Author: Daub E.E.  

Tags: japanese  

ISBN: 0-299-14704-5

Year: 1995

James L. Davis, General Editor
Kanji for Understanding
Technical Japanese
Edward E. Daub
Department of Engineering Professional Development
University of Wisconsin-Madison
The University of Wisconsin Press
University of Tokyo Press

The University of Wisconsin Press 114 North Murray Street Madison, Wisconsin 53715 USA 3 Henrietta Street London WC2E 8LU England ISBN 0-299-14704-5 University of Tokyo Press 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113 Japan ISBN 4-13-087052-1 Copyright © 1995 The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System All rights reserved 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in the United States of America Preface This book is a response to requests from scientists and engineers in government laboratories and in industry who are studying the textbook Basic Technical Japanese (BTJ), written with my colleagues R. Byron Bird and Nobuo Inoue (University of Wisconsin Press and University of Tokyo Press, 1990). Professor James L. Davis, who directs the technical Japanese program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, reports that these researchers, who have had no previous study of Japanese, often ask for more information about KANJI. We hope this book will fill that gap. It presents the 500 KANJI from the earlier textbook Comprehending Technical Japanese (CTJ) (University of Wisconsin Press and University of Tokyo Press, 1975, 5th Printing, 1991) in a format that I found successful with students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who were studying that textbook. The 500 KANJI in CTJ were chosen on the basis of frequency counts compiled from high school textbooks in physics, chemistry, and biology: Professor Bird did the frequency study for physics; Professor Inoue for chemistry and biology. In comparing these compilations, we found that the first 300 in each field were die most significant, and that the 300 most frequent in physics included 200 of the 300 most frequent in chemistry, and that 200 of the 300 most frequent in biology were included in the 400 that covered bom physics and chemistry. These 500 then were chosen and introduced systematically in twenty-five chapters, beginning with those in physics and ending with mose in biology. Studying KANJI in the order they are presented in CTJ has the advantage that the order of topics in CTJ replicates the architectural structure of science itself. The topics begin with the most basic concepts in physics-motion, acceleration, force, collision—and then move to more advanced concepts-behavior of gases, fluid flow, light, electromagnetism, and atomic theory, followed by inorganic and organic chemistry, genetics, biochemistry, and biology. In science, chemistry builds upon the most fundamental concepts in physics, and biology on the most fundamental concepts in physics and chemistry. Hence, the order of introducing KANJI in CTJ yields a comprehensive and fundamental technical vocabulary. The disadvantage of concentrating on CTJ KANJI is that the frequency studies from which they derive are somewhat dated. To compensate, I introduce additional KANJI that appear in important technical terms in the various sciences and technologies. Some occur but once: £ in the term il £ v=i, for example, a term corresponding to "self in engineering terms such as self- heating, ^ 5iP^ SJ ^ t * 7, and to "auto" in medical terms such as autodigestion, & SMlfc V =f v 3 ? *. Others appear several times: fil, for example, which appears in the electronic terms for signal, fi!"§" v v =f ?, and for communication, Mffi ??->>. The format of each chapter begins with a tide page mat presents the 20 KANJI introduced in that chapter and the final translation essay from CTJ, which includes all of them. (The essay is sometimes modified and shortened.) The chapter title gives the theme of that essay. (In the early chapters another short essay may precede it.) Two sets of adjoining pages follow: each set consists of a page of explanations for ten individual KANJI juxtaposed to a page of vocabulary in which those KANJI appear. The next page presents the translation of the opening essay and occasional iii
comments on translating. The chapter closes with the same vocabulary in a KANJI-card format. The book ends with two summary appendices: 1) CTJ KANJI by ON reading; 2) the additional KANJI by ON reading with the technical terms that include them. As I write this preface, I realize my great debt to many people. In the States, first and foremost, I am indebted to my colleague R. Byron Bird at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, without whom I could not have maintained the discipline, enthusiasm, and competence required to write textbooks for the study of technical Japanese. Bob was the first to bring the importance of frequency counts to my attention, and his eye for grammar always enriched our explanations. In developing this book, I especially wish to thank Ms. Dotty Gray, artist and KANJI devotee, whom I have never met face to face and know only by correspondence. While doing self- study of our more recent textbook, Basic Technical Japanese, she voluntarily submitted a list of errata that had escaped our less sharp eyes. She has kindly read this manuscript from its earliest drafts and has offered her fine editorial skills in attending both to the minutiae of the text and to its substance. Where clumsy prose or other errors remain, the fault is mine. I also wish to express grateful thanks to Ken Lunde for invaluable help in the processing and formatting of Japanese text. I also realize my even greater debt to many Japanese people. The teachers at the Naganuma Language Schools in Tokyo and Kyoto gave me a good foundation, but only fellow scientists and engineers were able to help me understand and appreciate the complexity and depth of Japanese technical language. Brevity requires that I leave many unnamed, but I do want to thank colleagues at Doshisha University, especially Professors Isao Saito and Tadashi Hara; students at Doshisha, especially two members of my last senior seminar there, Daisuke Shigyo and Nobuo Iwane; and various visiting professors at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, especially Professor Tadashi Murayama of Hokkaido University and Professor Mitsuo Shiraishi of Tokyo Denki Daigaku. But above all I want to express my undying gratitude to my dear friend and colleague of almost forty years, Professor Nobuo Inoue of The Science University of Tokyo. We had planned to write this text together, to be colleagues once again, but that plan was thwarted by his recent untimely death. I owe him more than I can possibly say. He was my mentor in technical Japanese during our years together on the Faculty of Engineering at Doshisha University. He introduced me to the marvelous Iwanami dictionaries and always kept me current on new reference books in the sciences and engineering. In more recent years, he kindly videotaped hours and hours of Japanese science programs to keep me abreast of new developments in both popular and academic Japanese education in the sciences. And in the two joint ventures with colleague R. Byron Bird, he gave naught but his best to us both, most especially in crafting the final essays that grace each chapter. Whenever I read the final translation exercise for Chapter 5 in CTJ, I marvel anew at his creativity in fashioning an intriguing essay within the narrow bounds of the limited vocabulary available at so early a stage in that textbook. To the memory of your great talent and your exceptional friendship, Nob, I dedicate this book. Edward E. Daub Madison, Wisconsin 1994 iv Introduction 1. Types of KANJI (81? * v V) The earliest KANJI (81? i) y V) were written on the surfaces of animal bones that had been scraped plane or on tortoise shells. These were not discovered until the late 19th century and are called ¥#? ^ * ? y 'J. The next 81?, which were inscribed in metal castings, are called Ik'X *y-fv\ then came inscriptions which were chiselled into stone, called H&i * * 7>. The advent of writing with charcoal ink and brush brought a great expansion in the number and variety of 81 ? and led to their division into four classifications: 1fc& v a * ^ >f, JH^ > V, £HL * -f -f, J&P n-tJ. These classifications represent 81?, so I will add ? *J to the class name when referring to them: «»?, £§*?, £*?, ffi**. The first 81? were f^M^ or Jb^1?. A ^^? derived from a schematic drawing of an object, a Si ^ ? from a depiction of some abstract concept or objective characteristic. Typical 1%. }££? are 7fc, depicting a tree with its trunk, branches, and roots; 73, a knife with its blade and handle; >*C, largeness, deriving from a schematic for a big person. The first Jlt^? were few in number but just as fundamental in their origins as the s£;f{£?; they represented abstract concepts rather than concrete objects. For example, the ¥1f ? included ± • T, up and down, which are abstract concepts. Another Jg l£? that represented an abstract concept was —, one. Most fill?? came about later and were formed by the addition of a stroke or two to an established 81?; these strokes were added to indicate a new and clearly distinct meaning that was, however, related to the original meaning. Thus, given the 81? for one —, the meaning of the 81 ? for two — is immediately obvious, as is that for three El. Similarly, given /fc for tree, ^, with its additional stroke, suggests base or foundation; given 73 for knife, 73 suggests knife blade. Following this line of analysis, one might suppose that the 81? ^C for thickness is a ffi^? because it appears to result from adding a stroke to ^C. However, it is not; it is a #^?, the next stage in the development of 81?. A ^Is? joins (§) the meanings (M) of already established 1$L S£? or Jh^?. For example, ^ combines the sun 0 and the moon M to give the meaning bright. Another good example is {£, which combines person A and standing 5l to give the meaning of status or social standing. The reason ic is a ^^? and not a jit 7K? is because it was originally formed from two A's, one written on top of the other. Only later was the lower j<Z replaced by individual strokes, first two and then one, to give its final form ^C. Unfortunately, this neat strategy of joining simpler 81? to create new meanings could not continue indefinitely. With the increasing complexity of Chinese language, the number of concepts became greater than the number of such meaningful combinations. Thus, a new strategy arose that led to the ^^? (literally, form Jfc and voice p), which became the predominant form of §!?. In this strategy, new 81? were formed by combining two established 81? as was done to form xcSc?, but now one part, known as the H^p *f 7, contributed meaning; the other part, known as the PW -fe 4 7, contributed sound.The more frequendy used terms are MM 4 v and isffi * v 7*. Although ^^"? were thus formally divided into meaning (M) and sound (i=r), both parts usually contributed to the meaning. Thus, rather than denoting a clear and definitive meaning, the
l£M indicates primarily the classification, namely, the radical (£B1f 7*-> *) under which that H^ is classified in a dictionary. As the Mff indicates meaning only in such a broad sense, the contribution of the iaW to the meaning of a J&P¥- must be taken into consideration, but this contribution is not as easily determined as the contributon of the individual parts of a ^3§£ to its meaning. With l&P^- the meaning may derive not from the meaning of the iaffi itself but from the meaning of another 81$ with the same iaWi& * > «t *. Moreover, a given 1eP$F may have different ^f^^ in different 81 ^. For example, # is the #$F for both B# and ^, but their ^%%fr differ: for B# it is V ; for ^ r- £. Various reasons may account for such discrepancies: the parts of the W^r may have undergone changes; the various readings may have been established in different periods of Chinese history; and changes may be due to developments in the evolution of the Japanese language. 2. Conventions Used in §t^ Explanations as Illustrated by Entries from Chapter 1. ^ h »7: category, grade; X> t (L V*) equal. {Also 3*[& £] etc. and 9[ h] et. al.} (1419) The p&"if is fir tzWfrAsb *), bamboo. It refers here to itffi ?■? * *, strips of bamboo used for keeping records. This practice was prevalent during the Nara period. Being equal in size, the strips had to be graded and ordered. Consider such activities going on at temples (# x <b). [6] 3?:tr(tt&),tf(<) to turn toward; tr(fr 0) [g] to face toward. (309) The p|$"§T is P < *>, mouth. However, fp] in its original form depicted a house having a window that faces north. So here □ depicts a window and not a mouth. 7§§l-t: >: line; track; wire; ray. (1492) The pftli* is & v» fc, thread or string. The iaffi is tK, which connotes here the meaning of slender thread as in fflk -fe y. A slender thread constitutes a line. The first line gives the Wk^1, its readings, and English meanings as found in technical writing. • ON readings (%WL&> * y l *) come first. ■ English meanings other than those in KUN words come next. " KUN readings (Il||ft<& ? y t *) come next, with & < 0 #* in parentheses. ■ With transitive-intransitive verb pairs, the transitive verb is first, as with tr(tf &), tt ( < ). " If a verb is not one of a pair, as with tr (ri* "9 ), [life] indicates transitive, [ § ] intransitive. " English meanings then follow. (N B These meanings also apply to ON readings.) • Special uses of the 81$ appear in braces, e.g., {^f[& t*] and %£[ £>].}. " The number identifying the M3r in my primary reference ^rWM& completes the entry. A discussion of these readings and meanings then follows. • If the radical (nl$1f 7* v j.) has not appeared before, the nftti", its name, and meaning are given. For example, "The pfctf is Yf fcttfrA/tr 0, bamboo." " If ^i£3$A- indicates that a meaning of the i!?1 arises from association with other §1^ having the same IHSE^, that is indicated by "the # connotes." For example, "The iaW is •%. -b >, which connotes here the meaning of slender thread as in fflk -t y." vi When nBHf names or pronunciations of §1$ or ffilp are given immediately after their KANJI, small type is used. For example, Ys tztffrA,tr 0, j& -fe y, &|$1f 7*->a.. If the suggestions made for recognizing the meaning of the il^ are personal and do not derive from Japanese sources, such suggestions begin with "Consider..." or 'Think of..." For example, "Consider such activities going on at temples (^F x *>)." For explanations based on a secondary reference M&tD tn 0 tz % 3$jft, [$Q indicate its use. If certain terms are frequendy used in Japanese sources when discussing JH^, those words are used in giving the explanations: for example, the following terms introduced in the preceding discussion of types of 81^. Japanese characters (often abbreviated to $) the earliest 81^ inscribed on bones (#) or tortoise shells (EP) M& that were schematic representations of objects, e.g., /fc and 73 1. ¥#^ that represented abstract concepts, e.g., _L and T 2. 81^ derived by the addition of strokes to other 81^ to give a related but different meaning, e.g., 3J and ^ 81? that join two 81? and derive their meanings from them 81? that join two 81?, one related to meaning, one to ON reading the radical under which a 81? is classified in a dictionary the part that contributes the ON reading to a J&P^E- "m abbreviation for i!tWi& * y <fc *, ON reading In addition, the following terms will occasionally be used: IE? Yyy the original 81? for a given meaning 2fc? *>v me 81? mat fundamentally represented a given meaning IE? -b -i v the correct form of a 81? Uin%> Yy'y'rJ the original form of the 81? ^B&^ '/a^'J^M an abbreviated form of the 81? ffl H§ a 7 =f a technical term 3. Conventions Used in Vocabulary Lists as Illustrated by Entries from Chapter 1. m? ¥#* *»* mm? £** MP? urn %n *w 3 ■> a •? y i'a'JW; '>ysy *'f'fy *■•(*-(!' y->a *V1 ^^:3E^S h •?->*; 7 h 7 -> * w equality; inequality • Note the underlining of S and ^F: it indicates that S] and ^F have not yet been introduced. However, any il? that has already appeared as a n&Hf in an explanation will not be underlined. Thus, A is never underlined because it is introduced as a pftlf in chapter 1.
|=jj—^ j—'gr| K^OOj-f^f identical; coinciding, agreeing • Note the boxed —§C: it indicates that —Si is a high frequency word and that lit will not be separately introduced in the text but only in a ?&!§. S|f[ [ffi] Jfcfffe f^-b#[7 7]t^7 specific heat at constant volume [pressure] • Note the brackets around EE and "pressure": they indicate that J± may replace H to form a related word whose English equivalent only entails replacing "volume" with "pressure." ^^Sfffl] t 3 7 y > K[# * ] expressivity (of genes); [phenotype] {bk>} ■ Note the parentheses around "of genes"; they indicate a clarification of the technical term. ■ Note the brackets around "phenotype": they indicate that the English equivalent of the word formed when M replaces JEtl is "phenotype." • Note the braces around "bio": they indicate that the Japanese word and its English equivalent are in the field of biology. m 3-)A+t,/-f[*'Jy] sclerenchymatousfiber; [clamydospore] {bio} • Note the brackets around H&-F*: they indicate that BST" replaces W$k to form another word. • Note the brackets around "clamydospore": they indictate that the English equivalent of the word formed when Jb-J* replaces USIS is "clamydospore." 4. Acknowledgments The discussion of the types of §l¥, as well as the W$r explanations given in each chapter, derive primarily from one source, ^SBI&ft yfyVr v, ft jllilJE fr£frt>*s a r >, 1983, ISBN4-04-011002-1C0581, supplemented by information from WM*¥1&& * v7 ^a 7 Vt y, ft )\\ #/£, 1959. In some cases, I have used a very helpful, though perhaps slighdy less scholarly resource, 81$% 0 £*>?£ft * >v* MtWrv, /J^&Jift ->a 7#*-fe<<»>, l&Wtt *3*-f ^vt, 1982, ISBN4-315-40023-8 C6581. Space does not permit my acknowledging the many excellent Japanese dictionaries that I have consulted in preparing the vocabulary. I do wish to say I am grateful for their diversity and quality. 1 mmfemm ^ wwmwwwmwwz:rww^wwmwwwM vB>vA(0«fldi, BttAfc£v*o <££#•?§&<, 3v*o < QEgtSWHW t tt t = vAh/ (vB-vA) s = vAvBh/ (vB-vA) Hi* & 3->t4 to require v b>va ^^ 74 24#74*<< l*)?<<<Dt$ l^lC/iJ&S;iKT&|§llJJjfLv?K7v-\' to leave earlier, automobile As£ V* %v> $v>;2jp -/W small;double 1
^f b *>: category, grade; X> t (L V*) equal. {Also 3f[& £] etc. and 3£[ <b] et al.} (1419) The p&"iT is Yf tztf-frkt* 0, bamboo. It refers here to YfftH *9iiv% strips of bamboo used for keeping records. This practice was prevalent during the Nara period. Being equal in size, the strips had to be graded and ordered. Consider such activities going on at temples (# x h). ?S V *: \t *(V>) fast; l* *(!&&) to speed up; tfri**) & rapid, speedy. (1859) The oJSti" is ir U A^ tc •> ^; it means advancing. The iaW is 3£. However, here ^ does not mean tz WT, bundle. It connotes IE y *, quickening. So all means to move ahead quickly. J5£ K: degree; measure, {a counter for number of times: — JS, —JS...} (292) The o^"if is X * fc; it represents the right hand. Some dictionaries classify JSl under the pftti" r~ 4 £*i, which represents a slanting section of a roof. Think of S. as depicting a hand (JL) measuring something (*tf) beneath a slanting roof (P). (it is an archaic ^ for —+.) lis ^ >: moving about, operating; & CI (.£) to carry, transport. (1870) The iiffi is W-\ the # is a variant of y* >. Note that 31 consists of three p{5"|f: 3C L A/ c * -5; *"» t>frA,tr 0, which means covering; and ¥ < & 4, which means a cart. Think of M. as showing a moving 0C) cart (¥) carrying a covered (*-*) load. Sfr K *: acting; 1 Z{frt), 9 r( <) to move. (238) The cf|$"if is jj 0 § -cS < 0; it means force or power. Note that Wj consists of two $ that together constitute the ffllS for gravity, JtA v ^ 7 i> a ?, literally the force Cfr) of weight (M). Think of gravity (Mt)) acting and causing motion (Uj). In] 3 ?: trOf h), tf (<) to turn toward; ts (^ 1) [g] to face toward. (309) The pfttiT is P < *>, mouth. However, |o] in its original form depicted a house having a window that faces north. So here P depicts a window and not a mouth. §X t: 3 *J: figure, list; £ & "C surface; & £ (t>ir) to express, show. (1670) The p&lf is $ £ h %, clothing. The upper part of 3t derives from ^ it, hair, depicting a fur covering. Hence, 3t meant to be clothed in fur, which suggests both surface and showing. $} -fy,*?: substance; i> <D thing, object. (1210) The fiBU is 41 o L^* A,; it refers to cattle. The right side %J connoted mottled, dappled, speckled. Thus, %0 meant variously colored cattle and came to signify the diversity of substances and things. $£> 9 4 : J&* h tz body. (86) The older form was IS under the !$"§" # i$ fe^ A/, which means bone. Think of # as a #^^, joining person (A) and foundation (^ <> £): the body is the foundation for each individual. ' -Y 7: identical, the same;>f f": l> t (O) one. (1) Both a fiW? and a !$"§*, — also connotes sameness with the "m 4 V, as in I^J—-co, identical. 2 h 7 -y *;7 h 7 -y * equality;inequality Y 7 *;U;h 7 * 7 -fe *f equimolar; isotropy #[3 7] h 7 F 7 77 lower [higher] order animals a h 7 y ? Ki'f -y r -Y «>tt* $ uniform velocity; constant speed sJv9'X**jv9 hourly speed; speed per second n,)[f'f]v^;f'fv^ high [low] speed; constant speed mmmmwm ^•Y F-.'f K;fcy F longitude; latitude; frequency [math] #y? K;yyy? F acceleration;deceleration -Y f- F;> -Y F; V ^ 7 F 7 F one degree; luminosity; fluidity y^v^F^r^o Brownianmotion;transporting 7y37;7y-fyv#y movement (e.g., planets}; running time {mech eng] 7 y F7-a- o y motorneuron {bio} V 3 -Y > h lPj§;TlfiJ§;±[6]S [6]±;*|nJtt F^U**'^;-b'f F-> I*) kinetics, dynamics; damping {mech engr} acting speed measurement {robotics} active [passive] joint {robotics} tr§;L£tr§;?;bO£ direction; downwards; upwards n*>v3?;*'S*:j?-fe'f improvement; directional properties t* y h v 3 ^; v 3 •> -b 4 bit-oriented (comp sci}; directivity {mech eng} ^MM] IftWffK?" -k3i>y;t3,»'f color display; assertion {comp sci} UFta^yy list representation (of graph) {comp sci} Kayyy Y~[tftz] expressivity (of genes); [phenotype] {bio} iiy 7* y 9 4; 7* 7 -> y; 7 7 -fe -Y (inanimate) body; substance; material properties * 7 7 y 7 y F 7 ;••• -fe y parabolic motion; parabola K 7 77 =J 7 F7 #? ethology {bio} # a ^ -f; j. ^;? A ;* ^ 'f soUd; h'quid; gas •J7^Y*^;— fc a 7 y solid angle; stereoscopic display Hta1) ;••• -9- 'f * 7;— -b + body surface; somatic cell {med}; volume 4 v f- a 9 -t y v a 7;^ f- F on a single straight line; one time F 7 -Y 7 ^-.'f 7 f- identical; coinciding, agreeing Yfy^;^>Y7V) temporary; single phase {chem}
/£ T 4 : unchanging; £/£(#>&) to determine, $/i(£ &) to be determined. (502) The oft It" is ^ 7 frA,to 0; it represents a roof. Below it is a form of IE; its ^ -b -Y connoted Hx. & i: t <r> x. *, to put things in correct order. So S meant establishing a stable household. [WJ K-> ;£&(£) same. (314) The &£"|" is P; fl is also a &B"i\ ± § &£ x., the outskirts of a town. Think of a call ( P ) to unity (—) to all within the outskirts of town (H), which marks the domain held in common (|bJ). ffi^a: separation, being distant. (1810) The pBW is J£ h U, leg. The itffi is E, which is related to Jk o#>, claws. One interpretation says that Si refers to the spurs (|l) on a rooster's legs (J5L), a warning to keep one's distance. $|£ 'J ; Ji ft (-f) to separate, tt 4 (*l *) to be separated (2004) The qftlf is 1£ -s» £ £ 0, which represents birds, and £| was originally the name of a specific bird.The meaning "separation" came from association with 'j§ 'J, a net used for capturing birds. BtF v; t % time. (902) The p|5"ir is 0 tt^k • vc**^—a,; it depicts the sun. The right part ^? Xh means temple. Think of temples timing their religious rites in relation to the sun (0). Pe§ t >; h^tz space,interval. (1960) The &ft*Sf is PI t^U- *£&t jt, meaning gate. The early form of Pa! had the moon B rather than the sun 0 within PI. Moonlight shining through a gate suggested intervals and spaces. X-u fc: ratio; < ^(^<Z>) to compare {as a prefix, "specific": it|& t *y specific heat}. (1056) Itself the piSH &£>£/£> • < £> ^ &, i£ indicates comparison by symbolizing two persons next to each other. (Few ^ are classified under Jfc: the most notable is •& *4, everybody.) $!j I' >f: example; /:i:(x. If) for example; fc fc (x. &) to compare. (103) The Hffi is 90; the ^ V A is a variant of U7. Since 9!) means things standing in a row, 9t evokes a person (A) putting things in a row (9lj) so as to make comparisons C$1) among them. HE f" 3 ^ : straight, direct; & &("?*) to repair, mend, correct, & £>(<£>) to be restored. (1311) The nftH" is @ ft, eye, and M joins § with intersecting straight lines, both above and below. It not only means straight, but to straighten, i.e., to correct, to repair. 7$k "fe y: line; track; wire; string; ray. (1492) The a&Hf is & ^t, thread or string. The %ffi is ;§., which connotes here the meaning of slender thread as in fflk -b v. A slender thread constitutes a line. (Note that $k itself is pronounced V**$*#> and means a spring of water.) -£;B5e:;eS amkipis $WHi;£ISI*~ SJt»gl #SJfc;Jt»Jt Jfc«£ftJt]R 9%i£ftElii 7E 'f-;f^;3f'f W;r -f 'J constant; fixed, secured; theorem ^'ff'f;T'f:lr;*f>f estimate; definition; hypothesis r 4 -fe * [ 7 7 ] fc *y specific heat at constant volume [pressure] R K 7 h 7 <a; K 7 y <a; k 7 -f 4 equivalent; simultaneous; identification *y?4 y Wt4 *7 on-line identification {compsci} v 7 K 7; v 7 K 7 y y a homology, isogenome {bio} * 3 >J fc 3 7;7*-y ? -f * s V distance table; object distance {optics} •*M 9 >[•? a V)* a l) shortest [longest] distance •jav+ay clearance separation, segregation; isotope separation eccentric angle; [eccentricity] law of segregation {bio} isochronism; simultaneity time constant; space-time point time dose relationship, TDR {med} human beings; intermittent; (spatial) interval intermittent fever, indirect [direct] equal (spatial) intervals; intermediate (med) geometric progression {math} body weight ratio; ratio of specific heats multiple proportions {chem}; ratio, percentage m w -yyy;jjyfy<D;j] y-hi? it M \"(%4\\'4v';^y\il"< *4 MV<{;t4 \LV<i proportionality constant; comparison exception; exemplifying; inverse proportion direct proportion; definite proportion {chem} b^v ?1-a ?*yyy K7 uniform linearmotion f-3^-t>*v^+ linear accelerator fa^^Mjfa*;*^ rectangular parallelepiped; right angle |& Fal SESI;1&^J H -fe > * > * 3 U; K 7 y 3 ^ -fe > (conductor) spacing; power lines {elect} rmiwk h^tgH'/jF^n^-t'/ equidistant lines; contour lines /^•^SuBy VAfA -ty-jr-f K7t^v^tA linear dynamical system {comp sci}
UNIFORM MOTION Velocity is a quantity that is expressed by speed and direction. When a body moves with constant velocity, the speed and direction of its motion are always the same. Therefore, the distance s that it travelled is proportional to the time required t Motion at a constant velocity is called uniform motion or uniform linear motion. Suppose that a body A has just begun linear motion from C with a constant velocity vA. If we suppose that after time h has passed, body B begins to move from C at a constant velocity vB in the same direction, then when vB> vA, B can overtake A. The time t required to overtake is given by t = vAh/(vB-vA), and the distance of bodies A and B from C at this moment is expressed by s = vAvBh/(vB-VA). These relations are valid even when the motion is not linear so long as the speeds are constant. For example, we can similarly determine how many hours are necessary at an hourly speed of 80 km to overtake an automobile that left one hour earlier at an hourly speed of 40 km, heading for Chicago from Milwaukee. Of course, B cannot overtake A if vB is equal to vA or vB is less than vA. The time t is proportional to h. Therefore, it will, for example, double if car B leaves after 2 hours have passed. Comments on Translating 1. In Japanese conversation, when a subordinate clause ends in <T> tC, the <D K is equivalent to "although" in English. However, in technical writing it is most often equivalent to "[in order] for" or simply "to": thus, here io v^o < <T> \Z is translated "to overtake." 2. The construction £ x. + -k. \£ [verb form] is equivalent to "if only ..." in its literal meaning, but "so long as ..." is often more suitable. I also use another equivalent because it fits well with scientific discourse: "provided that..." Thus, here we could also translate, "These relations are valid even when the motion is not linear provided that the speed is constant." 3. As the conjunctions for subordinate clauses appear at opposite ends of the clause in Japanese and English, one cannot usually give in the English translation the same order for the train of thoughts as they appear in the Japanese text. However, two Japanese conjunctions for which we can do so are is* *b and <D "C when either follows a present or past tense verb in a Japanese subordinate clause. In such cases, put a period after your translation of the clause, and then start a new sentence that begins with "Therefore." Thus, the translation of the clause [MWi ?> f"] § £ $1 ££fiv^o&|sJ£"C2b'&^^J in the short paragraph is "the speed and direction of its motion are always the same. Therefore..."; and of r t \t h K itM L X v^ & <T) "C J in the essay "The time t is proportional to h. Therefore ..." 6 *£ M rii pj In]S-.Tl6U:±|fila I6]±;#l6]tt m * m # -WM±;—l m—.i-m -B#;iji-ffi 7E -TE'M'TES/Et *£||£«]RISj £«[EE]Jtl& I f T ^ I W. tmmwtfm 0# mmvm 9 B B [KtoiMZM Wfc*fcWiI&8 it fl fc* mwm&M j_
2 fln&jgfc;ftfc<PMft 2 «t*o MKS Itt-CliMfii-a-r/liJ:^ 1-i-bviil kg^fl: ^xtf, &0£9&ll®££^tf?;iT*<Mo v>*> *<fl3§£Jl;tl kg0»#* *Htt^?> <#£*>#? fctt-e**o £ <0 fc § <0ftiaK# 1 m/s e c2 X^^tzht tL^f^ #*fc*i£*>v>fc*tt, MKSl^^v^T, ^JvftilN.SNfcfc&o - a=v2/r fcv^B8«***0> attrJCRJt«trv^0 & v*i string m i £ before 9
\^f \ 9: advantage, gain; x.(&) to obtain, acquire; {verb stem +%h to be able to}. (664) The pftlf is ^ % *1 K. ^'<^; it derives from a representation of two roads intersecting and often indicates roads. The right part derives from shell H and hand ^ and depicts the picking up of shells, so # means picking up shells along a road. Shells were money, so this was a gain. Note that in affirmative compound verbs, which express potential, e.g., S L# h, # Z> is read "9 h. UP #; < fc> (X. &) to add, increase, < t> (t> h) to be added on; to join in, participate. (223) Combining power jj and mouth □, SP is a ^^?: to put power Cfa) into speech (P) increases the impact of the words spoken. Both the JtiS^i # 9 * t iJ and the W^tfb v-hi** A* derive from abbreviating JP: i) by selecting the left side, 1$ by cursively writing JP. jj 'J^.'ja^^t) force, strength, power. (222) Itself the nftii* ty § , jj comes from a sketch of a bulging bicep to express force. ^C *>ff y>f;i5*5(£v*)f ££(£&) large. (437) Itself the pBII" /f V\ ;fc originally pictured a person with arms and legs extended. 3? v 7: quality. (1792) The pjS"iT is jl rt*^, picturing a shell; it is often associated with monetary matters. The two ax blades at the top,/f/f, signified equality as ax blades were once used as measures of weight.[ifc] So K meant equality between the monetary cost of a thing and its value, and thus its quality. M. U ap: quantity ; \± fr(&) to measure. (1925) The oft"!" is Jt £ t; it combines 03 (rice paddy) and ± (signifying a path) to indicate the paths that separate rice paddies. Here, however, together with the stroke above it, M. abbreviates j£ and connotes P] y 3 •>, meaning double or dual. The top of m pictured a $ "f, a measuring box. Thus, m signified the dual operations of filling and emptying the $ "J", the act of measuring. /h V3 *; £;*>v>(3v>), *>v>($£) small. (541) Itself the p|5"g" v 3 ^, /h originally consisted of three dots to indicate smallness. ^t v y: reality, truth; <&(<?)&) to ripen, bear fruit. (499) The old form M depicted a house replete with shells (j^), money, to represent fruitfulness. Ijx v" y: examining. (2069) The o|5"if is M it, horse; 1£ named a kind of horse. It came to mean examining by association with an ancient ^ that had the same laffi ($r) but a different pjSlf (If) and meant b h ^&. ff& # >: observing, viewing. (1698) The cftti' is %, *■ 4; the # connotes turning about (as birds 1£ do). Thus, II is to turn about in order to see (JL). It may also indicate point of view (±tS v a * y, subjectivity; ?rtlt * * ? * *, objectivity) and appearance (^|| t: * y, lovely sight; j^lS XJiiv, external view). 10 i£L#&;#£-£& *f)!bin;xf^* to be able to express; to impart 7* — 9 IRtlf f-^Va^ data acquisition {comp sci} %9.T$rk V"J ">,^>3^ rcalincome in iiJ0;JnSM5nW] W%\*!lJ**?\Tv*'fv increasing;weighting;additive W(f% 1 JO jSS h * [ * * ] * y * K uniform [angular] acceleration v? * > r * * v* j- * temporal summation {bio} a [Pl^JjJff^ll^^Jl ^v^'Ja^H-iv- centripetal force; strength; visual acuity {med} l£[S]^;©JI&^ * *[*■ 3 •>] y s * ;* 4 K* y s * stress; [tension]; damping force XlWrt^t^jft i^ivi?hry[i*h input; [output]; component [resultant] force y*C § £;^/Jn is fc £ S; :T-f -> a ? magnitude;size JV^Sjljkfc **^ >l* ^l*:^ * 4 verv gre^ [important]; the gist, general idea iQ^Y$Lit ^[ya^yy* macro [micro] evolution ft ff;% K ^Ifj 7 7 -> 7; 7 ? v 7 4 K ? substance; mass transfer 14®;po KWS -fe 4 v 7; fc y v y # y U properties (of a substance); quality control WK-M^^M My7;^yr;y+ constitution; interstitial tissue {med} S[£]fi;Sfi "> 7[v a. ^] y a ^;r -f y 3 •> ^ mass; [weight]; quantitative S? tl&Slifj ll -> 7 y 3 ? * ?; 7 y K 7 y 3 •>■ mass number, momentum /*Cjt 415 ^^'Ja-J-fe'ft^ mass production /jN^C/h^C^cE] yan^ya^^rvK] smaU number, decimal point [place] /hfr/J^C^H^ ya^N ;v 3 ^[^-f ]*# corpuscle {bk>}; small [large] scale /hJ^^t^hcfelS £#£#;£[£:£]#*:?> miniaturization; small-[large-]sized —* " % HfflM;^S6^ v73CT+;v7v7r^r practical;substantial %^f$\%JE$k *JW*v\sJVi-47s*) real time; real constant {comp sci} %$k$t7frifc7h Vv7s*)\La*?V9 4'r4 real number representation {comp sci} ^^[SSffllffi Vv + >[**V9]* experimental [observational] values M^&M^fc-t Vv + v'sWA + vV**} empirical formula {chem}; from experience W$£MW%& vvrv?9J7> experimental population {bio} | if ijyv^\1iyry observation; point of view SSilll^(WW# * > v * =f * K * * > * -f observation congruence {comp sci} ^jtM^Ts r/3->3-)/>7 sightseeing bus
Wl V ?; tt M*>) to measure. (1143) The p^W is $ A,"f v*"^f representing >jc *1*, water. The ^ comes from SO; it means to indicate a measure by marking with a knife. The right part of SO is the q&H* D o fc ? f knife (7J). In ^7: conclusion; tr *J*(^) to tic, bind. (1469) The Ufa is nf, a *?S:^ joining the o8"i" ± $ tr «b v» and P; it means good because a $ if h v> (±) does not tell (P) a lie. Think of tying (ft) a good ($) knot (IS tf §) with string (*). t|c #: fruit, result; fi(£:"$") to accomplish, cany out; fi(fc L T) as expected, really. (951) The oftII* is /fc §, tree. The upper part is not the ofcif EH £, rice paddy. It was originally a rounded shape that depicted fruit in the branches of the tree. <CK >*: subsequent; o( C) to come next; to rank next. (1023) The nBtf is yt ^ y, depicting a person yawning; it means something is missing.The left part is not / , signifying ice, zR ££ 0, but H, two. Missing 0Q first puts one second, next in rank 0Q. H5 il >; #^(t> I?) relation, connection. (1963) The old form Hi depicted a bar in the center to indicate locking the gate H. Stations for checking credentials on the Sf&ji h ■>*-f K7 in Tokugawa Japan were called HH$f * * •> a. I^F ^ -Y : relation, connection; {-#*#* ty, a suffix to indicate the person in charge}. (104) The Ufa ^ *r 4 originally depicted two threads tied together. It is the usual suffix for "system" in technical Japanese, e.g., EU&Jfc ^ v y 7 *r 4, a reaction system. (In computer science, however, y^f A seems to be preferred.) The combination of A with Jh means the lineage of a family and the continuity of relations and connections within that lineage. J5L ^y\ opposite. (285) The oft Wis 37. i tz, a hand. Turning over one's hand shows the opposite side. Wi * •>; d*1* number, ^(x. £) to count. (858) The pUH* is i (&) i? < ^>* < 0, a hand brandishing a stick or whip, indicating something being done by hand. The left side is •£ (rice) and ^C (woman), but only ^C was present in the old form St. Though not historically accurate, imagine women {ity using rice yfc to do (&) counting 0k)- -^ 9V\ single. (358) The OS "if is P because the old form was JpL, deriving from a depiction of a sharp forked weapon. A Japanese proverb suggests this tie with weaponry: ^J} OUA ^'/^f a^-a'J.a warrior attacks singly (-¥■) with a sword (73) and directly (BE) penetrates (A) the enemy lines. H 4 : rank, grade. (77) As noted in the Introduction, this is a &H3-\ people A are standing i, and it was the custom, when standing before a superior, to do so in order of rank. 12 «lJSE;ffl v 9 r -f; v * U a 7 ;x 4 y ? measuring, measurement; surveying; conjecture -> -r -> y [-9- y # ? ] y ? 'J a 7 photogrammetry; [triangulation] y ? r -f f-; *r 4 y ? * measured values; measuring instrument &£-;ft£Jll Iphh s# *• y =r 7 ;$- 7 -> a 7; h 7 ^ y (chemical) bond; crystal; freezing $- y =f 7 * 3 l>; h 7 •*- y-»M bond length; freezing mixture {diem} x? .*-b y4-7 -> 3 7:0 x-ray crystallography *• y *; -b <Y *; * V y result, consequence; outcome; fruit x+*;^^*;*h7 succulent fruit; fruit fall, abscission {bio}; fructose V v >r y *■ v # [-b 4 * ] experimental results [outcome] 4 *"[-] v <?>. ^-7* ^ first [second] order, primary [secondary]; dimension >f f- *>V\ y y 7 [ f y ?■] first order reaction {chem}; [primary battery] a v y y 'J 3 7; 9 *J ? y « dimensionless quantity; multidimensional * y x 7;* * y\1i y-b y function {math}; engine; joint {med} v y 7.7 f- * y x 7 real valued function {comp sci} ^ y + * y; v y n 7 * y -b y heat engine; artificial joint {med} ML m ffiH«ft R^t;EM;R^ y ^ x 7 ;* y y -f; h v 3 A**4 *) coefficient; relationship; librarian y 7 * y y -f ^ 7 correlation coefficient -vysijvir'i human relations E A>;<f ;/ny-y -r;/nyy 7 opposing; reflection,reflex {med}; reaction {chem} ,\y-/y -yy%>\yny antimatter, repulsion ^ y v v 7 y K 7 -y > vK1) reflex movement {med}; reaction {mech eng} R ^yx7;r-fX7;7yX7 variable; constant; random number y y x 7; 7 ^ x 7; y x ■> real number, complex number, prime number v>jL7vyX7<7)t:3 7^y decimal notation {comp sci} ^y^-f^y-r-.^y^yi an element {chem};unit; single, unitary 9 y K 7 * * y [ v 3 ^ X -b y ] single-acting engine; [monochromatic X-ray] ? y •; 3 7 ^ -f; 9 y -f y * monomer {chem}; unification {comp sci} B -f y 7 ;-Y f-; F 7 4 9 4; phase {elect}; position; isotope -< y •? h 7 * [» y r y ] * phase equalizer [inverter] {ekct} /ff^a-)ij3ry>f locator, pointing device {comp sci}
The Relation between Force and Acceleration As a force is larger, the acceleration that a body acquires is larger and, if the force that acts is the same, the acceleration is smaller as the mass of the body is larger. We know, based on the results of experiments and observations, that the following relation exists between force, mass, and acceleration. If a force acts on a body, the body accelerates in the direction of that force. The magnitude of this acceleration is proportional to the force that acted and is inversely proportional to the mass of the body. The MKS unit of force is called a newton. A newton is defined as the force that upon acting on a 1 kg body imparts to it an acceleration of 1 m/sec2. When a body moves at uniform velocity, we observe the time and distance that it travels, but we do not think about why that motion occurred. When a body moves with acceleration, however, we do think about what that motion developed from as a consequence. That is, we do consider what kind of force acted on the body. For example, consider the following experiment Suppose that we tie a body of 1 kg mass to the end of a string and swing it around at constant speed. After confirming that the string does not break, we untie the string and this time tie a 5 kg body to it. When we swing it around at the same speed as before, the string breaks. The string broke because the force that acted was greater than before. The speed at which we swung it around was the same, so the acceleration acquired by the body was the same. However, because of the larger and smaller sizes in mass, the forces that acted on the string were different. If we suppose that the acceleration in this case was 1 m/sec2, then in MKS units the forces that acted on the bodies are IN and 5N respectively. The acceleration a of a body circling at constant speed is a function of the length of the string r and the velocity v. The relation between them is a = v2/r, a being inversely proportional to_r. Comments on Translating 1. The first paragraph contains embedded questions. All three are straightforward, starting with an interrogative, t* 7 L "C or t'A, &, and ending in ri\ The second [t*A,%ffi%:bl,X'?:<D jEifr K ta o tz it* J , though clear, presents a challenge to a translator who tries to respect the text. Thus, my version, "what that motion developed from as a consequence," may seem a bit oblique. 2. Technical Japanese has very long paragraphs; the trend in technical English is towards shorter paragraphs. You may want to insert paragraph changes for clarity in your English translations. 3. The Japanese noun jz4s may be translated "size" or "sizes," but $Z'h also connotes that among sizes some are larger and some are smaller. Thus, I have translated \fSM.fc~K /bff$)2>fz#)} as "because of the larger and smaller sizes in mass." 4. A Japanese paragraph may contain both past and present tenses; an English paragraph is usually consistent in tense. Thus, for |";& £ li tz h < ti fi jig o t> kf "C & 2> J I have translated: "the forces that acted on the string were different." 5. In technical Japanese, t> It often appears at the end of a sentence to indicate that the sentence gives an explanation. It may be ignored in translating. 6. In fl Nt 5N£&£J ,ttah is equivalent to *C&&: "are IN and 5N." 14 i^r mm® m. «»$C;SSJJ #P ;JPM;|§i m ffl€;$tt;|!S A \ D % |tt&»*:BI*« 4BHft& fS^ftgiMff n * Jrft ttS; MR: >k i »ii.s Hftfllxx R l<WI8M>£3i M$.7tfk;§'%.7C mmm-.Axm® ma
