Author: Sue A. Kawashima  

Tags: vocabulary of japanese particles  

ISBN: 4-7700-2352-9

Year: 1999

                    A DICTIONARY OF
Sue A. Kawashima
Tokyo - New York -london

To my students 
PREFACE Although there are many difficult grammatical points that a student must master in learning the Japanese language, particles belong in a class by themselves. Appearing in nearly every sentence, they are absolutely crucial to a proper understanding of the intended meaning. A student may possess a large vocabulary and a good grasp of verb conjugation, but without a firm command of particles t he or she cannot hope to construct consistently cor- rect sentences. In choice and placement, particles can completely transform the meaning of two sentences that are otherwise exactly the same. Throughout my teaching career I have felt that particles were the key to learning Japanese. Though not a linguist, I have many years of teaching expe- rience, and in this book I hope to have made good use of that experience by helping students come to a better understanding of particle usage. If the stu- dent benefits in any substantial way, I will feel my efforts have been rewarded. I wish to thank my students at Hunter College, who, by posing many thought-provoking questions, have contributed to the making of this book. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to Tetsuo Kuramochi of Kodansha International, who helped to bring about this incarnation of the original edition, Particles Plus. Lastly, I am indebted for much of the translation herein to my daughter, a professor of Japanese literature, who has edited all of my work. Sue A. Kawashima Spring, 1999 
Previously published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich Japan as Particles Plus. Distributed in the United States by Kodansha America, Inc., 575 Lexington Avenue, New York N.Y. 10022, and in the United Kingdom and continental Europe by Kodansha Europe Ltd., 95 Aldwych, London WC2B 4JF. Published by Kodansha International Ltd., 17-14 Otowa l-chome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112-8652, and Kodansha America, Inc. Copyright @ 1999 by Sue A. Kawashima All rights reserved. Printed in Japan First edition, 1999 99 00 01 02 1098765432 1 ISBN 4-7700-2352-9 
CONTENTS PREFACE INTRODUCTION..................................................................... 1 (C.P. = Combination Particles) BA fd:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I BAKARI f'n'  ..................................................................... 5 D A K E 1::.11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 DAKE-N 1 t-:: 1:1-(;: (c. P.) .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . 13 DAN 0 f-:: 0') ........................................................................... 14 D A TIE f-:: -:> L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 DE <:::' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 DEMO "(?=t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 DOKORO c!:::.'  -3 .................................................................. 29 DOKOROKA t!::  -3 n' ............................................................ 29 DO MO t!:: =t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 E ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 GA tJ'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 GA-NA(GA-NAA) n\-1J.(n\-1J.(jf» (C.P.) ................................. 42 GA TERA n\ Lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 H 0 DO fa: t!:: . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 HOKA fa:n' ........................................................................... 45 I l, , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 KA n' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 KA -I n'l, , ( C. P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 I KA-NA (KA-NAA) n'-tJ. (n'-1J.(jf» (C.P.) ................................. 52 KARA tJ, b ........................................................................... 53 KARA-SHITE n'b-u L (C.P.) ................................................ 65 KASH 1 RA n' u b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 KE (:1' ................................................................................. 69 
KEREDOMO (KEREDO,KEDO,KEDOMO) (jttc!:::.'=t) ((jttt!::, (jc!:::.', (jc!:::.'=t)) ....................................... 70 KI RI   .............................................................................. 73 KOSO  -t- ........................................................................... 75 K OTO   ........................................................................... 77 KURAI(GURAI) < bl,'('bl,') .......................................... 79 KUSE-NI < tt-(;::(C.P.) ......................................................... 81 MADE *  .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 MADE-MO *"(?-=t) (C.P.) ...................................................... 88 MADE-NI * "(?-(;:: (C.P.) ......................................................... 89 MO =t). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 MONO =t)0') ........................................................................ 98 MONO-DE(MON-DE) =t)0')- "(?(=t)fu- "(?) (C.P.) ........................ 99 MONOKA(MONKA) =t)O')n'(=t)fun') .................................... 100 MONONARA (MON-NARA) =t)O')tJ. b (=t)fu-1J. b) ..................... 101 MONONO =t)0)0').................................................................. 102 MONO-O =t)0')-.................................................................. 103 N A (N AA) 1J. (1J. 05 ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 05 NADO (NAN KA) tJ. t!:: (tJ.fu n' ) .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 NAGARA 1J.n b ........ ... ...... ......... ......... ............... ...... ...... .... 110 NAGARA-MO 1J.nb-=t) (C.P.) ................................................ III NANTE tJ.fu L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 NA R I tJ.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 N-DE fu- "(? (C.P.) ............................................................... 115 NE (NEE) ;f'J (;f'JX) ............................................................ 116 NI I;:: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 N I-MO (;:: -=t) (C. P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 NI-MO-KAKA W ARA-ZU (;::-=t)-n'n'v b- 9" (C.P.) ..................... 137 NI-OI-TE (;::-d3l, ,- L (C.P.) ................................................... 138 NI-SHITE (;::-u L (C.P.) ......................................................... 140 NI-SHITE-MO (;::-UL-=t) (C.P.) ............................................. 140 NI-SHITE-WA (;::-uL-fct(C.P.) ............................................. 141 N ITE (;:: L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 NO (N) 0) ( Iv) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 
NO-DA(N-DA) O')-t-::(fu-t-::) (C.P.) ....................................... 158 NO-DAROO(N-DAROO) 0)-t-::-35 (fu-t-::-35) (C.P.) ............... 159 NODE(N-DE) O')"(?(fu-) ................................................... 160 NO-DE 0')- "(?(C.P.) ............................................................... 162 NO-DE ARU 0').. ,,(?05Q (C.P.) ................................................ 163 NO-DESHOO (N-DESHOO) 0')- "(? u J: 5 (fu- "(? u J: 5) (c.P.) ...... 164 NO-DESU (N-DESU) 0')- "(?"9 (fu- "9) (CoP.) ........................... 164 NOMI 0)(Jj......,..................................................................... 166 N ON I 0) (;:: . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 NO-NI 0)-(;:: (C.P.) ................................................................ 169 o (WO)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 SA <!' . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 77 SAE <!' X . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 SH I U' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 SH I KA un' . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 82 SHIMO u =t) ........................................................................ 183 SURA "9 b ........................................................................... 185 TARA t::. b ........................................................................... I 86 TAR I t::.  . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 T A TIE t::. -:> L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 89 TE L . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 TEBA LId:. . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 TEMO (DEMO) L =t) ("(?=t) ...................................................... 196 TE -N E L -;f'J ( C. P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 TE - W A L - let (C. P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 TO  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 200 TO-IE-SA  -l, 'X -Id: (C.P.) ................................................... 210 TO-II  -l, 'l, , ( C. P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 210 TO-ITIA -l, ,t::.(CoP.) ...................................................... 211 TO-ITIE  -l, , -:> L (C..P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 211 TO-IW A-ZU  -l, 'V- 9" (CoP.) ........ ........................................ 212 TO KA  n' ........................................................................... 2 I 3 TOKORO   -3 .................................................................. 215 TOKORODE   -3 "(? ............................................................ 215 
TOKORO-E -3-"(C.P.) ................................................... 216 TOKOROGA   -3 1J ............................................................ 216 TOKORO-O   -3- ............................................................ 217 TOMO  =t)........................................................................... 218 TO-MO -=t) (C.P.) ............................................................ 220 TO-MO-ARE  -=t)-05tt (CoP.) ..... ............... ... ......... ............. ... 220 TO-SH 1- TE  - u- L (C.P.) ................................................... 222 TO-SHITE-MO -UL-=t)(C.P.) ............................................. 223 TO-SHITE-WA -UL-(et(C.P.) ............................................. 224 TO-W A  - let (C. P.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 225 TO-WA-IE -(et-l, 'X(C.P.) ................................................... 226 TO-YUU -l, '5 (CoP.) ......................................................... 227 TO-YUU-KOTO-WA -l,'5--(et(CoP.) .............................. 229 TO-YUU-NO-WA(MO) -l, '5-0')-(et(=t) (C.P.) ..................... 230 TO-YUU-TO -l,'5-(CoP.) ................................................231 TIE -:> L ............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 232 W A fc;J:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 235 W At>. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 239 Y A  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 241 Y A I  l,' .............................................................................. 246 YA-INA-YA -l, '1J.-(C.P.) ................................................ 247 Y A RA  b ........................................................................... 248 YO cJ::................................................................................. 251 YORI cJ::  ........................................................................... 253 ZE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . · · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 257 ZO  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 258 Z UTS U 9" -::> . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 259 MASTERING PARTICLES: EXERCISES ................................................... 261 AN S W ER KEY S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . 0 0 . 0 . . . . .. 319 PATTERNS ................................................................................. 0.. 324 GLOSSARY (English-Japanese) ............... 0 0...................... 0....... 0......... 329 GLOSSARY (Japanese-English) ........ ...... ...... .... o. ......... ..... 0.. 0 ... 0.. 0 0..... 339 
INTRODUCTION DEFINITION OF PARTICLES I) A particle (111;  joshi) in the Japanese language follows a word to: A) show its relationship to other words in a sentence, and/or B) give that word a particular meaning or nuanceo 2) Unlike verbs, adjectives and adverbs, particles are not inflected, and therefore stay in the same form regardless of where they appear in a sentenceo 3) Generally, particles are considered to be equivalent to prepositions, conjunctions and interjections of the English language; of these three, the majority of particles belong to the first categoryo 4) A particle should always be placed after the word it modifies, which means that in translating them into English, the word order should be changedo Example: English phrase: "top of the desk" Japanese phrase: tsukue no ue = "(the) desk of top" WHEN TO USE PARTICLES Consider the following sentence: "My mother and my father had dinner at a restaurant in Tokyo with a friendo" 
This example contains three prepositions (at, in, with) and one conjunc- tion (and)o However, the same sentence translated into Japanese is: "Watashi no haha to chichi wa tomodachi to issho ni tookyoo no resutoran de yuushoku 0 tabe-mashitao" There are eight particles in the above exampleo Note, then, two points: I ) You cannot simply replace English prepositions, conjunctions and inter- jections with particles; there are particles that cannot be translated into English but still have vital functions in a Japanese sentenceo 2) Nouns are usually followed by particleso When you are just starting to learn Japanese, get into the habit of looking for the appropriate particle every time you see a nouno Of course, there are exceptions to this rule: A) Particles are normally not placed directly before a copula (desu, da, deshita, datta, etco)o Example: "This is an appleo" = kore wa ringo desu. Note the absence of any particles before "desu," even though nngo ("apple") is a nouno B) Words that express quantity, extent, or numbers are not usually followed by particles, even though they are considered nounso Example: "Please give me three of thoseo" = sore 0 mit-tsu kudasai. Note that mit-tsu ("three") is not followed by a particle, though it is considered a nouno Particles also follow verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, though less fre- quently than nounso Learning when to use particles after verbs, adjectives, ii 
and adverbs is really a matter of memorizationo FUNCTIONS OF PARTICLES As stated above, particles are vital in J apaneseo Consider the case of pronouns in English: "I," "my," and "me" are separate words that indepen- dently signify their functions in a sentenceo However, in Japanese, there is one word watashi that serves as the basic "stem" for the singular first- person pronoun, and the subjective, possessive, and objective cases are constructed in the following ways, through the use of particles: "1" = watashi Iwal /watashi Igal "my" = wa tashi I no I "me" = watashi I ni I /watashi 1 0 (wo) I bt:. L @J/bt:. L  bt:. L  b t:. L [£]1 b t:. L [I] It's clear, then, that only through the use of particles can the preCIse function of the stem "watashi" be identifiedo Let's look at another set of exampleso The meaning of the English sentence "I eat fish" is straightforward: the subject is "I," the verb "eat" is a transitive verb that requires an object, which is "fish" in this caseo However, if we translate it into Japanese without particles, it would look like this: watashi sakana taberuo As it stands, this group of words has no apparent meaningo If we were to insert some possible particles after the two nouns, we can create sentences with vastly different meanings (particles are enclosed in squares): iii 
watashi Iwal sakana  taberuo "I eat fish" (the meaning of the original English sentence) watashi  sakana Igal taberuo "The fish eats meo" watashi Imol sakana  taberuo "I, too, eat fisho"  3$!Fr  watashi  sakana I ga I taberuo "The fish and I eat (something)o" . iv 
watashi Iwal sakana Imol taberuo "I eat fish also (as well as other things)o" " " 0\<" ,. I, 0« watashi Imol sakana Iwal taberuo "Even I eat (it if it's) fisho" ,."' 0/< There are other possibilities as well, but you can see from these rather humorous examples that you could be communicating completely different messages depending on the particles you choose, even though your nouns, verbs, and other parts of speech in a sentence remain the same! It is therefore essential for you to grasp the usage of particles in order to master the Japanese languageo FEATURES OF THIS BOOK This book is designed for use by students of Japanese at almost all levelso For the beginners, the most fundamental particles are shown in bold face, explained in detail, and accompanied by illustrations where appropri- v 
ateo Since this book contains most particles in the Japanese language with their usages and examples, even intermediate- and advanced-level students can use it as a reference tool. (1) Only particles used in Modern Japanese are includedo Some archaic or very rarely-used particles have been omittedo Certain combination particles (CoPo) called rengo (it) which frequently occur are also explained in this booko The combination particle (Co Po) combines particles and other words such as adverbs, copulas, etco (2) Particles have squares around them every time they appear in an example sentence (such as I no I ), and parts of speech of the words, or phrases/clauses that they modify are underlined: n. for nouns, v. _ for verbs, adj. for adjectives, adv. for adverbs, c. for copulas, cI. for clauses, ph. for phrases, etco However, certain patterns and phrases are not underlined, since they are considered one unit, including the particle enclosed in the squareo Their usages are listed in outline form, together with the closest approximate English equivalents where applicableo Sample sentences using the particles follow their defini- tionso (3) Particles are listed in alphabetical order in dictionary form, and there is a glossary at the back that lists the approximate English meanings and the corresponding particleso Also, for quick reference, see the chart on the endpaperso (4) Although the Japanese sentences contain mostly Joo-yoo-Kanji (most commonly used standard Kanji), there are a few exceptions where other Kanj i appear. VI 
(5) Some sample sentences contain some compounds that are slightly advanced, but most of the sample sentences rely on basic vocabulary so that they are easy to understand, even for beginning-level studentso (6) All Kanji (Chinese characters) are accompanied by furigana (phonetic readings in hiragana) over them so that the student can immediately recog- nize their pronunciationo (7) Grammar is explained in a way that English-speaking students can understand clearly; consequently, the method differs from the way grammar is taught to native Japanese speakerso (8) Question marks appear much less frequently in a Japanese question than in Englisho However, in order to clearly indicate interrogative sen- tences, they are followed by question markso (9) There are exercises at the back of the book that are designed to familiarize the beginning-level student with the most fundamental particleso An answer key is also providedo (10) The Romanization system of this book basically follows the Hepburn system as shown in the chart belowo aJfJ 7' i  \ 1 UI ? ei.. .:r- oj? ;;t kab' n k'  ku < 7 ke't 7- ko .: :J 1 ... sa -+j- shiL  sui" A se -tt  so -t- 'J tat: 7 chi t? T tsu -:> '/ te "'t T to t:  na T nit: - nutJ  net:! ;f', noC?) / - ha lj: J' hi V- 1: fu..}  7 he  ho' .1 ;1; ma.1 "7 mih. ... mu' L mecV) .;l mot 1:: ya  yu :::1- yo .J: 3 vii 
ra -7 ri  ') ru Iv retL v ro t.> 0 wab ? o (wo)  =] ntt- ;..- gab'" -/1' o \. . gu < 7 ge'f 7 go .: ::l gL.. .3s.., "if zi L' :/ zu-r 'A" ze-tf  z 0 -t- 'J za_ da t:.: 7 j i tJ' f' zu -j' ''/ de "'( T do F baLf J\ bill t" bu};' 7 be  bot.r ;j{ paLf J pi if to pu ; : 7' pe "'"' potr  kya  -'(>  kyu  t1> .:z. kyo  j: 3 sha L -'(>  shu L t1> .:z. sho L j: 3 cha t? -'(> 7- chu t? t1> 7-.:z. cho t? j: 7-3 nya t: -'(> .::. n yu t: t1> '::'.:z. nyot: j: "::'3 hya V' -'(> t hyu V' t1> t.:z. hyo V' j: t3 mya.7-J. -'(> :.  m yu.7-J. t1> :..:z. myo.7-J. j: :. 3 rya  -'(> ')  ryu  t1> ' ) .:z. ryo  j: ') 3 j a t: -'(> :/ ju t: t1> :/.:z. jo t: j: :/3 bya U' -'(> t"  byu U' t1> 1:".:z. byo U' j: 1:"3 pya if -'(> tO pyu if t1> t°.:z. pyo if j: t03 (a) Long vowels are indicated by two vowels placed one after the other. Example: Tokyo ......... Tookyoo The second vowel will remind the beginning-level student that there should be a hiragana character there that stands in for the long vowel soundo Example: To Q kyo Q (Tokyo) ;    (movie)  -1  j: -1 i.. l \ b: viii 
(b) Two identical vowels that are placed right next to each other are separated by hyphens, in order to avoid confusion with the long vowel soundo Example: ki noo (yesterday) monQ-Q (particle "mono" + another particle "0") (c) Some words are divided by hyphens to indicate the separate syllables, or the separate units, that compose the word, so that it is easier to identify these elements visuallyo Examples:   .1-tr,t,o.oooooooari-masen (there is/are not) 1"  .ooo.o.o..o.benkyoo-suru (to study) j:.  I.o...o...o..iki-jibiki (a walking dictionary) I l , cl:f 1"" 0 0 0 0.0... 'omoi-dasu (to remenber) -k0o..o..o...o...o...o.on-na (a woman) L ""( l' (be doing) "" t: l ,.. 0 0...0.. 0 °tabe-tai (to want to eat) Me.1  l ,.o.ooooo..ooyoma-nai (do not read) (d) The honorific prefixes "0" and "go" are considered as being part of the word, and therefore are not set off by a hypheno Example: oree (appreciation) omatsuri (festival) gohan (meal) gochisoo (delicacies) IX 
List of Abbreviations adjo = adjective advo = adverb co = copula (da/desu, datta/deshita, daroo/deshoo, etco) cl. = clause conjo = conjunction Copo = combination particle go = gerund (te/de form) interjo = interjection mo = mImeSIS no = noun (including pronouns), and nominal 00 = onomatopoeia po = particle pho = phrase x 
SA let 1. Presents a condition that would result in the clause that followso English approximation: "if..." \*   * IJ A) 4' cl:f b' ,t n 8 ra' t :  l \ .1 -t .J: 0 Ima v. dekakere Ibal maniai-masu yo. If you leave now, you'll make it in time. B) .: ,t,   /' "C t .J: ,t n @J . -1 . 0 Kon-na pen demo adj. yokere I ba I doozo. If this sort of pen is okay with you, go ahead (and use it)o (implica- tion: the pen is not so great.) IJ/I) ,J.  1"  < * tjfJf C) i:fu  it iItn 8 1'F lj: ra' it l \  l \ C?) t.:b: o Arne sae v. fure Ibal hoosaku wa machigai-nai noda ga. If only it would rain, there's sure to-be a bountiful harvest. 2. Shows a cause-and-effect relationship between the topic it presents and the clause or phrase that follows. English approximation: "when (something happens)..." (instead of "if ..." above) f.l t!  IJ 8 * f1' A) .: j? t.> . b:  cl:f -tt 8 k t ra, 1ft l \ 0 Koorogi ga v. naki-dase I ba I aki mo ma-jikai. When crickets start to chirp, autumn is just around the cornero ,, J:<? "t'8 B) 7t#t'tt:n88lj:t:o Yuuyake ni v. nare I ba I yokujitsu wa tenki ni naru. When there's a vivid sunset, the next day will be clearo 3. In set patterns such as "... to ie ba '"- t: l \ it l.f, " and" 000 hara ba '"-  
 Lf, " indicates the topic which is to be discussed in the phrase or clause that followso English approximation: the nuance is similar to "speaking of (topic)ooo," "in terms of (topic)ooo," or "according to (topic)ooo" A) j? -t L   @J  cry 7i b" j? l \ L l \ "C-t J: 0 Osushi c. nara I ba I ana mise ga oishii desu yo 0 In terms of sushi, that restaurant is a good oneo  fJ'C1) t: l: ::. }rJ t bfJ' B) -1 h :s. t: J: n  ' fit * l j:  A.  IJ n t:  L l \ 0 Uwasa ni v. yore I ba I , kanojo wa koibito to wakareta rashii. According to rumors, she broke up with her boyfriendo i.> fJt }  }I!A, C)  A T J) - B*. @J   it , "':) l j:  1: '/ T :J '/ 7 cry b " - . t.::' tJ 0 Misuterii eega to v. ie Ibal , yappari Hicchikokku no ga ichiban da neo Speaking of mystery movies, Hitchcock's are the best after all, don't you think? 4. Similar to the meanings of the patterns "000 suru to ""'-t  " and "000 shita tokoro ga "'" L t: t: .:.  1;,'0" English approximation: "considering (something, it is evident that 000)" ii. l... t   >i l... t &;< A) i¥T cry1:t*  I it , +cry1:t* lj:   t cry "C-t 0 Mae no shigoto 0 v. omoe Ibal , ima no shigoto wa rakuna mono desuo Considering my former job, my current job is pretty easyo J; ';A, l:"   -tI:} t: fJ' I:A,   B) -tlt,g]  b'  .7-J. n ,  cry J1t5fJ * cry A.  lj: b'    t? t: J: -1 t: 0 Yoron-choosa kara v. mire Ibal , sono seejika no ninki wa kanari ochita yoo da 0 2 
In looking at the public opinion polls, it seems that the politician's popularity has fallen quite a bito 5. In a "000 mo oooba "" t ""Lf" pattern, serves to list events, categories and thingso English approximation: "(something) and (something) also," or "neither 000 nor 000" A- t;:: A) -k t  \ kL I l;f I Jij t  \ ; 0 On-na mo v. ire I ba I otoko 1110 iru. There are women, and there are also meno  b  T t;:: B) ""; 4bJ t  ,t kL, 1.itn i JT t   \0 Taberu mono mo v. nakere Ibal , sumu tokoro mo nai. There isn't anything to eat, or anywhere to liveo (Leo There's neither food nor shelter.) f.I't:.I: v .t  \ Vt C) flt-k Li to 7" / t lft ,t  t n < ::t  A '(T 0 Kanojo wa piano mo v. hike I ba I e mo kaku tasai na hito desu. She's a multi-talented person who can play the piano and paint as well. 6. In the patterns "ne ba nara-nai bL:r    \" and "nakere ba nara-nai/ nari-masen  ,t kLLf    \/ ry .1-\:t 10, " to indicate that something has to be done or that a standard must be observedo English approximation: "must do (something)o" t?@.I:? *\?@t.,I91?-;.I:? \  A) ** t: ll-OJ:. fJ tB ;& '(1tn  ,t kL  ry .1 -\:t 10 0 Tookyoo ni wa maitsuki shucchoo de ph. ikanakere Ibal nar- imasen. (I) have to go to Tokyo every month on business tripso 3 
J: A-\ It\f.I\< 'k !;';l B) .:r.Jf. J*] ('t@  iL '( b   i-:;   \ 0 Yosan-nai de keekaku 0 ph. tatene Ibal naranai. (I) must devise plans within the budgeto vt, <.f< ib !;';l C) A    * t.i  i-:;  ,t kL  : i-:; '  \ 0 Hito to no yakusoku wa ph. mamoranakere Ibal naranai. One has to keep promises one makes to otherso 7. In set patterns such as "iwa ba  \ b "I" and "tatoe ba t:.  i.. "10" English approximation: "let us say 0"" or "so to speako" !;';l I: I A- It A- A) J \ O? -1 -:/ t.i, t:.  i..  8 * t?  l'1  t  '(T 0 Harowiin wa, ph. tatoe Ibal nihon no obon no yoo na mono desu. Halloween is, let us say, similar to the Obon festival in J apano f.I\ tL !;';l  \ t: r.J @ B) fJt t.i,  \ b    ? I  l '1  t  t:.: 0 Kare wa, ph. iwa Ibal iki-jibiki no yoo na mono da. He is, so to speak, like a living dictionaryo 8. In the set pattern "naze nara ba '-\f i-:;" English approximation: "the reason being..o" or "because..o" t: f.I\A- @ t., \ !;';l I oj It t., @ t: 191 oj JtA- A) * ra' n' JtJ kL t.i , 5. '( t < :: t 0  -\:f  i-:;  i  15 n:    -t--$t 'k(/)  L &0 ; n' i-:; 0 J ikan ga are ba, kisha de iku beki da. ph. Naze nara I ba I sono hoo ga keshiki 0 juubun tanoshimeru kara. If (you) have the time, (you) should go by train, because (you) will be able to fully enjoy the scenery that way. vt, \ t: PQ !;';l t: JtA- b  < B) At: ;t I  L   \ ,.1 '1 n'  \  \ 0  -\:f' i-:;   \ "':) n'  \.. t : &  '( *- ; n' i-:; to Hito ni ijiwaru 0 shi-nai hoo ga ii. ph. Naze nara Ibal itsuka jibun 4 
ni modotte-kuru kara da. One shouldn't do mean things to others, because some day, (your deeds) might be returned to YOUo BAKARI (1J\  1. Indica tes a limi to I) Shows that something is always limited to a particular action, place, or thingo Similar to "dake tt" or "nomi 7-;.0" English approximation: "always just doing (something)," or "doing only one thing all the ti me" A) i   '* t j:  \"? t ;   I Lf h   I  \ 1 T 0 Sono koinu wa itsumo g. nemutte I bakari I i-masu. That puppy is al ways ju st sleepingo " of I I l;i  t., .1:< I#- B)  \ "? 1 .. t  h.," t j:' h    \ '  \ ' Jf- < ' t Jt "?  t  :s.  \ l 0 Itsu made mo g. asonde I bakari I i-nai de hayaku shoku demo mitsuke nasai yo. Why don't you stop playing around all the time and look for a job or something? I I\t., 191"':> C) '1 t.J t: tj:' h   \   \ \ t:.. 1 t: tj:? tB L l '1 0 Uchi p. ni I bakari I i-nai de, tama ni wa gaishutsu-shiyoo. Instead of just being at home all the time, let's go out once in a whileo 2) English approximation: "could only do (something)" 5 
A)  .::. .:z. - A    \ '(, {t U: t.: t.: j:?  j:?  T ; I Lf h  I '( L t.: 0 Sono nyuusu 0 kiite, kare wa tada v. oro-oro-suru I bakari I deshita. Hearing that news, he could onl y panic o t?-t!1v -C>1v VtrJt ?? t' ? I I B) '9t1''it':A 'j:ttii{tT; 'j:'h  f.:"':J t.: o Totsuzen no teeden ni hito-bito wa v. uoo-saoo-suru I bakari I d atta 0 In the sudden blackout, all people could do was wander in confu- slono 3) In the pattern "bakari ni 'j:'h  ':0" English approximation: the nuance is "solely due to (one cause), matters took a turn for the worseo" lvt., (/) t:.:: " A) JtJ  . , : * "':J t.: I 'j:' h   I':, *"  , :  "':J t.: 0 Ano densha ni v. notta I bakari I ni, jiko ni atta. It was only because I got on that train that I was involved in an accident. 1;i1v1.> If > " I I t: It Iv it .:: B) e. W   , : t.: .1 t.: .1 % -g.. b -\t t.: 'l' h' , : , * 1tf: , :    .1 t1 '( L .1 "':J t.: 0 Hanzai no ba ni tama-tama v. i-awaseta I bakari I nl, jiken ni maki-komarete shimatta. It was only because (I) just happened to be at the scene of the crime that (I) got dragged into the caseo 2. Indica tes a degree of thingso I) Similar to "hodo ,.1 '" and "kurai/ gurai < t:;  \ / <' t:;  \." Usually preceded by a number or quantityo 6 
English approximation: "approximately" fJ\tI. I:  t.:: A) fJt 'l -=- ;t - r ) v 1 'l' h   I t JtJ ; -*  'C'T 0 Kare wa n. ni-meetoru I bakari I mo aru oo-otoko desu. He is a big man, at about t wo met ers tallo f) .1:.::1 !} J:1 -tlIvJ: t:1tI1*1v.t1v 1 I B) t{t 1t m 'l :g 'C'.n. +::? P3 'l' h  h h'"':) t 0 Rvokoo no hivoo wa zenbu de n. gojuu-man en I bakari I kakatta 0 The total cost of the trip came to about five hundred thousand yeno t fJ> g T C) b t L 'l + 8 1 'l' h   I   t: L .1 T 0 Watashi wa n. tooka I bakari I rusu ni shi-masu. I will be away for about ten dayso 2) Following a verb, shows that the action is/was about to be carried outo English approximation: "just about to do (som ething)" t., .I: < t: ? < t> t.:. 1 I Iv t> A) *1t "':) 'C, t '1 *""; 'l'h  .::  t:, t-5h'h\h\"':) 'C .1 Lto Shokuji 0 tsukuri-owatte, moo v. taberu I bakari I no tokoro ni, denwa ga kakatte ki-mashita. I had finished cooking the meal and was about to eat it when there was a phone callo ,, .&. t! I l .f b J:1 B) mh'Ft  tB  Iv Lf h   t* *t::.o Arne ga v. furi-dasan I bakari I no sora movoo da. The sky looks like it's about to raino 3) In the pattern "ooota bakari --- t Lf h  , " to indicate that an action has/ had just been completedo English approximation: "have/ has just done (something)"  1 I I: lilv  ?fJ> A) b t L 'l  "':) t 'l' h    8 *" t  1t "':) 'C h.1 L t 0 7 
Watashi wa v. naratta I bakari I no nihon-go 0 tsukatte mi- mashita. I tried using Japanes e that I had just learnedo B) :.s."'?  i"" t.: I Lf h   I   t: , .1 t.: T < 1-:;  h  h: T  \ '( L .1 "'? t.: 0 Sakki v. tabeta I bakari I na noni, mata sugu onaka ga suite shimatta. Although I had just eaten a little while ago, I was hungry again right awayo 3. In the pattern "bakari ka Lf h  h'." (also see po 12 4.) English appr oximati on: "not only (something), but also (something)..." 1Jt.:.* 1 I  t.:. A) :ft ';fh'  h' t   \0 n. Atama I bakari I ka node mo itai. Not only my head but my t hroat h urts, tooo 1t t @.I:?I:", I I "(Iv B)   j;. tt: U: ft { t: ::.1  T; Lf h   h  , "/] /' =- /' 7.1 '( L '(  \  \ .,    '1  T; i '1 t.:o Ano seeto wa kyooju ni v. goma-o-suru I bakari I ka, kanningu made shite ii ten 0 toroo to suru soo da. I hear that student not only butters up professors, but even cheats to get good grades. 4. In the patterns" 000 bakari de (wa) naku ... mo '- Lf h  '( (U:)  < '- t ," "bakari ja naku 000 mo '-Lf h  t.:   < '- t 0" (also see po 12) English approximation: "not only 000 (a noun, an adjective, a verb) but also 00. (a noun, an adjective, a verb)" t.: .: Iv .: 1f A)   -r I ';1' h'  I t.:   < , *  -r t -*   \ t.: 1 0 n. Otoko no ko I bakari I ja naku, on-na no ko mo oozee ita yo. 8 
There were not only boys but also many girlso  IA..  i:>191?< A..@,I:? B) b t: L Li, 8 *-! I Lf h   I '(  <, tV ! t   L t:  \ 0 Watashi wa, n. Nihon-go ! bakari I de naku, Chuugoku-go mo ben kyoo-sh itai 0 I would like to study not only Japane se but also Chineseo -c  I I G t!A.. -c C) .:: -t-'fLi, j-"-+f 1 / h' \ \ Lfh  '( < , 1ii t -t-.::'  t.: o Kono tesage wa, dezain ga adjll ! bakari I de naku, nedan mo tegoro da. As for this bag, not anly is its design nice, but the price is reason- able as well. D) ' h '5i  \ t: I Lf h   I '(  <, j:?  h  t T  \ t: 0 Nodo ga v. kawaita ! bakari I de naku, onaka mo suita. Not only am I thirsty, but I'm also hungryo 5. In the pattern "bakashi Lf h' L ," a variant of Hbakari Lf h ," used casuallyo I) Indicates an approximate amount, often with the implication that it is not very mucho English approximation: "(only) about..o" \.&. !}",,<A.. I I A) b t: L  Rt    h  t: ,j: .n. 8" P3 '.f h  L L h  '  \ 0 Watashi no saifu no naka ni wa n. go-hyaku en I bakashi I shika nal. Ther e is onl y about five hundred yen in my walleto I I i:>,I:@A.. 'J,I:':.; \ B) .:: t1 '.f h  L  RT  '( 'j: ,  {t t: t {t' t   \ 0 n. Kore I bakashi I no chokin de wa, ryokoo ni mo ike-nai. With only about this much savings, (I) can't even go on a tripo 9 
2) Indicates a limit. English approximation: "only" !} t \ -; I: -; t: It» oj  It I I (/) A) JtJ  A ,j: , - 8 t:p j:-; 5 'j:;Q  L  h., '(  \ ; 0 Ano hito wa, ichi-nichi-juu n. osake I bakashi I nonde-iru. That person is d rinking only liquor all day. "it I I t:. trt., If B) ih.,t:1t\t '.r;QL  ,",'(\; , tjt:;lo Son-na ni n. ph. amai mono I bakashi I tabete-iru to, mushiba ni naru yo. If (you) keep eating only sweets like that, (you)'ll get cavitieso 3) Shows that it has only been a short while after an action has been completedo English approximation: "just"  IA- :: I I ? :: A) 8 *'   T.A r ;Q: JtJ  t:. ,.r;Q  L   t:, ;k' j: 7 "7 :/ .A   T.A r to Nihon-go no tesuto ga v. atta I bakashi I na nonl, tsugi wa furansu-go no tesuto da. We've ju st had a Japanese test, but we have a French test nexto \ it I I IHt B) \,tt:. '.r;QL 1t lo 5kL\,(L J: '10 Ima v. iketa I bakashi I no hana yo. Kiree deshoo. These are the flowers that I just finished arrangingo Aren't they beautiful? DAKE Ij 1. Indicates a limit imposed upon somethingo 10 
English approximation: "only" or "just" I>fJ> h? A) >if. \ , 'J A., '::'  3. -::> < t  \ '0 c::):J Akai n. ringo I dake I mittsu kudasai, C9 Please give me three of the red apples onlyo v t f)  t (/);:. B) b t:. L U:- A  7  kLt:. o Watashi wa n. hitori I dake I tori-nokosareta. diJ>.- @(!)@  I was left all aloneo (Only I was lefto) vt fJt\ltlv C) A'ei?Jt"CLib/'} i-:;  '0 Hito wa n. gaiken I dake I de wa wakara-nai. You can't tell a person just by his/her look So .&.1I t.,IvJtIv D) .:..:. t: cVJ ;  t ei t!i  'Jf Bf1  '( T 0 Koko ni aru no wa furui n. shinbun I dake I desu. What's available here is only some old newspaperso  l;it., 1v@.I: < t.:lvltlv It\fJ> < .:. .:.  '(T /,):, b t:. L tei 1*  t@ L '( , ; h., '(T 0 n. Koko I dake I no hanashi desu ga, watashi wa nankyoku- tanken 0 keekaku-shite-iru-n desu. E) This is just between you and me, but I'm planning an antarctic expeditiono 2. Placed after the potential form of verbs" 000 ru '-;, " "000 reru '- kL ; " and "ooorareru '- i-:; kL ;, " refers to a degree of something, with the implica- tion that that degree cannot be surpassedo English approximation: "as much as 000" I>1I I>1I A) b t:. L tei  ,t ;    .1 L t:. 0 Watashi wa v. arukeru I dake I aruki-mashita. I walked as much as I couldo 11 
@ t.:T B) ti:L*; 111; ,t 'C JtJ 'f.1 L J: '1 0 v. Dekiru I dake I tasukete age-mashoo. I'll try to help you as much as I cano C)  h ; I t, t I  "'? 'C 7? 1 '1 1 0 v. Yareru Idakel yatte miyoo YOo Let's try to do as much as (we) cano 3. In the pattern "... ba ... dake '"'-Jtj:-'"'-Jt,t. " English approximation: "the more (something), the 0"" T T  A) 'thLf\\\'C'To Yasukere ba adj. yasui I dake I ii desu. The cheaper the better. l;i oj f) B) Jf- < Th'.fT; IJto Hayaku sure ba v. suru I dake I yuuri da. The faster you do it, the more advantageous it iso 4. In the pattern ""0 dake de Ua) naku 0.. mo '"'-J t, t 'C' ( t.:  )  < '"'-J t . " English approximation: "not only... but (also) 0"" A) 7- - .:f I t, t I 'C'  <, 7 1 A 7 I) - L t i"".1 L J: '1 1 0 n. Keeki I dake I de naku, aisukuriimu mo tabe-mashoo yo. Let's eat not only a cake, but also ice creamo ,, V-!>  I>fJ' B) .:: :g 'lit  \  'C' <,  'C t 8A;  \.tJ o Kono heya wa adj. hiroi I dake I de naku, totemo akarui nee This room is not only spacious, but also very sunnyo Pltl 1:.1: oj.... J:  If' C) .::  * 'l , ..t. -t- t : * <-  'C'  <  t '1 .1  \ 0 Kono inu wa, joozu ni v. oyogu I dake I de naku gee mo umai. This dog not only swims well, but also does tricks well. 12 
DAKE-N I t (1- ( Combination particle A combination of the particles "dake t:, t" and "ni t:." Often takes the form "dake atte t:"t"'?--Co" 1. Expresses an opinion that a situation is appropriate and fulfills its expectationso English approximation : "sinc e/because 000' (as expected) " A..J:? I I , ?iJ>< A) 1 <   L t: t:, t t: ..  \  \ hJ. --C   L t: 0 Yoku v. benkyoo-shita I dake ni I , ii seeseki de gookaku-shita. Since I studied hard , (as ex pected) I passed with good gradeso ?;'), iI'A..'::? -; I I i'I:-; '(H:. t-r B) .:.: U: =1f Z 'if! :7\::ttk t:, t t: .. -8l- 8 t: <  h-  A ;)' h  0 Koko wa yuumee na n. kankoo-chi I dake ni I , mainichi takusan no hito ga otozureru. Since it's a famous tourist spot, (as expected) many people visit it every dayo ? -;w I I ? C) .:.: 'l.;;r-i!t:i!t \ t:,t t: .. T': <  \.fJ o Koko wa sekidoo ni adj. chikai I dake ni I , sugoku atsui nee Since this place is close to the equator, it's terribly hot, isn't it? 2. Indicates that something did not proceed as expected, with the implica- tion that it was an unexpected surpriseo English approximation: "since (000 was not expected ) " iI'tl  I I A.. b A) {It t: 'l t -1 ;t t:t.  \ t: 'h -1     I:/) --C  \ t: t: ,t t: ..  ;) { ;)' ;)' "'? t --C  t: * t: 'l..  --C t -1 h L ;)'"'? t: 0 Kare ni wa moo ae-nai daroo to v. akiramete-ita I dake ni I , denwa ga kakatte-kita toki ni wa, totemo ureshikatta. 13 
Since I had thought that I'd never be able to see him again, I was very happy when he called (un expect edly)o v.'bt\  I I ii::. J.-?'::?  B) / \ I) '7 - /'  Jt  ;).;' -*  ;)  "'? t.: t:. t t t: .. .c  IBJ  t  ..:  t:, l 13  h 1;1 JL;t<?J t  ;).;'  "'? t.: 0 Harikeen no higai ga adj. ookikatta I dake ni I , sono machi no tukkoo-buri ni wa me 0 miharu mono ga attao Since the damages caused by the hurricane were extensive, that town's rate of rebuilding was quite something to beholdo DANO t(J) Used to list things successively, usually in a "000 dano 000 dano t:. t:. " patterno English approximation: similar in feeling to "things like (something) and (something)o" 'b'h<-r"'b'A- hi::. i::. A) rn  t5-.. itt:it ;)"'? "!  \?J 0 n. Kamikuzu I dano I n. akikan I dano I , michi ni chirakatte-iru. Things like scraps of paper and empty cans are scattered on the street. v. t IJ ,,  ItA- i::. 'b'"C'"? .::b  V. .:: B) - A   'l   .. :ttk r  'l f  \  .. '::'.:z. - 3 - 7 t: 71 "'?   t td!i::.  l! T  5  "'? t.:   it;)   if ;)   h t.: 0 Hitori aruki wa n. kiken I dano I , chikatetsu wa adj. kowai I dano I , Nyuuyooku ni hikkosu to kimattara tomodachi kara odokasar- eta. When it was decided that I was to move to New York, my friends 14 
scared me, saying things like "it's dangerous to walk alone" and "subways are frighteningo" DATTE t7)L 1. Takes a special case and shows that it is really the same as other caseso English approximation: in the sense of "even (something) is/does 000" 7 tI A) -tH 1 f.:>::> --c I  h <   'h;)'   To n. Kodomo I datte I sore kurai wakari-masu 0 Even chi ldren ca n understand something like that. L.A."'.,., L. I I B) :r t:.."? --c tt h-;)'T  .:  t   0 n. Shinyuu-dooshi I datte I kenka-suru koto mo aru 0 Ev en best friends quarrel sometimeso t,,:? I I IH!tr V C) I t=.'"? --C WL   , 8 t   0 n. Natsu I datte I hada-zamui hi mo aru. Even in the summer, there are chilly dayso 2. Lists things in order to show that each thing is the same as the other, in a "000 datte 000 datte '"- t=.' "? --C '"- t=.' "? --C" (or, variation: "... tatte 000 tatte '"- t:. "? --C '"- t:. "? --C ") patterno Note that for this usage, "datte t=.."?{" can also take the form "tatte t:."? --C . " English approxi mation: "whether it's (so mething) or (something) 000" A)  L t:. 1 t=.' "? --C I ..   "? --C It=.' "? --C I .. .  ,  -tt h- 1 0 n. Ashita I datte I , n. asatte I datte I , kamai-masen yo. It's fine wi th me, whether it's t omorro w or the day after. iI' ii' I I t"l" ii' I I G t:.A. t,,: B) -* & --C j{"? t:."? --C .. * * --C j{"? t:."? --C .. 1 tt U:  L' t=.' 1 0 15 
Oosaka de v. kat I tatte I , T ookyoo de v. kat I tatte I , nedan wa onaji da yo. It's the same price, whether you buy it in Osaka or Tokyoo 3. Follows an interrogative pronouno I) To qualify anything in its category as valid in the clause that followso English appro ximatio n: "anyone" "anytime" "anywhere" etco A)  \ "? I t::.# -? --C I i  tL  T 1 0 n. Itsu I datte I mirare-masu yo. Y ou can see it an ytimeo B)  Iv  ; U: # .: t: I t::.# -? --C I    0 Son-na mono wa ph. doko ni I datte I aru sao That sort o f thing can be found anywhereo C) t: tL I t: -? --C I  tL <   \ h ;)   U: f --C. T 0 n. Dare I datte I sore kurai wakaru hazu desu. Anyone should be able to understand something like that. 2) In a negative sentence, to show that nothing in the group specified by the interrogative pronoun wants to be something or does somethingo English appro ximatio n: "no one" "nothing" etco I I rJlvlt? A) t: tL t::.# -? --C 1t'j:  \  t: 0 n. Dare I datte I binboo wa iya da. Noone likes being poor. (literally: Everyone doesn't like being poor.) c':' B) # Iv fj: pIT I t: -? --C l -it  t::. < fj:  \ 0 Don-na n. tokoro I datte I iki-taku-nai. No matter where it may be, (I) don't want to goo 16 
C) .c h.t  .:  tj:,  \  I t: "'? --c I L t: <   \ 0 Son-na koto wa, n. itsu I datte I shitaku-nai. I never want to do something like that. 4. Placed at the end of a sentence, expresses surprise (and sometimes disapproval) after quoting something someone else has saido English approximation: "he/she said tha t 0"" 11< 'b'G 'b' I I b"t A) 1( t j: j:-;   h.t;)  i-t  --c  \  -tt h.t 1 t:"'? --c 0  h t:  ;)  L  0 cl. Boku wa okane nanka karite i-masen yo I datte I . Wasureta no kashira. He said to me, "I haven't borrowed any moneyo" I wonder if he forgot? A-  'b'tl I I  kt:.1J B)  t {It  T - r   t::"'? --c 0 1 <     \ h.fJ,   =-Ao cl. Konya mo kare to deeto na no I datte I . Yoku aki-nai wa ne, ana futari. She said, "I've got a date' with him again tonight." They're not bored with each other, those two (Le. it's a wonder that they're not)o DE z: FUNDAMENTALS OF "DE '"'C" 1. Placed after a noun of location, indicates it is where an action takes/ took placeo It is statico Note that the particles "ni t:" or "e -,," indicate the direction of the actiono Compare the following: 17 
'b t "? .:: ? r-:::;::l  A-  l ? A) *;fXL!JT  0 Gakkoo ldel benkyoo-suru. (I) study at school. r-:::;::l  A- b C) ;t 7 1 A L!J   7.7' tt  0 OfiiSu ldel denwa ° kakeruo (I) make a call at the officeo Q English approximation: "at" "in" 'bt"?.::? p B) *;fXl£J1T < 0 Gakkooiku. (I) go to school. A- b D) ;t71 Al£Jt*7.7'tt o Ofiisudenwa ° kakeruo (I) telephone the officeo ? h r-:::;::lB J: A) h t:. L U:;:fii-L!J 57j('  L t:. 0 Watashi wa n. umi Idel oyogi-mashitao B) 18 
t!\'IJ< r-::;.:ll: 11A-  A- l? C) ht:.L'j:**8*!L--C\To Watashi wa n. daigaku Idel nihon-go 0 benkyoo-shite-i-masu. I'm studying Japanese at collegeo r-::;.:l L. l < t: 11 A-  r-::;.:l t: L. l fJ. D) T/\- r*L--CI)'.. *t.j{\ Lt:. o n. Depaato Idel shokuji 0 shite kara, n. hon-ya Idel jisho 0 kai-mashita. After eating at the department store, I bought a dictionary at the bookstoreo 2. Indicates the superlativeo English approximation: "in" "among" h  t:. t: '" ? r-::;.:l  \ -; l:l A-1;1  1;1 L. A) rg-H3Iv'j:.. 77At:p-.i! <;try To Miyata-san wa n. kurasu-juu Idel ichiban hayaku hashiri-masu 0 dt Mso Miyata is the fastest runner in our classo f.t fJ. r-::;.:l b ;:: < rJ 1" -r"?  \ B) .:  t:p  t:h;)q"f t:jt  1ttt t:-1T < Ivt: \ ? Kono n. naka Idel dare ga neko no kubi ni suzu 0 tsuke ni iku-n dai? Among us, who's going to go hang a bell on the cat's neck?  £fD  3. In the pattern" 000 de mo 000 de mo, '"- --C t '"- --C t , " lists locationso English approximation: "in/at (location) and in/at (location) ..."   ;:: t:.-; ,, A) .:.: --C t.. .c': --C t.. 1-1i!;)"'1v --C \  0 ... · '. . .. n. Koko Idel mo, n. asoko Ide I mo, :.:: kodomo-tachi ga asonde-iru 0 ... . .' . . . Here and over there children are playingo 19 
.:: t L. f.t "? ? h r-::;.:l  it r-::;.:l t:.:: .£ < 1;1"? B) if-  I tj:;:fii- t   t *t;)\ Mt L t:. 0 Kotoshi no natsu wa n. umi Idel mo n. yama Idel mo jiko ga zokuhatsu-shita 0 This summer, accidents occurred one after another both at the ocean and in the mountainso 4. Indicates the time when an action or process happened or happenso I) Shows the time period when something occurred/occurs, often found in "de wa "'C'l" and "de mo ..c t " pattern so English approximation: "in" "at" 'it A-  '" ? '(} < J: A- t: '" ? b.A-t!) r-::;.:l ? t:. A) - fL \!9 0 if-i\  'l.. .: h-  ;)ql  -? t:. .c -1 t:: o n. Sen-kyuuhyaku-yonjuu-nen-dai Idel wa, kon-na uta ga hayatta soo da 0 In the 1940's, this sort of song was supposedly popularo  > it r-::;.:l L. '" ? 'b' A-  .:: f.t B)   t.. .c   ,t;: 'l  j:-; -it h h --C  \  0 n. Ima Idel mo, sono shuukan wa nao okonawarete-iru. Even now (at present), that custom is still carried out. 2) Indicates the age of a persono English approximation: "at" 'b'n  < t;",?) r-::;.:l t:.)t....t < A) {Jt'l+i!Lt:.o Kare wa n. rokujus-sai Idel taishoku-shitao He retired at age sixtyo B) 'l I + l;t l--c I U L t:. o Haha wa n. nijuu-go-sai Idel kekkon-shita. My mother got married at age twenty-fiveo 3) Imposes a time limit on an action or occurrenceo 20 
English approximation: "in (amount of time)" t...:::':1:. I;: t;", ?J.A-   A) .: 1:t* 'l.::. +  I--C I ill *  T I; ? Kono shigoto wa n. nijup-pun Idel deki-masu ka? Can you do this job in twenty minutes? I': L. '" ? iJ' A- r-:;:::l f.t?  1" B) t -1 .::.Y!re' L2J I 1*-h. t:    To Moo n. ni-shuukan Idel natsu-yasumi ni nari-masu 0 Summer vacation is coming in two weekso f} iJ' rJ  \ -; t! l ? ii' A- r-:;:::l -;  '" ? f.t f.t i b 1;1 A- C) :7t. 'l - t,' re' L2J :ttkJ*  ..t= @1  .=f. T  0 Hikari wa n. ichi-byookan Idel chikyuu 0 nana-mawari-han suru. Light travels around the earth seven and a half times in one secondo 5. Indicates what method or tool is/was employed for an actiono English approximation: "do (something) by using (something)" il f ?  ? t: "'C' A- L.  r-:;:::l iJ' J: A) h t: L 'l *"'"' (:J jft L2J i! -? --C  \  To Watashi wa gakkoo e n. jitensha Idel kayotte-i-masu. I commute to school by bicycle.  21 
V. .:.?  r-::;.:l  > k b r-::;.:l  > h t: L U: ffi: 1T  0 /' r /' t: 1T  "'( 1;' .. Wd  A '" -1 /' t: 1T   L t: o Watashi wa n. hikooki Idel rondon nl itte kara, n. tune Idel supein ni iki-mashitao I went to London by plane, then went to Spain by boat. -; -;  A- b r-::;.:ll;t f.t C) ht: L U:X t*L  L t: o Watashi wa chichi to n. denwa Idel hanashi-mashita 0 I talked with my father on (liter- ally: by using) the phoneo i. A-? r-::;.:l 'b' D) }B'*.'",( < t:   '0 n. Enpitsu Idel kaite kudasai. Please write with a pencil. 'it ? r-::;.:l "'C' I>  E) ;G t t Iv  1 <   ;t  ,    , 1 0 n. Sekken I de I yoku te 0 arai-nasai yo. Wash your hands thoroughly with soapo fJ> t\. r-::;.:l b  F) 1Tttl  '-? t .:1:-"7 -h.Iv  h-tt  To Kare wa itsumo n. yuumoa Idel min-na 0 warawase-masuo He always makes everyone laugh with his sense of humor.  11 A-  r-::;.:ll;t f.t G) 8 ;$ t!   L "'( < t=.'   '0 n. Nihon-go Idel hanashite kudasai. Please speak in J apaneseo r-::;.:l"" rJ 1" .:.  H) 7'f"7 A    l' L iJJ  "'{ L   , L t: 0 n. Garasu Idel yubi 0 sukoshi kitte shimai-mashitao I cut my finger a little on glasso 22 
6. Gives the price of somethingo English approximation: "at" "for" 11 A, I: -1t A, i. A, r::;::l fJ\ A)  (?) *'  -=- -t JI]    \.1 L t: 0 Sono hon 0 n. ni-sen en Idel kai-mashita. I bought the book for two thousand yeno B) /'\7 -1 !i \ <  8]1ttt.1 ..,I)'? Hawai e wa n. ikura Idel ike-masu ka? How much would it cost for a trip to Hawaii? 7. Indicates time or quantity that makes a unit. English approximation: "by" "for" II < t: fJ\ A, r::;::l A) !i * ra'  7' Jv/" -1 r  L --C  \  0 Boku wa n. jikan Idel arubaito 0 shite-iru. I'm working part time by the houro .J., t:. r::;::l v  < i. A, B)  (?) J) /' ::1"'/i -=-   A 8 JI] --C".., 0 Sono ringo wa n. futatsu I de I go-hyaku en desu. Those apples are two for five hundred yeno t:.   \ ? "C A, tI r::;::l fJ\ C) h t: L 1!(?)1-- L !i- ., Jm. t: o Watashi-tachi no chiimu wa n. it-ten-sa Idel katta. Our team won the game by only one point. 8. Indicates the composition of an object. English approximation: "from" "of" 1:1.:: A) .:: J1,!i 7'"7 A 1- 'Y 7 1--C"1 --C"  t:  --C"'" 0 Kore wa n. purasuchikku Idel dekita hako desu. This is a box made out of plastico h A, 1: r-:;:::l "? < ? "? b B)  J1,!i 6.::J:.  it  t:  --C".., 0 23 
Sore wa n. nendo Idel tsukutta utsuwa desu. It's a vessel made of clayo C) 1-:7' - t;1  )v 7 1.'e I ii ry .1 To Bataa wa n. miruku Idel tsukuri-masu. Butter is made from milko 9. Indicates the manner of an action, or the condition/intention at the time of occurrence/ actiono English approximation: "(in this manner) 0"" "(with intention to)  \  r-:;:::l  A) h t L t;1 I  ,  ili h  ,t .1 L t 0 Watashi wa v. isoi Idel dekake-mashita. I left in a rusho " )1 f» It. tt i;. .. ., r-:;:::lIH, B) 1Jttj:;J-tp*  to Kare wa n. muchuu Idel hashitta. He ran frantically. !   It < r-:;:::l  \ C) tj: L h  '? t ry    t (?) .'et;1   '0 Boku wa shikaru n. tsumori Idel itta no de wa nai. I didn't say it with the intention to scold (you)o 10. Indicates a reason or motive for an action or occurrenceo English approximation: "due to ..." "owing to ..." f» It. J, i;. .. .,  \ r-:;:::l f»  \ f! Iv   A) 1Jttj:/f.iPtth"l?t0  Kare wa n. fuchuui Idel kaidan kara ochita. f"" He fell down the stairs due to carelessnesso It < !I .t ., f1'  r-:;:::l fJf? .:: .,  1" B) tj:8 Jit 1*lvto 24 
Boku wa kyoo n. kaze Idel gakkoo 0 yasunda 0 Today, I was absent from school due to a coldo ,Ht "C;:  C) *  j.'e I -t- h:;* it  1 t: 0 n. Samusa Idel te ga kogoe soo da. My hands are almost frozen from the coldo . ..c::::. _ ..D- rJ .. ? ;: ? r-:;.::l h -1t t! \ ) 1:1 A, t: .t ? D) .:: 7:-+f -1 / 5At.lfL.!JJ6tj:*t:o Kono dezain no n. ryuukoo Idel mise wa dai-hanjoo da. Due to the popularity of this design, the store is doing very well. 11. Indicates the source of information, basis of a conditiono English approximation: "by" "from" "on" "according to" l, A,.£ A, "C A, !I J: II? r-:;.::l h !I .t" < (, rJ A) ;tjf&1   -T,ItL.!J Ji  ,  8 'j:  t  1 t: 0 Shin bun no n. tenki-yohoo Idel miru to, kyoo wa kumori da soo da. According to the weather forecast in the paper, it will be cloudy todayo l: It \) r-:;.::l \) * f.t A, t: B) iY>  t:. *tL.!J 'j:M* eT h' ? Anata no n. tokee Idel wa ima nan-ji desu ka? What time is it now according to your watch? f» It. f.t  f»  \ ) -!I r-:;.::l C) {Jth:: V' . < 't Iv .'e  \   'j: ,  @. L.!J h h"  0 Kare ga hidoku nayande-iru no wa, n. kao-iro Idel wakaru. I can tell from his face that he is very troubledo 12. Indicates the basis of evaluationo English approximation: "depending on" "according to" 25 
h f! Iv   r-:;:::l  fJt A) h 1.7' Iv (?)1i '1 *-    it  \ .1 -r 0 Mikan no nedan wa n. ookisa Idel chigai-masu. The price of oranges varies depending on their sizeo t  h f! Iv V -!I  Iv rJ r-:;:::l fJ' b B) .:J:.:Jtk(?)1i'1   1tJJ    ry .1 -r 0 Tochi no nedan wa n. hirosa to benrisa Idel kawari-masu. The price of land changes according to the size and locationo 13. Shows which party is/was responsible for an actiono English approximation: in the sense of "(something) is/was done by (some- thing)o" fJ' .£ < r-:;:::l !I A)  J1, '1 5cY:> t .::  "t-r 0 Sore wa n. kazoku Idel kimeta koto desu. It was a decision made by (my) familyo l, Iv Iv fJt? ;: ., r-:;:::l1:1? ;: .,  (?);tjf f}O '1 *   1t  J1, t 0 Sono shinbun wa n. gakkoo Idel hakkoo-sareta. That newspaper was published by the school. B) DEMO C'=b 1. Presents an extreme example to make the point that since something applies to such a case, it therefore certainly applies to more normal caseso English approximation: "even" -1t1v-1t1 A) 7tj:. hh'    \"t L J: "1 0 n. Sensee I demo I wakara-nai deshoo. Even the teacher probably won't be able to understand it.  h  1"1v B) t:> J:   Ji  L h{cb "t 'l*t:o 26 
n. Chotto 1 demo 1 mi-otoshi 9a atte wa taihen da. If (we) miss even one thing, there'll be grave consequenceso 2. In the pattern "don-na "0 demo * : "e t . " English approximation: "no matter what/how (something) ..0" or "regard- less of the fact that..." -1tA,-1t> trf'fJ' bA,t!P t A) iY>  7t j:. '1 *  : ft L  \ raj I!  m ,t  0 Ano sensee wa don-na muzukashii n. mondai I demo I tokeru. That teacher can solve any problem, no matter how difficult it may beo t:. bo)P"" 1: t:. tH B) h t: L '1 *  -]X '1  --C h t:  \  I  \.1 To Watashi wa don-na n. tabemono I demo I ichido wa tabete mi-tai to omoi-masu. Regardless of the type of food, I'd like to try eating it onceo 3. After an interrogative pronoun, indicates an all-inclusivenesso English approximation: "whatever" "whenever" etco A) *.:: l--c* t I  \  \ n '  Pi  --c < t:'   \ 0 n. Doko I demo I ii kara suwatte kudasai. Please sit wherever you likeo (more literally: "Please sit; anywhere is fineo")  T "".?bA, B)      1j: t   51.:>c L --C  \  \ j: 0 n. Nan I demo I suki na mono 0 chuumon-shite ii yo. You can order whatever you likeo 4. Used in casually mentioning something as a suggestiono English approximation: in the sense of "something like 0"" fJ'i.  0) > B) '1' ry t: :J - 1:: -  fk h t: 1T n  lj.'  \ ? 27 
Kaeri ni n. koohii I demo I nomi ni ika-nai? Why don't we go have coffee or something on the way home?  1:1 f.t l, B) .:.:  j: tt J1, Lf;.; U- L .1 T 1;:0 n. Koko I demo I yokere ba ohanashi-shi-masu ga. If it's all right to talk somewhere like here, I will. 5. To express wishful thinking; sometimes in a "semete 000 demo 000 -\t 60 --C  --C t" patterno English approximation: "if only there were (something), even just a little bit of it ..." T;: "".t!lA.. A) -\t 60 --C 1" L t:. t t  RT 1;: cb  t  t:J: cb 0 Semete sukoshi n. dake I demo I chokin ga attara naa. If only I had even just a little bit of savings 000 ;:l, t;:-!I B) JJt.  ;.; .; T;iJf [TI] cb  t   \  \ (?) t: tj: cb 0 Koshi 0 orosu n. tokoro I demo I attara ii no ni naa. If only there were some place I could sit down 000 6. Often in a "manzara .00 demo .1     --C t " pattern and/or a double negative, to indicate that there are other attributes to something, besides the obvious. English approximation: examples are "not all bad" and "not unthinkableo" fJ-t \  A) cb (?) A. (?)  '1 .:  U:, .1    '1 i  t:J:  \ 0 Ano hito no yuu koto wa, manzara n. uso I demo I nai. What that person says isn't all untrueo It\""< !:?lfA.. J,. .". (f)?  B) .: (?)t@J t.i, jJl. iiJ t:J: b tt  t:J:  \0 Kono keekaku wa, jitsugen fukanoo na n. wake I demo I nai. This plan isn't impossible to carry outo 28 
DOKORO c:' L:  Takes an extreme case of a certain situation and emphatically negates its possibilityo English approximation: "not possible to do, (for example )" vt  i. f»A,1,,t? I I A) .:: -) A. I; :  < --C U:,   < ry   . ... T  ..:: 'J;, --C. Li   \ 0 Koo hito ga ooku te wa, yukkuri e 0 v. kanshoo-suru I dokoro I de wa nai. With this many people, it's out of the question to, say, enjoy looking a t the paintingso \* \f)t !I."f» 1 I b A)   --C t ,tt L < --C, 1*Brl ..:: 'J;, (?) ,fA 5 --C. t1 '  \ 0 Ima totemo isogashiku te, n. kyuuka I dokoro I no sawagi de wa nal. I'm so busy now that it's not even plausible to, for example, take a vacationo DOKOROKA c:'L:tJ\ Serves to negate the clause it modifies, in order to emphasize the point made by the clause that follows. English approximation: th e nuance is "never mind (something)..." ;:. --:A,!I,t? I I \i;.j;:i;.t:.?,, A) cb (?) 1- tj: ;i T  ''::"h I; , - 8 tp  Iv --C' t.! I; ry  \  0 Ano ko wa v. benkyoo-suru I dokoroka I , ichi-nichi-juu asonde bakari iru. N ever mind studying, all that child does is play all day. 29 
 I I h-r  B) ;t?  ''::"h Ir 7]( ;t ili   \ 0 n. Oyu I dokoroka I mizu sae de-nai. N ever mind hot water, there's not even cold water. DOMO t:'t, Placed after a verbo English approximation: "(even) though" 1,A..?  1,A..? fJ'q)t:.t 11A..t? !I b A)    \;t 8 ( Jt   \  --c t), {Jt*(?) *  (?)#t:> U:hh'   \0 Shinyuu to v. ie I domo I (shinyuu to itte mo), kanojo no hontoo no kimochi wa wakara-nai. Though we are best friends, I don't know how she really feelso \  \  \ \ "'tf.t f!\ tI 11< B) 1ttt 81tt t 8 (1t --c t 1t --c t), ;,,;f 1.7" ry (?) *;'t::  t:. o v. lke I domo I v. ike I domo I (itte mo itte mo), suna bakari no dai-sabaku datta. Though we went on and on, we saw nothing but the sand in the vast desert. E " FUNDAMENTALS OF "E -,," First, note that the character ", " used as a particle, is read "e," even though it is normally read "heo" Placed after a noun, it indicates that the noun is the destination, direction or the goal of the action. Some frequently used verbs that follow "e " are: 30 
 ageru ...t. tf  (to lift)  aruku  < (to walk)  dekakeru ili h tt  (to go out) A, b denwa 0 kakeru   htt  (to telephone) A, b denwa 0 suru   T  (to telephone)  deru ili  (to exit) 1:1 \ hairu A  (to enter) \ ireru An  (to put in ) \ iku If < (to go) fJ> i.. kaeru I).  (to return) fJ> kaku . < (to write) < Kuru *  (to come) b modoru &  (to come back) tt mukau fc;] h -) (to head for)  oku iI < (to place) < okuru mt  (to present) < okuru i!  (to send) rJ.t;:? ryokoo-suru lfT  (to travel) l,.. ?I/'? shuppatsu-suru iliT  (to depart) 'k. taoreru 1flJn  (to fall down) "C fJt h f1' tegami 0 kaku .:t . < (to write a letter) "CA, !I A, tenkin-suru fhT  (to be transferred) '? tsuku .. < (to arrive) I t is interchangeable with the particle "ni t:" in most cases. Note, however, that this rule does not apply when the particle "e " is followed 31 
by the particle "no (7)"; "e " then cannot be replaced by "ni t:o" Examples: 1;11;1 r=l J:> < A) h t L U:   /' v -c / r  i! ry .1 L t 0 Watashi wa haha 0 purezento 0 okuri-mashita. I sent my mother a present. 1;11;1 < ht L U:-li6/'v-c/ r i! ry .1 L to Watashi wa haha  purezento 0 okuri-mashita. I sent my mother a present. 1;11 r:l B) .: J1, U: (7) /' v -c / r 'eT 0 Kore wa haha 0 no purezento desu. This is a present for my mother. Wrong: 1;11;1  .: J1, U: (7) /' v -c / r "tT 0 Kore wa haha  no purezento desu. 1. Shows the direction where an action is headedo English approximation: "to" "toward" tlf)' \ A) h t L U: *- [t& I  1 11"  .1 T 0 Watashi wa n. oosaka 0 iki-masu. I'm going to Osakao f),tL ;UI II? r:l"  \ B) {Jttj:(7)    \"t 11"  .1 L to Kare wa eki no n. hoo 0 aruite iki-mashita. He walked toward the stationo 'H (f) r:l1...?""J:?"".? C) :ttJf  Ivtj: 3 - a '/' I' ili  t:p "tT 0 Kitano-san wa n. yooroppa 0 shucchoo-chuu desu. 32 
