Author: Rankin B.  

Tags: cards   geography   atlas  

Year: 2006







о t е
showing Land Cover, Population,
Infrastructure, Plate Tectonics, and Climate
Bill Ranl<in




т able of Contents 2 The World maps of Lапd Cover, Population, Infrastructure, Plate Tectonics, and Climate 7 Sub..Continental Regions maps of Lапd Cover. Population and Infrasttucture, Plate Тесtoпics. апd Climate 8 Central and Southern Africa 12 North Africa and Europe 16 Central and Southwest Asia 20 South Asia 24 Northern Eurasia 28 East Asia 32 Southeast Asia 36 Australasia 40 The Western Arctic 44 Northern America 48 Central America and the Caribbean 52 Southern America 56 Antarctica 59 The World Осеап maps of Lапd Cover and Plate Т ectonics 60 Atlantic Ocean and the Arctic Sea 62 Indian and Southern Oceans 64 Pacific Ocean 66 Notes 67 About the Projections 68 About the Data 
About this Atlas What is the purpose of а paper atlas iп the эgе of the internet When it's possibIe to find reliabIe information оп even the smallest hamlet with just а few keystrokes. how could а static set of printed pages Ье апуthiпg but limitiпg This atlas offers two answers to this question. The first is а simple fact of resolution: high..quality рriпtiпg оп large pieces of paper сап show at а single glance much more iпfоrmаtiоп than еvеп the most advanced computer mопitоr. Мапу paper atlases fail to take advantage of the high rеsоlutiоп of paper; this atlas maximizes the amount of useful information оп each page. After all. it is only through а great abundance of data that it becomes possibIe to get а reliabIe general impression. Second, а paper atlas is better for presenting а particular cartographic point of view. Regardless of the amount of information availabIe at our fingertips, по тар сап ever show а final authoritative view of the world. not еУеП of the purely physical world of geographic features and the built епvirопmепt. Through the соuпtlеss microchoices required to make апу тар  selecting which regions to show. which colors to use. or how to represent border disputes and ice caps  а cartographer always offers а сеrtаiп version of the world. This atlas рrеsепts а wOIld where the ..natural." the .'artificial." and the ..political" саппоt Ье separated. Тimezone boundaries. fishiпg..rights law. and oil рiреliпеs are as much а part of our physical geography as rainforests and cropland In targe part. ту mоtlvаtюп for making this atlas was to understand how the allegedly natural world is implicated in the politics of space. And as shown in the scalecomparisons at the bottom of each page, this is not а God'seye view of ап abstract landscape. but а world whlch сап only Ье understood in relation to what I already kпоw This atlas 31so shows that knowledge of the earth will always Ье а comыnation of different kinds of тса produced in many different places. Sheets 68 {о 71 give detailed dеsсrlрtюпs of sources. wlth references where appropriate. Most of the data was created Ьу large gоvеrпmепt agencies for scientific projects. and in all cases it is рrоvisiопаl апd timespecific. As the polar ice recedes. political boundaries are renegotlated. and evermore sophisticated infrastructure blnds the соrпеrs of the world closer together. по тар сап ever Ье truly consistent and ..up to date." This atlas abandons the ..faster better now" ethos of the internet in order to give а more detailed snapshot of а particular moment. Note that all the maps i" this atlas use equalarea projections. meaning that опе square centimeter (or square inch) of always represents the same area оп the realworld surface of the earth. Additionally. all the maps of sub..continental regions use the same scale and thus сап Ье directly compared with each other. The maps of the world ocean also use а common scale. For а fuller discussion of the three projections used in this atlas. see sheet 67. 
е or maps of Land Cover, Population, Infrastructure, Plate Tectonics, and Climate 
World Land Cover .  --r-    , . /t/ ... " .' -.. ( r V t ' /) У'  ..  Jt t , .  f " ..( i.    .  .:'1 ..... . ! ::. .. ,. \. \)'; '\ ,, \ land Cover In (he year 2000, including relatlve рrороn:юп оп the en(lre surface of (he еаn:h _ т rop,c.a1 Forest 1.1W Dec,duous Shrubs 11% _ Т rees Flooded ,п Salt Water 0.7% _ Needle-leaved Е\.""К'"",IS 1 2% _ Evergreen Shrubs 0.9% Trees Flooded in Fresh Water 0.8% _ NeedleLeaved Deciduous 1 2% _ Grass 1.5% Flooded Shrubs or Grass 1.6% _ Deciduous Foresr 0.7% Sparse Shrubs or Grass 2 Б% Water 7067. _ Deciduous Trees 0.7% Snow and!ce 1.9% MinfMax Extent of Solid Sea !Се. 2005 _ M.xed Т rees 1 O Barren Land ЗS% !Се Shelf О.] Mixed Treesand Shrubs 0.8% _ Burnt Trees 0.8% t " ..  ,..\t ,  ... , 7' r .... , '" , .. ..  .. tJ .-  , t ,,-:. .'\ -f"'" ......   /- f '... (" ,  . . ,  ,...,.,   ." V  - ."""  } q ........ . . СultJvэtеd Land 2 -410 Mixed Crops and Shrubs' Grass 0.8% Mlxed Crops and Trees 0,9% Urban Areas <D 1% , ,..,...i \ " , 1I  . " -' \ ! -с J 1'. J 2 .. "\ , /' EL:k81IV S<zlcot1O'J6 NtS;' 1Q)'JВ:Юkm Ilntl'l::: 'J61.1 ml о $00 .000 1'100 2000 Ian I .' ,'. '. ' о JSO m 7SO '000 nt 
