступление)И иосигь:зультаты1ачитьотворятьсярадать:зумиеrepent [n'pent]give a lift [giv lift]
cause = because [ko:z]
just jd3A4t|handsome [ ha?nsdmjраскаяться
потому что
простосимпатичныйкрасавчикSuperbook 17
Present continuous vs. present simple: stative verbsThere are some verbs that we don’t use in the present continuous:1. Thinking know, realize, suppose, understand.believe, doubt, guess, imagine, remember.1.Мышление: знать, осознать, полагать, понимать,верп гь, сомневаться, полагать, воображать, помнить.2. Sensessee, hear, smell, taste, ^ш^овшньцувс-тв на голове2. Чувства: видеть, слышать, пахнуть, быть на вкус.3. Possession belong to, have (meaning possess),
own, possess.3. Владение: принадлежать, иметь (в значении владеть)
владеть, владеть.4. Emotions like, love, hate, prefer, regret, want.4. Эмоции: любить, любить, ненавидеть,предпочитать, сожалеть, хотеть.5. Others contain, depend on, suit,fit, mean, weigh, require, appear, seem.5. Другие: содержать, зависеть от, подходить,
быть по размеру, значить, весить,
требовать, казаться, казаться.• They don t see us. (.Not Thev tn\. ntH seeing utt,'• This book belongs to me. • I don't like Pepsi: / prefer Coke.• Some people depend on their parents even when the\ are parents themselves.Они не видят нас.Эта книга принадлежит мне. Я не люблю Pepsi, я предпочитаю Coca-cola.Некоторые люди зависят iим своих родителей даже тогда, когда они являются родителями сами.Problem verbs1. Thinkslativeй№аш11;a) Have an opinionb) Process of thinkinga) Иметь мнениеb) Процесс мышленияWhat do you think of the colour ?
What are you thinking about?Что ты думаешь о цвете?О чем ты думаешь?2. Havestative ^ а) Possessb) Do somethingа) ВладетьWe have a nice room in the hotel
I ’m having a bath.У нас xopouniii номер в гостинице.3. Seestative ^ a) Understand• / see what you mean.dynam,c b) Meet•I’m seeing my dentist this eveningа) ПониматьЯ понимаю, что ты имеешь в видуb) ВстречатьсяЯ встречаюсь с моим дантистом этим вечером.4. Bestative_ a) Be (always)• Jill is nice You ’11 like her.ynam'c .^ b) Behave (now)• Jill is being so nice. 1 wonder why.а) Быть (всегда)Джил хорошая. Она тебе понравится.b) Вести себя (сейчас)Джил ведет себя так хорошо Мне интересно почему.Always We use the present continuous with always to talk about somethingirritating that often happens. Compare:I always meet my wife after work. I’m always тщЩЩ this bum in the metro.Всегда Мы используем present continuous с всегда, чтобы говорить о чем-то
раздражающем, что происходит часто. Сравните:Я всегда встречаю мою жену после работы. Я всегда встречаю этого бомжа в метро.Superbook
Exercises3.1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions.1. Does he teach people? —2. Is he working at a disco?3. Does he drink alcohol?4. What are they doing?Is he teaching anyone? —
Does he work at a disco?
Is he drinking alcohol?
What do they do?-► What is he doing?
What is he doing?
What is he doing?3.2 Put in the correct verb forms (the present simple or continuous).1. I’m sorry, I (not understand) what you mean.2. You (always get ready) for school at the Iasi moment.3. I (wait) for my exam results.4. What (you do) in the evenings?5. He (speak) four languages.6. They (have) six dogs and an anaconda.7. (You realize) (what happen) now?8. My train (arrive) at three in the morning, and the metro (open) at six.9. Something (crawl) up my leg.10. How often (you go) hunting?11. I cannot tell you how much (] hate) you.12. The situation is serious although it (seem) unimportant at first sighi.13. We (always buy) tangerines for New Year’s Eve.14. Who is the person she (talk) to?15. This CD (contain) classified information. Write down the password.16. I (have) this car till 11 o’clock. Wanna go for a ride?17. If anyone comes while I (have) dinner, tell them I’m out.18. Now I (see) why he told me that she was his sister.19. I’m in big trouble. My parents (see) my teacher this evening.20. What (you think) of my new girlfriend?21. Why are you so worried? (You think) about money?22. I don’t know why she (be) so selfish.. She is not usually like that.Vocabularysuppose[so'pouz|полагать10'contain[kan tein]содержать18е\агп[iq'zaemlэкзамен26гeve[i:vjканунdoubt[daut]сомневаться]|depend on [di'pend]зависеть от19anaconda [,гепэ konda]анаконда27classified I'kkesifaidl секретныйimagine[i maedjin]воображать12suit|sju:t|подходить20crawl[кгэ:1]ползти28wannaI'wonalwant totaste[test]быть на вкус(о цвете)21hunt[hAnt]охотиться29go for a rideпрокатитьсяbelong to [bi Ido]принадлежать13weigh[wei]весить22cannot['ksenot]не могу30trouble[ЧгдЫ]неприятностиown[эип|владеть14opinion[a pmjan]мнение23although[a:l'6ou]хотя31worry[wAri]волноватьсяpossess[рэ zesjвладеть15behave[bi'heiv]вести себя"Мat first sightс первого32selfishI'selfiJ]эгоистичныйpreferIpri f3:(r)]предпочитать16irritate['inteit]раздражатьвзгляда33like that[laik d<st]так. такойregret[n gret]сожалетьJ17jet ready [get redi]готовитьсяJ25tangerine [ taend^a ri:n] мандаринAnswer key p. 136-137Superbook 19
Present continuous vs. present simple: jokes and clever expressions©©©‘Doctor. Doctor, I feel like biscuits!’‘What, you mean those square ones?’‘Yes!’The ones you put butter on?’‘Yes!’"Oh, you’re crackers!’©©©‘Doctor, Doctor, everyone thinks I’m a liar.'
‘Well, I can’t believe that!’©©©Happy birthday! You look great for your
age... almost lifelike!©©©Q. How does a man show he’s planning
for the future?A. He buys two cases of beer instead of
one.©©©If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is it homeless
or naked?©©©Brigands demand your money or your life;
women require both.©©©1 like work; it fascinates me. 1 can sit and
look at it for hours.Vocabulary1biscuit[b.sk.t|печенье7lifelike[laiflaik]как живой2squarejskwea(r)]квадратный8case[kei>]ящик3butterГЬл|э(г)]масло9insieadjin'sted]вместо4cracker[ кггекэ(г)]крекер111turtle[ ml]черепаха(печенье)11shell[Jellпанцирь.5liar['laia(r)]лгунракушка6almostj'a:!maust]почти12naked[ neikid]голый13brieand['brigand]разбойник20 Superbook©©©Two elderly gentlemen from a nursing home
are sitting on a bench' under a tree when
one turns to the other and says, ‘Slim, I’m
73 years old now, and I’m just full of ache;
and pains. 1 know you’re about my age.How do you feei?’Slim says, ‘Hell, 1 feel just like a newborn
baby.’‘Really? Like a baby?'‘Yep. No hair, no teeth, and 1 think 1 just
messed in my pants.’©©©Q. What do you call a woman who
knows where her husband is every
night?A. A widow.©©©Q. Why do women pay more attention to
their faces than their minds?A. Because even thougn men may, at
times, be a little stupid, they aren’t
blind.©©©One nice thing about egoists: they don’t
talk about other people.©©©‘Mommy. Mommy! I don’t want to see
Niagara falls!’‘Shut up and get back in the barrel!’N54demand[di ma nd]требовать Л■»*»’newborn [#nju:bo:n] новорождённый15require[n'kwaia(r)]требовать”Мteeth|ti;6]зубы16fascinate ['Ггеыпен]очаровывать24mess[mes]нагадить17elderly['eldsli]пожилои25\\ idow[ widau]вдова18nursing home дом престарелых26though[dau]хотя19bench[bentf]скамейка27tails[fads]водопад20ache[e.k]боль28barrel[Ъгегэ1]бочка/21\ inIpein]боль
эворождёниыйзубынагадитьвдовахотяводопадбочкаPresent continuous vs. present simple: cartoonsaIt is not that I don't like your mom. I just tin,,к You are always thinking something up to spoil mythat she is interfering in our life too much. mood.My husband wants him to be a footballer.‘Why are you examining it as if you are pickinga car? ’' Young lady, at my age I spend more time on it
than I do in my car. ’Vocabulary12
1456It is not thatне то чтооыinterfere[,1П|э'1'|э(г)|вмешиватьсяthink up[9ink лр]вьщумать. придуматьspoil[spail]портитьmood[mu:d]настроениеexamine[ig'zajmin]рассматриватьpick[pik]выбирать JSuperbook 21
Past simpleDid I meet you in Hawaii in 2003?The past simple образуется из инфинитива глагола + окончание ed: open - открывать, прети - открыл (открыт, открыли)-
Глагол в the past simple одинаковый для всех местоимений. Обратите внимание, что наиболее часто употреочяемые глаголы -
неправильные, они обра>,уются не добавлением окончания ed, а изменяются полностью:То kill (л'бивать) правильный глагол = killedТо break (ломать) неправильный гл. = brt,h . Полный список неправильных глаголов смотрите на стр. 186.
Отрицательные и вопросительные предложения строятся из вспомогательного глагола diJ (со всеми местоимениями) и инфинитива
глагола. В разговорноГ. чоп. вместо d.d г чаще используется сокращенная форма d dn'tAffirmativeУтвердительноеNegativeОтрицательноеInterrogativeRn просительное1we1we1weyouyouyoutheyliked theydid notlike Didtheyhe(went) he(go)hesheshesheitititlike(go)• / дroke my neighbour s
lawnmower yesterdav.• They> agreed to pay in
advance.Я сломал газонокостку моего
соседа вчера.Они согласились заплатить
заранее.I didn’t like the questions
that they asked.He didn't tell anyone
about his diagnosis.Мне не понравились вопросы,
которые они задавали.Он не сказал никому о
своем диагнозе.• D:d you watch the Grammy
Awards yesterday?• Did you visit any night clubs
when you were in Amsterdam?Ты смотрел награждение Грэмми
вчера?Ты посетил какие-нибудь ночные
клубы, когда *?/ы был в 4 мстердаме?1. Finished actions We use the past simple to talk about actions that
finished in the past.• Did you study English at school?I Законченные действия Мы используем the past simple, чтобы говорить о действиях,которые закончились в прошлом.Ты учил английский в школе?1.1 Periods of finished time We use the past simple with periods of finishedtime: yesterday, last week, last year, etc.• I sprained my ankle last week.• Did I meet you in Hawaii ,n 2003?I 1 Периоды законченного времени Мы используем the past simple с периодами законченноговремени: вчера, на прошлой неделе, в прошлом году и т. д.Я растянул лодыжку на прошлой неделе.Я встречал вас на Гавайях в 2003?1.2 Stories We use the past simple when we tell stories.• A man without a leg came to the door, tookout his wrench, and started to force the lock.1.2 Истории Мы используем the past simple, когда мы рассказываем истории.Человек без ноги подошел к двери, вытащил свой
гоечный ключ и начал взламывать замокSuperbook
Exercises4.1 Put in the correct pronoun and verb form. Draw a line to the person in question.1. When (be) 18, (become) an orphan.(Earn) a living paintingpicture postcards. (Serve) a term in prison.3. (Drop) out of school whenhe/she was 16. (Suffer) from severe depression.(Donate) a lot ofmoney to charity.(Not have) AIDS.4. (Spend) his/her childhood inIndia. (Have) a diploma ingraphics and design.(Be) single and(share) his/her house withseveral cats.2. (Drop ) out of school whenhe/she was 12. (Have) a scar on the left side of his/her face.(Be) infected with syphilis.(Not respect) the law'.4.2 A se >al killer is on the electric chair. He shouts negative sentences. Complete them.1 • 1 kill anyone. 4. 1 put the pieces in the suitcase.2. 1 have a knife. 5. 1 drop the suitcase from the bridge.3. 1 dismember all those people. 1 didn’t, didn’t, didn’t...Executioner: You did!4.3 Ask your partner questions about his/her early childhood.1. Go / to kindergarten? LJ.QkL9.Q jtp .l^ldetga^en? 2. SnitcH' / on your friends? 3. Walk / naked / on the beach? 4. What / like eating? 5. What / your first word? Vocabulary'neighbourl'neiba(r)]сосед10lorce[tfflЛвзламывать21scar[skci:(r)]шрам32'share[ Jea(r)) разделять^lawnmower[ b:n тэиэ(г)]Пpronoun[ prsnaun]местоимение22infect[in'fekt]заражать33chair[tjea(r)] стулгазонокосилка12draw-|dro:jрисовать23respect[n'spekt]уважать34knife[naif] ножagree[a'gri:] соглашаться13in question1 kwestfan] обсуждаемый24law[b:lзакон35dismember[dis'memba] расчленятьin advance [эа va:ns]заранее14orphanl'3:fn]сирота25suffer|'SAf3(r)]страдать36suitcasej'su:tkeis| чемоданdiagnosis[,dai3g nausis]диагноз15eaml3:nlзарабатывать26severe[si'vi3(r)|серьезный37drop[drop] бросатьawardja'woid]награда16postcardpaustkciid] открытка27donate[douneit]пожертвовать38bridge[bridal мостsprain[sprein]растянуть17serve[*3:v]отсидеть28charityf'tjaeratijблаготв-ность39executioner [ eksik j:Jbn3(r)| палачanklej'aeokl]лодыжка18term|t3:m]срок29AIDS[eidz]СПИД40kindergarten f кт<3э,аа:1п|дет. садwrenchjrentj]гаечный19prisonI'prizn]тюрьма30childhood I'tjaildhud]детство41snitch[snitfl ябедничатьКЛЮЧ J20^rop out[drop- Jвылететь J31^single|'singl|неженатый j42jiaked[ neikid] голый JAnswer key p. 137Superbook 23
Past simple: jokes and clever expressions©©©Two men are changing in the locker room
after a game of tennis. One notices the other
one is putting on a pair of stockings' and a
garter belt. He says, ‘When did you start
wearing those?’ To which the other man
replies, ‘Since my wife found a pair in the
back seat of the car.’©©©‘Doctor, Doctor, 1 keep thinking I’m God.’
‘When did this start?’‘Well, first 1 created the earth, then the
sun...’©©©‘Doctor, Doctor, I keep thinking I’m
invisible.’‘Who said that?’©©©When I was young, 1 used to pray for a bike,
then 1 realized that God doesn’t work that
way, so I stole a bike and prayed for for¬
giveness.©©©God made man and then rested God made
woman, and then no one rested.©©©1 didn’t fight my way to the top of the food
chain to be a vegetarian.©©©Al Gore and Hillary Clinton wanted to play
a joke on the president, so Hillary called
Bill Clinton at the oval office. When he
answered, she told him that she was preg¬
nant. The president didn’t say anything for
a long time. Then he finally came to his
senses and said, ‘Who is this?’©©©My wife ran off with my best friend last
week. Gosh. I miss him!©©©After a quarrel, the wife said to her hus¬
band, ‘You know, 1 was a fool when 1 mar¬
ried you.’ The husband replied, ‘Yes, dear,
but I was in love and didn’t notice.’©©©A Chinese man walks into a shop with a
parrot on his shoulder. The shopkeeper
says, ‘Blimey, where did you get that?’And the parrot says, ‘China! There’re loads
of them there.’©©©Adam says to God, ‘God, why did you
make Eve so beautiful?’God says, ‘So you would love her.’'But God,’ Adam says, ‘why did you make
her so dumb?’God says, ‘So she would love you.’Vocabulary1change [tjemd^]переодеваться7Гcreate(krii'eit)создавать14Tbod chain [fu:d tjein]пищевая19'parrot[ pzerat] попугай2locker room[* 1окэ( r)[раздевалка8invisible[m'vizsbljневидимыйцепочка20shoulder['Jauld3(r)| плечо3notice [ nautis)заметить0used to pray [ju:st|молился15vegetarian (vec^a'tesrhnl вегетар-ц21shopkeeper |'Jopki:p3(r)J4stockings ['StDklQSjчулкиК)bike[baik]велосипед16oval office| auvl]кабинетвладелец магазин5garter belt [#ga:ta(r)|пояс для11steal[sti:l]вороватьпрезидента1"»blime)I 'blaimi] блин, чертчулок12forgiveness[fa givnas]прощениеРpregnant['pregnant]оеременная23loads[IsudzJ много6keep thinking постоянно думаю^13Jlght my way пробивать путь^18^gosh[gDJ1Боже!24dumb[dAin ] глупый, туш24 Superbook
Past simple: cartoonsPatient: Doctor, you told me it would be a
minor operation...Doctor: I didn V say. 'minor ’ I said, ‘five-minute
operation. ’I picked up a girl yesterday w ith tits that big.Doctor, do von remember me? You prescribed me
some pills for small eyes. Yeah, eyes as tiny as
beads... I'm phoning to confirm the dosage.Vocabularyminor['пшпэ(г)]незначительнымprescribe[pn'skraib]прописать, назначить ^ 1 оconfirm[кэп firm]подтвердитьpick up|pik]подцепитььpillИ1таблетка 1 i1dosage[ dausid3]дозировкаtit[tit]грудь, ‘сиськаIas ....asтакой ... как.... 1 12divorce[di'vois]развестисьthat big[diet big]такой большой8tiny[ taini]крошечный 113heartlessI'haitlas]бессердечный ^bead|bi:d]бусинка 1I divorced her because she was er... so... heart¬
less...Superbook 25
Past continuousI was having a bath when the phone rang.The pasI continuous образуется так же, как и present continuous to be .ing (см. страницу 10). Только, поскольку это время
прошедшее, мы используем глагол to be в прошедшем времени - was или were. На русский язык the past continuous переводится как
прошедшее время и отвечает на вопрос - “Что делал?”AffirmativeУтвердительноеNegativeОтрицательноеInterrogativeВопросительное1hesheitwas ...ing1hesheitwas not ...ingWas1hesheit...ingweweweyouwere ...ingyouwere not ...ingWereyou...ingtheytheytheyI was swimming in the pool at 4 о 'clock this morning. I couldn’t sleep.We were waiting m the blistering cold when he finally arrived.• ‘What were you doing at 7:30 on Thursday evening? ’‘I wasn V doing anything wrong. 1 was reading an encyclopedia.Я плавал в бассейне в 4 часа ночи этим утром. Я не мог спать.Мы ждачи на ужасном морозе, когда он наконец-то появился.- Что ты делал в 7.30 в четверг вечером?- Я не делал ничего плохого. Я читал энцикюпедию.1. A past activity in progress We use the past continuous to talk about an activitythat was in progress at a certain moment in the past.• I was killing mosquitoes at 2 о ’clock in the morning.• This time yesterday we were playing pool in my mansion.1. Прошедшее действие Мы используем the past continuous, чтобы говорить о действии, которое
в прогрессе продолжалось в определенный момент в прошлом.Я убивал комаров в 2 часа ночи.В это время, вчера, мы играчи в бильярд в моем особняке.2. A background action We can use the past continuous and the past simple together.Past continuous: longer background action (often interrupted).
Past simple: shorter action that interrupted it or
happened in the middle.• I saw my school teacher when he was standing in the rain
as a sandwich-man.• He stepped on his glasses as he was looking for them.2. Фоновое действие Мы можем использовать the past continuous и the past simple вместе.Past continuous', более длинное, фоновое действие (часто прерванное)Past simple: более короткое действие, которое прервало его или
произошло в середине.Я увидел своего школьного учителя, когда он стояч под дождем
в качестве человека-таката.(человек с плакатом сзади и спереди, обычно у метро)Он наступил на свои очки, когда искап их.Superbook
Exercises5.1 What was John doing at these times yesterday? Complete the sentences.1. John (ride) a wild bull at 7 o’clock in the morning.2. He (pack) his parachute at 10 a. m.3. He (shoot) his crossbow at 11 a. m.4. He and his wife (eat) hamburgers in the park at 2 p.m.5. He and his gay lover (swim) in the sea at 11 p.m.5.2 Match the sentences on the left with the related sentences on the right.while I wasn’t looking,
while 1 was bowling,
as 1 was driving.when he was eating with his mouth full.while all the other boys were hesitating,
when he was carrying her in his arms,
when 1 was swimming in the pool,
while my wife was talking on the phone.l. 1 drank 3 mugs of beer a.2. A rear wheel came off b.3. He sneezedc.4. A little boy spat in my soupd.5. The bride and groom fell downe.6. Mike made friends with a chickf.7. The milk boiled overОt?*8. The same boy blew his nose in myh.5.3 Two people are standing before Saint Peter, awaiting admission into heaven. But
heaven will only admit one of them: the one who died the stupidest death They
both tell Saint Peter how they died. Who do you think will go to heaven?Complete the sentences. Use either the past simple or the past continuous.1. 4 (have) i my haircut. Everything (go) 2 well whensuddenly a bald man with a working chain saw (run) з in. He shouted,“1 didn’t mean that short!” and he (cut) 4 everybody in there into pieces.’2. ‘1 (repair) i the antenna on the roof. Suddenly, I (slip°) 2 and (roll) з down. While 1 (fall) 4 past the 15thfloor, my neighbour, a hunter, (fool) 5 . . .. around with his gun. Heaccidentally (squeeze) 6 the trigger and (shoot) i medead in mid-air.'Vocabulary^blistering cold ужасный мороз ^12'matchi ma.:JJсопоставить24mouth[таив]рот36гmean|mi:u|иметь ввидуfinally[ famali]в итоге13related[n'leitidсвязанный25hesitate[heziteit] колебаться37that short№:t]так короткоmosquito [ma'skiitau]комар14rear(пэ(г)]задний26carry['kaeri]нести38repairn'pea(r)]чинитьpoollPu:I]бильярд15wheel[wi:I]колесо27arm[ci:m|рука39slip(slip] поскользнутьсяmansionI'maenjn]особняк16come off {клт]отлететь28admission[ad'mijn]принятие40roll[raul]катитьсяsandwich man j saenwitj] человек-17sneeze[snirz]чихать29heavenj'hevn]небеса, рай41floor|fb:(r)]этажride[raid]реклама18spitJspit]плевать30die[dai]умирать42neighbour 1 neiba(r)] соседехать19bride[braid]невеста31death[de9]смерть43fool aroundдурачитьсяwild[waild]дикий20groom|gru:m]жених32tell[tel]рассказывать44accidentally! a?ksi'dentill случайноbull[bul]бык21chick1ФЧ‘телка” девушка33haircut[heakAt]стрижка45squeeze[skwirz]надавитьcrossbow | кшьЬэи]арбалет22boil over jbail]выкипеть34bald[bo:ld]лысый46trigger[ triga(r)]курокIgei]“голубой”^23blow one’s noseвысморкаться35chain saw[tfein so:|бензопилаJ47in mid-air
 jnud еэ(г))в полетеAnswer key p. 137Superbook 27
Past continuous: jokes and clever expressions©©©Two friends were standing in a bank when
a pair of robbers entered. Not only did the
thieved clean out the till:, but they walked
around with bags and ordered everyone to
throw their valuables in. Just as the robbers
got to the pair, one of the friends turned to
the other and, passing him a bill, said, ‘By
the way, Joe, here’s that twenty bucks 1 owe
you.’©©©John was driving home late one night when
he picked up a hitchhiker. As they were
riding along, he began to get suspicious of
his passenger. John checked to see if his
wallet was safe in the pocket of his coat that
was on the seat between them, but it wasn’t
there! So he slammed on the brakes,
ordered the hitchhiker out, and said, ‘Hand
over the wallet, immediately!’The frightened hitchhiker handed over a
billfold, and John drove off. When he
arrived home, he started to tell his wife
about the experience, but she interrupted
him, saying, ‘Before 1 forget. John, do you
know that you left your wallet at home this
morning0’©©©Murphy was staggering home with a bottle
of vodka in his back pocket when he slipped
and fell heavily. Struggling to his feet, he
felt something wet running down his leg.
‘Please, Lord,’ he implored, ‘let it be
blood!’©©©A new teacher was irying to make use of
her psychology courses. She started her class
by saying. ‘Everyone who thinks he is stupid,
stand up!'After a few seconds Little Johnny stood up.
The teacher said, ‘Do you think you’re stupid,
Little Johnny?’‘No. ma’am, but I hate to see you standing
there all by yourself!’©©©As a senior citizen was driving down the
freeway, his car phone rang. Answering, he
heard his wife’s voice urgently warning him,
‘Herman, 1 heard on the news that there’s a
car going the wrong way on Interstate 280.
Please, be careful!’‘It’s not just one car,’ said Herman, ‘there
are hundreds of them here!’©©©A four-year-old was watching his mother
cook and asked her. ‘Mom. where did
you work before you got this job with us?’©©©A man was walking down the street when he
saw a funeral procession. Four people were
carrying the coffin, and a group of children
were following them.‘Why are you all here?’ the man asked the
children.‘Our teacher died.’‘And you all came to pay your respects?’‘No. We just wanted to make sure he was dead.’Vocabulary1S ■pair|пеэ^|]пара10^pick up [pik]подобрать ^21experience [ik Чр1эпэпь]случай л>2Treeway['fri:wei]трасса2robber['гаЬэ(г)]грабительIIhitchhiker j'hitjhaika)ездок22interrupt [jnts'rApt] прервать33urgent 1)[ эюзэпш] срочно3thieves[0i:vz|ворыавтостопом23stagger j'stsegs(r)] идти шатаясь34wam[wo:n]предупредить4till[14]кассовый12suspicious |sa'spij3s[ подозрительный24slip [slip] поскользнуться35the wrong wayне в туаппарат13check to seeпроверить25struggle f'strAgl] пытатьсясторону5order['э:с1э(г)|приказать14wallet ['wDlit]бумажник26implore [im'pb:(r)[ умолять36interstateI'mtsbteit]межштатный6valuables[vEeljuabls]ценности15slam [slffim]резко нажать27let it be [let it bi] пусть будет37funeral]'1]и:пэгэ1] похороны7bill[billкупюра16brake [breikJтормоз28make use использовать38coffin[kDfin]гроб8by the wayкстати17hand over(пере-)дать291 hate to see mi le не приятно видеть39pay respectsвыражать9owe[au]быть18immediately!Г mi:diatli) немедленно30all by yourself совсем одинсоболезновав*сдолжным19frighten ['fraitn]
billfold j'bilfsuld]пугатьбумажник31senior citizen[ si:nis(r)] пожилойдоmake sure [meik Jb:^r)] убетиться20гражданин28 Superbook
Past continuous: cartoonsicc a
в ту
>ронужштатный Jхороныэб!ражатьЗолезновашедиться3When you sent те your measurements 34-24-34, I
didn't realize you were talking about the size of your
facial features.And I was offering you 500 bucks for the con¬
tents of this box...\\ w\v .superbook.ru9When vou said ‘a little bunnyI thought you
were talking about a rabbit.Teacher: To understand the refraction of Ugh*
better, I placed my dentures in the jar.
Girl: That s why my boyfriend was standing
naked behind the aquarium!t/nrahnl1 (offer | Dfair/j2 contents ['kontents]3 measurement ['тезэтэт]4 facial [ feijl]предлагатьсодержимоеразмерлицевойfeatureчертаbunny|'Ьлш]крольчонокrabbit('raebit]кроликretraction[n'fraekjn]преломлениеlight|lait]светУplacedenturejarthat’s whyipleisj
] 'dent/a]
вставная челюсть
вот почемуSuperbook 29
Revision: units 1-5Single sentences: complete the sentences using the most suitable verb form.1. I (read) a book called Learn to Break the Rules.2. I (eat) eight hamburgers yesterday.3. Germany (produce) a lot of cars.4. When (you / see) the dentist? Tomorrow?5. There was nobody in the car. but the engine (run) 6. This child (get) more and more uncontrollable.7. English speaking people (not like) the French language.8. Why (you / work) on my computer?9. The plane on which the football team (travel) crashed soonafter take-off.10. She (write) with her left hand.11. Last week I (see) a man who looked just like you.12. I (try) to earn a bit more money this week.13. (She / sing) well?14. She (stand) 1 at the corner, and I asked her who she(wait) 2 for.15. Where (you / meet) him? Can 1 come with you016. Elephants (not eat) meat.17. Three teams (fight) for first place.18. She is fat because she often (eat) at fast-food restaurants.19. The child was alone at that time because her father (play) l poker.and her mother (out dance) 2 at a night club.20. As the surgeons (perform) i an appendectomy, they(find) i. a much more serious disease.21. She (read) i on the metro when a boy (take off)2 her glasses and (run away) з with them.22. He (shave) with an electric razor.23. Our professor always (talk) to himself24. What (you / usually / have) for breakfast025. He (run) three kilometres yesterday evening.26. He (forget) i everything. He sometimes (forget) 2. toclose the door behind him when he (go) з into the toilet.27. I (eat) l a hamburger when I (feel) 2 a hair in my mouth.28. Where (your sister / work) ?29. A minute ago you (say) l you couldn’t live without me, and nowyou (throw) 2 me out of your apartment...30. It (get) more and more difficult to rent a good flat in Moscowat a reasonable price.31. Everybody shut up! 1 (try) to think.32. (You / listen) to me or not?33. (Arnold Schwarzenegger / go) to universitywhen he was young?SuperbookAnswer key p. 138
Dialogues: complete the sentences using the most suitable verb form.1. A: Can you help me clean the room?B: Can’t you see I’m busy? I (feed) the fish.2. A: We (go) i to the theatre tonight.В I hate the theatre.A: Me too. I (just / go out) 2 with a very beautiful girl, and I(pretend) з that I’m sensitive.3. A: Jimmy, can your father come to the school tomorrow to talk about your behavior?
B: Oh no! He can’t. He (visit) my great grandma in hospital.4. A: Aaah! Aaaaaaah!B: It’s me, Joseph.A: Oh, God! You (scare) me to death.5. A: Guess who I (meet) at the nudist beach yesterday?B: Who?A: Our retired math teacher, Mrs. Marple.6. A' How (you / like) 1 your holiday?B: It was really fun. Lots of things (happen) 2 Two people (drown) 3 in the swimming pool, one cook(stab) 4 another with a knife, and on the last day, our hotel(burn down) 5.7. A: When (you / last / wash) 1 your hair?B: Let me see... I (graduate) 2 from the university in 1992...8. A: What (you / do) i at the time of the robbery?В: I (sit) 2 on the roof with my girlfriend.A: And you?С: I (play) 3 chess with my wife.9. A: Why (you / pinch) 1 my wife?B: I’m terribly sorry. I (mistake) 2 her for my girlfriend.A: You know what I (do) з when I (meet) 4 people like you?B: What?A: Bash their face in!10. A: I (buy) 1 these trousers in 1978, and they still look like new.B: (You / kid) 2... ? I thought they were a rag.Answer key p. 138Superbook
Future: be going toI’m going to change everything in my life.На русский язык be going to в большинстве случаев переводится собираться (что-то сделать). В остальных, просто ставит
следующий за ним глагол в будущее время (см. use ниже). И, конечно, глагол lo be для разных местоимений различен.AffirmativeУтвердительноеNegativeОтрицательноеInterrogativeВопросительное1am1am notam1he/she/itisgoing to he/she/itis notgoing to ishe/she/itwe/you/theyarewe/you/theyare notarewe/you/theygoing to• I т going to get a tattoo on my left shoulder.• She is going to buy a computer.• We are not going to change anything in our lives.• I'm not going to listen to this bullshit• What are you going to do with the body ?• Are you really going to cut off all your hair?Я собираюсь сделать татуировку на своем левом плече.Она собирается купить компьютер.Мы не собираемся менять ничего в нашей жизни.Я не собираюсь слушать этот бред (досювно bullshit - коровий навоз).Что ты собираешься делать с трупам?Ты действительно собираешься отрезать все свои волосы?In informal English, we often use be gonna instead of be going to.• I’m gonna stop smoking.В неформальном английском, мы часто используем be gonna, вместо be going lo.Я собираюсь бросить курить.1. Intentions We use be going to to talk about intentions - decisions that
we made earlier (not now).• Russia is going to take a hard line on terrorism.• I 'm going to и alk out on my husband.1. Намерения Мы используем be going to, чтобы говорить о намерениях - решениях, которыемы приняли заранее (не сейчас).(Переводится - я собираюсь, намереваюсь)Россия собирается жестко взяться за терроризм.Я собираюсь уйти от своего мужа.2. Predictions based on We use be going to to predict the future on the basis of present facts,
present facts We have evidence to support our prediction.• Tyson is going to win (in the ring are Tyson and Maxim Galkin).• It’s going to rain (there are heavy clouds m the sk\).2. Предсказания на основании Мы используем be going to, чтобы предсказывать будущее на
настоящих фактов основании настоящих фактов. У нас есть доказательства, накоторых мы основываем наши предсказания (здесь going to
не переводится, а ставит следующий глагол в будущее время).
Тайсон выиграет (на ринге Тайсон и Максим Галкин).
Пойдет дождь (в небе тяжелые тучи).Superbook
Exercises6.11. Frank, / you / change your lifestyle 2. Mary, /you / file for divorce 3. You / make up and start all over again4. When / you / have your next holiday .6.3 Look at the pictures. Say what is going to happen. Use the following verbs:to be a big splash sink* rain not to be healthyVocabulary1 /shoulder
i bullshitJ cui oft'4 take a hard line5 walk out on['Jaulda{r)][ buljit][кл1 of][w3:k aut on]плечоерунда, бред
жест ко взяться
уйти отmake friends [meihealthy [' helOi]take drugs jteik]dawn [darn](ло-)знакомиться
здоровыйпринимать наркотики I
рассветagree [э 9Г1:] соглашатьсяfile for divorce [fail fa] подать на разводmake up (meik лр! помиритьсяsplash [splaej] брызгиsink [sirjk] тонутьAnswer key p 138-139Superbook33Mary and Frank are back from their holiday. Ask them questions.Mary and Frank are going on holiday together. Say what they are going to do.1. Mary (read books)..L5..39/13.. t3...•2. Frank (make friends with other girls). .jfiZG.nfcjs—3. Mary (drink juice and eat only healthy tood)4. Frank (drink vodka or take drugs every day) 5. Mary (go to theatres and museums with Frank) 6. Frank (not go to bed before dawn) 7. Mary (take pictures of everything) 8. Frank (beat anyone who doesn’t agree" with him )Who is going to enjoy the holiday more?
Future, be going to: jokes and clever expressions©©©A man in Florida, in his 80’s. calls his son in
New York. The father says to the son, ‘I hate
to tell you, but we’ve got some troubles here
in the house. Your mother and I can’t stand
each other anymore, and we’re getting a
divorce. I’ve hald it! I want to live the rest of
my years in peace. I’m telling you now. so
you and your sister won’t go into shock later
when I move out.’He hangs up, and the son immediately
calls his sister in the Hamptons and tells her
the news. The sister says, ‘I’ll handle this!’
She calls Florida and says to her father,
‘Don’t do anything until we get there! We’ll
be there Wednesday night.’The father agrees, ‘All right.’ He hangs
up the phone and hollers to his wife, ‘Okay,
they’re coming for Thanksgiving. Now,
what are we going to tell them for
Christmas?’©©©Bert took his Saint Bernard to the vet.
‘Doctor,’ he said sadly, ‘I’m afraid I’m
going to have to ask you to cut off my dog’s
tail.’ The vet stepped back, ‘Bert, why should
I do such a terrible thing?’ ‘Because my
mother-in-law’s arriving tomorrow, and 1
don’t want anything to make her think she’s
welcome.’©©©1 like to take out bank loans. That way I
know somebody is going to write to me.World War IIIGeorge Bush and Colin Powell were sitting
together at a bar. The bartender was sur¬
prised to see them and walked over to them.
‘What are you guys talking about?’ he says
to them.‘Well,' Bush responds, ‘we were just talk¬
ing about WWIII . We are gonna kill 40
million Iraqis and one bicycle repairman.’
‘Why would you kill a bicycle repairman?
the bartender asks, pi led. Bush then
turns to Powell and says, ‘See, I told you
no one would care about the 40 million
Iraqis!’©©©You know it’s going to be a bad day when...1) you wake up face down on the
pavement.2) you call suicide prevention, and they
put you on hold©©©Two sheep’ are in a field. One says,
‘Baaaaaaaa!’The other says, ‘Damn! I was just gonna
say that!’©©©Help! The cops are after a suspect who is
smart, witty, sexy and good looking...So, where are you going to hide me?Vocabulary1 (\ hate to [heit]
trouble [ЧглЫ]
stand [staend]
I’ve had it
the rest [rest]
peace [pi:s]
go into shock
move out [mu:v|
hang up [ha^olмне не прия гно
меня достало
мир. покой
испытать шок
повесить трубкуhandle [ hasndl] справиться
holler [#Ио1э(г>] орать
Thanksgiving Деньблагодарения
vet [vet] ветеринарtail [teil] чвостstep [step] шагатьmother-in-law [ тдб(э)ппЬ:] теща
loan [1эип] заемthat wa>bartenderWW1Urepairman
care about
wake up
suicide[taet wei] так
j'bu: ten da] барменТретья мировая война
[п'реэтгеп] мастер
j'pAzl] озадачить
[кеэ(г)] заботиться
[ weik лр] просыпаться
[ 'peivmsnt] тротуар
['sjunsaid| самоубийствоprevention
put on holdsheepDamn!be aftersuspectsmartwitty[pri venjn] предошраше?
попросить “повисет
на телефоне”[-П:Р] овца, овцы
jdaem] Черт!преследовал
[ sAspekt] подозреваемы
[sma:t] умный
j'witij остроумный34 Superbook
Future, be going to: cartoonsпредотвращен
1ть “повисеть
овца, овцы
Черт!преследоваиподозреваемаумныйостроумныйlurktу: When we get to my place, whatever you
talk about, don ’/ ask my parents what
they are going to do for Thanksgiving.Yes, I am going to marrv her. Don’t look at her cel¬
lulite. She is a good person!Yes, dear. I'm gonna finish playing и ith the kids
and put them to bed in a couple of minutes.By the way. are you really going to continue the
relationship with the girl you picked up yesterday
at Jeff s party?Vocabularywhatever[WDt *VS(r)Jчто оы ни4cellulite[ sOljolailJцеллюлит л7couple[клр1]параThanksgiv ingДень благодарения5kid[kid]ребенок8relationship[ri’leijnfip]отношенияmarry['maeri]женитьсяJЬput to bed[put tu: bed]уложить спать ^9pick upIpi* ЛГ]подцепитьSuperbook 35
Future simpleThe Euro will fall after Christmas.The future simple образуется из вспомогательного глагола will + инфинитив основного глагола (само слово will на русский язык не
переводится, оно ставит идущий за ним глагол в будущее время: / will be - я буду: / will соте - я приду). Структура will проста тем.
что с ней одинаково используются все местоимения.В британском английском с 1 и we иногда используется shall, но это не расщюстранено в остальном мире.AffirmativeУтвердительноеNegativeОтрицательноеInterrogativeВ опрос ител ьное1we1we1weyouyouyoutheywill do theywill not do WilltheyhehehesheshesheitititdoYou will understand.1 I will do it tomorrow.Ты поймешь.Я сделаю это завтра.Не will not come.I will not talk to him.Он не придет.Я не буду разговаривать с ни м.Will he admit his mistake?
Will you be home at five?Он признает свою ошибку?Ты будешь дома в пять?Contractionswill = ’II will not = won’tСокращенияYou 7/ understand. He won V come.Will not = won’t (это сокращение “неправильное"(исключение)1
т.е. апостроф не заменяет убранные буквы)1. Decisions made just nowWe use will to announce decisions that we made
just now.• You won 100 grand? I'll be right over.• III open the door myself don't worry.I. Решения, принятые только что Мы используем will, чтобы объявлять решения,
которые мы приняли только что.Выиграл 100 тысяч? Я приду к тебе прямо сейчас.
Я открою дверь сам. не беспокойся.2. Predictions based on
opinionsWe use will to predict the future because we think the
event will happen.• The Eum will fall after Christmas.• It '11 rain tomorrow, and gusty n inds are possible.2. Предсказания, основанные
на мненииМы используем will, чтобы предсказывать будущее,
потому что мы думаем, что собьпие произойдет.Евро упадет после Рождества.Завтра будет дождь и порывистый ветер возможен.3. Promises and threats3. Обещания и угрозыWe use will when we promise or threaten to do
something.• I 11 buy you aflat in the centre of Moscow. I promise.• I’ll cut your throat and squeeze your eyes.Мы используем will, когда мы обещаем или угрожаем
сделать что-то.Я куплю тебе квартиру в центре Москвы.Я порежу тебе горло и выдавлю твои глаза.We don’t normally use will after the words: when, if, as soon as... We use the present tense instead.• When your father comes, I '11 tell him everything. (When your father-*-Ш come)Мы обычно не используем will после слов when, if. as soon as. Мы используем настоящее время
вместо will.Когда твой отец придет, я расскажу ему все.Superbook
Exercises7.1 A very rich old man has just died. No one she'd a tear. As soon as his relatives hear
the will, they say:Bob (45 years old): I (buy) my boss’s company.Jessica (41): I (open up) my own beauty parlor.Sarah (21): I (have) plastic surgery and enlarge my breasts.Jimmy (7): I (buy) a real train. I’m ted up with toys.7.2 People predict the future in their fields. Use the following words to complete the sentences.■hotter nnd wclii‘1 a cure interesting fingerprints currencyMeteorologist: The climate ..жЖ.(л.. become hotteZ ancl wettez Economist: All Asian countries have the same by 2020.Doctor: We not find for cancer in the near future.Policeman: Special gadgets identify people by their everywhere they go.Fashion designer: Clothes become more 7.3 People are making promises. Use the following words and never in your sentences.do drugs/get out eat sweets again/have liposuction
win/go to the casino’ drink alcohol/forgiveDrug addict: ..йжШ.п<жъАо.&ид5 when I of hospital.Gambler: This is the last time. If I today, I again.Alcoholic: I again if you me.Extremely fat lady: I after I surgery.7.4 You haven’t paid your debts to four people: a neighbour, pensioner, student, and
gangster. They are threatening you. Draw lines between the people and what
they say.1. Pensioner: a) I’ll break all the windows in your flat.2. Neighbour: —■ b) I’ll report you to the police.3. Student: c) I'll cut off your ears and make you eat them.4. Gangster: d) I’ll turn off your electricity at the fuse box every day.Vocabularyradmit[ad ’mil]признавать ’]]гpromise1обещание Лdecision[di'51311]решение12threat[Qret]угрозаannounce[a'nauns]объявлять13throat[Qraut]горлоgrand[grand]тысяча14shed[Jed1проронитьworryj'WAri]волноваться15tear[tea(r)]слезаprediction [pridikjn]предсказание16as soon as[ьи:п]как толькоopinion[a'pinjan]мнение17relative[ rebtiv] родственникpredict[pri'dikt]предсказывать18will[wil]завещаниеeventji'vent]событие19beauty parlor ['bju:ti]салон красотыJ2USty[gAsti]порывистый ^20plastic surgery пластическая операция^enlargejin'iadjiувеличиватьbreasl[brest]грудь {жен )be led upwithдосталоcure[kjua(r)]лекарствоfingerprint ['figgaprint]отпечатокпальцаcurrency[kArsnsi]валютаcancerkaensa(r)] рак (болезнь)gadget['g<ed3it]прибор^identify[ai dentifai] распознать Jcasinojka simaij казиноdrug addict [ aedikt]наркоманgambler['дает Ы э ] азартный[pei]игрокpayплатитьdebt[del]долгdraw[dn:]чертитьbetween[bitwirn]междуmake[meik]заставлятьfuse box
v[Quiz]электр. щит JAnswer key p. 139Superbook 37
Future simple: jokes and clever expressions©©©A Scotsman and an Englishman were in
the jungle together walking along a narrow
path. Suddenly, a lion appeared in the dis¬
tance. The Scotsman immediately pulled
off his heavy boots and started to put on a
pair of trainers.‘What’s the use of that?’ said the
Englishman.‘You’ll never outrun a lion.’‘No, but I’ll outrun you,’ said the
Scotsman.©©©Please, Lord, let me prove that winning the
lottery won’t spoil me.©©©‘Doctor, Doctor, I think I’m a telephone.’
‘Well, take these pills, and if they don’t
work, give me a ring!’©©©‘Doctor, Doctor, I am suffering from
amnesia.’‘Okay, 1 will give you the treatment, but
please pay in advance.’©©©An applicanr at a job interview: I know this
is off the subject, but will you marry me?
Another applicant: Will it be a problem if
I’m angry most of the time?©©©‘What will you do it 1 die betore you do?’
Dad asked Mom.After some thought, she said, ‘I’ll probably
look for a house and share the situation
with three other single or widowed women
who might be a little younger than me, as
I’m very active for my age.’Then Mom asked Dad, ‘What will you do
if I die first?’He replied, Probably the same thing.’©©©Tell me what you need, and I’ll tell you
how to get along without it.©©©Ad for a bank: Don’t borrow from your
friends. Borrow from us. You’ll lose your
friends. You'll never lose us.©©©Be nice to your kids. They’ll choose your
nursing home.©©©The sooner you fall behind, the more time
you’ll have to catch up.©©©Never explain yourself. Your friends don’t
need it, and your enemies won’t believe it.Vocabularyjungle[с1злод1]джунгли9Гoutrun[aut глп]обогнать л17Гpay[pei]платитьnarrow['nasrau)узким1иprove[pru:v]доказывать18applicant [KphkantJпретендентpath[pa:0]тропаIIspoil[spoil]портить19off the subjectне касаетсяappear[a'pi3(r)|появляться12pilllp'4таблеткатемыin the distanceвдалеке13give a nngпозвонить20angry1 aengn]злойpull off[pul]стянуть14suffer[sAfa(r)]страдать21probably [ probablijвероятноtrainer['treina(r)] кроссовок15amnesia[asm'nkzia] потеря памяти22share[.Mr)]f'widau]разделитьuseV[|u:r]толк, польза
J16treatment. ___j'trrtmant]лечениеJ23widowСовдоветьget along without обойтись без
borrow ['bDrsu] брать взайш
lose [lu:z[ терять
choose [tju:z] выбирать
fall behind [f3:l bi'hamd] отстать
catch up [k^etJJ нагнать
explain [ik splein] объяснять
enemy ''enam1 враг38Superbook
Future simple: cartoonsобойтись бе
брать взайми
iaind] отстать
i] объяснять
врагI’ll paint your lips, and it will distract attention
from your bruises.We are an honest organization. When we receive
the money for your fat from the fat plant, we will
subtract the cost of the liposuction operation and
give you the rest.Doctor, help me put this in the most noticeable
place, and then I ll tell you what my problem is.I've made a mistake. Don’t worry, / It cross it out
for freeVocabularyclisiract[distrainотвлекатьattention[a'tenjn]вниманиеbruise[bruiz]синякhonest[ DniSt]честныйreceive[ri'si:v]получать6(Tatla?»’1i -jжир7plant[plaint]заводXsubtract[sab'traekt]вычитать9cost[kost]стоимость10liposuctionjlaipausAkJnJлипосакция11the rest[rest]остаток12noticeable[nautisabl]заметный13cross out[,kros 'aut]зачеркнуть14for free
v [fa(r) fri:]бесплатноJSuperbook 39
Talking about the future1. PredictionsOpinionWill To predict the future on the basis of opinion.Предсказания• You will go a long way.• I 11 be sunny tomorrow.Чтобы предсказывать будущее на основании мнения.