3 t>mtwmmi%?f(n:M\i3 m±^^ik~w%u#mm&mRftmnmm\ iwzyofcvmwiMivm&zZfL^o z<Dm&*%^x~'o<D®fc(Dffi£K&^xm} A&fttDmmtfKiotz^t^iztzLfttzt&xzzo matt, -n:^±^2^# AtBtf$?&mm}ZLX®£LtztfZ>o d<&«6fcU3V>T, AtfBK&ttfJjbztt LX<Dl3m±B<DmhMi<DmtliZ2?L^ZtZj$:XigLtt, FVBt = mBAvB##t>tL&o ttzBtfAKRiZtfiK^^Xk^Zi^tmbtiZo t%t>+>, FB.At = mA AvA t & hQ ZLX A&BKRIZtt} tBtfAKRtttt) t\±, flsffi • Rfftfl4>B8«fc**«> xm^m^m^^b^ztf^LifaZtfEttx*)*). ttz^iirnotim^^ KZ<d -C«£<&!ir»K£ v>T 2 »WffliO;Kli**3 ^ 4 v^ t v^ »**«» fc tiZo ;v**fctfottf>*i, ttk*x*2:££M;, «£»<*>&*&<> J:£*<*>£, ifctfXfctt f£3H"& -fe*7>1-£ to integrate ^r^f tf-> a place, location R^'S 8fc^w« 7^4*9 coefficient of restitution *ZM<Q%£:X\±, ffi^ago%»ja^^tt&feift^l^Oja^^ov^gf^lir^^ttotttR H^ ~ * j. $ two spheres W$ v*?94 relative $cfl&J& t7'/a^fv point of contact ^Ip]*?^ direction 1&&3z4*fv component til&fcv* value ^£3$14 *>0^>-t-f perfectly elastic 17
fff -fe 3r: product {math}; o(tr) to heap, pile up, 0( & &) to be heaped, accumulate. (1393) The p&'BT is ^ <a ^^ it depicts a rice plant bending slighdy at its head. The "aW is n; it means duty to others, as in Jiffi -fe * - >, responsibility. Here the duty (M) is to harvest rice plants (^:). ± ^3^:H above, upon; $>0f 2>) to lift up, raise, £>(#*&) to rise. (6) A fpitJC^r, -t is also a fiW^, the type that represents an abstract concept At first ± was inscribed as H. Then the lower stroke was changed to one that curved upwards to distinguish it from the number Zl. A later change led to JL As a suffix, _b may mean on, as in Mfflih , on a straight line, or from the ... point of view, as in it^ JL, from the chemical point of view. ^c ^ >: ^ >(&) strange; fr(k &) to change, fr(t> 2>) to undergo change. (862) The ofcti" $C (£), action, is all that remains of the older form S£. Note that the top part is now the same as tJf i tz, again. Think of M as a ^^^: acting (&) again (7jf) to produce change (l£). v ^r: style, form; system, method; formula, equation. (582) The &&"i" isli^^ • tz < *^; it originally pictured an axe. The ^W is ~t, itself a &&!*; it derived from a MM of a sharpened stick. Thus, ^ meant to mark and measure in carpentry. #: change, transformation; f£(*t 2>) to change (oneself into something else). (51) The right part -£ depicted a person upside down to indicate becoming a different person. As it^ ■h at, chemistry, and ^r^rt %9, science, are homonyms, it.^ is often called fffrt i3JS9. — r.:^/c(0)two.(35) Itself the pi$"iT K, H is the qftlif for 51 and li, which will appear later. ill v a •>: striking, colliding. (1666) The pB"if is ff *> § tfi x.; it designates the intersecting of two roads, as does ^ . Its parts are always separated, as they are in % by JL One older form had M in between, leading to an association with S o <, to strike. From this association came the connotation of striking, for example, H(tf4fc) £ $i < , to strike a bell. ^ h y: sudden; 0( < ) to strike, thrust (1399) The qfSti" is>^&&4»A/tr9,a cavern serving as a dwelling. One interpretation views ^ as a £M $ in which a dog (jt) strikes forth ($=) from such a cavern (7Q. ^: /C & (O) to keep, preserve, maintain. (112) As a l&M^1, $c depicted a person bearing a child on her back, indicative of caring for children. -iff* V y: existing. {Note that # £ £ is the humble form of & 3 £ <> 5 and £fl £ } (485) The nB"Sf is -p £, a child, joined here with zfr, which represents sand clogging a river. That which clogs a river really and truly exists. Note that the i=f is V > rather than V >in ^$: v v*f 4, existence. * ft 18 ±T«a *foSE»:*ffc 'j*-te#;*-f-fe* ;**?'>' impulse; volume; integration a^ + A'fn^ + y?^ integrated circuit; laminated material ya^^F;^ b * -fe * components per chip {comp sci}; vector product ± v>a •nap ■>:/-' F9S-r* /s>;*;'^>'.X7;/N'>''< -ft up and down fluctuation on the normal; rise (e.g., of temperature) ascending [descending] aorta {med} change; variable; displacement mutant dynamic [static] variable {comp sci) previous [next] equation; formula weight {chem} two wire system; method, mode, system formal system [specification] {comp sci] 7-4->**;*#?->* K7#-tf-3 7[v*7] formalization {comp sci]; chemical formula fossilization {bio] assimilation; [assimilatory pigment] {bio} Zl 1? 5MS;—^?pp ;,ya^U;-^l)*>' double helix; doublet ^ h 7 7 v -t y;- h 7 fc v bisector, second-grade goods nxoy^-.-f* dihydrate;binarization m m&& «#&!«;«#£ 1:#« 3 7 h 7; v a 7 K 7;v a 7 y# collision; impulse {physics}, drive {bk>}; impaa i/37 K 7 ^ - if >• impulse turbine ^^[iyys y ~> a 7 K7 afferent [efferent] impulse {med} h 7 -tf y O; h 7 +; h 7 77 sudden; process {med}; bumping {chem} ^ ^f r. v a. v 3 7 h 7 collision of the second kind {physics} -t* v [ n 7 ] h 7 * anterior [posterior] process {med} ♦ Hfy-fe-f^yy-b'f maintainability {comp sci}; conservation 7 7 4 ;u * rf; ^ v? file protection {comp sci]; hold, retention * v-f;* v> ->** y hold value {elect}; retention time {chem} # tffSWJHt * V ^ * 7 v ^ -, * 7 > * 7; conservation laws; preservation methods * ? 7 7 -f V >; v > -f W drug dependence ; presence (e.g., of a catalyst) *>4*/vW\4Vy-rv* survivalrate {med}; dependent differentiation {bio}
fi # *?: law, method. (1093) The #$F is :£, which derives from a f0& of a covered rice pot It means to depart (£ h), for one removes the cover. Here it connotes enclosure, and ££ referred to ways to impound water. IU V y*: rule, law. (210) As noted under ifM, 10 means to make a mark or a cut with a knife (J)) in making measurements. By making marks on bamboo we fashion a ruler.Thus, M came to mean rule, then law. %. ^, ? V: & £, 4>*> after, later; l L(6 ) behind, back of; £ < (il£) to be late. (658) The afc"i" is ^ §* i 9 K A,'^, related to motion. On the right are two p&li", & , fine thread, and X, foot-dragging. Going (^ ) with small steps (&) and weary feet (X) makes you late (?£). [tfc] fe * >: * £ J&*(V>) short. (1332) __ The 951" is 7<: *^ A>, an arrow. The ^? is I, itself the ffi~gjL #>, beans. (The ^ is a variant of h V.) Think of shooting an arrow (£c) and hitting a bean (JL) at short (S) range. ,5c 3r *•>:££ (tf) and; £ <fc (l?1~) to exert, cause, £ «£ (.£) to reach, extend to. (283) The p&lf isXi^.a hand; & derives from a ^^^ that portrayed a hand (X) touching the back of a person just ahead. So 7$L means to reach. (The PI !Hi<&$. Vs is very frequent.) ft "fr, "9* * acting: o < (&) to make. (80) The 1=tW ^F depicted a knife (JJ) cutting a notch, an action involved in making something. Thus, f£ represented a person (A) making (ff) something. [$C] ffl 3$: &*>(v>&)touse.(1258) Itself the P&W %) % V* &, ffi was a I^M^f1 that pictured wooden poles forming a fence around a cattle pasture. The current meaning, though borrowed, could have derived from the original one. 9 -i : opposite (i.e., vis-a-vis); ov>apair. (529) The pfl"if is \f" + h, a Ja 7F? of a hand touching something. The old form M showed a hand touching two pillars that faced each other. Thus, H means both pair and "vis-a-vis." Itf -tf >: t X. before; in front of. (209) The Iftlf is ZJ *)oti;m originally meant to cut and sort with a knife, so E is not moon but the a$1=l ^J K < o* §. Think of meat (^) cut with a knife (ZJ) and arrayed before (It) you. 7: sum {math}; harmony, calm. (334) The n&"if is P; the ia 7 is a variant of t (for Tfc). It connoted JJD, so ft meant voices chiming in harmony. A frequent prefix for Japan, ft often appears in words that parallel the use of # 3 7 as a prefix for the West: ft H: 7 -> a 9, Japanese food, #1£ a^va^, Western food; ftM 7 7?, Japanese clothes, #JI6. 3 7 7?, Western clothes. In the Meiji Era, ft® 7 -9- y identified traditional Japanese mathematics in contrast to ¥® an^, Western mathematics. 20 m * * 4r V;* 7 * Vi-fy* 7 3f7 K?v**7;-*7*;'*7 10 SB!I;SI!I;MIII * * v * ;* v ? ;7 7 7? H/f7 h<7)$^fiI0 ntf? K7)7V-tf>7 77? normal; method; grammar congruential method; difference method {compsci} formal [linear] grammar (comp sci) law; rule; (general, common) rules rewriting rule (compsci) safety rules with (industrial) robots metaplasm; postflowering development (bio) postembryonic; postnatal (med) posterior [anterior] centriole (med) ffljyajgto JPrJ-jDffl-Jfl* R*h*f*fc#Jt 3P$WlfJfc 9 y **\9 v *y 3.9 y 4 \ »/ short wave; abbreviated dialing {elect} ? y f- a 7 tf v 3 ? 7*7 short-long-day plant {bio} ? y -> a. ? * ? 7* > u 7 brachymitosis {bio} x ■^5ft»f>%i5J:»1" to exert a force >'^ + i•i'3 7* the ripple effect *a.7?"-f1"£ to pass (e.g., an examination, a course) ft -9- K 7 * s 'J [ * ? K] operating distance [angle] {robot} K 7 ir v ? K[3 7 r -f ] working speed [stroke] {mech eng} f - 9 +)- 9 -fe -< data preparation {comp sci} ffl ■9•3 7t^^y^^^^;•t3 7 v7 3'>T4r;JL7[7]3 7'5: v37;^737;37^>f M >^y9<{\9 4**J\9 4 t ?-< ■ti9Jcy\9 4 3 7 v-r HU ^yzf\zij^ryth vy[-3V\ny?y4 ft -b^7[7-fe+]7--f v# NX-)7;fa 77#y*7 7*y;7^7[3y7]-b-< action and reaction {physics}; process, activity practical; useful; [useless] using; applying; tap water (or for a given use) opposing; logarithm; contrast, comparison diagonal; oncoming vehicle electron pair, thermocouple in about three hours to rotate back and forth ventral [dorsal] root potential {med} sum-of-product [product-of-sum] form algebraic sum; harmonic function {math} chord {music}; compatibility; [miscibility] {chem}
Impulse and the Law of Conservation of Momentum If a force is constant, then the product of this force and the time during which it acted is called its impulse. The impulse is equal to the change in momentum of the body receiving that force. Using this relation, we can show that the law of conservation of momentum holds true in a two-body collision. For example, suppose that two bodies A and B moving at uniform velocity on a single straight line collide. Expressing by an equation the fact that the impulse of the force which A exerts on B in this collision is equal to the change in momentum of B, we obtain FA.Bt = mB AvB. We also obtain a similar equation for the force that B exerts on A, namely, FB.At = mAAvA. Now the force that A exerts on B and the force that B exerts on A are in the relation of action and reaction. Therefore, during the brief period of the collision, the forces are always equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, and their respective impulses are equal and opposite as well, namely, FA.Bt = -F^t. Because of that, by adding the above two equations, we can obtain the result that the sum of the momenta of the two bodies before and after the collision does not change. Since the law of conservation of momentum is obtained by integrating the equation that sets the force equal to the product of mass and acceleration, we can obtain the velocity of a body without integration if we use this relation. Consequendy, we can solve for the motions of two bodies when they collide even if we do not know the forces acting. The two bodies mutually exert action and reaction upon each other, and their velocities change; however, because the time during which these forces act is extremely short, the locations of the bodies do not change during that interval. When a body of large mass is moving, its momentum is large. Therefore, even if a small body collides with it, its change in velocity from pre-collision to post-collision is small. That is, neither its speed nor its direction changes very much. When a body has a very large mass, for example, an immovable wall relative to a ball that bounces back when thrown against it, we do not use the law stated above to find die velocity after collision. That is because, though there is no change in the fact that the sum of momenta is conserved, its magnitude is not known. At these times, we can determine the velocity after collision provided that we know the coefficient of restitution*. * In a collision of two spheres, the ratio of the values of the components of the relative velocities before and after the collision in the normal direction at the point of contact is called the coefficient of restitution. If the coefficient of restitution is 1, it is a perfectly elastic collision. Comments on Translating 1. The source for notes defining concepts in the physical sciences is the superb dictionary Sfr ¥1ft& 'J * H? Vt >, 4th edition, published by g$t#/£ v>:b** v a r >. It dates back to 1935. 2. In the first sentence the passive form of %■ & appears twice. In rH:fr L"C#£>tl& b<D J # b tl& is passive voice: "a law which is obtained by integrating the equation." In [Mfi"£"f \iZ% £> ft %> J it is the potential: "we can obtain." Japanese is fundamentally a language of active voice; in contrast to English, the acting subject need not always be named. 3. This text also includes the ... X L £ 1 construction. This construction lends a strong note of finality to the action. However, it is best not to include that nuance in your translating unless the context demands it and a natural English expression to convey that meaning comes to mind. 4. Note that & <F> in the first sentence is translated "law" because that is what %> <D refers to in the sentence. Always use a noun appropriate to the referent of i> <D. Avoid "thing." 22 iff bjr«b-*A,;~£i|§ immmfim so ftBlJ;MI«;S!l] ft {it
4 ntKDbmmtmTwm 4 oiotv^o »*^a$*«o-c*Tt*aaBi«:afi*Ta»i:v^o %ofc<D®#)<D y=gt2/20 \±t*(D£o%ydfeKi>miJtfl±tzb^X^Z>frb, ffirttZtoXBtWMJJK^L^t X*** UK-f k l&jgiVf-a? Ilfta^ # [n] * •> a <}> Htt& *<bfrii* $#>&«>£:*>£ #tf* *tf4 #g£ ^/ctr§ v>r *t =£*>*> *&tf*v» a^-b+yv jSffl-**3-> JEL^ft *a^>ffc' letter latitude vertical coordinate direction to appear to seek; to find to throw inclination, slope case integration applied massive, huge 25
fr V a •>: i3 & (v>) heavy; #> £ (fc &) to pile up, frZ (£ h) to be piled up. (1923) The pftH\ it $ t, shows the land (±) boundaries between rice paddies (ffl). Here, however, S comes from a xcS^ of a man standing on the earth bearing a load, so j£ means both heavy and piled up. It is also a counter, e.g., IlitSb3* ~V * ?**•/>, double integration. $| 7 ? : £ t if) to drop, let fall, & % (&) to fall. (1631) The nftlf is < $ #* A^fr 0 , modified from W; it signifies plants. The la ft is &, which means the downward flow of water. The combination of $k with plants (W) in ^ at first signified falling leaves and then later falling itself. (Fallen leaves is $1 *> M £ *> tf; defoliation is ^^ ? ? 3 ?.) T #,^*: L/wbelow; & Sunder; £ tf(&) to lower, £#(&) to go down; hang down. (4) An upside-down _h, T is a suffix in H$U±T -+77A, under 2 atmospheres pressure. fp Vf a 9: seconds (of time). (1377) The iff^F is ^; the ^ a variant of v 3 V. How might a few (^ & V*) rice plants (^:) refer to seconds of time? Here P connotes slender and fine. Thus, # first referred to the tiny, pointed ears of rice tassels, then to minuteness, and finally to seconds. Another ^ with the same iaffi is t£, also read fcf 3 *J. Here again P connotes slender, and tp refers to twigs and tree tops. i$. f-:*fcv> value. (117) The #ff is it; the 1=t a variant of f" 3 9. Here 3E refers to a direct correspondence between things. So ft meant equality between people (A) who are comparable (K). This meaning was later extended to money and things involved in financial transactions, their value. J& f-,v> earth. (384) The aBH", i o*>, originally depicted vegetation emerging from the soil, but now refers only to soil. The "mffi is i&, which here means IfS ^tf, snake. From a snake's winding and twisting in vegetation, i& came to mean the winding and twisting of soil and then simply earth and soil. £fc * a. *: fc $ ball, sphere. (1241) The ni$1i\ 3E fc 4, may have derived from the IfcM^r 3E which depicted three jewels or beads on a string. The %%% is ^, which now means i> b#)&,to seek and find. Think of seeking (^) a jewel (3i) that is perfectly round, a sphere (M). 51 4 >:£>(<) to pull. (634) The p^W, ^7 ** *, represents a bow. It comes from a IfcM^i1 that depicted the shape of a bow. The right part ( I ) depicts the bow string, which gives BI its meaning, to pull a bow string. A : tz £ raw; V^(f) to enliven, V^ (&) to live; 1 (tr) to give birth. (1256) Itself the p&tiT -£ V\ £ comes from a Jif^? that combined a picture of buds emerging from the earth with strokes to signify growth, suggesting all of the meanings above. Note that 4. occurs frequently as the verb £X<2> v 3 ^ C£, which means emerging, arising, coming forth. 26 Hvtf ['£.*]; Jl^ v> a. «VJ a * [ -> y\\V jL^^^tc gravity; [center of gravity]; important fi $;#[131;HtK £ & £;# va^yiW'f weight; weighting, summation {b»J; heavy water il& ty ;ll£Jjft *»$^»);^i'>7* overlap;polyaddition 9 9 a V *J*[v V] T falling; head {hydraulics}; failure falling-ball viscometer deciduous tree; [leaf litter layer] {bio} wnrm ■jffofi] 3 ? *; ij 3 ^ lowering, depression {chem}; top-down {comp sci) ?ji-by;yx<{jjy[h'V] underground line; sewer pipe; [sewer system] i-fr/^-a-oy lower motor neuron {med} # K; 7 V\ fcf a * degrees; minutes; seconds {angular measure} 3\z**}iiy<r>\z-a*)ik 5 second count down -fc'a^tf^-f-fK within two seconds tt«9l:fc::*:tt Ml *£v9 4sf'\V*>9<<1- absolute value; relative value *7l-*.*-fy**> numerical integration ? 7 f-; v > 'J f- null value; truth value {comp sci} ^^ri^^^ya^j^'ff- the earth's attractive force; the earth y^V;+3^fya^/7 the earth's surface; arctic plants {bio} ■M * -i r *?<< ecological niche {bio} mm* ^mm^Ait^- **3.V',*3.'y5-'([:rj3 v]<D balloon; globular, spherical 3.7* >;/^^[-b%]'Jr7+a.'> spherical surface; white [red] blood cells {med} ^•aW^a^ya^'; cone; conifer, Coniferae {bk>} §1 /^*>JL<J7^y^J3^r'fx■? universal gravitational constant **$ 4 Vx*t9 4 y^if index; indexing {compsci} -f y 1j t y-A y * -fe ^_ flash point; inflammability £ Jb7F;^7KJ^^| H^B;a:M^ -b^-/7[^^]#^;-b^*^^ biology;[ecology];biochemistry y'K^-b'ftv automated production -b^[-fe-f]-?-3^+3^ -b> growth curve; [ctfffo] {med} 7K v v; k 3 ^ v;* 3 »> V indicating; displaying; teaching {robotics} v V 4r >;f- s ^ -fe 7 + 3 7 V indicator bacteria {biochem}; direa teaching {robots} CRT fc 3 •> v v * f- CRT display {comp sci}
7J\ */,V: L*6(1~) to show, revealJ1353) Itself the oB*if L^6"f,asin;H:'>+,^ began as a tO^fo^ that showed a table overflowing with wine as an offering to the gods (tt ^^). {P' v 3 £: -f £ (t) small amount; "?*<(& v>) few. (542) Originally a l£$fc^ that along with /h also indicated small, ^ had four points rather than the three in /j> . Later, when /h became established as the ^ to mean small, $? came to mean few. 3® A : *> &( 1) to be different {in fl| compounds, to be in error, e.g., fflS^ 4 *>#v>} (1882) The iaffi is #, itself the ol$"if £#> L#fr, tanned leather. As the qj5"if is 3C, the original meaning of M was to move about and to protect (by association with tanned leather for armor?). Note its appearance in JtLjsV* **>t&*v>, misperception; H ^ jgV* § § *>;&*v\ mishearing; H<&ji^ «t **>#v\ misreading; ^ § jgV* a»§ *>a*v\ miswriting. pq -3- ^7 reason, significance. (1263) Although the piSHf EH fc originally represented a rice paddy, ft depicted a woven bamboo basket used for squeezing sake out of fermented rice. Its current meaning was borrowed from another character, jfi, which meant to guide. 150 v 3 , ^ y: »± £(#>) beginning. (199) A xcS^ joining 3£ and J}, clothing and knife, $ suggests that in making clothes one begins by cutting cloth. (Note the small difference between CI h $> ^As in ^ and L $>i~^Aj in ft.) ^ V: oneself, itself; h> "f ri*( ^) by oneself. (1580) Itself the BIT «&1*J&*£>, ^ was the HC^ for A ttfc, nose. It became the #$ for &fr*J7y, oneself, because Japanese people often point to their noses when referring to themselves. ^ if V : t & (£) to study. (487) In the old form ^, the top depicted gesturing hands, instrumental in helping a child (■?•) learn. tit 7**: £( < ) to put something in place. (1511) The qftH is & &> t* L h, modified from W; it represents a net The ^# is iC, the # a variant of f* 3 7*. Here 3E means set straight up, and M. meant a net so positioned as to capture flying birds. JMs yy origin, base. (279) The Bit" is r **X/£*i, the base of a cliff; M shows that a spring (tR v*T *) originates there. H T > point, dot. (2104) Surprisingly, the SH is H < <*>. The old form was ifi, something small (£) and black (H). 3ft V9 axle, axis. (1826) The n$1f is ¥ < Z> t; it comes from a Hjtf&^- portraying a cart You can easily remember 3$ by thinking of it as a ^^^: the reason (ft) for a cart (¥) is its axle ($&). 28 ^ ->3 7'j a'J^^v'a^ a small amount [number] of, several juvenile delinquency {med} va^'J'f^ minority opinion *iaKtffiiti BUfeMla^W] Hgfwn v 7 4 r > [ K]; 4 *># v» point at issue; [dissimilarity]; mistake :* if a 7 ^ f- £ if % $* o differs by (an amount) 5.1 seconds 7-4 -£4*v>7 4-7 h_ reducing socket a i^^'Ji^ origin, originating in; (explanatory) reason ^^ + >v?j.^3*>a mean free path -7 j. 7 \, y v 7 free association [med] *D v a v ? K[^ f-] initial velocity [position] v/3 h-i'A^^'i' elementary function {math} ya^'Ja^ya^ initial dosage {med}; reset {comp sci} i y n 7* y *; yj 7 self-differentiation; autonomous {med} v /n 7 n 7 K 7 [* 7 v j. 7] spontaneous behavior {bio} [emission] v>K7+f-:/#[7'>'-fe*] autooxidation; [automatedanalysis] ^ M 3 +>V1S5;1S"J-h\1i1S>? •Ht^yvf-V tf3 7'J;0 pathology; linguistics college; dean of college of engineering field of study; geographical pathology {bk>} ^ff-.-ff-x^ju^f- position; potential energy 'Jy^-f^-ff-.f-Av* configuration; substituent {chem} -f f- h 7 >< -f -b-f location transparency [comp sci} ¥y's;¥~s*s1iv*3<) atom; interatomic distance W3&%.M3&9.]$k Wr* 'yy-.yyr^ 'jw9 protoplasm; plasma membrane (bio) W-W&.; IJWllHI f > v a # -t -f; tT a ■> y v Urvegetation; pathogen (bio) mmw;|iwii yvt^jyvfVifyX1? origin; mass point; score (on an exam) ^fwf^ya'jfy triple point of water fyy y-gy^yj point mutation {bio} -tf v -i v $ ,-tf t: 3 7 v ? anterior-posterior axis {bio}; coordinate axes *a.7> vy^ ^*t spherical bearing y *j $ y jl 7 /> >• K 7 * - if ^ axial flow reaction turbine
Gravitational Acceleration and Falling Motion As the result of various experiments, we know that the acceleration of a falling body is not related to its weight and has a value of about 9.8 m / sec2. This acceleration arises from the force with which the earth attracts terrestrial objects, i.e., gravity, and thus is called gravitational acceleration; it is indicated by the letter g. The value of g on the earth varies slighdy with latitude. Falling motion having zero intial speed is called free fall. If we let the initial position be the origin, take the y-axis vertically downward, and let £ be the position coordinate at a subsequent time t, then y = gt2/ 2 . Using the science of mechanics developed by Newton, we can solve for motions that arise as the result of forces acting on bodies. The case that most frequently appears is that in which we want to determine the motion of a body of known mass acted upon by known forces, that is, to determine how its position, velocity, and acceleration change with time. For example, since gravity acts on every kind of body on earth, all motion due to gravity can be determined by means of the equation that equates the force of gravity with the mass times the gravitational acceleration. The equation of motion is the same whether we throw a body vertically upwards or at some inclination; it is only the initial velocities that differ. In both cases, after taking the origin at the surface of the earth and fixing the coordinate axes, we write down the equation of motion and integrate it If we can use the law of conservation of energy, then we are able to determine the velocity without integrating. In applied mechanics when forces that are far larger than the dead weight of a body act, for example, when massive forces are acting on a dummy in car collision experiments, the attractive force of the earth does not appear in the equation of motion. In these instances, we express the values for acceleration not with the unit m/sec2 but with the acceleration of gravity g. This g, however, has no relation whatever to the free fall of bodies. Comments on Translating 1. Two verbs in this text occur rather frequently, >R#> h %tt>h and 3&tl2> hhfrtih, and both call for some thought in translating. (You will learn ^ and 51 in later chapters.) The first verb, i> t #> &, has a broad range of meaning from "to seek" to "to find," and the word that you use should depend on the context If the context suggests that the search is beginning, use "to seek"; if it suggests that the quest is completed, use "to find." However, since -£* <0]ili!j ~fc & 1#) h in the first paragraph suggests both contexts, I have translated: "we want to determine the motion." The other verb, £>hfc>tl2>,'m contrast, is quite definite in meaning: something "makes itself manifest," an expression that we obviously cannot use in translating. Here I have used "to appear." However, find some other verb when the context is such that "to appear" might suggest "it appears to be but may not be." 2. In this text you encounter for the first time the simple form of the "C- connective for the copula X $> h, namely, X rather than X & o X, X being the more frequent form in technical writing. Here you are alerted to the fact that *C is the X- connective for X %> 2> by the comma that follows X. However, since you will not always find a comma there to help you, always be alert so as not to confuse this X with the particle X. 30 m t4*);fifMt +3- mmtm WlT*:T*tf|jih| F !T]|tW il-DM # mmmm m S£W;6[*]lfiL3t 31 t 7F UiMti3EW ^7^M.7^M.M 3l*£;3l*tt tkim&mn /J. ^.=fc^ ft 2u i Smsft M.W.] lEfcMtJIS >\/. ^ S3- 1^ rnmrntm M A
5 waaffiitt 5 o>tr^^t-36oa$ vr«i)®tfc/hEtt-3e<oH)IBT-enji»«:t*o fU T=27rr/V a,=2/r/T v=o>r fc, jfettftaPlSiSfr^L-Cfcga&o £<&*:§, #fc#L"C9 0K£&tfr£^ 'JN ■c/j^»±naaiis:^j6r, &!.?&&&%*: j>vx%\mLfctofc<Dfti&ntFizi& -?tt*idi;:fc£4:, /hEt±Hfc*oT-19t**}fc:fc*K *<*>ft$£*bv>*a SMfcoSfcf^Ktt, H*x^r, frG\z\±tzb <t*<x<o}), t%t>%, mtitf'b ^ i:J6tt*f iv^0 ffl'o" fc 0 h v»;i&it x > f- a ? rate; vertical i® § <&* fc tr §; fS] 'fr ^ ^ *s > inclination; centripetal 33
Jpj vj.^: ££>(*)) circumference; environs. (330) The oBlf is n < *>, connoting here a square plot of land; the remainder portrayed a field thick with grain. Their combination meant all around and about us, which led to the current meanings, circumference and environs. Note that M i/ ^ v means to move about and around. JU3 *: period of time. (933) The &&"§" is ft o #, moon; the ^^F is &. The "m 4r connotes regularity, M *, so ffl originally meant regularity in the moon's cycle, and then periods of time. (In formal writing, you may encounter % as £ -eti, that; %<D fo, that; Jfgfi * c, there.) BS t 3r: £ fc target; {in the suffix -T^r &, #J changes a noun into a tn adjective}. (1297) The oftlf is 6 L*>, white, but was originally B, the sun. The ig $F is Aj, connoting clarity, and 1$ referred to white targets clearly visible in the sun. This original meaning, bright and clear, is evident in W^ r * W, good example. (Modern usage, however, seems to prefer *MM T*v<i.) Rx>: circle; $ &(V*) round. (378) The SUf is D < K#* x.: it enclosed the 1aW Ok in the old form 19. As JS was a counter for round objects, 19 meant a round enclosure. (Now Jt is a suffix for persons, e.g., SlU -V* 4 >.) -fT ^3 ">: column; 3?: V*(<), *$>(<) to go; £C1 £0) to do, perform. (1663) Itself the p^"if fy § #* ;£ x., fi1 originally pictured two streets crossing. Its meaning, to go, is borrowed from the ^$ for going, tt * •>, as in ffittE * ^ 7 ?, going and returning. 7^ v: V>fc thread. (1441) Itself the oftH V* fc, & derives from a MtM^r that depicted several strands of silk thread twisted as they came forth from a cocoon. (Note again that & refers to very fine thread.) 5 -t *, v * *: V* L stone, pebble. (1334) Itself the pfltf v* L, S originally had two parts: one portrayed a mass of matter, akin to P; the other signified If h \f h K & h, scattered. Stones and pebbles are scattered rocks. ife v >: flourishing; .&(&) to wave, shake, swing, oscillate. (800) The pflti" is on the left; it abbreviates $ T, hand. The iaffi once was the ^^ for 15 *> >*, clams. It depicted a clam opening the lips of its shell (HII *4 *s >) and extruding its body to creep about. Such clam activity (fi) joined with hand (^) gave Wl its current meaning. H] t 4: $ t>(f) to turn, rotate, $ £>(&) to rotate; [-# >f counter for events].(370) Derived from a l&M^1 that pictured winding around something, [U came to mean revolving. S f" 3 ^: & #*(^) long; [--f- a »> as a suffix indicates the head of a group]. (1956) Although itself a ofctf, ft has few entries. It comes from a %M^r depicting an old man with long hair carrying a walking stick. The association with age is now gone. 34 m WMmwm ¥h:rh± » **t*;F7[-M]x* A] *?r*3-F[7*n/?A] F7T*7*-?3i7yfr R 4: ?r ffS;HWS5¥¥| Mlffl; 15#fcxfcjJpJjB| Va. •>#;—/>^ •>;••• a. y period; frequency, periphery, environs 3 S;/5JB^B va^ka^ya^vv^f periodic table {chem}; peripheral unit {comp sci) 17y\* •> a. >f- 3 •> frequency modulation, FM initial period; early [later] period; interval adolescence; periodic chronotropic action {med} purpose, goal; dynamic; [static] object code; [target program] [comp sci) dynamic data structure [comp sci) semi-circle; on the circumference pi [ 7T ]; concentric circles disc; discoidal {med} (piston) stroke; retrogressive succession {Ho} execution; concurrent {compsci}; [retrograde] behavioristics; behavioral abnormality {med} gold thread; thread guide; doubling {textiles} filament; axial filament {med} filamentous fungi; glomerulus (biochem) small stone; coal; rock masonry; petroleum; lime calculus; blood calculus {med} yVK^iD:^7 v v vibration,oscillation;pendulum; oscillation ^yyK^ir/iU simple harmonic motion; simple pendulum /n y -> y *[# v]; v v 7"? oscillator, [oscillating tube] {elect}; amplitude 0 t>t it> *);&*) it>t once around; to swing around A-f^^iA'ff >;*>f-b7 number of revolutions; rotating; diffraction *^f-b>X;*-fyy *^> circuit diagram {elect}; batch process {chem} n-> F^*"^;3^ F-M v*a ■> & 7I> yy'3-)Hr^v S -0 0:180 0t IIIi»H;liiaf mm -fe-f[-t'flf-3'i?4r;vi'^3'> growth period; [ ditto] {bio}; company president fa-jya-j + Ayn-j-b/f long-period variable star {astro} ••■i^cyav + tav long-period periodic table {chem}
-=£ /n y: half, semi-; & fr(\t) partly, halfway. (259) The a&HT is + C »?. The upper two strokes of ^ were originally A, meaning to divide; the lower part was 41 o L, an ox. Thus, •¥■ meant to divide an ox in half. ^ j-J: diameter. (655) Note that the ^^F is the same in S, $£, and H. Its meaning, however, differs in each case. Here it means small, so & means a narrow path, a shortcut (#Cil *> ^A*>), and thus diameter. 1^1 X, h : drawing, diagram, map; fi ^(-5>) to plan. (374) The aftlf D depicts the boundaries around a piece of land. The part within it, more complex in the old form HI, portrayed the dividing of the land. Thus, HI shows both a map and a plan. /*! 13 9 : angle; o <7) horn of an animal; fr £* comer. (1699) Itself the oft "if o <?), $1 derives from a ^.^^ that pictured the emerging horns of sheep and catde. The ^ connotes $1 # ^, meaning hardness. The shape at the tip of horns perhaps suggested a corner and thence angle. $fe -tf y: £(0) to cut, fc(x &) to be cut off, cease to be. (1472) The right side is not &, color, it comes from JJ (knife) and P (half of a bamboo joint), so $fe meant to cut bamboo sinews. [Ut]. (In some words #fe means superb, as in #fe;fc -tf 7 ?4.) Jfa V1^: $ (-J") to increase [flfe]; -k(x_ &) to increase in number [§]. (418) The H\ from V •>, connoted JS, layers: ii meant to add earth (±), layer (M) upon layer (H). : &(£>-£&) to connect, join; to match with and agree; &("?) to meet (311) Once the ^$ for ^x. & z tzI h, to reply to words (P) spoken to you, -a" came to mean to agree with the words of others, and thus to match with and agree, $>t>-*£h. 7EL V: < (tf) to put together, assemble. (1465) One form had a hand (X) beneath ;&, so we might think of the eye (@) perceiving as the hand takes threads 0&) and twists them into M^ < h v» t, braided thread. Many compound verbs and nouns begin with £§.<&, e.g., %&.&&&•&h, to combine; ML^^u-ii:, combination. -^ 3:*fc(X.*)togive.(1585) The p|51f is B H,a mortar. (^6"B v» l ? 1" is a stone mill). The old form was jf|-, derived from a more ancient form that had four hands (^) above W\, meaning to raise something together. Frequently seen in its verbal forms, 4- also appears as a prefix in -^-BEII 3 7 v vy, pressurized cabin, and as a constituent of HU^t" &, to be involved in. 3 V: necessity; primary aspect. (1689) The p&H" is M K L, depicting a cover, but H is not a 3*5^ joining FT and ^C: it derives from a MM^F- that pictured backbone, hip bones, and legs. (H was once the ^^ for M £ L, loins.) It also meant binding the loins firmly, tying things tighdy: important and necessary actions. 36 ¥ /n ^ *j k <jr ;/n > y V 9 4 semi-automatic; semiconductor * v *r -Y ;f- a 7 [ * v\* y *r 4 radius; semi-major [minor] axis {ellipse} r*~s*V 9 -f [ -ir 4];^ >7.*? haploid; [haploidyl; haploid number {bio} W f a-y^'fif a-H'ft'-yf diameter, diametral pitch j\yt-y( frV^'y*) a? radial force + 4 %<< ?4K diameterratk) {gas turbine} m ■fXjXvivV'fvX map;plotting,graphing;electrocardiogram Xiz+iX^-f-i-VJ 3? schema {also **—v}; graphic input {compsci} fc#tiXXv# flowchart schema {compsci} ii 9 K; 1j 9 -¥4 ;iJ 9 ~? 9 angle; square lumber, cornea {bio} x^ya^^^^ya1)^^1? angle of circumference; angular frequency corneal lens; comification {bio} ftllx.#DNA -e^x>"7?;-ifyiv^^; insulator film (compsci); insulator ■lfv#-f 7 !••>->* absolute inequality tv9A tc;tzx.~?;W* 7 superb; constantly; extinction (evolution) m %/ ?-> a *;»/**;*/•> 7 > proliferation, propagation {bio}; increase; increment Nya^1) K V •> * high body weight gain {med} */ •> v 3 ^ #; y •? v 3 9 x) y growth phase; reproductive rate {bio} >rv^*?\V3.*?^*)\?*)%.<{ bond {chem},connecting;polymerization;synthesis ^V^y-i',<bt>t>-*t resultant displacement; combination a bond angle; double bond Vy+;(*f;t-5i organization, tissue {bio}; to assemble, construct < fr j&»x. ^ ^f DNA recombinant DNA {biochem} -jr >y zf >> y -> * <jr ^f connective tissue system {med} 4 a 7 7 v 7 pressurized cabin, room 3V7yV->V37y*V hyperbaric oxygen pressurization {med} K ij v a f4 to be involved in, take part in Sc^ScsRifiSc a ■>-f >;3 •> V;ya-) 3 ?^ mainpoint; factor,element; important Sc^jfc^^ScJjl a^i^'Ja ^;r^f r >-y demand {as in BOD}; element in a fix {navigation} Xy^[j-^yy]3^v graphic [finite] element {comp sci}
Periodic Motion When a body moves along the circumference of a circle, we say that it executes circular motion. The time required for the body to go once around the circumference is called a period. For example, if we attach a small stone to the end of a string of length r and swing it around at a constant speed v, the stone executes circular motion with a constant period T; and we have the following relation. T=2;rr/V In such circular motion, the angle described by the moving radius continually increases. The rate at which this angle increases per unit time is called the angular velocity and is designated by w. The angle, expressed in radians, increases by the amount 2 x during the period T, so we obtain the following relation: o>=27r/T. Combining the above two equations gives the following relation between the speed v and the angular velocity a>: v =a>r. If we tie one end of a string to some fixed object and tie a small stone to the other end, then the string will come to rest showing the vertical direction. If we then impart to the stone an initial velocity in a direction of 90° to the string, the stone will begin circular motion. If the magnitude of the initial velocity is not too great, the stone will oscillate with a period given as a function of the string length and the acceleration of gravity. If we continually increase the initial velocity of the stone and it reaches a certain magnitude, then at a place where the string makes a certain angle to the vertical, the stone will cease its circular motion and will execute a motion identical to that made by a body thrown out at some inclination to the earth. At this time, the string will no longer be taut as it was during the circular motion; it will be slack. If we further increase the initial velocity so that the stone continues its circular motion until it is directly above the position where it was initially, then the stone will complete one revolution along the circle and will continue that circular motion indefinitely with a radius equal to the length of the string. That is, the stone will attain the same periodic motion as would be attained if we attached a stone to the end of a string and swung it around, the moving radius describing an angle that increases continuously. In order to solve for these motions, for example, to look into which motion from among the above three would appear for a given initial velocity, we need only join together the law of the conservation of kinetic energy and the equation for circular motion that relates the radius, angle, and angular velocity or velocity. In order for the stone to deviate from circular motion and fall towards the earth, it is necessary that at some point the force that the string exerts on the stone becomes zero. For this motion, therefore, we must use the equation that equates the force acting in the radial direction with the product of the mass of the stone and its centripetal acceleration. In order to develop this equation of motion, it is advisable to sketch a diagram, draw in all the forces that act on the stone, namely, the gravitational force that the earth exerts and the pulling force of the string, and then find the force that acts in the radial direction. 38 I < * &&;*«;£•& £##;«!& *#«;*«& 5 M /h5;5#t|SH m # R mm-t % m lalifciafoHflT 0HEi;0:5H£ ff m 4 m BKfc;ifi*£T* ft ftBbm&R 4 3C cH-5-t*
6 IE&>j£.7J<<D>& 6 ^MWWmW^WW^~¥WWMMMSKEM y = Asin(2^/T)t (1) *»o? ■&«*>«*&&<&«, &J£x\ *£o^#«o<*;£ftfc¥fTfc«&fc(i) y = Asin(2ir/T)(t-x/v) (2) b%z>o zn&itx^Qo&^Mfttmt&tot&L, ffiftojax-cttiff wx/v /*>t Hj§L£t§, rai:^<0«»**jBc:*ii:«:*LTv^o (2) A*)* 5fc^O«*iEK va yOjBd&^Sr^^C^ffifc^fftT, *^ Iff ~V3 >^gCot^iii:/:x. fgf^.& * y* >fc; ffifi?) ^w <o; Mil ^r^*ti simple; any; toelapse Wk tzXtah\ JS& -fc i * * longitudinal wave; transverse wave I^M *-f ^ y; 8£ L v> ti if L v> medium; severe, violent tff-V3>tv^0 334& ^ *; ftv> a < v»; Ufr f-fy\ W& * •> 7 blade; low; part; saturated Tk^C * 4 v* 3 $ *; i&T r >f *; 'i'tr «& < tr water vapor, decreasing; to contain Wfflk # •> f- a •>; ^C?& * * ?; H& y y -> a •? expansion; gas bubbles; phenomenon 41
IE -fe 4, *> 3 ^: positive (+), proper, £ /i( L v>) correct. (1035) The aBH* it t*>*> • t*>^k, derives firom a Ifcffl^r that represented a footprint and referred to the foot and ankle. However, IE derived from M. * L, the legs beneath the waist: — replaced P, and IE connoted straight. By association with straight, IE came to mean proper, correct. S£ Y>: chord {geometry}; o£ bowstring. (638) The p&H" is ^ ***, a bow; the^^F is 5C 4*>, a fine thread. Thus, K is a bowstring, a wise choice for chord in geometry. [ 5&H Y>¥v means the crescent moon.] $£ ^: £& wave. (1089) The ^^ is i£, itself the ofttf It #*£>, an animal skin. It here connotes upwards and downwards motion. Think of waves ($£) as upward-downward undulations of the skin C$L) of water (tK). ift "t4 : maximum; bt(t) most. (294) The top part connotes £> fr"J", to defy, dare, risk (from S "J"); the bottom is 1R.h t h, to take. Think of taking (1R) risks (H) in order to gain the most (ft)- Ipg 7^: litf width. (598) The nftH* rf] it tf is from a sfe?§£ depicting the wiping of hands; it is associated with cloth. The ^ W is 7 ^ and connotes having space to the right and to the left: thus, tym meant the width of cloth. (Note Wl with the same ^fiF: S(IRJc>[£8n tt^yj ^[-fe-f 77], side reaction; [by-product].) "H1 * >, 4 >: *5 fc sound. (2025) Itself the oft "if £> £, i=P came from the same configuration as the 9511" H =r y< y, which means to speak. They differ in that a stroke was added to the mouth P in H in order to represent the tongue. Thus, If meant the sounds generated by the tongue in speech. -tf * 9: individual; £ <7) £ <7) (#*) each, everyone. (431) Combining &, meaning here to strike one's foot, and P, deriving from H, 4r represents the act of stumbling on individual stones as one trods a rocky road. [$C] zr. ^ £: empty space; -£• £> sky. (1398) The pfltf is 7^. Initially 3? indicated an earth-dwelling built (I) in a hole (yt). It came to mean the sky since ceilings, high at the center and tapering downwards at the sides, were akin to the sky. /=?■ J(\i 3r: vapor, gas, spirit. (1060) The pftti" *% § a* i x. is associated with vapor. The old form of % was H, which you may think of as vapor (H) rising from steaming rice (/fc). (The $ for steam is fC, but it is seldom used.) /J *fc ^: direction; ri*/c side; [ as suffix to a verb stem -frtz, way of (doing)]. (875) Itself the Mlf 15 ? -^/^^Jwasa %$&¥■ that depicted the sharpened end of a spade. The meaning direction derives not from this depiction but from the ^$ for direction, # # <y. 42 IE iOB;IEi** lElEJE&lfi* &g;&m&tt &B;tfe£/5 *JtB;*?|]± *±tt»f-s- r- ysW>';v'3')V)^ front face; net amount, weight ■t-f * > v^-fl*?*-*) regular polyhedron [polygon] ■t-f v>a ■>T-y;-**3^-t^ normal pressure; normal curve (med) jit B &*#;&jl ±^k;«l! •b'fyv^;•b'fy>'*,/^,) sine wave; sine function y >f- a ^-.y >t>4 f^ chord length; string electrometer y3<>[A]^>ioo| first [last] quarter of the moon ;\ k •> ;/> -Jr 4 ;/n -t 7 wave (motion); wave form; wave node s\ * v;/mj ^ r > wave front; wave crest f y sJ/\t\ y'3^7^ electromagnetic wave; undulating membrane {med} * ■9- A ii ? *■;■**• ^<)77 most probable value; maximum pressure •*M*JaV<( \£v V most significant bit, MSB {comp sci} t^'f+a,)[3]#77 maximum inspiratory [expiratory] pressure {med} i; v y-f 9 \9 4 7 9 \\±\Z*r A \l amplitude; band width; width diameter ratio *47?vj.?v3?*? band width reduction algorithm {comp sci} f •* P x \± tf ^ > ■?• 3 -> pulse width modulation, PWM {efcct} 0 * w«;* ^ r 'f ;•?• a -> jj- w* sound wave; musical interval; ultrasonic wave *K( *>M > * > v vowel [consonant] phoneme f- a ^ ^- y j* v s -? v^r ultrasound irradiation {med} £ &<ni5<nif9\-h 73 everyone of you; each one (e.g., molecule) * ^ ^[r >]-c at every place [point] *^ ^yviB^zf] each phoneme [technical term] v y ? Vt? $ $ y;? V ? V vacuum; space; aviation •Va^^vn^n sky-wave {elect};aircraft 3*)^")3fO'f-(:>' aeronautical fixed circuit {elect} 3,)+f+;^> + f# aerobic;anaerobic t* > [ v] ^r;T y V * electricity; [magnetism]; electromagnetism ^'f^-f7t>';^^ atmospheric noise {elect}; air -ft **>3»>;*^*'>;^'>v+ direaion; method; system, type -fe-f **>^'f ;?-3 ^*^y-< square; rectangle f^^^^'Ja'Jy^1) region; azimuthal quantum number