World Population   OII!! ----C"""'"""" , . ,  .;1 I -1 "'f  , " ....-   ,-1 . . ,  J , ..   t r I 1\ J L.  , '. [ ''1 I L , 'L "('" .... '110 J l ,.1 t  , , ....,.  .-.: \ t r  t .  \ Рорulаtiоп Dепsitу IП the year 2000 more tJ1an 10.000 3.861 and greater +--New York Cit)'. Paris. De1h,. La.gos. Вuепоs All"es +--Houston. Bangt2desh. Ruhr Va11ey. Melbourne 1.000 386           'L , , , \ ..  .  ..L "'\. ,  ...... . ... < . , ., 4 а , . , , ... -i I t , Ii( T ..,. ...,w-ir-  100 10 -(----Rwanda, Grearer Vё\Псоuvеr. N,le Delta. Eastern Uzbek,stal1 +--Аlgеп:!п COaSt, Northern S>,П:!. Cenrral Michlgan Cuba +--laos. Mldwest US, Central Russ1a, Southem Iran -(---- Tibetan Plateau. Взjа Califomia, Central Finland реор1е I km 1 39 реор1е I mi 1 4 less tJ1эn 1 0.4 and below  l'J  , , , ,   .. .. ... - . 1'. , C IY 3 .. I I . ............ ы...,y s..lcot1O'J6 NtS;' 1Q)'JВ:Юkm Ilntl'l::: 'J61.1 ml о $00 .000 1'100 2000 Ian I . . , , о J So m 7 So , 000 nt 
World Infrastructure ...   ".."........ .... ...  ..е 111 7 J /  < f4 I  'v IW" А 1) I \ ":..>8 --..;е.  1;и; -.е6  + f I nfrastructure Ra,lroad Divided Highway Power I Commun,cation5 СаЫе Overt:!.nd Pipeline Сапal or Aqueduct Geostauonary Satellite Airfield 4 .. е.И ы...,y s..lcot1O'J6 NtS;' 1Q)'JВ:Юkm Ilntl'l::: 'J61.1 ml о soo .000 1'100 2000 Ian I . . , , о J So m 7 So , 000 nt 
World Plate Tectonics .... ".....-   . . -... ",... . о  о ,.  ,1' . . . " l' . . . 1- . '- - ... .. . :  .  .. о.' 1: \ . . .. ') , ) . . . \ ..... .. .. ..{. . . Plate Motion Major Earthquakes 1975-2000 magn'tude оп the R,chter Scale: " 6.0  6.9 О 7.0  7.9 О в.о and greater Colors show plate motion J Gt.. 1:01",. I:Qntr'ilя Fht_lndlc01m . grмиrrl1nw. dlff'...-nц 1"1 cll,r.Qf'I d mo'V'8IY'IltI'r.  Seafloor Spreading or Contir1ental Rift  Area of diffuse traлsfoП11аtiоn :::;::::: (PIa..boond.nвs "- u<bown)  ? 7  '* . "'" . '. .... : 1:;- J' ---'J .J , . .'. ,. , , .  . I . J,. .. .8  ..; '"  \ ...  . Active Volcanoes date of last eruptron: . since 1900 . 1бth  19th century . 1st  15th century . between 1,000 and 10.000 )'ears ago . . . r < """ : . l-h ...,. ..." :t 1. f ; t  .. , ,:о '-t.  .. I:. - '0 4-....,V  .  " .; . ..е Elevation and Bathymetry met > 9,000 29.528  6,000 19.685 3,000 9.842 Sea Level 3,000 less than --6,000 Sea Level . ,) .. - .. . t. 0.- ,.r '" "!. . ...:.. "'L . .  ".. .А ". . -.;. , . ... '. . . r 'р" ! .r ... .  .. ...  , " , . fL .. . . .  . .. . I .. J. .. .1 r . . . . ...;:' ... . . . . Including extreme pOlntS of the world h,ghest рО,nt аЬоуе sea level: peak of Moul1t Everest, Nepal J Ch'l12. (8.848m J 29.028 ft) t---- hl,ghest known permanent 5ettIanWt- La R'nconilda.. southern Peru (S,IOO m 116.728 ft) (а m'n'ng town Wlth а populat'on of aroul1d 7,000) t----Iowest point оп I.шd. shore ofrt1e Dead Sea.lsrae1 1 Jordan (118m I I.371 ft) 9.842 19,685 and below t---- deep осеаn floor I5.500 m I  18,000 ft) t---- greatest осеan depth: Ьottom of the Mariana Т rench. Pacific Осеаn (IO.911 m I 35.798 ft) .""' , 1 .( ,/ .... I . . .  . .. .... .;' Z : Ii " ,/ \ . r! -,," .'-- 5 .. . ы...,v s..lcot1O'J6 NtS;' 1Q)'JВ:Юkm Ilntl'l::: 'J61.1 ml о soo .000 1'100 2000 Ian I . . , , о J So m 7 So , 000 nt 
World Climate +++++- .  I , , I  ...... ._ ..1' .  ' . \ Mean Annual Т emperature Average of 211 temperature throughout the year  "' ..,.. .... } t, .> ,}  .. .... ......................, "' .r. <  '" "... ----j---- I r- . " , . f  . I  t .1 , , ..........:. Mean Annual Precipitation Includlr1g snow. convened to equlvalent 2mount of raln  -:::.... ....... les.s tnal't ..200 ..I()e 10.   1L.;.:-"'  ---4 --"о  h   t:-- .   ,. _Jtt , .6 -r "" .... , О. fess t:'hал ..4 1D 14. ]2. SO' ....'. . .... . ,   '\ .,.... I.."han , 10 III!ISs. dtaп 0.04 4   .....   , J ..... )" -с..  .  J . .., ". , ..... ....    3j..  . I . . t 18 2<). ]О.С Temperature Range (Contrast ofSeasons) D.fference between mlnlmum 2nd maxlmum aver;>,ge monthl)' temperature 68' 116'; ________ ,.,.....-'" r..-I"'"   ,  ....  )f ,  . r"  --< "" f 1'" .1 . ---т- ......  .... ,I I -. . . . . .. ;. . .  100 1.000 cm   б .. .... 4>    .r"  40 400in Precipitation Range (Contrast of Wet & Dry Seasons) Difference between minimum and maximum ayeп.ge monthly precipitation -. . ,   О' 20. 40" 60.С О' 36" 72' IVЗ.F ,......""'-,..-...........  . , ..... ... ....  ........ . 10 100 1.000 t;m 0.04 4 40 4О0iп ы...IV s....ot1O'36 NfS;'I,7МOO.QOO IQ)'J t700ltm Ilntl'l ::: !6ВН n'Jl о 1000 OOO JOOO «100 I<m I " .' . " . о SQO 1000 1 soo )000 "', 
u .. ontinenta . е IOns maps of Land Cover, Population and Infrastructure, Plate Tectonics, and Climate 
