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S UDENT'S ВООК ... ---  - I JX}За  ...  ворецкая --  - Казырбае ва = =-. КлимеНКQ л. Мичурина . '. Новикова  Н. Рыжкова = ю. Шалимова ..... . Учебник анrлийскоrо языка для 11 класса общеобразовательных учреждений Рекомендовано Министерством образования Российской Федерации в качестве учебника по анrлийскому ЯЗblКУ для 11 класса общеобразоватеЛЬНblХ учреждений 2б. Об. 2003 88 BRITISH 88 COUNCIL BROOКEMEAD ENGLISH Т И Т У Л LANGUAGE TEACHING Т I Т U L . . . 2004 "' .    ........ -  " . . .. 
а о 00 е . . , Speaking: functions and activities Aeading 1 What's in а language? page 8 ....2 re you а good language learner? Talking about Short descriptions language learning of different types of strategies language learners: Д fun activity: Takiпg What тakes а good ап oath /earпer (horoscop e) ... 3....4 Why English? ........ .......... .......,. ,'" ... .. ...... .. for Convincing Ап opinion essay: Interpreting diagrams Learпiпg foreigп laпguages Diagrams .......... Newspaper ar1icles: Loпdoп,s great iпterпatioпa/ braпd that has to Ье тarketed carefully. R;ght о' ,ер/у. З4 Russia's little empty Oxtord Newspaper article: Russia '5 /itt/e eтpty Oxford ....... Suzda/ . ,. . ," - 5......6 Projects . д newspaper article: The Torriпgtoп Project - .... ces have e(j - R "?  .... IЛ USSta . 7 Check уои, grammBr & vocabиlary 8 Express yoиrself: Project "Lef's тake ои, town prospe,п 3 А job for life? Page 40 12 Му don't you get а job? Expressing preferences and justifying opinions Job profiles: А. Sa/es В. Chef с. Graduates ;n the po/ice service D. Ho/iday represeпta.. tives aпd Тои, Guides Writing languages 1" contact and translation Writing resolutions ..... . '. ....... . .... .. . .... Language work and vocabulary Vocabulary to talk about language learning process . . . -- ... .. - -.. ... .... ..... .. ... Educat.onal and cross-cultural dimension Language learning strategies Ways 01 organising vocabulary ........ ..... ........,,"'" ........  . ..... ......... ...J.... . ....... .. ....... .... " ... _ . ':"......... ..... ... .. .'. ..... ..... ... ... ..   ... ............. ... Writing an opinion essay ..  .. - - ... .. . .. .... ... """"" -- Vocabulary for speaking about learning а language Quantity modifiers Revision of 2nd conditional . .. .. ,.. .. . .. . ..... - . .. Vocabulary for talking about languages and community Revision 01 tenses and time ........ present. present perfect and past, future simple Vocabulary for talking about probIems of cities. Text grammar cohesion , .... .-  ...... >. ...,.............. '" . .... .. ... .. . , .s 56 Death sentence? . Тhe death Опе minute talk:  · Laпguage;5 а part of peop/els cu/ture · People would uпderstaпd each other Ьепе, if there were fewer /aпguages   ....esson 7 Check уои, graттa, & IIOcabиlary     8 Express yoиrseff: А Role play "Shoиld Eпg/;sh Ье the first 'anguage for the Bongoи people?" 2 People and places Page 24 s 1......2 London Hypothesizing about probIems caused Ьу tourism Taking notes while listening to а lecture ..... . . , .... - ..... .  , . Vocabulary for talking about developing tourism If only ... + Ved2 If only ... + had + VеdЗ Vocabulary for talking about а tourism project Vocabulary for talking about jobs Resolving conflicts Ьу coming to а consensus . I  .. . ,.  ,-.r  . < . I .. ......... .. 1:"  .... Appreciating the value 01 different languages and the native language Study skills Expanding knowledge about London Awareness of probIems caused Ьу tourism and urban development Dictionary skills Critical thinking about benefits 01 tourism Appreciation of Russian culture . ... 1_ .. ,.. ,- . . ......, ... - - ... . .. .. Creative approach to environment Appreciating native town / city Learning about project development and implementation ..  "" . ..  Evaluating one's own strengths and preferences '- Writing contrasting paragraphs containing а description .. . - - ... . Writing up а project Ал essay: Ajob /'d choose / А job /'d пever choose з 
Мар of . . . ... 9.. ...:11 .. .. . , 1Ir 1 Usternng Speaking: functions and activities Reading Lessons З4 А letter of application and а СУ -- " д job advertisement: Нарру Pizza А letter 01 application ACV Lessons 5....6 А job interview . . Critical listening: А job iпterview Speaking positively about oneself Lesson 7 Check уоит graтmar & vocabиlary Lesson 8 Express yoиrse/f: А jOb interview UNIT 4 Mysteries Page 56 Lessons 1 2 At the dge of the unknown An oral dramatic narrative: Toт,s story А dramatic narrative: Martiп,s story Lessons 3......4 Tele athy - ... .  '" Talking while carrying out an experiment Discussing an experiment Lessons 56 Stone те! А radlQ programme: Te/epathy in aпiтa/s А newspaper article: 'п receпt research studies. .. Radio programme: Most Jisteпers will kпowabout the Stoпeheпge experi.. тeпt.". Solving а probIem Lesson 7 Check уои, grammar & vocabиlary Lesson 8 Express yoиrself: тv show "Ой уои believe iп...?" UNIT 5 ТУ or not ТУ? Page 70 Lessons 1.....2 What's оп the Ьох? Puzzle: What are we watchiпg toпight? On..line programme review: La Feтme Nikita Lessons З4 Whose choice is it? Talking about violence оп television and its effects Texts 01 different types: · А тessage to ал e..тai/ discussioп group · Ап арреаl to Ho//ywood Writing languages in contact and translation о' .... . ACV А letter of application Writing tips: How to prepare (о, а job iпterview Writing а dramatic narrative д personal experience report Positive / пеgаtivе on...line programme  revlew Language work and vocabulary Relationships between time adverbials and tenses Clauses 01 purpose with to, in order to so that .0 -. Useful phrases: Gaiпiпg tiтe to think Elements of effective dramatic narrative: inversion. fronting, intensifiers, etc. Words and expres.. sions from the word field "fear" Scientific vocabulary Prefixes para.., pre.. Verbs for speaking about handling objects Revision of articles Phrases for writing а report Television vocabulary Relative clauses , Vocabulary 01 pubIic appeals Correlation between the purpose and the features 01 а text Educational and cross-cultural dimension . Practical Jife skills t Preparing for а job interview Speaklng and thinking about oneself positively I  Critical reaaing Analysing the elements 01 а dramatic narrative , Critical thinking about supernatural phenomena . I Critical thinking ProbIem solving , Logical thinking through probIem solving .. , ,- Attitude to violence оп television ........ ..... 1 .... 
. . .. . . . .. . .. .. .... . . ... . . . Мар of the 9 Speaking: functions and activities Reading 5 56 ТУ - Turnoff Week turns те оп " Talking with the purpose 01 persuading д newspaper article: ТV.. Turпoff Week turпs те оп 7 Check yoиr grammar & vocabиlary 8 Express yoиrself: Debates "AII-Rиss.a ТУ.. Tиrпoff Week" 6 World of science Page 88 s 1....2 What science сап do Talking about the technology 01 the future Short popular science texts: А. PowerfuJ but cordless В. User..frieпd/y space с. Who'lI с/вап the hoиse? о. Му hoтe'5 ту castJe Е. Kitcheпs will Ье sтart too  З4 What is science? Planning research Reporting the results 01 research д science textbook text: Bi%gy for life 5....6 Why do people Ьесоте scientists? ......... about а а scientist А popular science text .... ... 7 Check yoиr grammar & vocabиlary 8 Express yoиrse/f: А stиdent Sceпce Confereпce 7 Understanding art Page 100 s 1--2 Line  . meaning ....... Кlee. Interpreting а drawing Ап article describing impressions from а picture ..  З4 Modern art  with the Carl Andre А magazine article about Carl Andre Giving а personal opinion about а piece of а" Writing languages in contact and translation Creative writing: А persoп's пorma/ day in 2030 Writing up an experiment An opinion essay: Why scieпce is differeпt from / siтi/ar to other careers Why а scieпtific career is attractive / uпattractive to те Ап essay explaining the choice of а picture Language work and vocabulary Pecu liarities of American English spelling and vocabulary Clauses 01 concession Language 01 persuading L General science vocabulary Word building: ../ess; {е..; ..аЫе; ..proof; тu/ti.. likely / unlikely + infinitive Educational and cross..cultural dimепsiоп Reflecting оп healthy I ifestyle Attitude to television and social issues related to тv Dealing with science vQcabulary ... .... ......... ... Vocabulary to talk Scientific method about scientific research Revision 01 articles for l'par1icular things" and ICthings in general" Vocabulary to discU5S Thinking about а а career of а scientist career of а scientist Plurals of borrowed nouns Vocabulary for speaking about а piece 01 art Language for speculating and interpreting а picture Vocabulary to describe impressions from а picture Giving personal . . oplnlon Developing ability to appreciate а" Developing creative thinking Individual perception 01 art Understanding а" as а means 01 communication Understanding the message ап artist wants to get across .  ......... 5 
Мар of the book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........ ... .. Listening Speaking: functions and activities Reading Lessons 5...6 Great myths in а" А talk comparing two Interpreting а picture pictures Роет: Paradise Lost Ьу Johп Miltoп Lesson 7 Check уои, gramтa, & "oc8bиlary Lesson 8 Express yoиrself: Art exhibItioп UNIT 8 Crime and punishment Page 116 Lessons 1.....2 15 it а crime? Describing an incident Talking about irresponsibIe behaviour А newspaper article: Mid..air chaos aпd а stowaway parrot Lessons 3.....4 Should we Ье cruel о, Ье kind? Radio programme: The Втуп Med//п Ceпtre Expressing opinions and giving arguments about punishment Le s n 6 Survival skills А talk 01 ап instructor in а self..defence course Talking about self- defence skills д newspaper article: Martia/ arts Lesson 7 Check уои, gramm_r & vocabиlary Lesson 8 Express yoиrself: Coпfereпce UNIT 9 The way we live Page 130 Lessons 1 2 Most treasured possession Short talks: physical and emotional descriptions of objects Lessons 3.....4 Alternative lifes les Short talks expressing Expressing opinions opinions about people l s having alternative lifestyle Giving physical and emotional descriptions Extract from The Wild Ьу Esther Freud д newspaper article Lessons 5.....6 Back о, forward? А longer talk оп modern lifestyle д newspaper article: Hea/th aпd happiпess the Fliпtstoпe way Writing languages in contact and translation Translation: А /etter (о the edltor А li5t 01 tips for self... defence А composition about the most treasured . possesslon д school magazine article: А New Lifesty/e Lesson 7 Check yoиr graтmsr & IIocabиlary Lesson 8 Express yoиrseff: Desert ;slaпd project: "А world 01 difference" Language work and vocabulary Intensifiers: 50. such Language for interpreting а" Vocabulary to talk about crime Revision of the language for talking about feeJings Vocabulary to talk about crime and punishment Umit and gradabIe adjectives l adverbial modifiers l adverb.. adjective collocations Imperatives with the positive and negative instructions and . warnlngs Vocabulary organising strategies Order 01 adjectives Phrases to express арр rova I I disapproval Infinitive referring to actions in the present and past: It is said that I Не is said to... Phrasal and idiomatic verbs Lexical cohesion Educational and cross..cultural dimension , Critical thinking Interpreting а work of an 1  Attitude to спте Moral issues 01 irresponslbIe behaviour Developing criterla for seriousness of . crlme Тhink cnticalty about crime and pUnlshment Awareness of cultural differences , ThinJ<jng critically about hatt.r 10 behave in а dangerous srtuation , Critical thinlёng skills Developing tolerant attrtude I empathy to altemative lifestyles Thinkjng about lifestyle in historical ре rs ре ct (уе RefJect оп опе' s own lifestylе , 6 J 
. . . . . .. .  Speaking: functions and 8ctivitles Writing languages in contact end translation Language work and vocabulary n9 Reading 1 О Whose world is it? Page 144 5 1 2 Cause or effect?  ..... Discussing ways 01 solving environmental probIems Expressing cause....eftect relations А newspaper article: Slick to death Vocabulary for talking about environment probIems А newspaper article оп environmental probIems programme:  иt елt s s 4 оуе thy neighbour Role play: Conflict reso/utioп Expressing complaint, agreement / disagree.... ment, req, uest compromise, apology ..essons 56 Ех lorers or intruders? А newspaper article: Neighbours from heJJ Tips for conflict resolution Vocabulary to discuss conflicts  д newspaper article: Lost in Taiga Topic vocabulary documentary radio: Tagaeri Discussing the probIem 01 exploring new land ..  sson 7 Check yoиr graтmar & vocabиlary ive reading page 158 1 ТhTee poeтs about love: Soппet Ьу Wifliaт Shakespeare, А Red, Red Rose Ьу Robert Burпs, "от The Llght That Fa;/ed Ьу Rиdyard Kipliпg 2 From Oиr Тоwn Ьу Тhоrлtоп Wilder .. 3 Cиstomers Mиst Have На;, from Barпey Тhoтsoп Ьу Doug/as Llпdsay Froт Lila the Werewo" Ьу Peter S. Beag/e 5 Froт Peter Two Ьу /rwin Shaw 6 Froт Arrowsтlth Ьу Siпclair Lewis 7 Froт The Мооп aпd Sixpeпce Ьу Soтerset Maиghaт 8 Stealing Ьу Carol Апп Dиffy 9 Messy Room Ьу She/ Silversteiп 1 О Тhe Object;on to Beiпg Stepped Оп Ьу Robert Frost 1 ar reference Page 183 .. of active vocabulary page 189 ... Мар of the Educational and cross-cultural dimension Think about the place of humans in nature Develop tolerance Learning about positive ways 01 conflict resolution Relationship between people and environment Principles 01 sensibIe nature exploration Developing empathy with other li1estyles and respect for privacy 01 other people 7 
1- - z ::) . .... .. . , . . 55 NS ап ua е earner? 00 re . ieпds! Now УОII are startiпg УОll' last уеа, o/learll;llg Ellg/;sh 1. 11 е и';sh уои good progress оп tJlis c/la//ellgiпg joиrпey! The Authors arm-up 1 Look at the picture and say in what way(s) this language learner is different / the same as you. . ." ' ..........J...... .... CZ1 S' .:tт::J:;, -...r OJ (. 8 СТ!#  .....;J €..J  Reading 2 А. Read the part of the horoscope about your zodiac sign and say if you agree with 811 the characteristics given. ARIES (21.03---20.04) The Aries language student is i'mpatient and always wants to know everything at опсе. They are always the first to put their hand up in class and сап Ье so talkative they often don't let the other students talk. TAURUS (21.04---21.05) Taurus students prefer drawing in their books to doing exercises. They are lazy because they know they willlearn опе day (but does it have to Ье today?). GEMINI (22.05....21.06) Gemini lеаrпеrs love to make jokes in class апd they find languages easy to learn, but sometimes don't do as well as they should because they miss а lot of classes. In class, they never sit still and find concentrating difficult. САНСЕА (22.06---22.07) Cancer students cry in class when they don't understand. They don't really want to Ье there, but they do want to lеаrп. They hate being corrected and love being told they are impring. If they succeed, they are happy and everyone knows it. LEO (23.07---23.08) Leo learners always bring their books to class. They are very well organised and have separate vQcabulary books with ап AZ index. They will always сору notes for other students. AIo.AC-- , . .- ,;>ос. .-- . : > 8 '. ( , ,  , . , , .. у 
. . .... ........ . ............. .. .. ..... .. . . UNIT 1 Less ns 12 VIRGO (24.0823.09) You'll find Virgo language learners sitting at the back of the class. They take twice as long as other students to finish anything. They think they are по good even though they do well in exams, and they worry about verb tenses at night. Libra learners like classrooms that are quiet and comfortable. They rarely I speak in class. They believe everything the teacher says is tru8, even if they don't understand. They can't decide if 1hey really want to learn English. SCORPIO (24. 10.....22. 11) Scorpio students always pass their exams. For some reason, they don't need to study very hard. They never cheat in exams. J ,1 SAGITTARIUS (23.11....21. 12) Sagittarius language students do whatever а teacher asks them to. They tend to smile even when they fail. They accept all homework without grumbling. со> Sometimes they do the homework. Other times, they leave it оп the bus оп the way home. -ос ".. ) : (;) у . : j у .  : CAPRICORN (22. 12.....20.01 )  .: А . Capricorn language learners соте to every class and like routine. They wait until they are 150% sure before they answer even the simplest question. And even then they think they'lI get it wrong. . ...'" '!' .- iF .- у : .. < , . "'* :. AQUARIUS (21.01....18.02) Aquarius students believe they сап finish the course despite missing more than half the lessons. They always forget their books but make friепds very ,.... easily, 80 sharing is по problem. '1 PISCES (19.02....20.03) Pisces learners ask questions in class that по опе understands (not even themselves). They never have notebooks and always ask other students for paper, which they leave in class afterwards. They are easily confused .. )j> . k  .. , .   7" .... . ... .{  . '- #'. ..   :з! ,.. .... > .iIRIIIIF:;.dIII: 'ЧР" 'ЧР""'- "" "dt;".. -- ж А...... _.. .... .. .. . .. "'". .... х.-:: .... "'_ * А. .. А... ."'..= . ......... . . .. . ... .. ::и!О"С. .. .. .. .. .. ... ......"": 2 В. Read the whole text. Who in your opinion is the best language learner and why? 2 с. Work in pairs and make two lists. What qualities / abilities help language learners to Ье more successful What а good language learner should avoid ......... ....... 9 
UNIT 1 Lessons 1...2 .. . . . .  . 6. ... ... . . . .  4 ..  8... з А. Read the text below and match the topic sentence with а paragraph of the text. D а) The good language learner thinks about how she is learning. D Ь) The good language learner is willing to experiment and take risks. D с) The good language learner is realistic. D d) The good language learner is independent. D е) The good language learner is organised and active. D f) The good language learner balances communication and not making mistakes. а та es а 00 ап ua е earner? .... WHAT MAKES А аооо LANGUAGE LEARNER? 1 ...She does not expect to learn Епglish just Ьу sitting in the classroom, and does not rely totally оп the teacher to direct her learning. 2 ...For example, she will try out different ways 01 learning vocabulary until she finds the way that suits her best. She is al80 not afraid 01 making mistakes, because she knows that these will help her. 3 ...She tries to find out what works for her and what doesn't. If she doesn't understand the purpose 01 а particular exercise, she asks the teacher 4 ...She knows that it will take time and effort to Ьесоте proficient in English, and that there will Ье periods where she does not seem to Ье making much progress. 5 ...Some students are experts at communicating their thoughts but do not care that they make тапу mistakes in doing 50. The efficient language learner, оп the other hand, is concerned with both communicating апd accuracy. 6 ...She is always looking for opportunities to develop her language both inside and outside the classroom. She keeps her notes in а tidy way. , . <..!) Match the words in bold from the text with the following defil)itions: а) thoroughly skilled, well practised Ь) exactness or correctness с) working well, quickly and without wasting time d) to improve or to develop favourabIy I ()  ...... ----......  .  !L  . - .,  .. '  - .   ..... ..  . ....... ..IfIIa """-or  " .........  . "'.' / ... ::::::... ..... ..". .. -.. ... ,....... .... . ................ .-  .. -   ... ...     ...  .. .... .. .. . ......... ..... ............  ....  " 11I"II  .......  ..:;:::::r , L ' 1 "  =---  ...-- ........,   r _., ....     . ... ...... . . . . ....... ...  ......... .  ...,..... .. J . ..... .. . .. ,  ... ........... .. .. -, ... . .... ..... =с= ........... ... с. .. I --;;    .. :":I.. . .. --.......... ... . [ - . ""'!!:s.. .  -  .. , ,. з В. Do the task alongside the text. . 3 с. Look through the text again and add to the list of characteristics 01 а good language learner in Ех. 2С. ......   '::> . ..'./  ./ ......:...... '.. .... ... h,. .. . JI"" _      ,..,. , .. .  : ... . ..  . Vocabulary 4 15 your vision of yourself as а language learner the same as how others see you? . 8 Write а description 01 yourself as а language learner. 8 Use а small sheet of paper. Оо not sign it. Hand it in to your teacher. I don't think I ат а good language learner because I ат lazy and . 10 
. .. . ... ..  . .. UNIT 1 Lessons 12 t 5 А. These are some ways of organising vocabulary. 8 Match tre names with the examples. . Оо you use all 01 these ways? Why? / Why not? D 1 word web С 2 flash card D 3 table D 4 list D 5 words opposite in meaning D 6 word in а context D 7 definition D 8 Russian equivalent Intel'ectиal abilities . . . . . . intelligent rb \...J noun adj. intelligence intelligent r IC '"  · intelligent · smart · bright · clever t е intelligent  stupid INTELLIGENT , . , у r "' ,,- f The collie is ап intelliQent dog, easily trained to control sheep. /'h' .... . intelligent having or showing powers of learning, reasoning or understanding, esp. to а high degree. , ""' g \..  intelligent ...... умныи t  . ... -. у у 5 В. This is the list of the active vocabulary in the lesson. 8 How сап you organise it in order to learn the words? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · proficiency progressive independence proficient accurate · . . . progress independent accuracy efficient efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   Speaking 6 Make up а New School Year resolution. Think of ways to improve yourself as а language learner. .. :r Gl'J\N \ c;t1 О t'-1 It ,. R 'i О 1 Е."'" р О  t-I 1"IOt4J'.1.. E.tt. ti " EOrn ON oE. LANGUAGE SUPPORT '\ l · I promise · I sоlеmпlу undertake . I swear If L rlI ( J that I will always... ()rftI о.}, '\ that under по circumstances willl... Ье  that I will never...  do  to Ье... (adj.) [ I ... .J . . " · I wi 11 · 1'11 do ту best (to) Ье (to) do (to) Ьесоте .J . . . 11 .. ....-.' t ,  , . " , ,  . у :t 
i.e. (Latiп  id est) '.that is" is а \\,idespread abbreviation in modern English There are some other similar borro\\ ings from Latin:  etc. (et celera) and 50 оп "ice '"ersa the other way round cf compare vs (versus) in opposition to P.S. (post scriptuт) а note added а! the end of а letter NB or пЬ (пota Ьепе) take note u N IT 1 Lessons З4 . ... ............ .... ........ е- .. . . . . . . ..  . .. . 15 ? . ." n Warm-up 1 Fill in the mind тар with more reasons for learning English. It helps you to read. Why do we fearn Engfish7 We have to because of our school curriculum. . . . . . . . . . Listening t.,.... v , 2 А. Translate the words in bold into Russian according to the context. ! For Your I"fo . 1 Не speaks French fluently. i.e. he сап speak French well, doesn't pause while speaking. 2 She has а well-rounded education in economics, i.e. she has complete and varied experience in it. 3 I think travelling broadens our minds, i.e. enlarges our knowledge and understanding of our world. 4 She is not very good at English now, but she is working hard at it. After all, what counts is hard work. 5 Frequent practice is beneficial for developing speaking skills. 6 Learning foreign languages helps people to gain а better appreciation 01 their own language, i.e. to understand how their own language works. .,.? 7 This book оп English history expanded ту knowledge of the country. Now I ат more aware of тапу aspects 01 modern li1е in Britain. 8 In the word "get" the first letter is pronounced as [g] which is not according to the rule, it is ап exception. , 2 В. (!J Listen to what the people say and match the number 01 each speaker with the picture. D It prepares you for а successful career It is а good exercise for the intellect. . . . , . " .iI: '"  , . - -ос . , < .- It helps you to Ье а better learner of your own language and culture. с l' }1/ V It is а tricky language to learn. Е Even to try is good! " .... .. ,.. .,::--.11Io     . , . " ...... -)' " " . -t. " 4:......... ч_ ". ", . , " ,.. . ,.. "  ,  " .. ...: "': t ' " . ..... . I 1 , . r  .. . Hans Luis Lee Anton Indira 12 
.. ... ...  I  . . .,. .. 11." .. .. . 11 .. .......... . ".. · .. UNIT 1 Lessons 3  2 с. Listen 10 the interviews again and fill in the ,9aps. w 1 I think the English language is extremely ... , it has expanded ту knowledge greatly and has certainly ... ту ... . As а person 1 ат more well . r:;.'Y О' 2 I have ... а greater ... for other cultures and ту own. 3 There seems to Ье more ... than rules. 4 I just want to tell everyone who is thinking about learning English that you don't have to Ье ... . ... ... is the effort. 5 It... your horizons, you сап get better jobs, more топеУI you seem more intelligent, and people respect you more. t . OOc\l { CJf Уа OWI}g , ,>' I S .,; о  '.С t. J xcr CI .  . gOO't ._ \\\ .. .- 2 D. Which of the opinions do you share and why? 8 Think of some other reasons why you like / do not like learning English.  l! 1< ,1 rric ! -1 a1111ae to kJl'lJ u /t Р е а res..you for а success U care er . Language work 3 А. Study the bar chart and fill the gaps in the sentences with the appropriate modifiers from the Ьох. 8 More than опе modifier is possible. I The 12 most spoken world languages (in millions) 836.2   J 1. r ..... "'11'...  .   J ,.  I    . . . .. ......  . . . . . ...............:.... """"'( ...................,..... 17,1 L .. ...4. . a.. ..... А.....: .;,."  . - . , о;. . ЗЗ28  - . 331.9 ... 3223 t .... . . . 189.4 186.7 170.2 162 О .... ..' 124.8 --=, 98.3 72.9 . .... ... . .. 56.. 1 . - .... .. .' . - . .... , - . '.. . .  ",-. . - . . - . is v  ю 0 0 rtJ.<::-   .   7i o"" 0     .;:, f2J fZJ &  rz; «.''lJ fl1 c:>'Q'li   rlJC3  <Q<Z  ,,<:$  (:)QJ  ':> 'lJ.-Q q;  c G q    ......... r In' I ...,......  1 Mandarin Chinese is spoken Ьу ... 836 million. 2 ... ЗЗЗ million speak Hindi. 3 Spanish is spoken Ьу ... ЗЗ2 million. 4 The number 01 native English speakers is ... 322 million. 5 8engali and Arabic are spoken Ьу ... 190 million each. 6 Russian is spoken Ьу . 170 million people. 7 Portuguese has ... 160 million speakers. 8 Japanese is the native language for ... 125 million. 9 Then follow German, French and Malay with ... 100 million speakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . · at least · . . . over · . . . nearly . · about · . . · more than · . . . around · . . . fewer than . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . 
