Author: Zhengyan L.   Chuanrong L.  

Tags: mathematics  

ISBN: 0-7923-4219-4

Year: 1996

                    Mathematics and Its Applications
Limit Theory for Mixing Dependent Random
Department of Mathematics,
Hangzhou University,
Hangzhou, People's Republic of China
For many practical problems, observations are not independent. In this book,
limit behaviour of an important kind of dependent random variables, the so-called
mixing random variables, is studied. Many profound results are given, which
cover recent developments in this subject, such as basic properties of mixing
variables, powerful probability and moment inequalities, weak convergence and
strong convergence (approximation), limit behaviour of some statistics with a
mixing sample, and many useful tools are provided.
This volume will be of interest to researchers and graduate students in the field
of probability and statistics, whose work involves dependent data (variables).
ISBN 0-7923-4219-4
Science Press

Mathematics and Its Application Managing Editor: M. HAZEWINKEL Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Volume 378
Limit Theory for Mixing Dependent Random Variables by Lin Zhengyan and Lu Chuanrong Department of Mathematics, Hangzhou University, Hangzhou, The People's Republic of China й Science Press New York/Beijing Kluwer Academic Publishers Dordrecht/Boston/London
A CLP. Catalogue record for this book is available form the Library of Congress ISBN 1-880132-27-5 ISBN 0-7923-4219-4 Kluwer Academic Publishers incorporates the publishing programmes of D. Reidel, Martinas Nijhoff, Dr. W. Junk and MTP Press. Sold and distributed in the U.S.A. and Canada by Kluwer Academic Publishers, 101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061, U.S.A. Sold and distributed in the People's Republic of China by Science Press, Beijing. In all other countries, sold and distributed by Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, P.O. Box 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. All Rights Reserved ©1996 by Science Press and Kluwer Academic Publishers. No part of the material protected by this copyright notice may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the copyright owners. Printed in Beijing
SERIES EDITOR'S PREFACE 'Et moi, ..., si j'avait su comment en revenir, One service methematics has rendered the je n'y serais point alle.' human race. It has put common sense back Jules Verne where it belongs, on the topmost shelf next to the dusty canister labelled 'discarded non- The series is divergent; therefore we may be , secse . able to do something with it. τ-· · m r> » Eric T. Bell O.Heaviside Mathematics is a tool for thought. A highly necessary tool in a world where both feedback and nonlinearities abound. Similarly, all kinds of parts of mathematics serve as tools for other parts and for other sciences. Applying a simple rewriting rule to the quote on the right above one finds such statements as: 'One service topology has rendered mathematical physics ...'; 'One service logic has rendered computer science ...'; 'One service category theory has rendered mathematics ...'. All arguable true. And all statements obtainable this way form part of the raison d'etre of this series. This series, Mathematics and Its Applications, started in 1977. Now that over one hundred volumes have appeared it seems opportune to reexamine its scope. At the time I wrote "Growing specialization and diversification have brought a host of monographs and textbooks on increasingly specialized topics. However, the 'tree' of knowledge of mathematics and related fields does not grow only by putting forth new branches. It also happens, quite often in fact, that branches which were thought to be completely disparate are suddenly seen to be related. Further, the kind and level of sophistication of mathematics applied in various sciences has changed drastically in recent years: measure theory is used (non-trivially) in regional and theoretical economics; algebraic geometry interacts with physics; the Minkowsky lemma, coding theory and the structure of water meet one another in packing and covering theory; quantume fields, crystal defects anf mathematical programming profit from homotopy theory; Lie algebras are relevant to filtering; and prediction and electrial engineering can use Stein spaces. And in addition to this there are such new emerging subdisciplines as "experimental methematics', 'CFD', 'completely integrable systems', 'chaos, synergetics and large-scale order', which are almost impossible to fit into the existing classification schemes. They draw upon widely different sections of mathematics." By and large, all this this still applies today. It is still true that at first sight mathematics seems rather fragmented and that to find, see, and exploit the deeper underlying interrelations more effort is needed and so are books that can help mathematicians and scientists do so. Accordingly MIA will continue to try to make such book available. If anything, the description I gave in 1977 is now an understatement. To the examples of interaction areas one should add string theory where Riemann surfaces, algebraic geometry, modular functions, knots, quantum field theory, Kac-Moody algebras, monstrous moonshine (and more) all come together. And to the examples of things which can be usefully applied let me add the topic 'finite geometry'; a combination of words which sounds like it might not even exist, let alone be applicable. And yet it is being applied: to statistics via designs, to radar/sonar detection arrays (via finite projective planes), and to bus connections of VLSI chips (via difference sets). There seems to
be no part of (so-called pure) mathematics that is not in immediate danger of being applied. And, accordingly, the applied mathematician needs to be aware of much more. Besides analysis and numerics, the traditional workhorses, he may need all kinds of combinatorics, algebra, probability, and so on. In addition, the applied scientist needs to cope increasingly with the nonlinear world and the extra mathematical sophistication that this requires. For that is where the rewards are. Linear models are honest and a bit sad and depressing: proportional efforts and results. It is in the nonlinear world that infinitesimal inputs may result in macroscopic outputs (or vice versa). To appreciate what I sm hinting at; if electronics were linear we would have no fun with transistors and computers; we would have no TV; in fact you would not be reading these lines. There is also no safety in ignoring such outlandish things as nonstandard analysis, superspace and anticommuting integration, p-adic and ultrametric space. All three have applications in both electrical engineering and physics. Once, complex numbers were equally outlandish, but they frequently proved the shortest path between 'real' results. Similarly, the first two topics named have already provided a number of 'wormhole' paths. There is no telling where all this is leading-fortunately. Thus the original scope of the series, which for various (sound) reasons now comprises five subseries: white (Japan), yellow (China), red (USSR), blue (Eastern Europe), and green (everything else), still applies. It has been enlarged a bit to include book treating of the tools from one subdiscipline which are used in others. Thus the series still aims at books dealing with: - a central concept which plays an improtant role in several different mathematical and/or scientific specialization areas; - New applications of the results and ideas from one area of scientific endeavour into another; - influences which the results, problems and concepts of one field of enquiry have, and have had, on the development of another. The present volume, one of the first in the 'Chinese subseries' of MIA, also appropriately enough, one dealing with fundamental issues: interrelations between logic and computer science. The advent of computers has sparked off revived interest in a host of fundamental issues in science and mathematics such as computability, recursiveness, computational complexity and automated theorem proving to which latter topic ths author has made seminal contributions for which he was awarded the ATP prize in 1982. It is a pleasure to welcome this volume in this series. The shortest path between two truths in the real domain passes through the complex domain J. Hadamard La physique ne nous donne pas seulement ;Occasion de resoudr des problemes ... elle nous fait presentir la solution. H. Poincare Never lend books, for no one ever returns them; the only books I have in my library are books that other folk have lent me. Anatole France The function of an expert is not to be more right than other people, but to be wrong for more sophisticated reasons. David Butler Bussum, August 1989 Michiel Hazewinkel
Preface The classical limit theorems of probability theory for independent random variables had been developed successfully in the thirties and forties. The basic results were summed up in Gnedenko and Kolmogorov's monograph "Limit Distributions for Sums of Indenpendent Random Variables " (1954) and Petrov's monograph "Sums of Independent Random Variables " (1975) . The modern limit theorems of probability theory, such as weak convergence of probability measures and strong approximations etc, have been studied by many authors since the fifties. The limit theory for weakly dependent random variables was also discussed deeply. In fact, the limit distributions of,sums for non-independent random variables were studied early by some probabilitists and statisticians, such as Bernstein (1927), Hopf (1937), Hoeffding and Robbins (1948), etc. The dependence of random variables as a concept is developed not only in some branches of probability theory and mathematical statistics, such as Markov chains, random field theory and time series analysis, etc, but also appears in many practical problems. Although the assumption of independence is reasonable sometimes, it is difficult to check the independence of a sample. Moreover in many practical problems, the samples are not independent observations. The definition of strong mixing (α-mixing) was first introduced by Rosenblatt (1956). Ibragimov (1959), Rozanov and Volconski (1959) also introduced this concept independently at the same time as they introduced the definition of ^-mixing. The definition of />mixing was introduced by Kolmogorov and Rozanov (1960). All these concepts describe the asymptotic independence of random variables when the difference of their indices goes to infinity. The 1971 monograph by Ibragimov and Linnik, "Independent and Stationary Sequence of Random Variables " summed up main results of convergence in distribution for a mixing sequence up to the sixties. Since the theory of weak convergence of probability measures appears, particularly, following the monograph by Billingsley," Convergence of Probability Measures "(1968), the weak convergence for a sequence of mixing random variables attracts the attentions of many authors and some
viii Preface ideal results have been obtained. The theory of strong approximations for a sequence of dependent random variables is discussed systematically in Philipp and Stout's monograph"AImost Sure Invariance Principle for Partial Sums of Weakly Dependent Random Variables " (1975). The results of this monograph have been improved comprehensively by us. The modern limit theory for a sequence of mixing random variables has been studied deeply by many authors. This book will introduce them comprehensively, including Z. Y. Lin, C. R. Lu and Q. M. Shao's work for the weak convergence and strong approximations. The book consists of four parts. The first part contains two chapters. We shall introduce the definitions of various mixing sequences and give a series of inequalities for mixing random variables, some of them are due to Shao. These inequalities are indispensable tools for the proofs of various limit theorems. In the second part, which is separated into five chapters, the weak convergence, Berry-Esseen inequality and the rate of weak convergence are discussed. Some ideal results, such as weak convergence of /9-mixing sequences, will be introduced. In the third part, the almost sure convergence and strong approximations for the mixing random variables are studied. There are four chapters in this part. Some best results will be presented, such as strong approximations of partial sums for mixing sequences, which are done by Shao and Lu; the limiting behaviour of the increments of partial sums for a mixing sequence is obtained by Lin, et al. In the fourth part, the weak convergence and strong approximations for some statistics with mixing dependent samples and some other kinds of dependent random variables are studied. Most results are profound. Our best thanks are due to Dr. Q. M. Shao, whose results enrich greatly the book. We also want to thank all colleagues who help us to complete the book. We express our most gratitude to National Science Foundation of China and Zhejiang Province for their financial supports as well. Lin, Ζ. Υ. Lu, С R. Hangzhou University, May 1996
Contents Preface vii Part I Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Definitions and Basic Inequalities 3 1.1 Definitions 3 1.2 Basic inequalities 7 Chapter 2 Moment Estimations of Partial Sums 15 2.1 Variances of partial sums 15 2.2 Further inequalitis 24 Part II Weak Convergence 39 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences 41 3.1 Necessary and sufficient conditions for the CLT 41 3.2 Sufficient conditions for CLT and WIP 51 3.3 The CLT and WIP when the variance is infinite 63 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for ρ -mixing Sequences 71 4.1 The WIP when the moments of order 2 are finite 73 4.2 The WIP when moments of higher than two orders 78 4.3 A generalized result when moments of higher than two orders 88 4.4 The WIP when the variance is infinite 104 Chapter 5 Weak Convergence for φ -mixing Sequences 123 5.1 The WIP when the moments of order 2 are finite 124 5.2 The Ibragimov-Linnik-Iosifescu conjecture 136 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields 141 6.1 The CLT for mixing random fields 141 6.2 Convergence of finite dimensional distributions 149 6.3 Tightness 160
X Contents Chapter 7 The Berry-Esseen Inequality and the Rate of Weak Convergence 169 7.1 Rate of convergence in distribution for a-mixing and /o-mixing sequences 169 7.2 The rate of weak convergence for a (^-mixing sequence 181 Part III Almost Sure Convergence and Strong Approximations 189 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Complete Convergence 191 8.1 Weak law of large numbers 191 8.2 Strong laws of large numbers 199 8.3 Complete convergence for (^-mixing sequences 201 8.4 Complete convergence for /o-mixing sequences 208 8.5 Complete convergence for α-mixing sequences 222 8.6 A further discussion on the complete convergence 231 Chapter 9 Strong Approximations 241 9.1 Strong approximations for a <£-mixing sequence 241 9.2 Strong approximations for a p-mixing sequence 247 9.3 Strong approximations for a α-mixing sequence 263 Chapter 10 The Increments of Partial Sums 269 10.1 Some lemmas 269 10.2 How big are the increments when the moment generation functions exist? 277 10.3 How big are the increments when the moment generating functions do not exist? 283 Chapter 11 Strong Approximations· for Mixing Random Fields 287 11.1 Strong approximations of a <£>-mixing random field 288 11.2 Strong approximations of a a -mixing random fields 301 Part IV Statistics of a Dependent Sample 309 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes : 311 12.1 Weak convergence 312 12.2 Weighted weak convergence 317 12.3 Strong approximations 331 12.4 Moduli of continuity of empirical processes 341
Contents XI Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample 347 13.1 U-Statistics 347 13.2 Error variance estimations in linear models 360 13.3 Density estimations 369 Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds of Dependent Random Variables 379 14.1 Lacunary trigonometric series with weights 379 14.2 A class of Gaussian sequences 392 14.3 The non-negative additive functional of a Markov process ... 397 Appendix 406 References 409 Index :: 425
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Part I Introduction In this part, we introduce some common and important definitions of weakly dependent random variables, establish some bounds of covariances for the various mixing sequences, and also discuss the relations between each other for different definitions. These will be given in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, we give the estimations of some kind of moments of partial sums of a mixing sequence, which play important roles in the limit theorems and will be used often.
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Chapter 1 Definitions and Basic Inequalities In this book, we always assume that {Xn, η > 1} is a sequence of random variables defined on a probability space (Ω,.77, Ρ). There are many ways to describe weak dependence or asymptotic independence of {Xn}· In Section 1.1, we give some common and important definitions of this kind. In Section 1.2, some basic inequalities on covariances of {Xn} are established, which are useful for studying limit properties of {Xn}· In these sections, we also discuss the relations between each other for different definitions. 1.1 Definitions Let A and В be sub-a-fields of T, LP(A) a set of all A-measurable random variables with p-th moments. Define a(A,B) = sup \P(AB) - P(A)P(B)l Аел,вев \EXY - EXEY\ p(A,B)= sup J— =-+, xeL2(A),YeL2(B) ν VarX УагУ φ(Α,Β)= sup \P(B\A) - P(B)l АеА,вев,Р(А)>о «*»>= -p |P(AB>-;((T(B)' AeA,BeB,P(A)P(B)>0 ^ΚΑΗ\ΰ) β(Α,Β) = E(tv<iTBeB\P(B\A) - P(S)|), ил*\ \ΕΧΥ-ΕΧΕΥ\ \(А9В) = sup l-— rr— ί, XeL1/a(A),YeL1/fi(B) \\Λ \\ΐ/α\\Υ\\1/β where tvar means total variation and ||-X"||P = (i£|X|p) . Let T\ = σ(Χ%ι α < г < Ь), Ζ a set of all integers, Z+ a set of all non-negative integers, N a set of all positive integers. Some commom and important
4 Chapter 1 Definitions and Basic Inequalities definitions of mixing sequences are as follows: Definition 1.1.1. A sequence {Xn, η > 1} is said to be a-mixing or strong mixing if a(n) = supa(^,^+n) —► 0 asn->oo. fcGN Definition 1.1.2. A sequence {Xn, η > 1} is said to be p-mixing if p(n) = supp(JFf ,jF°^n) -+0 as η -► oo. fcGN Definition 1.1.3. A sequence {Χη·, η > 1} is said to be φ-mixing от uniformly strong mixing if φ(η) = sup^JF^jF^J -+0 as η -^ oo. fcGN Definition 1.1.4. A sequence {Χη·, η > 1} is said to be ф-mixing or *-mixing if ф{п) = supV^^^J -► 0 as η -^ oo. fcGN Definition 1.1.5. A sequence {Xn, η > 1} is said to be absolutely regular if β{η) = ΒχιρβίΓΪ,Γ&η) -> 0 as η -н. оо. fcGN Definition 1.1.6. Let 0 < α,/3 < 1,α + /3= 1. A sequence {Xn, η > 1} is said to be (α,/З) -mixing if A(n) = supA(^f,^7^n) —► 0 as η —> oo. fcGN Remark 1.1.1. The versions of the above definitions for a sequence with time-parameter set R+ or i? or Ζ are trivial. Remark 1.1.2. The concept of α-mixing was introduced by Rosenblatt (1956). The concept of p-mixing was introduced by Kolmogorov and Rozanov (1960). Dobrushin (1956) first introduced the definition of (^-mixing for a Markov process. This definition for a stationary process was presented by Ibragimov(1959) and Rozanov and Volconski (1959) respectively (one can also trace back to Hirschfeld 1935 and Gebelein 1941).
1.1 Definitions 5 Absolute regularity was introduced by Kolmogorov (1959),(cf. Rosanov and Volconski 1959). Blum, Hanson and Koopmans (1963) presented the concept of ^-mixing, (a, /3)-mixing was introduced by Bradley (1985a) and Shao( 1989a) independently. Remark 1.1.3. Doob(1953) showed that a Doeblin irreducible Markov chain is (^-mixing with φ{η) < abn for some a > 0 and 0 < b < 1; Rosenblatt (1971) showed that a purely non-deterministic Markov chain is a- mixing; Davydov (1973) gave a class of Markov chains which are β-mixing. Remark 1.1.4. For simplicity, we always assume that the mixing coefficients α(η),ρ{η), · · ·,λ(η) all are non-increasing. It is clear from the definitions that p(n) = А1/2д/2(п), λι|0(η) = φ(η) < ψ(η), and further ol{ti) < p{n) by taking X — \a and Υ = 1# in the definition of p-mixing. Kolmogorov and Rozanov (1960) investigated the relation between a- mixing and /o-mixing for a Gaussian sequence. Theorem 1.1.1. For a Gaussian sequence {Χη·, η > 1}, we have Proof. The former inequality is obvious. For any ε > 0, there exist two normal random variables X G /^(.Т7^), Υ G L2{F%.n) such that EX = EY = 0, VarX = УагУ = 1 and r:=EXY>p{Tl^n)-e. Noting that A := {X > 0} G T\, Β := {Υ > 0} G Τ^η, we have P(AB) = - + — arcsinr, P(A)P(B) = - (1.1.1) 4 2π 4 by elementary calculations (see Cramer 1946, p.290). If θί{Τ^^ T^_n) > |, it is clear that if α{ΤΊ,^+η) < i, by (1.1.1) we obtain «(^i.^lb+n) > ^(^B) - ^)P(B) = ^-arcsinr,
6 Chapter 1 Definitions and Basic Inequalities which implies Ρ(^ι^^-η) -£<r< sin2na < 2πα. The theorem is proved by arbitrariness of ε. Kolmogorov and Rozanov (1960) also studied the relation between the spectral function of a (weakly) stationary sequence and /9-mixing property. At first, we give some notations and concepts about a stationary sequence {Xn, η £ N}. Let the covariance function of {Xn} R(n) = ЕХшХш+п. By the Herglotz theorem, there exists the spectral resolution for R(n) as follows: R(n)= Г einXdF{\), J—π where ^(λ) is called the spectral function of the stationary sequence. When the spectral function is absolutely continuous, its derivative /(λ) = ^'(λ) is called the spectral density of the stationary sequence. Theorem 1.1.2. If the spectral function of a stationary sequence is not absolutely continuous, then p{n) = 1, i.e. the sequence is not p-mixing. Conversely, if the spectral function is absolutely continuous, then p(n) = inf ess sup|/(A) - eiXnh(e-iX)\/f(X), h χ \ I where the inf is extended over all functions which is analytically continuable in unit circle; and further, if there exists an analytic function ho(z) in unit circle with the boundary value ho(e~lX) such that |/(А)//г-о(в~~гА)| > ε > 0 and (f(X)/ho(e~lX)p ' is bounded uniformly, then p(n) < cn~ for some с > 0. In particular, when /(λ) is a rational function of егА, p{n) = e~m for some с > 0. The Proof of Theorem 1.1.2 is omitted (Kolmogorov, Rozanov 1960).
1.2 Basic inequalities 7 1.2 Basic inequalities Let X be -F^ measurable and У be ^+n measurable. In this section, we establish some bounds of the covariance Cov(X, Y) EXY — EXEY for the various mixing sequences. At first, we consider the α-mixing case. oo Lemma 1.2.1. Let {Xn,n G Z} be an α-mixing sequence, X G ,F_C and Υ G T^+n with \X\ < Cx and \Y\ < C2. Then \EXY - EXEY\ < ACxC2a(n). (1.2.1) Proof. By the property of conditional expectation, we have \EXY - EXEY\ = lEiXiEiY]^^) - EY)}\ < CtElEiYlJ*^) - EY\ = 01\Εξ{Ε(χ\1*00)-ΕΥ}\, where £ = sgn^rlJF^) _ EY) G ft^, i.e. \EXY - EXEY\ < Οι\ΕξΥ - ΕξΕΥ\. With the same argument procedure it follows that \EiY - EiEY\ < 02\Εξη - Ε£Εη\, where η = sgn (Ε(ξ\Τ^.η) - Εξ). Therefore \EXY - EXEY\ < СхС2\Е^ - ΕξΕη\. (1.2.2) Put A = {ξ = 1}, Β = {η = 1}. It is clear that A G J*^ В G F%°+n. Using the definition of α-mixing, we obtain \Εϊη-Ε£Εη\ = \P(AB) + P(ACBC) - P(ACB) - P(ABC) - (P(A) - P(AC))(P(B) - P(B<))\ < 4a(n). Inserting it into (1.2.2) yields (1.2.1).
8 Chapter 1 Definitions and Basic Inequalities Lemma 1.2.2. Let {Xn?^ € ^} be an α-mixing sequence, X G and Υ G J^n тай E\X\* < oo /or some p>\ and \Y\ < С Then \EXY - EXEY\ < 6C\\X\\p(a(n))1/q, (1.2.3) where 1/p + l/q = 1. Proof. Let XN = XI(\X\ < N), X'N = X - XN. Write \EXY - EXEY\ < \EXNY - EXNEY\ + \EX'NY - EX'NEY\. By Lemma 1.2.1, \EXNY - EXNEY\ < 4CNa(n). For the second term of the right hand side of the above inequality, we have \EX'NY - EX'NEY\ < 2CE\X'N\ < 2CN~P+1E\X\P. Taking Ν = ||Χ||ρ(α(η))-χ/ρ yields (1.2.3). For a random variable X and a continuous non-decreasing function f(x) on R+ with /(0) = 0, which doesn't identically equal to zero, define \\X\\f = inf{t > 0,Ef(\X\/t) < 1}. From this definition, it is easy to know that \\X\\f = 0^1 = 0 a.s. (1.2.4) and if 0 < \\X\\f < oo, then Ef(\X\/\\X\\f) < 1. Moreover, if \Хг\ < \X2\ a.s., then HJsTxIl/ < ||Х2||/. Lemma 1.2.3. Let {Χη·> η G Ζ} be an α-mixing sequence, X G ^ΐοο, Υ G ^+n, f(x) and g{x) be two continuous functions on R+ with /(0) = #(0) = 0, f(x)/x~ /* oo and g(x)/x « /" oo for some r > 0,s > 0,\\X\\f < oo,\\Y\\g < oo. Then \EXY - EXEY\ < 10inv/(—Ц) mvg(-^-)a(n)\\X\\f\\Y\\g. (1.2.5) Proof. It is easy to see that E\X\1+s/r < oo and E\Y\1+rls < oo by the conditions of the lemma . If either ||X||/ = 0 or \\Y\\g = 0, (1.2.4) implies that (1.2.5) holds. If a(n) = 0, (1.2.5) is trivial by independence of X and Y. Now we assume that ||X||/ > 0, \\Y\\g > 0 and a(n) > 0. There are Μ > 0 and TV > 0 such that a(n) = l/f(M/\\X\\f) = \/g{N/\\Y\\g).
1.2 Basic inequalities 9 Let XM = XI{\X\ < M), X'M = X-XM, YN = YI(\Y\<N), Y'N = Y-YN. We have \EXY - EXEY\ < \EXmYn - EXMEYN\ + \EX'MYN - EX'MEYN\ + \EXmYn ~ EXMEY'N\ + \EX'MY'N - EX'MEY'N\ =: h + I2 + I3 + h. (1.2.6) By Lemma 1.2.1, Ix < 4MNa(n). Noting that f(x)/x / oo and g{x)/x / oo, we have E\X'M\ = E(\XM\/\\XM\\f)\\x'M\\f <Ef(\x'M\/\\XM\\f)M/f(M/\\XM\\f) < M/f(M/\\X\\f). Therefore h < 2MN/f(M/\\X\\f) = 2inv/(^) invg(^)a(n)\\X\\f\\Y\\g. Similarly, we have the same estimation for /3. Furthermore, noting that f(x)/x~^~ / 00 and g(x)/x~ / 00, we have ex'my'n < (е{\хм\/\\х'мЬ)^)^ •(Bd^l/H^rlW^J^II^II/lll^ll, ■MN/(f(M/\\X'M\\f))^(g(N/\\Y^\\g))^ < MN/(f(M/\\X\\f))^ (g(N/\\Y\\g))^. Hence h < 2ΜΝ/(/(Μ/||Χ||/))*(!,(]ν/||Κ||ι,))* ^ata"(55o)te"(5So)°<-)'Ar«''yb·
10 Chapter 1 Definitions and Basic Inequalities Now, inserting these estimations into (1.2.6) yields (1.2.5). As some consequences of this lemma, we have Lemma 1.2.4. Let {Xn? τι G Z} be an α-mixing sequence, X G J7-^ and Υ G T^_n with E\X\* < oo and E\Y\4 < oo, \ + \ < 1. Then \EXY - EXEY\ < 10\\Χ\\ρ\\Υ\\4(α(η)γ-ρ-<. (1.2.7) Lemma 1.2.5. Let {Xn, τι G Z} be an α-mixing sequence, X G ^oo and У G ^n ιΐ7*ίΛ Ε\Χ\2+δ < d,E\Y\2+6 < C2. Then \EXY - EXEY\ < 10(CiC2)^b(a(n))^. (1.2.8) For an (a,/3)-mixing sequence and a /o-mixing sequence, we have the following lemmas. Lemma 1.2.6. Let {Χη, η G Ζ} be an (a^P)-mixing sequence, X G lp(P-oo) and Y ^ Lqi^k+n) with P,4>1 and 1/P + 1/9 = 1· Then \EXY - EXEY\ < 4\(n)^AW-*\\X\\p\\Y\\q. (1.2.9) Proof. Without loss of generality, assume that ap > 1, which implies that βς < 1. Put Fx = YI(\Y\ < С), У2 = У-УЬ where С is a positive constant specified later on. Write \EXY - EXEY\ < \ΕΧΥλ - EXEYX\ + \EXY2 - EXEY2\. (1.2.10) By the definition of (a, /3)-mixing and the Holder inequality \EXYX - ΕΧΕΥ,Ι < λ(η)||Λ:||1/β||^||1//9 < Цп^-ецхигце*, \ΕΧΥ2\ < {E\Y2\qY~^(E\X\a^\Y2\^)^ < {Ε\Υ2\«γ-^ (Ε\Χ\αΡΕ\Υ2\β(> + λ(η)(Ε\Χ\ηα(\Υ2\ηβ) " < (E\Y\qY-^ (E\X\apE\Y\"C-aq + \(η)(Ε\Χ\ρ)α(Ε\Υ\ηβ) ^ <\\x\\p\\Y\\4qc-i + xMn)\\x\\P\\Y\\q
1.2 Basic inequalities 11 and \exey2\ < \\x\\p\\y\\4c-*'». Inserting these estimations into (1.2.10) and taking С = \\Y\\q(X(n))~ 'aq we obtain (1.2.9). Let ρ = q = 2 in (1.2.9). It is easy to see that p(n) <4λ(η)^Λ^. (1.2.11) As a consequence of Lemma 1.2.6, noting that p(n) = X1/2,1/2(^)5 we have Lemma 1.2.7. Let {ХП5 η £ Z} be a p-mixing sequence, X G Lp^ll^) and Υ G Lq(T^_n) with p, q > 1 and 1/p + 1/g = 1. Then \EXY - EXEY\ < 4р(п)рАя\\Х\\р\\У\\д. For the (^-mixing case, we have the following three results. Lemma 1.2.8. Let {ХП5 η G Z} be αφ-mixing sequence, X G Lp(^00) and Υ G Ι/ρ(^^_η) with p,q > 1 and 1/p + 1/g = 1. Then \EXY - EXEY\ < 2(φ(ή))ρ\\Χ\\ρ\\Υ\\4. (1.2.12) Proof. At first, we assume that Xand Fare simple functions, i.e. X = YiaiIAi, Y = Y/bjIBj, where both Σί and Σ^ are finite sums and AiDAk = 0 (г ^ fc), BjDBi 0 (j # Z), Ai € ^те, β,- G JT~n. So EXY - EXEY = Y^aibjPiAiBj) - 53<цЬ,-Р(А*)Р(В,·).
12 Chapter 1 Definitions and Basic Inequalities By the Holder inequality we have \EXY-EXEY\ * 3 < (J2\ai\^P(Ai)y/P(j2P(Ai)\Zbj(P(Bj\Ai)-P(Bj))\'iy/q г г j <\\Х\\Р\^Р(А{)(£\Ъ1\*(Р(В№{) * j + р(В1)))(52\Р(вМг)-Р(в>)\)1р\< 3 <2V^X\\p\\Y\\qmaxfc\P(Bs\*)-P(Bj)\y/P· (1-2-13) 3 Note that £|Р(я,-|л<) - p(Bj)\ = {P{^BMi) ~ PiV+Bj)) j -(PiujBjW-PiujBA) < 2φ(η), (1.2.14) where the union U+(UJ) is carried out over j such that P(Bj\Ai)—P(Bj) > 0 (P(Bj\Ai) - P(Bj) < 0). Inserting (1.2.14) into (1.2.13) yields (1.2.12) for the simple function case. In order to complete the proof of the lemma, let (0 if XN = \k/N if |X| > N k/N < X < (k + 1)/N, \X\ < N; ■f , 0 if \Y\ > N. л k/N if k/N <Y <(k + 1)/N, \Y\ < N. We have showed that (1.2.12) is true for Xn and Yff. Moreover, note E\X-XN\p-^0, E\Y-YN\q -^0, asJV^co. Letting N —у со, we obtain (1.2.12) for the general case. Let ρ = q = 2 in (1.2.12). It is easy to see that p(n) < 2ψχΙ'2{η). (1.2.15) From the proof of Lemma 1.2.8, we can see that
1.2 Basic inequalities 13 к -oo Lemma 1.2.9. Let {Xn, η € Z} be a φ-mixing sequence, X £ T[ and Υ £ ^n with \X\ < Cx and \Y\ < C2. Then \EXY - EXEY\ < 2C1C2<p(n). (1.2.16) Let ρ = 1 and q = oo in (1.2.12). From Lemma 1.2.8, we also have Lemma 1.2.10. Let {Xn? η £ Z} be a φ-mixing sequence, X £ T1!^ and Υ £ JF^n with E\X\ < oo and \Y\ < С Then \EXY - EXEY\ < 20φ(η)Ε\Χ\. (1.2.17) Finally, we consider the -^-mixing case. Lemma 1.2.11. Let {ХП5 η £ Z} be a ψ-mixing sequence, X £ T^.^ and Υ £ Tjfi_n with E\X\ < oo and E\Y\ < oo. Then E\XY\ < oo and \EXY - EXEY\ < ψ(η)Ε\Χ\Ε\Υ\. (1.2.18) Proof. At first, we assume that X and Υ are non-negative simple functions. We have \EXY - EXEY\ = l^aibjiPiAiBj) - Р{А{)Р{В^))\ <Yjaibj^{n)P{Ai)P(Bj) ij = ψ(η)ΕΧΕΥ. From this, (1.2.18) holds for non-negative random variables X and Y. For the general case, write X = X+ — X~, Υ = Y+ — Y~. We have \EXY-EXEY\ < \EX+Y+ - EX+EY+\ + \EX+Y~ - EX+EY~\ + \EX~Y+ - EX~EY+\ + \EX~Y~ - EX~EY~\ < ψ(η)(ΕΧ+ + EX~){EY+ + EY~) <ψ(η)Ε\Χ\Ε\Υ\. Finally, we summarize the relations between one and another of variaous mixing properties. It is easy to verify that 2a(n) < β(η) < φ(η). (1.2.19)
14 Chapter 1 Definitions and Basic Inequalities With a necessary and sufficient condition for Markov processes to be ψ- mixing, one can show that a (^-mixing (Markov) sequence is not ^-mixing (Blum, Hanson and Koopmans 1963). Ibragimov and Solev (1969) given an example of a stationary α-mixing Gaussian process which is not β-mixing; such a process is /o-mixing but not /3-mixing. Davydov (1973) constructed a stationary α-mixing Markov process with less than geometric rate of decay of the mixing coefficients, which is not /o-mixing. It is possible that a geometrically ergodic Markov process which is not Doeblin recurrent is /3-mixing and not <£>-mixing (Andrews 1984). Combining these results and recalling Remark 1.1.4, (1.2.11) and (1.2.15) we have φ— mixing < \ψ— mixing { { # $ L β — mixing < >a — mixing и ρ— mixing^ / >a mixing ft λ — mixing
Chapter 2 Moment Estimations of Partial Sums The estimations of some kind of moments of partial sums of a mixing sequence play important roles in showing limit theorems. In Section 2.1, we give some forms of the variances of partial sums of mixing sequences of various kinds. Section 2.2 is devoted to deduce some inequalities for the moments of partial sums. In passing we also give some probability inequalities in this section. 2.1 Variances of partial sums Let {Xn-> η Ε Ζ} be a (weakly) stationary sequence with EX\ = 0, EX\ < oo. Put Sn = Σί=ιΧί- We investigate its variance VarS^. Let R(n) be the correlation function and F(X) be the spectral function of the sequence {Xn}· At first, we give the representations of VarSn by R(n) or F(X). Theorem 2.1.1. VarSn= Σ(η-|ίΊ)Λϋ), (2.1.1) \i\<n /π sin^ — ННЖ). (2.1.2) -π Sill ^ If the spectral function is absolutely continuous, i.e., there is a spectral density /(λ), and further, if /(λ) is continuous at λ = 0, then VarSn = 2π/(0)η + o(n) as η-^ oo. (2.1.3) The proof of the theorem can be found in the book of Ibragimov and Linnik (1971) and is not presented here.
16 Chapter 2 Moment Estimations of Partial Sums When a stationary sequence satisfies a certain mixing condition, VarSn possesses more evident form. Theorem 2.1.2. Suppose that a stationary sequence {Xn} i>s φ-mixing and VarSn —> oo as η —> oo. Then VarSn = nh(n), (2.1.4) where h(n) is a slowly varying function of η and its domain of definition can be extended to R such that h(x) is also slowly varying on R. Proof. We first prove that h{n) is slowly varying. Put σ2 = VarSn. Equivalently, we show that for every positive integer к ]ima2kn/a2n = k. (2.1.5) Let 0 — 2s X(j-l)n+(j-l)r+si J — 1? 2, · · ·, ft, s=l r Vj — 2s ^jn+(j-i)r+si J = l)2, ···,& — 1, s=l (k-l)r Vk = ~ 2s Xnk+si s=l where r = [loga2]. By Theorem 1.1.2, {Xn} possesses a spectral density /(λ). Using (2.1.2) we obtain J-* (sin2|j <n2 Γ f(X)d\. (2.1.6) J—π Hence r = O(logn). And further к σ\η = VarSfcn = Σ,Ε$ + 2Σ, Ε^ + Σ Et*H + Σ EWi- i2'1'7) By stationarity of the sequence, Εξ? = σ2 = VarSn. From Lemma 1.2.8, we have \Εξ&\ < M\i-J\r)1/2\M2\\tih < Mr)1/2*l (2-1.8)
2.1 Variances of partial sums 17 for г Ф j. Using the Schwarz inequality and (1.2.6), we have \E£mj\ < Ц&1ЫЫ12 = σησΓ = 0(anlogan), (2.1.9) \EtHVj\ < σΐ = 0((bgan)2). (2.1.10) Inserting (2.1.8), (2.1.9) and (2.1.10) into (2.1.7) and noting ψ{τ) = o(l) as η —> oo, we obtain which implies (2.1.5). Next, we prove that the domain of h(n) can be extended to R such that h(x) is also slowly varying on R. Recalling (2.1.6), we define /π oir|2 -ελ -rf/WA -π Sin"5 ^ h(x) = φ(χ)/χ. In order to show that h(x) is slowly varying, it is enough to verify that for any a > 0 lim φ(αχ)/φ(χ) = a. (2.1.11) x—»oo It is not difficult to know from the definition of φ that ψ(χ) = ψ([χ])(ΐ + o(l)) as χ —> oo. When α in (2.1.11) is an integer, we have 7Й" = ИМИ) ( + ( )} = ( + о(1))· Therefore, for a — p/q, where both ρ and q are integers, we obtain Um ^M = lim ^f) ^f) = Ρ = ™ φ(χ) x^L Щ) ф(д^) g For any positive real number a, put For any rational number а, V'lW = ^2 (a) by the above proof. Hence, it suffices to show that both ψι(χ) and -02(x) are continuous. Because ι ^((^ + ε)#) — φ (ax) I 1 ι /*π sin2^ _ч „ Г sinexAsinaxA < Г sin^ . . ιλ г* sinexAsinaxA г/лч ,л 7-π siir £ J-π 2siir£ V>(x) φ(εχ φ(χ) ^ V^1) 2 "_л лоххх 2
18 Chapter 2 Moment Estimations of Partial Sums it is enough to show that φ\{α) and -02(a) axe continuous at a = 0. Using Property A4 about a slowly varying function(see Appendix A), for ε > 0 small enough, we have φ(εχ) [ex]h($[x]) Φ) [x]h([x]) [i + °[i)) <e1/2(l + o(l)) as χ —> oo. Hence both ψ\{α) and V>2(a) are continuous at a = 0. Theorem 2.1.2 are proved. Remark 2.1.1. In the proof of Theorem 2.1.2, (^-mixing property is only used to give the inequality m+n+p E\sn Σ *i|<2<Kp)1/2||Sn||2||STO||2. j=n+p Then, for α-mixing case, we have also Theorem 2.1.3. Let {Xn} be a strictly stationary α-mixing sequence satisfying that ΕΧχ = 0, EX\ < oo, σ£ = ES% —► oo and {5^/σ^, η > 1} is integrable uniformly. Then the conclusions of Theorem 2.1.2 hold true. Proof. By the proof of Theorem 2.1.2 and Remark 2.1.1, it suffices to show the following facts. 1. al -> oo; 2. for any ε > 0, there exist ρ = ρ(ε), Ν = Ν (ε) such that m+n+p ESn Σ XJ\^ εο'ηο'πι if η, m > 7V(s). j=n+p The first fact is an assumption of the theorem. Consider the latter. From uniform integrability of {S^/σ^}, for any ε > 0, there exists а К > 0 such that for ρ large enough, /. S'JaidP<- Ka(p)< ε/16. Then, by Lemma 1.2.1, Schwarz's inequality and strict stationarity, we
2.1 Variances of partial sums 19 obtain \ESn 22 Xj\/σησΏ m+n+p Σ j=n+p < J\§*\< I c ι ι στη ' m+n+p ^n+p—1 Cm dP + / , v^| — \dP Ι ση l — >n m+n-p ^n+p—1 |>ν/]7 Vk ^m+n+p bn +P-1 dP η °m+n+p ~ ^n+p—1 dP l\s*\>y/K,\Sm+n+T s"+p-'|>7k| Ι ση ' — ' στη ' ~ < 4Κα(ρ) + ε/4 + ε/4 + ε/4 < ε. For a /o-mixing sequence, Peligrad (1982) showed the following general result. Denote Sk(n) = Sk+n - Sk = Ejijb+i Xl· Theorem 2.1.4. Let {Xn, η > 1} be a p-mixing sequence of random variables with EXn = 0. Assume that (i) supn EXl = al < oo; ("n^ .E5^ —► oo as η —> oo; ..... .. £Sjg(n) l ., _ . . (шу limn_^oo — * = 1 uniformly in k. &bn Then ESl = nfc(n), where h(n) is a slowly varying function and its domain of definition can be extended to R such that h{x) is also slowly varying on R. If, in addition, assume that (iv) Σ^=ιΡ(2η)<οο, then ESl/n -> σ2 > 0. In order to prove Theorem 2.1.4, we need the following lemma. Lemma 2.1.1. Let {ХП5 η > 1} be a p-mixing sequence with EXn = 0. // condition (i) in Theorem 2.1.4 i>s satisfied, then, for natural numbers p, g, m with p + q = m, (1 - p(n))(ESlm(p) + ES2km+p{q)) - d < ESlm{m) < (1 + p(n))(ES2km(p) + ESlm+p(q)) + d, (2.1.12)
20 Chapter 2 Moment Estimations of Partial Sums where к and η are positive integers and d = Ci(m,p,n) < 20σ*η2 + l2a0n(\\Skrn(p)\\2 + ||S*m+p(9)||2), and further (1 - p(n))1/2\\Skm(p)\\2 < \\Skm(m)\\2 + C2 (2.1.13) where C2 < 2σοη. Proof. By the definition of p-mixing, we have (q))2-(ESlm(p) + ES2km+p+i(q))\ < p(i)(ESlm(p) + ES2km+p+i(q)). (2.1.14) Noting that Skm+p+n(q) = Skm+p(q) - Skm+P(n) + 5(fc+1)m(n), we obtain \\Skm+p+n(q)\\2 = 115^^(9)112+^, (2.1.15) where |0i| < 2σοη. Hence, from (2.1.14) and (2.1.15), it follows that (1 - p(n))(ESlm(p) + ES2km+p(q) + 02) < E(Skm(p) + Skm+p+n(q)) < (1 + p(n))(ES2km(p) + ES2km+p(q) + θ2), (2.1.16) where \θ2\ < 4σ^η2 + 4a0n\\Skm+p(q)\\2. Write Skm(m) = Skm(p) + Skm+P(n) + Skm+p+n(q) - 5,(fc+1)m(n). Then ||5fcm(m)||2 = \\Skm(p) + Skm+p+n(q)\\2 + θ3, (2.1.17) where |03| < 2σ0η. Hence ESlm(m) = E(Skm(p) + Skm+p+n(q))2 + θ4, where \θ4\ < ΥΙσΙη2 +4a0n(||5fcm(p)||2 + ||5fcm+p(9)||2). Inserting it into (2.1.16) we obtain (2.1.12), where d = max(|(l - ρ{η))θ2 + ΘΛ\, |(1 + ρ{η))θ2 + θ4\) < ΊΟσΙ,η2 + 12a0n(\\Skm(p)\\2 + \\Skm+p(q)\\2). We turn to (2.1.13). (2.1.14) implies (1 - p(n))ES2m(p) < E(Skm(p) + Skm+p+n(q))2. Then (2.1.13) is showed from (2.1.17).
2.1 Variances of partial sums 21 Proof of Theorem 2.1.4. At first, we prove that for any h £ N \imQES2hJESl = h. (2.1.18) By (2.1.12) with к = 0, m = hn, ρ = (h - l)n, q = η, η = [(SS*)1/3], we have (1 - p(n))(ESfh_l)n + ESfh_1)n(n)) - Co <ES2hn < (1 + p(n))(JESffc_1)n + £S(Vi)») + Co, where C0 = 20σ^η2 + 12σοη(||5(/ι_1)η||2 + ||5(Λ-ι)η(«)Ι|2)· Using conditions (ii) and (iii), (2.1.18) follows by induction on h. Therefore, h{n) := ES2Jn is a slowly varying function. Extend its domain by letting h(t) = ESft]/t. We show that lim Λ((1 - en)n)/h(n) = 1, (2.1.19) n—►oo where εη j 0 suah that nen are integers. By Property A4 (in Appendix), lim btg£e6 = 0u (2ЛЩ П-+00 h(n) П V ' Let hn = max(/i : /ιηεη < (1 — εη)η). Note that ^n-nen = &n ~ ^hnnen\n£n) + ^hnnen \P) ~ ^hnnen-\-nen\P)ι where ρ = η — (hn + 1)ηεη < ηεη. By (2.1.13) with га = ηεη, к = hn and /ιη + 1, we have I Sn-n£n || 2 — || Sn\\21 < ΙΙ5/ΐηηεη(^εη)||2 + (l-p(i))V2 + l|S(/in+i)nen(^n)||2 +4a0i), (ΙΙ^ηηεη(ηεη)||2 where г is such that р(г) < 1. Dividing both sides of the above inquality by ||5n||2 and using (iii) and (2.1.20), we obtain (2.1.19). For integer к > 0, there exists n& such that for every η > η&, log h{nk) ι h(n) I < 1 (2.1.21)
22 Chapter 2 Moment Estimations of Partial Sums since h(n) is slowly varying. Without loss of generality, assume that n^ is strictly increasing on k. Let t > 1. For integer η > 0, define к = qn such that rik < nt < rifc+i. Then, (2.1.21) implies that lim log(h([nt]qn)/h(nt)) = 0. (2.1.22) Put pn = [qnt]. Then pn = [kt] > к. Hence, (2.1.21) also implies that lim log(h(npn)/h(n)) = 0. (2.1.23) n—► oo Moreover, from (2.1.19) we have lim h([nt]qn)/h(npn) = 1. 71—► OO Combining it with (2.1.22) and (2.1.23) yields lim h(nt)/h(n) = 1. η—►oo Therefore, by Property Al of Appendix 1# h(xt) л. h([x]t) lim -L^ = lim -АШ = ι ж-юо h[x) χ-+°° h([x\) as required. Now we consider the second part of the theorem. By (2.1.12) with m = 2ΛΓ, p = q = N, n= [JV1/3], we have (l-pdAT1^]))^^^) + £;5(22fc+1)iV(^))(l - α*) < ES22kN{2N) < (1 + р([ЛГ1/3]))(£;522^(ЛГ) + BS(22fc+1)N(JV))(l + а„*2.1.24) where 20σ02ΛΓ2/3 + i2q02iVi/3(||52fcjV(iV)||2 + ||5(2fc+1)Jv(iV)||2) aN Τ (1 - p([N^)))(ESlkN(ЛГ) + SS22fc+1)„(iV)) and iVo is so large that p([JVx/3]) < 1 for N > N0. Conditions (i) and (Hi) imply that 'tfW + NWWSsh* aN - ■ ·■ ~ V IL9vl|2 )' 11ЗД By Property A2 of Appendix, for any 0 < ε < 1/6 lim N£ESl/N = oo. N—>oo
2.1 Variances of partial sums 23 Hence (ESjf)-1 = 0(Ν~1+ε), and further, aN = 0(Ν-*+ε). (2.1.25) Then (2.1.24) implies that for integers r>p>N0 with p([2N°/3]) < 1, Π(1-ρ([2*/3]))(1-α20 Σ Я^(2Р) г=р г=0 < Εθ2τ <П(1 + р([2^3]))(1+а20 ^ ESf2P(2p). (2.1.26) г=р г=0 By conditon (iv), Σι Ρ([2*/3]) < °°· Moreover, (2.1.25) implies that Σι α(2') < οο. Therefore, from (2.1.26) we obtain r^oaEs^fiiEs^2P)=i· Consequently, it follows by condition (iii) that r:HmeoM2P)A(2P) = l, and further, h(2r) converges to a positive constant. Applying Property A3 of Appendix to h(t) and l//i(£), we obtain that h(n) converges to the same limit as h(2r). Theorem 2.1.4 is proved. For a strictly stationary p-mixing sequence, we also have the following result. Theorem 2.1.5.(Ibragimov 1975) Let {Xn, η > 1} be a strictly stationary p-mixing sequence with EX\ = 0, EX\ < oo and Σ^=ι p(2n) < oo. Then {Xn} possesses a continuous spectral density /(λ) and VarSn = 2π/(0)η + o(n) as η —> oo .//(0)^0. For the proof of Theorem 2.1.5 we refer to Lemma 17 of Ibragimov and Rozanov (1978). They first show that {Xn} possesses a bounded spectral density if Σ™=ι P(2n) < oo, and then show that oo En(f) < 128 max/(A) J£p(2k~1n), л fc=o
24 Chapter 2 Moment Estimations of Partial Sums where En(f) denotes the error of best approximation of /(λ) by a trigonometric polynomial of degree less than or equal to η on [—π, π]. With the help of this result, we may know that /(λ) is a continuous function on [—π, π]. The rest of the proof can be completed by using Theorem 2.1.1. 2.2 Further inequalities In order to show limit theorems for a mixing sequence, we often need some further inequalities besides the basic inequalities in Section 1.2. The following extended Ottaviani inequality for an α-mixing sequence was given by Lin (1982). Recall the notation T\ — σ{Χ%, α < г < b) for a sequence {Xn} of random variables. Lemma 2.2.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be an α-mixing sequence. For any given integers p, q and /с, let £j be ^SuL ui measurable, j = 1,2, · · ·, k. If ^{|6+i + · · · + Ы < C} > |, / = l, · · ·, к - ι, then Pimax |ft + ... + u| > 2C) <2Р{\^ + ---+£к\>С} + 2ка(д). Proof. Let events A = { max |& + ... + 6| > 2CJ, В = {|6 + · · · + &| > C}, Al = {\£1\>2C}, At = { max |£1 + ... + £r|<2C, \ξι + ■ ■ ■ + ξι\ > 2C\, l = 2,---,k, 4<r<i—1 J в* = {|&+i + ···+ &|<σ}, ι = ι,··-,fc-1, вк = п. Then к к МА^Ъ{гфз\ A=\jAh \jAiBtCB. 1=1 1=1 By the conditions of the lemma, Ρ(Λ,β,) > P(Ai)P(Bt) - a(q) > ^P(Ai) - a(q),
2.2 Further inequalities 25 and hence к к Р(В) > ΣP{AiB{) >\ΣΡ(Αι) - ka{q) 1=1 1=1 = \Ρ{Α) - ka(q) as required. The following lemmas all are about the bounds of the moments of partial sums. For a p-mixing sequence, earlier work was due to Peligrad (1982, 1987). Shao (1988b, 1989a,b) improved and generalized her results. Lemma 2.2.2. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a p-mixing sequence with EXn — 0, EX% < oo for each η > 1. Then for any ε > 0, there exists а С — C{e) > 0 such that [log n] ES2k{n) < Cnexp{(l + ε) £ р(2г)} max SX* г=0 ~~ for each к > 1 and η > 1, where Sk(n) = Σ?=ί&+ι Xi- Proof. Without loss of generality, assume 0 < ε < \. Let Cn be a non-decreasing sequence of numbers such that ESlin) < Cnn max EX?. (2.2.1) к<г<к+п For η < 21/6 we need only to take Cn > 2xle by the Minkowski inequality. Let С χ = 21/ε. We suppose that Cm, m = 1, · · ·, n — 1, are already defined as demanded in the lemma. Put n\ — [n/2], n2 = η — ηχ, ?гз = [n1^1"1"6)] + 1. It is clear that ESl(n) = ESUm) + ES2k+ni(n2) + 2ESk(ni)Sk+ni(n2), (2.2.2) and further |£Sfc(ni)Sfc+ni(n2)| < |SSfc(rai)Sfc+ni(ra3)| + |^5fc(ni)5fc+ni+n3(n2 - ra3)| <ΙΙ^(ηι)||2||5Λ+ηι(η3)||2 + p(n3)||5fc(ni)||2|| (n2 -n3)||2 <2\\Sk(n1)\\2\\Sk+ni(n3)\\2 + p(n3)\\Sk(n1)\\2\\Sk+ni(n2)\\2.
26 Chapter 2 Moment Estimations of Partial Sums Inserting the above inequality into (2.2.2) and noting (2.2.1) we obtain ESl(n) < (ESKm) + ES2k+ni(n2))(l + p(n3)) + 4||5fc(n1)||2||5fc+ni(n3)||2 - - < Cn2 · ra(l + p(n3)) max EX? + 4Cnin12n32 max EX? k<i<k+n k<i<k+n <Cn2(l + p(n21+£) + 4n22(1+£))n max EX?, k<i<k-\-n where p(x) = (p(i + 1) - p(i))(x - i) + p(i) if г < χ < г + 1. Hence for η > 2, we define Cn = СП2(\ + р{пр) + 4^^). Obviously Cn is nondecreasing, and C2» = C2n-i(1 + ρ(2^τ) + 4 · 2~^+ϋ) n-l = Ci Π(ΐ + ρ(2ΐ^) + 4·2 2(i;e)j i=0 n-l £i < Ciexp{5^(p(2bfe) + 4-2~2^)} i=o <CiexpJ3+ / p(2^)dx + c£} < Сг exp{3 + (1 + ε) Γ p(2x) dx + c£\ L ^2/(l+e) J n-l < d exp{3 + (1 + ε) £ p(2*) + c£}, (2.2.3) i=l where c£ = 4/(1 - 2~ε/(2(1+ε))). Put de = 21/£exp(3 + c£). We get n-l C2n<deexp{(l + e)Ytp(2i)}. i=l For any n, there exists an m such that 2m < η < 2m+1. Using the mono- tonicity of Cn, it follows that m Cn < C2m+i < deexp{(l + e)5^p(2<)} [log n] <4exp{(l + e) Σ Р&)}- i=0
2.2 Further inequalities 27 The lemma is proved. Lemma 2.2.3. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a p-mixing sequence with EXn = 0,ЕХ% < ос for each η > 1. Suppose that ESl(n)/ min EXf-^oo as η -> oo (2.2.4) fc<z<fc+n uniformly in к and max £X2 < α min £X2 for some a > 1. (2.2.5) fc<z<fc+n fc<z<fc+n ■ч,' ^-ч,' > Then, for any ε > О, Йеге еш! С = С (ε, ρ(·), α) > 0 and an integer N such that for each к > 0 and η > N [log n] ESl(n) > 6''nexp{-(l + ε)Σ /°(2')} , ™? Я*?· ^ T~T J к<г<к+п г=0 * Proof. Without loss of generality assume that 0 < ε < 1/400. Consequently, 1 - 5ε2 > (3/2)~ε/6. Hence, noting p(n) —> 0 as η —► oo, we have 1 _ 5ε2 _ p(mo) > (3/2)-«/e for some large mo. It is not hard to verify that exp{2^^Q р(2г)} is a slowly varying function. Then, by Lemma 2.2.2 and condition (2.2.4), there exists an no such that for η > no ESl(n) < η1+ε max EXf, (2.2.6) k<i<k+n ESl(n)>^p. min EXf. (2.2.7) K ' ~ ε4 k<i<k+n l v '
28 Chapter 2 Moment Estimations of Partial Sums When η > 2no, put ri\ — [n/2], ri2 = η — щ. Then ES2(n) = ES2k(m) + ES2k+ni(n2) + 2ESk(n1)Sk+ni(m0) + 2ESk(ni)Sk+ni+mo(n2 - m0) > ESKm) + ES2k+ni(n2) - 2||5fc(nx)||2||5fc+Tll(mo)||2 -2p(m0)||5fc(n1)||2||5 (n2 -m0)||2 > (1 - p(mo))(ES2k(ni) + ES2k+ni(n2)) -4||5fc(ni)||2||5fc+ni(mo)||2 > (1 - pimoWESKm) + ES2k+ni(n2)) - 4e2ES2(ni) 4 о 2 ъШп max EXf ε2 k<i<k+n > (1 - 4ε2 - p(m0))(£;52(n1) + £S2+ni (n2)) 4 rrana min £?X,2 ε2 fc<i<fc+n > (1 - 5ε2 - pim^ESlin,) + £Sfc2+n>2)) > (З/^-^С^СпО + ^+пДпз)). (2.2.8) We first show that for each n> щ ESl(n) > C2nl-£'& min EX?, (2.2.9) k<i<k+n where C2 = 2ат1щ1£-А. By (2.2.7), (2.2.9) holds for n0 < n< 2η0. When η > 2ηο, we assume that (2.2.9) is true for each positive integer less than n. Then it is also true for n. In fact, using (2.2.8) we obtain ESlin) > (3/2)-£/6C2(n}-£/6 + n^e/6) min SX? fc<z<fc+n •η1"6/6 min ЯХ? fc<z<fc+n > C2nl~£l& min EXf as required. Next, we turn to the assertion of the lemma. For η > riQ+e, put щ = [§], n2 - η - щ, n3 = [n1/^)] + 1. From (2.2.6) and (2.2.9), it
2.2 Further inequalities 29 follows that ES2k(n) = ES2k{ni) + ES2k+ni(n2) + 2ESk(ni)ESk+ni(n3) + 2ESk(ni)Sk+m+n3(n2 - ra3) > ES2{nx) + ESl+m(n2) - 4||5fc(n1)||2||5fc+ni(n3)||2 -2p(n3)||5fc(n1)||2||5fc+ni(n2)||2 > (1 - p(m))(ES2k(ni) + £Sfc2+ni(n2)) - 4(гащ3)(1+е4)/2 max EX? к<г<к+п > (1 - p(n3))(SSf (щ) + SSf+ni(ra2)) _ 4nl-(e-3e^)/2(l+e) max £χ2 к<г<к+п > (1 - p(n3))(SSf (»n) + SS2+rn (ra2)) - 4ara1~e/5 fc<mm+n EX2 > (1 - p(n3))(ESl(m) + ES2k+ni(n2)) - SaC^n-'^ESKm) > (1 - p(n3) - n-e/40)(£52(rax) + ES2k+m(n2)). (2.2.10) The last inequality holds for η > (ваС^1)120/*. Put n^ = max(ra*+e, (ваС^1)120/6). Let Cn be non-increasing so that ESl(n) > Cnn min EX? к<г<к+п for η > ra0. Then, by (2.2.10) ES2(n) > (1 - p(ra3) - П2-е/40)СП2п min £X? к<г<к+п > (1 - p(ra2^) - ra2-e/4°)Cn2ra mm ЯХ2 «<г<«+п for η > n'0. Hence we can choose Cn = Cn2 (l - p(rap) - гаГ/4°) (2.2.11) for η > n'0. It is easy to see that there exists an η$ such that for η > η$ 1 - ρ{η^) ~ n2_e/4° > exp{-(l + ε)(ρ{τφ) +η~ε/40)}. (2.2.12)
30 Chapter 2 Moment Estimations of Partial Sums Put Пд — n'0VnfQ. In view of (2.2.7), we take Cn* = 4απιΙ/(ε4η^). Obviously {Cn, η > 2tiq} defined by (2.2.11) is non-increasing. From (2.2.11) and (2.2.12), we obtain that for 2m > n£ C2m = C2m-l(l - /9(2^) - 2-(m~1)e/40) > Cam-i exp{-(l + e)(p(2^r) + 2~(m~ 1)ε/40)}, which implies that m— 1 C2™ > Cn; Π «Φ{-(1 + ε)(ρ(2ί/(1+ε)) + 2--/40)} i=0 m—1 = CK exp{-(l + ε) £ (р(2^1+£)) + 2"-/40)}. i=0 Similarly to (2.2.3), there exists a d£ > 0 such that m—1 /ft X exp{-(l + ε) £ (/9(2^1+£)) + 2~-/40)} m >4ехр{-(1 + б)2^р(2^)}. г=0 Therefore m C2m >4Сп;ехр{-(1 + б)2^р(2^)}. For arbitrary η > rig, there exists an ra such that 2m < η < 2m+1. By monotonicity of Cn, we find that m+l +i > d£CK exp{-(l + ε)2 £>(2*)} г=0 [log η] >-d£Cn;exp{-(l + e)2 £ ρ(2<)}, г=0 and hence we arrive at the assertion of the lemma. Sometimes we need the bounds of moments of higher than two orders. Lemma 2.2.4. Let {Xn5 ^i > 1} be a p-mixing sequence with EXn = 0, supn Ε\Χη\2+δ < oo for some 0 < δ < 1 and oo ^p(2n)<oo. (2.2.13) n=l
2.2 Further inequalities Then there exists а С — C(<5, p(·)) > 0 such that for each η > 1 supE\Sk(n)\2+6 <c{n1+6/2(supEX2)1+6/2 k>l L k>l + nexp{(C\ogn)6/(2+V} supE\Xk\2+6}. Proof. It is not difficult to verify that (1 + χ)2+δ < 1 + (2 + δ)2(χ + χ1+δ) + χ2+δ < 1 + 9(χ + ж1+6) + ж2+6 (2 for ж > 0. Put am = sup ||5fc(m)||2+6, σ™ = sup ||Sfc(ra)||2. fc>i fc>i Obviously, ||Sfc(2m)||2+6 < ||5fc(m) + 5fc+m+[ml/5](m)||2+, + 2m1/5a1. By (2.2.14), putting m\—m-\- [m1/5], we have E\Sk(m) + Sk+mi(m)\2+6 < 2a2+6 + 9E\Sk(m)\1+6\Sk+rni(m)\ + 9#|Sfc(m)||Sfc+m^m)|1+*. Moreover, by the Schwarz inequality and Lemma 1.2.7, we have E\Sk(m)\1+6\Sk+mi(m)\ < \\Sk(m)\\s2+s\\Sk(m)Sk+mi (m)||(2+6)/2 <α^{σ^ + 4ρ(μ^])α^}2/(2+δ) <а1а1 + 4рУ^([т^))а^. Similarly E\Sk(rn)\\Sk+mi(m)\i+s < alcl + ApW+li\[m^])a2+8. Combining these inequalities yields that E\Sk{m) + Sk+mi(m)\2+S < 2a%s + 18(asmal + 4р^^([т1/«>])<#*) < {[2(1 + Збр^+^ат1/*]))] х/(2+«)ат + 18(Tf Ί2+δ
32 Chapter 2 Moment Estimations of Partial Sums which implies that {2(1 + mP^+6\[m^]))}m+8)am + 18am + 2m^ax. (2.2.15) Noting monotonecity of p(n) and condition (2.2.13), we have p{n) < c/logn, here, and in the sequel, с stands for a positive constant, which may take different values at different places. Hence, applying Lemma 2.2.2, we obtain «2- < {2(l + 36p2/(2+fi)([2(r-1)/5]))}1/(2+5)a2.-1 + 18σ2.-ι + 2 · 2(r_1)/5ai < г^/^Пи + 36ρ2/(2+δ)([2ί/5]))1/(2+δ)αι i=0 ι—1 г—1 1/(2+6) Σ?'2 J] {2(1 + 9р2«2+6\[У/5}))} + 2в1Х;2*/5 Π {2(1 + 9ρ2/(2+δ)([2^5]))}1/(2+δ) г=0 j=i+l < С2г/2аг + 2r«2+^ exp{Cr)^2+eW (2.2.16) This implies the conclusion of the lemma. Similarly, by finer estimation, Shao (1989a) showed the following results, whose proof will not be presented here. Lemma 2.2.5. Let {ХП5 τι > 1} be a p-mixing sequence with EXn = 0, s\ipE\Xn\2+6 < oo for some δ > 0. η Then, for any ε > 0, there exists а С = C(<5, ρ(·), ε) > 0, such that for each η > 2 [1°gn] - · 1+Й/2 E\Sk(n)\2+6<c{(nexp{(l + e) £ ptf)} fc<max+ JX2) г=0 ~ [log n] + nexp{<7 У) р2^2+6\21)} max E\Xi\2+s} i=0
2.2 Further inequalities 33 Lemma 2.2.6. Let {Xn, η > 1} be a p-тгхгпд sequence with EXn = 0, E\Xn\q < oo, q > 2, ESl(n) < nh(n) max £Jff. k<i<k+n Suppose that there exists a function h(n) such that for every к > 0, η > 1 and there exist a positive integer no and a constant 0 < θ < 21~2^qA3^ such that тах(Л([п/2]), h(n - [n/2])) < вк(п) for η > uq. Furthermore, when q > 3 assume that there exists а С > 0 such that [logn] /»(n)>-exp{-C £ ρ2'^)}. i=0 Then there exists a constant К = K(q, щ, θ, С, р(·)), such that for every к>0,п>1 E\Sk(n)\q < K\(nh(n) max EX?) { k<i<k+n q/2 [log η г=0 Next, we turn our attention to a (^-mixing sequence. Peligrad (1985) showed the following inequality of tail probability (see Shao 1988a). Lemma 2.2.7. Let {ХП5 η > 1} be а φ-mixing sequence, 0 < η < 1. Suppose that there exists an integer p, 1 < ρ < η, a number A > 0 such that φ{ρ) + max P{\Sn - S{\ > A} < η. (2.2.17) p<i<n Then, for any a > 0, b > 0, we have P\ max \Si\ > a + A + b\ { l<i<n > < j^-PUSnl >a} + -l-p{ та* \X<\ > -Ц-}. (2.2.18) 1 — η 1 — ?7 t-iKiKn p—\> P{\Sn\ >a+A + b} < ηΡ{ max ISA > a\ + p( max \XA > -). (2.2.19) ~ ίΐ<Κη' ' "" J ll<«<n' ' _ n) v '
34 Chapter 2 Moment Estimations of Partial Sums Proof. Put Ei = {maxi<7<i \Sj\ < a + A + b < \Si\}. Then P{ max ISA > a + A + b) l<i<n n-l г=1 n-l г=1 η—ρ—1 P(|5n| > α) + Σ Ρ(£» П ίΙ5« - $1 ^ Α + *>}) i=l £р(я<П{|5п-$|>Л + Ь}) п—р—1 < Σ ^(^n{|Si+p-i-Si|>b}) i=l η—ρ—1 + £ p(#i η {|sn-$+„_!!> л}) г=1 n-l + £ Р(£?<П{|5П-5<|>Л + Ь}) г=тг—ρ <YtP(Ein{rn^\Xj\>^-i}) г=1 η—ρ—1 + £ P(i?i)(P{|5n-Si+p-i|>A} + V(p)) < Ρ{ max \ΧΑ > ) + ηΡ\ max \Si\ > a + A + £>}, n<j<n j9 — 1 J ll<t<n J where condition (2.2.17) is used in the last inequality. Consequently, (2.2.18) is proved. As for (2.2.19), putting E{ = {maxi<J<2· \Sj\ < a < |5г|} and noting \Sn - Sy+p-il > ||5n| - |5y_i| -p max |Xi||forl <j<n-p, 1\г<тг we have P{\Sn\ > a + A + b} < P\\Sn\ > a + A + b, max |5t-| > a, max |X;| < -} ^ 1<г<тг—ρ 1<г<тг ρ) bj + P{max \Х{\ > -} u<i<n' ' p) < £ Ρ{Ε[ η {\Sn - Si+p-χΙ > A}) + P{ max |X,| > -} г=1 г < ηΡ{ max |5г| > α} + ρ{ max |Хг| > -) 11<г<п > У\<г<п р>
2.2 Further inequalities 35 as required. Lemma 2.2.8 is due to Shao and Lu (1986). Lemma 2.2.8. Let {Xn, η > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence with EXn = 0 and supn E\Xn\2+6 < oo for some δ > 0. Suppose that supESl(n) < MnsupEXl for someM > 0. (2.2.20) к к Then there exists а С = C(6, Μ, φ(·)) > 0 such that for each η > 1 supE\Sk(n)\2+6 < Cn1+6/2 supE\Xk\2+6. к к Proof. It is easy to see that for r > 1 and χ > 0 (ι+x)r < Σ (1 )*fc+^жГ> (2·2·21) where 6r = 1 if r is not an integer, otherwise 6r — 0. We now prove the lemma by induction on r := 2 + δ. Assume that the lemma holds for / < [r],r being non-integer. Denoting am = supfc ||Sfc(rn)||r, from (2.2.21) we obtain E\Sk(m) + Sk+rn+ko(m)\r < E\Sk(m)\r + E\Sk+m+ko(m)\r + Ejii ( ] ) E\Sk(m)\j\Skwk0(m)rJ <(2+2ς'ϊ, (;W))< (2·2'22' + Σ$ίι f J J E\Sk(m)\jE\Sk+m+k0(m)rJ =:/i+/2. By the induction hypothesis, we have h < Σ{ίχ ( J ) (£;|5fc(m)|H)i/H(£;|5fc+m+fco(m)|H)(-i)/H < {mW2supkE\Xk\W)r/[r] < cm^^. Substituting the above inequality into (2.2.22), we obtain [r] / \ «2m < (2 + 2 JT ί J J ^/Г(^))1/Г«ж+Ст1/2<11.
36 Chapter 2 Moment Estimations of Partial Sums Now choosing a sufficiently large ко and proceeding as in the proof of Lemma 2.2.4, we conclude that the lemma holds in this case and similarly we have the lemma for [r] + 1. This proves the lemma. Using Lemma 2.2.7, Shao (1988a) proved the following Lemma. Lemma 2.2.9. Let {Χη? η > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence satisfying (2.2.17) and q > 0 satisfying ηΑ4 < 1 - η. Then Ε max \Si\q < (1 - η - η^)-1{{8ΑΥ + 2(4p)qE max \Xi\q\, l<i<n l 1<г<п J where 77, p, A are defined in Lemma 2.2.7. Proof. By Lemma 2.2.7, we have for χ > 8A P< max ISiI > x\ < < Hence for any В > 8A rB [ gy^pi max \Si\ > у] dy JO 4<t<n J < / gy^PJmax \Si\ > y\ dy JO 4<t<n J + rh qyq-lp{^^\Si\>l}dy 1 — η JsA 4<г<п 4 > + T—„ ГяУ^рЫ™ Ш > j~}dy 1 — V JSA U<t<n 4pJ < (8A)" + -5-4« / qy^Pi max |5<| > y} dy 1 — ?7 Jo 4<t<n ^ + т^ ГяУч~1Р{ max pb| > y} dy. 1 — TJ JO U<t<n J which implies that jf g2/rlP{max |Si|>y}dy < (1 - η - η^)-1 ((8A)q + 2(4p)qE max |Х;|9У V 1<г<тг /
2.2 Further inequalities 37 Letting В —> oo yields the assertion of the lemma. A similar result is Lemma 2.2.10. Let {ХП5 η > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence. Suppose that there exists an array {ckn} of positive numbers such that max ESlii) < ckn. (2.2.23) 1<г<п Then, for any q > 2, there exists а С = C(q,ip(·)) such that Ε max \Sk(i)\* < c(cq£ + Ε max \Χ{\Λ. (2.2.24) 1<г<п \ к<г<к+п ' Proof. Take η = 4~2<7, A2 = 2ckn/η.Theτe exists a po such that ψ{ρο) < ^/2 since φ(ρ) —> 0 as ρ —> oo. Using (2.2.23) we can verify that (2.2.17) is satisfied. Hence, we get (2.2.24) from Lemma 2.2.9.
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Part II Weak Convergence In this part, we investigate weak convergence of probability measures (or distributions ) of normalized sums of the form ±-Σχό-Αη. (Ill) Bn j=x We have found a series of this kind of results for an independent sequence (cf. e.g. Petrov 1971 and Billingsley 1968). A natural question is what about a weakly dependent sequence. Only assumption of weak dependence is not enough for weak convergence. For instance, let {£n, η > 1} be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with a common characteristic function /(£), and let -^■n ~ sn+1 ~~ ζη· Then {Xn5 η > 1} is a strictly stationary sequence and satisfies any mixing conditions mentioned in §1.1. The sum £x* = £n+i-6 (II2) has the characteristic function |/(£)|2 f°r aU n- Itls reasonable to introduce some restrictions to make the variance of the sum Σ£=ι Хк increase when η is increasing. Hence we assume always that Bn in (III) tends to infinity asn-^oo. First of all, we state the so-called Bernstein's blocking technique utilized frequently in showing limit theorems for mixing random variables. Let positive integers ρ = p(n), q = q(n) and к = k(n) with 1 < ρ < η, q =
40 Part II Weak Convergence o(p), к — [η/(ρ + g)],1 and let j>+(i-i)<7 j(p+q) «=ϋ-ι)(ρ+ς)+ι «=ip+(i-i)q+i η %+ι = Σ Xi. (ИЗ) i=fc(p+9)+l Then fc fc+l Sn-Σο + Σ^· (II4) By weak dependence, £1,62» ·'·> fife are asymptotically independent as g = q{n) is large enough. On the other hand, the sum Σ^=\ Vj is negligible, compared with Sn by noting q — o{p). Consequently, the Bernstein method allows us to consider the sums of mixing random variables as independent sums. Using this method, by the procedure similar to that for an independent sequence, for α-mixing sequence, we may prove the following theorem about the class of possible limit distributions of sums. Theorem III. Let {Xn, η > 1} be a strictly stationary α-mixing sequence, {An} and {Bn} two sequences of real numbers with Bn —► 00 as η —► oo. Suppose that the distribution function Fn(x) of the sum ±-J2xk-An converges weakly to a distribution function F(x). Then F(x) is stable with some exponent a. Moreover, Bn = η1/α/ι(η), where h(n) is a slowly varying function with positive integer argument. *In this book, the sign [·] sometimes denotes the greatest integer part or at other times denotes brackets. It will be clear from the context.
Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences 3.1 Necessary and sufficient conditions for the CLT For an a-mixing sequence {Xn, τι > 1}, Ibragimov (1959, 1962) first gave necessary and sufficient conditions for the central limit theorem (CLT). In this chapter we always assume that {Xn, τι > 1} is a strictly stationary a-mixing sequence unless special indication. Put Sn — Y^=1Xj, σ^ = VarS„. Theorem 3.1.1. Suppose that EX\ = 0 and EX\ < oo. Then in order that {Xn} obeys the CLT and limn-^o σ^ — oo, it is necessary that (1) σ\ = nh(n), where h(x) is a slowly varying function of the continuous variable χ > 0, (2) for any pair of sequences ρ — p(n), q = q(n) satisfying that as η —> oo. (a)p-+oo,q-+oo,q = o(p), ρ = o(n), (b) n^Pq^Pp-2 -> 0 for all β > 0, (c) np~1a(q) —► 0, and hm —- П-+00 ρσ£ J\x\>£(Tn f x2dFp(x) = 0 (3.1.1) for any ε > 0, where Fp(x) = P(SP < x). Conversely, if (1) holds and if (3.1.1) is satisfied for some choice of the functions ρ and q satsifying the given conditions, then the CLT is satisfied. We do not prove this theorem here. For its proof we refer to Ibragimov and Linnik's book (1971). A simpler necessary and sufficient condition for the CLT was given by Denker (1985).
42 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences Theorem 3.1.2. Suppose that EX\ — 0, EX2 < oo and σ\ —► oo as η —> oo. T/ien m order £/m£ {Xn} obeys the CLT, it is necessary and sufficient that {S2/a„, η > 1} is integrable uniformly. Proof. Necessity. Suppose that 5η/ση Д7У(0,1), where iV(0,1) stands for a standard normal variable. Therefore, for any ε > 0 there exists а К > 0 such that lim / S2Ja2n dP= [ N2dP < ε, n^°°J\Sn/an\>K J\N\>K which implies uniform integrability of {S2/a^ η > 1}. Sufficiency. Suppose that {S^/σ^, η > 1} is integrable uniformly. By Theorem 2.1.3, we have σ£ = ηΛ(η), (3.1.2) where Л(ж) is a slowly varying function on [1, oo). Assume that ρ and q are the functions satisfying conditions (a) and (b) in Theorem 3.1.1. Furthermore, we choose ρ and q that satisfy condition (c) in Theorem 3.1.1 and n2P~2<7q<7p 2 = n2p~3qh(q)/h(p) -► 0 as η -^ oo. (3.1.3) For any given δ > 0, there exists a if > 0 such that S2dP<6a2n (3.1.4) J\s l\Sn\>Kan for each η > 1. By Property A4 of a slowly varying function, σ1 ph(p) , . -f = —— = o(l) asn -> oo, σ~ ηη(η) which implies that Κσρ < εση for all large n. Hence Ρ J\Sp\>eGn У Ρ J\Sp\>Kap < -δσΐ < 2δσ2 ρ Ρ η The last inequality is due to (114), condition (c) and (3.1.3). Consequently, condition (3.1.1) is satisfied. From Theorem 3.1.1, sufficiency is proved.
3.1 Necessary and sufficient conditions for the CLT 43 It is well known that boundedness of {E\Sn/an\2+6, η > 1} implies uniform integrability of {S^/a2, η > 1}. The former requires existence of higher order moments. This explains that the moment conditions imposed on {Sn} are important for the CLT. A related result is given by Dehling, Denker and Philipp (1986). Theorem 3.1.3. Suppose that ΕΧχ — 0, EX\ — \^σ\ — nh{n), where h(n) is a slowly varying function. Then in order that the distributions °f {Sn/(7n, n > 1} tend to the standard normal distribution Φ(χ), it is necessary and sufficient that limsupan/£:|5n| < JV/2. (3.1.5) n—>oo In order to prove this theorem, we need the following lemma. At first, we introduce some notations. Let integer ρ and real number g satisfy 2<д<а~У\а^)АаУ\ where a(x) = α ([ж]), and let ν2 = σ;2( S2dP, (3.1.6) u2 = [ Si dP, J\SP\<gTP r = [g2d] d satisfies 2g~x>2 V v2 < d < 1, n = r(p + [σ*'4]) andr2 = ru2. (3.1.7) (3.1.8) (3.1.9) Lemma 3.1.1. Suppose that EX\ = 0 and EX2 = 1. We have \Eexp(itSn/T) - exp(-f2/2)| < 2d + \ί\σράι'2/η + |ί|3σρ/(ν/4) + |ί|3σ^/«3 + 4α1/2(σ1/4)+ί4/5 + ί2σ2/Λ) Proof. Note that и < σρ. Hence, for \t\ > r1/2, we have |t|V(V/4) > r3/2/51/4 > ((92d - l)g-V°f2 > g2.
