Author: Daub E.E.  

Tags: japanese  

ISBN: 0-299-06680-0

Year: 1975

College of Engineering
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
College of Engineering
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
Faculty of Engineering
Science University of Tokyo

Published 1975 by The University of Wisconsin Press Box 1379, Madison, Wisconsin 53701 The University of Wisconsin Press Ltd. 70 Great Russell Street, London Copyright © 1975 The Regents of the University of Wisconsin System All rights reserved Second printing 1982 Printed in Japan ISBN 0-299-06680-0, LC 74-5900
PREFACE Japan is one of the leading technological nations in the world. Although its scientific and engineering achievements have been most impressive, few scientists and engineers have developed the ability to read the literature of their Japanese counterparts. There are several reasons for this: (a) the extensive efforts of the Japanese to learn Western languages and their willingness to share their research results in those tongues; (b) the complexity of the Japanese language for foreign- foreigners; and (c) the absence of appropriate instructional materials for scientists and engineers. These points are discussed here briefly. Although much of Japan's scholarly research has been published in English and other languages, there remains a vast literature of patents, handbooks, engi- engineering journals, government reports, and transactions of technical meetings which is not normally translated. Furthermore there is substantial interest in graduate and postdoctoral study in Japan, joint US-Japan research projects, and multinational industrial ventures. All these activities serve to emphasize the need for providing more people with the opportunity to learn that part of the Japa- Japanese language which is vital to them, namely the technical part. The Japanese used in modern technical writing is not nearly as difficult as that encountered in the literary or the spoken language. Written technical Japanese is considerably more direct in grammar and style than the literary language with its delightful nuances and tantalizing ambiguities. Large segments of Japanese grammar, such as humble and honorific verbs, irregular "counters", words for family relationships, the verbs for giving and receiving, the formulas for polite requests, and the whole hierarchy of greetings and apologies are entirely absent. Moreover, surprisingly, causatives, desideratives, alternatives, the -masu conjuga- conjugation, and other verb forms do not occur frequently. The basic grammar needed to read scientific texts is remarkably limited and can be easily mastered. The big hurdle—and this cannot be minimized—is the development of a recognitional knowledge of the Chinese characters, the kanji. Until the publication of this book there has been no reader designed specifi- specifically to meet the needs of the scientist or engineer. Concerned with the efficient use of his time, the technical man may wonder which of the approximately 2000 kanji he should learn first in order to gain access to Japanese technical literature. In the preparation of this book, therefore, we have stressed the mastery of the five- hundred most important kanji, and the scientific vocabulary which can be con- constructed from them. The organization of lessons is such that the reader will learn these characters as a result of relentless repetition. To insure that we are introducing the most important kanji, we have made use of frequency counts which have been made
4 Comprehending Technical Japanese on physics, l chemistry, 2 and biology texts. 2 We believe that the mastery of the five-hundred kanji emphasized in this book will provide a very sound basis for technical reading. Assuming that the student has had a one-year course in beginning Japanese (basic grammar, the two капа systems, and the use of a kanji dictionary), we have structured the lessons in the following way: 1. At the beginning of each lesson a tabulation of the 20 new REQUIRED KANJI with ON and кип reading which are of importance for scientists and engineers is presented. These required kanji should be learned thoroughly; the reader is expected to recognize them in all subsequent lessons. Next to each kanji two numbers are given. The upper one refers to the kanji designation in F. Sakade, A Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese, Tuttle, Rut- Rutland, Vt. A959). The lower one refers to the number of the character in A. N. Nelson, The Modern Reader s Japanese-English Character Dictionary, Tuttle, Rutland, Vt. A962). The Sakade book gives the stroke order and the most important readings; the Nelson reference gives a complete listing of the read- readings as well as a number of compounds. 2. Next the READING SELECTION, using the twenty new kanji, is given. Many of these texts are taken from high school books, which are less difficult and less formal in style than research journals or reference works. The subject material is rather elementary and hopefully the topics selected will also be of general interest. A vocabulary list, romaji version of the text, a complete translation, and explanatory notes accompany the reading selection. For this part of the lesson no effort is spared to help the reader. Note that the vocabulary introduced in the reading selection will not be repeated in later parts of the lesson or in subsequent lessons. Furigana will always be appended to kanji not previously included as required kanji so that the reader need not master these kanji and may concentrate on the required twenty in each lesson. 3. In each reading selection several constructions appear which recur fre- frequently in technical reading. We single these out and give several examples further illustrating their use. These CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES should be studied with great care, and any new vocabulary words introduced here should be learned thoroughly, for they will not be repeated subsequently. 4. Next several SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS are included. For these addi- additional vocabulary is given but no other assistance. The new words introduced here need not be memorized. Many of these readings are taken from college 1. R.B. Bird, Scientific Japanese, Univ. of Wis., Engr. Expt. Sta. Report # 33, Part KJan.1967), and part II (Aug. 1967). 2. N. Inoue, unpublished compilation.
Preface 5 level textbooks, reference works, and technical journals. Their purpose is to provide additional experience in kanji recognition and comprehension. 5. The final essay is a TRANSLATION TEST. Here jurigana are added to non-required kanji, but otherwise no help is given. The reader is on his own here—he may have to use a dictionary or grammar book to perform the translation. In this translation test each of the twenty required kanji for the lesson will appear at least once. Thus each lesson progresses from elementary texts with considerable assistance, to more difficult readings with some vocabulary aids, and then on to a fairly realistic translation task with no help at all. The final essay should serve as a guide to the student in judging his mastery of the lesson and in deciding whether to move on to the next. Although written primarily to assist the engineer and scientist in learning to read technical literature, the book may be useful to some technical people who are interested only in acquiring vocabulary for conversation purposes. Such peo- people can take a "short course" by using just the romanized readings and the vo- vocabulary lists. In addition several other groups of people might find this book helpful: technical librarians, who wish to translate titles and tables of contents; language majors, who want to train themselves to do technical translation; and students from non-English-speaking countries who plan to study technical subjects at Japanese universities. Our primary purpose, however, is to provide the means for courageous scien- scientists or engineers to learn to read technical Japanese by hard work. We trust this book will guide them through those first critical stages of learning to comprehend written technical texts and hope that the riches of Japanese scientific thought will be their reward. E. E. D. #<DAlK U^teb Uft 9<D1U R. В. В. N. I. Madison, Wisconsin ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge financial support and encouragement provid- provided by the Office of International Studies and Programs, the Engineering Exper- Experiment Station, and the Graduate School of the University of Wisconsin. In addition some financial aid was made possible to one of us (RBB) through the William F. Vilas Trust Estate. We are greatly indebted to Mr. and Mrs. Eiichi Hamanishi for preparation of the manuscript, to her for the calligraphy and typing, and to him for advice and proofreading.
EXPLANATORY NOTES 1. ROMANIZATION The following system is used a ka sa ta na ha ma ya ra wa ga za da ba pa kya sha cha nya hya mya rya gya ja bya pya -n (r) (*) W (*) (-) ft) ft) (9) G) an (Я (-) ('<) (*+) (->+) (*-+) (-+) 0J+) (t4) (t>) (v) i ki shi chi ni hi mi ri gi ji ji bi Pi H) (+) ('» (-) (t) («) (У) (?) (^) (Я (Ю u ku su tsu nu fu mu yu ru gu zu zu bu pu kyu shu chu nyu hyu myu ryu gyu Ju byu pyu (») (*) (Л) (У) (?) G) (A) (») (/V) (^) (X) ("/) (У) (^») (->») (**) D») E*) (!J») (?,) (^») (k**) e ke se te ne he me re ge ze de be pe (*) fr) (¦t) (x) (*) (-) (^) (l/) (*"*) (•tf) (Я (-<) (-<) о ко so to no ho mo yo ro о go zo do bo po kyo sho cho nyo hyo myo ryo gyo jo byo РУО m (a) (V) (b) (/) (*) (*) C) (p) (9) (=0 ('/) (K) (#) (*) ft a) (^a) (^a) (-a) (ta) E a) (У a) ft в) а>в) (Ь'н) (fa)
Preface 7 Long vowels are written with a macron (а,о,п) except for гг. The terminal Ay is always transcribed as -n although it is pronounced as -m before b, m, and p; if it is followed by a vowel sound, then an apostrophe is used, as in sen9г (-tir/v V*). Doubled consonants are written as U, pp, kk etc., except for the doubled sh and ch sounds, which are written ssh and tch. The particles fi, ^, and % are written as wa9 e9 and o, (and never as ha, he9 and wo) to correspond to their pronunciation. The Romanization used here is that found in the leading Japanese- English dictionaries. We make liberal use of hyphens in transcribing words which are compounds of three or more characters in order to facilitate reading. For example: shuki-teki ШШ№] periodic en-undo НЗЖШ/ circular motion enshin-ryoku Ш'Ъу*] centrifugal force We also use a hyphen to separate the two parts of a double verb: kuri-kaesu < 0 Mir to repeat tori-atsukau JJX D 2bo#* 5 to deal with Note that verbs are given in their plain present form, but the English "equiva- "equivalent" is always given as the infinitive. 2. OKURIGANA We have followed the Monbusho (Japan Ministry of Education) rules for toyo kanji and okurigana throughout. In the kanji lists at the beginning of each lesson the official okurigana are given in parentheses. 3. SOURCES FOR READINGS The majority of the Reading Selections and Supplementary Readings were taken from Japanese technical books and have been adapted for instructional pur- purposes in one or more of the following ways: 1) the okurigana have been changed to conform with modern standard usage; 2) older forms of kanji have been re- replaced with modern standard ones; 3) /urigana have been appended to those kanji which do not appear in the kanji lists at the beginning of the lessons; 4) partic- particularly difficult passages have been rewritten and passages not germane to the immediate topic have been eliminated. The selections were taken from the following books: В Koto-gakko Butsuri B, Seishi Kaya (ed.) Kogakusha, Tokyo, 1963. BK Butsuri-kagaku, Haruhiko Noda, Asakura Shoten, Tokyo, 1971. BKJ Butsuri-kagaku Jikken-ho, Akira Kotera (ed.), Asakura Shoten, Tokyo, 1955. BN Butsuri-gaku Nyumon, Nobuo Hori (ed.), Maki Shoten, Tokyo, 1959. FK Fu-kanzen Kitai, Taro Kihara, Asakura Shoten, Tokyo, 1950.
8 Comprehending Technical Japanese I Ido-sokudo-ron, Daizo Kunii et al., Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1968. IG Iden-gaku, Yoshito Shinoto and Kaichiro Yanagisawa, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1971. IK Kagaku B, 1st edition, Yuji Shibata, Sakae Tsuda, Osamu Shimamura, Dai-Nihon Tosho, Tokyo, 1961. К Kagaku B, new revised edition, Yuji Shibata, Sakae Tsuda, and Osamu Shimamura Dai-Nihon Tosho, Tokyo, 1966. KB Ko-bunshi no Butsuri, 3rd edition, The Japan Physical Society (Ed.) Asakura Shoten, Tokyo, 1966. KJE Kojien, Izuru Shimamura (ed.), Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1955. KK Kagaku Kikai no Riron Keisan, Saburo Kamei (ed.), Sangyo Tosho, Tokyo 1959. KKT Kagaku Kogaku Tsuron, 3rd edition, Koichi Iinoya, Asakura Shoten, Tokyo, 1959. KS Kagaku Seni, revised edition, Minoru Iinoto, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1972. N Netsu-rikigaku, Masahiro Yorizane, Kagaku Gijutsu-sha, Tokyo, 1957. 2RJ Rika-gaku Jiten, revised 2nd edition, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1958. 3RJ Rika-gaku Jiten, 3rd edition, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1971. S Seibutsu, Tomo-o Miwa and Midemichi Oka, Sanseido, Tokyo, 1972. SJ Seibutsu-gaku Jiten, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1960. SK Sei-kagaku, Fujio Egami, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1971. SN Soryushi no Nazo, Hideki Yukawa, Asahi Press, Tokyo, 1972. SS Seimei о Saguru, Fujio Egami, Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo, 1967. The symbols at the left are used in refering to these sources. 4. KANJI LISTS A list of twenty required kanji appears at the beginning of each lesson. The following are explanations and examples of the notation: 1) Identifying numbers, ON and kun readings. Number of kanji in Sakade's book ON reading in capital letters [the additional official ON reading, KEN, is omitted, since it occurs so rarely 58 4949 in scientific texts] Number of kanji in N^- кип reading in lower case letters [the additional Nelson's book official reading ma is omitted, since it occurs infre- infrequently in scientific texts]
Preface 9 2) Verbs and okurigana. ^-The infrequent reading JO is omitted The syllables in parentheses are called okurigana and are written in hiragana. 471 1296 TEI sada (meru) sada (maru) The brace indicates a pair of related verbs, the upper always being the transitive verb, the lower always being the intransitive verb. If there are two verbs not joined by a brace, they are not a transitive-intransitive pair. 3) Unofficial readings. 737 428 [tato (eba) ] Reading enclosed in brackets is not currently an official reading. Since this reading is, however, often encountered in technical Japanese, it is included. 2470 kura(beru) 4) Omission of dakuon readings. The pronunciation PI as in (КШЭД hanpirei) is not included, since this is a standard phonetic change replacing X> by Xfi. Similar phonetic changes, called dakuon, such as ka (#*) to ga (з^), su (i~) to Zu (:f), are also not explicitly included. 5) Omission of verbs derived from ON readings. No separate entry is given for the verb nes{suru). Similarly in the entry for fo, no separate entry for o(Zuru) or o(jiru) will be found. 5. VOCABULARY ENTRIES In the vocabulary lists which accompany the various readings, generally only the translation of the word which is appropriate in the text at hand has been listed. For example in Supplementary Reading G in Lesson 1, for the entry ^C % ? okisa magnitude we have not listed the meanings "largeness, bulk" since they are not appropriate there. Similary, for the entry Щ-^Ь ataeru to give we do not include the meanings "present, award, bestow, provide." m 490 2797 NETSU atsu (i)
Page 8 13 34 39 49 64 85 86 91 121 143 171 182 188 198 202 224 229 230 231 247 258 288 298 309 310 312 314 322 331 334 339 348 402 406 407 Line 10 15 20 25 32 12 4 22 9 5 30 8 5 9 15 21 25 9 32 14 14 23 20 2 16-17 24 8 19 25 33 2 4 4 25 20 35 13,36 20 4 10 11 ERRATA Now reads Shimamura Iinoto Midemichi with the roman (*-. y-f *- taikyo-kei-nai sotai suru irareu. kanshite, # The rate of change achromatic lens (-*.- b :•)/(*-* у? Ш ffi С Ъ tojiru flUfj kan'yo ordinary usage, common use hundred per cent further, more still see Lesson 11 Ш№ Z> tokeru ZEf$ shutai primary substance, constituent thermoplastic viscoelastic singly Ш do-bussei Shoku-bussei ko-busshitsu ko-busshitsu =f- ^ \, ^ п л chikutokuromu yadonushti 7 V -fr V У U. Subata О. Shimaura Should read Shinmura Imoto Hidemichi with the italic ti *-t y-f z~ taiyo-kei-nai aitai suru irareru. hanshite, The change t>*7LZ> achromatic prism (-л- Ь У)(* - Ь tvf 1(9 — в Ш ffl С X V * Ъ tojite iru flUfjO kan'yo no usual percentage furthermore, still see Lesson 9 Ш^ХЬ^Ъ tokete iru •••^ZEftSr&'J'* shutai о nasu is fundamental in... thermoplasticity viscoelasticity individual dobutsu-sei Shokubutsu-sei kobutsu-shitsu kobutsu-shitsu "f- \* 9 и К chitokuromu yadonushi >? V ± V У Y. Shibata O. Shimamura
LESSON 1 KANJI ж т п * 484 3396 453 4700 288 1511 157 4725 296 730 213 101 309 108 313 2857 270 405 1 1 ТО hito (shii) Cnado, -raj SOKU haya(i) DO UN hako(bu) DO (ugo (kasu) lugo (ku) КО mu (ku) mu (kau) HYO omote ara(wasu) BUTSU MOTSU mono TAI CkaradaJ IGHI ITSU hito(tsu) ma 5Ё m Ш m m it m m ш 474 1296 295 619 253a 4548 276a 5040 87 2126 58 4949 697 2470 737 428 472 775 447 3580 TEI Jsada (meru) Isada (maru) DO ona (j i) KYO RI Jhana (su) jhana (reru) JI toki KAN aida HI kura (beru) REI Ctato(eba): GHOKU fnao(su) Inao(ru) SEN < READING SELECTION sokudo tosokudo undo hayasa muki arawasu buttai ittei no ugoku velocity constant velocity motion speed direction to show, express, represent body constant to move (pres. tense) + t % (Cf± (pres. tense) +toki ni wa when..., whenever...
12 Comprehending Technical Japanese V^ О % itsumo Щ С onaji kyori yo shita jikan •KUcMiTb hirei suru ...o v to sureba aruiwa chokusen always same distance required time to be proportional to. if we let v be--- or straight line (в И) о-eft So c (9) TOSOKUDO UNDO Sokudo to iu no waA) hayasaB) to mukiC) de arawasareru mono de aru. Buttai ga ittei no sokudo de ugoku tokiD) ni wa, undo no muki to hayasa to wa itsumo onaji de aru kara, ugoita kyori s wa sore niE) yo shita jikan t ni hirei suru. Kono tokiD) no hayasa(б) о о to sureba s=vtm aruiwa(8) v =s/t(9) de arawasareru. Kono yo ni,A0) sokudo ga ittei noA1) undo о tosokudo-undo, mata wa tosoku-chokusen-undo to iu.A2) UNIFORM MOTION Velocity is a quantity which is described by (giving) the speed and direction. When a body moves with constant velocity, the speed and the direction of the motion are always the same, and so the distance s which it has travelled is pro- proportional to the time required t. If we let v be the speed for this case, then s—vt or v—s/t. Motion at constant velocity is called uniform (velocity) motion or uniform line- linear motion. A) sokudo to iu no wa Explanatory Notes Literally "the thing called velocity"; translate simply
LESSON 1 13 B) sokudo vs. hayasa C) muki (|SJ?) D) toki ni wa E) Sore ni F) kono toki no hayasa G) s=vt (8) aruiwa (9) v=s/t A0) kono yo ni A1) A2) А о В to iu by "velocity"; although V^ Ь is conventionally ro- manized as iu9 it is pronounced уп. Sokudo and hayasa correspond to the English "velo- "velocity" and "speed", the first being the vector quan- quantity and the second being the scalar. In both lan- languages this distinction is not always clearly made. The word hoko(~fjft\) could also be used. "Toki" here is written in kana (t %) but may also be written in kanji (Sf). The present tendency in Japan is to use kana rather than kanji for preposi- prepositions, conjunctions, and adverbial phrases, but the reader should expect to encounter both usages (oc- (occasionally in the same paragraph!). Other examples are: #: К о #* К: next therefore for example in the case of... •••#p —&i* ...etc. Literally "for that" (i.e., for the body to move the distance s); in a free translation this can be omitted in English. This toki refers to the toki niwa of the previous sentence. Read in Japanese us ikoru vf with the roman letters being pronounced as in English. (See Appen- Appendix E, Readings of Mathematical Expressions). Note that the "wa" is written tt and not Ъ. Read in Japanese: "v ikoru s oba f. Literally "in this way" (i.e., in the manner above described); in free translation this could be omitted. This is a modifying clause telling "what kind of undo!9 It indicates that it is an undo for which sokudo ga ittei de aru. Here no is the copula, taking the place of de aru. "We designate A by B." More often the phrase will be rendered in English by the passive voice "A is called B."
14 Comprehending Technical Japanese CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES A 2. 3. 2. «л • » "A is л • y--- jikan-hyo dobutsu jibun no karada ugokasu ikimono time-table animal its own body to move (an object) living thing "whenever; when" "if we let--- be a" l. 2. А, В И (AtBi <D$$) <ОШШЪ А, В ?$ А, В кап between A and В (verb) Ь~Р%ъ1с? "if we suppose that" A ? 2. 3. ono-ono < hanarete iku sore-zore "A we call B; A is called B" each to move apart their respective 1. 2.
LESSON 1 15 SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS A. %ЪЪк mochiron hotondo mirarenai tatoeba ochiru ittei shite inai... buttai ga ochiru toki no... of course is seldom seen for example to fall ...which is not constant Literally: (the motion) when a body falls if ~eft 5 $*, В. — * 5 Jt t hitotsu rei ...o totte miyo doji ni ono-ono ...o suru to shi(te) sorezore no kuraberu sorera hi shitara soshite hitoshii one an example let us consider... simultaneously each, individually to suppose that..., (and) respective to compare they ratio if we suppose... and, then, now equal cm Lfcfc, b sb j? it ^<5 b, A btffoW В &Щ G. ^ b bekutoru sukara okisa hoko ataeru a vector a scalar magnitude direction to give
16 Comprehending Technical Japanese tan'i maiji t Щ С < kirometoru jidosha onajiku a unit per hour, every hour kilometers automobile like, similar to... FINAL TRANSLATION TEST —pa) cot S = VAVBh/ (VB — VA) tf, 5 Btt A K:iiv^#< г:
LESSON 2 Ш 850 1622 356 716 148 715 22 1171 628 4518 734 2141 24 1355 233 1297 600 5220 367 4296 токи e(ru) КА jkuwa (eru) [kuwa (waru) RIKI RYOKU chikara "TAT DAI o(kii) SHITSU RYO SHO ko chii (sai) JITSU mi KEN KAN KANJI m щ Ш 668 2632 390 3540 560 107 227 638 365 4958 385 449 492 817 262 2507 671 139 344 401 SOKU haka (ru) KETSU musu (bu) KA JI tsu(gu) [tsugi] KAN KEI HAN su kazu kazo (eru) TAN I kurai READING SELECTION kasokudo chikara kankei eru okii hataraku ...naraba shitsuryo chiisai jikken acceleration force relation to get, receive, acquire large to work, to act if it is... mass small experiment
18 Comprehending •••?& tKLX AhBb<DT*lK lfc<D Technical Japanese kansoku ...о moto ni shite kekka A to В to no aida ni tsugi no wakaru okisa hanpirei suru teisu tan'i dono yo ni erabu yotte sadamaru observation based on... result between A and В the following to understand, find out magnitude to be inversely proportion- proportional to constant unit in what way to choose according to to be decided, determined <, (B 23) , tilth CK k a k т , m, a, F i: <D 1: KASOKUDO TO GHIKARA TO NO KANKEI Buttai no eru kasokudo wa, chikara ga okii hodo okiku, mata, hataraku chikara ga onaji naraba,A) buttai no shitsuryo ga, okii hodo kasokudo wa chiisai. Jikken ya kansoku no kekka о moto ni shite, chikara to shitsuryo to kasokudo to no aida ni wa, tsugi no kankei ga aru koto ga wakatta.B) Buttai ni chikara ga hataraku to, buttai wa sono chikara no muki ni kasokudo о eru. Kono kasokudo no okisa a wa, hataraita chikara F ni hirei shi,c3) buttai no shitsuryo m ni hanpirei suru. a=k(F/m) Koko ni k wa hirei-teisu de atte, m9 a, F no tan'i о dono yo ni erabu kac4) ni yotte sadamaru.
LESSON 2 19 THE RELATION BETWEEN ACCELERATION AND FORCE The acceleration which a body acquires is greater as the force is greater; fur- furthermore, if the applied force is the same, the acceleration is smaller as the mass of the body is greater. On the basis of the results of experiments and observations, we know that the following relation exists between force, mass, and acceleration. If a force acts on a body, the body accelerates in the direction of that force. The magnitude of this acceleration a is proportional to the applied force F and is inversely proportional to the mass m of the body. a = k(F/m) Here к is a proportionality constant and is determined by how we choose the units of m, a, and F. Explanatory Notes A) naraba Same as naraiii it is). B) ...koto ga wakatta This may also be rendered: "it turned out that" or "we have learned that". C) hirei shi One could also write hirei shite. D) m,...ka This entire phrase is the object of ni yotte. CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES v*l&t*—'btv> 1. 2. 3. 4. the larger the smaller" "based on...* titшшt ь]Ш5ё$с*5ё»ьсt з. 4. sokutei okeru measurement in...
20 Comprehending Technical Japanese kansu hosoku function law "if it is" 2. 3. 4. Interrogative Clause + [С j; "according to" 2. 3. 4. ЩЪ ¦C t Ш "we know mo ichido hakaru kawaru that once more to measure to vary, change 2. С Ь okoru to occur v — л — Ь У SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS sunawachi that is, namely nagasa length mochi-iru to use dain dyne esaseru to give, impart <B... to shite sadamerareteiru is defined as... nyuton newton yobu is called * b
m/sec2 CGSififi, ...baai metoru-pa-sekondo-jijo LESSON 2 21 in cases where... cm Г g (/5л), ^ sec В. l-c §u "С С. VVi{ilkg(D^}i^Kififcb^X, lm/sec2 , \ШШШк\И a=F/m ippan ni (wa) generally shite mo even if... sono kekka to shite as a result mae before ato after shitagatte consequently if only пака ш shunkan-ryoku sokutei suru sokutei dekinai hodo... shikashi oite wa taishite ...nai kagiri ...dake ga henka ...shiyasui sadamerareru motomeru куп ni kakudo among... instantaneous force to measure to be immeasurable but, yet, however as for..., in... in relation to... so long not only... change easily (done) can be determined, to be able to determine to seek suddenly ansrle
22 Comprehending Technical Japanese W < ?><?)••• ikura no... shimesu hajime no... D. how much to show, point out original..., initial... kangaeru kansu kansuru sekibun ichiji no... dokansu to consider function with respect to... pertaining to... integral ...of the first degree, order derivative v=- ds_ dt FINAL TRANSLATION TEST t t,
LESSON 2 23 * fth , 5N Ш. a tt, a=v2/r
LESSON 3 KANJI Ш ± ж ft — ft ft 445 3306 20 798 509 306 417 1556 163 350 2 273 268b 1638 219b 3316 716 455 836 1267 SEKI jtsu (rau) jtsu(moru) JO ue ja(geru) la(garu) HEN f ka (eru) {ka (waru) SHIKI KA NI futa (tsu) SHO TOTSU tsu(ku) HO tamo (tsu) ZON, SON м m 10 n m ж n BU fP 513 2535 666 4487 208 1610 466 3172 193b 154 82 407 146 2993 461 2067 102 595 338 3268 HO SOKU GO КО ushi (ro) nochi TAN mij ika (i) oyo (bi) foyo(bosu) [oyo (bu) SA SAKU tsuku(ru) YO mochi (iru) TAI TSUI ZEN mae WA ?ЪЪ •3b ft*) READING SELECTION rikiseki itchokusen-jo ukeru kawaru shiki tsugi no yo ni kaki-arawasu ...atari impulse on a straight line to receive, get to change to... equation as follows;in the following way to write, express per...
26 Comprehending Technical Japanese shimesu to show, indicate kore yori from this Щ < michibiku to derive Щ seki product (math.) ШЬ henka change Ho futatsu two Щ% shototsu collision oitsuku overtake... shototsu-go ni after the collision — K&5 naru to become... ШШШ undo-ryo momentum ftf?b--- tadashi... here... fure-au to come in contact with; touch each other (goku)mijikai (extremely) short oyobosu to exert, cause fukuzatsu na complicated fp#! sayo action, effect KfFffi han-sayo reaction "ш<ОЩШКЯ& Ь kankei ni aru to be related as... ЩЩ shunkan instant, moment ЫМ hantai opposite shitagatte therefore, consequently sunawachi that is (to say); i. e. zengo before and after... oite at, as for, concerning, in ^P wa sum f^^ hozon conservation SIJJ hosoku law Л Ш (В26) l}, F=ma m(v—v0) _ mv—mvo=Ft
LESSON 3 27 fi Ш (В 26-27) /с t m1u'-m1u=F1t A) A), B) C) RIKISEKI Itchokusen-joA) о sokudo v0 de undo shite iru shitsuryo m no buttai ga, i7 no chikara о ukete, jikan t no aida ni sokudo ga v ni kawatta to sureba,B) F—ma to iu shikiC) wa tsugi no yo ni kaki-arawasareru. m(v-vQ) _F t Kore wa tan'i-jikan atari no undo-ryo no henka ga chikara ni hitoshii koto о shimeshite iru. Kore yori mv — mvo =Ft no kankei ga michibikareru. Ghikara F to sore gaD) hataraita jikan t no sekiE) Ft о rikiseki to iu. Kono shiki wa undoryo no henka wa rikiseki ni hitoshii to iu kankei о arawashite iru. FUTATSU NO BUTTAI NO SHOTOTSU Sokudo и de undo shite iru buttai A ga, onaji chokusen-jo о v no sokudo de undo shite iru buttai В ni oitsuki, shototsu shita to suru. А, В no shitsuryo о sorezore mlf m2 to shi,F) shototsu-go ni sokudo ga w', v' ni
28 Comprehending Technical Japanese natta to sureba, F) A no undo-ryo no henka wa rikiseki ni hitoshii no de miu' — miU — Fit A) de arawasareru. Tadashi,(8) t wa А, В ga fure-atte iru goku mijikai jikan, Fi wa shototsu no toki ni В ga A ni oyobosu chikara de aru. Shototsu no toki ni wa fukuzatsu na chikara ga sayo suru ga, В ga A ni oyo- oyobosu chikara Рг to A ga В ni oyobosu chikara F2 wa, sayo-hansayo no kankei ni aru no de, dono shunkan de mo okisa ga hitoshiku muki ga hantai de aru. Shi- tagatte В no undoryo no henka wa rikiseki ni hitoshii no de m2v' - m2v =*F2t=— Fxt B) A), B) shiki kara mxu + m2v — т^и'Л- m2v' C) Sunawachi, shototsu no zengo ni oite 2 buttai no undo-ryo no waE) wa ka- waranai. Kore о undo-ryo hozon no hosoku to iu. IMPULSE Let us imagine that a body of mass m, moving rectilinearly with velocity v0, is acted on by a force F and that its speed changes to v within a time interval t; then the equation F—ma can be written as follows: m(v—v0) _p This shows that the change in momentum per unit time is equal to the force. From this, the relation mv — mvQ— Ft can be derived. The product of the force F and the time t over which the force acts is called the impulse. This equation states that the change in momentum is equal to the impulse. TWO-BODY COLLISIONS Let us imagine that a body A moving with velocity и has overtaken a body В moving on the same straight line with velocity v, and that a collision has taken place. If we let тг and m2 be respectively the masses of A and B, and if we consider that the velocities after collision have become u' and г/, then since the change in the momentum of A is equal to the impulse: mxu' — mxU—Fit A) Here t is the extremely short time interval in which A and В come into contact, and Ft is the force which В exerts on A at the time of collision. During the collision complicated forces are acting, but, since the force Fi which В exerts on A and the force F2 which A exerts on В are related as action and reaction, they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction at every
LESSON 3 29 moment. Therefore because the change of momentum of В is equal to the impulse: m2v' — rn2v — F2t = — Fxt B) From Eqns. A) and B) m1u + m2v =m1u' + m2v/ C) That is, the sum of the momenta of the two bodies before and after the colli- collision is unchanged. This is called the law of conservation of momentum. EXPLANATORY NOTES A) itchokusen-jo о undo suru Move along a straight line. Note that this con- construction is the same as michi о aruku (walk along a street). If we suppose that, if we consider (an often en- encountered expression in scientific texts). The equation (called) F—ma (in the last sen- sentence of this reading selection we also find to iu kankei). It (that is, the force F). The elementary mathematical operations are: ^P wa sum Ш sa difference Щ seki product j§f sho quotient The corresponding verbs are: tasu to add < hiku to subtract kakeru to multiply ff waru to divide Suppose that... and suppose that {to shi is the literary equivalent of to shite). These are read in Japanese as "u-dash" and "m- one". B) to sureba C) F—ma to iu shiki D) sore ga E) seki, wa F) shi, sureba G) U', Hi! (8) tadashi This word at the beginning of a sentence indi- indicates that the meaning of the previous sentence is being elaborated or certain conditions are be- being specified. When it appears in scientific texts immediately after an equation, it almost al- always may be translated as "here", e. g. X Г fi
30 Comprehending Technical Japanese Tadashi, r, r2 wa sorezore Here r and r: are the O, Oi kara no kyori de distances from О and aru. Ol respectively. CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES "per. 2. "(we) suppose that..." 2. ^{t A 3. щ sekibun о sezu ni 2. *i~-<XCO subete no tagai ni oyoboshi-au any. 1. 2. without doing an integ- integration every, all mutually to exert on each other shitagau to obey... SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS A. — Л Ь X 5 tamatsuki gemu tama куп tsukiateru billiards game ball cue to strike
1th B. .к Ш тс fz. О goku kuwaeru betsu-betsu-ni taihen muzukashii sorehodo hitsuyo LESSON 3 extremely to add separately very, exceedingly difficult to that extent necessary 31 tzt kanarazu mitasu undo enerugii kanarazushimo.. .nai joken seishitsu busshitsu sukunai dansei hanpatsu-keisu tomo ni sotai... kanzen na naritatsu tsuite kangaeru dainamaito bakuhatsu shodo-teki na kagaku-henka ni yoru okoru necessarily, without fail, always to satisfy kinetic energy not always, not necessarily conditions nature, properties substance, material few, scarce elasticity coefficient of restitution together relative... perfect to realize, to materialize in connection with..., relat- relating to... to consider dynamite explosion impulsive chemical change to depend on to happen, to occur
32 Comprehending Technical Japanese t, u,v t u'-v" u—v м FINAL TRANSLATION TEST rt Li tкШ tfo
LESSON 4 ш ш ш KANJI ж s т » ш ш ш 51 245 224 330 4003 21 9 499 3271 229а 488 111 1056 188 2941 156 1562 34 2991 622 3228 JU ото (i) fkasa (neru) (kasa (naru) RAKU f о (tosu) {o(chiru) KA, GE shita, moto jsa(geru) [ssi (garu) kuda (ru) BYO GHI atai GHI JI KYtJ IN hi(ku) SEI, SHO nama, u(mu) fi (kasu) li(kiru) SHI JI shime (su) Ш ft * s & Ш 93 166 260a 4720 325 89 428 4213 229 3841 57 1271 469 3644 205 825 285 804 253a 4619 SHO suko (shi) suku (nai) I chigau YtJ YU SHO haji(me) SHI JI GAKU mana (bu) CHI o(ku) GEN TEN JIKU READING SELECTIONS juryoku rakka iroiro na kekka omosa kankei nai oyoso byo atai gravity falling, a fall various as a result of.. weight unrelated about, roughly second value
34 Comprehending Technical Japanese 4C5 ЙйШТ) ( о> motsu chikyu chijo no hiku shojiru futsu moji ido sukoshi-zutsu chigau enchoku shitamuki hajime no jiyu(rakka) hajimeru tatsu mae ni manabu ichi genten jy-jiku toru nochi no zahyo to have the earth on the surface of the earth, terrestrial to pull to produce, bring about, give rise to, cause; to hap- happen, occur, come about usually symbol latitude (on the earth's surface) bit by bit; little by little to be different, vary vertical downward initial free (fall) to begin, start to elapse, go by before, earlier to learn position origin (of coordinates) ^-axis to take subsequent coordinate t ШУ 9 д=9. 8m/W A) fc ё ШТ к:
LESSON 4 35 v=gt B) C) JURYOKU NO KASOKUDO TO RAKKA-UNDO Iroiro na jikken no kekka, rakka-undo no kasokudo wa, buttai no omosa ni kankei naku, oyoso куп ten hachi metoru-pa-byo-jijo no atai о motte iru. Kono kasokudo wa, chikyu ga chijo no buttai о hiku chikara, sunawachi juryo- ku ni yotte shojiru no de, juryoku no kasokudo to iware,A) sono atai о futsu g to iu mojiB) de shimesu. g—9. 8 metoru-pa-byo-jijo A) g no atai wa chikyu-jo no idoC) ni yotte sukoshi-zutsuD) chigatte iru. Buttai no shitsuryo о m to suru to sore ni hataraku chikara wa, enchoku shitamuki de mg de aru. Hajime no hayasa ga 0 de rakka suru undo о jiyu- rakka-undo to iu. Rakka shi-hajimeteE) kara jikan t tatta toki no sokudo wa, mae ni mananda yo ni v=gt B) de arawasareru. HajimeF) no ichi о genten to shi,G) enchoku shitamuki nijy-jiku о tori,G) jikan / no nochi no ichi no zahyo о у to sureba,G) y^-j-gt2 C) de aru. GRAVITATIONAL ACCELERATION AND FALLING MOTION As a result of various experiments, we know that the acceleration of falling bodies is not related to their weight and has a value of about 9. 8m/sec2. Since this acceleration results from the force with which the earth attracts terrestrial objects, i.e., gravity, it is called the gravitational acceleration and its value is generally indicated by the symbol g. #=9. 8m/sec2 A) The value of g on the surface of the earth varies slightly with latitude. If we let the mass of a body be m, the force acting on it vertically downward is mg. Falling* motion with zero initial speed is called freely-falling motion. As we learned earlier, the velocity after the elapse of a time t since the begin-
36 Comprehending Technical Japanese ning of the motion is B) If we let the initial position be the origin, take thejy-axis vertically downward, and let у be the position coordinate at a subsequent time t, then 1 _,9 C) EXPLANATORY NOTES A) iware B) g to iu moji C) ido D) -zutsu E) rakka shi-hajimete Stem of iwareru, the passive form of iu; note that there is virtually no difference in meaning between A?B?^5 and AfiBfc \лзЫг5о "The symbol (called) g\ ЫоШШ) is "latitude" and keido (ЩЩ) is "longitude". Note: hitotsu-zutsu (—*z>-f*z>) one by one; futatsu- Zutsu (Hofo) two by two. Rakka suru (to fall); rakka shihajimeru (to begin to fall). F) hajime no; hajimeru Note that the kanji tn is used for the verbs haji (meru) and haji (таги) (the ON-reading is SHI); the kanji ~$) is used for the noun haji (me) (the ON reading is SHO as тЦ^Ю^^^Г K*EBv^L4*f "first slide please"). G) ...shi, ...tori, ...sureba Note that the provisional ending eba applies to the preceding two clauses; hence, if we let..., and if we take..., and if we let.... CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES "as a result of..." 2. 2. "according to..., depending on..., by means of...'3
LESSON 4 37 3. 4. 2. butsuri-gaku tsurete "elapse, pass (of time)" (tt) 2. ШШ ¦o< "" omoi karui ryoho tomo hobo jimen tsuku heavy light both of them almost ground; earth's surface to arrive physics as..., along with... ИШ nijo (or:... no jijo) square of...; second power of. Kwe designate by the symbol..." a ? hensu variable ¦(verb stem) H—^p 1. 2. "begin to+ (verb)' kanarazu jikoku necessarily instant, time, moment (verb stem) —i-f ^tf "if we... and if we let../ 1. гt^ ft:
38 Comprehending Technical Japanese X t ft ~- 2. з. шя&шттш-гь tu U 5 "Г < 5 nage-ageru takasa agaru sara ni basho oriru orite kuru to toss upwards height to rise further, again place, position to descend to come (falling) down l±K iib SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS maue ni nageru noboru futatabi moto no modoru uwamuki directly upward to throw to ascend, to rise again original, former to return, to come back upward В. КЩЬХ v—VQ—gt) s=vot—2~? zahyo-jiku subete tagai ni chokkaku ni majiwaru ni kanshite chokkaku-zahyo migite coordinate axes all mutually at right angles, perpendic- perpendicularly to intersect in relation to rectangular coordinates right handed
LESSON 4 39 sa hidarite haichi zahyo-kei kubetsu sei no oya-yubi hitosashi-yubi naka-yubi left handed arrangement, placement coordinate system distinction, differentiation positive thumb (lit. parent finger) index finger (lit. person- pointing finger) middle finger Ь Ъ J: С. C/BF shizen kagaku Gibuzu jiyu enerugii hiroku toku ni shizen ni ...ka do ka judai na ondo atsuryoku joken no moto ni gensho shoji-enai gensoku to shite okoru genshi kaku-bunretsu the physical sciences, natu- natural science (J. Willard) Gibbs free energy widely especially naturally, spontaneously whether or not... important temperature pressure conditions under decrease cannot occur, happen as a fundamental principle to occur atom nuclear fission ¦g/u Й» -с, соК
40 Comprehending Technical Japanese D. 1666^{€ л Ш ^< 60fg га- bWcfb Жй 1666 nen ni tsuki setsu tamesu suchi-teki ni sotte chushin-ten katei suru nin'i no hankei yaku rokuju-bai ippun suchi do-itsu sore na no ni jibun no happyo suru riyu zentai no shuchu suru baai sugaku-teki ni shomei suru in 1666 the moon theory to test quantitatively along... center to assume any radius approximately 60 times one minute numerical value identical, equal in spite of that his own to announce reason total to be concentrated at case mathematically to prove Ь, В Mult h < fab,
LESSON 4 41 с--I- Ж_ 2 d2 - » - Ь stm SOME FIELDS OF STUDY Using kanji from only the first four lessons you are in a position to understand the names of almost all of the following fields of study. ^L%^? seibutsu-gaku biology ШЧй^1 dobutsu-sraku zoology u< _ ^ n***~ shokubutsu-gaku botany kagaku chemistry sei-kagaku biochemistry kagaku-kogaku chemical engineering oyo-kagaku applied chemistry rikigaku mechanics, dynamics oyo-rikigaku applied mechanics ШШ^ undo-gaku kinematics kitai-rikigaku gas dynamics butsuri-gaku physics Ш^ sugaku mathematics ШШ^1 chishitsu-gaku geology ШШ^ chiri-gaku geography ^M^ seiri-gaku physiology ' genshi-butsuri-gaku atomic physics
42 Comprehending Technical Japanese FINAL TRANSLATION TEST К-f iitf, д Тt ct-c*5,
LESSON 5 KANJI m № P3 & Ш HO 632 622 183 3785 478 3097 48 617 73 4213 83 3492 44 3176 231b 1920 168 1028 116 4938 SHU KI TEKI EN КО GYO i(ku), yu(ku) oko(nau) SHI ito SEKI SHAKU ishi SHIN fu(ru) KAI (mawa (su) (mawa (ru) CHO naga(i) m a m m & ш * 129 132 216a 1602 261 1034 173 4301 828 3539 665 1137 77 383 103 3520 194b 6 729 4274 HAN KEI ZU TO KAKU tsuno ZETSU ta(eru) zo ma (su) GO a(u) SO ku (mu) Ckumi] ata (eru) YO READING SELECTIONS shuki (teki) enshu no ue en-undo okonau hitomawari suru yo suru ito saki ko-ishi period (ic) on the circumference circular motion to perform, execute to go around (one time) to be required for... string, thread end, tip pebble, stone
44 Comprehending Technical Japanese О ^t Ъ tsukeru |g \) Щ-f- furi-mawasu Д ? nagasa ?Ш hankei 13 1 zu-ichi Ш < egaku ^St kakudo taezu zodai suru zoka suru wariai kaku-sokudo rajian masu kumi-awaseru ataeru to attach to swing around length radius Fig. 1 to draw, sketch; describe angle always, continuously, ceaselessly to increase, enlarge to increase, add to rate angular velocity radian to increase to combine, join together to give v—- Ъсг_ т (В 55) A) (Z.AOP) 2% М со= 2л_ Т v=rco B) C)
LESSON 5 45 SHUKI-TEKI NA UNDO Buttai ga hitotsu no enshu no ue о undo suru toki, kono buttai wa "en-undo" о okonatte iru to ii, buttaiA) ga enshu о hitomawari suru noB) ni yosuru jikan о en-undo no "shuki" to iu. Ito no saki ni ko-ishi о tsukete furi-mawasu to, ko-ishi wa en-undo о suru. Ito no nagasa о r to shi, ko-ishi ga itsumo onaji hayasa v de ugoku to sureba, v to shuki T to no aida ni wa, tsugi no kankei ga aru. v = 2%r/T A) Ko-ishi ga kono yo na undo о suru toki, ugoku hankeiC) (zu-ichi no OP) noD) egaku kakudo (Z.AOP) wa taezu zodai<5) suru. Kono kaku ga tan'i jikan atari zoka<5) suru wariai о kaku-sokudo to ii, со (omega) de arawasu. Ko-ishi no hayasa ga kawaranai toki wa, kakudo wa shuki T no aida ni rajian tan'i de 2л dakeF) masuE) kara, co = 2tu/T B) ga erareru. Ue no futatsu no shikiG) о kumi-awasereba, hayasa to kaku-sokudo to no kankei ga tsugi no shiki(8) de ataerareru. v = rco C) PERIODIC MOTION When a body moves along the circumference of a circle, we say that it executes "circular motion." The time needed for the body to go once around the circumference we call the "period" of the circular motion. If we attach a small stone to the end of a string and swing it around, the stone executes circular motion. If we let the length of the string be r and if we let the stone always move with the same speed v, then we have the following relation between v and the period T: A)
46 Comprehending Technical Japanese When the stone executes this kind of motion, the angle AOP generated by the moving radius (OP in Fig. 1) continuously increases. The rate at which this angle increases per unit time is called angular velocity and is designated by со (omega) When the speed of the stone does not change, then, since the angle expressed in radians increases exactly by 2% during the period T, we obtain oo — Liz/1 (Z) Combining the above two equations gives the following relation between speed and angular velocity: v=rco C) EXPLANATORY NOTES A) buttai ga enshu...yo suru This is the modifying cause for jikan. B) suru no ni = suru koto ni C) hankei (radius); chokkei ШШ (diameter) D) hankei no egaku kakudo= hankei ga egaku kakudo (no is often used in subordinate clauses) E) zoka suru, zodai suru, masu Note that these are virtually synonymous in this text. F) 2% dake masu The word dake has the basic meaning of "exact amount" and is often translated by expressions such as: "by (the amount of), just (exactly), only." "the weight decreases by 2 kg," G) shiki (8) tsugi no shiki "if the value of x increases by Often hoteishiki Cfrg^) is used. In scientific texts one often encounters also (jishiki). (present tense)+f!j^ "rate at which../ 1. 2. hen'i displacement
LESSON 5 47 zettai-chi ...baai ga oi the value itself; the actual value it often happens that... (verb) + <DKH"f"Ь "necessary for..." 2. та There is one very important grammatical construction which has not yet ap- appeared in the readings but will be appearing rather frequently in future readings and in final translation tests beginning with this lesson. It is a form not generally encountered except in technical Japanese and consists of the -eba verb form plus the adjective yoi. It literally means that it is good to do something in the manner just described. This form is most frequently encountered when directions are given to indicate either the method for solving a problem or the techniques for preparing and conducting an experiment. Appropriate translations are given below. -eba yoi 2. 1. "it is advisable to..." 2. "we need (only) to..." % ?tf>6 ? < kakikomu motomeru toku to draw in to seek to solve See also explanatory note D), Lesson 11. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS chushin koshin-ryoku iwayuru kansei ...baai enshin-ryoku center centripetal force what is called; so-called inertia when... centrifugal force
48 Comprehending Technical Japanese Ъ %Ъ 5 tt. в. 74 3 • 7*7-^ ¦#-5 jiten suru arawareru goryoku Kepura Tiko Burae wakusei toku ni kasei tsuite mi-idasu taiyo shoten da-en musubu senbun menseki kido han-chokei dai-ichi; dai-san banyu-inryoku juyo na kanzen ni itchi suru oyobi to rotate to appear resultant force L Kepler Tycho Brahe planets (lit.'stars which have gone astray) especially Mars relating to..., about... to discover sun focus ellipse to join, to tie line segment area orbit semi-major axis first; third universal gravitation important perfectly to agree, to be in accord with and
LESSON 5 49 hoka no nitai mondai tadashii taikyo-kei-nai kanari seimitsu ni atehamaru a) B) к id ею G. Т*/г»=к га other two body problem correct in the solar system rather accurately, exactly to hold true, apply, be applicable (B 59-60) К- , T2/r3 nen ni yoru nijo shiru hitsuyo enkei no naka de kangaeru ennai no seiho-kei sozo suru ni okeru year due to the square of... to know necessity, need circular inside of... to consider within the circle a square to imagine, to suppose in
50 Comprehending Technical Japanese m кхъь musu hen sei-takaku-kei atehameru suisoku suru heikin kankei-zukeru michibiki-dasu musubi-tsukeru yoru to countless, innumerable side regular polygon to apply to infer average to relate to derive to combine, to join according to... -»- Ь У к: 2mKRltMtb C, T2/r3=k tmmr
LESSONS 51 OPPOSITES Note the following word pairs many of which have appeared thus far in the lessons; read and translate. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. io. щ-t п. 12. 13. Ш 14. 15. t, ^©Iltt, Ш FINAL TRANSLATION TEST &%>•? 4) 5 fc, tt •) t fc, t, <?zbt>K, ^iitf, , R3
52 Comprehending Technical Japanese
LESSON 6 KANJI IE 3* Ш ft m m 46 27 216a 1568 298 2529 402 2146 247b 1484 50 5110 568 1163 65 3317 59 2480 138 2082 SEI tada (shii) GEN tsuru HA nami SAI motto (mo) FUKU haba ON oto KAKU ono-ono* KU sora KI HO kata № Ж » m be 315 26 452 2241 200 1589 259 4709 181 4541 562 4723 252 1113 246 1821 544 818 14 2482 HEI tai (ra) hira (tai) SO ai KEI katachi kata SHIN susu (mu) KI f о (kosu) (o (koru) KA fsu(gosu) (su (giru) JO ba SHO tokoro ATSU SUI mizu * Note: ono-ono is written %x* \ the symbol repeated for example, ^/5r indicates that the preceeding symbol is to be (tokidoki) READING SELECTION seigen-ha tan-shindo mottomo kantan na shindo hen'i tomo ni seigen-kansu-teki ni sinusoidal wave; sine wave simple harmonic motion most simple oscillation; vibration displacement with... sinusoidally
54 Comprehending Technical Japanese shinpuku onpa uchi kakuten de kuki oto kuru hoko heiko zengo ni kuri-kaesu ai-tsugu TV. в < Ш:< tb t ВЕЛ hakei sukoshi-zutsu zureru susumu ...koto ni naru ima tatejiku toru nin'i no keika suru katachi okoru nami yobu shinko-hoko tatenami chokkaku ni yokonami shite baishitsu ugoki shita sore ni tomonatte basho atsuryoku mizu kasanaru amplitude sound wave in...; among...; for... at each point air sound to come direction parallel to... back and forth to repeat to come one after another, be in succession wave form, shape of wave little by little to slip, shift, lag to advance it turns out that... now ordinate to take any arbitrary to elapse, pass form to take place, occur, happen wave to call direction of propagation longitudinal wave perpendicular to... transverse wave as... medium movement we supposed that... along with that, accordingly place pressure water to be superimposed
LESSON 6 55 lppan m oku no kangaeru IE in general many to consider (B 157-158) ¦гъьъ у=А si t, t+T A) - —T > Ш 2-* C— IfrV. B) ъ D)о с с x>m&.y t ь -ешь ь ъ * ©и, № 1 IE
56 Comprehending Technical Japanese SEIGEN-HA Tan-shindo wa mottomo kantan na shindo de atte, sono hen'i у wa jikan t to tomo ni seigen-kansu-teki ni henka suru. Sunawachi y = A sin-^-t A) koko de, A wa shinpuku, T wa shuki о shimesu. Onpa no uchi mottomo kantan na mono wa, kakuten de, soko no kuki ga, oto no kuru hoko to heiko ni, zengoA) ni ichi-shiki no yo na shindo о kurikaesu mono de aru. Ai-tsugu tenB) de wa, hakei ga sukoshi-zutsu zurete, hayasa v de susumu koto ni naru.C) Ima, kakuten x de no hen'i у о tatejiku ni tori, jikan t, t + -r-T, t + -~-T to keika shita toki no hakei о arawasu to zu-ichi no yo ni naru. Kore о shiki de arawasu to y=Asm-^(t—f) B) no katachi de arawasareru. Kono shiki wa x = 0no ten de ichi-shiki to onaji shin- do о shimeshi, nin'i no ten x de wa, jikan x/v dake keika shita toki, onaji katachi no shindo ga okoru koto о shimeshite iru. Ni-shiki no yo na katachi no nami о "seigen-ha" to yonde iru. Hen'i у ga nami no shinko-hoko to onaji hoko ni shindo suru toki wa tatenami, hen'i у ga shinko-hoko to chokkaku ni shindo sureba, yokonami de aru.D) Koko de hen'i у to shite arawashita mono wa, onpa de wa sono baishitsu no itten no chiisa na ugoki to shita ga, sore ni tomonatte, sono basho no kuki no atsuryoku mo zu-ichi to onaji katachi no henka о suru. Mizu no nami wa, seigen-ha de wa nai ga, seigen-ha no kasanatta mono de aru. Ippan ni nami wa oku no seigen-ha no kasanatta mono to kangaeru koto ga dekiru. SINUSOIDAL WAVES Simple harmonic oscillation, in which the displacement у changes sinusoidally with the time t, is the simplest vibratory motion. That is, y=A sin^-t A) where A represents the amplitude and T the period. Among sound waves the simplest case is that for which the air at each loca- location repeatedly oscillates back and forth as in Equation A), parallel to the direc- direction from which the sound comes. At successive points the wave form shifts little by little such that the wave progresses with a speed v. Now, representing the wave form at each point x by plotting the displacements у as ordinates at elapsed times /, t + -т^Т, t+ ~2~T, we obtain Fig. 7. Expressed by an equation, this becomes
LESSON 6 57 y=A&w^-{t—%-) B) This equation shows that at the point # = 0 the same oscillatory motion occurs as in Equation A) and that, at any point *, the same form of vibration occurs whenever a time just equal to x/v has elapsed Waves having the form of Equa- Equation B) are called sinusoidal. When the displacement у oscillates in the same direction as that of the wave propagation, it is a longitudinal wave; when the displacement у oscillates perpendicularly to the direction of wave propagation, it is a transverse wave. We have supposed here that for sound waves the quantity expressed as the displacement у is a small movement at a given point in the medium and that, accordingly, the pressure of the air at that location will have the same form of variation as that shown in Fig. 1. A water wave is not a sinusoidal wave, but rather a superposition of sinusoidal waves. In general waves can be regarded as superpositions of many sinusoidal waves. EXPLANATORY NOTES A) zengo ni Here the meaning is "back and forth." In other con- contexts Zengo ni means "before and after" (in time) and "in front of and behind" (in space). See Cons- Construction Examples. B) aitsugu ten The word aitsugu is somewhat unusual. On the other hand, aitsuide (successively) is a frequently encoun- encountered word. C) susumu koto ni naru The phrase koto ni naru, very common in scientific texts, implies that the statement is a consequence of previously given information or principles. It can sometimes be conveniently translated as "hence," "it turns out that," or "would + verb"; often it is best omitted in translation. D) tatenami...yokonami Both tatenami and yokonami have de aru as the verb, de aru. One could insert de atte immediately after tatenami. CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES "to change with. 2.
58 Comprehending Technical Japanese "among..." с, п 2. Ъ 5 тщ^ш 2. ? juyo na ЩШ sugaku-kansu ЩШ sankaku-kansu ЩШ taisu-kansu ЩШ beki-kansu P& koto-gakko % turns out that...", "hence...55 1 ¦at 2. 2. mochi-iru important mathematical function trigonometric function logarithmic function power function high school to use "we supposed that...", "it was supposed that..." ^ (verb)+baai in... -ing, when. < XiLV* kangaenakute yoi we may neglect hado wave motion -ing 2. "it turns out to be... ", "it is the same as..." jushin atsumaru center of gravity to be concentrated, gathered
LESSON 6 59 "(along) with..." "in accordance with..." it 2. ••(С «tfatf "back and forth"; "before and after"; "in front of and behind" 2. Ш 3. — yoreba according to. kuwawaru to be added taiseki volume gensho suru to decrease A. pisuton shirinda bane ketsugo suru shitten atsumari tsutawaru shidai ni hirogaru hirogatte iku piston cylinder spring to join together mass point collection to be transmitted, travel, pass gradually to spread to spread (and to continue to do so) SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS gosei (shindo) tsune ni mukau katsu sei no hotei-shiki naru resultant (vibration) always to be directed towards moreover, in addition positive equation is..., becomes...
60 Comprehending Technical Japanese ippan-kai yogen пштш kaku-shindo-su yobu shindo-su doitsu no tsuite noberu go-hen' i moto no kotonaru yokojiku zu no ue de kuwae-awaseru kyokusen motomerareta... = a sm(cot + e) (a, s — T=2x/co, general solution cosine circular frequency to call oscillation frequency identical about..., concerning... to explain, mention resultant displacement original to be different, be unlike the horizontal axis, abscissa in the figure (diagram) to combine, add together curve the sought-for- ••, the desired* •• 83-84) д:1= «i sin (cot +1{), x2 = a2 sin((ot+t2) г = й sin (cot+e) ciilfi-Ь t B) т-
LESSON 6 61 в. ^ftir , t=0 C.19), C.20) hendo doyo ni fu no ippan-shiki hen-bibun mitasu toku ni taio suru michibiki-uru changes, fluctuation in the same way; similarly negative general equation partial differential to satisfy especially to correspond to... can be derived (BN 88-89) ъу КШШx 5у y=f(x-vt) y=g(x+vt) Ш x-vt C.19) C.20) dt2 t< 4t t J: < v=a sin [k(x-vt) - t sin(-(?) = -si k=co/v ^5 , C.2О)КМ1&-?ЬЯЬЬ-С, y=a sinjcoO+-^-)-e J C.23), C.2 С Ш"ШШ teijo-ha C. 21) : tKltt, C.19) КЖ&Ь C. 22) C. 23) C. 24) stationary wave
62 Comprehending Technical Japanese $?ft hacho ШЩ L V^ ai-hitoshii t Зь Ъ С t wave length equal okeba if we take..., if we put... Ь miru koto ga dekiru can be thought of as..., can be considered as.. iso phase Cfc 5 (BN 91) J>!=a sin (cot —kx) у2—a sm{tot+kx) y = 2a cos kx sin cot A — | 2a cos kx ?, D. Л ware-ware no mimi sessuru kanzuru oi shikashi ryutai kotai пака о dansei shosuru hito maibyo gurai cho-onpa kitai-chu no onsoku riron-chi our ears to come in contact with. to feel frequent but, yet, however fluid solid through... elastic to call, designate people per second about, approximately ultrasound wave in a gas speed of sound theoretical value
ichi-kiatsu no moto de jissoku-chi sui-chu no yaku saidai-chi tetsu =Ш (BN 100-101) LESSON 6 63 at 1 atmosphere pressure actual measured value in water approximately maximum value iron @ Ctt, Ш>16^Ь20,000&-е, с*г<?9Ш (X=Cp/Cv) 0°С,1 sec t & 5 , ЙШШЮ: 331.45m/sec -е$> Ъ о 7КФ<^1=гд1Ш, 43 ? 'ЬФб fct "Co ^й^сШйШ^Ф^С^С So ^U^-tf, ^^Й^дЁй^ < 5000m/sec ^$) 5o E. The following reading is taken from the 1958 edition of Щ{Ь^^Л a phys- physical science dictionary. Thus, the description is rather terse and sentences are not always grammatically complete. RHIfc en-kansu circular functions (Note: in older texts ЩШ. is written \ШШ We will use this form occasion- occasionally without furigana so that the reader will learn this character as well.) seisetsu yosetsu seikatsu yokatsu sosho teigi shikata shisu-kansu jissu izuremo tangent cotangent secant cosecant general term, generic name definition way, method exponential function real number everyone of them, any one of them BRJ 525) sin x
64 Comprehending Technical Japanese Ш), соьесх(ШШШ) cot* (тйЙсЭЩ), sec* v> Г L sin х = -еЧх), cos x = cos д: =Щ1Л. Sec x = —±—, со8ес*=-Д— sin д: cos x sin * F. This section consists of brief definitions adapted from Rika-gaku Jiten BRJ) and Kojien (KJE). 1) (Ш)НЙЯ^ (sei) sankakkei (equilateral) triangle kakuhen every side (KJE 1181) 2) а sei-hokei yottsu hen oyobi naikaku shihen-kei a square four side and internal angles quadrilateral (KJE 1190) heiko-shihen-kei futakumi sotai suru hen tagai ni parallelogram two sets opposite sides mutually (KJE 1914) 9. baishitsu-nai saikuru (saidai) on'atsu in the (conducting) medium cycle (maximum) sound pressure BRJ 204) 5) 1 t-f shinka-ron theory of evolution
ttt (=¦ * -с, - BRJ 842) to wa arayuru seibutsu mottomo genshi shuju ni shinka suru setsu Shu no Kigen hon taikei-zukeru LESSON 6 65 See Explanatory Note 1, Lesson 1. all living things exceedingly primitive variously to evolve, to develop view, opinion, theory Origin of Species book to systematize иr^ (KJE 1103) 6) faJE'f' Ь kettei suru kukan chikara no ba ban'yu-inryoku dake de kimaru potensharu to determine space force field universal gravitation is determined only by potential fro FINAL TRANSLATION TEST -.У в
66 Comprehending Technical Japanese igс Ь
LESSON 7 KANJI ш ш =^ ш т и к 333 2942 660 1728 133 578 31 1260 162 2634 141 2110 677 406 642 1364 523 3727 601 4987 RI SO FUN BUN wa (keru) SHI SU ко ON MEI aka (rui) aki (raka) TEI hiku(i) JO tsune YU a(ru) GEN kagi(ru) it # ш tt и- 684 1354 267 384 439 1799 149 3343 818 2839 840 1743 685 2860 658 3511 645 1666 201 4312 DO michibi (ku) ZEN matta (ku) SEI na (ru) RITSU fta(teru) (ta(tsu) JO TAI TOKU SO SU SEI SHO KEI READING SELECTION riso-kitai moru taishite wa bunshi gasu-teisu moshi tamotsu ondo taiseki ideal gas mole for..., in... molecule gas constant if to maintain, hold temperature volume
68 Comprehending Technical Japanese ШМШШ *> is-c С <Ф 5 mm-tz zettai-ondo tashikameru Sharuru no hosoku hoka naranai Boiru no hosoku ue no shiki sate akiraka na saitei no oite wa sukoshi de mo (...o)kakereba ...hazu de aru hijo ni yugen no ...kagiri ...eru(or...uru) jitsu wa michibiku kagiri-naku katei suru kanzen ni naritatsu kaso-teki na jubun ni kihaku na jotai toku ni suiso baai ni wa hobo ( seishitsu riyo suru ondo-kei absolute temperature ascertain, confirm Charles' Law is nothing but..., is just. Boyle's Law the above equation well, now, so clear, distinct lowest at..., as for..., by... even a little if we apply... it is expected that...; should... very finite as long as... to be able to... actually, in fact to derive infinitely, extremely to suppose, assume, hypothesize ...holds exactly hypothetical, imaginary sufficiently dilute condition, state in particular hydrogen in the case of... almost, nearly to regard, consider (as...) property to utilize, use thermometer ft (B 138)
LESSON 7 69 pV=MT=RT A) ->- О КЪ Ъ tt-f -C* RISO-KITAI Ichi moru no kitai ni taishite wa, sono bunshi-suA) о N to suru to, A) to naru. i? wa gasu teisu to ii, sono atai wa R=8. 317B) juru-pa-do-moru de aru. Kono kankei wa, moshi kitai no atsuryoku о ittei ni tamochi, ondo о kaereba,C) taiseki wa zettai-ondo ni hirei suru koto о shimesu. Kore wa jikken de tashi- kameta Sharuru no hosoku ni hoka naranai. Moshi ondo о ittei ni tamoteba, kono kankei wa Boiru no hosoku о shimesu. Shitagatte ue no shiki de shimesareru kankei о Boiru-Sharuru no hosoku to iu. Sate ichi shiki kara akiraka na yo ni, saitei no ondo reido Kerubin ni oite wa,D) kitai no taiseki wa sukoshi de mo atsuryoku о kakereba rei (zero) ni naru hazu de aru. Hijo ni chiisai to wa itte mo kitai-bunshi ga yugenE) no okisa о motsu kagiri,F> kono yo na koto wa ari-enaiG) ga, jitsu wa, p — i^7nv2{N/V) to iu shiki no kankei о michibiku toki ni kitai-bunshi no okisa wa kagiri naku chiisai to katei shite ita no de aru.(8) Kono kankei(9) ga kanzen ni naritatsu yo na kaso-teki na kitai о "riso-kitai" to iu.A0) Shikashi, donna kitai de mo jubun ni kihakuA1) na jotai de wa, toku ni suisoA2) no yo na chiisai kitai-bunshi no baai ni wa, hobo riso-kitai to minasu koto ga dekiru. Kono yo na kitai no seishitsu о riyo shitaA3) ondo-kei ga "kitai-ondo-kei" de aru.