UNIT 1 Lеssопs 34 · . . ,а. . . ... з В. Interpret the pie chart using the modifiers from the Ьох in Ех. ЗА. Example: Portuguese is used Ьу about three per ceпt [рз:'sепt] о( /пterпet users. ONLINE LANGUAGE POPULATIONS (Dес. 2000) Writing Portuguese 2.6% Russian 2.3% Italian 3,1% ............  French 315% _. ,. Korean 4.2% English 47.6%  . Spanish 5.2% German 5,5% . . . . . ..... . . ." ., Chinese 7,60/0 " Japanese 9,6% 4 А. Would you like 10 study апу other foreign languages? 8 Which one(s) would you prefer? Give reasons. 4 В. Read the essay Ьу Аппе Proctor (а student from Britain, aged 17) and compare your reasons with Anne's. Introduction (general view) . . . The body о, ап essay Stating the opinion of other people, which is different from yours (arguments against). -\ Expressing your own opinion and giving reasons (arguments for). 14  У 000 . ,:;И;:- , . , -' . .  +t Ч LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES Secondary schools in ( in J1 е to offer at least оп е foreign language оп the curriculum. I think tis is t,)ecause we need to communicate better with our nelghbours in Europe and because people travel а lot these days. I'm always iQ1pres;,ed whe I hear foreign politicians like the German Chancellor speaking English or the Russian President speaking German. It is often said that 8ritish people are not good at learning foreign languages. Perhaps we have Ьесоте lazy because we know that people throughout the world learn English. If this is true. we are missing а great opportunity. I learn French at school but I don 't feel confident about speaking it. If I could s end оте time in France wo-uld  soon Ьесоте more ttuent- . French grammar is ertainly difficult, but there are not too тапу exceptlons to the rules. If I could, I'd like to learn Spanish and Russian. Spanish would help те to get а job in the tourist industry, as 50 тапу British people go оп holiday to Spain. I would al50 like to expand ту knowledge of Spanish customs and traditions, and to understand he Spanish mentality. Russian attract5 те because the language sounds 50 beautiful and I would really love to Ье able to read Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy in the original. I al50 think it would Ье really beneficial to understanding between our two countries if more of us spoke Russian. о> - -. ... =-  . <  ,  . ... ........ ... . r , - .  '11I>';;" .. - G: 15 а trip to France possibIe for the author now? How do you know? \ 2 Find some other similar examples in the text. . , _""'_""". .1' " >. У' .11._."  ""0&...."..,, ..1:  ., , , ....... "" -.- " ."-.,,, . -.. 
. .. . е . . . . . . . ..  .. . . . :а- . . . . .. .. . . . . .. · · · UNIT 1 Lessons з Making а conclusion (coming back to generalisation) . n То sum up, I believe that knowledge of foreign languages helps to make а person educated and well rounded. It is not only the language that counts, but also the fact that it is а way of getting to know different cultures. You can't broaden your mind if you see the world only from the perspective of your own culture. - , ,,- " > , t :IIi: , < ,,- <s: ' > , ..... .  .  .... 1- .. - . . ." . - &  , . -' \ t . ..... - J. :t ,.... 11  . , .   .... . . I  T' .1\ ' · ........  . -. \ . .    .. _.А 3Е ." :.. .-"1111&, - - '! «  X:::2I. 2 , . . ..0... . .... ;; .. . ". ..." .. АС ." -:...:--:- JfI' .. с. Why is the body of the essay divided into three paragraphs? D. Оо the task alongside the text. 4 Е. Complete the sentences. Vou may use the ideas from the Ьох. 8 Use the Grammar Reference if necessary. Example: " I were the Miпister of Educatioп, I would iпtroduce /earпiпg the Eпg/ish /aпguage begiппiпg from the first forт. 1 If 1 were the headmaster of ту school,... 2 11 I were ту mother,... 3 11 I weren't 50 lazy,... 4 If 1 were а fifth..year pupil,... 5 11 I could change the system of education,... 6 11 I had а lot of money,... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · replace English with Chinese in the school · . . · curriculum. · . . . · miss English lessons. · . . . · work hard. · . . . · remove foreign languages from the school . : curriculum. : : · travel abroad to improve ту English. : · · punish те more often. · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. Write ап essay "Learning foreign languages in Russian schools". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · Removing foreign languages from the school · . . · curriculum. · . . . · Replacing English with Chinese (or choose ап other · : language). : : · Introducing two / three more foreign languages to : · the curriculum. · . . · · Making learning English more intensive (introducing · . . . six hours of learning English а week for all Russian · . . . schools, introducing English from the first year in . : primary school, etc.). : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Follow these steps: 1 Choose опе 01 the ideas from the Ьох. 2 Brainstorm arguments for / against. 3 Write ап essay of about 200 words following the structure of ап opinion essay from Ех. 48. 15 
UNIT 1 Lessons 56  . . . . . . . . .. . .... ... . . sen епсе? .. еа Warm..up 1 Interpret the quotations below. What do you think of them? , еэ-{\",g". ". {е d\sэ-9Р d , э- eS g ;t\t1'Э,tе 1"e ed ,/еЭ,{ ut dO eS '1" \ О \N\\\ ье COt1't1' The · з,оо еО9\е са'" \O",g э-S 9 . . то5! Rasool Gamzatov. а poet from Dagestaп Listening 2 А. Vou are going to listen to а lecture Ьу ап outstanding British linguist, David Crystal. 8 The lecture is cal'ed "Death sentence". Say what it might Ье about.  1"  8di{'  .. . .)-.... J  . . .. . 2 В. D Listen to the lecture. Check if your ideas are right. ....,..;.- -rl' 1 When а species of animal or plant dies, it reduces the diversity 01 our pJanet. а) сокращает мноrообразие Ь) уменьшает различие 2 Linguistic diversity is key to the survival of our planet. а) выживание Ь) переЖИТQК 3 А linguist, Bruce Connell, was doing some field work in the Mambila region 01 Cameroon. а) работа на полях V Ь) исследования на месте 4 Не found а language called Kasabe which по westerner had studied before. а) rерой вестерна \! Ь) представитель Запада 5 Communities have соте and gone throughout history, tаkiпg their languages with them. а) коммуны -J Ь) человеческие сообщества 6 The larger culture needs to have а respect for minority languages. а) языки меньшинства Ь) второстепенные языки 7 When people die, they leave signs of their presence in the world, their archaeology. а) археолоrия Ь) вещественные следы пребывания ;IE , . " . i  ..,.,..  . - .... . "\ . .   :ft  ,. > "- 'IIIE .. II 2 С. Read the sentences from the lecture. What do the words in bold mean? ... . 16 .. ; f , .  . '1> . . , . For Your Info cultural assimilation а cultиre is changed or disappears as а . .; . , , . result of the influence of another :If> culture genocide ['ct3endusaId] killing А.., of а whole groиp of people because oftheir race, nationality  от religion . , . '..jI: .: '" .  
'k t, .. е . . .. . . ............ ....  . . . . . . . . . . . · · о · · UNIT 1 Lеssопs 56 . . . . 3 А. Learn 10 take notes while listening to а lecture. Listen to the first рап of the lecture and take notes of the events connected with the list of names and dates. Example: The Kasabe /aпguage died in Noveтber 1995.  .   -- , ... in November. 1995 Bruce Connell ... Mambila l Cameroon Bogon ... 5 November ... 1) What do you think А "III ""rv-- .. ... happened to Bruce Connell's study of the . Kasabe language after 5 November? . . .     ... ...   ..... ..........    .. ......    .... . F . ...   . . . . ..   r , . ... .- --- --    ......... . - ......  >:"11I: ...JВ:"...:. _.._.._.-  .-.-. . ..-.- ... .. .... ."..".. .: :IIF . "SaI1!18II"' :.""",:  - ..oqr А  3 В ,.... I Listen to the second part 01 the lecture and complete the mind тар. з с. D Listen to the last part of the lecture and complete the lists. 1 Three things that сап kill а language: а) Ь) с) 2 Three conditions necessary for а language to survive: а) Ь) с) 3 Language death is а disaster because: а) Ь) (about spokeп /aпguages) 8 Which condition necessary for а language to survive do you think is most difficult to fulfil? 8 How are languages like people and how are they different? There are now about. .. а Half 01 the world' s languages will... language extinction . .... у , '11> , .;:.'IF Alanguage dies every... А language with а hundred thousand speakers тау... 8 Why did David Crystal call the present situation about language extinction extraordinary? :- Jr" ..... ..... . Vocabulary 4 Fill the gaps with the correct form of words from the Ьох beside the text. 8 Рау attention to the 10rm. The extinction 01 languages is а process that takes place nearly everywhere in the world. The rich variety of languages that must have existed in the past is diminishing and the number 01 languages is being (1) ... rapidly. As estimated Ьу various linguists, тапу of the 6,000 languages which are а! present spoken in the world will not (2) ... the next fifty years and will Ьесоте (3) ... . At the moment, children по longer use twenty to fifty per cent 01 these languages, which makes the languages' (4) ... very uncertain. Quite а few (5) ... languages within the territory 01 the Russian Federation are under threat 01 total (6) ... and measures should Ье taken to put ап end to this process 01 (7) ... in the number 01 users of these languages. Linguists and ethnologists should work together with representatives of (8) ... of endangered languages in order to find solutions to these probIems, which will help to preserve the linguistic (9) ... 01 our planet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : extinct : · extinction · . . · reduced · . . . reduction · . . . . . survlve : survival · diversit y . . · communities · . . minority . ..... "<1;': ... ... . . .... \' .  . . . . . . . . . 8- . . . . . . . . . ... ,О  ..... t ......-. ... ..-..."" _ J . .." ..... . , .. .... 11 -!. .  ., t.... 4 . I , .. . '-"" 1 \ < !\  \, .. \ , . \. ... . 17 
UNIT 1 Lessons 56 . . .. 4 . . . . . . . . .  . .. . . . . .. . . 11 . . , , . . . . Language work .. ... 5 А. Read this extract from а magazine article. 8 Answer the questions beside the text. 8 See Grammar Reference if necessary. .. .  , .....  е Bongou people are ап ethnic minority in а former British colony in Africa. They have their own language, culture and traditions, all of which are under pressure from the government's policies and the movement of the population from the CQuntryside to cities. For decades now English has Ьееп the official language of the country and the medium of instruction in schools and in higher education. Young Bongous are moving to cities to seek their fortune and t опсе they do this, they leave their identity behind. Fifty years ago J there were over 50,000 native speakers 01 Bongou. Today there are fewer than 10,000. There are only two Bongou primary schools left; four have closed in the last decade. The only Bongou..language newspaper went bankrupt in 1995. The radio station had Ьееп shut down five years earlier. The prospects for the Bongou language are not good. If the present trend continues , it will probably die out Ьу about 2025. Even though there is now а determined campaign to keep it alive, it won't survive without commitment Ьу the younger gепеrаtiоп, most of whom seem to Ье opting for English. ..... 1 15 it still the official J \i'" language? , .,', 2 Which closed first the newspaper or the radio station? How do you know? з 18 this а decision or а prediction? . ...."'V',." _  -. . " ( 5' Is this а plan for ....... the future or а tendency? . :' 4 18 the author certain about it?  (б\ How тапу ........ ,.. schools were I.Q there ten years ago? ф Does "continues" refer to the present or the future? ... .' ..:. -  .. " А "0--. -"IЯI- ..... .., .. 5 В. Decide which of the cases need present perfect and which past simple. It is used when: Present perfect / Past simple 1 we ask when something happened. 2 we say а definite time, e.g. yesterday, /ast week, six weeks ago.. 3 the result 01 а past action is connected to the present. 4 the result 01 а past action is not connected to the present.. 5 we talk about something which started in the past and continues up to the present. 6 we talk about something which started and finished in the past. 7 we talk about ап indefinite time up to the present, e.g. ever, пever, receпt/y. 18 .... ... 
.. .. .. . . . . . .4. . . . . . . 4 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . tJNIТ 1    5 с. Fill in the gaps with the present perfect or past simple of the verbs in brackets. 1 The Welsh language ... (Ье spoken) for about twelve centuries already. . . 2 The Мапх language ... (Ье spoken) оп the Isle 01 Мап up to the end 01 the 19th century. 3 Д hundred and twenty..five Native American .. . .  . languages ... (disappear) up to now.   4 Bruce Соппеll ... (return) to Саmеrооп, but .;;...  . . . ,. Bogon, the last speaker of Kasabe, had died. .'  5 Pre..Columbian people ... (speak) 300 languages at the time Columbus landed in America. . . , 6 01 the 175 or 50 languages recorded across the . . Russian Federation, about half а dozen ... (Ьу ..... .  -t NOW / соте) to the edge of extinction. .. -": - - 7 When ... the tribe council ... (decide) that it would '". . . . not develop а written form of the language? .. .. . 8 Linguists found that only 500 Kets, north..west - - . . Siberian people, ... (speak) their own language . , . , .  competently in 1993.  Speaking 6 А. Answer these questions. 8 Look through the text about the Bongou and your notes оп David Crystal's lecture. 1 Оо you agree that language diversity is "key to our survival"? 2 What should а larger culture do in order to have respect for minority languages? 3 How тапу languages do you think are enough for the world? 4 00 you think the Bongou people should struggle for the survival of their language? 5 Whose responsibility is it to save ап endangered language? ........  ......... ..... .......,     .. ..,. .. ее  .. .    "'" .. .   . '   "'"'\ . 6 D. 1" groups, prepare а опе-miпutе talk to express your opinion. Follow the steps: 1 Make notes of what you are going to say. 2 Structure your talk as 5hown in the diagram. 3 Use notes for reference, not for reading. б В. Read the МО opinions оп language death. Which of them do you share? The death of а language is а disaster because... · language is рап of people's culture. ... ..........L..  .  . .. . _._ .  . ....  ....","'" "",,", """"""""""'- ... """"  "11I\.......' .. ,  ......., State the problem. · people would understand each other better if there were fewer languages. The death of а language is not а disaster because.. . Give your opinion and support it with arguments. 6 с. Join а group supporting опе of the opinions. Add more arguments to your par1 of the chart. (See Ех. 2D, 2Е, 2F, 4А, 5А.)   -:. "': -. .... :.. . ..... >'АС - . ... - .l'r :ав:  .... In conclusion, sum up your ideas without repeating them. 19 
UNIT 1 Lesson 7 .. ,. . . .  .. . ,. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ее rammar уоеа u а 1 This is а student's essay. AII his mistakes are underlined, and the teacher asks questions beside the text to help him to correct them. 8 Answer the questions and correct the mistakes. , 1 15 present simple or present perfect а tiтe? 2 We сап count words, can't we? 3 Doesn't alllook too lonely? 4 00 you need anything else in а negative statement? : 5 Are you asking а Question here? , МУ АПIТUDЕ ТО LEARNING ENGLISH If I could choose subjects, I would never study English at school. There are а lot of reasons for that. First, English grammar is very difficult. Verb times (1) make те 105e sleep. Second, the words  there are 50 much (2) of them and I can't remember all (З)! Third, it is very difficult to read. If I not know (4) а word I соте across, I try to find it in а dictionary and while I'm looking for it, I forget what was the sentence about (5). Four1h, it's listening. English..speaking people speak 50 quickly that I can't catch nothing (6). I work at English very hardly (7). but nothing doesn't helQ (8). Myfriend says те (9) that I must find something interesting to lеаrп and that he has begun (1 О) with the same problems six years ago. But I afraid (11), it is а bit too late for me to begin!  Isn't this sentence negative? (jj That' 5 why you make so many mistakes!  Оо you need two negatives? (9) 15 there anything missing here? 1 О Look at the time  expression at the end of the sentence! ---...... 11 Is afraid а verb?  + . ., Poiпts /11 2 Choose the correct word. 1 Today they are ./ there are ./ it is millions 01 people who speak English. 2 Some people study./ studies / is studyiпq English for special purposes. 3 They тау need English for the job / their job ./ job 10r example. 4 Some 01 them пeed / пeed (О / are пeediпq it for travelling. 5 But the majority of learners of Епglish has / have / are haviпg other needs. 6 Most of them use it for talk / (О ta/k / that they сап ta/k to people who аrеп't English. 7 Most о( / The тost./ Most people in the world have heard some English. 8 /t;5 / There is / There are hardly апу countries where English is never spoken. 9 Very few people haven't heard soтe / the / апу English at all. 1 О English is now the тost / the тore / а тost widely spread language in the world. Points /10 3 Read the text and look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct and some have а grammar or vocabulary mistake. 8 Оп your answer sheet put numbers 1  12 and opposite each number put а tick if the liпе is correct or write the correct version if there is а mistake. 1 Оп the surface, young childrens seem to Ье phenomenal 2 language learners. often appearing being more capable than 3 their parents 01 learning quickly and accurately. 4 Younger learners tend to do more progress, perhaps in part 5 because they are having more time than adult learners. They also tend 6 to do relatively well in acquiring nativespeaker standard pronunciation. 7 8ut older learners begin with several distinct advantages: knowledges 8 of а first language, knowledge of how the world work, 9 awareness of the structural features of languages in general and other. 1 О Several research studies has shown 11 that this advantages make language learning more efficient 12 and more fast for older learners, at least in the beginning. Po;nts / 12 .& children I f 1  -.....- . ....... I/"J. . . .   .  ь-.... I::OA. I .. ........       J. I . ЬА' ....   ... Ж .4lД   I   "...... ....           .. '""" ......... ..A.- 20 
. .. .  . . . . с . . . .. .. . . ... .. . . .  . . . - . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . UNIT 1 Lesson 7 4 Fill in the gaps with the words from the Ьох. 8 There are two extra words. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . expand gain ап appreciation fluent endangered assimilate · beneficial well..rounded widely spread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . тор SIX REASONS FOR STUDYING RUSSIAN 1 Why not? Pocheтu пet?! In Russia every little kid is ... in Russian. 2 It is опе of the five most ... а.. languages in the world. There are about 200 million people in the world who speak Russian and а quarter of а million 01 them live in the USA. 3 American companies ready to ... their business with the new Russian market will Ье eager to give you а job. 4 We сап ... ... ... 01 the true genius and artistry 01 Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy and Chekhov when we read their works in the original. 5 Russian language skills are ... for careers in law, science, engineering. the military and federal service. 6 Knowledge of Russian should Ье part 01 the education of every ... реrsоп. , ". - - . - . . .... . ,"  I  . " '1u<1.ge skilf r \.9.(\ : . .'(\. . . , . ,,"=' . r:;: \  " illюut 100 1т Jt011 people .:. =- -, - -, · t..\'\o . ".. '({ ;.JJ\  W\ed<1e о ".. e"ef':J t\1e ед.\.\сэt.\о of   , . . \" { ..., - , - ,  .;: Po;nts /6 - ... .... ,... -, : . : ". .... .  .. . А " :. '" "" N' ... . .. .. ".,,;: ..:t::)o:t: 5 Do the "arrow" crossword. 8 9 Across . . "- .......Jtt.fIIIIIt.,.    - 10 4  . - , . 5 . 1 Having good and varied experience 2 Ап understanding 01 good qualities 3 Something or sоmеопе that is поt included in а general rule То increase, grow larger Ве able to speak or write in ап easy, smooth mаппеr  1 7 2 I I А L I Down 6 Something that по longer exists 7 Exactness or correctness 8 Thoroughly skilled, well practised 9 Anything that brings advantage or profit 1 О Forward movement, continual improvement    '3 I 6 .' 4-.1 I .'  Points /11 5 I .- - . ,,'" ,- ... . ... ""... - /"    ", tV' ":  . ..............=........ , h  .     = ........  , J:::!:L , .",.... "2 СНЕС К VOUR SCORE /.  .; :  сЖ'  I  . .  01 "JI':.   .... ....:'..... "   ,. '" /. ". , .. 4 W -,' .. -". TOTAL /50 . ,.... , 45.....50 38......44 30......37 29 aпd /ess Well doпe! Good Notbad Go back aпd revise ..... ... :-- , ... 21  .... 
UNIT 1 Lesson 8 . .  . . .. . е . . . . . .. ..   ..  . . . . . . . . .. ... .... . ... ress е ...... . '. . Should English Ье the first language for the Bongou people? . You will participate in а discussion among the Bongou people. . The aim is to decide which should Ье the first language for the people: Bongou or English. ...  Q ... ..  .....   1 Preparation 8 Split into groups 01 seven. 8 Choose а role from the list: О The chief 01 the Bongou D The owner 01 the biggest hotel in the country [] А Bongou poet D А graduate of Саре Town University D А mother of three schoolchildren D А linguist from Europe D А Bongouteenager "' ... .,.   \. .. L ,1 . --..  " ,  \   t ',f " I . , t  ..... < .  ,. ...  .<  . . ..   - \. а . { I J I . \ . "  ..  . с .. . .. ,;;. . . ...", ... 4   '1 .,  Т..... i" ....   la .......,....... . ,. .. '1'  --'  /';"'.j' l' . . . 1J.''''{ ' ., f1 ' . \ , ,..../ , ... ( , , i .... .,.. --(  .  4. ....... ...... ......  . . . "( ' , ' .. . " 8 Study your role cards. 1t' .-1' . . ,. ..,.. . ..odb Chief of the Bongou You are the chief 01 the Bongou. Your forefathers wanted you to preserve the Bongou people and their culture. You feel that the assimilation process is strengthening and you are afraid that losing their language will make the Bongou lose their identity. NB It is your responsibility to chair the discussion, to give the floor to the participants, to organise а vote and to round up the discussion. You need to know the пате and the position of every participant, as it will Ье your responsibility to announce the speakers. Results 01 the vote will Ье announced Ьу the poet (Card No З). "19' . '11'.. BongOu poet УОи are а poet aпd the BoпgOU YOur Poeтs а /aпguage gou. УОи are afr. . d тUch for cou/d Ьесоте . а, that YOur На /t · еxtЮсt. 18 Your res .. Vote and to POпs,bllity to take report the resu/ t пotes duriпg th s. е А hotel owner , . n the country and you Ь . est hote , h You own the Igg l' h is а way to anot er know Quite we" that Eng "b working witn forei g ners. At the 5а th 8 r cu \ture tne tourtsts lose е' · that if the Bong ou try as they are very , , t O Y our coun won t trave. n ou culture. ents for an а I pres ent argm to а decis ion . tne disсUS SЮn соте "': .",..",."".  А Bongo u · k of Bongou and а Саре You are а natlve spea er  know having а global Town University graduate: ° t U . ,t m akes 8 е convenlen as . language IS or . В t the Bongou culture IS соmmuniсаtюп easler. u t . N  O U cannot take а · rotec 10 . 1 definite pOSltlO n . ry discussion. 22 ..... - .. 