Central and Southern Africa ... Land Cover R,!-LJ rFF\A ... SUn'!Dм. Т.....,..... 7rornerl.n'= t (ffiANCE\...   .. :.. Anull"8lln8l1 >l:KHa.LCS , .. J ."z"';; . f 0.>:;'" CIan l  IIDI'Т. NIGERA' i:) w"" .  ..,.. е-, .t:I Portfl. ..., &   "",  I ,,'" -(). 'r ;: Rп Do>t>м .    ........ """Т'"  ...... ""t"", ""1:"'CiIF iIITown SОUТН AFRICA ..." . z ь S Johon'J,.' Pc ,-'- о.."., ,. -а- ,  ""  :.r .'-iwr.lпnt "''Dpo ! t . :Jfd4j! (FI\ANCE) , БОТSWАNА  w",,..,.. <" ..... NАМ/ВIA ,  . " ... ,., .. З:1Мв.АRWЕ МОZo\11БIQUJ!  '7,  7    ' [ !' 1t; . " f .$ , 1\,.... '1 ,.  <  :БIД /т , 'I:J.......   ,,?, .. , "':'   -:..; .'i. \ r-' , о) о .   ;) TANZANJA O   .с с"с  _ j 1:1 B t' (.... .. 'I"'''K ., J... ,О, '121 k , N.jri z Idor rJr..,.J!... _ , J ' Vido"o V ;!'. J' I.J.' <11 f"!I. I '7 ....."., J "'1JGANDo} W.  С'  l' DotJali1 r N.р'ДGл..SCAf( Il. .0.. "' 'Q jUrJn 4е N.o'ra (FRAt-o-.. .,.......  "":1, _Nlmibe ,... м..,....,1s. М.ДNCEI . '1 I  1....... G fFRAN< r cbl1Ol'.os, ;)lд'  . j :;( J J ,, .  ,. /  Lua"d. у , .t  1 J  . . .0 L.,.;Jt b1пda ..., t tGOLA) е.ш...  f z,""", i-t1a . , l"ln«" "" "о!' 11omЬ.,.  I DEМOC RЕРЩL ТНЕё: [ . .... J .J1r:;rrtCMIIT REPUBLIC OF ТНЕ l .......11, SдO ТОМЕ ORIAL & PRJNCIPE . KI'. r. ... Мogodiohu. KENYA- j  'i' (.o(ff 't ".1' '" .. , ... SOMALIA '" 'Ь'  ЕТНю,t-<t "t ;  'A<kIj. Ai>UO . .: u.,<1 11'11" ,. . ... Чс  1;  . у......;.. r "  .  C.llllrl--(;   "-. CAMER.OON -' .; ... I '\  1& о:!. f>. S CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC   --,g '"":  1';' 50' w... .J  T Soma1iland .....;! t K .AJ. i'EMEN s..,:.  ( о e OМAN Ь 0\1 .... '" \  r. , b SAUDI ARABIA SOE: S"E , ['!"IMI . -"<!<n. G i  O ...... ,/ \ S О h i СНАD / I" . ...'!1' B!\" 1 Sudan ...  :;. TojJ "" 'l " 7- "*  <}. SUDAN  Zlrw:l11' . .........  .........  t<I о- i:AПREA ./ ,.  Ъ, t> CIJ '" с: ... ..,. '" цj  "'- Deser't OmdurmlU"l NIGER 'r ,,1: 'I.. fo1'l5tDn. ,/  'Z'. ;\  .,.'" ib oesf ., М' 5 . "Р".   Sahara 8 ...  . .11 4.-  I ,   . \ Lt '"'  Tnstan.b Cunn. (U.' 3s.S 1 ]Q'S S.S T .к с..,rico<п Sooth dt:)W.line.. L1\t!!I;ul'lis1!I'" dirкtb'D'I'lIr1:мIad  .s. Sajr'"' cr IO"S АИil!ll (1.11<..1 ..  - fl е а Gиl( of Gu l ,"N . SENEGAL '" Аш Lйmo l '" ... } 1jOG S!ERRA .Fт........ LEONE . . . J." r COlllllk"1 I 1'} '4 ' с" . t' ;J9 в.m.k SU d  IA Оп  IO'N J .......,.. BURКlNA FASO .o.......! S d е V , ( .5.... ' r.h1CI  МALI .tJa....kd.мt ALGERIA. <' '9'0  "-+ ..... C'I .;..qr .s-s о 'Оп / , 1 WestEifns;.ha;; - I"'W MAURlтANIA >'""  .. '? or  ""'Е ]5.. JO"E Z"E >""" I"E .I)"Е Land Cover in the year 2000. including relative proportion оп this тар as percentaze of total non-water area _ TroplC.a1 Forest 10% _ Deciduous Forest S% Deciduous Т rees 12% _ Needle.leaved E\<."I\''''''IS [попе) _ Needle.Leaved Deciduous (попе) _ MlxedTrees. le) Mixed Т s and Shrubs < 1% Sovereignty in 2006 Declduous Shrubs 14% Evergreen Shrubs (попе) Grass I З% Sparse Shrubs or Grass 6% Snow and!ce (попе) Barren L.and J% _ Burnt Trees (попе) _ Trees Flooded In S.alt Water <1% Trees Flooded in Fresh Water <1% Flooded Shrubs or Grass < 1 % Salt Water Мах Extent of Solid Sealce, 2005 Fresh Water River (widtt1,"ОponЮn.l ro а,.. d w.o,"""od)  UoN_recognlzed IntematlOnal Border    Ое (аао Intern<ttion<t1 Вorder Disputed Border (по, "'dodlng .opo.-a/ls<d.lm.) SuЬ.NэtionaI Border (i<1dudi", ""',""""""' 1'E!gio..., .....llfon'шedlш r U N MEMBER STATE ......a::=:".: ) l Srate (de (acto) with Limired or No Recognition "'"" F\hodo....M p<"d.", T.r,ory (f'aro." 5<8<0 1" 1'><..,.......) f'araco It' '''lttMI .E.xcl"lf (Pilr8пt Stil.t8lп р., .,.'d I !!!! IOepende,.t 'errrtory  Ь IN oпl,)' Ьу O{'fiOOЬ or  Cultlvated L.and 10% Mixed Crops and Shrubs I Grass 4% Mixed Crops and Т rees 3% Urban Areas <'  .'" F'...imil! м..ndi!ln '1I"W 5"" Cities, Roads. Canals, Time CIIj)I тШXI 'III CJ<)-"'2.SQ.OOO  ""'-000 P"'f'l' С"" .к 500.000  1,(lO0.O0O F*>plo Cit)' d 1.000.000  SЛОО,ооо . City of more [han 5.000,000 people Нighway I Road or Path Canal or Aqueduct Тime Zone Вoundary (io..;n....; DST щ,ts""""'J bEEquaJ.Aril!& kaI, ащ LON .nd J.]-:i... 1:10.000.00о 'on-l0iНm Ihlh = 31".7 m" N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Q 1 Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni 
Central and Southern Africa ... Population and Infrastructure -."., R(о[lпrcUI 'Ff\ANtE\ I ..  EUntPd ':5" t & iВQs$(II' dп Iлdj(ll1 $8i'l. (FRA,NCE) ....  .... . '. т ....ь.. .,. NADAG'ASCAR "  .... Juan .df! ,... rJom,JJn ,,1 ) NG'I'a'st . I (FIV\NCE) ANCEL """J'" N".:"". . . I ,., п:МNtв AnBI( (, ос GJo..юso :r сЬмо (;1 (FRANCE)   S<><O'," ,o,кIo РОЧО IY&!ENI О . b о .O ':) .... TANZANIA Itl -; \ ..  . .., 1  · r D . .".  ..".,1 , .. 'моZдt1БIQUЕ 4('; ,\l '\М# f i .  '(\   "'Y _ 't- /'". , ; .....  Jir.J ...  ,4": ' ,j-1 ... ,.,.  " !iEУСНШOS =.I7J. Сат е:5 Salum .. Zo' ---1 , foIomЬ... РоrtЕliшotl1"",. .......-1.I LQn(jQA.a:.;!_ .Jt : 'Q. '--f'o _ \о.- со "С)  '"  ""- "« ND  ZiМВАБWЕ  " о  1;;" "..( > 3f'L .,  + '.. .. 1. '" .' . \< C>IO . I"ШriО  &8Ii.:u Ir f \ ,  j I! {7  {" KENYA ,<: /' ..:. UGf,NDд. , / ",," SOMALIA  "'"  /  ! ..   '34.:-:. /   '.. '  .И';:.. . . .11';0 - - ,. ДО  . .. ..J '} /' t "Т.  } т . ( ._  -=>=" ... .........  .t'. \  .. 1& о:!. ,, S U.. и c;(lrп" Sormliland ..;aм. с L . "   . "'..... / b ...... f; J J 1 '<1 j ...... , \ , D,<x>-o> . OJl ./ ,.., 5 u d а л ...... .Adlln.   l- . . :YEMEN . '\Ir ........... ......... """" :J;] rtI t;o. .."..,  ':!. REA! ,,-   / . е s  'F' \ 1 О IlhO p..\" , fol'l5Шln Р  'Z'. <\  SAUOI ARABIA  - ""'Е ]О.. SOE: S"E Population Density in the year 2000 more th.