Ты далеко пойдешь.Завтра будет солнечно.PresentGoing to To predict the future on the basis of present facts.facts• This soil is rockу It 's going to be very difficult
to dig a trench here• The best Hollywood actors! This movie is going to
be very interestingЧтобы предсказывать будущее на основании настоящих фактов.
Эта почва очень каменистая. Будет очень
трудно копать траншею здесь.Лучшие Гэпивудские актеры! Этот фильм будет
очень интересным.2. Decision»NowWill To announce decisions that we made just now.Решения• Did he really say that about me? I '11 break his neck.• What sweet grapes! I’ll buy two kilos.Чтобы объявлять решения, которые мы приняли только что.Он на самом деле сказал это обо мне? Я сломаю ему шею.
Какой сладкий виноград! Я кутю два килограмма.EarlierGoing to To announce decisions that we made earlier.• Are you really going to get married?• Osama bin Laden is going to perpetrate more
terrorist attacks on the U.S.Чтобы объявлять решения, которые мы приняли ранее (намерения).
Ты действительно собираешься жениться (выйти замуж)?
Усама вин Ладен собирается совершить еще
террористические атаки на США.3. PromisesWillWhen we promise or threaten we use willОбещания• I will never do it again.• I will hit you if you say that again.Когда мы обещаем или угрожаем, мы используем will.
Я никогда больше этого не сделаю.Я тебя ударю, если ты скажешь это еще раз.4. ArrangementsPresent continuous (I am doing)ДоговоренностиTo talk about plans with a fixed time and/or place (for people).
•I'm buving a home entertainment system next week.• We are flying to Antalya tomorrow.Чтобы говорить о планах с фиксированным временем и/или местом (для людей).
Я покупаю домашний кинотеатр на а едующей неоеле.Мы летим в Анталию завтра.5. TimetablesPresent simple (1 do)РасписанияTo talk about timetables' for trains, planes, classes, etc. (for things).• Candid Camera starts at 18:00.• The ship calls at every major port on her wav to Rome.Чтобы говорить о расписаниях поездов, самолетов, занятий н т.д.(для неодушевленных)Скрытая (доел. - откровенная) камера начинается в 18.00 .Корабль заходит во все крупные порты на своем пути в Рим
(англ. корабль - ж. род).Superbook
Exercises8.1 All these sentences are about the future. Use the most suitable structure to complete the
sentences {be going to, will, the present continuous, or the present simple). Sometimes more
than one structure is possible.1. I don’t know him, but I think he (cheat) you.2. The term (start) on the 1st of September.3. Wow! I got the visa! I (leave) for New York on the first flight.4. ‘There is an open manhole in front of that blind man.’ ‘God! He (fall) !5. Seismologists predict that several major earthquakes (shake) the earthin the 21 st century.6. I am not prepared for tomorrow’s exam. The only thing I’m prepared for is that I
(not pass) it.7. ‘We are out of bread.' ‘OK, I (go) down to the shop and buy some.’8. The new law (go) . into effect from the moment of its publication.9. The situation is going from bad to worse. What (you do) about it?10. I (make) this journey the happiest time of your life. Just say yes.11. Cold soup tor a guest like me?! I (never visit) you again!12. I (take) scuba diving lessons to dive at night in the Red Sea.13. I (fly) to Thailand the day after tomorrow.14. Look at that man with a parachute on the roof! He (jump) !15. We’ll have to go five miles up the mountain, and the road (not be easy) 16. No matter what time the ballet (start) I (not go)I hate watching men in tights.17. My next book (come) ...... out in the spring.18. My visit to Cairo (start) tomonow. I (stay) there for two weeks.8.2 Some of these sentences could be used with the present continuous. Which ones?1. Bill is going to arrive at 6 00. = Bill is arriving at 6:00.1. I’m going to visit my sister one of these days.3. I’m going to fly to Egypt tomorrow.4. We are going to spend the next weekend in the Moscow suburbs.5. Are you going to wash those dishes?6. Anna is going to tell me her secret.Vocabulary1soil[satlj\почва9^candid[ kaendid]откровенный2dig[dig!копать10major['meid33(r)]основной3irenchjtrentj]траншея11suitable['su:tabl]подходящий4neck[nek]шея12cheat№]обмануть5grape[greip]виноград13term[t3:m]семестр6perpetrate ['p3:patreitl совершить14lea\e]li:v]уезжать7home entertainment system домашний15manhole['тгепИэиЦлюккинотеатр16earthquake | 3:9kweik[ землетрясение8^timetable ['taimteibljрасписание ^17shakev[Mlтрясти18pass[pa sjсдать (экзамен) ^27mountain| maun tanropa19be out ofзаканчиваться28road[raudjдорога2020 into effectвступать в силу29no matter['maeta(r)]не важно21worse'W3:s]хуже30balletj'baelei]балет22journey[d33:ni]поездка31tights[taitsjколготы'Мsoup[su:p]суп>2spring[sprig]весна24guest[qest[ГОСТЬ33spend[spend]проводить25scuba[ skjurba] акваланг34suburb|'нлЬз:Ь]пригород26diveV [daivjнырять ^35dish[dij]тарелкаAnswer key p. 139Superbook41
Talking about the future: jokes and clever expressions©©©A young couple gets married, and the
groom asks his bride if he can have a
dresser drawei of his own that she will
never open. The bride agrees. After 30
years of marriage she notices that his draw¬
er has been left open. She peeks* inside and
sees 3 golf balls and $1,000.‘Will you explain this to me?’ He says,
‘Every time 1 was unfaithful to you, I put a
golf ball in the drawer.’ She figures,‘3 times in 30 years isn’t bad,’and asks,
‘But what about the $1,000?’ He replies,
‘Whenever I got a dozen golf balls, I sold
them.’©©©A man will pay $2 tor a $ 1 item he needs;
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that
she doesn’t need.©©©If you sneeze with your eyes open, will
they pop out?©©©Why do we think the traffic light will
change if we talk to it?©©©If two friends ask you to judge a dispute,
don't accept, because you will lose one
friend. On the other hand, if two strangers
come with the same request, accept,
because you will gain one friend.©©©Q. Where w ill you find a dog with no legs?
A. Wherever you left him.©©©What do you call a dog with no legs?It doesn’t matter what you call it it isn’t
gonna come.©©©You know it’s going to be a bad day when...1. you turn on the news, and they are
showing escapJ routes out of the city.2. you put your bra on backwards, and it
fits better.©©©Banks w ill loan you money if you can prove
you don’t need it.©©©In the end, we will remember not the words
of our enemies, but the silence of our friends,©©©Always do sobei what you said you’d do
drunk. That will teach you to keep your
mouth shut.©©©Men marry women with the hope they will
never change. Women marry men with the
hope they will change. Invariably, they are
both disappointed.VocabularyS groom[gru:m]жених8Sneeze [sni:z]чихатьbride[braid]невеста9pop out jpDpaut]вылезатьdresser drawerящик10traffic light [' irzefik]свет светофорадля вещейIIjudge |d3Ad3|судитьpeek[pi:k]подглядывать12dispute [di'spju.r] спорunfaithful [An'fei0fl)неверный13accept [dk'sept]приниматьdozen['dAZnlдюжина14on the other handс другойitem['aitamjпредметстороны15/■stranger['streind3d]Лнезнакомец23^backward ['bcekwad]назад16request[n'kwest]запрос24loanf[oil l]заем17gain[gein]получать25prove[pru:v]доказыватьI»wherever |wear'ev3(r)| где бы ни26enemy[ ensmi]враг19matter['тапэ(г)]значить27silence['saibnsjмолчание20escape[I'skeipJбегство28sober['s3ub3(r)|трезвый21route[ru:t]маршрут29disappoint [,disa'pDmtj разочаро-22bra[bra:}бюстгальтервывать42 Superbook
Talking about the future: cartoonsVocabularyназад1perfume['p3:fju:m]ДухиN7fscar[ska:(r)|шрам лзаем2explosion]ik'splau3n]взрыв8appendectomy [,oepen'dektami] удаление ап-цитадоказывать3pastIparst]мимо9unfasten[дп fa:sn]расстегиватьвраг4trip[tnp|поездка10bra[bra:]бюстгальтермолчание5gam[gem]получать11I suck[Sffc]я плоч. я достал.трезвый6experience[lk spiarians]опыт/12buckv[Ьлк]доллар ^разочаро¬выватьSuperbook 43You know what, I’m here for the same thing - to
gain some sexual experience. I ’// show you the
scar from my appendectomy if vou let me prac¬
tise unfastening your bra.I know / such , hut I ’// stop for a buck.'Perfume, lipstick... What are you gonna tell me
this time? ’‘Dear, you won't believe me. There was a big
explosion vi hen I was walking past the cosmetics
factory. ’Wife: Will you tell me how you spent the week
while I was on my business trip?
Revision: units 1-8Single sentences: complete the sentences using the most suitable verb form.1. What (you / do - future) with a computer that powerful?2. After 1 finish school, 1 (be) a garbage collector.3. She (dye - future) her hair blonde.4. BMW motorbikes for half price? 1 (buy - future) oneimmediately.5. What (you / do) at 5 o’clock yesterday morning?6. When (the opera / start - future) ?7. No, no. Don’t wake him. I (come back) later.8. 1 (tell - present tense) l you that at 4 o’clock yesterday afternoon1 (wait for) 2 you. Don’t tell me you were there.9. Leave a note on the door, and they (see) it when they come home.10. If you think there are a lot of mistakes in my work. I (type) it again.11. The shirt (fit) perfectly. I’ll take it.12. Where (you live) when you sell your flat?13. (You /see - present) l the girl who (sit) i at the table?14. OK, I (help) l you with the money, but promise that you(not tell) 2 my wife.15. Who told you she (not know - present) i anything aboutcomputers? She (work - past) 2 for Microsoft for 10 years.16. It’s the police. I (open) the door, and you sit quietly as ifnothing is happening.17. Usually, 1 (not give) i money to beggars, but for you I(make - future) 2 an exception. I (give) з youtwenty dollars.18. The lecture (start) i at 9:30, and if you (to be)2 late, come in and don’t attract attention to yourself.19. I (not have) i a car now. I (sell) 2 it a monthago, but I (try) з to buy a new one now.20. It looks like no one can handle those four musketeers. I (deal) with them myself.21. The bridge (fall down - past) i with all the cars that(drive) 2 across it.22. I (break up with) him as soon as he gives me my money back.23. Just imagine that you are happy, and you (be - future) . happy.24. (You / really / buy) this expensive car? Think again!25. I (be) i your wife if you promise me that you(never / аьк) 2. me about my past.26. Look at the cat. It (jump - future) onto the birds.27. What (do) if you lose your job?28. We (fly - past) i over the Maldives when Jane(wake) 2 me up to look at their beauty.SuperbookAnswer key p 140
Dialogues: complete the sentences using the most suitable verb form.1. A: Where (you go - present) 1 with that knife?В: I (cut - future) 2 a watermelon.A: 1 (join) 3 you.2. A. I’m afraid I'm not ready yet.B: Nevermind. I (wait)3. A: Here are the matches. What (you need) 1 them for, anyway?В: I (make) 1 a bonfire and bum that big pile of leaves at theend of the garden.4. Shop assistant: We have a very nice collection of ties.Customer: I (buy).. all of them.5. A: Is it true that you (buy) 1 a trailer yesterday?B: Yes. This evening my friends and I (move) 2 my things in.A: And what (you / do) з with the house? Have you decided?В: (I / sell) 4 it to the man who (sell) 5 methe trailer.6. A: Billy (arrive) 1 tomorrow.B: (He / spend) 2 the weekend with us?A: No. His train (leave) з on Friday.7. A: I think you (like) 1 this movie.B: The last time you (say) 2 that, I slept through the whole film.8. A: Mary is pregnant, and she (have - future) 1 a baby in June.B: And who is the father?A: Well, she (say - present) 2 it is you.9. Husband: I (not like) 1 this tomato juice.Wife: OK, I (make) 2 a fresh batch.10. A: I (spend - future) 1 my holiday in Los Angeles.B: But you (be) 2 there last year. You (tell) з me yourself!A: I (not remember - present) 4 what I said to you, but thistime we (really go) 5 there.11. A: You (always watch) 1 this silly program!B: Step away from the TV. If you (change) 2 the channel,I (break) 3 the TV over your head.Answer key p. 140Superbook
Present perfect (1): resultHe has found a spider.The present perfect (настоящее совершенное) на русский язык переводится как прошедшее время.Оно строится из вспомогательного глагола have и past participle основного глагола (глагол have - вспомогательный, т.е. он не несет
никакого смысла и не переводится, он помогает образовать грамматическую форму the present perfect). Past participle - образуется
путем добавления окончания ed к глаюлу. если глагол правильный, или. если глагол неправильный, его нужно искать в таблице
неправильных г..аголов, в третьей колонке (стр. 186).Affirmative Negative InterrogativeУтвердительное Отрицательное Вопросительное1weyoutheyhave done1weyoutheyhave not doneHave1Wcyoutheydoneheheheshehas doneshehas not doneHasshedoneititit/ have spilt the paint
He has found a spider.Я пролил краску
Он наше 7 паука.You have not done the job.
She has not read the book.Ты не сделал работу.Она не читала эту книгу.Have у он told your wife about us?
Has she noticed anything?Ты сказал своей жене о нас?Она заметила что-нибудь?Contraction!»Have = ’ve Has = ’sI've spilt the paint ■ He’s jounda spider.1. Present result We use the present perfect when three conditions are met:1. Настоящий результат Мы используем the present perfect, котда три условия е блюдаются.l) an event that happened2) we don’t say3) we can see ain the recent pastwhenpresent resultсобытие произошло в недавнеммы не говорим когдамы видим настоящий результатпрошломJ£H• I have spilt the paint*. r'itarkn• He has found a spider *a mtmae agoшШ1.1 Present result: news We use the present perfect to announce* news because we talk
about the result.• CNN: American and British troops have invaded Iraq.• BBC: Mike Tyson has bitten off Holy field s ear.• CNN: Princess Diana has died.1.1 Настоящий результат: новости.Мы используем the present perfect, чтобы сообщать новости,
потому что мы говорим о результате.CNN: Американские и британские войска вторгчись в Ирак.
ВВС: Майк Тайсон откусил ухо Холлифи чда.CNN: Принцесса Диана погибла.* В менее эмоциональных предложениях возможен the past simple.Superbook
Exercises9.1 Complete the sentences with present perfect verbs.ARGENTINA JAMAICA-*La . * ■ v 'M >k 1 , % j.* A v v9 >/ *г /Та. f / / > 1£ An v » 'Д1. Argentina (win) 2. Akela (miss) 3. They (fall asleep) 4. It (be) in a fight.9.2 Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets.1. A girl in the metro to a stranger:You (tear) my stockings with your glasses2. A wife to a drunk husband:What (happen) to you?Don’t worry. I (spill) tomato juice on my shirt.3. A doctor to a patient in a trauma centre:Can’t you talk clearly?No, the robber (knock) my front teeth' out.4. The boss asks his secretary:You / check / the mail? My driver / wash / the car0 You / wash / my socks? You / order / the stationery9 9.3 When Bob arrived from work, his family gave him a lot of news.Complete the sentences with: give, see, find steal.Wife: I a Playboy in Jimmy’s school bag.Jimmy: I Suzy with a man of at least 40.Suzy: Dad, he me new shorts. Aren’tthey nice?Bob: I a million bucks! Pack your bags quickly!Vocabularybpill[< Pii]проливать\9miss[mis]промахнутьсяN17trauma centre| tra.'ma]Лтравм, центрspider|'spaid3(r)]паук10stranger[’stremd33(r)]незнакомец[8clearly[ kliali]ясноevent[fvent]событие11tear[tea(r)]разрывать19knock out[nnk]выбитьannounce[a'nauns]сообщать12stockings['smkirjs]чулки20teeth[ti;9]зубыtroops[tru:ps]войска13glassesl'gla:s;*>]очки21sock[sDk]носокinvade[in veid]вторгаться14drunk[drArjk]пьяный22order[ 3:da(r)]заказыватьbite off[bait]откусить\5worry['WAri]волноваться23stationery[ steijanri]канц. принадлежностиwin[vvm]выигрывать16juice[d3u^сок24^at least[lirst]как минимум ^Answer key p. 140Superbook47
Present perfect (1): jokes and clever expressions30 Million Dollars
Once there was a man who every weekbought a lottery ticket in the local hquor
store. He really didn’t expect to win until
one day he jumped for joy when he found
out that he’d won 30 million dollars. The
man immediately ran to his car, drove
home at full speed, pulled up in the drive¬
way, ran inside the house, and slammed the
door behind him. As soon as he saw his
wife, he said, ‘Honey, I’ve won the lottery,
so pack your bags!!!’ The man’s wife, leap¬
ing for joy, asked him, ‘What should I pack
for? For hiking, mountain climbing, for sun
bathing, honey?’‘For whatever you want. Just make sure
you're out by the end of the week!!!'©©©If you can keep your head when all around
you have lost theirs, then you probably
haven’t understood the seriousness of the
situation.©©©I’ve learned that regardless of how hot and
steamy a relationship is at first, the passion
fades, and there had better be a lot of
money to take its place.©©©In three words 1 can sum up everything
I’ve learned about life: it goes on.The GiftA gentleman, out of gift ideas, bought his
mother-in-law a large plot in an expen¬
sive cemetery. On her next birthday, he
bought her nothing. She was quick to
comment loud and long on his thought-
lessne^o". The gentleman said only one
thing: ‘Well, you haven’t used the gift 1
gave you last year.’©©©A sign at an optometrist’s office:If you don’t see what you’re looking
for, you’ve come to the right place.©©©I’ve learned that it takes years to build up
trust, and only suspicion, not proof, to
destroy it.©©©A man to a very beautiful woman: I know
that milk does the body good, but wow,
how much have you drunk?©©©If everything seems to be going well, you
have obviously overlooked something.©©©I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000
ways that won’t work.Vocabulary/once[WAns]однажды\liquor store['Пкэ(г)]винный магазин10expectjik’spekt]ожидатьиimmediately|f mkdiatli]тотчас же12pull up[.pul лр1подъехать13slam[sltem]хлопнуть14pack[psek]паковать15Jeap for joy[li:p]прыгать от радости1617Tiiking[ haikui)путешествия пешкомmountain climbingальпинизмsun bathing ['beidirj]загораниеregardless of(n'gaidlds]независимо отsteamy|'sti:mi]пылкийrelationship [rTIeifnJip]отношенияpassion['piEfn]страстьfadejfeid]увядатьbe out ofjbi aut av]закончитьсяIK"plot|p[Dt]у час i ok земли14thoughtlessness ['0D:tlisnisJбездумье20optometrist[Dp'tDmatriSt] окулист21suspicion|S3 spijnjподозрение22proof[pru:f]доказательствоdo good[da gud]пойти на пользу24overlook[.auvs'luk]не заметить25fail[fell]терпеть неудачу j48 Superbook
Present perfect (1): cartoonsHave you been to that beauty parlor again?You have seen the testing of the fireproof watches
and the waterproof ones. Put this on We are
entering the antishock watch workshop.50'hAnniversary Together
If you have already taken your heart pills, Hariy,
you can turn around.I 've come back to make it clear - would you like
Diet Coke or regular Coke?VocabularyI"»5456fireproof ['faiapru:f] огнеупорныйwatch [wotj] часыwaterproof j'wDitapruif] вешнепроницаемыйput on [put Dn] надетьworkshop [ W3:kjnp| мастерскаяbeauty parlor [#bju:ti ра:1э] салон красоты78910II(make it clearвыяснитьDiet Coke['daiat)диетич. кока-кола,Coca-Cola Liahlregular['regjal3(r)|обычныйanniversary[,zeni V3:sari[ годовщинаturn aroundVповернуться ^Superbook 49
Present perfect (1.2), result: just, already, yetAffirmative Negative InterrogativeУтвердительное Отрицательное ВопросительноеHave just* | done Have not done! yet. Have you done I yet?
already• / have just torn my Armani suit.• The cat has Just eaten ’our dinner.• Stop! I have already heard this a thousand times.• It’s 11 о 'clock, and you haven’t decorated the Christmas tree vet!• Your exam is tomorrow, and you haven’t opened the books vet!• Have von seen your new-born baby yet?• Have you heen to the new water park vet ?Я только что порвал мой костюм от Армани.Кот только что съел твой ужин.Перестань! Я уже слышал это тысячу раз.Уже 11 часов, а ты еще не украсил елку!У тебя завтра экзамен, а ты еще книжек не открывал!Ты уже видел своего новорожденного ребенка?Ты уже был в новом аквапарке?1.2 Result: just, already, yet We use the present perfect with the words just, already, andyet to stress the present result (of a past action).
• You have just spoilt everything.• 100 bucks more?! You have already spent a fortune on clothes• Have you changed your tyres for winter yet?1.2 Результат: just, already, yet Мы используем the present perfect со словами just, already и yet,
чтобы подчеркнуть настоящий результат (прошедшего действия)Ты только что все испортил.Еще 100 долларов?! Ты х'же потратила состояние на одежду.
Ты уже поменял свои шины на зиму?Note that when we talk about the details of how thi igs
happened, we switch to the past tense.
• You have just spoilt everything! Why did you have to tell her?• 1 have spilt the paint. It happened by accident• Have you told your wife about us? What did she say?Детали - прошедшее время Заметьте, что когда мы говорим о деталях того, как веши произошли,мы переключаемся на прошедшее время.Ты только что все испортил. Зачем тебе нужно было ей говорить?
Я пролил краску. Это произошло случайно.Ты сказал своей жене о нас? Что она сказала?* В американском английском с fust используется the past single.Details - past tenseSuperbook
Exercises10.1 Complete the sentences with ///sf, already, or yet. Connect the related parts.1. I’m not laughing because ^ a. I’ve found an empty bottle.2. Why are you worried? b. I have never been on a date 3. Why are you so happy? c. this joke isn’t new. I have heard it.4. What’s wrong with you? d. I’ve remembered that I left the iron on.5. You’re 35 now.e. I’ve jumped off the bridge.Why aren’t you married?Talk quickly, I'll be dead in a moment.6. What are we having fordinner? Salad again?!f. I haven’t met the right girl 7. On the phone:Jim, what are you doing?g. I have lost 5 kilos.8.1 don’t know this word.h. I haven’t earned my first million 9. You have been invited to ai. Wait. I haven’t finished club of millionaires.10. The waiter takes awayj. I have told you Vou have ayour plate.memory like a sieve.10.2 Connect the related sentences. Then cover the questions and reproduce them by reading
the answers.1. Have you been to the dentist yet?2. Have you met your future
parents-in-law yet?3. Have you chosen which car to
buy yet?4. Have you learned the lessons yet?a. A Mercedes, no matter how expensive it is.b. To hell with the lessons! I’m seeing the blonde
from yesterday’s show tonight.c. No, I’d rather die than go there.d. No, I’m really nervous. Her father is a well-
known gangster.10.3 Complete the sentences with present perfect or past tense verbs.1. A: Alice (break) i herarm.B: How (that / happen) г A: She (fall) з out ofa tree while she (pick) 4 cherries.2. A: Max (make) i friendswith a new girl. He says he (approach)2 her in the street and(strike up) з a conversationby saying how beautiful she (be) 4 B: Don’t believe him. I think he(find) 5 somebody’s adon the internet again.Vocabulary16f pick [pik] срывать1 approach [VprautJ] подходить к
is strike up [straik лр] начать
14 conversation [.kDnva seijn] диалог
20 ad [$d] объявлениеч у'thousand[ 0auznd]тысяча ^6'Ъу accident [ 'aeksidant] случайно ^117ight[rait]нужный, правильн.decorate[ dekareit[украшать7worry['W.\ri]волноваться12plate[pleit] тарелкаwater park [ wo:tapa:k]аквапарк8empty[ empti]пустой13sievels.v|решетоtyreI tai3(r)]шина9bottle[botl]оутылка14in-law|-b:|со стороны супругаhave to[hav ta]должен10date[deit]свидание15I d ratherя бы предпочелV-Jv JAnswer key p. 141Superbook 51
Present perfect (1.2): jokes and clever expressionsThe PigBill Clinton and his driver were passing a
farm on their way to Air Force One.
Suddenly, a pig jumped out into the road.
The driver tried to avoid the pig, but he hit
it. He went to the farmhouse to explain
what had happened. He came out with a
beer, a cigar, and tons of money. Bill saw
this and said, ‘My God, what did you tell
them?’ The driver replied, ‘1 told them that
I’m Bill Clinton’s driver and 1 have just
killed the pig.’Happy Marriage
An old man of ninety was sitting on a
park bench crying. A policeman noticed
this and asked him why he was crying.
‘Well,’ said the old man. ‘I have just got
married to a twenty-five year old woman.
Every morning she makes me a wonderful
breakfast, and then we make love. In the
afternoon, she makes me a wonderful
lunch, and then we make love. At dinner
time, she makes me a wonderful supper,
and then we make love.’ The policeman
looks at the old man and says, ‘You
shouldn’t be crying! You should be the
happiest man in the world!’ So the old
man says. ‘I know! I’m crying because I
can’t remember where 1 live!’©©©Stress is when you wake up screaming and
realize you haven’t fallen asleep yet.Hearing Problems
An elderly gentleman had serious hearing
problems for a number of years. He went to
the doctor, and the doctor advised him a set
of hearing aids that allowed the gentleman
to hear 100%.The elderly gentleman went back to the doc¬
tor after a month, and the doctor said, ‘Your
hearing is perfect. Your family must be really
pleased that you can hear again.’The gentleman replied, ‘Oh, I haven’t told
my family yet. I just sit around and listen to
their conversation! I’ve already changed
my will three times!’©©©This is your cell phone operator. We have
just found out you’re too dumb to use
your phone, so please put it on the ground
and start jumping on it. Thank you.©©©A: Why hasn’t Maria got married yet?B: She is waiting for her ideal man.A: And what is her deal man°B: The one who would want to marry her.©©©A: Is it true that you and your husband
are divorcing?B: Yes, why?A: 1 can recommend a good lawyer.B: No, thank you. 1 have already found
a good engineer.Vocabulary1rpass[pa s|тигаться мимо72Air Force Oneсамолет президента83ton[Un]тонна, зд. много94wonderfulj'wAndafl]удивительный105should[Jad]должен116scream[■ikrirmjкричать1252 Superbookrealize[ n:3faizjосознавать Лelderlyj'eldali]пожилойhearing problems ['Ыэпг)|проблемы со слухомsei[set]комплектhearing aids[aids]слуховой аппарат^allow[a'fau]позволять13"perfect[ p3:tiki]идеальный14pleased[pli:zd]довольный15conversation[.konva'seijn] диалог16will[willзавещание17cell phone[fel|мооичьныи тел.18^umbJdAmJтупой
Present perfect (1.2): cartoonsMarvin, I won’t pretend that I didn't notice
what s just happened, like I did all yesterday
evening in the jacuzzi.You ’ve already grown up enough to stay outside
until eleven.7 ve just realized that I ve seen vou someplace
before, haven V I?‘No, usually 111 x и ife brings hun to you.‘We know that she is having serious digestion
problems, so we ve put clothespins on our noses. ’
‘It's just got worse, so you’d belter put on ear
protectors too. ’Vocabularypretend
grow up
you had better
[дгэи лр]
['kloGspin][ SAmpleis]притворятьсявырастипищеварениеприщепкавам бы лучшегде-тоSuperbook53
Present perfect (2): situations up to nowHave you been to Egypt?Present perfect: ситуации “до сейчас” (действия или ситуации, которые начались в прошлом и продолжаются до настоящего момента).Ты пыл в Египте?NowThe present perfect expresses the events that have happened
in a person’s life up to now, and we don’t say when
(up to now means that a person is alive).
We often use never, ever, and before in this case.• I’ve never seen such an ugly girl, (in my life)• Have you ever had an operation? (in your life)2.1 Жизнь человека “до сейчас” The present perfect выражает события, которые произошли в жизничеловека “до сейчас”, и мы не говорим когда
(“до сейчас " - шачит, что человек живой).Мы часто используем никогда, когда-нибудь и до в этом случае.Я никогда не вида такой уродливой девушки, (в своей жизни)
Тебе когда-нибудь деиии операцию? (в твоей жизни)2.2 How long up to now * We use the present perfect when we talk about present action
(stative verbs/for, since) and then say the duration of this action.
We often use for and since to talk about duration.• I’ve had this scar since an air conditioner fell on me• I have known you for 2 days, and you offer to many me?2.2 Как долго “до сейчас” Мы используем the present perfectу когда мы говорим о настоящемдействии и затем говорим о продолжигельности этого действия.
Мы часто используем на протяжении и с, чтобы говорить о
продолжительности.У меня этот шрам с тех пор как кондиционер упал на меня.Я знаю тебя 2 дня, и ты предлагаешь мне выйти замуж?2.3 Up-to-no" expressions We use the present perfect with expressions that meanup to now.1. Unfinished time*We use the present perfect to talk about actions that happened
in an unfinished period of time (today, this week...).• It’s three о ’clock, and I haven’t done anything today.• I have received 100 spam emails this morning.2. ‘Recently’, ‘so far’,‘in the lasr few' days’• We haven't had any problems so far.3. Tt is the first (second...) time’*• This is the third lime you have asked me this vt ord.2.3 Выражения “до сейчас” Мы используем the present perfect с выражениями, которые значатдо сейчас1. Незаконченное времяМы используем the present perfect, чтобы говорить о действиях,
которые произошли в незаконченный период времени
(сегодня, на этой неделе).Уже три часа, а я еще не сделал ничего сегодня.Я получил 100 писем спама этим утром, (сказанно утром)2. “В последнее время”, “до сих пор'\ “в последние несколько дней'4У нас не было никаких проблем до сих пор.3. '"Это первый (второй...) раз”Это третий раз. когда ты у меня спрашиваешь это слово.* В утвердит, предлож. the past simple звучит более естественно. В вопр. и отриц. используйте the pres, perfect.* Этот случай the present perfect может переводиться на русский язык в настоящем времени.2.1 A person’s life up to now(never, ever, before)Superbook
Exercises11.1 Bob is 29. Make sentences about his life using these words.1. He / be / married five times. 3. He / be / to Cuba three times.2. He / never see / a ghost. 4. He / never / lose consciousness.11.2 Make questions.1. You / ever / dance with a partner 25 inches taller than you?2. You / ever / give a speech in front of 300 people?3. You / ever / think of suicide?4. You / ever / be dead drunk?5. You / ever / take drugs?11.3 Put the verbs in the correct form. Underline the expressions of duration.1. We (be) married for 20 years, and we love eachother now more than we did back then.2. Mike (have) his car since he won it at the casino.3. 1 (understand) the things that adults hide from children since 1 was eight.4. Once he helped his friend out of prison. He (regret) that decision ever since.5. 1 (know) her for fifteen years, and she is still as young andbeautiful as she was the day we met.11.4 Make grammatically correct sentences.1. You see your friend sleeping on a bench' in the park.You: You / sleep in the park / before? ?
Friend: No, this is the first time 1 (sleep) here.2. You are bowling, and your opponent is making one strike after another.You: You / bowl / before? ?Opponent: No, this is the first time 1 (do) this. It’s beginner’s luck.3. You are employing’ a secretary. You see that she is typing very slowly, with one finger.You: You / type / before? ?She: Yes, this is the second time I (do) this.11.5 Complete the sentences. Underline up-to-now expressions.1. 1 (see) /ШУf?.. s?en your first wife today.2. You don't know what I (be) through’ so far.3. He (watch) all the news in the last few days.4. We (have). too much rain recently.5. You (be) drunk three times this week.VnrahularyIpgly j лдП]уродливый Л 61 scar fskci:(r)] шрам 7' air conditioner кондиционер 84 ghost [gaust] три видение 95[consciousness j'knnjasnas] сознаниеinch |mtj] дюйм (2.54 cm.)
tall [t3:l] высокийsuicide j'su:isaid] самоубийство
dead drunk [ded] мертвецки
пьянV J10И121314adultI SiMitJвзрослыйprison['prizn]тюрьмаregret[n gret]сожалетьdecision[di'sgn]решениеbenchv[bentJJскамья715161718luckjiAicjудачаemploy[im'phi]наниматьtype[taip]печататьна клавиатуреbe through [0ru:lпройти черезуAnswer key p. 141Superbook 55
Present perfect (2): jokes and clever expressionsBe Careful
McTavish took his girlfriend out for the
evening. They returned to her flat just
before midnight, and as she kissed him
goodnight, she said, ‘Be careful on your
way home. I’d hate anyone to rob you of all
the money you’ve saved this evening.’Willpower
A beggar walked up to a well-dressed
woman shopping on Rodeo Drive and said,
‘I haven’t eaten anything in four days.'
She looked at him and said, ‘God, I wish 1
had your willpower.’©©©From a doctor’s notes: The patient has
been depressed ever since she began seeing
me in 1993.©©©I’ve always wanted to have someone to
hold, someone to love... After meeting
you... I’ve changed my mind.©©©‘Doctor, Doctor, I think I’m a dog.’‘How long have you felt like this?’‘Ever since I was a puppy!’©©©Man: Haven’t 1 seen you someplace
before?Woman: Yeah, that’s why I don’t go
there anymore.©©©How do you know that honesty is the best
policy until you have ti ?d some of the
others?Joys of a Long Neck
A giraffe and a bunny meet up in the
forest. The giraffe, in his usual arrogant
way, starts up a conversation.‘So, bunny, do you know how great it is to
have such a long neck?’ he asks
‘I’m sure 1 don’t,’ replies the bunny, obvi¬
ously not that interested.‘Well, to begin with, when I’m hungry andI chev! my beautiful leaves, how can I
desciibe the sensation of the leaves going
down my throat... They go down and down
and down... It’s one hour of sheer pleas¬
ure.’‘Really, how fascinating.’ replies the
bunny, one eyebrow raised.The giraffe continues. ‘And when I’m
thirsty, and I drink water, for an hour it
goes down and down and down...It’s heaven on earth!’‘Amazing,’ comments the bunny,‘but just
one question. Have you ever thrown up?’©©©I’ve had bad luck with both my wives. The
first one left me, and the second one didn’t.Vocabulary1rsave[seiv]экономитьN92hold[hauld]держать103change one's mindпередумать(I4puppy1 PAPi|щенок125honesty['Diiasti]честность136beggar1 Ьедэ(г)]нищий147willpowerj'wii,paua{сила воли158bunnvV.['Ьлш]кролик16Torest['forist Iлесarrogant['asragant]высокомерныйneck[nek]шеяobviousj'obvias]очевидныйchew[tlu]жеватьleaf[Ii:f]1ИСТdescribe[di'skraib]описатьsensation[sen'seijn]чувство17throat[6raut]горло18sheerlMr)JЯВНЫЙ19pleasure['р1езэ(г)]удовольствие20fascinatingj febineitin]очень интересно21eyebrowj'aibrau]бровь22raiseireiz)поднимать23amazing[s'meizirj]изумительно24^throw up[бгзи]рвать, блевать56 Superbook
Present perfect (2): cartoonsFelix, this is the first time you've kissed a girl,
isn't it?Boss: I’m taking you on. I can’t turn down
a candidate with your experience.Girl: But I haven V worked a single day in tvv
life before?Boss: That doesn’t matter.He's been like this since he kissed that frog.Barney’s always loved playing with Tony... even
now that he is dead.Vocabularyьствиеинтересномать[ельноблеватьjtake on [.teik ' on] брать на работуturndown [,ta:n'daun] отказатьexperience [ik'spiarians] опытfrog jfrxj| лягушкаdead jded] мертвыйSuperbook 57
Present perfect continuousI have been learning.The present perfect continuous строится из вспомогательных глаголов have (present) + been (perfect) и основного глагола с окончанием
ing (continuous). Оно отвечает на вопрос: 7,Что делал? Чем занимался?”AffirmativeУтвердительноеNegativeОтрицательноеInterrogativeВопросительное1weyoutheyhave been doing1weyoutheyhave not been doingHave1weyoutheybeen doingheheheshehas been doingshehas not been doingHasshebeen doingitititWe have already been talking for four hours. Let s come to an agreement
He's been watching TV all evening. It's time for him to do something more active.
• You have been learning or you haven't been learning...
What vou know is the only thing that matters• / m flunking out of school. I haven V been studying enough.• You smell. Have you been drinking?• How long have you been dating that man?Мы уже разговариваем четыре часа. Давайте придем к соглашениюОн с мотрит теаевизор весь вечер. Пора бы ему сделать что-то более активное.Ты учил или ты не учил... То, что ты знаешь - это единственное, что имеет значение.
Я вылетаю (= Меня выгоняют...) из школы (института). Я недостаточно учился.От тебя воняет. Ты пил?Как долго ты встречаешься с этим мужчиной ?1. An activity that preceded The present perfect continuous expresses an activity
the present situation that preceded the present situation or brought it about.• ‘/.s it lipstick ? ’ 'No. no. I’ve been eating strawberries. ’• You 're out of breath. What have you been doing?1. Деист вие, которое прелшеств. The present perfect continuous выражает действие,
настоящей ситуации которое предшествовало настоящей ситуации или вызвало ее.Это помада? Нет, нет. я ел кчубнику.Ты запыхался. Что ты делая?2. How long up to now We use the present perfect continuous when we say
(dynamic verbs/for, since) how long the action has been happening up to now.
We often use for and since to talk about duration.• He has been wearing these shoes for years.• Sony I’m late. Have you been waiting long?2. Как долго “до сейчас” Мы используем the present perfect continuous, когда мы говоримкак долго действие продолжается до настоящего момента
Мы часто используем слова на протяжении и с, чтобы говорить
о продотжительности.Он носит эти туфли много лет.Извините, что я опоздал. Вы долго ждали?Superbook
Exercises12.1 Complete the sentences with the following words:dig in the garden sit in the suntram hard play basketball1. Kostya Tszyu is* the undisputed champion of the
world. But his road to success was not easy.He since he was 9 years old.2. ‘My back is aching. I’ve got blisters on my hands. I
cannot bear to hear the word spade.'He 3. He cannot sleep. His skin is as red as a beetroot. He is
terribly sunburned.He 4. They are tired but happy. Everyone is thirsty. Two of
them have hurt their arms, and one has gashed his
browThey 12.2 Complete the sentences. Underline the expressions of duration in every sentence.1. He (live; has.been.PMng. in my flat for a year.2. That man (stand) on the comer all day.3. I (wait) for this phone call for 3 months.4. Prices (go up) since 19Q8.5. You (talk). . on the phone for half an hour!6. 1 (cook) since morning. I’m not your servant!7. I (listen) to your radio station since you began broadcasting.8. You (make) noise since 6 o’clock in the morning. Get awayfrom my windows.9. I (sell) hot dogs for 8 hours. My head is reeling. I can’ttell people from hot dogs.10. You (practise) the piano all afternoon. If you don't stop, I'llbreak your door down and smash that piano to pieces.Vocabulary'agreement1з griimant]соглашениеч10ache(e.k]болеть""19^gash|д®Лрассечьthe only|6i: #3unli]единственныйпblister['blista(r)] волдырь20brow[brau]бровьmatter['ma2t3(r)]иметь значение12bear[Ьеэ(г)|терпеть21comer['кэ:пэ(г)]уголflunk out of..{fUnk]вылететь из...13spade[speid]лопата22servant[s3:vant]слугаlipstick['lipstlkjгубная помада14skinjskin]кожа23noise[ пэ iz]шумstrawberryI'strD'.bari]клубника15beetroot['bi:tru:t]свекла24get awayуходи, убирайсяbe out of breath [bre0]запыхаться16sunburned| sAnb3:nt] обгоревший2Sreel[rrl|кружитьсяundisputed[,md>'spju:tidl неоспоримый17thirsty['03:stiJжажду щи и26tell smth. from smth. отличить одно от другогоsuccess[чэк ses]успехУ18hurt[lr,.:]поранитьУ27smash[smaef]разбить j* Хотя Костя Дзю уступил свой титул, и правильнее было бы напнсать
над. он остается величайшим боксером, и настоящие любители бокса
считают was неприемлемым! :)Answer key р. 141-142Superbook59
Present perfect continuous: jokes and clever expressionsAlways Tell the Truth
A man tells his wife that he’s going out to
buy cigarettes. When he gets to the store,
he finds out it’s closed. So the guy ends
up going to the bar to use a vending
machine. While there, he has a few beers
and begins talking to a beautiful girl. He
has a few more beers, and the next thing
he knows he’s in this girl’s apartment and
having quite a pleasurable time. The next
thing he knows it is 3:00 a.m.‘Oh my god, my wife is gonna kill me!’
he exclaims. ‘Quick, give me some talcum
powder! ’She gets him some, and he rubs it all over
his hands. When he gets home, his wife is
up waiting for him, and she’s furious.
‘What the hell have you been doing all
this time?!’He says, ‘Well, to tell you the truth, 1
went to a bar, had a few drinks, went
home with this blonde, and 1 slept with
her.’ ‘Let me see your hands!’ she
demands. He shows his wife his powdery
hands‘Damn liar, you have been out bowling
again!’LogicA cop pulls over a guy. ‘Your eyes are
awfully red. Have you been drinking?'
‘Gee, officer,’ the man says, ‘your eyes are
awfully glazed Have you been eating
doughnuts?’Countdow n.A man hasn’t been feeling well, so he
goes to his doctor for a complete check¬
up. Afterwards, the doctor comes out with
the results. ‘I’m afraid I have some very
bad news,’ the doctor says. ‘You’re dying,
and you don’t have much time left.’ ‘Oh,
that’s terrible!’ says the man. ‘How long
have 1 got?’ ‘Ten,’ the doctor says sadly.
‘Ten?’ the man asks. ‘Ten what? Months?
Weeks? What?!’ The doctor interrupts,
‘Nine...’Bad LuckSadie’s husband Jake has been slipping in
and out of a coma for several months, yet
his faithful wife stays by his bedside day
and night.One night, Jake comes to and moves closei
to her. He says, ‘My Sadie, you have been
with me through all the bad times. When 1
got fired, you were there to support me.