^ 'W : tz ^h level; V h (tz ^) flat. (605) The o5"if "P *^ came from a depiction of a branch sharpened for stabbing, but W- derived from a portrayal of plants floating on water (which is now W 'W.) Thus, ^P came to mean level, flat ^i V £: £> v>- mutual [ as in ^S^ L V* (mutually) equal]. (1315) The ^"If is E and not /fa the lit is V *> because /fc here stood for ^ y *, mulberry. Originally meaning to see clearly, ffl came to mean mutuality by association with j§L y 7, to meet ^ v"^ : tf*fc"^ ri»fc shape,form. (645) The o£iif ^ S A/cf < 0 pictures the neatly arranged hairs of a brush, and j& originally meant to make copies with a brush. v >: i~ i~(tr) to advance, go forward. (1868) Think of birds Ct£) moving forward (3C). £ d (-f) to arouse, & CI (&) or £ § (&) to occur. (1804) The p|$"ti" ^ ti L h means to run; cL here means to stop. Think then of something happening (S) to cause somebody who is running (M) to come to a stop (£). ;"§ t: 1~(~1~) to spend time, t($2>) to elapse; -t(£2>) to do in excess. (1871) The #^F connotes JP£, immense, numerous: in combination with 3C, j^ means going too far. %f v7 a ^: (f a place, an occasion {a suffix for field, e.g., j]% 'J *tf, force field). (404) The "b# is #, but its ^ 3 »> became f- a , connoting ^ ^ a, to remove. Thus, $k meant to remove earth (±) to provide a place. /tT v 3 : t C 6 a place; time or moment. (872) The pftlf is not P tfrhts*) • <b /iti, associated with doors, but Jf ^ • fc <oo < 13, an ax. Think of Wi as a ^S£$: one fashions a door (p) with an ax (/f) at a place (^f). Note that $r often forms Hip in which it is a prefix to a $ that is a verb. Such §IIg derive their meaning from the verb. Some are nouns: PJiW, income; PJ\^t possession. Others function as adjectives: jJJrH ?>, required; pfi& <0, prescribed. JBE 7 7: pressure. (381) Earth (±) at the base of a cliff (D is pressed down. [The old form M showed the sun (B) and the moon (^) and animals (jt) seemingly piled upon the earth (±) at the base of a cliff (J-*).] X^:«^T water. (1061) Itself a pftti", tK appears as a pftti" in three forms. Two of these are infrequent: the one known as h~f appears in tK \l a 9, ice; the other known as LtzJf? appears in $ * a 7, seeking. The familiar form is known as £ As'F^'^Aj, as in ft *7, PJ y^, and$£^. 44 ¥ ffSWl 'W 3 7;^ *>f- 5vffi;: iffi^isa 2iHfciom:fr S m. — v y ij v a. v v y * 9 horizontal; parallel planes 1 square kilometer, square root equilibrium; average value successively; symmetry vapor phase; principle of relativity phase {elect}; homologous chromosomes {Wo} quadratic [sum-of-product] form {comp sci} deformation; di[poly]morphism protoplasm; hereditary character {bk>} progressive wave; direction of propagation binary decimal regressive evolution {bio} * f y D a ?; * K 7 U a ? electromotive force; motive power W**y*7H37] excitation function [transfer] {physics} h v *; -y a. <r> * Y y process {bk>}; The Origin of Species «g;n«;jft* |pt;fiM® 3fja^f55A»c ft[fe]^JM^| ^E;EEA[«] l3T4\vD\1i?4f£ process;filtering;excessive ^--f*;y^*;h^* elapsing (of time); passing (through); transmitting #*y;W-ya?* superheated steam * y y »J * -y a ■? conservative force field y^^^ny-f + tf relativisticfields if v a; 3 9 y a ^ v a -f ^f- place; plant site 9f y3^r>;y3 3'?-yX') findings; required manpower -y a t 4 v # y # * 7 prescribed period of heating f-a?[?y]-ya;*3y*v3 strong [weak] points; locality {comp sci} J± 7* y 7 y; 7 y - a •? [ 7 7 -b 7 ] partial pressure; injecting; [pressure welding] 7 7 f y * piezo-electricity; blood [root] pressure {bio} t77van^r>,y incompressible substance * * <f y; A <Y * y; * <f -* y * hydrogen; mercury; hydroxyl radical ij^^-fyij^i^ hydrolysis wave {chem} x 4 v a 9 v y K 7 *>; f v * 4 quartz oscillator, dewatering
Sine Waves and Water Waves Simple harmonic motion is the simplest of vibratory motions; the displacement y_ changes sinusoidally with the time t That is, y = Asin(2;r/T)t. (1) Among sound waves, me simplest is a wave for which the air at each location oscillates repeatedly back and forth. At successive points the wave form shifts forward bit by bit so that the wave advances at velocity v. If we express this as an equation, it is y = Asin(2;r/T)(t-x/v). (2) This equation shows that at x = 0 the vibration is the same as that in Equation (1) and that, at any point x, whenever an amount of time x/v has elapsed, the same form of vibratory motion occurs. Waves having the form of Equation (2) are called sine waves. When the displacement y_ oscillates in the same direction as that in which the wave propagates, it is a longitudinal wave; when the displacement ^ oscillates perpendicularly to the direction in which the wave propagates, it is a transverse wave. Sound waves are longitudinal waves; the quantity expressed in Equation (2) as the displacement y is taken to be a small movement at a point in the medium. The pressure of the air there changes in the same way. Water waves are transverse waves but not sine waves; they are superposed sine waves. When water waves of small amplitude propagate, the wave forms do not break down even after some time has elapsed. This is because the velocity of propagation of the wave motion is constant and not related to the size of the amplitude. If the amplitude becomes large, however, this no longer holds true. When the amplitude is large, the velocity of propagation, both for sound waves in air and for waves in water, becomes a function of the amplitude. Because the points with larger displacements propagate faster, the wave form breaks down as the wave motion advances. That is, although it may originally have been a sine wave with a single period, it will end up as a wave formed of superposed sine waves with different periods. With water waves, there are cases in which the pressure changes at successive points become large and cause cavitation*. At places where cavitation occurs on the surface of a body, even chemical changes may arise because of the violent pressure changes and collisions with water at every point For bodies that will move at high speeds through water, it is most important that, in parallel with methods to prevent the occurrence of cavitation, we use materials that can withstand cavitation even when it does occur. * On the surfaces of bodies such as the blades of propeller screws and of water power turbines that move at high velocities through water, regions of low pressure arise in accordance with Bernoulli's theorem. If such pressures decrease to less than the saturated vapor pressure of water, water vapor is generated, gases contained in the water expand, and bubbles are formed. This phenomenon is called cavitation. 46 !Effi;lEGfci IE1?tt;lEffiffim E3 / ¥«;¥*>)€ +@ ffl^-t-WlfM % H j/Cj, M % $ yxt 0 m WWffl&ffiM m ft[fe]3fJM^ m jEfrttJIUfc U UMlMgWf] £fe;@<7>feii 7X
7 imnftomm 7 mWWTWWWWWWWWWs^WWWWm R«*#*£**:v*v*, -eott»R=8.137yA-^/K-:E^'C*4o £OH«M\ *> -e-LT, £**>«&***?£, mfi^^JK0°Ktci3v>-cti, »#<0#»W;^L"et> fctt*9»fcv^ £<o£*Aft*|[«fcJ:oT*< fc§Ki»#fl^>;*:S$ttR9fc < /h$ v> tU1ztZ><r)XlbZ>Q i ^a^y^^KUSg 0 5:o j: ? ftgfiflSfrftftfrggXff \±, II^WLt(7)^v^<H(?)t*^^ ^##fcttv^fr&fc<D-?v*-C# S $li*R-C*i t UT»^tLfcA*fflv^^^»f*f>*v^ affli*ffOffiB«tt«#:^ «t*raJB*IRQ&3R0> i|Tfc^o-CJ:v^a^J:<a^*, ftfe»£*ffiB8«>-o •lav; 4&/E # -M; ^^: * > 4f v theory; postulate; perfection flstg 65 * v 1 r *; 3(j S * ^ * hypothetical; dilute [here, rarefied] fBffl 'J 3 * t£; ft } %\ 5S D <o£ 0 to use; among; remainder MM t'/v;Iif7V oxygen; nitrogen S5J-0)— zf7><04 *•; 5.53^13 i-fy<na v one-fifth; four-fifths £ #> & L *> &; X ^ UU to occupy [volume]; fundamentally DC 9 -ft ^ fc D *o*$ to deal with, handle M S * > *" -f; 'JM* *» fc 61* problem; necessarily, inevitably i £ £ j: o T^co#It#7e||£ ft£ 0 ^ *- -Y; [el#[#J # 3 v r * system; macroscopic ftfj^ftl *7 'J *#? t*; ft$& :M 7 thermodynamic; internal SeH t 4 ^ definition 49
3. 'j : reason, logic; principle. (1244) The ## is S, which here connotes $t; 31 originally referred to a craftsman's paying heed to the striped patterns of a jewel (3E) when deciding on lines of cleavage (?$). M V *7\ thought, idea. (724) The pftlf 'L^:6, heart and mind, derives from a ^f&^ for heart and appears often in $ for intellectual dimensions of human life. (In SI, '6 is called L tz £T £ h; in 14, it is ^oL^/<^ .) Here >fr is joined with ffi, which means to see clearly. Thus, S means thought, idea. ^J 7>: minute [of time]; ~f >: t>(frt &) to divide; fc>(#> &) to understand. (195) The WW J)*tz* is from a *^^ for knife. The ^ is a variant of the ^W A, itself the WW t± "£> #* L £>, meaning to divide. So 53* means dividing with a knife. ~j v: CI child, [suffix for small things as in Jj^-p and for implements as in !&-?" lattice]. (482) Itself the pftti" £, ■?■ comes from a i&M^- that depicted a child with outstretched hands. frnL *>: 2bfcfc(^^)warm; $>tztz{$>%>) to warm, %>tztz{t &) to get warm. (1136) Originally the name of a river, which accounts for the lift 11" tK, inn. came to mean warming by association with an earlier ^ in which the oBlf was *K tt^A,, fire. #M > 4 : * ri*(& v*) bright; 2b § (fc d* fc) clear. (893) Here B signifies not the sun but shining, %%>; $J, therefore, depicts the brightness of moonlight. ffi; r >f : l> < (V>) low; short (of stature). (87) The "mW referred to lowlands where peasants dwelled as bonded servants to nobility dwelling in the highlands. Thus, 1& designated peasants. Now j& simply means low. ft V a *7: usual, normal; ofa(tC) always. (543) The p^W r|l means cloth; the #^p, jpj v s 7, connoted ft ?■ a 7, so #" meant long banners. No longer associated with cloth, # means enduring through time. ^f J- 9 :£>(&) to be, exist, have. (927) A as Si? joining the n&tf $1 K. <, meat, with X, hand, ^ was the $$ for a gift. It later came to mean existing, as in ^4ffi a 7 a. Note that ^ ft existence, is one of those words that signify a quantity by pairing ^ having opposite meanings, e.g., %r'P 9 v a •>, some; Tv'h /-f'/a1), size; iti® n 7 r W, height; ft£S f- a 7 ? 7, length. (Note that the larger quantity precedes the smaller.) PJI y >: ^ £*(&) to limit; ri* £(v") limits, bounds. (1970) The WW, £ £* t ^ A/, derives from ip-, which meant steps on a mountain path. The iitffi is H; the is is a variant of 1 >, connoting here HH zvi-v, difficulty: EB meant difficulty in walking a mountain path. This led to the meaning ^h%ti v\ it is impossible to move ahead, and thence to the meaning of limits and bounds. 50 £r -rm j-J^.-rm lit--rtH ill. 3 7 u r *; v a y; -fe A 'J rational; treatment, processing; putting in order y>,J;f'f,J;f,J^ principle; theorem; geography »j o ;/; n v u :-b w »j * # ? theory; logic; physiology >tlT» ltS^ft|S?B| »J 7 7 * * 4; -> 7 7 ideal gas; idea Sfjfe;^ffl;SS 7 7 7* 7 ;?■ ■* ^ 7 7; u 7 7 7 imagining; conceiving; associating (ideas) i*>yy^'>a|ja^ the main current of Japanese ideas ~~ „_ ^ J;4Hfc \55"VC 9 7* v;7* > t:* 7; 7* 7 * section, classifying; secretion; differentiation {bio} EmJihT^jfc^/>^-);ivr>;/>3-)*^ fraction;salinity; spectroscopy IcSCt?* Fb3 \%t$Ltt x*> 7 vti >\1i 9 *4 -fv several minutes; each component T- 7* 7 v; 'J a •> v; n 7 -> molecule; quantum; grating, lattice, grid -f v -> y 3 •> [ •> * ] molecular weight {formula]; macromolecule n7->f7v*7 va7 grid emission {elect} W imK pufrmffl * 7 K $- 4 ;* > 7 4 thermometer, mild, gentle •* v 9 <{ f **?\* v >rv <r> temperate regions; warm-blooded {bio} fewim.; ?mSS^/ tA 9A* 7;- v 7 -> a ? 7* 7 hypothermia {med}; hot-house plants {bio} — 0^ §B ^ ^; WBa J£ * § «b *4;> A 7 7 K clear, brightness $¥^;3fc$Rl|93 *-f^-f;*a7>-f;h'>>'f4 clarifying;investigating;transparent St?J3;?a ^t <7)^S ta1)^ ;$>*t<7) ^ a 7 v a ^ ^assertion {compsci}; the morning star ;9-T-:-tT-ffg7i t/.f'fvi1)^ declining; low temperature; low frequency wave {S^^lff'.ft^tt fOnn^T^fan^f low altitude flighU hypotonicity {med} fti&Ml/L JS ^AtA^V^YV lowest unoccupied molecular orbital, LUMO ~ % Ic ft;M. ft ;7£ ft -b -f v 3 •> &;7 7—<D\t A -<o nornial; usual; steady, stationary S'ftT:tA&§[#tt3 r-fy37V37^^[h^-b-f] steady state; [stationary characteristics] {comp sci) Mfe^M^^^'^^ ••■b^ya^M paramagnetism; autosome] {bio} y^>jL70;+37^-7^7^7 universal; covalent bond {chem} ^Pfi/hfEI]^ ^ 7 r 7 -> 3 v[i3 A }* 7 finite decimal [number of times] ^^t^S'.^S a-j^yvu^a-j^* mitosis {bio};harmful KSJ^;_h Pfi;Tffli y>K;V3-)y>;*r> limit; upper limit; lower limit $l##; Kl#?jS]S y 7 jM 'J a * ;••• y ? k limit dose; limiting concentration {med} ^PJli?S?iPF§r j.7r>37 7*>f*7 finite element solution {math}
2j|k K £: fr ~h £?( <) to lead, guide; to derive [an equation]. (540) The pBH" \t* 1" ^ came from the depiction of a hand and thumb, the latter pressing the pulse point on the wrist (That point on the wrist was also used to mark the basic Japanese unit of length, — \j* 4 v x y, equal to about 3.03 cm. The Japanese system of weights and measures is known as R. Jtffi v * v * y * 7.) Here, however, \f" stands for hand, and ji connotes walking: to take others by the hand and guide them as you walk together. ^ -tf y: all; $ o tz( <) entirely, completely. (1236) The pft"if is A, not A. Once meaning a perfect gem, ^r now means entirely as in ^H£ ■*£ > 9 4. fjfc -fe <i : & (1") to do, & (&) to be completed, finished. (748) The p&H* Jt tJ c o* < •? usually indicates weaponry as in |£ *? £ £#■ •?, to fight, but here the fundamental components are JE&, a wood-shaving tool, and +, connoting repetition. Using a tool ( JE$C) repetitively (+) leads to completion (J5&). iL U y: tz X(2>) to stand [something upright], fc(O) to stand. (1405) Itself the oft"!" fz*3, ±L depicts a man standing on the earth. V31): condition [state of being], appearance. (1217) The p&"if ^t v>j& means a dog. It also signifies animal if it appears at the left as in <ffi fc £, cat (It is then called &t & <D^Aj.) The ^ is a variant of v a £, which connoted $t, meaning "J* #*fc, form and shape. Hence, #C meant the form and shape of a dog and thence appearance. J!R 9 A: condition [state of being], appearance. (729) Once the 3^ for capability (now f!s J 7), 88 may be thought of as a ^^^ that joins capability (lis) and mind ('C»), which enable us to shape the condition and appearance of things (St). # h^: special. (1213) The 1H9F tF, with the "m v, connoted ±, a young unmarried male, so #meant a bull. Special is a borrowed meaning. (Here are some slogans of note from American Breeders Service for their special (9$) bulls (41): "Our bull goes further"; "Our male is first class"; and "Frozen pops.") ^ V, 7s: elementary state. (1453) The iaffi above & connoted white, so M referred to white silk thread. You might consider the top as a modified £ tc t, raw, so that M would indicate the elementary state of natural silk thread. T3: "t 4: nature [of something]. (686) The £&"i" is *b 0 oL^^ the %ffi £ means birth. Thus, 14 means AF«5<7)££ ft&y^^ & o "C v* & ;£\ the minds that we human beings naturally possess by birth. 01^4: plan; \± fr( h) to measure. (1702) The D&"if m cr/,"^ means both speaking and words; + here stands for number. [Sc] So ft is a xc^? joining word (m) and number (+) to give the meaning of to measure. 52 mmmm¥ K 7 9 A [-b y]; K 7 f > 'J y conductor [ ditto ]; conductivity vyfvF1? ;••• 'J 7 heat conduction; heat conductivity K 7 *s a. 7 *; K 7 -> a 7 ¥ y 'J derivation tree; resolution principle {comp sci) JHfc^pEJ:^:^! *>9 4\*V"f',iiy*v the whole; all, every part; complete ^RSt;^ff]Stt -K y » * v * ;-[^ > ] x 7 -b << total reflection {optics}; diploidy; [haploidy] {bio} ^^rW^tMfr] * v*>^>9 4[z9 94\ complete metamorphosis {bio}; [perfect blackbody] ^^;H]H ■fc-f^-f^J'-fe-f'.a^-M shaping;organization {compsci};completing jR^IOKFISc *<{ zr>-tv*4;***<< o component;composition; synthetic M% \M$L&$L$} •*?<( y^y* 4 ;■£<<*<< 7v index organization {comp sci}; (reaction) products $LAL i~ h j£ X -fe 4 U v t h; < * tz X to materialize, be realized, be valid; assembly S^HH^^Sfifil'J ^^Va^^HMf] cubic (crystal) system; [configuration] MJZlJ&'fci1 * <f U ? <f r > -> _ aUele {bio} « ^ v 3 ^; v y v a ^ ^ v *> a ^ state; condition; shape state quantity {thermo}; equilibrium state globular, needle (shaped) crystals ^cSl;£tiSI^;SlJff ^y9 4\±4'9 4it9\9 4 K metamorphosis {bio};ecology,attitude 4r<f9'ilf9;'"4r'<±'{ morphology; morphogenesis {bio} 7 =r^ <j 9 4 K illogical attitude {med} * X^xXJR^IH H»553 h^^;h^>a;i>7^3 peculiar, singular, special; patent \-9t^[^^]<D\V9^ *<i special; [characteristic]; singular solution {math} \9 9s*V}94 -b ^ 'Jnv special theory of relativity yy;yyy;/7^'(y element,device; element; dehydrogenation {chem} *^fa^>^]yy circuit element; [conversion device] {comp sci} Xfr-fa^vr^A^a-fv graphic element {comp sci}; deuterium ft ttK;^?tt;41 tt~f* -b >f v v\-T v -b W ;*• i 7 -b -f v properties; physical properties; neutron l£tt$J;14 WZl^ ^y-bW-tVj-b-Yr + ^^'f denaturing agent {chem}; sexual dimorphism {bio} "SttWifrrtSllE] #-b -f v 3 7 K 7[* =H _ maternal drive [care] {med} it -b-y^-f ;^-f *^; h 7-Jr^f design;plan; statistics -b v * A X;^r << i) 9 * y 9* <i design drawing; programming problem {comp sci} j|£ftft^ftllcH h77--f^'f^:';7--r*7* statistical calculation; counter
The Ideal Gas Law If we let N be the number of molecules in one mole of gas, then pV = NkT = RT. We call R the gas constant; its value is 8.317 joules/°K mole. This relation shows that if we keep the pressure constant, the volume is proportional to the absolute temperature, and if we keep the temperature constant, then the volume is inversely proportional to the pressure. As is clear from the equation, the volume of the gas should become zero if even a slight pressure is applied at the lowest temperature, 0°K. Such a result is not possible as long as molecules have a finite size. However, when we derive this equation by means of the kinetic theory of gases, we postulate that the molecules are infinitesimally small. The hypothetical gas for which this equation holds perfecdy true is called an ideal gas. Nonetheless, any gas in a sufficiendy rarefied state, especially one with small molecules such as hydrogen, can be regarded as essentially ideal. A thermometer that utilizes the properties of such a gas is called a gas thermometer. The ideal gas law is useful when, from among the three quantities of state'-temperature, pressure and volume-and the mass, you are given three quantities and seek the remaining one. The case that most firequendy arises is the one in which, given the mass, temperature and pressure, you seek the volume. For example, what is the volume of 1 gram of air at 0°C and 1 atmosphere pressure? You may do the calculation by considering air to consist of oxygen and nitrogen, with oxygen occupying one-fifth and nitrogen four-fifths of the total volume. Fundamentally this law should only be used for ideal gases but, except for cases where temperatures are especially low, you may always consider it to hold true. Clearly it ought not to be used when dealing with low temperature characteristics of gases in the neighborhood of 0°K. Then you should use an equation that was derived by taking into consideration intermolecular forces and the finite size of molecules. When we deal with problems relating to gases, the ideal gas law is one of our most important laws. It occurs with such frequency that we might well say that its occurrence is inevitable. * A quantity that is determined by the macroscopic state of a material system. For example, such quantities as the temperature, pressure, volume, internal energy, and entropy are determined by the respective thermodynamic states of a body. Such states are defined by designating certain sets from among these quantities. Comments on Translating 1. One sentence in the text presents a problem. [£<Dt%KU^ ft^ Frfj <7) ;fr £ # AtC A ft» *T^)*S$tt*IR-C**fcLr»^ixfcA«:fflv^»ttttf4^4v*o J Students often fail to include ^H^Fsl <7);fr£#x.£Atlas part of the clause that modifies S. Grammar does not require that one include that phrase in the modifying clause. One might translate: "Then, taking into consideration the intermolecular forces, you should use an equation that was derived by taking the size of molecules as finite." However, that does not make scientific sense since we take both intermolecular forces and the finite size of molecules into consideration in deriving equations of state for non-ideal gases. 2. Three usages of <£ v* appear in this essay: ft^i" tUf <£ v\ you may do the calculation; i:v^ot<tV\ it is all right to say, one may say; X. < ipitl&, to occur firequendy. In the sentence ending in %\%~§rtl\l <£ v\ note that both grammar and content indicate that this final predicate applies to the whole series of previous clauses. 54 jSBMKt:&a5*| 53* ? fl"?*J-fflFF| tun m {& TfwiKWte fc-6- R&±J8:TR $ &Vh£&mm $ME|iS£$ \L m±Ltz>M&±Lx\ it jRJRfiEKI-j&R # tt ft #HJ#*Pf9W texiSM^ ^ftllltEllHtn Rf|-H:trBM« atrfr#:tr»#
8 mttlCftUTE«»fc««fl<J<0#JL:&8 g^H«#IRSfi«rt«»5lAfflilSffl#ra van der Waals Ott»*«A«i*0 J: ? fc LTS««#S;*&*§ *> *t*o ^#£*& tS^tt#IR**fcv*3*-e** t#xittf, ^^«*fltf>#?-0 J: 3 Kg ft Kit fc*#x.iitf, g»oSJca^»*^^Fttrtfl«l^tL*J:dK:4*o *<?>*££> * H&KOJKU 0 a/V2*ftt**0 Lfc#omfl&#£fcffi#p<&*fc9Kp + a/V2 «i)Ati^ti£o CiK:ali±Wbi:raJ:^^WJlJcffl^,^5EaT*&o d^i^tc a«i*ffS: P V = R T ^ & van der Waals 0)tt»*SS: ( P + a/ V 2)(V- b)=RT**f ^x<D&n&ztib<Dw^*fr=p<nimtMm. t&k^*^;&*tttt*t"e5e*.*fc# mf^fi^^i^(pj±^^%^^^(Dm^Ki^^(Dt^kxj±t3^fnt^(o^ %*a #frfcH#^liv*oTff<^o##^fcv*0 ■*-**>"£, &ftttg«U *&v>iiH# #18 ^ ^ »j 3; g§£ a •> *; F*JHIJ IrC ^ *>i>*t> \z consideration; container, inwards SfcSLW ^yf+;ETO*3yf*;illc^f3^*7i: micro; macro; direcdy flfcty-BH fc»)*o*$;g§ a** to deal with; container IfJI f & *4*tvth\ SUS * 3 * -> a 9 to calculate; condensing ^.Ig v 3 ■> *; ift^J -t 7 > 4 sublimating; explaining ■ * * x) y; $?8e K ^ v * y £ probability; very closely 57
fM r 4: 151* extent, degree. (1383) The "e"^P is M, connoting H-b^ilt^x.^:^! meant the orderly piling of rice plants (^). & 3 *J: form, shape; contents. (513) Do not think of IF as a valley £§■) within a house ('■**). Here ^ connotes ^^ ai"), spacious: a house (^) comfortably spacious 0&) to accomodate a variety of forms and shapes (??). IS n: ^£(v>)hard; frtz{*bh) frtz{$ Z>) to harden. (375) The oBH D < ic#£ x. is the p&Hf for HI < K, nation; thus its name. It depicts the ramparts about a castle. The ieP^F l*f 3, old, here connotes H *r y, hard. Thus, @ meant hardening the ramparts about a castle. (Other % for friz.^ as hardness are ^v^and $*v\ |^v> a>£v> means difficult.) {H n ^7: constructing, building. (1008) The H^ is JJ and connotes 3c, which here means alternating the positions of trees in building a structure. Think of constructing (fll) a well (#) again (H) with trees (^). ^ 3 ?: j&*//j&*(x. &) to think, consider. (1526) The pBH ^ fc v>rt» A/tr 0 (from £> v^ &, to age) comes from a sfe^? portraying an old person, bent over a walking stick. (# itself had the same origin and meaning.) Entries under 3£ are few and, apart from # 3 <? and % > *, connote age, e.g., # 3r in #^ * o •>, senility. R§r; "9" W : occasion; § £> edge. (1991) The H^ is ^ and connoted x* * 4; thus, IS meant the meeting of mountains. Comprised of B (flesh), JL (hand), and ^f (to display), %£ by itself means an offering to the gods. H ^^r:^K wall. (426) A helpful association, noted but rejected in $$^;fi-, is that the upper part connoted M $ *t &, to avoid, ward off. If true, then H meant earth (i) to ward off (S)wind and cold, walls (H). fi * >\ *> ;6*(v*) near, close. (1844) The p&H is 3C; the ia $F is ff\ connoting not an ax but 4H * >, few (fc>Ttf*). Your destination is close when but few (/f*) steps remain yet to go (3C). p|) 7: part, section. (1906) The ai$1f on the right, £> £ £* h, derives from e 3, »>, meaning a large village. (It differs from the pftlf CI ^"i: '^ A* which appeared on the left in 8£ and refers to mountains.) Originally the proper name of a certain clan, 9S gained its current meaning by borrowing from qlj * *, to divide. F*J :M : 1 *> within, inside. (164) The oftl! is A, entering; and fl depicts an entrance.Thus, 1*1 shows that one has entered or is inside, within. 58 i S3 *f'f;3,?7'f;7''f K process;(manufacturing)process;extent,degree u ^ V? <a* -J> r 4 v * equation of continuity *3L*?[;\4]*uVf4 intake[exhaustlstroke (mecheng) a •> y a •>;••• -b *;a £ 4fc capacity; volume; easy 3n^rv?a3^ volumetric receptor {med} a-J'Ja^yy-b^'y^1)] volumetric analysis; [capacity] coupling (elect) M *t f- solid phase; characteristic; eigen value {phys} @ffi;@^;@^*fi 3V>;3a94;3ah BffiJSS&EhiJIBl ,& ^H^/'Ja^^fa^fv solid fuel; freezing point H£4NiStJr£ nf'fya^'JfV fixed point {compsci} *3">;3«>»/>>;a«>-fe>f mechanism; structure; constitution, makeup ^•)ya3-) + 3^ photoreceptive mechanism (comp sci} jf£5R a **/ 9 -> *; a * * 4 = 9 v structural formula; constitutive enzyme {diem} ^■ywy;zi^^ a;vn•> reference;consideration; thought,thinking ■>3-)y*^fji/j think time; [model of thinking] {comp sci) IM? llr;!^!/II § ^y3i)y3;tV3-)y3^ reference book, work; bibliography IS real, actual; international actual thermal efficiency International Geophysical Year m!m$\ mmfc mmwwMm± JVW ^# > y -fr^ififr; v 3 ? ^ * wall surface; wallpaper, barrier ^+^ >3->*;t'f^+ wall effect {chem}; medial wall {med} v'3?^*3'Vj3? barrier capacitance {ekct}, [penetration] {chem) * > V;-9- -f * v; * > -fe 7 approximation; recently; proximity /^f >f •?-[* > x *> ] # > v first approximation; [approximation of function] S^^HS[ScS& S] ^f>-b + ^*v^73^*] near infrared rays; [proximity effect] {chem} n •f-rk-.-riv-.rj-f-f's pan; component; the greater part, a large percentage TV/C^-^-fe-ff-X partial denaturation map (of DNA) (bio) •f t > 5 7 Ki^tt ^ t a ■>_ component density (elect); parts list X&*;S1 ^#¥»[^S) ffljft;*fi;ift« g|55-;^Dap;^a^ S|5 no ^ JS; SB aa S rt rtSB;(^1 ^;fi5IHfc i-<i'?Y"'a*?Y"'Ty\Lv<r) internal;contents;endocrine {med} rt^H; rtfi~f*^C"t- ^7xy;t'(|j3')y^') inscribed circle; inner quantum number rtSBlSmtWfi] +4 7***) a*[Tv(] internal dosage; [inner potential] {phys}
M y>:^($>t) 'M* to decrease. (1138) The iaffi $C includes ;£ (weapon) and P (mouth), implying that a weapon's blows silence people. In ^ it connoted impeding the flow of water, and thence to decrease [$C] l!& ^ y: dense; minute. (572) The oi$1f 111 * i has above it a ^ that was originally read b y, connoting W *s v, a comb, (< L). Thus, 3f meant mountains as densely aligned as the teeth on a comb. T$L va: b{%>) to take, grasp. (288) A ^cS££ that combines two S5HT-- 5 **, ear, and X, hand— IR meant to take or grasp, for it was common practice in capturing wild animals to seize them by the ears to avoid getting bitten. The it derives from ^ v a., hand (T). JK -3-^: ^tl(£)toputin, &VH&) toenter[-V>&incpd.verbs£*>A& tz%^i]. (163) Itself the &£"if v^, X is from a ^^^ for an entrance. The U^ &tf c: tr, is frequent in compound verbs, e.g., IF ^ 3&tf *>§ £ tr, to write in. (HI? are ^ unique to Japan.) ffl * a * : i U* &to bend, $ **£ to be bent, to be curved. (921) The SBff is 0 tt <b tf, literally a flattened sun (¥ B), but ffl derived from a W&$r that pictured a utensil formed by bending bamboo. The ^ is a variant of ^r a. ^, connoting A, round ($ * v»). ( ffi may also refer to music, a melody, e.g., ifffl * > ^ 3 ?, a song accompanied by samisen.) R/nJf-3^:L'Q('<&)to investigate; i: <h <0(k h) to balance; Lh^< melody. (1745) The iaffi is J^I; the ^ is a variant and connoted "a*. The ^$ for responding (now %r h ?), *o* here implied ffi^"^ -6, to harmonize. Think of discussing (H) your surroundings {M) as you investigate and balance or harmonize (M) them. I! * 3 ?: § ;b(#> &) to study thoroughly; £ £>(& "C) very, extremely. (1003) The ^^ is 5*. It inserts □ • A • JL within H, where — refers to heaven and earth (^itfe r >f-) Humans, working between heaven and earth, use both hand and mouth to facilitate their efforts. 10 3: individual [also a counter for entities such as apples and molecules]. (114) The iaffi is HI; here its meaning of hardness connoted armor: 1® meant a person in armor. It became a counter when it was adopted to replace fS, a counter for bamboo (Yf\ # # >f: boundary. (1267) The cftlf EH tz means rice paddy; the If^F ft connotes dividing. When rice paddies (B3) are divided (ft), boundaries (I?-) are established. ® J y\ £ i> X surface. (2022) Itself the pftlif #> /,, Hi originated from a depiction of a person whose face was covered with a mask. It has few entries. One, SI x. < tf, dimples, appears in the Japanese proverb akin to our "love is blind": $a$C (fctffc) & S (* < i*): "Even her pockmarks appear as dimples." 60 ftP^;^3[;*iM nyy-.yyv?\V*>yy adjusting;decelerating;variation in^1lffiJi|Wlt *r>-7>7y»yT>* adjustable voltage motor M^W;Mi&53i|c Jfyv**f<<\Jfy**?'rv\*v moderator {chem};meiosis {bio} jrC?Tj 14; pjfeiju |i*u Mj * * 7 -t 4 ,Y y •• • fc; $ -y ^4 air tightness; rigorous; closing, sealing ft?u fe^SS "9-^n-rVa^p-)'/')] close-packed crystal [structure] {chem} * 7 K; * y «* 4 * ^ x 4 * density; closed water heater $£;&HiB3cil. ya^^tOioA'o water intake; to handle, deal with, treat 11) 11L [ t> # cancellation; [(business) transaction] £ <5 v>*i-6[v> *• £] to take in, adopt; [(answering) in haste] A ]M£]A;?£%Afl*a*[?-:i*]:i:i*;***v»tiinhaling; [infusing] {med};(bicycle)pump (±1A P; A tB^J f^ 0 C*>;- * •> -> a. y y a ^ an entrance and exit; input and output ft A;^fift A /-{- * *; * -ya. * /<{ - a * substitution {math}; multiple assignment {comp sci} + a ^ >; v; $ if ^ *> 'J 3 ^ curvature; bending stress * a ? y y ?■ * •> -> >i/\ > $■ 4i center [radius] of curvature ya-) * a ? -fe v[> >] free-form curve [surface] {comp sci} ^5^>^3^;f-3^^4;^3^-fey modulating; adjusting, regulating; ditto M JEE [3l ill; •¥- IS f-a97y[y*]*;*>?-3** pressure [speed] governor {mech eng}; monotonic fi^iISIS;1H& ^fy^^'/f-g-Jifg^^ phase modulation; harmonic wave {elect} ® fKiSttiffiffi *3?f-;*3*-fe'f;#3*v* extremum, extrema {math}; polarity, climax {bio} ^'bSPfi-SS fa^vy^a^yvf'T'J central limit theorem {comp sci} ^r[PfeSiMS$J 3 W']* a ?;?>* * t^J anode; [cathode];depolarizer {chem} aSM/^-fe-f ?4#? individuality, ontogeny; ontogenesis {bio} population ecology {bk>} individualization; individual differences (med) •]?mJ!£ * 4 > >; 'J > * -f t > K interface; critical temperature $?!?• ^^-b4y>*-<; Ft"??* 4 elastic limit; animal kingdom #ffi tS tt^J *4>>*7-fe4-f4 surface activation agent [HS|[ES||1W| ffilI;SBi¥ffi **) *y\\>v *y\is*y concave; convex; screen {comp sci} > y*t*-X s ■?> >;^4> > area;surface;plane ?4lt* y\i3 ^yv^f large screen display {comp sci]
The Macro and Micro Ways of Thinking about Gases We can derive the van der Waals equation of state from the ideal gas law in the following way. If we think of the molecules constituting a gas as finite hard spheres, then the space in which the molecules can move freely about, as molecules of an ideal gas do, will be smaller than the actual volume. Considering this reduction, we replace V in the equation for 1 mole of an ideal gas with V-b. Here b is a constant characteristic of the substance. If we further consider that attractive forces act between the molecules at distances at which the molecules are not touching each other, then it follows that the molecules in those portions of the gas near the walls of the container will be attracted inwards. As a consequence, the actual pressure within the gas will be less than the measurable pressure. That amount is thought to be proportional to the product of the density of the molecules near the wall and the density of the molecules in the interior. That is, the pressure £ that we are able to measure is less than the actual pressure by an amount a/V2. Therefore, we can replace £ in the equation for an ideal gas with p+a/V2. Here a, the same as with b above, is a constant characteristic of the substance. Thus, from the ideal gas equation we can derive the van der Waals equation of state, (p + a/V2)(V-b) = RT. When we investigate the properties of a substance, we can consider all of its properties as being determined by the positions and motions of its atoms and molecules, that is, by mechanical properties, since all substances consist of atoms and molecules. This way of thinking is called the micro standpoint In contrast, there is the approach in which we deal not with atoms and molecules, but only with relations between directly measurable quantities. This way of thinking is called the macro standpoint An example of the micro way of thinking is to calculate the pressure that a gas exerts on the wall of a container by considering that the pressure is due to collisions of gas molecules upon it Now let us consider the interface between a solid and a gas composed of the same molecules. Molecules within the gas that are close to the interface will enter the solid; molecules of the solid will also enter the gas. If the temperature is low, the number of molecules that enter the gas from the solid will be the fewer, if the temperature is high, the number of molecules that enter the solid from the gas will be the fewer. In other words, the gas will condense or the solid will sublime. Explaining this kind of change in the state of a substance by adopting the micro way of thinking leads to the following. The state of a gas having a certain volume under a certain temperature and pressure appears to remain the same while its constituent molecules are taking on an extremely large number of different mechanical states. The degree to which such a single macro state actually occurs, i.e., its probability, is higher as the number of micro states that constitute that macro state increases. This probability is actually closely related to the entropy of the state, the entropy being expressed by the logarithmic curve of the probability. Thus, we may determine the direction in which a change between a gas and a solid will proceed at a given temperature, pressure and volume based on the magnitudes of the respective numbers of microstates determined for each phase. Changes in the direction of decreasing entropy cannot occur. 62 m- &*m * Bft«&*h»B/S m B& mmmmm ift n \H "70 te^ttgUH m fl*9?HL[3l*] A ffl m £M;Mtl;ffltt MBEri&itiMMI w in mmtMA£ # wmmptm. GgBiiflBiim m-Mmpm
9 ttttfcJftftOSfttt 9 W^mWW^WM^WWWWWWWWWWM tx*>z>0 m&<7)®.nvft, &&z%k\<zxii%^%£miP~<:\±, mvwQvzwfc tf, Ejt^lCfcfcorS&LTSUiJgaii, v>fc*>*E&aSffi(drag)ttOfc: 4!), »ft<oS>t^fia^^JM8rt<Qfett^J:&ta), v^tg»&j»H{att(drag)<o*fc 44o UW *rtfcO±*ifcTfl^^»ir^*3#»v\ «ictf±«l"e«lll<Tfli-C @#J *?r*;:fe£& *7-tf7&; §*t& 5tt* goal; ideal; to receive /r/^-^; !■ i* 4 n>f4;f-y-fx-.^t«-^^ D'Alembert; to discuss; Navier-Stokes V j )VX; 7 ? y y )V\ t&$f.J§ * 3 * * 4 v 9 Reynolds; Prandtl; boundary layer Jlira 'J a 7; 3§$k<7) vw?<?> theory; [equation] of continuity }H5l \Z u 7 y 7 k; HH^ 3 7^-7^ [to solve] simultaneously; difficult ifrt^ n 7-f <?); HilL& *4 f- 3 ? 4; H& v*7^V any; perpendicular, real HIb&J 'J n 7t *; M£ fc 0 *ofr^ theoretical; treatment fflJJ^. ic * 7 ^ > k; #[g &J # v 9 r * simply; hypothetical £fc<b&v>fr^ v;)isXmmft*WMiVZ>t><DtLx$fr*>xn.M'Chz>o ft^fi^J& /'ft3')f^^;tt;§t v^Ji"f representative;type, variety,kind %tt%> £ fc * 4; ^FSfcffr *t& h £ ?■ a *^t* to be different; to characterize $c$Sl -b 7 -b 7; — fici" h -f ? f-fr *; M$fc '/a1)^ tangent; to coincide; periphery 65
:$L }) *- V: & **Cf) to make flow, & ^ft & to flow. (1116) A ^M^r, M portrays on its right side a child emerging head first from the womb, coming forth with the amniotic fluid (¥^K a 9 * A). 4* f- a £: ta fr the middle, within. (17) One of but few significant entries under the oftta I tz x \i 9, 41 can be traced to a a %M^ that depicted a flag pole strengthened by a leather binding wound around its midpoint. §< "9" y: observing, understanding. (522) The meaning here is borrowed from an earlier §!$ that had @ on the left and 0 on the right Think of observing ($g) offerings (0) presented in a house ('*•). Mr @ fjy-. administering; < tz pipe, conduit. (1425) The H"$f is IT, which here connotes M * > o % ** < , to penetrate and pass through. In China bamboo (ft) was made into piping by cutting through the joints (ffl & L). Note that H? also means administering, as in HH ii y V, perhaps because IT itself meant a government official. J$B "*M : li*(V>) thin, slender, £ $(rtM/>) fine, detailed. (1460) The right part was not originally ffl but something connoting fineness; thus, $11 meant fine thread. m ^>:&o, c^.00 three. (5) Originally a xsSfc^ that repeated one —* three times, H was not then written as a combination of one -~ and Zl as it is now. In fact, it then meant not three but many — any number more than two. Ill V9:frt> side. (128) The #$F is III, law or rule, but as the laffi in iH, SO meant making marks with a knife for measuring. Think of people (A) making measuring marks (SO) on the side (HI) of something. ilij 3?:fcfr(V>)tall. (2075) Itself a cftlf with no entries other than itself, iti was originally a 1&M^ that depicted a gate and entrance to a tall mansion. y&C * 4 : -& t (V>) thick, bulky. (438) The ,S within ^C was originally H to indicate the repetition of A. A doubled ;fc is >fcv\ illiquid. (1119) The i=P$F is $t; it means night but here connoted 3( v, to moisten. The link in the ^Wify chain from v to J. ^f came via X -fe *. (Note that S is the }H$ that designates vegetables pickled in brine, Sfe oft % <d. Japan has countless varieties, some unique to the season of the year, many unique to a region, and all delightful accompaniments to rice. A popular dish at home, especially as a quick breakfast,.is io^rflt £ *> * cttt, a bowl of rice dotted with pickled vegetables, swimming in hot green tea.) 66 ffiffl>&h$LBt it l) * 9 * > [* y]; 'J * -jmj a •> * 4 streamline [tube]; flow meter JH SEJSLS|;WSiL yJ'Ja^vja^N'Ja1? lamellar flow; turbulent flow; convection MJt&ff-MIttJt Va'>K'?-k'f;,Ja^K')->3^ fluidity {mech eng); liquid diet {med} fotttSlffoffel f-a.^-fe'fl^fci^f-a^*^ neutral; [medium-sized];center f-a^-t-f s>;f-a. •>*>"> neutron;meson fa-)'>^M[y'>] centrosome; [centroplasm] (bio} * > v- y; 3 •> ■$■ 7; v ■* v observing; considering, pondering; inspecting * y -9- y v -r; y > f- -> -9- 7 observer, on-site inspection *J*j*?aWsyrv business mission {to observe facilities abroad) — £& W IH'J^^fflt— fillf y^^n^-yin- side tube; capillary [annular] tube f- v 4r ^—x*7'j knowledge-base management {comp sci) y\*yy'rvl3y>r4{>?9\ trachea; cardiovascular system [drug] {med} m *rA *yft<i *yft4#*> tubule;bacteria;cell {bio} & *r4 icy*-ft 4 \ yf a -y-b^f thinning {compsci}; fine adjustment {elect} e-9- 4 3 •> V ? fine structure {chem} Hfi^n^ ^/ya-)^7^ triple bond zittflEltl -tf- > V 9 7 v v a. ? triaxial compression IE:n/^}tJ -b'f-tv^^^'f equilateral triangle li fllM[M];ftl£MB!] v * ^+[> >];^ *,[^ fc]*«t> side wall; [lateral face]; inside; [outside] MM WJ5.T — 7 'j3-)^Ay/f-7' two-way infinite tape {comp sci} K *> ^ 7; v ^ 3 > [ #] Parazoa; lateral root [bud] {bio} iS a&; J^ rfS]^ ^^i^jf^tv high altitude; high [low] pitched sound itiS^tt-F- 3->v^f-i->-t>f-> fastneutron i^pqf£ T U tf >^ 3 > n ^ t v -< r u tf 5; a y high definition television, HDTV ± ^V^krfWj ^'fav^-fAOv the sun; the Pacific Ocean ^C^fS^M^ Na^^f'/yan sunspotcycle JC^F ^&[flfe] ^'f3-)f y'*W_ solar radio emission; [solar battery, solar cell] x+yana^y liquid crystal display * ;x+y ■> -b > liquid air, liquidus {phase rule} x#^r>^>'^x liquefied natural gas