Mro Kitano is currently on a business trip to Europeo t:\.,A, 1.I'\t!. t.:"'t'{)C1) "\" EJ 1.I,t.:fJ D) Jt!?1l C.E. p 'C (i')  1.J'-1t  i  \ t: 0 Jishin de go-kai-date no tatemono ga n. ushiro [!] katamuita. Because of the earthquake, the five-storied building leaned toward the backo 2. Shows the ending point or destination of an actiono English approximation: "at" \i < .,.::., EJ ? A) bt: L lj:  ,f 51 L t: o Watashi wa ima n. kuukoo [!] tsuki-mashitao I arrived at the airport just nowo I: 11 A, EJ 1.1' i.. B) \""'?8*  j:.)w t::  1 Lt:I.J'? Itsu n. nihon [!] okaeri ni nari-mashita ka? When did you come back to Japan? 1£< ht? :kJ: A,t:.?.&.A,!i< 1'J>\t:J: EJ ? C)  l j: it t :  "'? t: iJ t f <, ;:. + -5t t 11 tL 'C     t:.  ,f  \ t: 0 Boku wa michi ni mayotta ageku, sanjup-pun mo okurete n. kaigi-joo [!] tadori-tsuita. After getting lost, I arrived at the meeting place thirty minutes lateo 3. Indicates the person or thing to which an action is directedo English approximation: "to" "for" A) .: tL l j: iJ  t: I  I (i') "/ v 1i /' r 'C. 1" 0 Kore wa n. anata [!] no purezento desu. This is a present for YOUo 'itA,'it\ EJ "'t' 1.I t h ht.: B) .: tL l j: 7t j:.  (i') j:.) .if-  t: I.J   j:.) 5Lt L L 'C t:l 0 Kore wa n. sensee [!] no otegami dakara owatashi-shite nee 33 
This is a letter to the teacher, so please hand it to (him/her)o 4. In the pattern "000 tokoro e   .: 7:J "'-," describes a situation that exists when an action takes placeo English approximation: "(this was the situation) when (something else happened)o" \.,.. < t!.)  ell: b t!.i;,.t>  A) ffi H! /.) . b "'? t:  .: 7:J L::J  it /.) . (l t: *- t: 0 Shukudai ga owatta n. tokoro  tomodachi ga asobi ni kitao I had just finished my homework when my friend came overo fJ' b  el .t> J. B) *  # t: -r t:  /.)  t t t:  .: 7:J L::J' f:fu /.) .t"'? '( :: t: 0 Kasa 0 motazu ni dekaketa n. tokoro , ame ga futte-kita 0 I had just left without bringing an umbrella when it started to raino GA tj' FUNDAMENTALS OF "GA -IJi" A major function of the particle "ga /.)." is to emphasize the subject by following directly after ito However, other particles such as "wa U:" in particular (see po 235) also serve the same purposeo Deciding when to use which may be one of the most difficult factors in constructing Japanese sentences; in fact, even native speakers sometimes have to stop and think about the choiceso The following are some basic guidelines to help you with this task 0 I 0 When to use "ga /.)." after the subject or topic: 1. "Ga /.)." appears in sentences that indicate the existence of something, 34 
in the sense of "there is/are/was/were 0"" Note that in Japanese, you must differentiate between living things and non-living things by using separate verbs that both mean "to be in a place." "Iru  \  " is for the former group, and "aru iJ " is for the lattero A) A I,;:I \ (\1..,)o n. Hite Igal iru (i-masu). There is a persono 111v B) *iJ(iJ11")o n. Hen Iga/ aru (ari-masu). There is a booko Even in talking about the same thing, you must use different verbs depending on whether or not it is animate: b)t..: b)t..: C) .f!!,   \  (\ 1 1") 0 D) .f!  iJ  (iJ  1 1") 0 n. Sakana Igal iru (i-masu). n. Sakana Igal aru (ari-masu). "There is a fish." (animate) "There is a fish." (inanimate) G) -- 0"- - - -  2. To express desire, need, ability or opinion, "ga" follows the topic.  A) bt::.Lti71 A71)-L."'t::.\o Watashi wa n. aisukuriimu Igal tabe-taL 35 
I want to eat ice creamo i.P  It..: B) bt:L'i1-to Watashi wa n. eego Igal hanase-masu. I can speak Englisho (1)t:  lvfl<  T C) {t*'iiT*f  '(-t 0 Kanojo wa n. ongaku Igal suki desu. She likes musico 3. "Ga I;e:" follows an interrogative pronoun or noun phraseo A) t:tL ll;e:I *1 L t:I;'? n. Dare Igal ki-mashita ka? Who came? t:. b(1) T B) iJ: t: 'i .Iv  *f  '(-t 1;' ? Anata wa n. ph. don-na tabemono Igal suki desu ka? What kind of food do you like? t..:1v t:  C) M*'''(JI;'? n. Nan-ji I ga 1 ii desu ka? What time is good (for you)? 4. "Ga I;e:" often follows a noun that is modified by an adjectiveo t..:1J.t.:1J' A) ilt '0 n. Nami Igal takai. The waves are high.  .Jtlv B) b t: L 'i  1t   ,  , '( -t 0 Watashi wa n. kibun Igal ii desu. I feel goodo  -t> .t> "? C) :g '0 36 
n. Heya Igal atsui. The room is hot. 5. In describing one of the five senses, "ga I;'" often accompanies the nouno A) q\t:j:?\ II;:I -to Ii n. nioi Igal suru. (It) smells goodo IJI. 1Jt: B) 1t\'*-to Amai n. Igal suruo (I t) tastes sweeto 6. Sentences with intransitive verbs usually have subjects that are followed by "ga 1;:." A) P II;: I r 1  0 n. To Igal shimaru. The door closeso A,    B) 5 it t.: o n. Denki Igal kieta. The lights went offo "?  C) ,ij  tJj t.: 0 n. Tsuki Igal deta. The moon has come out. II. Other uses of "ga 1;:" include the following: 1. Functions like a conjunction after "sore ga (ne) ;ctl,I;:(.t:l)" and "tokoro ga (ne) .: I;'(.t:l)," with a feeling of unexpected surpriseo 37 
 t..:A- .: A)  tL, M  t 1":: < j '( \ t: t:o Sore I ga I , nanto monosugoku konde ita-n da. But actually, it was really crowded. 1£< t>1!>  h- B)  'j: t '1 t d.> '(  \ t: 0 .: 7:J  .t:l, Jt""'? b  "'? t:  t: .J:, M  0 Boku wa moo akiramete ita. Tokoro Igal ne, mitsukatta-n da yo, nan to. I had already given upo But, it was actually found! 2. After a verb, in the patterns "ga gotoku b',:  < " and "ga mama ni b 11 t:." English approximation: with "gotoku .:  < " = "as if", with "mama ni 1 1 t:" = "exactly as (something)" 'itA-"  nA- T} 1=A-lfA- .t>f:, tI't..:  t:. A) G:t'j:, ArB'  '1  b , L ':'  < :iL"'? '(  \ t: o Sensoo-kinenhi wa, ningen no arasou saga 0 v. kanashimu Igal gotoku tatte ita. The war memorial stood, as if grieving over the nature of human- kind to fight against each othero il'tL II   \., B) {t 'j: ,   1" 1" d.>   1 1 t: 1t tip t: ' "'? t: 0 Kare wa, haha no v. susumeru Igal mama ni, gishi ni natta. Following his mother's advice exactly, he became an engineero 3. Makes an introductory clause before the main point. English approximation: "as" in the patterns "as for...," "as you've already heard "0'" etco "'t' A-  < h 'it"?) A)   .fl, '(1" , t"'?  Wf L < IDt 8A L '( < t:   \ 0 So no ten c. desu Igal , motto kuwashiku setsumee-shite kudasai. 38 
As for that point, please explain it in more detail. td IJ  Itp < 'it\.::., :k fI b B) 1" "C t: Ef3 L J:. t f 1 L t: , .: (i') t @J (i') ;JX.:I ';1 ra' it  \ '  \ t (i')  }  \ 11" 0 Sude ni v. mooshi-age-mashita Igal , kono keekaku no seekoo wa machigai-nai mono to omoi-masu. As I've said before, I think that this plan will undoubtedly succeed. 4. Functions like a conjunctiono English approximation: "but" in the sense of "despite doing (something)" or "althougho" It<  A)  ';1  A r ""'? < L t: , t:  t: -? t: 0 Boku wa besuto 0 v. tsukushita Igal , dame datta. I did the best I could, but I failedo Iv h   T B)  (i') 1 j:? 't L 1 L t:, j:? m '( L t: o Kinoo v. odenwa-shi-mashita Igal , orusu deshita. I called yesterday, but (you/he/she) was/were not homeo It < TH: If Iv c., tI'lvtlt   \IJ Iv ., C)  ';1 -I!jt tp  i.. t: , Z  ';1 j/.) ';1  /.) -? t: 0 Boku wa hitoban-juu v. kangaeta Igal , mee-an wa ukaba- nakatta. I pondered all night, but couldn't come up with any great ideaso 5. In the patterns"... u ga  1 /.)" and" 000 mai ga  1  \ /.). " English approximation: "no matter (something)" or "whether (you) do (something) or not, it doesn't matterooo" It< \  t bt! A) /.)  .: 1t.: 1, f -?  1t '( \.J: 1 0 Boku ga doko e v. ikoo Igal , zutto tomodachi de iyoo. No matter where I go, let's stay friendso 39 
I\"  I\" "IJ B) *'7, *1\, rB't:*b'\t:'7o v. Hashiroo Igal , v. hashiru-mai Igal , mani-awa-nai darooo (Y ou) won't be on time whether (you) run or not. 6. Indicates wishful thinking in presenting an imaginary, desirable situa- tion that is the opposite of the current, actual situationo Similar to "noni  t:. " (See po167) English approximation: "(if "0)' can/would do..., (but "0)"  J.  A) ;9,.JIth t.f \  \ ' iJ 0 Yuki ga fure ba adj.!! Igal naao It would be good if it were to snow (Leo I wish it would snow)o t:.fJ' 1Jt:.  B)  < t:;9"  "'? t:  '7 h L  \  ' iJ 0 Takarakuji ga atattara adj. ureshii Iga I naa. I'd be happy if I were to win the lottery (Le. I wish I could win the lottery)o 7. At the end of the sentence, serves to soften a request or opiniono Takes a straightforward statement that would sound too direct and transforms it into a more indirect approacho English approximation: somewhat akin to the English phrase "I'm wonder- ing if I could..o" or "(this is what I think), but..." \.,.i;,J:"   A) 3:-&   t: j:?  t: ;9';9'  t:  \  '(-t o Shachoo-san ni v. omeni-kakari-tai-n desu Igal . I'd like to meet the president 000 (compare: "shachoo-san ni omeni-kakari-tai-n desu" by itself tends to sound too forward and impoliteo) )i;,I;:i;,."fJ'  B) t '7 - 81*orl    t:  \ A., '(-t o' 40 
Moo ichi-nichi kyuuka 0 v. tori-tai-n desu Igal . I'd like to take one more day of vacation 0" b C) b t::. L U:, .: (i') 1 1 '(  \  \  I 1 A-, '( -t I /.) 'I 0 Watashi wa, kono-mama de ii to v. omou-n desu Igal . I think it would be fine to leave it the way it is ..0 8. Placed at the end of a sentence; exclamatoryo Modifies nouns, and is said scornfully and disapprovinglyo Men's languageo Not translatable. A) .: (i') 1 ""'? 5  I /.): I ! Kono n. usotsuki-me Igal ' You liar! B) .: (i')7'fEJ ! Kono n. gaki-me Igal ' You little brat! ("Gaki" is slang for "little boy," but it often has negative implicationso) 9. Expresses uncertainty or puzzlement. English approximation: the nuance is "I'd thought (I)'d done (something) but..." l-   A) -6t/.), t: .: .: ,:   \ '( j:.)  \ t::. A-, '(-t o Tashika ni koko ni oite-oita-n c. desu Igal . I had definitely put it here, but ... (Leo "I thought I had put it here ... " ) A, h  B) /.):/.)/.)",? '( <  ';1 -r: A-,t: o  1 L t::. A-,t: 7:J 1 0 Denwa ga kakatte kuru hazu na-n c. da Igal . Dooshita-n daroo. I'm supposed to get a phone call (Leo he/she is supposed to call me) 0... I wonder what happenedo 41 
GA-NA(GA-NAA) tJ- tel: (tJ- tel:) Combination particle A combination of the particles "ga I;" and "na(a) ,( iJ)." Expresses wishful thinking, which is rather unlikely to happen in realityo English approximation: "I hope ..., though ...." IJ J. f! "'('A-  A) f:fu I;' JSt   L t::. 0 iJ L t::.  1::0 '7 .::. ''/ '7 U:  \  \ j:?   t:   \  \ 11;'(I;iJ) 1 0 Arne ga furi-dashit a. Ashita no pikunikku wa ii otenki da to adj..!l I ga na(ga naa) I . It has started to rain. I hope it's going to be a nice day for the picnic tomorrow, thougho (1) A- h   ., () B) 5  1 t {t * ' j: 't   I;  t t '( .: ' I;  -? t::. 0  8 'j: I;  t t '( <   I 1 II; (I; iJ) 1 0 Kinoo mo kanojo wa d enwa 0 kakete konakatta. Kyoo wa kakete kuru to v. omou I ga na(ga naa) I . She didn't call again yesterdayo I think she will call today, thougho GA TERA tJ L b Indicates that while one action is being carried out, another related action is also carried out; much like "killing two birds with one stoneo" English approximation: " while do ing 0'" on the way, do ... " .:: () tit?.::., < I I  ()C1) \ A) ..:r {   -tX t : 1!  I; . '( , jt  \  t : -1T -? '( .: .J: 1 0 Kodomo 0 gakkoo ni v. okuri I gatera I , kaimono ni itte-koyoo. While I'm out taking the kids to school, I'll go shopping (on the 42 
way)o "t'  * } I I .t:; t: J: B) j:-;t:j:-;ry L I;'''{  , ;tX .{.,(?)1 "t?t:-?"{ t::.o Otera ni v. omairi-shi I gatera I , ojisan no uchi ni yotte-kita. While I was out worshiping at the temple, I went to visit my uncle (on the way)o HODO fa: c.' 1. After a quantity, indicates that the amount is an approximation. Interchangeable with the particle "kurai(gurai) (   \ ( (*   \) 0" (See p079) English approximation: "about" "approximately" l, t }"':)l,"',)iI'A..   I;, A) .:: (?)1:t* 'l   - V! ra'   h '.ftti *-LI; ry .i To Kono shigato wa ate n. is-shuukan I hada I are ba dekiagari- masu. This job will be done in about a week. }"':) fJ' If'?  t.&'?T B)   -7'} 13  "(* I 1*.l1. t::  0 Ato n. ik-ka-getsu I hada I de natsu-yasumi ni naru. It'll be summer vacation in about a montho 2. Takes a specific situation and evaluates its extento English approximation: "to the extent that 0"" fJ'tI. fJ'q)t:J:  <  A) 11t 'l , 11t * t : ...}   h "{, .l1. "{  \  (?) I;   (?) ...   L J: t f "{  \  0 Kare wa, kanojo ni furarete, mite-iru no ga adj. kinodoku na I hodo I shogete-iru. She broke up with him, and he's depressed to the extent that just seeing him makes you feel bad (for him)o 43 
?L? h  B) h t::. L Li:J :/ 7 - Jvt:1f Jm. L , I.J   -1 h L I.J"'? t::. o Watashi wa konkuuru ni yuushoo-shite, namida ga v. deru I hodo I ureshikatta. Winning the competition, I was so happy I criedo 3. Followed by a negation, establishes a standard for comparisono English approximation: "(not) as much/little as ..0" .: tL '?  I;, .t:>.t:> A) it- (?) f;fu 'l, '-? t  f;fu I.J'  <   '0 Kotoshi no tsuyu wa, n. itsumo I hodo l ame ga ooku-nai. During this year's rainy season, there hasn't been as much rain as usual. '?T ;i .t:> B) I1*.l1.1;t L ,t (?)'l '0 n. Natsu-yasumi I hodo I machi-dooshii mono wa nai. There's nothing that (I) look forward to more than summer vaca- tiono 4. Often in the patterns "... suru hodo "'-'-r  t.1 " and ""0 ba ... hodo "'-' Lf"'-".1 , "shows that as one thing increases, the other increases as wello English approximation: "the more ..., the more ...." nL? ? A) : .{.,  t, *t i1 -r h '.f-r   -L -t- t:   0 Na-n demo, renshuu sure ba v. suru I hodo I joozu ni naru. With everything, the more (you) practice, the better (you) will geto .:  T} J.1I J.1I  fJ\ 'I;. B) it  -1 £, l , tS- t t h '.f tS-  ,  1iffi 1tt I.J    0 Kottoohin wa, furukere ba adj. furui I hodo I kachi ga aru. As for antiques, the older it is, the more value it haso 44 
HOKA (a:7J' Followed by a negative, it serves to exclude all possibilities other than the one mentionedo English approximation: The implication is "nothing except for 000"; the meaning is similar to "onlyo" Interchangeable with "shika L fro" (See po182) v!:'t;, rJ J., t.. A)  (7) A it 'j: , t -1  .:: .i "t  , "? "t L .i "? "t  , "t 'j:, .  T  @:B 1:t 'b> 7j1.Jlj:  '0 Ano hito-tachi wa, moo soko made itte-shimatte ite wa, v. rikon-su ru I hoka I sh ikata ga nai. For those people, since they've already gone that far, there's nothing left to do but to get a divorce. 1Ji)  J:  t.. IJ> 't;,,,, t..  B) '::,{"lj: l.f  'f;fu"t'j:, 8 (7),*'j:o/.Ll: T   lj: ,tJ o Kon-na-ni hidoi ame de wa, kyoo no shiai wa v. chuushi-suru I hoka I nai nee Since it's raining so heavily, we can do nothing but cancel today's matcho L' Used mostly in men's languageo Not translatable. 1. At the end of a sentence, serves to emphasize it. 1£<  A)  (7) j? t t? , «(7) f.= o Sono omocha, boku no c. da ITJ. 45 
That toy is mine ! B) hLtif"?thBo Washi mo toshi 0 totta p. wa ITJ. (Oh,) I've grown old (sigh)! C) \I.J'j:-..:tI.JB? Ika wa tabeta p. ka ITJ? Did you eat the squid? 2. Reinforces the interrogativeo ::.lvlflv  A) ?-/\I.J? Konban maajan yara-nai p. ka ITJ ? Why don't we play mahjong tonight? B) T <*h\I.JB? Ima sugu korare-nai p. ka ITJ? Can't you come right now? KA tJ, 1. Expresses uncertainty of the topic it markso English approximation: "if" "whether"  111v ) ii '? A) 8 *' t: -1T < (?), j:,  \ '"? t :     < h I.J     \ 0 Nihon ni iku no wa, itsu ni v. naru I ka I mattaku wakara-nai. I have no idea when I'll be going to J apano (literally: As for going to Japan, when it will be, I have no ideao) fJ'h 11- ') 11-  '/ph  B) .: (?) 5PJ 'j:, Jt t t: t t ..t 'j:, ;:Jii-  .{., t:  5PJ  .{., t:  h I.J    \ <  .t:U \.:k\h.o 46 
Kono kawa wa, mita dake de wa, umi nan c. da I ka I kawa nan c. da I ka I wakara-nai kurai ookii nee This river is so big, you can't tell if it's an ocean or a river just by looking (at it)o {literally: As for this river, just by looking (at it), whether it's an ocean or a river, one can't tell-that's the extent of its size, isn't it?) 2. Expresses a conjecture with an implied sense of doubto English approximation: "perhaps because of 0""  fJ'1v of l: 1JfJ'   ? A) t oj .:: A,,atr8'I.Jo jI.J"'8A   \ \I.J"'1tl.JI.J"'? t.: o Moo kon-na jikan ka. Soto ga akarui n. see I ka I ki ga tsuka- nakattao It's so late alreadyo Maybe it's because it's light outside, I hadn't noticedo (f)  It  1J'k i 1'k B)  oj -.:, j: IX.l1. T  t.: (?)  '   'j: ii:R I.J..'   \ 0 Yuube wa nomi-sugita p. no I ka I , kesa wa atama ga itai. Perhaps I had too much to drink last night; this morning I have a headacheo 3. In the pattern "... ka ..0 ka '-I.J'-I.J\" lists a number of choiceso English approximation: ""0 or 0"" h V't.!rJ  IH>  A)  (?)   (?) , Jf- < 5&I)"t J: 0 Migi n. no I ka I hidari n. no I ka I , hayaku kimete yo. The one on the right or the one on the left? Make up your mind quickly! B) Pi" < (?) [B1tl.J   \ (?) [B, #"'? t?  (?) ? Iku p. no I ka I ika-nai p. no I ka I , docchi na no? 47 
Are you going or not going, which is it? 4. In the pattern "000 ka 000 -.,I;-.,," gives an approximate number. English approximation: "(number) or (number)" I:  A..  1J. A.. tJ 1I T A) .::. .=.  (?) -1 "t? t:  L t: tt *, Wl t "? t: o n. Nido I ka I sando kimi no uchi ni denwa-shita kedo, rusu datta. I called you at home two or three times, but no one answeredo t:. 1J."':)iI'J:"':)iI'rJJ:;:'')  B) ht: LitLi.=.a £9a1tt:ttll;tt.i To Watashi-tachi wa n. mikka I ka I yokka ryokoo ni dekake-masu. We're going on a trip for three or four dayso T.H:  J. t:. C) .i( (?) k-  './ T - , - ""?  .::. ""? h t: L t: t "t? J: -1 t=.'  \ 0 Sono kyandee, n. hitotsu I ka I futatsu watashi ni mo choodai. Give me one or two of those candies, tooo 5. Placed at the end of a sentenceo I) Makes the sentence into an interrogative or a rhetorical questiono Not translatableo A)  (?) -1 Li * -1 L '"( *  I; "? t: (?) '"(*T [B ? Kinoo wa dooshite konakatta no c. desu I ka I ? Why didn't you come yesterday? 'it A.. of ')  J. 'b' q) ')  B)     t t  (?) 'l  PI 1i  (?) t=.'  -1  ? Sensoo 0 sakeru no wa fukanoo na no c. daroo I ka I ? Is it impossible to avoid war? C) *"t? ;; '"(*  \  "? L   \ .i T [B ? Dochira-sama de v. irasshai-masu I ka I ? May I ask who this is? 2) Indicates a confirmationo Not translatableo 48 
I:  A) h I.J  "? t: [B 0 t -1 .::.   T  .{., L    \ J: 0 v. Wakatta I ka 1 0 Moo nido to suru-n ja nai yo. Do you understand? Don't ever do this againo IIA,t ')  B) *t:Lt:*"t<h.iT? Hontoo ni ash ita v. kite-kure-masu I ka I ? Are you really going to come (on my behalf) tomorrow? 3) Rhetorical questiono Not translatableo A)  -1 L "t ;C'{"    1.J1i L  h  t:  -1 [Bo Dooshite son-na koto ga shinji-rareru c. daroo I ka I . How can (I) believe something like that? .f,),) B)  .{.,    t:    Li, t:'hl.J'1 L t: t:'  -1 [Bo Kon-na koto ni naru to wa, dare ga soozoo-shita c. daroo I ka I . Who would have imagined that this would happen? (literally: As for this happening, who would have imagined?) .t. 'b' {}t rd'  C)  .{.,  1?( 0/ t:AI.7'.tJ"t <    I.J   -1 o Kon-na yonaka ni hito ga tazunete kuru koto ga v. aroo I ka I . Is it possible that someone has come to visit at such a late hour? 4) Expresses a rebuttal or objection to a previous sentenceo Not translata- ble. A) ;c .{.,    "? "t   .{., "t L J: -1 [B 0 Son-na koto-tte aru-n c. deshoo I ka I . Can something like that really happen? 11 A, t ') t!) t: J: ') J:  B) * t::k * "tL J: -1 o Hontoo ni daijoobu c. deshoo I ka I . Is it really going to be all right? 49 
5) Adds a critical, scolding toneo Not translatableo e fJ> Iv I.> of {H;  A) .:: .{.,   ra' .i "t  .{., ..t < 7.J A. I; .  'J .i T  0 Kon-na jikan made asonde-kuru hito ga v. ari-masu I ka I . You're out playing so late! (literally: "Is there anyone who'd stay out playing until this hour? ") 'k.q) "(' fJth t! b"t  B)  .{.,  t: Ji'{" t.= (?) t:.. .:: (?) -t-  ttl T (?)  / h t.: (?)  0 An-na ni tanonda no ni, kono tegami dasu no 0 wasureta p. no I ka I . I asked you so many times, and still you forgot to mail this letter! 6) Often in the pattern "000 de wa/ja nai ka "t'"(j:\I;'/L',\,>\I;,," asks a rhetorical question for emphasiso English approximation: "wasn't it so that 000" I.> fJ> fJ> i.  A) sA 7.J  \ -1 "t? t: W"'? "t j?  \ "t'"   \ "'? t.: "t (j:   \  0 Akarui uchi ni kaette oide to itta de wa v. nai I ka 1 0 Didn't I tell you to come home while it was still light outside? B)  I; t.="t?..  (?) -1 (j:"t  t.: t.: '\'>   \ 80 Sakadachi, kinoo wa dekita ja v. nai I ka I . Weren't you able to do a handstand yesterday? 7) Makes a casual suggestiono English approximation: "why don't we 000" " do you want to 000" " let's 000" fJ>i. )"':)It)  A) w'Jt:-*f-1o Kaeri ni ippai v. yaroo I ka I . Do you want to have a drink on our way home? )'I;. 'k.l,  B) t -1 - Ji: ,Gfll; &I)"t .l1. J: -1 t.: '\'>   \  0 Moo ichido tashikamete miyoo ja v. nai I ka 1 0 Why don't we make sure one more time? 50 
8) Often in a "... tara doo ka '- t::.  -c: oj/r" pattern, makes a roundabout, softened commando English approximation: "why don't you do 0"" ) )  A) .i( A.-  t: 1T  t::.  \ (?)  , 1T"'? "( 7-;. t::.  * oj  0 Son-na ni iki-tai no nara, itte-mitara adv. doo I ka I . If you want to go that badly, why don't you go? {H; l, {H;   B)  'J "(* I G L "(  \  J: 'J,  \ 7:> A.-  A. t : I1f}  \ "( 7-;. t::.  * oj  0 Hitori de shinpai-shite-iru yori, iron-na hito ni kiite-mitara adv. doc . Instead of worrying all by yourself, why don't you ask lots of people (for advice)? 9) As a sort of self-utterance, often with a reminiscent or some emotional overtoneo Not translatableo A) .i( oj [B 0  oj  oj  L t::. [B 0 J: < "'? t::.  0 adv. SOO I ka I . Tootoo v. gookaku-shita I ka I . Yoku yatta na. Really, (you) finally passed (the test)o (You) did well. 'IJ"f ?t1.) J:3t1 B)  iJ A.-t::, Jj  0 I.J  J"'? t::. o Naan da, n. kage Ikal . Yuuree ka to omotta. Oh, it's only a shadowo I thought it was a ghost. KA-I fj'-l,' Combination particle A combination of the particles "ka I.J" and "i  \." Placed at the end of a sentence to indicate that it is an interrogative, or to express that it opposes the statement that was just previously made by another part Yo 51 
Emphatico Not translatableo A) ;c 'J , -1;c L    \ EJ ? Sorya, uso ja v. nai I ka i I ? Isn't that a lie? "('Iv  I;, J.  B) '::A.-\\t:, f:f.JA.-I.Jt tA.-o Kon-na ii tenki ni, ame nan ka furu n. man I ka i 1 0 When it's this nice out, there's no way it's going to raino C) .tfjt? ;c A.-  t A.-1i' L  EJo Kaidan? San-na mon v. shinjiru I ka i I . Ghost stories? I'd never believe in something like that! fJ')t!1v KA-NA(KA-NAA) tJ,- tel: (tJ'- tel:07J) Combination particle A combination of the particles "ka I.J" and "na :" or "na(naa)  ( )o" 1. Casually expresses doubt, with a very light exclamatory tone. English approximation: "(I) wonder ...?" t!)fJt < ... ') l, ;: l: l, A) * A-\, it-.::;c 'l -1 .i <  \ < II.J  (I.J  ) 1 0 Daigaku ny uushi, kotoshi koso wa v. umaku-iku I ka na(ka naa) I . I wonder if maybe college entrance examinations will finally go well this year? {}l: I}  I I B)  -1 L "t - A "t ttil.J  t t t: (?) I.J  : (I.J   ) 0 Dooshite hitori de dekaketa p. no I ka na(ka naa) I . I wonder why (he/she) went out alone? 52 
2. Used in making a suggestion to oneselfo English approximation: "(I) th ink/(I) will do ..0" A) :J - t - .'e t  \ tL l 1 In'' (n' ' ) 10 Koohii demo v. ireyoo I ka na(ka naa) I . I think I'm going to make some coffee ... fJ'  B)     1 o Soro-soro v. kaeroo I ka na I . I think I'm going to go home soono 3. In the pattern ""0 nai kana -.,   \ n''," indicates wishful thinkingo English approximation: "I wish (it) wou ld ..0" 1;1 l;1lJ I ! A) if- < $ t:     \ n'  (n' ' ) 0 Hayaku haru ni v. nara-nai I ka na(ka naa) 1 0 I wish spring would come soono c l;t t......?i>.t fJ' I I B) j:? X  Ivif- < ttl 7J:.n'  ,-? "'( .:   \ n'  (n'  ) 0 Otoosan ha yaku shucchoo kara kaette v. ko-nai I ka na(ka naa) 1 0 I wish Dad would come home soon from his business tripo KARA tJ, b FUNDAMENTALS OF "KARA '1;>.  " In general, you can understand the function of "kara n'  " by identifying the part of speech of the word immediately preceding it. When "kara n'  " is placed after a noun or a nominal it usually means "from," whereas after an adjective or a verb and a copula, "kara n' " usually indicates reason or 53 
causeo 1. Placed after a noun or a nominal. 1) After a pronoun, interrogative pronoun, a person's name or social position, indicates that an action or a deed is directed from that persono English approximation: "from" Watashi wa sana hanashi a n. sensee I kara I kiki-mashita. I heard that story from my teacher. 1;1f,,: t... 'it'it\ r=7l !I A) h t L L1  cry *  ;t $.  r:d1  .i L t 0 B) 11  r=7l fJ' C)  cry*-  t.:.tLit  .i L t;?, ? Sana han a n. dare I kara I kari-mashita ka? From whom did you borrow the book? 'it 'it  \ r=7l 11 D) h t L U: ;t$. tV)  tL"'( "3 tL L ;?'"? to Watashi wa n. sensee I kara I hamerarete ureshikatta. I was happy that my teacher gave me a compliment. r=7l 1;1f,,: E)   t  * "3 * j:?  L < t*  l \ 0 n. Anata I kara I daaza ahanashi kudasai. 54 
Please, if you could start talking first. (literally: (Starting) with you, please tell us your storyo) 1;1 < 'J? F) h t::. L t if- < !£iL L t::.  \ Iv "'(-t 0 Watashi mo hayaku n. ova I kara I dokuritsu shi-tai-n desu. I, too, would like to become independent from my parents soono 2) Placed after a noun, showing a place/space, indicates that something starts/started at that placeo English approximation: "from" "through" "out of" "in" fJ'tt.  < Q t fJ' l: t!. A) 1t ,j: ;t; 7- ')I r  Jtt cry   JPt  tB L t::. 0 Kare wa n. poketto I kara I kuruma no kagi o tori-dash ita . He took his car keys out of his pocket. -!>It? tI;1\ B) 5Jt*'j:A"?t::.L\o Doroboo wa n. made I kara I haitta rashii. It looks like the robber got into the house through the windowo   C) * I'  I  Iv .:.:tt "'(  t::. o n. Ki I kara I ringo ga ochite kita. An apple fell from the treeo t.:\J:? VfJtt...o)lt D) 7.\.'j:JR Jt  ! -to Taiyoo wa n. higashi I kara I nobori-masu. The sun rises in the easto -,,'A =./  OO  -=-_ 55 
<t:.t? J. t: A.. h E) *7 It.-cry&...t II)'  1 'f:i:-L-Li?:JL;{..i L to Hoteru no n. okujoo I kara I Fujisan ga mie-mashita. I saw Mt. Fuji from the roof top -7,i?/ . -::: .< G of the hotel.  O" () - 0" -=-"== ? T.} .:: F) A 7 './ F 7"7 A Ii?'  1 7 8 i? "  L  Iv .'e l \ ; 0 n. Sutendogurasu I kara I yuuhi ga sashi-konde-iru. The rays of the setting sun are shining through / / the stained glasso / i> t...!1 11A..  G) h t L ,j:  cryt1  *-1JJ=.i L to Watashi wa sono chishiki 0 n. hon I kara I e-mash ita. I obtained that knowledge from a booko 3) After a time word, indicates that something begins/began at that moment. English approximation: "from" "at" "since" I: 11A..  t:....t? '-' < t: I!t: A) 8 *-  cry t ,j:..  1L * Ii?'  I .i  .i -t 0 Nihon-go no jugyoo wa, asa n. ku-ji I kara I hajimari-masu. The Japanese language class begins at nine o'clock in the morningo e) 56 
I';\t......? i> fJ> '"C? n" B) * 1J! i_Jri;?"1..ttft:  ; 0 n. Raishuu I kara I chikatetsu ga ne-age ni naru. From next week, the subway fare will go upo \offJt J:lJ  n C) h t::. L U:, ,tt L < "'(,  cry "3 cry1«-r"?  "'( l \.i  /VO Watashi wa, isogashikute, ph. kinoo no yoru I kara I zutto nete i-masen. I've been so busy that I haven't slept at all since last night. t.:."'I!t.:. trfJ\t... I: 11A.. ?t.:. .t? t: D) -1: :1 'l.. *  8 *- t : 1 h "? "'( l \ ; 1T * "'( -t 0 Tanabata wa n. mukashi I kara I nihon ni tsutawatte-iru gyooji desuo The Tanabata festival is a traditional event observed since olden times in J apano I: 11A.. !I  I: nA.. E) h t::. L 'l, 8 *- t: * "'(  t "3 ..::.  t:   .i -t 0 Watashi wa, nihon ni g. kite I kara I moo ni-nen ni nari-masu. Two years have already passed since I came to Japano of J. t,,:   nA.. F) lI.X;?,.t: < "?"'( .n.t::. .i L t::. o Sofu ga g. nakunatte I kara I go-nen tachi-mashita. It's been five years since my grandfather passed awayo 4) In the pattern" 000 kara 000 made ;?'  .i "'(," shows a range/span of space or timeo English approximation: "from/to" "between" J:? i> ;tA.. &.: \J:A..\ .: l:bt.:.i> A) .: cry  1ft tW t : 'l , ..::. ;j£   ;j£.i "'( cry -t f 11 ;?' l \ .i -t 0 Kono yoochien ni wa, n. ni-sai I kara I yon-sai made no kodomo- tachi ga i-masu. 57 
There are children between the ages of two and four at this kindergarteno   1:  J: 1: I,\t!!I B) .=. * b  *.i .'e cry ra' t: *"'( < t::.*::: l \ 0 n. San-ji I kara I yo-ji made no aida ni kite kudasai 0 Please come over between three and four o'clocko !I 1: ThTh J: C) h t::. L U:,  cryc*  b .i "'(*h.i L t::. 0 Watashi wa, sono kiji 0 n. sumi I kara I sumi made yomi-mashita 0 I've read the article from the beginning to the endo (literally: from one corner to the other) D) v A r "7 /'  l \ "? "'( t, 1::0 /' I h'  I   .i "'(* lY>  .i -t 0 Resutoran to itte mo, n.2l!! I kara I kiri made ari-masu. When it comes to restaurants, there's a wide range of themo (literally: from the first to the last) ':H,.t <   n J: 1: 'b' E) 7   "'( b; .i ",(t: *ra' lY> ; 0 Yuushoku 0 g. tabete I kara I neru made ni yo-jikan aru. After dinner, I'll have four hours before I go to bedo 5) In the pattern "000 kara 000 e  I)'  "'," the particle "kara I)' " is placed between repeated words, to indicate that the same action occurs one after another in successiono English approximation: "one after another" 1;1f,,: rJ ?? ? I, A) 1t:kh:, ;xb;x"'T..ttftLt::.o Hanabi ga, n. tsugi I kara I tsugi e to uchi- agerareta. .:' 0 ';'.. \./. . .: Od", .':' . .....,. ., .' ,,' ': ...-,,..: .t:. ............\!.-... /.'.... .. .-?t:. oOli °,°,1 I III I 1111 _\Oto:, ;,.\ . :/'. . . . ". Fireworks were shot up into the sky one after \ ,"I . anothero (literally: from next to the next) It '1 url 58 
tHth ?r=:-r)  J: B) *,Jtl;'.. ;xb;x4'L",( t::.o Oo-nami ga n. tsugi I kara I tsugi e to oshi-yosete kita. One after another, great waves came rolling ino d'(.  k T.}':1!1 t...:!t...:! l: C) ht::. Li!'j:m1t"'(bmlvt.:o Watashi-tachi wa hikooki de n. shima I kara I shima e to tonda. We flew by plane from one island to anothero iPs- 6) Indicates the composition of somethingo Interchangeable with the particle "de "'(." English approximation: "from" "of" "out of" 1;1 {,(l) ':1-C??< A) )]'j:ibi'f  tL .i -to Hamono wa n. kootetsu I kara I tsukurare-masu. Cutlery is made of steel. .ff :' ! I "- . ,V - .a: " ',' I,' B)  \ / 'j:"J' II;'  I ii  .i -to Pan wa n. komugi-ko I kara I tsukuri-masu. (We) make bread out of flour. t} ,£fiJh M (j  ts (( '1  " ,I t .  I :  ' /1 1'1" , 59 
11 fJ'h C) *-'j: .'e  "'( l \.i -t 0 Hon wa n. kami I kara I dekite i-masu. Books are made of paper. I: 11  J: ?   t... :! D) a *- ,j:  -? cry -*  l \  II)'  I  "? "'( l \ .i -to Nihon wa yottsu no ookii n. shima I kara I natte i-masu. Japan consists of four big islandso <I: It\\ It'j;t!l t......?&.:...? t,,:  E) .:: cry 00 cry k&5 'j:,   ,: l ; t{X. A   iL"? "'( l \ ; 0 Kono kuni no keezai wa, booeki ni yoru n. shuunyuu I kara I nari-tatte-iru. The economy of this country is based on its trade income. 7) Placed after a noun, indicates an approximate amount/number. English approximation: "as many as" "as much as" "no less than" v < t!.\  fJf t,,:  A) 8"   cry -* r -7 ''/ 7 i?'"AEIv "'(l \ ; 0 n. Hyaku-dai I kara I no oogata torakku ga narande-iru. More than one hundred big trucks are lined upo 'it&.: fJ'::.?!I< :!\I:i> t"f" B) 1- A crytt:7\:. 1;i?", ./ita.::.::  t5tL; 0 n. Sen-nin I kara I no kankoo-kyaku ga, mainichi koko 0 otozure- ruo As many as one thousand tourists visit this place every dayo 2. Placed after an abstract noun, an adjective or a verbo I) Indicates a cause or a reason for an action/attitude that is described in the predicate clauseo This inverted structure makes the sentence 60 
emphatic. English approximation: "as" "so" "since" "due to" "for" "because" "con- sidering" "seeing"  fJ>f;t. T  fJ> A) j:? ,@,b:b'"? t.:  t.: <  Iv}{ l \.1 L t.: o Osakana ga adj. yasukatta I kara I takusan kai-mashita. Because I found the fish inexpensive, I bought lots of themo !I .t ? '"CA- !I   < I'; :!A..>p B) 8LIl\l\j:?t.:'.. {*'lr#Jt:;t.:'"3o Kyoo wa ii otenki c. da I kara I , sakura wa mankai ni naru daroo. Since the weather is very nice today, cherry blossoms will probably be in full bloomo !II';  -t!?'k.\ 'k. C) h t.: L 'l 7o 'Y '::J 1) 'l**l \ t.:'..  t: '"  l \0 Watashi wa burokkori wa kirai c. da I kara I , zettai ni tabe-nai. Because I don't like broccoli, I never eat it. I: If A.. :: t:.t?'"  \? t....t? ItA..jI')\--tA..!I.t? D) 8*;?\.. -$.jL.1-to Nihon-go ga joozu nl v. nari-tai I kara I , isshoo-kenmee benkyoo-shi-masu. Since I want to be good at Japanese, I'll work hardo !lh C bt.!i> "t'>!1  E) t:1!;?:I:!:f:*l \ cry 'l.. "3  t:'l;?'  l \; t.:'.to Kimi ni tomodachi ga deki-nai no wa, uchi ni bakari v. iru I kara I da yo. The reason why you can't make friends is that you stay home most of the time. 61 
11<  T !lh t...  F) ;?{*  .:' L t: cry 'l..  ;?"ft;{. "'( < tL ;?'"? t:  t.=' 0 Boku ga nori-sugoshita no wa, kimi ga v. oshiete-kure-nakatta I kara I da zoo The reason why I missed my stop was that you didn't tell me (where to get off)o fJ'tt. ?t J. b  ?!I.t G) 1t'l..   cry :fp.. 'l% L t: o Kare wa tsuma to no n. fuwa I kara I , bekkyo-shita 0 Due to the fact that he didn't get along with his wife, they separat- edo fJ'tt. .: oj .: oj 'it ,'it   t... .t oj fJt < !I A.. H) 1t'l.. 'fXcryhJi,  *  t  "3 .:  t: "? t: o Kare wa, kookoo no n. seeseki I kara I , shoogakukin 0 morau koto ni natta. Because of his (excellent) grades in high school, he is to be granted a scholarshipo 2) Placed after an abstract noun, indicates one's judgment/viewpoint. English approximation: "from a viewpoint of" "judging from" "by" "according to"   h t... t fJ'A..t.:.A.. A)   t: cry o&.  JL tL 'l' .. .: cry 1:t * 'l ¥a' Jtt "'(' L J: "3 0 Anata no n. me I kara I mire ba, kono shigoto wa kantan deshoo. From your viewpoint, this task may seem to be easyo -c fJt h , J: oj  I! A.. t.! A.. fJ'tt. fJ'i>.t oj t... .t oj t... A.. B) .: cry   cry J*J ':{;.  l¥'l Irr -t ; .. 1t 'l  -& t : Jt- it -t ;  L l \ 0 Kono tegami no n. naiyoo I kara I handan-suru to, kare wa kachoo ni shooshin suru rashii. Judging from the contents of this letter, it seems that he will be promoted to managero (literally: section chief) 62 
 \ il t < -c  It A. 1;,  iI'tt. It A.  ItI ., I., .t ., I.> t.:  \ C)  * 81 J3tk  1" kt (,1' , 11t Cl)  1E (.1 / -  Iv'" t: t 1 1"  0 Igaku-teki n. kenchi I kara I sure ba, kare no kenkyuu wa nooberu-shoo ni mo atai suru. From a medical point of view, his research is worth the Nobel Prizeo 3) Placed after an abstract noun of emotion, indicates that such an emotion results in the action/state described in the predicate clauseo English approximation: "from" "out of" "due to" A) b t:. L (.1 oj kt L  I h' G I  u'lh"--? t:. 0 Watashi wa n. ureshisa I kara I tobi-agatta. I jumped for joyo '1< < ? < A. \ I.>  B)  'j: , .I.    t? J: "'?  L t:.   \   \  t t Iv h' L --C L  "'? t:. 0 Boku wa, kudoo-kun to chotto shita n. ii-ai I kara I kenka-shite shimatta. I ended up having a fight with Kudo over something that arose out of a minor argument. iI'tt. -tt  ,: A. ii' A.  t: I., .t < C) 11t'j:"H:t L t:.o Kare wa n. sekinin-kan I kara I jishoku-shita 0 He resigned from his office out of a sense of responsibilityo 3. In the pattern" 000 kara to itte "J h' G   \ "'? --C ," introduces a restriction or a warnIng. English approximation: "even though" .: ?iI'  ?iI' 1" A) h  J · it  \  t G "'? t:.   \, \ "'? --C, 1t  \  :::  , 1" < t:J: <   10 Okozukai 0 v. moratta I kara I to itte, tsukai-sugiru to, sugu 63 
nakunaru yo. Even though you've received an allowance, if you spend it too fast, it will soon be goneo B) ¥  \ Ih'  I   \ "'? --C, t: <  Iv it "'? --C Li  \ t t  -\t Iv 0 adj. Yasui I kara I to itte, takusan katte wa ike-masen 0 Even though they may be a bargain, don't buy too many at a timeo f.t  vt 'J I.>l»  ItA. C) ,t1t kt t:  .: .; t.:'    \ "'? --C, - A. --C  < Cl) (.i.te  --Ci" 0 Nareta tokoro c. da I kara I to itte, hitori de aruku no wa kiken desu 0 Even though you are familiar with the area, it is dangerous to walk around aloneo 4. In the pattern "000 kara ni wa -., h'  t: (.i," expresses a determination or a resolutiono English approximation: "since" "now that" A. J:?  ?iI'< h A) .: kt t.:' t t   L t:  t: (.i , "'?  *a. L --C it -\t   0 Kore dake v. benkyoo shita I kara I ni wa, kitto gookaku-shite miseru zo. N ow that I've studied this hard, I will pass the entrance exam without fail! ilt\.: < \  J,:A. ii' l, B) ?OO""t < t:(.i, .: Cl)j(1t 1 < t1  lj.'ttktLflj.'   \0 Gaikoku e v. iku I kara I ni wa, soko no bunka 0 yoku shira- nakere-ba-nara-nai 0 N ow that you are going to a foreign country, you must got to know its culture very well. iI'\ l,.If' I': 1tI? l,.If'  \? l, J: ? It A.1I'>\iltA. If C) .: Cl) .:I: t : A. tl: L t:  t: (.i , - j:.   jilt .; oj 0 Kono kaisha ni v. nyuusha-shita I kara I ni wa, isshoo-kenmee 64 
ganbaroo 0 N OW that I've been accepted by this company, I will do my best. 5. In the pattern "000 kara ni "JI)'  t:o" English approximation: "just by doing ..." iI'(1) t: J: h   vt A) 11t* (.i it   t: 1 L  oj t;;: A "'(-t ho Kanojo wa v. miru I kara I ni yasashi-soo na hito desu nee Just by looking at her, you can tell that she's probably a very kind persono   ;:" l;if,tl, B) kt(.iBf1 < t:f\t*t.:'o Sore wa v. kiku I kara I ni kowai hanashi da 0 Just by listening to it, the story sends a chill up my spineo KARA-SH ITE tJ, b - U L Combination particle A combination of the particles "kara 1;' " and "shite L"'( 0" 1. Cites one characteristic of something/someone in order to make an emphatic statement about the whole thing/persono English approximation: "starting with 000" l:> t ;: V t ii' l:> "Iv A)  Cl)Jj Cl)A(.i6rt"'?  II;,  L "'( I t? J: "'?  "$:.t: o Ano otoko no hito wa n. kaotsuki I kara shite I chotto hen da. Starting with his face, he is a little strangeo ii' (1) t: J: t> t> (1) I I B) 11t * (.i # t? b) 1;'  L"'( -\f' \ t.: < t: 0 Kanojo wa n. mochimono I kara shite I zeetaku da. Starting with her possessions, she is extravagant. 2. A more emphatic form of "kara 1;' " used in the sense of "because/ 65 
since"; similar to "node  "Co" English approximation: "conseq uently" .: t l, l,1tI? l, I.> ii' t: I I f:,}nh.- <  t: A) 1t-j:(l;jf-"C  I;' L --C , *1t-(l 1j.'IvI;',W. t: L 110 Kotoshi no shuushi wa akaji c. de-aru I kara shite I , rainen wa nantoka kuroji ni shiyoo. Our balance sheet is in the red this year; consequently, let's try to somehow come o ut on top next year 0 I I .;. 'J iI'i:;'iI'lt?.: h.- B)  1  \ 1 1 b  t.:' 1;'  L --C ,   -=- A (l 1ft  f.a 1"  t.:'"h 1 0 Soo-yuu uwasa c. da I kara shite I , ana futari wa chikajika kekkon-suru daroo 0 Since that sort of rumor is going around, consequently, it's likely that those two will get married soono KASHIRA 1J'ub Found in women's languageo 1. Following an interrogative pronoun, poses a questiono English appro ximatio n: "(I) wonder 000" I I }*  t A) t.:-tL 1;' L  ,  tF Ii: t:. t:. <  (lo n. Dare I kashira I , imagoro to 0 tataku no wa. I wonder who is knocking on my door at thi s hour. l,  I I B) -Gt 1;' t: .: .: t:   \ t:. (l -r t.:- t t *,   \ b 0 *.: 1;' L  0 Tashika ni koko ni oita hazu da kedo, nai wa 0 n. Doko I kashira I . I thought I had definitely put it here, but it's not hereo I wonder where it could be? 66 
J;;J;; ??h C) *t:J:t!.ho :I: II.I'L "'1 0  Ookina tsutsumi ne. n. Nani Ikashiral . LLLJ-: That's a big packageo I wonder what it is? 1 dJ o 2. Casually softens a question or a sense of doubt addressed to oneself or another part Yo Not translatableo I! Iv fJ' I I A) .::  *  }t "'? t:.  ,  \ "? t: "'? t:. 1;' L  0 Kono hon 0 katta no, itsu c. datta I kashira 1 0 When was it that I bough t this b ook? > I I It B) b t:. L, i-'{" lj.' .::   "'? t:. 1;' L  0 1t i.. --C  \   \ t t # 0 Watashi, son-na koto v. itta I kashira I . Oboete-i-nai kedo. Did I say something like that? I don't remember it. 3. Softens an interrogative sentenceo Not translatableo ':Iv  A)  (.i  \ "?  \  "'? L   \  1" II;' L  1 0 Kondo wa itsu v. irasshai-masu I kashira I . When will (you) be coming by again?  .t ? h-tt I> I I B)  8 m (.i r#1  \ --C  \  1;' L  0 Kyoo mise wa v. aite-iru I kashira I . I wonder, is the store open today? 4. Makes a casual suggestion to oneself or another part Yo English approximation: "s hould (I /we) do 0"" .: Iv II Iv   > fJt It> I 1 A) @J t:t.:: oj 1;' L  0 Konban eega ni v. ikoo I kashira I . Should I go to the movies tonight? 67 
B) 7-;f  i"?  r.; 1 1 h L G 10 Keeki 0 katte v. kaeroo I kashira I . Should I buy a cake on the way home? 5. Following a negation: I) Indicates wishful thinking or softens a statement asking someone for a favoro English approximation: "I wis h ..." "c ould (you) do 0"" I;I: ? ii' < ?? 1;, .:: 1 I A) Jf- ( a.i!t1h: =*   \ h L G 0 Hayaku gookaku-tsuuchi ga v. ko-nai I kashira I . I wish the acceptan ce lette r would arrive soono \*!: 1 I B) i" (* =*  ( tL  \ \ h L G 0 Ima sugu v. kite kure-nai I kashira I . Could you come right away? 2) Expresses concern over an uncertain or potentially negative situationo English approximation: "I wonder ..0" \ *  t:. ? t: !: l,.If' * I> 1 I A)  ttl h   t  t.. + '* cry 71..!¥- t: ra' t:  '1 h  L G 0 Ima dekake te mo, juu-ji no kisha ni v. mani-au I kashira I . Even if you were to leave now, I wonder if you could make it in time to catch the ten o'clock t rain. B) ?c cry A - ''J 7 - A.. i T   \ \ 1 h  L G 1 0 Sono suutsu-keesu, v. omo-sugi-nai J kashira I . I wonder if that suitcase isn't too heavy. 68 
KE (j- Colloquial. Usually placed at the end of the sentence after the copula "da t," which is the informal form of "desu .'(*1" ," to form patterns such as "dakke t"'?  t" and "dattakke t"'? t::. "'?  t ." 1. Used in reminiscing about a past event. English approximation: "((I) remember)" 1 !: (1)lt  A) "J \   \  , 1 < *    L t::. t Cl) ( t Iv) t "'?  0 Chiisai toki, yoku ki-nobori 0 shita mono (mo-n) c. da -k l ke t . When (I) was little, (I) used to climb trees all the time, (I remember). l:': 1  B) i- oj  \ it (,1*, i- Iv  P1T"'lf"'? t::. "'?  hit 0 Soo ie ba, son-na tokoro e v. itta -k ! ke I nee. That's right, we did go somewhere like that, (I remember) (didn't we)o 2. In an interrogative, actively solicits an answer from the party addres- sedo English approximation: "when is/was it ...?" "what is/was it ...?" etc.  !: h  IvfJ < ;6'1 1 A) \ \ '? Cl) .:  t!"'? t::. "'? ,   if   t : If"'? t::. Cl) (.1 0 Itsu no koto c. datta -k ! ke I , kimi to ongak-kai ni itta no wa. When was it now, that I went with you to the concert? {Jol: Iv b 1!1v? f.tM1.1v  B)  Cl) A. Cl)  .:  Cl) U-t-y, Mt- t"'? o Ano hito no tokoro no denwa-bangoo, nan-ban c. da -k l ke I . That person's phone number, what is it now? 69 
KEREDOMO (KEREDO, KEDO, KEDOMO) (:ttte'=t:, ((:ttte', (:te', (:te'=t:,) Colloquial forms: "keredo t t tt 't:..#," "kedo t t 't:..#," and "kedomo t t 't:..# t 0" 1. A conjunctive particleo I) After one statement, functions as an adversative conjunction leading into the next clause/phraseo English approximation: "eve n though " "but" 'JJ:?'J I I ?( "C * A) .: Cl) *4-J.! (.i j?  \ L  \ t t tt 't:..# t , f'F  Cl) , : -t- ra' h""h' h'  0 Kono ryoori wa adj, oishii I keredomo I I tsukuru no ni tema ga kakaru. Even though this dish is delicious, it's a hassle to makeo t: h .: A,   \ B) t? J: "'? 't:..;tt!!, '* t.:" ! t t tt 't:..# t I ,   Cl)  \ - T 1 -,: (.i .: tt  . ""( If .: "} 0 Chotto jimi c. da I keredomo I I kon-ya no paatii ni wa kore 0 kite ikoo. Even though it's a bit subdued, I'll wear this to the party tonight. 2) Following an apologetic remark, connects it to the main point that followso English approximation: "though" "but" 1" 9 t> I>fJt A) .: tL, '11v Cl) ': L ""(#1" ! t t tt 't:..# t I ,  L ..t"'?""( < t.:'   \ 0 Kore , hon no sukoshi c. desu I keredomo I I meshi-agatte kudasai. Though t here's on ly a little bit here, please have it (to eat)o l:?'i!A, I I fJ'\t..."f'  B)   ""(# 1" t t tt 't:..# t , .:I:  t cV)  -\t ""(  \ t.: t:   1" 0 Totsuzen c. desu I keredomo I I kaisha 0 yamesasete itada- 70 
kimasu. I know it's sudden, but I wish to quit the companyo 3) Simply connects two unrelated statementso English approximation: (like a co mma) \Q I I  t A) h.q.i it --C  \  tt kt. t , t:kt h'?t:  \  10 L  lj.'  \ ? Inu ga v. hoete-iru I keredomo I , dare ka soto ni iru-n ja nai? The dog's barking, isn't there so meone out there? 1;, ,!? tr  I I '!A.t? *\I:1;, '() .: B) .:. Cl);tt!!, 15 (j: *  \  M  \ t: t t kt . t , *  t: -Bt 8 ; it  it' h 0 Kono chihoo wa samui to v. kiita I keredomo I , hontoo ni maini- chi hie-komu neo I had heard that it was cold in this region, and it's truly quite chilly every dayo 2. At the end of a sentence or clause. I) Expresses wishful thinking; a hope that the situation at hand will be reversedo English approximation: "(if "0)' but..o" 1" .: I: ,! A.  A) t oj 7' L 8 *! h:.J: < b h'    q \ Cl) t:. 1 t t kt . t 1 0 Moo suko shi Nihon-go ga yoku wakaru to II no c. da I keredomo I . It would be better if I could understand Japanese a little more, but .... B) t oj ; L Bih:  kt (j:.,  Cl) A T v  h"i it  Cl) t:. ' ft tL. t 1 0 Moo sukos hi okane ga are ba, ana sutereo ga kaeru no c. da I keredomo I . If I had a bit more money, I'd be able to buy that stereo, but .... 71 
2) Often in the pattern "doose 000 keredomo .t:.:oj-\:ttttt't:..*t," gives the sentence an overtone of hopelessness, cynicism, or scorno Not translata- ble. l;i l, * I> I I A) * --:> t: --:> "( 't:..* oj -\:t ra' t:  b lj.'  \ t t tt 't:..* t 0 Hashitta-tte doose v. mani-awa-nai I keredomo I . Even if (I) were to run, there's no way (I) woul d make it on timeo "t t> (1) fJ' I I B) ':1v-1i;b), }t--:>"{ t 't:..*oj-\:ti" <*':bttt.: oj tttt't:..*t 0 Kon-na ya sumono, katte mo doose sugu kowareru c. daroo I keredomo I . This is so cheap, even if I were to buy it, it would surely break right awayo 3) Used in making an indirect suggestion or statement. English approximation: "(excuse me, but)" t: 1tI? t:  l,.If' "t'> t: fJ'lv I I A) +Bi C0J\."{* L t: ho     ttl h' tt  at ra' "{*i" tt tt 't:..* t 0 Juu-ji no kisha deshita nee Soro-soro dekakeru jikan c. desu I keredomo I . Your train is at ten, right? (Excuse me, but) I think it's about time to leaveo ;:?  l;it: B) tf"? tl*"?4\h:    i" I tt tt 't:..* t 1 0 Botsu-botsu koogi ga v. hajimari-masu I keredomo I . (Excuse me, but) the lecture should be starting pretty soon. 3. A conjunction which is different from the usage of the above particle "keredomo tt tt 't:..* t 0" Placed after a complete sentence: I) Introduces another statement that conflicts with it. English approximation: "however" 72 
 111.-  trrfJ' I I \?t.,J;"ltl.-;/)\I.-!J;" fJ'f.t.; A) 8*!'j:ftL\o ttht .. - j:. 'j Th'j:.. ,-rb/.7" l -1 t:   0 Nihon - go wa muzukashii. I Keredomo I , isshoo-kenmee benkyoo-sure ba, kanarazu wakaru yoo ni naru. Japanese is difficult. However, if you study hard, you will definitely be able to understand it. nO: t.: t., fJ' b\ ,,? I I bt.: t., B) Ea 'j: .. q /.7' t : PI '1( G L  \ fh  --c -r 0 t t h  t ..  'j: -r v J v =¥ - --c T fJ' /.7' G.. f it  -tt /VO Neko wa, tashika ni kawairashii doobutsu desu. I Keredomo I , watashi wa arerugii desu kara, kae-masen. Cats are cute animals, to be sureo However, I'm allergic, so I can't keep oneo 2) Expresses agreement with the first sentence, then offers another related alternativeo English approximation: "however" "yet" f.t'?T * \ I I "h A) I 1* h t : 'j: .. LL t : 1t < (/) t  \  \ 0 t t h  t .. ; t  t  \  \ .tJ 0 Natsu-yasumi ni wa, yama ni iku no mo ii 0 I Keredomo I , umi mo mata ii ne 0 It's nice to go to the mountains during summer breako However, it would be nice to go to the beach, tooo KIRI   1. Establishes a limit for a topico I) In referring to quantity: 73 
English approximation: "only" "just" .!.t:. 'J  \ A) .::.A  --C  .:: h""1t"? --C L   \ t  \ 0 n. Futari I kiri I de dokoka e itte-shimai-tai 0 I want to go away somewhere, just the two of uSo \'t;.  \  B) h t L ,j: 3 - 0 'y / \' t : ,j: .. - It 1t"? t  --C -r 0 Watashi wa yooroppa ni wa, ichido v. itta I kiri I desuo I have been to Europe only once (so far)o 2) In referring to a state or condition, shows that it has been unchangedo English approximation: "confinuously only doing 000" I::t.  't;.'t;. h  A) It-  \ t Xl.:!..  t  t:'"? to Toshi oita chichi wa, v. neta I kiri I ni natta. My aged father became bed-riddeno (literally: My aged father has become confined to continuously lying downo) Tn  t. I:: '?? fJ't:. B) If ry "?  --C1:t* €:- MG t t t c7) --C'   h' .:: "? t 0 v. Suwari -k l kiri I de shigoto 0 tsuzuketa node, kata ga kottao Since I have been working sitting down continuously, my shoulders have gotten tenseo 3) Often followed later in the sentence by a negative, shows that there is a limit that has not yet been surpassedo English approximation: "after doing 000' (not once done 000)" fJ't1. \'t;.  I.- n  <;t, A) fit l j: - It it * €:- h' t t --C 5 t  .. 1t 15 h' h h' ry  -\t Iv 0 Kare wa ichi-do denwa 0 kakete v. kita I kiri I , yukue ga wakari- masen 0 He called just once, and after that, (1) don't know where he went. fJ'q)t:.I: !.I: hI.- IJ  "C fJth t!. B) fit -k  l j: ..  It- 4"? t:  .. .:t  t tl:f L 1:  \   \ 0 74 
Kanojo to wa, kyonen v. atta I kiri I , tegami mo dashite i-nai. As for her, after I saw her last year, I haven't even sent her (a single) lettero 2. In the pattern "marukkiri   "? 5 ry," followed by a negative or negative situationo English approximation: "at all" 11< It  t!  A) 1{ 'l.. 1-> 5 'l   "?  .t 13 t:: o Boku wa, osake wa maruk l kiri I dame da. I can't drink at all. J: B) h t: L 'l..   "? [Ii] jjd f '  \  "t -r 0 Watashi wa, maruk l kiri I oyoge nai-n desu. I can't swim at all. KOSO -t 1. Emphasizes what is precededo English approximation: "(indeed)" *  t crt. \q)17  * A)  (7) LL.. t: <  (7)j'tLLh' €:-   L t: LLt:'o Ano n. yama I koso I , takusan no tozan-sha ga inochi 0 otoshita yama da. That mountain is (indeed) one on which many mountain climbers have lost their liveso )n I: '1 ) B) *It-8*1t"?"th11o n. Rainen I koso I nihon e itte mi yoo. N ext year, (finally, indeed), let's go to J apano 75 
2. Often in the ""0 kara koso '"-I; G .: i" or "... ba koso '"-l.f': i" pat- tern, emphasizes a reason for an actiono English approximation: "(precisely) because"  'it\ A) .: -1   .:  1;: h I;  "? --C  \ t: I;  G .. h t: L U:"  L  I;  "? t: (/) --c -r 0 Koo naru koto ga wakatte ita p. kara I koso I , watashi wa sansee shinakatta no desu 0 It's precisely because I knew things were going to work out this way that I didn't agree (before)o f1'fJt  It';)f! t> B)  t:J: t: (/) .:  €:'  .it tL l.f  .. 5 Irr €:' }  \    "? t: (/) 1 0 Anata no koto 0 kangaere p. ba I koso I , ketsudan 0 omol- todomatta no yo. It's precisely because I thought about you that I stopped short of making a decisiono 3. In the pattern "koso sure .: i -r tL," shows that the statement that precedes it is true or acceptable, but another opinion or additional com- ments are to followo English approximation: "do (something), but ..." rJ.t 11  A)  (/) A l.I.. V'  €:'  d)  -r tL.. t t  L t: .:  l.I   \ 0 Ano hito wa, hito 0 home I koso I sure, kenashita koto wa nai. That person does make encouraging remarks about others, but has never made pejorative oneso 4. In the pattern "sore koso i tL .: i," emphatic. English approximation: " that (would ...) ..." *:t. \" A) T A  (/) wr t: -1 / 7 Iv.:L / +f t: --C t I;  I;  "? t: G.. i tL  -*  t: 76 
10 Tesuto no mae nl infuruenza nl demo kakattara, sore I koso I taihen da yo. If you were to catch the flu or something before your exam, that would be disastrouso fJ'(nt:J: \  T B) i   .::  €:- fit * t:   1 t (/)  G.. i tL  t.: t "C leI 5R    \ 10 Son-na koto 0 kanojo ni ioo mono nara, sore I koso I tada de wa suma-nai yo. If you were to say something like that to her, that would get you into troubleo KOTO  C Women's language (except N 00 6) 0 1. Serves to soften the impact of an opInIon that IS expressedo Not translatableo A) i   t:  \ "'?  --C" t L J: t f --C  \    --C..   t.: G L <   \ I .:: t: I 10 Son-na ni itsu made mo shogete-iru nante, anata adj, rashiku-nai I koto I yo. It's not like you to be so down for so longo B) .:: tL t t t  -? --C t  t h I)' G   \ (/)  G.. t 1 o G   \ I .:: t: 1 1 0 Kore dake itte mo mada wakara-nai no nara, moo v. shira-nai I koto I yo. 77 
If you still don't understand after all I've said, then I just give upo 2. Expresses a mild surprise or a positive impressiono Not translatableo -r t'J  A) i?..  L  \.n' \  o Ova, mezurashii tori ga v. iru I koto 1 0 Look, there's a rare bird! B) .i .. -r --C   * t' I.:  1 0 Maa, suteki na e c. da I koto I neeo My goodness, what a wonderful painting! 3. Placed at the end of a sentence, accompanies a casual questiono Not translatableo A) .: it/;, G j:-) C' .i L --c t  \  \ I .:  I ? Kore kara ojama-shite mo I koto I ? Would it be all right to come over now? B) ; LI t -1 -r  n' ry 1 < :  t.: I.:  I ? Kaze wa moo sukkari v. yokunatta I koto I ? Are you completely over your cold? 4. Makes a rhetorical Question that is exclamatoryo English approximation: "isn't it ..." t.'::'J.I:'::? A) Jf1tLI 3 - 0 ''/ " --C-r  --C? -r --C  t' I.:  1 0 Shinkon-ryokoo wa yooroppa desu-tte? Suteki c. da I koto I . I've heard that (your) honeymoon will be in Europeo Isn't that wonderful! iI'q)t:.I: iI')t. n!o.?t..?iI'  B) fit 3c- (7) .!... it- H.n.1J! ra' --C-r  --C 0 -1 G .i L  \  0 Kanojo no kaisha, nenkyuu go-shuukan desu-tte. adJ. urayama- shii I koto 1 0 78 
Her company has five weeks vacation per year, I hearo Isn't it enviable! 5. Expresses a casual suggestion for action, following a negative form of a verbo English approximation: "how about ooo? " "why don't we ooo? " ;t,> fJt >  A) .:: tLh' G @J t: --C t 1t 5  -\t Iv ? Kore kara eega ni demo v. iki-masen I koto I ? How about going to a movie now?    B) 11 < t;;:  t: h' G.. 7 7  - --C t  h t;;:  \  ? Osoku natta kara, takushii demo v. hirowa-nai I koto I ? It's gotten late, how about catching a taxi? 6. Transforms a statement into a strict commando Not translatableo !; t:'? < .o>t..'?  A) Jtij 8 t: 11 tL f v * - r €:-  t!f -r   0 Kijitsu ni okurezu repooto 0 v. teeshutsu-suru I koto I . Hand in the report without missing the deadlineo fJ' fJ'n fJ'f;t  fJ';t,  B) it ry t:'j:'f1S:-ro Karita kane wa kanarazu v. kaesu I koto I . Make sure (you) pay back the money (you) borrow. KURAI (GURAl) < b L' ( (' b L ,) 1. Indicates that a given quantity is approximate. English approximatio n: "ab out" "approximately" >? t..? fJ' 1 I l;if;t  A) t 1 - Y! ra' < G  \ --Co n h . < --C L J: 1 0 Moo n. is-shuukan I kurai I de hana ga saku deshoo. 79 
The flowers will probabl y bloom in about a weeko h'f' 1;iJ: I I B) 7,)( €:' 7 '7 At:.=f.  <   \ < t::   \ 0 Mizu 0 gurasu ni n. hanbun I gurai I kudasai. Please give me about half a glass of watero 2. Belittles something, in showing that it is simple or elementaryo English approximati on: (so mething like) fJ't:. 'J.I:? 'J I I "t" !; A) a; jf!. #J <   \ h t: L t.:'"? "t tl:f *  ho Kantan na n. ryoori I kurai I watashi datte dekiru wao Even I can cook (something like) a simple meal. i!:t:. < t: J: B) ;;tji I <   \ I   "t L '   \ 0 n. Sentaku I kurai I jibun de shinasai. Do (something like) your laundry yourselfo 3. In citing one situation, indicates its extento English approximation: "to the ext ent that 000" .f>'t;.i');t fJ' I I II. l::. ?  A)  - t1D . "? ;jf- t:   <   \ (/), Ji. *  .7 J£ t t "t L t: 0 Sora ichimen makka ni v. naru I kurai I no, migotona yuuyake deshitao The sunset was splendid, to the extent that the whole sky turned cnmsono t..t: tH l;it:. I I t. l::. >.ffJt B) .i.A L;i .::   t: it! <  "t1fh \"t  \  <   \ t Ir , 1 '1  1:t*h,.tt L\L\o Shujin wa kon-na ni osoku made v. hataraite-iru I kurai I dakara, yohodo shigoto ga isogashii rashii 0 Since it's to the extent that my husband is working this late, he must be quite busy at worko 80 
4. Following a noun, a nominal, or a pronoun, establishes it as a basis for comparisono Not translatableo t: t. .:.1> A) :tJit I <   \ I f  \ t (7) 'l   \ 0 n. Jishin I kurai I kowai mono wa nai 0 There's nothing more scary than an earthquakeo t? I l -it t:.fJ' B) t?X < \ 1fh'h"?t.: '\\(7)t:o n. Otoosan I kurai I se 9 a taka-kattara ii no ni naa 0 I wish I were as tall as my fathero 5. Indicates that what precedes it is something undesirable or unlikableo English approximation: "rather tha n doing 000" A) i   .i f  \ t (7) €:- i   I <   \ I  , M t i    \ '1 -1 h:.i L t: o Son-na mazui mono 0 v. taberu I kurai I nara, nani mo tabe-nai hoo 9a mashi da 0 Rather than eating something that gross, I prefer not to eat any- thing at all. !; t:'? < I "C'?  fJ\-it\ B) Jtij 8 t: 11 tL  I <   \  , ia  €:- L --C Jt  -\t t.: '1 -1 h:.i L t: 0 Kijitsu ni v. okureru I kurai I nara, tetsuya 0 shite kansee-saseta hoo 9a mashi da. Rather than being late for the deadline, (I) prefer to finish it by staying up all night. KU8E-N I < tt- ( Combination particle A combination of the noun "kuse < -\t (habit)" and the particle "ni t:." 81 
1. As a conjunctive particle, indicating that the actual situation is the reverse of the "norm" that is given in the preceding clauseo Implies a criticism of that "normo" English approximation : "even though" "but" ii' h. t!.  ) il t < -it  ) I I l;iI;UH> -it Iv t:. < A) fJt'l**j:.c7) < -\t t: ..  t.:' t:;;t5 i L 1: t G "? 1:  \  Ivt.:'"? 1: 0 Kare wa daigakusee p. no I kuse ni I , mada hahaoya ni sentaku shite-moratte-iru-n datte. Even though he's a college student, he still has his mother do his laundryo nIt? I I !; J; ? l;i  B)  \ "'? t   -r  < -\t t: ..  8 'l -r  \ ..) : Iv.!f- <   t: tJ 0 Itsumo v. neboo-suru I kuse ni I , kyoo wa zuibun hayaku okita neo (Y ou) usually get up late, but you got up so early todayo 2. At the end of a sentence or phrase, expresses a slight resentment. English approximation: Not readily translatable, the implication is "(you) did 0'" remember?" said in a slightly resentful tone of voiceo q)::' ::.  t!; T A)  Iv 7  t: 7 L t: c7)0 1-1c7)* 'l  Iv: t:-ltf  t:'"? t: I < -\t t: 1 0 Miruku mata no koshita no 0 Kodomo no toki wa an-na ni suki c. datta I kuse ni I . You didn't finish your milk again? You liked it so much when you were a childo t:. 1J\f! B)  /I) t;t   \.. i Iv t;t t: t: <  Iv 't""  c7) 'l 0 .:: c7) ra' t t? t;t h' €:' .:: h L t: I < -\t t: I 0 Yamenasai, son-na ni takusan taberu no wa. Kono aid a mo 82 
onaka 0 v. kowashita I kuse ni I . Stop eating so mucho You got an upset stomach the other day. MADE *z: FUNDAMENTALS OF "MADE i "'(" Generally, this particle establishes a temporal or spatial limito Its most common meaning is "until," or "up to a certain pointo" Make sure you distinguish between this particle and the particle "made ni  "t,:,,, which means "byo" 1. Indicates a limit or destinationo Often in the pattern "000 kara 000 made "-J I)' G "-J  "t 0 " I) Temporal limitso English approximation: "to" "till" "until" < C  C t.. l:. A) h t: L 'j: 7L * 1.7  G 1i * I  "t 1 1:t *  L  -t 0 Watashi wa ku-ji kara n. go-ji I made I shigoto 0 shi-masu. CD I work from nine to fiveo fJ\(J)C: IJ If ttt.....? B) 1Jt-k 'j: 1.7 G E!>tL.!.!J A 7" -   t   L t: 0 Kanojo wa asa kara n. ban I made I sukeeto no renshuu 0 shita. She practiced skating from morning till nighto ? c.?.&. ",", 1 C) ;k  I " A L.!.!J..::. +  t  ; 0  Tsugi no n. basu Imadel sanjup-pun mo aru. We have to wait for another thirty minutes until the next buso 83 