When my business failed, you were by my
side. When we lost the house, you gave me
support. When my health started failing, you
were still by my side. You know what,
Sadie?’‘What, dear?’ she asked gentl>.‘1 think you’re bad luck.’©©©A guy took a parrot to be auctioned. The high¬
est bidder asked, ‘Are you sure this parrot
talks?’ ‘Who do you think has been bidding
against you for the last 10 minutes?’Vocabularystore [st3:(r)[ магазин
find oui jfaind] узнать
endup [.end ”лр]в итоге оказаться
vending machine торговый автомат
pleasurable [ р|езэгэЬ|) приятный
exclaim [lk'skleimj восклицать
talcum powder тальковый порошок
rub [глЬ] тереть,be up [bi лр) не спать10lurious [ fjuariasj в ярости л19^doughnut ['daunAt[ пончик л27rgot fired [faiat] был уволен11demand [dfma:nd] требовать20complete [kam'pliitj полный28fail [feil[ потерпеть12powdery |'paudari[ в порошке21check-up [ tJekAp] мед. осмотрнеудачу13damn [deem] чертов22afterwards ['a:ftawadz[ позже29health [helG] здоровье14liar [laia(r)j лгуиslip in and out of a coma30gently ['djentli] нежно15pull over [pul auvarj остановитьвпадать и выходить из комы31parrot [ peerat] попугай16awful [\rf! j ужасный24faithful ['feiGfl] верныйbe auctioned продаваться на аукщг17gee [d3i:] "блин”, ёлы палы25come to [клт] прийти в сознание33bidder ['bida(r)] покупатель18^glazed 'gleizd1 покрытый глазурью^26^close [kbuz| близко ^^ на аукционе60 Superbook
Present perfect continuous: cartoonsHe \ been sitting in there for fi fty minutes. ’
'Yeah? You go and tell him that!You know, dear. I've been working out with a
hoop, and пом I’ve got a distinct waistline.Darling, have vou been playing chess with the
computer?Boss, we’ve been thinking what to give you that
you don . already have and...Vocabularyуволен:рпеть1ачуювьеноугайя нааукци*/пательукционеwork out[,wi:k ant]тренироватьсяhoop[hu:p]обручdistinct[di'stigkt]отчетливымwaistline['weistlain]линия талииchessV[tjes]шахматыJSuperbook 61
Present perfect vs. present perfect continuous1. Result / ActivityРезультат / ДеятельноеibPresent perfect - result(have done)
The present perfect responds to the question
‘ What have you done?' and stresses the
result.• He has repaired the car.The present perfect отвечает на вопрос *ьЧто ты сделал?" и
подчеркивает результат.Он починт машину, (машина работает)Present perfect continuous - activity(have been doing)
Tne pr:.- ;in perfect continuous .esponds to
the question ‘ What have you been doing?''
and doesn’t say anything about the result.The present perfect continuous отвечает на вопрос "Что ты дешт?"“Чем занимался?" и ннчего не говорит о результатеОн чинш машину. (он этим занимался - не значит, что починил)2. How long up to now (for, since)>Present perfect(have done)Present perfect continuous(have been doing)1. Stative verbs (Page 18)1. Dynamic verbs• I have known her for 5 vears.• I have had a driver s license since 2001.• / have been living with her for 5 vears.• / have been driving since 20012. A long duration, almost permanent2. Not a very long duration, close to temporary• He has lived here all his life.• The castle has stood on the lullfor 5 centuries.• He has been Iivine here for 2 vears• That man has been standing outsidefor 3 hours.Present perfect1. Статичные глаголыЯ зною ее 5 лет.У меня водительские права с 2001 года.2. Долгая продолжительность, почти постояннаяОн живет здесь всю свою жизнь.Этот замок стоит на холме 5 веков.Present perfect continuous1. Динамичные глаголыЯ живу с ней 5 лет.Я вожу маишну с 2001 года.2. Не очень большая продолжительность, близкая к временнойОн живет здесь 2 года.Этот мужчина стоит на улице 3 часа• Не has been repairing the car.Superbook
Exercises13.1 Complete the sentences with present perfect or present perfect continuous verbs.1. Paul an Jelly are criminals.They (kill) people for 30 years.These two scumbags (kill) 34 innocent men and women.2. Mike has AIDS.He (be) HIV-positive for 8 years.He (infect) 48 people.3. Bill is an oral surgeon.He (help) people for 9 yearsIn his career, he (extract) 32,753 teeth.4. Vasily is a road sweeper.He (sweep) roads for 15 years.He (clean) about 13.000 kilometres of roads.13.2 Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect or the present perfect continuous.At the bank:A: 1 (save) i money for 3 years.B: How much (you / save) 2 ?A: 1 (put away) з $15.000.All this time 1 (think) 4 how to invest this money.B: You (make) 5 the right decision. Give me your money!13.3 Complete the sentences. Use the present perfect or the present perfect continuous.1. You (sit) here since 5 o’clock. (You / catch) any fish92. You (play) on the computer all day. Get off of it, it’s my turn.3. Husband: I’m going on a business trip next week.Wife: You liar, you (be) out of work since we got married.4. Look at your nails! (You / bite) them again?5. Here you are! Where (you / be) ? I (look for) you.6. You look different. (You / buy) new glasses?7. I (know) him all my life. I’m surprised to find out that heis gay.8. My legs are killing me. I (dance) all night.9. Scottish men (dance) in kilts for many centuries.Vocabularydriver's license[ bisns)
[ka:sl]водительские права1rHIV-positiveноситель вируса С ПИД13put away[pi!! э weijскопить, отложитьcastleзамок8oral surgeon |'5з:с}зэп]зубной хирург14invest[in'vest]вкладывать (деньги)hillIh.l]холм9career [кэ'пэ(г)]карьера15business trip ['biznss trip] деловая поездкаcentury[ sentjari]столетие, век10extract |eks trsekt] удалять16nail[neil]ноготьcriminalI'knminl]преступник11road sweeper |'swi:p3(r)] дворник17bite[bait]кусатьscumbag[.»клтЬ<ед]подонокJJ2^about [a'baut]около, примерно JISkiltfk.lt)юбка (шотл. чужск.)Answer key p. 142Superbook 63
Revision: units 1-13Single sentences: complete the sentences with the most suitable verb forms.1. Last Sunday I (decide) i to stop smoking, and I(not smoke) 2 since then.2. All the passengers (sit) 1 quietly when a boy(start) 2 shaking in an epileptic fit.3. 1 need to have a rest. I (work) all day.4. Here you are! At last! I (wait) for 7 minutes.5. I (find) 1 the address I (look for) 2 for the last three days.6. You (eat) 1 all the eggs. What (I eat) 2 now?7. You (smoke) 1 two cigarettes, and you still (not have)2 enough?8. Be careful! If you drop that bottle, it (break) 9. Mom, 1 (already / learn) all the lessons. Can I go out now?10. 1 can do 100 push-ups because I (train) . You can do it too ifyou train hard.11. When I first met her, she (work) at a bowling alley.12. Look at the ground. It looks like it (rain) 13. I know nothing about the latest events. 1 (stay) in my countryhouse this week.14. I (know) 1 you all my life, but I (never / know)2 that you (have) з eight dogs.15. The last time I (have) 1 a good meal was on Sundaymorning. 1 (die for - present) 2 some fried chicken.16. When my father was alive, he always (tell) 1 me that educationwas the best investment, and now I (realize) 2 he was right.17. Everything was as usual - girls (read) 1 magazines,boys (play) 2 cards, and the professor (read) 3 his lecture.18. Financial analysts say that the Euro (continue) to strengthen.19. Why (you / throw out) my trousers? I need them to work in thegarden.20. Dam it! I (drop) ... my ring in the water.21. How long (you / practise).. law?22. It’s a serious injury, but he (walk) again soon.23. I’m sure you (like - future) him.24. Where (he / live) when you saw him last?25. This tunnel is 1600 meters long. I (dig) it for 16 years.26. They (walk) the dog twice a day.27. Look at the sun. It (be) dark in an hour or so.28. Would you like some coffee? I (just / make) some.29. Your hands are dirty. What (you / do) ?SuperbookAnswer key p. 142
Dialogues: complete the sentences with the most suitable verb forms.1. A: How long (you be) i here?B: Since you (tell) 2 me to wait.2. A: I (read) i this sentence 5 times and (translate) 2 all the words, but I still can’t understand its meaning.B: It (contain) з phrasal verbs and idioms. You can’t translate itword for word.3. A: Why (you /' cry - present) 1 ?B: He (break) 2. my toy.4. A: What (you / sit on - present) \ ?B: What?A: It’s my shirt. 1 (just / iron) 2 it.5. A: How (you / like) 1 driving my car?B: Actually. 1 (wreck) 2 it.6. A: I (decide) 1 not to give you any money.B: What? My salary? Then be careful when you start your car and pray every day
because it might be the last day of your life. 1 (take) 2 revenge.7. A: How much (you / earn) 1 ?B: Ten times as much as you.A: Why (you / think) 2 that?B: Well, judging by your clothes, you (not have) 3 anyjob at all.8. A: (You / ever / be) 1 to Miami?B: Yes. When we (stay) 2 there, some thieves (steal) 3 allour luggage and documents.9. A: Johnson, why (everybody / write) i but you?B: 1 (break) 2 my arm. Can’t you see?10. A: I (invent) 1 something incredible!B: What is it this time?A: A machine that (pick up) 2 bottles in the streets.11. A: (You / try) 1 the water that they advertise on TV?B: Yes, I have. The water that (come) 2 out of my tap(taste) 3 better.Answer key p. 142Superbook
Past perfectHe said he had damaged my car.The past perfect - это одно из прошедших времен английского языка, переводится на русский как прошедшее время и строится из
вспомогательного глагола had и past participle. Past participle правильных глаголов - это глагол с окончанием ed, past participle
неправильных глаголов надо помнить или, на худой конец, знать, что он находится в 3 колонке неправильных глаголов.Для простоты past perfect можно назвать “позапрошлое время".AffirmativeУтвердительноеNegativeОтрицательноеInterrogativeВопросительное1we1we1weyouyouyoutheyhad done theyhad not done Hadtheyhehehesheshesheitititdone1. Earlier past2. Time conjunctions
(with past events)3. The past form of
the present perfectWe use the past perfect when we talk about the past and then talk
about the earlier past.
• We couldn’t find our parrot because Jimmy had pul it in the fridge.• Her nose looked different - she had had plastic surgery’.[. Раннее прошлое Мы используем the past perfect, когда мы говорим о прошлом и затем(позапрошлое) говорим о более раннем прошлом.(поэтому the past perfect иногда называют позапрошлым)Мы не могли найти нашего попугая, потому что Джимми положил его
в холодильник.Ее нос выглядел по-другому - она cdeiaia пластическую операцию.We use the past perfect with time conjunctions (by, after, before, when,
as soon as. etc.) in stories to stress the action that happened first.
• As soon as Michael Jackson had come on stage, the crowd started
shouting.• She had a child after she had divorced her husband.2. Союзы времени Мы используем the past perfect с союзами времени(с прошедшими (после, до, когда, как только и т.д.) в историях, чтобы показатьсобытиями) какое действие произошло первым.Как только Маикя Джексон вышел на сцену, толпа начат кричать.Она родила ребенка посче того, как развелась со своим мужем.The past perfect acts as the past form of the present perfect.It is often used with adverbs like just, already, yet, never, etc.• Last night he had just started dreaming when his vt ife kicked
him in her sleep.• She had never traveled by plane before going to Turkey.3. Прошедшая форма The past perfect выступает как прошедшая форма от the present perfect.от the present perfect Оно часто используется с такими наречиями как just, already, yet. never и т.д.Вчера только ему начал сниться сон, как жена пнула его во сне-
Она никогда не путешествовала самолетом до того, как поехала в
Exercises14.1 Complete the sentences with past perfect or past simple verbs. stomach was rumbling because I (not have) breakfast.His engine (break down) because he (not check) the oil.He (get) an A as he (learn) his lesson well.The mafia (kill) him because he (not pay) them.The salary" they (offer) was less than I (expect) 6. The teacher (jump) up as we (put) a thumbtack on his chair.7. They (cut off) his hand because he (steal) a candy bar.8. I (not speak) to him because he (be) rude to me.9. She (burst out) crying after she (hang up) the phone.10. Before 1 (meet) you, 1 (not know) such people existed.11 ■ When he (leave) , everyone (start) talkingabout his manners.12. After they (drink) all the vodka, they (start) drinkingbeer.13 1 (cut) my finger, and it (be) difficult for me to type.14. The professor (shave off) his beard, and the students in theaudience (not recognize) him.15. 1 (just / get) in the bathtub when the phone (ring) 16. When we (get) to the cinema, the film (already / begin) 17. It (be) the biggest fish 1 (ever / see). . 18. We (just / go) to sleep in the terit when we (hear) automatic guns firing nearby in the woods4.19. | (be) shocked - 1 (never / meet) anyone as fat as him.14.2 Read the sentences on the left, then reproduce the events in different order on the right.We were sitting in the cinema when_J!Aa£k.. ZemembeZed.. that he had the gas on.1. Mark left the gas on
We were sitting in the cinema
He remembered2. Somebody stuck some
chewing gum on my seat
We sat on the bench1 realized3. He buried his treasure
He told his sons where
He diedWhen we sat on the bench,
57 Zeaeised tha t He told his sons where heVocabularyconjunction[k3ll'd3AIjkJn](грам.) союз л10salary| saebri]зар. плата19shave offIJeiv]соритьstage[steid3]сцена11offer|'Df3(r)]предлагать20bathtub[’ba:0tAb]ваннаcro'vdjkraud]толпа12ihumbtack|'0Amtaek]кнопка (канц.)21tent[tent]палаткаadverb|'a?dv3:b]наречие13cut offj. кл1 ’o:f]отрезатьautomatic guntoa'maetik]автоматstomachj'sUmaklжелудок14candy bar[kaendi Ьа:(г)]шоколадн. батончик23nearby[nia'bai]неподалекуrumble['глтЫ]урчать15rude|ru:d]грубый24wood[wud]лесengine[ end3in]двигатель16bursl out crying[b3:st]взорваться плачем25chewing gumI'tjirir)]жвачкаoillo.l]масло17hang up(ha?Q лр]повесить трубку26bury| beri]закопатьAVlei]отлично, “5”У18manner['тгепа(г)]манера j27treasurev[Чгелэ<г)1сокровище jAnswer key p. 143Superbook 67
Past perfect: jokes and clever expressionsWedding Ring
A young bride and groom-to-be had just
selected their wedding rings. As the young
lady admired the plain platinum and dia¬
mond band she had chosen for herself, she
suddenly looked concerned. ‘Tell me,’ she
asked the rather elderly salesman, ‘is there
anything special I’ll have to do to take care
of this ring?’ With a fatherly smile, the
salesman said, ‘One of the best ways to pro¬
tect a wedding ring is to wash it every day
with the dishes.’Busy Businessman
A young businessman had just started his
own firm. He’d rented a beautiful office
and had it furnished with antiques. Sitting
there, he saw a man come into the hall of
the office. Wishing to appear busy, the busi¬
nessman picked up the phone and started to
pretend he had a big deal working. He
threw huge figures around and made giant
commitments. Finally, he hung up and
asked the visitor, ‘Can I help you?’ The
man said, ‘Sure. I’ve come to install the
phone!'©©©A: I had never questioned my wife’s
fidelity until we moved to New York.B: So, what happened there?A: Nothing serious. Only one thing: I
noticed that we had the same
milkman.Rough Landing
Upon landing hard, the pilot got on the I'A”
system. ‘Sorry, folks?, for the hard landing,
it wasn’t my fault, blame it on the
asphalt.’The airline policy was that he had to
stand at the exit and apologize to each
passenger getting off the plane, saying,
‘Thank you for flying XYZ airlines and
sorry for the rough landing.’All the passengers had got off the plane
except for one little old lady, walking with
a cane and wearing a hearing aid. She
walked up to the pilot and said, ‘Do you
mind if I ask a question?’He said, ‘Why no, ma’am, go ahead.’She then replied, ‘I didn’t hear the
announcement. Did we land, or were we
shot down?’Sold out.An artist asked the gallery owner if there
had been any interest in his paintings cur¬
rent^ on display. ‘I’ve got good news and
bad news,’ the owner replied. ‘The good
news is that a gentleman inquired about
your work and wondered if it would
appreciate in value after your death. WhenI told him it would, he bought all fifteen
of your paintings.’‘That’s wonderful!’ the artist exclaimed,
‘What’s the bad news?’With concern, the gallery owner replied,
‘The guy was your doctor.’VocabularyringInn]КОЛЬЦО Лgroom-to-be [gru:mjбудущийженихadmire[ad'mais]восхищатьсяplain[plein]простойband[bsend]обручconcerned[kon Vnul]озабоченныйrent[rent]арендоватьfurnish['funiJlмеблироватьV-antique [<en"ti:k] антикв, вещьwish [wij] желатьappear [э'р1э(г)[ казатьсяhuge [hju:d3] огромныйgiant [djaiant] гигантский
commitment[k3'nntmont]o6fliai,"iuCTBoinstall [in stall] устанавливатьquestion; kwestjan] сомневатьсяfidelity [fi delati] верностьupon landing по приземлению
PA [pi Э1]система оповещения
folks jfauks) народ, людиblame [bleim] винить
apologize [spDladjaizj извинятьсяrough [r.\f]
except [ik'sept]
cane [kein]
mind [maind]
Lgo ahead [a'hed]грубый
давай, впередannouncement[э'паипмпэп^объявлеш
shot dour [ Jot 'daun] сбитый
currently ['клгапШ] сейчас
display [d splei[ показ
inquire [in'kwaia] спрашивав
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в иенеvalue ['vaeliir1 цена, ценна68Superbook
I'd hoped he would change after he had children.
But this is 11 ’t what I had expected...ir-ndenl/ocabularynsmantJoabHKM
спрайтаПОВЫШЭ1в иене '
цена, цеяexpeel
make sure
tail[ik soekt]ГМj jnta'rApt]
[meik Jua(r)]
[>eil]ожидатьуложитьперебитьубедитьсяхвостНе V/ drunk so much coffee, we couldn t lay him
down.Past perfect: cartoonsIt was the third time your mother had interrupted two years of hard work. I wanted to make sureme. that they’d learned tilt astronomy lessons well, so 1asked. What is the star with a tair? ’
and they all shouted, 'Mickey Mouse. ’Superbook69
Past perfect continuousThey had been fighting.AffirmativeNegativeInterrogativeУтвердительноеОтрицател ьноеВопросительное1weiweiweyouyouyoutheyhad been doing theyhad not been doing Hadtheybeen doinghehehesheshesheititit1. A past activity + duration + a limit We use the past perfect continuous to express
a past activity with its duration and a limit.a past activitydurationa limitпрошедшее действиепродолжительностьлимит• We had been singingfor от v 5 minuteswhen the librarian kicked us out.• We had been arguingfor about an hourwhen I blocked him flat.1. Прошедшее действие Мы используем the past perfect continuous, чтобы выразить прошедшее
+ продолжительность действие с его продолжительностью и лимитом.+ тимит {сравните с the present perfect continuous - 2й случай, стр. 58)Мы пели только 5 минут, когда библиотекарь выгнала нас.Мы спорили около часа, когда я вырубил его наповал.The past perfect continuous expresses an activity that preceded
a past situation or brought it about.
• His eyes were sore. He had been working on the PC.• The house was a mess. They had been partying.2. Действие, которое The past perfect continuous выражает действие, которое предшествовало
предшествовало прошедшей ситуации или вызвало ее. (сравните 1й случай, стр. 58)
прошедшей ситуации Его г юза долечи. Он работал на компьютере. Дом был в беспорядке. Они устраивачи вечеринку.3. An earlier past activity We use the past perfect continuous when we talk about the past
in progress and then talk about an activity that was in progress in the earlier
• He said he had been watching TV at the time of the crime.• She phoned to say that she had been thinking of him all night.3. Действие в прогрессе Мы используем the past perfect continuous, когда мы говорим о прошломи затем говорим о действии, которое было в прогрессе в более раннем
прошлом, (сравните 1 й случай, стр. 66)Он сказал, что он смотрел телевизор во время преступления.
 Она позвонила, чтобы сказать, что думала о нем всю ночь.2. An activity that preceded
a past situationSuperbook
Exercises15.1 Put the following expressions in the sentences. Use the past perfect continuous.talk to the mafia race fight fool around with explosivesHe didn’t have eyebrows or eyelashes, and his face
was red.I He had been fiooCing ...The boys came in dirty, their clothes were torn, and
one of them had a bloody nose.2. They His hands were shaking, and he looked
frightened3. He When his car pulled up, it was very dirty and all
beat-up.4. He 15.2 Complete the sentences with past perfect continuous or past simple verbs.1. The secretary (criticize) i the boss for 10 minutes whenhe (come) ? into the room. At once she (smile) з and (pay) 4 him a compliment about his tie.2. When Robinson Crusoe (meet) i Friday, he(live) 2 on the island for 24 years.3. She (wear) i long hair all her life when one dayshe (dye) 2 it badly and had to cut it short. But she wasso beautiful that it only (add) 3 style to her looks.4. The people of the Soviet Union (fight) 1 fascists for nearly
four years when they (hear) 2 the word victon' on the radio.15.3 Yesterday at 3 o’clock the main Microsoft computer had a glitch, and as a result dozens of
new programs were lost. Bill Gates asked his employees what they had been doing.1. The chief programmer said, 4 was looking for viruses.’In reality, he had been kiting.... monsters in a computer game.2. The chief electrician said, ‘I was replacing wires in the central switchboard.’In reality, he (help) Bill Gates’s secretary to unfasten her brain the swimming pool.3. The head of security said, ‘1 was checking on some employees.'In reality, he (install) a camera in the lady’s lavatory.4. The chief lawyer said, 4 was preparing a new contract.’In reality, he (fake) Bill Gates’s signature on a falsified will.Vocabularylibrarian[lai breorion] библиотекарь8fool around[3'raund|валять16гat once(at waiis]сразу же25^chief~ " ■ "4главныйkick outI,kilt aut]выгонятьдуракаГtie[tai]галстук2Ьwire['wai3(r)] проводknock flat[nDk fleet]сбить9explosive[ik spbusiv] взрывчаткаIXisland['aibnd]остров27unfasten|An'fa:sn)расстегиватьbe sore|so:(r)[наповал10eyebrow['aibrau]бровьWdye|dai|красить28bra[bra:]бюстгальтерболеть11eyelash1 ailajJ-]ресница20had to[had tut]должен был29lavatory1 U^vatri)туалетmess|nie>]беспорядок12shake1MMтрясти21nearly('niali]почти30prepare[рп'реэ(г)1 подготовитьcrime[kraim|преступление13frightenfraitn)пугать->2main[mein|главный31fake[ feik]подделыватьrace|reis[гоняться14pull up[.pul 'лр(подъехать23glitchIgl'tJ]глюк, сбой32falsify['fxlsilai]подделыватьV>15^beat-up| ,bi:t лр)побитыйУ24dozen
< [ dAZnjдюжина33will|wi>]завещаниеУSuperbook 71
Past perfect continuous: jokes and clever expressions©©©Two college students didn’t show up for the
exam because they had been partying. The
next day they said to their professor that their
car had had a flat tyre, and they didn’t have a
spare one, and there was no one around to
help.They were told to go to separate classrooms
to take their exam. As each sat down, they
read the directions:‘For 5 points, explain the contents of an atom.
For 95 points, tell me which tyre it was.’©©©A wife, nine months pregnant woke up one
night and told her husband that she had been
dreaming that she gave birth to a black boy
with two heads. Of course, he asked her to calm
down and forget about this dream. The next
night he delivered her to hospital and was
waiting in the corridor for the arrival of his
child. A nurse approached him, not knowing
how to begin. ‘Er...er...er your wife has just
given birth to a black baby.’‘Does he have two heads?’‘No, only one...’‘Thank God!’©©©A husband and wife had been living
together for only two months when one
morning she said, ‘You know darling, there
will soon be three of us.’‘Wow! That soon?’‘Yeah! My mom is moving to our house
next week.'©©©Two friends meet on the street. ‘Hello!
Where are you coming from?’ asked Bill.
‘Oh, don’t ask me! I’m coming from the
cemetery,’ replied Sid and said that he had
been burying his mother-in-law.‘I’m so sorry!' said Bill. ‘But why is your
face scratched all over?’ ‘It wasn’t so easy!’
said Sid. ‘She put up a hell of a fight!’©©©A mother-in-law had been annoying her
son-in-law for a long time. At last he took
her by her feet and hung her out of the win¬
dow. Then, holding her with both hands
upside down, he shouted, ‘Do you know
what Jim has done to his mother-in-law?’
‘No, 1 don’t,’ answered his mother-in-law,
scared to death
‘He drowned her!’‘Do you know what Alex has done to his
mother-in-law?’‘No, I don’t.'‘He cut off her head with an axe! And me...
I’m just letting you go...’©©©A husband and wife had saved enough
money to take a vacation in Florida and
were on their way to their dream. They had
been driving for 30 minutes when she
shouted, ‘Quick! Stop the car! I've forgotten
to turn off the iron. Our house might burn
down!'‘Don’t worry, it won’t. I’ve forgotten to turn
off the water in the bathroom.’VocabularyTlat tyre[Ilaei taia(rj) спущенное колесо ЛspareГфеэ(г)]запаснойseparatej'seprat]отдельныйdirections[da'rekjn]указания, инструкц.pointjpDint]баллcontents| kontents]содержимое£alm downfkoimjуспокойся Jdeliver |di liv?(r)|nurse [пз:ч]approach [aprautj]scratch jskraetj]
put up a fight [fait]annoy [anal]upside down [ Apviid 'daunfдос гавить
подходить к
вверх ногами15Гscare|skea^l|nyi ать16drownjdraunjтонуть, топить17axe[asks]топор18let go[.let дэи|отпустить19vacation[va'keijn]отпуск20dream[dri:m]мечта21^quickfkwik/скорее72 Superbook
Past perfect continuous: cartoonsThank you, doctor! Before your operation. I’d
been working as a cleaner in a gym, but
then they promoted me to a skipping-rope
instructor!'It happened yesterday.'‘Yeah, he’d been feeling lonely..‘Did your wife say anything before her death? ’
‘She’d been talking for 20 years without
stopping! ’‘Why were vou fired from your previous job? ‘
7 had successfully been working there for 3
years when my boss found out that I was
keeping his wife s photo on mv desk. ’Vocabulary12345cleaner ['kli:na(r)] уборщикgym [d3im] спортзалpromote [pra'maut] продвигать по службеskipping-rope скакалкаlonely ['teunii] одинокий678
910fire ['faia(r)]previous j'priivjas]successfully [sak sesfuii]keep [ki:p]desk [desk]уволить
держать, хранить
стол УSuperbook 73
Future: perfect, perfect continuous, continuous.Future perfectCompletion by a point
in the futureThe plumber says he will have finished by
Monday.Сантехник говорит, что закончит к понедельнику.We use the future perfect to say that something will
have been completed by a particular time in the future.• Bj_ 2007 we will have built our cm n house.• I will have saved $180 by 1 May.Завершенность к моменту
в будушемМы используем the future perfect* чтобы говорить, чго что-то
будет закончено к определенному времени в будущем.К 2007мы построим наш собственный дом.Я скоплю 180 $ к 1 мая.Future perfect continuousThe plumber и ill have been repairing the
sewer for 3 weeks this Monday.В понедельник будет 3 недели как сантехник
чинит канатзацию.Нолу long by a point
in the futureThe future perfect continuous is used to stress the
continuity before a particular time in the future.• Next month we’ll have been building our house for 3 wears.• I will have been teaching for 10 years this winter.Продолжительность к моменту
в будущемThe future perfect continuous используется, чтобы
подчеркнуть продолжительность к определенному
моменту в будущем (сравните стр. 58 случай 2).В следующем году будет 3 года, как мы строим наш дам
Зимой будет / 0 лет, как я преподаюFuture continuous1. An activity in progress
in the futureThis time tomorrow, I ll be swimming in
the sea.В это время завтра я буду плавать в MOfje.We use the future continuous to say that an activity
will be in progress at a moment in the future.• I ll be waiting for you in the lobby of the hotel at 7 о clock.1. Действие в прогрессе
в будушемМы используем the future continuous, чтобы говорить,
что действие будет в прогрессе в момент в будущем.
Я буду ждать тебя в вестибюле о тетя в 7 часов.2. Normal course of
events (what is expected)We use the future continuous to talk about what
will be happening in the normal course of events.• We will be flying at a speed of 950 kph.• Soon he will be sitting m the president s chair.2. Нормальный xoiсобытий (что ожидается)Мы используем the future continuous, чтобы говорить о
том, что будет происходить при нормальном ходе еобы гий.
Л/ь/ будем лететь на скорости 950 км. в час.Вскоре, он будет сидеть в президентском кресле.74 Superbook
Exercises16.1 Put the correct verb form or a number in each blank space.Jack has just started two jobs. He works as a ticket collector at the theatre,
and he works part time at the prison where he carries out death penalty orders.In the theatre he tears off 10,000 tickets a month. In prison he kills 2 people a month.1. In two months he (tear off) have tozn gfcfc 20,000 tickets
and (kill) people.2. In 5 months he ticketsand people.3. When he has torn off 30,000 tickets, he (work) in the theatre for months .Yoshi is a sumo wrestler. He has just started eating hot dogs. It takes him one minute to eat one hot
dog. He usually eats for at least 2 hours.4. In half an hour he (eat) hot dogs.5. When he’s eaten 60 hot dogs, he (eat) for hour.16.2 Write down what will be happening in the normal course of events.1. Mike is a mathematics teacher. He cannot and doesn’t want to do anything else.So in 5 years he (teach) mathematics.2. Professor Johnson starts his lecture at 9 o’clock every Tuesday and Wednesday.Next Tuesday at 9:15 he (give) his lecture.3. Welcome to the survival course. Here you (live) in the forest, (eat) hedgehogs, and (drink) water from the river. I hope you enjoy it.16.3 Look at John’s diary. Tick the correct sentences (У), mark the wrong ones with a cross (x).2^ to tVl6 c-Lutto>re^ts with Pete00 - 23| 1. At 20:152. At 21:20I x He’ll have finished dinner
l >/He’Il be having dinner
I x He’ll have dinner
I ,/He’II have met JaneHe’ll have finished dinner
He’ll be having dinner
He’ll be driving
He’ll drive3. At 22:004. At 23:05He’ll be playing tennis
He’ll have had dinner
He'll play tennis
He plays tennisHe’ll have had a shower
He’ll be having a shower
He'll have a shower
He’ll have played tennisVn*ahn!r“yplumber[р1лтэ(г)]сантехник6Tobby[ iobi)вестибюль Л11'sumo wrestler [Чи:гпэи 'resla(r)] борец сумо Лcompletion[kam'plirjn]завершенность7collector[ka'lekt3(r)]сборшик12ai least[at list]как минимумparticular[рэ'п)фЬ(г)]определенныйRpart timeнеполный рабочий день13survival[ss'vaivl]выживаниеrepair[п'реэ(г)]ремонтировать9carry out[,kaeri 'aut]выполнять14hedgehog['hed3hDg]ежsewerV['su:?]канализацияJ10death penalty[ de9 penalti]смертная казнь15diary[ daiari]дневиикVAnswer key p. 143Superbook 75
Revision: units 1-16 Table of tensesPresentPresent continuousPresent simplePresent perfectPresent perfect
continuousPast continuousPast simplePast perfectPast perfect
continuous- I am doing -1. Right now10 page I2. Around now3. Present changes4. Arrangements- She likes -1. Things that are always true2. Timetables3. Commentaries4. We do things by saying14 page- I have done -1. Present result46 page I1.1 News1.2 Just, already, yet50 page2. Situations up to now54 page2.1 A person’s life up to now
2 2 How long up to now
2.3 Up-to-now expressions:unfinished time expressions {today),
recently, sofar, it s the 1st time- He has been doing -1. An activity that preceded the present situationz. How long up to now58 page- We were working -1. A past activity in progress2. A background action26 page- He worked -1. Finished actions1.1 Periods of finished time1.2 Stories22 page 1- They hud done -f г-1 __ ..66 page1. tamer pasi2. Time conjunctions with past events3. The past form of the present perfect (Just, never)They had been doing - l. A past activity + duration + a limit ■2. An activity that preceded a past situation3. An earlier past activity in progressAFuture continuous-1 will be doing -1. A future activity in progress2. Normal course of events54 pageШFuture simple- She will like -1. Decisions made just now2. Predictions based on opinions3. Promises and threats36 page jFutureFuture perfect- I will have done1. Completion by a point in the future74 pageFuture perfect
continuous- He will have been doing -1. How long by a point in the future74 page1Be going to structure- He is going to do-1. Intentions (decisions made earlier)2. Predictions based on present facts32 page76Superbook
1. Which tense suits the situation best? Write down its name and the structure.1. An event happened in the past, has present result. (He/win) J.hs.perfect? Qle.kgs.won2. A past activity in progress. (We /travel) 3. Intentions. (He /study’) 4. How long up to now. (They / wait) 5. Around now. (She /save) 6. A past background action. (You / dance) 7. A past activity + duration + a limit. (We /talk) 8. Just, already, yet for the present. (/ /just / cook) 9. Predictions based on opinions. (They / come) 10. An earlier past activity in progress. (I / talk) 11. A future activity in progress. (Theprofessor /speak) 12. An activity that preceded a past situation. (He / learn) 13. An activity that preceded the present situation. (1 /run) 14. Normal course of events. (We / land) 15. Predictions based on present facts. (It / be cold) 16. Unfinished time expressions. (He / not eat) 17. Decisions made just now. [I/go) 18. Things that are always true. (Our dog / run) 19. Time conjunctions with past events. (After I / finish) 20. Promises and threats. (I / do) 21. Completion by a point in the future. (The artist /complete)22. Just, already, yet for the past. (The dog / eat / already’) 23. Right now. (The bahv / cry’) 24. Commentaries. (The goalkeeper /jump) 25. How long by a point in the future. (They / work) .....26. Present changes. (The kittens /grow)27. How long up to now. (I / know) 28. Finished actions. (They / build) 29. A person’s life up to now. (Mike / write / 2 hooks)30. We do things by saying. (I / advise) 31. Periods of finished time. (The car / break down) 32. Arrangements. (// meet) 33. Earlier past. (// be) 34. Timetables. (The plane / take off) 35. Stories. (The people / come) 36. News. (Martha / die) Answer key p. 144Superbook 77
Revision: units 1-16Single sentences: complete the sentences with the most suitable verb forms.1. When we (arrive) 1 at the station, the train (already / leave)2 , and the only person who (walk) з there was a tramp, who (ask) 4 us for a cigarette.2. When, after 30 years, we came to our old school, we (not recognize) i the place. The wind (blow) г .... through broken windows, and snow(fall) з through holes in the ceiling onto the floor where the teacher(once sit) 4 3. Although the sun (shine) l , the ground was wet. It(rain) 2 4. 1 (clean) . all the rooms. Can 1 go home now?5. She tried not to show it, but by the look on her face, it was clear that she
(cry) 6. He said that he (watch) the weather report on TV at the time of thecrime.7. The plane (fly) l at an altitude of 10,500 meters, at a speed of900 kph. We (land) 2 in 4 hours and 20 minutes at the airport inHurghada. Now fasten your seat belts and pray that this old piece of metal(not crash) з somewhere on the way.8. 1 (check) the oil. You can start the engine now.9. I (not understand - present) i the joke. What(the fire extinguisher / do) 2 under my pillow?10. We (do) it! We are the champions.11. 1 (buy) a new cell phone. Wanna have a look?12. Our train (leave -future) i at 8 o’clock this evening. So at 8:30 we(drink) 2 tea in our compartment.13. When (you / be) last in England?14. The movie (not begin / yet) I , the lights were on, andthe people (eat) 2 popcorn in their seats.15. Yesterday 1 (order) i new keys as 1 (lose) 2 the old ones.16. At last he (give) i me the 100 bucks that 1 (wait)2 a year for.17. 1 (finish) the laundry by the time you get back home.18. When the morning came, the rain (already / stop) i , but heavyclouds (hang) 2 over the city.19. 1 (try) i to get a visa to the US for 3 years. I (get) г four refusals. 1 (begin) з to think it’s time to stoptrying.20. Everybody (listen) i carefully, but one student (eat) 2 sunflower seeds.SuperbookAnswer key p 144-145
Dialogues: make sentences, use the most suitable verb form.1. A: Can you recommend us a good office desk for less than 5,000 dollars?В: 1 (know) l a lot of tables that you (like) 2 A: It (look like) з you know your furniture very well.B: Oh yeah. Tomorrow I (work) 4 in furniture for 20 years.2. A: 1 (make) l cakes. That’s why my hands are covered with flour.B: It’s not flour, it’s talcum. You (bowl) 2. , damn liar!3. A. Have you seen my bag anywhere? 1 (look) 1 for it for ages.B: You (put) 2 it under your table yesterday.4. A: We (argue) 1 about this for two hours. Perhaps weshould stop!B: 1 (not stop) 2 until you (say) 3 thatI’m right.5. A: They were very rude to me. 1 (not go) 1 there again.B: You should be grateful that they (not beat) 2 you for whatyou (do) 3 to their daughter.6. A: 1 want to buy a motorboat.B: I’m afraid we (just close) 1 madam. It’s 5 o’clock, and todaywe (close) 2 at 5 sharp. The manager (not want) 3 to miss the football game.A: So, 1 (come) 4 tomorrow. The shop (close) 5 at seven, right?B: Don’t come after 5 o'clock. We (close) 6 by that time.At 5:15 we (all go) 1.. .. to a bar to watch a baseball game.7. A: 1 (buy) 1 a Jaguar last year, but I (not sell) 2 my BMW yet. So at the moment I (have) 3 two cars.B: And what about that Jeep that (sit) 4 in the garage for years?A: Oh, it (still / to be) 5 there. I (give) 6 it to you if you want.8. A: It (not be - future) 1 easy to get out of the country - the police(watch - present) 2 all the airports.B: Don’t worry. I (make - past) з false documents for you and me.We (get out) 4 . without any problems. This passport is yours.9. A: Would you like some more potatoes?B: No, thank you. (I have) enough. I’m stuffed.Answer key p. 145Superbook
Passive (1): past simple, present simple.My car was stolen.Пассивный залог образуется из глагола to be и past participle (3-я форма глагола). Глагол to be здесь вспомогательный, полому с ним
образуется отрицание, и в вопросах он выносится на первое место.Глагоп be может быть в настоящем (ат, в, are) или в прошедшем времени (га, were). Таблица неправильных глаголов - стр. 186.То be Past participleCheese is made from milk.The dinner was cooked on time.Сыр делают из молока.А жни выл приготовлен вовремя• 1 was seen at the scene of the accident.• M\ daughter is seen by the dentist twice a year.• The car wasn V repaired properly.• The flowers are not u atered every day.• When was this house built?• How often are the rooms cleaned?Меня видели на месте аварии.Моя дочка наблюдается у дантис та (дантис том) два раза в год.Машина не была починена должны м образом.Цветы не поливают каждый день.Когда этот дом был построен?
Как часто эти комнаты убирают?1. Passive subjectThe word passive speaks for itself - a passive subject
didn’t do the action, the action was done to it.She cooked the i meal in the morning. (active)The meal was cooked in the morning, (passive)1. Пассивное подлежащее1.1 Interested in what happenedСлово пассивный говорит само за себя - пассивное подлежащее
не делало действие, действие было сделано с ним.Она приготовила еду утром.Еда бы ia приготовлена утром.We use the passive voice when we are interested in
what happened, and not who made it happen.• The house was built in 1900.• The president was shot in the head.If it is necessary to say who did the action, we use by.• The house was built by my great-grandfather.1.1 Интересуемся тем, что произошлоМы используем пассивный залог, когда мы интересуемся
тем, что произошло, а ие тем, кто сделал это.Дом быч построен в 1900.Президент быч застрелен в голову.Если необходимо сказать кто сделал действие, мы используем bv.
Дом был построен моим прадедом.Superbook
Exercises17.1 Complete the sentences with the present simple passive or the past simple passive.1. The lighter (make) before the match.2. Hair (make) from the same substance as fingernails.3. It (estimate) that at any time 0.7% of the world’s population are drunk.4. Marilyn Monroe (be born) with six toes on her left foot.5. 98% of Japanese (cremate)6. Money (not make) out of paper; it (make) out of cotton.7. Adolf Hitler’s mother seriously considered an abortion, but (talk) out of it by her doctor.8. The electric chair (invent) by a dentist.9. More people (strike) by lightning than attacked by sharks.10. The Ostankinskaya tower (build) in 1967.11. Texas is the only state that (allow) to fly its state flag at thesame height as the US flag.12. Winston Churchill (be bom) in a ladies’ room during a dance.13. In Hong Kong, a betrayed wife (legally allow) to kill her adulteroushusband, but may only do so with her bare hands. The husband’s lover, on the other hand,
may (kill) in any manner desired.14. Stewardesses is the longest word that (type} with only the left hand.15. The longest word that can (type) using only the right hand is lollipop.17.2 Make questions. Put the words in the correct order and grammatically correct form.1. Paper / make / what / from? 2. America / when / discover? 3. The atomic bomb / when / invent? 4. How much / steal / money / in the world’s biggest robbery? 17.3 Complete the sentences using passive or active form, past or present. Use by if necessary.1. 1 (bite) a dog yesterday.2. 1 (expel) from school because 1 (puncli) a teacher.3. The criminal (find). the police.4. The person who (write) the music for the Russian national anthemwas a genius.5. McDonald’s (know) .. everywhere.6. The patient (treat) a very experienced team of doctors andsoon recovered.7. Winnie the Pooh (give) his donkey friend, Eeyore, his tail.8. Terrorists (despise ) all civilized nations.Vocabulary'scene[M:nij'lait3(r)]сцена7^talk out[#t^:k aut]отговорить13Adulterous [ае -изменяющим18*punch[p/vntf]ударятьlighterзажигалка8invent[m'vent]изобретать14desire[di'zai3(r)]желаниекулакомmatch[maetj]спичка9lightning I'laitniQ]молния15lollipop['iDlipop]леденец19anthem['агпвэт]гимнestimate[ estimeit]оценивать10height[hait]высота16discover[dfskAva)открывать.20sen i us['d3i:ni3sjгенийtoe[tau]палец иогиItbetray[bi'lrei]предаватьделать открытие21treat[tri:t]лечить^consider[кэп sida]рассматривать^12^allow[a'lau]позволять/17steal[sti:Ijворовать J22^despise[di spaizjпрезирать JAnswer key p. 145Superbook81
Passive: jokes and clever expressionsWeddingsAttending a wedding for the first time, a
little girl whispered to her mother, ‘Why is
the bride dressed in white9’Because white is the color of happiness,
and today is the happiest day of her life.’
her mother tried to explain, keeping
it simple.The child thought about this for a moment,
then said. ‘So. why is the groom wearing
black?’©©©If you are good, you will be assigned all
the work. If you are really good, you will
get out of it.©©©If you’re not supposed to drink and drive,
why do bars have parking lots?©©©Girls are like phones. They love to be held
and talked to. but if you press the wrong
button, you’ll be disconnected!©©©The first half of our lives is ruined by our
parents, and the second half, by our chil¬
dren.©©©You worry too much about your job. Stop
it. You are not paid enough to worry.©©©A man to a beautiful woman:Were you arrested earlier? It’s gotta
be illegal to look that good.©©©‘Doctor. Doctor. I keep thinking I’m a dog.’
‘Sit on the couch, and we will talk about it.’
‘But I’m not allowed up on the couch!’©©©On the way home from church, little Ethan
asked his mother,‘Are we really made of dust?’‘Yes, we are,’ she answered.‘Do we return to dust again when we die?'
‘Yes, that is what the Scriptures” say.’‘Well, Mom,’ said Ethan, ‘last night when I
said my prayers, 1 looked under my bed. and
somebody under there is either coming or
going!'©©©A pickpocket was in court for a series of
petty crimes. The judge said, ‘Mr. Banks,
you are finexl $100.’ The lawyer stood up
and said, ‘Thanks, my lord. However, my
client only has $75 on him at this time, but if
you allow him a few minutes in the crowd...’©©©Books, like friends, should be few and well
chosen.Vocabularyw edding| wednj]свадьоаwhisper['wisp3(r)lшептатьassign[э sain]назначитьbe supposed to[sa'pauzd]долженparking lot['pa:kiQ Idi]парковкаrum['ru:in]разрушатьillegal[i li:gl]нелегальныйchurch№:tJ]церковьdust[dASt]прах, пыльscripture['skriptj3(r)]библия, писаниеprayer[preafr)]молитваpickpocket[’pikpDkir]вор-карманникpetty crime[,peti 'kraim]мелкоепреступлениеfine[fair]оштрафовать4 у82 Superbook
Passive: cartoonsWe are glad to welcome you to out art gallery
The best prison artists are represented here by
their landscape pictures...How can vou tell me he s too big for his age w hen
vou don t even know 11 hen he was born9One bum to another: It is called willpower.I m itching all over, and I
haven't moved a finger.Afterlife.'But I was told...'I don't care what you were told on earth.The only difference is that this is smoking, and this
is non-smoking! ’Vocabularyglad[glaedjрад, доволенrepresentj,repn'zent|представлятьlandscapej'laendskeip]пейзажwillpower['\м1,раиэ]сила волиitch[itj]чесатьсяafterlife[ a:ftalaif]загробная ж-ньnon-smokingнекурящийVкласс jSuperbook83
Passive (2): all the structuresПрактически каждое английское время имеет свое “зеркальное отражение4' в пассиве(кроме the future continuous (wifi he being done) и времен perfect progressive f hm kw bvmg done ) - слишком много вспомогательных
глаголов). Для того, чтобы построить необходимое время в пассиве, вы должны использовать глагол to be в нужном времени
(например to be в present perfect = have been) и past participle.TensePresent simple
Present continuous
Past simple
Past continuous
Present perfect
Past perfect
Future simple
Future perfectTo be + past participleam/is/are + p.p.
am/is/are + being + p p.
was/were + p.p.
was/were + being + p.p.has been
had been
will he+ p.p.
+ p.p.+p.p.will have been +P P-ExampleEnglish is spoken here.Здесь говорят по-английски.The car is being repaired.Машину ремонтируют.1 wasn V invited to their wedding.Меня не пригласили на их свадьбу.I heard 1 was being talked about.Я слышал, что обо мне говорили.Has anybody been seen?Кого-то видели?Не knew why he had been punished
Он знал, почему его наказалиThe house will be sold soon.Дом будет скоро продан.It will have been finished by noon.Это будет закончено к полуднюGet + pastparticipleGet + p.p.Sometimes we can use get instead of be in the passive.
• He got caueht by the police driving 100 mph. (= he was caught)
• I don’t often get invited to parties. (= I'm not often invited)
We use get for changes and unplanned events, and not in other cases.
• She is liked by eveiyone. (no changes, Gels liked)• The house v as built in 1900. (planned event, The no use got bunt .)Иногда, мы можем использовать get вместо be в пассиве:Он был пойман по.тциен когда ехал 100 миль в час.Меня не часто приг ташают на вечеринки.Мы используем get для изменений и для непланируемых событий и не
используем в других случаях.Ее любят все. (-get неправильно - нет изменений)Дом был построен в 1900 год-, (планируемое событие невозможно)Have something donePresent simple
Present continuous
Past simple
Past continuous
Present perfectWe can use have something done to talk about things we pay
or employ other people to do for us.
• I have my hair cut by my mother.• He is having his letter typed.• We had the lock replaced yesterday.• I was havine my fridge repa.red when he came.• Have vou had your blood pressure checked?“Иметь что-то сделанным”Мы можем использовать иметь что-то сделанным, чтобы говорить о вещах,
за которые мы платим или нанимаем других людей сделать их для нас.
Меня стрижет моя мама.Его письмо печатают.Наш замок заменит вчера.Мой холодильник ремонтировали, когда он пришел.Твое кровяное давление проверти?Superbook
Exercises18.1 Match the sentences to the pictures and write down their numbers.1. The barbeque is being prepared. 4. The hedgehog has been fed. 7. The tooth is being drilled.2. The barbeque’s been prepared. 5. The clothes are being washed. 8. The tooth has been3. The hedgehog is being fed. 6. The clothes have been washed. drilled.18.2 Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms.1. By the look of the shoes, it was clear that they (wear) , althoughthe shop assistant claimed the opposite.2.1 couldn’t pick you up" at the airport because my car (repair) 3. When Joe’s wife (kidnap) in Egypt, he was assured that she(already / search for) and he could go back to the hotel.4.1 hope every passenger seat on all commercial airlines (equip) . witha parachute soon.5. The manager of the restaurant was informed that the blood stain (clean) and soon after that the banquet hall (open) again.6. If it rains any harder, the match (cancel) 18.3 A very important businessman comes home and gives his orders. Use these words
to complete his sentences: cut off, wash and iron, install, serve, lock.1. To his housemaid: 1 want to my socks 2. To his head of security: 1 want to additional surveillance cameras 3. To his gardener: I want to all the thorns on every rose" in the garden 4. To his cook: 1 want to scrambled eggs and tomato juice for dinner.5. To his butler: I want to all the parrots in the greenhouse in their cages.Vocabulary[replace[ri'pleis]заменить>9^pick up[,pik лр]подобрать>16Tiousemaidj .‘lausmeidjгорничнаяrepair[гГреэ(г)]чинить10kidnap['kidntEp]похищать (людей)17additional[э difanl]дополнительныйbarbeque[#ba:bikju:]шашлык11assure[3jua(r)]уверять18surveillance[S3: veibn.s]наолюдениеprepare(рп'реэ(г)]готовить12passenger[ paeMi7d33(r)|пассажир19thorn[9o:n]шип5 feed[fi:d|кормить13equip[i kwipоборудовать20rose[rauzjроза6 drill[dnl]сверлить14stain[Чет]пятно21scrambled eggs[ skraembldj яичница-болтунья7 claim[kleim]утверждать1 5order[ 3:da(r)]приказттbutler[ЪлИэ(г)|дворецкии8 ^opposite[Dpazit]противоположное23greenhouse[grimhaus]теплица JAnswer key p. 145-146Superbook 85
Passive (2): jokes and clever expressions©©©A Briton, a Frenchman, and a Russian are
viewing a painting of Adam and Eve frol¬
icking in the Garden of Eden. ‘Look at
their reserve, their calm,’ muses the Brit.