70 Comprehending Technical Japanese THE IDEAL GAS If we let N be the number of molecules in one mole of gas, then pV=MT=RT. A) We call R the gas constant, and its value is 8. 317 joules/°K mole. This relation shows that, if we keep the pressure constant and vary the temperature, the volume will be proportional to the absolute temperature. This is simply the experimentally determined Law of Charles. If we keep the tempera- temperature constant, this relation gives Boyle's Law. Therefore, we call the relation denoted by the above equation the Law of Boyle and Charles. Now as Eq. A) clearly shows, at the lowest temperature 0°K, the volume of the gas should become zero if even the slightest pressure is applied. Such a result would be impossible so long as the molecules have a finite size, however tiny we say that may be, and in fact the gas molecules were assumed to be infinitesimally small in deriving the expression p — -~-mv2{N/V). A hypothet- о ical gas for which this relation holds exactly is called an ideal gas. In sufficiently rarefied states, however, any gas, especially one with small gas molecules like hydrogen, can be regarded as essentially ideal. A thermometer employing these properties of gases is called a gas thermometer. A) sono bunshi-su B) 8.317 C) moshi...tamochi ...kaereba D) ni oite wa E) yugen F) kagiri G) ari-enai (8) ...shite it a no de aru (9) kono kankei, etc. A0) А о В to iu EXPLANATORY NOTES Sono (literally "its") refers to "ichi-moru no kitai". Read "hachi-ten-san-ichi-shichi". If we maintain... and if we change... . Literary construction; in spoken language one would say saitei no ondo de wa. The opposite of yugen ^ГРД (having a limit, i.e. finite) is mugen §&Ш (no limit, i.e., infinite). When kagiri follows an affirmative or negative verb it may be translated "as long as"; after a negative verb, an alternative translation is "unless + affirmative verb". The verb stem + ггм is equivalent to the plain present Л-koto ga dekiru; e.g., kaki-eru — kaku koto ga dekiru. The no de aru is used to emphasize the statement; it can be omitted in translation. Kankei is the subject of naritatsu. "we designate A by Д" or "we call A, B".
LESSON 7 71 A1) kihaku A2) suiso A3) riyo shita The opposite of kihaku #^| (dilute) is покд ШШ- (concentrated). A few other elements: tan so $M (carbon) sanso ШШ (oxygen) chisso ШШ (nitrogen) enso ШШ (chlorine) This is past tense in Japanese, but is best translated by the present tense in English. CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES l. 2. 3. 2. 2. 2. "for..." Т, v=2zr/To (D fy nomi only ~0%> Ъ (verb) beki de aru ought to (verb) ^becomes. seizon sum to live, exist "is nothing but..." 2. ЩЖШШЪ, "at..., for..."
72 Comprehending Technical Japanese l. Ш< 2. {fr?l -Hf, -fc "even Х>Ъ -t a little" «if..., hirogari wa ienai hanno ...would (be expected extent it is impossible to call reaction to)..." 2. motto saigo no "even if we say that..." more the last 2. 2. 2. 3. JtJ Д. "as long as" taihen tomaru kuwaeru kasane-awaseru very to stop to apply to superpose "unless + affirmative verb," "as long as 4-negative verb"
verb LESSON 7 73 kangaete yoi we may consider that cannot..." 2. henkei "we deformation 2. 0° С, Ь О "t Ь motomeru jushin atsumaru to seek center of gravity to be collected SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS А. (E) jotai-(hotei)-shiki jitsuzai no uchi arugon nado mitasu hyojun ko-on (atsu) tei-on (atsu) zure о shozuru ...o nozoite undo-ron jissai no shitten sara ni bunshi-kan no sogo (no) chushin ...made shika chika-yorenai equation of state real, actual among... argon and so forth; such as to satisfy standard high temperature (pressure) low temperature (pressure) to show deviations excepting... kinetic theory real, actual mass point further intermolecular mutual center can approach only as far as...
МИо 74 Comprehending Technical Japanese yoki no naka ni kukan zentai de wa shimeru zen-taiseki yonbai naibu shui no tsuri-au hyomen naiho ni kabe heru eikyo kazu mitsudo kekkyoku b ...yori...chiisaku naru ?X) yue ni kawari ni ireru soko de Oft Ob) inside the container space in all, in the whole to occupy entire volume four times within surrounding to balance surface inwardly wall to decrease influence number density in the end, finally becomes smaller than... consequently, therefore instead of... to insert then VAN DER WAAIJS (BN 132-133) ; 5 U^A, *р*ш(о°с, L, Boyle-Charles O&M J:5 , L/c
a/V2) LESSON 7 75 p2 Kimtb&, & к.ср+ В. kitai-chu de wa tasu tobi-mawaru kangaeru seishitsu setsumei suru mazu kangaete miyo ippen rippo-tai yoki-chu ni toji-komeru kabe suichoku na ) chokko-zahyo tobu tonde kita bunshi butsukaru seibun hekimen eikyo koka nokoru ikko hane-kaeru heikin okoru sosu t byokan ni ikkai no wari-ai de within a gas many to fly about to imagine property to explain first of all let us consider (and see how it turns out) one side cube inside a container to confine wall perpendicular rectangular coordinates to fly molecules which come (flying) to strike component wall surface influence effect to remain one to recoil, bounce back average; arithmetic mean to occur, happen total number at a rate of once every t seconds
76 Comprehending MBtb Jrbft. ТС Xh (щмт •-co 2 Ш<Ъ?; ш fttz. Technical Japanese okeru chakumoku suru ta no nankai mo futatabi kaette kuru (fX*$>b wakaranai wake de aru kaisu menseki mattaku (fu) kisoku katte no ichiyo ni iri-majiru Щ nijo no heikin kotowaru joken ii-kaeru to tada in... to fix one's attention on another many times; frequently again to come back we cannot know, do not know frequency area entirely; completely (ir) regular arbitrary uniformly to be mixed with mean-square... to warn condition (to say it) in other words merely, simply Ш <d ftTMM t tJ-: -f /ю mm (в 134-136) 5 ftivtt, N-lmvJt
LESSON 7 77 -c, D) t=2L/vx Nmvx2/L P—mVx V Л> ft *»o X ?b I» ьх2, vy2, vz\ v2) i t V2 = V2 = V2 = 1, — A) B) й^й» C) D) 1 , jmv2 У 0 / v/ / vy A /^ X в 0 l. m 2.
78 Comprehending Technical Japanese С ft» Но itt (=¦ тм (=- enerugii to-bunpai tan-genshi-bunshi ...kara naru kimeru tame mittsu kangaereba yoi jiyu-do to wa haichi hitsuyo iia ni-genshi-bunshi shitsuryo-chushin ...o toru tagai ni chokko mawari kaiten sokei shomei dekiru san-genshi-bunshi ...ijo amari taio suru kinji-teki ni ta-genshi-bunshi bunshi-shindo hishite haruka ni equipartition of energy monatomic molecule to consist of... to decide for (the sake of) three we need only to consider degrees of freedom (see Lesson 1, Explanatory Note 1) arrangement, configuration necessary diatomic molecule center of mass to pass through... mutually orthogonal around... rotation the sum total can be proved, demonstrated triatomic molecule upwards of...; more than... too to correspond to... approximately polyatomic molecule molecular vibration compared to...; in comparison with... by far, far and away x,
LESSON 7 79 U=N \4г. PV=MT 9 9 9 -« vz2 = ~ х,у, z it A, ~-}&\^ кТ SOUND-ALIKE KANJI И^йШоШ^1 The following groups of kanji have the same ON readings. Identify each kanji by giving a sample compound (jukugo) in which the kanji appears. For example, in the pair "Ц, 'Sw we can identify the kanji as follows: onpa no on the on of ondo no on the on of
80 Comprehending Technical Japanese The Japanese frequently use ths method for identifying kanji in conversations when there may be some chance for misunderstanding. Hence, in addition to being a useful exercise for beginners, this type of drill will be found indispensable in learning how to communicate with Japanese people. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. И ffl -wi-m ш m FINAL TRANSLATION TEST ьъ &, , o°c, lg о-с* 5 *s, - О°К
m m LESSON 8 KANJI m ® m * m 846 3285 730 1309 393 1036 785 2343 74 3684 612 5018 270a 1148 195 4671 504 4767 489 82 TEI Chodo] YO КО fkata(meru) Ikata(maru) КО КО kanga (eru) SAI HEKI kabe KIN chika(i) BU NAI uchi л 775 2637 239a 1316 238 3699 125 574 381 103 471 4392 382 2305 603 489 170 2998 322 5087 GEN f he (rasu) jhe(ru) MITSU SHU to(ru) NYU ji(reru) KYOKU fma(geru) [ma(garu) GHO shira (beru) KYOKU Ckiwa(mete)] КО KAI MEN READING SELECTION jotai-hotei-shiki fu-kanzen-kitai yoseki hiroku busshitsu koyu na kosei suru katai ugoki-mawaru jissai no equation of state imperfect gas volume widely substance characteristic to comprise, constitute, form rigid, hard to move around true
82 Comprehending Technical Japanese 5&W eikyo ЩШ1гЬ koryo suru К kawari ni oku sara ni bunshi-kan p* 5 fure-au kabe chikai t ftc 0 bubun uchigawa heru koto ni naru ryo mitsudo naibu shitagatte tori-ireru keisan shoryaku suru yonbai v ni kanshite sanji no jo-zuru p о v ni taishite egaku dai-ichi kyokusen takai tancho tsune ni hanshite kyokudai (sho)-chi motsu han'i sanko no jissu sonzai suru sakaime rinkai-ondo yobu rinkai-ondo yori shita no influence, effect to consider, bear in mind instead of... we put... furthermore between molecules to touch each other wall near part, portion inside turns out to be less quantity density interior therefore to insert calculation to omit four times third order with respect to v to multiply to plot p versus v first curve high monotone usually in contrast to... maximum (minimum) value to have extent, region, limits three real numbers (f@ is a counter) to exist boundary line critical temperature to call below the critical temper- temperature
вш-гъ шь (=t с 5-с) ш? т— kyokuchi asshuku suru kaette gensho suru (fu) antei jitsugen suru soko de senbun majiwaru shikamo jo(ka)bu kakomu menseki hashi doitsu taio suru nan to nareba sekibun sa rei iso tagai ni tsuri-au ekitai ippo...taho kaishaku suru howa-joki-atsu ki (eki) so ichijirushii doyo ni LESSON 8 83 extremum to compress instead, on the contrary to decrease (un) stable to come true, be realized then line segment to intersect furthermore upper (lower) part to surround area end, tip identical to correspond to... the reason for this is that... integral difference zero phase to be in equilibrium (lite- (literally, to balance each other) liquid the one...the other to explain; interpret saturation vapor pressure gas (liquid) phase remarkable in the same way VAN DER WAALS (FK9-11) Lt van der Waals A) T=
84 Comprehending Technical Japanese CCKa ? b ?й&КК: p=p'-a/v\ fiA,Btt, |SMaGi p p p pv=kT ю v Ь *s B) Ш, T D) ш
, (dG/dp)T=v LESSON 8 85 1 H van der Waals VAN DER WAALS NO JOTAI-HOTEI-SHIKI Fu-kanzen-kitaiA) no jotai-hotei-shiki to shite van der Waals no shiki (p + a/v2)(v-b)=kT A) (/> = atsuryoku, p=ichi-bunshi atari no yoseki,B) ?=Boltzmann teisu, T=zettai- ondo) wa hiroku mochi-irareu. Koko ni a to b to wa busshitsu ni koyu na teisu de aru. Kono kankei-shiki wa tsugi no yo ni shite michibikareru. Kitai о kosei suru bunshi wa yugenA> na chokkei a no katai kyu de aru to kangaereba, bunshi ga riso-kitai no bunshi no у о ni jiyu ni ugoki-mawaru koto no dekiru kukan no yoseki wa jissai no yoseki yori chiisai. Kono eikyo о koryo shite, riso-kitai no jotai-shiki pv=kT no v no kawari ni v—b to oku. Sara ni bunshi-kan ni wa, bun- bunshi ga fure-awanai kyori de wa inryoku ga sayo shi, kabe ni chikai bubun no bunshi wa uchigawa ni hikareru. Sono kekka, jissai no atsuryoku p wa riso-kitai no atsuryoku //yori heru koto ni naru ga, sono ryo wa kabe no chikaku ni aru bunshi no mitsudo to, naibu no bunshi no mitsudoC) to no seki ni hirei suru to kangaerareru. Sunawachi p—p' — a/v2. Shitagatte riso-kitai no jotai-shiki no p no kawari ni р'—рЛ-aJv2 о tori-ireru koto ni naru. Bunshi no chokkei a to teisu b toC1 no aida no kankei wa, koko de wa keisan о shoryaku suru ga Ъ=2/Ъш\ B) Sunawachi b wa bunshi no yoseki no yonbai de aru.
86 Comprehending Technical Japanese Ichi wa v ni kanshite sanji no hotei-shiki de aru. Sunawachi v2/p о jo-zureba v3 - {kT/p + b) v2 + (a/p) v - ab/p = 0 C) T о ittei ni shite, p о v ni taishite egakeba dai-ichi-zu no kyokusen ga erareru. Takai ondo de wa kyokusen wa tancho de ari, tsune ni (др/dv) T <0 ga naritatte iru. Kore ni kanshite, hikui ondo de wa kyokusen wa kyokudai-chi to kyokusho- chi toC) о hitotsu-zutsu mochi, sono han'i no p no atai ni tai-shite hotei-shiki C) ni wa sanko no jissu no v ga sonzai suru. Sono sakaime ni naru ondo wa "rinkai- ondo" Tc to yobare, T> Tc de wa kyokusen wa tancho, T <Tc de wa kyokuchi о motsu. Rinkai-ondo yori shita no to-on-kyokusen ni tsuite wa, kyokudai to kyokusho to no aida de wa (dp/dv)T>0 to naru ga, kore wa asshuku sureba kaette atsuryo- ku ga gensho suru to iu fu-antei na jotai de ari, jitsugen shi-enai. Soko de zu ni shimeshita у о ni v jiku ni heiko na senbun А В о hiite santen de kyokusen to majiwaraseru. Shikamo, moto no kyokusen no uchi, kono senbun no jobu ni aru bubun to senbun toC) de kakomareru menseki ga, kabu ni aru bubun to senbun to de kakomareru menseki ni hitoshii yo ni egaku. So sureba, senbun de musu- bareta futatsu no hashi no ten А, В wa, do-itsu no Gibbs jiyu enerugii G (ichi- bunshi atari) о motsu futatsu no jotai ni tai-o suru. Nan to narebaD) (dG/dp)T=v; GA-GB=f\dp D) de aru ga, kono sekibun wa senbun А В no jobu ni kakomareta menseki to kabu ni kakomareta menseki to no sa ni hitoshiku, rei to naru kara de aru. Shitagatte ten A to ten В toC) ni tai-o suru futatsu no iso wa, sono atsuryoku ps no moto ni tagai ni tsuriai, ippo wa ekitai, taho wa kitai no jotai to kaishaku sareru. ps wa ondo T ni okeru howa-joki-atsu de aru. Atsuryoku ga ps yori gensho sureba, jiyu enerugii mo gensho suru ga, (dG/dp)T=v no kankei ni yotte, v no okii kiso no ho ga jiyu enerugii no gensho ga ichijirushiku antei ni naru. Doyo ni p>ps no atsuryoku no moto de wa, v no chiisai ekiso no ho ga antei to naru. VAN DER WAALS EQUATION OF STATE The van der Waals equation a/v2)(v-b)=kT A) (p = pressure, v — volume per molecule, ? = the Boltzmann constant, T= absolute temperature) is widely used as an equation of state for imperfect gases. Here a and b are constants characteristic of the substance. The equation can be derived as follows. If we think of the molecules which constitute a gas as hard spheres of finite diameter a, then the volume of space in which the molecules can move about freely, as molecules of ideal gases do, is smaller than the actual volume. Considering this effect, we introduce v — b in place of v in pv — kT, the equation of state for an ideal gas. Moreover, attractive forces
LESSON 8 87 operate between the molecules at distances where they do not touch each other, and the molecules in that portion of the gas near the walls are attracted inwards. As a result, the actual pressure p is less than the pressure p' of an ideal gas by an amount that is thought to be proportional to the product of the density of the molecules near the walls and the density of the molecules in the interior, i.e. p=p' — a/v2. Consequently, р—р'Л-a/v2 replaces p in the equation of state for an ideal gas. Although the calculation is omitted here, the relation between the molecular diameter a and the constant b is b = 2/3za3 B) namely, four times the volume of a molecule. Equation A) is of third order with respect to v, i.e. if we multiply through by v2/p, then v3- (kT/p + b)v2+ (a/p)v-ab/p = 0 C) If T is fixed and p is plotted versus v, the curves in Figure 1 are obtained. At high temperatures, the curves are monotonic and (dp/dv)T<0. At low tempera- temperatures, however, the curves have both a maximum and a minimum, and for values of p in that range there exist three real roots for v in equation C). The bound- boundary-line temperature is called the critical temperature Тс, the curves being mon- monotonic for T>Tc and having extrema for T<Tc. Below the critical temperature in the range between the minimum and the maximum on an isothermal, there is an unrealizable state for which (др/dv) T> 0, namely, an unstable state where compression would actually result in a decrease in pressure. We draw line segment А В parallel to the я-axis, as shown in the figure, and make it intersect the curve at 3 points. Furthermore, we draw it such that the area enclosed by the line segment and that part of the original curve above the line segment is equal to the area enclosed by the line segment and that part of the curve below it. By so doing, the two extremities A and В joined by the line segment will correspond to two states which have identical Gibbs free energies (per molecule). The reason for this is (dG/др) T=v;GA-GB=(Avdp D) and this integral is zero, since it is equal to the difference between the area en- enclosed above line segment А В and that enclosed below. Consequently, the two phases corresponding to point A and point В are in equilibrium at the pressure p$ and may be interpreted as liquid on the one hand and gas on the other, ps is the saturation vapor pressure at temperature T. If the pressure decreases below ps, the free energy also decreases and, according to the relation (dG/dp)T=v, it is the vapor phase with its large v which markedly
88 Comprehending Technical Japanese decreases in free energy and becomes stable. Similarly, at pressures p> ps, it is the liquid phase with its small v which becomes stable. EXPLANATORY NOTES A) fu-kanzen B) ichi bunshi atari no yoseki C) no seki no aida no kankei no hitotsu- zutsu motsu de kako- mareru ni taio suru D) nan to nareba mu- and hi- (#) corres- (non) conductor (in) equality (non) polar (non) linear the opposite is finite infinite organic chemistry inorganic chemistry The prefixes fu- pond to English "un-", "non-", For example, (fu) dotai (fu) toshiki (mu) kyokusei №ШШ (hi)senkei For words prefixed with mu- often prefixed with уп- (^f). \W& yugen mugen yuki-kagaku muki-kagaku "Volume (available) per molecule." The word yoseki is always used to indicate the volume of a container, that is, the "volume available" for the contents. The word taiseki always refers to the "volume occupied by" a body, but yoseki may also be used. (cf. bunshi no yoseki "the volume of a molecule," just after Eq. B)). product of...and... relation between...and... possesses one each of...and... which is surrounded by...and... which correspond to...and... Almost equivalent expressions are: Naze nareba and Naze ka to ieba It generally precedes an explanation for a previous statement.
LESSON 8 89 CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES (Id) "as for..., concerning..., for..." 2. jitsuzai no real 1. 2. * к 3. "to correspond to..., to be equivalent to..., to balance, match" l, A'; B, B'; C, С ^ K/77 r5 godo na sankaku-kei choten hodogurafu maue ni nage-ageru sukunaku-tomo congruent triangle vertex hodograph directly upwards to toss upwards at least "in..., at..., on... 0°C, t°( 2. kaimen gensho 5Л hyomen-choryoku Kfor..." (See also Lesson 7) btztfi interface phenomenon surface tension 2. V-
90 Comprehending Technical Japanese kangae ni ireru to take into consideration Kin contrast to...", "contrary to..." "against...," "in contrast to...," "for..." 2. A ifefj^tt^ Ш У bun'atsu tekiyo suru partial pressure to apply SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS taio-jotai hikaku suru kore yori gotoku keisu tsujo no dainyu suru ...o tsujite busshitsu-teisu fukumu fuhen-teki na tokutei no ippan-ka suru shuju no corresponding states to compare from this; whence as... coefficient ordinary, usual to substitute by means of... physical constants to include universal special to generalize various van der Waals v KMtb 3 q p (v -VcK = v3- n-12) - vc3 = 0 Pc'
der Waals со^ ^b — pc Vc van der Wads LESSON 8 91 vc2, b=vc/3<DtU< , ^ 8 pcVc 3 , сю , van p ¦+- 3) 3 bVv, Tt fttit?, van der щ-мж.*ъъш. т* tf, pr=F(Tr,vr) В. The following three readings are adapted from the highly authoritative Japanese science dictionary Ш{Ь^ШМ It is an excellent resource for deter- determining the essential vocabulary necessary for discussing any particular scientific topic. Note that the law of corresponding states is treated in terms of the reduced characteristic equation of state. 7тУ kinshitsu na toho-sei no jotai-ryo hitsuzen-teki ni soto suru • V— ?vy\ fan-deru-Warusu homogeneous isotropic quantity of state, state function necessarily, inevitably to correspond to..., be equivalent to.., van der Waals
92 Comprehending Technical Japanese Ж1-5 ?P Ул- narabi-ni Dieteriichi Kuraujiusu korera no koatsu ijo no oku no aruiwa...aruiwa riron-teki ni teishutsu suru biriaru tenkai ekitai kotai saikin bussei-ron hattatsu tsurete and; as well as Dieterici Clausius these high pressure above many either...or theoretically to offer, introduce virial expansion (math.) liquid solid recently, lately theory of matter development, progress along with... Й 2) BRJ 657) т,mti p, &т v PV=RT (R biriaru keisu yoranai dai-ni, dai-san,e..dai-en gaibu-biriaru yurai suru motomeru virial coefficients independent of... 2nd, 3rd...nth external virial to originate in..., derived from,., to seek mol to be
Ш BRJ 107) pv=rt(i+b/v+c/v2+-) в, c, LESSON 8 93 , я&пшш, т , ^ (г) i t, 3) kansan-jotai-shiki reduced equation of state means to convert, e.g. to convert one currency to another.) hi-taiseki specific volume tekito na suitable shakudo measure, standard, scale erabu to select, to choose kotonaru toitsu shita kaki-naosu to be different unified to rewrite CRJ 275) Ш , x=P/Pc, v= V/Vc, e= Т/Тс Cv-l)=i J: FINAL TRANSLATION TEST i v» 5
94 Comprehending Technical Japanese ift-c,
.соф LESSON 9 Ш -И Ш KANJI ф т т —. т 334 2576 23 81 406 1334 573 3416 218 3522 3 8 667 509 76 5248 269 1172 552 2599 RYU fnaga(su) (naga (reru) CHU пака SATSU KAN kuda SAI hoso (i) koma (kai) SAN mit (tsu) SOKU kawa КО taka(i) TAI futo(i) EKI № Ш % Ш ?n Ш Ш m m 841 2078 204 3180 185 3314 570 3217 112 3169 216b 1878 210a 1852 242b 3472 266b 5392 273b 2025 DAN kotowa (ru) KEN KYU KAKU tashi (kameru) CHI shi (ru) TEI КО NEN neba (ru) MA SATSU READING SELECTIONS nagare naka kansatsu garasu-kan ichibu hosoku suru mittsu sokkan tsukeru flow, stream in..., inside... observation glass tube one part to make thin, make narrow three side tube to affix, put on, attach
96 Comprehending Technical Japanese suihei ni hidari no ho kara nagasu suimen kaeru kotei shiraberu kekka yorazu 7jCffi IfflW ffi ЖШ futoi bubun takai ekitai yosu teijo-ryu ittei-jikan ni hosoi dan-menseki men oshi-chijimeru seishitsu osoi ii-arawasu tokoro kuwashii kenkyu mitsudo tashikameru aruminiumu (usually pronounced aruminyumu) funmatsu maku kona michi michisuji ryusen kakomu ryukan horizontally from the left to cause... to flow surface of the water to change height investigate as a result of... without regard to..., independently of... wide, fat part, portion high liquid appearance steady-state flow, stationary flow in a fixed time thin, narrow cross-sectional area surface to compress property, nature slow to express place detailed research density to ascertain, confirm aluminum powder, dust to scatter, sow powder, dust; flour path course, trajectory streamline to surround stream tube
~- -f ЭД5 kannai no nagare kagirazu seiritsu suru Berunui no teiri mochiiru kaze hakaru LESSON 9 97 tube flow not limited to... to be valid, be applicable Bernoulli's theorem to use wind to measure (В 98-99) сок А, В, CH if 5 4 5 А, В 4 Л:, A) <, B) Л t -о
98 Comprehending Technical Japanese шш -f 5 У Чг teiko baketsu mawasu naka no mizu shidai ni hiki-zuru nensei shurui guriserin wa... de wa eteru naka de shizuka ni motozuku fukin no tsugi-tsugi ni masatsu niru komakai amatsubu joku tagai ni resistance bucket to turn, rotate the water inside gradually to drag (along) viscosity type, kind glycerine for... whereas for... ether in... slowly (lit., quietly) based on..., owing to..., due to... neighboring, adjacent one after another, successively friction to resemble... fine, minute raindrop sky mutually, together (в юо) -f *The symbol * indicates a repetition of the previous
LESSON 9 99 тш NAGARE NO NAKA NO ATSURYOKU Kansatsu: Zu-ichi no yd na garasu-kan no ichibu о hosoku shitaA) mono ni A, B, С mittsu no sokkan о tsuke, garasu-kan о suihei ni shite,B) hidariC) no ho kara mizu о nagashite miyo.D) А, В no sokkan no suimen wa do naru ka. Mata, mizu no nagare no muki о kaete suimen no koteiE) о shirabeyo.D) Kono yo na jikken no kekka, nagare no muki ni yorazu, garasu-kan no futoi bubun no sokkan no suimen no ho ga takai koto ga wakaru. Ekitai no nagare no yosu ga jikan-teki ni henka shinai baai, kono nagare о teijo-ryu to iu. Ue no zu no yo na teijo-гуп no baai ni wa, ittei-jikan ni nagareru ekitai no ryo wa kan no futoi bubun de mo,F) hosoi bubun de moF) onaji de aru. Ima, kan no danmenseki о S, sono men ni okeru nagare no hayasa о v to sureba »5=ittei A) to naru. Kore wa oshi-chijimeru koto no dekinai ekitaiG) no seishitsu о shimeshite iru. Kono koto kara, kan no futoi bubun de wa nagare ga osoku, hosoi bubun de wa nagare ga hayai koto ga wakaru. Shitagatte ue no jikken no kekka о tsugi no yo ni ii-arawasu koto ga dekiru. Teijo-ryu de wa, nagare no hayai tokoro de wa atsuryoku wa chiisaku, osoi tokoro de wa atsuryoku ga okii. Kuwashii kenkyu no kekka, ekitai no teijo-ryu no hayasa о v, atsuryoku о р, mitsudo о p to suru toki, suihei na kan no dono bubun de mo p+(~jpv2=ittei B) to iu kankei ga naritatsu(8) koto ga tashikamerarete iru. Teijo-ryu no naka ni aruminiumu nado no funmatsu о maku to, kona no undo shite iku(9) michi wa, nagare no michisuji о shimesu. Kono michisuji о ryusen to iu. Ryusen ni yotte kakomareta кап о ryukan to iu. Ue no kankei wa, garasu-kan-nai no nagare ni kagirazu, subete no suihei na teijo-ryu no ryukan ni tsuite seiritsu shi,(8) Berunui noA0) teiri to yobareru. Berunui no teiri wa kitai ni mo naritachi, kore о mochiireba, undo shite iru ryutai, tatoeba kaze no oyobosu atsuryoku о hakatteA1), sono hayasa о shiru koto ga dekiru.
100 Comprehending Technical Japanese RYUTAI NO TEIKO Mizu no haitta baketsuA2) о mawasu to, naka no mizu mo shidai ni mawari- hajimeru. Kono yo ni ryutai wa sono chikaku no bubun no undo ni hiki-zurareru seishitsu ga aru. Kono seishitsu о ryutai no nensei to iu. Nensei no okisa wa ryutai no shurui ni yotte chigai, guriserin no yo na mono de wa okiku, eteru no yo na mono de wa chiisai. Ryutai no naka de, chiisai buttai ga shizuka ni undo suru toki ni wa, nensei ni motozuku chikara ga hataraku. Sunawachi, buttai ga fukin no ryutai о tsugi-tsugi ni hiki-zuri, hikizurareta ryutai ga buttai ni masatsu ni nita chikara о oyobosu yo ni naru. Nensei ni yoru teiko wa buttai no hayasa ni hirei shite masu. Komakai amatsubu ga joku kara ochite kuru toki, amatsubu ni wa juryoku to kuki no nensei ni yoru teiko-ryoku to ga tagai ni hantai-muki ni hataraki, amatsubu wa ittei no hayasa, sunawachi, juryoku to teiko to ga tsuri-au toki no hayasa de rakka shite iru no de aru. PRESSURE IN FLUID FLOW Observation: Attach three side tubes to a glass tube with a narrow section as shown in Figure 1, and then let water flow through it from the left. What happens to the water levels in side-tubes A and В ? Then examine the water levels when the direction of flow is changed. As a result of this kind of experiment we find that, whatever the direction of flow, the water level is highest in the side tubes attached to the wide part of the tube. When the appearance of the flow of the liquid does not change with time, we speak of "steady-state flow." For steady state flow of the type shown in the above figure, the quantity of fluid which flows in a given time interval is the same both in the wide part and in the narrow part of the tube. Now, if we let the cross-sectional area be S, and the flow velocity at that cross section be v, then vS=constant A) which expresses the nature of an incompressible fluid. From this relation, we see the flow is slow in the wide part of the tube but rapid in the narrow part. Therefore the results of the above experiment can be expressed as follows. In steady-state flow the pressure is small at points where the flow is rapid, and large where the flow is slow. As a result of detailed research, it has been established that the following
LESSON 9 101 relation holds for any part of a horizontal tube p + Ш pv2 = constant B) where v is the speed of the steady-state flow of the liquid, p is the pressure, and 9 is the density. If we scatter some powder, such as aluminum powder, into a steady-state flow, the path followed by the powder shows the flow trajectory. These trajectories are called "stream lines." The tubes which are surrounded by streamlines are called "stream tubes." The above relation is not restricted to flow in glass tubes but applies to all horizontal steady-state stream tubes; it is called "Bernoulli's theorem." Bernoulli's theorem applies also to gases, and by using it we can ascertain the speed of a moving fluid, e. g. the wind, by measuring the pressure which it exerts. FLUID RESISTANCE If we rotate a bucket of water, the water in it also gradually begins to revolve. Thus, a fluid has the property of being dragged along by the movement of adjacent material. This property is called the viscosity of the fluid. The magnitude of viscosity differs with the type of fluid, being large for fluids like glycerine and small for those like ether. When a small body moves slowly through a fluid, there is a force acting which depends on the viscosity. That is to say, the body drags along successively the neighboring fluid, and the fluid thus dragged along exerts a force akin to friction on the body. The resistance due to viscosity increases in proportion to the speed of the body. When small raindrops fall from the sky, gravity and the resisting force due to viscosity of the air act in opposite directions on the drops, so that they fall at constant speed, that is, at that speed for which gravity and fluid resistance are in balance. EXPLANATORY NOTES A) hosoku sum "To make • • • narrow"; compare hosoku naru "to become narrow". B) suihei ni suru "To make • • • horizontal"; compare suihei ni naru "to become horizontal". C) hidari The opposite of hidari 2§? (left) is migi 1& (right). D) miyo, shirabeyo These are plain imperatives; do not confuse with miyoy shirabeyo. E) kotei The word kotei (height) is an abstraction formed
102 Comprehending Technical Japanese from combining the kanji for "high" Д and "low" f?. The word kotei is synonymous with takasa (Д ?). Other examples of this kind of word formation are: Formed from fukai (deep) > okii (big) nagai (long) osoi (slow) tsuyoi (strong) Compound shinsen (depth) : daisho (size) : chotan (length) : chisoku (speed) : kyojaku (strength) meian (brightness) : kansho (temperature) : asai (shallow) chiisai (small) mijikai (short) hayai (fast) yowai (weak) akarui (bright) samui (cold) kurai (dark) atsui (hot) The nouns in the left column are synonymous with fukasa, okisa, nagasa, hayasa, tsuyosa, akarusa, ondo. Sometimes the compound words are best translated as ШШ deep and shallow, ЯИЦ hot and cold, climate; i.e., they may signify the combi- combination of the ideas embodied in the individual kanji. F) mo mo G) oshi-chijimeru koto no dekinai ekitai (8) nari-tatsu; seiritsu suru (9) undo-shite iku; ochite kuru "both... and..." It would be more concise to say 4?ЛЕШ'ШШ№> hi- asshuku-sei-ekitai, "incompressible liquid". Note that these words use the same kanji, one making use of ?w/z-readings and the other of o/z-readings; the meanings are substantially the same here. Similar comments apply to mochi-iru (Д \r* Ь) and yo-suru (ffi~f5). The -te iku* construction with verbs of motion usually implies motion away from the observer or speaker; similarly the -te kuru construction implies motion towards the observer or speaker. Hence kona no undo shite iku michi means "the path of the powder as it goes moving off" (i.e., away from the place where we put the powder into the liquid). Amatsubu ga ochite kuru means "raindrops come falling down" (i. e., towards us). Note also that -te iku and -te kuru may also be used with temporal, rather than spatial, distinctions: -te iku has the idea of continuation of the motion (same as verb-stem + tsuzukeru), and -te kita contains the idea of an action which begins and continues to the present (in contrast to verb-stem + hajimeru which *sometimes -teуики(more formal).
LESSON 9 103 A0) Berunui A1) hakaru A2) mizu no haitta baketsu (=mizu ga haitta baketsu) contains only the idea of the beginning of the action.) Note the following sentence: Куб wa ame ga furi-hajimete, ima made futte kita no de, kore kara mo futte iku daro (or: furi-tsuzukerи daro). "Today it started to rain, it has been raining up until now, and it will probably go on raining." In research texts and scholarly journals proper names are usually written in Romaji. However the katakana versions are not infrequently encountered, particularly when a name is firmly attached to an equation or a piece of equipment; hence one encounters ^—л — Ь^Щ? "non-Newtonian fluid" and V^V^-^V^t (Venchurikan) "Venturi tube". Note the use of лл on the wa row of the капа table to make a z>-row. For "Torricelli", in the transcription Ь V =5- ^ у V —, small У is used to simulate the doubling of the "Г in Italian! There tends to be some diversity in transcribing foreign names into katakana, because of the limited number of sounds in Japanese. Several different kanji may be used for hakaru "to measure": IJ 5, |+ 5, 16 The first of these is the most common, and the third kanji should be used only for volume or weight. In compounds (jukugo), the most common word is ШлЁ~1~<5 sokutei suru. For time measurement ff^"j keiji suru may be used; for volume, f+ft"i keiryo suru; for distance, iff Ь sokuryo suru. Lit. "a bucket (into which) water has entered," hence freely "a bucket containing water," or "a bucket with water in it." Note also: nensei о motta ekitai ("a fluid which has viscosity" or "a viscous fluid"); ittan no hiraita кап ("a tube (which is) open at one end"). Note the Japanese use of the past tense in these sentences; to an English-speaking person a present tense would seem more usual.
104 Comprehending Technical Japanese CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES 1. "according to..." г- I "independently of...," "regardless of...", —I "not due to...,"* "rather than..."** I "in accordance with...," "by...," "due to..." :—^?)<MMKZ:6t, ^ф^гдаг^ЖФЕЙЙ:, :IUfbCO\^]%KXhir, I 2. з. 4. К -с*? г: о -с(л ЛЩШШ uku Kankyo-cho Tokyo-chiho ko-kagaku... koba-haien jidosha haiki-gasu jitsuzai-kitai keisan suru (Kid) "when...", "for the case that..." f (Kid) "when...", "for the case that..." ?5 И1,А.Л fe-f van der Waals to float Environmental Agency Tokyo area photochemical... exhaust smoke from factories automobile exhaust gases real gas to calculate *The meaning "not due to" is illustrated in sentence 3. **The meaning "rather than" is illustrated in sentence 4.
LESSON 9 105 life yakyu dasha utsu besu kuru tori-atsukau shingo-to midori-iro hassha suru baseball batter to hit base to come to deal with (traffic) signal light green to start the car (See Explanatory Note (9)) 2. 3. 4. 2. 11 ЪЩ-~$~ ¦& josho suru T"p^"j~ 5 kako suru 4. f 5 ikiru i^^r t tsugi-tsugi to $f L V* atarashii ffiT^S dete kuru ШШ giron Ш < tsuzuku WO^ti itsu made mo тЁ 5 hashiru tSbW^> uchi-katsu ШЛ doryoku ^^ hitsuyo "both...and..." to ascend to descend to live one after another new to arise, come up argument, discussion to continue indefinitely to run to overcome motive power necessity karui shucho suru kinzoku light to affirm, insist metal
106 Comprehending Technical Japanese 2. 3. "based on.../' "owing to...," "due to..." ltt dansei sosei koshi kekkan sei-rikigaku michi no hozon-rikijo genri elasticity plasticity lattice defect statics unknown conservative force field principle SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS A. Selections from Rikagaku-Jiten, 2nd Edition: 1) ЩЬ chijimu chijimanai ryutai nin'i no ippan-ka suru gairyoku - -Г •ь* 2) =const yoki ana о akeru nagare-deru to contract, shrink incompressible fluid arbitrary to generalize external force BRJ 1245) A) (Dtt B) container to make a hole to flow out
LESSON 9 107 ОЖШ BRJ 971) (Torricelli) 3) ^ < Xftb Venchuri-kan chuo kubireru ryusoku kubire keisan suru nao teika ...o toshite sui-dasu gensho saisho no kansatsu-sha shinjirarete iru na chinamu X' Ог% Ь Р ^ * у Р — Venturi tube center, middle to be constricted speed of the current constriction to calculate furthermore, moreover lowering through..., via... to aspirate phenomenon first observer believed to be name to be associated with BRJ 111) В. Venturi (^хУЬ-!), 1746-1822): 4) Ь° Ь — If Pito-kan —~$и ittan И t> <C hiraku s G. Pitot tube one end to open Note that the kana transcription is different for the name "Venturi" and for the name in the expression "Venturi tube."
108 Comprehending Technical Japanese yodomi-ten soatsu sochi niju no sokuheki ana seiatsu sa chokusetsu (ni) kantan ni stagnation point total pressure apparatus double sidewall hole static pressure difference directly simply Ш t, A & № о, 5 К в. ^-ъ в ШШ fb- soryu ranryu ryushi konjiru moyo doyo suru chokusen-jo ni dandan totsuzen hageshii konran suru zensha laminar flow turbulent flow particles to mix pattern to swirl rectilinearly gradually suddenly violent to be in disorder, chaotic the former
и Я УШ sogo ni kiseki egaku iwaba so jo no kosha kogaku-jo arawareru ko-nendo mirareru ten'i ikanaru... kare ni yoreba kansei-ryoku izure shihai-teki Reinoruzu-su kettei no shakudo ika ryakki suru heikin jigen mu-jigen-ryo kaku-inshi toitsu shita tan'i-kei shiyo suru kyokai kikagaku-teki ni soji no utsuru ...sai no rinkai-sokudo shosuru jogen kagen kanarazushimo... to wa ienai LESSON 9 109 mutually locus to trace in a sense, as it were stratified, lamellar the latter in engineering to appear high viscosity is seen in, occurs in transition what kind of... according to him force of inertia which one controlling Reynolds number determining, decisive measure, criterion below, in what follows to abbreviate average' dimensions dimensionless quantity each factor unified system of units to use boundaries geometrically similar to move at which... critical velocity to call, name upper limit lower limit cannot always say that...; cannot necessarily say that...
110 Comprehending Technical Japanese ш ж ЛР Щ шхш ЭД5Ё daitai yaku 5-gata no suiso ryOnyO suru iriguchi nameraka na rappa-gata midare chui suru ...ijo nao wazuka no surudoi shosho sonzai suru ryunyu-go ma mo naku kieru tokubetsu no chui о harau nanra ka no gen'in hantei ...o kijun ni suru kato-jotai generally approximately large-sized water tank to flow in entrance smooth bell-shaped disturbance to be careful, take care more than... still slight sharp slightly to exist after entering before long, soon after to disappear special to take care, to pay attention to some kind of cause, source judgment, decision to standards transition state x, ШкШ (КК 31-32) tilf т х, , Osborne Reynolds
LESSON 9 111 (Reynolds number) ШТ Re i-Ь) А к, Re —5Ё ? Ht v» Re H© Re f й wt (Re) с t mmt ь) ъ t -C*¦ О Й 2, 300 -C-#> Ь , f P im h й»& 9 -у In , Re ^ 10,000 У Re<2300 ЙЯЕ Re>3000 ПЖ 2300<Re<3000 Some National Research Laboratories in Japan Here are the names of a few of the famous National Research Laboratories in Japan. Read them aloud, and then try to see how the names in Japanese correspond to the official English translations. 1. Ш1Ь?ЩЗъШ The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research National Research Institute for Metallic Materials National Institute for Genetics ? < I ^ X'A, 3. Щ^^
112 Comprehending Technical Japanese t ъ 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. Ю. 11. 12. п Institute of Statistical Mathematics National Institute of Health National Institute of Agricultural Science General Electronic Technology Research Labora- Laboratories Fermentation Research Institute Research Institute for Polymers and Textiles Radio Research Laboratory Public Works Research Institute Building Research Institute FINAL TRANSLATION TEST тш ЬЬ _hfiu ЪСХ*, с t О "С , ш
шшш LESSON 10 KANJI « M ¦s a s Si 305 2213 556 1504 255b 1631 399 3662 423 3295 240 2826 214b 211 652 1951 235b 3865 247b 1575 HAN ita О BI SA sa (su) SHU tane JU u (keru) SUI SETSU HAN DAN @ Ш ffi m ъ Ш 698 5080 25 3127 602 2943 90 97 497 129 878 319 490 2797 681 379 547 3282 663 4472 HI MOKU me GEN ara (wareru) SHUTSU fda(su) ide(ru) HITSU kanara (zu) RITSU NETSU atsu (i) DEN jtsuta (eru) jtsuta (waru) I jutsu (su) [utsu (ru) SHO READING SELECTIONS nensei-keisu hiroi heiban kotei suru ojiru bisho na ryogawa sa zenpo, koho coefficient of viscosity broad, wide flat plate to fix (in place) in response to... infinitesimal both sides difference front side, back side
114 Comprehending Technical Japanese 41 f % ?**#* тшя кък t L X % if" 5 osoi hiki-modosu kyokai isshu no sessen-ryoku sendan-oryoku ukeru nensei-ryoku suichoku na wariai kobai jishiki nendo doteki-bussei ippan ni tsujo no tekiyo suru (hi) Nyuton-ryutai atsukau ko-bunshi-busshitsu chikai shitagau kawari ni mokuteki no... hyogen suru teishutsu suru henkei kagaku ryudo-gaku ryusei-gaku shu to shite ojiru kaki no bunken sansho modoru nendo nensei-ritsu slow to pull back, draw back boundary a kind of, a variety of tangential force shear (ing) stress to receive viscous force perpendicular rate gradient following equation viscosity dynamical property is known, and... in general ordinary, normal to apply (non) Newtonian fluid to deal with, handle, treat macromolecular materials near..., akin to... to obey instead of... ...which we have as our object to express, represent to present, offer deformation science rheology rheology mainly, principally to meet..., satisfy... following, (listed) below literature, bibliography reference to return viscosity (coefficient of) viscosity
ШШШ kei joki no do-nensei-keisu katsudo-nendo teigi hotondo yoeki yobai hoka yoshitsu shurui nodo LESSON 10 115 system (listed) above (coefficient of) kinematic viscosity kinematic viscosity definition almost solution solvent besides..., in addition to... solute sort, kind concentration (I 1-3, BM 79, 2RJ 128) t, и t-tbt, du A) ¦с*S & A) J: ^tf^x a) (l) к , GGS S
116 Comprehending Technical Japanese U = Г dyn/cm2 1 = Г g L (cm/s)/cmj Lcm-s lg/cm• s ? 1 ^7X (poise, p), ? 7c 0. Olp ? 1-fe v ^ ,-tf 7 X (centipoise, cp) M(ffi) cm2/s t (Slit) v=fi/p netsu-dendo-do atsusa губ (men) nin'i no (hi)teijo-jotai jijitsu netsuryu to chokkaku (netsu) ido-sokudo netsu-ryusoku jikoku shunkan bibun kigo fugo ichi-jigen netsu-dendo honshiki gensho setsumei B) thermal conductivity* thickness both (surfaces), the two (surfaces) arbitrary (un) steady state fact perpendicular to the flow of heat rate of (heat) transport heat flux (instant of) time moment, instant differentiation symbol minus sign one-dimensional heat conduction this equation phenomenon explanation т тъ т2 *Chemical engineers use Ш&ЩШ whereas mechanical engineers and physicists use
LESSON 10 117 ¦гъъьвжж A) B) X, B) fi cal/cm-s-°G t fctt kcal/m-hr-°C 5 #, Bf И i i % Ь, Ш&.ЩШ Ш \ Ь AT <ъ B) -к(ДТ/Дх) C) с с D) NENSEI KEIStJ Futatsu no heiko na hiroi heiban no aida ni ryutai ga ari, kotei shita shita no heiban ni taishite ue no heiban ga ittei sokudo de x hoko ni ugoki, ryutai mo sore ni ojite heiko ni nagareru to suru. Ryutai-chu ni oite, heiban ni heiko-suru bisho na men dS о kangaeru to, kono men no ryogawa no bubun ni sokudo no sa ga ari, jomen ga hayai gawa ni zenpo ni hiki-zurare, kamen ga osoi gawa ni koho ni hiki-modosareru. Shitagatte kyokai no bisho-men wa isshu no sessen-ryoku, sunawachi sendan-oryoku о ukeru koto ni naru. Kore о nensei-ryoku to iu. Kono men ni suichoku na hoko о у to shi, ryutai no sokudo о и to suru to, у hoko ni kansuru sokudo no henka no wariai,ш sunawachi sokudo kobai wa du/dy de aru. Soshite kono yo na kyokai-men ga ryutai kara ukeru x hoko e no tan'i- menseki atari no sendan-oryokuB) тух wa sokudo kobai du/dy ni hirei shite jishiki de arawasareru. тух^-iidu/dy (I)
118 Comprehending Technical Japanese Joshiki no hirei-teisu pi wa nensei-keisu (nendo) to yobare, ryutai no doteki-bussei to shite juyo na butsuri-teisu de aru. Joshiki wa "nensei ni kan-suru Nyuton no hosoku" to shite shirarete ori, ippan ni kitai ya tsujo no ekitai ni tekiyo sareru. Kono yo na ryutai о Nyuton ryutai to yobi, ryutai-rikigaku, sui-rikigaku de atsukatte iru mono de aru. Jissai ni wa tatoeba kobunshi-busshitsu nado no yo ni dansei no seishitsu ni chikai ryutai mo juyo de aru ga A) ni wa shitagawanai. Kono yo ni A) ni shitagawanai ryutai wa, hi-Nyuton ryutai to yobare A) no kawari ni mokuteki noC) ryutai ni okeru du/dy to zyx no kankei о hyogen suru iroiro na shiki ga teishutsu sarete iru. Nao, kono yo na busshitsu no nagare ni kanshite wa, "busshitsu no henkei to nagare no kagaku" de aru "ryudo-gaku mata wa ryusei-gaku (reorojii)" ga shu to shite tori-atsukatte iru kara, hitsuyo ni 5-jite kaki no bunken о sansho saretai.D) Sate A) ni modori nensei-keisu (nendo, nensei ritsu) ц no tan'i о kangaereba, GGS kei ni oite wa []=Г dyVcm^ L (cm/s)/cm Joki no tan'i de ichi g/cm-s о ichi Poazu (Poise, p), mata 0. 01 p о ichi senchi-poazu (centipoise, cp) to yonde iru. Ima ryutai no mitsudo о р to shi, jishiki de do-nensei-keisu (katsudo-nendo) v о teigi shite miru.E) v = v/P C) Do-nensei-keisu no tan'i wa cm2/s de aru. Kitai no nensei wa chiisaku,F) ondo to tomo ni zoka shi,A) atsuryoku ni yotte wa hotondo kawaranai.A) Ekitai de wa ippan ni ondo о ageru to nensei wa gensho shi,A) atsuryoku to tomo ni zoka suru.A) Yoeki no nensei wa yobai no nensei no hoka, yoshitsu no shurui, nodo nado ni yotte henka suru.A) NETSU-DENDO-DO Atsusa L no hiroi kotai-heiban о kangaeyo. Ryo-kyokai-men no ondo ga sorezore Тъ T2, ni tamotare, nin'i no ichi x ni okeru ondo T ga jikan ni taishite henka shinaiA) jotai, sunawachi teijo-jotai ni oite wa tsugi no jijitsu ga jikken-teki ni tashikamerarete iru. ' netsuryu to chokkaku na tan'i-dan-menseki atari no netsu-ido-sokudo ondo-sa kyori ч sunawachi netsu-ryusoku q . Ima hirei-teisu о A; to suru to q = kAT/L B) Ue no shiki de teigi sareru к wa cal/cm-sec-°G mata wa к cal/m*hr*°G no tan'i о mochi, netsu-dendo-do (netsu-dendo-ritsu) to yobareru.
LESSON 10 119 Sate B) wa teijo-jotai no baai no shiki de aru ga, jikan to tomo ni ondo ga henka suruA) hi-teijo-jotai no baai wa do de aro ka. Aru jikoku ni oite, x hoko no bisho-kyori Ax ni taishi A T no ondo-sa ga shojite iru baai, sono shunkan ni oite wa B) no kankei ga seiritsu suru to kangaereba, x ni suichoku na danmen no tan'i-dan-menseki atari x hoko ni nagareru netsu no ido-sokudo wa — к {AT/Ax) to naru. Yotte bibun-kigo о mochi-i,G) qx=-kdT/dx C) koko ni ondo no gensho suru hoko ni netsu ga nagareru koto о kangaete fugo о tsukete iru. Joshiki wa ichi-jigen-netsu-dendo ni okeru Furie no hosoku to yobare, honshiki(8) о sekibun shita shiki wa jissai no hi-teijo-dendo-gensho о yoku setsumei suru. Moshi ondo T ga x, yb Z no san-hoko ni henka suruA) naraba jishiki no yo ni naru. ~ D) THE COEFFICIENT OF VISCOSITY Consider a fluid located between a pair of wide, parallel flat plates; the upper plate moves in the x-direction at constant velocity with respect to the lower plate, which is fixed. In response to the motion of the upper plate, the fluid also flows parallel to the plates. Let us now consider a differential surface element dS moving with the fluid, this element being parallel to the flat plates; then there will be a velocity difference on the two sides of dS, the upper part of the surface being dragged forward by the rapidly-moving fluid on the top side and the lower part of the surface being drawn backwards by the slowly-moving fluid on the underside. Thus the infinitesimal bounding surface experiences a kind of tangential force, that is to say, a shear (ing) stress. This called a "viscous force." If we take the у direction perpendicular to the surface and let и be the fluid velocity, then the rate of change of velocity in the у direction, that is the velocity gradient, is du/dy. Furthermore, the shearing stress тух per unit area exerted on the boundary surface by the fluid in the x direction is proportional to the gradient du/dy and is expressed by the following equation. xyx——\idu/dy A) The proportionality constant in the above equation is called the coefficient of viscosity and, as a dynamic fluid property, is an important physical constant. The above equation is known as Newton's law of viscosity and is in general applicable to gases and ordinary liquids. Such fluids are called Newtonian and are treated in fluid mechanics and hydraulics. Actually there are also important fluids, having essentially elastic properties, such as macromolecular substances, which do not obey A). Such fluids that do not obey A) are called non-Newtonian, and to replace A) a variety of equations have been proposed for expressing the relation between тух and du/dy for the fluid concerned. Since problems related to the flow
120 Comprehending Technical Japanese of these materials are treated primarily in rheology, the science of deformation and flow, the references below should be consulted as occasion demands. Returning now to A) and considering the units of viscosity \i we have, for the CGS system, M =Г dyn/cm2 1 Г g 1 m L (cm/s)/cm J Lcm-sJ and, for the above units, we call 1 g/cm*s one poise (p) and 0. Olp one centipoise, cp. Now if we let the density of the fluid be p, we may define the coefficient of kinematic viscosity v with the following equation, The units of kinematic viscosity are cm2/s. The viscosity of a gas is small, increases with temperature but changes hardly at all with pressure. The viscosity of liquids generally decreases with rising temperature and increases with pressure. The viscosity of a solution varies not only with the viscosity of the solvent but also with the type of solute and the concentration. THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY Let us consider a broad, solid flat plate of thickness L. When the temperatures of the two boundary surfaces are maintained at Tx and T2 respectively, then at steady state (i.e., the state in which the temperature T at any point x does not change with time), the following fact has been experimentally confirmed: The heat flux q, that is the rate 1 of heat transport per unit area oc „temperature difference (J) distance perpendicular to the flow of heat . Now if к is the proportionality constant, then q = kAT/L B) The constant к defined by the above equation is called the thermal conductivity and has the units cal/cm-sec°C or kcal/m-hr-°C. Now B) is the equation for the steady state case, but what would it be for the unsteady state case where the temperature changes with time? If we consider the relation in B) to be valid for that instant where there is a temperature difference AT in the x direction over an infinitesimal distance Ax, then the rate of heat transport in the x direction per unit cross-sectional area perpendicular to x is —k (AT/Ax). Accordingly, if we use differential symbols and introduce a negative sign in consideration of the fact that heat flows in the direction of decreasing temperature, then we have qx=-kdT/dx C) The above equation is called Fourier's Law for one-dimensional heat conduction,
LESSON 10 121 and the integrated form of this equation well explains the actual phenomena in unsteady state conduction. If the temperature T varies in the three dimensions x, y, Z, then the following equation holds. —> q=-WT EXPLANATORY NOTES D) A) Note the many ways in which change and dependence can be stated in Japanese: y-hoko ni kansuru sokudo The rate of change of velocity in the ^-direction no henka nensei wa ondo to tomo The viscosity increases with temperature ni zoka suru The viscosity is almost independent of the pres- pressure If we raise the temperature, the viscosity decreases nensei wa atsuryoku ni yotte hotondo kawaranai ondo о ageru to nensei wa gensho suru nensei wa nodo ni yotte henka suru T ga jikan ni taishite henka shinai jikan to tomo ni ondo ga henka suru T ga x, y, Z, no 3 hoko ni henka suru naraba... B) ryutai kara ukeru; лг-hoko e no; tan'i menseki atari no C) mokuteki no ryutai D) sansho saretai The viscosity depends on the concentration T does not change with time The temperature changes with time If T changes in the three directions x,y, and Z... These three phrases all modify sendan-oryoku. Note the juxtaposition of the two particles e and no. In Japanese "the force in the лг-direction" is x-hoko e no chikara and the no cannot be omitted, x-hoko e describes the kind of chikara we are dealing with. Same as sono ryutai or kangaete iru ryutai (i. e., that fluid which we have as the aim of our study.) "We wish you to consult." The form sansho saretai9 used only in the written language, is the desider- ative form {-tai ending) of the verb sareru (the honorific equivalent of suru). Compare: sansho seyo "consult!" (brusque imper- imperative) ; sansho shite itadakitai "we should like to request that you consult" (polite conversational usage).
122 Comprehending Technical Japanese Other examples: E) teigi shite miru F) chiisaku G) mochi-i (8) honshiki Kono hokoku о yomaretai: We'd like you to read this report. Kongetsu no kaigi ni shusseki saretai: I'd like you to attend this month's conference. Literally "define it and see how it turns out." In this case the expression can be replaced by teigi suru. In conversation, one would be more apt to say chiisakute) in either case the meaning is "is small, and." In conversation, one would use mochi-ite; in either case the meaning is "we use..., and." Same as kono shiki ("this equation"); the use of hon- as a prefix meaning "this" is often used. 2. 3. 2. з. CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES "concerned with...," "with respect to...," "related to..." hensu kansu kankyo jinrui sonbo mondai variable function environment mankind destiny problem "about...", "with regard to...", "as for..." Its senmon-sho specialized works
LESSON 10 123 naiyo sekinin hon-gakkai-shi keisai no which appeared in the journal of this society ronbun article, paper contents responsibility to bear, assume (responsibility) consideration, inquiry later chapter to explain fully, enter fully into ou kosatsu kosho shojutsu suru "in accordance with...", "depending on../ 2. у У* у У i/ daisho atsuryoku-teiko kijutsu suru Oira Raguranju magnitude pressure drag to describe Euler Lagrange "mainly", "principally" 2. fit Tffifj gurajiento katamuki bj gradient (of a vector) gradient (of a scalar) SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS A. to-moru (sogo) kakusan kantan na kakuheki yoki betsu-betsu ni equimolar (counter) diffusion simple partition container, vessel separately
124 Comprehending Technical Japanese /fc/HL Vfrft i< J Л V mitasu hoji suru mama chukan no tori-hazusu tadashi kyoshi-teki tairyu katei suru nodo bunpu ga dekiru bun'atsu ...o tsujiru sei (f u) hoko utsuru shikata ekikei tako-sei no yoku mirareru sate ijo no moru-ryo ido ryusoku kobai fugo Fikku shirarete iru hikaku suru to fill to maintain as it is in the middle to remove moreover macroscopic convection to assume a concentration distribution results partial pressure to pass through... positive (negative) direction to move way, type liquid system porous often seen now the above molar amount, mols transport flux gradient negative sign Fick is known to compare (I 18-19) ¦fcJtfci
А, В <Dftm Pa* Ръ b, Ca+Cb=- JVa=-Dab с fc А, В В. Pa+Pb=P Ш а, Съ LESSON 10 125 (D i = A, В B) l(mol) 273 n . . /«4 —^ —щ- • -^r- = C=constant C) =JPi__ 1 (mol) 273 Ы Po ' 22. 4 x 103 (cm3) ' T ' Po 22. 4 x 103 (cm3) D) —йД!1 fc dCn dy =0 0, C) dy ~ dy ippo-kakusan joken ...baai ga oi seishi (jotai) t О О О О О о о о о о о о о о о о о о о о • • • о о о о о о • о о о о E) F) G) unidirectional diffusion condition it frequently happens that... stationary (state)
126 Comprehending Technical Japanese Mft В Ф (С kitai-B-chu ni ШШ~$~Ъ johatsu suru ШШ~$~Ъ sesshoku suru MM joki ataerareta... heiko-jotai ш nm l no gyaku-hoko sokatsu-teki ni mite bunshi-gun kaizai suru tozen yahari noru zenjutsu shita sotogawa no seishi shite iru kansokusha moru bunritsu chojo suru kijutsu dekiru shoka kyushu kyuchaku hanno suru fukin okoru in gas В to evaporate, to vaporize, to contact vapor given... equilibrium condition, state any (arbitrary) reverse direction viewed over-all, seen in total collection of molecules to lie within naturally of course to ride on... aforementioned outside stationary observer mol fraction superimposed, piled on one another can be expressed sublimation absorption adsorption to react (chemically) neighborhood, vicinity to occur, happen ШШ (I 19-21) , А, В l
LESSON 10 127 СЛ5 t 7Ш №A Ir 5 t '^ т* ~Э~ У i 5 it, Si, С* Ш.А tfllttf, Ыг\_ JVa = (Wa+JVb ) xa—i) ab- rfy (8) » < г ^ t!i: й» < 5 ^ JSlfe 5 Ъ.—; FINAL TRANSLATION TEST , *>*. У -^~у
128 Comprehending Technical Japanese Ч)Ш&, Ш*X
ft LESSON 11 KANJI ft * Is m * * Jh a ш 221 362 230 272 479 4615 290 1359 493 5152 407 2056 88 4608 220 2429 224 432 252a 4234 SHI JI koto TEN TO fa(teru) [a (taru) HI f to (basu) ito(bu) SAN fchi(rasu) jchi(ru) SHA kuruma SHI [to (meru) (to (maru) SHI tsuka(u) SO Ш m ш Ш 221b 1466 372 994 196 4855 528 3264 242a 3116 202 2509 263a 3363 342 348 522 2534 56 1168 , KAN ma (ku) KI utsuwa GIN RI saka (ri) mo (ru) KETSU jki (meru) [ki (maru) TAN hashi I YU abura GAI hoka soto READING SELECTIONS t с shigoto rikigaku-teki enerugii nasu ichijirushii toishi naifu oshi-ateru togu hibana work mechanical energy to perform, do noticeable, significant grindstone knife to push (hold) against to whet, grind spark
130 Comprehending Technical Japanese 7V-- Ihft5 ъ psj iini ЙЕА S ( тшъ tobi-chiru bureki tomeru sharin atsui ageru hoho koon netsu гуппуп kagiranai nagare-komu shozuru josho suru doto Juru tsukau sochi ryakuzu omori sagaru itomaki mawaru ireru yoki hane-guruma kaiten suru kaki-mawasu hane butsukaru tsurete kono hoka toryo betsu no memori suchi teion ketsuron nochi ni to fly off (in various direc tions) brake to stop wheel hot to raise, elevate method, way high temperature heat influx is not limited to... to flow in to produce, bring about to rise equality Joule to use apparatus sketch weight to hang down; descend spool to rotate to insert container, vessel impeller, paddle-wheel to rotate to stir blade, vane to hit, collide with as... besides (this), moreover equivalent different scale numerical value low temperature conclusion later
LESSON 11 131 sowa naibu enerugii matomete zengo о tsujite koritsu-kei awaseru saishite soryo butsuri kiso-teki na iisifiс tf LJ: 5 wъ, ьш J=4.2 ^л- sum total internal energy together, collectively throughout... isolated system to combine in case of... total amount physics fundamental (B 126-127) M A) B)
132 Comprehending Technical Japanese 7КШ t-r (verb stem) t, — t -1 atatakasa tsumetasa suryo-teki ni futsu ni suigin reidan tomonau riyo suru nuku mazu hyojun kimeru ichi-kiatsu mo to de tokeru futto suru (verb stem) + tsutsu aru kori sui-joki hyoten futten jotan tobun suru ijo; ika warmth coolness quantitatively generally mercury warmth and coldness to accompany... to utilize to remove first of all standard to decide, fix, set one atmosphere at..., under... to melt to boil is...-ing ice water vapor melting point boiling point upper end to divide equally above; below
LESSON 11 133 пь wanai kizamu sekiyu-eteru gurai ...igai shido soi — Л-(also written toruoru proportion to mark off, score petroleum ether approximately outside of... reading discrepancy toluene gf (B 114-115) *fcfc o* A) B) 1 5 ЖД), 100° О, &Т, ЮО 200°G , -90°G ENERUGII HOZON NO HOSOKU Masatsu ya teiko no nai baai ni wa, buttai ni shigoto о suru to, sono buttai wa shigoto ni hitoshii dake no rikigaku-teki enerugii о eru. Masatsu ya teiko no aru toki ni wa, rikigaku-teki enerugii no zoka wa nasareta shigoto-ryo yori sukunai ga, masatsu sareta bubun no ondo wa ichijirushiku agatte iru.A) Tatoeba kaiten- toishi ni naifu о oshi-atete togu toki ni wa hibana ga tobi-chiri, bureki о kakete jidosha о tomeru toki ni wa, sharin у a bureki ga atsukuB) natte iru. Kono yo ni, buttai no ondo о ageruA) hoho wa, кб-on no buttai kara no netsuC> no гуппуп dake to wa kagiranai. Shigoto ni yotte mo ondo о ageru koto ga dekiru. Netsu ga nagare-komu koto ni yoru ondo-josho ga, shigoto sunawachi rikigaku- teki enerugii no henka ni yotte sho-zuru ondo-josho to doto de aru koto о shimesu tame ni, Juru ni yotte iroiro no jikken ga окопаwareta.