44 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences Then the conclusion of Lemma 3.1.1 holds obviously. Now we assume that \t\ < r1/2. Let q = [σν' ] and jp+(i-i)g 0 = z2 Xi> «=(i-i)(p+9)+i з(р+я) Recalling the definition of n, we can write Sn = J2b+ &,='·& + %· By the Minkowski inequality ESf < r2a^ < 54σι/2 < σ3/2 Hence \Eexp(itSn/r) - Eexp(itS'n/T)\ <|£exp(iiS£/r)-l| < t2ESf/r2 < t2a3p/2/(u2r) < t2o2p/{u2g). Moreover, by Lemma 1.2.1, we have \Eexp(itS'n/T) - (Eexp(itSp/r))r\ < 4ra(aV4) < 4α1/2(σ^4). We now estimate \Eexp(itSp/r) — (1 — i2/(2r))|. By the Chebyshev inequality we have 1 / exp(itSp/r) dP\ < g~2 < d/r. U\Sp\>gap I By Taylor's theorem I / exp(itSp/r) dP-(l- t2/{2r))\ 1 J\SP\<9<Tp ' < \P(\SP\ < gap) + - / SpdP 1 T ASp\<9<>p ( S2dP-(l-^)\ JlSJKaar, V V 2Γ/Ι (3.1.10) (3.1.11) (3.1.12) tA 2r2 J\SP\^P |ί|8 >\Sp\<gop + l4[ \SpfdP Τά J\SD\<oaO (3.1.13)
3.1 Necessary and sufficient conditions for the CLT 45 Similarly to (3.1.12), \l~P(\Sp\<gap)\<g-2<d/r. Noting ESP = 0, we obtain "IX \SP\<9<r, SpdP SpdP It is clear that t2 f 'J\SP\>gap < Cp/rg < apd1'2/(ru). e n , , s2vdP= n . 2t J\Sp\<gcP v 2r The cubic term in (3.1.13) is estimated as follows. ■I JaV r ~ I \Sp\3dP >91/2<rP<\Sp\<gap < τ~39σ3ν2 < alv/(ru3) and / \SpfdP (3.1.14) (3.1.15) (3.1.16) (3.1.17) '|SP|<<71/2<rP < r-tg^apu2 < apg^/iur3/2) < ap/{rug1/4). (3.1.18) Hence substituting (3.1.14)-(3.1.18) into (3.1.13) we obtain by (3.1.12) \Eexp(itSp/r) - (1 - i2/(2r))| < η/r, where η = 2d + \t\apd^2/u + \t\3ap/(ug^4) + \t\3c3pv/u3. Note that \ar - br\ < r\a - b\ for \a\ < 1, \b\ < 1. We obtain for |i| < r1/2 \Eexp(itSn'/r) - (1 - i2/(2r))r| < η + 4«1/2((Ji/4) (3.L19) by (3.1.11). Moreover |exp(-i2/2) - (1 - i2/(2r))r| < \ΐ\~ι for \t\ < r1'2,
46 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for a-mixing Sequences since \ex — (1 + x)\ < x2 for \x\ < \. Consequently, the lemma follows from (3.1.19), (3.1.10). Proof of Theorem 3.1.3. Necessity. If the distribution of Sn/an tends to Φ (ж), then for any a > 0 /a \x\ 2/ -^=е~х l2 dx, -а \/2тг which implies (3.1.5). Sufficiency. Let pn = y/n/2E\Sn\. If we can show that Sn/Pn -^ JV(0,1) asn-^oo, (3.1.20) then for any a > 0 / N2dP= lim p~2 f S2ndP J\N\<* n-+°° J\Sn\/Pn<* <\imsupal/p2n < 1 n—>oo by (3.1.5). Letting α —> oo yields that ση/ρη —> 1 as η —► oo. Hence (3.1.20) implies 5η/ση Λ 7V(0,1). Now we are going to prove (3.1.20). At first, for each η £ N we show that there is an infinite sequence QcN and real numbers rn, η £ ζ) such that Sn/Tn -i 7V(0,1) η -> oo, η G Q. (3.1.21) For this purpose we prove that there exist a sequence {g(p)> ρ > 1} and a monotone sequence {c(p), ρ > 1} with the following properties: #(ί0 "^ °°? c(p) ~~~> 0 as ρ —► oo, υ2(ρ) := σ~2 / 52 dP -> 0 as ρ -► oo y<,(p)V2<|Sp|/ffp<<,(p) and 2ffb)"1/2 V v2(p) < c(p) < 1. We first choose a sequence {z(p), ρ > 1} with lim zip) = oo, z{p) < а~11\о1'А) A a\j*. Next, we choose a sequence {i(p), ρ > 1} such that i(p) -> oo, 2_i(p) log*(p) -^ oo asp -^ oo. (3.1.27) (3J (3.1 (3.1 (3.1 (3.1 L.22) L.23) L.24) L.25) L.26)
3.1 Necessary and sufficient conditions for the CLT 47 Fix ρ G N. Since the intervals U{p) := (z(p)2 % , z(p)2 *], 0 < i < i(p), are disjoint, there exists an integer к = k(p) with 0 < к < i(p) such that σ;2 ί S2pdP<l/i{p). (3.1.28) p J\sp\/<rpeik{p) p Let g(p) = z{pf-4p). (3.1.29) Then g(p) -*■ oo as ρ -► oo by (3.1.27). Because of (3.1.26)-(3.1.28), (3.1.23) and (3.1.24) axe satisfied. Since 25(p)-1/2 V v2(p) -*■ 0 as ρ —> oo we can choose {c(p)} with c(p) | 0 and satisfying (3.1.25). With these choices of {g{p)} and {c(p)}, we define u(p), r(p) and n(p) by (3.1.7), (3.1.8) and (3.1.9) respectively. Put Q = {n(p), ρ > 1} and define 7-2, η G Q by (3.1.9). Since σ;1^! = σ~ι [ \SP\ dP + σ~ι [ \SP\ dP J\Sp\/ap<g(p) P J\SP\/ap>g(p) < a^u(p) + g(p)-\ (3.1.30) we have, by (3.1.5), for ρ large enough η{ρ)/σρ > 7/2, (3.1.31) where 7 = inf{E\Sp\/ap, ρ > 1} > 0. Lemma 3.1.1 now implies (3.1.21). Next we show that lim τη/ρη = 1. (3.1.32) To see this we choose a sequence {b(m), m > 1} with lim b(ra) = 00, m—>oo lim 8ир{|Л(«т)/Л(т) - 1|, 1 < ί < 6(m)} = 0. (3.1.33) This is possible. Indeed, by the Karamata theorem (see Appendix Theorem Al) there exists an increasing sequence {га&, к > 2} such that sup h(tm)/h(m) — 1 i<t<k < -, m > mfc. Then £>(·) defined by Ь(т) = к for m^ < m < m^+i has the desired properties. Of course, we can assume that {z(p), ρ > 1} is chosen so that
48 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences in addition to (3.1.26) we have z{p) < b(p)1/2/2. Then for all large ρ we have, by (3.1.9) and σ2<ρ2, σ2(η(ρ)) = r(p)(p+[al/4])h(r(p)(p+[al/4})) r(p)a2 r{p)ph{p) = (1 + 0(р-1/а))Мг(р)(р+[аУ4])) = χ + h(p) by (3.1.33). Thus, by (3.1.9) and (3.1.30) we have for ρ large enough E{Sn(p)/rn{p))2 = σ2η(ρ)/τ2η{ρ) < 2a2/u(p)2 < 8/72. (3.1.34) Hence {Sn/rn, η € Q} is uniformly integrable and thus, by (3.1.21), lim E\Sn\/rn = E\N\ = J2/^. n->oo,nGQ v This proves (3.1.32). If Q = N, (3.1.21) and (3.1.32) imply Sn/pn -^ N(0,1) as η -> oo. (3.1.35) Consider the case of Q С N. Assume that {z(p), ρ > 1} constructed in the proof of (3.1.21) satisfies z(p) < wm{a{all*)-V™, σ^16, ρ1/4, b(p)^/2) (3.1.36) and z(p) < z(q) < z{pfl\ p<q<p2. (3.1.37) Such a sequence can be constructed as follows: First choose an increasing sequence y{p) satisfying (3.1.36). By induction on к define z(p) = y(pk) Л z(pk-if2 for ρ = рк = 22\ pk + 1,. · .,pfc+1 - 1. Let {/(η), η £ Q} and {j(n), η £ Q} be two arbitrary sequences of real numbers tending to infinity and with l(n) < j(n), η £ Q. Recalling condition (3.1.5) and noting JS|5n| < ση, we have лД/тг < limsupan//9n < 1. (3.1.38) n—>oo Moreover, we have shown that Sn/pn —> -?V(0,1), η —> oo, η £ Q· Consequently, we obtain, for any a > 0 / N2dP= lim [ S2JpldP J\N\<oc neQJ\Sn\/pn<a <liminfp-2/ 52dP, "SQ J\S„\/an<l(n)
3.1 Necessary and sufficient conditions for the CLT 49 which implies by letting a —► oo l<liminf/9-2 / S2ndP neQ J\Sn\^n<l(n) <limsuP/9-2/ SldP<\. (3.1.39) neQ J\Sn\/a„<j(n) (3.1.38) and (3.1.39) imply lima"2 / SldP = 0. (3.1.40) «eQ Jl(n)<\Sn\lan<j(n) We shall apply Lemma 3.1.1 again. To prepare for it we set l{n) = l(n(p)) = z(n(p)) if η = n(p), ρ > 1 (3.1.41) and j(n) = j(n(p)) = min(a-1/4(orV4)) <Ti/4> Ъ{п)^/2) if η = n(p), ρ > 1. (3.1.42) For ρ large enough, we have by (3.1.22), (3.1.29) and (3.1.36) n{p) < 92{p)c{p)(p + p1/4) < z2(p)p < p1/2p < p2. (3.1.43) By (3.1.36), (3.1.42) and (3.1.41) j(n) > z\n) = l\n) > l(n), n€Q. (3.1.44) Since, by (3.1.41) w2 (n):=a~2 [ S2ndP-^0, η € Q, (3.1.45) we can choose a nonincreasing sequence {d(n), η G Q} such that lim d(n) = 0 and d(n) > 2Λ(η)_1/2 Λ w2(n), neQ. (3.1.46) neQ Let Q = {nfc, к > 1} be arranged in increasing order and let Jk be the interval Jk = [nkl2(nk)d(nk), nkj2(nk)d(nk)]. We show that there exists а ко such that Jk П Jfc+i φ 0, к > к0. (3.1.47)
50 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences Obviously n{nk) = г{пк){пк + [^(^fc)1^4]) € Q· As n^+i is the smallest member of Q bigger than nk we must have for large к пк+1 < п(пк) < nkz2{nk) < n\ by (3.1.43). Hence, by (3.1.41) and (3.1.37), the left endpoint of Jk+1 does not exceed nk+1l2(nk+1)d(nk+1) < nkz2(nk)z2(nk+1) < nkz2(nk)z2(n2k) < nkz5(nk) for large k. On the other hand, by (3.1.46) and (3.1.44), the right endpoint of Jk is bigger than nkj2(nk)d(nk) > nkj2(nk)r1/2(nk) > nkz(nk)15/2 for large k. Since z(nk) -^oowe obtain (3.1.47). Let m > min{/, / G Jko}· Then there is а к > ко such that m G Jk. Thus we have for some g G \Knk), j(nk)] and some |0| < 2 m = g2d(nk)nk = [g2d(nk)](nk + [a1/4(nfc)D + впк =:Мк+впк. (3.1.48) Now by (3.1.8), Mk is of the form (3.1.9) and hence we can apply Lemma 3.1.1. Put ρ = nk and d = d(nk). By (3.1.31), u(nk)/a(nk) > \η > 0. Now g > l(nk) —> oo and a(altA{nk)) —> 0. Finally, by (3.1.45) and noting l(nk) < g < j(nk), we have v2(nk) := a"2(nfc) / 5^ dP < w2(nfc) 0. V/2<|5nJ/^(nfc)<^ Hence, by Lemma 3.1.1, SMh/T(Mk)±N(p,l). (3.1.49) Since |0| < 2 we have by (3.1.33) for large к ES\6\nk < \θ\ηφ(\θ\η,) ^ Α a2(nk) ~ nkh(nk) Consequently \2 ζτό2 ^ л ~2 E(Sm - SMky = ES(e]nk < Aa\nk). (3.1.50)
3.2 Sufficient conditions for the CLT and WIP 51 Denoting r*(nk) = [g2d(nk)] we obtain by (3.1.33) for large к а2(Мк) > r*(nk)nkh(r*(nk)(nk + [σ1/4^)])) > 1 r*(nk)a2(nk) ~ r*(nk)nkh(nk) ~ 2 since r*(nk) < g2d(nk) < j2(nk)d(nk) < b(nk)/2 by (3.1.41 ). Hence, from (3.1.50) and as r*(nk) —> oo, we have E(Sm - SMk)2/a2{Mk) -^ 0 as к -> oo. (3.1.51) In the same way as (3.1.34) one can prove a2(Mk)/r2(Mk) < 8/72. (3.1.52) Put т~т = T(Mk), if?77,andMfc are as in (3.1.47). Then by (3.1.49), (3.1.51) and (3.1.52) Srn/rrn -^ Λ^(0,1) as πι -> oo. (3.1.53) The sequence {Sm/Tm, m > 1} is uniformly integerable in view of (3.1.51) and (3.1.52). We obtain (3.1.35) from (3.1.53) and (3.1.32). With the help of it and similarly to (3.1.39) we have ση/ρη -> 1 as η —► oo. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.1.3. 3.2 Sufficient conditions for the CLT and WIP In the last section, we give some necessary and sufficient conditions for the CLT. But it is not easy to verify them. In this section, we shall give some sufficient conditions for the CLT and weak invariance principle (WIP). Rosenblatt (1956) first gave sufficient conditions for the CLT. After that many authors (e.g. Ibragimov 1962) have discussed this subject and have obtained some further results. One of the best is due to Herrndorf (1984, 1985). The following theorem is attributed to Gordin (1969) and has been restated and proved by Hall and Heyde (1980) (Corollary 5.3(ii)) via approximating Sn by a naturally related martingale with stationary ergodic differences. Its proof will not been presented here. Theorem 3.2.1. Suppose that EXX = 0, Е\Хг\2+6 < oo for some δ > 0 and oo Σ <*(п)6/(2+г) < oo. (3.2.1) n=l
52 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences Then oo σ2 := EX\ + 2 ^ £ΧχΧ,- < oo (3.2.2) i=2 and, i/σ^Ο, 5п/ал/^Д ΛΓ(Ο,Ι). (3.2.3) Remark 3.2.1. For the case of bounded variables, i.e. 5 = oo, condition (3.2.1) is reduced to oo Σ a(n) < °°· (3.2.4) n=l Remark 3.2.2. Davydov (1973) gave two examples which pointed out that the rate of a(n) in Theorem 3.2.1 could not be improved in certain senses. Example 3.2.1. For any δ > 0 and ε > 0, there is a strictly stationary countable-state Markov chain {Xn, η > 1} with EX\ — 0, £|Xi|2+<5 < oo such that (i) a(n) = oin-^-^+W) as η -^ oo, (ii) VarSn « nd ^ for some 1 < d < 2, (iii) Sn is attracted to a symmetric stable law with exponent a, 1 < a < 2. Example 3.2.2. For any ε > 0 there exists a strictly stationary countable-state Markov chain {Χη? η > 1} with EX\ — 0, |Χχ| < cq a.s. for some Co < oo such that a(n) = ο(η~(1-ε^) as η —> oo and properties (ii) and (iii) in Example 3.2.1 hold. We now investigate the weak invariance principles. Define random elements on D[0,1] as follows: Wn(t) = S[nt]/an, 0<ί<1. Convergence theory of probability measures tells us that the key to the proof for weak invariance principle lies in verification of tightness. One of the following conditions is sufficient for tightness (cf. Billingsley 1968, Section 16). (1) For any ε > 0, η > 0, there exist a 5, 0 < δ < 1, and an integer no such that, for 0 < t < 1 \p{ sup \Wn{s)-Wn{t)\>e)<^ n>n0. (3.2.5) О lt<s<t+6 } λα w b means lima/6 = 1.
3.2 Sufficient conditions for the CLT and WIP 53 (2) For any ε > 0, there exists a λ > 1 and an integer no such that PJmax \Si\ > \ση\ < ε/λ2, n>n0. (3.2.6) Davydov (1968) first generalized the CLT to the invariance principle for bounded variables, but condition (3.2.4) was strengthened as Σ™=ι α1/2(η) < oo. Oodaira and Yoshihara (1972) sharpened his result and obtained the invariance principle under the conditions for the CLT basically. Theorem 3.2.2. Suppose that EXX = 0, \Хг\ < c0 < oo. J/ (3.2.4) is satisfied and a{n) < c/nlogn. Then, if σ > 0, i.e. Wn weakly converges to a Wiener process W with ση = ал/п. Proof. By Remark 3.2.1, it follows that Wn(t) converges to W(t) in distribution for any £, 0 < t < 1. By the Cramer-Wold method, it is easy to see that for any given 0 < t\ < £2 < * * * < tk ^ 1> (^n(^i)5 * * *> Wn(tk)) converges to (W(£i),· · ·, W{tk)) in distribution. We now show the tightness of {И^}. It is enough by (3.2.6) to prove that P{ max \Si\ > SXay/n] < ε/λ2, η > n0. (3.2.7) Put ρ = [vV(logn)3/8], к = [η Ι ρ]. We have Р{\Хг\ + · · · + \X2p\ > λσ^} = 0 (3.2.8) for large η by boundedness of {Xn}· Moreover, using Lemma 1.2.1 and condition (3.2.4) we have uniform integrability of {52/n, η > 1}. Therefore, for any ε > 0, there exists a λ > 1 such that for each г > 1 P{\Si\ > \σ\Γί) < ε/3λ2. (3.2.9)
54 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences Put Ej — {maxi<i<j \S{\ < SXa^/n < \Sj\}. We have P< max \Si\ > 3Xay/n\ l 1<г<п J η < P{\Sn\ > λσ^} + p((J {Ej f](\Sn -Sj\> 2λσ^)}) 3=1 < P{\Sn\ > \ay/n) k-2 ρ + Σ P(U {Яр+з П(15- " s*p+i\ ^ 2λσ^)}) i=0 j=l η + £ Ρ{|5η-5^·|>2λσν^} j=(fc-l)p+l < Ρ{|5„| > λσ^η} + Σ Ρ{U {^ Π(Ι5« - %Η2)„Ι > λσ^)}) г=0 j=l Ρ η + £ ^{|*ι| + ··· + |*η-,·|>2λσν^} j=(fc-l)p+l < Ρ{|5„| > λσν^} + ΣΡ{(ύ ^И-i) Π(ΐ5« - 5(i+2)Pl > λσν^)} i=0 j=l + 2ηΡ{\Χχ\ + ■■■ + \Χ2ρ\ > λσ^} =:/ι + /2 + /3. (3.2.10) By (3.2.8), Ιζ = 0. (3.2.9) implies that /χ < ε/3λ2. Since U?=1Eip+j G ^i+1)p, (|5n - 5(i+2)p| > \σφϊ) € ^+2)p+1, we obtain k-2 ρ 72 ^ Σ P{ U ^ii>+4P{l5" - 50+2)Pl > λσ^} + ka{p) i—o j=l < ε/3λ2 + ka(p) by (3.2.9) again. Prom a(n) < c/n log n, it follows that en n(logn)~'3/4log(n1/2(logn)~3/8)
3.2 Sufficient conditions for the CLT and WIP 55 Inserting these estimations into (3.2.10) yields (3.2.7). The proof of Theorem 3.2.2 is completed. Some authors have discussed and extended this theorem. The general result was given by Herrndorf (1985). He removed the assumption of stationarity and made the moment condition more flexible. Denote Q = {g{x) : [0, oo) —► [0, oo), g{x) is convex;^(0) = 0, g(x)/x2is non-decreasing, lim g(x)/x2 = oo}. χ—»οο For every g £ Q we define the inverse inv# : (0, oo) —> (0, oo) by g(mv g(x)) = χ and fg : [0, oo) —> [0, oo) by fg(0) = 0 and fg(x) = (inv (7(1/2;)) χ for χ > 0. Theorem 3.2.3. Let {ХП5 η > 1} be an α-mixing sequence with EXn = 0, EX2 < 00 for alln>\ and ESl/n-^σ2 as η -^ oo (3.2.11) for some σ > 0. If there exists a g £ G such that 00 sup^(|Xn|) < 00, Σ fg(a(n)) < °°> (3.2.12) ^ 71=1 then Wn => W. The proof of Theorem 3.2.3 needs the following lemmas. Lemma 3.2.1. Let £1, · · ·,£η be random variables. Put a = max sup{\P(AB) - P(A)P(B)\ : A G σ(&, · · ·,&), l<fc<n—1 ΒΞσ(&+ι,...,£η)}. Γ/ien /or any ε > 0, Σ i=i pfeJ^I>24 < Ρ{|Σ?=1^Ι>ε} + ηα
56 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences Proof. Put Ax = {|6|>2e}, к ι Ak = {|Σθ| >2ε' |Σθ| <2e, 1 <ί < fe-l}, 1<к<п. η η β* = {| Σ &|<e}' !<*<^ 5η = «, £ = {|Σ&|>ε}· i=fc+i i=i It is easy to see that \У^=1А^В^ С С and \Р{АкВк) - P(Ak)P(Bk)\ < a. Hence P(C) > Σ P(AkBk) > min P(Bk) Σ P(Ak) - na. (3.2.14) Note that fc=i ^*** *=г Combining it with (3.2.14) yields (3.2.13). Lemma 3.2.2. Let {Xn, η > 1} be as in Theorem 3.2.3, and satisfy sup E(Sm+n - Srn)2/n < oo. (3.2.15) n>l,m>0 Assume that there exist positive integers ρ = p(n), q — q(n) such that as η —► oo ρ = o(n), g = o(p), np^aiq) = o(l), (3.2.16) η-1 ^ |£Χ;Χ,·|-^0, · (3.2.17) i<i,j<n,\i-j\>q p~x max £{(Sm+p-Sm)2J(|Sm+p-Sm| > εη1/2)} —► 0 for any ε > 0. 0<m<n—p (3.2.18) ГЛеп <Λβ CLT holds. If moreover, for any ε > 0 np * max P<{ max |5m+r — Sm\ > ε^/η\ —> 0 (3.2.19) 0<m<n—ρ ^1<г<ю J #ien Wn => W with ση = σ^/η.
3.2 Sufficient conditions for the CLT and WIP 57 Proof. Denote к = [η/(ρ + q)]. к —> oo as η —> oo by (3.2.16). Put j(p+q)+p i=j(p+q)+l U+l)(P+9) 4j = Σ X*' 0 < j < A: - 1, η i=k(p+q)+l In order to prove the CLT, it suffices to show that as η —> oo (a)£S»2/n-0, (b) (c) pexp(iiS^ - Γΐ)=ο Eexp(it^j)\ —► О uniformly in t G (-00, 00), (d) Σ?=ο £($/(!£, Ι > εσηχ/2))/η _> 0 for any e > 0. Prom Lemma 1.2.3 and (3.2.15) we have ESf<J2Ev] + 2J2 Σ \EXiXi\ j=0 г=1 i+p<j<n <c(kq + p + q) + 20n ^ /^(а(г)) sup ||X,|| г=р+1 2 Now (a) follows from (3.2.12) and (3.2.16). By the same way, we obtain (b). As to (c), we have by Lemma 1.2.1 and (3.2.16) fc-l Eexp(itS'n) - Yl JSexp(iifj) < 16ka(q) -> 0 as η —► oo. Finally, (d) follows from (3.2.18) immediately. Thus the CLT holds true for {Xn}. Let 0 < t\ < · · · < tk < 1 be given. We wish to show (^п(^),.-.,^п(^))-(^1),·--,^^)) as n-oo (3.2.20) in distribution. Prom (3.2.11) and the CLT, Wn(t) converges to W(t) in distribution for any £, 0 < t < 1. Therefore {Wn(£i),· · -Дп(^)} is tight by Prohorov's classical characterization of tightness. Let Q be the
58 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences limit distribution of some subsequence of {Wn(£i), · · ·, Wn(£fc)}, and nti the mapping that carries the point χ = (χχ, · · · , ж*.) of Rk to the point Xt{ of R. According to the CLT, the marginal distribution Qtt^1 are normal with variance t{. Take rn = q/n, then rn —> 0 and an(q) —> 0, where an(g) = sup{|P(AS) - Р(Л)Р(В)| : A G σ(Χ;, 1 < г < га), Ρ G cr(Xi, m + q <i <n, 1 < m < η — q}. Using (3.2.15) one obtains £(Wn(^ + rn) - Wn(U))2 -► 0 as η —► oo. Hence Q(7rtl, πί2 — ntl, · · ·, 7rifc — πίΑ._1)~ is the limit distribution of some subsequence of (Wn(«i), Wn(t2) - Wn(«i + rn), · · ·, W(tfc) - Wn(tfc_i +rn)). Now an([nrn] - 1) —► 0 implies that π4ι, πί2 - πίΐ5· · ·,πίΑ. - щк__г are independent under Q. Therefore Q is the distribution of (W(£i), ···, W(tfc))· This argument proves (3.2.20). Finally, we have to prove the tightness of the sequence {Wn}. It suffices to show a version of (3.2.5), i.e., for any ε > 0, η > 0 there exist a 5, 0 < δ < 1, and an integer no such that [1/δ] r ι Σ Mr ,,i ^x,, , J5' - 5н^]1> εσ^ί < *> n^ n°- (3·2·21) r^l ^[пк6]<г<[п(к+1)6] > Let A; G {0, · · ·, [1/5]} be fixed, m = m(n) = [([n(k + 1)δ] - [nkS])/(p + q)], [nk6]+j(p+q)+p [nk6] + (j+l)(p+q) £j= Σ XuVj= Σ Xi> J = 0,l,---,m-1. i=[nk6]+j(p+q)+l i=[nk6]+j(p+q)+p+l Then we have ΡI max \Sr — S\nkfi]\ > eay/n\ <(m + l) max P<( max |S;+r — SA > εσ^/η/3> ~V 0<l<n-(p+q) U<r<p+q] ^ ' ' J r + P( max lyfJ > еау/п/з] 3=0 r + P{ max У^Лд\> еау/п/ЭЛ lo<r<m-il^ -Ί ' J =: /i + /2 + /3. (3.2.22) From (3.2.19), it follows that asn->oo 1\ < cnp~l max P{ max |S/+r — 5/1 > еал/^/з[ —> 0. ~ 0<i<n-(p+g) ll<r<p+g' '+Г £| V ' J
3.2 Sufficient conditions for the CLT and WIP 59 By Lemma 1.2.3, (3.2.15) and (3.2.12), we obtain ^аХт~г}Е^У/{(х2п) < £ Εη2/(σ2η) + 2 £ £ \ЕХ^\/{а2п) 0<j<m—l l<i<ni+p<j<n < cmq/(a2n) + 20σ~2 £ fg(a(j)) sup \\Xj\\2g -► 0. Similarly max Ε(ΥξΛ2/(σ2η) JC{0,.,m-l} V^4V < £ £^/(σ2η) + 2 χ) ^ \ЕХ^\/(а2п) 0<j<m—l l<i<ni+q<j<n < cmp/(a2n) + 20σ~2 £ /ff(a(j)) sup ||Χ,·||2. Using the definition of m and (3.2.12), we obtain that the last expression converges to ca~26 as η —> oo. Choose 6ο(ε) > 0 such that (18/ε)2οσ-%(ε) < \- Prom now on we shall assume δ < δο(ε). By the Chebyshev inequality we have m—1 1 ο<ϊη<^-2ρ{|ΣιΦ-^/6}>- - - J=r+1 for large n. Now we apply Lemma 3.2.1 and obtain m—1 /2 < 2P{| Σ ξ,·| > εσν/η/б} + 2man(? + 1). i=o (3.2.16) implies man(g + 1) —► 0 as η —► схэ. Since m—1 i=o m—1 „ E[s[n{k+1)s] - S[nkS] - Σ (£i + %)) /(σ2η) -» ° asn -^ oo, i=o
60 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences we obtain r lim sup P| max \S^CA > εσ\Ζΰ/3\ η_+οο^ lo<r<m-i\^J\ v ' ) 3=0 < 21imsupP{|s[n(fc+1)(5] - S[nk6]\ > еау/п/т\. Applying the Chebyshev inequality and Lamma 3.2.1 again yields r lim sup P{ max Υ"" m > εσ^/η/Ζ \ n-юо l0<r<m-llr-^ I > .7=0 m— 1 < 2 Km sup Ρ\ Y^ щ > eay/n/6 > + 2 lim sup man(p + 1) = 0. n—>oo · л η—юо Summing up these results for к = 0, · · ·, [1/6], we obtain lim sup У^ P< max 5r — S\nkn\ > εσ-ν/η? «-«> έο 4n*«]<r<[n(fc+i)«]l l Ί J < 2 V lim sup P{ S[n(fc+i)i] - 5[nfc6] > eay/n/7\ fc=o n^°° u ' J <2(^ + l)P{|JV(0,<5)|>e/7}-^0 as<5-^0. 0 Thus Lemma 3.2.2 is proved. Proof of Theorem 3.2.3. Assume that some g £ G satisfies condition (3.2.12). Then К := SUPn>l \\Xn\\g < OO. We note that the conditions (3.2.18) and (3.2.19) of Lemma 3.2.2 are both implied by m+p m+p Ρ_1ο<^-/((Σ l*l)'( Σ \Хг\>е^))^0, i=m+l i=m+l as η —> oo. (3.2.23) From the monotonicity of g(x)/x2, the convexity of # and ^(|Х|/||Х||^) < 1 if 0 < \\X\\g < oo, we have m+p m+p Ε((Σ \X,\) l( Σ \Xi\>eV^)) i=m+l i=m+l m+p < Eg{ Σ \Xi\/Kp)e2n/g(e^/KP) i=m+l < e2n/g(ey/n/Kp).
3.2 Sufficient conditions for the CLT and WIP 61 Thus (3.2.23) is implied by p-1n/g{ey/^IKp) -> 0 as η -> oo. (3.2.24) From Lemma 1.2.3 we have for m > 0, η > 1 oo E(Sm+n - Sm)2 < nsnpEX2 + 2nK2 Σ /*(<*(*))· Since supJ>x £X? < oo, we obtain (3.2.15). The proof of Theorem 3.2.3 will be completed by constructing sequences p(n), q(n) such that (3.2.16), (3.2.17) and (3.2.24) are fulfilled. Since к —► fg(a(k)) is non-increasing, the assumption Y%Li fg(a(k)) < oo implies fg(a(k))k —► 0 as к —► oo. Therefore we can choose a : [0, oo) —► [0, oo) continuous and strictly decreasing such that fg(a(x))x-^>0 as#—>oo, (3.2.25) a(x) > a(k) for all integers к > χ. (3.2.26) Since χ —> xmv g(\/a(x)) homeomorphically maps (0, oo) on (0, oo), we can define x(n) G (0, oo) by x{n) inv g(l/a(x(n))) = nly\ Then x(n) —> oo as η —> oo. (3.2.25) implies that there exists an L = L(n) > n-1/4 with L(n) —> 0 as η —> oo such that L(n)~2 sup (ίην#(1/α(*)))2α(*)£ -> 0 as η -> oo. (3.2.27) £>cc(n) Define у = y(n) G (0, oo) by y(n)invg(l/a(y(n))) = L(n)n1/2. Clearly y(n) > x(n) and y(n) = ^(n1/2). Put q{n) = min{j, j > y(n)} and choose a sequence p(n) such that asn->oo p(n)/y(n) -+ oo, p(n)/n -+ 0, L(n)p(n)/y(n) -+ 0. (3.2.28) Now ρ = p(ri) = o(n), q = q(n) = o(p) hold true. Since q(n) —> oo, (3.2.17) can be obtained from the assumption of the theorem by an application of Lemma 1.2.3. Using (3.2.26), the definition of y(n) and (3.2.27) we obtain nq~1a(q) < ny~1a(q) < ny~1a(y) = L~2(invg(l/a(y)))2a(y)y -► 0 asn->oo, (3.2.29)
62 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences which and q = o(p) imply np~1a(q) = o(l). For all large η we have ρ > у and ye/KpL > 1 by (3.2.28). For such η we obtain by the convexity of g and the definition of y(n) : p^n/giey/n/Kp) < y^npLK/ieygiLy/n/y)) = y~1na{y)pLK/(ey). This expression tends to 0 by (3.2.28) and (3.2.29). Hence (3.2.24) holds. The proof of Theorem 3.2.3 is completed. The following corollaries are immediate. Let g(x) = χ2+δ for some δ > 0 in Theorem 3.2.3. Corollary 3.2.1. Let {ХП5 η > 1} be an α-mixing sequence with EXn = 0, oo sup E\Xn\2+s < oo, 53 <x(n)6/{2+6) < oo for some δ > 0. n=l Suppose that condition (3.2.11) is satisfied. Then Wn^W. Corollary 3.2.2. Let {Xn, n> 1} be an α-mixing sequence with EXn = 0.If OO supEX2\\og\Xn\\a < oo, 53|loga(n)ra < oo (3.2.30) n=l /or some a > 0, particularly supEX2\\og\Xn\\a < oo, a(n) = 0(6_n) (3.2.31) П /or some a > 1 and Ь > 1, Йеп Herrndorf (1985) has given two examples, which show that a > 1 cannot be replaced by a = 1 in (3.2.31). The constructions of the examples are omitted here.
3.3 The CLT and WIP when the variance is infinite 63 Remark 3.2.3. Doukhan, Massart and Rio (1994) discussed the functional CLT for α-mixing sequence, via the α-mixing function a(t) and the tail distribution function of |Χχ|, they gave another sufficient condition as follows: Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary α-mixing sequence of centered random variables satisfying / mva(u)[invG(u)]2du < oo (3.2.32) Jo where G{u) = P(\Xi\ > u). Then the series σ2 = Σ£=1 Cov(XbXn) is absolutely convergent, and Ζη/σ =► W, where Zn(t) = ^ ЕЙ Хк- Particularly, if \Χχ\ < с < oo, condition (3.2.32) is equivalent to (3.2.4). So, in this case, Theorem 3.2.2 is recovered. 3.3 The CLT and WIP when the variance is infinite The CLT for a mixing sequence with possibly infinite variance was first discussed by Lin (1981, 1982). He proved the following theorem under the conditions comparable with that in the case of independent sums. Assume also that {Xn5 η > 1} is a strictly stationary α-mixing sequence. Theorem 3.3.1. Suppose that EX\ = 0 and the following conditions are satisfied: (i) There exist two sequences of positive integers ρ = p{n) andq = q(n) satisfying ρ = o(n), q = o(p), ka(q) —► 0 asn-> oo, (3.3.1) where к = k(n) = [n/(p + q)]. (ii) There exists a sequence of constants {Cn} with Cn | oo and к [ dP = o(-), (3.3.2) J\Xi\>Ck ^P' οί/("Ιχ^χ?άρ)=°Φ· (3·3·3)
64 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences uniformly in i. Then, {Xn} obeys the CLT. If moreover there exists a constant a > 0 such that ρ < ka and lim k2+aa(q) = 0, (3.3.5) η—>οο Йеп Йеге are constants Bn > 0 5?xc/i £/m£ {Wn(t) = £[ηίι/Βη, 0 < £ < l}n>i weakly converges to W. Proof. Define £J5 j = 0,1,··, A; — 1, and r/j, j = 0,1,· · ·,& as in Lemma 3.2.2. From (3.3.2) and (3.3.3) we obtain Hence Cl [ dp/ [ X\ dP = o(p-2). (3.3.6) J\Xi\>Ck I J\Xx\<Ck 0</ &dP-( ildP %о|<рС*)П(и*=1(|Х,|>С*)) < ръС\ [ dP = o(p f X\ dP), J\Xi\>Ck V ./|Xi|<C» У i.e., / $dP= [ (ΈΧ1 + 2 Σ MiW + ofp/ XldP). (3.3.7) V ^|ATi|<Ct У Furthermore, from (3.3.6) again 0 < / X? dP - / A"? dP = / X?dP А|^1<с*)пи^«р(|х4|>сь) <pC|/ dP = o(p-1 [ XfdP). Therefore ν Σ / *;dP ^ί^η?=1(|Λ<|<σ») = p f XfdP + o( [ Xf dP). (3.3.8) J\Xi\<Ck \J\XdKCk '
3.3 The CLT and WIP when the variance is infinite 65 Similarly / XiXj dP JrPj=i(\Xi\<Ck) = ί Χ,Χ^άΡ + οίρ-1 [ XfdP). ./|X<|<Cfc,|Xf|<CJb V J\Xi\<Ck ' Using condition (3.3.4), we obtain У [ XiXidP = o(p( XfdP). (3.3.9) l<i<j<pJpli=iUXj\<Cb) J\Xi\<Ck ' Now (3.3.7), (3.3.8) and (3.3.9) imply / $ dP = (1 + o(l))p / Xf dP. (3.3.10) J\to\<pCk J\Xi\<ck Moreover, / dP< [ dP<p [ dP. (3.3.11) Ato\>pCk ^=1{\Ха\>Ск) J\Xi\>Ck Then using conditions (3.3.3) and (3.3.2) we obtain т-^Цз/ ξ%άΡ^οο, (3.3.12) к [ dP-^0. (3.3.13) Аы>рск According to (3.3.10), L· \<pC £o dP —► oo as η —> oo. Imitating the proof of Theorem 35.1 in Gnedenko and Kolmogorov (1954), we have (/ ξ0άΡΫ = ο([ f0dP), yJ\to I <pCk ' yJ^o\<pCk ' i.e., (3.3.12) is equivalent to Τ^γΛ I iUP-U todP)2} - oo. (3.3.14) Let £·, j = 0,1, · · ·,& — 1, be independent random variables with the same distribution as £o· By checking the proof of Theorem 26.4 in Gnedenko and Kolmogorov (1954), under conditions (3.3.13) and (3.3.14), (p) there exists a sequence of positive constants B^ such that ^^4jV(0, 1) asn-^oo. (3.3.15) o(p)
66 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences In fact, we can take B^ = k{[ &dP-([ ξοάΡ)2} 4 = (l + o(l))fc/ $dP = (1 + o(l))kp [ Xl dP (3.3.16) J\Xi\<Ck by (3.3.10). Using Lemma 1.2.1 and (3.3.1) we have fc-i fc-i \Eexp(it Σ ti/B^) ~ Π EexpWj/B^l < 4ka(q) - 0. (3.3.17) j=o j=x Combining it with (3.3.15) yields , fc-i -щΣοдN^!) ™n- ~· (3·3·18) Bk j=0 Repeat the above discussion for 7^·, j = 0,1, · · ·, к — 1. Then there exists a в[я) > 0 such that , k-1 -7т^ч;4 ЛГ(0, 1) as η -> oo. (3.3.19) β к i=o Similarly to (3.3.16), S^ = (1 + o(l))ifeg/|Xl|<Cjb X?dP. Therefore (ВР/ВР)2 = (1 + o(l))g/p = o(l). (3.3.20) Thus fc-i ^ Σ *&' ~* ° as η -^ oo. (3.3.21) Bk ' j=o Moreover, noting η — k(p + q) < ρ + q and using (3.3.16) and (3.3.3) we have for any ε > 0 Р{\щ/В^\> ε} <(р + д)Е\Х1\/еВР < 2рЕ\Х1\/е(кр [ XfdPY/2 = оШСк) -> 0. (3.3.22) ' V J\Xi\<Ck > Let Bn = B^\ Then (3.3.18), (3.3.21) and (3.3.22) imply Sn/Bn —у N(0, 1) as η —► oo.
3.3 The CLT and WIP when the variance is infinite 67 Now we turn to the weak invariance principle. Put ka = [k2+a]. For any positive integer N there exists an η such that ka(p + q) < N < (ka + l)(p + q). Define £j and 77j as above, however their indices are extended to j = 0,1, · · ·, ka — 1. Recalling the proof of (3.3.18), under the condition kaa(q) —► 0, there are constants Вт > 0 (га = /с, к + 1, · · ·, ка) such that .. т—1 -£) Σ & Д ^(°> χ) asn^oo, (3.3.23) where Sm^ are the normed constants related to the independent random variables with the same distribution as £o (for fixed ρ ). If we denote the sequence of constants corresponding to {£j, j = 0,1, · · -,ra} in Theorem 26.4 of Gnedenko and Kolmogorov (1954) by {Cm}, then, similarly to (3.3.16), B$2 = (1 + o(l))mp [ X\ dP. (3.3.24) J\Xl\<C'm And similarly to (3.3.19), ka-i ВЦ*'1 Σ Vj -^ #(0, 1) as η -> oo. (3.3.25) j=o Define Вдг = в£\ put [(fca-l)*] [(fca-l)t] 5[^t] = Σ £? + Σ ^i + ^,*' j=0 j=0 where 77^ = X([(fca_1)t]+1)(p+g)+1 + · · · + Х[лгф with the number of terms [M]-(pa-l)*] + l)(p + g)<^ Define [(fca-l)t] [(fca-1)*] Recalling (3.3.17), we know that the normed sums of £j(vj) and the normed sums of £/(77/), where £/, j = 1, · · · ,ka — 1, (77/, j = 1, · · · ,&a — 1) are independent, with the common normed constants, have the same convergence. Hence by Theorem 26.2 in Gnedenko and Kolmogorov (1954), (3.3.23) implies that for any ε>0, 0 < £ < 1, J\x\>e l\x\>e
68 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences [mt}{[ x2dF%\x)-([ xdF^(x)Y}^t, where Fm\x) is the distribution of ξο/Bm, i.e. [rut] J dF^(Vty)-^0, [mt]{ f y2dF^(Vty) - ( / ydF^(Vty))2} - 1. Then by the same theorem cited just now we obtain W'N(t) Λ W(t). (3.3.26) Similarly, we can also show W'N(t) - W'N(s) Л W(t) - W(s) for 0 < s < t < 1. (3.3.27) An analogue of (3.3.25) for {ijj} is [(fca-l)t] Σ Vj±W(t). (3.3.28) В (я) 'fca 3=0 With the help of the rusult similar to (3.3.20), (3.3.27) implies uniformly in t. Imitating (3.3.22) we also have p Vnj/Bn -► 0 uniformly in t. Consequently w" Д o. Thus we investigate W'N instead of Wn- At first we consider convergence of finit-dimensional distributions of W'N. The convergence of one-diniensional distribution has been given by (3.3.26). For the two-dimensional case we need to prove (WM, W'N{t) - W'N{s)) Λ (W(a), W(t) - W(s)), 0 < s < t < 1,
3.3 The CLT and WIP when the variance is infinite 69 in other words, to show that for any Borel sets A\ and A2 P{W'N(s) € AX, W'N(t) - W'N(s) G A2) -»· P{W(s) G A1}P{W{t) - W{s) G A2}. (3.3.29) According to the α-mixing property, we have \P{W'N(s) G Au W'N{t) - W'N{s) G A2) - P{W'N(s) G A^PiW^t) - W'N(s) G A2}\ < <*(q). Combining it with (3.3.26) and (3.3.27) yields (3.3.32). Three or more dimension case can be treated in the same way, and hence the finite- dimensional distributions converge properly. Finally, we prove tightness of W'N. By (3.2.5), it suffices to show that for any ε, η > 0 there exist a <5, 0 < δ < 1 and an integer щ such that for 0 < t < 1 P{ sup \WN(s)-W'N(t)\>e}<6^ n>n0. t<s<t+6 Equivalently, j I i=0 j P{ max \У ij\ > εΒΝ) < δη, π> η0. (3.3.30) By the CLT, we have [2ka6] p{\ Σ &| ^ εΒ»/ή - p{\ww)\ > ε/*} i=o = P{\W(1)\ > e/(2y/2S)} < ^-y/2SE\W(l)\3 < ^ provided that δ is small enough. Hence, there exists an no such that P{\ Ε &| ^ SBN/2} <: Y> П^ П0- i=0 Therefore, if we prove that for large N and every j, 0 < j < 2ka6 — 1, ρ{\Σ&\<εΒΝ/ή>\, (3.3.31) i=0
70 Chapter 3 Weak Convergence for α-mixing Sequences it follows from Lemma 2.2.1 that we have j [2ka6] P{o<£f2Xj££| * eBN) < 2P{\ £ fc| > eBN/2} < δη. г=0 г=0 Now it remains to show (3.3.31). First we consider the case of j < k. Using (3.3.24) and noting ρ < Α;α, we have ^{|Σ&| > εΒΝ/ή < 2jpE\X1\/eBN i=0 < ZkpElX^/eikaP [ XldP]1'2 -+ 0. Assume к < j < 2ka6. Recall (3.3.23). By Theorem III, we can write Bf=jh^(j). With the help of the property of a slowly varying function, 2 Bf~ jh№(j) hm sup —j- = hm sup , > < 26. ЛГ-.00 Щ лг_оо kah(P)(ka) Therefore, there exists an щ such that B2N/Bf] > 1/36 for п>гц. Let 6 be small enough so that P{|W(1)| > e/2V36} < 1/4. Then j j ρ{|Σ&| ^εΒ»/2} ^ ρ{|ί>| ^ ^Β^ν^δ} i=0 i=0 -P{|W(1)|> e/2V36} < 1/4, which implies (3.3.31). The proof of Theorem 3.3.1 is completed.
Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences Ibragimov (1975) first showed that the CLT and the WIP hold true under some conditions for a strictly stationary p-mixing sequence of random variables, i.e., Theorem 4.0.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary p-mixing sequence of random variables with EX\ = 0, EX\ < oo and (i) a* = ES%^oo, (η) Σ£°=ιΡ(2")<οο. Then the distridution of Sn/an converges to Φ(χ). Theorem 4.0.2. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary p-mixing sequence of random variables with EX\ = 0, Е\Хг \2+δ < oo for some δ>0 and condition (i) is satisfied. Then with Wn(t) = S[nt]/an, 0 < t < 1, Wn=>W. Peligrad (1982) gave a functional form under 2-th moment condition, however, the mixing rate is more restrictive, namely Σρ1^2(2η) < oo. Peligrad (1986) suggested five open problems, one of which is to prove the weak invariance principle under the same sufficient conditions for the CLT. Shao (1988b) gave a positive answer, which will be introduced in Section 4.1. When the moments of order s > 2 is finite, Bradley (1984) raised the problem of finding the slowest permissible /9-mixing rates to assure the CLT under more flexible moment assumptions. Suppose that {Xn,n > 1}
72 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences is a strictly stationary p-mixing sequence of random variables with EX\ = 0, σ\ — ES\ —► oc and EX\g[X{) < oc, where g : [0, oc) —► [0, oc) satisfies: both g(x) and χ /g(x) are non-decreasing functions for some δ > 0. Bradley asked whether the CLT holds true when [logn] exp(d Σ Р(*» = °(9(nl/2)) i=l for any d > 0. Peligrad (1987) proved a more meticulous result. Theorem 4.0.3. Let {Xn,n > 1} and g(x) be as above. If [logn] exp((2 + ε*) Σ p(?))=0(g(n^)) i=l for' some о < ε* < 1, then Sn/an —► Λ^(0,1) in distribution as η —> oo. Peligrad (1987) conjectured that Wn => W under the same conditions as in Theorem 4.0.3. Shao (1989b) gave a positive answer, which will be discussed in Section 4.2. In Shao (1989a), he gave a more general result for the non-stationary sequence, which will be discussed in Section 4.3. Some invariance principles for stationary /9-mixing sequences with infinite variance will also be introduced in Section 4.4. In the study of invariance principles for dependent random variables, the following basic result due to Billingsley (1968) is used frequently. Let В = σ{(—ос,ж), —ос < χ < оо} be the Borel σ-field of R. Theorem 4.0.4. Let {Wn,n > 1} be a sequence of random elements in D[0,1] satisfying the following conditions: (i) {Wn(t),0 < t < 1} has asymptotically independent increments, i.e., for any given Bi G β, г = 1, · · ·, r and 0 < s\ < t\ < · · · < sr < tr < 1 we have lim {P(Wn(ti) - Wn(si) G В{, г = 1, · · ·, r) η—>οο г - Π P(Wn(U) - Wn(si) € Bi)} = 0, i-1
4.1 The WIP when the momnets of order 2 are finite 73 (ii) {W%(t),n > 1} is uniformly integrable for each t, (Hi) EWn(t) -> 0, EW*(t) -> t as η -> oo, (iv) for any ε, η > 0 £/iere exisi α 5 > 0 and a positive integer no s^c/i ίΛαί P{w(Wn,6) >ε} <η n>n0, where w(x,6) = sup|s_t|<<5 \x(s) — x(t)\. Then Wn => W. 4.1 The WIP when the moments of order 2 are finite Shao (1988b) proved the following theorem. Theorem 4.1.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a p-mixing sequence of random variables with EXn = 0, EX2 < oo and (i) limn-oo ESl/n = σ2 > 0, (ii) {X2,n > 1} is uniformly integrable, (Ш) Σ~=ιΡ(2")<οο. Then where wn(t) = s[nt]/*v4 о < t < i. The proof of Theorem 4.1.1 will need the following lemmas. Lemma 4.1.1.(Peligrad 1982) Let {Xn,n > 1} be an α-mixing sequence of random variables with EXn = 0, EX\ < oo, satisfying (i) of Theorem 4-1-1 and (ii/ for each t £ [0,1], {W%(t),n > 1} is uniformly integrable, (iv) for any ε > 0 there exist a real number λ > 2 and a positive integer щ such that for every η > no and all к > 1 P{ max \Sk(i)\ > λσ^/η} < ε/λ2. (4.1.1) 1<г<п Then Wn => W. Lemma 4.1.1 is a corollary of Theorem 4.0.4. Lemma 4.1.2.(Moricz 1982) Let {Xn,n > 1} be a sequence of random variables. Suppose that the non-negative function f(k,m) satisfies f% m) + f(k + m, /) < /(*, m + l) (4.1.2)
74 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences for fc>0,ra>l,/>l and the function g(t,s) is non-decreasing for each arguments. If E\Sk(m)\r < f(k,rn)gr(f(k,rn),rn) r > 1, (4.1.3) then EnSJSt(m)r < |/(*.„){ Σ »№·[?])}· <«·"> The proof of Lemma 4.1.2 will not be presented here. Proof of Theorem 4.1.1. We need only to check the conditions (ii)' and (iv) in Lemma 4.1.1. 1) We prove that {5|(n)/n,n > l,fc > 0} is uniformly integrable. Let TV > 0 be specified later on. Denote ΧτΝ = XiI(\Xi\ < N)- k+n S?in) = Σ, X?, i=k+l fc+n ^fc (n) = Σ Xi ' i=fc+l £αί/= / UdP. JU>a It is obvious that - EXiI(\Xi\ < Ν), , С^^Ч EaSl(n)/n < 4Ea/4(S?(n))2/n + 4E(Sk(n))2/n. (4.1.5) Prom Lemma 2.2.2 it follows that for every η sup E(S"(η))2/η < KsupE(X%)2 k>l k>l for some К > 0. Since {X\,n > 1} is uniformly integrable, for any given ε > 0 we have TV such that supfc>1 E(Xk )2 < ε/8Κ. Thus for each η > 1 and к > 1 £(sf(n))2/n < ε/8. (4.1.6) On the other hand, from Lemma 2.2.4, there exists a constant K\ = Κι(Ν,δ,ρ) > 0 such that for every η supE\S?(η)\2+δ/n1+6'2 < Кг. fc>l
4.1 The WIP when the momnets of order 2 are finite 75 Then for large a we obtain Ea/A{S»{n)f/n < * Ea/A\S»{n)\^/n^l* < |. (4.1.7) Inserting (4.1.6), (4.1.7) into (4.1.5) we prove that {S£(ra)/ra,ra > 1, к > 1} is uniformly integrable. 2) We show (4.1.1). Let ρ = [exp(2Clog1/3 n)], r = [n/p], where the constant С is specified in Lemma 2.2.4 corresponding to δ = 1. Denote X? = XiI(\Xi\ < n^/p) - EXiI{\Xi\ < n^2/p), k+l k+l sj?(0 = Σ xf, sl(i) = Σ xj, j=k+l j=fc+l fc+2ir У£= Σ X?, * = l,2,...,pi:=|p/2], j=fc+l+(2t-l)r fc+(2i+l)r Zi= J; Χ?, ί = 0,1,.··,ρ2:=[(ρ-1)/2], j=fc+l+2ir Ti(i)= Σ ^' r,(i) = 5Jzj, T(i) = T0(i), T(i)=T0(i). It is obvious that Sk(i) = S%(i) + Sk(i). Without loss of generality assume that σ — 1. We first prove Pi max |S£(i)| > λη1/2} < ε/6λ2 (4.1.8) for large n. Form Lemma 2.2.4 with δ = 1 it follows that max |£S£(i)|3 < C{n*'2al + nexp(Clog1/3n)a0} l<fc<n < cn3/2, where σ^ = supn E(X\n^)2, ao = supn E\X\nχ. Using Lemma 4.1.2 we have sup£m^|S£(i)|3 = 0(n3/2).
76 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences That is to say, {maxi<;<n |S£(i)|2/n,n > 1, к > 1} is uniformly integrable. Therefore for any ε > 0 there exist λ > 2 and large no such that (4.1.8) is satisfied for η > щ. Next, we show P{ max |s£(i)| > ЪХп1'2} < 5ε/6λ2. (4.1.9) 1<г<п Note that the left hand side of (4.1.9) does not exceed P{ max \T{%)\ > 2\n1l2) + p{ max \T(i)\ > 2Xn^2} + ^p{maxK+jr(i)|>An1/2} j=o -г-т =:/i+/2+/3. (4.1.10) Since {X2,n > 1} is uniformly integrable, without loss of generality we can assume that supn>1 ||Xn||2 < 1. Thus we have P{max|5^ir«)l>An^} fc+(i+i)r <p{ Σ (\χ7\-ε\χ7\)>^2/2} i=k+l+jr Then by condition (ii) again Now we estimate I\. Denote ft = σ(Κι,· ··,*·), ui = E(Yi\gi-1), Ui(i) = E£/+1 «,·, Tt(i) = Tt(i) - Щг), U(i) = U0(t), T*(i) = T(i) - U(i). It is easy to see that h < P{ max |T*(t)| > An1/2)· + PJ max \U(i)\ > An1/2} =:/π+/ΐ2· (4.1.12)
4.1 The WIP when the momnets of order 2 are finite 77 Since {Т*(г),г = 1, · · · ,ρχ} is a martingale, for large η hi < ε/6λ2. (4.1.13) In order to estimate /12, we prove that there exists a constant Co, which does not depend on /,г, к and η, such that М//2(г) < C0irp2(r)(\og2i)2. (4.1.14) From Lemma 2.2.2 there exists a constant C\ > 0, which does not depend on /, г, к and η, such that ETf{i) < Сггг. (4.1.15) Using induction for г, we can show that (4.1.14) holds for C0 = Ci/(log |)2. From the definition of />-mixing, we have EUf{l) = Euf+1 = EYl+1ul+1 < р(г)||У/+1||2|К+1||2. Combining it with (4.1.15) implies (4.1.14) for г = 1. For г > 2, assume that (4.1.14) holds for j < i. Put i\ = [г/2],гг = г — i\. We have М/г2(г) = EUf{h) + EUf+h{i2) + 2£;E7/(i1)E7/+il(i2) <^(»1) + Щ2+<1(г2) + 2/1Кг)||С7,(»1)||2||ТЖ1(»2)||2. By the assumption of induction and (4.1.15), we obtain EUf{i) < C0i1rp2(r)(log(2i1))2 + C0i2rp2(r)(log(2i2))2 + 2р2(г)гг1/2г2/2СУ2С11/21оё(2г1) < C0irp2(r)((log(2i2))2 + 2(log^) log(2i2)) < C0irp2(r)(log(2i))2. This proves that (4.1.14) holds for every i. From (4.1.14) and Lemma 4.1.2 we obtain Ε max U2(i) < cPlr(\og(2pi))4p2(r) < cn(logn)~1/2. 1<г<рх Thus for large η there exists a λ > 2 such that J12 < ε/6λ2. (4.1.16)
78 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences Combining it with (4.1.13) yields h < ε/3λ2. (4.1.17) By the same way we have h < ε/3λ2. (4.1.18) From (4.1.11), (4.1.17) and (4.1.18) it follows that (4.1.9) holds true. This proves Theorem 4.1.1. From Theorem 4.1.1 and Theorem 2.1.5, we have the following corollary immediately. Corollary 4.1.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary p-mixing sequence of random variables with EX\ — 0, EX\ < oo and Σ^=ι Ρ(2η) < oo. //σ2 = ES„ —► oo, then η—►oo Moreover if σ > 0, then where Wn(t) = S[nt]/ay/n, 0<t<l. 4.2 The WIP when moments of higher than two orders Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary /9-mixing sequence of random variables with EX\ — 0,EXf < oo and σ2 = ES„ —► oo(n —► oo). Let g : [0, oo) —> [0, oo) be a non-decreasing function and for some 0 < δ < 1,χδ/g(x) be also a non-decreasing function. Theorem 4.2.1.(Peligrad 1987, Shao 1989b) Let {Xn,n > 1} be as above and satisfy (i) EX1V|X1|)<oo, (ii) exp((2 + ε*) T,t\n] p(2k)) = 0(g(n^)) for some 0 < ε* < 1. Then Wn=>W. By some simple computations we have the following corollaries:
4.2 The WIP when moments of higher than two orders 79 Corollary 4.2.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be as above. Suppose that for some ε > 0 and a > 0 EXf(log+iXil)2^1'^ < oo and p(n) < a/ log η for every η sufficiently large. Then Wn=>W. Corollary 4.2.2. Let {Xn->n > 1} be as above. Suppose that for some 0</3<1,ε>0 and a > 0 ΕΧΪexp(^^(21°g+ Ι^Ι)1"') < °° and p(n)<a/(\ognf for every η sufficiently large. Then Wn=>W. Corollary 4.2.3. Let {Xn,n > 1} be as above. Soppose that for some r > Ο,ε > 0 and a > 0 ^^9 / 4alog+ |Xi| \ and p(n) < a/(loglogn)r for every η sufficiently large. Then Wn=>W. The proof of Theorem 4.2.1 will need the following lemma, which is an immediate consequence of Theorem 3.1.2 and Theorem 8.4 of Billingsley (1968).
80 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences Lemma 4.2.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be as above. In order that Wn weakly converges to W it is necessary and sufficient that {52/σ2,η > 1} is uniformly integrable and for any given ε > 0 there exists α λ > 1 such that P{ max \Si\ > λση\ < ε/λ2. (4.2.1) Lemma 4.2.2.(Peligrad 1987) Let {Xn, η > 1} be as above with EX\ < oo. Then for any given ε > 0 there exists а С = (7(ε,/9(·)) such that for every η > 1 ES£<C(n1+eEXi + ali): Proof. Denote am = ||5m||4. It is obvious that d2m < \\Sm + 5fc+m(m)||4 + 2каъ Using the Schwarz inequality and by the definition of p-mixing we have £|Sm + Sfc+m(m)|4 < 2ai + 6E\SmSk+m(m)\2 + 8a2m(E\SmSk+m(m)\2)^2 < 2(1 + 7pl'2(k))a4m + 8a2ma2m + 6a4m <(21/\l + 7p^2(k))1/4am + 2am)4. It follows that a2rn < 21/4(1 + lpl/2{k))llAarn + 2am + 2каг. Let 0 < ε < 1/3 and к be large enough such that 1 + 7p1/2{k) < 2ε. By the recurrence method for every integer r > 1 we have r a(2r) < 2Γ(1+£)/4αχ +2^2(i-1)(1+e)/4(a(2r-i) + ЫХ). г=1 Whence a(2r)<c(2r(1+£)/4a!+^(2r)). This implies the conclusion of the lemma. Proof of Theorem 4.2.1. If Σρ(2η) < oo, it follows from Theorem 2.1.4 that the conditions of Theorem 4.1.1 are satisfied. Therefore the conclusion of Theorem 4.2.1 holds true. We shall treat here the case when Σρ{2η) = oo. At this time
4.2 The WIP when moments of higher than two orders 81 we have that g(x) —► oo as χ —► oo by condition (ii). Without loss of generality, we can assume that p(n)>(logn)-x(loglogn)-2 (4.2.2) for every large n. 1) We first prove that{5^/a^, η > 1} is uniformly integrable. It is easy to see that the condition (ii) implies [log n] gin1/2) > exp(2 £ р(2*)/(1 - ε*)) (4.2.3) г=1 for large п. Put [(1-е) log η] Τ = inv<?(exp(2 £ ρ(Τ)/(1 - ε*))), (4.2.4) i=l where 0 < ε < ε* < 1. Denote ΧΛ = XiI{\Xi\ < Τ) - EXiI(\Xi\ < Τ), Xi2 = XiI(\Xi\ > Τ) - EXiI(\Xi\ > Τ), η η г=1 г=1 σηΐ = Var5nb σ2η2 = VarSn2. By Lemma 2.2.2 and noting that the function g(x) is non-decreasing, we have σ"2 <Ci^S*i2i7(l*i|)/(|*i| > T) [(1-е) log n] xexp( £ р(2<)/(1-е)), г=1 where C\ — C\[e). Prom the definition of Τ and Lemma 2.2.3 we get <& < ^olEX\g{\Xx\)l{\Xx\ > T). (4.2.5) Obviously 'mvg(x) —► oo (x —► oo). It follows from (4.2.4) and (4.2.5) that ση2 = ο(ση), (4.2.6) which implies <7ni/&n —► 1 as η —► oo. (4.2.7)
82 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences By Lemma 4.2.2 for the sequence {Χηχ,η > l}, there exists a constant K\ — Κι(ρ(-),ε) such that for every η > 1 E\Snl\4 < Кг(п1+е'2Т2ЕХ* + σ*ηΧ). (4.2.8) From Lemma 2.2.3 and noting that exp(d^i=i р(2г)) is a slowly varying function (n —► oo), it follows that there exists а С = С{р{-),е) such that for every η > 1 σ4η > СП2'*'2. Thus by (4.2.7) and (4.2.8) we have E{\Snl\/anY <Κ2{Τ2/ηι-ε + 1), where K2 = Κ2(ρ(·),ε). From (4.2.3) it follows that for large η [(1-е) log η] 5([nX-1X/2)>exp(2 £ р(2*)/(1-е*)). г=1 Combining it with (4.2.4) we obtain that T/nSl~e^2 is bounded by 1. Therefore sup£(|Sni|/an)4<oo. (4.2.9) η Then, from (4.2.6) and (4.2.9), we prove that {5^/σ^,η > 1} is uniformly integrable. 2) Next we show that for any ε > 0 there exists a λ > 1 such that P{ max \Si\ > 6λση) < 6ε/λ2. (4.2.10) Denote /4n [bgn] Τι =ΜΤ Σ Р2/{2+6)(*))> J = "1/2/7ъ (4.2.11) г=1 Хг1 = Х{1(\Хг\ < J) - SXi/(|Xi| < J), Xi2 = Хг/(|^г| > J) ~ EXiI(\Xi\ > J), k k Sni(k) = Y^Xn, Sn2(k) = y~]Xj2, г=1 г'=1 a2nl(k) = ES2nl(k), a2n2{k) = ES2n2(k).
4.2 The WIP when moments of higher than two orders 83 Obviously Sk = Sni(k) + Sn2(k) and P< max \Si\ > 6λση > I l<i<n J < P\ max \Snl(i)\ > λση\ + p{ max |5n2(i)| > 5λση}. ^1<г<п У 4<г<п У We first note that л п tlognl 1о§Т1 = f Σ Ρ2/(2+δ)(2Ί Γ21 <f,-"(2+i'(^) Σ **) Hence we have for every η sufficiently large logT^fp-^^i^) £ p(2<) (4.2.12) 1 г=1 and [log η] , [bg(n/T2)] £ p(2') < (l + fr) Σ A**)· (4·2·13) i=l i=l Prom this and by condition (ii) and the fact that g(x) is non-decreasing we have 9{J) - ехр(т^т^ Σ ρ(2% (4·2·14) and by Lemma 2.2.2, Lemma 2.2.3 and (4.2.14) for every к < η and η sufficiently large [bgn] + a2n2(k) < CkEXll{\Xx\ > J)exp( £ (l + -)/»(*)) s(J) i=l * [bgn] <CC'-V^X125(|X1|)exp(1|- £ р(2*)). г = 1
84 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences From this and noting that Σρ(21) = oo, we deduce that max = o(l) as η —> oo. l<fc<n (Tk Whence it is easy to see that for к = 1,2, · · ·, η and η sufficiently large a2nl(k) <2σΙ (4.2.15) By Lemma 2.2.4 and (4.2.15) [log n] E\Snl(k)\2+6 < c[al+6 ^ кЩХ^ЩХ,] < J)exp(30 £ ρ(2*))). t=l From this and by Lemma 2.2.2, conditions (i), (ii), (4.2.11), (4.2.14) and Lemma 4.1.2 we see Ε max \Snl(k)\2+s l<fc<n < c(a2n+e + n(logn)2+sE\X1\2+sI(\X1\ < J) [log n] x exp(30 £ рМ**>(2*))) < c(o™ + [log η] x Cexp(35 ζ р2^+6\21))) г=1 <ca2n+s(l + EX2g(\Xi\)). Thus there exists a constant λ > 1 such that for every η sufficiently large . r< max \Sni(k)\>Xan\<e/\2. (4.2.16) We now estimate Р{тах!<^<п |5П2(^)| > 5λση}. Let ,50 [bsnl i=l 2+s , n2+^(logn)2+^X12g(|X1|) P = exP(y Σ Ρ2/(2+δ)(21)), i=l Г=Н' Л=[|], P2=[P_1 LpJ' *-* L2J' ~ L 2
4.2 The WIP when moments of higher than two orders 85 Put Yi = Ej=l+(2t-l)r -Xj'2, * = 1, 2, · · · ,Pi5 Zi = Eflt+L XJ2, г = 0,1, · · · ,p2; T1(i) = EUYJ> T2(i) = EUoZr Noting that {Xj2,1 < 3 ' < τι} is stationary we have P{ max |5n2(fc)| > 5λση [ < p{ max |2i(fc)| > 2\σΛ + p{ max |T2(fc)| > 2\σΛ + (p + 1)P{ max |Sn2(fc)| > λση} =: /χ + /2 + /3· In terms of Lemmas 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 we have for every η sufficiently large p{ max \Sn2(k)\ > λση\ {l<k<r * < p{J2(\Xn2(i)\ - E\Xn2(i)\) > λση - 2^ E\Xn2(i)\} г=1 i=\ < ρ{έ(ΐ^(οι - тъ*т > λση - 2r^ffll}} < р{£(|Хп2(г)| - E\Xn2{i)\) > \ση/2] г=1 [log r <4Cra-2exp((l + e74) £ ^^/(l^il > J) · λ"2. г=1 Whence by (4.2.14) [log η] /3<4CW-2exp((l + £*/4) £ р^ЯХ2/^! > J) · λ~2 г=1 4Г / [logn] - c^(7)exp((2 + 3e*/4) Σ Р(^))^^(1^1|) AC / p* [bgnl \ г=1 < ε/λ2. (4.2.17)
86 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences In order to establish the estimation of /χ, let TQ = (Ω, 0), Tk = σ(Χ» 1 < i < 2rfc); uk = E{Yk\Tk-l), Λ=1,2,···,ρι; i+k Щк)=^иа, Т*(к) = Т1(к)-и0(к). Obviously lx < P{ max \T*(i)\ > λση\ + PJ max |E70(i)l ^ λση| =■ hi + /ΐ2· Because {Τ*(г), г = 1,2, · · · ,ρχ} is a martingale, we have n г=1 In a way somewhat similar to the estimation of /3 we also have for any λ > 1 and for every η sufficiently large hi < e/λ2. (4.2.18) Finally, we shall prove by induction on к that for every г, /с, η, EU?(k) <Ckp2(r)log2(2k)EXfl(\X1\ > J) [log n] •r-exp((l + e74) £ p(2')). (4.2.19) г=1 When A; = 1, by the definition of p-mixing EU?(1) = EE2{Yi+x\Fi) = E(Yi+1E(Yi+1\Ti)) <p(r)\\Yi+1\\2-\\E(Yi+1\^)\\2, thus (4.2.19) is true for к = 1 and for every г + 1 < p\ by Lemma 2.2.2. When к > 2, assume (4.2.19) holds for every integer less than k. Put kx = [fc/2], A?2 = & — fci, then tft/2(fc) = M/?(fcx) + EU?+kl(k2) + 2EUi{ki)Ui+kl(k2) i-\-k = EUhh)+EUi+kl(k2) + 2EUi(k1) Σ Yj j=i+ki + l <EU?(ki) + EUf+kl(k2) i-\-k + 2||tfi(*1)||2.|l Σ Yihp{r). j=i+ki+l
4.2 The WIP when moments of higher than two orders 87 By induction hypothesis and Lemma 2.2.2 EUf{k) < C{kx log2 2fci + k2 log2 2k2 + 2(^2)1/2 log 2kx) * [losn] • p\r) ■ r ■ exp((l + γ) Σ Р(2»")).Е7АГ?7(|ЛГЖ| > J) // e*x [1°s"] \ < Cfc(log2fc)2r · exp((l + T) Σ ^)) •EXf/dXx^ J).p2(r). which proves that (4.2.19) holds. Prom (4.2.19) we obtain by Lemma 4.1.2 Ε max t/2(i) 1<г<р1 '2( <3Crp1/9J(r)log4(2p1) [log n] •exp((l + e74) Σ Pi^B^/dXx^ J) i=i 3Ca^2(nM)log4(2Pl) C"i/(J) [log n] .exp((2 + 3s*/4) £ Р(2*))Я^(|Х1|) 3Ca2p2(nM)log4(2Pl) < < С * [1оёп1 βχρ(-^ Σ /^^νιχιΐ). By (4.2.12) Fn [log n] <Μ*.>*(τ)>(ΐ?)Σ*'). hence we finally get that for any λ > 1 and for every η sufficiently large /12 < ε/λ2. Therefore h < 2ε/λ2. (4.2.20)
88 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences Similarly, we have h < 2ε/λ2. (4.2.21) (4.2.10) now follows from (4.2.16), (4.2.17) and (4.2.20), (4.2.21). Theorem 4.2.1 is proved. 4.3 A generalized result when moments of higher than two orders Shao (1989a) gave a generalized result of Theorem 4.2.1, where the condition of strict stationarity was removed. Theorm 4.3.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a p-mixing sequence of random variables with EXn = 0, EX\ > с > 0. Suppose that g : [0, oo) —► [0, oo) is a non-decreasing function and χδ /g(x),0 < δ < 1, is also non-decreasing. If the following conditions are satisfied: (i) {X^g(\Xn\)^n > 1} is uniformly integrable, (ii) σ\ \— ES\ = n/i(n), where h(n) is a slowly varying function, (Hi) sup^o^! ΕΞ^τή/σΙ < oo, (iv) lim^oo infm>0 ES^{n) = oo, (υ) Βχρ[(2 + εηΣΪΛη]Ρ(^)) = 0(<?(n1/2)),for some 0 < ε* < 1, then Wn weakly converges to W. The proof of Theorem 4.3.1 needs the following lemmas. Lemma 4.3.1 . Let /(A:, m) be a non-negative function satisfying (4-1.2). Suppose that there exist a > 0, r > 1 such that E\Sk(l)\r < f(k,l){fa(k,l)Wl(f(k,l)) +w2(f(k,l))}, (4.3.1) where W2 is a non-negative non-decreasing function, w\ is a non-negative function with max si3w1(s) < alPwx{t) (4.3.2) 0<s<t for some a>0,0 < β < a and any t > 0. Then we have Ε max \Sk(i)\r 1<г<п < 2r+1f(k,n){a(l - {\)(a-^rrfa{Kn)wx{f{k,n)) + w2(f(k,n))logr(2n)}. (4.3.3)
4.3 A generalized result when moments of higher than two orders 89 Proof. From (4.1.2) and (4.3.2), we have for / < η f(k, /W/(fc, /)) < af(*(k, n)Wl(f(k, n)). Therefore, by (4.3.1), for every к > 0,1 < / < η E\Sk(l)\r < f(k, 1){/α~β(ΚI) ■ af0(k,n)Wl(f(k,n)) + w2(f(k,n))}. It follows from Lemma 4.1.2 and the monotonicity of W2{·) that Ε max \Sk{l)\T l<l<n [logn] 1 i=0 <^f(k,n){w12/r(f(k,n))log(2n) + (ar(fc,n).1(/(fc,n)))^(l-(i)(a-/3)/71}r <5.2r-2f(k,n){ar(k,n)Wl(f(k,n))(l - (λγα-β)/τγΓ + w2(f(k,n))\ogT(2n)}. This completes the proof of Lemma 4.3.1. Lemma 4.3.2. Let {Xn, η > 1} be a p-тгхгпд sequence with EXn = 0, and <?i,<72 > 2. Suppose that the non-negative function h(n) satisfies: max(fc(g]),fc(n- [£])) < 0h(n) (4.3.4) χ 2_ for every η > 1 and some 0 < θ < 2 *ιΛ3, and if q\ > 3 [logn] Λ(»)>-βφ{-αΣ ρ2/9ι(2Ί}, (4.3.5) г=0 max iah(i) < anah(n) Ki<n
90 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences for some a > 0 and some a, 0 < a < q\ — 2. And suppose that integers 1 < к < η, I > 0 and numbers χ > 0,0 < В < A < oo satisfy 4n max E\Xi\I(\Xi\ > A) < x, (4.3.6) l<i<l+n Ш max E\Xi\I(\Xi\ > B) < x, (4.3.7) l<i<l+n j+n Varf V XiI(\Xi\ < B)) < nh(n) max ΕΧ?Ι(\Χ{\ < В).(4.3.8) 2=7 + 1 TTien for any given ε > 0, 2/iere e:mte а К — Κ (ε, #ι, #2, α? 0, α, ρ(·)) such that р{тах|5Кг)|>х} < 2 ρ(ΐ^ι > ^) + tfjaT91 Г(пй(п) max EXp{\X{\ < B))qi^2 { L l<i<l+n [log n] + nexp{tf ζ PVqi(2i)}^gqi(2n) г=0 x max ЯШ^/ПХ;! < B)} i<i<i+n ' ' Vl ' — yJ [log n] + x-"2[(nexp{(l + e) £ р(2{)} x max EXfl(B <Щ< A))42'2 l<i<l+n ' [log n] + nexp{# ]Γ p2/<?2(2*)} χ max £|Х^2/(5< |X;| < А)] l<i<l+n J [log n] + Ж-2пр2(А;)1о§4ф-ехр{(1 + в) £ p(2<)} г=0 x max EX?I(В <\Х{\<А)\. l<i<l+n > Proof. For simplicity, we assume that Χη-,η > 1 have a common
4.3 A generalized result when moments of higher than two orders 91 distribution. Denote Xh = XiI(\Xi\ <B)~ EXiI(\Xi\ < S), Xi2 = XiI(B < \Xi\ <A)- EXiI(B < \Xi\ < A), Xi3 = XiI(\Xi\ > A)-EXiI(\Xi\ > A), l+i Slm(i) = Σ X3^ Ш = 1'2'3· 3=1+1 It is easy to see that P{ max |5,(t)l > *} 1<г<п < P{ max \Sn(i)\ >j} + P{ max |5i2(t)| > j} 1<г<п 4 1<г<п 4 + P{m^|5i3(i)|>f} 1<г<п Ζ =: h + h + h- (4.3.9) By (4.3.6), we have h < p{ Σ тпш > *) > \ - Σ вдм-ы > *)} г=/+1 г=/+1 < P{ Σ \Xi\I(\Xi\ >A)>j} i=l+l l+n < Σ Р(Ш Ζ Α). (4.3.10) г=/+1 By Lemma 2.2.6, there exists a K\ = Ki{qi,a,9,p(-)) such that *| Σ Ц i=j+l < Kx^nhMEXfldXxl < B))^'2 [logn] + nexp[#i Σ p2fqi(2i)\E\X1\qiH\X1\<B)}. г=0 It follows from Lemma 4.3.1 that there exists a K2 = K2(Ki,a,qi) such
92 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences that Emax\Sn(t)\* 1<г<п < K2{{nh{n)EXll{\X1\ < B))41I2 [bgn] + nexp{K2 Σ Р2/Я1(?)} г=0 ■(log(2n))^E\X1\^I(\X1\<B)}. Then we have h < K2x~qi{(nh(n)EXfl(\X1\ < B))qil2 [log n] + пехр{к2 Σ p2/«(2i)}(log(2n))<'1 i=0 ■ElXi^IdX^KB)}. (4.3.11) In order to estimate /2, put (2i+l)fc+Z j=2ifc+Z+l 2(i+l)fc+Z ^г = ]T Xj2, ί = 0,1,···,ρ2, j=(2i+l)k+l+l t where pi = [(^ - 1)/2]>P2 = [(£ - 2)/2]. Denote j=Q j=0 It is easy to see that h < P{ max \Wi\ > 41 + P{ max |W*| > —) 1 i+i 1 * ι + Ρ·{ max max V^ Xv2 > — f lo<i<[n/fc] ifc+i<i<(i+i)fc I l/=/^fc+1 I 12 J =:/21 +/22 +/23· (4.3.12)
4.3 A generalized result when moments of higher than two orders 93 From the condition (4.3.7) and Lemma 2.2.5 it follows that Z+(t+l)fc '"^•Жч^ Σ}\Χ,\'(Β<\Χ,ί<Α) -Ε\Χΐ\Ι(Β<\Χ3\<Α))>^ i+(t+l)fc -2 Σ Ε\Χι\Ι(Β<\Χι\<Α)} j=l+ik+l i+(i+l)fc Λ 0<г<[п/к] (j=l+ik+1 - E\Xj\I(B < \Xj\ < A)) > ж/24} [bgfc] < С^х-ъ{(кехр((1 + е) ]Г р(2*))ЕХр(В < \Xi\ < A)) i=0 [bgfc] + kexp{c Σ pVv^ElX^IiB < \X\ < A)} i=0 [logn] < Cx-q2{(nexp{(l + e) £ р(2')}яХх2/(Я < |Χχ| < Л)) i=0 [logn] + nexp{c Σ ρννφήΕΐΧ^ΙίΒ < \Χχ\ < A)}. i=0 Next, we estimate /21. The estimation of /22 can be obtained by the same way. Denote T-\ = {0, Ω}. Ti = a(Xj :j<l + (2i + l)k), г = 0,1, · · · ,ρχ. Put Ui = Y% — i?(Yi|.Fi_i), Gj = Σ)=ο Uj, Н{ = Σ)=ι Я(ВД--1)> i = 0,1, · · · ,Pl. It is easy to see that hi < P{ max \Gi\ > ж/24} + P{ max |#;| > ж/24} =: /21(1) + /2i(2). (4.3.13) Since {Ui^iyi > 1} is a martingale difference sequence, by the maximum
94 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences value inequality of Brown (1971), we have 24 χ hi(l)<-E\GPl\I(\GPl\>-) <f{E\WPl\l(\WPl\>^) + E\HPl\l(\HPl\>^)} < (эб/хря^!92 + (96/χ)2 е\нР1\2. Prom Lemma 2.2.5 it follows that E\WPir [log n] <c{(nexp[(l + s) Σ Р{У)]ЕХ11{В <\XX\ < A)) (4.3.14) 92/2 i=0 [log n] + nexp[c £ р2/*(2*)]^|Х1|да/(В < |Xi| < Л)}. (4.3.15) i=0 We prove below by induction that there exists a constant K' such that г+m 2 s( Σ ВД|^·-!)) < K'mkp2{k){\og{2m))2 [log m] x exp[(l + e) ]T p(2j)]^Xi/(S < |Xi| < Л). (4.3.16) i=o Indeed, it follows from Lemma 2.2.1 that there exists a constant С such that for mk < η г+т [log η] E{ Σ yi) <C"mfcexp[(l + e) £ p(2^) i=j+i i=o χ EXfl{B <\Xi\< A). (4.3.17) When m = 1, by the definition of p-mixing E(E(Yi+1\Fi))2 = E(Yi+1E(Yi+1\Ti)) < p(fc)||yi+1||2||£;(yi+1|^i)||2, that is E(E(Yi+1\^))2 < p2(k)EY2+v Let K\ = C'l log2(3/2), it follows that (4.3.16) holds true for m = 1.