ш 10,000 3.861 апd greater Lo,gos. Рапs. Dell1l. ВuеПDS Aires +--Johannesburg. Вosron. Bangladesh. Ruhr Valley +---Rwanda. Suburban Chlci\gO.Java. Southem Wales Nigeria, Germany. Cuba" Central Mich.gan Zambla. Mldwest US. Central RUSSl3., Southern lran -f----Southem Maurirania. Вaja C"lifomlil.. Кazakh Sreppe I.OCIO 386 people I km'1 100 39 people J mi 1 10 -1 less than 1 0.4 and below SUDAN JO"E I nfrastructure  . о O  00 ,,\А>о..'" SдO TOM I EQUTRIAL &. PRiNCIPE GU (' (.....  .....с.,.. Т'""" , ,   ..... r -f' -111 '1'" zP7  f . .. lIМфп "\... ""r-.'" so.U:rh-АFl{lсА  i  -е>- - . ... о  z -о 3 I Q ... ",- а- BQТSWANA "'1 , о r.-'h <J' q .... , ! NAMI   Nl rnibe L ..... J I-I...t- . A>.NGOLA  9"Luo.d.  .....," ....  , ".... I СаЬюdа ' j(ANGOLA) % t,":: r(  DEMOCRA:rIC REPUBUC OF ТНЕ CONGO (\tO (,.0 \{1 оС; L"1b ы.,...' K / >... f -""Sпzи.;1\o t f r GABON J - _ -c , I..\i.  K' I .  CAMER091'f"1 1!. REPUBLIC оАНЕ CONGO ! и4, , 11gi R.yer y..IIWI;-,..  CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Nd)tМ<.... I ,.J ......' . I S:O h СНАО ",.  ъ () CIJ '" с: ... с: "" цj  "'- .{ "i: 'I.. Sahara Deser"t LIBYA .,. . ib esr , М s I'-E N"E I"E Rallroad Divided HigJ1wa)' Road or Path Power I СоmmUПlсаtюпs СаЫе Оvеrlалd Pipeline Canal or Aqueduct Geo5tationary Satellite n"e!> "j IEO GUI  .fmGarтtil .r DctJ.ala . . C: .  (....,. fh. .....  '  NIGERlAJ { "1\,.. ." ;J>' .':: е. r G "" ....... .  ..... " ...".., NIGER "р    .. / '/", ALGERIA. .I)"Е . 9 ...  , .11 4.- 4- I ,   . \ Lt '"' т пstaл iI Cunha (UK) 35', ]Q'S S'S Тdс.рricooп SQUth dt:)W.line.. d\t!!I;ul'lis1!I'" dirкtb'D'I'lIr1:мIad 20's .5.5 ,. I {tBT IO'S """'.""юр (UK) 5"5 с)ffiЭ ь о o GD . Equ.oo.- о ESЭW о о - r е (1 Gи/f of (..,u l ,'" A«l. J'"   сБТЕ ./"'".' D'IVOIRE D;!oo Llв'E1'JA t J t. ".,,, ""':J" . V Р р е r и "l> :;:  ,тc: ""1"F ..-, 1} "'" .!'  ..J"<. (> . < ,- ...: Q -(;EA  ) w..........  ,.  ( .. .;,  EA.ВI S ---"  в.m."\;o SUd '  IA О п   "'t""  ,SENEGAL ...... >  1..... Lomo L>gos . . :{= (,1 )'o.1  GHANA T.r 'l I Л е. BENIN'" \  ,  BURКlNA J FASO .О'....,""!>'1", .......,.  S IO'N МALI ..Na....kd.Dtt . ос) -9'0  '"". "'OfI' }- "'s' 'CiIJ J  . 1 westett1 S;ha;; .o--w 1S-vr MдURlтANIA 1O'N I\-imil! м...idi!ln 5"W bEEquaJ.Aril!& kaI, ащ LON .nd J.]-:i... 1:10.000.00о 'on-l0iНm Ih<h = 315.7 m" N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Q 1 Q 100 100 JOO 400 500 I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni 
10 ... Central and Southern Africa ... Plate Tectonics  . .11 4.  I ,   . \ '"' Lt //1/1 f; " / ' I J )... 1- :/r  iJAr: (; .fll.- I  . :. . .,   . J1'" :r'" r ,.  . .. .... . .. .  1.," :... .. -- ..  "".I '. ::.......... , .l,.. .. ,. "  ifэП 4" . ., .... I;OII"""!: ,.  3S'S .. .. ,. .J. J " . i'ort 1;..J,ottfo r. CillPiII  E8811,Qn(jQ1'I....... e 1i .;0 е(\ 6..... \ r. D . T   Iin ... . ... .... '- ...,..'"  SOUTH AFRICA ..... )- ](I'S ... .J \ Wf\ZILJ..ND Мор"т о 'J'   :.. r-  ,. // " '1 t1'".., , ( , . South Artlе r.и;;2I:п Ptgt " S'S J  .  Q ....  . Тdс.рrico<п Sooth dt:)W.line.. r1'н!!I;ul'lis1!I'" d.irкtЪ'D'I'III'1:мIad NADAGASCAR , 1 н,;"'" 7  .." Wm'l""" О .  .' ,.,.  ." -'  ., !o"s NAMIВIA " ? ,.;."-  .. ,1 ;" .  ..- J .. , , , , I "". , .,..,; ,. I  .1 .... .S.S cf,.. ..Ir.. Afrkan (.'" Jf-: Plate .. "''" ---;, . ,   1 '"""'" .. .1: :;;Jr .. . ANGOLA ....... ... I ". . 1'- " . 1iI 1, 80'S , НО   BOТSWANA t ............ M .  . ZIMBABWE " "'"'3''" JI.IoA'" " ... . ':" "' . t "'   ' ,1. , .) J 4" . J ZдHBIA  I . . 1.r....,.1't . ; ..... \, row o .. \1011 . .- ..  .. JI ..) tr. -,а...... ..  .... 1. .. .1 r t1ogad>оhч. KENY I .  ,. f8 ], . ... UGANDA ;/ \ .( J  ,  с' I ,", ,  .. , ,.. .,... r. 1". . ., I .... "fr.... ;:;' r  . ":1 .,.,.. -,,"  J ... .. .J..... 'А. ' " " / .. r '...... .. ""   .. "1:КEt.e , "i..u.odl ./ .,... ""11 . K 4  .. Оа, .,. S,Ioa."... }1 f"r о- ::J TANZANIA С .... 1) " "'":""' ..  z..:-*' КIIIIПJ!:II'II. \ REPUBLIC OF ТНЕ CONGO , ,    [СЙЬiлаа )NGOLA) K (& ..t' ...-',.,;..., N.... , (') ) 5'S "- Somalia Plate tkI1f1Ьi1Jo1.., ) ..,(,i . . .. r&'N . ..... DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ТНЕ C()NGO (\O (,.0 ,n ОС;  1'1.,.e ,. ...  " j_ J . "-i .;.. ......- GABON .frw#r.с..пll1 ."., ..;  .,.. .. .....т ,  .  . ..... SAOM; iEQU . .IAL & [NCIPE GUINEA #  , .. . .... .  ' /..  ;.. . . #'d", I " . . .. .... . -. . Т.. "\ .   -...,....... 8 . \1-"' д..".,. YEMEN . /   ERJTREA -v.-. J.   \\ '1 ..... Arabian Plate :.  1>}  \ .  .\ б  r "'" , CENTRAL AFRICAN  REPUBLIC .  Y:aClW"d; DOjJ"' .. ..  · fм' H'n 5'" SOHALIA f./  " еп EТHIOPIA  Soma1iland , 1 ,  "- .. . r W._ Sudал   .--A \ Lomo. с6ТЕ  ,",,:и. ls "' КIotI.., D'IVOIRE I>OJOO ( LIBERIA . I";'dan OG ). '---.J SlERRA ... { II GHANA V Р Р е r G LEONE ] NIGERIA С w'  T":"- '1 "" l!I I /J -... t"'k')' ...... е,   ('I . .ле  ""':"" Q GUlNEA BENIN Wo"" I ,... t1ooJ'I. . CAMEROON J..-, , . IO'N "" < [У "",1 :; Nojtм<"'.\. '" . . ? SOhr ,  ъ () CIJ '" с: ... .". t> цj  с..  WT ":/и  .J"', &molю S и d о. п е<п.., GNEAISS   "\.... .,} .. . .  . BURКlNA FASO  ..&Url о:,.., O\JwdCМJp.I .."""'- SUDAN r-.ll8l1118)fI . SENEGAL '1", 60k.0.r S.N СНДО . (  NIGER MALI .'" ........ SOE: S"E  «J'E ........ sal1a,a! Desert . 7" ; Ь е s '.l М  s "]> . . ""f Ю"Е YA .'-Е  "11  /' ALGERIA MAURITANIA 1<rN  ,.........  I"E .I)"Е <"Е I\-imil! м..ndi!ln S'W I I Wester'r1 s;.h,,;; J .o--w IS"'W SAUDI АМВ1А Plate Motion Major Earthquakes 19752000 magnltlJde оп the Rlchter Scale: 5 О  5.9 О 6.06.9 О 7JJ79 Active Volcanoes  Arrows show motion relative (о Africa Color"$ а150 show plate mQtlon date of last eruptlon: . since 1900 . 16th  19th cenwry . 1st  15th сепсиl)' . between 1.000 and 10.000 years :!,go Elevation and Bathymetry meters 9.000 29.528 feet 6,000 19.685 3.000 9.842 including extreme points оп this тар Greater- calDf" I:Dmril.5t bвtwееп pa-tвs iпdicat.e!l W8t8f'r.u... dtrJerllПС'" in ,doo drnav."W1t  Seafloor Spreadll1g Qr Contlflental Rift +-- hitf".est point аЬоуе sea level' peak of Кilim"njaro. Кепуа (5,895 m /19340 ft) +-- hlghest рО551Ые permanent humlln settlemeflt (5,100 m /16,500 п) bEEquaJ.Aril!& kaI, ащ LON .nd J.]-:i... 1:10.000.00о 'on-l0iНm IhIh = 315.7 m" N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Sea Level 3.OO0 less tl1an ,OOO Sea Level +--Iowest point оп land' s110re of Lake Asal. Djibouti Н 55 m 1 S09 п) Q 100 100 JOO 400 500 I<m 1 '.' , , . с) 10) 2:ьо хю ni 9.842 19.685 and below deep OCean floor (5.500т / 18,OOO п) +-- greacest осеan depth. boctom of the Romanche Gap. southwest of Libena (7,7S8 m I 25.153 ft) 
Central and Southern Africa .. Climate '" IIOТSWANA ... r NAMIBIA "" L/ ./ SOUTH AFRICA r 'f .. М JJ. r. r,c ItR '-. мои' l{f ос: ZIMBABWE H.'rirl l . I 1 I C0>'10ROr. r' '...\ MBIA SEУСНEt.JЛ Оа, '" 5ob.1tn   TAN . Nа!,-ф. ., .. .. SФМДLIА Jo  I > ..- ,- HIVP1A М&'. ...ьаьо r ......... - ... DJ YEMEN " ER.. r Кhi:lr1oum .. ... р. UDI ДМВ! 'l. CTcwn v OLA Luandr. 1 Кi,," GJ-\DDI , - . 11: sAo ТОМЕ & PRiNCIPE МвЮо.Qf ...bldj.,. А< LIBERIA .1 )s -ТЕ SIER:RA . (1 IbiI!алl . . LEONE Н GulNEA GB , к......  t;MB ааь, СНА' [ "l  ..' ALG   "' r :J' , len chan ...1Q0 IO' :r 10' 20' 10"С Nrl!S lJWt _4 u 14' п. 50' 6SO B6'F Меап Annual Т emperature Average of all temperaturer. tl1rоughош the year SOUTH AFRICA .. , J",","l)"'burg  TSWANA MOZAмelQUE 1ZINBABW H.II /" "- t , , 1 ZAMBIA I COM()ROr. S!'YCHfl.L<S Oar ES Sillaam  , '. '-ANZANIA J . , 1 , I SФМАLIА I ... KENYA  1" ,..........  , I . I SomaIIIancl I Addi',AIfaЬo. DJ YEMEN SUDAN ER J L Кh:Ir1aum .  SAUDI ARABIA Меап Annual Precipitation Il1сludЩg snow. conven:ed tO equlv;dent amOl,Jnt of raln с.а,е Тown rv NAMIB1A ."til.nda Кinshasa GABOI МЕIIOO СНАD ( NIGER ( 1: L. sAo ТОМЕ & PR1NCIPE ..... Abфn LIBERIA SIER.RA LЮNЕ GШNЕА GB ...............GMB SEN D>-k3r  ) 11 .....r: { D ly'OIRJ НМ Iba1l""j К..... .f...-. tsUFtll..lNA r 5Ar MALI I  ' f . MAURITANIA "",..!..., , 10 100 I.OOO"h\ 18SSlh:a.rlO. 4 40 400in с.,е Tawn JTH AFR"" А \g I  '" ВOTSWANA ,...... )  NAMIB1A MOZAMBIQUE ) ZIМБдВWЕ НiI';ж. / MAIJAGASCAR I , COMOROr. SEYCI-IW.EF Oв"l!sSil.m. SФМДLIА ... 1 "",. KENYA  ... , HIO PIA  Addi....babo. SoraaJi ,>-; YEMEN 't.. ER  . ''''- CAMEROO j IGERIA ZAMBIA 'L ANGOLA -u..a.nda TANZANIA ...J   К1ns -;;:t r:.c. .... D.R.C ( UG ........ С A.R SUDAN .. Кh:!r(l;;IIl,Im . сндо tGER t  , Temperature Range (Contrast of Seasons) Difference between minimum алd maximum owel<lge monthly temper.!tures .. с.а,е Тown SOUTH AFRICA R ; Joh>"l)"'burg I  r 1 ..... ВOТSWANA ... I\IAMIB1A '1BABWE . MOZAt1ВIQL  H.II I COM()ROr. SEYCHfl.L<S Оа.. I!S sidaam 1-- L N.Jrobl SФМАLIА u. у " '\  .......... Кinshasa '-1 ., KEt'):f" "\ UG  L ............ EТНIOPlA YEMEN Addis АЬоЬо. , ER  SAUDI ARABIA .......  UDAN \......с '-Х iКh:!rtQl,lm . сндо i NIGER I Precipitation Range (Contrast ofWet & Dry Seasons) Difference between minimum and maximum зvеro,gе montl1ly precipitatiol1 J К.... v I!I sAo ТОМЕ & PRINCIPE 11 .\. ,1. "-' . , ..t. r \ \ <  HAN ... GUlNEA BEN .J GB .4 BURКlNA   FASO GMB r-' SEN  ALG SAO ТОМЕ & PRINCIPE MAl, МAURITANIA О' 2:0' 40' 60'С О' 36. 72' loe'F 1щ Ablфп LIBERIA SIERRA LEONE GUINEA 'GB GMB .. .: D>-k3r . Iba1ll"J 1J { IJ ,y:QIRJ 'HAI' ..   С.о4 MALI MAURITANIA I  ' f 10 100 1.000 ем 4 ..о iOOl. ТbeGn!llltL..вla!o!.a't:me.:s.amil! !lcaJe: bEEqual.Aril!& kaI, ащ ION .nd J.]-:i... I rtm-42.jНm 11N:I\=bl,-9m А Q -wo 800 1100 '600 lOOCМOn I . , , , , с)  еОО . ш mi 
North Africa and Europe .. Land Cover ... "preenl;an'; (DENМARK) м"'" eO 1:: .} Barent C ; D J'n "'О) ""ОР;V> «;е а < .J '"  I ... ..... .0.(\ ' (" ... O 10'1'1 ........... .... Wt1.. 1t s." ICELAND \ о.-. Far04lIs. [DENMAI\К SSIA m FINLAND Jpili L 1.... . . '" У""т". SL ""te1"">ЬurE 00bWnC Нe:M."i .  Y..".,I" "'l S50.N Y.uNr"* m"'  -, Aland "''')' INLAND) ...""""' 1.....- """". . .., "',Strx:lchalm 1:JI'k С"""''''\ "Ч"п' 'IIOO NJ;].шу  No"l""ood ""'" ESTONIA t  k"< JI I""",,,..  . Jn  "",,,", ..\ort#1 "';'  I\LAТVIA)..-  Е-'.,'И" \' DENMARK  , ......" с е а .оп... . UTHUANIA у..,....   c"p8fol>ogen sr -  1".01 ...0;.,  Н!iп , , C>4:. (\ c.. fRS), Vil..... DuМjn [UK; ........ ....... --. .:> MIj.><k . Llvl!r,pt=lClI- н.:.b:.     .р tRELдND .. h I . .... .""....' "'. BELARUS . <IП. d H.mb ..... . . ,,_ L , ,  -'" 'i'."" POLAND -..,,,,...... -, МO.,...I:  Вlrmlg!wm . ....,.,..  