-;-; v. < } } D) X(lEi j:.  t:.o Chichi wa n. hyaku-sai I made I ikita. My father lived to be a hundred years oldo 1£< .?} t! E) (l fL  0 -? "t.1f"? t:.o Boku wa n. kyuu-sai I made I rooma de sodatta. I was raised in Rome until I was nine years oldo 'b'}lt? I.-t...?  A  71 1.7':'M5*-t; Jti(lfhl.7 '0 Sutoraiki ga v. kaiketsu-suru I made I densha wa ugoka-nai. F) There will be no train service until the strike is over. }*f,,:I;: G)  1PJ L "t,t:.? n. Ima I made I nani 0 shite ita no? What have you been doing until now? 2) Spatial limitso English approximation: "to" "as far as" bt.: t.. 'b t ?.: ?  '{: I.- t... 'b'j. A) /ft. (l, -) t? 1.7 G cy: EJ Jti "t.i!"? "t  , .1 -t 0 Watashi wa, uchi kara n. gakkoo I made I jitensha de kayotte i-masu. I commute from my house to school by bicycleo .  . . . .  t... 1)13I') } B) .:: 5Jti (l, -t1t  .1 -to Kono kisha wa, n. aomori I made I iki-masu. This train will go to Aomori. 84 
-;.i1' 1:1} }?i1' J:i1' C) t:p ra' T A  ,rm (l-I.J  E9 "CT 0 Chuukan-tesuto no han-i wa ik-ka kara n. yon-ka I made I desu. The mid term exam will cover lessons one to four. D) *.: 1.1 .'(* 1  ,  "? L   , .1 T I.J ? n. Doko I made I irasshaimasu ka? Where are you going? (literally: To which place are you going?) f.t   ?  I:; *} E) *"   -t;} ff  .::* < f:   '0 n. Nara I made I no kippu 0 ni-mai kudasai. Two tickets to N ara, please. 3) Limits of quantity, range, or scopeo English approximation: "up to" "within" It?.:t.. v J:? v. < * A) ;.ai\ . ffl (lEi 7JP:]  t: L "( j? .: -) 0 Kekkon-shiki no hiyoo wa n. hyaku-man en I made I nl shite- okoo. Let's keep the budget for our wedding within one million yeno i1't... Itt... Qtt} I:;..:"} B)  A -+j- 7 -7 · :J / T A   1.Ju   JJ  L .1 T D Jt.  (l .:: + li. ffit I .1 "(* 1 "(* T 0 Misu sakura kontesuto n o san ka-sha 0 boshuu shi-masu. Nenree wa n. nijuu-go sai I made 1 desu. We are looking for contestants for the Miss Sakura pageant. You must be under twenty-five years oldo (literally: As for the age (limit), it's up to twenty-fiveo) Il i1' t! }?i1'}"? C) *   L tI:: L (l - @).::. -ffit  "(*T D 85 
Hon no kashi-dashi wa ik-kai n. san-satsu I made I desu. You may borrow up to three books at a timeo 2. Shows the extent to which a situation or action can/has already reach(ed)o English approximation: "until" "to" "as far as" "to the extent of" .: ?-r' h-r fJ> ?   A) * 7]< "e 7]< I.J . hR  ..t. L.!.!J * t:. 0 Koozui de mizu ga ph. yuka no ue I made I kita. The water from the flood reached (as far as) above floor level. 1:11.- ,  Vl:? 'k B) :,:'j::Il-1LL.!.!J     '0 Gohan wa ph. sai 9 0 no hito-tsubu I made I tabenasai 0 Ea t even the last grain of rice in your bowl. l,. J: ? fJt <  I.-  fJfl.- If C)  CY:I.J' t G i... ; l-1 t:  ; L.!.!J j[;&  -1 0 cl. Shoo9akukin 9a moraeru yoo ni naru I made I ganbaroo. I'll work hard until I qualify for a scholarshipo <"C -; h I)l,. It? fJf D) f3 tG ;tt!?I.J' Jt "? I.J  G  < "t, h t:. L 'j: Jt I.J: #-  l -1 t:  ; L.!.!J 1* L "t I)g   , t:. 0 Mokuteki-chi ga mitsukara-nakute, watashi wa cl. ashi 9a boo no yoo ni naru I made I sagashite aruita. Unable to find my destination, I walked in search of it until I felt as if my legs were about to fall offo 3. Indicates that a situation has reached the extent that even an extreme example is now applicableo English approximation: "even" l: t!-;  h 1:1f.t A) :b: 11 t: L.!.!J Jt t  h ; l -1 L , j? L .1  , t!. 0 Tomodachi p. ni I made I mihana-sareru yoo ja, oshimai dao 86 
If even your friends desert you, that's the endo It? -r 1:< It  I.:< B) ;t .i:ttH t   ?£  't\¥  \ 0 (Proverb) Boozu nikukerya n. kesa I made I nikui. When (you) hate the monk, (you) even hate his surpliceo 4. Indicates that an action is/was done by chanceo English approximation: "just" "merely" It  1:1  t> .: l: I) f,,:   /I)  A) .!f-   L t:  tj:, t:.1 t: .1 "J'.    p "e f3 1.7':''Jt  t: 1.1 --C I t:* lo Kesa hayaoki shita no wa, tamatama kotori no nakigoe de me ga v. sameta I made I da yo. I got up early this morning merely because I happened to have been woken up by the singing of birdso fN\t... t...":) ?  B) h t: L 1.7':' .:I: --C cl:H:lt --C  t:  t j: , 111.7: ll.7' "'? t:   .:  --C -t 0 Watashi ga kaisha de shusse dekita no wa, un ga adj. yokatta I made I no koto desu. It is just luck that I was able to climb up the corporate ladder. .: 1: t>  b C)  Jt tj:  \ "'?  \ G L --C < t:*  ; 1.7'  I "'? --C ... 0  J: "'?  j? 't * L t: I .1 --C I l 0 Kondo wa itsu irashit e kudasaru ka to omotte .... Chotto v. odenwa-shita I made I yo. I was wondering when you'd be coming over again 000 I just called (for that), that's all. 1Jt:. * D) i-   ,: j? "'? L  G   \ --C. < t:.   \ 0 h t: L t j: t: t:*   M  .:   L t:. 1 .1 --C I --c -t 0 Son-na ni osshara-nai de kudasai. Watashi wa tada atarimae no 87 
koto 0 v. shita I made I desu. Please don't thank me so mucho 1 just did what 1 should have doneo MADE-MO *C"-=b Combination particle A combination of the particles "made .1 "t.." and "mo to" 1. Followed by a negation later in the sentence or clause, indicates that a situation or action preceding it is not necessary, and that it is the obvious or normo English approximation: "it's not nec essary to " d IJ I I b'k < t.. }I"?"C}Q'k} t.. J: < A)  \.1   "Ef1 L ..t. t f; .1"t.. t   .1 {t  1.7':', t. 'j: * fJ  Jt. i!   \ t: L.1To Imasara v. mooshi-ageru I made me I ari-masen ga, watakushi wa raigetsu teenen-taishoku itashi-masu. (I know that) it's not necessary to say it at this point (Le. because everyone k nows a bout it by now), but 1 will be retiring next month. "C fill- fJto I I  b ?'k B) .:j:-  t:" < .1"t.. t   \ .::  "t.. T 1.7  , 't U- "t.. j? 1 ;t  \ t: L .1 T 0 Tegami ni v. kaku I made me I nai koto desu kara, denwa de otsutae itashi-masu. Since it's not necessary to write a letter, I'll (just) tell you over the phoneo 2. As a conjunction, shows that although an extreme situation may not be true or possible, a lesser one is desirable or necessary. English approximation: "even th ough (i t's not to the extent that) 000" 13 It I I TO: 13 t! A) 'j: "'?    1t it "t  \   \ .1"t.. t , Y L 'j:}  \ tI:: {t ; "t.. L J: '1 ? 88 
Hakkiri to v. oboete-i-nai I made mo I , sukoshi wa omoi-daseru deshoo? Even though you might not remember it very clearly, can't you remember ju st a lit tle bit of it? I:;.} I I t:.J: .?J;? V?J; B) A  L   \ .1 -r t , it '5t 1* .I.JIX:* "(-t 0 v. Nyuuin-shi-nai I made mo I , juubun na kyuuyoo ga hitsuyoo desu. Even though it's not necessary for (you) to be hospitalized, (you) need plenty of rest. MADE-NI * C'- ( Combination particle A combination of the particles "made .1 "(" and "ni t:." 1. Indicates that a situation or action is not to be taken as more than it is; has a belittling function, often in a gesture of humbling oneself. English approximation: "just for/to ..." t:. :? t:.< tf.t1'J .: A) h t:. L it,  8 j?   fA t:  L "( .1  \  .1 L t:.  "(\ :..*   \  "'? I I  'h''/)t .1 "(* t : j? i  \ L .1 L t:. 0 Watashi-tachi, ky oo otaku no tonari ni koshite mairi-mashita node, n. goaisatsu I made ni I oukagai-shi-mashita. Since we have moved in next door to you today, we're here just to introduce ourselveso B) {ip j?  "(*  -) :..*   \ .1 -t 0 II   j?}i L ; L 1.1 ,,(t: I    I.J t..f.t 13< £j?i! L.1 Lt:.o Gokekkon omedetoo gozaimasu. Hon no oiwai no n. shirushi 89 
I made ni I sasayaka na shina 0 ookuri-shi-mashita. Congratulations on your marriageo We have sent you this small token to express our congratulationso 2. Shows to what extent something has reachedo English approximation: "(up to)" .:A,  I')  v.<t><A, 1 I t:.? A) ;ttIJtl8 itP3 .1 "t*t: 11 L t::. o Konki no rieki wa n. hyaku-oku en I made ni I tasshita. The profits this term reac hed (up to) ten billion yeno f)'(J)t:: f.t* fJ'} Thi"h l I t., B) {Jt -9;  Z M t l , -tit     .1"t'" t: t1 h h t::. "? t::. 0 Kanojo no namae wa, sekai no n. sumi-zumi I made ni I shire- watatta. Her name became known throughout the worldo (ioeo Her fame reached (up to) the point where her name was known throughout the worldo) 3. Sets a time limito English approximation : "befo re" v':?   I I }-; t: fJ'A, A) 1tI.7':'::B; .1 "t'"t: tl, .1 t -*rB' <'" G  \  ; 0 H ikooki ga v. deru I made ni I wa, mada ichi-jikan gurai aru. There's still about an hour before the plane leaveso  IJ I I }? 'h' If? V?J;? B) .::    1.7  ..t. tf; .1"t'" t: tl ,   - -/] J1 tl Ix:-t- "t'"-t 0 Kono e 0 v. kaki-ageru I made ni I wa, ate ikka-getsu wa hitsuyoo desu. I need at least a month before I can finish this paintingo 90 
MO =b FUNDAMENTALS OF "MO " When this particle follows a noun, a nominal, or a particle, it usually indicates a similar quality between two things, which come before and after ito When "mo t" is preceded by an adjective or a verb, it indicates that more than one action occurso Note that "mo t" is usually not used after the prticles "wa (.;1" and "ga 1;"'" or before the particle "0 ," since it replaces these particleso For example: .: h1 '7 "e-t 0 Kore Iwal bara desu. This is a rose hi" U)   7J<!f*.1 Lt:o Mizuno-san Igal ki-mashita. Mso Mizuno has comeo fJ\U):  'k {Jt -9; (.;1 I) / ::1 L!J .1 L t: 0 Kanojo wa ringo  tabe mashita. She ate an appleo  hI1J' '7 --C.-t 0 Are  bara desu. That is a rose, tooo 1i *  I1J*.1 L t: o Sasaki-san   ki- mashita. Ms. Sasaki also came. {t * (.;1 h I;   I1J  1.1 L t: 0 Kanojo wa mikan  [gI tabe-mashita. She also ate an orangeo 91 
Furthermore, below are the differences in usage of particles with similar functions, "to "and "ya ," and "mo t." A) Simple listing of nouns. J) / ::t0hl.J0/TT ringo I to 1 mikan I to 1 banana apples, oranges and bananas. B) Simple listing of nounso J) / ::1" 1  I hl.J 1  I /TT ringo Ivai mikan Ivai banana apples, oranges, bananas and the like. C) Additiveo "also" "on top of" J) / ::1"l1Jhl.JI1J/TTI1J ringo  mikan  banana  also apples, oranges and bananaso , C9JOj , "..  \ , ' , ) 6  .:) I':: }  ....:.  Jb, · · I . \J,' , , , , )  J (3:  , 1. Indicates that two subjects are the same or the same kindo English approximation: "also" "too" "(notj....o, either" f/< }  f/< } A)   t: (j: cy: j:. "'C-t D b t: L L!J cy: j:. "C.-t 0 Anata wa gakusee desu. n. Watashi I mo I gakusee desu. You are a student. I'm a student, tooo B )  (t, (j: -t  \ I.J  "C\  (t, I1J -t  \ I.J  "C. -t 0 Kore wa suika de, n. are  suika desu. This is a watermelon, and that is a watermelon, too. ())  92 
 < t:.  t.t t:. C) b t:. L Li  f- ""'.t L t:. 0 b t:. L Li, L!J""'.t L t:. 0 Watashi wa niku 0 tabe-mashita. Watashi wa n. sakana  tabe-mashita. I ate meat. I ate fish, tooo  D) b t:. L Li:1- t - f- h.t -tt /VO b t:. L U: :1-7 [IJh.t -tt /VO Watashi wa koohii 0 nomi-masen. Watashi wa n. koora  nomi-masen. I don't drink coffeeo I don't drink soda, either 0 It < \ iI>(1) 1: J:  \ E)  U: to 7 .::. '/' 7 t: it  .t -tt /v ...c L t:. 0 111 * L!J to 7 .::. '/' 7 t: it  .t -tt /v"'CL t:. o Boku wa pikunikku ni iki-masen deshita. n. Kanojo  pikunik- ku ni iki-masen deshita. I didn't go on the picnic. She didn't go on the picnic, either. 2. In the pattern "00. mo 000 mo '"- t '"- t ," lists additively two or more things in a similar category. English approximation: "too" "also" "both" "as well as" "either ... or"   t.t ;bf?.:., ;bf< 1t\ A)   t:. L!J b t:. L L!J.. [5] L ;fX Q)  j:. "'CT 0 n. Anata  n. watashi  onaji gakkoo no gakusee desu. Both you and I are students at the same school. B) bt:.LU:?1 /[IJt.-Jv[IJh.tTo Watashi wa n. wain  n. biiru  nomi-masu. I drink both wine and beer. t...; I> V't C) i' Q) 8 \ \ Q) L!J -t \ \ Q) L!J - '? T '? < t:  \ \ 0 93 
Sono shiroi n. no  aoi n. no  hitotsu zutsu kudasai. I want to have one each of that white one and that blue oneo .: t  fJ>I.,  L. D) .:r Li B X  Iv: L!J B-lQ:  Ivt: L!J7E  tL t:. o Ano ko wa otoosan p. ni  okaasan p. ni  shinareta. That child has lost his father as well as his mothero 11< .t.8 J:  1:1t.:=   8  E)  U:   T -!>  L!J 1fh <  L!J   \ t: 0 Boku wa benkyoo-suru n. no  hataraku n. no  kirai da. I don't like to study or to work. F) 1£*'li<L < IT]  -!> L Ti L < IT]  -!> 0 Kanojo wa adj. utsukushiku  arushi adj. yasashiku  aru. She is beautiful as well as kindo 3. In the pattern "... mo ... mo -., t -., t ," often in the forms "... de mo -., --C" t" or "... te mo -., --C t ," indicates that (1) there is barely any differ- ence between the things/actions, and that (2) another action is done regard- less of the given two conditions/actions. English approximation: "doesn't make much difference" "doesn't matter" "regardless of" It.t. 8.t. v.... < i..t.  I: v.... < i..t.  It?.:  A) iftk  'ls P3 --C" L!J .::. 13 P3 --C" L!J *'6  --C" T 0 Kenkin wa hyaku en p. de  ni-hyaku en p. de  kekkoo desu. Any amount of contribution would be appreciated; it doesn't matter if it's one hundred or two hundred yeno I: Il.t.  fJ>  h\  fJ>  fJ>* B) 8 * --C"-'  \ --C L!J --c"-'  \ --C L!J.  \ .t -tt Ivo Nihon-go de v. kaite  eego de v. kaite  kamai-masen. It doesn't matter whether you write in Japanese or in Englisho 94 
4. Indicates an addition to something already present. English approximation: "in addition" "as well as" t It<i.\fJf? \ A) j:; X  Iv..  L!J @J t: i! tL --C it"? --C .J: 0 Otoosan, n. boku  eega ni tsurete-itte yo. Dad, could you take me to the movie, too? fJ'I.,  t:. B) j:;   Iv.. .:. Q) 7- - ;\=- L!J '" --C  \  \ ? Okaasan, kono n. keeki  tabete ii? Mom, can I eat this cake, too? 5. Emphasizes quantity, distance or frequencyo English approximation: "as many/much as" "no fewer/less than" "as long a time as" "as far (a distance) as" \:...n.t. I: Il.t. fJ>i. A) b t:. L Li t '1 + Jt- L!J 8 * t: 9' "? --C  \ .t -tt Iv o Watashi wa moo n. juu-nen  nihon ni kaette i-masen. I haven't gone back to Japan for (as long a time as) ten yearso fJ>tL 1:1 t> I:.t.  8 J:  t.!\ B) 111 Li /\.,A.. L!J JL  1;:  -!> 0 Kare wa n. hachi-nin  kyoodai ga aru. He has eight brothers ! C)  Q) 'l Q) *'1 .ITJ  -!> 0 Ano inu wa kimi no setake n. hodo  aru. Tha t dog is as tall as you. \:...  * .t.i..t.  D) .:. Q)  Lf 'l + 7j P3 L!J T -!> Iv t "? --C 0 Kono tsubo wa n. juu-man en  suru-n datte. They say that this vase costs as much as one hundred thousand yeno 6. Indicates that a quantity/number is approximateo English approximation: "around" "about" 95 
L. t h? fJ>   8 A) .:: Q)1:t$Li t '1 3.. 8   tL LftB *' -!> "'C L J: '1 0 Kono shigoto wa moo n. mik-ka  are ba dekiru deshoo. This work should be done in about three more dayso .(i (gi fJ> B) 3.. 8 7j P3   tL Lf \  \ Jt!.1.J:}{ i.. .t T .J: 0 n. San-byaku-man en  are ba ii kuruma ga kae-masu yo. If you have around three million yen, you can buy a nice caro 7. Used in a negative sentence, emphasizes the lack of somethingo If it follows an interrogative pronoun, or nouns such as once, one day, etco, it indicates total negation of its existenceo English approximation: "not any" "no 0"" "nothing" A) t: tL [I] Ii .t -tt Iv I.J  ? n. Dare  i-masen ka? Is there no one (there)? 8 J:  h1t  L. B)  8 'l rn Li  .::  M.t "? --c  \ -!> 0 Kyoo wa mise wa n. doko  shimatte-iru. No stores are open today. (literallYi Today, stores everywhere are closedo) \-;   D) b t:. L 'l -.It  A ;\=- - f- L t:. .::  I.J:  ry .t -tt Ivo Watashi wa n. ichi-do  sukii 0 shita koto ga ari-masen. I've never skiedo (literally: I have never skied even onceo) \  /I) I.dl E) *- L t:. .::' t? i- '1  .::' .  \ .t -tt Iv I.J'" ..  '1 i-'  L J:. "? --c < t:   \ 0 Taishita n. gochisoo  gozaimasen ga, doozo meshi-agatte kudasai 0 Even though there's nothing special, please go ahead and eato 8. Gives an additional, unexpected situation or conditiono 96 
English approximation: "even" h  A) 1Jttl T'::' A Q)Ig-t-L!J L "'( ,t=.  L  '0 Kare wa tenisu no n. senshu  shite ita rashii. I've heard that he was even a competitive tennis player onceo (implying that he has other impressive qualitieso) n?  }«>t (g } n B)  I.J -:   , Q) t: , #. t l  L  ,  L!J     , "'(., L"?   "'(  '.t L t=. 0 Netsu ga takai nani, imooto wa kurushii p. to  iwa-nai de, jitto nete i-mashita 0 Though she had a high fever, my sister was patiently lying in bed without even complainingo 9. Colloquial expressiono In the forms "koo mo .:: -1 t," "soo mo i' -1 t ," "aa mo   t" (meaning "kon-na ni .::   t:" "son-na ni i' : t:" "an- na ni    t: ")0 Indicates the extent of a state/action. English approximation: "this/that many" "this/that much"  * A) i' -1 [IJiftl.JtL"'( tl, b t=. L t  -!> .J: 0 adv, SOO  nakarete wa, watashi mo komaru yo. You cry that much, then I'm at a loss ;bf}( l:llJ:( } B) ?  t:  , -!> ,   L!J 8 *  I.J -:  L <  -!> t Q) t: 7-; -1 I.J  0 Gaikaku ni iru to, adv. aa  nihon-shoku ga koishiku naru mono daroo ka. When one is in a foreign country, does one crave for Japanese food that much, I wonder. 97 
MONO =to) 1. Placed at the end of a sentence: 1) Gives a reason, which precedes it. Often followed by "ne tJ" or "na "/;J.' ," which adds a slight exclamatory senseo English approximation: "because"   A)  *&  Iv Q) to 7' / Q)  J:. -t-  .:  '.t TtJo Ojoosan no piano n o ojoo zu na koto I Okusama mo pianisuto de v. irasshai-masu I mono I nee <*  * t to 7' .:=. A r "'Co'  ,  "? L  How well your daughter plays the piano! It's because your wife is also a pianisto I;U -< t.t? L..t..:.t.1J  .:  8 B) .: Q)i!l'ItI.J' L  ,tJ o JftQ)   t:*-f.:  .: 7:, f.:"tJo Kono hamab e nats ukashii nee Shinkon-ryokoo no toki ni kita tokoro c. da I mono I ne. This beach brings back memories, doesn't it? It's beause we came here on our honeymoono 2) Following a certain given reason, expresses dissatisfaction, or desireo Colloquial, casual usageo English approximation: "because" fJ' " fJ' It < 11 A) tJ;t,    lv,  Q)  t t? }{ "? "'C .J: 0  "1 L "'C t  L 'Iv f.:" o Nee, ok aasan, ana omocha katte yo. Boku dooshitemo hoshii- n c. da I mono I . Mommy, could you buy me that toy... because I really really want it. 98 
lvlflv 8 I> B) 1'* --C < t.:   \ .t 1t Ivb' ? b t:. L .1 L --C t j:.;  \ L t:.  \ Iv --C.T [00 Konban kite kudasa i-masen ka? Watashi dooshitemo oai-shi- tai-n c. desu I mono I . Could you come over tonight? Because I really want to see YOUo 2. As a conjunctive particle, follows a clause to transform it into a reason for somethingo English approximation: "since" "000' so" or merely a comma. 1t\t:1v  T . cHt (/) A) b t:. L  At: ' "? t:. Iv t.:  .. jf' L <.   \ j:.; 5@  Iv --C. t  \  \ --C. L J: , ? ") 0 Watashi seejin nl natta-n c. da I mono I , sukoshi gural osake nonde mo ii deshoo? I've now of age, it's all right for me to have a little something to drink, isn't it? trT  i.\   vt IJ \ «>(/) \ tr B) , 1- U:!b: .t t.: 1. < b b' ry .t 1t Iv.. - A. --C.X  t: it < Q) Li  IJ 1.1 --C.T b 0 Musuko wa eego ga mada yoku v. wakari-masen I mono I , hitori de kaimono ni iku no wa muri desu wa. Since my son doesn't understand English very well yet, it's not possible for him to go shopping by himself. MONO-DE(MON-DE) =b 0)- C' (=b Iu- C') Combination particle A combination of the noun "mono t Q)" and the copula "de --C.." Indi- cates that the preceding clause is the reason for the action in the following 99 
clauseo In colloquial usage, it often takes the form "mon de t,{, "'Co" English approximation: "beca use" or simply commao I I 111.- J: bT A)  ,{,.t ry '1 tL L I.J  "? t.: t,{,"'C.. , II.J  Q) .::    tL   "? t.: 0 Anmari adj. ureshikatta I mon de I , hoka no koto zenbu wasure- chatta. I was so happy, I just f orgot a bout everything else! \ * 8 I I I.- b B) i' Q)'::'..:L - A f- f}fl  \ t.: t Q) "'C: .. ll"? < ry L --C 1? 'it f- j:.; I.J tt L --C  \ -!>  .:: 7-; --CT 0 Sono nyuusu 0 ima v. kiita I mono de I , bikkuri-shite odenwa 0 okake-shite-iru tokoro desu. Because I just heard the news, I was stunned and I'm calling you now. MONOKA(MONKA) =b(])tJ' (=blvtJ') Placed at the end of a sentence, makes an exclamatory, emphatic nega- tiono Often takes the pattern of "mono desu ka t Q) --CT I.J 0" In colloquial usage, it takes the forms "monka t '{'I.J" or "mon desu ka t,{, --CT I.J 0" Not translatable. 11< 8 «> 8h I I A) Q)#I.J"'t:bl.J"? --C t.:.t -!> t Q)I.J 0 Boku no kimochi ga kimi ni wakatte v. tamaru I monoka I . How could you ever know how I'm feeling! fJ>tL blJ 11?'k.\ I)* I I B) 111 Q)' l'1I.J"'}  \,{, --C.-; t Q) 0 b t.: L  t:  -!> t,{, --C.-; I.J 0 Kar e no hoo ga w arui-n desu mono. Watashi zettai ni v. ayama- ru Imen desu kal . 100 
He's the one who's at faulto I'll never apologize (to him)! MONONARA(MON-NARA) =b (])tJ. b (=b Iv- tJ. b) "Mon-nara t,{,  " in colloquial expressiono 1. Following a clause stating a conjecture or a will, indicates that the result of such actions may be undesirableo English approximation: "should there be 0"" T \iltf T fJ> 1: I I t.: \ A) )7 I ':J Q) T.Jt f- =It --C --C Li  \ ,t   \ .J: 0 .:k * t: --C t  7-; '1 t Q)   *- "-Iv "$:. t: I;  0 Tabako no suigara 0 sutete wa ike-nai yo. Kaji ni demo v. naroo I mononara I taihen da kara. Don't throw your cigarette butts aroundo Should there be a fire, it would be disastrouso 1:1 n I> n It I I i.1v-t < B) Jf. <     \ .J: 0  L t: Q)  ..  J;? L .J: '1 t Q)   .. it  t:  \ ,t  <  -!>.J: o Hayaku n enasai yo. Ashita no asa, neboo v. shiyoo I mononara I , ensoku ni ike-naku naru yo. Go to bed early. Should you oversleep tomorrow morning, you won't be able to go on your school tripo 2. Proposes a hypothetical situation, with an implication that the speaker does not care even if such a situation ariseo Has a critical, resentful toneo English approximation: "if... then" 1.Jlvlt I I f,tl: \ A)   t: 1;'" . ,{,  t: 1t  t:  -? --C t  \  \ t Q)   .. M t   \ .t 1t ,{, .J: 0 Anata ga don-na ni bin boo ni natte mo I mononara I , nani 101 
mo ii-masen yo. If it's all right with you no matter how poor you become, then I won't say anything. B)  Iv' Q) --c \  \ I t Q)   I.. .: t: --c t *"? --C  \.t T .J: 0 Son-na no de adj,ll l mononara I , doko ni demo utte i-masu yo. If something like that is all right, then they should have it in any storeo 3. After a possibility, dares the party addressed to perform ito A rather antagonistic tone (though possibly playfully sO)o English approximation: "if (yo u think) you can ..." A) .: Q) '1  5.. I.J -!> I t Q)   I.. I.J Iv --c.:  Ivo Kono unagi, v. tsukameru I mononara I , tsukande goran. If (you think) you can grab this eel, go right ahead and try grabbing (it)o B) m: -!> I t Q)  G 1 m:1v --C .: G 1v.J: 0 v. Toberu I mononara I tonde goran yo. If (you think) you can fly, go ahead and try flyingo MaNaNa 150)0) Establishes a situation, then shows that another situation has arisen that conflicts wi th i to English approximation: "even thou gh" "a lthough" 1;1  I 1 'IE> .: < A)  \  t .J: ry .!f- < '1 t? f- tl:: t:. t Q) Q) .. '" A I.J:  I.J   I.J  *'  < --C.. 11 'J L --C L .t "? t:. 0 102 
Itsumo yori hayaku uchi 0 v. deta I monono I , basu 9a naka-naka ko-naku te, chikoku-shite shimatta. Although I had left my house earlier than usual, the bus didn't come for quite a while, a nd I was lateo <lI' fJ' I I b It.. B) Jt!. 'l}\ -? t.: t   , .1 tfJ] < "(, \ 1 "7 .:r. 1 'lJttL  \ '0 Kuruma wa v. katta I monono I , mada kowaku te haiuee wa hashire-nai. Even though (I) have bought a car, I can't drive on the highway because I'm still afraido , IJ  T -!' C) ra' t: * -? t.: b   \ q , j: -)  I t   I , -) t:;,  ttl -!>  b : , t -) y L 1!! b  t}" q) < -? t.: , ffi!: 1T  t : *- ry 1!! kL -!>  .: 7:> t.: -? t.: j: 0 Maniatta kara ii adj. yoona I monono I , uchi 0 deru no 9a moo sukoshi osokattara, hikooki ni nori-okureru tokoro datta yo. Though it's all right now because we made it on time, if we had left the house a little bit late r, we would've missed our planeo D) ¥ \ , b    'l \ , -) I t   I , t.: <  Iv i -)  b  ;{. -? "( ;  T -!> .:  b: -!>o Yasui kara to wa v. yuu I monono I , takusan kau to kaette son 0 suru koto 9a aru. Even though it's cheap, there are times when buying too much of it can make you lose out in the endo MONO-O =b0)- 1. Expresses dissatisfaction over the current condition, implying that 103 
there was an alternative which would have produced better resultso English approximation: "alt hough" IH' "t I 1 tr rJ l;i 'CJ!"  A) Jf. < 1* tV) L1' .J: b  -? t.: t  t ,  JJ. t L "'( {fh \ \ t.:  .'e ,   t:  -? "'( L .1  t.: 0 Hayaku yasume ba adj. yokatta I mono-o I , muri 0 shite hataraita node, byooki ni natte shimatta. Although I would have been fine if I had taken a rest earlier, because I pushed myself unreasonably to work, I became ill. 2. An exclamatory particleo Placed at the end of a sentence, indicates dissatisfaction or regreto English approximation: "if only..." IJ A) .:,{,. ' t: f:fu "'( T ...;: I:J. (L t:  -? "'( (L L1' .J: b -? t.: I t  t 1 0  ,;t"tA..  J: Ii.,  ttl b' ,t -!> 1M t :   l' Il t I1fl \ \"'( < Kon-na ni ame de zubunure ni n atte I De kakeru mae ni tenki- yohoo 0 kiite kure ba adj. yokatta I mono-o I . You got rained on and are soaking wet! If only you had listened to the weather forecast before you left, you wouldn't have (gotten so wet)o -!'l: .,t..!< , t}l:':l:A.. b B) ?",(.7 T .1 1:t"'(  t.: ? * -? "'( \ \ t.:  t: o -    L "'( < (L (L L1'\\\\ lttl o Soto de yuushoku sumaset e kita no ? Matte ita noni. Hitokoto denwa shite kurereba I mono-o I . You ate dinner out? I was waiting for YOUo If only you had called me to tell meo 104 
NA(NAA) tcJ: (tcJ:) "N a "and "naa  " are used in almost the same way, but "naa  " has an even more emotional toneo 1. As an exclamatory particle, expresses emotiono Found in men's lan- guageo Not translatableo    A) 1" L  b   \ -) i? t: *- 5 <  -? t I  (  ) 1 0 Sukoshi awa-nai uchi ni ookiku v. natta I na(naa) I . You've grown so much du ring the li ttle time I haven't seen you!  iH Q t!.1v "f'J: Iv  I I B) Jf  (?)1@tib,;'M .1.b,;:-? t  () 0 Yasai no nedan 9 a zuibun v. agatta I na(naa) I . How the price of vegetables has increased! C) l:: -)v  7 - A b', f \..;:t <  fkt: 1  (t;t ) /0 Biiru san-daasu ka, zuibun takusan v. nonda I na(naa) I . Three dozen beers--you drank a lot! 2. Places a casual emphasis on a decision, suggestion or opiniono Not transla ta bleo t.. It Iv I I A)  L t t , t: 0  \  t:  (  ) 0 Ashita mo shiken da. Iya c. da I na(naa) I . I have an exam again tomorrowo What a pain! 11< lilvl:., b I;l B) Li, i- (?) -) b  ,.1*  t: } -) L!Jo Boku wa sono uwasa wa hontoo da to v. omou Inal . I think that rumor is true. 3. Elicits a response from the party addressed, in agreement with the statement madeo Usually seen in men's languageo 105 
English approximation: "000' right?" fI' Ii A..  t.. fl'i..  A) };if ry L t*'j:, ;tbt:}; L L  L tl£Jo Okari-shita hon wa, tashika ni v. okaeshi-shi-mashita Inal . I definitely returned the book that I borrowed, right? !QA.. llI !"l:   B) *if-"J,ff.., *$ ..t};  t: bb ry  L t l£Jo Kyonen no haru, kyooto de v. ome-ni-kakari-mashita I na I . We met in Kyoto last spring, right? 4. Expresses a casual remark of wishful thinkingo English approximation: "I wish 000" 'I:.f:bt 1"'::  A)  8 .tt L T 5 -!> 0 1" L "J  rl ry L t \ ,  0 Mainichi isogashi-sugiru. Sukoshi v. nonbirishi-tai I naa I . I'm too busy every day. I wish I co uld relax a little bit. hf.tht:...,t:'\t h I I B) Jtj +£b:JL;t -!> \'\' () 0 Minami-juuji-see ga mieru to adj..!l I na(naa) I . I hope I'll be able to see the Southern Crosso 5. Following phrases such as "000 (te) kudasai '"-("'() < t \," and "000 nasai '"-   \ ','! asks the party addressed for a favor. Found in women's language. Not translatableo fl'f.t A.. b  A)  L t,-r}; < t: \ 'l£Jo Ashita kanarazu odenwa v. kudasai I na I . Please be sure to give me a call tomorrow. t:..., I: C IH'  B) t -) + -=- * T 5 "'(T j: 0 Jf. < );  T h   \ , l£J 0 Moo juuni-ji sugi desu yo. Hayaku v. oyasumi-nasai Inal . It's past twelve alreadyo You should go to bed soon. 6. Placed at the end of a phrase, sets a tone where the speaker is lecturing 106 
to the addresseeo Found in men's language. Not translatable.! A)  "J l£J, :. "J :.  'l T*J *-f t: j: 0 interj. Ano I na I , kono koto wa naisho da yo. Listen, this is a secret, (ok)? B) :..; "'( I  I , \ q \ .::. ;1. - .A b:  -!> Iv t j: 0 conj, T okorode I na I , ii nyu usu ga aru-n da yo. By the way, I have some good newso 7. Placed at the end of a sentence, transforms it into a negative impera- tiveo Strongly forbids an actiono English approximation: "don't ..." t.:fJ' t)  :::  A) \ \ j: \ \ j: <'"7 '/ /' *"J 8 t.fJo m.:t  "'( < L tt -!> l£Jo Iyo-iyo marason-taikai no hi da nee Saigo made v. kujikeru Inal . The big day of the marathon is finally hereo Don't give up until the end!  ':rJ I,J: ?-!J B) 5 "J -) "J b'7Kt:   t: b    \ \ j: 0 ..;: I  1 0 Kinoo no yuki ga koori ni natta kara abunai yo. v. Korobu Inal . Yesterday's snow has turned into ice, so it's dangerous. Don't fall. 8. In colloquial usage, indicates a commando Not translatableo IH' h  A) , Jf. < JL-ttl£J o Saa, hayaku v. mise Inal . Come on, show it (to me) already! B)    ;: 5 1  1 0 Totto to v. aruki Inal . Walk quickly! 107 
NADO (NANKA) tJ.c:.' (tJ.futJ') Colloquial form "nanka  '{"b." 1. Used in listing examples from a categoryo Often in the pattern "000 ya 000 nado -., -.,  .". English approximation: "such as 000 (and 000 )" l..!"fjf?.:" ""fJf?':" A) ...J' *tf' *L_.('e1 "/7 )v.I."/ -ttb:'j: -? "'( \ \.1 -, 0 ph. Shoo-gakkoo va chuu-gakkoo I nado I de infuruenza ga havatte-imasu. The flu is going around in (places such as) elementary schools and junior high schoolso -!'fJf -ttA..< -!'" t:  1Jl:,,, B) b t:. L ' L < "'(, ;;'t 51     'j: -? \ \ t @) L t: L "'( L .1 \ \ .1 -'0 Watashi wa isogashiku te, ph. sentaku va sooji I nado I wa tsui ato-mawashi ni shite shimai-masu. I'm so busy, I tend to end up putting off things like laundry and house cleaningo 2. Belittles the preceding nominal or nouno English approximation: "something (like) 000" t}l: IHtl.. l..A..J:" A)   A"M; 1 ffl "'(.5 -!> t ,{" "'(.-' bo Ano hito no n. hanashi I nado I shinvo o dekiru mo-n desu ka. How could you trust something that person has said! B) tkLb:.tJ t:. h I  .I -, -!> t  "'(.-' bo Dare ga n. netami I nado I suru mono desu ka. Who would ever be (something like) jealous! 108 
A..!" .f:bt f1' bq) 1 I  C) L < "'(, )\ \ \ lj: A.-b' 1ttt lj: \ \ j: 0 Benkyoo ga isogashiku te, n. kaimono I nanka l ike nai yO. I'm so busy with my studies, I couldn't do something like go shoppingo <  l,.A..,&:A.. 1 I J: D) at < "'(, JfI1f1 lj: A.- b'  tV) lj: \ \ b 0 Kuraku te, n. shinbun I nanka I yome-nai wa. It's too dark, I can't read something like the newspaper. 3. Makes a sentence more indirect and vague by referring to a category rather than focusing on the specific thing mentionedo English approximation: "like" "say" A)  "J * Ilj: .I , lj: b' lj: b' j: < b' t t "'( \ \ -!> .tJ 0 Ano n.!! I nado I , naka-naka yoku kakete-iru ne. That painting, say, is done pretty well. li':d)'"   B) jt;:Jtit U: t -)  t"? "'(  0 n. Hokkaidoo I nado I wa moo yuki datte sa. They say it's a lready s nowing in places like Hokkaidoo t!"t" b A..t! I I fJ'A..'k, A.. 1: C) .:: "Ji"JrD'N! lj: A.-b' , 'a Jt! t:1Wtt -!> j: 0 Kono daisuu no n. mondai I nanka I , kantan ni tokeru yo. I can easily solve algebra problems like this. D)  i- .: "J 7i Ilj: A.- b' I ' \ q \ . v A b:  ry i- -) j: 0 Asoko no n. mise I nanka I , ii doresu ga ari soo yo. I think there will be nice dresses in a store like that oneo 4. Indicates that the statement preceding it is an approximation of a statement made previously on another occasiono English approximation: "something like ..." 109 
tr"t .: "t fJt1f. I: Ii A, t..  < .:   fI' A) 11- b  "J.:r-t:, 8 *' b: b \ \  .\ \"'(  ':) t:.. bo Musuko kara no tegami ni, cl. nihon-shoku ga koishii I nado I to kaite atta wa. In the letter from my son, (he) has written something like he missed Japanese foodo It? If.t  \ 1A,l:: t.. bfl' B) t -) 5* L "'( fi kL  \ \    ':) "'( \ \ t:.. "J t:, .:f. if- L t:..  IJ kL"'( L  ':) t:.. .J:,  "J 7J '/ "/ Jv o cl. Moo kesshite hanare-nai I nado I to itte-ita noni, hantoshi shitara wakarete shimatta yo, ana kappuru. Even though they had said something like they would never part, that couple broke up after half a yearo NAGARA tJ.tJ, b 1. Indicates that the action described by the verb it follows is being carried out at the same time another action is taking placeo English approximation: "while doi ng ..., ( also doing "0)" fJ>tt. 'k I I 1f. A) lit f j: ;j; T  T '/ "/ A    b: T v l::  it "'( \ \ -!> 0 Kare wa poteto-chippusu 0 v. tabe I nagara I terebi 0 mite-iru. He is eating po tato ch ips while watching T.Vo It <  A,fJt <  I I B) 'j:1f  11f15  b: .. 7 1 7  L t:.. o Boku wa ongaku 0 v. kiki I nagara I doraibu 0 shita. I was listening to music while I droveo 2. Shows that the second phrase describes an unexpected characteristic, considering the norm of the situation which is given in the first phraseo 110 
English approximation: "ev en tho ugh" f./\tl t.:\fJt\ t.. '" t.. '" ! ., I I .: t.. tJ.< tH: A) lit 'l *-  i "J i -& I;;: I;: , \, "? t JJf. "J i \ 'A. t.= 0 Kare via dai-gaisha no n. shachoo I nagara I , itsumo koshi no hikui hito da. Even though he is the president of a large company, he's always humble. fJ\q)C! \.;\.; < .;., I I < B) llt-k'l,{,,'t:@.15-L I;;:I;: , i-n 15-t: L "'( \'1;;:\'0 Kanojo wa an-na ni iro-iro v. kuroo-shi I nagara I , sore 0 ku ni shite-inai 0 Even though she's been through a lot of hardships, she's optimistico NAGARA-MO tJ.tJ,f:,-:t, Combination particle A combination of the particles "nagara 'I;: " and "mo t." 1. Like "nagara I;;: 1;: " 1. above, but more emphatic. English approximation: u e ven while doing 000" A,!" I I C ItA, 1Jt.:., IHt A) b t:. L 'l,   L I;;: 1;:  t ,  "J*1"J .:  I;:BI;\  fin I;;: \ '0 Watashi wa v. benkyoo-shi I nagara mo I , ana jiken no koto ga atama kara hanare-nai. Even while I'm studyi ng, I can' t stop thinking 'about that incident. fJ\q)C! ,\ 1:.: J. I I liA, f1' "?? B) lit -k 'l ,  "J '*- t : 1 L I;;: 1;:  t , *  . 5 ,t t:. 0 Kanojo wa, yamai no toko ni v. fushi I nagara mo I , hon 0 kaki-tsuzu keta. Even while she was bedridden and sick, she continued to write her booko 111 
2. See "nagara  /): " 2. aboveo English approximation: "even though" rJ!"rJ I 1 < t..A.. < A) .: "J #JJ. Li, };  \ L <   \ t;;: /):  t 15-/(: "J 11 t;;: h" t.: l 0 Kono ryoori wa, adj, oishiku-nai I nagara mo I kushin no saku na-n da yo. Even though this di sh isn't ve ry good, I did slave over it, you knowo B)  "J 1- U:, ;J   \ It;;: /):  t I , rJ"  "J  # -t? /): l < b /) "? --C  \ -!>o Ano ko wa, adj. chiisai I nagara mo I , ryooshin no kimochi ga yoku wakatte-iru. Even though that child IS young, she understands her parents' feelings quite well. NANTE tJ.fu L Colloquial expressiono Has a belittling affect on the preceding statemento English approximation: "000 or so mething " t...." 'lPf.l t:. , I I  t! < A) *- 11! 'l IX: f };  It L  T t;;: h" --C  "? --C  \ t.:  t ,  "J *:L  h", liA..l:"  *  t: *- --C < kL -!> /) L  0 cl. Raishuu wa kanarazu ojama-shi-masu I nante I itte-ita kedo, ana daiku-san, hontoo ni kite kureru kashira. He said, "I will definitely come next week," or something, but I wonder if that carpenter is really going to come? t.. ItA.. b "t A.. J:  I l 'lPA..fJt B) --C}!1  \ .f!.   "? t.: <   \ --C\ .: "J-t!!- t b ry t: t;;: h" --C ;;4f it -!> ' lo 112 
Shiken de warui ten 0 totta gurai de, cl. kono yo mo owari da I nante I kangaeru na yo. Just because you got a bad grade on an exam, don't think that it's the end of the world or somethingo NARI td: D 1. Shows that the minute an action is completed, a change or another action occurs. English approximation: "as soon as" 'b>h t.... < t.:\ T  I>-t \ A) JtL;i.. @ H! f- 5R.i -tt  L£..2.J U't:1t  L .i  t::. o Kare wa, shukudai 0 v. sumaseru I nari I asobi ni itte shimatta. He went out to playas soon as he was finished with his homework. 11< '\lfA,I>" <  t.ltr B) LI..  rt f-t:'?t  L£..2.JD  L .i -? 0 Boku wa, maiban atama 0 makura ni v. tsukeru I nari I nemutte . shimau. Every night, I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. 2. In the pattern ""0 ta nari "- t::.   ," shows that a state or condition is continued while another action is taking place. English approximation: "while doing ..." "and" 'b>h <? Ii  h I> A) Jt L1 .. t f- 41  \ t::. L£..2.J ..  t: J:. b    L .i  t::. 0 Kare wa, kutsu 0 v. haita I nari I , tatami ni agatte shimatta. He stepped up onto the tat ami mat with his shoes ono (literally: while keeping his shoes on) 'b>(1) l:: A,   B) Jt * L1.. 7" Iv 7" A  a.L t: ::B b"  t t::. L£..2.J .. '?  \ t:    b"  t::. 0 113 
Kanojo wa, arupusu tozan ni v. dekaketa I nari I , tsui ni modora nakatta. She had gone to climb the Alps, and in the end, she didn't returno (Leo the state of her having gone to the Alps continued and did not changeo) 3. Casually mentions an exampleo English approximation: "a 000 or something" A,A,  \ A) t:  t:, j: iliLJR -.. L!£!.rft"?    L J: -? .J: 0 Tama ni wa onsen p.!! I nari I itte-mi-mashoo yo. Why don't we go to a hot spring or something once in a while? \ l.,.  !I B)   .:    B   Iv t: L.!.1J fifl ,  t: "1 -? b' , .J: 0 Sono koto nara, oisha-san p. ni I nari I kiite mita hoo ga ii yo. I think it's better to ask a doctor or someone about thato 4 I h ". . t,n t,n" . n t e pattern 000 nan 000 nan "-  -J "-  -J 0 English approximation: "whether or not" \  \  li !I A) t < L.!.1Jtb"   'L.!.1J, Jf- < j    '0 v. Iku I nari I v. ika-nai I nari I , hayaku kime nasai. Whether you're going to go or not, decide quickly. B) ; f- ;1  , t:   'j:, :;.:J. - A I   I ; I   I t: <  Iv  L" .:  . To Kaze 0 hiita toki wa, n. juusu I nari I n. mizu I nari I takusan nomu koto desu. When you have a cold, whether it's juice or water, drink plenty (of it)o ''t:> t T t!\l.,?  A, C) mr b"   ,  .:  t:1.iL"  tb" , *L.!.1J ...J.. L.!.1J  {t'j: 1>  t 114 
 -? 0 Machi kara tooi tokoro ni sumu no dakara, n. dai I nari I n. shoo I nari I no tuben wa aru daroo. Since (we) are going to live far away from town, there will prob-. ably be inconveniences, whether they be major or minor. N-DE Iv-  Combination particle A combination of the negative form "(mase)n (.i -tt) A/' of the form "masu .i -t" and the particle "de "'C.." A colloquial, polite expression. 1. In a negationo English approximation: "not having done 0"" 'CJ?!I ?fJ'f1 11. i IJ  t..?h\ A) .:. m   1  \  n {  B Jt n  \ t: t J:. n { .i -tt  '  \ t: L .i L t: o Gobyooki to ukagai nagara omimai ni mo v. agari-masel n de I , shitsuree itashi-mashita. Please excuse me for not having paid a visit even though I had heard you were illo A, b "A,   b? bit B) B   f-  \ t: t:   b {  -t <. t: B i& * t L .i -tt  ' \fI L 1R. 1>  .i -tt Iv "'C. L t: 0 Odenwa 0 itadaki nagara sugu ni ohenji mo v. shi-masel n de I , mooshiwake-arimasen deshita. I'm sorry for not having returned your call immediatelyo 2. Similar to the function in 1. above, but with an implied apology. English approximation: "(I'm sorry that I) did not do ..., but ..." 115 
.    A) -tt "? n" <  \  L  < t   \.i L t  t: , B  t  L J:.  f .i -tt  0 Sekkaku irashite kudasai-mashita no ni, ocha mo v. sashi-age- mase I n de I . Even though you had come (out of your way) for a visit, I didn't even offer you tea ... , 1.,.CA, l.,.? ?.?  B) b  b  B ::B . < t   \.i L t  t: , .i. A L1::B * 4'. B I3 t: n" n" tL .i -tt IIv .I 0 Waza-waza oide kudasai-mashita no ni, shujin wa shuccho- chuu de v. ome ni kakare-mase I n de I . Despite the fact that you came all this way (from afar), my husband is on a business trip and you didn't get to meet him 000 NE(NEE)  () "Ne tJ" and "nee tJ i.." are used in almost the same way, but "nee tJ i.." implies even more emotion. 1. Expresses a casual exclamationo Not translata bleo c?-r v- I I A) .i 1>, /\1;t J) /n{J:.-t-t:;li!t   tJ(hi..) 0 Maa, baiorin ga joozu ni hikeru p. no I ne(nee) I . My goodness, how well you play the violin! IJ?II 'k< T I I B) .Ir. f' B !t t: B 1i.i  \ .  \  "? L   \ .i T tJ (tJ i..) 0 Rippana otaku ni osumai de v. irasshai-masu I ne(nee) I . What a nice house you live in! 2. Makes a casual gesture of confirmation. English approximation: "..., right?" 116 
\, \  A)  b t: L b (  '? t: .: , .J: < b b   ' b  '? t: .H. t:  \  0 Ima watashi ga itta koto, yoku wakara-nakatta n. mitai Inel . You don't seem to have understood what I said just now, right? !iA,tlq)  B) .: tL L1  L1  *"   ,.1   \.J: "'1 *T  0 Kore wa yahari honmono de wa nai yoo c. desu Inel . It indeed seems like this is not authentic, right? 3. Expresses a desire to elicit an agreement from the party addressedo English approximation: "000' okay?" A) b b  '? t: b   , t"'1 Jr b    \   0 Wakatta kara, moo v. naka-nai de I nel . I understand, so please don't cry anymore, okay? lI  I:  t..A,lt\ B) T L  < t:*   \  0 t"'1.::.   .:* 1(: G f- B b   t L .i -tt Iv b   0 cl. Yurushite kudasai Inel . Moo nido to goshinpai 0 okake shi- masen kara. Please forgive me, (all right)? I'll never make you worry againo 4. Often following a phrase with an interrogative pronoun, softens the posed questiono Not translatableo ? I I A) 7;i J) IJ t: 1t L t:  '.1,  \ "? t:* '? t: '?  t tJ (tJ .it) 0 Amerika ni ryokoo-shita no wa, cl. itsu datta-kke I ne(nee) I . When was it that we went on a trip to the U.So? !lh !I?  B) '.1 .: bo Kimi no kokyoo wa ph. doko ka Inel ? Where are you originally from? 5. Placed at the end of a phrase, as a meaningless particle used just to set a rhythm 0 Not translatableo 117 
 ?  < lI' \ I I t' !I I) II -e:.  ?   ? A) .n. *" I3 .i ...... t"? ..  tL I)"  tJ ( tJ ;t) ..   7t:: ,.1   \  m J: mlt .i ."? t .J: 0 Gogoo-me made kuruma de itte, conj. sore kara I ne(nee) I , sono saki wa aruite choojoo made nobotta yo. We drove to the half way point, and then after that, we walked all the wa y up to t he peak of the mountaino I I !I  ? \? t ? B) 1> t L tJ (tJ ;t) ..  8 1.7"  t "? .: . -  t:  "? t  .J: 0 n. Atashi I ne(nee) I , kyoo kakekko de it-too ni natta no yo. I came in first in a running race today. 6. Same as 5, but in the set phrases "anone 1>  tJ" and "da ne/ desu ne t tJ/.T tJo" English approximation: vanous translations, depending on the CIrcum- stances. I I ;:/< /v b A) 1>  tJ (tJ;t) ..   '1 -? 1.7"  .i t T  .J: 0 interj. Ano I ne(nee) I , konban boku no hoo kara mata denwa-suru yo. Listen, I'll call y ou again this eveningo I I \-e:.t.l/v' i. '?  ? B)  -? t tJ (tJ ;t) .. t -? -.1f- iW t:   Iv t.. *  L t  ,.1 0 cl. Soo da I ne(nee) I , moo ichi-nen mae ni naru-n da, sotsugyoo-shita no wa. Yeah, you're right, it's been a year already since I graduatedo NI ( FUNDAMENTALS OF "NI ':" 118 
Precedes verbs which indicate the existence of people or things in a certain place, or which show direction, movement or actiono In the latter case, it is interchangeable with the particle "e -.." (see po 30)0 1. After a noun or a nominal. I) Placed after a noun or a nominal, it shows that the noun/nominal is the place in which the subject of the sentence existso English approximation: "at" "in" "on" Some of the verbs that often follow "ni t:" are: aru I>  (to be, to be present, to exist}-used for inanimate .objects. iru  \  (to be, to be present, to exist}-used for animate thingso < kurasu ;&  T (to live, to get along) t.l nezasu  *T (to stem from) (1);: nokoru J  (to remain, to stay behind) j) "? ochitsuku tt. ,. < (to settle down) T sumu 1.t L" (to live) l: tomaru 58.i  (to stay over) "?l: tsutomeru fh   (to work at) ? ukabu )!fb"...: (to float) J;;: yokotawaru  t: b  (to lie down) "? < i. ? i.  IfA, A) J:6*b:1>  .i To Tsukue no n. ue  hon ga ari-masu. There is a book on the desko 119 
1:. t?!I?i.!I 1:.:b>  T B) b t::. Lit'.1 jfl * {J{  1ft < 61.i Iv .  \ .i T 0 Watashi-tachi wa tookyoo-eki no n. chikaku  sunde-imasu. We live in a place near Tokyo Stationo 11. \It C) Jt  ::...  Iv.. ::..  1B6 :111;.t::. <  Iv  \  .J: 0 Mite go ran, kono n. ike  koi ga takusan iru yo. Look, there are many carp in this pondo i;i;tril'l, :b> 'h-r D) *- it.. :)(£6,](1;: 1>"? t::.  -? t:. o Oo-mukashi, n. kasee  mizu ga atta soo da. They say that a long time ago, there was water on Mars. E) 1>  t::. ,.1 . ::.. 1 t: I B ih .T I; ? Anata wa n. doko  otsutome desu ka? Where do you work? (literally: Which place are you working at?) h1:.!1 (/) F) it6I;:t::. <  IvJ"?   \ .i To n. Michi  yuki ga takusan nokotte-imau. CJ:> 0 There is a lot of snow left on the streeto   i;t  v.t \'fJb G) 1>  ::.. 6 ft "?   \  1]  A '.1JIJ  Iv .T 0 n. Asoko  tatte-iru otoko no hito wa imagawa-san desu. The man standing over there (literally: at that place) is Mr. Imagawao 120  -&-r 
-b>  i. H) 1> 6rrrr"?   \  LI  tL \ .T fJ o Ano n. kabe  kakatte-iru e wa kiree desu nee The painting hanging on that wall is beautiful. 2) After a noun, indicates the direction or the destination of an actiono English approximation: "to" "in" "on" "into" 11< t?  "(' fill. -b> A) 'l )(  1v6-t- f-. \ to Boku wa n. otoosan  tegami 0 kaita. I wrote a letter to my fathero  \If?  \ B) bt L 'l*,ij -1  I) A61t.i To Watashi wa raigetsu n. igirisu  iki-masu. I am going to England next month. 11< -b>i. \t!?t fI?':? -b>i. C) n' -?  69w "? t  .. *f;. t  -& n"  9w "?   t 0 Boku ga n. uchi  kaetta toki, imooto mo gakkoo kara kaette- kita . When I got home, my sister was also coming home from school.  :::. i;i; iI'\t...   D) )('l.:l.6 Wn"t .i L to Chichi wa n. kaisha  dekake-mashita. My father has left for his officeo It t..!1 t .: -!»  IJ  .: ? E)     \  \;;Jf 6 1t L t  \ fJ o Keshiki no ii n. tokoro  ryokoo-shi-tai ne. Don't you want to travel to a place with nice scenery? 121 
\J:? t..t..-r F) '.1i365X.iTo Taiyoo wa n. nishi  shizumi-masu. The sun sets in the west. v- '::? !I  q)  'IJ'/V G) I>, -1T6*fb'.T.J:o Saa, n. hikooki  noru jikan desu yo. It's time to get on the plane now. 4 r- ij 3) After an abstract condition or state, indicates that the action prescribed by a related verb is proceeding toward ito English approximation: "to" or not translatableo \If?  \ A) *,ij A  - 6-1T  .i -tt /vb" ? Raigetsu n. sukii  iki-masen ka? Would you like to go skiing next month? 'b'h .::\ B) 1t  ,.1  6   t: 0 Karera wa n. koi  ochita. They fell in loveo t! IJ  t.. -tt,'IJ'\  li\ C) 83 J;.\ '.1Jft6A"? t: o Morita-shi wa n. seekai  haitta. Mr. Morita joined the political circleo t?V-? \ D) I>  t: ,.1 t -?   6-1T  .i L t: b" ? Anata wa moo n. toohyoo  iki-mashita ka? 122 
Have you already gone to vote? E) h t: L 'i -ii; 1 t: I ili  -t 0 Watashi wa gogo n. kaigi  de-masu. I'm going to attend a meeting this afternoono 4) In the pattern "... ni naru (nari-masu) ""'t:  (ry  -t)" or "0.. ni 'b>b 'b>b kawaru (kawari-masu) ""'t: (ry -t)," indicates a change in condi ti on/ sta tee English approximation: "(turn) into" t.,A,? I.>  b'k. A) 1 T 1.7  -t Li.:J  ry  L t: 0  , 5Jt ry  L J: --) 0 Shingoo ga n. ao  nari-mashita. Saa, watari-mashoo. The traffic light has turned greeno Let's cross the street. I.>! B) t --) kLi.:J  ry  L t: tl o Moo n. aki  nari-mashita nee It's become autumn, hasn't it? of It !.. t:..? ,,  C) h t: L cry.ll  'i 7t. -t-  Li.:J  ry  L t: 0 Watashi no sobo wa n. kyuujus-sai  nari-mashita. My grandmother has turned ninetyo *h<A,  D) J.J-L 'i 7'1 ;( 7' < /' Li.:J "? t: o Yamagami-kun wa n. kameraman I ni I natta. Yamagami became a photographer. * i. < T I')  h'it   fJ' E) M 'i   t: "? t:  cry  'i ;( 7'1"::f..  Li.:J  h "? t: 0 Mae wa kusuri-ya datta ano mise wa n. megane-ya  kawatta . That store which used to be a pharmacy is now an optician'so 5) Indicates the time that an action takes/took placeo 123 
English approximation: "on" "in" "at" il t ? .: ., it  11.>  l:t -; t: l:t,t.  l:t t: A) ;fX '.1.8J:-M .I\. at '* 6f7.1 YJ .1 To Gakkoo wa mainichi n. hachi-ji han  hajimari-masu. School starts at eight thirty every morningo Q  ., dtd" -; t:  iI> i. B) h t:. L ,.1 7 7j -1:: at 6')' YJ .1 To Watashi wa yuugata n. shichi-ji  kaeri-masu. I'll be going home/coming home at seven in the evening. ! .. ., It 1 t: iI>,t.  (l) C) h t:. L ,.1 1*  at re' 6 ::1 - t -  IX h..1 L t:. 0 Watashi wa n. kyuukee-jikan  koohii 0 nom i-mash ita . ---.! ,  I had coffee during the breako 11< 171\..."" !,t.J;., rJ  1 D) '.1* 11!cryB1 E t:::1 /' -tj--  61T  .1T 0 Boku wa raishuu no kin-yoobi ni n. konsaato  iki-masu. I'm going to a concert next Friday. l:tl:t l:t  -; t!lt?.:,t. E) h t:. L cry'.1.::.-t- cry at 6 L t:. o Watashi no haha wa hatachi no n. toki  kekkon-shita. My mother got married at age twenty 0 124 
1f.t?* tJofJ' ? C  1711t')1 F) .t:I.7:7't   Mat itc:l.7  o 'h  .1 L t.: o Inazuma ga hikaru to n. dooji  raimee ga todoroki-mashita. Lightening flashed, and at the same time, there was a roll of thunder. 6) Indicates a rate, proportion, frequency or interval of time or space. English approximation: "at" "to" "in" "for" "per" I.> II A.. 1-;-;   fJ'1 Ii 110'/1 A) h t.: L L;!, -M  I!t, - 8 '::'1IDtiJ  4f  .1 .., 0 Watashi wa, asa to ban, n. ichi-nichi  ni-kai ha 0 migaki- masu. I brush my teeth twice a day in the morning and in the eveningo *(1)"t' 'itA.. A..t.,.  -"A..  @ B) J.J.:J-cryJti'.1.n.5)-t?  *.1'" 0 Yamanote-sen no densha wa n. go-fun oki  ki-masu. Yamanote line trains come every five minutes. t.,.t.,A.. "t'li? J:':c.?A.. C) .: cry  A cry -tj- 1 A O '.1, k(.t.l\.  /' T   - .=.  /' T --Co'" 0 Kono shashin no saizu wa, tate n. has-senchi  yoko juusan- senchi desu. The size of this photograph is eight centimeters by thirteen centi- meters. 125 
J:? t., tH: I')  1-; it 1 D) T A  ffl  L;!- A l£J - * -r -? -t 0 Tesuto-yooshi wa n. hitori  ichi-mai zutsu desu. The exam should be one page per persono 1-;   -t!,t...: t: T': I.> E) - J.t l£J :g"t-;:   \ \ 1" L -r -? j? -LI,}' fJ    \ 0 n. Ichi-do  zenbu tabe-nai de, sukoshi zutsu oagari nasai. Don't eat it all at one time; eat it a little bit at a timeo 'it,t.;u,, ..?i.,t. "t'T?I')J:? F) 1- P3l£J -?  \  .n. -t- P3 cry -t-It *+ I,} ,'I,}  I,}' fJ .1 -t 0 n. Sen en  tsuite go-juu en no tesuuryoo ga kakari-masu. There is a fifty yen handling fee per everyone thousand yeno 7) Shows that someone is involved in or influenced by an action or a condi ti ono English approximation: "from" "with" 1it It,t.!..? l: < A) h t:.. L t:.. t? L;!, .:L v 7  0::::" 7 A cry 1E l£J  fJ Jl  \ .1 -t 0 Watashi-tachi wa, ima erekutoronikusu no n. kenkyuu  tori-kunde-imasu 0 We are now working on a research in electronicso fJ'tt. fJ' "t'  tr-;..? B) {Jt ,.1  -t- cry ,t  \ .:: l£J 'I- tp  -t 0 Kare wa karate no n. keeko  muchuu desu 0 He's obsessed with karate practiceo tr J. C) h t:.. L ,.1 *-  l£J ht it t:.. 0 Watashi wa n. samusa  furueta. I shivered from the coldo 11< ':? n"?  <  D) '.1l£J15- L to Boku wa n. koonetsu  kurushinda. I suffered from a high fever 0 126 
8) Shows the intention or purpose of the actiono English approximation: "as a token of" "as" "for" "by way of" It < l: l,f.! i   'it,t. i. ,t. A) , j:? L  \ "l?  A" I,}   j:?.1f- £ 6 .::. 1- P3 t   t::. J:. 0 Boku, ojiichan kara n. otoshidama  ni-sen en moratta yo. I was given two thousand yen by grandpa as aNew Year's gift. t:-;  1 B) h t::. L it L;!, J \ ::f.. L - /' 6 J \ '7 -1 t 5 .1 L t::. 0 Watashi-tachi wa, n. hanemuun  hawai e iki-mashita. We went to Hawaii for our honeymoono 'it b C)  \   \  j:? -t!t  t:  YJ .1 L t::. 0 "?.1    \ t  ""C -t I,} ,  '1 i- j:? ;j.h [g .:: h  j:? k , t i YJ < t::   \ 0 Iro-iro osewa ni nari-mashita. Tsumaranai mono desu ga, doozo n. oree  kore 0 ouketori kudasai. Thank you for everythingo This isn't much, but please accept this as a token of my appreciationo 9) Placed after a noun, lists a number of thingso Interchangeable with the particle "to ," but "ni t:" implies an additive sense. English approximation: "and" "with" A) h t::. L L;! 7 "7 -1 .. T ;\=- /' [g J \ /' J \ - if -I,}   \  \ h 0 Watashi wa n. furaidochikin  hanbaagaa ga ii wa. I want some fried chicken and a hamburger 0 tfl7i"? .: t,bil' tn l:t., J: .f?  B ) t  YJ L;!, --j-1 6 :6  \ A 6 j:? .1f-  YJ , * tl:: ""C t: 5 h  t::. 0 Mura-matsuri wa, n. kodomo  wakai n. hito  otoshiyori to, soode de nigiwatta. Everyone from the village gathered and enjoyed the festival, (in- cluding) children, youngsters and the elderso 127 
!J:?  C) l' 8 cry 1 \' - T -1 -, A iJ - r 6 7 "7 '7 A "(  \  \ 1.7  L  0 Kyoo no paatii, n. sukaato  burausu de ii kashira. For today's party, do you think a blouse and a skirt are appropri- ate? 10) Shows the speaker's respect toward the party addressedo Not translata- bleo t.,..t:A..i 'fA..! t> A) .:' :£ A * 6 t t? 5t rt "('  \  "? L   .:   I  \ .1 .., 0 n. Goshujin-sama  mo ogenki de irassharu koto to omoi- masu. I hope your husband, too, is well. t., If» t., J: ?  17 1'f"? II? t> A.. B) "t ffi 6 L;!, *f) 7' ;( I) iJ  t?raj  h   '1 "('.., 0 n. Shushoo  wa, raigetsu amerika 0 hoomon-sareru soo desu. The Prime Minister is supposed to make a visit to the UoSo next montho II) Shows that something is/was done by/through a measure described by the preceding nouno Often in the patterns"... ni yotte -., t: .J: "? "{ (... ni yori -., t:.J: YJ /"0 ni yore ba -., t: .J: h L1/... ni yora -nai de -., t:.J:    \ "(,) 0" English approximation: "by" "at" "according to" "from" "due to" !  1J17 i-; t A) &fl <  .: .; 6.J: ht.f, Jf L  \1 \ 1 '7 .:L 11.7:.: crylBJ  1m.   '1 to Kiku n tokoro  yore ba, atarashii haiuee ga kono machi 0 tooru SOD da. According to what I've heard, a new highway is supposed to be built through this towno 128 
J.-;"?1  tt>t!-; fJ' IH..  B)  51.  6.J: YJ,  it I,}   1-t YJ t.: *   L  L .1  t.: 0 n. Fuchuui  yori, tomodachi kara karita hon 0 yogoshite shimatta. Due to (my) carelessness, I've soiled the book I borrowed from my friendo  1!,t. It,t.! ..?  ,t. fJf -;..? t...,t. C) Ji: ili cry  1E 6 .J: h ,.r ,  5PJ cry tp I t: ,j: 7*"7 '/ 7 if; - I v I,}:     \ '1 .::  t: 0 Saikin no n. kenkyuu  yore ba, ginga no chuushin nl wa burakku-hooru ga aru to yuu koto da. According to recent studies, there is a black hole in the very center of our Milky Wayo 12) Placed between two nouns, creates a pairo English approximation: "and" "in addition" t...,t.-!,?  t...,t. .r: A) JfY6Jf n. shin roo  n. shinpu A bridegroom and a bride 81:  fJ'f.tlt? B) >t61=- n. oni  n. kanaboo (proverb) A demon and a metal clubo (Le. the metal club gives the demon, already a strong being, additional strengtho) 2. Placed after a verbo I) Indicates the purpose of an actiono Most frequently used before the 1 < verbs "iku t < (to go)" and "kuru *  (to come)," and related verbs C t.....? such as "mukau tf:;] I,} '1 (to head for)," "shuppatsu-suru ili -t  (to 129 
t> depart)," "kaeru 'Up.  (to return)" and "modoru fI-..  (to come back)o" English approximation: "to do 0"" "in order to do 0"" A) ht:.L'j:TLt?TL-i[gtTo Watashi wa sushi-ya e osushi 0 Eil QJQ][j)-- v. tabe  iki-masu. I go to a restaurant to eat sushi. l: t> f!-; tril'  < ? .: ? 1 B) ht:.L'j:1!iEf.t6t Lt:. o Watashi wa tomodachi 0 v. mukae  kuukoo e iki-mashita. I went to the airport to pick up my friendo t.,.. < f!1 b1" t.,.. < f!1 l:  t>  C) ffl H!   h t:. cry  , '1 t?  (ffl H! )   6 fI-.. "? t:. 0 Shukudai 0 wasureta node, uchi e (shukudai 0) v. tori  modotta. As I had forgotten to take my homework with me, I went back home to get ito l: t., 8 l: t>f! I.>.f ! D) iJJ, t? 1!1.7 Lf 6 *  L t:. .J: 0 Toshio, otomodachi ga v. asobi  ki-mashita yo. T oshio, your friends are here to play with you. 130 .Ii 
2) In a pattern where the same verb is repeated with "ni t:" in between, intensifies the degree of the actiono English approximation: ""0 and ..." ! 1 ? *  * .U...f < v- A) 1'8 '.;1:ft"l? 6:ft"? t.:1tcry 8 ""(-t 0 Kyoo wa v. machi  matta ensoku no hi desu. Today is the day of school trip that I've been really looking forward too t... ! f)'(1) C 1 f,t  f,t B) i- cry tJ  -\:t  &fl  \ ""(, {Jt -!J: ,.;1 &  6 &  \ t.: 0 Sono shirase 0 kiite, kanojo wa v. naki  naita. Hearing the news, she just cried and criedo 3) When the verb is in passive form, "reru h " or "rareru  h ," the particle "ni t:" is placed after the agent of the actiono English approximation: "by"   1 J. A) h t.: L ,.;1 -t YJ 6 ftt;ffi"  -t  h t.: 0 Watashi wa n. suri  saifu 0 su-rareta. I was robbed of my wallet by a pickpocketo I was scolded by my fathero B) 131 
<* D) b t:. L '.;1Jti 6 Jt  '.;1.t:l  h t:. 0 Watashi wa n. kuruma  doro 0 hane-rareta. I was splashed with mud by a car. 3. Makes the preceding noun an indirect objecto It is placed after the indirect object and before the direct object. English approximation: "to"  t.,.t.,,t. 11- A) (b t:. L 6)   t:. cry2j:A  Jt-\:t  < t   '0 ( n. Watashi  ) anata no shasihn 0 misete kudasai. indirect obJect direct obJect Please show me your picture. 1t>? l: ,t.cJ.:?fJ B)  ,.;1 b t:. L 6  j:. E cry 7' v  /'   < h.1 L t:. 0 Imooto wa n. watashi  tanjoobi no purezento 0 kure- indirect obJect direct obJect mash ita. My sister gave me a birthday present. fJ'(1) c J.:  8 t., C) b t:. L ,.;1 {ft * It: 1 7 "7 /' :A   ft it t:. 0 Watashi wa n. kanojo  furansu-go 0 oshieta. indirect obJect indirect obJ8ct I taught her Frencho 4. In relation to the verb form: In a sentence where the verb follows the pattern "0.. te morau (... te morai -masu) -..  t  '1 (-..  t   , .1 -t)," the particle "ni t:" identifies the preceding noun as the agent or the source of an action which was requested by the speaker. English approximation: (receive favor from ... by request) 132 
"If.> f! A. t, A) b t:. L '.im ;tj:. 1::°7 /  ft;:t  t  \ \.! L t:. o Watashi wa n. umeda-sensee EJ piano 0 oshiete-morai- agent mashita. I received piano lessons from Mrs. Umeda. l;U;t ?( B) b t:. L '.i   -if / r -1 ';I -T  11 "?  t  "? t:. 0 Watashi wa n. haha  sandoicchi agent o tsukutte-moratta. My mother made sandwiches for me (at my request).  f!i!>  tJ..-: -C ?f! . C) 1! J "?  L C7.)+1\ \ t: *  t  "? t:. o n. Tomodachi  hikkoshi no tetsudai ni kite-moratta. agent My friends came over to help me move (at my request). 5. Placed after mimesis, creates an adverb that modifies the verb in the predicate. Not translatable. I> If.>  t.a A) ifJl.J{V'. < , u: L J: u: L J: ittL  L .! "? t:. o Ame ga hidoku te, m. bisho-bisho  nurete shimatta. As it was raining hard, I got thoroughly soaked. B) :"C7.)//, 1.JI.J lt:I ;t\\\\.tJo Kono pan I m. kara-kara  kawaite-iru ne. 133 
This bread is dried stiff. 6. In the pattern "... ni wa ... keredo(ga) -... t: t j: -...  t (I,  (I.J) ," placed after an adjective or a verbo Used in admitting something with a certain degree of reservationo English approximation: "it is certain that 0'" but" !?  A)   v A r 7' :/  *1-!'! t j: , }; \ \ L \ \  t j: }; \ \ L \ \  t (I, , t? J: "?  t:. 'b'  \ \ tJ o Ano resutoran no ryoori wa, adj. oishii  wa oishii keredo, chotto takai nee The food at that restaurant is good, all right, but it's a bit ex pen- si ve, don't you thinko '" Iv 1: T .: it B) *, -ttj:-tt, t -1jt'L*"?"ttJ o Henji, v. suru  wa surukedo, moo sukoshi matte ne? I'll give you the answer, certainly, but could you wait a little longer? 7. After a short introductory remark before the main sentence, makes the verb into a present participle ("ing") formo English approximation: "... -ing" ,,\it  !I T': J:< t:. A) I -1 , b t:. L tj:   * tj: Y L  IJ I.J: If:.  t:J: I.J "? t:. 0 Ima v. omou , watashi wa ana toki wa sukoshi doryoku ga tari-nakatta. Thinking back on it now, I didn't make enough of an effort at that timeo 'b'lvfJ  "\1:!? J:?!I.? tr  B) ;;4f;:t"t h , .: (I,),x..t. *tj:!,!t.:  -1 0 Kangaete v. miru , kore ijoo no yookyuu wa muri daroo. 134 
In thinking about it, I don't think it's possible to make any further demandso 8. In the patterns" 000 deshoo ni -... "C L J: -1 t:," "000 de aroo ni -....  'h -1 t:," "00. daroo ni -... t: 'h -1 t:," "000 deshita deshoo ni -.... L t.: . L J: -1 t: ," "000 datta deshoo ni -... t: "? t.: . L J: -1 t:," "... datta roo ni -... t: "? t.: 'h -1 t:." Expresses one's sympathy or regreto Often placed at the end of a sentenceo English approximation: "I suppose 000" "I regret ..." "I sympathize 000" .:  \ 'CI t  b fJ'  \(1) "" ? lAt A)  A t  \ ?J t: 'h -1 l£.J,   \  €:-  -1  tj: 0 Koibito mo iru c. daroo , wakai inochi 0 ushinau to wa. He must have a sweetheart, what a pity that he lost his life so youngo "C A, !I  fJ't. B) V' *  \ };   t: "? t.: . L J: -1 l£.J 0 .J: < 9' tL t.: .:  0 Hidoi otenki datta c. deshoo . Yoku kaereta koto. The weather must have been terribleo It's a wonder you managed to come homeo T li r;, ?fJ'  C)  Iv  t: 1*'! -r 1'fh  \ , . :J9.. tL t.: t: 'h -1 l£.J 0 Son-na ni yasumazu hataraite, sazo tsukareta c. daroo . You have been working so hard without a break, how tired you must beo "CA,T? A,!I? D) .: Iv  .f.7, t L I.J  tL  I.J "? t.: I.J 0 t "?    L  }; t t tj:* .J: I.J "? t.: t: 'h -1 o Kon-na tensuu shika tore-nakatta ka. Motto benkyoo shite okeba yokatta c. daroo . You only managed to get a low gradeo You should have worked harder. 135 
