                    AQDi 3
L 73
20-mm., MK. 1 and
MAGAZINE, 30 rd.
20-mm., POLSTEN, MK. 1
Prepared by Staff of the
Master General of the Ord-
nance and Issued under the
direction of the Commander-
In - Chief, Headquarters
Australian Military Forces
By Authority: H-.Urcrt a Co. tty. IU.. ПЛлатп*

AUSTRALIAN MHITART. FORCES GUN, MACHINE, POLSTEN, 20-mm., MK. 1 and MAGAZINE, 30 rd. 20-mm., POLSTEN, MK. 1 Prepared by Staff of the Master Genera! of the Ord- nance and Issued under the direction of the Commander- In - Chief, Headquarters Australian Military Forces By Authority: McLaren • Co. My. ltd.. Mdboorna
Contents Page Ho. ACCESSORIES ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 4 13 GUN, MACHINE, POLSTER, 20-ив., MK.I BARREL, ASSEMBLY ... ... ... ... ... 7 BLOCK, BREECH, ASSEMBLY ... ... ... ... 7 SPRING, BUFFER, ASSEMBLY ... ... ... ... 7 BRACKET, RETAINER, FIRING MECHANISM ... ... ... 7 CAM, HAMMER........................................................ 7 CASING, BARREL ... ... ... ... 8 CATCH, INTSRLOCK, ASSEMBLY ... ... ... ... 8 COTTER ... ... ... ... ... • • • 8 LEVER, CATCH, MAGAZINE ... ... ... ... 8 LEVER, STOP, BARREL CASING ... ... ... ... 8 MECHANISM, DOUBLE LOADING, ASSEMBLY ... ... ... 8 BODY ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 LEVER, DOUBLE LOADING, ASSEMBLY ... ... ... 8 MECHANISM, FIRING, MK.II ASSUffiLY ... ... ... 9 PLUG, BODY, ASSEMBLY ... ... ... ... ... 9 RETAINER, BARREL, ASSEMBLY ... ... ... ••• 10 RETAIN®, CATCH, MAGAZINE ... ... ... ... 10 SLEEVE, SPRINGS, BARREL ... ... ... ... 10 SPRINGS, BARREL ... ... ••• ••• ••• 10 STOP, CASING, BARREL ... ... ... ... ... 10 INDEX TO CATALOGUE NUMBERS ... ... ... ... U INDEX TO KEY PLATE ... ... ... ... ... 6 MAGAZINE, 30 RD., 20-nun., POLSTEN, MK.I. ... ... * ... И PREFACE... ... ... ... ... ... * ... 4 3 2
Preface These lists are prepared for the purpose of enabling those called upon to deal with the equipments In the Service to identify any component part or aseemb* ly of parte and to aeoertain the correct service designation, so as to secure the correct preparation of vouchers, facilitate accounting and reduce correspondence. Inch Item la identified by a part number and designation (i.e. the noun, and any other words on the sens line) and they auet always be quoted. The Catalogue Mo. cone lets of a block of figures with a prefix of letters which denotes the vocabulary section under which the parts are provided, held and issued, eg. VAOB Section 01 Ol/OA - Ironmongery - VACS Section 01 The plates Illustrate the component parts end carry a reference number to the text on the opposite page where the designation la shown. The plate and Its text opposite are complete In themselves and contain all that Is necessary to know In connection with the articles. If the designation be known, a reference to the text will lead, by ths nunber In