Hjf ? y: tz{p) to sever, cut off; £11>{ h) to give notice, warn; to refuse. (873) The P&H ft &<r>i< *) isa hatchet; the ^ $f in the old form SI? represented cut strings. Thus, ®f is a &Hi^* depicting strings cut by a hatchet $F tr >: polish, sharpen, grind. (1336) The iltW connoted ^ tz^hy flat; thus, $F means to grind stones (£f) flat. ^S 4r a >>: ££>(#)&) to investigate thoroughly. (1397) The p&Hf ?C refers to a cave abode. The If^f is %. Think of thoroughly (§£) checking out nine {%) passages in a cave abode (yt). $t§ # ^: certainty; /:L(^^>) to confirm. (1348) The iff connotes HI *»fcv», hardness; thus, a hard rock H. Thence came the meaning, certainty. tS\ "7": wisdom, knowledge; L(&) to know, ascertain. (331) Since £fl originally meant to talk glibly, ^^^^L^^-S, wisdom and knowledge are borrowed meanings. (The ^^ for wisdom included *b £ £ -6, mind, beneath $Q.) Think of critics whose sharp darts (%:) often speak (P) wisdom (£fl). •>: resistance. (765) The n&"if is ¥ t, hand; the la $F is /C, connoting here to resist, to fend off by hand. Although fC consistently gives the ^ 3 *>, its connotation varies. For example, in #1 =» 7 it connotes $t <fc d, placed alongside; thus, jlft meant a ferry consisting of two boats (fc -*»fc). (However, now jK refers to flight in space as in $&. s 7 ? 7.) IS r -Y : opposition. (786) The p&tf again is ^; the ilf $F refers to lowlands where peasants were forced to dwell as bonded servants to the nobility who appropriated the highlands. ^ >: viscous; &{£(&) to be sticky. (1435) The pUH" /fc c #>, as explained under fi, depicts rice. The #$F is £; the ^ is a variant of -tr >, connoting stickiness. I|£ V: rubbing, scraping. (835) A £M3- that combines ^ (hand) and Jlfc (hemp), $ signifies breaking hemp fibers apart by rubbing the stalks between one's hands. Note that $| v, similar to J§£ but with the aBHf S, means to grind, polish (Hf < ***<). Thus, $Fi§ y >-7 means grinding, polishing W: "t 7: £ t (*) to rub, scrape. (842) Having the same meaning as JS-rubbing with the hands-^ consists of ^ (hand) and ^ (observing and understanding). Consider how in rubbing our hands (^) we observe and understand (S) friction (JS^It). 68 Wf- ?y ty-^v yy\7y*v<n cross-section;cutting,disconnecting;adiabatic T^B^S;"SJffio^^^y>> Vjty/v-^^ Tsection {mecheog}; disconnect signal {elect} ®f M ffi; KfrB^X ^ > v * ^ >; r > v 7 v * v > fault plane {geo}; tomograph {med} Bf. pipp ¥ffiWlJ HPfJt *rv4tt\'ry* grinding; polishing {mech eng} *W > > y W9 surface grinding r v * -f 7- y "* electrolytic polishing Tit y > * a. 7 v -v ;7- > * a. 7 *> 7 researcher, research lab, professor's office srv*z.*;*iiy research institute *ry*jL>}>\y n'g 7 research report pgp *9 l) y;$9 V y;*9-v probability;establishing;confirming *9x)yf>7llif-4] probabilitydistribution;[stochasticprocess] -b w [ > -f ] * £ &; * ? v v te accurate; [clear and accurate, definite]; reliable £n ^ f- x 7; f- v * unknown (quantity); knowledge f- * ^ ;f- y> perception; intelligence [med] f- f- * p # 7 h intelligent robot {comp sci) a y >;n 7 * 4 ;••• 3r a 7 y 7 antigen; antibody {bio}; anticoagulant {med} ^dyy^^N'^y) antigen antibody reaction (bio) fflH11lffi&3%l St 3d'/xV/3n^?w antifungal antibiotic (bio) f^^-./^yr^1) drag, resistance; profile drag {fluid mech} kr^n^-.T'f^^^r specific resistance; resistor {elect} r-fn^ntfjj-vy-f resistance pyrometer *>K;*>f--r^;*>x# viscosity;adhesion;mucus ^V'-b^f'jj-'i'^-f ;••• U 3 ? viscous fluid; viscous force K^r + ^^-t'f dynamicviscoelasticity {polymers} Jg ^fyf'fn^ frictionalresistance,frictionaldrag vfrvYWaPfrJ frictional dynamometer {mech eng} vfyfa^y^^ friction governor {mech eng} *«t«k#t*aiw ■7•*7 4r[* >];v^7t> stridulating organ [sound] {bio}; rub {med} •>V7^7t7t> pericardial rub {med} *">f ■* 7 * * stroking {med}
Viscosity and the Flow of Fluids The primary goal of research in fluid mechanics is to ascertain the forces that act on a body moving through a fluid. For an ideal fluid1, one which is not considered to have viscosity among its properties, D'Alembert's paradox, which states that the resistance encountered by the body is zero, arises. Thus, at least so long as we are discussing resistance, viscosity must be taken into consideration. The equation of motion for a viscous fluid is the Navier-Stokes equation. For cases of large Reynolds numbers2, Prandd's theory of the boundary layer supposes that fluid friction occurs only in the vicinity of the surface of the body and that flow at places removed from the body is that of an ideal fluid. If the body is formed in a streamline shape, the resistance obtained by integrating the pressure over the entire surface, i.e., the so-called pressure drag, turns out to be zero. Thus, the resistance encountered by the body is due solely to the viscosity within the boundary layer, the so-called friction drag. But when the stream tubes3 at the upper and lower sides of the object differ in thickness, for example, if they are thin along the upper side and thick along the lower side, the pressure on the lower surface turns out to be higher than that on the upper surface, and an upward force acts on the body. The boundary layer is not only a theory; it has been experimentally observed and confirmed with gases and liquids. There is surely no need to warn you of the difficulty in solving simultaneously the three equations of fluid mechanics ~ the Navier-Stokes equation, the equation of continuity, and the equation of state that expresses the relation between pressure and density. 1. A fluid having no viscosity. Namely, a fluid for which the forces acting on any conceived surface within it, even when it is in motion, act in directions perpendicular to that surface. It is a hypothetical fluid that was conceived in order to simplify the theoretical treatment of actual fluids that have small viscosities. 2. The dimensionless number that is formed from a representative length L of a body within a flowing fluid, the velocity U, the density p, and the viscosity 7 , R = p LU/ 7. Even though the size of the body, the flow velocity, and the type of fluid may differ, the states of flow do not vary if the Reynolds numbers are equal. Thus, the Reynolds number is an extremely important quantity for characterizing fluid flow. 3. When we consider a curved line within a flowing fluid such that at every point on the line the velocity vector of the fluid coincides with the tangential direction of the line, we call that line a streamline. If we then conceive of a certain surface at right angles to the streamlines and generate the stream lines that pass through every point on the periphery of this surface, a tube is formed enclosed by the streamlines; we call this a stream tube. 70 it JSmilmMM «cntt;%nft * tteiSiJ** *ttih*ltl:=P mummum &£ m wmmm. =ttffiB fi t ^ fl«[ffi]:rtl^lffl 7—7 lft?kSrf£r& ± Xffiikmz Wi $.hb^7K if wmmmmm m mmimm ¥ffiWffl 2*P WftttH 5 £n fe&M&MM- mtsmtom #L PLK;fiLflsfit«JflL JtJ8SMStft!& tt tt*;*i*;*!i* m W. W8#rfh**t 'i\ *# mm&
10&<D£i& 10 W^WWWWWWWWWWWW^WWWWm TStU dtt«r»»2fcv^0 a[fl:^«#0«^»*tt*«K:ftv^-C, ****** tttt &&A& i*v»i; _LJ^- Va $->39 to be complicated; rising Tftia^VA'J-i/'/S descending; schliercn method f|* (7) v'av'i<7); S:fE3#$ jf-yf^K-jy; various; thennal conductivity &# * A *; f?-^) 7,j3^;il,>a')'f region;buoyancy;surroundings left fc> & £*»*>&; tilt yz-y-fyy to take the place of; circulating 3. ^^')-uymrm^mn<o^xm^m<o^r^^mtthu^^hht^, ^mpmx^ &[$&% K>^My7; ffif?^ ^7-b7 »J 7 transparent medium; refractive index ^tM. ^nv; fijffl 'J a •>; Wr$- a •> x light ray; using; state, appearance ^j IS. - 9 if y; ^MWi^Z *> * *> > •* 7 x <f naked eye; photographing —SO 'fr/a<t>; —$£& -f f- a •> 4 one type; uniform 73
$C :^ y • '*>; v>fc flat board. (958) The ^P$F is i5C, which here connotes flatness. Picture straightening (J3C) a hanging cloth (/"*) with your hands (X).[&L] The ^#F & contributes flat; the &£"if ^ contributes board. ^\(J *7 in &J&, chemical reaction); ir*7 M,h \o respond. (674) In the old form fll, a person (A) at home (T") responds to a bird (1fe) from the heart Ofr).[ifc] Hfc If: minute. (668) The p&"if is ^ ; the ^^F is a $ that in its day meant to be so small as to be barely visible. Thus, ffli once meant to move about hidden from view, still evident in the word ffitff if a * .traveling incognito. The meaning minute came about when the S'flF ceased to be a ?. 75? "f: difference; $ ("J") to indicate, point out. (583) The cHSt! X is included in the iaffi ;g£f left hand. The top part depicted rice plants hanging down in disarray. With the left hand giving support, the right hand sorted the rice plants.fffc] /fji -> a species {bio}: kind, variety; tzfa seeds. (1387) The # is a variant of the iaW £-?*■>, which here connoted late, so St originally meant a variety of rice (^:) that was late in maturing. Think of such rice plants (^:) heavy (ji") with seeds (ft). $ ^ a ; 3 (*t *) to receive. (289) The original ? had two hands, one pointing downwards from above and one upwards from below, with a boat ($■) in between; it meant to receive things and to pass them on. Handing them on is now S *t & 5 T ** &. Note that J§§i~ & J^a-Vati means to give and receive, to transfer. 51 Z4;tz{tl&)to hang down. (390) The D&tt* is ±, more obvious perhaps at the bottom of a once popular form H. The upper part apparently depicted foliage hanging down towards the earth. j§C -ty;Jkyi~2> to touch, contact. (814) The %$■ itself connoted taking a person by the hand. Joined with the p$~tij ^-, J£ meant to meet and mingle. Think of a gendeman offering a hand (?) to a lady (&") as she rises to stand (3A). N>: carrying. (1591) The W§ is fir ± fa, a boat. The #?? is £, itself the g&lT « i o < o, a weapon. Here, however, g represents a pole. The pole (§) was used in carrying (JK) boats ($-). 5fP ^ >: elasticity; £: £ bullet (644) Some early forms had % to connote a round projectile; 5¥, having ^, connoted a projectile shot from a bow. The general word for projectile is W% ?>#>. 74 « IS JH«»J5«f«ptt- t\VJ*)\9 4 * 7;*7 h* ->a.7^*7*7 1-7 h* V '« tfyvv^-.e-b-f t*? Iff'O'J'/'Jl'J 3 77*^**] disc; [flat plate]; sheet metal; [board form] plate crystal (chem); plate glass, plane glass blood platelets; {dating efficiency (med) reaction; corresponding to; response, answer application; [stress]; correspondence principle frequency response characteristics (compsci) differential equation; microorganism microstructure; [microanalysis] micrometer microscope 2E 'fvi)t;y,r>t phase difference; lunar parallax {astro} v -9- * 7 7* y -b * differential thermal analysis ■* F 7 V 7 7^^ differential amplifier {elect} a yiy^vyijyi-yifl seed; variety {bio}; various v a. -> f > -b v [ v a ? 7* ? ] seed transmission; [seed-bearing plant] {bio} ya^7?3vF species diversity {bio} V ? 9 tt; o *t ^ * t bearing; reception desk fyJ'^aa'J^'f electron acceptor y a F 9 5 »t;*? a. F •> -te 4 passive reception {elect}; passivity {med} ^'(•fev^'ff 3^")'J3^ perpendicular (line); perpendicular stress F7[7*>7"] vertical migration [distribution] {bio} 13*4 9 <it.Tft pituitary dwarf {med} 4-"\V! £•&-. £& ^7-kV;*7 + >;-b7ft^ tangent; approaching; bonding, adhering -b 7 ^ >7; -b v ^ 7 v [ 9 << ] conjugation; zygote [ ditto ] {bio} tr/a;tr>af'f 'J 37 inoculation; inoculant {med} tit —fl£#J;—*&c^[fB]-f yo-f *;4 ?/<vi/*[jM] general; general equation [solution] ^j!S:W;^iK!%fli" -tf:"<;/T*;-t£wo*X overall; general map 4 ? /<?;/# a > generalized theory ai*f 3¥'tt;5¥^1^ 9>±4',9~yY*>i?9 elasticity;ballistics 5¥tt PfiMifASftt ^ > * 4 V > F; * y 9 y -b -f elastic limit; viscoelasticity ^5¥tt^^ [jJCSL] t ^ > -b -< v 3 7 h v [-t > 7 > ] inelastic collision [scattering]
^p fc:: negation, non-, un-. (2021) Itself the nftli" fr, ^ is a f&M^ir depicting the wings of a bird in flight That wings coordinated in flight connote negation may seem odd; it is because wings of birds in flight appear as contraries. |§ * border {bio}; ft eye. (1310) Itself the oiS1f ft, @ was a 3&$^ depicting the eye. Somehow it got turned on its side. JE y y: actual; h h (t> tl &) to appear, to be manifest. (1242) The laffi is JL and connoted here brightness. Thus, IS represented the visibility (JL A &) of the light in a gem (3E). Thence came the meaning JL x. & £ "9 K & & and finally 51tL& .[4£] ttj •>!';; £(*$") to put forth, *C(£) to come forth, exit (189) The pAH U *^ £ * ? depicts the opening to a container, the entrance for its contents. To indicate something coming forth from the container, a foot (/2,) was placed in the opening. 'j& fc y: necessity; ^ & *> (T) without fail. (673) The pB"S* is 'L\ but that it appears here is a twist of fate, for ift began as a ^M^1 that joined ~t, a stick serving as the handle of a weapon, and some strokes to indicate that it was tightly tied. $ :'J y rate. (1233) The pftlf is ]£ if A/, which means very fine threads. Rate is a borrowed meaning from # U 7, which now refers primarily to laws. English equivalents of ^, other than rate, include percentage as in ^ ^ h >>Wfc¥, percentage of vectorization, and ratio as in t v \ $, hit ratio. |& * 7 heat; fcO(v>) hot. (1198) The pjSli" is jAC, fire, known as V* when it appears as ^C and as tl o fr when it appears as four strokes at the bottom as in j!&. Think of our globe, consisting of earth (±) pressing on earth (i), rounded (%) in shape, and fiery ('X tio a») at its core. fe f* >; o fc(x. &) to transmit, o /c(^> &) to be transmitted. (73) The old form was #, the If being a variant of the la $F ^ -fe >. Think of a person (A) transmitting information by speaking (5 ■? v> ?). s& 4\ •) <>(i~) to transfer, move to another place, "9 ^(&) to be transferred. (1381) Originally ^ meant rice plants waving in a breeze. Think of rice planting time (EETffi tz o A) when many (#■) plants (^:) are transferred (S). ^ v a •>: image, symbol, making an appearance; V*) elephant (1767) The q£"@" i£ ££ • vxoci'^ means pig. Although deriving from a IfcM^- of an elephant-trunk, tusks, and body-^ appears frequently in technical terms that feature its meaning of making an appearance: 5%M r > v a 7, phenomena, %1$. * -> a 7, weather. 76 #li0&trtSffi gK;g^;aT g£g;±B;rwtn * kf'fya 7v>3 7*'< fc^-7-f y'yy-h g unsteady state nonlinear programming {compsci} non-Darwinian evolution {bio} * ? r *; ^e ? v>; * ? * objective, goal; table of contents; at present ^tr^Viiy object time {compsci.}; [specified component] 7 * ?; V s 7 ^e ? -,o £* jo suborder, superorder [bio]; seam, joint ryVVT-S'WfV', t&gj&gJl 1:7 3*4; 'j^gr^/gl t-^7 wyy 7 'J a ? 7fct* \J*tv realistic; realizing, achieving; expressing minimal realization {comp sci) gene expressivity {bk>} birth place; internal hemorrhage (med} formatted input/output {comp sci} patent application; extraction {chem} necessary, essential required amount; to require, be required essential amino acids probability; curvature; efficiency (coefficient of) viscosity; molar fraction thermal conductivity; birth rate fy*VT ^7fa-)-fe^f />va7 *;^7'J#^ adiabatic;thermodynamics v; * v -f y * y thermal neutron; thermal noise {elect} * 7; a. 7 ^ 7 * undulant fever, fever stage {med} > ^ 7 \T y v ■> conduction; transfer {elect}; transmission {elect} K ■> F; ^ff^y thermal conductivity; gene {bio} \T y 9 7 'J aj> transmission efficiency; transfer function {elect} ^; -b > >f y y v transfer, movement; transition elements {chem} U A K ■? 'J 7 distance (a body) moved; flow rate 4 K 7 ;^f v a ^ momentum transfer, transplanting {bio} ?i.^;¥ft;^^. y > v a 7; v? v a 7;+v a 7 phenomena; event {comp sci}; weather gro y>va7*'f;yvv37o>' phenomenal world; phenomenology {philosophy} v 7 v a 7 tf ;7*7 k tf a 7 asymbolia; elephantiasis {med}
The Transfer of Heat Temperature changes within solids are generally due to thermal conduction1, but phenomena of heat transfer in liquids and gases are somewhat complicated. For example, if one part of a liquid receives heat, its density becomes less than the density of the surrounding part due to its increase in volume. Because of this difference in density, the part with the higher temperature rises, currents form in the liquid, and heat is carried along with the liquid. If part of a liquid rises, voids would necessarily arise in the liquid if another part were not to descend. Thus, pairs of currents called convection currents2 appear. Were there no convection currents, then, as thermal conductivities of liquids and gases are very low, heat transfer would require long periods of time. Now suppose that, having set a heated plate in a horizontal position, we observe the movements of the air that contacts the plate by means of the schlieren method3. The schlieren method is a technique that makes minute differences in air density visible to the eye, and we find that parts of lower density rise perpendicularly to the plate. In such cases the velocity of the air flowing upward is determined in accordance with the temperature difference between the plate and the surrounding air. Measured values of thermal conductivity have been obtained for various substances. They are analogous to the bulk modulus4 in that liquids exhibit smaller values than do solids, and gases exhibit smaller values than do liquids. 1. The phenomenon in which heat moves from a higher temperature part of a substance to a lower temperature part without movement of the substance. 2. The phenomenon in which heat and substances mixed within a fluid are carried along by the actual flow of the fluid. For example, if a certain region in the interior of the fluid is continually heated, and its temperature becomes higher than its surroundings, then that part of the fluid expands and hence its density becomes smaller and it rises due to buoyancy. The surrounding low temperature fluid then flows into that region, taking the place of it, and circulating currents arise. 3. The schlieren method is one in which, by making use of directional changes in the propagation of light rays, one makes visible to the naked eye or photographically the states of parts within a transparent substance where the refractive index varies. 4. The bulk modulus is one type of elasticity. If we apply a uniform pressure p to an isotropic elastic substance, its volume decreases at the rate of p / k within the elastic limit. We call k the bulk modulus. For bodies in general, the ratio of pressure change to volume change per unit volume is also sometimes called the bulk modulus. Comments on Translating Note the use of the subjunctive mood in the translation of the first paragraph. While this mood is not definitively indicated by a particular construction in Japanese, the -k. \t conditional is the one used when meanings akin to the subjunctive mood are intended. For example, the expression in the last sentence of the paragraph, ffiMffitt *t tlWT could be translated "if there is no convection current." In the context, however, this statement is a counterfactual and therefore necessitates the subjunctive mood in translation. 78 W. \ r~ 75£ mx&mm. # BKhB&BT itlfcffig;±§;P?I -h* iHElWlifl-*] a 4 \\\ & \-&®;-'&ftffli wvtwm tfi JEfrmmmami & & fa ®m$Mtim % &jznm
11 JWBfcaaiifcWig 11 \EWWWWWWIMWWWWmWWmWWW sro-cff*t«ir, ft#fciihffifc^[gi^*y^fi;L-cft»tL^tttttf^g>^v^, £?> *fCftfr£>ao±rt«»K f*£KSoTv**ffiK:L*ttiL-C<So ***KJ:*irt#itt<*> ^§ft&t& **o»t£;fiti"& ^^-r^ to fasten around; to resist, oppose R ^ *; 7C h 4; iSfiF*f & * v t * film; holes; to hold, retain ■^•fft # y jl; Ifc £ h \i.c*z> self-lubricating [lit. containing oil]; to begin ti&tlh & < ft£; $fc 0 ±5&*^> "b 0 fc**4 to expand; to swell forth L^tB1~ L*£t; HI Zh t cz> to ooze out; to close j£ $ &C $ * $ \z upside down <*> *«>im5t\ )ii?^iiihL^9 tthi2t^ms^z\ttzh<o z\<Dtz#)Kt£-rz>^ m$ Kilt v v; #£J5t r W 3 •>; F^lL -b 4 •> impeding; resistance; stationary tn $• t'fva'); 3£§1 v^ -f; tykM * a. •> f- + ? clean; controlling; adhering f££fc fiyvy\M v •>; 4HSE *<f -f 4 dry; layer, interposing, lying between J?v> *ow, j^|p. * 3 •>* 4; %$M ^*4 thick;boundary; range |PIt# i/jLy-hv lubrication 81
XL v: working; o ^(x. &) to serve. (57) The "b^ is not ± but dr. As a qBHf it is known as L or $ tf h V\ Originally ft referred to slaves serving their masters, and it was only as ft came to refer more generally to persons who serve their lords that dt became associated with $ tr h v\ Now ± refers to persons who attain skill and competence: 1#± >\* *s, scholar, #H± * y =f->, lawyer; jfcdfc 7*y *>, man of letters. ^* '^:<lt working, acting. (34) The U~m" J »t o • tt fc iar ?, stems from a ^7£ of a gaff, a pole with a hook, in ¥ we have a £Si $ that joined a hand with a hooked pole in order to signify work. It was the practice of ancient Chinese merchants to hang the insignia of their trades from poles at their shops. fer^: turning, revolving. (1823) The old form W, like the old form of fi (1$), had H on the right side. The discussion of fie suggested thinking of persons (A) transmitting CE) information by speaking (^ o). Think now of the earliest computers transmitting ({£) info by means of rotating (fi) gear wheels (¥). E3 h 2: £> "C(&) to strike; to guess & fc(&) to strike; to correspond to. (1277) The oiSHf EH appeared in the old form #. The origins of this ^ lie with ancient Chinese ways of borrowing based on assessed values of farmland assigned to families to cultivate, (ft is still used in referring to pawn shops in China). Note that in describing arrangements in which particles, waves, or radiation are made to strike an object, M X & is used as the transitive verb. M fc: £ #(1~) to send flying t (£) to fly. (2048) Itself the p£it t .£, M is a $&M$r portraying a bird in flight with outspread wings. ffc if >: *>( *> 1") to scatter *>(*) to be scattered. (856) The pfllf £ signifies action. The top of the left side depicted hemp broken apart; the bottom, flesh broken into pieces. Thus, j£fc meant to scatter.[3&] 3|l *>*: < £ £ vehicle. (1819) Itself the pjS'ti' < h £, ¥ is a MtJ&P that viewed a cart from above, showing the wheels, the chassis in between them, and the connecting axle. ih v: t (#> &) to stop something fc (£ &) to stop. (1034) Itself the WIT fc * £, lb is a W&5- showing the ankle joining the foot. $1 v:0^(9)touse.(97) With the p^ti" A, the ^ connoted ^, working: a person who works, a slave, one who is used. 3sE V •>: clad, ornamented. (1676) The ^^F is tt; it connoted wrapping. Thus, H meant to wrap (tt) in clothing ($). (tt v •> means elegant, flourishing, e.g., ft A v * /4, grandeur; tt$fe& y * 4?? 4, magnificent.) 82 ft ftlf|;>£t||;ft $J ty -y r 11 -> 3 ?; -> § 0 work, job; specifications; partition, division ftffl.«^;ff-htfi) ^<*;**tf* mechanism, contrivance; to finish, complete y7^ cifSftfilfft9-] 114-?*; 3_? external specifications {comp sci) [work] {mech eng} V-> 3 •?;-y 3;y a -> 3 event {comp scijecident; office y + yV^a'J^fA discrete event system {comp sci) •y =r * -if v [ * * 'J y 1 corrective maintenance; [a posteriori probabilityl f-y-fRNAj^v-f*? transfer RNA; heat of (phase) transition f>f,f/-(A>;!' dislocation (crystal); rearrangement reaction (chtm) >r4'yjT-vhv-f~>!sv transforming substance (bio, biochem) l8>MSfc>);MSIi* flWrBFJtfrW-H h *»; 3 •>; y •> h * t & equivalent; to correspond to, be equivalent to v W? *r 4 ;1i * W?x) 3 *? equivalent diameter, chemical equivalent It: a VbtzVihW per second; at that time M \lt4\?v\Z range {chargedparticles}; swarming {bio} t3-)n;tDn'(^ flight path; flight plan 13 •> o ^ y -9- -> v * flight path deviation indicator •fy^ry-,ij^^v^yyy dispersion;diffusion;scattering -9- y 7*;^ 7 -9- y v y X dusting, spraying {of agrochemicals}; divergent lens 'j-9-y*^? h* discrete spectrum KIR*'** h* ^^;^S;^3l ->tH;vr>a;">tF^ car body; type of vehicle; roadway ti-J*fr[£ V> L]"¥ iir*[fcv>L]CSi flywheel; [grindingwheel} JplpE^]fL pfi]3<:3 vt'Ja^jv'^'Ja^r)"? rolling stock, vehicle; vehicular traffic titfrfiE -b##1E it>6taC;#jh fi^>;f'fy;+i^v' discontinuing; stopping; resting >ffyf'fy;f'fy*'f hold {robotics};termination,halting {compsci} fci6fcC;-Mv<D set screw; stationary •>3 ?;-9--f va Vtiyyn using;reusable -> a •> * y K[7 ? y a ? ] working temperature [pressure] ya^-b'j'^ya (operation) manual *£fi:^ X'M^f v -> f-; v •> - a ■>; y «> * equipment; charging (materials); loading {elect} 33?: A^ttt5^ ^ ' ^] y ■> - a •> y •> -ft* y ><] charging apparatus [hopper} {mech eng} g$f ^r — y ;y [ n ^f ;l/] y •> * y- y>[ 3 -r ^] loaded cable; [loading coil] {efcet}
%£ t y: i (<) to wind, roll up. (274) The cffcW is P ±L-3< *), once a ^^^ of a person kneeling and bowing. (It is more evident in the old form %£.) Once meaning kneeling and bowing in offering rice, %£ came to mean winding. §? *: 9 ofc utensil. (362) A 3*31^ joining ^t (dog) and four P (mouths), U? depicted dogs panting on hot summer days. Thence came the meaning of wide-mouthed containers and finally utensils. £S ^>: silver. (1935) The p&Hf is j£ a*fc, metal. The # is a variant of H r/ and connoted the whiteness of gum tissue, ffli it C £. Thus, silver is the white metal. (The ^I^<& of j& are ^r > • ^ >.) 'J : profit, advantage. (202) A ^sS£? combining ^: and a variant of ZJ that depicted a spade or plow, ? (| meant to spade or plow among grain plants. The current meaning, though borrowed, comes readily to mind. JS -b^f: 3rt*(X/) flourishing; &(&) to pile up. (1305) The S5"S" is IE $ <b, a plate for food. The "m ft is J&, which here means #<&Hfc & 0**3 fc&, to pile up: ^ means to pile food upon a plate. $t * 7: £ £>( £) to decide § £ (h) to be decided. (1072) The "u^^k arose from a combination of a shape (^), a hand beneath it (X), and a stroke ( I ) to represent a finger, together they meant bending a finger in the shape of 3. The pairing here with water (ik) signified that water eroded the shapes of river dikes. By association with this decisive action, S: gained its current meaning.[$C] $ffi *y\ I* L end. (1410) The nBtl is 31; the i=p$F connoted straight. Thus, 3e originally meant standing erect That meaning was lost, but since straightness implies an object having ends, M came to mean ends. 4 : (as a prefix) having something; (£) & o (T) by (means of), because. (56) Originally a £M^ depicting a person holding a digging tool, & suggested that people used tools as a means. When using this term in a speech, a speaker may replace £ with "C , thus saying X ick X rather than £ & X, in order to distinguish \ck X, by means of, from # o "C, having. ftfl 3-:$>&h oil. (1095) The meaning is borrowed. (t& was once the proper name of a river.) NB: the ia is ^-, not 3- *J. fy\ IfJ'.Zt outside; Ji1*(*l&) to deviate from. (265) The plSHf Mj< • t referred to fissures that appeared on tortoise shells cracked in fires during divination. The left side & is another l^ffi^- for moon (ft). It was in relation to the moon (^) that diviners scrutinized the fissures ( h) at the outer 0\-) edges of such tortoise shells.[3&] 84 i £ -fe y;4 £ 7s V',i £ *tf * winding; number of turns; winding machine $ § -fe y*«fc 1i4tvss wound rotor {elect} fif7y>^s/77* wound-core type transformer {elect} 3 •> 4f ;* 's*;* / container, container wall; appliance V*)7 9*vrv**y amplifier, electric appliance N^y^^yian segmental organ; taste receptor {bk>} ft ».gHfcl3Egl ainriiteftsr* *srwsw flJ*;flJtf^TO flJgc£I;7KflJR gffi<9;g®* jfeE;#t?EW;$r?$£ ^7f--f;-^*;*-r*"V decision;deterministic;solving JfejEifepfaffcE"?" •>■ -/ r -f t a ■> [ # )-.*■ 7 f -f -> decision table [tree]; determinant (med) ;U ¥V;* v * a ■? ;* v # mercury; silver mirror, galaxy *v it* -f r >;*v tf-J-f galactic rotation; Galactic System, Galaxy fvMi~s9*j1>v intergalacticspace m 3*V[7]x) fc,^y})& advantageous; [disadvantageous};convenient x)t>;V h 9; 'J 3 * advantage; gain; utilization •J-a^-^^-pj-a-} diuretic; water diuresis {med} rrrt. » M; *> 4 £ scale, graduations; to scale, graduate t*yK')3*tJ to utilize extensively *-{*'?»*•>;» 49'O" logarithmic scale; scale plate, dial (elect) WUl»ft E1T;&± ^ey^^^-f^^ problem solving jluj am Je.y9V\fr£ii9V\9vi'lkJ tip; lower right end; end, terminal {comp sci} 9 y v; 9y*s?y7 y terminal; terminal voltage {elea} ^>7*;v)f terminal equipment {comp sci} -f * ;W y 3 v equal to or less than; equal to ormore than -f zf-, A -b* > after, before 4 # 4; 4 :M other than; within, less than (the given amount) V*'MA^;f*$(t fflS;^-?ft;SlJ»)^ ya.^jL;-b4ri*^^ heavy oil; petrochemistry h & h * § v»ti; h £ h o it oil quenching, hardening; oil pan, sump •b-fa;-b'fa;-fc'f K'J'J- oil refining; oil manufacture; damping oil 9i 9§9\-, KS^t-.^S i/^f^^yv^^^y-f exception; ultra; outside diameter ^Sl^lSit^ -1/^1 #4 v * ?■ ? -b >[^ - y JU] sheathing wire; [armored cable} (elect) 9\-H ^^;^I#X ^>f jy a y -fe *•;#-f F ^ v exogenous infection; exotoxin {med}
Friction, Lubrication, and Bearings If, in transporting a heavy object from one point to another, we fasten a rope around the object and drag it along the earth's surface, we must do work in opposing the friction* between the body and the earth's surface. In order to lessen this work as much as practicable, the wheel was devised By means of the wheel, sliding friction was changed into rolling friction, making possible a far more advantageous use of force. To further reduce friction at the bearings, we use oil. In an ordinary bearing, at an oil pressure of about 20 kg/mm2, a film of oil that forms between the sliding surface and the axle reduces the friction. However, the amount of this oil decreases during use-some scattering into the air, some flowing out to regions beyond the bearing. Thus, the need to replenish that amount of oil continually arises. Accordingly, a self-lubricating bearing is widely used today. Such a bearing has a very large number of minute holes that hold and retain oil. When the axle begins its rotation, the air and the oil in the holes expand due to frictional heat The oil rises forth from the holes and oozes out onto the surface in contact with the bearing, an action that is additionally aided by the frictional heat lowering the viscosity of the oil. When the rotation of the axle ceases, the temperature declines, and the oil again returns to the holes. One can observe this process with the following experimental apparatus: admit oil and air into a narrow glass tube that is closed at one end, and stand it upside down in a dish containing oil. One will find that upon heating the glass tube, oil comes forth, but that when the temperature drops, the oil returns. A barometer makes similar use of a glass tube containing a liquid, but in this case the closed glass tube is filled with mercury, thus removing the air from it. Consequently, a phenomenon such as the one above never happens. * When two bodies, while in continued contact, are just about to begin relative motion or when they are in continuing relative motion, a force acts at their interface in the tangential direction, tending to impede the motion. The resistance to the relative motion that arises due to this force is called friction. Friction is divided into kinetic and static friction, depending on the presence or absence of relative motion, and into sliding and rolling friction, depending upon the type of relative motion. The magnitude of the friction is widely affected by the cleanliness of the surface. For friction between two clean surfaces having no molecules adhering to them, that is, dry friction, the friction is large. But when a molecular layer of a gas or a liquid lies between them, the coefficient of friction decreases markedly. This is called boundary friction. If the molecular boundary layer thickens and becomes a viscous layer, then the condition turns into one of liquid lubrication, beyond the boundary friction range. Comments on Translating Note the translation of L £ i t f h in the first sentence of the footnote, "just about to (do)." Few grammar books include this interpretation for L & l 11 & o Most cases of L I l t f & are correcdy handled by the usual interpretation of "tending to do something or other," as we find at the close of that first sentence, WiMM £ Pllh L J: ? 11 &, "tending to impede the relative motion." However, in scientific description you will not infrequendy find L £ 0 11 h used to indicate that some action or behavior is about to happen. 86 ft ftiffi.*;'£fc-Ltf& :->Xfi mu^mm M m awfK-jtfftrH ft frtfc|E81|ggq *<9 h;w i ttflifi*[E;&] $! m m-^Mmmm M&M.mMM GfrfflPSffl ftsrHSw /rm. & te*i£T*|!^ m fft *ftttl;£ttl;M8btt ^
i2mnmm(nmw§£m 12 £S*i-c§fc0 ex h> • vvyy-mmtzs^x, \£^vy<o-^<DUiM^tfi t\ «iLtf#>y«:fHBl$-*4c:t*«-eSSfe»t-C*4o *»K:55W$itfcNewcomcn 0*$WIB8-C»i, ^&*ffl&LXfrKfZ>ZtK.£K>XM&*ftZ>t:*>, v>)yy- \z^^mMLX^mLX^tz(DX^ »¥**«fi<, *M8*&*il&*tfcflM*D#<a» (oex h>, ex h>»offijii)iiii*iPiiEai(iic«x4feftoa«^^jeoioTv>^ o v'J >^-i:ex hytfh$*)Vl'Dtzt)&tbz.itiz>tW)fr%<%t), PfctttuflS $&-S>$v*"Cv>£0 ex b^KttfrfcStf&S^**^ ex h^iJ^KMtBAW** -»*lil«jIlk*WflU a»¥fflJS»«i:Lrftiftfflv^^rv^0 K?c ->>9 *); 3fi$i ^)v^; iRIrf 7 >•>-r vacuum; condensing; injecting &£P u 4 * * *; &£-& fc a x * k; ilftSfl * a * •> a * * cooling; uselessly; condenser glj \Z i y \z; $!£ * a ■? * a ?; Iff *^ fc o separately; supplying; to cut off WW) 7 £ K •>; S tl & <> ft &; A<& i £ * double-acting; to leak; roundness 7=w/Q«riO-9->f ^^Of^spfcv^o l^&iiK&iiQ' £4/L* kOttfU*, ** oft1WQ-Q'-e&*K f^«J^(Q-Q,)/Q t*&o 2-D<D&M<nmmm* T.T{T>T)±ttili, &2j^<O&2£flflKJ:0Q/T£Q,/T,-C, ^ttTOf-fr-f ?Jl/0> TjHM-'f * )^tf%X<»mm (T-T')/T«r *>o0 ^^p *37*a-7;oJ$L # *> ? supply;reversible 89
M **?:^<(ft£)[£];^<(^tr)[g] to swell. (1576) The pBlf is #J; the Ufa is #, which means swelling. To remember % you might think of planting in the earth (±) three (^) beans (Jl) whose flesh ($j) then swells. 5f| f- a ?: li(£) to stretch. (643) The n&Hf is ^}; the W^F is Jc. By association with H f- a ?, also meaning £> < tt& but with particular reference to the stomach (JUL \t h\ 3S connoted a bow (^J) in the shape of a distended stomach (W$H •?>??). A bow with that shape would also be stretched. (You will find that the word for expansion in technical Japanese, which is here H£5!t, will sometimes be written fl^JBI.) ^ *: £ £(V>) many, frequent. (434) The D&lf is ty -t § • *9> o **, the moon. Here two moons are joined in a xcSS to indicate every evening (fi^ 7^a>)); thus, ^ came to mean many, frequent Note that the iJ ^ iJ i" [" ^ J derives from #. This may help you remember the #!!<& of #. |£ T 7: iron. (1932) The pBH" is &; the ^1f is not £, for ^ here abbreviates the right side of the old fonn $£, which connoted dark colored earth. Thus, §k originally meant a dark metal (His < h tfto). H'Ja *: both, two. (165) The q&tf is A, as shown in the old form M. Originally a 1&M51, W depicted a gourd cut in half, the center line dividing it into two equal parts; it came to mean two or both. {$ v >: CD(tf 1"), (Dilf &) to lengthen. (84) The isf^F is $; it connoted 31 W y. Thus, # meant a person stretching to straighten up; later it came to mean lengthening. (^ is the ^ for $ "f & o t, a humble verb for to speak.) I4§ #*: rod, bar. (999) The lf$F is $, depicting an object (+) held suspended from two hands: a rod or bar. [Ifc] pa H0 V 3 $: glittering, crystalline. (907) The ^ip^ for star, bh was later given the it ft £* 4. This combination was reduced to the final form, H u L. Having ceased to mean star, Ja came to mean the glittering of stars and the glittering of crystals such as quartz (&ak * -4 v a •?). H^:<I<h(&&)tobe different. (1273) Originally a f&M^1 of a person masking his face, H means to be different. It also appears in words that connote strangeness, e.g., the Japanese medical term for paradoxical, iiFll * -f. of[ 3 £: state, appearance, condition. (1011) The itffl joins $ (sheep) and yfc, which may help you remember it. [ffc] Once the name of a tree that bore nuts similar to chestnuts, $1 came to mean state and appearance as in ^T* 3 tf *. 90 m *>l? •<)#•>?• a ■>;#•> v>a >• linear [cubical] expansion; swelling "K^f-a ^W;*,>i'iV77 dilatometer, swelling pressure (med) #9i/a.f y<) yi inflatablegripper(robotics) > >"f 3-VJ afi;*V+a •> 'yy-r^-^-y-fa^ 'yy^r^f-a *'J a * $> 9+4±4\t-fv*/9> r^-i WffiS;PM4|P& 77 V'>;f7^>';f*>'y> M 'J 3 •)*■< A"(;—*S3?-ry <>3<>±<<T*1l-< ->7[—] <DV*>c&rsyi/3.? v >-b y,<D tfj-j/y yfy #?v?3?#<f n #Wa*?H*?y*y Vr<< B *rv ya*)V*?y\*)V>7->r4 Z. <i -> a y /\ 7 *> y 4r ^^7 V3 ^7V3 -?^-f surface tension; tension {med} psychological tension (med) nervous tension {med} polymorphism; polyatomic multidimensional; polynomial multiplexing; multiple system {compsci) iron core; iron plate; iron powder iron enzyme [bacteria] (biochem) iron binding capacity, IBC {med} bilateral {bio}; bisexual {bio}, amphoteric {chem} Amphibia; amphibious plant {bio} ampholyte, amphoteric electrolyte [ion] {chem} expansion and contraction; ditto expansion joint [ring] {mecheng} extensor; extensometer, extension {med} bar magnet [gauge] {mecheng} bartype network {elect} bar mercury thermometer crystal axis; isometric (crystalline) system quartz oscillator microcrystal {biochem}; crystalloid {bio} •J 7*-M -fe-f 9 4\4Va*j<r> IVaVyyVH? 3^v4r;3^X;^3^ 3^ + i-9 v3->;^ 3 >>-b>f stereoisomer, abnormal heteromorphosis; [heteropolar bond] abnormal psychology mode, style; appearance; pattern various; uniform; [similar] requirement specification {comp sci}; diversity
,Hl * ^ *7: v> *■( C) to hurry, rush. (684) The upper part is a form of JSl, so,% indicates the hands of a person reaching for the mind (*{?) of another, causing stress and hurry. [$C] IS '> a *: *> £(#> &) to compress; *> t($ £), ^ C(tf) to shrink. (1501) The iaW is fit, to lodge or dwell. Though fa is easy to see as a hundred ("§") persons (A) under one roof (<J*), it is not easy to see how thread (&) could manage such compressing (£&)• ?2 3f -V ?: reverse; £ fr( h 1) to oppose, go against. (1851) One attempt to explain what the ^^F connotes and to account for its shape is the suggestion that it depicted a person (A) standing on another person 0Q, both upside down.[tfc] "fife 9: other. (60) The %& is ife, once the same ^ as "£, associated with $£ ~*vt snake. That "ffe connotes otherness is accounted for by referring to a greeting PECK^ £ * J that purportedly asked whether things had changed since a last meeting, "Haven't met any snakes lately?". Jh ^ 7: departing, leaving. (1294) The p&"if is 7* ttori< l 6, here with ^} beneath it. The f^'> was one associated with the sound an arrow makes when released from a bow. That association led to the meaning. $t # 9: \t &(1") to release. (846) The ^fiF is S"; the q&"if &, connoting again some action with the hands. You might think of how releasing ($t) something is an action ($C) open to all directions 03 ^r * ? # 9). liy>:*«:U source. (1150) Note that IE means origin since IE shows a spring (;§.) originating at the base of a cliff (/""*)• Apparently the "if £* > here strongly connoted 7C, origin, and further emphasized that meaning. Think of the addition of water in M as emphasizing the spring that is its source. H$ *: machine. (1016) The ni$U is /fc. The ^^F is *&, referring to the warp in wooden looms. Since 43 referred to the part of the loom that moved the warp, -d became associated with tools that have movement and thence to machines. 3$J 3 *: effective. (233) The original ¥ was $C, combining 3c for teaching and $C for discipline (£ depicted a rod in hand). The current ^ combines learning (3c) and power 03) to mean effectiveness (#S). Wz V 3 £: hot and humid; tf ("J") to steam. (1632) Though the meaning is a borrowed one, you might consider the components of M: plants (W), water (tK), and warmth ('X) and relate them into some familiar setting of heat and humidity. 92 B * * * -t -f ©;••• *;*• *a^v acute {med}; sudden (elect); urgent message *a$-fe-f^?*-7tfa* acute leukemia {med} *i*w»*^**'^-'H* sudden frequency deviation, SFD (elect) -#••« ®M-0$i£M) ttWlfclt*** 'K 1//J* degeneracy (bio); reducing; degradation (compsci) compression; multistage compressor condensation polymerization [resin] (chem) reciprocal; inverse matrix; [opposite phase] inversion layer, reverse transcription (bwchem) retrograde degeneration [metastasis] (med) on the one hand...on the other, cross-, alio- (bio) objective visual acuity test set (med) cross fertilization (bio); [allogamy] {200) invention; announcement, publication; explosion embryology; oscillator exothermic; dynamo; [power station] discharging; broadcasting; radiating parabola; to leave (something) as is spawning; radial axis [canal] (bio) light source; sound source; resources high [low] temperature heat source (thermo) natural resources ****** *3?;*#y;##>f mechanism;engine;machine f- a 9 y ^ #;-M * > * a > governor, internal combustion engine =*•>'> *;:t$»)*3to* doubler, doubling machine (mech eng) a^^ijn^p-j'j'; effective;effect,efficacy;efficiency h7 3,)-fe'f-V^f'f long-acting drug (med) ■^a^f^ya 9 'J 7 effective value; thermal efficiency v> 3 •> /n 7;•••*;* w y 3 9 * vaporization; vapor, steam *4 y a •> * •? a * «J a * steam distillation A^r/a^^a^v superheated vapor, transpiration (bio)