‘They must be British.’‘Nonsense,’ the Frenchman disagrees.
‘They’re naked and so beautiful. Clearly,
they are French.’‘No way! They have no clothes and no
shelter,’ the Russian points out. ‘They have
only an apple to eat, and they are being
told that they live in paradise. Obviously,
they are Russian.’©©©Q. A man noticed that his credit card had
been stolen, but didn’t report it. Why?
A. The thief was spending less than his
wife©©©Due to budget cuts, the light at the end of
the tunnel has been turned off.©©©A man to a woman:Would you touch me, so I can tell my
friends I’ve been touched by an angel?©©©A diplomat is a person that’s being run out
of town, but makes it look like he’s leading
a parade.©©©Two muffins were being baked in an oven.
One muffin turns to the other and says, ‘Holy
shit, it’s hot in here!’ The other muffin says,
‘Holy shit... A talking muffin!’©©©An elderly Floridian called 911 on her cell
phone to report that her car had been broken
into.She is hysterical as she explains her situation
to the dispatcher: ‘They’ve stolen my stereo,
the steering wheel, the brake pedal, and even
the accelerator!’ she cried.The dispatcher said, ‘Stay calm. An officer is
on the way.’A few minutes later, the officer radioed in.
‘Disregard,’ he says, ‘she got in the back seat
by mistake.’©©©Watching your daughter being collected by
her date feels like handing over a million
dollar Stradivarius to a gorilla.©©©I know not with what weapons World War 111
will be fought, but World War IV will be
fought with stick» and stones.©©©There is no such thing as a moral or an
immoral book. Books are well written or
badly written.VocabularyTrolic[ frolik]резвиться9’’budget cut['Ьлс^ц]сокращение бюджета Л16Steering wheel['stiano]рульreserve[ri'z3:v]сдержанность10tunnel['Uni]туннель17brake[breik]тормозmuse[mju:z|размышлятьIItouchмлтрогать18accelerator[ak'sel3reiia(r)] педаль газаshelter['Jelta(r)]кров, жилье12muffin['niAfm)кекс, сдобная булка19disregard[disrt'ga:d]отставитьpoint out[pDint]указывать13bake[beik]печь (глагол)20collect[ks'lekt]забиратьparadise['pzeradais)рай14oven['AVnjдуховка21weapon['wepan]оружиеobviously['Dbviasli]очевидно15break into[breik 'inta]вломиться J22stickrstik]палкаdue to[dju: tu:|из-за23^stone'stauisjкамень86Superbook
Passive (2): cartoons0It has just been discovered that smoking is twice
as dangerous as people think. During the lastyear one million people have died from smoking
related diseases, and I think another million got
beaten-up for not having a cigarette.Our exploration of the bottom will be continuedafter I have had a smoke.But we ’11 have to let you go as soon as your posi¬
tion is wanted by another woman.Good news, passengers. Our plane has just been
hijacked hy some fool who has never been to
Australia!Vocabularydiscover [di'sk/wa]открывать>5diseasejiii zi:z]болезнь\10position[рэ д/я]>должностьtwice [twais]дважды6got beaten-up|,bi:tn \p|был избит11explorationl.ekspla reijnjисследованиеdangerous [ demc^arasопасный7hijack[haid3aek]угонять12bottom['botam]дноsmoking relatedотносящимся к курению8we'll have to[.let 'gaujнам придется13have a smoke [smauk]покуритьУ[let goуволитьSuperbook 87
Revision: units 1-18Single sentences: complete the sentences with the most suitable verb forms.1. Football (play) in every country of the world.2. At the airport you (meet - future) by a man from the travelagency.3. We (invite) to a birthday party last week.4. His new book (finish - future).... .... by next year.5. By the time the auditors arrive, the floors (clean) i , the furniture(installs 2 and everybody (pretend) з to be very busy.6. When John entered the class, the lecture (read) i , and theprofessor, who (stand) 2 by the window, (look) з athim severely and said that John (punish) 4 for being late.7. All the workers were happy that the job (already / finish) 1 ,and the president of the company (propose) 2 a toast tosuccess.8. Two letters (send) 1 last week, but we (not receive)2 any answers yet.9. When he found out that his car (damage) , he committedsuicide.10. While dinner (cook) , 1 decided to sweep the floor.11. It (just / report) 1 on the news that a Chinese airplane(crash) 2 somewhere over the Pacific. Fifty-five people(die) 3 in the accident.12. When my cousin (walk) 1 through the park yesterdayevening, he (be) 2 beaten-up by some youths. All his money(take away) з The hooligans also (take) 4 his digital camera.13. One of the windows (break) 1 by a ball early this morning whensome boys (play) 2 football, and another one with a stone, tenminutes after I (shout) 3 at them.14. The dragon (not kill) 1 by Shrek. Later the same dragon (help)2 him marry Fiona.15. The Titanic (build) 1 in Belfast in 1911, and it (sink) 2 onthe night of April 14. 1912. at 11:30.16. A lot of books that (sell) 1 are complete rubbish. And the prob¬
lem is that the bookstores (refuse) 2 to take them back.17. At three in the afternoon the house (paint - future) 1 so 1 (advise)2 you to come tomorrow when it (finish) з 18. He (meet) 1 her when they (study) 2 atthe university. And their marriage (break up) з when they(finish) 4 their studies.19. Your luggage (bring - future) to your room.SuperbookAnswei key p. 146
Dialogues: complete the sentences with the most suitable verb forms.1. A: Remember the guy who beat you up when you (study) i inthe sixth grade at school?B: He (not beat) 2 me up. It was an equal fight.A: I (read) 3 in the newspaper that he (kill) 4 during a bank robbery.В: 1 (always / say) 5 that if you steal something or rob abank, you (punish) 6. for it - sooner or later. In his caseit was sooner.A: But he was the bank clerk, and he (have) 1 three children.B: Then, there must be some other reason.2. A: What (happen) 1 to your car?B: (Not / I / tell) 2 you?A: No, you (auxiliary verb) 3. .... ... B: It (steal) 4 last week. It (find) 5 later, but it (be) 6 all beat-up and scratched.A: ( Уои / receive) 7 any money from the insurance company?B: Yes, they (pay) 8 me ten thousand dollars, but that’s only halfthe price of my BMW. So now I (buy) 9 a Ford.3. A: 1 can’t go out now. All my clothes (wash) 1 I (finish) 2 doing the laundry in an hour.Come to my place at 5 o’clock. I (wait) 3 for you outsideB: OK, 1 (come) 4 at 5. See you then.4. A: I (see) 1 you yesterday from the bus. Why(you use) 2 a cane?В: I (use) 3 a cane because I (hurt) 4 my leg that morning playing football.A: You (watch) 5 by all the passengers in the bus. And nowonder - you (walk) 6 barefoot.B: Oh yes, my sneakers (steal) 1 and 1 couldn’t get intomy shoes because my ankle was swollen.5. A: You know, 1 (watch) 1(eat) 2 B: A person (allow) 3 wants. We (live) 4 A: The law (allow) 5 (limit) 6 ... ....SuperbookAnswer key p. 146 that boy, and I can tell you that hefive ice cream cones. to eat as many ice cream cones as he in a free country. us to do a lot of things, but we. by our health.
Articles (1): general rules* Артикли - это служебные слова, которые на русский язык не переводятся Они указывают на степень знакомства с предметом,
о котором мы говорим. А/ari - незнакомый, какой то. The - знакомый, “ты знаешь какой”.Поэтому а/ап называют indefinite article (неопределенный артикль), the - definite article (определенный артикль).General rules: l. Articles are used only with nouns.• The boy is small and thin, (right)• The boy is the small and the thin, (wrong)2. Articles are not used with possessive» (my, your, his...),
demonstratives (this, those...), or quantifiers (some, any, no...).• The my girlfriend. -A- that cat. -A- some person.Общие правила: 1. Артикли используются только с существительными2. Артикли не используются с притяжательными (мой, твой...)
местоимениями, указательными местоимениями (этот, те...)
и словами определяющими кол-во (несколько...).There are different nouns:Существуют разные существительные:NounsSingularЕдинственного числаbottlecigarettesackбутылкасигаретамешокa/an or thePluralМножественного числаbottlescigarettessacksоутылкисигаретыthe orUncountableНеисчисляемыеwinetobaccorice6 intoтабакрисthe or -* Заметьте: a/an используется только с существительными единств, числа, потому что изначально а/ап имело значение "один ".A or апA is used before a consonant sound, an, before a vowel sound.
a loser an idiota beautiful girl an ugly waitressА используется перед согласным звуком, ап перед 1ласным звуком.(звук - то, что звучит, а не то, что пишется).Be careful with words starting with h and и; they can sound differently.
an umbrella a homea union an hourБудьте осторожны со словами, начинающимися с h и и, они могут звучать по-разному.Note also: a European country a one pound coinЗаметьте так же: европейская страна однофунтовая люнетаSuperbook
Exercises19.1 Group the nouns into the columns.musicear oil photo riversnowwoolchildrenplates peopledoginformation travel workjobadvicefrostholidaySingular Plural Uncountable19.2 Cross out the wrong structures.1. A music2. An music3. A bug4. A hour5. An university6. An umbrella7. A honest man8. An open window9. A wheel10. A bully11. An one dollar coin12. An wonder19.3 Which structure is possible with these nouns? Cross out the wrong structures.1. A ostrich6 / an ostrich / the ostrich / ostrich.2. A insomnia / an insomnia / the insomnia / insomnia.3. A accident / an accident / the accident / accident.4. A lighter / an lighter / the lighter / lighter.5. A milk / an milk / the milk / milk.6. A application / an application / the application / application.7. A shampoo / an shampoo / the shampoo / shampoo.8. A business card / an business card / the business card / business card.9. A fish / an fish / the fish / fish.10. A cement / an cement / the cement / cement.Vocabularysacksaek]мешок7rcoin[lo.n;монетаN13'bug,‘Ьлд»жукloserI lu:za(r)|неудачник8wool[wul]шерсть14honestI'omst]честныйuglyI Agl'lуродливый9plateIpleit]тарелка15bully['bull]задира, хулиганumbrella[лгп brela]зонтикЮtravel[' traevlпутешествие16ostrich['DStntJlстраусunion[ ju:nian]союзIIadvice[ad'vais]совет17insomnialin'somnia]бессонницаhourV['аиэ(г)]час/I2frostv[frostlморозJ18business card['biznas karrd]визиткаУAnswer key p. 147Superbook91
Articles, alan, the, no article: jokes and clever expressions©©©Beer is proof that God loves us and wants
us to be happy.©©©Wise men don’t need advice. Fools won’t
take it.©@©Guests, like fish, begin iu smell after three
days.©@©Men are born ignoram not stupid. They
are made stupid by education.©@©I’m on a whisky diet. I’ve lost three days
already!©©©Alcohol is necessary for a man so that he
can have a good opinion of himself, undis¬
turbed by the facts.©©©Happiness is having a large, loving, caring,
close-knit family in another city.©©©The great thing about Glasgow is that if
there’s a nuclear attack, it’ll look exactly
the same afterwards.©@©‘For seven and a half years I’ve worked
alongside President Reagan. We’ve had
triumphs Made some mistakes. We've
had some sex... uh... setbacks.’-Georee Bush©@©‘When 1 was young, 1 used to think that
wealth and power would bring me happi¬
ness. 1 was right.’©©©You cannot push a cow’s head down unless
it is drinking water by its own will.©©©The second day of a diet is always easier
than the first. By the second day you’re
off it.©@©Q: What do you call a Roman with hair
between his teeth?A: A Gladiator.Vocabulary1/* proof[pru:!|доказательствоьundisturbed [,лнесмущенный ЛTwise[waiz]мудрый7close-knit[klaus nit]сплоченный3like[laik]подобный, как8nuclear['nju:klid(r)]ядерныи4ignorant['ignorant]незнающимУexactly[ig'z2ektli[точно5necessary[ nesasari]необходимый10afterwards['arftowadz]потом, позже11alongside[ё Ion'said]рядом, бок о бок-12triumph[ traiAmt|гриумф13setbackfsetbask]неудача14wealth[we 16]богатство15will[w,l]воля, желание16hair[hea(r)]волосы92 Superbook
Articles, a/an, the, no article: cartoonsBut you su’d yourself you wanted a virgin! What
did you expect?Best porn actor: I wanna thank my mom, my
sister...I cannot speak for both of my parents, but my
daddy is definitely gonna love you.Is it true that there was an accident at the chew¬
ing gum factory ?Vocabularyу ourself(pfselfjты самvirginI V3:d3in]девственницаaccident['ceksidantjаварияchewing gum[ tfurigtJAm]жевательная резинкаdefiniteV[ defmatjопределённыйSuperbook 93
Articles (2): alan or theTheThe - you know which one
(thing or person)The - ты знаешь какой (вещь или человек, о котором я говорю).А/апА/ап - you don’t know
the thing/personi/ап - ты не знаешь какой (вещь или человек, о котором я говорю).Could you close the door?Could you open a window?ты знаешь какую (здесь только одна)какое-нибудь окно (если окон больше одного)/ didn’t like the film.ты знаешь какой (фильм, который мы смотрели)How much is the red coat? ~Let s go and see и film.какой-ниб;.дь J ильм (любой хороший)вы знаете какое (я же вам показываю)Where are you going to put the ft idge?ты знаешь какой (твой холодильник)► I have bought a new coat.какое-то пальто (ты его не вндел и не знаешь)»- I need a bigger fridge.какой-нибудь (любой, который будет больше)А/ап1. You don’t know whichA/an means ‘you don’t know which’ (thing or person).• I need a pen.• We stopped a taxi.1. Ты не знаешь какой.4/ап означает “ты не знаешь какой*' (вещь или человек)1.1 ClassificationWe use a/an when we classify something, say which
category the object belongs to.• A pony is a small horse.• Is there a toilet nearby? Any toilet! Where?• I don t need a pen, give me a pencil.I 1 Классификация1.2 Descriptions1.2 ОписанияМы используем a/an, когда классифицируем что-то, говорим к какой
категории относится предмет.We use a/an in descriptions. When we describe nouns,
we often use adjectives with them.• lie s got a round face.• You are a lazy girl.Мы используем a/an в описаниях. Когда мы описываем
существительные, мы часто используем прилагательные вместе с ними.1.3 Professions1.3 ПрофессииWe use a/an with professions• He is a programmer.• They are doctors.*Мы используем a/an с профессиями.* Мы не используем а/ап с множественным числом - стр. 90.Superbook
Exercises20.1 Read the sentences and write down the explanation why the article a/an is used.1. A person phoned while you were out. jofou don't know which (case 1)2. He is a doctor, his wife is a teacher, and their son is a gangster.3. I am an optimist. I never regret what I’ve done.4. I don’t know where he gets his money. He is a student, just like me5. We need a good driver with knowledge of Moscow streets.6. She has a big nose with wide nostrils, just like her father.7. He bought her a flat and a car, and she ran away with her former husband.8. Oh yeah, she is a really beautiful woman! Almost as beautiful as my
grandmother an hour before her death.20.2 A or the. Write down the correct answer.1. 1 want l skintight dress, below 2 knee, preferably in red.2. Look at. dress on that girl. My handkerchief has more cloth than that.3. 1 person in 2 driver’s seat looks like George Bush.4. person came while you were in the garden.5. I’d like black doll with blue eyes. Yes, that one. Where do 1 pay?6. My sister wants black doll with blue eyes. Do you have anything of that kind?7. I need fork. Can you bring me one?8. Could you pass salt?9. Close door, please.10. 1 want to buy 1 door made from steel and with 2 peephole.11. You can use shoe to drive in a nail.12. A: I found shoe you lost last week.В: I didn't lose it. I threw it away.13. They have cut down 1 tree that obstructed 2 view from their window.14. A man should budd 1 house, plant 2 tree, and bring up 3 son.15. Shut down computer, or I’ll smash it to pieces.16. I was presented with .. computer for my birthday.17. Keep down or conductor might see you.8. If you meet train conductor, tell her that you’ve got a rail pass and turn around.Vocabularyregrel{r, greljсожалеть7knowledge|' nolid3 ]знания8nostril| nDstral]ноздря9former[7э:тэ(г)|бывший10skintight[skin'taillобтягивающий11ijcneeIni |колено j1213preferably | prc 'i sblij предпочтительно
handkerchief I haerjkatJif] носовой платокcloth[ kloO)тканьdoll[do!]куклаfork[fo:k]аил каsteel|sti:l|стальpeephole[ pirphoul]глазок1415161718
19'drive a nail{draivjзабить гвоздь Лobstruct[ab'strAkt}препятствоватьplant[pla:nt|посадить(дерево)bring up[,bnn лр)воспитатьconductor[кэп dAkta(r)JкондукторIzrail pass| reil pa:^]проездной JAnswer key p. 147Superbook 95
Articles (2), alan or the: jokes and clever expressions©©©'I hear the bank is looking tor a cashier.’
‘I thought they just hired one a weekago?’‘That’s the one they’re looking for.’©@©A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.©@©Q: What is the difference betweenMichael Jackson and a grocery' bag?
A: One is made of plastic and is danger¬
ous for children to play with... The
other is used to cany groceries.©©©A young college grad applied for a job
with a bank. The personnel officer asked,
‘What kind of job do you want?’ ‘I’ll
take vice-president for a start.’‘We already have twelve vice-presidents.’
‘That’s OK. I’m not superstitious.’©©©An encyclopedia is a system for collecting
dust in alphabetical order.©©©A classic is something that everybody
wants to have read and nobody wants to
read.©©©I sent the club a wire stating, ‘Please,
accept my resignation. I don’t want to
belong to any club that will accept me as a
member.’©@©To find out a girl’s faults1, praise her to her
girlfriends.©@©He’s a fool who cannot conceal his
wisdom.©@©I don’t know the key to success, but the
key to failure is trying to please every¬
body.©©©A boy is, of all wild beasts, the most diffi¬
cult to manage’.©©©If you pick up a starving dog and make
him prosperous, he will not b'te you. This
is the principal difference between a dog
and a man.©©©If the ambition doesn’t hurt you, you
haven’t got it.Vocabularycashier|кэг [is]кассир8S' •wire['wao(r)]телеграмма16wisdom['wizdam]мудростьhirel'hma(r)]нанимать9state[steit]заявлять17success[sak'seb]успехcookie[kuki]печенье10accept[ak'sept]принимать18failure[ feilp(r)]неудачаgrocery| дгзизэп] продуктовый магазинIIresignationf,rezig neijri]отставка19manage['m£emd3]управлятьgradfgrsd]разг. graduate - выпускник12member[ гпетЬэ(г)]член, участник20starve[sta:v]голодатьpersonnel officerкадровик13fault[b:lt]недостаток21prosperous['prosper;*]процветающшsuperstitious 1 su:"s »tijas] суеверный ^14praise^conceal[preiz]
fkarf si:ljхвалить22^principal[ pririsapl]основной\Ьскрывать J96 Superbook
Articles (2), a/an or the: cartoonsMom, Dad, don’t worry He is like an open book!aYuck! A wormy appleSexual Education Lesson
You have been a bad boy.Here is my son s room. He broke the family
tradition. He doesn't want to become
a proctologist He is a hunter!IVocabularyyuck []'лк] Фу! Гадость!worm [w3:mj червякsexual education lesson урок сексуальногообучения456break the tradition нарушить традицию Лproctologist Iprok’tologist] проктолог, специалист
по болезням прямой кишки
hunter [#hAnt3(r)] охотникSuperbook 97
Articles (3): the - you know which oneThe - “Ты знаешь какой ” (объяснение применимо ко всем случаям)The1. You know wnich one Tne means ‘you know which one’ (thing or person;.The listener knows which particular person or thing
the speaker is talking about.• Did you lock the car ?• Look at this watch carefully The cn’stal is bmken!1. Ты знаешь какой The ошачаеч “ты знаешь какой” (вещь или человек).Слушающий знает, о какой конкретной вещи или человеке
рассказчик говорит.Ты закрьп (the) машину?Посмотри на тт часы внимательно. (The) стекло разбито'1.1 We have mentioned We use the to talk about things we have mentioned
it before before.• I have bovght a toaster from you. And ie damned
toaster doesn ’t work. I want my money back1. I Мы упоминали Мы используем the, чтобы говорить оэто ранее вещах, которые мы упоминали ранее.Я купил у вас (а) тостер. И (the) чертов тостер
не работает. Верните мне мои деньги.1.2 INouns with additional We use the when we add information that defines
information something.• I don t like the man dancing with her.• The girl at the reception looks like Britnev Spears.1.2 Существительные с Мы исполыуем the. когда мы добавляем
дополнительной информацию, которая описывает что-то.информацией Мне не нравится (the) мужчина, который с ней таииует.(The) девушка за ресепшн выгмдит как Бритни Спирс.1.3 There is only one We use the when it is clear what we are talking aboutbecause there is only one such thing (or person).• The champion has won again.• After September 11 the world will never be the same*1.3 Существует только Мы используем the4 когда понятно о чем мы говорим,
один (такой) потому что существует только одна такая вещь (или человек).(The) чемпион выиграл опять, (чемпион только один)После // сентября (the) мир никогда не будет таким же. (мир только один)1.4 Superlatives We use the with superlatives.• He has the biggest belly I’ve ever seen.• It и as the stupidest thing to do.1.4 Превосходная степень Мы используем the с превосходной степенью.У него (the) самое большое пузо, которое я когда-1 ибо видел.Это была (the) самая гппая вещь, которую .можно было сделать.2. Groups of people We use the with adjectives to talk about well-known,well-defined groups of people.• The nch have different problems.• The deal can communicate using sign language.2. Группы людей Мы используем the с прилагательными, чтобы говорить охорошо известных, точно определенных группах людей.
(The) богатые имеют другие проблемы.(The) глухие могут общаться, используя язык жестов* Стойкие фразы: the next, the same, the only.Superbook
Exercises21.1 Read the sentences and write down the explanation why the article the is used.1. There was a boy and a girl.The boy was very dirty, and the girl was crying. .mentioned it befioze2. Today has been the best day of my life. 3. He donated a lot of money for the homeless. 4. They sat silently, looking at the moon. 5. I want to get to the top of the mountain. 6. The car hit a tree, and the driver was injured 7. The people that came looked very angry. 8. It was the coldest day of the year. 9. Ask at the house at the end of the street. 10. Have you seen the landlady? 11. Give me the chair that is right in front of you12. Pd like to live in the city centre. 13. Who’s the old man with the beautiful young girl? 14. We gave her a vacuum cleaner, butthe machine broke down the next day. 21.2 Put in a or the. Explain your answer.1 • The king met the president in the palace J h.eze is 9n@U one2. She was i ugliest girl in my class. And look at her now. i knockout! 3. Remember i restaurant where 1 found out that I hadn’t taken 2 money? 4. Please, put i suitcase on 2 scale 5. i heavybag is 2 useful tool if you wantto strengthen your blow.6. We found l man sleeping on 2 out- door mat.7. Look at i man with 2 balloons. 8. Where is . glass I keep my dentures in?9. Coach: You two, go to heavybag, and, all the rest, carry on running.10. He gave me i hedgehog for my birthday. And what a stench there was when 2 hedgehog died behind з radiator in 4 living room and we couldn’t find it.11 She’s got nose as big as Texas. Vocabularyparticular[рэ'п1ф1э(г)|конкретныйN9гmoon[mu:n]лунаN17^blowjbbujуларmention[ men|n]упоминать10injured['md3ad]ранен1Rmat[maet]коврикtoaster[ tausta(r)]тостер11landladyI'laendleidi]хозяйка квартиры19balloon[ba lu:n]воздушный шарdamn[d?ein|проклятый12vacuum dcaner ['vaekjuamjпылесос20dentures['dentjaz]вставные челюстиdefine[di'fain]определять13knockout[ nDkaut)красавица21carry onI'kaeri]продолжатьbelly[ beli]живот, пузо14scale[skeiljвесы22hedgehog[hed3hDgjежhomeless[haumlas]бездомный15heavybag[ hevibaeg]боксерская груша23stench(stentj)вонь^ilent[ saibnt]молчащим16^strengthen['streri6n|усиливать24radiator[ reidieita(r)]батарея JAnswer key p. 147-148Superbook99
Articles (3), the: jokes and clever expressions©©©During a long flight the pilot said to his
co-pilot, ‘I don’t like the Chinese.’ ‘The
Chinese bombed Pearl Harbor - that’s
why I don’t like the Chinese,’ said the
pilot.The co-pilot said, ‘Nooooo, noooo, the
Chinese didn’t bomb Pearl Harbor.That was the Japanese, not the Chinese.’
The pilot answered, ‘Chinese, Taiwanese,
Vietnamese, Japanese... it doesn’t matter,
they’re all alike.’After another 30 minutes of silence, the
co-pilot finally said, '1 don't like the
Jews.’The pilot replied, ‘Why not? Why don’t
you like the Jews?’The co-pilot said, ‘The Jews sank the
Titanic. ’The pilot tried to correct him, ‘No, no,
the Jews didn’t sink the Titanic, that was
an iceberg.’‘Iceberg, Goldberg, Rosenberg... it
doesn’t matter, all the same.’©©©Life is like a dogsled team. If you ain’t the
lead dog, the scenery never changes.©©©We spend the first twelve months of our
children’s lives teaching them to walk and
talk and the next twelve telling them to sit
down and shut up.©©©The trouble with children is that they’re
not returnable.©©©To know the value of money, go and try to
borrow some.©©©Harvard is the storehouse of knowledge
because the freshman bring so much in and
the graduates take so little out.©©©The last time I was inside a woman was
when I was inside the Statue of Liberty.©©©The safest way to double your money is to
fold it over once and put it in your pocket.©©©The great rule is not to talk about money
with people who have much more or much
less than you.©©©Time is the best teacher. Unfortunately, it
kills all its students!Vocabularybomb[bDITlj- 4
оомоить6alike[s’laik]похожий7silence[\saibns]тишина8Jew[d3u:|евреи9sink(sirik)тонуть, топить10dogsled
shut up
returnable[ dogsied)
feint][ si:nari]
IjAt 'лр]
[пЧзгпэЫ]сооачья упряжка
am not / isn't / aren’t
видзаткнись, замолчи
возвращаемый11borrow[ boraujбрать взаймы12storehouse['storhaus]хранилище13freshmanj trejman]первокурсник14fold over[fould 'suv3(r)] сложить (вдвое)15pocket[pokit]карман100 Superbook
Articles (3), the: cartoonsShrink: I m sorry for the hysterical laughter.You can go on now with the story of your
life.In front of you are all the women youever desired in your Life. Behind you is vour wifewatching. Welcome to hell!And you call yourselves plastic surgeons? Is this
the best you could do?I told you I’ve got the best eyesight Can you see
the girl:; bathing in the lake?Vocabulary1 facsire ,J; zao(r,,' желать2 behind jbi'haindj за, позади3 shrink jjriQk| мозгоправ, психотерапевт
4^aughter j la:fta(r)| смехeyesight{ aisait)зрениеbathI'beid]купатьсяlake[letkjозероsureeon[ S3:d33iilхирургSuperbook 101
Articles (4): the or no articleGeneralizations: the /4be-Things in general1. Plural and uncountableXWe don’t use the with plural and uncountable nouns to talk
about things in general.Compare:• Move the books off the chair and sit down • Books are expensive.Вещи вообще
1. Множественные
и неисчисляемыеМы не используем the с множественными и неисчисляемыми
существительными, чтобы говорить о вещах вообще. Сравните:Убери (the) книги со стула и сядь, (конкретные книги, ты знаешь какие)
Книги дорогие. (книги вообще)2. Singular
theWe use the with singular nouns to talk about things
in general.• Who invented the bicycle?• The computer is indispensable in writing a good book.2. Единственное числоМы используем the с существительными единственного числа,
чтобы говорить о вещах вообще.Кто изобрел (the) веюсипед?(все велосипеды, велосипед как изобретение)(The) компьютер незаменим о /я написания хорошей книги.
(компьютер как изобретение)‘Half-general’1. ‘Half-general’ Some expressions are half general, but they are still rathergeneral ideas.Compare: • /Vi entieth century history>.. the his tor ’ I did at school • sixties music the music he composed • poverty in Russia ... the poverty I erew up in1. “Наполовину вообще” Некоторые выражения являются наполовину общими, но они,все-таки, довольно общие понятия.Сравните:история 20 го века (the) история. которую я учил в школемузыка шестидесятых (the) музыка, которую он написалбедность в России (the) бедность, в которой я вырос.2. ‘Half-general’ + of The is often used with a limitive, definitive phrase,the especially one with of.Compare:• twentieth century history the history’ of the twentieth century• sixties music the music of the sixties2. “Наполовину вообще” + of The часто используется с ограничивающей, определяющей фразой,особенно с фразой содержащей of.Сравните:история 20 го века (the) история (of) 20 го векамузыка шестидесятых (the) музыка (of) шестидесятыхSuperbook
Exercises22.1 Put in the or nothing ( - ).1. All cars that he has are very expensive.2. All cars are expensive.3. All people that I know like cats.4. All people like traveling.5 information she is asking for is confidential.6. Sometimes information means everything.7. Have you fed dogs? 8 dogs can be very aggressive. 9 tea is cold. Waiter, I want to talk to the manager.10. I don’t drink tea in the evening because if 1 do, 1 can’t sleep.11. The parrot was pecking at porridge that I hadn’t eaten.12. In my opinion anyone who likes porridge is a freak.13. Make sure matches are not wet.14. Children shouldn’t play w'ith matches.22.2 Put in the or nothing ( - ). Write down the explanation: general, half general, or particular.1. If ...rrr... dogs are man’s best friends, why do they bite us? 2 German shepherds are the cleverest of dogs. 3 dogs next door are always defecating on my doormat. 4 doctors always advise doing something impossible. 5 surgeons perform the same operations every day and still make mistakes. 6 women have come a long way now and compete with men in many fields. 7 Russian women are the best in the whole world. 8. Look at. women standing behind you. 9 mosquitoes are the most annoying insects. 10. Among African mosquitoes are some poisonous species. 11 children of politicians have their own bodyguards. 12. Where are children? 13 children don’t usually like olives. Vocabularymdispensable( indi'spensabl]необходимый л7'match[maetj]Лспичкаpoverty ['pDvati]бедность8german shepherd fep3(r)d] немецкая овчаркаconfidential [ kDiifi'denfl]конфиденциальный9come a long wayсильноpeck [рек]клеватьизменитьсяporridge [pDrid3lовсяная каша10poisonous['pcuzanas]ядовитый^freak [fri:k]шизик, придурок ^II^species1вид ^Answer key p. 148Superbook 103
Articles (4), thelno article: jokes and clever expressions©©©Banks lend billions to 7 liird World coun¬
tries, but for us they chain down the pens.©©©All men are idiots, and 1 married their
king!©©©There are people who don’t like capitalism
and people who don’t like PC’s. But
there’s no one who likes the PC who does¬
n’t like Microsoft.-Bill Gates©©©1 love children, especially when they cry,
for then someone takes them away.©©©Some folks seem to have descended from
the chimpanzee much later than others.©©©One of the keys to happiness is a bad
memory.©©©Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemi¬
cals - such as hydrogen and oxygen, for
example - there would be no way to make
water, a vital ingredient in beer©©©Only two things are infinite, tne universe
and human stupidity, and I’m not sure
about the former.©©©1 can resist everything except temptation©©©Beware of the young doctor and the old
barber.©©©Don’t make the mistake of treating your
dogs like humans, or they’ll treat you like
dogs.©©©At my age flowers scare me.©©©Success is the ability to go from one fail¬
ure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.©©©l‘m not a vegetarian oecause I love ani¬
mals. I’m a vegetarian because I hate
plants.Vocabulary1Tend| lend |Nдавагь взаймы82chain down[ tjein 1приковать цепью93descend[di'send]происходить104chemical[kemikt]химич. продукт115hydrogen[ haidr3d33ii)водород126oxygenj #Dk*id3dn]j'vaitijкислород137^italжизненно важны й^14104 Superbookinfiniteuniverse ['ju:niv3:s|former [ tb:ma(r)lresist [ri'zist]temptation [temp'teijnjbeware [bi'wed(r))^barber [Ъа:Ьэ(г>!безграничныйвселеннаяпервый упомянутыйсопротивлятьсяискушениеостерегатьсяпарикмахер15'treat[trit]обращатьсяlf>scare['skes(r)]пугать1successjsak'ses)успех18ability[s'bilatijспособность19failure['feilja(r)]неудача20loss[|DS|потеря21j)lantfplci:nt]растение
Articles (4), thelno article: cartoons0She: I think money isn't that important for hap¬
piness.He: I couldn’t agree more.A bee to a fly: Can you imagine, this scoundrel
gave me a bunch of flowers for my birthday? Of
course, I slapped him across the face. What would
you do if yours presented vou with a piece of shit
or something else to eat?My husband likes painting pictures. And note,
only from reality.I don’t care about the bedroom. I want someone
who is good in the kitchen.Vocabularyimportant[im po:tnt]Лважный7^scoundrel['skaundral]негодяйЛhappiness['hsepinis]счастье8bunch[Ьлп1/]несколькоcouldn’t agree more не мог бы согласиться сильнее9slap[step|дать пощечинуbee|bi:]пчела10piece[pi:s]кусокЛу[f!ai|муха11shit[JU]дерьмоimagine[i ma?d3in]представлять себе^12I don t careмне все равноУSuperbook 105
Articles (5), the: geographical namesThere is only one way to remember unrelated information - to systematize it. Here is my way:Существует только один способ запомнить несвязанную информацию - систематизировать ее. Вот мой способ:Physical map - TheOn a physical map you find:1. Mountains (the Himalayas) 2. Deserts (the Sahara) 3. Island groups (the Canaries) Физическая Kapia - TheНа физической карте вы найдете:1. Горы (the Гималаи)2. Пустыни (the Сахара)3. Группы островов (the Канары)4. Rivers (the Volga) 5. Seas (the Black Sea) 6. Oceans (the Pacific Ocean)Exceptions:1. Одна гора (Эверест одна гора
недостаточно важна, чтобы называться с the);1. Single mountain ^Mt. Everest - one mountain
isn’t important enough to be used with the) 2. Single island (Corsica* see number 1).3. Lakes (Baikal*- stagnant water
isn’t cool, so we use it without the) 1 4. Continents (Europe. Africa*- so that 4‘ (Европа'Африка Iдля того’ v r чтобы африканцам и азиатам былоAfricans and Asians could pronounce the проще произносить названия ихnames of their continents easily) I,5. Моря (the Черное Mope)6. Океаны (the Тихий Океан)Исключения:2. Смотрите номер I выше;3. Озера (Байкал - стоячая вода - этоконтинентов по-английски).* These explanations are not real reasons. I made them up to make memorizing easier.Эти объяснения не являются настоящими причинами. Я их придумал, чтобы облегчить запоминание.Political mapOn a political map you find:1. Countries (Germany) 2. Regions (northern France) 2. States (California) 3. Cities, towns (New York City)4. Streets (5th Avenue) Политическая Kapia -На политической карте вы найдете:Страны (Германия)Регионы (северная Франция)
Штаты (Калифорния)Города (Нью-Йорк)Улицы (Пятое авеню)We use the with countries which include common nouns like republic, state, union.The United States, the Czech Republic, the United KingdomМы используем the со странами, которые включают нарицательные существительные такие как: республика, штат, союз.Remember the structure the... of...Northern France but the north of FranceЗапомните структуру the ... of...северная Франция, но (the) север (of) ФранцииWe use the with most places of entertainment: theatres, cinemas, museums, restaurants.
the Hilton Hotel, the National Theatre, the Matata restaurant...Мы используем the с большинством мест развлечений: театры, кинотеатры, музеи, рестораны.Отель "Хилтон ", Национальный театр, ресторан “ЫататаSuperbook
Exercises23.1 Write down the or leave without if necessary.l Lake Michigan13 Africa2 Pacific Ocean14 Los Angeles3 Amazon15 Red Sea4 Maldives16 Chicago5 Hawaii17 Russian Federation6 English Channel18Texas7 Danube19.. Aegean Sea8 Elbrus20 Dnieper9 Mississippi21. .Lake OntarioЮ America22 Kara Kum DesertII northern Russia23 FranceP east of Canada24 south of Mexico23.2 Write down the or leave without if necessarj.1. King George I of l England could not speak English; he was bom and raised in2 Germany. He let his ministers run з country to get around this problem.2. On the 25th anniversary of l famous New York City marathon, 2 world’s longesturinal, 290 feet (88 m), was installed at з beginning of the race.3. ... Canada is an Indian word meaning big village.4 Bolivia has two capitals.5. Until 1965. driving in i Sweden was done on the left-hand side of the road.2 conversion was done on a weekday at 5:00 p.m. This was supposed to prevent peo¬
ple from waking up in the morning and forgetting which side of з road todrive on.6. More people speak English in i China than in 2 United States.7. The number four is considered unlucky in i Japan because it is pronounced2 same as death.8. In 1980, a hospital in Las Vegas suspended workers for betting on when patients
would die.9. i coldest inhabited village is 2 Oymyakon, in з Yakutia, 4 easternSiberia, 5 Russia. Temperatures there can drop to as low as -70°C (-94°F) The aver¬
age in January, 6 coldest month, is -50°C (-58°F).10. l Don Juan Pond in 2 Wright Valley, з Antarctica, is 4 saltiest lake in5 world. It is so salty that it remains liquid even at temperatures as low as -53C.Vocabularys -map[maep]картаlake[leik]озероpronounce[pra nauns]произноситьentertainment|#enta tecnmant]развлечениеDanube[ dsenju:b]р. Дунайraiseire,z]воспитыватьget around[get a'raund]избежатьanniversary|,aeni V3:sarijгодовщина J0'’urinalI juannl]писсуар16unlucky|лп'1лк|)несчастливый ^10install[in srarl]устанавливать17suspend[sa'spend]временно11race[reis]гонка, забеготстранить12conversion[kan V3:jnjпреобразование18bet[bet]делать ставкуIJbe supposed to [sa pauzd]должен19inhabit[in hEebit]обитать, населять14prevent[pri ventjпредотвращать20drop|drop|падать15consider[kan sida(r)]считаться21average[ Eevand3|среднее число22^liquid[ Iikwid]жидкий JAnswer key p. 148Superbook 107
Articles (6), the: special casesCommon prepositional expressions without articlesРаспространенные выражения с предлогами без артиклейFor you to remember them easily, I made a logical chain and underlined them.
First, a person goes to school, then to college, then to university * then to и ork.
then to prison. A fter prison, to hospital.* There he goes to bed and dies.(to /at / from / out of are also possible)Other important phrases:tv/at>from town at/from home by day at nightby car / train / plane / boat / bicvcle by radio / phone / letter / mailЧтобы вы запомнили их легко, я сделал лот ическую цепочку и подчеркнул их.Сначала человек идет в школу, затем в колледж. затем в университет, затем на работу.затем в тюрьму (украл что-то на работе). Поае тюрьмы в больницу, там он идет в постель и умирает(другие предлоги тоже возможны)Другие важные фразы:в город/ в городе/ из города дома/ из дома днем ночьюпа машине/ поезде/ самолете/ юдке/ велосипеде по радио/ телефону/ письмом/ по почтеWe do not use the only when we mean services that these institutions provide.
Compare:• He served 3 years in prison His w ife came to the prison to visit him.• I was in hospital*after the accident. She works as a cook in the hospital.*• I think it s tune to go to bed. . I found chewing gum in the bed.Мы не используем the только тогда, когда мы имеем в виду услуги, которые эти учреждения оказывают.
Сравните.Он отсидел 3 года в тюрьме Его жена приходила в (the) тюрьму навестить егоЯ был в больнице после аварии Она работает поваром в (the) больнице.Я думаю пора в посте ть Я нагиеч жвачку в (the) п ос течи.In American English university’ and hospital are always used with the.Common expressions with theРаспространенные выражения с thePhysical environment The is used with a lot of general expressions that refer to thephysical environment. The meaning of the here is ‘you understand
what 1 mean’.• The trains and the roads are very crowded during rush hour.• Do you prefer living in the cit\ or ihe country ?• Some people like the sea, but / prefer the mountains.• People often talk about the weuiA jr when they don t know
what to say.Физическое окружение The используется с многими общими выражениями, которыеотносятся к физическому окружению. Значение
the здесь “вы понимаете, что я имею в виду”.(The) поезда и (the) дороги сильно переполнены в час пик.Вы предпочитаете (the) город или (the) сельскую местность?Некоторые люди любят (the) море, а я предпочитаю (the) горы
Люди часто говорят о (the) погоде, когда они не знают что сказать.Superbook
Exercises24.1 Put in articles: a, an, the, or nothing ( - ).
Arnold Schwarzenegger (1947 - )From ‘Terminator’to ‘Gubernator’1947 July 30 Arnold Alois Schwarzeneggerwas born in i Austria. Hisfather was 2 policeman. Arnolddidn’t study hard at 3. school1966 Arnold wins the Mr. Europe title as 4 bodybuilder.1968 Arnold goes to 5 America.1972 His father Gustav Schwarzenegger dies in6 Weiz, Austria. Arnold does not attend i funeralbecause he is training for s Mr. Olympia competition.1977 Meets Maria Shriver, 9 TV journalist. Later she becomeshis wife.1979 Graduates from ю University of Wisconsin.1984 ii first Terminator film puts Schwarzenegger firmly
into the superstar category.1986 Schwarzenegger and Maria Schriver get married on August 26.They are wed in 12 church. They currently have fourchildren: Katherine, Christina, Patrick, and Christopher.1987 He gets his own star on 13 Hollywood Walk of Fame.1991 Schwarzenegger partners withBruce Willis and Sylvester Stalloneto found и Planet Hollywoodrestaurant chain.1997 Arnold undergoes 15 operationto repair 16 heart valve.2003 On Aug. 6. Schwarzenegger
announces that he will runfor 17 governor of Californiaas is Republican in the state’selection.2003 Schwarzenegger makes his victory speech 011 19 night of October 7.VocabularyI4567logical|'Ыз|к!]логическимЯГpartner| риЛпэ(г)]OObClH пятьсяchainI'tjem]цепь9found[faundlосновыватьbody builder[ bodi 'bilda(r)]культуристК)restaurant chain | reslrant]сеть ресторановattendjd'tend]посещатьIIundergo[ Aiida'gau]претерпетьfuneralI'fjumarol]похороны12valve|vaelv|клапанcompetition[.kompa tijn]соревнование13election|i’lekjn|выборы^currently[ kArantli] в данный момент ^14speechlspi;,JIречь JArnold Schwarzenegger and his family
lived in this house until he was 19 years
old and left Austria for good in 1966.
They lived on the second floor.Answer key p. 149Superbook 109
Revision: units 19-24 (articles)Single sentences: put in the correct article or no article.1. He said he was 1 employee of 2 gas company and had come to check з meter.2. My brother is 1 designer. Let's ask him for advice about 2 colour scheme.3. We had 1 fish and 2 chips for lunch.4. I had very bad night. I didn’t sleep at all.5. You’ll get 1 shock when you see his date. 2 girl doesn’t have any hair, and thereis 3 tattoo on her left cheek.6. 1 person who suffers from diabetes drinks 2 water in large quantity and has3 strong desire for 4 sweets.7. 1 friend of mine is expecting a baby. If it is 2 girl, she’ll name her Lisa, if it’s3 boy, she’ll name him Carl.8. Your house is built from 1 wood. Have you got 2. ... fire extinguisher in case of3 fire?9. I don't remember 1 exact day of 2 earthquake, but I think it was 3 Sundaybecause nobody was at 4 work.10. When 1 Titanic was crossing 2 Atlantic, she struck an iceberg, which tore 3 huge hole under 4 waterline, and 5 captain ordered 6 crew to help7 passengers into 8 lifeboats.11. 1 air hostess said, ‘Please, put your clothes on 2 luggage rack and 3 luggage on the floor.’12. 1 old will always argue with 2 young.13. It’s 1 pleasure to do 2 business with your company.14. It’s impossible to get to 1 city centre by car during 2 rush hour. It’ll take you atleast 3 hours. Everybody uses 3 metro.15. 1 power tends to corrupt, and 2 absolute power corrupts absolutely.16. There was 1 knock on 2 door. 1 opened it and found 3 dirty old man. 4 man was smiling, and in one hand he was holding 5 bunch of flowers.17. 1 Lake Baikal is 2 deepest lake in з world.18. 1 Nile flows into 2 Mediterranean sea.19. 1 fog was so thick that we couldn’t see anything in 2 distance beyond 30 meters. Wefollowed 3 car in front of us and hoped that it wouldn’t crash into anything.20. She told me that 1 restaurant we were going to was quite cheap and I wouldn’t haveany difficulty paying 2 bill. But when I opened з menu, my eyes widened. Canyou imagine, ten pounds for 4 glass of juice?!21. Alexander Bell is 1 man who invented 2 telephone and з one 1 holdtotally responsible for 4 fact that I have to pay a lot of money for my wife’s cellphone bills.22. They say 1 Moscow is 2 capital of 3 Russia. But 1 wouldn’t say that it is4 Russia at all. 5 people are very different. And very different is 6 amountof money they make.SuperbookAnswer key p 149
Dialogues: put in the correct article or no article.A: Jeff Campbell, computer assistant, may I help you?B: Yes, well, I’m having i trouble with 2 WordPerfect.A: What sort of trouble?B: Well, I was just typing along, and all of a sudden 3 words went away.A: Went away?B: They disappeared.A: Hmm. So, what does your screen look like now?B: Nothing.A: Nothing?B: It’s blank; it won’t accept anything when I type.A: Are you still in WordPerfect, or did you get out9B: How do I tell?A: Can you see 4 C:\ prompt on 5 screen?B: What’s 6 sea-prompt9A: Never mind. Can you move 1 cursor around on 8 screen?B: There isn’t any cursor: 1 told you, it won’t accept anything I type.A: Does your monitor have 9 power indicator?B: What’s 10 monitor9A: It’s 11 thing with 12 screen on it that looks like 13 TV. Does ithave 14 little light that tells you when it’s on?В: I don’t know.A: Well, then look on 15 back of 16 monitor and find where 17 power cord goesinto it. Can you see that?B: No.A: Even if you maybe put your knee on something and lean way over?B: Oh, it’s not because I don’t have is right angle - it’s because it’s dark.A: Dark?B: Yes, 19 office light is off, and 20 only light I have is coming in from 21 window.A: Well, turn on 22 office light then.В: I can’t.A: No? Why not?B: Because there’s 23 power outage.A: A power... A power outage? Aha! Okay, we’ve got it licked now.Do you still have 24 boxes and manuals and packing stuff your computer came in?B: Well, yes, I keep them in 25 closet.A: Good! Go get them and unplug your system and pack it up just like it was when you got it.Then take it back to 26 store you bought it from.B: Really ? Is it that bad?A: Yes, I’m afraid it is.B: Well, all right then, I suppose. What do I tell them?A: Tell them you’re too stupid to own 11 computer.Answer key p. 149Superbook 111
Some, any.I have some money. We didn’t find any mistakes.Some и any на русском языке стоит понимать как “некоторое количество", причем оба слова значат одно и то же Разница в том. что
оте используется в утвердительных предложениях, a any в отрицательных и вопросительных (за небольшим исключением).Говоря о количестве, some и any используются с множественными и неисчисляемыми существительным и и не используются с
существительными единственного числа.AffirmativeУтверди! ельноеNegativeОтрицательноеInterrogativeВопросительноеSomeAnvSome/anvI have some money.