134 Comprehending Technical Japanese Zu-ichi wa sono jikken ni tsukawareta sochi no ryakuzu de aru. Futatsu no omori M ga juryoku ni hikarete sagaru koto ni yotte itomaki A ga mawari, mizu о ireta yoki no naka no hane-guruma G ga kaiten shite mizu о kaki-mawasu ga, mizu no undo wa yoki no uchigawa ni kotei shita hane ni butsukatte tomerare, omori ga sagaru ni tsurete mizu no ondo ga agaru. Kore kara juryoku ga omori ni shita shigoto, aruiwa omori no ichi enerugii no gensho W to, mizu no ondo-josho ni у о suru netsuryo Q, to no aida ni W=JQ A) no kankei ga nari-tatsu koto ga shimesareta. Kono hoka, iroiro no jikken ga oko- nawareta ga / no atai wa itsu no baai mo ittei de, sono atai wa /=4.2 Joule/cal B) de aru. Kore о "netsu no shigoto-toryo" to iu. / ga itsu mo ittei de aru koto kara, W to Q, to wa onaji губ о betsu no memori de hakatta suchi to kangaete yoiD). Shitagatte, netsu wa ko-on no buttai kara tei-on no buttai ni nagareru enerugii de aru koto ga ketsuron sareru. Kore ga netsu enerugii de aru. Buttai ni netsu ga nagare-komu to, sono buttai no enerugii ga masu. Nochi ni manabu yo ni, kono enerugii wa buttai о kosei shite iru bunshi no motsu riki- gaku-teki enerugii no sowa de aruE) to kangaerarete iru. Kono enerugii о buttai no "naibu-enerugii" to iu. Jotai no henka ga nai toki wa naibu-enerugii ga zoka suru to, buttai no ondo ga agari, naibu-enerugii ga gensho suru to ondo ga sagaru. Juru no jikken de, omori, hane-guruma, oyobi yoki-nai no mizu о matomete kangaereba, omori no ichi-enerugii no gensho W ga mizu no naibu-enerugii no zoka ni natta to kangaerareru kara, jikken no zengo о tsujite naibu enerugii to rikigaku-teki enerugii no sowa wa, kawaranai koto ni naru. Sunawachi "Koritsu- kei no motsu naibu-enerugii to rikigaku-teki enerugii to о awasete kangaereba, sono jotai no henka ni saishite enerugii no soryo wa, tsune ni ittei ni tamotareru." Kore о "enerugii hozon no hosoku" to ii, butsuri ni oite wa mottomo kiso-teki na hosoku no hitotsu de aru. ONDO-KEI AtatakasaF) tsumetasaF) G) о suryo-teki ni arawashita mono о ondo to iu. Ondo о hakaru ondo-kei ni wa iroiro no mono ga aru ga, futsu ni mochi-irareru no wa suigin-ondo-kei de aru. Kore wa suigin no taiseki ga reidan ni tomonatte henka suru seishitsu о riyo shita mono de, kuki о nuita hosoi garasu-kan no naka ni suigin о ireta mono de aru. Ondo no memori о suru tame ni, mazu futatsu no hyojun-ten о kimeru. Sore ni wa A) Ichi-kiatsu no moto de toke-tsutsu aru(8) kori B) Ichi-kiatsu no moto de futto shi-tsutsu aru(8) mizu no ue no sui-joki no ondo o, sorezore rei-do (hyoten), hyaku-do (mizu no futten) to kimeru. Kono
LESSON 11 135 toki no suigin no jotan no ichi о rei, hyaku to suru. Rei, hyaku no aida о hyaku-tobun shi, sara ni rei ika, hyaku ijo mo onaji wariai de kizamu. Kono yo ni shite sadametac9) ondo-memori о С memori to yobu. Suigin no kawari ni sekiyu-eteru о mochi-ita ondo-kei mo ari, mainasu sanju- do kara nihyaku-do gurai no aida de tsukawareru. Kono toki, rei-do to hyaku-do igai de wa ondo no shido ni soi ga okoru ga, sono sa wa chiisai. Toruoru о ireta ondo-kei de wa, mainasu kyuju-do gurai made no hikui ondo ga hakara- reru. THE LAW OF THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY When work is done on a body in the absence of friction and resistance, that body receives (an amout of) mechanical energy exactly equal to the work. When friction and resistance are present, the increase in mechanical energy is less than the amount of work performed, but the temperature of the parts subjected to friction rises significantly. For example, when we press a knife against a rotating grindstone, sparks fly off, and when we apply the brakes to stop a car, the wheels and the brakes become hot. Thus, the way to raise the temperature of a body is not limited only to the influx of heat from a high temperature object. Temperature can also be raised by means of work. In order to show that the rise in temperature due to the influx of heat is equal to the temperature rise which occurs due to work, i.e.. to a change in mechani- mechanical energy, various experiments were performed by Joule. Figure 1 is a sketch of the apparatus used in the experiments. Spool A revolves due to the falling of the two weights M pulled by gravity, and the paddle wheel G in the vessel filled with water rotates and stirs the water. The motion of the water is stopped by striking against the blades fixed to the inner surface of the container and, as the weights fall, the temperature of the water rises. It was shown by these experiments that the relation W=JQ A) holds between the work performed by gravity on the weights, i. e., the decrease in potential energy W of the weights, and the amount of heat Q required to raise the temperature of the water. Various other experiments were done and the value of J for every case was constant, that value being J=4. 2 joules/cal. B) This is called the mechanical equivalent of heat. Because / is always constant, we may consider W and Q to be numerical values of the same quantity meas- measured by different scales. Consequently, we conclude that heat is an energy which flows from a high temperature body to a low temperature body. This is "thermal
136 Comprehending Technical Japanese energy." If heat flows into a body, the energy of that body increases. As we will learn later, this energy is thought of as the sum total of the mechanical energy possessed by the molecules which constitute the body. This energy is called the internal energy of the body. If the internal energy of a body increases without a change of state, the temperature of the body rises, and if the internal energy of the body decreases, the temperature drops. If we consider collectively the weights, paddle wheel, and water in the container in Joule's experiments, then, since the decrease in the potential energy of the weights W can be thought of as having become the increase in the internal ener- energy of the water, the sum of the internal and mechanical energy throughout the experiment will not have changed. In other words, if we consider together the mechanical and internal energies which an isolated system possesses, then in cases of change in its state, the total amount of energy will always be maintained constant. This is called the law of the conservation of energy and is one of the most fundamental laws in physics. THERMOMETERS Temperature is the quantitative expression of warmth and coldness. There are various kinds of thermometers which measure temperature, but the mercury ther- thermometer is ordinarily used. It utilizes the property that the volume of mercury changes according to warmth and coldness, and it consists of mercury inserted into a fine glass tube from which the air has been removed. In order to make a temperature scale, two standard points are first fixed; the temperature of melting ice at 1 atmosphere pressure and that of steam above boiling water at 1 atmosphere pressure are set respectively at 0° (the ice point) and 100° (the boiling point of water), The positions of the upper end of the mercury for these cases are made 0 and 100. The space between 0 and 100 is divided into a hundred equal parts, and those regions below 0 and above 100 are further marked off in the same proportions. The temperature scale determined in this way is called the Centigrade scale. There is also a thermometer which employs petroleum ether in place of mer- mercury and which is used in the range from — 30°C to about 200°G. In this case discrepancies arise for temperature readings other than those at 0°G and 100°G, but the differences are small. With thermometers filled with toluene low temper- temperatures can be measured to about — 90° G. EXPLANATORY NOTES A) agaru, ageru Note that agaru is intransitive and means "to rise",
LESSON 11 137 whereas ageru is transitive and means "to raise." Cor- Correspondingly, sagarи (T^5) is intransitive, mean- meaning "to descend," "to hang down", whereas sageru (T iff Ь) is transitive and means "to lower". For further comments on -aru, -eru verb pairs, see Explanatory Notes of Lesson 13. B) atsui Note that "hot" may be translated by iftw {atsui) or by #1л {atsui); the latter is used only for describing hot weather. Note that a homonym j|Lw {atsui) —used in Lesson 10—means "thick". C) koon no buttai kara "The heat from a high-temperature body." The no no netsu serves to indicate that koon no buttai kara modifies netsu. Other examples of the juxtaposition of two particles are: A conference in Kyoto Heat exchange with the surroundings The road to the research center The-/* yoi construction can usually be translated by "may". The following comparison of several related constructions should be helpful for future reference with verbs other than kangaeru. Kono jikken de wa garasukan о In this experiment, a) you must use b) you had better use* c) it is advisable to use** d) you may use*** Kyoto de no kaigi Shui to no netsu-kokan Кепкуп-jo e no doro D) kangaete yoi a) tsukawanakereba naranai b) tsukau to yoi c) tsukaeba yoi d) tsukatte yoi e) tsukatte mo yoi f) tsukawanakute yoi g) tsukatte wa ikenai **** e) you may use (if necessary) a glass tube f) you need not use g) you must not use * i.e., if you want to get good experimental results ** i.e., glass is quite adequate for the experiment *** i.e., it makes no difference, really, whether you use glass or copper ****i.e., if you can't find the proper copper tubing and end up having to use glass, then use it! buttai,,лги modifies bunshi, which in turn is the subject of motsu] bunshi no motsu — bunshi ga motsu "which the molecules have". F) atatakasa, tsumetasa These are nouns formed from the corresponding ad- E) kono enerugii wa aru
G) tsumetai vs. samui (8) toke-tsutsu aru; futto-shi-tsutsu aru 138 Comprehending Technical Japanese jectives atatakai ("warm") and tsumetai ("cold"). In previous lessons we have encountered hayasa, takasa, omosa, okisa, and atsusa ("thickness") similarly formed. Both tsumetai Q%fc\n>) and samui (iSw) mean cold; the latter refers primarily to the weather. Tsumetai would be used in referring to a cold wind, cold water, iced tea, etc.; it is used to indicate the individual's perception of coldness. "which is melting"and "which is boiling"; these are literary forms which correspond to the present pro- progressive forms tokete iru and futto shite iru used in the spoken language. The su&x-tsutsu sometimes has the same meaning as -nagara, indicating the simultaneous occurence of two actions: Netsu-rikigaku no dai-ichi Reactions proceed spontaneous- hosoku о manzoku shi- ly, and at the same time sat- tsutsu, shizen ni hanno ga isfy the first law of thermo- okoru. dynamics. (9) sadamaru, sadameru Sadamaru means "to be decided, to be determined," whereas sadameru means "to decide, to determine." Hence konoyo ni shite sadameta ondo-memori is "the tem- temperature scale which we fix in this fashion." 1. 2. 3. 2Ш 4. Шй CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES "in the case of...," "on the occasion of...", "at the time of..." тжжш sogo-kakusan kyoshi-teki na tairyu katei suru kaikai taikai-iin-cho aisatsu counter diffusion macroscopic convection to suppose, postulate the opening of a meeting chairman of the conven- convention committee introduction
LESSON 11 139 "with...," "as... (со) 2. "throughout...," "through..." 2. zen-kikan mi-idasu entire duration abnormality; anything unusual to discover "passing through...," "by means of..." 2. tsutaeru hipparu to transmit, transfer to pull SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS A. Selections from Rikagaku Jiten kiwamete seimitsu na koan suru niju-kan saikan *X narabete yaku han'i memoru sukeru setsuzoku suru shiyo suru atatameru sakasa ni suru Ш-tb very precise, exact to devise, design annular tube narrow tube side by side with... approximately extent, limit, range to mark off (a scale), graduate scale to connect, join to use to warm up to turn upside down
140 Comprehending Technical Japanese Ц < karuku Ш 2> furu дЙД tekiryo ?. 5 К ...о G ni oku yo ni shite kara suru seiritsu saseru reiten nozomi no Ь E.O. 2) latm,910°G з) тшш chosei dekiru fukin у -r lightly to shake suitable amount after G to cause..., bring about... to set upright zero point desired can adjust, regulate neighborhood BRJ 1230) 0. Oldeg ten'i-ten ten'i-ondo arawareru tetsu transition point transition temperature to manifest itself, appear iron to shite ii-arawasu to refer to as, speak of as BRJ 905) ?Ь в Г V netsu-kakusan kongo-kitai kaku seibun sotai-teki ni thermal diffusion gas mixture each component relatively -s у
wazuka nagara tsujo iko suru nodo futsu no LESSON 11 141 although very slight usually to move concentration ordinary A/« \ Ш Ш BRJ 1017) 4) тш v К 00 netsu-rikigaku daisan-hosoku Nerunsuto teiri kakuritsu suru so kyokugen tanso gurafaito daiyarnondo kessho ...o tori-uru kotonaru... ai-hitoshii kettei dekiru yugen-kaisu katei totatsu suru junsui na katei suru irni genkai tokei-rikigaku koryo suru thermodynamics third law Nernst theorem to establish phase limit carbon graphite diamond crystal can adopt..., can take... different... equal can determine finite number of cycles process to reach pure whatever... to assume, postulate meaning limitation statistical mechanics meaning to consider
142 Comprehending Technical Japanese BRj 1024) Nernstr у Т=0 Jci?v»-C, /57r-f Ь t t'-t -V-tv 4P Planck В. m (=• b p ьо- wareware no keiken motozuku yahari kotogara kotonatta sesshoku saseru ushinau taho ...tokoro de aru izen manzoku suru mukatte nagareru kagaku-shu shizen ni hanno hatsunetsu (no) ta no seisei suru heiko no our experience to be based on..., to be founded on... also circumstance, situation different to put in contact to lose the other is what... as it was before to satisfy to flow towards... chemical species naturally, spontaneously reaction exothermic other to produce, create equilibrium
LESSON 11 143 mmti ж тшь -гъ шх-ts ш ш suishin-ryoku (fu) kagyaku-teki gyaku ni suru oku no kaeru seigen уп suru joki ichi-seibun-niso-kei mushi suru omori mu-gendai no yoryo koon-so gyoshuku suru soto suru shui kei seishi suru koka kyushu suru johatsu suru moto modoru saikuru kanketsu suru tori-dasu mattaku joken sara ni shigoto о nasu yuko michibiki-dasu junkan... nanra tasuke kariru shomi no (fu) kano driving force (ir) reversible to reverse many to convert limit to have vapor l-component-2-phase system to disregard a weight infinitely great capacity constant temperature reservoir to condense to correspond to... surroundings system to rest, stand still fall, lowering to absorb to vaporize to return to the original, cycle to complete to remove completely, perfectly conditions still more to perform work available to deduce cyclical... any aid, help, assistance to borrow net (im) possible
144 Comprehending Technical Japanese 49-50) L, ^- $>tzh Ь vfc^ t, — -tf ^ tr t h v -9-'Г
LESSON 11 145 S с t FINAL TRANSLATION TEST fo tc^-e, lubricating bearing) ft 5t, (self- >^
272a 3818 ВО 675 1570 CHO ha (ru) 108 1169 ТА б® 283 4844 TETSU 336 34 RYO 206a 403 SHIN {no (basu) [no (biru) 249a 2302 BO 248b 2137 SHO 738 3008 I koto (naru) 328 2341 YO LESSON 12 KANJI M Ш ж Ш m m m m 186 1667 274a 3608 758 485 459 361 303 3092 512 2084 257a 2656 373 2379 782 722 258b 4002 KYU iso(gu) SHUKU jchij i (meru) lchiji(maru) GYAKU saka (rau) ТА HATSU HO hana (su) GEN KI КО JO mu (su) READING SELECTIONS (netsu) bocho oku no shitagatte tetsu soto ichijirushii tekkyo ryotan kansho (thermal) expansion many, a number of as... iron rather, fairly noticeable iron bridge both ends heat and cold, temperature
148 Comprehending Technical Japanese C'tK if , t°C<Dt -с sa tetsuzai nobi-chijimi уоуп bo ...goto ni nobiru sen-bocho-ritsu rnokuzai tate to yoko to de kessho(jiku) kotonaru josho suru kakuhen tai-bocho-ritsu ichiyo ni difference, variation iron (material) expansion and contraction allowance (for) rod each..., at an interval of... to expand coefficient of linear expansion wood (material) longitudinally and transversely crystal (axis) to be dissimilar, unlike to rise every edge; every side coefficient of volume expansion uniformly (В П5-И7) t, t'-t V» t*5*5(e)o-e, /' = / {1+a (t'-t)} -ci A) B) V ftivti,
LESSON 12 149 i к: Ш1г dannetsu (henka) kyu(geki) ni asshuku suru nuku oshi-sageru netsu-yoryo ippai ni sashi-komu hanasu soto nigeru gyaku ni gaibu de-iri C) D) adiabatic (change) quickly to compress to pull out, draw out to push down, depress heat capacity as much as possible to thrust in to release outside, surroundings to escape on the contrary, conversely surroundings going in and out; exchange (В 128-129) 2) ь'д ь (8> t t, t, <8) ь ^ЪШ 5
150 Comprehending Technical Japanese № шт-гъ M Karuno saikuru ta no... heru futatabi moto no kaeru junkan junkan-katei shuppatsu suru (fu) kagyaku-teki kyushu suru hoshutsu suru ...te kita owaru fuhen de aru yori netsugen (netsu) kikan упко па koritsu joki nainen naigai Garnot cycle another... to pass through again, once more original to return cycle cyclical process to depart, start (ir) reversible to absorb to release, discharge has come to be... to end to be unchanged according to... heat reservoir (heat) engine effective efficiency vapor (since7jC^>S is implied here, translate as "steam") internal combustion about, approximately , AD 2 *¦ X If Тг (<Т2)ю OrAfrbtU&LX, AB, ВС, GD,DA©f л> Т2 Wftb t-tъ
LESSON 12 151 E) -Qi %-$-%., *7=- F) KOTAI NO NETSU-BOCHO Suigin ya sekiyu nado ni kagirazu, oku no kotai mo ondo ga agaru ni shita- gatte bocho suru. Tetsu mo so to ichijirushii netsu-bocho о shimesu no de, tekkyo no ryotan nado wa kotei sezu,A) kanshoB) no sa ni yotte tetsuzai no nobi-chijimiC) ga okoru yoyu о motasete aru.D) Ippan ni, kotai no netsu-bocho wa ekitai ya kitai ni kurabete chiisai. Ima, t-do no toki no bo no nagasaE) о /, t'-do no toki no nagasa о /; to suru to, ondo ga t to t1 to no aida de, ichido agaru goto ni, bo ga t-do no nagasa ni kurabete nobiru wari-ai a wa a= f-t A) de shimesareru. Kore о sen-bocho-ritsu to iu. Shitagatte, -a(f-t)] B)
152 Comprehending Technical Japanese to naru. Mokuzai wa tate to yoko to de sen-bocho-ritsu ga chigatte iru. Mata, kessho de mo kessho jiku no hoko ni yotte, seishitsu ga kotonaru koto ga aruF) no de, nobi- kata mo hoko ni yotte chigau. Ondo ga josho suru ni tsurete, kotai no kakuhen ga nobiru no de taiseki mo bocho suru. Ima t-do no toki no taiseki о V, tLdo no toki no taiseki о V to sure- ba, ondo ga ichi-do agaru goto ni taiseki ga t-do no toki ni kurabete zoka suru wari-ai о tai-bocho-ritsu to ii, /3 de arawasu. Sunawachi p= {"VI~V)/V shitagatte V' = V[l + p(tf-t)] C) t t Kaku hoko ni ichiyo ni nobiru kotai de wa /3=3* D) no kankei ga aru. DANNETSU-HENKA Jikken: Kuki о kyugeki ni asshuku shitari, bocho sasetari suru to, sono ondo ga do kawaru ka, tsugi no yo ni shite shirabete miyo. A) Hajime pisuton о ue no ho ni nuite oku.(8) Kono pisuton о куп ni oshi- sagete naka no kuki о asshuku suru. Kono toki, netsu-yoryo no chiisai ondo- kei de kuki no ondo о hakaru to, sudo josho shita koto ga wakaru. B) Hajime pisuton о ippai ni sashi-konde oku.(8) Pisuton о куп ni hanashite naka no kuki о куп ni bocho saseru to, sono ondo wa sudo sagaru. Kono yo ni, netsu ga soto e nigenai yo ni shite kitai о kyugeki ni asshuku suru to, sono ondo ga agari, gyaku ni kitai о kyugeki ni bocho saseru to, ondo ga sagaru. Ippan ni gaibu to no aida ni netsu no de-iri(9) no nai jotai no henka о "dannetsu-henka" to ii, sono henka ga asshuku no baai о "dannetsu-asshuku", bocho no baai о "dannetsu-bocho" to iu. Kono yo ni netsu no de-iri ga nai yo ni shite, soto kara shigoto о kuwaeru to, sono shigoto wa, buttai no naibu-enerugii no zoka ni naru no de, buttai no ondo wa josho suru. Mata, buttai ga soto ni shigoto о suru baai ni wa naibu-enerugii ga gensho suru no de, ondo ga sagaru. KARUNO SAIKURU Buttai ga hitotsu no jotai о hete, futatabi moto no jotai ni kaeru no о saikuru aruiwa junkan-katei to iu. Ima, zu no yo ni AB to DC о ittei-ryo no kitai no ondo T2 oyobi T\ (<T2) no toon-kyokusen to shi, AD to ВС о dannetsu-kyokusen to suru. Mazu A kara shuppatsu shite AB, BG, CD, DA no kagyaku-teki-henka о hete futatabi A ni kaeru kagyaku-junkan-katei (mata wa sono gyaku no katei) о Karuno saikuru to iu. Kono saikuru ni oite kitai wa ondo T2 no toon-bocho A—>B no aida ni netsuryo
LESSON 12 153 Q2 о kyushu shi ondo Тг no toon-asshuku C->D no aida ni netsuryo Q^i о hoshutsu suru mono to suru. Soshite ikkai no saikuru de kitai ga gaibu ni shita shigoto no okisa о — W to suru (soto kara sareru shigoto о sei to shite kita).A0) Saikuru о ikkai owatta toki ni kitai wa moto no jotai ni kaeru no de, sono naibu-enerugii wa fuhen de aru kara daiichi-hosoku ni yori <b-Q>=-w E) de aru. Kitai wa ondo no takai netsugen (ko-netsugen) kara netsu-enerugii Q2 о tori, ondo Tx no tei-netsugen ni netsu-enerugii Q\ о atae, sono aida ni soto e shigoto — Wo shite iru. Kono yo ni netsu-enerugii о shigoto ni kaeru sochi о netsu-kikan to iu. Netsu-kikan ga soto ni shita yuko na shigoto to ko-netsugen kara eta netsu- enerugii to no hi о netsu-koritsu arui wa koritsu to yobi, kore о rj to sureba, ka- gyaku-netsu-kikan de aru Karuno no saikuru no koritsu wa *l= - W/Q2= (&-&)/&= (Т2-Тг)/Т2 F) to naru. Ippan ni rj no atai wa chiisaku, joki-kikan ya joki-tabin de 15%, nainen- kikan de 25% naigaiA1) de aru. THE THERMAL EXPANSION OF SOLIDS Not only mercury and petroleum but also many solids expand with rising tem- temperature. Since iron also exhibits a rather noticeable thermal expansion, the two ends and other parts of iron bridges are not rigidly fixed but given play to allow for the expanding and contracting of the iron material which occurs due to variations in temperature. In general, the thermal expansion of solids is small compared to liquids and gases. If now we let / be the length of a rod at t°C and I1 be the length at t/oC, then the rate a at which the rod expands for each degree of temperature between temperatures t and t1, in comparison to the length at /°G, is expressed by This is called the coefficient of linear expansion. If follows that I' = I[l + a(t'-t)] B) The coefficient of linear expansion of wood differs longitudinally and trans- transversely. Likewise there are also crystals which, having differing properties along the directions of their crystal axes, expand differently in those directions. Since every edge of a solid block expands with rising temperature, the volume also expands. If now we let V be the volume when at t°C and V the volume when at t' °G, then the rate at which the volume increases for each degree rise in temperature, compared to the volume at t°C, is called the coefficient of vol-
154 Comprehending Technical Japanese ume expansion and is called /3. In other words, /3- W'-VyV and? accordinglyj F' = F [i + 0 (*'-*)] C) For a solid which expands uniformly in every direction, the relation /3 = 3* D) holds. ADIABATIG CHANGE Experiment: Let us examine the question of how the temperature changes when air is suddenly compressed or expanded in the following way. 1) First withdraw the piston to an upper position. Then compress the air by suddenly pushing the piston downwards. If, at that time, you measure the temperature of the air with a thermometer of small heat capacity, you will find the temperature has risen several degrees. 2) First thrust the piston in fully. Then, when you allow the air to expand suddenly by quickly releasing the piston, the temperature will drop several degrees. Thus, if you compress a gas suddenly so that heat does not escape to the sur- surroundings, the temperature rises and, conversely, if you cause a gas to expand suddenly, the temperature falls. We call those general changes of state in which no heat is exchanged with the surroundings adiabatic changes, and for the case of those changes by compression, adiabatic compression, for the case of expansion, adiabatic expansion. Thus, if work is added from without and no exchanges of heat occur, the tem- temperature of the substance rises because the work increases the internal energy of the substance. Moreover, when the substance performs work on the surroundings, the temperature falls because the internal energy decreases. THE GARNOT CYCLE A process in which a body passes from one state to another and returns once more to the original state is called a cycle or a cyclical process. Now take AB and DC in the figure as isotherms at temperatures T2 and 7\ (< T2) for a fixed quantity of gas, and AD and ВС as adiabatic curves. A reversible cyclical process which begins first at A, then passes through reversible changes AB, ВС, CD, and DA to return again to A is called a Carnot cycle. Suppose the gas in this cycle absorbs an amount of heat Q2 during the isother- isothermal expansion at temperature T2 from A to В and releases an amount of heat Од during the isothermal compression at temperature Tx from С to D. Further- Furthermore take the amount of work done by the gas on the surroundings as — W (work
LESSON 12 155 done by the surroundings is conventionally taken as positive). When a single cycle has been completed, then since the gas has returned to its original state, the internal energy is unchanged, and according to the first law &-&=-W E) The gas takes thermal energy Q2 from the high temperature heat reservoir, gives an amount of thermal energy Од to the low temperature heat reservoir, and in the process performs work — W. A device which thus transforms thermal energy into work is called a heat engine. The ratio of the actual work performed by the heat engine and the thermal energy received from the high temperature heat source is called the thermal efficiency (or efficiency) and, if we let this be r/, then the efficiency of a reversible heat engine in a Garnot cycle becomes П= - w/Q2= (Q,2-&)/&= (Г2- Тг)/Т2. F) In general the value of rj is small, being about 15% for a steam engine or steam turbine, and about 25% for an internal combustion engine. A) kotei sezu B) kansho C) nobi-chijimi EXPLANATORY NOTES "is not fixed, and"; this is the negative analog of kotei shi "is fixed, and". "hot and cold" or "temperature," used only for weath- weather or climate; see the Explanatory Notes for Lesson 9 for other examples of the formation of an abstract noun from the juxtaposition of two contrasting kanji. "expansion and contraction" or "extension and com- compression". Note that the word shinshuku (#Ш)> that is, the corresponding (XV-reading, appears in the Supplementary Reading on Bo no shindo in this lesson. The meaning of both words is about the same. The -te aru construction usually is most easily rendered by the passive voice in English; for example hoteishiki ga kokuban ni kaite aru "the equation is written on the blackboard." Note: motsu "has"; motaseru "causes to have"; motasete aru "is caused to have", or, less literally, "is given". E) t°C no toki no bo toki here does not have any particular temporal sig- no nagasa nificance; it has the idea of baai "case, condition, occasion." Translate as "length of the bar at t°C". F) (present tense verb) "there are cases for which..." or "it sometimes hap- + koto ga aru pens that..." are standard renditions of this phrase. Hence, "there are crystals for which the properties differ, etc." D) motasete aru
156 Comprehending Technical Japanese G) ...tari...tari suru (8) nuite oku; sashikonde oku (9) gaibu to no aida ni netsu no de-iri A0) gaibu kara sareru shigoto о sei to shite kita A1) naigai Indicates several actions occuring, possibly in alter- alternation. The -te oku construction gives the idea of (a) doing something beforehand for future need or use, or (b) doing something to get it out of the way. In descriptions of experimental procedures where one pre- prepares equipment or chemicals for use in a subsequent step in the experiment, the -te oku is a convenient expression. The -te oku is seldom translated into English, since there is no construction which conveys the same implications. "heat exchange with the surroundings". This can be regarded as an abbreviated version of gaibu to kei to no aida ni netsu no de-iri "heat exchange between the system and the surroundings" For comments on the -te kuru construction see Ex- Explanatory Notes of Lesson 9. The expression here means literally, "We (physical scientists) began (at some time) to take the work done by the surroundings as positive and have continued to do so." Hence the translation, "work done by the surrondings is conventionally taken as positive." "approximately." Several other synonymous words ъхе уаки (Щ), oyoso (&?%), gurai (fi) CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES КШЬ-f "not only...but also...," "not just...but..." 2. т "according as...," "as... 2. :Ш (коуп)shindo-su chikazuku (characteristic) frequency to approach
LESSON 12 157 2. l. 2. 2. "each...," "at an interval of..." kuri-kaesu "compared to..." "without... -ing" 0°C 1/273 fo to repeat (teiatsu) hinetsu tfJA() ?-Йг2> de-iri saseru ~C Ъ Ь (see Explanatory Note No. 4) 2. 3. # ?. X Ь Ь Lt|>5 jikken-dai chosoku-ki kangaete aru shite aru specific heat (at constant pressure) to permit exchange laboratory bench governor (Literally: control- speed-device) it is planned it is arranged 1. 2. "there are cases for which...," "it sometimes happens that..." 0е Ь sutenresu-ko de mo sabiru stainless steel even to rust
158 Comprehending Technical Japanese nessuru (see Explanatory Note No. 8) to heat 2. kosatsu kotowatte oku consideration, study to warn, remind SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS is A. Selections from Rikagaku Jiten 1) is * у ЬШ jetto-ki suishin hiko suru koku-ki - V is v j etto-enj in hiraku ryoho hiraita tsutsu nenryo chunyu suru nensho funshutsu suru suiryoku kuchi у Ь ramu-jetto kongo suru • is 3i у Ь tabin-jetto is * у Ь tabo-jetto jitsuyo-teki ni kosha puropera У tabo-puroppu roketto sanso куокуп fu-kano \:иШ.(О sen-onsoku no з^дЖ^ cho-onsoku no jet (plane) propulsion to fly aircraft jet engine to open an open-ended tube fuel to inject combustion to exhaust, blow out thrust entrance ram jet to mix turbine jet turbo jet in actual practice the latter propeller turbo prop rocket oxygen supply impossible transsonic supersonic
LESSON 12 159 л: У 2) ШШ№ я mm mi- %-Ji-b sado-ryutai jishin fukumu kito ben kuranku kiko ofuku sasu hoshiki bunrui suru куппуп suru denki-hibana tenka suru funsha suru kyuhai-ki kotei kanryo suru jOyu; keiyu iwayuru Diizeru Otto bariki shite sumu tokucho CRJ 544) Ъ 0 < Ь - t* V • i> л: У Ь ffi working fluid itself to include cylinder valve crank mechanism reciprocating to indicate method to classify to take in, suck in electric spark to ignite to inject intake and exhaust of gases stroke to complete heavy oil; light oil so-called Diesel Otto horsepower can get by with doing strong point, merit
160 Comprehending Technical Japanese ЙШШ BRJ 979) 3) lift ^< xirbb ^ isei bunshi-shiki kago-butsu isei-tai yuki; muki kozo-shiki rittai-haichi rittai-isei kika-isei kaiten-isei kogaku-isei taibetsu suru isomerism molecular formula chemical compound isomers organic; inorganic structural formula spatial configuration stereoisomerism geometrical isomerism rotational isomerism optical isomerism to classify broadly 4) ШШ. b В IHB takei sosei kessho (kei) CRJ 76) polymorphism, composition, constitution crystal (shape)
LESSON 12 161 5) Ш-tb ftbb nikei, sankei koto ni suru gen'in ото ni joken ...shihai sareru takei-kan gurafaito- daiyamondo ten'i honshitsu-teki ni sekiei haichi-kankei taisho-sei dimorphism, trimorphism to be dissimilar source, cause chiefly conditions to be influenced by... between polymorphic substances graphite-diamond transition essentially quartz configurational relationship symmetry # ^ CRJ 785) shinshuku suru tate-shindo nejire-shindo yoko-hoko tawamu yoko-shindo massugu na Yangu-ritsu chu-o to expand and contract longitudinal vibration torsional vibration transverse direction to bend transverse vibration straight Young's modulus center ЮШШ BRJ 1281)
162 Comprehending Technical Japanese (S= 1,2,3...) в. mm СШ&) У У тшш heiko junsui na ...nomi johatsu-netsu sore yue taishi memotta keisha motomaru han'i yori(seikaku na) equilibrium pure only... heat of vaporization therefore plotted versus... slope is obtained range more (accurate) ekitai о heikan-chu ni toru to take the liquid (and put it) into the closed tube nozoku to remove "' "*"'": L, or suru ...seiteki-hoho to...doteki- hoho to ga aru zensha...kosha daihyo-teki na jisshi yoi kigu torappu furasuko yuki-kago-butsu aseton kurorohorumu benzen arukoru shi-enka-tanso kumi-tate edatsuki-furasuko bun'eki-roto katan to cause..., bring about... there is a static method in which...and a dynamic method in which... the former...the latter representative execution easy, not difficult apparatus trap flask organic compounds acetone chloroform benzene alcohol carbon tetrachloride assembly distilling flask (Lit. a branched flask) separatory funnel lower end
mm -f 5 saiku o suru kyubu gaze shibaru setsuzoku suru suri-awase bubun guriisu keiso jushi suiryu ponpu haiki suru tojiru;hiraku more yaku hochi suru dekiru dake teiatsu ni jojo ni nuno teki soko tekika suru suiyoku johatsu shite shimau chosetsu suru yomi kiroku suru mosai-kan kanetsu suru kuri-kaesu tassuru kondo wa chui enkatsu ni yasuri mizo eda LESSON 12 163 to make bulb gauze to tie, fasten to connect, join adjoining moving parts (parts which rub each other) grease silicon resin tap aspirator to exhaust to close;to open leak approximately to leave as it is at as low a pressure as possible slowly, gradually cloth drop bottom to drip water bath to vaporize completely (See Explanatory Note 1, Les- Lesson 15) to adjust, regulate reading to record capillary tube to heat (up) to repeat to reach... this time precaution, N.B. smoothly a file groove side-arm
164 Comprehending Mffi-tz ±T тж-гъ Technical Japanese renketsu suru kimitsu jubun chui suru to connect above and below air-tight thoroughly, fully to be careful pJJt (BKJ 104-106) dlogP L dT * 2.303RT2 (L , Felsing and Durban, J. Am. Ghem. Soc. 48, 2885 A926) #Ш) i>k ^c> o-t* шш Smith-Menzies Ramsay-Young !l5E* J: 1ЩЩ20] Ramsay-Young &K1: Ъ &> \k : Ramsay-Young ^g, 7КШШЛ1+, Ь777, 10/ У у 7 D , Ramsay-Young 3, P H F fi 250m/ Ш 100m/© ь 9 -у у° С, -r 40m/ t Ь,
LESSON 12 165 9 20 100mm K 5Ё1-S ш h, o() FINAL TRANSLATION TEST "У V У^- Ь V(D— Newcomen
166 Comprehending Technical Japanese *c-ewatttt, •y^v^- if J: 5 , г: с y, f^ h yi, ^ ь у^ СЪ&Ъ&Ш1ЬЫЬ%<О&УГаЬк.е1тМ, t
LESSON 13 KANJI * * т ж Я ш * 72 1358 194b 1492 241а 2591 651 1855 160 4733 192 1521 281 4703 664 540 94 3889 35 4534 КО hika (ru) [hikari) KAN SHO SETSU fo(ru) lo (reru) EN to(i) KYO tsuyo(i) Jtsuyo(meru) Itsuyo (maru) TSU fto(su) ito(ru) ZO SHOKU SHIKI iro SEKI aka aka(i) ж Ш m Ш Ш 242b 3534 230b 4603 215b 1386 419 626 67 4284 378 4912 250a 5029 19 878 18 1455 95 1645 SHI murasaki SHA KUTSU SHA utsu (su) KEN mi (ru) KYO kagami SHO U, YU migi SA hidari SHIN kokoro ttfcjfi) READING SELECTIONS hikari kansho(jima) kaisetsu kogen enpo totatsu suru shikumi уакуп katamari light interference (fringes) diffraction light source a great distance to reach, arrive at arrangement baseball lump
168 Comprehending Technical Japanese Ш tsubu и у X У у Ь v (-©ЖО) ...ka ...ka no izure ka de aru kihonteki na tsuyoi renzu ...o tosu zo о musubaseru suritto saki ni ateru suri-garasu meian shima iso okuri-dasu kasanaru joken manzoku suru tsuyome-au akarui kurai tonari-au keisan suru Yangu hajimete teido de aru seimitsu na iro tori miri-mikuron aka daidai ki midori ao murasaki grain, particle is either... or... fundamental strong lens to pass through... to focus an image slit ahead to strike, hit frosted glass bright and dark bands, fringes phase to send forth to be superimposed condition to satisfy to reinforce each other bright dark to adjoin each other to calculate (Thomas) Young for the first time; originally is of the order of magnitude of... accurate, precise color in the manner of... (here: "as shown in") millimicron red orange yellow green blue purple
LESSON 13 169 ГШ (8) (В 178-180) S2, S3 Г Г S2) S3 ftft, )) JV=0, ±1, ±2,... ? V tit, И 2 am lOcm
170 Comprehending Technical Japanese 700—610 610—590 590—570 570—500 500—450 450—400 ife 7c V» 7c V> (=1-5) И hansha kussetsu zenpo no keshiki utsuru mieru kagami sugata utsusu magaru uki-agaru uki-agatte mieru ...kono tame de aru kyokai-men suisen nyusha-kosen nasu nyusha-kaku doitsu-heimen-nai ni kussetsu-gawa baishitsu kussetsu-ritsu mattaku tsuyosa fureru reflection refraction in front, ahead scenery to be reflected, mirrored to be able to see mirror figure to reflect, mirror to bend to float; rise to the surface it appears to be lifted towards the surface this is why... boundary surface perpendicular incident ray to do, make angle of incidence in the same plane refracting side medium index of refraction entirely strength, intensity to touch upon, deal with
LESSON 13 171 (В 183-184) с с у° V Ха t, 0. ШЙ («0, r) t v» (l) B) i=i' m sine »i cji „ sin г v2 t^5 Ж%t?* totsu-renzu kojiku tsuka suru shoten chushin shoten-kyori saho uho tagai ni taisho no purizumu chokaku sono mama convex lens optical axis to pass through, be transmitted focus center focal length the left the right mutually symmetrical prism vertex angle as it is (without changing or disturbing it)
172 Comprehending Technical Japanese mmtb atsui chokushin suru gyakushin suru matomeru t, thick to move straight ahead to move in reverse to summarize, collect (B 200-201) хл t C) И з К* t ЪЪЪ С t A) B)
LESSON 13 173 HIKARI NO KANSHO TO KAISETSU Hikari wa kogen kara dete enpo made totatsu suru. Hikari no tsutawaruA) shikumi wa, уакуп no boru no yo ni nani kaB) hitotsu no katamari sunawachi "tsubu" ga ugoite iku C) no ka, mata wa, oto no yo ni "nami" ga tsutawaru no ka no izure kaD) de aru. Nami no mottomo kihon-teki na seishitsu wa kansho yaE) kaisetsu no aru koto de aru. Hikari ga nami de aru to iwareru no wa, tsugi no yo ni hikari mo kansho, kaisetsu о окопай kara de aru. Kansatsu: Zu-ichi no yo ni tsuyoi kogen S kara deta hikari o, renzu L о toshiteF) suritto Sx joG> ni zo о musubase, tsugi ni Sx kara deru hikari о oyoso 0. 5m saki ni aru suritto S2, S3 ni ateru. S2, S3 kara deta hikari o, kore kara mata 0. 5 —1m gurai no kyori ni aru suri-garasu-ita G jo ni ateru to, meian no shima ga arawareru no о kansatsu seyo.(8> Suritto S2, S3 kara wa hikari no kaisetsu no kekka, onaji iso no nami ga zu-ni no yo ni, tsugi-tsugi ni okuri-dasarete iru. Kono futatsu no nami no kasanaruA) tokoro de kansho ga okoru.F) Ima, kono hikari no hacho о /I to suru to, suri garasu-ita G jo no itten л: de s2*-s3*=j\a jv=o, ±i, ±2,... to iu joken ga manzoku sareru to, kono ten de wa nami ga tsuyome-atte(9) akaruku naru. Mata, ga seiritsu suru to kuraku naru. Shitagatte, meian no sen ga tonari-atte,(9) kansho-jima о tsukuru koto ni naru. Kono jikken de, S2* —S3# о hakareba, hikari no hacho Xo keisan suru koto ga dekiru. Yangu wa, kono yo na hoho de hajimetecl0) hikari no hacho о sokutei shi, sore ga lO~4cm no teido de aru koto о tashikameta. Sono nochi, kansho о riyo shite, motto seimitsu na hoho de hacho о sokutei suru koto ga dekiru yo ni nari, hikari no hacho to iro to no kankei wa hyo-ichi no tori de aru koto ga shirareta. Ну о Icki. Hikari no Hacho to Iro Hacho (mirimikuron) Iro 700—610 aka 610—590 dai-dai 590—570 ki 570—500 midori 500—450 ao 450—400 murasaki
174 Comprehending Technical Japanese HIKARI NO HANSHA TO KUSSETSU Hikari ga kuki-chuG) kara ta no busshitsu no hyomen ni susunde kuruC) to, ichi-bubun wa sono busshitsu no naka ni hairi, ta no bubun wa hansha suru. Shizuka na suimen ni zenpo no keshiki ga utsutte mietari,A1) kagami ni yotte jibun no sugata о utsusu koto ga dekitari suru no wa, hikari no hansha ni yoru. Hikari ga ta no busshitsu no naka ni hairu toki, hikari wa magatte susumu. SuichuG) ni aru buttai ga uki-agatte mietariA1) suru no wa kono tame de aru. Hansha, Kussetsu no Hosoku: Hikari ga hansha, kussetsu suru toki, kyokai-men no suisen ga nyusha-kosen, hansha-kosen oyobi kussetsu-kosen to nasuA2) kaku о sorezore nyusha-kaku (г), hansha-kaku (*') oyobi kussetsu-kaku (r) to iu. A) Nyusha-kosen, hansha-kosen oyobi kussetsu-kosen wa kyokai-men ni suichoku na doitsu-heimen-nai ni aru B) i = i' C) -sb^=-^=ittei = n sin r v2 Kore о hansha oyobi kussetsu no hosoku to iu. Kono n wa kussetsu-gawa no baishitsu no nyusha-gawa no baishitsu ni taisuru kussetsu-ritsu de aru. Koko de vb v2 wa sorezore nyusha-gawa oyobi kussetsu-gawa ni okeru hikari no hayasa de aru. Hikari no hansha oyobi kussetsu no hosoku wa, nami no hansha oyobi kussetsu no hosoku to mattaku hitoshii. Hansha, kussetsu no hosoku wa hikari no susumikataA3) ni kansuru hosoku de atte, hansha-ko oyobi kussetsu-ko no tsuyosa ni tsuite wa furete inai. Sorera no tsuyosa wa, hansha suru busshitsu no shurui ni yotte kotonaru ga, onaji busshitsu demo nyusha-kaku ga okiku naru to, hansha-ko ga tsuyoku naru. TOTSU-RENZU NI OKERU HIKARI NO SUSUMIKATA Heiko-kosen о totsu-renzuA4) no kojiku ni heiko ni ateru to, renzu о tsuka shita kosen wa zu-san no yo ni, itten о toru. Kono ten о totsu-renzu no shoten to ii, renzu no chushin to shoten to no kyori о shoten-kyori to iu. Zu-san de wa, heiko-kosen о renzu no saho kara ateta no de aru ga, uho kara ateta baai ni mo renzu о tsuka shita kosen wa itten F о tori, kono ten mo shoten de aru. Kono yo ni, renzu no shoten wa futatsu ari, renzu ni taishite tagai ni taisho no ichi ni aru. Totsu-renzu no kojiku no bubun wa chiisai purizumu to shite no chokaku wa rei de aru kara, kojiku-jo о susumu kosen wa sono mama chokushin suru. Mat a, renzu no chushin ni nyusha suru kosen wa, renzu ni suichoku de nai toki de mo, renzu ga amari atsuku nai kagiriA5) zu-yon no yo ni chokushin shite iku.C) Ijo no koto to, hikari wa hajime ni susunda michi о gyakushin suru koto ga
LESSON 13 175 капо de aru koto nado kara, totsu-renzu ni nyusha shita kosen no susumikata о tsugi no yo ni matomeru koto ga dekiru. A) Renzu no kojiku ni heiko ni susumu kosen wa, renzu tsuka-go, shoten F о toru. B) Renzu no chushin О о toru kosen wa sono mama chokushin suru. C) Shoten F' о toru kosen wa, renzu-tsuka-go,G) kojiku ni heiko ni susumu. INTERFERENCE AND DIFFRACTION OF LIGHT Light emanating from a luminous source will reach to great distances. The mechanism by which light is transmitted may be by the motion of some kind of lump or "particle" (like a baseball) or by the propagation of a "wave" (like sound). The most fundamental characteristics of waves are diffraction and interference. Light is said to be a wave because light also manifests diffraction and interference as follows. Observation: Light which leaves a strong luminous source S, as shown in Figure 1, passes through lens L, then is focussed on slit Si and proceeds on to strike slits S2 and S3 which are located about 0. 5m ahead. When the light which has left slits S2 and S3 strikes the plate of frosted glass G located at a distance of about 0. 5 — 1 m, observe the bright and dark bands which appear. As a consequence of the diffraction of light, waves of the same phase are sent forth successively from slits S2 and S3 as shown in Figure 2. Where these two waves are superimposed, interference occurs. If now we let X be the wave length of light and if at a single point л: on the frosted glass plate G the condition S2x-Szx=NX N=0, ±1, ±2, ... is satisfied, then the waves reinforce each other at this point and it becomes bright. Moreover, if holds, then it becomes dark. Consequently, bright and dark lines adjoin each other and interference bands are formed. If you measure S2*—S3* in this experiment, you can calculate the wavelength X of light. (Thomas) Young was the first one to measure the wavelength of light by this method and established that it was of the order of 10~4cm. Subsequently, it became possible to measure the wavelength by a more precise method using interference, and it was learned that the relation between color and the wave length of light is that in Table /.
176 Comprehending Technical Japanese Table I. Color and the Wavelength of Light Wavelength (millimicrons) Color 700—610 Red 610—590 Orange 590—570 Yellow 570—500 Green 500—450 Blue 450—400 Purple REFLECTION AND REFRACTION OF LIGHT When light moves through air and comes to the surface of another substance, a part enters the substance and the other part is reflected. The fact that we can see scenery in front of us mirrored on the surface of still water and can reflect our own figure by means of a mirror is due to the reflection of light. When light enters another substance, it bends and moves on. This is why bodies in water appear to be lifted towards the surface. The Laws of Reflection and Refraction: In the reflecting and refracting of light, we call the angles which the incident ray, reflected ray, and refracted ray make with the perpendicular to the boundary surface the angle of incidence (г), the angle of reflection (*') and the angle of refraction (r) respectively. A) The incident ray, reflected ray and the refracted ray lie in the same plane perpendicular to the boundary surface. B) i = i' C) -^L = i-a constant-n sin r v2 These are called the laws of reflection and refraction. The constant n is the index of refraction of the refracting medium with respect to the incident medium. Here Vi and v2 are the speeds of light in the incident and refraction sides respectively. The laws of the reflection and refraction of light are exactly the same as the laws of the reflection and refraction of waves. The laws of reflection and refraction are laws concerning the propagation of light and do not deal with the intensities of the reflected and refracted light. These intensities vary with the type of substance but, as the angle of incidence becomes larger for any one substance, the reflected light becomes intensified. THE MOVEMENT OF LIGHT AND CONVEX LENSES When parallel light rays strike a convex lens parallel to the optical axis, the light rays transmitted through the lens will pass through a single point as shown in Figure 3. This point is called the focus of the convex lens and the distance
LESSON 13 177 from the center of the lens to the focus is called the focal length. In Figure 3 the parallel light rays strike the lens from the left; but also for light rays striking from the right, those transmitted through the lens will pass through a single point F and this point also is a focus. Hence, a lens has two foci and they are in symmetrical positions with respect to the lens. Since the region of the convex lens at the optical axis, considered as a small prism, has a vertex angle of zero, the light rays proceeding along the optical axis move undeflected. Moreover, even if the light rays incident at the center of the lens are not perpendicular to the lens, as long as the lens is not too thick, they will continue to move in a straight line as in Figure 4. From the above facts and the fact that it is possible for light to travel in reverse on the path by which it originally came, the movement of incident light rays in convex lenses may be summarized as follows A) Rays which proceed parallel to the optical axis of the lens will, after transmission, pass through focus F. B) Rays passing through the center of the lens 0 will proceed undeflected. C) Rays passing through the focus F' will, after transmission through the lens, proceed parallel to the optical axis. EXPLANATORY NOTES A) tsutawaru, tsutaeru It was pointed out in Lesson 11 that, for verb pairs ending in -aru and -егщ the -aru verb is intransitive and the -eru verb is transitive. Hence tsutawaru is "to be transmitted, to move," whereas tsutaeru means "to transmit, transfer". Similar comments apply to kasanaru and kasaneru. B) nani ka As a substantive, nani ka means "something, any- anything" as in the sentence ano yoki no пока ni nani ka aru ka ("Is there anything in that container?"). In the text here it has the meaning of "some kind of. C) ugoite iku, For -te kuru and -te iku, see Lesson 9, Explanatory susunde kuru Note 9. D) ...(verb) no ka "is either...or..." This construction implies that one (verb) no ka no izure or the other of the statements is true. ka de aru E) ya Remember that ya (as opposed to to) implies an incomplete listing. F) toru, tosu For verb pairs ending in -ru and -su, the -ru verb is intransitive, whereas the -su verb is transitive. Hence tosu means "to pass something through," toru "to pass
178 Comprehending Technical Japanese through." Other such pairs are: G) suritto Sx jo ni (8) seyo (9) tsuyome-au A0) hajimete A1) utsutte mietari; uki-agatte mietari \kieru to go out [kesu to extinguish окоru to happen okosu to start (something) iutsuru to be reflected [utsusu to copy, photograph, reflect "on slit Sx". Note that one could also say suritto Si no ue ni by using the extra particle no. Other examples in this lesson are: kuki-chu kara—kuki no пока kara sui-chu ni aru — mizM no naka ni aru tsiika-go — tsuka no nochi heimen-nai ni—heimen no uchi ni Generally the first expression corresponds to the written style, whereas the second is used in con- conversation. Imperative of suru The compound verbs with -аи as the second element usually indicate some kind of mutual interaction and can be translated by " (verb) + each other" or " (verb) 4-one another" to strengthen (reinforce) one another to attract each other to exert on each other; to influence one another to repel one another to adjoin one another This has the meaning of "for the first time," but usually sentences containing this word are best rearranged in English. Thus, Koko wa hajimete desu ka? "Is this the first time you've been here?" Tanaka kyoju wa hajimete kono riron о rombun to shite happyo shita "Prof. Tanaka was the first to publish this theory (in an article)." In the first case mieru means "to be visible" ("the scenery is seen reflected" or more naturally "we can tsuyome-au hiki-au oyohoshi-au hanpatsu shi-au tonari-au
LESSON 13 179 see the scenery reflected"). In the second case mieru means "appears, looks like" ("the body appears to be lifted towards the surface"). In both instances the -tari forms indicate that there are other examples of similar phenomena which could be cited. A2) nasu This entire phrase modifies kaku. A3) susumi-kata A4) totsu-renzu A5) amari atsuku nai kagiri Addition of -kata to the verb stem is a standard way to express "way" Other examples: ugoki-kata "way of moving"; nagare-kata "way of flowing." The opposite of totsu-renzu "convex lens" (Д \/ V X) is 6-renZu "concave lens" (Щ). These kanji are not Тдуб kanji but are particularly useful in optics. Their кип readings appear in the equally graphic word deko-boko (ЙИ) "bumpy, uneven, rough". "as long as it is not too thick," "unless it is too thick" (See also Note in Lesson 7). CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES "this is why..."; "for that reason..." 2. ft С "some kind of..." ЪА, LA, fcic 2. т C^ L T 9 V shinku na-zukeru akuriru-jushi kai-jugo ttV vacuum to call, name acrylic resin depolymerization
180 Comprehending Technical Japanese 1. jEH 2. "A makes an angle with B" ai-tonaru to be adjacent \L~Cb tateru "can be seen" or "appears" to erect 2. t suiso water tank SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS A. Selections from Rikagaku Jiten tan-renzu toki to shite wa ? Si fCtt эшж 2) omen-kyo totsumen-kyo fukumu ...kara naru kogaku-kei kosen-soku hassuru shugo saseru hassan saseru jitsuzo kyozo henko kenbi-kyo tsujo no ganseki simple lens sometimes, in some cases concave mirror convex miror to contain to be made of... optical system pencil of light rays to emanate to cause to converge to cause to diverge real image virtual image X BRJ 1456) polarized light microscope ordinary, usual rocks
LESSON 13 181 Ш ff S kobutsu hakuhen saihen nikoru purizumu jinzo no henko-shi sonaeru saibutsu-dai minerals lamina fragment, splinter Nicol prism artificial, man-made polarizer to provide, equip table, stage (of microscope) BRJ 1249) iso-sa-kenbi-kyo bubun-teki ni mushoku no tomei na muzukashii toka-ko mi-yasui boen-kyo taibutsu-renzu omen no tekito na shusoku saseru yudo suru yoshiki kubetsu suru «5 phase contrast microscope in different regions colorless transparent difficult transmitted light easy to see BRJ 76) telescope objective lens concave suitable to focus to conduct, lead style, form to differentiate шштт Brj Ю75) dvb is *j
182 Comprehending Technical Japanese ЪЖКИ 6) У У V ЯШ 7) ШЬ Л5 shashin-yo satsuei suru kanpan yuko na iro-shusa jisshi... setsugan renzu shashin-ki уХ Ъ, iro-keshi purizumu henkaku kuraun garasu furinto garasu zensha...kosha bunsan uchi-kesu photographic to take a photograph dry plate effective chromatic aberration visual... ocular lens camera BRJ 608) achromatic lens deflection crown glass flint glass the former...the latter dispersion to cancel BRJ 90) kaisetsu-goshi supekutoru to-kankaku kizamu harigane haru tsuyomaru diffraction grating spectrum equally spaced to notch, score wire to stretch to be strengthened, intensified
LESSON 13 183 тш'ш В. 1) taiyo haku-shokko ...kara... ni itaru renzoku shita shikitai renzoku-supekutoru hakunetsu dento sumibi nanbon ka no... the sun white light from... to... continuous a band of colors continuous spectrum incandescent electric lamp charcoal fire some number of... (;ф: is the counter for long, slender objects, e. g. pencils, trees, etc.) ffi* sen-supekutoru tokuyu na kata michi bunko-ki kisen tokoro-dokoro misshu suru taijo tai-supekutoru sen'i line spectrum characteristic of... pattern unknown spectroscope bright line here and there, in places to be close together in the form of bands band spectrum transition (Note: used for changes in energy level outside the nucleus.) 7h— У г— \ zen'iki watatte kokusen Furaunhofa-sen jun ni meimei suru jishin kyushu suru kyushu-supekutoru the entire range throughout... black lines Fraunhofer lines in order to designate, call it itself to absorb absorption spectrum
184 Comprehending Technical Japanese fukin tokutei no A, B, G, D, 2) jfc ЫгЫг l vicinity, neighborhood particular (BN 180) sekigai-sen shigai-sen ...iki han'i ware-ware kanjiru kashi-kosen ...gai seki-shokko netsu-koka fukusha nessen gan'en toka suru shi-shokko hakken suru suisho infrared ray ultra violet ray ...region range we to sense; experience visible rays, visible light beyond..., outside of... red light heat effect radiation heat rays rock salt to transmit violet light to discover rock crystal, crystalliz quartz
LESSON 13 185 0. 5cm~0.8//i ¦ct Ш ШШкШШ (BN 181) 0. 38^~0. Olp (ОЬСЪ 3) 11 мы HKfe life ?fe manako kando o-shokko kongo suru tsukuri-dasu san-genshoku hoshoku yoshoku eye sensitivity yellow light to mix to produce, create three primary colors complementary color complementary color (BN 181-182) 4 ft: с fe Of сOHM it < fc tor FINAL TRANSLATION TEST
186 Comprehending Technical Japanese t, Я
v LESSON 14 KANJI л ж да » я т * н 669 1474 286 5050 194а 14 165 3956 438 783 726 3499 520 4944 464 2164 16 4815 835 1400 TAI o(biru) DEN GO taga(i) KA SHIN ma YAKU MON to(u) DAI KIN kane ZOKU m 268a 3585 219b 589 442 5077 264a 4371 312 4488 755 1098 45 96 537 2438 540 4561 219 3415 EN HEI nara (bini) jnara (beru) [nara (bu) SEI JO shizu (ka) YU saso (u) FU KI moto(zuku) HON RETSU RO SAN READING SELECTIONS taiden-tai ishu no doshu no denki hiki-au tagai ni hanpatsu shi-au Kuron nejire-bakari charged body of a different kind of the same kind electricity to attract one another mutually to repel one another Coulomb torsion balance
188 Comprehending Technical Japanese ' 5 oyoboshi-au seimitsu ni nijo kimaru 1Ш denka Jig? shinku № yaku ЩШ mondai hedateru 9- 7 ?- t, v^y— fc S kondensa ni-mai kinzoku-ban zetsuen-tai hasamu semai kankaku naraberu tsunagu ippo...taho seiden-yudo nigeru to exert on one another accurately second power; square to be determined electric charge vacuum approximately problem to separate | (B 223-224) A) t t, condenser two metal sheets insulator to insert between narrow space to arrange to connect the one...the other electrostatic induction to escape
LESSON 14 189 & У г у К 7 F шш Ш Щ tameru yakume о suru den'i-sa denki-yoryo farado zutto chiisai maikuro-farado ...kara naru denkyoku kyokuban yuden-ritsu parafin ittan...tatan hiki-yoseru yuden-bunkyoku tsunagikata heiretsu chokuretsu gosei no t, to store perform a function electric potential difference electric capacity (capaci- (capacitance) farad much, much smaller microfarad to be made of... electrode electrode plates dielectric constant paraffin one end...the other end to attract, draw near dielectric polarization method of connecting... parallel series resultant - (B 227-230) Ш < t, B) -f fe 4 rV•?¦-<?>
190 Comprehending Technical Japanese C=KS/d ЬЬ t f tctt, О Zl ХЬ Ъ #, < &5 <7) bilbo *1t, л 5~8, C) VXIA 1. 9—2. 4^(л К D) mm у — Я л. Я 2~~с[ ~с~2 denshi-keisan-ki kairo soshi shinku-kan chodo saiho, saibo ni niru hito manako mimi te kakucho suru saikin zuno .1-1.1 fc electronic computer circuit element vacuum tube precisely, exactly cell to be similar to man, people eyes ears hands to extend recently brain
LESSON 14 191 шш ъ sakan ni kono yoi rei soroban tama age-sage denryu hi jo ni hikaku ni naranai fukuzatsu na Eigo Nihongo hon'yaku suru kokoromiru erekutoronikusu hatten shinpo suru kongo oyo widely, extensively a good example of this Japanese abacus bead raising and lowering electric current exceptionally cannot compare with... complicated English Japanese to translate to try, attempt electronics development to progress in the future application Ш (B 334) & if* 5tfht TAIDEN-TAI NO AIDA NI HATARAKU GHIKARA Ishu no denki wa tagai ni hiki-aiA) doshu no denki wa tagai ni hanpatsu shi- au.A) Kono chikara no okisa wa, dono kuraiB) ni naru de aro ka. Kuron wa, nejire-bakari о tsukuri, futatsu no taiden-tai ga oyoboshi-au<1} chi- chikara о seimitsu ni sokutei shita. Sono kekka ni yoreba, futatsu no taiden-tai no aida ni hataraku chikara F wa, sorezore no denki-ryo q, q' ni hirei shi, ni-buttai-
192 Comprehending Technical Japanese kan no kyori r no nijo ni hanpirei shite iru. Sunawachi F=kqq'/r2 A) Kore о denki-ryoku ni kansuru Kuron no hosoku to iu. Hirei-teisu к wa taiden- tai no aida ni aru busshitsu ni yotte kawaru ga, busshitsu ga kimareba ittei no atai о toru. Ichi kuron no denka (denki-ryo) о motsu futatsu no buttai o, shinku-chu de ichi metoru no kyori ni oita toki, tagai ni oyoboshi-au chikara wa yaku куп ка- keru ju no kyujo nyuton de aru. Shitagatte, q о kuron, г о me toru de arawasu toki к wa куп kakeru ju no kyujo nyuton metoru no jijo pa kuron no jijo to naru. Mondai: Shinku-chu jussenchi hedatete oita futatsu no buttai ga hitoshiku taiden shite iru toki, sono aida ni rei ten куп nyuton no chikara ga hataraita. Sono denki-ryo wa ikura ka. (ju no mainasu rokujo kuron) KONDENSA Kondensa wa, nimai no kinzoku-ban о zetsuen-tai о hasande semai kankaku de narabeta mono de aru. IppoC) no kinzoku-ban ni sei no denki о ataeru to, chikyu ni tsunaida taho no kinzoku-ban ni seiden-yudo ni yotte fu no denki ga shoji, tagai ni hiki-atte soto ni nigezu ni tomatte iru. Kono yd ni kondensa wa denki о tamete okuD) yakume о suru. Kondensa ni tamerareru denka q о shidai ni mashite iku to, sore ni hirei shite, nimai no kinzoku-ban no den'i-sa V wa okiku naru. Sunawachi q=CV B) no kankei ga aru. С wa kondensa ni yotte kimaru hirei-teisu de, kondensa no denki-yoryo to iu. Denki-yoryo ga okii hodo, chiisai den'i-sa de taryo no denka ga tamerareru koto ni naru. Kondensa ni ichi kuron no denka о ataete, ichi boruto no den'i-sa о shojiru toki, sono denki-yoryo о ichi-farado (F) de aru to iu. Futsu no kondensa no denki-yoryo wa ichi-farado yori zutto chiisai no de ju no mainasu rokujo о ichi- maikurofarado QjF) to yobi, kore о tan'i to shite mochi-iru koto ga oi.E) Nimai no heiko na kinzoku-ban kara naru kondensa no ichimai no denkyoku no menseki о S, denkyoku no kankaku о d to sureba, denki-yoryo С wa S ni hirei shi, d ni hanpirei suru. Sunawachi C=KS/d C) to naru. К wa nimai no kyokuban no aida ni aru zetsuen-tai no shurui ni yotte kimaru atai de atteF), zetsuen-tai ga aru toki ni wa, nai toki yori mo denki-yoryo ga okiku naru.G) Shinkuchu de no К no atai о Ko to suru toki, K/Ko о yuden- ritsu to iu. Kuki no yuden-ritsu wa hotondo ichi de aru ga, garasu de wa go naishi hachi, parafin de wa ichi-ten-куп naishi ni-ten-yon to iu atai о motte iru no de, sore
LESSON 14 193 dake(8) denki-yoryo ga okiku naru. Kyokuban no aida ni zetsuen-tai о ireru to denki-yoryo ga masu no wa, zetsuen-tai no bunshi no ittan niC) sei, tatan ni fu no denki ga arawareru no de, kyokuban ni sore dake oku no denki-ryo ga hiki- yoserarete iru kara de aru. Zetsuen-tai ga kono yo ni naru koto о yuden-bunkyoku mata wa tan ni bunkyoku suru to iu. Kondensa no tsunagikata: Jissai ni kondensa о mochiiru toki ni wa, ikutsu ka no kondensa о tsunaide mochi-iru baai ga oi.E) Kihon-teki na tsunagi-kata to shite wa heiretsu to chokuretsu to no futatsu ga aru. Denki-yoryo СЪС2 no futatsu no kondensa о heiretsu ni tsunaida toki ni wa, futatsu no kondensa no den'i-sa V wa hitoshiku, zen-denka wa sorezore no kondensa no denka ql9q2 no wa ni naru. Shitagatte, gosei no yoryo С wa C=(gi + q2)/V .:С=Сг+С2 D) de ataerareru. Mata, chokuretsu ni tsunaida toki ni wa, futatsu no kondensa ni tamaru denka q ga hitoshiku, zen-den'i-sa wa Vi~\-V2 to naru no de, gosei-yoryo С wa y/C=K=K1+72=(y/C1) + (?/C2) .U/C^/d + l/C, E) de ataerareru. DENSHI-KEISAN-KI Denshi-sochi no hataraki wa iroiro chigatte iru ga, mina onaji у б na kairo-soshi ya shinku-kan nado о kumi-awasete tsukurarete iru. Kore wa chodo seibutsu ga iroiro no saiho kara tsukurarete iru no ni(9) nite iru. Hito no manako ya mimi ya te no hataraki о kakucho suru denshi-sochi no hoka ni, saikin wa zuno no hataraki о suru mono ga tsukurare, sakan ni mochi-irarete iru. Kono yoi reiA0) ga denshi-keisan-ki de aru. Soroban wa tama no age-sage de kazu о arawasu. Denshi-keisan-ki de wa, denryu ga nagareru ka, nagarenai ka ni yotte kazu о arawasu. Shinku-kan nado de no denshi no hataraki ga hi jo ni hayai no de, denshi-keisan-ki wa soroban to wa hikaku ni naranai hodo кб-sokudo de hijo ni fukuzatsu na keisan mo dekiru. Futsu ni wa keisan to wa kangaerarenai yo na koto, tatoeba Eigo о Nihongo ni hon'yakuA1J suru yona koto made koko- romirarete iru. Denshi-keisan-ki wa kotai-erekutoronikusu no hatten ni tomonatte kyusoku ni shinpo shite iru no de kongo sono oyo wa iroiro no homen ni hatten suru daro. THE FORGES ACTING BETWEEN CHARGED BODIES Different kinds of electricity (mutually) attract each other, but identical kinds (mutually) repel. How large are these forces? Coulomb constructed a torsion balance and measured accurately the forces which two charged bodies exert on one another. According to his results, the force F acting between the two bodies is pro-
194 Comprehending Technical Japanese portional to their respective electrical charges q and qr and inversely proportional to the square of the distance r between them. F=kqq'/r2 A) This is called Coulomb's law of electrical force. The proportionality constant к varies with the substance between the charged bodies but, for any given substance, it has a constant value. When two bodies each carry an electric charge of 1 Coulomb and are placed in a vacuum at a distance of 1 meter, they exert a force on each other of about 9 x 109 Newtons. Consequently, if q is expressed in Coulombs and r in meters, к is 9xlO9 Newtons m2/Coulomb2. Problem: If two equally charged bodies placed in a vacuum at a separation of 10 cm. have a force of 0. 9 Newtons acting between them, how large is their electrical charge? (КГ6 Coulomb) CONDENSERS A condenser consists of two narrowly separated metal plates with an insulator between them. If one of the metal plates is charged positively, negative electricity will be produced by electrostatic induction on the other plate which is connected to the earth, and these charges will mutually attract each other and become sta- stabilized. Thus, a condenser performs the function of storing electricity. If the electrical charge q stored by a condenser is increased continuously, the potential difference V between the two metal plates increases in direct proportion, that is, the relation q = CV B) is obtained. С is a proportionality constant determined by the condenser and is called the electric capacity of the condenser. The larger the electric capacity, the larger the amount of electricity which can be stored at low potential differences. If a potential difference of 1 volt is produced by giving a 1 Coulomb charge to a condenser, the electric capacity is said to be 1 Farad. Since the electric ca- capacity of the usual condenser is far less than 1 Farad, the unit more frequently used is 10~6F, the microfared (jiF). If we let S be the area of an electrode in a parallel metal plate condenser and d their separation, then the electric capacity С is proportional to S and inversely proportional to d, that is, C=KS/d C) The value of К is determined by the variety of insulator present between the electrodes, and the capacity will be larger with an insulator than without one. If
LESSON 14 195 we take Ko as the value of К in a vacuum, then K/Ko is called the dielectric constant. The dielectric constant for air is approximately 1 and, since glass has a value of 5-8 and paraffin of 1. 9—2. 4, they will increase the electric capacity by those factors. The increase in the electric capacity upon inserting an insulator between the electrode plates is due to the fact that positive electricity arises at one end of an insulator molecule and negative at the other, thus permitting much more electricity to be attracted by the electrode plates. We call this change in the insulator dielectric polarization or simply polarization. Methods of Connecting Condensers: In the actual use of condensers, they are more frequently used in connected combinations. The two main methods are to connect them in parallel or in series. When two condensers with electric capacities Cx and C2 are connected in parallel, their potential differences are equal and the total electric charge is the sum of their respective charges qx and q2. The resultant ca- capacity С is given by since C=(qi + q2)/V D) When connected in series the electric charge q stored on each of the two conden- condensers is the same, and the total potential difference is Vx + F2. Thus, the resultant capacity С is given by since q/C=V^V1+V2 = q/Cx + q/C2 E) ELECTRONIC COMPUTERS Electronic devices have various different functions, but they are all produced by combining the same circuit elements, vacuum tubes and other parts. This is exactly similar to living things which are made from various cells. Electronic devices have been devised which extend the functions of human eyes, ears, and hands, and more recently the brain, and these (devices) are being widely used. A good illustration of this (development) is the electronic computer. The abacus indicates numbers by the raising and lowering of beads, whereas an electronic computer indicates numbers according to whether or not an electric current is flowing. Since the functioning of electrons in such things as vacuum tubes is extremely fast, electronic computers are able to do even complicated computations at such high speeds that there is no comparison with the abacus. Even activities that we do not usually consider as calculating, for example, the translating of English into Japanese, are being attempted. Since electronic com- computers are progressing extremely rapidly with the development of solid state elec- electronics, applications will be developing in a variety of directions in the future.