The Initial Inventions of the Steam Engine As the properties of the atmosphere became clear, ideas for using it to perform work were bom. In a piston and cylinder mechanism, if one side of the piston is made a vacuum, the piston will receive a large force from the atmospheric pressure acting on the other side. With this arrangement we can, for example, operate a pump. In the first steam engine, invented by Newcomen, steam was condensed to water in order to obtain a vacuum by injecting water into the cylinder. This cooled the cylinder, thus lowering the efficiency * and causing a large amount of the heat supplied by the boiler to be uselessly discharged. At this point Watt devised a way to gain a higher efficiency. He maintained the cylinder at a high temperature by attaching a separate condenser to condense the steam. Further, he cut off the supply of steam at the beginning of the stroke and then obtained work from the expansion of the steam. He further increased the efficiency significantly by applying force to the piston not only in one direction but in the other as well, that is, he made the piston double-acting. A steam engine consists of a cylinder, a disc shaped piston that is set loosely into the cylinder so that it will slide freely, a piston rod, and a mechanism for changing the linear motion of the piston rod into rotary motion. If the piston fits too tightly in the cylinder, it will not move; if loosely, steam will leak out. Thus, thin iron piston rings are set onto the piston to close the gap. Although the piston must be stiff, the piston rings, having a different function, must expand and contract readily to prevent gaps between the rings and the interior of the cylinder. Thus, we use rings whose crystal size and other properties have been suitably modified. With engines of this type, in which the piston moves periodically along a straight line, the sudden reversals in direction of motion at both ends of the stroke cause vibrations and lower the output A rational approach to this problem is the Wankel engine, that is, a motor with a rotary piston. This engine uses a piston of a rounded triangular shape that rotates with a uniform motion. It has recently been used as a prime mover in automobiles. * For machines, efficiency is the ratio of available work to the energy supplied. With steam engines, the working substance utilizes two heat reservoirs in performing a cycle. When it receives an amount of heat Q from the high temperature reservoir and performs work w_ on its surroundings during a cycle, the thermal efficiency of the cycle is 7 = w / Q. If we let Q' be the amount of heat given to the low temperature reservoir, then the maximum work is Q - Q\ and the maximum thermal efficiency is (Q - Q') / Q. If we let the absolute temperatures of the two reservoirs be T and T (T>T), then, by the second law of thermodynamics, Q / T^ Q7 T, where the equality holds true only for a reversible cycle. Consequently, from among the cycles operating between the two given heat reservoirs, the reversible cycle has the maximum efficiency (T - T) / T. 94 I # mmtmrns. # $C smmmm Mi ffi N&5iy-y] JoW wm^ dtfcl * fettJ!3§lSSl Si 5A.-S-A..J $L m -£•■«•] t &te JMP-JMtttift jtm^msm mm-mm-mm £*«:WSfctt fc£
13 #<&£**-MSf-El Iff JtTWWSWmWWWWMmWWmm^i^M AVft<DWL&K-lvX%.*Z&&b%?>frP>, U>X*Jflv*T#*JB«S**LHr, *& <o»li*ti:a<<o»ft^4*&»:tt*$t)^:4f)4^o u>X«>SE;b9 Wfc&ffl RKa»«*«i-cafcju fc, **>«wtjafciifc*>i\ »*;fc§$<p%*^p»Efr (DX1bZ>0 z<oZn\zmWK£^Xfcifi1b*-k%*i:1t>'2lz*>. &2<DgL<D#&1lil<?) E.<o&KR1SKR\,*b-v<n&<ftvtznifrtfn%t)&*X, -o<D*&ofca<ofltt: Ha^ ^iv + s^Iia telescope;star IfpiiO 77-)o; R^ x-• »j > usual;disk SO >5r <D iy< y <o; jfcS& 3 •> n separate; optical path v^0 &•?(*-&&££ ;HK &T-£EgiJ£fr&#%QlQ-efr*fr% »g»Q-tfe^< *>-< t«Wlfeftt^$v^|ii, Hi«foiJis««^*i<, afirf^fcjto^tffcrfrfc ^il$y ya-j^y-y; M^ftj 4 * ff * r * obstruction; geometrical % *Mf; ESU ^ ^7; $*Wl hpf-a? shadow; distinction; (special) feature ■^tifc * ># •>; ig& 'jg-JO; JfeJ^ * a * * 4 dimensions; range; boundary 97
yt 3 V: T>fr y* light, VM&) to shine. (154) The pUI! JLk/vK*3) derives from a 1&M^r of a person bending or kneeling; the upper part derives from 'X. Thus, % depicts a person basking (JL) in "fire" ('K)t i.e., in light. "p iJ >: li(1~) to dry; £ Mi") to meddle, interfere. (604) Itself the pjSli" fr A/, -f' derives from a Ml&^r of a forked branch with sharpened ends, a weapon used for stabbing; thus, to meddle and interfere. It also means to dry something. $p v 3 V: t> tz{2>) to wade across water. (1129) Although the iaW appears to be # *, walking, its origins suggest otherwise. Nonetheless, thinking of ^ as signifying walking helps one remember that W means to wade across water.. $f -fe 7: £(£) to bend, fold, &tl(Z>) to be bent, folded. (871) Some say that #f is a ^^^, hand and ax; others say the left side once depicted cut grasses. Think of bending (#?) a sapling by hand (^) to chop it down with a hatchet (if). 35L *->: t£(V^) distant, far away. (1882) The pftlf 3C again means moving forward on a road; the ia connotes M ^ ^, to lengthen. (Note that the long vowel in js£v> is written £ £ in £> £> #*&.) 3j| ^r3^:Oj:(V>) strong, o J: (16 &) to strengthen, o J: ($ £) to be strengthened. (642) Here <=} derives from a ^ that once combined ^ with P and meant to sting. This ^, when joined with 5& tr L, insect, formed a #^^ that meant stinging insects. (That ^iH? had the P above f& where A is now.) The current meaning came later. M yVibyWX throughout, t £(t), t £(&) to pass through. (1861) The #$F ^ may have come from a combination of A on top and #J below. In any case, it meant a path open and available for use throughout its length. Thus, i§ means to pass through. fil V*?\ image. (143) You have learned ^. as meaning both elephant and shape or form Think of a person (A) tracing out a shape or form (M.) to make an image (ftc) of something. fe y3^,y4:V^ color. (1597) Itself the pflliT V* h, fe combines a man above and E below. The % for E was originally -fe 7; it connoted 8c, as in 3c$c ^ 7 -fe 7, sexual intercourse. Somehow fe came to connote color. ^F-fe*: $>fr(^) red. (1801) Itself the WW $> 7> • $> ri^ A/, ^ derives from a ^it^ with X above and ^Ac beneath. It meant a huge fire. When # came to mean red, another ^, SJ # ?, came to mean a huge fire. 98 % ^-f-.Jt^1;\1&yt\ 3 7 v; 3 7 #? ;7- 4 =» 7 photon; optics; fluorescence ^Hfc^tt?]3E^SL t* > n 7 # ? [*];tt fr H^7V spectroscopy; [spectrometer]; light scattering ^ TfrtM jfc^M 7-4=i7^;'=»77M->3 7 fluorescence depolarization {chem} TMffi:T*W *IB*fJB*T* T *>*/a,);--b'f;*yf3,>; interference;coherency (optics);ebbtide Hy^-at* V\1j y*saV4r<< low water level {mechcng}; interferometer # >-> a 7 7> 3 7 *7 interference spectroscopy W ■fj y *s a 7;3 7 -> a 7 intervention; negotiation, bargaining * > v 3 7 -> a 4r v * interventionist 3 7 -> 3 7 ?> ? 4 -> 3 7 topic of negotiation «f A W -t 7; ? 7 -fe 7,& •) o J: £ diffraction; refraction; folding strength * 4 -fe 7 3 7 v [■* * 7 > ] diffraction grating [scattering] 7^^7-b7;^"y-b7,J,y double refraction; refractive index M x>7J^-b^^f3 3'7*^ remote {compsci}; remote control {elect} remote program execution {comp sci} remote control switching {elect} ffiffM*; ilfO«t$;4r3 7-fe-f T* O J: £->>#>* 3 ^-fe'.' *3 7-fe-f i/y K7*7 s *3 777;77W * a 7 7 7 -b y v V ^7 * 7 *> + 7 7 W^ >77** bending strength; forced {mech engr} strength duration curve, SD curve {med} forced frequency {mech engr) common; communication {elect} common channel signalling system {elect} communication terminal equipment {comp sci} m%.m$MM M&BbfflF wnmwmmit <w&Mfflmm fe*-»Sft 9 V*■>}*■{-/'} Ytt'/I fe h ^ v 3 ?;3 7 v 3 ^ "«M ^r > v + 7;-b>">3 ^^^f JL7[A]V3 ^0;V»6V»%4 -fe^7y^-fe>;-b+ K7^ > t + yaM K7[+3-b-f] -b + 7- 7 * a. 7;-"> 3^7X^f imagination; real image; image, picture {comp sci} resolution {optics}; after-image {bio} multiple resolution picture {comp sci} distinctive feature; purple bacteria {bio} pigment; chromosomes colored; [colorless]; various infrared rays; equatorial plane the red shift; [giant red star] {astro} red blood cells; red bone marrow {bio}
^ *s:trbZZ purple. (1461) The nftlfis &. The ^^F is lit and once connoted mixing. In the dying of thread, mixing red and blues yields purple. (When £ <D is written formally, it may be written Irfc<7).) M v -r: shooting. (533) The piSH* is \1* 1" A/, a hand. The left side derived from a depiction of a bow with its string drawn taut (#). The hand (\t*) is ready to shoot (f$) the arrow. M 9 V: bending. (552) _ The oftli* is F Lfrtfto, originally a depiction of a corpse. Thus, it is not P t ^^0 *), a door. You might think of bending (ffl) over as you leave (fcb) through a truncated door (P). ■fy v -V: 7 0(-f) to copy, reflect, mirror, ? 0(&) to be reflected, mirrored. (524) Alhough W- is written with the piSHf *-* bfrA,tr 0, the traditional pftUT is ^ ? ^A/tr 9 because the old form was M. It originally meant to carry things into a house; thence it meant to transfer things from one container to another. This in turn implied copying. ( ^ is the #N&$2 of *x\) Ri ^y-. M&) to see <^(x. &) to be able to see. (1692) Itself the nJStf <& &, % is the eye (@) of a person bending over (JL). The H1 connoted M + v, to appear clearly before one's eyes. Later jL came to mean seeing and 51 to mean appearing. It * a ?: j&*#* mirror. (1953) The pjStf is ^ because ancient mirrors were polished copper. The right side may be considered as 0t and JL, depicting a person bowing after singing a solo, which suggests a pause, a boundary. A copper mirror creates images from boundaries between light and darkness.fifc] ^ ya'Jx (\tf 2>) to get scorched, burned. (1191) The "m connoted jft, burning. Think of birds (1£) scorched (^,) by fire ('X u v *) below. ^& *7,3-*7\h bright. (305) Composed of ^ and P, ^& meant to give aid and advice, When tt took over that meaning, >& came to mean right. (The right hand usually has the greater dexterity in offering aid). Si ih O/iO left. (581) Composed of #• and X, ;£ meant to assist in making things. When $: took over that meaning, 2E came to mean left:. (The left hand usually has the role of assisting the right hand in making things.) 'LN v y core: £ £. h heart, mind. (672) Itself the ofSH* CI CI h, 'Cms called L tz <T CI 6 when appearing as it does in ,H>, 0 o L ^^ ^ when appearing as it does in 14. Although derived from a ffcM^r that is believed to have been a physical depiction of the left and right ventricles and their connection with the aorta, *b as a d&H" most often refers to the mind and to thought. 100 ?; v H4 -t v purple; purple membrane (chem); ultraviolet rays ^$WkMM v X4 -fe y *s a 7 v -r ultraviolet irradiation {biochem} fi[fe]^S^^HI ^3 7[*>]^f-3 7v'#'f-fe> long [short] wave length ultraviolet {med} w >■ angle of incidence; incident light ray /yw\vv't;€v^yyir partial reflection; total reflection %l?;%lrt;Mlhi A7yt;*')yt;y3^yt launching,emitting;radiation;irradiation mmm m-'&rnw ~ * y + v.'NVVlr Btfl]Mtg;illg Ilii' ££ffiffc3P#J v •* v >■;7 ^ -> ■*;t > v •* is * *sW v x $i7 9 is * is f-yy-rz^f-a 7-fey t7[h7]^>^3 7;+3 7y*7 7->-e#3 7;#7^>*3 7 v 3 7 r V; v 3 7 r V> V V37T>*3 V v3 7Vi7;Cllf< $v* £ WflLWlli*] *£TO*7V* ■9-JL7V7V3 7 K7 7*7 -9- jl 7 V 7 -> 3 7 7 V * 7 v > 7 -tf v >; v y-fy * v flex strength {polymers}; refractometer refracting telescope flexor reflex {med} ¥ % photograph; copying; transcription {biochem} photographic photometry {elect}; copy paper post-transcriptional control {biochem} discovery; estimate; caption, heading header label {compsci} review (of software); sample process {comp sci} concave [convex] mirror, mirror image microscope; telescope enantiomer {chem} focus, focal point; focal plane focal distance empyreumatic odor {med}; smell of burning clockwise right-hand rule {elect} Bilateria {bio} counterclockwise left-hand rule {elect} bilateral cleavage {bio} left [right] ventricle {med} cardiac failure, CF; cardiac murmur {med} cardiovascular drug [system] {med}
Reflection, Refraction and Diffraction of Light As is clear from the law of refraction of light, the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is a constant that is determined by the substances and the wavelength of light. Thus, if we use a lens to refract light, it will disperse and not gather at a single focus unless it is monochromatic. That is, it will divide into the spectrum from red to purple, each color taking a different path. A mirror is used to avoid this dispersion. Usually, a mirror is a glass plate thickly silvered on one of its sides, such that light incident on the glass surface is reflected from both the glass surface and the silvered surface. Both reflections enter the eye together, and a double image appears. Therefore, in optical instruments the light strikes the silvered surface. Use of a mirror makes it possible to avoid the dispersion due to refraction. Although left and right are reversed in the reflected image, this does not concern us greatly when viewing distant objects. But even with a reflecting telescope, in which a mirror is used in place of a lens, phenomena occur because of interference1. When we view a star, for example, its image should appear as a point because the star is located at a great distance. When we actually view the star through a telescope, however, the image does not form a point but a bright round disk of some magnitude. This is due to the diffraction2 of light and, because light is a wave, is in no way avoidable. The image has a certain magnitude due to diffraction, so when a second star is very close to the first star, the two brightly shining discs overlap, and we cannot distinguish whether this is the image of two different stars or of one. Generally, when two stars have the same brightness, they cannot be observed as two stars unless the center of the image of the second star is outside the image of the first. 1. When two or more waves come to the same place, their oscillations are manifest there as the sum of the individual waves (the component waves), and the phenomenon whereby the oscillations of the resultant wave change due to differences in phase between the component waves is called interference. Generally, in order for interference to occur, it is necessary that the component waves possess coherency. When observing interference with conventional light sources, sources other than lasers, we divide the light emitted simultaneously from the same light source into two or more waves, have them traverse separate optical paths so as to give them differences in phase, and then superpose them. 2. The phenomena in which light, sound, and other waves do not, upon grazing an obstruction, propagate with geometrical linearity, but bend into the shadow portion. This occurs generally with waves and is one of the special features distinguishing them from particles. When the wavelength is extremely small in comparison with the dimensions of the obstruction, the region in which diffraction occurs is narrow, and only a slight fading of the geometrical border of the shadow results. 102 7L %?■,*¥;&% F».T»ttfRI| #f EI«f-JSHff;W»S fe mm^.mm aufcHttjggl #&j 5& TV* ■5 mmsuti B £^ M/l m&&im J \\\ £j£mm £0 9 £ SirfJi'frj
4>n*l&§lsl*J:3fcfc*o -ti^^H^^r^U^-C^^o **H^»-frtcttSlv^* v*3 ££<*)■?§ £*)J;J\ 7xiKi^K-(0i5< fcfcafc^rtftt-efcoT^ **iJ: 9 x^A^-^ft^WT-fc fcoTW\ ±#ftjLTv>*^Sx*;i/¥-^Jfcttv*;&£ fc X^ti**fr*f-<<%Zfrb, **iJ:94>U£v>x*;i^-£*ort:* ^^i^i^otS-C, x*/n?-fcJ8t£ ££*&<» uHt-o^x^;^-S ■Ctt^ 7x/l/$x;f;i^-#:L*>U¥-#olMcfca0)-e*£o $iM£ ->* a. v 4; $$e r y t << level; stable SSllS ^ >- -t -r ^ -<; IE7L -e -f =» ^ forbidden bands; positive hole ?£$? ? V -b *; 1Ef IJ ^ > 'J; Wfa "* ? fc *>; M& A' -f v vacancy; convenient; different entity; analogy 105
fff 5 4 : band, zone; £> (/(Z>) to wear around the waist (595) The nlSIl is rfJ, which refers to cloth, and the part above rf3 derives from a depiction of something hanging from the waist; thus, ^ is a ^S? for wearing cloth and other things around the waist. IE T>: electricity. (2009) The aft"if M *fc^A/tr *) derived from a MM^r having a horizontal stroke for the heavens, a schematic for a cloud and dots for rain. Although very similar to If rt»* tc 0, thunder, W> ends with a curved line portraying a lightning bolt S =f: £rt*(V>) mutual. (37) Originally a l&M^1 that depicted threads twisted together, II came to mean mutual. ^ #: load. (1618) The n&Hf < Zfr/vtt*) indicates that # originally referred to a plant The is came from JrT at a time when IrJ" meant frC & "9 , to bear a load. When $1 came to mean ts. K, $f became load. jt v>: £ true. (1318) That M originally meant upside down is evident in the old form 31 where the top is a man upside down and the bottom is H < tf, head, upside down. The meaning true is borrowed from fi! *s v. ■Y ?: simplifying, summarizing; tying up. (1447) The If is a variant from *J vt^.a ^.M^ that depicted a ladle. (The qft"if for ^ is ^ oo*#2 *., showing a person enclosing something.) In $J, the joining of ^7 with ^ connoted tying together. Later $J came also to mean simplifying and summarizing. FaJ *>: fc (9 ) to ask, inquire. (349) The £&!* is P; the b1 is from PI (itself a SW), gate. Think of P«I as asking (P) at a gate (PI). Tel ^ : subject, topic. (2043) The &B"i" 3f is*5*<v\ big shell, as contrasted with j| t#v\ small shell, is the a&lf for ? associated with the head and face, e.g., i nii, cheeks; H tffcv*, forehead; H &£2, head. Originally M was also related to the head and face, for it referred in ancient China to marks made on the foreheads of slaves. (?k is the ^ for £ fl.) 5$L * >: gold; tf*fc a metal. (1597) Itself the pB"if § A/, j£ depicted things glittering beneath the earth and connoted not only gold, but the ores of copper and iron as well. J&kVt'. lineage, continuity; genus {biol}. (555) The old form M joined -§} v a 9, caterpillar, and Jl £, tail of an animal. The act of a caterpillar binding itself to leaf gave rise to the meanings of lineage and continuity, [ffc] 106 9 4 7*y£ 'J a.*?i/,9 4 A * charged corpuscle; band (elect) V h 9 9 4 -i * \± tf-fe * gain-bandwidth product {comp sci) f9 4\9 4%.y\**j 9 4 zone; zone line; tropical zone {bio} telephone;relay {elect} photoelectric current degree of dissociation electromotive force; electron beam ESEJItt ^,/^:'f;y')^,/^ interchangeability;interdependent v ? =r ■?- *> 4r [a •} K 7 ] mutual knowledge {comp sci} [induction] {elect} rf^W-fe-f tautomerism {chem} •rVTyii'A >f- a •> A y a. 7 point charge {elect}; tensile load {mecheng} 2 v y > * -7 a. £ 7 > 7 two dimensional load distribution {robotics} * 7 *; v 7 * r > overload; loading point {elect}; y'/'Jfi^^Uf ta1) truth-value;truth-table {compsci} yv^H^fyfya^ir^ vacuum discharge [evaporation] {elect} y>-b-f3n/f K{nyj eucolloid {polymers}; [true wax] {biochem} n71 ( 3*^ j^^t***^^ 37*?;7*-f,Y£;37ir$'.X7 summary; contract agreement common divisor ^C^;M1§3SR 9 4Jr9;<r<iJr9<i^y outline; breach of contract §?$J E3ffi[1IKj] * W -V 9 X* y\?y 'J a 9 ] contract plan {mech eng} [demand] {elect} Pp^ £Hi£*]3ls9l &JKi£lk3* v 7 ■£ y \ t v > £> t> ■$ question; inquiry, request for information ^ 7 * v * 9 h^v^rA question-answer system {comp sci} 7 > •* > -> 7 ^ y v a 'J distributed query processing {comp sci} *y^;ya/'(;ii3^^ problem; subject (book) title, heading h-*j *r 4 * 9 *y 9'4 convex programming problem {comp sci} tav^lya^'fltM^ title [subject] index *yj*9^y^y* gold-leaf electroscope {elect} *y*/9vis*1S9 metallography *y*f9*rv3*y-f4 metal-binding site {biochem} metallic sound {med}; belonging to brassy cough (med) genus name; genus hybrid {bio}
W* x y: relation; -k % edge. (1488) Here the &fc"!f & refers to cloth, and $i originally meant the decorations at the hem of a garment 3& 'W: & h{<&) to put side by side, &£>(.£) to be in a row. (1406) The old form S& showed two people standing in line; $. combines the two M.. |§r -fe >f, V a : L1*(^) quiet, calm, at rest (2020) The oUti" is If *£, the color blue. The right side is #• * <b-5-v\ a quarrel or fight. In one analysis, -fe -f connotes $l a £ A £, to suppress; thus, # meant suppressing quarrels and creating calm. M * V: $5"(3) to invite. (1737) The nfltf is Hf; the "h" derives from 7$, which here connoted guiding. ji! 7: negative (value); £( 7 ) to Carry a load (on one's back). (1770) The p&"§f is ^ ri*v\ which usually means shell, but here represents the back, If. The top depicts a person, so % meant to carry a person on one's back. It is used to signify negative values in math and physics. Do not confuse with 7ft 7, which is used as a prefix to mean "non-." 3& *: i> t basis; fe t (1* <) to be based on. (397) The pftti" is ±; the i£ is from K, which here connoted a platform: thus, 3£ was a platform set firmly upon the earth, (g is the $ used for -til and -£<D: Stl, &<£>.) ^ * > book:J> t origin, basis. (937) Viewed as a JaTT^, ^ combines tree (/fc) with a single stroke (—) to signify its roots. ^!j U 7: row, line. (198) The pi$1f y frifto^A, derived from a depiction of bones and is often associated with death. Thus, £0 connoted the orderly dismembering of animals with a knife. ^ n: road, path. (1814) The p&"if is ftL * L, foot; & connoted to tread. Thus, i& is where feet have trod, a road or path. m- +!->: calculating. (1426) Combining the n&1f ft, bamboo, with ^ a tool or instrument, % indicated the process of counting with bamboo sticks on a board. These sticks were called %~fc 3 ^ ^, and the board had several rows and columns forming squares, each row having a different decimal value. In a given square, counting was by ones until five was reached. Then a single stick replaced the five; it was positioned at a right angle to the others to indicate five. 108 #fellc>fts#6$iltt *v*-V9 4\*vs-v9 4V*9 insulator, dielectric strength xys-yvy-fy*) jM jc y * y >r A -/r 7 * >j? ^-f uy^'f 3 7;^ ->vo dielectric isolation relation; degree, coefficient of relationship (bio) parallel, concurrent; ditto; translational parallel image processing (comp sci) distributed concurrency control (for data base) SP'SJa;fflH8i$& -Mf^j-M^tf static electricity; static magnetic field fJJlh SffilftE] ±4*s*sy*)3V[ry4] rest mass; [restingpotentiall {bio} S-W^S^t^^C] -fe-fr + ^-M^:'*.?] static organization (of file) [variable] {comp sci) l§2!J;l5i§2!IMKS£ jl 7 K 7; * jl 7 K 7 f >"J j. 7 induction; inducing current ttl^?lfe/St -b^ z.VJyfy ~>7 sexattractant {biochcm} S-Sfe jl 7 ^ 7 h 7 -tf >■ ^ >> -< induced mutation {bk>} 7 v 3?/* ^-,7*^7^*7 negative catalyst; negative adsorption -t 4 7 <r> r > * positive and negative charge 7* ^*>f*3^t'/ load characteristic curve {elect} * * -> 7;*/* >;4 r 4 substrate [biochem}; substrate {elect}; base, ground + f'f7*[y3')N] base load {elect}; ground state * i/ 7 t- 7 =f 7 TV substrate binding site {biochein} * < * >; t a 7 * >;••• * sample; sample; sampling {comp sci} ta^v^-Va^A^-) sampling frequency {comp sci} * * > *> a; * * > x •> elementary species; basic number {bio} m Mlfa^ju^i'fa parallel [series] circuit a 7 U7;? 7 i/7;+^"7 u 7 matrix; empty string; string {comp sci} f-3^U7/>-b^f37 7 series elastic component {bk>} 7"<< o;7 7 v > o path; channel 7 7 v > n * s 7 w 7 channel matrix {elect} 7-4 nr* h;i7=J7a path testing; directed path {comp sci} fffe|Jtffif]|MJ?l -fr > * 7 ;-* > v*a 7 ;i v-f v algorithm; arithmetic; operation {comp sci} ^^SmSMWI? -9- > v a. 7 n y «j x >-tf y * arithmetic and logic unit {comp sci} ^ ?fcS14^ ft kt7f^'(t>*') nondetenninistic algorithm {comp sci}
Carriers of Electric Current and Energy Bands Electric currents flow through materials because those materials contain carriers in states having an electric charge and mobility. In metals a part of the electrons separate from the individual atoms and move about through the whole of atomic space. These are the carriers in metals. In nonmetals the electrons are mutually bound to the atoms and, therefore, cannot separate from the atoms and move about freely. Thus, even if voltage is applied, they remain at rest That is, nonmetals, since they have no carriers, are insulators. In general, the lower the energy level of an electron in an atom, the more stable the electron becomes. Electrons at high energy levels seek to settle into lower energy levels by giving part of their energy to other particles. That is, the electrons move to fill the lower energy bands available to them. According to the Pauli principle, however, the number of electrons having a certain energy is limited. Thus, electrons gradually take on higher energies and, when they have filled one energy band, they move above to the next energy band. In this way the energy bands are filled in succession from the lower levels until all of the electrons have been stored. When voltage is applied to a metal, the electrons accelerate and their energies increase slightly. However, only electrons near the Fermi energy can do this. The electrons at lower energies cannot enter the higher energy orders because those above them are occupied. However, if the electrons located above move to states of higher energy, then the energies that were occupied at first are no longer so, and the electrons at energies slightly below can move up and increase their energy. In this way the electrons that occupied one energy band successively increase their energy and become carriers. In dielectrics, electrons fill certain energy bands, but energies that are slighdy higher are in forbidden bands. That is, the Fermi energy in a dielectric is located midway within the forbidden band, which lies between a band filled with electrons and an empty band. In contrast, the Fermi energy in a metal lies within an energy band. Why electrons in dielectrics cannot become carriers is basically understood as stated above, but recently semiconductors have become widely used in computers and other electronic circuits that employ solid state electronics. Semiconductors have properties akin to those of dielectrics, but the forbidden bands are narrow. If the temperature rises slighdy, free electrons leap over the forbidden band and enter the conducting band. When a negatively charged electron leaps over, it is equivalent to a positively charged hole forming behind it. The carriers in a semiconductor are these electrons in the conducting bands and the positive holes* that are formed among the free electrons. There are varieties other than this true semiconductor, but the essential features of their mechanisms are the same as those described above. * When the valence bands in insulators and semiconductors are not completely filled by electrons, the empty electron states may be thought of as particles; these are called positive holes. It is convenient to think of the entirety of a valence band having vacancies as a collection of positive holes. That is, the positive holes behave towards electric fields as particles having a charge +e (analogous to a positron but a different entity from them) would behave. 110 -fcfcr- siw?ii *= ■zrt- ^ £ M ft**!f;3l3WM a*Wf:»*f/ac H- m m gfejmi^ga m ¥1 MS:±1B:$JB fiWHWUH 4? m P*3 I mmfrw. 3fe Hi »tt#JS«Sfa tt»9l»R sua***** ^ >* nmkmx X *JS1Wf[ttSI] ^v M msMmtn feg&rxh^rrfiji&i
15 ±m<Dm-k 15 WWWWWWWWWWWWmWWWWWWm 4«*«-4to4C^ ffi#&****t"C-f * > fc * ■}. i^R^^jRLfcW^tt, «<&* ^xoi^Xcd^'h^ E#, «#*fflv*T*^»*m3ii:* *>«>■?. -fry7* 01£ r. f- v 3 7; Jjfjfc 7 v a ^ every day, daily; corrosion SMSffS 4"s\£*a*;&*aV, #3a ^ ? V9 microscope; super-; structure ^"PTtfe 7*^7; ;!??£ +ya> impossible; standard 3.500kV-3MV<OjPa«£E«:feo^l0 £«&£!*, agtt^fc^uyXtffflv^ftT H«i^!»l/>XoiR^t«:P«lO«[IEHJ:or§i D, 3ja&^fiBKav>2-3A**3£%3*t-C ^&o wOfrffEfBfrjfSKitt, JbP^mE^<tUfu>XcoMm^c7)^£(ilO-6r^>^i<i:^ 3S^>/^; te^ >W 'J 7; 106f§ /W three stages; magnification; 106 times ifclP&^Eif *^v->t; 5^ft?f£ 7*>* -f y 7 selected-area; resolution J|XH viH; ©jfi&lii/lL I'^vfy'Ja') aberration; exciting current $^j^ rvf'f K stability 113
ttfe fr V**t Pond. (1070) Here the ia$f til connoted dikes, ±.^ £"C; thus, t& meant water impounded by dikes. /§% # -f: analyzing, disentangling; t (< ) to solve. (219) The If is a variant of ^ u t; ffl meant dissecting a cow (41) with a knife (ZJ). You might think of doing so with a horn ($|). $1 K*: copper. (1939) The #, originally h ^, connoted a reddish color. Copper was once known as the red metal, and this name is still used in words such as fastis A*»#iav»%, a copper-reddish color. 7: sub-{bio}, -ous {chem}; next in rank.(40) That ill originally depicted an underground dwelling is perhaps more evident in the old form j£. The p&H" is H, second, which fits the meaning of next in rank. |p i>:4i*) lead. (1930) Lead and tin, $§ -f-f, were not always clearly distinguished. The J? in £B had the ^ v; it connoted fi V* l<5 v> , white; and lead white, ifrffi" x > -fy, was used as a white face paint. Lead white used in this way is commonly called £ L h ^ (Sift), but may also be called J^y/*? (£fr S). In short, lead signified a white metal. 4r: scarce; 3: tl(&) rare. (590) A ^cS^ that combines cloth (rfl) and the weaving of threads together 0£), 3fc signified embroidering. The current meanings, scarce and rare, are borrowed. i/IC 'J**: sulfur. (1343) The njStf is S", referring here to 3ffi a •> -fe *, ore. The ^ connoted melting, so IS meant the ore that melts. Think of sulfur as the rock (fi) that melts and flows ($L). Sl"^: arid. (1918) The o^"if ItD^ refers to M £tt and thus to fermentation. The i=p connotedft, which meant to pierce something with an awl, §§*). Thus, S£ meant fermentation, a process that yields a tongue-piercing product.. (Note that M represents chicken in the Chinese 12-year calendar cycle.) £f v V: \t 0 needle. (1927) A xc^? joining metal (^fe) and a gftff^ for a needle (+), it means a metal needle. It refers to needles that point (fa£t -> •> >). (Another $, £$ *> >, referred to needles that pierce. Both had the ^ v >, a variant of -fe >, 5fe $ §, the tip, from which the connotation of needle derived.) $ft V9 : oo*(tf &), o-^(<) to continue. (1477) The old form IR had H on the right, which is the old form for % /*<{, selling. However, originally II meant to tie, to connect Thus, ^c meant to tie torn threads together. 114 •fyij4\-fy%4 J V reservoir, cooling pond {elect} fuel [air] cell (chem) reservoir-type power station {elect} decomposition {chem}; resolution (optics) electrolyte; electrolysis {chem} depolymerization {chem}; general solution {math} i>J K->(I)*«fc 3 ■>■/■> £&tt$:£8f¥l7i £lfc£&(n)l«fe y'ryi^Vf^JV 7va[^];7V;M(0 * « copper alloy, copper refinery copper chloride (I) structure copper oxide cell; bronze zinc; bromous acid {chem} hypobromite {chem} sub-species [genus]; subtropical {bio} vertical line; lead storage battery lead chloride (II) structure {chem} lead poisoning; lead neuritis {med} rarefied, dilute; rare gas; dilution rare earth element [mineral] {chem} infinite dilution {chem] sulfur, sulfides; vulcanizing {chem) dilute sulfuric acid; sulfuric anhydride (chem) iron-sulfur protein {biochem} BMBKcWfe mmmmmm -*>v&y*;*4-*y* v-y**>Y>ryi- 3Wy*y-,z<(-tyii'7y i+ \±*)#ti;sJfsy;sJz/y v y 3 *j ~j jl ,j- jl v v -v v y Wu ,y,/^;U,/7^;/V7^f + oxygen; acid radical; hydroxyl group {chem} oxidation-reduction cell {chem} acid-fast bacteria {med}; hydroxides {chem) wire; magnetic needle; hour hand ammeter needle {elect} conifers {bk>}; injection needle {med} connection; continuation; off-and-on, intermittent star connection; connectedness {comp sci] connection diagram {elect}; discontinuous weld
$J 3 *: t Mt), t *t(&) to dissolve, to melt (1156) The Hffi is #; it means form or capacity, but was once the verb ^ tl%>, to insert Hence %t meant to "insert" (§) water (tK) to capacity (#). Melting is borrowed from its ^?, $£. |§3«): positive; bright. (1988) The pBif CLcft^A, means the side of a mountain. The ^ is from Jg, which here connoted sunshine. Thus, Rl> meant the bright side of the mountain, the southern slopes. WtA >: negative; dark. (1977) The IeP connoted darkness ; thus, fk meant the shaded side of the mountain, the northern slopes. (^ and Hf are the well known Yin and Yang of Chinese philosophy.) •>: exchanging; i £(£> &) to intersect; £ C(&) to mix. (44) Derived from a M3&$E- of a person crossing his legs, 3c forms, in addition to the verb 3c £> &, the verb X C &, to mix. It means the intermingling of discrete things, primarily of people. $B7>: < fc(v>)dark. (911) The aB"Sf is 0; the ^ 7 > is a variant of A >, which, as noted above, connoted darkness. Thus, B§f meant a hidden sun. Think of having to move about by sound (la-) even though the sun (0) is shining if you happen to be in darkness (®). £T (:!l) h^: a light, a lamp. (1181) The nftH* is ^C; the # comes from Jl, connoting £&, which here meant a candlestick; thus, %£ signified the light from a burning candle. (Note that now ^ %> <r>\zh means to climb, and that £§ $>&& means stirrups.) ^ va: X hand. (760) Itself the p&tf X, ^ derives from a MM^ that represented the fingers, the palm, and the wrist. Note that the itf v 3- derives from association with IR va, JR& i £, to take. M *: £ A,, & fc what, which. (78) The q&tf is A; the ikffi is oj. Remember that M once signified to carry a load, now W. fiS V: magnetism. (1345) The piS"lf is J5, referring to ore. The right side connoted attracting: thus, $£ meant ore that attracted iron. Note that $£ may refer to ceramics: $if? V* or $&I$£fy !••>-?*. itRj ^ -^ polarization (of light), deflection (of pointer): frfz(£. <&) to incline towards. (131) The i^lr connoted leaning to one side, so il referred to a person bent to one side, perhaps due to illness. The association with people was later dropped. 116 m solute; [solvent]; solid solution {chem} solubility; dilute solution {chem} lysogenization (bio); weld; welding (of contacts) anode; proton; positron explicit [implicit] scheme (comp sci} antiproton; positive element mmmm -Y :/* a ?;4 >-[3 ?H * > cathode; anion [cation] 'fy^a^-b^*/' cathode ray tube {bk>} 'fv/v>^'fv'3,)^'f genital corpuscles, genitalia coipuscula [med] n^if;3'>'ji'>;f-373,><o alternation; alternating current; orthogonal n ^ t v\? V * y *s v *r 4 point of intersection; sympathetic nerves {med} zx^^v-^yizi^iiv cross, hybridization {bk>}; telephone exchange HI 7^-tr + va 9\~ryssy\7v zf*? dark red; dark room; code 7 y z 9 *-,7 y ? ? * 4 y y eclipse period (of virus) {bk>}; dark nebula {astro} r^v'-Y^tT^a^**? dark-field microscopy *T # jpj incandescent electric light; mercury lamp {elect} lighting circuit; fluorescent lamp {etect} fluorescent lamp {chem} operation {med}; joint, coupling; manual hand finishing; hand-rotated lithectomy; [plastic surgery] {med} fcfctf *A,fcD;^3;£A,h? the reason is what percent; how many (atoms,...); (cows,...) how many times; ditto; how many (bars,...) magnetic field; [ ditto ]; electromagnetic induction magnetism; [magnetization]; self-demagnetization nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR; magnetic flux ^ y 3 ^ ;^ y *)■ ;^ y •> y deflection; deviation; off-center {elect} ^va^Ay-b^yvva ■> polarizedlight;segregation {elect} /\>fcTy^*»>r^v4r partial differential equation {math} y*{*]ry3y>y
Corrosion of Metals The atmospheric rusting of wire and other metal objects as often seen in daily life is one corrosion phenomenon. Examining closely a surface composed of a single metal, we find regions with different physical and chemical states interspersed, and the fact that their electrode potentials1 differ is the basis for this corrosion. For example, if we insert copper and zinc into a dilute sulfuric acid solution and connect them with a wire, the zinc dissolves and forms ions, and the electrons thus produced are attracted to the copper surface where they combine with hydrogen ions to form hydrogen. In the same way the portions of the metal having lower potentials continually impart electrons to portions having higher potentials and dissolve into liquid. That is, the moisture on the surface of the metal and the portions having different electrode potentials form cells2 with positive and negative electrodes. As long as this condition continues, corrosion will proceed. The atmosphere always contains moisture, and chemical components in it such as sulfur dioxide dissolve in the water to form electrolytes. In addition, our hands in touching things leave moisture and other chemicals. Why metals corrode is a very important problem about which considerable research has been done. Recently, through the use of the electron microscope, many facts have become clear. In contrast to an optical microscope, which employs a light source such as a lamp, the electron microscope uses an electron generator and an accelerator. In place of glass lenses, it uses electric and magnetic fields to deflect the electron beam. There are various types from which to choose, depending on whether we are to look at the light that comes through the sample or the light that is reflected from it and whether we are to do our viewing in a bright place or in a dark one. Higher accelerating voltages yield superior magnifications, and thus the recent super-high voltage electron microscopes3 employ accelerating voltages as high as 3 megavolts, making it possible to observe such targets as the internal structures of metal crystals and organisms in vivo. 1. The internal potential of the electrode phase towards the electrolyte solution phase with which it is in contact. Measuring the absolute value of an electrode potential is impossible, but by joining a specific electrode with a special standard electrode to form a cell and then measuring its electromotive force, we can ascertain the relative eletrode potential. 2. An apparatus that generates a potential difference between electrodes by means of actions such as those of chemical change, temperature difference, or light It usually refers to chemical batteries, but there are other cells such as photo-electric cells, solar batteries, and nuclear batteries. 3. Equipment having accelerating voltages from 500 kV to 3 MV. The imaging system employs three or more stages of electron lenses, and the maximum magnification is about 106. Selected-area electron diffraction is also made possible. The resolution is determined by the aberration of the objective lens and the wave length of the electron beam; values of 2~3 A, which are close to the theoretical resolution, are being realized. In order to attain such resolutions, it is necessary that the degree of stability of the accelerating voltage and of the lens exciting current be 10"6. 118 m W%W£W%\ p mitmmmmm mtmti&m SMfc»0D3S#m 16 m I 4+ R *> ^e £E;»B:£ m H *T **nafc:3ftfc*r m
i6±mpf^i6 s%ftaftff«s«f45cS»aKt*fi« itBt**>$*tiX\i*Zo iOJ:^4^JSott*K:Jnx.-C. «*<D»ft» <&««:?■, -» ft**, ftXftfb*. ^K£, *ft*^#«"Ctt**#»*ELT, #<o|!M*9IS ^*<osaw*ft$*L-t\ axaft**«^je$^*i9fc:4o/io £*ut, x>v> ^vtii, yy + ^fc-^Cfcfc^ #vv>Ka*<^g£r&At&^ £ii*>o t^***SC4»K:ttai$*tr, #ft*RJ6**»tfcSL ttBtf-fcL-Cdfrtf, £*t*«fc *1fcK:Ea$tLrv^^J:^^aaoft*Rj£^jB^oTv^^Ofc#jc<btt'Cv^o t5^£ * -t >; %lm.$M *tv*r*9f-y pollution; temperature inversion WL H Y y 4 v; M SO * -b >f cause; regulation ft ;b 0 IC **> 0 fc; 7 ^ n W > in place of; acrolein XSfe #>?-<; Iftv^jktr 1-v»ctr primarily; to intake #3£<7) -»f 4 7<<<r>\ %^Q -> 3 * 7 usual; books, texts Mft HI * -f •; a. 7 7- y; #S(J 4 h $"< 7 * troposphere; special &ft ya1)^'/;! v7;ftifi 7*> conditions;layer,vicinity ?p£P H ***;l@b&*v> *fcfc*v»;^t& *jM cooling; warm; air mass ?fr £ V > o fc fc v»; ifcft *■ > 3 tf cool; sinking, subsiding $£ffc # ? ■* >; J# *f & S * fc tf * diffusion (here, dispersion); to hinder 121
^ # ^: nucleus, core. (974) The ia connoted jtfc; it refers to the hard shells of nuts, fruits, and grains. Although originally $. meant boxes made from the bark of trees, it came to mean the hard kernel at the core of a fruit 7tl yy^ify-. %t source, origin. (152) The p&1f is J L £ >uc j: i , a person. An additional stroke depicted the person's head; a second stroke further emphasized the head, so % came to mean source, origin. M-i Jjfc $ y carbon: i~fr charcoal. (1186) The wrapper (combining the p&Hf lij * i, mountain, and J~" ***/£ *i, a cliff) connoted a return; thus, EK. meant a return to fire 0Q. It referred to charcoal because charcoal is wood that is first set on fire, then quenched, and later set on fire again. Think of fifli ■£*?>> coal. Coal is stone ffi) excavated from mountain (lij) cliffs (f~)» and it burns ('X). [$%\ §S -f- y: suffocating, obstructing. (1402) The #^r, S, connoted clogging, so it meant to clog (31) a hole (?£). The Japanese word for nitrogen, H;K f- v v, "the suffocating element," is in keeping with Lavoisier's choice of azote . : multiple (as a suffix); doubling. (120) The original % ^ 4 connoted the back of a person (U), so \a meant to contradict another person The current meaning may derive from association with SS ^ -f, allotting, allocating. W ^ >: number, turn (to do something). (1276) The #$F is S, to sow seeds: thus, § meant the time to sow seeds (3jt) in a rice paddy (EH). ~^ ^ ^ *• number, name, identifier. (299) The old form was 8, its right side being tit tb, tiger. Since ■§* meant to shout, fjJH meant a tiger roaring. Terms in which •§" means to cry out are rare, but note "?*& =f 7 * ^ 7, a medical term for ululation in hysteria, and "^*^ ^i)t,/1 sounding a signal. f& -tf >, * >: natural. (1192) The "h*!? is the top part; its 1=t here is a variant of ^ >, connoting i& u <o *5, flames. Hence, #* combined flames above and fire beneath to mean burning. Later, when the further addition of 'K changed #* into j$ * v, #S came to refer to what is natural. Jfi. J- y: L £> salt {as a suffix to the name of an acid, Jm signifies the salts of that acid}. (2096) The old form was H, so the aftH" is S L£, which depicted the appearance of rock salt and is the p|$1f for $ that refer to salt such as S^ Lfc^ b v\ L^it, briny, salty. (Nowadays these two words are written as i£$V* L&frb^ and ¥&.% Lfcit.) 4/T -fe 3r: analyzing, dividing. (955) A xcS^ combining tree (/fc) and ax (/f), ^f meant to cut a large tree into firewood. 122 12< 7C *Sy>;*"( *y79YW 0c nuclear fission; nuclear resonance nucleic acid; nucleoli; nucleide nucleoplasm; [pole nucleus]; nuclear division {bio} restoring force; transition elements dimension; metalloid elements inverse element (math); platinum group elements carbohydrates; [hydrocarbons] radiocarbon dating [bio] carbon monoxide poisoning (med) *[7]t^Af7V IS A4 X7K l"f;A4*7-fe4 /<<<*7*'f ^/t'f *4 ^/Mfa 7;y<-f-M K_ nitrogen fixation [assimilation] nitrogen oxides nitrogen peroxide; nitrous oxide multiple proportions {chem}; polyploidy (bio) polyploid; diploid {bio} multi-precision; double precision {comp sci} £#2itt#-f *ftH:0-*f-JB*f 3>)^ y;y y y^ > ^ 7 ^^7;V>^7;7^7 + ^7y7 37;7^^A v^=f7'J h^[*>_Kl #c h y -b*>;v-If ^;r v* y <o v-tf ^A"; *;r y^y\\ % tmL i>V;xy4r;X>;U>f x > -b +;X > 7*>;-^ >x >J*^ ffi -fe ^ '> a. V\7V -fe +;* 4 -fe + -t + va.7f'>-f;*^-b4r + 7*>-fe4r-by7^ alternating, reflected {elect}; atomic number alternating field {elect} reflected binary code {elect} symbol; signal; code symbolic execution; coding {comp sci) signal gain, [sensibility] {elect} suddenly; nature; natural mutation; the world of nature spontaneous ignition; natural water chlorine; base; salts chlorides; basic salts salting out; salinity; acid-base deposition; analysis {chem}; analysis {math) deposition potential; parse tree {comp sci} analytical line pair {spectroscopy}