We need some sugar.I don V have any money.We didn V find any mistakes.SomeW hen we expect to hear
yes (offers and requests)Когда мы ожидаем услышать да
(предложения и просьбы)• Would you like some co ffee ?• Can I have some sugar?1AnyMost questions,
real questionsБольшинство вопросов,
настоящие вопросыHave you got any luggage:
Do von know any jokes?AnyNegative words We use any in negative sentences and with the negativewords: never, if doubt, refuse, hardly, avoid• If anyone has any questions. I ll be pleased to answer them.• He never does any work.Отрицательные слова Мы используем any в отрицательных предложениях и с отрицательными
словами: никогда, если, сомневаться, отказываться, почти не. избегать...
Ест у кого-нибудь есть какие-нибудь вопросы, я 6vdy рад ответить на них
Он никогда не делает никакой работы.4t doesn’t matter which’ We also use any in the meaning "it doesn't matter which'.• Any Ideas you have will be appreciated.• You can call me anv time you want.“He важно какой” Мы так же используем any в значении "не важно какой" (любой).(любой) Любые идеи, которые у вас есть, будут приветствоваться.Ты можешь мне позвонить в любое время в какое захочешь.Some/any We don’t use some or any if the idea is classification,not the amount. Compare:• Is there anv water in the fridge? . ... Is there water on Mars?• I need some petrol. .... My car doesn I use petrol: it needs diesel fuel.Стишку Мы не используем some и any, если подразумевается классификация, а неколичество.Сравните:В холодильнике есть (anv) вода? / На Марсе есть вода?Мне нужен (some) бензин. / Моя машина не использует бензин: она на
дизельном топливе.Superbook
Exercises25.1 Put in some or any.1- I don’t know one who could help you in this situation.2. Do you understand thing?3- people have been arrested for being drunk and disorderly.4. I will meet you where how.5. The teacher didn’t know of the answers.6. Teacher: ‘ more questions?’7. Bartender: ‘ more beer?’8. people do not realize how precious time is.9. She didn’t eat meat.10. Do you know German?11 • I’ve hardly got money.12. To avoid misunderstanding, phone me direct.13. I’ve never read books by Tolstoy14. Would you like coffee?15. Are there eggs left?16. thing happened during the night.17. Can you give me money?25.2 Write down the explanation why any is used in the following sentences.1. I doubt that am'body can do a better job than her. .. yiegative. wotd. doub t2. Any time is a good time for pie. 3. Hardly ащ’опе at the party knew that it was her birthday too.4. Any cigarette is harmful for your health and is another nail in your coffin.5. Any politician has to say things he doesn’t mean 25.3 Put in some, any, or nothing ( - ).1. A: Would you like i beer?В: I don’t like 2 beer; I prefer з wine.2. Hello, neighbour. I need i salt. 2 mushrooms, and зWill you help me out?3. We don’t put i mushrooms on this pizza. It just has 2 and з sausage.4. A gypsy: Have you got i money?A stranger: I have 2 money, but I won’t give it to you.5. Is it money that you are worried about?Vocabularyrequest[л* fewest)просьба>9Realize{ rsidtaizjNосознавать16fnailгвоздь ^luggagel'Ugid3]багажК)preciousl prefas]драгоценный17coffin1 kDfm] гробrefuse[ri'fjuiz]отказыватьсяIImisunderstandi па[,misAnda'stcendio|18mean[mi:n) думать на самом делеhardly[ ha:dlijпочти ненедоразумение19wine[wain] виноavoid|a'v3id]избегать12direct[da'rekt]напрямую20mushroom[ mл/rum] грибpleased|pli:zd|рад, доволен13pieIpai)пирог21caviar[ kcevia:(r)] икраfuelI fju:al]топливо14harmfulzrD|вредный22sausage[ SDsidg] I. сосиски 2. колбасаdisorderly(dis D:dali]буйный/15healthI hel0Jздоровье j23[gyPsy] d3ipsi) цыган, цыганка J caviar.pepperoniAnswer key p. 149Superbook 113
Some, any: jokes and clever expressions©©©Anyone who lives within their means suf¬
fers from a lack of imagination.©©©A black cat crossing your path signifies
that the animal is going somewhere.©©©When you see what some girls many, you
realize how much they must hate to work
for a living.©©©The operation was a complete success, but
the patient died of something else.©©©My wife and I pondered for a while
whether to take a vacation or get a divorce.
We decided that a trip to Bermuda is over
in two weeks, but a divorce is something
you always have.©©©Anyone who says he can see through
women is missing a lot.©©©Anyone who has been to an English public
school will always feel comparatively at
home in prison.©©©I’m very pleased to be here. Let’s face it,
at my age Г m vety pleased to be any¬
where.©©©I was in a bar the other night, hopping
from bar stool to bar stool, trying to get
lucky, but there wasn’t any gum under
any of them.©©©The world is moving so fast these days
that the man who says it can't be done is
generally interrupted by someone doing
it.©©©Courage is not the absence of fear, but
rather the judgment that something else is
more important than fear.©©©I’m not really a heavy smoker any more. I
only get througli two lighters a day now.©©©Once you get people laughing, they’re lis¬
tening and you can tell them almost any¬
thing.Vocabulary1fmeans[mi:nz[средства, деньги92lack[laekjнехватка103imagination[i,ni£ed3i neijnjвоображение114cross[kros|пересекать125path[po:e]путь, дорога136signifyj'sigmfai]означать147ponderj'pDiida(r)]размышлять158^whether... or..[’wete<r>]либо... либо...16114 Superbookvacation|v3 keijn]отпуск Asee throughbi: 0ru:]видеть насквозьheavy smoker [ hevij заядлый курильщикget through|get 6ru:|израсходоватьcomparatively Ikam'pcerstivli] сравнительноface[feis] признать.не избегатьpleased[pli:zd]рал. доволенV°P[hop]прыгать j17181920
21nbar stool[bo: siu:l)стул в бареget lucky[get lAki|1. познакомиться2. повезтиgenerally['djenrali]обычноinterrupt[,mt3'rApt]прерыватьcouragej'kArid3]храбростьabsence['sebsans)отсутствиеjudgment['d3Ad3mant]суждение
Some, any: cartoonsWe cannot employ you as, of course you under- I can ’I take it anymore,stand, but you can make some money if you sell
your resume to a humour magazine!9Daddy, you say we are rich... Does that mean
that I'm not going to have to live w ith someone
hke you?I lost because I couldn'/ beat the stencu any
longer.Vocabulary1234employ Jim ploij нанимать
resume j'rezjumei] резюме
magazine [,maega'zi:n| журнал
c.m'l take it не могу lepne1I’m not going to have toя не должна буду Лlike] laik]какbear[bea(r)Jтерпеть^tench[stent f]вонь JSuperbook 115
Modal verbs: certaintyModal verbs are different from other verbs.Модальные глаголы отличаются от других глаголов.1. No infinitives, -ing, • to can, mmmg. .misled.ОГ -ed forms Модальные глаголы не имеют инфинитива mg и cel форм.2. No s with he/she/it • John may be late. ( Jvhn maws be...)Модальные глаголы не имеют -s с третьим лицом ед. числа.3. Modal questions and • Can you help me? (Do you van ..)
negatives without do • I may not be there, i I mm* tkm- 4*r .)Модальные вопросы и отрицания без do.Certainty Modal verbs can express various degrees of certainty.Уверенность Модальные глаголы могут выражать различную степень уверенности.90%Willwon’tmustcannot• There is the door bell. That will be Andy.• She won 't like this present. I know her very weli• They must be rich - their house is bigger than the Kremlin.• They cannot be rich - they live with their parents.В дверь звонят. Это Энди.Ей не поправится подарок. Я ее знаю очень хорошо.Должно быть они богатые. Их дом больше чем Кремль.Они не могут быть богатыми. Они живут с родителями.50%Can• It can happen to anyone of us.may• It may be true, who knows?Это может сдучиться с каждым из нас.
Может быть это правда. Кто знает?30%Could• / could be a millionaire one day.might• She didn’t eat anything. She might be pregnant.Я возможно буду v/и 7 тонером, однажды.Она ничего не ела. Возможно она беременная.Must (90% probability)Must not (forbidden)Должно быть (90% вероятности)Запрещено (запрещено)• Lend you more money?!• You must not park here.You must be joking.• Passengers must not smoke.Can (allowed)Cannot (0% probability)Можно (позволено)He может быть (0% вероятности)• You can park here.• We have just had lunch.• We can sit now.You cannot be hungry’.Probability Вероятность
 ► Obligation ОбязательствоBoth cannot and must not are used to say that something is not allowed.• You cannot park here. = You must not park here.Cannot, как и must not. используется, чтобы говорить, что что-то не разрешается.Вам нельзя парковаться здесь.Superbook
Exercises26.1 Correct the mistakes in the underlined phrases. Use the correct degree of certainty.1. I ftrefjmss the exam. There is no doub't about it тШ. 2. You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday. You can be hungry. 3. She may come to the wedding. Her boyfriend can come with her. 4. The man at the next table might not be Eddy He has just phoned me from Paris.5. He may not run a mile in three minutes That would be a world record.6. You couldn't like her when you meet her. You’ve always hated people like that.7 Л1 open the door. It can be Joe ringing the bell I saw his car pull up outside.26.2 Put in can or cannot, must or must not.1 - She be your sister. She is so beautiful and look at you!2. Players step beyond the line in bowling.3 This report be true; I have other figures.4. You go outside after you’ve done your homework.5. You’ve lived together for 15 years; you know each other really well.6. People wear shorts in the Russian State Duma.7. You lie when you testify in a court of law.8. It be my husband - he is on a business trip!9. There is no need to stand. You sit.10. Ten years of experience?! He be able to do his job really well.11. The phone is ringing. It be Sarah; she promised to phone at this time.12. Excuse me, officer, we park here?13. You go wherever you want; you are free. Take off the handcuffs.14. You watch English movies without translation0 It bevery interesting.15. She has been working on her book for a year and be getting to the end.16. In Chicago you fisli if you are dressed in pajamas; it is illegal.17. This stereo system cost that much; it is quite simple.18. You swear in a public place. You even be arrested for it.19. Seagulls! We be near land!20. It be his motorcycle; he works as a janitor in my school, and that bike costsmore than ten grand.Vnrahi^lgryciegreeIdi gri:]степеньcertainty[ S3:tnti]уверенностьforbidden|fa'bidn]запрещеноdoubt[daut]сомнениеwedding['wedir)]свадьбаmile[mail]МИЛЯ (1,6 км.)pull up[.pul лр]подъехатьbeyond[bi'jond]за (пределами)910
1213141516tigureР'дэ(г)}цифра\shorts[J3:ts|шортыtestify['tastifai]давать показанияcourt of law[кэ:t av b:]судexperience[ik'spiarians]опытwherever[wear'eva(r)|где бы ниhandcuff*['haendkAf]наручникJishIfiJ]рыоачить17^dress[dres]одевать18illegal[i'li:gl]незаконно19quitekwait]совсем20swear['■ wea(r)|ругатьсяJIeven[ i:vn|даже22seagull1 si:gAl]чайка23janitor|'d3<enit3(r)]сторож-дворник24^grand[grand]тысяча $ JAnswer key p. 150Superbook 117
Modal verbs: jokes and clever expressions©©©The class assignment in composition was
to write about something unusual that hap¬
pened during the last week. Little Irving
got up to read his. ‘Papa fell in the we'll
last week - ’ he began.‘Good heavens.’ shrieked Mrs. Kroop, the
teacher. ‘Is he all right now?’ ‘He must
be,’ said little Irving. ‘He stopped yelling
for help yesterday.’©©©Alcohol is necessary for a man so that he
can have a good opinion of himself, undis¬
turbed by the facts.©@©Friends may come and go. but enemies
accumulate.©©©Friends are like a head of hair. You might
lose some, but with enough cash you can
buy them back.©©©If you must choose between two evils,
pick the one you’ve never tried before.©©©If Dracula can’t see his reflection in a mir¬
ror, how come his hair is always so neatly
combed?©©©Time may be a great healer, but it’s also a
lousy beautician.©©©You can say any foolish thing to a dog, and
the dog will give you this look that says,
‘My God, you’re right! I never would’ve
thought of that!’©©©If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll
never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer
is always no. If you don't step forward,
you’re always in the same place.©©©Fear is your best friend or your worst enemy
It’s like fire. If you can control it, it can
cook for you, it can heat your house. If
you can’t control it, it will bum everything
around you and destroy you.-Mike Tyson
©©©Motivation is a fire from withiii. If some¬
one else tries to light that fire under you.
chances are, it will bum very briefly.©©©Do not go where the path may lead, go
instead where there is no path and leave a
trail.Vocabularyassignment[a'sainmsntjзадание9'undisturbed)#Andi'st3:bd]несмущенный ^18lousy['lauzi]- \плохойcomposition [.kMips'zijn]сочинение10accumulate[d'kjurnijdleit]накапливать19beautician|bju:'tijn]косметологunusual[лп']и;зиэ1]необы кновен н ы й11evil| i:vl]зло20fear[Mr)]страхwellwei]колодец12pickIplk]выбирать21heat[hi:t]согреватьGood heavens| hevns]Боже мой!13reflection[ri flekjn]отражение22destroy[di'strai]уничтожатьshriekl*ri:k]пронзительно14how comeкак так, почему23from withinjwi'flin]изнутрикричать15neatly|'ni:tli]аккуратно24briefly['bri:fli]быстроyellUe4орать, вопить16combjkaum]расчёсывать25lead[li:d]вестиnecessary[ nesasdri]необходимый17heal1 h i: 1 ]исцелять26trail[treil]следvJVУ4^>118Superbook
Modal verbs: cartoons3That couldn 7 be true... I must be dreaming.Mlist you end every bedtime ston with the
children were beaten to death and buried in
the garden ’?You mustn’t complain. At least you came here on
a discount tour. 1 paid full price!Vocabulary1234dreamendbedtime story
beaten to death
burv|dri:m] видеть сон
(end] заканчивать
['bedtaim] история на ночь
[deO] избит до смерти
[ beri] хоронитьcomplain
at leasl
discount tour[kam'plem][list][tU3(r)]could use |kadju:z]жаловаться
no крайней мере
тур со скидкой
(горячий тур)
нужно1 think he could use a tic tat or something.Superbook
Modal verbs (2): obligationObligationModal verbs can express various degrees of obligation.Must Must is used to express an obligation that involves) the speaker s opinionMust is personal.• I must wash my jeans, (this is me talking to me)• You must run to the village and buy 5 beers, (an officer talking to a soldier)
Must is also used in formal, written style.• You must submit the application by the 14 of July.Должен Must используется, чтобы выразить обя штельство, которое подразумеваетмнение говорящего. Must - это "лично”.Я должен постирать мои джинсы, (это я разговариваю с собой)Ты должен побежать в деревню и купить 5 буты юк пива.(офицер разговаривает с солдатом)Must так же используется в формальном, письменном стиле.Вы должны подать заявление до 14 июля. Have (got) to Have to expresses a general obligation based on a rule or law, or basedon the authority of another person.Have to is impersonal.• Children have to go to school until they are sixteen, (a law)• Do you have to wear a tie at work? (a rule)• The boss says vou have to finish the job by tomorrow, (smb. in authority)Должен Have to выражает общее обязательство, основанное на правиле или законе,или основанное на авторитете другого человека.Have to не является личным.Дети должны ходить в школу до шестнадцати лет. (закон)Вы должны носить галстук на работе? (правило)Босс говорит, что ты должен закончить работу до завтра, (кто-то авторитетный)Must not Must not says that something is forbidden.• You mustn’t park here.• You mustn't walk on the grass.Запрещено Must not говорит, что что-то запрещено.Парковаться здесь запрещено.
Ходить по траве запрещено.Don’t have toShould and ought toDon V have to expresses the absence of obligation,‘you can if you want, but it is not necessary'• You don’t have to make up your bed at a hotel.• It has rained heavily, so I don’t have to water the gardenHe обязан Don't have to выражает отсутствие обязательства, “тыможешь, если хочешь, но в этом нет необходимости”.Вам не нужно заправлять постель в гостинице.Прошел сильныи дождь, поэтому мне не надо поливать огород.Should and ought to express mild obligation or advice. They both
express what, in the speaker’s opinion, is the right or best thing to do.• You are always asking me for money. I think you should spend less.• You ought to be more carefid with your money.Should и ought to Should и ought to выражают небольшое обязательство или совет.Они оба выражают то, что, по мнению говорящего, является
правильной или лучшей вещью, которую надо сделать.Ты всегда просишь у меня деньги. Я думаю тебе стоит тратить меньше.Тебе нужно быть аккуратнее с деньгами.Superbook
Exercises27.1 Put in must or have to.1. I cannot go to the cinema tomorrow. I do my homework.2. Books be returned on or before the due date.3. In my family you put your plate in the sink when you’re finished eating.4. A teacher to a student: You do what I say.5. A student to a student: You do what the teacher says.6. A doctor to a patient: You eat healthy food.7. A sergeant to a solder: Run to the village and remember that you i be back in 30 minutes.On his way he meets another solder. 'I 2 hurry, 1 з beback in 20 min.’8. This movie is just what you like. You see it.27.2 Put in must not or don V have to.1. You go to the shops for groceries. You can order everything viathe internet.2. You talk on the cell phone while you are driving.3. You eat foodstuffs" in the store before you pass the checkout.4. You see me out. I remember the way.5. You tell me. I know perfectly well why you are not living at home.6. You take pictures here.27.3 Connect the related sentences. Then cover the sentences on the right and reproduce them by
reading the ones on the left (ought to and should are almost interchangeable).1. I’m very bored with my job.\2. My face is very pale.3. My neighbour’s dog
has bitten my child.4. My eyes are often sore.5. Boys don’t like me. Maybe
it’s because I’m overweigfit?6. My husband is seeing
another woman.a) You would look better slimmer. You should work out
every day.‘b) You should be resolute - change it!c) You shouldn’t let it get away with° it - kill it.d) You ought not to work at your display - buy an LCD.e) You should be shrewd. Don’t do anything until you
transfer all the money to your account.0 You shouldn’t save on your appearance - go to
a solarium.VocabularyI/obligation qeijnj2 in\olve [in volvj' \illage |'vili(i3]4 submit [sab'mit]5 due date | dju: deit|6 sink (моЧ
groceries [ grausaris]8 via ['vaiaj9 foodstuffs I fu:dstAfs]обязате!ьствоподразумеватьдеревняпредоставить, подать
дата возврата, срок
продуктычерез, посредством
продукты питания'checkout{ tjek aut] касса лsee out|,si: aut| провести (из здания)interchangeablejjnt3'tJemd3obl]взаимозаменяемыйbored|bo:d] скучающийpalefpeil | бледныйsore|so:(r)] болезненныйoverweigh![. auva'weitj полный, толстыйslim[slim] стройныйvJt8work out|,w3:k 'autjтренироваться19resolute[ rezalu:t]решительный20get away with itсойти с рук2tLCDI,el si: 'di[жидкокрист. дисплей">*>shrewdумный, прозорливый23accountfa'kaunt]счет24save on[seiv]экономить на (чем-то)25appearance|Vpiarans|внешний вид26solariumjsa leariam]солярий ^Answer key р. 150Superbook 121
Modal verbs (2): jokes and clever expressions©©©1 must admit, you brought religion into my
life... I never believed in hell till I met you.©©©I believe you should live each day as if it
is your last which is why I don’t have any
clean laundry, because, come on, who
wants to wash clothes on the last day of
their life?©©©I’m always amazecl to hear of air crash vic¬
tims so badly mutilated that they have to
be identified by their dental records. What
1 can’t understand is, if they don’t know
who you are, how do they know who your
dentist is?©©©If you always tell the truth, you don’t have
to remember anything.©©©A good sermon should be like a woman’s
skirt: short enough to arouse interest, but
long enough to cover the essentials.©©©Diplomats don’t have to understand some¬
thing to tell you about it.©©©Q. Why should a skeleton drink 10
glasses of milk a day?A. It’s good for the bones.©©©A married man should forget his mistakes -
no use two people remembering the same
thing.©©©Tell a man there are 300 billion stars in the
universe, and he’ll believe you. Tell him a
bench has wet paint on it, and he’ll have to
touch it to be sure.©©©Somewhere on this earth, every ten seconds,
a woman gives birtn to a child. We must
find that woman and stop her.©©©To stop smoking is the easiest thing 1 ever
did. I ought to know, I’ve done it a thou¬
sand times.©©©I'm scared every time I go into the ring,
but it’s how you handle it. What you have
to do is plant your feet, bite down on your
mouthpiece and say. ‘Let’s go.’-Mike TysonVocabularyadmit[3d nut]признаватькidentity[ai dennfai]опознавать15/ -universe['ju:niv3:s]вселеннаяlaundry[b:ndri[белье9record['reko:d]записи, документы16wet[wet]мокрыйcome on[клт]да ладно!10sermon['s3:m3n|проповедь17give birth[Ьз:0]рожатьamazeta'meiz]изумлять11skirt[sk3:t]юбка18handle| ha^ndl]справлятьсяair crash|ез(г) кгагП авиакатастрофа!2arouse[a'rauz]возбуждать19plant[pla:nt]помешатьvictim['viktim]жертва13essentials[i'senjk|f'skehtn]основное20bite down[bait]fmau0pi:s]прикуситьJ)adly mutilatedf'niju:ti-iсильно изувеченный^14^skeletonскелет J21jnouthpieceкапа (боксерская) j122 Superbook
Modal verbs (2): cartoonsYou’ve chosen the right tactic. After this round
you shouldn V be ashamed - now you don’t even
have the slightest chance of being recognized.And that’s not all. You hove to look at this - the girl
he has been sitting behind!There s something I think you should know -
there s no toilet paper.You said yourself ‘The statue should look like he
is aliveVocabulary1234567choose[ tju:z]выбирать лright[rail]правильныйbe ashamed[э jeimd]стыдитьсяrecognizej'rekagnaiz]узнаватьbehind[bi'haind]за, позадиstatue[ staetju:]статуяVjl've[a'laiv]живой JSuperbook123
Modal verbs: real and unreal situations1. Real situationsРеальные ситуацииPastПрошедшееPresentНастоящееFutureБудущееcould, was/were able to,
managed toсапwill be able to• I could do 100 push-ups
when I studied at school.• We were able (managed) to
persuade her.• She can swim now.• He can drink a bottle of vodka
in one draught.• We'll be able to win if
we stay together.Я мог сделать сто отжиманий,
когда я учился в школе.Мы смогли (смогт) убедить ее.Она уже умеет плавать.Он может выпить буты ту водки залпом.Мы сможем выиграть, если
мы будем держаться вмес те. iCould We use couid to talk about general ability.• When 1 was at school, 1 was the strongest - I could beat anyone.Мог Мы используем could, чтобы говорить об общей способности.Когда я учился в школе, я бы ? самьш сильны м; я мог побить любого.Was/were аше to,
managed toСмогWe use was aole tot managed to if we are talking about
one particular situation.• Once / was able to beat a bo two years older than me. ,'conk!,Мы используем be able to managed to, если мы говорим об
одной конкретной ситуации.Однажды я смог побить мальчишку на два года старше меня.Couldn’t The negative couldn't (could not) is possible in all situations.• Once / couldn’t beat a boy three years older than me.Couldn’t Отрицание couldn't (could not) возможново всех случаях.Однажды, я не смог побить малшика на три года старше меня.2. Unreal situationsНереальныеситуацииВ русском языке, говоря о чем-то нереальном, мы прибавляем часгицу " бы”.
Обратите внимание, что в английском **мог бы" сейчас и ь4мог бы” в прошлом
звучят по-разному.Should и must используются так же как и could.PastPresentFutureПрошедшееНастоящееБудущееcould have done (мог бы)could (мог бы)could (мог бы)should have done (должен был)• I was so himvrv. I с ould have eaten• / am so hungry. /• I could meet vou tomorrowa horse.could eat a horse.• You idiot1 You should have toldme yesterday!Я был такой голодный, что я мог быЯ (сейчас) такой голодный.Я мог бы встретить тебя завтра.съесть юшадь.что мог бы съесть ?ошадь.Ты идиот! Ты должен был сказать мне вчера!(Нереальная ситуация - он не сказал)Superbook
Exercises28.1 Put in can or could and the correct form of the verb in brackets. In two sentences use should.1. The 20th president of the United States James Garfield (write) Greek' withone hand and Latin with the other at the same time.2. She is so stupid. She (fall) in love with anyone who would smile at her.3. Elephants (not jump) 4. You ate rice all month? You (borrow) money from us.5. If I had a guitar like his, I (play) better than him.6. When he was lying there, I (save) his life, but I wanted him to die.7. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, (never telephone) his wife or mother because they were both deaf.8. An elephant’s tooth (weigh ) up to three kilograms.9. You had a Int of time: you (go) to the «hops yourself!10. Dairy cows (produce) 20 to 35 gallons of saliva a day.11. I didn’t tell him the answer for his sum although I ; I wanted theresults of the exam to be fair.12. in 1972. a gorilla by the name of Koko was taught ASL (American Sign Language) for the deaf.By the year 2000, the gorilla (understand) approximately 2,000English words.13. You saw that it was difficult - you (help) me!14. Turkeys’ (have) heart attacks. When the Air Force was conducting" testruns and breaking the sound barrier, fields of turkeys dropped dead because of heart attacks.15. I was a fool, I (marry) anyone I wanted. You’ve ruined my life!16. At the casino: ‘I knew it would be seven. I (bet) on it!’17. If only I ftim) back time.18. I’m sorry that I left you in the cinema. I (buy) popcorn and come back.19. I (travel) to the moon and back if you’ll be my baby.28.2 Put in could or was/were able to.1. When Mozart was four years old, he learn a piece of musicin half an hour.2. During his lifetime, artist Vincent Van Gogh sell only one of hispaintings: The Red Vineyard.3. Some idiots say that Jesus walked on water because he (not) swim.4. There were twins in my class, and I (never) tell which one was which.5. Mark says that when his granddad was young, he was so strong that he kill a bear with his bare hands. But I think this is bullshit.6. Mowgli climb trees because Bagheera had taught him to do so.Vocabularypush-upI Puj лр]Nотжимание8inventor| in venia| изобретатель15sum [sAm] арифм. задача ^npersuade(рэ sweid]убедить9deaf[def] глухой16fair [fea(r)] справедливый23draught['Irarft]залп10weigh[wei] весить17approximaielv [э'proksim^tli]24Greek[gn:k|греческииI]up toдо (пределов)приблизительно25Latin[ laetm]латинскии12dairy cowI'deari] молочная18turkey ['t3:ki] индейка26fall in love uithвлюбиться вкорова19heart attack (ha:t | серд. приступ27фееjrais]рис J13gallon[ gasbn] галлон (3,78 л)20conduct [кэп'dAkt] проводить2814salivaС[sa laiva] слюна21Jest run [test] пробное испытание'’drop dead [drop]падать замертвоrum[ ru:mjразрушатьbet on[bet]ставить наpiece of musicпьесаbear(Ьеэ(г)]медведьbare hands [bea(r)[голые рукиclimb[klaim]взбираться JAnswer key p. 150Superbook125
Can, could: jokes and clever expressions©©©A lawyer trying ю get tickets to a
Broadway show finally paid for a couple of
seats a year in advance. When the exciting
night arrived and he sat down in his seat, a
woman in front of the lawyer noticed the
empty seat next to him and asked why
such a valuable ticket was unused. The
lawyer said that his wife couldn’t make it.
The woman asked him if he didn’t have
any relatives or friends who could have
used the seat. He replied. ‘Oh. they’re all
at the funeral.'©©©What a hotel we’re staying at! The towels
are so big and fluffy, you can hardly close
your suitcase!©©©He’s a master of the English language.He’s the only bloke 1 know who can
describe Pamela Anderson without using
his hands!©©©1 like kids. But 1 don’t think 1 could eat a
whole one.©©©My doctor gave me six months to live, but
when 1 couldn’t pay the bill, he gave me
six months more.©©©Who discovered we could get milk from
cows, and what did he think he was doing
at the time?©©©I wish that dear Karl could have snent
more time acquiring capital instead of
merely writing about it.-Karl Marx’s wile©©©The secret of life is honesty and fair deal¬
ing. If you can fake that, you’ve got it
made.©©©It took me fifteen years to discover 1 had
no talent for writing, but 1 couldn’t give it
up because by that time 1 was too famous.©©©Good health is merely the slowest possible
rate at which one can die.©©©You’re not drunk if you can lie on the floor
without holding on.©©©I couldn’t repair your brakes, so I made
your hom louder.Vocabularyexcitingnoticeemptyseatnext tovaluableLgetjдостать9make it[meik]1. прийти >16(billсчетттгgive upl.giv лр]бросить.[advains]заранее2. дожить17discover [di skwaj оонаруживатьперестать[iK'saitmlволнующий10relativeI'rebtiv]родственник18acquire [s'kwaia] приобретать2уfamous[feimas]знаменитый['nautis]замечать11funeralffju:n3ral]похороны1Уmerely [ miali]просто24rate[reit]темп['empti]пустой12towel['taual]полотенце20fair dealing [fea(r)]честное25hold on[hauld]держаться[si:t]место13fluffy[ 'flA.fi]пушистыйведение дел2 Ьbrake[breikjтормоз[nekst]рядом14bloke[bbukjпарень21you’ve got it madeу теоя27hom[Нэ:п]гудокl'va?Ijuabl|ценный-J15^describe [di'skraib]описыватьвсе получилось^28loud[ laud]громкимSuperbook
Can, could: cartoonsLearn English in Three Weeks w ith Us.Can you teach me to play the violin? I know it is
not your specialty, but judging by your ad. you
are the only one vt ho can helpLet’s make up I'm not angry with you anymore.I shouldn Y have blown up like that over a salty
dinner. Let me untie vou.Could you help me find a T-shirt for my wife?
She wears your size, and I want to make sure it
fit's with my arms underneath.Hey dude, I like your mom. Can you arrange for
her to breastfeed me?Vocabularyin three weeks
\ iolin
admake up|,vaid'lin|[d3Ad3][3d]| meik лр]за три недели
скрипкасудить, делать выводыобъявлениепомиритьсяblow up |,Ыэи лрj вспылить,
запсиховатьuntie [лп' tai] развязыватьT-shirt j'ti:j3:t] футболкалтике sure [meik Гиэ(г)] убедиться(tit[At]оыть по размеруunderneath[ And3'ni:0]под, нижеdude[du:d]чувакarrange[a#reind3]договариватьсяbreastfeedf'brestfi:d]кормить грудью JSuperbook 127
Revision: units 25-28Single sentences1. Put in some or any.1 soldier has an ambition to become a general.2. Could you pour me tea?3. Please, weigh me potatoes, but 1 don’t want too big or too small. 4 one who says that he knows all about computers is lying. 5 body told me that he would do the washing up. Can you remind me who it was?6. Sometimes it is so cold in Moscow that it’s hard to believe that it’s hot where.7. Do thing! thing!8. I have got thing in my eye. Can you take it out?2. Put in must or can. Use either the positive or the negative form.1. You speak English well if you lived with an English family for a year.2. I can see smoke! There be people in the forest.3. You talk to customers like that. 1 wanna see the manager.4. Don’t believe him. He be rich - I saw him waiting for a bus at the bus stop.5. Hello, you be Mrs. Carter. Follow me, please.6. There’s the door bell. It be Jim. 1 have been waiting for him all morning.7. You run 100 meters in 9 seconds. It is just impossible.8. If he sent you all these flowers, he really love you.3. Put in must or have to. Use either the positive or the negative form.1. Her eyesight is very bad; she wear glasses all the time.2. You strike a match - the room is full of gas.3. You talk to her - she knows the answers to all your questions.4. I never remember anything; 1 (always) write everything down.5. Park notice: All dogs be kept on a leash at all times.6. We call the plumber. My husband can install the washing machine himself.7. If you want to be a waiter, I think you ought to know that waiters pay taxeson their tips.4. Use either can, could, could have, be able to, or managed to with the correct form of the
verb in brackets. Use either the positive or the negative form.1. There’s nothing for dinner again. You (cook) something!2. Some people joke that Pavel Bure (skate) before he(walk) 3. Now I (do) twenty pull-ups, but if I train a couple of weeks, I’ll(do) twenty-five.4. We were losing the game, but (score) at the last minute and saved it.5. My parents were not rich, otherwise I (study) at university.6. I’m so thirsty, I (drink) Lake Michigan.SuperbookAnswer key p. 150-151
Dialogues1. Put in some or any.A: Let me know if you need i help.B: Oh, I need help right now. Can you lend me 2 money?A: 3 lime but now 4 thing bad happened to my business. I cannot tellyou 5 thing. Anyway, I must go. Bye.A: Have you got 6 eggs?B: Do you need ihem for yourself or for 7 body else?A: Of course, for myself. That’s the stupidest question 8... one has ever asked me.2. Put in must or can. Use either the positive or the negative form.A: My computer crashed yesterday, and I lost a very valuable file.B: That 1 be annoying.A: Annoying? One 2 go crazy having to do all this work again and again.A: Waiter, 3 you give me a light?B: You 4 smoke in here. It is strictly forbidden.A: And what (you) 5 do? Throw me out of the restaurant ?B: You 6 be looking for trouble. I’ll call security, and you’ll see whatthey 7 do.3. Put in must, have to, or should. Use either the positive or the negative form.A: 1 you wear this old shirt? Can’t you buy a new one?В: I don’t mind buying a new shirt, but I 2 pay for my mother’s treatmentin hospital, and I’m trying to save on everything.A: Then you з borrow money from the bank.B: ] took out a loan 3 months ago. And now I 4 pay large interest ratesOh no! Here comes the man I owe money to. I 5 go now. Goodbye.4. Use either can, could, could have, be able to, or managed to with the correct form of the
verb in brackets. Use either the positive or the negative form.A:Remember the gold statuette we saw when we were visiting our neighbourslast week?B:I (not stop) I thinking about it since then.A:Are you ready for this? I (steal) it this morning.B:It (be) 3 . dangerous. You (go) 4 prison for this.A:When I stole your brother’s car last summer, I also (go) 5 to prison, but nothing happened.Answer key p. 151Superbook
Revision: present and past events.Single sentences: complete the sentences with the most suitable verb forms.1301. My husband (have) 1 some problems at work, and he(carry) 2 a gun everywhere with him.2. How often (you/feed) your dog?3. When he (understand) l what (happen) , he(phone) з his father, and three black Jeeps (arrive)4 in no time.4. She (try on) i a new dress in a shop changing room when she(notice) 2 a blinking eye in a hole in the wall.5. When I (buy) meat, 1 always smell it to make sure that it is not spoilt.6. 1 (never see) i you wearing glasses before. Why(you/wear) 2 them0 Take them off. You look like an idiot.7. As I (stand) l in a long line in the supermarket, another check-out(open) 2 and all the people from the back of our line quickly(go) з there, and all of them (pay) 4 sooner than me.8. Three American soldiers (die) in Iraq last night.9. I (stand) i on the platform, waiting for the arrival of my parentswhen my neighbour (phone) 2 me on my cell phone and(say) з that black smoke (come) 4 from my bed¬
room window. I suddenly (remembei) 5 that 1 (not turn off)6 the stove and (rush) i home.10. When my mother (cook) l spaghetti, she always (add)2 a spoonful of oil to the water.11. Sarah realized that the people behind her (talk) i about her, and she(interrupt) 2 their dialogue.12. We (repair) your car. You can take it from the parking lot behind theoffice.13. Coming into the building, everybody greeted an old lady who (sit) atthe door.14. (You / read) The Time Machine by H. G. Wells?15. Don’t disturb him. He (do) very important work.16. When the police (break) l into the house, they(realize) 2 that the suspect (already leave) з 17. By the end of his course, he (learn) about three thousand words.18. We (sail) l in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea when we (hear)2 a strange noise underneath, and water (start) з tofill the yacht.19. I (buy) a new jacket. It’s 100 per cent cotton.SuperbookAnswer key p. 151
Revision: future events.Single sentences: complete the sentences with the most suitable verb forms, keeping in
mind that all these events will happen in the future.1. A: I’ll phone you tomorrow at nine.B: Don’t ring me at nine. We (put) the baby to bed.2. It (rain) ; look at those clouds.3. If you learn English, you (get) a better job.4. Please come into this room. It is empty now, but I (put) a bigblack armchair and a stereo here.5. They (build) .... a factory here. They (start) on October 1st.6. Spartak 3, Liverpool 1.There is only five minutes left to play, so it is clear that Spartak
(win) 7. My grandmother (believe) whatever you tell her.8. I (meet) them at the stadium at six.9. By April 1st the builders (finish) the house, and we can move in.10. 1 (be) back at nine.11. My parents (celebrate).. their silver anniversary this Sunday.12. This man (walk) through the Sahara desert.13. They (get) married next week.14. I think I (recognize) her when 1 see her.15. The new term (start) on September 1st.16. We have bought a new house and (move in) next week.17. I (help) . you! I’m coming!18. Your train (leave) in half an hour, and it takes 2 hours to drive tothe station. You (miss) it.19. He (have) lunch with the vice president tomorrow.20. This bull (attack) us. Let’s run to the fence.21. When you arrive, I (probably read) in the garden.22. Our dog (have) puppies.23. I wonder how many people (come) to the party.24. It’s nearly spring. The snow (melt) soon.25. This apple tree is only two years old, so there (not be) a lot of apples.26. 1 hope 1 (find) my brother.27. I (go) to the dentist tomorrow.28. The programme (start) at 8:30 tomorrow.29. Please forgive me. I (never do) that to you again.30. Have you heard? The government (raise) .... taxes!31. If you drop this box, the contents (be) damaged.32. The designer says he (finish) our web site by tomorrow.33. Don’t worry about the accident; everybody (soon forget) about it.34. I (start) a new job on Monday.35. The swimming pool (open) at 8:00 and (close) at 22:00.36. I (wait) for you outside when you come.37. Small boy: I (be) a programmer when I grow up.38. Why have you taken his key? He (look) everywhere for it tomorrow.39. I (get) a tattoo when I leave school.Answer key p. 152Superbook
Revision: events with duration.132Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms.1. It (rain) since I lost my umbrella.2. George (live) in his old flat for two years when his landlord putthe price up by 20% - of course, he moved out.3. We (have) .... a dog for twelve years. Then it died in 2001. and we
decided to get a cat.4. We (live) in London till we moved here.5. The computer (not work) properly since you installed this pro¬
gramme.6. He (work) as a taxi driver for 5 years before he wrote his book.7. He looked awful; he (not have). a haircut for a long time.8. We (fly) over the clouds for three hours when the sky cleared, andwe saw the city lights below.9. 1 (only drive) my car for six months when the engine brokedown.10. I (make) my web site for a month when 1 got completelyfrustrated and asked my friend to help. He (make) it in three hours.11. Alice and Bill (be) married for seven years now.12. We (play) football for 94 minutes and at the end were very tired.But what a game (it/be) !13. 1 (watch) TV for two hours when I fell asleep.14. I (write) this report for two weeks. I think I’ll finish it tomorrow.15. At that time, we (wait) .... for the reply for 2 months.16. By next Christmas, we (be).. in this country for 10 years17. By the weekend, your mother (live) with us for a month.18. We (sail) calmly all morning when an American cutter appearedout of nowhere and ordered us to stop.19. He works in a bank now. Before that, he (work) in a drycleaner for a year and a half.20. He (believe) in God ever since his parents told him that everyonewho doesn’t believe in God will go to hell.21. OK, I don’t like your soup. But I (feel) like this ever since I(find) 3 flies and a spider in it.22. Adolf Hitler (serve) in prison for 9 months.23. I (be) here since Monday. I’m leaving tomorrow.24. Yesterday I (watch) TV all day. I didn’t pick up the phone, andonly in the evening I (go) for a walk for half an hour.SuperbookAnswer key p. 152
Revision: articles and modals.1. Put in a, an, the, or leave blank.1. There was i glass of milk on 2 table.2. A: There has been 1 murder.В: Can 1 have 2 look at 3 body?A: There isn’t 4 body.B: Then how can you be so sure there’s been 5 murder?3. He switched on 1 light, reached his hand under 2 bed and took out 3 big sword, which he said he had bought in 4 Japan.4. 1 old lady came out of 2 church and asked me for 3 money.5. 1 policeman thought that 1 was lying and took me to 2 police station.6. 1 marketing plan is 2 road map for 3 marketing activities of 4 entireorganization for 5 specified future period of time, such as one year or five years.7. Before negotiation, try to predict what kind of climate your opponent would liketo be in.8. His father is 1 man with 2 big belly and 3 beard.9 lady who lives next door to me has five dogs and three cats.10. When children become difficult to manage, some parents beat them.2. Make sentences with can- be able to, must, or have to. Use positive or negative, past or present
form.1. You make your bed when you are staying at a hotel.2. I leave home at 8:30 every work day.3. We go out because it was raining heavily.4. You cross the double line on the road.5. They look after their mother.6. This room is so big, you fit six elephants in it!7. You spent all the money on girls and limos; you (buy) somethinguseful.8. When my grandmother was alive, she knit a sweater in a day.9. You read all these books. I can lend you a book that containsall this information and is very well organized.10. They’ve got a yacht; they be very rich.11.1 haven’t finished the report yet. But 1 think I finish it bytomorrow afternoon.12. 1 stay at home because it was too cold outside and 1 hada sore throat.13. You lie under oath in a court of law.14. (You / often) work overtime?15. She (never) do a single day’s work in her life.16. You hit other children in the class.Answer key p. 152Superbook 133