column 1, to the plate opposite where the general appearance of the article Is seen. If the part is available, then a comparison with the plate will locate its nunfcer, and by oross reference to the text, the designation becomes known. To assist in the location of parte, certain equipments have been divided so that they may be listed by groups of conveniently associated Items capable of be** Ing dealt with on one page of the text. 3
Xnstructions IHBR SUB MITT 1 KG INDENTS AND DEMANDS A Separata Indents «ill ba prepared for stores held In different teetlone or svb- soot ion* of the vocabulary, and not acre than seven (7) Items *111 be shown cm any one sheet. ф ALL INDENTS MUST SHOW fa) The vocabulary section under which the Items are held, fb) The destination. (o) The part number. (Л) ТЪл quantity af the Item required. ф (a) When Indenting for equipment parte» reference *111 be aide to the Index of contents for the vocabulary section and designation of ths general assembly for vhloh the parts are required, and these particulars *111 bo quoted at the head of the indent. This *111 be followed by the designation which *111 consist of the noun and any other words on ths sane line, e.g. - Designation Section C1 Catalogue No. No. Required Oun, Machine, Polsten, 2О-лт. Wk.I. Casing barrel BH 025s 1 If the part number la not available, the .full nomenclature will be shown. (b) For mleoellaneous stores, quote the appropriate vocabulary section et the head of the Indent, then show deeignatlon, part number and quantity of the item required. (c) Items marked vlth an asterisk in the text are available for Workshop re** placement and *111 be demanded through nonnal channels by A.E. M.I. personnel, ф When demands are submitted by signal or telephone» the noun only» the part umber and quantity of the item required «ill be quoted. ф Amendments to the lists, when necessary will be notified In (LO's. It Is ess- ential that the lists should be carefully amended» and the data of each amend- ment shown in the space provided on the folloving page J- 4
The Hate have been amended up to Reports regarding error» or oejIbbIodb should be addressed to the Director of Аль ment, L. H. Q., Melbourne. \bbreviatiо ns STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS FOR USE IN П)В7Г1Р1САЛ ON LISTS A. Assembly H. Pd. Hot Pressed A. A. Anti-Aircraft H.R. Hard Boiled Al. Aluminium H.T.8. Heat Treated Steel A. P. Armour-Piercing I.Hd. Instrument Head Asb. Asbestos In. or " Inches Auat. Auatrallan Pattern Inst. Instrument B. Bronze L. Leather B.A. Brltleh AbeoolatIon L.H. Left Hand Bel. Bellite M.A. Main Assembly Ber. Beryllium M.B. Manganese Bronze B.P. St. Bullet Proof Steel M.C.I. Malleable Cast Iron Br. Brass Mk. Marti Brol. Bro Hum ITIi Millimetre B.S.P. British Standard Fine M.S. Mild Steel B.S. W. British Standard Whitworth И. Nickel C. Copper Mo. Humber