^■»M: existing. (383) A &M^r that combines ^ and ±, S means existing. As with S, ^ represents sand clogging a river, the addition of dl serves to emphasize that meaning. Whatever clogs a river certainly exists. ^ T y: the heavens. (439) Although % now represents what is above a person, the heavens, it was originally the first ¥ for depicting a person, a HkM^r with a stroke added to ^C to indicate a head. tfi n>: 2(-t?&), £(i:&)tomix.(1123) The laW is JIL, which connoted something gushing forth from the earth. Hence, tH meant turbulent waters and, by extension, mixing. (Note that insect in zoology is flsjfe =* yf- ^ t?.) 5?E v* ^ ^: 4>C< &) to state, declare, discuss. (1847) The "mffi is Tit, which depicted rice sticking to one's hand. Originally meaning to stick to the paths that others have trod, j& came to mean telling what others have spoken. ?Pt ^ 4 : type, variety. (2044) The p$"if is H, representing a head. In the old form of *K, ^C was yt (dog), because 3§t originally gave the name of a variety of badger that was identified by the appearance of its head. pu ^f: inscribing, recording. (1704) The p&"if is H r A,-^, the $ for ^1, to speak. It derives from P < *> and $ v >. The # %/ y connoted 'L\ so if meant to speak from the heart. The i=tffi is S, which meant to inscribe. Thus, ffi is to record what is spoken. (Both ¥ and S are ni$1f: $ *» f> ^ means bitter, £, fcwti means self. As previously noted, l^5l v* =» is a frequent prefix for self-, auto-.) # v a : fr{ < ) to write. (1538) A simplified form of a ^ that combined the !$1f 1$ i"C, depicting a calligraphy brush, and 3f •> -t, person, # means to write. (Its original IeP was v -V, which connoted ^, to copy.) ^fc v j. ■>: & o(&6 &), &0(£ &) to gather, collect. (1997) Would that all meanings were as clear: in the upper part of a tree (/fc) birds (ft) gather (3fl). fi 'J a •>: o^ grain; drop. (1436) The p&ti" is /fc £ *>, rice; it comes from a ^k^% having a horizontal stroke to indicate chaff and dots above and below it to represent kernels. The joining of /fc with 3L in %± emphasizes the particulate character of the rice kernels. 1=T #>:-&< (tf) to include, contain. (317) The iaW is ^ ^ >; the ^ # V is a variant. Since ^ means now, v* £, you might think of 'a* as a £M*^r joining now (^) and mouth (□) to suggest containing ('§'). 124 isffls^ 5ii£;EE«F « fffl f://*7-y*y;(r? existence, presence; real; current, present in the presence of a catalyst the results thus far celestial body; astronomy; [astronomical time] determination of stellar positions radio astronomy m 3 >z/a *j\~nyiS T& * 9 v *•y zf-/s3.yzfu> <J irascibility; mixture mixed crystal; mixed bud {bio} phenotypic mixing {bio} description; predicate; language (comp sci} system descriptive language {comp sci} meta predicate; predicate logic {comp sci} relationship; taxonomy; [taxonomical group] {bio} alkaline earths; sugars {chem} fl"< V9 4 ;A"f *Jjf analogue {chem}; similarity (of pattern) {compsci} IS *:*?;*n?;va* memory,storage;recording {compsci};secretary * * ? iJ y 'J [ y ? f-] memory management; [storage unit] {comp sci} />7 ^^^n^ group coded recording {compsci} <^*&* %*.-*& >&» £ X ;*» § c: h writer, write {comp sci} ri* § *» A; "y a v 4r rewriting; format {comp sci} v 3 * v; v a ;M book; documents ft*©** integrated; set; concentrating, focusing (on) optical integrated circuit focus of attention »j a. •> ->; y a •> K[ *r 4 ] particle; particle size [diameter] y 'J j. v v <^) y ■> rr-tf a •> interaction of elementary particles y|Jii)y^)My3i)-b'f symmetry of elementary particles # y ;W U 3 ?; # y -> > moisture content; impregnation 9 y y is y jl ^ g 3 »> carbon content iiJ^^vyVHJ to impregnate with oil
Air Pollution The greater portion of the atmosphere enveloping the earth consists of nitrogen and oxygen, but the atmosphere always contains small amounts of water vapor and carbon dioxide as well. In addition to this natural composition, there are various oxide particulates, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfates, and chlorides which, although admixed in only minute amounts, are causing many problems. In particular, when the weather is clear and there is little movement of air, they generate atmospheric temperature inversions in which photochemical smog easily develops. At present, the particulates and carbon monoxide, which cause the photochemical smog drifting through the air, have decreased in amount under regulations, but in their place more nitrogen oxides as well as compounds such as acrolein that were not previously found in the air have begun to appear. For example, in order to increase the efficiency of the automobile engine and to reduce the amount of carbon monoxide produced, we have primarily pursued a course of raising the operating temperature. As a consequence, the nitrogen in the air drawn into the engine now becomes oxidized to produce nitrogen oxides. This was not a problem when low operating temperatures were used in the engine. Moreover, various substances are added and mixed into our gasoline to prevent knocking in automobile engines. These substances are expelled into the atmosphere and, after undergoing photochemical reactions, hover about as particulates that are believed to act as nuclei in generating smog. Even in very minute amounts on the order of 1 ppm, these substances behave as materials foreign to living things. Analyzing for these substances with the usual methods was difficult, but they can now be accurately analyzed by chromatography. Because the problem of atmospheric pollution extends into many disciplines - physics, chemistry, and meteorology among others -- research has been progressing by the gathering together of researchers from each of these discipUnes. However, many problems remain unsolved. It is believed that chemical reactions of a kind not described in texts are occurring. Moreover, the difficulty of the problem is compounded by the fact that it has not yet proved possible to assign a number to each source of pollution on the earth and to determine precisely how much atmospheric pollution comes from each numbered source. * Temperature inversion refers to phenomena that proliferate within the troposphere along with high temperatures under special conditions, and the layers within which temperature inversions occur are called inversion layers. There are several kinds of inversion: ground inversion arises in close proximity to the earth when the air near the earth's surface is cooled markedly; frontal inversion arises when warm air masses have risen and ride on top of cool air masses; subsidence inversion arises due to significant sinking of air in the midst of high pressures. If ground inversion layers form, then the dispersion of atmospheric pollutants emitted on the earth is impeded, and smog readily develops. 126 |RR[*]*$3*c*i 7U &7G;S&R7G3R ft#tt**ft -!MfcJft*+* /7*CS fe flF»Jt«:flF»tt &%jm\ ffi ft X JUmxtftRi 7il $, iis^;Eip|fsii: SI \r^*')±M-MM\ summuat pt-i fe gfiHllililhlriil ifrRfffeGSn:] E3 it 1$
^7 mn^<Dmm ^7 sa^#j#^mam*iRiR«t«^HAx m ^ v>P^lcoA^^J:or^btLrv^co(iT> U#cof-^[(^u]Kft^£ft&S^iJ<0#&-e& 0»*H**fc£*>Aa£i:***>-C\ ^^OfiC»i^^< MUX\<>tz#M£, ti&tf-t Asxit^xxztzmtttf&tztzv^KmimtixLt^tz&mt*, mrmztexf-DV zstm<Dm&:#>z>zttzvzmm\ztz>0 z<Dijmt&Mw%£i*m»x, 49^4$** ft, 3afc*0«B#Ji:bnt&K:Lfc#o-C, l>6j&JDfc#x*^£&a#IT$taK4oT o7i£mm£mmz<Di>oz^mtzL%vix\f%h%<%z7z^o &<<»%&%. $m m^mnitLtz^ ^<m^tzmmxm^t^f^h^v^x^^0 ^Hf^. V f- i ■> -fe >; Iff- v >; $f L v* $> fc h Lv> cosmic rays; new; new ^Rl^ii ta^'fyi^^; ^-^ *j jl x a -> resonance level; life [of a particle] 7C5fc X>?<<\ -^-M ^ya/, IfrJF- -t * -f; essentially; simple; world S& M 7 ? -b 4; $|#£ *> 4 * 4; -Ira a y planet; analogy; theory HIb 'Jn>;S#yy> theory;itself R£H jM v ?; ft^l" & /^ta-^t-j. group; to represent, to typify $1^ 113 ifciiw i^viiVTs^uy theory of functions of a complex variable ifrlrl -M*;^*J|f Av^.> century;contradiction III! * /-f; $£5fc<0 ya-)7^ topic,issue; traditional %aM *r v * * 9 \MW * ? 9 * y ultimately; game board (here, plane) 129
;tH, V ^: construction, structure. (1858) The iaffi cT means to announce or proclaim, but here it meant to take one's seat, and is meant to arrive at a place. Its current meaning may have derived from an ancient ? that joined it with fa &> fc (boat) to represent a floating bridge constructed by aligning boats. M frJifrtz model, type, pattern. (393) The laffi M joins #, the opening to a well, and ZJ, knife; it means to carve shapes of wood. The aj5"B* ± represents clay, so M meant models for making clay molds used in casting metals, [ffc] ^ *>: year. (606) The p&1f is ^p, but ^ derives from ^ and A, A connoting ££ - y, pregnancy. Thus, ^ meant the swelling of rice grains at harvest. First a counter for annual harvests, ^ came to mean year. |f!j #7: t>(Z>\t>(frh) to divide, split, break; {number+t>(0 ) = numberof tenths}. (217) The original # il 4 (from HF) connoted $$: thus SI meant dissecting an animal body with a knife. An example of its use for tenths is —i!l<0#J^ |v»-fcfc»)*>fc9tf§,a 10% discount fvt:^ person. (1528) Although it is one of the few $ under the Iftlf ^iJv^^trO,^" had no associations with aging or even at first with people. It represented a bundle of burning firewood. Later, when fire was added to ^ to indicate boiling (^), % came to mean persons. It also may refer more generally to things as in HU^", the former, f&H", the latter; MH" both. 7B y 4 : system. (1442) From a 1£$&^ that depicted two threads tied together, % connotes a unifying connectedness as in a family, e.g., WJh * *r4, family lineage; %3fcM # -W X, family tree. $k v: K(2>) to resemble. (82) Combining a person and working with a tool (&), $X depicted a person fashioning something to resemble an object, [ifc] H -ir-f: tit star. (899) The B j&3£ for star was £; & was added for the # -fe 4; M is the ^B&^ of that 3=. 31 K *: * *> road, way. (1877) Here Hf connoted straight ahead, so ® meant a path that went straight forward. Note that it also means the right path for persons to follow as in ?1S F •> 'J, reason, and Ail SJ > F ■>, humanity. 5J^ • * a *: *> fc (J6 &), *> t ($ &) to seek, to seek and find. (1064) Originally a MM^ depicting a fur piece hanging down, ^ gained its current meaning from *£., which meant to seek and to find. (Note that the *&"§* is L tz b>"?.) 130 #»S*;fil8l Jtm:. 4^ m * 4 1t[9\*V*'< fyx-* *y 1-v*z-<< *y*>yi3 Ste-^ttflSEffll to •>#*;«"< bO*lifc+ -tf > V Y ; 3 •> V -T 9-fyJ*ty'r4\9 4 3**4 *M;±11;SE I *>V;H[V>],;o *>y*-f-fe*;;M v F it * F*3*y[-fe4 F] y>3«>i>f-b>f w* F* 3j ^'M5flfr[||||] *^*v>v3* F*[v>*->n AlflSfS^iLil r v i structure; manufacturing; casting, minting non-manufacturing industries; casting machine hematopiesis; extramedullary tematopiesis (rod} task type (comp sci); large size; model quark [nuclear] model phenotype; genotype (bk>) annual; [perennial] {bio}; secular (astro) secular variation of geomagnetic field {geophysics} secular equation {astro} rate, ratio; dividing; role discount; to play a role allocation, assignment; blastomere (bio) the fornier; the latter producer, consumer ecologist; [biochemist] maternal line; phyletic line {bio} phytogeny; [phylogenetic systematics] {bio} polydisperse system; solar system approximation; similar, analogous; [ditto] approximate analysis {comp sci); similarity {elect} similarity transformation {comp sci} satellite; giant star, nebula Mercury; Venus; Mars Jupiter, Saturn; meteor waterworks; road; orbit {phys}, trajectory (robot) orbital elements; [trajectory accuracy] orbit of an artificial satellite demand specifications afferent impulse [nerve] (med) electrophilic center [reaction] (chem)
9$. ^-y*: tO) to suck; to inhale. (307) The ^^p is $.. You might think of air reaching Qk.) the mouth (P) during inhalation QR). J|X Va £: *$ $(#>&) to obtain, gather £ $($ *) to be gathered. (287) The right side was £, the wielding of a weapon; the left side connoted searching. Thus, JR. meant to hunt and capture criminals. The word JRH -> a * * a. *, collecting, is a good mnemonic. W. *T y: examination, investigation. (994) The i=r^r is the same as for ®t and the meaning is similar, but tfe has a broader range than |$, which appears mainly in %%k> experiment, and Wife v-Jr '•, test (t& originally referred to slats of wood on which notes were written, studied, and sorted.) )| V1): layers, strata. (556) The 8B"|T is P u*tffc*A,tr i), the JK^ for R Lfrtffc, corpse, but here it is the '&$&% for H, referring to a house or roof. Hence, M first meant a two-storied house and then layers and strata. -pp > 4 decree: v><7)*> life. (333) Having the same meaning as ^* u W, which portrayed a gathering of persons kneeling to hear decrees and instructions, ^ has in addition P, which comes from lu|.£ S *t<£, to exclaim. Thus 4® emphasized the act of declaring. In biology, the primary meaning is life as in ^tlffe" ■* A * 4. (In particle and nuclear physics, life is %^ ya^al) 0 -f\ V y day: l> sun. (881) Itself the pjSti" O • £ *> ^ A/, 0 derives from a IfcM^1 for the sun. It is not round because it was difficult to carve curved lines into tortoise shells and bones. A ~ >, V y: X} h. human being, person. (50) Itself the pfcii" — > ^ >, A derives from a HtM^r depicting a person bending over slightly. It originally meant the human body, which is now represented by & *> >. The ik V y is a remnant of the original meaning, which was lost when # came to mean human body. (At first # v y connoted swelling of the body as in pregnancy, &Wl ->->>.) In •>: manufacturing; - 9: skilled worker. (578) Itself the Wf ^^> * tz<fr^A,,X derives from a ^B^ of an ax. It is a suffix for skilled workers such as a carpenter, jCL ?4 v, but not for ordinary laborers, Atc -vf. /H V31): *tOf") to extinguish, put out § (x. & )to go out, disappear. (1110) The # connoted 'p\ thus, $f meant water in short supply. The association with water was lost, and M came simply to mean disappear. 7-.negative. (10) As a prefix, ^F negates adjectives and verbs; in contrast, ^ negates nouns as well. 132 JR ■fe"f £">;-7">*>j.7&y*s a 7 absorption; adsorption; respiration {bio) heat of adsorption; endothermic respiratory chamber; [spiracle]; aquatic respiration recovery, recall; contraction; harvest, return {econ} isotonic contraction {med} law of constant return {econ} biopsy (med); detection; verification electroscope; (wave) detector tube {elect} t-test; design verification {comp sci} fmwt'k-mm Bi^mmm AS^Ai&I] -M vyj nts) ^7 K77 7 * yx-*y <y-,-t*t yy ? *><y4uyv['r4^y\ biostratigraphy {bio}; fluidized bed {chart} slime layer {med); coal seam laminated core {elect}; laminar flow s f^a1) <T>\- 7 n 7;- 7 v 3 y* m-7va^y K7 Ko[*y]va.7->-9- A 1*110 V y v a. # y" ;«? yya^r/fy 7 X #37 t^K^n^vy* V* •" 3 7 * 7 V + -M # ? Vo. mA;7Mfc|vfW v a 7 #; V 3 7 # ; v 3 7 fc ->3**yW K«>;V»%»tLO MI6SU'Mifctfrtlff] ~> 3 -7 * 3 y- ¥-f ;••• U +[* V'] depolarizer {chem}; digestive organs [tract] {Wo} life; proposition; instruction {comp sci} prepositional logic [calculus] {comp sci} symbolic [arithmetic] instruction {comp sci] daily, ordinary; sunlight; solar eclipse daily magnetic variations {geophysics} diurnal [annual] parallax {astro} anthropology; artificial, man-made human genetics ethnology; racial characteristics {bio} construction; industry; machine tool work piece {mech eng}; road construction artificial radionuclide fire extinguishing; digesting; consumption waterlines for fire-fighting; achromatic * ^8EfflfgBttl 737[i7]-b^ <D unchanging, constant; non-volatile insoluble; [infusible] inert; unstable
The Theory of Elementary Particles1 In 1947 the first large accelerator capable of artificially producing mesons was made in America. From then to now accelerators have increasingly become large-scale, and every new particle discovered in cosmic rays has been produced artificially. In particular, dozens of kinds of particles called "resonance levels," having extremely short lives, have been recently detected. Physicists, believing that nature is essentially simple, have sought to understand nature via the path of natural laws. Now these physicists are confronted with the variety and diversity of the world of elementary particles. Just as the theory of the motions of electrons initially took as its key the analogy to the motions of the planets in the solar system, so meson theory initially took as its key an analogy to electromagnetic theory. There are, however, clear differences between nuclear force fields and electromagnetic fields and, therefore, between mesons and photons as well. For example, nuclear forces do not reach to great distances as electromagnetic forces do. Rather they are far stronger than electromagnetic forces at close ranges, which is the very reason why we can produce large amounts of atomic energy from small amounts of matter. However, approximations for specifying these powerful short-range forces when made by the same methods of calculation as are used for electromagnetic forces fail. As a result, the new method of intermediate coupling was devised, nuclear research gained in accomplishments, and it became possible for the structure of nucleons themselves to be the subject of research. However, as the variety of elementary particles has increased, we have also come to realize that powerful forces aa between the majority of them. Thus, the issue has become one of finding how to investigate these powerful interactions between elementary particles with greater generality. To do this many physicists, particularly the younger group, are now employing the S-matrix method typified by Chu in America. In brief this method ignores consideration of the detailed mechanisms in the various reactions that occur when elementary particles collide. It only considers the factors that determine the form of the S-matrix, which ties in probabilistic terms the states before collision, when the particles are far apart, with the states after its completion, when the resulting particles are again far apart. This method, using the theory of functions of a complex variable, has bom considerable fruit. The issue now is whether or not that method really satisfies the demand for a true understanding of elementary particles. In the system of matter conceived by Democritus 2400 years ago, numerous atoms of determinate shapes collide with each other as they continually fly about in empty space. The atoms and the elementary particles that physicists in the 20th century have conceived on the basis of many experimental facts differ in many respects from the image of Democritus. One significant difference is conceiving the elementary particles as points having no size or shape. However, the attempt to take each elementary particle as a unique finite mass- and thus as a corresponding quantity of energy- and to consider it as concentrated at a point leaves us inevitably in contradictions at some juncture. For example, it would seem that the increased variety of elementary particles supports the reasons for believing that they occupy space. How might points without size and shape possess the unique characteristics of the numerous and varied elementary particles? How might we conceptualize mutual interactions between elementary particles that possess extension? These are the most important issues. Solving these problems by using traditional ways of thought is nigh impossible; new ideas will be needed. It may even become necessary to deal with the structure of space-time itself. Upon absorbing and digesting the many new discoveries and facts, we will have to solve these problems on a completely different plane. 1. This is an excerpt from an essay written in the 1960's by the Nobel Laureate YUKAWA Hideki. 134 jilfo.;lifl-j£lfo. m A ^ -[#■#&;!*¥ m «9li«***fcl| # # ft^JUl m mmm M \-i, ^ s K *S;±£;5iEJ Aiwa©*® U muMmMM fyfcftfflJSE1 t-&j£;»ffHftSE pp ♦a»aifr*] a A m A N A^^;AiS[i] lihimOT m-xMitm
<7)S^ji> jfc<QKa, «»«&, ftftaK^^sraists^tt^ffl^^fts^ *t», Iffl^S^^^f'^Iolt:^)^^ :/?**■?**> »#?-?****>, Kg** S^)«^IC, vanderWaalsfi£\ >f * >g£\ **ft^4£0Kv*jft£fc*oT*<0jfe IW -> V a 7; $t$£ * > v a 7; ^rS & *>^ * sample; combustion; dilute ^T =» 7 *; ±H- y a 7 v a 7 lowering, depression; rise, elevation ^M v% 7 -? 6 v>; ^pJS/ ^ >f * y irregularity; average ffcfIL -9- > 9 >; J£ffc * ? ■* >; jfcBs *■ > a * dispersion; diffusion; sedimentation 5MS 7*v 7; fS3 ^ v 4; S^M tv» distribution; range; thin ES(I ^ 7; ^§c * 7 /> 7; &^f +37^7 distinction; hair, covalent 137
$|5 7 y: t>{ < ), t>{frt) to boil. (1092) The "eF^F is %>> which is classified under £}. The ^7 in !&, however, represented not a bow but a thread looped about two lines to indicate the joining of two things. Think of boiling as linking two states of water, liquid and vapor. 0b once was used to signify dollars, K )v.) Wc. ^3") freezing, congealing. (184) The pftli / K+ i» derives from a ^M^ depicting ice formed just at the point at which water begins to freeze. The iitffi is H; the H *r a •> is a variant of ^ and connoted solidity, immobility. Thus, $1 meant ice solidifying. (£1 itself means to doubt, £t "9 ? £#?.) $§: s*4 medium: tcfrfz~t> intermediary. (477) The £&!" -k&Lti derives from a MlM^r depicting a woman kneeling. The %ffi is 3£; the ^ /* ^ is a variant of *K £ .Here S # 7 connoted IS, to gather opinions and make plans. Thus, S£ meant an intermediary in a courtship. (^ as a prefix means "a certain...", e.g., ^0 # 7 v> 7.) IIf-) sugar. (1439) The p|$1f is /£; If depicted sticks used for pounding. The i=r connoted ?§, hot water used for extracting, [%&]. Thus, Hf meant extracting sugar from rice. (If is used to refer to the Tang dynasty, e.g., SO" h 7 * > means an 1=PiS<& that originated with the Tang dynasty.) $£ V*V pure. (1452) The iaffl connoted excellent: $L meant beautiful silk thread — uncontaminated, pure. ?% v>: X>t:{t), Vtz{Z>) to soak, immerse. (1111) The ilP^F was the proper name of a river, today it serves only to indicate an association with water. 7&, V V transparent: ~f( < ) to be transparent. (1864) The ia $F is ^r. The If, a variant of v z- *?, connoted projecting forward: jS meant to move ahead of others. The meaning transparent came by association with j§, to pass through, for M once had the ^ h 7. (7t means excellence, as in %~% > a 7-fr -f, a very able person, a bright lad.) #fc ?■>: LT(fc&), LT(tf) to sink. (1076) The downward strokes on the right side portray a heavy object sinking. Wi 7* y large hall, building. (1051) Frequent only because of itM ?y?y, precipitation, It is out of place here. It replaces the far more meaningful Ht, dregs, sediment, formerly used. But Wi appears frequently in medical terms that refer to the buttocks, e.g., It#q ^# f '• *■ ? =r ? * >f, twins joined at the buttocks. $5 V 3 *: *( <), *(»t &) to bake, grill. (1190) The meaning of the right side is to rise to heights (perhaps more apparent in the old form ']H), and ££ meant flames that rise during grilling. 138 »&;«»: 7 -/ r v,'y * 7 y;7 y h 7 boiling point; boiling {vx); boiling {vlj 7 -/ h 7 * a * -fe y,7 ? h 7 * * boiling curve; boiling stones {chem} ^BlTKMS?*^ 77h^>f a***"-' •> ° boiling water reactor SfcBj&iSlIBSlI ^s^fv;^^^ freezing point; coagulant {chem} jggJj&P^T ^g^fv^A freezing point depression (chem) ffl&Wifflfc&********i*a*9y*'*,Z+ condensate;condensedfflm ffJBttr^yBI jjjft^n-vp- h*] s v y h 7 7 7;-~> 3 * ;#> •> > ? > -7 a y -> > > 3 ^ ■& b7#-Mp7];'^ b7>^ h7-fe^r*;b7-fe + 77 f >v>7>-< K it solvent; catalyst; agent, intermediary medium; water pollination; insemination {med} solvated hydrogen ion {chem} sugars; sugar fraction; saccharification {chem} glycogenic amino acid {biochem} glycoprotein {biochem} purity; simple; pure pure clone {biochem} [code] {compsci} pure line; pure tone {med}; pure gold osmotic pressure; eroding; impregnating simple erosion {med} impregnated cathode {elect} permeability; [transmtted light]; semi-transparent dialyser, dialysate {chem) electron transparence {medO 4 K7+37*'ff->'37*7 precipitation; deposition {med}; sedimentation limiting sedimentation coefficient {biochem} moving boundary sedimentation (method) [ditto} itm-MU- T-yTVvfv-fxTyJy *y4y?yTv*v TV?9'****** tt ^yi/3 7;^§oltr>3 7')-7 ->3 77-7T7 precipitation; buttocks; starch precipitation from homogenous solution, PFHS steatopygia {med} combustion; baking; sintering internal combustion engine baking varnish {elect}; sintered iron {mecheng}
JJH -7 ^ membrane. (1574) The pBUT is #L The iilft M represents nightfall through its depiction of plants above and below the sun. Here it connotes enclosing. Thus, jjfl is that which encloses flesh, a membrane. §& J- ? melting, molten. (2078) The pftti" M &% x. derived from a IfeM^ depicting a three-legged pot inscribed with a design.The itW is &, the ^ -3- *? a variant of f- jl •>. In its original form life had three 4 (H) on the right side to represent rising hot vapors: M joined with H meant a boiling cauldron. ^ V •> manipulating, steering. (839) Representing the mouths of birds chattering in a tree, the right side signifies disarray. The addition of ^ to form S gave the meaning- to take control amidst chaos and bring order. [3&] ^ * V: # hair. (1057) Itself the p&li" *t, ^ derived from a $ikl&¥- depicting upturned strands of hair. It is the ^ from which both the W&& t>bWkh and the rt"4R£ # ? # 7* ^E derive. H ^:^&(V>) light. (1825) The ia is from the right side as in %.. There it means narrow; here it connotes empty. Thus, H meant an empty wagon, therefore one light in weight. pj\ v testing: CI £ h #>(&) to try. (1724) Since S means marking and measuring in carpentry, you might think of discussing (H) the procedures involved in marking and measuring (S) so as to test and evaluate them (f£). fi f- a ■>: * *( C) to pour. (1087) The ^ is a variant of i •> a., which here connotes continuity. Thus, ft meant the continuity of water when poured. Think of the importance (i) of the contiguity of water (/Jc) in pouring (fl-). 4 attention, thought, idea. (718) The pfcti* is 'l\ The i=p$F is ia. As noted earlier, la has the same origin as If, but differs in having a stroke within P. That addition here suggests that the mouth is full. Thus, 5£ means that which fills the mind-thoughts and ideas. [$C]. (The addition of another 'fr to j|£ yields He * ^, with added emphasis on mind; fil means remembering as in IfiHc * * ?, memory.) §§ V -V *: J: *>(v*) weak. (641) Originally consisting of two bows (^), each having three strokes within (^), fj§ represented bows inscribed with designs. Such bows were purely ornamental and therefore weak, [ffc] >AC *: th fire. (1179) Itself the SBlf 0\ ^C is a simplified form of a IfcM'^r portraying flames from a fire. 140 ttK^SI-.SIK * > v *; * a * v * ;/n * v* mucous membrane {med}; film; thin film ^SiliS^rlSi ^ >• h ■? v ^; h -> -fe * -7 ^ semi-peimeable membrane; dialysis membrane -fSttflJM> ^ U — -;;* 4 /\* v ? > * y_- magnetic thin film memory M^MM'MSA ^ry^m^*}^*? melting point; melting, fusion; melt {chem} ^SJ-a*;^SfettJS *^a^=f-?;3^j.^^>K nuclear fusion; melt viscosity %H>ffl-M£M 3-*)*4?vh4\3-*?TVX fusion electrolysis {elect}; melting point diagram JfcftJ v ? -t; v * y a. * operating, manipulating; operating, maneuvering Sf^'&^^^f? ynHta^V^ operationality; table manipulation {comp sci) W$Mn # 7 h v*jsJa.*>tftzu#y y operating robot ^SBl^ffilfilli **iM *>;*^^>f^7*v capillary tube; (blood) capillaries ^Efc^fllL^liMfc ^na^r'Ja-Ji-a^M hair-bulb; hair stream; ciliary body {bk>} &ff $i#S[#14] «*>*3*->jL*[h?-M] capillary condensation [characteristics] {chem} flffiilljfcfllrcNfe] ^a^^'/^l^*^ light ofl; light metals [alloys] SiiBt^Cfe;S5 * 4 v a * * 4 a f v \f 4 * * light weight refractories {mech eng}; pumice StK'J^;SK i'y^' t'f^'fn^^vyt?* light water reactor, light naptha ttS;lttK:H;K1' 3"J ^ ^;v^>;^^ > sample; test; test tube tftifc^Urffcffitft v 7- v 3 -M # -fe 7 4- -f easily testable design {comp sci} J§LicStt£!& jyxV'st-v random test {comp sci} ffill^ft@;8:JH" f-i^^j^i^^^^j-^vir caution; attention; injection £fe § fcfili" & f- j. V * ? K* fcv»f & to merit attention, be worthy of concern I&tflhMrtSitt K*[-te 4 H ^^'t'ffa^yt intra-arterial [intravenous] injection {med} iii»> I^Scll^SlItt^j 4 *> *;4 *\- * 4 *> consciousness; meaning; any, arbitrary MM'M.^'MMs 3*?4>A>ry\\>9 4 preparation; opinion; (one's) strong point ^M^C-^&M h$"fS£;7?-a.'M customer, client; carelessness ss ^§[5^]^S-J§^ SJ * ? [* a *]x > 4r;v> ^ ^ y weak [strong] base; weak acid Mfi&Mfflft *s*?[*a<y)r>*4*sy weak [strong] electrolyte ^l^tt-^lS^lStt y^y-t^-^a^^'f feeble magnetism; weak ferro-magnetism {elect} 'X ^Cy;^CjfejJH'^Ctt| *sJ\*3.y\9 4*±4 a fire {e.g., a burning house); flame; fire-resistant ^CifeMS[^IS]ffi Ax^a^a^iryA'fi*^ flame fusion method [cracking process] {chem} !kJj^%W[ *'j3^^7f>ya thermal power plant
Determination of the Molecular Weights of Organic Compounds Experimental determination of molecular weights is an important problem in chemistry. Knowing the empirical formula and the molecular weight, we can determine the molecular formula. In the analytical methods frequently used in organic chemistry-for example, Liebig's method of determining carbon and hydrogen—we burn the sample and obtain the empirical formula through quantitative analysis of the combustion products. We then establish the molecular formula from this empirical formula and the molecular weight. For gases and substances with high vapor pressures, we generally determine the molecular weight from measurements of the gas or vapor density. For substances with low vapor pressures, the usual method is to choose a solvent, prepare a dilute solution, and then make measurements of the vapor pressure lowering, the boiling point elevation, or the freezing point depression. When using the freezing point depression method, one may also prepare a solid solution and measure the melting point depression. To determine molecular weights of polymers, however, some caution is necessary. The molecules of a synthetic polymer are not fixed in size. However, even though slight variations in molecular sizes exist, the properties of the synthetic polymer scarcely change. Likewise, in many cases, the properties of a biopolymer do not change even when very small parts of its molecules are removed. Thus, we can conclude that irregularities will inevitably be present within the materials that we have isolated as pure substances. These phenomena indicate that molecules of the same substance are not restricted to the same size and that only average molecular weights can be obtained. Depending upon the method used for measurement, the type of average obtained for these kinds of polydisperse systems will differ. Thus, the values for the molecular weight determined by various methods need not necessarily be equal for the same substance. The methods usually employed with solutions include measurements of osmotic pressures, scattering of tight, diffusion coefficients, and sedimentation velocities. However, with a sugar such as amylose, the number- average molecular weight determined by measurement of the osmotic pressure is of a value on the order of 105; in contrast, the value obtained using light scattering is about 2X106. This is because the molecular weight extends over a wide range, a fact that is confirmed by a method in which we dissolve the sugar in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), add ethanol, and precipitate the sugar. If osmotic pressure is used to determine the molecular weight of a polydisperse system, the number-average molecular weight is obtained, but with other methods the weight-average molecular weight is often obtained. Gel chromatography is often used to examinine the distribution of molecular weights, and the electron microscope is used for direct observation of molecular shapes. In this technique the sample is placed on a thin plastic film, which is also a polymer, and so care is required to distinguish it from the sample during the procedure. X-ray diffraction is also used to examine the structure of biopolymers. The structure of the keratin found in hair was analyzed by this method. In addition to primary structures based on covalent bonds, biopolymers generally possess various weak bonds such as van der Waals, ionic and hydrogen bonds. Determination of these bonds is also an important problem. For example, the denaturation of protein when heated in a weak flame~and on occasion when merely left at room temperature-results from breakdowns in the higher order structures based on these weak bonds. 142 »&;£»Pffi m*mM.?p C/3 »fcSV mmmr S*f*M8*f» SRitfcfMS S m tFJ&WKPBFI it n&iMPM&rt 5^ mm®. mM%MM&m & $ ^ swim /Jc m l^n-^n-K] ma-Mfc-Mit WLummwrn % |jftft7-A;fiaS«| bh ■mmmm >\>J mmmv. 'X •xtmrna-MM] 'Xti^mm
I9 554fl:3&l»l9 mMnm^^m^&mitP^m&mmmmm xfl/>li, C*L«rlOOO«E£l±$-CEEJBL-C, *R#irt"C200-27<rc tf>EJ6fiK"e *y^-**USt*Xglc«;b*i*o c<0J:?K:, 5»ft¥X*K*$v*-ctt, »ffl»f* 5 4efftft**ffl«a#S«Mb*3 > £*-> fc J: tf *i/C v**„ n > iff- Mi£ < O MgXftfrggL-CSftU »X»^r^>f/tcJ:orajfet&fcv^^i^^^^ga. xar^^<ogWlfcK:J:&a>»<OMg»gi§jBc:L-Cv^, * < <0»RX»^«ttX»*« ttg^b^xn^jfes^^-rttt^^dh^ffia^ttTv^e $S£nq *-ft>; XH =r * *3 * product; industry ^TSn3§^x>'r + a*V3'> trickling filter bed il-fe'f-fe'f; dkH * 4r a •> refining; enterprise, company I *-{>>* v -t-f -*f-f; &® jM *>? surfactant; reforming i+a^ + a^iM^^-^w supply; separate tJ^O t'f yi-)«; iS ->a-)^>; final; group HI*!!?) * '/i/>o; 3MS"J"& u>^7-rs related; to interconnect #E tti fe ^ 4 -> a y -f y; St^i'va discharges; [government] white paper fia$§ vf+ts to point out, indicate **#£^>Hf>, *B\ 5-2 5%^Jt<7)>;i/x>, ^fyl/>imit4a 145
'fffi t value, price. (94) The old form was IH; H meant to profit from trading and iM meant tradesmen. (The old form was classified under the n&ti' H *»v»^//t which was associated with buying and selling.) $r5 * ■> satiation. (2053) The pfif is 4 L i <, to eat. The ^^ is iH, which pictured a woman bent over during child bearing, connoting fullness. Thus, IS meant the fullness (IjL) that comes with eating (it). 31 # y ring. (1251) The right side is the ia^; here it means equal: equal closed paths on a perfect gem (3E) arc circles. (This "if $F will appear again in M but with a different meaning.) SS 'W : < tf(&) to distribute. (1911) The lHS"ii" is M £ tt; £ depicts a person kneeling. Think of how party-goers distribute fl§ £ »t, each one kneeling (£) as he pours. (A cultural note: never pour M for yourself at a party.) 57 * *: d^ tf (L V*) fragrant. (1604) The n|S"if is W < $ tf» A,tr 0, plants and vegetation. The reading is from ~fj. Being a variant of ^ ^7, it connoted #, fragrant. Thus, ^# in ^SS&lfc-ai^ *V3*%/9*=ry7y, aromatic compounds, exemplifies how two ^ having similar meanings are joined for emphasis. § 3 #: :&*£( 0) fragrance, aroma; rt*&(&) to be fragrant, to smell sweet. (2058) Itself the aBHf fr - K £ v\ # derives from a ^cJ£? that combined "H* * 4 v»f sweetness, and# § tf, a millet used to make dumplings. Think of # as representing a sweet (tl*) grain (^:). t-k Vt group; family {bio}. (878) As a part of the $ for arrowhead, IS * D •), J£ referred to sharpened arrows. The is brought about an association with j|, and from that association came the meanings of group and family. IS V:d** paper. (1451) The p£1f is 7^, and the ikffi is ft, itself the S51I" "9 £, meaning lineage and family as in Sfttt IS y v y <b wit *). However, ft derived from a 1&3k% depicting a flat sharp spoon. Thus, #£ originally meant a flat smooth cloth woven from silk (£& § v* t); later it came to mean paper fi ^*; L5(V>) white. (1296) Itself the oP"if L >*>, & derives from a ifcM^ depicting a thumb with a long thumb nail. $& v a ? : .&(tl£) to touch, contact. (1700) Only A remains from the right side of the old form $5. That right side connoted contact; thus, ffl meant coming into contact with the horns of an animal. (15 is used in historical references to the Szechwan part of China; it also appears in an old word for maize, 3E^^ tH^iL) 146 m mmmmmum mmmmm i/3 7[7*]*f; 37;M-9->7*77 K 7*7 7#=f7 7*7 *7 7'>#*>-tV cm 3» B 3Sf#«pfcSd *7=»77*?;*7:37Vr?;& *7 3 7 H7[X-<]-tV *737-f"f;*737J- valence; valence band bi[tri]valent; survival value (bio) value in use; [value added] {econ) saturation percentage of dissolved oxygen unsaturated compound {chem} saturated fatty acid {chem} environment; ring, circular, circulation ring bus (elect); circular muscle (bio) extracorporeal [artificial] circulation (med) orientation; arrangement; piping; [wiring] distribution substation [transformer] {elect} mating, crossing; mating behavior (bio} aromatics; aromatization [chem] aromatic confection [water] {med} flavoring {med}; fragrant oil #^;#f^2?$J 3 7 'J a 7;3 7 'J 3 7 *-*M y^^^^^W&. *737**;*737V?-M ^7 *V*/9\1i W Jv^-M *>;**/* *4** J/ a aroma; flavoring; spices perfume; perfume base {chem} aromatic nucleus; aromaticity {chem} the platinum group (periodic table); family first group of anions {periodic table} familial; family planning {med) paper board; paper mill paper-covered wire; paper insulation {elect} oil-impregnated paper-insulated cable {elect} '^•J-'f >3 7;^-/7-7*f a 7 cataract;leukemia {med} /\ 9 v 3 ;/\ v * y 3 7 7* y (government) white paper, platinum minerals 3^[t'f]y3^\n'fy 3j>t black [blue] cataract {med} ? v i[* ? ];— -t 7[v W ] tentacle; [antenna]; tactile hair {bio}; [catalyst] a 7 [ 7* y A ^f ] contact catalysis; [catalytic cracking] {chem} Bi$§§?;^Mt? y3?v;a3n;^y3n tactile receptor, feeler {bio}
it 7: 0(lt &) to attach,0( <) to be attached, to adhere. (62) As noted under ^, "^ -#- A^ is itself a nftHf, a JaTK^ that joined hand (^) with a stroke (—). The stroke represented a thumb placed on the artery in the wrist in order to measure the pulse. fc n furnace, hearth. (1185) The old form M was a ^^; £g was the IE?. Ancient receptacles for fires ('X$fc tttf *>) were made of metal. With ^, think of a fire ('X) in a place that has a door (P), a furnace. @ 'j^.?: £:(#>£), £(£&) to stop. (1272) The q&"if is EB £, rice-paddy, but EH here was originally fi -3. •>, of which V a £ is a variant. The top part comes from 9P , which here represented the bit for a horse, and @ meant to fasten the bit securely. (9P * is the ? representing the fourth animal in the twelve-year Chinese calendar cycle,-hH;£ v jl ■>-->; it stands for ^ •? 3 £\ rabbit.) ^ *>: *>(^t), *>(*.£) to burn. (1199) As noted earlier, with its additional fire, #£ replaced ^ as the ^ for burning. 'ja1) materials or their measures. (867) The %^ is 4- derives from a ^^$ depicting a ladle for dipping out M S *t, and it named a volume unit in the Japanese system of weights and measures. (3: "J" is the generic term for volume measures.) Thus, %\r meant to measure rice.e.g., in $rM 'Ja1)1;, cooking. In time, it also came to refer to the things measured, namely, materials. |tt V* trees. (1019) In science, # refers to trees, and ?fc refers to wood, e.g., #ffi yai*, sap; fcfflpfflL -t ? 1"^*, wood vinegar. The preferred term for tree was once #t^ "J*.*?, but now is nH/fc ? v # 9. IS V:*-Kfc fat (1562) The ##F is a*; it connotes congealing. Flesh ($]) that congeals (§*) is fat (J3S). (Note the different connotation for a* below; in Ja it connotes branching.) §c -fe-Y manufacture. (1682) The "b"^ is fflj, which meant to cut trees and make wooden implements. With the addition of the p&iir 3£, we get the related meaning of cutting cloth and making garments. TJ§ T*\ LT< drop; L *:£(*) to drip, trickle. (1163) The % connoted the sound of something striking or tapping. Thus, Wi meant the sound of rain drops or dripping water. IB V: $> IF finger, $ ("J") to point, point out. (796) The i=f $F again is a\ but here it connoted 3l, the nfll! x. £f \Z x "9, depicting a branching bamboo and a supporting hand beneath. The idea of branching gave Ja the meaning of fingers. fl- 148 ft > 4B +|IIS^£*r'f-f-*:i*:r*,j***r*-M addition reaction [polymerization] {chem} appendages (med); accessories, attachments periphyton {bio}; [attachmentsite] {biochem} thermal cracking reactor (chem) tubular reactor (chem); nuclear reactor breeder reactor, power reactor destructive distillation; distilled water (chem) answer holding; holding tone (elect) a Chinese student studying in Japan * V *y 3 •> iJ Vx) \J3 * V*. << HftJI¥hJi$l# = * <f > y U a ?;* v -J a •> * mmmm-mm pj ■7? 3i)ya;yay*; ii i 'J >yy7;y*'r/? y*yy + A^y7 •fe-f -t>f ;-fe«f V^-fe-f X ■b'f 7-)^3 *;-fe<f Xa*-> combustion management; combustible reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel combustion furnace; fuel cell {chem} raw materials; materials; rate, charge, fee solid fuel; fuel oil telephone charges; [electric rates] resin; sap; bark {bk>} deciduous tree {bio};resinification {chem} ion exchange resin {chem} resin canal {bio}; lipid {biochem}; fat phosphatide; aliphatics {chem} alicyclic compound {chem} refining; manufacture, production; drawing manufacturing process; oil manufacture; product manufacturing industry; drawing paper y^y^^ynn-f yVt^y^n^/V titrating; drop; oil drop dropping mercury electrode {chem} zero current potentiometric titration {chem} indicating; index (number), exponent; directivity indicator {chem}; exponential integration directional gain [distribution] {elect}