196 Comprehending Technical Japanese EXPLANATORY NOTES A) hiki-au, hanpatsu shi- au, oyoboshi-au B) dono kurai (or dono gurai) C) ippo...taho D) tamete oku E) koto ga oi; baai ga oi F) К atte G) zetsuen-tai ga...okiku naru (8) sore dake (9) (verb) -f no ni A0) kono yoi rei A1) hon'yaku suru See Note 9 of Lesson 13. The addition of tagai ni emphasizes the idea of mutual action. This can mean "how much," "how long," "how far," etc., depending on the context. "the one...the other." A similar construction occurs later (ittan...tatan "one end...the other end"). Note that chikyu ni tsunaida modifies taho no kinzoku ban. For the -te oku construction see the Notes of Lesson 12. These are standard Japanese idioms for "often." К is the subject of de atte, with nimai...kimaru modi- modifying atai: "K is the value which is determined by..."; nimai...aru is a phrase modifying zetsuen-tai "the die- dielectric which is between the two electrode plates." $C (таг) is a counter for flat objects. Zetsuen-tai is the subject of aru and of nai; denki-yoryo is the subject of naru. Note that yori is used to com- compare aru toki ("when it is present") with nai toki ("when it is absent"). Same as sore hodo "to that extent" (i.e., by factors of 5-8 or 1.9-2.4). Do not confuse with the no ni which, when appearing at the end of a phrase, means either A) "in spite of", or B) "for the purpose of". In this sentence the no is the equivalent of koto, and the ni occurs in the nite iru "to resemble", "a good example of this." The kono refers back to the main idea of the foregoing sentence. An additional illustration of this use of kono is: Kono kaisetsu ni tsuite wa...o sansho saretai. "For an ex- explanation of this we should like the reader to consult...." "to translate" (in written form). The expression for "to translate" (in oral form) is tsuyaku suru ШИ CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES "how much (long, far, etc.)"
LESSON 14 197 2. l. Г 2. 1. 2 2. •"С:Ъ5 (verb) + С t 5 waru dotai to conductor "to be made of..." kei rikigaku or (verb) "according to whether...or (whether)..." t v» S system mechanics "often + (verb)' ШШШ J: < kikai-kogaku furyoku hosei mushi suru mechanical engineering buoyant force correction to neglect, ignore SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS A. Selections from Rikagaku Jiten 1) f • j i/ & ?\s dijitaru ШЦ~ shingo ШШ№} risan-teki Ш^ sOji ШШ~$~Ъ hyogen suru digital signal discrete numeral, figure to represent
198 Comprehending Technical Japanese hoshiki *ЖШ takujo-keisan-ki :ШШ ШШ kinsen-toroku-kasan-ki 2) tiWR isir у -е-л,?5б< anarogu renzoku-teki na kikai-teki na keisan-jaku bibun-kaiseki-ki sasu senkei jo-bibun juzoku-hensu kai hyoji suru ...yo ni suru judo zofuku-ki kihon-kei oshirogurafu type desk calculator cash register CRJ 863) analog continuous mechanical slide rule differential analyzer indicate linear ordinary differential dependent variable solution to indicate to do(something)such that. passive amplifier fundamental type oscillograph CRJ 27) тш 3) ^rtv ion genshi-dan CRJ 979) ion group of atoms
LESSON 14 199 ШИк: chusei no ushinau kajo ni denri neutral to lose in excess ionization, electrolytic dissociation ionization elementary charge integral multiple meaning Greek word ion-ka ЖШШж denki-soryo ШШШ seisu-bai "? V "У ТШ Girishia-go Ctlf? kotoba ••-КЪ%:А;~Спр%1~$~Ъ chinandemeimeisuru to name after... id У — К kasodo cathode ЩШ inkyoku cathode io^-irV kachion cation Ш^^гУ уб-ion cation T / — V anodo anode ЩШ yokyoku anode T — ir v anion anion ^4 ir v in-ion anion (Note that the pair of characters Щ and Щ§ used to represent negative and positive, are the characters used in Taoism for dark and bright, feminine and masculine, i. e. the opposite forces found in the world.) -i v CRJ 69) -f ttti \<D -K (ШШ) J;5 4) mm yudo-jikan hanno-butsu sesshoku kaishi shigeki jikan no keika induction time reactant contact beginning stimulus lapse of time
200 Comprehending Technical Japanese ^ЖЩ seisei-butsu 5ШЛ encho -© Ь kiru seisei suru enso mitomeru sonzai fu-junbutsu yokusei-zai konnyu suru kyoson suru fu-shokubai shohi suru products extension to cut to purify chlorine to recognize, perceive existence impurity inhibitor to mix to coexist negative catalyst; inhibitor to consume , К B. r=», -7 Г* \ ^L"^7/ denba sugaku-teki-keishiki soji de aru Kuron-ryoku shuhen juryoku-ba hozon-teki na chikara teigi suru moshiku wa denkai ten-denka seifu ni ojite sei-denba shindo-denryu hi-teijo na kubetsu suru electric field mathematical form is similar, analogous Coulomb force surroundings gravitational field conservative force to define or electric field point charge depending on the sign electrostatic field oscillating current unsteady to differentiate
LESSON 14 201 sude ni noberu baishitsu yowameru mottomo kyokutan na., tadachi ni seifu no denka zanson suru yamu yuden-tai sotte kekkyoku uchi-kesu shukyoku-jotai chokko suru previously to relate, tell medium to weaken the most extreme... if,...then immediately the positive and negative charges to remain to cease, stop dielectric along..., in line with... finally, eventually to cancel, eliminate final state, terminal state to intersect at right angles (BN 198-200) tti LX, F t Newton/coulomb й $
202 Comprehending Technical Japanese с. ш dosen ni sotte kiri-kuchi ryushi denkai-shitsu (yoeki) kuwae-au michi-suji nanraka no katachi de tojiru nin'i no chokuryu teijo-denryu along the conductor cross-section particle electrolyte (solution) add together route in some form or other to be closed arbitrary direct current stationary current ffi (BN 210-211) 1 coulomb/sec = 1 ampere G'V-<T) 1*Л, ?5 &щщшь ( + ) FINAL TRANSLATION TEST
LESSON 14 203 h'5 , ЬЬ 4-е,  л/и^ tut? j; 5 v> lcttjEoSM*>[)ofc^-Ct5©iiD#lc4!)) с Ь Ь й5, Й О
LESSON 15 ¦ffi* Г . - KANJI * m Ж # m ш if ft 110 2489 567 4306 683 4853 206a 43 260a 4842 575 1470 250b 3191 618 4789 236b 4817 456 3544 CHI ike KAI to(ku) DO A EN namari KI RYU SAN SHIN had ZOKU jtsuzu (keru) [tsuzu (ku) ш * Ш MR Ш M 257a 2659 527 5012 245a 5006 212 290 154 2154 485 2800 28 1827 51 409 263a 3209 237a 511 YO jto (kasu) Ito (keru) YO IN КО maj i (waru) ma (j iru) AN kura (i) TO SHU te nan nani ji HEN #Also written Ц2745) Ш READING SELECTIONS denchi denkai bunkai sono rei boruta no do aen battery, electric cell electrolysis decomposition an example of that (See Explanatory Note 10, Lesson 14) voltaic copper zinc
ffifa 206 Comprehending Technical Japanese ki-ryusan hitasu dekiru harigane tsuzukete ...o tsutawaru tokeru yo-denki nagare-komu inkyoku yokyoku ion-ka keiko denkai-shitsu kiden-ryoku ma mo naku sono gen'in seijo no sakarau sui-yoeki chokuryu ichi-guramu-ion kasu waru yu suru ichi-farade" Abogadoro-su fukumu ШМ (Я Ь, 1 Уул «15 ^1-5 1 У Г УХ — dilute sulfuric acid to immerse, moisten to be made, be produced wire continuously to be transmitted along..., move along... to dissolve positive electricity to flow into cathode anode ionization tendency electrolyte electromotive force in no time, shortly the cause of that, the reason for that normal to oppose aqueous solution direct current one gram ion magnitude of the charge to divide to have one faraday Avogadro number to contain CK 169-172) Zn2+ ii
LESSON 15 207 + 2H+->H2 (ШШ) -f Ш, ШШ ш ШШ 1/? У koryu kurai neon ranpu hikaru dento soketto tento suru te о furu dento-sen meimetsu suru kogo ni den'atsu hatsuden-ki waga kuni Kanto Kansai alternating current dark neon light to light up, shine electric light socket to turn on a light to wave a hand electric light cord to flicker alternately voltage electric generator our country (i.e., Japan) the Kanto area (Tokyo) the Kansai area (Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe)
208 Comprehending Technical Japanese щ sore na no ni nani ...o imi suru hassei suru maibyo heikin-hatsunetsu-ryo chodo jikko-chi in spite of that; nevertheless what to signify... to generate every second; per second average quantity of heat produced precisely, exactly effective value ffi (B 271-273) L-C<2), v V=V0 sin 2xft mm -с, vy-y КС о (l)
LESSON 15 209 100Ф\, ь s-t Жм ЮО * ь -eft ь с t chi-jiki jishin nanboku sasu nani ka no gen'in de jishaku jikai kanarazu-shimo...nai jushin sasaeru Tokyo katamuku fukkaku shin no ikubun higashi nishi Nihon-naichi henkaku fukin wake ni wa ikanai kanzen ni yoso Ш Ш i itjttot^i- 100 terrestrial magnetism magnetic needle north and south to point for some reason or other magnet magnetic field not necessarily... center of gravity to support Tokyo to incline magnetic dip, inclination true somewhat, partly east west within Japan declination neighborhood cannot completely main element (B 255-256) t,
210 Comprehending Technical Japanese "С DENGHI TO DENKAI Kagaku-henka ni yotte denryO о eru sochi ga denchi de aru. Mata, denryO ni yotte, kagaku-henka о okosaseru koto ga dekiru. Denki-bunkai (denkai) wa sono rei de aru. Boruta no denchi: Do to aen to о ki-ryusan ni hitasu to, boruta no denchi ga dekiru. Ryoho no kinzoku о harigane de tsunagu to, tsugi no henka ga tsuzukete okori, denshi ga harigane о tsutawatte, taezu aen kara do e nagareru. Aen no hyomen de aen ion Zn2+ ga deki, kore ga ki-ryusan ni tokeru. Zn->Zn2+ + 2e~ Do no hyomen de suiso ion ga denshi to ketsugo shite, suiso ga dekiru. DenryO wa denshi no nagare de aru ga, denshi no nagareru hoko to hantai no hoko ni yo-denki ga nagareru to ii, yo-denki no nagareru hoko о denryO no hoko to iu. Denchi de wa denryO ga harigane kara nagare-komu ho no kinzoku о fu- denkyoku (inkyoku) to ii, denryO ga harigane e nagare-deru ho no kinzoku о sei-denkyoku (yokyoku) to iu. lon-ka-keiko no chigau futatsu no kinzoku о denkai- shitsu no sui-yoeki ni hitasu to denchi ga deki, ion-ka-keiko no okii ho no kinzoku ga fu-denkyoku, ion-ka-keiko no chiisai ho no kinzoku ga sei-denkyoku to naru. Denchi ga denki о nagasu chikara о kiden-ryoku to iu. Boruta no denchi wa yaku ichi ten san boruto no kiden-ryoku ga aru ga, denryO о nagashi-hajimeru to, ma mo naku, kiden-ryoku wa rei-ten-yon boruto gurai ni hette shimau.A) Sono gen'in wa, denchi ga hataraku to, denkyoku de kagaku-henka ga okori, sono kekka, seijo no kiden-ryoku ni sakarau kiden-ryoku ga shojiru kara de aru. Kono gensho о denchi no bunkyoku to iu.
LESSON 15 211 Denki-bunkai: Denkai-shitsu no sui-yoeki ni denkyoku о irete chokuryO no denki о tosu to, denki-bunkai ga okoru. Denchi no fu-denkyoku ni tsunaida denkyoku о inkyoku, sei-denkyoku ni tsunaida denkyoku о yokyoku to iu. Aru ion no ichi-guramu ion no omosa o, sono ion no kasO de watta mono ga, ion no ichi-guramu toryo de aru. Ichi-guramu toryo no ion no yOsuru denki-ryo wa, dono ion de mo hitoshiku, sono denki-ryo о ichi-farade to iu. Ichi-farade no denki ga toru to, dono denkyoku de mo ichi-guramu toryo no ion no henka ga okoru. Kore о Farade no denki-bunkai no hosoku to iu. Ichi-guramu ion wa Abogadoro-sO no ion о fukumu kara, ichi-farade wa roku kakeru ju no nijO-san-jo ко no denshi to onaji ryo no in-denki, mata wa yo-denki ni soto suru. Ichi-farade wa yaku kyOman-rokusen-gohyaku-kOron de, ichi-kuron wa, ichi-anpea no denryu ga ichi-byokan toru toki ni nagareru denki-ryo de aru. KORYU Kansatsu: Heya о kuraku shite,B) neon ranpu о yaku hyaku boruto no denchi ni tsunagu to, fukyoku dake hikatte iru. Tsugi ni, neon ranpu о dento no soketto ni tsukete tento shite, sono mae de te о okiku futte miyo. Neon ranpu о dento-sen ni tsuketa toki wa, taezu meimetsu shite iru. Kore wa ryoho no denkyoku ga doji ni tento sezu, C)kogo ni tan-jikan dake hikaru kara de aru. GhokuryO-dengen de tento shita toki wa neon ranpu wa itsu de mo fu no kyoku dake ga hikaru kara, dento-sen no den'atsu wa muki ga taezu kawatte iru koto ga wakaru. Sunawachi, dento-sen no denryu wa koryu de aru koto ga wakaru. Hatsuden-ki kara erareru koryO no den'atsu wa, zu-ichi no у о ni seigen-kyoku- sen о shimeshi, kore о shiki de arawaseba V=V0 sin 2xft. A) to naru. Koko de V wa kaku-shunkan no den'atsu, Vo wa saidai-den'atsu(shinpuku) de aru. / wa shuha-sO (tan-shindo no shindo-sO to onaji) de, wagakuni de wa gojO-saikuru (shu to shite Kanto), mata wa rokujO-saikuru (shu to shite Kansai) de aru. KoryO de wa, kono у о ni den'atsu wa taezu muki to okisa to ga henka shite iru. Sore na no ni hyaku-boruto no koryO nado to iu no wa nani о imi suru no ka. Ichi-shiki de ataerareru den'atsu V ga teiko R ni kakaru to, teiko ni wa /= V/R no denryu ga nagareru. Netsu no hassei suru wariai wa VI—V2/R de zu-ni no shita no zu no yo ni naru. Sunawachi, denryoku wa rei to V\/R to no aida de henka shi, sono toki no maibyo no heikin-hatsunetsu-ryo wa, zu ni shimeshita yo ni saidai-hatsunetsu-ryo no chodo hanbun, sunawachi V\/2R ni natte iru. Kore wa teiko R ni Vo/V~2 boruto no chokuryO-den'atsu о kuwaeta toki no hatsunetsu-ryo ni soto suru. Soko de FoA/2 sunawachi, saidai-chi no 1Л/~2~ — 0.707 bai о jikko-chi to yobu. FutsO hyaku-boruto no koryO to ieba kono jikko-chi ga hyaku-boruto de aru koto о imi suru. Shitagatte, kono toki saidai-den'atsu wa
212 Comprehending Technical Japanese 100 xV~2~ = 141 boruto de aru. GHI-JIKI ChikyG-jo de wa chiisai jishin ga oyoso nanbokuD) no hoko о sasu. Kore wa chikyu ga nani ka no gen'in de jishaku ni natte iru tame ni shojiru ji- kai ni yoru mono da to kangaerareru. Kore о chi-jiki to iu. Ghi-jiki no kyoku ga chikyu no naibu ni aru tame ni jikai no hoko ga kanarazushimo suihei de naku, jishin о jushin de sasaeru to, Tokyo de wa N-kyokugawa ga suihei-hoko yori yaku yonjG-kyG-do shita ni katamuku. Kono toki no jishin no N kyoku no hoko to sui-heimen to no nasu kakudo о fukkaku to iu. FutsO no jishin wa jushin yori sukoshi N-kyoku-yoriE) no ho de sasaerarete iru no de daitai suihei ni natte iru. Mata, sui-heimen-nai de jiyO ni kaiten dekiru jishin no sasu hoko wa shin no nanboku de wa naku, ikubun higashi mata wa nishi ni katayotte iru. Tatoeba Nihon-naichi de wa N-kyoku ga go-do naishi kyO-do nishi ni muite iru. Kono kakudo о henkaku to iu. Chikyu no ryokyoku no fukin de wa, henkaku ga hijo ni okii no de, jishin no hoko de nanboku о sugu shiru wake ni wa ikanai.F) GhikyO-jikai no suihei-hoko no seibun to chi-jiki no henkaku, fukkaku о shireba chikyu-jo no aru ten no jikai ga kanzen ni kimaru no de korera о chi-jiki no san-yoso to iu. ELECTRIC CELLS AND ELECTROLYSIS An electric cell is a device which yields an electric current by means of a chemical change. It is also possible for an electric current to cause a chemical change. An example of this is electrolysis. Voltaic Cell: If copper and zinc are immersed in dilute sulfuric acid, a voltaic cell is produced. If the two metals are joined by a wire, the following continuous change occurs, namely, electrons flow ceaselessly through the wire from the zinc to the copper. Zinc ions Zn2+ form at the zinc surface and dissolve in the dilute sulfuric acid. At the copper surface, hydrogen ions combine with electrons to produce hydrogen. An electric current is a flow of electrons, but we say that the direction of cation flow is the direction of the current and cations flow in the opposite direct- direction to that of electrons. In an electric cell, the metal into which electric cur- current flows from the wire is called the negative electrode (cathode), and the metal from which electric current flows out into the wire is called the positive
LESSON 15 213 electrode (anode). If two metals with different ionization tendencies are immersed in an aqueous solution of an electrolyte, an electric cell is formed. The metal with the greater ionization tendency is the negative electrode, and the metal with the smaller ionization tendency is the positive electrode. The force with which an electric cell causes an electric current is called electromotive force. The electromotive force of a voltaic cell is about 1. 3V, but if a current begins to flow, it soon decreases to about 0. 4V. The reason for this is that when an electric cell is working, chemical changes occur at its electrodes and, as a result, an electromotive force arises which is counter to the normal electromotive force. This phenomenon is called polarization of the cell. Electrolysis: If electrodes are placed in an aqueous solution of an electrolyte and a direct current is passed through, electrolysis occurs. The electrode connected to the negative electrode is called the cathode, the one joined to the positive electrode is called the anode. The weight of one gram ion of any ion divided by its charge number is one gram equivalent of that ion. The amount of electricity carried by one gram equivalent ion is the same for all ions and is called 1 faraday. If 1 faraday of electricity passes through a cell, then 1 gram equivalent of ionic change occurs at either electrode. This is called Faraday's Law of electrolysis. Since 1 gram ion contains as many ions as Avogadro's number, 1 faraday corresponds to as much negative or positive electricity as 6 x 1023 electrons. One faraday is about 96500 coulombs, and 1 coulomb is the amount of electricity which passes in one second when a current of 1 ampere is flowing. ALTERNATING CURRENT Observations: If a room is darkened and a neon light is connected to a 100 volt battery, only the cathode lights up. Now, connect the neon light to a light socket, turn it on, and wave your hand vigorously before it. When a neon light is connected to an electric light cord, it constantly flickers. This is because the two electrodes do not light up at the same time, but light up alternately for only short periods of time. Since it is always only the cathode which lights up when the neon light is lit by direct current, we realize that the voltage in the electric light cord is constantly changing direction. That is, we learn that the current in the electric light cord is an alternating current. The voltage of an alternating current coming from a generator is a sine curve, as shown in Figure 1, and when expressed by an equation is V= Vo sin 2xft. A) V is the instantaneous voltage and Vo the maximum voltage (amplitude). / is the frequency (the same as the frequency of a simple vibration) and in our country this is either 50 cycles (chiefly in the Kanto area) or 60 cycles (mainly in the Kansai
214 Comprehending Technical Japanese area). Thus, with an alternating current, the voltage is constantly changing in mag- magnitude and direction. What is the meaning, then, when we speak of 100 volts of alternating current? If we apply the voltage V given by equation 1 to a resistance R, a current /= V/R flows in the resistance. The rate of heat production will be VI— V2/R as shown in the bottom figure. As the electric power varies from 0 to V\/R, the average amount of heat produced, as shown in the figure, is exactly one-half of the maximum amount of heat evolved, namely, V\/2R. This corresponds to the amount of heat which would be produced if a direct current voltage of Vo/+/~2 were applied to a resistance R. Here, A/V~2)VO, that is 1Д/~2~ — 0.707 times the maximum value is called the effective value. Generally, when we speak of 100 volts of alternating current, we mean that the effective value is 100 volts. Therefore, the maximum voltage is 100 x V~2 = 141 volts. TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM On earth a magnetic needle points approximately in the north-south direction. This is believed to be caused by a magnetic field which arises because the earth is for some reason a magnet. We call this terrestrial magnetism. Since the terrestrial magnetic poles are located within the earth, the direction of the magnetic field is not necessarily horizontal. Thus, the northerly direction of a magnetic needle supported at its center of gravity in the Tokyo area will be inclined to the horizontal at an angle of 49°. This angle between the direction of the north pole of a magnetic needle and horizontal plane is called the magnet- magnetic dip. A compass needle is generally supported at a point slightly towards its north pole from its center of gravity and therefore lies essentially horizontal. Moreover, the direction indicated by a magnetic needle free to rotate in the horizontal plane is not the true north-south direction but one deviating partly to the east or to the west. For example, within Japan the north pole of a magnetic needle points 5-9° westerly. This angle is called the declination. Since the declination in the vicinity of the earth's poles is very large, it is not possible to ascertain readily the north-south direction from a magnetic needle there. If we know the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field and the declination and inclination, then, since the magnetic field at any point is thereby completely determined, we call these the three main elements of terrestrial magnetism.
LESSON 15 215 EXPLANATORY NOTES A) hette shimau B) kuraku suru C) tento sezu D) nanboku E) jushin yori sukoshi N-kyoku-yori no ho F) (verb) +wake ni wa ikanai W -te shimau means "ends up by", "finishes," thus indicating the finality of completeness of the action. The idea embodied in -te shimau is not always expressed in English. "to darken" (cf. kuraku naru," to become dark"). Negative of tento shi. Combinations of the four compass directions in Jap- Japanese are always given in the order ЖШШ^Ь to-zai- nan-boku (East-West-North-South). Geographical names and locations follow the same order. Ж^±^ Tohoku ("Northeastern") University Southeast Asia The U.S. Civil War Seinan Islands in the northwest of Tokyo Note, however, that in giving wind directions, the English order is used: "northwest wind" JtS^Bl hokusei no kaze. "slightly towards its north pole from its center of gravity." The first yori is the particle meaning "from." The second -yori is a suffix used with compass directions and comes from the verb yoru (iif 5) meaning "to approach, draw near." E. g., "north by east" (the compass direction slightly east of north) is higashi-yori no kita, and sukoshi minami- yori no tokoro ni is "slightly to the south." "cannot". If the verb is negative, then the meaning is "can't help but..."or "must"; e.g. Shiranai wake ni wa ikanai "can't help but know," "has to know." These constructions occur frequently in Japanese. CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES -f 5 "to correspond to...," "to be equivalent to..." = mc2 t b, 2. , ЖШ,
216 Comprehending Technical Japanese l. 2. 2. 2. |^ "not necessarily..." "to signify..." Ш nanra ka no tsujo ten'i "cannot..." some kind of ordinarily dislocation SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS A. Selections from Rikagaku Jiten 1) &Ш ty hidari-mawari 0 () migi-mawari 2) ШШШ ftfcb шт a-ryusan (ni-sanka) io tadachi seisei suru sanso kangen-sayo sanka-sayo yowai jishin т counter-clockwise clockwise sulfurous acid sulfur (dioxide) immediately to be produced oxygen reducing activity oxidizing activity weak itself BRj
t ^хШШ t u 3) hidari-te zahyo-kei oya-yubi hitosashi-yubi naka-yubi LESSON 15 217 left hand coordinate system thumb index finger middle finger 4) 2fffi namari (kago-butsu) sanka-namari suisanka-namari enka-namari ryuka-namari shosan-namari dai-bubun nika; yonka mare na namari-en sasu lead (compounds) lead oxide lead hydroxide lead chloride lead sulfide lead nitrate majority bivalent; tetravalent rare lead salts to call, designate BRJ 985) тш, шш, mm, mm, шшт , 5) МШП ш netsuden-tsui netsu-kiden-ryoku nishu no ryoshu setsuzoku-bu setsugo-bu kichi no michi no do-konsutantan hakkin thermocouple thermoelectromotive force two kinds of both kinds of contact junction known unknown copper-constantan platinum
218 Comprehending Technical Japanese Pv/^Л rojiumu rhodium ft BRJ 1021) 5 6) ШШ'Ш ^/ь Ь m? ШгГЬ inkyoku-sen susen naishi suman denshi-boruto denshi-sen netsu-denshi rei-inkyoku-hoshutsu niji-denshi hoden shogeki suru ruminesensu chumoku suru meimei suru wankyoku obiru bi-ryushi kakunin suru *Л/ t ^ ь(ev) cathode rays several thousand to several ten thousand electron volts electron ray thermoelectron cold (cathode) emission secondary electron discharge to bombard, strike against luminescence to observe to call... bending to carry corpuscle to confirm CRJ 303) , ©о 10~10-4 Torr = -f 5 О ^г 1859^ J. РШскег &Ш В L, 1876^ E. Goldstein 7) 5 С i ^ J.J. ThomsonA897) К i kihaku Henrii no dilute Henry's
у у V Ь '/ty7G) v ь • * -у LA,.!: 5 8) 9) B. X|f Xi Rauru no Fanto Hoffu no shinto-atsu 5 LESSON 15 219 Raoult's van't Hoff's osmotic pressure ШШШ CRJ зоз) у- У - henko koiru shinro Buraun-kan deflection coil path Braun tube CRJ 1243) denji... tojiru ichiji; niji moto-moto electromagnetic... to close primary; secondary originally CRJ 911) с— X-sen katsu toka-ryoku denji-ha hassei genzai X-sen-hassei-yo no X-senkan daitai X-rays moreover, also penetrating power electromagnetic wave generation, production presently, now (used) for the production of X-rays X-ray tube generally
220 Comprehending Technical Japanese МШШ tai-inkyoku #Jf zaishitsu ШШ kyodo [W|@g do-teido kisoku-tadashii hairetsu suru kaisetsu-goshi yaku о suru hado-kogaku ш з-за жт ь< -П: *> nron bisai-kozo katsuyo suru sanran suru kaisetsu-ha kasanari-au kokaku rinsetsu koro-sa seisu-bai mitasu itchi suru №JK J: target nature of the material strength, intensity same degree, measure orderly to be arrayed, arranged diffraction grating to act as..., serve as... wave optics theory microscopic structure to put (knowledge, etc.) to practical use to disperse diffraction wave to overlap one another angle of intersection adjacent, contiguous path-difference integral multiple to satisfy to agree (BN 267-268) ц —lOOkV, о. 5-юА АА' KPJj fa fr Л. A В С А' В' ¦С Ш) ii Huygens
LESSON 15 221 5к, ?5 к ь г.^. х =2d sin >, Id %vs\Q — nl FINAL TRANSLATION TEST t, ш Щ-, t Ш9 -гъъь, , if 5 J:
LESSON 16 KANJI Ш M Ш ш 232b 2254 68 275 274 1418 242a 3325 694 483 306 4811 215 882 450 2770 354 1125 217b 2194 KAKU GEN GAN moto TAN sumi GHITSU BAI BAN GO ZEN NEN EN shio SEKI Ш m ш Ш m is 613 1055 119 16 787 2604 809 4675 534 5138 180 4318 92 3719 243 5031 242b 3471 208a 402 ZAI TEN ame KON jma (zeru) jma (zaru) JUTSU no(beru) RUI KI SHO ka(ku) SHU jatsu (meru) jatsu (maru) RYU tsubu GAN fuku(mu) шш genshi-kaku dai-bubun shimeru daitai genshi-ryo tanso chisso sanso yoshi atomic nucleus the greater part to take up, include approximately atomic weight carbon nitrogen oxygen proton
224 Comprehending Technical Japanese mm Ш mm seisu-bai shitsuryo-su" fu-denki о obiru chusei no genshi-bango shuki (ritsu) hyo junban zoku suru ni naru shikashi nagara shizen enso chuto-hanpa majiru sai bunseki-ho wakeru yoru hagi-toru denkai jikai hashiraseru magerare-nikui doi-tai doi-kaku ju-suiso tennen no kongo shita mono noberu kigo kan'yo soeru atsumari tsugo ga yoi ryushi fukumu chusei-shi integral multiple mass number to carry a negative charge neutral atomic number periodic table order to belong to... (which) serves as the basis for... however, but nature chlorine in-between, halfway to be mixed difference analytical method to separate to rely on..., depend on... to strip off, take off electrical field magnetic field to let run, make run difficult to be deflected isotope isotope (nuclear physics) heavy hydrogen natural mixture to tell, state symbol ordinary usage, common use to affix, attach collection to favor particle to contain neutron
LESSON 16 225 ' = 1, 2, 3, (Не), -C, 4 С Gl Л=35, (В 342-345) , Ъ ftib-cb Ь B)о с , ^ Ь <, t 12, 14, 16 Ь E\ feiiL
226 Comprehending Technical Japanese GENSHI-KAKU NO SHITSURYO TO DENKA Genshi-kaku no shitsuryo wa, genshi no shitsuryo no dai-bubun о shimeru no de, daitai sono genso no genshi-ryo ni hirei suru koto ni naru. Shitagatte, suiso- genshi-kaku no shitsuryo о tan'i to shite hakareba, ta no genshi-kaku no shitsuryo wa hotondo sono genshi-ryo ni hitoshii atai ni naru. Tatoeba tanso(G), chisso(N), sanso(O) no genshi-kaku no shitsuryo wa, kono tan'i de hobo 12, 14, 16 de aru. Suiso-genshi-kaku no koto о yoshi to yobu. Genshi-kaku no shitsuryo wa daitai yoshi no shitsuryo no seisu-bai ni naru. Kono genshi-ryo ni chikai seisu А о shitsuryo-su to iu. Mata, denshi wa — e no fu-denki о obite iru kara, Z ко no denshi о motte iru chusei-genshi no kaku wa + Z^ no sei-denki о obite iru. ? = 1, 2, 3, ni soto suruA) genshi wa suiso (H), heriumu (He), richiumu (Li),, Z° genshi-bango to ii, chodo genso no shuki-ritsu-hyo no j unban ni Z ?a niashite iru. Genshi no koga- ku-teki, kagaku-teki seishitsu wa kore ni zoku suru denshi no kazu de kimaru no de, Z wa genshi no seishitsu о kettei suru moto ni naru juyo na kazu de aru. Shikashinagara, shizen ni wa enso (Gl) no genshi-ryo 35. 5 no yo ni chuto- hanpa no mono mo aru. Kore wa shitsuryo-su no kotonatta futatsu ijo no genshi ga majitte iru tame de aru.B) Korera no Z ga hitoshii genshi kara naru busshitsu wa A wa kotonaru ga, kagaku-teki seishitsu ni wa hotondo sa ga nai kara, futsu no kagaku-bunseki-ho de wa wakerarenai. Kore о wakeru ni wa, butsuri-teki na hoho ni yoru. Sono hoho wa genshi kara denshi о ikutsu ka hagi-totte sei no ion to shite, denkai mata wa jikai no пака о hashiraseta toki, shitsuryo ga okii mono hodoC) magerare-nikuiD) koto о riyo suru. Kono yo na hoho ni yori,E) tatoeba Gl no genso ni wa A — 35, 37 no nishu no shitsuryo-su no genshi ga majitte iru koto ga wakaru. Z ga hitoshiku, A no kotonaru genshi о doi-tai (doi-kaku) to iu. Suiso mo futsu no A — \ naru mono no hoka ni, A — 2 no suiso, iwayuru ju-suiso ga sonzai suru. Tennen no suiso wa korera nishu no doi-tai no kongo shita mono de aru. Ijo nobeta у о ni, genshi-kaku no shurui wa futatsu no seisu, shitsuryo-su A, genshi-bango Z п* yoriE) sadamaru. Kore о kigo de arawasu toki ni wa kan'yo no kagaku-kigo ni ?, А о soete kaku. Tatoeba^N wa Л = 14, ? = 7 no chisso о shimesu. Kono kigo ni yoreba enso no futatsu no doi-tai wa ffCl, f?Gl de aru. Genshi-kaku no shitsuryo ga daitai yoshi no shitsuryo no seisu-bai de aru koto wa genshi-kaku ga yoshi no atsumari to kangaerarereba tsugo ga yoi.F) So sureba Z = A to naru hazu de aru. Jissai wa Z wa -^ Уог^ sno de,G) oku wa sono hanbun- ika de aru. Shitagatte genshi-kaku ni wa, shitsuryo ga daitai yoshi ni hitoshiku, denka о motanai ryushi ga fukumarete iru to kangaerareru. Kono ryushi о chusei- shi to iu. Tatoeba l\O no sanso-genshi-kaku wa, hakko no yoshi to hakko no chusei-shi to kara dekite iru.
LESSON 16 227 THE MASS AND CHARGE OF ATOMIC NUCLEI Since a large proportion of the mass of an atom is taken up by the nucleus, the mass of the atomic nucleus is approximately proportional to the atomic weight of that element. Consequently, if we adopt the mass of the hydrogen nucleus as the mass unit and measure the masses of other atomic nuclei, they will have values almost equal to their atomic weights. For example, the masses of the nuclei of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O) are around 12, 14, and 16 in terms of this unit. The nucleus of the hydro- hydrogen atom is called the proton. The mass of an atomic nucleus is approximately an integral multiple of the mass of a proton. The integer A closest to the atomic weight is called the mass number. Moreover, since electrons carry a negative charge — <?, the nucleus of a neutral atom which possesses Z electrons will carry a positive charge of + Z€- The atoms which correspond to ? = 1, 2, 3, ...are hydrogen (H), helium (He), lithium (Li), ...and Z, which is called the atomic number, increases with the order of the elements in the periodic table. Since the optical and chemical properties of an atom are determined by the number of electrons belonging to it, Z *s an impor- important number, fundamental to establishing the properties of atoms. In nature, however, there are also in-between cases such as chlorine (Cl) which has an atomic weight of 35. 5. This is because two or more atoms with different mass numbers are mixed together. These substances composed of atoms with equal values of Z have different values of A, but they cannot be separated by the usual methods of chemical analysis because there are practically no differences in their chemical properties. Their separation depends upon a physical method. This technique utilizes the fact that the larger masses are more difficult to deflect when the atoms, stripped of some of their electrons, are made to stream through electrical and magnetic fields as positive ions. With this method, for example, we have learned that there are two kinds of atoms with mass numbers A = 35, 37 in elementary Cl. Atoms which have equal values of Z but different values of A are called isotopes. Hydrogen too, in addition to the usual A—\ form, exists as so-called heavy hydrogen, A — 2. Natural hydrogen is a mixture of these two isotopes. As we have said above, the type of atomic nucleus is fixed by two integral numbers, the mass numer A and the atomic number Z- To express these symbolically, the Z and A numbers are affixed to the usual chemical symbol. For example, *|N indicates nitrogen with A=14 and ? = 7. The two isotopes of chlorine, in this notation, are f?Cl and ffCl. The fact that the mass of an atomic nucleus is approximately an integral multiple of the mass of a proton favors considering the nucleus as a collection
228 Comprehending Technical Japanese of protons. If that were the case, Z should equal A. In actuality Z ls less than A and frequently less than half its value. Therefore, we believe that the atomic nucleus contains additional particles whose mass is almost equal to the proton and which carry no electrical charge. These particles are called neutrons. For example, the oxygen nucleus *f О consists of 8 protons and 8 neutrons. EXPLANATORY NOTES A) soto suru Here this expression means "corresponds to... ." In technical words "corresponding" or "correspondence" is almost always translated by taio ШЙл). taio-jotai (MfcVtM) corresponding states (in thermodynamics) taio-genri (%$1&Щ(Ш) correspondence principle (in quantum mechanics) taio-kaku (>С^Й^}) corresponding angles (in mathematics) Note the following uses of soto- "Meson" ni soto suru What is the Japanese equivalent of "meson" ? Nihon-go wa nan desu ka? Ichi-inchi wa 2.54 senchi ni One inch is equivalent to 2.54 centimeters, soto suru. Tetsu wa soto ichijirushiku Iron exhibits a rather noticeable expansion, bocho suru. B) (verb) 4-tame de aru "This is because..." or "The reason for this is that...". This construction is used to give further explanation for something in the preceding sentence. The phrase (verb) -f kara de aru may also be used. C) hodo See Construction Examples in Lesson 2. Here "the larger... the more difficult to deflect...". D) -nikui, -yasui Useful endings indicating "difficult to...," "easy to...". The phrase in which -nikui appears could be rephrased as- shitsuryo ga chiisai mono hodo magerare-yasui hodo. E) yori Same as yotte. See Construction Examples in Chapter 9. F) tsugo ga yoi Often this expression is used with the meaning "it is convenient." For examples: Kono hoteishiki de wa x no kawari ni у to oku ho ga tsugo ga yoi. "It is more convenient to replace x by у in this equation." G) sho de Same as chiisakute ('JN$ <( X)', similarly dai de (з^СС) can de used in lieu of okikute (^C# < X). The use
LESSON 16 229 of these OJV-forms for ~X and <h in written Japanese is not uncommon. CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES "to belong to..." 2. У у % ? % ? % ? % ? (#) (*) (T) (T) -с 1. 3. 4. (verb) + t A. 1) fusso shuso yoso "to base something on" "to serve as the basis for" "under", "at" "under", "in (the presence of)" fluorine bromine iodine ?КЪЪШЛ •100оС~сЩ|-Г?с t —ШШ shitsuryo-bunseki-ki kindai no hakkin mass spectrometer modern platinum 1. "is because" 2. "is for the sake of jiku-uke bearing SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS yuki-kago-butsu genso-bunseki kenshutsu suru teisei-bunseki organic compound ultimate analysis, elementary analysis to detect qualitative analysis
230 Comprehending Technical Japanese yuryo К 2) #: gan yu-ryo teiryo-bunseki bunkai suru seibun kantan na muki-kago-butsu teiryo suru Riibihi tansui-so Kerudaru Kariusu chokusetsu ni hyakubun-ritsu sowa content quantitative analysis to decompose component simple inorganic compound to determine quantitatively Liebig elementary carbon and hydrogen Kjeldahl Garius directly hundred per cent sum total 422) kettei suru kozo-mokei moppara bunrui-hyo jun'i haichi suru jun ichibu no reigai о nozoki naraberu sanran igi; imi tokusei... meikaku na 100 to determine structural model exclusively table of classification order to arrange order aside from certain excep- exceptions to arrange in order scattering meaning characteristic... clear and accurate
LESSON 16 231 CRJ 418) E. Rutherford A911) cd^I^ , t /cH.G.J. Moseley A913) 3) (=i i№ шж У° Р t° V V yf- v v tennen ni chichu kara sanshutsu suru metan ni-sanka-tanso san-suru chiho funshutsu suru chitai shu-seibun nao kijo ekijo metan-retsu tanka-suiso echiren puropiren buchiren (fu) howa tokoro ni yotte wa fi naturally from within the earth to produce methane carbon dioxide to produce locality, region to gush, spout area, region principal component further, more still gaseous (state) liquid (state) methane series hydrocarbons ethylene propylene butylene (un) saturated in some places BRJ 935)
232 Comprehending Technical Japanese G8H18) уКШ^, 4) 5) kaku-hanno sosho tenkan tomonau gentei suru hyoteki-kaku nyusha-ryushi zanryu-kaku hoshutsu-ryushi (CH4~G4H10), nuclear reactions generic name transformation to accompany to limit target nucleus incident particle residual nucleus emission particles CRJ 232) (G5H1 f (Ш>ШШ) ifcrf1 bi, ..., X + a—> Y + bi H— • + Ъп, X(a, bb ..., Ъп) Y konsho kin'itsu yoso ko-yotai dokei no en myoban-rui arayuru joken ruiji ageru b^ (жтЫ^) ^t? mixed crystal homogeneous solution (phase) solid solution isomorphic salts alums every possible condition similarity, likeness to raise, propose CRJ 480)
6) &fttvxtt, шт^ enseki kayo-sei no enrui sekishutsu suru tanpaku-shitsu sekken seizo shokuen LESSON 16 233 u salting out soluble salts to separate proteins soap manufacturing table salt т. CRJ 176) 7) В N2O3A4:8x3), B. ion^f baisu-hirei какко a-sanka-chisso sanka-chisso san-ni-sanka-chisso ni-sanka-chisso go-ni-sanka-chisso 5 с Ш N2OA4:8xl), NO2A4:8x4), 2 hikaku suru chisiki gijutsu futten yuten katasa kyushu-ritsu multiple proportions parentheses nitrous oxide nitric oxide nitrogen sesquioxide nitrogen dioxide nitrogen pentoxide BRj N0A4:8x2), HHg?{t M N2O5A4:8x5) % t\ to compare knowledge technique boiling point melting point hardness absorption coefficient
234 Comprehending Technical Japanese и xm ЖЬХКЪ 45f mi-ь i-tiir jiryoku seimitsu ni sosei hakkiri shigai-sen X-sen hitsuyo kagaku-sha tori-ireru eikyo о ukeru butsuri-kagaku kagaku-riron bumon nakadachi ga atte shurui ко gomu maru de ichio tori-atsukau kagaku-butsuri dasu kozo ukagau tegakari rikai suru kagaku-ketsugo kiko shimpo suru masu-masu honshitsu kiwameru kyotsu no bunya magnetization accurately, precisely composition clearly, distinctly ultraviolet rays X-rays necessary, essential chemist to introduce, adopt to be influenced by physical chemistry chemical theory branch, division through the medium (agency) of... kind, species, type steel rubber utterly, completely in a way to treat chemical physics to give out, put out structure to inquire, ask about clue to understand chemical bond mechanism to progress more and more, increasingly essential nature to investigate common field (IK 378-379) L*
LESSON 16 235 t ft, ШЖ L? ^i v, 5 Ibfcb, 0 ЛЛ-cfb^ai -с, 7C L, 5 "С^ t^Ltr, тсШ FINAL TRANSLATION TEST тшш, тшш, Шф-Сй;ШФк: , %<ъ&ЬЪКШЖШШ, х,
236 Comprehending Technical Japanese , 1, 000, 000
LESSON 17 KANJI m ж 662 4701 595 1077 126 188 246a 703 235 3685 765 195 625 376 264 2121 122 4724 583 137 ZO KEI kata NEN KATSU wa (ru) wa (reru) SHA KEI ji ni (ru) SEI hoshi DO michi KYU moto (meru) moto (maru) U VK m в л X m 203a 885 631 860 771 2304 261b 1402 519 430 11 2097 30 339 71 1451 429 2574 500 17 KYU su(u) SHU Josa (meru) (psa (maru) KEN SO MEI MYO NICHI, JITSU hi -ka NIN JIN hito КО KU SHO fke (su) (ki(eru) FU ШШ6 - К READING SELECTIONS kozo mokei sude ni hoshutsu suru kosei-yoso Razafodo arufa-sen butsukeru structure model already, previously to emit, release constituent element Rutherford alpha rays to throw, hurl (here:to bombard)
238 Comprehending Technical Japanese j^^ffj bunpu 4 fg yonbai $~~^ tlft lfx-Ь Ь ш-г Ь а wanai m han'i hirogaru arufa-ryushi henko-kaku semai kikai tadashii mi-idasu toji-komeru tokoro de atsumaru soko de ikutsu ka no taiyo-kei niru banyu-inryoku onajiku wakusei ryoshi (rikigaku) tobi-tobi de aru kido katte na yurusu katei suru motomeru chodo Baruma koshiki suisoku suru itchi suru riron kitei-jotai Boa tobi-utsuru kyushu distribution four times relatively extent, range to spread, reach, extend alpha particle angle of deflection small, limited, narrow opportunity, chance correct to discover to confine, shut in now, further to come together now, further several solar system to resemble... universal gravitation is the same as...and planet quantum (mechanics) to be discrete, incremental orbit arbitrary to permit, allow to adopt a hypothesis, suppose, postulate to seek, search for exactly Balmer formula to deduce to agree with... theory ground state Bohr to jump absorption
LESSON 17 239 «?f 2* (- LtTfi, En=-hc R 1 (В 337-339) Kl, -с* 5 A, i* с ©IE fcv>< n s 4
240 Comprehending Technical Japanese С С К, a = h2/Dти2те2) =0. 529 А ФИ? Ht< # ЙС5 и шш uchu-sen chukan-shi haku-kenden-ki jubun haku ga tojiru denri suru toka-ryoku hosha-sen joso furi-sosogu kigen hakai suru tsukuri-dasu pai-chukan-shi jumyo myu-chukan-shi koshi yo-denshi Yukawa Hideki kakushi sosho shita kakuryoku yogen suru konnichi de wa ko-enerugii kasoku-sochi jinko-teki na seisei suru shizen-kai so-ryushi yoi ni shometsu suru arata ni cosmic rays meson leaf electrometer sufficiently the leaves close to ionize penetrating power, power to penetrate radiation upper layers to pour down source to break down to produce яг-meson life, life-time //-meson photon positron Japanese nuclear physicist and Nobel Laureate nucleon generically named nuclear force to predict at the present time high energy accelerator artificial, man-made to create the natural world elementary particle easily, readily to disappear, vanish again, anew
LESSON 17 241 fflltc mm 2A@ katsute fuhen na sogo ni utsuri-kawaru toitsu suru hito-matome ni tori-atsukau tsukuru gendai butsuri-gaku kaiketsu suru kadai kyoju Noberu-sho jusho suru Nihon-jin hajimete no kore ni tsuzuite doso Tomonaga Shin'ichiro riron-butsuri-gakusha futari-me jusho-sha at one time invariable, permanent mutually to change, shift to unify as one group to treat, deal with to make modern physics to solve question, problem professor Nobel Prize to receive a prize, award Japanese the first following this classmate Japanese Nobel Laureate in the field of quantum electrodynamics theoretical physicist the second prize winner (B 355-356) 1949^/ 5^
242 Comprehending Technical Japanese GENSHI NO KOZO TO SONO MOKEI Sude ni mananda yo ni, genshi kara wa, iroiro no hoho ni yotte fu no denki о obita denshi ga hoshutsu sareru kara, genshi wa denshi о sono kosei-yoso to shite fukunde iru to kangaerareru. Tokoro ga genshi wa zentai to shite chusei de am kara, sei-denki о motta monoA)ga genshi no naka ni nakereba naranai. 1911-nen Razafodo wa genshi ni arufa-sen о butsukeru jikken о shite, genshi no naka de no sei-denka no bunpu о shirabeta. Arufa-sen wa sei no denka 2e(-e wa denshi no denka) о mochi, suiso-genshi no yaku yonbai no shitsuryo о motta ryushiA) no nagare de aru. Genshi no naka ni sei-denka ga wariai hiroi han'i ni hirogatte ireba, kore ni shototsu shite magerareru arufa-ryushi no kazu wa oi ga, sono henko-kaku wa chiisai hazu de aru. Kore ni han-shite, semai han'i ni areba shototsu suru kikai wa sukunai ga, sono kawari oki na kaku de magerareru mono ga aruB) (Zu-ichi). Razafodo no jikken no kekka, kosha no ho ga tadashii koto ga mi-idasareta.C) Sunawachi, sei-denka wa hankei 10~12cm teido no куп no naka ni toji-komerarete iru koto ga wakatta. Kore ni taishite, genshi no hankei wa X-sen no jikken kara mo wakaru у б ni daitai 10~8 cm sunawachi ichi-ongusutoromu no teido de aru. Tokoro de, denshi no shitsuryo wa suiso-genshi no shitsuryo no yaku sen-happyaku- yonju-bun no ichi de aru kara, genshi no shitsuryo wa, hotondo kono sei-denki no bubun ni atsumatte iru. Kono genshi no chushin ni aru chiisakute omoi sei- denki о motta ryushiA>4) о genshi-kaku to yonde iru. Soko de, genshi no mokei to shite wa, chushin ni omoi genshi-kaku ga atte, sono mawari ni ikutsu ka no denshi ga mawatte iruE) taiyo-kei ni nita mono a) ga
LESSON 17 243 kangaerarete iru. Toku ni suiso-genshi de wa, denshi wa ikko dake aru to kang- kangaerareru. Sei-fu-denka no aida no inryoku wa banyu-inryoku to onajiku, kyori no ni-jo ni hanpirei suru kara, denshi no undo wa taiyo-kei no wakusei no undo to onaji у о ni naru. Ryoshi-rikigaku ni yoru to, genshi no enerugii wa tobi-tobi de aru kara, suiso- genshi no naka no denshiA) no kido wa, katte na hankei no en de aru koto wa yurusarenai to katei shita. Kono katei kara denshi no enerugii no atai о motomeru to, chodo, En=-hcRxl/n2 to naru. Kore wa Baruma no koshiki kara suisoku sareru mono to itchi suru. Kono riron ni yoreba, enerugii En ni tai-suru denshi no kido-hankei r wa, n2a de arawasareru. Koko ni, a = h2/(An2me2) =0. 529 A wa, kitei-jotaiF) no enerugii ni tai-suru kido no okisa de, Boa-hankei to yobareru. Kono mokei de wa, hikari wa, denshi ga hitotsu no kido kara ta no kido ni tobi-utsuru toki ni hoshutsu, mata wa kyushu sareru to kangaerareru. UCHU-SEN TO CHUKAN-SHI Haku-kenden-ki ni denki о ataete, jubun zetsuen shite oite mo, nagai aida ni wa haku ga tojiru. Kore wa kuki о denri suru say о о mochi toka-ryoku no tsuyoi hosha-sen ga taiki no joso kara taezu chijo ni furi-sosoide iru tame de, kono hosha-sen о uchu-sen to yobu. Sono kigen wa taiyo-kei no soto no uchu no doko ka ni aru to kangaerareru. Uchu-sen о kosei suru hijo ni ko-sokudo no genshi-kaku, shu to shite yoshi wa, taiki-chu no genshi to shototsu shite, genshi-kaku о hakai shi, doji ni denshi no yaku 300-bai no shitsuryo о motta pai-chukan-shi to iu ryushi о tsukuri-dasu. Pai-chukan-shi wa 10~8byo gurai no jumyoG) о mochi, myu- chukan-shi mata wa koshi ni kawaru. Муп-chukan-shi wa denshi no shitsuryo no yaku 200-bai no shitsuryo о mochi, 10~6 byo hodo no jumyo de, denshi mata wa yo-denshi ni kawaru. Chijo no uchu-sen wa shu to shite myu-chukan-shi to denshi to de aru. Pai-chukan-shi wa Yukawa Hideki* ga, 1935-nen ni kakushi (yoshi, chusei-shi о sosho shita mono) no aida ni hataraku kakuryoku no kenkyu ni oite, sono sonzai о yogen shita mono de aru. Konnichi de wa ko-enerugii no kasoku-sochi ni yori, jinko-teki ni chukan-shi о seisei suru koto ga dekiru. Denshi, koshi, kakushi, chukan-shi no yd na shizen-kai ni okeru kihon-teki no ryushi о so-ryushi to iu. Kono uchi, koshi wa yoi ni shometsu shitari, arata ni hassei shitari suru ga, kakushi ya denshi wa genshi о kosei suru yoso de, katsute * Yukawa-kyoju wa sono chukan-shi-riron ni yotte 1949-nen Noberu-sho о jusho shita. Nihon-jin to shite wa haj imete no j usho de aru. Kore ni tsuzuite Yukawa-kyoj u to doso de onaj iku riron- butsuri-gakusha no Tomonaga-kyoj u ga Nihon-jin to shite futarime no Noberu-sho-jusho-sha to natta.