. ..  ·   а 8 .... .. .... ..  . . . . . UNIT 1 А Bongo u mother ее schoolchitdren at ап Уои are а mother of thr . hool They don 't speak Bongou much at school U d th ink they will have а uters an you d 1earn to use сотр h d you are concerne that in future your chll ren speak their native language. .. Туу to decide оп  a nnot take а definite рОSltюп. .ou с . опе during the disсussЮП. А 15-year-o' d В ongou Уои are 15 N · · ext year Уои ali . .speaklng high school  е gОlПg to ап Engli8h 18 doтinaпt and is Ьe O have read that Engli8h and Уои can't underst ОlПg а g/Oballaпguage grandpareпts who t ап Your pareпts aпd ' Bongou. ' ry to тake Уои 8peak А western linguist '" , You are а linguist. Уои understand that Bongou is ап endangered language. It lacks а proper written form and is suffering from cultural assimilation. You are convinced that diversity is the key to the survival of Bongou and you are planning to petition the UN with а request to save Bongou. . 1" :,1\,"':1- .-  х "> . . :I9t .", '" - ...... .ib 4  . I  LANGUAGE SUPPORT ") ... I TALK STRUCTURE · Му пате is... " . I work for... I I 1 State your пате and position. I 1...... . I'm... ..) '" · Generalfy, I think... 2 Express your general attitude to the probIem. · Оп the whole, I believe... '-- ..) I I  · J don 't think... I 3 Give at least two arguments (think of your ethnic minority's · It's wrong to think that... I I future, culture, education, prosperity, identity, strong or weak pOints of your tanguage and culture, etc.). First... Second... (Third...) I . I I '-  Firstly. .. Secondly... (Thirdly...) . r ""' If 4 Conclude your talk Ьу stressing the strongest argument. · First of all... Then... (Also...) '\r..  , I . Final'y,.. . I . In conclusion, J'd like to...  ) I · То sum up, I'd like to stress that... I I 2 Activity I I 1 r I · Prepare а short presentation of your ideas according to your role card. · Structure your talk in the following way · Hold the discussion. Go through these stages: 1 Give а presentation of your ideas. Listen to the others. Prepare questions for the other speakers; make notes of the questions. 2 Ask your questions; answer the questions of the other participants. 3 Make your choice between Bongou and English. Vote for а decision. Follow-up    Аероп the results of your group discussion to the class. Наэ your personal attitude to the probIem changed? Why? How? 23 
1- - z ::) . .  .. . а . о s оп оп Warm..up "... 1 Match these sights with the number оп the picture. о The Tower О St Paul's Cathedral О Trafalgar Square О The National Gallery D Buckingham Palace D т ower Bridge D The British Museum D Big Веп D The Houses of Parliament D Westminster АЬЬеу ... .... ...ю.tO. . . . . .. .. .. {!  . I . . .. , а . ,  1,4;0  .. '" .... -.... - .  -'..'  - t t ... . t .. . - r .: I а I ...  - , 'i1"n .  ---#. . I . lr .... . .  ..... I  . f ... , ... .. . v ,.... f: . I I   .  " \ : , . l' J .. ..... - . 8 Which of them would you like to see and why? ...... . .. .  j- I' . ... . '. "'-- '6.. __ ] '...... J . .' . .., .. ..  .. ." . " . ./1 ",'  " -, ., . .. . .. . .. ..   .,...-: . . ... . . ... ,. - .. .. . ....... .. Reading  ..- .. . . .. ... -.  . ...... "'. . ... '" . . ..'.1" . ..1"..,. 1( .  . . "<>'.. .'Y.o(IIII' -.". ... .. " 2 А. Look through the data оп tourism in London. · London had 26 million visitors in 2000 and 1 ЗА тilliоn between 1995 and 2000. · The population of the c;ty ;5 7 milliоп. · Fifty per cent 01 the visitors to the city are foreigners. .. l' r · The tourism industry is worth f 9.5 billon а year. ,  . · The tourism industry supports 275,000 jobs. · London has 300 galleries and museums. · There are more than 150 theatres iп London, i.e. 60,000 theatre seats оп апу оп е night. 8 How do you think tourism influences the life of London residents? .  ,   .." (  J  \. .  -. : , - I   '.1 __t-- t ,  -  ...    ..,..... . , , t " r .. .. - r  .. I   - I .. , , 11оо :s.- . ' . , I , . . , l' . .. ..... ..... ..::. > ; 1 \ . .  .  ... - .::J ......  .  '" ' I! I 11; i ' . 1. ' '1> .  ,.. .. :J I i 1 1 I о .... -   ., .. '\ . \ ,       .... .. .,.   .. .... ....... ...... .......... . ,.  - . ( ..: .. ... .а - м .1 ... ... . I ....""'" .... ".. , 1. t  I   - .... " .  .- Yf1It -. . .... . .... '. . - "'. . I I 2 В. Read the text and answer the questions. 1 What do you think the author means Ьу the word "Ьrапd" in the title: а) the sites London \8 famous for? Ь) the internationally recognised image of Lопdоп? с) shopping facilities in London? 2 What do you think Кеп Livingstone's occupation is? Why do you think 80? 3 What is the author's attitude to London? Find proof in the text. .... ....... -0- . I '-', ., .  __ · , ,  . fit-  .   iI · . . I .  .. О,, ,.. 0- , :Ir , i ... . :... .-: ... ..   .  ...... -.... ... " ... .... ..... .. .  . . . ". .. lIiII . _. .. .......... . .  . ... .... ..  - .......,....... _.... . ... .- . - . ". ... , .. ,  , п . . - . . \,  ...... .. . ..  .. ... -.. 17"" .. . .. , LONDON'S А GREAT INTERNATIONAL BRAND ТНАТ HAS ТО ВЕ MANAGED CAREFULLV . .  .......... .  .....""" ....... . """ А...... .-оо! , , " . ...  . ti L.. I .,. . ... Ву Кеп Liviпgstoпe Anyone who walks around the capital at the moment сап see that tourism is опе of London's key industries. The key to the tourist industry in London is integrating the city's strengths and history with the new есопоту. No other city сап compare with London in that (1 ). ,  . f , "  ... .  . ..... .,'''' . } I  G . 1 ...... . . "1' .. .0 ". . . ,"О .' .., 811 - .... .- 1  : ! ,  ' .. , f . , , . . i' . .. rl. . .. . -. : ;Ь-I  . .. ...  .", . I I ..а. , t . '" ... ... " ... ...... . - . ...... . - " " :\ . . . ,. ...\.. А .  ,. ,  .. . , <Е 11 _. 'v' _. , . >.-dН!O'X . , ......... 24  
 - - )    .  .  1 . tnn' , i J. Р [1 l' :.. . -........ иц .9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ... .. . .. . · UNIT 2 Lessons 1 2 . ............... . I It is far from being а question of historic sites and ceremonials important though these are. London is а 24hour city with nightlife, clubs, restaurants and iпtеrпаtiопаllу known events. lt (2) plays the role 01 апу great city throughout the ages bringing together in оп е place а critical mass of economic, scientific, cultural and intellectual possibilities. But а key question is how to unite these elements (3) physically. What makes this (4) possible is London's combination of tradition with its status as the world's most internationalised. 80th (5) are rooted in the city's unique history for several сепturiеs London was the world's major part. This (6) made it possible to bring together "trаditiоп", in the sense of а long uninterrupted historyJ and the greatest multicultural centre in the world. Since London Ьесате the greatest melting pot in the world, diversity and the most modern forms of communications are integral to London's character: That (7) creates the city's unique character and аttrасtiоп. If London is to continue to develop its tourist industry, this (8) requires ап integrated approach in policing, transport, culture, and business. In short, strengthening London as one of the world's greatest tourist centres, which (9) is а very conscious palicy 01 the GLA, is not going to lessen the attraction of the city for its inhabitants. What makes London а great place for tourists is not only its (1 О) tradition, but that it (11) is а mоdеrп, "Iivеdiп" city. , -: GLOSSARV GLA Greater London Authority melting pot а place where there is а mixing of people of different races and nations ) ..... ..... . - . ......  . . ,.. .... е . [li j,. в What do the underlined words substitute? Exaтple: ( 1) integrating the strengths and history with the new есопоту , .- , . ... .. . . I i': ,  .. 1. . u .. ".."., ....-.. I ... . 1I , - . \  1 - J!!... -' . '\. ........ . .., f . .  . ..........  t . ..:...fi-r.... '. . . 'i  ..........  ....  .. .  .... '. "7'  & . . .. "" ... - ..... ....... I .. ..-..  - ... . . ..  , J It \. · , 11I ii 'Щ t ,  ...... .... 'Р( .  L. , . ... .  .. The /пdepeпdeпt. 15 August 2000 > 'VIO =I::"" . . ... , ..    .. 2 с. Look through the text аgаiп and say which 01 the sentences below gives the message 01 the text. То manage London's brand image carefully means: а) to preserve London's traditions, historic sites and ceremonies. Ь) to enlarge the number 01 internationally recognised events. с) to strengthen London's international character. d) to integrate all the features of the city. е) to develop modern forms 01 communication. ,  . . . . . . .. I .... . .........  .  4.. 4 ..... ... - . , " "'!" 1  с . . -- ..... :1  .' - .... .' . , . . .. ..... .  .... ':1: -,  ;> .... -'100'-""= ... . . 9 .. , ...... : . .  ..' I[  ,,"( .. . ....... ,} ... . . .. . . -4'1 t . 111 ..- " ,    ...... JIII: '" I ...... .... ;... . ". .   , . , , .. . .. ...... . . .(-  , .  ...   .. ... . - - ........ :1    .. .. . ...... ...  25 
UNIT 2 Lessons 1 2 . . . ... . . - . . . .. ... .. Language work ... ... - ." 3 Read the text in Ех. 28 again and do the task alongside it.   ..-t . ..... ... .,: I- -'" . "' ............ ... 'fi Vocabulary  4 А. Translate the words in bold in the text (Ех. 28). , .4  , - . 4 В. Fill in the gaps in this summary of the text, using the words from the Ьох. .... , '. The author thinks that tourism is опе 01 London's (1) ... industries. London's (2) ... for tourists is not only its (3) ..., but the 1act that it is а modern, "Iived.. in" city. At the moment а key question is how to (4) ... these elements. For London to continue to develop its tourist industry will require ап (5) ... to all sides of life in the city. According to Кеп Livingstone, strengthening London as опе of the world's greatest tourist centres is not going to lessen the (6) ... of the city for its inhabitants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . unite . . . . integrated approach . . . . attraction (2) . . . . historic sites . . key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;;,. fr ...    . .. ........ - .... ' J . _' ""'I: ' . ....  " [J % ".....- ....  .. .. ......-. .' '- ......    . · . 11I '" .... ......  -   .. . с' J .. _ ....  J" .,.. :J............ -..   " .. . - . _  .. . О .  V .r:....   .  .... . . r r ,1.410' -. -:.;. --    . ,I "f 1 " . .. ,.. .... - .... .  . . . -; ...:;;'"; :У . .....  . J ... ... - 1 ....:w. 1 . '1I I j . ..,.,.....:  f '!  i1 1 r. ... , . <t 11""   ;tIf8o.'6,r. . ,..... ("  ...... .; r r Ij. , - ." · 1! .... "  . " .. . 1!8 1 11I 1   ! - .... ::::  ' ' .  , .,..J'....  :1.. _........ . -..s... -. -:;;_ - ".".    -'".,. .:.= , ...   ... .... .. .. :., _  ....".  , :: '-'  .. 1 -...    .  ... . .   ': ... ::,..-::"  .."..- ... .,.". - ..... 1.1'   .- ..., '. ) 1- Р' :.""'" :..;  ..  1'" .... ............ ' .j ..  ... ":'"' .  '  .. .:.;--':'""....; :  J1  ":." '""': r ':: . :  ".  .  ' · . ... нп ..     ... .. - -  "... ..... I     .. .  _,. W'..... -    .....  ... .. . 45 . . .1 . ..... .'  I...; .'!- jOI.:  1 ....  d;;' ... -:;.  - . ' .# -  .. ...1 ..=,... ........  ....  .. - : .   :=: J1 -: :: 11  ",,:: . .... fjC . :; ,..   I 1  .:. .  "": 1:= ::---: ..: ' 11 ..,,: ::  I   "! . ,..... ..  - ."..; . .  .....1 R = . .= ., : . " = d : : [ 3i :: . i t  1 . I.  п= 1f _ t' ....:: '... ; or . . ...,.  :,   \i.."1It  , "   ...........  - . ! .. ....:. I  .....    :..... -;... ot" .... ;L" и. :..  r 1.1 -- _ . .. . . . 1 . . . 1 . 1 . _ ' 1  . .   ...  т  . .  .... ..1 ' .<: :- F;  ='  .      ........ ....11. - '- .: ,.,     "b  ... .........  ....... ..... ",.. , -  "-  .. --.. .  _ , ,=--- .... J\ . :.. ., ............-i . ... . -  .' '. II ,. -.  . i $1(1 :  ........ :.  \1 - '" .   C\f't C \J 5 се \cQ.O\\.\.'4  с "\ 9:.'  ,    t!1. ' ( q А "  ""}. . .... PICCADILLY CIRCUS STATION А . .. . . r - . .. "" . . " I .11   r- . J _ €. . S \\ S1 .... C\,\p..f\t.f: - .. ... ,. t "'" ,. ... , .. - .... \ . t IIL .. .......  ... . .,........, ... о . ...   . . . . J' :., .. .  -  I .. . . . . , , . -  '- . ... ...  .. .- . - - - . .........:;.. r .... -  - . Piccadilly Circus  .. , -у - ." . '" --- '" ..1' ""_ -ос - _ 11=- "..1' .NI.. J' )о  -о- О... 0(10"'-" > ."'ж -.ICИh.А.. . ,- - - , , ... . .. .А А ,  > Speaking 5 А. 1" pairs exchange your ideas about the following: 1 What makes London unique today? 2 What are the roots of this "uniqueness"? 3 Why is it difficult to bring together tradition and а modern multicultural сепtrе? If LANG UAG E SUP PORT  \ I I  . I · ...might / тау... probably. . . It'5 quite possible that... \ , . \ , I I . 1 5 В. Make а list of probIems the residents in the centres of big cities like London or Moscow тау have due to the development of tourism. 8 Share the ideas with other groups and add to your lists. 26 
. . ........................ .. .. ... .. . Reading 6 А. Read the text and find which of the following probIems for the residents of London Simon Milton mentions: - .  а) air pollution Ь) noise pollution с) crime d) littering е) transport problems f) long queues. . '" . ... t i   е Add to your list 01 problems (Ех. 58). .... RIGHT OF REPLY The /eader of Westтiпster City Couпcil J 5iтoп Mi/ton, respoпds to ап artic/e Ьу Кеп Liviпgstoпe, in which he argued in favour of streпgtheпiпg Loпdoп as а tourist ceпtre. Кеп Livingstone claims that London's appeal to tourists is that it is а Ilived..in city" ("London's а great international brand that has to Ье mareted carefully", 15 August). I agree with him. But if we want the reality to match the rhetoric, we need to act now to save the city. The ilaybrJs endorsement (подцержка) of the "24hour city" sits uneasily with his desire for а living city. То have а truly living city, YOU need residents: local communities, such as the 6,000 people who live in Soho and Covent Garden in the West End. They live alongside about 350 bars and clubs that stay ореп, up to 5 а.т. already. The capacity (BMeCTMO",C1:b) of such bars is 50,000 people, bringing with them noise, nuisance and crime. As а result, the very residents who make up the "Iived..in city" are bei ng d . t 4 rlven ou · ,..., 1" We need to have sustainable tourism. 11 we don't act, we'll rip the heart out of London and drive away business and tourists. I ) At Westminster, we've introduced policies to ret.rict new licences. We want people to have а good night out. but the community needs а good nightls sleep, and а genuine mix 01 uses must Ье sustained. If the Mayor wants to deliver а living city, he has to ensure that those who live in the centre of the city have а quality of life that most 01 us take for granted (принять как должное). The lпdepeпdeпt t 22 August 2000  ""c"'. ::: ..ос ,  lI: iiijВ, :;.. IIJ у . .....':"'..  ::> ;а! iSI!ВInm ::38III':-..ic .. ., '\80" _ "II!C"'.:.. 'v' -:-._ .. _ _. =  Match the words in bold in the text 10 their definitions: а situation that causes inconvenience to keep within limits 01 size or number o8ra а person who lives in а particular area ... а tourism which brings benefits to local people and oes not harm the environment. J ...... - ' ........ · ·  · · · · · 11 · UNIT 2 Lessons 1 2 - ...... .. ... ; , '-   :iII!: ./"- f  ос 7 .... , -1. : "  .. .- -. : .- .... < : -Е Ji: - ..: . : eJ- ... .. f!'- -<.. . . ,  "' ..  -. - . . '. "- "t:   . . ... ... For Your I"fo ТЬе City оС "'estminster is а "city within а city". It is the area of central London which contains (Ье main tourist attractions. Soho r-sauh:)u] the centre of London's night life Covent Garden [lkDvant Iga:dn] London's former fruit and vegetable market r. which is now full of fashionabIe shops and eating places West End the westem part of central London, famous for its shops) pubs and theatres " < , < < < , :- "С.. ,.. - А r. 4' ., 11 ,1' 11 ,. 11 11111'  .: ..,. s11!EE'  . I C,\RNA8'1 . . .. . I I1 ..  · 1 1 ., ..'" н sТREET - I Nf6   . д . . . ... . ". . . I '!: ... .  -.  .> . -. ,.,.....  . .  ... - · t. I..  . u . --. .. '. . .1 .  " ,...,... . ; "а   , . ", -\ ... I ...' -  '-  J' Tf . t  tlel.... . . r ..... .    . . \  -" --- . .v::: ... .... . . .....   ...оъ \  .- , ." ... . .... ..  .  . . 27 
UNIT 2 Lessons 3.....4 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ussia's . I eem Reading 1 А. Look at the panorama of Suzdal. Would you like 10 visit this town? Why? 1 В. Read the newspaper article and say which of the following is true: 1 Helen likes Suzdal. 2 Helen thinks that Suzdal is sleazy. 3 She feels sorry for the tоwп. 4 She wishes tourism were better developed in the tоwп. 5 Helen admires the accommodation for the tourists. > . RUSSIA'S LITTLE EMPТV OXFORD Ву HeJeп Woтack 'IHaving а lovely time. Wish you were here." I ат away from Samotechny Lane, sending this postcard from Suzdal. "11  Actually, it would Ье reassuring if anybody were here. 1 . This ancient Russian city is ап architectural jewel, comparable perhaps to somewhere like Oxford, yet at the 1,)1 height of the tourist season it is almost deserted. I arrived I J "..\1 as the sun was setting 1 com.ring over а glorious plain with а prospect not 01 dreaming spires but 01 dreaming onion УJI domes. Suzdal being опе of the socalled "Golden Ring" religious centres of old Russia. Now I ат staying in the Tourist Centre. А private hotelier leapt into the road as I passed, trying to attract те to his bed and breakfast, but I had already booked the former state hotel. It is fine. The renovted room costs $20 (f12.50) а night. There is soap and toilet paper. I have promised the private тап to dine at his guesthouse fJ instead · \JJ}i. .J} VJ } exp)ore the c.I.1thas а Krem\"ln tfor1ress), а convent, two monasteries, dozens of churches l dating from the 12th to the 18th centuries and а nearly 200yearold shopping arcade with traditional iron signs outside the shops. Little wooden bridges take те back and forth across the river Kamenka, meandering and thick with water lilies. There are по high--rise buildings here. The city is like ап extended village of wooden houses, with lace curtains and geraniums in the windows. Goats and geese stand at the bus stops , , . > о .. < -ос « ... ":... -.. -:Jo . ...... , ' , O. 28 . . , .. о- о .. t"   " . .. . . . . . .  ,  " . -.. . 11 .. ...,... .. ... " .. , l . ." о , . . ... о  . '" ,.  . , 1 "'"  I church , , .. . t ..... . s "1 re  . I "!"- . . < .  у , onion domes о . .  ""' 1 ., .,..  l .. -= .... .. _О  ". t . .."'2" . < j " "" '" Spaso Yefimiyevsky Monastery , t . '. \ '. .. . , \  , · · f .1    . I I ..... -  I Suzdal Shopping Arcade  .   ... " ....., " \.i  .7IfI' " -01. . о -- ft '. . '\ t L . о , 1 , .. , .... r " ,. .....  .....  ... .....,.....'''". '....... .. . у . -\  .. 1 . . Iron slgn ...  t I I <!r .. -. ..." , -'  " , .... water lilies :: ...... . .. . ..   -  :'" ... "1" о.. o08'I.r'  -.? \\. \. I . ... . , - \ r \ " . "'Ut. . . , r .. 1,. . '. .; ......  .. ......  ....... .  .., .. "..  I .... " .0 " : ...... , ;. . . .- о:. . . . . -,. geese ---  ..м  ...... ....... ........   ,,   . -, . . ---- . 40: .. ... . .... ,) 'I! "'= .. .  f . i - . j . 11\ :. , " ... . ... . ,  .- . , 1. 1.  . I '. 
..... \ I , . . . . . -. ... - ...  , ,- ......, . ]. ....  ...... . " .. .... ..: . ""!. -:-.( -. - .... f., . _ . r wooden bridge ,.. .I f r -f .1  " , .. - " . 11: .-. .... ,  &.-:.:: o,l/& ... " I . " , , ... .  ....... . \ .... .., .. .... "-  .. .... ...... . .,..,.... '.  .... . а. А .. . ... . . . f  . , ..  .  I .  -: . '. " .  .. ...... .... I ; .,."...." .. " I , ) - .. . . .. . .    ( , . ...  , . . . о . . .. . -.."" V. J "" _.0) .. \. n. ,  .  "'... '. < .} .... t. (.t  ,- r t...:,'  , .. , . . 11I .. . - .. .. . о . . . .. . . UNIT 2 Lessons З4 . .  , . .. J  .. "   . ... I .- :. . . . .. -' 't '; ,  ,. ... 1 " .... ..  ..... - ..... ... ... . . .. J _ , ... .. . , .....:   . . '. ... .' ... r . . .. .. ... -i-  ". , . .. .. .. . ...  t .... ;- '. I ........ у .: -. .. '. "'.... .... ." '''. '1. ... . ... . 1... 'ос , ... .- . , . .... . .. А,. '"='" .. " < - Convent of the Holy Virgin's Veil ... . '. . ." . . . ,. ... .. I _ GLOSSARY The locals are poor. А! night. the treet lатрэ are по! lit. The city budget latks funds. .-f:'!М{AJ f I .....,;? Yet, there is а feeling of quiet dignity here. The statue of Lenin in the central square is not overpowering. Capitalism also seems to have touched Suzdal only lightly. Absent are the kiosks that make other Russian cities sleazy. If onl y there were more road signs to encourage tourists. If onl y: at the private Kuchkova guesthouse they could do something about the fJjes. Then Suzdal would indeed Ье а fivestar tourist destination. So why are there so few visitors? Because rich Russians go abroad and poor Russians do not have holidays, while Westerners are scared off Ьу the country's instability. Suzdal is distinctive, ап island of beauty in а sea of mediocrity. Yet, closely linked to the rest of Russia, it is dragged down to the соттоп level. 'П that sense, it is an yt hin g but ап island and will only prosper when Mother Russia herself finally flourishes. meander ИЗВИЛl1на sleazy rрязный, "'" неухоженны и mediocrity заурядность drag down ----- тянуть вниз convent а building in which nuns live monastery а bllilding in which monks live I -  (1 What do these sentences express (choose two) а) strong regret Ь) advice с) wish which is hardly possibIe d) probability? <1;., The Moscow Tiтes, 7 August 1999  15 it really an island? :'" ..... . А  '11I>-' 1 с. Find in the text the following: 1 The description of places and objects labelled in the panorama of the city. 2 The things that make Suzdal attractive for tourists. 3 The reasons for lack of tourists in Suzdal according to Helen Womack. 29 
UNIT 2 Lessons 34 . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . & '5 . '11 V .. Language work 2 А. Answer question 1 alongside the text. 2 В. Express your regret following the example from the text. Ехатр/е: /( оп/у there were тore road sigпs! (;, оп/у... + Ved2) 1 The roads are not good enough. 2 There are few visitors. 3 The country lacks stability. 4 The street lamps are not lit at night. 5 The city budget lacks funds. 6 Not all RU5sians сап afford to travel. . What time does the article refer to? ... 2 с. Helen might regret the following things. Express her regret according to the example. Ехатр/е: /, оп/у' the authorities had sUQPorted the deve/opтeпt of /оса' crafts. (1' оп/у... + had + VеdЗ) 1 The government didn't invest enough топеу in the development of tourism in the town. 2 The authorities didn't renovate all the churches and monasteries. 3 Good shopping and parking facilities aren't provided. 4 The tourist agency produced а low quality booklet about the town 5 The lighting isn't very good in the town. 6 Foreign tourists seldom соте to Suzdal. -. .... ...:. ---  ..  2 D. Answer question 2 alongside the text. ..... ..   .  ........ -   2 Е. Complete the sentences using anything bиt (что уrодно, НО только нв...) 1 "This church is а masterpiece, you say? It is..." 2 "What? Another excursion? ..." 3 "Your so..called composition is...!" 4 "Can't say 1 feel attracted Ьу the looks of the streets..." 5 "Please do not call us like...minded. We are..." 6 .ryou say he is too materialistic? He's..." L ,;. - . <1 . .... .  '. . . - .. ... .. о" ....  "  ", , .. I t :  .. ..4' . :1  " ,.. . =.... .  . .  . ... j ....... ... . I 'й  . -t--f .. .. .е .. .... " -.  " . Vocabulary ..,. . , . -.  . ' '). . .  . Уl ," 1.. . '::. .  ... ., ;4 }1: _ -1 - ..1: -,;: ..  . ....... ...,. \ " -с.  . .. .. .. .. з А. Use the words and phrases in bold (Ех. 1 В) 10 translate the underlined phrases in these sentences. 1 Я обсле.gовал rород, стараясь найти старую церковь, упомянутую в туристическом буклете.. 2 Стиль большинства старорусских rородов '" отличается спокоиным l;J.ОСТОИНСТВОМ . 3 У местных властей не хватает денеr на ТО, чтобы обновить исторические памятники в rороде. 4 Люди часто не ездят в отпуск, потому что их .оуrают цены на билеты  . . .. . .. . .\ " с.- . ". а , .. I( ". . " .! . " I , , ..... I ... ":. . , I .... . ,. I  ..  .  · ..  t- ..  ._. .  ....   ;» ....  .  5 В XVII веке Суздаль процветал как культурный и релиrиозный центр. 6 Санкт..Петербурr излюбленное место 1УРИСТОВ со Bcero мира. 7 Июль пик туристическоrо сезона на Черноморском побережье. 30 
. - .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & . . . - . . .   UNIT 2 Lessons 34 В. Complete the sentences using the words from the Ьох. - Nearly aft old Russian cities and towns have а lot of historic architectural monuments, such as (1) .... They are valuabIe symbols 01 old Russian culture and 'catch the еуе with such particular details as (2) ... . Some 01 them have Ьесоте ruined Ьу time and really have to Ье (3) ... . But 'оса' authorities usually (4) ... and it (5) ... the possibilities for developing the town. The situation could Ье saved Ьу making а city or а town (6) ..., as tourism could provide good profits for (7) ..., especially (8) ... when а lot of people are оп holiday. Though for the development of (9) ... facilities such as good hotels, souvenir shops, coaches, welltrained guides and otherthings are needed, it is worth doing because it will make а city (10) ... . The present state of тапу of our cities and towns тау only (11) ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · а) а tourist destination · . . · Ь) at the height 01 the tourist season . . . . с) churches, monasteries, convents . : d) lack funds : : е) prosper and flourish : · f) renovated · . . · g) scare tourists off . . . · h) spires and onion domes . . . . i) local residents . : j) restricts : · k) sustainable tourism · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -.. . , < .. .." .. ... -, - .. .1' У A.. ......в... - - , Writing А. 1" groups make а list of features which сап make Suzdal / your city / апу other town you know attractive to tourists. О architectural monuments о historic sites о landscape о culturallife (theatres, cinemas, concert halls, etc.) о sports facilities о museums and galleries D others 4 В. Continue the list о' things that (in your opinion) are needed 10 make your city (town) attractive as а tourist destination. о good tourist routes о trained guides о development 01 local crafts о good maintenance of historic sites С. Write three paragraphs describi"g your city / town as а tourist desti"ation. · Use the vocabulary from Ех. ЗА and ЭВ. The features which make your city attractive for tourists.  ....... LANGUAGE SUPPORT . however. . I . . unfortuna tely.. . . but you 5 hould keep in mind... I I оп the ot her hand... I . I l  The facilities your city (town) needs to Ье а better tourist destination. ---. --- . . - The problems caused Ьу tourism development that should Ье taken into account.  ... ,,- ". 31 . , 