4.3 A generalized result when moments of higher than two orders 95 Suppose that (4.3.16) holds true for the integers less than m. Now let us show that (4.3.16) holds true for m. Denote mi = [πι/2],πΐ2 = m — m\, we have i+m i+m\ = ε(Σ Ε(χ№-ι)Υ + ε{ Σ Е{у,\ъ-х)У j=t+l j=i+mi + l i-\-m\ i-\-m + 2Ε(Σ E(Yj\Tj_1))( £ Я(ВД-1)) j=i+l j=i+mi+l г+mi 2 г+т <Ε(Σ ВД^-ι)) +E( £ Я(ВД_х)У i+m\ 0 г+т j=i+l j=i+mi + l г+mi г+т + 2ρ(Ι<)Ε\\Σ Е(Ъ\Ъ-1)Ц Σ yi which, by the inductive assumption and (4.3.17), implies г+т e( £ е<у№-х)У < К'{mi log2(2mx) + m2 log2(2m2) О + 2 (log -)(m1m2)1/2log(2m1)} [logn] x p2(k)kexp{(l + e) ^ p(2j)}£X2/(# < |Xi| < A) i=o < К'ткр2(к) log2(2m) [logn] x exp{(l + e) £ р(27')}^Хг2/(5 < |Χι| < A). j=Q This proves (4.3.16). Moreover, it follows from (4.3.16) and Lemma 4.3.1 that there exists a constant K" such that [logn] ЕтяХ1Н2<К"р1кр2(к)(1оЕ(2р1))4ехр{(1 + £) £ p(2>')} -г-Р1 j=o • EXfl(B < \Χχ\ < A). (4.3.18)
96 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences Thus we have /21 (2) < 288K"x-2np2(k)log4[n/k] [log n] •exp{(l + s) Σ p(2j)}EX*I(B < \Хг\ < А). (4.3.19) From (4.3.13), (4.3.14), (4.3.15), (4.3.18) and (4.3.19) it follows that [log n] . /21 < K3x-v{(nexp{(l +e) £ P(V)}eX2I(B < \Χχ\ < A))"2 i=o [logn] + nexp{^3 Σ р2/*(2>')}ВД|да/(В < \Хг\ < A)} 3=0 + К3х-2пр2(к)1оЕ4[^\ [log η] x ехр{(1 +ε) £ р(У)}еХ*1(В < \Хг\ < А) for some K% > 0. The proof of Lemma 4.3.2 is completed. Lemma 4.3.3. Let 0 < δ < 1. Suppose that the non-negative function h(n) satisfies the following conditions: there exist integer no > 0, 0 < θ < 2δ/(2+δ)^ о <s' <δ and a > 0 such that for any n>n0 h(ffl)wh(n-ffl)-ehin)' <4·3·20) max i6 h{t) < an6 h(n). (4.3.21) 1<г<п Let {Xn,n > 1} be a p-mixing sequence with EXn = 0,EX% < oo and for every k > 0, η > 1 ESl(n) < nh(n) max EXf. (4.3.22) k<i<k-\-n Then for any given ε > 0 Йеге exists α Κ = Κ(ε, <5,5 , no, α, ρ(·)) змсЛ. that
4.3 A generalized result when moments of higher than two orders 97 for any η > к > 0, Ζ > 0 and В > О Ε тах|5/(г)Г/( max \Si(i)\ > x) 1<г<п 1<г<п [log η] <K{x-8Unh{n) max EX? + nexp{(l + ε) V ,9(2*)} ^ ^ l<i<l+n { τ~~ί ' i=0 x max EXfl(\Xi\ > B))^ l<i<l+n [log n] + nexp{K Σ p2/(-2+s\2i)}\og2+s(2n) i=0 x max E\Xi\2+sI(\Xi\ < B)\ l<i<l+n > [log n] + nexp{(l + e) £ p(2*)}(l + p2(fc) log4[J]) max £X?/(|XJ > 5) i<i<i+n ~~ + nfc max (£|Χ;|/(|Χ;| > Б))2). (4.3.23) Proof. Denote l+i Xix = XiI(\Xi\ <B)- EXiH\Xi\ < B), Sn(i) = Σ хзъ 3=1+1 l+i Xi2 = XiI(\Xi\ >B)~ EXiI(\Xi\ > S), 5/2(г) = £ Xj2. 3=1+1 It is easy to see that Ε max Sf(i)I[ max |5/(г)| > ж) 1<г<п \1<г<п / < 4£ max 5/21(г)/( max |5л(г)| > ж/2) +4Е max S^i) 1<г<п 1<г<п 1<г<п < 8x~sE max |5/г(г)|2+г +4Е max Sj^t) 1<г<п 1<г<п =:8/х+4/2. (4.3.24) From Lemma 2.2.2 , for every η > 1, Ζ > 0 we have [log η] Я5?2(п) < Cnexp{(l + ε) £ р(2{)} max £X2/(|Xi| > В), ^ .—* J 1<г<1+п г=0
98 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences where С = С (ε). Therefore, by (4.3.22) one obtains ESf^n) < 2ESf(n) + 2ESf2(n) < 2nh(n) max EX? ~ ' l<i<l+n [log n] + 2Cnexp{(l + s) Σ ρ(Τ)} t=0 χ max EXfl(\Xi\ > B). (4.3.25) l<i<l+n It follows from Lemma 2.2.6 that there exists a K\ such that for every l>0,n> 1 E\Sn(n)\2+s <ΚΛ (nh(n) max EX2 ~ IV v 'i<i<i+n l [10ёП] - Ч(2+«)/2 + nexp{(l + £) £ p(2')} max ЕХ?1(\Х{\ > B)Y *■ T~T ' l<i<l+n / г=0 ~~ [log n] + nexp{K1 У] ρ2/(2+δ)(2*)| max ВД|2+^(|*;| < В)}. *■ Г~Т J /<г</+п У г=0 ~~ By Lemma 4.3.1 we get h < x~6c\ (nh(n) max EXf [log η] 2±6 + nexp{(l + e) £ р(2*)} max ЯХ2/(|Х;| > В)) 2 г=0 ~~ [log n] + nexp{(l + £) £ р2«2+6\Г)} г=0 • max E\Xi\2+sI(\Xi\ < B)\og2+s(2n)\. (4.3.26) l<i<l+n > We estimate /2 below. Denote Χ = ς£/+«&*;2, wi = EJ=on·, » = ο,ι,·.·,Ρι,
4.3 A generalized result when moments of higher than two orders 99 where pt = [(£ - l)/2], p2 = [§] - 1. We have I2 < 8ΪΕ max Wf ~ l 0<i<pi % l+j Ι2Ί + Ε max W*2 + E max max / Xv2 г o<i<P2 o<t<[n/fc]tfc+i<j<(t+i)fcl f-f, , I J =:8(/21+/22 + /23). (4.3.27) It is easy to see from the proof of Lemma 4.3.2 that [log n] hi + /22 < с nexp{(l + ε) ]Γ p(2f)} г=0 • (l +p2(A;)log4[Jl) max ЕХ21(\Х>\ > β). (4.3.28) ^ LACJ / 1<г<1+п And from Lemma 2.2.2 i+i hz < У Ε max У" Χυ2 о<г<[п//е] τ -./-ν -τ / -y=/+2fc+i Z+(t+l)fc <32 Σ И Σ {ΐ^|/(|χ«ι>5) 0<i<[n/fc] v=Z+ifc+l -Я|Х„[/(|Х„|>В)}|2 + k\ max (ВД/(|Х,|>Я)2) [log n] <c{nexp{(l + e) £ p(2f)} max £Хг2/(|Х;| > S) г=0 ~~ + nk max (£|X;|/(|Xi| > В))2}. (4.3.29) l<i<l+n J Inserting (4.3.26)-(4.3.29) into (4.3.24) we prove (4.3.23), as desired. Proof of Theorem 4.3.1. By the condition (ii), we need only to show that (a) {S?tJa^n > 1} is uniformly integrable for any 0 < t < 1. (b) For any given ε > 0, there exist a λ > 1 and an integer no such that for η > no, 0 < к < ηλ2/ε we have fc+г Σ fc+г P{ max I V iJ > λση| < ε/λ2. (4.3.30)
100 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences To this end, we need only to show that for any given ε > 0 there exist a λ > 1 and an integer no such that for every η > no, / > 0 Ε max Sf(i)I( max |S/(i)| > X(nh(n))^2)/nh(n) < ε. (4.3.31) 1<г<п 1<г<п Without loss of generality we assume that for η > 16 p(n) > l/(logn(loglogn)2). (4.3.32) In fact, if put p*(n) = p(n) V (logn)_1(loglogn)~2, it is easy to check that p*(n) satisfies condition (v) also. By conditions (i), (ii), (iii) and Lemma 4.3.3, there exists a constant К such that for every n, l<fc<n, В > 0 and λ > 0, we have Ε max S,2(i)/( max |5/(г)| > X(nh(n))^2)/nh(n) 1<г<п 1<г<п [log n] <^{({n/i(n) + nexp((l+ £-) £ p(2<)) г=0 о 2+6 χ max EXfl(\Xi\ > B)}~ 1<г<1+п [log n] + nexp(tf Σ p2l{-2+8\2i)){\og{2n)f+e 2+6 . Put χ max E\Xi\2+eI{\Xi\<B))/{\s(nh(n))2) l<i<l+n / / [log n] + nexp((l + |) £ /»(*)) /<nu«n^?/(|Xi| > 5) x(l+p2(A:)log4[^])M(n) + nfc max (£7|Xi|/(|X<| > B))2/nh{n)\ l<i<l+n ) =: X(/i + /2 + /3). (4.3.33) г=0 Б = η1/2/?1, к = [η/Τ2] + 1.
4.3 A generalized result when moments of higher than two orders 101 We first estimate I\. Note that 8 к г=0 + ^Ρ2/{2+δ)φ Σ ι t=[lognT-2]+l [lognT-2] <3*р-*/<**)(£) Σ ρ(2*) г=0 + 7Лру(ы)ф1оёт. Therefore for large η we have о 7^ [bg ηΤ-2] 10ёТ^х(1 + Й)^Д2+г)(^) Σ **) (4-3.34) г=0 and [log n] [log пГ~2] Σρ(2*)<(ΐ + ^) Σ ρ(ή (4.3.35) г=0 г=0 By condition (v), there exists a Ci > 0 such that for every η > 1 [log n] <7(n1/2) > Cx exp{(2 + ε) Σ ρ(2<)}. (4.3.36) t=0 Combining it with (4.3.35) and condition (v), we obtain 5(5) > d expfj-^ Σ ***)} (4-3.37) ' г=0 for large n. By Lemma 2.2.3 and condition (iii), there exists a constant C2 > 0 such that for large η [log η] ESl>C2nexp{-(l+£-) £ p(2')}, г=0
102 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences and hence, by condition (ii), we have [log n] h(n) > C2exp{-(l + -) Σ р(2>)}. (4.3.38) г=0 By the monotonicity of g(x) and х^/д(х), we obtain maxEXfl(\Xi\ > B) < -^-max ΕХ2д(\Х{\)I(\Xi\ > ^(4.3.39) г>1 9\£>) *>1 B6 тахВД|2+*/(|Х;| < В) < ——тъхЕХ?д(\Хг\). (4.3.40) г>1 9\Н) *—* Combining (4.3.37), (4.3.39),(4.3.40) and (4.3.32) together implies [log η] nexp{(l + i) Σ р(21)}тяхЕХ?1(\Х>\>В) г=0 ~~ < ^maxEXfgilXmiXil > B), (4.3.41) C1C2 *>1 [logn] nexpiK Τ p2>V+6\2i))\og2+\2n)mbxE\Xi\2+8I{\Xi\ < В) [log η] <nexp{2K Σ Р2/{2+6)(^)}в6т^ЕХ!д(\Х{\)/д(В) г=0 [logn] <п(2+6У2тахЕХ?д(\Х>\)ехр{-К Т. р2/(2+6)(2*)} < (п/г(п))(2+г)/2тах^Х^(|Хг|) (4.3.42) г>1 for large n. We have тахг>1 ЕХ?д(\Х{\) < оо by condition (i). Therefore we obtain h < е/(ЪК) (4.3.43) for large η provided that λ is large enough. We now estimate /2. Prom (4.3.34) and the definition of /с, we have (1оёф)У(А0<2(1о§Г)У(А:) *(£)Vli)V£>r*(1:"W <3K\* i=0 [log n] £ (χ) ( Σ **>) · (4.3.44) 6 i-o
4.3 A generalized result when moments of higher than two orders 103 By (4.3.44),(4.3.39),(4.3.37) and (4.3.38), we get [bg я] 4' ,=0 maxEXfl(\Xi\ >B)(l + p2(k)log4[£]) ι / \ [l°gn] g(B)h(n) "U i, ыо • (l + (χ)4( Σ Ρ(2')) ) maxEX^d^D/d^l > B) ι/ \ [bgn] ^Μ-ίΣ^)} г=0 от>- 4 [bgn] • (l + (χ) ( Σ Ρ(*)) ) тах^Х^(|Х,|)/(|Х{| > В) г=0 < спЛ(п) maxBX^dXiD/dXil > В), (4.3.45) г>1 where the following result is used: [bgn] [logn] (Σρ(2*)) βχρ{-ϊ Σ^)} = °(1)· г=0 г=0 Combining (4.3.45) with condition (i), we have h < e/ZK. (4.3.46) Finally, we consider /3. Note that v^E\Xi\H\Xi\ >B)< щщтжЕХ?д{\Х№\Хг\ > В). Hence it follows from (4.3.37) and (4.3.38) that knmax{E\Xi\I{\Xi\ > B))2 г>1 < 2-^™*{Exh{\xm\Xi\ > в)?.
104 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences By condition (i), we have h < e/3K (4.3.47) for large n. Inserting (4.3.43),(4.3.46) and (4.3.47) into (4.3.33) we prove (4.3.31). The proof of Theorem 4.3.1 is completed. From Theorem 4.3.1, we have the following corollary immediately. Corollary 4.3.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary p-mixing sequence of random variables with EX\ = 0, EX\ < oo, σ\ — ES\ —> oo. If one of the following conditions is statisfied: (i) EXlg(\Xi\) < oo, and for some 0 < ε < 1, [log n] exp((2 + s) £ ρ(2ή) = OMn1'2)), k=l (ii) for some ε > Ο,α > 0, EXl{\og |-^ι |)2α/(1_ε) < oo and χ ρ{η) < a/logn, (Hi) for some 0 < β < 1, ε > 0, a > 0, £;X2exp{Ml+£)(2iog|Xl|)i-/S} < oo and p{n) < a/{\ognY, (iv) for some r > 0, ε > 0, a > 0, r2 /4a(l + e)log|Xi| EX{ exp —ул—Ί '* ' ' ) < oo 1 ^V (logloglXxl)- J p{n) < a(loglogn)"r, then 4.4 The WIP when the variance is infinite Bradley (1988) established a CLT for a strictly stationary /o-mixing sequence with infinite variance. Shao (1993a) showed a WIP under the same hypothesis.
4.4 The WIP when the variance is infinite 105 Theorem 4.4.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary p-mixing sequence of non-degenerate random variables with EX\ = 0. Suppose that (i) H(x) := ΕΧιΙ(\Χι\ < x) is slowly varying as χ —► oo, (it) p(l)<l, (iii) Σ~=ιΡ(2ί1)<οο. Then there exists a sequence {An, η > 1} of positive numbers with An —> oo as η —> oo, such that Wn=>W where Wn(t) = S[nt]/An, 0 < ί < 1. Remark 4.4.1. In fact, Shao (1993a) showed a more general result as follows: Let g : (—oo, oo) —► [0, oo) be a non-decreasing continuous even function and χδ/g(x) is non-decreasing for any δ > 0 and ж large enough. Let [log x] [log x] e(x,e) = exp{e £ р(2*)}, a(6) = exp{ £ p1"5^)}. г=1 г=0 Suppose that conditions (i) and (ii) in Theorem 4.4.1 are satisfied and (i)x G(x) := EXfg(Xi)I(\Xi\ < x) is slowly varying as χ —► oo, (iv) G{x)e{x2,2 + ε) = 0(H(x)g(x)) for some 0 < ε < 1, (ν) g(x) = 0(g(x/x(6))) or G{x) = 0{G{x/x{6))) for some 0 < δ < 1 as ж —► oo. Then we also have the conclusion of Theorem 4.4.1. Obviously, conditions (i) and (iii) imply condition (i/, (iv) and (v) by taking g{x) = 1. It is well-known that the mixing rate (iii) is essentially sharp, even in the case of a finite second moment. However the following example is interesting: Let X\ have the density function p(x) = a(l + |ж|3)-1 for χ £ Д1, where a"1 = /^(l + lxl3)"1^. Let g(x) = exp(log(l + |#|3)a) for some 0 < a < 1. It is easy to see that asx->oo Н(х) ~2alog(l + H3)/3, G(x) - 2a(log(l + \х\3))г-ад(х)/3а. If p(^) < a/(51ogn), we can easily verify that the conditions in Remark 4.4.1 are satisfied but the condition (iii) in Theorem 4.4.1 fails. Hence condition (iii) may be not essentially sharp in some particular case of infinite variance, even of finite variance. In order to prove Theorem 4.4.1, we introduce some notations. Let M* be a positive integer such that supH(x)/x2 > 1/M*. (4.4.1) x>0
106 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences For each η > M* define tn = sup{x > 0 : H(x)/x2 > 1/n}. (4.4.2) It is clear that tn —► oo monotonically as η —► oo. Note by a trivial argument that tl = nH(tn) for n>M*. By condition (i), for any 0 < ε < 1/2 and large η ηχ~ε < t2n < η1+ε. (4.4.3) We need a few properties of these £n's. Lemma 4.4.1. If condition (Hi) is satisfied, for any 0 < a < 1, *fna]/*S—♦« asn-^oo. (4.4.4) Proof. (4.4.2) implies t2nH(t[na])/(tfna]H(tn)) —, 1/α as η - oo. (4.4.5) We show that there is a M > 0 such that limsup^/if <M. (4.4.6) n—>oo In fact, if not, there is a subsequence n^ such that limfc_>oo ^nk/^fn ά\ = °°· Then using Property A5 of a slowly varying function (see Appendix) we obtain which is contrary to (4.4.5). By (4.4.2) and (4.4.6), it follows that n/[na] < tl/t\na] < nH(Mt[na])/([na]H(t[na])), which implies (4.4.4). Lemma 4.4.2. lim nP{\Xx\ >tn) = 0 η—►oo and lim {n/H{tn))ll2E\Xl\I{\X1\ > tn) = 0.
4.4 The WIP when the variance is infinite 107 The proof of this lemma can be found in Bradley (1988) and will be not presented here. Proof of Theorem 4.4.1. For some ε > 0, put Cx = Cexp{(l + ε) ΣΕΤ1 P(?)}> where С is defined in Lemma 2.2.2 and C2 = С exp{-(l + ε) ΣΕΤ1 p(20}> where c' is defined in Lemma 2.2.3. For η > Μ* define 4n) = XkI(\Xk\ < tn) - EXkI(\Xk\ < in), к > 1 (4.4.7) and $) = ί) + ··; + 4η). m>l. By the definitions of C\ and C2 we have C2mEX[n)2 < E(S^)2 < СгтЕ(х[п))2. (4.4.8) Put An(m) = \\Sm lb and An = An(n). Note that EX\ — 0, it is easy to verify that Е(Х[П))2 ~ H(tn) as n-^oo. (4.4.9) Therefore there exist 0 < C'2 < C[ < oo such that C'2nH{tn) <A2n< C[nH(tn). (4.4.10) Next we formulate the proof in two steps. Step 1. We prove that S^/An Л ЛГ(0,1) in distribution as η —► oo. It suffices to show that lim E{exp(itS^/An)} = exp(-*2/2) for any t G R. (4.4.11) Since the case of t = 0 is trivial, it needs only to prove the above equality for t φ 0. Fix t φ 0. Let J be a positive integer specified later on. Define p* and L* to be positive integers such that Kl-iViijOy-expi-i2/2)!^6/3 breach j>2L\ (4.4.13) Let JV* > M* be a positive integer such that N*>2p*-2L\ (4.4.14) £(XJn))2 > 0 for each η > Ν*, (4.4.15)
108 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences and I28p*2t2 c2nEiXf^iEX'mu S W) с2лс23/2 * n£(xjn))2 (n^(xin))2)3/2 J <e/(3n) for each n>N*. (4.4.16) Here, (4.4.16) can be justified by (4.4.9). Let N > N* he an arbitrary but fixed integer. Then to prove (4.4.11) it suffices to show that \Eexp(itsP/AN) - exp(-£2/2)| < ε. (4.4.17) Referring to (4.4.14), let L be the positive integer such that p* < N/2L < 2p*. Note that L > L*. Let ρ be the positive integer such that p2L <N < (p+l)2L. (4.4.18) It is easy to see that p* <p<2p*. (4.4.19) Let us partition N into disjoint blocks of consecutive integers, leaving no gaps between the blocks. The order of the blocks is G(l), (5(2), · · ·, with (p, if j is odd; CardG(j) = < [2J+//2], where / is such integer that j/2l (4.4.20) t is an odd integer if j is even. Henceforth we shall deal only with the blocks G(l), G(2), · · ·, G(2L+1 - 1). For each / = 1, · · ·, L, there are exactly 2L~l integers j £ {1,2, · · ·, 2L+1 —1} such that j/2l is an odd integer. Therefore L Card{G(2) U G(4) U · · · U G(2L+1 - 2)} = ]T 2L~l[2J+lf2]. (4.4.21) 1=1 Hence by (4.4.18) L L N < 2Lp + Σ 2L_/ ^ 2Z> + Σ 2L_/[2J+//2] 1=1 1=1 = Card{G(l) U G(2) U · · · U G(2L+1 - 1)} L <7V + ^2L"/[2J+//2]. (4.4.22) 1=1
4.4 The WIP when the variance is infinite 109 For each j = 1,2, · · ·, 2L+1 - 1 define uu) = Σ 4Ν)- keG(j) And further, for even integers ji and j'2 such that 0 < j\ < J2 < 2L+1, define V(jt,h) = U{jx + 1) + U{jx + 3) + · · · + U(h - 1). If 1 < j < 2Z — 1, then for the integer m such that j/2m is an odd integer, we have that m < I and hence (2/ + j)/2m is an odd integer, and hence CardG?(2/ + j) = CardG(j) by (4.4.20). Consequently, if we denote и = Card{i?(l) U G{2) U · · · U G(21)} and use the notation и + G = {u + g : g £ G} for sets C? of positive integers, we have (by induction on j) that G(2l + j) = и + (^(j) for j = 1,2, · · ·, 2l — 1. In particular, if we denote G = G(l) U G(3) U · · · U G(2l - 1) and G* = G(2l + 1) U G(2l + 3) U · · · U G(2l+1 - 1), then G* = u + G, У (2<, 2'+*) = Σ*€σ· 4*° = E*eG *£i and V(0,2') = J]fcGGX^ \ The stationarity of the sequence \X\ \k > 1} implies the following useful property: For each / = 1, · · ·, L, V(0,2Z) and L(2Z, 2/+1) have the same distribution. (4.4.23) Hence by a simple calculation for each I = 1, · · ·, L, 2(1 - p([2J+l/2]))EV{0,21)2 <EV(0,2l+1)2 < 2(1 + p{[2J+ll2]))EV{<d, 21)2. (4.4.24) Moreover for each I = 1, · · ·, L \Eexp{itV(0,2l+1)} - (Eexp{itV(0,2l)})2\ < p([2J+l/2])E\exp{itV(0,21)} - 1|2 <p([2J+l/2])t2EV(0,21)2 < p([2J+ll2})t2Cx2l-lEU{l)2. (4.4.25)
110 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences In what follows, it should be kept in mind that E(Sm ^)2 > 0 for all m > 1 by (4.4.15), the fact N > N* and (4.4.8). By (4.4.24) and induction L π 1=1 2^{Π(ΐ-ρ([27+//2]))}^ί/χ2 L EV(0,2L+1)2 <2L{[J(1 + p{[2J+42]))}EUl and hence 1 -ε/2 < ||F(0,2L+1)||2/(2L/2||E71||2) < 1 + ε/2 (4.4.26) provided J is large enough. By (4.4.21) and (4.4.8) E{U{2) + E7(4) + · · · + U(2L+1 - 2))2 Ci(E2L+J"//2)£(Xi(,l))2· L < 1=1 Also by (4.4.22), U(l) + U(2) + ■■■ + E7(2L+1 - 1) - SJJ0 is the sum of at most [Ei=i2L+J~l/2] distinct X(kN),s, and hence E(U(1) + U(2) + ■■■ + U(2L+1 - 1) - SJJ0)2 L Σ 1=1 Consequently, using (4.4.8), (4.4.12) and (4.4.19) >L+1\ C(N) \\V(0,2b+1)-S^>\\2 . < ||[/(1) + E7(2) + · · · + U(2L+1 - 1) - S^h + ||i/(2) + E7(4) + --- + E7(2L+1-2)||2 <2ci/2(^2L+J-i/2)1/2||xiAr)| 1=1 L 1/2, <2С\'22^^-112) ' \\U(l)h/(C2p)^ 1=1 <2L/2£||i/(l)||2/2. (4.4.27)
4.4 The WIP when the variance is infinite 111 We now come back to (4.4.17). By (4.4.26) and (4.4.27) we have AN 2b/2||[/(l)||2 < ||У(0,2^)||2| |||F(0,2^)||2-||5^||2 2W\\U{l)h I I 2b/2||[/(l)||2 e ||ηθ,2^)-5^||2 - 2 + 2b/2||[/(l)||2 < ε. (4.4.28) (4.4.28) and (4.4.27) together imply that (4.4.17) is equivalent to D := |£exp{ziF(0,2L+1)/(2L/2||i/(l)||2} -exp(-i2/2)| < e. (4.4.29) Obviously D < |£exp{ziF(0,2L+1)/(2L/2||[/(l)||2)} -(£exp{i(i/2L/2)E/(l)/||i/(l)||2})2t| + |(Sexp«i/2L/2)E/(l)/||[/(l)||2})2L - (1 - (l/2)i2/2L)2L| + |(l-(l/2)i2/2L)2b-exp(-i2/2)| =: ei + e2 + e3. Using (4.4.25) and the elementary inequality 771 771 771 ΙΠ уь ~ Π Zk\ - Σl^ ~ Zfcl' k=l k=l k=l (4.4.30) where yi, · · ·, ym, ζχ · · ·, zm are complex numbers in the closed unit disc, we have (^ехр{гТУ(0,2/+1)})2 - (Sexp{i7V(0,2z)}) < 2L-//9([2J+//2])T2Ci2/~1£;i/(l)2 for any T. Hence by induction |Sexp{iIV(0,2L+1)} - (Яехр{гТУ(0,2)})21 L < 2LT2ClEU{l)2Y^p{[2J+ll2}). 1=1 2L-l + l
112 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences Letting Τ = £/(2L/2||t/(l)||2) and keeping in mind that U(l) = V(0,2), we have ei<t2CxX;p([2J+l/2])<e/3 (4.4.31) 1=1 provided the constant J is large enough. In order to estimate β2, define the event Fk = {\xlN)\=max\X<N)\}tk=l,-,p. Put s = i/(2L/2||t/(l)||2) for simplicity. By (4.4.8) and (4.4.18), s2 < t2/{2LC2pE{x[N)f) < 2t2/{C2NE{x[N)f). Now we need a fact that for any real numbers χ and r, \x - r\2 A\x- r\3 < 4r2 + 8(x2 A \x\3). Using this fact and (4.4.19), (4.4.16) and (4.4.18) we have £(|SC/(l)|2A|St/(l)|3) <±EI(Fk)(\sPXr\2A\spXiN^) <Ρ4Ε(\8ΧΙΝ)\2Α\3Χ[Ν)\3) <p4{^2(EXxI{\Xi\<tN))2 + 8Е{(з2Х21(\Хг\ < tN)) A QsflX^IdX^ < tN))}} tE^XlH\Xl\<tN) л 23/2\t\3\X1\3I(\X1\<tN)y * C2NE(x[N))2 С23/2ЛГ3/2(£(Хг(л°)2)3/2 '' C^JV^XJ*0)2 400p*Vv|f|3)£rX12/(|X1|<^) л \xx?I{\Xx\<tN) л n~ л r»3/2 I jvrcvviw^ λγ3/2<έυ у^КгАЗ/г J < e/(3W) < e/(3 · 2L). С2ЛС23/2 l JV^X^)2 JV3/2^^*0)2)3/2 0 < e/(3 · 2*). Hence noting (4.4.30) we obtain e2 < 2L|£exp(is[/(l)) - (1 - -s2£t/(l)2)| < 2LE{\sU{l)\2 A \sU{l)\3) < ε/3. (4.4.32)
4.4 The WIP when the variance is infinite 113 Here we use the inequality about a characteristic function (cf. p.331 in Bradley 1988). As for ез, by (4.4.13) and noting L > L*, it is clear that e3 < ε/3. (4.4.33) (4.4.31), (4.4.32) and (4.4.33) together imply (4.4.29). This completes the proof of the CLT. Step 2. Now we show that Wn => W as η -> oo. (4.4.34) By Lemma 4.4.2 and (4.4.10) we have Jirr^ P{ sup \S[nt] - 5^/j| > eAn} = 0 for any ε > 0. Hence, in order to prove the theorem it suffices (cf. Theorem 4.1 in Billings- ley 1968) to show that W*=>W as n-^oo (4.4.35) any 0 < t < 1 where W*(t) = S^l/An. By Theorem 4.0.4, it is enough to prove that for Ai{[nt])/Ai —► i, as n-4» (4.4.36) {W*(t)2,n> 1} is uniformly integrable, (4.4.37) and there exists a constant λ > 1 for any ε > 0 such that for all large η P{ max \s\n)\ > XAn\ < ε/λ2. (4.4.38) We prove that Al([mt})/Al(m) — t (4.4.39) as m —> oo uniformly in η > Μ*, which implies (4.4.36). At first consider the case of t — 1/p where ρ > 2 is an integer. Let q — [m/p], (i+i)g Yi= Σ χ]η)' * = o,i,...,p-i, j=iq+l m yP= Σ ^1η)·
114 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for /э-mixing Sequences Note that АЦт) = pAl(g) + £ EYiYj + £Yp2. For гф 3 and integer /с > 1, by the Minkowski inequality №^1<2||У4||2||5<я)||2 + р(*:)||У4||2||^||2. Hence by (4.4.8) |^(m)/^(i) -p\ < (p+ l)2(\\sin)\\2/An(q) + p{k) + ||Ур||^/^(д)) < (ρ + l)2((k2 + р2)т~1'г + p{k)) (4.4.40) for every m large enough. Choose к such that (p + l)2p(k) < ε/2. Then for m large enough \A2n(m)/A2n([m/p])-p\<£ uniformly in η > Μ*. Therefore as m —> oo uniformly in η > Μ* Л£(т)/Л£([т/р])—р. (4.4.41) If £ is a rational number, that is, t — q/p for some integers ρ and g with q <p, then l2/r ,1W „2/ Ч_ А1([тя/Р}) АК™Я) Al([mq/p])/Al(m) = An(mq) АЦт) q/p = t (4.4.42) as m —> oo uniformly in η > Μ* by (4.4.41). If £ is a irrational number, then for any given 0 < ε < 1/2, take rational number t\ > 0 such that ε/4 < t - ίχ < ε/2. By the Minkowski inequality \An([mt]) - An([mti])\ < An([mt] - [mtx]). (4.4.43) Let ρ = [m/([mt] - [mix])]. Then -ε-1 < m/(mt — τηίχ + 1) — 1 < ρ < m/(mt — mix — 1) < 5ε-1
4.4 The WIP when the variance is infinite 115 for m > 20/ε. Similarly to the proof of (4.4.40), {p-{p+l)2p{k))A2n{[mt}-[mtx\) < A2n(m) + (p+ l)2Al([mt] - [mh])A2n{k) + (p + l)2E(x[n))2. Take к such that p(k) < ε/24. Then A2n([mt] - [mh])/A2n{m) < 6p-\l + 3(p + l)\A2n{k) + E(x[n))2)/A2n(m)) < 13ε (4.4.44) provided m is large enough. Combining (4.4.44) with (4.4.43) and (4.4.42) yields (4.4.39). Hence (4.4.36) is proved. Now turn to (4.4.37). We have proved in Step 1 that S[ni\/A[nt]^N(0,l) asn-oo for any 0 < t < 1. FVom (4.4.8) and (4.4.4) we have EVcW q(H)\24-2 -^[nt] ~ ^[nt} ) A[nt] Η = лйМЕад*и] <|Xi| ^tn)) i=l < C2C^E(X2I(t[nt] < \Xt\ < in))/S(*i2/(l*i| < i[nt])) = c2c;\H{tn) - H(t[nt]))/H(t[nt]) —> 0, as η —> oo. It follows that ^η([ηί])/^[ηί] —► 1, as η -^ oo. Therefore sfcl/An([nt\) Л N(0,1) as η -^ oo. By a well-known result on uniform integrability (e.g. cf. Theorem 5.4 of Billingsley 1968), (S^/Andnt]))2 is uniformly integrable and so is (5Ц/ЛП)2 by (4.4.36). Finally we prove (4.4.38). Let ln = ехр{ЕЙп1 ρ(2ψ3}. Define X\? = XJQXil < tn/ln) - EXiI{\Xi\ < tn/ln), X\? = XJ(tn/ln < \Xi\ < tn) - EXiI(tn/ln < \Xi\ < in), i=l . i=l
116 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences Obviously. p{iWn\s^\>exAn} < P{ max |4")| > XAn} + p{ max |s£>| > ЬХАп} ζ='·Ρι+Ρ2- (4.4.45) Note that for any integer К > 0 [log n] [log n] £ p4/5(2*)<tf + p(2*)2/15 £ ρ{2ψ\ г=1 i=l Hence, when in -> oo as η -> oo, [log n] [log n] Σ^') = ο(Σ//3(ή). i=l i=l Therefore, from Lemma 2.2.5, (4.4.2) and Property A4, it follows that E\S^\5/2 < θ{^4(Ε(Χ^)ψ4 [logfc] + кехр{с^Р4/Ч*)}Е\х{?\5/2} г=1 < c{{kH{tn/ln))b'4 [logfc] + fcexp{c Σ P4/4?)}(tn/ln)1/2H(tn/ln)} t=l < c{(fctf (in)//n)5/4 + knll4H{tnfl4/ln}. Using Lemma 4.1.2 we have Ε max IS^I5/2 < c{{nH{tn)fl4/ln}(\ognfl2. l<k<n Without loss of generality we assume that р(2г) > l/(ilog2i). Then, recalling (4.4.10) we obtain Ε max |S£?|5/2 < c{nH{tn)fl4 < αΑψ. (4.4.46) l<fc<n Whence there exists a λ > 1 such that for each η large enough pi < ε/λ2. (4.4.47)
4.4 The WIP when the variance is infinite 117 We now estimate p2. Let r\ = [n/ln], r2 = [n/Z*], r = η + r2, rfi = [(™ ~ n)/H d2 = [ra/r], ir+r\ Yi= Σ X$> i = 0,l,---,du j=ir+l (t+l)r z*= Σ *J!m i = 0,l,...,d2, j=tr+ri+l Tt(l) = J2YJ and Ti(2) = J2Z^ j=0 j=0 y*= Σ (|X;|/(t»/J»<l*jl<*») - E\Xj\I(tn/ln < \Xj\ < in)), t = 0,1, · · · ,dx. It is easy to see that p{m^xj4n)|>5A^n} ■ < P{ max \Ti{\)\ > 2\An) + p{ max |T<(2)| > 2\An) ir+r\ * + 4--.Σ I^I^W — jf=2rH-l + 2ίηρ{χπΐ|Χ2|5|2η)|>^λΑη} =: h + h + h + /4. (4.4.48) By (4.4.2) and (4.4.10), there is a A0 > 0 such that nElX^IitJln <\Xi\< in) < nlnt~xH{tn) < X0An. Hence for λ > 8Ao /3 < P{ max \Y*\ > 1\aA (4.4.49) 4<ζ<αι 4 '
118 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences and by Lemma 2.2.2 and (4.4.10) h < 2/„ρ{Σ(|Χί|/(ίη/Ζ„ < \Xi\ < i„) i=l - E\Xi\I{tn/ln < \Xi\ < *„)) > -^\An) <cln{\An)-2r2EXp{tn/ln < \Х{\ < tn) < с (XAn)-2nl-lH{tn) < с \~2l~x < ε/λ2 (4.4.50) provided η is large enough. In order to estimate /χ, let σ_! = (Ω,0), Gk = a(Xi,l<i<n + kr), к U0(0) = 0, Ui(k) = YiE(Yj+i\Gj+i-1), fc = 0,1, ···,<*!, i=i T*(fc) - rfc(l) - U0(k). Obviously /x < P{ max |T*(i)| > АЛП| + p{ max |C70(t)l > >лЛ =:1[г)+1[2). (4.4.51) Noting that {Т*(г), (?i, г — 0,1, · · ·, d\} is a martingale and using the maximal inequality of martingale, we have l[1] < 4(ААП)-2ЕТ*^1)2/(|Т*(^)| > \An). (4.4.52) We prove below that for every г, к and η, by induction on к EUf(k) < C1kr1p(r2)2\og2(2k)EX2I(tn/ln < \XX\ < tn). (4.4.53) If к — 1, from the definition of p-mixing EUf{l) = E(Yi+1E(Yi+1\Gi)) < p(r2)||yi+1||2||£7(yi+1|G0||2. Thus (4.4.53 ) is true for к — 1 by a version of (4.4.8). If к > 2, assume that (4.4.53) holds for every integer less than k. Put k\ = [&/2],&2 = к — k\.
4.4 The WIP when the variance is infinite 119 Then EU2(k) = EU2(h) + EU2+kl(k2) + 2EUi(kl)Ui+kl(k2) <EUHki) + EU?+kl(k2) к + 2р(ъ)\\Щкг)\\2\\ Σ, Υί+*\ j=ki+l < Cx{kx log2(2fci) + k2 log2(2k2) + 2k\/2kl12 log(2fc2)} • rlP(r2)2EX2I(tn/ln <\Xi\< t„) < Οφηρ{τ2)2^2{2^ΕΧ2Ι{ίη/Ιη <\Χι\< tn) by induction assumption. This proves (4.4.53). Prom it and Lemma 4.1.2, we have Ε max U^{i)<ZCldlrlp{r2)2\ogi{2dl)H{tn) l<i<d\ <cA2np{r2)2\og\2ln) [bgn] <οΑ2ηΡ(τ2)2(γ:ρ(2ψη. i=l Also, [bgn] [bgr2] Σρ{2ψ*< Σ ρ(2ψ* + p(r2)2/*log(n/r2) t=l г=1 [logr2] [log η] < р(г2)~1/3 Σ p(2i) + Мг2)2/3 Σ pW?iz г=1 г=1 from which it follows [log n] Σ Ρ&Ψ3 = 0(Р(Ы~1/3) as η - oo. г=1 Therefore we obtain £ max U2(i) < cA2np{r2)2l* (4.4.54) and further /J2) < ε/λ2 (4.4.55) provided η is large enough.
120 Chapter 4 Weak Convergence for p-mixing Sequences For /2, having analogue to (4.4.52) and (4.4.55), we can get t'hat for large η Ι2<ε/λ2 + 4(λΑη)~2ΕΤΐ(2) < ε/λ2 + AC1{XAn)~2d2r2EXll{tn/ln <\Χχ\< tn) < ε/λ2 + 46Ί(λΛηΓ2ης1# (ίη) < ε/λ2 + ολ-2*-1 < 2ε/λ2. (4.4.56) Now we can come back to /} . £Т*(^)2/(|Т*(^)| > XAn) < 4£Tj1(l)/(|T,1(l)| > ^XAJ + AEUHd,) < 36(E(S%fl(\S%>\ > X^) + E(± X^)2 + EUM)) i=d,2r <144(^(5("))2/(|5(")|>λ^) + E(S^)2I(\S^\>X^) 12 + ЕТЦ2) + EU2{dx) + Е(£ 4">)2). i=d,2r By (4.4.10), (4.4.54) and a version of (4.4.8) A?(ETl(2) + EUM) + E(± X}2">)2) i=d,2r < c{n-42r2 + p(r2)2/3) < c{l~x + pin1'2)2'3) < ε/2000 for large n. Using the uniform integrability of {(5„ ')2/Α^,η > 1}, we find that A-2E(S^)2I(\S^\ > \An/12) < ε/2000 for each η > 1 provided λ is large enough. Moreover, by (4.4.46) A~2E(SS)2I(\S^\ > XAJ12) < 4X-^2A-5/2E\S^2 < cX~V2. Whence we obtain that there is a constant λχ such that for any λ > λχ and large η /χ(1) < ε/λ2. (4.4.57)
4.4 The WIP when the variance is infinite 121 (4.4.55) and (4.4.57) together yield h < 2ε/λ2. (4.4.58) Proceeding exactly as the proof of (4.4.58), we also have h < 2ε/X2 (4.4.59) for any large λ and n. It follows from (4.4.45), (4.4.47), (4.4.48), (4.4.50), (4.4.56), (4.4.58), (4.4.59) that (4.4.38) holds, as desired. This completes the proof of Theorem 4.4.1.
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Chapter 5 Weak Convergence for <£-mixing Sequences The CLT of a (^-mixing sequence is one of the earlier results for the dependent random variables. Ibragimov (1959) gave the following two Propositions. Proposition 5.0.1. Let {ХП5 ™ > 1} be a strictly stationary φ- mixing sequence of random variables with EX\ = 0, EX2 < oo. If oo Σφ1ΐ2{η)<οο, 71 = 1 then oo σ2 = EXf + 2j2EXixJ 3=2 converges absolutely, and if the condition σ > 0 is added, then Sn/a>/n converges in distribution to -ZV(0,1). Proposition 5.0.2. Let {Χη,η > 1} be a strictly stationary φ- mixing sequence of random variables with EX\ = 0,Ε\Χι\2+δ < oo for some δ > 0 and σ^ = ES% —> oo. Then Sn/an converges in distribution to JV(o,i). Since then, the CLT and the WIP for a (^-mixing sequence have ever been discussed by many authors. Ibragimov-Linnik and Iosifescu have raised the following conjectures: Conjecture 1 (Ibragimov and Linnik 1971). Let {Xn, η > 1} be a strictly stationary <£>-mixing sequence with EX\ = 0, EX2 < oo. If σ^ —> oo as η —> oo, then the CLT holds. Conjecture 2 (Iosifescu 1977). Let {ХП5^ > 1} be as above. Then Wn weakly converges to W, where Wn(t) = 5[ηί]/ση.
124 Chapter 5 Weak Convergence for ^-mixing Sequences Since 1970's, some mathematicians have obtained many beneficial results around these conjectures. Herrndorf (1983b) showed that there exists a strictly stationary <£>-mixing sequence with σ\ —> oo,liminfn_,oo σ^/η = 0, conjecture 2 does not hold. Peligrad (1985) proved that these two conjectures hold true under the additional assumption liminf σ^/η > 0. Thus, η—►oo we can reduce the study of the above conjectures to that of the variances of the partial sums. In those two papers they have also given some sufficient conditions for the CLT and the WIP of a (^-mixing sequence when the moment of order 2 is finite. We shall introduce these in Section 5.1. In Section 5.2, we will discuss the above two conjectures and a general conjecture which was raised by Peligrad (1990). 5.1 The WIP when the moments of order 2 are finite Since p(n) < 2<^1/2(n), we have the same conclusion as in Theorem 4.1.1 with Σ£=ι <^1/2(2n) < oo instead of Σ™=ι P(2n) < oo. Herrndorf (1983) dropped the condition on the mixing rate. Theorem 5.1.1. Let {Χη? η > 1} be α φ-mixing sequence with EXn = 0, EX% < oo satisfying (i) σ\ = nh(n), where h(n) is slowly varying, (it) limn_+oo P{maxi<i<n \Xi\ > εση} = 0 for any ε > 0, (Hi) {£^(η)/σ^, πι > 0, η > 1} is uniformly integrable. Then Wn=>W. Proof. We are going to verify the conditions in Theorem 4.0.4. By the definition of (^-mixing, r r \р{(}Е{}-]1Р{Е{}\<г<р([п6])^0 asn-oo, г=1 г=1 where Ει = {Wn{ti) — Wn(si) £ Bi},i = 1, · · · ,r are defined in Theorem 4.0.4, δ = miii2<i<r(si — U-\) > 0. And hence, {Wn,n > 1} has asymptotically independent increments. Moreover, conditions (i) and (iii) imply the uniform integrability of {W%(t),n > 1} for each t > 0. Obviously EWn(t) = 0 and EW%(t) —> t as η —> oo by condition (i). In order to show the tightness, we need the following lemma.
5.1 The WIP when the moments of order 2 are finite 125 Lemma 5.1.1. Let {Χη? η > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence. For any given positive integer q and α > 0, ra > 0, r > g + 1, we have (1 - cp(q) - max P{|Sm+r - Sm+j\ > a}) χ P\ max |5m+J· - 5m| > 3a } 4<7<r J < P{|Sm+r - 5m| > a} + PUq - 1) max \Xm+j\ > a]. (5.1.1) I l<j<r J Proof. Denote A\ = {|Xm+i| > 3a}, Aj = {\Sm+j - Sm\ > 3a, |Sm+i - Sm\ < 3a, 1 < г < j - 1}, 2 < j < r, #i = {|Sm+r - 5m+j+g_i| < a}, 1 < j < r - g, Β,=Ω, r - q + 1 < j < г, С = {|Sm+r - 5m| > a}. It is clear that r (J Λ,·Β,- С C{j{(q - 1) max |Xm+i| > a}. ^'- Hence P(C) + P{(q - 1) max \Xm+j\ > a} 3=1 3=1 > {i<mjn_ P(Bj) - ψ{ς)} J2 P(A3). (5.1.2) i<ii=- , j=1 Note that r Y] P(Aj) = Pi max. \Sm+j - Sm\ > 3a), i=i min P(5j) + max P{|Sm+r - Sm+j\ > a} > 1. l<j<r—q 4<3<τ Inserting these into (5.1.2) implies (5.1.1), as desired. In order to prove that {Wn} is tight, it needs only to show that lim - max limsupPJ sup |Wn(s) — Wn{kS)\ > ε\ = 0. $10,1/6GN О 0<к<1/6 n-^oo 1к6<з<(к+1)6 J (5.1.3)
126 Chapter 5 Weak Convergence for ^-mixing Sequences Choose a positive integer q so large that φ{α) < 1. For any given ε > 0 and δ > 0, by condition (iii) we have sup sup P{\Sm(j)\ >εση/3} m>0l<j<n6 <9e~2 sup E(Sl(j)/a]) sup σ]/σ2η m>QJ>l l<j<n6 = C(e) sup σ]/σ2η. 1<3<ηδ It follows from (i) and Property A4, that limlimsup sup σ· /σ^ = 0. <H0 n->oo \<j<n8 Therefore, there exists a 6q = δο(ε) > 0 such that for any 0 < δ < δο(ε) limsupsup sup P{|Sm(j)| > -εση\ n->oo m>0 1<j<n6 L О J <C{e)6<±(l-V{q)). (5.1.4) Applying Lemma 5.1.1 for m = [пкб], r = [n{k+ 1)δ] — [пкб], За = εση, from (5.1.4) we obtain that for any 0 < δ < δ0 with Ι/δ G Ν, 0 < к < 1/δ, J(l - ^limsupPJ sup \Wn(s) - Wn(k6)\ > ε} l n->oo ^k6<s<(k+l)6 J < HmsupP{|Wn((A; + 1)δ) - Wn(kS)\ > ε/3} + limsupP\ (q — 1) max \Xj\ > -εση} ΤΪ.—►ОТ) ^ 1<7<П J 3 n->oo v 1<7<™ = :Ii+h (5.1.5) For fixed g, it follows from (ii) that 1<ι = 0. And from (i) ^σΗ^ι)δ]-^δ]/ση = <51/2· Thus we have h < HmsupP{|5[n(fc+1)(5] - 5[nfc(5]| > εσ^+^^^/Α^/δ} п—юо <16ε~2£ sup ESl(n)I(\Sm(n)\>ean/(4V6))/al m>0,n>l Combining it with (5.1.5) and condition (iii) implies (5.1.3). The proof of Theorem 5.1.1 is completed.
5.1 The WIP when the moments of order 2 are finite 127 Corollary 5.1.1. Let {Xn η > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence with EXn = 0, EX2 < oo. If the conditions (i) and (ii) of Theorem 5.1.1 and (iv) sup{£;5^(n)/a^, m > 0, η > 1} < oo are satisfied, and if {Xnn > 1} obey the CLT, then Wn => W. Proof. From the CLT and (i), it follows that S\nt^/an converges in distribution to W{t) for every t > 0. Now let 0 < 5 < t be given. We shall show (S[nt]-S[ns])/an^W(t)-W(s) asn-^oo. (5.1.6) It is obvious that {(S[ns]/an, S[nt]/an), η > 1} is tight (see Billingsley 1968 p.41). Hence, it follows from Helly's theorem that there exists a probability measure Q on R2 and a subsequence {n^} such that (s[nks]/<7nk, S[nkt]/°nk) -+Q as A: -^ oo. Let 7T{ : R2 —> ϋ, г = 1,2, denote the projections. Then (s[nk8]/<rnk, (s[nkt) - s[nks])/<7nk) -► Q{*u π2 - πι)-1 as к -► oo. Taking ρ = p(n) G {0,1,..., [ns]} such that p(n) —> oo and ρ(η)/ση —> 0 as η —* oo, we have (ESfns]_p{n^(n))Y/2/an < ρ{η)σ~ι sup(£X?)1/2 -> 0 as η -^ oo. 3 Hence it follows that (S[nks]-v{nk)/°nki{S[nkt] - S[nks})/<7nk) —> Q(tti, π2 — ΤΓχ)-1 as к —> oo. For any Borel sets A,B С R with £?(πι, π2 — /τγι)~1(^(^4 χ В)) = 0, we obtain by an application of the mixing condition |<3(πι, π2 - i^)'\A x В) - Qn-\A)Q(n2 - πχ)"1^)! = ^ί^Ι^ί^βΙ-ρίη*)/^* € Л, (5[njfet] - S[nk8])/ank G β} - ^{5[nfc5]-p(nfc)/°W ^ ^^{(^[п**] - s[nk8])/°nk £ £}| = 0. Hence πχ and π2 — πχ are Q-independent. Since Q7rf1 = N(0,s) and Qtt"1 = JV(0,i), it follows that Q(tt2 - πχ)-1 = JV(0,i - s). This proves (5.1.6).
128 Chapter 5 Weak Convergence for ^-mixing Sequences The remainder of the proof needs only to check (5.Γ.3). From (5.1.6) it follows that limsup P{\Wn((k + 1)6) -Wn{k6)\ >ε/3}<Ν(0,δ){χ: \x\ > ε/3}. η—>oo (5.1.7) Furthermore 1 cN(0,6){x: \x\ >ε/3} о ^2 3ν^ 1 _£2/18^о ^ δ^ο δ ε уДк Now (5.1.5) and (5.1.7) imply (5.1.3). This completes the proof of Corollary 5.1.1. Remark 5.1.1. The conditions (i) and (ii) of Theorem 5.1.1 are also necessary for the WIP. Suppose that Wn weakly converges to W. For δ > 0 and a function / let w(f,6) = sup{\f(x)-f(y)\ : 0 < x, у < 1, \x-y\ < δ}. For any ε > 0, the set {/ : / G D[0,1], w(f,6) > ε} is closed with respect to the uniform topology. Hence HmsupP{ max \X{\ > εση} < \im sup Ρ{w(Wn, δ) > ε} п—юо 1<г<п η—юо < P{w(W, δ)>ε}-+0 as<5 -> 0. This proves that (ii) holds true. In order to prove (i), we show that h(t) := max(l,am)/£,£ > 0, is slowly varying. Since σ\ —> oo as η —> οο,/ι(£) = <rftJt for large t. For t G [0,1] we have S[nt]/<T[nt] -+ N(0,1), s[nt]/^n -► iV(0, i) as n -^ oo. Therefore we obtain for every t G [0,1] σ\ηΐ\ΙσΙ—►* as n-^oo. (5.1.8) ρ Moreover (ii) implies Χη/ση —► 0. Hence both Sn/an and Sn/an+i weakly converge to -ZV(0,1) and further ση/ση+χ —> 1. Consequently for £ G [0,1] σ[*β]/σ[*[β]] —► 1 as s -► oo. (5.1.9)
5.1 The WIP when the moments of order 2 are finite 129 From (5.1.8) and (5.1.9), we obtain lims_>oo h{ts)/h{s) = 1 for every t £ [0,1]. Hence h is slowly varying. Now we can write the following Corollary for the strictly stationary case immediately. Corollary 5.1.2. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary φ-mixing sequence with EX\ = 0, EX\ < oo and σ\ —> oo. Denote Yn(t) = —(5[nt] + (nt - [nt])X[nt]+l). Then the following assertions are equivalent (a) Wn=*W, (b) Yn^W, (c) {Xn} obeys the CLT and (ii) is fulfilled, (d) {5^/σ^,η > 1} is uniformly integrable and (ii) is fulfilled. Proof. Obviously, (a) and (b) are equivalent and (b) implies (c). From Theorem 5.4 of Billingsley (1968), it follows that (c) implies (d). Finally "(d) implies (a)" follows from Theorem 5.1.1 . Peligrad (1985) weakened the conditions of Herrndorf (1983) and gave the following theorem. Theorem 5.1.2. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence with EXn = 0,EX% < oo. Suppose that the conditions (i), (iv) and the Lindeberg condition (v) limn^oo 4r ΣΓ=ι EX?I(X? > εσ2η) = 0 for any e > 0 are satisfied. Then Wn => W. Remark 5.1.2. If φ* = Нтп_юо φ{η) < 1, then (ii) is equivalent to η J2P{\Xi\ > ^n} —► 0 for any ε > 0 (5.1.10) г=1 and the Lindeberg condition (v) is equivalent to EmaxXf/oi^O. (5.1.11) 1<г<п In fact, (5.1.10) implies (ii) obviously. On the other hand, by (ii) we can choose no and po such that P{ max X? < εσ2Λ - φ(ρ0) > а > 0 for η > n0. (5.1.12)
130 Chapter 5 Weak Convergence for ^-mixing Sequences Therefore for every χ > ε > 0, η > no and j = 0,1, · · · ,ρο — 1 we have p{mgnX?>*o£\ >ρ{χ]>χσ2η, max Xf < χσ2Λ { Po+j<i<n J + ■·■ + P{X[(n-j)/p0}po+j ^ Χση) > Σ пЧо* * *<*} 0<i<[(n-j)/p0] (Pfen^<X<T«}-^0)) 0<i<[(n-i)/po] which implies Σ P{X? > ^} < ^P{maxnx? > x^}. (5.1.13) Hence we can obtain (5.1.10) from (ii). The fact that (v) implies (5.1.11) follows from Ε max XfΊσ2 1<г<п г ' П < ε + Ε max Xfl(Xf > εσ2η)/σ2η for any ε > 0. 1<г<п Note that, (5.1.12) and further (5.1.13) hold under (5.1.11). Hence, (5.1.11) implies that (v) follows from the following well-known relation: for every positive integrable random variable X, EXI(X >b) = bP(X >b)+ P(X > x)dx. (5.1.14) Remark 5.1.3. Utev (1990) showed that for a (^-mixing sequence {Xn}, the Lindeberg condition (v) implies the CLT. Furthermore, Grin (1991) showed that for a stationary (^-mixing sequence {Xn} with φ(1) < 1, there exists a sequence {An} of numbers such that B~1Sn — Лп —► -ZV(0,1), where Bn = sup{z > 0 : Var(Zi=iXJ(\xi\ < *)) > r2}, if and only if {Bn} is regularly varying with the exponent 1/2. The proof of theorem 5.1.2 needs the following lemmas. First we state an analogue of Lemma 2.2.7.
5.1 The WIP when the moments of order 2 are finite 131 Lemma 5.1.2. Let {Yn->n > 1} be a sequence of random variables. Denote Tn = Σ?=ι Yi- 4 for some b > °>P G N and ao > 0 φ(ρ) + max P{Tn - T{\ > ba0/2} < η < 1, (5.1.15) 1<г<п then for every a > ao and n > ρ the following relations hold: p{ max \Т{\ > (1 + b)a\ < P(\Tn\ > a) ^1<г<п У 1 — Г\ + —ί-Pf max \Yi\ > . Ьа А(5.1.16) Ι-η li<i<n' ' 2(i? - 1) J and P{\Tn\ > (1 + 2b)a} < JL-P{\Tn\ > a} 1-η + -ί-Ρ( max \Yi\ > — }. (5.1.17) For simplicity, denote EaX = EXI(X > a). Lemma 5.1.3. Let {Yn,n > 1} be a sequence of random variables satisfying (5.1.15). Then for every A > a$ we have Е(1+2ЫаТ% <(1 + 2bf^EATl /2p(l + 2b)\2 1 π „ Proof. By (5.1.14) and a change of variables one obtains ?(l+26)2 #(i+26)MTn2 =(1 + 2bfAP{Tl > (1 + 2b)2A} + (l + 2b)2/ P{Tn2>(l + 2b)2y}dy. The lemma follows by (5.1.17) and then (5.1.14) again.
132 Chapter 5 Weak Convergence for ^-mixing Sequences Lemma 5.1.4. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a centered sequence such that φ* < 1/4 and {maxi<2<n£'X?/a^,n > 1} is bounded. Then \m^E{Sn-Si)2/a2n,n>l\ is bounded as well. Proof. Let ρ be an integer such that φ(ρ) < 1/4. We have max E(Sn - Si)2 < max E(Sn - Si)2 + p2 max EX2. (5.1.18) 1<г<п 1<г<п—р 1<г<п For every г < η — ρ we also have |||S„||2 - \\Si + (S„ - 5i+p)||2| < ρ max ||Хг-||2. 1<г<п By Lemma 1.2.8, we have > (1 - 2¥?1/2(ί,))1/2(σ2 + E{Sn _ Si+pfYl\ Therefore d < (1 - 2^1/2(ρ))"1/2(ση +p max \\Х{\\2) \ 1<ι<η / for every г < η — p. Whence, from (5.1.18) max E(Sn - Si)2/a2n 1<г<п < 2 + 4(1 -2φιΙ2{ρ))-1 + p2(l + 4(1 - 2//2(ρ)Γ1) max EXf/a2n 1<ι<η as desired. Lemma 5.1.5. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a centered sequence with ф* < 1/4. Then {maxi<2<n S2 /σ^η > 1} is uniformly integrable if and only if {maxi<i<nX?/a^,n > 1} is uniformly integrable. proof. First, because P{ max \ХЛ > 2χσΛ < p{ max \SA > χση\ (5.1.19) U<t<n ' J "" ll<z<n ' J V J for any χ > 0, one of the implications follows by the relation (5.1.14).
5.1 The WIP when the moments of order 2 are finite 133 We prove the part of "г/", and hence, assume that {maxi<2<nX^/a^, η > 1} is uniformly integrable. By the Chebyshev inequality and by Lemma 5.1.4 for any b > 0 lim sup max P{(Sn - Stf > {Ъ/2)2Ьа2п} = 0. (5.1.20) t—>oo n 1<г<п By φ* < 1/4 and (5.1.20), we can find some constants Ь > 0,77 < 1/2,ρ G N and ao G R such that (1 + 26)V(1-4)<1 (5.1.21) and φ(ρ) + max P{(Sn - Si)2 >(b/2)2a2a2n} < η 1<г<п for everyn > 1. (5.1.22) Prom Lemma 5.1.3 and (5.1.21), (5.1.22) it follows that + /2p(l + 2b)\2 1 / Х?ч (—ь ) i^^Hm^) for any Л > Oq and every η > 1. Taking the supremum on n in this relation and noting that supn ^(5^/σ^) is decreasing in A and that {maxi<i<n(X^/a^),n > 1} is uniformly integrable, we obtain lim 8ърЕА(Щ) < (1 + 2Ь)2-^- lim 8ирЕА(Щ). Whence it follows by (5.1.21), (5.1.22) that {БЦа1, п > 1} is uniformly integrable. This implies by (5.1.16) and (5.1.14) that {maxi<;<n Sf/σ^π > 1} is uniformly integrable. Proof of Theorem 5.1.2. By the proof of Theorem 5.1.1, {Wn,n > 1} also has asymptotically independent increments. By Remark 5.1.2 it follows that {maxi<i<n(X?/a^),n > 1} is uniformly integrable under the Lindeberg condition. Whence {W2{t),n > 1} is uniformly integrable for each t by (i) and Lemma 5.1.5. Moreover, EWn(t) = 0 and EW2{t) —► t as n —> 00 by (i) again. For the tightness condition of {Wn, n > 1}, from the proof of Theorem 8.3 of Billingsley (1968), it suffices to show [1/«Ы . limlimsup V PJ max \Wn(s)-Wn(i6)\ > ε\ = 0. (5.1.23) δ—>0 η—>οο Τ~ί 46<«<(г+1)6 J
134 Chapter 5 Weak Convergence for (^-mixing Sequences For every 0 < г < l/<5 — 1 denote (ί+1)ηδ , Si = fi(n,6,a) := max p{\ V Xk\ > -α1/2ση\. in6<j<(i+l)n6 *■ I 7^7. I Z ^ /c—j By the Chebyshev inequality we have 9 9 1 (»'+l)n* 9 /. < (Λ2Ι max #( у χΛ2/σ2. K—J By (i), (iv) and the properties of a slowly varying function that follows from the Karamata representation (see Appendix) we obtain limlimsup max f% = 0. (5.1.24) 6-+0 n-+oo 0<t<l/$-l Choose ρ and b such that V(p)(l + 2b)2/(l-v(p))<l and choose δο and no such that for any δ < δο and η > щ φ{ρ) + max /; = η'(η, δ, α) := η1 < 1. (5.1.25) 1<г<1/6 Prom (5.1.25) and Lemma 5.1.3 we obtain for every 0 < г < 1/δ — 1 E(l+2b)*a(( Σ Xi) /ση) ni8<j<n{i-\-l)6 < (1 + 2b)2_gLg/g»«^<ntf+l)f^·^ /2р(1 + 2Ь)ч2 1 ,Χ?. + 1 ь J ГГ^ L· E°W2p)'[-jr)· (5.1.26) Noting conditions (i) and (iv), for fixed δ > 0 we have u£f»p Σ E( Σ *i) /ση г=0 ni8<j<n(i+l)8 = 0(limsup Σ σ^,/σ*) = O(l). Denote П^°° i<l/6 [1/4-1 2 /(a) = limsuplimsup Σ i£a( ^ Xyj /σ^. $-+0 n-^oo .=0 nt6<j<n(t+l)6
5.1 The WIP when the moments of order 2 are finite 135 From (5.1.26), (5.1.24) and condition (v) we obtain /((1 + 2b)2a) < (1 + 26)X(p)/(a) for everya > 0. 1 - φ[ρ) Since 1(a) is a decreasing function in a, and [(1 + 2b)2(p(p)]/(l — φ(ρ)) < 1, we obtain lima_>o 1(a) — 0· Hence 1(a) = 0 for every a > 0, which implies [l/8]~l limsuplimsup ]jP P(\ ]jP ΧΑ > εση) = 0 δ-+0 n-+oo .=0 n«<i<n(i+l)6 for any ε > 0. The relation (5.1.23) follows now by (5.1.16), (v) and (5.1.24). The proof of Theorem 5.1.2 is completed. Particularly, by Theorem 5.1.2 we have the following corollaries. Corollary 5.1.3. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a stationary φ-mixing sequence with EX\ = 0,EX2 < οο,σ^ —> oo and the Lindeberg condition (v) is satisfied. Then Wn => W. Corollary 5.1.4. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary φ-mixing sequence with EX\ = 0, EX2 < oo, σ\ —> oo and for any ε > 0 lim ^EX\l(X\ > εση) = 0. (5.1.27) Then Wn => W. A special case of Corollary 5.1.4 is Corollary 5.1.5. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary φ-mixing sequence with EX\ = 0,EX2 < oo and liminfna^/n > 0. Then Wn =>> W. Remark 5.1.4. Peligrad (1985) pointed out that in some cases the Lindeberg condition (v) also is necessary: If {Xn,n > 1} is a (^-mixing sequence such that Wn => W, σ\ —> oo and φ(ΐ) < 1, then the Lindeberg condition (v) is satisfied. In fact, by Remark 5.1.1 we have σ2 = ih(i), where h is a slowly varying function on i?"1", whence, { max E(Sn - Б{)2/а2п,п > l)
136 Chapter 5 Weak Convergence for yi-mixing Sequences is bounded. So there exists a ίο > 0 such that for every η φ(1) + max P{\Sn - 5<| > t0an} < с < 1. 1<г<п Then by the proof of Lemma 2.2.7 for any χ > t^ and for each η G N, we have P{ max S? > 4хаП < -J-P{S£ > χσ2η}. (5.1.28) 4<г<п J 1 — С On the other hand, the weak convergence to W implies the uniform inte- grability of {Sl/σΙ,η > 1}. This fact together with (5.1.28) and (5.1.14) implies {maxi<i<n Sf/σ^,η > 1} is uniformly integrable. By Lemma 5.1.5 {тахккп Xf/a„, η > 1} is also uniformly integrable. From Remark 5.1.1 we have lim P\ max \XA > εση > = 0 for any ε > 0. η—>oo ll<i<n J Hence we obtain (5.1.11) since {max1<i<nX?/a^,n > 1} is uniformly integrable. By Remark 5.1.2, (v) is a necessary condition for the weak convergence to W. 5.2 The Ibragimov-Linnik-Iosifescu conjecture We have showed in Corollary 5.1.5 that the Iosifescu conjecture is true under the assumption liminf σ^/η > 0. But Herrndorf (1983b) showed by an example that the Iosifescu conjecture does not hold true if lim inf σ^/η = 0. Example 5.2.1. Assume that {ηη,η > 1} be a strictly stationary (^-mixing sequence with Εηη = 0, Εη„ < oo, τ^ — Ε\Υ^=1ηΛ —> oo, lim inf T^/n — 0. If {ηη, η > 1} does not satisfies the WIP, then we can take Xn = ηη for η G N. Suppose that {ηη,η > 1} satisfies the WIP. Let {an,n > 0} be a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables, which are independent of {ηη} and satisfy P{a0 = актПк} = bkn^1 fork G N, Ρ{αο = 0} = 1-Σ6*η^ (5*2Л) к where the positive integers щ < ri2 < п$ < · · ·, and the sequences of real numbers {а&}, {Ь&} with α*. —> oo, Ъ^ —> oo such that Σ 6*»fcx ^ V2, Σ °*<6*η*1 < °°- (5·2·2) fc A:
5.2 The Ibragimov-Linnik-Iosifescu conjucture 137 ( For instance, from τ%/η —> 0, we can choose пь such that т%кпк г < 2 2k l and rik to be increasing, a^ = /с, b^ = 2k.) (5.2.1) and (5.2.2) imply Eal < oo, P(a0 = 0) > 1/2. Now, define Χη^Ήη + Οίη- αη_χ. (5.2.3) Denote Sn = Σ]=ι Xj, Tn = Σ?=1 Vj- We have 5n - Tn + αη - α0. (5.2.4) It is clear that {Xn,n > 1} is a strictly stationary (^-mixing sequence with EXi =0,EXl <oo, and °l/T2n - 1. (5.2.5) For n, m > 1 we can write /Tw+m - Tmx 2 /^2 + /qn+m - qmx 2 It is well-known that if {ηη} satisfies the WIP, then {(Tn+m—Tm)2/r^, m > 0,n > 1} is uniformly integrable. Thus, from (5.2.6), (5.2.5) and ||(an+m - am)/an||2 < 2||α0||2/ση -► 0, (5.2.7) it follows that {(5n+m — 5m)2/a2, m > 0,n > 1} is also uniformly integrable. Since {ηη} satisfies the WIP and the random vector σΰl (S[nt!] J ' ' ' J S[ntk] )~ТП1 (T[ntl] J ' ' ' J T[ntfc] ) -^ 0 for any 0 < ti < ··· < tk < 1, (W[nti]5"-5W[ntfc]) converges weakly to W^"1..^, where Wn(i) = 5[ηί]/ση. We shall show that Wn does not weakly converge to W. For t>0we have P\ max |5i| > £ση \ ll<t<n ' "" J > p{ max |ai - a0\ > 2tan\ - p{ max \T{\ > tan\, (5.2.8) P<{ max \ai — αο| > 2£ση > ^ 1<г<тг J > P{ao = 0, max \ai\ > 2tan \ l<i<n J > -P{max \a{\ >2tan\ 2 l<i<n J = \(1 - (Ρ{|αο| < 2ίσ„}Γ) > i - i exp(-nP{|a0| > 2ίσ„}). (5.2.9)
138 Chapter 5 Weak Convergence for (^-mixing Sequences Using (5.2.9), (5.2.5), α& —> oo, (5.2.1) and bk —> oo, we obtain limsupP<{ max \a.i — ao\ > 2tan \ - о " о ,lim exp(-nfcbfc/nfc) = -. Since {77η} fulfills the WIP and (5.2.5), we can choose to > 0 with HmsupP{ max \T{\ > toan} < 1/4. n—юо 1<г<тг Then (5.2.8) and (5.2.9) imply: HmsupPJ max \Si\ > tan\ > - for every t > to? whence {Xn5^ > 1} does not satisfy the WIP. Furthermore, Peligrad (1990) pointed out that conjectures 1 and 2 are not the most general results which one can expect for a (^-mixing sequence. After comprehensive survey of the relevant works, she showed that the following conjecture might be true. Conjecture 3 (Peligrad 1990). Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary centered (^-mixing sequence satisfying: H(x) := ΕΧ^Ι(\Χλ\ < χ) is slowly varying as χ —► oo (5.2.10) and φ(1) < 1. Then Wn weakly converges to W, where wn(t) = s^/dn^y^bn) о < t < i, bn = E\Sn\. Remark 5.2.1. There are at least two situations of interest when it is easy to verify (5.2.10). One is EX\ < oo, and the other is that P(|Xi| > x) is regularly varying with the exponent —2, i.e., Р(\Хг\ > χ) = l/(x2h(x)), (5.2.11) where h(x) is slowly varying as χ —► oo. In fact, we can rewrite Ρ(|Χχ| > χ) — h(x)/x2. By the partial integration we have H(x) = - jXy2dP{\X1\>y) Jo = -h(x) + [ h(y)y~1dy. Jo
5.2 The Ibragimov-Linnik-Iosifescu conjucture 139 By the Karamata representation (see Theorem Al), we can choose z\ — z\{x) < χ such that limsup sup h(y)/h(x) — 1, x—>oo z\<y<x lim x/zAx) — oo. x—>oo So that PX ГХ | / h{y)y~xdy> I h(y)y~1dy> -h(x)\og(xz^1). J0 Jzi * Then Я(х) = (1+о(1))Г%)у-^. Jo For any given fc>0 we have ρ kx px | у h(y)y-1dy\ < 2(log fc)M*) - o(j h(y)y-1dy). It follows that lim Hikx)/H(x) = 1. x—>oo Peligrad (1990) proved that Conjecture 3 is true under condition (5.2.11). Theorem 5.2.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a centered, strictly stationary φ-mixing sequence satisfying (5.2.11) and φ(1) < 1. Then Wn=>W. The proof of Theorem 5.2.1 will not be presented here.
Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields There are two kinds of definitions of mixing dependence for a random field. One is a natural generalization from the classical case, the sequence of dependent random variables, to the dependent random field, which has been discussed by Bulinskii-Zurbenko (1981), Gorodezkii (1982, 1984), Bolthausen (1982), Nahapetian (1987), Bradley (1992), Donkhan and Guyon (1991), Guyon(1992) and Donkhan (1994), etc. Another is appeared in the study of set-index partial sum process for weakly dependent random fields, which has been discussed by Goldie and Greenwood (1986 a,b), Chen (1991) and Lu (1995), etc. We shall introduce the first case in Section 6.1 and the second case in Sections 6.2 and 6.3 respectively. 6.1 The CLT for mixing random fields A natural generalization from an α-mixing sequence to an α-mixing random field has been discussed by some mathematicians. A random field {£t?t € %d}id > 1, is said to be a*-mixing, if (r) = sup{|P(AB) - P(A)P(B)\ : A G συ, Β G ay, U,V CZd,\U\ <m,\V\ <n,d(U,V)>r} -► 0 as r -► oo. (6.1.1) where d(U,V) = inf{d(t,s) : t G E/, s G V}, rf(t,s) = maxi<;<d \t{ — Si|, m,nGNU {°°}5 σΑ — cri&jt £ ^4}> |-<4| is the number of elements of A.
142 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields For some subsets Δ^· ,j — 1, · · ·, fc, of d-dimensional cube Jn — [—n, n]d, denote 5(n, j) - σ~χ5 (η), σ2 = VarSJn, i S/ = E&> *czd, |/| < oo, к к Mk = \E]\ eits(n^ - JJ EJtSW>l 3=1 3=1 к MM) = Σ / №>i)№). ε, 5 > 0. (6.1.2) Nahapetian (1987) proved the following conclusion, which is a generalization of Theorem 3.2.1. Theorem 6.1.1. Let {Xt?t £ ^d} be α strictly stationary a*-mixing random field with EXt = 0,E\Xt\2+s < oo /or some δ > 0. ///or some r >0, (%J <2m,n(r) < f(m)riTa(r), where f(m) is a non-negative function, m G NU{oo}; (it) E^i^-V/(2+*)(r) < oo, a(r) = o(r-(2r+1)d), r -^ oo, Йеп σ2 - ]Γ £X0*t < oo, tezd and г/ σ φ О, we /mve sJnK4jv(o,i). (6.1.3) The proof of Theorem 6.1.1 will need some lemmas. It is clear from the proof of Lemma 1.2.3 that we have Lemma 6.1.1. Let random variables X and Υ be measurable with respect to σ-fields συ and σγ respectively, \U\ < ra, |V| < n, d(t/, V) > r, E\X\p < oo, E\Y\q < oo, p, q > 1, p~l + g"1 < 1. Then \EXY - EXEY\ < сЩХ^РЩУ^^а^г'1-*'1^). Particularly, if \X\ < C\ a.s., \Y\ < C2 a.s., we have \EXY - EXEY\ < cCiC2am,n(r).
6.1 The CLT for mixing random fields 143 Lemma 6.1.2. Let £i, · · ·, ζη be a sequence of random vectors, \E П^=г x£j| < oo, г = 1,··· ,n — 1, |£7&| < 1, г = 1,·· ·,τι. Then \Eiib-iiEb s=l »=1 < Σ Σ Hte - !)te -!) г=1 j=z+l χ Π Ь-Е&-1)Е&-1) П 6 s=7 + l s=j+l Proof. Obviously, we have *i j-j, 77, 1 77, 77, ΗΠ^-Π^|^Σ|^ Π б-я&я Π 6· s=l s=l г=1 jf=z+l j=i+l |я& η Π о- j=i+l < \e& - -Efo ΕξιΕ Π l)(6+i - ] - 1)Я(6+1 6 ο Π ο η .-ι) Π 6 j=i+2 (6.1.4) (6.1.5) + |я(й-1)й+2 п е,--ад-1)^б+2 Π fc i=i+3 By this recursive process, we obtain j=i+Z Eti Π ti-EiiE Π 6 i=»+i j=i+i < Σ |я(&-1)(£-1) χ Π 6-£(6-ΐ)£(6-ι) Π & 8=j + l 8=j + l (6.1.6) inserting (6.1.6) into (6.1.5) yields (6.1.4).
144 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields Proof of Theorem 6.1.1. Let ρ — p(n), q = q(n) be the positive integers such that p, q —► oo, ρ — o(n), g = o(p)as η —► oo. Denote fc = fc(n) = [2n/(p + 9)], ^i(i) — [~™ + ip + *<3S -n + (г + l)p + гд] г — 0,1, · · · Д - 1, £__г d times In = (J 4(j), /^ = /η Χ /η Χ · ' · Χ /η · Then /^ consists of fcd d-dimensional cubes with side p. For given n, we denote these к — к d-dimensional cubes by Δ^· , j — 1, · · ·, /с, i.e. 4d = U Δ5η)· i=i Put An — Jn\^n* By Bernstein's blocking technique, we need only to prove 1) a-2VarSAn-0, 2) Mk —► 0, X)j=i VarS(n, j) —► 1 and for any given ε > 0 Lk(e, <5) —► 0, as η —> oo. Prom £|Xt|2+* < °°> E£Li^_V/(2+*)(r) < oo and Lemma 6.1.1, it follows that σ2 is finite and VarS/ ~ σ2\Ι\ for any d-dimensional cube / with |/| < oo. Therefore we have a~2Var5^n —> 0 and к ]Г VarS(n,j) = Α:ση 2 Уаг5д(п) /σ2(1 + ο(1)) -> 1, n-^oo. J=i ^ JiJlt (2n)dG2{l+o{l)Y It also permit us to prove 2) only for the bounded random field (cf. Ibrag- imov and Linnik 1971, the proofs of Theorems 18.5.3 and 18.5.4).
6.1 The CLT for mixing random fields 145 Now we prove M& —> 0. From (6.1.5) it follows that k-i к к щ < \^\EeitS(nJ) TT ett5(n,m) _ £jeitS(nJ)β ΤΤ eitS(n,m) j = l m=j+l 771=7+ 1 fc-1 <^|^(eii5(n^-l-it5(n,j) 771=7+ 1 -£7(e<t5(nJ)-l-it5(n,i) + -5(n,i)2)£7 f[ eitS(n'TO> m=j+l fc —1 fc + |i|^|£5(n,j) ή eit5("'m) j = l m=j+l к -ES(n,j)E [J eii5(n'm) 771=7 +1 +f £W(n,j)2 π ^5(n'm) i=i 771=7 + 1 -ES(n,j)2E Π e*S(n,m) m=j'+l t2 =: Γι + |i|T2 + -T3. (6.1.7) Take ρ = o(n1/2), we have l/l3 fc_1 Tr<2^Y:E\S(n,j)\3 3! i=i < C|t| (-) (Π ) ' ρ Ь5Д(П η —> οο. (6.1.8)
146 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields Using the proof of inequality (6.1.4) we have fc-i к к T2 <σ~ιΣ Σ \ΕΧ* Π eits^^ - EXSE Ц eitS^^ ί=1 SGA(ti) m=7 + l m=j+l 3 k—1 к к <ση-^ Σ Σ |^^s(eitS(n'm) - 1) Π eits(n^ j=l 8^д(п) rn=j+l r=m+l к - EXsE(eitS(n^ - 1) Ц eits(n^\. (6.1.9) Г=771+1 Noting |XS| < Co, |eits("'m) - 1| < cpd/on a.s. and applying Lemma 6.1.1 in (6.1.9) we obtain r2<cAn2E Σ Σ ν(^η'ΔΙη))) <^/(1)Λ-2Σ Σ a(d(Af,A^)) j=l m=j+l к < cp2dnTdp-d Σ a(W, Δ}η))) 3 = 1 oo /=1ί:(ί-1)ϊ<<ί{Δίη,,Δ<η))<ί, OO <cpdnrdY^ld-la{lq). 1=1 Prom condition (ii) of Theorem 6.1.1 it follows that 1=1 τ2<οΑτν(2τ+1)*Σ^ (6-1-Ю) where β(η) — a(n)n^2r+1^d. Since /3(n) —> 0 as η —> 0 we can take ρ = p(n) = o(n1/2), p(n) —> oo as η —> oo and g = g(n) —► oo, g = o(p) such that the right hand side of (6.1.10) approaches zero.