G RMANY \ ,,.... J . t: a- У"". )- C.pLf Th .............__  8er"n  ,.. Warsaw lВtnt ndОnNiA   ltь''' . .. 'Pov;Lod.  .,....'l"r.;...  "'1:'" _W ro -- ...ъ... I1,ЫIJ,   I.L "1''' DOYJ" h .<:;., ) GUlermey"'1 I..::..'....... Ia KI /t."'1V ..,.r ... ..., .. Со.. OII. Jersвy (u lt.D8W. ",,"1rМ t.""1'U1. =--  . IIII"'V'W" "' tuМf'nre'ps:" V1I с.:, 1.. '" .oтL. йЕСН' ...  UOI.!. ...... ....... PirI.'  EPU8LIG1,..,' t "..11' . о, . ......' ,,..."........ I.L tv. "1' 50 .. .J  мo.1kh . .... .........., ..,.:... ;::;'t;;: "'...0:..... LD FRA СЕ у...... ,......,.'I:.rмI..:oo """,...."... "'1     . . {о <;fOr ../"' /; ...... t.pJ.' L" . t..ЮNGА RУ'" '  .... 5_ а'"":!ИО  .,. I"'J6 > "_i . . ""1 rfl!.......;r'" T ::. ....  ,tI"" bucharel't СDПI'tI V..,, . i,  _  В<!gпd';; _  .fJV.п. о.. ........... ASER'  .'_   'i...' .........." , .;. 4O"N \ 5<Фr' """'"" .    .'::КFf .,,"')" T..... . {'.. jfi ' iJ!r .,., .... ."''' > ",.....:i.);" ).  -... Jo ..., t О 11 .0 ......... rU.t.trU JY{"  ',. . 'J j _ . " о . '1'  - ,I,;,a,  u...'I. ... 1<- .} .- vji' ,  t: -. ...: Sm)o]n...::io\, ), . '-r' ..r-r , ...... ,...J. r;.  ' t  :::"" " · RIA n., '. "'1>0.. ,-  .. Northef11.cypru5 __""". , , ........  .".;ji'- щ ""е! ..... D"kl.ю( [J t ,.t ( GF 1; ) """t;F IUJ{ 1 ...r .. ,  CYPRUS Akr. , e.Ir",. \UI< LЁf ON  UNПЕD KINGDQМ \. r,.. '"",,,,,,, fr)fjerrr Sиn.\:: . Hoow  hmo . . SrnQIIllIIk "'="" . T" Т,. -. ... ....ы..,.,1.;;;t..,  < . с,-.. . <"" t i2 &,  V<>gnd' ".". . . . У""","", 50.1'1 OIll:r1IItI" . "" ...."'" :/'  . КhаП<iv .. J 0<1' ..,.. .к: . ......... D' ChA""'" 'lYlP, T D,,t:s'k K"' DnI ""o,h"'" Don I!IПI. It . UKRAINE ....s..N 5<>"'" с".  Jt .......-.f1J' . r........ . . :/ """,:",n 1<пt"1'" 'Odaa  f  '  .,.. . '  . M ' .Тurjп IliiIrt ........... \0c.1<  Sea .......... I,*'  __'" ". 1f. &I   Ш RINО '\o. ..I\МaWI ""!" J!Il}п «"'" MONACO ... V.II.d-'cl м.п..... р(') r  . ..... R<wr.<r J с., , .. [FRANL'E) У  N  JJP<tY ар "'-I'r r ..  t] п " .. J: ........ "'''"''''  - '1 .....-1. '1,. . '- .....  .., Вarc..Jcna. L'''''''' , b r '!; ",\ J]-"' п ""..;  .1 !.  /' .J- '"", 1 ". SPAIN .... о. Mit"1;If"t;iI &1C!O'rlc'.s:. (SPAINJ 0V0k00;, T  -s.,i, , ... "''1f''''- ...,,>< с...Ы.nса., . С,Ь ..(U.K)  ,." (SPA'N) АА..' Ча  - IN)o..n,..  F -w........ . ,.. ар..  (1I1otПt ........... . м....." 'c-fc IGI\Ifi:!:I .o.N Ajgien ..,. J,.,. .} ...,  , . j IIlslcra Seo "SI." Mediterraпean ...... Мoтo:i''''''  ' n 5: меiЮa:О ,JA----<t u fI t 9 t 1\ t , а.: .:.о, .f1i,rШn .." 50'" r411 ... . ,  "''''" ".,."... ......exanU"l"'1I.... . "'T:rm. ...."... 11'IU" ..,...... 5nlbln.l(,мf' . e (;ln'Cairo ",,- a.nI51Wf it' i""" о;:.. EGYPТ ""''' w..,. ptпlI.   д. ALGERIA TUNISJA rф"'1 l3..ф.zi.  MдURITANIA Р s-W jD  LIBYA 2>"1'1 Saha eser\  S'E 'О'Е 'S'E ZQ'E s.Е ""Е ........ Моridiш Land Cover in the year 2000. including relative proportion оп this тар as percentaze of total nonwater area _ TroplC.a1 Forest <1% Declduous Shrubs 5% _ Trees Flooded In Salt Water <1% _ Deciduous Forest 7% Evergreen Shrubs <1% Trees Flooded in Fresh Water <1% Deciduous Т rees < 1 % Grass 4% Flooded Shrubs or Grass 2% _ Needle-1eaved Ev." 1\''''''' IS 13% Sparse Shrubs or Grass · Salt Water _ Needle.Leaved Deciduous % Snow and!ce < 1% Мах Extent of Solid Sealce, 2005 _ М,хед Т rees 7' Barren L.and % Fresh Water Mixed Ts and Shrubs <L.. _ Burnt Trees <1% Rivеr(widtt1"roponЮn.lroа...со!w.otont1odJ Sovereignty in 2006 Cities, Roads. Canals, Time Cultlvated L.and 23% Mixed Crops апд Shrubs I Grass 3% Mixed Crops аnд Т rees 3% Urban Areas <'   U.N.-recognlzed IntematlOna1 Border    De (аао Intern3.tional Вorder  Sub.Natl0n;a1 Border (lc1dudlnga<JtonO<'l1OlJ$ o",) r U N. MEMBER SТAТE , -< State {de (аао) witl1 Llmited or No Recognitlon L (j@"pt!I"&'nt lDf" 5pl!!cial Т I!Irтitor')' (hrent tate if1 Pa...вnt:hesEI!' "'*'"""r ....<grntod &<1... (Р....."ш in  '"', .. 1"ItI ferтorY""'n(llbhed lE1пly I>у of1jc,,,rJ; С( Ic:jn:risn OI;'lll o;r "'!дOOD  -щооо р""" С'''I' со! 5ОМОО  l..ooмoo Р"'р," Otj> d 1.000,000  5.000.000 ,,,,,,pI. О!)' 01 пюre than 5.000.000 people Highway I Road or Path Сапа1 or Aqueduct Time Zone Вondal)' (Ol W;"ter' DST щ,,,s""""" sma.'1 'Qnt use(l for il.nd b.,.A.n. with I l.a.м lhм1 Rh<мlo 1,1&00 l-=+' L"  t 12 I N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... bEEquaJ.Aril!& kaI.ащ"')N .nd "'''''.N is ':1O,OOQ,QI.X) 'on-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" Q 100 100 JOO 400 500 I<m  ' 1 (Ю' ' ni 