UNIT 2 Lessons 56 . . . .. ....... . . . . . . . Warm..up 1 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 8 Why might people want to visit these places? · What place would you prefer to travel to? Why? t - . . ... s.  ....   ..?  . ......-:,. ..    Q  , '" J . , .. ..    !1 ii iJ · . ",". r    ") Ii J3J . ... о ,Q..I  u . я '.. I · '3 .  .L ,  " , ., .... . - jIl.' '- .  .... ... - ,.... :  = .  .Jr" . , r '-  .. · . aI ...,i. ....i.. -. r  r - . .  '" ..(: . .'" .. н '":'t""   ..... . Е- ..... 11 "........ '.  -..  ...... ... ......... ... C } " .,. ... .;.;  ..; ....... ... I ..  ..  .. ....... . ..  .1 .... ....... ..   .. . , . ...  .. '.-1 i:l . .- '1 1 '. .. .. ........ _... ..:i:Z ........ .... r '8IJ""1 )- . . .. .,:  ,... F"B ""-I f \. .. , 'J.' ; . .  . t., t  )\' . . _ . 1)\'. .. _ . , . I .... . .........-... .   - .... ..... ... .... . .- . . "  .......  .... - fI , . .' . . .. .... . ... , , ,,. , ... . ......") 1 . - I ... .. ,..."? .... .........   ,,:II . .._"11 r ..  ,.  .. . . t '-f-" . .  .... ..  ........... . . -...... .... :.. -; .. ... ,1:.. . ... . .. -.. .. ... ...f'f14 .... 4' .' .  .. ;;,   ..... .. '...-"'It .,. 11I .....-0 . .... .-. ...... .. ........ ..,. ......... 11' ..... . . . T . , .. . 8.. :.  .... .. ;  -"7 .. r ".  . ..... --. .  , ...... .  . ,  . . ..   J  .... .. ....... . " ". J' '. .....  '. .  . " - , .  .. . А:. .:- .. - . . . , , " - . 0.- .. . . " . . ""  . - . - .,... . , .. L " ""'..  ... .... .... . .. .. .... >. < .' .... . . . . " '. ..... '"'" .. t .    : <-  ..... ...... ... , ,. .,.. . . ...... .. . . .. " . .. . '.. .-.-... .. .... .  ::.. ..". -й.... . . .. J I --- . .... 2 .. .. ... 'r ,  :5iRI1    . '. '. 11' . - ,  "к.. '11... ,.  .., ... . """'" ..- 4 . . < .   " : I ..  . l . . . . , . ...   ) 1. '  . .. I .  i:!' . .. .- . I ., <f I t . , , ... ...... .  #....  " .  . . . .   , . · ·  ' f '. I ......,. .- ..... t ..; . 'З r t . ,. -" \ . ". J . .. .  .. .. . . . .. . ' .... . 4 .  .... . . 1\ r ... .... . ... . . - ...... '. . I  I - ". , ' . . ...... - ----  .. . '11'  . . . ;, I ... ... . . . "  f .... ........ . ......... ..  ... ". ........ . .  . ........ ........  " \\ < -  1 ... .. ..  -. . , ,  ..... ... .' ;,.... .....  .. '" ...-:......  ..... 00;;'  ... .. ...... . ....... ....... L""" ......... " .... .....<""" ....: !! ,  ... . .... ... ...;- .-. , "\ 1 Los Angeles . I 2 Petergof . . з А Siberian viffage ..... .. - ..... ,  . .... , 4 Waterfalls , . , . . N' .. , ... . 1 .. ." #" . . j.  Listening 2 А.  Listen 10 the interview and choose the topics the speaker touches оп: D 1 the places he has seen in Russia D 2 ways to make the places he has seen more attractive for tourists D 3 achievements 01 the tourist industry in Britain D 4 the probIems 01 tourism in Britain D 5 new British projects <' -. , ,. '. .. ,- . ..... 4 2 В.  Listen to the lirst рап 01 the interview. 8 Say which place impressed Mike with its: 1 fresh air 2 cosmopolitan restaurants and business people 3 the wonder1ul old tоwп 4 ice palaces 5 hospitable and friendly people 2 С.  Listen to the second part 01 the interview. 8 Say which of the following ideas for village tourism development Mike DOES NOT mention: D 1 making it known to the pubIic D 2 providing places to live in D 3 developing outdoor activities \ D 4 selling handmade souvenirs f.YJ D 5 providing good eating 1acilities D 6 building roads and parking places 32 
..  ...............  . . .. .... ... ... ... · UNIT 2 Lessons 56 2 D.  Listen to the third part of the interview. 8 Put а tick in the corresponding Ьох. 8 Describe every project in опе or two sentences . Eden ProJect Morwellham Quay [ki:] Torrington 1 А 19th..century environment 2 Ап attraction built оп а disused mine (ex...pit) 3 The largest greenhouses in the world 4 Imitation battles from the English Civil War 5 Tropical fruits and plants 6 Recreate battles 7 А riverside location 8 Former centre of import and export I Reading з А. Read the newspaper article describing the Torrington Project and say:  8 Who is the author of the article? 8 What is the idea of the project? .. --. ." . , ". ... >  ТНЕ TORRINGTON PROJECT .... . . . " . il - ..  ......... J" ., .  -- : Torrington is а very ordinary town in North Devon J famous for its . - .- ..... .. . . . ..11' fine glassworks but otherwise not particularly attractive to tourists, . : . . .... .   . . who simply pass through it оп their way to the coast. There was - .... ., J -= .,; . .. . , not much accommodation and there were not very тапу things , о, - 'i ...    '" ." . , . '. .' in the town centre for people to do. "- .... .< ,,, ...... . .. . А few years ago, а group 01 local people put their heads together : .. . . ..... to try to find а way of drawing more tourists into the town and ':- ... './ ,- J - ..... ......... getting them to spend топеу there. This would generate business   .) - . f ....  " .. .. and al80 create пеw jobs. '.  f , .,....  Torrington is the site of the la8t battle of the English Civil War } -. . j j r . .. . and 50 the group сате up with the idea of making this the focus . - . , . 1 .{ -':t  . attraction. А number of local residents already had 17thcentury ...  .. 4>- ,'L costumes, which they used in recreating the battle, and they were t . . , 'A iпvitеd to contribute their ideas. Working groups were formed to  . develop different aspects of the plan, and а tourism сотрапу was -  ... .. 1 employed to assess its financial viability. А сотрапу called . ... ... . . . Genesis was formed to run the financial side 01 the business. .. . '" . , - .  The next step was to secure the capital needed to start the  project. The team applied for а community project grant which was advertised nationally, but the first application was unsuccessful. The following year they applied again апd were awarded f 1 milliоп.  > . . .. . ... <1.. ..... . f . ..",..  . , . . '... , <> . 33 , 
UNIT 2 Lessons 56 . ....  "1- , , , А . , ... -     .- "\1 t::I ;- . "-, " 1 . \ 1 '. ' . . .... ... - - .  i. . . , . \1 1 OJ'  Х  , :It ...  ..,., Мопеу soon attracts money, and the sum 01 f2.5 million needed to implement the project was soon raised. Torrington now welcomes thousands of tourists every year to events and attractions established Ьу the project. . .. . ,,  .. . . .,... ... . -:- 't:  ... .... .. ,...... ' . ....... '1. ,  .... с , _  , f .. ...... .... ....... 'f ...... ..   :::. -  :-:1 . _. .о:. . .. 8'. ... .. '> . 1 л;;" .  -. 1'") J. L  ...-..:..... ... . .  1III......z...... ... \.  ,. .- J. i)  . ) .. . .."? . - .... . . rt . r.. J. , .......1.. 1.. -.' .' . ... -...... v- -. "'2   .) . ОА .," ..."\ .' · · \ " ........ t  ... .... 1: ... .  · t .,., .  ...,. · ....... t .. .. . .  .. . . f .... . '.: ' I . . , . . . . I ..-  . .  L .... .  fI (" . I .' .: .  " . 4. - ... , , . -- . . .. . . . \ .  .t  ..... ! \ ... ... . .  : , . . . . -- . \ ... ,"\ .. . , "  ""\ j. I . . .... . . . I , . .........,  1tI- "  t- . "')  " - .,... -, . -It, ....) .. -I......--t... . -.... ....... ., .. , ',,- . . , ., . i, r ... .. '. " . , ." . . . . .... . " 4k . . ,. . ., ... 4- ; . . . 1  t I . I , . ,  .... 1 \ .... . t .  .,. . \   . \J ,  . .. 4  , , "-. 1. , 1.   \ I \ r . , . " .. ,\ .. . . ""', סןOOI. "\.. . .. . "..1'.. '\, ." ... .. .... .А." '! , ....."""'''''''' ""'. .. .. .. """. .. .шо> .. А.. 'у А ". "'. .. .. . ,\ . ... 3 В. Read the article again. 8 Put the stages 01 the Torrington Project in the proper order. 8 Write the purpose of each step. ..... " Stage Purpose Applying 10r grants 1 Forming ап initiative group Employing а tourism сотрапу Forming а working group Implementing the project Setting up а сатрапу )   3 с. Discuss the following questions. 1 Which step (steps) do you think could Ье avoided? Why? 2 What do you think the grant was spent оп? 3 Could а similar project Ье developed in the place you live? Why? / Why not? 34 
. . .. . . . . · · UNIT 2 Lessons 56 ocabulary Go back to the text (Ех. ЗА) and choose the best translation for the words in bold. 1 accommodation а) приют Ь) жилье с) место, rде можно остановиться 2 contribute а) жертвовать Ь) предложить с) способствовать 3 draw somebody into something а) вовлекать Ь) привлекать с) рисовать 4 to run the financial side а) вести финансовые дела Ь) управлять денежной стороной с) вести финансовую сторону 5 grant а) стипендия Ь) rpaHT с) разрешение 6 apply to а) официально обратиться с просьбой о Ь) применять с) просить 7 implement а) осуществить Ь) снабдить с) выполнить В. The underlined words and expressions (with the exception of опе) are in the wrong sentences. Write the correct опе in the space. 1 The authorities need а project proposal that сап Ье contributed quickly. 2 The advertising campaign im p lemented а lot to the success of the project. 3 А lot of people а lied to а discussion about how to improve the life 01 city residents. 4 The working group were drawn into the local authorities 10r the grant. 5 Because 01 the great number of visitors in London, the financi a l viabili ty . . 15 very expenSlve. 6 Accommodation 01 the project was proved over the course of two years. А    .     .  ........-. ..   .r  ... Writing :,. ....  , . . .. 5 1" groups design а project to improve the place you live in. 8 Follow the steps as shown below. 1 Describe the town / city you live in as а potential tourist destination (Ех. 41 Lеssопs З4). 2 Formulate the idea of the project. Take into account the following criteria: а) Will the project Ье environmentaJly friendly? Ь) Does it require large investment? с) Will it Ье financially viable? d) How тапу people will it employ? е) What groups of tourists will it attract? f) How will the community benefit from the project? 3 Work out the steps 01 your project implementation (Ех. ЭВ, Lessons 56). 4 Design your project. .. ...  .. . ,  .. . - I О, . .. . '- .; , .. . 35 
UNIT 2 Lesson 7 . ее our rammar 1 Fill in the gaps with the definite article where necessary. Why not visit (1) ... Plymouth the Waterfront City that shaped the lives 01 (2) ... Drake , (3) ... Pilgrim Fathers, (4) ... Darwin, (5) .... Cook and тапу more who set sail from its harbour? Start your own exploration Ьу visiting (6) ... spectacular Plymouth Ное, climb up Plymouth's bestknown landmark, (7) t Smeaton's Tower Lighthouse and enjoy the most breathtaking view over Plymouth Sound. 11 it is епtеrtаiпmепt уои are fooking for, try to visit (8) . Theatre Royal, with top...class programmes from drama to musicals. (9). Plymouth Pavilions is the major regional venue for both рор and classical concerts, top comedians and orting events . (10) ... city also has ап excellent spread 01 accommodation and B&Bs rапgiпg from small and cosy guesthouses to the luxury 01 three... and four..star hotels . (11 ) ..... modern pedestrianised city centre, with its floral displays, water features and (12) . largest range of shops in the region is а delight for shoppers. With its unique location between Dartmoor, the last great wilderness of (13) =:: Southern England J and (14) 1.. South Devon coast, (15) ... Plymouth is ап ideal base for venturing into the countryside or onto the water Po;nts /15 - " . " r -, О. .. . . . . 1. I [, I  L -  ........... ...... ...  r ..... ..-  {" .oi.-= 1 ...'  . '. {- ." :"---  '1;, . .  1 - . .., ... .  ... ;10,.. f .1' ....."..,...  I . . . . t \. ... ..,. . ... '" .. ':8 . .... ... у;:.' . . -... - ........ . " -.- ... "." \.. .... .. - . . .... .....,;... -....-- . -.. .. ". - , - .... .... I .... . - . ., .. .   . ,... t : ..,... . - . .'0(" .... -. '_ ... - Jo. ......  .. ...... .... . .. ..,...  .. ..... .  .. . .-:t ... .... ... ....... .-; ... .... . . е . --.. '. i , 1'''' '- II11 ,-.  ...,.,.. .. - :" .... ... ",""'V'  : . ... ... 36 . .( , \ . I ....... - ,. , .. 1IIIIt""., ... ti . " · 1..1111 ...__ " ,,<, ":0.._'_ .. 'I" -,... '0. -  ."000. " , '.'.'.'.l li lj j  ... А -о-> уоеа u а ... ,.. ...... . .......... .. . ..;....= .. . . "  .1 ....... . .. ........ ,. , ..' . . t .. .......  . .... ... "--.. 11 , ... ... . . . . '.  "\. .... . - . . I  . 4  ..... 1 -- ......... .  . . . . ... , ... .. . ( .. - .. . - I r - :... .. ... :- I . I  "", , . , ...... ....IfI  -: .... .-- . .  . , ........ у ." ....... . ...... 1ft" . . .. i .. ... ........ --='-J'-.8.... "  ...   .- . . .- " . - . . . -....,. WJJ " . ..  ..... ..r.... . '"  .... '\;..... , . . . . . . ... . ')о. '. . .: I I1111 ( . . ' "t 111 . -" . ,". 11111....   il Jl1 11 [ .... f !.  .. - , j } I ..  . J . .1 · . .. . .....,.. . f -.. .  .. .'" -': - .1 \ "- . - - '1. - .  1: J. . ...... Q r .... ................... .  а ......., ...'  . , I х  . . . . ....  ...,0 \.t1:". ::.,. О.' . .. . . . '':1-  ... ... - ........... , . . t '\ .:\ '" -)O . . -"  ... , . . ёJ "  . . Х, ... ..... . \. I "-.. ......  I -". ..  1, '" _   ;'; 1(;--. " .. . .- , , '. , ." , . . '" - ".(J'- , ".... ......: А _, , :  . . . . ,,--. . . ..; . . ...  .. . ._ .. А ., . . . .  , . .  .. .. -. 2 , " .' ... .  q-o :4: .. , . , < , s' . . . ... (... ...... .... .. . :t , , А . . .......  » 
. . . = the article and decide what the underlined words are substitutes for 5е the appropriate answer in the Ьох оп the right. ARE TOURIST GUIDEBOOKS ALWAYS RELIABLE? 05t Lопdоп guidebooks introduce visitors to the principal hotels, ccommending а few good restaurants and the vir1ues of St Paulls Cathedral. But (1) those who pick up the Loпe/y P/aпet Guide will Ье educated in underground etiquette t and directed to the Millennium Ооте for architectural inspiration. While the guide is quick to pOint out the drawbacks of what it describes as опе 01 the planet's most crowded cities 1 (2) i1 is also keen to stress the positive aspects of London (3) which are rarely celebrated. London residents are controversially described as victims 01 increased pOllution and overcrowding, which makes them . aggresslve. Visitors are told of the capital's residents: "Oon't try and Ье their friend: they're too absorbed in (4) their оwп world 01 workmates, school friends and family." The guide's authors Steve Fallon from Boston, Massachusetts, and PatYale, from Bristol are particularly exercised Ьу the underground system ("slow, unreliable , and terribly ехрепsivе"). (5) !t does J however, have а 'Irigid etiquette'J which visitors ignore. 'Where there's ап escalator you absolutety must stand оп the right 80 that people in а hurry сап rush up or down оп the left. This is ап extremely important rule апd should you break (6) П, you risk getting pushed aside or verbally abused." Responding to the guide, Louise Wood of the London Tourist Board denied that the capital's citizens are difficult. "AII our surveys indicate tourists think Londoners are very friendly. Four out of five 01 (7) them thought people here were Quite friendly or very friendly. And even the underground equals or exceeds (8) their expectations J " she said. <Iiя:.. .. . . .. ""'.. ..,...  . . ..... а "'r.<.o "'.. ...... ... . . ... '" . .... . .. . . . f. .  . . ,/ , . I 'f . -,;..... ,.-t ..... ... \o:.....,...... . ,'\" . '- -.. .... -.. f  ........... ......   '-' -: .... ', ....... .    rr.tfJ1 DERGRoU ND , о.. '-  ....-....--......  ,,-  -' I .... 1 , . '? ....  .." . I , I ,\ 1 . , . А .... .. ".. ,, 1;", -  t . . .   .... . . . J «. . \ . . . . -... , 1, . ... . . J I '. .. . . .,... . .- . ... . .  ,....." ..  '" ... . . . ... . . Ir } 11 .. . " lIr . .- . .  .. .. . 1'.. " . . .. .  ..& .. '$.   Ьа:;" ,1 ......, :  ... "l, . .» '(00.  "i " ..  , ......... . ....., .:'' . .. I '  '1' l' .,  .   '- " . ... ;; ... .. . 1 " , . . ..ё ....  . .  ...>  ..... .  '\'" \ :.. - '\ ...  .. .... . '- ...........  .' ... ,- ... -. '" .... . : '- - ..- . ....... ," ... . . О. <f J t ." , , >  ,.. , , .iI: . UNIT 2 Lesson 7 1 those: а) visitors Ь) guidebooks 2 it: а) the drawback Ь) the guide з which: а) positive aspects of London Ь) drawbacks of London 4 their: а) visitors' Ь) capitalls residents' 5 it: а) the guide Ь) the underground system 6 it:  а) the etiquette rule Ь) the escalator 7 them: а) the capital's residents Ь) the capital ' s visitors 8 their: а) tourists' Ь) Londoners' Points /18 '. :- .. " о . . " ". '. "о .  . ."' '. tag .. ' '.  .  . . . ., .с  . 37 
UNIT 2 Lesson 7 . . v . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . а з This tourist has а lot of probIems. Write about what he regrets, paying attention to the time reference. Ехатр/е: (kпow) what city I ат in ...... /' оп/у I kпew what city I was iп. (пot Ье /ate) for the f/ight...... /( oпJ I hadп't Ьееп late for the f/ight. 1 (not take) 50 much luggage 2 ту watch (show) the right time 3 (have) ту mother, driver and secretary with те 4 (not lose) ту passport 5 (know) where the hotel was 6 (take) more топеу 7 (study) foreign languages 8 (read) а guidebook 9 (сап remember) ту friend's phone number 1 О (сап stay) at home пех! summer . ... ,. - . - f CARNBY S ТJ ,f iA ..... .,.,..  ..-' . I .::: ..,181 ш' ... . _ к--' Nf\U8U RG J.f 5TRf мn_ А' i( ...... ... м""'.ь ""......  ....  , . ,  Po;nts / 1 О 4 А. Fill the missing words in the table. 4 В. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of words from the tabIe. 8 Рау attention to the form. 1 Мапу old Russian cities have their own special ... . 2 А new hotel in our city centre сап ... more than 300 visitors. 3 Our town began to ... after the new mayor had Ьееп elected. 4 The project of making Morwellham Quay а tourist destination was successfully ... . 5 5t Petersburg was considerably ... for its tercentenary celebration. 6 City authorities are trying to ... the number 01 tourists visiting the local nature reserve. 7 The Kremlin is still опе of the most important ... in Nizhny Novgorod. Verb Noun dignify integrate prosperity restriction attract accommodate renovate lack contribution implementation I Po;nts /10 Poiпts /7 TOTAL /50 . .\\ "'  " СНЕСК YOUR SCORE  l. ., fII , (\! 1. .( , Well doпe! Good Notbad Go back aпd revise I \ ... 45.....50 poiпts 38.....44 po;nts 30......37 po;nts 29 aпd less . . . \ 1'\0  . . "  . 38 
. . . .. . .. . .. . . · UNIT 2 Lesson 8 esson ress ou е ''': ТOURISM: LEТ'S МАКЕ OUR TOWN PROSPER ARCH'TECTURAL PLAN  Tourism сап make your home town rlch and popular. Take part in the project competition! The sponsors сап finance only ТWO projects! -т :'- ........а . ...... ... .:: '> I .. I .... - . ...  "" 1 Preparation 8 In groups prepare а presentation of your project (see Lessons 56, Ех. 5). Display materials in the classroom including project development plan, photographs and other visuals. . Write questions to find out about the ideas of other groups ... SH) r 2 Activity 8 Take turns to give short talks about the main ideas of your project. Use your display to illustrate your ideas. 8 Ask questions to find out about the ideas 01 other groups. 8 Rate the projects beginning with the most promising and finishing with the least. For the criteria see Lessons 56, Ех. 5. ,  . . I I . 11 . . ? . ... .... -.......... .". -... -. .. . -..- .." -....... .. PLACES ТНАТ WILL ATTRAC TOURISTS 3 Follow-up . Discuss in groups and then repor1 to the class what conclusions you соте to about the resources for tourism in your home town. . Who is responsible for the development of tourism in your city / town? . . . . - . о.. . - - " -. " . . ....- ::.,- . " - · o/d 60 . - cOIJ/d tt that " . . е rep . · sCh a,red 00/ stlJd - - elJts . - , .  ,.   . '\ \ .... . . ."  " . .  . - .- : 11:  ......",.  . " . . -" . .   .= .." -..... -!'. .... ....:.... -.<.r... .. "!.  ..._ ..... ... 39 
 - z ::) . . - ... . . . оп' ou е . а о ? . Vocabulary 1 А. 1" groups think of the most prestigious areas of professional activity and recall the jobs related to them. 8 Make up а mind тар. е Why are these jobs 80 popular? ., .. - '- ... -. "" .. ." 1 В. Classify the items in the list of job requirements according to the categories in the diagram. 8 Choose from the list below and add your оwп ideas. . 4 . Job requirements , а sharp mind .' аmЬitiоп .... I .. .... . creativity 1 ..  . '"' .. ....... 'J  numeracy апd literacy . ..,,- artistic ability . а .-.t. а ,'" .. . а .. .:.... dedication  . ... ... :' . .'  .... . ,  - administrative skills  .. ..  1 . - . - - . individuality ...- . , . . " '. / .0 . :. ' . initiative . - . '. \:' - - . . ... ." \ -  - < .... abili to work to tight deadlines \.  -::- , \ , , physical strength r teamwork skills leadership .4 ability to work under pressure flexibility '- 1 с. Choose оп е of the jobs from your mind тар. . . Say which skills and abilities are needed to Ье successful in it. . Give reasons for your viewpoint. .-..:. , 0;- , :,. 1 о. What would you like to get from your job? ... .. ... '" . Write а wish list of your expectations in terms of: о satisfaction Ехатр/е: о salary /'d Iike to Ье аЫе to Ьиу everything о workload / intensity / want with ту sa/ary. о leisure time о additional benefits /'d rather have f/exibIe workiпg hours о holidays than stay in the office from 9 to 5. .  . 40 .-. 
. . . . .. t . . ... .. . eading . ... . UNIT 3 Lessons 1 2 А. Look at the titles of the four job profiles and write down which skills and abilities from the list you've made are necessary for each career. В. Read the job profiles and check whether you were right. t r;.J.,It r -- Sales involves above all effective соmmuпiсаtiоп. It starts with Identifying potential buyers 01 а product and their needs. The salesperson then has to explain how the product will meet these needs. While тапу sales representatives travel to find their customers, others spend the majority 01 their time selling Ьу phof}e. То sucyeed in sales you need to Ье confident, persistent, determined, highly motivated and а good team player. Мапу sales jobs otfer commission or bonuses for good performance and 81so perks such as сатрапу cars. New recruits are usually trained оп the job.  --  Chef. Service industries are growing fast in most countries. Hotels,  restaurants, pubs, clubs and fast..food outlets are growing in number and all 01 them need staff, including chefs who are responsible for preparing food. Most chefs are trained in colleges before they enter о ( 6 the catering industry, where they сап work their way up to the position of head chef. А head chef is responsible for the whole kitchen, including supervision of statf and trainees and planning and budgeting menus. - I ,i f I Graduates in the Police Service. Are you а university graduate who · doesn't enjoy the thought 01 being behind а desk from 9 to 5. answering the phone and making cotfee? If that's the case, you тау want to consider joining the palice force. The police offer excellent opportunities for graduates and are keEm to promote intelligent young people within the service. You1d start Ьу serving а minimum of two years as а constable , mostly patrolling the streets. You should Ье prepared for shift work which will play havoc with your sociallife. But if you соре with all the challenges you will Ье ready for рrоmоtiоп. first to sergeant and then to inspector. This is а роsitiоп of leadership which involves evaluating your colleagues' performance, anticipating difficulties and moving people and equipment to the right place at the right time. You'JI have а lot of rеsропsiЬility. Holiday Representatives and Tour Guides. This is а job which requires you to Ье tactful and to stay calm under pressure. You'll have to deal with the problems and needs of holidaymakers, but you'll also have to know the area you are working in and plan trips and tours that will please everyone. The perks include free travel and living abroad. However, you'll have to go where your сатрапу sends you, which тау Ье anywhere from the peaceful Maldives to 1he поisу club scene оп the Costa del 801. You donJt need to Ье а graduate to work in the travel industry, but ап extensive knowledge 01 the world and experience 01 travel is definitely а plus for job applicants. . . у у 1 Bonus here means: а) promotion Ь) extra топеу as а reward. 2 00 people have to рау for сатрапу cars? (З Where else сап you get а bonus? 4 Recruit here means: а) а person who has recently joined the campany Ь) а person who has just Ьееп moved to а more important job. 5 Are there тапу different vacancies iп this profession? . , .  (6) Work one's way up means а) climbing up Ь) being given а better, more responsibIe job. (lI What does supervision mеап here? 8 А trainee is а person who: а) gets or improves his / her professional qualifications Ь) has recently joined an оrgапisаtiоп.  ........ 9 То promote means:  а) not to Ье allowed to leave the job Ь) to give а more important job or rank in ап organisation. .. 1 О What are the ranks they get as а result of promotion? 11 Shift here is: '-'" а) а period of time Ь) а team 01 people. 12 Challenges are: а) difficulties of the first years in the police Ь) difficult tasks that require 50те skills and abilities. А Ы. What do holiday representatives get as well as their salary? ... ....  . 'с . , ..ос : о' 41 .. -..... ..... .... ...,.- 
UNIT 3 Lessons 1 2 - . . .. ......... . 2 с. Read the profiles again. Which ones say that: 1 This position тау affect the free time you have to spend with other people. 2 This position doesn't require specific qualifications. 3 Success in this career is very much determined Ьу your personal qualities. 4 This profession combines working in ап office and moving around. 5 The position requires ап ability to control people. 6 The employer is very interested in the career development 01 these employees. 7 The employee should Ье ready to work in various countries. 8 This position involves а fixed period 01 initial training. Vocabulary 3 А. Answer the questions alongside the profiles text. 3 В. Fill the gaps with the words from the Ьох. fo щ 111т looking for а job with а bit more ... . ( , 2 In three years she  her way up to the position of senior faпflger I 3 The new ... will start next week.  l1.t(1.e р 4 The young army officer was ... to the rank 01 captain. 5 This ехат should Ье conducted under close r. .01 6 А lot of people are not prepared for  t work it is difficult for them to work at night or at unusual times. 7 I don't have to рау for this meal it is опе of the ... of the job. .. 8 People who stay more than two years in this job get а special ... .  9 New ... to the раliее force are always welcome. r r tft> 3 С. Complete the table with the appropriate form of the words. Noun Adjective ambition r tt ..,.i 1 creativity (( e-оА- i V t-- abilities  l Р - dedication J f (} r с-{)и к:и( flexibility fr ; '1 I 42 . . 11. ... " ..:, '- (.. . . I . .. ..  I t ..  1 )- ,.  . .. . ..,  . '. \ J I !t , t ' .... , " r . . . . ". >.- . - ,- \.. " , ...... - ..: .......... .  . . ....... А . .  . 1."" . NEW MILLENNIUM ENGLI5H  :.. " ... [ ф. ;. . . . --- J . . ... ... .  .  -;r .... .. :. ... ". .   ... .i: . . .- .  " .;.. .  -" .  . . " .... ' .-'  .....:. - . ,,1 -:_ . " ". , - .  ""'\. - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; : challenge ( :  · trainees · . . .. I · supervlslon 1 О · > . . . perks . : recruits : · worked · . . · promoted · . . · shift · . . . bonus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  ,. J , j  al .....  "- t  .... 1. .. , :.а  . . ..  " .  . . ... I  ... , ..ar. , .  ... . , ......... 11  <  -----... . ....    ..  . " . -:. . t. . :- .'  . .. v '"t "  > . .  ::. ., , . , ..... -'" .rVC ао-  А -..1' А. ",...0... .. 3 D. Complete the gaps with appropriate words from the tabIe. f 1 Q W 1 Му ... is to Ьесоте а pilot. 2 Oh, this new trainee is working hard. Yes, he's certainly ... but rea1ly not very talented. 3 When shou'd , start this course? Oh, we сап Ье ... about your starting date. 4 I ат sure Апп will соре Y"ith her responsibilities. Nobody doubts her .l;t. as а manager. 5 Не сате ир with а really ... solution to the probIem. L . 