Carb. Carbon H.Sil. Nickel Silver C.P.P. Cotton Pilled Plastic Ny. Fycaae Ch. Ciirome Pa. Paper Ch.St. Chrome steel Ph.3. Phoephor Bronze Ch.hd. Cheese Head Pl. Plate C.I. Cast Iron P. M. Plastic Moulding Ck. Cork Pore. Porcelain Contd. Continued Pr. Pounder C.Bt. Cast Steel Q.F. Quick Firing Csk. Countersunk R. Rubber Cvs. Canvas R. B. Rolled Bronze D.C. Die Cast Rd. Round Dfx. Duraflex 8. A. Sub. Assembly Dis. or d. Diameter 8q. Square Dur. Durallum Sh. Sheet P. Pelt SI. Silicon Pi. Fibre SH. Silver Pil Nd. Fillet Head Sleh. Silichroms Pt. Foot or Feet S. M. 0. Sub Machine Gun G. A. General Arrangement 8.8. Spring Steel Galv. Galvanised Sta.St. Stainless Steel Gl. Glass S.T. Single Turn G.M. Gun Metal St. Steel Hd. Head S. W.G. Standard Wire Gauge Hex. Hexagonal Vdum. Vanadium Hidu. Hlduminlun W. M. White Metal 5
2 0-mm., POLSTEN, MAGAZINE, Зига-
\ndex to \ey Mate Plate Pacing Letter Page Gun, Machine, Polsten, 20-mm., Mk.I A Barrel and Breech Block Assemblies .................... 7 В Interlock and Double Loading Assemblies ............... 8 C Mechanism, Firing, Mk.II, Assembly .................... 9 D Barrel Retainer and Springs... ...........................10 E Magazine, JO-Rd., 20-mm., Polsten, Mk.I ............11
Viale A
DESIGNATION PLATE GUN, MACHINE, POLSTEN, 20-mm.; MK.I ... . . • BARREL, assembly ... A 1 BARREL 2 SPRING, stop, double loading 3 STOP, double loading BLOCK, BREECH, assembly ... 4 BENT, block, breech 5 BLOCK, breech ... 6 BUFFER ... 7 HAMMER ... ••• ••• ••• 8 HEAD, block, breech 9 PIN, firing 10 PIN, hammer 11 PLUG, buffer 12 SCREW, plug, buffer 13 SPRING, head, breech block SPRING, BUFFER, assembly U NUT, rod, buffer spring 15 ROD, spring, buffer ... 16 SPRING, buffer 17 BRACKET, retainer, firing mechanism 18 BUSH, cotter 19 BUSH, lever, magazine 20 CAM, hammer
CATALOGUE NO. NO. TO A SET BRITISH DRAWING NO. AUSTRALIAN DRAWING NO. • • • * BH 0250 1 DD(E)323O ADD(S)2-100 • • • * BH 0251 1 M.G.A.3153 ” 101 BH 0396 1 M.G.D.3364 " 102 • • • * BH 0315 1 M.G.D.3155 " 104 • • • * BH 0317 1 M.G.D.3156 n 103 BH 0397 1 M.G.A.3322 ” 111 ... * BH 0252 1 M.G.D.3323 " 118 ... * BH 0253 1 M.G.D.3324 " 112 ... * BH 0254 1 M.G.D.3325 " 119 ... * BH 0271 1 M.G.D.3326 ” 115 ... * BH 0272 1 M.G.D.3327 ” 113 ж . . * BH 0282 1 M.G.D.3328 " 114 ... * BH 0283 1 M.G.D.3329 ” 116 ... * BH 0289 1 M.G.D.333O ” 120 ... * BH 0298 1 M.G.D.3331 " 121 ... * BH 0309 1 M.G.D.3332 ” 117 • BH 0304 1 M.G.D.3318 ” 122 ... * BH 0277 1 M.G.D.3319 ” 125 ... * BH 0295 1 M.G.D.3320 ” 123 ... * BH 0305 U U.G.D.3321 " 124 BH 0267 1 M.G.D.3358 ” 168 ... * BH 0255 2 M.G.D.3343 * 166 ... * BH 0255 1 H.G.D.3343 " 166 BH 0257 1 M.G.D.3352 ” 169 GUN, MACHINE, POLSTEN, 20-mm., MK.I
Vlate В