Petrochemical Industry Aliphatics, aromatics, polymers and other substances for which oil and natural gas are the raw materials are what we call petrochemical products. Japan's petrochemical industry takes naptha as its most basic raw material. Heating naptha together with steam in a thermal cracking reactor decomposes the naptha into olefin unsaturated hydrocarbons such as ethylene and propylene, paraffin saturated hydrocarbons such as methane and ethane, and hydrocarbons in the diolefin series such as butadiene. The cracked gases are subjected to repeated condensations, trickling filter beds, absorptions, and vaporizations to garner methane, hydrogen, ethane, propane and butane and to take out the ethylene. The processes up to this point constitute the work of the oil refining industry, whose purpose is to obtain petroleum fuels. Ethylene, compressed to 1000 atmospheres and above, is polymerized at temperatures of 200-270°C in a tubular reactor to produce polyethylene. This process has a high added value and has proved to be a very profitable one for companies. Upon conversion into styrene monomers by the addition of benzole*, ethylene also serves as the raw material for products such as styrol resins, polystyrene, and styrene-butadiene rubber. In addition, ethylene can be converted by air oxidation into ethylene oxide, which is used as a surfactant. Moreover, ethylene itself is used for making hydrogen peroxide and to produce ethylene dichloride, which is used to make vinyl chloride. Upon removing pentane from the oil remaining after cracking the naptha, carbocyclic compounds such as benzene, toluene, and xylene are made by catalytic cracking and catalytic reforming, and it is this benzole that is used in the process to make styrene monomers from ethylene as indicated above. Thus, the petrochemical industry breaks down the naptha that is shipped from the oil refineries and derives intermediates from it. These are then supplied via connecting pipelines to various clustered chemical plants, each separate enterprise manufacturing its final products. Such a petrochemical group is usually referred to as a petrochemical complex. Complexes possess the advantage of many related chemical plants being located in proximity to each other and being inter-linked with pipelines. However, discharges from the plants cause many problems, and similar kinds of problems arise in areas where many paper mills and steel mills are clustered. As a recent government white paper indicates, further development of the petrochemical industry is contraindicated if these problems are not solved. * Impure benzene, which usually contains about 5 - 25% toluene and xylene. 150 SI \W &|8S|&| **»3M^« »*SMKJI§| fefa:E«:R**| 5Ffijfitfk£* raMWMfcSRttJB E***9nffia It II —J ml «JttJtiRX* m m \ ffl&S&SIB e mpiw\\am.m\
20 it^mm 20 wwww^^wwwwwwwwwwwmwm J6i6^:Ott7 9'f y>U^r*:¥05/a^^y>^r«-(Staiidinger)-C*4o '/a^^VJlf- ^•e^ot^tfio/:0 a»tftofc^t*4*^ *§$*«**fc::b*o-cv> (Dupont) oSIKSTN ^cKi^trgjB^itfcafl^FWKo+lc^^xWSro^-CitL*: 3l§±tf*i:, CK0*JtJi«lfi<orJp-cai*t4v>c:fc«:Jglv^Lfco i^Mlifttfa ^mmfrftbtitzvxbZo + 4 *>\±mttt&KK&\i*X%mm* )&*>*£•*$*X»X. 31 o 310 &JK. ttfflLrv^BMtt^^Jtfe^SSfet***, ^titit^ n >##*(&£ J: *)»***# jK*ffi«r-?aofiv>^f.K:ft±ffTL$ ?o I^I^220-23<rC&K7&&£±tf £?>-?, 7U-*mztz>0 z<n7V-?*^7-wm*x)ifrLx%)ktL, Jflfrv**** h£LtzLxm^ht+Juy®MtfX$±.tfZ>(DXlbho $t%.<7) y a. * ? << «>; $rSl! 3 «? jl •*; JR$£ 7 ■> * > traditional; melting; air drying 153
HI -fc y slender, fine. (1503) The right side, even more difficult in the old form $1, meant slender, fine. You might think of slender (ffl) twine (&) wrapped tens of times (+) in parallel (3k) on the handle of a weapon (:£). Mi 4 rope; fastening. (1478) The meanings derive from the original meaning of H, taut ropes tying down a covering on a wagon. Think of the threads (&) that birds (Hi) gather to fashion and fasten their nests. *$C # W implement, machine. (987) The ^^p is jR; it means v^ £ L #> &, to admonish persons about their conduct Hence, $£ referred to wooden (7(c) implements such as shackles used to admonish ($c) those who break the law. 5?c "\" ^: < "f 0 drugs, medicine, chemicals. (1641) The isrW is ^, which meant to heal sickness. Thus, M meant herbs that healed. Today ^ has two ^gft^: #^, referring to music, and 7 9, referring to pleasure. You might associate ^ with healing by considering the old form %. and Biblical lore: David's thumb nail (6) plucking the strings (&) of a wooden (^) instrument to soothe Saul's troubled soul. pp £ >: L & quality; things, goods. (338) A ^^$, pa shows three mouths; they represent many persons talking about a variety of things. £6 f- a. *: tf t insects. (1653) Itself the SUf tf L, & derives from a MiM^1 that depicted the shape of a snake, ilfS ^ if. For animals smaller than a snake, a ^ that included two or three & rather than one was used, and H represented insects. The biological term is %$l 3^fa-).Asa p£"if, j£also appears in ^ for snakes and frogs. A striking exception is its appearing in 41 \z c> rainbow. Jt 9sa9: tzC< &); < (9) to eat [±^< h refers to humans, ± 7 to animals]. (2049) Itself the p&H L J: < , H: means eating: Jl came from a depiction of food heaped up in a bowl, and the ^, deriving from the part above it, connoted chewing. 3. y y room. (505) The nftti" is ***, a house; the If-fiF is 3L The ^ is a variant of v, which connoted lh, stopping. Hence, H referred to places in a house where people stopped and spent some time, rooms. If! */*,*/a 9: J3(£) to weave. (1505) Both i* are variants of IE, as $£ referred to the straight warp and weft strings on a loom. *r 3 9 business, industry; profession, trade. (1002) Derived from a f&M^ for wooden pillars supporting a beam from which a bell is hung, H& came to refer to inscriptions on the pillars, then to study of them, and lastly to work in general. 154 mmmmmmm mmvmn ft fiber, fibrinolysis {bio} natural [synthetic] fibers cilia; ciliary reversal {bio} fiber {med}; fibrous tissue (med) maintenance; maintenance costs truth maintenance {compsci} mechanical; mechanization drawing instruments mechanical time constant {robot} ppdp; ;np.H. &Dp;pap#.DDp$Jit mmmmm -Y9 t>;*r9*f 4-/sW? chemical, reagent; medicine,drug; indicator Y 9 1M 9 4*44Tv9s drug resistance gene {biochem} ■ Jt9*f4 3.*r/\'y7Vfr 4r — drug induced allergy {biochem} a nn yt>;-t'fb>;ii>,y'7 part, component; (manufactured) product; quality va^tViLfc&^L&^ti foods; (store) article, goods; out-of-stock t y v y % yx) [ h 9 -t 4 J quality control, QC, [characteristic] 1 3>f-jL->;-9--/f-a.^-»f^ insects;insecticides {bio} ^fa'jja^l-b^jfa')* harmful insect; larval [adult] stage {bio} 3 y?- a. >> A4 # -f # y -b > insect-borne infections {med} v 3 y* K7;- 9 *> a 9 ;7 -> a 9 esophagus (bio); solar eclipse; corrosion food additives ^^i)y3^7y3?t3-) balanced diet; corrosive action {med) yy^'ja^jy^t'f room temperature vulcanization {chem}; indoors yiyp + a^y1; resin sac; [respiratory chamber] {bio} v^yyt'f K •> [ 7 € >1 ventricular fibrillation [failure] {med} ^3 »? <>?>;£•) fc^Lifctf* textile, fabric, texture; textile finishing machine fibrous tissue [transplant] {med} tissue specific antibody {med} ^^^r37;^r37A;+^37 industry; business (affairs); a company ?L^;POI83fF:SI ~a^4r3t>;K,'>^^^3 •> dairy industry; simultaneous operation {robot} •>; 3 y ¥ 3 7 7 > * for business use; industrial melanism {bio}
7$ *f4 timber, basic materials. (945) The % is a variant of 'JC ■* <<, which here connoted useful. Thus, $" meant useful trees, timber. It is from H that ^t derived its meaning of ability as in ^*tS *M J 9, capability; ^*$B f-ft, wit ?L -i^:*>*»milk.(30) The ofctl is £j fiocj; ?, which appears in the traditional Japanese ¥£■ a**?, akin to our A and B. In IL the actual components were /fl, representing a hand, and dFL, a child coming forth from the womb. (jHoft means a finger nail; dPL * ts. an opening, a hole.) H *9, n*: § yellow. (2102) Though itself the nftlf %, Jf has no significant entries. It derives from a MlM^- that depicted a flaming arrow. Light emanated from the arrowhead, and an attached weight balanced the arrow. %1L #>: tf*fc(<)todryftobediy.(31) The a&H again is Zl». Here it has its original meaning, something curved. On the left is the sun rising through the trees, as in §j * 5; above ZL is a person (A). Apparendy ^ referred to people taking pieces of meat, attaching them to boards, and drying them in the sun. f£ ft 9 comparison. (1827) The nftlf is $; 3S means to intersect Hence, |£ referred to intersecting (X) logs that form a supporting framework for a two-wheeled cart (¥). Pairing these logs required comparisons. 3fe -fe >: *(*>£), *(S 4) to dye; { L(*)- to seep, in compound verbs [ 2fe^ft£]}. (1105) The origin and meaning of the combination of % and ^ is obscure. [In postwar Kyoto I often saw round (%) bamboo poles (^) with wet (tK) freshly-dyed (2fe) fabrics hung out to dry.] J5fc -fe>:*$>0) to wash. (1562) The ^^F is 5fe, which connoted $fc, barefooted. (The word for bare feet is $fcJ5L tt/i L.) Hence, $t referred to wash water poured on bare feet 1^: < h(W)black. (2103) Itself the pBH < h, Is probably derived from a %M3r that depicted a sooty flame. It has few entries, but one of them is ,& because the old form of j£was Ifi. 1=f •fe'f: &&(V>) blue; green. (2019) Itself the pBII" & Jo, If derived from a combination of £. and ft. Here ^ represented ore (t£%0 and £ signified that the color of the ore was like that of vegetation. PRB n y theory; discussing (1747) The HP is a variant of }) >; it connoted orderly sequence. Hence, Wi meant to talk in an orderly fashion, to follow a logical course of thought in discussion. The same connotation is found in jm }) y, orderly relations between people: JmM M vx), ethics; JmM^ l)>l)it9, moral philosophy. 156 u tt^;Wi®tf'.'C^ f >f y a ■);*■ y-?•¥-f ;*> > if-f materials; abrasives; heartwood (bio) $f^<D%bJi *T<(*fi0>*r<t *sv lumberquality W^r^S^fliS'f'^-f <i x) aV9s4->3VY**su materials testing reactor IL IL4b;fLffiJ;|flJl| -ii?#;-a?-F'f;-i?>K,S' emulsifying; emulsion; breasts {med} . IMfclSyftfCTESiJ :i-.x***;:i?-:l**-!M emulsifier, demulsifier {oetrochem} 'fiJfUJLBf'KlSf jK-o.^;-i^'K'>-feyrv breast milk; mastectomy (med) 4 **;**?■? zvrfHy sulfur, pyrites {chem}; yellow fever {bio} brass pipe; ecliptic plane (astro) purple non-sulfur bacteria (bicchem) nmm%wm nmmM * yvyyy*y^y$ dry plate {photo}; dry distillation; drying air-drying; [ditto {paints}] {chem} dry-adiabatic change {chem} comparative morphology [embryology] {bio} relative light requirement {bio} contrastive study of texts {comp sci} atmospheric pollution; communicable disease specimen staining pigments {bio} heteromorphic chromosomes {bio} ucWl •fc V-»f-f ;-b >> y *;••• V 3 * ■fe > V> 3 * 'J a * ;=f * * 4 -Hf 4 cleanser, detergent; a washbowl; cleaning detergency; synthetic detergent ultrasonic cleaning black ink, surplus; [red —, deficit]; (gun) powder graphite electrode blackbody radiation PFfS n>y ***[x:Hf v] blue [red] shift {chem} blueprint; bronze; youth blue annealing (mecheng) conclusion; counter-argument; essay, dissertation logic design; [logical statement] {comp sci} logic in memory; [logical operation] {comp sci}
Chemical Fibers Synthetic fibers were first announced in 1938. Why were synthetic fibers invented so late? This question is not difficult to answer: the essential nature of fiber formation was first established around 1934-1935. It was not possible to fashion fibers without knowing what a fiber was. Staudinger at the University of Freiburg was the first to conceive of the form of fibers differendy from the traditional view; he thought of them as having very long and slender shapes. Staudinger did not begin his work with natural fibers. He took small molecules, then slighdy larger molecules, then slighdy more extended molecules, and then significandy lengthened molecules in that order, progressively fashioning small and then large molecules. Having made them himself, he knew their sizes exacdy. When he compared their properties, he found that the properties of the largest molecules closely resembled those of fibers. However, the issue of how to conceive of the form of large molecules was not limited to synthetic fibers. Rubber and plastics are so constituted, and all foods as well. Most substances that we deal with directly in the process of living, especially diose that can serve as some kind of raw material, consist of large molecules. Even were we to try to specify what objects in our surroundings consist of small molecules, we would turn up only a few - air, water, some chemicals, oils and the like. What we wear and what we eat, paper and other common substances, all consist of large molecules. Thus, the issue of fibers came to be understood because they were a part of an overall effort for theoretical clarification of the essential nature of large molecules. In 1932 at a Dupont laboratory, Carothers discovered that when he inserted a glass rod into a polymer that had been melted in a flame and men drew the rod upwards, the substance formed a long slender continuous strand. The various characteristics of mat substance compared with nylon later invented at Dupont were very simple; it could not serve to produce quality thread. However, it was via this route that the important fact that synthetic fibers can be made was established. Nylon's mechanical properties are far superior to those of natural fibers; its great tensile strength, bending strength, and especially its frictional strength, which is especially important in making fabrics, are incomparable. Nylon is light, not water absorbent, and, when water washed, soon ready for wear by air drying. With extended use it does discolor to a faint yellow, which results from the nylon decomposing somewhat by reacting with oxygen and moisture in the presence of heat or sunlight Synthetic fibers in general are difficult to dye, but there are varieties available that dye as readily as natural fibers. Nylon is made direcdy from phenol or from benzene. It can also be synthesized by starting with butadiene and using chlorine and sodium cyanide. In America, with its thriving acetylene industry- producing acetylene from petroleum and more especially from natural gas- nylon is synthesized from acetylene as well. The nylon salts thus made are brought to spinning mills in an aqueous dissolved state. After heating and removal of water, pressure and more heat are applied to align the constituent units into macromolecular strands. The nylon thus formed is then melted by raising the temperature to 220-230°C, extruded through holes, wound up in a beltshape, and then made into flakes. These flakes are once again melted in a hydrogen atmosphere, emulsified, forced through narrow holes, and then drawn out and wound to yield nylon fibers. 158 mmmmmmm * iggin^n mw<»m& jti&BJdis U #&mm\fcM8 % ^\ mmmm m wmwm m mm £ PP SpPp;SS;aunf( Baq««Stf£tt] nmm-xmmit ffi *> 9t j*mW8?;lf¥ pro amKtMMh raenrift*] ±
21 HH21 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWm itfcSBR^afi^iJ^-C-CSbofco 7 - tf >f > (Irvine), */Ufc * 7(Kirchhoff) *> ttSHF L x, wf^%^wm^^fz^^tn\imt^ixfmiu^^iih^t^^^tzo z<dz n K LX£.fcgJ&ifi, v>fc0a£l«!j<Ufcforce)#4 < "C &£*4 §Mt(8«)K: iot r*L*>ftl*^&&£dfc#t h V ^v>(trypsin), V /*--*?(lipase)& ^4>g*KPI<b *t Tv^<7)T% S££lfr» (vitalism) ^#L"tV*fcj^ If jl fc f--(Biichnei)0flf$Sfc <t o au $& «&, «mo«t9fcs«, *^v-^^&»s& na, kbe*^<o frfr9atU*feftfrfflv*a£fcrt«»v»KKLT, ^#rt"C«i37-38°CBlT^«BE"C, * ^•cssott, m*<nBm*±Mm<v*Kmmztix^2>frbx$)Z>o »n<o$m\t #*£#<xmnwwxhft&ztix^ho v^ritt^ftEJ6^Risastt*x.4 B^ ^ * #; S:#J -V * fc 0; ESO * ^ y yeasts; role; differentiating —$£ 'ff/y.^K^S^ ^-/i; ^IL 4r a * -j. ■> one group; grape wine; milk ffltWi •*?■*>; SfcjC f-v7s<4 acetic acid; dewatering, drying ^CX fc ** tr r, X3F '* * #; 7m*§ * > h •> barley; malt; hot water ^feft*^ a * $• >; IW& iJ y * 3 * conditions; environment 161
$9* 7 >: £ & flour; powder. (1433) The ^^F is 5t, connoting 73*ffc "fv*fr >, dispersion, and %ft referred to the powder garnered during rice milling. This powder served as a cosmetic to whiten the face, 615" *J L*> v\ #PE J *> concentrated: vl (V>) strong (solution); rich (in nutrients). (1175) The iltW is H. It may originally have included M * fctf* A,tr 0, because here J§ connoted a heavy dew (M> o *9>). (H refers to farming: agriculture is HH" J 7 * a 7, agrichemical is HlH y 7 •* ^.) JlK t 4 lye, alkalinity: \t v> ashes. (1180) The original $ had X above 'X to represent removing ashes by hand after a fire subsides.[l&]. Hfc »; a *: * *f 9 green. (1486) The ^ connoted Hk n ?, which referred to the bluish-green color of the copper ore malachite. (S means to record, as in IfiS * n *, documenting, and ii^ n ^ * >, audio recording.) JFU v thorny: $ ("J*) to pierce, stab. (206) The ^fa % derives from a ^712$ for the tip of a thorn. Barbed wire is #$!Iftft ^^Vf-^x St v***: titf(Lv^) severe, violent; sudden. (1173) As the right side connoted leaping and dancing, $L referred to water striking and splashing upon rocks. Think of water (Tfc) having a white (&) frothy part 05) upon dashing (&) against rocks. Hf n *: ttfr 9 balance. (1668) The p&lf is fr. The center comes from horn (ft) and large (^C), so Hf referred to a horizontal bar that passed through (ff) the large (^C) horns (ft) of cattle to prevent the horns from striking people. Association with a horizontal bar led to the current meaning. 7*§ f>: <DC(t) to leave (something), <DCl(&)to remain, to be left. (1042) The a^"i" y **tf fr^ A/ derives from a depiction of bones of dead bodies. The #^P of the old form (21) was ^ -fc >, a pair of halberds that connoted cutting. Remainder is a borrowed meaning, but you could think of ^ as a xcSc^ with its joining of y and 3i. Hi 3r > bacteria, germ; fungus. (1623) The H^F has ^ within P to refer to grain in storage, but the isf also connoted It'f^ darkness. Hence, M meant plants that grew in darkness, i.e., mushrooms and other fungi. fit v a * : 9 *.(£) to plant. (995) The ^ is a variant of jlE f- a ?, and fit meant tall straight (BE) trees (/fc). The meaning to plant is a natural extension. (Do not confuse ffl with ftl, which will appear later. JjJ means to increase and appears in terms for reproduction such as ^14&?8 in-f^ya^, sexual reproduction.) 162 me/dm 7 > V a 7 <V\7 vry&yv powdered; powder, pollen (bio) dust explosion (chem) pollen chamber (bio); powder molding (chem) y 7'>a^;;7 hV 7 * > K tt V> 7* >;*?[*> 3 7] ?M-t * AVI ♦ £ 0 v>6; y a ? v a ? v a * 7*7 'J3^;'J3MV37* U a ?-> a? >f*7-'M*:' M *>7**f > K7'7-4;v^7 concentrated, enriched; concentration; ditto enriched uranium; concentrated hydrochloric acid concentration cell [polarization] (chem) ash content; limestone; [slaked lime] (chem) calcification; calcareous deposit (med) microincineration green (color); chlorophytes {bk>} greening; leaf canopy inhibiting of germination green sulfur bacteria {bio} stimulus; irritating odor, name card (stimulus) conduction system; stinging hair (bio) stinging filament; stinging mouthpart {bio} ta^y+^^v* a sudden change *jl77**K7?*1"& to deteriorate suddenly ->y*-/\ y / •> y n v stimulus-response theory {bio} M37;*>3 7; K U a 7 3 7 9 >[* 3 *]**>** equilibrium; ditto {econ}; weights and measures acid-base equilibrium {chem} short [long] term equilibrium {econ) 5»St;»«I:»* •f > a<0;-9* vja7<£>;••• 7*> residual, ditto ;residue -9* > 3 ? > * * $ -> 7 residual protein {bicchem} -f > * ;-f > a ;-«f > 4r a 7 residual air, RA {med}; residual oil; overtime e a 77*>">>4ry;•••*>' tttffMa-.ffi^ia v3^w;y3n^ fit^i&fT^lit^ v3^7-7f-[kTa7]'J^^ ^41ll%/;fil%ffi V^f^ya? 7*7;- * a * fungus {med}; fungi; bacteria {bio} pathogenic fungi {mod}; pathogenic bacteria {med} stages of bacterial growth {bio} vegetable oils and fats; vegetation map plant geography [pathology] insectivorous plants; vegetal pole {bio}
Jfe ■ -> a •>: fc £0 ) to smell, have a bad odor, < £ (V*) foul smelling. (1581) The a&lf ^ *1**<b derives from a ^.^^ for nose. Its lower part originally yt ^*z, dog, J| was a ^fcS?, depicting dogs (?v) tracking animals by sniffing (§) their scent J$\*f4 drug, medicine, reagent (213) The left side connoted neady arrayed. Hence, $| meant cutting up (D) large pieces and neady arraying them. Later it became associated with cutting and mixing in preparing medicines. ?S A negation: &(V>) not to be. (1193) Although the nftlf is 'X tiotf\ ft£ has no associations with fire. It combined M ?> to dance, and tl # -7, to disappear, in order to represent cessation of visibility. VB *s 3 «> saltpeter, nitric, nitrate. (1342) The oBlf is £f, and iH originally referred to saltpeter rock, now 5fi£j -> a -7 -t *. Today it appears as the ^ for nitric acid, $f g£ yanv, and nitrates, 5SSt^ > a •>•* > *■ v. £l > 'f : & name. (315) The idea that ^here means evening, though inaccurate, is helpful: in the darkness of dusk (^) you identify yourself by calling out (□) your name 0&). (Family name is ^^ * 3 -7 v; given nameis^Btf %**..) K K:frt> the skin; a hide; leather, rind (of fruit); shell (of nut). (1301) Itself the pfilf if i)*t>, & may be thought to combine hand QL) and a schematic for the body to depict putting on a soft cloak of fur. [$C] W- 3 9 yeast. (1916) The q&ii* is M i: *) ^&; as noted earlier, it refers to M S tt and fermentation. The ia If is #, which connoted here basis or source. Thus, W- meant the basis for making ffl $ >t, yeast. (# joins two a&lf, 3£ for elder and i1 for child; it means filial piety, H^f fc * =* 9 =j •?.) Sri * * sac, sheath. (1557) The p&ti is R K < o*§, a name which combines its meaning, $j K <, body and flesh, and its look alike, I o§, moon. You will encounter this aftlt often in biology, for it is the pflU for organs of the body. Here it is joined with the #$F S, which pictured a woman with child to signify placenta; J& came to mean more generally sac or sheath. D^ n: J: (.£) to call, shout (327) The #, originally 3 ^, connoted fi\ to go forth. Thus, Hf- meant coming forth from the mouth.. W if: * sprout, bud. (1607) The ^# is 31, itself the ^1" § If ^A,,§ if, tusk, fang. Thus, 3% combining « <s*A,fr9 and 5f, means buds and sprouts. 164 7? v'jl^jK^v'*? #J ' 11U' M:|filfl£rft:$SS a*>[ h *>!•> ^sA'J* fit R t7*>t^ 3»7*-f bromine; odor, deodorizing hydrogen bromide; odorless Offensive Odor Control Law chemical (reagent); solvent deodorizer coagulant oxidizing agent {chem} solvent recovery [extraction] (chem) inorganic [organic] compounds acid anhydride [chem]; no load {IC engine) salt [sugar] free diet unreasonable silver nitrate; nitrites {chem} nitrifying bacteria; [nitrification] {bio} saltpetre; nitrite metabolism {bkxhem} nomenclature; binomial nomenclature {bk>} Latin name; Japanese name (bio) index of personal names; generic name {bio} subcutaneous; skin {med}; moulting, ecdysis {bk>} epidermal growth factor {bk>} skin sensitizing antibody {biochem} mvommx ■ffftiastfe*] 3 7V;^7 3J^;3-># y3^pti7pr/ ^7 3*7 -M b-7[3->^^l I® -9" -f # -7 # -f X*;-9" 4 # -7 -> V Mlva^t'f jK'7;*'7'> A[a."7]-M*-7-> 3*a.»7 3*V[V*7] J:tf«L;3'J 3-7 enzyme; fermentation; yeast digestive [respiratory] enzyme {bk>} fermentable sugar, [fermentation engineering] W 0^'3^7#*'7['>a.]V extracellular fluid, ECF {med}; cytoplasm {bio} somatic cell; [phagocyte]; spore {bk>} asexual [sexual] spore {med} respiratory enzyme [pigment] {biochem} call; traffic intensity {comp sci} calling party; called party {elect} germination; budding; lateral bud {b»} gemmule; gemma {bk>} light-germinating spore; [photoblastic seed] {bio}
Enzymes Differentiating the roles of enzymes and yeasts was a difficult problem. Yeasts are plant microorganisms, and the name designates one group of unicellular fungi. If we dissolve D-glucose in water and no microorganisms are present, no changes will occur however much time elapses. However, if we introduce yeast, the D-glucose soon decomposes into ethanol and carbon dioxide. The agent that causes this vital reaction (called alcohol fermentation) is a substance present within the yeast organism, and that substance is an enzyme. Wine can be made from grapes because a yeast adhering to the grape skins bears the enzyme that causes alcohol fermentation. If this wine is left to ferment further, it gives off a pungent odor and becomes sour. This happens because acetic acid fermentation occurs due to acetic acid bacteria. To preserve milk for a long period of time, we concentrate it and then dry it to a powdered state in order to prevent the activity of yeasts. Enzymes were discovered in the course of experiments designed to study the mechanism by which alcohol is produced from starches. Irvine, Kirchhoff and others were doing research in which barley, while undergoing germination, converted starch into fermentable sugars; but Dubrunfaut soaked barley malt in hot water, extracted the clear liquid, and treated starch with it. He found that the same liquefaction and saccharification occurred as when the barley malt itself was thus used. In this way it gradually became clear that, even without the so-called life force, vital reactions also occur by means of substances that are not alive - enzymes. All of the enzymes subsequently discovered, however, were limited to those such as trypsin and lipase that accelerate hydrolysis reactions, and thus vitalism persisted until the existence of enzymes was confirmed by Buchner's research. Analysis of living things shows that the greatest part is water, and that about half of what remains is carbon. Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen, plus a very small amount of ash, account for the remainder. That is to say, carbon compounds are the fundamental substances of living things. When organic chemists synthesize carbon compounds in the laboratory, they frequently do so under rather severe conditions: using various organic solvents; strong acids such as hydrochloric, sulfuric, and nitric; strong alkalis such as caustic soda; high temperatures and pressures; and so forth. In contrast, living things perform syntheses at temperatures no higher than 37-38°C in an almost neutral environment with water as the primary substance. Green plants photosynthesize organic compounds from carbon dioxide and water and produce energy by direct and indirect oxidation or decomposition of these compounds. All of these reactions occur under the mild conditions that prevail among living things. This is possible because various enzymes are distributed within living cells. The varieties of enzymes are very numerous, more than 700 having been discovered to date. Each enzyme, though it changes the rate of a vital reaction, has no relation to its equilibrium; it is a type of catalyst. 166 B >rtft >/ ttp WL ft*4»ffc I % n ^c A*:*&IH ffl * M mmmmitm Aft**:** & 4 JW\ 1& B:tt&B % |£te*»-JtfW!f flMfeHIBcftffl] ?7->*:B#* ifckMfe-Ml- mm * ttt^ittsa^ gufrffgffH %%»%!?•
22IJHbfc*R<Z)Ma22 WWWm^WWWWWWWWWWWWKWM v>Q Sfc, A«<B£JSfcfcoTffl;jctt»B-e**o Sftoi^KHIMWatrifKitt, x»^^am$^fe^§^ttaMgbic«^-c»o-ct, *ttt«**«*$nit *n**0 zLxxmt&vmmmtLx± <m^bfrzm®:ftM&%t'x^ m&.m <DftmKi^x^zmtLx^z><Dx, »jji^zm&m^*y*>m&&^tz<nm& #*fc*t*o xafft^co^cg^aw$tfrv^r<>%^K:jc^-c»^fctt^»^v^Tab S"C*Cltt*MftLTt$^A*«*ofco #8yfr&ttOiMH*fefrofc<P-Cfe&o fci Oft^|gnaq£fflv>T^i9<7)-?<;&*, E<p j: 9 ftif fr^ti£££gU*?fWf3gbTWc trr^t<4o-c§^0 *^w«:K:ji, ^*e-q o«a»g *# fr^r »»?£*? tfcffl -f > 3 •>; ^# Va^^v; $£llj 3 ->-** > for drinking; condition; mines fifok Mx-f; &^ 4F a * 4; 8KB / W -> a y effluents; fish and shell fish; discharge $$M ->3'J; flflg * tM; JHt ^ a •> * treatment; sludge; cleansing I -*-fe-f; $8>jc n * -f; SSKSHfc 7i^3^ regulation; lake water, eutrophication y >•■* ^x>; ]H *1*9 *; 9ESI v *;M phosphates; lakes; algae ;» > -> a ?; M$L 7 ^ -f; ffl&t 9s s * t propagation; decay; consuming § $■ V V 3 >>; If^fc ^ -f * -f; MS Vj.yijv self-cleansing; wastewater, cycling 3"C Kf-jL'jr-c en route, in transit 169
$£ 13 -f : 0 & sea, ocean. (1096) The #$F isS^Wjthe^^'f isa variant and here connoted JA. Thus, #£ originally meant alkaline waters, referring not to the sea, but to the lye (Hfctf * < ) derived by dissolving ashes in water. (H -?4 means every as in ffiBf v^fy, every hour; fejffi v-f k, every time.) R^ ^ : ab C flavor, & £(£> 0) to taste. (332) The #$f is 7^, representing undeveloped tree branches. Hence, ^ meant a flavor so faint only tasting could identify it. [Uc] (t(c as a prefix means "not yet": ^c£fl!fc * f-x •>, unknown number.) precision, refinement, detailed; semen {biol}. (1438) The iltW is H\ connoting here #f as in tS^ -b 4 *r 7, pure and clean. Thus, fli meant a detailed sorting of rice (/fc) for purity and cleanliness (ff). (Note: fertilization is §ffif -V a -fe 4.) JtI * >: *H x. £), t6>( fc> h) to exchange. (822) The ^ connoted taking. Hence, J& first meant to take by hand; it now means to exchange. ¥4 era, generation; price: fr( t> 2>) to replace; fr(t> *)) substitute, taking the place of. (61) At first signifying replacing people, ft came to refer also to exchanging money, as in ft-fffi 94 *, price, and to changing historical periods, as in Bfft V 94, era; —ft 4 f- 9 4, a generation. Ill K? poison. (1055) The pfclf is f& fc^ft, not W \X\ty mother; f& indicates negation. The top depicts plants emerging from the earth. Think of plants (£) that are not {W) to be eaten because they are poisonous (16). j8f+: proper, suitable, fitting. (1886) The %%$ is the same as for $j where it connoted the sound of something striking or tapping. Here it connoted going forth. The idea of fitting, of being a suitable match for something, is derived from association with Sfc r *, opponent, as in Sfcf & r *T£, to be a match for an opponent. $£ 3 -7 ore. (1931) The S^F is JR in the old form H; it connoted It, yellow. Another form of $1 was SI, yellow rock. Thus, Kk connoted yellow rocks from which metals were extracted, MM =* •> **, ores. M V"f: £(&)toboil.tocook.(1189) The isffl is 3f. Remember that %£ originally had no associations with people, but rather represented a bunch of burning firewood. Only after fire ('X *i o ^)was added to 31" to indicate boiling, ^, did % come to mean persons. iy3^:i,(U)to increase. (1045) As with fit, the OtW is \ti and the "a a variant of f" 3 ^; here it connotes tt L i <, \± K, clay. (Haniwa, ancient clay images buried with the dead, are W$» fiKfc>.) Increase is a borrowed meaning. Think of soil fertility increasing ($t) when dead bodies 00 are directly (M) buried. 170 U4 7»4\*4 3V<n,*4 * y<n *4Wb4?V**)*9 *4**Y<>-f~J{'3v*s,y\ y<n seawater, marine; spongy, cavernous {bio} marine biogeography {bio} sponges; [spongy bone] {bio} A 3 a *s i 7 (0;tt it* % tasteless and odorless; contents ^94t\K-*4#V taste contrast; taste cell {med} S V a. a •>*;* v^ taste receptor, taste quality {bio} -t-f ->y-fy') * v-Jr-f v* f-it ~s/^vl> y.-f-yii'y ft ■fe/4 3 •>/*>;*■ 4 fca ■>£> * -t * * V 2M ^ 7 T4 M *t4r*\v^T*:a*7 T**V K;f-*ar •>*'>■> + precision; precise; purifying sperm; fertilization {bio}; psycho- {med} psychophysical formula (med) substitution; conversion; ditto ion exchange {chem}; ventilation manual telephone switch board {elect} replacing; generation; metabolism {bio} alternation of generations {bio}; replacement parts fossil dating {bio} toxicosis; toxin; detoxication {med} toxin-antitoxin reaction {med} poisonous fungi {bio}; toxicology {biochem} optimum; self application {compsci} fitness; adaptive radiation {bio} goodness of fit test {comp sci} l£H[^i;l£f ft tffcl a * * a *[7y l; a * *[* 41 mmin£ [minerals]; mineral oil [water] 3 ? V V \L V 3 9 'J 3 * mineragraphic microscope {chem} mineral requirements {med} v -r 7 7 -> a *^ F ^ boiling sterilization {med} -> ir 7 7 v *• > boiling test {med} ic L*[o»tjit to boil hard, down; ditto {also ^|p i6 &} a-)[A]-fe^'f'>3^ sexual [asexual] reproduction {bio} 4 *s 3 9 *\* 4 *s a ? ■*)■ 4 XV reproductive organs; reproductive cells {bio} V ? v a ^ v ? F[4r a ^ -fe >] proliferation rate [profae] {biochem}
^C 7 >: ^1~( b #0 secure, safe; quiet, peaceful: -^("f v*) inexpensive. (491) The nfclf is *** , house, and 5£ depicted a woman resting at home during menses, B $£ Y ? *r -i. The association with menses was dropped, and 3c came to mean resting quietly. ® ^ *: J&*fc(V*) hard. (1341) The oBH is £r, the #^F is 3L Having a variant 3^ connoting P30 =/?, strong, HE meant strong rock, hard rock. Eventually the association with rock was dropped. (H means again or furthermore, as in 5 tC $ h K.) I§ #* fat (1550) The SW is ^J; the 1aW is 73. The eP, a variant, once was b, connoting JE * t *, to get fat: part 05) of flesh (f*0) is fat (ffi). |p ^'f [ordinal prefix], order {as in a succession). (637) The o&ti" is ^, and H derives from a HtM^- that depicted wrapping the handle of a weapon with leather. As wrapping is a sucession of windings, 1$ came to mean orderly, successively, as in ty. UK s^-f c, bit by bit. SI) ^ y: t> fr(il h) to diverge, to part, to separate. (201) The p&Hf is 73; the #^F once was related to #, bone, depicting bones above and below a joint Hence, SU meant severing (73) bones (il) at a joint, [3&] fn # y life, activity, energetic. (1097) The iaW 1§ means tongue, L fc, but originally it meant lively and active. Hence, ffi" meant active, lively flowing waters. ZK v^: 1 L&0) to lose something. (442) The oBlf is Xy although X has no relation to the meaning. The H^ combined ^ and <L 4 ?, and the i=K %> connoted j&, to lose something. (The origin of & may be of interest It joined XT, to move along, and 5& -9 $ £*, rabbit: a rabbit escaped on the way to market.) ^ x>: U(7)£ [NB te<0£ not liO?] flame. (1183) Often thought to be a ^31$ made up of two fires (XX), i£ actually derives from a $$&%- that depicted light emanating from the top of a fire. "t ^: 1" vinegar [in the kitchen and at the table, vinegar is called £ i~]. (1913) The "b^t" is ^; it connoted B£, the multiplying of days. Think of how after a long (tt£) fermentation time, M $ tt turns into Ifc f, vinegar. f* -V ^ covering, wearing: o It (&) to stick on, o( < ) to arrive, reach. (1607) Apparently If was the Bfr^ for ^ u L, chopsticks, combining bamboo, Yf> and person, #, to depict the act of holding. This origin is evident in some uses of M> e.g., ftj^r, adhesive. Another use connotes initiating an action: 7m^> to set your hand to a task; SIX, to begin construction. ft 172 is safe; [stable]; standard, aim stabilizing material safety first; [safe load] sclerite; sclerosis (mod); hard water thermosetting resin {chem} scleroscope hardness tester (chem) aliphatics {chem}; dietary fat {chem} low [high] fat diet {med} adipose tissue; [obesity] {med} %—iZL'fkMfk *=*#:** K wffiraHr SO ffi ft |^g£%g£[fli£&] tnWN7 37(7X>] primary [tertiary] industries {econ} third world {econ}; gradually second antenna (bio) differentiating, discriminating; ditto; ditto theory of discrimination {comp sci} discriminant analysis {comp sci} activity center {bio}; inert activity {chem}; daily life surfactant surface active agent {biochem} disappearing; destroyed by fire; aphasia {med} ataxic aphasia {med} (engine) stalling speed flame; flame color, flame resistant {chem} proliferous [sclerosing] inflammation {med} flame spectrophotometer {chem} acetic anhydride; syntheic vinegar {chem} acetic acid fermentation; [zinc acetate] {chem} acetic acid bacteria; lead acetate {chem} attentive to; attachment; beginning construction adhesive; coloring agent epiphyte; fiber attachment {bk>}
Problems of Water Quality and Industrialization Water is a substance that all living things, not just the human race, cannot do without Mere awareness of how living things consist almost completely of water makes it clear that without water they could not survive, and the availability of water is critical to human livelihood as well The criterion for whether or not water was suitable for drinking, prior to the developed industrialization of today, was the presence of bacteria and, even were the bacteria numerous, mere boiling made the water potable. As for water available to industry, its quality could be indicated by expressing its hardness in terms of the magnesium and calcium ion content The successive advances of industrialization, however, brought forth new problems. First, consider the problems of mineral pollution. Effluents from mines contain many heavy metals. Of course, before being discharged, such waters are treated to remove heavy metal ions to a level at which they are no longer harmful to living things, but some of these heavy metal ions accumulate in the flesh of various fish and shellfish living in surrounding waters. As a result, even though their concentrations may be low in the water, they reach poisonous concentrations in the flesh of these fish and shellfish and harm those who eat them. In addition, mercury, though discharged from factories in inorganic form, is partly converted to organic mercury in these waters; and the microorganisms in the oft-used techniques that treat and cleanse industrial effluents by the activity of microorganisms -- the activated sludge process for one - lose their activity if there are high heavy metal ion concentrations in those effluents. Thus, though the quality of industrial waste water is subject to regulation, we cannot say that it is perfectly safe. Another problem, eutrophication, occurs primarily in waters such as lakes. Phosphates and nitrogen compounds flow into the lakes and promote the proliferation of algae and other such plants; the quantity of organic matter increases, and its decay consumes a large amount of oxygen. A more exact expression would be to say the biological oxygen demand (BOD) increases. As a consequence, the amount of oxygen in the water decreases until finally so much is lost that other creatures cannot survive, and major ecological changes occur. Problems arise in the oceans as well. Previously the ocean had the ability to digest whatever entered it by means of the so-called self-cleansing action of ocean waters, and there was no need for special regulations. Now, however, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons (usually referred to as oil) are entering the oceans because of the large amounts of petroleum shipped on the seas. Flames can burn off the oil or it can be removed with adsorbents or other chemicals, but the fish and shellfish taken from such oceans waters will have oil adhering to them, smell and taste of oil, and be poisonous. Therefore, "boiled, baked or pickled,"* they are unfit to eat In the industrial world, the demand to have water available to industry is continually on the increase, but to assure that supply has become increasingly difficult Thus, it is said that in the coming era we will be forced to consider cyclical processes, including both the water supplied to industry and the waste water from industry, so devised that no water is lost in the process. ♦The statement HST fc ffiV> X *> &<D *> <0 K L X *> ft$ \Z |i fc t, & v>J derives in part from an idiomatic expression Hit i> jft^ X & ft x. & v> & 0)J which refers to a person you simply cannot deal with, whom you find unmanageable. One striking form of the expression is [MX i> ttv* X fe ft k & v>& (7) ft t» o £ tftf* t < 0 <D v*#J , which refers to the suppressed feelings of a farm wife who, married to the eldest son, lives with her in-laws and must serve them. L$>l t \1 [£$> is a derogatory term for mother-in-law; < 0 <D V> #* refers to chestnut burrs. 174 1 ^±^ wmmm\ IE mmmmm nmmm.$. m»mm wmmm ml 3rdfej&4at w ummwmm
r__ 23iH£ttM23 i ^im^t^m^Mm^iom^^n^^^fix^^^m^zm^Ltzo &^&i&&<o#£&* T^X~tTKt><Dfflm<ntp\z^itix\<*Z><DX$>Z>o £JftHift-ctt, -o©lM&#5|fctt< 2 0 t4oo»^i:4*^ -iimx\t-^<D9mnm*t>fr$kLxx£ tzi-Dvmmoft. ho tta-fkL-c»ofc-o/*»tWPt4*o ioK, iJ«tt^¥*^jgi»), »ffc-r*Ho0*w& £«>£#< *>W3Wfc3*tfc#, £*L#DNA?**£fc*i:»»fc:iEWLfc0fcL'<*f-y* yr-vomm^momi-m^mm^xh^tzo aft<&raiiK:»±:i^j»tt4wa*'**o ft^Sfcl&^aifcfcJoTWfcfrfcfcofco £*>flf3fett, Watson£CrickK«t aDNA^T^ DNA tft'<D£ i K.LX&KO&M* t^b% 9 W^JfO-MSKM-S- LTV***fc V*$ - £ K mtlX&<0 DNA \±ll£A,£&Mfo<0&to#K.#tE.LX\'*&o Ltztf^X, DNA #£&£ *0 l*u m^x&z£*>^?%&m±&<D*x\z%<mmnfaxi:Tt>tix^z>o «*.ur T^-A(Amoebaproteus)f:ro4C^oTti{3r^Lv^^ch^^^:0^^iCt>tt. ^A'Sfifc T^K^ot, ZtitfZix?ix(DUfr<o^\z£*<n<b^m&ttiZ>fr*m'<x&Z>o t *u z\<nm%\±9y^^^<D^mmfk%Wx^t>Kx^hz\£^mhi^zj^Lx^ho mj&Mfr<n*x*y'*?n<n£&tfftt>tix^z>i><n£ttitf, dna tt**i£i:*fcM4t 9^^t=S:^t*ll(i^v>0 raiAtt^^fflcii-ifio-Cv^-ClBlfiJlfrKittlti^v^o-C^&o £ *l& *>»*»** dna£* w^K^j&Kfcrsfco-tttv**^ u-e-^<fir^on^***r ^o"C^>^^R0^jcRicB84L-CV>&<0Ttt«:V^t|iiai$fL*0 T.Caspersson*J.Brachete iumfrh*y^?n&&£mA£<D%m%mm*%ffiLx$fzo *tuz*&£* *>/**« TV>T, L^tDNAtato-CittiaSfr^^UfeftO^Kl^^ftL-CV^o RNAIi&ftfcflEfrfc H £*; &W * vy>+tti\i; XJi %■*>&£; Wfi tt tt*»fcparents; namely; male line; maternal line ffi%W& -fe4 #■*4 # *; Ifl^tt 7 '• #■*4 #*; aS'fk * 4 * spermatocyte; oocyte; degenerate §EW va^'f; &$£ 7 ? -M; $SfE * >">.; iftffl yaW verifying; replicating; function; details 177