Revision: tenses, modals, articles.Correct the underlined phrases if they are wrong. Put in a tick (\✓"') if they are correct.1. The boss rbjvK’. now. He’ll .. W ... talk to you later.2. This evening my girlfriend and 1 will go to a basketball game. I have alreadybought the tickets.3. Now that everyone want to earn a bit teaching English, it gets more and more difficult to find a good English teacher.4. The train is going to leave at nine sharp.5. Beckham is passing to Owen, Owen to Shearer, and Shearerloses the ball.6. Right now I’m weighing 90 kilos. But I can lose weight if it is necessary forthe role.7. They are having a great time together in Turkey now. And their spousesare thinking that they are in Poland on a business trip.8. Jimmy’s parents see his teacher on Friday evening.9. Where did vou meet him?19. 1 can’t walk. 1 twisted my ankle.11. Have vou been to Hawaii in 2002?12. At 9:30 I swam in my swimming pool. 1 know nothing aboutthe murder.13. He was meeting his cousin while he stood in line atHeathrow airport.14. By the look of this mountain, it щП be very difficult to climb.15. When I finish school, I will study at Harvard. We have decided it with my parents yesterday at dinner.16. A: My car broke down I can’t drive you to the station.B: Don’t worry. I’m going to walk.17. If you talk to my mother like that again. ГП break your neck.18. News: Princess Diana died yesterday evening.19. Look at my car - somebody scratched it.20. He used all his money to buy Microsoft shares because he received inside information.21. Why are you dirty? Have vou dug in the garden?22. Have you been to the States? When have vou been there?23. It’s already evening, and I didn’t do anything yet.24. My father builds houses for the last 30 years.25. I’m waiting for you all day. You will be paving for the delay.26. I’m covered in paint because I have pointed the house.27. We ran to the station only to find that the train has already left28. He threw his wife out of the house because she had an argument with his parents.29. His hands were all scratched. He played with a cat.134 SuperbookAnswer key p. 153
Revision: tenses, modals, articles.Correct the underlined phrases if they are wrong. Put in a tick (V') if they are correct.1. The party went on for 2 hours when suddenly the lights went out, and all thepeople in the room started screaming.2. This time next week the two boxers will tight in the ring.3. Let’s not go at five. They will be laving i the table, and they will be wanting2 us to help them. I’m thinking з we should go at six.4. This picture painted Leonardo Da Vinci.5. This TV is made in Korea.6. Why did the wrong tooth pull ?7. When the meal was cooKed ?8. Don’t come into this room. It is painted now.9. Can 1 take my fur coat now? Was it cleaned?10. The doctor had called , and the only thing we could do waswait for his arrival.11. A: Did you hear anything ?B: Not a thing! Why?12. Do you want anything to eat?13. Shush! You’ll wake a babv 14. Where did 1 put a paper 1 wrote my boss’s new phone number on?15. The phone never stops ringing. I’ll turn it off.16. Sne is really beautiful. She’s got a long hair i a big blue eyes 2 and a lovely smile з 17. Poor will spend hours looking for the cheapest product.18. Longest river i in the world 2 is Nile з 19. He studied works of Leonardo Da Vinci.20. The water boils at one hundred degrees Celsius.21. Tomorrow Russia i is playing against Czech Republic 2 Game з everyone is waiting for starts at nine.22. A: 1 heard something in the kitchen.B: It can be a cat, but I’ll check it out.23. You have to buy this computer game. It’s the best I’ve ever played.24. It was a high place to jump from. You could break your leg.25. We could translate the whole article in 3 hours and finish on time.26. You mustn’t .. do this work if you don’t want to.27. You don’t have to smoke in here. It’s forbidden.28. Why did you just watch? You could hit that boy from behind and helped me.29. 1 might be there. I’m sure about it. You can rely on me.30. You mustn’t be tired. We have just left home.31. It may not be her daughter. The girl is 7, and she is only 18 herself.32. A: Andrew is in hospital right now.B: With his lifestyle, I could tell you this was going to happen.33. She has a fever. You can fry eggs on her forehead.Answer key p. 153Superbook 135
Answer keypage 11 1.1 4. are beating 7. am driving2. are jumping 5. is shouting 8. are sitting3. are tossing out 6. are watching 9. are singing1.22.3.am walking 4. am eating
are not eating 5. am eating6. are eating1.31.are getting 3. is decreasing2.is going up 4. am getting1.41.are robbing 3. is killing2.am hijacking 4. are just havingpage 152.11.Mike Tyson doesn’t snore. The Siamese twins snore. I snore/don’t snore.2.Mike Tyson likes shrimp. The Siamese twins don’t like shrimp. I like/don’t like shrimp3.Mike Tyson is not polite. The Siamese twins are polite. I am polite/am not polite.2.21.What does this word mean?2.How do you open that window?3.What time does the lesson start?4.How much does the ticket to New' York cost?5.Why does the man in the flat downstairs drink too much vodka?2.31.treat2.beat3.starts4.comes5.do I get6.Go / walk7.apologize / recommendpage 103.11.Yes, he does. / No, he isn’t. / He is diving.2.No, he isn’t. / Yes, he does. / He is sleeping.3.Yes, he does. / No. he isn’t. / He is sitting.4.They are getting married. / They are students.136Superbook
Answer key1.don’t understand12.seems2.are always getting ready = always get13.always buyready14.is talking3.am waiting15.contains4.do you do16.have5.speaks17.am having6.have18.see7.Do you realize / what is happening19.are seeing8.arrives / opens20.do you think9.is crawling21.Are you thinking10.do you go22.is being11.1 hatepage 23 4.1 I- he was / he became / He earned / He served Adolf Hitler2. He dropped / He had / He was / He didn’t respect Al Capone3. She dropped / She suffered / She donated / She didn’t have — Princess Diana4. He spent / He had / He was / (he) shared Freddy Mercury4.2 1- didn’t 3. didn’t 5. didn’t2. didn't 4. didn’t4.3 2. Did you snitch on your friends? 4. What did you like eating?3. Did you walk naked on the beach? 5. What was your first word?page 27 5.1 !• was riding 3. was shooting 5. were swimming2. was packing 4. were eating5.2 1- b 3. d 5. f 7. h2. с 4. a 6. e 8. g5.3 1- l) was having 2) was going 3) ran 4) cut2. l) was repairing 2) slipped i) rolled 4) was falling 5) was fooling 6) squeezed 7) shotSuperbook 137
Answer keypage 30 Revision 1-51.am reading18.eats2.ate19.П was playing 2) was out dancing3.produces20.1) were performing 2) found4.are you seeing21.П was reading 2) took off 3) ran away5.was running22.shaves6.is getting23.talks7.don’t like24.do you usually have8.are you working25.ran9.was traveling26.1) forgets 2) forgets 3) goes10.writes27.1) was eating 2) felt11.saw28.does your sister work12.am trying29.l) said 2) are throwing13.Does she sing30.is getting14.l) was standing 2) was waiting31.am trying15.are you meeting32.Are you listening16.don't33.Did A. S. go17.are fightingpage 31 1. am feeding2. l) are going 2) am just going out 3) am pretending3. is visiting4. scared5. met6. i) did you like 2) happened 3) drowned 4) stabbed 5) burnt down7. l) did you last wash 2) graduated8. l) were you doing 2) was sitting 3) was playing9. 1) did you pinch 2) mistook 3) do 4) meet10. i) bought 2) Are you kidding1.Mary is going to read books.5.Mary is going to theatres and2.Frank is going to make friends withmuseums with Frank.other girls.6.Frank in not going to bed before3.Mary is going to drink juice and eatdawn.only healthy food.7.Mary is going to take pictures of4.Frank is going to drink vodka or takeeverything.drugs every day.8.Frank is going to beat anyone whodoesn’t agree with him.6.2 I ■ Frank, are you going to change your lifestyle?2. Mary, are you going to file for divorce?3. Are you going to make up and start all over again?4. When are you going to have your next holiday?138 Superbook
Answer6.3page 37 41 8.1*key1. There is going to be a big splash.2. The ship is going to sink.3. It is going to rain.4. The baby is not going to be healthy.Bob: will buyJessica: will open upSarah: will haveJimmy: will buyEconomist: will / currencyDoctor: will / a curePoliceman: will / fingerprintsFashion designer: will / interestingDrug addict: I will never do drugs when I get out of hospital.Gambler: If I win today, I will never go to the casino again.Alcoholic: I will never drink alcohol again if you forgive me.Extremely fat lady: I will never eat sweets after I have liposuction surgery.1. b 2. d3. a 4. с1. will cheat10. will make2. starts11. will never visit3. am leaving = am going to leave12. am going to take4. is going to fall13. am flying = am going to fly5. will shake14. is going to jump6. am not going to pass15. is not going to be easy7. will go16. starts ! am not going8. goes17. comes9. are you going to do18. starts / am staying* will is possible in almost every case1,3,4.Superbook 139
Answer keypage 44Revision 1-8i.are you going to do = will you do15.1) doesn’t know 2) worked2.am going to be16.will open3.is going to dye17.1) don’t give 2) will make 3) will give4.I’ll buy18.1) starts 2) are=are going to be5.were you doing19.1) don’t have 2) sold 3) am trying6.does the opera start20.will deal7.will come back21.1) fell down 2) were driving8.1) am telling ?) was waiting22.am going to break up with = 1 will9.will seebreak up with10.will type23.will be11.fits24.Are you really going to buy12.are you going to live25.l) will be 2) will never ask13.1) Do you see 2) is sitting26.is going to jump14.1) will help 2) won’t tell27.will you do = are you going to do28.1) were flying 2) wokepage 451.1) are you going 2) am going ю cut 3) will join2.will wait3.1) do you need 2) am going to make4.will buy5.1) bought 2) are moving 3) are you going to do 4) am going to sell 5) sold6.1) is arriving 2) is he going to spenc1 = will he spend 3) leaves7.1) will like 2) said8.1) is going to have 2) says9.1) don’t like 2) will make10.1) am going to spend = am spending 2) were 3) told 4) don’t remember 5) are really going11.1) are always watching 2) change 3) will breakpage 479.11.has won 3. have fallen asleep2.has missed 4. has been9.21.have torn4.Have you checked the mail?2.has happened / have spilledHas my driver washed the car?3.has knockedHave you washed my socks?Have you ordered the stationery?9.3Wife: have found Suzy:has givenJimmy: have seen Bob:have stolen140 Superbook
Answer keypage 51 10.11.с - already 5. f - yet8.j - just2.b - yet 6. g - already9.h - yet3.a - just 7. e - just10.i - yet4.d - just10.21.с 2. d3..a 4. b10.31.l) has broken 2) did that happen 3) fell 4)waspicking2.l) has made 2) approached 3) struck up 4) was 5) foundpage 55 11.11.He has been married five times.3.He has been to Cuba three times.2.He has never seen a ghost.4.He has never lost consciousness.11.21.Have you ever danced with a partner 25 inches taller than you?2.Have you ever given a speech in front of 300 people?3.Have you ever thought of suicide?4.Have you ever been dead drunk?5.Have you ever taken drugs?11.31.have been4.has regretted2.has had5.have known3.have understood11.41.have slept3.Have you typed before? / have done2.Have you bowled before? / have done11.52.have been4.have had3.has watched5.have beenpage 59 12.11.has been training hard3.has been sitting in the sun2.has been digging in the garden4.have been playing basketballSuperbook 141
Answer key12.2 2. has been standing 5. have been talking 8. have been making3. have been waiting 6. have been cooking 9. have been selling4. have been going up 7. have been listening 10. have been practisingpage 63 13.1 1- have been killing / have killed 3. has been helping / has extracted2. has been / has infected 4. has been sweeping / has cleaned13.2 l. have been saving 4. have been thinking2. have you saved 5. have made3. have put away1.have been sitting / Have you caught6.Have you bought2.have been playing7.have known3.have been8.have been dancing4.Have you been biting9.have danced = have been dancing5.have you been / have been looking forpage 64 Revision 1-131.1) decided 2) haven’t smoked17.1) were reading 2) were playing2.1) were sitting 2) started3) was reading3.have been working18.will continue4.have been waiting19.have you thrown out = did you5.1) have found 2) have been looking forthrow out6.1) have eaten = ate 2) am 1 gonna eat20.have dropped = dropped7.1) have smoked 2) haven’t had21.have you been practising8.will break22.will walk9.have already learned23.will like10.have been training24.was he living11.was working25.have been digging12.has been raining26.walk13.have been staying27.is going to be = will be14.1) have known 2) have never known 3) have28.have just made15.1) had 2) am dying for29.have you been doing16.Dtold 2) realize1.1) have you been 2) told7.1) do you earn 2) do you think2.1) have read 2) have translated =3) don’t havetranslated 3) contains8.1) Have you ever been 2) were staying3.1) are you crying 2) has broken = broke3) stole4.1) are you sitting on 2) have just ironed9.l) is everybody writing5.1) did you like 2) have wrecked2i have broken = broke6.1) have decided = decided 2) will take10.l) have invented = invented 2) picks up11.l) Have you tried 2) comes 3) tastes142 Superbook
Answer keypage 67 14.1I.hadn’t had11.had left = left / started2.broke down / hadn’t checked12.had drunk = drank / started3.got / had learned13.had cut / was4.killed / hadn’t paid14.had shaved off / didn’t recognize5.offered / had expected15.had just got (Br) = had just gotten (Am.) / rang6.jumped / had put16.got / had already begun7.cut off / had stolen17.was / had ever seen8.didn’t speak / had been18.had just gone / heard9.burst out / had hung up19.was / had never met10.met / hadn’t known14.2 2. When we sat on the bench, I realized that somebody had stuck some chewing gum
on my seat.3. He told his sons where he had buried his treasure before he died.page 71 15.1 I- had been fooling around with explosives2. had been fighting3. had been talking to the mafia4. had been racing15.2 l. I) had been criticizing 2) came 3) smiled4) paid2. 1) met 2) had been living3. I) had been wearing 2) dyed 3) added4. I) had been fighting 2) heard15.3 2. had been helping3. had been installing4. hau been fakingpage 75 16.11. will have killed ... 42. will have torn off... 50,000
will have killed ... 103. will have been working ... 34. will have eaten ... 305. will have been eating ... 116.2 1. will be teaching2. will be giving3. will be living / eating / drinking16.32. At 21:203. At 22:004. At 23:05•S He’ll have finished dinner
*■ He’ll be having dinner
У He’ll be driving
x He’ll driveУ He’ll be playing tennis
У He’ll have had dinner
x He’ll play tennis
x He plays tennisx He’ll have had a shower
У He’ll be having a shower
x He’ll have a shower
✓ He’ll have played tennisSuperbook 143
Answer keypage 77page 78Revision 1-162. The past continuous. We were traveling3. Be going to. He is going to study4. The present perfect continuous. They have been waiting5. The present continuous. She is saving6. The past continuous. You were dancing7. The past perfect continuous. We had been talking8. The present perfect. I have just cooked9. The future simple. They will come10. The past perfect continuous. I had been talking11. The future continuous. The professor will be speaking12. The past perfect continuous. He had been learning13. The present perfect continuous. / have been running14. The future continuous. We will be landing15. Be going to. It is going to be cold16. The present perfect. He hast,д t eaten17. The future simple. I will go18. The present simple. Our dog runs19. The past perfect. After I had finished20. The future simple. I will do21. The future perfect. The artist will have completed22. The past perfect. The dog had already eaten23. The present continuous. The baby is crying24. The present simple. The goalkeeper jumps25. The future perfect continuous. Thev will have been working26. The present continuous. The kittens are growing27. The present perfect. I have know n28. The past simple. They built29. The present perfect. Mike has written 2 books30. The present simple. I advise31. The past simple. The car broke down32. The present continuous. I am meeting33. The past perfect. / had been34. The present simple. The plane takes off35. The past simple. The people came36. The present perfect. Martha has died1. I) arrived 2) had already left 3) was walking / asked2. l) didn’t recognize 2) was blowing 3) was falling / had once sat3. I) was shining 2) had been raining4. have cleaned5. had been crying6. had been watching7. l) will be flying 2) will be landing 3) doesn’t crash8. have checked = checked9. I)don’t understand 2) is the fire extinguisher doing
10. did11. have bought = bought144Superbook
Answer key12. I) leaves = will leave 2) will be drinking13. were you14. I) hadn’t begun yet 2) were eating15. 1) ordered 2) had lost16. l) gave 2) had been waiting17. will have finished = will finish18. l) had already stopped 2) were hanging19. I) have been trying 2) have got 3) am beginning20. I) was listening 2) was eatingpage 791.l) know 2) will like 3) looks like3) doesn’t want 4) will come 5) closes4) will have been working6) will have closed 7) are all going2.I) have been making7. l) bought 2) haven’t sold 3) have2) have been bowling4) has been sitting 5) is still 6) will give3.l )have been looking 2) put8. I) isn’t going to be4.Dhave been arguing 2) will not stop2) are watching3) say3) have made5.I) won’t go4) will get out2) didn’t beat 3) had done9. I’ve had6.I) have just closed 2) closepage 81 17.11.was made 6. is not made ! is made 11. is allowed2.is made 7. was talked12. was bom3.is estimated 8. was invented13. is legally allowed / be killed4.was born 9. are struck14. is typed5.are cremated 10. was built15. be typed17.21.What is paper made from?3. When was the atomic bomb invented?2.When was America discovered?4. How much money was stolen in theworld’s biggest robbery?17.31.was bitten by5. is known2.was expelled / had punched6. was treated by3.was found by7. gave4.wrote8. are despised bypage 85 18.14627581318.2 1. had been worn2. was being repaired3. was kidnapped / was already being
searched for4. will be equipped5. had been cleaned / was opened6. will be cancelledSuperbook 145
■Answer key18.3 i. have ... washed and ironed 4. have ... served2. have ... installed 5. have ... locked3. have ... cut offpage 88 Revision 1-241. is played2. will be met3. were invited4. will be finished = will have been finished5. 1) will have been cleaned = will be cleaned 2) installed 3) will be pretending6. l)was being read 2) was standing 3) looked 4) would be punished (www.superbook.m)7. n had already been finished 2) proposed8. I) were sent 2) haven’t received9. had been damaged10. was being cooked11. I) has just been reported 2) crashed 3) died12. I) was walking 2) was 3) was taken away 4) took13. 1) was broken 2) were playing 3) had shouted14. l) wabn’t killed 2) helped15. I) was built 2) sank16. l)are sold 2) refuse17. I) will be painted 2) advise 3) is finished18. l) met 2) were studying 3) broke up 4^ finished19. will be broughtpage 89 1. I) were studying 5) have always said 6) will be punished2) didn’t beat 7) had3) read 4) was killed = got killed2. I) has happened = happened 4) was stolen 5) was found 6) was2) Haven’t 1 told 7) Have you received3) haven’t 8) paid Q) am buyingI) are being washed 2) will finish 3) will be waiting4) will comeI) saw 2) were you using3) was using 4) had hurt5) were being watched 6) were walking7) had been stolen5. 1) have been watching 2) has eaten3) is allowed 4) live5) allows 6) are limited146 Superbook
Answer keysingularpluraluncountableearchildrenmusicphotoplatesoilriverpeoplesnowdogwooljobinformationholidaytravelworkadvicefrost19.2 wrong: I, 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 126. a application (www.superbook.ru)7. an shampoo (www.superbook.ru)8. an business card business card9. an fish (www.superbook.ru)10. a cement, an cement19.3 wrong:1. a ostrich, ostrch2. a insomnia, an insomnia3. a accident, accident4. an lighter, lighter5. an milk (www.superbook.ru)page 95 20.1 2. professions 6. descriptions3. classification 7. you don’t know which and/or4. professions classification5. professions and/or descriptions 8. descriptions20.21. i)a2)the2. the3. I)the2)the4. a5. the6. a7. a8. the9. the10. i)a 2) a11. a12. the13. I)the2)the14. I)a2)a3)a15. the16. a17. the18. a2.superlative9.nouns with additional information3.groups of people10.you know which one4.there is only one11.nouns with additional information5.there is only one12.there is only one6.you know which one (the one in the car)13.nouns with additional information7.nouns with additional information14.we have mentioned it before8.superlativeSuperbook 147
Answer key21.2 2. I) the - superlative 2) a - classification3. 1 lithe - you know which one (we were there together) 2) the - you know winch (to pay)4. I) the, 2) the - you know which one5. l) a, 2) a - classification6. ha- you don't know which 2) the - you know which one7. 1) the, 2) the - nouns with additional information8. the - nouns with additional information9. the - you know which one10. 1) a - you don ’/ know which 2) the -we have mentioned it before 3) the - you know’
which one (if there is only one) = a - you don't knowr which (if there are more than
one) 4) the - there’s only one11. a - descriptions and/or classification103 22.11.the 5.the9.the13. the2.6.-10.-14. -3.the 7.the11.the4.8.“12.22.22.nothing - general8.the - particular3.The - particular9.nothing -general4.nothing - general10.nothing -half general5.nothing - general11.The - half general + of6.nothing - general12.the - particular7.nothing - half general13.nothing -general107 23.11.Lake Michigan9.The Mississippi17.The Russian Federation2.The Pacific Ocean10.America18.Texas3.The Amazon11.northern Russia19.The Aegean Sea4.The Maldives12.The east of Canada20.The Dnieper5.Hawaii (www.superbook.ru)13.Africa21.Lake Ontario6.The English Channel14.Los Angeles22.The Kara Kum Desert7.The Danube15.The Red Sea23.France8.Elbrus16.Chicago24.The south of Mexico23.211) - 2) - 3) the5.1) - 2) The 3) the9.l)The 2) - 3) - 4) - 5) -2.l)the 2) the 3) the6.1) - 2) the6) the3.-7.l)- 2) the10.1)- 2) - 3) - 4) the 5) the4.'8.148Superbook
Answer key5. - 9. the 13. the 17. -Ю. the 14. the (\v\vwiuperbook.ru)7. the 11. The 15. an 18. a8. the 12. a 16. a 19. thepage 110 Revision 1-161.I) an 2) the 3) the11. IThe 2) the 3) the2.l)a 2) the12. [The 2) the3.l)-2)-13. la 2) -4.a14. [the 2) - 3) the5.l)a 2) The 3) a15. I-2)-6.l) a 2) - 3) a 4) -16. Ia 2) the 3) a 4) The 5) a7.l) A 2) a 3) a17. I- 2) the 3) the8.I) - 2) a 3) a18. IThe 2) the9.l) the 2) the 3) a 4) -19. IThe 2) the 3) the10.1' the (www.superbook.ru)20. lthe 2) the 3) the 4) a2) the 3) a 4) the 5) the 6) the21. [the 2) the 3) the 4) the7) the 8) the22. l- 2) the 3) - 4) - 5) The 6) the22. the23. a24. the25. the26. the27. a12. any13. any14. some15. any16. Some17. some25.2 2. It doesn’t matter which 4. It doesn’t matter which3. Negative word - hardly 5. It doesn’t matter which25.3 1- l) some 2) - 3) - 3. I) - = any 2) - 3) - 5. -2. I) some 2) some 3) some 4. l) any 2) somepage 1111. -8. the15. the2. -9. a16. the3. the10. a17. the4. a11. the18. the5. the12. the19. the6. a13. a20. the7. the14. a21. thepage 113 25.1 1- any 6. Any2. any 7. Some3. Some 8. Some4. some / some 9. any5. any (if 100% of answers)= 10. any
= some (if 10-30% of answers) 11. anypage 109 24.1 1-2. a3. -4. aSuperbook 149
Answer keypage 11726.12.must 4. cannot6. won’t3.might 5. cannot7. must26.21.cannot 6.must not = cannot 11 • must 16. cannot2.must not=cannot 7.must not 12. can 17. cannot3.cannot 8.cannot13. can 18. must not = cannot4.can 9.can14. can / must / can5.must 10.must15. must 19. must20. cannotpage 12127.11.have to4. must 7. 1) must 2) must 3) have to2.must5. have to 8. must3.have to6. must27.21.don’t have to3.must not 5. don’t have to2.must not4.don’t have to 6. must not27.31.b3.с 5. a2.f4.d 6. epage 12528.11.could write7.could never 13. could have helped2.could falltelephone 14. can have3.cannot jump8.can weigh 15. could have married4.could have borrowed9.could have gone 16. should have bet5.could play10.can produce 17. could turn(www.superbook.ru)11.could have 18. should have bought6.could have saved12.could understand 19. could travel28.21.could3. could not 5. could2.was able to4. could never 6. couldpage 128 11.Any 3. some/ any5. Some 7. some / any2.some 4. Any6. any 8. some21.must4.cannot 7. cannot2.must5.must 8. must3.cannot = must not6.must150 Superbook
Answer keypage 129page 1303 1- has to 3. must 5. must 7. have to2. must not 4. always have to 6. don’t have to4 1. could have cooked 3. can do / be able to do 5. could have studied2. could skate / could walk 4. managed to score = 6. could drinkwere able to score1 1. any 3. Any 5. any 7. some2. some 4. Some 6. any 8. any2 1- must 3. can 5. can you 7. can2. can 4. must not = can't 6. must1. Must 3. should 5. have to2. have to 4. have to1. haven’t been able to stop 3. could be2. managed to steal (have managed to steal - also 4. can go = could go
possible if said the same morning) 5. could have gone1. I) is having 2) is carrying2. do you feed3. l) understood 2) had happened 3) phoned 4) arrived4. l) was trying on 2) noticed5. buy6. l) have never seen 2) are you wearing7. l) was standing 2) opened 3) went 4) paid8. died9. 1) was standing 2) phoned 3) said 4) was coming 5) remembered 6) hadn’t turned off
7) rushed10. I) cooks 2) adds11. 1) were talking 2' interrupted12. have repaired = repaired13. was sitting14. Have you read15. is doing16. I) broke 2) realized 3) had already left17. had learned18. I) were sailing 2) heard 3) started19. have bought = boughtSuperbook 151
Answer keypage 131l.will be putting20.is going to attack2.is going to rain21.will probably be reading3.will get22.is going to have4.am going to put23.will come5.are going to build / start = are starting =
will start24.25.will be melting = will melt = is going to
are not going to be = will not be6.is going to win26.will find = find (www.superbook.ru)7.will believe27.am going8.am meeting28.starts = will start9.will have finished29.will never do10.will be30.is going to raise11.are celebrating = will be celebrating31.will be12.is going to walk32.will have finished = will finish13.are getting33.will soon forget14.will recognize34.am starting15.starts - will start35.opens / closes16.are moving in = will be moving in36.will be waiting17.will help37.am going to be18.leaves = will leave / are going to miss38.will be looking = is going to look19.is having39.am going to getpage 1321 I-has been raining13.had been watching2.had been living14.have been writing3.had15.had been waiting4.lived16will have been5.hasn’t been working = hasn’t worked17.will have been living = will have lived6.had been working18.had been sailing7.hadn’t had19.worked8.had been flying20.has believed9.had only been driving21.have felt / found10.had been making / made22.served11.have been23.have been12.played / it was24.was watching = watched / wentpage 13311.l)a 2) the 6.1) a 2) a 3) the 4) an 5) a2.l)a 2) a 3) the 4) a 5) a 7.a3.1) the 2) the 3) a 4)- 8.1) a 2} a 3) a4.1) an 2) the 3) - 9.The5.1) the 2) the 10.-21.don’t have to 7. could have bought 13. mustn’t2.have to 8. could14. Do you often have to3.couldn’t 9. don’t have to15. has never had to4.mustn’t = can’t 10. must16. mustn’t = can’t5.have to 11. will be able to= can6.could 12. had to152 Superbook
Answer keypage 134page1352.are going / correct as it is17.correct as it is3.wants / is getting18.correct as it is4.leaves = will leave19.has scratched = correct as it is5.passes / correct as it is20.had received6.weigh21.Have you been digging7.correct as it is / think22.correct as it is / were you8.are seeing23.haven’t done9.correct as it is24.has been building = has built10.correct as it is = have twisted25.have been waiting / correct as it is =are11.Were you ingonna pay = will pay12.was swimming / correct as it is26.have been painting13.met / was standing27.had already left14.is going to28.correct as it is / had had an argument15.am going to / decided29.had been playing16.has broken down = correct as it is
/ will walk1.had been going18.I) The longest river 2) correct as it is2.will be fighting3) the Nile3.1) correct as it is 2) will want 3) think19.the works4.was painted by20.Water5.was made21.1) correct as it is 2) the Czech Republic6.was the wrong tooth pulled3) The game7.was the meal cooked22.could have been = might be = could be8.is being painted23.must9.Has it been = correct as it is24.could have broken10.had been called25.were able to = managed to11.something = correct as it is26.don’t have to12.something27.mustn’t = cannotJ3.the baby28.could have14.the paper29.will15.correct as it is30.can’t16.1) long hair 2) big blue eyes31.can’t3) correct as it is32.could have told17.The poor33.could frySuperbook153
AA[ei]отлично, “5"ability[a'bilati]способностьable['eibljспособныйabortion[a'bo:J(3)n]абортabout[s'baut]1. о, об 2. приблизительноaosence['asbsans]отсутствиеabsolute['aebsaluit]абсолютныйabsolutely['sebsaluith]абсолютноaccelerator[э! 'selareitajпедаль газаaccept[ak'sept]приниматьaccident['asksidant]аварияaccidentally[.Etksi'dentli]случайноaccount[a'kaunt]счетaccumulate[a'kjuimjaleit]накапливатьache[eik]боль/болетьacquire[a'kwaia]приобретатьacross[s'Lros]1. через 2. по (мосту)act[ffikt]выступать, действоватьaction['sekj(a)n]деисшиеactive['asktiv]активныйactivity[ask'tivati]действиеactor['zektajактерactually[' sektfusli]вообще-тоad[aed]объявлениеaddM]добавитьaddict['sedikt]пристрастившийся.наркоманadditional[a'difanl]дополнительныйaddress[a'dres]адресadmire[ad maia]восхищатьсяadmission[ad mijn]принятиеadmit[ad'mit]признаватьadult[s'dAlt]взрослыйadulterous[a'dAltarss]изменяющий (супруг)advance[sd'va:ns]продвигатьсяin advanceзаранееadvanced[3d'va:nst]продвинутыйadverb['£EdV3:b[наречиеadvertise['sedvataiz]рекламироватьadvice[ad'vais]советadvise[ad'vaiz]советоватьAegean[i:'d3i:3n]Эгейское 1море)affirmative[a'f^Mnativ]утвердительныйafraid[a'freid]боящийсяAfrica['EefrikajАфрикаAfrican['sefnksn]африканскийAfaftera:fts]послеafterlifea:ftolaif]загробная жизньafternoona:ft3'nu:n]время после полудня, обедafterwardsa:ft3W3dz]потом, позжеagainз'деп]опять, вновьagainsta'genst]противageeid3]возрастagencyeid33nsi]агентствоaggressivea'gresiv]агрессивныйagoэ'дэи]тому назадagreea'gri:]соглашатьсяagreement3-gri:m3nt]соглашениеaheads'hed]впереди, впередaideid]помощьAIDSeidz]СПИДain’teint]не (заменяет многие вспомо¬
гательные глаголы-ь not)airез(г)]воздухair conditioneiesr.ksn'dijsns]кондиционерAir Force Oneсамолет президентаair hostess'ear.haustasjстюардессаairline'ealain]авиакомпанияairplane'eaplein]самолетairport'eaport]аэропортalcohol'EelkaliDlJалкогольalcoholic.aslka'trolik]алкоголикalikea'laik]похожий, одинаковыйalivea'laiv]живойallo:l]всеall by yourseltсовсем одинalmightyorl'maiti]всемогущийalley'seli]алеяbowling alleyбоулинг клубallowVlau]позволятьalmost'oilmaust]почтиaloned'ldun]одинalong0'1do]вдольalongside3,lDg'said]рядом, бок о бокalphabetical,aeHVbetikl]алфавитныйalreadyoil'redi]ужеalso'o:ls.iu]так жеalthoughэ:Гдэи]хотяaltitude' seltitju:d]высотаalwaysoilwaiz]всегдаa.m.ei'em]до полуднялатинск. ante meridiem:154Superbook
AmAramazement[a'meizmant]изумлениеargue[a:gju:]споритьamazing[a'meizin]изумительныйargument['argjumant]спорambition[aem'bijn]амбиции, желаниеarm[a:m]рукаAmerica[э'тепкэ]Америкаarmchair['a:mtje3(r)]креслоAmerican[э'тепкэп]американскийaround[a'raund]1. вокруг 2. околоamnesia[aem'ni:zia]потеря памятиarouse[a'rauz]возбуждатьamong[э'тлг)]средиarrange[a'reind3]договариватьсяamount[a'maunt]количествоarrangement[a reind^mant]договоренность, планыanaconda[ aenaknnda]анакондаarrest[a'rest]арестоватьanalyst['aenalist]аналитикarrival[a'raivl]приездanalyze['aenalaiz]анализироватьarrive[a'raiv]приезжатьangel[eind3l]ангелarrogant[’aeragant]высокомерныйangle['aerigl]уголart[a:t]искусствоangry['aeqgn]сердитый, злойarticle['artikl]1.статья 2. артикльanimal['aemml]животноеartist['a:tist]художникankle[ 'aetikljлодыжкаas[эг]!. когда 2. поскольк}anniversary[.aeni'v3:sari]годовщинаas ....asтакой ... как....announce[a'nauns]сообщать, объявлятьas soon asкак толькоannouncement[a'naunsmant]объявлениеashamed[a'Jeimd]стыдящийсяannoy[a'noi]надоедать, докучатьAsianI eif(a)nJазиат/азиатскийanother[э'плбэ(г)]ДРУГОЙaside[a'said]в сторонуanswer['a:nsa(r)]ответ/отвечатьask[a:sk]1. спросить 2. попроситьantenna[аепЧепэ]антеннаasleep[a'slirp]спящийanthem['агпват]гимнasphalt['aesfaelt]асфальтantique[a?n ti: к]антикварная вещьassign[a sain]назначитьantishock['aentaijbk]антишокassignment[a'sainmant]заданиеanyfeni]любойassistant[a'sistant]помощникanybodyem bDdi]1. кто-нибудь 2. любойassure[a'Jua(r)]уверятьanymore[.епГтэ:]больше (в вопр. и отриц.)astronomy[a'stranami]астрономияanyone['eniwAn]1. кто-нибудь 2. любойate[et]-Br. [eit]-Am.eat/ate/eatenanything['еш0из1что-нибудьatom['aetam]атомanyway['eniwei]так или иначеatomic[a'tDmik]атомныйanywhere[eniwe3(r)]где-нибудьattack[a'taek]атакаapartment[a'pa:tmant]квартира (Ат.)attend[a'tend]посещатьapologize[a'pDlad3aiz]ИЗВИНЯТЬСЯattendant[a'tendant]работникappear[a'pia(r)]1. появляться 2. казатьсяcar attendantпроводникappearance[a'piarans]внешностьattention[a'tenjn]вниманиеappendectomy[.aepen dektami]удаление аппендицитаattract[a'traekt]привлекатьapple['aepl]яблокоauction[o:kJn]продавать на аукционеapplicant['aeplikant]заявительaudience['ordians]публика, зрителиapplication[ aepli'keijn]заявлениеauditor['a:dita(r)]аудиторapply[a'plai]подать заявлениеAugust['o:gast]августappreciate[a'pri:Jieit]1. ценить 2. расти в ценеauthority[o:'0Dr3ti]1. полномочия 2. авторитетapproach[a'prautj]подходить к, приближаться кautomatic[,3:t3'maetik]автоматическийapproximately[a'pmksimatli]приблизительноautomatic gunавтомат\pril[' eipr(a)I]апрельauxiliary[org'ziliari]вспомогательныйaquarium[a'kweamm]аквариумavenue['aevanju:]авеню, улицаSuperbook 155
AvВаaveragef'2ev3nd3]среднее число'среднийbathtub['Ьа:01лЬ]ваннаavoid[a'vnid]избегатьbeбытьawait[a'weit]ожидатьbe out ofзаканчиватьсяaward[a'wD:d]наградаbe throughпройти черезaway[s'wei]прочьbe upне спатьawful[D;fl]ужасныйbe afterпреследоватьaxe[asks]топорbeach[bi:tj]пляжbead[bi:d]бусинкаВbear[bea(r)]1. медведь 2. терпетьbaby['beibijребенокbeard[biad]бородаback[bask]1. назад 2. спинаbeast[bi:st]зверьback seat[,bask'si:t]заднее сиденьеbeat[bi:t]битьbackgroundf'baskgraund]фонbeaten[bi:ln]beat/beat/beatenbackward['baskwsd]назадbeaten to death [da0]избит до смертиbad[basd]плохойbeat-up[,bi:t 'др]побитыйbadly['bsedli]плохоbeaten-up = beat-upbag[bag]сумка, пакетbeautician[bju:'tijn]косметологbake[beik]испечьbeautiful[-bju:tifl]красивыйbalanced['baslanst]сбалансированныйbeauty[bju:ti]красотаbald[bD:ld]1ЫСЫЙbeauty parlor['bju:11 'ра:1з(г)] салон красотыball[bo:l]мячbecause[bi'kDz]потому чтоballet[ 'bselei]балетbcuome[Ы'клт]становитьсяballoon[bs'lu:n]воздушный шарbed[bed]кроватьbanana[Ьэ'пагпз]бананbedroom['bedru:m]спальняband[basnd]обручbedside['bedsaid]у постелиbank[baeok]1. банк 2. берегbedtime['bedtaim]время ложиться спатьbanquet['baeokwit]банкетbedtime storyистория на ночьbar[bd.(r)]1. бар 2. плитка, брусокbee[bi:]пчелаbar stool[Ъа: stu:l]стул в бареbeer[bia(r)]пивоbarbecue['bd:bikju:Jшашлыкbeetroot['bi:tru:t]свеклаbarber['ba:ba(r)]парикмахерbefore[bi'fo:(r)]до, передbare['bea(r)]голыйbegan[bi'gasn]begin/began/begunbarefoot['besfut]босикомbeggar['bega(r)]нищий, попрошайкаbarman[Ъа:тэп]барменbegin[bi'gm]начинатьbarrel['baeral]бочкаbeginner[bi'gina(r)]начинающийbarrier['Ьагпэ(г)]барьерbehave[bi'heiv]вести себяbartender['bd:tend3(r)]барменbehavior[bi'heivja(r)]поведениеbase[beis]основыватьсяbehind[bi'haind]за, позадиbaseball[-beisbo:l]бейсболbelieve[bi'li:v]веритьbash[basj]бить, избиватьbell[bel]колокол(ьчик)basis[’beisis]база, основаниеbelly['beli]животbasketball['bd:skitbo:l]баскетболbelong to[bi'too]принадлежатьbatch[bsetj]порция, замесbelow[bi'lau]нижеbath[bd:0]ваннаbelt[belt]1. пояс 2. ременьbath['bei6]купатьсяbench[bentj]скамейкаsun bathingзагораниеbest[best]лучшийbathroom['bd:0ru:m]ванная комнатаbet[bet]делать ставку156 Superbook
Bebetraybi'trei]предаватьbetter'beta(r)]лучшеbetweenbi'twkn]междуbewarebi'wea(r)]остерегатьсяbeyondbi'jDnd]за (пределами)biceps'baiseps]бицепсыbicycle'baisikl]велосипедbidbid]предлагать цену
(обычно на аукционе)bidder'bida(r)]покупатель на торгахbigbig]большойbikebaik]I. велосипед 2. мотоциклbillbil]I счет 2. купюра (денежн.)billfoldbil'fauld]бумажникbillion'biljan]миллиардbirdb3:d]чтицаbirth'Ьз:0]рождениеgive birthрожатьbirthday'b3:0dei]день рожденияbiscuit'biiikit]печеньеbit - (a bit)bit]немногоbitebait]кусатьbittenbitn]bite/bit/bittenblackЫагк]черныйbladebleid]лезвиеblamebleim]винитьblankЫагдк]пустойblazebleiz]I. пламя 2. пылатьblimeyblaimi]блин, черт (Вг.)blindblaind]слепойblinkbliok]мигать, моргатьblister'blista(r)]волдырьblistering cold'blist(3)rig]ужасный морозblokeblauk]пареньblondeblond]блондинка, блондинbloodblAd]кровьbloody'bUdi]черювblowblau]I. дуть 2. ударblow one’s noseвысморкатьсяblow upblau лр]вспылить, запсиховатьblownblaun]blow/blew/blownblueblu:]голубой (только о цвете)BMW.Ьк.эт "dAbl ju]БМВboatbaut]лодкаbody'bDdi]телоbody builderbDdi bilda]культуристbodyguard'bDdiga:d]телохранительВоboilboil]кипетьboil overboil]выкипетьbombbDm]бомбитьboneЬэип]костьbonfire'bDnfaia(r)]костерbookbuk]книгаbootbu:t]сапогboredbo:d]скучающийboring'bo:rio]скучныйbornbo:n]рожденborrow'bDrau]брать чзаимыbossbos]боссbothЬэив]обаbottlebDtl]бутылкаbottom'bDtam]дноboughtbo:t]buy/bought/boughtbowlbaul]1. играть в боулинг 2. мискаbowling'baulig]боулингboxbDks]1. коробка 2. рамкаboxer'bDksa(r)]боксерboyboi]мальчик, пареньboyfriend'boifrend]пареньbrabra:]бюстгальтерbracket'braekit]скобкаbrakebreik]тормоз (педаль)breadbred]хлебbreakbreik]шматьbreak intoвломитьсяbreak up withразорвать отношения с...breakfast'brekfast]завтракbreastbrest]грудь (жен )breastfeed'brestfi:d]кормить грудьюbreathЬгев]дыханиеout of breathзапыхавшийсяbreathebri:d]дышатьbridebraid]невестаbridgebrid3]мостbriefly'brirfli]быстроbrigand'brigand]разбойникbringbrig]принестиbring aboutвызвать, породитьbring up.brig 'лр]воспитатьBritbrit]британецBritonbritn]бри ганецbroadcastbra:dka:st]вещать, транслироватьbrokebrauk]break/broke/brokenbroken'brauk(a)n]break/broke/brokenSuperbook 157
BrСаbrother[ Ьглбэ(г)]братcamera['кагтэгэ]фотоаппаратbrought[Ьгэ:1]bring/brought/broughtcan[.,эп]мочьbrow[brau]бровьCanada[ kaenada]Канадаbruise[bru.z]СИНЯКCanaries[кэ'пе(э)пг]Канарские островаbuck[Ьлк]долларcancel[keensl]отменятьbudget['bAd3it]бюджетcancerлгеплэ(г)]рак (болезнь)budget cut[,bAd3it k.At]сокращение бюджетаcandid['ksendid]откровенныйbug[Ьдд]жукcandidate['ksendidat]кандидатbuild['bild]строитьcandy['kasndi]конфетаbuilder['buda(r)]строительcandy barшоколадн ы й батончи кbuilt[bilt]build/built/builtcane[kein]трость, палочкаbull[bul|бык |cannot['ksenDt]не могуbullshit[' bul fit]ерунда, Оред, вздорcan't[ko:nt]сокр. от cannotbully['bull]задира, хулиганcapital['kEepitl]1. капитал 2. столицаbum[Ьлт]бомжcapitalism['kEepitalizam]капитализмbunch[bAntJ]несколькоcaptain[ kaeptin]капитанbunny[Ълт]кроликcar[ka:(r)]1. машина 2. вагонburger[ Ьз:дз(г)]бутербродclub Ccuваюн-ресторанbum[Ьз:п]жечьcard[ka:d[карточка, карта (игральн.)burst[b3:st]взорватьсяcare[кеэ(г)]забота / заботитьсяburst out cryingвзорваться плачем1 don't careмне все равноbut)['beri]хоронитьcareer[кэ'пэ(г)]карьераbus[bAS]автобусcareful[kesfl]1. осторожно 2. тщательноbusiness['biznas]бизнесcarrv['кэеп]нестиbusiness card['biznas ka:d]ви!иткаcarry on[.keen 'on]продолжатьbusiness trip['biznss trip]деловая поездкаcarry out[.kseri 'aut]выполнятьbusinessman['biznssmsn]бизнесменcartoon[ka:'tu:n]карикатураbusy[bizi]занятcase[keis]1. ящик 2. случайbut[bAt|ноcash[ksej]наличные деньгиbutler['ЬлНэ(г)]двореикийcashier[kse'Ji3(r)]кассирbutter['Ьл1э(г)]масло| casino[ks'siinsu]казаноbutton[bAtn]1. кнопка 2. пуговицаcastle[ ko:sl]замокbuy[bai]покупатьtat[kset]котby[bai]1. к, до (время) 2. рядомcatch[kaetj]ловитьby accident['asksidant]случайноcatch up['kstjAp]нагнатьbye[bai]до свидания!category['каЛэдэп]категорияcaught[ko:t]catch/caught/caughtСcause = because [ko:7]потому чтоcage[keid3]клетка■ caviar[kasvia:(r)|икраCairo['kairau]Каирceiling[si:lio]потолокcake[keik|торт, пирогcelebrate['selibreit]праздноватьCalifornia[.kasli'foinja]Калифорнияcell[sel]1. клетка (биол.) 2. ячейкаcall[кз:1]I JBOHOK / звонитьcell phone[sel feun]мобильный телефон2. называтьcellulite[' seljulait]целлюлитcalm[ka:m]спокойныйCelsius['selsids]по Цельсиюcalm down[ka:m]успокойсяcement[si'ment]цементcame[keim]come/came/comecemetery['semdtri]кладбище158Superbook
Сеcent[sent]центcentre (Br.)['senta]центрcenter (Am.)[ sentar]центрcentral['sentral]центральныйcentury[sentjari]столетие, векcertain[s3:tn]определенныйcertainty['s3:tnti]уверенность, определенностьchain[ tjein]I. цепь 2. сеть (ресторанов)chain down['tjein daun]приковать цепьюchain saw[’tjein s.t]бензопилаchair[ tj’ea(r)]стулchampion['tjaempian]чемпионchance[tja:ns]шансchange['tjeind3]I. менять 2. переодеватьсяchange one’smindпередуматьchannel[tjaenl]каналcharity['tjaerati]благотворительностьcharming['tjarmiq]очаровательныйchase[tjeis]гнатьсяchatter['tjaeta(r)]болтовня, разговорыcheap№p]дешевыйcheat|tj i:l]обманутьcheck[tjek]проверятьcheck to seeпроверитьcheckoutкассаcheck-up['tjek,\p]мед. осмотрcheek[tji:k]щекаcheese[tji:z]сырchemical['kemikl]химический продуктcherry['tjen]вишняchess[tjes]шахматыchew[ t J u: ]жеватьchewing gum[ tju:ir) длш]жевательная резинкаChicago[Ji кагдэи]Чикагоchick[tjik]‘телка”, девушкаchicken[ tjikin]цыпленокchief[tjirf]главныйchild['tfaild]ребенокchildhood['tj'aildhud]детствоchildren['tj'ildran]детиchimpanzee[.tjimpaen'zi:]шимпанзеChina[tjama]КитайChinese[,tjai'ni:z]китайскийchips (Br.)[tjips]картошка фриchips (Br.) =French fries (Am.)choose[tju:z]выбиратьchosen[tjauzn]choose/chose/chosenChChrist[kraist]ХристосChristmas['krismas]Рождествоchurch[tj3:tj]церковьCIA['si ai ei]ЦРУcigar[si'ga:(r)]сигараcigarette[.siga'ret]сигаретаcinema['sinama]кинотеатрcitizen['sitizn]гражданинcityI'siti]городclaim[kleim]утверждатьclass[kla:s]1. класс 2. занятиеclassic['klaesik]классическийclassification[. klaesifi' keijn]классификацияclassified['klaesifaid]секретныйclassroom['kla sru:m]классная комнатаclean[kli:n]чистый/чиститьcleaner['kli:na(r)]уборщикclear[klia(r)]ясно, понятно/прояснятьclearly[kliali]ясноclerk[kla'k]-Br.[kla:k]-Am. клерк, служащийclever['kleva(r)]умныйclient['klaiant]клиентclimate['klaimat]климатclimb[klaim]взбиратьсяclock[klDk]часыclose[klaus]]. близкий 2. закрыватьclose-knit[klaus nit]сплоченныйcloset['klDZIt]кладовкаcloth[klD0]тканьclothespin[' klD0spin ]прищепкаcloud[klaud]облакоclub[kUb]1. клуб 2. клюшка (гольф)coach[kautj]тренерcoat[kaut]пальтоcoffee[' kDfi ]кофеcoffin['kDfin]гробcoin[koin]монетаCoke[kauk]Кока-колаcold[kauld]холодныйcollect[ka'lekt]забиратьcollection[ka'lekjn]1. коллекция 2. сбоо (денег)collector[ka'lekta(r)]сборщикcollege[ kDlid3]колледжcolor (Am.)[' кл1э]цветcolour (Br)['кл1э(г)]цветcolumn['kDlam]колонкаcoma [’kauma] комаSuperbook 159