 .... I I l' ... . ". ... , " ... ... . " . . \., , .  . ... ...;..;. - "=  .. -. <#'  . . ", ... " ,;. J -" . ., . ,  /  , у 1.  " \.  ...  \  .. i  ,  ,  .. ............    .. '- "\... .... - . , '- .' ....... - , ...... . . \ . ;- 0(:1". ."'.    ,... -ос o!k.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . UNIT 3 Lessons 1 2 з Е. Complete the sentences below with the appropriate noun as in the example. Example: Не is ту eтptoyer. Не owпs а 5та// restauraпt. 111.1 have worked in his restauraпt for five years. I ат his етр/оуее. 1 She is ту trainee . She has Ьееп trained for two months 111" I taught her basic skills in marketing. I ат her ... . 2 Не is ту doctor. Не always comes when somebody in the family is ill. 111" When I ат unwelll ask his advice. I ат his ... . з She is ту hairdresser. She сап arrange your hair in different styles: from traditional to avantgarde. 11. I соте to her опсе а month. I аm her ... . 4 Не is ап interviewer. Не is going to ask те some questions to write а newspaper report. 11. I ат ап ... . I ат ready to answer his questions. "" .:  j Speaking ". '" У. ..  .:  -:" i: ,- :iE " <r , , '" .;: 'IF " , ... :. "- { - " .,.. r .vi>  4 А. Think of the job you would like to choose and answer the questions. r  LANGUAGE SUPPORT ' 1 What qualities do you have / lack? (Ех. 18) 2 Would you like to choose апу 01 the jobs from Ех. З? Why? / Why not? 3 What do you like / disJike about these jobs? 4 Which job тау suit your wish list (Ех. 1О) and personal qualities? I Express;ng prefereпces aпd giv;ng reasons · I 'т rather... · I'd prefer:.. · If I had ту way, I'd... · In ту case... · What I'm more concerned I with is... · The reason why... · Because 01 that... · 00 / Oon't... I 4 В. 1" groups exchange your ideas about the job you have chosen. Fill in the gaps with the words from the tabIe in Ех. 4А. 8 Ask for your classmates' advice about your choices. 8 Oecide whether your ambitions are realistic. I Writing 5 You are going to write ап essay for а foreign recruitment сатрапу working with young people from different countries. They want to know what the most popular jobs among young people in Russia are. . The title of your essay is "А job I'd choose. / А job I'd never choose". 8 Use the list 01 ideas from below. 8 Write about 120 180 words. о Your ideas of what the job is like: duties and responsibilities о Qualities and skills needed for the job О Your personal qualities and skills о Your ambitions and expectations 01 а future job о Reasons to like / dislike it 43 
UNIT 3 Lessons З4 .. . . .. . . . . - . . .. . . а Warm..up 1 Look at the pictures and discuss in pairs. , ( \ \ "' " , \, , r \ \ 8 Have you ever done апу of these part..time jobs or апу other job? 8 Would you like to have а part..time job? 8 Which опе would you prefer?   1 .' .. .   ....... "..  .......... ---.... "'-.А  '=""  .... - . .J. >. .  '\ , . ...- ... . ,....  .... " ,. " \ \ . .  . , , ""'..... ."v . .. .  . . ' " 1. I . , "- ,. .  , '\ ..... , .. . \ \. .o _   " v  .....  . " .... . ... .  ...  .. ")  о , . .... ..  " ... . ,. · о . . о , . ,.4, . . ...r.  .  ... ..  . /, · ... ... -4 1""" .... .. ':.'   . ......   . . "   . ;, . ...... .  ,,- I .'1 I . , ... . ........ ". .  , , -:." . , .   .  ... !.. '." .. ..  .  . .. .-:-   ..... .::...  -. .. .... . . .. .. .' '. Reading 2 А. Read the following job advertisement. Would you like to take the job? Why? / Why not? ..,. 1:04 1 44 ,- .......аа . ,.....'P.........-...,. ,,:  ....;. i}U..... J ,  .  .. r _'F r .  v } l1 v  ...  .. ... . ... .., J.J "-f J..J .., J . е are looking for а number 01 frie'1d1y young people to sell our products in our new fastfood outlet near the city centre. Applicants should Ье prepared to work in а team and оп а part..time and possibly casual basis. Previous experience is not essential ""\ \,  ,f Apply for the job now! t If your letter is chosen we will invite you to ап interview to discuss your application further. (, о.л L' \1 ' Send your letters of application with а CV to The Manager, Нарру Pizza Restaurant at the address below. t 'J ,\ ) а \ . \fJ CJ.-, .. . ...... .. , ,. \  .; .. ,. . .....  ,  . ОС I I!I  ..... "1 '1.1 17 ........ < .( .... .... . ... ::!' , " > .. . ".. . с I ... I Е .. .  .. . . .....:  , . , -/ .:. . \ GLOSSARY , CV also cиrr;cиlит v;fae (BJ.E) or resume (АтЕ) а S)10rt written account of а persol1's educatioll and past employment, иsed especially when she / he is looking for а job I 
. . 11. .. . .. . . . . . .. ..  . . .  . . . . . . .. .. 2 В. Read the following letter of application and say if the applicant meets the requirements of the advertisement.  · · UNIT 3 Lessons 34 2 С. Complete the captions for the layout a"d organisation of а letter of application. , , 35 Gorky Street, Vladimir 600199 e..mail: alex@vladnet.ru 15th Мау 2002 The Manager, Нарру Pizza Restaurant, 5 New Square, Vladimir 600007 Dear Sir / Madam, I ат writing in reply to your advertisement in our local пеwsрареr V1adiтir Novosty for salespeople to work in your new outlet. At the moment, I ат а third"'year student at Vladimir Teacher Training College studying English and Spanish. I would like to work . for you in order to experience, at first hand, ап organisation which . 1ц has western roots but has developed for the last decade very successfully in Russia. I have Ьееп а customer in yor restaurants several times and always Ьееп impressed Ьу the service provided Ьу your staff. I ат hoping that I shall now have а chance to help give this sort of service to other customers. ..  о ,... .. ! Apart from helping оп the farms in ту home village at harvest ....... Ьте, I have had по real work experience yet, but from ту farm York I know how to work in а team. However, I hope that you will Ье kind enough to give те ап interview 50 that I сап explain myself better. I have also given ту e..mail address above 80 that you сап contact те that way if you wish. () f 1 " ( \ I ат enclosing ту CV for your consideration. "lr L L- Ilook forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, 11 I Alexander Popov . . "."   ,. '\о. .'" А о. Point out five important features of а good letter of application 1 Your full ... and ... . , 2 The ... or the пате of the person who you are writing to and the ... of the organisation. 3 The greeting Dear 5ir / Madaт if you don't ... пате. Dear Mr / Mrs / Ms and the surname if you ... . 4 Paragraph 1 mentions where ... about the уасапсу and names the job you are applying for. 5 Paragraph 2 presents you to the employer, explains why ... for the position. 6 Paragraph 3 mentions your previous work experience (if апу) ... and ... that make you suitable for the job and suggests ways of getting in touch with you. 7 The ending Yours faithfu//y if you don 't know the person I s пате. Yours siпcere/y if ... . 8 Your ... . 9 Your ... printed underneath. 45 
UNIT 3 Lessons З4 . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . . . . . Language work з А. Work in pairs to find time expressions in the letter and write them out 8 4 What tenses are they used with? Why? з В. Fill in the gaps with the words from your list. . Each time expression goes in two sentences. 1 What are you doing ... ? 2 I met them only recently. They are 50 nice. You know, it's like I have ... known them. 3 Our financial situation has Ьееп steadily improving ... . 4 The subject of another vacancy сате up ... in our talks. 5 The сатрапу will get ап award for its contribution to business ... . 6 I'm having such а sweet dream, don't wake те ... ! 7 I have ... got to the point where I have to look for another job. 8 She has sailed ... round the world and visited hundreds of countries. 9 Listen! And ... he is snoring at his desk! 10 The сатрапу hasn't ... made any announcements about when it will ореп the new restaurant. 11 As soon as we meet each other, we ... start to chat. 12 ... 11т officially unemployed. э с. Answer the questions. 8 Сап we always define а tense according to / Ьу а time expression? 8 What does the choice 01 the tense depend оп? з D. 1" the text find sentences with the words to, ;n order tO J 50 that. 8 What do they have in common? Е. Join the following pairs of sentences using to, in order to or so that. 1 1'11 give you ту address and phone number. You сап contact те if necessary. 2 We are setting up а new branch with modern offices. We want to attract young people to work for us. 3 Speak louder, please. Then I сап hear you. 4 Не has switched off his mobile. NObody сап interrupt him during the presentation. 5 We are organising а small reception. We want to introduce new employees to the rest of the staff .... - - . 46 <>< ,. . - . . ... . ... , . .... . . . . . . . .......  . '. , ... .  ":-. . 
. .. .. . . . . 4 . . .. .......... w . . . . . . . . . . . . iting А. Work in pairs or in small groups and read the following СУ 8 Сап you spot anything strange about it? What is it? 8 Answer the questions alongside the CV, they will help you to understand what's wrong. ..-; . '.  . . .. . 'о"  . " . '\" ....... . ..... ... ..... " - .... Curriculum Vitae liDU Оо you need to include this information? Name: John Example Address: ЗЗ, Prospect Ave, Норе Town, Bucks. НТ5 4AZ Date of Birth: 29.03.1985 Marital Status: Single Work experience: Jan 1997 to Мау 1997: . July 1998 to Sept 1998: Nov 1999 to Jan 2000: July 2000 to Sept 2000: Musical Cucumbe School Christmas Performance Helping Grandma in the garden Newspaper round Laboratory technician, Advanced Robotics Inc. Invented а robot capable of independent thought. Education: Sept 1996 to June 1999: Comprehensive School Three Alevels in Chemistry, Maths and Physics, nine GCSEs, Orchard Upper. Норе Town, Bucks 1991 to 1995 Grimm Brothers Primary School Interests: Eating, drinking, talking Skills, Additional Training and Experience: Pages 2 15 (see overleaf) What's mixed up here? 15 the length of information appropriate? -о- . ..........oIIIIo......<III' ...... -:  -'VV' .уОО'............... .. -:. ......... ... ....,.. .....:'""$'II'. .,81'.. .""..ar.. ...".... aaaalllllllКlaallillllaac.. :DК ........""......... 'v' . .. .... ..-.--  ...:.... :-... ... ... .  ...... . .... J' . . В. Work out three dos and three don 'ts for writing а СУ and exchange your ideas with your partner. 4 С. Compare your list with the ideas in "СУ Tips" text. . Оо you find these tips useful? Why? / Why not? 4 о. Write your own letter of application and СУ for а part..time job. . Use ап advertisement in Ех. 28 or refer to the job advertisement in Lesson 8 . .. UNIT 3 Lessons 34 ,.. ElIS this information relevant here? у   .:Е ,. j;+ # IIls the order of the events correct? IIIS this likely? в Would you write the same? Why? / Why not? 47 
" UNIT 3 Lessons 56 · · · · . . . . . .. . .. .... .. о . . . . . . I . о Warm..up 1 Look at the cartoon and describe what is going оп. 8 How do the characters in the cartoon feel? Why?  .,. <-:' . . - . I /'/ '. '" Qb \lJ,. ..... , ...... ..а .. . ...  ($' ". "'.... . :1:,. ..   ::  ....... , ... - . . . , .... -: ..... С Ф  .:i: . < :J ."  '. ,. . ,  t,...... ... , . .. Listening 2 А. D Listen to two candidates interviewed for the job of а sales- person in Нарру Pizza. : ? . .... . 8 Listen carefully to the questions and to both the candidates' answers. 8 Ве ready to give your opinion оп the answers. '-. ..... . , '"   .. о:. 1 Briefly tell те about yourself, please. а) Which candidate gives more details? What are these details? Ь) Which candidate gives slightly irrelevant information? с) Which candidate sounds more independent and mature? Why? 2 What do you know about our сатрапу? а) Which candidate seems to have prepared for the question in аdvапсе? Ь) Which candidate sounds too general? с) Which сапdidаtе sounds humorous? What effect does this have? 3 Why have you applied for this job? а) Which candidate gives the more detailed answer? Ь) Which candidate sounds more attractive to the employer? Why? 4 Have you апу previous work experience of апу sort? а) Which candidate finds this question more difficult to answer? Why? Ь) Which candidate deals better with the question? с) Which candidate shows confidence? 5 What did you enjoy or not enjoy about that work? а) What is similar in the answers? Ь) In what way are the answers different? с) Which candidate sounds more positive? 6 Where do you want to Ье in, say, ten years time? а) What is the question about? Ь) Which candidate is more focused оп professional development? . . "'" 7 Сап you give те the пате of someone we сап contact for а reference? Which candidate prepared for the interview in advance? 8 15 there anything else you would like to tell us? а) Which candidate deals with this question better? Why? Ь) Which answer should Ье avoided? 9 Оо you have апу questions for us? Which candidate is not prepared for this question? 2 В. Which candidate is more likely to Ье given the job? Why? 48 
.. ... r 9. ...........  .. . . . ... ............ · U N IT 3 Lessons 56 Language work 3 А. Read the answers the candidates give to the question "...and what didn't you like about that work?" and say what makes candidate В sound better. Candidate А: "...But it wasn't very well paid and lasted only а few days." Candidate В: "...But I'm а fairly sociable person and I would much rather do spmething that involved working with other people..." .... "".... - .'  А у' ... .. з В. Read the question and rank the answers from the most positive to the most negative attitudes. Are you willing to work overtime? а) I don't mind working overtime if necessary. Ь) I ат 50 interested in the job itself that I ат prepared to do anything required. с) It depends whether you рау extra for it. d) I'd prefer to work regular hours. .  . ..:  ". .' , .. -. . , з с. Change the answers to the questions below so that they sound more positive. 1 Why did you decide to change your job? Му previous job wasn't interesting at all. 2 What do you dislike doing1. I can't stand doing monotonous jobs. 3 Give те two reasons why I should not hire you. Because I ат not good at English and I donJt like being part 01 а team. ... > , Speaking 4 А. Look through the list of questions you could expect during а first job interview. 8 In pairs put the questions into three groups: the ones which you find easy to answer, which you find ОК and which you find difficult to answer v 1 Tell те about yourself. 2 What do you expect to Ье doing ten years from today? 3 How тапу close friends do you have? 4 Did you like school?  f " 5 Which subject did you like least? Why? 6 Are you willing to work overtime? 7 What problems do you think youlll have in this job? 8 What were your grades in English сап you write clearly? 9 Tell те about your childhood. 1 О What has Ьееп your greatest success? 11 What has Ьееп your greatest failure? 12 What kind of people do you dislike? 1 3 Do you like to Ье praised? Why? 14 \Nhat do you do at weekends? \115 Are you afraid of criticism? Why? 16 How long have you been looking for work? 17 What kind of salary do you expect? 18 What's your favourite colour? 1 9 What was the last book you read?  20 What is your favourite ТУ programme? 21 What spor1s do you do? 22 At what age would you like to retire? 23 Give те two reasons why I should NOT hire you. " 24 Give те two reasons why I should hire you. 25 Are you always 50 nervous? 26 What makes you angry? 27 Have you got апу questions for те? 28 What are your strong / weak points in relation to the job? 49 
UNIT 3 Lessons 56 .. . .. -t: 11 .. 411 . . .. . . . . . . 4 В. 1" pairs choose five questions, starting with the most challenging ones. . Take turns asking and answering the questions. . Use the Laпgиage Sиpport phrases to gain а little more time to think of your answer. f LANGUAGE SUPPORT '1 4 с. Analyse the questions you find most difficult 10 answer and say: 8 Why the interviewer asks the questions? 8 What he / she wants to hear? Gaiпiпg time to th;nk · Let те see... · How shalll put it? · Well t let те think... · Let's put it this way... · 1'11 have to think about that... I . The best way I сап answer that is... I · ThatJs а good question... · Мттп, that's а difficult question. Let те see... , I I , I I I t I 1 I 4 D. This time choose questions to answer at random from the whole list. 8 Оо your best to sound positive. 8 Allow yourself some time for thinking when answering awkward questions. Writing 5 Consider all the information from the lesson and make а list 01 tips оп how to prepare for а job interview. Example: Make sure уои have two о, three questioпs to ask the iпterviewers. ". Include in your list: 1 What you might need to do / find out before the interview (get references from people who сап recommend you 1 look at the сотрапу website, talk to other people from the сотрапу, etc.). 2 The way you behave (see Book 1 О How to look confident). 3 The way you look. 4 How you say things (go through this lesson again). 5 What to do and not to do оп the day of the interview. i: > -: "." ". _". 11' . , , \ ... , " lIS:  .'С  А" "'" ....  > , 8'11'.. :- '1> .: ... 'WIO "" " t 50 
. .. . .  ............ ... . . esson rammar уоса u а ее Read what several people say about their professions . Find who's who? А. Ilook after all aspects of our company's campaign to find new customers. "т not directly involved in selling, but 1 have а team of а dozen representatives who deal with our customers. 1 need to Ье very organised. I often work long hours. В. 1 suppose 1 ат lucky. 1 travel а lot in ту job: all over Europe in fact. 1 deliver goods to customers and sleep in ту lorry wherever 1 stop. The hours are very irregular and 1 have to Ье flexibIe. Sometimes l' m away from home for three or four weeks. с. Му work is pretty boring. I work for ап office cleaning сотрапу in London, which means night shifts five times а week. Each office has to Ье clean and bright Ьу 9 o'clock in the morning, so 1 have to work hard and carefully. D. I joined the palice force when Ileft school and after а time in uniform, I moved into crime detection. It's ап interesting job which is never the same from опе day 10 the next. You need to think quickly and read the criminal's mind. Е. I've always enjoyed working with children, though they сап sometimes drive you crazy. They don't always learn as much as they should and 1 have to Ье inventive \ \ to find new ways 01 motivating them. I also need to Ье patient, especially with slower learners. F. I'm good at communicating and quite creative 50 I always wanted а job in which 1 could use ту language skills. I have to work quickly to meet deadlines tomorrow's newspaper won't wait! What I like best about ту work is meeting people. \ .... ..... "'" .... .  ,31нf911: .... . 4..IIk. .... . .......... ... "" . r . - r ., , .......-,.., v'"""'\ ..  ,  ........J ..... - . . '-.) .  I f . . .   '"-J . . ..>  ... ... t'  . '. .  , , , .. . <: - \ ( I 1 . .. OIiI .... l' .. .... . ... I . '0- '. о. , .0 -- " r .>' . ....... ......... . UNIT 3 Lesson 7 f G. Holidaymakers are demanding people. Perhaps that's not surprising since ап annual holiday is  expensive and they expect а lot. But 1 know а lot about the part of Greece where 1 work and "т helpful and patient Ьу nature, 50 I get оп very welJ with most of ту guests. Н. Caring for sick people takes а lot of patience and . .IA compassion. It's not wellpaid but it is rewarding. The most satisfying part of ту job is seeing а patient get well and leave the hospital. We work in teams оп shifts, so 1 have to Ье flexibIe and cooperative in ту work. 1. Dealing with customers is fascinating. 1 didn't pick up тапу quаlifiсtiопs at school but I have а good w \... '1 "{ head for figures and I'm naturally ореп and sociabIe, 50 working in а big supermarket suits те. I wish it was better paid though. J. Maths was ту best subject at school so I suppose it was inevitabIe that 1 would get а job involving figures or топеу. 1 had to pass а series of exams to qualify, but now I have а pretty good salary and 1 enjoy helping people with their financial problems. К. I ат а good listener and I сап keep а clear head in а difficult situation. 1 often need those qualities as 1 spend most 01 ту time working with families who are going through а crisis. 1 also have to Ье аЫе to analyse а situation objectivelYJ without taking sides, and Ье persistent until а solution is found. ..-- ,. .ь 1 а lorry driver 2 а detective 3 а sales mапаgеr 4 а social worker 5 а journalist 6 а cleaner 7 ап accountant 8 а teacher 9 а nurse 1 О а tour guide 11 а shop assistant .:В! .. .::.. . -000-  . -; ..... . :t. . , у 4!Jr. ...-: ..... .,  о о . t  ..... .  ';' oo .... . J / V ....   . . '\   \  f j . . " . , . . < .. . . . . . '0" ... Poiпts / 11 51  <11> , 1 .. , . <  ..;t ; .  ,  ! А , 
. I . UNIT 3 Lesson 7 ...  · · .. ... .....  · · · · · · · · · ·  . . . .. . 8 Fill iп the gaps in this letter of application, using the verbs in brackets. f f.  ........... 1<. . . .    I ! . . Flat 104 33 Nevsky Prospect St Petersburg .....:....... L 1 "..... ........ ...... . ....... . ...  , , ... .... -.'"  > . . . .JI.  . .' . .' . ,,,. J . .' '\ . " I The Manager Paris Boutique Nevsky Prospect St Petersburg .- . -..  ... .   r >. У' " ". '-' . -. . . ..... .... , .. . -i;". . .... Dear Sir I Madam, 1 (1) ... (to write) to apply for the job of parttime salesperson that (2) ... (to Ье advertised) in last Saturday's edition of St Petersburg Vedomosty. {  j , . .: .. ... . . "', . .' , , I .. ... ..-:: ," , . .... У , . . о.:! . '. -:. .  " . А: . . I At the moment, 1 (3) .., (to Ье) а fourthyear student at the College of Design and 1 (4) ... (to study) Fabrics and Dress Design. 1 (5) ." (to want) to produce and sell clothes of ту own design, but first of all 1 would like to gain firsthand experience of selling clothes. 1 (6) ... (to believe) that ьу doing that 1 (7) ". (to understand) more completely what it (8) ... (to Ье) that women (9) ... (to look for) when they (10) ." (to Ьиу) clothes. 'N this way 1 (11) ... (to Ье аЫе) to understand customers' needs and (12) ... (to design) clothes that are more popular. 1 often (13) ... (to рабб) your shop and (14) ... (to admire) the clothes оп display, БО it would Ье а wonderful experience to Ье аЫе to help sell these clothes.  , .. -di. . . 1 (15) ... (to have) боте experience of selling in а shop near ту parent's home and I would Ье very grateful for the opportunity of аn interview. Yours faithfully, Olga Novikova Points I I /15 .  у .  , . , -"'- , ' , . < .  . . , . "... ::.  ....   У 3 Join the pairs of sentences to make а statement of purpose with in order, to or 50 (that). Make minimum changes. 1 1111 give you ту e..mail апd а contact phone number. You'll Ье able to find те if you need а part..time employee. . 2 The management team called а meeting. They wanted to discuss the sales figures. 3 Не asked те to contact him confidentially. Then nobody арап from him would Ье able to use the information. 4 Не worked very hard. Не wanted to Ьесоте а full..time employee 5 She always sits at the back of the сопfеrепсе room. 8ecause of that she doesn't have to answer апу questions. 6 The сатрапу offers some senior staff members а study tour to Britain. This will enable them to compare personnel management practices. 7 We need а Human Resource Department. It will deal with recruitment issues. Points /7 52 
. . . .. ... ... . . . -. ... . . . · NIТ 3  I  Fill in the gaps with the most suitabIe word or expression. 1 I ат afraid I will not Ье ... for interview оп Saturday. а) availabIe Ь) acceptabIe с) receivabIe 2 Army... are always shown with very short haircuts. а) newcomers Ь) recruits с) soldiers 3 ... accountants often do the detailed but tedious aspects of auditing. а) study Ь) trainee с) train When he was ... to Ье the соmрапу's Sales Director he found that he had to travel much more. а) prompted Ь) proclaimed с) promoted 5 Мапу managers find that allowing their subordinates to take responsibility for their actions \. ... their QWn authority. а) challenges Ь) chances с) shapes б А сатрапу car is often а... of а senior position. а) peck Ь) pick с) perk 7 ... work is а feature of тапу jobs such as airline pilots and post office workers. а) shift Ь) group с) team 8 Мапу famous business people have worked their ... up from tea Ьоу to Managing Director of the same сатрапу. а) day Ь) job с) way 9 The ... 01 repetitive tasks is important 50 that the workers рау attention. а) television  Ь) supervision с) vision 1 О If sales are greater than last year we should get а ... . а) bonus Ь) focus с) success 11 ... work for а big сатрапу to get wider experience to help те in ту future career. а) ('d prefer Ь) I'd rather с) I rather 12 ... to work with а small team inside the сатрапу because I like the sense of Ьеlопgiпg that you get. а) I'd rather Ь) 1 rather с) I'd prefer ..... I Points / 12 :;) FШ in the gaps with ап appropriate time adverbial from the Ьох. 1 We are ... prepared to accept the difficulties 01 working away from our home country. .2 ... I ат involved in а very exciting nature сопsеrvаtiоп project in а remote corner of Africa. 3 ... 1 аm leaving 10r Moscow for the seminar оп human resources development 4 The сот рапу hasn't completed orders for Christmas ... · We have to do а lot more overtime. 5 I've tried all his phone numbers ... his mobile is dead and so are both hls work and home phones. Has anything happened, do you think? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · at the moment · . . · always · . . . yet · . . . several times . . . . now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Points / 5  СНЕСК YOUR SCORE l TOTAL /50 \  . Well doпe! Good Notbad Go back aпd revise  4550 po;nts 38.......44 po;nts 30......37 po;nts 29 aпd less " . , 53 - ... -.- .. '. . 