N I-MO ( - =b Combination particle A combination of the particles "ni t:" and "mo t ." 1. Indicates that there is something additional or surpassing the normo English approximation: "even" "also" t1)C J: U-lIT  t, l:. A) {t"* t.i, .pf.h Li:J:J1:t* €:- L "t  \  0 Kanojo wa, n. hiru-yasumi I ni mo I shigoto 0 shite-iru. She is doing work even during her lunch break. ) \  B b t: L t.i, -r 7 I) 1J Li:J:J lf "? t: .: 't:../;:   .! , 0 Watashi wa, n. afurika I ni mo I itta koto ga ari-masu. I have also been to Africa.  t, It< C)  C7.)}; ¥-f, «:Li:J:J"l? J: -1 t \0 So no okashi, n. boku I ni mo I choodai. Please (can you) give me some of those candies, too? 2. In an honorific usage, follows the subject. Not translatable. A,\ 'fA, !I  A) ;t j:. Li:J:J }; :7t  C7.) .: 't:.. 't:.. I  \ .! T 0 n. Sensee I ni mo I ogenki no koto to omoi-masu. I presume that you (sir) are fine. 1:< ht.tit  B) };!t C7.) Li:J:J};  b  t.i .:   \ .!  Iv/; ? Otaku no n. minasama I ni mo I okawari wa gozaimasen ka? How is your family? (literally: There are no changes concerning your family?) 3. In the pattern "(verb) ni mo t: t (verb) zu/nai -r / t:J:  ,," where one verb is repeated twice and followed by a negation, indicates that the action described by the verb is impossible or difficult to carry out. 136 
English approximation: "cannot do ... even if (I) were to try" #)b !I t1)!1 h-r l: .: tU:  J: A) 'ml"t"t, !d-   !d- t: .! .! 1]( t: 1ft If  Iv "t L .! \ \, * <"  *  f .!  Iv"t" L t: o Awatete kimono 0 kita mama mizu ni tobikonde shimai, v. oyogu I ni mo I oyoge-masen deshita. 1 jumped into the water in my clothes in a panic, and I couldn't swim even if 1 triedo   "" #)lI #)lI B) .: Iv  t : :g &.  It  I.J  L "t,  <    t  \ \ L   \ \ C7.) 0 Kon-na ni heya 0 chirakashite, v. aruku I ni mo I aruke-nai ja nai no. Your room is such a mess, 1 couldn't walk in even if I were to try. NI-MO-KAKA W ARA-ZU (-=b-1J'1J,tJ b- 9" Combination particle A combination of "ni t:, mo t, zu -r" and the verb "kakawaru 1.JI.Jb  (to relate)." 1. Shows that an actual situation is the opposite of what is expectedo English approximation: "even though" it #) !I? I I "t'>A,t,.., "t'> A) re' t : *' -1 .J: -1 t: (J\ t : !d- \ \ t: t: t I.J  I.J  b  -r , .if!. t j: t -1 tI:i"t L .! "? #)l: t: lt.: "? t: 0 Maniau yoo ni eki ni v. tsuita I ni mo kakawarazu I , densha wa moo dete shimatta ate datta. Even though 1 had gotten to the station so that 1 would be on time, it was after the t rain had alread y left. !I J: ?  I I of r;, ,,\,,\ B )  8 t j: B. (I, "t \ \  t: t I.J  I.J  b  -r , A.;c ';I 7."t  t j: Jj(  e-t 0 137 
Kyoo wa v. harete-iru I ni mo kakawara zu I , sumoggu de sora wa haiiro desu. Even though it's a clear day today, the sky is gray because of smog. 2. A shortened form of "sore ni mo kakawara zu i- tL t: t ,;,;'b  To" Placed at the beginning of a sentence as a conjunction, showing that despite the previous sentence, an unexpected situation exists/existedo English approximation: "despite that fact," fJ,tL A, !II- ? h I I -\tlt\ -\t!l A) 1Tt,;.  L "t  ,   €:- Jt t=. .:  ,;   '0 t: t ,;'Irb  T , l5Xc *_ (.1  '""? t r 'Y /' t: 0 Kare ga benkyoo -shite-iru no 0 mita koto ga nai 0 I Ni mo kakawara zu I , seeseki wa itsumo toppu da. I've never seen him study. Despite that fact, his grades are always at the top (of the class)o !I J: ? IJ? I I J. B)  8 tj: V' ,  t=.o t: t ,;,;b  T ,  }J t.f    tj:  ::J- !I r €:-!d-"t,o Kyoo wa hidoi atsusa da. I Ni mo kakawara zu I , ana obaasan wa fuyu no kooto 0 kite-iru. It's extremely hot today. Despite that fact, that old lady is wearing a winter coato N 1-01- TE (- d3 L ,- L Combination particle A combination of the particles "ni t:" and "oite }J , "t," the gerund of the verb "oku }J < (to place)o" 1. Marks the place or time in which an action takes placeo 138 
English approximation: "in" -\tA,!I..?U-.(!I..?t:..?I;: nA, I I ':t.& A) - 1L 1L =- Jt- ;f I) :/ 1::0 'Y 7 t.1 I \' I v -1: tJ -r t : }j  \"t If b tL .! To 5en ky uu-hyaku kyuu-juu-ni nen no orinpikku wa n. baruserona I ni oite I okonaware-masu. The 1992 Olympics will be held in Barcelonao c..? li?-\t1 !I I I fJ>? ( ?!I J: (fJ> B) + /\.i:!tc t:}j  \"t ,173fi L t.: 11 HB  t:.::c - ';! 1" Iv  I.J: \ .! T 0 n. Juuhas-seeki I ni oite I katsuyaku-shita sakkyoku-ka ni moo- tsaruto ga i-masu. Mozart is among the composers who were active in the eighteenth century. 2. Indicates the field of activit Yo English approximation: "concerning" "in th e field of " fJ> tL IJ  1 t!. It  1 '\ 1 fJt ( I I T <" It A, !I .. ? A) 1tt.1, -r  I) 1J t:  \  re' t:, k&5R t:}j  \"t 1ItL t.: 1E  L t.: o Kare wa, amerika ni iru aida ni, n. keezaigaku I ni oite I sugureta kenkyuu oshita. When he was in the U 050' he conducted some outstanding research in th e field of economics. B)  @ It: }j  \ "t I t, i It: }j  \ "t I t, 1t * l  Fi t :  .! tL t.: A t.1 .!   \   \0 n. Kaiga I ni oite I mo, n. ongaku I ni oite I mo, kanojo yori sainoo ni megumareta hito wa amari i-nai. In the fields of both art and music, there aren't too many others who are more talented than sheo 139 
N I-SH ITE r - U L Combination particle A combination of the particles "ni t:" and "shite L"t ," the gerund of the verb "suru T  (to do)." Indicates a time, a place or a condition. English approximatio n: "wh ile" "at" tL rJJ:?':?i:>.? 1 I it,, f: A) 1t tj: If 0/ t: L"t ,  t: if'Jk1, to Kare wa n. ryokoo-chuu I ni shite I , yamai ni taoreta. While he was on a trip , he wa s stricken with an illnesso v.. < " . I I "I1'? B )   1::0 7" ;:. Art j: 8"  t: L"t , *,ij,! t I) -+t 1 7 J v f: T   1 "t. To Ano pianisuto wa n. hyaku-sai I ni shite I ' raigetsu mata risaitaru o suru 500 desu. That pianist, at age one hundred, will be holding another recital next month, I hear. NI-SHITE-MO r - U L -=b Combination particle A combination of the particle "ni t:," "shite L "t," the gerund of the verb "suru T  (to do)," and the particle "mo t." Gives a hypothetical situation as a condition for the clause that follows. English approximation: "(even) if (you) were to do ..." .:   C .J: Iv tI> Iv C J: ? A) -f i  L I.J   I : L "t t I , a    'tt t:  t "t. L I.J "? "t t j:  \  t   \ 0 Kodomo 0 v. shikaru I ni shite mo I , jibun no kanjoo dake de shikatte wa ike-nai. If you were to scold a child, you should not scold her/him just based 140 
on your emotions. ,,\it t:,,"J:A,tLA,t,...,  I I t, 1.>"\ V. tLA,t,..., B) .! .1t .t f} L t:  I    \  t: L  t ,   C7.> 8 .! . t f}  t.tit I  t  'i  \  t   \ 0 Ima made juubun renshuu-shita to v. omotte-iru I ni shite mo I , shiai no hi made renshuu 0 namakete wa ike-nai. Even if you think that (you) have practiced enough by now, (you) must not skip any practices until the day of the matcho NI-SHITE-W A I - U L - let Combination particle A combination of the particle "ni t:," "shite L  ," the gerund of the verb "suru T  (to do)," and the particle "wa 'i." Shows that a result has surpassed what is usually expected from an individual or a category. English app roximatio n: "for" h l I ., A)  t: L  'i .! .J: < .it t.: .J: 0 For you, you sang pretty well. (Le. That's pretty good, considering yo ur usual p erformance.) J, I I  A,i!>brJl.>"\ I.> B)  t: L  'i, .:. C7.>=- .=. 8 tt:Btl.J \ tJ o n. Fuyu I ni shite wa I , kono ni-san-nichi wariai ni atatakai nee For winter, these past two or three days have been relatively warm, haven't they? 141 
NITE (L Equivalent to "de --C'o" (See po 170) 1. Placed after a noun of location, indicates it is where an action takes/ took placeo Often in the patterns "kore nite .: tL t: --C" and "koko nite .: t: --C ," used in more formal speecho - '- English approximation: "at" "with" "in" ? J:? rJ fJt?fJ'\ t..itfJ\\\ A) ;x!.!*t.1, Jtr#1H{  tL .i -to Tsugi no butsuri-gakkai wa, n. hiroshima I nite I kaisai sare- masu . The next physics conference will be held in Hiroshimao !lJ:? A,.f< fJ\\A, B) 8 ;tt.1': .: Wf.t L .i -to Kyoo no ensoku wa n. koko I nite I kaisan shi-masu. Today's school trip will be dismissed at this point. ':/.-fJ t ? !I  C) * 1tij !.1 .: tL  }J L .i \ \ t: L .i -t 0 Kon-gakki wa n. kore I nite I oshimai ni shi-masu. With this, I conclude this semestero 2. Indicates a reason or motive for an action or occurrenceo English approximation: "due to 0"" "owing to ..." fJ\ -t!  It? -1t !I A) 5  -1 t.1, Jit x \ \ t.: L .i L t.: o Kinoo wa n. kaze I nite I kesseki itashi-mashita. I was absent yesterday due to a coldo bt.:<t.. J,"".?\ d B) 1 j.i. * L b tt   .i  Iv --C. L t.: o Watakushi no n. fuchuui I nite I mooshiwake-arimasen deshita. I'm sorry, it was due to my carelessnesso 142 
NO (N) (J) (Iv) FUNDAMENTALS OF "NO " "N 0 "basically transforms a noun into a possessiveo It functions like the" 's" in Englisho Placed between two nouns, the first noun together with the particle "no " modifies the secondo F or example: !: -5  liA, i?X* otoosan Inol hon my father  book !: -5  liA, i?X* otoosan Inol hon the book I of I my father In Japanese, personal pronouns such as "watashi b t::. L," "anata   iN1) 1: .t t::. ," "kanojo 1Tt -9::- ," etco do not have cases, as in Englisho Particles must be attached in order to indicate the case of a personal pronouno Examples with "no " are: "watashi no b t::. L  (my),""anata no   t::.  (your)," "kanojo no I)'  L J:  (her)," etco, which are the genitive (possessive) case. The particle "no " is also used as an indefinite pronoun that is not followed by another nouno Compare: liA, bt::.L* watashi Inol hon my book bt::.L watashi Inol mIne ""'t   \ I) /' -:1. -t\ yasui Inol (an) inexpensive one yasui ringo an inexpensive apple 143 
fJ> Ii I., b t::. L h"1t '? t::. *' bt::. Lh"X '?t::.  watashi ga katta Inol the one I bought watashi ga katta hon the book I bought The following is an example of an exaggerated phrase with eight "no " used to indicate the location of a book :  lil.,f!t,,:  ., i.  t:.t,,:  h  Ii"   t: rJ i-': *,;fJJij -L;fJJij"fi 1] *\71 asoko Inol hondana Inol ue lnol tana lnol migi lnol hoo Inol ookii jibiki over there book shelves up shelf right toward big dictionary  l:t,,:1J  IiI., fA*, Inol tonari lnol hon next book 1 The book next to the big dictionary on the right side of the upper shelf of the book shelves over thereo I'" As you can see, all of the preceding words modify the last word, "hon *,0" IiI., In translating this phrase into English, you must begin with "hon *''' and proceed backwards all the way to "asoko  i- ':." 1. Placed between two nouns. 1) Indicates the possessive. English approximation: "of" "belonging to" "with" Examples:  Vl: h\DllA kiree na me Inol hito a person with beautiful eyes 144 
f!\fJt<  J:  t:. * ft { daigaku Inol kyooju a college professor (literally: a profes- sor of a college) A,':   l:  IJ }R1trt ginkoo Inol toodori president of the bank  \ \A, 7 -7 A kurasu Inol iin a cJass representative t,,:hl: ,It  i=- nami Inol oto the sound of waves t;, t;,  < -:> xt chichi Inol kutsu my father's shoes ';'i world peace (literally: peace of the sekai Inol heewa world) liA, A) .:: tL ,.1   t * e-t 0 Kore wa n. anata Inol hon desu. This is your book. B) btLh".!t:h:i-to n. Watashi Inol kaban Inol naka ni chizu ga ari-masu. There is a map in my briefcase. 2) Indicates the relative location/direction of the first nouno English approximation: "of" i. T-7*}v-L teeburu Inol ue on the table 145 
-:>< i. t.. r tsukue Inol shita under the desk  d?':"l:t,,:1J 'tX fA gakkoo Inol tonari next to the school ....,rJA, J: <  * i. tit  M yuubinkyoku Inol mae in front of the post office J:.: j-"/\-  t depaato Inol yoko to the side of the department store "t.. bt:.. L l'; watashi Inol ushiro behind me  tr   *-   , 1:::" }v  .:: '1 beyond that big building ana ookii biru Inol mukoo t.. >jQ A) j--7"}vrt:*n'i To n. Teeburu Inol shita ni inu ga i-masu. There is a dog under the tableo t,,:d  t,,:fJ> B) ;!if. L   t: ::t;f 7" I) n'  , .J: ! n. Nagashi Inol naka ni gokiburi ga iru yo I There are cockroaches in the sink! 146 
3) Placed between two nouns, indicates the material the latter is made ofo English approximation: "(made of)" b '"  *''J momen Inol shatsu It fJtb  Jk::7 -  kegawa Inol kooto Iit.. * ki Inol hashi ::7 L  7- ''J gomu Inol buutsu a cotton shirt a fur coat a wooden bridge a pair of rubber boots fJ'b "'CJ:( -!> fJ' A) b t:.. L L1  cry '1 .  -1-     \ i L t:.. 0 Watashi wa kinoo n. kawa Inol tebukuro o kai-mashita. I bought a pair of leather gloves yesterdayo It B) i- cry 11"  I,}" '::' L1  , <  'C"'" I)' ? Sono n. take Inol kago wa ikura desu ka? How much is that bamboo basket? ! 147 
-t".,  < C)  (/) 7.0 /' A 1j.'j: th ff "t..., 1;" ? Ano n. buronz u Inol zoo wa dare no saku desu ka? Whose work is that bronze statue? 4) Shows that the second noun is the product of the first personal nouno English approximation: "of" "created by" :b>bl:t "'P-tf.l: IJ  l, J: .,-tt-:> A) .: h 'j:JIJ "J" IDt. "t..., 0 Kore wa n. kawabata yasunari Inol shoosetsu desu. This is a novel written by Kawabata Yasunari. fJ:< '-:"J:"J:<Wt:.I:tA, B) .:  1lB 'j: "? - -7 -  3( W 1lB -. "t..., 0 Kono kyoku wa n. maaraa Inol kookyookyoku ichi-ban desu. This is Mahler's First Symphony. 5) Indicates the relationship between the two nounso English approximation: "of" "by" "with" "between" "to" tJ'l:   t: A)  A.'j:b t::. L ;J=X "t..., 0 Ano hito wa n. watashi Inol oji desu. That person is my uncle. :b> (1) t: J: l, . 1:. J: .,  t} l, J: B) Jt* ,j:'! -&: . "t..., 0 Kanojo wa n. shachoo Inol hisho desu. She is secretary to the president. t}l: \(1)1:. A,t:A, C) A'j:bt::.LIA"t...,o Ano hito wa watashi no n. inochi Inol onjin desu. He saved my lifeo {literally: That person is the one who saved my 148 
lifeo) 6) Establishes that the second noun is in the category of the first noun. English approximation: "of" "on" "about" "at" *-:>:tI'-ttA..-tt\ 1J:tI' -ttA..-tt\ A) f 1\:j:. LIJ.I4 1\:j:. -r-t 0 Matsuoka-sensee wa n. rika Inol sensee desu. Mr. Matsuoka is a science teacher.  liA..  J::tI' 1,J: B) .:: tL ,.1 8 * ft4. '-e-t 0 Kore wa n. nihongo Inol kyookasho desu. This is a Japanese language textbook. 1fA.."'\A..1J J: <Ii.f< Ii? ItA.. C) :Q 'ff 71 7J   J! 'H .1 , ;:'.:L -  :/,: j: '? --C  Jt  tL t 0 n. Banyuu-inryoku Inol hoosoku wa nyuuton ni yotte hakken- sareta. The law of gravity was discovered by Isaac Newton. 7) Shows that the first noun is an attribute of the second noun. English approximation: "that which is" Examples: 1,A.."'  t: -!> < A.. jj:;kB shinyuu Inol jiroo-kun my best friend Jiro (literally: Jiro who is my best friend) .t;.?a\  1L +.ttj:?L! kyuujus-sai Inol obaasan an old woman of age ninety J(A..  l,  l, h-r-ttA..-tt\ *t:f:-a7J<1\:j:. Mr. Shimizu, the attorney bengoshi Inol shimizu-sensee 149 
A,ilt< A, 1f' ongaku Inol dendoo the great music hall Iit,,: 1::0 /' 7  n pinku Inol hana a pink flower (literally: the flower which is pink) Iit,,: 1\7n a rose (literally: the flower which is a rose) bara Inol hana bt.:l, .:t:.J:I!A, b A) /f U: , ;fX -&  J,[ jft  * L .1 T 0 Watashi wa, n. koochoo Inol bandoo to mooshi-masu 0 I am Bando, the principal of this school.   1:  1,J: iI'\ B) 1::°7;:. A  1ir.    .:"*g 1i' \ t L .1 To n. Pianisuto Inol satoo-san 0 goshookai itashi-masu. Let me introduce Mso Sato, the pianist. 8) Where the first noun is a place nameo English approximation: "at" "in" "on" "over" "from" "of" J.'" tr A) ;:'.:L - 3 - 7   ti   \ .. L J: '1 tJ;{. 0 n. Nyuuyooku Inol fuyu wa samui deshoo nee. Winter in New York must be very coldo I>t.: h iI'\iltA, B) ;:f1l-;:f1l- ti  tL  \ "T j: 0 n. Atami Inol kaigan wa kiree desu yo. The coastline of Atami is beautiful.  J:  1:  \ 1: .: -c fJfh  C) *fISf;tJLh'  -1-h*to n. Kyooto Inol itoko kara tegam! ga kita. I received a letter from my cousin in Kyotoo 150 
9) The first noun describes the state in which the second noun exists or has enteredo English approximation: "in" A)   j:? l' , '.1': oj .: "?@]At::  t i- oj to Ano ojiisan wa n. kookotsu Inol hito ni natta soo da. They say that the old man has become senileo B) f;t*,.1' @];t1t -t 0 Kanojo wa n. hakui (byakue) Inol tenshi desu. She is an angel in a white uniform (a nurse)o I: If A, ::  -c fJth  C) b t L ,.1 8 *!-1-h'MccV) i -t 0 Watashi wa n. nihongo Inol tegami ga yome-masu. I can read a letter written in J apaneseo 2. Accompanies some names of colors in order to transform them into adjectiveso English approximation: (the color of) h1!rJ )-!> <* A)  tL '.1 (@.)  Jf- -t 0 Are wa n. midori (iro) Inol kuruma desu. Tha t is a green car 0 tr )-!> Iit,,: t,,:A, B) .: (@.)rt.'.1M''i-th'? Kono n. murasaki (iro) Inol hana wa nan to ii-masu ka? What is the name of this purple flower?  J:   ) C)  8 ,.1 .:  7 v - ::7 -  :f  1T': oj 0 Kyoo wa kono n. guree Inol kooto 0" kite ikoo 0 I'll go out with this gray coat on todayo -!>  Names of colors ending in "i  ," such as "shiro-i B  '," and "aka-i  ," 151 
t,-!» may drop the "i  \" and replace it with "no ," Leo "shiro no B" and "aka "fJ> .-*-/1"\" no "J' Vj. 3. Placed after a noun, an adjective or a verb, functions as an indefinite pronouno English approximation: "one" "the one" A) j:? X    U:.. ..: t:    h'  ? n. Otoosan Inol wa, doko ni aru no ka na? Where is Dad's? (literally: Where is the one which belongs to Dad?) B) .: '? "t?  ,.1 1;  \ ,t ... i- '? "t?  ,.1   \ ..1: 0 n. Kocchi Inol wa amai kedo, n. socch i Inol wa karai yo. The one over here is sweet, but the one over there is salty. C) bt=. L '.1 t '1 i"t L i '? t=...1: o n. Watashi Inol wa moo tabete shimatta yo. I've already finished eating mineo t,1I- I>t:&;,  D) j:?,IJ!t'.1;tJfL \h:j:?\ L \o Osashimi wa adj. atarashii Inol ga oishii. As for pieces of sashimi, fresh ones are goodo 1"11- t,,:  E) i-.: "t..& \"t  \   '.1th ? Soko no sumi de v. naite-iru Inol wa dare? Who is the one crying in the corner over there? It< n  II- F) .. i t    ,.1  \  t ..1: 0 T v 1::. Jt t=.  \ h"  0 Boku, mada v. neru Inol wa iya da yo. Terebi mi-tai kara. I don't want to go to bed yet. 'Cause I want to watch TV. 4. Placed after a noun indicating time. English approximation: "of" "from" 152 
t:. ';GA.*   t...A.J:A. A) .:: tL II + Jf- M ;tJfafl t: l 0 Kore wa n. juu-nen rnae Inol shinbun da yo. This is a newspaper from ten years agoo ..-:t;.?.&:A. *.'Ht" B) .:: tLlr  -=-+ -5t  i* ,;: ¥>   To Kore kara n. nijup-pun Inol kyuukee ga ari-rnasu. We'll have a twenty-minute intermission now. ttt...tH':1:. -tt,,,? C) -it- A.itll * j:.,'fj  L '(  \ t::.  t:  '7 0 n. Mukashi Inol hito-tachi wa don-na seekatsu 0 shite-ita no daroo. I wonder what kind of lives people lead in ancient times. 5. Used instead of the particle "ga ,;:," it marks the subject of the verb following ito Not translatable. * .; iI'-iE J.  tt Qo A) 8 llJit <  \ 8 '(*TtJ o Kyoo wa n. kaze Inol fuku sarnui hi desu nee Today is a cold windy day, isn't it? "It')  J. Qo f.t "of B) f:fu  lIt  8 II '7 -t.:>  tp '(* U  L J: '7 0 n. Arne Inol furu hi wa uchi no naka de asobi-rnashoo. On a rainy day, let's play inside the house. f.tA.J: ?*< *< C) .:: tL II   i'F nB L t::.nB '(*T 0 Kore wa n. nanbu-san Inol sakkyoku-shita kyoku desu. This is a piece composed by Mso N anbu. 6. In the patterns"... no yoo na -.,  l '7 " and "... no yoo ni -.,  l '7 t:," makes an adjectival phrase or an adverbial phrase, respectively. English approximation: "as" "such as" "like" lif.t  t iI'ent:  t....;  I')  Qot A) nt:ff'J,iC. tLl.f, {t*ll 8 8 * l '7  A. '(*T 0 153 
Hana ni tatoere ba, kanojo wa n. shira-yuri Inol yoo na hito desu. If I were to describe her as a flower, she would be a white lilyo h 1   B) . -1 /,}, L t: ? m A.  l -1 '-t  \ n  L --C 0 Kimi doc ka shita no? n. Byoo-nin Inol yoo na aoi kao 0 shiteo Is something wrong? You look pale like you are sicko Tt..: t t...? C) .:  j' ,j: j' '9  l -1 t: 8  \ .tJ 0 Kono suna wa n. satoo Inol yoo ni shiroi nee This sand looks white .like sugaro 1£< tl') of&; t D) «: 'j: .  l -) t:   m  --C. h t:  \ 0 Boku wa n. tori Inol yoo ni sora 0 tonde mi-tai 0 I want to fly in the sky like a birdo 7. Following a verb, gives it a nominal meaning of "a matter" or "a facto" The main verb of the sentence usually describes one of the five senses or emotiono English approximation: "a fact" "a matter" v..: t  h A) m1t{!/,}'m --C. \  /,}: Jt i..  To cl. Hikooki 9a tonde-iru Inol ga mie-masu. I can see an airplane flying in the skyo n   B) :k  ,.1 i..   /,}:afl.: i..  0 cl. lnu no hoeru Inol ga kikoeru. I can hear a dog barkingo - :t:. , - h of   t! C)   l <   t:'   I  \ tI:: T .tJ 0 cl. Kimi to yoku asonda Inol 0 omoidasu nee 154 
I remember we used to play together all the time. D) bt:LL;1/\A;j;- r  < Lt:t:i,;"1t\t:o cl. Watashi wa pasupooto 0 nakushita Inol ni ki-ga-tsuita. I realized that I had lost my passport. 8. Placed at the end of a sentenceo I) Following a verb, makes a softened commando Often accompanied by "yo l" after it. Found in women's languageo English approximation: ""0' all right?" J. I;h I I A) i>, .:tL,;Gt?Jit7:>t:A G1)(l) 0 Saa, kore kara ofuro ni v. hairu I no (yo) I . You're going to take a bath nowo 'b'''I! G I I B) Jit t:" ,;  G j:?  : L <  --C  \  G1) ( l) 0 Kaze dakara otonashiku v. nete-iru I no (yo) I . You have a cold, so stay in bedo 2) Emphasizes the action or the state describedo English approximation: "the fact is that 0"" "to tell the truth" A) b t: L, h l -t.:>    t t ,;  L -t.:>  "? t:  0 Watashi, miyo-chan to v. kenka-shi-chatta Inol . (The fact is that) I had a quarrel with Miyo. 1:  t.!'I:. it A. 'b t 11 A. 'b'  B) i!,;"jf@j G1) *  'it L --C < tL t: o Tomodachi ga manga no hon 0 v. kashite-kureta Inol . (The fact is that) my friend lent me a comic booko 1£<   C) «: j:?  ';';'T  \ t:,; G, t -1  -t.:>  "? t: o Boku onaka ga suita kara, moo v. tabe-chatta Inol . (To tell the truth) I've already eaten because I was hungry. 155 
3) Transforms a sentence into an interrogative (with a rising intonation)o Informal version of "000 no desu ka? '"-'0"(*TI)"?" Not translatable. "C 'II/, /, f10  A) .: '0"', b:. \ t:  ? Kono tegami kimi ga v. kaita Inol ? Was it you who wrote this letter? B) ¥>Lt:*\? Ashita v. ko-nai Inol ? You are not coming tomorrow? IlA...t  C) ':'0*t-1L"?t:? Kono hon moo v. yon-jatta Inol ? You've read this book already? 4) F or casual emphasis. U sed often by elderly meno Sometimes pro- nounced "noo '0 -1." Not translatable. i.:t  A) t? -1, mtb', l < *t:o 00, makoto ka, yoku v. kita Inol . Gh, it's you, Makoto, good of you to come. .: tt... .: It-;<  B) ¥>  b:t:  \ .:  L  0 4'Jf-tl*b:Jti'F ""C"o Arigatai koto ja. Kotoshi wa kome ga hoosaku c. de Inol . Thank God. We have a good rice harvest this year. 9. In the pattern "... no ... no '"-'0'"-'0," connects two contrasting actions/ conditions. English approximation: "(or)" A) t <  t b'   \    "? ""C  \   \""C\ 'i; < .."?  b' t : 5 4f) t:  ? v. lku Inol v. ika-nai Inol to mayotte-inai de, hayaku docchi ka ni kimetara? 156 
Instead of being indecisive whether or not to go, why don't you just decide whichever quickly? B)   \    \     ""C   \""C\  3 :¥ /' 7 '.1}i L    \ 0 adj. Samui Inol adj. atsui Inol to itte-nai de, jogingu wa maiasa shinasai. Don't complain about the weather being (too) hot or coldo You must go jogging every morningo 10. The contraction of "... no tokoro -.,   .: 'h 0" Colloquial expressiono English approximation: "of" Examples: It< It<r71 1   boku Inol uchi boku- chi ¥>t:.:'h ¥>t:.: anata Inol tokoro anta- toko 1 1r71 {t  .: 'h {t  .: kanojo Inol tokoro kanojo- toko 1: .;  A. 't.;  A. t! t,-r)'» r7l A) t? X  , .: ..   ra' fA ft L < ""C, .:.:   .: 'h,;: b ';'    \ my place your place her place lo Otoosan, kono sansuu no mondai muzukashiku te, n. koko - tokoro ga wakara-nai yo. Dad, this math problem is hard, and I don't understand this part here. It< 'tt..:I;U r7l It.; t... bot B) ¥>,  j'   .: (.: 'h) t :  ..;-  tL""C    "'? t: 0 A, boku n. sunahama - toko (tokoro) ni booshi wasurete ki-chatta. 157 
Oops, I forgot my hat on the beach (literally: at the place on the beach)o NO-DA(N-DA) (J)-t (fv-t) Combination particle A combination of the particle "no "and the copula "da to!" Colloquial form: "n da Ivt::...o" Informal form of "no desu  -(..t." Past form "no datta  t::." -;; t::." is used mostly in written language with a slight exclama- tory toneo 1. Emphasizes an explanation, or a cause of events/actionso Not translata- bleo A) ¥>  *i -(" , b t::. L t::.  ll;: < .:   it J: *  I,p -;; t::. 1  t::." 1 0 Ano oo yuki de, watashi-tachi wa aruku koto sae v. deki-nakatta I no da I . It was impossible to even walk in such heavy snow. "''btb.I.-'/1:. < < I.: Ill.- t....t < :.   B) -&Jf-?OO t:"  L -( , , ..,  .., 8 * ,; L <   o Naganen gaikoku ni kuras hite-iru to, masu-masu nihon-shoku ga v. koishiku-naru I no da I . The longer you live in a foreign country, the more you crave for Japanese foodo 2. Expresses desire or willo Not translatableo 1£< :.1.-  I.-?M'b\ .,t....t"  A) «:'lJ.t.: i- **-{"1t Jm...,  o Boku wa kondo koso benron-taikai de v. yuushoo-suru I no da I . This time I've got to win at the speech contest. flt:.?"C'1.- h(f)'/1 :.t -iE?   B) .:  f,fit Jill JL   '0 "Iv *,; ¥> -;; -{ t * t:t < 8 0 158 
Kono bijutsu-ten wa minogase-nai. Don-na koto ga atte mo zettai ni v. iku - I n da I . I can't miss seeing this art exhibitiono No matter what, I'm definitely going to go. 3. At the end of a sentence, as an exclamatory particleo Not translatable. A..t.,"of  iI?.:" l;i A)   L   \ --c 1ft  --C';f ,;    \ t: ';" G.. t  t:  \  -tX t : A tL  ,;  '? t: I cry t: 1 0 Benkyoo-shi-na i de as onde bakari ita kara, iki-tai gakkoo ni v. haire-nakatta I no da I . It's because you didn't study and fooled around all the time, you couldn't get into the school of Your choice. )'),tL of)')t .,.)')t "(' )')th  "A. C t! B) 1t 'l ,tt L  \ cry t : .. -&  \ .,.   < tL t:  0 T < t:  *  tI::   < --C 'lo Kare wa isogashii no ni nagai tegami 0 v. kureta - I n da I . Sugu ni henji 0 dasa-nakute wa. Even though he is busy, he wrote me a long letter. I have to write back right awayo NO-DAROO(N-DAROO) (J)- t  -5 (fu- t  -5 ) Combination particle A combination of the particle "no cry" and the copula "daroo t:  -) ." Colloquial form: "n daroo t:  -)." Suggests a reason or a cause, though it is uncertaino English approximation: "is/are probably 000" "(I) wonder 000" 159 
*btLbtL 't:.IfA.v.'?.t., ':"f1A.t.: It'? I I A) 4'.q t:  "? --C -.,Jb-t-  G1) 'l, rCJ'1! G1)M  G1) t!.  '1 0 Ima ware-ware ni totte ichiban hi tsuyoo na no wa, koogai- mondai no kaiketsu c. na I no daroo I . The most important thing right now IS probably to solve the problem of pollutiono I I A.t;.?.&:A. 1»0)(;,/.:  B )  '1 L t: Iv t!.  '1 , t '1 3.. +  t: t   G1) t:, {t  'l  t:  "? --C .::   '0 Doo v. shita - I n daroo I , moo sanjup-pun ni mo naru no ni, kanojo wa mada modotte ko-nai. I wonder what happened to her? It's already been half an hour, she hasn't come back yeto NODE(N-DE) (J)-C (Iv-C) Colloquial form: "n de Iv --C" Note: "node G1) --C"" vs. "kara I)" ." While both are translated into English as "since/because," "node G1) --C"" is employed more often in describing a reason or a cause that is objective, or already present and beyond the control of the speaker. "Kara I)" " is used to express the speaker's will, command, conjecture, or question. Compare:  ,/.:., IJ   <.; *A. A) 4' 8 'lBt,;'',  t r#) t:   --C" L J: '1 0 Kyoo wa adj. atatakai I node I , sakura mo mankai ni naru deshoo. Since it is warm today, the cherry blossoms will likely be in full bloomo <lI*  't:.'/':A. B) ... .<Jt  , t:  ,  RT  L --C  ,  T 0 160 
Kuruma 0 v. kai-tai I kara I chokin 0 shite-imasu. Because I want to buy a car, I am saving upo This distinction is sometimes very thin, and "kara I)" " and "node  --C"" can on occasion be used interchangeablyo 1. Indicates a reason or a causeo English approximation: "since" "because" IJflo., .t?.: A) $ -t.:>   1.7:  .t tL t I  --c" ( --C,,) I.. h   --C" *- .. U' L --C  \ .t T 0 Akachan ga v. umareta I node(n de) I , min-na de oo-yorokobi shite-imasu. Everyone is very happy, because the bab y was borno 'JJd'J  I I rJ.l:(t:.  B) i-  *1- J.f ,j: .. I"? t l  j?  \ L <  1.7" "? t  --C" ( --C,,) .. - tJ L 1.7"  .t --C"L to Sono ryoori wa, omotta yori adj. oishiku-nakatta I node(n de) I , hito-kuchi shika tabe-masen deshita. Since that dish wasn't as good as I thought it would be, I didn't eat more than a biteo \, 2. In the patterns "to yuu node   -1  --C"" and "a(n)mari 000 node  () .t  '"-  --C"." English approximation: "because (so meone) said 000 " "since it was so 00'" flotL flt:.?floA. \,1 I I IJA.t,,:\,1 A) {tl.7:  Vf\t !i t : t  t  \   -1  --C" (  --C,,) ..  J*J L --C  t f.t L t 0 Kare ga bijutsukan ni iki-tai to v. y!!!! I node(n de) I , an-nai-shite age-mash ita. Because he s aid he want ed to go to a museum, I took him around. B)  .t  1;  \ I  --C" ( --C,,) I.. A r - 7"   t t .t L t 0 Anmari adj. samui I node (n de) I , sutoobu 0 tsuke-mashita. 161 
Since it was so cold, I turned on the heatero 3. Placed at the end of a sentence, preceded by a reason for an action described in the first part of the sentenceo English approximation: (because) iI'tL    A) {It  7 I  - r "" -it "? t: , . -1 L --C t * --C t G  \ t:  \   -1 I  --C. (  --C.) I 0 Kare no apa ato e itta no, dooshitemo kite morai-tai to v. y!:!!! I node (n de) I . I went to his apartment, (because) he said he really wanted me to come over. G ,, IH' I I B) t -1   l,  L t:   ,;' Jf-  \  --C. ( --C.) 0 Moo neru yo, ashita no asa ga adj. hayai I node (n de) I . I'm going to go to sleep now, (because) I have to get up early tomorrow morningo NO-DE (J)- -C Combination particle A combination of the particles "no " and "de --C.o" English approximation: "by/from the fact that ..." (1)t:.t ilt<-tt'1:. tL.t"lfA.  A) {Jt  ,;':  \  ,;t  --C.   .:  'j:,   it t : f .!fIJ,;'  \  \  b ,;   0 Kanojo ga ii se nsee de aru koto wa, gakusee-tachi ni hyooban ga I no de I wakaru . That she is a good teacher can be gathered from the fact that students say good things about hero *1:. <,, tL UJ  B) .:  IBJ   ,;': l <   \ .:  'j:, A.:c 'Y 7*  8 ,;..'   \  b ,;   0 162 
Kono machi no kuuki ga yoku-nai koto wa, sumoggu no hi ga adj. ooi I no de I wakaru. That this town's air isn't very clean is obvious by the fact that there are many days with smogo NO-DE ARU (J)- C\Q Combination particle A combination of the particle "no " and the copula "de aru --C"  -!> 0" Emphatically expresses a reason or a cause. Mainly used in written lan- guageo (See po 164 "no desu  --C"-;- .") English approximation: (because) tlq) j; ":> )A,')J:< I I A)  n'tt.  -!>  Li, 1!?J;JU:  I 7J n'  -!> n    --C"  -!> 0 Mono ga ochiru no wa, chikyuu ni inryoku ga aru kara c. na I no de aru I . The reason why things fall is because the earth has gravityo tr J.,  J:  ')   T    I,h It A, B) *, f -ti;n':1.i1t- --C" \ t n':h n"? t  [.i, 1t n"' Jt  tL t n   I  --C"  -!> I 0 Mukashi, kyooryuu ga sund e-ita no ga wakatta no wa, kaseki ga hakken sareta kara c. na I no de aru I . The reason why we know that there were dinosaurs long ago is because fossils were discoveredo 163 
NO-DESHOO(N-DESHOO) (J)- C' U  -5 (Iv- C' U  -5 ) Combination particle A combination of the particle "no "and the copula "deshoo woe L J: 1 0" Colloquial form: "n deshoo It, --C. L J: 1 0" English approximation: "perhaps it's because ..."   ? It I., h-tt tJ I I A)  8 [.i };  t 1.7  , 161.7 :rtfl  \ --C  \   \  --C. L J: 1 1.7  ? Kyoo wa obon da kara, mise ga v. aite i-nai I no deshoo I ka? Perhaps it's because today is the day of the Obon ceremony that stores are not open? B) cfJt[.i, htLt:4\t < --C*t IIt,--C.L J: 11? Anata wa, watashi ni ai-taku te v. kita In deshoo I ? Perhaps it's because you wanted to see me that you came over, isn't it? NO-DESU(N-DESU) (J) - C' 9 (Iv - C' 9) Combination particle A combination of the particle "no " and the copula "desu --C."'." Formal form of "no da  to" Colloquial form: "n desu It, --C."'." 1. Emphasizes a statement. Not translatable. .: bt.:":> :t b B C q, -tt1.:1., I I A) ..:r1i!   -!>  [.i, h t L t -t? *A :fi-1:f:   (It,) --C..., 0 Kodomo-tac hi 0 mamor u no wa, watashi-tachi otona no sekinin c. nal no(n) desu I . It is our responsibility as adults to pro tect (our) c hildren. It  tJt.::t t.: I I B) rp 1 }; 5  fk.., 5 t   \ l.7ji}1I.7:  \  (It,) --C..., 0 Yuube osake 0 nomi-sugita see ka atama ga adj. itai I no(n) desu I . 164 
Perhaps because I had too much to drink last night, my head hurts. 2. Emphasizes a questiono Not translatableo iJ' iJ'G iJ'  I I A)   t [j:,  \ '? t:  "? t  '!it L t };   1S: L  < tL -!> G') (It,) .-;- I;? Anata wa, itsu nl nattara kashita okane 0 v. kaeshite-kureru I no(n) desu I ka? When are you going to pay me back the mone y you o we? B) *>$:  '? lr  :. h L  L .i "? , .-1 L  < tL -!> I It, .-;-1 1;0 Daiji na tsubo 0 kowashite shimatte, doc v. shite-kureru - In desu I ka. (Y ou) broke a treasured vase, what are you going to do about it? 3. In the past tense form "no deshita G'). L t ," gives a description as an explanation for an action. English approximation: "(it so happened that ...)" iJ>A..? ":>,t?t...? .::.:: IH t... B< I I A)  tJ.J tG  A to - T t : , llt  [j: I I;   8 if-  i! "? t G'). L t 0 Kandoo-teki n a supiichi n i, cl. chooshuu wa kokoro kara haku- shu 0 okutta I no deshita I . After the moving speech, (it so happened that) the audience gave their wholehearted applause. t.. . t; A.. t.. t.. \,)Q * \,)/.: ":>   triJ> B) I;h  \ i- -1 t:, £AI;:1Elt, t:.  t tJ  -r t:, i- G')  [j:4Jt 8 .i .i9! i.. t:it"?   \ t I G'). L t 1 0 Kawaisoo ni, shujin ga shinda koto mo shirazu ni, cl. sono inu wa mainichi eki made mukae ni itte-ita I no deshita I . Not knowing that its master had died, (it so happened that) that poor dog went to the station to meet him every day. 165 
NOMI (J)(Jj. Mainly used in written language; in colloquial speech, "dake t  t" or "bakari Lf I,}   " are usually used insteado 1. Excludes other possibilities and establishes a limit. English approximation: "only" tr  "'Ir)iJ'Ir) IJ A) :. G')#I,}:, 7j( t:;th  I,}"? t.: o n. Kono mura I nomi I ga, suigai ni awa-nakatta. Only this village escaped the damages from the floodo Ir)-;  Ii:   b'<1tlr) v ?iJ> B) - J1:.  =- J1:. G') T;7..   \  1:.   {tffi L  [j:  \  t   \ 0 Ichi-do ya ni-do no n. tesuto I nomi I de, gakusee 0 hyooka-shite wa ike-nai. (Y ou) must not judge students based only on one or two examso 2. In the pattern "nomi narazu G') h.   To" English approximation: "not only..." "'Ir)< fpl., t..l.,iJ>Ir)   n?Ir)  A) :. G')7j(t&t: [j:, ji3li1-.,,   -r, . t  \ -!> 0 Kono suizokkan ni wa, n. shinkai-gyo I nomi I narazu, nettai-gyo mo iru. In this aquarium, there are not only deep-sea fish but also tropical fish. iJ>U> t;    ? t;.  ? iJ> fp?"" < B) t -9: [j: ft   L     -r, 11   L  t if; 1ifl L   \ -!> 0 Kanojo wa ph. kyooju to shite I nomi I narazu, sakka to shite mo katsuyaku-shite-iru. She is active not only as a professor but also as a writer. 3. Placed at or near the end of a sentence for emphasis. The implication 166 
is that there is only one alternative which is not exactly desirable but unchangeable. English approximation: "only" -;-; \,) iJ>;l < \,)U)  A) .11.7 XI.7:,1:. 5  W"?  *- -!> 11 t:  t tj,fr -!> o Dooka chichi ga ikite kaette kuru yoo ni to tada v. inoru I nomi I . (I) can only pray that (my) father will come back alive. h-" .J: .f < t..A..': < IJ  *  B) 7j(Jt. [.i  \ 1  \ 1 j*IJ to   [.i t tI.7:ft -!>   *'? to Mizu-busoku wa iyo-iyo shinkoku da. Ato wa tada ame ga furu no 0 v. matsu I nomi I da. The water shortage is really seriouso The only thing we can do now is to wait for the rain to fall. NON I o)f 1. Adversative usage, with an implied tone of surprise or dissatisfaction. Also in the patterns "to yuu noni   \ 1  t:" and "ii noni  \  \  t:." English approximation: "although" "but" "even though" A..I!\') t:  A) , t 1.::.*f t t, .i t 1.7h  ? Ara, moo san-bai mo v. tabeta I noni I , mata okawari? My goodness, you've already had three helpings, but you want another one? It? t.. t:t.. t; B) ht L-r, .q1.7t::. :.t:ii\t lt:l , \ho Watashi no booshi, tashika ni koko ni v. oita I noni I , nai wa. I know I definitely put my hat here, but it's goneo ?",,'"  t... < t!.\,) . 1J.f \,) C) .:t 1*t   \ 1, @ IBI.7:t <  It, "?   lft:fftt   '0 167 
Natsu-yasumi da to v. yuu I noni I , shukudai ga takusan atte asobi ni ike-nai. Even though it's summer vacation, (I) can't go out to play because (I) have too much homeworko (literally: Even though it is called "summer vacationo") 2. Expresses dissatisfaction or resentment toward an unexpected situa- tiono English approximation: "(if 000)' can/would do ..., (but 000)" h ( 1£(  A) 1.7*-!> hl.7"?--C\tL'j:, , -1 t:\to Kimi ga kuru to wakatte ire ba, boku, uchi ni v. ita I noni I . If I had known that you were coming over, I would have been home, (but) ... v... ( I., IiI., iJ>  B) t -1 8 JI3  tL'j:, :. G')*I.7:}t i.. -!>   o Moo hyaku-en are ba, kono hon ga v. kaeru I noni I naao If only I had one hundred more yen, I could buy this book, (but)... 3. In rebuking the party addressed for a fault or wrongdoingo English approximation: "even though"  ?(  A)   \ G')? -\t"? 1.7 < 11"? t o Tabe-nai no? Sekkaku v. tsukutta I noni I . You're not going to eat it, even though I went to the trouble of making it? 168 
NO-N I (J)- f Combination particle A combination of the particles "no " and "ni t:." 1 . Indica tes the method by which an end is to be achievedo English approximation: "in order to ..." "in doing ..."  liA,  t: J: .,.., IH.:  A) 8 *!1.7{ t "?  -LiJ- t:!-\t -!> 11 t:  -!>  [.i, t: 1 L t:.   \  \-'(" -t 1.7' ? Nihon-go ga motto joozu ni hanaseru yoo ni v. naru I no ni I wa, doc shitara ii desu ka? In order to become a better speaker of Japanese, what should I do? *l.>lI  trt. tI  B) LL -t-!>[.i, 1t#"?-'(t"?t:."111.7'\\lo Yama-aruki 0 v. suru I no ni I wa, mushi-yoke 0 motte-itta hoo ga ii yo. In order to hike mountains, it would be better to bring an insect repellent. 2. Indicates the means or material with which something is to be achieved. English approximation: "for (Le. as a means for doing ...)" I': Ii A,   A)   *N, *  A tL -!>   J: 1 t:  \  \ .tJ 0 Kono hako, hon 0 v. ireru I no ni I choodo ii ne. This box is perfect for putting books in, (isn't it)? ":>J:A, 'JJ:':" T':  B)   JT , t{t-t -!>  r L Jt.    \ h .tJ 0 Kono chokin, v. ryokoo-suru I no I ni sukoshi tari-nai wa ne. These savings aren't quite enough for going on a trip, (don't you think)? 169 
Q (WQ)  FUNDAMENTALS OF "0 " First, note that the particle "0" is always written "," even though its pronunciation is shown as "00" See belowo Examples: r;:l 11-? A) .: tLL!J;. '? < f:   '0 Kore 0 mittsu kudasai. Give me three of theseo J;; b.a r;:l v? B) tt. t: L t}; L!J l \.i L to Otoshita okane 0 hiroi-mashita. I had dropped the money I picked up I picked up the money I had droppedo Basically, "0 "always follows a noun or a nominal which is the direct object of a transitive verb. Example: h t L ,j: 7-:\- [}] Watashi wa keeki 0 I cake  .i L to ate tabe-mashita. I ate (a piece of) cakeo subject transitive verb object 170 
However, some transitive verbs in English take the particle "ga 1;:" instead of "0 " in J apaneseo Such verbs are not numerous, and some examples are: hoshii (desu)'.l L  , ( --eT) (to want) iru '-!> (to need)  kikoeru J*1.: i.. -!> (to be able to hear)  kirai (desu)   , (--eT) (to dislike) h mieru Jt i.. -!> (to be able to see) T suki (desu) *f5 (T) (to like) wakaru h I; -!> (to understand) Examples: A)   t:. U: }; T L II;: l .:t 5 TI; ? Anata wa osushi Igal suki desu ka? Do you like sushi? B)   t:. U:M II;:I '  ! TI;? Anata wa nani Igal iri-masu ka? What do you need? C) 'j:tL ll;:l hl;'G')? Kimi wa dore Igal wakara-nai no? Which is the one you don't understand? *h D)  i-.: t:LLJti..  To Asoko ni yama Igal mie-masu. I see a mountain over thereo Another point concerning the particle "0 "is that certain intransitive 171 
verbs which do not require objects in English are expressed in Japanese as a set pattern: "noun + 0  + transitive verbo" For example: I ski. I jogo I study 0 I swea tedo Li terally: h t L 'j: A :\- - [I] L .i -t 0 Watashi wa skii 0 shi-masu. h t L 'j:  3 :¥:/ 7[I] L .i -r 0 I do joggingo Watashi wa jogingu 0 shi-masu. A..J:" h t L 'j:   L .i -t 0 I do studyingo Watashi wa benkyoo 0 shi-masu. I.>-tt  h t L 'j:if Ir  .i L to Watashi wa ase 0 kaki-mashita. I do skiingo I was in a sweat. 1. In relation to the type of verb in a sentence: 1) Placed after a noun, marks it as the direct object of the verbo Not translatableo A) :J - 1:: - [I] ik.i L J: "1 0 n. Koohii  nomi-mashoo. Let's have coffeeo "CA..   B) h t L 'j:,  G') "1, };  \ L  \ ..}:    .i L t 0 Watashi wa, kinoo, oishii n. tenpura  tabe-mashita. I had very good tempura yesterdayo 172 (:':  
It< ;l\ fJf  h C) «: L;l };    \ 7 "7 /' A B*.1iJ L!J  t 0 Boku wa ototoi furansu n. eega  mita. I saw a French movie the day before yesterdayo \., l: I.- b  D)  L t  t :  tt- L!J 1.7' t t .! T 0 Ashita imooto ni n. denwa  kake-masu. (I)'ll call my younger sister tomorrowo / /////// / ij?; 2 0  ... & ( , "'en :7 -..;...0 I.-L.",., T -C! <? 'b' E) ;'t  T / \' - r "'(;t  t L!J j(  \.! L t 0 Senshuu depaato de suteki na n. kutsu  kai-mashita. (I) bought a pair of very nice shoes at the department store last week. 2) Placed after a noun which is the direct object of a transitive verb ending in the pattern "... tai ro.J t  \ (want to)," "... taku-nai ro.J t <   \ (don't want to)," "... takatta ro.J t 1.7' "? t (wanted to)," "... taku-nakatta ro.J t <  1.7" "? t (didn't want to)," as shown below. In these cases, "ga 1.7:" can be used instead of "0 f''' to add slightly more emphasis. Not translata- ble. It< It l I (/) A) «: U:}; 5 f' (1.7,-) fk  t  \  "'(T 0 Boku wa n. osake 1 0 (ga) I nomi-tai-n desu. I want to drink sakeo 173 
B) h t::. L L1 71 A 7 I) - L I f' (1.7) lit::.  '0 Watashi wa n. aisu-kuriimu 1 0 (98) I tabe-tai. I want to have ice creamo 3) Placed after a noun in a sentence with a causative verb, indicates that a person/thing causes/caused another person/thing to do something. A couple of examples of the causative form of a verb are as followso Not transla ta bleo Dictionary form < *  (to come) Causative form ( f' ) *  -\t  (to make someone come) kuru ko-saseru \ 1T < (to go) \ (f') 1TI.7-\t  (to make someone go) iku ika-seru trt i')  f.t  A) :flR t: to 7 / L.!J  h -\t""(  , .! i" 0 Musume ni n. piano  narawasete-imasu. I'm making my daughter take piano lessonso tF.,\A.. f.tfJ> .: t=""I;tL. B )    tp ""(. L1 , ..:r 1 i! L.!J * G -\t   'j: '1 t: L ""( < t!.   '0 Byooin no naka de wa, n. kodomo-tachi  hashirase-nai yoo ni shite kudasai. Don't allow children to run around in the hospital. 4) Placed after a noun which is the direct object of a verb in the passive form "00. reru(ooo re-masu) -.,tL(-.,tL.! i")," "000 rareru(ooo rare-masu) -., G tL  (-., G tL.! i") ," indicates that the subject of the sentence receives an action from the other part Yo Not translatableo A..\ f.t *   J: A) h t::. L L1;'tj:. t: Z WT L.!JL;rtL t::. o Watashi wa sensee ni n. namae  yobareta. 174 
I was called on by my teacher 0 h 1J'f.t l: B) h t::. L ,;.t an :, Li.J J{5t G (L t::. 0 Watashi wa neko ni n. sakana 0 torareta. My fish was taken by a cato 2. In the pattern "000 0 shite-iru  f' L "'(  \  (000 0 shite-imasu  f' L "'(  \ .! T )" after a noun indicating an occupation, shows that the subject of the sentence is engaged in that occupationo Not translatableo L..""" T.} L. A) h t::. L ';.t;fi -&.Li.J L "'(  \ .! To Watashi wa shachoo no n. hisho 0 shite-imasu. I work as a secretary to the company presidento .",.", A.dt\ B) X'l;'tj:.Li.J L "'(  \ .! To Chichi wa n. sensee 0 shite-imasu. My father is a teachero 3. Indicates the point of departure, both in the concrete and the abstract senseo English approximation: "(at)"" (from)" *\I.>f.tA.. t:   A)   t::. ';.t-BtM* t: '1 i? Li.J tl::.! T Ir ? Anata wa maiasa nan-ji ni n. uchi 0 de-masu ka? What time do you leave home every morning? B)  L t::. 0 -<[!]k"?"'( / \ I) t:11-  .! To Ashita n. rooma 0 tatte pari ni iki-masu. I'm leaving Rome for Paris tomorrowo 175 
t. fJ' -C? :t:r fJ'i. C) jt!? r i L!J   "'C Ip G, 7 7  - "'C# '1 "t? t: 9.  .! L t 0 n. Chikatetsu 0 orite kara, takushii de uchi ni kaeri-mashita. After I got off the subway, I went home by taxi. t!.\fJf< .f?" E)   t ';1  \"':)':: *L!J  L .! .., I;"? Anata wa itsu kono daigaku 0 sotsugyoo-shi-masu ka? When will you be graduating from this university? 4. Used with a verb of motion, indicates that an action is continued at the place preceding it. English approximation: "on" "through" Some examples of verbs of motion are: doraibu-suru r" 7 1 7.",  (to drive) 1;1 L. hashiru *  (to run) hau ';1 '1 (to creep) ,,\ iku 1T < (to go) t:t:r T toori-sugiru i!   5  (to pass through) hi:. wataru it  (to cross) T-< A) ht L ';1;A o-7'L!Jiit  .! L to Watashi wa n. suroopu 0 suberi-mashita. I slid down the slopeo ht.t:t:r ! B )   t ';1 .  1t L!J i! "? "'C .:: .::"" *.! L t 1;" ? Anata wa dona n. michi 0 tootte koko e ki-mashita ka? Which road did you take to get here? t:.t. V')!).,h "i.I;1L.  C) h t L i!';1, lA  \;:atJ:L!J*  / \ 1 '/ :I. 1 L!J r" 71 "/ L .! L to Watashi-tachi wa hiroi umi no n. ue 0 hashiru n. haiuee 0 doraibu-shi-mashita. 176 
We drove on a highway running over a wide stretch of ocean. 5. Used in some set phrases such as "... 0 hajime to shite ro.J  U: l: V)  L V?C 'C (including, foremost)," "... 0 hittoo ni ro.J  jjJt t: (from the top down)," 8 "kore 0 ki ni .:: (L . t: (taking this opportunity)." .f0:>"L.! J. It\ :t:r:t:r-\f\ e.,\V'A- L.",?! A)  1k t:'j:, XJLL!J'j: LV)  L 'C, **1iI.7tl::  L t:. o Sotsugyoo-shiki ni wa, n. fukee 0 hajime to shite, oozee no raihin ga shusseki-shita. Many guests, including family members, attended the graduation ceremonyo 1J'\L.. L.."""V'?t" *\I.>\.f" B) .:: ;fi 'C'j:, i -& L!JIi t:-Bt#-4  L 'C  \ .! To Kono kaisha de wa, n. shachoo 0 hittoo ni maiasa taisoo 0 shite-imasu. At this firm, everyone from the president on down does exercises every morning. ! !/d.A- C) .:: (LL!J.t:  L .J: "'1 0 n. Kore 0 ki ni kin-en 0 shiyoo. Let me take this opportunity to quit smokingo SA  Placed at the end of a sentence. 1. Emphasizes the sentence. Casual usage. Not translatable. 1:0:>  htt I.> *;l A) "'1 "" L t:.lvt t, D \  L;l  t:.  Mo Yuube tetsuya-shita-n da mono, nemui no wa n. atarimae I sa I . You stayed up all night last night, so it's natural (indeed) that 177 
you're sleepyo -r ?., (/) 1ft., IJ 'k. B) 1111  I,},,' V' " \ "? "'(?  '1 ""  h.-  t: ikh.- t h.- t t  0 !iJ I,},,'  "? t:  00 Zutsuu ga hidoit te? Yuube an-na ni nonda-n da mono. Bachi ga atatta p. no I sa I . Your headache is really bad? You drank so much last night, you are (indeed) paying the priceo 2. After interrogative pronouns or a phrase containing an interrogative pronoun, emphasizes the question in a fairly brusque mannero Not trans- latableo A) L  , t tL t: r:,  \ t: G  q \  I  1 0 Jaa, dare ni kiitara ii p. no I sa I . (So) who do you want me to ask, then?  "Iv t: B) t:, *t L \"'("o n. Nani I sa I , henji mo shi-nai de. What('s with you), that (you) don't even answer meo 3. In the patterns "te sa "'( " and "to sa   ," introduces something that was said by someone elseo English approximation: "000' (I hear, he/she said)" :t:r:t:r 'k. < Iv e.,\lf? -C1v!1v  A) m, *J3o/1iJvAt:fbt"?"'(o Oota-kun, raigetsu rosanzerusu ni tenkin p. datte I sa I . Ota is going to be transferred to Los Angeles next month, I hear. :t:r:t:r t: * :t:r.,t:* L.lJb < B)  tLl,}' G.!. ..:r* .!. **J'l $-\t t:. G L .! L t:  I  1 0 Sore kara ooji-sama to oojo-sama wa shiawase ni kurashi- mash ita p. to I sa I . 178 
The Prince and Princess lived happily ever after, it is saido SAE   1. Cites an extreme example to make a comment on the normo Often accompanied by a negative, or in the "sae ... dakara ;t ro.J (t!.) I)" G" pa tterno English approximation: "even" fJ> h  h tt A) .::  ,l ,;.t , a)     t L   \ .J: 0 Kono sakana wa, n. neko I sae I mimuki mo shi-nai yo. Even cats wouldn't look twice at this fisho vc :t t:,fJt   B) t::. "? t::. - "?  ra' it  \ ""(  f  \ ....): h.- if I,}  ""("""( L .! -1 0 Tatta hitotsu no machigai p. de I sae I zuibun sa ga dete shimau. Even a single mistake can make a big difference. 2. Indicates that if one criterion is fulfilled, all conditions will be fulfilledo English approximation: "if only" "only if" I.: fJ> A..  fJ> .;:! h A) *ra'   (L';.t, n1t t t::.  \  ""(...., I,}o n. Jikan I sae I are ba, kabuki mo mi-tai no desu ga. If only I had time, I would like to see a kabuki performance, as well, (but)... 'k < :t  MIA.. fJ> 1t> 1.:... :t stJ B) }; !.t.J: "h L tt (L ,;.t, J*J  }; Jt L t::.  \  I -1  ""(...., I,}:o n. Otaku-sama I sae I yoroshikere ba, konban kanai to ojama shi-tai to omou no desu ga. I would like to come over with my wife this evening, only if it's convenient for YOUo 179 
3. Shows that something exists in addition to something elseo Often in a "... bakari de naku ... sae ""L;fl.7  "'(. < "";t" patterno English approximation: "(not only 0'" but) ... also" h.:  fJ'f.t f!\ .: ., .1:-:> A) . '1 L t  1.7  L G, .::  tn 0 B,';f 1.7   L   <, *- -ltt b}   J v 7 I ;t I fk:! \j:o Doo shita no kashira, kono neko. Osakana bakari ja naku, dai-koobutsu no n. miruku I sae I noma-nai no yo. I wonder what's wrong with this cat? Not only is she not eating fish, but she's also not drinking milk, which she loveso ttfJ'L. t,fJf \* f.t-:> ,!,""  B) if  it "? "'(,  'j:, I 'j:.I.7  "'(.  <,  "'(.__rT A  =t .:L '/ I) 1.7 'k "" G (L :! T 0 Mukashi to chigatte, ima wa, natsu bakari de naku, fuyu p. de I sae I nasu ya kyuuri ga taberare-masu. Unlike the old days, now we can eat eggplants and cucumbers not only in summer but also in winter. SHI u 1. In citing a list, emphasizes the items listed, in a "... shi ... shi "" L "" L " pa tterno English approximation: "... and ..." L.  < ., L. f.t III -:> * b fJ' III fJ't\. If Iv ! A)  'j:  '1 L.!:J, .f:  'j: IJ (L  L.!:J, Tt 'j: V' . < 5t  1.7    \ 0 Shoku wa v. ushinau I shi I , tsuma to wa v. wakareru I shi I , kare wa hidoku genki ga nai. He has lost his job, (and) he has split with his wife; he's very 180 
depressedo \: L. A.. rJl .: ., -r, l;if: It t! /I) rJl B) jt!?1t "'e '1 "t?';1 .:: h (L  Ll.J, * 7]( "'( im ';1 .t. gJ t:   Ll.J,  '1 L t   q \ C1) Ir h I;    \ 0 Jishin de uchi wa v. kowareru I shi I , koozui de hatake wa dame ni v. naru I shi I , doc shitara ii no ka wakara-nai. The house was wrecked by the earthquake, and the fields were ruined because of the flood; I don't know what to do. 2. In a list, shows that the items or situations listed are the reasons or basis for another action or conditiono English approximation: "... (and)o.., so " fJ'-tl ? J: rJl "" ! .!. t! rJl!  .,  A) JiU;1 5i  \ Ll.J,  ';1.t  tl:: L t Ll.J,  8 ';1 tl:: I; t t  C1) ';1  .! L J: '1 .J:o Kaze wa adj. tsuyoi I shi I , yuki wa v. furi-dashita I shi I , kyoo wa dekakeru no wa yame-mashoo yo. It's very windy, and it's started to snow, so let's not go out today. \: fJ' A.. B) t '1 .:: h,,*ra' t:[],  L t t: L .J: '1 .J: 0 Moo kon-na jikan c. da I shi I , ash ita ni shi yoo yo. It's already this late, so let's put it off until tomorrowo 3. Lists two conflicting items or situationso English approximation: "... but ..." IJ f: f;, J: ., J. < 11 rJl fJ't rJl  <   \  'CJ A) ;fJf L  \ 5-¥ ijf! ';1  L  \ Ll.J ' };  ';1   \ Ll.J '  j:. C1) ...) a  .::  tl  L \ \ o Atarashii yoofuku wa v. hoshii I shi I , okane wa adj. nai I shi I , gakusee no futokoro wa sabishii naa. I want some new clothes, but I don't have money (for them); a 181 
student's budget is pretty sado l;t \t.:  l;t \ L.'" \  .: * B) fj L;.t   , L.!:J ' fj ;f t : 'j: 1T 5 t <   , L.!:J ' "? t j: 0 Ha wa adj. itai I shi I , haisha ni wa v. iki-taku-nai I shi I , komatta yo. I have a toothache, but I don't want to go to a dentist; I'm in a bindo 4. In the pattern "aru mai shi   .!  , L 0" English approximation: "it's not as if ..." '.t? "... \.",*\ tt A) I"C t   .!  , L.!:J, M  ,   '/ - * "'( 0  <   , ? Natsu de mo ph. aru mai I shi I , usui shatsu ichi-mai de. Samuku- nai no? It's not as if it's summer, (and you're wearing) only a thin shirto Aren't you cold? U3;bfh   \:b'? ;b'h B) *-  # "t? "'( t   .!  , L.!:J '  Iv : t : -tf  ,t <  j:. i-lJ f' L "'(  , "'( };  ?? 1.7' <  1.7 L G ? Oo-ganemochi de mo ph. aru mai I shi I , an-nani zeetaku na seekatsu 0 shite ite okane ga tsuzuku no kashira? It's not as if (she's) a millionaireo I wonder if her money's going to last, living the luxurious lifestyle she doeso SHIKA liD' Always followed by a negative; negates everything else except that which precedes i to 1. Placed after a nouno English approximation: "(not) any more (than)" "only (this) and nothing else" 182 
 i'? IJI:: \?t...."'b'Iv A) ;Jtij*-r A r.i 1\ t:t:-  r8' .i -\rlvo Kimatsu-tesuto made, ate tatta n. is-shuukan I shika I ari-masen. There's only a week left until final examso (literally: Until final exams, there isn't any more (time) than a week left.) 'b'1J  .t .,  B) j:?Iv, 1'-8cryj:?-?':h\cry? Okaasan, kyoo no oyatsu n. kore I shika I nai no? Mom, is this all there is for snacks today? (literally: Mom, is there only this and nothing else for snacks today? ) 2. Placed after a verb, sets limit on the extent of the actiono English approximation: "there is no choice but" t...  "C'?  A)   -j- - cry v ;1; - r cry  cV) W  U:    1: 0 .: -1   t: G 1a  T  [IB'\o Seminaa no repooto no shimekiri wa asatte. Koo nattara v. tetsuya-suru I shika I nai. The deadline for the seminar report is the day after tomorrow. N ow I have no choice but to work on it all night longo t'\ J. /;\1" IJQ 'b'x..  B) t  f-  .i h t: 1;' G,   \ 1: 9'   '  \ 0 Saifu 0 nusumareta kara, aruite v. kaeru I shika I nai. Because my wallet was stolen, I have no choice but to walk home. SHIMO lit, 1. In set patterns such as "mada shimo .i f: L t" and "ori shimo j:?  L t "; emphatico Not translatableo x..\    -tflv-tflv A) !' G .i t.:'l...!:..!J, F -1 '/! Iv 1: bl;' G   \ J: 0 183 
Eego nara adv. mada I shima I , doitsu-go nan te zenzen wakara- nai YOo English is one thing, but I don't understand German at all.  ., t!t:.  rJ  f:. ., ? < I: 1: B) 7:iL1;   Iv 'C\  [II]  t:  L  \ YJ.I; : 1;"1;" -? t: 0 Yuudachi ga vande, n. ori I shima I sora ni utsukushii niji ga kakatta. The rainstorm ended, and at that time, a beautiful rainbow appear- ed across the skyo 2. In the pattern "dare shimo t:h Lt." English approximation: "anyone" "everyone" 'b'Iv'bt ? A) -t- h U: t:.:h  i..1t < .:  t:.: o Sore wa n. dare I shima I kangae-tsuku koto da. That is something anyone can think ofo t.- ;:,t> B) t.:h[II] ?EIJ C') Lif \0 n. Dare I shima I shinu no wa kowai. Everyone is afraid of deatho 3. In the pattern "kanarazu shimo ,Jbf L t," followed by a negative; indicates a partial negationo English approximation: "not necessarily..." t!\'bt< li\ fJ't.t.f:.  t.-J; < h fJ' A)  \  \ *-!f: t : A -? t: 1;" G   \ -? 'C, ,Jb f   \  \ I;  Jt -? 1;"   U: r G   \0 Ii daigaku ni haitta kara to itte, adv. kanarazu I shima I ii shoku ga mitsukaru to wa kagira-nai. Just because (you) get into a good university doesn't necessarily mean that (you) can find a good jobo 184 
IJ   V t.t A.. I: 1:. ?? . J:" IJ   fJ't.t r:. B)   '1 .i "'( at n'  \ 8 n  M 8 t   \ t.: n' G,  8 t at n'  \  '.;1, f IT}]  ;t  \ J: o Kinoo made atatakai hi ga n an-nich i mo tsuzuita kara, kyoo mo atatakai to wa adv. kanarazu I shima I ie-nai yo. Just because it's been warm for several days until yesterday, it can't necessarily be said that it will be warm todayo SURA 96 Cites an extreme exampleo English approximation: "(not) even ..." -tt IN\ tEA.. 1: l.,J: < t:  *A..<  VI; A) i!tt:'j:, .:=.J.t*8t:Gh\A.nt.: < Iv\ t: J: 0 Sekai ni wa, san-do no n. shokuji I sura I manzoku ni taberare-nai hito ga takusan iru no da yo. In the world, there are many people who cannot even get to eat three square meals a day, you knowo -!,., t:A.. t:.J:A.. trtt) h b B)   A.'j:, t '1  ia. 8 Jt,t n-?n' <  "'( L .i  t.: o Ano roojin wa, moo jibun no n. musume I sura I miwake ga tsuka-naku natte shimatta. The old man has reached a point where he cannot even tell his daughter apart (from others)o 185 
TARA tb Often used in the form of "ttara  t: G." 1. Casually marks the topic or the subjecto 1) Expresses a tone of familiarity or slight criticismo Not translatableo nx.  n A) I? -trP   Iv   ' .i t:  1:  \  l 0 n. Oneechan t l tara I , mada nete-iru yo. She (literally: elder sister) is still in bed! fJ>tL  IJ . 01:..., B) 111  , t -1 Jf L  \ 7l  Iv 7 v /' r" t: ;J: t:p  Iv t.:' n  G 0 n. Kare t I tara I , moo atarashii gaaru-furendo ni muchuu na-n da kara. He is already head over heels about his new girlfriendo 2) In the pattern "ttara 000 nai  t: G -.,   ,," expresses surprise at an unusual situationo English approximation: an emphatic "as for" ,H.. t: ,/»Iv n nO  A) ;. * ra' L n   1:   \ Iv t: 0   \     \ l 0 San-jikan shika nete-nai-n da. adj. Nemui t ltara I nai yo. I've only had' three hours of sleepo I'm so sleepy! (literally: As for being sleepy, it's like nothing elseo) ,/»hf.t.rJ >* B)  -1  C')    1'-.i 1: t:  < (.f" n   t: C') l 0 Yuube no n. kaminari t ltara I , ima made ni naku, hidokatta no yo. As for last night's thunderstorm, it was an unprecedentedly severe oneo 2. Indicates a tone of impatienceo 186 
I) In getting the attention of the party addressed, marks the pronoun or the proper nouno Not translatableo I':\  li fJ!?.::" A) I?)L   Iv  L!:..iJ, Jf- < !f: 1t.: -1 J: 0 n. Oniichan t l tara I , hayaku gakkoo e ikoo yo. Oniichan (literally: older brother), let's hurry up and go to school. bt.,-!, li' t"  B) t1D 8  \ t (l) 1;: ¥>  J: 0 Jf- < *- 1: J:, I? X  Iv  L!:..iJ 0 Omoshiroi mono ga aru yo 0 Hayaku kite yo, n. otoosan t l tara I . There's something interesting (here)o Hurry over, Dad! 2) Placed after a verb, often in an imperativeo English approximation: "(I said) 0'" (do "0 already!)" *  .  A) h-Iv  {;f  1:  (l) l: 0 Jf- < 9'  1: *-    \  L!:..iJ 0 Min-na matteru no yo 0 Hayaku v. kaette-kinasai t l tara I . Everyone is waiting, you knowo Come home already!   t B) .i t.: -=- * l: 0 I?  -? ti t   1 1:  I t.:  1 0 Mada ni-ji yo. Oyatsu wa motto ph. ato de t l tara I . It's only two o'clocko (I said) snacks are to be (eaten) later! 3. Placed at the end of a sentence or clause, expresses an emphatic exclamationo Not translatableo A)  (/) 1:  I t.:  I , -t- Iv  .:  0 v. Yamete t l tara I , son-na koto 0 Stop doing that! (literally: Cut it out, (doing) something like that!) '::1.- 1: 11<  B) 1'- J.t ti  t:   -\t 1:  L!:..iJ 0 Kondo wa boku ni v. yarasete t l tara I . Come on, let me do it this time! 187 