6.1 The CLT for mixing random fields 147 Now we estimate T3. Тз<а-2^ £ \EXSXU Π JtS(n'm) i=1 s,ueA<n) rn=j+i к -EXaXuE J] eits(-n^ m=j+l k—1 к к ^<2Σ Σ Σ \ExsXu(eits{n'j+1) -1) π eiiS(n,m) j = l m=j + l sueA(n) m=j+2 - £XsXu#(e*i5(n'i+1) - 1) [J eii5(n'm) m=j+2 „2d _d к-1 к <^^Σ Σ v(^,a j=l m=j + l p2dnTd3(q) * Cn<i/2q(2r;Z "> 0. as n->oo. (6.1.11) Combining (6.1.7)-(6.1.11) yields that Mfc —► 0 as η —► oo. Finally, we prove Ζ/&(ε,<5) —> 0. Noting that the stationarity of {£t}? we have Lfc(M) < cRVW) / |5д(п)|2^Р(сЬ) Δι <c(n^p)~d [ \SAin)\^P(cL·). Ai There exist ρ = p(n) —> 00, p(n) — o(n), and g = g(n) —> 00, g — o(p) as η —> oo such that the right hand of the above inequality approaches zero. This completes the proof of Theorem 6.1.1. Remark 6.1.1. In the above definition of a*-mixing, the positions of set U and V are symmetric, so the assumption: OLm,n{r) < f(m)nTa(r) in the condition (i) is not very reasonable. The random field {Xt?t € %d}
148 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields is said to be α-mixing, if a(r) = sup{|P(AB) - P(A)P(B)\ :Aeav,Be σν, U,VcZd,d(U,V)>r} -► 0 as r -► oo. (6.1.12) A more general result was given by Lu (1995), which is a generalization of Theorem 3.2.3 to α-mixing random fields. Theorem 6.1.2. Let {Xt?t € %d} be an α-mixing random field with EXt — 0, EX\ < oo. If there exists a g £ Q such that oo supEg(\Xt\) < oo, Σ^"1/*^)) < oo, (6.1.13) lim Var5Jn/nd - σ2 > 0. (6.1.14) Then wn=>w where Wn(t) = Sj[nt]/an, 0 < t < 1. The proof of Theorem 6.1.2 is similar to that of Theorem 3.2.3. Remark 6.1.2. A similar theorem for non-stationary random fields has been discussed by Guyon (1992). The central limit theorem for a- mixing random fields with continuous parameters has been discussed by Gorodezkii (1984), Zhurbenko (1984), etc, and the weak invariance principle for this case has also been given there. Bradley (1992) proved the CLT of strictly stationary random fields under the "unrestricted /o-mixing" condition and just finite or "barely infinite" second moments. No mixing rate is assumed. Let {£t, t £ Zd} be a strictly stationary random field. For any nonempty disjoint sets S,DC Zd, put p(S,D) = p(a(£k,k € S), a(Ck,k G £>)). For each r > 1, define p*(r) = sup p(S,D), where the sup is taken over all pairs of nonempty disjoint subsets S,DcZd such that d(5, D) > r. Denote L:=L(") = (4"),...,/("))GNd, S(t,L)= £ ft. l<t< L
6.2 Convergence of finite dimensional distributions 149 Bradley (1992) proved the following theorem. Theorem 6.1.3. Let {Xt?t € %d} be a centered strictly stationary random field with 0 < EXq < oo, p*(r) —> 0 as r —> oo and the continuous positive spectral density /(·) on Td, satisfying /(1, ···,!) > 0, where Τ denotes the unit circle in the complex plane. Then as \\LSn>\\ — l^ · · · r£ —> oo one has that ||S(£, L)\\2 -> oo and S(£, L)/||S(f, L)\\2 -^ JV(0,1). The proof of Theorem 6.1.3 will not be presented here. 6.2 Convergence of finite dimensional distributions Denote Jn = {} = tii/n>h/n>'~,jd/n) : JuJ2,~',Jd € {1,2,···,η}}, Cnj = (j-n-^J), (a,b] = {{x\,X2,··· ,Xd) : a{ < X{ <bi,i = 1,2, — ,rf}, Г* = {(а,Ь]: a,bG[0,lf}. Let {^njj JGj'n, n>l}bea triangular array field. It is easy to see that a random field {£t5 t G Zd} on a d-dimensional integer lattice is a special case of a triangular array random field {£nj, j G ,Τ^,η > 1}, if we write £nj — £nj, nj — (ji, J2, · · · ,jd). Now from a random field {^njj j^^j^^llwe form the set-indexed partial-sum process of the n-th level as Zn(A) = n-d'2 £ !d^jl(inJ _ ££nJ) Ле^пёК, (6.2.1) jeJ'n l^nj, where | · | is Lebesgue measure and Bd is the class of Borel sets of [0, l]d. For the random field {^t,tGZ}, correspondingly, define Zn{A) = n~d/2 Σ\ΑηCtl(£t - ВД (6.2.1') tezd where A/nd G Bd, Ct = (t - l,t),t - (ti,t2, ···,«*),** G Z. In Sections 6.2 and 6.3, we prove the weak convergence of Zn to a Wiener process W, restricting its domain of definition to a subset of Bd
150 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields satisfying a metric-entropy bound. We also impose moment and mixing conditions on the {£nj}. Let χ > 0. Definition 6.2.1. The random field {£nj, j G Jn} is said to be α-mixing if a{nx) —> 0 as η —> oo, where a(nx) = sup sup \P(AB) - P(A)P(B)\. IJCJn Aea(£ .j€/) Definition 6.2.2. The random field {£nj, j G ^7n,} is said to be p-mixing if p(nx) —> 0 as η —> oo, where |Соу(Х,У)| p[nx) — sup sup /,JcJn XGL2(a(enJjg/)) \/VarXVary d(/,J)>xyGL2(<j(CjjGj)) and i/2(^7) is the set of L2 random variables measurable with respect to T. Definition 6.2.3. The random field {£nj, j G Jn} is said to be symmetric φ-mixing if φ{ηχ) —> 0 as η —> oo, where <^(ηζ) - sup sup тах(|Р(Л|Я) - Р(Л)|, |Р(В|Л) - P(S)|). /,JCJn AGa(^nJJG/) P(A)P(B)>0 Definition 6.2.4. The random field {£nJ-, j G Jn} is said to be absolutely regular if β{ηχ) —> 0 as η —> oo, where /3(n*) = sup ||£(£nJ,JG/UJ) /,Jcjn,rf(/,J)>x -£(enJ,JG/)£(^j,JGJ)||var £(£(·)) is the distribution law of {£(·)} and || · ||уаг ls variation norm. It is clear that a{nx) < p{nx) < 2φ(ηχ), α(ηχ) < β(ηχ) < φ{ηχ). (.6.2.2) Next, we introduce the metric entropy condition. We say that Borel sets Л, В in Bd are equivalent if | AAB\ — 0, and denote the set of equivalence classes by £. Define di{A, В) — |ЛЛР|, it can be proved that c?l(·, ·) is a metric on £. The set £ forms a complete metric space under d^.
6.2 Convergence of finite dimensional distributions 151 Definition 6.2.5. A subset A of £ is called totally bounded with inclusion, if for every δ > 0 there is a finite set As С £, such that for every A G A there exist Л+, A~ G Л5 with Л~ С А С Л+ and \A+ \ Α~\<δ. Note that Д$ is a 5-net with respect to di for A Let Л be a totally bounded subset of £. Its closure A is complete and totally bounded, hence compact. Let C{A) be the space of continous functions on A with the sup norm || · ||. Because A is compact, С (A) is separable. Thus C(A) is a complete, separable metric space. Let CA(A) be the set of everywhere additive elements of С (A), namely, elements / such that f(AuB) = f(A) + f(B)-f(AnB) whenever Л,Б, AUB, ΑΠ Β G A. It can be shown that for fixed ω,Ζη{·) G CA(A), i.e. Zn are random elements of CA(A). A standard Wiener process on A is a random element W of CA(A) whose finite dimensional laws are Gaussian with EW(A) — 0,EW(A)W(B) — \Α Π Β\. In order that W should exist it is necessary (see Dudley 1973) that A satisfies a metric entropy condition. Definition 6.2.6. Let A be a totally bounded subset of £, As be the smallest <5-net of A. Denote Ν(δ, A) - Card Λ, Η (δ) - log Ν(δ, Α). A is said to satisfy a metric entropy condition, or a convergent entropy integral, if ^(Щ))1/2^<оо. (6.2.3) Define the exponent of metric entropy of A, denoted by r := inf{s, 5 > 0, Η (δ) = 0(δ~3) as δ -> 0}. If г < 1, then (6.2.3) holds. Remark 6.2.1. Some examples of classes of sets which satisfy the metric entropy condition are as follows: If Cd denotes the convex subsets of [0, l]d, then r = (d — l)/2 (see Dudley 1974). If Id = {(a, b] : a, b G [0, l]d} as above, then r = 0. If Pd'm denotes the family of all polygonal regions of [0, l]d with no more than m vertices, then r = 0 (see Erickson 1981). If £d denotes the sets of all ellipsoidal regions in [0, l]d, then r = 0 (see Gaeussler 1983). For the Vapnik-Cervonenkis class V that includes the above three examples, it is known that N(6,V,d\) = Card V<$ < οδ~ν for some с and υ > 0 (Dudley 1978). When {&, t G Zd} is independent, the weak convergence of Zn to W has been studied by Bass and Руке (1984, 1985), Alexander and Руке
152 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields (1986), Lu (1992), etc. For the mixing random field {£П) j, j. G Jn, η > 1}, the weak convergence of Zn to W was first discussed by Goldie and Greenwood (1986a, b). They proved the following theorem. Theorem 6.2.1. Assume that Εξη^ j = 0, and (i) for some s > 2, {|rad/2fnj|s, j G Jn, η > 1} is uniformly integrable; (ii) the exponent r of metric entropy (with inclusion) of Λ satisfies r < 1; (Hi) β(ηχ) = 0((nx)b) as nx —> oo, the exponent b of absolute regularity satisfies b > ds/(s — 2) and b > d(l + r)/(l — r); (iv) the symmetric φ-mixing coefficients satisfy oo supyV/^'n-1) <oo; n>lj=1 (v) for any null family {Dh,0 < h < ho} in Xd (a null family is α collection such that Dh С D^ for h < h' and \Dh\ — h for each h), lim lim sup h[0 n—>oo EZl{Dh) _ γ \Dh\ 0. Then Zn converges weakly in CA(A) to W. For a random field {£t>t € Zd}, the versions of Definitions 6.2.1, 6.2.2, 6.2.3 and 6.2.4 are as follows: a(x)= sup sup \P{AB) - P(A)P(B)\, /,JCZd A6a(ij,ie/) d(I,J)>xB€a(^J€J) ( ч |Соу(Х,У)| p{x) = sup sup /,Jczd Χ<ΕΖ,2(σ(^,ί<Ε/)) VVarXVary d(/ϊJ)>xУ€L2(σ(ξjj€J)) β(χ) = sup ||£(£j, j G / U J) - £($,, j G /)£«,, j G J)||Var, /,JCZd, d(I,J)>x φ{χ) = sup sup d(i,j)>x Bea(^eJ)P(A)P(B)>o χ тах(|Р(Л|В) - Р(Л)|, |Р(В|Л) - P(B)|). Corollary 6.2.1. Let {£t?t £ ^d} be a strictly stationary real random field with Εζ(0) = 0. Assume that
6.2 Convergence of finite dimensional distributions 153 (i) Ε\ξο\s < oo for some s > 2; (ii) A has exponent of metric entropy (with inclusion) r < 1; (Hi) β(χ) — 0(x~b) (x —> oo) for some b > max(ds/(s — 2),d(l + r)/(l - r)); (iv) ЕГ=гР1/2(2^')<оо; (ν) Σί6ζ-^οίί = 1· Then Zn converges weakly in CA(A) to W. Dobrushin (1968) showed that the (^-mixing condition is not satisfied even for some simple examples of Gibbs random fields. Dobrushin and Nahapetian (1974) introduced the nonuniform (^-mixing condition. Definition 6.2.7. The random field {£t, t G Zd} is said to be nonuniform φ-mixing, if for Лг С Zd, |Λί| < оо,г = 1,2, there exists a nonnegative function </?|λ-||(·) depending only on |Λχ|, such that sup \P(E\F)-P(E)\<<plAll(d(AuA2)) ^σ(Λι),^σ(Λ2),Ρ(^)>0 and φ\Αι\(χ) —► 0 as χ —► oo, where |Λ| is the cardinality of Л. Chen (1991) gave a sufficient condition under which a sequence of partial-sum set-indexed processes with the nonuniform (^-mixing condition converges to a Brownian motion when the indexed set A = Id — {(a, b], a, b€[0,l]d}. Theorem 6.2.2. Let {£t, t G Zd} be a strictly stationary nonuniform φ-тгхгпд random field and satisfy (i) there exists a non-negative function φ{·) on R1, such that for any А С Zd, \A\ < oo, φ\\\(·) < \Α\φ(-), and for some δ > 0 limsup^r))1/2^4^ < oo, (6.2.4) r—>oo (ii) Εξ0 = 0, Ε\ξ0\2+δ < oo, (Hi) 0 < °2 == Σ Cov(^05 £t) < oo. (6.2.5) tGZd Then Ζη/σ converges weakly in CA(A) to a Brownian motion as η —> oo. By a direct calculation, Lu (1995) proved that the conclusion of Theorem 6.2.2 holds for a more general indexed set A (with the metric entropy exponent r, 0 < r < 1) and the condition for the rate of nonuniform φ- mixing was weakened.
154 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields Theorem 6.2.3. Let {£t>t € Zd} be a strictly stationary nonuniform φ-mixing random field, and satisfy (i) ψ\κ\{·) < \Μ<Ρ(·) o-nd 4>(x) = 0{x~2d-1-2dl6) for some 6>0, (ii) ££0 = 0,£|£ο|2+δ<οο, (Hi) A has a exponent of metric entropy (with inclusion) r < 1. Then Ζη/σ converges weakly in CA(A) to a Brownian motion, as η —> oo, where σ2 is defined as in (6.2.5). Remark 6.2.1. From Theorem 6.2.2 a uniform central limit theorem for certain Gibbs fields has been given in Chen (1991) which is also true for indexed set A, if A has the exponent of metric entropy r < 1. The proofs of Theorems 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 are omitted here. The proof of Theorem 6.2.3 will need the following lemmas. Some lemmas for moment estimations are of independent interest. A slice in Rd is a set 5(c, α, η) = {χ G Rd : a < cxx < a + η}, where χ G i?d, |c| — 1, a G i?, and η > 0. The thickness is 77, the direction (of the normal to the two bounding hyperplanes) c, and the displacement a. The slice splits a set Л С Rd into three parts, namely Α Π 5(c, α, η) and two sets Л+=ЛП{хЕ^:с'х>а + η}, Α- = Α Π {χ G Rd : cxx < a}. If A is measurable and |Л+| = |Л_| we say the slice bisects A. Lemma 6.2.1. There exist Co^q, depending only on d, such that for all ρ satisfying 0 < ρ < \/d, and for every measurable А С Rd of finite measure, we can find a slice S that bisects A, has thickness (\A\/2)P, and is such that \A Π S\ < С0(|Л|/2)^+^/^+1). (6.2.6) The proof of Lemma 6.2.1 was given in Goldie and Greenwood (1986b). Let {Xh i G Zd} be a /9-mixing random field with EX\ = 0. Denote 00 i=0 > Z(A)= Σ HnCi|Xi, A€Bd. iezd
6.2 Convergence of finite dimensional distributions 155 Lemma 6.2.2. There exist constants а,Ъ, depending only on d, such that \\Z{A)\\2 < аеЧт^1/2, A G Bd. (6.2.7) Proof. Without loss of generality we assume σ — 1. Set a(h) = sup ||2(Л)||2, σ{Κ) = sup σ(Λ'). AeBd,\A\=h h'<h Observe \\z{A)\\2 < Σ HnCjHiXjib < £ μησ,ι = |л|, so σ(Λ) < h. (6.2.8) Take ρ in Lemma 6.2.1 to be such that the exponent r — (q+pd)/(q+\) does not have any positive integer power equal to 1/2. This is to avoid a minor technically later. Pick A of positive finite measure 2m, say. The slice S in Lemma 6.2.1 is S(c,a,rap) for some c, a. We refer to {x G Rd : c'x > a + rap} and {x G i?d : c'x < a} as the "sides" of S containing A+ and Л_, respectively. Since |Л+| — |Л_| we know m>\A+\ = \A-\>m-\AnS\>m- C0mr. We may find Л+, such that Л+ is in the side of S containing Л+, is disjoint from Л_, and has measure |Л+| — πι — |Л+|. Thus |Л+| < C§mT. Let Л" — Л+ U Л+; then |Л+| = га. Similarly we construct Л'_ and A'L_ on the side of S containing A-. Now if χ G Л", у G Л" then ||χ - y|| > <Γ1/2|χ - y| > d-1'2™?. Hence if C\ and Cj intersect Al\_ and Л", respectively, then ||i-j|| ><T1/2mp-2, whence £(Ζ«) + Ζ(^))2 < (1 + p(d-1/2mp - 2))(£Z2(A'|) + EZ2{A"_)) < (1 + p(d-1/2mp - 2))2σ(τη)2. Since Z(A) = Z{A%) + Z(A'L) - Z(A'+) - Z(A'_) + Z(A П 5) (6.2.9)
156 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields the triangle inequality gives σ(2τη) < 2χ/2(1 + p(d'^2mp - 2))1/2σ(τη) + Sa(C0mr). Choose h > 1, then h = 2km where к G N and 1/2 < m < 1, and we have σ(πι) < 1, a(2j+1m) < aja(2jm) + /3,·, where a,- := 2х/2(1 + p(d'1f22ipmp - 2))1/2, /3,- := Sa(C02jr). Iterating, fc-l fc-l fc-l ^)<IIai + Eft Π <*· (6·2·10) j=0 j=0 i=j+l Let / G N satisfy ρ > l/l. Now dll22jp2~p - 2 > 7? Iх for j > j0 > 1, so oo oo ]T p{dTxl27?pmp - 2) < ]^р(2^) 3=3 о j=l oo Ζ j=0t=l oo Ζ Thus oo Π(! + p(d'^22ipmp - 2))1/2 < 2j°/2elp/2 =: αχβ6^, (6.2.11) i=o and (6.2.10) yields fc-l σ(Λ) < axeb^(2fc/2 + 3 ^ 2{fz'1'i^2'&{CQ2iT)). (6.2.12) i=o Let ν be the integer such that rv < 1/2 < r"-1 (recall that ru = 1/2 was excluded by choice of r). We shall use (6.2.12) iteratively, ν times, to obtain the result of the lemma, σ(Κ) < aebph1'2. (6.2.13)
6.2 Convergence of finite dimensional distributions 157 Applying (6.2.8) to the right-hand side of (6.2.12), if ν = 1 we find a(h) < aieb^2k/2{l + 3C0(1 - 2'^2'г^)'г}, and since 2fc/2 < 21/2h1/2 the proof is concluded. In the other case, i.e. when r > 1/2, we obtain a(h) < aieb^2kl2{l + -Со(27"1/2 - l)"^}, whence a(h) < dx^xphT for some a[. Substituting this in (6.2.12), if r2 < 1/2 we obtain (6.2.13) and otherwise a(h) < a2eb2phr2. After a total of ν uses of (6.2.12) we obtain (6.2.13). By the same way, we can prove the following lemma. Lemma 6.2.3. Suppose that τ :— supj \\Xi\\3 < oo for s = 2 + <5,0 < δ < 1 and oo ρ" = Σ/*2/ί(2ί)<°°· г=1 Then for any A £ Bd we have \\Z{A)\\s<cecP\\A\ll2. (6.2.14) Proof. First it follows from Lemma 6.2.2 that Lemma 6.2.3 holds true for δ — 0. For the case of 0 < δ < 1, let r(m) = sup ||Z(^)||S, т(т) — sup т(га'). Ae#d,|A|=m m'<m From (6.2.9), we obtain r(2m) < ||Ζ(^|) + Ζ(^)||2+« + 3r(C0mr). (6.2.15) By using |1 + χ\2+δ < 1 + 9|x| + 9|z|1+* + \χ\2+δ, (6.2.16) we have E\Z{A'[) + Z{A'L)\2+8 < 2τ2+δ(πι) + ${E\Z{A'{_)\\Z{A'L)\l+8 + E\Z{A'[)\l+6\Z{A'L)\). (6.2.17)
158 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields By Lemma 1.2.7, we have E\Z(A'l)\\Z(A'L)\1+s < E\Z(A'[)\E\Z(A'L)\1+S + 4рШ(а~12тр - 2)r2+6{m) < (l + 4p^b(d~5TOP _ 2))τ2+δ(τη). (6.2.18) Similarly we have E\Z{Al)\x+e\Z{A'L)\ < (l + 4p*h(drbmP - 2))τ2+δ(ιλ). (6.2.19) Inserting (6.2.18), (6.2.19) into (6.2.17) yields \\Z(A'l) + Z(A'L)h+s < 202b (l + 2p£*(dr?m* - 2))^r(m). Write po = p2l{-2+s){drll2mP - 2), whence r(2m) < 202^ (l + 2ро)Шт(т) + Зт(С0тТ). Iterating, for h = 2km, к € Ν, 1/2 < m < 1 we have fc-l fc-l fc-l r(h)<l[aj + Y/0j J] <*ύ j=0 j=0 i=j+l where aj < 202b{l + 2p£s(d-hjpmp - 2)}Ш, β5 = 3r(C02jrmr). The conditon p" < 00 implies that 00 Σ Ρ^~δ (d-hjpmp - 2) < 00, 3=3 о where jo is defined as in Lemma 6.2.2. The remainder of the proof is the same as in the case of δ — 0. The proof of Lemma 6.2.3 is completed. Denote oo Ρ' = Σ,Ρ1/2(ή ;=o g(y)=supEX?I(\Xi\>y).
6.2 Convergence of finite dimensional distributions 159 Lemma 6.2.4. Let {Xj, i G Zd} be a p-mixing random field. If {Xj2, i G Zd} is uniformly integrable and p' < oo, then the set of random variables {Z2(A)/\A\,A G Bd, \A\ < oo} is uniformly integrable, i.e. there exists a constant С depending only on d, such that Е^Ж1^Щ1>У)) < (C(1 Α^) + ^(^)}β^. (6.2.20) Lemma 6.2.5. Let {W(A), A G Bd} be an additive processs that satisfying (i) EW(C) = 0 for any С G Id, (ii) EW2(C) = \C\ for any С G Id, (Hi) W(Ci), · · ·, W{Ck) are independent whenever Ci, · · ·, Q. G Id and d(C{, Cj) > 0 for г ф j, (iv) Urn™-*, EjeJm Pi\W(Cmj)\ > *} = 0 for any ε > 0. Then W is a standard Wiener process on 1Z = 1Z(Td)(the ring of all finite unions of elements ofXd). Lemma 6.2.6. Let {Zn(A), AeTl = Tl(Id), η > 1} be a sequence of additive processes such that (i) EZn(C) -+ 0 (n -> oo) for any С G ld, (ii) EZ2n{C) -> \C\ (n -> oo) for any С G Id, (Hi) whenever Ci, · · ·, Ck Gld are such that p{C{, Cj) > 0 for г Ф j we have for all real z\, · · ·, Zk that к P{rft=1{Zn{Ci) < Zi)} - Ц P{Zn(Ci) < z{} -^ 0, as η -+ oo, (6.2.21) t=l (iv) limm^oo limsup^^ EjeJm p{lZn(Cmj)l > ε} = 0 for any ε > 0, (υ) for each С G Id, the set {Z%(C),n > 1} is uniformly integrable. Then the finite dimensional distributions of Zn converge weakly to the corresponding finite dimensional distributions of a Wiener process W on 1Z. Lemma 6.2.7. Let {Zn} be a sequence of additive processes on Bd such that the set {Z2(A)/\A\, A G Bd,n > 1} is uniformly integrable, and satisfying Lemma 6.2.6 (i), (ii), (Hi). Then the finite dimensional distributions of Zn converge weakly to the corresponding finite dimensional distributions of a Wiener process W on Bd.
160 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields The proofs of Lemmas 6.2.4—6.2.7 are given in Goldie and Greenwood (1986 a, b). Theorem 6.2.4. Let {£nj j G Jn}, be a p-mixing triangular array. The smoothed partial-sum processes Zn are defined by (6.2.1). Suppose that (i) ££nJ = 0 for any n>l,jG Jn; (ii) the set {ηάζ^ :,n > l,j G Jn} is uniformly integrable; (Hi) supn Σ(^=1 pn (n~12·7) < oo, and Lemma 6.2.6 (ii). Then the finite dimensional distributions of Zn on Bd converges weakly to the corresponding finite dimensional distributions of a Wiener process. Proof. By Lemma 6.2.4 we have uniform integrability of the set {Z2(A)/\A\, η > 1, A G Bd}. Because pn(x) is non-increasing in ж, condition (iii) implies pn(x) —► 0(n —* oo) for each fixed x. Thus an(x) —► 0(n —► oo). Clearly the left hand side of (6.2.21) does not exceed (k — l)an(#), where θ > 0 is the least separation distance between the sets Ci, · · ·, C^. Hence Lemma 6.2.6 (iii) is satisfied. By Lemma 6.2.7, the proof of Theorem 6.2.4 is completed. 6.3 Tightness Fisrt we present a lemma for nonuniform (^-mixing sequence, which is similar to Lemma 6.2.3. Lemma 6.3.1. Let {&, t G Zd},{Zn(A),A G Bd} be as in Theorem 6.2.3 with φ(χ) = 0{χ-(ά+χ+θϊ), for some θ > 0, instead of φ{χ) — 0(x-(2d+l+2d/6)y Then for any AeBd \\Ζη(Α)\\2+δ < caolnA]1/2 (6.3.1) where σ$ = Εξ^. Proof. First, we prove that for δ = 0 σ(2τη) < 2χ/2(1 + 2πι1Ι2φ1Ι2{ά-1Ι2τηΡ - 2))1/2σ(πι) + Щстг), where σ(τη) = supi4€fid||i4|=m ||2П(Л)||2, σ(τη) = s\iprnf^rna(mf). Take 0 < ρ < 1/d in the bisection lemma to be such that the exponent r = (q + pd)/(q + 1) does not have any positive power equal to 1/2. For any given h > 1, we write h = 2fcm, к G N, 1/2 < m < 1. Note that σ(πι) < 1,
6.3 Tightness 161 and for nonuniform (^-mixing, by the same discussion as in the proof of Lemma 6.2.3 we have a(2j+1m) < aja(2jm) + /3,·, where aj = 2χ/2(1 + 2 · y/2m*/Md-1/22jprnp - 2))1/2, βΐ = 3 a(c2js). Iterating, k—X k~l k~l σ(Λ)<Π«; + Σ# Π <*■ (6·3·2) j=0 j=0 i=j+l 1 1 q+pd Furthermore, we take p, - > ρ > -—-, such that r = — does not a d+1 q+1 also have any positive power equal to 1/2. There exists a jo > 1 such that di/22jp2-P > 2i/(d+i) for j > j0, so oo ip := £ VfitpWidT1'2**™? - 2) 3=30 oo <^2^V1/2(2j/(d+1)) <с^222-2-5Фт(<г+1+е) OO _ · = c ^(2^/(2(^+1))) '<QO 3=1 Thus we obtain fc-i σ(Λ) < cec^(2t +3^2-Ha(c2jr)). (6.3.3) j=o The remainder of the proof is the same as in the proof of Lemma 6.2.2. This proves that (6.3.1) holds for 6 = 0. Consider the case of 0 < δ < 1. Recall the notation of Lemma 6.2.2 and write Zn(A) = Zn(A'[) + Zn{A"_) - Zn{A\) - Zn{A'_) + Zn(A η 5), (6.3.4) where |Л| = 2m,S is a slice of А, |Л"| = \A'L\ = m,A+ and A'L is situated on the different side of 5, the separation distance d(A'+,A'!_) >
162 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields d ll2mp, \A'+\, \A'_\, and А П S all do not exceed cmr. Denote r{h) — supiAHViee·1 Ι|Ζη(Λ)||2+«, r(h) = suph,<hr(h'). Prom (6.3.4), r(2m) < \\Zn(Al) + Ζη(Α"_)\\2+δ + 3r(cmr). (6.3.5) By (6.2.16) we have E\Zn(Al) + Zn(A'L)\2+s <2τ2+δ(πι) + 9(Ε\Ζη(Α'1)\\Ζη(Α'ί)\1+δ + E\Zn{A'[)\x+6\Zn{A"_)\). (6.3.6) By the property of nonuniform (^-mixing, we have E\Zn(Al)\\Zn(A'L)\1+s < E\Zn(A'i)\E\Zn(A'L)\1+s + 2ψ^{ά-\τηΡ - 2)т2+6{т) <(1 + 2т^Ш(Г2тр- 2))τ2+δ(πι). (6.3.7) Similarly we have E\Zn(Al)\1+6\Zn(A'!_)\ < (l + 2πι^φ^(d-2mp - 2))r2+<5(m). (6.3.8) Inserting (6.3.7), (6.3.8) into (6.3.6) yields \\Zn{A'[) + Zn{A'L)\\2+6 < c(l + m^(f2h(d-12mi> - 2)) Шт(т). Whence r(2m) < c(l + πι^φ^((1'^πιρ - 2)) 2+δ r(m) + 3cr(cmr). Iterating, for h = 2fcra, к £ N, 1/2 < m < 1 we have fc-i fc-i fc-i τ(Λ)<Παί + Σ& Π <*> i=0 j=0 i=j+l where Note oo >Г 25+Ур5ТУ (сГ *2"W - 2) OO c£(2«/(2(2+*)(«H-i)))-'<00# J=JO 00 < i=i
6.3 Tightness 163 The remainder of the proof is the same as in the case of δ = 0. The proof of Lemma 6.3.1 is completed. Proof of tightness in Theorem 6.2.3. For / G C(A) write the modulus of continuity "«(/)= sup \f(A)-f(B)\. (6.3.9) AyBeAy\AAB\<6 Then, since A is compact, we can use a version of the Arzela-Ascoli theorem: a subset U of С (A) has a compact closure iff it is equibounded (supfeUsupAej\f(A)\ < oo) and equicontinuous (limsiosupfeUu6(f) = 0). Using this, from Theorem 8.2 of Billingsley (1968) it follows that a sequence {Zn} of random elements of C(A) is relatively compact, i.e. every subsequence of {Zn} contains a weakly convergent subsequence iff (a) for each element A of some countable dence set in A, the family {Zn(A),n > 1} is tight, and (b) for every λ > 0, lim^jo lim suPn->oo Ρ{ω(Ζη) > λ} = 0. (a) follows from Theorem 6.2.4. We need only prove (b). Without loss of generality, we assume that σ2 = 1, Εξι = 0. For 0 < и < ν < oo, define Vnj(u,v) = n^kniI(u < η^/^+^η-^Ι^Ι < t;) j G Jn, Zn(A,u,v)= Σ \r V (nnjfav) - Εηηιί(ιι,υ)). ieJn l n^ Lemma 6.3.2. Suppose {£t? t G Zd} satisfies the conditions of Theorem 6.2.3. Then as η —► oo, Un(Id,a, oo) —► 0, a.s., EUn(Id, a, oo) —► 0, where Id = [0, l]d, a > 0 and Un(A,a,oo)= Σ \r ?J Ι^(α»οο)Ι- Proof. We use Bass's technique (1985). For к = (fcb · · ·, kd) G Ъ%, let /i(k) = max{fei,"-,fed} and Φ(ί,α) = sup{A: G Z+ : afcd/(2(1+<5)) < г + 1}. It is well known that Card{k G Ъ% : /i(k) = r} < Crd~x, where С
164 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields is a positive constant depending on d. £ /(г + 1 > а/,(к)<*/(2(1+*)))М(к)-^2 kez^ oo = Σ Σ l{i + l>ardl^^ydl2 oo = c^/(i + l>ar*(1+{»)r(d-2)/2 <c(*(i,a))d/2<ca-1(i + l)1+*. Thus Σ £|£k|/(a(/,(k))W+*)) < |&| < oo)(Mk))-d/2 kez^ < Σ Σ (< + 1)^0 < Ifkl < i + 1}ШГФ к t+l>o(M(k))d/(2(1+*)) oo * Σ[Σ'(«+ ! > a(M(k))d/(2(1+5)))(Mk))-d/2] <=o к • (t + l)P{t < \ξο\ <i + l} OO < ca~x £(» + l)2+*p{i < |fo| < » + 1} i=0 < co-^deol + 1)2+* < oo. Then for any ε > 0 and almost sure ω, there exists an η\(ω), such that Σ |£к/(«Мк)^1+й» < |&|< oo) |/(м(к))</2 < ε. k:^(k)>ni From this, Ε/η(Λα,οο)< Σ |&|/(an<|/«1+*» < |&| < oo)n~d/2. M(k)<ni Thus, as η —* oo, Un(Id, a, oo) —* 0, a.s. Analogously, we can obtain EUn(Id, a, oo) -+0. Lemma 6.3.2 is proved. In order to prove (b) we need only prove limlimsupP{||Zn||^ > λ} = 0, (6.3.10) i/jO n—>oo
6.3 Tightness 165 where Av = {A\B : A, B £ A, \A\B\ < u}. Since Zn(A) = Zn(A,0,a) + Zn(A, a, oo), and \Zn(A, a, oo)| < Un(Id, a, oo) + EUn(Id, a, oo), by Lemma 6.3.2, in order to prove (6.3.10), we need only prove limlimsupP{||Zn(^,0,a)||^ > λ} = 0. (6.3.11) i/jO n—►oo Let pn = [n(2+*)/(2(i+*))] and mn = n/{2pn). We divide Id in the following two ways: CPn)b 1 G JPn and C2pn)i, 1 G J2pn. There are 2d C2pnl in each Cpnl. Denote by /П)М the ith C2pnJ in CPnyU 1 G JPn,j G J2pn. Let Then 2d Zn(·, 0, a) = ]Γ Ζη(· Π /п,г, 0, α). г=1 Now in order to prove (6.3.11), we need only prove limlimsupP{||Zn(^n/n)bO,a)||^ > λ} = 0. (6.3.12) i/j0 n—►oo ^ J Write Ζη(ΑΠΐη^α)= Σ Σ ΙΛ П ^ ? Cnjl (^nj(Q^) ~ ^ηϋ(Ο,α)) lGJPnJG5(n,l,0 I "J1 = : Σ ^п1(ЛП/П|<,0,а), leJPn ^(0,α) = η-ί^^/^/^+^η-^Ι^Ι < a), j G Jn, where 5(п,1,г) = {j G Jn : /пД>< П CnJ ^ 0}. Denote Vnl = Vnl(A П /П)г, 0, a). By the property of nonuniform (^-mixing, we have £eaEk€JPn vnk <EeaV^Eea^k*\,keJPn Vnk + 2^5(nW|(^)^^ Note that \Vn\\ < 2a and eaVnl < 1 + аУп1 + a2V^ when аа < 1/4. From Lemma 6.3.1 it follows that £7^<С|ЛП/П>1><| for i=l,2,...,2ii.
166 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields Therefore for aa < 1/4 Ee*vni < eEa2Vni < eCa^AnI^, (6.3.14) Inserting (6.3.14) into (6.3.13) yields Eea^\eJPn УгЛ < wEea^k*\, keJPn Vnk? where w < eCc?\AnlnXi\ Л + 2el/2|5(n> ^ qUJL)) V V 2pn// V ^ (2pn)^V2pn^ Iterating this procedure, we have Ее«ЕшРп у* < ес«Члтп,<\Л + 2ei/2^i_С^МГ« = ехр(са2|Л| + сп~^^+^) <с ехр(а2|Л|) (6.3.15) for large п. Now we return to estimate the left hand side of (6.3.12). Since 0 < r < 1, we can take 5 > 0 such that r < 1/(1 + 5). Set δ3 = ν/ν, j = 0,l,···, Aj = Аое-*1+г-р<2+*»/<2+'> j = 1,2, · · ·, A0-A(l-2-(1+'-r(2+s»/(2+i)), aj = e-^+-)A2+')a, j = 1,2,.·., a = «/!/(!+.), Co = (6Ε|ξ0|2+7λο)1/(1+ί). For any Л € A) there exist Aj, Aj € A)(^j) such that Aj C. AC. A+ and |Α^\Α,·| <£,·. Then Ζη(ΛΠ Jn>i,0,a) OO = Ζη(^οΠ/η)ί,0,α) + ^{Ζη(Α^+ιΠ/η)ί,0,α^) - Ζη(^· Π/^,Ο,α^·)} i=o 00 ) - Zn(Aj n/n)baj,aj-i)}.
6.3 Tightness 167 So if \\Ζη(· Π /П)г, 0, α)||л0 is to exceed λ, at least one of the following must hold: (a) for some A0 G Λο(δ0), \Zn(A0 П Jnji, 0, a)\ > λ0; (b) for some j, for some Aj G Ao(6j),Aj+1 G A(£j+i), Ι4?δ4?+ιΙ < 2«j, \Zn(Aj+i П Jnji,0,aj) - Zn(i4j Π Jnji,0,aj)| > 2λ^; (c) for some j, for some л,·,л;gл№), ^асл;, |л;\л,-|<«,·, |Ζη(^4 n/n)i,aj,aj-i) - Zn(4j Π /η^,α^,α^·_ι)| > Aj. The number of pairs Aj^A^ in Aq{6j) is < ехр(4Я(^/2)), while the number of pairs Л, G A>(£j), Л7+1 G .4o(£j+i) is < ехр(4Я(^+1/2)). We have 00 00 P{||Zn(.n/n)b0,a)|U0>A}<p0 + Eri + E5^ j=o 3=1 where Po <2exp{2H(60/2)} max Ρ{|Ζη(Λ> П Jn>i,0,a)| > λ0}, |Λ0|<2(5ο г,- <4ехр{4Я(^+1/2)} max (P{\Zn((Aj+1\Aj) П /„,»,0,а)| > λ,·} |Α,·+ιΔΑ,·|<2«,· + P{|Zn((Ai\Ai+i)n/n,i,0,a)| > λ,·}), Sj < exp{4if(&,/2)} max P{ sup \Zn(A Π/η j,aj,aj_i) А,СА+,|Л+\а,-|<26,· А,СДСЛ+ - Zn(Aj П /nii,aj,ay_i)| > Aj}. By (6.3.15), taking a = l/4ao, we have po < 2exP{2H(6o/2)}exp(-p- + <*%) V 4a0 ag/ <2exP{C2^4-r-^ + ^}· Similarly rj<
168 Chapter 6 Weak Convergence for Mixing Random Fields Thus j=0 j=l λ, 7=0 ^ ^ oo i=o Because of r < 1/(1 + 5), the coefficient of 2гг may be negative by choosing ν small enough, and (6.3.12) follows. Theorem 6.2.3 is proved.
Chapter 7 The Berry-Esseen Inequality and the Rate of Weak Convergence It is well-known that the uniform estimation of the difference between the distribution function Fn(x) of the normalized sum of the first η terms of the sequence of independent random variables {Xn,n > 1} and the normal distribution function Φ (χ) is given by the Esseen and the Berry- Esseen inequalities. Furthermore, there exists a succinct non-uniformly estimation \Fn(x) - Φ(χ)| < Apo/(yfc(l + \x\3)) for the case of i.i.d. random variables {Xn} with i£|Xi|3 < oo, ΕΧχ — 0, where p0 = Е\Хг\3/а3,а2 = EXf,Fn(x) = P{Sn/ajn < x). In this chapter, we shall give the uniform estimations for α-mixing and p-mixing sequences in Section 7.1 In Section 7.2 we shall discuss the Prohorov distance L{PoW~x^W) between the measure Wn generated by the partial sums processes {Wn(£), 0 < t < 1, η > 1} and the Wiener measure W. We shall give the estimation of L(P о W~x, W) for a <£>-mixing sequence. 7.1 Rate of convergence in distribution for α-mixing and p-mixing sequences The proofs of the Esseen and the Berry-Esseen inequalities for the independent random variables are based on the following proposition (Petrov 1975): Proposition 7.1.1. Let Fn(x) be a distribution, fn{i) be the characteristic function of Fn(x). Then for any given Τ > 0 and b > 1/(2π) we
170 Chapter 7 The Berry-Esseen Inequality and the Rate of Weak Convergence have rT , f (t\_ e-t2/2 л вир|^п(*)-Ф(*)|<ь/ ψ±±- \dt + 1{h)^=- (7.1.1) χ J-τ1 t Ι ν2πΤ for some 7(b) > 0. To obtain the estimation of |/n(0 — e~* ^2| is the key to the proof. It is simpler in the case of independent random variables. How to get the estimation of \fn(t) — e~l ^2| for the case of mixing dependent random variables ? A method was given by Tikhomirov (1980), a modification of which was given by Sunklodas (1984). The sketch of this method is as follows: Let {Xn,n > 1} be an α-mixing sequence with EXn — 0. Denote σ2 = ES2n, Zn = 5η/ση, Fn(x) = P(Zn < x). Assume that 1 < h <n — 1, 2 < к <n — 1 such that 2kh + 1 < n. Put Л0) 3 rV) _ Zj — Xj/an — Yji \p-j\<lh (0) Z3 β)- 7. _ zO Λ») _ 7 Zi — ύηι ζ}" = Zn - Z)l>, (7.1.2) ^^expM^-1)-^)}-!, 1=1 (r) -itzV л Vj-e 3 ~ 1, /n(i)=^eftZ», for j = 1,2, · · ·, n; / = 1,2, · · ·, r — 1; r = 2, · · ·, k. Since /η(ί) = <.Σ EYjeitZ« = i Σ EY3eitzi 3=1 3=1 (o) and itz^ Eextzi = E(V)r> + 1)/η(ί) + Ε[(η)τ> - Εη)ν>)ε«ζ«]
7.1 Rate of convergence in distribution for a-mixing and p-mixing sequences 171 for j = 1, 2, · · ·, n; r = 2, · · ·, /с, the derivative of the characteristic function fn(t) has the representation : /„(o = ifiX1^50 + υ + ΣΣ4~1)Μ) + !)}/п(о j=l r=3j=l + * Σ t{m Π ^еЧ}) - ВД П ^)Ее< } r=2j=l ί=1 ί=1 +*ΣΣ4Γ_1)£{(^)-4ν^} r=2j=l + г Σ EY3eitzf + i Σ EYj [J efeiteib). (7.1.3) 3=1 3=1 1=1 If we can give the estimation for each term of the right hand side of (7.1.3) under some suitable conditions, then we get the differential equation f'n(t) = (-t + a(t))fn(t) + b(t). (7.1.4) By solving this differential equation, one obtains the estimation of \fn(t) — e~l /2|. Finally, from (7.1.1) the estamation of Δη — supx \Fn(x) - Ф(ж)| follows. Denote 5 = 2 + δ. Assume that d := max Ε\Χά\2+δ < oo, 0 < δ < 1, (7.1.5) \2+δ г σΐ := £S^ > con for 0 < cq < oo. (7.1.6) Sunklodas (1984) gave the following theorems. Theorem 7.1.1. Let {ХП5 η > 1} be an α-mixing sequence with EXn = 0, and satisfy conditions (7.1.5), (7.1.6) and a(n) < Ke~Xn λ > 0, К > 0. Then there exist c\ = ^(Κ,δ), c<i = C2(K,6) such that for λ, λχ < λ < λ2, d (\og{an/cll2)Y+6 An-Cl^n( λ ) ' n~h (7-L7) where λχ = c2(log(an/cl/2))b/n, b > 2(1 + δ)/δ; X2 = 4(2 + 6)6-1log(an/c10/2).
172 Chapter 7 The Berry-Esseen Inequality and the Rate of Weak Convergence Theorem 7.1.2. Let {Xn,n > 1} be as in Theorem 7.1.1, but a(n) < Κη~μ, μ = 2/3(1 + δ)(2 + δ)/δ2, β > 1, Κ > 0. ΤΤιβη there exists а С — Ο(Κ,β,δ) such that for every η > 1 Δη < Cdc-^+^^/^^a-^-1)5/^^). (7.1.8) Remark 7.1.1. Theorem 7.1.1 implies the Theorem 2 of Tikhomirov (1980). Theorem 4 of Tikhomirov (1980) also points out that if £|Xi|4+7 < oo, 7 > 0, then Δη < en-1'2 log n. (7.1.9) The proofs of Theorems will use the following lemmas. Lemma 7.1.1. We have ijr*™ = -* + ®20(1 + 12а)г'2<Р'*ап(а(Г1 + 1))(—2>/2β |*|/og/2 + θ(23~7(5 - l))d(2h + 1Г^rV^r2), (7.1.10) w/iere α = Ej=i(a0))(s_2)/s5 s = 2 + £, 0<£<1 and Θ is a constant with [θ\ < 1. Proof. Let r be a random variable uniformly distributed on the set {1,2,···, n}, and independent of {Χι, Χ2, * * * 5 Xn}· It is easy to see that for г = 0,1, · · ·, к and any b > 1 η £|Ζ«|6<(2Μ + 1)6^£|^|6/η. (7.1.11) i=i By the Holder inequality and (7.1.11), we obtain f>(|y,||zj V1) < 4I>4I J4x)lirx 71 < (2h + Ι)*"1 ΣE\Yj\S- (7.1.12) Denote by ZjW the sum of those Yp from 2J· % for which ρ < j — Z/ι, and by ij-O the sum of those Yp from Zj \ for which ρ > j + //ι. Thus 2J· ' = i}^ +
7.1 Rate of convergence in distribution for a-mixing and p-mixing sequences 173 Zj(l\ From Lemma 1.2.4 it follows that \EYjzjW\ < Wiaih + ltf-b-illYjU^h < 10(1 + 12aY>2d2ls{a{h + 1))(-2)/27(^/2σ„). The same quantity also bounds \EYjZj^'\ for j = 1,2, •••,n. Since Σ]=ι EYjZn = 1, we have £ EY}zf = 1 - ±(ΕΥ3ζψ) + Щгр)) 3=1 3=1 = 1 + Θ20(1 + 12a)1/2d2/s x(a(h + l))(s-2V2san/c30/2, (7.1.13) where we have used (7.1.6). According to Taylor's formula *Σ a? = ~ Σ ΕΥίζΤι + θ(23~7(* -1)) ΣΕ{\γ5\\ζψγ~^)\ιγ-\ j=l j=l j=l Inserting (7.1.12) and (7.1.13) into this equation and using (7.1.6), we obtain (7.1.10). Lemma 7.1.2. For \t\ < (an/32d1/s(h + 1)) =: Tu j = 1,2,···,η and r — 3,4, · · ·, k, we have \α{;~1}\ < ATd3ls{h + 1)2<2(1/2)47σ£ d>ls, ,. _,._,w.r /l\r + c—(a(h + l))(e-2)/s \r (-Y + r4r(a(/i + l))1/* σ„ L V2/ =: α(Γ-χ) (7.1.14) and |41)|<2d2/s(/l + l)|<|/a2. (7.1.15) Proof. Note that ajr_1) = e[y3 ЩГ* if}· From \а<Я\ = \Щ(Р>\<ЩЕ\Ха\ Σ \χρ\/°1 \p-3\<h <2d2l*{h + \)\t\/a2n, (7.1.15) follows.
174 Chapter 7 The Berry-Esseen Inequality and the Rate of Weak Convergence Now, to prove (7.1.14). Denote j-(J-l)* $ = exp{it Σ Υρ} ~ !> p=j-lh+l j+lh $=exp{ii ^ Ур}-1. ρ=ί+(ί-1)Λ+1 Obviously It follows that i(0 (Οι £0)| кл<ет+ет r-1 ι-ΓΊ<ψ,·Π< (0 ί=1 r-1 r-1 <ΣΣ*%Π^ Π & (ίμ) k=0 ι/=1 (7.1.16) μ=&+1 where the summation Σ* sums up for 1 < l\ < · · · < /& < r — 1, 1 < lk+i < · · · < /r_! < r — 1, \v φ\μ{ν φ μ). For each term of the right hand side of (7.1.16) we have 4ШЙ0 Π Φγ ι/=1 2+6 1+6 7Λ)πΛ)ί+«\2+ί μ=&+1 ν μ •Mirtfwn* (7.1.17) where Π' is the product for all even /, Π" is the product for all odd /. It is easy to see that 4/2 ν μ + cr2r-l(a{h + 1))^ (Ε\Υά\2+δ)ϊΤ6, *iir#ww (7.1.18) < crV^aQi + 1) + Π'^Ι^^+Ή'^Ι^^Ι2^ (7-1.19)
7.1 Rate of convergence in distribution for a-mixing and p-mixing sequences 175 and max :(e\$>\™, Εΐφ^*) < (№)2+δ л 22+*, where bh = maxi<i<h+iГС*=1Ху||о±χ· ^ follows from (7.1.17)-(7.1.19) that we have 2+δ %-П^Ш^ •J'2 <2Td^s(h + l)2t2(l/2)4r/al SI -{a{h + l))->\r{ + c—(a(h + 1))^ \r(l)2r + r2T(a(h + l))1/*!. (7.1.20) Note that the number of terms of the right hand side of (7.1.16) does not exceed 2r. (7.1.14) is proved. We shall use the following results: for any finite ρ > 1 Y^rp/er < oo. r=l And for j = 1, · · ·, n; r — 2, · · ·, к {Е\г,^\')У> < \t\dx's{2rh + 1)/ση. Assume that 1 < /ι < η — 1, 2<fc<n—1 and k3/4k(a{h + l))1/s < 1. (7.1.21) (7.1.22) (7.1.23) Lemma 7.1.3. If (7.1.23) is satisfied and \t\ < Tb Then к |Σ4υ^ + ΣΣ«Γυ^Γ + υ| j=l r=3j=l < - [d3/s(/i + l)2t2/an + dllscrn{a{h + l))(s"2)/s], (7.1.24) CO Σ|Σ4Γ_1)^-^ν<ζι r=2 j=l < JL[(fc + l)1/2 + cVWih + l)2t2/a2 co (7.1.25)
176 Chapter 7 The Berry-Esseen Inequality and the Rate of Weak Convergence In addition, if к > (logn)/81og2, then Ё№ШГ*'"!Ч)1 j=l 1=1 <cc^'2dzls{h + l)2t2/a2n (7.1.26) Proof. к п |Σ41)^2) + ΣΣ4Γ"1)^1Γ) + 1) j=l r=3j=l 3=1 r=3j=l which implies (7.1.24) by using Lemma 7.1.2, (7.1.22), (7.1.23) and (7.1.6). Further, Cov(£,77) = Ε(ξ — Εξ)(η — Erj). Applying the Holder inequality and Lemma 1.2.4, we obtain that for r = 2,3, · · ·, к Σ«Γχ)φίΓ) - 4VZn 3=1 1/2 <{(Σ Σ +Σ Σ )a(f-4-1)coy^\v^)} j=1 \P-J\<2rh 3 = 1 \p-j\>2rh <{Σ Σ l^lK-^IH^Ibll^JIb} i=1 |p-il<2r/i +{24Σ Σ ι«5'~1>ιι«ίΓ~1)ι j=1 \p-j\>2rh χ(α(|ρ-ϋ-2ΓΛ))(-2)/*||^Γ)||.||»/('·))||.} .(Ό ι 1/2 1/2 (7.1.27) Let r = 3,4,···,&. Since for j = 1,···,η, \m \ < 2 and for \t\ < Γι, |ajr_1)| < α^7-1), and a^~^ is independent of j, considering (7.1.6) we get that right hand side of (7.1.27) does not exceed 2«('-χ){Σ Σ ι} J=1 b-j|<2r/i 1/2 1/2 +™{Γ~1}{Έ Σ мь-.л-2гл))<-2>/·} J=1 \p-j\>2rh < cc~ll2an[rll\h + l)1/2 + α^μ-ι). (7Л.28)
7.1 Rate of convergence in distribution for a-mixing and p-mixing sequences 177 For r = 2 we proceed in the same way but we estimate m ' for j = 1,2 · · ·, η according to (7.1.22). One gets that for r = 2 the right hand side of (7.1.27) does not exceed cc-1/2d3/*(h + l)b/2t2/a2n + cc-^a^d^ih + φ2/σ2η. (7.1.29) Adding over r from 2 to /с in (7.1.27) and considering (7.1.28), (7.1.29) and (7.1.23), we get the proof of (7.1.25). Finally, since for к > (logn)/(81og2) we have that (l/2)4fc < n"1/2, (7.1.26) follows from the proof of Lemma 7.1.2, (7.1.6) and (7.1.23). Lemma 7.1.3 is proved. Lemma 7.1.4. We have .(D, Σ \EYjJui | < 32c-1d1/san(a(h + l))^1)/*. (7.1.30) // (7.1.23) is satisfied, then к η r—1 r-l itz. (r) r=2j=l 1=1 1=1 Proof. We only prove the second inequality since the first can be proved analogously. From the definition of zp , we have that for all r — 2,3, ···,&, Zj(r' and zfr> cannot be equal to zero simultaneously. Without loss of generality we assume that i)(r) φ 0 and z^r) φ 0. Then, according to Lemma 1.2.4 r-l r-l » \e(Yj Π ii°eiteir)) - tffa Π *ί°) Де"4 |я(^П^е^(Г))-£^-П^Ее' =1 |Wmf 1=1 + + г=1 ΜΝ - .ite/"> (г) i=l „«£(г) £eU2'' £eU2J (r) £e"zJ Μ < 48^/'(а(Л + l))(s-1)/s2r-V^n·
178 Chapter 7 The Berry-Esseen Inequality and the Rate of Weak Convergence Adding the inequalities obtained over all j = 1,2, · · ·, η and r = 2,3, · · ·, k, we use (7.1.6) and (7.1.23). Lemma 7.1.4 is proved. Proof of Theorem 7.1.1. According to the basic method of the proof , we first establish the differential equation (7.1.4). Denote a = ££=1 a{k)8^2+6\ let aQ = cd}lsan{a{h + l)is-2Vs/c0, ai = cd2'°{l + a)VV„(a(fc + l))^2^/^2, α2 = cd3/s(h + l)2/c0a„, α3 = cd(h + l)s_1 /'co<~2:, bo = cdl's{{h + l)1'2 + a^2)(a(h + 1))(*-2)/7<£/2 + a0, b2 = c<?/°((h + l)1'2 + all2){h + l)2/c0/2a2, T2 = min{l/a0, l/(6a2), (l/6a3)1/(s-2)}. Suppose that I < h < η — 1, 2 < к < η — 1 such that k>^~z, k3l2^k{a{h+l))lls <1, 2kh + Kn. (7.1.31) 8 log 2 From (7.1.3), Lemmas 7.1.1, 7.1.3 and 7.1.4, it follows that /ή(*) = Η + θα(*))/η(<) + θ6(ί) as |ί|<Γι (7.1.32) where |θ| < 1, α(ί) - α0 + αχ|ί| + α2*2 + α3|*Γ~\ b(t) = b0 + Μ2· Next, we solve the linear differential equation (7.1.32) and get l/n(0-e-<2/2| < |*0|е-'2/2+|жо1 ,2/о /-1*1 ru2 /Ι*! ί + e~* /2 / 6(u) exp^ — + / a(v)dv \du, (7.1.33) Jo L 2 J\u\ > where x0 = /0* θα(η)ώ. Let 0 < и < t. Then for a\ < 1/6 and |£| < T2 we have /■* t2 — u2 / a(t7)dt7<l + — , (7.1.34) Ju 4 and it is easy to see that r\t\ / u2 exp(u2/A)du < 2|i| exp(*2/4), (7.1.35) Jo r\t\ / exp(u2/4)du < min(4/|i|, |i|) exp(*2/4). (7.1.36) Jo
7.1 Rate of convergence in distribution for a-mixing and p-mixing sequences 179 From (7.1.33)-(7.1.36) it follows that for \t\ < min(TbT2) and ax < 1/6 \Ut) - e~^\ < (oolil + °±t> + Щμ|3 + ^|^)β-2/4+ι 16 s + еЬ0{щМ} + 2еЬ2Щ. (7.1.37) By Lemma 1.2.4 we have σ2 < (1 + 12a)d2/sn, and hence 1 < (1 + \2afl2K, К = dlls/cQ12. Thus from (7.1.37) and (7.1.1) we get (h + iy-1 , ^(h + lf Ап<с{к°Щ^ + Ю ση ση + K2{{h + l)ll2 + α1/2)^ + JC2(l + aY/2an(<*(h + l)){s-2)/2s + /С((Л + 1)1/2 + α1/2)(α(/ι + 1))(S~2VS} (7.1.38) where σ2 = аЦс^. Finally, we prove (7.1.7). Let 0 < λ < λ2 = ^2pl logan and h = №^logornl, η > 1. Then Щ& < t^U-. Hence, by the condition [ \δ λδ — log ση а(п) < Ke λη, we obtain ,1/2 α1/2=(Σ(^)Ρ+ί)) τ=1 This means For the chosen /ι, < 1^/2(2+*)^+ 1)l/2/(log~n)l/2 Δ <C(K,6)(h + \)ll2. (7.1.39) 1 < C(K, 6)(h + l)x/2/C. (7.1.40) (α(Λ+ 1))5/2(2+5) < KS/2(2+S)e-\8(h+l)/2(2+S) < К6/2(2+6)2-2^ (7л 41) (α(Λ + 1))*/(2+*) < ^/(2+δ)σ~4. (7.1.42)
180 Chapter 7 The Berry-Esseen Inequality and the Rate of Weak Convergence We get from (7.1.39)-(7.1.42) and (7.1.37) that An<C(K,S) <C(k,6)K ■лб (7.1.43) k> It remains to check whether there exists a. k,2 < к < η — 1, such that [4(2+ log η for h = д^ ' log ση |, where \\ < λ < Аг we have k^4k(a(h + 1))χ/(2+ί) < 1, 2kh + 1< n. (7.1.44) 81og2' It is easy to verify that for all large n(n > no) and for ■(4/6)logan-(logK)/(2 + 6)- *=[! (3/2)+log 4 the first two inequalities hold and the third inequality does not constrict the interval of change of the parameter λ. Considering (7.1.40), we have n~l < C{K,6)K?+8{h + l)1+6/G8n. This also proves Theorem 7.1.1 for all η < щ. The proof of Theorem 7.1.1 is completed. The proof of Theorem 7.1.2 is analogous to that of Theorem 7.1.1. We only indicate that for this it is sufficient to set h = [σ£], where a = 2<5/(/3 + l)(o + l),and к -ι (αμ/(2 + δ)) logan - (logК)/(2 + 6h (3/2)+log 4 in (7.1.31)-(7.1.33). Remark 7.1.2. Tikhomirov (1980) proved the Berry-Esseen inequality for the p-mixing sequence with the exponential rate of decay of p(n). Zuparov (1991) improved his method to prove the following theorem in which there is a better order of Δη when i£|Xi|s<oo, 2<s<so(< 1 + л/3), and the rate of p(-) was weakened. Theorem 7.1.3. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary p-mixing sequence with ΕΧχ = 0 and p(n) < Kn~\ θ > 0, К > 0,Е\Хг\3 < oo,
7.2 The rate of weak convergence for a ^-mixing sequence 181 ,„ 0-1 //0-l\2 4 + 20 2<3<8ο(θ) = — + ή( — ) +-§-. If σ\ — ES\ > τηΕΧ\. Then there exists a constant С = С(з,в,К,т) depending only on s,0, К and τ such that Δη<0(8,θ,Κ,τ)β3/η^-2ν\ where β8 = Е\Хг\3/(ЕХ2у/2, s0 < 1 + y/3. The proof of Theorem 7.1.3 will not be presented here. 7.2 The rate of weak convergence for a (^-mixing sequence Let {Xn,n > 1} be a sequence of random variables with EXn = 0, σ\ = ES2. Define the partial sum process as follows: .2 _ ji (0 = -J-(S[nt] + Γ" ^J X[nt]+i), (7.2.1) ^n σ[ηί] + 1 σ[ηί] Χ <>[*]£*<% <°[nt] + V Denote by Pn the distribution of Wn in C[0,1], i.e. Pn = Ρ ο W'1. The weak invariance principle holds, i.e. Pn =$> W, that is equivalent to L(Pn,W)—0, (7.2.2) where L(P, Q) is the Levy-Prohorov distance: L(P, Q) = ίηί{ε :VBG^, P(B) < Q(B£)+e, Q(B) < Ρ(Ρε)+ε}, (7.2.3) where Τ is the Borel σ-field of C[0,1], Pe is the ε-neighborhood of Borel set P, B£ = {y:yeC[0,l],3zeB,\\y-z\\<e}, \\y-z\\= sup |ι/(ί)-*(ί)Ι· o<t<l Denote Λη(ε) - sup \P(Wn G B) - P(W G Be)|, It is obvious that L(Pn, W)=inf(eVAn(e)). (7.2.4) Then without changing the distribution of {Wn,n > 1}, we can redefine process {Wn,n > 1} on a richer probability space together with the standard Wiener process {W(t),t > 0} such that Χ(ε)<Ρ{||^η-^||>ε}.
182 Chapter 7 The Berry-Esseen Inequality and the Rate of Weak Convergence Therefore, in order to estimate the rate of weak convergence, we need only consider the following inequality: L(Pn, W) < inf(e V P{\\Wn - W\\ > ε}). For the independent random variables {Xn,n > 1}, Prohorov (1956) gave a precise estimation : L(Pn,W) = 0{L\'A log2 L3), where L3 = Σ1=ι ЩХк\3/<г1- For i.i.d.r.v.'s, Borovkov (1973) proved: if £|Χ!|2+δ < oo, 0 < δ < 1, then L(Pn,W) = 0{ΐ2$+6)) = O(n-I^I). (7.2.5) Borovkov (1973) also pointed out that the weak convergence rate (7.2.5) can not be improved if we use only the Skorohod method. Utev (1981) generalized this estimation to the case 0 < δ < 3 and gave L(Pn,W) = 0(n~^) ),when£|Xi|2+* < oo, 0 < δ < 3. (7.2.6) Utev (1984) gave the same estimation as (7.2.6) for <£>-mixing sequence under a stronger condition on the rate of decay of φ{η). Theorem 7.2.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary φ-mixing sequence of random variables with EX\ — 0,EXj — 1 and Ε\Χι\2+δ < oo for some 0 < δ < 3. Suppose φ(η) < cri~g where g > j(u)(j(u) - 1), и = (12 + 5<5)/(2(3 - δ)), j(u) = min{2fc : 2k > u,k G N}. Then L(Pn,W) < сп~ТОУ. By using Lemma 2.2.10, Lu (1993) weakened the conditions and proved the following theorem. Theorem 7.2.2. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence of random variables with EXn = 0, A0 — supnEX2 < oo, As = supn Ε\Χη\2+δ < oo, 0 < δ < 3. Suppose that (i) if σ\ —> oo as η —> oo;
7.2 The rate of weak convergence for a ^-mixing sequence 183 (it) φ{η) < спГд, g > (3<5 + ε)/(2(3 - δ)) V (2 + ε) for any ε > 0. Then we have L(Pn, W) = 0(n~^)). (7.2.7) Proof. By using (i), A$ < oo, Lemma 2.2.2 and Lemma 2.2.10, we have Ε max \Sk(i)\2+6 < cUrifSr + Ε max |X;|2+*) 1<г<п V k<i<k+n ' < cn1+8'2. (7.2.8) Without loss of generality, we can assume that σ\ = con, cq — 1. Then Wn is a random polygonal line with nodes at (fc/n, Sfc/д/п), к — 0,1, · · · , η. Denote Х}г) = Xi/dX-l < yVn) ~ EXiI(\Xi\ < yy/n) i = 1, · · ·, n, where у = η,-^2(Σ^=ι E\x.\2+sy/(2+s) < п~щ&щД&*ш Note that there exist all finite moments of X\ for any given n. Let Sfc — Σ?=ι -^Ч and Wn be a random polygonal line with nodes at(k/n,SP/y/n). By using Lemma 2.2.10 , we have p{\\wW-Wn\\>cn-sM3+V} < P{ max |4=(5fc - 5^)1 > cn"5/2^)} < c„-3(2+*)/2(3+i)E max |5fc_5W|2+i < m-3<2+W+*)[( ma^lS* - S<x)|2) + £вд-Х<1>|2+*] < cn-*M3+s\ (7.2.9) 2+6 2 Next, put / = [n3/(3+*)-r>], m = [ηδΚ3+δ)+% η > 0 (specified later on), write η — Im + r, 0 < r < /. Let Wn be a random polygonal line
184 Chapter 7 The Berry-Esseen Inequality and the Rate of Weak Convergence with nodes at (kl/n, S^ /y/n), к = 0,1, · · · , m and (1, Sn /y/n). We have P{\\w^-w^\\>b} m к=0 -Ъ- m < сУЬ-ип~и12Е max ^(г)!" — t_j Ki<l' ftt fc=0 < cmb~un~ul2lul2 where we have applied Lemma 2.2.10. If we take b — en <5/2(3+<5)j u > 2 + 36/[(3 + 6)ч], then (y) <™ 2<3+*). I Therefore we have ^{||^12) - W^ll > cn~^) } < сгГ^У. (7.2.10) Put /ι = [ηθ], θ > 0 (specified later on). Let d — l — h^ Sfc - 2-f (fc-l)M-i' Wn be a random polygonal line with nodes at (к1/п,^=1 Q /y/n), we have = ρ{,<Κ.,ΐ5«)-ΣΣ^„1+ίΐϊ^} к h = p{ max | У У X^, v . ,. · | > by/n\ - - j=l г=1 *,*-»-/"{[ ι<Κ Ε(ΣΣ|Χ«1)/+,+ί|)2] - - jf=l г=1 m+1 h
7.2 The rate of weak convergence for a (^-mixing sequence 185 where the first term does not exceed c(mh)ul2 and the last sum does not exceed cmhul2 — o((mh)ul2) by Lemma 2.2.4, therefore P{\\W^-W^\\>b} < cb-un-ul2{mh)ul2 < cfTu(/i/Z)u/2. If we take b = cn~e^3+^ and then {h/l)ul2 < cn-e(»+D/2(3+6)) so that P{\\WW - W^W > cn-s№+V} < cn-s^3+s\ (7.2.12) In the remain of the proof, imitating the proof of Utev (1984), i.e. by Berkes and Philipp (1979) Theorem 2, we have P{\\WW - W™\\ > ap(h)n/l} < c<p(h)n/l, (7.2.13) where Wn is the random polygonal line with nodes (kl/n, J^=i £j /V™)-» к — 0, 1, · · ·, m + 1, the Q ' are independent and distributed same as Q \ And by Sakhanenko (1981), we have P{\\W^ - Wi4)|| > q^1} < цФ1 и>2, (7.2.14) where Wn is the random polygonal line with nodes (Μ/η,Σ^=1 Yj/л/п), к = 0,1,···,7тг + 1, the Yj are independent normally distributed random variables with EYj — 0, Varlj — VarC· \j = 1,2, · · ·, m + 1 and m+l m+1 /0 г=1 г=1 It is easy to see that by (7.2.8) we have m qu = сп-и'2 £^<Х)Г < cn-"/2m/"/2 г=1 < φι//)1""/2, (7.2.15) so that when u > 2 + 36/(3 + δ)η.
186 Chapter 7 The Berry-Esseen Inequality and the Rate of Weak Convergence At last, if we take л 2(3-<5)/ 36 \ then φ{Κ)η/1 = 0(η~9θ+^+η) < αη-δΙ2^δ\ (7.2.16) Combining with (7.2.11), we have + η) < θ < 2(3-g)/ ЗД ь 3-{ 477 (3 + ε)δ V2(3 + δ) η' - 3 + 6 3' that is to say, we need take η as follows: 3-5 3εδ 0 <η < 3 + <5 2(9 +3<5+ 2ε<5) Combining (7.2.9)-(7.2.16) together we obtain p{\\Wn _ Щ > ^-«/2(3+*)} < ^-«/2(3+*). Since L(Wn, W) < infe(e + P{||Wn - W\\ > ε}), (7.2.7) holds true. The proof of Theorem 7.2.2 is completed. Remark 7.2.1. Utev (1984) discussed the rate of weak convergence for an α-mixing sequence and obtained the following result: Let {ХП5 п > 1} be a strictly stationary α-mixing sequence with EX\ — 0, EX\ = 1 and £|Xi|2+* < oo, 0 < 6 < 3. Assume that 0 < σ2 := EX\ + 2 ]T ΕΧλΧη+1 < oo n=l a{n) < cn~9, n — 1,2, · · · n=l and where 5 > max^rVMUH + ^),«ГЪ'(2(2 + 6))(j(2(2 + 6)) + 5X)), 12 + 5<5\ с δ и — max (^>-й^)- *■- 2(3-£)>" х (2 + 6)(3 + 5)' j(u) is defined as in Theorem 7.2.1. Then L(Pn,W)<cAsn-s№3+s»,
7.2 The rate of weak convergence for a <£>-mixing sequence 187 where с = с(А,д,6). If δ = 1, i.e., assume that Ε\Χχ\3 < oo, a(n) = 0(η~(438+ε)), then L(P„,W) = 0(n-V8). Gorodezkii (1983) has also given a similar result. Remark 7.2.2. Yoshihara (1979) discussed the rate of the weakly invariance principle for the strictly stationary absolutely regular sequence {Xn,n > 1}, and proved that if EXX = 0, Ε\Χλ\Α+δ < oo for some δ > 0 and Σ™=ι п/3(п)*/(4+*) < oo, then L(Pn,W) = 0(n-1/8(logn)1/2).
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Part III Almost Sure Convergence and Strong Approximations In this part, we study the almost sure convergence and the strong approximations of the partial sums of a mixing dependent sequence. Since 1960s, the almost sure convergence has been discussed by some authors, e.g., Iosifescu and Theodorescu (1969) obtained the 0-1 law, the strong law of large numbers and the convergence of random series of a (^-mixing sequence, etc. The complete convergence of various mixing sequences has been studied deeply by Shao et al. in the past ten years, from which the elegant results of the strong laws of large numbers follow. We shall discuss these in Chapter 8. The strong approximations of the partial sums Sn = Y%=\ Xk for a mixing sequence {Xn,n > 1} by a Wiener process were done by Philipp and Stout (1975) et al., and were improved comprehensively by Shao and Lu; the limiting behaviour of the increments of partial sums for a mixing sequence was obtained by Lin et al. Those elegant theorems will be discussed in Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 respectively. The strong approximation of a mixing sequence with set-indexed will be introduced in Chapter 11.
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Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Complete Convergence We shall introduce the Borel-Cantelli lemma, the weak law of large numbers and the strong law of large numbers for a <£>-mixing sequence in the first two sections. Since the concept of complete convergence was raised by Hsu and Robbins (1947), this subject has attracted the attention of many mathematicians. The complete convergence of weakly dependent sequences has been obtained by some mathematicians. We shall introduce the complete convergence of a <£>-mixing sequence, a p-mixing sequence and an α-mixing sequence in Sections 8.3-8.5 respectively. At last, we discuss three problems which are posed by Prohorov for the complete convergence of /o-mixing sequence in Section 8.6. 8.1 Weak law of large numbers Theorem 10.1.1 of Chow and Teicher (1978) gave a sufficient and necessary condition for the weak law of la'rge numbers for an array of independent random variables {Xnj, 1 < j < kn}. Du (1993) generalized this result to the <£>-mixing case and proved the following theorem. Denote Theorem 8.1.1. Let {Xnj-, 1 < J < kn —> oo} be a random variable array which is φ-mixing in each row. There exists an integer Μ such that φ(Μ) < 1/2. Then for some real numbers An Sn-An-^0, (8.1.1) P\ max \Xnj\ > ε] -► 0 for any ε > 0, (8.1.2)
192 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence as η —> oo iff ten Σ P{\Xnj\ > ε} -► 0 for any ε > 0, (8.1.3) Σ j=i Var(£;XnjI(\Xu3\ < 1)) - 0, (8.1.4) in which we can take An = f^EXnjI(\Xnj\ < 1) + o(l). 3 = 1 The proof of Theorem 8.1.1 will needs the following lemmas. Lemma 8.1.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence. Denote by m(Y) the median of a random variable Υ. Then we have P{ max |5,· - m(Sj - 5n+fc_x + Sj(k - 1))| > ε} * rhcpi{k -1} i<3^k-ilXjl + |5-+fc-11 *ε) (8Л-5) /or large к and some C, 0 < С < 1/2, where Sj(k) = ^=J-+1 Xt*· Proof. Take A: so large that С :— <£>(&) < 1/2. Let fmin { l<j<n n+1, mm {j : 5,- - m(Sj - 5n+fc_i + Sj(k - 1)) > ε}, τ : - if the above set is empty. Denote Bj = i^i "" ^n+fc-i + Sj(k - 1) < miSj - 5n+fc_x + S^fc - 1))}, 1 < j < n. It is clear that P{Bj) > 1/2. Since {T = j} £ Τ{ = σ{Χχ, · · · ,Xj},Bj G J^-1, we have (J {B3 f|(T = j)) С {5n+fc_! - £,-(* - 1) > ε} c{(fc-l) max |Xi| + 5n+fc_1>£}.
8.1 Weak law of large numbers 193 From the (^-mixing property it follows that P{(k ~ 1), . max , \Xj\ + Sn+k-i > 4 *■ l<j<n+k—l > >J2P{Bj,T = j} 3 = 1 >Σ{Ρ{Β3)-φ{1τ))Ρ{Τ = 3} >{\-C)P{l<T<n} = {\-с)р{Шп{з3 - m{Sj - Sn+k-i + Sj(k - 1)) > ε}. (8.1.6) By the same way, we have another inequality when Xj is replaced by —Xj. (8.1.5) is proved. Denote B = (max \S,(n-l)\ > ε), Bj ~ ι \Sj(n ~ J)\ > ε5 max \Sk(n — k)\ < ε >, 0 < j < n, η Bn = {\Xn\ > ε}, ^- = ЦД, 0<j<n Fn+1=0. Lemma 8.1.2. Letf {Xn,n > 1} be α φ-тгхгпд sequence with \Xj\ < r < oo, j — 1, 2, · · ·, n, and φ{Μ) < 1/6 /or some Μ > 0. ГЛеп Pi m > (1 ~ M^)) ^{™Χ!<,<η Sf} - 4ε2 W - 3£?{maxi</<n Sf} + 5M2r2 + 12(e + r)2 - 2ε2' ^ " " ; Proof. For 1< j < fc < η we have max \Si\ < \Sk\ + max \Si(k - t)| < 2 max \Si(k - t)|. (8.1.8) 1<г<& 0<г<& 0<г<к If 0 < Μ < η, 0 < г < η - Μ, we have and max |Sj| < max \Si\ + Mr, г < j < г + M, (8.1.9) max |5/| < |5<| + Mr+ max |S<+Af(i - i - M)\ (8.1.10) z+M</<j i+M<l<j
194 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence for г + Μ < I < j < η. From (8.1.8)-(8.1.10) it follows that max |5/| = maxi max ISJ, max 15/1 > i<i<j Ικκΐ+м1 fc"t+M<z<j' '/ < max \Sk\ + Mr + max \S{+m(1 - i - M)\ l<k<i i+M<l<j < max \Sk\ + Mr + 2 max . \St(j - l)\ 1<к<г i+M<l<j < max \Sk\ + Mr + 4 max |S/(n - /)| 1<&<г i+M<i<n for j — 1,2, · · ·, n. Therefore for any given г, 1<г<п — Mwe have max \Si\ < max \Sk\ + Mr + 4 max |S/(n - /)|. (8.1.11) 1<ί<η l<k<i i+M<l<n Note that max \Si(n-l)\IBj j<l<n < \Xj+x\IBj + . max |S,(n - Z)|/Bj < (r + e)/Bj j + l<.i<.n for j = 1,2,···, η and (a + b + c)2 < 3(a2+ b2+ c2). By (8.1.11) we obtain Ε max Si2/β = Y^ Ε max 5ι2/β. 1</<п l 4^ 1</<п Z J Μ η <V# max S?IB.+ Υ e{ max \Sk\ j=0 j=M+l - ~J Ί 2 + Mr + 4 max |S/(n - Ш /β. j<l<n J J Μ η < У" Ε max S?IB. +3 V £ max 5?/β. + (3M2r2 + 12(r + ε)2)Ρ(5). (8.1.12) Put Yj — max!<fc<j-M |^|, Μ < j < η. By Lemma 1.2.10 and noting
8.1 Weak law of large numbers 195 that P{Fi) is non-increasing for г, we get η Υ* Ε max SllBi = Σ ΕΨ* j=M+l = Σ {EYflFj-EYflFj+1) j=M+l = EY^+1IFm+1+ £ E{Yf-Yf_x)IF. j=M+2 <EY*I+1{P(FM+1) + 2ip(M)} + £ E(Y?-Y?_1){P(Fj) + 2<p(M)} j=M+2 <EYZ{P(FM+i) + 2<p(M)}. Moreover Μ ^EmaxjflB, < {Mr + e)2P{B) j=o <2(M2r2 + s2)P(S). Inserting these into (8.1.12) we have Ε max S?Ir l<l<n L < ЪЕ max Sf(P(B) + 2φ(Μ)) 1<1<η + (5M2r2 + 12(r + ε)2 + 2ε2)Ρ(5). (8.1.13) On the other hand Ε max SflB = Ε max S? - Ε max S?Ibc l<l<n L l<l<n L l<l<n > Ε max Sf - 4ε2(1 - P(B)). (8.1.14) l<l<n Combining (8.1.14) with (8.1.13) yields (8.1.7). Lemma 8.1.3. Let {Xn,n > 1} be as in Lemma 8.1.2. If Sn almost surely converge to a random variable as η —> oo, then £тахккп S| are convergent.
196 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence Proof. Denote £>n,n+m - {S£™{\Si(n+m-i)\ > ε}. If φ{Μ) < 1/6, by Lemma 8.1.2 ■* \J-Sn,n+mj > (l-6^(M))£{maxn</<n+m5/2}-4£2 3£{maxn<i<n+m Sf} + 5M2r2 + 12(e + r)2 - 2ε2' Using the reduction to absurdity, if £?maxi<fc<n S| are divergent, then for any given η > 1 Ε max Sf > Ε max Sf - Ε max Sf > δ0 > 0 (8.1.15) 7l<Z<7l+m 1</<П+т 1<Z<71 о о for large 77г. On the other hand, from Sn —^ 5 we have P{Dn,n+m} = P\ max |5»(n + m - г)| > ε} ^п<г<п+т У <Р{ max |Sn(i)| > εβ\ + Ρ{|5η(τη)|>ε/2}-^0, as η, m —> oo.The contradiction to (8.1.15) implies that Lemma 8.1.3 holds true. Lemma 8.1.4. Let В — <|maxi<j<n \Xj\ > ε>,Τη = ^™=1/(|Хг| > ε). If φ{Μ) < 1/2, we have > (1-2Ψ(Μ))ΕΤ v } ~ ETn + Μ +1 v y Proof. Denote T0 = 0, Tn(m) = Tn+m - Tn, Bn = {\Xn\>e}, Bj — { max \X{\ < ε, |Xj| > ε}, j<i<n η Fj = [jBi,j = lt---tnt Fn+1 = 0.
8.1 Weak law of large numbers 197 We have Μ ETnIB = Σ ЕЩ-г + Tj-^n - j + 1))ВД) η + Σ Ε(Τ^μ-ι+Τ^μ-ι(Μ) j=M+l + Tj-1(n-j-l))I(Bj) Μ Μ <£МР(В,-) + £Р(Я,·) + Σ (ΕΤ^Μ+1Ι(Βι) + ΜΡ(Βι) + Ρ(Β3)) j=M+l < JT ΕΤ3-Μ-ιΙ(Β3) + (Μ + 1)Ρ(Β). j=M+l By Lemma 1.2.10 Σ Ε(Τί-Μ-ιΙ(Βά)) j=M+l = Σ Я(Г^м-1(/(^)--ад+1))) η = ET^Fm+2) + Σ #/(|*;-Μ-ι|>ε)/(^·) j=M+3 η—Μ < { Σ £?/(|Χ<| > ε)}{Ρ(ΡΜ+ι) + 2<^(Μ)} г=1 < ΕΤη{Ρ{Β) + 2<^(Μ)}. Therefore #τη - #τη/(β) < ΕΤη{Ρ(Β) + 2^(Μ)} + (Μ + l)P(S), as desired. Proof of Theorem 8.1.1. The part of "г/". It is clear that (8.1.3) implies (8.1.2). In order to show (8.1.1), denote ten 3 = 1
198 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence By (8.1.4) we have Vn - EVn -^ 0. From (8.1.3) it follows that к P{Vn φ Sn) < Σ P{\Xnj\ > 1} = o(l), (8.1.17) j=i i.e., Sn - EVn -£♦ 0. (8.1.1) holds true for An = EVn + o(l). The part of "only if". From Lemma 8.1.4 we have p/ ,γ .. ^(l-2V(M))EEkj=1I(\Xn3\>e) F< max \ХпЛ > ε> > г , so that (8.1.2) implies (8.1.3). In order to show (8.1.4), let Y^ be an independent copy of Ynj and put ten у*. — у—у1, v* — Y^ У* 3 = 1 From (8.1.17) and (8.1.1) it follows that Vn-An -^ 0. Therefore V* -^ 0. Denote V*k = Zj=i Υ£· By Lemma 8.1.1 - o(l). (8.1.18) Hence by (8.1.2) and (8.1.18) + Σ Ρ{\Υ:3\>ε/Μ} = ο(1). j=kn-M+l Using the same method as in the proof of Lemma 8.1.3 we get that VarV^ tends to 0. Thus VarV^ = VarV^/2 approaches 0 as well. Theorem 8.1.1 is proved.