#P 7>:£*regg.(273) The nAU" P ■*• L^f < 0 derives from a ^^ of a person kneeling; it later came to mean a seal or a mark. As a f&M^r, $fl is thought to depict fish or insect eggs with central black specks, [tfc] 5* W\ $(<), £0t£) to tear, rip. (1677) The aBH is ^C; the la ft is #], connoting rows. Here, however, £0 refers to strips. In making clothing, cloth (3£) is cut or torn (!8£) into strips (£!]) to be sewn together. !! *<i'.T>h{<)\x> open. (1959) The n&lf is H i> A/#$ x.. The schematic within the gate abbreviates two hands opening it W W *: * tz(X h), * X£(0) to bring up, raise (a child). (1545) Its upper part depicting a child upside down, W meant a child emerging from the womb, with ^J representing the womb. The # is a variant of K < . ^ infancy: £ $ &(V*) very young. (225) The oft"!!* is ^J; the W^F is &, which depicts the fine upper part of a thread and means small. Little (&) strength 0J) signifies infancy C#J). embryo, (none) The meaning embryo came via the association of Kwith two other ^. The first association was with Jjp 9 4, womb; the second with #n v, beginning. (The word for fetus is flp Jfi 9 4V.) {=1 iJ y governing, functioning; (as suffix) organ {bio}. (497) The 1$"if is *■*» i fr/vtr 0. The meaning derives from 6 * >, which clearly depicts a lower level government worker (E) under a roof (^). pairing; chance. (126) The ^"^F is H. The ^ is a variant of ^ *^, which connoted -o*. Hence, ffi meant the meeting of two persons, and later the meanings pairing and chance. m *r y clear, vividly seen. (2042) The pftUK *$*5;&<v> is the p&lif for $ associated with the head and face. In the old form S, the #^F connoted kneeling in submission. Think of how clearly evident (H) are the heads (H) of those who bow when formally arrayed (3fc) before a dignitary beneath the sun (0). Ha?: li leaves. (1630) The q&Hf means vegetation. The lower part depicted three leaves (18:) on a tree (/fc) top. [$C] Thus, HI means leaves. 178 m jy-*4#V\V*±415y yy*y,-1j9[jijy) ovum; fertilized egg {bio} yolk; vitelline vein [artery] (bio) cleavage; cleavage nucleus [plane] {bio} &*SIIBJ •fvvvtfyx*) -fyvv -fyvv*yfr4\ss*ffv\ -fyvvvz.*?*Vs*2\ *4 ss*f 4-,* 4»y Vv H 4 \Vv *4 H ;M**r7r *[=*?* 7] * y 4 9 4 y *y -b 4 4 9 * * Vm J/' a 3^-M *#^[-feW V3?] E * •> /N ^ ;/N 4 jfc ^ ;/n ^ *r 4 As. 4 ^4 3*\i'4[#4]»4 3V fission, division; meiosis {bio} Schizomycetes, fission fungi; [Schizophyta] {bio} division cycle, mitotic cycle [index] {bio} initiator (chem); development dehisence; dehiscent fruit {bio} open drop, OD [open fracture] {med} breeding {bio}; nursery (med) growth factor {bio} growing period, vegetative period {bio} plumule; juvenile form; larva {bio} larval organ; [pedogenesis] {bio} juvenile growth {bio} Wastula; germinal vesicle; embryo genesis {bio} germ layer, endo[ecto]derm {bio) embryonic development; embryonic disc {mod} 7* K^lva **]**> homologous [digestive] organs {med} organ transplantation {med}; functional group organ extract {med) mm-mm m»mmsu& y*>HVk\»4rV*s[9s*\ Y'^[4]Jr4^4 9'^y tr y \£<D;f y $ *y a 9 7sy jry^-fywyvywy 4- y £ * a •> v a. * /n y j * chance; gamete; [spouse, mate] {bio} isogamete; [anisogamete] {bio} accidental murmur {med}; accidental species {bio} micro; Phanerogamae, flowering plants {bio} microspectrophotometry {bk>} micro-agglutination {med} mmmmmfc Bf) a9 7;3-VJ a? 94 chlorophyll; chloroplast {bk>} anterior [posterior] lobe; superior [inferior] lobe cotyledon; leaf area index {bio)
•9* V going: $ ^(%>) visiting a shrine. (281) The dBH is A. Once a £lM^ depicting a woman with brightly colored decorations in her hair bowing at court, # came to mean visiting a shrine. It is also used for the number three in official financial statements and payments. (This usage derives from the three final strokes.) M z/aV'.Xb (1"), X (h) to shine brighdy. (1195) The p£tiT is 'X *io*; the 1aW is Bg, meaning bright and clear. Thus, M means fire shining brighdy. (The era of Emperor Hirohito was BBftl v a V 7.) TF v > neural; mystical. (1359) The £&"& is ^, which depicted an offering to the gods; the isW is ^, which depicted lighming. Together they formed a ^31$ to connote mystical and mysterious. 7y±. 5~ -i passing through, elapsing of time; longitude. (1458) You have encountered this i=P$F before: in S for diameter, where it connoted narrow, and in 8 for light in weight, where it connoted empty. Here it connotes a loom and its warp, more evident in the old form jR. With ^, it connotes the loom's pulling the warp through and holding it tighdy. ]S W left behind. (1887) Think of losing something, perhaps money (Jl), while (41) en route (iz). ft£ 9s:#>t female. (2000) The nft*gT is ft &Z> t *), birds. The i=r fiF Jfcfc connotes small. Thus, fit means a small bird and was apparendy thought to be the case for the female compared to the male of a species. M x-?: &f male. (1998) The p&H" is again ft. The "mW apparendy connoted colorful: the colorful bird is the male. The it, by association with H a. ?, suggests bravery, J§ 3 L v> v> $ i Lv\ 151 -fe y explanation. (1734) The oftli is W r A,'* A,, speaking. The # connotes IS, whose nftti' is not W but 5£ li £o* < 0. Since 1& means to prepare, provide, establish, 1ft means to do so by speaking. kS 4 y cause, origin. (369) The pflliT is □ < £*** x., representing the fencing about a house. A person (X) is lying within the house. Thus, H meant resting in a house, the state of being dependent, which raises the question of the cause for that dependency H "fr-f re- [as a prefix]: &tztz(tf) again. (175) Although the gftlf is n ttv»#4 * • * £ #4 £, a JhTJ^ for village borders, H originates from a HlM of a bamboo basket with — above it to represent adding things to the basket again and again. 180 & -*V3V9s3&yii*s* reference book; attendee y>^a^v'3]t>v'3-> cross [locality of] references (comp sci] tvva ^ h^^-fe-f referential transparency {comp sci) ^ •> a ■> 5"T;i' 3 ■> > -f ;•> 3 ■> * -f wee*** irradiation; lighting; inquiry, reference letter of inquiry; illumination engineering fractionated [long distance] irradiation {med} v y * 4 *r 4 ;••• * y[" 41 nervous system; neural tubes [neurula] {bio} Jt4*/v?*<<W\-7J*)\ psychic dependence [impotence] {med} *sVr-4 f> * yfy *sv__ neurotransmitter {med} mnmwm. 7K $-'fn;4r-fjc.-f'$r>fiM path, route; management; economy {econ} $■ 4 $• v;^ 4 -*f 4 ?■ * a * * W experience; economic welfare >r4i3\>r4x.4*ryl3 elapsing; participation in management {econ} m ifv-ATv-Tv**? heredity; genetic code {bio} AY y*y Yv^y^v* gene mutation {bk>} A 7*yr* < *tf*x genetic recombination {bio} female gamete (bio) female pronucleus; [gynogenesis] {bio} dioecism, gonochroism {bio} *y*A-ey*?[^v±<<) male gamete {bio} male pronucleus; [androgenesis] {Ho} hemaphroditism (bio} v a ? -b y > 4 > a; # -fe 7 operating manual; hypothesis %.v * 4 * J tj-^v h? explanation capability {comp sci}; persuasion uyy*9 ?<{**? continuum hypothesis {compsci} ^l-irtiBtt'JXA A y7,*j\<{ y*s;av4 y yy<i y,y( yzyfyii'i factor {math}; factor, (important)factor source, cause; factorization {math} exogenous [endogenous] rhythm {bio} regeneration; rediscovery accidental regeneration {bio} recrystallization; reclaimed oil {chem}
The Genetic Substance Genetics research has rapidly progressed since the rediscovery of Mendel's work in 1900. Viewing the bodies of higher animals, we see that each is a single collected entity derived from very many cells. Each is divided into skin tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, nerve tissue and many systems of organs, but these originally took form from a single fertilized egg. Humans do not produce beings other than humans. If a child resembles its parents or differs slightly from them, the cause in both cases is this one fertilized egg. Specifically, both cases can be traced back to the two gametes that came from the paternal line and the maternal line, the sperm and the egg. The origin of all genetic phenomena lies within these cells. Reproductive cells divide by two consecutive divisions into four gametes. However, the process of gamete formation is different in the male and in the female. For the male, each of the four spermatids that derive from division of a spermatocyte develops into a spermatozoon. For the female, however, only one of the four cells that derive from division of the oocyte persists as an egg; three of the cells degenerate. Here division occurs unequally: the three cells that degenerate contain only a minute amount of cytoplasm; the remaining egg cell alone carries the yolk and the major portion of the cytoplasm. The outcome of this dividing, namely, the fact that the remaining egg carries the yolk and most of the cytoplasm, is indispensable for the embryo that develops in the continuing differentiation of the fertilized egg into the four parts of cotyledon, plumule, hypocotyl, and radicle in plants and towards cleavage in animals. Knowing that the source of genetic phenomena lies in the chromosomes of the gametes led to a great deal of research to identify the genetic substance. Electron microscopic research on the mechanism by which bacteriophages multiply yielded direct verification that this substance is DNA. There are two main issues in genetic research. One is the question of how the genetic substance replicates itself. The other is the question of how the genetic substance is involved in the manifestation of the characters of the organism. This function of the genetic substance was clarified through investigations into its chemical structure, and the breakthrough to this clarification was the appearance of the Watson-Crick model for DNA. Please consult the reference works for details about this theory as here we will touch only upon how DNA is involved in the manifestation of the characters of the organism, i.e., how it is involved in protein synthesis. DNA exists almost wholly in the nucleus of the cell, so if DNA were directly involved in protein synthesis, we would think that protein synthesis occured within the nucleus. We find, however, that protein synthesis occurs not within the nucleus but within the cytosome. For example, suppose that we cut an amoeba (Amoeba proteus) in two, dividing it almost equally-one half containing the nucleus and another without it-and then, using labeled amino acids, investigate the quantity taken into each half. In so doing we find that even the halves without nuclei have taken in considerable quantities and that they perform protein synthesis. This is, of course, temporary, and the halves without nuclei eventually die because of declining metabolic activity, but these facts clearly show that protein synthesis occurs in the cytosome. If protein synthesis occurs in the cytosome, must we not suppose that DNA moves into the cytosome in order for it to be directly involved? There are no facts, however, to confirm that supposition: DNA resides in the nucleus; it does not enter the cytosome. These results, namely, that DNA contributes to protein synthesis but that it does so indirectly and not directly, suggest that it probably is involved in protein synthesis through some intermediate substance. T. Caspersson and J. Brachet and others had earlier pointed out the close relationship between RNA and protein synthesis. According to their work, large amounts of RNA are always present in cells that are active in protein synthesisThe chemical structure of RNA closely resembles that of DNA, but RNA differs from DNA in that it is present both in the nucleus and in the cytosome. We also know that RNA moves freely from the nucleus to the cytosome. This evidence was sufficient to conjecture that RNA might be the the intermediate substance that acted for DNA in protein synthesis, and this conjecture was finally verified through experiments using radioactive substances. 182 m WflMPffiftrifii 3X m sn&n* j «. ft to K H 3 II HftJHEttft :tt T-VV #JH»9itt H8 4 \\\ frmmmmM n \I±L ggflggllSBl mm®.®*. m §7u m Ft
24 £51^ ££^1^24 WmWWWWWWWWWW^MWmWWWW ^^^^x^^^^^(DW.Mnm^m^tt^mm<omK^±t^wt^M(Dztx^^ Wfe<0\ttzh%tf£<t>fr^X%fz<D%%%&Q^<n$L$kXhZ>o MiLtf, **»# Tv^^jiK-r^o-C, B^<n&%W%K&mLX^2><D\±W&X$>Z>o ttfiUMfcrt ti (7) J: i <o; ffFK iiyV^\ ^TifSS ^-iiiy^y transverse; liver, smooth muscles $ffl * 4 * a; ffi^. &#>*:'&;J5L*U E§^ >f # * control; simple; leg; medicine IfcWL *9 + v\ WM -?>*/*; (ft^.11 ii 3 ** > diffusion;kidney;ureter 9f8 *> a *y*; l£ft -fe y *■-f; BlF v 3 2 #4; &$L * v impact; design; injury; foundation AX<Mtftt«:«T^ %MtyQ u*)>\4-?*j\ Rfei v 3 + 3; 1$ v\<f; ftlgj /n ^ k •> waste products; removing; lung; beat 185
JjH V*J viscera. (1577) The $BW is ft; the ^^ is M < <b, a storehouse in which important possessions are hidden. Thus, M is a ^S^: viscera are important to the body ($J) and are hidden (M). ;)£ 9 y to arrive, reach; {a plural suffix on words for people as in AM, X^btz^o }.(1875) The pB^f is 3C; the iaW connotes a clear path with no obstructions. Thus, %M means reaching your destination. For the ^^F, think of open lands (±) for grazing sheep (¥). ifiL 4*7:*, blood. (1661) Itself the p&Hf *>, IfiL derives from a Htf&3r of blood coagulated on a platter (ML $ <b) during rituals involved in forging alliances. The # may have come from the fjr V in i|§£q * a -7 fy. yffi f" 3 7: li h t>tz the intestines, bowels, guts. (1571) The g|$1i" is ^J; the #^r" is S (as in Bir). The %, a variant of 3 7, connotes length (ft). 3§! V 7: fc < (&) to send. (1852) The itffi derives from a schematic of two hands passing something on, thus sending it.[ifc] JjC - a * urine. (548) The cH$"if is P L*»tf ia, a corpse. Here it is an abbreviation for H *i, a tail, and connotes ^o5 4 yf, pubic regions. Water (7JC) from the pubic region (P) is urine (!£)♦ $£ 'W expelling, rejecting. (817) The WW is ^. The "mW $p derived from a ^M^oi the wings of a bird in flight. Here, however, ^ refers to M tifhyS. pair of doors, and ffi means to push (ffi) doors 0fc) open with your hands (^). 7 ^ double {a prefix in terms that in English begin with "compound" or "double"}. (1684) The oftti" is 3£, clothing. The iltffl connotes fr £ fa &, to place one thing upon another. Thus, ffi meant to fold cloth over upon itself, doubling it. $f£ -*f y various, mixed. (2001) The original form of J6 was a #1^ that combined i& on the left and % on the right to depict various pieces of cloth (3£) being gathered (H) to form a garment. For $£, think of nine {%) kinds of birds (1£) in a tree (^). ^ 4f 3 ■>: $ ri*V* border, property line. (416) The o^W is ±. Think of someone standing (±L) to view (JL) the boundaries (^) of his land (±) 186 n-7 h-7 YyfV9>ir<< V-7 visceral organs; liver, kidney {bio} heart; organ specificity {mod} internal organs of higher animals (bio) fcjll;3ll & J 38] M | fr>*?;*"yfc'f;l"5'*y transfer, conveying; attaining; arriving Yvtvtov^^^a+jvv transfer function matrix (comp sci) BW^S^l *?t**7-M goal attainment {bio} jfiL ^[fi]Iuli^;|WH -b *[^ ? ]*• y * a. -7; fc y* v red [white] blood cells; anemia {medj jfil/h'K; 5kWtt§ffl ^^^g-j/Ojryx^H** blood platelets; hemodialysis {med} jfiL$t;fRlfiL JtA ^7H;fan7r/fa^ Wood sugar, blood-sucking insect (bk>) >dN [ >^C]Mr; it ^r v a *>\94 if 3-);f-3^f a-) small [large] intestine; rectum {med} @8§;8§r*I Tftl t A'(f3'?;f3')Nv'3')A ileum; intestinal digestion {med} Jd£o1M-MMW]M> ?<i fs1)^ y-,4- v - K -7 < * ? coli; colic artery {bk>} ^[ltt]?IJfeS ^-f[f3^]t/77'>y> parallel [serial] transmission {compsci} fa^fazMM. 7* > V ? 7* > * 7 U a * transmission transfer function {elect} =fy 9 y,v *)i*yTy~r v sending end; sending voltage {elect} : a >> v;— a ■> K"7;— a •>* > urea; urethra; ureter {bk>} - 3 »7 K^i^g^yxv urethritis;ureteritis {med} - 3 -7 K* -b W <0; h ■7 — fcf 3 •> uremic; diabetes {med} BE /W * r * n y «J_7 7? VA*?\7 9'fyii4 7 ? * V;7 ? *4 tftz-fy is 7 9**5>;7 9*V*,Vm drainage ditch; excretory duct {med} exhaust [intake] stroke {mech eng} exclusive disjunction {comp sci) complex number, double decomposition {chem} plural; replicative form (of viral DNA) {Wochem} composite egg; compound sound (med) ?7-ify;7?-*fy%',-*fy*y cross,hybridization {bio};complex;noise,static 3 -7 ■y v 4 9 -> a. [ V a -t << ] hybridization breeding; [cross-fertilization] {bk>} if 7 -> a.; — -> 3 ^ -fe ^f K •> 7* 7 hybrids; omnivores {bio} ^^a^-.+ a^A^i+s^v^ environment; boundary; (boundary) film ijy^a^3^4 y[^ y A \ environmental factor [variation] {bio} * a «7 * -f v "7;—t ^ * > K boundary layer, film temperature
HP -tr y: &> L a joint, node {as a prefix it refers to economizing}. (1423) The S"if is it; the ^ connotes to cut or sever, as with #J -b y and ^ -if v. Hence, ®5 referred to the joints in bamboo that demarcate the inner spaces; later it came to mean the joints between bones as well. $£ fc y secreting; penetrating. (1091) A ^cX^ joining the SH water (2R) and necessarily (i&i*), 2& meant the endless flow of water from springs. In Japanese, it refers to seeping liquids, primarily secretions. M y V brains. (1567) The old form Sti may be helpful here because the right side depicted the brain with its furrowed appearance. iJ y feeling, sensation. (719) The Slf is 'lis the #£F is Jft, which is also the ^$F of $c. The H\ however, is * >, and here it connotes movement. Hence, ^ means that which moves the heart. fj v*: £ ii ix. h to remember (to leam and to retain what you have learned). (1695) The Stf is JtL; the top part means clarity (more complicated in the old form ft). Hence, % meant seeing something clearly in order to remember it (To recollect or recall is .11V* & "t* £ fc Wi-f or Hv^gCl-f iJ-bv^it.) II b *, X: *fc S head. (2038) The S"lf is H ;B:B#v\ the SI" for ^ associated with the head and face. The W$F is JL, but the ^ originally was va1), connoting "if, which is the SH" < ^ for head. M V?:tiL(£)torun.(1802) Itself the SU '£"9^<fc^,liL&,;^ derives from a combination of ^C above and it below: ;fc represented a person with outstretched hands; lh represented feet (fOL). [$C] ^ # y-. ~$ C muscle; tendon, sinew. (1417) Two ^ were merged to create $5. Both meant sinews. The one combined tifabove and 2j beneath; the other combined $1 on the left and jj on the right Think of muscles (#5) standing out in our flesh ($)) like bamboo (fr) sinews when we flex Cfr) them. flesh. (1541) Itself the S"i" fc < , £l derived from a SUI^ portraying meat as it looks when carved free from animal bones. #37: life bone. (2073) Itself the S"lf 1$ fc, H derives from a ^^^ that depicted the skull and its connection with the top vertebra of the spinal column to symbolize the bones of the body. 188 IP M^^SPittSfip * >«fe*;*4 *V\*s*+4*v joint; somite;ganglion {med} 4 7y[9-4*y]1-aV-ky genetic regulation; [thermoregulation] (mod} 1®^;®7fc;J0 NL ■fc,yt^;-b7X'f;-b7f>' economizing; saving water, saving electricity ■?*> tf y ;:M 7*y\£yw * secretion; endocrine organ {med} j^^ Jb&;$& J3e?!iF r>e;y3n;t7-3-)* secretory epithelium; urinary organ {med} 5HfcS;§^5iH&38 7>Xyli*tz-X7>\dyi>*tz secretor, non-secretor {bwchem} la 13 Sfe EI ;ISi ^;?5feflS J *?*X\J y>\*y J *) brain map; brain wave; brain-washing {med} AS'WKfi ih^d sv*sy/**/y*/a. y fy brain heart infusion, BHI {med} J2iS&;]]8 iMf $£fct y)*,);y)^?A>f'f3-j> cerebral vesicle; cerebral vascular resistance {med} 7fciSS;l?iS^ ^ •> * v Fr*-f * v-fe > photosensitivity {diem}; reinfection {med} J&ftfeSif ;<® 3^S£ * w* *;* > * * * feeler, sensory organ {bk>} 3 ? * > [ <; u -y ] v > >r 4 sympathetic [autonomic] nerves {med} % $i%'M %'$& % #>#?:^*?r>3?*? sensation; perception; tactile sense {bio} M3llft;Bfc)fcfr ->g***-fe>f;3**,ja* tactility; taste acuity {med} va^#?4r;f-#^'Jr'f olfactory organ; esthesiometer, tactometer {med} m[ttlllltJlRli] * ^[v ?] h 9 3 -y; h ■> *M frontal [lateral] lobe; skull, cranium {med} #4 h ■>; h 9#4 ^ v ? r > craniotomy;craniometricpoints {med} JLH;^!EfLII =-*y hy-,<*?-a.y Yv teat, papilla; taste papilla {med} ^Tfcrftltt^ffl v •> 3•>[*]*-f ;v *■* phototaxis; [chemotaxis] {chem};scanning ^SS'fMwS yWry;yyyyZ*3'y scanning electron microscope, SEM {chem} 7&tT IfofctliSiit l^ v^^y^/f[+ya •> i* travelling distributor [crane] {mech eng} m * v*y a.*? *s *9 \*> *4 fr v muscular contraction; muscle biopsy {med} sK {A^W.% ; jft$5 ^ -f [-> 3 ?] r >*>;**> t £ greatest [least] gluteal muscle {med}; path, line X << t y * y-tV y * V * y abductor (muscles); hair errecting muscles {med} 1*1 1*1 Wftttlfttt;pBl -9 ->3 y'-te'f Y*?~fy\— *sjl. carnivore; sarcoma {med} ^^-^rt-ffi^yt muscle; intramuscular injection {med} v"K')^^'fe'f-^ya sarcomalipoplasticum {med} # #J^J#l&|[wS| 3yi>;3 5f^',3y/%*> ostitis; skeleton;pelvis (med} a^^r/jnWy? skeletal muscle; pelvic axis {med} r y F •> [r ^ 'f ] ossification; bone conduction [dislocation] {med}
Physiology and Bioengineering A remarkable innovation among recent [ca. 1970] developments in electrophysiology is the ability to insert a minute glass electrode (less than 0.5 fx in diameter) transversely into various nerve and muscle fibers, making it possible to measure membrane potentials and to give electrical stimuli. What is here referred to as membrane potential is the potential difference arising between solutions that have as their boundary the semipermeable plasma-membrane which encloses the cells of organisms. Its absolute value can now be measured. For example, the liver and other organs secrete digestive fluids to digest food sent to the intestines; and, in order for digestion to proceed, the action of the so-called digestive movement is necessary to mix the food with the digestive fluids. The smooth muscles cause this digestive movement by means of their contractions. Thus, if we measure the contractions of the smooth muscles, we can gain an understanding of the digestive movement and clues for elucidating the complicated processes of internal organs. The motions of the smooth muscles are elucidated through observing the spikes in the action potentials measured by a glass electrode inserted directly into them; from the electromyogram thus obtained, we can learn of abnormalities in the digestive movement and ascertain the effects of drugs that we introduce. Electrophysiology has also resulted in improved understanding of nerve activity. Consider, for example, the act of taking an object in hand. One must first of all determine the location of the object with the eyes, then bend the appropriate joints to move the hand until it reaches the object. The brain performs the control processes required for these actions, the nerves transmitting the sensations from eye to hand to brain. The origin of these transmitted changes in neuronal electrical potential is again the changing plasma-membrane potentials of the nerve cells as the membrane alters its permeability under stimuli. Even simple movements such as running would be impossible were it not for the nerves that connect leg and brain Another field that has made recent advances along with electrophysiological research is biomedical engineering, its goal being the application of the methods developed within science and engineering to organisms. For example, the following research is underway: analyzing the flow of blood as the flow of a viscous fluid accompanied by diffusion; discussing in fluid mechanical terms the urinary process, i.e., urine entering the bladder from the kidneys via the ureter, collecting there, and then being expelled from the body through the urethra; and ascertaining the mechanical strengths of bones by subjecting them to traditional materials testing - tensile, impact and fatigue tests. Such research yields data for designing artificial organs* and provides a foundation for considering how to reduce the injuries incurred in automobile collisions. * General term for devices artificially made to perform functions of vital organs. For example, the artificial kidney, equipment that has a dialysis membrane between the blood and a dialyzing fluid and removes waste products such as urea from the blood; the artificial heart-lung, equipment that replaces the pumping action of the heart and the gas exchange action of the lungs (supplying oxygen and removing carbon dioxide) during open heart surgery; the pacemaker, equipment that serves to maintain a suitable heart beat by supplying external electric stimuli to the heart. 190 M m mmmfn Jfil m&mmWM m M. ffl m mL-mmtt AW m mv m JH'tilftttJ* /c. mmmnME jfe*rffcittpl| mmm.m-fm& ftt) ^
25 3fc-£j&25 mWWWmWWWWn±WWWWW¥W^m #*i©l?*4, £O*^j£l*-»|^*0aEGfci:**v\ ?*$«* fc n 1/9 O J: 3 «tt 0*&ff>y>#i5^jfi»-C^ |t[#OJ^^(iC02+H20-(CH20)+02 fc.fcoT*Tk*U £$ *0 jemse j: o-cafes tis£*Ei:tt-¥w5x10iot fc% %$*>x> ttuaunc^*t***» l) jfcx*>u*>f--0<ffc3fex*)i,4?—^lEft* jfc»; >9tfb:2) *i:j;4i3f>75 KTf^- vy**U*f-Ki;>aWADP)*>3l7C;3) **Ul fc t 4 9 02 <7)^4;4)(1) lc J: o "C&Dfc 7tV $/> = ■; >flfc(ATP) ^(2)tC«to-C^D/^7CMNADP *fflv>Tr»i^«*«*fc Wfc$*&ac&o £Ofl* (D,(2),(3) O&ffTttjtefc&gfct&Q-CWglfcfclff^ (4) £B£& ^QP7>f ^fl^-Ottfetcfflv^tL^ **L*feJftffi3tifcm?-tt7xUK*V>£4;t&*U oWCliNADP £3t7Ct£o l^^^o/^nn?^!/^!^ ^2 <0? n 7 -f >U*Ottjfet 4tKi:^ *^ v^f h^nAoi^Kio-clTcJiit, 7G*>:R»£fc£*o £2 o? DD7^*tt*i £^^%.fa&<n%&XftmLXfr<r)%5m\z*>-rfr*)^ *H*>f *>**>* aKtiiicsMkttuvwk^ifecioT, adp fcfcttyvat^^ATP^^r&o :*i**'j> * n **£«?■#*>£$ttr y vBMfctfj&c:h^tinhho %&fflm<r>%i%\t%2<d? nn y>, f-h^nA^Mi:r^nn7^;i'^m:f{EJi^fi:btL^i:#x.^tiTv^0 rSMfcfc* Calvin fcfc £ oTfc£j£o®HW*WfcfrK:$ flfco -e^^^-CATP t&xMNADP jWflwfcfL H < §; ^?L * 3 •>; ^1*4 3 * stem; stomata; waterpores ^fLth^fcL/it;^-^ to exude; sponge-cucumber life 3 ■> v a *;3tfe 7A t<< ; $tP£ ^v*4 purple;estimate; stage Mjfe u 4 *; $#a * a 9 * a •>; ji&ft- *4%4 excitation; supply; intermediary, agent 193
Ufc ^ -? ^ pulse; bloodvessels. (1563) The ikffi depicted a network of river tributaries. Hence, JUfc represents tributaries in the body (^). Some sources give the left side as ifil rather than $J, yielding a better &M3r for blood vessels. J5 n ^; £> o(V>) thick; concentrated. (277) The p&Hf is j~" rt* A//iti, a sharp cliff. Here J~" is joined with an upside-down M to indicate cliffs piled high, one upon the other. [I&] W ^*: 1 tQ<*) thin;dilute. (1640) These meanings are borrowed; thus, knowing the origins of W yields no insights. The iaW appears in 1$, which, combined with dr, gives the important words W-i ^9 *s, a person with a doctorate; 1#± >^# -t an expert, a very learned person. (Note the differing pronunciations.) ^ff 7: &<7) cloth. (588) The o&"§" is rfl utwr, associated with cloth. Surprisingly, the WflF is X *>*>, father. Itself a £&"|T (but with very few entries), ^C derived from a schematic of hand and stick, signifying striking. The link between cloth and striking may have derived from the pounding of hemp to make fibers. ft 3 ■>: ^ L £ (7) to nurture; * tz (X Z>) to raise (children). (2054) The WIT is *; the &W is *, itself the ftl" tho t, sheep. Sheep ($) were raised (*) not only for wool, but because lamb was considered nutritious (H) to eat (jit). [$C] "S3 -fey: §(&)tocut.(548) The # is a variant of -t yf, but -fc here has nothing to do with the number seven. It comes from a f&M representing a cut Thus, here both -fc and 72 refer to cutting ($]). 3E v Jt-lord: £ & & chief, main. (20) The Wit" is ^ *>» 5 • r A,; ± derives from a IfaM^ir depicting a stand with a flaming lamp upon it The master of the house supervised the flame, so i came to mean the head of a household. fm X4 marrow; pith. (2074) The ^W is H*. Think of marrow (fii) as that substance which exists (%) within the bones (#) and interacts (3C) with other sytems in the body. f jf v >: & /- t> (L V>) new. (874) The pjStif is/r £ A< • £<oo < »?. The top of the left side was originally ¥ v :/, which meant to cut and arrange, so Sf meant to cut and arrange (¥) trees (?fc) with an ax (/f). This original meaning is evident in the word for firewood, Hf tz % %. The meaning new is borrowed. 1—1 3 *>: < "£> mouth; opening {suffix for entrances and exits}. (295) Well-known as the &&1IF < *>, mouth, P also means opening. Thus, emergency exit is 2£1£P b V 3 •> <**>. Interesting is the use of mouth in the word population, AP V > =» 1. 194 ^JfrtShBJUJfcflfel ^ F^'H* f9\fy- aorta;[venaecavae] {med};context {compsci} SfjMSH fcittPM K*>3*?3?*;K9-fe>f**? arteriosclerosis; arteriovenous, A-V {med} iMIKff jt"S •fy\-*9 4y*yfy#*> context-sensitive grammar (compset) mwmmm 1B2£#*B I" * -M*['>*'>]:7'>:7* vy*-fyfx thick plate; thickness of plate; welfare (earn) collenchyma; [collenchymatous cell] (bio) sclercnchymatous fiber, [clamydospore] (bio) thin plate; thin film; thin layer rarefied; pellicle; [mella] {bk>) pale color, dimly lit, gloomy nonwoven fabric; wiring diagram normal [exponential] distribution {comp sci) presumptive map (bio) fti»9;iB»f;SJHI LX/f 3->fc? 3«3r[-*JL*]'J 3*> ftK;«Ma 3E v a. f- 3 •> -> ir; v a * V T + « nyX<i±4*y[*U m\ X4*/V\X4*y\X4Jl jL^x^'yy^r^i-ty^ training, nurture; nutrition; culture {med} nutrition requirement; ditto {med] aerobic [anaerobic] culture {med} partition; cutting; incision {med) angular incision surgery {med} to cut down (timber) [off] subject, theme; [chief, main]; advocacy claimant; subjective structural linguistics {compsci} bone marrow biopsy [culture] {med} medulla; medullary plate; myelencephalon {bk>} medullated nerve fiber {med} #BMJfJMfrA n-PAiimtt y V sy j.;v V* -f ;> > "? > vy*>3 ui[Kssy\ P new species; Neogaean realm; neo-man {bio} Cenozoic era; Caenophytic era {b») neocerebellum; [neocortex] {med} mouth-to-mouth breathing {med) mouth gag; mouth dryness {med] oral anticoagulant {med)
Dfc 3 * ^ pulse; blood vessels. (1563) The #$F depicted a network of river tributaries. Hence, M represents tributaries in the body ($1). Some sources give the left side as Jffl. rather than ft, yielding a better xcH:^ for blood vessels. )5 3 *; £>*^(V*) thick; concentrated. (277) The IflStf is J~ #M! *i, a sharp cliff. Here f is joined with an upside-down M to indicate cliffs piled high, one upon the other. [Ifc] W ^ 9: 1 1"(V*) thin; dilute. (1640) These meanings are borrowed; thus, knowing the origins of W yields no insights. The iaW appears in W, which, combined with i, gives the important words 1#i /■* * ->, a person with a doctorate; 1#± ^*-ban expert, a very learned person. (Note the differing pronunciations.) ^S" 7: &<?) cloth. (588) The Sfcif is ft it tf, associated with cloth. Surprisingly, the 1aW is X % *>, father. Itself a W£ (but with very few entries), 3C derived from a schematic of hand and stick, signifying striking. The link between cloth and striking may have derived from the pounding of hemp to make fibers. SI 3 ?: ^ L & (? ) to nurture; -*■ 1* (X h) to raise (children). (2054) The WW is :fc the tfflF is % itself the WW f>oC, sheep. Sheep (¥) were raised (#) not only for wool, but because lamb was considered nutritious (il) to eat (Jt). [tfc] ^0 -t7: 8 (£) to cut. (548) The ^ is a variant of -fc ->?-, but -fc here has nothing to do with the number seven. It comes from a 3&M representing a cut Thus, here both -fe and 73 refer to cutting (#J). 3E V J-lord: £ & & chief, main. (20) The o&"if is N *> * -9 • r A/; ± derives from a ^^$ depicting a stand with a flaming lamp upon it The master of the house supervised the flame, so i came to mean the head of a household. fit X<< marrow; pith. (2074) The p&H is H*. Think of marrow (it) as that substance which exists fld") within the bones (#) and interacts (3C) with other sytems in the body. lf'»:tfcf)(L v>) new. (874) The p£1f isfr§A/-fc<oo<»). The top of the left side was originally ?yy, which meant to cut and arrange, so 9f meant to cut and arrange (¥) trees (^) with an ax (JT). This original meaning is evident in the word for firewood, Wl tz § £\ The meaning new is borrowed. I—I ^ *J: < lb mouth; opening {suffix for entrances and exits}. (295) Well-known as the (BUT < *>, mouth, P also means opening. Thus, emergency exit is ^^P \l v* a ^ <**>. Interesting is the use of mouth in the word population, AP v* > ^ ?. 194 «M«;W& M *r>f K?[-M]* ^r*;7".''••• :•:* ± aorta; [venae cavae] (med); context {comp sci} arteriosclerosis; arteriovenous, A-V (med) context-sensitive grammar (comp sci) ^v>/:;v^*o;^-b'f thick plate; thickness of plate; welfare {econ} a * * * y *• *[*M # *] collenchyma; [colknchymatous cell] {bio} ^^^y-fl**j£l sclerenchymatousfiber, [clamydospore] {bk>} }+v»fc;/\*v?;-y* trim plate; thin film; thin layer */^*;/^fc[^>] rarefied; pellicle; [mella] {bk>} H^^^tC^V pale color, dimly lit, gloomy '* 7va?7;7t>X nonwoven fabric; wiring diagram *-f*[V^*]-/vy ronnal [exponential] distribution (compsci) y v * 7 v 7X presumptive map (bio) ft5J9;9MMBI 3 ■> -fc -f ;.x -f a •> ;>< 4 a ■> training, nurture; nutrition; culture (med) ti^3'Jt"/i3'7(-+i'>]l)3,> nutrition requirement; ditto (med) a ■>[■>- vi*'<-f a ■> aerobic [anaerobic] culture (med) liSit fce^fe ftfttt&nie $J *s § 0;-fe 7 ^ v ;* ? * 4 partition; cutting; incision {med} ^yg^^i-f^^y angular incision surgery {med} § 0 £ 1" 11 * ] to cut down (timber) [off] 3: ->a *M [3 ■> *]; v** subject,theme; [chief, main]; advocacy v i ?- 3 -* v *; v jl # ^ r * claimant; subjective u<yWsjL*yy*lf? structural linguistics {comp sci} ft ztyX4*4*y['U3*] bone marrow biopsy [culture] {med} %A v v.ZA *v&4 J *> medulla; medullary plate; myelencephalon {bio} 3-*}%A ssv*r4*.v4 medullated nerve fiber {med} ffttfflMfA P-PAI«& -> > •> *;-> v * -< ;> v i7 > new species; Neogaeanrealm; neo-man (bio) •> y* 74 ;->>•> a 9?vf4 Cenozoicera;Caenophvticera(bio) -> v •> a ■> y ■>[ t •> 7] neocerebellum; [neocortex] (med) n mouth-to-mouth breathing {med} mouth gag; mouth dryness {med} oral anticoagulant {med]
±. K:0^ soil, earth. (380) Itself the cftl! o *,, soil, ± joins with a less common ^ in the ffllg for soil, ±Sl K 9J a "7. $| 3>:fc root. (977) The ^P$F is M; the If a variant of ^ * >. Thus, © reminds us that roots are a tree's foundation. jS. % y: ^ X. (i~\ fr x. (& ) to return, to complete a cycle. (1892) This "mW appears also with the p&1ir :£ in H * *, ring.Think of moving (5C) on a ring (Ht) and completing a cycle (M). jQ "b > prior, previous: $ § tip. (156) The p&"i3 A K A,K i 7 derives from a ftl£^ of a person at a table and means o < x., desk. 5fe, however, derives from a combination of A and it and referred to people who had died, one's ancestors, those who came before us. fit *K: titt mother. (1053) The £B1f is ft ***l, which is not itself § tttt. Since U derives from a ^^$ joining a woman and two dots to symbolize a woman nursing, ~k would be preferable as the p&1f. ?E *: lift flowers. (1600) The H^ is it, so think about how plants (j>"P) have parts that change (4fc) into flowers (7E). Pfi ^ ^f steps; grade; {the counter for floors of a building}. (1985) The pftH* i:^^^ (from ip-) represents the stepwise path up a mountain. The iztW is ■§?, which here connotes things that run alongside each other. (-& means everybody, h &.) f b J * ability. (1562) Originally meaning a bear, IS came to mean ability when J& < i came to mean a bear - a change that seems strange since t& originally meant a brighdy burning flame. However, the fact that $fc and M had the same i=tWt& may account for it. W fyitrtl herd, flock; group. (1517) The pBtf is ¥ tto C; the #$f is H. Together they meant sheep flocking. Since 31 § * means ruler, think of how the shepherd (M) herds (S£) his sheep (¥). TjSL 3r standards, regulations. (1693) Since the t^tf jl, fry here connoted R x :/, circle, and 5fe signified a ruler for measuring, Jt meant a compass for drawing a circle. Later it came to mean standards and regulations. 196 ± ±m^m K-fe 4 <o iJ >; K'7 a 7 Saturn's rings (astro); soil (Wo) F y a *f * > K 3 7 7*7 soil clay minerals (chem) K i? a 7 if y v a. 7 [it v -fe v] soil community; [soil-borne infection] [bk>) tl ziy^^t3^zi>iziy7y root hairs; radicle; root pressure (bio) ^vt'fr'Ja') ;••• *J a 7 3 7 root system; root nodules; root-like leaf {bio} ^-f*^=r^;«j v #^3 v square root; cube root (math) M7C;S7CT8^ *^y>;*>y>r^r-f reduction; reductimetery {diem} reducing sugar, reflux ratio (chem) v 7 h Wfc%~3CW$X J9s7Y~W7y*4** shift-reduce parsing {comp sci} -b > * ^ v -v ;—/<-{; n 7 /n w precursor, (one's) senior, (one's) junior *y? yi-tyuw point discharge {elect}; more advanced, leading tOO-I^Sih^^ S£ customer, customer, client {business} * -fy jK;-«M 'ya^^y* #-M=f7 KW f>l denominator, least common denominator {math} maternal behavior [inheritance] {med} mother cell; spermatocyte {bio} >ft PtfSit fcttlttfe # 7 v v 7; # 7 > v s 7 pollen chamber {bio}; hay fever {med} *7>*>*^;*7>"Ji7 pollen tube nucleus; pollen grain {bio) ^^^W-t^i'js^-bW* flower bud formation; hermaphrodite flower {bio} m iJ 4 7s 7; f y iJ 4; * -i Y > rank, order {comp sci}; stage; steps, stairs 4f*?[va.7-V?]*'fy7 memory [aggregate] hierarchy {comp sci) AO 3,)k3')v?;*'ff>f+ assigning intensity levels {comp sci}; stepwise it |] y 7 'J 3 ? ;* y-7 ;# >"? * 4 ability; function; potentiality, likelihood *■ J 7 v 7.7; y 7 'J 7 inteUigence quotient {med}; efficiency #>y7*;*7vW7 functional group; radioactivity {chem} ftmwMmL *fy*s3.*}\>ry W-/9 4 -fyimry'y?y^y<< try??* 4\?yyt * community; sociability; colony (bk>) taxon; group variation (bio) vegetation girdle; vegetation map {bio} scale, scope; standard; criterion (comp sci) semantics; [transformational rule] {comp sci} international [safety] standards (comp sci)
Photosynthesis Plants extend their roots into the earth and, in addition to supporting their stems, leaves, and flowers thereby, draw up from the earth moisture and the nutrients dissolved within it The primary motive force moving the aqueous liquid to the upper parts of the plant, after its absorption by root hairs grouped near the tips of the roots, is the sun's thermal energy. That is, moisture turns into vapor by the sun's heat and transpires through the stomata in the leaf surface. Moreover, water is also exuded from irregularly arranged cracks, resembling stomata, which are apparent when you look at the edges of a leaf; they are the tips of the leaf veins and are called water pores. These processes are the sources for the suction force generated at the roots by which plants take in dilute solutions of nutrients. The roots also possess a force to exude water, known as root pressure, which is clearly evident when a sponge-cucumber stem exudes a large amount of water upon being cut The substances constituting the cells of plant bodies are primarily organic; and in order for plant growth to continue through increase in the number of cells via divisions of the mother cells, organic substances are necessary. How do plants, which cannot move about to gather food as animals do, secure the organic substances they need? Green plants and certain kinds of bacteria are able to assimilate carbon dioxide, taken primarily from the air, and synthesize organic substances by utilizing the energy of light. Reduction of carbon dioxide accompanies this photosyntheis: the higher plants and chlorella emit oxygen molecules, and purple bacteria oxidize hydrogen sulfide and other substances. Frequently, starch is the main product and, in the case of higher plants, is produced by the reaction C02 + H20 - (CHjO) + 02, and stored mainly in* the seeds, roots and subterranean stems. (In the stems it is stored in the pith and other parts.) The amount of carbon fixed by photosynthesis in a year is estimated to be 5 x 10101 and the greater part of the organic substances distributed over the earth and the oxygen molecules in the air derive from it The mechanism of photosynthesis is complex and not yet perfectly clear, but the most recent thinking includes the following steps: 1) change from light energy to chemical energy, photophosphorylation; 2) reduction of nicotinamide - adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) by light; 3) generation of 02 accompanying this reduction; 4) reactions changing carbon dioxide into organic substances in which the reduced form of NADP arising from (2) and the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) from (1) are used. Among these steps (1), (2), and (3) require light and are called light reactions; (4) is called a dark reaction. The light absorbed by chlorophyll or cartenoid is used in the sensitization process to excite a molecule of chlorophyll, and the electron emitted is given to femedoxin, which finally reduces the NADP. The chlorophyll molecule that lost the electron is reduced and returned to its original state by means of an electron provided by the second chlorophyll system and through the agency of intermediaries such as quinones and cytochromes. The second chlorophyll system acts under light rays of shorter wave length than the first and takes part in the photolysis of water, receiving electrons from hydroxyl ions and releasing oxygen gas as a result By the transfer of electrons in this process there is, in addition to NADP reduction, a formation of phosphates by oxidation and a production of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphoric acid. This is called photophosphorylation. Phosphorylation also arises from the reduced form of ferredoxin, which is produced by irradiation of the first chlorophyll system, and the transfer of an electron to the ' cytochrome system. No indications have been found of second chlorophyll system activity with photosynthetic bacteria, and it is believed that the electron transfer to the chlorophyll comes from some substance outside the system (e.g., hydrogen sulfide) via quinones or cytochromes. As to fixation of carbon dioxide, it was first made clear that the fixation is done on the carbon of the carboxyl radical of 3-phospho-glyceric acid, and then Calvin et al. clarified the pathways in sugar production. That process utilizes ATP and the reduced form of NADP. 198 M j^mMH^M I mfitmMm —T T » * J \mf m m M Pf 0fSbllflF-;i$fA □ n-nAmWKifc mnmrnstm ± ±£«St|iE ±«ttK«* m \tm % m JlfiHi: +* 4b m ptmjHUl to*sasM!ffl ^ masmm
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