TARI t V) 1. Describes simultaneous or consecutive actiono Often in a "000 tari 000 tari ,....., t:  ,....., t:  " pa tterno English approximation: "(doing verb) and/while then (doing verb)" A) 7 <' U: i?  cry; 1:. , 1t  I t:  I *- I t:  I L 1:  \ t: 0 Kuma wa ori no naka de, v. it I tarij v. ki I tarij shite-ita. The bear was walking back and forth in its cageo (literally: was repeating going then cong.) l.,,t"C,t t  Ii  IJ B) 1''' * t:  1;: , mt Iv  ;ij .t.l L!:....2J L 1:  Iv 1:.  \  0 Shoojo-tachi ga, v. ton I dari I v. hane I tarij shite asonde-iru. The girls are playing, jumping up and downo (literally: The girls playing, leaping and jumpingo) 2. Cites one action or condition as one example of others in the category. English approximation: "such a thing as" <r:. t IJ  IJJ: A) .: Iv  t: at <   .i 1:.? 1:. Iv 1:. \ L!:....2J L 1: U:,    \ J: 0 Kon-na ni kuraku-naru made so to de v. asonde-i I tari I shite wa, abunai yo. It's dangerous to (do such things as) playing outside until it's this dark. t.::-!, T B) -t- Iv  pJf t: ':' h. f- ;Jt 1: I t:  I L 1: Lt  \ ,t .i -\t Iv 0 Son-na tokoro ni gomi 0 v. sute I tari I shite wa ike-masen. Don't (do such a thing as) throwing your trash in such a placeo 188 
TATTE tC.?L 1. Following a verb or an adjective, indicates a hypothetical situation. English approximation: "even if (you) were to ..." \* rJJ:O:: \ I I *'('\A.. A) 1'- .: 7:, t t: t.: -1  t: "'( , ..: t  J\ t: J: 0 Ima goro ryokoo ni v. ikoo t l tatte I , doko mo man-in da yo. Even if (you) were to want to go on a trip now (Le. this late), it would be packe d with people everywhere (you go). f1>i.. f> I I A..t...... B) 'J'  t:  \  J  t:.. "'( , t -1 /" A t '1tJlt t   \ J: 0 Kaeri-tai to v. omo t l tatte I , moo basu mo densha mo nai yo. Even if you were to think that you want to go home, there are no more buses or trains runningo 2. In an emphatic adversative usage. Usually in the form "ttatte  t:  "'( ." English approximation: "even tho ugh" TO:: 't:.J:tA.. I I tt < 'k. A) 7 L < G  \ ll'f  b:    t: "'( ,  \    \ -1 * t: U: t t: .It t:   \ b o Sukoshi gurai chokin ga v. aru t l tatte I , iza to yuu toki ni wa yaku ni tata-nai nee Even though you have a little bit of savings, hen you really need it (Leo i n an e mergency), it won't be of any use (don't you think? ) (/) I I f1>-:Jt J:,(,\  \ B) L"  t: "'( , {ft: t.iIvC')V3{fb".n.{ft.=tt t: J: 0 v. Nomu t l tatte I , sakazuki ni hon no yon-hai ka go-hai dake da yo. Even though (I) say (I) drink, I mean only four or five servings in 189 
a sakazuki cupo TE L Sometimes found in the "tte "'(" formo 1. Indicates that two actions occur simultaneously or successivelyo English approximation: "do (verb) and 000" ..<* Tv  A) j:?  ** "'( T l: 0   Iv  Ii   .:   \  -?   ). \ 0 Okyakusama desu yo. Kichin to v. suwa t l te I goaisatsu nasai. We have a guesto Sit up straight and say your greetingso  < r:. lit.t 1:.  v'b' II  lit: B) t*1tn", jtn"w{/)t:o Sakura no hana ga v. chi t, wakaba ga de-hajimeta. The cherry blossoms have scattered, and the leaves have begun to appear 0 2. Indicates a reason or a causeo English approximation: "because" .: -tt A.. -tt  \  t.t A) -r'i, 7tj:.t:LnGhift\"'(\o Ano ko wa, sensee ni v. shikarare I te I naite-iru. That child is crying because (he) was scolded by (his) teachero Ii t: t:.. .,  J: 'b'1J Ii  B) :fJ] (/) "'( .n. +  - r Iv ;jd f t: 0 j:?   Iv t :  (/) G h  ' "'( t -1 h L n  t: 0 HaHmete go-juu meetoru oyogeta. Okaasan ni v. homerare I te I , totemo ureshikattao I was able to swim fifty meters for the first timeo I was very happy because my Mom said she was proud of meo 190 
3. Indicates a method for an actiono English approximation: "by" "with"  t.,  \ r::;:l (/) A) Jot: L U:, :J - t - t: I?"*   Iv 7 f- Ahh. .i To Watashi wa, koohii ni osatoo to miruku 0 v. ire I te I nomi-masu. I drink coffee with milk and sugar. {literally: I put milk and sugar in my coffee (and that is the way I) drink coffeeo) t*b r::;:l \ B) ;t@J ry f- L 1t.: -10 Toomawari 0 v. shi I te I ikoo. Let's take the long way aroundo (literally: Let's go by taking a road out of our wayo) 4. As a conjunction, lists itemso English approximation: "and" fJ> (/) 1: J:   r::;:l  T A) 1Jt*ti, 11 L <    < 1\ t.:h t: "r t *Tn'h  0 Kanojo wa, adj. yasashiku I te I kisaku de, dare ni demo sukareru. She is nice and she is down-to-earth, so (she) is liked by everyoneo IJ  r:. r::;:l T r::;:l B) .: C')h.n'lvti, Jf L <  <  I?  \ L  \0 Kono mikan wa, adj. atarashiku I te I adj. yasuku I te I oishii. These oranges are fresh and inexpensive, and very goodo 5. After a verb, in the pattern "0.. (t)te ... (t)te ..omakuru -., ( ) "'( -., ( ) "'( -.,.i < ." Emphasizes the actiono English approximation: "... and ..." II A..':  t.. !I TJ 1:. fJ> "'1 fJ> t1. fJ> r::;:l fJ> r::;:l fJ> A) C')cV)-t;} ry 8 n:ift# \"'(, 1Jt'i. \ . \ .  .i <  t: o Genkoo no shimekiri-bi ga chikazuite, kare wa v. kai I te I v. kai I te I kaki makutta. As the deadline for the manuscript was approaching, he wrote and 191 
wrote (like crazy)o v. t t!  \  \ 1:. * A.. i. A.. h It <  fJf r-:::;l  fJf r-:::;l B) lwLt:Ah1:j:?\t:-7jn.Jt"'?n'G\o U:LL fJf  L .i < -? t: o Hikidashi ni irete-oita ichi-man en ga mitsukara-nai. Boku wa v. sagashi I te I v. sagashi I te I sagashi makutta. I couldn't find the ten thousand yen that I had put in the drawero I looked and looked (like crazy)o 6. In an adversative usageo English approximation: "even though" th  r-:::;l  A) , i cry '1 b  f- t1 -? 1:  \  t1 G   \ .."  f- T   Iv 1:,  -tf  Iv t:  \ ? Kimi, sono uwasa 0 v. shitte-i I te I shira-nai furi 0 suru nan te, naze na-n dai? Why was it that you pretended not to know about that rumor even though you did? It ? .: A..  <  < r-:::;l ;b> t1) 1: J: h T B)   cry Kf-J *-.i 1: L 1: j:?  \  ' 111 *" f- Jt;Jt 1:   Lt,  Iv.i  L   \n'o Kekkon no yakusoku made v. shite-oi I te I , kanojo 0 misuteru to wa, anmari ja nai ka. Isn't it too (cruel) (for you) to abandon her even though (you) had promised to marry her? 7. In the pattern "ni tsuite t:"'?  \ 1:," introduces the topic. English approximation: "concerning" "about" Ii A.. 1: '? I: 1:.   \ It., i. t r-:::;l t ., -!, A.. A) * 8 U:, 8 *-   t: "'?  \  i  f-  \ t: L .i T 0 Honjitsu wa, nichibee-booeki ph. ni tsui I te I tooron 0 itashi- 192 
masu. Today, we will hold a debate concerning UoSo-Japan trade. fJa !.., f»":} ., I! t: ., -!» t: .t ., 11., r:;:-l B) .:k...Ll.r:.1 t: ,1;tI;  f3 .1 L t: o it'ti ,It t: -?  \  ,.;1 7' :;  .::. .:L  - A  }; rJ1  < t:   \ 0 Kazan ga mata katusdoo 0 hajime-mashita. Dooro-joohoo ph. ni tsui I te I wa rajio no nyuusu 0 okiki kudasai. The volcano has become active againo Please listen to the news on the radio for (Le. concerning) road informationo 8. Transforms a verb into a gerund by following ito Creates the "te "'(" verb form. Not translatableo It\ * fJa I)  r:;:-l A) b t: L '.;1.n  ;J't"?   \ .1 T 0 Watashi wa ima kao 0 v. ara t l te I i-masu. I'm now washing (my) face. t....<t!It\ -!»!"'J:!'" fJa r:;:-l B) b t: L ,.;1 @ N!  ::>c  ..  \  L .1  \.1 L t: 0 Watashi wa shukudai no ronbun 0 v. kai I te I shimai-mashita. I've finished writing the essay for homework. 9. In women's language. 1) In the pattern "00. (t)te yo -., ("?) "'( .J:." Asserts the speaker's opinion. Not translatable. A) 1> .. :.  A 1J - r.. if "? t: ry 1> "?  .J: 0 Ara, kono sukaato, pittari v.  t l te I yo. Look, this skirt fits me perfectlyo fJa 'k I! t.t t... t... r:;:-l B) 1>1j.. -t-};t5t 11J"?"'(\ L.J:o Ano kata, sono ohanashi nara moo v. shit te irashi I te I yo. (If you are talking about) that story, that person already knows 193 
about ito 2) Forms the interrogativeo Not translatable. A) 1> t:t. t:. " b t:. L   '1 .:  b n  "? [] ? Anata, watashi no yuu koto v. waka t l te I ? Do you understand what I'm saying? 'k 'b' q;, It r-:;:l B) ;c Ivt:t. \  .: t:tL ? Son-na takai toko ni v. nobore I te I ? Can you climb (some place that is) that high up? 10. Indicates a command or a request. Sometimes in the "te yo ""(..t" or "te ne ""( h" pa tterno Not transla ta bleo fJ' IJ /I) l'  IH>  r-:;:l A) j:?Iv" L\-T37-T3n'\.J:o Jf-<*o Okaasan, mezurashii choocho ga iru yo. Hayaku v. ki I te I . Mom, there's a rare butterflyo Come (here) quickly! I! 'k r-:;:l \ B) Jf- < ,, I \ ""( Ivtn o Hayaku v. tabe I te I yo. Isoideru-n da kara. Finish eating already! (literally: Eat quickly!) I'm in a rusho 11. Placed at the end of a sentence, in a casual toneo English approximation: "(I say, think, believe, etco)"  11- t1 .t   'b> t.l  t.l Ja r-:;:l A) 'j:'Jl:-r;"? o Kimi no byooki wa kanarazu v. naoru t  . You will surely get well, (I believe). B) 1>t:t.t:. L " 1>\'?t "? bn"? []o Anata no yasashisa 0 aitsu mo kitto v. wakaru t  . That fellow will surely appreciate your kindness, (I am sure)o 12. As a variant of "to ," makes a quotationo Not translatableo 194 
r-::;l i t. A) .:.: ,.;1 : Iv   \ '11BJ t  '1 0 Koko wa n. nan I te I yuu machi daroo. I wonder what this town is calledo 1= \   r-::;l \ B) j:? )(;  Iv ,.;1.. ;c Iv  .:  ,.;1 tI:f *- Iv   '? "'( t: .J: 0 Oniichan wa, cl. son-na koto wa dekin I te I itteta yo. My brother said that he couldn't do something like that. TEBA L r 1. Introduces the topic, with a feeling of familiarity or criticismo English approximation: "speaking of ..."  trU,, f)t?':?T A) *t1.. -1 /7 }v.J:. / -tf"'(.1 t;fX1*1v",(  Ivt .J: 0 n. Kimura-kun I teba I , infuruenza de mada gakkoo yasunderu-n da yo. Speaking of Kimura, he is still not going to classes because of the flu, you knowo  ii. \ htr B) j:? L  \   Iv.. .1 t: T v 1:: wr ",(lX. ry L "'(  \  .J: 0 n. Ojiichan I teba I , mata terebi no mae de inemuri shite-iru yo. Speaking of grandpa, (he) is dozing off in front of the TV againo 2. Placed at the end of a sentence, gives it a tone of impatienceo English approximation: "(I said)" ?I!h, I)"?    A) j:? 7  "'(  t: b .J: 0   \ '1  t: "t"   \  ;    '1 '?  0 Oyuuhan dekita wa yo. Atsui uchi ni tabe-nai to v. samechau t I teba I . Dinner's ready! If you don't come quickly, it will get cold, (I said). 195 
B) b n  t: .J: 0 T <. it <  l--c t;f 1 0 Wakatta yo. sugu v. iku t l teba I . All right, I'll be right there, (I said). TEMO(DEMO) L=b (=b) "Temo --C t" preceded by a word ending in "n Iv"sound changes into "demo --C. to" See 4. B) below as an example. 1. Gives an extreme case and negates it. English approximation: "no matter ..." f: fJa  i. fJa A) .Iv t: < 8;C   x ,t:  '0 Don-na ni adj. takaku I temo I sono e 0 kai-tai. No matter how expensive the painting is, I want to buy it. \ * fJat.t  (f)': B) tj:.Ivt:IL < 8.. '-?ntj:*ry:ttL.J:o Ima wa don-na ni adj. kanashiku I temol , itsuka wa nori-koerareru yo. No matter how sad you might be now, someday you will be able to get over it. 2. Shows that regardless of a given condition or action, something occurs. English approximation: "despite" "regardless of" f:!'"   t....t  \ h b"t A) .: Ji!..  1v"lvtf:C"  U', 8T <.  tL --C L .11 0 Kono tango, nanben jisho 0 v. hii Itemo I sugu imi 0 wasurete shimau. Regardless of how many times I look up this word, I always forget its meaning right away. 196 
n .::t... ,,\t.: t.t B) t.:"'?  "'( 'L__J' Jjf. '1;:5€:;    '0 Jitto v. nete-i I temo I , koshi no itai no ga naora-nai. Despite the fact that I'm lying still, my lower back pain isn't getting any better. 3. In an emphatic usage, indicates the possible limit. English approximation: "at most" "at least" .:: ?  t.  A) .: "J 'h '.;1:f: < [TI].n  tJ ,.;1   , "'( L J: '1 0 Kono kozutsumi wa adj. omoku Itemo I go-kiro wa nai deshoo. This package weighs at most five kilograms (and is probably less). If A, "t   -t!'A,i.A, B) ;c *'.;1 < '.;1T  "'( L J: '1 0 Sono hon wa adj. yasuku Itemo I go-sen en wa suru deshoo. That book will cost at least five thousand yeno 4. In a sentence granting permission. Not translatable. t. t. (f) IJ fJa f!  A) t '1 }; L  .1 -tt t: 1;' ,    It,    ,"'( < t:  "'? 8  ,  , "'( T Moo ochichi 0 nomaseta kara, akachan 0 v. daite kudasa t Itemol ii desu yo. I gave it some milk already, so it's all right for you to hold the baby. <"trJ ,,\?t....t (f) fJa* B) .:   ,  Iv?  -k.ft: It,«' .1 -tt It,..t 0 Kono kusuri nara, miruku to issho ni v. non I demo I kamaimasen yo. It would be fine (for you) to take Uris medication with milk. 197 
TE-NE L - Combination particle A combination of the particles "te "'(" and "ne h." Also used in the form of "de ne "'(. h." Usually found in women's and children's language, it is used in making a request with a familiar tone. It is the informal variant of the gerund form of a verb plus "kudasai < t:   \ 0" English approximation: "please" "would you o..?" '/),#) i..t. < I:  "? <  A) j:?  Iv..  L t.: itJt... j:?{£ ry i'f"? o Okaasan, ashita no ensoku, onigiri v. tsuku t lte nel . Mom, could you make rice balls for tomorrow's school trip? '::A-  I fJ>i.  * t').:: t.=A-t:.t 'HI B) 1St'.;1Jf- < 9."?"'( .. AJ.!-f 1:. 8 t:l; o Konya wa hayaku v. kaette-ki I te ne I ' mariko no tanjoobi dakara. Please come home early tonight, it's Mariko's birthdayo TE-W A L - let Combination particle A combination of the particles "te "'(" and "wa '.;10" Also in the form "de wa "'(. ,.;1 0" 1. Gives a hypothetical situation followed by its resuIto Often implies that the hypothetical situation is undesirable. English approximation: "if (I) were to 0"" It. t: A-t..."" (f)  <  fJ>\  * #) A) .I' *  . t: *- ry 1!! tL  .. 4--  t: ra' t:  b   \ 0 Hachi-ji no densha ni v. nori-okure I te wa I , kaigi ni maniawa- nai. If (I) were to miss the eight o'clock train, (I) wouldn't make it in 198 
time for the meetingo >* I!t:  tH B) n  N).. 1!! tL"'( L .11 0 Ima kara v. hajime I te wa I , okurete shimau. If (I) were to start now, I would be lateo 2. Links something that has already happened to another situation, condi- tion or actiono English approximation: (a comma) 11.  If  t. ., bit A) .: Iv  t: t: <  Iv };.:i:. Ji   , t: t.=  ,  $ L }{ i> ry .1 -tt Ivo Kon-na ni takusan omiyage 0 v. itadai I te wa I mooshiwake- arimasen 0 You brought so many souvenirs, you really shouldn't haveo (/)  > B) ;c Iv t:fi.1 tL'  tj: :t  'ho Son-na ni v. tanomare I te wa I iya to wa ie-nai nee You beg me this much, I cannot say no. 3. Indicates a situation or a condition that is sure to give rise to the result described in the second clauseo English approximation: "with" "when" I! !.., A) Jf-.1 '?  .. A  T  t.:tt t.: o v. Hayama t l te wa I , son 0 suru dake da. When (you) rush into things, you will only lose out. 1JfJ> It.,.,  h >f)t B) 1v1n'1:..1 tL..  t 'tt L <   ho Akanboo ga v. umare I te wa I , kimi mo isogashiku nar'u ne. With the baby born, you'll be busy, (won't you)o 4. In describing a repeated combination of actions, links the first action to the secondo 199 
English approximation: "keep doing 0"" fJ>t1. .:: \\ t... Q-!»  t.t Q-!»  t.t A) Jtt.;l.. "J" 1*"? tf 1*"?  tf"'(  ,t::. o Kare wa, koishi 0 v. hiro t lte wa I nage v. hiro t lte wa I nagete- ita. He kept picking up a pebble and throwing ito i.A,< '::A,  IJ/I)  11. IJ  B) 1> L t::.t.;l.itJt.t:.. 4'lStt.;lr:roo  t t? lvt.;l..   Jt-Ltft::. \\  dt)'?'"'('o Ashita wa enso ku na noni, konya wa ame. Tomo-chan wa, sora 0 v. miage I te wa I tameiki 0 tsuite-iru. Tomorrow is the school trip, but it's raining tonight. Torno keeps looking up at the sky and sighing. TO C 1. The most basic function of "to "is to list nouns, noun phrases and noun clauses. Note that another particle "ya "has a similar function, but its usage is slightly different (see "ya ," po 241)0 1) Lists concrete and abstract things. English approximation: "and"  "i. A) ry Iv .::  ..}:  '1 n  T - 7 Iv  -L t: 1> ry .1 T 0 n. Ringo I to I n. budoo ga teeburu no ue ni ari-masu. word word There are apple(s) and grape(s) on the table. 1JfJ> h "i. B)   , ry Iv .::    ..}: . '1 t T - 7. Iv  -L t: 1> ry .1 T 0 n. Akai ringo I to I n. midori no budoo mo teeburu no ue ni ari- phrase phrase. masu . 200 
There are also red apples and green grapes on the tableo 'b>  'b> ., i. C) b t::. L n"'X "'? t::. ry Iv ':* LEJ i>  t::. n"'X "'? t::. ..}: * -J ,.;1 T - 7. Iv  -L t: i> ry 3. .., 0 n. Watashi ga katta ringo I to I n. anata ga katta budoo wa clause clause teeburu no ue ni ari-masu. 2) Often in the "(noun) to (noun) to '"-  '"- "pattern, contrasts or compares the two nounso English approximation: "and" "or" "between" J. '?., . 'b> A) AJv?0*ii!/v?0*X\3.LJ:-Jn? Sukimu n. miruku I to I futsuu no n. miruku I to I dochira 0 kai- mashoo ka? Which should I buy, skim milk or regular milk? t.t'?J.  A, 'kw.....A,f1 B) I LEJ  LEJ "'(* ,.;1  j,g ,.;1 *-  it  \ 3. .., 0 n. Natsu I to I n. fuyu I to I de wa kion wa taihen chigai-masu. Between summer and winter, there is a great difference in tempera- tureo 'kJ: < A, 'b>  < J:A, 'kflb < A, 'b> .H J:A, C) :e: .  \ t::. i'f ::>CLEJ:JtJII  .  \ t::. i'f::>CLEJ i>  t::. ,.;1 *    '1 -J T n'-ff  "'(*.., n ? n. ph. Tani-kun no kaita sakubun I to I n. ph. kitagawa-kun no kaita sakubun I to I anata wa dochira no hoo ga suki desu ka? Which do you like better, the composition written by Tani or the one by Ki taga wa? J:t:."nA, * tr'b>t...-r\J:A,'b>b D) i> tLn  t -J .::.+ if-n.. .: ar t * LEJM"'? t::..fJ o Are kara moo nijuu-nen ka, kono machi mo n. mukashi I to I 201 
zuibun kawatta nee Twenty years have passed since theno This town has changed a lot (since then)o · Note that although "to " functions like the English "and," it cannot connect two separate sentences, nor can it stand alone at the beginning of a sentence. "Soshite ;c L "'(" must be used in these cases insteado a) The sentence: "I wrote a letter, and you wrote a letter (also)" must be translated as "Watashi wa tegami 0 kaki-mashitao Soshite, anata mo "t fJf h 'b> "t tegami 0 kaki-mashitao b t::. L l.;l.=j=- ..  .1 L t::. 0 ;c L "'(, 1>  t::. t .=j=- fJfh i»  ..  .1 L t::.." It can never be: "Watashi wa tegami 0 kaki-mashitao "t fJfh fJ> To , anata mo tegami 0 kaki-mashitao b t::. L '.;1.=j=- ..  .1 L t::. o X, "t fJf h i» 1>  t::. t.=j=- ..  .1 L t::.o" b) The sentence: "And, after that, (she) sat downo" must be translated as IH: 1"b "Soshite, sono ato, suwattao ;c L "'(, ;c !, Ii"'? t::.." It can never be: X IH: 1"b " to , sono ato, suwattao ,;C !, Ii"'? t::.." Therefore, do not get into the habit of always translating "and" as "to  0" Make sure that you think about its usage firsto 2. Indicates that the speaker carried out an action together with the subject who is marked off by this particleo English approximation: "with" "accompanied by" J:i!:  !:  'b>b J:i J: ,, A)   '1 '.;1,  LEJJII 5*  t:-11"  .1 L t::. o Kinoo wa, n. otooto I to I kawa e oyogi ni iki-mashita. Yesterday, I went swimming in the river with my brothero    V 1£< !:   i»1J   4' 8 }j  t:,  ,.;1 }j X  Iv LEJ }j   Iv LEJ ' \ / , \" - 1/-  " .1 L t::. o 202 
Kyoo ohiru ni, boku wa n. otoosan I to I n. okaasan I to I han- baagaa 0 tabe-mashita. Today for lunch, I had a hamburger with my father and my mother. C) t  ';1*IJ1hh  0 L  To Kitajima-san wa raigetsu n. minamida-san I to I kekkon- shimasu. Kitajima is going to marry Minamida next montho 3. After a nouno I) Indicates that an action which follows IS performed in a struggle against somethingo English approximation: "against" iI'tl 1I .I:  J.  t.: t.: ii' fJ> A) it ';1 f'I:i1J  rM1 "? "{, "'?  \ t: Jm"? t.: 0 Kare wa n. kyoofu I to I tatakatte, tsui ni katta. He fought against his fears, and he finally conquered themo h-r (l) (,(, '::,(,t..:,(,t.:t.:fJ> t....1: B) 1](!f  ';1  \   \    ;fit  rM1"? "(, "'?  \ t: 11 Jm L t.: 0 Mizuno - kun wa iro-iro na n. kon - nan I to I tatakatte, tsui nl yuushoo-shita. Mizuno, after struggling against many obstacles, finally won first placeo 2) Precedes certain incomplete intransitive verb such as "call ... ( J: yobu '"'-J   ..;:)," "become..o ( naru '"'-J   -!», "name ... ( t..: ? nazukeru '"'-J  % 1'1' t -!> ) 0" The noun preceding "to " becomes the complement of the verbo Not translatableo t.: It t...t.: ( ,(, .::  il t (J: il t ( -tt>  A) 1tr';1.I.*:g())*1:. "? t.: o Takeshita-kun wa koogakubu no n. gakusee I to I natta. 203 
Takeshita became a student in the engineering department. l: 1!i;. t<  J: B) 11LI«())   €: 7 ';I t:>  L.£Jrf.i To T omodachi wa boku no koto 0 n. tacchan I to I yobi-masu. My friends call me Tacchan.  8? "C,(, f.t i.  C) Jf L  \   16 ()) % lW €: r .. J) - .L.. J L.£J"'?' t .i L t.: 0 Atarashii kissaten no namae 0 "n. doriimu" I to I tsuke-mashita. We named the new coffee shop "Dream." 3) Indicates that something reaches/reached a goal or a new state. Not translatable. ,(,e'iJ>' ti'  A)  \ .J:  \ .J: 1itb()) 8 L.£J  ry .i L t.: o Iyo-iyo u ndoo-kai no n. hi I to I nari-mashita. At last the field day has come. 'l:  t 8,(, i[,(, J: ti'. < '('i.'(' B) 7 J) A7A())arjjJt.,j::g"'(.8 7jJI3L.£J-?t.:o Kurisumasu no gaitoo-bokin wa zenbu de n. hyaku-man en I to I natta. The total amount of donations collected on the streets during the Christmas season reached one million yen. ti' I ;: e'i;. ;:i.'(' C)  ()) JA  ,j: 1- i 11 ())  r; L.£J  -? t.: 0 Ano hiroba wa kodomo-tachi no n. kooen I to I natta. That field has now been made into a playground for children. 4) After a quantity or a number, indicates that something can be done in less than that quantity or number. Also, emphasizes the negativeo English approximation: "(not) as much as" "never (not even once)" t.. l: h? iJ>  A)    1:t$ ,j:.:=. 8 L.£J 1.7' 1.7' ry .i --\t o Son-na shigoto wa n. mik-ka I to I kakari-masen. 204 
It wouldn't take more than three days to do that kind of work. 'kh "'?t.._iJ>'('   B) V- J. b ry ())   J.  , --C 1.7  , - 1l! rB'  t.: t.:   , -7 t:> t:  1.7: W --C  J. L t.: 0 Himawari no tane 0 maite kara, n. is-shuukan I to I tata-nai uchi ni me ga dete-kimashita. The sunflower seeds sprouted in less than a week after I planted them. &;: l!  l: .::  It' C) t -7 .::.J.t     PJf Llffl.7   '0 Moo n. ni-do I to I an-na tokoro e wa ika-nai. I'm never again going to go to a place like thato 4. In the patterns"... (a verb) yoo to ... mai to "" ( .J:) -7  "" J.  ,  ," "... (a noun) --C.   -7  "" (--Co)  1.7  -7 ," and"... (an adj.) 1.7  -7  ""  1.7  -7  0" English approximation: "(whether) ... or not" 8 h t..,(,  t..,(,  11'('l:  S A)  1.7:1t L .J: -7 1t L J. ',  tL tj:*  t:  -? t.: t .J: 0 Kimi ga v. shinji-yoo I to I v. shinji-mai I to I , sore wa hontoo ni okotta-n da yo. Believe it or not, that really happened, you know. \: \:? iJ> * B)  tLl.7:$ --C.   -7 0  1.7  -7 0, b t.: L tj:«b   '0 Sore ga jijitsu c. de aroo I to I adj. nakaroo I to I , watashi wa kama- wanal. Whether it's true or not, it doesn't matter to me. ss i;.", \: D) *1.7 -7 "'JI.7 -7 ;t.J:,ttLtj:.,,o adj, Ookikaroo I to I adj, chiisakaroo I to I aji sae yokere ba ii. Whether it's big or small, I don't care as long as it tastes good. 205 
5. As a Quotation particle, introduces a clause or a phraseo English approximation: "that" or a comma Some examples of verbs that introduce a quoted clause are: IHt 000 to hanasu   tfiT (tell that 000) ) 000 to yuu    '7 (say that 000) fJ'lv/)t 000 to kangaeru    i...  (consider that 000) t 00. to omou   I '7 (think that 000) ?? 000 to soozoo-suru   :m1 T  (imagine that 000) 000 to wakaru   h I)'  (understand that 000) t!.) 1: L A.,   t A)  \""?h"j:*jt!?71h'  t:.:  '7 I '7 0 cl. ltsuka wa daijishin 9a aru daroo I to I omou. I think that someday, there will be a big earthquakeo  i'? I:L?fJ'A.,i B) 1t *' TAr U: -=-  ra' 7t  5:*= "? t.: 0 cl. Kimatsu-tesuto wa ni-shuukan saki I to I kimatta. It's been decided that the final exam is going to be in two weekso II t 1fr>f.t  ;t? H:. ,t h   I "? t.: G.. 19P ()) * t.:' .J: 0 cl. Obake ka I to I omottara, yanagi no ki da YOo I thought that it was a ghost, but it's (merely) a willow treeo (0 ttt!.1:;, ( )?L?ltA.,"H)IL D) "7 "7 '/ /' ,j:  L h  "? t.: h'..  it t: ill h .i  \  - 1:.   * "? t.: 0 Marason wa kurushikatta ga, cl. tomodachi ni okure-mail to I C) isshoo-kenmee hashitta 0 The marathon was very hard; determined that I wasn't going to fall behind my friends, I ran the best I couldo h-tt   ? I:J 11 A., 1:'?  ?   ?   F) ;t? m ,j:  8 U: &1  \ "{  \   \ .J: 0 '1 G.. r'* 8 i* J  ill "{  \  "{ L J: '7 0 206 
Omise wa kyoo wa aite-inai yo. Hora, ph." honjitsu kyuugyoo " I to I dete-iru deshoo. The store isn't open todayo See, there is a sign that says "closed for todayo" 6. Follows a mimesis, an onomatopoeic adverbo English approximation: "in the manner of" A) -t-': t: L'  0 Ji  "{  \    \ 0 Soko ni t l to I suwatte i-nasai. You sit still thereo (literally: There, in the manner of stillness, keep sittingo) -!>? fJo IL B) Jtr5r   \" 7  \" 7 * "{ '1  \ tt .i -\t h--o Rooka 0 o. bata-bata I to I hashitte wa ike-masen. You should not run down the hall making lots of noiseo (literally: Down the hall, in the manner of making lots of noise, you should not runo) fJohf.t I') C) :1"0 :1"0  h' "{  \  0 o. Goro-goro I to I kaminari ga natte-iru. Thunder is rumblingo (literally: In a rumbling manner, the thunder is making noiseo)    D) * *h'* 01f'Jht.:o Ookina ki ga o. dosa t l to I taoreta. A huge tree fell down with a thudo (literally: A huge tree, in the manner of a "thud," fell downo) 7. Placed after a verb, indicates that the action/condition described in the clause preceding it immediately initiated another action/ conditiono 207 
English approximation: "when" "as soon as" -tt'('-tt, ,I:."L'? I' <  -tt, t -tt '? A) 7t1:.h'ft  t:A -? "{ *  " 1:.ttt.: t:, ,.1  h"{ "(  t::If  ,t.: o Sensee ga kyooshitsu ni v. haitte-kuru I to I , seeto-tachi wa awatete seki ni tsuita 0 As soon as the teacher entered the classroom, the students took their seats in a hurry 0 It< fJt?.:., '?  ttt!1:. "i!' J: B) h...*-tXt::If <" 1!h'*-?"(  t.: o Boku ga gakkoo ni v. tsuku I to I , tomodachi ga oozee yotte-kita. As soon as I got to school, many of my friends came over to meo i < I:J  iI''('"" < h-r ? L-r C) .h'J:h'  " tt 1; ,.1 1](  11 -? t.: .J: -) t: f h' t:  -? t.: o Maku ga v. agaru I to I , kankyaku wa mizu 0 utta yoo ni shizuka ni natta 0 When the curtain went up, the audience became completely silento  J.I') It:  t"?J:''? t?h'(' It: D) h'  f2 " tJ; t.: t:, '.1"  f2  0 Yuki ga v. furi-hajimeru I to I , doobutsu-tachi wa toomin 0 hajimeru. When the snow starts to fall, animals go into hibernationo 8. Placed after an adjective or a verb, creates a conditional. English approximation: "if" "when" T  L ,(,I/' A)  .i  -1l;  'h'  -? "( ltiGt.::'o Anmari adj. yasui Itol kaette shinpai dao If it's too cheap, then that makes me worryo 8 h .: B) h:*  '0"'?.i G ,  o Kimi ga v. ko-nai I to I tsumaranai naa. It'll be boring if you don't comeo 208 
J.o t  IH> f.t C) :..  1;  \ F.. :.. h h ?J   \ ,t '  \ h  G Jf- < & L .i L J: -) 0 Kono furui to, v. kowareru I to I ikenai kara hayaku naoshi- masheD 0 Let's fix this old door before it breakso (literally: As for this door, it won't be good if it were to break, so let's fix it soono) IJ/I) J.  h-r.f: < iI'\L D) mh.t?J.. 1j(Jth'1W 5T?J  --CTh'o Arne ga v. furu I to I , mizu-buoku ga kaishoo-suru no desu ga 0 If it were to rain, the water shortage would be solved, but "0  \   E)   -) *  &. t: 1T < .. t?  \ L  \ -) *.{, h'   G h ?J .J: 0 Ano udon-ya ni v. iku I to I , oishii udon ga taberareru yo 0 If you go to that noodle restaurant, you can have great udon (noodles)o 9. In the pattern "ari to arayuru....     G rP ?J ",," English approximation: "every possible (thing/method)" f.t -T  .:: - r t: U:     G rP ?J £  h  AE  --C  \ ?J 0 Depaato ni wa ari I to I arayuru shinamono ga narande-iru. Everything that you can think of is available in a department store. 10. In the pattern "... to naku ..0 to naku    < ""   < ," describes a ceaseless actiono English approximation: "without... or ..." iI'tl u-o J:o I'; 11t'j:    <   < 1Yh \ t.: o Kare wa n. hiru I to I naku n. yoru I to I naku hataraita. He worked all day longo (literally: without day or night) 209 
TO-IE-SA c - L ,;t - ( Combination particle A combination of the particles "to " and "ba Lf" and the verb "ie  \ i...," from "yuu  \ -1 (to say)o" Introduces the topic casuallyo English approximation : "speak ing of ..." h'?) </.- I I -!>? fJ' I:J A)  .. .::. *    \ i... Lf..  -?   r --CO  -? t: l a Aa, n. mitsui-kun I to ie ba I , sakki rooka de atta YOo Oh , speakin g of Mitsui, (I) saw him in the hallway awhile agoo f:  1 I B) 5t   \ i... Lf.. ' h"   \ "? --C t T -1 7 11" -7 t h. a n. Taki I to ie ba  nan to itte mo naiagara da neo Speaking of waterfalls, it's definitely Niagara Falls (that's the best), no questiono TO-II c - L 'L' Combination particle A combination of the particle "to " and the verb "ii  \  \," from "yuu  \ -1 (to say)o" In the pattern "000 to ii 000 to ii -.,   \  \-.,   q \," lists two or more items and establishes them as the topic, to be followed by a commento English approximation: "as for 000 and 000" h-tt 1:Jt: 1 I b t!/.- I I A)   m  A T - =t- 'i ..    \  \ fiR ti   \  \  \ -1 .:    \ h. a Ano mise no suteeki wa, n.  I to ii I n. nedan I to ii I yuu koto nai nee The steak at that rest aurant, (as for its ) taste and price, it's perfecto I -tt fnJ /,-,I:.? I I I I B) -&  J 'I   'i..     \  \ A;f - ''J   \  \  \ "'? --Co t r ''J 7''  la 210 
Hasegawa-san wa, n. benkyoo Ito ii I n. supootsu Ito ii I itsu- demo toppu na no yo. Hasegawa, (in) studies and sports, is always the best one (in the group)o TO-ITT A c - L , -:> t Combination particle A combination of the particle "to " and the verb "itta  \ -? t::.," from "yuu  \ -1 (to say)o" Lists two or more itemso English approximation: "such as" I: II A., II-  If L A.,   L ? It? I I A) 8 '* ()) i? .:f:. 71' G.. A *  -1:    \ -? t::. 7 7  -tt I} - t  \  \ "C L J: ., 0 Nihon no omiyage nara, ph. shinju ya shippoo I to itta I akusesarii mo ii deshooo In terms of souvenirs from Japan, accessories such as pearls and cloisonne are probably suitable, t ooo trtf') T?fJ t < f')fJ\ 1 I fJ\t< t<) B) -1 t:, ()) Lt U: .. t *  J.! 4   \ -? t::. 4 l3 h '1  "{  T 0 Uchi no musume wa, ph. suugaku ya rika Ito itta I kamoku ga tokui desu 0 Our daughter is good at subjects such as math and scienceo TO-ITTE c - L , -:> L Combination particle A combination of the particle "to " and the verb "itte  \ "? "{," from "yuu  \ -1 (to say)o" In an adversative usage at the beginning of a sentence. 211 
English approximation: "however" } t:_t: i I:J I 11 ;tl, "? A) I 'fLf+* ()) \' At: ra' t:..g.. \  -) to   \"? "{ *  ()) ,j:  \  to ;x ())\'A t: L .J: -) 0 Isoge ba juu-ji no basu ni mani-ai soo da. I To itte I hashiru no wa iya da. Tsugi no basu ni shi yoo. If (I) rush, it looks like I might be able to make the ten o'clock buso However, I don't want to runo I'll (catch) t he next buso 1= 11,(, t.: l, It))t.:).:: < I I .:: < iJ,,(, u- t I') u- t I') < B) 8 *' j: , ,q h  t: k& 5tf jd t: ' "? t.: 0   \ "?"{ , 00  - A - A ()) .. G t.: L h'" h  t:  "? t.: h ,t "(, j: '  \ 0 Nihon wa, tashika ni keezai-taikoku ni natta. I To itte I , kokumin hitori hitori no kurashi ga yutaka ni natta wake de wa nai. Japan has certainly become an "economic gianto" However, that doesn't mean that the standard of living of each member of society has increased significantlyo TO-IW A-ZU c - L 'P-  Combination particle A combination of the particles "to " and "zu f," and the verb "iwa(-nai)  \ b ( \)," from "yuu  \ -) (to say)o" 1. A negative imperative that influences a quotationo English approximation: "do n't say th at 0"" I I f)t,(, II A) t -) -...  -...  t .   \ b f t: i;&"? "( 0 '1 G, t -) T <. t.::' .J: 0 Moo heto-heto da p. nado Ito iwazu I ni ganbatte. Hora, moo sugu da yo. Don't say things like you're completely worn out; just hang in thereo 212 
Look, we're almost the reo I I \,>'1;, l! A..\,\ .ft!A.. B )    61) t:.   \ b -r , t '1 - J.t 7t: j:. t : /ffiI  L  h t:.   \  \ h" L: -t> 1j:  \ ? v. Akirameta I to iwazu I , moo ichido sensee nl soodan shite mitara ii-n ja nai? Don't say that you've given up; why don't you (literally: wouldn't it be better if you) talk to your teacher about it again? 2. In the pattern ""0 to iwa zu 000 to iwa zu -.,   \ b -r -.,   \ b -r," indi- cates an all-inclusivenesso English ap proximatio n: "not onl y all 000' but 0"" "C I 1 ",t.. 1 I :b'a::.t!t::b' A) -t-   \b-r    \b-r , 14'- t:pt:   ht:. o n. Te Ito iwa zu I n. ashi Ito iwa zu I , karada-juu ka ni sasareta. Not just all over my hands and feet, but I was bitten by mosquitoes all over my bodyo :b'tL ",  I I J: II I I v*- *- A.. :b t J: B) {It L1 ,    \ b -r    \ b -r , Bf1  ;t  h ,.r 5.1 @J  Me h"   \  0 Kare wa, n. asa I to iwa zu I n. yoru I to iwa zu I , hima sae are ba manga 0 yonde-iru. Not just in the morning and in the evening, but he reads comics whenever he has timeo TOKA c.1J' 1. Lists several itemso English approximation: "such as 000 and 000 (and 000' etco)" A) h J:  -t> h" L1, to 7" /  j?t..i t:. <  h" j? ,t  \  213 
t:\\l:o Miyo-chan wa, n. piano Itoka I n. Itoka I n. oshuuji Itoka I ta- kusan okeeko ni itte-iru no yo 0 Miyo is taking many lessons such as piano, drawing, and calligra- phy, you knowo h 1" .:: tH: oj t /I) I.- 1::>; h ,  I.- It B) T v l:",.r 1;'  Jt   \ '  \ . , jf' L 'j:   iID 1IJ  Jt  , 7(  it  t:iitL\ <, L'\l:o Terebi bakari mite-inai de, sukoshi wa otooto no mendeD 0 v. miru I toka I , inu 0 sanpo ni v. tsurete-iku I toka I , shi-nasai yo. Instead of watching TV all the time, why don't you at least do something like look after your little brother or take the dog out for a walk? 2. Conveys uncertainty, often due to its hearsay natureo English approximation: "something like ..., (I hear)" \;(. ,t?t:; < ;(,1.-  :>; A)   * 'j:, -it fI]  '1G tL t: '" -1 'T l: 0 Ano ie wa, n. ichi-oku en I toka I de u reta soo desu yo. That house was sold for something like one hundred million yen, I hearo t::fJ'l.,<1.- '(}<  ;(.':: t:;l., B)    j? L  \  Iv ':J:, 8  \ <   ', .! t::' ! f' ft;{.   \  Iv 'T   0 Takashi-kun no ojiisan wa, n. hyaku ikutsu I toka I de mada eego o oshiete-iru-n desu-tte. Takashi's grandfather is something like a hundred-odd years old, and is still teaching English, I hear. 214 
TOKORO C   Shows that two events occurred successivelyo English approximation: " when" fJ't. I I ?fJ'<?? 1:;, tl! A) '1 t:>"" I) --::> ""( h t: .: 'h ,  r B-1! p I.r')ea  \ ""(  \ t: 0 Uchi e v. kaette-mita I tokoro I , gookaku-tsuuchi ga todoite-ita. When I came home, (I found that) the acceptance letter had been deli veredo t; A., t;..&: i!t ..&:1:;, .d "( A., i!t A., Ii A., t ? B) A *;g t: M  \ ""( h t: I  .: 'h I , ;g k ?) 0 :/ F :/  ill 1.1 4'  t::'  b h' --::> t: o Jinji-bu ni v. kiite-mita I tokoro I , buchoo no rondon tenkin wa hontoo da to wakatta 0 When I asked the personnel division, I found that it was true that our director would be transferred to Londono TOKORODE C   C' Poses a hypothetical situationo The tone is pessimistic, implying that even if that something were to happen, an undesirable situation would still exist in real it Yo English approximati on: "eve n if (you) were to ..." f.t If I I tll! .: A)   \ ""( h t: .: 'h",,(', '< L t: 1::" T;;t 7'J ;l 7' 1.1  --::> ""( 1.1 =* 1j:  \  0 v. Nageite-mita I tokorode I , nakushita bideo-kamera wa modotte wa ko-nai sa 0 Even if you were to grieve, the camcorder that you lost won't come 215 
backo \*"t"A., b I I fJ,tL II 1" B)   i L t: ':"h"'C, {It 1.1 .! t: ' m  "C L J: '1 0 Ima v. denwa-shita I tokorode I , kare wa mad a rusu deshoo. Even if you were to call now, he's probably still outo TOKORO-E C  -" Combination particle A combination of the noun "tokoro ':"h (a place/an occasion)" and the particle "e -...0" Indicates that as one action was being carried out, by chance, something else happenedo English approximation: "just when ..." L.<t!> l;tl: I I trf:.t:, I.> A) b t: L I.r'" ffi H! f'  tV) 1 '1  L ""(  \  ':"h -... , t 83  Iv h "  rl t : @ *t: o Watashi ga shukudai 0 hajime-yoo to v. shite-iru I tokoro e I , murata-san ga asobi ni kita. Just when I was about to start doing my homework, Murata came over for a visito I.> *<  B) *f:fuh"lvt:' 1 .: "h-...I, tLMtL h" t: o Oo-ame ga v. yanda I tokoro e I , yama-kuzure ga okita. Just when the rainstorm had ended, there was a landslideo TOKOROGA CtJ Indicates that although the speaker was anticipating one result which is described in the first clause, the real result was unexpectedly negativeo 216 
English approximation: "but" fJ I I 1;1..: t..t.: 11 A) j?  , L '" '1 t:J: -1 T :J t:J.,  "''C', t: <  Iv It --::> t: ':"h 1;: ,   r -:Q <   1.1 t:  ,;: --::> ""(  , t: 0 Oishi-soona ichigo na node, takusan v. katta I tokoroga I , hako no shita no hoo no wa daibu kusatte-ita. The strawberries looked good, so I bought a lot, but many of the ones at the bottom of the box were rotteno I.> "(A., @ fJ' tI "t" I I   B )  j?   t::. --::> t: 1;'  *'  # t: -r t: tBl; \ t t t: ':"h I; ,' , T -1i t: t:J., --::> ""( l! t..  ..t.. /' JIt  t: t:J., --::> t: 0 Asa otenki datta kara kasa 0 motazu ni v. dekaketa I tokoroga I , gogo ni natte dosha-buri ni natta. I went out without an umbrella because it was nice out this morning, but in the afternoon, there was a downpour. TOKORO-O C- Indicates that something unexpected has happened or IS happening. Colloquial form: "toko-o .:  0" English approximation: "although (usually) 000" t..t:A., t:t: fJ'i.. < I I .:A.,  '/Pi.. A) 1A 1.1, , t   +at t: L19w --::> ""( *  ':"h ,  1.1 .! t:w    '0 Shujin wa, itsumo nara juu-ji ni wa v. kaette-kuru I tokoro-o I , kon-ya wa mada kaera-nai. Although my husband usually comes home before ten o'clock, he hasn't come home yet tonight. 217 
tL. \* it i!t L. I I .: tL. 1Jt:.t:. B )  \  t  if- ll' G, ,:''; U: tL 1.1  "C B < ll'; .:.; f' ,  if- 1.1 Bt h' -t!A.,-t!A.,i!t < "'( .! t:.::i::h'"  .! -tt /va Itsum o no tosh i nara, imagoro wa yama wa yuki de v. shiroku- naru I tokoro-o I , kotoshi wa atatakaku te mad a yuki ga ari- maseno Although usually at this point, the mountains turn white with snow, this year, it's warm and there is still no snow at all. L. 1:;, t:  It  /I)  it l! It  \ .: L. .t "} C)  \  t ll' G --t  t: 1.1   ; I  .: f' I , .m 1.1  1t L  t h ,"!{ r. L "'( , bIt"}  1 L "'( L .!  t:.. a Itsumo nara shichi-ji ni wa v. okiru I toko-o I , kesa wa mezamashi-dokee ga koshoo shite, neboo-shite shimatta. Although usually I get up at seven o'clock, the alarm clock was broken this morning and I overslept. TOMO (:15 1. In the patterns such as "don-na ni 000 tomo '/v ll' t:---  t," "doreda- ke 000 tomo 'tL t:.: t t -:  t," expresses an absolute determinationo English approximation: "no matter 0"" '(Jot * b < II  fJtA., II 1;1. L. A) :t - J v.! "'('   - @J  t:: a ' /v ll' t:  L < 8 j[ ;it  "'( ;It ; ",' a Gooru made ate hito-mawari da. Don-na ni adj. kurushiku I tome I ganbatte hashiru zo 0 One more lap until the finish lineo No matter how hard it may be, I'll give it my best and runo t: fJ' A., L. ::: t B) 'tL t::" tt  ra' h"h' h''; '1 , .: 1:t* t:: tt 1.1   "'( L .! b ll' tt tL 218 
Lr:G:\o Doredake jikan ga v. kakaroo I tome I , kono shigoto dake wa yatte shimawa-nakere ba nara nai 0 No matter how long it may take, I absolutely have to finish doing at least this jobo 2. After an adjective, indicates an approximate limito English approximation: "at least" "at most" .f  "'>L.? "I.- t: A)  < 8 * .! 1: t : I:J: j?  * f' < t:   \ 0 adj. Osoku I tome I raishuu made ni wa ohenji 0 kudasai. Please give me an answer by next week at the latesto ,, fJt 1"< .7,<t:.t? 11 tI B) .&. f' 4* L 1:  \  Iv 1: T h", jf'  < 8   I:J:  L  \  }}  \ .! T 0 Heya 0 sagashite-iru-n desu ga, adj. sukunaku I tome I roku-joo wa hoshii to omoi-masu. I'm looking for a room, and I'd like one that has at least six-tatami matso 3. At the end of a sentence, strongly and curtly expresses a decision or statement of facto English approximation: "000' all righto" A) h 111.-t? h h  i, *t:UFOf'Jtt:h'?J iJtt:8o J "Kimi hontoo ni UFO 0 mita no ka?" "v. Mita I tome I ." "Y ou really saw a UFO?" "I saw it, all righto" h  1?fJ t  11< > B)   M  it  \ t: 8 0 «: h" '" Iv ' .:   '1 b t t '  \ t:''; ? Kimi no kiki-chigai c. da I tome I . Boku ga son-na koto yuu wake nai daro? You misheard me, all righto You know there's no way I'd say 219 
something like that! TO-MO (:-1:) Combination particle A combination of the particles "to " and "mo t 0" Emphasizes the preceding nouno Not translatableo IJ T  t J:A.. /I) A) 8A 8 7 ;l I) h t: t::.  .! T 0  t: t::. 8   t? Ej t: 1J'IJ'tL.! -tt Ivh:, If A.. @ * '1 h' t? 5t  "'(*0 Asu amerika ni tachi-masu. n. Anata I to mo I toobun orne nl kakare-masen ga, dooka ogenki de. I'm leaving for the UoSo tomorrow. I won't be seeing you for a long time, but please take care of yourselfo It>fJ\A..  r.J.t T l;t'k f;, B) ¥rg8 "h '1 A h:, h 1t& ,t::.  U:.tJi.. o n. Keekan Ito mo I aroo hito ga, nusumi 0 hataraita to wa nee. (Can you believe that) a policeman (literally: someone who is a policeman) committed a theft! TO-MO-ARE (:-1:)-tt Combination particle A combination of the particles "to " and "mo t," and "are  h," from the verb "aru   (to be/exist)o" 1. After a noun or a nominal followed by "wa (,1," plays down its impor- tance. English approxim ation: "p utting aside 000" "never mind 000" >  @ I I .: t t.. fJ\>:bt> 'J J: .:  A) 1T  7t: (,1  t  tL , if-': i- 'j:;:fii:?1T  L 1 '1 10 220 
Ikisaki p. wa I to mo are I , kotoshi koso wa kaigai-ryokoo 0 shi-yoo yo 0 Putting aside the (issue of the) destination (for the time being), let's (agr ee to) fina lly go on a trip overseas this year. \ bIt I I A., i!t .t "} @ It"} fJt...,.: "} 1;t1 B)  \RL1 ttL , t--::>Lll'\T*;fXt:AtLll'\ 10 liwake p. wa I to mo are I , motto benkyoo shi-nai to kiboo-suru gakkoo ni haire-nai yo. N ever mind excuses; if you don't study more, you won't be able to get into the school of your choiceo 2. In the pattern "nani wa to mo are M 1.1  t  tL 0" English approximation: "in any case 000" >* A) 11 b  , j?  \ L '" 1 ll' 7- - k- ! J 1   \ t::. t::  \ t::.  1 0 M 1.1 I I ...,.f<  t tL , Jf-i!\t::.t: .! L J: 110 J "Uwaa, oi shi-soona keeki!" "Ima itadaita no yo. ph. Nani wa I to mo are I , sassoku itadaki-mashoo yo." "Wow, that cake looks good!" "(Someone) just gave it to uSo In any case, let's go ahead and eat it nowo" I I 1" IJ 1" @ .t  b B) 1Pi 1.1  t  tL , "'( I j: 8A 8  .:  t: L "'(,  8   .: .; I j:   .:  t: L.! L J: 10 ph. Nani wa Ito mo are I , subete wa asu no koto ni shite, kyoo no tokoro wa neru koto ni shi-mashoo. In any case, let's leave everything for tomorrow, and go to bed for tonighto 221 
TO-SHI-TE c-l.J-L' Combination particle A combination of the particles "to " and "te ""(," and "shi L," from the verb "suru T  (to do)o" 1. Indicates a position or a circumstanceo English approximation: "as" ::"1.- l! "t>;O>>fN> 1;I.fJ'h fJt?::..?t!>,(}.t?-ttI.-L.1O> 1 I t.f:. A)    7]<. ;*:k  t: I:J:, Jf- JlI  Iv I.r"*  1-\ =tz ;g -t-  L""( ;g IJ tL.! L t: o Kondo no sui ee-taikai ni wa, hayakawa-san ga n. gakkoo-dai- hyoo-senshu I to shi te I erabare-mashita. For the coming swim meet, Hayakawa was chosen as the athlete representing our school. it I.- t; ? I: 11 I.- t; I.- 1;1. t; i!t .t ?  > < ? B) :; 3 :/:Q;x  I:J: , 8 4' A I  L ""( I f7}  ""(, 7 ;l I) 7'J ""( ft 1f f'  t t t: 0 Jon manjiroo wa, n. nihonjin I to shi te I hajimete, amerika de kyooiku 0 uketa. John Manjiro was the first Japanese person (literally: the first person as a Japanese) to receive an education in the UoSo 2. Sets aside a topic for the time beingo English approximation : "let's leave the 000" IHt L. " t I I L. .t < t; A) ti Ll1i ""( T   L""( , .! T  * t: L .! L J: '1 0 Hanashi wa ate de v. suru I to shi te I , mazu shokuji nl shi- mashoo. Let's leave talking for later, and eat firsto I I fJ,tt 1;1.  L. B) '"  '1 b  I:J: '" tL  L""( , fit t: ':::H \ ""( I:J: .! t=.'  \ .;  \ .;  til;'   Iv t=.'lo 222 
Sono uwasa wa n. sore I to shi te I , kare ni tsuite wa mada iro-iro to hanashi ga aru-n da yo. That rumor aside, I have many other stories about him, you know. 3. Followed by a negative in the sentence or clause, shows that there are no exceptions to a categoryo English appro ximatio n: "not even ..0" vt 'J 1 1 (,A..t!, t bt<-tt' A) - J.... t: L --C .::  rCJj ,; ..'' t t: * 1:. ,.1 l \ ci --\t  --C L t: 0 n. Hitori I to shi te 1 kono mondai ga toketa gakusee wa i-masen deshita 0 There was not even one, among the students, who could solve this problemo 11< 'i:>'':i:> 1 1 1'.1'(7)1.:.1: (, V B )  ,.1 , - B t: L --C 1ft -k  .:: t:  I h ' l \ B ,.1 ' l \ 0 Boku wa, n. ichi-nichi I to shi te 1 kanojo no koto 0 omowa-nai hi wa nalo There isn't a single day that I don't think about hero TO-SHITE-MO C- U L -=b Combination particle A combination of the particles "to t:" and "mo t," and "shite L --C ," from the verb "suru T  (to do)o" 1. Indicates that a position or a circumstance is the same as that which was mentioned in a previous sentenceo English approx imation: "as for "0' also/too 0"" 1 t..: t..: It\ltA.. A) h t: L I t: L --C t , iJ' t:  ,t h ,.1 1 < h,;' 'J ci 1" 0 f5] L: 1 '1 'k&  ,;..'iJ 'J ci 1"';' Go 223 
n. Watashi I to shite mo  anata no nayami wa yoku wakari-masu. Onaji-yoona keeken ga ari-masu kara. As for me, too, I understand your worrieso I've also had similar experi enceso I I t:   J: ? r;lJ: ? G IJ (, A..t!\ b'A..b t B) P T A t: L "'( t , { #. 7ft  11i...t. 'f '1, rCJj N! t:.: t: ;;4f 'i.. ci 1" 0 n. PIA I to shite mo I , jugyoo-ryoo no ne-age wa, mondai da to kangae-masu 0 As for the PT A, (we) too, think that the increase in tuition is a problemo 2. Establishes a hypothetical situationo English approximation: "even if (you ) were to 0"" IJ A..  A..-tt \ I I b'G pit! A) h t: L '1 i-   t: '1 it nX. 1"  t: L "'( t , j?  '1  '1 tl:f  ci  o Watashi wa sono an ni wa v. sansee-suru I to shite mo I , okane wa ima wa dase-masen 0 Even if I were to agree to that proposal, I cannot give you any money nowo <oi b' b' I I :.A..  t.. B) Jt!.  }t l \ f} 'i..  t: L "'( t , Jj: t  ..::>t1 D t) 8 l \  t: L ci L J: "7 ho Kuruma 0 v. kai-kaeru I to shite mo I , kondo mo yappari shiroi no ni shi-mashoo nee Even if we were to buy a new car, we would stick with white, right? TO-SHITE-WA C- U L -( Combination particle A combination of the particles "to t:" and "wa '1," and "shite L "'( ," from the verb "suru 1"  (to do)o" Indicates a position or a circumstanceo 224 
English appro ximation: "as for" 1'.1'(7) t: J: I I 1'.1'11. .: t b A) 1ft -k t: L -C U: , 1ft  7' 0 ;j; - ;(    '11)'' I)' -;) t:  t: "h 1 0 n. Kanojo I to shite wa I , kare no puropoozu 0 kotowaru hoka nakatta no daroo. As for her, there was probably no other choice but to say no to his marria ge propos al. I I 1'.1'11. \ It A.. 1;1 A..t.: p B) h t: L t: L -C U: , 1ft    , : .&.  -C 1" 0 n. Watashi 1 to shite wa I , kare no iken ni hantai desu 0 As for me, I don't agree with his opiniono TO-WA C-r Combination particle A combination of the particles "to t:" and "wa U:o" 1. As a quotation, introduces the topico English approximation: "the (thing) that is called 000"  \?t.:\ A) 77 ':I 7 *-}v , - 1*-t:' t 't:::"h 10 n. Burakku-hooru I to wa I , ittai don-na mono na no daroo. What exactly is the thing that is called a black hole? -ttp t:  -ttp t: 1'.1' i 1'.1' B) J1.t5  , J1.t5  ,: t:, t 1£  -C j? l \ -C II \ t  -C iJ "h 11;' 0 n. Seeji I to wa I , seeji-ka ni dake makasete-oite yoi mono de aroo ka. That which is called Ugovernment," is it something that we should leave only in the hands of politicians? 2. As an emphatic version of "to t:," meaning "together with." English approximation: "with" 225 
f:.b' h <A.. ? IJ A) ht:L, t"'1 1t "'1d)t:ho Watashi, n. takami-kun I to wa I moo tsuki-au no yameta wao I've decided to stop being friends with Takamio t; btb  t.. J: ?b t ?.:? t (,t.:i:> B) 'J'JII  , 'J' ,*-tX  t:  1;' G i?b:i!-C-to n. Ogawa-san 1 to wa I , shoogakoo no toki kara no otomodachi desu no 0 I've been friends with Ogawa since grade school. 3. Placed at the end of a sentence as an exclamatory particle, expresses surprise, anger or some sort of emotiono English approximation: "to think that 0"" t.: It ? i:> < A.. p ? t.. J: ? It A...t') p  A..  J: oj j..  oj b' <  A) 1tJ*1, i) : t:- 1:. 4p-  L t:  t: tt:>:> t: o Takeuchi-kun, an-n a ni is shoo-kenmee benkyoo-shita no nl fu-gookaku c. datta 1 to wa 1 0 Takeuchi studied so hard and to think that he didn't pass! .: t t.. t:  ? I: b t ?  ?  v- f;t A.. Ii  B) t"'1  it- t + =- fJ  0 fJ B  t: "':)  'l M t: .!f- l \  t::'.; "'1 0 Moo kotoshi mo n. juuni-gatsu 1 to wa 1 0 Tsukihi no tatsu no wa nan to hayai no daroo. To think that it's already December! How quickly the days and months passo TO-WA-IE c-r-L ,;t Combination particle A combination of the particles "to t:" and "wa 'l," and "ie l \ ," from the verb "yuu l \"'1 (to say)o" Used as an adversative conjunctiono Inter- changeable with "to wa ii-nagara t: tl l \ l \ 'I;: G" or "to wa yuu mono no 226 
 'j: l \ "'1 t  o" English approximation: "even though" ?  .: t t.. Ii rJ  A)  f:fJ I  'j: l \ ;( I,  it- 'j: BN n t: B h'  l \ 0 n: Tsuyu I to wa ie I , kotoshi wa hareta hi ga ooi 0 Even though it's the rainy season, there have been many clear days this yearo I I G t!1v t:.b' B) .::  .i "':) t: ,t ,j: j? l \ L l \ 'j: l \ l \ .' h "  , -t" l \  '  1 i h"  l \ h 0 Kono matsutake wa adJ. oishii Ito wa ii nagara I , zuibun nedan ga takai ne 0 Even though this matsutake mushroom is good, it's really expen- sive, isn't it? TO- YUU c - L '-5 Combination particle A combination of the particle "to " and the verb "yuu l \"'1 (to say, called/named)o" 1 . Introduces a proper nouno English approxi mation: "000 called/named " j.. t: lv l I i I': 1!1v PI!Ivt:.b' i A) '( :r LL  l \"'1 LL 'j: , B * -CO - .  l \ LL -c 1" 0 n. Fujisan I to yuu I yama wa, nihon de ichiban takai yama desu. The mou ntain c alled Fuji-san is the tallest mountain in J apano I 1 t:J:-tt\ rJt B) T /'  -  l \"'1 -k 'li, j: ' J.... -C'1" h' 0 n. Nanshii I to yuu I josee wa do no hito desu ka? Which person is the woman named Nancy? 2. After a number, indicates that the quantity of something has reached 227 
that numbero English approximation: "numbering" "t otaling" ? fN\i< t: I.J\  iA..I:A.. 1 I vt  A) 7' 0 !f J*  r#J .. t"\ '* , : , 1i 7j A t: l \ '1 AI; " A 7  7 L ,: 4' L 1;' , t t::. o Puro-yakyuu no kaimaku-jiai ni, n. go-man nin I to yuu I hito ga sutajiamu ni oshikaketao For the opening game of baseball, people numbering fifty thousand rushed to the stadiumo t..:A..ilA..iP I 1 f:.1'J' \i:>I:i:>?  B) M 1- * t: l \ '1 3i < L I; " , - B -C'1[;  -w tt, t::. 0 n. Nan-zen mai I to yuu I takara-kuji ga, ichi-nichi de uri-kireta 0 Lottery tickets totaling several thousand were sold out overnight. 3. Placed after a phrase or a sentence, sets as a quotation and modifies the noun that immediately follows ito English approximation: "(something) that " lit.. trt .: -ttA.. t.. I I  A) *    I -f   1;'"1 -\ A 7- ''/ r ij- - Iv  1!.:t t: t: l \ '1 .: t:  tifi  .i L t::. 0 cl. Hayashi-san no musuko-san ga basuketto-booru no senshu da I to yuu I koto 0 kiki-mashita 0 I heard (the story) t hat Hayashi's son was a basketball playero II I I ii t..: t.. t.. A.. B) i? 1 t , t I; " -c-  t: l \ '1  U: i t L G tt, .i   0 cl. Obake ga deru I to yuu I hanashi wa shinjirare-masen 0 I cannot believe a story that claims that there are ghostso 4. Placed at the end of a sentence, follows a statement as a quotationo English approximation: "I hear" "they say" "it's said" iI'tt  J. t!P1'Jt<t.. I I A) 1JtJiX'j:** t:>? t::. t: l \ '1 0 228 
cl. Kare no sofu wa dai-gakusha datta I to yuu I . They say that his g randfat her was a great scholaro tl'1'.1't.. i i:> i I I B) * .::  IBJ 'l LL t.= ""? t:   \ oj 0 cl. Mukashi kono machi wa yama datta Ito yuu 1 0 It is said that this town used to be a mountain a long time agoo 5. Used between two repeated nouns, signifies every single one in that ca tegory 0 English approximation: "e very si ngle 000" .: :r) < Q i I I < 0 i Ii t.. A) 5  \   t: d),    \ oj  'l h  .' -7 1 r "':), t -c * ""? -c  \. 0 Koi kiri no tame, n. kuruma Ito yuu I kuruma wa min-na raito 0 tsukete hashitte-iru. Due to the dense fog, every single car is running with its headlights ono i"? tr  t:  ?  I:: .:  I:: .: b'"? B) j?  t) -c, *t tf'  jJJ I   \ oj I jJJ h'" j? h .:: L  !!  \ -c  \  0 Omatsuri de, mura-juu no n. otoko Ito yuu I otoko ga omikoshi o katsuide-iru 0 Since it is festival time, every single man in the village is helping to carry the portable shrineo TO- YUU-KOTO-W A c - L '-5 -  c - r Combination particle A combination of the particles "to " and "wa 'l," the verb 'yuu  \ oj (to say)" and the noun "koto .::  (fact/matter)o" Used in drawing a conclusion from the action/situation described in the previous sentenceo English approximation: "that means 000" 229 
1'.1'11. A.. t> I I t.. 141? i:> J: ? A) 1ft 1;' G ci t=. 'it t! I; 'I;' 1;' --:> -C .: ' l '0 t: l , "1 .: t: '1 , ci t=.' tl:f  1;' G b'i,. I)' --:> -C ' l , (/) t:'"h "1 0 Kare kara mada denwa ga kakatte-ko-nai 0 I To yuu koto wa I , mad a shucchoo kara kaette-nai no daroo 0 He hasn't called me yeto That means he probably hasn't come home from his business trip yeto TO-YUU-NO-WA(MO) c-L '5-(J)-( C=b) Combination particle A combination of the particles "to t:," "no (/)," and "wa(mo) '1 ( t )," and the verb "yuu l' "1 (to say)o" Explains a reason or a cause for an action or situationo English approximation: "the r eason (for t hat) 000" 1'.1'11. t:. I: A.. t.. A.. I I I:: (d.: i:> A) 1ft'11eA 1t L'  l '0 t: l' "1 (/) '1 , i!t: t=.' ci  tt-t: .: t: 1;'iJ  1;' G -C"T 0 Kare wa hito 0 shinji-nai. I To yuu no wa I , tomodachi nl damasareta koto ga aru kara desu 0 He doesn't trust other peopleo The reason (for that) is that he has been deceived by a friend in the pasto 1'.1'11. ,  A..b'' t..  I I IJ   t:  J: ? Ii t: B) 1ft '1  1[[ .:I:.   d) ci L t: 0 t: l , "1 (/) t , Jf L l , *"   f3 d) t: 1;' G -C- T 0 Kare wa saikin kaisha 0 yame-mashita. ITo yuu no mo I , atara- shii jigyoo 0 hajimeta kara desu. He recently quit his jobo The reason (for that) was that he started a new businesso 230 
TO-YUU-TO c:-L '5-c: Combination particle A combination of the particles "to t:" and the verb "yuu l \"'1 (to say)o" 1. As a conjunction, shows that whenever something occurs, something else also always happen so English approximation: "every" "every time" t! ) b t < -t! Iv "? IJ /I)  "?  J: ? t..  I I b' f;t  Ii A) .:  ** -c'j:, WI B ci -em -e t,    t: l \"'1 t: IX: f BN n   t:.: 10 Kono daigaku d e wa, zenjitsu made ame demo, n. sotsugyoo- shiki I to yuu to I kanarazu hareru no da yo 0 At this university, even if it were to rain until the day before, it always clears up on graduation dayo 2. At the beginning of the sentence, in drawing what seems like the natural conclusion judging from the preceding statemento English approximation: "if (we) say that, then 0"" bt<-tt) IJ t.. I I bt<-tt) A) * 1:. 'j:  . t: .:  ?: t:.. <   p ""? -C  h' G h 0 t: l \"'1 t: , * 1:. 'j: i) 1vJ:?  ci t) L -Cl\'l\l"'1 ':1*1.:;t ttt:.o Gakusee w a asobu tokoro 0 takusan shitte-ru kara ne. I To yuu to I , gakusee wa amari benkyoo-shite-inai yoo ni kikoe- ru kedo. Students know of lots of places to have fun, you knowo If we say that, then, it sounds like they're not. studying very much, but ... 231 
TTE -::> L Used in casual speecho 1. Introduces a quotation, similar to "to t: 0" English approximation: "000 say (that)" t? ?< r;lJ:?r;I  A) j? X  Ivl.r,'h, h t: L 1'f""? t: j? *+!! t: ""? -c t j? l \ L I)'",,? t: o Otoosan ga ne, cl. watashi no tsukutta oryoori tottemo oishi- katta I tte 1 0 Dad said that the dishes I cooked were really goodo 1'.1'11. :'lviliv   > B) 11th, 1!t*-C<n'l\h' g "'1lo Kare ne, cl. konban kite kurenai ka Ittel yuu no yo. He asked me if I could come over tonighto (literally: He said to me, could you come over tonighto) 2. An informal variant of "to yuu t: l \ "'1 ," modifies the noun that directly follows this particleo English approximation: "the (noun) called 000" T td 13{,t.. A) 'ffi tt  A * - '/ 'j:, 'h' ' h' UiJ 8 l \ h 0 n. Sumoo Ittel supootsu wa, naka-naka omoshiroi neo The sport called sumo is pretty interesting, isn't it? ii:> f.t fJ'?  ,B) =-;2 -:3 - 7 i1t'j:, 77'l \ tt t:i1;h"iJ  ho n. Nyuuyooku Ittel machi wa, kitanai kedo kakki ga aru neo The city called New York is dirty but full of life, isn't it? 3. Introduces the topic casuallyo English approximation: "(speaking of)" :.1> >,Q. I: A) ;f;f tJ  EJ f l \ Iv t.::' h , :k t: 1 < 11-:).. -c  t t t: 0 232 
n. Ookami I tte I kowai-n da ne, inu ni yoku niteru kedo. Wolves are vicious, even though they look a lot like dogso 1',)\ > 'lA,t? B)  L t.:*jI&it < * ? d. Ashita oosaka e iku I tte I hontoo? Is it true you're going to Osaka tomorrow? (literally: That you are going to Osaka tomorrow, is it true?) 4. In an interrogative sentenceo 1) Repeats that which was said by the other part Yo English approximation: "(You) are asking/saying ...?" A,-1tA, >  }.f1',)t t ?A, t!.  A)  \ ""? i JR t : it.: 1 h' ? 'tt L  \ h \ G  , I3 t tJ 0 cl. ltsu onsen ni ikoo ka I tte I ? Isogashii kara toobun dame da neo You're asking when we should go to a hot spring? Not for a while because I'm busyo   h':1 \...t:, ( B) t1ttlh\tt.J:1? .!f-\tJ, j:J.tT(/)o d. Moo dekake yoo I tte I ? Kimi hayai ne, shitaku-suru no. You're saying let's go already? You're quick at getting ready, aren't you? 1) Expresses a desire to confirm what was said by the other part Yo English approximation: "Is it true that ?" 1',)\q)t:J: h  A) 1ft -9; €: Ji h \ t t t.: ?  \ ""? , *,:"'c? cl. Kanojo 0 mikaketa I tte I ? Itsu, doko de? Is it true that you saw her? When and where? > 1',)t(  :::?'h'(  B)  *;g t: a.   -? t.:  "'{*T  ? }) d) "'{  1 .:''  \ .1 To cl. lgakubu ni gookaku nasatta-n desu I tte I ? Omedetoo 233 
gozalmasu 0 Is it true that you got into medical school? Congratulations! 5. In talking about hearsayo English approximation: "(they) say" "I hear" bt:.f,t  '/), A) 5Jt i!l  h-  h, *-:: t:J: -/] -7 - T v t":A -? t: h- t:: EJ 0 Watanabe-san chi ne, cl. ookina karaaterebi katta-n da I tte 1 0 I hear that the Watanabes bought a big color TVo '/)'"t:.. J:? 1:1f,t t... ::.1.- l: T <  B) -&(7) t!"'( Ii, J.t (7);j; - T A  \ '"? t .J: ry l' t:J:  \ h- t:' o Kachoo no hanashi de wa, cl. kondo no boonasu itsumo yori sukunai-n da I tte 1 0 According to what the section chief said, our bonuses this time will be less than usual. 6. In the pattern "datte t::' -? "'( 0" English approximation: "(he/she) says ..0" I:) 1£< 1J.f r: '/)'1.-  A) I? 5L   h-  L t: TAr 1;"   1;' ,   ;:' * ra' t:J:  \ h- t:  cl. Oniichan ash ita tesuto ga aru kara, boku to asobu jikan nai-n da I tte 1 0 My elder brother said that he has a test tomorrow, so he has no time to play with meo 1:1,/)'b >? l: ?  B) :1 /' 7 - lvh, .!f-JlI  h-1;"- t::'  0 cl. Konkuuru ne, hayakawa-san ga it-too da I tte 1 sa 0 They said that Hayakawa has placed first in the competitiono 7. The casual version of "tote "'("; poses a hypothetical situationo English approximation: "even if (I) were to ..0" >? t... J: oJ It 1.-jf)>1.-  J: oJ  >p t! < I.- A) - $. j4(t5f!l  L t:,  m  t: Ii 1;' t:J: h t:J:  \ 234 
Isshoo-kenmee v. benkyoo-shita I tte I , iida-kun ni wa kanawa- nai. Even if I were to study very hard, I couldn't compete with Iidao f,tlf  B) ,    ,t:  U: L     '0 Imasara v. nageita I tte I hajimara-nai 0 It wouldn't do any good to grieve nowo (literally: Even if I were to grieve now, it wouldn't do any goodo) W A (et FUNDAMENTALS OF "WA ti" First, note that the particle" U:" is read "wa," even though it is normally read "hao" Also, when reading a romanized sentence, you should note that "wa" has two hiragana possibilities: U:, which is the particle to be discus- sed here, and the particle h 0 Generally speaking, you can apply the following rule in deciding between the two choices: (0) If "wa" appears in the middle of a sentence after the subject (a noun or a nomina!), then it is the particle U:. (b) If "wa" appears at the end of a sentence or clause following a copula, verb, or adjective, the particle is h 0 For example: tL*"'tT[E]o Are /wal inu desu /wal o That is a dog.  235 