8.2 Strong laws of large numbers 199 8.2 Strong laws of large numbers First we show the Borel-Cantelli lemma for a <£>-mixing sequence. Theorem 8.2.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence and let {Tn = σ(Χη),η > 1} be a sequence of σ-fields. Then for any given An G Tn, P{An, i.o.} = 0iff oo Σ,Ρ{Αη}<οο. (8.2.1) n=l Furthermore, that Σ™=ι P{An} — oo implies P{An, i.o.} = 1. Proof. For the first part, we need only to show that P{An, i.o.} = 0 implies Σ™=1Ρ{Αη) < oo. Otherwise, if Σ™=ιΡ{Αη) = oo. By the assumption, there exists an / > 0 such that δ :— φ{ί) < 1, and there is some j, 0 < j < / — 1 such that Σ™=ι P{Ani+j} = oo. We have η p{ (J All+j} =P{Anl+j} + P{Acnl+j П A{n_1)l+J} + ■■■ i=m + P{Ani+j П · · · П A\m+X)l+- П Aml+j}. By the y-mixing property we get P{\jAil+j] i=m > P{Anl+J} + P{A{n_1)l+j}(P{Acnl+j} -«) + ..· + P{Aml+J}(P{Ac{m+1)l+j η · · · П Acnl+j} - δ) >J2P{AU+3}(P{( (j Ail+J)C}-6). i=m i=m+l From EkLiP{Aki+j} - oo it follows that p{([JZmAi+j)C} < ^ i.e., PJ|Jgm Л;/+Л > 1 - <5, therefore P{An, i.o.} > 1 - <5, which contradict with P{An, i.o.} = 0. Secondly, if Σ™=ι Ρ{Αη} — oo, it follows from the above discussion that PJlimsupAn\ = P{An, i.o.} ф 0. It is clear that lim sup An G Γ£°=ι V£n ^· We now show that (XLi V£n ?χ is a trivial σ-field. Otherwise, there exists a set β G H^Li VSn^*b 0 < P(5) < 1. By the (^-mixing property, for every Л G \/Γ=ι ^г we have |P(AB) - P(A)P(B)\ < ηΡ(Α), (8.2.2)
200 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence where 77 < 1/2. It is easy to check that the class of sets which satisfies (8.2.2) includes the σ-field V^i ?и so that taking A — В we obtain P(B) - P{B)2 < ηΡ(Β), which implies P(B) > 1/2. On the other hand, we have also Bc £ H^Li VSn^· A contradiction leads P{An, i.o.} — 1 as desired. Corollary 8.2.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence of identically distributed random variables. Put Sn = Σ£=1 X-k- If Sn/n —> b a.s., where b is a finite constant, then E\X\\ < 00. Proof. From Sn/n —> b (a.s.) we have ■sin bn bn_i П — 1 = · ► 0 a.s. η η η — 1 η Therefore P{\Xn/n\ > ε, i.o.} = 0 for any ε > 0. By Theorem 8.2.1 00 Е\Хг\ < ^Р{\Хг\ > η} < οο. η=0 For the (^-mixing sequence of identically distributed random variables, we have the following Marcinkiewicz strong law of large numbers. Theorem 8.2.2. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a φ-mixing (p-mixing) sequence of identically distributed random variables with 00 00 £ <//2(2") < 00 (Σ P(2n) < «О.ВДГ < oo n=l n=l for some 1 < r < 2. Then - JT(Xi - ЕХ{) = о(п'^'г^) a.s. (8.2.3) τι . г=1 Theorem 8.2.2 is an immediate consequence of Corollary 8.3.4 (Corollary 8.4.2), so we omit its proof here. Corollary 8.2.2. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence of identically distributed random variables with Σ™=ι ^1/'2(2n) < 00. Then Sn/n —> b a.s. iff Ε\Χχ\ < 00 and b — EX\.
8.3 Complete convergence for <£>-mixing sequences 201 Remark 8.2.1. Xue (1994) showed that Theorem 8.2.2 is also true for a (^-mixing sequence {Xn5^ > 1} with Σφιί2{2η) < oo, if there exists a random variable X such that for any χ > 0, P{|Xn| > x} < P{\X\ > x} and E\X\r < oo for some 1 < r < 2. Remark 8.2.2. Iosifescu and Theodorescu (1969) have discussed the convergence of a series of a (^-mixing sequence, for example, they showed that for Σ Χη a.s. convergence is equivalent to convergence in probability under some condition. They have also discussed the following strong law of large numbers: if an | oo, Σ™=ι VarXn/a^ < oo and Σ™=ι φ1^2^) < oo then — (Sn-ESn)-^0 a.s. Remark 8.2.3. Chen and Wu (1989) have proved a strong law of large numbers for an α-mixing sequence. Suppose that s\ipnE\Xn\p < oo for some ρ > 1, and a(n) = I 0(n 2p-2 e) if 1 < ρ < 2, 0(η~ρ~ε) if p>2. Then (Sn - ESn)/n = o(l) a.s. 8.3 Complete convergence for (^-mixing sequences The concept of complete convergence was introduced by Hsu and Rob- bins (1947). They showed: if {Xn,n > 1} is a sequence of i.i.d. random variables with EX\ — 0, EX\ < oo, then J2Pi\Sn\ >en} <oo 71=1 for any ε > 0. Baum and Katz (1965) showed that EXX = 0, Е\Хг\гг < oo for r > 1, 1 < t < 2 iff oo Σ nr-2P{\Sn\> en1/'} <oo n=l for any ε > 0. Bai and Su (1985) obtained:
202 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence Theorem 8.3.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a sequence of i.i.d. random variables and r > 1, 0 < 2 < 2, h(x) be a slowly varying function as χ —► oo. Then the following conditions are equivalent: (i) Е\Хг\нН{\Хг^) < oo, (ii) EST=i nr-2h(n)P{\Sn - nb\ > en1'1} < oo for any ε > 0, (™) Σ™=ι nr~2h(n)p{™pk>n {Sk-kbl/k1/1 > ε} < oo for any ε > 0, where b = EXX if 1 < t < 2, and 0 if 0 < t < 1. Since 1970s, the complete convergence of a mixing sequence has been discussed by some research works. The best result corresponding to that for an i.i.d. sequence is due to Shao (1988a). Let l{x) and β(χ) be positive even functions such that ( l(x), β(χ)/χθ (somefl > 0) and χ2/β(χ) \ are monotonically nondecreasing for χ > 0. Shao (1988a) proved the following theorems. (8.3.1) Theorem 8.3.2. Let a(x) — Ίηνβ(χ), {Xn,n > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence of identically distributed random variables with EX\ = 0. Suppose that Εβ(Χ1)1(β(Χ1)) < oo. (8.3.2) // one of the following conditions is satisfied: α) β(χ)1(β(χ))/χ t? β(χ)1(β(χ))/χ2 I an& there exists a r > 2 such that oo 1 V -r-τ-τ < oo (8.3.3) ^-i nlr(n) v ; n=l ч ' and [bgn] I>1/2(2l)<^logKn); (8.3.4) i=l b) β(χ)1(β(χ))/χ Τ, β(χ)1(β(χ))/χ2 Ι, ]=п £Ш-°Ф - — <8·3·5) ^У1/2(Л<оо; (8.3.6) г=1 с) β(χ)1(β(χ))/χ2 | and there exist qi > q<i > 2 such that β(χ)1(β(χ))/χ<>> |,
8.3 Complete convergence for (^-mixing sequences 203 oo ι/ \ ι/ο [fogn] Σ?(^Γ^ΣΛ·)}<« (8-3.7) n=l ^ ' i=l Then °° Kn) Σ —P{ max P(Si) > εη} < oo, for any ε > 0. (8.3.8) 1 П n=l Theorem 8.3.3. Suppose that l(x) is strictly monotone. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence with a common distribution. If (8.3.8) is satisfied then (8.3.2) holds and 71=1 Σ*(η)-«[η/2])ρ|8 g0gi)>£|<00, forany £>0. (8.3.9) Remark 8.3.1. If l(n) = 0(l(n) - /([ra/2])), (8.3.8) is equivalent to (8.3.9). Let l(n) = nr~1,r > l,/3(n) = n',1 < ί < 2 in Theorems 8.3.2 and 8.3.3, we have Corollary 8.3.1. Let {Xnin > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence with a common distribution. The following results are equivalent: (г) Е\Хг\гЬ <oo, EXi = 0; (™) Y^=\ nr~2PJmaxi<i<n \S{\ > εη1/* | < oo, for any ε > 0; (Hi) Σ~=ι пг~2Р{ыРк>п Ш/к1^ > ε} < oo, for any ε > 0. Choosing l(n) = logn, /3(n) = η*, 1 < t < 2, we have Corollary 8.3.2. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence with a common distribution and φ(η) < —(logn)-2 for large n. Then the following results are equivalent: (i) E\X1\t\og(l + \Xi\)<oo, ЕХг=0; (ii) ЕгГ=1^^{таХ1<г<п|5г| > ЕП1'1} < OO, for any 6 > 0. Corollary 8.3.3. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence with a common distribution andEXx = 0, Е\Хг\* <ool<t<2. 7/Σ£°=ι <£1/2(2η) < oo then oo Σ 71=1 -P{ max ISA > enllt\ < oo П U<t<n J
204 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence for any ε > 0. Remark 8.3.2. Corollary 8.3.1 can be strengthened as follows: the same result as Theorem 8.3.1 holds true for a (^-mixing sequence with a common distribution, i.e., if h(x) > 0 is a slowly varying function, the following are equivalent: (i)' Β|ΧιΓ*Λ(|Χι|*) < oo, EXi = 0; (ii)' Σ™=ι nr-2h(n)P{m3xi<i<n \Si\ > εη1/*} < oo, for any ε > 0; (ш)' ΣΓ-ι nr-2/i(n)P{maxfc>n {Skl/k1/1 > ε} < oo, for any ε > 0. where r > 1, 1 < t < 2. Corollary 8.3.2 can be strengthened similarly. Proof of Theorem 8.3.2. It is easy to see that (8.3.1) implies Put We have a(x)/x1/2 t, α(χ)/χ1/θ [ . (8.3.10) Xni = XJ{\Xi\ < a(rc)}, Sni = ^2Xnj. j = l oo y^p(maX/3(5i)>£n) ^^ί Ti ^ i<n J n=l ~ l{n) <yl^±p{m^\Xi\>a{n)\ n=l — + V" -^PJmax \Sni\ > α(εη)\ ^—^ П *< i<n ) n=l =:h+I2. (8.3.11) It is clear that Ii<Y^l(n)P{\Xi\>a(n)} n=l oo n=l j=n oo < Εβ(Χι)1(β(Χι)) < oo. (8.3.12)
8.3 Complete convergence for «^-mixing sequences 205 Now we estimate I2. Without loss of generality we can assume that 0 < ε < 1/2. By (8.3.10) n|£Xi/{|Xi| < a(n)}\ < nE|A"i|/{|Xi| > a(n)} < ^Εβ(Χ1)1(β(Χ1))Ι{\Χι\ > a(n)} < ^^Εβ(Χ1)1{β(Χ1))Ι{\Χ1\ > α(η)}. Noting that Z(l) > 0, limn^oo Εβ(Χ1)1(β(Χ1))Ι{\Χ1\ > a(n)} = 0, we have n\EXiI{\Xi\ < a(n)}\ < -α(εη) Δι for large n. Therefore h < с f] ^PJmax \Sni - ESni\ > Ια(εη)}. (8.3.13) n=l ~~ By Lemma 2.2.2 and Lemma 2.2.10, for given q > 2 (specified later on), there exists a, Cq = C(q) depending only on q such that P\ max \Sni - ESni\ > -α(εη)\ у- 1<г<п 2 ' [log? i=l <Cq(a(en))-o((nexp(3 £ φ1'2^)) .ЕХ11{\Хг\<а{п)}У + nE\Xl\qI{\X1\ < α(η)}). (8.3.14) If condition a) is satisfied, let q = 28(r + 1). From (8.3.10), (8.3.13) and (8.3.14) we have n=l ^ ' i=l 71 = 1 ^ ' =: /3 + /4· (8.3.15)
206 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence By (8.3.4) OO η=ι nl(n) 2 OO <<Σ -2--1 П=1П1(П) 28 OO * η=1 ч у Since /3(x)/(/3(x))/x2 [ implies χ/(χ)/α2(χ) |, it follows from (8.3.10) that Z^ ^σ/^Λ Ζ^ ?-2 2 t^cfl{y) %<*\з) ач-*{э)эФ η«/2ί(η) OO -ι a*(ra) ^ ?V2 4 ' τ =77. ^ "nl(n) 3=П " = θ№). (8.3.17) Therefore OO i/ л П n=l ^ ' j=0 OO OO ?/ \ j=0 n=j ^ ' < c£/3(Xi)J(/3(Xi)) < oo. (8.3.18) From (8.3.15), (8.3.16) and (8.3.18) it follows that I2 < oo, i.e., Theorem 8.3.2 holds true under condition a). When condition b) is satisfied, let q = 2. By the similar discussion we have 1<ι < 00. If condition c) is satisfied, let q = q\. Note that from (8.3.7) we have h < 00. Since β{χ)1{β{χ))/xq2 [ implies xl(x)/a(x)q2 |, by (8.3.10) we have y> l(j) < n1+gV*Z(n) ~ .-1-21Z21 = Q/ ^H \ ^ OLqi (j) ~ α«1 (η) ^ J 'а91(п)/' j=n x" ' v ' j=n
8.3 Complete convergence for (^-mixing sequences 207 It follows that I4 < 00. Therefore I2 < 00. The proof of Theorem 8.3.2 is completed. First we show that (8.3.8) implies (8.3.9). Put dn = Y^rT1 l(j). We Proof of Theorem 8.3.3 I have .*(n)-*([n/2])nf _„_/?(,%) η oo 2^+1-l g'w-'(i^i>P{su,,g№>>a n=2 n ^i>n г <£ Е-!ВДИр{вир^)>л j = l n=2J 00 2^+1-l 2^-1 /?(S) OO OO < £ 2-^Ц· - 2^-χ) Σ Р{2Ь m«+1 /3(5.) > ε2*} oo <Σ2~4ρ{ ш« /3(*)>ε2*} . , ^2к<г<2к+г fc=l — 00 <Σ4 Σ ^Р{?аДО,)>£2'} jfc=l 2*+1<η<2*+2-1 - <4y lMpfmaxp(Si) > ^) < 00. (8.3.19) ^—"ί П { г<п 2 J n=l ~ This proves that (8.3.9) holds true. Now we show that (8.3.2) holds true. From (8.3.19) it follows that 00 Σ Z(2fc)P{max \Xi\ > a(e2k)} < oo (8.3.20) for any ε > 0, which implies Pimax \Xi\ > a(e2*)| —► 0, as к -> oo. (8.3.21) Since φ{ρ) —> 0 as ρ —> oo, there exist A?o and po such that for any к > ко φ(ρ0) + PJmax |X;| > a(e2k)\ < 1/2. ^ i<2k ' Then, as in (3.2) of Lai (1977) we have P{ max \Xi\ > a{e2k)\ > —P{\XX\ > a{e2k)}. ^l<i<2k > 2po
208 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence Whence oo ^/(2fc)2fcP{|X1|>a(s2fc)} k=l oo < c^2 l(2k)P{ maxfc \X{\ > c*(e2fc)} < oo. (8.3.22) /e=l On the other hand Εβ(Χ1)1(β(Χ1)) OO < /(1) + Σ 2jl(2j)P{2j~1 < β(Χχ) < 2j} OO < /(1) + Σ 2ji(2J)P{|Xi| > a(2^-1)}. From (8.3.22) we obtain Εβ{Χ1)1{β{Χι)) < oo. (8.3.2) is proved. This completes the proof of Theorem 8.3.3. 8.4 Complete convergence for p-mixing sequences The conclusions of complete convergence for a /9-mixing sequence have not arrived completely as for the (^-mixing case, but some ideal sufficient conditions can be given. Definition 8.4.1. A function l(x) > 0(x > 0) is said to be quasi- monotone non-decreasing, if limsup sup l(t)/l(x) < oo. x—юо 0<*<ж A function l{x) is said to be quasi-monotone non-increasing, if limsup sup l(t)/l(x) < oo. X—ЮО t>X Throughout this section, we assume that l{x) is a positive, even and quasi-monotone non-decreasing function, β(χ) is a positive even function and β(χ)/χθ, χ2 Jβ{χ) are monotone non-decreasing for some θ > 0. Denote a(x) = Ίηνβ(χ). Shao (1989c) proved the following theorems.
8.4 Complete convergence for p-mixing sequences 209 Theorem 8.4.1. Suppose that β(χ)1(β(χ)) and χ2~ε° / β(χ)1(β(χ)) for some 0 < εο < 1 are quasi-monotone поп-decreasing functions, {Xnin > 1} is a p-mixing sequence with a common distribution and EX\ = 0, Εβ(Χ1)1(β(Χ1)) < oo. // Ε р(2П) < °°. (8-4Л) n=l then for any ε > 0 l{n) У -^-P{ max fi(Si) > en) < oo. (8.4.2) Theorem 8.4.2. Suppose that there exist q > 2, go > 2 and 5 > 0 зг/с/г, that χς/β(χ)1(β(χ)), β(χ)1(β(χ))/χ2 are quasi-monotone поп-decreasing functions, and l{x) > χδ(χ > 0), Σ°° l(n) /η1/2 \яо , A . -^(-7-7) <oc· (8·4·3) n=l ч ' Let {Xn} be a p-mixing sequence with a common distribution and EX\ = 0, Εβ(Χ1)1(β(Χ1)) <οο. If OO Σ P2/r(2n) < 00 (8.4.4) n=l for some r > q, then (8.4-2) holds. Corollary 8.4.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a p-mixing sequence with a common distribution and EX\ = 0, .ElXil^/idXil1/01) < 00 for ρ > 1, pa > 1, a > 1/2 and a slowly varying function h{x) > 0. // 00 ]Гр2/г(п)<оо (8.4.5) n=l for r = 2 Wien 1 < ρ < 2; r > p, when ρ > 2, йеп n=l /or any ε > 0. 00 V npa-2u(n)P{ max |S;| > εηα) < oo (8.4.6)
210 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence An immediate consequence of the above complete convergence result is the following Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund law of large numbers. Corollary 8.4.2. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a p-mixing sequence with a common distribution and EX\ — 0, £"|Xi|p < oo, 1 < ρ < 2. Assume that oo Σ ο(2") < °°· n=l Then lim Sn/n1/p = 0. a.s. п—юо Corollary 8.4.3. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a p-mixing sequence with a common distribution and EX\ = 0, i£|Xi|p/i(|Xi|p) < oo, 1 < ρ < 2, and h{x) be a monotone поп-decreasing slowly varying function. Suppose that oo £>(2")<oo. n=l Then for any ε > 0 у Mp( max |S.| > εηι/ρ\ < <». *-*ί η li<t<n ' "" J n=l If Е\Хг\р+6 < oo for some δ > 0 instead of the condition Е\Хг\рк dXil1/6*) < oo in Corollary 8.4.1, condition (8.4.5) can be deleted. Furthermore Kong and Zhang (1994) pointed out that (8.4.6) also holds true for non-identically distributed random variables. The proofs of Theorems 8.4.1 and 8.4.2 need the following lemma. Lemma 8.4.1. Let {ξη,η > 1} be a p-mixing sequence with Εξη = 0, Eg(\£n\) < oo? where g(x) is a function for which there exists a constant 0 < С < oo such that sup^^ -π < С'-т-у for any t > 0. Denote Tk(i) = Ylj=k+i£j' Then for any #1,(72 > 2 there exists a constant К depending
8.4 Complete convergence for p-mixing sequences 211 only on qi,q2 and p(-) such that р(тах|Т0(г)| > x\ { i<n > η < Σ рШ ^ A) + K{x~qi {пЯ1/2 i=l [log n] ■ exp(K Σ р(Г)) г=1 •mzx№im<B)\\Y г<п [log n] + nexp(tf Σ P2/qi(^)) г=1 •log*(2n)max£|fc|*J(|fc|<B)) г<п / [log η] + х-*2(п*2/2ехр(д: ]Г ,9(2*)) ■тах\\Ь1(В<\Ы<А)№ г<п /о Р°6 П] +(lY2/2keW(Kj:Py-w) г=1 •тахВД92/(Ж|£|<Л)) г<п / [log η] + x-2-np2(fc).exp(ii Σ Р&)) г=1 • log4 g] · max £#/(S < |fc| < Л)} /or απ?/ к (< η), χ > 0 and Л > 5 > 0 which satisfy the following conditions ^ max £<K|6|)/(|&| > A) < x, (8.4.7) ^^ max £<,(|&|)/(|&| > Б) < χ. (8.4.8) Proof. For simplicity, we assume that {£,&,г > 1} have a common
212 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence distribution. Put 61 = 6/(161 <£)--Efc/(l6l<£); 62 = iJ{B < 161 <A)- Ε&Ι{Β < 161 < A); Ьз = ШЫ>А)-ЕЬ1№\>А); i Tik = Y^£jk, k = 1,2,3. It is clear that р{тах|Т0(г)| > x\ y- i<n J <p\max\Ta\ > f } + P{max|Ti2| > 7} l. i<n 4 > <- г<п 4 J + р{тах|Гй|>£} ^ г<п Ζ ■> =: /ι + /2 + /3. (8.4.9) From (8.4.7) /8<Ρ{ΣΙ&№>Λ)>| -f>|6|/(|6l>A)} г=1 < ^{ΣΙ6ΙΑΙ6Ι >^)> § г=1 -Σ^μι6ΙΚ(Ι6·ι>λ)} <^{ΣΙ6|/(Ι6Ι>^)>|} г=1 η <Σ^(Ι6|>^)· (8.4.10) г=1 By Lemma 2.2.5 and Lemma 4.1.2, there exists a constant K\ depending
8.4 Complete convergence for p-mixing sequences 213 only on qi and p(·) such that [log n] Ь^Кгх-ъ^МткВШехр^Кг £ p(2<)) i=0 + nlog*(2n)|K/(K|<B)||« [log n] i=0 (8.4.11) In order to estimate /2, put where Denote Then (2t+l)fc Yi= Σ &2, ί = 0,1,···,ρι, j=2ik+l 2(i+l)fc Zi= £ fc2, < = 0,l,-.-,p2 (8.4.12) j=(2t+l)fc+l Λ = [(=-!)/»].«= [(=-4/2]. h<P{ max |Wi|>^)+p{ max |И?| > ^-} ~ ^0<i<pi ' ' — 12 J l0<t<p2 12 J 7 {Ι ι 7* л max max Y^ £/o > — \ o<i<[n/k] ik+i<j<u+i)k \ ,r? л I 12 J :[n/fc] ik+i<j<(i+i)k I tj7^+l =:h + h + h- (8.4.13)
214 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence By Lemma 2.2.5 and (8.4.8) we have (t+l)fc J—lK-\-L -Е\Ь\1(В<\Ы<А) (t+l)fc >^-2 Σ E\b\I(B<fa\<A)} j=ik+l (t+l)fc S2-G]o<^4p{.?lf,l^<ifel<^) L ' J з=гк+1 -Е)Ь\1(В<\Ь\<А)>£\ K2[l]x-q2(k^2\№B<\t\<A)\\f [log? •exp(tf2 Σ P(2J')) t=0 [log n] + ЩЦ{В < \ξ\ < A)\\%exV(K2 Σ P2/92(2J'))) г=0 < K2x-q2(nq2/2Ш(В < \ζ\ < A)\\f [log n] ■exp(K2 "£ P(2J)) +п-мцв<м<а)\\* [log n] •exp(tf2 Σ Р2/Я2(У))· (8.4.14) i=0 Now we estimate /4. Denote T{ — a(£j,j < 2(г + l)fc), г = 0,1, · · · ,ρι, .F_i to be a trivial σ-field. Put г ui = Yi - ВД-Fi-i), Οί = Σ Uj, 3=0 i Hi = Y/E(Y3\Jr3-i), г = 0,1,···, px. 3=1 It is easy to see that h < P{ max \GA > £-\ + P{ max |Я;| > — 1 =: /7 + /8. (8.4.15)
8.4 Complete convergence for p-mixing sequences 215 Note that \Ui,Ti,i > 0} is a martingale difference sequence. Hence by the maximum velue inequality for a martingale difference sequence, the Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequality and Lemma 2.2.5, we have ы&ГШ'*™ 141 -Q2 <K3x-q2-pf/2 max Е\ЩЯ2 0<i<pi < K3x-<» .p*'2(k*'2MI(B < |e| < A)\\ [log n] ■exp(K3 Σ ρ(2ή) i=0 + k\№B<\t\<A)\\* [log n] •exp(tf3 Σ^(2'))) i=0 <Κ3χ-<»(η<»/2\\ξΙ(Β<\ξ\<Α)\\? [log n] •exp(tf3 Σ p(2*)) г=0 + Qq2/2k.E\^4(B<\C\<A) [log n] ехр(к3 Σ P2/92(2J'))· (8.4.16) г=0 By imitating the proof of Lemma 2.2.2 and using Lemma 2.2.5, there exists a constant К\ depending only on p(·) such that г+m 2 E{ Σ ВД^-ι)) i=t+i < K4mkp2(k)E£2I(B < \ξ\ < A) [log n] •log2(2m)exp(tf4 Σ Р&))· (8'4Л7) i=0 From Lemma 4.1.2 it follows that Ε max Η2 <ZKiPlkp2{k)\ogi{2pl)EiiI{B < \ξ\ < A) l<i<pi [log n] •exp(tf4 Σ Ρ&))- (8·4·18) г=0
216 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence Thus we obtain /8 < ^4x-W(*)log4[^]^2/(S < \ξ\ < A) [log n] ■ехр(к4 Σ p(2*)). (8.4.19) г=0 (When [n/k]. < 2, we have pi = 0 and hence Ig = 0, i.e., (8.4.19) holds true; when [n/k] > 2, (8.4.18) implies (8.4.19).) Prom (8.4.15), (8.4.16) and (8.4.19) it follows that h < K5x-^(n^2UiI(B < |fc| < A)\\f [log? exp(K5 Σ Р&)) г=0 + {1)Ч2'2к\\тв<ы<А)\\1 [log η] •exp(K5 £ р2/чЧ?)) + K5X-2np2(fc)log4[^]||^7(B < |б| < A)\\l ■ иа{в<и<А)\\1 [log n] .exp(tf5 Σ A*2'))· (8-4.20) By the same way, we have also (8.4.20) for /5. Lemma 8.4.1 is proved. Proof of Theorem 8.4.1. From the assumption that 1(χ),β(χ)1(β(χ))/χ,χ2~ε°/ β(χ)1(β(χ)) are quasi-monotone non-decreasing, it follows that there exists a constant С > 0 such that for any t > χ > 0 l(x) < Cl(t), β(χ)1(β(χ))/χ < C/J(t)i(/J(t))/t, χ2-ε°/β(χ)1(β(χ)) < α2-ε°/β(ί)1(β(ί)). By (8.4.22), (8.4.23) and the monotonicity of β(χ) we have a(x) 1 a(t) xl{x) ~ CtUjt)' a2-£°(x) a2-£0(t) xl(x) ~ tl(t) (8, (8, (8, (8, (8, 4.21) 4.22) 4.23) 4.24) 4.25)
8.4 Complete convergence for p-mixing sequences 217 Let Cn = log-8/£° η and take A = a(n),B = a(nCn),k = [nCn],x = a(en),g(x) = β(χ)1(β(χ)) in Lemma 8.4.1. Then (8.4.7) and (8.4.8) are satisfied for large n. In fact, for η > Ι/ε, from (8.4.24) and (8.4.21) we have ^^-Εβ(Χ1)1(β(Χ1))Ι(\Χ1\ > a(n)) nlyn) < ^^ Εβ(Χ1)1(β(Χ1))Ι(\Χ1\ > a(n)) εί[εη) - 4С^П)Εβ(Χι)Κβ(Χι))Ι(\Χι\ > α(η))· Noting that limn^oo Εβ(Χι)1(β(Χι))Ι(\Χι\ > a(n)) = 0, for large η we obtain 4°Μη) > < a{£n) ni{n) This proves that (8.4.7) is satisfied. Similarly we can verify (8.4.8). By Lemma 8.4.1, letting q\ = q<i = 2, we have = V* iiulpf SjI > α(ε„)} n=l oo <X)i(n)P{|A-!|>a(n)} n=l oo n=l oo + CE 4π£Χι2/(Ι^Ι ^ oc{nCn))\og2n + <t^jMiA№ls-(-)) n=l ч ' + c Σ -li^nCnjfloglogn^lf/dl!! < a(n)) 71=1 Ч ' =: Л + J2 + J3 + Ji- (8.4.26)
218 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence From (8.4.21) OO n—1 j=n oo j j=ln=l oo <c^J7(j)P{j</3(X1)<j + l} < οΕβ(Χ1)1(β(Χ1)) < oo. (8.4.27) From (8.4.23), (8.4.25) and the monotonicity of χ/αθ(χ),α2(χ)/χ we have ~ l{n) log2 na\nCn) 32 ~ ° Σ «2(en)nCri/(nCn) Εβ(Χχ)1<β{Χχ)) n=l ^ ' oo 1 <c^-—^-<oo. (8.4.28) Since Σ^χ p(2n) < oo we have p(n) < clog-1 n. Hence J4 < cf ^P-Aog-^nEXll^ < a(n)) n=l v ' oo ι ^Σ , 3/2 <°°· (8·4·29) At last we estimate J3. From (8.4.25) and x/a2(x) j, we have f* /(j) = f> TO i£o/2 1 ~* a2(j) ^ a2-£o(j) a£°(j) ji+eo/2 j d(n)wW» ^ W2 - a2(n) ^ с n/(n) ~ ε0 α2(η)'
8.4 Complete convergence for p-mixing sequences 219 Therefore ~ αζ(η) n=l ч ' oo ?/ \ η + Σ$πΣΕχϊ'ϋ<β{χι)<ί + ι) n=l ^ ' j=l OO OO ι/ \ .7 = 1 n—i ^ ' j=Ln=j oo ■ ^ CE ЩехЩ* < β(Χι) < J + 1) £ί α Ι?) < οΕβ(Χχ)1(β(Χι)) < oo. (8.4.30) Theorem 8.4.1 follows from (8.4.27)-(8.4.30). Proof of Theorem 8.4.2. From the assumption that l(x), xq / β(χ)1(β(χ)) and β(χ)1(β(χ))/x2 are quasi-monotone non-decreasing it follows that there exists а С > 0 such that (8.4.21) is satisfied and for any t > χ > 0 we have cfl{x) _α<(ί) β(χ)1(β(χ)) ГЩ0) ,R , _ 1вд-с"й(0' ^ -c—«δ—· (8·4·31) Let Cn = η ei, where e\ = 2(i+6)> ^ @ ~ a(nCn),k = n,g(x) = β(χ)1(β(χ)). Take χ = α(εη) in Lemma 8.4.1. Then (8.4.7) and (8.4.8) are satisfied. In fact, by l{x) > χδ we have for large η 48Ca(»a) CJ(nCn) < 48Ca(en) <- %$$w*m*)) < "ns/2 Έβ{Χχ)1{β{Χι)). Thus (8.4.8) is satisfied for large n. By the same way (8.4.7) is satisfied as well.
220 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence By Lemma 8.4.1 with q\ = qo + q + 4, <?2 = г we have l(n) У ^Ытах/?($)>еп} ^f-\ Π ^ г<П J oo <c£i(n)P{|Ai|>a(n)} n=l n=l oo // \ [bgn] • log91 η£|ΛΊ|*/(|Λ:ι| < a(t»C„))) + сЕ^К(^?/(|Хг|>а(пСп))Г/2 n=l ^ ' + nE|X1|r7(|X1|<«(n))) =: Li + L2 + L3. (8.4.32) As in the estimation of J\ in the proof of Theorem 8.4.1, we have Li < oo. (8.4.33) Noting that ехр(лГЕ!=ёГ1Р2/<г1(20) log91 η is a slowly varying function, £*' T, and using (8.4.31) and condition (8.4.3), we have L2 < с Σ -^T-yi/2E\Xi\qI(\Xi\ < oc{nCn)) ^—ί aqi(n) n=l ч ' ^ ^ l{n)n^2a^{nCn) <tv,./»°"W - z-j a^-9(n) n=l ч у oo n=l oo <οΣη~1-ει <°°· (8.4.34) n=\
8.4 Complete convergence for p-mixing sequences 221 Next we estimate L3. From (8.4.31) it follows that ~ l(n) ,nEXll{\Xx\ > a(nCn))y/2 hin ^ <*» ' l(n) ar(nCn) £ϊ η CTn/2l^(nCn)ar(n) ^ ^ l(n)n ar(nCn) 1 < c У —; ^ of {η) nCJ(nCn) nCrnl2-llr/^{nCn) 00 , <CY i - tinCrnl2-\nCn)W-W OO < с Σ η-ι~{ΐ^τ)δ < 00. (8.4.35) n=l By (8.4.35) and (8.4.31) we obtain l(n) ^—^ ar(n) 71=1 Ч ' " tx α"(η) 1{η) n=l ^ ' 7 = 1 J n" ^-^ al{n) η 2 OLr(l) <CL· '^Ί <*q(n) ar~q(n) n1+(r-9)/2 ~ ~ nl(n) n(r-«)/2 1 4-i ^ a*(ra) ar~9(n) ni+(T-g)/2 j=ln=j ч ' x ' ■E\X1\4(j<p(X1)<j + l) < βΕβ(Χι)1(β(Χι)) < 00. (8.4.36) Then Theorem 8.4.2 follows from (8.4.32)-(8.4.36). In order to prove Corollaries 8.4.1 and 8.4.2, we need the following lemma. Lemma 8.4.2. Let h(x) be a positive slowly varying function. Then xeh(x) is a quasi-monotone поп-decreasing function for any ε > 0.
222 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence Proof. By the property of a slowly varying function, we have Г KX) у · r KX) Л lim sup , /^лг^тч = lim inf f , .,^14 = 1. Therefore there exists an TV such that for m > N we have sup fe(g) <2£, 2-£< inf гт^тг. (8.4.37) 2™<Χ<2-+1 /l(2™+X) - - 2m<x<2m+l h(2m + 1) K ' For any t > χ > 2N, let MUM2> N such that 2Ml < χ < 2Ml+1, 2M2 < t < 2M2+1. (8.4.38) From (8.4.37) and (8.4.38) we have хЩх) < χ* sup _|g> Λ(2*+ΐ) < ^2e(M2-Ml+1)/i(2M2+1) < x£2£(M2~Ml+Vh(t) = 2ε ■ t£h(t). This proves that xeh(x) is a quasi-monotone nondecreasing function. Proof of Corollary 8.4.1. From pa > 1 and Lemma 8.4.2 it follows that npa~1h(n) is quasi-monotone nondecreasing. If 1 < ρ < 2, xph{x), x2~p/h(x) are quasi-monotone nondecreasing. Then Corollary 8.4.1 follows from Theorem 8.4.1. If ρ > 2, xp~2h{x) and xr~p/h(x) are quasi- monotone non-decreasing. Then Corollary 8.4.1 follows from Theorem 8.4.2. If ρ = 2, lim^oo η~εΕΧ\ -I(\Xi\ < na) = 0 for any ε > 0, and hence Corollary 8.4.1 can be obtained by repeating the proof of Theorem 8.4.2. Proof of Corollary 8.4.2. Obviously xp~1h(x) is increasing. By Lemma 8.4.2, x2~p/h(x) is quasi-monotone non-decreasing. Hence Corollary 8.4.2 follows from Theorem 8.4.1. 8.5 Complete convergence for α-mixing sequences For the complete convergence of α-mixing sequences, Hipp (1979) obtained the following result:
8.5 Complete convergence for α-mixing sequences 223 Theorem 8.5.0. Let -<a<l,2<r<oo, 1/a < ρ < r, {Xn, η > 1} be a strictly stationary α-mixing sequence of random variables with EX\ = 0,E\Xi\r < oo. Assume that oo У аг'в(п) < oo for some θ > fo + —^1 · -J^—, (8.5.1) ~y L r-pJ pa-1 Then oo V na-2P( max |5<| > εηα) < oo for any ε > 0. (8.5.2) n=l However, an example contrary to Hipp's conclusion was given by Berbee (1987) when r = oo, i.e., in the case of X\ bounded. Shao (1993c) proved the following theorem. Theorem 8.5.1. Let 1/2 < a < 1, 1/a < ρ < r < oo, {Xn,n > 1} be an α-mixing sequence of random variables with EXn = 0, supn>1 ||Xn||r < oo. Assume that a(n) = 0(n-rip-1)/{r-p) log_/3 n) for some β > rp/(r - p). (8.5.3) Then (8.5.2) holds true. An immediate consequence of Theorem 8.5.1 with ρ = a = 1 is: Corollary 8.5.1. Let 1 < r < oo, {Xn,n > 1} be an α-mixing sequence of random variables with EXn = 0,supn>1 ||Xn||r < °o· Assume that a(n) = 0(\og~P n) for some β > r/(r — 1). Then OO -j У^ —P\ max \Si\ > εη\ < oo for any ε > 0. n=l Particularly, we have Sn/n —> 0 a.s. The proof of Theorem 8.5.1 will needs the following lemmas.
224 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence Lemma 8.5.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a sequence of random variables with EXn = 0 for every η > 1. Then PJmax ISA >x\ < Ax~l Υ Е\Хг\1(\Х{\ > с) г=1 + 4ха + 323псх~1а(к) (8.5.4) for any α > 1, χ > 1, с > 0 and integer к satisfying l<k<x/(64ac\ogx) (8.5.5) and for some s > 2, (Σ HXJdXil < c)||f) E«1_2/S« < x2/(323aloga;). (8.5.6) t=l г=0 Proof. Let Xi = XiI(\Xi\ < c) - EXiI(\Xi\ < c), (2г+1)&Лп УМ= £ X,-, i = 0,l,...,gi:=g--], j=l+2ifc 2(г+1)&Лп Уг,2 = Σ Xj9 ι = 0,1,.··,^:=[^-ΐ], j=l+(2t+l)fc г г г j=l j=0 j=0 It is easy to see that max |Si| < max \S{\ 1<г<п 1<г<п η η + Σ\Χί\Ι{\Χί\> с) + YjE\Xi\I{\Xi\> с) г=1 г=1 and Р{ max \Si\ > χ) < P{ max 15.1 > x/2) η + Ax~x Σ E\xiW*i\ > c)· (8·5·7)
8.5 Complete convergence for α-mixing sequences 225 max 1<г<г Since jc [SA < max \Tii\-\- max |Ti2| + 2fcc Cn ' ' ~ 0<i<qi ' ' ' 0<i<92 ' < max |Tvi|+ max IT; ok+ #/32 0<г<91 ' 0<г<92 by (8.5.5), we have Ρ\ max ISA > χ/2} 11<г<п > <p(max \Тц\ > χ/δ) + p{ max \Ti2\> x/%\ =: J1+J2. (8.5.8) We first estimate I\. The estimation of I2 is completely similar. Put (?_! = σ(Ω), Gi = σ(Χά, 1 < j < (2г + l)fc), г ^г = Ή,ι -£(^,ι|<3;-ι), Ε/, = ]Ргу, г = 0,1,···. i=o Then /^pjf^l^y^l^oi^x/ie} г=0 + p( max |ui| > х/1б) 10<г<?1 J =: /3 + h (8.5.9) and {t/i, Gi, г > 0} is a martingale with \щ\ < 2kc for every г > 0. Noting that for each real t and г > 1, E(e'»'|Gi_,) = l + f;£;(fi5)i|Gi_1) < exp(i2e2l<lfcc£;(u?|Gi_1)) <exp(i2e2ltlfcc£;(yi21|Gi_1)), we find that {exp(tUi - t2e2^kcZUoE(Yli\Gi-i))^i,i > θ} is a non- negative supermartingale for every t and hence i 1 P{ max exp(«7i - t2e2^kc Σ E(Yj\i\Gj-i)) > у} < ~ (8.5.10)
226 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence for у > 0, by the maximum inequality of the non-negative supermartingale. Take t = (32alogx)/x in (8.5.10). By (8.5.10) and (8.5.5), we have P{ max Ui > х/1б) l 0<i<qi J < Fornax ехр(од - t2e2WkcJ2E(Yli\Gi-i)) j=0 + P{ max exp(tUi - t2e2^kc £ Я(У* ^--х)) -г-91 ,·=ο ,xt t2e2Wkcx2 u -eXPVl6 4(32)2alogJ/ 91 si ^е21^сж2 16 + 4(32)2alog: / χτ τ e ' ' χ \ + eXH~l6 + 4i32)2alogJ 91 χ2 < P{g^«ilGi-x) > 5(^fe}+ *""· (8-5Л1) Using Lemma 1.2.4, one can obtain qi к qi (2j+l)k ΈΕΥΙι<ΚΈ^~2/^))Έ Σ \\Xii(\Xi\<c)\\2s j=0 г=0 j=0i=2jk+l <А§Га'-21°(г))^\\Ха{\Х>\<с) < 2 s г=0 г=0 2 8(32)2alogx by (8.5.6). Hence Р{;|Е№-.)>щ^} <8(32)!;'osxi:^^.i^-.) - иг.1· ««·"« j=0
8.5 Complete convergence for α-mixing sequences 227 Write £, = EiYf^Gj-x) - EY?V We find that Efa\ = E{Y}tX - EYfoBfstfi < 4(kc)2a(k) (8.5.13) by Lemma 1.2.4 again. Inserting (8.5.13) into (8.5.12), we obtain ^ (32)3anc2ka(k) log χ (S2)2nca(k) < < (8.5.14) χ2 χ by (8.5.5). Now a combination of (8.5.11) and (8.5.14) yields P{ max Щ > 4:) < x~a + (32)2ncx_1a(fc). ^0<i<qi 16 J Similarly, we have Pi max Щ < - — } < x~a + (32)2ncx_1a(fc). ^0<i<qi 16 J Hence h < 2x~a + 2(32)2ncx_1a(fc). (8.5.15) Also, one can get that E\E(YiA\Gi-i)\ = EYiABgnWYidGi-i)) < 4kca(k) and hence h < Uncx~la{k). (8.5.16) It follows from (8.5.9), (8.5.15) and (8.5.16) that h < 2x~a + 3(32)2ncx~1a(k). (8.5.17) Similarly, we have h < 2x~a + 3{32)2 ncx~la{k). (8.5.18) This proves (8.5.4) by (8.5.7), (8.5.8), (8.5.17) and (8.5.18). Lemma 8.5.2. Let {Xn,n > 1} be an α-mixing sequence with EXi = 0, \\Xi\\v<D and a(i) < C0i~Tlog~Aг
228 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence for г > 1 and for some 1 < ν < oo, Co > 1, r > 0 and rea/ λ. Then there exists a finite positive constant К depending only on ν, τ, λ and Co such that Pi max \Si\ >x)< Kn{D/x)^r^l^Thog^-l^r-x^^r\xlD) (8.5.19) /or any χ > KDn1'2 log1+lAl/2n. Proof. We assume , without loss of generality, that D = 1. It suffices to show that there exists a constant К such that ΡI max ISjl > χ > ll<i<n J < Χηχ~Ι/(τ+1)/(Ι/+τ) log(,/-1)(T-A)/(,/+T) χ (8.5.20) for any χ > Kn1/2log1+W2n. Take С = 2xT^+Thog(x-TV^+T) x, a = τ + 2, fc = [x/(64aclogx)] in Lemma 8.5.1. Assume that ϋΓηχ-Ι/(τ+1)/(Ι/+τ) log^-1^"^/^^) χ < 1. (8.5.21) Otherwise, (8.5.20) is trivial. If the conditions of Lemma 8.5.1 are satisfied, then (8.5.20) will follow from (8.5.4) immediately. So we need only to verify (8.5.6). In what follows we denote by K\ the finite positive constant depending only on j/, τ, λ and Co, whose value may be different from line to line. If 1 < ν < 2, then i=l i=0 < 2nkc2~v < xncl~v/{Z2a\ogx) ■(32)221-unx-^T+1^t/+T^ x2 (32)3alogx . iog("-i)(T-A)/(v+T). x2 < , ., , (8.5.22) ~ (32)3alogx v ;
8.5 Complete convergence for α-mixing sequences 229 by (8.5.21). When и > 2, we have i=l i=0 < n(l + Co Σ t-T(1-2/"> log-^1"2/") i) i=X < Kin^og1+im-2/u) к + k-T^-2^+1 log-^1"2^ k) < Kin(logl+^ χ + {x/{c\ogx))~<x~2l^+l log-A(1-2/l/) x) < 7^fr—{K.nx-4oe+^-^ χ (o2)oa\ogx + Kxnx-^+W"^ log^"1)^-^/^^) x) < τ—τί (8.5.23) ~ (32)3alogx k У by (8.5.21) and χ > Kn1/2 log1+|A|/2 n. Now we conclude from (8.5.22) and (8.5.23) that (8.5.6) is satisfied. This completes the proof of the lemma. Proof of Theorem 8.5.1. By Lemma 8.5.2, we have that for any ε > 0, there exists a positive constant К such that P{ max ISA >εηα) l 1<г<п / < urri1~Q:r(1+r(P~1)/(r~P))/(r+r(P~1)/(r~P)) . log(l-r)(i9-r(p-l)/(r-p))/(r+r(p-l)/(r-p)) n = if η1-ρα log"1"(r"p)^"rp/(r"p^/r η which yields (8.5.5) immediately by (8.5.6), as desired. The example below shows that Theorem 8.5.1 does not remain valid, if the assumption β > rp/(r — p) is replaced by β > r/(r — p). Example 8.5.1. Let 1 < ρ < r, 1/p < a < 1. Put a(r-p) fl(p-l) ■ -1 a = — , ο = , a — r(l — a) + pa — l' r — p ' r — 1 — a(r — p)' З(ж) = xalogdx, ж > 0, η G(0) = 0, G(n) = J>(0], η = 1,2,···, /(ж) = (5(a;))'-(P-1)/('-^(log5(x))r/('-P)loglog5(a;), χ > 0.
230 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence Let {Yn,n > 1} be an independent sequence of random variables with Define a sequence {Xn, η > 1} by Xn = Yj for G(j — 1) < η < G(j). Then {Xn,n > 1} has the following properties. EXn = 0, E\Xn\T = 1, (8.5.24) a(n) = 0(n~rip~1)/{T-p) log-p/(p-p) n(loglogn)-1), (8.5.25) OO Σ npa-2P{\Sn\ > εηα} = oo for any ε > 0. (8.5.26) n=l Example 8.5.2. Let r > 1. Put η a = (r-l)/r, »(n) = [na-1exp(na)], G(n) = X)^i). г=1 Let {Υη,η > 1} be an independent sequence of random variables with P{yn = ±n1/4og1/'-n} = ——, Р{УП = 0} = 1- Х 2n log η' η log η Define Xn = Yj for G(j - 1) < η < G(j). Then {Xn,n > 1} has the following properties. EXn = 0, ΕΊΧηΙ7, = 1, a(n) = Oilog-^^-^Ooglogn)-1), oo 1 У^ —P{|5n| > en} = oo, for any ε > 0. n=l Remark 8.5.1. We now can discuss whether Theorem 8.5.0 is true or not in the case of r < oo. Assume that 1 < ρ < r/2. Then (8.5.1) will be satisfied with θ > 8 provided ρ large enough. But Example 8.5.1 says that the mixing rate n~~(p-1"2 is required at least. This means that Theorem 8.5.0 is quite possibly not true. Unfortunately, {Xn,n > 1} in Example 8.5.1 is not strictly stationary. Shao (1993c) conjectured that there is a strictly stationary α-mixing sequence satisfying (8.5.24), (8.5.26) and a(n) = 0(n~r(p~1)/(r-p) log-1 n). He also conjectured that the assumption β > rp/(r — p) in Theorem 8.5.1 can be replaced by β > r/{r — p).
8.6 A further discussion on the complete convergence 231 8.6 A further discussion on the complete convergence for partial sums of a mixing sequence Let {Xn,n > 1} be a sequence of i.i.d.r.v.'s, Sn = Y%=iX%. Assume that positive functions H(t) and ψ(ί) are defined on (0, oo) and H(t) | oo(t —► oo), ip(t) = $^ф(и)(1и, t > 0. Denote oo «/(e)=]T/((|Sn|>etf(n)), n=l V(e) = sxip{(\Sn\-eH(n))+/£}, n>l χ(ε) = sup{n > 1 : \Sn\ > eH{n)}, where ε is an arbitrary positive number. Three problems posed by Pro- horov are as follows: (i) Is OO 53 i>{n)P{\Sn\ > e#(n)} < oo, Ve >0 (8.6.1) 71=1 equivalent to Εψ(ν{ε)) < oo, Ve > 0? (ii) Is OO 53 Ψ(η)Ρ{ max \Sk\ > εΗ(η)} < oo, Ve > 0, (8.6.2) Г equivalent to Kk<n n=l — — Εψ(ΐηνΗ(η(ε))) < oo, Ve > 0? (iii) Is 53 φ(η)Ρ{8ηρ \Sk\/H(k) > ε} < oo, Ve > 0, (8.6.3) n=l k^n equivalent to Εφ{χ{ε)) < oo, Ve > 0? Let Mi = {φ : φ(χ) > 0,x € [1,оо),Э<5!,<52 > 0, such that χι~6ιφ{χ) Τ, е-б2Хф(х) i, χ -»· oo}.
232 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence Sirazgimov and Gafrov (1987) discussed these problems and showed that under the following assumptions: lim sup H(Cx)/H(x) < oo, VC> 1; (8.6.4) X—ЮО liminf P{Sn > -εΗ(η)\ > 0, Υε > 0 (8.6.5) η—юо and φ £ Μχ or ^(ж), as χ —> oo, the following three conclusions are equivalent P(V>,#,e) OO := J] V>(n)^{5n > eH(n)} < oo, Ve > 0, (8.6.6) n=X М(ф,Н,е) OO := Σ V^P^max 5fc > еЯ(п)} < oo, Ve > 0, (8.6.7) n= Sty,H,e) Kk<n n=l — — = Σ V>H^{sup Sk/H(k) > ε} < oo, Vs > 0. (8.6.8) 71=1 fc> Su (1989) studied these problems and gave the following result. Suppose that the following conditions are satisfied: (A) There exist constants С > 0, to > 0 such that ψ(ί) < Οψ(ί) for any t > t0; (Β) ίφ[ί) | oo{t —> oo) and there exist С > Ο,^ο > 0 such that for any t > to [ иф(и)аи > C't2rl>(t)\ Jo (C) 0 < /3i < H(t)/t < β2 < +oo or H(t)/t J oo(* -> oo) or #(*)/* 1 0 and H2(t)/t J oo(* -> oo); (D) There exist a positive integer TV and δ2 > 0 such that for every integer A: > 0 Σ ^(η)>(1+ &)]£>(")· n=l n=l Then (8.6.1) 4=^ (8.6.2) «=* (8.6.3) «=* £ty(*(e)) < oo. Wang (1993) discussed Prohorov's three problems for a strictly stationary /9-mixing sequence. Denote
8.6 A further discussion on the complete convergence 233 φ*(ΐ) = sup sup к Ает^вет™+1,р(А)Р(В)>о • шах{|Р(5|Л) - P(B)l \P{A\B) - P(A)\} (8.6.9) p{x) = \{χφ{χ) - [|]^([f ]), x > 1, (8.6Л0) Μί = {V> : ^0*0 > 0,ж > 1,ηψ(ή) -► oo,ra^(ra) > [ra/2]^([ra/2])}. Wang (1993) proved the following theorem. Theorem 8.6.1. Suppose {Xn,n > 1} is a strictly stationary p-mixing sequence satisfying liminf P{Sn > -εΗ(η)} > φ*(1) for any ε > 0. (8.6.11) 71—► OO Suppose that ψ G Μ]*, Η (η) satisfies (8.6.4) and 00 53 V»(")p(") < oo (8.6.12) n=l and for ф € Mx* - Mi pfe? ш -ε) ^cp{&lwk^-C£}< - = 1'2'-' (8·6·13) <k>nH(k) >Jinf Я(*) /or some С > 0. ΓΛβη /or any ε > 0 (8.6.6) <=> (8.6.7) «=* Ξ(φ\Η,ε) <οο. (8.6.8х) The proof of Theorem 8.6.1 will be given by several lemmas. Lemma 8.6.1. If for any χ > 0 liminf inf P{Sn - Sk > -x\ > φ*(1), (8.6.110 n->oo k<n-l then there exists a constant С > 0 such that for any у and η G N p{maxSfc >y\ < CP{sn > у - x\. (8.6.14) l* k<n > I J
234 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence Proof. By the definition of φ*(1) and (8.6.IIх) we have P{Sn >y-x) > P\Sn >y- #,maxSfc > y\ у- к<п У η = У2 P\Sn >V~x,sk>y, max Si < y\ f—-' ^ г<к— 1 У k=l η > У] P{Sn - Sk> -χ, Sk > y, max S{ < y\ f~-r l* г<к—1 У k=l η > Y,(P{Sn -Sk> -x}P{sk > у max $ < y) - ^*(l)PJ5fc > y, max Si < y\) l* г<к— 1 J / > CP\ma,xSk > у f, η = 1,2, · · ·. I k<n У Lemma 8.6.2. Let {ХП5^ > 1} be a strictly stationary sequence satisfying (8.6.11) апапф(п) > С, п= 1,2,···. ΓΛβη (8.6.6) <=> (8.6.7). Proof. We need only to prove (8.6.6) => (8.6.7). Take у = εΗ(ή),χ = εΗ(η)/2 for any ε > 0 in (8.6.14). It is enough to prove (8.6.11'). First we have P{Sn > eH{n)} —► 0, as η -> oo. (8.6.15) Otherwise there exist {щ},г and εο > 0, such that P{Sni > е0Н(щ)} > r > 0. Without loss of generality, we assume that щ+\ > Зп^, г = 1,2, · · ·. So by (8.6.11) for any 2n; < η < Зщ, г = 1,2, · · · we have P{S„ > ЦЩп)} > P{sni > e0H(n),Sn - Sni > -jH(n)} > P{Sni > e0H(n)}(p{sn - Sni > -Цн(п)} - φ*{\)) > P{Sni > e0H(n)}(p{sn-ni > -Цн{п - щ)} - ψ*{\)) >ri >0
8.6 A further discussion on the complete convergence 235 for some v\ > 0. It follows from ηψ(η) > С > 0, η = 1,2, · · · that oo 3m Ρ(ψ,Η,ε0/2)>Σ Σ Tp(rn)P{Sm>e0H(m)/2} i=\ m=2ni oo 3m > ri ^2 X] тф(т)/т i=l m=2ni oo 3m * >^<?Σ Σ 1 = οο> г=1 77г=2тгг which contradicts with (8.6.6). Therefore from (8.6.15) and (8.6.11) we obtain that for any ε > 0 liminf inf P{Sn - Sk> -2εΗ(η)\ n->oo k<n-l > liminf inf P{Sn > -eH(n),Sk < eHin)} n—>oo k<n—l > liminf inf (P{Sn> -eHin)}- P{Sk> eHin)}) n—>oo k<n—l Lemma 8.6.2 is proved. Lemma 8.6.3. Let {Xn} be a sequence of random variables, H(x) satisfy (8.64) <*>nd пф(п) > [п/2]ф([п/2]), η = 1,2,···. Then (8.6.7) =» (8.6.81). Proof. Noting that ηψ(η) j and H(n)/H{2n) > δ we have пф(п)-[п/2]ф([п/2})п( Sj 1SUP ui ■ <i>n H(i пф{п)-[п/2Щ[п/2])< Si *< η Ч>пЯ(г) - J P{ SUP ttc\ 3=1 n=2J %-Δ ν ' n=2 oo 2>+1-l
236 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence oo Ί 2^+1-l <Σ^Σ Η>(η) - [n/2M[n/2])) 3 = 1 n=2J ■TP\ sup -^r>e) oo , 2'+1-1 , 2^-1 J=l n=2> n=2i~1 oo .^PJsupS^stf^-1)} oo 1 2fc+1-l ^Σ^ Σ ^(п)Р{8иР5,>бЯ(2^1)} k=l Δ п=2к ^2к oo 2fc+1-l ^2Σ Σ ^H^{sup5i>s(5^(2fc+1)} fc=l n=2fc ^2к oo < 2 ^ ^(n)p{sup5i > εδ2Η(η)}. n=2 i<n By the arbitrariness of ε and (8.6.7) one gets Lemma 8.6.3. Lemma 8.6.4. Under the conditions of Theorem 8.6.1, we have (8.6.8) =Φ (8.6.7). Proof. For any given ε > 0, put ε χ = τχΐ3,χ{ε,Οε}. Prom (8.6.13) we have (1+С-1)р{8ир^/Я(г)>£} > PJsup ^/Я(г) > ε\ + P{ inf й/Я(г) < -Cs| > PJsup \Si\/H(i) > εχ}. (8.6.16) ν·\οί ' г>2^ By (8.6.4), there exists a 5,0 < δ < 1, such that for every ж > 1 <5Я(2ж) < Я(ж). (8.6.17)
8.6 A further discussion on the complete convergence 237 Hence, we have {8ир|й|/#(г)>еЛ oo 2i+1-l = U U i\Sk\>eiH(k)} i=j k=2l oo 2i+1-l oo ^U U {|^1>уЯ(п}и{|^1>уЯ(2Ч} i=j k=2l i=j oo 2i+1-l ^ ^(J U {|5*-^|>^Я(2*)} i=j k=2{ = {sup max \Sk - 52*| > -^Я(2г)|, Combining it with (8.6.16), we obtain I sup Si/H(i) > εχδ\ i>23 > (1 + «T^^Pf sup max IS* - 52г|/Я(2^) > 2еЛ .(8.6.18) M>j 2*<fc<2*+1 J Denote Bi = < max rr/ .4 > 2ει >, г l2*<fc<2*+i Я(2·) - Μ' Аг= П β?> Z=i+1 *Sfc ~~ ^2* о* f Dfc ~ ^2* ^ о Ρ7· = ^ max rr/ .4 > 2εχ l2i<fc<2^+1-2^-1 Я(2г) ~ It is easy to check that any mixing sequence obeys the 0-1 law. Since {Bi,i.o.} G f)™=1a(Xk,k > n), wehaveP(P;,i.o.) = lorO. If P(Pi5i.o.) = 1, then о о oo PJsup max * N2' > 2εΛ = P([ \ βλ = 1, j = l,2,···. li>i 2*<fc<2i+i #(2l) - Μ 1.4 J
238 Chapter 8 Laws of Large Numbers and Comolete Convergence By this equality, (8.6.18) and the property of Mf, we have oo 2^-1 S(^tf,e0)>E2~J'( Σ ™/>Η j=2 n=2J~1 2J~1~1 s- -2 ]T n^(ra))p{sup —^ >ε0} oo 2^-1 2J'-1-! >с]Г(2^' ^ ш/>(п) - 2-ϋ-1) ]Γ ш/>Н) j =2 n=2i~1 n=2J-2 = 6^(2"^ Σ ηψ(η) --ψ(1)) = oo. (8.6.19) n=2N~1 In fact, for any given Μ > 0 there exists an Λ/ο, when TV > No, η > 2No~1, we have ηψ(η) > 2M, so that 2'N Σ^^ n^(n) - M' (8·6·19) contradicts with (8.6.8х). Therefore we have Р(Д, i.o.) = 0, i.e. Pi U/^i+i ^) —► 0, as г —► 00, so that P(^) —> 1 as г —> oo. Combining it with (8.6.17), stationarity and the definition of /o-mixing, for large j we have PJsup max TT/tx·?* > 2εЛ 1г>^ 2-<fc<2-+i Я(2г) ~ J 00 t=i 00 00 00 > P{\jBiAi} = Y,P{BiAi) >Y^P{B*Ai) i=j i=j i=j 00 > E{*W)p(*) - Μ2'-1)} 00 > с-£{Р(В*) - ср(?-*)} 00 л > CY,{P{ max2 5fc > -|itf (2*-1)} - cpi?-1)}. (8.6.20) Since ηψ{η) > [η/2]ψ([η/2]), Σ%~ι ηψ(η) > Σ%-2~λ ηφ(η), combining
8.6 A further discussion on the complete convergence 239 PJsup max 7777т- > εχδ] it with (8.6.18), (8.6.20) and (8.6.12) for any given ε > 0, we have >CE2~'( Σ ^Η-2 Σ гц&(п)) j=2 n=2^~1 n=2J~2 ■7>j 2i<k<2i+1 H(k) oo 2J'-1 2*-1-! ^cE2-i( Σ «νΉ-2 Σ η^(«)) 3=2 n=2i~1 n=2i~2 С Sk — Sni Ι • P{ sup max TT. .4 > 2εχ > Ii>j2i<fc<2<+1 Я(2г) "Μ oo i 2^-1 >cEE(2_i Σ "*w i=2j=2 n=2^~1 -2-ϋ-1) jj~ пф(п))Р(В*А{) n=2i~2 oo 2i~1-l >CE2~* Σ ηψ(η)Ρ(Β*Α{) t=2 п=2{-2 00 2i~1-l 2 >^Σ Σ ^(^(Р^тах^^-^-Ж^-1)}-^-1)) г=2п=2^-2 - oo > с Σ 1>(п)Р{тах Sk > -γ Η (η)} - с £ ψ(η)ρ(η) 2£ι П=1 -_;.- η_^ οο = cMty, Я, 2εχ/β) - с Σ ψ(η)ρ(η). η=1 Lemma 8.6.4 is proved. Theorem 8.6.1 follows from Lemmas 8.6.1 — 3.6.4. Remark 8.6.1. The condition (8.6.13) is only used in the proof of Lemma 8.6.4. It can be removed when one considers the convergence of two-sided tail probability series. Further discussion of Prohorov's problem for a sequence of independent random variables were given by Su (1989) and Shao (1991), etc.
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Chapter 9 Strong Approximations The law of the iterated logarithm and the strong invariance principle for a sequence of mixing random variables have been discussed by some mathematicians in the sixties. Applying Strassen's martingale embedding method to strong approximations for partial sums of dependent random variables by a Wiener process, Philipp and Stout (1975) established the almost sure invariance principle for α-mixing sequences, (^-mixing sequences, lacunary trigonometric series, a class of Gaussian sequences and additive functional of Markov chains. The results for strictly stationary (^-mixing and /o-mixing sequences have been improved by Berkes and Philipp (1979), Dabrowski (1982) and Bradley (1985) respectively. These results are improved essentially by Lu and Shao. In Shao and Lu (1987), they got a better approximation order for a (^-mixing sequence. This will be introduced in Section 9.1. For a sequence of stationary (^-mixing random variables {Xn, η > 1} with EXX = 0, EX\ < oo and ££°=1 φχΙ2{η) < oo, Heyde and Scott (1973) first gave that the order of strong approximation is o((n log log n)1/2). Shao (1989a, 1993b) improved this result and gave that the same order of strong approximations for (^-mixing and /o-mixing sequences when the rate of mixing is 0((logn)~~1-e). These results imply the law of the iterated logarithm. When the (2 + <5)-th moment is finite, he gives the further results which imply the Chung law of the iterated logarithm. We shall discuss these results for the (^-mixing and /o-mixing cases in Section 9.2. Shao and Lu(l987) and Shao (1989a) have also studied the strong approximations for an α-mixing sequence. These will be given in Section 9.3. 9.1 Strong approximations for a (^-mixing sequence Let {Xn, η > 1} be a sequence of (^-mixing random variables with EXn = 0. Put Sn = Σ%=ι Xk, S(t) — S[t] (t > 0)· In this section, we first discuss how fast is the rate of strong approximations for a sequence of φ- mixing random variables when applying Strassen's martingale embedding
242 Chapter 9 Strong Approximations method. The rate of strong approximations gotten by Shao and Lu (1987) approaches the ideal order (9((nloglogn)1/4(logn)1/2) for a sequence of i.i.d.r.v.'s. The following theorem is proved. Theorem 9.1.1. (Shao, Lu 1987) Let {Xn-, η > 1} be a sequence of φ-mixing random variables with EXn = 0. Suppose that (i) σΐ = ESl > Cn for some С > 0, (ii) supn EX* < oo, (Hi) φ(η) = 0(l/n). Then without changing the distribution of {S(t), t > 0}, we can redefine the process {S(t), t > 0} on a richer probability space together with a standard Wiener process {W(t), t > 0} such that for any ε > 0 S(t) - W{oj) = 0(at1/2(logat)9/4+e) a.s. (9.1.1) as t —> oo, where σ\ = aL. Prom Theorem 9.1.1 we have the following corollary immediately. Corollary 9.1.1. Let {Xn, η > 1} be a sequence of stationary φ- mixing random variables with EX\ = 0. If oo σ2 = EX\ + 2J2 EXiXk (9.1.2) fc=2 is absolutely convergent, by assuming σ = 1 without loss of generality, then under the conditions (ii) and (Hi), we have S(t) - W(t) = 0(*1/4(logtf/4+£) a.s. (9.1.3) In order to prove Theorem 9.1.1, we first give a fundamental proposition. The proof of the proposition points out how to use the Strassen's martingale embedding method for a mixing sequence to get the results of strong approximations. Let To — {0? Щ and {^, η > 0} be a sequence of non-decreasing σ-fields. Assume that Xn is ^-measurable, η = 1, 2, · · ·. Define 2n Yn = 2^{Е(Хп+к\ Pn) ~ E(Xn+k\Fn-\)} fc=0 = Xn + un - un-i - vn (9.1.4)
9.1 Strong approximations for a ^-mixing sequence 243 for every η > 1, where 2n 2n un = Y^E{Xn+k\Tn), vn= JT E(Xn+k\fn-i). (9.1.5) k=l k=2n~1 {Yn, Tn, η > 1} is a martingale difference sequence. Proposition 9.1.1. Let {Χη? η > 1} 6e α sequence of random variables with EXn = 0, supn Ε\Χη\2+δ < oo (0 < δ < 2). Le* JFn = σ{Χ&, 1 < к < η} be a natural σ-field sequence. If the following conditions are satisfied: (α) σΐ = ESl > С η for some С > 0, (b) K||2+, = O(l), Σ~=ι bnh+s < oo, (c) for some λ > 0 E\ £ (П2 - ΕΥξψ^2 = 0(n(logn)A), (9.1.6) m<k<m+n then without "changing the distribution of {S(t), t > 0}, we can redefine the process {S(t), t > 0} on a richer probability space together with a standard Wiener process {W(tf), t > 0} such that for any ε > 0 S(t) - W{a2t) = о(а2/(2+г)(1о§а()1+£+(1+А)/(2+г)) a.s. (9.1.7) as t —> oo. Particularly7 for δ = 2 we have S(t) - W{a2t) = o(alt'2{\ogatY^IA+£) a.s. (9.1.8) Proof. 1) We first prove that for each ε > 0, S(t) - Y^Yk = O(^/(2+^(log0(1+£)/(2+5)) a.s. (9.1.9) k<t In fact, noting that 5(ί)-ΣΥ* = Στ;*-Μ[Φ k<t k<t using condition (b) and the Borel-Cantelli lemma, we conclude that (9.1.9) holds. We now apply a martingale version bf the Skorohod-Strassen representation theorem. There exists 'a probability space, on which a standard
244 Chapter 9 Strong Approximations Wiener process and a sequence of non-negative stopping time Tn are defined such that ΜΣ2ί).»^1} and {Σ^^1} have the same distribution. Hence without loss of generality, on this new probability space we can redefine Yn by j<n j<n and keep the same notation. Now, write Tn = cr{W{^-<k Tj)\ 1 < к < η}, and Qn = a{W{t); 0 < t < Y^j<n Tj}. It is easy to see that Tn С C/n, Tn is ^-measurable and for every η > 1, E{Tn\Qn-{) = E(Y^\Un^) = E{YZ\Fn_x) a.s. (9.1.10) Moreover, for each 1 < ρ < 2, Е\Тп\р < E\Yn\2?. 2) Write S(t) - W(a2) = S(t) - ^П + w(Er*) - W{a2t). (9.1.11) k<t k<t In order to estimate the second difference of the right hand side of (9.1.11), we have to estimate ]Cfc<t^fc ~~ at· Write Er*-*i k<t = Е{г*-я(здк_1)} k<t + Σ{Ε(Υέ\η-ι) - Yi) + {Ση2 - <??}■ (9-1-12) k<b k<t We shall show that Y^Tk - σ\ = 0(а,4/(2+5)(1оёа,)1+£+2(1+А)/(2+5)) a.s. (9.1.13) k<t Put Rj = Yf - E(Y^\Tj-i). Then {Rj,Fj} is a martingale difference sequence. We obtain from condition (b) that £|Д |(2+*)/2 < 16£|^.|2+* = 0(^β
9.1 Strong approximations for a ^-mixing sequence 245 Hence by the fundamental theorem on the martingale (cf. Chow 1965), we have £ Д*.= O(^2/(2+^(log0(2+£)/(2+5)) a.s. (9.1.14) k<t Similarly, we have £(Tfc - ВДйк-х)) = 0(i2/(2+fi)(logi)(2+£)/(2+6)) a.s. (9.1.15) k<t For the third term of the right hand side of (9.1.12), by the condition (c), Moricz's theorem and the Borel-Cantelli lemma, it is easy to show Σ{Υ* - EY%) = O(^2/(2+^(log01+£+2(1+A)/(2+5)) a.s. (9.1.16) k<t Noting that {Yk^k} is a martingale difference sequence, from the conditions (a), (b) and the Schwarz inequality, we obtain k<t k<t = 2E(£xk) («* - Σν^> + E{ut - Συ*)2 k<t k<t k<t = 0(at). (9.1.17) Hence by (9.1.16), (9.1.17), and condition (a), we have £n2 - σ2 = 0(at4/(2+6)(logat)1+£+2(1+A)/(2+fi)) a.s. (9.1.18) fc<t Equality (9.1.13) follows from (9.1.14), (9.1.15) and (9.1.18). We now conclude W(^Tk) - W{a2t) = 0(σί2/(2+5)(1οβσί)1+ε+(1+λ)/(2+5)) a.s. k<t by (9.1.13) and the proof of Theorem 3.2B in Hanson and Russo (1983). Combining (9.1.11) with (9.1.9) yields the proposition. Proof of Theorem 9.1.1. We now verify that the conditions (b) and (c) of proposition 9.1.1 are satisfied. By Lemma 1.2.8 and Lemma
246 Chapter 9 Strong Approximations 2.2.8, we have hnWlXs = ΕΚ\2+δ = E(un(sgnun)\un\1+6) = E(Xn+1\un\1+6sgnun) + ΣΕ[ ]Γ Xn+k\un\1+6sgnunJ г=0 fc=24l = o(Kiia + Σ ^+6)/{2+^)2Пип\\1Х66) i=0 = o(\\un\\nss), which implies that \\un\\2+6 = 0(l). (9.1.19) Similarly, we have \Ы\2+6 = 0(φ^+δ^2+δ\2η-1)2^-1^2). Hence oo Σ \\νη\\2+δ < oo. (9.1.20) 71=1 Therefore condition (b) is satisfied. For condition (c), put Tm{n)= Σ (Ук-EYi), rn = sup||Tm(n)||2. (9.1.21) m<k<m+n It is easy to obtain ||Гт(п)||2 < ||Tm([n/2]) + Tm+[il/2]+/([n/2])||2 +·2η + 2rx, (9.1.22) where / = [2n(log(2n))~2~e]. Note that E(Tm([n/2]) + Tm+[n/2]+l([n/2}))2 < 2rfn/2] + 2E{Tm([n/2])Tm+[n/2]+l([n/2})}. (9.1.23) By an elementary calculation, from (9.1.4) and Lemma 2.2.8 we obtain ETm([n/2])Tm+[n/2]+l([n/2}) <2^/2(0||Tm([n/2])||2|^xJ к + iirn([n/2])i|2(i|u^ii4 + \\un2\u + Σ\ыи) Ι Σχ^| к к + цгт([п/2])||2 (\\uNl Hi + \\uN2\\\ + Σ \ы\1),
9.2 Strong approximations for a p-mixing sequence 247 where J2k is extended over m + [n/2] + I < к <m-\- 2 [n/2] + / and N2 = m + [n/2] + /, Ni = m + 2[ra/2] + l. Using Lemma 2.2.8, (9.1.12), (9.1.13) and conditions (i) , (ii), we conclude that there exists a constant С such that for each ra,n > 1, ETm([n/2])Tm+[n/2]+l([n/2}) < CV([n/2]) n1'2 (logn)1+e. (9.1.24) Prom (9.1.22), (9.1.23) and (9.1.24), we obtain ||Tm(n)||2 < 21/2r([n/2]) + Cn1'2 (logn)1+e +r([2n(logn)-2-£]). (9.1.25) Finally, from (9.1.25) and by induction we have Tn<C0n^2(logn)2+£, with Co = max(exp(22/e),2C). This shows that condition (c) holds for λ = 4 + ε, and Theorem 9.1.1 follows. Remark 9.1.1. Let {Xn\ η > 1} be a ^-mixing sequence with EXn = 0. Suppose that condition (i) of Theorem 9.1.1 is satisfied and for some 0 < δ < 2, s\npE\Xn\2+s < oo Π and φ{η) goes to zero with the polynomial rate. Shao and Lu (1987) have also given the following results: 1) If 0 < δ < 2 and φ(η) = 0(n~a) for some a > 1, then S(t) - W{a2t) = 0(а,2/(2+5)(1оёа,)1+£+(1+А)/(2+5)) a.s. for any ε > 0, where λ = 2 log3/log <9_1,6> = 1 - 2(a - l)/(a(2 + £)) > 0. 2) If 0 < δ < 2 and φ(η) = 0(n-a), (2 + £)/(2(l + δ)) < a < 1, then S(i) _ W{a2t) = 0(σΙ-αδ/{2+δ)+ε) a.s. for any ε > 0. 9.2 Strong approximation for a p-mixing sequence In the introduction of this chapter, we have mentioned an interesting problem: what the rate of strong approximation of partial sum process S(t)
248 Chapter 9 Strong Approximations for a mixing sequence by a Wiener process is when we only assume that supn EX2 < oo and φ{η) = <3((logn) α), a > 1 (or p(n) = 0((logn)-a), a > 1) ? In this section, we deal with a p-mixing sequence, and the strong approximation order 0((n log log n)1/2) is given. With this result the law of the iterated logarithm holds true for this p-mixing sequence. In order to get the Chung law of iterated logarithm for a /o-mixing sequence, we need the assumption supn Ε\Χη\2+δ < oo. Theorem 9.2.1.(Shao 1989a, 1993b) Let {Xn, η > 1} be a strictly stationary p-mixing sequence with EX\ = 0, EX\ < oo. Assume that (i) σ2 = ES„ —> oo as η —> oo, (it) p(n) = 0((logn)~~1-e') for some ε' > 0. Then without changing the distribution of {S(t), t > 0}, we can redefine the process {S(t), t > 0} on a richer probability space together with the standard Wiener process {W(tf), t > 0} such that S(t) - W{a2t) = o(at(loglog*)1/2) a.s. (9.2.1) as t —> oo. Theorem 9.2.2.(Shao 1989a, 1993b) Let {Xn, η > 1} be a strictly stationary φ-mixing sequence with EX\ = 0,EX2 < oo. Assume that (i/ σ2 —> oo as η —> oo; (η) Σ^°=ι ^1/2(2η) < oo. Then (9.2.1) is also true. With the help of the law of the iterated logarithm for a Wiener process, from the previous theorems we have the following corollary. Corollary 9.2.1. Under the conditions of Theorem 9.2.1 or 9.2.2, we have limsuplSnl/W^logloga2 = 1 a.s. (9.2.2) n—юо The following strong approximation theorem implies the Chung law of the iterated logarithm. Theorem 9.2.3.(Shao 1989a, 1993b) Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary p-mixing sequence with EX\ = 0, Ε\Χι\2+δ < oo for some δ > 0. Assume that (i) σ2 —> oo, as η —> oo/ (ii) p(n) = 0((logn)~r) for some r > 1/2.
9.2 Strong approximations for a p-mixing sequence 249 Then for any 0 < θ < r/2 — 1/4, we have S(t) - W{a2t) = o{at{\ogt)-°) a.s. (9.2.3) Corollary 9.2.2. Under the conditons of Theorem 9.2.3, we have (9.2.2) and liminff %-t—) max|SJ = l a.s. (9.2.4) ЛГ-+00 V π2σίΓ l i<n<N' ' Remark 9.2.1. The results of Theorem 9.2.3 and Corollary 9.2.2 hold true for a stationary (^-mixing sequence with EX\ = 0, £?|Xi|2+<5 < oo, σ\ -► oo and φ(η) = 0((logn)~r) for some r > (2 + <5)/(2(l + 5)). Remark 9.2.2. The stationarity condition in these theorems and corollaries can been replaced by the identical distribution condition. We point out in passing that the results in this section improve those of Bradley(1985), Dabrowski(l982) and Theorem 4 of Berkes and Philipp(1979). In the proof of these theorems , we shall use both the Bernstein divided- section method and the Strassen martingale embedding method. Put Xk = XkI{X2k >k)- ЁХк1{Х2к > k), (9.2.5) Xk = XkI{X2k <k)- EXkI{X2k < k). (9.2.6) Let S(n) = J2xk, S(n) =Y,Xk, fc=l fc=l k+n k+n Sk(n) = Σ Xt Sk(n) = £ Xi. i=k+l i=k+l We shall first prove ~S(n) = oin1'2) a.s. (9.2.7) Define blocks of integers i/χ, /χ, #2, h,' * * by requiring that Hk contains hk and Ik contains ik consecutive integers and that there are no gaps between consecutive blocks, where hk = Card Hk = [aka~l exp(A;a)], ik = Card Ik = [ak*-1 exp(A:a/2)] (9.2.8)
250 Chapter 9 Strong Approximations and 0 < a < 1 will be chosen later on. Put Nk := Σ CaidiHj U Ij) ~ exp(A:a), j<k uk := ]T Xh vk := Σ Xi> jeHk jeh Ck := uk - E(uk\Tk-i) where .Γ* = σ{Χ^ι < Nk-X + hk), mn := {k : η e HkU Ik} - 1 ~ (logn)1/a. It is clear that Sn = S(n) + S(n). (9.2.9) t=l г=1 77ln П + Σ> + Σ *··· (9·2·10) t=l t=JVmn + l In order to prove Theorem 9.2.1, by this two representations , we shall show at first that one needs only to check (9.2.7) and to show that the following relations hold true: Y^Vi = o(exp(na/2)) a.s. (9.2.11) г=1 3 max V Xi = o(exp(na/2)) a.s. (9.2.12) ^<J<Nn+i\i=^+1 I η 5^JS(iXi|^-i) = o(exp(na/2)) a.s. (9.2.13) г=1 oo Σ e~(1+5l)ia£;|6|2(1+5l) < oo for some δχ G (0,1) (9.2.14) t=l η Σ(£?(ί1?|^_1)-^?)=ο(βχρ(ηβ)) a.s. (9.2.15) г=1 5>&2-£S*=o(n) a.s. (9.2.16) г=1
9.2 Strong approximations for a p-mixing sequence 251 Proof of Theorem 9.2.1. Assume that (9.2.7) and (9.2.11)-(9.2.13) hold. Denote σ2η = Σ£α ЩЬ Then S(n) - Σ & = oin1'2) a.s. (9.2.17) t=l By the Strassen martingale embedding method, for the martingale difference sequence {ffc, T^k > 1} there exist the stopping times {Tn,n > 1} such that {w(£K),n>i}U:{^i,n>i}. t=l t=l Redefine η n—1 & = W(Ti), tn = w(Y/Ti)-w(Y/Ti), n>2. г=1 г=1 As in (9.1.10), we have E(Tn\ Gn-г) = E{en\ Gn-ι) = Ε(£\ Τη-ι)· Write and Σ&-^(^) = ^(Σ Τ0~^(Σ ΕΤ) (9·2·18) г=1 г<тп г<тп = Σ(τ<-£?№|&-ι)) г=1 η г=1 η + Σ(£«?ι *-0 - £) + Σ«? - *# )· (9·2·19) t=l t=l By a martingale result of Chow (1965) and (9.2.14), the series oo Σ>~η4η<°° a.s. t=l implies that the series oo г=1
252 Chapter 9 Strong Approximations is also almost surely convergent. It follows from the Kronecker lemma that Σ(ί? - *#) = о(ехрЮ) a.s. г<п By the same way, we have Σί<η(Τί — E{Ti\Qi-i)) = o(exp(na)). Hence, in combination with (9.2.15), we have η Y£Ti - ETi) = o(exp(na)) a.s. t=l Using the Hanson-Russo Theorem for the lag increments of a Wiener process (see Hanson and Russo 1983 Theorem 3.2.B) and (9.2.18), we get E^"W(*n) = o((nlogtogn)1/2) a.s. (9.2.20) t=l Similarly, from (9.2.16), we have W(a2)-W(a2) = o((n log log n)1/2) a.s. Combining it with (9.2.20) and (9.2.17), the conclusion of Theorem 9.2.1 follows. Now in order to complete the proof of Theorem 9.2.1, it is sufficient to prove (9.2.7), (9.2.11) —(9.2.16). They will be given by a series of lemmas in the following. At first, we give three lemmas for any sequence of random variables. Lemma 9.2.1 implies (9.2.7). Lemma 9.2.1. Let {Xn} be a sequence of strictly stationary random variables7 EX\ < oo. Then J2{\Xi\I(\Xi\ > г1'2) + E\Xi\H\Xi\ > i1'2)} = oin1'2) a.s. (9.2.21) t=l Proof. We have oo J\-^E\Xi\I{Xf > г) oo j <EEi-1/2E\Xi\lU-KXf<J) 3=1i=l oo Ki^U-l^ElXrllU-KX^Kj) OO <ΑΣΕΧΐΐ{3-ΚΧΐ<ί) 3=1 = 4EXf < oo.