PLATE REF. NO. DESIGNATION co В 1 "2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 *12 13 U *1*5 16 17 18 19 20 21 GUN, MACHINE, POLSTEN, 20-mm., MK.I (contd.) CASING, barrel ... CATCH, INTERLOCK, assembly BUSH, rod, interlock ... CATCH, interlock CATCH, magazine PIN. catch, interlock ... ROD, interlock... SPRING, catch, interlock SPRING, rod, interlock COPTER... LEVER, catch, magazine LEVER, stop, barrel casing MECHANISM, DOUBLE LOADING, assenbly BODY BUSH, lever, double loading COLLAR, plunger, double loading... LEVER, DOUBLE LOADING, assembly... LEVER, double loading PIN, roller, double loading lever ROLLER, lever, double loading... PIN, collar, double loading plunger PIN, split, double loading lever PLUG, plunger, double loadings ... PLUNGER, double loading
CATALOGUE NO. NO. TO A SET BRITISH DRAWING NO. AUSTRALIAN DRAimiG NO. * BH 0258 1 K.G.D.3337 ADD(S)2-157 BH 0392 1 M.G.A.3163 tt 142 * BH 0256 1 M.G.D.3164 •1 147 * BH 0260 1 M.G.D.3165 tt Ш * BH 0261 1 M.G.D.3166 II 143 • BH 0279 1 M.G.D.3302 ft 145 * BH 0294 1 M.G.D.33O3 n 150 * BH 0306 1 M.G.D.3304 If 146 * BH 0312 1 H.G.D.33O5 It 148 a BH 0266 1 M.G.D.3357 II 167 a BH 0274 1 M.G.D.3354 ft 160 a BH 0276 1 M.G.D.3349 ft 178 1 M.G.A.36O2 BH 0247 1 M.G.D.3341 ft 158-9 a BH 0255 1 M.G.D.3343 If 166 * BH 0265 1 M.G.D.3366 II 173 a BH 0275 1 M.G.A.3371 If 151 BH 0249 1 M.G.D.3342 П 154 * BH 0285 1 M.G.D.3368 It 152 a BH 0296 1 M.G.D.3369 ft 153 a BH 0278 1 M.G.D.3367 If 170 * BH 0287 1 M.G.D.3344 If 165 a BH 0399 1 M.G.D.36O1 <« 183 a BH 0290 1 K.G.D.3347 It 172 GUN, MACHINE, POLSTEN, 20-mm., MK.l
Viale С
PLATE REF. NO. DESIGNATION С 1 2 3 К. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 U 15 16 17 18 19 GOT, MACHINE, POLSTEN, 20-mm., MK.I (contd.) MAGHANISM, FIRING, MK.II assembly ... CASING, mechanism, firing, Mk.II ... CATCH, safety CATCH, sear . GUIDE, spring, interlock rod stop ... GUIDE, spring, sear catch... INSERT, casing, firing mechanism ... PIN, catch sear ... PIN, sear SEAR ... SPRING, catch, sear SPRING, stop, interlock rod SPRING, sear SPRING, trigger ... STOP, rod, interlock TRIGGER... PLUG, BODY, assembly CATCH, plug, body PLUG, body SCREW, catch, body plug ... Spring, plug, body
CATALOGUE КО. КО. то А SET BRITISH DRAWING NO. AUSTRALIAN DRAWING NO. Q ВИ 0395 1 M.G.A.3A10 ADD(S)2-187 cj * ...» ВН 0390 1 H.G.D.3AO8 1» 185 . •. * ВН 0263 1 M.G.D.33O8 It 131. ... * ВН 0261. 1 M.G.D.33O9 If 11.1 • • • * ВН 0270 1 K.G.D.331O »• 137 a • • • * ВН 0270 1 K.G.D.3310 It 137 и • • . * ВН 0391 1 M.G.D.31O9 It 186 •M ... * ВН 0280 1 M.G.D.3311 It 138 ss ... * ВН 0286 1 M.G.D.3312 If 136 M ... * ВН 0300 1 K.G.D.3313 It 135 . . . • ВН 0308 1 M.G.D.33U ft 130 4» • • • * ВН 0308 1 M.G.D.33U It 130 о ... * ВН 0313 1 M.G.D.3315 It 110 w t4 ... * ВН 0311 1 M.G.D.3162 ft 107 t. V* ... * ВН 0318 1 M.G.D.3316 ft 139 H • • •* ВН 0319 1 M.G.D.3317 It 133 M . .. * ВН 0288 1 M.G.A.3333 ft 126 a* ВН 0262 1 M.G.D.333A ft 128 ... ВН 0393 1 M.G.D.3335 It 127 • • .* ВН 0297 1 M.G.D.3336 ft 129 to .. .* ВН 0308 1 M.G.D.3311. If 130 в и p в 3 к