244 Comprehending Technical Japanese wa henka shinai mono to omowarete ita. Shikashi, beta-sen ga deru toki ni wa chusei-shi wa yoshi ni kawari, denshi ga kaku no naka kara umarete kuru. Mata, denshi to yo-denshi wa ganma-sen о genshi-kaku ni ateru koto ni yori doji ni tsukuri- dasare, sore wa mata ganma-sen о dashite doji ni shometsu suru. Ghukanshi ga pai->myu->denshi no henka о suru hoka, yoshi ga sei-denki о obita chukanshi pai- purasu о dashite chusei-shi ni kawari, mata, chusei-shi ga pai-mainasu о dashite yoshi ni kawaru koto mo shirarete iru. Kono yd ni soryushi to itte mo, fuhen na mono de wa naku, sogo ni utsuri-kawaru mono de aru. Tada sono henka ni saishite mo, enerugii ya undo-ryo no hozon no hosoku ga tsune ni nari-tatte iru no wa juyo na koto de aru. Kono yo na tagai ni henka suru so-ryushi о toitsu shite, hito-matome ni tori-atsukau riron о tsukuru koto wa, gendai-butsuri-gaku no mada kaiketsu sarete inai oki na kadai de aru. ATOMIC STRUCTURE AND ATOMIC MODEL As you have already learned, the atom is thought to contain electrons as con- constituent elements because electrons carrying negative charges are emitted from atoms in various ways. However, since the atom as a whole is neutral, there must also be positively charged constituents in the atom. In 1911 Rutherford performed an experiment in which he bombarded the atom with alpha rays in order to investigate the distribution of positive charges within the atom. Alpha rays are streams of particles which have a positive charge of 2e(-e is the charge on an electron) and a mass about four times that of the hydrogen atom. If the positive charge were spread out over a relatively broad region in the atom, then the number of alpha particles which encounter it and are deflected would be large but their angles of deflection small. In contrast, if the region were restricted, the chances for collision would be small but, instead of the above, some alpha particles would be deflected through a large angle (Fig. 1). From the results of Rutherford's experiments the latter view was found to be correct. That is, it was discovered that the positive charge was confined within a sphere of about 10~12cm radius. In contrast to this, we know from X-ray experiments that the radius of the atom is about 10~8cm, that is about 1A. Now since the mass of the electron is about 1/1840 of the mass of the hydrogen atom, the mass of the atom is almost all collected in the positive electrical part. This small heavy kernel at the center of the atom containing positive electricity is called the atomic nucleus. Now, in the atomic model, the atom is regarded as being something like the solar system, with a heavy atomic nucleus at the center and electrons revolving around it. For the hydrogen atom in particular, we imagine there is but one electron. Since the attractive force between negative and positive electricities, like the force of gravitation, is inversely proportional to the square of the distance, the
LESSON 17 245 movement of the electrons is the same as that of the planets in the solar system. Since, according to quantum mechanics, atomic energies are discrete, we adopt the hypothesis that the orbits of the electrons in the hydrogen atom are not permitted to be circles of any arbitrary radius. If we seek the energy values of the electron starting from this hypothesis, then we obtain exactly En=-hcRxl/n2, which agrees with that deduced from the Balmer formula. According to this theory, the radius of the electron orbit for energy En is given by n2a. Here the value a — h2/ {An2me2) — 0. 529A gives the size of the orbit corresponding to the ground state energy and is called the Bohr radius. In this model, the emission and absorption of light are believed to occur when the electron jumps from one orbit to another. COSMIC RAYS AND MESONS The leaves of a charged electrometer will eventually close even though the electrometer is adequately insulated. This is because there are radiations of strong penetrating power, called cosmic rays, which continually pour down upon the earth from the upper layers of the atmosphere and ionize the air. Their source is believed to lie outside of the solar system somewhere in the cosmos. The extremely high velocity atomic nuclei which constitute cosmic rays, mainly protons, collide with the atoms in the atomsphere, breaking down their nuclei and simul- simultaneously creating я-mesons, particles with masses about 300 times that of the electron, я-mesons have a life of about 10~8 seconds and then change into jw-mesons or photons, jw-mesons with a mass of about 200 times that of the electron have a life of about 10~6 seconds and then change into electrons or positrons. Cosmic rays on earth are principally ju-meson and electrons. The existence of я-mesons was predicted by Hideki Yukawa* in 1935 during his research on the nuclear forces acting among nucleons (the generic name for protons and neutrons). At the present time it is possible to create mesons artificially with high-energy accelerators. The fundamental particles of the natural world such as electrons, photons, nucleons and mesons are called elementary particles. Among them the photon readily disappears and reappears, but nucleons and electrons which are the con- constituent elements of atoms were at one time thought to be permanent However, when beta rays emerge, neutrons are changing into protons, and electrons are being generated from within the nucleus. Moreover, electrons and positrons are simul- * Professor Yukawa received the Nobel Prize in 1949 for his meson theory, the first Japanese to receive the prize. Following this, Professor Tomonaga, a classmate of Professor Yukawa and similarly a theoretical physicist, became the second Japanese to became a Nobel prize winner.
246 Comprehending Technical Japanese taneously produced by gamma rays striking the atomic nucleus, and they in turn are annihilated simultaneously with the production of gamma rays. In addition to mesons changing into electrons, #-»p->electrons, we also know that protons change into neutrons by giving off positively charged 7zr+-mesons, and neutrons change into protons by giving off ^"mesons. Thus, though we speak of elementary particles, they are not invariant but mutually transformable. Nonetheless it is important that, even with these changes, the laws of energy and momentum conservation are always valid. The creation of a theory in which these mutually changing elementary particles can be unified and treated as a single group is one of the great but yet unsolved problems of modern physics. EXPLANATORY NOTES A) sei-denki о motta mo- mono ;4-bai no shitsuryo о motta ryushi; sei- denki о motta ryushi; taiyo-kei ni nita mono B) mono ga aru C) mi-idasu D) Kono... ryushi E) chushin... iru F) kitei-jotai G) jumyo The -ta forms here all have the same meaning as the corresponding -te iru forms, and are translated by the present tense in English "There are cases for which..." Hence some (but not all) alpha particles are deflected through large angles, is read dasu, but the frequently encountered M is read mi-idasu. (The reading idasu is not inclu- included in the current Toyo kanji tabulation.) Ryushi is modified by kono, genshi no chushin ni aru, chiisakute omoi, and sei-denki о motta. This phrase modifies taiyo-kei ni nita mono. Literally: "a solar-system-like thing, in which..." "Ground state." For "excited state" the term is ШШ ViM reiki-jotai. "Life, lifetime." The term for "half-life" is hangen-ki. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS A. 1) А, denpa-tenmon-gaku ichi-bunya uchu-denpa denpa-sei ginga-denpa netsu-hosha renzoku-supekutoru radio astronomy a field cosmic radio emission radio star galactic radio (frequency) radiation thermal radiation continuous spectrum
LESSON 17 247 Ь /u sen-supekutoru Ь р У shinkurotoron denpa-boen-kyo seikan-busshitsu chiken reda ryusei seimitsu na line spectrum synchrotron radio telescope interstellar matter information, knowledge radar meteor precise 2) тштш CRJ 918) , Л, iSM^: B1стШ Л, rigaku-bu butsuri-gakka sotsugyo Rikagaku Кепкуujо Nishina Kenkyu-shitsu Tokyo Bunrika Daigaku gen... Tokyo Kyoiku Daigaku teinen taishoku suru ryugaku Nihon Gakujutsu Kaigi Faculty of Science Department of Physics graduation (see Lesson 11) Nishina Laboratory (a very famous laboratory established by Nishina, one of the most prominent nuclear physicists in Japan.) Tokyo University of Literature and Science presently... Tokyo University of Education the age of retirement to retire to study abroad The Science Council of Japan chairman The Japan Academy member kaicho Nihon Gakushi-in kaiin
< 248 Comprehending Technical Japanese sotai-ron-teki-ba teishiki-ka suru cho-taj ikan-riron happyo kurikomi-riron kansei suru senji kyokucho-tanpa shitagau magunetoron hasshin-riron Kotani Masao Nihon Gakushi-inSho Bunka Kunsho ryoshi-denki-rikigaku gyoseki relativistic fields to formalize super-many-time-theory publication renormalization theory to perfect, complete war-time microwave to engage in... magnetron oscillation theory Famous Japanese physicist; President of Tokyo Uni- University of Science A971—) The Japan Academy Prize The Order of Cultural Merit quantum electrodynamics achievements, contributions CRJ 946) ШШ , 1932 Ж t 5 ЩЬ т (МЖЖ ЦЦ о 1937— "-, 1963-68^ В Ш, 1967^, Ы5 Ltitf Leipzig ±^<D W. К. Heisenberg <D% tK 1943— J. S. Schwinger, R. P. Feynman t t з) г ni-koshi kyushu ta-koshi-sen'i pariti kyoyo (kinsei) sen'i sen'i-kakuritsu kyomei two photon absorption multiple photon transition parity allowed (forbidden) transition transition probability resonance
E. Hughes ? Grabner t 4) mm, reza ko-ryoiki bunko-gaku LESSON 17 249 laser optical domain spectroscopy CRJ 972) Sakata Shoichi teishutsu sum tankyu suru toitsu-teki ni atsukau kihon-ryushi fukugo-ryushi barion taju-ko gunron bunrui-gaku kiso donyu suru tenkai ichi-jidai о hiraku kaiso sutorenjinesu chakuso ruisui reiki-jotai yosoku Ikeda, Ogawa, Onuki kinji taisho-sei sekai-teki-ryuko ...nen goro hadoron hakken suru 1950^ D. Japanese physicist to present to investigate to treat in a unified way fundamental particle composite particle baryon multiplet term group theory taxonomy fundamentals to introduce development to open an era class strangeness conception, idea analogy excited state prediction Japanese physicists approximation symmetry worldwide trend about the year... hadron discover
250 Comprehending Technical Japanese АШЩ hachiju-ko t L J: 51 A956) A959) №Ш О 5) таъ L-r octet CRJ 943-494) s)# t yuri-ki todomaru heikin shisu-kansu (bubun) hokai (teisu) sonzai kakuritsu keika suru ...goto ni channeru chumoku suru,.. sai-ketsugo kieru bengi-teki ni hAL, y-V Игу *>- з&'Ь ftt ФЛ1±Ш i 5 СФ5 i5 г: free radical to stay in, continue in average exponential function (partial) decay (constant) existence probability to elapse each time that... channel the...under consideration recombination to disappear conventionally CRJ 626) [1] К.
LESSON 17 251 [2] tt r =1Д 6) Л1Ш т LJ:5 ж о 5 jinko-eisei shui koten Soren uchi-ageru seiko suru Bei-So-ryokoku te de suko-zutsu jishin joso taiki kensho sobi bi-ryushi-ryu ryusei-jin netsu-fukusha artificial satellite circumference revolution Soviet Union to send off, launch to succeed in... both the U.S. and the U. S. S. R. by (the effort of)... several by each (country) itself upper layers atmosphere inspection, verification equipment stream of microscopic particles meteoric dust thermal radiation BRJ 1504) шшш шш
252 Comprehending Technical Japanese в. mm=f f—A shindo-shi ippo о susumeru denpa suru ko-ryoshi koden-koka kakuritsu suru kaimei suru ryoshi-ron mohaya...nai utagai о ireru Nagaoka shui karui teishutsu suru setsu shoko enban biimu usui...haku tori-nukeru ryuka-aen nuru hakko suru shinchireshon kaunta kenshutsu sudori suru sekiryoku gyaku-nijo ketsuron suru shomen-shototsu seishi suru ...wake ni wa yukazu koten... ushinau oscillator to go one step further to propagate light quantum photo-electric effect to establish to elucidate quantum theory no longer to have doubts, doubt famous Japanese physicist surrounding (s) light (weight) to propose theory, view, opinion small hole lead plate beam thin...foil to pass through zinc sulfide to paint to become luminescent, emit light scintillation counter detection to pass without stopping repulsive force inverse square to conclude head-on collision to be stationary cannot... (see Construction Examples for Lesson 15) classical... to lose
shidai ni shukusho suru tsui ni mujun kojun teijo-jotai enerugii-jun'i saiyo suru owari no gyaku-katei ai-irenai jotai reiki- jotai reiki suru Bohr ©gf ЩЩ LESSON 17 253 gradually to contract finally, eventually contradiction postulate stationary state energy level to employ, utilize final inverse process incompatible the usual state excited state to be excited (BN 280-282) Planck 5 t ШЖ L 7c #, 1905^ Stark Einstein tt % h K—#^31^, Bohr &Ш t A913) Rutherford со ?* 0, Rutherford Й — Rutherford (Dg h l07m/sec b D2 ^rS-p t* {9 а
254 Comprehending Technical Japanese —у 3 у • A^y^- hiMto Rutherford ft a t№ t M -ЪЪ ЬШяЪТ-со HI l (p.239) Bohr Rutherford Set, *?J:С^^ , Bohrtt^ B) --г2ьь , A) ©iS^KlH; Planck B) Einstein ©"С* 5О и = 1
LESSON 17 255 h< FINAL TRANSLATION TEST (SN 108-116) м (S Matrix) ±# , # IS Щ fi (resonance level) L^L, tc?>&, (Ghu) г>^ <ь *1"съ± X, ы, ш ъ11г (theory of functions of a complex variable) fr t' 5 i)-XbЪо щв эй, fc, i'
256 Comprehending Technical Japanese ь си -e, 4 5«5 Lfctf
LESSON 18 KANJI т ж » ш * it т ш 218Ь 2524 270а 652 247а 1241 271 b 3485 810 3509 233b 2572 236а 4699 210b 2508 257а 242 434 2772 FUTSU jwa(kasu) (wa (ku) GYO BAI TO J rUN SHIN fhita(su) (hita(ru) TO CHIN shizu (meru) shizu (mu) DEN SHO fya(ku) lya(keru) >X 263b 3803 272a 5274 271a 2015 142 2473 387 4620 416 4361 277 2531 155 5113 236 650 13 2743 MAKU YU SO MO ke KEI karu (i) SHI kokoro (miru) GHU soso (gu) I JAKU yowa (i) jyowa (meru) [yowa (maru) KA hi READING SELECTIONS #» mm Ш1Ш kihaku futten gyoko-ten (fu) kihatsu-sei yoshitsu yobai Rauru hakken suru (hi) denkai-shitsu dilute boiling point freezing point (non) -volatile solute solvent Raoult to discover (non) -electrolyte
258 Comprehending Technical Japanese -ЬЩ-Ш У К F4 -у со mt т V Ь ^ х sax .J-, USU1 tokeru josho-do katsu koka-do shoto tokasu budo-to junsui na moru-futten-josho moru-gyoko-ten-koka shinto-atsu Doitsu no shokubutsu-gakusha Peffa feroshian-ka-do chinden me о fusagu suyaki tosu maku hanto-maku shinnyu suru Oranda no kagaku-sha Fanto Hoffu atehamaru guramu-bunshi kaki-naosu yuten garasu-zaiku renshu suru sosa mosai-kan bana hiki-nobasu naikei tojiru dilute to be dissolved degree of elevation moreover degree of depression sucrose to dissolve grape sugar, dextrose pure molar boiling point elevation molar freezing point depression osmotic pressure German botanist Pfeffer copper ferrocyanide precipitate to clog the pores unglazed pottery to let pass through membrane semi-permeable membrane to enter into Dutch chemist van't Hoff to be applicable to, apply to gram molecule to rewrite melting point glass blowing to practice operation, process capillary tube burner to draw out internal diameter to close
LESSON 18 259 •У в Ъ / < Oi T-fe F7-P К шт-tb shono nyubachi kudaku hiraku sukuu tsukue karuku tataku sukai kuri-kaesu tsumeru naka-hodo fukan aseto-anirido shiken-kan shoka suru chui suru yowai hi yukai suru tokei-zara johatsu-zara utsusu katamaru maze-awaseru guriserin kiru hameru tsuku tomeru sumiyaka ni jikabi jojo ni camphor mortar to grind, break up to open to scoop up desk to tap lightly several times to repeat to pack in, fill the middle sealed tube acetanilide test tube to sublimate to be careful low flame to melt watch glass evaporating dish to transfer to harden to mix together glycerine to cut to pull on to reach to fasten, fix in place rapidly direct heat, flame slowly CK 57-58)
260 Comprehending Technical Japanese 0.104°СЩ ft * L lkg<7 , 0.052x2 20(g) :*(g) =0.80°: 1.86° Ш -tt, 1885^, У -у (ЗК 58-60) |
LESSON 18 261 I mm ft 2. 'У KIHAKU-YOEKI NO FUTTEN TO GYOKO-TEN Fu-kihatsu-sei no yoshitsu no yoeki no futten wa yobai yori mo takaku, sono gyoko-ten wa yobai yori mo hikui. Rauru wa 1886-nen, tsugi no hosoku о hakken shita. Hi-denkai-shitsu no usui yoeki de wa, sono yobai no ittei-ryo ni tokete iru yoshitsu no bunshi-su ga hitoshikereba, yoshitsu ga nan de atte mo,tt) sono futten no josho-do wa hitoshiku, katsu yoshitsu no губ ni hirei suru. Gyoko-ten no кока-do ni tsuite mo doyo no hosoku ga naritatsu. Tatoeba, 1 kg no mizu ni shoto 0.1 guramu-bunshi о tokashita yoeki mo, budo-to 0.1 guramu-bunshi о tokashita yoeki mo,A> futten wa tagai ni hitoshiku, junsui na mizu yori mo, 0. 052 °G takai. Moshi, 1 kg no mizu ni 0. 2 guramu-bunshi о tokaseba, nani о tokashite mo, junsui na mizu no futten yori mo 0. 052 x 2 = 0.104°G takaku naru. Yobai 1 kg ni yoshitsu 1 guramu-bunshi о tokashita toki no futten-josho-do, gyoko-ten-koka-do о sorezore moru-futten-josho, moru-gyoko-ten-koka to iu.
262 Comprehending Technical Japanese Korera no atai о tsukatte, yoshitsu no bunshi-ryo о shiru koto ga dekiru. Tatoeba, 1 kg no mizu ni 20 g no arukoru о tokashita yoeki wa, gyoko-ten ga 0. 80° С sagaru. Ima, arukoru no bunshiryo о х to suru to, mizu no moru-gyoko- ten-koka ga 1.86° С de aru kara, 20(g):x(g)=0.80°:1.86° to iu shiki ga naritachi, kore kara x = 46.5 ga erareru. Kono atai wa arukoru no bunshiryo (G2H6O = 46) to hobo hitoshii. KIHAKU-YOEKI NO SHINTO-ATSU Doitsu no shokubutsu-gakusha Peffa wa, 1874-nen ni shinto-atsu no kenkyu о okonatta. Feroshian-ka-do no chinden B) de me о fusaida suyaki<3) wa, mizu о tosu ga mizu ni tokete iru shoto no bunshi о tosanai. Kono yo ni, aru busshitsu о toshi, aru busshitsu о tosanai maku о hanto-maku to iu. Yoshitsu wa tosanai de yobai dake о tosu hanto-maku ni yotte, yoeki to yobai о bunri suru to, maku о totte, yobai ga yoeki-chu ni shinnyu shiyo to suru atsuryoku ga, sono yoeki no shinto-atsu de aru. 1885-nen, Oranda no kagaku-sha Fanto Hoffu wa, Peffa no jikken no кекка о shirabe, shinto-atsu ni wa kitai no hosoku pv — nRT to onaji katachi no shiki ga atehamaru koto о shitta. Sunawachi, shinto-atsu о к kiatsu, n guramu-bunshi no yoshitsu о tokashite iru kihaku-yoeki no taiseki о v rittoru, zettai-ondo о Т to suru to, tsugi no kankei ga aru koto ga wakatta. Kore о kaki-naosuD) to^= (n/v)RT, sunawachi n/v wa yoeki ichi-rittoru ni tokete iru yoshitsu no moru-su de aru kara, shinto-atsu wa yoeki ichi-rittoru-chu ni tokete iru yoshitsu no moru-su ni hirei suru koto to nari, yoshitsu ga donna mono de atte mo,A) moru-su ga hitoshikereba, shinto-atsu wa hitoshii koto ni naru. Jikken: Gyoko-ten-koka-do Mokuteki 1. Gyoko-ten-koka-do kara, bunshi-ryo о keisan suru. Mokuteki 2. Yuten no hakari-kata ya, garasu-zaiku о renshu suru. Sosa 1. Yuten-sokutei-yo no garasu-mosai-kan о tsukuru. Garasukan о bana de nesshite hiki-nobashi, naikei 1 mm, nagasa yaku 7 cm no mono о nihon tsukuri, sono ittan о zu-ichi no yo ni bana de nesshite tojiru. Sosa 2. Shono о nyubachi de kudaki, sosa 1 no mosai-kan о ippon tori, hiraita hashi о nyubachi ni irete shono о sukui, tojita hashi о shita ni shite, tsukue no ue de karuku E) tataku. Kore о sukai kuri-kaeshite, shono no takasa ga yaku 3 mm ni naru made tsumeru. Mosai-kan no naka-hodo о bana de tokashi, fukan to suru. Sosa 3. Shono 1 g ni asetoanirido 0. 05 g о mazeta mono o, kawaita shiken-kan ni ire, shono ga shoka shinai yo ni chui shinagara,F) goku yowaiE) hi de nesshite
LESSON 18 263 yukai sum. Toketara, kore о tokei-zara mata wa johatsu-zara ni zembu utsushi, katamatta mono о garasu-bo de kudaite yoku maze-awaseru. Sosa 2 no shono to doyo ni mosai-kan ni tsumete fujiru. Sosa 4. Futoi shiken-kan no kabu ni guriserin о irete, yuten-sokutei-sochi to sum. Gomu-kan о mijikaku kitte ondo-kei ni hame, busshitsu о ireta bubun ga, ondo-kei no kabu e tsuku yo ni, sosa 2 mata wa 3 de tsukutta mosai-kan о tomeru. Shiken-kan о 15O°C kurai made sumiyaka ni nesshi, sore kara wa, chiisa na jikabi de jojo ni nesshite, mosai-kan no naka no kotai ga tokeru ondo о sokutei se- yo. THE BOILING AND FREEZING POINTS OF DILUTE SOLUTIONS The boiling point of a solution containing a non-volatile solute is higher than that of the solvent, and its freezing point is lower. In 1886 Raoult discovered the following law. If the number of molecules of solute dissolved in a fixed amount of a certain solvent is the same for dilute solutions of nonelectrolytes, then the boiling point elevation is the same, no matter what the solute, and is proportional to the amount of solute. The same law holds for freezing point depressions as well. For example, both a solution in which 0.1 gram molecule of sucrose is dissolved in 1 kg of water and a solution in which 0.1 gram molecule of dextrose is dissolved have the same boiling point, 0. 052°G higher than that of pure water. If 0. 2 gram molecules were dissolved in 1 kg of water then, no matter what is dissolved, the boiling point would be 0. 052x2 = 0. 014°C higher than that of pure water. The boiling point elevation and the freezing point depression obtained when 1 gram molecule of solute is dissolved in 1 kg of solvent are called the molar boiling point elevation and the molar freezing point depression respectively. Molecular weights of solutes can be determined using these values. For example, with a solution of 20 g of alcohol dissolved in 1 kg of water the freezing point is lowered 0. 80°G. Since the molar freezing point depression of water is 1. 86°G, we obtain the equation 20 (g) : *(g)=0. 80° : 1.86°, where x is the molecular weight of alcohol, from which x=46.5 This value is almost equal to the molecular weight of alcohol @21160=46). THE OSMOTIC PRESSURE OF DILUTE SOLUTIONS In 1874 the German botanist Pfeffer made studies of osomotic pressure. He found that unglazed pottery whose pores were clogged by copper ferrocyanide
264 Comprehending Technical Japanese precipitate would allow water to pass through but not the sucrose molecules dissolved in the water. Such a membrane which allows one substance to pass through but not another is called a semi-permeable membrane. If a solution and its solvent are separated by a semi-permeable membrane which permits only the solvent to pass through and not the solute, than the pressure arising from the solvent's tendency to enter the solution through the membrane is the osmotic pressure of the solution. In 1885 the Dutch chemist van't Hoff studied the results of Pfeffer's experiments and found that an equation of the same form as the gas law pv — nRT applies to osmotic pressure. That is to say he found that, taking the osmotic pressure к in atmospheres, the volume v of the dilute solution in liters, where n gram molecules of solute were dissolved at the absolute temperature T, the following relation exists. KV—nRT If this is rewritten as % — {n/v)RT then, since n/v is the number of moles of solute dissolved in 1 liter of solution, the osmotic pressure becomes proportional to the number of moles of solute dissolved in one liter of solution and, whatever the solute may be, the osmotic pressure will be the same if the number of moles is equal. Experiment: Freezing Point Depression Objective 1. To calculate the molecular weight from the freezing point depression. Objective 2. The measurement of melting points and practice in glass blowing. Procedure 1. To make glass capillary tubes for use in melting point determina- determinations. Heat a glass tube with the burner, draw it out to an internal diameter of 1 mm, make two tubes of about 7 cm length, and close one end by heating with the burner as shown in Figure 1. Procedure 2. Break up some camphor in a mortar, take one of the capillary tubes prepared in Procedure 1 and scoop camphor into the open end from the mortar, then tapping the closed end gently on the desk. Repeat this procedure several times until the camphor is packed in to a height of about 3 mm. Now melt the capillary tube in the middle to form a closed tube. Procedure 3. Mix 1 g of camphor with 0. 05 g of acetanilide, place in a dry test tube and, being careful not to sublimate the camphor, melt the mixture by heating with a low flame. When it melts, transfer all of it to a watch glass or evaporating dish and pulverize the lumps with a glass rod and thoroughly mix. Fill and seal a capillary tube as was done with the camphor in Procedure 2. Procedure 4. Fill the lower part of a large test tube with glycerine to serve as the melting point measurement apparatus. Gut off a short piece of
LESSON 18 265 rubber tubing, slide onto the thermometer and attach the capillary tubes prepared in Procedures 2 and 3 such that the ends containing material reach to the lower part of the thermometer. Heat the test tube rapidly to about 150°С and then heat slowly with a small direct flame. Measure the temperatures at which the solids in the capillary tubes melt. EXPLANATORY NOTES A) (interrogative) +te mo Combinations like this are usually translated by " ever" or "no matter what ". nan de atte mo: whatever it is; no matter what it is. nani о tokashite mo: whatever we dissolve; no matter what we dissolve. donna mono de atte mo: whatever kind of material it is; no matter what kind of material it is. B) chinden #fc is the character used for settling of fine particles. In the case of precipitates in chemical reactions, #fc Ш is used. In the more general case of sedimentations, :IJCW is used. Thus $№ё is sedimentary rock. C) yaku Ш is frequently used as a prefix in words concerning the heat treatment of metals, thus g^Atb, ffi^tL, Ш % ?* L. Which of these words would you associate with annealing, tempering, quenching? The verb naosu means "to mend, to correct." When used as the second component of a verb it has the idea of "redoing something to put it in better form." Hence, hoteishiki о kaki-naosu means "to rewrite the equation" (putting it, for example, into a more useful form). Ji and || are frequently used as prefixes in contrast to Ш and $|». Compare, for example, D) kaki-naosu E) karui, yowai F) -nagara This suffix is used to indicate two simultaneous acti- actions by the same person (s). Hence shorn ga shdka shinai yd ni chut shinagara, nesshite yukai suru means "we supply heat and melt the camphor, while being careful that it doesn't sublime."
266 Comprehending Technical Japanese SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS А. Ж& 7-7X3 mmmm л >^$- mm hyoten junbi furasuko enka-kariumu kakuhan-ki shiryo-yoeki kakudai-kyo taiyo kori-mizu hitasu joryu-sui zuchu ni men-firuta pipetto dasshi-men arau seiketsu na menpu tsutsumu kizuchi yaku sanbun no ichi hodo hitaru futa о suru sonyO suru fiA^*t*S hageshiku kakuhan suru ittei ni nattara kiroku suru fujun na kirei na tsukau koto shokuen kanzai reikyaku suru futa о toru shizuka ni nagashi-saru sosogi-ireru freezing point of water preparation flask potassium chloride agitator test solutions magnifying lens general outline ice water to immerse distilled water in the figure cotton filter pipette absorbent cotton to wash clean cotton cloth to wrap wooden mallet to the extent of about 1/3 to be immersed to cover to insert to shake vigorously when it has become constant to record impure clean be sure to use! table salt freezing mixture to chill to uncover gently to pour off to pour in
LESSON 18 267 ШГ: sufun-kan A-tsuki no В tori-dasu yameru gaiso suru taisa denri-do shimesu-beki kichi de aru zenjutsu no kantan na seido several minutes В to which A is attached to remove to stop, cease doing to extrapolate (a curve) a large difference degree of dissociation which ought to express to be known the previously described simple accuracy (BKJ 108-109) Ж&ЯТШЯЁШШ(Dewar 7 7 X п *) 1 5 t?t' mi4*), тптш (-у вш, ? шш > < tt /v§H, Beckmann <-y hB5 ЩЩК 200—300 К 25ml к°^ „ Ь
268 Comprehending Technical Japanese 0 м= Гс о 1853 Ж ¦С, 0 «t5 тт, си 1/2 къ ь ш s Beckmann В. ¦ с \ 1 шт konnan na kichi-ryo yoten kanetsu suru •••koto nashi ni futto suru koan yo wa reikyaku-ki sokkan nikuromu-sen ishiwata hakkin okonau ka ., todo-ban hahen fusegu yahari okonau difficult a known quantity the main points, essentials to superheat without*** to boil design, scheme the essentials are condenser side arm nichrome wire asbestos platinum to do it by... or by... porcelain clay plate fragments to prevent also
LESSON 18 269 тъ Л garasu-sei kigu josho saseru sosogi-kakeru yaya fukuzatsu na nanten chosetsu suru ¦м м=- JfcW made of glass utensil to cause to rise, lift to pour onto somewhat, slightly complicated difficulty to regulate, control с» LJ:» С t t, Beckmann- :, ШШ
270 Comprehending Technical Japanese ¦# с. katsudo-do shokyo suru gosa osoi heiko ni tassuru shihyo sekkyoku-teki ni heiko-ten kaihatsu suru kiho osu koden-kan kanshi suru tokushoku yogore activity to eliminate error slow to reach equilibrium indicator directly equilibrium point to develop gas bubble to push photo-electric tube to observe, watch closely special characteristic dirt
LESSON 18 271 ш-tz — к: fig о "С try T/u т igai ni eikyo mamoru jukuren arai suman no moreru zushi suru gaiso suru su-heikin-bunshi-ryo juryo-heikin-bunshi-ryo hikaku suru imi de bunpu yuyo na ni shitagatte kaigo suru katamuki biriaru haijo куп jo no bojo no ко mushi dekiru surprisingly, far more than expected influence, effect to abide by experience coarse to several 10 thousands to leak through to graph, plot to extrapolate (a curve) number-average molecular weight weight-average molecular weight to compare with regard to distribution useful See Construction Example, Lesson 12 to associate slope virial excluded spherical needle-shaped term can be neglected (BK 33-35) A) zVt=RTX2 B)
272 Comprehending Technical Japanese c2: C2/M2=m2=N2/V1 m<Dgm, м2. IE % z/C2=RT/M2 C2 г Л, ft 5 L, C) Ш М2 к, C) t
LESSON 18 273 ж 1 1 В С2 RT М2 + М2 B=b-{a/RT) C) ШШ FINAL TRANSLATION TEST if, ?5 ML15 , жштта&х, С О X б tz&'ji-Wh (polydisperse system) XK±, t WO,000шт<ъШЯЩЪ*Ы><г)К.ПЬХ, Ш ы±шь Ш 2,000,000fiк:^ filtra-
274 Comprehending Technical Japanese ъК, van der Waals Ш& < -fibЬ Ъ-b-с* 5
LESSON 19 KANJI * i№ й 563 422 260b 5162 274a 2970 299 4779 211b 3907 228b 5188 455 2090 85 3510 37 3095 259a 4305 KA HO KAN HAI HO КО ka ZOKU SHI kami HAKU shiro shiro (i) SHOKU fu(reru) P в m m m ж m 502 363 219a 2750 733 3003 690 2808 531 3468 271a 2377 235a 3766 648 4249 262b 2674 226 1904 FU ftsu (keru) Itsu(ku) RO RYU Jto (meru) [to (maru) NEN Jmo (yasu) |mo (eru) RYO JU SHI SEI TEKI SHI yubi READING SELECTIONS tanka-suiso parafin shikuro-parafin mitasu niju-ketsugo sanju-ketsugo (fu) howa orefin echiren-kei hydrocarbon paraffin cyclo-paraffin to satisfy double bond triple bond (un) saturated olefin ethylene series
276 Comprehending Technical Japanese asechiren-kei kanjo ni ЬЫг д hairetsu suru hitotsu-oki ni hoko-zoku no kan sono rei tan-ketsugo honrai no shiite ieba tanso-kan tonari-atta sore ni mo kakawarazu bengi-jo kogo ni shirusu shukan to naru dono...te mo yoi shimeshita tori kami ichi-heimen shimen-tai choten hakkin shokubai suiso о kago saseru fuka-hanno etan pori-echiren genshi-ka tagai ni howa shi-au kago suru fuka-jugo ippan-shiki bunshi-shiki isei-tai sekiyu-kagaku juyu keiyu acetylene series in a ring to be arrayed, arranged every other one aromatic ring examples of these single bond proper, normal one might say carbon to carbon adjacent in spite of that, nevertheless as a convention, conventionally alternately to write down become customary it does not matter which... as shown in... paper single plane tetrahedron vertex platinum catalyst to hydrogenate addition reaction ethane polyethylene polymerization atomic valence to saturate each other to combine addition polymerization general formula molecular formula isomers petrochemistry heavy oil light oil
t'V V V V if У V У /НУ Ш-tb ШШ hanno-ro bunkai suru puropan puropiren butan buchiren bunkai-joryu sesshoku-bunkai gasorin jido-sha кбкп-ki nenryo yuki-gosei chukan genryo jushi taiatsu-yoki katei no ekika suru tsumeru koru-taru benzen toruen seizo suru gosei-kagaku issanka-tanso anmonia toshi oiru-gasu LESSON 19 277 reactor to decompose propane propylene butane butylene destructive distillation catalytic cracking gasoline automobile airplane fuel organic synthesis intermediate raw materials resin pressure vessel household, domestic to liquefy to fill, store coal tar benzene toluene to manufacture synthetic chemistry carbon monoxide ammonia city oil gas Щ (ЗК 236-240) -ЛШ и ' 9 Шt
278 Comprehending Technical Japanese c = c •tit, бШ> H I н л H C-H х н-с=с-н н н-с-н н • B) — ^-?±,Л._ Hv^C\r/C Н |5|C-C?>
LESSON 19 279 н н н—н н н хс=с/ 7 (xf 1 ir \у у л н н н н н—н 4- н-с=с-н +- н—н 3 Д / н н II н н с н н II ~СГГ н н н н н н I I I I с—с—с—с— I I I I н н н н н-с—с—н Л4 с=с н i L 3Н8, Ур t°i/v G3H6, V enki base
ti "^ у Ь 280 Comprehending Technical Japanese teiryo (bunseki) pipetto ) utsusu tekika suru chuwa suru yomi-toru tekitei shuten shikiso shiji-yaku yoryo-bunseki fenoru-futarein mechiru-reddo tt, ШСХ quantitative analysis pipet (te) to transfer to titrate (but literally and in other contexts, to drip in, to add by drops) to neutralize to take a reading titration end point coloring matter indicator volumetric analysis phenolphthalein methyl red CK 142) OS m SHUJU NO TANKA-SUISO Tanka-Suiso no Rei: Tanka-suiso ni wa parafin tanka-suiso, shikuro-parafm tanka- suiso no hoka, tanso no yottsu no genshi-ka ga yonko no ta-genshi ni yotte mi- tasarenai de, niju-ketsugo >G —G< ya, sanju-ketsugo —G=G —no aru tanka-suiso ga aru. Niju-ketsugo, sanju-ketsugo о fu-howa-ketsugo to ii, korera о fukumu tanka- suiso о fu-howa-tanka-suiso to iu. Niju-ketsugo ga hitotsu aru mono о orefin-tanka- suiso (echiren-kei-tanka-suiso) to ii, sanju-ketsugo no hitotsu aru mono о asechiren- kei-tanka-suiso to iu. Kozo-shiki о tsugi ni ageru.
LESSON 19 281 c = c с=с н с-н H-C=C-H (Echiren) (Puropiren) (Asechiren) Mata, roku-genshi no tanso ga kanjoA) ni hairetsu shi, hitotsu okiB) ni niju- ketsugo ga aru yo na kozo о hoko-zoku no kan to ii, kore о bunshi-chu ni mo- tsu tanka-suiso о hoko-zoku-tanka-suiso to iu. Tsugi ni shimesu mono wa sono rei de aru. н н h~c-h н i с к I L i t H (Benzen) (Toruen) (Nafutarin) Hoko-zoku no kan de wa niju-ketsugo to tan-ketsugo no honrai no seishitsu wa naku, shiite ieba, sorera no ketsugo no chukan no seishitsu о motte iru. Tatoeba, benzen de wa, dono tanso-kan no ketsugo mo mattaku onaji seishitsu no ketsugo de aru shi, tonari-atta tanso-genshi-kan no kyori ga dore mo onaji de aru. Sore ni mo kakawarazu, bengi-jo,C) niju-ketsugo to tan-ketsugo to о kogo ni shiru- shite, hoko-zoku no kan no ketsugo о arawasu shukan to natte iru. Kono yo na wake de aru kara, dono tanso to tanso no aida no ketsugo kara niju-ketsugo о shirushi-hajimete mo yoi. Shuju no tanka-suiso no bunshi no katachi wa zu-ichi ni shimeshita tori de aru. c H с H puropan butan ?w-l Kant an na Tanka-Suiso no Bunshi-Mokei. Tanso-genshi kara deru yon-ko no ketsugo no hoko wa, kami ni kakareta kozoshiki ni arawasarete iru yd na ichi-heimen ni aru no de wa nakute, shimen-tai no chushin kara sono choten ni mukatte hiita chokusen no hoko ni aru. Shitagatte, futatsu no ketsugo no nasu kaku wa 109° 28' de aru. Howa-kagobutsu to Fu-howa-kago-butsu: Niju-ketsugo ya sanju-ketsugo, sunawachi,
282 Comprehending Technical Japanese fu-howa-ketsugo о motsu kago-butsu о fu-howa-kago-butsu to iu. Echiren ya ase- chiren ni hakkin nado о shokubai to shite suiso о kago saseru to, tsugi no yo ni etan ga dekiru. Kono yo ni, fu-howa-kago-butsu ga ta no bunshi to kago suru koto о fuka-hanno to iu. н н н н H7H )c = c^ —^н-с-с-н^ н-с^с-н uX + хн А н h-h H—H Kore ni taishi, parafin-tanka-suiso ya, shikuro-parafin-tanka-suiso wa, fu-howa- ketsugo о fukumanai no de, howa-kago-butsu to iu. Echiren wa niju-ketsugo ga aru kara, tsugi no yo na fuka-hanno mo suru. н \ с=с н / н с =с н / ? -c-c- -c—c- н н н н н н н н I I I I —с—с—с—с 1111 н н н н (Echiren) (Pori-echiren) Ippan ni, doshu no bunshi ga niko-ijo tagai ni ketsugo suru koto о jugo to ii, doshu no bunshi-kan de niju-ketsugo no genshi-ka о tagai ni howa shi-ai, tasu no bunshi ga kago suru koto о fuka-jugo to iu. Orefin-tanka-suiso wa СпШп no ippan-shiki de shimesareru kara, shikuro-parafm- tanka-suiso to onaji bunshi-shiki no mono ga aru. Tatoeba, tsugi ni shimesu yo na mono de aru. V V н H~H-H Xc=cx н h-c-c-h нх \-c-h (Shikuro-butan) A-buten) Kono у о ni, chigau busshitsu ga, onaji bunshi-shiki о motte iru toki, korera no tagai ni chigau busshitsu о isei-tai to iu. Sekiyu Kagaku: Juyu, keiyu nado о hanno-ro no naka de koon de bunkai suru to, gasorin, suiso ya, bunshi no chiisai tanka-suiso (metan GH4, echiren G2H4, puro- pan G3H8, puropiren G3H6, butan С4Ню, buchiren G4H8 nado) ga dekiru. Kono hoho о bunkai-joryu to iu. Shokubai о tsukatte kono hanno о окопай hoho о sesshoku-bunkai to iu. Gasorin wa jidosha ya кокп-ki no nenryo to shite tsuka- ware, korera no tanka-suiso kara wa, yuki-gosei no chukan-genryo ya gosei-jushi (tatoeba, echiren kara pori-echiren) о tsukuru. Puropan to puropiren wa taiatsu- yoki ni ekika shite tsume, katei-nenryo to shite tsukawareru. Butan buchiren mo doyo ni tsukawareru. Korera о ekika-sekiyu-gasu to iu. Koru-taru kara erareru benzen, toruen nado mo, kagaku-hanno ni yotte, sekiyu kara seizo dekiru yo ni natta. Ippan ni, sekiyu о genryo to suru gosei-kagaku о
LESSON 19 283 sekiyu-kagaku to iu. Tennen-gasu ya juyu о sanso to ko-on de hanno saseru to, suiso to issanka-tanso ga erareru. Kono suiso о anmonia-gosei ni riyo suru. Toshi-gasu ni mazeru tame ni, juyu о bunkai shite seizo suru gasu о oiru-gasu to iu. Kore wa, suiso, metan, echiren, puropiren nado о fukunde iru. SAN, ENKI NO TEIRYO Busshitsu no sonzai-ryo о hakaru koto о teiryo to iu. San no teiryo ni wa, sono san no yoeki no ittei taiseki о pipetto de tori, kore о sankaku furasuko ni utsushi, kore ni byuretto kara nodo no wakatte iru enki no yoeki о tekika shi, chodo chuwa suru made ni tekika shita enki no taiseki о yomitoru. Enki no teiryo wa, onaji у б ni shite san no yoeki о tekika shite okonau. Kono hoho о tekitei to iu. Tekitei no shuten, sunawachi chuwa-ten о shiru tame ni, shuju no shikiso-yoeki о mochi-iru. Kore о shiji-yaku to iu. Tekitei no yo ni, taiseki о hakaru hoho de teiryo suru koto о yoryo-bunseki to iu. San ga yowakute enki ga tsuyoi toki ni wa, shiji-yaku ni fenoru-futarein no arukoru yoeki о mochi-i, san ga tsuyokute enki ga yowai toki ni wa, mechiru- reddo (mata wa mechiru-orenji) no sui-yoeki о mochi-iru. San mo enki mo tomo ni tsuyoi toki ni wa, dochira no shiji-yaku о mochi-ite mo yoi.D) THE VARIETIES OF HYDROCARBONS Examples of Hydrocarbons: There are among the hydrocarbons, in addition to the paraffins and cyclo-paraffins, others which contain double bonds >C = C< and triple bonds — G = G — in which the four valences of carbon atoms are not satis- satisfied by four other atoms. Double and triple bonds are called unsaturated bonds, and hydrocarbons which contain them are called unsaturated hydrocarbons. Those with a single double bond are called olefin hydrocarbons (the ethylene series), those with a single triple bond the acetylene series. Their structural formulas are given as follows. н н н н c=c c=c н h-c=c-h (Ethylene) (Propylene) (Acetylene) Moreover, the structure where 6 carbon-atoms are arranged in a ring with every other bond a double bond is called the aromatic ring, and hydrocarbons which carry this ring within their molecules are called aromatic hydrocarbons. The fol- following are examples.
284 Comprehending Technical Japanese H I H—C-H с н H I (Benzene) н н (Naphthalene) (Toluene) The double and single bonds in the aromatic ring do not have their natural properties and we might say that their properties lie in between those of the two bonds. For example, all of the carbon to carbon bonds in benzene are bonds of completely similar characteristics, and the distances between adjacent carbon atoms are all the same. Nevertheless, as a convention, it has become custom- customary to portray the bonds in an aromatic ring as alternating between single and double bonds. For this reason, it does not matter which carbon to carbon bond you initially designate as a double bond. The shapes of various hydrocarbon molecules are as shown in Figure 1. propane butane Figure 1 Molecular Models of Simple Hydrocarbons. The directions of the four bonds which proceed from a carbon atom are not in a single plane as depicted by structural formulas written on paper. Rather they lie in the directions of the straight lines drawn from the center of a tetrahedron to its vertices. The angle between two bonds, therefore, is 709° 28'. Saturated and Unsaturated Compounds'. Compounds containing double and triple bonds, that is, unsaturated bonds, are called unsaturated compounds. If ethylene or acetylene are hydrogenated using platinum or some other catalyst, ethane is produced as shown below. Reactions in which unsaturated compounds combine with other molecules are called addition reactions. Vc'" H + H H—H h—с—с—н H H H—H + H—C=C—H + H—H
LESSON 19 285 In contrast, paraffin and cycloparaffin hydrocarbons, since they do not contain unsaturated bonds, are called saturated compounds. Since ethylene has a double bond, it also performs the following addition reaction. H H H H II II -c-c- -c—c- И А А U 7 7 -crcrrr H H H H (Ethylene) (Polyethylene) In general, the mutual bonding of two or more molecules of the same kind is called polymerization, and the combining of many molecules such that the va- valences of their double bonds at the same molecular interval are mutually satis- satisfied is called addition polymerization. Since the olefin hydrocarbons are represented by the general equation СпШп there are some which have the same molecular formula as cycloparaffin hydro- hydrocarbons. There is, for example, the following case. н н II H H h-c-c—н \ / I I c=c н h-c-c-h / \ i „ (Gyclobutane) A -butene) When different substances thus have the same molecular formula, these mutu- mutually differing substances are called isomers. Petrochemistry, If substances such as heavy or light oils are decomposed in a re- reactor at high temperatures, gasoline, hydrogen and hydrocarbons with small mol- molecules (methane GH4, ethylene G2H4, propane G3H8, butane G4H10, butylene G4H8, for example) are produced. This method is called destructive distillation, and the method using a catalyst for the reaction is called catalytic cracking. Gasolines are used as fuels for automobiles and airplanes, and from their hy- hydrocarbons we produce intermediates for organic synthesis and synthetic resins (such as polyethylene from ethylene). Propane and propylene are liquefied and stored in pressure vessels for use as a domestic fuel. Butane and butylene are similarly used. These are called liquified petroleum gases. Substances such as benzene and toluene which are obtained from coal tar can also now be produced from petroleum through chemical reactions. Synthetic chem- chemistry using petroleum as raw material is called petrochemistry. If natural gas or heavy oil is reacted with oxygen at high temperature, hydrogen and carbon monoxide are obtained. This hydrogen is employed in ammonia syn- synthesis. Gas manufactured by decomposing heavy oil for mixing with city gas is
286 Comprehending Technical Japanese called oil gas. It contains hydrogen, methane, ethylene, propylene and other hydro- hydrocarbons. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF ACIDS AND BASES Measuring amounts of substances present is called quantitative analysis. In the quantitative analysis of acids, a fixed volume of acid is taken by pipet and trans- transferred to an Erlenmeyer flask, to which an alkaline solution of known concentra- concentration is added from a burette, and a reading taken of the volume of base titrated for exact neutralization. The quantitative analysis of a base is similarly conducted by titrating with an acid solution. This procedure is called titration. In order to detect the end point of the titration, that is, the neutral point, various colored solutions called indicators are used. Quantitative analyses which, like titration, use volume measurements are called volumetric analyses. With a weak acid and a strong base, an alcohol solution of phenolphthalein is used as indicator and, with a strong acid and a weak base, an aqueous solution of methyl red (or of methyl orange) is used. When both acid and base are strong, either indicator may be used. EXPLANATORY NOTES A) kanjo The suffix -jo Otfc) has the meaning of "-shaped",, "having the form of, "-state". kanjo no MVt?) ring-shaped senjo no ИЖ<?> linear kyujd no Ш№<?> globular gomu-jo ^Л$? rubbery state B) ...oki ni Often oki ni is exactly equivalent to goto ni and is translated by "every." jippun oki ni every ten minutes go-metoru oki ni every five meters ichi-senchi oki ni every centimeter However with the number "one" oki ni, when applied to discrete rather than continuous systems, means "every other": hitori oki ni every other person ichi-nichi oki ni every other day ichidai oki ni every other vehicle C) bengi-jo The suffix -jo (_h) has the meaning of "from the view- viewpoint of," "as a (matter of)," "in".
LESSON 19 287 Examples: bengi-jo kagaku-jo kogyo-jo no mondai ni as a (matter of) convention in chemistry in industrial problems ШЩК D) dochira no...mochi- ite mo yoi "You may use either indicator." This should not be confused with the...^ mo yoi construction in Ex- Explanatory Note 4 of Lesson 11. Here the ... te mo is associated with the interrogative (Explanatory Note 1 of Lesson 18) and the meaning, therefore, is the same as ...te yoi, namely, "you may," without the nuance "if necessary" which is associated with ...te mo yoi without interrogative. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS A. Selections from Rikagaku Jiten pori-esuteru ki у я /i- У р \? и у senjo biniru tanryo-tai kyo-jugo netsu-koka-sei marein-san fumaru-san itakon-san ji-karubon-san futaru-san ajipin-san jioru rz—;v echiren-gurikoru V rz—/u puropiren-gurikoru suchiren futaru-san-j i-ariru metakuriru-san-mechiru oshoku kinshi-zai kaishi-zai chukei suru hashi-kake hanno polyester radical linear vinyl monomer copolymerization thermo-setting maleic acid fumaric acid itaconic acid di-carboxylic acid phthalic acid adipic acid diol ethylene glycol propylene glycol styrene diallyl phthalate methyl methacrylate yellow inhibitor initiator to mold, pour into a mold cross-linking reactions
288 Comprehending Technical Japanese ^Ш^Ш^> fuyo-fuyu no ЙсЯ^#/ seikei-butsu ШМ^ГЬ seikei suru Щ& riten insoluble and infusible molding to mold advantage И63) Ш — /v, ypkVy/!K-/uf) -t ъ ш hoko-zoku-ka sesshoku-kaishitsu shutai rokuin-kan nafuten dassuiso goin-kan kanka sho-hanno sanka-moribuden sokushin suru aromatization catalytic reforming primary substance, constituent six membered ring naphthene dehydrogenation five membered ring cyclization various reactions molybdenum oxide to accelerate CRJ 1258) ift, ko-jugo tei-bunshi-kago-butsu datsuri j п-fuka-hanno high polymerization low molecular weight compound separation, coming off polyaddition reaction
LESSON 19 289 l? ъ шш X сРР -?-/¦ v РР, CRJ 1426) AШп) ryusan-shi pachimento-shi yohi mozo-hin mokuzai-parupu wata-boro no-ryusan koka saseru suisen suru han-tomei taisui-sei taiyu-sei bata chiizu shokuhin yakuhin hoso Ш Ш \ parchment paper parchment paper sheepskin imitation wood pulp waste cotton concentrated sulfuric acid to gelatinize to wash with water translucent waterproof oil-proof butter cheese foods medicines, chemicals packing, wrapping CRJ П39) joryu-sui datsuen seisei suru hi-teiko ion-kokan seimitsu na chusha-eki chosei distilled water removal of salts to purify specific resistance ion exchange precise injection fluids preparation, manufacture 7K CRJ 646) Ш'ШКX Ь fz7K 2х 105Qcm "О,
290 Comprehending Technical Japanese Л Ir, В. Fermi h (= Fermi Щ?) у /и ь ^ шжи hakkin-zoku ruteniumu rojiumu parajiumu osumiumu irijiumu platinum family ruthenium rhodium palladium osmium iridium CRJ Ю32) genshi-ro kaku-bunretsu rensa seigyo suru Fermi-ra daigaku-konai seiko suru pairu uran purutoniumu noshuku uran hiki-okosu dono...ka ni ojite kosoku-chusei-shi netsu-chusei-shi gensoku-zai ichiyo na (hi) kinshitsu-ro tsumari roshin nige-dasu fusegu gurafaito nuclear reactor fission chain to control Fermi et al. university campus to succeed pile uranium plutonium concentrated uranium to cause, bring about in accordance with the kind of... fast neutron thermal neutron a moderator uniform (non) homogeneous reactor in other words, that is reactor core to escape to prevent graphite
У V Ъ л У -Г у Ь -: beririumu konkuriito shahei unten-seigyo teishi seigyo-bo reikyaku-zai doryoku-gen doryoku-ro ...yo zairyo suishin seisan aisotopu iryo shohi suru atarashii umi-dasu zoshoku-ro LESSON 19 291 beryllium concrete shield operation and control stopping control rods coolant power sources power reactor for use in... materials propulsion, drive production isotopes medical treatment to consume new to produce breeder reactor CRJ 419) 0, E. Fermi , a v ^ У - Ь У fs fcGP-1
292 Comprehending Technical Japanese ¦ft' ШШШ Ct FINAL TRANSLATION TEST .ftt, Ef Я) ifz, ь it s 200-270°C 11-SXI
LESSON 20 KANJI tt m ш m & -k Ш m m 274a 3607 263a 3552 360 2264 521 4074 311 923 114 4115 253 5154 232 1300 644 3613 380 143 SEN I KAI YAKU kusuri HIN CHU mushi SHOKU ku(u) ta(beru) SHITSU SHIKI, SHOKU o(ru) GYO 403 2189 213a 266 214 5399 237a 784 259b 4623 224b 2240 225a 2551 80 5403 36 5076 881 4391 ZAI NYU chichi So ki KAN KAKU SEN fso(meru) [so(maru) SEN ara (u) KOKU kuro kuro(i) SHO, SEI ao ao(i) RON READING SELECTION С gosei-sen i gomu tokucho hoso-nagai kikai-teki ni jobu na shiwa ga yori-nikui mizu о suu synthetic fibers rubber (distinctive) feature, characteristic long and slender mechanically strong, hardy difficult to wrinkle to absorb water
294 Comprehending Technical Japanese kawaki-yasui yakuhin ni tsuyoi mushi ni kuwareru ЭШ iryo ШР^ШШ shitsunai-soshoku '••Ш ...yo orimono isu no uwabari kogyo-shizai rofu gyomo nairon ajipin-san hekisa-mechiren-jiamin (shuku)jugo kapurorakutamu terefutaru-san gurikoru kogo ni esuteru tsunagaru nettai-chiho saibai suru paragomu no ki jueki nyueki ratekkusu bi-ryushi bunsan suru ШШ~РЪ gyoko suru ^^tl5 wakareru 4 ^ Л nama-gomu Ж fa о fe ko-kasshoku ^гШШЬ: han-tomei na fa fc ^ katai Ш$ W" fatii Ь nebari-ke ga deru Ш* К jojo ni Л Зг t? io ШЬ neru easy to dry resistant to chemicals to be eaten by insects clothing interior decorating for use in... woven fabrics chair coverings industrial materials cloth fishing net Nylon adipic acid hexamethylene diamine (condensation) polymerization caprolactam terephthalic acid glycol alternately ester to be joined together the tropics to cultivate Hevea brasiliensis sap milky liquid latex tiny particles to be dispersed to coagulate to separate raw rubber yellow-brown translucent hard, tough to become viscous gradually sulfur to knead
LESSON 20 295 -т?-Г4 Ь У 7 1/У * В У ^ У * - Ь nobi-chijimi suru dansei ga tsuku hashi suberi-au karyu sokushin suru seihin ebonaito kanryu isopuren hochi suru maneru hikaku-teki (tayasuku) butajien kuroropuren konnichi de wa suchiren akuriro-nitoriru issho ni taiyu-sei tai-mamo-sei tennen-hin sugureta jiyu na somete nai mochi-yoru yoso yoka-kariumu kanbetsu suru nuku shi-enka-tanso atarashii kawakasu tokasu biika arau biniron bisukosu-reyon do-anmonia-reyon to be flexible becomes elastic bridge to slide past one another vulcanization to accelerate, promote manufactured objects ebonite, hard rubber dry distillation isoprene to leave alone to imitate relatively (easily) butadiene chloroprene today styrene acrylonitrile together oil resistant property abrasion resistant property natural products superior, outstanding voluntary, optional undyed to collect together iodine potassium iodide to discriminate, distinguish remove carbon tetrachloride new, fresh to dry to dissolve beaker to wash Vinylon viscose rayon cupro-ammonium rayon
296 Comprehending Technical Japanese — Ь Wit ШГ-fb (=+#) ¦re Т ^ V H2N(GH2NNH2 yomo aseteto hoju ketsuron ko-bunshi tashu-tayo no nichijo-seikatsu ni oite purasuchikku (su) kako suru keiken naganen ni watatte kaihatsu suru seisan-katei riron-teki ni kaimei suru jubun na seika osameru tekiyo suru уоуп-кб-bunshi nendan-sei hatten kodo ni wool acetate supplementary conclusion macromolecule wide variety in every day life plastic, plastics to process experience over many years to develop production processes theoretically to elucidate sufficient result to obtain, harvest, achieve to apply polymer melt viscoelastic development extensively CK 281-285) tic, Tv>tioy HOOC-(CH2L-COOH н нннн о ннннннн нннно I \/ V II \ \/ \/ I \/ \/ И VVV'yV
LESSON 20 297 нннннннннонннннннннннонн \/ \/ I \/ \/ II \/ \/ \/ I \/ \/ II \/ CCNCCCCCC / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \. CCCCCNCCCCCCNC /\ /\ II /\ /\ I /\ /\ /\ II /\ /\ I /\ " ННННННННОННННННН /\ /\ II /\ / нннно ннн HOGH2-GH2OH ¦сн2о-с о >ОСН2-СН2О-С I II ) О гс-оснг н н \/ с—с / А сн, с=с н НН УК НН С = С НН \| с- СНз /Н С = С НН НН СНз с \ НН НН С = С / СНз 3-10%
298 Comprehending Technical Japanese , <f у v 66, t'-РУ, t v 6, ,-t-: у т ^ у р - ь у GOSEI-SEN'I TO GOSEI-GOMU Gosei-serii no Tokucho: Gosei-jushi no uchi, hoso-nagai bunshi kara naru mono wa, ito ni hiite, gosei-sen'i to shite mo riyo sareru. Gosei-sen'i wa, ippan ni kikai-teki ni jobu de, shiwa ga yori-nikuku, mizu о suwanakute kawaki-yasui mono ga oku, yakuhinA) ni mo tsuyoi. Mata, mushi ni kuwareru koto mo nai. Iryo no hoka ni shitsunai soshoku-yoB) orimono, isu no uwabari, kagaku-kojo nado no kogyo-shizai (tatoeba rofu) ya gyomo nado ni tsukawareru. Gdsei-зепЧ no Rei: Nairon rokuju-roku wa, ajipin-san HOOG-(GH2L-GOOH to
LESSON 20 299 hekisa-mechiren-jiamin H2N (GH2) 6NH2 to о shuku-jugo saseta mono de, tsugi no kozo о motte iru. н нннн о ннннннн нннно I \/ \/ II \/ \/ \/ I \/ \/ II ..... NCCCCCCNCCC , CCCCNCCCC^CCN II /\ /\ /\ I /\ /\ II /\ /\ /\ I о ннннннн нннн о ннннннн (Nairon 66 no bunshi no kozo no ichibu) Nairon roku wa kapurorakutamu no jugo de deki, tsugi no kozo о mochi, nairon rokuju-roku to nite iru. xW У W/ 4 \f\f\f V ЧГх? fl HwH ЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛ J N С С С — ^ccccncccccc /\ II /\ /\ I /\ /\ /\ II /\ /\ _|_ /\ ЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛЛа CCCCCNCCCCCCNC^ нннно ннннннннннноннннннн (Nairon-roku no bunshi no kozo no ichibu) Pori-terefutaru-san-echiren wa terefutaru-san HOOC-C6H4-COOH to echiren- gurikoru HOGH2'GH2OH to ga, kogo ni esuteru о tsukutte nagaku tsunagatta mono de, tsugi no kozo о motte iru. сн2о-с -\ V-c-och2-ch2o-c-/ V-c-och (Pori-terefutaru-san-echiren bunshi no kozo no ichibu) Tennen-gomu:Nettai-chiho de saibai sarete iru paragomu-no-ki no jueki kara totta nyueki о ratekkusu to iu. Kore wa, gomu-tanka-suiso (G5H8)W no bi-ryushi ga mizu ni bunsan shite iru mono de aru.C) Ratekkusu ni san о kuwaeru to, gomu-shitsu no bi-ryushi wa atsumatte gyoko shi,D) eki kara wakareru. Kore ga nama-gomu de aru. Kore wa, ko-kasshoku han-tomei de, teion de wa kataku, ondo ga takai to nebari-ke ga deru. Kuki-chu no sanso ni yotte jojo ni sanka sareru. с / СНз \ / / -с н / \ 1/ с-с /1 \ нн с СНз СНз \ н н с= \| / с-с = с7 Ахн \ н н / с \ н н 1/ с-с /1 н н с / СНз c- / c=c H (Gomu no bunshi no kozo no ichibu) Nama-gomu ni io san kara ju-pasento (san naishi ju-pasento) о mazete yoku neri, hyaku-yonju-do gurai ni nessuru to, seishitsu ga kawatte yoku nobi-chijimi suru dansei ga tsuki, mata, kagaku-teki ni mo kikai-teki ni mo tsuyoku naru. Io
300 Comprehending Technical Japanese no genshi ga gomu-bunshi ni kago shite, nagai gomu-bunshi to gomu-bunshi to no aida ni hashi о kaketa yo na kozo о tsukuru tame ni, soto kara chikara ga kuwawatte mo, bunshi ga jiyu ni suberi-awanaku nari,E) ugoku koto ga naku naruE) kara de aru to kangaerarete iru.F) Gomu ni io о kago saseru sosa о karyu to iu. Kono karyu о sokushin sasetari, seihin no tsuyosa о mashitari suru tame ni,G) shuju no busshitsu о kuwaeru. Gomu ni io о yonju-pasento hodo kuwaete nessuru to, ebonaito ga dekiru. Kore wa, katakute yakuhin ni mo tsuyoku, denki- zetsuen-sei ga yoi. Gosei-gomu: Tennen-gomu о kanryu(8) suru to isopuren ga deki, gyaku ni isopuren о hochi suru to gomu no yo na busshitsu ni henka suru. Kono henka о manete gomu no gosei ga kenkyu sareta. Isopuren ni nita kozo о mochi, hikaku-teki tayasuku tsukurareru butajien у а kuroropuren о genryo to shite fuka-jugo sasete gosei gomu о tsukuru. Konnichi de wa, butajien ni suchiren C6H5eCH=CH2 у a akurironitoriru CH2 = CH-C=N nado о kuwaete, issho ni fuka-jugo saseru. Kono yo ni shite, taiyu-sei,(9) tainetsu-sei, tai-mamo-sei nado no ten de, tennen-hin yori mo sugureta gosei-gomu mo tsukurareru yo ni natta. Mata isopuren kara mo gosei-gomu ga tsukurarete iru. Луп Kenkyu: Somete naiA0) sen'i о mochi-yori, yoso yoka-kariumu yoeki ni yotte kanbetsu shiyo. Hajime ni, tsugi no yo ni sen'i kara abura о nuite oku. Sen'i rei-ten-ichi guramu hodo о shi-enka-tanso niju-shii-shii ni hitashite, shitsuon de yaku ni-jikan hochi shi, tokidoki kakimazeru. Tsugi ni, atarashii shi-enka-tanso ni yaku sanjippun hitashita nochi, kuki-chu de kawakasu. Yoka kariumu no howa-sui-yoeki ju-shii-shii ni yoso ni-guramu о tokashite yoso-yoka-kariumu yoeki о tsukure. Kono yoeki ni abura о nuita sen'i о ippun-kan hitashite tori-dashi, biika ni ireta mizu ni hitashi, yaku roppun-kan kaki-mazete yoku arau. Sen'i о tori-dashite, kuki-chu de kawakasu. Shuju no sen'i wa, tsugi no yo na iro ni somaru. Kuro nairon rokuju-roku, nairon roku, pori-akuriro-nitoriru sen'i Ao biniron, bisukosu-reyon, do-anmonia-reyon Ki у ото, kinu, aseteto sen'i Somaranai mono sono ta no sen'i Ketsuron: Ko-bunshi-zairyo wa tashu-tayono kagaku-teki, kikai-teki, oyobi denki-teki seishitsu о motta mono ga aru no de, kogyo-teki ni mo, mata nichijo-seikatsu ni oite mo juyo na zairyo de aru. Korera ko-bunshi-busshitsu aruiwa purasuchikku о kako suru hoho wa, jissai no keiken ni yotte naganen ni watatte kaihatsu sarete kita ga, seisan-katei ni okeru ko-bunshi-busshitsu no nagare о riron-teki ni kaimei suru koto ni tsuite wa mada jubun na seika ga osamerarete inai. Kore wa, ko-bunshi yoeki ya yoyu-ko-bunshi ga hi-Nyuton ryutai de aru kara de aru.