1. "Wall" as a topic marker in an affirmative sentenceo "wa Il" marks the topic or the subject by directly following it. The structure that is established, then, is a topic followed by a comment on that topic, where "wa Il" functions like "as for "0'" or "in referring to ...." Note that the particle "ga /;,'" also serves as a topic/subject marker, but is used differently (see po 34)0 t?t;",? A) 71:t /' i t.:'o n. Raion /wal moojuu da 0 As for lions, (they) are ferocious animalso  IlA, tr-r1')' B) .: (1)* ft L  '0 Kono n. hon /wal muzukashii. As for this book, (it) is difficulto  i t! t...",t;,(, C)  (1)A, L-L£B  h-(1) ,:'£A --C'''' 0 Ano n. hito /wal , yamada-san no goshujin desu 0 As for that person, (he) is Mrso Yamada's husbando 2. "Wa Il" as a topic marker in a negative sentenceo In a negative sentence, "wa Il" usually indicates a comparison, emphasis, or choiceo A) h t.: L @] 1t   -tt h- 0 n. Watashi Iwal iki-masen. 236 
As for me, I won't go./I'm not going to goo (Leo! will not go, but someone else probably will.) B) $- Iv'"' /' @]  ry  -tt h-o n. Boorupen /wal ari-masen. There is no ball-point peno (Leo There is no ball-point pen, but there are other writing instruments.) * Note that when the subject is an interrogative pronoun, "ga 1;"" is used instead of "wa U:" (see po 34)0 3. As an emphatic particleo 1) When the topic is the object of a verb, it is followed by "wa ';1," which em phasi zes it. 1')'blr< 1:1 A) I?1;" -1 .J: 0 n. Okane Iwal boku ga harau yo. As for the money, I'll pay (it)o (Leo but I may not be responsible for other thingso) t..."'<t!\ T B) ffi H!  t -1 5tr h- f:: o n. Shukudai Iwal moo sun-dao As for homework, (I) have already finished (it)o (Leo but I 237 
haven't finished doing other thingso) 2) Follows a particle or an adverbo A) ,""? t [ill / \" A "'t>ft   T 0 adv. ltsumo /wal basu de iki-masu 0 Usually, (I) go by buso r.H:  '? IJ B)  (1) A   t 111  i,' ,  -tt /VO Ano hito p. to Iwal moo tsuki-ai-maseno I'm not going to associate with that person anymoreo (literally: As for (relations) with that person, I'm not going to associate (with him/her) anymoreo) 3) Following a verb, adjective, or the particles "te ""(" or "de ""('0" A) t1 : &*ih[illL'h'G0 Moo nido to v. tanomi Iwal shi-nai kara sa 0 Look, I won't ever ask you (for this favor) again, so <1"1') q)  B)  Ii,  t::'fX/v ""(.. , '.J: 0 Kusuri wa, mada non p. de /wal i-nai YOo As for the medication, I haven't taken it yet. C) -r: (1) 1 h , 1 -r: ""('[ill' '(1).J: 0 Sono uwasa, use p. de Iwal nai no YOo That rumor isn't a lie, you knowo 4. Indicates a contrast between two topicso V'QIJ'? J:Qtr  1£< .:"} A) JEt. :I- <,    '0 -r: tLh'1'5 (1) iJt:.o n. Hiru /wal atsuku, n. yoru Iwal samui. Sore ga sabaku no kikoo dao Days are hot, and nights are cold. That is the climate of the deserto 238 
B) .: tL [ill h t.: L (1), -r: tL [ill   t.: (1) 0 r:, i{ ;t   \ "'t 0 n. Kore Iwal watashi no, n. sore Iwal anata no. Machigae-nai de. This is mine, that is yourso Don't get them mixed upo 5. In the pattern" 000 (de)wa 000 (da)ga -... ( "'t) Ii -... (t.:') h"," indicates that the speaker is recognizing another view or giving way to somethingo English approximation: "000' (to be sure) 000" I.- b  -c '/)th t! A) -l;h"t  t:h"tt.:h", -t- t ttl L"'t j:?.: '10 Denwa 0 kakeru p. ni /wal kaketa ga, tegami mo dashite okoo. I did telephone (to be sure), but I'll also send a letter. Ill.- J:  J: trr'/)' B) ':(1)*, MtL't:fClvt.:h", ftL <"'t  .J: < hh'\o Kono hon, yomu p. ni Iwal yonda ga, muzukashiku te amari yoku wakara-nai 0 I've read through this book (to be sure), but it's so difficult that I couldn't understand it well. WA P 1. Found in women's languageo I) Placed at the end of a sentence, serves to soften the statement. Not translatableo "I.-  (Qi '/). t... 13 A) , t.:'o J¥.(1)fJt, -Gth't:.:.: t:ii\"'t j:?\t.:lvt.:'t o Ara, hen c. da Iwal o Kuruma no kagi, tashika ni koko ni oite- oita-n da kedo 0 Hmm, this is strangeo I'm certain I put the car keys here, but 000 B)  , T"'t  t.: [E] h ,  /;J.' t.: (1) F v A 0 239 
Ara, suteki c. da /wal ne, anata no doresu 0 Wow, your dress is so niceo 1',),tL "tI',(, b tH  C) -r: '1 tJ,  \  T <. 1ft t :   L t '1 '1 h"  \  \  I '1  0 500 ne, ima sugu kare ni denwa-shita hoo ga ii to v. omou Iwal . Well, yes, I think it would be better to call him right nowo 2) Expresses a casual exclamationo Not translatableo .t?-r  -; .:: A) ...t. -t- t.::' [B, .:: C1)  0 "$ --t  h- h" h'  \ t h- --C'T -? --C 0 Joozu c. da /wal , kono e. Sachiko-san ga kaita-n desut tee This drawing is done well! Sachiko drew it, I hearo 1;  .t?IJ",? 1;1; 1;t, B)   \ t  ' f 1t -? --C  h- : t : *-   \  I ;L h : h' -? t t C1) 0 v. Odoroita Iwal , kyooryuu tte an-na ni ookii to wa omowa- nakatta mono 0 I'm surprised! I hadn't thought that dinosaurs were that bigo 2. In making a list in an exclamatory toneo Not translatableo G'?  }  .::,(,  1',)' iF A) 1.& l;t --C.  , C1) 'I;t   \  '  J.t C1) Jl.7J l;t U' . h' -? t 0 Netsu wa v. deru Iwal , node wa adj. itai Iwal , kondo no kaze wa hidokatta 0 I had a fever, and a sore throat; this cold was pretty severe. T "tI' "tI'  f;t,(,rJ< t! B) 7 I) C1) Jit  ""?""?  \ t , ttl   ttl  , M '8   \ '1 7 I) h.;";t  \ ttl L --C  t 0 Ari no su 0 tsutsuitara, v. deru /wal v. deru Iwal , nan-byaku to yuu ari ga hai-dashite kita 0 When I poked at the anthill, several hundreds of ants came flooding out (they just kept coming out (literally: came out and came out))o 240 
VA  FUNDAMENTALS OF "YA " The basic function of the particle "ya "is similar to that of the particle "to " (see Po 200)0 It lists nouns, phrases and clauses like the word "and" in Englisho However, whereas "to " refers to specific, clearly defined things, "ya "refers more to a categoI:Y, and makes the thing more vagueo Compare: '/)\ \.,  q) tq) t ) a) to 7 .::. ';1 7 t: Ii I? -rL£Jh  # -? "'t 1T   L J: '1 0 Pikunikku ni wa n. okashi I to I n. nomimono 0 motte iki-mashoo. Let's bring some candies I and I drinks on the picnico '/)\ l,..  q) tq) t 1 to 7 .::. \;1 7 t: Ii I? -rL!Jh  # -? "'t 1T   L J: '1 0 Pikunikku n i wa n.okashi Ivai n. nomimono 0 motte iki-mashoo. Let's bring I something like I candies and drinks on the picnico 241 
1')t -:>':: "}}  1')\ t c1)}  "(,(, t..."" } b) * -tX  1T <    x  \  t : 1T <   l;t 0 'i" "'{'1T   T 0 n. Gakkoo e iku toki I to I n. kaimono ni iku toki wa jitensha de clause clause iki-masu 0 I ride my bicycle (only when I) go to school I and I go shoppingo 1')t-:>.::"}}  1')\ tc1)}  "(,(,t..."" } * -tX  1T <   L!J X  \  t : 1T <   l;t 0 'i" "'{'1T   T 0 n. Gakkoo e iku toki I ya I n. kaimono ni iku toki wa jitensha de clause clause iki-masu 0 I ride my bicycl e to go to school and to go shopping, (and to go I to other places 1 )0 1. Placed after a noun, loosely refers to it and other things that are also present or similaro English approximation:" and 000 (among other things/places)" tc1)13  "(,(,t..."" A) ii t: 0 'i"L!J A  -0'- L  -? "'{  ry  To 242 
Mono-oki ni n. jitensha I ya I sukii ga shimatte ari-masu. In the storage room, there is a bicycle and a pair of skis (among other things)o  - "?"t  r.>  fJ'A- it A-}A- B) I 1*-h -'C, * T JvL!J1Rtg Ii . .:: t. 5t£J  t::. o Natsu-yasumi de, n. hoteru Iyal ryokan wa doko mo man-in dao Since it is summer vacation, hotels, inns and the like are fully bookedo  ? t.:fJ't..<A- t.:A-t:? ittQ<A-.I) .:  C) 8Ii./\-T1-t:-?t:o L!Jwft?IvL!J t t it.: t < A- fJ' J: .I)"? Ef t?  Iv L!J  , 1'f  L I; { h Iv  .1 -? t:  l 0 Kyoo wa takashi-kun no tanjoo paatii datta no. n. Mamoru-kun I ya I n. asako-chan I ya I n. tomo-chan I ya I makoto-kun, nakayoshi ga min-na atsumatta no yo. Takashi had a birthday party todayo All his good friends like Mamoru, Asako, Torno, Makoto, among others, got together. 2. Indicates that an action is immediately followed by another actiono Shortened version of "000 ya ina ya -..,  \  " (see po 247)0 English approximation: "as soon as" "when" "the moment 000" fJ'(1)t: It< "tfJtt.: h  }fJ' 11<I:1"? A) 1rt*li, 1(JtL!J, 'Mry 41tt:o 243 
Kanojo wa, boku no sugata 0 v. miru Iya I , ikari 0 bakuhatsu saseta 0 As soon as she saw me, she went into a fit of angero t: t.. A.. 1:1 ? 1t )   t.. J: ? .", J: -; t:. t!. "?  II- Ih) Ii -; t!. B) :tt!?  n'   T  L!J,   IT U: @. t? t : 5 ,It  $rl f' ttl L t: 0 Jishin ga v. hassee-suru Iya I , kishoo-choo wa tadachi nl tsunami-keehoo 0 dashita 0 As soon as the earthquake happened, the Meteorological Agency issued a tidal wave warningo 3. Placed at the end of a sentence in men's language. I) Used in casually coaxing or inviting actiono English approximation: "shall we?" "would we?" "t.: 1:1t.. fJ'i,.  A) .1 , t -1 ' L t! f' L --C n' G w  -1 L!Jo Maa, moo sukoshi hanashi 0 shite kara v. kaeroo Iya 1 0 Well now, let's talk a little more before we go home, shall we? u. f:. )  B) :z L ..:. ry t:, -1  5 --C t  '" t : ff':: -1 L!J 0 Hisashiburi ni, unagi demo tabe ni v. ikoo Iya 1 0 It's been a long time (since we had some), so let's go and have unagi or something, shall we?  < C) t -1  d) l -1 L!J, '/ 7 r ;j- - J v 0 ;c  ;c  8 <  --? --C  t: l 0 cl. Moo yame-yoo Iya I , sofutobooru 0 Soro-soro kuraku-natte kita yo 0 Let's stop playing softball, shall we? It's getting darko 2) Expresses a sense of resignation, helplessness or some sort of emotiono Not translatableo ,J,.II- .: It<  t t.. fJ'f:.  A) :>C-rIv, 1(#t?hn'--? --C < .n\lvt:o .1 1:t7jn'\L!Jo 244 
;c  -1 t? h 1;' --? "'"( < J1,   0 Fumiko-san, boku no kimochi wakatte-kure-nai-n da. Maa cl. shikata-ga-nai Iyal o Sono uchi wakatte-kureru sa. Fumiko won't try to understand how I feel. Well, there is nothing I can doo I hope she'll understand me some dayo  >.", l: t3 B) .1, q\L!J0 t-1-Itry;c-1o Maa, adj.ll lya I . Moo ichido yari-naosoo 0 Forget ito I'll do it over againo (/)t!.<A-    C) mJm, -li-Jlv7v/ FI;"tl:L*-f:lvf:'--?"'"(o -1 G.1 L\L!Jo Sonoda-kun, gaaru-furendo ga dekita-n datte. adj. Urayamashii o I hear that Sonoda has a girlfriend nowo I'm enviouso  * b D ) , ;j-: - J Iv I; "  f: --? "'"(  -Ii "7 A I; " tlJ J1, t?  --? f: 0 * -1 t: t  G   \  ,,* L!J 0 h Iv  "'"("aM ry t:  \ .:: -1 l 0 A, booru ga atatte mado-garasu ga warechatta 0 cl. 000 ni mo nara-nai Iyal o Min-na de ayamari ni ikoo yo. Oh no, the ball broke the window ! We can't do anything about ito Let's all go and apologizeo 4. After the name of the party addressed, softens the tone of the entire sentenceo Mainly used by elderly peopleo Not translatableo J: t.. .:  1:1 r.> > t t t3 A) wf L!J, t? J: --?  t t:, f'1m. L "'"( t? < J1,"'"(*   \ 1;'  \ ? n. Yoshiko Iya I , chotto hari ni ita 0 tooshite okure-denai ka i? Y oshiko, my dear, will you thread the needle for me?  !lot? 'kA-t:J:?r.1 B) t? L  \  Iv L!J '  8 1.1  : f:    8 "'"(* T l 0 n. Ojiisan I ya I , kyoo wa anata no tanjoobi desu yo 0 245 
My dear old man, today is your birthday, you knowo 5. In set phrases such as "mata mo ya .1 t: t " and "mashite ya .1 L "'t ," intensifies the meanings of "mata mo .1 t: t" (again) and "mashite .1 L "'t" (even more)o Not translatableo It < \(1) t: J: .: A) 1( 1.1 , .1 t: t I  1 1ft * f' 'M G 12-"'t L .1 ':) t: 0 Boku wa, ph. mata mo Iyal kanojo 0 okorasete shimattao I ended up making her angry yet again.  J: tlA..  ? < "? .: t t.. B) .::  F v A,  Jf- "'t" ::- ;t  !ili t:: ':) t:  1:. 0 .1 L "'t I  I ,  Jf- 1.1 .1 t: J. t I:h> 1.\. ':) t: t , A  Ii T n'-   \ h 0 Kono doresu, kyonen de sae kyuukutsu datta no yo. adv. Mashite Iya I , kotoshi wa mata futotta mono, hairu hazu-ga- nal wa 0 This dress was too tight for me last year eveno So it's even more true that I can't fit into it, because I put on extra weight this yearo y AI L' 1. Used in calling out to someone, with a tone of familiarity or scorno Not translatableo ,,  < A.. -c \ A) k tit   ' t? J: ':)  t? C' ::- Iv t : -+ f' )t L "'t < J1, 0 n. Akio-kun I yai I , chotto ojisan ni te 0 kashite kureo Akio, come lend me (your uncle) a hand for a bito It trt.. ':h  B)   n "f  \ ?  \ < C'  L  0 Kemushi ga kowai no? n. Ikujinashi I yai 1 0 You're scared of caterpillars? You coward! 246 
2. At the end of a sentence, creates an exclamatory, curt statemento Not translatableo 1:1"" 11<  A) ;ci*'::hLt:1(L'\o Sono hachi kowashita no cl. boku ja nai Ivai 1 0 I'm not the one who broke that flower pot! h 1:.(7)  B) t -1  t:: 1v1.J'rt1   \ o Moo kimi ni nanka v. tanoma-nai Ivai 1 0 I'll never ask you for a favor again! Y A-INA- Y A - L ,tel: - Combination particle A combination of the particle "ya ," the adverb "ina  \ (not)" and the particle "ya  0" Indicates that an action is immediately followed by another actiono English approximation: "as s oon as ... " t...t:A.. t...-:>""J:1 fJ'i,. I I fJ' -t! G': A) 1A 1.1 ttl /)' G I)W    \   , J!t)J  --C1v -'e L .1 -? t: o Shujin wa shucchoo kara v. kaeru I va ina va I , kaze de nekonde shimatta. My husband, as soon as he came back from his business trip, took to bed with a cold. hfJ't(7) 1* I I fJ'  B)   U: . t: .1 t: I.J'    \   , ,Ii t t  -? t: 0 Wakamono wa uma ni v. matagaru I va ina va I , kake-satta 0 The young man, as soon as he got on the horse, galloped awayo 247 
y ARA  b 1. Following an interrogative or a word indicating uncertainty, empha- sizes the uncertaintyo Not translatableo 1£< l;t fJ> If) A) 1( cry }J t:  \  A., I j:  b {t.: <  A., X t t "'t  \  cry "'t , M f'  --? "'t  \  (cry) I  G I  --? Ij:° ry h b' G   \ 0 Boku no ojiisan wa ha ga takusan kakete-iru no de, nani 0 v. itte-iru (no) I yara I sappari wakara-nai. Since my grandfather is missing lots of teeth, (I) can't understand what he's saying at all. t.t bT B) V'  \ }J Ij:   A.,b'*t: <  --? t.: cry Ij:,  \""? cry .::  t: --? t.:  .n"'t L .1 --? t.: l 0 Hii-obaasan ga nakunatta no wa, itsu no koto c. datta I yara I wasurete shimatta YOo I've completely forgotten when it was that my great-grandmother passed awayo 2. In the pattern "to yara   G," to make a statement more vagueo English approximation: "000 or something/someone" t'b> h  vt  A)  Jt    \ oj A b {}J 13 ,: b' b' ry t.:  \ ?c oj "'t T 0 Takami p. to I yara l yuU hito ga ome-ni-kakari-tai soo desu. Someone named Takami or something says he would like to see YOUo  'b) t IJn I B) ;t *'  A., t j: , *.::  I  G I h t.: L cry i$ , : 11.:A "'t  \  0 Sakamoto-san wa, doko p. to I yara I watashi no ane ni nite-iru. Mso Sakamoto somehow resembles my elder sistero 248 
3. In the pattern" 000 yara 000 yara ,....., G,....., G," followed by a negation, indica tes an indecision between the choiceso English approximation: "000 or 000" tr"t.: Jz:;Jz:; l.,.,. t:A.. trT .: A) I 1- t *  <  --? "'t,  --? t? 1;: .i. A    ''J I  G I  -r    ''J IGI , i&tl;'"?I;'\o Musuko mo ookiku natte, docchi ga shujin no n. shatsu I yara I musuko no n. shatsu I yara I , miwake ga tsuka-nai. My son has grown up, and I can't tell which are my husband's shirts and which are my son'so   ? IJ.&.  .&.  'b>  B)  8 LIf:fuI;'   G   \ o .1  *t:tt tj:# --?"'t  \-= ") 0 Kyoo wa ame ga furu p. no I yara I fura-nai p. no I yara I . Maa kasa dake wa motte ikoo. (I wonder) if it will rain today or noto I'll bring an umbrella (just in case)o 4. Lists two or more items, with the implication that other items exist as well. English approximation: "and 000 (other things)" A)  L t: tj: 7 ') A -< A, t?  \ L  \ -= t? ;c 1 1  G 1 7 -  I  G I t: <  Iv 1'f ry .1 L J: 1 t:l o Ashita wa kurisumasu, oishii n. gochisoo I yara I n. keeki I yara I takusan tsukuri-mashoo neo Tomorrow is Christmas Day, let's make lots of good food and cakes (and other things)o 249 
'7;(' ,) J.? J. 1:1 f;t  B) J:   -r .1 t: :k w t t Iv I.J 'I.J' .1 --? t: lot  f'  t t   h d) <  t:.''''1v , *t:'t:t. Ue no kai de mata fuufu-genka ga hajimatta yo. Mono 0 v. nageru I yara I v. wameku I yara I , taihen da naa 0 The couple upstairs has started fighting againo They're throwing things and screaming (at each other) (and doing other things), it's quite somethingo 5. Placed at the end of a sentence, expresses a casual remark addressed to oneself with a tone of uncertaintyo English approximation: "I wonder 000"  J:? t...1v ,f;t-J"t" f;tlv'if -J  A)  8 t 1 A Ii .}:J ry t: ttl h' t t t: 0 1PJ [!1 ¥J --? --C <  ()  0 Kyoo mo shujin wa sakana-tsuri ni dekaketao Nan-biki v. tsutte- kuru (no) I yara 1 0 My husband went fishing again todayo I wonder how many he'll catch and bring back?  < of <  'Iv )t,  'Iv L.?  J.1v 1" 'G1) t.. J: .: B) #.'g *  %= Fa' f' - %= Fa' + li.  t i&l  t:  t:, 1ft * Ii .1 t:' *- t:t.  \ 0 * J1, t:' t t 1 t: ::- J1,  () I   I Yakusoku no jikan 0 ichi-jikan juugo-fun mo sugita no nl, kanojo wa mad a ko-nai. Doredake v. mata-sareru (no) I yara 1 0 Even though it's an hour and fifteen minutes past the time we're supposed to meet, she hasn't come yet. I wonder how long I'll be kept waiting? 250 
YO  1. Placed at the end of a sentenceo I) Transforms the sentence into an exclamationo Not translatableo 'G1)t:J: 1:1t.tJ:iJ')1"tt.: 11A..t?  A) 1rt*1t. 4?, *-  t: .n  \ t::'--? t: o Kanojo no hanavome-sugata, hontoo ni kiree c. datta Ivol . She looked really beautiful in her wedding dress! .tA...f oj 1" "'C   B)   t: ;'jIi :tt:.. --? t: h o Anata no ensoo suteki datta p. wa Ivol . Your performance was really splendido 2) After an interrogative pronoun, adds a tone of criticismo Not translata- bleo A) ;c ;iU!j:Mt:'[IJo A";j-: /' IJ' G   ';! 1J';'LIh  L --C  \  L'    \ lJ'o So no kakkoo wa ph. nan da Ivol o Zubon kara shatsu ga hami dashite-iru ja nai ka 0 What's with your attire? Your shirt's hanging out of your pantso .? t.t t!. ''?t.:,  B) I t : ir.  ttl L t: ry L --C, -1$-  -1 L t:   0 Kv uu ni naki-dashitari shite, ittai cl. doc shita no Ivol . (Y ou) suddenly burst into tears, what in the world is the matter? 3) Emphasizes a commando Not translatableo IH>   f?? i>< A) !f- < -t-'"'  o *t:ii.n  ;co Havaku v. tabero Ivol . Gakkoo ni okureru zoo Eat quickly, already! You'll be late for school. 251 
t!. .. t: t.. J: '? fJ\ t3 .: B)  --? "'t f:t f' 1t --? t: < G  \ "'t, ;c Iv  t:    [IJ 0 Damatte' jisho 0 tsukatta gurai de, son na ni okoru p. na Iv o 1 0 Don't get so angry at me just for using your dictionary without ask ing you! 4) After the form "00 j:? j:? (-1)" or "yoo l -1 0" Emphasizes a statement of suggestiono Not translatableo "'C A..   A.. It  \  A)  q \ j:?  ft t: 0 f  t: "'t t ff':: -1  0 Ii otenki dao Sanpo ni demo v. ikoo Ivol o It's nice out. Let's go take a walk or somethingo t1   B) b;z, j:?XIv, j:?TL,",l-1o Nee, otoosan, osushi v. tabe voo Ivol o Say, Dad, shall we have sushi? Expresses an emotional stateo Not translatableo < h  C)  Iv "'t 8  \ it  Iv "'t L J: -1  0 Nan te kurai michi na-n c. deshoo Ivol o What a dark road (this) is! fJ\(1)t:J: IJt:. "t"  It< D) 1Ft * t : 1.1 Jf L  \ ;j"{ - 1 7 v /' F I.J' tl:L* t: G L  \ 0 1( cry .::   Iv I.J' T < h1"  .n  t::. -1 o Kanojo ni wa atarashii booi-furendo ga dekita rashii. Boku no koto nan ka sugu wasureru c. daroo Ivol o I've heard that she has a new boyfriend. I'll bet she'll forget about me very soon! 2. Placed at the end of a clause or a sentenceo I) Expresses an exclamatory addresso Not translatableo fJ\h ..t A) ,  ' j:?  ry < t::.   \ 0 252 
n. Kami Ivol , omamori kudasai. God, please protect meo t» .;  \ b < A, I"i:l l;t  (1) It It \., tI B) t?-\! i¥-, .!f- (1f,:>"'(,: \J:o T';r L \@.t.o Ooil n. Hiraiwa-kun Ivol , hayaku nobotte koi vo. Subarashii keshiki da zo. Hey! Hiraiwa, come climb up quickly! It's a great view! 2) As a "filler" particle placed at pauses in a sentence, to catch a breath or call something to the attention of the party addressedo Not trans- latableo t ? fJ> i.. I"i:l A) t? x:  .;f t, ':> "'( .:   \ (/) ? V' J: ':>  T .:,  t  ' t? L   (/) ? t;. J: t:':>"'(  \.:, (/)1;' t L n1J.' \,fJo Otoosan mada kaette ko-nai no? Hvotto suru to c. da Ivol , ojisan no uchi ni votte-iru no kamo-shirenai nee Your father's not home yet? There's a chance that maybe he has stopped by your uncle'so it A,\t;. I"i:l f:.fJ''; \? t? I>f:. B) 7j-t, $: ( L(/)-I;"' ':>t  #1 T.:, ? Man-ichi c. da Ivol , takara-kuji no it-too ga atattara doo suru? Let's say that by a one-in-ten-thousand chance, you won the lottery, what would you do? YORI J:  1. Makes a comparisono Also in the forms "yorika J:  I;," or "yorimo J:  to" English approximation: "than" 253 
la, A) ::. (/)   ::.' U:,  (/)   ::.' [Ii] *-  l \ "'CT 0 Kono ringo wa, ana n. ringo I yori I ookii desu 0 This apple is big ger than that appleo I I  . B) h t: L U:,  t:J: t: .J:  (I.J' . t) 1f;Q" l \0 Watashi wa, n. anata I yori(ka/mo) I se ga takai 0 I'm taller than YOUo u C2  .I: ? 1> t I I trrfJ\ C) . 8 (/) TAr '.;L"? t: .J:  (;Q' . t) ft L < t:J:;Q'"? t: 0 Kyoo no tesuto wa v. omotta I yori(ka/mo) I muzukashiku- nakatta 0 Today 's exam was l ess difficult than I had expectedo I I .I:? tr D)  (/) 1 .J:  (;Q' . t)  8 (/) '11 ;Q;-r"?   l \ 0 n. Kinoo I yori(ka/mo) I kyoo no hoo ga zutto samui 0 Today is much colder than yesterdayo 2. Establishes a boundaryo Often followed by a word describing time, distance, or positiono English approximation: "than" It < fJt? ;: ? ;(.   -r it;(. A)  t:  (/) * * '.;1, R  -t- wr t :   :1 T 0 Boku tachi no gakkoo wa, n. eki I yori I temae ni ari-masu 0 Our school is before the station. (i.e. closer to us than the stationo) -j L...I: < L..t;.  "t B) :1 t:' j:-) t:J: ;Q' ;Q,'T l \ --C l \ t:J: l \ t:J: G, 7  '.;1...e *  1 t: L :1 L .t 1 0 Mada onaka ga suite-inai nara, yuushoku wa n. shichi-ji I yori I ate ni shi-mashoo 0 254 
If you're not hungry yet, let's have dinner after seven o'clocko (literally: later than seveno) 1;1 < -ttA..? t;.:btb it C) if; - L (7) a   J*J f --CO j:-) *  < t:.:  l \ 0 Hoomu no n. hakusen Iv ori I uchigawa de omachi kudasai. Please wait inside the white line on the platformo (literally: at a more inner location than the white lineo) 3. In the pattern "yori hoka J: ry Lllr," followed by a negation, shows that matters are limited to what precedes the particle and nothing elseo English approximation: "(nothing else) to do besides 0"" "t"A.. b ?? 'f.l:b'  < A.. ? t;. \  A) '1 L --C t  * I.J';' i! L  l \ 0 .: 1 "? --C '.1, t:p   (7)   1T <  Lll.J'l\o 000 shite mo denwa ga tsuuji-nai. Koo natte wa, nakava-kun no uchi e v. iku I vori I hoka nai. I can't get through on the phone no matter whato This being the case, there's nothing (I) can do except go to N akaya's houseo .:I.,.I:? ? '> it  B) 7- - 7' Iv fJ -1.J,;'r. --C'fi.1I.J'  l \ 0 tH..:,:1 --C'*""?  '11.J'  l \ tJ o Keeburukaa ga koshoo de ugoka-nai 0 Naoru made v. matsu I vori I hoka nai ne 0 The tramway is out of order and not runningo There's nothing to do but wai to 4. In formal or written language, indicates the starting point of time or space for an actiono In colloquial usage, "kara I.J' G" is usually used in its placeo English approximation: "from" I., A..:b'A..1t A.. l<\t;..:' I::b> 'k  1,;..   < 1/ A..1t A..  I:? 1.,... A) JfV'I.J' ry -Tt 1T  '.1, + *. L :1 To 255 
Shin-kansen hikari-ichi-goo hakata-yuki wa, n. juuroku-ban-sen I yori I hassha-shi-masu 0 Shin-kansen Hikari N 00 1 to Hakata will be leaving from track No. 160  .1:" iN>  >t;. t: I;it: B)  8 (7)   ,.;1 - *  fj:1 ry :1 T 0 Kyoo no kaigi wa n. ichi-ji I yori I hajimari-masu 0 Today's meeting will start from one o'clocko 5. Used with an interrogative noun such as "doko #.: (where)," "dare t: n (who)," "nani M (what)," etco, to indicate that which follows it is the best. English approximation: "no better than"  b -t> >t;.I;U, A) #.: I.J"I.J,;.-.t:.tJo n. Doko I yori I wagaya ga ichi-ban da ne. There is no better place than our homeo B) :1 ,  ry t: -c (7) -j- 7/, M [II] (7) t (7)   ry I.J:  1 .:'' l \ :1 T 0 Maa, toritate no nashi, n. nani I yori I no mono 0 arigatoo gozaimasu. My goodness, (these are) freshly picked pears; thank you so much (for giving us something that cannot be surpassedo) h  l;i-t> l;it.. C)  ,.;1 t:n  ( t).!f- < *"? t: tJ o Kimi wa n. dare I yori I (mo) hayaku hashitta nee You ran faster than anyone else, didn't you? 6. Indicates the basis for conclusions, results, etco English approximation: "on the basis of" "from" ., t...I:., t..-\!' ,H>t..",., t..A..  It? fJ'   A) to 7' / . :J /' 7 - Iv (7) it JJ# ;f ,.;1  L t: (7)     (7) f.5 * t:  5:*: 256 
6f:> :1 T 0 Piano konkuuru no Vuushoo-sha wa ash ita no saishuu-shinsa no kekka p. ni I vori I kime-masu. The winner of the piano competition will be selected on the basis of the results of the final performance tomorrowo '::A..iI'\ CA..'::?t;._.l:?  I.: IIA.. CA...::? <\t;.< I.: -t!"A..itA..I':A.. B) @) t1) A 0 m 1t t:, 8 *' t1) A 0 '.1-i'::' -f-7J A  h I.J'"? t.: o Konkai no jinkoo-choosa p. ni I vori I , nihon no jinkoo wa V aku ichi-oku ni-sen-man nin to wakatta. From this census, it's understood that the population of Japan is about one hundred twenty milliono 7. In the pattern "to yuu yori  l \ 1 J: ry ," indicates that a person/thing seems to be or is considered to be something other than what it iso English approximation: "more of a 000 than ..." \l:? < A..  ii' il t < l,o\!' A) ii ni '.1, E'  q, A"7 /'  l \ 1 *+*;f t: o Saitoo-kun wa, bijinesuman ph, to yuu I vori I kagakusha da. Saito is more of a scientist than a businessmano  hf?h ?h B) *-  l \  c:b! .: n ,.1 jMJ  l \ 1   t: 0 Ookii naal Kore wa mizuumi ph, to yuu Ivoril umi dao It's so big! It's more like an ocean than a lakeo ZE if Found in men's languageo Used only in casual conversation among colleagues 'or with those whose supposed social status is below that of the speakero 257 
To elicit an agreement from the party addressedo Not translatableo J:1,l>ii'(A.. ii'ii'I)"".!:? 'b  A) "6 f.i'i]  1.J,;'1 -& t:  .:,  t:' 0 h.   "'C j:-) JL l \ L .J: 1 L!J 0 Yoshioka-kun ga kakari-choo ni naru-n da. Min-na de v. oiwai- shiyoo I ze 1 0 Yoshioka is going to become an assistant section chiefo Let's all celebrate (for him)o ,* H? ii' II? -r .:A.. l!  B) .;f"'C ,.;t;. 8 ;7 .i. t::'-? t: 0 t:::1.J ';',  Jt ,.;t  "?  7 I ":J   6f:> .:, L!J 0 Ima made wa mikka-boozu datta. Daga, kondo wa kitto tabako o v. yameru Izel o Until now, I couldn't keep a resolution past three dayso However, this time, I'm really going to quit smokingo zo  Placed at the end of a sentence or a clause, emphatically states one's opinion or judgement. Found in men's languageo Not translatableo H 11( -tt t:.ii'  A) .J: ry (7) '111.J,;'1f1.J';' l \ liJo Kimi yori boku no hoo ga se ga adj. takai I zo I . I'm taller than you! 1,A..''''' f.t  B) '1 , .-, tf.:, liJo Hora, shin-ichi, v. nageru I zo I . Look, Shin-ichi, I'm going to throw (the ball)! 258 
ZUTSU ::> Establishes equal divisionso English approximation: "000 at a time" "(quantity) each ..." A)  h "  l \ (7) --c , i l \ t (7) ,;t ; L If  I L h' h ' 61) :1   0 Ha ga warui node, katai mono wa n. sukoshi I zutsu I shika kame-masen 0 Since I have bad teeth, I can only chew tough things a little at a timeo */0; fJt 11/0; '?"? fJ' B) 51 @J (7) ,*, -1Ht L!.2J t.:.   < --C, t"?  t: <    L --C .J: 0 Manga no hon, n. is-satsu I zutsu I ja naku te, motto takusan kash ite yo 0 Don't lend me comic books one at a time; let me have a lot more (at once)o 1'.It?",?, ,/o; t:. I')  C) *(7) 7 "7 At: t, * *  h"'::'AL!.2J l \ :1 To Dono kurasu ni mo, gakkyuu-iin ga n. futari I zutsu I i-masu. There are two class representatives for each and every classo 259 
INTRODUCTION This section is designed for students who are at the beginning level of Japanese language studieso Learning how and when to use particles is so essential to Japanese that it's best to master the basics at an early stageo Exposure to numerous examples and problems will familiarize you with the appropriate usageso These exercises start out with a variety of practice sentences involving the particles "wa Li" and "gah"'," since it's crucial to grasp the difference between these two fundamental particleso As you progress, other particles are gradually introduced into the problems, and sentence structures become increasingly more complexo Your instructor may wish to use these problems as homeworko There is also an answer key in the back. 
Lesson 1 Complete the sentences below, using either II Lt(wa)" or "tJ(ga)" in the parentheses. 1. I) /' '::J ( Ringo ( h? ) ;.-?  .1-to ) mit-tsu ari-masu. There are three appleso 2.  tL ( IJ fJ\ )  \ I) /' '::J"C-t 0 Are ( ) akai ringo desu. That is a red appleo fJ t ( 1t .&. t:. I') 3. * $. ( ).=. A  \ .1 -t 0 Gakusee ( ) futari i-masu. There are two student so fJf(1t 4.   * $. ( I: A.. ) 7  I) 7J A -r-t 0 Ano gakusee ( ) amerika-jin desu. That student is an Americano 5.  t:J: t: ( Anata ( ) .:: (  t:. )   \ h, "C-t 1.7' ? ) doko ( 2 ) itai-n desu ka? (As for you,) where does it hurt? 6. b t: L ( Watashi lJt:.i )  ( \t:. )   \ h, "C-t 0 ) atama ( 2 ) itai-n desu. (As for me,) my head hurtso 7. bt:L ( Watashi lJt:.i )  ( t:. )  <   .1-\t'h,o ) atama ( 2 ) itaku-arimasen. (As for me,) my head doesn't hurt (but other parts do)o 263 
.: bt:. 8. '1 , -r13! ( 1I ) t: < 1v*.1 Lt:l o Hora, kodomo-tachi ( ) takusan ki-mashita yo. Look, many children have comeo .: bt:. 9. -r13! ( I3t.: .: ) hlv(7)-r"C-t lo Kodomo-tachi ( ) min-na otoko-no-ko desu yo 0 The children are all boyso  f.t 'IP 1I j. "} 1I 1 O. m tp  Iv ( )  8 *.1 -t I)' ? Tanaka-san ) kyoo ki-masu ka? Will Mr. Tanaka come today? (Literally: "As for Mr. Tanaka 000") 1I  f.t fJ\ 1I 11. ,.;1  \, *.1 -t l 0 , m tp  Iv ( ) *.1 L t: 0 Hai, ki-masu yo. A, tanaka-san ( ) ki-mashita. Yes, (he) will comeo Ah, Mr. Tanaka has comeo 'IP-I! "?J; 12. lit ( )   \ "C-t tl it 0 Kaze ) tsuyoi desu nee. It's windy, isn't it? (Literally: "The winds are strong, aren't they?") IJ  .&. 13. Pf:J ( ) t -? --C 5 .1 L t: l 0 Arne ( ) futte-ki-mashita yo 0 It has started to "raino (Literally: "The rain has started to fall.") 1313 i  14.  (7) *- 5  \  ( ) 5 tL  \ --C-t 0 Ano ookii made ( ) kiree desu 0 That big window is cleano (Literally: "As for that big window 000") i IJ 15.  ( ) rtfJ  \ --C  \ .1 -t 0 Mado ( ) aite-imasu. The window is openo i 16.  ( h ) Jtit.1-to 264 
Yama ( mle-masu. (I) can see a mountaino 17.  t:J: t: ( Anata ( .tf>i h )    ( ) Jt it .1 -t 1.7' ? ) ana yama ( 2 ) mie-masu ka? Can you see that mountain? (Literally: "As for you 000") .tf>i h 1I h 1 8.  \  \ it,  ( ) Jt it .1 -\:t Iv ( ), *' ( ) Jt it .1 -t 0 lie, yama ( ) mie-masen ( 2 ), ki ( 3 ) mie-masu. No, (I) can't see a mountain, but (I) can see treeso (Literally: "As for a mountain, I can't see (it), but 000") 1I 19. . Iv ' *' ( h ) Jt it .1 -t 1.7' ? Don-na ki ( ) mie-masu ka? Wha t kind of trees can (you) see? 1I h 20.  \   \  t:J: *' ( ) Jt it .1 -t 0 Iro-iro na ki ( ) mie-masu. (I) can see many kinds of treeso   21. 5tL\t:J:n ( ) t: < 1v\--C\.1-to Kiree na hana ( ) takusan saite-imasu. Beautiful flowers are blooming in abundanceo 22. T.:I. - I) 'Y 7' ( Chuurippu (  ) .1 t:  \ --C  \ .1 -\:t Ivo ) mada saite-imasen. Tulips have not bloomed yet (but other flowers have)o u.. 23. * ( ) .1 --C.-t 1.7' ? Sakura ( ) doc desu ka? What about cherry blossoms? u, 24. * ( )   .1-\:tlvlo 265 
Sakura ( ari-masen yo 0 There are no cherry blossoms (but there are other flowers)o .tf>i t! b ") 25. b t:. L ( )  m  $ L .1 -t 0 Watashi ( ) yamada to mooshi-masuo I am (called) Yamadao .tf>i t! 26.   ,  t:t. t:. ( )  m   --c  \  -? L   \ .1 -t 1;' 0 Aa, anata ( ) yamada-san de irasshaimasu ka. Oh, you are Mr. Yamadao 'k f.I. fJ' 27. L:   ,  t:t. t:. ( ) m tp   --c -t 1;' ? Jaa, donata ( ) tanaka-san desu ka? Then, who is Mro Tanaka? b'k(\" 280 { ( 'k f.I. fJ' ) m tp --C-t 0 Watakushi ( ) tanaka desuo I am Tanakao 29. b t:. L ( I: Ii A..  .,./ T .: 1;1: f.I. ) , 8 *'! ( ' ) l' L * -tt .1 -t Watashi ( ) nihongo ( 2 ) sukoshi hanase-masuo I can speak a little bit of J apaneseo 30. b t:. L ( 1;'  .1 -tt o ., ) , 7 -7 /' A! ( ., ) b 1;'  .1 -t I; ,', F -1 '/'! ( )b Watashi ( ) furansugo ( 2 ) wakari-masu ga, doitsugo ( 3 wakari-masen. I can understand French, but not Germano 266 
Lesson 2 Complete the sentences below. using II Lt(wa)". "tJ(ga)". or II t (mo)" in the parent heses. 1. .:: tL ( Kore ( '(}<;t.A., ) 8 P3 "CT 0 ) hyaku en desu. This is one hundred yeno 2.  tL ( Dore ( I;:,(} < ;t.A., ) .=. 8 P3 --CT 1.7' ? ) ni-hyaku en desu ka? Which one is two hundred yen? 3. ¥J tL ( I: '(} < ;t.A., ) .=. 8 P3 --CT 0 Are ( ) ni-hyaku en desu. That is two hundred yeno 4. .:: tL ( Kore ( I:,(} < ;t.A., ) .=. 8 P3 --CT 1.7' ? ) ni-hyaku en desu ka? Is this two hundred yen also? I;: '(} < ;t. A., ) .=. 8 P3 L  ¥J  .1 -tt /VO 5.  \  \ i.., -'C tL ( lie, sore ( ni-hyaku en ja ari-masen. No, that isn't two hundred yeno 6. ¥J t:t. t: ( Anata ( 1t  fJ' ) if ( )   \ --C T tl i.. 0 ) se ( 2 ) takai desu nee. You are tall, aren't YOUo (Literally: "Your height is high, isn't it.") t J; t! 1t t:. fJ> 7. . m  /v ( ) if ( )   \ --CT tl i.. 0 Toyoda-san ( ) se ( 2 ) takai desu nee. Mso Toyoda is also tall, isn't she? 267 
8. b t: L ( Watashi  ) if ( v< ) 1  \ Iv --C- T 0 ) se ( 2 ) hikui-n desu. I am shorto (Literally: "As for me, my height is lowo") 9. 5  1 ( Kinoo ( "( A.. 1I ) - Iv  B 7Z rt --C- L t: I)' ? ) don-na otenki deshita ka? How was the weather yesterday? 10. 5  1 ( Kinoo ( 1I .&. )  ( ) Ft.1 Lt: o ) yuki ( 2 ) furi-mashita. Yesterday! it snowedo 1I j. "} 11. 8 ( Kyoo ( 1I ) 'E ( .&. ) Ft"'?--C\.1TI)'? ) yuki ( 2 ) futte-imasu ka? 1I j. "} 12.  \  \ it,  8 ( Is it snowing today, too? ) 5}  \ --C- To lie, kyoo ( koi desu. 1I ) 'E ( .&. 1I ) t"'? --C  \ .1 -tt Iv 0 --C- t  ( ) yuki ( 2 ) futte-imasen. Demo kiri ( 3 No, today it's not snowing (although it snowed yesterday)o But the fog is denseo IJ .&. 13.  L t: ( ) Pf:J ( ) t  --C- L J: 1 0 . . Ashita ( ) ame ( 2 ) furu deshoo. Tomorrow, it will probably raino 1I j. "} n? 14. 8 ( )  ( ) .1To Kyoo ( ) netsu ( 2 ) ari-masu 0 Today, (I) have a fever. 15. 5  1 ( 268 n? )  ( )   .1 L t: 1;' ? 
Ki noo ( ) netsu ( 2 ) ari-mashita ka? Did you have a fever yesterday as well? n? 16. 51 ( ) M ( )   .1 -\:t Iv "C L t: o Kinoo ( ) netsu ( 2 ) ari-masen deshita. Yesterday, I didn't have a fever. 6  17.  ( ) -t\"C-to Sora ) aoi desu. The sky is blueo "}h 1 8. ;'.Jii: (  ) -t \ --C-t 0 Umi ) aoi desu. The ocean is blue, tooo 1:>1I."}  19. jl* ( ) -t \ "C-t l 0 Chikyuu ( ) aoi desu yo 0 The earth is blue alsoo < b  20. ( ) -t  \ "C-t 1.7 ? Kumo ( ) aoi desu ka? Are clouds blue as well? < b 21. \\;t,  ( .H ) -t <   .1 -\:t Iv o lie, kumo ( ) aoku ari-masen. No, clouds aren't blue (although other things listed above are blue). .H 22. '11.7t:-t\t ( ) .1-tI.7? Hoka ni aoi mono ( ari-masu ka? Is there anything else blue? bt.:1.. 23. L.. ( If Iv 1I ) 7t "C-t 0 Watashi ( ) genki desu. 269 
I am fine, too 24.  t:J: t: ( Anata ( If Iv 1I ) jt  --C'-t 0 ) genki desu. You are fine, tooo 25. t:: tL ( Dare ( Who is sick? fJ'v {, t 26. JlI *  Iv ( !lJ:,,}1I )   --C'-t 1.7 ? byooki desu ka? !lJ:"} )   --C.'-t 0 awamoto-san ( ) byooki desu 0 Mr. Kawamoto is sicko fJ'v {, t 27. JlI *  Iv ( '-= ( vQ I  \ Iv --c.' -t h' ? Kawamoto-san ) doko ( 2 ) warui-n desu ka? What is wrong with Mr. Kawamoto? (Literally: "As for Mr. Kawamoto, where is (he) not well (ioeo which part of him is sick)?") fJ'v {, t 28. JlI *  Iv ( lJi )  ( ) j:? Jj.' h  ( } t. )   \ .;c '1 --Co -t 0 Kawamoto-san desu. ) atama ( 2 ) onaka ( 3 ) itai soo I heard that Mr. Kawamoto has both a headache and a stomachacheo (Literally: "000 both (his) head and stomach hurt.") ilvt.llv{}? 29. 7j If-* ( -to Man-nen-hitsu ) ;j;-Jv/ ( *..Iv!!? )  \  j -tt Iv j* ( Ii ) L\Iv--C' booru-pen ( 2 iri-masen 0 Enpitsu 3 ) hoshii-n desu 0 I need neither a fountain pen nor a ball-point pen. What I need is a pencil. 270 
30. 5  1 ( I: \" iI'v < A.. i  t! < A.. ) :e3J1Iij1jm ( I>  1I It < ) llt:*t:o t:1? ( .If> ) , Jf 1I."} I> 1*  L -r.  Iv t: 0 Kinoo ( ) nishikawa-kun to maeda-kun ( 2 ) asobi-ni-kita. Boku-tachi ( 3 ) yakyuu 0 shite asonda. Yesterday, Nishikawa and Maeda came over to playo We played baseball. 271 
Lesson 3 Complete the sentences below. using uLt(wa)". utJ(ga)". ut(mo)". or U(]) (no)" in the parentheseso t   1. jft * ( ) jr;m ( )    -t Ir ? Tookyoo ( chizu ( 2 ) ari-masu ka? Do you have a map of Tokyo? IlI3f.I\ 2. *.f& (   ) j r;m ( ) -tlr? Oosaka ) chizu ( 2 ) ari-masu ka? Do you have a map of Osaka, too? IlIlf.I> 3. *. f& (   ) j r;m ( )    -tt /vo Oosaka ) chizu ( 2 ari-masen 0 We don't have a map of Osakao      4. Z t!J &. ( ) j r;m ( )    -t ) 0 0 0 Nagoya ( ) chizu ( 2 ) ari-masu ( 3 We have a map of Nagoya, but 000    5. L  , Z t!J &. (   h ) jr;m  Jt-tt --c < t:.'   '0 Jaa, nagoya ( ) chizu 0 misete kudasai. Well, then please show me a map of N agoyao h 6.  ( I': ) M ( 'k )  t.:  , ? Kimi ) nani ( 2 ) tabe-tai? What would you like to eat? 11< 7.  ( ) 1\';/1\--1]"- ( 'k )  t.:  , Boku ) hanbaagaa ( 2 ) tabe-tai 0 I want to eat a hamburger. 272 
(/) (/) 8. hb} ( f,( I.: ) 1PJ ( ) \\? Nomi-mono ( nani ( 2 ) ii? What would you like to drink? 11< 9.  ( )   ( fJ'b )  \ t.: n' G, 71 AT -1 - ( ) \\o Boku ) node ( 2 ) kawaita kara aisu-tii 3 ) ii na. As I'm thirsty, I'd like to drink iced-teao Watashi  J:?t!> .l.t:. I} ) X ( ) JL  ( ) '::'Al\.1To ) chichi ( 2 ) kyoodai ( 3 ) futari i-masu 0 1 O. h t.: L ( My father has two brotherso (Literally: "As for my father, there are two brotherso")  " I.: tH:?t 11. X( ) JL ( )  ( ) h t.: L t:  '? --C Li H C' --C T 0 Chichi ( ) ani ( 2 ) otooto ( 3 ) watashi ni totte wa oji desu. (My) father's older brother and younger brother are both my uncleso  " I.: .:  12. X ( ) JL ( ) .:r 1 ( ) \ .1-tt1v ( trt i') .l. t:. I} ( ) li ( ) '::'A\.1To Chichi ( ) ani ( 2 kodomo 3 chichi ( 5 ) otooto 6 ) musume 7  tlt?t ) , X ( )  i-masen 4), ) futari i-masu. (My) father's older brother doesn't have children, but (my) father's younger brother has two daughterso Watashi IH1  J: ? t!  > .l. t:. I} ) -IQ: ( ) JL  ( ) '::'A\.1To ) haha ( 2 ) kyoodai 3) futari i-masu. 13. h t.: L ( My mother has two brothers as well. IH1 1 4. -IQ: (  J: ? t!> )JL( ) h t.: L t:  '? --C Li H L --C T 0 Haha ) kyoodai ( 2 ) watashi ni totte wa oji desu. 273 
(My) mother's brothers are my uncles, tooo J:oj -Clv 15.  E ( ) H   ( ). 1 "e-t 1;' ? Kyoo ( ) otenki 2) doc desu ka? How is today's weather?  J: oj 16.  E ( K yoo ( fJ' ) J!l. ( ..&. 1Jt) ) \--C, f:fu ( ..&. ) JSt'?--C\.1-to ) kaze ( 2 ) fuite, ame 3 ) futte imasu 0 Today, it's windy and it's raining as well. (Literally:" 000 the wind is blowing, and the rain is falling, tooo ") 17.  L t.: ( -Clv  ) H ( bQ ) }  \ --C. L J: 11;'? Ashita ( ) otenki ( 2 ) warui deshoo ka? Will it be bad weather tomorrow, too? -Clv  1 8.  \  \ it,  L t.: ( )  \  \ H   --C. L J: 1 0 lie, ashita ( ii otenki de shoo. No, tomorrow will probably be good weather. i...lvtJ? 11 1 9. j * ( )  L  \ Iv --C. -t ( ) 0 Enpitsu ( ) hoshii-n desu ( 2 ). I'd like a pencil 000 t,(1.:).IS 20. 1PJ ( ) .J:7:>L\--C.-tI;'? Nani-iro ( ) yoroshii desu ka? Which color do you want? (Literally: "Which color would be good?") IJ <.IS 21. \C1) ( ), ,\C1) ( )  .1-t ( )0 Akai no ( ), kuroi no ( 2 ) ari-masu ( 3 ). There are red ones as well as black ones... < .IS 11 22. ,  \ C1) ( )  L  \ --C. -t 0 Kuroi no ) hoshii desu 0 274 
I want a black oneo IJ fJ' 23.   \  ( )  1 "C T 1;' ?  n ( )  \  .1 -tt Iv 0 Akai no ( ) doc desu ka? Sore ( 2 ) iri-masen. What about a red one? That I don't needo ?h 24. ;".Jii: ( Umi ka? f.t fJ' ) t:f7t: ( 'it ) J:-:> ),  Iv  1:Ab} ( \.1TI;'? -I ) naka ni ( 2 ), don-na seebutsu ( 3 I-masu What kinds of creatures are there in the sea? ?h 25. ;".Jii: t : (  fJ' f.t fJ'  ) ) , I'  Jt ( t....I:<J:-:> )  \ .1 T 0 {Li b} ( ) cVJ.1To Umi ni ), sakana ya kai 2 ) i-masu 0 Shokubutsu 3 ) ari-masu 0 In the sea, there are such things as fish and shellfisho There are plants, tooo IJfJ' <gi 26.   \ 1ft ( To )  \ I; 'I; . --C T 1;' ? h t=. L ( t...JS <gi ) a\1ft ( T ) *f  --C Akai kuruma ) ikaga desu ka? Watashi ( 2 ) shiroi kur- uma ( 3 ) suki desu. How about a red car? I like white carso t...JS <gi 27. a  \ 1ft ( h IJ <gi ) t:, -t\1ft ( IJ )JS ) cVJ  .1 T ho -t  \   t  \  \ --CT hit o Shiroi kuruma ) migi ni, aoi kuruma 2 ari-masu nee. Aoi iro no mo ii-desu ne. To the right of the white car, there is a blue car, (right)? The blue one is nice, tooo 11< 28.  ( h   ) Tvt..Jt--C\;t:, };LIv;f1v ( ., ) tJ--C 275 
 t: o Boku ) terebi 0 mite-iru toki ni, oji-san to oba-san 2 tazunete kita. When I was watching ToVo, my uncle and aunt came to visit. 29. h t: L ( ) , A- ( t < ) ) 1 --e-t ( ..&.1')1 ),  ( ) A;t; - '/' "l"  ( ),.1  Iv  ttl *'.1 -t 0 A 7- -  ( ) * '/' 7- - ( )   .1 -t 0 Watashi ( ), sukii ( 2 ) tokui desu ( 3 ), fuyu ( 4 supootsu ( 5 ) hotondo deki-masu. Sukeeto ( 6 ) hokkee 7 ) yari-masu. I'm good at skiing, but I can do most winter sportso I skate and play hockey, tooo * (/)11 It \.,  30.  cry J.J t: ft '? --C h.J: '1 0  n  ,  f:  ( h fJ'b ) Jtit;.J: o JIj ( h"h ) j (  \.,. ),  L --C, f1.Jft ( h \., ) Jt it ; n' t pn  , .J: 0 Ano yama ni nobotte miyoo. Kiree na keshiki ( mieru yo. Kawa ( 2 ) mizuumi 3 ), soshite, kisha 4 ) mieru- kamo-shire nai yo. Let's go climb that mountaino We'll be able to see a great viewo We'll be able to see a river, a lake, and possibly even a traino 276 
Lesson 4 Complete the sentences below, using "-C. (de)" or " (0)" in the parentheses. 1.   t.: Li *.: ( t: \.,  ) .: C1) ( fJ> ) Jt  '.1 L t.: 1.7' ? Anata wa doko ) kono jisho 2 ) kai-mashita ka? Where did you buy this dictionary? i. 2. ht.: L ';1",,7 7 - ( \ ) 1t.1 Lt.: o Watashi wa eki e takushii ( ) iki-mashita. I went to the station by taxi. 1;,fJ> t It\ 3.  C1)   , * t ( h ) Jt -tt --c < t:   '0 Sono akai tokee ( ) misete kudasai. Please show me that red clocko \.,  < ., 4. h t.: L ';1  C1) 1 T*' \ -  C1) i:  ( ) A , \ 7 ''/ T -1 - (  ) i:-".1 L t.: 0 Watashi wa kinoo depaato no shokudoo 2 ) tabe-mashita. ) supagettii Yesterday, I ate spaghetti at the restaurant in a department store. ) naifu  ) t.;] ':) --c < t:   '0 2 ) kitte kudasai. 5. .: C1)' ,,- A T* -7 -  ( Kono baasudee-keeki ) -r17 ( Please cut this birthday cake with a knifeo t,( * i. 6. ':':"",   t.: C1) HZ 'M" ( ) -:'/ ( fJ> )   ,--c < t.:*   '0 Koko e anata no onamae ) pan ( 2 ) kaite kudasai. Please wri te your name here with a peno IU1 "C' fJt h 7. ht.: L ';1t:.iJ- ( fJ>ti') ) m ( < ) i! ':) t.: 0 277 
Watashi wa haha ni tegami ( ) kakitome ( 2 ) okutta 0 I sent my mother a letter by registered mail. 8. H  h' h ,;' -t  \ t.: 0 *.: ( Onaka ga suita 0 Doko f,( I.: ) 1PJ ( f:. ) .J: 1 ? ) nani ( 2 ) tabe-yoo? I'm hungryo Where and what shall I eat? fJt.:? 9.   t.: Li * .: cry 1:-tX ( "?J:? )   L .1 L t.: h' ? Anata wa doko no gakko ( ) sotsugyoo-shi-mashita ka? From which school did you graduate? hi:.. 1 O. .: cry it ( ) -c) ) .1  -t (* 1T ( , .I' A 1,f h,;'   .1 -t 0 .: ( ) .I'At: (/) *-  --C < t:   \ 0 Kono michi ( ) massugu iku to, basu-tee ga ari-masu 0 Soko 2 ) basu ni notte kudasai. If you go straight down this street, there will be a bus stopo Get on the bus thereo I.: 11 A.. 11. E* ( Nihon ( <gi h17 Vt!rJfJtb ) Li , 1ft Li it cry iL m IJ ( IH.. ) * .1-to ) wa, kuruma wa michi no hidari-gawa 2 hashiri-masu. In Japan, cars keep to the left side of the roado ,, v.:? 12.  L t.: cry, 1T ( ) =-.:1.-3-7 ( t...It» It"? ) ili1eL.1-to Ashita no asa, hikooki ( ) nyuuyooku ( 2 ) shuppatsu-shi- masu. Tomorrow morning, I'm leaving New York on a planeo ) t... It»? 1 3. * 1l! h t.: L cry 1  ( ).1 \ - T 1 - ( ) L.1 -t 0 Raishuu watashi no uchi (  paatii ( 2 ) shi-masu 0 I'm going to throw a party at my house next weeko 278 
14. ,:  V A  "7:/ ( Kono restoran ( )'I7IIA.. I) J:? I} f.tA.. ) -.. j::>  \ L  \ j::> #J.! ';1 1PJ --e-t 1;' ? ) ichiban oishii oryoori wa nan desu ka? What is the best dish (served) at this restaurant? * t! < \"ItICA.. 15. J.JH3It,It,';1, ':'3=..A. ( f.t VI:: ) t: < L --C 1;' G   ( ) 7' \-  T t : 1.i It, --C  \ .1 -t 0 Yamada-san no okusan wa, goshujin 2 ) apaato ni sunde-imasu. After having lost her husband, Mrso Yamada IS living alone in his ) nakushite kara hitori apartmento of It .: I:: \., 16. h t::. L li  ';1, 4'-if- ( \ ( ) L.1-to ItICItI?) ) 7L + P£ t:   .1 -to h It,  ( \')b ) j::> >L Watashi no sobo wa, kotoshi ( ) kyuujus - sai nl nari-masu. Min-na ( 2 ) oiwai ( 3 ) shi-masu. My grandmother is going to turn ninety this year. We're all going to celebrate ( her birthday)o )?\"J: t:. 17. hit, /;J.' ( ) - *-f t: T  -  ( ) .1 L J: 1 0 Min-na ( ) issho ni dezaato ( 2 ) tabe-mashoo. Let's all have desert together. ? -c 18. iJJ-t- ( Kitte ( )   ( ) nori ) ';1 '? --C < t::.   \ 0 2 ) hatte kudasai 0 Please paste down the postage stamp with glueo 1JfJ> 19. -$It, ( ? IIQ * ) ;jL  1ft (  A.. It '? ) ) fk  t: it n --C 1T  .1 L t::. 0 Aka-chan ) uba-guruma ( 2 ) sanpo ni tsurete-iki- mashita. I took the baby out for a walk in a stroller. 279 
A..toj 20. H*  ( ) .: ( f:. ) .1 L J: 1 I)'? Obentoo ) doko ( 2 ) tabe-mashoo ka? Where shall we eat our boxed lunch? )1tI  A.. It?) .: oj i...A.. )1tI 21. h t::. L Li:k \ ( ) it  t: it n --C 1T  .1 L t::. 0  III ( ),.J:  cry :k t :  IJ )1tI ..&. ili1 , ht::. L cry:kU:, 1 n L  1 t: L ,r ( );J,R .1 L t::. o Watashi wa inu ( sanpo ni tsurete iki-mashita. Kooen 2 ), yoso no inu ni de-au to, watashi no inu wa, ureshisoo ni shippo ( 3 ) furi-mashita. I took my dog for a walko At the park, when my dog saw another dog, it wagged its tail in delight. i...)  f:.A..  22. h t::. L Li,  crycryJf-! (  t....I: ) t. ( t... ) N3.1 L t::. o ) jisho ( 2 ) shirabe- Watashi wa, sono eego no tango ( mash ita. I looked up that English word in the dictionaryo .: A..  23. ';1, * T}v ( iN) t  t.:1;, ) 7 -7 AI;:cVJ  .1-t 0 ht::. L ';1, it  7 7- V;S ) ( ) 1*  --C, * T } v.1 --C 1T  .1 -t 0 Konya wa, hoteru ( tomodachi to takushii ) kurasu-kai ga ari-masu. Watashi wa, 2 ) hirotte, hoteru made iki-masu. Tonight, there will be a class reunion at a hotel. I'm going to catch a taxi with a friend, and (that is how) we're going to go to the hotel.  .I: oj I': 11A..  24.  E ';1 E 4'! cry 7 -7 A ( ), A-71 F ( h ) Jt.1 L t::. o Kyoo wa nihongo no kurasu ( ), suraido ( 2 ) mi-mashita. Today in Japanese class we saw slideso t.:;s 25. .: It,  pJf ( Vl> tI )   ( fJ> 'if ) L --C  \ ; , }!l}J ( v ) 1.1-t.J:o 280 
Kon-na tokoro ) hirune ( 2 ) shite-iru to, kaze ( 3 hiki-masu yo. If you take a nap at a place like this, you'll catch cold. 26. ht:. L ';17*I\'-  ( ) ) .: cry :J -1 /' An ( '1tA..i.A.. ) -tP3 ( f1' ) Jt\.! L t:. 0 Watashi wa depaato kai-mashita 0 ) kono koin-ire ( 2 ) sen en ( 3 I bought this change purse for one thousand yen at a department store. fJt:.? ii. 27.  cry 1:;fX cry"M" ( (gi ) 1ft ( t ) .J::. &1) --C < t:   \ 0 kuruma ( 2 ) tomete kudasai. Ano gakko no mae ( Please stop the car in front of that school. 28.   /' -:. /' ( ?\".I:? ) T - L... cry1t 1m ( )b ) :f>L  \.! L J: 1 0 Shanpen ( ) chiimu no yuushoo ( 2 ) iwai-mashoo. Let's celebrate our victory with champagne. -n )  It A..  If A..  i    29. .: cry  1tij  ';1, 1tij rh'iJJ n --C  \ .! -t ho   .: cry  0 ( I>'k ) Jf L  \ cry f1' ( ) Jt  --C < t::   \ 0 Kono teekiken wa, kigen ga kirete-imasu nee Asoko no mado-guchi ) atarashii no ( 2 ) katte kudasai. Your (train/bus) pass is no longer valido Please buy a new one at that ticket window.  .I: ? T h t!. fJtb 1;1 t,( rJ 'k) fJ\) 'k f1' 'k"C t> (1)  ( C l. ., 30.  E ';1,  H3 JIj ( ):t£ :k*h::   .! -t 0   .: cry   \  cry  J:. IH. rJ h ( ):t£:k ( ) Jt.! L J: 1 0 Kyoo wa, sumidagawa ( ) hanabi-taikai ga ari-masu. Asoko no takai tatemono no okujoo ( 2 ) hanabi ( 3 ) mi-mashoo. 281 
Today, there's going to be fireworks over (at) the Sumida River. Let's watch the fireworks from the rooftop of that tall buildingo 282 
Lesson 5 Complete the sentences below, using u('(de)", U (o)" or U ':'(ni)" (uA...(e)") in the parentheseso .: l:'bt.;t;, 1. h t::. L ,.1 -tfit ( ) /\A ( it'? ) j:? ( '?  ) ittL"'( t  .1 L t::. o Watashi wa, kodomo-tachi ( 3 ) tsurete iki-mashita. I took my children to the festival by buso ) basu ( 2 ) omatsuri J:?t 2. h t::. L ,.1 * frS (  A...L. ) 11"  t::.  \  "'(T I,)', .: C1)  ( )  \  \ "'(# L .J: -1 I,)'? Watashi wa kyooto ( ii deshoo ka? ) ikitai-n desu ga, kono densha ( 2 I'd like to go to Kyoto, (but) is this the right train? 1£< "?  "CA... 3. '.1m ( 'IN!) 1: J: ) 1t * ( ) -+t / F 1 'Y T ( ) ,:'"l? i- -1 L .1 L t::. o Boku wa kissa-ten ( gochisoo shi-mashita 0 I bought her a sandwich at a coffee shopo ) kanojo ( 2 ) sandoicchi ( 3 4. h t::. L ,.1 =- .:L - 3 - 7 ( T L.A....J:A... ) 1£ h. t::.  \ 1,)' G, Jf &fl ( ) -r/-   tJf ( ) 1*L"'(\.1To Watashi wa nyuuyooku apaato ( 3 ) sagashite-imasu. Because I want to live in New York, I am looking for an apartment sumitai kara, shinbun ( 2 through the newspapero i..A...rJ'? 5. h t::. L )}t;* ( ) #.: ( t> ) iI\t::.C1)? 283 
Watashi no enpitsu ( ) doko ( 2 ) oita no? Where did you put my pencil? ::. I., If I., .,. I., t: 6.  M* ( ), ..: ( IJ ) \.1 L.J: -1lr? Konban nanji ( ) doko ( 2 ) ai-mashoo ka? Where and when shall we meet tonight? 7. h t: L ,.1  /'7 v /' F ( J,: Ill.,  ) 8 * ( "( tJt h ) .:J- ( fJ> ) .  .1 L t: o Watashi wa pen-turendo ( kaki-mashita. ) nihongo ( 2 ) tegami ( 3 I wrote a letter to my penpal in J apaneseo It < J.n 8. 'j:, \"?I.Jt ( ) /\'71 ( -+t-71/' ( ) L t:\o Boku wa, itsuka tune ( 3 ) saatin ( 4 ) shitai.  ) t  t:  \ 0 i- L --C, i-.: ( ) hawai ( 2 ) ikitai. Soshite, soko Some day I'd like to go to Hawaii by boato Then, I'd like to go surfing thereo 9. 'A-/'::-?-7 'Y  ( t: "(I., )   ( ) /\/, ( fJ>  ) Jf\t:t.1 L t: o Suupaa-maaketto O( mash ita. ) jitensha ( 2 ) pan ( 3 ) kai ni iki- I went to the supermarket by bicycle to buy some breado   i;. J,: i;.   i;. l! IUt 10. bt: L 'j:- 8 ( ) -Jt.iQ: ( Watashi wa ichi-nichi ( 3 ) shi-masu. I., b )  ( ) L.1To ) ichi-do haha ( 2 ) denwa I call my mother once every day. h? fJ>  11. ;. 8 i. ( ) .1 t: .:.: ( IJ )  \.1 L .J: -1 0 284 
Mikka-go ( ) mata koko ( 2 ) ai-mashoo. Let's meet again here in three dayso 12. o /' .. /' ( I)' ? Rondon > u- '::? i! t:ll., t; ) 1T <  1T  ,.1 , 1PJ '* ( <?'::? )7t-(  If» ? Ii'? ) W1eL.1T ) iku hikooki wa, nanji shuppatsu shi-masu ka? When will the plane for London leave the airport? 2 ) ku u koo ( 3  > J,. 1 3. h t:. L ,.1 t :fj) ( ) -1"t? bT ) ,'t tL --c :: t:. 0 Watashi wa saifu ( ) uchi 2 ) wasu rete kita. I forgot my wallet at home (and came here)o fJ,tl it >I>  VI;. t; 1:11., 14. 1t ,.1, -&- -1:: '*.:f. ( ) -1"t? (  t; t"'? ) W --C,  ib ( ) /\17:L.- ( 1:1  fJ'>   ) ;It -? --C tJ: ( > ) 1T::.1To Kare wa, maiasa shichiji-han ( ) uchi 2 ) dete, jidoosha 3 ) haiuee ( 4 ) hashitte kaisha ( 5 iki-masu. Every morning, he leaves his house at seven-thirty and drives on the highway to get to his officeo It < J: t:l fJ' 15.  '.1 t:p ( -1t1.,1.,t;J: ), ;5\: tW PJT ( ), ::t :t 7 I) ( h ) J[."?' t t:. 0 Boku wa yonaka ( m itsu keta 0 ), senmenjo ( 2 ), gokiburi 3 I' found a cockroach in the washroom at midnight. fJ'rJ .If> < I., u- < "(I., t 16. jIJ'.1T A  ( ) 13.Ft, ( ) Jfx.-?t:. o Kariya-kun wa tesuto ( ) hyaku-ten Kariya got a hundred (A +) on the testo 2 ) totta. i!J:? tr 17. 8 '.1*\I.J' G, h.1vt:J.' ( >?  J: ) - *-f ( t:l fJ' ) -1"t? C1) t:p ( ), -L.. ( ) L.1L.J:-1 o 285 
Kyoo wa samui kara, min-na ( ) issho 2 ) uchi no naka 3 ), geemu ( 4 ) shi-mashoo. Since it's cold outside today, let's all playa game inside the houseo 1£( U-o t:.  18.  L1, j:?  ( )( ) VA  -7 ;;- ( ) If"? --C, i- ,:   J,. ( ) Jtt :fj) ( ) 1J: < L --C L .1 "? t: 0 Boku wa, ohiru ) tabe ( 2 ) resutoran 3 ) itte, soko ( 4 ) saifu ( 5 ) nakushite shimatta. I went to a restaurant to eat lunch, and lost my wallet (there)o t? t ? 1...J: 1 9. . h t: L L1, **'  - k-f ( ) T/'::-  ( jJ,\t(1) ) j{ &j (  ) lf.1 Lt: o Watashi wa, imooto to issho ) depaato ( 2 ) kaimono 3 ) iki-mashita. I went shopping at a department store with my sistero 20. iJ  ( ) T-+f-  ( ) 7 1 A 7 I) - L ( t:. ) .1 L .J: 1 0 Ato ( ) dezaato ( 2 ) aisukuriimu ( 3 ) tabe-mashoo. Let's have ice cream for dessert latero 21. -.. I) -::J /'7'- ( Herikoputaa ( (1)  t ) *"? --C,  ( )   --C h. t:  \  iJ 0 ) notte, sora 2) tonde-mitai naa. I want to fly through the air in a helicoptero jJt?.::? 22. iJ L t: ct:-tX ( 'it ,t. 'it   ) 7t ( i! ) Bit\--Ch.j: 10 Ashita gakko ) sensee 2 ) kiite-miyoo. I'll ask my teacher (about it) at school tomorrowo J,: 23. j:? JL   ( t:.,t. ::  h ) h I.J  G lJ.'  \ Jti  C1)   ( i!  1...J: ) Bit  \ t: G, r. ( ) 1...   --C ':' G  J t:'"? --C 0 Oniisan ( ) wakara-nai tango no imi 2 ) kiitara, "jisho 3 ) shirabete goran" datte. 286 
My older brother said, "Look it up in the dictionary," when I asked him the meaning of a word that I didn't knowo '?< i. ?i. 24. J1 C1).l. ( t 'b t.:f;, 1...  1...,t. ) iJ"?t:ititC1) ( ) , .: ( ) L.1"? t: C1)lr bT I t t: 0 Tsukue no ue ) atta tomodachi no shashin ( 2 ), doko 3 ) shimatta no ka wasureta. I forgot where I put the picture of my friend which had been on the desk. i.i! 1:1 1... b \ 1...J: 1...,t. ? h 25. iJ iJ, !!R. --C -t Ir ? iJC1) ( ) 5 "? --c, :Ii J} C1) 1 T ( ) -IQ i tJf hf;, \ rJ.t.:rJ ( ) aH "? --C , i"C1)i! ( ) .1 "? -t (, 11" < , E:C1)'11 ( ) iJ .1-t1o Aa, eki desu ka? Ano hashi ( ) watatte, saisho no shingoo 2 ) migi ( 3 ) magatte, sono michi to, hidari no hoo ( 5 ) ari-masu yo. "Gh, the station? Go across that bridge, turn right at the first traffic 4 ) massugu iku light, (then) keep going straight on that road, then you'll see the station on your left." tJf"?,:: ? tJ, t? 'it ,t.'it\ 1... It» "? 'it i! 26. iJ L t: L;1, * -tX ( ), J}u  7t  C1)  :. -r - ( ) tB  L lJ.' ,t tL Lf 1J: .::,t. "f>t:It»?t: '?< G lJ.'  \ I.J' G,  + *.1 --C ( ) 7 1 /' ( ) v;j; -  ( ) 11  J.o Ashita wa, gakkoo ( ), katoo - sensee no seminaa 2 shusekki-shi-nakere ba nara nai kara, konya juuji made 3 taipu ( 4 ) repooto ( 5 ) tsukurooo Since I will have to attend Profo Katoh's seminar at school tomorrow, I'll type my report by ten o'clock tonighto 287 
i! \ "b,tl ) #   F v A ( ):f "C 1t.:: -1 I.J  L G? 1t ,.:1 , 7# \ ) 1t< "?"C\"?t.:,t.o 27. /'\- T -1 - ( 7'/771 ( Paatii ( ) burakku-tai ( don-na doresu ( 2 3 ) ikutte itta kedo. kite ikoo kashira? Kare wa, What sort of dress shall I wear to the party? He was saying that he would go in black-tieo i! J:? 1Jt:.t:. 1:1'1;, ? 28.  8 ,.:1 Btl.J  \ I.J G, .:: C1) ;{ ( t ) ? ( "? "C < tL1J.' \? t! h-r ) tB L "C, 1]( ( ) Kyoo wa atatakai kara, kono hachi-ue shite, mizu ( 3 ) yatte-kure nai? It's warm today, so could you take these plants outside and water them? "b'b i!?  "C I., 29. C1) .1.J'5  \ t.: I.J G, iJ C1)  m ( ) ::1-1::- ( "b'i.. ( ) 9..1L.J:-1o ) soto ( 2 ) da- (/) )   "C.I.J  G -1 "l? Nodo ga kawaita kara, ana kissa-ten nonde kara uchi ( 3 ) kaeri-mashoo 0 I'm thirsty, so let's go home after we have coffee at that coffee shopo 30. i- C1) j? T L ( f:, ) .:: C1) j? JIIl ( ) j:?L.J:-1 ( ) j:? ,.:1 L ( 'I;, \  f:, tLl.JG, '::C1)"'J\j?JIIl ( t:. ( ) "?,t"C"C < t:\o Sono osushi ( ) ohashi 2 ) kono osara ( 3 ) totte ) koohii ( 2 ) "?"C < t.:\o i- T':: \ ) y L AtL "C, h  U' kudasai. Sore kara, kono chiisai osara ( 4 ) oshooyu 5 sukoshi irete, wasabi ( 6 ) tsukete tabete kudasai. Please put the sushi onto this plate with the chopstick so Then, pour a little bit of soy sauce onto this small plate, and eat it with the wasabi. 288 
Lesson 6 Complete the sentences below, using II tJ,  (kara)", U ,= (ni)", (" A...(e)"), II 1-r (made)", or 111-r '=(madeni)" in the parentheseso 1. "::J / -+j--  *- Iv ( Konsaato-hooru ( U-t  ) t: < A.I,).tB--C .1 L t: o ) takusan hito ga dete ki-mashita. A crowd of people came out of the recital hall. i!h t,t.t.t: 'h 2. ,  C1) -1 ,.1 M* ( ) T v E'  J[. t: C1) ? Kimi, kinoo wa nanji ( ) terebi 0 mita no? Until what time did you watch ToVo last night? 3. iJ  t.: ,.1  \"? ( Anata wa itsu ( trf:. T ) .: C1) -+t t : 1£  --C  \ .1 T 1,)' ? ) kono mura ni sunde i-masu ka? How long have you lived in this village? i!1n.t. < t?i!1? 4. h t: L ,.1  if- C1)  13 t: *- * ( # #  tJ, ) *iI& ( i! f:.>n.t. .t. ) *.1 Lt: o *if-C1)-=-13 ( # t?i!1? ) *&t:\.1 To tLl,)'G, .1 t:*- * ( tJ'i.. ) I)* .1 To Watashi wa kyonen no rokugatsu ni tookyoo ( o osa ka 2 ) ki-mashita. Rainen no sangatsu ( 3 ) oosaka ni i-masu. Sorekara, mata tookyoo ( 4 ) kaeri-masu. I came to Osaka from Tokyo in June of last yearo I'll be in Osaka until March of next yearo Then, I'm going to go back to Tokyoo 5. ?  /  / ( ) 1::A7? ( U-'::? i! ),  t  --C ,  tL < G  \ 1,)' 1,)'  .1 T I,)'? Washinton ( ) mosukuwa ( 2 ), hikooki de, dore kurai kakari-masu ka? How long does it take from Washington DoCo to Moscow by plane? 289 
i! J: ? I., 1...  1:1 1... 6. 8 'l A  71  .-c'itI,)'*"? "C \! -\t ( ), 1"l? ( tJ,\ 1...  ) %tJ: I> 0 > ( ) \"C11"! Lt: o Kyoo wa sutoraiki de, densha ga hashitte i-masen 2 ) kaisha ( 3 ) aruite iki-mashita. ), uchi Because there was no train service today due to the strike, I walked to my office from my houseo of&; 7.  ( 'iti! t> )  \  I,).tt "l? "C  t: 0 Sora ) inseki ga ochite kita 0 A meteorite came falling out of the skyo t?i!J:? 8. jft * ( i!J:?t ) *f ( 1...1., tJ, I., 'it I., I: t:: tJ, I., 1:11., ) , Jff "C.::. * ra'.:f. <' G  \ 1,)' 1,)'  ! -t 0 Tookyoo ( ) kyooto ( 2 ), shinkansen de nijikan-han gurai kakari-masu. It takes two and half hours from Tokyo to Kyoto by Shinkan-sen (bullet train)o 1£< i! J:? ?tJ, 9. 'l, 8 'lht: ( I> of \ )  V" t : 11" I,) , '  \ 0 Boku wa, kyoo wa tsukareta ( ) asobi ni ika nai. Because I'm tired today, I'm not going to go out to have funo i! I., J:? rJ 10. ht: L 'l, Bi 8 ( ) ( I: Ill.,   < I., tJ, ) 8*C1)1'f)C.I,)'"ttLL;r G'\ .t.> tJ II- &;>1....? ( ), @J  J[.  C1) 'l *  ( it ) 1;f"? "C < t:   \ 0 ) ( 2 ) nihongo no sakubun 0 Watashi wa, kin-yoobi ( kaka-nakereba nara-nai 3 ), eega 0 miru no wa raishuu 4 ) matte kudasai. As I have to finish writing a Japanese composition by this Friday, please (could we) wait until next week to see a movieo 11. h t: L 'l It jij ( \ I., 1...   I., If I., 'it I., ) 11"  t:  \  "C' -t I,)', 'it  'l M f} K.* (  ) ili!-t 290 
IJ? Watashi wa, hiroshima ) ikitai - n desu ga, densha wa nanban- sen ( 2 ) de-masu ka? I'd like to go to Hiroshima, (but) from which platform will the train lea ve? Vl>rJ b ".If> Th 1 2.    1J: < L t: C1) "C ,  &. C1)  ( Th )  ( tJ h ) 1* L .1 L t: IJ", J[."? IJ ry .1-\t"CLt:o Yubiwa 0 naku-shita node, heya no sumi ( sagashi-mashita ga, mitsukari-masen deshitao I lost my ring, so I looked for it everywhere in my room, but it sumi 2 couldn't be foundo u.'::?i!  13. 1tf,:tIJ'" tB  ( I.:  tJ,/" 1...< ) .1 t: -=- * ra' iJ  .1 T 0  *  L"'( ( ) ::1-1::- (/) "'(# t  h..1 L .J: -1 0 Hikooki ga deru ( ) mad a ni-jikan ari-masu. Shokuji 0 shite 2 ) koohii de mo nomi-mashoo. We still have two more hours until the departure of our flighto Let's eat something and then have some coffeeo it /" tJf tH 1...  14. '::C1)jf@J'j:tWB\ ( i!h )  ( tJ, ) )tL"'(iJ'fj:o Kono manga wa omoshiroi ( ) kimi ( 2 ) kashite ageru yo. This comic book is funny, so I'll lend it to YOUo f:. <f:. 15.  1J,'at < 1J:"?"'( :: t: ( IJ /I) J,. "':) VI> ) .1 t: f:fu IJ "M:  j: 0  f:fu 'j:  \"? ( "':).-, )  < C1) t: 1;, -1 0 Sora ga ku raku natte-kita itsu ( 2 ) tsuzuku no daroo. The sky is getting dark, so it's going to rain againo I wonder how much ) mata ame ga furu yo. Tsuyu wa 291 
longer the rainy season will continue? <t!t(/) .If> 1 6.  &j &. ( } .If>T ) 11" -? t: G, /,,' -j- -j- I; "  --c t * 1;' -? t: ( ), j:?"? tJ, ( ) j{-?--Ct:o Kudamono-ya ( 2 ), oyatsu ittara, banana ga totemo yasukatta 3 ) katte kita. I went to a fruit shop, and I found their bananas so cheap that I bought some for snack so I>'? u- 17.  --C t   \ 8 t: -? t: ( ( ) \! Lt: o Totemo atsui hi datta ofisu ( 3 ) i-mashitao  < t: ), h t: L 'l  * ( T-r ) 5L\;;t71 A ), watashi wa rokuji ( 2 ) suzushii Since it was a very hot day, I stayed at the cool (air-conditioned) office until six o'clocko 1;1 i t!  < t: ? } 18.  m   'l,  + /f£ ( ! L t: o 'SA-=.? jR 11" ( '?C ) fh6!)! L t: ( t.:  >l.,J: < ),   L Hamada-san wa, rokujus-sai ( ) ginkoo ( 2 ) tsutome- mashita ( 3 ), taishoku shi-mashita. As Mro Hamada worked at the bank until he was sixty years old, he has now retiredo ? 19. h t: L 'l, ! h --C ( ) Watashi wa, umarete ( an-masen. } i ( ) ) A  -  L t: .::  1;" i.>  ! -\t o ima 2) sukii 0 shita koto ga I've never skied in my lifeo (Literally: Between the time I was born until now 000 ) 1.... < t!} 20. .:: C1) ffi  'l,  \"? ( 292 ) ( t! ) tB'th'.f!-\tI;'? 