Viale D
PLATE REF. NO. DESIGNATION GUN, MACHINE, POLSTEN, 20-mm., MK.I (contd. D 1 PIN, cam, hamer ... 2 PIN, split, cotter 3 PIN, split, magazine catch lever ... RETAINER, BARREL, assembly... 4 HEAD, retainer, barrel ... 5 PIN, retainer, barrel 6 RETAINER, barrel 7 SLEEVE, retainer, barrel... 8 SPRING, retainer, barrel... 9 RETAINERcatch, magazine ... 10 SCRE1, stop, barrel casing... 11 SLEEVE, springs, barrel 12 SPRING, barrel, long 13 SPRING, barrel, short U SPRING, catch, magazine 15 SPRING, lever, double loading 16 SPRING, stop, barrel casing 17 STOP, casing, barrel
CATALOGUE NO. NO. TO A SET BRITISH DRAWING NO. AUSTRALIAN DRAWING NO. ... * BH 0278 1 M.G.D.3367 ADD(3)2-170 •. • * BH 0287 2 M.G.D.3344 Fl 165 • • • * BH 0287 1 M.G.D.3344 If 165 ... * BH 0291 1 M.G.A.3157 If 105 •. • * BH 0273 1 M.G.D.3158 ft 110 • • • * BH 0284 1 M.G.D.3159 ft 109 ... * BH 0292 1 M.G.D.3160 It 108 BH 0248 1 M.G.D.3161 ft 106 ... * BH 0311 1 M.G.D.3162 ft 107 ... * BH 0293 1 M.G.D.3355 ft 162 ... * BH 0299 1 M.G.D.335O ft 177 ... * BH 0301 1 M.G.D.3340 ft 171 ... * BH 0302 1 M.G.D.3375 ft 156 • • • ♦ BH 0303 1 M.G.D.3376 ft 155 ... * BH 0307 1 M.G.D.3356 ft 161 ... * BH 03Ю 1 M.G.D.3346 ft 174 - « - ♦ BH 0314 1 M.G.D.337O It 175 ... * BH 0316 1 M.G.D.3348 It 176 GUN, MACHINE, POLSTEN, 20-mm., MK.I
Mate E
PLATE REF. NO. DESIGNATION E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 • • • 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 MAGAZINE, 30-RD., 20-mm., POLSTEN, MK.I HANDLE, carrying ... ... ... ...> LEVER, loading ... ... ... ..., PLATE, bottom ... ... ... .... PLATFORM, LEFT, assembly ... ... ... । PLUNGER, interlock ... ... ...> PIN, keep, 1/16” x 1" SPRING, plunger, interlock ... .... WASHER, plunger, interlock ... .... PLATFORM, RIGHT, assembly ... ... ... i RIVET, handle carrying ... ... ... SPRING, PLATFORMS, assembly... ... .... CAP, spring, platforms SPRING, platforms, first leaf SPRING, platforms, second leaf SPRING, platforms, third leaf SPRING, platforms, fourth leaf SPRING, platforms, fifth leaf (assembled with stud) RIVET, semi-tubular, oval head, No.11 S.W.G. x 7/32" RIVET, semi-tubular, oval head, No.11 S.W.G. x 11/64” RIVET, semi-tubular, oval head, No.11 S.W.G. x 5/52"
CATALOGUE NO. NO.TO A SET BRITISH DRAWING NO. AUSTRALIAN DRAWING NO. BH 1451 1 DD(E)35O5 ADD (3)4-100 BH U55 1 M.G.D.3A22 n 122 BH 1456 1 M.G.D.3A23 It 143 BH 1467 1 H.G.D.3434 n 144 BH U52 1 M.G.A.3449 tt 128 BH 1457 1 M.G.D.3435 11 132 G1/GAO8O1 1 BH 1465 1 M.G.D.3U2 tt 133 BH 1466 1 M.G.D.3U4 ft 134 BH 1453 1 M.G.A.3451 ft 124 BH 1458 2 M.G.D.3436 w 123 BH 1A54 2 M.G.A.3452 ft 135 BH 1468 8 M.G.D.3453 tt 141 BH 1459 2 M.G.D.3437 tt 136 BH 1460 6 M.G.D.3438 tt 137 BH 1461 2 M.G.D.J439 n 138 BH 1462 12 M.G.D.3A40 ft 139 (BH 1463 2 M.G.D.3441 ft 140 and 3454 BH 1469 24 BH 1464 18 BH 1470 24 MAGAZINE 30rd., 20-mm., POLSTEN, MK.I
о У!late F