LESSON 20 301 Nendan-sei ryutai no rikigaku ni kansuru riron wa saikin kyusoku ni hatten shita ga, kore о kogyo-jo no mondai ni tekiyo shiyo to suru to, kosoku-keisan-ki о kodo ni shiyo suru koto ga hitsuyo ni natte kuru no de aru. SYNTHETIC FIBERS AND SYNTHETIC RUBBER Characteristics of Synthetic Fibers: Some synthetic resins are made of long slender molecules which may be drawn out into threads and used as synthetic fibers. Synthetic fibers generally exhibit good mechanical strength, resist wrinkling, and dry readily since they do not absorb water. They are also resistant to chemicals and are not attacked by insects. They are used not only for clothing but also for woven fabrics in interior decorating, for chair coverings, as industrial materials in chemical and other factories (cloth, for example), in fishing nets, and in other ways. Examples of Synthetic Fibers'. Nylon 66, a synthetic made by the condensation polymerization of adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine, has the following structure: H HHHH 0 HHHHHHH HHHHO I \/ \/ II \/ \/ \/ I \/ \/ ii ----- NCCCCCCNCCC . X / \/\/\/ \/ \/\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ CCCCNCCCCCCN II /\ /\ /\ I /\ /\ I! /\ /\ /\ I 0 HHHHHHH HHHHO HHHHHHH (A Portion of the Structure of a Nylon 66 Molecule) Nylon 6 is made by the polymerization of caprolactam; it resembles Nylon 66 and has the following structure: ннннннннн о нннннн ннннн о нн У У n У Y с У У У n V V с У .-- / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/\/ \/\/\/\х Я Я « Л Я V Я Я Я fi Я Я У Я нннн о ннннн нннннн о ннннн н н (A Portion of the Structure of a Nylon 6 Molecule) Polyethylene terephthalate is a long-chain substance formed by the alternating esterification of terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol and has the following structure: об оо (A Portion of the Structure of a Polyethylene Terephthalate Molecule)
302 Comprehending Technical Japanese Natural Rubber'. СНз Н СНз H н н \=сх нн нн \c=c нн нн \/ / \ I/ \l / \ I/ V cc cc cc cc \/ / \ I/ \l / \ I/ V c-c c-c c-c c-c c / l\ /I \ / l\ /I \ / нн нн c = c нн нн c\ c cc c \ / l\ /I c = c нн н x\ СНз ХН СНз H (A Portion of the Structure of a Rubber Molecule) The liquid obtained from the sap of the rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis), which is cultivated in the tropics, is called latex. It is an aqueous dispersion of tiny particles of the rubber hydrocarbon (С5Н8)и. If we acidify the latex, the particles of rubbery material coagulate and separate from the liquid. This is raw rubber. It is yellowish brown and translucent, hard at low temperatures, and viscous at high temperatures. It is gradually oxidized by the oxygen in the air. If we mix 3—10 % of sulfur with the raw rubber, knead it well, and then heat it to 140°G, its properties change. It becomes a highly flexible elastic material, which is also mechanically strong and chemically resistant. It is thought that this comes about because the sulfur atoms combine with the rubber molecules to form a bridge-like structure between the long rubber molecules, so that the molecules no longer slide freely over one another and are immobilized, even when external forces are applied. The operation which chemically combines sulfur and rubber is called vulcanization. Various materials are added to accelerate the vulcanization and to increase the strength of the fabricated products. If as much as 40% sulfur is added to the rubber and (the resulting mixture) heated, then ebonite is obtained. This is a strong substance, resistant to chemicals, and a good electrical insulator. Synthetic Rubber: If natural rubber is dry-distilled, isoprene is obtained; conversely, if isoprene is allowed to stand, it changes into a material akin to rubber. By following the example of this (chemical) change, the synthesis of rubber was investigated. Synthetic rubbers are prepared by addition polymerization using starting materials, such as butadiene and chloroprene, which have structures similar to isoprene and are relatively easy to prepare. At present, addition polymerization is carried out by adding substances like styrene and acrylonitrile to butadiene. In this way synthetic rubbers are now made which are superior to natural rubbers in their oil, heat, and abrasion resistance. Synthetic rubber is also made from isoprene. Optional Research: Collect some undyed fibers and try to distinguish among them by means of an iodine-potassium iodide solution.
LESSON 20 303 First, remove the oil from the fiber in the following way. Immerse about 0. Ig of fiber in 20cc of GG14 and leave it for about 2 hours at room temperature, stirring occasionally. Then, after soaking the fiber in fresh GC14 for about thirty minutes, dry it in air. Prepare a solution of iodine and potassium iodide by dissolving 2g of iodine in lOcc of a saturated aqueous solution of potassium iodide. Soak the oil-free fibers in this solution for 1 miunte, remove them and wash them by putting them into a beaker of water and stirring for about 6 minutes. Then take them out and dry them in the air. The various fibers will then be dyed with the following colors: Black Nylon 66, Nylon 6, and Polyacrylonitrile Fibers Blue Vinylon, Viscose and Copper-Ammonium Rayons Yellow......Wool, Silk, and Acetate Fibers Other fibers will not be dyed. Conclusion: Macromolecular materials are important in industry and daily life because they have a wide variety of chemical, mechanical, and electrical properties. Methods of processing polymers and plastics have been developed by practical experience over many years, but theoretical treatments of the flow of polymers in industrial systems have not yet been very successful. This is because polymer solutions and polymer melts are non - Newtonian fluids. Theories for viscoelastic fluid mechanics have developed rapidly in recent years, but their application to industrial problems requires the extensive use of high speed computers. EXPLANATORY NOTES A) yakuhin In this context yakuhin means "chemicals" in general. Usually, however, yakuhin is used in the narrower sense of "drugs" or "medicines." B) shitsunai-soshoku-yo The suffix -yd means "for use in..." Some examples: katei-уд ШШШ for household use kagaku-bunseki-yo-shiji-yaku {Ь^^ФтШШл^Щ an indi- indicator for use in chemical analysis shashin-jirumu-yd-shikiso ^Ш? л '^^Ш&Ш pigment for photographic film C) Kore aru Literally: "This is a material (for which) the tiny particles of hydrocarbon rubber are dispersed in water." D) Gyoko shi Note that gyoko suru may mean either to coagulate or to solidify or freeze (e.g. gyoko-ten) depending on
304 Comprehending Technical Japanese the context. E) suberi-awanaku naru; ugoku koto ga naku naru F) ...kara de aru kangaerarete iru G) tame ni (8) kanryu to (9) taiyu-sei tainetsu-sei tai-mamo-sei A0) somete nai suberi-au suberi-awanai suberi-awanaku naru To understand these constructions note how they may be built up: to slide past one another not to slide past one another to get into a state of not being able to slide past one another. Similarly: ugoku koto ga aru they sometimes move ugoku koto ga nai they never move they get into a state of never moving (i.e., they become immobilized) Literally: "It is thought that it is because..." A somewhat smoother translation might be: "It is thought that this comes about because..." Here tame ni means "for the sake of whereas two sentences earlier tame ni meant "because" or "owing to the fact that." "Dry distillation". Some other separation processes ugoku koto ga naku naru are: (sui-joki)joryu chushutsu shinshutsu kanso roka (steam) distillation extraction leaching drying filtration The prefix tai- (Щ) examples are: tai-yakuhin-sei taiko-sei no taika-butsu tai-arukoru-sei means "resistant to..." Other chemical resistance light fast, sunproof refractories alcohol resistance Somete nai is the negative counterpart of somete aru (for the -te aru construction see Explanatory Note No. 4 in Lesson 12.) somete iru we are dyeing somete inai we are not dyeing somete aru it is dyed somete nai it is not dyed
LESSON 20 305 2. •&< CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES "for the sake of...", "because of..." ко jo suru See Explanatory Note No. 4. to improve 2. 2. So ^ 9 See Explanatory Note No. 5. "ТУ У У denpun tanpaku-shitsu nikawa gyoseki suru protein glue to coagulate starch SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS А. Ш шт senryo tekito na senchaku suru yushoku no mukashi no shokubutsu kobutsu shikiso yuki-gosei-hin rekishi dye (stuff) suitable to dye colored ancient, in olden times plant (s) mineral (s) pigment organic synthetic materials history
306 Comprehending Technical Japanese 7-РУ F4 У шт toruijin fujun no anirin movu murasaki-iro Doitsu ya Suisu hattatsu suru oyobu jitsuyo suhyaku iro-betsu ni shohi kuro kara hai ao, aka, murasaki, ki yoto boshoku senshoku toryo seizo zakka chakushoku yushi hikaku kesho-hin shokuhin shiji-yaku soshiki-senshoku iryo wataru toluidme impure aniline mauve purple (color) German, Swiss, etc. to develop, advance to mount up to, reach practical use several hundred for each individual color consumption from black to gray blue, red, purple, yellow use, service spinning and weaving dyeing paint (s) manufacture, production merchandise, goods coloration, coloring oils and fats hides and skins; leather cosmetics food stuffs indicator tissue-staining medical treatment to range, extend Щ BRJ 764-765) Ш%ЬШ-СШК%?Л Й1856 ^ Perkin It Ь Л-Ч i> v % i, mm, mm -=&- У t V» 5 50—60%,
LESSON 20 307 ?о й» ЪЪ< в. mt С. (Ш Ш шшт satchu-zai gaichu kujo korosu chissoku shokudoku sekiyu-nyuzai hisan-namari a-hisan-aen ryusan-nikochin insecticide harmful insect extermination to kill suffocation poison (in food) petroleum emulsion lead arsenate zinc arsenite nicotine sulfate BRJ 512) gosei-senzai yushi nyudaku (eki) nurasu nuno aka shimi-toru obutsu arai-dasu sen jo shinwa-ryoku genshi-dan shibo-san no en kasui-bunkai arukari-sei yuri suru kosui; kaisui fu-yo (kai) sei no sansei-ryusan-esuteru surufon-san no en synthetic detergent oils and fat emulsion to wet cloth filth to penetrate filth, dirt to wash out washing, cleansing affinity atomic group salt of a fatty acid hydrolysis alkaline properties to liberate hard water; sea water insoluble acidic sulfuric ester salt of a sulfonic acid
308 Comprehending Technical Japanese chusei yokai-do chinden ushinau itameru t, D. шшт , -fey tfz, neutral solubility precipitation to lose to injure CK 291-292) (fun) ryutai ryudo kikai-teki-bunri inshi tan'i-sosa sakidatte yobi-chishiki hyoji-ho kaisetsu suru chinko roka kiso particles grain size mechanical separation factor unit operations (of chemical engineering) ...before background knowledge method of expressing to explain, comment on sedimentation filtration basis, foundation (KKT 1) №-c&5(
LESSON 20 309 6^ e. um 01л» "С JfM tv» t & К $ zairyo ...yori miru to sajo netsu (ka) sosei tsuide haiko ikasu ni-jigen enshin-ho kakyo suru sekizai mokuzai koshitsu nendan-sei ...rashii zure-dansei-ritsu teika hikaku-teki yoyu-nendo nagashi-komu seikei kako taishoku-sei setchaku-sei Ь , materials if we regard from the viewpoint of... chain (see Note 1, Lesson 19) thermoplastic then, subsequently orientation to make good use of two dimensional stretching technique to form a bridge, cross-linkages stone (materials) wood (materials) hardness viscoelastic to be like... shearing modulus lowering comparatively melt viscosity to pour into molding processing corrosion resistant property adhesive property (KB 412-413) p • 7*7 1ЙК1 »7
310 Comprehending Technical Japanese -v Ь ftt, ЙШЙ, Ett D) ШЖ E) F. ШВШШ) -v К ¦ ?J:5 A) F) G) B) amime (kozo) taikei kyodo suju naishi susen poazu kencho na kanwa hakogata С eishi-sei kyomi aru ...ra yurusu yurusenaku natte shimau ippon-ippon no karamaru bunshi-shugo-tai atsukau osodokkusu ni konnan na bussei-ron gomu-jo ko-bunshi-sa eikyu-teki na yoso tan naru seisei-shometsu C) W network (structure) system, structure behavior from several tens to several thousands poise striking relaxation box-shaped spinnability interesting ,,,et al. to permit (See Notes, this lesson and Note 1, Lesson 15) singly to get twisted around molecular aggregate to deal with, treat in an orthodox way, manner troublesome, difficult molecular theory of matter rubbery state macromolecular chains permanent constituent; element simple formation and destruction
LESSON 20 311 штшш -ь < a mm ш з.4|| san'itsu-kiko hatsugen suru Yamamoto Misazo Hayashi Shizuo tenkai suru ganrai kusabi-gata setsumei seiko suru jogen san-ten-yon-jo izon-sei ...beki de aru kakuritsu shite orazu. о imi iki kiyo dissipation mechanism to manifest itself (Japanese phsysicist) (Japanese physicist) to develop, unfold originally wedge-shaped explanation to succeed maximum the 3. 4 power reliability ought to... is not established and. meaning region, limits contribution, service : (Weissenberg) X 5 Debye, Kirkwood (KB 214-215) -f ^4 4i Ji^L Green-Tobolsky, Scott-Stein, №, Lodge, #^ fjc J:
312 Comprehending Technical Japanese G. ЩЩСО kanso teigi shimeru shui no gaiki suibun kihatsu suru tori-nozoku genshitsu more jubun ni common) kawaku shitsudo fusoku junbi-kikan ШЩ koritsu; genritsu ( = -e?5) dekiru osoi Rouse-Zimm drying definition to be wet surrounding (surrounding, ambient) air moisture, humidity to evaporate to remove dehumidification sufficiently to be dry, dry up humidity wind velocity preliminary period constant rate; falling rate to be able slow L, (KKT 125) с
LESSON 20 313 FINAL TRANSLATION TEST tt, (KS 13-19, 103-105) - ¦ у х- (PC) -с, if— (Staudinger) Xb b vif— ЫьЬ fc <7) ХЬ Ъ о 1932^ Л p — if^> (Garothers) tt x a ^ V (Dupont) <ОЩШШХ% Ш fti' Bi'
314 Comprehending Technical Japanese —^) frh,
Ш 507 3469 271а 2711 205а 820 532 3564 214a 682 271a 2712 272b 1641 409 2445 243b 3976 435 2303 FUN копа ко NO ko(i) KAI hai RYOKU midori SHI sa (su) GEKI hage (shii) КО ZAN jnoko(su) [noko(ru) KIN SHOKU fu(eru) (u(waru) LESSON 21 KANJI ft m 4ff? & m M 0- 227a 3841 229b 2524 723 2773 250b 3192 140 1170 307 3109 264b 4787 227a 3749 214b 914 358 3920 SHU kusa (i) ZAI MU na(i) SHO MEI na HI kawa КО HO КО yo (bu) GA me READING SELECTIONS enso harogen seiho kogyo-teki ni enka-natoriumu jikken-shitsu sarashi-ko no-ensan sosogu chlorine halogen method of producing industrially sodium chloride laboratory bleaching powder concentrated HG1 to pour
316 Comprehending Technical Japanese л tifr-t В fatf-С X; iti-ъ suisanka-karushiumu sho-sekkai A ni В о suwaseru shu-seibun hassei suru ni-sanka-mangan enka-mangan midori-iro о obita tanko-shoku shigeki-sei no nioi nenmaku okasu shimetta ritomasu-shi hyohaku suru yoka-kariumu-denpun- shi nikko chokusha suru bakuhatsu teki ni hikage de jojo ni enka-suiso moyasu taiki-chu de nensho enso-sui jia-enso-san ryoho heiko sanka suru nokoru sayo suru tei-suru sakkin nozoku fusso shuso yoso sosho suru (hi) kinzoku calcium hydroxide slaked lime to have A absorb В main constituent to be generated manganese dioxide manganese chloride tinged with green straw color irritating odor mucous membrane to attack, affect moist litmus paper to bleach potassium iodide starch paper sunlight to shine directly on explosively in the shade slowly, gradually hydrogen-chloride to burn in the atmosphere combustion chlorine water hypochlorous acid both equilibrium to oxidize to remain to react to exhibit, present sterilizing, disinfecting to remove fluorine bromine iodine to name generically (non) metal
LESSON 21 317 a — t> & ~C A) B) -r sore yue sanka-zai arukoru yodo-chinki iyaku shuka-suiso ic) mushoku no hatsuen-sei no kiwamete futto ni-sanka-keiso order therefore oxidizing agent alcohol tincture of iodine medicine hydrogen bromide colorless fuming exceedingly, very boiling silicon dioxide CK 75-79) f±, Ga(OHJ н2о Ga (OH) 2+Cla CiaGl (G1O) • H2O CaGl (CIO) • H2O+2HG1 >GaGl2+Cl2+2H2O MnO2+4HG1 >G12+MnCl2+2H2O H2+G12 >2HC1
318 Comprehending Technical Japanese {Ьтш на ък&штт™ нею ъ % ьо С12+Н2О >НС1+НС1О A) НС1+НСЮ >С12+Н2О , A) Vfclfcb B) Cl2+H2Ot=;HCl+HG1O B) ш нвг нею—>hci+ (О) 5 К, Ш 2NaBr+Gl2 >2NaCl+Br2 2KI+C12 >2KC1+I2 hi и:, ж hci t n с < & , 19.5°C
LESSON 21 319 iro SiO2 + 4HF >SiF4+2H2O у-4 (no) shosan shihan no na-zukeru shihan suru bunkai suru ni-sanka-chisso shigeki-shO yudoku na tokashi-komu hifu yomo tanpaku-shitsu kisanto-purotein-hanno hakkin osui enka-kinsan enka-hakkin-san anseki-shoku shimeri-yasui (A more technical word is kyushitsu-sei (concentrated) nitric acid commercial, on the market to name, call to market to decompose nitrogen dioxide irritating odor poisonous to dissolve into skin wool protein xanthoprotein-reaction platinum aqua regia chloroauric acid chloroplatinic acid dark red hygroscopic no) № (зк 108-109) (ifcfil.52, 4HNO3^=4NO2+2H2O+O2 t,
320 тш т p Comprehending Technical Japanese iH2ptci6-6H2o koso hakko fuhai bi-seibutsu shokubai saiho; saibo shoka-koso kokyu-koso unagasu han'i Ь eikyo о ukeru muki-enrui daeki amiraze marutaze bakuga-to kasui-bunkai inberutaze —*? HAuGl4 • 4H2O enzyme fermentation decomposition, putrefaction micro-organism catalyst cell (in biology) digestive enzyme respiratory enzyme to accelerate range to be affected by... inorganic salts saliva amylase maltase maltose hydrolysis invertase CK 308) So ~- (pH) 5 L, ШТ i ENSO TO HAROGEN GENSO no Seiko: Enso Cl2 wa, kogy5-teki ni wa enka-natoriumu yoeki no denki- bunkai de tsukuru ga, jikken-shitsu de wa tsugi no futatsu no hoho ga mochi-
LESSON 21 321 irareru. A) Sarashi-ko ni no-ensan о sosogu. Sarashi-ko wa, suisanka-karushiumu (sho- sekkai) Ca(OHJ ni enso о suwasete eta mono de, sono shu-seibun wa, CaCl(ClO) -H2O de arawasareru kessho-sei no busshitsu de aru. Ca(OHJ + Cl2 >CaCl(GlO) • H2O Kore ni ensan о sosogu to, tsugi no yo ni enso ga hassei suru. CaCl(ClO) • H2O+2HG1 >CaCl2 + Cl2 + 2H2O B) Ni-sanka-mangan ni ensan о kuwaete nessuru. Kono baai ni wa, ni-sanka- mangan ga, tsugi no yo ni ensan о sanka shite enso to suru. MnO2+4HG1 >C12+MnCl2+2H2O Enka-mangan Enso no Seishitsu: Enso Cl2 wa midori-iro о obita tanko-shoku no omoi kitai de, shigeki-sei no nioi ga ari, nenmaku о okashite yudoku de aru. Enso wa shimetta ritomasu-shi о akaku shita nochi hyohaku shi, yoka-kariumu-denpun-shi о aoku shita nochi hyohaku suru. Enso to suiso no kongo-kitai ni nikko о chokusha suru to, bakuhatsu-teki ni kago suru. Kono kongo-kitai wa hikage de mo jojo ni kago shi, tsugi no yo ni enka-suiso ga dekiru. H2 + C12 >2HG1 Suiso о enso no naka de moyasu koto mo dekiru shi, enso о suiso no naka de moyasu koto mo dekiru. Korera no toki mo, enka-suiso ga dekiru. Taiki-chu no nensho wa sanso to no kagoA) de aru ga, enso-chu no nensho wa enso to no ka- kago de aru. Enso-sui: Enso о mizu ni tokashita mono о enso-sui to iu. Enso to mizu to wa, tsugi no yo ni hanno shite enka-suiso HC1 to jia-enso-san HC1O to naru. Gl2 + H2O >HC1 + HC1O A) Ко shite enka-suiso to jia-enso-sanB) ga dekiru to, korera ga tsugi no yo ni hanno shite enso to mizu to о shojiru. HC1 + HC1O >G12+H2O B) Soko de kono sui-yoeki-chu de wa, A) no hanno to B) no hanno to no ryoho ga okotte iru ga, chodo tsuri-ai ga torete, enso, mizu, enka-suiso, jia-enso-san no yon-busshitsu ga, mashi mo shinakereba heri mo shinai,C) sunawachi, dochira no hanno mo tomatte iru yo ni mieru jotai ni aru. Kono jotai о kagaku-heiko no jotai to ii, tsugi no yo na kagaku-hanno-shiki de arawasareru. Cl2 + H2O t=i HG1+HG1O Enso-sui-chu de wa, korera no yon-busshitsu ga kagaku-heiko no jotai ni aru. Jia-enso-san HC1O wa, tsugi no shiki no shimesu yo ni sanso о ataete, ta no busshitsu о sanka suru koto ga dekiru. HC1O >HC1+ (O) Jia-enso-san ga naku nareba, ue no heiko ga migi e ido shi, nokotte iru enso ga mizu to say о shite mata jia-enso-san to naru. Kono у о ni, shimetta enso ga
322 Comprehending Technical Japanese hyohaku no sayo о tei-suru. Sarashi-ko mo, enso to onaji у о ni hyohaku, sakkin ni mochi-irareru ga, ensan nado о sosoide sansei ni shita toki, sono sayo ga tsuyoku arawareru. Enso ya sarashi-ko wa, do-bussei no busshitsu о okasu. Shoku-bussei no busshitsu de mo hyohaku shita ato de, nokotte iru enso о yoku nozoite okanakereba nara- nai. Harogen-genso: Fusso, enso, shuso, yoso wa tagai ni yoku nite ite harogen-genso to sosho sareru. Kono uchi, enso, shuso, yoso wa toku ni yoku nite iru. Ippan ni, hi-kinzoku to kinzoku to wa yoku kago suru. Harogen-genso mo kin- zoku ya suiso to yoku kago suru ga, sono kago-ryoku wa tsugi no jun ni chiisaku natte iru. Fusso > Enso > Shuso > Yoso Sore yue, tsugi no yo na hanno ga okoru. 2NaBr + Gl2 >2NaCl+Br2 2KI + G12 >2KG1+I2 Kono hoho de, shuso ya yoso о tsukuru koto ga dekiru. Shuso wa, enso to onaji у о ni, sanka-zai to shite mochi-irareru. Yoso wa mizu ni hotondo tokenai ga, yoka-butsu no suiyoeki ya arukoru ni wa tokeru. Yoso о yoka-kariumu no sui-yoeki ni tokashita mono ga jikken-shitsu de tsukau yoso- yoeki de aru. Yodo-chinki wa, iyaku ni mochi-irareru. Shuka-suiso HBr, у oka suiso HI wa, enka-suiso HG1 to onajiku mushoku, hatsuen-sei, shigeki-sei no kitai de, kiwamete mizu ni toke-yasuku, sui-yoeki wa tsuyoi sansei о shimesu. Fukka-suiso HF wa, sesshi-jukyu-ten-go-do de futto suru ekitai de, sui-yoeki wa yowai sansei о shimeshi, ta no harogenka-suiso to chigai, garasu о okasu. Garasu no seibun no ni-sanka-keiso SiO2 ga tsugi no yo ni fukka- keiso SiF4 (kitai) to naru kara de aru. SiO2 + 4HF >SiF4 + 2H2O SHOSAN NO SEISHITSU Shihan no shosan wa, shosan HNO3 to na-zukeru mushoku, hatsuen-sei no ekitai (hiju ichi-ten-go-ni, futten sesshi-hachiju-roku-do) no sui-yoeki de ari, nodo ga okiku naru ni tsurete, hiju ga okiku naru. Shosan wa shuju no nodo no mono ga shihan sarete ite, izure mo no-shosan to iwarete iru. Shosan wa, hikari ga ataru to ko-kasshoku о obiru. Kore wa hikari no tame ni shosan ga ichi-bubun tsugi no yo ni bunkai shi, ni-sanka-chisso NO2 to iu kasshoku no shigeki-shu no aru yudoku na kitai ga dekite, sore ga tokete iru kara de aru. mei 4HNO3 z=Z 4NO2 + 2H2O + O2 an No-shosan ni ni-sanka-chisso о tokashi-konda mono o, hatsuen-shosan to iu.
LESSON 21 323 Shosan ga hifu ya yomo nado no tanpaku-shitsu ni sayo suru to, ki-iro no busshitsu ga dekiru. Kore о kisanto-purotein-hanno to iu. Kin ya hakkin wa, ensan ni mo shosan ni mo okasarenai ga, ensan to shosan no kongo-yoeki de aru osui ni wa tokeru. Kono yoeki о johatsu saseru to, sorezore, enka-kinsan HAuGl4 • 4H2O (ki-iro) oyobi enka-hakkin-san H2PtCl6 • 6H2O (anseki- shoku) ga erareru. Kore wa dochira mo shimeri-yasui kessho de aru. KOSO Hakko ya fuhai ni wa bi-seibutsu ga kankei suru. Kore wa bi-seibutsu no tainai de dekiru koso ga shokubai to natte, kagaku-henka о okosu no de aru. Ippan ni, saiho no naka de tsukurareru shokubai-sayo no aru busshitsu о koso to iu. Koso ni wa, shoka-koso ya кокуп-koso nado iroiro na shurui no mono ga atte, seibutsu-tainai de shuju no kagaku-henka о unagasu. Koso wa tanpaku-shitsu to shite no seishitsuD) о motte ite, taitei sesshi-sanju-go-do naishi goju-go-do no han'i de mottomo sayo ga tsuyoi. Mata, koso no hataraki wa, yoeki no sansei, arukari- sei no tsuyosa no teido (pH) de eikyo о ukeru shi, shuju no muki-enrui no sonzai de mo eikyo о ukeru. Tatoeba, daeki-amiraze no sayo ni wa, enso-ion no sonzai ga hitsuyo de aru. Ippo, do ya suigin nado no ju-kinzoku no enrui no sonzai wa, koso no sayo о tomeru mono de aru.E) Hitotsu no koso wa, tokutei no busshitsu no tokutei no hanno ni taishite dake sayo suru. Tatoeba, marutaze wa, bakuga-to о kasui-bunkai suru ga, shoto sono ta о kasui-bunkai suru koto wa dekinai. Inberutaze wa, shoto о kasui-bunkai suru ga, bakuga-to, sono ta о kasui-bunkai suru koto wa dekinai. CHLORINE AND THE HALOGENS Methods of Preparing Chlorine: Chlorine Cl2 is made industrially by electrolysis of sodium chloride solutions; but in the laboratory the following two methods are used: A) Concentrated HC1 is poured on bleaching powder. Bleaching powder is obtained by having calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) absorb chlorine, and its principal constituent is a crystalline material represented by CaCl (CIO) • H2O. Ca (OH) 2 + Cl2 >CaCl (CIO) • H2O Upon the addition of HC1, chlorine is generated as follows: CaCl (CIO) • H2O + 2HC1 >CaCl2 + Cl2 + 2H2O B) HC1 is added to MnO2 and heated. In this case MnO2 oxidizes the HC1 to give Cl2 as follows: MnO2 + 4HC1 >C12 + MnCl2 + 2H2O Properties of Cl2: Chlorine is a greenish-yellow, heavy gas with an irritating odor, which attacks the mucous membranes and is poisonous. Chlorine bleaches moist litmus paper after turning it red, and also bleaches potassium iodide starch
324 Comprehending Technical Japanese paper after turning it blue. When sun light is directed into a gaseous mixture of chlorine and hydrogen, they combine explosively. Even in the shade this gaseous mixture will react slowly to produce hydrogen chloride as follows: H2 + C12 >2HG1 It is possible both to burn hydrogen in chlorine, and chlorine in hydrogen. In both cases HC1 is produced. Atmospheric combustion is a combination with oxygen, but combustion in a chlorine atmosphere is a combination with chlorine. Chlorine Water: Water in which chlorine has been dissolved is called chlorine water. Chlorine and water react as follows and produce HG1 and HG1O. Cl2 + H2O >HC1+HG1O A) When HG1 and HG1O arise in this way, they react as follows and produce Gl2 and H2O: HG1 + HG1O >G12 + H2O B) Accordingly, both reactions A) and B) are occurring in this aqueous solution, and an exact equilibrium is attained in which the four substances Cl2, H2O, HC1 and HG1O neither increase nor decrease, that is, a state in which both reactions appear to have stopped. This condition is called a state of chemical equilibrium, and it is indicated by the following chemical (reaction) equation. Cl2 + H2O—HG1+HC1O These four substances are in a state of chemical equilibrium in chlorine water. Hypochlorous acid HC1O, as the following equation shows, can give off oxygen, and thereby oxidize other substances: HC1O >HC1+ (O) When hypochlorous acid disappears, the above equilibrium shifts to the right, the remaining chlorine reacting with water to give more hypochlorous acid. In this way wet chlorine exhibits a bleaching action. Bleaching powder is also used as a bleach and disinfectant in the same way as chlorine; and its action is enhanced by acidification with hydrochloric or other acids. Agents like chlorine and bleaching powder attack animal tissue. After bleaching plant substances, any residual chlorine must be thoroughly removed. The Halogens: Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine are quite similar to one another and are called halogens. Among them chlorine, bromine, and iodine are particularly similar. Non-metals and metals generally combine readily. Halogens thus combine with metals and hydrogen, their chemical reactivities decreasing in the following order: Fluorine > Chlorine > Bromine > Iodine The following kinds of reactions therefore occur:
LESSON 21 325 2NaBr+Cl2 >2NaCl+Br2 2KI + G12 >2KC1+I2 Bromine and iodine can be prepared in this way. Bromine like chlorine is used as an oxidizing agent. Iodine is almost insoluble in water but does dissolve in alcohol and in aqueous solutions of iodides. The iodine solution used in the laboratory consists of iodine dissolved in an aqueous solution of potassium iodide. Tincture of iodine is used in medicine. Hydrogen bromide HBr and hydrogen iodide HI like hydrogen chloride HC1 are colorless, fuming, pungent gases, quite soluble in water, their aqueous solutions exhibiting strong acidity. Hydrogen fluoride HF is a liquid, boiling at 19. 5° C, whose aqueous solutions exhibit weak acidity; HF differs from the other hydrogen halides in that it attacks glass. This is because the silicon dioxide component of glass, SiO2, goes to silicon fluoride SiF4 (gas) as follows: SiO2 + 4HF >SiF4+2H2O THE PROPERTIES OF NITRIC ACID Commercial nitric acid is an aqueous solution of a colorless, fuming liquid, called nitric acid HNO3, which has a specific gravity of 1. 52 and a boiling point of 86°C; its specific gravity increases with concentration. Various concentrations of nitric acid are marketed, all of which are called concentrated nitric acid. When light falls on nitric acid it becomes yellowish-brown. This is because the nitric acid is partially decomposed by the light as follows: light 4HNO3 Z=r 4NO2+2H2O + O2 darkness to form the brown, pungent, poisonous gas nitrogen dioxide NO2 which then goes into solution. A solution of nitrogen dioxide in concentrated nitric acid is called fuming nitric acid. When nitric acid reacts with protein materials, such as skin and wool, yellowish substances are produced. This is called the xanthoprotein reaction. Gold and platinum are not attacked by either hydrochloric acid or nitric acid, but they will dissolve in aqua regia, a mixture of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid solutions. Upon evaporating such solutions, we obtain chloroauric acid (yellow) and chloro-platinic acid (dark red) respectively. Both are hygroscopic crystals. ENZYMES Micro-organisms are related to such processes as fermentation and putrefac- putrefaction, because enzymes which are the catalysts causing such chemical changes are produced in the bodies of micro-organisms. Substances with catalytic activity
326 Comprehending Technical Japanese which are produced in cells are generally called enzymes. There are various kinds of enzymes, such as digestive enzymes and respiratory enzymes, and these ac- accelerate a variety of chemical changes within the bodies of living beings. Since enzymes have the properties of proteins, they are generally most active in the range 35—55°C. Furthermore, the action of enzymes is affected by the degree of acidity or alkalinity (pH) of the solution as well as by the presence of various inorganic salts. For example the presence of chlorine ion is necessary for the action of amylase in saliva. On the other hand, the presence of the salts of copper, mercury, and other heavy metals stops enzyme activity. An enzyme acts only with regard to one specific reaction of one specific sub- substance. For example, maltase can hydrolyze maltose but not sucrose or other sugars. Invertase can hydrolyze sucrose, but not maltose or other sugars. A) sanso to no kago B) jia-enso-san rmsan a-rinsan rinsan-natoriumu a-rinsan-natoriumu j ia-rinsan-natoriumu C) mashi mo shinakere- ba heri mo shinai D) tanpaku-shitsu to shite no seishitsu EXPLANATORY NOTES "Combination with oxygen" (See Explanatory Note No.3 of Lesson 11). The prefix a- (IE) corresponds to the suffixes "-ous" and "-ite". The prefix ji- (#:) corresponds to "hypo-" in English. phosphoric acid phosphorous acid sodium phosphate sodium phosphite sodium hypophosphite Note further that the sound jia, written in капа, frequently occurs in organic nomenclature, with a totally different meaning of course: jiazo-kago-butsu diazo compound jiamin diamine "Neither increase nor decrease." This kind of construction is not uncommon. As another example we cite- atsuku mo naranakereba neither becomes hotter nor tsumetaku mo naranai colder "Properties as proteins." This construction implies that enzymes fulfill several roles, one of them being proteins. As an added illustration, consider a man who is simultaneously ZD^pfftft kogaku-bucho "dean of the engineering college" and ^^Ш^Щ-ЮШШ kagaku-
E) ...mono de aru LESSON 21 327 kogaku-ka no kydju "professor of chemical engineer- engineering." The expression §[Ш? ЬХ(ОШЖ bucho to shite no iken means his "opinion as dean". This phrase, appended to a statement means "it happens that..." or "it is characteristic that..." or "typically..." It is often omitted in translation. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS A. /TJ B тш В. Ш m ъ% zanson shokubutsu-chiri-gaku yogo katsute hiroi bunpu-ken semai chi-iki sei-iku suru hatsuga me kyushi suru seicho suru hoshi kafun shokubutsu-tai hassei shushi jusei-ran yoga yokon shiyo keisei suru kiko tekion ko-hatsuga-shushi relic plant geography technical term formerly broad area of distribution narrow region to grow, be born and bred 397) germination bud to be dormant, resting to grow spore pollen plant body embryo seed fertilized egg plumule radicle cotyledon to form mechanism suitable temperature light germinator
328 Comprehending Technical Japanese kyusui fukaketsu с. D. hi-heiko shinde shibaraku tatsu kyokubu-teki ni sukunakutomo niju-nen-yo keika suru hiraku shika...nai hiryo sekkai-chisso kokuen chiri-shoseki nyoso mame-ka shokubutsu ne kisei suru absorbent water indispensable 802) b<D non-equilibrium a short while after dying in certain parts, partially at least more than 20 years to elapse to open only (BK 157-158) fertilizer lime nitrogen graphite (black lead) Chile saltpeter urea bean family plant root to live on, be parasitic on
LESSON 21 329 ШЖШШ копгуп-saikin root-nodule bacteria ШШ~$~%> saibai suru to cultivate ЦЯЕ ryokuhi green manure (fertilizer made from green plants) ]) УШ rinsan phosphoric acid H У V orin yellow phosphorous ketsueki blood nyo urine yaku ni tatsu to help koppun bone meal (dust) kotsubai bone ashes kome-nuka rice bran # \) ШЩ kari-hiryo potash fertilizers К hai ash Ъ^Ш waga-kuni our country (i. e., Japan) V^y ' 77У^ Doitsu, Furansu Germany; France kosho ore deposits yunyu suru to import sekkai-seki limestone kona powder hatake field maku to spread eiyo nutrition naganen a long time, for many years tsuchi earth, ground HE Щ (ЗК 220-221) ^ (NH4JSO4 KCaCN2 t #ШС? <О Ш&%0
330 Comprehending Technical Japanese V у K2GO3 KV E. (verb stem) + о < -f joso-zai zasso koshi suru yakuzai seicho-horumon tekito na sanpu suru (ijo)hatsuiku shigeki suru chozo shohi suru (verb stem) + tsukusu konbu nyudaku-eki herbicide weeds to wither, die chemical growth hormone suitable to scatter (abnormal) growth to stimulate storage to consume to exhaust completely the roots emulsion ?"?¦? 5 c L 2, 4-D t V* 5 F. BRJ 656) nyusan lactic acid
sakusan (kin) akushu LESSON 21 331 acetic acid (bacteria) bad odor (S 105) jtt*.lr?, Ш G2H5OH + O2 >GH3COOH + H, kcal G. kokyu-kikan kokan ameba kurage mimizu kato-dobutsu kinrui sorui samazama na sonaeru S respiratory organs exchange amoeba jellyfish earthworm lower animals fungi algae various to be equipped with * (S 105) FINAL TRANSLATION TEST t tttrf ;fc Щ (SS 78, 72-75) и- t,
332 Comprehending Technical Japanese , у ov»-CV»5 Ш* l-c mvt L, , шш, О, у у * -* °*уу, V --
55 2553 516 913 647 3480 248a 1964 463 364 686 2468 679 4738 610 4843 250a 2771 249b 2448 KAI umi MI SEI KAN ka (eru) DAI ka (wari) DOKU TEKI КО SHA ni (ru) SHOKU LESSON 22 Й1? * I *B^ KANJI ft « № Ж ш * ft 153 1283 250b 3193 219b 3734 273 3385 508 674 174 2552 418 178 219a 2751 253b 4783 276 3665 AN yasu (i) КО BO DAI BETSU KATSU SHITSU ushina (u) EN hono-o SAKU su GHAKU tsu (ku) READING SELECTIONS kaisui sekishutsu suru nozoku shokuen (nigai) aji seisei ion-kokan-jushi datsuen so sea water to separate to remove table salt (bitter) taste purification ion-exchange resin desalting beds, layers
334 ЪШЪ Comprehending Technical Japanese ? Ъ tsukamaru fujun-butsu roka suru roshi no me myoban tayasuku inryo-sui nigotta sunda iya na yudoku na yugai na saikin byogen-kin tekisuru ...ka do ka junsui no ki no nuketa (fu)yukai na ko-busshitsu yuzamashi -t шиш oi-dasu korosu shafutsu suru tamesu kensa hantei hanshoku tasukeru anzen na a-shosan-en kosui nansui sekken awa no dekinikui mizu shibo-san to be held impurity to filter pores of the filter paper alum easily drinking water turbid, muddy clear unpleasant, disagreeable poisonous injurious, harmful bacteria pathogenic bacteria to be suitable for... whether or not... pure flat (tasting) (un) pleasant minerals boiled water (which has been cooled) to expel, drive out to kill to boil to test test judgment breeding, propagation to help safe nitrites hard water soft water soap water which forms suds with difficulty fatty acid
LESSON 22 335 •c, tt, 7K CK 204, 209-211) CaSO4-2H2O h V Ъ л (|Ш) NaCl ^fiftt Ь У lkg (C (g) Na+ Mg2+ Ga2+ K+ 10.56 1.27 0.40 0.38 Ш.Ш ci- SO42~ HGO3- Br~ 18.98 2.65 0.14 0.065 Na+, Ga2+, t, so42- ОН- < Kit, 5 a Л/ i" •n- 5 < с J: б
336 Comprehending Technical Japanese v» genso shuki-ritsu-hyo keishiki yoko (tate) no hairetsu shuki zoku dozoku-genso junban kuri-kaesu kubetsu suru tenkei-genso sen'i-genso betsu ni tori-dasu fu-kassei-gasu nanimono to mo...nai kassei no okii ikka no yo-ion arukari-dorui-kinzoku bunrui suru yoi ni ushinau yosei insei element periodic table form row (column); horizontal (vertical) arrangement period group elements belonging to the same group order to repeat to distinguish typical (pattern) elements transition elements separately to take out inert gas with no other substances highly active monovalent cation alkaline earth metal to classify easily to lose cationic properties anionic properties
LESSON 22 337 тжъь hashi-watashi to naru to form a bridge genshi-ka valence CK 82, 84) — 7"/I' T-fe: ЬУ Sfctffi-t ^, В ША1СЙ, ftfe^Kt?*, ИС -гъъь, eteru akushu taiatsu-yoki aseton tokushu no suikan fuki-dasu sanso-asechiren-en hono-o tetsuzai Щ с ether bad odor pressure vessel acetone special blow torch to blow forth oxy-acetylene flame flame iron (materials)
338 Comprehending Technical Japanese Щ Ъ kiru о J& <" tsunagu T-tr Ь К *° У @ \) V ЖШ ш ЬХ, sakusan aseto-arudehido enka-biniru fu-howa-sei ga aru pori-sakusan-biniru setchaku-zai horumarinо hatarakaseru tokuyu no ganryo koru hyo-sakusan gosei-su karubokishiru-ki musui-sakusan san-musui-butsu to cut to join acetic acid acetaldehyde vinyl chloride to be unsaturated polyvinyl acetate adhesive (material) formalin to react with, characteristic content to freeze glacial acetic acid (artificial) vinegar carboxyl group acetic anhydride acid anhydride CK 259-261) СаС2+2Н2О >С2Н2 + Са (ОН) ZtlZtlT-b ЬТ/Uxh К -¦И T-fe ?'КШЫг6 t* ^
LESSON 22 339 @шсн3-соон Ш17°с; m&nro wt, ш^ттШ:^ьъо #<е>йй#1 ж "to Ш- b TENNEN-SUI Kaisui: Kaisui ichi-kiro-chu ni fukumareru ion no губ wa yaku sanju-go-guramu de, hobo hyo-ichi no tori de aru. Kaisui kara suibun о johatsu sasete iku to, mazu, karushiumu-ion Ca2+ to ryu- ryusan-ion SO42~ to ga ni-bunshi no mizu to ketsugo shite, ryusan karushiumu GaSO4- 2H2O to natte sekishutsu suru. Sore о nozoite, sara ni suibun о johatsu saseru to, natoriumu-ion Na+ to enso-ion Gl~ to ga ketsugo shite, enka-natoriumu (shokuen) NaCl to natte sekishutsu suru. Kono enka-natoriumu о nozoita nokori no eki wa, maguneshiumu-ion Mg2+ о fukunde iru tame ni, nigai aji ga suru. Kono eki kara wa maguneshiumu-en, kariumu-en, shuso о seizo suru. Mizu no Seisei: Tennen-sui ni wa iroiro no enrui ga tokete iru. Kore о seisei suru ni wa, joryu suru ka, ion-kokan-jushi de datsuen suru. Mizu о yo-ion-kokan-jushi to in-ion-kokan-jushi no so о tosu to, Na+, Ga2+, у a Mg2+ no у о па yo-ion wa subete yo-ion-kokan-jushi ni tsukamari, sono kawari ni suiso-ion H+ ga jushi kara dete kuru. Gl~ ya SO42~ no у о па in-ion wa subete in-ion-kokan-jushi ni tsukamatte, sono kawari ni suisan-ion OH~ ga jushi kara dete kuru. Suiso-ion to suisan-ion to wa, ketsugo shite mizu-bunshi to natte shimau no de, mizu no naka no уб-ion mo in-ion mo mina nozokareru. Tadashi, kono hoho de wa, ion ni naranai fujun-butsu о nozoku koto wa dekinai. Mizu ni majitte iru kotai о по- zoku ni wa, roka sureba yoi. Shikashi, roshi no me о tsuka suru yo na komakai kotai ga aru toki wa, mizu ni ryusan aruminiumu mata wa myoban no sui-yoeki о kuwaete oku to, korera no ryushi ga atsumatte oki na ryushi to nari, tayasuku nozokareru. Inryo-sui: Nigotta mizu wa mochiron, sunda mizu de mo, iya na aji ya nioi ga attari,A) yudoku na busshitsu ga tokete itari, yugai na saikin (byogen-kin) о fu- fukunde itari suru mono wa, inryo ni teki shinai. Joryu-sui wa hotondo junsui no mizu de aru ga, ki no nuketa yo na fu-yukai na aji ga aru. Sore de, inryo-sui to shite wa shoryo no ko-busshitsu ya kuki no toke-konde iru mizu ga yoi. Yu yaB) yuzamashi ga oishiku nai no wa, mizu no naka ni tokete ita kuki ga oi-dasarete iru kara de aru. Mizu ni fukumarete iru
340 Comprehending Technical Japanese byogen-kin о korosu ni wa, mizu о gofun-kan hodo shafutsu sureba yoi. Shika- shi, taryo no mizu no baai ni wa, sarashi-ko mata wa enso de sakkin suru. Tennen-sui ga inryo ni teki-suru ka do ka о tamesu ni wa, saikin-gaku-teki- kensa о okonatte, saikin no tasho о shirabenakereba naranai ga, sore о shinakute mo, yakuhin de kagaku-teki-kensa о sureba, aru teido hantei ga dekiru Yuki-butsu wa saikin no hanshoku о tasukeru kara, yuki-butsu no sukunai mizu ga anzen de aru. Mata, tanpaku-shitsu ga fuhai suru to, anmoniumu-en ya a-sho- san-en ga dekiru kara, korera о fukumanai mizu ga anzen de aru. Kosui to Nansui: Sekken о kuwaeta toki ni nigori ga dekite, awa no deki-nikui mizu о kosui to ii, sekken о yoku tokashi, awa no yoku tatsu mizu о nansui to iu. Tennen no kosui wa, futsu, karushiumu-ion Ca2+ ya maguneshiumu ion Mg2+ о fukunde iru. Sekken wa, shibo-san no natoriumu-en de atte, mizu ni tokeru ga, shibo-san no karushiumu-en ya maguneshiumu-en wa mizu ni tokenai. Kosui no naka de wa, sekken ga karushiumu-en ya maguneshiumu-en ni kawatte nigoru no de aru. GENSO NO SHUKI-RITSU-HYO Genso no shuki-ritsu-hyo ni wa, iroiro na keishiki no mono ga aru ga, dore de mo yoko no hairetsu о shuki to ii, tate no hairetsu о zoku to ii, onaji hitotsu no genso ga dono zoku no dono shuki ni zoku suru ka wa sadamatte iru. Onaji zoku no genso о dozoku-genso to ii, seishitsu ga tagai ni nite iru. Zoku no junban wa rei kara hachi made ni natte iru ga, daiyon-shuki kara ato wa, dai-ichi zoku kara dainana-zoku made ga nikai kuri-kaesarete iru. Sore de, kore о А, В to shite ku- betsu shi, A to dairei-zoku no genso о tenkei-genso, В to daihachi-zoku no genso о sen'i-genso to iu. Dairoku-shuki to dainana-shuki ni wa В no daisan-zoku ni zoku suru genso ga takusan atte, shuki-ritsu-hyo ni kaki-komu koto ga dekinai no de, kore о betsu ni tori-dashite shimeshite aru. Shuki-ritsu-hyo no dairei-zoku ni wa, fu-kassei-gasu ga atsumatte iru. Korera no genso wa, futsu nanimono to mo kago sezu, yo-ion ni mo in-ion ni mo naranai. Daiichi-zoku A ni wa, henka о okoshi-yasui, sunawachi kagaku-teki ni kassei no okii, arukari-kinzoku ga aru. Korera wa ikka no yo-ion to nari-yasui. Daini-zoku A ni wa, arukari-dorui-kinzoku no yo ni, nika no yo-ion to naru kinzoku ga aru. Dainana-zoku A ni atsumatte iru harogen genso wa, kagaku-teki ni kassei no okii hi-kinzoku-genso de, izure mo ikka no in-ion to naru mono de aru. Та no zoku de mo, onaji zoku no genso wa nita seishitsu о shimesu. Shitagatte, shuki-ritsu no zoku ni yotte genso о bunrui suru koto ga dekiru. Tsugi ni onaji shuki ni zoku suru genso о miru to, sono hajime ni aru daiichi- zoku A no genso ga mottomo yoi ni denshi о ushinatte yo-ion ni nari-yasui. Su- Sunawachi, mottomo yosei ga tsuyoi. Genshi-bango ga masu ni tsurete, sukoshi-zutsu seishitsu ga kawari, dainana-zoku A de mottomo insei ga tsuyoku naru. Sunawachi, denshi о ete in-ion ni nari-yasui. Sono tsugi no dairei-zoku no genso wa yosei mo
LESSON 22 341 insei mo naku, tsugi no shuki e no hashiwatashi to natte iru. Shuki-ritsu-hyo no A no genso to В no genso to wa, zoku no bango ga onaji naraba, genshi-ka wa nita ten ga aru. Tatoeba, dainana-zoku de wa, saiko nanaka no genshi-ka о shimesu. Shikashi, A no enso wa, in-ion Gl~ to wa naru ga yo-ion to wa naranai shi, В no mangan wa, yo-ion Mn2+ to wa naru ga, in-ion to wa naranai. ASECHIREN Asechiren C2H2 wa, tanka-karushiumu ni mizu о sosoide tsukuru. GaC2 + 2H2O >C2H2 + Ga (OH) 2 Asechiren wa, mushoku, yudoku na kitai de ari, eteru no yo na kaori no mono de aru ga, futsu wa fujun-butsu no tame ni akushu ga aru. Atsuryoku о kakete taiatsu-yoki-chu no aseton ni tokashi-komi, tokushu no suikan kara sanso to to- mo ni fuki-dasasete, sanso-asechiren-enC) о tsukuru. Kono hono-o wa hijo ni ondo ga takai kara, tetsuzai о kittari tsunaidari suru no ni tsukau. Asechiren wa sanju-ketsugo ga aru kara, fuka-hanno о suru koto ga dekiru. Sunawachi, suigin-en о shokubai to shite, asechiren ni mizu, enka-suiso, sakusan о fuka sase, sorezore aseto-arudehido, enka-biniru, sakusan-biniru о seizo suru. Enka-biniru ya sakusan-biniru wa, niju-ketsugo о fukumi, fu-howasei ga aru no de, fuka-jugo о shi-yasui. Pori-sakusan-biniru wa setchaku-zai ya toryo nado ni tsukawareru mono de, kore kara pori-biniru-arukoru ga erareru. Kore о ito ni hiki, horumarin о hata- rakasete mizu ni tokenai mono ni shita no ga, biniron to iu sen'i de aru. Aseto-arudehido CH3CHO wa, tokuyu no shigeki-shu ga ari mizu ni yoku to- keru. Kogyo de wa, mangan-en о shokubai to shite, aseto-arudehido о sanso de sanka shite, sakusan о tsukuru. Sakusan GH3GOOH (yuten sesshi-junana-do, futten sesshi hyaku-jukyu-do) wa, tsuyoi shigeki-shu ga aru. Mizu no ganryo ga ichi pasento ika no mono wa, ko- ri-yasuku, hyo-sakusan to iu. Sakusan wa, yobai, gosei-su no seizo nado ni mochi- irareru hoka, kagaku-kogyo-joD) juyo na genryo de aru. Sakusan wa, sui-yoeki-chu de karubokishiru-ki no suiso ga sukoshi denri shite heiko о tamotsu kara yowai sansei о shimesu. Ni-bunshi no sakusan kara mizu no toreta mono wa mushoku no ekitai de atte, musui-sakusan to iu. Kono yo ni, san kara mizu no toreta kago-butsu о san-musui- butsu to iu. NATURAL WATER Sea Water: The quantities of ions contained in 1 kg of sea water are essentially those given in Table 1, totaling approximately 35 g. As we proceed to evaporate sea water, first of all, calcium Ga2+ and sulfate SO42~ ions combine with 2 molecules of water to form GaSO4 • 2H2O and precipi-
342 Comprehending Technical Japanese tate out. Upon their removal and further evaporation, the sodium Na+ and Cl~ ions will combine to form NaCl which then precipitates out. The liquid which remains when this sodium chloride is removed has a bitter taste due to the magnesium ion Mg2+ content. Magnesium and potassium salts plus bromine are produced from this liquor. Water Purification: Various salts are dissolved in natural waters, and they are pu- purified either by distillation or by desalting with ion exchange resins. If water is passed through beds of cation and anion exchange resins, all of the cations such as Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ will be captured by the cation exchange resin and replaced by hydrogen ions H+ coming from this resin, and all of the anions such as Cl~ and SO42~ will be captured by the anion exchange resin and replaced by hydroxyl ions OH~ coming from that resin. Since the hydrogen and hydroxyl ions combine completely into water molecules, all cations and anions in the water are removed. It is not possible by this method, however, to remove impurities which do not ionize. Filtration is best for removing the solids suspended in water. When minute solids are present which pass through the pores of filter paper, however, the addition of aqueous solutions of either aluminum sulfate or alum leads to the coagulation of these particles into large particles which are easily removed. Drinking Water: Turbid water, of course, is not suitable for drinking, but neither is clear water which has a disagreeable taste and smell or which contains dis- dissolved poisonous substances or harmful (pathogenic) bacteria. Distilled water is practically pure water but has a disagreeable flat taste. Thus, the best drinking water is water containing dissolved minerals and air. The reason that hot or boiled water does not taste right is because the dissolved air has been driven off. To kill pathogenic bacteria present in water, it is best to boil the water for 5 minutes. For large quantities of water, however, bleaching powder or chlorine are used for killing germs. To judge whether or not some natural water is suitable for drinking, a bacte- bacteriological test must be made to establish the bacterial count, but even without it judgment to some degree is possible by chemical testing with chemical reagents. Since organic substances favor bacterial propagation, water low in organic mat- matter is safer. Moreover, since the putrefaction of proteins produces ammonium chloride and nitrites, water without them is safest. Hard and Soft Water: Water which becomes turbid upon the addition of soap and forms suds with difficulty is called hard water; water which dissolves soap and suds easily is called soft water. Natural hard waters usually contain such ions as calcium Ga2+ and magnesium Mg2+. Soap is a sodium salt of fatty acids and is soluble in water, but the calcium and magnesium salts of fatty acids are insoluble in water. In hard water soap changes into its calcium and magnesium salts, which
LESSON 22 343 cause turbidity. THE PERIODIC TABLE OF THE ELEMENTS There are various forms for the periodic table of the elements, but in every case the rows are called periods, the columns groups, and the period and the co- column to which a given element belongs are the same. The group numbers go from 0 to VIII but, from the 4th period on, the groups / through VII are repeated twice. These are distinguished by A and B, the elements in A and in group 0 being called "typical elements", those in the В groups and in Group VIII being called "transition elements". Since the elements belonging to the Group /// В in the 6th and 7th periods are very large in number and cannot be written into the periodic table, they are presented separately, The inert gases are collected together in Group 0. These elements usually do not combine with any substance nor do they form cations or anions. In Group IA are the alkali metals which readily cause chemical change: that is, they have pronounced chemical activity. They easily form monovalent cations. In the Group IIA are the metals which form bivalent cations such as the alkaline earth metals. The halogen elements gathered in Group VII A are chemically very active and in every case form monovalent anions. Atoms in other groups show similar pro- properties as well. Thus, elements can be classified according to their group in the periodic table. Considering now the elements which belong to the same period, the initial ele- element is in Group IA and readily loses an electron to form a cation. That is, it has strong cationic properties. As the atomic number increases, the properties change little by little until the Group VII A element with the strongest anionic properties. That is, it readily accepts electrons and forms anions. The elements in the next group, the zeroeth group, neither form cations nor anions and act as a bridge to the next period. A elements and В elements in the periodic table have similar valence characteristics if their group numbers are the same. For ex- example, in group VII, they show a maximum atomic valence of 7. However, the chlorine in A turns into the anion Cl~ but not into a cation, and the manganese in В turns into the cation Mn2+ but not into an anion. ACETYLENE Acetylene C2H2 is produced by pouring water on calcium carbide. CaC2+2H2O >C2H2+Ca (OH) 2 Acetylene is a colorless poisonous gas with an ether-like fragrance, although due to impurities it usually has a bad odor. By dissolving acetylene in acetone in a pressure vessel and blowing it forth together with oxygen from a special blow torch, the oxy-acetylene flame is produced. Since this flame has an exceedingly
344 Comprehending Technical Japanese high temperature, it is used to cut and join iron materials. Since acetylene has a triple bond, addition reactions are possible. For example, water, hydrogen chloride and acetic acid may be added to acetylene with mercury salts as catalysts to produce acetaldehyde, vinyl chloride, and vinyl acetate re- respectively. Vinyl chloride and vinyl acetate, because they have double bonds and are un- saturated, readily engage in addition polymerization. Polyvinyl acetate is used in adhesives and paints, and polyvinyl alcohol is de- derived from it. Nylon fiber is obtained by drawing this material into threads and making it insoluble in water by reacting it with formalin. Acetaldehyde has a uniquely pungent odor and is soluble in water. Acetaldehyde is oxidized with oxygen industrially using a manganese catalyst to produce acetic acid. Acetic acid CH3-COOH (melting point 17°C, boiling point 119°G) has a strong pungent odor. With less than 1 % of water it freezes easily and is called glacial acetic acid. In addition to being used as a solvent and in the manufacture of vinegar, acetic acid is also an important raw material in chemical industries. In aqueous solution acetic acid is weakly acidic because the hydrogens in the carboxyl groups dissociate slightly and maintain an equilibrium. Removing water from two molecules of acetic acid gives a colorless liquid called acetic anhydride. Compounds formed in this way by removing water from acids are called acid anhydrides. Explanatory Notes A) nigai aji ga suru "Has a bitter taste." A similar idiom is war иг nioi ga suru "it has a bad smell." Later on in the text we also find iya na aji ga aru "has an unpleasant taste." B) mizu; yu Note that the Japanese have two words for water: mizu water; cold water yu hot water The word mizu can be used for "water" in general or to imply "cold water" as in mizu no shawd "a cold shower (bath)". C) hono-o Not hono! The second "o" is distinctly pronounced. (In капа #i is transcribed as ЙО^ rather than ifl<D 5.) D) kagaku-kogyo-jo "In chemical industry." See Note 3, Lesson 19. SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS А. if.$i mokutan charcoal
LESSON 22 345 if В. moeru to burn rosoku candle ittan kitai to natte kara after once becoming a gas yahari moyasu bana kuki-ko gai-en nai-en sakai-me also to burn (something) (Bunsen) burner air hole outer flame inner flame boundary, border CK 26-27) arudehido keton karubon-san ryakki suru genshi-dan arudehido-ki anmonia-sei-shosan-gin- yoeki sajo-tanka-suiso oki-kaeru karuboniru-ki daihyo-teki na Ъ б * < aldehyde ketone carboxylic acid to abbreviate atomic group the aldehyde group ammoniacal silver nitrate solution chain hydrocarbons to be replaced by... carbonyl group representative #-y| CK 243) , T
346 Comprehending Technical Japanese Ш^ 1 T-fe С тш д IIP seishoku taeru kotai ikutsu mo no shuzoku seishoku-saiho haigu-shi hoshi tai-saiho fueru musei-seishoku yusei-seishoku goitsu suru dokei-haigu-shi ikei-haigu-shi shisei yusei ran seishi ataru setsugo setsugo-shi jusei jusei sareta jusei-ran h y reproduction to become extinct an individual many, several species reproductive cell, germ cell gamete spore somatic cell to multiply asexual reproduction sexual reproduction to unite (in one body) isogametes anisogametes,heterogametes female male sperm to correspond to. conjugation zygote fertilization fertilized fertilized egg 214-215)
LESSON 22 347 и Ф Ь <• 5 D. mm shukaku mikaku biko nenmaku ou nioi shu-saiho shigeki suru yasei no kankaku shokumotsu о tori- ireru-beki nakama-doshi ninshiki suru teki о sakeru haigu-sha shita fureru nyuto tokki mikaku-ga daeki amai karai suppai nigai sense of smell sense of taste nasal cavity mucous membrane to cover odor olfactory cell to stimulate wild sensation food they ought to gather (See Explanatory Note 2, Lesson 23 for -beki) fellow family (or pack) members to recognize to avoid enemies spouse tongue to touch, come in contact papilla protuberance taste bud saliva sweet salty sour bitter \ЬШ (S 176-177)
348 Comprehending Technical Japanese ¦^ % fr E' > t e. f ЩШ-tb if if kassei-chushin tokui-teki na bui chikutokuromu hoketsu-bunshi-zoku itonamu sogai-inshi teishi suru toripushin mioshin setsudan suru sotei suru rizochiimu kishitsu-anarogu N-asechiru-gurokosamin origoma amino-san dotei suru kishitsu no tokui-teki kyuchaku kiri-dasu danpen activity center singular, unique, specific region cytochrome prosthetic group to perform inhibitor to stop trypsin myosine to cut, sever to imagine, conjecture, suppose lysozyme substrate analog N-acetylglucosamine oligomer amino acids to identify substrate specific adsorption to cut away fragment CRJ 444)
S Ш t, LESSON 22 349 D.G.Phillips f± P /^—л ilf7tp/t|M N- F. !f ^ \/ T maguneshia shori suru shosei suru magunesaito taika-butsu MgO G. Ш if, shokubai-doku i-busshitsu hiso-kagobutsu (eikyu) hidoku ichiji-teki ni kaifuku dekiru shu-hanno sogai suru fuku-hanno hogo-doku magnesia to treat to calcine magnesite refractories CRJ 208) catalytic poison (ing) foreign substance arsenic compounds (permanent) poisoning temporarily can be regenerated main reaction to inhibit side reaction protective poison CRJ 647)
350 Comprehending Technical Japanese н. xfi/yi/7 5 #5) lit it, I. gan'yu-ryo tansan-suiso-en ichiji-kosui nanka suru shigatai nitoriro-sakusan echiren-j iamin-tetora- sakusan kireto nanka shiuru content bicarbonates temporary hard water to soften difficult to do nitrilo-acetic acid ethylene diamine tetra- acetic acid chelates can be softened 7K CRJ 436) H*-Ctt7K ЮОсс л tbX lmg daisu-gaku moji sanpo kaiho о окопай gun kan tai chusho algebra letters calculation methods to solve groups rings fields abstract ft CRJ 794) , algebra
LESSON 22 351 FINAL TRANSLATION TEST и* 5их fcЩ-f©-с*5 ¦с* (BOD) , БЙ i v^ б
352 Comprehending Technical Japanese 7°
LESSON 23 KANJI IP Ш и w ¦& m Ш * 207b 199 252a 4233 171 4950 347 296 199b 1495 * 3748 364 1295 237b 508 276b 5137 327 4001 RAN tamago RETSU Jsa (ku) [sa (keru) KAI hira (ku) IKU f soda (teru) [soda (tsu) YO osana (i) HAI KAN GU KEN YO ha Я 616 850 433 2785 257 3245 596 3523 739 4745 260b 2435 254a 5030 654 4373 548 1026 788 35 SAN SHO SHIN KEI SHI mesu, me YU osu, о SETSU IN SAI futata(bi) READING SELECTIONS hassei tamago jusei suru shigeki о ukeru bunretsu kaishi suru shidai ni saiho development to fertilize to receive a stimulus division, fission to begin, commence gradually cell *Not one of the toy 6 kanji.