СоСоcomb[kaum]расческа/ расчёсыватьcome[клт]приходитьcome a long wayсильно изменитьсяcome off[клт]отлететьcome toприйти в сознаниеcomedy['knmadi]комедияcomment['knment]комментироватьcommentary[ kDmantri]комментарийcommercial[ка'тз:/1]1. реклама 2. коммерческийcommit[ka'nut]совершатьcommitment[ka'mitmant]обязательствоcommon['кптэп]обычный, распространенны,.company['клтрзш]компанияcomparatively[kam'pasrativli]сравнительноcompare[kam'pea(r)]сравниватьcompartment[kam'pa:tmant]купеcompete[kam'pi:t]конкурироватьcompetition[.knmpa'tijn]соревнованиеcomplain[kam'plein]жаловатьсяcomplete[kam'pli:t]1. полный 2. заканчиватьcompletely[kam'pli:tii]полностьюcompletion[kam'plitjn]завершенностьcompliment['knmplimant]комплиментcompose[kam'pauz]сочинить, придуматьcomposition[l.nmpa'zifn]сочинениеcomputer[kam'pju:ta(r)]компьютерconceal[kan'si:l]скрыватьconcern[kan's3:n]забота, проблемыconcerned[kan's3:nt]озабоченныйconditioner[kan'dijana(r)]кондиционерcondition[kan'difn]условиеconduct[kan'dAkt]проводитьconductor[kan'dAkta(r)]кондукторcone~kaun]рожок (мороженого)conference[ konfarans]конференцияconfirm[kan'f3:m]подтверждатьconfidential[ knnfi'denjl]конфиденциальныйconfuse[kan'fju:z]путатьconjunction[kan'd3Ar)kfn](грам.) союзconnect[ka nekt]соединятьconsciousness['knnjasnas]сознаниеconsider[kan'sida(r)]считать, рассматриватьconsonant['knnsanant]согласный звукcontain[kan'tein]содержатьcontents['knntents]содержимоеcontinent['knntinant]континентcontinue[kan'tinju:]продолжатьcontinuity[.knnti nju:ati]продолжительностьcontinuous[kan unjuas]продолжительныйcontraceptive[ knntra'septiv]контрацептивcontract['knntraskt]контрактcontraction[kan'traskj'n]сокращениеcontrast[’knntra:st]контрастcontrol[kan'traul]контроль/контролироватьconversation[,knnva'sei|n]диалогconversion[kan'v3:Jn]преобразованиеcook[kuk]повар/готовитьcookie['kuki]печеньеcool[ku:l]1. прохладный 2. классныйcop[knp]полицейскийco-pilot['kaupailat]помощник пилотаcopy['knp!]списывать, копироватьcord[ka:d]шнурcorner['ka:na(r)]уголcorrect[ka'rekt]правильный/исправлятьcorridor['kDrida:(r)]коридорcorruptIka'rApt]]. портить2. коррумпированныйcosmetic[knz'metik]косметика/косметическийcost[kDSt]стоимостьcottage['kntidj]коттеджcotton[Kntn]хлопокcouch[kautf]кушеткаcould[kad][klid]-strong formмогcould useнужноcouldn t agree moreне мог бы сопаситься
сильнееcountdown['kauntdaun]обратный отсчетcountry['kAntri]странаcouple[клр1]параcourage['kArid3]храбростьcourse[ka:s]курсcourt[ka:t]]. суд 2. дворcourt ot lav[ka:t av la:]судcousin[kAzn]двоюродный брат/сестраcover['kAva(r)]1. закрывать 2. обсудитьcow[kau]короваcoward[kauad]трусcracker['кггека(г)]крекер (печенье)crash[krasj]сломаться разбитьсяcrawl[kra:l]ползтиcrazy['kreizi]сумасшедшийcreate[kri:'eit]создавать160 Superbook
Crcredit card['kreditku:d]кредитная карточкаcremate[kra'meit]кремироватьcrew[kru:]команда, экипаж-crime[kraim]преступлениеcriminalI'krimml]преступникcriticize['kritisaiz]критиковатьcross[kros]пересекатьcross out[.kros'aut]зачеркнутьcrossbow[kr3:sbau]арбалетcrossing['krosirj]перекрестокcrossroads['krosraudz]перекрёстокcrowd[kraud]толпаcrowded[kraudid]переполненный, тесныйcry[krai]1. кричать 2. плакатьcrystal[knstl]стекло наручных часовCuba['kju:ba]Кубаcure[kjua]лекарствоcurrency['kAransi]валютаcurrently['kArantli]сейчас, в данный моментcursorf'k3:sa(r)]курсорcustomer['kAst3ma(r)]клиентcut[kAt]резатьcut off[kAt D:f]отрезатьcutter['кл1э(г)]катерCzech[tjek]чртпскчйDdad[daed]папаdaddv['dasdi]папочкаdairy cow['deari 'kau]молочная короваdamage['daermd3]ущерб/повредитьdamn[dasm]черт/чертов, проклятыйdamned[daemd]чертовdance[du:ns]ганец/танцеватьdanger['deind33(r)]опасностьdangerous['deind33i3s]опасныйDanube['dasnjurb]р. Дунайdark[du:k]темный, темноdarling['da:liq]дорогойdam[du:n]чертовdate[deit]1. свидание2. тот с кем назн. свиданиеdaughter['do:ta(r)]ДОЧЬdawn[dxn]рассветda\[del]деньdead[ded]мертвыйdead drunk['ded drAQk]мертвецки пьянDedeaf[def]глухойdeal[di:l]сделкаdealing[di:Iig]ведение сделокdear[dia(r)]дорогойdeath[de0]смертьdeath penalty['de0 penlti]смертная казньdebt[det]долгdecide[di'said]решатьdecision[di'si3n]решениеdecorate['dekareit]украшатьdecrease[di:'kri:s]уменьшаться)deep[di:p]глубокийdefecate['defakeit]испражняться, какатьdefine[di'fain]определятьdefinite['defmat]определённыйdefinitely['definatli]определенноdefinitive[di'fmativ]окончательныйdegree[di'gri:]степеньdelay[di' lei]задержкаdeliver[di'Iiva(r)]доставлятьdemand[df ma:nd]требоватьdemonstration[ deman 'streijh]демонстрацияdemonstrative[di'niDnstrativ]указательное местоимениеdental[ dentl]1. зубной 2. зубная страховкаdentist['dentist]дантист, зубной врачdenture['dent fa]вставная челюстьdepend on[di'pend]зависеть отdepressed[di'prest]в депрессииdepression[di'prefn]депрессияdescend[di'send]происходитьdescribe[dis'kraib]описывать, изображатьdescription[dis'kripjn]описаниеdesert['dezat]пустыняdesign[di zam]дизайнdesigner[di'zaina(r)]дизайнерdesire[di'zaia(r)]желание/желатьdesk[desk]столdespise[di spaiz]презиратьdestroy[dis'troi]уничтожать, разрушатьdetail[ di:teil]детальdiabetes[,daia'bi:ti:z]сахарный диабетdiagnosis[.daiag'nausis]диагнозdialogue['daialog]диалогdiamond['daiamand]алмазdiary['daiari]дневникdictionary['dikjanri]словарьdid[did][. всп. глагол 2. do/did/doneSuperbook 161
Didiedai]умиратьdieseldi:zl]I. дизель 2. соляркаdietaaiat]диетаDiet Cokedaiat кэик]Кока-кола лайтdifference'difrans]различиеdifferent'difrsnt|другой, отличающийсяdifferently'difrantli]по-другомуdifficult'difikalt]трудныйdifficulties' difiksltis]трудностиdigdig]копатьdigestiondai'djestfan]пищеварениеdigital' aia3itljцифровойdinner'din3(r)jужинdiplomadi'plauma]дипломdiplomat'diplamast]дипломатdirectda'rekt]прямой, напрямуюdirectionsda'rekjns]указания, инструкцииdirty'd3:ti]грязныйdisagree.disa'gri:]не соглашатьсяdisappear,diS3'pi3(r)]исчезатьdisappoint.disa'paint]раючаровыватьdisco'diskat)]дискотекаdisconnect.diska'nekt]отсоединятьdiscount'diskaunt]скидкаdiscount tour'diskaunt]тур со скидкой (горячий тур)discoverdi'skAva(r)]обнаруживать, открыватьdiscriminatedis'krimineit]дискриминироватьdiscussdis'kAs]обсуждатьdiseasedi'zi:z]болезньdish'di J]тарелкаdismemberdis'memb3(r)]расчленятьdisorderlydis'o:dali]буйныйdispatcherdis'pastjafr)]диспетчерdisplaydis'plei]показdispute#dispju:t]спорdisregard.disregard]отставитьdissatisfieddis'sa?tisfaid]недовольныйdistance'distant]расстояниеin the distanceвдалекеdistinctdis'tnjkt]отчетливыйdistractdis'treekt]отвлекатьdisturbdis't3:b]беспокоитьdivedaiv]нырятьdivingdaivin]ныряниеdivorcedi'vo:s]развод/ра звестисьdivorceddi'vD:st]разведенныйdodu]1. делать 2. всп. глагол162 SuperbookDodoctor['dokta(r)]врачdocumentI dDkjumant]документdog[dng]собакаdogs led['dDgsled]собачья упряжкаdoll[dnl]куклаdollar['dnb(r)]долларdonate[dau'neit]пожертвоватьdoor[do:(r)]дверьdoormat['doimast]коврик (у двери)dosage['dausidj]дозировкаdouble[dAbl]двойнойdoubt[daut]сомненияdoughnut['damiAt]пончикdown[daun]внизdownstairs[.daun'steaz]вннз по лестницеdozen[dAzn]дюжинаdrag[draeg]тащитьdragon['drasgan]драконdrank[draeok]drink/drank/drunkdraught[dra:ft]залпdraw[dm:]1. рисовать, чертить 2. тянутьdrawer[dro:(r)]ящик (выдвижной)dream[dri:m]]. мечта 2. видеть сонdress[dres]одеватьdresser drawer[dro:]ящик для вещейJrew[dru:]draw/d rew/draw пdrill[dnl]сверлитьdrink[driok]питьdrive[draiv]вести машинуdrive a nail[draiv]забить гвоздьriver['dra[va(r)]водительdriver’s license [-laisns]водительские праваdriveway['draivwei]дорога, заезд к домуCrop[drop]падать, бросатьdrop dead[ded]падать замертвоdrop out[.drop 'aut]вылететь (из школы)drove[drauv]drive/drove/drivendrown[draun]тонуть, топитьdrug[drAg]наркотикdrug addict['drAg 'asdil.t]наркоманdo drugsпринимать наркотикиdrunk[drAijk]1. пьяный 2. drink/drank/dmnkdry[drai]сухойdude[dju:d]чувакdue date[dju: 'deit]срок, дата возвратаdue to[dju: tu:]из-заdugIdAg]dig/dug/dug
Dudumb[dAm]глупый, тупойduration[dju'reijn]продолжительностьduring['djuario]в теченииdust[dASt]прах, пыльdye[dai]краситьdynamic[dai'nasmik]динамическийEeach[if®каждыйear[•э(0]ухоearly[ 3;li]раннийearn[з:п]зарабатыватьearth[з:0]земляearthquake['3:0kweiklземлетрясениеease[i:z]]. облегчить
2. непринужденностьeasily['i:zali]легкоeast[i:st]востокeastern['iistsn]восточныйeasy['i:zi]легкоeat[i:t]кушатьeaten[i;tn]eat/ate/eateneconomist[I'kDnamist]экономистeducation[,ed3u'keijn]образованиеeffect[i'fekt]влияние, эффектegg[eg]яйцоegoist[ egauist]эгоист (= egotist)eight[eit]восемьeither['aida(r)]]. либо 2. любой из двухelderly['eldali]пожилойelection[j'lekjn]выборыelectric[1'lektrik]электрическийelectrician[i,lek'trijn]электрикelectricity[i.lek'trissti]электричествоelementary[.eh'mentri]элементарноelephant['elifant]слонelevenJi'levn]одиннадцатьelse[els]ещеemail['i:meil]письмо по электр. почтеemotion[fmaujn]эмоцияemploy[im'pbi]наниматьemployee[im'pbii:]работникempty['empti]пустойenable[fneibl]давать возможностьencyclopedia[in^saikia'pndia]энциклопедияend[end]заканчиватьend upв итоге оказатьсяEnendangered[m,deind33(r)d]вымирающийenemy['enami]врагengage[in'geid3]начать заниматься чем-лengine[end3in]двигательengineer[,end3i'ni3(r)]инженерenjoy[m'd33i]наслаждатьсяenlarge[in'lu:d3]увеличиватьenough[ 1' пл!"]достаточноenter['enta(r)]войтиentertainment[ enta'teinmant]развлечениеenthusiasm[in'0ju:ziaez3m]энтузиазмentire[m'taia(r)]весь, целыйenvironment[in'vairanmant]окружающая средаepileptic[epi'leptik]эпилептическийequal['i:kwal]равныйequip[j'kwip]оборудоватьescape[l'skeip]побег, бегствоespecially[I'spejbli]особенноessentials[I'senjls]основное, самое важноеestimate[estimeit]оцениватьetc.[.et'setara]и так далееLuro['juarau]евроEurope['juarap]ЕвропаEuropean[,juara'pi:an]европеецeve[i:v]канунeven[i:vn]дажеevening['i:vmg]вечерevent[i'vent]событиеever['eva(r)]когда либоevery['evri]каждыйeverybody['evribDdi]каждыйeveryone['evriwAn]каждыйeverything[ evri0ig]всеeverywhere['evriwea(r)]вездеevidence['evidans]доказательствоevil[ i vl]зло/злойexact[lg'zaekt]точныйexactly[ig'zaektli]точноexamhg'zaem]экзаменexamine[lg'zasmin]рассматриватьexample[ig'zu:mpl]примерexcept[ik'sept]исключаяexception[ik'sepjn]исключениеexciting[ik'saitiq]волнующий, захватыв-щийexclaim[ik'skleim]восклицатьexcuse[ik'skju:s]отговоркаexecutioner[,eksik'j:j3n3(r)]палачSuperbook 163
ExFaexercise['eksasaiz]упражнение/ гренироватьexist[lg'zist]существоватьexit['eksit]выходexpect[ik'spekt]надеяться, ожидатьexpel[ik'spel]выгнатьexpensive[ik'spensiv]дорогойexperience[ik'spisrians]1. опыт 2. случайexperienced[ik'spiarianst]опытныйexplain[ik'splein]объяснятьexplanationekspb'neijn]объяснениеexploration[.ekspb’reijn]исследованиеexplosion[ik'splsu3n]взрывexplosive[ik'splausiv]взрывчатка/ьзрывчатыйexpress[ik'spres]выражатьexpression[ik'sprejn]выражениеextinguisher[iks'tingwi/э]огнетушительextract[ik'strsekt]удалять, извлекатьextremely[ik'stri:mli]оченьeye[a.]глазeyebrow['aibrau]бровьeyelash['ailsej]ресницаeyesight[' aisait]зрениеFface[feis]1. лицо2. признать, смело встретитьfacial[fe-Jl]лицевойfact[fsekt]фактfactory['fsektn]фабрика, заводfade[feid]увядатьfail[feil]проваливать,терпеть неудачуfailure['feilja(r)]неудачаfair[fea(r)]справедливыйfair dealing[fea(r)]честное ведение делfaithful[' feiGfl]верныйfake[feik]подделыватьfall[fo:l]падатьfall asleep[fa:l s'sliip]заснутьfall behind[fa:l bi'haind]отстатьfall in love withвлюбиться в (кого-то)fallen['failsnjfall/fell/fallenfalls[fo:ls]водопадfalse['fo:ls]фальшивыйfalsify['forlsifai]подделыватьfame[feim]славаfamily[ femsli]семьяfamous ['feimas] знаменитыйfan[fen]фанатfar[fa;(r)]далекоfarm[fa:m]фермаfascinate['fesineit]очаровыватьfascinating['fesineitig]очень интересныйfascist['fejist]фашистfashion[fsejn]модаfast[fa-.st]быстрыйfast food[fa:st fu:d]] .закусочная 2.еда закусочнойfasten[fa:sn]застёгивать, пристегиватьfat[fet]жир/толстый, жирныйfather['fa:63(r)Jотецfatherly['farflali]отцовскийfault[forlt]]. недостаток 2. винаfear[Mr)]страхfeature['fi:tf3(r)Jособенность, чертаfed[fed]feed/fed/fedfed up withдостало, сыт по юрлоfederation[ feda'reijn]федерацияfeed[fi:d]кормитьfeel[fi;l]чувствоватьfeeling[' fiilio]чувствоfeet[fi:t]НО! И (ступни)fell[fel]fall/fell/fallenfelt[felt]feel/felt/feltfence[tens]оградаfeverf'fi:v3(r)]лихорадка, ‘температура”few[fju:]малоa fewнесколькоfiancee[fi'nnsei]невестаfidelity[fi'debti]верностьfield[fi:ld]полеfifteen[,fif'ti:n]пятнадцатьfifty[fifti]пятьдесятfight[fait]драться, боротьсяfighting[faitio]вражда, дракаfigure['figs(r)]1. цифра 2. думать, прикидыв.file[fail]1. файл 2. подать заявлениеfile for divorceподать на разводfill[f.l]заполнитьfilm[film]1. пленка 2. фильмfinally['fainali]в итоге, в конце концовfinancial[fai'nasnjl]финансовыйfind[faind]найтиfind out[iaind'aut]узнатьfine [fain] 1. оштрафовать 2. хороший164Superbook
Fifinaer['figga(r)]палецflngeфrint['figgaprint]отпечаток пальиаfingernail['figganeil]ноготьfinish[finij]заканчиватьfire['faia(r)]1. огонь, пожар 2. уволитьfireproof['faiapru:f]огнеупорныйfirm[f3:m]1. фирма 2. твердыйfirmly[f3:mli]твердо, уверенноfirst[f3:st]первыйfish№рыба/рыбачитьfit[fit]1. быть по размеру2. умешать 3. припадокfive[faiv]пятьfix[fiks]фиксировать, закреплятьflag[flasg]флагflame[fleim]пламя 'пылатьflatfflcEt]1. квартира 2. плоскийflight[flait]рейс, полетfloor[fb:(r)]1. этаж 2. полflour['flaus(r)]мукаflow[fbu]течьflower['flaua(r)]цветовfluffy[ flAflJпушистыйfluid[flu:id]жидкостьflunk[fUnk]не сдать завалить (экзам.)flunk out of (school)вылететь (из школы, инстит.)fly[flai]1. лететь 2. мухаfog[fog]туманfold[fauld]складывать сворачиватьfold over[buld 'auva(r)]сложить вдвоеfolks[fouks]народ, людиfoUow['fobu]следовать заfood[fu:d]едаfood chainпищевая цепочкаfoodstuffs[fu:dstAfs]продукты (питания)fool[fu:l]дурак/дурачитьfool aroundвалять дуракаfoolishl'fo:I.J]глупыйfoot[tut]нога (ступня)football['futbarl]футболfootballer['futbo:b(r)[футболистforbidden[fe'bidn]запрещено/запрещенныйforce[b:s]взламыватьforehead['lb:hed]лобforest['forist]лесforget[fo get]забытьforgive [fo giv] прошатьFoforgiveness[fo'givnas]прощениеforgotten[fo'gatn]forget/ forgot/forgottenfork[fo:k]вилкаform[fn:m]форма/ форм ирова гьformal[ b ml]формальныйformer['b:ma(r)]1. первый 2. бывшийfortune['fo:tju:n]состояниеforward[foiwad]впередfought[fo:t]tlght/fought/toughtfound[faund]1. основывать2. fi nd/found/foundfour[fo:(r)]четыреfour-year-oldчетырехлетнийfreak[fri:k]придурок, шизикfree[fri:]1. свободный2. бесплатныйfreeway['fri:wei]трассаfresh[frej]свежийfreshman['frejmam]первокурсникFriday[fraidei]пятницаfridge[fnd3]холодильникfriend[trend]другfrighten[fraitn]пугатьfrog[frog]лягушкаfrolic['frolik]резвитьсяfrom[from]из, отfrom underиз подfrom withinизнутриfront[frAnt]передfrost[frost]морозfrustrated[frAs'treited]расстроен, разочарованfry[frai]жаритьfuel[fju:3l]топливоfull[ful]полныйfun[fAn]развлечениеfuneral['fjurnaral]похороныfunny['fAni]1. смешной 2. странныйfur[ft:(r)]мехfurious['fjuarbs]в яростиfurnish['bmij]меблироватьfurniture['f3:nitja(r)]мебельfuse box[fju:z]электр. щитfuture['fju:tja(r)]будущееGgadget['gaed3it]приборgag [gaeg] шутка, приколSuperbook 165
Gagaily[geili]веселоgain[gem]получатьgallery['gaslari]галереяgallon['gaslan]галлон (3,78 литра)gambler['дгешЫз(г)]азартный игрокgame[geim]играgangster['gaer)sta(r)]гангстерgarage['даега:з]гаражgarbage['ga:bid3]мусорgarden[gardn]садgardener['gu:dns(r)]садовникgarter belt['ga:ta(r) belt]пояс для чулокgas[gas]] .газ 2. (Ат.) бензинgash[g«J]рассечьgate[gen]воротаgave[geiv]give/gave/givengay[gei]1. веселый 2. гей, “голубой”gee№•:]“блин”, ёлы-палыgeneral['d3enrsl]общийgeneralization[,d3enralai zeijn]обобщениеgenerally['d3enrali]обычноgenius['d3i:nias]генийgentleman['d3entlman]джентльменgently['d3entli]нежноgeographical[.d3ia'grasfikl]географическийGerman shepherd['d3D:man 'Jepad] немецкая овчаркаget[get]1. достать 2. становиться
3. добратьсяyuii’ve got it madeу тебя все получилосьgei along withoutобойтись безget aroundобойти, избежатьget awayуходить, убиратьсяget away with itсойти с рук, отделатьсяget lucky1. познакомиться 2. повезтиget outвыбраться, выйтиgel readyгото в и гьсяgei through[get 0ru:]израсходоватьghost[gaustfпривидениеgiant[ d3aiant]гигант/гигантскийgift[gift]подарокgiraffe[d3a'ra:f]жирафgirl[дз:1]девочка, девушкаgirlfriend['g3:lfrend]подругаgive[01V1даватьgive a liftподвезтиgive a ringпозвонитьgive up бросить, перестатьGigiven[givn]give/gave/givenglad[glsed]довольныйgladiator['glasdieita(r)]гладиаторglass[glo:s]1. стекло 2. стаканglasses['gla:sas]очкиgLzed[gleizd]покрытый глазурьюglitchigi'tj]глюк, сбойgo[gau]идтиgo ahead[a'hed]давай, вперед!go for a rideпрокатитьсяgo into effectвступав в силуgo into shockиспытать шокgoalkeeper['дэиЕккрэ(г)]вратарьGod[god]Богgold[gauld]золотоgolf[gnif]гольфgonna = going loсобиратьсяgood[gudlхорошийdo guodпойти на пользуgood heavensЬоже мойgoodbye[.gud'bai]до свиданияgooanight[,gud 'nait]спокойной ночиgorilla[ga'rila]гориллаgosh[gnJ]Боже!gotlg3tlget/got/got = gottengot beaten-up [bi:tn]был избитgot fired[faiat]был уволенgotta = (have) got toдолженgovernment[’gAvanmant]правительствоgovernor['длузпэ(г)]губернаторgrad[greed]разг. graduate - выпускникgrade[greid]1 класс 2. оценкаgraduate[■grad3U3t]заканчивать учебуgrammatical[grs'niastikl]грамматическийgrand[grand]тысяча (долларов)granddad[ graendjed]дедушкаgrandmother['grsenniAd^(r)]бабушкаgrape[greip]виноградgraphics[’grasfiks]графикаgrass[gra:s]траваgrateful[ greitfl]благодаренgreaL[greit]великий, большойgreat-grand fatherпрадедgreat-grandmaпрабабушкаGreek[gri:k]греческийgreenhouse['gri:nhaus|теплицаgreet [gri:t] приветствовать166 Superbook
Grgrew[9™:]grow/grew/growngrocery['grausari]продуктовый магазинgroceries['grau^aris]продуктыgroom[gru:m]женихgroom-to-be[gru:m]будущий женихground[graund]I. земля 2. основаниеground controlназемный контрольgroup[gru:p]группаgrow[grau]растиgrow up[grau]вырастиgrown[graun]grow/grew/growngubematorl.gurba'naita]губернаторguess[ges]полагать, угадыватьguest[gest]гостьguide[ gaid]гидguitar[g. ta:(r)]гитараgum[длт]I. десна 2. жвачкаgun[длп]пистолетgust>[ gAsti]порывистый (о ветре)guy[gai]пареньgym[d3im]спорт залgypsy[d3ipsi]цыганHhad1. вспомогательный глагол2. have/had/hadhad toдолжен былhair[hea(r)]волос, волосыhaircut[heaL\t]стрижкаhalf[ha:f]половинаhall[ho:l]холл,залhamburger['ЬагтЬз:дэ(г)]гамбургерhand[hasnd]рука/дать, вручитьon the other handс другой стороныhand overдать, передатьhandcuff[haendkAf]наручникhandkerchief['haegkotjif]носовой платокhandle['haendl]справитьсяhandsome['haensam]симпатичный (о мужчине)hang[haso]висеть, вешатьhang up[haeo]повесить трубкуhappen['haepan]случаться, происходитьhappiness['haepini! ]счастьеhappy['haepi]счастливыйhard[hu:d]I. твердый 2. трудныйhardly['hu:dli]почти неharmful ['hu:mfl] вредныйHahate[heit]ненавидетьhave[haev]1. иметь2. вспомогательный глаголI’ve had itменя досталоhave a smokeпокуритьhave toдолженhead[hed]I. голова 2. направлятьсяheadmaster[,hed mu:sta(r)]дир. школыheal[hi:l]исцелятьhealth[hel0]здоровьеhealthy[ 'helOiJздоровыйhear(hia(r)]слышатьheard[ha:d]hear/heard/heardhearing['hiarig]слухhearing aid['hiariq eid]слуховой аппаратheart[ha:t]сердцеheart attack[hu:t a'taek]сердечный приступheartless['hu:tlas]бессердечныйheat[hi:t]1. согревать 2. отоплениеheaven[hevn]небеса, райheavih[hevili]сильно, грузноheavy['hevi]тяжелыйheavy bag['hevibaeg]бокс, грушаheavy smokerзаядлый курильщикhedgehog['hed3hDg]ежheight[hait]высотаheld[held]hold/held/heldhell[hel]1. ад 2. чертhello[ha'lau]приветhelp[help]помощь/помогитеhere[hia(r)]здесьhero['hiarau]геройherself[h3:'self]она сама себя (себе)hesitate[ heziteit]колебатьсяhide[haid]прятатьhigh[hai]высокий, высокоhijack[#haid3sek]угонятьhiking['haikirj]путешествия пешкомhill[hil]холмhimself[him'self]он сам себя (себе)hire[hai3(r)]наниматьhistory[' histri]историяhit[hit]1. ударять 2. попадатьhitchhiker['hitjhaika]ездок автостопомHIV-positive[ eitj ai 'vi:]носитель вируса СПИДhold[hauld]держатьbold on держатьсяSuperbook167
hole[haul]дыркаholiday['tmbdei]l.(Br) отпуск 2. праздникholler['hnla(r)]оратьholy['hsuli]святой, священныйholy shitчерт побери! твою мать!home[hsum]домhome enterta "mem sysiemдомашнии кинотеатрhomeless['hsumlss]бездомныйhomework[h3umw3:k]домашняя работаhonest['DlllSt]честныйhonesty['nnssti]честностьhoney['Ьлш]дорогойhooligan['hu:ligan]хулиганhoop[hu:p]обручhopinnp]прыгатьhope[hsup]надеяться/надеждаhorn[ho:n]гудокhorse[hors]лошадьhospital[' hnspitl]больницаhot[hot]жаркийhotel[hsu'tel]гостиницаhour['аиэ(г)]часhouse[haus]домhousemaid['hausmeid]горничнаяhousewife['haus waif]домохозяйкаhow[hau]какhow Cumeкак так, почемуhowever[hau'eva(r)]тем не менее, однакоhuge[hju:d3]огромныйhuman['hju:m3n]человекhumour['hjuims]юморhundred['hAndrsd]стоhung[Ьло]hang/hung/hunghungry['hAiign]голодныйhunt[hAnt]охотитьсяhunter['llAnt3(r)]охотникhurry['hAri]Topoi тться/с пешкаhurt[h3:t]1. поранить 2. болетьhusband['hAzband]мужhydrogen['haidrad3an]водородhysterical[hi'stenkl]истерическийIice[ais]ледice cream[,ais'kri:m]мороженоеiceberg['aisb3:g]айсбергidea|ai'dia]1. идея 2. понятие о чем-тоIdidealai'di:sl]идеальныйidentifyai'dentifai]распознатьidiom'idiam]идиомаidiot' idiat]идиотifif]еслиignorant'ignarant]незнающий, неосведомленныйillegali'li:gl]нелегальныйimagination[ maed3i'neijn]воображениеimaginei'msed3in]воображ., представлять себеimmediatelyi'mi:diatli]немедленно, тут жеimmorall'mDral]аморальныйimpersonalim'p3:s3nl]не личныйimploreim'plo:(r)]умолятьimportantim'pa:tnt]важныйimpossiblelm'pnsabl]невозможныйinch■ntj]дюймincludein'klu:d]включать (в себя)increasein'kri:s]увелнчивать(ся)incrediblem'kredabl]невероятныйindicator'indikeita(r)]индикаторindispensable.indi'spensabi]необходимыйinfectin'fekt]заражатьinfinite'infinat]безграничныйinfinitivein'finativ]неопред, форма глаголаinformm'fo:m]информироватьinformalm'fo:ml]неформальныйinformation.infa'meijn]информацияingredientin'gri:diant]ингредиентinhabitin' haebit]жить, населять, обитатьinjured'ind3ad]раненinjury'ind3ari]повреждениеinnocent'inasnt]невиновныйinquirein'kwaiajспрашиватьinsanityln'ssenati]оезумиеinsect'insekt]насекомоеinside.in'said]внутриinside informationсекретная информацияinsistin'sist]настаиватьinsomniain'snmnia]бессонницаinstallin'st3:l]устанавливатьinstead (of)in'sted]вместоinstitution,msti'tju:Jn]заведениеinstructionin'strAkJ'n]инструкцияinstructorm'strAkta(r)]инструкторinsurancem'fuarans]страховкаintentionm'tenjn]намерениеinterchangeable,inta'tjemd33bl]взаимозаменяемый168Superbook
Ininterest[intrast]интересinterested['intrastid]и нтересу юш и йсяinteresting['intrastig]интересныйinterfere[,inta'fi3(r)]вмешиватьсяinternet[’intanet]интернетinterrogative[.mta'rogstiv]вопросительныйinterrupt[.inta'rApt]прерватьinterstate['intasteu]шоссе между штатамиinterview['intavju:]интервьюinto['intu]в, внутрьinvade[in'veid]вторгатьсяinvariably[in'veariabli]неизменно, постоянноinvent[in'vent]изобретатьinventor[in'vent3(r)]изобретательinvest[in vest]вкладывать (деньги, время)investment[m'vestmant]инвестиция, вложениеinvisible[in'vizabi]невидимыйinvite[in'vait]приглашатьinvolve[m'vDlv]I вовлекать 2.лодразумеватьiron[aian]I. утюг/гладить 2. железоirregular[i'regj3b(r)]неправильный (о глаголах)irritate[.iri'teit]раздражатьislandf'aibnd]островitch[itf]чесатьсяitem['aitsm]предметitself[it self]он (она, оно) сам себя (себе)Jjacket['d3<ekit[курткаjacuzzi[d33-ku:zi]джакузиjaguar[ d3aegju3(r)]ягуарjanitor[d3aenit3(r)]сторож-двор» и кJanuary['d3aenju3ri]январьjar[d3u:(r)]банкаjeans[d3i:nz]джинсыJew[d3u:]еврейjob['d^Db]работаjoin[d33in]присоединятьсяjoke[d33uk]шутка/шутитьjournalist['d33:n3list]журналистjourney[d33:ni[поездкаjoy[d33i]радостьjudge№^3]судить, делать выводыjudgment['d3Ad3m3nt]суждениеjuggle[d3AgI]жонглироватьjuggler[ d3Agls(r)[жонглерjuice[d3u:s[сокJujump[d3Amp[прыгатьJune[d3u:n]ИЮНЬjungle№лдд1]джунглиjust[d3Ast]I. просто 2. только чтокkeep[k'P]держать, хранитьkeep thinkingпостоянно думатьkept[kept]keep/kept/keptkey[ki:]ключkick[kik]пинать, бить ногойkick outвыгнать (из квартиры )kid[kid]ребенокkidnap['kidnasj ]похищать (людей)kill[kil]убиватьkiller['kila(r)]убийиаkilo=kilogram['kiilsu]килограммkilogram['kibgrasm]килограммkilt[kilt]шотландская юбкаkind[kaind]1 тип 2. добрыйkindergarten['kinda.gurtn]детский садking[кпд]корольkingdom['kigdsm]королевствоkiss[krs]целовать/поцелуйkitchen[kitjin]кухняkitten[kitn]котенокkm[ki tomiita]километрknee[ni:]коленоknew[nju |know/knew/knownknife[naif]ножknit[nit]вязатьknock[nnk]стучат ьknock flatсбить наповалknock outвыбитьknockout['nDkaut]красавицаknow[пэи]знатьknowledge[’пэМз]знанияknown[пэип]know/knew/knownkph ^kilometres per hour)километров в часKremlin ['kremlin] кремльSuperbook 169
LaLeLlackагк]нехваткаladyleidi]ледиlakeeik]озероlandsend]земля/приземлитьсяlandladylasndleidi]хозяйка арендуемой квартирыlandlordlandlord]хозяин арендуемой квартирыlandscapelasndskeip]пейзажlanguagel£er)gwid3]языкlargea:d3]большойIasia:st]I. последний 2. длитьсяlateeit]поздноLatinlastin]латинскийI augna:f]смеятьсяlaughterla:fta(r)]смехlaundryb:ndri]1. стирка 2. грязное бечьеlavatorylaevotri]туалетlawэ:]закон-in-lawx\родственник со стороны
супруга или супругиlawnэ:п]газонlawnmower1э‘п тэиз(г)]газонокосилкаlawyerln:ja(r)]юристlayei]I. накрывать (стол) 2. кластьlazyeiz']ленивыйLCD (Liquid Crysal Display)жидко к ристал, дисплейlead,:d]вестиleafhf]листleani:n]наклонятьсяleapi:p]прыгатьleap foi joyпрыгать 01 радостиlearnз:п]учитьсяlearnt3:nt]learn learnt, learntleashi:.Hповодокleasti:st]самый маленькийat leastпо крайней мере,
как минимумleavei:v|уезжатьleavesi:vz]листьяlecturelektja(r)]текцияlefteft]!. левый 2. Ieave/!eft/!eftleft-handlefthasnd]левостороннийlegeg]ногаlegali:gl]законный, легальныйlendend]давать взаймыlesses]меньшеlesson[lesn]урокlet[let]позволять, разрешатьlet go!. отпустить 2. уволитьlet it beпусть будетlet's = let usдавайletter['let3(r)]письмоlevel[levl 1уровеньliar['laia(r)]лгунliberty['libati]свободаlibrarian[lai'brearian]библиотекарьlicense['laisns]лицензияlick[lik]I. облизать 2. разг. победитьlie№I. лежать 2. лгатьlife[laif]жизньlifeboat['laifbaut]спасательная лодкаlifelikef'laiflaik]как живойlifestyle[laifstail]стиль жизниlifetime[ laiftaim)целая жизньlift[lift]поднятьlight[la.t]I. свет Зажигать 2. легкийlighter['laita(r)]зажигалкаlightning[' I a 11 n i it ]молнияlike[laik]подобный, какlike thatгак. таким образомlimit['limit]лимит/ограничиватьlimitive['limitiv]ограничивающийlimo['limau]лимузинline[lain]I. линия 2. строка 3. очередьlion[laian]левlip[‘•Piгубаliposuctionf'lipausAkJn]липосакцияiipstick[ lipstik]губная помадаliquid[Iikvvid]жидкийliquor['lika(r)]I. ликер 2. спиртноеliquor storeвинный магазинlisten[I.sn]слушатьlittle[l.tl]маленькийlive[l,v|житьlives[laivz]жизниloads[laudz]многоloan[laun]заем/дать взаймыlobby['lobi]вестибюльlocal[’laukl]местныйlock[iDklзамок/закрыватьlocker['lDk3(r)|ящик (в раздевалке)locker roomраздевалкаlogic [' lDd3ik] логика170 Superbook
Lological[lDd3ikl]логическийlollipop['tolipDp]леденецlonely['bunli]одинокийlong[too]длинныйlook[luk]1. вид/смотреть 2. выглядетьlord[b:d]1. Господь 2. господинlose[lu:z]терятьloser[Iu:za(r)lнеудачникloss[toslпотеряlost[tost]Iose/Iost/lostlot - a lot[tot]многоparking lotпарковкаlottery['totari]лотереяloud[laud]громкийloudlj[ laudli]громкоlousy['lauzi]плохой, никудышныйlove[Iav]любовь/любитьlovely['Uvli]прекрасныйlover['1Л\'Э(Г)]любовникlow[bu]низкийluck[Uk]удачаbeginner’s luckновичкам везетlucky['lAki]удачливыйluggage['bgid3]багажlunch[lAntJ]обедlying = lie[lanri]1. лежать 2. лгатьMma’am[maem]мадамmachine[ma'Jim]машина, аппаратmadam['maedam]мадамmade[meid]make/made/mademafia['maefb]мафияmagazine[,maeg3'zi:n]журналmail[meil]почтаmain[mein]главныйmajor['meid33(r)]основнойmaWp[meik]1. делать 2. заставлять (to)make friendsпознакомитьсяmake it1. прийти 2. дожитьmake up1 .помириться 2 запр.постельmake sureубедитьсяmake useиспользоватьMaldives['mo:ldi:vz]Мальдивыman[maen]мужчинаmanage['maemd3]1. управлять 2. смочьmanager ['maenid33(r)] управляющийMamanhole['maenhaul]ЛЮКmanner['таепэ(г)]манер;»mansion['maenjn]особнякinanual['maenjual]инструкция к эксплуатацииmany['meni]многоmap[тагр]картаmarathon['таегэвэп]марафонmarketing['maikitio]маркетингmarriage['maerid3]бракmarry['maeri]жени гьсяmasterf'ma:st3(r)]мастерmasterfully[-fall]мастерскиmat[maet]коврик (у двери)match[maetf]I.спичка 2. сопоставить
3. матчmath[тагв]математикаmathematics[,mae03'maetiks]математикаmatter['maeta(r)]I. дело 2. иметь значениеno matter[ maeta(r)]не важноmay[mei]можетmaybe['meibi:]может бытьmeal[mi:l]прием пищи, едаmean[mi:n]1. думать на самом деле2. значить 3. иметь ввидуmeaningf'mi:nir)]значеннеmeans[mi:nz]средстваmeasurement['mejemant]размер, измерениеmeat[mi:t]мясоmechanic[ma'kaenik]слесарь, механикMediterranean SeaСредиземное мореmeet[mi:t]1. встречаться2. удовлетворять (условиям)meeting['mi:tio]встречаmelt[melt]таятьmember['memba(r)]член, участникmemorize['memaraizjзапоминатьmemory[’memari]памятьmen[men]1. люди 2. мужчиныmention[men/n]упоминатьmenu['menju’]менюMercedes[mai'sadis]Мерседесmerely['miali]простоmess[mes]беспорядок/нагадитьmet[met]meet/mel/metmetal[metl]металmeteorologist[,mi:tb'mbd3ist] метеорологmeter['mi:ta(r)]I. счетчик 2. метрSuperbook 171
Memetro['metrau]метроmice[mais]мышиmiddle[midi jсерединаmij-air[mid'ea(r)]в полетеmidnignt['midnait]полночьmight[mait]можетmild[maild]мягкийmile[mail]миляmilk[milk]молокоmilkman['milkman]молочникmillion['miljan]миллионmillionaire[,milj3'nea(r)|миллионерmime[maim]танцор пантомимаmind[mamd]I. разум 2. возражатьmine[main]мойminister['miniSte(r)]I. министр 2. священникminor['maina(r)]незначительныйminute['minit]минутаmirror['mira(r)]зеркалоmiss[mis]промахнутьсяmissing['misirj]недостающийmistake[mi'steik]ошибкаmisunderstanGingf.misAnda'stzendiri] недоразумениеmix[miks]смесь/смешиватьmodal['maudl]модальныйmom[mom]мамаmoment['maumant]моментmommy['iriDmi]мамочкаMonday['m,\ndei]понедельник-money['m,\ni]деньгиmonitor['mDnita(r)]мониторmonster['mDnsta(r)]чудовище, монстрmonth[m,Mi0]месяцmonthly['m,\n0li]ежемесячныйmood[mu:d]настроениеmoon[mu:n|лунаmoral['moral]моральныйmore[тэ:(г)]большеmorning['тэ:шг)]утроmortgage['ma:gid3]ссуда на покупку домаmosquito[ma'skiitsu]комарmost[maust]большая частьmother['тлдэ(г)]матьmother-in--1а\у['тлд(э)гт1э:]теща, свекровьmotivation[,m3uti'veifn]мотивацияmotorbike['mautabaik]мотоциклmotorboat['msutdbaut]моторная лодкаMomotorcycle['mautasaikl]мотоциклmountain['mauntan]гораmountain climbingальпинизмmouse[maus]мышьmouth[mau0]ротmouthpiece['mau0pi:s]боксерская капаmove[mu:v]двигатьmove outпереехать, съехать с кварт.movie['muivi]киноmph (miles per hour)миль в часmuch[niAtJ]оченьmuffin['m,\fin]кекс, сдобная булкаmug[m,\g]кружкаmurder[ rm:da(r)]убийствоmuse[mju:z]размышлятьmuseum[mju'zi:am]музеиmushroom['niAjrum]грибmusic['mju:zik]музыкаmusketeer[,niAska’tia(r)]мушкетерmust[iTIASt]долженmutilated[' mju:tileitid]изуродованныйmyself[mai'self]я сам себе(себя)Nnail[neil]I. гвоздь 2. ноготьnaked['neikid]голыйname[neim]имя /называтьnarrow['nzerau]узкаяnation[ neijn]страна, нацияnational['nzejnal]национальныйnear[ma(r)]близкоnearby[ nia'bai]неподалекуnearly[’niali]почтиneatly['ni:tli]аккуратноnecessaryf'nesasari]необходимыйneck[nek]шеяneed[ni:d]нуждатьсяnegative['negativ]отр и цате л ьн ы йnegotiation[ni.gauji'eijn]переговорыneighbour['neiba(r)|соседneither['nai6a(r)]ни (ни один из двух)nervous['n3:vas]I. нервный 2. пугливыйnever['neva(r)]никогдаnew[nju:]новыйnewborn['nju:ba:n]новорождённыйnews[nju:z]новостиnewsflash[' nju:zt lzej [экстренное сообщение172 Superbook
newspaper[ nju:zpeipa(r)]газетаnext[nekst]следующийnext toрядомnice[nais]хорошийnight[nait]ночьnine[nam]девятьninety['nainti]девяностоnobody('naubadi]никтоnoise[naiz]шумnonsense['nDnsns]чушьnon-smoking[ntm'smaukio]некурящий класс (самолета)noon[nu:n]полденьnor[пэ:]ниnormal['no:ml]нормальный, обычныйnormally['пэ:тэП]обычноnorth[пэ:0]северnorthern|'пэ:3эп]северныйnose[пэиг]носnostril['npstral]ноздряnote[naut]заметить, обр. вниманиеnothing['пл01о]ничегоnotice[nautis]заметитьnoticeable['nautisabl]заметныйnoun[naun]существительноеnow[паи]сейчасnowhere['n3uwea(rj]нигдеnuclear['nju:kli3(r)]ядерныйnudist['nju.dist]нудистскийnumber['плтЬэ(г)]номерnurse[n3:s]медсестраnursing homeдом престарелыхОoath[эи0]клятваobligation[ dWi geijn]обязательствоobstruct[ab'strAkt]препятствоватьobvious['Dbvias]очевидныйobviously['Dbviasli]очевидноoccupation[,okju:'peiJn]профессияocean[anjn]океанo’clock[a'klok]:часов (о времени)October[окЧэиЬэ(г)]октябрьoffer['Dfa(r)]п редл ожен и е/ п ре дл агатьoffice[dIis]офис/офисныйofficer['Dfisa(r)]офицерoften[ofn]частоoil[di\\маслоold[auld]старыйolive[’dIiv]оливкаonce[wAns]однаждыat onceсразу жеonly['aunli]толькоthe onlyединственныйonto[ Dnta]наopen['эирэп]откры вать/открытыйopera['эргэ]операoperation[.Dpa'reijn]операцияoperator['ррэгеиэ(г)]операторopinion[a'pinjan]мнениеopponent[э'рэипэт]соперникopposite['ppazit]противоположныйoptimist['optimist]оптимистoptometrist[Dp'tDmatrist]окулистor[э:]илиoral['о:гэ1]ротовой, оральныйoral surgeon[s3:d3an]зубной хирургorder['3:da(r)JI .приказ/приказывал», заказ-i ъ
2. порядокorganization[.aigonai'zeijn]организацияorganize['o:ganaiz]организовыватьorphan[o:fn]сиротаostrich[DStntJ]страусother('лЗэ(г)]другойotherwise['AflawaizJиначеought to['o:t ta]долженour['аиэ(г)]нашoutagef'autid3]аварийное отключениеoutrun[.aut'rAn]обогнатьoutside[.aut'said]снаружи, на улицеoval[auvl]овальныйoval officeкабинет президентаoven[Avn]духовкаover['эи\'э(г)]1. через 2. надoverlook[.auva'luk]не заметитьovertime['auvataim]сверхурочноoverweight[.auva'weit]полный, толстыйowe[au]быть должнымown[эип]владетьowner['эипэ(г)]владелецoxygen['oksid33n]кислородpPA[P1 Э|]система оповещенияPacific (Ocean)[pa'sifik]Тихий океанSuperbook 173
Раpackрагк]паковатьpagepeid3]страницаpainpern]больpaintpeint]краска/краситьpainting'peintio]картинаpairреэ(г)]параpajamaspa'd3a:ni3z]пижамаpalace'pastas]дворецpalepeil]бледныйpantspaents]брюки, штаныpapapa'pa:]папаpaper'peipa(r)]I. бумага 2. газетаparachute'parajuit]парашютparachutist'p<firafu:tist]парашютистparadepa'reid]парадparadise'pzeradais]райparent'pearant]родительparenis-in-lawродители супруга, -гиparkpa:k]I. парк 2. парковатьсяparking lotпарковкаparrot'pzerat]попугайpartpa:t]частьpart timeнеполный рабочий деньparticiplepa:' tisipl]причастиеparticularpa'tikjala(r)]определенный, конкретныйpartner'pa:tna(r)|партнер/объединятьсяparty'pa:ti]вечеринка/развлекатьсяpassPa:s]1. прохотить мимо2. сдать экзаменpassenger'pssind33(r)]пассажирpusdonpasjn]страстьpassive'pzesiv]пассивный залогpassport'pa:spa:t]паспортpassword'pa:sw3:d]парольpastpa:st|I. прошлое 2. мимоpathpa:0]путь, тропаpatient'peijnt]1. пациент 2. терпеливыйpavement'peivmant]тротуарpaypei]1.платить2. приносить результатыpay respecbвыражать соболезнованиеPC.pi: 'si:]компьютерpeacepi*]мир, покойpeckрек]клеватьpedalpedl]педальpeekpik]подглядыватьpeephole'piphaul)глазокРерепpen]ручкаpenalty'penalti]наказаниеpensionerpenjana(r)]пенсионерpeoplepi:pl]ПЮДИpepperoni.pap'rauni]острая копченая колбасаperDa(r)]в, за (час, километр...)per centрэ 'sent]процентperfect' p3:fikt]идеальный, прекрасныйperfectly' p3:fiktli]идеальноperformpa'fb:m]исполнятьperformancepa'fb:mans]представлениеperfume'p3:fju:m|духиperhapspe'hzeps]возможноperiod'piariad]периодpermanent'p3:manant]постоянныйperpetrate'p3:patreit|совершитьpersonp3:sn]человекpersonal'p3:sanl]личныйpersonnel otticer,p3:sa'nel ]кадровик, HR специалистpersuadepa'sweid]убедитьpessimist'pesinnst]пессимистpetrol'petral]бензинpettyPeti]мелкийphonefaun)телефон/звонитьphoto'fautau]фотографияphrasal'freizl]фразовыйphrase'freiz]фразаphysical'fizikl]физическийpianopi'zenau]фортепьяноpickpik]выбиратьpickpocket'pikpDkit]вор-кармаиникpick uppik]1. подобрать 2. подцепитьpicturepiktja(r))картина, фотографияpiepai]пирогpiecepi:s]кусокpiece of musicпьесаP'gp>a]свиньяpilePail]кучаpillpil]таблетка, пилюляpillow'pilau]подушкаpilot'paitat]пилотpinchP'ntJ]щипатьpizzapi:tsa)пиццаplacepleis]место/помещатьplainplein]простойplanplzen]план/план ировагьplaneplein jсамолет174Superbook
planet['plaenit]планетаplant[pla:nt]1.завод2. растение/посадить (раст.)3. помещать, ставитьplastic[' plaestik 11. пластик 2 пластическийplastic surgery[plaestil so:d3ori| пластическая операцияplate[pleit]тарелкаplatform['plaetfo:m]платформаplatinum['plaetinam]платинаplay[plei]1. пьеса 2. тратьplayer['pleia(r)]1. игрок 2 плеерplease[pli:z]пожалуйстаpleased[pli:zd]рад, доволенpleasurable['р!езэгэЫ]приятныйpleasure['р1езэ(г)]удовольствиеplot[plot]участок землиplumber['р1дтэ(г)]сантехникplural['pluaral]множественное числоp.m.[,pi:'em]после полудня
латинск. post meridiempocket[' pDkit]карманpoint[paint]1. балл 2. моментpoint nutуказыватьpoisonous['paizanas]ядовитыйpoker('рэикэ(г)]I. кочерга 2. покерpolice[pa'Ii:s]полицияpoliceman[pa'liisman]полицейскийpolicy[ pDbsi]политика, тактикаpolite[pa'Iait]вежливыйpolitical[pa'litikl]политическийpolitician[.ppb'tijnjполитикpond[pt>nd]прудponder[ pDnda(r)]размышлятьpony[ pauni]пониpool[pu:l]I. бассейн 2. бильярдpoor['риэ(г)]бедныйpopcorn[рор'кэ:п]попкорнpop outвылезать (о глазах)population[.pDpju'leiJn]населениеpom[po:n]порнография, -ческийporridge[ porid3]овсяная кашаport[po:t]портposition[pa'zijn]должностьpositive['pDzativ]позитивный, положит-ныйpossess[pa'zes]владетьpossession[pa'zejn]владениеpossessive[pa'zesiv]притяжательное иестопмеппеРоpossible[ pDsabl]возможныйpostcard['paustkaid]открыткаpotato[pa'teitau]картофельpound[paund]I. фунт 2. колотитьpour[po:(r)]наливатьpoverty['pDvati]бедностьpowder['pauda(r)]порошокpowdery['paudari]в порошкеpower['раиэ(г\]1. власть 2. сила
3.электричествоpower outageотключение светаpowerful[pauafl]мощныйpractice['praektis]практикаpractise['praektis]практиковатьсяpraise[preiz]хвалитьPra>[prei]молитьсяprayer[ргеэ(г)]молитваprecautions[pri'kaijn]п редосторожностьprecede[pri'si d]предшествоватьprecious[ prejas]драюценныйpredict[pri'dikt]предсказыватьprediction[pri'dikjn]предсказаниеprefer[pn f3:(r)]предпочитатьpreferably[ prefrabli]предпочтительноpregnant['pregnant]беременнаяprepare[рп'реэ(г)]готовитьprepositional[ preps'zifanl]с предлогомprescribe[pri'skraib]приписывать, назначатьpresent['preznt] [pri'zent]1. настоящий 2. даритьpresident[’prezidant]президентpressure[ preja(r)]давлениеpretend[pri'tend]притворя гьсяprevent[pri'vent]предотвращатьprevention[pri'venfn]п ре дот в ра ще н и еpreviousj'pri.vias]предыдущийprice[prais]ценаprinces".[ prin'ses]принцессаprincipal['prinsapl]основнойprison['prizn]тюрьмаprobability[ proba'bihti]вероятностьprobably['probabli]вероятноproblem['problem]проблемаprocess['prauses]процессprocession[pra'sejn]процессияproctologist[prak'tologist]проктологproduce[pra'dju:slпроизводитьproduct['prodAkt]продуктSuperbook175
PrQuprofession[pra'fejn]профессияprofessor[pra'fesa(r)]профессорprogram (Am.)['praugrzem]программаprogramme (Br.)['ргэидгагт]программаprogrammer['ргэидгагтэ(г)]программистprogressf'prnugres]прогрессpromise['prom is]обещание/обещатьpromote[pra'maut]продвигать по службеprompt[prompt]подсказкаpronoun['ргэпаип]местоимениеpronounce[pra'nauns]произноситьproof[pru:f]доказательствоproperly['propali]должным образомpropose[pra'pauz]предлагатьprosperous[’prosparas]процветающийprotect[pra'tekt]защищатьprotector[pra'tekta(r)]защитник, защитаprove[pru:v]доказыватьprovide[pra'vaid]поставлять, предоставлятьpsychology[sai'kDlad3i]психологияpub[рлЬ]паб, барpublic['p,\blik]общественныйpublication[.pAbli'keiJn]публикацияpull[pul]тянутьpull offстянутьpull overостановить (машину)pull upI. подъехать 2. подтягиватьсяpull-upподтягивание (на переклад.)punch[PAtltf]ударить кулакомpunish['p,\nij]наказыватьpuppy[РЛР*]щенокpush[puj]толкатьpush-up[puj 'лр]отжимание (от пола)put[put]кластьput away[put a'wei]скопить, отложитьput on[put Dll]надеватьput up fightоказать сопротивлениеput on holdпопросить “повисеть
на телефоне"put to bedуложить спатьpuzzle[PazI]озадачитьQquantifier['kwDntifaip(r)]слово означающ. количествоquantity['kwontdti]количествоquarrel[kworsljссора/ссоритьсяquestion['kwestjan]1. вопрос 2. сомневатьсяquick [kwik] быстрый/скорееquickly['kwikli]быстроquietly['kwaiatli]тихоquit[kwit]перестать, бросить (работу)quite[kvvait]совсемRrabbit[' rsebit]кроликrace[reis]гонка, забег гонятьсяrack[raek]полкаradiator['reidieita(r)]батареяradio['reidiau)радио/передаватьrag[гаг«]тряпкаrail pass['reil .pas]проездной на поездrain[rein]дождь/идет дождьraise[reiz]I воспитывать 2. подниматьran[ran]run/ran/ranrang[гаго]ring/rang/rangrate[reit]I. темп 2. курс 3. ставкаrather['га:бэ(г)]скорее, предпочтительнееI’d ratherя бы предпочелrazor['reiza(r)]лезвиеreach[ri:tj]1. доставать 2. протягиватьread[ri:d]читатьready[redi]готовыйreal[ri:al]настоящийrealm[ri'aelati]реальностьrealize[' ri:alaizjосознатьreally[' ri:ali]на самом делеrear[пэ(г)]заднийreason[ri:zn]I. причина 2. рассуждатьreasonable[' ri:znabl]разумныйreceive[ri'si:v]получатьrecently['lisntli1недавно, в последнее времяreception[ri'sepjn]регистратура, “рисепшн”recognize['rekagnaiz]узнатьrecommend[.reka'mend]рекомендоватьrecord['rekord]I. запись 2. рекордrecover[n'kAva(r)]восстановитьсяred[red]красныйreel[ri:l]кружитьсяrefer[n'f3:(r)]ссылатьсяreflection[n'flekjn]отражениеrefraction[ri'frsekjn]преломлениеrefusal[n'fju:zl]отказrefuse[ri'fju:z]отказыватьсяregardless (of) [ri'gardlas] независимо (от)176Superbook
Reregion[ri:d33n]регионregretjri'gret]сожалетьregular[ re9Pl3(r)]обыкновенныйrelated[ri'leitid]связанныйsmoking relatedсвязанный с курениемrelationship[n'leijnjip]отношенияrelative['relativ]родственникreligion[п'Мзэп]религияrely (on)[n'lai]положиться (на)remain[ri'mein]оставатьсяremember[ri'mernba(i)]помнитьremind[ri'maind]напоминатьrent[rent]ареидовать/арендн. платаrepair[п'реэ(г)]ремонтировать, чинитьrepairman[п'реэтаеп]мастер (по ремонту)repent[ri'pent]раскаятьсяreplace[ri'pleis]заменятьreplacement[ri'pleismant]замена/запаснойreplv[ri'plai]отвечатьreport[ri'po:t]докладыватьrepresent[.repri'zent]представлятьreproduce[,ri:pra dju:s]воспроизвести, пересказатьrepublic[ri'pAblik]республикаrepublican[п'рлЬПкэп]республиканецrequest[ri'kwest]просьба, запросrequire[ri'kwaia(r)]требоватьreservefri'z3:v]сдержанностьresignation[.rezig'neifn]отставка, уход с работыresist[ri'zist]сопротивлятьсяresolute[’rezalutt]решительныйrespect[n'spekt]уважение/уважатьresDond[ri'spDnd]отвечатьresponsible[ri'spDnsabl]ответственныйrest[rest]1. отдыхать 2. остаток (the)restaurant['restrant]ресторанrestaurant chainсеть ресторановresult[ri'zAlt]результатresume['rezjumei]резюмеretire[ri'tai3(r)]уйти на пенсиюreturn[ri't3:n]возвращатьсяreturnable[ri't3:nabl]возвращаемыйrevenge[ri'vend3]местьtake revengeотомститьrevision[n'vi3n]повторениеrice[rais]писrich[ntj]богатыйride[raid]1. езда 2. поездкаRiright[ran]право/правильныйright overтут же, очень скороring[no]I. кольцо 2. звонить 3. рингrise[raiz]подниматьсяriver['riva(r)]рекаroad[raud]дорогаroad sweeperдворникrob[rob]грабитьrobher['raba(r)]грабительrobbery['mbari]ограблениеrocky['roki]каменистыйrole[raul]рольroll[raul]катитьсяRome[raum]Римroof[ru:f]крышаroom[ru:m]1 комната 2 пространствоrose[rauz]розаrough[rAf]грубыйroute[ru:t]маршрутrub[глЬ]теретьrubbishI'FAblJ]1. мусор 2. чушьrude[ru:d]грубыйruin['ru:in]разрушатьrule[ru:l]1. правило 2. управлятьrumble[ глтЫ]урчагьrun[глп]1. бежать 2. испытаниеrush[глЛторопитьсяRussia1'гф]РоссияRussian['ГА/П]русскийssack[saek]мешокsadly['saedli]печальноsafe[seif]1. сейф 2. безопасныйsail[seil]парус/плыть под парусомsaint[seint]святойsake[seik]радиsalad['saelad]салатsalary['saelari]зар. платаsalesman['seilzman]продавецsaliva[sa'laiva]слюиаsalt[so:lt]сольsalty[sa:Iti]соленыйsame[seim]тот же самыйsandwich-man['saenwitj]человек-рекламаsank[sae-jk]sink/sank/sunksat[sa;t]sit/sat/satSuperbook 177
SaSesausage [sDsidg] I. сосиска 2. колбасаsave[seiv]I. экономить, копить 2.спасатьsaw[sa:]I. пила 2. see/saw/seensay[sei]сказатьscale[skeil]весыscar[ska:(r)]шрамscare['skea(,r)]пугатьscene[si:n]сценаscenery[-si:nari]видschedule[ Jedju:!] -Br.