PLATE REF. NO. DESIGNATION F BOX, magazine, 30 rd., Polsten, 20 ran., M.G.,Mk.I BOX, snail parts, Polsten, 20 шп., M.G. (Aust.), Mk.I (Filled) BOX, small parts, Polsten, 20 m., M.G.,(Aust.), Mk.I (Empty) BOX, spare parts and tools, Polsten, 20 nm., M.G. (Aust.),Mk.I (Filled) BOX, spare parts and tools, Polsten, 20 npn., M.G. (Aust.),Mk.I (Empty) CAN, lubricating, No.J, Mk.II (Aust.) GLOVES, asbestos, Polsten, 20 mm., M.G., Mk.I
еоо© О
PLATE REF. NO. DESIGNATION G 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 U 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2J, 25 BOOK, Gun History CASE, bent block breech, Pols ten, 20 mm. M.G. (Aust.) Mk.I * COVER, muzzle, Polsten 20 mm., M.G. MK.I. * ROLL Tools, Polsten,20 mm., M.G.,(Aust.) Mk.I (Filled) * ROLL Tools, Polsten,20 mm., M.G.,(Aust.) (Empty) * AWL, Polsten, 20 mm.,M.G.,Mk.I * BRUSH, oil CAN, oil, M.G., Mk.I * CASE, reflector, mirror ,20 ши.,M.G. * DRIFT, Polsten, 20 mm.,M.G.,Mk.I * HAMMER, M.G., Mk.I * PLIERS, Polsten, 20 mm., M.G.,(Aust.) Mk.I * PUNCH, Polsten, 20 mm.,M.G. Mk.I * PUNCH, centre, Polsten, 20 mm., M.G., Mk.I * PLUG, clearing, Polsten, 20 mm., M.G.,Mk.I * REFLECTOR, mirror, 20 mm., M.G. * ROD, cleaning, Oerliken-Polsten, 20 mm., M.G. (complete) * BRUSH « CAP, handle * EXTENSION * HANDLE * BEAD, ejector ♦ RAG-END * SCREWDRIVER, Polsten, 20 mm., MwG.^k.I * SPANNER, adjustable, Polsten, 20 mm., M.G., (Aust.), Mk.I * TOOL, combination, Polsten, 20 mm., M.G., Mk.I. * WAI VET history book for mm guns *
CATALOGUE NUMBER NO. TO A SET BRITISH DRAUNG NUMBER AUSTRALIAN DRATDC NUMBER 1 CAA.0A02 1 ADD(S)51O BH.1222 1 DD(E)3592 " 512 CAA.3AO1 1 " 526 CAA.3AOO 1 " 506 BH.0378 1 ПНВ)353О " 509 BH.1216 1 " 5A3 BD.O133 1 S.A.I.D.999A BH.1256 1 DD(B)3512 вн.озво 1 " 3533 BD.2000 1 З.А.1.П1Э99А CAA.3OO2 1 ADD(3)5U BH.0376 1 DD(B)3519 BH.0377 1 " 3518 BH.12U 1 • 3528 BH.1255 1 • 3511 BH.1232 1 ADD (3) 12- 100 BH.1233 1 " 106 CAA.3AO2 1 " 112 ВН.1234 3 " 116 BE. 1235 1 " 109 ВИ.1236 1 " 113 BH.1237 1 " 101 BH.0379 1 ADD(3)51d CAA.3602 1 " 5A2 BH.O375 1 DD(B)3329 CAA-UOO 1 ACCESSORIES: GUN, MACHINE, POLSTEN, 20-mm
§ 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Т1 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 I CATAIXXJUB МО. 5gS>|ag|«5S§S5^3SS333g§S33§S I ЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕВЕЕЙЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЙЕЕ S S 10 10 в 7 8 9 7 10 9 10 10 8 10 9 7 10 9J0 8 9 10 7 10 7 9 9 13 13 13 13 13 13 9 9 8 9 9 7 7 8 13 13 13 CATALOGUE МО. Б8 8й»« Petes' 888 888 8 8 0 00 ooco 0 0000000800 00 00 00 0000 0000 0 0 -- »- — E E E ЕЕ E E E E EEEEE E E E ЙЕЕЕ EE EE EE « ®E EE E EE EE EEE E E EE E £ КЧКЧ CO О « ь-к KK S.COC N. CO « (Л Ю ко Ю® ® N 2 в O\ NO <0 СЛ 2 ChNCO О N CO в© §2 Б8 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888 § га Е Е Е Е « ЕЕ ESE Е Е Е ЕйЕЕ ЙЕ ЕЕ ЕЕЕ ЕЕ g Е Е Е Е SEE ЕЕ В ЕЕ® Е