9.2 Strong approximations for a p-mixing sequence 253 Therefore T£Lii~l,2\Xi\I{Xi > г) < oo a.s., then (9.2.21) follows from the Kronecker lemma. Lemma 9.2.2. If E\X\ < oo, then for any 0<6<1,ε>0 oo Σ^β-^ΕΙΧ^+'Ι^ΧΙ < ekb) < oo. k=l Proof. It is easy to see that the left hand side of the above inequality equals to oo Σ^β-^ΕΙΧ^Ι^Χ] < 1) fc=i к + У£кь-1е-£кЬ^/Е\Х\1+Ч(е«-1? < \X\ < /) k=l 1=1 oo <c + c ΣΕ\Χ\ι+4(β^ < \X\ < elb)e-£lb 1=1 < cE\X\ < oo. Lemma 9.2.3. Let {cn, η > 1} be a sequence of nonincreasing positive numbers. Then, for any real sequence {ηη, η > 1}, we have г г max Ι Σ »?j I Q < 2 max I ^ CjVj I. (9.2.22) 1<г<п I 7~"-r I 1<г<п I 7—* I 3=1 3=1 Proof. Denote D{ — Σ)=ι cjVj- We have щ = (Dj-Dj-J/cj = Σ(γ " 7~YDi ~D3-^ i=i Ci Ci~1 where 1/co = 0. Therefore
254 Chapter 9 Strong Approximations It follows that к max си У^г?7 < max max \Dk — A-i i<k<n fclf-i 3\ ~ i<k<ni<i<k] 3=1 к < 2 max I VcjtJ. (9.2.23) i<k<n I f—ί I The Lemma is proved. Lemma 9.2.4. Let {ХП5 ^i > 1} be α p-mixing sequence with EXn = 0, EX\ < oo. Le£ Uk,Vk be as above. Denote ик(п) = Y^i=k+1Ui, Vk(n) = Y^i=k+iVi- Suppose that oo Σ P(2") < oo. 71=1 TTien 2/iere exists a constant с = c(p(·)) such that for any к > 0,n > 1 k+n Еи2к(п)<с( Σ £«i)' (9·2·24) i=k+l Evl(n)<c( ζ Ευή. (9.2.25) i=k+l Proof. We only give the proof of (9.2.24). It is obvious for η = 1. For η > 2, denote ri\ — η — [ra/2], ri2 = [ra/2]. Then by the definition of p(·) we have St4(ra) = Eul(ni) + s*4+ni(ra2) + 2Euk(n1)uk+ni(n2) < (ЕиЦщ) + Bul+ni(n2))(l + ρ(ιηι)). (9.2.26) Let ci = l,cn = 0^(1 + /9(гП1))(п > 2). It is easy to see that cn is non-decreasing. It follows from (9.2.26) that for any к > 0, η > 1 k+r, £?ul(n)<<v,( Σ *Ч2)· г=&+1 Now, we prove that {c™} is a bounded sequence. Note that C2m = C2m-l(l +/9(i2m-l)) 771— 1 < c2m-i exp(p(i2m-i)) < expj ]П p(i2i)}·
9.2 Strong approximations for a /э-mixing sequence 255 From the definition (9.2.8) of г^, for any large j, we have p{i23)<p{22ia), and further m—1 m—1 m—1 Σ^2,)<Σρ(22'α)<Σ^)<°° j=o j=o j=o by monotoncity of p(·). This proves C2m < с < oo . It follows from the monotoncity of Cn that \cn\ is bounded. The lemma is proved. The following lemma gives (9.2.11). Lemma 9.2.5. Let {Xn,n > 1} be as in Theorem 9.2.1, we have η ]Γ Vj = o(exp(na/3)) a.s. (9.2.27) Proof. Using Lemma 2.2.5 with q = 2 and condition (ii), we have η E(S~]vj)2 ^ cn т&х Еу] . ^ 1 <C 7 <Cn <cnaexp(na/2). It follows from the Borel-Cantelli lemma that (9.2.27) holds true. The following lemma gives (9.2.12). Lemma 9.2.6. Assume that the conditions of Theorem 9.2.1 are satisfied and 0<α<ε'/(8 + ε'). (9.2.28) Then j max \ У^ Xi\=o(exp(ka/2)) a.s. (9.2.29) Nk<j<Nk+1\.^k I Proof. By the Borel-Cantelli lemma, we need only to prove that for any ε > 0 oo j; У P\ max У ΧΛ > sexp(fca/2)) < oo. (9.2.30) έί ^Nk<3<Nk+1\^k I" П Put dfc = Nk+1 - Nk ~ afca~x exp(/ca), and let β = fc-ette+O/e' exp(ifce/2), m = [Ara(16+£'>/e' eXp(fce)].
256 Chapter 9 Strong Approximations For any ε > 0, we have A&mEX^I(\X1\ >B)< eexp(ka/2) (9.2.31) В for large k. It follows from Lemma 4.3.2 that 3 P{„^jE^>e«P<*72)} <c{exp(-^r)(48+£')/8 + 4bg2+£'/4(24)^|Xi|2+e'/4/(l^i| < B) + dkE\X1\2+*''4I(\Xl\<Nk+1)) + exp(-ka)dk(l + p2(m) log4[<4/m])} < c{fc-(l-«)(8+e')/8 + k-l-a + ka-1exp(-e'ka/8)E\X1\2+£'/4I(\Xl\2 < 2efc°)} + c^ka-l-2a(l+e')log4ky By Lemma 9.2.2 and (9.2.28), (9.2.30) holds true. The following lemma gives (9.2.13). Lemma 9.2.7. Suppose that condition (ii) of Theorem 9.2.1 is satisfied. Then we have η Σ E(uk\ J^_i) = о (ехр (na/2)) a.s. (9.2.32) fc=i Proof. We first prove that for any к > 0, η > 1 and a sequence of real numbers {cn} EG2k(n) <c{J2 P2d(J/2)) ή En)} log2(2n) (9.2.33) j=k+i where Gk(n) = Σ^%+1 Cj E(uj\ Tj-i) and i(x) is the linear interpolation function of ik· From (9.2.24) , there exists a constant d such that for any * >0,n> 1 k-\-TL K-\-TL E{ Σ (Чщ)2 < c'( £ <$Ε*ή· (9·2·34) i=k+l i=k+l
9.2 Strong approximations for a p-mixing sequence 257 Put с = 100c' log-2 (3/2). Apply the induction on n. When η = 1 EG2(l)=c2k+1E(E(uk+1\Tk))2 <4+1р(гк)\\ик+1\\2\\Е(ик+1\^к)\\2 i.e. EG&l) < ck+1p2(ik)Eu2k+v This proves (9.2.33) for η = 1. Suppose that (9.2.33) holds true for any integer less than n. We prove that (9.2.33) remains true for n. Denote щ = η — [n/2], ri2 = [n/2]. We have EG2k(n) = EGl(m) + EG2k+ni(n2) + 2EGk{nx)Gk+ni{n2) = EGl(n1) + EGl+ni(n2) + 2EGk(n1)( £ cJuj) j=fc+ni+l <ЕСЦщ) + ЕС1+П1(п2) к+п + 2p(ifc+ni)|| Gk(ni)\\2 J Σ . cj uj j=k+ni+l By (9.2.34) and the assumption of induction, we have fc+n EG2(n)<c{ £ ρ2(i(j/2))c2En2} log2(2щ) + 2\/^p(iA;+ni){ ^ ή Ей]} j=k+ni+l .{ Σ p2(i(j/2))^JBu?} Iog(2m) <(c(log2n1)2 + x^log(2n1)){ Σ p2(i(j/2))c2£u2} j=fc+i <^{ Σ p\i{3m)c)Eu2}\og2{2n). j=k+i (9.2.33) is proved.
258 Chapter 9 Strong Approximations It follows from (9.2.33), ΣΪΖι p(20 < °° and Lemma 2.2.2 that η P{\ ^(«il^-OI > εβχρ(ηα/2)} г=1 <ce-na{J2r2aEu>}log2(2n) г=1 <ce-"°{^ra-1ei<1}log2(2n) i=l < cn_2olog2(2n). Let η^ = [Α;χ/α]. By the Borel-Cantelli lemma, we have J2E(ui\Ti-1) = o(exp(nak/2)) a.s. (9.2.35) г=1 Moreover from Lemma 9.2.3, Lemma 2.2.2, Lemma 4.1.2 and (9.2.33), we have P{ max Ι Σ e-ja/2E(ui\Ti^)\ > ε} l=nk j < P< max ^rik<j<nk+1 I /—' I J l=nk nk + l <c{ Σ r2ae-ja^}log4(nfc+1-nfc) < cAT2(logA;)4, which implies that j max Σ е~Г/2£ЫЯ-1) -> 0 a.s. (9.2.36) l=nk Thus (9.2.32) follows from (9.2.35) and (9.2.36). The following lemma gives (9.2.14). Lemma 9.2.8. Suppose that a satisfies (9.2.28), and condition (ii) of Theorem 9.2.1 is satisfied. Then for δ\ = ε'/4, we have Σ 6-(ι+*ι)*α Ε\&\2+2δ> < oo. (9.2.37) fc=i
9.2 Strong approximations for a p-mixing sequence 259 Proof. From Lemma 2.2.5, Lemma 9.2.2 and condition (ii), we have Е\Ы2+261 <сЕ\ик\2^ + ka-1exp(ka)E\X1\2+26lI(Xf < 2exp(A:a))}. Then, by 0 < a < ε'/(8 + ε') and Lemma 9.2.2, (9.2.37) is proved. The following lemma gives (9.2.15). Lemma 9.2.9. Suppose that a satisfies (9.2.28) and condition (ii) of Theorem 9.2.1 is satisfied. Then η Σ(β(ί?Ι·^-ι) ~ ΕΦ = o(exp(na)) a.s. (9.2.38) i=i Proof. |E(jB(f?i^!)-jBf?)| 3=1 <\Σ{Ε{η)\Τ^)-Εη))\ 3 = 1 + Σ{Ε\ηό\ Ъ-г) + Е{Е{щ\Т^))2). (9.2.39) 3 = 1 We first prove that £(£2(и,-|^-0^ a.s. (9.2.40) j=i In fact, by the definition of ρ(·) , we have E{E{uj\Tj-X))2 = EiujEiujlFj-t)) <р(Ч-1)\Ы\2\\ЕЫЪ-г)\\2. Therefore Е{Е(ч\Ъ-г))2 <р2(г^)Еи2 < cj-W^V,
260 Chapter 9 Strong Approximations and further oo oo ΣΕ{Ε{ηό\Τ^)γ/β1α < с ΣΓι-«(ΐ+^) < oo. 3=1 3=1 By the Kronecker lemma, (9.2.40) holds true. Secondly, we prove η Σ(Ε(η)\ Tj-ι) - Ей)) = о (exp(na)) a.s. (9.2.41) i=i Denote щ — и21(\щ\ < е%а/2). It is easy to see that \Σ{Ε{η}\Τ^)-Εη})\ i=l η г=1 + jr(E(ull(\ui\>eia/*)\?i-1)) г=1 + Eu2iI{\ui\>eial2)). (9.2.42) It follows from Lemma 2.2.5 and Lemma 9.2.2 that oo Y,E{E{u)H\ui\ > *а'2)\Ъ-1))1*а oo = J2e-^Eup(\Uj\>e^) 3=1 OO < с^е-(х+6^аЕ\щ\2+6* 3=1 OO < с ^e-(i+*i/2)ia{(j«-ieia)i+*i/2 3=1 + e^r-^lXxl^1/^2 < 2e'°)} < OO. By the Kronecker lemma Y^{E{u)l{\Uj\ > е^12)\Г^) + Еи)1{\и0\ > еГ**)) 3=1 = о (exp(na)) a.s. (9.2.43)
9.2 Strong approximations for a p-mixing sequence 261 On the other hand, by the same way as in the proof of (9.2.33) in Lemma 9.2.7, there exists a constant С such that £(Σ E№ - Sftl 'i-i)))2 < c (Σ /К*С#/2)) Ей]) log2(2n). I2 Then by Lemma 2.2.2 and condition (ii), we have Р{\^Е(Щ - Е(Щ\Т0-г))\> ееп°} -л <ce-^\±r2a^£,)e^){\ognf < < cn-2fl(1+e') (logn)2. By the same discussion as in the proof of second half part of Lemma 9.2.7, it follows that η "Y^Eiuj — Euj\Tj-\) — o(exp(na)) a.s. i=i Combining it with (9.2.42), (9.2.43) yields (9.2.41). Lemma 9.2.9 is proved. The following lemma gives (9.2.16). Lemma 9.2.10. If the conditions of Theorem 9.2.1 are satisfied, we have J2Eg-ESl=o(n). (9.2.44) Proof. Denote Uj — Σ/ея· ^ь Vj = Σι^ι- Χι- We have 2^ = s(Efii + E®i + Σ Хз) i=i i=i i=N(mn)+i = ^(Efii) +^(Σ%+ Σ *;) J=l 3=1 j=N(mn)+l mn mn η + 2ε(ς>)(Σ^+ Σ *;)· (9·2·45) j=l j=l j=W(m„)+l
262 Chapter 9 Strong Approximations By Lemma 9.2.4 and the definitions of Nk and ran, it follows that mn Ε(Έ^+ Σ xj) =о(ч£щ + (п-мтп)) j=l j=N(mn)+l i=l 0{n(logn)^). (9.2.46) Write Ε{Σ^γ = e(J2Uj + ς^ - Uj))2. 3=1 j=l 3=1 Prom Lemma 9.2.4 and Lemma 2.2.2 we obtain rnn 2 rnn j=i j=i 3=1 = o(n). On the other hand, Σ*«-£(Σ«;) 3=1 3=1 = s(Efc) -*(Σ«>) j=l j=l = £(Σ%|^-ι)) +2£(^Uj)^%-|7H). 3=1 3=1 3=1 It follows from (9.2.33) that /mn \2 Я(Х>(«,-|.Г,·-!)) mn c(Er2(1+£)a^i)(bgmn)2 j=i < cn(logn)-2(1+£)(loglogn)2. 77ln < Combining it with the above relations yields (9.2.44) . Now the proof of Theorem 9.2.1 is completed.
9.3 Strong approximations for a α-mixing sequence 263 The proof of Theorem 9.2.2 is the exactly same as that of Theorem 9.2.1, provided Lemma 2.2.10 is used instead of Lemma 2.2.5 and 4.3.2. The proof of Theorem 9.2.3 is similar to that of Theorem 9.2.1 as well. We need only to apply the Bernstein divided-section method for {Xn} immediately. The details are omitted. 9.3 Strong approximations for an α-mixing sequence Shao and Lu (1987) improved, the strong approximation result of Philipp and Stout (1975) for an α-mixing sequence, and obtained a better rate of strong approximation when using the Strassen martingale embedding method. Theorem 9.3.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be an α-mixing sequence with EXn — 0 and g(x) a function such that g(x)/x2+6 for some 0 < δ < 2 is increasing to infinity. Denote \\X\\g = inf{i > 0, Eg(\X\/t) < 1}. If supn ||Xn||i7 < oo and the following conditions are satisfied (i) σ\ = Ε Si >Cn, for some С > 0, OO 1 / \ (it) Σ а(п)ш'1пУ9[-^Ь)) < oo , 71=1 \ V // then S(t) - W{c2t) = 0(a(2/(2+i)(logat2)1+(1+A)/(2+6)) a.s. (9.3.1) where λ = (log2)/log((2 + δ)/δ) < 1. Proof. Write oo Yn = ^{Е(Хк+п\ Tn) - ВДь+nl .Fn-i)} = Xn + un - un-i, (9.3.2) oo where un — J] E(Xjc-\-n\^rn-i)- Let us verify the conditions of Proposition k=o 9.1.1. Condition (a) is assumed. To check condition (b), denote Ukn = E(Xk+n\Fn-l)· Take f(x) = ж(2+*)/(1+*) in Lemma 1.2.3, we have Е\икп\2+6 = Е(Хк+пикп\икп\6) <с^щ)<*(к)1/{2+6)\\Хь+п\\9\\
264 Chapter 9 Strong Approximations Therefore lkn||2+* <cimg(l/a(k))a(k)^2+s\ It follows from (ii) that condition (b) of Proposition 9.1.1 is satisfied. Denote Tm(n)= Σ (Yk2-EYk% m<.k<m+n rn = sup£|Tm(n)|(2+5)/2. m We shall show τη <cn(logn)A (9.3.3) by induction on n, where λ = (bg —-—)/ log -^— < 1, 1 < Ms < 2, 0 < δ < 2. Put β = δ/(2 + 6), щ = η - [n% n2 = [ηθ]. FVom an lementary inequality |1 + ж|р < l+px + Cp\x\p, fori <p<2, 1 < Cp < 2, we have £|Тт(п)|^ < £|Тт(щ)|^ + MsE\Tm+ni{n2)f^ '2 + 6 + (—-)я|Гт(щ)|* |TTO+ni(n2)| < rni + M6rn2 + (—_)£7(|гта(т)|з * {( Σ XJ +^Wi -WJV2) 7n+n 2 ~ E{ Σ -Xj·+«Ni - «iv2)}) i=7V2 =: τηι + М6тП2 + -^— /, (9.3.4)
9.3 Strong approximations for a α-mixing sequence 265 where JVi = m + η + 1, N2 = m + nx + 1. Note that m+n I = E\Tm(ni)\l Σ(Χ]-ΕΧ]) j=N2 + E\Tm(ni)\^((uNl - uN2)2 - E(uNl - uN2)2) m+n [uNl -uN2) J=N2 m+n ~Ε(Σ Xj)(UNi -UN2)} j=N2 + 2E\Tm(ni)\2 22 (Xj+N2-lXi+j+N2-l - EXj+N2-l^i+j+N2-l) =: h+I2 + 2/з + 2/4. (9.3.5) From Lemma 1.2.3 ( take g\{x2) = g(x),f(x) — χ(2+δΜδ) and condition (ii), we have 00 1 .. h < с(Е\Тт(П1)^)Ш^пу91(^т/(--)а(к) k=0 00 <с{Е\Тт{П1)\^)Ш. By the Holder inequality and condition (b), we have h < с(Е\Тт(щ)\ — )^(\\uNlf2+s + \\uN2f2+s) < c{E\Tm{nx)f^)^rs.
266 Chapter 9 Strong Approximations By the Holder inequality and Lemma 1.2.3, we have Wi-l oo Νχ-1 /3 = Я|Гт(щ)|§{ Σ XjJ2XN1+k- Σ u"2Xi j=N2+l fc=l j=N2+l Ni-1 oo Ni-1 -Ε Σ ΧίΣΧΝ!+Ι<: + Ε Σ uN2Xj} j=N2+l fc=l j=N2+l <с(Е\Тт(щ)^)Ш 3 к 2 2+6 <α(Ε\Τη(ηι)\Ψ)πι EE^Ma(Nllk-j)hNi+k-j)2l6y <с(Е\Тт(П1)\2-?)Ш, where /(χ(2+δ>/2) = g(x), inv/(x) - (inv#(a;))(2+6)/2. For /4, we have /4 = £?|τ,Λ(η1)|ΐ(ΣΣ+ΣΣ) j=l1<г<7 г=1 1<7<г * (^+#2-Л+.7+#2-1 "" ^^i+iV2-l^+j+iV2-lJ П2 712 ι j=l1<г<7 t=l 1<J<г ^ > ■(Е\Тт(П1)\2-?)Ш, where f(x2) = #(#), inv/(#) — (inv^(x))2. It is easy to see that 712 712 j=l l<i<j г=1 1<7<г 1 / 1 \2 2+6 δ ■a(i)z+*mvg(—r-) (Е\Тт(щ)\ 2 )2+s <c(E\Tm(ni)\*¥)£*. Thus combining these with (9.3.4) and (9.3.5) we have тп<тП1+М8тП2+ст8п№+8\ Hence condition (c) of Proposition 9.1.1 is satisfied and the proof of Theorem 9.3.1 is completed.
9.3 Strong approximations for a α-mixing sequence 267 Corollary 9.3.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be an α-mixing sequence, g(x) = xr, r > 2 + δ, Ο < δ < 2. If (г) σΐ = Ε Si > Cn, for some С > 0, (**) En=iOc(n)^s~r <oo, then Sn - W{al) = 0(ai* (log ση)1+(1+λ)/(2+δ)) a.s. Particularly, if δ — 2 and limna2/n — σ2 (without loss of generality, assume that σ2 — 1), we have Sn - W(n) = O^/^logn)3/2) a.s. Furthermore, if supn \Xn\ < oo, Σ^η)1^ < oo and σ2 — ησ2, then for any ε > 0 5n - W(n) = Oin^^logn)5/4^). a.s. Shao (1989a) gave the following theorem and corollary, which improve the results in Bradley (1983) and Dehling (1983) under the weaker conditions. Theorem 9.3.2. Let {Xn,n > 1} be an α-mixing sequence with EXn — 0, supn Ε\Χη\2+δ < oo for some δ > 0. Assume that sup sup E\Sk(n)\2+6/n1+*/2 <oo, (9.3.6) п>1к>0 a(n) = (9((logn)-r), r > 1 + 2/δ. (9.3.7) TTien for any 0 < θ < \(£г$ — 1)5 we have S(t) - W(a2) = 0{tll2{\ogt)-e) a.s. Corollary 9.3.2. Let {Xn,n > 1} be an α-mixing sequence with EXn = 0, supn£;|Xn|2+<5 < oo(<5 > 0). Assume that a(n) = (9(n~r) /or r > 1 + 2/δ and lim σ2/η = σ2 > 0. Then {Xn} Obeys the law of the iterated logarithm and the Chung law of the iterated logarithm. The proofs of Theorem 9.3.2 and Corollary 9.3.2 are omitted.
Chapter 10 The Increments of Partial Sums In Chapter 9, we studied strong approximations of partial sums of a mixing sequence by a Wiener process. But, with the help of these theorems, it is not enough to obtain the ideal increment results, similar to that in the case of i.i.d. sequence (see M.Csorgo and P.Revesz 1981). In this chapter, we intend to study the increments of partial sums of a sequence of (^-mixing random variables, which may be non-stationary, even non- identically distributed, by a direct approach. Under the restriction on the rate of convergence to zero for mixing coefficients, the following results are close to those corresponding to independent random variables. Our method can be used to deal with other kinds of mixing sequences as well. 10.1 Some lemmas In order to show increment results, we need to establish some exponential inequalities. To this end, we first give the next result (cf. Stout 1974, Lemma 5.4.1 and its corollary). Lemma 10.1.1. Let {Zn,Tn,n > 1} be a supermartingale with EZn — 0. Let Zo — 0 and U% = Z{ — Z;_i for г > 1. Suppose Щ < С a.s. for some 0 < С < oo and all г > 1. Fix λ > 0 such that XC < 1. Put η Mn = exp(AZn)exp{-(A2/2)(l + AC/2) ^^l^-i)} г=1 for η > 1 and Mq = 1 a.s. Then {Mn,Tn,n > 0} is a nonnegative supermartingale, and further, P{supMn > a\ < a-1 for any a > 0. Let {Yn} be a sequence of (^-mixing random variables with mixing coefficients φη = φ{η) [ 0. Without loss of generality, assume that EYn —
270 Chapter 10 The Increments of Partial Sums η 0 for every n. Put Tn = ^ Y^ τ2 — £?T^. In this section, we always t=l assume that the following conditions are satisfied: (a) \Yn\ < bn < oo; (b) there exist 0 < σ2 < σ'2 < oo, such that σ2η < £(Ут+1 Н h ^n+n)2 < σ1 η for every га > 0 and all large n. Let p,q,k be integers satisfying that ρ = pn < n,q = qn = o(pn), gn t oo, /с = A:n = [n/(pn + qn)]. And put Ь = max b{. l<i<n Lemma 10.1.2. Suppose that <pqpb2 = o(l), Σ V1/20p) = ^ i10·1·1) TTien /or ж = xn and small ε > 0 satisfying -bn<j>q<x< Щ- (10.1.2) ε pb and x2/n -► oo, (10.1.3) P{ max |Γί| > ,} < 3 ехр{-Ц|^} (10.1.4) /or all large n. If (10.1.2) is replaced by *>^£, (10.1.5) then P{iWJTi\ > x} < 3 exp{-^% (Ю.1.6) Proof. We always assume that η is large enough. First, we prove (10.1.4). Define (i+l)p+iq fc = Σ y;> j=i(p+q)+l (i+l)(p+q) Vi= Σ lj-, г = 0,1,···,*: — 1, j=(i+l)p+iq+l j=k(p+q)+l
10.1 Some lemmas 271 Put σ-fields JF_X = {0, Ω},^ = a(Yj, j < (i + l)p+iq), г = 0,1, · · · ,k- 1. Define martingale differences л — ξί — £J(^| J^-i), г = 0,1, · · ·, к — 1. Write ρ{\τη\ >χ}< p{i Σ&Ι > (ι - \)χ) + p{\ Σ*·ι ^ Μ =: Λ + J2. (10.1.7) Consider </χ. Write Jx < Ρ{\Σ,-Κ\ * (1-ε)χ} + Ρ{\ΣΕ(.ϊ№-ι)\ > \ε*} i=0 г=0 =: Jn + J12. (Ю.1.8) By Lemma 2.2.8 (note |&| < pb), for any Д-χ G .T^-i, |^^/Bi_1|<2^pbP(Si_i) (i = 0,l,...,fe-l), which implies |S(6l^i-i)|<2^i* a.s. (i = 0,l,...,fe-l). (10.1.9) Using condition (10.1.2), we obtain J12 - 0. (10.1.10) Next, we estimate Jn. Since {7^^·,г — 0,1, ···,& — 1} possesses martingale difference property, by using Lemma 10.1.1 and noting |7;| < (1 + e)pb a.s. for large n, for 0 < λ < ((1 + e)pb)~1 0=ехр(А^7г)ехр{-у(1 + ^(1 + £)рЬА)^^|^-1)} г=0 г=0 (j = 0,l,---,fc-l) possess nonnegative supermartingale property. Write fc-i i=o Ρ{Σ7ί>(1-φ} = P{&-i > exp(A(l - е)ж) • exp{-y (l + 1(1 + e)pb\) f \Ε{Ί№-ύ}}- (Ю.1.11) г'=0
272 Chapter 10 The Increments of Partial Sums We are going to estimate Σί=ο Ε(^\Τί-ι). Write fc-i fc-i k-i Σ Β(7?|*-ι) = Σ S(f?l*-i) - Σ(Β(&Ι*-ι))2 г=0 г=0 г=0 We have |J5(&2|^_i)-J5&2| < 2<pq{pb)2 a.s. by a similar proof to (10.1.9). Hence, by conditions (b) and (10.1.1), we get Σ£?(62|^-ι) = (1 + ο(1))Σ^2 a.s. г=0 г=0 Moreover inequality (10.1.9) implies that fc-i Σ(β(6|^-ι))2 < 4<^b2n - o(n) a.s. Thus fc-l fc-l Σ^(7ζ2|^-ι) = (1 + ο(1))Σ^·2 a.s. (10.1.12) г=0 г*=0 fc-1 Now we estimate J] Εξ2. Write i=0 fc-l fc-l Σ^2 = ^(Σ^) -2 Σ *fcfc> (Ю.1.13) г=0 г=0 0<t<7<fc-l where |£7&0Ι — 2^((j — г — l)p)pba'p1l2 by Lemma 1.2.10 and so for fixed г oo Σ |i%&| < 2σ'^ν/2?>Σ^1/20» = «(Ρ) j>i+2 j=l by assumptions in (10.1.1). Summing on г leads to o{n). Also |^i&+i|<2^iA^P1/2 = o(p) by (10.1.1) and summing leads to o(n) again. Thus Σ£# = s(5>)2 + o(n). (Ю.1.14) Furthermore k- Ε(Έ^Υ = ETn - 2ETn(j2Vi)+E(J2viY. (Ю.1.15) fc_1 ,2 0 , * N , * N2 г'=0 г'=0 г=0
10.1 Some lemmas 273 By condition (b) and the second equality in (10.1.1), we can prove that к 2 β(Σ«) =0(kq + p). In fact к k—1 Efevif <2Я(^>)2 + 2Ет£, i=0 t=0 where Εη% = Ο (ρ) and Ε(Ση)2 = ΣΕτα + 2 Σ E™j i=0 г=0 0<i<jf<fc-l k-1 < a'2kq + 2a'2q^(k - J>1/2(jp) - O(fcfl). i=i Hence (10.1.15) implies that Ε(ΣΪ=ο &)2 = U + °(1))rn- Combining it with (10.1.14) and (10.1.12) implies that fc-i ЕЯ(7?|^-1) = (1 + о(1))т^ a.s. (10.1.16) Inserting it into (10.1.11) and using Lemma 10.1.1, we obtain fc-i ρ{5>>(ΐ-Φ} < exp{—λ(1 — ε)#} •exp{y(l + i(l + £)pbA)(l + e)rn2} (10.1.17) for all large n. Choosing λ = ж/((1 + ε)Τη), we have λ < ε((1 + е)рЪ)~1 by (10.1.2). Inserting it into (10.1.17) implies that ρ{Σα > (i - Φ} < ехР{-(1~Лф2}· (ю.1.18) Replacing Y^· with — Yj, we obtain Jn - p{i I>i ^ (1 -£H ^2 exp{~(1 ~ο42)χ2}· г=0 ™
274 Chapter 10 The Increments of Partial Sums Combining it with (10.1.10), we have (1 - 4ε)χ2 ,l£2exp{_iiz^} 2ri For J25 it is clear that 3-1 exp{—(1 — 4ε)χ2/(2τ%)} is one of its upper bounds in view of qn — o(pn). Then we have proved P{|Tn| >x}> 1ехр{-Ц^}. (10.1.19) In order to obtain (10.1.4) from (10.1.19), we use Lemma 5.1.2. First of all, since φη [ 0, there exists an interger no such that φηο < 10"1. Using condition (b) and (10.1.3), we obtain max Р\\ТП-ТЛ > .EX* \ i<i<n V г| ~ 2(1 + ε)1 < max 1<г<п (! + *)■ 4(1 + ε)2Ε(Τη - Ti)2 \2^Κ 4(1 + ε)2σ"η 1 ε2χ2 ~ 10 for large η. So 77 in Lemma 5.1.2 can be chosen as 5-1. Furthermore /2 /2, ,,„, , εσ η εσ κ . . . max \YA <b< < —^-x = o(x) (10.1.20) l<i<n px X2 by (10.1.2) and (10.1.3). Hence P{ max \Yi\ > εχ/(2(1 + e)(n0 - 1))) = 0 for large n. Therefore, from the above results and Lemma 5.1.2, we obtain P{ max \TA > x) l 1<г<п J < -p\\Tn\ > -^-\ + -P\ max |У<| > Щ -} ~ 4 V ' ~ 1+εί 4 li<t<n' г| ~ 2(l + e)(n0-l)J <3exp{-^|^x2}. This is namely (10.1.4). Now we prove (10.1.6). It is clear that we can assume x/pb > δ for some δ > 0. If condition (10.1.5) is satisfied, choosing λ = ε((1 + ε)ρύ)~λ in (10.1.17), we have P{5> > (1 - Φ) < ехр{-£(12"^Ф}· (Ю.1.21)
10.1 Some lemmas 275 By imitating the procedure from (10.1.18) to (10.1.4) and replacing (10.1.20) by max |Yi| < b < lemma is proved. by max \У{\ <b< χ/{ρδ) = o(x), we obtain (10.1.16) from (10.1.21). The 1<г<п Lemma 10.1.3. Suppose that condition (10.1.1) in Lemma 10.1.2 is replaced by к ¥>рдЬ2 = о(1), Σν1/2(ίΡ) = 0(1). (Ю.1.Г) i=i Then for any ν > 0, there exists an α(ι/), such that for all large η and a satisfying a > a(i/), we have P{Tn > arn} > ^exp{-(l + v)o?/2} provided that φς = o(a/b) (10.1.22) and рЪатп = o(ra). (10.1.23) Proof. For 0 < δ < 1 write k-i к P{Tn > ατη} > Ρ{Σ & > (1 + 5)arn} - P{^> < -δατη} i=0 i=0 =: /i - /2 (10.1.24) and k-l k-l /ι > Ρ{Σ ^ > (1 + 2^)arn} - Ρ{Σ β(&№-ι) < -<5ατη} г=0 г=0 =: hi ~ /i2. (10.1.25) Using condition (10.1.22) and recalling (10.1.9), we also have for large η Iu = 0. (10.1.26) We are going to estimate 1ц. Let ε be a small positive number indicated later. Put ν = 3>/e/(l - Зу^),^ = (1 + 2δ)α/(1 - ν). Write fc-i #{ехр[и(]П 7г)/тп] | Fk-2} t=0 fc-2 = exp{ix(5^7i)/rn}£;{exp(iX7fc-i/rn)|^b-2}. (Ю.1.27) г=0
276 Chapter 10 The Increments of Partial Sums Condition (10.1.23) implies ирЪ/тп -> О. (10.1.28) Hence £{exp(u7fc_i/rn)| Tk-2) Inserting it into (10.1.27) we have mm4|Vm-^-^) fc-2 •^(7|-1|^-2))]|^-2}>ехр{^(^7г)/гп}. Thus , by induction, ^{expKg7i)/rn]exp[-^(l- ψ) |>(7^-i)]} > 1· Since we also have (10.1.16), the above inequality can be rewritten as *Μ«(Σ ■*)/*]} ^τΟ-^-ϊ)} >exp{f(l-|)} (Ю.1.29) for given ε > 0, provided that η is large enough. Then the following proof is similar to the corresponding оде of Theorem 5.2.2 in Stout (1974) except that some details are different (noting the choice of υ and и ). It is omitted. In addition to Lemmas 10.1.2 and 10.1.3, the following generalization (see Erdos 1959) of the Borel-Cantelli lemma will also be utilized for the proof of our theorem.
10.2 How big are the increments when the moment generation functions exist? 277 Lemma 10.1.4. If Ci,C2,· · · are arbitrary events satisfying the conditions oo Σ P(Cn) = oo n=l H£Sf Σ Σ PiPuCi)l(£ P{ck)f = ι, k=l 1=1 fc=l then P{Cn,i.o.} = 1. 10.2 How big are the increments when the moment generation functions exist? Let {Xn} be a sequence of (^-mixing random variables with EXn — 0 (n > 1). Put Sn = Σ Xfc, afc2 - £X2. fc=l Theorem 10.2.1. (Lin 1991) Suppose that {Xn} defined above satisfies the following conditions: ft) l™n-+oo infm>0 E(Xm+1 Η \- Xm+n)2/n > 0; (ii) there exist to, Μ > 0, зг/c/i that EetXk < Μ for every к and any \t\ < to] (Hi) there exists an I > 1, such that φη — 0(n~l). Suppose that {an} is a non-decreasing sequence of positive integers satisfying (a) there exists an a > 0 such that α log η < an < η where d > (31 + 1)/(/ - 1). Then, putting σηΝ — Ε(Χη+ι Η l· Χη+άΝ) , βηΝ = anN{2[\og(N/a2nN) + log log TV]}1/2, we have Umsnp fiJ^N\S(N,aN)\ = 1 a.s. (10.2.1) N-+oo limsup max /Зп^|5(?г,адг)| = 1 a.s. (10.2.2) lim sup max 0^N\S(N,k)\ = l a.s. (10.2.3) JV-+00 l<k<aN
278 Chapter 10 The Increments of Partial Sums limsup max max β N\S(n,k)\ = 1 a.s. (10.2.4) N—+oo 1<τι<Ν 1<&5:αΝ Furthermore, if condition (a) is replaced by (b) there exists an a > 0, such that an1'^1' < an <n and lim log(ri/an)/log log η = oo, п—куэ then lim max■ β-^\Ξ(η,αΝ)\ = 1 a.s. (10.2.5) N—юо l<n<N lim max max /3~^|5(n,fc)| = 1 a.s. (10.2.6) N—юо l<n<N 1<к<ан Proof. From conditions (i)—(iii), there exist constants w\ and W2, 0 < w\ < W2 < oo such that wxn < £(Xm+i + · · · + Xm+n)2 < w2n (10.2.7) for every integer m > 0 and η large enough. The right inequality sign is due to that from Lemma 1.2.8 \EXiXj\ < 2^^£;1^|X.|^jE;i-^|Xi|^/(^-a) = ο(ϋ-ί)"ι/ι#) for 1 < I' < /, г < j. First, we prove (10.2.1) —(10.2.4). Obviously, it is sufficient to verify limsupβ]ν1Ν\3(Ν,αΝ)\ > 1 a.s. (10.2.8) N—►00 limsup max max /3~^|5(η,k)\ < 1 a.s. (10.2.9) N—юо 1<η5··^ ΐ5··^5ίαΝ For Β > 1/ί0, define 71 Yn = XnI(\Xn\<Blogn), Yn' = Yn-EYn, Tn = £n', fc=l ληΝ = ^(^n+l + * * * + Yn+aN) > ^(^j fc) = 7n+fc — ?n, otnN = λη^ν{2[1ο§(ΛΓ/λ^) + loglogiV]}1/2. From condition (ii), P{Xn Φ Yn, i-o.} = 0 and for t' such that t' < to and t'B> 1 \EYn\ < сп~1'в, max max /3-^|S(n,fc)-T(n, fc)|->() a.s. (10.2.10) Hence, as TV —> oo max η L<n<7Vl<fc<a;v
10.2 How big are the increments when the moment generation functions exist? 279 Moreover, it is not difficult to show by (10.2.7) and the definition of Yn that <&v/<&v^l (N^oo) (10.2.11) uniformly in n. We are now going to prove (10.2.8), which is equivalent to limsupa^|T(AT,a^)| > 1 a.s. (10.2.12) N—*oo Put h — 2/(3/ + 1). Define pn = [nh], qn = [anpn], where {an} is a sequence of positive numbers tending to zero slowly enough. By conditions (iii), (a) and the definitions of pn and qn , it can be seen that VqaNPaN(logNf < ca-lNp-lN+1(\ogN)2 < ca-lNa-N2il-1)/{3l+1\\ogN)2 ^ 0, as JV -+ oo provided that an tend to zero slowly enough. We also have Σ<Ρ1/20Ρ) < cJZiJPr1'2 < ckn-1'2 < m(3*-i)/(3*+i)-*/2 = o(1) with the help of condition (iii). Hence condition (10.1.1), and further condition (10.1.1'), are satisfied. Similarly, we have φ4αΝ = o((\og(N/X%N) + loglogiV^/log JV) and paN (logN)anj\f/'apt = o(l). Hence, we can use Lemma 10.1.3 (choosing ν = ε > 0), which implies that for large TV P(CN) > i exp{-(l + e)(i - e)2log(JV/A^) + log log N}} where С ν = {ol~^nT{N, αχ) > 1 — ε}. Put ηχ = 1 and. define n^+i = n^ + 2anfc. Noting that the sequence is mixing, we have 771 771 771 ~ |ΣΣρ(α*σο/(Σρ(σο) -ι < ЕГ=1 P(cn,.)(l - P(Cn.)) + 4Σ^ι Ebj+i P(<?n>(nfc - nj ~ %·) (Er=i^(Cnj)2
280 Chapter 10 The Increments of Partial Sums m m < (l + 4 Σ <p(nk - щ - αηι))/Σ P(Cnk). k=2 k=l Using condition (iii) and recalling the definition of n^, one can verify that oo Σ ф(пк — п\— аП1) < oo. Moreover Σ5£ι P{Cnk) — oo since k=2 ]T (nlogn)"1 < (nfclognfc)_1(nfc+i -nk) 7l=7lfc + l = (nklognk)~12ank < cP(Cnk). Hence, from Lemma 10.1.4, P{Cnk,i.o.} = 1, which yields (10.2.12). The proof of (10.2.8) is completed. Furthermore, we want to prove (10.2.9). From (10.2.10) and (10.2.11), it is sufficient to show that limsup max max апм\Т{п,к)\ < 1 a.s. (10.2.14) N—юо l<n<Af 1<^<α;ν Let r — r(e) > 1 be a positive integer indicated later. Put R — [адг/г], nr — R[n/R). We have \blN/E(Ynr+1 + · · · + Y{n+aN)rf - 1| < 2Wf^'^ (Ю.2.15) for large N by (10.2.7) and (10.2.11). Write \Tn+k - Tn\ < \Tn+k - T(n+fc)r| + \T(n+k)r - ТПг I + \ТПг -Тп\. (10.2.16) Consider the second term of the right hand side of (10.2.16). We have Pi LS i§gw <N\T{n+k)r ~ Tnr I > 1 + ε/3} < cr— max Pi max \T(„ , j.\ ~ aN i<n<N h<k<aN ' ^n+K>r - Tnr\ > (1 + εβ)αηΝ}. (10.2.17) Obviously, |(n + aff)r — nT\ < адг(1 + 1/r). We can use (10.1.4) of Lemma 10.1.2, since (log Ν)αΝφ4αΝ =ο(αηΝ), anN = o(E(T(n+aN)r - Tnrf/paN logiV).
10.2 How big are the increments when the moment generation functions exist? 281 Noting (10.2.15) and choosing r to be large enough, we know the right hand side of (10.2.17) does not exceed cr^exP{-(l-e/3)(l + e/3)2a2nN/E(T(n+aN)r-Tnr)2} N / aN \ i+e/4 -^^VJVlogTV/ = Cr(M)^(logiV)-(1+e/4) for large N. Let N\ = I and define Nj+i by a^j+1 = min{an : an > [ej]}(e > 1). Obviously, Nj+1 > [0i] since aN < N. Thus which implies lim sup max max a~^ |T(n+fc)r - T„r | < 1 + - a.s. (10.2.18) From conditions (i)-(iii) and (10.2,. 11) and the definition of Nj, it is easy to see that there exists a constant G > 0, such that lim a; 2 ■nNj+i urn Л2 <G{e-l)1'2. · (10.2.19) Now, choosing θ near enough to 1 and noting that the ranges in the two max's in (10.2.18) enlarge as j increases we have from (10.2.18) limsup max max а~^\Т(п+к)г -ТПг\ < 1 + - a.s. (10.2.20) N—юо 1<η<Ν 1<к<ам ^ We turn to the first term in the right hand side of (10.2.16). Write P< max max OL~\r\Tn+ j, — T<n , u\ I > - \ \l<n<Nl<k<aN ηΛΠ + (n+/e)rl - g/ rN n ( lrri < max max P\ max \Tj адг n к l(n+k)r<j<(n+k)r+R -T(n+k)r\>^anN}. (10.2.21) Using a similar proof to (10.2.18), one can also employ (10.1.4) of Lemma 10.1.2. By recalling (10.2.7) and (10.2.11) and choosing r = r{e) to be
282 Chapter 10 The Increments of Partial Sums large enough, the right hand side of (10.2.21) does not exceed aN I 36£(T(n+fc)r+fl -T(n+fc)r)2 λ^ όΠ\ ( 2l IV lOg IV ϊ < exp< —ere log > <3rN, aN .cr* 2 - ал/ \NlosN/ ~ & for all large N. Thus lim sup max max a~l \Tn+k - T(n+k)r \ < - a.s. By imitating the procedure from (10.2.18) to (10.2.20), we have limsup max max a~^|Tn+fc - T{n+k)r \ < - a.s. (10.2.22) 7V_»oo l<n<N 1<к<ам 4 Obviously, we also have -1 ι £ limsup max anN\Tn - ТПг\ < - a.s. 7V_>oo l<n<N 4 Therefore, (10.2.14), and further (10.2.9), are proved. Finally, we prove (10.2.5) and (10.2.6). For this purpose, from (10.2.2) and (10.2.4) proved, it is sufficient to verify that liminf max /37^|S(n,ajv)| > 1 a.s. (10.2.23) N—ЮО 1<TI<N By (10.2.10) and (10.2.11), (10.2.23) is equivalent to liminf max a~^\T(n,aN)\ > 1 a.s. (10.2.24) Ν—>οο 1<η<ΛΓ We have for large N P{11^NanN\T(n,aN)\ < 1 -ε} - pLi<[^]-^^-Ar|r(2jaAr'ajv)l -λ -ε} ^ Π P{a^aN>N\T(2jaN,aN)\ < 1 - ε} N \l-e/2 ^адг/
10.3 How big are the increments when the moment generating functions do not exist?283 (by (10.2.13) and condition (b)) 1-εΊ [Ν/αΝ]1-^2 + C[ <c(logiV)-2. < 2exp{-c(^)-£/2(logAr)-(^)} + c(^\ The last inequality is due to condition (b). Thus, if Nj is defined as above, we have liminf max a~l \T(n,aN.)\ > 1 a.s. (10.2.25) Considering Nj < N < Nj+χ, we get liminf max а~1г\Т(п.а^)\ N-+oo 1<η<Ν ηΛΜ K ' Л > liminf max (α^Ι\Τ(η,αΝ.)\)(αηΝία^) -limsup max max а^\Т(п,к)\. TV—юо 1<η<^ν 1<к<ан—ан. The first term in the right hand side is a.s. > 1 — G'{9 — l)1/2 for some G' > 0 by (10.2.25) and (10.2.19). The latter is a.s.< G"{1 - 1/0)1/2 for some G" > 0 by (10.2.14). Letting θ [ 1, we obtain (10.2.24). The theorem is proved. Remark 10.2.1. When / in condition (iii) is large enough, in other words, φη tends to zero at a great rate, an can be 0(log3+£ n), for any given ε > 0. For an independent sequence, it is required that an/logn -^ooas η —> oo (see Lin 1988). Remark 10.2.2. In the theorem, we don't require that an/n is non- increasing. But it is assumed even if a sequence is independent (cf. Csorgo and Revesz 1981). In fact, this condition is not realistic, since either an = η for all η or an = m Д η for some fixed m when the condition is added. 10.3 How big are the increments when the moment generating functions do not exist? Let {Xn} be a (^-mixing sequence mentioned in the beginning of the above section.
284 Chapter 10 The Increments of Partial Sums Theorem 10.3.1.(Lin 1989) Suppose that {Xn} satisfies condition (i) in Theorem 10.2.1 and (ii/ there exists a non-decreasing continuous function H{x),x > 0, such that oo J2 P{H{\Xn\) > Μ < oo for any δ >0, (10.3.1) n=X Km" \ Σ E(H(\Xj\)^ < Μ < oo (10.3.2) j=n+l uniformly in η for any β < 1, χ~(2+Ί'Η(χ) is non-decreasing for some 7 > 0, (10.3.3) lim H(x/2)/H(x) > 0, (10.3.4) χ—>οο (Hi/ there exists an I > 1 + - such that φη — 0(n~l). Let {an} be a non-decreasing sequence of positive integers satisfying (a/ there exists such an a > 0 that a(invH(n))d < an < η where d = 2(i + l)/(l - 1). Then the conclusions of Theorem 10.2.1 remain true. Proof. The proof of the theorem is similar to that of Theorem 10.2.1. We outline the main differences. It is easy to verify that condition (10.3.1) can be replaced by 00 Σ Ρ{Η(\Χη\) > δηη} < oo (10.3.5) n=X for some δη | 0. Define Yn = X„/(|X„| < inv#(6nn))X = Yn-EYn,Tn = Σ Yi By (10.3.5) we have k=l P{XnyiYn,i.o.} = 0. (10.3.6) Without loss of generality we can choose δη such that η~ε = ο(δη) for any ε > 0. Prom this and using the conditions EXj = 0, (10.3.2) and (10.3.3),
10.3 How big are the increments when the moment generating functions do not exist?285 we have for all large n, n+fc n+fc « j=n+l j=n+lJ{Hy\Xi\>>Si3i <c Σ (6jj)-^E(H(\Xj\))^!+^ j=n+l « ϊίί 3+7 72+57+8 <c ς г**:ε(η(\χΑ))ί'2+6ί+8 j=n+l n+k 7^+5.57+8 . JL . 9 ι *. . ο Ι -V^ <cfc~6+7J J2 E(H(\Xj\)) 72+67+8 J л 7^+5.57+8 ^ννκ^ι^ ' / .7=71+1 <c№. (10.3.7) Consequently (10.2.8) is also equivalent to (10.2.12). Put h = l/(/ + 1)? Pn = [™Λ]>9η = [<*nPn], where an are positive numbers tending to zero slowly enough. Using conditions (iii)' and (a)', we obtain VqaNPaN(invH(6NN))2 <ca-lNa-Jlil-1\mvH(6NN))2 < ca-4mvH(6NN)/mvH(N))2. By condition (10.3.4) one can get mvH(6NN)/invH(N) —> 0 (see Lin and Lu, 1992, (2.3.12)). Hence ,we have VqaNPaN(H(6NN))2 -► 0, as N -+ oo. provided that αχ tends to zero slowly enough. Moreover the other conditions in Lemma 10.1.2 are also satisfied. Then we have (10.2.13) as well. The following proof is similar to that of Theorom 10.2.1, hence, is omitted. Remark 10.3.1. When / in condition (iii)' is large enough, i.e., φη tends to zero at a great rate, an can be 0((ιηνΗ(η))2+ε) for any given ε > 0. For an independent sequence, it is required that an > c(mvH(n))2/logn (see Lin 1987).
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Chapter 11 Strong Approximations for Mixing Random Fields Let {Xj,j G Nd} be a stationary mixing random field with EXj = 0. The various definitions of mixing have been given in Chapter 6. We shall also employ the notations .AciC Bd,C$, As, Α(δ), etc, which have been posed there. We define the partial-sum process by Sn(A) = Σ \nA n Cjl^j for any Л G Д (11.0.1) j where η = (nb · · · ,nd) G Nd,ib4 = {(rii^i, · · · ,ndxd), χ = {χι,-- ,xd) £ A}. The main subject of strong approximations of set-indexed processes is to establish a new probability space, on which there exists an independent identically distributed centered Gaussian field {lj,j G Nd} with covariance σ2 = EX\ + 2J2j ^-Xj+i-X"i> and without changing its joint distribution, the field {Xj,j G Nd} can be redefined on this new probability space, such that Dn = sup{X;MnCj|(Xj-yj)} = 0{nd'2-e) or 0{nd'2 (log n)-a) (α,ε>0), (11.0.2) under some conditions on A and {Xj}. Denote |n| = nin2·· "nd, if η = (ηι,···,η^), G^ = |n= (ni,---,nd), nj > Y[ ra£, i = 1,2, ·· · ,d|, (11.0.3) fc/г for 0 < β < 1. Berkes and Morrow (1981) first discussed the strong approximation for a weakly stationary α-mixing random field {Xj, j G Nd}. Suppose that
288 Chapter 11 Strong Approximations for Mixing Random Fields EXX = 0,£|Xi|2+* < oo for some δ > 0 and a{n) = 0(η-^1+ε^ι+2^). They proved that for any η G G/j and some λ > 0 sup |£(Xi - У0| = Odnl1/2^) a.s. (11.0.4) This result was improved by Strittmatter (1990), in which the condition "n G G/з" is left out and the following result is obtained: If Ss — 4 — 2δ Ν(ε) := Card(.A(e)) < ce~u, и < —— —- - 2, (11.0.5) d[4 + ο) 6(e) := sup{n'd\((nA)ne Π (пАс)П£)\ : Ле (J Αη, η > 1/ε} η>0 <ceh for some 0 < h < 1, (11.0.6) a(n) = 0(n~s) for some 5 > 1 + (17/2)d~1/(1 Λ δ), (H.0.7) then for some 7 > 0 sup J] Μ Π CjK-Xj - 15) = 0{ηάΙ2~Ί) a.s. (11.0.8) The class A of subsets in the above results which satisfies Ν(ε) < ce~u is the smaller subset class. Su (1992) proved a strong approximation for a (^-mixing strictly stationary random field with Η (ε) < οε~τ for some r > 0, and η G Ωβ. We shall introduce Su's results in Section 11.1 and Strittmatter's results in Section 11.2. 11.1 Strong approximations of a ^-mixing random field For simplicity, we only give the results for the case of d = 2. Theorem 11.1.1. (Su 1992) Let {Xj,j G N2} be a strictly stationary φ-mixing random field with EXj = 0 and JS|-Xj|2+* < 00 for some δ > 0. Suppose that the class A of subsets ofB2 satisfies (11.0.6) and the entropy condition Η(ε) < αε~τ for some 0 < r < 6/(4(1 + δ)), (11.1.1) and suppose that φ(χ) = 0(χ-(1) for some q> c ,* сч "2· (11.1.2) 0 — r[4 + 0)
11.1 Strong approximations of a </?-mixing random field 289 Then σ2 := EX2 + 2^2 EXiXv = O(l), (11.1.3) further, without changing the distribution of {Xj, j 6N2}, we can redefine the field {Xh j G N2} on a richer probability space together with an independent normal random field {Yj, j G N2} with EYj = 0, ΕΥ? = σ2, such that sup £ \nA П Cj|(Xj - Yj) = 0(|n|(log |η|)"σι) ο.*. (11.1.4) for every η € Gp,6/(2(2 + δ)) < β <l, where σι = a\(r,q,S) > 0. First, we prove the Bernstein inequality for a y-mixing random field. Lemma 11.1.1. Let {Xj, j G Nd} be а φ-mixing random field with EXj = 0, |-Xj| < Δη a.s.l < j < n. Denote ση = maxi<j<n ||-Xj||2· If Σ™=ι φ1/2(2η) < oo, then for any A £ Bd we have ρ{|ΣΜης,|χ,|>χη} < 2exp(c|n|v?jm) - axn + са2\пА\а2Л, (11.1.5) where xn > 0, m < ηιίηκκ^ί and 2damdAn < 1/2. Particularly, if a = l/(2d+1mdAn), then ρ{\Σ\ηΑΠθ№\>χη} rc\n\<p(m) _ xn c\nA\a* л ~ Pl md 2d+1mdAn ^ (2d+1mdAn)2 У Proof. Put N = (Nu · · · ,Nd) such that 2m(Ni - 1) < щ < 2mNi, г = 1, · · ·, d. Denote V = {(г>х, · · ·, υ a) : Vi = 1 or 2, г = 1, · · ·, d}. Define /v,k = Pi(l),«2(lj] x · · · x [h(d)Md)i ν G V, 1 < к < Ν, where ii(i) = {(2А;; + Vi - 3)ra + 1} Л nb b(i) = {MO + m - 1} Лтг^, г = 1,2, · · · ,d.
290 Chapter 11 Strong Approximations for Mixing Random Fields Moreover, denote l<k<N ^v,k = Σ \ηΑ η /v* n cjIxj' l<k<N S = 2j ^v, N· Note that еж < 1 + ж + ж2 if |ж| < 1/2 and 1 + χ < ex for any ж. Therefore if 2damdAn < 1/2, we have Eexp(2daAv,k) <exp((2da)2EAlik). By Lemmas 1.2.10 and 6.2.3 we have Eexp(2daBv,N) = Eexp(2da ^ ;4v,k) exp(2dai4v,N) k^N < Eexp(2da ^ A^Eexp(2daAViN) k^N + 2φ(τη)\\βχρ(2άαΑ^Ν)\\00Εβχρ(2άα ]T i4v,k) k/N (l + 2e1/VM)exp(c(2da)2| пАП IViN\a2n)Eexp(2da £ 4v,k) k/N < k^N < (1 + 2e1/VM)|N| exp(c(2da)2|ib4 η /ν|σ2) (11.1.6) where ||/(ж)||оо means the superior norm of f(x). Prom the convexity of an exponential function and (11.1.6), it follows that £exp(aS) < i Σ Eexp(2daB^ N) < (1 + 2e1/V(™))|N| exp(c(2da)2\nA\al). (11.1.7) Since |N| < (3/2)d\n\/md and (11.1.7) holds also true for £exp(-aS), we obtain (11.1.5) by the Markov inequality. Proof of Theorem 11.1.1.
11.1 Strong approximations of a </?-mixing random field 291 First, under the conditions of Theorem 11.1.1, it is easy to see that (11.1.3) holds true and lim E( J2 -Xj)2/|n| = cr2 < oo. (11.1.8) In order to prove (11.1.4) for any η G Ωβ,δ/{2 + δ) < β < 1, we shall use the truncation, nesting and blocking techniques in the following lemmas. 1. Truncation Take r small enough (specified later on), let χ] = ^/(|^|<υ|(1+τ)/(2+δ)), S'n(A) = Yi\nAnCi\X'y Lemma 11.1.2. We have sup \Sn(A) - S'n(A)\ = O(l) a.s. (11.1.9) Σ E\*i - X'j\ = 0(nd/(2+5)) a.s. (11.1.10) j<nl Proof. Since P{Xj φ Щ = P{\X-3\ > |j|(i+-)/(2+5)} < ciji-d+τ), we have P{Xj — X'\ φ 0, i.o.} = 0 by the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Thus for every η G N sup \Sn(A) - S'n(A)\ < Σ \Xi ~ Xjl < с < oo a.s. and A JGnl Σ вд -*ji < Σ (ij|"(1+t)(1+6)/(2+6)) = o(nd^2^). i<ni j<ni 2. Nesting For any given η = (nun2) G Gp,6/(2(2 + δ)) < β < 1, let α, b be least positive integers such that 2a > (loglnl)1^, 2b > |n|^r+5$f), (11.1.11) where r' > r is specified later on.
292 Chapter 11 Strong Approximations for Mixing Random Fields Lemma 11.1.3. We have sup\S'n(A) - S'n(A(2-b))\ = 0(\п\^-Щ аш8ш A Proof. For any A G Д, by conditions (11.0.6), (11.1.1) and (11.1.11), we have \S'a(A) - S'n(A(2-b))\ <Y\\nAnCi\-\nA(2-b)nCi\ 1+T < c\n\\A Δ A(2~b)\ · |n| w = 0(\n\^L~^}) \Y'\ lAjl \h(x—£h)\ Lemma 11.1.4. For every η G Gp sup \S'n(A(2-b)) - S'n(A(2-«))\ = 0(|n|2 (log |n|)^) a.s. AeA Proof. Take r, r' and τ' small enough such that Denote mj = [|n|4<2+*)2 2 ]. Sincen € G^, it is clear that ггц < щАп2,г = 1,2. On the other hand we have \X! -ЕЩ< 2|п|(1+г)/(2+г), j < η. Take Δη = 2|η|(1+τ)/(2+δ) in Lemma 11.1.1, we obtain P{\S'n{A{2-^))) - ^(Л(2-))| > H1/^-*} <Ρ{\Σ\η(Α(2-(^)\Α(2-*))\(Χ!-ΕΧ!)\ > \\n\^2~iT) j + P{|EK^(2~i)\^(2-(i+1)))|(X] -EX'})\ > \\η\^2-ίτ} < сехр(-с2{(г'-г)). (11.1.13)
11.1 Strong approximations of a </?-mixing random field 293 Therefore from (11.1.1) it follows that Σ P{sup \S'n(A(2-b)) - S'n(A(2-a))\ > \n\^(\og\n\)-^'} ^ Σ Σ Σ p{| W2-(i+1))) - адг-))! > н1^} neG^ г=а АеА Ь <cJ2 ^ехр(Я(2~') + Я(2~('+1))-с2'(Г,_Г)) <ос' ηζϋβ г=а which implies Lemma 11.1.4 by the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Let к = (fc(l),fc(2)) > 0, define tk = (tk(l),tk(2)) as follows: tk(l) = [exp(fc(l))-/4], tk(2) = [exp(fc(2))-/4], 0 < s < 1/2. For large η, η G Gp implies tk G Gp if tk + 1 < η < tk+i. Lemma 11.1.5. For tk G G^, we have sup max ^(A^)) - S'tк(А(2~а))\ = 0(|tk|1/2|l0g|tk|)-1/4) a.s. as |k| —> oo. Proof. Note that if tk < η < tk+1, А С [0, l]2, we have |гъ4 Δ tkA| < c|n|(ei + ε2), where ei = (ik+i(i) -*k(i))M» * = ^2· (11.1.14) Put mk = [^к|^2+^)|к|~51. If tk G Gp, we have mk < tk(l) Atk(2). Let Δη = 2|tk|(1+r)/(2+<5) in Lemma 11.1.1, we obtain P{\S'n(A{2-)) - S'tk(A(2-«))\ > \t^\k(l)'^ + A;(2)-/16)} <p{|^|(n^(2-a)\tk^(2-a))n j • Cj|(X] - ЕЩ)\ > J|tk|*(fc(l)-* + *(2)"*)} + P{\^2\(tkA(2~a)\nA(2-a))n j • Cj|(X] - EX!)\ > J|tk|*(fc(l)-* + *(2)"ft)} < cexp(-c(it(l)s/2 + &(2)*/2)). (11.1.15)
294 Chapter 11 Strong Approximations for Mixing Random Fields For tk £ G73, we have fc(l)-*/16 + к(2)-»/16 < cOogltkl)"1/4. It follows that £ Pisup sup \S'n(A(2-a)) tk€G0 ^eJtk<n<tk+1 -5ik(A(2-a))|>|tk|i(log|tk|)-i} <c Σ exp(2(log|tkl)^')|tk+1-tk| tkeG0 • ехр(-с(А;(1)в/2 + fc(2)s/2)) < oo. Lemma 11.1.5 is proved by the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Let Ri = [ti(l),tI+1(l)] χ [ί|(2),ίι+ι(2)]. For any A G n[Js>0As, define A* = \J{Ri : Ri П Α φ 0}, Л» = (J{#l : ^l С А}. It is clear that i, с i С # and if tk < η < tk+i we have |Л*\Л»| < c|n|(ei +£2), where E{ are defined by (11.1.14). Similarly, we have Lemma 11.1.6. For tk G G7?, we have sup max |£ |(tkA(2-a)\(tkA(2"a)),) η Cj|Xj| = 0(|tk|1/2(log|tk|)-1/4) o.e. a*|k|-.oo. 3. Blocking To estimate sup max |£ |(tkA(2-a))* Π C3\X3\ is the key to the remainder of the proof. Let u = (гх(1),гх(2)) > 0, Hu = {v G N2,tu + ι < ν < tu+1},0 < ρ < /3. Denote L = {u : Hu С Gp}, Я = (J Яи, uei. Au= (J {v€Hu:iu+1(z) г=1,2 - [exp(u(i)s/4/4)] < «i < iu+i(t)}·
11.1 Strong approximations of a (^-mixing random field 295 For tk G Gp, define t^ = (tf)(l),t^)(2)),p = 1,2, as follows: *k (m) = δτη,ρ min vm + (l- 6m,p)nm, m = 1,2, (11.1.16) νι=ηι,\ΐΙφτη where 5т?р = 1 if m = p; 6miP = 0 if m φ p. Put /1 = [о,^]и[о,^2)], h= (J #u\Au, We have (t<1)(l),t<!2)(2))<u<k /3 = U Δ«· uGL,u< к |Sl(tk4(2-e)).nCj|(Aj-Yj) j J + |^l(tkA(2-a)),n/1ncj|yj j + \£\(tkA(2-a)),m2nci\(xi-Yi) j + |^|(tkA(2-a)),n/3nCj|Xj j where lj will be specified below. Lemma 11.1.7. Forth £ @β, we have sup max IV |(tk^(2"a))* Π 1г П Cj|Xj| AG^tk<n<tk+ll j = 0(|tk|*(log |<*|)_σι) a.5. as |k| -> oo Proof. It is easy to see that sup max IV |(tk^(2"a))* П h П Cj|Aj Ae^tk<n<tk+il j <E|E№n/inCfjlxJ Kk j
296 Chapter 11 Strong Approximations for Mixing Random Fields Since 4X)(1) < ctk(2)P, tk2)(2) < ctk(l)P, we have iiLx)i/iiki<c|ik|-^-^2 and i42)i/iiki < c\tk\-w-^ for £k G Gp. By the Markov inequality and Lemma 6.2.3 it follows that p{E|E№n/incjl*j| > |tk|x/2(iog|tk|)-^} Kk j ^ Σ ^{|IZ l^in 7in CjI^jI ^ l*kl1/2(bg |tk|)-^ ikr1} Kk j <c^l^n/1|1+5/2/(|tk|1+fi/2((log|tk|)-^|k|-1)2+i) Kk < c|tkr^(^)((log|tk|Hk|)2+6. (11.1.17) Thus Lemma 11.1.7 holds true by the Borel-Cantelli lemma. Lemma 11.1.8. For tk G Gp, we have sup max \£ |(^Л(2"а))* П /3 П ОД = Ofltkl^logltkl)"*1) a.s. as |k| -> oo. (11.1.18) Proof. As in the proof of Lemma 11.1.7, we have sup AeA max I^Ktk^-^n/anCjIXj tk<n<tk+1l^ <Σ|Σΐβιη/3π^ι^ Kk j Denote Ди = Ди(1) |JAU(2), where Au(l) and Ди(2) are disjoint rectangles, such that |Ди(1)| =[ехрН1Г/4/4)]([ехр((и(2) + i)-/*)] -[ехр(К2)Г/4)]), |Δ»(2)| =[ехр(п(2)^4/4)]([ехр((«(1) + Ι)*'4)] -[ехр(Н1)Г/4)]).
11.1 Strong approximations of a </?-mixing random field 297 We have £ |Ди(1)| < ckilY-'HbWHbp), ueL u<k Σ |AU(2)| < ck(2)1-/4tk(2)1/4tk(l). uGL u<k Then, similarly to (11.1.17) in Lemma 11.1.7 we have p{E|Ei^n/3nCji^j|^itkil(bg|tkir<Ti} Kk j < cj; № η /si^^/iitk^+^ciiog itbD-^ikr1)2^) Kk <c\tk\-^^^\(log\tk\r\k\)2+e ■ (k(l)1-*/4 + k(2)1-s/4)1+S/2. (11.1.19) Lemma 11.1.8 holds true by the Borel-Cantelli lemma . 4. Constructions of {Xj} and {lj}. In order to construct random fields {Xj} and {lj}, we quote the following results without any proofs. Denote hu = Card((#u\Au) Π Ν2), Xu = Σ ХЖ/2· j(E#u\Au Proposition 11.1.1. (Berkes, Morrow 1981) Under the conditions of Theorem 11.1.1, there exists a £, 0 < t < 1 such that for any |ж| < h1^ we have \Eexp(ixXu) - exp(-aV)| < ch~K (11.1.20) Proposition 11.1.2. (Berkes, Philipp 1979) Let {Xk,k > 1} be a sequence of random variables with values in i?dfc, and let {Fk^k > 1} be a non-decreasing sequence of σ-fields such that Xk is .^-measurable . Finally, let {Gk,k > 1} be a sequence of probability distributions on Rdk with characteristic functions #fc(u),u £ Rdk, respectively. Suppose that for some non-negative numbers \к,$к and Tk > 108dk E\E{exp(i(u,Xk))\Tk} - 9k(n)\ < Xk (11.1.21)
298 Chapter 11 Strong Approximations for Mixing Random Fields for all u with |u| < Tk and Gk{u : |u| > l-Tk] < 6k. (11.1.22) Then without changing its distribution we can redefine the sequence {Xk, к > 1} on a richer probability space together with a sequence {Υ&, к > 1} of independent random variables such that Yk has distribution Gk and P{\Xk ~Yk\>ak}<ak к = 1,2, · · · (11.1.23) where αχ = 1 and afc = Ш^1 logTfc + 4λ*/2Τ^ + 6k. (11.1.24) Proposition 11.1.3. (Berkes, Philipp 1979) Let 5г,г = 1,2,3 be separable Banach spaces. Let F be a distribution on 5χ χ 52 and let G be a distribution on 52 x 5з such that the second marginal of F equals to the first marginal of G. Then there exist a probability space and three random variables Ζ^,ΐ = 1,2,3 defined on it such that the joint distribution of Z\ and Z<i is F and the joint distribution of Z<i and Z3 is G. Let (ц '(1),40 (2)) be large enough such that for any u G Lq := {u G b,u > (4^(1),4о}(2))}' there exists a P' > ° satisfying tu+i(l)-iu(l)-[exp(u(l)-/4/4)] > (iu+i(2) " *u(2) - [exp(u(2)5/4/4)])P\ ^u+l(2)^u(2)-[exp(u(2)5/4/4)] > (Wi(l) " ^u(l) " [exp(u(ir/4/4)])p/. Put φ is a one to one correspondence from {1,2, · · ·} to Lq, denote φ{1) = {φι(/), V^C))· By Proposition 11.1.1, there exists a i, 0 < ί < 1 such that for any |ж| < h1,,* we have \Eexp{ixXm) - exp(-aV/2)| < сЛ"^. (11.1.25) On the other hand, since h^^ = 0(|^(j)|), for any \x\ < h1,^ we have Xi(x) := Ε\Ε{βχρ(ίχΧφ{ι))\Χφ(1),- · · ,Хф(1_г)} -exp(aV/2)| < Ε\Ε{βχρ(ίχΧψ(1))\Χψ(1),···,Χψ(1_1)} - Еехр(гхХф(1))\ + \Εβχρ(ίχΧψ(ΐ)) ~ ехр(а2ж2/2)| < ch-^ + 2π^([βχρ(^ι(/)β/4/4)] Λ [exp(V>2(/)s/4/4)]) <c\4(l)\~t0
11.1 Strong approximations of a ^-mixing random field 299 by the property of (^-mixing, where to = min(£, pq/8). Put t' < to/2, Τι = Цт\*\ λι = |ίψ(0|-*°, δι = Ν(0,σ2){χ : \χ\ > Τι/4}, щ = 16Tz_1logTz + 4А*/27) + 6h By Proposition 11.1.2, without changing its distribution we can redefine the sequence {Χψ^} on a richer probability space together with a sequence {Υψ(ΐ)} of independent normal random variables such that ΕΥψη\ = σ2 and P{\Xm-Ym}\>ai}<ai. (11.1.26) Moreover, by Proposition 11.1.3, there exist two random fields {Xj, j G N2} and {Yj, j G N2} on a richer probability space such that the distribution of {Xj,j G №} is not changed and {lj,j G №} are independent centered normal random variables with ΕΥ? = σ2, and further P{h 1/2 £ (Aj-Yj)|>a,}< Oil. Obviously we have Σι оц < oo, which implies Ι Σ }еНф(1)\Аф(1) £ (X,-yj)| = O(a,fcJ[20) a.s. (11.1.27) (11.1.28) Note that I2 = U(t(D(1)t(2)(2))<u<ic-fifu\Au. Take tk G ϋβ such that *k )(1) ^ 'if)(1)'*k2)(2) ^ 42)(2)· Then for еуегУ A G Λ and some *" > ° we have I^Ktk^-jj.n^nCjKAj-Yj) < Σ | Σ м-*) (i^1)(l)42)(2))<U<k J<E#u\au < Σ *k V-(i)<k,t/>j(0>ti!)(i),i=i,2 а'лУ(/) < c\tk\ 1/2-t" a.s. (11.1.29) For the random field {Yj} which defined in (11.1.27), we define K' like
300 Chapter 11 Strong Approximations for Mixing Random Fields and Xj, then for tk < η < tk+i, A e Awe have |£|nAnCj|(X,-yj)| j <\^\nAnCs\(Xs-X!) J J j where I^MnCjKxj-y/) j < |Σ Ι Μ П Cj| - \nA(2-b) П Cj| \(Χ! - Υ/) j + \£ Ι |пА(2-ь) П Cj| - \пА(2~а) П Cj| \(Χ! - У/) J + \£ Ι |ηΑ(2-) η σ,| - Μ(2-) n Cj| |(Xj - У/) j + \£ \(tkA(2-°)\(tkA(2-a))* П CjKX] - У/) j + |£|(ikA(2-«))»nC'j|(Xj-yj) j (11.1.30) |£|(ikA(2-e)),nCj|(Xj-Yj) j ^I^Kik^-^n/xnCjKXj-yj) j + |£ |(ikA(2—)), П/2П Cj|(Aj - Yj) j + |^l(^(2-a))*n/3ncj|(xj-yj) (11.1.31) It is clear that Lemmas 11.1.2-11.1.8 also hold true for the independent normal random field {lj,j EN2}. Then Theorem 11.1.1 is proved from these lemmas and (11.1.29)-(11.1.31).
11.2 Strong approximations of a a -mixing random fields 301 11.2 Strong approximations for a-mixing random fields The strong approximation results for α-mixing random fields were given by Strittmatter (1990) for a smaller class of sets with Ν(ε) < ce~u for some и > 0 and the condition "n G Gp" was left out. Theorem 11.2.1. Let {Xj,j G Nd} be a weakly stationary a-mixing random field of Rq-valued random vectors with EX$ = 0. Put ||Xj||2 = (Χ?χ Η h X?) and suppose that there are positive constants C{ > 0, г = 1, · · · ,4, such that ЕЩ\\2+6 < Cu for every j G Nd and some δ > 0, (11.2.1) a(t) < C2t~s for some s > 1 + 2(17/2)^-7(1 Λ δ), (11.2.2) £s — 4 — 2δ Ν (ε) < C3e~u for some и < —— — - 2, (11.2.3) α(4 + о) 6(e) := sup{n-d\((nA)n£ Π (ηΑ°)ηε)\ : A G (J Д,, η > 1/ε} Τ7>0 < C4 ε*1 /or some 0 < h < 1. (11.2.4) Рг/* r(j) = Cov(Xj,Xj). Then the series d jgz· converges absolutely and Τ is a non-negative definite matrix. Furthermore, without changing its joint distribution, we can redefine the field {Xk,k G Nd} on a richer probability space together with a field {lk>k £ Nd} of i.i.d. centered Gaussian random vectors with covariance matrix Τ such that for some 7 = j(u, s, d, /ι, 5, Ν(ε)) we have sup I ]T |nAnCj|(-Xj - Yj)| = 0(ηά/2~Ί) a.s. (11.2.5) The proof of Theorem 11.2.1 will need the following lemmas.
302 Chapter 11 Strong Approximations for Mixing Random Fields Lemma 11.2.1. Let {Xh j G №*} be an α-mixing random field with £Xj=0, £||Xj||2+6 < CX and OO C0 = Σ га-га(г)6К2+6) < oo. (11.2.6) r=l Then for 0 < dj < 1, j G Nd, where only finitely many j such that dj φ 0, we have Ε\\Σ dixsf ^ c Έ dh jGNd JGNd w/iere С = (1 + ^З^С^2^. Proof. By Lemma 1.2.4 we have ||£AjXk|| < 10a(d(j,k))i/(2+6)||Xj||2+5||Xk||2+i = 10aKJ,k))i/(2+*)C12/(2+5), where d(j,k) = maxi<i<d |ji — fct-|. Lemma 11.2.1 is proved. Lemma 11.2.2. Letf {^j,j G Nd} be α weakly stationary a-mixing random field with EX$ = 0, ||-Xj|| < Μ < oo and satisfying (11.2,6). Let Di,Z)2,···, Dq,Dk — (n& — 2р1,щ], be mutually disjoint cubes with nk G 2pNd for some fixed ρ G N. Le* 0 < dj < 1, j G Nd. Put D= \jDk Fk= £ dj, F=£dj. fc=l jGDfcHN^ j££> Then for every К > 0 we have ^{||E^j||>2"+1^} < c{K-2M2F2a{p)+p2dC-2MAa{p) + exp(-K2/(8CF)) + exp^-^tf/M^), where С is defined as in Lemma 11.2.1. This lemma is a generalization of Theorem 4 in Philipp (1984). The proof follows closely by his lines, and hence is not given here. Proof of Theorem 11.2.1. Prom (11.2.3) it follows that there exist positive numbers r and ζ such that ζ < \ — }^ц and u < .С'~' - 2. (11.2.7) «2 + 5T«)
11.2 Strong approximations of a a -mixing random fields 303 Define for j G Ц = Х>1(\\Х>\\<\з\(1+тШ2+% Aj - Aj - il/Aj, Aj - Aj - Aj. For a constant β specified later define m ф{т) = ]Г ^ m G N. (11.2.8) fc=i Assume that m and η are linked by ф{т) < η < ф(т + 1). (11.2.9) For г = (γι, · · ·, r<i) G Ν01, write Rr = {(νι, · · ·, u<*) € i?J. : ψ(η) <Vi< ψ(π + 1),t < d}. For А С R% П Bd let Λ»= (J Д,. йгСА and for AeBdn [0, l]d J 5η(Λ) = χ;|ηΛησι|Χί, j j We introduce the following result of Berkes and Morrow (1981) without proof. Proposition 11.2.1. Let {£j,j G Nd} be a weakly stationary admixing random field with ££ = 0, £||<j||2+* < oo, a(t) = o(t-d(1+e)(1+2/*)). Denote d οθ= f)tieNd:u^Uiih o<0<i. к=1 1фк Then the series a2 = u# + 2£>6£j
304 Chapter 11 Strong Approximations for Mixing Random Fields converges absolutely. Without loss of generality, assume that σ2 = 1. Furthermore without changing the distribution of {£j}, we can redefine the sequence {£j,j G Nd} on a richer probability space together with a random field {?7j,j G Nd} of i.i.d. centered Gaussian random variables with Ε η? = 1 such that for any η G Gq we have sup Σ & - Σ %ll = °(H1/2"A) a-s- (11.2.10) l<m< n"k<m k<m where λ > 0 depends only on the field {£j}. Now we take θ = l/(8d — 1) and denote G = G1/(M-i), L = {r G Nd : (φ(π), ■■·, ф(га)) € G}. By Proposition 11.2.1, we have a random field {Yj, j G Nd} of i.i.d. centered Gaussian random variables with BY? — 1 such that Σ ||Σ№-^)| = °(^/2"71) a-s- reL jeRr Уг,ф(г{)<п for some 71 > 0. Denote i5' = ^(lli3ll<lil(1+T)/(2+i)). Tn(A) = J2\nAnCi\Yh J j i/;(A) = ^l(nA\(n^)nCj|y/. j Then for к > 0(specified later on) we have |£Mncj|(Xj-Yj)| J = \\Sn(A)-Tn(A)\\ < \\Sn(A) - Sn(A)\\ + \\SQ(A) - S n(A(n-K))\\ + \\Vn(A(n-«))\\ + \\Tn(A)-T>n(A)\\ + \\T'a(A) - T'n(A(n-«))\\ + \\K(A(n-«))\\ + Σ (\\Х}-Х}\\ + \\У*-Г}\\) l<j<nl + |^l(nA(n-'c))*ncj|(xj-yj)| (11.2.11) =: hi + I\2 + Лз + hi + /22 + hz + h + h- (11.2.12)
11.2 Strong approximations of a a -mixing random fields 305 Prom Lemma 11.1.2 it follows that /n V hi V h = 0(nd/(2+V). (11.2.13) From Lemma 11.1.3 it follows that I\2 V /22 = 0{ndl2-^) (11.2.14) where 72 = к - d(\ + r)/(2 + δ) - d/2 > 0. In order to estimate /13,/23 and I4, we need the following lemmas. Lemma 11.2.3. There exist d\\ + |+f ) < к < d, 7', 7" > 0 suc/i </ia£ /or anj/ η G N we /ιουβ Ρ{διιρ(||^η(Α(η-κ))|| : Λ(η~Λ) G Λ(η"")) > cnd/2-7'} < сгГ1^". Proof. Put ρ = [n<], for fixed Л G BdП [0, l]d cover (nA)\(nA)* with cubes in i?+ with length of edges equal to 2p and of the form explained in Lemma 11.2.2; as there let D be the union of these cubes. For j G Nd let dj = |((ib4.)\(ib4)*)nCj|. Then by (11.2.4) we have F= Σ^ = |(ηΛ)\(ηΑ),| < ndb((ip(m + 1) - ф(т))/п) < cnd-h(ip(m + 1) - ^(m))h < cnd-hnhW+V = cnd-\ (11.2.15) where 7 = Η/{β + 1). There is a 7' > 0 such that 7' < 7/2 and τΜΙ-ϊϊΗ)· (11·2·16) Then by Lemma 11.2.1, (11.2.15) and Lemma 11.2.2, we have Р{\\ЩА)\\ > cndl^'} < c(n-d+2'('M2F2a(p)+p2dM4a(p) ( nd~2A ( οηάΙ2-Ί\χ
306 Chapter 11 Strong Approximations for Mixing Random Fields Since Μ = 2И1+г)/(2+*), ρ ~ η<, we have P{\\Vn{A)\\>cndl2^'} , 1 + r f -ά+2Ί'+2ά- -+2d-27-<s <c[n 2 + ό 1+r 2<*<+4d——-<s + n 2 + ό , 1+r / / \ / d/2-~f'-d c-d£\\ + expi -cn~21 +7J + expi -en 2 + ό J J , 1 + r. <сп К 2 + 5У. (11.2.17) There exist θ and к with 0 < θ < ζβ - 1 - d(l + ^ +J )> d(s + 5+£) < к < d and 0/я = u. We multiply both sides of (11.2.17) by N(n~K) < cnKU = en6 and obtain P{ sup \\ЩА(п-"))\\ > cndl2-^') L A(n~«) } 1 + r θ-ζ8+2{1+ά—--) <cn * + о -l-V = en 7 . The proof of Lemma 11.2.3 is completed. Lemma 11.2.4. If in (11.2.8) β > 6d then P{ Σ Ι Σ X i\\ > nd/2"1/16} < cm~2, (11.2.18) г£Ь,<ф(п)<п jeR r where η and m are linked by (11.2.9), hence by the Borel-Cantelli lemma Σ | Σ Xi\ = 0(ndl2-l'w) a.s. (11.2.19) т£Ь,ф(п)<п jeЯ r Proof. For r $. L with ф{г{) < η, г = 1, · · ·, d we have by definition of L for some г < d, ф{п)ы < Π?=ι Φ(η) < nd, hence <ψ(η) < η1/8. And therefore Card(R r П Nd) < n1/8 · nd~l = nd-7/8. Furthermore we have Card{< : t G N,^(t) < n} < Card{i : i G N,ci^+1 < n} < cn1/(/3+1), Card{r:r €Nd,V(ri) < n,i = 1, · · · ,d} < en <*/(/?+!)