['sked3ju:l] -Am.расписаниеscneme[ski:m]I. схема 2.затеватьschool[sku:l|I. школа 2. институтscientific[saian'tifik]научныйscore[sko:(r)]I. счет 2. забить мячScotsman['skDts man]шотландецScottish['skDtif]iiioi ландскийscoundrel['skaundral]негодяйscrambled eggs['skrzembld egs] яичница-болтуньяscratch[skrastj]царапина/царапатьscream[skri:m]крикscreen[skriin]экранscripture[ 'skript fa(r)]библияscuba[s'kjuba]аквалангscumbag[ЧкдтЬгед]подонокsea[si:]мореseagull[’si:gAl]чайкаsearch[s3:tj]искатьseat[si:t]местоsecond['sekand]I. секунда 2. второйsecret['si:krat|секрет/секретныйsecretary['sekratri]секретарьsecurity[si'kjuarati]безопасностьsee[si:]видеть^ee out[.si: 'aut]проводить наружуsee through[.si: '0ru:]видеть насквозьseed[si:d]семяseem[si:m]казатьсяseen[sin]see/saw/seenseismologist[saiz'mDlacfeist]сейсмологselect[si'lekt]выбиратьselfish[ selfij]эгоистичныйsell[sel]продаватьsend[send]посылатьsenior[ si:nia(r)]старшийsenior citizenпожилой гражданинsensation[sen'seijn]чувствоsense [sens] чувство/чувствоватьsensitive['sensativ)ранимый, чувствительныйsentI sent]send/sent/sentsentence['senians]предложениеseparate[ seprat]отдельныйSeptember[sep'temba(r)]сентябрьseigeant['sa:d3ant|сержантserial['siarial]серийныйseries['siari:z]серия, несколько событийserious['siarias]серьезныйseriously['siariasli]серьезноseriousness['siariasnas]серьезностьsermon['s3:man]проповедьservant['s3:vant]слугаserve[s3:v]\. отсидеть 2. подаватьservice['s3:vis]сервис, обслуживаниеset[set]комплектsetback['setbzek]I. проблема 2. неудачаseven['sevn]семьseveralf'sevral]несколькоsevere[si'via(r)]суровый, серьезныйseverely[si'viali]строгоsewer[ su:a]канализацияsex[seks]сексsexual[sekjual]сексуальныйsexy[' seksi ]сексуальныйshake[Jeik]трястиshampoo[Jasm'pu:]шампуньshareUtta(r)]делить, разделятьshark[Ja:k[акулаsharp[Ja:p]острыйshave[Jeiv]брить(ся)shave off[Jeiv]сбритьshed[Jed]проронитьsheep[Л:Р]овца, овцыsheerLMO]настоящий* явныйshell[fel]панцирь, ракушкаshelter[ Jelta(r)]кров, жильеshepherd[ Jepad]пастухshine[Jam]сиять, светитьship[J'Plкорабльshirt[J3:t]рубашкаshit[Jit]дерьмоholy shit['hauli 'Jit]черт побери, “твою мать'1shock[Jok]шокshoe[Ju:]туфельshoot[Ju:t]1. стрелять 2. бросать (мяч)shop [JDP] I. магазин 2. покупать178Superbook
ShSkshop assistant продавецshopkeeper[ fDpki:pa(r)]владелец магазинаshopping[ JDP'O]закупкиshort[Jb:t]короткийshorts[J3:(r)ts]шортыshot(Jot]shoot/shot/shotshot down[jDt 'daun]сбитыйshould[JudJдолженshoulder['J3ulda(r)]плечоshout[Jaut]кричатьshow[Jau]показатьshower['Jaua(r)]душ/мыться в душеshrewd[Jru:d]умный, рассудительныйshriekLfri:k]пронзительно кричатьshrimpLfnmp]креветка, креветкиshrink[Jnok]мозгоправ, психотерапевтshush[/A/]тихо!shutIJAt]закрыватьshut up[jAt ',\p]заткнись, замолчиSiamese twin[.saiamiiz 'twin]сиамский близнецSiberia[sai'biaria]Сибирьsick[S!k]больнойside(said]сторонаsieve[siv]решетоsight[sait]видat first sightс первого взглядаsign[sain]знакsignature['sign3tj3(r)]подписьsignify['signifai]означатьsilence['saitans]молчание тишинаsilent['saitant]молчащий молчащийsilly['s.Ii]ГЛУПЫЙsilver['silv3(r)]сереброsimple['simpl]простойsince[sins]1. так как 2. с тех пор какsing[siq]петьsingle[ siogl]1. неженатый 2. единств-ныйsingular['siogj3l3(r)]единственное числоsink[siokjтонуть, топитьsister['sista(r)]сестраsit[sit]1. садиться 2. находитьсяsite[sait]I. место 2. сайтsituation[ sitju'eijn]ситуацияsix[siks]шестьsixteen[ siks'tim]шестнадцатьsixth[siks0]шестойsixties['jrtkstis]шестидесятыеsize [saiz] размерskate[skeit]кататься на конькахskeleton['skelitn]скелетskin[skin]кожаskintight['•kin'tait]обтягивающий (об одежде)skipping-rope['skipioraup]скакалкаskirt[■>k3:t]юбкаsky[skai]небоslam[slaem]резко нажать, хлопнутьslap[step]дать пощечинуsleep[sli:p]спатьslept[slept]sleep/slept/sleptslightest['slaitast]малейший (о шансе)slim[slim]стройный, худойslip[>lip]поскользнуться.соскользнутьslip in and out of a comaвпадать и выходитьиз комыslow[slau]медленныйslow downзамедлитьslowl}[ stauli]медленноsmall[smo:I]маленькийsmart[sma:t]умныйsmb. - сокращение от somebodysmash[sniiej]разбитьsmell[smel]пахнутьsmile[smail]ул ы бка/ул ыбатьсяsmoke[smauk]дым/куритьsmoker[Чтэикэ(г)]курильщикsmth. - сокращение от somethingsneaker[ sni:ka(r)]кроссовокsneezefnni:z]чихатьsnitch[snitj]ябедничатьsnore[sn3:(r)]храпетьsnow[snau]снег/идет снегso[sau]такsober['s3ub3(r)]трезвыйsock[sDk]носокsoil[soil]почваsolarium[sa'Ieariam]солярийsold[sauld]sell/sold/soldsoldier['sauld33(r)]солдатsome[SAin]несколькоsomebody['sAmbsdi]кто-то, кто-нибудьsomeone[SAITlWAn]кто-то, кто-нибудьsomeplace['sAmpleis]где-тоsomething[\sAm0ip]что-тоsometimes[sAmtaimz]иногдаsomewhere['sAmwea(r)]где-тоSuperbook 179
SoStson [ялп] СЫНson-in-law['sAiunb:]зятьsoon[su:n]скороsore[so:(r)]болезненный, болящийsorry[sDri]сожалеющийsort[sa:t]сорт, видsound[saund]звук шучатьsoup[su:p]супsouth[sau0]югSoviet['sauviet]советскийspace[speis]1. место 2. космосspade[speid]лопатаspaghetti[spa geti]спагеттиspam[spaem]спамspare[spea(r)]запаснойspat[spaet]плюнулspeak[spi:klговоритьspeaker['spi:ka(r)]ораторspecial['spejl]особенныйspecialty[' spejalti]специализацияspecies[ spi:J’i:z]вид, видыspecify['spesifai]обозначитьspeech|spi:tf]речьspeed[|P1 d]скоростьspend[spend]проводитьspent[spent]spend/spent/spentspider['spaida(r)]паукspill[spil]проливатьspilt[spilt]spill/spilt/spiltspit[spit]плеватьsplash[spUef]брызгиspoil[spDll]портитьspoilt[spoilt]spoil/spoilt/spoiltspoken['spaukan]speak/spoke/spokenspoonful['spu:nful]полная ложкаspouse[spauz]супруг, супругаsprain[sprein]растянуть (сухожилие)spring[spriri]веснаsquarefskwea(r)]квадратныйsqueeze[skwi:z]надавить, выжиматьstab[staeb]заколотьstadium['steidiam]стадионstage[steid3]сценаstagger['staega(r)]идти шатаясьstagnant[ stagnant]застоявшийсяstain[stein]ПЯТНОstand[staend]1. терпеть (в отриц.) 2. стоятьstart [start] начинатьstarve[sta:v]голодатьstate[steit]1. штат 2. состояние
3.заявлятьstation['steijn]станция, вокзалstationery['steijanri]канц. принадлежностиstative[’steitiv]статичныйstatue['ttaetju:]статуяstatuette[.stEetfu'et]статуэткаstay[stei]временно жить, остановитьсяsteadily[' stedili]неизменно, постоянноsteal[sti:l]вороватьsteamy['sti:mi]пылкийsteellsti:l]стальsteering['stiarin)управлениеsteering wheelрульstench[stentj]воньstep[step]шаг/шагатьstereo['steriau]стерео системаstewardess['stjuiadas]стюардессаstick[stik]1. палка 2. воткнутьstill[stil]все ещеstockings['stDklQS]чулкиstole[staul]steal/stole/stoienstolen['staul(a)n]steal/stole/stolenstomach['stAmak]желудокstone[staun]каменьstood[stud]sland/stood/stoodstop[stop]останавливатьсяstore[sta:(r)]магазинstorehouse['stD:haus]хранилище, складstory['sto:ri]историяstove[stauv]плита (для пригот пищи)straight[streit]прямоstrange[streind3]странныйstranger['streind3a(r)]незнакомецstrawberry['strD:bari]клубникаstreet[stri:t]улицаstrengthen['strerjBn]усиливатьstress[stres]стрессstrictly['striktli]строгоstrike[straik]1 .ударять 2.страйк (в боулинге)strike up(straik лр]начать (разювор)strong[strDri]сильныйstruck[strAk]strike/struck/struckstructure['strAktJa(r)]ст руктураstruggle[ strAgl]1. бороться 2. пытатьсяstar [sta:(r)]180 SuperbookI. звезда 2. играть ппавн. роль ! stuckstick/stuck/stuck
Ststudent[stju:dnt]студентstudyfsUdi]изучатьstufffstAf]I. вещи 2. набиватьstuffed[stAft]объевшийся, сытыйstunning[’stAnio]ошеломительныйstupid[ stju:pid]гупой, глупыйstupidity[stju:'pidati]тупостьstyle[stall]стильsubject['sAbd3ikt]I. грам. подлежащее 2. темаoff the subjectне касается темыsij&mit[sab'mit]предоставить, сдатьsubstance['sAbstans]веществоsubtract[sab'traekt]вычитатьsuburb['sAb3:b]пригородsuccess[sak'ses]успехsuccessfully[sak'sesfali]успешноsuch[SAtJ]такойsuck[sAk]быть плохим, “достать”sudden[SAdn]внезапныйsuddenlyf'sAdanli]вдругsuffer['sAfafr)]страдатьsugar[7чдэ(г)]сахарsuicide['sju:isaid]самоубийствоsuit[su:t]подходить (о цвете)suitable['su:tabl]подходящийsuitcase['surtkeis]чемодаиsum[sAm]арифм. задачаsum upсуммировать, подытожитьsummer['sAma(r)]летоsumo['su:mau]сумоsun[sAn]солнцеsunburned['sAnb3:nt]обгоревшийSunday['sAndei]воскресеньеsunflower['sAnflaua(r)]подсолнечникsunny['sAni]солнечныйsuperlative[su'p3:lativ]превосходная степеньsupermarket['su:pama:kit]супермаркетsuperstar['su:pasta:(r)]звезда первой величиныsuperstitious[ surpa'stifas]суеверныйsupper['sApa(r)]ужинsupport[sa'pait]поддержатьsuppose[sa'pauz]полагатьbe supposed toдолженsure[Jua(r)]1. конечно 2 уверенныйsurgeon['S3:d3an]хирургsurgery['S3:d3ari]1 хирургия 2. операцияsurprise[sa praiz]сюрприз/удивлятьsurveillance[s3:'veibns]наблюдениеSusurvival[sa'vaivl]выживаниеsurvivor[sa vaiva(r)]выжившийsuspect['sAspekt]подозреваемыйsuspend[sa'spend]временно отстранитьsuspicion[sa'spifn]подозрениеsuspicious[sa'spifas]подозрительныйswam[swaem]sw i m/swam/s warnswear[swea(r)]ругатьсяsweater['sweta(r)]свитерSweden['swirdn]Швецияsweep[swi:p]подметатьsweet[swi:t]сладкий/сладкое блюдоswell[swel]разбухать, отекатьswim[swim]плытьswing[swirt]раскачиватьswitch[switj]выключатель/переключатьswitchboard[switjba:d]электр. щитswollen['swaulan]swell/swelled/swollensword[sard]мечsyphilis['sifllis]сифилисsystem['sistam]системаsystematize['sistamataiz]с истематизи ро ватьTtable[teibl][. стол 2. таблииаtactics[' taektiks]тактикаtail[teil]хвостtake[teik]1. брать 2. восприниматьcan’t take itне могу терпетьtake a hard lineжестко взятьсяtake drugsпринимать наркотикиtake onбрать на работуtaken['teik(a)n]take/took/takentake-off[teik of]взлетtalcum['taelkam]галькtalent['taelant]талантtalk[ta:k]говоритьtalk out (of)отговорить(от)tall[tori]высокийtangerine[,taend3a'ri:n]мандаринtap[taep]! кран 2. стучатьtaste[teist]1. быть на вкус 2. пробоватьtattoo[ta'tu:]татуировкаtaught[ta:t]teach/taught/taughttax[taeks]налогtaxi['taeksi]таксиtea[ti:]чайteach[ti:tj]учитьSuperbook 181
Теteacher[ ti:tja(r)]учительteam[ti:m]командаtear[tia(r)]слеза[tea(r)Jразрыватьteeth[ti:0]зубыtelephone[ telifaun]телефон/звонитьtell[tel]рассказыватьtell smth. trom smth.отличить одно от другогоtemperature['tempratj3(r)]температураtemporary['temprari]временныйtemptation[temp'teijn]искушениеten[ten]десятьtend[tend]тенденция/иметь тенденциюtennis['tenis]теннисtense[tens]время (граммах конструкция)tent[tent]палаткаterm[t3:m]1. срок 2. семестрterrible['tersbl]ужасныйterribly['terabli]ужасноterrorism['terarizam]терроризмterrorist['terarist]террористtest[test]тест, экзаменtest runпробное испытаниеtestify['tastifai]давать показанияthan[dsn]чемthank[Oaerik]благодаритьThanksgiving[.0£er)ks'giviri]День благодаренияthat[6aet]тотthat bigтакой большойthat wayтак, таким образомthat’s wh)вот почемуtheater (Am.)['Giiatar]театрtheatre (Br.)their[беэ(г)]ихthem[бет]имthemselves[flem'selvz]они сами себе (себя)then[Oen]1. затем 2. тогдаthese[6i:z]этиthick[G.k]1. густой 2. глупыйthiet|i:f]ворthieves[0i:vz]ворыthin[0in]худойthing[010]вещьthink[Sirik]думатьthink upвыдумать, придуматьthird[03:d]третийthirsty[' 03:sti]жаждущийthis [6is] этотThthorn[0э:п]ШИПthose[6auz]теthough[бэи]хотяthought[0э:1]1. мысль2. think/thought/thoughtthoughtlessness [’03:tlisnis]бездумьеthousand['Bauznd]тысячаthreat[0ret]угрозаthreaten['0retn]угрожатьthree[0ri:]триthrew[0ru:]th row/threw/th гоwnthroat[0raut]горлоthrough[0ru:]черезthrow[0гэи]бросал ьthrow out[бгэи]выброситьthrow up[0гэи]рвать, блеватьthrown[0гэип]throw/threw/throvvnthumb[0лт]большой палец рукиthumbtack['0AintEek]кнопка (канцелярская)Thursday['0a:zdei]четвергtick[t.k]галочкаticket[' tikit]билетtie[tai]галстук/завязыватьtight[tait]тугойtights[taits]колготыtill[»>1]1. кассовый аппарат 2. доtime[taim]времяtimetable['taimteibl]расписаниеtinyI'taini]крошечныйtip[tip]чаевыеtired['taiad]уставшийtitle[taitl]1. титул 2. заголовокtit[t>t]грудь (женщины)toast[taust]тостtoaster[tausta(r)]тостерtobacco[ta'bsekau]табакtoda;[ta'dei]сегодняtoe[tau]палец ногиtogether[ta'ge6a(r)]вместеtoilet['taibt]туалетtold[tauld]tell/told/toldtomato[ta'martau]помидорtomorrow[ta'iriDrsu]завтраton[1ЛП]тоннаtons[tAns]много, кучиtonight[ta nait]сегодня вечеромtoo[tu:]то жеtook[tuk]take/took/taken182Superbook
Тоtooth[tu:0]зубtop[top]верхtorchl^tf]факелЮге[to:]tear/tore/tomtom[ta:n]tear/tore/tomtoss[tos]бросатьtotally[tautali]полностьюtouch[t^tj]трогатьtour[tua(r)]турtowel['taual]полотенцеtower['taua(r)]башняtown[taun]городtoy[tai]игрушкаtradition[tra'dijn]традицияtraffic[traefik]движениеtraffic light['traefik]свет светофораtrail[treil]следtrailer['treila(r)]трейлерtrain[trein]]. поезд 2. тренироватьсяtrainer['treina(r)]кроссовокtramp[iraemp]бродяга, бомжtransfer[iraens f3:(r)]переводить (деньги)translate[traens'leit]переводить (текст)translation[traens'leijn]перевод (текста)trauma[tra:ma]травмаtravel[traevllпутешествие/пут-воватьtreasure['tre3a(r)]сокровищеtreat[tri:t]1. обращаться 2. лечитьtreatment['tri:tmant]]. обращение 2. лечениеtree[tri:]деревоtrench[ trent f]траншеяtrigger[ triga(r)]курокtrip[trip]поездкаtriumph['traiAmf]триумфtroops[tru:ps]войскаtrouble[ t г лЬ1 ]неприятность, проблемаtrousers[trauzoz]брюкиtrue[tru:]правдивый, настоящийtrust[trASt]довериеtruth[tru:0]правдаtry[trai]пробовать, пытатьсяT-shirt[ti:Ja:t]футболкаTuesday['tju:zdei]вторникtunnel[tAnl]туннельturkey[13 ki]индейкаturn[t3:n]1. поворачивать 2» чередturn aroundповернутьсяturn down отказатьTuturn offвыключатьturtle[t3:tl]черепахаtwelve[twelv]двенадцатьtwentieth['twentrefl]двадцатыйtwenty['twenti]двадцатьtwice[twais]дваждыtwin[twin]близнецtwist[twist]скрутить, подвернутьtwo[tu:]дваtype[taip]печатать (на клавиатуре)tyre['taia(r)]шинаflat tyre['flaet taia(r)]спущенное колесоuugly['лдК]уродливыйumbrella[лт'ЬгеЬ]зонтикuncontrollable[ Ankan'traubbl]н е ко нтрол и руе м ы йjncountable[лп kauntabl]неисчисляемыйunder['Anda(r)]под, нижеundergo[.Anda'gau]претерпеватьunderline[.Anda lain]подчеркиватьunderneath[.Anda'ni:0]под, нижеunderstand[.Anda'staend]пониматьunderstood[.Anda'stud]understand/understood/understoodundisputed[,Andi'spju:tid]неоспоримыйundisturbed[ Andi'st3:bd]несмущенный,
невстре вожен н ы йunfaithful[An'fei0fl]неверныйunfasten[An'fa:sn]расстегиватьunfinished[An'fmijt]незаконченныйunfortunately[An'b:tjanatli]к сожалениюunimportant[,Amm'pa:tnt]неважныйunion[ ju:nian]союзunit[ju:nit]единица, подразделениеUnited Wayорг-ция собирающая пожертв.universe['ju:niv3:s]вселеннаяuniversity[,ju:ni'v3:sati]университетunless[an'les]если неunlucky[An'Uki]несчастливыйunplanned[,An'plaend]непланируемыйunplug[,лп'р1лд]выключить из розеткиunreal[.An'rial]нереальныйunrelated[.Anri'leitid]несвязанныйuntie[An'tai]развязыватьuntil[an til]до тех пор покаunused[,An'ju:zd]неиспользуемыйunusual[лп']и:зиэ1]необыкновенныйSuperbook 183
Upup to до ^пределов)upon[э'роп]на, noupset[Ap'set]расстроенныйupside['Apsaid]верхняя сторонаupside down[.Apsaid'daun]вверх ногами, вверх дномurgent ly['a:d3antli]срочноurinal['juarinl]писсуарUS[.jur'as]Соединенные Штатыus[a:,]нам, насuse[ju:z]толк, польза/использоватьused to + глаголглагол в прошедшем времениuseful[ju:sfl]поле тынusual l у['ju:3ualijобычноVvacation[va'keijn]отпускvacuum cleaner ['vaekjuam]пылесосvallej[' veeli]долинаvaluable['vaeljuabl]ценныйvaluables['vaeljuabls]ценные вещиvalue[vselju:]цена, ценностьvalve[vaelv]клапанvan[vsen]микроавтобусvarious['vearias]различныйvegetarian[,v3d33'tearian]вегетарианецvending machine1 ['vendio ma'Jirn]торговый автоматvenereologist[va'niamlod3ist] венерологverb[v3:b]глаголvery['veri]оченьvet[vet]ветеринарvia['vaia]через, посредствомvice-president[,vais'prezid(a)nt] вице президентvictim['viktim]жертваvictory['viktari]победаview[vju:]вид/считать, рассматриватьvillage[vilid3]деревняvineyard['vinjad]виноградникviolin[.vaia'lin]скрипкаvirgin['v3:d3in]девственницаvirus['vairas]вирусvisa['vi:za]визаvisit['vizit]визит/посещатьvisitor['vizna(r)]посетительvital['vaitl]жизненно важныйvodka['vodka]водкаvoice[vDli]голосvowel['vaual]гласный звукvs. = versus ['v3:sas] противWaWwaistline['weistlain]линия талииwait[weit]ждатьwaiter['weita(r)]официантwaitress['weitras]официанткаwake[weik]1 просыпаться 2. будитьwalk[wo:k]ходитьwalk out onуйти от (мужа)wall[wa:l]стенаwallet['wolit]бумажникwanna = want to ['wDna]want[wDnt]хотетьwar[wa:(r)]войнаwardrobe['wD:draub]гардероб, шкафwarm[wo:m]тепло/теплыйwarn[wa:n]предупредитьwash[wD.f]мытьwatch[wDtf]1 часы 2. смотретьwater['W3:ta(r)]вода/поливатьwater park['wa:tapa:k]аквапаркwaterlinei wartalain]ватерлинияwatermelon['wottamelan]арбузwaterproof['wo:tapru:f]водонепроницаемыйway[wei]1. путь 2. способby the wayкстатиthe wrong wayне в ту сторонуwealth[wel0]богатствоweapon['wepan]оружиеwear[wea(r)]носить (об одежде)weather['wefla(r)]погодаweb[weD]1. паутина 2. интернетwed[wed]венчатьсяwedding['wediri]свадьбаWednesday['wenzdei]среда (день недели)week[wi:k]неделяweekday['wi:kdei]будний деньweekend[,wi:k'end]выходныеweigh[wei]веситьweight[weit]весwelcome['welkamj1. добро пожаловать2. тепло приниматьwell[wei]1. колодец 2. хорошоwell-defined[.weldi'faind]точно определенныйwell-dressed[.wel'drest]хорошо одетыйwell-known[.wel'naun]хорошо известныйwent[went]go/went/gone184 Superbook
Wewest[west]западwet[wet]мокрыйwhat[wot]что, то чтоwhatever[wot'eva(r)]что бы ниwheel[wi:l]колесоwhen[wen]когдаwhenever[wen'eva(r)]когда бы ниwhere[wea(r)]гдеwherever[wear'eva(r)]где бы ниwhether... or..[ we6a ]либо... либо...which[witj]какой, которыйwhile[wail]в то время когда, покаwhisky['wiski]вискиwhisper['wispa(r)]шепот/шептатьwhite[wait]белыйwho[hu:]ктоwhoever[hu:'eva(r)]кто бы ниwhole[haul]весь, целыйwhy[wai]почемуwide[waid]широкийwiden['waidn]расширитьwidow['widau]вдова/овдоветьwife[waif]женаwild[waild]дикийwill[wil]I. воля, желание 2. завещание
3. вспомогательный глаголwillpower[ wil.paua]сила волиwin[win]выигрыватьwind[wind]ветерwindow[ windau]окноwine[wain]виноwinter['winta(r)]зимаwire['waia(r)]1. телеграмма 2. проводwisdom['wizdam]мудростьwise[waiz]мудрыйwish[Wlj]желатьwith[wi5]сwithin[wi'3injв пределах, внутриwithout[wi 5aut]безwitty['witi]остроумныйwives[waivz]жены (мн. число от wife)woke[wauk]wake/woke/wokenwoman['wuman]женщина (ед.ч.)women['wimin]женщины (мн.ч.)wan[wAn]win/won/wonwonder['wAnda(r)]1. удивляться2. интересоватьсяwonderful['wAndafl]удивительныйWowon’t = will not[waunt]wood['wud]1. лес 2. древесинаwool[wul]шерстьword[w3:d]словоwork[w3:k]работаwork out[ W3:k 'aut]тренироватьсяworker['w3:ka(r)]работникworkout['w3:kaut]тренировкаworkshop[ w3:kjop]мастерская, цехworld[w3:ld]мирworm[w3:m]червякwormy['w3:mi]червивыйworried[ WArid] (Br.)
['w3:rid] (Am.)взволнованworry[’wAri] (Br.)
['w3:ri] (Am.)волноватьсяworse[w3:s]хужеworst[w3:st]худшийwould[wud]1. бы 2. будущее из прошлогоwreck[reklразбить, разломатьwrench[rentj]гаечный ключwrestler['resla(r)]борецwrite[rait]писатьwriter['raita(r)]писательwritten[run]write/wrote/writtenwrong[год]неправ, неправильныйwrote[raut]write/wrote/writtenWW111 (World War Three)Третья мировая войнаYyacht[PHяхтаyeah[iea]разг. даyear[j'3(r)]годyellПе1]вопить, оратьyep[jep]разг. даyes[jes]даyesterday['jestadei]вчераyet[jet]1, (нет) еще 2. ужеyoung[H]молодойyour□э:(г)]твойyours\]o:z]твойyourself[jo:' self](ты) сам себя (себе)youth[ju:0]подростокyuck Цлк] фу! гадость!Superbook 185
Irregular verbsInfinitivePast SimplePast ParticipltAarisearosearisenawakeawoke /
awakenedawokenВbewas / werebeenbearboreborn / bornebeatbeatbeaten / beatbecomebecamebecomebefallbefellbefallenbeginbeganbegunbeholdbeheldbeheldbendbentbentbetbet / bettedbet / bettedbidDidbidbindboundboundbitebitbittenbleedbledbledblowblewblownbreakbrokebrokenbreedbredbredbringbroughtbroughtbroadcastbroadcastbroadcastbrowbeatbrowbeatbrowbeatbuildbuiltbuiltburnburnt/ burnedburnt/burnedburstburstburstbustbusted/ bustbusted/ bustbuyboughtboughtСcastcastcastcatchcaughtcaughtchoosechosechosenclingclungclungcomecamecomecostcostcostcreepcreptcreptcutcutcutDdealdealtdealtdigdugdugdive(scuba diving)diveddiveddive (jump
head-first)dovediveddodiddonedrawdrewdrawndreamdreamt/dreamt/dreameddreameddrinkdrankdrunkdrivedrovedrivendwelldwelt/ dwelleddwelt/ dwelledeatateeatenFfallfellfallenfeedfedfedfeelfeltfeltfightfoughtfoughtfindfoundfoundfit (to be
right size)fitfitfit (to tailor,
change size)fit / fittedfit / fittedfleefledfledflingflungflungflyflewflownforbidforbadeforbiddenforecastforecastforecastforego
(also forgo)forewentforegoneforeseeforesawforeseenforetellforetoldforetoldforgetforgotforgottenforgiveforgaveforgivenforsakeforsookforsakenfreezefrozefrozenGgetgotgotten/ gotgivegavegivengowentgonegrindgroundgroundgrowgrewgrownHhanghunghunghavehadhadhearheardheardhidehidhiddenhithithitholdheldheldhurthurthurtIinputinputinput186Superbook
inset inset ;nsetinterbreedinterbrednterbredinterweaveinterwoveinterwovenКkeepkeptkeptkneelknelt /
kneeledknelt /
kneeledknitknit / knittedknit / knittedknowknewknownLlaylaidlaidleadledledleanleaned / leantleaned / leantleapleapt / leaped leapt / leapedlearnlearned /learned /learntlearntleaveleftleftlendlentlentletletletlielaylainlightlit / lightedlit / lightedloselostlostMmakemademademeanmeantmeantmeetmetmetmishearmisheardmisheardmislaymislaidmislaidmisleadmisledmisledmisreadmisreadmisreadmisspellmisspelled /
misspeltmisspelled /
misspeltmistakemistookmistakenmisunder¬misunder¬misunder¬standstoodstoodmowmowedmowed / mowОoutbidoutbidoutbidoutdooutdidoutdoneoutgrowoutgrewoutgrownoutrunoutranoutrunoutselloutsoldoutsoldovercastovercastovercastovercomeovercameovercomeoverdooverdidnverdonpoverdrawoverdrewoverdrawnovereatoverateovereatenoverhang overhung overhungoverhearoverheardoverheardoverlayoverlaidoverlaidoverlieoverlayoverlainoverpayoverpaidoverpaidoverrideoverrodeoverriddenoverrunoverranoverrunoverseeoversawoverseenoverselloversoldoversoldovershootovershotovershotoversleepoversleptoversleptovertakeovertookovertakenoverthrowoverthrewoverthrownPpartakepartookpartakenpaypaidpaidpleadpled / pleaded pled / pleadedpre-setpre-setpre-setproofreadproofreadproofreadproveprovedproven /
provedputputputQquitquit / quittedquit / quittedRreadreadread(sounds ‘red’) (sounds ‘red’)rebindreboundreboundrebuildrebuiltrebuiltrecastrecastrecastredoredidredonere-lay (for
example tiles)re-laidre-laidremakeremaderemaderepayrepaidrepaidrerunreranrerunresellresoldresoldresetresetresetrethinkrethoughtrethoughtrewindrewoundrewoundrewriterewroterewrittenridridridrideroderiddenringrangrungriseroserisenrunranrunSsaysaidsaidSuperbook 187
Irregular verbsseeksoughtsoughtsellsoldsoldsendsentsentsetsetsetsewsewedsewn / sewedshakeshookshakenshearshearedshorn /
shearedshedshedshedshineshined /shined /shoneshoneshitshit / shatshit / shatshootshotshotshowshowedshown /
showedshrinkshrank /
shrunkshrunkshutshutshutsingsangsungsitsatsatslayslewslainsleepsleptsleptslideslidslidslingslungslungslitslitslitsmellsmelled /smelled 1smeltsmeltspeakspokespokenspeedsped /
speededsped /
speededspellspelled / spelt spelled / speltspendspentspentspinspunspunspitspit / spatspit / spatsplitsplitsplitspoilspoiled /
spoiltspoiled /
spoiltspoon-feedspoon-fedspoon-fedspreadspreadspreadspringsprang /
sprungsprungstandstoodstoodstealstolestolenstickstuckstuckstingstungstungstinkstank / stunkstunkstrewstrewedstrewn /
strewedstridestrodestriddenstrivestrovestrivenstrike(delete)struckstrickenstrike (hit)struckstruck /
strickenstringstrungstrungstrivestrove /striven /strivedstrivedswearsworeswornsweepsweptsweptswellswelledswollen,swelledswimswamswumswingswungswungTtaketooktakenteachtaughttaughtteartoretorntelltoldtoldthinkthoughtthoughtthrowthrewthrownthrustthrustthrusttreadtrodtrodden, trodUuni ndunboundunboundunderlieunderlayunderlainunderstandunderstoodunderstoodundertakeundertookundertakenunderwriteunderwroteunderwrittenundoundidundoneunwindunwoundunwoundupholdupheldupheldupsetupsetupsetWwakewoke 1woken /wakedwakedweaiworewornweavewovewovenwedwed / weddedwed / weddedweepweptweptwetwet / wettedwet / wettedwinwonwonwindwoundwoundwithdrawwithdrewwithdrawnwringwrungwrungwritewrotewritten188 Superbook
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КарикатурыI'■ — -Jfsss~f S'S*>. \“Человек способен выучить
информацию любой сложности,
при условии, что ему это
интересно”.2. Удобный словарьСлова, которые могут представлять
трудность, переведены внизу страницы.В конце книги располагается словарь,
включающий все слова хотя бы однажды
используемые в Superbook.2. Содержание Superbook легко запомнить.1. Запоминающиеся предложенияКнига содержит множество интересных,
смешных, шокирующих высказываний, что
делает информацию легко запоминаемой:• Marilyn Monroe was born with six toes on
her left foot.Мэрилин Монро родилась с 6 пальцами на левой ногеwww.5uperbook.ruISBN 978-5-85971-959-41 A girl in the metro to a stranger.Mr vou have torn my tights with your glasses!Девушка в метро незнакомцу“Мистер, вы порвали мои колготки вашими очками■ Mike has AIDS. Не has been HIV-positive
for 8 years He has infected 48 people.У Майка СПИД. Он является носителем ВИЧ 8 лет.
Он заразил 46 человек.2. Уроки повторенияКаждый раздел книги заканчивается уроком
повторения, где на новых предложениях Вы
сможете практиковать уже выученные
правила.3. SUPERBOOK развивает понимание речи на слух.Абсолютно все предложения, написанные в
книге на английском языке, озвучены
профессиональными дикторами в
аудиокурсе Superbook.785859719594