UNIT 3 Lesson 8 · .. .. . ... . . . & . ress . . . А JOB INTERVIEW - . - You are going to hold ап interview for а job -- . ,  ::::- 8' ,  '" 1 Preparation 8 Read the job advertisement. 8 Decide who will Ье the applicant and who will Ье the interviewing board. 8 Read your role card and get ready for the interview r о Internationallaw firm has ап opening for а receptionist in its local office It is based in the US and has 25 offices worldwide. The local office works closely with the Moscow, Washington and New York offices of the firm Receptionist duties: · Answering the phone and dealing with visitors · Taking messages · Participating in various legal projects (working with legal documents, copying J filing) Candidate requirements: · Fluent English · Good communication skills · Knowledge 01 computer equipment and computer literacy . Initiative · Keyboard skills would Ье а plus No legal background (education or work experience) is required. ел ф .-- .., .-- с :::s о Role card 1: Interviewing board You manage the local office of the international law firm. You are looking for а receptionist who will Ьесоте а member 01 the team. Д competitive salary is offered (up to $500) plus а number of perks (flexible working hours convenient for students, free medical care for staff I annual bonuses). D Decide what you should ask the applicant about, what kind of person you are interested in, what qualities the applicant should have. О Think 01 your questions (six or seven). D Set up the seati ng. D Take turns to ask questions. D Ве polite and friendly. Role card 2: Applicant This will Ье your first job and you feel enthusiastic. You have prepared well for the interview and have sent а letter 01 application and а CV. You feel this position is interesting for you, you will get some experience and opportunities for professional development. О Decide what qualities а successful applicant should have. D Think how you сап show that you have these qualities. D Use the phrases from the Language Support Ьох (see Lessons 56) to gain more time for thinking over the answers. О Ве polite and confident. О Think about your bOdy language. - . ... .... . . ,... , ,... .... , А 54 
. . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  с с . . . R . . . о . . . . . . . .  · · · · · · · · UNIT 3 Lesson 8  J9i) 2 Activity 8 Hold the interview. . The students who have gone through the interview Ьесоте observers. . Take notes about other participants using the criteria from the self..evaluation card below. . -..-.... 3 Follow-up  8 Think about your participation in the interview and give yourself а score. 8 Exchange your opinions about questions / answers, using your notes. . Avoid being judgmental. Ве positive and friendly. SELFEVALUATION САЯО FOR INTERVIEWEES Score (1 3) 1 2 3 4 5 Score your results " th Q uestions? Did \ answer а е ? f r ту an5wers. Oid , give reasO ns о " ? " wkWэrd QuеstюnS" Oid , соре we" wlth а О" d , sound positive enough'? I . ress ion \ wanted? Oid , produce the Iтр Total score Score your results Score (1 3) 1 . ? Was l weH enough prepared for the intervlew" t- ? 2 Oid l ask enough Ques юпs " d? " th members of the boar " 3 Oid l work in cooperation wlth о er ? · d t what 1 needed to know · 4 Oid ту Questions help те fln ou 5 Was I friendly and polite'? Total score 55 .... ........  
1- - z ::::;) . . о . .. Warm..up ео t'l1 Do you believe in alienSf ее е un nown ....... Q "- 1 Look at the сапооп. 8 What do you think its message is? 8 What other supernatural phenomena do you know about?   D ., оп - . ..- ....Т " .... Reading .' . . 2 А. Read this story and give your first impressions of it. 4J t.(r 8 Were you interested / scared / amused? Why? / Why not? . . ,. MARTIN'S STORV  I . .. ne November night , 1 happened to Ье at home GLOSSA RY alone. It was nearly 11 o'clock and I was just ,,  beginning to fall asleep, when I noticed а vague, musty smell. First I thought it was ту imagination but it grew .( 5 stronger and really nasty. I got out of bed and looked around ту room, then I went out оп the landing, trying to find where the smell was coming from. It seemed to Ье all over the house. It was "weird , but 1 was tired and went back to bed, still wondering about the smell. I thought 1 О I'd sort it out in the morning. About 2 o'clock in the morning, I woke up suddenly to а loud cfaning sound. Опсе , then again. 1 was sure 1 heard it coming from downstairs. Hesitating for а moment, I quickly ran downstairs to see what it was. There was по опе there and the sound had stopped. Slowly I went back upstairs, and only then I noticed that it was very cold in the house. Му whole body was shaking frorj1 the cold, it was hard to breathe and every breath made а little white mist in the freezing air. The musty smell in the house was really horrible now. I could hear ту heart pounding loudly. Му hand shook as Ileaned forward to ореп ту bedroom door and I suddenly 20 felt I wasn't alone in the house anymore. Му hir s\2.gd оп end. Му first impulse was to run away. Instead I quietly turned the handle and pushed the door ореп.   , The sight I saw struck terror in ту hear1 and it nearly stopped. Standing оп ту #,  f bed was the transparent form 01 а hooded monk . His back was turned towards .Il те and he made по sound or movement. f-v/ I was rooted to the spot Ьу fear and couldn't think or utter а sound. I was dead scared ; апу movement or noise might make the monk turn and look at те. What I feared most of all was his gaze. } а J.! Then suddenly, the gRastiy figure started to fad awa y, first the feet, then the rest When his head finally disappeared, the house wasn't cold anymore. I was 30 so relieed ту legs felt like jfiy."1 had to sit down оп the floor for а while. Later оп, still feeling weak at the knees, I went downstairs for а drink to calm myself down. I switched оп all the lights in the house, and as soon as I got myself together, I called а friend and went to stayat his place. Never again did I sleep in that room! > ..... musty having а damp and unp]easant smelI because something is old . .. moanlog ехрrеSSlпg paln or unllappiness Ьу making . а nOlse transparent allowing light to pass through it to fade away to disappear gradually  . l!Ib- , I 15 . 25 , >1: > ,  . , . .,.. > . у 56 
 . . .. ... . - .. ..... . . . .. ..... · UNIT 4 Lessons 1 2 - ese are five stages in the story. ... them in the correct order: 8оа the stages in the story. r. t. ....  gradual release from the climax. · The after...effect 01 the whole incident.  , Building towards the climax. 1 ...... Setting the scene. 't . I The climax. cr 2 ..".... L 3 ... .. ..  ."..." 5 ..!У.. guage work What made this story dramatic? ork in pairs and answer the questions. 1 ...1 was dead scared ... (Iine 26) · \Vhat part 01 speech is the word "dead" here: а) adjective? Ь) adverb? с) noun? · How does the word "dead'l change the phrase? · Find other examples of this kind in the text and write them out. 4 Put these phrases into the table according to the senses they appeal to. А ...vague, musty smell... (Iine З) В I could hear ту heart pounding loudly... (Iine 18) С ...made а little white mist... (Iine 17)  ... ................ '.. '1. . 1. ... F9""'8. ..... ...    Sight Hearing Smell ... . .. .. . 2 ...vague, musty smell... (Iine 3) · Continue the list 01 adjectives from the story. · What effect do they have оп the readers? · Find similar phrases in the text and continue filling in the table. з Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian idioms: · волосы встали дыбом · прирос к земле · пришел в себя · сердце замерло от ужаса 1f( '- "t) оо'  11 у  ". , . . \l .'    J J  '---   I (1 " r ......., '--" ., . r .. " " ...,..., ( '.    .....  .   .. ч . .  .. . .. "" 57 
UNIT 4 Lessons 1 2 .. ..... Q' ..... ..... 3 В. 1" pairs analyse these sentences from the point of view 01 their structure. 8 Answer the questions. 1 ... Never 8gain did I sleep in that room! (Iine ЗЗ) · Why do you think the word order is like this? (See Grammar Reference, р. 183.) · Change the sentences below in the same way. а} I had never Ьееп 50 frightened before. Never before... Ь) I heard the strange sound again. I had hardly reached the corner. Hardly... с) She realised what had happened only later. Опlу later... d) You shouldn't tell this secret to апуопе under апу circumstances. Under по circumstances... 2 . . . Standing оп my bed was the transparent form of а hooded monk... (Iine 22) ... The transparent form of а hooded monk was standing оп ту bed ... · Wha1 is the difference between these two sentences? · In which sentence is the emphasis оп the figure of the hooded monk rather thап оп the bed where he was standing? · Imagine some frightening things which could happen to you. Complete these sentences with your оwп ideas. а) Waiting for те at the door was... Ь) Lying оп the floor next to the bed... с) Sitting at the desk... d) Walking slowly towards те... 3 с. 1" the text find words and phrases which are associated with the word "fear". . . . fear а s;gnt wh;cn strиck terror in ту пеап Jt тade ту na;r staпd оп еnа . . . 3 о. Use three of these expressions in sentences referring to the frightening things you wrote about in Ех. ЭВ аЬоуе. J Listening 4 А. D Listen to this story. What does it have i" commo" with Marti"'s story? 4 В.  Listen to the story again and take "otes to fill i" the tabIe. I :J . ......................  .....poo;;pq.......  . - - ....., '"   ...A- . Ь. . . t:. _ - ............... ... JR' r . I ........................   I .i ..... 111 ......  1 Sounds Sight Person's reaction J . ,. ... '.  e.g. deafening roar... e.g. What I saw was unreal... 8.g. I was shaking... 4 с. Which story did you like more? Why? 4 о. From the list below choose the elements, which you think made the listening story different from the reading опе? О Adjectives D Idiomatic expressions о Intonation о Structure of the text о Pauses 58 
,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . Writing 5 А. Write а story using the pictures. · Make it as dramatic as possibIe. · lтagine what the aftereffect of the incident was. · 00 you think the woman ever dared to go to the gardens again? 9-Ч, ov t( (-L 5 В. Write down this story or make up your own story about а supernatural phenomenon. l .. -о r.  J ,r -" J t r-f,  , i '"" t , '- . 1t-L. 1- L.- , ............... {  I  ,............ .. I ',. /  '. ". .../  . .. \-- { -  L r ,. \ . ". . . ,  } .' .. - ... . . .. . 81 . . .. 0& UNrT 4 Lessons 1.....2 . . о ..... .' lJ -'. ,  . ,,"=: 'r , . J I \ - - , . .. .. у .  .  , -=- - .- - ... .1.   ..... '. с -" "-t .  ." t ,-r ....  " ....." '" "",' - · J 1 If .  <..... f \ . f!.  ,  J о g I з , .;t   ? . < -;.. ... .' . \ . . , . -  } ....  -     "-  ,  4 (" ... 1 " . , t. \ ............ 59 
UNIT 4 Lessons З4 ее at ........ ... .........  .. . , Warm..up 1 What is the pet doing? Why? ..   . л,"\\ . \ t:\... 0' . I ..... . . ..... ,... .... . 8 In the list below tick the kinds of animal telepathy th two pet OWS' stories refer to. о Antic.ipation of owner going away V' о Anticipation of being fed I I и»  О Cats disappearing when their owners are going to take them to the vet · О Animals getting excited when their owner is оп the telephone о Anticipation of owners coming home Listening 2 А. 1 Listen to this radio programme about unusual behaviour in animals. I , I , I I -. 2 В. 18:] Listen to the tape again and choose the right options. 1 The cat rushes to the telephone: а) when the owner rings, even before it has Ьееп answered Ь) whenever the telephone rings, to answer it с) when the owner thinks about calling home. з The dog went to the window: а) when its owner arrived home Ь) when its owner left work с) when its owner was sееп 1rom the window. ..л 2 The cat manages: а) to talk to its owner Ь) to take the receiver off с) to paw at the receive. yV,IJ...{\; f t;" ,," j . , ,1 4 When the dog's owner stopped working regular hours: а) the dog по longer knew when she would Ье coming home Ь) the dog still knew when she would Ье coming home с) the dog spent all the time looking out 01 the window. , 2 с. Do you believe such stories? How сап we check that such stories are true? 60 . . 
110 - UNIT 4 Lessons 34 .- . ..  1"9 .!.. Read the article and choose the sentence which is true of its writer. ,.(  ..... writer gives arguments to prove that animals possess telepathic abilities.  т writer believes that biology and physics сап explain animal telepathy scientifically. :; Тhe writer doubts whether animal telepathy exists. lnу does the writer .... .Je а clear ssification 01 explained abilities? ........ ' q ,. J d .. n а recent research study an average of 48 per сеп of dog owners and 41: ЗЗ per cent of cat owners said their pets responded to their thoughts. Surprisingly, little research has Ьееп done оп these phenomena. 1,.1" . I have Ьееп investigating some of these unexplained powers of animals, powers 01 perception that сап Ье grouped into three categories: telepathy; sense of direction; and premonitions. J'I. · '1' То test these possibilities, you have to do experiments. I and ту colleagues have concentrated оп the phenomenon of dogs that know when their owners are coming home. Other kinds of animal telepathy сап also Ье investigated experimentally, such as the ability of dogs to know when they are going to Ье taken for walks. In these experiments the dogs are kept in а separate room and videotaped. Their owner, at а randomly selected time, thinks about taking the dog for а walk <t then fiv r linute later 9Qes so. Our experiments have shown dogs exhiblting obviQuS exciterhent when their owner is thinking about .. ... taking them out, although they could not have known this Ьу normal sensory means. Animals' sense of direction is another unexplained power. Dogs and cats сап make their way home from unfamiliar places тапу miles away. Even if some э6есiеs have а compass sense. enabIing them to detect the Earth's magnetic field. this cannot explain their ability to navigate. Animals also exhi.}t.wat1.we might ca'lemonitions, for example, animals that Ьесоте disturЬеdЪеfоrе earthqucfКes. J . I AII three types of pe1'teptiveness; telepathy, the sense of direction and premonitions seem better developed in non..human species than in people. Although very little research has Ьееп done l such premonitions ,"' ,.  1 11.' .l seem to occur in the human realm too. We might have lost some 01 these abilities because we по longer need them: telephones and television have taken the place of telepathy; maps and global posffionihg systems have replaced sense of direction... ,'-  .. у does the writer : -е the statistics е? as the experiment scribed in this paragraph reliabIe? . tnу? / Why not? , л,аt language - evices does the iter use to deal with possibIe objections to his explanations in the underlined sentences? .... \Vhat is а possibIe explanation for pets l ability to navigate? Does the writer agree to it? , "!р- , ,..  Does the writer think people still have some of these abilities? Why have humans lost some of them? , . (.1 , .... --.. '" '. . , . '" .. " .- " -'J .  .... Rupert She/drake, 'The (еХ files'J, The Tiтes Higher Educatioпa/ Supp/eтeпt, 27 August 1999 .  '. . . . , .. .. " 8.. .. ." - .- ..:t=... . .# ...'"\:t . "'t',...,. '" ..,., :  . ...... )......":, . . '. . =- .. " ., ". - - . " " ....:- ... ." - \. -,,:. ... - , .. ... .... . . о" ..... .... " . :. . 1. "" . : , '\.: ,  ... ..'" . " . -#' . " "": ... '. . " .. .- '- - .... ..' . .'" -.. '-..: ..... , . . , . . t I . . ,.  .... -е " . 61 '- .... .. .. - .. 
UNIT 4 Lessons З4 · . . .. . . . .  . .. . .. з В. Find in the text examples of unexplained powers in animals and group them under three headings: '................A,... . l.d JIL  _ .,,'., . ........  , т ......................  ...... ......., . ............... ..........""'...................................,..."'--....... Telepathy Sense 01 direction Premonitions 8 Work in pairs. 8 Check your answers with another pair. з с. Read the text again and write out the words which the writer uses to make his report "scientific". з о. Answer the questions alongside the text. .... Vocabulary If Rupert Sheldrake is right, large areas 01 psychology and medicine must Ье wrong. But his (1) 000 results тау Ье uhreliable, aS1here are probIems in the design of his (2) ... with the dog. Other experiments with the same dog had different (3) .... It is extremely difficult to (4) ... phenomena of this kind Ьу . (5) ... sound (здравый) procedures since по опе сап predict when and where they will occur. In ту view there are better ways to spend precious research time than chasing after (б) ... that people want to believe iп, like telepathy, but which сап never Ье proved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . experiments . . . . . research . t c-Vf . . scientifically . I ( . ,., . . results . . . . phenomena . . . . investigate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 А. Fill in the gaps in the text with the words from the article. : """". .-.= .  oOCh."o. : ..IIA..  ." ..- ".   ". ,... , ,. 4 В. Read the text again and choose the right options. 8 Оо you think this text was written Ьу: а) а journalist? Ь) а psychologlst? с) а colleague of Sheldrake's? .",  ." cl . ,. 4 с. Study the meanings of the prefix para.. given below. а) Beyond: the paranormal (= strange unnatural events) Ь) Very similar to something: terrorists weariпg paraтi/itary uпiforтs с) Connected with а profession and helping more highly trained people: paraтedica/ workers such as атЬu/апсе drivers... . Read each example and answer the question beside it.  1 Because salaries are comparatively low, the clinic has а shortage in paramedical 5taft. 2 Their police have paramilitary duties. 3 Although criticised а lot, parapsychology still attracts тапу people. 4 This article deals with paralinguistic features of oral communication What sort of empfoyees does the hospital need? What 50rt of duties do their раliее have? I What тау Ье the subject of this science? I What features of language тау this article Ье about?  ... .." \.. , . ... . ;; . 62 . - 
.. .. .. ., .... ....... . . UNIT 4 Lessons 3.....4  D. Look at the word "premonition". Is it something that happens before, during or after the event? . 00 you know апу other words of that kind? peaking .. А. We are going to carry out ап experiment to check whether we possess апу telepathic abilities. 1 Find а pair. Student Д is а SENOER. Student В is а PERCEIVER. 2 Read ALL the instructions carefully before you start the experiment. 3 Tell the teacher when you are ready and get а set of cards with symbols оп them, look at them and start the experiment. ...  Student А Take апу card from your set. Think slowly and fully about the symbol оп your I card, recall experiences from your memory that relate to it. Use your imagination and think of associations you have with this symbol imagine the scenes, sounds, mood, feelings, colours, smells, tastes, etc. J that relate to it. Student В Look at the SENDER and relax. No effort is required. Try to get the message the SENDER is transmitting. 00 not Ье in а hurry and when you are comfortable with what you think the symbol is say 50. "'W'\f"'P'Ia. ........ J y I  .....  ..... .. t I I r I . , r , ... ... 5 В. 1" groups of four discuss the results of the experiment and get ready to report to the rest of the class. 8 You тау use some ideas from the Ьох. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POINTS ТО CONSIDER WHILE DISCUSSING ТНЕ EXPERIMENT 1 Did you succeed / fail? Why do you think it happened? 2 Could correct guesses Ье а simple coincidence? Why? / 'Иhу not? 3 Did your experiment give scientific proof of paranormal phenomena? 4 15 the number of cards used high enough to draw апу conclusions? 5 Were the conditions of the experiment good enough (for example: background noises)? 6 How сап conversations and noises influence the results 01 the experiment? 7 Oid your physical and psychological state matter for the results (for example: being tired or upset)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 с. Listen to а person recalling his / her personal experience with telepathy. 8 Did you believe him / her? Why? / Why not? 5 D. 1" groups discuss your own experience or а story dealing with the telepathic abilities of animals. 8 Сап you find а scientific explanation for it, or is it paranormal? 63 
t UNIT 4 Lessons 5....6 · ·  . .. .. . .. ... . . . h . ...  N' "'----з:-- .;:- -. ' IJ: ""- j-h' . , ) , .. ....1 " ..'i '1. 'i ..' ..  -.., !11 'ch,. .... , t II} .. ::.. . I -. \:.:. ;, 1 .  4  . . , .  ,  '. .'....... . .. . . .. ·  GLOSSARY  Stone me! (BrE) old--fashioned informal (used for expressing surprise, disbelief) ..   . . '. . ..... .... , , " . rl  , . , " 1 s  .... .. Warm..up t .' 1 Look at the pictures and the тар. What do you think the answers to the questions could Ье? 1 How old is the structure? / When was it built? 2 What was it built for? 3 What is the weight of the stones? 4 How was it built? WALES - ENGLAND ... Preseli Mouпtaiп . I О xfo rd . . Swansea .     .............  .. ..  LONDON . \..rJ' Stonehenge . Bristol Chaппel Plymouth . . Boumemouth .,." Vocabulary 2 Look at the pictures and match the sentences with the pictures. 8 There are two extra sentences that тау help you to understand the story.  d) They dragged the stones using ropes. е) The stone is slung Ьеtwееп two boats. f) The stone is being towed Ьу the boats. \ g) The stone is sliding into the water. h) It's hard to transport heavy stones over long distances. а) The stone has sunk. Ь) They never reached the site of Stonehenge. с) They loaded the stone onto а wooden platform.'J I .. =-:  .. , !.' J. . {\  . ... . . . ,.  .....     . . ...-'""' .. 1. . .... . ...  t , "" , ....  '  . . ..... . ,  .. ... . . . -. ..... , .. . .., .  . ...  . .....с. ..... " . I . . ... i- ..... .. . . ... .. -  .... . I . . . ./.' .  .... . .\ ....  , . ....... . . ..    ........... ... ...... .  ' :- \. . .... - . --' ..... ... ... .,. "': .".  J t .. - . , . . . ;"" .........'С. . . ... ( .... .. . , . .   - ,  . , .J. . , . .. , .е . .   ......  ....  '!I ..... I I . ..... '. . ... --.. . ... >. . , . . ....... ( .  ...... ........ . . . ... . "11. . ""............. ,,  ' . ......... . -. ., '. .   . .  to sling  Ид. .. ....- .   to sink  .. з to load 5th onto 5th .. ... , ,  ""'" .. r  и) · .. ....  ..' . .. с .' 1 -. . .  " -. ..,. .. . . ...  ....-А.  '----./   ..... > .  '. . ..... ;. "" .... ,   . . . '- \" ."'1 . '. <:' .'  .... -   f ,:.:....  ", .   '"."\ N"".......... а. . -'- .... .". I .:-: .. :i-' ....  . . J" _.,. ._ '. ... .... ..... .. 1 . .. I . : .... . . . .- .- '" , . .... '---  '  .. . . .' '- r .... '.  \ , ... " .. ......... .... . r'" _ -.. . ... , ,. .. . .  . '. . . ,.  \  ... . .... :> .  ......  .. . .... . '1 . ..-:. ... .. . !'о ..... ;t;'  . .. : .'-" " . >.,.  . ...... :... -' .. " 1. - .... , .. ...... '"""'...  ........&..  .."". . .. ...... f .1 . . . 1 . I .  . . . '. .... 5 to drctg J{;t ltл1, " . . to slide {;\'. . ""-" ........ ......  ""'r . .. to to '" А  ...  -. ....А ... .. .-. ... . .. . ":. . > ......... <;,. " _ll..() D.A1 .., мv 1 (А x:J.:":=: ,,--... v А .""- .- .X.NCh. -_ _.__ :  "" j>:iIAI> : -_." .....<1' " ос _.;Ь. "". _ . :11I> <> , . _._._._ 'v' I .. 64 
. . .   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . е . . . с . . . . UNIT 4 Lessons 56 · stening А. 1" pairs look at the pictures again and decide оп the correct order of the events in the story. . Use the two extra sentences as well. В. f!J Listen to the interview with someone who took part in the experiment and check whether you have worked out the story correctly. 3 D. 1" groups discuss the questions and share your .. answers with another group. 8 Why do you think the experiment failed? . 15 it possible to solve the mystery of how Stonehenge was built? . What changes should Ье made in the experiment next time to make it successful? с. Listen to the interview again, take notes and fill in the tabIe below. . Check the answers in pairs 1,,- LANGUAGE SUPPORT  .. · They should have... · I would rather... · They should... · They had better... · Why didn't they... · Perhaps they could... · They haven't thought about.. . 1 2 3 What was the experiment designed to investigate? Who did it?  .... What did they do? What was the result? What did they feel?  What are their future plans? 1 ..... ...   I ; .. .- ..... &> -" I \ -. ." - /J" "",' J , " --- J '- . "" - ......" 1" I ..   I .. <.' "  nguage work . Read the text and answer the questions alongside it. -- / ... ""\ Robiп West is а /eadiпg British parapsych%gist who ... """'S speпt тuch of his carf}er iпvestigatiпg the paraпorтa/. CJret he recoUht experience о' а seance in Londoп. .  , . . 1  .. '"  !\ ' . SCEPTICAL 3J1 AG CIAN .... , , ... , .. " " 1.J'  '-. }. ....  ... '.  .,// . . . : ,  . ... . 1 I .  G) Does the author теап that he is the only professional magician or he wants to say that he is опе member of а рrоfеssiопаl group? (6) Does it теап аН spirits or some particular ones? =" 3 What part of speech do you thiпk it is? Why is the definite article used here? 4' Why is there по article? If we put the article here would it change the meaning? 5 Whv has the ar1icle .......,.", .1 changed this way?  6 Could "some" Ье   replaced Ьу " а "? I , started out as а professional magician. 'П а job like that, you soon develop interest in the supernatural and unexplained phenomena.  ever, 1 had never rea!tY.1.?ljed in stories about contacting the spirits of. the dead and had rеmаlпеа sceptlcal about seances. But I've always Ьееп drlven curiosjty and 1 decided to set Ufо.?Л rJ?riment. I gathered а group of acquairitances together in London, and we decided to to contact the spirit of а famous music..hall singer who was murdered around · 90. We sat in а circle round а table in а darkened room and held h nds. It was  I that we did not break the circle. It was а tense half hour. Lumi objects 3ved around the room and messages really arrived from the spirit world. For tJ '. J t ( t# all it was both terrifying and puzzling. We\didn't have апу idea what caused е objects to move. If I hadn't experienced it all firsthand, I'm not sure whether I lюuld have believed it. Now "т planning to investigate these mysteries more thoroughly. Experiments Edinburgh have shown that human beinqs сап communicate without usiпg апу of their five senses, 80 "т keen to do some research into telepathy. Lил-Uo  ..nt  t .(;  C);'r .. '1 ". I I . ... _. - :)0-.'" N .. . :i8= :."11оо- - . .._- -- 65  . .:, .. ... ... ""'... .. ..... .. - 
UNIT 4 Lessons 56 · . . . .. . . .. .. а ... .. 4 В. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with articles if necessary. I joined the experiment as (1) . volunter. Our mission was to transport (2) .. huge bIuestone 240 miles to Stonehenge. We discovered dragging (3) .. bIuestone was much more difficult than we expected. (4) ... boats were too small to transport it. Finally, the journey was delayed as (5)--::. tired helpers dropped out. I think, next time they should invite (6)::. more enthusiastic peopJe, i1 they want to succeed. .. .. ,   -. 'IF . . ,  "-  - , " >. ie_ _ . ... ;it  ..  -.ос. : < : .:-",  '"  " " k> -: :11:  .4iIIb>' .: '11I: х :........ " .. .at :.. ::...; -7 :. .,: 4.:" .......or Writing 5 А. Read the report Ьу а famous magician again and match the paragraphs of the text with their main functions. Paragraph Ап account of the main events (а detailed description of the experiment). Paragraph The immediate aftermath and future plans (the author's conclusions and intentions) . Paragraph Background and buildup (justification of the author's attempts to investigate the phenomenon). / LANGUAGE SUPPORT '1 I I I I I I Usefи/ phrases 'о, writing а report · This is а report about... · The report is based оп... · The aim of this report is... · Fi rst I . . . · After... · Later. . . · Then... · Incidentally,... · As а result... · In conclusion... · Ву the next year... I - 5 В. Imagine that you are опе of the team members of the Stonehenge experiment. · Write а personal experience report of about 180200 words about апу aspect of the experiment. · Use the same threeparagraph structure as in АоЫп West's report. I . ....  ." . " --.. .... ..."- - '" , - ." - ... PERSONAL EXPERIENCE REPORT .... .. ,  , ..  .   А ,1  Т  J  1   :..... .... ",-1 ..... ';. .... . ......... ' - : "\ ...  -1 1 -:' ) !'I.- 1 =--  . t'"  ., .:. ., -  (t-... I  (''- k'\ . . \ '- !tt':'  , 'it . С.\ " !IJ.  . . ....  , "' 'tt. :t... -' "..  ' "А., I ... .. 1 . ' .."., '. ' '1' :1.; " " ,. ! :' . '"'t."  "- ".;.н. "'.. . '1 \ ,-, о,' ,' " . '...: "t  ... " ,11. ... " '" r- .  . J .. t \ '! ... -. ,;  "' . .  ..... .. 1 .... , $. ,  ... 6 . ... 11 .., . .. ,...... '"' , 66 
. . . . . . .. ... . 4 . . . . . . . .. . UNIT 4 Lesson 7 sson ее уоса u а our rammar . '- - d the story and put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses. I as 50 weird, it still freaks те out to think about it. .... ut а year ago, I (1) (shop) in Marks and Spencer. I J (ое) to а lot 01 shops and I was feeling а bit tired.  ally, I (3) (think) I'd go up to the next floor of the  pping сепtrе and look for а со. As I was going up, I (4) (notice) а girl ahead 01 те ,. rnost at the top of the escalator. She was wearing а ed jacket like mine. You know how you always (5) (feel) curious about people you see wearing the 5ате clothes, 50 I kept looking at her absent.. Indedly. With growing amazement, I saw that the girl 6) (Iook) just like те from behind same hairstyle, same colour, even her black bag was exactly like mine. The girl (7) (get) to the top 01 the escalator before те. When I (8) (reach) the top Ilooked around for her, but she (9) (disappear) in the crowd of Saturday shoppers. I thought it was funny, untill went to look 8t some CDs in а shop window. I noticed another reflection in the window. I (1 О) (know) it wasn't те, it was the girll had seen оп the escalator: She (11) (stand) just behind те and looking at the same things. It was 50 weird. I turned round slowly but there was по опе there. The next moment I caught а glimpse of the red jacket disappearing round the corner: But the weirdest bit was when I dashed after her and ran into ту friend who was out shopping that day too. She (12) (Iook) surprised when she saw те. She said she had just seen те walk straight past her without even saying hello. She was sure the girl she had seen was те. I (13) (read up) about it quite а lott and the only explanation that fits what happened is that I (14) (see) ту Doppelganger ту double. What bothers те, though, is that people usually see their Doppelganger before they (15) (die). 11т not easily scared, but I (16) (not wear) that red jacket anymore. , ... А > 1.' .   ,  ., J: .. ,  :IE  , .". A\.oIOvI. "'. х.. , . > ,. ...v""'I-. .. .. .. .. А NOI. ",.. .... .1''' .1' .. .. .... .. 2 Match these English and Russian expressions. Points /16 1 I was rooted to the spot. 2 Му heart nearly stopped. 3 I got myself together. 4 It made ту hair stand оп end. а) Я пришел в себя. Ь) Я прирос к земле. с} У меня волосы встали дыбом. d) Мое сердце замерло от ужаса. Points /4 з Choose the best alternative to fill in the gaps in each of the following sentences. 1 I've ... some research оп the effects 01 ghost stories оп the human brain. а) made Ь) done с) prepared d) ended 2 Pet owners are eager to ... animals' paranormal abilities. а) make Ь) help с) test d) experiment 3 It's difficult to ... unexplained phenomena and obtain reliable results. а) experiment Ь) look for с) search d} investigate 4 Very little ... has Ьееп done оп the human ability to transport thought. а) research Ь) attempts с) efforts d) results 5 А thorough understanding of mathematics is sufficient to explain а wide variety of natural ... . а) events Ь) causes с) effects d) phenomena 6 Twenty students were chosen ... random to take part in the experiment. a)in b)at с) оп d)by 7 Unfortunately, the investigation did по! run as smoothly as had Ьееп ... . а) done Ь) worked out с) anticipated d) decided 8 Some pets ... obvious signs of telepathic abilities. а) exhibit Ь) do с) hide d) tell Po;nts /8 67 . . - . ...  . 