Kono shukudai wa, itsu ( ) ( 2 ) dasa-nakereba nan- masen ka? By when do I have to hand in this homework to you? tt.t1J } 21. fAc?) ( rJ. "t'" IJ 'b t t:. ) ;k I.J " ill ""(, sA t t 15 ( ) (  Iv If Iv  Iv l, J: ., ) ;.'fl.J{  L to 2 ) ( 3 ) sangen Tonari no ie ( ga zenshoo shita. The fire started at my neighbor's, and by dawn, three houses were ) hi ga dete, akegata completely lost in the fireo 1£< 22. L;j:, 7 I) 'A< 'A ( ) -+t/-'77o-'A ( )  ''J r  t  "? t 0 Boku wa, kurisumasu ) santakuroosu ( 2 ) mitto 0 mo- ratta. On Christmas, I got a baseball mitt from Santa Clauso .:: Iv'b'> 23. @) c?) -+t  ''J r  - T -1 /-' 7+ ( I.: 111v ), 8* ( l,l,J:? ....t:. IJ t.:}CIv ) 1r /fEJ  .::. A. c?) *-  I.J "  Iv 'b'  J]u L t::. 0 Konkai no samitto-miitingu ( futari no daijin ga sanka-shitao For this Summit Meeting, Japan sent the Prime Minister, accompanied ), nihon ( 2 ) shusheD to by two ministerso IJ 24.  ( ""(+ L t::. 0 Asa ( IJt:. it }t:. )  I.J " fffll.J' "? t::. ( J:?'bt-:>.::? ), b t::. L ';1  8 *;fX ( } it 5 .11t Iv ) atama ga itakatta 2 ), watashi wa kyoo gakko 3 ) iki-masen deshita 0 Because I had a headache until this morning, I didn't go to school today. t:. J::'::I;U 25. bt::. L 11';1, t ( "t"'1v l,'f> } ) 't.!tl""(+ -1t"?""( ( ) , J\'A (  fJ> ) *ry;( ""(, * T Iv ( } rJ.t t:. ) -1t 5 .1 L t::. I.J " , '1 I.J' c?) A 11 ';1, -t- c?)  5 ( ) 293 
( ) , t '1 if; T Iv ( '? :fl\""(l\.1 Lt: o Watashi-tachi wa, yokohama ( ) densha de itte ( 2 ), basu 3 ) norikaete, hoteru ( 4 ) iki-mashita ga, hoka no hito-tachi wa, sono toki ( 5 ) ( 6 ), moo hoteru ( 7 ) tsuite i-mashita. We took a train as far as Yokohama, then (from there), we transfered and got on the bus to the hotel, but the others had already arrived at the hotel by that timeo I.> < c 26.  L t.: L;t:;t 7 1 A ""(':It* ( ( ) ( ):;t 7 1 A ( )  - T 1 :/ 7'1;" ; ( l;tt;, C IH" ), /\.*"* \ it 1;"  t t tL '.f    l \ 0 Ashita wa ofiisu de asa kuji ( hachi-ji han ( 3 ) ( 4 ) ofisu ) miitingu ga aru ( 2 ) , 5 ) ika-nakere ba nara-nai. As I will have to attend a meeting in my office at nine o'clock tomor- row morning, I have to be in my office by eight-thirtyo  J;? 1vJ;? )'J\PL.'f> < C 27. l' 8 U: 7  ( ) ; ( ), b t: L ,j: .:I: ( ):It * ( )'J\i.. l \ ""(,  tL 1;"  '1 t? ( ) I)W ry .1 -t 0 Kyoo wa zangyoo ( ) aru ( 2 ), watashi wa kaisha 3 ) kuji ( 4 ) ite, sore kara uchi ( 5 ) kaeri-masu. Because I have to work overtime today, I will be at my office until nine o'clock, then I will go homeo J.n  P ?h f.t'lJ> t> f.:PJ::? 28. t ""(' 5tp ( it"? ""( ( ) , b t: L 'j:;:fi1- c?) t:p ( * "? t: 0 :J.\.c?) rJ.'IJ>1J )'J\\"'C\ t  <I: \ :7't I; ";:fi1-  ( Aal\""(, ;J.c?)OO ( ) it"? t: .J: '1 t:  tL l \ t: "? t: 0 Fune de oki ( ) itte ( 2 ), watashi wa umi no naka ( 3 mogutta. Taiyoo no hikari ga kaitee ( 4 ) todoite, yume no kuni 5 ) itta-yoo ni kiree datta. 294 
After I went off shore by boat, I dove into the seao The sun's rays reached all the way down to the bottom of the sea, and it was as if I had wondered into a dream, it was so beautiful. 1t A., If'? 29. ct;  t: L;t, 7t. Jl ( ry .1 L t: I.J' ?  J; ., ) 1--8 ( ) ( t 1.. J; )'J\ A., ), .tg ( f,t A.,  '? 11 A., '11' ) 1Pr -ffit *  it Anata wa, sengetsu ) kyoo ( 2 ) ( 3 ), tosho-kan 4 ) nansatsu hon 0 kari-mashita ka? How many books have you borrowed from the library since last month (until today)? 30. t;,? < t:f300( I.> I: ) l \ ;  ( ) bt: L ( < )'Jt'? ), :lLJl ( "C )'Jth  \hA., f,t'?   I.J " *- t: 0 *- it-  I t;,?<  A.,J;? ( ) t:f300!L--C ( ; -t- '1 t:: o ) ( I: 11 A., ) 8 * ( )'J\ i.. ) I)W Chuugoku ( ) iru ani ( 2 ) watashi ( 3 ) tegami ga kita. Rainen no natsu ( 4 ) chuugokugo 0 benkyoo shite 5), kugatsu ( 6 ) ( 7 ) nihon ( 8 ) kaeru-soo da. A letter (addressed to me) came from my brother in Chinao He wrote that after studying Chinese there until next summer, he would come back to Japan by Septembero 295 
Lesson 7 Complete the sentences below, using either II t (to)," II  (ya)," Ilt:tt (dake)," II L 1J' (shika)," or II <  L \ (kurai [<.  L \ gurai])" in the paren- theseso IJ '/}, i..1v r.I? 1.  l \ jt;* U:, .: tL ( ) "e-tl;'? ';1l\, i-tL ( ) --c" -t 0 Akai enpitsu wa, kore ( ) desu ka? Hai, sore ( 2 ) desuo Is this the only red pencil? Yes, there is only that oneo It < '/},-r  < Iv 2. ';1,  ( .::"} t; <Iv ) -$".::.  ( ....h  < Iv ) J5  ( ) 1;' < tLlv'f L.1 L t: o Boku wa, kazuo-kun ( ) kooji-kun ( 2 ) fumio-kun ( 3 kakurenbo 0 shi-mashitao I played hide-and-seek with (such friends as) Kazuo, Kooji, and Fumioo It  3. bt: L ';1, 1':1- t - ( ) :J.::z.-A (  fk.1 L t: o Watashi wa, kesa koohii ) juusu ( 2 ) nomi-mashita 0 I only drank coffee and juice for breakfast this morningo It< It  4.  ';1 , l'  :t L v 'J ( ) -+t -7 7' (  )   .11t Iv --C'. L t: 0 I didn't eat anything but an omlet and a salad this morningo L h 5. £1;",  \ < '? ( ) Jt;t.1 -t 1;' ? It< h h v.t  ';1 ;. '? ( ) Jt;t;.J: 0 b t: L ';1 - '? ( h Jt;tl\bo Hoshi ga, ikutsu ( Boku wa mittsu ) mie-masu ka? 2 ) mieru yo. Watashi wa hitotsu ( 3 mie-nai wa 0 296 
(Approximately) how many stars can you see in the sky? I can see only three starso I can see only oneo A.,.f< 6.  L t::. c?)i! t: L;t, -+t /' F -1 ''J T ( <t!b *- b; ( b 1 #"?",(it.: 1 0 Ashita no ensoku ni wa, sandoicchi ( ) kudamono ( 2 ame 0 motte ikoo 0 I'll take a sandwich, some fruit, and some candies on the picnic tomor- rowo It < I:  'b' 1..  b  > 7. U:, j:?£ ry ( ), j:?-r ( fkh.b;  t"?"'( it < 10 Boku wa, onigiri ( ), okashi ( 2 ) nomi-mono 0 motte iku yo. I'll bring some onigiri (rice balls) and things like cookies and beverageso A.,t? 8. b t::. L L;t, j:? -#-  (  b ) fkh.b; ( b > ) #"?"'( itl.J'l \b o Watashi wa, obentoo ( ) nomi-mono ( 2 ) motte ika-nai wa. I'll only bring a boxed lunch and beverageso 9. -t- tLt:'tt ? <t!b ....1:: *- b;  .::.. '? ( Sore dake? A.,t? j:?-#- (  b ) fkh.b; ( ) L  j:?  I.J '0 I.J "T < "'( L J: 1 ? b > ) #"?",(itl\lo Obentoo ( ) nomi-mono 2 ) jaa onaka ga suku deshoo? Kudamono 0 futatsu ( 3 ) motte iki-nasai yo. That's all? You'll be hungry with only a boxed lunch and beverageso Why don't you bring a couple of pieces of fruit or sOo  J; ? .... It p 'b'  > IJ J;? 1.. A.,  It < 1 O.  8 c?) X   t:, f.Ej U I.J{ *' t::. c?) U:,  ( -t! A.,.I:  I., t:..? &.: I., ) "'(\ :g"'(.=.. + }... (  t;,t;,  I:A., ) *' t::. t t tL , XU L;t .n.}... ( *' ' I.J '0 "? t::. 0 Kyoo no fukee-kai ni ryooshin ga kita no wa, boku ) de, 297 
zenbu de sanjuu-nin 2 ) kita keredo, chichi-ova wa go-nin 3 ) ko-nakatta 0 Among the parents who attended today's PoToAo, I was the only one whose parents both came, and thirty parents came altogether, but there were only five fathers who cameo  J; ? I.: 'U-'f> < i...1v 11. bt: L, 8'::'s  ( t> Ih\.f"? < Iv 'U-'f> < i...1v ) #"?--Cl\l\o .=., AS  ( fJ' :iL --C < tLl\? Watashi, kyoo ni-hyaku en motte i-nai no 0 Keezoo-kun, go-hyaku en ( 2 ) kashlte-kure-nai? I have only two hundred yen with me todayo Keezo, could you lend me about five hundred yen? Pi... i... <lIit 1 2. ct;  t:   I.J'  JV{.1 --C  --C" ?:: tL ( ) I.J' I.J' ry .1 -t I.J' ? Anata no ie kara eki made kuruma de dore ( ) kakari-masu ka? How long does it take from your house to the station by car? t?J;? ?It f.l.1v 13.  * I.J'  Lr;t.1 --C1Pr  D ( ) ct; ry .1-tI.J'? Tookyoo kara sapporo made nan-kiro ( ) ari-masu ka? How many kilometers are there between Tokyo and Sapporo? It < t t> t.! 14. 1! ( 1t1v1tp  tr  tr P 7t j:. 'j: ,  l \  l \   "? --C l \ ; t t tL ?::, .: tL ( )  tr ,,\  It< \ it \   'j: i¥-  t:' .J: 0  'j: T   'J - *5t (  ) ;f--Cl\l\.J:o Boku no tomodachi ( ) sensee wa, samui samui to itte-iru keredo, kore ( 2 no samusa wa heeki da YOo Boku wa tii- 3 ) kite-i-nai yo. shatsu ichi-mai (People like) my friends and my teacher keep saying that it's cold, but cold weather like this doesn't bother me at all. I'm only wearing a T -shirto 298 
"'t 15. (:"-7 ( ) 1-3f-/ (    I.J,' *f  --C 1" I.J' ? Biifu ( ) chikin ( 2 ) dochira ga suki desu ka? Which do you like better, beef or chicken? h I.>P > 11 ?  "(A.- 16. rL --Cl\; lJ ( )  "?--CLl\c?)t:, J6 ( ) vAl' I;h> iI'lt t!." -7 / t: A"? --C t, {It , ;1 "? --C l \; ( ) --C 1" 0 "Kimi 0 aishite iru yo," ( ) itte-hoshii no ni, kissa-ten 2 ) resutoran ni haitte mo, kare wa damatte-iru ( 3 desu. I want him to say (to me), "I love you," but when we go to (places like) a coffee shop or a restaurant, he only remains silento .: t 1.. >? 1.. ?iI'A.- 17. 1--it- ';1 -  ra' ( "'t !JJ;':? t;,?{ ) 1*h-I.J"  tL  l \ I.J' , 1{-1T ';1 t:p 00 ( ) t:Ll t> J.? ii' '1  j "? t: t t tL , t '1 .::.. 8 ( "'t t > ) 1* h-I.J ,' tL -t- '1 t: I.J' , 7 -1 t: t -1T t> .: '1  j '1 0 Kotoshi wa isshuu-kan ( ) yasumi ga tore-nai kara, ryokoo wa chuugoku ( 2 ) ni shiyoo to omotta keredo, moo futsuka ( 3 yasumi ga tore-soo da kara, tai nimo ikoo to omou. Since I could only take one week for vacation this year, I had planned just to travel around China, but now since it looks like I can get two more days off, I hope to go to Thailand, as well. .: A.- II A.- 18. 1--1Dt c?) t-; I.J' -r .: tL ( ) ( )  l \ c?)? -+t -7 7' ( 'k t:l\ J;o Konban no okazu kore ( ) ( 2 nal no? Sarada ( 3 tabe-tai naa. Is this all we're having for dinner tonight? I wish I could have (at least) a salad as well. J;? "'t?il t { 1..{t.:> I: 19. 1--8 c?)*c?)ffi N!';1'::"-  ( l;t A.- .I: A.- )  c?) t:, .1 t:'.:f. (  8 ) tl:: *- --C 299 
\\o Kyoo no suugaku no shukudai wa ni-peeji hanbun ( 2 ) dekitei-nai 0 ) na no ni, mada The math homework for today is only two pages, but I've only done half of it. J;?t 20.  L t:. U:, * ( ) t.t  L. "j)'Jt{ IJ J;?':::? \ t> *" tt   *  -1T t : -1T <  t::  j '1 , '1 tL L < I: t: )'J'1v --C, .::: * ra' ( htr tL  I.J'"? t:. 0 ) nara e shuugaku-ryokoo ni iku noda to Ashita wa, kyooto ( omou to, ureshikute, ni-jikan. ( 2 ) ( 3 ) nemure-na-katta. When I thought about going to Kyoto and N ara tomorrow on the school trip, I was so excited that I could only sleep for about two hourso 300 
Lesson 8 Complete the sentences below, using II C (to), " I'-r(de), " 1I(J)(no), " II J: ) (yori)" or II "1 C*(hodo)" in the parentheseso t Ih> 1. .: c?) * t ( t It> ct; c?) *t ( ) .. ?::* t?  ( "'t "1 '11;{ l \ ""(.-t I)' ? Kono tokee ( ) ana tokee ( 2 ), dochira ( 3 ) hoo ga yasu i desu ka? Which is more inexpensive, this watch or that watch? 2. :J - t - ( Koohii ( .:.,t;, ) *x  ( ) ?::. t?  I; "l \ l \ ""(* -t I;"? ) koocha ( 2 ) dochira ga ii desu ka? Which would you like to have, coffee or tea? 3. b t:. L U: :J - t - ( .:?t;, ) *x ( (f) "1 '11;"fk t:. l \ ""(*-t 0 Watashi wa koohii ) koocha 2 ) hoo ga nomi-tai desu. I'd rather drink tea than coffeeo It < .: ? t;,  4. !j:*xU::J - t - ( "'t ) *f  t:  ct; ry .11tlvo Boku wa koocha wa koohii ( ) suki ja ari-masen. I don't like tea as much as I like coffeeo 5.  c?) '1 (  J; ? 1--8 (  tr 11 .»'J\ p  ., ) '1 '1 1;"  l \ ""(* -t .t:l 0 ""(. t j t;:fit it ( tr )  < ct; ry .11t Iv .J: 0 Kinoo ( kyoo (, 2 ) hoo ga samul desu nee Demo hok- kaidoo ( 3 ) samuku-arimasen YOo It's colder today than it was yesterday, isn't it? But it's not as cold as Hokkaidoo  t 6. .: c?) 1:t * ! j: .. ct; t:J: t:. ( ) bt:.L ( ) ry.1LJ:'1o Kono shigoto wa, anata ( ) watashi ( 2 ) yari-mashoo 0 301 
Let's you and I do this worko 7. -t    ( })-tL ( "(A., 7Z:  ( ) 1 t? ( p t;, II A., ?:::' tL I.J  - :I- T })   "C-t I.J' ? Sukiyaki ( ) osushi ( 2 ) tempura ( 3 ) uchi ( 4 dore ga ichiban osuki desu ka? Of sukiyaki, sushi, and tempura, which do you like best? I.>h 8. b t: L L;t $ ( 1t t-'b' Pt>?C ) ifl.J" <  ry .1 -\t 1v1.J",  ( t.:. 'b' )  l \ --Co -t 0 Watashi wa ane ( 2 ) takai desu 0 ) se ga takaku-ari-masen ga, imooto I'm not as tall as my elder sister, but I'm taller than my younger sister. J;?C 9. *I.J'  ( Kyooto kara ( t.t   ) Zt5"&.I.J' ( C?J;? t;,'b' ) '1 1 I.J" * * t : 1ft l \ --C' -t 0 ) nagoya kara ( 2 ) hoo ga tookyoo ni chikai desu. It is closer to Tokyo from Nagoya than from Kyotoo Kisha \ \ T -1T < ( ) I" A ( ) -1T < '1 1 I.J " -1{: l \ --Co -t .J: 0 ) iku ( 2 ) basu ( 3 ) iku hoo ga yasui desu  L.'" 1 O. /\.!tl ( yo. It is cheaper to go by bus than by traino  J; ? I.> '? I.> '? 1 1.  8 U: }) ?::: ?::: l \ ( )::1- l \ , t tL ?:::',  c?) 1 ( )::1- <  l \ 0 Kyoo wa ototoi ( ) atsui keredo, kinoo ( 2 ) atsuku-nai. It's warmer today than it was the day before yesterday, but not as warm as yesterday 0 h 1 2.  ( h C? ), c?)})X1v ( I: \ ), })Iv ( ) ( I.>pt;, ), t:" tL I.J"- IIA.,I;t  :I--'f- <   .1 -t I.J' ? Kimi ), kimi no otoosan 2 ), onllsan 3 ) ( 4 ), 302 
dare ga asa ichiban hayaku oki-masu ka? Among you, your father, and your brother, who gets up the earliest in the morning? 1£< T?tJ t < 13. lj:, t* ( ,? ) j:A ( T .: <  hI l., ) l111.7'*f 5 t: 0 00  lj:, If: rJ?. ( T )*f 5 C'  :  \0 Boku wa, suugaku ) seebutsu 2 ) hoo ga suki da. Kokugo wa rekishi ( 3 ) suki ja nai. I like biology better than matho I don't like Japanese as much as history 0 14. =-::1.-3-7 (  \ --eT 1.7'? Nyuuyooku t?IJ:? )  * ( ) l j: , *   ( \:'('':? t:J ) l111.7:}..."O 1.7:  ) tookyoo ( 2 ) wa, dochira ( 3 ) hoo ga jinkoo ga ooi desu ka? Which has a greater population, New York or Tokyo? 15. S  A -I ,,- ( tJ, ) 'A"?t::I\-T-T ( ), ':A-J"- ( ) J \-T T -T ( ) l111.7{, -r"?\o Ano suupaa ( ) katta banana 2 ), kono suupaa 3 ) banana ( 4 ) hoo ga zutto yasui. The bananas at this supermarket are much cheaper than the bananas I bought at that supermarketo \: "(,(,l.,,,,,  16. EJ.if- ( ) 1\1 7 ( ) l j: *   ( ) II 1 1.7: i!  \ "'(* T 1.7  ? J\ \: "(,(,l.,,,,, l;t 1 7 ( ) l111.7', EJ.if- ( ) it  \ "'(' T l 0 J itensha ( ) baiku ( 2 ) wa dochira 3 ) hoo ga hayai desu ka? Baiku ( 4 ) hoo ga, jitensha ( 5 hayai desu yo. Which is faster, a bicycle or a motorcycle? A motorcycle is faster than 303 
a bicycleo tt!-t;. 17. 1! ( "e L t: 0 J:?t ) Jf(f\) ( I) J: 'IJ' Iv t .&. 'k I) )  tg t : 58.1  .1 L t: 0 ::... A ( '?I/<  ilvi.1v ) -58.n.7JP3 Tomodachi ( ) kyooto ( 2 ) ryokan ni tomari-mashitao Futari 3 ) ip-paku ni-man en deshitao I stayed at a Japanese style inn in Kyoto with my friendo The charge was twenty thousand yen for the two of us for the nighto I': 18. b t: L U: JL (  'k'IJ' <? ) 1f 1.7'  < S  .1 -tt Iv 1.7', t ( I': ) -+j- -1 ;A' lei, JL cry  ) *-   \ --C T 0 Watashi wa ani ( ) se ga takaku-ari-masen ga, kutsu 2 saizu wa, ani no ( 3 ) ookii desu 0 I'm not as tall as my (elder) brother, but my shoe size is larger than hiso J:? t?t 19. 8 lei ( 'k Iv t: J: ? !I IUt )  j:. 8 --C T 0 £J: ( ) bt: L ( ( 'h ) j:? *>1.  \ ( ?< J:blv ) ::'.   -1 f' 1'F  .1 L t: 0 7" - ;\=- lei   ( t:J:?-r "'tI' ) T"? ..t-t-t:ili  *.1 Lt: o Kyoo wa otooto ( ) tanjoobi desuo Haha ( 2 ) watashi 3 ) ( 4 oiwai ( 5 ) gochisoo 0 tsukuri-mashitao Keeki wa kyonen ( 6 ) zutto joozu ni deki-mashitao Today is my brother's birthdayo My mother and I cooked a feast to celebrateo The cake we made this year was much better than the one we made last year 0 It< t?t t!'fJ< 20.  lei  , *- * ( ? 'IJ' < 1;1?!I J: ? h , )  {e.1e  f' JL t: 1T "? t: 0 t: <  Iv ( vt )A ( It < .&. ?? )  \ "? lei  \ t:: "? t: 1.7',  lei 1} i! ( (  'k'IJ' t ) 1f 1.7'   \ 1.7' , it < 1.7' , t: .&. Iv EJ '- Iv? h ?< ) t} T 1.7 'l < JL it t: 0 {e. t:' !  J: ? 8 ( v ) -1 n L  \ 8 lei   \ o 304 
Boku wa otooto to, daigaku ( ) gookaku-happyoo 0 mlnl- itta 0 Takusan ( 2 ) hito (3 ippai datta ga, boku wa futsuu 4 ) se ga takai kara, tooku kara, jibun ( 5 ) bangoo ga yoku mieta 0 Gookaku da' Kyoo ( 6 ) ureshii hi wa nai. My brother and 1 went to the college to see the acceptance listo It was packed full of people, but since I'm taller than average, 1 could see my number well from a distanceo I'd been accepted! I've never been happier than (I am ) todayo 305 
Lesson 9 Comprehension Exerciseso Complete the sentences below, using appropri- ate particleso My Experience Living in Japan (A): 1. bt:L ( f.t *:t ) ZAA" ( ) 7' v /' 7' ( ) \\.1 To Watashi ( ) namae ( 2 ) burenda ( 3 ) ii-masu My name is Brendao 2. b t: L ( L.1To ;: lv'IJ t '?  ) , 4' * 1t ( t!.)'lJt < ), ::*-* ( I.: Illv  ) 8 *! ( 1vJ:? )  o Watashi ( ), kon-gakki ( 2 ), kono daigaku ( 3 ) nihongo 4 ) benkyoo-shi-masu. I'm going to study Japanese at this college starting this semestero J:t.llv t: It! ? I.: 'lJ t ? 1;1 ? 'IJ' t? 3. bt: L ( ), -t. ( ) +-=-11-=-+8 ( ) ,  1] -::1" ( )  J:?  -'- ( ) *.1 L t: o ..If, Watashi ( ), kyonen 2 ) juuni - gatsu hatsuka ( 3 ), shikago ( 4 ) too kyoo ( 5 ) ki-mashita. I came to Tokyo from Chicago on December 20 of last year. I: Illv 1;1 t: t!) 4. (b t: L ( ) ) 8* ( ) ;fJ}  -'( -'(' T ( ) ,  1] -::1' ( ) *- 'lJt < I.: Illv  1vJ:? I: 11 Iv t: Iv * ( ) 8 *! ( ) ( ) L.1 Lt:L, 8*A ( ) t:; t t!i:" 1;1 t: tt i! ( ) t: < \.1 L t: ( ) , J}  -'(  l -1  rt ( ) s.1  L .1 -tt o (Watashi ( ) ) nihon ( 2 ) hajimete desu ( 3 ), shikago 4 ) daigaku ( 5 nihongo ( 6 benkyoo ( 7 ) shi- mashita shi, nihonjin ( 8 ) otomodachi ( q ) takusan i-mashita 306 
10 ), hajimete no yoo na ki ( II ) amari shi-masen. This is my first time in Japan, but I studied Japanese at a college in Chicago, and had many Japanese friends (there), so I don't feel very much like I'm (here) for the first timeo 5. t!)'lJt< .: ** ( I: IIA,  I: IIA, ) ( ), 8 '*! ( )"e lei : <, 8 '* ( Ih' '\) A,  J: ? ) kk 5R ( )   L .1 T 0  A, fJ> ) )t 1t t1. l., ( ) I!t ( Kono daigaku ( ) ( 2 ), nihongo ( 3 ) de wa naku, nihon 4 ) bunka ( 5 ) rekishi (- 6 ) keezai ( 7 ) benkyoo-shi- masu. At this college, I'm going to study not only Japanese language but also Japanese culture, history, and economics as wello 6.  1] '::f ( t!)'lJt< ) ** ( t J:? T ) \t:Wf ( ), * ( ) 1.t1v--C\.1 Lt: ) ;j;-L:AT1 ( ) L --C\.1 To ;j;:A r ( t?J:? ), * ( ) ( 7 7  I) - ( < -!>'IJ'v ) ,W-JlI1v ( ) \\.1 To Shikago ( ) daigaku ( 2 ) ita toki ( 3 ), ryoo ( 4 sunde-imashita ( 5 ) tookyoo ( 6 ) ( 7 ) hoomustee 8 ) shite-imasu. Hosuto famirii ( q ) kurokawa-san ( 10 ) ii-masuo When I was at the college in Chicago, I lived in a dormitory, but in Tokyo, I'm staying with a host familyo My family is the Kurokawaso l.,,,,CA, <-!>'IJ'v It?i.'lJt)l.,-to l.,-to"t:>J:? 7. ':' :£ A ( ) ,W- JlI  Iv ( ),   tl: ( ).:I: -&  Iv --C.-t 0 Goshujin ( ) kurokawa-san 2), booeki-gaisha ( 3 shachoo-san desuo Mro Kurokawa, the husband, is the president of a trading company. < 8.   Iv (   .: ) eg..:r  Iv ( ) I!f.t ), j:.ttn ( A,' ) ;(. j:. --C. T 0 307 
Okusan ( His wife, Akiko, is a teacher of flower arrangemento ) akiko-san ( 2 ), ikebana ( 3 ) sensee desuo  d;.II A, ? i. 9. -t}..t ( ( ) \.1To Ichiban ue ( t:J:? ) t:;*&1v ( It ? .: A, I:  ) ), M L --C, .::../J£ ( t.: )  ( .... )w:r ojoosan 2 ), kekkon-shite, nlsal 3 otoko ( 4 ) ko ( 5 ) i-masu 0 Their eldest daughter is married, and has a two-year old boyo I: II A, /I) 1 O. .::.. t} I3 ( b t: L ( N iban-me ( t:J:? ) t:;*&1v ( f.t tl., )  L  --C T 0 f.t * i. ), iW ( ) :.h.w:r ( ) \""?--C, ) ojoosan ( 2 ), namae ( 3 ) kimiko ( 4 itte, watashi ( 5 ) onaji toshi desu. Their second daughter is named Kimiko, and she is my ageo l., l., A, t: t?t 11. :.h.w:r1v ( ) r ( ), 1r¥'::" ( )  \ -1  ( ) \.1T tJ'tl. ':?':? >-t;.t.lA,> ( ) , it ( ) -j:. --CT 0 Kimiko-san ( ) shita ( 2 ), shinji ( 2 ) yu u otooto ( 4 imasu ( 5 ), kare ( 6 ) kookoo ichi-nen-see desu. Kimiko has a younger brother, Shinji; he is a first-year student in high school. 12. b t: L ( ( ) 1J '::f ( t ) \t:Wf ( ), :.h.w:r1v ( A,?? ) xi! ) L--C\.1Lt: (  J: ? t!.) f.t tJ, J: ), $  cry l -1 t: 1tf  L --C T 0 Watashi ( ) shikago ( 2 ) ita toki 3 ), kimiko-san 4 ) buntsuu ( 5 ) shite-imashita ( 6 ), kyoodai no yoo ni nakayoshi desuo Because I had been exchanging letters with Kimiko while I was in 308 
Chicago, we are very good friends, like real sisters. A,l.,...? 1.:-t;.J:? rJ t? 13. ;(. ( ) 8B1t8 ( ) , h..:r1v ( ) t:;X1v ( ) ,  <0* h..:r1v ( ) bt: L ( ) , Jf.. ( ) 717-."=--7/r' ( ) ? P It n --C 1T""? --C < t::   \.1 L t: 0 Senshuu ( ) nichiyoobi ( 2 ), kimiko-san ( 3 ) otoosan 4 ) kimiko - san ( 5 ), watashi ( 6 ), kuruma 7 dizunii-rando ( 8 ) tsurete-itte kudasai-mashitao Last Sunday, Kimiko's father took Kimiko and me to Disneylando 14. bt: L ( ) 7;l I) 1J ( t: .:  ( ) S.1T ( ( ) 7;l I) 1J ( ) ( Watashi ( ) amerika itta-koto ( 5 ) arimasu ( ) 7"17-."=--7/1'" ( ) ( \ ) 1T""? t? J:? ),  * ( )7'17-."=--7/F ) ""? <  --C', U"""? <  L .1 L t: 0 2 ) dizunii-rando ( 3 ) ( 4 6 ), tookyoo ( 7 ) dizunii-rando 8 ) amerika ( q ) ( 10 ) sokkuri de, bikkuri-shi-mashitao I have also been to Disneyland in the UoSo I was surprised that the Disneyland in Tokyo was so similar to the one in the UoSo 15. 7 1 7-." =- - 7 / r" ( .f )  Iv --C ( t?J:? ), *7?- ( Cf>lt )   .1 L t: o Dizunii-rando ) asonde ( 2 ), tookyoo-tawaa ( 3 nobori-mashita. After we had fun at Disneyland, we went up the Tokyo Tower. J:o  \ 16. 1(( ( ) hlvt:J: ( ) , t:;TL1v ( ) 1T.1 L t: o 717/7 ':l., I;: -t;....?A, ( )  \T ( ) JJt.1.7' ,t --c, 1£  -r L ( ) 5i.)t L .1 L t: 0 Yoru ( ) min-na ( 2 ), osushi-ya-san ( 3 ) iki-mashita. 309 
Kauntaa ( 4 ) isu ( 5 ) koshi-kakete, nigiri-zushi ( 6 chuumon-shi-mashita. In the evening, we went to a sushi restauranto We sat on tall stools at the counter and ordered 'nigiri-zushi.' 17.  n ( ) hlvt:J: ( ), 1J7;;"t7 / "- ( \ tJ\>l.,..-::ft ) {t  .1 L t: 0 4.:I:fh t.: &i)( )'5 ( V t t:.    It ) A 11 ( ) t: <  Iv *- --C  \.1 L t: 0 t:; 5 ( )  it:. it:. vt ), <17 ( ) #--C ( ) --C\-!>A (f) V t  Iv --C'  \ -!> A ( ( ) \.1 Lt: o Sore ( ) min-na 2 ), karaoke-baa ( 3 ) iki-mashita. Kaisha-zutome ( 4 ) otoko ( 5 ) hito-tachi ( 6 ) takusan kite i-mashita. Osake ( 7 ) nonde iru hito ( 8 ), maiku ( q motte uta ( 10 ) utatte-iru hito ( II ) i-mash ita. Then all of us went to a karaoke baro There were many men who worked at companies who had come (to the bar)o There were people who were (doing such things as) drinking sake and singing songs, holding a microphoneo f.t t!.\tJf< Iv  J: 1 1 8.  h w:r  Iv ( ) b t: L ( ),  L * * ( )   L --C  \ .1 T Iv': 1 i.>lvtJf< ( ),  h w:r  Iv ( ) -w-.!t ( )  )t * --C'T 0 Kimiko-san ( ) watashi ( 2 ), onaji daigaku 3) ben- kyoo - shite - imasu 4), kimiko - san ( 5 ) senkoo ( 6 eebungaku desu. Kimiko and I are studying at the same college, but Kimiko is majoring in English literatureo t:. 19. b t: L 11 ( t!. > tJf < ) ** ( l.,  ), 51t -a. ( ) S.1To Watashi-tachi ( ) daigaku { 2 ), shibuya ( 3 ) ari-masu. 310 
Our college is in Shibuyao 20.  h.:r  Iv ( *>I;:-; ..", fJ>"C? ), -8t 8 :Jt!?, r i ( ) "7-. ( ) bt: L ( 'lJf< 'IJ\ * ( ) i!\.1T Kimiko-san ) watashi ( 2 ), mainichi chikatetsu basu ( 4 ) daigaku ( 5 ) kayoi-masu. Kimiko and I commute to school by subway and bus every dayo t!.> )* 3 311 
Lesson 10 Comprehension Exerciseso Complete the sentences below, using appropri- ate particleso My Experience Living in Japan (8):  .t -; 1. 8 ( ), bt:L ( I: IIA, ) 8 * ( ( >tJ'? ) j:. ;17 ( ) \--C, 1;1 f.t l., t?t1iL.1 L J: 10 Kyoo ), watashi 2 ) nihon 3 ) ( 4 ) seekatsu 5 ) tsuite ohanashi-shi-mashooo Today, I shall talk about my life in J apano 2. b t: L ( *> -!>< t: ), -8t t:  \ --C  \  Wi (  ) .1To ?- ( )  ht:t:.< Xi-U' --C, -!t  ( "t:>.t-;l.,.t< ) T  ,   --CooT 0 Watashi ( Shawaa ), maiasa taitee roku-ji 2 oki-masu. 3 ) abite, mi-jitaku 4 ) suru to, chooshoku desuo Every morning, I usually get up at sixo After taking a shower and getting ready for school, I have breakfasto < -!> tJ'v 3. ,W- JlI  Iv ( ) 1  ( -;.t-;l.,.t< )   ( v J..; 1;1 A, ) , t:  \ --C  \   --C, ::.: f&. l.,o ( ) t? h  it (  .1 To ) Lib' ( t:.*:: ) , rp --CO  J9 (  > ) Jf* ( ) s Kurokawa-san ) uchi ( 2 ) chooshoku ( 3 ), taitee wafuu de, gohan ( 4 ) omisoshiru ( 5 ) hoka ( 6 ), yude-tamago ( 7 ) yasai ( 8 ) ari-masu 0 Breakfast at the Kurokawas is usually Japanese style, and we have (there are) rice, and miso-soup, as well as boiled eggs, and vegetableso 312 
4. h t::. L ( I;: Ii  t. J: < ) 8*-t- ( t!.\ T ) *- *T  --C T ( t.&? !:? ),  it ( ) t:. ( ),.1 t: 'c:. 1 L --C t -t- G tL .1  Iv o Watashi ( ) nihon-shoku ( 2 ) daisuki desu ( 3 ), nattoo 4 ) ( 5 ), mad a dooshitemo taberare-masen. I love Japanese food, but natto is the only thing I can't eat yet, no matter what. t:? \i;, l:f IH> 5. h.1-1v ( ) h t::. L ( ) , 1 J?t:f ( ) -.Jf-< 1 J?  !:?!: t.t:< fJt? .:: ? i;, ( ) tl:f.1T ( ) ,  ( ) 1$ -=- g ( ) , *;fX ( ) .ift\ t. i;, t: l;t  --C' , -1: * .:f. ':'  1 J? ( ) tl:f .1 T 0 Kimiko-san ( ) watashi ( 2 ), uchijuu ( 3 ) ichiban haya- ku uchi ( 4 de-masu ( 5 ), otooto 6 ) shinji-ku n 7 ), gakkoo ( 8 ) chikai node shichi-ji han goro uchi ( q de-masuo In the family, Kimiko and I leave home the earliest, but Kimiko's brother, Shinji, leaves home around seven-thirty, since his school IS close to the houseo <0* ( ) Jti ( l;ti;, t: < fJ'b ), .I \. * ':'  ,}l1  Iv ( trfJ' ) i:fit ( *\ IJ \ t. ), 41t   .:I: s ) *.1 To 6. <  fJ' b , }II  Iv ( t. t: ) ':' £ A. ( t.i;,J:? ) .:I: -&.  Iv --C T ( Kurokawa-san ( ) goshujin ( 2 shachoo-san desu 3 ), mai-asa kaisha ( 4 ) kuruma 5 ), hachi-ji goro kurokawa-san ( 6 ) mukae ( 7 ) ki-masuo Since Mro Kurokawa is the president, his compnay car (his chauffeur) comes to pick him up about eight o'clock every morningo IJ  t!\ 'lJt <"? .". .". t:   J: ? .t:J 7.  *- * ( ):f  \ --C ( ) T  ( ) {i jk ( )  h  "?"? .::?t.  ( ) ,  h. 1-  Iv ( ) h t::. L ( ) Jj IJ  ( );fX  ( )  313 
SJ:? L.1To Asa daigaku ( ) tsuite ( 2 ) gogo ( 3 ) jugyoo ( 4 owaru ( 5 ), kimiko-san ( 6 ) watashi 7 ) betsu-betsu 8 ) koosha ( q ) benkyoo-shi-masu. After we arrive at school, until our afternoon classes are over, Kimiko and I study in separate buildingso I.: li  8. 8 *! ( -tt -tt\ ) ;t ( t.& *:t ) Zwr ( \ltiJth ) 51!?.L \ biJ' )  "?"'(, <"'( t.& tL\:* ( v-t ) A"'(* T 0 Nihongo ( ) sensee ( 2 ) namae ( 3 ikegami ( 4 itte, wakakute kiree na on-na ( 5 ) hito desu. The name of my Japanese teacher is Ikegami, and she is a young and bea utiful womano I: li  It? t:J:? t.?  t: iJ' 9. 8 *! ( ) )C;'-! ( ) { "1it ( ) , i'!l ( ) 1i * ra' ( iJ'\ b I.: t: iJ'  .1TL, tt ( ) ..::. * ra'   .1 T 0 ) Nihongo ( ) bunpoo ( 2 ) jugyoo ( 3 ), shuu ( 4 go-jikan ( 5 ) ari-masu shi, kaiwa ( 6 ) ni-jikan ari-masu. We have a Japanese grammar class (as much as) five hours a week, and we also have t\VO hours of conversation classo I: li  t: t: 10. 8*! ( ) 77'A ( ) ( ) , "7 ;l ') 1; A ( ) 77/'AA t: i;.?<t: ( ) V l' '/ A ( ) t:p OOA ( ) \.1 To Nihon ( ) kurasu ( 2 ) ( 3 ), amerika-jin ( 4 ) furansu- jin ( 5 ) doitsu-jin ( 6 ) chuugoku-jin ( 7 ) i-masuo In my Japanese class, there are students (whose nationalities include) American, French, German and also Chineseo 314 
I.: Ii I.- ;,: I.- fJ' I.-J:") \* i;. 11. 8* ( ) )C it ( ) T7-7A ( ) ( ) , A }) 7 , \ Iff.t I.-SJ:") .: ( )  ,t 1t ( ) ( ) L --C\.1 To ..:r1v ( ) }) fJ'lJ  \ Iff.t -tt I.- .tH \ £J::::1v ( )  ,t 1t ( ) ;t  --CT ( ) , ht:.. L ( ) \;;\ :tH" ;;t!{it --C t G\.1 To Nihon ( 4 ), ima, bun ka 2 ) ben kyoo-su ru ku rasu 3 7 ocha ( 5 ikebana ( 6 8 ) okaasan benkyoo q ) ikebana shite-imasu. Kimiko-san 10 ) sensee desu ( II ), watashi ( 12 ) iro-iro oshiete moral-masu In the class where we study Japanese culture, we are learning tea ceremony and flower arrangingo Since Kimiko's mother is a teacher of flower arranging, I learn a lot from her. I.: IiI.- hS l. I.-  J: ") .t')\ t: \ l.1.- 12. 8 * ( ) If!:)t ( )   T  7 -7 A ( ) ( ), 8A j 1t Jf Ii I.- .I: ( )   \ --C ( ) * ( )  Iv --C  \ .1 T 0 ) rekish i ( 2 ) ben kyoo-su ru ku rasu ( 3 meeji-ishin ( 5 ) tsuite ( 6 ) hon ( 7 ) yonde- Nihon ( 4 ), Imasu. In the class in which we study about Japanese History, we are now reading a book on the Meiji Restorationo V-o fJt,?,:") l.J:<") tt.!i;. \'?l.J: 13. }) JEt.. ( ) t:..  \ --C  \ ,*;fX ( ) -t- ':t ( )}) iL 11 ( ) - *-f t:. bl.J:< .I:")l..I:< ( ) -t-.1 To -t- ( ) 5-¥ -t- ( ) "? --C,  --C t })\ L \ --C T 0 Ohiru ) otomodachi ( taitee gakkoo ( 2 ) shokudoo ( 3 ) 4 ) issho ( 5 ) tabe-masu. Washoku ( 6 ) yoo-shoku ( 7 ) atte, totemo oishii desu. 315 
Usually, I have lunch at the school cafeteria with my friendso Both Japanese and Western style foods are available, and they are deliciouso .I; t: t:J:?  14. V3* ( ) { ( ) h  ( ) , .:r1v ( ) h t::. L >"?t..J: fJ>i... ( ) - *-f ( ) 1t? ( ) w.1-;-o Yoji ( ) jugyoo ( 2 ) owaru 3 ), kimiko-san 4 watash i ( 5 ) issho ( 6 ) uchi ( 7 ) kaeri-masu. When school is over at four o'clock, Kimiko and I go home togethero ?t..J:< t:.rl) t? 15. 7-t- ( )  L  \ V'    --C -;- 0 .:r1v ( ) j?X1v ( ) >.fiJt iJ'> t..   iJt> .:: <  --C t 'tt L < --C, tl: ( ) h"?--C ( ) ( ) , jOO ( ) < IJ .s. t! I.- 1:.1;, ( ) j?1;1v ( ) "? t::.  L .1 -;- ( ) , .tt ( ) ht::.Li! >"? t..J: ?t..J:< I:. ( ) - *-f ( ) 7-t- ( ) -t-""'.: ( ) .1.1 Iv o Yuushoku ) tanoshii hitotoki desu 0 Kimiko-san ( 2 otoosan ( 3 ) totemo isogashiku te, kaisha ( 4 ) owatte 5 ) ( 6 ), gaikoku 7 ) ( 8 ) okyaku-san ( ) watashi-tachi ( q 12 attari shi-masu 10 ), fudan ( II issho ( 13 ) yuushoku ( 14 ) taberu koto ( 15 ) amari ari- masen. Dinner time is a fun timeo But since Kimiko's father is very busy, and even after work, he has meetings with visitors from foreign countries, he seldom has a chance to have dinner with uSo t? .1;0 < t: 16. --C t, .:r  Iv ( ) j? X  Iv ( )  iL* ':'  ( ) iJ'i... S >"? t..J: ) W"? --C *.1 -;- ( ), 1vJ:J: ( ) -*-f (  fJ> t.. I:. #"?'::? )  Iv t::  j? .:r ( ) -t-"'" t::.  L J:J: I;' G, '* *- ( 1 t? ( ( ) 1;, )j? ) .:  ( ( l:tf,& t?t ) tL.1-;-o  ( t.. I.- t: < l.- ) 1$..::. g ( >"?t..J: ) - *-f --C'-;- 0 316 
Demo, kimiko-san ( ) otoosa n ( 2 ) yoru ku-ji goro ( 3 4 ) uchi ( 5 ) kaette ki-masu ( 6 ), min-na ( 7 ) issho 8 ) ocha ( q ) nondari okashi ( 10 ) tabe-tari shi-nagara, gakkoo ( II ) koto ( 12 ) hanashi-masu. Otooto ( 13 ) shinji- kun ( 14 ) issho desuo However, when Kimiko's father comes home at around nine o'clock, all of us drink tea and eat sweets while we talk about things (that happened) at school. Kimiko's brother, Shinji, (chats) with us, tooo *>I.:i;,t.<t!> 17. 41t 8 ffi H! ( ) t: < h,,..t\ .:rh" ( ) ht: L ( ) .l;ot:?I': t:  +-=-* ( J:? ) L.1To Mainichi shukudai ( ) takusan aru node, kimiko-san 2 watashi ( 3 ) yoru juuni-ji ( 4 ) benkyoo-shi-masu. Because we have a lot of homework assignments every day, Kimiko and I study until twelve o'clock midnighto 1 8.  .:r  h" ( :t >  )  ! ( tS ) hl)'G\* ( ), ht:L ( I.: Ii   t S ) 8 *! ( ) h h' G   \ * ( ) ) t. fxit--C'f.1TL, ht:L ( .:rh" ( t. ) fxit --C < h.1 To ) eego ( 2 ) wakara-nai toki ( 3 ), watashi Kimiko-san ( 4 ) oshiete-age-masu shi, watashi ( 5 ) nihongo ( 6 wakara-nai toki ( 7 ) kimiko-san ( 8 ) oshiete-kure-masu. When Kimiko does not understand English, I help (teach) her, and in return, when I don't understand Japanese, Kimiko teaches meo tS 19. *.q1;=f ( t t!i;, ) i! ( "C fJt II- ) -t- ( S ) *.1To ht:L ( )  1; =f ( I.: li  ) 8 *! ( f,&t:. .1;.:: * -tt -tt> ) "? t:tL1:1tj:. ( ) ( "C 1111- )-t- 317 
fJ> ( ) .To T oki-doki shikago ) tomodachi 2 ) tegami ( 3 ) ki- masu. Watashi ( 4 ) shikago ( 5 ) nihongo ( 6 ) na-ratta yokoyama-sensee ( 7 ) ( 8 ) tegami ( q ) kaki-masu. I sometimes get a letter from my friend in Chicagoo I also write letters to Mrso Yokoyama from whom I learned J apaneseo * >"  " I: Ii I.- 20. ht::. L ( ) 41t   '7 - ( ) %U'. T ( ) , 8* ( ) j;? .s. .; t!> T .1;0 .s. .; I;h> J!tg ( ) **1-  --CT ( ) , j:<j;?J!tg ( ) ATo A r   VA ( ) tL--C,  \  \  # t? --C T b Watashi ( 4 ) ofuro ) mai-asa shawaa ( 2 ) abi-masu ( 3 ), nihon 5 ) daisu ki desu ( 6 ), yoru yoku ofu ro 7 ) hairi-masu. Sutoresu ( 8 ) torete ii kimochi desu. Although I take a shower every morning, because I love Japanese baths, I often take a bath in the eveningo It rids me of stress, and makes me feel goodo 318 
ANSWER KEYS [Lesson 1] 1. -1J'(ga) 20 -,: (wa) 30 -1J (ga) 4. -,: (wa) 50 -,: (wa), 2-1J(ga) 60 -,: (wa), 2-1J(ga) 70 -,: (wa), 2-': (wa) 80 -1J (ga) 90 -,: (wa) 100 -':(wa) 11. -1J(ga) 12. -1J (ga) 130 -1J (ga) 140 -':(wa) 150 -1J(ga) 160 -1J(ga) 170 -':(wa), 2-1J(ga) 180 -':(wa), 2-1J(ga), 3-1J(ga)/': (wa) 190 -1J(ga) 200 -1J(ga) 21. -1J(ga) 22. -,: (wa) 230 -,: (wa) 240 -,: (wa) 250 -,: (wa) 260 -1J(ga) 270 -1J(ga) 280 -1J(ga) 290 ...,: (wa), 2-1J (ga) 30. -,: (wa), 2-': (wa), 3-': (wa) [Lesson 2] 1. I-':(wa) 2. 1 -1J (ga) 30 1-1J (ga) 4. I-t,(mo) 5. 1-': (wa) 60 1-': (wa), 2-1J (ga) 70 - t, (mo), 2-1J (ga) 80 - ,: (wa), 2-1J (ga) 90 -':(wa) 100 -':(wa), 2-1J(ga) 11. - t, (mo), 2-1J (ga) 120 -':(wa), 2-':(wa), 3-1J(ga) 130, -,: (wa), 2-1J(ga) 140 - t, (mo), 2-1J (ga) 150 -':(wa), 2-1J(ga) 160 -,: (wa), 2-': (wa) 17. -,: (wa) 180 - t, (mo) 190 - t, (mo) 200 - t, (mo) 21. -':(wa) 22. -1J(ga) 23. - t, (mo) 240 - t, (mo) 250 -1J (ga) 260 -1J (ga) 270 -':(wa) 2-1J(ga) 280 -':(wa), 2-t,(mo), 3-t,(mo) 290 - t, (mo), 2- t, (mo), 3-1J(ga) 300 -,: (wa), 2-1J(ga), 3-': (wa) [Lesson 3] 1. -(7) (no), 2-1J(ga)/':(wa) 20 -(7) (no), 2- t, (mo) 30 -(7) (no), 2-': (wa) 40 -(7) (no), 2-':(wa), 3-1J(ga) 50 -(7) (no) 60 -,: (wa), 2-1J(ga) 7. -,: (wa), 2-1J(ga) 80 -,: (wa), 2-1J(ga) 90 -':(wa), 2-1J(ga), 3-1J(ga) 100 -(7) (no), 2-': (wa), 3-1J (ga) 11. -(7) (no), 2- t, (mo), 3- t, (mo) 12. -(7) (no), 2- ,: (wa), 3-1J (ga), 4 -1J (ga), 5-(7) (no), 6-':(wa), 7-1J(ga) 130 1-(7) (no), 2- t, (mo), 3-1J (ga) 319 
140 -(J) (na), 2- t (ma) 250 I-""('(de), 2-(a), 3-(a) 1 So -(J) (na), 2-': (wa) 260 1-""(' (de), 2-  (a), 3-""(' (de) 160 -':(wa), 2-1J(ga), 3-1J(ga) 270 I-",,('(de), 2-(a) 170 -(J) (na), 2- t (ma) 28. I-",,('(de), 2-(a) 180 -,: (wa) 29. I-",,('(de), 2-(a) 190 -1J(ga), 2-1J(ga) 300 I-",,('(de), 2-",,('(de), 3-(a) 200 -1J (ga) 21. - t (ma), 2- t (ma), 3-1J (ga) [Lesson 5] 220 -1J (ga) 1. I-(a), 2-",,('(de), 3-':(ni) 230 -,: (wa), 2-': (wa) 20 I-(e)/':(ni), 2-",,('(de) 240 -(J) (na), 2-': (wa), 3-1J (ga) 30 1-""(' (de), 2- ,: (ni), 3-  (a) 250 -,: (wa), 2-1J (ga), 3- t (mo) 40 I-':(ni), 2-",,('(de), 3-(a) 260 -,: (wa), 2-': (wa), 3-1J(ga) So 1-  (a), 2- (e) / ,: (ni) 270 -(J) (na), 2-1J (ga) 60 1-': (ni), 2-",,('(de) 280 -1J (ga), 2-1J (ga) 70 I-':(ni), 2-""('(de), 3-(a) 290 -,: (wa), 2-1J (ga), 3-1J (ga), 4-(J) 80 I-""('(de), 2-(e)/': (ni), 3-",,('(de), (na), 5-': (wa), 6- t (mo), 7- t (ma) 4-  (a) 300 1-1J (ga), 2- t (ma), 3- t (mo), 4- t 90 I-(e)/':(ni), 2-""('(de), 3-(a) (ma) 100 I-':(ni), 2-':(ni), 3-(a) 11. 1- ,: (ni), 2-""(' (de) [Lesson 4] 120 I-(e)/':(ni), 2-':(ni), 3-(a) 1. -",,('(de), 2-(a) 130 I-(o), 2-':(ni) 20 -""('(de) 14 I-':(ni), 2-(0), 3-",,('(de), 4- 30 -  (0) (a), 5- (e) / ,: (ni) 40 -""(' (de), 2-  (0) 1 So I-':(ni), 2-",,('(de), 3-(a) So - (a), 2-",,('(de) 160 I-",,('(de), 2-(0) 60 - (a), 2-",,('(de) 170 I-",,('(de), 2-':(ni), 3-",,('(de), 4- 70 - (a), 2-",,('(de) (a) 8. -""('(de), 2- (a) 180 I-(o), 2-':(ni), 3-(e)/':(ni), 90 -  (a) 4-",,('(de), 5-(0) 100  (a), 2-""(' (de) 190 1- ,: (ni), 2- (e) / ,: (ni), 3- ,: (ni) 11. -""('(de), 2- (a) 200 I-",,('(de), 2-': (ni), 3-(a) 120 -""('(de), 2-(a) 21. 1- ,: (ni), 2-  (a) 130 -",,('(de), 2-(a) 220 1-""(' (de), 2- ,: (ni) 140 -""('(de) 230 I-':(ni), 2-(a), 3-",,('(de) 1 So -(o), 2-",,('(de) 240 1- ,: (ni), 2-  (a), 3- (e) / ,: (ni) 160 -""('(de), 2-",,('(de), 3-(a) 250 I-(a), 2-""('(de)/(wa), 3-':(ni)/ 170 -""('(de), 2- (0)  (ni), 4-  (a), 5- ,: (ni) 180 -  (a), 2-""(' (de) 260 I-",,('(de), 2- ,: (ni), 3- ,: (ni), 4-""(' 190 - (a), 2-",,('(de) (de), 5-  (0) 200 -(a), 2-",,('(de) 270 I-':(ni), 2-(a), 3-",,('(de) 21. - (a), 2-",,('(de), 3- (a) 280 I-(a), 2-(e)/':(ni), 3-(0) 220 -(a), 2-",,('(de) 290 I-",,('(de), 2-(0), 3-(e)/':(ni) 230 -""('(de), 2-(a) 300 I- (0), 2-",,('(de), 3- ,: (ni), 4-': 240 -""('(de), 2-(a) (ni), 5-(a), 6-(a) 320 
[Lesson 6] 10 1-1J'  (kara) 20 1- * ""(, (made) 3. 1-1J'  (kara) 40 1-1J'(kara), 2-(e)/t:(ni), 3-* ""(, (made), 4- (e) It: (ni) So 1-1J'  (kara), 2- * ""(, (made) 60 1-1J'  (kara), 2-1J'  (kara), 3- * ""(- (made) 70 1-1J'  (kara) 80 1-1J'  (kara), 2- * ""(, (made) 90 1-1J'  (kara) 100 1 - * ""(, (made), 2 - t: (ni), 3 -1J'  (kara), 4- * ""(, (made) 11. 1-* ""('(made)/t: (ni)/(e), 2-1J' (kara) 120 1-1J'  (kara), 2- * ""(, (made) 130 1- * ""(, (made), 2-1J'  (kara) 140 1-1J'  (kara), 2- t: (ni) 1 So 1-1J'  (kara), 2- * ""(- (made) 160 1- t: (ni), 2-1J'  (kara), 3- t: (ni) 170 1-1J' (kara), 2-* ""('(made), 3-t: (ni) 180 1-* ""(-(made), 2-t:(ni), 3-1J' (kara) 190 1-1J'  (kara), 2- * ""(- (made) 200 1- * ""(, (made), 2- t: (ni) 21. 1-1J'  (kara), 2- * ""(, (made), 3- t: (ni) 220 1- t: (ni), 2-1J'  (kara) 230 1- t: (ni), 2-1J'  (kara) 240 1- * ""(, (made), 2-1J'  (kara), 3- (e)/t:(ni) 250 1 - * ""(, (made), 2 -1J'  (kara),3 - t: (ni), 4- * ""('(made)/t: (ni), 5- *""(. (made), 6- t: (ni), 7- t: (ni) 260 1-1J'  (kara), 2-1J'  (kara), 3- * ""(- (made), 4-t: (ni), 5-(e)/t: (ni) 270 1-1J< (ga), 2-1J'  (kara), 3- t: (ni), 4- * ""(, (made), 5- (e) It: (ni) 280 1- * ""(- (made), 2-1J'  (kara), 3- (e) It: (ni), 4- * ""(, (made), 5- (e) I t: (ni) 290 1-1J'  (kara), 2- * ""(, (made), 3-t: (ni), 4-1J'  (kara) 300 1- t: (ni), 2-1J'  (kara), 3- t: (n), 4-* ""('(made), 5-1J' (kara), 6-*""(' (made), 7- t: (ni), 8- (e) It: (ni) [Lesson 7] 1. l-t.:tt(dake),2-t.:tt(dake) 20 I- (ya), 2- (ya), 3- t (to) 30 1- t (to), 2- t.: tt (dake) 40 1- t (to), 2- L 1J' (shika) So 1- <-  l \ (gurai), 2- t.: tt (dake), 3- L 1J' (shika) 60 I-t (to), 2-t (to) 70 1- t (to), 2- (ya) 80 1- t (to), 2- L 1J' (shika) 90 1- t (to), 2- t.: tt (dake), 3- <-  l \ (gurai) 100 1- t.: tt (dake) ,2- <.  l \ (gurai), 4- L 1J' (shika) 110 1- L 1J' (shika), 2- <-  l \ (gurai) 120 1- <  l \ (kurai) 130 I-<-l\(gurai) 140 I- (ya), 2- <  l \ (kurai), 3- L 1J' (shi.ka) 1 So 1- t (to), 2- t (to) 160 I-t (to), 2-(ya), 3-t.:tt(dake) 170 I-L1J'(shika), 2-t.:tt(dake), 3-<- l \ (gurai) 180 1- t.: tt (dake), 2- L 1J' (shika), 3- <'  l \ (gurai) 190 l-t.:tt(dake),2-L1J'(shika) 200 I- (ya), 2- <-  l \ (gurai), 3- L 1J' (shika) [Lesson 8] 1. 1- t (to), 2- t (to), 3-(7) (no) 20 1 - t (to), 2 - t (to) 30 1- J: ') (yori), 2-(7) (no) 40 l-t1 t- (hodo) So 1 - J: ') (yori), 2 - (7) (no), 3 - t1 t- (hodo) 60 I-t (to), 2-",,(-(de) 7. I-t (to), 2-t (to), 3-(7) (no), 4-""(- (de) 80 l-t1t'(hodo), 2-J: ') (yori) 90 1- J: ') (yori), 2-(7) (no) 321 
100 I-",,('(de), 2-J: ') (yari) , 3-",,('(de) 11. 1- J: ') (yari), 2-(1 t' (hada) 120 I-t (ta), 2-t (ta), 3-t (ta) , 4-""(' (de) 130 1- J: ') (yari), 2 - (7) (na), 3 - (1 t' (hada) 140 I-t (ta), 2-",,('(de), 3-(7) (na) 150 I-",,('(de), 2-J: ') (yari) , 3-(7) (na), 4-(7) (na) 160 I-t (ta), 2-",,('(de), 3-(7) (na), 4-(7) (na), 5- J: ') (yari) 170 1- t (ta), 2-(7) (na), 3-""(' (de) 180 1-(1 t'(hada), 2-(7)(na), 3- J: ') (yari) 190 1-(7) (na), 2-t (ta) , 3-t (ta) , 4-""(' (de), 5-(7) (na), 6- J: ') (yari) 200 1-(7)(na), 2-(7) (na), 3-",,('(de), 4-J: ') (yari), 5-(7) (na), 6 -(1 t' (hada) [Lesson 9] 1. 1-(7) (na), 2-(;t (wa), 3- t (ta) 20 I-(;t(wa), 2-1J'(kara), 3-""('(",,('), 4-  (a) 30 I-t;t(wa), 2-(7) (na), 3-': (ni), 4-1J'  (kara), 5- (e) I': (ni) 40 I-t;t(wa), 2-t;t(wa), 3-1J«ga), 4-(7) (na), 5-""(' (de), 6-(7) (na), 7-  (a), 8-(7) (na) ,9- t, (ma) I 0-1J'  (kara), 11-1J< (ga) /t;t (wa) 50 I-",,('(de), 2-t;t(wa), 3-f.:tt(dake), 4-(7) (na), 5- (ya), 6- (ya), 7- t, (ma) 60 1-(7)(na), 2-':(ni), 3-t;t(wa), 4-': (ni), 5-1J«ga), 6-",,('(de),7-t;t(wa), 8 -  (a), 9-t;t (wa), I 0- t (ta) 70 1-(7)(na), 2-t;t(wa), 3-(7) (n"a) 80 1-(7) (na), 2-t;t (wa), 3-(7) (na) 90 1-(7) (na), 2-t;t (wa), 3-(7) (na), 4-(7) (na), 5-1J< (ga) 100 1-(7) (na), 2-t;t(wa), 3-(a), 4-t (ta), 5- t (ta) 11. 1-(7) (na), 2- ,: (ni), 3- t (ta), 4-1J< (ga), 5-1J«ga), 6-t;t(wa) 120 I-t;t(wa), 2-':(ni), 3-1J'(kara), 4- t (ta), 5-  (a), 6-1J'  (kara) 322 130 1-(7)(na), 2-t;t(wa)/':(ni), 3-(7) (na), 4-1J< (ga), 5- t (ta) ,6-  (a), 7-",,('(de), 8-(e)/': (ni) 140 I-t;t(wa), 2-(7) (na), 3-(e)/':(ni), 4-t,(ma), 5-1J«ga), 6-1J«ga), 7-(7) (na), 8-t;t(wa), 9-(7)(na),10-t (ta) 150 I-""('(de), 2-1J' (kara), 3-(e)/': (ni) 160 I-t;t(wa), 2-",,('(de), 3-(e)/':(ni), 4-(7) (na), 5- ,: (ni), 6-  (a) 170 1-1J' (kara), 2-""(' (de) , 3-(e)/': (ni), 4-(7) (na) ,5-(7) (na) ,6-1J< (ga), 7-(a), 8-(ya), 9-(a), 10-(a), II-t,(ma) 180 I-t (ta), 2-t;t(wa), 3-",,('(de), 4-1J< (ga), 5-(7) (na), 6-t;t(wa) 190 1-(7)(na), 2-t;t(wa), 3-':(ni) 200 I-t (ta), 2-t;t(wa), 3-t (ta), 4-""(' (de), 5- (e) / ,: (ni) [Lesson 10] 1. I-t;t(wa), 2-(7) (na), 3-",,('(de), 4-(7) (na), 5-': (ni) 20 I-t;t(wa), 2-':(ni), 3-(a), 4-(a) 30 1-(7)(na), 2-(7) (na), 3-t;t(wa), 4-t (ta), 5-(7) (na), 6-':(ni),7-(ya), 8- t, (ma) 40 I-t;t(wa), 2-t;t(wa)/1J«ga), 3-1J< (ga),4-f.:tt (dake), 5-t;t (wa) 50 I-t (ta), 2-t;t(wa), 3-",,('(de), 4- (a), 5-1J«ga), 6-(7) (na), 7-t;t(wa), 8-1J< (ga), 9-  (a) 60 1-(7)(na), 2-t;t(wa), 3-1J'(kara), 4-(7) (na), 5-1J«ga), 6-(a), 7-': (ni) 7. 1- ,: (ni), 2-1J'  (kara), 3-(7) (na), 4-1J«ga), 5-.t ""('(made), 6-t (ta), 7-t;t(wa), 8-(7) (na), 9-",,('(de) 80 1-(7)(na), 2-(7) (na), 3-t;t(wa), 4-t (ta), 5-(7) (na) 90 1-(7)(na), 2-(7) (na), 3-t;t(wa), 4-': (ni), 5- t, (ma), 6- t, (ma) 100 1-(7)(na), 2-':(ni), 3-t;t(wa), 4- (ya), 5- (ya), 6- (ya), 7- t, (ma) 11. 1-(7)(na), 2-(a), 3-""('(de), 4-t;t 
(wa), 5- t (to), 6-(7) (no), 7-  (0), 8-(7) (no), 9-';t (wa) , 10-(7) (no), II-tJ'  (kara), 12-';t (wa) 120 1-(7) (no), 2-  (0), 3-,",(#(de), 4-';t (wa), 5-(: (ni), 6-(7) (no) ,7-  (0) 130 I-';t(wa), 2-(7) (no), 3-'"'(# (de) , 4-t (to), 5- (: (ni), 6- t (mo), 7- t (mo) 140 I-(:(ni), 2-tJ{(ga), 3-t(to), 4-t (to), 5-';t(wa), 6-(: (ni), 7-A..(e)/(: (ni) 150 I-';t (wa), 2-(7) (no), 3-';t (wa),4-tJ{ (ga) ,5-tJ'  (kara), 6- t (mo) ,7-tJ'  (kara), 8-(7) (no), 9- t (to), I O-tJ,  (kara), II-';t(wa), 12-t (to), 13-(: (ni), 14- (0), 15-';t (wa) 160 1-(7)(no), 2-';t(wa), 3-(:(ni), 4-';t (wa), 5-A.. (e) 1(: (ni), 6-tJ'  (kara), 7-,",(#(de), 8-(:(ni), 9-(0), 10- (0),11-(7) (no), 12-  (0), 13-(7) (no), 14- t (mo) 17. l-tJ{(ga), 2-t(mo), 3-t(mo), 4-1 '"'(. (made) 180 l-tJ{(ga), 2-tJ{(ga), 3-';t(wa), 4-tJ{ (ga), 5-tJ{(ga), 6-tJ{(ga), 7-';t(wa), 8- tJ{ (ga) 190 1-(7) (no), 2-tJ'  (kara), 3-tJ{ (ga), 4- ';t(wa), 5-,",(#(de), 6-(0), 7-(: (ni), 8- t (mo), 9- (0) 200 I-';t(wa), 2-(0), 3-tJ{(ga), 4-(7) (no), 5-tJ{(ga), 6-tJ'(kara), 7-(: (ni),8-tJ{(ga) 323 
PATTERNS (A] about according to "ni tsuite ,: ":>l..' -C" .....0.0... 0.00.........00.......... 192 ..... ni yotte "',: J: "? -C (... ni yori "',: J: ') I... ni yore ba "',: J: ntt/... ni yora-nai de "',: J: &::> t,t l.. ' -Co ) " 0 . . . 0 0 . 0 . . . . 0 0 . . 0 . . . . 0 . . 0 . . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . . . . 128 ..... to ie ba '" t l..'  ,t, " ....0 nara ba ",t,t &::> ,tIt according to (topic)... again also although and and ... and ... ... and ... ... and ... (like crazy) "mata mo ya 1 t: t .I(.J" ....0 mo ... '" t "," 0....0..0..0..00..00..0..............0..00 91 "to yuu noni t l..' -J 0)':," "ii noni l..'l..'o)':" 167 ..... ta nari "'t: t,t ')" 0..0...00...0...00.0....000.00.0. 113 "(noun) to (noun) "'t"''' .000..0...0..0..000........201 the same verb is repeated with "ni ,:" in between 131 ..... shi ... shi '" L'" L" 00.0...00.00.......0..0.0..... 180 ..... (t)te ... (t)te... makuru '" ( "? ) -C '" ( "? ) -C '" 1 <.Q" .0.0...... (doing verb) and/while then (doing ..... tari ... tari "'t: ') "'t: ')" 0...0..00.0.00......0 verb) anyone as "dare shima t.:n L tIt as for as for ... and ... as if as well as at at ..... no yoo na "'0) J: -J t,t," ..... no yoo ni "'0) J: -J ,:" 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 . . 0 0 . . . . 0 0 "ttara ... nai "? t: &::> ",t,t l.. ," ...0....000..000........ .. ... to i i ... to i i '" t l..' l.. ' '" t l..' l.. ," . 0 0 0 . . 0 . . 0 . . "ga gotoku tJ< ::,: t < " ....0.0000.0..00...0.0000.000.0.. ..... mo ... mo "'t"'t" "de wa -c,,;t," "de mo -Co t" 0..00..0.........0......0.. ..... ni yotte "',: J: "? -C (... ni yori "',: J: ') I... ni yore ba "',: J: n'tl... ni yora-nai de "',: J: &::> t,t l.. ' -C' ) " 0 0 . . . 0 0 . . 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 . . 0 . 0 "kore n ite .:. n ,: -C," "koko nite .:..:. ,: -C" "marukkiri 1.Q"?  ')" 0.0....0000000.00.....00000000 at at all (B] because ... (precisely) because "naze nara ba t,t1:ft,t &::> ,t" 0......0..00000.00000....00 ..... kara koso "'tJ, &::>':'"¥" or ..... ba koso ""t.:. "¥ " .00.0 .00.0. . . 0 0 . 0 . . . . 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 . . . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . . 0 . 0 "to yuu node t  -J o)-C'" 0.....0..000.0..00......... ..... kara ... made "'tJ'&::>"'1-C'" 0...........0..0.. because (someone) said ... between between both but "(noun) to (noun) '" t '" " ..... mo ... mo "'t"'t" .......0..0...0....0..00..0 "to yuu noni t l..' -J 0)':," "ii noni l..'l..'o)':" 324 1 246 191 188 184 153 186 210 38 93 20 128 142 75 4 76 161 57 201 93 167 
by (C] cannot do ... even if (I) were to try concerning considering (something, it is evident that ...) (D] do (something), but ... doesn't make much difference doesn't matter due to (E] either ... or even (even if I were to ... ) even more even though even though every possible (thing/method) everyone exactly as (something) (F] from from ... till from/to from ... to (H] have/has just done (something) (he/she) says ... ..., (he/she said) (I] ..., (I hear) I regret ... ((I) remember) ... ni yotte "',: J: "? "'C (... ni yori "',: J: 'J /... ni yore ba "',: J: nLt/... ni yora-nai de "',: J: &::> t,t. l.. ' "'C' ) " . 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . . . 0 0 0 . . . . . 0 . . 0 0 . 128 .. (verb) ni mo ,: t (verb) zu/nai -r /t,t.l.. ," 136 "ni tsuite ':'?l..''''C'' 000..0...00000..0..00000..0000000.00 192 ..... suru to "'9.Q C, " ..... shita tokoro ga '" L t: C .:. )) tJ<" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 2 "koso sure .:.:t 9 n" ...000.00000000000.0.. 76 94 94 ..... de mo "''''C' t" or ..... te mo "''''C t" ..... de mo ","'Cot" or ....0 te mo "''''Ct'' 0.0000 ..... ni yotte "',: J: "? "'C (... ni yori "',: J: 'J /... ni yore ba '" ,: J: n (t/... ni yora-nai de '" ,: J: &::> t,t. l.. ' "'Co) 0 . . 0 . . 0 . . . . 0 0 . 0 0 . . 0 . . . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..... mo ... mo '" t '" t" "sae ... dakara   "'t:tJ, &::>" 0..00..0..00.0..00.00 "doose ... keredomo C' '? it'" tt n C' t" . 0 0 0" 0" "mashite ya 1 L "'CJ(.J" .0000.....0..00..0...0..0..0..00. ..... kara to itte "'tJ, &::> C l..'"? "'C" 00.00.0..0..000000 "to yuu noni C l..' '? 0) ,:" "ii noni l..' l..' 0) ,:" "ari to arayuru... d:> 'J cd:>&::>  .Q "," "dare shima t:n L t" 00.0000...0000.0..00000.000000 "ga mama ni tJ< 11 ,:" .00...0000.000..00.0000000.0.. ..... ni yotte "":J: "?"'C(... ni yori ",':J: 'J/... ni yore ba ""= J: n(t/... ni yora-nai de "',: J: &::> t,t. l.. ' "'C' ) " . . . . . . 0 . 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . . 0 0 0 . . . . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . . . 0 0 0 0 0 ..... kara ... made tJ'&::>£ "'C"''' .................. ..... kara ... made "'tJ, &::> '" 1 "'C'" 0.000000.0...000.. ..... kara ... made "'tJ, &::> '" 1"'C'" 000.0000000....000 ..... ta bakari "'t:(ttJ, 'J" 00.000...000.0000....000..0 7 "datte t: "? "'C" 0...000.. 0..0. 0...00.00000000.0.. 0 0.000000 234 "te sa "'C  ," "to sa C " 000.0000..000..000..00.. 178 "te sa "'C  ," "to sa C " 00..000..0......000..0.. 178 ....0 deshoo ni "''''C'L J: '? ':," ..... de aroo ni '" "'Co d:>)) '? ':, "....0 daroo n i '" t: )) '? ':," ....0 deshita deshoo ni "''''C' L t: "'C' L J: '? ':," ..... datta de shoo ni "'t:"? t: "'C' L J: '? ':," ....0 datta roo ni "'t:"? t:)) '? ,:" ..0000.00......... 135 "dakke t:"? tt," "dattakke t:"? t: "? 't" 69 128 93 179 72 246 63 167 209 184 38 128 83 57 83 325 
I suppose ... "... deshoo ni "'-c. L J: -J ':," "... de aroo ni "'-C. d:> 'J -J ':," "... daroo ni "'t: 'J -J ':," "... deshita deshoo ni "'-C. L t: -C. L J: -J ':, " "datta deshoo ni "'t:"? t: -C. L J: -J ':," ..... datta roo ni "'t:"? t:'J -J ,:" 00..00.0000000.000 135 I sympathize ... ..... deshoo ni "'-C. L J: -J ':," ..... de aroo ni "'-C. d:> 'J -J ':," ..... daroo ni "'t: 'J -J ':," "... desh ita deshoo n i '" -C. L t: -C. L J: -J ':, " "... datta deshoo ni "'t:"? t: -C. L J: -J ':, "....0 datta roo ni "'t:"? t:'J -J ,:" 000.0.. 135 I wish (it) would ... ....0 nai kana ",t,t l.. ,tJ,t,t" ..0..0......00..00.....00..0..0.. 53 if only there were (something), even "semete... demo... 1:td.>-C"'-C.t"''' 00.....000000.. 28 just a little bit of it... in "de wa -C.t1," "de mo -C.t" 000000...00.0000..0..00. 20 in "kore nite .:. tU: -C ," "koko nite .:..:. ,: -C" 142 in/at (location) and in/at (loca- "... demo ... demo ",-c-t"'-C.t" 000...0000...00 19 tion) ... in any case ... in terms of (topic)... "nani wa to mo are fiiH1 C t d:>n" 0..0..000000... 221 ..... to ie ba '" C l..'  t;t, " ..... nara ba ",t,t  t;t" . 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . .. .. . 0 0 0 . 0 0 .. 0 0 . . I "... ni wa ... keredo (ga) '" ,: t1 '" ,t n c. (tJ)" 134 "aru mai shi d:>.Q 1l..' Lo" 000.0..00..0.0.00....0...00 182 it is certain that ".J but it's not as if ... (J] just by doing... (L] let us say... like ..... kara ni "'tJ,,:" .00.0..00...0..00..0..000...0..00 65 "iwa ba l.. 'b t;t," "tatoe ba t: C  t;t" 4 "... no yoo na "'(J) J: -J t,t, " "... no yoo ni "'(J) J: -J ,:" 0000.0.0000000.0000000.. 153 (M] more of a ... than ... must do (something) "to yuu yori C l..' -J J: ')" 00.0000000000000000.....000000 257 "ne ba nara-nai bt;tt,t  t,t l.. ,," "nakere ba nara- nai/nari-masen t,t tt n t;t t,t  t,t l.. ,/t,t ') 11:t " 0000.0.00000.. 3 (N] ... nor ... no matter ... ..... mo ... ba "'t"'t;t" 0.0000.00..0000.0..00..0.00000 3 "don-na ni ..0 tomo C.  t,t ,: '" c t," "doredake ..0 tomo C*n t: tt'" c t" . 0 0 ...0 0.000000..0.. .00..0..00 218 "... u ga "'-J tJ\" ....0 mai ga "'1l..'tJ" 0.0000 39 (some- "don-na... demo C.t,t"'-C.t 00....000...0000....0 27 no matter (something) no matter what/how thing) ... not all bad not necessarily... not only... not only... but (also) ... "manzara... demo 1."'-C.t" 000....00000 28 "kanarazu shimo 11,\"9 L t" 000.000.....0000....0000 184 "nomi narzu (J)ht,t-r" 00000.0000.00..000..0... 166 ..... dake de(ja) naku ... mo "'t:tt-C.( L; -t-') t,t < '" t" 0..0000000000..000.000000...00000.0000.0...000000.. 12 326 
not only all ..., but ... ..... to iwa zu "0 to iwa zu "'t l.,'b"9"'t l.,'b "9" 000.000000000. 0 0 0 000..00000000000000000000000000000000 213 not only (something), but also (some- "bakari ka LttJ' ') tJ'" ..000..000..0..00..00...000000..0 8 thing)... (not only..., but) ... also ..... bakari de naku ... sae ""itJ' ') -ett < '"  ;t " 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 180 "manzara ... demo 1    "'-c. t" 0.....0..0.. 28 "yori hoka J: ') 'ltJ'" 00....0000000....000.0..00000..00 255 ..... kara ni wa "'tJ,  ,: ,;t" 000...000..0.0.......... 64 not unthinkable (nothing else) to do besides ... now that (0] one after another or ... or ... ... or ... (or) (number) or (number) ... or something/someone (R] (receive favor from ... by request) regardless of regardless of the fact that... (8] since since/because..., (as expected) ... since it was so ... so to speak solely due to (one cause), matters took a turn for the worseo (something) and (something) also speaking of (topic)..., such as such as ... (and ... ) (T] that (would ...) ... the more (something), the... the more ..., the more ...0 the reason being... things like (something) and (some- thing) ..... kara ... e "'tJ,"," 00....00000.0..00.......... 58 "(noun) to (noun) '" t '" " ...0....00000..0....0000 201 ..... ka... ka "'tJ''''tJ''' 000000......000000000..0000000 47 ..... yara... yara "'.I(.J"'.I(.J" 00.00....0000000.. 249 ..... no ... no "'(J)"'(J)" .00000...000...0000..00....0.. 156 ..... ka ... '" tJ, "," 0 0 . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 "to yara t.I(.J  " .0000..0..00000.0000000. 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000000 248 ..... te morau(..o te morai-masu) "'-C t  -J ("'-C t  l.,' 19)" .0..0.00..0..00...0000000.....0000000....0 132 ..... de mo "'-C.t" or ..... te mo ",-ct" 94 "don-na ... demo  tt"'-C.t" 0000..000.0..0......0 27 ..... kara ni wa "'tJ,,:,;t" 64 "dake atte t:,t d:>"? -C" 0000...0000000000....0000..0.. 13 "a(n)mari ... node d:> () 1 ') "'(J)-C." 00000000.... 161 "iwa ba l.,' b Lt," "tatoe ba t: t ;t Lt" 4 "bakari ni 'itJ' ') ,:" 00000000000.000..000000..00....00 6 ....0 mo 0.. ba '" t",,;t" .0000..0..0000.00..0000..0..00 3 u 0" to ie ba   \ , i. t.f, " u... nara ba   t;, t.f" ..... no yoo na "'(J)J: -J tt," ..... no yoo ni "'(J)J: -J ,:" 0..00000.0...0..0.0000000.000000.00000000000..00000 153 ..0.. ya ... nado "'.I(.J ",tt t." 000..0000000....00..0... 108 "sore koso :t n.:. :t" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0...... 0 0 0" 0" 0 0......... 0 76 ..... ba ... dake ""i"'t:'t" ...0..00..0............0 12 ..... suru hodo "'9.Q '1 ," ....0 ba ... hodo ""i '" '1 t." 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 44 "naze nara ba tt1f t t  'i" 000..000..0..00000..00..0.. 4 ..... dano ... dano "'t:(J)"'t:(J)" 0..0...0......0..0 14 327 
this/that many this/that much (this was the situation) when (some- thing else happened) 0'" (to be sure) ... too (turn) into (W] wasn't it so that ... h . / . ? W at IS was It .... h . / . ? W en IS was It .... whether it's (something) or (some- thing)... whether or not (whether) ... or not whether (you) do (something) or not, it doesn't matter... while doing... why don't you do ... with without ... or ... 328 "koo mo .:. -J t (kon-na ni .:.  t,t. t:)," "soo mo :t-J t (son-na ni :tt,t.t:)," "aa mo d:>d:>t (an-na ni d:>t,t.t:)" .0....00..00....0..0.....0.000 97 "koo mo .:. -J t (kon-na ni .:.  t,t. t:)," "soo mo :t -J t (son-na ni :t  t,t. t:)," "aa mo d:> d:> t (an-na ni d:>  t,t. t:)" .00...000..00.. . 97 ..... tokoro e ",t.:. " 00..000..0000.00..000...... 34 ..... (de) wa ... (da) ga, ",(-c-H;t"'(t.:)tJ<" 239 ..... mo ... '" t "," 00..00000.00000000000000000000000000000000 92 ..... ni naru (nari-masu) "'t:t,t..Q (t,t. 'J 19)" or ..... ni kawaru (kawari-masu) '" t: .Q ('J 1 9)" 0.........0....0.....0......00......0..000.00....00.0 0 123 ..... de wa/ja nai ka "'-C-t;t t,t.l.. \tJ,/ L; -t-' t,t.l.. \tJ,,, 50 "dakke t.:"? tt," "dattakke t.:"? t: "? tt" 69 "dakke t.:"? tt," "dattakke t.:"? t: "? tt" 69 ..... datte ... datte "'t.:"?-C"'t.:"?-C" (or, varia- tion: ..... tatte ... tatte "'t:"? -c"'t:"? -C") 00. 15 .. ... n a r i ... n a r i '" t,t. 'J '" t,t. 'J " 0 . . . 0 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 . . 0 0 0 114 ..... (a verb) yoo to... mai to "'(J:)-J t"'1l..\ t" 0..0...0. .00...0....00...00.00000000...00.00.....0.... 205 ..... u ga '" -J tJ\" ..... mai ga '" 1l.. \tJ<" ...... 39 ..... ta nari "'t:t,t. 'J" .00..000... 113 ..... tara doo ka "'t:  l:: -J tJ,,, 00..00.0.00....0.. 51 "kore nite .:. t1,(: -C," "koko nite .:..:. t: -C" 142 ..... to naku ... to naku '" t t,t. < '" t t,t. < " 209 