354 Ш (MSfcS) Comprehending Technical Japanese sodatsu seitai yosei itaru hai rank atsu shoki jo-saiho каккуп shikumi kikan guzen ni hitsuzen-sei yotei-iki katei gyaku ni tadoru hohai ... ni ataru imori kaeru seitai-senshoku OSiDfrt) nari-yuki tsui ni tsuki-tomeru hyohi shinkei-kan nai-haiyo chu-haiyo genki-bunpu-zu sansho nohai shinkei-kei kokan suru shujutsu mi-wakeru shorai ishoku suru soshiki eikyo sareru koki to develop adult larva to reach... embryo cleavage initial stage sister cell blastomere design, plan organ by chance necessity presumptive region process to trace backwards blastula to correspond to... a newt frog vital staining progress, course finally to identify epidermis neural tubes endoderm, entoderm mesoderm presumptive map reference gastrula nervous system to interchange operation to distinguish (in the) future to graft tissue to be influenced, affected later stage
kondo mattaku yahari mohaya tsumari kansei sareru tochu de LESSON 23 355 this time completely also already that is to say, in other words to be completely developed on the way (S 233, 241-243) 0, i v» -9 Ь W. Vogt A888—1941)Id, -vy H. Spemann A869—1941) ft, ^ б 2 А/ / -f
356 Comprehending Technical Japanese itfS m *.-e mm iden oya kao seikaku tsutawaru keishitsu senjin-tachi kotai shison kin'en-kankei tasho ...ue de chumoku sareru furuku kara shiyu kake-awase tokei-teki ni takumi ni shori suru hosoku-sei senshoku-tai gensu-bunretsu toji hatsugen inshi iden-shi yoso suru iden-gaku soshi-sha uzumoreru sai-hakken ...o keiki ni kyugeki ni shinpo suru heredity parents face temperament to be transmitted character ancestors individual descendants close relations to some extent in order to..., for the sake of... to receive attention for a long time male and female hybridization, crossing statistically with ingenuity to conduct, treat order chromosome meiosis that time, era manifestation factor gene to predict genetics founder to be buried in obscurity rediscovery on the occasion of... suddenly, abruptly to progress (S 253)
LESSON 23 357 б jL-e, G.J. MendelA822—1884) t-ШМ^Ь о fco *fefe#©#?*, ШШ.^&ШЮ L < DOBUTSU NO HASSEI Tamago wa jusei saretari, soto kara shigeki о uketari suru to bunretsu о kaishi shi, shidai ni tasu no saiho ni naru. Tamago kara sodachi, mada seitai arui wa yosei no katachi о toru ni itaranai hassei no jidai о hai to iu. Наг no Shoki-Hassei: Hassei no shoki ni mirareru saiho-bunretsu о rankatsu to iu. Rankatsu wa futsu no saiho-bunretsu to wa kotonari, bunretsu ga kyusoku ni okonawareru ga, sono aida, jo-saiho no seicho о tomonawanai. Shitagatte, bunretsu ga susumu ni tsurete saiho no okisa wa nibun-no-ichi, yonbun-no-ichi,... to iu yo ni shidai ni chiisaku natte iku. Rankatsu ni yotte, shozuru jo-saiho о kakkyu to iu. Hassei no Shikumi: Dono seibutsu о mite mo, kimatta ichi ni wa kimatta kikan ga aru. Kore wa guzen soA) natta to kangaeru yori mo hitsuzen-sei ga atta to miru-beki de aro. Hai no Yotei-iki: Kaku-kikan ga keisei sareru katei о gyaku ni tadoru to, sorezore no kikan ga hohai de wa dono bubun ni ataru ka о kimeru koto ga dekiru hazu de aru. Fokuto A888-1941) wa, jissai ni imori ya kaeru no hohai no hyomen о bubun- teki ni seitai-senshoku о shite, sono nari-yuki о kenbi-kyo-ka de kansatsu shi, tsui ni, hohai no hyomen no kaku-bubun ga, nochi ni nani ni naru ka to iu koto о tsuki-tomete, zu ni shimeshita (tatoeba, hyohi, shinkei-kan, nai-haiyo, chu-haiyo nado). (Imori no genki-bunpu-zu sansho). Kettei no Mondai: Doitsu no dobutsu-gakusha Shupeman A869-1941) wa, taishoku no chigau nishu no imori no nohai-shoki о mochi-i, sorezore shinkei-kei to hyohi ni naru-bekiB> bubun о kokan suru shujutsu о okonatta. Kokan shita bubun wa iro ga chigau no de, hassei ga susunde kara de mo sore о miwakerareru.
358 Comprehending Technical Japanese Sono kekka wa, shorai, shinkei-kei ni naru hazuC) de atta bubun ga hyohi ni, hyohi ni naru hazu de atta bubun ga shinkei-kei ni natta. Kono yo na koto kara, nohai-shoki no jiki ni wa kaku-bubun ga sorezore nani ni naru ka, mada kettei shite inai no de, ishoku sareta basho no soshiki ni tsuyoku eikyo sarete shimau koto ga wakatta. Nohai-koki ni onaji shujutsu о suru to, kondo wa mattaku chigatta kekka ni naru. Sunawachi, shinkei-kei ni naru-bekiC) bubun wa ishoku sareta basho no soshiki ni hotondo eikyo sarezu ni shinkei-kei to nari, hyohi ni naru-beki bubun wa yahari hyohi ni natta. Soko de imori no baai ni wa, nohai-koki de wa, kaku- bubun ga nani ni naru ka, mohaya kettei shite iru koto ni naru. Tsumari, shinkei-kei ya hyohi wa nohai ga kansei sareru tochu de kettei sareru koto ni naru. IDEN Oya no motsu iroiro na seishitsu, tatoeba kao-katachi ya seikaku nado ga oya kara ко ni tsutawaru gensho о iden to ii, korera no seishitsu о keishitsu to yobu. Senjin-tachi wa kotai no shison ya kin'en-kankei no keishitsu no araware-kata o, iroiro na hoho de kenkyu shite kita. Oya kara ко ni tsutawaru to itte mo, oya to wa tasho kotonaru keishitsu ga ко ni arawareru baai ga aru. Korera о fukume, konnichi seimei-gensho о rikai suru ue de, saiho no kenkyu nado to tomo ni, iden no kenkyu wa kiwamete chumoku sarete iru. Furuku kara, oku no hito-bito ga shiyu no kake-awase о okonatta kekka ni tsuite kansatsu shite ita ga, kono у о na jikken о tokei-teki ni shikamo takumi ni shori shite, soko ni hosoku-sei о mi-idashita no wa Menderu A822-1884) ga saisho de atta. Senshoku-tai no sonzai ya, gensu-bunretsu no shikumi nado ga shirarete inakatta toji ni oite, Menderu wa oya kara ко ni tsutaerarete keishitsu- hatsugen no moto ni naru mono to shite inshi о katei shi, sore ni yotte kono hosoku о setsumei shita. Kono inshi koso,D> konnichi de iu iden-shi de atte, kono iden-shi no sonzai о yoso shita koto ni yori, Menderu wa iden-gaku no soshi-sha to yobarete iru. Menderu no kenkyu wa nagai kikan uzumorete ita ga, 1900-nen no sai-hakkenE) о keiki ni, iden-gaku wa kyugeki ni shinpo shita. ANIMAL DEVELOPMENT When an egg is fertilized or receives an external stimulus, it begins to fission and gradually forms many cells. The stage of development during which the growth from the egg has not yet reached the point of the adult or larval form is called the embryo. Initial Development of the Embryo: The cell division seen in the initial stage of development is called cleavage. Cleavage differs from the usual division of cells in that it occurs very rapidly and there is no accompanying growth of the sister
LESSON 23 359 cells during the interval. As division progresses, therefore, the cellular size gradually decreases as in the series 1/2, 1/4, ... The sister cells produced by cleavage are called blastomeres. Design in Development: In every living thing, a given organ will be in a fixed place. This should not be considered a chance outcome but should rather be looked upon as evidence of necessity. The Presumptive Regions in the Embryo: If we were to trace back the process by which the individual organs are formed, we should be able to determine which part of the blastula corresponds to each of the respective organs. W. Vogt A888- 1941) actually stained portions of the blastula surfaces of newts and frogs and observed with a microscope their development. He finally identified the subsequent development of every part of the blastula surface and showed them on a diagram (the neural tubes, epidermis, endoderm, and mesoderm, for example). (See the Presumptive Map for a Newt) The Problem of Determination: The German zoologist H. Spemann A869-1941) used the gastrula of newts with two different body colors to perform an operation in which he interchanged the parts which were supposed to develop respectively into the nervous system and the epidermis. Since the interchanged parts were of a different color, they were distinguishable even after progressing in development. The outcome was that those parts which should have become the nervous system became epidermis, and those which should have become the epidermis became nervous system tissue. He realized from facts such as these that the subsequent development of each part is not yet determined at the beginning of the gastrula stage and that each part is strongly influenced by the tissue at the location into which it was grafted. When he performed the same operation at the later gastrula stage, the outcome was now completely different. The part which was supposed to develop into the nervous system was practically unaffected by the tissue into which it was grafted and did become nervous system tissue, and the part that was supposed to become epidermis also became epidermis. Thus, in the case of a newt, the subsequent development of each part is already determined at the later gastrula stage. In other words, the nervous system and the epidermis are determined intermediary to the completion of the gastrula. GENETICS The various characteristics of parents transmitted from parent to child, such as the shape of the face and temperament, for example, are called "heredity," and these characteristics are called "characters." The ways in which ancestors are manifest in the characters of descendants and close relations have been studied by various methods. Although we speak of transmittal from parent to child,
360 Comprehending Technical Japanese there are also cases in which characters somewhat different from the parent arise in the child. In order to incorporate these facts into our present understanding of the phenomena of life, genetic research is receiving considerable attention along with cellular research and other studies. For a long time many people observed the results of crossing males and females, but G.J. Mendel A822-1884) was the first to treat such experiments statistically and, moreover, with ingenuity, and to discover their orderliness. Mendel, in that era when the existence of chromosomes and the mechanism of meiosis, for example, were not known, assumed the existence of factors as the fundamental cause for the manifestation of characters transmitted from parent to child and in that way explained these laws. These very factors are what we call genes today, and it is due to his prediction of the existence of genes that Mendel is called the founder of genetics. Mendel's research was buried in obscurity for a long time but, on the occasion of its rediscovery in 1900, genetics made very sudden progress. Explanatory Notes A) so This so means "in that way" and is not the suffix -so meaning "appearance". B) -beki (de aru) This suffix, meaning "must," "ought to," "is (supposed) to" may be attached to the affirmative present tense of a verb. miru-beki de aru must see kakwbeki de atta should have written sokutei su-beki ought not to have (been) de nakatta measured kangaeru-beki de aro probably ought to consider Note that su-beki is preferred over suru-beki. Sometimes -beki is used without de aru. C) naru hazu de The phrase containing hazu means "should have atta; naru-beki become" ...i.e., "was expected to become (but didn't)". The phrase containing beki means "ought to become" ...i.e., "it was supposed to become (and did)." D) koso This particle emphasizes the word which precedes it. Suitable English equivalents are "this very...", " particular," "...indeed", "...itself". Examples are: Kono keisan koso machigai no moto de atta. (This very calculation is the source of the error.) Kono sokutei koso shinto-atsu no hakken ni michibiita mono
LESSON 23 361 E) sai-hakken de aru. (It was this measurement in particular which led to the discovery of osmotic pressure.) Kono jikken de wa mazeru koto koso Seiko no hitsuyo-joken de aru. (In this experiment the mixing itself is a necessary condition for success.) The prefix sai- (Щ) means "again," or "re-": saisei-gomu reclaimed rubber sai-joryu redistillation sai-kessho recrystallization sai-ketsugo recombination ^ Д CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES See Explanatory Note C) See Explanatory Note B) 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (verb) 2. 3. 4. bucho(dairi) mi nmau umaku <D san sono mono "in order to...", "for the sake of..." (the representative of the) dean engagement, business to carry well the acid itself 4f СЛ zehi by all means
362 Comprehending Technical Japanese У1) horenso spinach SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS A. <>^ №Ш В. mm тт-ъ ев um to-o-ran hachi saiho-ki dobutsu-kyoku shokubutsu-kyoku ni katayoru hiki-tsuzuku rankatsu-ko kannyu suru fukuro-jo haiyo gai-haiyo a sea urchin homolecithal egg eight celled stage animal pole vegetative pole to tend towards to continue in succession blastocoele to sink into bag-shaped germ layer ectoderm - ОЩЩ\\ (S 235) ta-saiho bunka hatsuiku suru seishoku hana о hiraku shushi о shojiru iden suru shuzoku iji suru jiko fuyasu multi-cellular differentiation to grow, develop reproduction to open (their) flowers to produce seeds to be inherited, transmitted species to preserve, maintain one's self to multiply, increase
LESSON 23 363 С. <D 5 -Й"О D. »±. E. -tt-с, chosetsu genkai-chi kankaku-saiho bunpitsu suru horumon aitomonau tan-saiho no hoshi ran-saiho katei о heru owaru regulation, control threshold value sensory cells to secrete hormone together with... 41) unicellular spore egg cell to undergo a process to finish, complete (S 231) кого shinkei-hai seicho-kyokusen time neurula growth curve
364 Comprehending Technical Japanese Л ?. 5 otoroeru keitai Ш L, F. Н: v^ Jh i* Ъ *, t < К Ш to decline shape (of a letter) form (S 248) hentai kaisan no kisei-chu kencho na gyokei era hai-agaru riku-jo hai konchu-rui cho sanagi konchu no keito metamorphosis marine parasites remarkable, notable fish gills to crawl up on land lungs insects butterfly moth pupa insect strain (S 249) 5
LESSON 23 365 G. н. saisei otamajakushi о о kiru ato futatabi minasu t, regeneration tadpole to cut off the tail remains again to look upon as... (S 251) iden-busshitsu haigu-shi himerarete iru saiho-shitsu chichi-kata haha-kata dentatsu suru yusei no me-jirushi ni toru seigyaku-kozatsu osu ressei no mesu kozatsu suru ninau suisoku suru kyomi aru shiteki suru genetic substance gamete to be hidden cytoplasm the father's side, the male line the mother's side, female line to transmit dominant to take as a mark reciprocal cross male recessive female to cross to carry to infer interesting to point out, indicate
366 Comprehending Technical Japanese if 5 tsukasadoru kosho to govern, rule a later chapter -fb-ЬЬ, с ъ w. s. T. H. Morgan ^ С. В. Bridges tbfcb, 5о, ¦tl' x T kiso moshimo sureba kansetsu-teki na chokusetsu-teki na daisha-kassei kakujitsu ni osoraku basis if we believe that... indirect direct metabolic activity for certain probably, in all likelihood
LESSON 23 367 тм-гь suitei suru shosha suru totsuzen totsuzen-hen'i-tai totsuzen-hen'i to infer to apply (a light, X-ray) sudden, abrupt mutant mutation, 2, 600А -С* 5 К, DNA & DNA DNA <ъ (IG 13-14) DNA DNA FINAL TRANSLATION TEST (IG 47-48) Mendel Kitit о fcitfSW^tt, 1900 ^ Mendel t, t % t Ш i-tlbtf,
368 Comprehending Technical Japanese , -;> f P 17 7 - ct DNA W&bAst'fc , Watson i Crick (C?5 DNA tf/ЮШак i о , DNA & с ькШ1гх&<о bfcifi^X, DNA -k.ti.lrf, Tt—'Z Amoeba proteus ;шъь о и tlrt, т/-у-со , СЮ , DNA DNA t ?*
LESSON 23 369 , DNA -f^ Т. Gaspersson ^ J. Brachet RNA t RNAfi DNA DNA о RNA f±S , RNAiiDNA
LESSON 24 ш 276b 3828 465 4721 389 4205 676 3798 268 4683 209а 1382 228b 1948 865 4255 615 5032 761 1135 zo TATSU KETSU chi GHO SO oku(ru) NYO HAI FUKU ZATSU KYO sakai KANJI m m ш m ж m Ш Й # 446 3402 218b 2522 243a 3774 176 1731 363 4288 294 4469 105 4539 251a 3395 297 3724 237b 5236 SETSU fushi HITSU NO KAN KAKU obo (eru) TO ZU atama so hashi (ru) KIN suji NIKU KOTSU hone READING SELECTIONS kanzo fukko tassuru migi-jobu ketsueki anseki-shoku kappatsu na zenshin liver peritoneal (abdominal) cavity to reach..., come up to upper right part blood dark red vigorous the whole body
372 Comprehending Technical Japanese i?<7JC{b% tansui-kabutsu Ш.ШК hofu ni ?ft kotai ~ ~ >X watatte yakuwari chozo ichiji-teki ni shocho gurikogen takuwaeru okuri-dasu куокуп suru gedoku gurukuron-san nyoso jinzo ...o toshite haishutsu suru orunishin-kairo кокуп shitorurin aruginin fukuzatsu na kankyo I (ADP) adenoshin-ni-rinsan I (ATP) adenoshin-san-rinsan ffл, 9 ру| i/ Ь tit, carbohydrates plentifully interchange extending through..., throughout... role storage temporarily small intestine glycogen to store to send out to supply detoxication glucuronic acid urea kidney through..., via... to discharge ornithine cycle respiration citrulline arginine complicated, complex surroundings, environment adenosine diphosphate adenosine triphosphate 131-132) Jto. tt,
LESSON 24 373 ЫгЬ t, Ь, ADP ^ у- р H20 "T#v* -5/ h JU U >- ADP JRf* NH2C0NH2 И 1 horumon chosetsu bunpitsu suru bitamin oyobosu sosei pori-pepuchido amino-san steroido nai-bunpitsu-sen H2O hormones regulation, control to secrete vitamin to exert composition polypeptide amino acids steroid endocrine glands
374 Comprehending Technical Japanese ЛИГ mrmvf # sen bunpitsu-butsu okuri-komu kekkan sekitsui-dobutsu noka-suitai ко jo-sen fuku-kojo-sen fukujin suizo seiso ranso kojo-sei iji azukaru gland secretion to send into blood vessels vertebrate pituitary body thyroid gland parathyroid adrenal pancreas testes ovary homeostasis maintenance to take part in..., share in... kankaku hattatsu seikatsu-yoshiki honshitsu-teki na chusu-shinkei kankaku-chusu jiritsu-shinkei kofun nanra ka no... (S 160-162) T 5 senses, sensation development way of life essential central nerves sensory center autonomic nerves excitation some... (or other)
LESSON 24 375 ш % (S 168) tt, ш 7 Л- mm 15 Й i i X mm ameba-undo ameba gisoku genkei-shitsu tokki genkei-shitsu-ryudo henkei-kin hakkekkyu benmo (senmo) undo zori-mushi ou senmo kikan nen'eki koto midori-mushi yuso-shi benmo yuei suru kinniku henkei-dobutsu mimizu shoka-kan juso-kin kanjo-kin zendo shushuku suru gomo sasaeru ш amoeboid movement amoeba pseudopodium protoplasm protrusion protoplasm streaming myxomycetes, slime molds leucocyte, white blood cells flagellar (ciliary) movement paramecium to cover cilia trachea mucus larynx euglenophyta algae zoospore flagella to swim muscle flatworms earthworm alimentary canal longitudinal muscle circular muscle peristalsis to contract bristle, seta to support
376 Comprehending Technical Japanese # hone ^ \? ebi ^f#fe gai-kokkaku ЩЩ kansetsu ШШ.Ш omon-kin ##Ш kokkaku-kin tt $ ts hasamu X С teko МШ№№- taiko-teki ni ШШШ kikko-kin bone prawn external skeleton, exoskeleton articulation, joint striated muscle skeletal muscle to lie (between two things) lever in opposition antagonistic muscles (S 145-147) К У . "С, tit, KANZO NO HATARAKI Kanzo wa fukuko no migi-jobu ni aru oki na kikan de, sono omosa wa hito
LESSON 24 377 de wa taiju no san naishi yon-pasento ni tasshi, ketsu-eki о oku fukunde ite anseki-shoku de aru. Kanzo no hataraki wa taihen kappatsu de, zenshin de hassei suru enerugii no uchi, oyoso juni-pasento wa kanzo de shozuru. Mata, kanzo ni wa, tansui-kabutsu, shibo, tanpaku-shitsu, kakusan nado no gosei oyobi bunkai ni hataraku koso ga, ta no kikan ni kurabete hijo ni hofu ni fukumarete iru. Sono hoka, ima made ni wakatte iru koso no dai-bubun wa kanzo ni sonzai suru koto ga shirarete iru. Korera no jijitsu kara, kanzo wa busshitsu oyobi enerugii kotai no subete ni watatte juyo na yakuwari о shite iru mono to kangaerarete iru ga, mada wakatte inai ten mo sukunaku nai. Ото na hataraki wa, tsugi no yo de aru. Busshitsu no Chozo: Kanzo wa tansui-kabutsu no ichiji-teki na chozo basho ni natte iru. Sunawachi, shocho de kyushu sareta budo-to no ichibu wa kanzo no naka de gurikogen to natte takuwaerare, hitsuyo ni ojite, futatabi budo-to ni kawatte ketsu-eki-chu ni okuridasare, zenshin ni kyokyu sareru. Onaji у о ni, shibo mo kanzo de ichiji-teki ni takuwaerareru. Gedoku: Yudoku na busshitsu ga shokumotsuA) to tomo ni tainai ni haittari, arui wa cho no naka de saikin no hataraki ni yotte shojitari suru to, sorera о fukunda ketsueki ga kanzo о toru toki, dokubutsu ga mudoku no mono ni kaerareru. Kono baai ni, dokubutsu ga bunkai sarete mudoku to naru koto mo ari, mata ryusan ya gurukuron-san to ketsugo shite dokusei no naku naru koto mo aru. Nyoso nado no Seisei: Tanpaku-shitsu ga bunkai shite shozuru anmonia wa, saiho ni yudoku na busshitsu de aru. Hito de wa anmonia no dai-bubun wa, kanzo no naka de ni-sanka-tanso to ketsugo shite, mudoku no nyoso to nari, jinzo о toshite haishutsu sareru. Nyoso wa orunishin-kairo de shozuru. Kanzo ni wa, orunishin to iu busshitsu ga fukumarete iru. Anmonia to кокуп no kekka shojita ni-sanka-tanso to wa, orunishin to ketsugo shite, shitorurin о shozuru. Tsugi ni shitorurin wa mo ichi-bunshi no anmonia to ketsugo shite aruginin to naru. Saigo ni, aruginin wa kasui-bunkai sarete nyoso to orunishin to ni naru. Koko ni shojita orunishin wa mata onaji hanno о kurikaesu. Ijo no hanno wa motto fukuzatsu de aru ga, sono taiyo wa zu-ichi no yo ni naru. Haishutsu-bussshitsu no shurui wa kankyo kara no mizu no kyokyu to kankei ga aru to kangaerarete iru. HORUMON NI YORU CHOSETSU Shinkei no hoka ni, karada zentai no chosetsu о tamotsu mono ni horumon ga aru. Horumon wa karada no tokutei no bubun de tsukurare, taieki-chu ni bunpitsu sare, bitamin ya koso no yo ni, goku biryo de karada no tokutei no bubun no hataraki ni oki na eikyo о oyobosu busshitsu de aru. Horumon no kagaku-teki sosei wa samazama de atte, aru mono wa tanpaku-
378 Comprehending Technical Japanese shitsu, pori-pepuchido, amino-san, aru mono wa suteroido de ari, sara ni kore igai no mono ya, kagaku-kozo no hakkiri wakatte inai mono mo aru. Nai-bunpitsu-sen: Horumon о bunpitsu suru kikan(sen) ni wa, kan ga naku, nai- bunpitsu-sen to iware, bunpitsu-butsu wa kekkan-nai ni okuri-komareru.B) Sekitsui-dobutsu de wa, noka-suitai, kojo-sen, fuku-kojo-senC) fukujin, suizo, seiso, ranso nado kara, sorezore kotonatta horumon ga bunpitsu sarete ori, korera ga tagai ni tsuriai о tamotsu koto ni yotte, karada no kojo-sei no iji ni azukatte iru. KANKAKU Gaikai no shigeki о uke-ireru tame ni, dobutsu de wa tokubetsu no kikan (kankaku-kikan) ga hattatsu shite iru. Sono hattatsu wa dobutsu no seikatsu- yoshiki ni ojite ichijirushiku kotonatte iru ga, sono mottomo honshitsu-teki na koto wa, dono yo na shigeki о uke-ireru shikumi ga dekite iru ka to iu koto de aru. Kankaku-kikan de uke-torareta gaikai no shigeki wa, koko ni bunpu suru kankaku-shinkei ni yotte chusu-shinkei ni tsutaerare, sono shigeki ni taio suru kankaku-chusu de sorezore no shigeki ni ojita kankaku ga okosareru. Sara ni, chusu-shinkei kara wa karada no sorezore no kikan ni kofun ga tsutaerare, iroiro na hanno ga okosareru ga, kore to tomo ni, jiritsu-shinkei ni yotte mo nanra ka no hanno о shozuru koto ga oi. DOBUTSU NO UNDO Ameba-undo: Ameba wa gisoku to iu genkei-shitsu no tokki о dashi, sore ga nobiru hoko ni ido suru, Kore wa ameba-undo to iware, genkei-shitsu-ryudo to missetsu na kankei о motte iru mono to minasarete iru. Shokubutsu no hen'i-kin mo dobutsu no hakkekkyu mo doyo na undo о suru. Senmo-undo, Benmo-undo: Zori-mushiD) wa zenshin о otte iru senmo о ugokashite oyogu. Hito no kikan-nai ni mo senmo ga ari, sono undo de nen'eki о koto ni okuru. Midori-mushi ya yuso-shi nado wa, benmo ni yori suichu о yOei suru. Kinniku-undo: Henkei-dobutsu yori kotoE) na dobutsu wa, ippan ni kinniku ni yotte undo о suru. Mimizu no karada ya, hito no shoka-kan no kabe ni wa, juso-kin to kanjo-kin to ga ari, korera no kinniku no hataraki ni yotte, iwayuru zendo- undo о окопай. Mimizu no zendo-undo de wa, taiheki no juso-kin ga shushuku suru to, sono bubun ga chijimi, kanjo-kin ga shushuku suru to, sono bubun wa nobiru. Mata, karada no ichibu о chi ni tsukete gomo de sasae, zendo-undo о kogo ni okonai, karada о ido saseru. Kinniku to Hone to no Kankei: Ebi ya konchu nado wa, gai-kokkaku о motte ite, tagai ni ugoku koto ga dekiru yo na kansetsu ni natte iru. Koko ni wa, naibu kara kinniku ga tsuite ori, kono shushuku ni yotte gai-kokkaku о ugokasu koto ga dekiru.
LESSON 24 379 Sekitsui-dobutsu de wa, omon-kin о kokkaku-kin to mo ii, kore ga hone ni tsuite iru. Hitotsu no kinniku wa kansetsu о hasande betsu-betsu no hone ni tsuki, sono shushuku ni yotte, teko no genri de hone о ugokasu. Taitei hitotsu no kansetsu ni wa, mageru kinniku to nobasu kinniku ga atte, tagai ni taiko-teki ni hata- raki-atte iru. Kono yo na kinniku о kikko-kin to iu. THE FUNCTIONS OF THE LIVER The liver, located in the upper right portion of the peritoneal cavity, is a large organ, with a weight which in man reaches 3—4% of body weight, and is dark red with the large quantity of blood it contains. The functioning of the liver is very vigorous and, of the energy produced in the entire body, about 12% is generated in the liver. Moreover, the enzymes which act to synthesize and decompose substances like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and nucleic acids are present in far greater abundance in the liver than in other organs. In addition, a major portion of the enzymes thus far identified are known to be present in the liver. From these facts we are led to believe that the liver plays an important role throughout all material and energy interchanges, but there are more than a few points not yet understood. The main functions are the following. The Storage of Substances: The liver is the location where carbohydrates are temporarily stored. For example, part of the dextrose absorbed by the small intestine is changed to glycogen and stored within the liver, becoming dextrose again as need arises, being sent out into the blood and supplied to the whole body. In the same way fats are temporarily stored in the liver. Detoxication: When poisonous substances enter the body in foods or arise from the activity of bacteria in the intestines, they are rendered non-toxic when the blood containing them passes through the liver. In such cases, the poisons may become detoxified by decomposition, or they may lose their toxicity by combining with acids such as sulfuric and glucuronic. The Production of Urea: The ammonia produced in the decomposition of proteins is a substance toxic to cells. In man, the great portion of the ammonia reacts with carbon dioxide in the liver to form non-toxic urea and is discharged through the kidneys. Urea is produced in the ornithine cycle. The substance ornithine is contained in the liver. Ammonia and the carbon dioxide resulting from respiration combine with ornithine to produce citrulline. The citrulline then combines with one more molecule of ammonia to become arginine. Finally, the arginine hydrolyzes into urea and ornithine, and the ornithine thus produced will again repeat the same reactions. The above reactions are more complicated, but their general outline is as given in Figure 1. The type of
380 Comprehending Technical Japanese substance discharged is thought to be related to the supply of water from the surroundings. REGULATION BY HORMONES Among the things which regulate the body as a whole, there are, in addition to the nerves, hormones. Hormones are produced by particular parts of the body and secreted into the body fluids. They are substances which, like vitamins and enzymes, exert a great influence on the activity of specific parts of the body in extremely small quantities. Hormones have a variety of chemical compositions, some being proteins, poly- peptides or amino acids, and others steriods. There are compositions other than these and even some whose chemical structure is not clearly understood. Endocrine Glands: Among the organs (glands) which secrete hormones, those called endocrine glands have no tubes, their secretions being sent into the blood vessels. Distinctive hormones are secreted from such parts of vertebrate animals as the pituitary body, thyroid gland, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, testes, and ovary; by keeping mutually balanced, they share in maintaining bodily homeostasis. SENSATION Special organs (sensory organs) have developed in animals for the sake of receiving stimuli from the outside world. These developments differ markedly according to the animal's way of life, and the most essential feature is the kind of stimulus which the mechanism is designed to receive. An external stimulus received by a sensory organ is transmitted to central nerves by the sensory nerves distributed within the organ, and sensations arise in those sensory centers corre- corresponding to that stimulus in proportion to their respective stimulations. Further- Furthermore, excitations are sent from the central nerves to the respective bodily organs and cause various responses. These are frequently accompanied by some response or other arising from the autonomic nerves as well. ANIMAL MOVEMENTS Amoeboid Movement: The amoeba puts forth protoplasmic protrusions called pseu- dopodia and moves in the direction of these extensions. This is called amoeboid movement and is considered to have a very close relation to protoplasm streaming. Both plant slime molds and white blood cells make similar movements. Ciliary and Flagellar Movements: The paramecium swims by moving the cilia which cover its entire body. There are also cilia in man's trachea which send mucus to the larynx by their movements. Algae in the division euglenophyta and zoospores swim in the water by means of flagella. Muscular Movements: Animals in higher classes than flat worms generally move by
LESSON 24 381 means of muscles. The actions of longitudinal and circular muscles in the body of an earthworm and in the human alimentary canal perform the movement called peristalsis. In earthworm peristalsis, a part of the body will shrink when the longitudinal muscles in its body wall contract, and it will elongate when the circular muscles contract. Furthermore, the alternation of these movements in peristalsis will move the body when a part of the body is attached to the earth with the support of the bristles. The Relation between Muscles and Bones: Prawns, insects, and the like have an external skeleton which is so articulated that mutual movements are possible. In these cases, muscles are attached from within, and the exoskeleton can be moved by means of their contractions. In vertebrates, the striated muscles (also called skeletal muscles) are connected to the bones. A single muscle is attached to each of the bones between which there is a joint and will move the bones by contraction on the principle of the lever. At any single joint there are usually bending muscles and straightening muscles which act in opposition to each other. Such muscles are called antagonistic muscles. EXPLANATORY NOTES A) shokumotsu "Food". Note that that this is written й%> whereas tabemeno is written j?^<%o B) okuri-komu In those compounds verbs having -komu as the second element, the -komu gives the idea of "into." Examples are: nagare-komu to flow into kaki-komu to write in iri-komu to enter C) fuku- The prefix fuku- (glj) usually connotes "assistant," "associate," "secondary," "sub-," "supplementary." Examples: ШШ fukugyo subsidiary business illflbB: fuku-shacho vice-president (of a company) ШШ^д fuku-sanbutsu by-product НЩ-НйВЛ fuku-genshi-karyoku secondary valence force There is another prefix fuku- (Щ), which occurs in the compound jukuzatsu {ШШ) in this lesson, which means "composite," "complexity," "multiple," "repeating." Some examples of this prefix are: fuku-kussetsu double refraction
382 Comprehending Technical Japanese fukuso-heimen f ukuso-kanshiki-kago- butsu fukugo-kenbi-kyo D) zori-mushi E) koto complex plane (in mathematics) heterocyclic compound compound microscope To a Westerner the paramecium is shoeshaped, but to a Japanese it is ?0n-shaped. ?on are Japanese sandals held on the foot by a thong between the big toe and the second toe. In earlier readings Щ was encountered with various meanings: hitoshii equal to-sokudo constant velocity kinzoku nado metals and the like Yamamoto-ra Yamamoto et al. Here we find the same character in the meaning of "class" or "rank." Hence ЩЩ koto is "high class", and —Щ itto is "first class". (Note: The readings nado and ra are not Toy б readings, but they are frequently encountered in the technical literature.) "throughout...," "extending through..." 1. Jfil 2. л 3. k 1. 2. з. !& "through"- "via-" A. busshitsu-kotai doka ika metabolism assimilation catabolism
LESSON 24 383 vt- tmtt ъ, В. ft yuyo na tansan-doka yobun tai-busshitsu noryoku haruka ni ire-kawaru shohi suru useful, of use carbon dioxide assimilation nutrient body substance ability by far to change into to consume (S 58-59) < ь*ъъ shoka shoka-kan fuzoku-ki shokusei niku-shokusei no honyu-rui kenshi so-shokusei no usuba heikatsu-kin -с, < , ffc^KX digestion digestive tract appended organs food habits carnivorous mammals canine teeth herbivorous molars smooth muscles (S 90) С -с ^
384 Comprehending Technical Japanese с. tt— D. hosei-zoki yuketsu sonpi zen-tekishutsu inu mitomerareru hodo no sonsho suginai seppen shoshitsu suru kanso-ryo living organs (preserved) blood transfusion existence, presence complete extraction, removal dog detectable damage no more than... fragment to disappear dry weight (SK 49-50) shinkei-setsu chujiku keiko miki hanno kikan eda ganglion axis tendency trunk reacting organ branches
LESSON 24 385 # E. С с 5 -ex a < 4, massho sekizui no-shinkei sekizui-shinkei peripheral notochord cranial nerve spinal nerve (S 149) ко jo-sen joky о suru suri-tsubusu zenyo taika suru kaifuku suru yagate arakajime с л ? л thyroid gland to remove pulverize anterior lobe to degenerate to recover in a short time beforehand (S 162-163) FINAL TRANSLATION TEST %c75^$>ъо с*1&ШШ0.5
Comprehending Technical Japanese tt, ¦&v^cox-h Ъ t, с
LESSON 25 KANJI m 9 m * M ff P 517 3764 606 824 272a 4075 706 1468 731 3671 99 667 237 285 277b 5242 256 2080 27 868 MYAKU КО atsu (i) HAKU usu (i) FU YO SETSU ki(ru) SHU ZUI SHIN atara (shii) ко kuchi mm mm ± Ш ш % Ш m *&& Ш Ш 17 1050 216 2261 273a 4750 33 571 137 2466 43 3909 361 5011 691 853 594 3667 577 4285 DO TO tsuchi KON ne KAN SEN saki BO KA hana KAI NO GUN mu(re) KI READING SELECTIONS kekkan ketsueki domyaku jomyaku mosai-kekkan kubetsu suru shinzo oshi-dasu karada danryoku blood vessel blood artery vein capillary to distinguish heart to push out, force out body resilience
388 Comprehending Technical Japanese tt< Ш hakudo ~МЩ mattan myaku (haku) =- < If tekubi \ Ь С ts okuri-komu iv* usui ) Ъ W yurui myaku о utanai poketto-jo no ben fusegu amime-jo ni bunpu suru ? ШШШ) so (hyo-menseki) 1^ yobun \ШЩ rohai-butsu •l:lLt ...o toshite shimeru yukei-seibun sekkekkyu hakkekkyu jfiLd^ kesshoban jfiL L x b kessho chuo kubomu otoko; onna man hemogurobin unpan taisetsu na yakuwari о hatasu L~C shu to shite kotsuzui < atarashiku furui 1>Щ hizo pulsation end pulse wrist to send into thin slow does not produce a pulse pocket-like valve to prevent in mesh-like fashion to be distributed entire (surface area) nourishment, nutrient, waste matter via..., through... to occupy, take up the components having shape, the visible com- components red corpuscles white corpuscles blood platelets blood plasma center to become hollow, form a hollow male; female 10, 000 hemoglobin transport important to play a role, perform a task mainly, primarily bone marrow anew, afresh old spleen
шш ШЪ ШМ& shoka suru shoku-sayo shoku-saiho byogen-sei no bogyo rinpa-sen katamaru kiru kizu shukketsu suru kirikuchi gyoko suru katamari usu-kiiro keppei kessei karami-au LESSON 25 389 to digest phagocytosis phagocyte pathogenic defense, protection lymphatic gland, lymph node to harden to cut cut, wound to bleed opening to coagulate lump, clod pale yellow blood clot blood serum to intertwine (S 124-125) "С шяо ЪЖКЪ&Ь, Й.то 0 , ^ 1/13*fifel, ш. Й
390 Comprehending Technical Japanese fett, i-f (fcf) o < chisso-doka kakusan rinshi-shitsu kurorofiru tsuchi ото ni tokushu na ne mazu kangen suru yoryoku-tai chisso no kotei mame tsuku konryu (saikin) endo daizu kobu куЗкуп suru toboshii tochi nitrogen assimilation nucleic acid phosphatide chlorophyll earth, ground chiefly, mainly special, distinct, unique root first of all to reduce (opposite of oxidize) chloroplast, chlorophyll granule nitrogen fixation beans to be attached to... root nodule (bacteria) peas soy beans lump, protuberance to supply, furnish scarce, limited ground
-f 5 sei-iku suru shukushu kyosei LESSON 25 391 to grow host symbiosis 79-81) It, ш, it* f 5 с ь & тштш&, seishoku hishi-shokubutsu meshibe (shizui) oshibe (yuzui) shibo shitsu haishu sentan reproduction angiosperm pistil stamen ovary loculus ovule tip
392 Comprehending Technical Japanese yaku тшш -tit, tt 20-100^ С haino (bo-saiho) gensu-bunretsu shoshitsu suru ran-saiho jo (tai) -saiho hansoku-saiho kyokukaku deki-agaru kafun-bo-saiho seijuku suru chuto saki nen'eki anther embryo sac (mother cell) reduction division, meiosis to disappear, vanish egg cell, ovum synergid antipodal cell pole nucleus to be completed pollen mother cell to be (come) ripe stigma tip viscous liquid S 221-222 С 2, , mm 2 .tot, bunrui kiso ruien-kankei dankai seiri suru hensei suru soi-ten chakumoku suru ikutori mo no (fu) kano classification basis, foundation relationship grade, step, level to arrange, put in order to organize point of difference to notice, pay attention to many kinds of, various (im) possibility
шъ S kagaku-teki ni ittai nani о kagi shuju-zatta na yoi ni yaku-dateru keito-teki ni koko no keitai seiri hassei keishitsu baai-baai ni ojite honshitsu-teki to keito-bunrui kimete iken shu ко о shozuru otagai noryoku mure, gun teigi kohai sodo-kikan rui-en jun ni zoku ka moku ко mon kai mokeru a no ji azoku ashu henshu hinshu LESSON 25 393 scientifically what (on earth) key all kinds of easily to serve systematically each, individual form, shape physiology development character depending on each individual case as essential phylogenetic system deciding factor opinion species to produce offspring ability herd, group definition cross mating homologous organs affinity in order genus family order class phylum kingdom to establish, institute the symbol Ш subgenus subspecies variety form
394 Comprehending Technical Japanese mm \<r> t Ь y^-y ( — Ш Ж Г IC5 kiyaku bankoku-kyotsu no gakumei hito noibara Nihon-go meisho wamei Raten-go kakuritsu suru nimei-ho kokusai-meimei kiyaku kinjiru agreement, rule universal, common to all countries scientific name man (i.e., Homo sapiens) wild rose Japanese (language) name, designation Japanese name Latin to establish binomial nomenclature international agreement on nomenclature to prohibit (S 302-304) Kir ъ Ш 5J4 H1J L, с t 1th tttti
LESSON 25 395 tiA,?< ?.?5 Homo Sapiens, Rosa Polyantha & ??« &&jfo ^Й^Я* ffl ^fb*lSo _h<75®|t? Homo, Rosa Sapiens, Polyantha ttil? T?, С ©Г.о 1гЗЙ-</с % <D ЬЩ-'Ь "С#> 5 v^QV.Linne A707-1778) КИ О KEKKAN TO KETSUEKI Кеккап: Kekkan wa domyaku, jomyaku,A) mosai-kekkan ni kubetsu sareru. Do- myaku wa, shinzo kara oshi-dasareru ketsueki o, karada no kaku-bubun ni hakobu kekkan de aru. Kekkan-heki wa, atsukute danryoku ga aru. Shinzo no hakudo ni yotte shozuru ketsueki no atsuryoku no henka wa, shuki- teki na hado to shite futoi domyaku kara shidai ni mattan e toB) tsutawatte iku. Kono shuki-teki na hado о myaku (myakuhaku) to ii, tekubiC) nado ni furete kanjiru koto ga dekiru. Jomyaku wa, karada no kakubu kara shinzo ni ketsueki о okuri-komu kekkan de aru. Sono kabe wa usukute danryoku ga chiisai. Ketsueki wa jomyaku-nai о yuruku nagare, domyaku no у б ni myaku о utanai. jomyaku-nai ni wa poketto- jo no ben ga atte, ketsueki no gyakuryu о fuseide iru. Mosai-kekkan wa, domyaku to jomyaku to о tsunagu kabe no usui hosoi kanD) de, karada no kaku-soshiki ni, amime-jo ni wakarete mitsu ni bunpu shite iru. Shitagatte, mosai-kan no nai- bu no sohyo-menseki wa kanari hiroi. Ketsu-eki wa mosai-kekkan-nai о yukkuri nagare-nagara, usui kekkan-heki о toshite, soshiki to no aida ni yobun, sanso, ni- sanka-tanso, rohai-butsu nado no кбкап о окопай. Ketsueki: Ketsueki no juryo wa, hito de wa taiju no yaku jusan-bun-no-ichi о shimeru. Sono yukei-seibun to shite sekkekkyu, hakkekkyu, kesshoban ga ari, ekitai-seibun to shite wa kessho ga aru. Hito no sekkekkyu wa chokkei hachi-mikuron, atsusa ni-ten-yon-mikuron gurai no enban-jo no saiho de, kaku ga naku, chuo ga sukoshi kubonde iru. Ketsueki ichi-rippo-mirimetoru-chu ni fukumareru kazu wa, otoko yaku go-hyakuman-ko, onna yaku yonhyaku-goju-man-ko de aru. Ketsueki no iro wa, sekkekkyO-chu no hemogurobin ni yoru mono de aru. Hemogurobin wa tetsu о fukumu shikiso о seibun to suru fukuzatsu na tanpaku- shitsu de, sanso no unpan ni taisetsu na yakuwari о hatashite iru. Sekkekkyu wa, shu to shite futoku nagai hone no kotsuzui-chu de atarashiku
396 Comprehending Technical Japanese tsukurare, sono jumyo wa oyoso hyaku-niju-nichi de, furuku natta mono wa ото ni kanzo ya hizo de kowasareru. Наккеккуп ni wa, iroiro na shurui ga aru ga, ippan ni sekkekkyu yori okii saiho de, chokkei oyoso ju-naishi-jugo mikuron, niko-ijo no kaku о motsu mono ga oi. Hito de wa, ketsueki ichi-rippo-mirimetoru-chu ni yaku rokusen-naishi- hassen-ko aru. Ameba no yo na undo о okonai, usui mosai-kekkan no kabe о totte soshiki-nai ni de-hairi suru. Saikin nado о sono saiho-nai ni tori-irete shoka suru shoku-sayo to iu seishitsu ga aru no de, shoku-saiho to mo iware, byogen-sei no saikin ni taisuru bogyo no hataraki о suru. Наккеккуп wa, kotsuzui, hizo, oyobi rinpa-sen de atarashiku tsukurareru. Ketsueki wa taigai ni deru to katamaru seishitsu ga aru. Karada ni kizu о ukete shukketsu shite mo, kiriguchi ga chiisakereba, shibaraku suru to sono mama de shizen ni katamatte shimau. Kore о ketsueki no gyoko to iu. Ketsueki о shiken-kan no naka de gyoko saseru to, kabu no aka-guroi katamari to jobu no tomei na usu-kiiro no eki to ni wakareru. Katamari о keppei, tomei na eki о kessei to iu. Keppei wa sen'i-jo no fiburin ga кеккуп to karami-atte katamatte iru mono de aru. CHISSO-DOKA Chisso wa, tanpaku-shitsu, kakusan, rinshi-shitsu oyobi kurorofiru nado no sei- bun to shite, kiwamete taisetsu na genso de aru. Shokubutsu wa, tsuchi no naka kara chisso о, ото ni muki-chisso-kagobutsu to shite tori-ireru. Shosan-en to anmoniumu-en to ga sono ото na mono de aru. Shokubutsu-tai de wa, korera no muki-chisso-kagobutsu ya, tokushu na baai ni wa kuki-chu no chisso kara yuki-chisso-kagobutsu о gosei suru hataraki о motte iru. Kore о chisso-doka to iu. Yuki-chisso-kago-butsu no Seisei: Ne kara kyushu sareru muki-chisso-kago-butsu no uchi de, shosan-en wa ne ya ha no naka de kangen sarete, mazu, anmoniumu-en ni kawaru. Anmoniumu-en wa sara ni to nado kara shojita yuki-san to ketsugo shite amino-san to naru. Kono yo ni shite tsukurareta amino-san no dai-bubun wa, tagai ni tasu-ketsugo shite tanpaku-shitsu to naru ga, sono ichibu wa kakusan ya kurorofiru nado о tsukuru no ni mo tsukawareru. Korera no kagaku henka ni wa hikari ga chokusetsu hitsuyo de nai kara, yoryoku-tai о fukumanai saiho de mo okonawareru. Kuchu-chisso no Kotei: Futsu no koto-shokubutsu wa, kuki-chu no chisso N2 о cho- chokusetsu riyo suru koto wa dekinai ga, saikin no uchi ni wa, kore о doka suru koto no dekiru mono ga aru. Sono hitotsu wa, mame-rui no ne ni tsuite iru kon- гуп-saikin de aru. Endo, daizu nado no ne ni wa, chiisa na kobu no yo na mono ga ikutsu moE) mirareru. Kore о копгуп to ii, sono saiho no naka ni wa копгуп-saikin ga takusan haitte ite, sono naka de kuki-chu no chisso ga genryo
LESSON 25 397 to natte chisso-kagobutsu ga tsukurareru. Kono chisso-kagobutsu ga shokubutsu- tai ni куокуп sareru no de, mame-rui wa, chisso-yobun ni toboshii tochi ni mo yoku sei-iku suru koto ga dekiru, Копгуп-saikin wa, shukushuF) ni naru mame-rui no shurui ni yotte ikutsu kaE) no shurui ga aru. Soshite, shokubutsu no taigai de mo seikatsu suru koto ga de- dekiru ga, mame-rui to kyosei shite inakereba, kuki-chu no chisso no kotei wa okonawarenai. SHOKUBUTSU NO SEISHOKU-SAIHO Hishi-shokubutsu no seishoku-kikan no uchi, seishoku ni chokusetsu kankei suru no wa meshibe to oshibe to de aru. Meshibe no kabu о shibo to ii, naibu wa ikutsu kaE) no shitsu ni wakarete iru koto ga oku, naka ni haishu to iu kyujo no soshiki ga aru. Mata, oshibe no sen- tan ni wa yaku ga aru. Haishu no naka ni wa ikko no haino-bo-saiho ga aru. Kore wa gensu-bunretsu о shite yonko no saiho to naru ga, sono uchi no sanko wa shoshitsu shi, nokotta ikko (haino-saiho) wa sara ni sankai no bunretsu ni yotte, hakko no saiho ni naru. Tsumari ran-saiho ichi, jotai-saiho ni, hansoku-saiho san, kyokukaku ni to natte haino ga deki-agaru. Oshibe no yaku ni wa, tasu no kafun-bo-saiho о shoji, kore ga, gensu-bunretsu ni yotte yonko-zutsu no kafun-saiho ni wakare, sono hitotsu-hitotsu ga seijuku shite kafun ni naru. Kafun no katachi ni wa iroiro aru ga, okisa wa niju naishi hyaku mikuron gurai de, kyukei mata wa daentai-kei о shite iru mono ga oi. Meshibe no chuto no saki ni wa, tokki ga attari, nen'eki о dashitari shite, kafun ga tsuki-yasui yo ni natte iru koto ga oi. BUNRUI NO KISO Chikyu-jo ni wa, genzai iroiro no seibutsu ga sunde iru. Sorer a no seibutsu no naka de, tagai ni ruien-kankei no aru mono о sono teido ni yotte ikutsu ka no dankai ni seiri shi, hensei suru koto о bunrui to iu.G) Sono baai, dono soi-ten ni chakumoku suru ka ni yotte iku-tori mo no bunrui ga kano de aru ga, kagaku- teki ni wa ittai nani о "kagi" to shite, dono yo ni bunrui shite iru no de aro ka? Seibutsu о bunrui suru mokuteki wa, tan ni, shuju-zatta na seibutsu о kikai- teki ni seiri shi, sono кекка о yoi ni riyo dekiru yo ni suru to iu dake de naku, shizen-kai ni sonzai suru seibutsu subete(8) no ruien-kankei о akiraka ni shi, kore о keito-teki ni hairetsu suru koto de aru. Shitagatte koko no seibutsu no motsu keitai, seiri, seishoku, hassei, sono ta iroiro no keishitsu о subete(9) koryo shi, baai- baai ni ojite, mottomo honshitsu-teki to kangaerareru mono о mi-idashite "kagi" to shi, ono-ono no seibutsu no keito-chu ni okeru shizen no ichi-kankei ga akiraka
398 Comprehending Technical Japanese ni naru yo ni sum hitsuyo ga aru. Kono yo na bunrui-ho wa keito-bunrui mata wa shizen-bunrui to iwareru. Shikashi, dono yo na keishitsu ga honshitsu-teki na mono de aru ka ni tsuite, zettai-teki na kimete wa naku, bunrui-gakusha no aida de iken no chigatte iru koto mo sukunaku nai. Seibutsu о bunrui suru kihon no tan'i о "shu" to iu. Kore wa koto-dobutsu no baai, "o-tagai no aida ni ко о shojiru noryoku no aru shizen no mure de, ta no doyo na mure to no aida ni seishoku-noryoku о motanai mono" to teigi sarete iru. Kono teigi wa kato na seibutsu ni wa atehamaranai ga, jissai ni, kohai-jikken о окопай koto ga fu-kano ni chikai(9) seibutsu-gun mo kanari oi. Soko de, futsu ni wa "sodo-kikan no ruien no teido" ni motozuki, "shu" kara hajimari, jun ni "zoku," "ka," "moku," "ко," "mon", "kai" no dankai ga mokerarete iru. Sara ni komakaku wakeru hitsuyo no aru baai ni wa, sorezore no dankai no aida ni, "a" no ji о tsuketa dankai о mokeru. Tatoeba, "azoku" wa shu yori mo takai ga, zoku yori wa hikui dankai de aru. Shu о sara ni komakaku waketa mono ni "ashu55, "henshu", "hinshu" ga aru. Homo sapiens, Rosa polyantha nado no na wa, ittei no kiyaku ni yotte kettei sareta bankoku-kyotsu no na de atte, gakumei to yobareru. Kore ni taishi hito, noibara to itta Nihongo no meisho о wameiA0) to iu. Gakumei ni wa Raten-go mochi-irareru. Ue no rei de Homo, Rosa to iu no wa zokumei de ari, mata sapiens, polyantha wa shumei de, kono futatsu о narabeta mono ga gakumei de aru. Kono yo ni shite seibutsu-mei о kosei suru hoho wa Rinne (C.v Linne A707-1778)) ni yori kakuritsu sareta mono de, nimei-ho to iu. Mochiron, doitsu no seibutsu ni taishi kotonatta shumei о ataetari, kotonatta seibutsu ni doitsu-mei о mochi-iru koto wa kokusai-meimei-kiyaku ni yori kinji- rarete iru. BLOOD VESSELS AND BLOOD Blood Vessels: Blood vessels are classified as arteries, veins, and capillaries. Arteries are blood vessels which carry the blood forced out from the heart to all parts of the body. The walls of these blood vessels are thick and resilient. The changes in blood-pressure resulting from the pulsations of the heart are propagated from the large arteries gradually on out to the extremities as a peri- periodic wave motion. This periodic wave motion is called "the pulse," and it can be felt by touching the wrist or other locations. Veins are blood vessels which channel the blood back into the heart from all parts of the body. Its walls are thin and low in resilience. The blood flows slowly in the veins, and there is no pulsing as in the arteries. There are pocket-like valves in the veins which prevent back-flow. Capillaries are tiny, thin-walled ves- vessels connecting the veins and the arteries; they are divided in a mesh-like fashion and densely distributed throughout the body tissue. Therefore, the total internal
LESSON 25 399 surface area of the capillaries is quite extensive. The blood, as it flows slowly through the capillaries, engages in exchanges of nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and waste matter with the tissues via the thin blood-vessel walls. Blood: In man blood accounts for about l/13th of the body weight. It contains red corpuscles, white corpuscles, and platelets as visible components and plasma as a liquid component. Human red blood corpuscles are circular disc-shaped cells 8(j in diameter and 2. Apt in thickness, have no nucleus, and are slightly concave at the center. The number of red blood corpuscles in 1 cubic millimeter of blood is about 5xlO6 for the male and about 4. 5xlO6 for the female. The color of blood is due to the hemoglobin in the red blood corpuscles. He- Hemoglobin, a complex protein which has a pigment component containing iron, plays an important role in oxygen transport. The red corpuscles are produced chiefly in the marrow of large, long bones; their lifetime is about 120 days, the aging ones being destroyed mainly in the liver and spleen. There are various kinds of white corpuscles; they are generally larger than red corpuscle cells, about 10-15^ in diameter, and frequently have 2 or more nuclei. One cubic millimeter of human blood contains about 6000-8000 of them. They execute movements like an amoeba and can go in and out of the tissue by pass- passing through the thin walls of the capillaries. They have the property of phago- phagocytosis in which they ingest such things as bacteria into their cells and digest them. They are therefore called phagocytes and perform the function of protect- protecting (the body) against pathogenic bacteria. New white corpuscles are produced in the bone marrow, spleen, and lymph glands. Blood has the property of clotting when it emerges from the body. Even though the body suffers a wound and bleeds, if the opening is small, the blood will harden naturally in a short while. This process is called coagulation. If we have blood coagulate in a test tube, it separates into reddish-black lumps below and a transparent, pale yellow liquid above. The lumps are called blood clots and the transparent liquid is called blood serum. The blood clots are a hardened mass of red corpuscles intertwined with thread-like fibrin. NITROGEN ASSIMILATION Nitrogen is an extremely important element, as it is a component of proteins, nucleic acids, phosphatides, and chlorophyll. Plants take in nitrogen from the soil chiefly as inorganic nitrogen compounds, the main ones being nitrates and ammonium salts. A plant has the capability of synthesizing organic nitrogen compounds from these inorganic nitrogen compounds and, in certain cases, from atmospheric nitrogen. This is called nitrogen assimi- assimilation.
400 Comprehending Technical Japanese The Formation of Organic Nitrogen Compounds: Nitrates, which are among the in- inorganic nitrogen compounds absorbed by the roots, are reduced in the roots or leaves, being first converted into ammonium salts. These in turn combine with organic acids arising from sugars and other substances to form amino acids. Most of the amino acids thus produced bond together in multiples to form proteins, but some are also used in making nucleic acids, chlorophyll, and other com- compounds. Since light is not directly necessary for these reactions, they occur even in cells which do not contain chloroplasts. The Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen: Most higher plants cannot make direct use of atmospheric nitrogen, but there are bacteria which can assimilate it. One type is the root nodule bacteria which are attached to the roots of beans. A great number of small protuberances called root nodules are seen on the roots of peas, soy beans, and other legumes. Many root nodule bacteria are present in their cells, and nitrogen compounds are produced there using atmospheric nitrogen as the starting material. Beans therefore can grow even in soil which is poor in nitrogenous nutrients as the nitrogen compounds are supplied by the plant itself. There are several kinds of root nodule bacteria depending on the variety of bean acting as host. These bacteria can live outside the body of the plant but if they do not have a symbiotic relation with the bean plant, they cannot fix at- atmospheric nitrogen. THE REPRODUCTIVE CELLS OF PLANTS Among the reproductive organs of angiosperms, those having the most direct connection with reproduction are the pistil and the stamen. The lower part of the pistil is called the ovary and its interior is often divided into several loculi, in which there are globular tissues called ovules. Furthermore, at the tip of the stamen there is the anther. Inside the ovule there is a single embryo sac mother cell. The latter undergoes meiosis and becomes four cells, of which three vanish and the remaining one (the embryo sac cell) subsequently divides three times giving eight cells. The embryo sac is finally completed with 1 egg cell, 2 synergids, 3 antipodal cells, and 2 pole nuclei. The pollen mother cells are produced in the anther of the stamen; these each undergo meiosis dividing into 4 pollen cells, each one of which ripens into pollen. Pollen comes in a variety of forms; they range in size from about 20 to lOOjt/ and are frequently spherical or ellipsoidal in shape. There are projections on the tip of the pistil stigma which, along with the secretion of a viscous liquid and many other features, provide for the ready attachment of pollen particles.