u N 'Т 4 Lesson 7 · 4 · · · · е » · · ·  · · · · · . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . А .. . 4 Do the crossword. 2 .. 8 АН the words refer to the movement of things. Across 1 То put ап amount of something оп or into а vehicle (4) 3 То take goods, people. etc. from опе place to another (9) 5 То go down below the surface of water (4) Down 2 То pull something along the ground because it is too heavy to car 3 ТО pull а vehicle using а rope or а chain (3) 4 If you ... а rope over а tree branch you throw it (5) 5 ТО move smoothly over а surface while continuing to touch it (5) 1 3 4 3 5 5 ry (4) I Points /7 5 Read the story and rewrite the underlined sentences starting with the words given alongside the text. t was а nice sunny morning and I felt exhilarated and confident. I had hardly 901 into the class when а paranormal phenomenon occured ; all ту talkative and lively classmates were sitting dead silent as if they were rooted to the spot. Some horrible, trembling voice started to dictate something to us.. 1 had never heard anything 50 scary before . I got myself together and started following the instructions. In two hours the nightmare which struck terror in ту heart suddenly сате to ап end. I understood only later that I shouldn't have panicked . I managed to do all the tasks. But I have never visited this frightful place since then . I decided that I wouldn't participate in this kind 01 experiment again under ап circumstances . It was ту final ехат in physics!!! 1 Hardly... 2 Never before... 3 Опlу later... 4 Never again... 5 Under по circumstances... Poiпts / 5 -. ...- "'. . .. . у . , , 6 Read the text and fill in the gaps with appropriate articles. у Points /10 P5VCHIC PARROT 15 "5TAGGERING" 5AV55CIENTI5T А New York woman claims to have а psychic parrot which knows exactly what visitors are thinking. Aimee Morgana says N'Kisi passes every telepathy test she is given Ьу using her 555word vocabulary to comment оп people's thoughts Ms Morgana sits in опе room looking at images while N'Kisi is in another when (1) С. photo of (2) ... bou uet is shown (3)fЫ. bird screams "That' s а picture of flowers! 'j (4). telephone earns (5) ra. response "What are you doing оп (6)  phone?" , ... Former Cambridge scientist Dr Rupert Sheldrake has carried out (7) ... test using 70 images and found (8) .L1. parrot got it right 32 times, he said: "You'd only expect 5.2 hits like this to occur Ьу chance. This was staggering." The cJaims have Ьееп tested Ьу а Mail оп Suпday journa1ist who was shocked to see that the parrot \\knew she had earlier been talking about (9) ... friend's dead pet the parrot commented "Remember (10) {. cat?'S   , > TOTAL /50 t .. . .  . I  и.. ,\:.."  . ... ..   4VV  СНЕСК YOUR SCORE . .. ...... 4550 points 40......44 poiпts 30......39 po;nts 29 aпd less Well doпe! Good Notbad Go back aпd rev;se , . , . .. 68 , ,. .... 
. .,., . . . . . .. ........ . . . . . .. . . .. UNIT 4 Lesson 8 esson ress . . , . , . ... . " ourse , ОО YOU BELIEVE IN...? ТУ SHOW l' d " О Ь '- · ?', Уои are ;пv;ted 'о take part ;n а тv show cal,e о уои e"eve ,п... . The show will start in 1 О minиtes.  "" 1 Preparation 8 Take а role card and get ready to play your role. . Think what to say and how to say it. 48 Use your notes from Lessons 1 6. Presenter Participant in the Stonehenge experiment You took part in the 81uestone experiment (Lessons 56) and you believe that Stопеhепgе could not have Ьееп built Ьу humans and that this was proved Ьу the experiment. You are convinced that it was built Ьу aliens. You are the presenter of the programme. Your rеSРОПSiЬilitу is to Ье in control 01 the whole 1v show. Think over the order of speakers, get prepared to manage arguments and questions. Use the following plan: Greet the audience and introduce the experts. Inform the аudiепсе that at the end of the programme they will Ье invited to make up their minds whether they believe in the supernatural or not. Give the floor to опе of the experts. Let two or three witnesses from the audience express their opinions and tell stories. Give the floor to another expert. Invite the audience to ask questions. At the end of the show let the audience vote. Expert No 1 You have Ьееп involved in research into paranormal рhепоmепа. Your task was to collect data without taking sides. 'П the course 01 the research you found that the probability of supernatural phenomena was supported Ьу objective factors (e.g. тапу people have seen and described them in the same way, although they were questioned Ьу different researchers; physical evidence; measurements of the scene: temperature, pressure). Witness No 1 А person who is not sure what he / she is doing here You сате to the 1v show because you are interested in mysteries, but you cannot decide whether to believe all these stories or not. Prepare some questions for the participants. You have witnessed а supernatural phenomenon but you still are very sceptical about it. You think it was probably а trick your friends played оп you. Ве prepared to report what you saw. Witness No 2 ENGlIS1 r Activity 8 Take part in the show, try to Ье as active as possible. You have witnessed а supernatural рhепоmепоп, апd it was 80 clearly sееп that it couldnJt Ье а coincidence or somebody's trick That was the moment you started to believe it. Now you are absolutely sure that the majority of people who report supernatural phenomena have really seen something unusual. Ве prepared to report what you saw.  . з i Followup .. Vote оп the question in the programme: Оо уои be/ieve in superпatura/ pheпoтeпa? 69 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . UNIT 5 Lessons 1 2 eading - -' .  ..... '"'а .....   ... ,  .. ...: .lIIIr . ... -.,)"ov ...: ..... . ..... . . -.. А. Look at the pictures and discuss: 8 What kind of programme do you think it is? · What kind of people might like it? Or hate it? .  - . - =-- ." . .. ... .. -:- .. -t: ..... ь..... ...  .. ..... , - . . w--  -  .... ... ..  "  . . .... .... ..  . .... -.  "  ,..  t..t....... r... ... 0'0 .... - В. Read the text and answer the questions. . What was the author's purpose in writing? . What is the author's attitude to the programme? . ...... '- .... t '-  . .... .. . ,- . -- . ., . " -  , . . о ... . . :- ...:-. .... "'- . . -,,: .... .... ..... _.1. . Richard Pep/iпski Chicago, IL, USA . . , . ' ... .. .. ..  . .... '- - .. L ,- ,....  .  :".. .... "'- " \.. ........ '\ he series La Feттe Nikita is оп е of the few that I attempt to regularly tune into each week. Some friends talked те into giving this show а try and I have never regretted it. It is about а woman falsely accused of а murder and sentenced to life in prison. Then people who belong to а counterterrorism ШQ!!Q take her away and make her work for them. The lead character Nikita (Peta Wilson) is beautiful tall J blonde J blue eyed, wellbuilt. She сап also otfer а full range of acting ability and tacial expressions. I'm по! а diehard fan analysing every sentence, glance, or breath of every character in every episode, but I certainlyenjoy the show. Д person who sауs this show has poor acting or poor character and plot development is most likely disappointed Ьу апу ТУ series and not being fair to the genre. This show says more with а moment 01 silence than most shows say in ап hour of dialogue. It is impossible for а show that has run as long as this опе to dot every "i" and cross every "1", and of course there will Ье holes. But Ьу a"d large the show remains true to itself and at the top 01 its genre. The acting and action are appropriate, the plot works well enough to create suspense and the character development is the best that I.ve witnessed from апу long..term series. 11 you want to see а good drama / action show, watch La Feттe Nikita. The next season begins January 9th. . _ с GLOSSARY  :ф: .;:... "'- > ",,<1: accuse обвинять sentence приrоворить counter с! контр-- , , - .,.. 1 Сап you replace that with "which" here? With I.who"? ..с  2 Is it possibIe to take this out from the sentence? Why? / Why not? I > 3 Does the underlined phrase: а) give additional i nfo rmation? Ь) explain what show is meant? .... I : '" , - .....  Сап you leave that out here?  ..,... о "- " .  ) . ....  . .... ,  у <!> ,. , . о cabulary '\ . .. А. Translate the words below, then look back at Ех. ЭВ. е Try to translate the same words according to their meaning in the text 15 there апу difference? lead character 2 episode 3 action show season '" " '- '\\ ... ... , :.. .. --  .. , - - ... '. < . , ... .. .. ... ,- -.:........ - . .. ".... , -... .. . . "',"-. . .  71 ... ....... 
'- , "- .  '    '-О  .) .......  t  ad ] [  ] 1: Fran_ I J 1- - z ::) . е ох? а '5 ОП Warm..up 1 Look at the cartoon. 8 What do you think the family is arguing about? 8 What is the girl shouting? , . ) .. . . . . ..... ... I   I  " I any_ J Listening 2 А. Look at the list below. 8 What kinds 01 тv programmes do you like? . ПI IП r е а  ....... "' .... , '.... ......'. ... - ... ..... ...;; .. 1 phone--in 3 show 2 game show / quiz show ,- ..... .... . . . " ." . - . .. 4 soap opera 5 сапооп g. 7 series 6 sitcom ,....  . .  ...    1 О wildlife programme 11 docu mentary . ..... ...  ,  -. .. - ...  . ................... . ........... .. .....  .... - . ,     о..)  \. \.....    ......... ':' .. ,. " ... " ... """   ....... "' Lucy .. . uzze 8 movie / film 9 the news  . . . 12 music show --.. 2 В. Match the types of ТУ programmes in Ех. 2А with the programmes from the ТУ guide. В8С1 IТV Channel4 В8С2 D Cinderella (6.507.30 рт) Walt Disney's version of the famous fai ry tale. I.J Politics Isn'l Working: More Unequal Than Ever (7. 158.5 рт) Andrew Dilnot, Director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies 1 reveals the true state 01 inequality in Britain today and asks why politicians of all major parties are unwilling to confront the probIem. The National Residents Lottery Stars (7. 58. О рт).' ' (7.008.ЗО рт) Elspeth throws а Glaswegian rock dinner party for the band Texas perform j!l feuding Nut and live in the studio. J l' Singh families that ends in more than оп е revelation I . prompting Н ilary to take ап overdose. Food and Drink (7.308.00 рт) Cooking tips. recipes, features and consumer news from the team of top television chefs. r t Channel5 Sky movies Greed (б.457.30 рт) Jerry Springer hosts the quiz in which contestants vie for а potential prize of fl million. It Could Нарреп То Vou (7.00B.50 рт) Nicolas Cage, Bridget Fonda and Rosie Perez star in this irrepressibIe romantic comedy inspired Ьу the true story of а humbIe  . сор who leaves а $2 million tip to а hard..luck waitress. Mountain Ме" (7.30B.20 рт) The extraordinary history 01 Alaska's Mount McKinley. 2 с.  Listen to the members of the family in the picture talking. . Say which programme the family have decided to watch tonight. 8 Which 01 the programmes from the тv guide would you choose to watch? 70 . , 
UNIT 5 Lessons 1 2 · . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 В. Match each phrase in bold with the correct definition. 8 Translate the phrases in bold. If necessary, go back to the text in Ех. ЭВ. J 1 iJ I tune into this game show every week. It is ту favourite. а) рау attention to all the details when you are finishing something Ь) watch or listen to а broadcast оп radio or television 2 I didn't want to, but Мах talked те into going to the cinema and I enjoyed the film. . :'1 3 j There are some things I donJt like about the film J but Ьу and large it is very good. 4  If you have never watched this sitcom , I think you should give it а try. I'm sure you J I1 enjoy it. 5 Не is а die..hard who will never agree with us. 6  The contract is nearly ready. We only need to dot the i's and cross the t'5. с) feel sorry about something you have done and wish you had not done it d) оп the whole, in general е) Ье williпg do something at least опсе f) persuade somebody to do something 7 [; Vou'll regret it , if you don't watch the game show. This is the only chance to see it. g) stuЬЬоrп, not wishing to change one's miпd 4 с. Read the dictionary definition of "idiom" and answer the questions. 1 Which of the phrases in Ех. 4А are idioms according to the definition? 2 What is the function of idioms? 3 Why is it difficult to translate idioms? . .  idiom а group ofwords wit], а meanil1g of its own that is different from tlle meanings of each separate word put together :1;.", .. ......n. ,- -... -- .. ... .. "':: -..... -. '''':.-...I'- h - - - - .... ""  :;.. Language work 5 А. Answer the questions alongside the text in Ех. ЗВ. See Grammar Reference. , - '. 5 В. Read the intelView with James Slow. ".. ... . . - .:;-   -. . .  :.- '. .  o(. ot"   " . -:1:: 1 Find six relative clauses. ". '. .  ..  , - -  . . -  - '. 2 Which of the relative clauses сап you take out . ......... - - ..... "- . -  ...  . from the sentences 50 that the sепtепсе will -, ,   .  .. . -,  -. remain clear? -'. I t -. , з Tick the ones that need а сотта. .   . ,   . .' - . ::- . "- у JII60 I .., t '. . . _. A fJ . .. ..  А. Which television programmes do you regularly ,,--.. ". . . -- . , . , ".  . .. tune into? . I ... "- - "- . ....  (: 8. Mainly Big Brothe The West Wiпg, The . "  ". . - " ..: . - - -' .. . Sopraпos and Newsпight which we always -.....  . .... " .   .. 01: , " . watch over supper. \ . , о<" . -- r. , , . , А. People are complaining that there is not enough .  -- \\ . "" - . . .. . . - , " . - .  . distinction between programmes that are shown  . . 8.- . l ..  - ...::; .. "110  . " before and after 9 рт. 00 you think the ... ..--: -" , .-  . :- . . . . programmers should Ье more carefu' with the ""1; : . .. " . i. - ... .. choice? .. . t , .i- В. Look. It is impossible to keep chHdren away from all the horrors that happen in the world.  72 ... ' , " 
. 4...  . .. .....  . . . . . . . . . . .. у...... 4 . . ., UNIT 5 Lessons 1 2 А. 00 you think that the standard of тv documentaries is falling? 8. Not at all. I'd say the questions which are being discussed today and the way of presenting materlal haven't Ьесоmе Jess exciting since the times which I watched in 1988. And the computer graphics are better. А. What has Ьееп your favourite television programme to date? В. I suppose the thing that would still make те cry with happiness is Daffy Duck between 1959 1967, when Fritz Freeling and Chuck Jones were in charge. Му brother and I know some episodes Ьу heart. Writing б А. Continue the list of the features Richard Peplinski likes in [а Feтme Nikifa (Ех. 3В). 1 The beauty 01 the lead character 2 Acting abilities 01 the lead character 3 ... . ... ........ . " . 8 What words and expressions helped you to understand that this was а positive review? Take notes. B. Read the ТУ programme review (Ех. ЭВ) again. 1" the boxes write the number of the paragraph in the text according to the function it has. D Personal opinion D Conclusion giving advice D Programme description D Introduction of topic .... .. \ .. с. Read the beginning of another review of the series La Femme Nikita and do the tasks. · 15 it а positive or а negative review? Why do you think 50? · Continue the review, or write your own review of апу programme you have watched. · Follow the structure of а review (Ех. 68). Use the Language Support Ьох or your notes for Ех. БА. . '.  ...  .-<: I . . "e.lage (HTMlJ ...  !.. Jpseft FQfmМ looIs Acboos t!eIP Da '!"; .   .f8Ieii 11 r  Q:. d ш9 IO ! ... .... !j 0Qtj0n$.. А (f). ..  ._-  , - - -- -: . ,  ..  .- .-. . .- _.. .I'I' .._. l' ......  .. . . -. .:J 4/ LANGUAGE SUPPORT "'  . friend of mine talked те into watching the series  Feттe Nikita. The first episode was not complete disaster, but all the remaining episodes ,--re absolutely dreadful! · ...was / were not even half good as... · Nothing could Ье worse than... · The ... is / are awful!  · Even the ... was / were bad. · . . .1 а с ks . . . · ...has / have little style. I · It was а complete failure. . . I 115 15... .......... 73 
UNIT 5 Lessons З4 " . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. ..  . . _ . с с ... . . . . ,., . osec oice is i ? . . .. ... ... .... ...' ... ,............... ........... .... -....... ,,-.......... .. Speaking 1 А Look at the pictures and discuss the questions. .. . 1 Which 01 these programmes would Ье inappropriate  , r -. ..  . " ........ .. .:w : 'w . , .  for children under six? Under 12? Under 18? ,. " '. \"-" " \ .... - .' .. i; " . What do all of these scenes have in соттоп? I .... .....: I 2 . \ . ", , .... '4'" ,. t-.. .... . \ 'u  . . \\. '- ...:::; ....... ; . . ,.   ['   t I .. t ..:. . " . ........  . .... . ... .........  .:\ , .. \ .   \.. у, . .  ._  -- . ... " " :    ".' . -:- : - . ........ . "," ", , ...  ..  , . ... . .,. .  .  - . - -. ... "" . "  .. .... . \ \ . " ' .. .... , , J'" . .. .. "- :.'- ..:  , ..- \ . .... ........ . \ ..;tIO .,"  -.  k ::t .. ... .. ,. . ....... '- > . .. . . '" "'.. k. . r ." '" ... -" ... '"'\.  -"). '. , .- . . . 1 В. Read the two newspaper clippings. 8 00 these facts теап that violent programmes should Ье forbidden? .' Between 22 and 34% 01 young males imprisoned for committing violent crimes report having imitated crime techniques watched оп ТУ. "It   .. Or Ming, University 01 Illinois l found that youngsters who watched а lot of тv when they were eight years old were more likely to Ье arrested for criminal acts as adults. I 'WII"",. .  :k. *"''''''C!P'"a.... -. Reading 2 Read the two texts below and answer the questions after each of them. д message from Jake iп Liverpool to ап e..mail discussion group. 1{ и\ D 00 children knowhicrogrammes are suitabIe and which are inagpropriate for them ? Obvibusly, tliey don 't. D These days, violent programmes are attracting bigger and bigger audiences, especially among the young. Oid you know. for example, that 64% 01 all violence takes place in cartoons? And how тапу parents would stop а child from watching а cartoon? In апу case, few parents actually check up оп what their kids are watching t especially now that 80 тапу of them have а ТУ in the bedroom. And thatJs where the problems start . It's not always easy for children to determine the difference between reality and fantasy, and some of them begin to imitate the violent behaviour they see in their favourite programmes. . 1 Match the paragraphs with their function in the text. а) probIem description Ь) conclusion с) introduction of topic d) example 2 Who is the question addressed to? Why is the author asking it? , 3 Why does the author   use the second person here? (f, Why not simply "The probIems start here"? ......... ., . 'IF ... .. ..  :1-1 "!I-"""O'ЧIAI' -ос _._ .. ._.";I' , . 4"'.... . N 74 "ш. . 