11.2 Strong approximations of a a -mixing random fields 307 By Lemma 11.2.1 and the Chebyshev inequality this implies p{ Σ || Σ *j|>nd/2-1/16} r£L,<0(74)<n jeR г <cnd№+1) max P\\\ V X Jl > cn*~™~eTi < СП^1 · η 8 α+8 + /3+1 3 ■ 3d = СП 4^/3+1 < cm~2. Lemma 11.2.4 is proved. Prom Lemma 11.2.3 it follows that I13 V /2з = 0(ηά/2~Ί'). Finally since '4< Σ Ι Σ &}-Υ})\\ veL^(ri)<n jeR г + Σ \\Σ(χί-γί) г£Ь,ф(г{)<п jeR г we have I4 = 0{nd'2-^) a.s. by Lemma 11.2.4 and (11.2.11). Therefore the proof of Theorem 11.2.1 is completed.
Part IV Statistics of a Dependent Sample The limit behavior of various kinds of statistics with a dependent random sample have been studied by many authors since the sixties. We shall introduce some of them in this part. We first introduce weak convergence and strong approximations of an empirical process with a mixing dependent sample in Chapter 12. The limit behavior of U-statistics, estimations of error variance in a linear model and estimations of density function with a mixing dependent sample are discussed in Chapter 13. We investigate in Chapter 14 the asymptotic fluctuation behavior of sums of other kinds of dependent random variables, such as lacunary trigonometric series, a Gaussian sequence and the additive functional of a Markov process.
Chapter 12 Empirical Processes Let {Xn,n > 1} be a sequence of random variables with a common distribution function F. Then the empirical distribution function Fn of Xu---,Xn is defined by Fn(t) = η"1 Σ?=ι J(xi < *)> ~°° < x < °°· The nth empirical process βη is defined by Pn(t) = y/n(Fn(t) - F(t)), -oo < t < oo. (12.0.1) If F is continuous, then Un := F(Xn) for all η > 1 are uniformly distributed over [0,1]. The corresponding empirical process is <*n(t) = y/n(En(t) - t), 0 < t < 1, (12.0.2) where the empirical distribution function 1 n £?n(i) = Fn(mvF(t)) = ~Tl(Ui<t), 0<t< 1. (12.0.3) ηΤΞ[ Thus, in term of JJ{ = F{X{), г = 1, · · ·, η, we have for any continuous F {/3n(invF(t)), 0 < t < 1} = {an(t), 0 < t < l}, η = 1,2, · · ·. (12.0.4) This implies that all theorems proved for an will hold automatically for βη as well, simply by letting у = F(x) in (12.0.4). So we shall mainly concern with uniform empirical process an in this Chapter. In the independent case, it is well-known that an => В as η —► oo (12.0.5) where В is a Brownian bridge. The strong approximations of {c*n(·)} by a sequence of Brownian bridges were discussed by Komlos-Major-Tusnady (1975). They showed that without changing the distribution of {αη(£), η > 1}, one can redefine the {an(£)} on a richer probability space together with a sequence {Bn} of independent Brownian bridges such that sup \an(t) -Bn(t)| = 0(n~1/2 log n) a.s.. (12.0.6) o<t<i
312 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes For a strictly stationary sequence {Un,n > l}, the conditions, under which (12 0.5) and (12.0.6) also hold true, have been given by many mathematicians. This chapter is organized as follows. We shall introduce the best results of weak convergence of empirical processes when the sample is mixing dependent in Section 12.1. The weighted weak convergence for empirical processes of a-mixing and p-mixing sequences will be established in Section 12.2. The strong approximations for empirical processes with a mixing sample by Gaussian processes will be introduced in Section 12.3 and the moduli of continuity of empirical processes when the sample is mixing dependent will be studied in Section 12.4. 12.1 Weak convergence Let {Un,n > 1} be a sequence of strictly stationary random variables uniformly distributed over [0,1], denote oo R(s,t) = sAt-st + Y^ E{[I(Uk <s)- s][/([/x < t) - t] + [Wi < a) - s][I(Uk < t) - t}}. (12.1.1) When {Un} is α-mixing, the series in (12.1.1) converges absolutely if Σηα(η) < oo by Lemma 1.2.1. The weak convergence of empirical processes {an(t),0 < t < 1} of {Un} has been discussed by some scientists. For an insightful view of this subject we refer to Billingsley (1968), Sen (1971, 1974), Yoshihara (1975, 1978) and Shao (1986), etc, until now the best results are due to Shao (1986). 12Λ Λ Weak convergence for a φ-mixing sample Theorem 12.1.1. Let {Un,n > 1} be α sequence of strictly stationary φ-mixing random variables uniformly distributed over [0,1], and let an(t) = V^(En(t) - t). (12.1.2) If the series of (12.1.1) converges absolutely and oo $>х/2(2") < oo, (12.1.3) n=l then we have an=>Y inD[0,1],
12.1 Weak convergence 313 where Υ = {Y(t),0 < t < 1} is a Gaussian process with EY(t) = 0, EY(s)Y(t) = R(s,t). Proof. For any given t £ [0,1], αη(ί) = -7=Σ(/(Χ*^')-*)· У71 4.-1 By Corollary 4.1.1, an(t) converge to Y(t) in distribution and it is easy to see that the finite dimensional distributions of an converge to the corresponding finite dimensional distributions of Y. In order to prove the tightness of {an}, we need only to show that for any ε > 0, η > 0 there exists a <5,0 < δ < 1, such that for any 5,0 < 5 < 1 — 5, and large n P{ sup \an(t) - an(s)\ > 4ε} < ηδ. (12.1.4) s<t<s+6 For 0 < 5 < t < 1 denote & = (1(Щ < t) - t) - {1{Щ < s) - s) = I(s < Ui<t)~ (t-s). We have Εξι = 0, |6| < 1, Eg = t - s - (t - s)2 < t - 5. From Lemma 2.2.2 and Lemma 2.2.8 it follows that E\an(t)-an(s)\4<±E(JT,tj)4 3 = 1 <C(t-s)2 (12.1.5) for some С > 0. Let ρ be a positive number such that ε/π < p. Consider the random variables an(s + ip) — an(s + (г — l)p), г = 1,2, · · ·, m. From Theorem 12.2 of Billingsley (1968) we have P{ max \an(s + ip) - an(s)\ > \\ < ~rjm2p2 (12.1.6) ^0<i<m J ελ where constant К depends only on φ(·). For 5 < t < s + p, we have \<*n(t) - an(s)\ < \an(s +p) - an(s)\ + pyfti, (12.1.7) which implies sup \an(t) - an(s)\ s<t<s+pm < sup {\an(t) - an(s + ip)\ + |an(5 + ip) - an{s)\] s<t<s+pm < 3max \an(s + ip) — an(s)\ +py/n. (12.1.8) i<m
314 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes If ε/η<ρ< ε/ν/η, from (12.1.6) and (12.1.8) it follows that {K sup \an(t) - an(s)\ > 4ε} < -,т2р2. (12.1.9) s<t<s+pm J ε Take δ such that Κδ/ε5 < η. For large n there exists an m such that (δ/ε)^η <m< (δ/ε)π and mp = δ. It follows from (12.1.8) and (12.1.9) that (12.1.4) holds true. The proof of Theorem 12.1.1 is completed. Corollary 12.1.1. Let {Un,n > 1} be a sequence of strictly stationary p-mixing random variables uniformly distributed over [0,1]. If the series in (12.1.1) converges absolutely and Υ^=ιΡ{^η) < oo, then an =>Y. Remark 12.1.1. In the case of a p-dimensional sample (p > 2), the result of Theorem 12.1.1 is also true. Remark 12.1.2. The Glivenko-Cantelli theorem, i.e. almost sure convergence of empirical processes of mixing sequences, is an immediate consequence of the results in Sections 8.3—8.5. For example, from Corollary 8.3.1 we have Proposition 12.1.1. Let {Xn, > 1} be a sequence of (^-mixing random variables with a common continuous distribution F(x). Then for any θ > 0, ε > 0 oo Σ P{\Fn(x) - F(x)\ > еп-^2+в} < oo, 71=1 that is to say the rate of convergence in the Glivenko-Cantelli theorem is given as follows: \Fn(x) - F(x)\ = ο(η-χ/2+θ) a.s. When the sample is /o-mixing or α-mixng, there is the similar results under certain conditions. 12.1.2 Weak convergence for an α-mixing sample Theorem 12.1.2. Let {Un,n > 1} be α sequence of strictly stationary α-mixing random variables uniformly distributed over [0,1] and a{n) = 0(n-r) r > 2. (12.1.10) Then an => Y. By the following lemmas, from the proof of Theoem 12.1.1 it follows that Theorem 12.1.2 holds true.
12.1 Weak convergence 315 Lemma 12.1.1. Let {ξη·>η > 1} be a sequence of strictly stationary a- mixing random variables with |£i| < 1 a.s., Εξι = 0, Εξ\ = τ, Ε\ξχ\ = 2τ and satisfying (12.1.10). Put Sn = Σ"=1 fj. Suppose that r > 2 is a non- integer and m = 2k, where к is an integer, satisfies r — 1 < ra < r + 1. Then we have (m-2)/2 E\Sn\m<c Σ (ηί+1τ"1+*—^^ (12.1.11) t=0 where [r] - 1 < rB\ < r - 1, вк = 0\ ~ (k - l)/r, к = 1, · · ·, [r]. Proof. By (12.1.10) and the definition of 0fc, we have oo J2(i + l)*-1*1"^*) < oo, (12.1.12) t=0 for к = 1, · · ·, [r]. Let Ση(*Λ be a summation for ii, · · ·, i& > 0, ii + · · · + ik < n, and Ση/м be a summation for ii, · · ·, %k > 0, г\Л h г& < η and i\ = maxi<j<fc ij, where / = 1, · · ·, fc; fc = 1,· · ·, [r]. Denote Ση(*)= Ση(Λ)ΐ£7^ι^+« •••^ι+···+ΰΐ· Note that for any even d, by the stationarity, we have E\Sn\d < άΙηΣ^^Εζοξ* ■ •·ξίι+...+ίΛ-1\. (12-1.13) From Lemma 1.2.5 and (12.1.12) we have Ση(1)|^ο£ύΙ < 6 Σ ах-^{чУ- <ств\ (12.1.14) Ип(2)\Е^г^г1+г2\ < {Ση(2) + Έη(2)}\Ε^ξήξή+ί2\ < 6 £ (ή + lja1"*» (ixjr* + 6 £ (г2 + 1)^-^(12)7^ ii=0 гг=0 <Οτ"2. (12.1.15) Next we prove Ρ-1)/2] En(k)<c Σ nV*+*-« (12.1.16) г=0
316 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes for к = 1,2,···,[γ] by the induction. Prom (12.1.14) and (12.1.15) it follows that (12.1.16) holds true for к = 1,2. Assume that (12.1.16) holds true for к — 1, 2 < к — 1 < [r], we show that (12.1.16) also holds true for k. Note that у <yw +... + y{k) E(1i<6E(?,y_6,fc(4)^ η ii=0 Similarly, ^jj^ < cr**. For 2 < / < A; - 1, F(/L<6r('L«1"eb(ii)^b =: h + h- We also have I\ < ствк. By the induction and stationarity we have [{1-2)12} t(fc-'-D/2] г=0 j=0 < c y^ n*+i+ir(«+j+i)^i+^-2(i+i+i) 0<i<[bl],0<j<[*^=l] 2 J 5 ^^J^L 2 [(*-l)/2] г=1 < С Σ nV*i+'*-2i Thus (12.1.16) holds true for A; = l,2,---,[r]. From (12.1.13), (12.1.16) and noting m — 1 < [r] we complete the proof of Lemma 12.1.1. Lemma 12.1.2. If the conditions of Lemma 12.1.1 are satisfied with 2 < r < 3, then ES* < c(nA~r + η2τ2θι). (12.1.17) Proof. From Lemma 1.2.5 and (12.1.14) we have 21=0
12.2 Weighted weak convergence 317 Similarly J2%) < <™3_Γ· And by (12.1.16) we have <c(n3-r + nr2^). Combining these inequalities with (12.1.13) yields (12.1.17). Now Theorem 12.1.2 can be proved along the similar lines to that of Theorem 12.1.1 by applying Lemma 12.1.2 instead of Lemma 2.2.2 and Lemma 2.2.8. Remark 12.1.3. In the case of a p-dimensional sample (p > 2), by using Lemma 12.1.1, the result of Theorem 12.1.2 is also true if r > ρ + 1 when ρ is even; r > p2/(p — 1) when ρ is odd. Remark 12.1.4. The weak convergence of partial-sum processes and empirical processes with random indexes has been discussed by some scientist. For this subject we refer to Renyi (1958, 1960), Billingsley (1968 §17), Aldous (1978) and Lu (1984), etc. We enumerate only a result without proof for the weak convergence of empirical processes with random indexes as follows: Let {an,n > 1} be a sequence of empirical processes as in Theorem 12.1.2 and let {rn,n > 1} be a sequence of positive integer-valued random variables on the same probability space. Suppose that an => У, where Υ is a Gaussian process and {rn} satisfies # Ρ Τη/Π ► T, where r is a positive random variable. Then we have a Tn 12.2 Weighted weak convergence Let q be a positive weight function on (0,1), i.e. inf^^!-^ q(t) > 0 for all 0 < δ < 1/2, and define the weighted uniform empirical processes as {ctn(t)/q(t),0 < t < 1}. When {Un,n > 1} is a sequence of independent random variables uniformly distributed on [0,1], the weighted weak convergence of empirical processes has been intensively studied in recent years. For an insightful view of this subject we refer to M. Csorgo, S. Csorgo, Horvath and Mason (1986a), Shorack and Wellner (1986) and
318 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes Csorgo and Horvath (1993), etc. We restate a theorem of M. Csorgo, S. Csorgo, Horvath and Mason (1986a) as follows. A shorter and more direct proof was given by Csorgo and Horvath (1993 Chapter 4). Theorem 12.2.1. Assume that q is positive and continuous on (0,1), and is nondecreasing in a neighborhood of 0 and nonincreasing in a neighborhood of 1. Then I(q, A) := £ j^^—j exp(-\q2(t)/(t(l - t)))dt < oo (12.2.1) for all λ > 0 if and only if, as η —> oo an/q => B/q in D[0,1]. (12.2.2) There are only a few studies concerned with the weighted weak convergence for empirical processes of a dependent sequence. In the latter case the limit process is changed from being a Brownian bridge, due to the appearence of covariances among observations (cf. (12.1.1)). Shao and Yu (1995) studied the weighted weak convergence for empirical processes of strictly stationary observations under mixing and associated dependence assumptions. We only introduce the case of mixing dependence here. First we give the following basic theorem. Theorem 12.2.2. Let {Un,n > 1} be a strictly stationary sequence of uniform-[0, 1] random variables. Assume that for all 0 < s,t < 1 and η > 1 we have (Al) E\an(t) - an(s)\P < Cx{\t - s\^ + n~^l2\t - s|ri) for some Cx > 0,p > 2, pi > 1, 0 < ri < 1 andp2 > 1 - rx; (A2) E(an(t)-an(s))2 < C2\t-s\r2 for some C2 > 0 andO < r2 < 1. // we have an=>Y in L>[0,1] (12.2.3) with the Gaussian process Y(-) defined as in § 12.1, then an/q=>Y/q mL>[0,l], (12.2.4) where q is a weight function such that for some С > 0 and β > 1/2 q{t) > C(t(l - *)Hlog l/(t(l - ΐ)))β for all0<t<l (12.2.5) and . (Pi П +Р2 Г2\ nooa\ μ = ταιη[—,—■ ,—). (12.2.6) V ρ ρ + p2 2 /
12.2 Weighted weak convergence 319 Remark 12.2.1. By using a standard argument (cf. Theorem 12.2 and (22.18) in Billingsley 1968), one can easily verify that {an(£),0 <t< 1} is tight by condition (Al). Hence to show (12.2.3), one needs only to prove that any finite dimensional distribution of {an(t)} converges to that of {^(t)} and the series in (12.1.1) converges absolutely. Remark 12.2.2. The weight function q used in Theorem 12.2.1 is usually called a Chibisov-O'Reilly weight function. If we write q(t) = (t(l - t)loglog(l/(t(l - £))))1/2#(£), then, necessarily, g(t) -► oo as t -► 0 or t —► 1. Thus the weight function q in (12.2.5) can be compared to a Chibisov-O'Reilly weight function by taking μ in (12.2.6) close to 1/2 or exactly 1/2 for properly chosen p,p\,Pi,r\, an(i r2· In fact, Theorems 12.2.3 and 12.2.4 below show this possibility of taking μ = 1/(2 + ε) for some ε > 0 in the case of mixing sequences. In particular our sharpest rate with μ = 1/2 is obtained for p-mixing under a stronger mixing decay rate. In most cases, however, μ < 1/2. We note in passing that if for a general weight function q we have /0 l/q2(t)dt < oo, then we have (12.2.1) as well for all λ > 0, i.e., q is then necessarily a Chibisov-O'Reilly weight function. Remark 12.2.3. If μ = (rx + рг)/(р + P2) < min(pi/p,r2/2) in (12.2.6), then from the proof of Theorem 12.2.2, one can relax the restriction on β from β > 1/2 to β > l/(p + P2) = (1 — μ)/(ρ — r\). Moreover, in the case of μ > l/(p+l — Γχ), one can use a simple sufficient condition Jo l/q1/fI(t)dt < 00 to replace (12.2.5). A direct application of Theorem 12.2.2 is to obtain weak convergence for integral functionals of an. For example, we consider the integral functional Δη(ί) = / an(s)dQ(s) = [ fin(invF(s))dQ(s), 0 < t < 1 Jo Jo and its approximating Gaussian counterpart A(t) = [ Y(s)dQ(s), 0 < t < 1, (12.2.7) Jo where Q(s) = invF(s) is the quantile function of distribution function F of X (recalling (12.0.4)). The function A(t) plays a central role in weak approximation theory for empirical total time on test, mean residual life, empirical Lorenz and Goldie concentration processes which are of interest in reliability and economic concentration theories, (cf. e.g., M. Csorgo, S. Csorgo, Horvath and Mason 1986b).
320 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes Corollary 12.2.1. Under the conditions of Theorem 12.2.2, if [\t(l - t)r (log l/(t(l - t))fdQ{t) < oo, (12.2.8) then Δη=>Δ in £>[0,1]. Remark 12.2.4. Let F be the distribution function of a random variable X. Then condition (12.2.8) is sightly stronger than the existence of the (l//i)-th moment of X. This is not necessarily true conversely, but E\X\ll»(\og(l + |χ|))(ι+/3)/μ+* < oo5 With any δ > 0, implies (12.2.8). Theorem 12.2.2 enables us to establish weighted weak convergence for empirical processes of a stationary mixing sequence. Theorem 12.2.3. Let {Un,n > 1} be a strictly stationary a-mixing sequence of uniform-[0, 1] random variables. If a(n) = 0(η-θ-£) (12.2.9) for some θ > 1 + л/2 and ε > 0, then we have an/q=>Y/q in D[0,1] for q satisfying q(t) > C(t(l - ί))(1~1/^)/2 for some С > 0. Theorem 12.2.4. Let {Un,n > 1} be a strictly stationary p-mixing sequence of uniform-[0, 1] random variables. Suppose that the series in (12.1.1) converges absolutely. If oo ]T,9(2n) <oo, (12.2.10) n=l then for any ε > 0 we have an/q=>Y/q in L>[0,1] for q satisfying q(t) > C(t(l - t))1/^) for some С > 0. Iff in addition, oo Σ PVp(2n) < oo (12.2.11) n=l for some ρ > 2, then we have an/q => Y/q in D[0, l]
12.2 Weighted weak convergence 321 for q satisfying q(t) > C(t{\ - i))1/2(bg l/(i(l - ί)))β for some С > 0 and β > 1/2. Corollary 12.2.2. Under the conditions of Theorem 12.2.3, if Γ Ixf^-WdFix) < oo, J — OO then Δη=>Δ inD[0,l]. Corollary 12.2.3. Let {Un,n > 1} be a strictly stationary p-mixing sequences of uniform-[0, 1] random variables. If (12.2.10) holds and for any ε > 0 we have /oo \x\2+edF{x) < oo, -OO then Δη=*Δ. //, in addition, (12.2.11) holds and i\t(l-t)Y/2(logl/(t(l-t))fdQ(t) JO then we have Δη =>Δ in £>[0,1]. In order to prove Theorems, we need the following lemmas. Lemma 12.2.1. Let {£;,г > 1} be a sequence of random variables and let T{ — &(£j)j < i). Then, for any ρ > 2, there exists a constant D = D(p) such that ^|Σ^Γ<ΰ((Σ^)Ρ/2+Σ^ιρ+ηί'-1Σ^(6ΐ^-1)Γ г=1 г=1 г=1 г=1 + nP/2-1 jr В|£7(е?|^_!) - Ε$\ρΙ2) ■ (12.2.12) i=l Proof. Let r)i = ξ{ — E^Fi-i) for 1 < г < п. Then, {^,^-ι, Ι < г < η} is a martingale difference sequence. By the well-known Burkholder
322 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes (1973) inequality, there is a D = D{p) < oo such that E\±m\P < D{E(±E{ri\^))P'2+ ±Ε\ηί\ή i=l i=l i=l <2^((±Εξ!)Ρ/\±Ε\ξ^ г=1 г=1 ,р/2ч + ^(ΣΙ^2Ι^-ι)-^2Ι)ρ/) i=l < _ г=1 г=1 + ηΡ/2-1Σ£|^|^_1) -Ε&\ρΙ2). (12.2.13) г=1 On the other hand, it is easy to see that E\^i\P <2p(E\J2m\P + np-1J2E\E^i\^i-i)\P)- i=l i=l i=l This proves (12.2.12) by the inequalities above. We now develop a Rosenthal-type inequality for an α-mixing sequence which is of its own interest. Lemma 12.2.2. Let 2 < ρ < r < oo, 2 < ν < r and {Xn,n > 1} be an α-mixing sequence of random variables with EXn = 0 and \\Xn\\r < °o· Assume that a(n) < Cn~e (12.2.14) for some С > 0 and θ > 0. Then, for any ε > 0, there exists а К — K(e,r,p, г>,#, С) < oo such that E\Sn\P < K({nCnyl2max \\ХД\* + п(р-(г-р)9/г)у(1+£) щах цх.цр\ V г<п г<п / (12.2.15) where Cn = [Ул=0{г + ΐγ^ν~Ζ)α(ι)J . /η particular, for any ε > 0, ^|5п|р<^^/2тах||^||^ + г11+£тах||Х,||^, (12.2.16) V г<п г<тг / if θ > ν/(ν - 2) and θ > (ρ - l)r/(r - ρ), and E\Sn\p < Κηρ/2 max ||Χ;||£, (12.2.17) г<тг
12.2 Weighted weak convergence 323 */0>pr/(2(r-p)). Proof. For the sake of convenience of statement, we assume that {X, Xn,n > 1} is a strictly stationary α-mixing sequence. By a result of Rio (1993), there is Dx = Dx(v) such that ESl < D^CnWXWl (12.2.18) We shall prove (12.2.15) by induction on n. Suppose that for each 1 < к < η, E\sk\p < ^^((ЛтСл,)^/2!!^^!!^ н- л:^-^-^>^/т*)х/(1+е>||^гц^). (12.2.19) We now prove that (12.2.19) is still true for к = n. Let 0 < a < 1/2 that will be specified later and let m = [an] + 1. Define пЛ(2г-1)т пЛ2гт ξι = Σ Χ3 aild ГЧ= Σ XJ j=2(i-l)m+l j=(2z-l)m+l for 1 < г < кп := [η/(2m)] + 1. Clearly, we have E\Sn\> < 2ρ-1(^|Σ^|Ρ + ^|Σ^Π =: 2P~\h + h). г=1 г=1 Let Ti = σ(^·, j < г). It follows from Lemma 12.2.1 that there is Д2 such that D2 > (2L>i)*>/2 and г=1 г=1 г=1 i=l к =:£>2(£вд" + /11 + /12 + /13). (12.2.20) г=1 In terms of (12.2.18), we have hi < {DxknmCm\\X\\lYl2 < (2DinCnr/2\\Χ\\ζ < D2{nCnf'2\\Х\\Р. (12.2.21) To estimate /13, we write Yi = E{ei\Fi-l)-Edl
324 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes Then, by Lemma 1.2.4 Е\ЩР'2 = ElW^sgaWYi = EdYil^-hgniYi)^ - Εξ?)) Σ ElY^-hgniYiXXjXt - EXjXt) 2(i-l)m<j,l<nA(2i-l)m χ-л ι P~2 2 < 12 2^ a p r (m) 2(i-l)m<j,l<nA(2i-l)m ■(EW^b-W'WXjXtWrp <12т2ар~^(т)(£;|^|р/2)(р-2)/р||Х||2, and hence ЕЩГ'2 < 12р/2траг-р/г(т)||Х||Р, (12.2.22) which, together with (12.2.14), yields /13 < kpJ42pmpal-plT{m)\\X\\p <C2Apnpm{-p~r^lT\\X\\p < C2Apa{-p-r)elTnp+{p~r)elr\\X\\p < С24ра(р-г)е/Гп(р+(р~г)е/г)у(1+е)||Х||Р. (12.2.23) Similarly to (12.2.22), we have Ε\Ε{ξ№-Χ)\* < l2pmpax~plr{m)\\X\\p. (12.2.24) Therefore /12 < kpn\2pmpax-plr{m)\\X\\p < С24ра(р-г)е/гп(р+(р-г)е/г)у(1+е)||Х||Р. (12.2.25) Putting the inequalities above together yields h < D2(j^E\^\p + D2(nCn)p/2\\X\\pv i=l + 2C24pa(p~r^/rri^+(p~r^/r)v(1+e)||X||p). Similarly, h < D2(£Eh\P + Ό2{ηΟηγΙ2\\Χ\\1 i=l + 2C24pa^~r^/rn^+(p~r^/r)v(1+£)||X||p).
12.2 Weighted weak convergence 325 Consequently, we have Kn E\Sn\p < 2p~lD2{j^{EUP + ЕЫП + 2D2{nCn)pl2\\X\\p + AC2Apa^p~r^lTn^+^p-r^/r)^1+£\\X\\P). (12.2.26) Now we let a = (2p+4D2)-1/£~p/{p-2\ К = 2P+1D2(D2 + 2С24Ра^~т)е'т). By (12.2.26) and induction hypothesis (12.2.19), we get E\Sn\p < 2pD2(knK({mCm)pl'2\\X\\p + m(p+(P-r)e/rMi+e^x^ + D2{nCn)pl2\\X\\p + 2C2Apa^~r)elTn^p+^~T^lT^l+^\\X\\P) < 2pD2{nlm)K((mCn)pl2\\X\\p + ro(^(p-r)Wv(i+0||jf||p) + 2pD2(D2 + 2C2ApaSp-r^lr) ■ ([пСп)р'2\\Х\\р + n(p+(p-rWrW1+e\\X\\p) < 2pD2K(a{-p-2^2{nCn)pl2\\X\\p + αεη(ρ+(ρ-τΜτ^1+εϊ\\Χ\\ή + (К/2) [(nCn )p/2\\X\\p + n(p+(p-rWrM1+£)\\X\\p) < {К/2)[{пСп)р12\\Х\\р + η(ρ+(ρ-ΓΜΓ^1+εϊ\\Χ\\ή + (К/2) [(nCn )p/2\\X\\p + η(ρ+(ρ-ΓΜΓ^1+εϊ\\Χ\\ρ) = к([псп)р12\\х\\р + n<p+<p-rWr)v(1+e>||x||?). This proves that (12.2.19) remains valid for A; = n, as desired. Proof of Theorem 12.2.2. By Theorem 4.2 in Billingsley (1968), it is sufficient to prove that for any ε > 0 lim limsup p{ sup \an(t)/q(t)\ > ε) = 0, (12.2.27) 0->O n-»oo *·Ο<ί<0 ' limlimsupPJ sup \an(t)/q(t)\ > ε] = 0, (12.2.28) lim P{ sup \Y(t)/q(t)\ > ε) = 0, (12.2.29) 0-»o L o<t<e > lim P{ sup \Y(t)/q(t)\ > ε) = 0. (12.2.30)
326 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes Note that p{ sup |an(i)/g(i)l > ε} ^o<t<e J oo <ΣΡ{ sup \an(t)/q(t)\>e} j=l θ2-ί<ί<θ2~ΐ+1 J oo <ΣΡ{ sup \αη(ί)\>ες(θ2-*)}. j=l θ2-3<ί<θ2-ΐ+1 J Hence, (12.2.27) can be rewritten as limlimsup Pi sup \an(t)/q(t)\ >£f ^o<t<0 oo < limsuplimsupy^ 5j?n, (12.2.31) 0_>O n->oo . = 1 where B^n = P{sup0<t<^2-i+i |αη(<)| > ες(θ2~3)}. Put ej = ες(θ2->), Gn = {j : η1Ι2θ2'^1 < ej/2}, Hn = {j : η1Ι2θ2'^1 > sj/2}. It is easy to check that for any 0<s<t<s + h<l MO - <*n(s)\ < \an(s + h) - an(s)\ + n^h. ' (12.2.32) Hence we have for j £ Gn Bj,n < Ρ{\αη(θ2-ί+1)\ + η1/202^'+1 > £j} < Ρ{\αη(θ2-^)\ > ej/2} < ceJ2(e2-JY2 < ce~2 (log(2J'/0)) ~W (12.2.33) by (A2), (12.2.5) and (12.2.6). Hence (12.2.33) implies that limsuplimsup Y\ Bjn = 0. (12.2.34) e-o n^oo jeGn Note that in the case of μ < r2/2, (12.2.34) holds also for /3 = 0. Write д.-д. _1 4 _eq(02->) A-Aj'"~4nV2-4 nV2 · {12.2.35)
12.2 Weighted weak convergence 327 When j € Hn, using (12.2.32) again, we obtain Bj,n < P{ max |αη(*Δ)| > ε,/2) + P\ max sup \an(t) — an(iA)\ > eJ2> lo<i<i2-i+VA ίΔ<ί<(ί+1)Δ J < P( max Ια„(ίΔ)| > ε,/2) + Ρ{ max |an((t + 1)Δ) - α„(»Δ)| + Δη1/2 > ε,/2) < Pi max |αη(ϊΔ)| > ε,·/2} «·1<«<β2-ί+ι/Δ "" J + ρ{ max |α„((ί + 1)Δ)-αη(ίΔ)| >ε,·/4| < 3Ρ( max Ιαη(ίΔ)| > ε,/β). (12.2.36) [-1<г<в2-з+2/А J > From (ΑΙ) it follows that for all 0 < г < к < <92_J+2/A E\an(kA) - an(iA)\p < Cx [{{k - i)A)p* + rT^I2{{k - ζ)Δ)Γι) < Cx {((к - i)A)P1 + п~р*12{к - г)АГ1У Thus, by Moricz's theorem (Lemma 4.1.2), there is a constant C, depending only on C\ and pi, such that Ε max |ап(гД)|р 0<ί<θ2-ί+2/Α < θ((θ2-ί+2/Α)ΡιΑΡι+η-ρ2/2(θ2-ί+2/Α)Ατ> 1о§р(02^'+2/А)) < C4p((e2~j)pi + η-ρ2Ι2θ2-ίΑτι~ι logp(02-J'+2/A)). (12.2.37) Since p2 > 1 - ri in (Al), l(x) = (logx)p/x-1+ri+P2 < с for all χ > 1. Thus from (12.2.5), (12.2.6), (12.2.35), (12.2.37) and the fact that e2-i+4n1/2/ej > 8, we conclude that for j € Hn P\ max Ια„(ίΔ)| > ε,/δ]· •-0<i<6l2-i+2/A ~~ J > < с£7р((02^')Р1 +n-p2/2^2-JAri-1logp(^2-J+2/A)) < се7Р((д2^")р1 + εγ-1(θ2-ήη^-τι~ρ^2 \ogp{e2-j+in1l2lej)) < cejp((e2~j)pi + ejp2(e2^)ri+p2l(e2-j+4n^2/e,-)) < ο{ε~ρ(θ2~ήρ1 +£Τρ-ρ2(θ2-ήΓι+Ρ2) <ce~p~P2(log(2j/e)yPl3.
328 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes This, together with (12.2.36), proves that limsuplimsup V Bjn = 0. (12.2.38) *-o n-oo jeHn Note that in the case of μ < pxjp, (12.2.38) is true for β > l/(p+p2). The proof of (12.2.27) is now completed by (12.2.31), (12.2.34) and (12.2.38). Similarly one can prove (12.2.28). By (12.2.3) we have for any 0 < s,t < 1 an(t)-an(s)=>Y(t)-Y(s). Then by (A2) and Theorem 5.3 in Billingsley (1968) E(Y(t) - Y(s))2 < liminf E(an(t) - an(s))2 < C2\t - з\Г2. (12.2.39) η—►oo Thus, based on the fact that {Y(t),0 < t < 1} is a Gaussian process, we have E(Y(t) - Y(s))4 < cE2(Y(t) - Y(s))2 < c\t - s\2r2 for all 0 < s,t < 1. Applying Theorem 12.2 in Billingsley (1968), we can immediately get (12.2.29) and (12.2.30). This completes the proof of Theorem 12.2.2. Proof of Corollary 12.2.1. First we verify that {Δη(2), η > 1} and Δ(2) are well defined on [0, 1]. By Schwarz's inequality, (A2), (12.2.6) and (12.2.8), for 0 < t < 1, E/± 2n{t) = I [ Ean(u)an(v)dQ(u)dQ(v) Jo Jo < (£ EV2(an(t))2dQ(t)f <2r*C2(l (t(l-t))r^2dQ(tYj < oo, where the last inequality follows from an(0) = an(l) = 0, E(an(t))2 < C2tT2 for 0 < ί < 1/2, and E(an(t))2 < C2(l - t)r2 for 1/2 < t < 1. Similarly, using (12.2.39) in conjunction with (A2), we have EA2(t) = [ f EY(u)Y(v)dQ(u)dQ(v) Jo Jo <{j^E"\Y{t)YdQ{t)f < 2r2C2(f (<(1 - t))T*'2dQ(t)f < oo.
12.2 Weighted weak convergence 329 This shows that {Δη(<), 0 < t < 1; η > 1} and {Δ(<), 0 < t < 1} are square integrable processes. Now we have for any θ > 0 sup |Δη(ί)| < sup |αη(ί)/9*(ί)Ι / q*(t)dQ(t) o<t<e o<t<e Jo and sup |Δη(1)-Δη(ί)|< sup \an(t)/q*(t)\ f q*(t)dQ(t), 1-θ<ί<1 1-θ<ί<1 JO where q*(t) = (i(l - i))^(log 1/(<(1 - t))f. Thus (12.2.27), (12.2.28) and (12.2.8) imply that for any ε > 0 limlimsupP<| sup |Δη(2)|>ε> = limlimsupPJ sup |Δη(1) - Δη(ί)| > ε} = 0. (12.2.40) 0-»O n->oo 4-0<t<l J Similarly, (12.2.29), (12.2.30) and (12.2.8) imply that for any ε > 0 UmP{sup|A(i)|>e} = lim Pi sup |Δ(1) - Δ(ί)| > ε} = 0. (12.2.41) 0-+° 4-0<t<i J Hence Corollary 12.2.1 follows from Theorem 12.2.2 and Theorem 4.2 in Billingsley (1968). Proof of Theorem 12.2.3. Let θ and ε be as in (12.2.9). Since θ > 1 + >/2, we can take r = oo, ν and ρ in Lemma 12.2.2 such that 2(0 + g) <y < 2Θ and υ<θ + 1< <e + 1+£u (12.2.42) θ+ε-10-1 v J Therefore, by (12.2.16) and (12.2.18), for any 0 < η < (ρ - 1 - θ)/θ, there is а К < oo such that for any 0 < 5, t < 1 i=l <K(np/2\t-s\p/v + n1+r>/2) and η ^ΐΣί7^ -f) ~ /(E7i -s) ~ с ~ s))| - Kn\l - si2/"'
330 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes which imply that E\an(t) - an(s)\* < K(\t - s\p/v + n-(p-2-n)/2) and E\an{t)-an{s)\2<K\t-s\2l\ Hence (Al) and (A2) hold for px = p/v > 1, P2 — ρ - 2 — η > 1, r\ = 0 and Г2 = 2/v. Note that 0<?7<(р—1 — #)/#, it is easy to see from (12.2.42) that . /Pi П +P2 r2\ mini —, , — I V ρ p + p2 2 / >i(l-i). (12.2.43) By Theorem 12.1.2, (12.2.3) holds. This proves Theorem 12.2.3 by Theorem 12.2.2. Proof of Theorem 12.2.4. Prom Corollary 12.1.1 it follows that (12.2.3) holds. By Theorem 1.1 of Shao (1995), we have for ρ > 2 c(>/2exp(c Σ p{2i)){E{I(U1 < t) Е\£{1{Щ<1)-1{Щ<з)-{1-з))\ i=l [log τ < ~I(U1<s)-(t-s))2r/2 [log n] + nexp(tf Σ p2'lp{2i))E\I{U1 <t) i=o - m <s)-{t- β)\ή [log n] <c(np/2exp(c Σ Ρ(2ί))\* ~ S\P/2 [log n] + nexp(c£ Р2/р(2{))\Ь-з\). Clearly, under condition (12.2.10), we have for ρ > 2 and any 0 < δ <
12.3 Strong approximations 331 min{e(p - l)/(2(2 + ε)), (ρ - 2)/2}, £?|Σ(/(^ < «) - ОД <s)~(t- «)) г=1 [log n] <c(np/2\t-s\p/2 + nexp(c Σ р2/р(2{))\1-з\) i=0 <c{npl2\t-s\pl2 + nl+8\t-s\), since exp(cj^0 p2/p{21)) is a slowly varying function. This, in turns, gives us for ρ > 2 £|αη(ί) - αη(β)|Ρ < c(\t - sf2 + n-(p-2-M)/2|t - s\)t and for ρ = 2 #|an(t) - an(s)|2 < c\t - s\. Thus (Al) and (A2) are satisfied for p\ — p/2, ρ2=ρ-2-2δ>0 and П = r2 = 1. Hence by (12.2.6) μ = (1+ρ-2- 25)/(p + ρ - 2 - 25) > 1/(2 + ε). (12.2.44) On the other hand, under condition (12.2.11), we have for ρ > 2 E\J2(I(Ui<t)-I(Ul<s)-(t-sW <c(np/2\t-s\pl2 + n\t-s\), which implies that for ρ > 2 E\an(t) - an(s)\p < c(\t - s\p'2 + n'^^t - s\). Thus (Al) and (A2) are satisfied for p\ = p/2, P2 — p — 2 and rx = Г2 = 1. Obviously μ = 1/2. Now the proof of Theorem 12.2.4 is complete. 12.3 Strong approximations In this section, we introduce the strong approximations for empirical processes with a dependent sample. For simplicity, we only give the results for an a-mixing sample due to Philipp (1982). Strittmatter (1990) has given a further result for an absolutely regular sample.
332 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes In order to discuss the strong approximations of empirical processes with a dependent sample, we first introduce a result of strong approximations for random elements with values in a Banach space. Let {xj,j > 1} be a sequence of strictly stationary α-mixing random elements on probability space (Ω,Σ,Ρ) and with values in a measurable space (A, A). Let (S, || · ||) be a Banach space and let h : A —> S be a mapping. We call {Xj := h(xj),j > 1} a sequence of strictly stationary α-mixing S-valued random elements. Theorem 12.3.1. Let {Xj,j > 1} be a sequence of strictly stationary α-mixing S-valued random elements as above, such that \\X\\\ < ζ for some ξ with Εξ2+δ < oo, 0 < δ < 1 and a(n) < cn-(2+^1+2/*) (12.3.1) for some ρ > 0. Suppose that for each m > 1 there is a linear mapping Am : S —► S with the following properties: sup ||Am|| < oo, (12.3.2) m>l dimAm5 < Cm, for some С > 0. (12.3.3) And suppose that there is α θ with the following property: for each m > 1 there is an no(m) < cexp(ra1-^) and a non-increasing function g(m) > m~1/2 such that for all η > no P*{n~1/2\\ £(X,- - ЛтХ,)|| > д(т)} < πι'1'6, (12.3.4) where P* is the outer measure of P. Moreover assume that for each m > 1 the mapping Лт о h is a measurable function from (A, A) into the linear span LmS of Лт5, and that EArnX1 = 0, £||AmXi||2+* < oo. (12.3.5) Let Τ be the completion of the linear span o/Um>iAmS, so Τ is a separable Banach space. Then there exists a sequence {Yj,j > 1} of i.i.d. Τ-valued Gaussian random variables defined on (Ω,Σ,Ρ) such that EY\ — 0. Moreover, for each s,t G T1, the space of bounded linear functional on T, the following limits exist and the series converge absolutely and the covariance
12.3 Strong approximations 333 structure of Υχ is given by Es(Y1)t(Y1)=JimoE{8(AmXi)t(AmXi)} + Jin^ Σ Е{8(АтХхЩАтХ^} + lim ^2Е{з(АтХ,)г(АтХх)} (12.3.6) 771—ЮО i>2 and ΙΙΣ№-^)ΙΙ<^ = o(n1/2{(togn)-<1-«/4 + {\ognY-VlPg(a(\ogn)l-el2))) a.s.(12.3.7) for some measurable Vn and some positive constant a and any β with 1 — 0/4</3< 1. The proof of Theorem 12.3.1 will not be presented here. Theorem 12.3.2. Let С С Л be a class of measurable sets with N(6,C) < c6~r, for some τ > 1/6. (12.3.8) Let {жп,п > 1} be a sequence of strictly stationary Α-valued a-mixing random elements with a(n) <cn~2r-4. (12.3.9) Put gn(C) = I(xn G C) — P(C),C £ C. Then there exists a sequence {Yj,j > 1} of i.i.d. Gaussian processes, defined on the same probability space (Ω, Σ, P), indexed by С £ С with EYi(C) = 0, E(Yx(C)Yx(D)) = Egx{C)gx{D) + £ Egx(C)gn(D) n>2 + £ Egn(C)gi(D), C.DeC (12.3.10) n>2 such that with probability 1 suP|£№ieC)-P(<7)-is-(c))| <Vn = 0(nx/2(logn)-A) (12.3.11)
334 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes for some measurable Vn and some λ > 0. The proof of Theorem 12.3.2 will need the following lemmas. Let {ξη} be a sequence of strictly stationary a-mixing real random variables with Εξι = 0, |£i| < 1 and a{n) < cn~p, where с > 0, ρ > 2. We need an exponential bound for the partial sums of {&,i > 1}. Put ρ = [nll2-% q = [n/(2pn)] + 1 for some 0 < к < 1/2. Define blocks of consecutive integers Hj and 7j, 1 < j < q of length ρ each and Hq consisting of η — 2p(q — 1) integers. Then Са,тд.Ня < 2p. The order of the blocks is #ι, /χ, · · ·, Hq-i,Iq-i,Hq. We leave no gaps between blocks. Put Уз= Σ &> zi = Σ&· ieHj %eij It is easy to see that σ2 := Εξ\ + 2 £ £fc£n < oo. n>2 Note that for sufficiently large η ο ί 2σ2ρ, 1 < j < q, Eti<\*J' Γα (12·3·12) [5σ ρ, j =q. Denote Cj = σ(τ/ι, · · ·, yj). We write Уз =Yj+Vj, 1 < J <9, where vj = E(yj\Cj-i),Yj = yj — £7(yj|£j_i). It is clear that (lj,£j,l < j < g) is a martingale difference sequence and from Lemma 1.2.1, it follows that 1Mb < 2\\yj\\00a1/2(p) < cp1""/2. (12.3.13) Lemma 12.3.1. Let A > σ2. We have p{E^(y/l£i-i) ^4Ата} ^ cA-v~p· Proof. By the Holder inequality we have E<y}\Cj-x) < E(^\Cj-i). (12.3.14) By Lemma 1.2.1, we have \Wvl\Cj-i) - Evj\\2 < 4||yi||200a1/2(p) < Ap2"»'2.
12.3 Strong approximations 335 Thus by the Minkowski and Chebyshev inequalities we have р{£{Е{$\Са-Х)-Е$)>Ап} < 16n-2A-2(qp2-^2)2 < cA-2p2-?. Hence by (12.3.12) and (12.3.14), the probability in question does not exceed ^{Σ E(y]\cJ-i) > Σ Η + An) ^ cA-y-f. Lemma 12.3.1 is proved. Lemma 12.3.2. For all R> 0 we have Ρ{\ΈΥί\ > 5^1/2} < c{exp(-R2/A) + A'2p2'p}. j<q Proof. Let Μ be the index j of Hj or Ij containing n. Define Σγ3> if* < Af, Uk = { з<к Um, \ik>M\ Υ^Ε{Υ2\ε^), iffc<M, Mi si = ( J<k s2M, if к > Μ. Obviously Uj - Uj-i = Yj < 4p =: C. If R < An^/p, we set λ = Rl(AAnxl2), К = 20An, so that AC < 1. Put Tk = exp(AE7fc - \x2{\ + \xC)s2k). By Lemma 5.4.1 and Corollary 5.4.1 of Stout (1974) and Lemma 12.3.1 we have P\supUk >5i?n1/2} <p{^Tk>e.V(x2K-\x2(l + \xc)s$} < c{exp(-R2/A) + А~2р2-р}.
336 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes But if R > Anxl2/p we set λ = l/(4p) and К = 20Rpn^2. Then AC = 1 and by the same calculation we obtain P{supt/fc >5Дпх/2} -20Rpn^2 + 3An\ 16p2 < cA-2p2~f>. ^cexp(—Ϊ6Ρ—)+AV Lemma 12.3.2 is proved. Lemma 12.3.3. We have Ρ{\Σνΐ\ * ™n1/2} < c(exp(-R2/A) + ηι+οκ-»'2(Α-2 + R~2)). j<9 Proof. We have j<9 j<9 3<9 By the Chebyshev and Minkowski inequalities we obtain from (12.3.13) and expressing ρ and q in terms of η Ρ{|Συ;| ^ Rnl'2} ^ cR-2n-l{qpl-pl2)2 < cR~2np~f. j<9 Combining it with Lemma 12.3.2 implies Lemma 12.3.3. Lemma 12.3.3 remains valid if we replace yj by zj,1 < j < q and set zq = 0. Hence we have an exponential bound for the partial sums of {€i,i > 1} as follows ρ{\Σξ,<\>^ην2} k<n <c(exp(-i?2/^) + ^1+p/c~p/2(^~2 + ii~2))· (12.3.15) Lemma 12.3.4. If the hypotheses of Theorem 12.3.2 are satisfied, then for any given ε > 0, there exists α δ > 0, δ < се6 and no < cexpi — 1/(4ε)) such that for all η > no P*{sup(K(C) - vn(D)\ :C,DG C, PX(C Δ D) < δ) > ε} < cexp(-^-),
12.3 Strong approximations 337 where vn = nl'2{Pn - Px), Π pn(B) = n-1^2i(xjeB), px(B) = p{xx ев), Be A. Proof. Let r be so large that 2r > ε~6. (12.3.16) Put 6k = 2~г~к(к = 0,1,2,···), mk = N{6k,C,Px), d{ = (i + l)~2e/32. Take sets Ak\, · · ·, Akrn^ as in the definition of N(6k,C,Px), so that for every С £ С and к = 0,1, · · · there exist r(k) = r(k, C) and s(k) = s(k, C) such that Ащк) СС С Ащк) and Px(Aks(k)\Akr(k)) < 6k. Denote Bk := Bk(C) = Aks(k)\Ak+hs(k+1), Dk := Dk(C) = Ak+1^k+1)\Aks(k). Then Px(Bk) < 6k and Px(Dk) < 6k+1 < 6k. Put no := ηο(ε) = ε2/(256<5ο). For every η > uq there is a unique к = к(п) such that 1/2 < 86kn1/2/e < 1. (12.3.17) Then for η > no, к = fc(n), δ = 6k and С £ С, г = r(k,C), s = s(k,C) we have vn(Akr) - ε/8 < vn(Akr) - δη1'2 < vn{C) < vn(Aks) + ε/8. (12.3.18) From this we obtain \vn{Aks(k)) - Vn(A0s(0))\ k-l < ]T Wn(Ais(i)) - Vn(Ai+lAi+l))\ i=0 k-l <Σ(Μβ·)Ι + ΜΑ)|). (12.3.19) i=0 Let Bi be a collection of sets В = Ais\Ai+itt or Β = Α{+χ^\Α^3 with PX(B) < δ{. Then for every С G С, Bi(C) and Д(С) G B{. The number of sets in Bi Card(Bi) <2m(i)m(i + l).
338 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes Now let us estimate P{\vn(B)\ > di}, В G B{. Put ξη = I(xn G B) - PX(B). Since \Εξ!ξη\ < ||6||4||ίη||4(α(η - Ι))1/2 < Р^2(В)п-2-\ we have oo σ2 = Εξ2 + 2 £ Εξ1ξη < cPl'2{B). п=2 Hence we can take δ/ such that σ2 < δ/ , it follows from (12.3.15) that P{\MB)\ > di} < c(exp{-^6-1/2} + n—^^^(й-1 +г2)). Then from (12.3.8) and taking к = l/(8r + 16) we have Pi := P{\vn(B)\ > di for some В € Bi} < сехр((-в2/(6г1/2196 · 322(г + Ι)4)) · δ~2τ + n'^X1-2*). Therefore by (12.3.16) and (12.3.17) and taking r large enough, we obtain E^<c(^p(-^)+«~1/4^(1+2t)) <cexp(-l) for η > щ. Put Qn = P(Vn > ε/8), where Vn = s\ip{\vn(Akr) - Vn(Aks)\ : Akr С Aks, P(Aks\Akr) <6k, r, 5 = 1, · · ·, mk}. Then from (12.3.15) and (12.3.17) it follows that for η > n0 Qn < c8^ exp(^ · δ?*) + „—3/V~2T <cexp(-l). By using (12.3.16) again we have po := P{sup(|i/n(Aoi) - 1/„(Ау)| : P(A0iAA0j) < 3<50) > ε/4} < с^2техр(-^о"1/2) +n-1-T+P4"1-2T <cexp(-i).
12.3 Strong approximations 339 Lemma 12.3.4 is proved. Proof of Theorem 12.3.2. Let S be the space of all bounded real-valued functions on C. If / G S we set ll/ll = s\ipCeC \f(C)\. If χ G Л we set h(x) = I(x G C)-P(C). Thus h : A —> S. Let m > 1 and put ε = m-1/(6r). Find δ and no according to Lemma 12.3.4. Then δ < с m~llT and n0 < cexp^m1/^/Δ. Let Ai,···,^, d = Ν(δ), be sets such that for all С G С there exists Лг with P(Ar AC) < δ and r minimal. Now Ν(δ) < οδ~τ < cm. We define Am : 5 -> 5 by АтЛ(ж) = /(ж G Д.) - P(Ar) if Л(ж) = /(ж е С) - P(C) with Р(Д. Δ С) < δ. Then dimAm5 < cm. From Lemma 12.3.4 (with D = Ar) we conclude that (12.3.4) is satisfied with g{m) = m~1^6r^ and θ = 1 — 1/(6τ). The result follows now from Theorem 12.3.1 choosing β close to 1, but subject to 1 — θ/4 < β < 1. Theorem 12.3.2 is proved. From Theorem 12.3.2 we have the following theorem immediately. Theorem 12.3.3. Let {Xj,j > 1} be a sequence of strictly stationary α-mixing a-dimensional random vectors with a distribution F(x) and a(n) = 0(n-4-2d). (12.3.20) Denote gn(s) = I(Xn <s)- F(s), for s G Rd. So the series below defining the covariance function oo Γ(8,θ') = Egi(s)gi(s') + Σ E(9l(s)gn(s') + gn(s)gi(s')) 71=2 converges absolutely for 5,5х G Rd. Then there exists a sequence {lj,j > 1} of i.i.d. Gaussian processes, defined on the same probability space (Ω,Σ,Ρ), indexed by s G Rd with EYx(s) = 0, EYlWY^s') = Г(5,5;), 5,5х G Rd and a positive constant λ depending on d only such that with probability 1 sup |Σ(/(Χ,- < s) - F(s) - ВД)| = 0{nll\\ogn)-x). seRdj=i ' Proof. Let Ρ be the probability measure induced by F. Let Fi(si), 1 < г < d be the г-th marginal of F(s), s = (s1? · · · ,5^). Let r > 1 be given. We define eij = mvFi(j2~r), 1 < г < d, 0 < j < 2r.
340 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes Let С be the collection of all intervals С = (—00,5], s G Rd. For any С G С there exist Ap and Aq both of the form (—00, (si^, · · · ,s<#d)] for some (sijx, · · ·, Sdjd) such that ApcC cAq and Р(ДДЛр) < d2~r. The collection of all such sets Ap has cardinality < 2dr, i.e. -/V(d2~r,C, P) < 2dr. Hence by interpolation (12.3.8) is satisfied with τ — d and с = (2d)d and (12.3.10) holds because of (12.3.20). Remark 12.3.1. Philipp and Pinzur (1980) gave an almost sure approximation of the multivariate empirical process by a Kiefer process. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary α-mixing sequence of random vectors in Rq with continuous distribution F and a{n) = 0(η-4-*(1+ε)) for some 0 < ε < 1/4. The empirical process of {Χη,η > 1} is defined as R(s, t) = [t](F[t](s) - F(e)), t > 0, a G Rq. Let 00 Γ(β, s') = E{9l(s)gi(s')} + Σ E{gi(s)gn(s') + gn(s)gi(s')}, s, s' € Rq 71=2 where gn(s) = I(Xn < S)~F(S)· Then without changing its distribution we can redefine the empirical process {i?(s, t), s G i?9, t > 0} on a richer probability space on which there exists a Kiefer process {K(s, £), 5 G i?9, t > 0} with covariance function (t Л ^)Г(5,5Х) and a constant λ = A(g, ε) such that sup sup \R(s,t)-K(s,t)\ = 0(T1/2(logT)-x) a.s. (12.3.21) t<T s£№ When q = 1 and {Xn5 η > 1} are uniformly distributed over [0,1], (12.3.21) coincides with the result by Yoshihara (1979), but with less mixing rate. By Theorem 1.15.1 in Csorgo and Revesz (1981), (12.3.21) implies that the Strassen-type law of iterated logarithm holds true for {%(«) = i?(5,t)/v/2Uoglogt,0 < s < 1}.
12.4 Moduli of continuity of empirical processes 341 12.4 Moduli of continuity of empirical processes Let {Xn, η > 1} be a sequence of random variables with a common distribution F(x), {/3п(0э ~~°° < ^ < oo},n = 1,2,···, a sequence of its empirical processes. The moduli of continuity of empirical processes are defined as follows: wn(an) = sup \Pn(t) - Pn(s)\. \t—s\<an — oo<s<£<oo Stute (1982) proved for the i.i.d. case the following theorem. Theorem 12.4.1. Suppose that (i) 0 < an < 1, an [ and nan | oo, (ii) nan/ log η —► oo, (Hi) log a~x I log log η —► 0. Then lim (anloga~1)~1/2^n(an) = 1 a.s. (12.4.1) η—юо Definition 12.4.1. Let 0 < λ < 1, А С R. The function g(x) is said to satisfy the uniformly local λ-order Lipschtz (λ-ulL) condition on Л, if there exist δ > 0, Μ < oo such that sup \g(x + z)- g(x)\ < Μ\ζ\χ, \ζ\ < δ. (12.4.2) xeA Zhou (1994) discussed the moduli of continuity of empirical processes when the sample is (^-mixing or α-mixing, and proved the following theorems. Theorem 12.4.2. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a sequence of strictly stationary φ-mixing random variables with a common distribution F(x). Suppose that F(x) satisfies the 1-ulL condition and Υ^ι φ1Ι2{2%) < oo. If there is a sequence of positive integers {mn} such that 1 < ^n < n, (p(mn) < A and ( ) mn < C, rnn V nan / where A and С are two constants, then wn(an) = 0((an log n)1/2) a.s. (12.4.3)
342 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes Theorem 12.4.3. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a sequence of strictly stationary α-mixing random variables with a common distribution F{x). Suppose that F(x) satisfies the 1-ulL condition and a(n) = 0(pn) for some 0 < ρ < 1 and an —> 0(n —► oo). Then for any 0 < θ < 1 we have wn(an) = θ[αη2 log2 nj a.s. (12.4.4) Remark 12.4.1. If F(x) satisfies the λ-ulL condition (0 < λ < 1) on A(c ii), then (12.4.3) and (12.4.4) are rewritten as wn(an, A) := sup \βη{ι)-βη(8)\ = 0((a* logn)1'2) a.s. (12.4.5) t,seA,\t—s|<an and wn(an,A) = θ(αη2 log2 nj a.s. (12.4.6) Remark 12.4.2. Because of Lemma 12.4.1 below, the condition Ση^ι ψ(η) < °°5 which is required in Zhou (1994), is weakened to Y^L^ •(^1/2(2i) < oo in Theorem 12.4.2. The proof of Theorems will need the following Bernstein type inequalities. ' Lemma 12.4.1. Let {Xn,n > 1} be a φ-mixing sequence with EXn = 0, \Xn\ < d, EX* < D and ΣΖιΨ1/2(2ί) < °°· Then there is ci = @ι(φ(')) > 0 such that P{\J2Xi\>e} < expJ3>/en^^- - as + Cia2Dn\ where a is a real number, m is a positive integer satisfying m < η,α < η and amd < 1/4. Lemma 12.4.1 is an improvement of Lemma 1 of Collomb (1984). Its proof follows Collomb's lines provided one uses Lemma 2.2.2 instead of Lemma 1.2.10 which is employed by Collomb (cf. Lemma 11.1.1). Lemma 12.4.2. (Doukhan, Leon and Portal 1984) Let {Xi,i > 1} be an α-mixing sequence with EX{ = 0, \X{\ < 1 and a{n) < Cpn. Denote
12.4 Moduli of continuity of empirical processes 343 σ — sup||X;||7, where 7 = 2/(1 - 0),O < θ < 1. Then there exist Οι,02 which depend only on α(·) such that where σ \C2 if η1/2σ < 1, r1/2 if η1/2σ>1. Proof of Theorem 12.4.2. As we have mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, we need only to consider uniform empirical processes. And by the 1-ulL condition, it is enough to show sup sup |αη(ί) - otn{s)\ = 0((an logn)1'2) a.s. (12.4.7) 0<M<1 \t-s\<Man where αη(·) is a uniform empirical process. Without loss of generality, we can assume that Μ = 1 in (12.4.2). Divide the interval [0,1] into Kn subintervals by points to = 0? tj = j/Kn, j = 1, · · ·, Kn, where Kn = [a~x logn]. Denote Vn(t) = sup \an(t) - an(s)\. \t-s\<an For any fixed t,s G [0,1] with \t — s\ < an, there are two cases: (i) 5 and t both fall into the same subinterval, i.e. there is a j, 0 < j < Kn — 1 such that s,t G [^,^+ι]. Then \oin{t) ~ OLn{s)\ < \an(t) - an(tj)\ + \an(tj) - an(s)\ <2nmax Vn(tj). (ii) 5 and t fall into the different subintervals, i.e. there exist j and r, l<j + l<r< Kn such that 5 G fo^j+i], t G [2r,2r+i]. Since \s — t\ < an, tr — tj+1 < an. Then \oin(t) -an(s)\ < \<xn(t) - OLn{tr)\ + |an(<r) - an(<j+i)| + |an(<j+i) - an(s)\ 0<j<Kn Hence, in any case, we have sup \an(t) -an(s)\ < 3 max Vn(tj). (12.4.8) \t-s\<an l<J<Kn
344 Chapter 12 Empirical Processes For any fixed j, 1 < j < Kn, divide the interval [tj — an,tj + an] by points Vjr = ^j "ι ^"Τ j Τ = un, 0n + 1, · · · , un 1, un, "η where bn = B[(nan/logn)1/2], constant В will be specified later on. Denote <t)jr = n~1/2\an{tj) — an{r]jr)\. For any given 5 G [tj — an,tj + an], there is an r, —bn < r < bn such that 5 G ferj^r+i]· By monotoncity of the empirical distribution En(t), we have n~1/2Vn(tj) = sup |(Sn(ij) - b) - (Sn(e) - 5)| \tj— s|<an - Ла^ Р2* \(En(tj)-tj)-(En(s)-s)\ -bn<r<bn Vjr<s<Vj,r+l - um^u il^Ci) " *i " (En(Vjr) ~ 4j,r+i)|, -Οη<Τ·<6η l^n(ij) - «j ~ (^nfer+l) - 4j,r+l)|} - г^Ъг. ί^>' <^> + l} + \Vjtr + l - Vjr\ -bn<r<bn < max {(f)jr} +an/bn. (12.4.9) -bn<r<bn Write -. η η Фзг = |- Σ[Ι{4τ <Ui< tj) - (tj - Vjr)}\ =: \Σ Zi[ (12.4.10) m . . . г=1 г=1 Obviously |Z;| < 2/ra, £Z; = 0 and £Z? < an/n2. Take ε = B(an logn/n)1/2 and a = (B~1na~1 logn)1/2. By the assumption of the theorem, for large β we have /nlogn\i/2 2 0/logn \ 1/2 1 amnd= — I mn- = 2 — 1 mn<-. V £?αη / ?г \Впап' 4 By Lemma 12.4.1 we have ρ{|ί>|>4 i=l < C\ expj —αε + Cia2an/n > < Cx expj-Б1/2 logn(l - Ci/S3/2)}. (12.4.11) where C\ — exp(3y/eA). Choosing В large enough, we have P\ max max |<Д»>| > i?(an log n/n)1'2 \ ^ 0<j<Kn -bn<r<bn > < cKnbnn-Bl'2l2 < en'2.
12.4 Moduli of continuity of empirical processes 345 Therefore, from the Borel-Cantelli lemma it follows that max max |<Д->| < B{an\ogn/n)1'2 a.s. (12.4.12) 0<7<^n -bn<r<bn Combining it with (12.4.8) and (12.4.9) yields (12.4.7). Theorem 12.4.2 is proved. Proof of Theorem 12.4.3. The proof is along the same lines of that of Theorem 12.4.2 with Lemma 12.4.2 instead of Lemma 12.4.1. Let 0 < θ < 1, 7 = 2/(1 - θ). It is clear that Ε\Ζ{\Ί < 2η~7αη, г = 1,···,η. Hence σ := sup{||Z;||7 : г = 1,···,η} < 21^n-1a1nh and ηιΙ2σ < 2lhn-1l2a1J1 < 1. By Lemma 12.4.2 with ε = εη = В(п'^2с^'е)/21о^п), we have Р{Фэг > εη} < С1ехр{-С2В(п'1а1гГвlog4п)г^/п'г^а}/^} < Ciexp{-C2Blogn}. Therefore for large £?, we have P\ max max ώ7> > εη} < cn~2. l0<j<Kn-bn<r<bn^J
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Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample Large sample theory in statistics is an important subject. In general, the sample is assumed to be independent. But, in some practical cases, the observations are dependent. In this part, we shall give some large sample properties for several interesting and useful statistics, such as U-statistics, error variance estimations in linear models, density function estimations with a mixing sample. 13.1 [/-statistics Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary sequence with a common distribution F(·), h : Rm —> R be a symmetric function in its m arguments. A [/-statistic is given by U"=(n) Σ ^n-^J n>m. Here h is called a kernel function of Un. This class of statistics was introduced by HoefFding (1948) as a generalization of the sample mean. Many statistics of interest fall within this class or may be approximated by a member of this class. Remark 13.1.1. [/-statistics are closely connected with another class of statistics, the so-called von-Mises statistics (von Mises 1947) defined by η η *1=1 *m = l These two kinds of statistics have similar limit behavior. So we discuss only [/-statistic as a representative.
348 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample A kernel h is called degenerate (for the distribution F) if for all choices of a^, 1 < г < m and every J G {1, · · ·, ra}, Eh{ai, · · · , α^-ι,Χ^,α^+ι, · · · , am) = 0; a {7-statistic will be called degenerate if the corresponding kernel has this property. First of all, we introduce an important tool in deriving the asymptotic theory of {/-statistics, HoefFding's projection method. Put θ= I'- I h(xu , xm) Π dF(xk), (13.1.1) hr(xi,---,xr)= ··· h(xi,---,xm) Π dF(xi), i=r+l r = 1, · · · ,ra — 1, and hr(x\, · · · , #r) = hr(xi, · · · , #r) — 0, r = 1, · · · , ra — 1. The projection of Un is defined as η m un = -Y/h1(xi) + e. г=1 ίΛι — Un may itself be expressed as a {/-statistic V / l<tl<-<*m<n =: Дп, (13.1.2) where H(xu· · · ,#m) = /i(xi,- · · ,#m) - Λχ(χι) - · · · - hi(xm) - θ is a degenerate kernel. We call Rn the remainder of Un. At first, modifying definition of a (^-mixing sequence, we call a sequence {Xn,n > 1} (£*-mixing or (^-mixing in both directions of time if the sequence itself and the time reversed sequence are (^-mixing, that is φ*(η):=8\ιρ sup mzx{\P(B\A) - P(A)\, \P(B\A) - P(B)\} -+ 0 B^k+n as η —> oo.
13.1 U-Statistics 349 Obviously, (£*-mixing implies (^-mixing. In this section, we shall establish weak and strong convergence for a <£*-mixing sequence. Denker and Keller (1983) proved the CLT and their rate of convergence, functional CLT and a.s. approximation by a Wiener process. Combining the results of weak convergence and strong approximation for a (^-mixing sequence in Chapters 5 and 9, we can weaken the conditions on moments and/or φ*(ή). 13.1.1 Bounds for the remainder Rn Let {Χη,η > 1} be a strictly stationary <£*-mixing sequence. Assume s2 := sup E(h(Xtl, · · ·, XtJ)2 < oo. (13.1.3) 1<*1<."<*т First, we cite two lemmas given by Denker and Keller (1983). Lemma 13.1.1 is a conditional version of Lemma 1.2.8 with ρ = q = 2. Let Л, #, B\, B2 be sub-a-fields of T. For probabilities Ρ and Q on Τ define the distance of Ρ and Q over Λ given В by d(P, Q : A\B) = sup \P(A\B) - Q(A\B)\. АеЛ,вев Moreover put d(P : A\B) = sup \P(A\B) - P(A)\. Аел,вев Lemma 13.1.1. Let /i and /2 be an AM B\- and A V B^-measurable function, and let P, Q\ and Q2 be probability measures coinciding on A. Then \EP(hf2) - EP[EQl{h\A) · EQ2(f2\A)}\ < (4 + 2V2) •тах{^/2(Р : Вг\А V B2),d1/2(P, Qx : B1\A),d1/2(P,Q2 : B2\A)} .{^(/^)1/^^1(/nl/2}·max{^(/|)1/^JE;Q2(/|)l/2}. Lemma 13.1.2. Let f be an Αν Β-measurable function, and let Pn(n > 1) and Q be probability measures coinciding on A. If lim d(Pn,Q:B\A) = 0, Π—ΚΧ)
350 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample then EQ\f\<liminfEPn\f\. Lemma 13.1.3. For given ε > 0, there exists а С = C£ > 0 such that ER2n < Cn-2+£s2 (n>m). Proof. By (13.1.2), it suffices to estimate the variance of a degenerate {7-statistics. We shall show: if h is degenerate, then (Л EU2 < cn^-^s2. (13.1.4) For a = (ai,---,am),b = (bi,---,bm) £ Nm, we put W(a,b) = X)fe(Xtl,---,Xtm), (13.1.5) where the summation extends over all indices £i,-",£m satisfying щ < U < bi and U Φ tj for 1 < i φ j < m. Putting 1 = (1, · · ·, 1) G Nm, we thus have (n)Un = —W(l,nl). (13.1.6) \rnl ml For the estimation of £'(W(l,nl))2 we proceed recursively, decomposing W(l, nl) into sums over smaller index-blocks (This is inspired by the proof of Theorem 2.1.2). We need some preparations: let (Ji )n>i5 * * *, (Xn )n>i be m independent copies of the sequence (Xn)n>i5 and put for q G {1, · · ·, m}m where the summation extends over the same index-set as in (13.1.5). Let In = {(a, b) G N2m : bi = щ + η — 1, αι = aj or |a; — a,j\ > η for all г, j} and define т(п) = sup{£;(W(a, b; q)f : (a, b) G In, q G {1, · · ·, m}™}. Consider fixed non-negative integers A:,/,p, η with η = kl + p. For each (a, b) G In and q G {1, · · ·, ra}m we have by the Holder inequality and the triangle inequality: |£(W(a, b; q)f - E(W(a, b - pi; 9))2| < (r(n)1/2 + A;mr(/)1/2)mpnm-1s, (13.1.7)
13.1 U-Statistics 351 where we have tacitly assumed that sup E[h(x[?\. · ·,X^))2 < s2 (13.1.8) l<il<-<tm for all q G {1, · · ·, ra}m, what can easily be proved using repeatedly Lemma 13.1.2. Now decompose W(a, b — pi; q)2 as Ща, b - pi; qf = ]T W(& + hi, a + l(u + 1) - 1; q) u,ve{0,-,k-l}™ .W(a + lv,a + l(v + l)-l;9). Each Г(и) := W(a + /u,a + /(u + 1) — l;g) is determined by m blocks of time coordinates of length / (possibly counting a block several times). Denote for a fixed pair (u, v) these 2m blocks by i?i, · · ·, i?2m and assume inf Bi < inf B{+i(i = 1, · · · ,2ra — 1). With this convention it is not hard to see that Card{(u, v) : sup Si + / > inf B2 and inf i?2m — I < supi?2m-i} < Cmk2™-2, (13.1.9) where Cm is a combinatorial constant depending only on m. For all pairs (u, v) not belonging to the set described in (13.1.9) we can apply Lemma 13.1.1 in the following way: assume that supi?i + / < inf B<i and that B\ is a block stemming from Г(и). (The remaining three cases are treated exactly in the same way.) Choose /1 = Г(и),/2 = Γ(ν),Βι = a(Xut G B1),B2 trivial and A = a(Xt,teB1U---UB2m). Observing (13.1.8) we then get |£Γ(ιι)Γ(ν)| < (4 + 2л/2)^*(01/2т(0, because h is degenerate. It is for this application of Lemma 13.1.1 that we have to introduce independent copies of the original process, and since in two of above mentioned four cases, we have to single out the block 52m (instead of Βχ), we need (^-mixing in both directions of time. Combining the last estimate with (13.1.7) and (13.1.9) we obtain W(a, b; q)2 < Стк27П-2т(К) + k2m(4 + 2Λ/2)<^*(/ι)1/2τ(0 + Ып)1/2 + kTnr(l)1/2)mpnTn-1s
352 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample and taking the supremum over (a, b) G In and q G {1, · · ·, m}m r(n) < k27n-2r{l){Cm + (4 + 2V2)*V(01/2) + {Tin)1'2 + k7nr{l)1l2)mpn7n-ls. (13.1.10) Take к to be large enough such that (Cm + (4 + 2\/2))k~£ < 1/4. Then choose no = min{s : A:2(^*(5)1/2 < l}. For / > no and ρ < к, (13.1.10) implies (r(n)i/2 _ 1тоыт-г5)2 < (-fcm-1+£/2r(01/2 + ^"^mb"1-^)2, and hence r{n)ll2 < -кт-1+£12т{1)1'2 + (- + kl-*l2)mknm-ls. (13.1.11) Given η choose lo,h,· · · ,lr such that /о = Щ^г-1 = &ii + Pi for some 0 < Рг < k(i = 1, · · · ,r) and no < lr < kriQ. Apply (13.1.11) to each pair (li-i^h) to obtain r(ii-i)1/2 < \кт-1+^2т(1^2+А1^1\ where A=(—l· kl~e'2)mk. By induction this leads to τ{ηγ'2 < 2-Tk^m~1+e^r(lT)1/2 + Anm-1+£/2s £ 2_i 3=0 < nm~1+e/2(——!^— + 2As) < nTO-1+e/2((fcno)1_e/2 + 2A)s, since η > Α;Γί,. and /Γ < kno. If we put С = ((кщ)1-*/2 + 2A)2(m\)~2, we get т(п) < Cs2n2m~2+£(m\)2 (13.1.12) . and (13.1.4) follows from (13.1.6). Lemma 13.1.4. Assume that condition (13.1.3) is satisfied. Then for any ε > 0 and c^ > 0 we have R^ = 0(η-3/4+ε) a.s.
13.1 U-Statistics 353 and P{ max n\Rn\ > cN\ = OtJV1/2^2). Proof. By (13.1.2) it clearly suffices to prove the lemma for a degenerate {7-statistic with kernel h. Put Z(p, q) = W(l, (p + q)l) - W(l,pl) (p, q G N). If 2r~1 < η <2r and η = Σ£=1 ά{2τ~% denotes the dyadic expansion of n, r k—1 W(l,nl) = Z(0,n) = Σ z(X)di2r-i,djb2r-fc). fc=l t=l For г, гх G N, / = 1, · · ·, r and j = 1, · · ·, 2/ consider the sets ETj:r = {\Z((j-l)2r-l,2r~l)\>ar,u}, where Οίγ ιι are constants to be chosen later. We shall show below that E(Z(p,q))2 = 0(q(p + q)b~l), b = 2m - 3/2 + ε. (13.1.13) By the Chebyshev inequality P{E$) = 0(a~pf<r-t)jb-1). The a.s. bound for Rn follows now from the Borel-Cantelli lemma, because for агД = 2b(r-1)/2(r - l)3/r we have P\ max |Z(0,n)| > n6/2(logn)3) 2"— !<n<2 r 2' <EEp(*#)+°(r-3). 1=1i=i To prove the maximal inequality, let R,N be given such that 2R~l < N < 2R. Putting ar,N = 2^-1^7η~1>~1 cN for r < R, it follows that P{ max n'm+1\Z%n)\> cN\ I Kn<N ι ν J /ι - j d or 1 pfU U {^(ο,η)!^*»-1**}} 1<η<Ν R 2r-l < _ r=ln=2r~1 ζ ΣΣ,Σ,ρφ") = ociv^iogAoV)· r=l/=1j=l We still have to prove (13.1.13). If q > p, it follows from (13.1.12) that E(Z(p,q))2 < {(ΕΖ(0,ρ)ψ2 + (ΕΖ(0,Ρ + ς)ψ2}2 = 0((P + q)2m~2+*) = 0(q(p + q)b~3/2).
354 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample If Ρ > Я > Ρ1/2 we obtain similarly E(Z(p + q)f = 0((p + q)2™- 2+e) = 0(q(p + q)^1). Now consider the case of q < p1!2. Put In = {(a, b) G N2m : 6; = di+ri— 1 for exact ra—1 coordinates and a^ = £); else; a{ = ay or \ai—aj\ > η for all г, j} and define r(n) = sup{£(W(a, b; <?))2 : (a, b) G /„, <? G {1, · · ·, m}m}. Then similarly to (13.1.12), we can show r{n) < Cn2m~3+£s2 for some С > 0. Hence we obtain E(Z(p,q))2 = E(j2z(P + k>1)) k=0 < = 0{q\p + qYm~^) = 0(q(p + qf-1). This finishes the proof of Lemma 13.1.4. 13.1.2 WIPforUn Let a2n = E(Y,h1(Xi))\ i=l nt Wn(t) = (U[nt]-e), 0<ί<1. nm re l J πιση Theorem 13.1.1. Let h be a non-degenerate kernel. Assume that condition (13.1.3) is satisfied and σ2 —> oo. Moreover, assume that for any £ > 0 lim 4#^i№)2/(M*i)l > ε*η) = 0. η—>oo /τ* η T/ien Wn => Wasn-^ oo. Proof. Put wn(t) = —(u[nt]-e), o<t<i.
13.1 U-Statistics 355 By Corollary 5.1.4, Wn => W as η —> oo. Theorem 2.1.2 implies that σ2/η1-ε —> oo as η —> oo for any ε > 0. Hence by the maximal inequality of Lemma 13.1.4 we obtain P{ sup -HL\R[nt]\>£\ 1 o<t<i rnan L J > < P{ sup ni|i2fntl| > smn(1~e)/2} = OirC1'2*2*). Hence the result follows from (13.1.2). Remark 13.1.1. Denker and Keller (1983) and Zhang (1989) discussed the Berry-Esseen inequality for {7-statistics with a (£*-mixing sample. We write the Zhang's result without any proof: Let {Xn,n > 1} be a strictly stationary <£*-mixing sequence, Un be a {/-statistic with kernel h{x\,X2). Denote oo σ2 = ЕНЦХг) - θ2 + 2 £{£M*i)M**+i) - θ2}. k=l Suppose that there exist constants С > 0, β > 0 such that φ*(η) < Οβ~βη. If σ2 > 0 and sup E\h(Xi,Xj)\3 < oo, l<i<j<n then for any ε > 0 we have .... υη-θ sup pi U" θ <χ\-φ(χ) < en -1/2+e 13.1.3 Strong approximation by a Wiener process for Un Theorem 13.1.2. Let h be а поп-degenerate kernel. Assume that sup E\h(Xtl,-~,Xtm)\2+6 <oo for some δ > 0. (13.1.14) l<ti<-<tm Moreover, assume that (i) &n ^ cin for some c\ > 0, (ii) <p*(n) < C2n~a for some c<i > 0 and a > 0.