GLOSSARY (English-Japanese) (A] a ... or something a fact a matter about about about about accompanied by according to according to according to after doing ..., (not once done ...) against ..., all right? ..., all right. also also although although although although although (usually) ... always just doing (something) among and and and ..0 (and) ..., so ... ... and ... (among other things/ places) and "0 (other things) anyone anytime anywhere approximately approximately approximately around as nari t,t ') 0..000...000.0.00..0... 0 00000 00 0 .00 000 0 00 000 000 0 114 no (J) 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 154 no (J) 0 0 154 hodo '1 c. ...00..0.000.0000.0.....000....00..0..0000...... 43 kurai(gurai) <  l..\( <.  l..\) ......0.000..0..0..0..00 79 mo t 0.000000.000.0.....0.0..00.000000.00000000000000000000 95 no (J) 0.0.00.. .00 0 0 0 .00 0 .00 ....0 .00 0 149 to co. .000.00. . . .000. . . 0 0 . . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000000000000000000000 202 de -C' 0000.00..000.0.0000000000..0000.0.0000000.00..00000000000 25 kara tJ,  .0.....00.0.0000...000.. ...0 0 0 0..00..00..00..000 62 ni ,: ...................................................... 128 kiri  ') ....0.0....00...00....00....00000.....0.0..00000..0 74 to co. 0000.00000.00. . 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . .000000.00000 203 no (J) 0000000000000000.0000000000000.00000000000000000000000 155 tomo C to. 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 . .0000.0.0000. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 .000.00.00000 219 mo t .00...0...00..00...00000.000.0.000.....0..00000....000 92 ni-mo ,= t (C.P.) ....................................... 136 ga tJ{ 0000000.0.000..00..000.0.000...000000000......0.0000 0 0 39 monono t (J)(J) ..0..0.00..0000000..00....00.00...00..0..0 102 mono-o t (J)  0.........0..000..0000.0...0...000....0..0 104 noni (J)': 00.0000..00.....0..00....0000000....0000000..000 167 tokoro-o C.:.   000.00.0000.000000000...00..000....0 217 bakari tln'  ....0......0000.....00..00000..0..0............0 5 de -C. 00.000.0000. . 0 . . 0 . . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . . 0 . 0000.00000 19 ni ,: 00..0....000..00...0..0000.000....0.0..000000..0 127, 129 te -C 0 . 0 0 0 .0000. .00.00.0000000000. . . 0 000000000.000000000000 191 to Co. . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 sh i L 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 00000.0.0.00. . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 .00000000000000000000 181 ya  000000000000..0....0000000..00..00..00..000..000...... 242 yara   00.00.. 249 datte t: J -C 16 datte t: J -C 0000000000. . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00.00.000000000000 16 datte t: J -C ..0....00...0000.....00....0....00..0..000000 16 bakari 'itJ' ') ..00....0000.00000..000....0..0..0..0....0 7 hodo '1 c. 000..0..00..0..0..00000..00..0..00..00..00.0.... 43 kurai(gurai) <  l.. \ «.  l.. \) 000000000..000000..00000 79 mo too 0 0 .00000000000000.00000.00000.000000000000000000000. 95 kara tJ,  000...00000.0000..000000000.00.0000..0.00..0..00 61 329 
as as as a token of as far as as far (a distance) as as for ..., as for as for ..., as for ..., also/too ... as long a time as as many as as many/much as as much as ... as much as as soon as as soon as as soon as as soon as ..0 as well as as you've already heard ..., at at at at at at (at) ... at a time a t least a t least at most at most (B] beca use beca use because beca use because (because) (beca use) before belong to between but but n i ,= ..... ................................................. 127 to-shi-te t L -r (C.P.) ................................. 222 ni ,: .0.00000000..000000.00..0..000...000..00..00000..00..0 127 made 1 -r. 000.0000.00000.000000.00000.00.. .00 0.00000.00 84, 86 mo t 95 ga tJ{ 0..00. ...0 ...0. .00 .00..00 '00 0 0.0.0...0. ..00.. .000... 0 0 38 to-shite-wa t L -r ,: (C.P.) .00...000.00....00..0000 225 wa ,: 236 to-shite-mo t L -r t (C.P.) 0000.0000. 223 mo t 00000 0000.000000..0..0......0 .000000000.00.000...00.00 95 kara tJ, &::> 000. 0 0 0 o. 0..0..0..0...000. o. 0 0 0 o. 0 0 00000...0..00 60 mo t .00000000..00.000.0000000..0.0....0..0000000000.00..00 95 dake t:'t 0..00..000..0.00.00..000.0.0..0000..0.0...00.000 II ka r a tJ, &::> 0 . . 0 . . . . 0 . . 0 . 0 0 . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 . . . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 60 nari t,t. ') 00.000000. 113 to to. .0.0.0 .00. 0 0 . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 o. 208 ya  00.000.0....0...0..0..0. 00 0 0.0.000000.....0000.0.000.0 243 ya-ina-ya  l.. \ t,t.  (C.P.) .0000..00.. .00..000...0.... 247 mo t 00000000000.00..00000000.00.000...0..0.000.00..000..00 95 ga tJ{ 0..0. ...0...0...0000.000000.000..0...0.0..000.. 00 0..00 38 de -r. 00000.000.00...0..0000000.. 18, 20, 23 e  000..00..000000.0.0.. 0 0.0 33 kara tJ, &::> 000. 0..000..0.0.....0000.0.0.0000.. 0.0.0000000.. 56 ni ,: 0000000..000000.00....0..000..00.... 119, 124, 125, 128 ni-shite ,: L -r 0..00..0..0..0...000000000.........0.0..00 140 no (J) 00000000000.000.00000.00.000 ...0 0 00 0 0 0 .00 0.000.. 149, 150 o  0000000..000.000...0...........00..00000000..0.....0....0 175 zutsu "9 J 000.000. .00.. .00. .0. .00 0 o. 00 0 000 0 0.0...0000..000 259 temo -r too 0.000..0.000.0.... 000 0 00. 0 .00 0 0.00...00000000. 197 tomo t too 0.0. ...0..0...0000000. ....00 0...00.000000000.. 219 temo -r t 00000000........000000..00..00...00..000...00..0 197 tomo t t 00.0..0.0.00000000.0. ...0 0 '00 0 0..00..00.0.00..00 219 ka r a tJ, &::> . 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 .. 0 .. .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 0 0 .. 0 .. 0 0 0 0 .. .. 0 61 mono t (J) 0000000..0......0....00000000000000..00..0..00..0.. 98 mono-de(mon-de) t (J)"'C'( t Iv -r0) .00...000..0..0 100 node(n-de) (J)-r0(1v -r.) 00000..00000000.0..00000000000 161 te -r 00000000000.0000.000000000000.000.00. . .000000000000000 190 node(n-de) (J) -r. (Iv -r0) 000000000.00....0..00...00.000 162 no-de aru (J) -r'd:>.Q 000000.00.000...0 ...00 0 00 0 0 00 00..000 163 made-ni 1-r',: 000000.0000... 90 no (J) 00000000000000.000.0.0. 0000.000. . 0 0 00000.00. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 144 no (J) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 148 ga tJ{ 0..0. ...0.000..0000..0.0...0.....00 '00 0 0.0000000..00.0 39 keredomo ,t h o t ..000000000000..000000....00..0....00.. 70 330 
but but but ... but "0 by by by by by by /from the fact that ... by way of (C] ... called/named ... (the color of) concerning considering considering (something, it is evident that ...) consequently continuously only doing ... could only do (something) could (you) do ... created by (D] depending on despi te despite doing (something) despi te tha t fact (I'm sorry that I) did not do ..., but ... do (verb) and ... do (something) by using (something) do you want to ..0 (doing verb) and/while then (doing verb) doing only one thing all the time don't ... don't say that ... due to ... due to due to due to ... (E] (quantity) each ... even kuse-ni < itt: (C.P.) ..00000....0000.0000..0..0..00000 82 non i (J) t: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000.00000000 167 tokoroga t.:.  tJ{ 000.. 0 0 0 0" 0 0 0 0.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0.. 0.. 0.. 0 0 217 sh i L 0000.. 0 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 .. .. .. 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 .. 000.. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 .. 0 0 000 181 de -C' 0..0000000..00..............0000000......00000.00.. 23, 25 ka r a tJ, &::> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 ni t: ...00..00..000000000..00....000..000..00......00 128, 131 no (J) 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 148 te -C 0000000.00000000000000.00000000000000000000000000000 0 0 191 no-de (J) -C' 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 162 nit: 000.. 0 0 0 . 0 .. .. .. 0 0 0 .. .. .. .. .. 0 .. .. .. 0 .. .. 0 0 .... 0 0 0 0 .. 0 127 to yuu t l..' -J ..00000..000........0..0........0..0..0..0 227 no (J) 0000000.00000..0000000..00000000000000000000000000000. 151 ni-oite t:1-;l..'-C 0.0..000000..000....00..0..0......00000 139 kara tJ, &::> .000000.00000000000000000000000000000000000000.0 61 ba t i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 kara-shite tJ'&::> L -C 0..0....0..0000..00..0..0..0....0..0 66 kiri  ') 0000.00..0.000..00000..0..00....00..0000000....0000 74 bakari titJ' ') 0000000000.0000000000000000000..000..00000 5 kashira tJ'L &::> 0....0....0..00..0..0....0........000..000 68 no (J) 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 148 de -C' 000000....000000000..0000000000000000000.0000000000000 25 temo -C to.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 00000000000000000000.00.0. 0 0 0 0 0 196 ga tJ{ 000000000.0000.000000000000.000..0000.00. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00000 39 ni-mo-kakawara-zu t: t tJ'tJ'b &::> -r (CoP.) 0....0..0 138 n de  -C' 00.0000. .00000.00000000000000000000000000. 0 0 0 0 0 0 115 te -C 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 de -C' 00000000000000000000000.0000000000000..0.0000000000000 21 ka tJ, . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 50 ta r i t:' ) 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 .. 0 .. 0 0 188 bakari ti tJ, ') 00000000000000000000.. 0 0 0 0 0.. 0 0 0.. 0.. 0 0 0 0 0 5 n a t,t. 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 .. . 0 0 .. 0 0 .. 0 0 .. .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 07 to-iwa-zu t l..'b-r (C.Po) ..0..00........0....0..0..0 212 de -C' 0..0000000000000000000000000000000000. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 24 ka r a tJ, &::> 000000000000.. .. 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 .. 0 o. .. 0 .. 0 ...... 0 0 0 0 61, 63 n i ,: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 nite t: -C ......000..00000..000....00..0..00....00......00 142 zutsu -r "? demo -Co t .0000000000000000000000000.000000000000000000000 259 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 26 331 
even even even even even if (I) were to ... even if (you) were to ... even if (you) were to ... even if (you) were to ... (even) if (you) were to do ... even (something) is/does ... (even) though even though even though even though even though even though even though even though even though even though even though even though (it's not to the extent that) ... even while doing ... every every single ... every time (excuse me, but) (F] for for for for for for (i.e. as a means for doing ...) from from from from (from) from from a viewpoint of (H] he/she said that ... how about ...? 332 made 1 -C' .00.00...0...00.0..00...000. 0 0 0...0.000.. 0.0.0.. 86 mo t o .. o ... o 0.0...00 97 ni-mo ,= t (C.P.) ....................................... 136 sae ;t .00.00.000......0..00.0.0...0..00......0...00.00... 179 tte J -C 0.........00.0....00.....0... .0...0..0..0. .00.....0 234 tatte t: J -C 00 .00.0. .000.0000000. . 0 0 0000. . 0 . . . 0 0 0 . . . . . 0 . . 189 tokorode t.:.)) -C' .......00.0....0.. 0.0..0... .00.. 0... 215 to-shite-mo t L -C t (C.P.) ..0....00....0.........0 224 ni-shite-mo ,: L -C t (C.P.) 000..0...0.....0....00000.. 140 datte t: J -C .0..00..0............ 0..0....0.0000..0.0.000. 15 domo t't 0.............0...0..0.0.. 0 0.........000..0..000 30 keredomo ttn t' t ....0..00.......000..0..0...0..0.... 70 kuse-ni < it,: (C.P.) 0..0...000..0...00.0..0.0..0....0 82 monono t (J)(J) 0.....0000.0.0.0...00... 0..0...000..0..000 102 nagara f.t.tJ< &::> 000.0.....0..000..0...000....0...00..0.... III nagara-mo f.t.tJ<&::> t (C.P.) .000.00...00.00...0..0....0 112 ni-mo-kakawara-zu ,: ttJ'tJ'b &::>"( (C.P.) 0.0...000 137 noni (J)': ...0..0.....000....0000..00.00......000.00 167,168 tatte t: J -C . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . . . . . 0 0 189 te -C .00. . 0 0 . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . . . . . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . . . 0 . . 0 . . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 192 to-wa-ie t tj:l.,';t (C.P.) 00.......000000.00...000.00... 227 made-mo 1-C't (C.P.) ...0..00..00...00.00..000..0.0..0 88 nagara-mo f.t.tJ< &::> t (C.P.) ..........0..0....00.0..... III to-yuu-to t l.,' -J t (C.P.) 00..000..0..0...0000000.000 231 to-yuu t l.,' -J (C.P.) 00...00000......000.0.......00.00... 229 to-yuu-to t l.,' -J t (C.P.) ......000.00......00......0 231 keredomo ttn to t ...0.....0.0.000000.....0000.0...0.0 72 de"'(' .00. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000.00000000000.00 23 e  ..0.0.......0... 33 ka r a tJ, &::> . . 0 .0000. 0 . 0 . 0 0 . 0 . . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . . . . 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 . . 0 0 0 .00 61 ni ,: ....0..00.000..00..0.....0..00...0.0.0000....00. 125, 127 ni-shite-wa ,: L -C tj: (C.P.) 0..0.00000.0..00...0..000.. 141 no-ni (J)': (C.P.) .0....00.0........0............0......0 169 de -Co ..00.....00000..0000.0..0....00.. 23, 25 kara tJ'&::> 00.0..... 54,55,56,59,63 ni ,: .00000.0..00...000....00.00...0..000.. 0 00 0...0.. 126, 128 no (J) 00.0..0..000. 0..0.0..0..0...000000..00.0...00000 150, 152 o  ...0..0...00.00..0000.0.00...00..0......00.0000..0.0...00 175 yori J: ') .0..00...000....0..0..0....000.00.0....... 255, 256 kara tJ, &::> ..0...00.....00.0..000..00..00...0..000.00..0..0 62 datte t: J -C koto .:. t 0...0000.0..0.. 0..000.. 0 0...0.....00...0..000 17 .0 ....0......00000.00.... .000.0..0.... 79 
however however [I] I'd thought (I)'d done (something) ga ti. but ... 1 hear 1 hear 1 hope..o, though .... I'm wondering if 1 could ..0 (I say) (I said) (I said) ..., (do ... already!) (I) think/(I) will do ... 1 wish ..0 1 wish ... 1 wish (it) would ... 1 wonder ... 1 wonder ... (I) wonder ...? (I) wonder ... (I) wonder ... if ... if if (if ...), but... (if ...), can/would do ..., (but...) (if ...), can/would do ..., (but...) if (I) were to ... if only... if only if ..0 then if (we) say that, then ..0 if (you think) you can "0 In in In in In in addition in addition in (amount of time) in doing ... in order to do ... in order to ... in referring to keredomo tttt t: t 000.....00000000..0000000....00..0.. 73 to-itte t l'"? '"( (C.P.) 0....000...000....00.00....000000 212 .. 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . .. 0 0 0 0 .00000.. .. 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 .. 0 .000000.0.. 0 000 41 tte "? '"( 00000000000000000.000000....000000..0000000..000000 234 to yuu t l' -) (C.P.) 000000..000..000..00..00....00.00000 228 ga-na(ga-naa) (tJtj. ci» (C.P.) 0..00000...00000.. 42 ga tJ .00000.0000000000000000000000000000000000.0000000000 0 0 40 te '"( 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 194 teba '"( ti 0..0000.00000.00000000.0000000000000000000000000 195 ta rat: a::, 00000000.000000000.00000.00.00000000000000000000 187 ka-na(ka-naa)tJ'tj. (tJ,tj. ci» (C.P.) 0...........000000 53 kashira tJ'L a::, 000000000..00..0000..000000..00000000..0.. 68 na(naa) tj. (tj. ci» ...00.0.....00000..00000000..0..0000 106 ka-na(ka-naa) tJ,tj. (tJ,tj. ci» (C.P.) .....00000000..0.. 53 kashira tJ'L a::, 0000..0000...00..0.0.00000..0..0....000... 68 yara .I(:> a::, 0000000000..000..00..0'000.000.......000000..000 250 ka-na(ka-naa) tJ,tj. (tJ,tj. ci» 0..000000.000..0000..0.. 52 kashira tJ'L a::, 0.........00.0000000..0..0000.......000000 66 no-daroo (J)t:)) -) (C.P.) 0000..0000000.....000.00000..0 159 ba ti 000.0 .00.0. . .0000000000.000000.000000.0000000000000000 I ka tJ, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 to too 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 . . . . 0 000000000. . 0 .000000. .000000.000 208 keredomo tttt t* t 0000..000..00000000....00000000..0.. 71 ga tJ 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 noni (f)': ...00...000000..000000.....0....0.00..0..00..000 168 te-wa '"( t1 00.00000.000000000000.000.000.000000000000000000 198 mono-o t (J)  00..00000000000.. .00 0 0 0 0 0000 0 .00 0 00 0...... 104 sae C!-  000000000.........00000..000000..00..000000000..0.. 179 mononara(mon-nara) t (J) tj. a::, ( t  tj. a::,) 101 to-yuu-to t l' -) t (C. Po) .0.00..000..00...0000000000 231 mononara (mon-nara) t (J) tj. a::, ( t  tj. a::,) 0" 102 de '"(0 ..0.00...00000000..0.0000....0..0000....0..0....0.. 18, 19 ka r a tJ, a::, . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 55 ni ,: 0000.....00000000..0000..000..000000 119, 121, 124, 125 ni-oi-te ':};l''"( (C.P.) 00..0..000.........0....00..0.. 139 no (J) 00. ...0 000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 .00 00 0 0 0 0.00000000..0..0..0 ISO, 151 mo t 00....0.000000.0000..000.00000....0000....0..0..00..00 95 n i ,: 0000.. 0 0 0...000.000.. 0 0 0 0 0.. 0 0 0" 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.. 0 129 de '"(* 0..000.0000000000000000.000000000000000000000000000000 21 no-ni (f)': (C.P.) 0000000...000..0....0..0..0........0000 169 n i ,: 000000000.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0 130 no-ni (f)': (C.P.) 000..000....0..000....0000..000000000.. 169 wa I j: 00000000000.. 00000.. 0 . . 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0.0. . . . 0 . o. 0 . 0 0.. 0 0 0 0 0 . 0.. 0 235 333 
in the field of in the manner of (in this manner) ... (indeed) ... -lOg into Is it true that o..? isn't it ..0 is/ are probably... it's not necessary to ... it's said (it so happened that ...) [J] judging from just. just just just just about to do (something) just for/to ... just when ... [K] keep doing ... [L] let's ... let's leave the ... like [M] (made of) merely [N] never (not even once) never mind ... never mind (something)... no ... no better than no fewer/less than no less than no matter 0.. no one not all bad not any (not) any more (than) (not) as much/little as ... (not) as much as 334 ni-oite ,=};\'"( (C.P.) .00..0....0..00..00..0...000..0.. 139 to t 000.00......0.... ..00.00..0... .00.0000 .0..0...0 .0. .00. 207 de '"(, .00.00...0....... 0........0...000.0....0........0..0.. 24 koso .::t: 0 . . . . . . 0 0 . . . . . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . . 0 0 . 0 . 0 . . 0 . . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 . . 75 ni ,= .. 0..0.......00........0.......... 0.......0.....0..0.. 134 n i ,= .. .. 0 0 0... o. .00..... .. . ... ... .0.0. 0 ... .......... ... ... 121 tte J'"( 0.00.0..0.0.................0000.0..0......0......0 233 koto .: to... 0 . . 0 0 . . . 0 . . . . . . . . 0 . . . 0 . 0 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . . . . . . 0 78 no-daroo (J)t:)) -) (C.P.) 0..0...0........0..0.....0..0. 159 made-mo 1 '"(,t (C.P.) ...0..0...0....0...0........0.000 88 to yuu t \ -)... ...0...........0........0................0 228 no deshita (J)'"(' L t: ...0.........0.0..0...00.0.0....0..0 165 ka r a tJ, a::, .. .. .. .. .. 0 .. 0 . 0 .. .. .. 0 .. .. 0 .. . 0 .. .. . 0 0 .. .. . 0 .. . 62 bakashi 'i tJ, L 0...0..0..0.0............00......000...0.. 10 dake t: tt 00.0......0....................00..0... 0 0 0 0..0.. 10 kiri  ') .00..00..0...0..0.....0..0.0...00.000..0.0..00.0... 74 made 1 '"(, ......0.........00.0...00...0...0.........0..0.. 87 bakari titJ' ') 0.........00......00...0.0.0..0....0...0.0 7 made-ni 1 't",= (C.P.) .0.0.00.. 89 tokoro-e t.:))A... (C.P.) 0..0..0...........0.....0..0.. 216 tewa '"( '1 ............0........0......0............0...... 200 ka tJ, 0 . . 0 . . 0 . . . . 0 . . . 0 . . 0 . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 0 0 . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . 0 . . . 0 50 to-shi-te t L,"( (C.P.) 0.....0...00.000.....000....0.000 222 nado(nanka) ti. t' (ti.  tJ,) .............000...0.. 0 0 109 no (J) .00.00...0.......0.0..0.....0....0...............0.... 147 made 1 '"(, 0...0...0....0..0.....0..0.....00....0......0.00 87 to t .. ..0 .0...0..00.. ...0.00.0..000......00.. ... .0000..... 204 to-mo-are t t ci>t1. (C.P.) .000....000.0..00.00....... 220 dokoroka t'.:)) tJ, . 0 0.. 0...0.... 0.. 29 mo t 0.00000.......... ...0.000000.. .0...... .0.. ....000..0.. 96 yori J: ') ....00.000......00..0....0..000..0.............. 256 mo t 00.0..000.0....... 95 ka r a tJ, a::, . 0 0 . 0 . . . . 0 . . . . . 0 . 0 . . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . 0 . 0 0 60 temo '"( t ....0..........0...............00..0..00......00 196 datte t: J '"( .0.....0........0.. 0 0...0..0...00..0000000000 16 demo '"(0 t .. . ...0...0...........0....0.0. 0 0 o. ....0.... ... . 28 mo t .0..0... .0. .0...0 ..00.0.....0 ......... ... .0..0000.0... 96 shika L tJ, ...0....0..0.0..00.0000.0...00......0...0....0.. 182 hodo tI t' 0...0..00.. .....00..0... ....0 ... .0..0...0 .0..0.. 44 to to. 0 0 . 0 . . . . . . . 0 . . . . 0 . 0 . . .0. . 0 . . . 0 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . .0. . 0 .. 204 
(not) ..., either (not) even ... not even ... not having done ... not possible to do, (for example) not unthinkable nothing nothing nothing except for ... numbering (0] of of of of ..., okay? on on on on on the basis of one only only only only only (only) about ... only if only (this) and nothing else ... or something out of over owing to ... owing to ... (P] per perhaps because of ... perhaps it's because ... please putting aside ... (R] rather than doing ... regardless of ..., right? mo too 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000. .00.000000000000 92 sura 9" a::, 0...00..000..00000.000..000000000..0000000000000 185 to-shi-te t L,"( (C.P.) 000.000..0000000000........000000 223 n de Au '"(* .00000000.00000000.00000000000000000000000000000 115 dokoro t*.:)) 0 0 0.000...0000000.000000000000.0.0000000.0 29 demo '"(* too 0.0.00..00000.0..00000000000000000....0... 0..0 28 datte t: '"? '"( .0000. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000000000000 16 mo t 0000..00.0000. .00 0 0...0.0000..000.0... 0 00..00000000000 96 hoka 'I tJ, 00.0000..0000..00.0...00000000000.00000000000000 45 to-yuu t \ -) (C.P.) ........00000.....0000000000000000.. 228 de '"(* 000.0000.000..0... .00 0.0000000.0. ...0 0 000 000 0 00 0 00 0 00 0 23 ka r a tJ, a::, 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . . . 0 . 0 . . . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 ka r a tJ, a::, .000.0. . 0 0 . .000.00.0000. . 0 . . 0 0 0 . .0. . 0 . .00.000000 59 no  0000.0..0.......0..0.000 144, 145, 148, 149, 152, 157 ne(nee) n. (n. ) 0.0..0.000...00.. 0 0 .00..0.00.0000000 II7 de '"(* 0000000. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . . 0 .0. . . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 .0. . 25 ni t: .00..0......0....00....0..00000...000.00.. 119, 121,124 no (J) .0.0..0...0.0..0..... 149, 150 o  .. 00.0000.00..000.00...00..0..00...000....00.0..00.00..00 176 yori J: ') 0..0000.0.0..00.0.00...00.0....00.0..00.00.000.. 256 no (J) ..0..00..000000000000.0000..0.0000..000000.0000000...0 152 bakashi 'ttJ'L 0.00...0000.000...00000.. 10 dake t:,t 0.0000.00...000.....000000000.000...000.00.00..0 10 hoka 'I tJ, 0..0000000... .00 0.000000.. 45 kiri  ') 0000..00000000.00........00.....00..00000000000.... 74 nomi (J);}j. 0.0.000..000....0..000.0000...000.000..0.. 166, 167 bakashi 'ttJ'L .00.000.....0.0.000...0.00000...0.0..000.. 9 sae C!-  ....00...00............0..000....0000..000.00.00000 179 shika L tJ, ..0...000..000.00.0...000....000....000.00000..0 182 nante ti. Au '"( 0..00000.00.00.00..0.0.....000.00.0000......0 112 kara tJ, a::, 0000..00000..000000.....0.00..0..00.... 55, 59, 63 no (J) 0..00..000.0.0000000.0..00.0000000..00000..00 000....00 150 de '"(* 0000. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 .0000000. . 0 0 0 . 0 0 000000000000 24 n ite t: '"( 000.0 .00. . 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000.00.00000000000 142 nit: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 ka tJ, 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . . 0 . 0 0 . 0 . . 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47 no-deshoo (J)'"(* L J: -) (C.P.) 00000..00..00..0000..0.. 164 te-ne '"( n. (C.P.) 0..00000.0000..00......0..00....00..0.. 198 to-mo-are t t ci>n (C.P.) 0.0..00......0..0.......... 220 kurai(gurai) < a::,\«*a::,\) 0..000.00000000.00000000 81 temo '"( t .0.000.0000. .0000 0.0000000000... 0.. 0 00 000 000 0.00 196 na ti. 000000...000.00000000000.00.. .00 00.0000.00.0.000000000 106 335 
so (something) is/was done by (some- thing) something like ... (something like) something (like) ..0 something like ... something like ..., (I hear) (something) that ... speaking of ... speaking of ..0 (speaking of) starting with 0.. such a thing like such as such as ... and ... (and ..., etc.) [T] than yori J: ') 000000000..0000.0000...0...0...0....0..000 253, 254 that (introduces a clause or a to t 0000000.0..0.0000.0..0......000.00..00..0....0........ 206 phrase) that means ... that which is the (noun) called ... the fact is that ... the moment ... the one the reason (for that) ... the (thing) that is called ... there is no choice but they say (they) say (this is what I think), but ... ..., right? [8] 0.. say (that) seeing shall we? should (I/we) do ... should there be ..0 SInce SInce Sl nce since/because ..., (as expected) ... since (... was not expected) ... .. . , so 336 ne(nee) n. (n.) 116 tte "? '"( 000.000000..00.0.00.....00....... 232 ka r a tJ''::' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 61 y a.l(:> 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . . 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 244 kashira tJ'L'::' 0..0....0.0.0....0..0..0..0.0..000..0....0 67 mononara (mon-nara) t    (t h,  ) 0000.0 101 kara tJ''::' .0..0...0.0...0...0...00...0..000.00....0...0 56, 61 mono t (J) 0...0....0..00.......000...... 99 node(n-de) (J)'"('( '"(.) 0..000..00..000.0....000000.00 161 dake-ni t.:tt,: (C.P.) 00.00..00.0......0..0.0000...0.00 13 dake-ni t.:tt,: (C.P.) .00....00......00..0....0..0....0 13 mono t (J) 00..00...0.0....00.00....00...00..0..0000.00.. 0 0 99 ka r a tJ,.::, .0.. 0 .. .. 0 .. . 0 .. .. 0 .. 0 0 0 .. 0 .. . 0 0 0 . 0 0000000.. 0 .. 0 61 de '"(. 00' 00.. 0 0.0000. 0" 00 0 0.00.. 0 0 0 00.0..000....000....0.00 26 demo '"(. t o ... o 0.0.0..0.0...0..00...0. .00.0....000...00000 kurai(gurai) <.::, \ «..::, \) 0.0... nado(nanka) tj. t' (tj. tJ,) .00000000.00.00000000.00 nado(nanka) tj. to (tj.  tJ,) .00...000.. 00..0.000..00 toka t tJ, 000.000. . 0 . . . 0 0 . . . 0 . . 0 . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . .0000. . 0 . . 0 0 0 to-yuu t  \ -J 0.....00000000.000. 0 teba '"( t: 0000000..0..00000. 0..000.0000000000000000. 0 0 0000 to ie-ba t \t: (C.P.) ...0...00..000.0...000......00 tte "? '"( 0 . . 0 0 0 . 0 . . . . 0 . .000. . . 0 . . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 . . . 0 0 0 . . 0 . . . . 0 kara-shite tJ''::' L '"( (C.P.) 000..00..0.0.0.......0.0.00 tari t: ') 00..0.. to itta t \"? t: (C.P.) 0000.00000000..0000.0...00.0.0000 toka t tJ, 00.0. . . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00.0000.0. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 27 80 108 109 214 228 195 210 232 65 188 211 213 to-yuu-no-wa   \ '1  Ii (C.P.) 0.0..0.0..0......0000000 230 no (J) 000000.00.000..0.00000000000.0.00...000.00.000000.0000 149 tte "? '"( 0...00.00...0..000...0......00...0...0..0.0....0..0 232 no (J) 0... 0 0.0..000....0.00..00.000..000. 000..0.0000..0...00 155 ya.l(:> 00.00..0000000.0...00.00000000..0000000.00.00000000000 243 no (J) 0..0...00.000..0. 0.0000000. 0 0 0..000.000000...000000000 152 to-yuu-no/wa t \ -J (J)t1 (C.P.) 00..0....0...00... 230 to-wa t t1 (C.P.) 00.0..00.0..0000..0000000000..00......0 225 shika L tJ, .0....0..0..000......000.00...000000.0.00.000..0 183 to-yuu t \ -J (C.P.) 0.00..0..0000.000..00000...00..0.... 228 tte "? '"( 0000.000.0000..0.00..0.. 0 0 0 0..00.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000000.0 234 ga tJ{ . . . . 0 0 0 . . . 0 . 0 . 0 0 . .00.0. . . . . . 0 0 . . . 0 . . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 00. 40 
though through through till to to to to to to do ... to tell the truth to the extent of to the extent that ... to the extent that ... to think that ... too totaling towards [U] until up to (up to) [W] what is/was it ...? whatever ... when when when when when (something happens)... (instead of "if 0"") whenever when is/was it ..o? whether ...? while while doing ..., (also doing ...) while doing ..., on the way, do ... why don't we ... why don't we ...? why don't you do ... with with with with with keredomo tt n t* too 0 000.00.000000000...00.0..00000000 70 kara tJ, a::, 0..0000...00000.00.000000..00000.00.000000000.00 55 o  000.... 0 0 0..0.00..0.000000000.000000000.0.00.000000000000 176 made 1 '"(* ..00.. .00 0 0..000000000000000... 83 e  00..00....000...000. 00 0 0....0000000000.0000..0..00.00.000 32 e  .0.000...0...0. 0 0 0.00000000.00...000.0..000000000.00..00. 33 made 1 '"(* .0.0..0..0.....00.000000...0000000000.. 83, 84, 86 ni t: .000...000.....0...0000.0..0.00..0.. 121, 122, 125, 132 no (J) .000..00.. 0 0.00. .00 0 0 0 0 0..0 0.0. .00 00 0 000 0 148 nit: ..... ................................................. 130 no (J) 0...0...00.00..0.....00000..000...00000000. 155 made 1":(0 .0......00....00.... . 0 0 0 0 0..000... 86 hodo tI t* . 0 0.0..0....0000. 0.000...000.00..0..0.0.. 000 000 0 43 kurai(gurai) < a::, \ «* a::, \) 000......0..0.0...0....0 80 to-wa t t1 (C.P.) 000....000...0.0.....000.0...00.00.0... 226 mo too 0 . . 0 0 . .00 . 0 . . . . . . . .00. 0 . 0 . 0 0 . . .000000.00.00.0. . 0 0 000 92 to-yuu t \ -) (C.P.) ..00........00.000........0..0.00... 228 e  .000...00.0.00..000.....0..0..0...000.00.00..0.....000..00 32 made 1 '"(* ..0000..00....0..0..000.000....00...0.....0.0 83, 86 made 1 '"(0 000.0.0...0.0.0...0...00... 0 0 0 0..0..0...0..00000 85 made-ni 1 ,"(°t: 0..0.00. 00 0.00.00..0.000.000..0..0..0...00 90 ke t too 0 0 0 0 o. .0000.0000.00.00. 0 0 0..0.0...00..0..00000.000.. 69 demo '"(* t 0000000000.0000.0.. 27 te-wa '"( '1 (C.Po) .00.. 0 00..0..000...0. 0..00.00..0.00..0. 199 to too 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0000.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 208 tokoro t.:)) 0..0.00..0. 0...0...000.000000000. 0.000.000 215 ya.l(:> 243 ba ti 0..000. 0 0 I demo '"(0 t 0.....0..0000..0..0..000..0.00000000.00.00.00000 27 ke t too 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000.. 0 0 0 69 ka tJ, 00. . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . . 0 0 0 . . . . 000000000.0. .000000000 46 ni-shite t: L,"( 000.0..0.....000...0.0000000..000000000000 140 nagara f.t.tJ<a::, .........0..0000..000000000.000....00....0 110 gate r a tJ< '"( a::, 0 . . . 0 . 0 . 0 . . . 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 42 ka tJ, 000.00. . . . 0 . 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 .00000000. . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 koto .: too. 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 79 ka tJ, 000. 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 . 0 0 . . .000000000000000.00 51 nit: 00000000. . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 126, 127 no (J) 000. 0 0 0 0..000..0000000.00000..0.0000000000000000 144, 148 te '"( 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 .000.00000.00.000. .00000.0000.00. . 0 .00. . 0 000.0 191 te-wa '"( '1 (C.P.) 000.0..000..00000.000.000..000000..0000 199 to too 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000.000. .000000000.00.00000000.00 202 337 
with (with intention to) ... within would we? would you ...? [V] yet (you) are asking/saying ...? (you) did ..., remember? to-wa t t1 (CoP.) 0..0..00...00.....000.0..00..000000..00 225 de '"(0 0000......00..0..0..0......0000000.....0000..0000.0000 24 made 1 '"(0 ..000..000000..00...0....0..00..00000000000000.. 85 ya.l(:> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 244 te-ne '"( Q (C.P.) 000..0..0..0..00..00..00000..0000000000 198 keredomo tttt  t ..0......000.0000....0000..00000...0 73 tte J'"( 0000..0000..0......000....000......00..0..0..000... 233 kuse-ni < it,: 000..00......000....0..00000....0000..0000 82 338 
GLOSSARY (Japanese-English) [B] ba 'i "considering (something, it is evident that "0)" ....0.0000000000..0000..0..............0....0..0 2 "if ..." 000..000.0.......00.00..0....000..0000...00..0..0....0 I "when (something happens) ... (instead of "if ...")" .....000000000..000..00....00..0000.000000 "always just doing (something)" "doing only one thing all the time" ...00.. o. 00 0 00 0 00 0.00000.00 5 "approximately" 000000.000..0000000...00....0.00.000000 7 "could only do (something)" 0000000000000.. 0.... 0 5 "just about to do (something)" 0.00.... 0 0.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 "j ust" 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . . . 0 . 0 . . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 "only" 0.....000000000000... 0.0000000000000.00000000. 0 0.00 10 "(only) about ..." 0000.00000.......0000000000....00000000 9 ba 'i ba 'i bakari 'i tJ, ') bakari ,! tJ, ') bakari 'itJ' ') bakari 'itJ' ') bakashi 'i tJ, L bakashi 'itJ'L bakashi 'i tJ, L [D] dake t: 't dake t: ,t dakeni t: 't t: dakeni t: ,t t: datte t: J '"( datte t: J '"( datte t: J '"( datte t: J '"( de '"(, de '"(, de '"(, de '"(, de '"(, de '"(, de '"(, de '"(, de '"(, de '"(, de '"(0 de '"(, de '"(, demo '"(0 t demo '"(, t demo '"(, t demo '"(0 t "as much as 0"" 0.. II "only" "just" 0...00000000000..0...0..0..0..00..0....0.. II "since/because ..., (as expected) ..." 0000000...00 13 "since ( ...was not expected) ..0" 0000000..00..00000 13 "anyone" "anytime" "anywhere" 0000000000....0 16 "even (something) is/does 0"" 00....0.0..0000000..0 15 "he/she said that ..." 0...000.0.0000000000.0000....0000 17 16 20 18 23 23 25 25 21 24 23 19 21 24 26 26 28 27 27 "no one" "nothing" 0.0000000000000.0000000000..00000 "a t" 0 0 0 0.00...00000.00000000. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000.000000000000000000. "at" "in" "at" "for" "by" "for" 0000000...0000000000000000.000000000000000000000 "by" "from" "on" "according to" 0..000....0..00 "depending on" "according to" 000....0..00..00.. "do (something) by using (something)" "due to ..." "owing to ..." ..0000..0..0......000..0 "from" "of" 0 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000. 0000000 "in" "among" 0000.0000000000000000000000000000000000000 "in (amount of time)" ....00000..00000...000......00 "(in this manner) ..." "(with intention to) ..." "(something) is/was done by (something)" "even" "not all bad" "not unthinkable" ......00..0..00 "something like ..." .. ...0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 0 000 00 0 00..00 0" "wha tever" "whenever" 0..00000..0000000.000000000 339 
dokoro t:.:)) dokoroka t:.:)) tJ, domo t: t [E] "not possible to do, (for example)" ....00.000.. 29 "never mind (something) ..." 0.000...00...00.0.... 29 "(even) though" 00.0..0.00000000.000.00..000000000....0 30 e  e  " at" . 0 0 o. 33 "to" "for" 000000000.0.000000000000000.. 0 0..0..0000.00..000 33 "to" "towards" 00000.0.0000..000..00..00..0.0...0. .0. 0 32 e  [G] ga tJf.. ga tJf.. ga tJf.. ga tJf.. ga tJf.. ga-na(ga-naa) ( ci» gatera tJf..-C a.:, [H] hodo tI t: hodo tI t: hodo tI t: hoka tI tJ, [K] ka tJ, ka tJ, ka tJ, "as" "as for" "as you've already heard ..." 38 "but" "despite doing (something)" "although" 39 "I'd thought (I)'d done (something) but ..." ... 41 "I'm wondering if I could ..." "(this is what I think), but ..." 0..0.0...0.00.0...0..00000000...00.00.0 40 "(if ...), can/would do ..., (but ...)" 0..0000000..000 40 "I hope ..., though ..." .000..000.000..00...000.00.000 42 "while doing ..., on the way, do ..." .0000..00... 42 "about" "approximately" 000.00....00.00...0000..000 43 "(not) as much/little as ..." 00.0...000000....00..000 44 "to the extent that ..0" 000.000.0000.0..0.00...0...0.0 43 "nothing except for ..." "only" ...0..0....0...0.. 45 ka r a tJ, a.:, ka r a tJ, a.:, "if" "whether" 0... 46 "perhaps because of ..." 00.000..000...0...0.0..0..0 47 "why don't we ..." "do you want to ..." "let's ..." .0....0000........0........0000.....0000..00. 50 "why don't you do ..." ....00.......000..0.....0.0000 51 (not translatable) .......0..000..... ......00. ...0 0 .00 0 52 "(I) think/(I) will do ..0" ...0...00.......0.......000 53 "I wish (it) would ..." .000..00...000000...0.000...0.... 53 "(I) wonder ...?" 0000000000.00000000000.0.00000000000000 52 "as" "so" "since" "due to" "for" "because" "considering" "seeing" 0000......00.00...000000000 61 "as many as" "as much as" "no less than" 60 "from a viewpoint of" "judging from" "by" "according to" 62 "from" "at" "since" 00........000..0......000..000... 56 "from" "of" 000000000000000.......00..0000......00..000.. 54 "from" "of" "out of" 00000.0000000.00000000..000...0.. 59 "from" "out of" "due to" 00....00.000...0...0000.000 63 "from" "through" "out of" "in" 00.000......0..000 55 "consequently" .00000.00.000..000000000000.00000000.00 66 "starting with ..." 000......00.0........00......0.000.. 65 "I wish ..0" "could (you) do ..." 00..00000000000..0 68 "(I) wonder ..." 0.. 66 ka tJ, ka-i tJ,  \ ka-na(ka-naa) tJ,tj. (tJ,tj. ci» ka-na(ka-naa) tJ,tj. (tJ,tj. ci» ka-na(ka-naa) tJ,tj. (tJ, tj. ci» kara tJ, a.:, kara tJ,a.:, kara tJ,a.:, ka r a tJ, a.:, ka r a tJ, a.:, ka r a tJ, a.:, kara-shite tJ, a.:, L -C kara-shite tJ, a.:, L -C kashira tJ'L a.:, kashira tJ'L a.:, 340 
kashira tJ'L a.:, kashira tJ'L a.:, ke tt keredomo (keredo, kedo, kedomo) t. t (ttn t., tt t., tt to t) keredomo (keredo, kedo, kedomo) t.t (ttnt O , ttt., tttOt) keredomo (keredo, kedo, kedomo) t.t (ttnt., ttt O , ttt.t) keredomo (keredo, kedo, kedomo) t.t (ttnt., ttt., ttt.t) keredomo (keredo, kedo, kedomo) t. t (ttn t., tt t., tt to t) kiri  ') kiri  ') kiri  ') koso .:  koso .:  koto .: t koto .: t kurai (gurai) < a.:,  \ «. a.:,  \) kurai (gurai) < a.:,  \ «. a.:,  \) kurai (gurai) < a.:,  \ «0 a.:,  \) kurai (gurai) < a.:,  \ «0 a.:,  \) kuse-ni < it ,: kuse-ni < it ,: [M] made 1 '"(. made 1 '"(. made 1 '"(0 made 1 '"(. made 1 '"(. made 1 '"(. made-mo 1 '"(. t made-mo 1 '"(. t made-ni 1 '"(.': made-ni 1 '"(0': made-ni 1 '"(0': mo t mo t mo t mo t mo t mo t "I wonder ..0" 00000000..000.000000000000.00.000.00000000 68 "should (I/we) do ..." ..00..000.0..00......000000000000 67 " h . / . ?"" h 0 / O?" 69 w en IS was It.... w at IS was It .... ttn "even though" "but" 000000..00000000..0......00000000 70 ttn "(excuse me, but)" 00000..00000....00..00......00000000 72 ttn "however" "yet" .....0......00000.0000.....0000000..000 73 ttn "(if ...), but ..." 0.0..00.....000...000....0000000000000..00 71 tt n "though" "but" .00000000.000...000.0.00000000000000000 70 "after doing "0' (not once done ...)" .....0000000 74 "continuously only doing ..0" 00000..00000..0...0.. 74 "only" "just" 0...00000..00.0..00000..00000..000..00..00 74 "(precisely) because" ..000.........000000.00...0000000 76 "(indeed)" ....000..000. .0.0 0 ...0 0 0.0.0000.0 ..00 0..0 00 0...0 75 "how about ...?" "why don't we ...?" ..000000.... 79 "i sn' tit .. 0 " .. 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. 0 0 . . 0 0 .. .. .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. .. .. 78 "about" "approximately" 000.....00000.......0000000 79 "rather than doing ..." 000000.00000...0000000..000..0 81 "(something like)" 000.0.0...00000.0000.00.000...0000.. 80 "to the extent that..." 000.00.....00000..00..0.000..0 80 "even though" "but" ..00..0......0....00000000..00000 82 "(you) did "0, remember?" 0.. 0 0.0.. 0...00... 0.0000 82 "even" 00.0000000000000.000000000000000000000.000000000.00 86 87 84 83 86 85 88 88 90 89 90 92 95 "just" "merely" 000.0..00000000000000000000000000000000 "to" "as far as" ......0....00..00..0000..000..0..0..0.. "to" "till" "until" 00000000000.000000000000000000000.. 0... "until" "to" "as far as" "to the extent of" 000 "up to" "within" 00000000000000000.........00....00..000 "even though (it's not to the extent that) ..." "it's not necessary to ..." 0......000..000.0....0..0.. "before" 0 0 0 0 0 0.00000000000.000...0000000.00.000000000000000 "just for/to ..0" ..0.00...000..0..0..00..00....00..0..00 "(up to)" 06.....000.0.00000....00....000..0..0.0..0000..0 "also" "too" "(not) ..., either" 00......0..0..000.... "around" "about" 0.00000000000000.0000000.00000000000 "as many/much as" "no fewer/less than" "as long a time as" "as far (a distance) as" "even" 95 000000000000000.0000000000000.000000000000000000000 97 95 96 "in addition" "as well as" "not any" "no ..0" "nothing" 341 
mo t mo t mono t (J) mono t (J) mono-de(mon-de) t (J) '"(, ( t  '"(,) monoka(monka) t (J) 1J' ( t  1J') (not translatable) .0.0..0...00000.. 0.0.0..0.. ...00 .00 0 mononara(mon-nara) t (J) t a.:, (t  t "if... then" ......0..0.000.0..0000......00..0............ a.:,) mononara(mon-nara) t (J) t a.:, (t  t "if (you think) you can ..." 0.........0..000........ a.:,) mononara(mon-nara) t (J) t a.:, (t  t "should there be ..." .......00..................0..... 101 a.:,) monono t (J) (J) mono-o t (J)  mono-o t (J)  [N] na t na t na(naa) t (t ci» nado(nanka) t t: (t  1J') nado(nanka) t t' (t  1J') nado(nanka) t t'(t 1J') nagara t 1J a.:, nagara t 1J a.:, nagara-mo t 1J a.:, t nagara-mo t 1J a.:, t nante t  '"( nari t ') nari t ') node  '"(0 node  '"(, ne(nee) n.(n.) ne(nee) n.(n.) ni t: ni t: ni t: ni t: ni t: ni t: ni t: ni t: ni t: ni t: ni t: ni t: 342 "this/that many" "this/that much" 0...000..000 "too" "also" "both" "as well as" "either ... or" "because" 0.000.0...00000. 95 93 98 99 100 100 101 "since" "..., so" "because" 102 "even though" "although" ...0...00.... "although" .0..0.0..........0....0........0..0.00..0..0. "if only..." ..0.0.....0..00..00...........00..........0.. 102 104 104 "don't ..." 0......00..0................00...0..0.....0..0.. 107 "..., right?" 0...........0......0......0.....0....000.00.0 106 "I wish ..." .000..0..0.0...0...0........0...0.000........ 106 " 1 i k e " . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 . . . 0 . . . . 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . . . 0 . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . . 0 . . . . I 09 "something (like) ..." .0..000...00...........0.....0..0 108 "something like ..." ..0.00..... 0.00........ 0.0...... 0 109 "even though" 0....0...........000..0.......0...0.0.00.. III "while doing ..., (also doing ...)" . 0......... 0 0 0.0.. 110 "even though" 00....0.....0..00.0..0....00.0...000.00.0. 112 "even while doing ..." 0....0..0..........00000..0.0. III "... or something" 112 "a ... or something" 000.0..... 114 "as soon as" 00..00... 113 "(I'm sorry that I) did not do ..., but ..." 115 "not having done ..." 00.......0000..000.00.000.......0 115 "..., okay?" .00.0..0...0.0.0..000.000.00......00.....0..0 117 "..., right?" o. .00 0 0...0...00...000.00 116 "and" "in addition" 000.00..0000.0.......000...0..... 129 "and" "with" 0...00.0.0......00000000.000.... .00 0 0..00. 127 "as a token of" "as" "for" "by way of" 127 "at" "in" "on" ...0..0.000.0..0.0........00.0..0000..00.. 119 "at" "to" "in" "for" "per" ..000.00..0....00...0..0 125 "by" 0000.0..000.000000.0..00.0000.000.000..0...000.... 00 0 0 131 "by" "at" "according to" "from" "due to" 128 "from" "with" 00.000.000..0...000...00...0..0...0.0..... 126 "... -ing" .0.00...0.0......... .00 0 0..000.0000..... 134 "on" "in" "at" 0 . . 0 0 . 0 . . 0 . . 0 . . . . 0 0 . . 0 . . . 0 0 . 0 . 0 . . . 0 0 0 . . 0 . 0 124 "to" "in" .'on" "into" .00...0.0.000..000.00.00000.00... 121 "to" .0...00........ .00 0.... 122 
ni (= ni (= ni-mo (= t ni-mo-kakawara-zu (= t tJ'tJ'h -( ni-mo-kakawara-zu (= t tJ'tJ'h -( ni-oi-te (= t-; l \-c ni-oi-te (= t-; l \-c ni-shite (= L -c ni-shite-mo (= L -c t ni-shite-wa (= L -c (j: nite (=-c nite (=-c no (J) no (J) no (J) no (J) no (J) no (J) no (J) no (J) no (J) no (J) no (J) no (J) no (J) no (J) no (J) no (J) no-da(n-da) (J) t: (Iv t:) no-daroo (J) t: )) -) node(n-de) (J) -C' (Iv -c') node(n-de) (J)-c'(1v -Co) no-de (J)-c' no-de aru (J) -C' ci>  no deshita (J) -C' L t: no deshoo (J) -C' L J: -) nomi (J) b noni (J) (= noni (J) (= no-ni (J) (= no-ni (J) (= [0] o  o  "to" o. ...0 000 0.00000..0.. ...0000 ...0 0 .000 0 0.000..00.0.00000.. 132 "to do ..." "in order to do" 0000...0..000.0000.00000 130 "even" "also" .00...000.00.000..000... 136 "despite that fact" 000...00.. .00 0........0... 0.. 00 0 00 0 0 138 "even though" 000.0000.00.0...000...000..0... 137 "concerning" "in the field of" .0000.0..0.0.00000 139 "in" ....000..00000.. 0.0000..0......0....0.. 139 "while" "at" 0000.00000.0....0000..0... 140 "(even) if (you) were to do ..." 000000.00.0.000000 140 "for" 000.0000.0000000.0.00000.0000000000000.00.0..0..0..0. 0 141 "at" "with" "in" 0...00.00.000..000...0..0..0..0.0..00.0 142 "due to ..." "owing to ..." ...000...0..0..0.0..0.00.00 142 "a fact" "a matter" 00000000.000..00000.00.0000000000 154 "..., all right?" 155 "at" "in" "on" "over" "from" .00....0000.... 0 0.... 150 "in" 0000000...000..00..0.0..0..000000000000.. 0 000.00.0..0..0. 151 "(made of)" 0..000.00000...00... 0.. 0.00..0.0000000.000.00 147 "of" . 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 . 0 0 . 145 "of" "belong to" "with" 000.00000.00000. 144 "of" "by" "with" "between" "to" 0000000.00..0.0 148 "of" "created by" 000000000000...00.000...00.000..0..0 148 "of" "from" ....00......0..00......000..0000...0000000000 147 "of" "on" "about" "at" 000...0.......00....00..00..00 149 "of" "from" 000000.0.0..0..00000..000.000000.000000000000 152 "one" "the one" .0.0..0..000.0... 0 0..0..0..00..00.00000 152 "that which is" .000000000...00000000000000000000.00000 149 "(the color of)" ....0....0.0..00000..0000000000000....0 151 "the fact is that ..." "to tell the truth" 155 (not translatable) .000000......0....0000000000000....0 158 "is/are probably..." "(I) wonder ..0" 00..0..00000 159 "(because)" ...00000.00.000..... 0 00 .00 000 0.00000000000000 162 "since" "because" 0..000.00000000000000000....0....000 161 "by/from the fact that ..0" ..000000000000000......0 162 "(because)" 0.. 0 0 0.0000000.0000000.. 0 0 000.. 0 000.00.. 0... 0 163 "(it so happened that ...)" 00000..0..0.........0...0.. 165 "perhaps it's because ..." 000..0..0..000...0......0.. 164 "only" ...0000..000....000..0000....00..0..000000000 166, 167 "even though" 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 168 "(if...), can/would do ..., (buL.)" 0.... 0... 0 0 0 0.. 0" 168 "for (i.e. as a means for doing ...)" 0000..0....0 169 "in order to ..o"o"in doing..." ......0..00000......0 169 "(at)" "(from)" "on" "through" 000...000.. 0 0" 0 0.. 0 0" 0" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.... 175 00.000000.0000000.00.000.00000.00000000 176 343 
[8] sa  sae   sae   shi L shi L shika L /.), "even" 178 179 179 181 181 (not translatable) shika L /.), sura "9  [T] tara t:  tari t: ') tatte t: -:> ""( tatte t: -:> ""( te ""( te ""( te ""( te ""( te ""( te ""( teba ""( (t teba ""( (t temo ""( t temo ""( t temo ""( t te-ne ""( n te-wa ""( (j: te-wa ""( (j: te-wa ""( (j: to t to t to t to t to t. to t to t to t to t to-ie-ba t l'  (t to itta t l' -:> t: to itte t l' -:> ""( to-iwa-zu t l 'h"9 toka t /.), toka t /.), "if only" "only if" 000000..0.00000.000..00000000......0 "... (and) ..0' so ..." 000000.00...000.00000.00.000..00..00 "... but ..." 00000000.00000..000.. .00 0 00 0..0000.000.. "(not) any more (than)" "only (this) and nothing else" 000...0..0...0..0..0.. "there is no choice but" ....00.00....00.0000..0..00 "(not) even ..." .0000. .00 0 00 0.000...00.00 182 183 185 "(I said) ..., (do ... already!)" .....00......0......0 187 "such a thing as" ..0.00.000..000.0.0. .0...0000.000..0 188 "even if (you) were to ..." .00...0...000000...000.. 189 "even though" 189 "and" . 0 0......0..000..0....0..0....0.0.000..00.....0.0...0 0 191 "because" o. .00 0.000. ..00.00.000..00000.0......000...00.00 190 "by" "with" .00.000..0..0.00000. .00 00..000.00000000.00..0 191 "do (verb) and ..." .0....0....0.. .00 0.000..0..000...00. 190 "even though" .00.00.0..00.00.0000..0....0..000.0000..00 192 "(I say)" 0.00..00..00... 194 "(I said)" 00..00.0000.....0....00.0000..0000000000...00... 195 "speaking of ..." 00.0..0..0..000.000...00.00...0.0.00..0 195 "at most" "at least" 0...00.0000..0..00.......0000.000 197 "despite" "regardless of" ....... 0 0.. 0...00000.. 0" 0 0 196 "no matter ..." ...00.00.0..00.000.000000..000.000.0000.00 196 "please" "would you ...?" 000...0..00..000.00000..0.. 198 "if (I) were to ..." 0.00000000.00.....000...0...000..0.. 198 "keep doing ..." 00.0000000000000000000.....0.000..0.0.. 200 "with" "when" 00.00000.00.0.00000000000000.0000000000000 199 "against" 0..00.00.. 0...00.0.0000000.0 203 "and" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . . 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 . 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 "if" "when" 00.000..0000....0..00000.00..00........000000 208 "in the manner of" 0... 0 0.00...000.000000000000.... 00.. 207 "(not) as much as" "never (not even once)" 204 "tha t" 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 . . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 O. 206 "that (introduces a clause or a phrase)" 201 "when" "as soon as" .00.00..00.0.000..0..00..00000000 208 "with" "accompanied by" 0000.000.000...0......00 202 "speaking of ..." 00..........0........000000.00000000..0 210 "such as" 0..0.. 211 "however" 000.00.. 0 0 .0..0.. 0.00..00.0.000..00000.. 212 "don't say that ..." 212 "something like ..., (I hear)" 0000000....00000..... 214 "such as ... and ... (and ..., etc.)" 0000..0..00000.00. 213 344 
tokoro t.:)) tokorode t.:))-c° tokoro-e t.:))  tokoroga t.:)) 'Ii tokoro-o t.:))  tomo t t tomo t t to-mo-are t t ci> n to-shi-te t L -c to-shi-te t L-c to-shi-te t L-c to-shite-mo t L -c t to-shite-mo t L -c t to-shite-wa t L -c (j: to-wa t (j: to-wa t (j: to-wa t (j: to-wa-ie t (j: l \  to-yuu t l \ -) to-yuu t l \ -) to-yuu t l\-) to-yuu t l \ -) to-yuu t l \ -) to-yuu-koto-wa t l \ -) .: t (j: to-yuu-no-wa t l \ -) (J) (j: to-yuu-to t l \ -) t to-yuu-to t l \ -) t tt e -:>-C tt e -:>-C tt e -:>-C tt e -:>-C tt e -:>-C tt e -:>-C tt e -:>-C [W] wa (j: wa h [V] ya  ya  ya  yai  l \ ya-ina-ya  l \ ti.  yara   yara   "when" 000000.0000...00 ..00 0.0..00.0.0000000..0. .0000 0 000 0 215 "even if (you) were to ..." ..00000.00.0..00.00.00.. 215 "just when ..." .000.0.. 0 00 0 00 0 o. .00 0 0 0 0 00 0 000.00....00000 216 "but" 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 . . . 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 216 "although (usually) ..." 0.0...0.....00000.00......0..0 217 "..., all right" 00000..0.00000.000....00...000..0..0..0000 219 "at least" "at most" 0..0......00..00.000000......00.. 219 "putting aside ..." "never mind ..." 000000.....0 220 "as" 0000000000.000000000000000000000. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00000000000.00 222 "let's leave the ..." 00..0.0.....0000000000......00000000 222 "not even ..." 0000..0000000000........00..000000..000000 223 "as for ..., also/too ..0" 0..000000..00.....00..0..00..0 223 "even if (you) were to ..." 0..0000.00..0.0...0000.. 224 "as for" ..0000.0..0000..0......0000000000.00.000000..0....0 225 "the (thing) that is called ..." 000000000.0..000..000 225 "to think that ..0" 0000....00..0000.....000..00000..0.. 226 "with" . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000000000000000 225 "even though" 227 "... called/named ..." 0......00..000000..0....0..0....0 227 "every single ..." 0..000..00..0000....0000.0000..000....0 229 "I hear" "they say" "it's said" 0....000000000.... 228 "numbering" "totaling" 00..0000..............00000 228 "(something) that 0"" 0..00..00000....0000000..0.0000.0 228 "that means ..." ..0..0..00000000000..00......0..00..0.. 229 "the reason (for that) ..." ......000..0..000000....0.. 230 "every" "every time" 0000..00000..0000......0000000000 231 "if (we) say that, then ..." .0000..0000....0......00 231 "even if (I) were to ..." 0000..00.0..00..00....0..000.. 234 "Is it true that ...?" 0000....0..000......000....00......0 233 "... say (that)" .......................................... 232 "(speaking of)" 00000.000....0........0..000..0..0..0.. 232 "the (noun) called ..0" 0000.....00000..00.....0..00.. 232 "(they) say" "I hear" 0....0000....0000..0..0..0..0..00 234 "(You) are asking/saying o..?" 00....0..00..0..0..00 233 "as for ..." "in referring to ..0" 0000..0........0.. 236 (not translatable) ....0....0000000000000000000..0....0 239 "... and ... (among other things/places)" 242 "as soon as" "when" "the moment ..." 243 "shall we?" "would we?" ..00000..00..0.0..0......00 244 (not translatable) 000000000000000000000000000000000000 246 "as soon as ..0" 0......0..00.....0.00000..0..00..0..0.. 247 "and ... (other things)" .000000.00....0..0000..0...0.. 249 "I wonder ..." .........0..00.......00000000000000..0..00 250 345 
yo J: yori J: ') yori J: ') yori J: ') yori J: ') [Z] ze if zo f zutsu -( J (not translatable) 0..0.0.0....000...00..0..0000..0..0. 251 "from" 0..000..0..00.....0..0..0...000..000.. 0 0" 0 0..0.0.. 255 "no better than" 000.0....0...0.....0..000..0...00...0.. 256 "on the basis of" "from" .0.....0..000....0.0.0...0. 256 "than" . 253, 254 (not translatable) 0....0.0.0...00...0......00....00..0 258 (not translatable) 0........0.0. o. 0" 0 0 0..0...0........ 258 "... at a time" "(quantity) each ..." .... 0 0...0.. 259 346