. . . . . . . . . .   . . .  . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . " . . . D Has апуопе heard about the experiment with dolls? 1 read about it recently. L  yJApparently, psychologists showed two groups of children separate versions of а q i11/f ()t... . ч... video. The first group saw а girl playing with а doll, whereas the second group saw another girl kicking and hitting the same doll. Afterwards, the children ( IJm not sure how old they were sorryt ) were left alone in а room with а dolllike the оп е in the videos. The first group played normally with the doll and the other toys, but ( you've guessed it! ) the econd group soon started behaving violently .. . :# 'tlAJtk'; 1AА} ..f r wlth the doll. Surely the eVldence couldn't Ье clearer! D Violence оп the тv has а negative effect оп children's behaviour. . .( . '!: .. ., . . '\.. .. 1 What is Jake's point of view оп тv violence? 2 What facts does he use to prove his opinion? 3 Оо you think violence оп тv should Ье forbidden? Who should Ье responsible for that? APPEAL ТО HOLL YWOOD D American parents today are deep l 'i worried about their children's exposure to ап increasingly toxic popular culture. D According to а recent CNNUSA TodayGallup poll, 76 per cent of adults agree that TV, movies and popular music are negative influences оп children. Moreover, there is а direct link between our violent and dеgrаdiпg entertainment culture and the horrifying new crimes among our young. D Therefore we , the undersigned, call ироп executives of the media industry to join with America's parents in а new social compact aimed at renewing our culture and making our media environment more healthy for our society and safer for our children. D We .agpeal to industry leaders in all media to develop а new voluntary code of conduct. The code we envision would: 1 state the industry's vital responsibilities for the health of our culture; 2 establish certain minimum standards for vlolent, sexual and degrading material; 3 forbid the practice of selling adultoriented programmes to youth markets; 4 make the industry develop good familyoriented entertainmentA We strongjy urgg parents to express their support for а new voluntary code of conduct Ьу signing this Appeal.. There are now over 10,000 signatories to the Appeal. .. . ..... , о( . ....:'-.'!.. ..... . '..o.. : ". ". ""w . ., . .$....;о. :.: .. :.. .:"""' ,.  '. .А ......... .:.::: .о.. .:" ..: . 'Iм. . ,.. :.:..;. . . r. 'CIIII: =... .. :"'...   - .) .::::-....::. :.. ..: .:.: :: -:-:::-: 11I!'8III!.!J:I. :. х ."'!:"'" --I!' .. .: ... :-  у' .. .. ..)II .. '::" :-:......... : :.... ". -n- : ..": '" :j-  .J . ,. . , .. .......:It... .. ". """". ". .. 1 According to the writer of the appeal) who is responsible for dealing with violence оп ТV? 2 Why is it important that the code of conduct should Ье voluntary? 3 Does the code sound easy to implement? 4 15 this ап effective way to deal with ТV violence? Why? / Why not? " " . ...... ... .. UNIT 5 Lessons З4 I 5 Why does the author use the first person here? ....... 6 Why are two phrases in brackets? . , 1 Match the paragraphs with their function in the text. а) general proposition ( offer) Ь) conclusion (appeal) с) introduction of topic d) probIem statement е) detailed proposition ( offer) 2 What impression do these phrases produce? 3 Why the first person  here? 4 What is the function of these phrases? 75  .. - ... ....... ... .... .... ........... .... ... 
UNIT 5 Lessons 34 · . .4. .  А . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .  . . . . . . . . . . . Vocabulary з Read the dictionary definitions and fill the gaps in the sentences below. 8 Рау attention to the form. ItIlIMI............................ . O 1 demand То ask strongly for sometlling, especially because уои think уои l1ave а right to it ,  A1, 't1 2 call for if someone.. especially а group of people, calls for something such as justice, equality, etc... tJ1ey ask for it strongly and publicly because they t]link ап unfair situation J1eeds to Ье c)langed 3 саП оп / пр оп someone if someone, r;f'4especially ап organisation in а bad sitиation . ..:. I:"" 11II 11 11 J: ............Cl JRI ... а: : 11 а 11.100+ 11 : :. "'llltlH1t. но .. DIiIИlа<lНltllOfOl'lOl caUs оп SOnleone to do something, they ask stro11g1y and urgently for tJlat person to do it becaиse their help is needed 4 appeal to to make а strong and urgent public request [от help, топеу, informatjol1, etc., especial1y to help SOmeOJle in а very bad situation -d- .а 5 ur to strongly advise someone to do sometllil1g because YOll t)link it is very i mportant . - :'" - . ""._.1' ..,. ...: ..:. ). " -.. - .. ..oC . о( '$ '$ .". - . , 1 I ... you not to let your daughter watch this programme, as it is really violent. 2 We were very noisy and the teacher ... ап explanation for our behaviour i n the lesson. 3 AII Parents Associations ... а Ьап оп programmes showing viоlепt scenes or using offensive language оп тv before 9 рт. 4 Parents... executives of the media industry to develop а new code of conduct against violence оп тv. 5 The organisation ... the public to support the action against drug abuse. Language work Writing 4 А. Do the tasks alongside the 'Мо reading texts (Ех. 2). 4 В. Answer the questions below and fill in the chart. If necessary, go back to the texts. 1 What is the purpose 01 each text? а) to persuade / influence and change opinion Ь) to inform с) to describe d) to narrate 5 А. Do you think violent programmes оп ТУ should Ье forbidden? 8 Split into groups according to your opinions 8 Brainstorm ideas to support your point of view. 2 What language features are used in each text? а) rhetorical questions Ь) forms which resemble spoken English с) more formal written style d) iпvеrtеd word order е) first person f) second person g) emotionally coloured vocabulary 5 В. Work individually. 8 Choose one of the tasks below. . Complete the task. Рау attention to the text structure (Question 1 alongside Texts 1 and 2). Use Ех. 48 and vocabulary from Ех. з. а) You are а member of ап online discussion group. Today's topic is тv violence. Write ап email stating your viewpoint оп the problem. Ь) Write а letter of appeal against 1v violence to the television executives of Russia, in the пате of all teenagers. с) Write а letter of appeal to parents ехрlаiпiпg that television violence doesn't influence teenagers. Opinion Letter of letter appeal The purpose 01 the text The language used 76 ....  .. ...... -- .. .. .,:-.................. ,.. ,...... . , 
. . . . . .  . . . .   ... ..... . .. . ... . UNIТ 5   .... ....  essons .. urno ее turns те оп I .. L". J .....   :r r , ..  l , f rm-up nterpret the picture. What do you think could make the тап do this? о I D  о .... , А Read а title from the magazine Americaп Reporter and guess Ьу the title what the article is going 10 Ье about. ,  . - . . .   w  aI Ф I:;1f on al ....... eading ТУ.. TURNOFF WEEK TURNS МЕ ON Ьу Joe Shea. Correspoпdeпt, Aтericaп Rep о rter, Ho//ywood, Ca/iforпia В. Read the first part 01 the article and check i1 your ideas were right. · How old is the author now? I Why small letters here? Сап he speak 15 languages? . Who is the author comparing himself with? t's been nearly 35 years now since Ileft ту parents' home at 19 and entered into а life without television. In all the time I have never had а tv in апу place I've called home. I have read more than 2,000 books, seen more than 1 ,000 movies, spent 5,000 hours in conversation with some 10,000 people, spent thousands of hours in public service to ту COV')lity. traveled to 18 countries and learned bits and snatches of 15 languages. (.  .,. I ат less inclined to talk in sitcom cliches, less likely to mention brand names, and less likely to Ье afraid to go outside at пight. I know far more about world events, speak better English, know more of ту neighbors , have more opinions about everything, and ат more inclined to help а strалgеr jn need, 1 What is unusual about the spelling 01 the underlined words? ... t  . ......'1 L.." . 1...."--. .....  , I < ". /    .... ..  f ..... ....   / 1 r'r ........ ... ..  ,., 'ff.. c.'  11.. 1111- O  {З    '1/ I 1"1' tU .. " " " Н' -s: .  . .... . с. Answer questions a---d alongside the text. 77 l -. - ..... -.... .. 
UNIT 5 Lessons 56 . . . .. 1: . . .. '1.. . ., . .. .. .. . . 41 . . . .. .. . 2 D. Read the second рап of the article. 8 What was the author's purpose in writing this article? . '  -v.......   ':о. \1 \ f . I .  I :,. ". I ou will probably laugh а little at that list J but there is а  clear relationship between the ar110un t  f tv viewing опе - does and 811 of the qualities I've described. After all, being  ... the audience for а tv is а passive act; scientists told the Los .  Angeles Times that оп average, а child watching television slips into the passive brain state within 30 seconds of beginning to watch television. Most adults I know seem to . . start out that way. For те, watching television is ап exercise in observation; .. I ат aware of camera angles, stage..setting J editing and message--shaping more than of what tv tries to sell те ; J indeed, it doesn't take much to Ьесоmе а sophisticated tv viewer all you have to do is turn it off for а while to see how empty and manipulative it is when you turn it оп again. That unreality was never more painfully real than the time I watched Mike Wallace recap key moments of the '70s during а New Yearts Eve broadcast. The most powerful 01 the images was 01 the terrorists at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games. I re..experienced the horror of the murders of the Israeli athletes growing more deeply involved in the story with every passing second. With по warning, а Miller Beer commercial suddenly blared onto the screen J and it was as though а fully...loaded garbaoo. truck had plowed into ту gut. I almost vomited with the shock and sense 01 violation. Admittedly, I have spent а few great moments in front 01 the tube . Live [lalv] coverage 01 the Detroit riots in 1966, the assassination 01 Lee Harvey Oswald Ьу Jack Ruby in 1963, and the end of President ReaganJs first State of the Union address might qualify, thougb. . Each of those events, I would note, was broadcast live, free 01 commercial interruption. But I suspect that television executives would decide whether to show Jack Ruby's act today. That's another problem with tv: It'5 carefully controlled and information is fed to Americans Ьу just а few huge corporations, and they seem unable to understand п. Apri12329 is National TV--ТurпоffWееk, and I urge everyone who wants to see another world in this lifetime namely, this опе to jоiп those 01 us who have learned how to live in П. · What list is meant here? , ... What process is meant here? I . What is теап! here? .. .  "".. .. "" .- What is the author's attitude to commercials? How do you know? (2 What are the British equivalents for "garbage", "truck" and "tube" used here? ... Does "though" introduce а contrast or does it add an argument?  GLOSSARY. J. angle yrOJI bIare make very loud unpleasant .. nOlse plow into  АтЕ fOT "plough" пахать gut stomach riot бунт . . assaSSlnatlon political murder What do the underlined words refer to here? ,.it ,  2 Е. Answer questions e....j alongside the second part 01 the text. 2 F. Discuss the following questions. а) What are the advantages 01 а "television...free" life according to the article? Ь) What are the disadvantages of ТV? с) What is the tone 01 the article? d) 00 you share the author's point of view? Why? / Why not? Did the article sound convincing? 78   ". ,  .; 
.. .. s . _ . . . . . . . . . .. ... .. .?. ......  ..,.... 8 UNIT 5 Lessons 5б anguage work 3 А. Answer questions 1 and 2 alongside the text. 3 В. Read the dictionary entries. · Are the sentences below examples of British English or of American English? 8 Translate them into Russian.  . - J .........................,.................. I lМi1a... . tube [tju:b] п 1. а round pipe made of me1al, glass, rubber, etc., especially for liquids or gases 10 go through; ... ... 4. [the] BrE iпforтa/ the system of trains that run under the ground in London; "0 ... 6. [the] АтЕ iпjorтa/ the television; 7. the part of а television that creates the picture biscuit ['bIS1at] п 1. BrE а thin, f1at, dry, usuаПу sweet cake that is usually sold in packages or tins; 2. АтЕ а type of bread baked in small round pieces subway [lsлЬwеI] п 1. BrE а path for people to walk under а road or railway; 2. АтЕ а railway that runs under the ground purse [рз:s] n 1. BrE а small f1at bag, usu. made of leather or plastic, used esp. Ьу women for carrying coins or paper топеу (А тЕ wa]let) 2. АтЕ а woman's handbag . :... . 'v' -вv. ... , .... I1181lI1шiIСIIIШDWIC ._ ..ш .. t '11' ......... А'" .... . .".'WWIo.......... . .. .. 'v' . '" .. 4IIi."I.<!. 1 Descriptions and iIIustrations of subway signals and marker signs сап Ье found at the information desk of every station. 2 ТНЕ NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON MEDIA AND ТНЕ FAMILY HELPS PARENTS "ТАМЕ ТНЕ TUBE". 3 AII the trains in the subway are safe during "daytime" hours (Ioosely defined, daytime is 5:00 ат to midnight). 4 Officer! Му purse has just Ьееn stolen in the subway! It was in ту handbag and there was а тап standing nearby! 5 The biscuit was old and dry and I didn't like the cream cheese either! 6 There weren't тапу people in the tube and I found а seat. с. Study the chart below. I I Ways of introducing а contrast between МО points Use Position in the sentence although тore forтa/ thaп "though" though тore ofteп in spokeп Eпg/ish еуеп though stroпger forт о' "a/though" despite Although television is very entertaining, it is often viоlепt. Television is very violent, although it is very entertaining. а subject + verb after them Though I was tired, I helped Mother about the house. I helped Mother about the house though I was tired. I helped Mother about the house. I was tired though. Еуе" though I was really tired, I helped Mother. I helped Mother even though I was really tired. Despite the bad weather, we had а nice trip. We had а nice trip, despite the bad weather 1" spite of being tired, I helped Mother about the house I helped Mother about the house, in spite of being tired. in spite of а поuп, а pronoun I or V..ing after them  79 1< ... а .  .."'. , .,... . jj; . ,  \ 
UNIT 5 Lessons 56 . . . . с . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . "' ...  . ,З . D. Join the sentences and the contrasting ideas from the For Your I"fo Ьох. 8 Use the words in brackets. 8 Make changes in the sentences where necessary. Ехатр/е: Aтericaп chi/dreп speпd 900 hours а уеа, at schoo/. (a/though) ....... A/though Aтericaп chi/dreп speпd 900 hours а year at schoo/, they speпd 1,500 hours а year in froпt of the ТУ. 1 American parents are caring and thoughtful. (despite) 2 AII children spend hours and hours watching тv. (although) 3 Parents think it necessary to control what тv programmes children watch. (though) 4 It is very harmful to watch television while eating. (even though) 5 There are worries that children are not getting enough exercise. (in spite of) С .  Speaking '" LANGUAGE SUPPORT  For Your I"fo I Атепсап chiIdren spend 1.500 hOtLfS а year ill frol1t of tlle ТУ. 2 An1erican pare11ts spelld only 38.5 minutes а week in meaningful conversation with tlleir children. 3 Only OJle out of sevcn named ТУ when asked what their idea of а good day was. 4 Over 50 per cent of Britisll cl1ildren have their own ТУ in their bedroom 5 Sixtysix per cent of Americans regularly watcl1 televisiol1 while eating dinncr. 6 Parellts often do not allow children onto tl1e streets so children end ир watching ТУ. . : .. .. < , "( :. , ... ':' ,,- - .1' :k... :  ._- ...... - - .-=.. .. __ ..::r:.м- :"= .. у - - -- - - -- "t: у I 1 4 В. Would you prefer life without television? 8 Work in pairs where опе person is for and опе is against television. 8 Try to persuade each other to change his / her . . ОрIПIОП. 8 Use the Language Support Ьох. Laпgиage of persиas;oп forтa/ · I сап assure you that... · I urge you to... I · I call upon you to... I · I арреаl to you to... /ess forтa/ · Please consider + Ving... · As "т sure you'll agree... 11 · You сап take ту word for it that... · You сап take it from те that... · You need to think about... fairly iпforтa/ · The truth / fact is that... iпforтa/ j · Believe me J ... I 1 4  А. Discuss the facts given in the For Your Info Ьох above (Ех. 3D): 1 Оо you find апу of these facts striking / interesting / unbelievable? 2 Оо you think the figures would Ье the same for Russia? 3 What idea do they support? 00 you support this idea? Why? / Why not? I . I 80 
ее. .. . . w .. ... I . t . . . UNIT 5 Lesson 7 esson 7 Check your grammar & vocabulary Fill in the gaps with опе of the relative clauses from the Ьох. Children (1) .. о are less aroused Ьу violent scenes than those who only watch а littleo Опе example: in several studies, those (2) 0'0 were slower to stop the fight or to call for help when they saw younger children fighting or playing destructively Findings from the laboratory, (3) ..., are supported Ьу field studies (4) о.. . Leonard Eron, Pho 00' and his associates а! the University of lIIinois, found that children who watched тапу hours of тv violence when they were in elementary school tended to show а higher level of aggressive behavior when they Ьесате teenagerso Ву observing these youngsters until they were 30 years old, Or Eron found that the ones (5) '0' were more likely to Ье arrested for criminal acts аБ adults. In spite of this accumulated evidence, broadcasters and scientists continue to debate the link between the viewing тv violence and children's aggressive behavioro Some broadcasters believe that there is not enough evidence to prove that тv violence is harmful. Ви! scientists (6) о.. say that there is а link between ТУ violence and aggression, and in 1992, the American Psychological Association pubIished а report (7) .0. . The report, (8) ..., shows that the harmful effects of тv violence do exist. } ,  , - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . who watched а violent program instead of а nonviolent опе : which is involved in the research : which is entitled "Big World, Small Screen: The Role of Television in American Society" : . that have shown the long  range effects of televised violence . . who had watched а lot of ТУ when they were eight years old . . who watch а lot of тv . . who have studied this issue . that confirms this view :P.jh. . . . . . . . . . . . - - .. . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  I Po;пts /8   ,. . , .... . '. , '" 81 " 
UNIT 5 Lesson 7 . . . . . . . . . е . . . 2 Read people's opinions about ТУ programmes and fill in the gaps with words from the Ьох. There are two extra words. 1. Воу Meets World Уои сап (1) ... this show every Friday night оп ABC's TGIF. This particular programme portrays the life of а teenager. The (2) '0" Cory Matthews, and his friends get into а probIem in every (3) о.., and usually resolve it Ьу the end of 30 minutes! The show describes life as а teen and is great for school students to watch о For Your 1"10 TGIF  abbreviation for Thaпk God it's Friday. Here it is the пате of а programmeo  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . violent . . . . Ьу and large . . . . . . screen . , . talking уои into . . . . . . serles . . . . tune iпtо . ," . . . episode . . . . а try . . . . lead character . . . . die hard . . . , . . . . regret . , . . . dotted every i and . . . . . crossed every t . . . . . 2. Friends "т по! (4) .00 becoming а fan of this show, but this is а show admired and loved Ьу thousands nationwide! It's just about а few friends who face countless probIems each week. Admittedly, the show hasn't (5) о.., Ьи! it is fun and you'll never (6) '0' watching it! з. Buffy the Vampire Slayer Full of suspense fantasy drama (7) ... about а teenage girl who fights to rid the (8) 000 world of supernatural evil. ВиНу finds herself at odds with her new roommate and is also troubIed Ьу а series 01 disturbing dreams involving а soulsucking demono Just give it (9) '0' and уои won't Ье аЫе to move yourself from the (10) о.о! La Feттe Nikita has а unique place among the асtiоп adventure shows оп ТУо A/though / Despite (1) the female lead isn't а complete disaster and the show has а little style, it is still а pretty bad and unintelligent showo The first episode was ОК, eveп though / thou9l1 (2) the remaining episodes were dreadful. A/though / /п sp ite 01 (3) the fact that the idea was good, 1 could only see five plots that they repeatedly use. Then there is the character 01 Nikitao Peta Wilson is beautiful and does а good job, a/though / eveп though (4) the rest of the cast is awful! Аоу Dupuis (Michael) was nothing more than а sneer. If уои are not afraid of а show that will bore уои, go watch it. I would prefer to devote ту time to something worthwhile, a/though /thougl1 (5).  ......  ;;11Ift  ...:  . 't.. ... .. ... ... " 3 Do the C-stairs puzzle. с с с - с с с с I '4 Choose the best connector. 82 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . <of ::':11" Points /10 . .:..";.;";" :" . . 1 Film for children, made Ьу photographing а series of drawings 2 Ап ..0 film is оп е with а lot of shooting and fights 3 Programme that gives facts about а serious subject 4 Funny programme with а different story each week about the same people 5 '0. show is ап entertaining тv programme with songs, clips, etc. 6 The lead ..0 is the main hero of а 1ilm 7 Short ТУ programme aimed at advertising Points /7 I . .! ". : .: { I Poiпts /5 
. ........ . . ..... . .. .............. . UNIT 5 Lesson 7  1v Guardian is а device that filters out offensive language from television. . Read this letter from а ТУ viewer who bought а ТV Guardian о . It is written in British English. . Correct the underlined words according to the norms 01 American English. 1 just wanted to take а minute to 1hank уои for а great product! We have had our ТУ Guardian for а couple of mon1hs and it's wonderful 10 Ье аЫе to sit down in front 01 the (1) telly with your family, invite the (2) neighbours and watch your (3) favourite (4) film without being bombarded with that (5) rubbish . There is а number of good (6) 1ilms out there that we've not watched because 01 the language. Now, that's not а big probIem! Му wife runs а childcare (7) centre in our home and the ТУ Guardian helps in that jtuation as well. There are тапу (8) p ro grammes that are LJП to watch, but also con1ain language that is inappropriate. е hope to order а second unit when funds are availabIe. Again, thanks for а wonderful product. We will, as БООП 3.5 we сап afford it, (9) realise our dream about the second ---V /VCR in the (10) flat ! "т spreading the word аЬои. ТV Guardian. "'" r r /1 \..  r  . .( рО (.) \ .>  j, _ Zмt,  . -- ! . . ,. .    I V \1.: \«. Ir . ... , b\  IO?  .. ," I  t.< \ 4' со   C_ ) ..;,. . , .< .. »x.....: I Points /10 Translate the underlined words or phrases into English. 1 Автор настоятельно советует меньше смотреть телевизор. 2 Я никоrда не сожалел о том, что сделал. 3 Я wебую объяснить Ваше поведение! 4 Я не MOry разrоваривать с этим ТВЩUlOлобым поклонником боевиков . 5 Орrанизаторы акции призывают вас присоединиться к HeAelle без телевидения. б Он уrоворил меня пойти с ним в кино. 7 ПQpа поставить все точки над "i". 8 Ассоциация медиков воззвала к правительству обратить внимание на качество nporpaMM для детей. 9 Не люблю жестокие сцены в фильмах. 1 О В целом , фильм мне понравился. I Points I TOTAL /10 I /50 I vioieQce .  СНЕСК VOUR SCORE , Il . 45...50 po;nts 37...44 po;nts 30...36 po;nts 29 and less Well done! Good Notbad Go back and rev;se 83 
UNIT 5 Lesson 8 . . . . . Lesson 8 Express yourself . .. '. DEBATES: ALL RUSSIA ТУ. TURNOFF WEEK . Уои are going to have а debate: "00 we need ап AIIRussia тv- Turnoff Week?" .. 1 А debate is а formal discussion in а public place, in which two or more groups take it in tums to state their opinions оп а subject and then vote for or against it.   1 Preparation . Oivide into three groups and read the task for your group. . 1f'   . «................:. .;t"""""""-: . ""  .... Teams А and В 1 Work out а list of arguments to support your idea. You тау use the following for ideas: 2 Make а list of the arguments the opposing team о Entertain ment might use and work out counterarguments. О Educational values 3 Choose the team leader. Не / She will Ье first and о Role models last to speak in your team. о Mindexpanding 4 Oistribute the tasks between team members: to give О Exposure for violent scenes arguments and to give counterarguments. О Сору violent behaviour 5 Choose а secretary who will take notes of the О Violation of human rights arguments of the opposite team during the debate. о Весоте addicted to television 6 Study the Language Support Ьох in Ех. 2. о Distract from duties о Integral part of progress Audience 1 Work ои. а list of questions for Teams А and В. "/ LANGUAGE SUPPORT 11 2 Choose the Chair. For the Cha;r 3 The Chair is responsibIe for the smooth running and timing of the debate. The Chair gives the floor to . Ladies and gentlemen, could I have your attention, please. every speaker! The Chair is also responsibIe for making quick decisions about апу probIem that . Let те ореп / close the discussion... arises during the debate. . I give the floor to... 4 Study the evaluation card below. . Мау I ask уои to... . Unfortunately, your time is ир. I . Does the audience have апу questions? I I invite the audience to vote for the decision. . EVALUATION CARD FOR ТНЕ AUDIENCE Very poor 1 2 3 4 5 Excellent 1 2 3 4 5 How convincing is the argument? . How convincing is the counterargument? 1 2 3 4 5 How prepared was the team to answer the questions? 1 2 3 4 5 . AII together go over the debate procedure described in the section activity 84 ."'-.- 
. . . UNIT 5 Lesson 8 , 2 Activity . Follow the debate procedure. LANGUAGE SUPPORT ., . .> "', ........ 1 The Chair announces the debate, introduces the teams to the audience. Gives the floor to Теат А. Tell the team they will have five minutes to present their case. Теат А present their arguments within five minutes. Try;ng to change someone's ор;n;оn: . Yes, but do уои really think... · Yes, but look at it like this... · I agree, but оп the other hand... · That's true, but if уои look at it from the point of view... Say;ng уои approve / disapprove · That's а good idea. · "т а" for it. . I approve of... . I disapprove of... '? . ,О А в ."  .  2 The Chair asks Теат В to present their view оп the probIem. They also have five minutes.  1,,,, . .. з Теат В present their arguments within five minutes. . '.- а .. ...... ? 4 The Chair asks Теат А to present their counter · arguments. The time limit is three minutes. . -"':-.-:"""';""'. . --"';;'"'''''''''-''' .:. .. -.';"';' ...... ..оС ,,'...... '", .-'.  . '," :: Теат А present their counterarguments within three minutes. .. -. . '-, ... ..... ............. ....................... ..:._...;:....... ",о ......... ". 6 The Chair asks Теат В to present their counter  ". ? arguments. · .: " -'о ". . .,. ,-," -.'" .,' - -'"';-', ."":... . :.....,...:: .. .....;....... ............:.;:..... ,.. 7 Теат В present their counterarguments within three minutes. , . о," . ..." .".' ,,О . ....... . "" ? . ?о? . . 8 The Chair gives the floor to the audience. 9 The audience ask both teams questions. The time limit is ten minutes. . ? ? . . ." 1 О The Chair invites the audience to vote for the decision. 11 The members of the audience vote according to their evaluation cards Each criterion should Ье rated from 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent). If the vote is equal, the Chair has the casting vote. 12 After the vote the Chair announces the results. ." " . Followup . Discuss the debate. 1 Why did the debate have this result? 2 Which team was stronger? Why? Refer to your evaluation cards. 3 What was the role of the audience? Did it play its role? 85