356 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample Then one can redefine {Xn,n > 1} without changing its distribution on a richer probability space together with a Wiener process W(-) such that ^(Un -Θ)- W{al) = 0(σ2/(2+δ)(1ο§ση)1+ε+(1+λ)/(2+5)) β... for any ε > 0, where λ = 2(log3)/logr-1 and τ = 1 — 2(α — 1)/α(2 + δ). Proof. By Lemma 13.1.2, condition (13.1.14) implies that £|/h(Xi)|2+* < oo. Therefore from Remark 9.1.1, we conclude that we can redefine the sequence {Λι(Χη), η > 1} on a new probability space together with a Wiener process W(-) such that J2~hMi) - W{al) = 0(σ2/(2+δ>(1ο6ση)1+ε+(1+λ>/(2+*)) a.s. г=1 In fact, it is not hard to see that on the new probabilty space we also can redefine {Xn} itself, for example by considering strong invariance principles for i?2-valued random vectors. By Lemma 13.1.4, nRn = 0(n1/4"l_e) a.s., hence the theorem is proved. 13.1.4 SLLNforUn Wang (1994) proved a SLLN for {7-statistics with a <£*-mixing sample. We consider only the case of m = 2. In order to prove the theorem, We need the following lemma, which was proved in the proof of Theorem 3 in Babbel (1989): Lemma 13.1.5. Let h be a degenerate kernel. Suppose that condition (13.1.3) is satisfied and φ*(η) = 0(n~(4+<5)) for some δ > 0. (13.1.15) Then e( max υλ < cn~2s2. \l<i<n / Theorem 13.1.3. Assume that condition (13.1.15) is satisfied and s\ipE\h(XuXn)\ < oo. (13.1.16) n>2 Then we have Un —► θ a.s. as η —> oo. where θ = f f h(xi, X2)dF{xi)dF{x2).
13.1 U-Statistics 357 Proof. For к € Ν, put hW(xux2) = h(x1,x2)I(\h(xl,x2)\ < 22k), *(*) = J J h^(x1,x2)dF(x1)dF(x2), h[k\x) = Jh(k\x,y)dF(y), Н^(хих2) = h^k\xux2)-hf\xl)-hf\x2) + e^ and \ ) l<i<j<n 2 n τι л *{пк) = (пХ Σ ^\xhXj). l<i<j<n The last one is a {7-statistic with a degenerate kernel H^k\ It is easy to see that and hence we can write limsup|i7n — θ\ η—>oo < lim sup max {IE/<*> - 20^ Ι + Ι Δ<*> Ι fc^oo 2*<η<2*+! + |[/n-[/,(fc>| + |0-0(fc>|}. (13.1.17) Obviously, condition (13.1.16) implies that 0_0(*)_>O asA:->oo. (13.1.18)
358 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample Applying Lemma 13.1.5 and condition (13.1.16), we have for any ε > 0 oo УР{ max |Δ^|>ε| fc=l — oo < C£-2^2-2fcsup^/i2(X1,Xn)7(|/l(X1,XTl)| < 22k) k=x n^2 < ce~2 sup £ 2~2k Σ Eh2(Xu Xn)I{22^ < \h(XuXn)\ < 22>) n^2k=i j=x OO -2k < се-2Б^^Ек2{ХъХп)1{22^-^ < \h(XuXn)\ < 22^')^2 < ce~2supE\h(XuXn)\ < oo, n>2k=l k=j n>2 which implies limsup max ΙΔ^Ι = 0 a.s. (13.1.19) Moreover £p{ U {UntuX*}} к=1 2к<п<2к+1 oo <Σ^{ U (U тъ,*)]>*"·})} к=1 2к<п<2к+1 l<i<j<n oo < £22<*+1>supP{|/i(*i,*„)| > 22k} fc=i n^2 OO OO < 4sup Σ 22* Σ P{22' < |Л(ХЬ Х„)| < 22^+1)} «>2fc=l j=k < 0 3ΜΡΣΕ\ΗΧι,Χη)\Ι(2ν < |Л(*ь*п)| < 22^+χ)) n>2j=1 < csupE\h(Xi,Xn)\ < oo, n>2 which implies limsup max \Un - UJ.k)\ = 0 a.s. (13.1.20) Estimate the first term of the right hand side of (13.1.17). Put h[k\x) = h{k)(x)I(\h[k)(x)\ < 2k)
13.1 U-Statistics 359 and write 2 Л ;(*)/ |i/w _ 20(*)| < |^ Σ№ }TO - ^i №)) i=l (*)/ + |^Σ№)№)-ΛΓ)№)) i=l + 2\θ^ - Eh^iXi)]. (13.1.21) Consider \θ^ - Eh^iX^l first. We have |0(*) _ ^(xfc)(Xx)| = lEhPiX^Idh^iX!)] > 2fc)| -► 0 (13.1.22) as к —> oo. Similarly to (13.1.20), we have oo η τι Σ^{ U {E4fc)№)^E^fc)№)}}<^ k=l 2k<n<2k+1 i=l г=1 which implies ■ΐτ*£8«Ι; £$"<*>-Я4**» = 0 a.s. (13.1.23) Furthermore, {Л^р^-ЯЛ^рСДп > 1} is a strictly stationary and <£*-mixing sequence with mixing coefficients φ*(η) = 0(n~^4^). Hence using Lemma 2.2.10 we obtain oo 9 n fc=l г=1 uu <c^2-^(^(X1))2 k=l oo <c^W№)l<~. fc=l which implies limsup max - J^(h\k)(Xi) - ΕΐΨ\χΛ) = 0 a.s. i=l Combining (13.1.22)-(13.1.24) with (13.1.21) yields limsup max |t/<*> - 20<*>| = О a.s. (13.1.24) (13.1.25)
360 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample (13.1.17)-(13.1.20) and (13.1.25) together imply the conclusion of Theorem 13.1.3. 13.2 Error variance estimations in linear models Consider a linear regression model Уг = х'ф + е» г = 1,2,·.., where {xi} is a known p-demensional design sequence, {Y{} is a sequence of observed response, β is an unknown p-dimensional vector, and {e;} is a random error sequence which is strictly stationary, with Eei = 0, σ2 := Ee\ > 0, i/ := Ee\ < oo. (13.2.1) On the basis of the residual sum of squares, estimation of σ2 is -2(»)=^γ{ς^-ς(Σ"·!;4-)2}, where rn is the rank of matrix Xn = (ж1? · · · , #n)' and stable to rn < ρ when η is large enough, and (a^l)) is an n-th real orthogonal matrix decided by design matrix Xn. Put oo T = и - σ4 + 2 £ #(e2 - σ2)(β2 - σ2). i=2 If 0 < г < oo, define random functions Zn(·) of C[0,1] as follows: Zn(0) = 0, Zn(i/n) = (i - π)(σ2 - а2)/у/пт, г = 1, · · ·, η, Ζη(·) is linear in , — . Ι- η n-l Moreover define the random function Z(·) of C[0, oo] by Z(t) = ([t)-r[t])(a*([t))-a*). Lin (1984) and Lu (1986) studied weak invariance principle and strong approximation for Zn(-) and Z(·) respectively. We shall concentrate our attention on the sequence {e;} which is <£-mixing. Similar methods can be used to study other kinds of mixing error sequences.
13.2 Error variance estimations in linear models 361 13.2.1 Weak in variance principle For any q > 0, define a(q) = infia : sup sup Eef IA < a]. (13.2.2) L A:P(A)<v/q4 г J It is clear that a(q) [ 0 as q | oo. Denote the inverse function of a = a(q) by q — g(a). Obviously, it is non-increasing. Let a — d(£) be the solution of the equation a/q(a)b = £. Putting #(£)) = d(21/4/b), we have #(£)) j 0 as b —> oo. Let fn(| oo) be maximum integers satisfying t^g^n n1'4) = o(l). It is easy to see the existence of such tn. Lin (1984) showed: Theorem 13.2.1. Let the random error sequence {ei} with (13.2.1) be strictly stationary and φ-mixing. Suppose that mixing coefficients φ{η) satisfy (i) Σ~=ιΨ1/2(η)<οο. Then τ < oo. If, in addition, τ > 0 and (ii) nt-^tn) =o(l), then Zn => W as η —> oo. In order to prove the WIP, we need some lemmas. Lemma 13.2.1. Let {oqn\i — 1,···,η} be a sequence of series of random variables, which are independent within each series, satisfying Ea<fl)4I(\a<T)\>q)<a(q), i = l,-,n, (13.2.3) where a(q) is defined in (13.2.2). Then we have b*P(\X\>b) = 0(g(b)) as b -> oo (13.2.4) uniformly in the class Τ of the random variables with the form of X — Σα=ι 'ai^i where ak satisfy Σ%=1 a\ < 1. Proof. Let fi :— fin and F{ :— Fin be the characteristic function and the distribution function of α\η* respectively, f\ ' k-ih derivative of fi. We first show that ш) = Т,-Чг^гк+о^ ™ί^° (13·2·5) k=o k'
362 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample uniformly in г = 1, · · ·, п. То this end, write /«О - Σ ^TT-t4 = "if / (1 - «'"V^x), (13.2.6) fc=o κ· 4· •/-0° where |0| < 1. Put t = ±a(q)/q5. For \x\ < q, \l-eMx\<\tex\<a(q)/q4. Hence (13.2.6) and (13.2.3) imply that am- Σ ^l^iLj'-^'^'W fc=0 + / 2ж4^(ж)} <t4a(q)/8 J\x\>Q } l\x\>q for г = 1, · · ·, η. Note that a(g) is independent of г and a{q) [ 0 as g —► oo. Uniformity of (13.2.5) is proved. (13.2.5) can be rewritten as 4 log fi(t) = Σ Μ' + »(*)> i = 1, · · ·, n, (13.2.7) where gi(t)/t4 = 0(a(g)) as £ —► 0(g —► oo) uniformly in г = 1, · · ·, n. Let / and F be the characteristic function and the distribution function of X = Σ?=ι aia\n) respectively. Then (13.2.7) implies η An η logf{t) = Σ,Ιοεfi(ait) = Σ{Σ,**ία()#+Σ,9*Μ г=1 ji=l г=1 г=1 where η η t=l t=l And further /(*) - Σ ^!P-tk + °(*5 + d(*)*4) fc=0
13.2 Error variance estimations in linear models 363 since t/d{t) —► 0 as t —► 0 by the definition of d(-). Then, uniformly in / 0(d(t)) = /<4)(0) - {/(4i) - 4/(2t) + 6/(0) \4 4/(-2ί) + /(-4ί)}/(2ί)4 0itx „—itx. /г /егъх — е~гъх\ 4 x'dF(x) - J ( ^—) dF(x) ■/('-(r)>w > i / х4^(ж) > >P(|*| > ъ) 2 У χ >ь 2 /|x| provided (M)4 > 2, which implies (13.2.4). Remark 13.2.1. Similarly, if we assume that for some integer m > 0 and <5, 0 < δ < 1, max #|ahm+*'(kW| > <?) — 0 as g - oo 1<г<п instead of condition (13.2.3), we have P{\X\ > b} = o(b~m-^) as 6 -+ ex) uniformly in Τ defined in Lemma 13.2.1. Lemma 13.2.2. Under the conditions (i) and (ii) in Theorem 13.2.1, for any ε > 0 nP(\X\ > η1/4ε) = o(l) uniformly in rand&tn variables with form X — Σ£=1 а&е& where Σ%=ι α\ < 1. Proof. Put (2j+l)tn ^n = [ni~V2], 0 = Σ cLkek, k=2jtn+l 2(i+l)*n % = Σ afcefc' j = 0,1,···,/ιη - 1, fc=(2j+l)in+l η fc=2/intn+l
364 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample For any q > 0, we are going to estimate (2i+l)t„ в = {ко|>5^у2(Е«!)%}. fc=2jt„+l For brevity, we only consider the case when j = 0, and put the event k=l We have Ефв = Σ a\Ee\lB + £ a\a\Ee\e\lB k=l p^q арадЕерея1в + /^ арадагЕереяег1в рфя рфяфг + У, арадага8Еередеге81в· (13.2.8) рфяфгфз Obviously, none of the first two sums in the right hand side of (13.2.8) is exceeded by fc=l ~~ ~~ Put Μ — maiXi<k<tn Ее\1в- For the third sum, there is |Σ 4aqEeleqIB\ < Μ £ |α}| Σ |α,| < Μ#» (£ α|)2. Similarly the absolute value of the fourth sum has the upper bound Mtn(Yfj^=1 ol\)2. For the fifth sum, its absolute value has the upper bound ΜίΙ(Σ)?=ι al)2· Therefore we obtain Ефв<Ш1*(^Га1)2. (13.2.9) k=l Referring to the estimation of E^qIb, it is easy to see that Εξ$ has upper bound bvt\ (Σΐ=ι αϊ) > which implies P(B) < v/qA. From (13.2.2), we have Μ < a{q). Inserting it into (13.2.9) yields -Л2{Т,4)~2Ефв < a{q). (13.2.10)
13.2 Error variance estimations in linear models 365 For £j, j — 1, · · ·, hn, we have almost the same conclusions (for £^η, there may be a difference of a constant). Let {£j,j = 0,1, · · ·, hn} be independent random variables such that £'· obeys the same distribution as £j. By (13.2.10), (2j + l)tn {5-i/V/2( ^ αϊ)' '& j = 0,1,··-,Η»} k=2jtn + l satisfies the conditions given in Lemma 13.2.1. Choosing (^Liytu+i ak) as dk and tu η1/4ε as b in Lemma 13.2.1 (ε > 0 is given arbitrarily), we obtain ^2пР{*« 1/2|Σ^| * *η1/2ηχ/4ε} = О(^пЧ)). Σ "i=o Because of the choice of tn, we have ηΡ{\Σ%\>η1/Αή = 0^ (13.2.11) i=o Furthermore by Lemma 1.2.9 \E exp^n"1/4 ]P 3) - Вexp^in"1/4 ]P £,·) | j=0 j=0 < (hn + l)^(in) < -nt~V(^n). By condition (ii) in Theorem 13.2.1, ™-1/4Х^=0£у has the same limit distribution as n"1/4^^^·. Thus from (13.2.11) nP{\t,tj\>n1/4e}=o(l). For 77J, we have the same relation. Combining these two results implies the conclusion of the lemma. Proof of Theorem 13.2.1.
366 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample Obviously it is enough to prove the WIP. Define Un{·) and Vn{·) by fn(0) = 0,Vn(0) = 0, We have By Theorem 5.1.1 Vn{i/n) = Σ (Σ afkek) /Vnr, t = 1, · · ·, n, j=\ k=X [i> — 1 in , — . η η-Ι t/n =>> W as η —> οο. Hence in order to prove the theorem, it suffices to show that for any e > 0 P{ sup |УП(«)| > ε} -> 0, as га -> oo. (13.2.12) Since π < ρ, (13.2.12) is equivalent to г p{ max IУ" aj^eJ > (ητΫΐΑε1ΐ2\ -> 0 as η -> oo for any {<4 } satisfying Σ£=ι aL ^ 1· By Lemma 13.2.2, we have p{ шах|У4\|> (nr)1/^1/2} fc=l г < η max p(| Va!?eJ > (rarWV/2) -> 0 as η -> oo. ~~ 1<г<п Uf-' * I ~~ v 7 J fc=l The proof of the theorem is complete. Remark 13.2.2. When {e^} is a strictly stationary m-dependent sequence, one can take tn to be a constant, and hence condition (ii) is satisfied. When {ei} is a bounded sequence, we can take a(q) ξ 0 and £n, for example, to be [ra2/3]. Hence condition (ii) is also satisfied. Remark 13.2.3. Lin (1984) also gave the WIP when {e;} is admixing. 13.2.2 Strong approximation
13.2 Error variance estimations in linear models 367 Using the strong appximation result for a (^-mixing sequence (cf. Theorem 9.1.1), Lu (1986) showed the following theorem. Theorem 13.2.2. Let the random error sequence {e^} with (13.2.1) be strictly stationary and φ-mixing. Suppose that E\e\\^8 < oo for some 0 < δ < 1 and φ(η) = o(ni-4(2+e)(i0-*)/**) as η-^oo (13.2.13) where 0 < θ < 1 and ε > 0. Then Z(t) - W(t) = 0(i1/4(log *)9/4+e) а.з. In order to prove the theorem, we need a lemma: Lemma 13.2.3. Under the conditions of Theorem 13.2.2, X = o{n1'*) а.з. where X — Σ£=1 а&е& with Σ2=ι αΙ < 1· Proof. Put dn = [nM/4(10-*)], /*n = [n/2dn], (2i+l)dn 2(i+l)d„ fi = Σ afcefc' ^i = Σ afcefc' j = 0,1, · · ·, /in - 1, fc=2jdn + l fc=(2j+l)dn + l η fc=2undn + l Similarly to (13.2.9), si&iw<s(i!EiW) k=l < Σ |α,|8+^|β,|8+ί + £ (Σ Ы>/-*+^|е*Г|е/-^|) fc fc/ji г=1 + ···+ Σ lafci---afc8lKh^|efci---efc8||efc9|6| fc=l
368 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample Let {&Λ = 0,1, · · · ,/in} be such independent random variables that £'· obeys the same distribution as f^. Put 10-6 ,(2j+l)dn . tll , 2(8+6) / V"^ 2\ I £l k=2jdn + l and ai = { Σ 4) ■ k=2jdn+l Then hn η Σαγ<Σα\<1. 3=0 k=l Applying Remark 13.2.1 toI = EjZo"j£" and b = £dn(10~*)/2(8+*V/8, we obtain ^{|Σφ-1/8} 3=0 10-< hn 10-6 = P{^2(8+£)|£^| >ed„2(8+4)ni} = o^-^n"1-6/8) = oin"1-^1-*)/8). (13.2.14) By у?-mixing property, \Ρ{ξι+ξ2<χ}-Ρ{ξ[+&<χ}\ < J \Ρ{ξι <x- u\& = u} - Ρ{ξ1 <χ- u}\dP{& < x} < f(dn), and hence \ρ{Σ,*><*)-ρ{Σ.$ϊ*}\ j=0 j=0 < 0(hn<p(dn)) = 0{η~ι-ε). (13.2.15) Combining (13.2.14) with (13.2.15) implies Ρ{\Σϊι\>εη1/8}=0(η-ι-η. 3=1
13.3 Density estimations 369 By the Borel-Cantelli lemma |Efc|= ofn1/8) a.s. j=o Similarly /in-l The lemma is proved. Proof of Theorem 13.2.2. Write M r[t] / W /r η χ 2 fc=l i=l j=l r[t) [t] 9 Prom Lemma 13.2.3, we have Μ 2 (Σα«Ι)βί) ^°(^/4) a's- as*-^oo. (13.2.16) i=i By Theorem 9.1.1, there exists a Wiener process {W(£),£ > 0} such that for any ε > 0 X(i)-W(i) = 0(i1/4(logi)g/4+e) a.s. ast-^oo. (13.2.17) Combining (13.2.16) with (13.2.17) implies the conclusion of the theorem. 13.3. Density estimations Let {Χη,η > 1} be a sequence of i2d-valued random variables with a common density function f{x). In general, there are two kinds of estimations for f(x). The first is the so-called kernel estimation, which is defined by x — X; Ш = μί)-^4^), (13.3.1) i=i hn
370 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample where the window width hn [ 0 as η —> oo. Another kind is the so-called nearest neighbor estimation, which is defined by fn(x) = kn/{n\S(x,an(x))\}, (13.3.2) where /cn, 1 < kn < n, is the given integer, an(x) is the distance from χ to the kn-th closest X{ (in Χχ, · · · ,Χη), S(x,a) is the hypersphere of center χ having the radius a and |S(#,a)| = L(S(x,a)), where L denotes the Lebesgue measure in Rd. In this section we always assume {Xn} is (^-mixing. Other kinds of mixing sequences can be studied similarly. 13.3.1 Kernel estimation Many authors, such as Lin(1983), Masry and Gyorfi (1987), Shao (1990), Cai (1991), Peligrad (1992), Fan and Xue (1993) have studied limit behavior of the kernel estimation (KE) of the density function for a mixing sequence. Let {ХгцП > 1} be a unvalued (^-mixing sequence with a common unknown density function f(x) = /(#i, · · ·, ж<г)· Consider the KN fn(x) defined by (13.3.1). Peligrad (1992) showed the following result: Theorem 13.3.1. Suppose that D is a compact subset of Rd and f is continuous on an ε-neighborhood of D. Suppose that К satisfies the following conditions: (1) K(-) is a density on Rd, (2) K{x) <Kx<oo for any χ G Rd, (8) \\x\\d+1K{x) -> 0 as χ -> oo, (4) f\\x\\K(x)dx = K2<oo, (5) K(·) is Lipschitz of order 7 on Rd. Then sup \fn{x) - f(x)\ - 0(hn + d}/2 \ogn/{nhdn)l/2) a.s. (13.3.3) xeD where dn — expi2j]|^nJ (^1/2(2Z)J. //, in addition, the condition 00 Σ Ψ1/2(2η) < oo (13.3.4) n=X is satisfied, then for hn = О ((log2 n/n)1^d+2A sup \fn(x) - f(x)\ = 0((log2 η/η)χ/(<*+2)) a.s. (13.3.5) xeD
13.3 Density estimations 371 Remark 13.3.1. If condition 3) is weakened into (3)' llar^A» -> 0 as χ -> oo, condition (4) is dropped, and condition (13.3.4) is replaced by and we have lim φ(η) < 1/2 η—>oo nhn/(dn log2 n) —> oo asn-> oo, sup |/n(#) — /(ж)| —> 0 a.s. as η —> oo. Remark 13.3.2. Under independence assumption, the rate of the maximal deviation of the estimation from the true density is due to Kuelbs (1976) and its size is O^loglogn)1/2/™1^2^*1))). (13.3.5) improves the speed of this convergence to (9((log2 n/n)1/^"1"2)). Remark 13.3.3. Shao (1990) further improved the speed to 0((log n /n)1/^"1"2)), but a stronger mixing condition, i.e. φ(η) — 0(n"~(2+d)), is required. Proof of Theorem 13.3.1. Obviously by Lemma 2.2.2, under condition (13.3.4), (13.3.3) with hn = οαΐο^η/η)1^**2)) implies (13.3.5). We prove (13.3.3). Write sup|/n(aO ~f(x)\ xeD < sup \fn(x) - Efn(x)\ + sup \Efn(x) - f(x)\ xeD xeD =:Δχ + Δ2. (13.3.6) Estimate Δχ first. Because D is compact, we can choose a covering of D with l(n) balls βχ, · · ·, Β/(η) of centers ίχ, ·· ·, t/(n) having the radius ^-^(n-^^log2^1^; the number l(n) can be chosen less than 0(h-d(n/(hd log2 n))d^2^). Without loss of generality, we can assume hn > n~2/d. Hence l(n) = 0{п2+ы'^). (13.3.7) Let ж be in D and define ад-^Е(^)-ЦНг))-
372 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample So Δχ = supinhi^Snix). xeD By condition 5), for every χ € Bk, we have \Sn(x) - Sn(tk)\ < CnRlh-dl2~i < C(nlog2 η)1'2 (13.3.8) for some С > 0. And by Lemma 2.2.2, there «xists G > 0 such that ESl(x) < Gndn. (13.3.9) Moreover by condition 2) <2K1(Gndnhi)-1/2=:Cn. Now let A(> C) be a positive number specified later on. By (13.3.8) we have P\ sup \Sn(x)\ > 2A(nlog2n)x/2) l(n) < £(p{ sup \Sn(x) - Sn(tk)\ > ^(nlog2^1^} + P{\Sn(tk)\>A(n\og2n)1/2}) <l(n) max P{\Sn(tk)\ > A{n\og2 n)1/2}. (13.3.10) l<k<l(n) Estimate the probability of the right hand side of (13.3.10). It is clear that for any η > 0, 0 < η < 1/2, there are ρ > 1 and A > 0 such that for n > ρ φ{ρ) + max P{\Sn{tk) - Si(*fc)|/((?ndn)1/2 > A} < η. 1<г<п By a combination of (2.2.18) and (2.2.19) in Lemma 2.2.7, we have P\ max iSjit^l/iGndn)1/2 > χ + 2A + 2pCn\ { l<j<n > < ~^—P{ max \Sj(tk)\/(Gndn)1/2 > x\. (13.3.11) 1 — 77 ^i<j<n J Let Bn — 2A + 2pCn and Mn = maxi<j<n |5j(tfc)|/(Gi^n)1/2. Obviously, for any an > 0 £exp(anMn) < exp(anBn) + an / ехр(апж)Р(Мп > ж) cfo.
13.3 Density estimations 373 After changing χ to χ + Bn, by (13.3.11) we get Eexp(anMn) < exp(anBn) + ——-Eexp{an(Mn + Bn)}. Letting an — (2Bn)~1\og^~1 — 1) yields Eexp(anMn) < ((τ?"1 - l)"1/2 - (η'1 - l)"1)"1 =: 9{η). Put α = infna„ = (4A)~l log^~l - 1). Then Piailognr^GndJ-WlSMl > 3d/(27) +4} < 9{η) exp{-(3d/(27) + 4) logn} = 0(η-(3^>+4>) (13.3.12) uniformly in к as n —> oo. Putting A = 2((3d/27 + 4)G1/2/log(iT1 - l))1/2, which implies A = {M/2^ + A)Gxl2/a. From (13.3.7), (13.3.10) and (13.3.12) we obtain oo V PJsup \Sn(x)\ > 2A(ndn\og2 n)1/2\ < oo. (13.3.13) n=i L^^ J Therefore //dnlog2n\i/2x Al = °U nfed j J a's- asn-^oo. As for Δ2, by the well-known Bochner-Parzen theorem (cf. Parzen 1962), under the conditions of the theorem, we have Δ2 — 0{hn) as n —> 00. The proof of the theorem is completed. 13.3.2 Nearest neighbor estimation Chai (1984) studied strong consistency of nearest neighbor estimation (NNE) of the density function for a mixing sequence. Using the improved Bernstein inequality, Lemma 12.4.1, Chai's theorems hold under the weaker mixing condition. Theorem 13.3.2. Suppose that condition (13.3.4) ™ satisfied and kn in (13.3.2) satisfy kn —> 00, kn/n —► 0 as n —> 00. (13.3.14)
374 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample Then kn/ y/n —► oo implies fn(x) -A f{x) a.s. χ G Rd(L); (13.3.15) and Σ^ι exP(~c^n/n) < °° for апУ c > 0 implies fn(x) -> f(x) a.s., a.s. χ G Rd(L). (13.3.16) Proof. Denote V& the volume of an unit ball in Rd, μ and μη the distribution of X\ and the empirical distribution of Χχ, · · ·, Xn respectively. For any given ε > 0 put bn(x) = (f(x) + £)Vdn/kn, b'n{x) = (f(x) - e)Vdn/kn, Sn(x,b) = S(x,b-1/d(x)), Sn(x,b') = S(x,b'-1/d(x)). Then P{\fn(x)~f(x)\>e} < P{fn(x) - f(x) > ε} + P{fn{x) - f(x) < -ε} < P{/in(5n(x,b)) -μ(5η(χ,6)) > — η -М5п(Ж,Ь))} + РК(5„(х,Ь')) -μ(5η(*,6')) > — -/*(£„(*, δ'))} (13.3.17) η (If /(ж) < ε, the second term of the right hand side of the first and the second inequality sign disappears). By the well-known Lebesgue density theorem we have that as η —► oo μ(5η(χ,6))/|5η(χ,6)| - f(x) a.s. χ G i?d(L), /i(5n(x,b,))/l^n(^,i>,)| - /(ж) a"*, x G i?d(L). Let the exceptional sets be denoted by D and D' respectively. Put Ε = Dc Π D/c. Then for any χ £ Ε and η large enough, M5„(x,6))<^(/(x) + |)/(/(x) + e), μ(5η(χ,?>'))>^(/(^)-|)/(/Η-ε).
13.3 Density estimations 375 Put a(x) = e/(2(/(ar) + ε)) and a'(x) = e/(2(/(ar) - ε)). For any χ € Ε P{\fn(x)-f(x)\>e} < P{^n(Sn(x,b)) -M(S„(ar,b))| > —a(x)} η + P{^n(Sn(x,b')) -/*(5„(ж,6'))| > —α'(«)} η =: /ni + In2. Let & — I{X% £ £п(#5 £))) — /z(Sn(#, £))), г = 1, · · ·, η. Then using Lemma 12.4.1 we have r k2 ϊ Jni <2exp\-c^a2(x)\, and similarly ι 2 /n2<2exp{-c^a,2(x)|. They imply (13.3.15) if kn/y/n -> oo and (13.3.16) if Σ™=ι exp(-c*£/ra) < oo for any с > 0. Remark 13.3.4. By a finer analysis, we can obtain a rate of a.s. consistency, i.e. fn{x) ~ f{x) = o(r~x) a.s. where rn = η^,Ο < β < l/(2(d + 1)), if /(·) satisfies the local Lipschitz condition on χ and /(ж) > О and conditions (13.3.4) and (13.3.14) are satisfied. Next we consider uniform strong consistency in the case of d = 1. At this time, fn{x) — кп/(2пап(х)), х G R. We need some lemmas. Let F and Fn be the distribution function of X\ and the empirical distribution function of X\, · · ·, Xn respectively. Define the empirical process of {Xn,n>l}: R(s,t) = [t](F[t](s) - F(s)), seR,t>0. Lemma 13.3.1. (Berkes and Philipp 1977) Suppose that ψ{η) = 0(n~b-6) for some δ G (0,1/4). (13.3.18) Then there exists a version K(s, t) of a Kiefer process such that supsup|#(s,*) - K(F(s),t)\ = 0(T1/2(logT)-A) a.s. t<T seR for some λ > 0.
376 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample Lemma 13.3.2.(Csorgo and Revesz 1981) For a Kiefer process K(s, t), limsup sup \K(s, t)\/(t log log t)1/2 = 1/^2 a.s. t^oo 0<s<l Theorem 13.3.3. Suppose that (13.3.18) is satisfied and {kn} satisfies kn/n -► 0 and kn/(n\og\ogn)1/2 -► oo. (13.3.19) And suppose that f is uniformly continuous in R. Then sup \fn(x) ~ f(x)\ -► 0 a.s. X proof. By Lemma 13.3.1, for any ε > 0 there is a constant a > 0 such that P(An,i.o.) <e, (13.3.20) where An — {sup^. \R(x,n) -K(F(x),n)\ > an1/2 (log n)~x\. Similarly, by Lemma 13.3.2 for any ε > 0 there is a constant b > 0 such that P(Bn,i.o.) <e, (13.3.21) where £?n — jsupo^^ |if(s,n)| > b(nloglogn)1/2}. Put 2п(/(*)+е)' ην 7 2n(/(x)-e) and Sn(#, dn) = (χ - dn(x),x + dn(x)), Sn(x, d'n) = (x- d'n{x),x + d'n(x)). Then similarly to (13.3.17) P{\j{sup\fn(x)-f(x)\>£}} <P{U \J{Vn(Sn(x,dn)) n>m x -/i(5n(x,dn)) > — - μ(3η(χ,άη)) + ^{U U K(5n(x,0) n>mcc:/(cc)>e -/*(sn(*X))>-^-/*($„(*, <))}} =·' Jml + «Λη2· (13.3.22)
13.3 Density estimations 377 By uniform continuity of /, Μ :— supx f(x) < oo, and further for any χ and large n, μ(5»(*, «U)<^(/(*) + f )/(/(*)+ ^ η 2 η -M^n^,dn^> n ·2(/(χ)+ε) ^ n ·2(Μ + ε) Μ^(*.<)) >-(/(*)-f )/(/(*)-*). μ(5η(χ,<)) - ^ > *" = :Ρη> η - η 2(/(ζ)-ε) > κη ε ~η ' 2(Μ - ε) =: <7η, as /(ж) > ε. Therefore «Ληΐ < ^{ |J |sup|/in(5n(x,dn)) -/i(5n(x,dn))| >pn}} <2Р{д{^р|^»И-^)1>у}} < 2Ρ п>т {υ{ sup ι R(x, n) — K(F(x),n) ι pi > η pf}} + 2P{U{ Ж№^}} n>m — 2 J(1) + 2 J(2) By condition (13.3.19) we have ^/npn(logn) —► oo as η —► oo. Hence it follows from (13.3.20) that rW |Д(ж,п) -K(F(x),n)i n^pnilogn)* n1/2(logn) λ < P{ (J An\ —> 0 as m —> oo. Similarly (13.3.21) implies i2J < P{ (J Bn} -+ 0 as m -^ oo. n>m
378 Chapter 13 Convergence of Some Statistics with a Mixing Sample Thus Jrni ->0asm-^oo. Moreover Jm2 <P{\J {sup|/in(5n(x,<)) -μ(5η(χ,<))| > qn}}. n>m In the same way as for Jmi, we have Jm2 ->0asm-^oo. Then it follows from (13.3.22) that for any ε > 0 P{ U {SUP \f"(x) " /(ж)1 >ε}} ~^° ^ m "^ °°· n>m This completes the proof of the theorem. Remark 13.3.5. If / possesses a bounded second derivative then for kn = [n7/10] and any Cn —> oo we have sup|/n(x) - /(a:)| = ofr-^Ooglogn)x/2Cn) a.s. Remark 13.3.6. In Yu (1993) a simple and useful nonparametric estimator of a density /(ж) based on a sample Χχ, · · ·, Xn has been defined. If m = mn is a positive integer, the nonparametric estimator fn(x) of f(x) is defined by dividing 2ran by η times the length of the smallest interval containing χ which consists of 2ran of the η observations in which the half of them lie on the left side of χ and the other half on the right side. Formally, —— - -, X G pf(mn+j)>^(mn+.7+l))5 for j = 0,1,···,,η-2τηη; 0 X < X(mn) ОГ X > X(n_mn+1), where (X(X), · · · ,X(n)) is the order statistic of (Χχ, · · · ,Xn). Yu (1993) showed that in the case of i.i.d. observations /n(#) converges to f(x) (in probability and a.s.) under some conditions. Yu (1995) studied that the rate of strong uniform convergence for the estimator defined as above when the observations satisfy a (^-mixing or an α-mixing condition. fn{x) = <
Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds of Dependent Random Variables The almost sure invariance principle for sums of weakly dependent random variables has been given by Philipp and Stout (1975), such as lacunary trigonometric series, (^-mixing or α-mixing sequence of random variables, Gaussian sequence and additive functional of Markov chains . The strong approximations of sums of (^-mixing and α-mixing sequences have been studied in Chapter 9. In this chapter we shall investigate the strong approximations of sums of other kinds of dependent random variables, including lacunary trigonometric series with weights, a class of Gaussian sequences and additive functional of Markov processes. All of these improve essentially and comprehensively the results in Philipp and Stout's monograph (1975). 14.1 Lacunary trigonometric series with weights Let {η^, к > 1} be a sequence of positive real numbers with nk^/nk>l + q/kr (14.1.1) for all к and some q > 0, 0 < r < 1/2. It is said to be a lacunary sequence when r = 0. Let {а&, к > 1} be a sequence of non-zero real numbers. Put x=lib°i fi=iib*i (14л·2) Suppose that An —> oo and that there exist constants <5,/3 with 0 < δ <
380 Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds l,/3 > 0 such that ak = 0{A\-6), (14.1.3) A2k = 0(Ak), (14.1.4) hP = 0(Ak). (14.1.5) In this section, ([0,1),β,Ρ) denotes a probability space, where В consists of the Lebesgue measurable sets of [0,1), and Ρ is the Lebesgue measure on B. We consider the trigonometric series η S{A2n,u) = Y^akcos2nnku, ω G [0,1). (14.1.6) For t > 0, put S(t,u) = S(Alu), ifA2n<t<A2n+1, (14.1.7) where Ao = 0. The strong approximations of S(t) by a Wiener process W(t) were first discussed by Gaposhkin (1966). Later on, in the case of r — 0, Philipp and Stout (1975) proved the almost sure invariance principle for lacunary trigonometric series with weights under condition (14.1.3) and obtained the approximation order of 1/2 — λ for each λ < δ/32. In a special case of unweighted summands, they obtained the approximation order of 5/12 +λ for each λ > 0 and conjectured that the constant 5/12 would be replaced by 1/3. Sun (1984) showed this fact. Shao (1987) improved all these results comprehensively. He studied the general case of lacunary trigonometric series with weights and pointed out that Sun's order is not the best possible, and obtained, when the case of r = 0, the order of 1/4 which is the best if one were only to use the Skorohod embedding scheme. Furthermore, in some particular cases, the logarithmic order is obtained Theorem 14.1.1. Suppose that conditions (ЦЛ.З)-(ЦЛ.Б) are satisfied and that δβ > r. Then without changing the distribution of{S(t),t > 0}, we can redefine the process {S(t),t > 0} on a richer probability space together with a Wiener process {W(t),t > 0} such that S(t) - W{t) = o(f2-^i+rl^ log21) a.s. (14.1.8)
14.1 Lacunary trigonometric series with weights 381 Theorem 14.1.2. Under the conditions of Theorem Ц.1.1 and the assumption of \ak\ non-increasing, we have S{Al) - W{Al) = o(AZ/W{BW V A'JW)) log2 An) a.s. (14.1.9) We immediately obtain the approximation order for lacunary trigonometric series with unweighted summands from the above general theorems. Corollary 14.1.1. If a& = 1, then we have S(t) - W(t) = o(*(1+2r)/4log2*) a.s. In the case of r — 0 the result (14.1.10) is an essential improvement of Theorem 3.1 in Philipp and Stout (1975), the order of 1/4 is the best possible provided S(t) is constructed via the Skorohod embedding method. Corollary 14.1.2. Suppose that the condition of Theorem 14-1.2 and condition (ЦЛ.5) are satisfied (for some β > 0), and Βχ = O(l), \ak\ 1 0. Then when r = 0 we have S(t)-W(t) = <3(log2*) a.s. The proofs of Theorems need the following lemmas. Lemma 14.1.1. Let £1, · · · ,£n be a sequence of random variables. Put к 5* = Σ&·> Μ*= max |Sj|. Suppose that there exists a sequence {c&} such that for all 0 < г < j < η Е^-3{\2< Σ сь i<k<j then г=1 & for each к < n. The proof refers to Theorem 2.4.1 in Stout (1974).
382 Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds Lemma 14.1.2. For any ν > 0, §f=<H· <ΐ4ΐ·ιο> j>k J k k Proof. (14.1.4) implies that there exists a constant С > 0 such that Α+, = θ((ψ)4·) for all /с, j > 1. And by η^+ι/η*. > 1 + q/kr', we have where we have used the well-known formula η i—r Yk~r = - + u + 0(n-r), 0<r<l/2, *-** 1 — г fc=l where и — ϊχ(γ) is a constant. Hence f^nt УпккЛ^к-> П 2(1 -τ))> PV2(l-r)^ ynk > Thus (14.1.10) is proved. The proof of (14.1.11) is similar. Lemma 14.1.3. Let W(t) be a Wiener process and {tn} be a sequence of random variables. Suppose that there exists a sequence {&„} of real numbers with bn = o(n), such that tn-n = 0(bn) o.s., (14.1.13) then W(tn) - W(n) = 0{blJ2 log1/2 n) a.s. (14.1.14)
14.1 Lacunary trigonometric series with weights 383 Proof. (14.1.13) implies that there exists a constant С such that \tn ~ n\ < Cbn a.s., hence \W(tn)-W(n)\< sup sup \W(t + s)-W(t)\ a.s. 0<t<n-Cbn 0<s<2Cbn In terms of a well-known result (cf. Theorem 3.2B in Hanson and Russo 1983), we have sup sup \W(t + s)-W(t)\ 0<t<n-Cbn 0<t<2Cbn = o((bn(log^^ +loglog(n + C6n)))1/2) a.s. (14.1.14) follows from the above relations. We now define an increasing sequence Tk of σ-fields as follows. Put ρ = 2/β + 4. For each integer /с, let r& be the largest integer г such that 21' < A\nk. (14.1.15) We define Tk to be the σ-field generated by the intervals of the form Uvk = [v2~rk, (v + l)2~rfc), 0 < ν < 2rK Putting £fc(u;) = аксоз2кпьи, Хк(и) = E^^F^.), we obtain by (14.1.15), for each fc, j > 1 E(tk+j\Fj) = 0(ak+j(l A Apjnj/nk+j)). (14.1.16) Lemma 14.1.4. We have oo ΣΙ&-^*Ι = 0(1). (14.1.17) k=l Proof. We have from (14.1.15) \tk-Xk\ = 0(Ak-pak) = 0(Ak-*+1). Hence (14.1.17) follows from (14.1.5).
384 Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds Lemma 14.1.5. We have £ EX]-A2N = 0{\). (14.1.18) 1<3<N Proof. Noting that Εξ] - Oj/2 = a2j sm2nnj/2nnj, j<N j<N and £ [EX] - Εξ]) = 0( £ a]Ajp) = O(l), j<N j<N we get (14.1.18). We can now represent Xj as Xj = Yj + uj - uj+u (14.1.19) where {Yj, Tj\ is a martingale difference sequence and u\ = 0 oo Uj = Σ Е(Х^к\Ъ-г), j > 2. (14.1.20) fc=o Lemma 14.1.6. We have for all j, 1 < j < η — 1, £ \Е(Х{Хк\^)\ = Сп2гА2п~261оЕ2Ап, (14.1.21) j<i<k<n where constant С does not depend on j and n. Proof. By the definition of X&, we admit Е{Х{Хк\^) = E{X£k\Fj). Write 2ri-l EfaXifo) = Σ I(Uvj)bv. v=0
14.1 Lacunary trigonometric series with weights 385 We have 2~rj 2Ti~rJ-l fv2~rJ+(l+l)2~ri -bv = } 2Ti \ cos27rriktdt ak^i f^ Jv2~rJ+l2~ri rv2~rJ +(l+l)2~ri • / cos2nriitdt Jv2~rJ+l2~ri „ .! sin 2ттщ2~п~1 sin 2nnk2~ri~1 — Ψιτ! {2тт)2щпк 2ri~rJ-l - • 5^ (cos2n(nk - щ){у2'г* + {l+ -)2~ri) 1=0 + cos27r(nfc + тц)(у2-г* + (l + i)2~r<)). Using the equality Tl—l · /r% Σ, 14 sin an/2 cos(av + b) = — -.— cos(o + a[n — l)/2), л sin α ι δ where a and b are any real numbers with sin(a/2) φ 0, we obtain 2-r*bv _2ri+1 sm2nni2-ri-1 sm2Knk2-ri-1 акщ (2п)2щпк ·(- τ-5 4 rcos2^nfc-пЛ(г> +- 2 rj Vsin2^nfc-ni)2-r<-1 V yV 2/ Hence 6ν = 0(α*α,·2Γ'(1 + 2~г1щ)/пк) for all г, A:. And we also have for г, к with η& + щ < 274""1, bv = 0(аксц(1 Л 2rV(nfc ~ η,·)). For each г : j < г < η, take fco(i) = тах{/с : (rifc + щ) < 2ri~x} Л (n — 1). (14.1.12) and (14.1.15) imply that k0(i) - г = 0(ir log Д·), hence j<z<fc<n ' 2r^ пг· ο(Σ Σ 1ад|(- + -) n-1 fco(0 2^· + Σ Σ ι^Κ^^ζττ))· (14-L22) i=j+ik=Zi v nfc~ni'
386 Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds From Lemma 14.1.2 and (14.1.15), the first part of the right hand side of (14.1.22) is bounded by = 0(Al~V). Take i(j) = тах{г : 2rJ > пгГ3г} Л (η - 1). Then (14.1.12) and (14.1.15) imply that i(j) — j = 0(jr log Aj). Again from Lemma 14.1.2, the second part of (14.1.22) is bounded by i(j) n~X k0(i) r ^-24(Σ Σ ι+ΣΣ-^) i=j i<k<k0(i) i>i(j) k>i K г П—1 tyrj = o(Al-*(n*\o£An+ £ ^-г2")) Ч -^ ·( ·\ ni+l J ' = оЦ-^(„-1о^д, + ^*1£)) V V ni(j)+l " = 0(n2rA2n~2S log2 An). The lemma is proved. Lemma 14.1.7. We have Uj = 0(jr A]-6 log Aj). (14.1.23) Proof. Using (14.1.16), (14.1.20) and Lemma 14.1.2, we find 3 = Y^E(£k+j\fj-l) oo k=0 •г л1-6 ] = 0(fA)-u log Aj). Lemma 14.1.8. For each к,п(к < η), £ Е(Хгип+1\Ъ) = 0(А2п-26п2г1оё2Апу, (14.1.24) k<i<n Σ E(XiUk\Tk) = 0(A2n-2Snr log An). (14.1.25) k<i<n
14.1 Lacunary trigonometric series with weights 387 Proof. By (14.1.20) we have OO j=0 OO = Ο^Α]-δη+1(1ΑΑ^ητ/η3+η+1)). j=0 Hence η oo Σ Ε(Χ<ηη+1\Κ)=θ(Σ Σ(1Λ^?ηί/ηί+»+ι)^ΐη+ι^~ί)· i=k+l i=k+lj=0 Taking ко = [corT log Лп], where со will be specified later, we have η oo i+n+i i=k+lj=0 η ко п—ко оо др - Σ Σ^/+η+ι+ Σ Σ.,1 * 4/+П+1 i=n-fc0+i y=o i=fc+l i=0 A^+n+X η oo jp t=n-fco+li=fco + l '^+η+1 τι—fco jp r <=fc+i n"+1 + Σ ^(*o + n+l)M-L+1) =ο(η>^'-^ρ(<"-^': --"%)+*w + ^n fcoexp( ^-^ ,)) = 0(^-5n2rlog2An). The last equality holds so long as we take cq sufficiently large. This proves (14.1.24); the proof of (14.1.25) is similar. Lemma 14.1.9. We have Σ EYf -Al = 0(n2rAn~26 log2 An). (14.1.26) 3=1
388 Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds Proof. Since {Yj} is a martingale difference sequence, we have ±EY? = E(±Yj)2 3=1 j=l = Ε{Σ xif+2Eun+i Σ xj + Eu2n+v I2 j=l j=l Hence (14.1.26) follows from Lemma 14.1.5 - Lemma 14.1.8. Lemma 14.1.10. Under the assumption δ β > r, we have Σ У? -А2п = 0(A2n-6nr log3 An) a.s. (14.1.27) j=l Proof. Note that (14.1.5) and δβ > r imply nr = 0{A8n). Applying Lemma 14.1.1, the Borel-Cantelli lemma and the subsequence method, we need only to show that for any 0 < m < η E( Σ (У/-Е1?))2 = о(( Σ ΕΥ})Αΐ~26η*log2An), (14.1.28) m<j<n m<j<n where the constant implied by О does not depend on ra, n. Observe that Yf-Щ'У' m<j<n E( Σ V?-EYf)f Σ E{Yf-EYff + 2 £ ВД2-Я1?)(Е Υ?), m<j<n m<k<n k<i<n where £ Ε{Υέ-ΕΥΪ)(Σ Υ2) <k<n к<г<п = ς вд?-яп2)(Е tf т<к<п к<г<п = ς £(п2-я#)(Е х? + 2 Σ κ* т<к<п к<г<п k<i<j<n + 2 ]Г Xi(Un+l - Щ+l) + (Un+i - Uk+1)2) k<i<n =: Σ (h(k) + I2(k) + h(k)+h(k)). m<k<n
14.1 Lacunary trigonometric series with weights 389 By Lemma 14.1.6 - Lemma 14.1.8, it follows that max 1{(к) = 0(n2rA2n-26EY£ log2 An). (14.1.29) 2<г<4 We now show that (14.1.29) holds for I\(k) as well. Since | Σ χϊ- Σ φο(ΐ), k<i<n k<i<n it suffices to show that (14.1.29) holds for E(Y£ - EY%) (T,k<i<n &) · Noting that Yk is .^-measurable and writing 2rfc-l η = Σ bHPik), г=0 we have by the definition of Tk E{Y2-EY2){^ ξ]) j=k+l 2rfc-l η /.(i+l)2"rfc " ~ * '* мг+ι,μ 'fc Σ d2 Σ /. α2 cos2 2nrijtdt i=o j=k+iJi2~rh 2rfc-l η «! ~2_Γ"(Σ rf?) Σ / o2cos227rnjtdt = Σ <*? Σ α? ^ со84ттДг+-)2 ** г=0 j=fc+l 2гк-\ п a2 = θ(2-'(Σ ^)( Σ ^+ Σ α,2(ΐΛ^ηΛ·))) г=0 j=fc+l ■* j=fc+l = 0(A2n-2SnrEY*logAn). This proves that (14.1.29) holds for h(k). For ЯУД we have EY£ = 0(EYk2A2~2Sk2r log2 Ak). This proves (14.1.28), and the lemma follows.
390 Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds Lemma 14.1.11. We have η ^(^(F/I^i) - Yf) = 0(nrA2n-6 log3 An) a.s. (14.1.30) Proof. Put Rj = Yf - E{Yf \Tj-i). Then {Rj,Tj} is a martingale deiFerence sequence, and we have ERl = 0{EY£) = 0(EYk2 A2k~2Sk2r log2 Ak). The proof is verbatim as that of Lemma 14.1.10. By a martingale version of the Skorohod representation theorem, there exists a probability space, on which a Wiener process and a sequence of non-negative random variables T{ are defined such that {w((j2Ti),™>\} and {^2Yj,m>l} j<m j<m have the same distribution. Hence on the new probability space, without loss of generality we can redefine {Yj} by Yj = w(J2T^-w(^Ti) i<j i<j and can keep the same notation. Write к £m = a{w(5^25),fc<m}, 3 = 1 m Λη = ψ(ί),ο<ί<5;Γ,·}. It is clear that Cm С Αγη,πι > 1, and Tj is Aj- measurable. By the embedding theorem, for every j > 1, ETj = ΕΥ? , and Е<?№-х) = E{Y}\Aj-{) = Е<у}\С;-Х) a.s. (14.1.31) Moreover, for any ν > 1 there is a Cv such that E\Tj\v = CvE\Yj\2v. (14.1.32) Lemma 14.1.12. We have under the conditions of Theorem ЦЛЛ ^ Tj -A2n = o(A2n-i+r/P log3 An). (14.1.33) j<n
14.1 Lacunary trigonometric series with weights 391 Proof. Write Σ2* - Al j<n = Σ& - Epipj-x)) + j;w^-i) - Yf) + Σ Yi ~ Al =: h + h + h- j<n Put Zj = Tj — E(Tj\Aj-i). Then {(Zj.Aj)} is a martingale difference sequence and EZJ = O(EY^). By the proof analogous to that of Lemma 14.1.11 we obtain 1г = 0(A2n-6nr log3 An) a.s. (14.1.34) The lemma follows from (14.1.5), (14.1.27) (14.1.30) and (14.1.34). Proof of Theorem 14.1.1. Note that Σ YJ ~ Σ Хз = "»+ι = 0{Αη-*ητ log An). The theorem follows from Lemmas 14.1.3 and 14.1.12. Proof of Theorem 14.1.2. Note that 6 = 1 now. By the proof analogous to that of all the above lemmas under the conditions of Theorem 14.1.2, we also have Σ Tj - A\ = 0(nr (nr VBn) log3 An) a.s., (14.1.35) j<n where Sn-Efc<„«fc^n2· Since j<k j<k and a? is non-increasing, we have B„ = o(J>i) k<n by using the Abel transformation. Hence ΣΤι-Αΐ = θ(ητ{ητνΒη)\οζ*Αη) a.s. (14.1.36) j<n The theorem follows from (14.1.36) and Lemma 14.1.3.
392 Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds Remark 14.1.1. If k& = O(Ak) for some β > 0, \α^\ |, and |α^| = 0(к~в) for some r < θ < 1/2, then by the proof similar to that of Theorem 14.1.1, we have S(A2n) - W{A2n) = 0(C^ log2 An) a.s. where C„ = Efc<n Ы4-2г/*· Let Sn(u) = Sfc<n λ/2<^θ8 2πη^α;, α; £ [0,1). Combining Corollary 14.1.1 with the results of the increments of a Wiener process, we can obtain a.s. limiting behavior of increments of the sums Sn. 14.2 A class of Gaussian sequences Let {Xn, η > 1} be a centered sequence of Gaussian random variables. Under some conditions, including ε(ςΤ=™+ι Хк) = ησ<2 + 0(™1-ε) for some ε > 0, σ2 > 0 and ЕХшХш+п = 0(n~2), Philipp and Stout (1975) established strong approximations of partial sums 5(ί) = ΣΧ* t>0 k<t by a Wiener process with order 0(ί1/2-λ), where 0 < λ < ~ Λ ||. By applying the property of a symmetric matrix and the circle-plate theorem about eigenvalues of a matrix, Shao (1985) proved an ideal result as follows: Theorem 14.2.1. Suppose that there exist Ci > 0,г = 1,2,3, such that for every η m+n E( ^2 Xk) > C\n uniformly in m (14.2.1) k=m+l EXl < C2 (14.2.2) and 7(n) := sup \EXmXm+n\ < Czn-3'2-x (14.2.3) m for some λ > 0. Then without changing the distribution o/{5(t), t > 0}, we can redefine the process {S(t),t > 0} on a richer probability space together with a Wiener process {W{t),t > 0} such that S(t) - W(bt) = 0{\og1'21) a.s. (14.2.4)
14.2 A class of Gaussian sequences 393 where /M bt = b[t] =at + ru at = ES2(t), rt = 0[Jjr k-1'2^). (14.2.5) Corollary 14.2.1. If the condition (14-2.3) is strengthened by 7(71) < Cn-^logn)-1-6 (14.2.3х) for some ε > 0, then we have S(t) - W(at) = Otlog1/21) a.s. (14.2.4х) Corollary 14.2.2. Suppose that {Xn,^ > 1} is a centered stationary Gaussian sequence and (14-2.3') is satisfied, then oo σ2 := EX2 + 2 ^ ЕХгХк к=2 converges absolutely. If σ2 > 0, then, assuming σ2 — 1, we have S(t)-W(t) = 0(log1'2t) a.s. The proof of the theorem needs the following lemmas. Lemma 14.2.1. Let A be a real symmetric matrix of order η with eigenvalues λι,···,λη. Denote λ = тах!<г<п |λ^|. Then for any row vector С we have \CAC'\ < ACCX (14.2.6) where Cx is the transposed vector of С Proof. We need only to prove that matrices XI — A and XI + A are non-negative definite. By the well-known property of a matrix, there exists a real orthogonal matrix U such that U'AU is a diagonal matrix Л with the diagonal elements which is just equal to the eigenvalues of the matrix A. Therefore we have XI-A = U{XI-K)U'. It is clear that the eigenvalues of XI — Л are all non-negative, so that the eigenvalues of the real symmetric matrix XI — A are also non-negative.
394 Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds Thus the matrix XI — A is non-negative definite, similarly, so is the matrix XI + A. The lemma is proved. Lemma 14.2.2. At least one of the following inequalities is satisfied for eigenvalues of any matrix A = (α^)ηχη: η |А-од|< ]Г \aii\ ί = 1)···,^. (14.2.7) This result, the so-called circle-plate theorem, is due to Gerschgorin (cf. Franklin 1968, p. 161 Theorem 1). Denote Tn = σ{Χ&, 1 < к < η}. Write oo Yn = ^(E(Xn+k\fn) - Е(Хп+к\Гп-г)) = Xn + un+1-un (14.2.8) where щ = 0 and oo un = Σ Е(Хп+к\Гп-г), п = 2,3, ... (14.2.9) k=0 It is clear that {Yn, Τη} is a martingale difference sequence. We shall prove below that the series in (14.2.9) is convergent under the assumptions of Theorem 14.2.1. Lemma 14.2.3. // (Ц.2.1), (Ц.2.2) and (Ц.2.3) are satisfied, and for any к > 1 oo EX2k> £ \ЕХкХ^ + 1, (14.2.10) then K||2 = o(i). Proof. Let A be the covariance matrix of (Χι,·-· ,Xj) and С = (EXxXj+k, · · -tEXjXj+k). Then, by (5.22) in Philipp and Stout (1975), we have E{E2{Xj+k\^)) = CA-'C, (14.2.11) for any j, к > 1. By condition (14.2.10) and Lemmas 14.2.1 and 14.2.2, we obtain СА'гС < CC'. (14.2.12)
14.2 A class of Gaussian sequences 395 Denote unfc = £7(Xn+fc|^„_1), fc = 0,l,...;n=l,2,···. (14.2.13) It follows from (14.2.11), (14.2.12) and (14.2.3) that Eu2nk <П^(ЕХп+кХг)2 i=l < Cl Σ(η + k ~ *)~3~2Х ^ Ci(k + 1)~2~2X- (14.2.14) i=l Thus we have oo 1К1|2<Е11"»*Ь = о(1). k=0 Proof of Theorem 14.2.1. 1) We first prove Theorem 14.2.1 under condition (14.2.10). By a well-known property of a Gaussian sequence (cf. Ibragimov and Rozanov 1978, p.14), Yn, which is defined by (14.2.8), is a linear combination of X1? · · · ,Xn, so that {Yn,n > 1} is also a Gaussian sequence. By (14.2.8) {Y^,n>l}isa martingale difference sequence. Therefore Yn, η = 1,2,··· are independent. Then we can construct a Wiener process {W(t),t > 0} from {Yn,n > 1}. Let bt = Ek<tEYk- We redefine Yn = W(bn)-W(bn-1)i η = 1,2,.-- and from (14.2.8) we have k<n k<n Note that un, η = 1,2,···, are normal with uniformly bounded variances, then we have Un = OQog1'2 n) a.s. i.e. 2^fc-Eyfc = °(1(«1/2n) a.s. k<n k<n or S(t) - W(bt) = Oilog1/21) a.s. (14.2.15)
396 Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds Furthermore η bn-an = 2E(J2 XkUn+i) + Eul+1 η oo k=lj=l π οο η = o(EE-r(n+i-fc)) = o(s*-1/2-A). fc=lj=l fc=l Then Theorem 14.2.1 holds true under (14.2.10). 2) Now we prove Theorem 14.2.1 in general case. Put / = [312Cf/Cf], define X*m= Σ Хк m = l,2,.··, S; = ^X*k. (m-l)l<k<ml k<t Then {Xn} is also a Gaussian sequence satisfying (14.2.1), (14.2.2) and (14.2.3). It follows from (14.2.1) that EX*2 > Cxl. (14.2.16) We prove that {X*} satisfies (14.2.10). In fact Σ\Εχηχ;\ 3=1 Эфгь oo = ΣΚ Σ ъ)( Σ *)Ι j=\ (n-l)l<k<nl (j-l)l<i<jl Зфгь oo <^Σ Σ Σ i*-*rs/2 j=l (n-l)l<k<nl (j-l)l<i<jl Зфп I oo < 2C3 Σ Σ (^ + fc)~3/2 k=l m=0 I < 6C3 Σ k~1'2 ^ 6Сз(1 + 2/1/2). (14.2.17) By the definition of /, it is easy to verify that the right hand side of (14.2.17) does not exceed C\l — 1, that is to say, {X^} satisfies (14.2.10). For any fixed n, there exists an m such that (m — 1)1 < η < ml and hence |5n-5^|< max \Xk\. (14.2.18) (m— l)l<k<ml
14.3 The non-negative additive functional of a Markov process 397 Note that {Xn,n > 1} is a Gaussian sequence with uniformly bounded variances. Then we have max \Xk\ = OilogV2 m) a.s. (14.2.19) (m—l)l<k<ml and ml 2 an-am = EfjTXb) ~Ε(ΣΧ*Ϊ k=l k=l η ml ml 2 = -2Ε(Έ Σ XkXj)-E( ς xs) k=lj=n+l j=n+l oo = θ(Σ7(*))=0(1), (14.2.20) where a^ = E(Sm)2. It follows from 1), (14.2.18)-(14.2.20) that the proof of Theorem 14.2.1 is completed. 14.3 The non-negative additive functional of a Markov process Let X = {Xt,t > 0} be a homogeneous, right continuous, strong- Feller Markov process, which is defined on a probability space (Ω,^7, Ρ) with values in a complete, σ-compact measurable metric space (£7,p,B), satisfying the following conditions: (i) for any xGiJ, t > 0 and open set U G B, the stationary transition function of the Markov process X p(t,x,U) >0; (14.3.1) (ii) for every a £ Ε there exists a compact set К such that Pa{Xt{u) G К for some t > 0} = 1, (14.3.2) wherePa(-) = P(-|Xo = o). Prom (i) and (ii) it follows that X is a recurrent strong Markov process. For every U G B, put ί inf{£, t > 0, Χί(α;) G Ϊ7}, if the set is non-empty, [ oo otherwise.
398 Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds Define the exit distribution hu{a, S) = Ρα{ΧΤυ{ω) e S,tv < 00} for a G E, S G B. Denote Λ*7(*) = LhU(x,dy)f(y) for /(*) G В(ЁГ), where B(U) is the set of all bounded measurable function on U. Let H= {K, L} be the collection of all set-pairs satisfying the following conditions: (Hi) К and L are closed subsets of Ε and have an interior point at least, (H2) К and/or L are compact, (Щ) (i) К С E\L, E\L is a connected open set, or (ii) L С Е\К, E\K is a connected open set. For any given set-pair (K, L) G Η, χ £ K, put T*(*, t/) = / /iL(z, <*у)Л*(у, Е7), (14.3.3) JE where U G B, U С К. By recurrence TK(x, U) is a one-step transition function. Define the transformation T*/(a;)= { TK{xbdy)f{y) (14.3.4) for ж G ii, / G B(tf). Without loss of generality, assume that К is compact, and (i) of (Щ) is satisfied. Then for TK there exists a unique invariant probability measure μ on K. Moreover, suppose that X satisfies (iii) TK{B(K)} С C(K) := {all continuous function on K}. Let r be a stopping time of the process X, put Ωτ = {τ(ω) < oo}. Then ЛГТ := {Л : А С Ωτ, Vt > 0, Α Π (r < t) G M} is a σ-field of Ωτ, where Mt = σ{Χδ,0 < 5 < t}. Let ЛГ* be a σ-field of Ω which was introduced in Dynkin (1963 (3, 3.5)). Define the shift operators 9t from M* to M* and the shift operator θτ from M* to Ω,ΤΜ* satisfying ΘΤΑ = (J {Μ, τ(ω) = 1}СПТ АеМ*, (14.3.5) where the operations of union, intersection and complement are keeped by the operator 0T, and we have er{xt er} = {xt+T eг} гg b. (14.3.6)
14.3 The non-negative additive functional of a Markov process 399 For given (K, L) G H, we define random functions on Ω as follows: П =t1(K,L,u) finf{£, t > 0, Xt(u) G K} if the set is non-empty, oo otherwise; ση = an(K,L,u) finf{£, t > rn,Xt(u;) G L} if the set is non-empty, oo otherwise; Tn+i = rn+i(K,L,u;) f inf{t,t > an,Xt{uj) G K} if the set is non-empty, oo otherwise, for η > 1. By Doob (1953), rn, ση (η > 1) are the almost sure finite stopping times of the process X. Denote £η(ω) — ΧΤη(ω). Its transition function TK(x, U) satisfies the Doeblin condition and there exists a unique ergodic set, non-periodic. Moreover TK(x,U) satisfies \(TK)n(x, U) - μψ)\ < C6n, (14.3.7) where 0 < 6 < 1, С is a constant. Put P(B) = ( Ρα(Β)μ(άα) Be Т. (14.3.8) JE Then Ρμ is a probability measure on (Ω,.77), and Pa(B) — 1 implies Ρμ(Β) = 1. Put Εμί(·) = Ι ί(')Ρμ(άω). Jn At last, let φ = {φΐ(ω)} be a non-negative, strongly measurable, homogeneous additive functional on Ω, i.e. {(/>*, 0 < 5 < t} is a family of real valued functions satisfying the following condtions: (φι) For any s < £, Φ1(ω) is non-negative ~tft-measurable, where ~tft is the completion of Aft in probability space (Ω,^7, Ρ), (^2) for any ω G Ω and 5 < t < и, ф8и = Ф1 + фьи, (фз) for any ω G Ω and /ι > 0, s < t, Вкф\ = <#+£, (φι) for any 0 < и < г>, the bivariate function φ®(ω) of point (ί,ω) is B[u,v] x ЛС-measurable on [щ ν] χ Ω, where B[UjU] is the σ-field of interval [u,v], J7^ is the completion of Af„ — a(Xt,u <t<v). It is easy to check that θσιτη = rn+i - σχ. (14.3.9)
400 Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds Denote Уп — Φτ\ι+1'> ζη = 7"n+l — Tn- Then θσιυη = Уп+ι, θτιζη = ζη+χ. (14.3.10) Lemma 14.3.1. {yn, n > 1} is a strictly stationary φ-mixing sequence of random variables with Y^=\ (^1/2(η) < oo. Particularly, {zn,n > 1} and {wn = yn + czn,n > 1} are a/so 2/ie strictly stationary φ-mixing sequences. Proof. In order to prove {yn} is a strictly stationary sequence, it needs only to show that θσι on Ρμ is an operator preserving measure. Indeed, from (14.3.8) and Dynkin (1963 Theorem 3.11), for any В G λί0 := 0"{-X"t5 t > 0} we have Ρμ(θσιΒ) = ί ΡΧσι (Β)Ρμ(άχ) = Ρμ{Β). In order to prove {yn} is (^-mixing, we first show the following two facts: (i) a{yi,---,ym_i} С σ{ξι,···,ξ„ι} CJVTm, (U) <7{Ут+к-11Ут+к,-'} С a{fm+fc,fm+fc+b*· '}· Since ΜΤΎη_λ С Λ/"Ττη and £m = XTm is Λ/"Ττη-measurable, £fc, 1 < /с < m are also Λ/^-measurable. Therefore σ{6," ··,&*} CJVTm. Thus (i) holds true, if we can prove a{yn GA, AGBR}C σ{£η+χ G Γ, Γ G В} (14.3.11) where Br is Borel σ-field of i?+. Put Л = {Л: (yn G Л) G σ{^η+ι G Γ,Γ G В}, Л G Яд}, it is easy to verify that Λ is a λ-system and contains a π-system Π = {[0,t] : (yn G [0,t)) G σ{ξη+1 G Γ,Γ G B}}. Then σ(Π) С Λ that implies (14.3.11). The proof of (ii) is similar. Thus for any A G o{yk, 1 < к < m — 1}, Be o{yk, к > m + η — 1}, by the strong Markov property and (14.3.7) we have Ρμ(ΑΒ) = Ям(ВДЛ)/(Я)|Л/;т)) = Εμ{Ι{Α)Εμ{Ι{Β)\ΜΤπί)) = адЛ)Я„(/(В)|£т))
14.3 The non-negative additive functional of a Markov process 401 and \Ρμ(ΑΒ) - Ρμ(Α)Ρμ(Β)\ = \Εμ(Ι(Α)Εμ(Ι(Β)\ξη)) - ΕμΙ{Α)ΕμΙ{Β)\ = \Εμ{ΐ(Α)ΙΕΕμ(Ι(Β)\ξτη+η=η)[(ΤΚηξτη,άη)-μ(άη)]}\ < Εμ{ΐ(Α) J ЗД(В)|£т+п = n)Vn(U,dn)} < E„I(A)Vn(U, E) < Ρμ(Α)Οδη, (14.3.12) where Vn(U, A) = \(Тк)п(£т, А) - μ(Α)\. Taking ψ{η) = C6n(0 < δ < 1) we obtain {yn} is a y?-mixing sequence with Ση^=ι φχΙ2(η) < oo. Particularly, letting <f>st — t — s, we have yn = zn, so that the result of {zn} holds true. Moreover, from (i) and (ii) °{wk, l<fc<m-l} С σ{&, 1 < к < m} С Л/"Тт, a{wk, к > т + п — 1}С a{£k, к> т + п}. {wn} is also a strictly stationary ψ-mixing sequence. Lemma 14.3.1 is proved. Lemma 14.3.2. Let ф\ and ΦΙ be the non-negative, strongly measurable, homogeneous additive functionals of X with the finite αψ = Ε^ι, αψ = Εμψ% ф 0. Then (a) Pa{ lim (fi/tfi = αΦ/αΛ = p{ lim φ°/ψ° = αφ/αΔ = 1 (14.3.13) where P(A) = ( Pa(A)P0(da), (14.3.14) JE Pq is an initial distribution. (b) Particularly, letting l(t) to be a positive integer-valued random variable such that 4{t) < t < 7i(t)+1 (14.3.15) and az = Εμζη, we have p»te m=°<}=Fte щ="■}='· <14·316) *·{&?->}-'tea3?1-'J-1· <14·3·17'
402 Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds Proof. By the strict stationarity and (^-mixing property of {yn}5 {yn} is an ergodic sequence and its invariant σ-field U is trivial. By (14.3.8) for any A £ U Pa(A) = Ρμ(Α) = 0orl. Hence we have ι n Ρμ\ lim - X] yk = αφ\ = 1. k=l And since lim sup — Σ£=ι Ук and liminf — Σ£=ι Ук are ZY-measurable, we have ι n Pa{ lim - V yfc = «Л = 1. (14.3.18) k=l Obviously l(t) —> oo(£ —> oo). Write *? = <+ Σ> + *?(°· (14-3.19) fc=l Since τχ < oo a.s., for any given ε > 0 and large t we have P„{</i(t) > ε} = 0. (14.3.20) By the non-negativity of φ\, for large t we also have Pa{itm/Kt) >e} = Р«{^$+1//(«) > ε} - 0. (14.3.21) Combining (14.3.18)-(14.3.21), we get Pa{ lim 0?//(t) - αφ} = 1. (14.3.22) Similarly we have Pa\ lim ψ°/1(ί) = α^} = 1. (14.3.23) Putting (14.3.22), (14.3.23) and (14.3.14) together yields (14.3.13). Note that (14.3.16) is a special case of (14.3.22) with φ\ = t - s. Moreover rl{t) _ η l(t) - 1 1 ^ Prom η < oo a.s., (14.3.18) and (14.3.16), (14.3.17) holds true. Now let us consider the process S(t) generated by the additive functional φ® as follows: S(t) = <fi- Mt.
14.3 The non-negative additive functional of a Markov process 403 Put ΨΙ = t - s, Μ = αφ/αψ. Lu (1986) proved the following theorem Theorem 14.3.1. Let ΦΙ be the non-negative, strongly measurable, homogeneous additive functional ofK, wn = yn — Mzn. Suppose that for some 0 < δ < 2, Εμυ2η+δ < oo, Εμζ2η+δ < oo. Then Euwl+6 < oo and ^μ^η a2w = Εμν)\ + 2 ]Γ Я^г^ fc=2 converges absolutely. Without loss of generality assume that σ^/αψ = 1, 2/ien without changing the distribution of S(t), we can redefine the process {S(t),t > 0} on a richer probability space together with a Wiener process {W(£), t > 0} such that for any given ε > 0 a.s. (o(t*+*+£) if 0<<5<2, S(t) - W(t) = { ), ' 9 ч (o(t4(logi)4+ej »/ δ = 2. Proof. We can write l(t)-i 5(t) = $ - Mt = < + £ ti;* + ^W - M(t - rl(t) + n). fc=l Denote Z(£) = Σ^_ι ^Ь we have 5(t) - Z(t) = ф°Т1 + фУ - M(t - rl{t) + n). (14.3.24) We prove that the right hand side of (14.3.24) a.s. equals to O^iloglogi)1^2"^)). By Lemma 14.3.1 {yn} is a strictly stationary ψ- mixing sequence with φ(η) = Се~вп, θ > 0. Moreover {yn + '' ,n > 1} is also a strictly stationary <£>-mixing sequence with д(у(2+*)/2)2 = ду2+6 < ^ Therefore by the law of iterated logarithm we have £(νΐ+6)/2 - ЕуГ6У2) = 0((nloglogn)1^) a.s. fc=l
404 Chapter 14 Strong Approximations for Other Kinds From the non-negativity of additive functional ΦΙ and Lemma 14.3.2 we obtain <ftm < Vi(t) = O((i(i)loglog/(0)1/(2+5)) = 0((t log log i)1/^)) a.s. Similarly we also have t - nit) < 4t) = C((iloglogi)1/(2+i)) a.s. (14.3.25) Obviously <$0 = O(l), Μτχ = O(l). Thus we obtain S{t) - Z(t) = Odtloglogty/V+V) a.s. For the strictly stationary ^-mixing sequence {wn}, from Theorems 9.1.1 and 9.1.2 we have a.s. (o(t^+£) ifO<<5<2 J2wk-W(nal)={ K J (14.3.26) Now we write Z(t) - W(t) = (£>*- W((l(t) - l)d)) + (W((l(t) - 1)σ*) - W(tj) =:/i+/2. (14.3.27) From Lemma 14.3.2 and (14.3.26) we have a.s. ( o(l(t)^s+£) = 0(t^s+£) if 0 < δ < 2 'ι = 1 / ι θ ч ι 9 (14.3.28) [ o(/(t)4(log/(t))4+ej = 0(*4(l0g*)4+e) if 5 = 2. On the other hand, by the law of iterated logarithm for the strictly stationary <£>-mixing sequence {zn} we have η Y^zk~ ηαψ = <3((n log log n)1/2) a.s. Hence rl(t) - 1(ί)αφ = <9((Ζ(ί) log log Ζ(ί))1/2) = 0((iloglogi)1/2) a.s., so that t - Щ)аф = t - l{t)a2w = 0((iloglogi)1/2) a.s.
14.3 The non-negative additive functional of a Markov process 405 By theorem 1.2.2 of Сsorgo and Revesz (1981) we have h = W((l(t) - 1)αφ) - W(t) = Odtloglogt)1/4) a.s. Combining it with (14.3.25)-(14.3.27) we have a.s. ( o(t^+£) if 0 < 6 < 2 S(t) - W(t) ={ ), } 9 N [o(t4(logi)4+ej if 6 = 2. Theorem 14.3.1 is proved. Remark 14.3.1. From Theorem 14.3.1 we can give a weak invariance principle and a law of iterated logarithm for the additive functional of a Markov process.
Appendix Slowly Varying Function Definition Al. A positive and measurable function R(x) on [Л, oo) for some A > 0 is called regularly varying at infinite point with an exponent a, if for any а > 0 Um^ R(ax)/R(x) = aa. (Al) Rewrite a regularly varying function R(x) with an exponent a as R(x) =xaL(x). (A2) Then, by (Al), we have lim L(ax)/L(x) = 1. χ—►oo Definition A2. A regularly varying function L(x) with the exponent a = 0 is called a slowly varying function. We shall list some main propositions on a slowly varying function. For their proof, we refer to Seneta (1976) and Ibragimov and Linnik (1971). There are Karamata's representation theorem for a slowly varying function. Theorem Al. Let L(x) be α slowly varying function defined on [Л, оо), А 0. Then there exists a positive В > A such that for any χ > В L(x) = ехр{т7(ж) + / -γ dt}> where η(χ) is a bounded measurable function on [5, oo) with^x) —► c(\c\ < oo) as χ —> oo and ε(χ) is a continuous function on [S, oo) with ε(χ) —► 0 as χ —> oo. Using this representation theorem, we can derive many useful properties. In the sequel, we always assume that L(#), L\{x), L,2(x) are slowly varying functions.
Appendix Slowly Varying Function 407 Property Al. For any a > 0. lim L(x + a)/L(x) = 1. χ—>οο Property A2. For any ε > 0, lim x£L(x) = oo, lim x~£L(x) = 0. x—>oo x—>oo Property A3. 8ир2;ь<£<2^+1 L(t)/L(2k) —► 1, as A: —► oo. Property A4. Let α — α(#) —> 0 as ж —> oo. Then for any ε > 0, lim α£ Λ / = lim a£ r / \ = 0. ж-юо L(x) ж-юо L(ax) Property A5. (logL(#))/log# —> 0 as ж —> oo. Property A6. For any real number a, La(#), Li(#)Z/2(#) and Li(x)+ L2(x) all are slowly varying. Moreover, if Z^Oc) —> oo as ж —> oo, then Li(L2(x)) also is slowly varying. Property A7. Define L{x) and L(x) by xJL(x) = sup tJL(t), B<t<x χΊΣ(χ) = inf Г L(t), where 7 > 0 is an arbitrary constant. Then L ~ L and L~L. Remark Al. As a consequence of Property A7, xJL(x) is equal asymptotically to a non-decreasing regularly varying function with the same exponent 7. Property A8. For R\(x) = xJLi(x), 7 > 0, there exists a regularly varying function B.2(x) = x1/1L,2(x) such that i?i(i?2(#)) ~ ж, R2(Ri(x)) ~ χ as ж —> oo. R2(x) here is defined asymptotically uniquely, i.e. if the above relations hold true with i?3 instead of i?2 and Яз(х) —> oo as ж —> oo, then Дз(ж) ~ x1/7L2(^)·
408 Appendix Slowly Varying Function Property A9. Let L(x) is a positive slowly varying function on [A, oo). Assume that R(x) = χΊΣ{χ) is non-decreasing on [A, oo] for some 7 > 0. For χ > R(A) let R*(x) = inf{y : у G [A, oo), R{y) > x}. Then R*(x) = xl^L*(x), where L*(x) is a slowly varying function and R*(x) is an inverse function of R(x) with the meaning in Property A8.
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Index α-mixing 1.1, 6.2 (a,/3)-mixing 1.2 absolutely regular 1.1, 6.2 additive functional of Markov process 14.3 ^-mixing 1.1 Bernstein inequality 11.1, 12.4 Berry-Esseen inequality 7.1 ~ for U-statistic 13.1 bisection lemma 6.2 bounds of covariances 1.2 bounds of the variances οξ partial sums 2.1 Central limit theorem (CLT) 3 ~ for α-mixing random field 6.1 ~ for /9-mixing random field 6.1 ~ necessary and sufficient condition 3.1 ~ sufficient condition 3.2 ~ with infinite variance 3.3 complete convergence 8.3-8.5 ~ for a-mixing sequence 8.5 ~ for φ-mixing 8.3 ~ for /9-mixing 8.4 density function 13.3 kernel estimates of ~ 13.3 nearest neighbor estimates of ~ 13.3 empirical process 12 error variance in linear model 13.2 exponential inequality 10.1 Gaussian sequence 14.2 Ibragimov-Linnik-Iosifescu conjecture 5.2 increments of partial sum 10 ~ of φ-mixing sequence 10.1 ~~ with moment generation function 10.1 ~~ with finite p-order moment 10.1 inequality ~ of tail probability 2.2 ~ of the moments of partial sums 2.2 ~ of the moments of maximum partial sums 2.2 lacunary trigonometric series 14.1 law of the iterated logarithm 9.2 Levy-Prohorov distance 7.2 metric entropy condition 6.2 moduli of continuity of empirical process 12.4 ~ with α-mixing sample 12.4 ~ with (^-mixing sample 12.4
426 Index nonuniformly (^-mixing 6.2 Ottaviani inequality 2.2 (^-mixing 1.1, 6.2 c^*-mixing 13.1 ^-mixing 1.1 Prohorov problem 8.6 ~ for additive functional of Markov process 14.3 ~ for empirical process 12.3 ~ for empirical process 12.3 ~ for error variance estimations in linear model 13.2 ~ for Gaussian sequence 14.2 ~ for lacunary trigonometric series 14.1 strong law of large numbers 8.2 ~ for U-statistic 13.1 p-mixing 1.1, 6.2 random field 6.1, 6.2 α-mixing ~ 6.1, 6.2 a*-mixing ~ 6.1 p-mixing ~ 6.2 absolutely regular ~ 6.2 nonuniformly (^-mixing ~ 6.2 symmetric c^-mixing ~ 6.2 rate of convergence 7 ~ in distribution 7.1 ~~ for α-mixing sequence 7.1 ~~ for p-mixing sequence 7.1 rate of weak convergence 7.2 ~ for a-mixing sequence 7.2 ~ for (^-mixing sequence 7.2 ~ for absolutely regular sequence 7.2 *-mixing 1.1 set-indexed partial sum process 6.2, 6.3 set indexed empirical process 12.3 slice 6.2 slowly varying function 2.1,App. strong approximation 9 ~ for α-mixing random field 11.2 ~ for (^-mixing random field 11.1 ~ for U-statistic 13.2 thickness 6.2 totally bounded 6.2 ~ with inclusion 6.2 U-statistics 13.1 uniformly integrablity 2.1 uniform empirical process 12.1 uniformly mixing 1.1 unrestricted p-mixing sequence 6.1 Vapnik-Cervonenkis class 6.2 von-Mises statistics 13.1 weak convergence 3, 4, 5 ~ for a-mixing sequence 3 ~ for p-mixing sequence 4 ~ of empirical process 12.1 weak invariance principle sufficient condition for ~ 3.2 ~ when variance is finite 4.1, 5.1 ~ when variance is infinite 3.3, 4.4 ~ for error variance estimations in linear model 13.2 ~ for U-statistics 13.1 weak law of large number 8.1
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