LESSON 25 401 THE FUNDAMENTALS OF CLASSIFICATION Various living things inhabit the earth at present. Ordering and organizing those living things into several levels according to the extent of their mutual re- relationships is called classification. In doing this, however, there are many possible ways of making classfications according to which differences (among the various living things) are given attention, and so we ask what exactly is the key and how does one really classify scientifically. The purpose of classifying living things is not simply to provide a readily usable mechanical ordering of their variety but rather to clarify the relationships between all living things in the natural world and to arrange them systematically. It is necessary, therefore, to consider all of the various characters which each ani- animal possesses—its formation, development, propagation, physiology—and then to discover in each individual case the essential feature which, taken as the key, will serve to clarify the natural position and relationships of each living thing within the system. This method of classifying is called a phylogenetic or natural system. There is, however, no absolutely decisive factor regarding which characters are the essential ones, and there exist more than a few differences of opinion among taxonomists. The fundamental unit in classifying living things is the species. For higher ani- animals this is defined as those animals which are able tQ produce offspring with members of their own natural group but which have no reproductive ability with those in other similar groups. This definition does not apply to lower organisms though in actual fact there are quite a few forms of life for which cross-breeding experiments are close to impossible. Accordingly, it is customary to take the degree of affinity between homologous organs as a basis and to establish an order of levels beginning with species and proceeding to genus, family, order, class, phylum, and kingdom. When it is necessary to subdivide further, levels denoted with the prefix sub- are introduced between the respective levels. For example, sub-genus ranks above species but below genus. In the further subdivision of species there are sub-species, varieties, and forms. Names such as Homo sapiens and Rosa polyantha are called scientific names and are universal terms established according to fixed conventions. In contrast hito and noibara are Japanese names. Latin is used in scientific names. In the two examples above, Homo and Rosa are the genus names, sapiens and polyantha the species names, and the two to- together are the scientific name. This method of constructing the names for living things was established by Linne A707—1778) and is called binomial nomencla- nomenclature. There are, of course, international nomenclature conventions which prevent the
402 Comprehending Technical Japanese B) tsutawatte iku C) tekubi assignment of different names to the same living thing or the use of the same name for different living things. EXPLANATORY NOTES A) jomyaku The character ft is almost always given the reading SEL The reading JO, occuring in the combination Щ Ш is unusual. This is short iu yd ni tsutawatte iku. Ц kubi neck ^H" tekubi wrist лЁЩ" ashikubi ankle D) kabe no usui hosoi kan "A slender tube with thin walls." Here kabe no usui ( — kabe ga usui) and hosoi both modify kan. When two adjectives modify the same noun, the usual con- construction is: futoku(te) nagai hone "a long thick bone." But kabe no usukute tsuyoi kan would mean "a tube with thin, strong walls." "A great many"; compare with ikutsu ka (no) "a few," "some", "several". "Host" (in the biological sense). The same characters would be read yadonushti9 the ?tm-reading, if the reference were to the manager of an inn. Sorer a...mono о is the object of seiri shi. "All the living things." Note that subete may follow the noun, as is the case here, or precede it; in the latter case the particle no is needed: subete no seibutsu. Here we know that subete no ruienkankei is not intended, because seibutsu would then have no particle to indicate its function in the sentence. Here subete goes with keishitsu; one could also write keishitsu no subete o. A0) kohai-jikken...chikai This clause modifies seibutsu-gun. The symbol fP wa is an abbreviation for ^cfP Yamato meaning "Japan". The opposite of fP is Щ-уо indicating "foreign." Hence: washoku Japanese food yoshoku foreign food wayo-sho Japanese and foreign books E) ikutsu mo (no) F) shukushu G) sorera iu (8) seibutsu subete (9) keishitsu о subete A1) wamei
LESSON 25 403 SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS A. •W Wit zuiko mitasu yawarakai azukaru kaimen-yo kishitsu mojo-sen'i doyo-kekkan yohai-ki genki kokka genshi shinnyu suru zoketsu okureru kaishi suru kino kyushi suru keizoku suru shuyo na pith cavity to fill soft to take a part in, play a role in spongy substrate, matrix reticulin fibres sinusoid beginning embryonic stage rudiment ossification original to invade blood production to be late to begin process, function to stop, discontinue to continue chief, main, principal * 5 ШЬЬ, t kX (SJ 341) <^Ltv^5( ita В. Ь У ^ < kangen-tekitei hyojun-yoeki daiichi-tetsu-en ahi-san chio-ryusan-natoriumu reductimetry standard solutions ferrous salt arsenous acid sodium thiosulphate
404 Comprehending Technical Japanese a — Ю Ь V — yodo-metorii iodometry 274) С. Ь У ь у- D. kijun shusho-mei saiyo suru keishiki owari ni shin-kumi-awase soeru fuki suru kanrei standard, basis specific epithet, trivial name to adopt, accept form at the end new combination to attach, append to add, append usual practice (SJ759) t<o2 Ш <п& ш*. ь #, sorui eiyo-kikan kuki algae vegetative organ stem 29) FINAL TRANSLATION TEST * # Ш, CRJ Ю73) <*
LESSON 25 405 Ь, rttCO2 + H2( Ж -ка о, -с* о-с, 1) 3fc=-^ 2) ^Ci5-3fy7; F7f-yv>^^i/tf Му| (NADP) 3) ^ЫгК№%:*> O2(D^^ 4) l)ri^"C4C/t7r/^yHyyi(ATP)t2) KlJ:. , D,2),3) у о, J: 0 , ADP
406 Comprehending Technical Japanese У v , Calvin ЩШЩЬ; ATP iЖ7сМNADP
APPENDIX A KANJI FREQUENCY LISTS In order to have a basis for selecting the kanji to be emphasized in this reader, frequency studies were made for physics, chemistry, and biology. For each field a list of the 400 most important characters was prepared. There was of course consi- considerable overlap among the lists, 627 different kanji being included in the three lists. The texts used for the frequency counts are as follows: Subject Textbook Used for Frequency Study Study Made by Physics Butsuri-B, S. Kaya (ed); Kogakusha R.B. Bird Chemistry Kagaku-B, by U. Subata, S. Tsuda, and N. Inoue and students O. Shimaura; Dai-Nihon-Tosho Biology Seibutsu, by T. Miwa and H. Oka; N. Inoue and students Sanseido High level high-school textbooks wese chosen for the frequency studies, because it was felt that the kanji encountered there would represent a wide spectrum of subjects and that they would emphasize the rudimentary vocabulary which a for- foreign student would have to begin with. Below we tabulate the top 524 characters resulting from combining the above- described frequency lists. This list includes all characters which appeared in the top 300 of any one list as well as those which appeared in the top 400 of two or more lists. This tabulation then gives an approximate ranking of the kanji in decreasing order of importance as well as separate rankings for physics, chemistry, and biology. In addition we show the lesson in which each kanji is introduced. In the right-hand column an asterisk(*) indicates those characters which are kyoiku-kanji (the 881 characters required in elementary school), and a small circle (o) indic- indicates those which are not included in the toyo-kanji (the 1850 basic characters). This textbook emphasizes through the 20 kanji introduced in each lesson 500 characters, of which 490 appear on the list of 524 below 5 were on the list below 524 5 were not on any list 376 are kyoiku kanji 123 are toyo kanji but not kyoiku kanji 1 is not toyo kanji The beginning student can feel confident that the reading selections in this book do emphasize the most important characters for technical reading. Mastery of our recommended 500 kanji will enable him to read technical Japanese with consider- considerable facility.
408 Comprehending Technical Japanese No. Kanji Phys Chem Biol Lesson No. Kanji Phys Chem Biol Lesson 1 ^ 3 13 4 1 * 35 |g 61 69 72 1 * 2^5 6 11 7 * 36 §[5 72 122 21 8 * 3 Щ 11 11 1 1 * 37 ^] 115 68 35 5 * 4 ^ 19 10 3 7 * 38 fg 1 20 201 14 * 5 ^ 17 2 20 6 * 39 |g 144 25 63 2 * 6 Л 31 12 7 2 * 40 ^ 183 34 19 13 * 7 ф 24 17 18 9 * 41 Щ 40 57 140 7 * 8 fb 48 3 9 3 * 42 Д 73 65 107 8 * 9 ^ 36 8 17 5 * 43 Jjfr 8 232 5 1 * 10 Jff 37 19 31 4 * 44 Д 33 67 152 4 * 11 ^ 51 15 25 7 * 45 ^fe 157 28 68 4 * 12 — 23 42 30 1 * 46 §? 53 21 183 2 * 13 ^ 47 23 29 9 * 47 Ц 52 37 171 3 * 14 g? 25 43 48 3 * 48 |f 34 50 182 4 * 15 |jg 90 7 23 9 * 49 JBE 14 g0 174 6 * 16 % 10 16 97 6 * 50 Щ 68 141 67 6 * 17 Jt 29 22 74 2 * 51 g| 264 1 12 15 * 18 Д 27 39 62 3 * 52 fp 75 36 173 3 * 19 ^108 4 16 7 * 53 }? 12 249 36 13 * 20 gp 7 26 101 1 * 54 -JT) 2 108 188 2 * 21 _t 26 61 50 3 * 55 jg 189 86 24 10 * 22 |U 6 78 60 5 * 56 Jtg; 212 33 56 10 * 23 $? 107 29 13 7 * 57 jfjjj 63 102 137 9 * 24 ^ 65 40 45 2 * 58 ?| 71 177 55 11 * 25 §? 43 49 61 2 * 59 /J\ 59 157 89 2 * 26 ^ 22 94 39 2 * 60 ~f 84 114 110 4 * 27 Щ 45 77 33 10 * 61 Щ 89 95 124 8 * 28 ? 109 46 2 4 * 62 f^ 44 30 239 10 * 29 Щ 39 79 44 2 * 63 Jp 54 18 241 2 * 30 ^ 100 45 22 12 * 64 Jfc 76 223 14 6 * 31 ^ 32 51 85 1 * 65 ^ 176 116 28 12 * 32 Щ 46 60 75 1 * 66 75 82 58 195 4 * 33 HU 28 125 40 1 * 67 g 35 204 98 8 * 34 -jj 16 93 87 6 * 68 Щ 194 73 80 5 *
APPENDIX A 409 No. Kanji Phys Chem Biol Lesson No. Kanji Phys Chem Biol Lesson 69 Щ 192 41 121 15 * 103 Щ 162 97 221 7 * 70 ff 106 212 38 5 * 104 [*] 20 195 267 1 * 71 ^ 171 123 66 7 * 105 ^ 252 98 134 7 * 72 f@ 193 115 54 8 * 106 ^p 62 169 255 6 * 73 Щ 83 106 181 13 * 107 ^f 87 298 108 1 * 74 ^ 58 64 251 5 * 108 fg) 135 209 150 8 * 75 |gg 126 121 126 12 * 109 Jg 67 119 313 6 * 76 ЗЩ 94 139 141 13 * 110 ftJJ 185 154 162 12 * 77 Щ 88 190 96 2 * 111 ^ 277 184 42 5 * 78 Д 104 200 71 13 * 112 ]? 113 181 212 6 * 79 Щ 86 167 127 2 * 113 g 302 47 159 14 * 80 |*| 91 264 27 8 * 114 jfp 102 224 189 1 81 Щ 69 229 86 3 * 115 дЦ; 181 162 176 4 82 j|| 49 297 57 5 * 116 g 177 124 220 10 * 83 ^ 105 66 237 3 * 117 3^ 117 346 59 15 * 84 Щ 101 203 105 2 * 118 /j& 263 148 144 10 * 85 jjjj? 316 14 79 16 * 119 ^ 204 170 155 7 * 86 ^f 130 218 69 11 * 120 g 199 163 185 4 * 87 JjJ 191 138 95 5 * 121 lg? 331 171 46 17 88 jff 55 83 301 4 * 122 J^ 110 322 116 4 * 89 Щ 319 111 10 16 * 123 Ш 122 217 215 3 * 90 $f? 4 193 254 9 * 124 ^ 282 131 143 14 * 91 Щ 272 91 91 8 * 125 Щ 154 339 70 16 92 /J/ 178 120 157 4 * 126 Щ 111 166 292 1 * 93 JJq 57 90 309 1 * 127 ^ 81 38 - 14 * 94 3g 289 74 94 17 * 128 Щ 127 48 398 14 * 95 {? 30 235 194 2 * 129 }Ц 13 354 207 1 * 96 Щ 78 178 208 1 * 130 [Ц 42 342 193 5 * 97 Щ 131 234 100 10 * 131 jfcg - 9 120 16 * 98 ^ 79 35 353 3 * 132 ffi 146 165 275 16 99 jjj 139 236 93 4 * 133 Щ 160 149 278 7 * 100 fij 179 176 113 3 * 134 ^ - 5 139 15 101 #? 56 27 395 2 * 135 {g 132 132 334 11 * 102 Ц 187 179 112 7 * 136 flf[ 38 289 271 1 *
410 Comprehending Technical Japanese No. Kanji Phys Chem Biol Lesson No. Kanji Phys Ghem Biol Lesson 137 2J? 74 75 - 6 * 171 ^ 60 - 175 8 * 138 ffl 268 135 197 9 * 172 ^ 234 219 233 6 * 139 |S 165 82 354 12 173 Ц 286 320 81 12 * 140 XL 155 172 279 7 * 174 ^ 318 137 236 17 * 141 jfc 266 152 187 13 * 175 j}| - 72 169 19 142 4ffi 383 85 138 21 * 176 $|J 309 192 191 22 * 143 }§ 255 118 235 6 * 177 ^ 257 258 178 7 * 144 Щ 50 109 .» 8 178 ffl 359 71 264 19 145 ^ 215 326 73 10 * 179 g: '" 18<S 58 18 * 146 Щ ... 84 82 18 180 [fjj 141 107 — 14 * 147 дЩ 41 .- 129 1 * 181 §? 196 54 »• 12 * 148 % 267 134 222 9 * 182 J^ 119 239 344 12 * 149 X 231 32 364 16 * 183 fj 114 143 -. 14 * 150 ^ ... 70 106 16 184 §f 70 189 — 7 * 151 j[| 156 291 179 6 * 185 Щ 218 44 — 15 * 152 f$ 80 357 196 13 186 Щ 137 348 228 5 * 153 Ц 9 174 .- 1 * 187 TplJ 197 226 291 11 * 154 ^ 147 142 347 11 * 188 ffi 64 -» 200 9 155 ^ 175 293 168 7 * 189 |Щ 259 ... 6 9 * 156 J^ 217 253 167 2 * 190 $g 21 246 - 5 157 ДЦ 116 145 382 3 * 191 ^ 260 294 164 10 * 158 Щ 118 202 324 3 * 192 $| 299 308 115 17 * 159 Щ ... 59 135 22 * 193 f^ 240 ••• 32 10 * 160 3§ 123 370 155 6 * 194 g? 190 331 202 10 * 161 Щ 151 366 132 6 * 195 gg 358 247 119 19 * 162 Щ 145 309 199 12 * 196 Щ 136 140 »• 5 * 163 ^ 219 238 211 10 197 $g 203 76 •» 11 * 164 ^ 346 136 186 16 * 198 ^ 99 185 - 11 * 165 $? 96 230 347 10 * 199 J\ 230 364 147 17 * 166 |? 163 63 ... 15 200 ?fl 253 228 263 9 * 167 3? 159 313 205 8 * 201 0 198 307 238 10 * 168 Ц1 227 53 .- 2 * 202 Щ 186 112 »• 15 * 169 /jj> 138 395 153 13 * 203 ? - 103 198 19 * 170 J^ 244 216 225 11 * 204 jjg( - 158 145 20 *
APPENDIX A 411 No. Kanji Phys Ghem Biol Lesson No. Kanji Phys Ghem Biol Lesson 205 T? 303 207 245 14 239 ^ 390 379 88 17 * 206 fg 174 265 323 16 * 240 jgfc ». 100 312 22 207 ^ 341 245 177 16 * 241 Щ 143 270 ... 12 208 ^ ... 266 51 22 * 242 ^ 310 105 ... 19 * 209 jj^J 290 104 377 14 * 243 Щ 388 191 287 21 ~ 210 Щ 363 127 281 23 * 244 ^ 164 .» 253 3 211 ^ 247 267 258 3 * 245 Щ 173 310 389 14 * 212 fpf 221 101 .- 15 * 246 ^ 168 256 .» 15 * 213 §^ ... 31 293 18 * 247 fljf 134 396 346 6 * 214 J|)? 327 316 131 17 * 248 ffl 328 99 •» 18 215 ^P 232 96 .» 3 * 249 §У 326 ••• 103 17 * 216 Ц 242 89 .» 12 250 j? ... 327 104 20 * 217 Щ 180 -» 154 9 * 251 Jj|t ... 384 47 18 218 Щ 205 130 ..• 8 * 252 ^ 172 391 320 5 * 219 $g ... 55 282 21 253 Щ 344 ••• 90 23 220 Щ 262 126 399 9 * 254 ^ 182 254 ... 9 * 221 Щ .- 330 15 21 * 255 Ц 237 206 - 15 * 222 Щ 66 287 .- 2 * 256 Jg - 321 125 19 223 $J 300 56 -. 11 * 257 fjf 128 319 ••• 4 224 Щ 223 211 381 2 * 258 Щ 23 353 ... 5 * 225 Щ ... 317 49 22 * 259 Ц 313 345 243 12 226 0 322 259 240 17 * 260 Щ 312 324 268 23 * 227 Щ - 288 83 21 261 fg •» 147 308 16 228 ffjj 353 222 247 17 262 $? 380 260 265 16 * 229 ^f 395 244 184 17 * 263 ^ 8 21 230 $g 150 .- 224 11 264 Ц 170 .» 290 14 * 231 Ц 306 356 166 24 * 265 ^ 314 349 251 17 * 232 f^ 381 371 84 22 * 266 Щ 13 15 233 P - 227 161 25 * 267 $f 15 6 * 234 ^ 120 268 -. 17 * 268 -^ 315 153 ••• 16 * 235 1Ц 249 146 -» 15 269 Ц 311 161 ••• 18 * 236 Д| 92 303 - 7 * 270 Щ - 24 - 15 237 f!fa 329 183 338 19 271 jfil 26 24 * 238 Щ 229 173 ••• 11 272 Щ 279 373 277 12 *
412 Comprehending Technical Japanese No. Kanji Phys Chem Biol Lesson No. Kanji Phys Chem Biol Lesson 273 fl «. 299 180 20 307 j| 362 155 - 25 * 274 @ 273 389 269 8 * 308 §g 152 - 368 11 * 275 $$ 364 117 - 19 * 309 fgfc 295 - 226 10 276 jg 384 263 286 18 310 X 337 188 - 17 * 277 Ц 34 23 * 311 Ц .» 374 151 21 * 278 |p 37 23 312 Jg 76 22 279 fg 285 388 266 7 * 313 ^ 317 210 •» 4 * 280 U ... 255 234 22 314 |? 77 21 * 281 д§ 41 23 * 315 |g 77 9 282 Ц\ 133 360 ». 4 * 316 ff 78 21 283 gg 43 23 * 317 $, 271 314 396 12 * 284 ? 323 363 261 13 * 318 fe 283 378 321 11 * 285 Щ 103 393 «. 10 * 319 Щ - 81 ... 21 286 ffl 52 23 * 320 |g 333 198 ... 19 287 g[5 379 ... 123 24 * 321 g& 334 199 ••• 18 288 Щ ... 52 ... 18 322 Ц 200 »• 335 10 * 289 Щ 53 20 * 323 fp 85 4 * 290 Щ. 354 150 - 18 324 fjfl| - 87 - 19 * 291 Ц 149 355 -. 13 * 325 j^ - 88 .» 15 * 292 i^ 296 392 270 13 * 326 % 208 .» 331 14 * 293 Tfc 236 273 -. 8 * 327 дЦ 243 .» 298 17 * 294 |f ... 279 230 20 328 Щ 92 18 * 295 |Щ 207 .- 304 8 * 329 ]? - 92 ••• 15 296 Щ 228 350 383 8 330 ^ 301 243 ... 10 * 297 Щ. 216 .- 295 4 * 331 #f 95 13 * 298 -gj 307 375 280 25 * 332 Щ — 284 262 20 299 ^ 261 325 376 8 * 333 Jff »• 381 165 17 300 $| .- 62 -. 16 * 334 ^ 97 6 * 301 Цг 298 ... 214 13 * 335 §g 274 ••• 274 8 302 fe 226 .- 288 5 * 336 ff 98 15 303 If 64 23 * 337 Щ 99 23 * 304 gj? .» 398 117 23 * 338 ^ - 292 259 25 * 305 g? 65 23 о 339 Щ 102 25 * 306 gfc 386 .» 130 21 340 §f - 323 229 25 *
No. Kanji Phys Ghem Biol Lesson 341 Щ 342 ffi 344 [J32. 345 ft 347 Щ. 348 F^ 349 jjg 350 Щ 352 ^ 353 ji7J\ 354 Ж 355 % 356 p5 357 ®f 358 Щ 359 Щ 360 Ж 361 Щ 129 112 361 360 121 391 124 278 125 248 396 225 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 Щ 288 369 370 371 372 373 374 140 142 143 250 110 201 113 372 182 296 128 192 129 278 133 300 307 109 111 114 285 118 122 280 144 328 128 388 357 356 133 136 142 314 22 24 18 21 11 18 19 20 22 25 12 24 16 14 14 21 19 20 25 22 10 19 24 24 17 14 19 No, Kanji Phys 375 Ш 376 377 378 * 379 f? * 380 fg 153 APPENDIX A 413 Ghem Biol Lesson 381 jfjj 382 Щ 383 Щ[ 384 J|^ 385 ^ 386 Щ 387 ВД 388 g 389 ^ffj 390 Щ 391 ^ 392 g| 393 ЗЁ 394 Ц| 395 \Щ 396 Щ 397 Щ 98 Щ 399 ^ 400 Щ 401 Jjg; 402 ^ 403 {^ 404 jfe 405 Щ 406 Щ. 407 ^ 408 >}C 245 284 158 161 375 166 385 167 370 169 258 241 213 151 215 274 156 332 159 160 164 240 334 248 168 365 383 175 180 261 146 148 387 149 390 360 332 157 283 232 170 172 184 336 372 300 24 24 18 16 13 20 20 21 14 24 21 20 21 25 23 20 19 11 24 11 22 20 22 14
414 Comprehending Technical Japanese No. Kanji Phys Chem Biol Lesson No. Kanji Phys Ghem Biol Lesson 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 188 357 285 347 195 201 393 256 202 340 287 324 429 ffc 292 430 Ш 2°6 431 432 433 434 435 Щ 436 Щ 437 j?fc 438 gg 439 W 440 ^ 441 Ш 442 209 210 211 335 213 214 194 196 197 205 397 318 190 296 192 159 397 203 204 315 206 370 386 365 340 209 210 327 213 214 12 25 16 25 21 16 20 20 25 12 23 23 24 11 24 11 12 20 24 14 23 23 17 21 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 Щ 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 382 % 474 475 476 220 222 224 294 374 233 235 238 239 389 246 345 276 220 221 380 225 302 277 231 233 237 301 241 312 242 284 25 391 21 216 25 217 218 22 219 23 19 13 22 223 400 227 380 242 13 23 13 22 21 231 24 16 15 10 19 13 18 19 244 25 12 246 24 352
No. Kanji Phys Ghem Biol Lesson APPENDIX A 415 No. Kanji Phys Ghem Biol Lesson 477 Щ 478 Ц 479 Щ 480 Щ 481 ff| 482 Щ 483 ^ 484 }g 485 ;fc 486 §? 487 489 490 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 250 251 367 254 265 269 270 275 276 369 280 281 283 251 252 336 328 257 262 269 271 272 275 359 281 282 286 248 249 250 256 257 379 260 262 272 273 358 25 24 14 11 20 24 24 18 24 19 25 15 18 23 18 22 15 19 11 14 22 18 16 511 Щ* 351 512 Щ 397 513 т - 514 рр 387 515 Щ 290^ 516 JI 291 517 ^р 293 518 tt * 519 Щ 378 520 Щ ... * 521 ^* 522 ;§* 297 523 g * 524 Л ЭЭ1 ^/р; DSL Щ^ 537 Щ 585 yfyf № 305 386 340 352 295 305 311 351 289 294 366 297 299 376 359 25 18 17 13 15 17 12 376 13 22 22 20 20 20 25 25
APPENDIX В THE 500 KANJI TABULATED ACCORDING TO "ON" READING (with lesson number) Ж 25 *V Щ 25 7 Л Щ 19 ТЖ15ЛТ4 «2 *" ТУ Ш 6 'X 18 **v ^ \Ь >гЛ Щ 6 TV ^22 ft 3 Э& 17 Bt 15 ЙП 2 * fl 5 Я 15 * Я 6 «2 * ТЕ 25 * 15 Ш 17 -f У, И Ж 2 IB 16 ft- 7 fit 2 Л 19 IB 6 Ш 23 m 12 й 14 ж 14 е is » 10 Ж 6 & 25 Г* Ш 21 Ж 18 it ^21 ЯВ 5 »--7 ли 24 >14;*К[Ш]5 ^11 ЛИ II 20 К 21 «12 « 2 й 23 ^ 8 ?*7 Ш \2 >rv й 13 Л 9 Щ 23 Ш 22 Ц*^ S. 3 W 9 ¦if- — 1 «20 >Й 17 ^17 -fv 51 4 И 23 * 17 Ш 23 Щ 23 Pf 25 ^е 9 ^2 Ш 15 й? 15 Ш 12 Г"У х 16 it 4 Я- И «4 $6 6 * Л^ 45- 6 ^з Sg 1 К 7 *?13 Й 5^а^Й13 Ш 4 ^v Ж 1 Щ \6 Ш 24 Ж 10 Ж 24 «13 «8 х К 20 fa1? Ш 20 S 12 ** Ж 9 Ш 9 * 18 x-v РЭ 5 *V ^ 4 ^з^ Й 8 а ^ 22 * -7 й 22 Ш 8аЩ 8 Щ 16 flj 17 ^у Ж 8 пр 21 № 15 *У ^Р 13 ?14 f@ 8 за 13 f 23 Ш 21 =' Ж 14 g 14 #11 Ш 24 а? р 25 Й 20 ?у IS И X 20 * га 1 й 1 ^¦9 (Б Ю ^22 * ? 15 :*-У # 6 Ш 24 ^"> ^ 6 ?т 5 S 7 И 2 /^ fi 23 #8 f= 9 ^'7 В 13 * 13
APPENDIX В 417 9 й ay iM U4 ffi В m tic v/ ft 9 12 25 3 19 9 20 22 22 21 8 21 16 5 20 24 25 16 13 3 10 23 9 6 8 16 20 21 22 9 9 24 9 23 11 14 15 21 7 11 4 11 i? Ш * -УУ -У а m ж т 5 4 11 21 19 19 19 13 18 23 2 17 11 1 15 3 4 20 22 20 2 2 13 11 17 13 22 18 15 25 8 10 10 19 17 5 21 16 4 12 10 16 18 4 6 16 "У а ? Ф H5 Ж ± v'a ;? fe # * -fe-f ш 2 4 17 13 10 21 12 13 18 23 3 3 7 7 6 12 13 20 21 22 19 13 12 23 15 18 5 14 6 25 24 6 10 25 2 4 6 7 7 20 17 11 -fcf-У Б Ш m is -feV V т к у * и ш У У 14 22 19 5 13 16 3 25 13 10 24 23 5 25 20 20 1 20 7 3 16 7 5 24 6 24 И 7 17 18 17 5 13 24 3 1 9 2 19 14 15 3
418 Comprehending Technical Japanese *-f *ч #y ш n ffir fig ft ^ № & 7 7-4 12 12 9 1 3 14 7 2 22 22 14 24 2 16 3 11 9 10 4 15 9 4 4 16 22 9 20 18 5 12 24 8 1 18 5 13 fv Ы К ± w Й й л -у Л 1 8 5 19 22 12 16 4 11 10 14 18 25 1 11 18 1 15 18 1 1 17 15 7 7 2 22 3 3 24 17 8 20 24 17 10 17 Я? J ty У it ft А 9 19 25 24 21 6 23 19 24 16 18 19 25 12 2 5 10 10 16 1 21 10 И 10 10 24 1 4 20 17 25 19 14 8 6 24 18 1 7У 3» зр ш V 1 21 6 14 8 22 3 15 3 25 6 19 12 3 21 19 22 12 12 14 9 18 22 8 25 21 21 17 7 8 18 10
APPENDIX В 419 *v га 14 н* т з а 7 #7 23 К 1 u * If5i;^^2u-f0||l ^9 Ш 14 § 8 \)у tL 7 \уу Щ 14 Ц 20 Ш 15 ^ 10 й 23 Ш 23 »; л» g 19 11 IS 15 Ж 9 р з. № И « 12 & 16 р Jp 19 а.^ й 4 * 25 «15 g& 14 * 7 _ У а» М 12 р v |& 20 | 23 7 ЗН- 19 M14^v?4 й 2 9 Й4 18 9У № 23 D з ^ Ш 21 7 fp 3 а и л з -? 5 У тИ И /W Ш 16
APPENDIX С THE 500 KANJI TABULATED ACCORDING TO STROKE COUNT IGHI ITSU 1 ^ RIKI 73 RYOKU Г N1 Л NYU A JIN 2 3 8 17 ± TAI, DAI 2 'b SHO 2 ± JO_ 3 a kyu з T KA, GE 4 #• YO 5 T SHI, SU 7 H SAN 9 T KAN 13 I КО, KU 17 P КО 25 ± DO, TO 25 it HI 1 R HAN 2 ft KA 3 §1 IN 4 4? SHO 4 P3 EN 5 ^ HO 6 * SUI 6 * FUN, BUN 7 Й NAI 8 ф GHtJ 9 * TAI 9 Jb SHI 11 «C> SHIN 13 Ж GO 14 (with ON readings and lesson number) # SHU 15 тс GEN, GAN 16 5? t—t 0 € Jn -7— -Ei BE зр IE Ш Ш & ft Я- * # ft TEN NIGHI JITSU SHU FU KA MO SETSU 5 KA YO SHI, JI SEI, SHO YU, YU HAN SEKI SHAKU ATSU HEI SEI RITSU SHUTSU MOKU HITSU SHI GAI I ТА U, YU SA SHA HON GO HAKU FU HI DAI SHITSU YO 16 л н 17 17 17 18 18 25 2 3 4 4 4 5 r 5 6 6 6 7 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 14 16 19 19 21 22 22 23 ? SHU ш во M FU 25 25 25 fa КО 1 Щ DO 1 Л JI 2 & SHIKI 3 ff ZON.SON 3 ft! CHI, JI 4 g SHI, JI 4 * SHI 5 -a- go 5 m kai 5 ft КО, GYO 5 % KI 6 ? KAKU 6 Ш. SEI 7 ? ZEN 7 * YU 7 # КО 8 Й KYOKU 8 Ш DEN 10 ^ TO 11 M RYO 12 # ТА 12 it ко 13 & shoku „ a SHIKI " Я RETSU 14 fe CHI 15 Й КО 15 ? ZAI 16 ^ NEN 17 K. KYU 17 Й CHtJ 20 К KAI 21 Z MEI 21 ^ AN 22 Ц SAI 23 H IN ife KETSU Й NIKU % SEN 23 24 24 25 № TAI 1 ft I 2 >sf TAI, TSUI 3 № SA, SAKU 3 fc» SHO 4 Й KAKU 5 Ш ZU, TO 5 # KEI 6 «t JO 7 {& TEI 7 Й KIN 8 Ш KO_ 9 ^ KYU 9 ft- О 10 m ri и # SHA 11 ft KETSU 11 # SHIN 12 m setsu 13 Л KEN 13 # SEKI 13 <sj KA 15 # KI 15 Ш A 15 ft GAN 16 # KYU 17 % KEI 17 <H JI 17 it CHIN 18 Jt HO 19 W ZAI 20 Ш GA 21 Я1 BETSU 22 IP RAN 23
APPENDIX С 421 7Ё ТЕ щ % ш т ш т № т ш ш т ш и- и ж ?р й ш ? ш ж ш я & ж ft NYO so KA 8 T"\T ТГТ"lf""iTr T BUTSU MOTSU TEI GHOKU HYO REI JITSU KA HO TOTSU WA GAKU CHO TEKI SHU KEI HA KU SHO GEN SEI, SHO MEI КО SHU CHI TEI SUI JU HAN HI JI SHI YU HO КО KUTSU KIN HEI JUTSU SEKI SHA MEI, MYO 24 24 25 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 13 14 14 16 16 17 17 да ш of Й a* w # IT w m HJ 11 * ft К ffi If fffi Й s FUTSU CHU KA RO SHO, SEI NYU КО SHI BO MI DOKU EN SAN KAN IKU HITSU 9 DO TAN KEI HEN SOKU GO, КО ZEN HO TEN JU BYO YO ON SO KEI GEN MEN KAI KEN HI KAN HATSU KYU GYAKU FU YAKU TAN SEI 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 11 11 12 12 12 14 14 16 17 Ш Щ m ft ш m p°p m s m Щ m ш m m ШЕ fit ш Й ЯЕ H *f ж к Ш it IB m № ж KEI КО SHI SHOKU SHITSU SEN HIN SEN SHU HO KATSU KAI SHIN HAI SO КО 10 SOKU JI GEN CHI SHIN KI SO, SU токи YO КО КО RYU SA HAN SHA TSU SHIN KA TAI SHIN KAKU BAI KI SHO ZO SHO JAKU TO 17 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 25 1 1 4 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 13 13 14 14 14 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 « W m m ж к ц as ш ш # т. ш т ш ш ш ш ж # ж ш № ш щ ш ш ш ы ш т ш ш га ш ш ш т т SHIN JUN SHI RYU SHI HAI RYO ZAN ZAI FUN KOTSU KON MYAKU NO 11 DO токи KYU SO SHIN RI JO BU MITSU EKI SOKU DAN SAI NEN RTTSU GEN SETSU I TEN SEI CHO I KYO SHO MON KI IN HEN RYU KON 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 21 21 21 24 25 25 25 1 2 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16
422 Comprehending Technical Japanese Ш ж m m m ш m m m m m M w ж ш „В- Ж Я IS ш т ж ш т Ш Ш т и ш ш ш ш W ш ш ш & т ш я № ш GHITSU ZOKU KAN О, КО коки KAI KIN DAI GO KEI NO HAI KI 12 KAN UN TO KYO RYO SOKU KETSU TAN JIKU RAKU ZETSU KI JO SAI FUKU KA ON KYOKU GEN TEI SHO DAN SO SAN BO SHO SHO SHI ZOKU YO RYU 16 19 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 Ш # fIJ Ш m ш Ш m m ш ж m ш ж № и ш ш ш ш ш % т ш ш. ж т ш ш ш. т ш ж № ш ш ш № т ш ж SHU ZEN, NEN BAN KEN DO KATSU BAI SHO KEI MU SHO SHOKU ко GHAKU KAN SHOKU SHA SAKU KAI RETSU YO YU TATSU KIN KAKU KAI 13 SU CHI I so BI JO TETSU GEN EN DEN RO EN KAI ZOKU AN YO EN I 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 2 4 4 7 10 12 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 18 8* to m M ш ш ж № M5 m m ш Щ m m * ш. Ш m m ш w ш Ш Ш m m m m m Ш Ш ш в m ш m m ж m SHI DEN SHOKU HO GYO KAKU КО SHO SHI KAN SETSU CHO SHIN GUN 14 KAN zo TAI SAI КО KAN SATSU SHU TAN GIN YO ZO SEI, JO YU SAN SAN DO JI SO MAKU SEI TEKI I КО RYOKU TEKI SEI SETSU KYO FUKU 18 18 19 19 20 20 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 2 5 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 17 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 m zatsu 15 Ш SEN Ш SHITSU m sho m do Я CHO m ma m kaku m netsu S KI m en Ш RON Ж I * YO 16 m seki Ш HEKI № KI ш во m то Ш YU m so m то Ш GYO m nen m ju m yaku Ж GEKI m ко m no m To щ zu M KAIST Ш HAKU 17 Ш SATSU Ш SHUKU m kan m sen 18 Ш RI Ш KEN 24 1 2 3 7 8 9 9 10 11 14 20 23 25 3 8 12 12 15 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 21 21 21 24 oc 25 9 12 19 20 1 2
APPENDIX С 423 KAN DAI RUI 2 14 16 m m SHIKI SHOKU KEN 20 Ш ZO 24 19 KYO 13 23 19 it ZUI 25
APPENDIX D THE 500 KANJI TABULATED ACCORDING TO NELSON'S RADICALS (with ON readings and lesson number) ¦f 1 — $¦ T ж ? IE Щ Щ Ш 1 Ф Й Й * ж 1 1 IP TpUT ITSU SAN YO KA, GE GO TEN FU HEI SEI RYO SAI A GHU NAI YU, YU HON SHUTSU КО KYOKU KA HYO HITSU HAN KYtJ TAN GYO KYU SHO SHITSU NEN KEI FAN 1 8 5 4 14 16 17 6 6 12 23 15 I 9 8 4 14 10 1 8 2 1 10 5 17 2 20 J 3 4 22 17 17 23 S Ж Ш. 1 ft 1 « 2 и о w 2 Л JU 2 fk ft # ftt # № Ш SUI JU DEN NYU JI N1 GEN, GAN SHU КО IKU KEN RITSU JIN I KA ТА SHI FU DAI JI DEN I SHIN TAI TEI SA, SAKU KA KA 10 4 18 L 20 1 11 — 3 16 JL_ 25 15 23 3 10 Л 17 11 i 3 12 11 19 22 17 10 2 12 1 7 3 15 19 m ffi « m ш ш « M Ш 2 it ± 2 2 Л 2 2 III 2 P3 Я 2 ? 2 REI SHI KEI HO BAI CHI КО GU SOKU HEN ZO GO ZEN GAN MEI, MYO SEN NYU FUN, BUN HEI ZEN EN DO SHU SHA 1 11 2 3 16 4 8 23 9 15 13 5 7 16 17 )l 25 Л 8 A 7 14 3 П 5 1 5 <—т 13 33 к 2 Я 2 m и 9J 2 JP Я6 ю 2 Ш Ж 2 2 S К т 2 № 2 JI JAKU GYO SETSU BETSU SHI KATSU RIKI RYOKU КА КО DO CHOKU SHIN KAN JO TEN HAN ATSU KAI КО GEN SAN NO SHU 2 18 18 77 25 У 22 21 17 ts 2 2 12 1 + 1 14 20 h 3 4 Г 2 6 21 25 4 Л 23 25 31 17
APPENDIX D 425 3 q ft psji 3 m @ H H /5 3 ± ft % ж Ш m ш ш m ш 3 # 3 ft ¦7 3 3 3 ко U, YtJ GO KYU MI КО HIN KI IN KAI ZU, TO КО DO, TO ZAI CHI, JI KEI KI JO EN KYO ZO HEKI KAKU GAI ТА MEI TAI, DAI TAI AN BAI P 25 13 16 17 22 21 20 11 ? 23 5 5 8 ± 25 16 4 17 14 6 16 24 5 8 % 6 11 12 21 2 9 ic 22 18 3 Ш m ш 3 3 >h 3 ft 3 Ш. a щ я 3 3 I 3 # 3 SHI, SU ZON, SON GAKU KAN TEI JITSU SHITSU YO MITSU SATSU DO SHO КО TO JO NYO KUTSU ZOKU SO TAN ко, ки SA KAN FU KI TAI FUKU 7 3 4 23 1 2 20 8 8 9 7 2 13 11 7 24 13 14 17 HJ 16 I 17 13 В 11 rti 25 15 14 6 3 3 3 3 3 51 36 as з 3 4k n m m № 4 it M M ш 4 4 4 KAN YO О DO SHIKI IN GEN GHO KYO DAN KEI KEI GO токи BI SHO КО SHIN KYU SO KAN TAI SEI, SHO SEI 13 i; 23 r 10 1 -t 3 4 6 12 13 10 6 =f 5 3 2 10 3 21 it 13 12 7 24 7 t 7 7 ¦^ JJf 4 4 m m ж 4 s R 4 M 4 ff 4 4 0 BJ Bt 4 Ж A * * H SHO SHU ко SETSU TEI SHI SHIN HAI SETSU KAN SO SATSU SAN SU TAI DAN SHIN HO HO ZOKU NIGHI MEI JI AN SEI SHO RYO SAI DAI 6 15 i 9 13 9 19 5 24 10 22 18 9 11 2 3 /f 9 25 6 12 19 0 17 7 1 15 0 17 12 2 6 14
426 Comprehending Technical Japanese 4 и т ш « ш ш ш ш ш & ш ш ш т & 4 Jh т л Ц ш ш 4 ш ш 4 it 4 4 4 Л *\ Ш ZAI SEKI HAN SEN SO KAKU KON KAI BO SHOKU KEN KYOKU YO КО JU KI SHI SHI RETSU ZAN SHOKU BO DOKU HI MO KI SUI CHI 20 16 10 20 6 16 25 20 12 21 17 8 12 8 19 12 ib 11 23 -7Г -y 14 21 22 Ш 25 22 it 1 18 % 6 6 15 et ш ш ш m m ш m ш m ж ~ф ш ш ш\ и ш ш m ш ш ш л 4 р & Ш Ш 4 Ш ш ш m 4 л 4 CHIN KETSU HITSU FUTSU HA GHU YU HO SEN KATSU KAI SHIN SHO RYU SHO EKI KON SOKU ON GEN GEN YO TEKI NO GEKI KA RO EN SHO TO NEN ZEN, NEN SHA MU SHO NETSU JU JO 18 11 24 18 6 18 11 3 20 22 22 18 17 9 13 9 16 2 7 8 12 15 19 21 21 'k 18 19 22 18 15 19 Ann 16 22 21 23 10 10 7 4 Щ 5 « Ш m at 5 5 m 5 m 5 5 й 5 /X. 5 Ш ли. 5 a 5 s 5 Б BUTSU MOTSU токи KYU RI GEN KAN SEI, SHO YO KAI RYU I HATSU HAKU TEKI HI SEI MOKU CHI TAN SEKI SHAKU KEN RYU SHO 1 7 4 7 10 19 4 3 ffl 8 19 12 A 12 Й 19 5 & 21 Ж 11 s 10 9 3 Б 5 9 15 21 S! tt ffi 5 5 5 m » ш m m m 5 % m <% ш 5 ft ffi 6 Ш m щ m ж 6 » ш 6 ко JI KAKU SHI, JI SHIN RI WA BYO I TEI SHU SEKI KYU TOTSU KU CHITSU RITSU TAN DAI KIN TO SETSU SAN KAN RYO FUN RYU NEN SEI TO 22 15 9 4 23 * 11 3 4 10 8 10 3 ft 9 3 6 16 7 11 ft 22 24 1 24 14 9 19 21 16 9 22 18
APPENDIX D 427 № Ш Ш Ш т. щ «Ё Ш ш ш Ш ш ш ш т ш и в и ш Ж ш ш /С о щ 6 ж 6 ж 6 й 6 * SHI YAKU JUN SHI so, su so SAI KEI SHI ZETSU KETSU ZOKU I RYOKU SEN EN SEN SHUKU SHIKI CHI SA GHAKU GUN YO КО SHA SHU SHO NIKU YU BO HAI 5 14 18 19 7 5 9 23 13 5 2 15 20 21 1 14 20 12 20 4 10 22 25 25 =&. 8 17 8 * 16 Й 24 Я 7 22 23 № m m №6 m m m в ж 6 g 6 № 6 6 Ш Ш Ш Ш Ш w 6 6 ifil 6 fr 6 SI Ш HO MYAKU SHI NO KI CHO MAKU BO ZO SHI, JI SHU HAN SHIKI SHOKU HO KA GA KA KIN YO JO RAKU YAKU HAKU CHU KETSU КО, GYO RETSU SO SEI 21 25 19 24 5 24 18 12 24 Ш 4 21 10 fe 13 .ff. 19 25 21 14 21 23 12 4 20 25 20 ifil 24 fir 5 23 11 19 6 Ш 6 7 Ш Ж Ш 7 ft Ш Ш 7 ft IB К Ш m 7 ш 7 7 / №1 Й Я 7 7 7 SHO FUKU YO KEN KI KAKU KAN KAKU SHOKU KAI KEI KI SHI YU SETSU RON CHO TO SHO SOKU FU SHITSU SEKI SO KI 4 24 Ш 5 Й 13 25 24 2 ft 5 19 15 7 16 18 14 23 20 8 24 ic 10 Й 3 14 2 13 24 6 JP ЕЕ 7 7 m Щ m ж i ж ш ж ш ж т ш & ж ш ж ш т ш 1 7 / ш ш в т 7 ш 8 KYO RO SHA SHA TEN JIKU KEI KAKU KIN JUTSU SO GYAKU TO SOKU ZO TSU SHIN I TATSU KA DO UN EN TEKI I KAN BU HAI SAKU КО SAN BAN 1 14 % 13 11 11 4 18 20 8 16 24 12 18 1 17 13 6 4 24 6 17 1 13 22 23 25 I 8 ® 19 22 21 15 % 16
428 Comprehending Technical Japanese m yo is i SAI 8 & KIN ft SHIN № EN Ш, КО ft TETSU Я DO m gin tt KYO 14 15 15 22 12 15 11 13 GHO 8 Ж SHO m yu * SHU m zatsu DEN ra и m m 8 m ft m MON KAN KAI KAN GEN IN KAI 14 1 23 2 13 7 15 25 8 * SH m se 8 # HI 9 13 23 16 24 1 ffi 14 20 14 10 MEN 8 W ON 16 Ж I 18 KEN 23 RUI 16 HI КО 10 и Й SHOKU 20 № HO 19 19 io it- # KOTSU 24 Ш ZUI 25 io m i ко 9 10 ffi Hk YU 18 и т 12 12 MA О, КО 20 Ц KOKU 20 14 * m ken ZAI 21
APPENDIX E READINGS OF MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSIONS Since the reading of mathematical expressions in Japanese, as in English, varies widely with the degree of formality and the academic level, no exhaustive list can be persented here. The readings given below represent the most common usage but many small variations may be encountered. Note that letters such as x and у should be pronounced as in English, with one exception: z is read zetto. Many words are actually English words pronounced in the Japanese way, such as ruto (root), oba (over), purasu (plus), ikoru (equal) mainasu (minus), roggu (log), bekutoru (vector), gurajient о (gradient), daibajensu (divergence), and roteshon (rotation). EXPRESSION JAPANESE READING PRONUNCIATION x2 x (ОИШ x no nijo; x no jijo x <D^~)i x no heiho x3 x cD-EiS: x no sanjo x <D\l~Jj x no rippo xA x ЮЩШ x no yonjo s/ x x (D^f-JjWi x no heiho-kon /is— Ь x ruto x x (ОИШШ x no nijo-kon s/ x3 /!•— Ь ^?f ruto, x sanjo I/ x x ЮКгЗдШ. x no rippo-kon x coHSfi x no sanjo-kon %/ x x (ОЩЩШ x no yonjo-kon #5/3 x <D~EL;jf<DJiJ^k x no sanbun no go jo xy xy xy x faky Ь у х kakeru у x/y у ;jf<D x j>-bun no x xOr — '^—y x oba у x+y—z x ?c~f у 1ft Z x tasu у wa z (zetto) xy^Xy^^—zi^z x purasu у ikoru z (zetto) х—уф^ x -r>f 7~Xy if± z КЩЪ < %V^ x mainasu у wa z ni hitoshiku nai *?Л<^Й?"С&1г> x hikuу wa z de nai x I x (ОЩШ x no kaijo x(x—l) x i)^\y Ь x-^r ^ ~^Х\^Ъ x kakeru x mainasu ichi yCt x kakko x mainasu ichi kakko tojiru logio# x (О'ШШЩЩ. x no joyo-taisu x no shizen-taisu ; а о tei ni shita x no taisu
430 Comprehending Technical Japanese x — \ogax ax dy/dx d2y/dx2 (dy/dx)t (А* В) x ~? -i a CO x dy, dx dy ^- —'> у >f x — dx у со усох у CO х КЩ-f Ь /,х (О х A t В 007,^^7 A t ВсоПШ A t Bco-<y Ь/ A t ВЮШ i/xuy ь Т T P y — iy BV V а о tei to suru x no taisu x mainasu roggu x tei a a no x-]o dy, dx dy oba dx у no x ni tsuite no bibun у no x ni kansuru bibun у no x ni kansuru ichiji no do-kansu у no # ni tsuite no nikai-bibun у no x ni kansuru niji no do-kansu у no * ni tsuite no hen-bibun у no x ni kansuru hen-bibun, ? ittei /,# no futei-sekibun /, x no # ni kansuru (futei) sekibun /, x no x ni tsuite no sekibun f,x no д kara & made no sekibun f,x no a,b kan no teisekibun kagen a, jogen b to shita /, x no tei-sekibun Л to В no sukara-seki Л to В no naiseki Л to В no bekutoru-seki Л to В no gaiseki gurajiento T deru T T no kobai daibajensu v v no hassan karu v roteshon v v no kaiten
APPENDIX F INDEX TO CONSTRUCTION EXAMPLES (Numbers indicate lessons in which examples are found) kara de aru koto ga aru -te aru atari baai ga oi baai (ni wa) beki de aru de mo mo -eba yoi -enai goto ni -hajimeru ni hanshite hazu de aru /W0 ni hoka naranai -te iku о imi suru to wa itte mo to ш A В D E G H I to iu moji de shimesu to iu no wa ni kagirazu kagiri nai kagiri kaku о nasu kanarazushimo...: ni kanshite wa К nai 20 12 12 3 14 9 23 9 3 5 7 12 4 8 7,23 2 7 9 15 7 1 4 1 12 7 7 13 15 10 ni kansuru kara de aru no kekka -te kit a koto ga aru koto ga oi koto ga wakatta koto ni naru ni kurabete dono kurai -te kuru mieru to minasu moshi—.Ъа moto. 7720/0 ni 7720/0 ni naru о 7720/0 ni shite 7720/0 Ш SUrU ni motozuku nani ka naraba ni hoka naranai kara naru koto ni naru moto ni тгагм no yo ni naru tO 72ДГМ koto ga от." ni oite ni oite wa ni 0/7/г ni okeru -te o?m M N О 10 20 4 9 12 14 2 6 12 14 9 13 7 7 16 16 16 2 16 9 13 2 7 14 6 16 6 7 14 3 7 10 8 12
432 Comprehending Technical S ni saishite sezu to shit a ni shitagatte moto ni shite to shite shu to shite ni soto suru sukoshi de mo to sureba moto ni jwrw ni soto suru ni zoku suru о imi jwrw to suru T ni too suru ni taishite wa tarn* de aru tame ni kono Jd772? de aru tatsu toki ni wa to tomo ni henka suru ni tomonatte Japanese 11 12 6 12 2 6 10 15 7 1,4 16 15 16 15 3 8 7,8 16 20 13 4 1,9 6 6 о toshite ni /jut/* (wa) о tsujite ni tsurete U no мггУгг мг de W koto ga wakatta wake ni wa ikanai wariai ni watatte Y -eba ^>0г ni jo suru no yd ni naru ni yorazu ni jorw to ni j>0^* ka ni yotte -te j>w?m (see -te iku) Z ?*я?0 ni ni zoku suru 11,24 8 11 11 6 23 2 15 5 24 5 5 6 9 9 2,4,9 14 6 16 4
APPENDIX G INDEX TO EXPLANATORY NOTES Expression A a- agaru [vs. ageru] aji ga suru, aji ga aru aru [-beki de aru] aru [koto ga aru] aru [mono de aru] aru [mono ga aru] aru [tame de aru] aru [-te aru] aru [-tsutsu aru] aruiwa atsui [different kanji for] -au В -beki -beki de aru G -chu D dake dake [sore dake] de aru [no de aru] demo...demo dono kurai E -eba yoi -eru [=koto ga dekiru] F fu- fuku- G -go H -haj imeru haj imete hajime [vs. haj imeru] hakaru [different kanji for] hayasa [vs. sokudo] Lesson-Note 21-2 11-1 22-1 23-2 12-6 21-5 17-2 16-2 12-4 11-8 1-8 11-2 13-9, 14-1 23-3 23-2 13-7 5-6 14-8 7-8 9-6 14-2 11-4 7-7 8-1 24-3 13-7 4-5 13-10 4-6 9-11 1-2 Expression hazu de aru henka hi- hodo hoko [vs. muki] hon- hon'yaku suru [vs. tsuyaku I ikanai [wake ni wa ikanai] ikenai [-te wa ikenai] iku [-te iku] ikutsu mo, ikutsu ka ippo...taho iu [ iu] iu [ iu no wa] iu [to iu shiki] izure J ji- jia- -jo -jo -jo К kagiri kansuru [ni kansuru] -kata -komu kono [kono yoi rei] kono toki no hayasa kono yo ni koso koto ga aru koto ga oi koto ga wakatta koto ni naru Lesson-Note 23-3 10-1 8-1 16-3 1-3 10-8 suru] 14-11 15-6 11-4 9-9, 13-3 25-5 14-3 1-12, 7-10 1-1 3-3, 4-2 13-4 21-2 21-2 13-7 19-1 19-3, 22-4 7-6, 13-15 10-1 13-13 24-2 14-10 1-6 1-10 23-4 12-6 14-5 2-2 6-3 kuru [-te kuru] 9-9, 12-10, 13-3 M mieru 13-11
434 Comprehending Technical Japanese mi-idasu miru C-te mini] mizu [vs. yu] mokuteki no ryutai mono de aru mono ga aru mo C-te mo] mu- muki [vs. hoko] N -nado -nagara -nai -nai kagiri nai C-te nai] -nakereba naranai naku naru -nakute mo yoi nani ka nan to nareba -naosu naraba C—nara] naru [hosoku naru;suihei naru [koto ni naru] naru C.-«-naku naru] ni kansuru -nikui nioi ga suru ni oite wa ni taishite ni yori ni yotte no no [in combinations with particles] no de aru ka no ni О oi Ckoto ga oi] oite Cni oite wa] oki ni oku C-te oku] о undo suru 17-3 10-5 22-2 10-3 21-3 21-5 17-2 18-1 8-1 1-3 24-5 18-6 13-7 13-15 20-10 11-4 20-5 11-4 13-1 8-4 18-4 2-1 ni naru] 9-1 6-3 20-5 10-1 16-4 22-1 7-4 10-1 16-5 10-1 5-4 other 11-3, 21-1 7-8 13-4 5-2, 14-9 14-5 7-4 19-2 12-8, 14-4 3-1 R -ra S -sa sadameru, sadamaru sai- samui [vs. tsumetai] sansho saretai saretai seyo sezu shi shiki C=hotei-shiki] shimau C-te shimau] shite Cto shite no] so [vs. -so] sokudo [vs. hayasa] sono sore dake sore ni soto suru subete (no) sureba Cto sureba] suru Caji ga suru, nioi ga suru] suru Chosoku suru; suihei ni suru] suru C-tari...-tari suru] T -ta Cverb forms] tadashi tagai ni tai- taio taiseki [vs. yoseki] taishite Cni taishite] tame de aru tame ni -tari -tari ...-tari suru -te aru -te kuru, -te iku, -te yuku 9-9, -te miru -te mo -te (mo) yoi -te nai -te oku 12-1, 24-5 11-6 11-9 23-5 11-7 10-4 10-4 13-8 15-3 2-3 5-7 15-1 21-4 23-1 1-2 7-1 14-8 1-5 16-1 25-8 3-2 22-1 9-1, 15-2 12-7 17-1 3-8 14-1 20-9 16-1 8-2 10-1 16-2 20-7 13-11 12-7 12-4 12-10, 13-3 10-5 18-1 11-4, 19-4 20-10 12-8, 14-4
APPENDIX G 435 -te shimau -te wa ikenai to iu to iu no wa to iu shiki toki [aru toki...nai toki] toki [kono toki no hayasa] toki ni wa to no aida to shite no to sureba to tomo ni to yoi to-zai-nan-boku tsugi no [vs. ji-] tsugo ga yoi tsumetai [vs. samui], -tsutsu aru W wa- 15-1 11-4 1-12, 7-10 1-1 3-3, 4-2 14-7 1-6, 12-5 1-5 12-9 21-4 3-2 8-3 10-1 11-4 15-4 5-8 16-6 11-7 11-8 25-11 wakatta [koto ga wakatta] wake ni wa ikanai Y ya -yasui yo- -yo yoi yoi [tsugo ga yoi] yori yori [ni yori] yoseki [vs. taiseki] yotte [ni yotte] yu [vs. mizu] yuku [-te yuku] Z zengo ni -zutsu 2-2 15-6 13-5 16-4 25-11 20-2 11-4, 19-4 16-6 15-5 16-5 8-2 10-1 22-2 9-9 6-1 4-4
APPENDIX H DICTIONARIES AND REFERENCE WORKS As a minimum reference library, we recommend the appropriate volumes in the series on Japanese scientific terms compiled by the Ministry of Education in Japan plus one or more of the scientific dictionaries which are published by Iwanami Shoten. Each of the volumes in the Ministry of Education series listed below has Japanese-English and English-Japanese sections. The Japanese-English section is arranged in the ABC order of the romaji readings, but it uses a romaji system which is not phonetic. The phonemes hu, si, sya, sye, syo, syu, ti, tya, tye, tyo, tyu, Zi, Zya, Zye, Zyo, Zyu are read fu, shi, sha, she, sho, shu, chi, cha, che, cho, chu, ji, ja, je, jo, and ju, respectively. In both sections all technical terms are also given in kanji or katakana. Mathematics Ш ^ Ш Astronomy ^ j? ^ Ц Physics Щ Ш ^ Я Seismology Ж Ш ^ Ш В Spectroscopy ft it ^ Я В Chemistry {b ^ Я W Chemistry (enlarged ed.) it^M C4tfJ)K) В Zoology Ш Щ ^ Ш Botany Ш Щ ^ Я Genetics Ж © ^ Ш Mechanical Engineering ||I?| 0*SW^6^ff Electrical Engineering % % X ^ Ш 1 M ^ Й ^ ff Shipbuilding № № X ? Я В#3§Ш^?й?Т Metrology ff- Ш X ^ Ш ftfflU g ШШШ ^ ? Ш ft Civil Engineering ±^I$| ± yf: ^ ^ Й ff (Out of print) («) Mining and Metallurgy ШШ^ &?Я В * Ж Ш ? Щ П (Out of print) The dictionaries published by Iwanami Shoten are in the fields of mathematics, physical sciences, and biological sciences, and they are standard Japanese scientific reference encyclopedias. Entries are ordered in the traditional phonetic pattern of a, i, и, е, о, ka, ga, hi, gi, kya, gya.... After each entry, the English, French, German, and Russian equivalents are given in parentheses, and each volume has
APPENDIX H 437 an index of English, French, German, and Russian scientific terms. Physics and Chemistry SitfC-^S, ШШЬ^Л. 1971. 3rd ed. Biology штштщт, Ш?*^й*. 1969. 6th Ptg. Mathematics В#»^?Ш, ё$Ж^№Л. 1970. 2nd ed. There are authoritative encyclopedias in every scientific and technical field which provide more thorough coverage of the special vocabulary in each area. The following are excellent for the indicated subjects. Physics B*t/ffi^rS, ШШ/ШШ, JgRfiS, 1973. 1st ed. Chemistry Ш*ШШ, ? 0 0 3SftfHb?8№, Н#ШШ, 1971. 1st ed. Analytical Chemistry B*##ffb^S, 5Ш{Ь^{Ь^ЯШЙ?&, Kill»ffi, 1971. 1st ed. Biology *»»&«, ?#ЗДШЛ, Н*ШК, 1972. 2nd ed. Botany Medicine 1Г l?, 1973. 3rd ed. Pharmacy в^Щ^^Щ^ЩщЩЩ^^Ш, Щ^щщ^^ ЮИЖ?, 1971. 1st ed. Hydraulic Engineering ±Щ^ЧШ, ±У^ШШШШ^, Ж'ШШГШ, 1971. 1st ed. Air conditioning and ^%wm, №±х^%тшш&м, ^%тт, m^mmm, &% Sanitary Engineering. Щ%п, ffi^I^^, 1972. 1st ed. Electrical Engineering ^ШШ—Щ, тШЖШШШЙ:, ШХЖ, 1971. 15th ed. Mechanical Engineering ШШХ^ШтШШШШШЯ.^Ш, ШШХ^ШШШт, ШМ, 1967. 8th ed. ?±, 1974, 1st ed. Automatic Control ±^ШШШ, ШЖШШШ&, Jr-^ft., 1969. 1st ed. tsis -t i* Automotive Engineering ЛЯК^РЙИ, ёШ*Д!ШЛ, ШХШ, 1972. revised ed Metals ШШМ, ШШШМ, 0*^Щ^^, 1973. lsted. Metallurgy &ЯШШ&9тШЯ??Ш, Г ^*?Щ«!ШЛ, Т ^* 1970, revised ed., 6th printing Petroleum Technology 5№^?*i. *fI*f»E5ttfflS«, «*, 1971. 1st ed. Polymers ^o'J-r-fftiISMI, *°!J-*H№ft, 1973. 1st ed. 2nd printing Environmental Sciences ЪшНтШ, МШШШШ, *ЛЩШ, 1971. lsted. Industrial Pollution В*1Ц:йййчг;/*нВ, ЙЖ&ШДаёЖ, 1№ЯИ№Ш, 1965. 1st ed. The following handbook is very valuable for the appropriate translation of the names of government agencies, research institutes, industrial corporations, and other official institutions. ИШШ Й^ ШЖУ bVy ^o Japan Times. 1971. 1st ed.