North Africa and Europe .. Population and Infrastructure I.OCIO 386 people I km1. 100 39 people I mi:> 10 '1 less t:11;m I 0.4 and below ""!\. ..."" ..Gree n r" nli (DENМARK) JOn I>\or...,' (NOIIWAYj t;,e а  ", со c:,  \. O J.llш .. КIfw "'"Lc'* rn I(QмI' Jf1  : Wrodt.. Си :!'';:'"'' . Zh..,...  rJr'(r Dorp ...... ...  .KII Rъ L..,N 'Теrмplr I(d    Т........ "кr>ko  t<h.,t,;"....... ......у.",. z,('""",,,,,,,,, ....7cп.. .,, "'" lii ............... UKRAII\ffi   А   .   \KI  Т. i5trla .. 4 Muplclo{; <i ,,y  .  j  " ""  , .  .....  """ Ao"> '8tt"!fc1. odaa и....  v...,.... "11r'; .... ':"........ Ц'". 1ll ji  AA'   . W    .. ::"  "\ 1 . H L....... ROt:\'fIA ...... Bucha,n,   .Juпl'l' I.n <:-В'lICII  ".......,. I \  _ \ ......r.... . --. в.!i:пd. '!.A "; о.. 1 C'Er&.e.> ...... , v I '1"1  А .....A.tNC   йO"'OOt. ,  " ,. ::::.. ........ ICELAND FvOlllIs. I[)I:NMARKI .If" . t"loM 1, (UK) Оr!(лоуl, (UKI I,JN!Ttb KItl.GDO'М   slf-""'" . i.t..... '( E 1,1."'. ..,. D""I.';, (UK)  II\ELAi'o l",?ol. 'f}. .:w.... . IL"."", GuerJl$l!)" '.\..., Jo"or  t'J _ tr .. ')..,, ., CI"' L  1'IiA.. Ali ..... ..,... ""n. "'.I1I,:t CJ!oI,:8'd; F=I\ANCE <! ....... .......J....""   ........... ..  ..,. ...... ...... ...... .... . . 'r<QJ''''''  u r.эr.. \,.1I8dliW'" F  r-( .. у"  . f р- l'е''II" Вarcna  """ ... SPAIN  ..r """"'" Do  .... · &1C!aric '-S. (SP""J I'bbв C...blanca.. G,bf'o'", IU.K. C.u.o (A'i M.loI!c о IiP'UN) , ",!,"., ..,. . . .AII..::...,.,  ........ """" .........  ). о., . I ,.,... .01 .... ."",. ..,....  RoctO 1\ t' о  AlGERIA s'W ........ МоПdiш ,.[ I nfrastructure -f----Southern Wa1es, Greater V; HalII, Brazilia -f----Algerian CoasI. Nоrtl1еrп Vietnam. Cenlra.I Michigan. fiji ЕSIОnl3, Yucan, Mldwest US, Laos -f----Сепtral Finland. Тibetan Рlаtе.ш. Upper Мiсhigал Railroad Divided HigJ1wa)' Road or Path Power I Communlcatlons СаЫе Overland PipellJle Салаl Or Aqueduct ...... l . 1 ,. J ",Iict.'  FINIfQ- fa .  0.0.",,-  SWEDEN NO.Ry1 '1; ........... ,  Aland ....... н..ы.Ki ""'''?'' .LAND) т.""".. '7 """'" l<>Ckb"l", ) ESТONIA ,  51: p"",,,,burl, .... u  ......."..,. , ,. 1""""'t:"U  ''r DENMARK 1''''"' СЙ!>  .......!! , ';""ь"- \ MImIt . ......,; Cclr- "'" "G.J.i. . lEatC .,OUlf" 8rж '11"""' """""' POLAND fIb'J",!" B GE.RMANY J .. T" Dr"WПW!I!l , .P1 w Беrl(n """"ми...- 21rsaw '" ..C -flCIU'8n .. H--пo'V1!I'" ос  <I<b,1'!  ...n8 о;  "" ory r  , .. « '""" l-=+- L......  t M' с: , f.. 1"\  lcf f "rn..&OI"-..  " "\;. ..,.......... 6O'N "1ft R\iSSIA. ""' V KF""'" )'........1'  <OII C:.2I:. й. п' .N -.,J Nj.l r(I"ogorood UI\onoиIr r, ....lldJfТ"III'" . . Mo'f'OW s.."".  .......,;0- ho.. . "".. . -т.... T[W .......... cf'.. ..",,, , t}  >- V<>gri"" 5O.N \II'I  '--""'- ",",,"'"  .  " . Khar\<iv J Roяo:,y."".Don . . s.....v 4,." .... "....., . 'tt т ... 4/)'" с....Ко. (Fl\ANa) 11 I :1[ . I f ,C-RI .... } . el)LrRt A  ) 5<*i)'O, r- -  1*rr' 1-. -"  J' ... smy oor  '''' . ........Jra! А,. ..(i.IoI. :(' ...-: .,.. 8r  C1o.w , Rh... IGREECE{ (GI\fECE) . MDNACO .. . Population Density in the year 2000 more than 10,000 З.86r and greater -f----Pal"is, New York Cit)', J3karta, Т ok)'o +--Ruhr Va1ley. Houstol1. Реап River Delta. Вagl1dad ,; R<.mц T , ." . L' ... . .. " G I":u I "-" ... hпdl   (ITAL у) ...."'" ."-1  .... С'4'tc (G'IUКI:I ."" МAl Т"  м е Id i t е r r й n e11D п Seo sr.. l. .. -:. TUNiSIд { Тф:А; .,." " t1itl"lDho ,. Б......"t4: I .  \ \ ZCI'E s.Е Deser\ LIBYA IO'E .S'E ......... .... t'i/R.Кe'I ..MI&.... Bc..';I. -#..,.., """'"7" ч----r"!'Ь Lztw. J(J  М.п ........ ' jl.11 S'N .......... t О' .j( " O ... 1:' К....  NOnf1  m yprus т .. t,,.&'if " (UK ) CYPRUS r.,jl" "'" (\.1-"-1 LEB Н..I Palf'S T"I ,., " L .....c.  }f' .... I . .IIIIII. ПI зi).N д.lexandn,"  ...",.._ ::   .Ill -airo S. --.r... д, в.151Wf EGYPТ  E' .,  n.'  ""Е 13 I N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... bEEquaJ.Aril!& kaI.ащ"')N .nd "'''''.N is t:1O,OOO,QI.X) 'on-l0iНm Ih<h = 31S.7 m" Q 100 100 JOO 400 500 I<m  ' 1 (Ю' ' ni 
14 North Africa and Europe .. Plate Tectonics l'::}.. L '-  t I ё'fa . 1AR!< М'''' r- )J .."... North American Plate ".,.. "" .. .  . .... 1  "' . .JFbIIriD .. " ... "....,.....   10'1'1 у:; ....,... J SWEDEN Eumsian Plate  !1J1 RUSSIA FINLAND ... r:/0RWAY )J У""т'".  ..........  ...-odrvl" .... YIIIkr OlL C Карп' !ii50.N + Аlэпd '!! (FlNLAND) "втr .u3  ....'trx:lchalm ; of "-Нemki - __SL Pebur.i .,,,.1 .. UfI,IlTEO KINGDOM ESTONIA t Vladlп- . NzlШl N"'1 Qrood Uly.nav.k' ....,.." -'"' Mo;:;ow &nn. ". DENMдRK 1 v.."tu>- "1!" I '''"ёОIl UTHUANII< \ . Isle. ,. око  МJ Q.j:..... ..,1.,....  lrWi. D. (U_I L!:d, ",,",,'."'r.'   IRELAND 1'Wf"'.I.. .м;пс!моttor  - "OWJ; - , '\h8tfi1ll1\l. RIq: .f;lI""n '--'11 Ео  .." ...."' ',,,... POLAND 1IiO.. . iiifi. в.-.;..... GERMANY, o. ..:'". -.:..-0,0.  ''''''.'''''' ''O"""" 1!e.(I'" ;r.;,.1o """"..... >r..w .... .......,):" lorldoll i!' . . PtmId., "fICIIJ'8n  ...............:,.. NEТН . ;j '  нu.oov..- ''1 < ..." . ...." .KI.. - """'  ' "( 't...nd "'\>,11 '''''''' ... ..LLoa:......;: I1,bj," :.т....,.. .......' ,'" &fun: Dr4Jd81"1 1 ."УУ r........._ - D k (<:;1 ":!... SJ  J,jJ.!':: "'" . 'с:.оdю 0.......; "":f"" """'U'CJ' .,. t.... , 'It/rI.Ir   0pQ1Io Kllto'II4:III Ib:м;rr1N 'j ......N .... .  '  п '......... Jers"1 \.n .J...r"'l... tojl...,.мuN: +pr..... ""i... T- ..... - :,;';rv KI'""[]..dwoI..... ........ .: ........ I\Ci w........" )....CZECH .".,.. ........  '""""""'" UК n.Л" NЕ ъ,,;;...,, ... ............ \.."ftEPU BL G е tt.<'l) rI . rvo.  ..:: ..'   t '  .' :  .: w.:: :MXia Т" FRANCE ......... 1."." G).,  Po.J;;;'" ....... ..... t ' 'Odua  "",,' _ .n, USТRIA .... . "'.... (бn...04OМANIА . -;'",::",I.I!C  UNGARY"I' .., ........ u..... . D '!,п-J SbI.I Вni r..... olo. .... -.......... - - .... .... . .........w._ в...... П'lllКlt!..... TJ.l]n. . '1 "-JD ."IOIt!l!1 ........... T.ri" 'MI"'. (,  C.L-, .  "::. 1I..choc ....п... С.""" 80' . -SOSNIA 8t В<!gпd. )- - J ...,  . 'ri&RZEGO\IЦ:IIA { , ",,,,,,,. :Io!<t'i a . S ERB IA '- . .......;- . . ) Fi"';:"  'O.ROJ.... « BULGARIA _..... V,II,d'" ..... IV''' . ...,;, MO t ya  2.......'. с;...... zЧ>.. у · I - . ",.. , """ IttiI l:" ТURKEY .AllCA' MAt L.... ."",...-. ""'<")"'. """"".. . \ aa..i..  A OJ ! , а", -.... - -п.... .... nat Ia>' ... IT AL у  ALBA,.;/iA ,...... ."..... .. """'""'''''Ar......  ....,. .".  Plate  . ./ r GREECE Sm{"",.:--1"-" "к.,:".. ....&,....рр,  "', ....... J:. А с.",...... '" цk,"i SYIA ]>'1'1 ijo"' А ""'"" eg.ea)J < No,  qprusl. .I'.t6. dI! . Ik" Т ) e;; P.Ia}e  CYPR ' = t J::J "",n ...)4 :;/ 1 tU" LE  .....--  * ., ...." .    ТaI ,,"'W. I П.t. с.... С,.".. JR   iSМ[  . -r: .::.., ' L о." DaмIНlU,. - o:z.u. SIIlbIПolii'..C8'I-Q .Io:!n"" rSu (;ln.Cairo и   ,.., ...o.."... . - EDLlr;. rl... J .....: 1........ iWI LA 1VIA'" I\y....;" """'" . А . 5molFill11k "",.. . ..... T[]... .......,., ... .,.. "t. о ...:); "'w Mlnsk . 8ELARUS (  H J r o........... . . 0-.. . ....... ""Р' vcJ..., SO"N  "'" "" Vdg<>griu' . Khlf1<i. 'r  "'" -Ro:к Srar"Ci'" .N ..... t("'I. '-:... IO  -t::... .--: ..... . .. .................... 4/)'" . r PORТUG-\L  'i' ......  ,.,;,  . ..... МЮ () ..  I SPAIN .у ..... o.н.' I t <:   s.;,;Ih . ...."". '" ....... ..... 1PaJ....... . и  R.ilhat Cl1lhIIanC!. 00:0)'... .............. А.!ж" o.'!.io .rм;.. "'I!&o: .............. Jd.J т...... ..... :'. пJ, 1- !  .. .A . ..,1.-. "s,t,; .... ....( ",..\ м.c"", . n S MQROCCO ctOI 1\ t' O- .:... . и TUNISIA r" ..1  ALGERIA Аfriсап Plate \ ./ r 11"Шk Во.р. 1   ....."., &.nISu.... w.f 11"" EGYPТ fФJ'" s.w... . "1AURIT ANiA r----..  MAll sal1aralDesert LIBYA :1.>'1'1 . '"' S"W ........ Мoridii.n s'[ I<rE .S"E ZCI'E :>S'E ",., Plate Motion ....:>r Arrows show motion relative to Africa Colors '1lso show plate тotiоп G,...II:.- сaIOt- II:t:II1tr'пt b.tw_n рЬt85lпdk:at8!i gr-.аUirnil1l\rtdlff.....-:.11'I iidl""eaOl'l d8flt..  Seaf100r Sрrеаdщg or Contlr1ental Rlft  Area of difJuse transformatlOn  (PIa'" ЬоопсЬ';'" ..di....... "" u.-.a.awn) Major Earthquakes 19752000 magnitLJde оп the Richter Scale' с 5.0  5.9 О 6.0  69 О 7.o п Active Volcanoes Elevation and Вathymetry meters 9,000 29,S28 feet 6,000 19,685 3.000 9.842 including extreme points оп this тар d;tte of lasr f!ruption: . since 1900 . 16th  19т centLJry . 1 5t  15th century . between 1.000 and 10.000 ye;trs ago +--- hlghest p0111t аЬovе sea le..-e1: реак of Mont Blanc. France Iltaly f4.808m I 15,774 ft) bEEquaJ.Aril!& kaI.ащ"')N .nd "'''''.N is t:1O,OOO,QI.X) 'on-l0iНm Ihch = 31S.7 m" N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Sea Level з.ооо less [han 6,000 Sea Level +--Iowest pOlnt оп land 5hore of the Dead Sea. Israel 1 Jordan (-418 m 1  1 371 ftJ Q 1 О 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' . . . 10) 2:ьо хю ni 9.в42  19.685 and below +-- greatest осеап dep[h. in те Салаry Вasir1, west 01 Portuga] (3ррх. 5,5OO m I 18.oo0 ft) 
North Africa and Europe .. Climate ,..... ... ICELAND IRL UK    ? SPAIN PRT MOROCCO  NOR l, r r FIN SW \ I 1 DEN ........... .. " ft IТALY  TUN ...,.....  . GREEcE LGERIA .... : . .. ...4-L--. 1811. dlal't ",],00 Меап Аппuаl Т emperature Дуепge of а.11 temperarures throughout the year '": ICELAND UK. IRL SPAIN PRT MORQC<?J .... 0.... 4'  NOR  IN r s""'  L ." EST\ 1. L\EN + NJ ERM \ PLND    r-z FRANCE Н \ (  r _1 ,: "'- '13 ВL" 'р 1 ::!:.--...... IТALY .... . G_CE" ....,..... TUN ) ALGERIA ... " .. RUSSIA ; Abk TURKEY  . yp 'Y сур LEB Ряп 15  ,- L  ур  " IO' о- 10' 20' 3О'С 14. 31" 50' 611" &'f PRT .J ti ND <  NOR , . IRL > "'1; 1---  r& .. it., , , I . ... , , , " " FRA I .. _ ,: IТALY --r  ..... TUN ,.. . .....    J I .. Temperature Range (Сопtrаst of Seasons) Differenc:e between minimum a.nd maximum a.vera,ge monthly tеmреr,Шln::S .. ".... RUSSIA  1 Tm  TURKE' ... PRT I ...Сур У cyfiEB Pstn  IS\l EGYPT LIBYA 1...5th"" I 10 100 1.000 '" leS5 d1;a.n 0.-4 4 40 4001" Меап Аппuаl Precipitation Includ,ng snow. CQnvened w equ1va1ent amount of rаlП  ... ' . "- ICELAND I "'..,  \ : . ,  """'f. .,., :}r LN  '. \ . .. Е5Т1. 1> 8L ..,' )" ..... .' . ... . G' . .. E . ......... , 1""', ' .... (" О'  NOR I ("" \ FIN) L " UK. ,\ IRL  --j.... DEN PLND  UKRAINE  н " .... ['... .... ).SRБ -ВL ... .. ..:.... . G""'I...E  I FRANCE   , _' ,: IТALY ...,..... UBYA Precipitation Range (Сопtrаst of Wet & Dry Seasons) Difference between minimum and maximum a.verage monthly precipitation "'SPAIN .. TUN ALGERIA O. 15  ,,1. "-' , , 4  \  . RUSSIA  . ( 1 ) ... дbk ,... 'YP сур LEB Ряп 15   L   " 10' .t(I' 6О'С )6' 72' IOB'F .., RUS51A  ) дbk TURK ;iyp сур LEB Pstn 15\ EGYPT 10 100 I.OOO.... 4 -w .001" bEEquaJ.Aril!a. kaI.a4]N .nd "'''''.N is 1:41.00Q.000 'tm-42.jНm 11N:I\=bl,-9m ТbeGn!llltL..вla!o!.a't:me.:s.amil! !lcaJe: А Q .wo 800 1100 '600 lOOCМOn I . , , , , с)  еОО . ш mi 
16 Central and Southwest Asia ... Land Cover -.. t I  7.r tytah ld ." М UKRAINE  lIIiI . 'IiJI'8/";r;:o ....:r/f!..f, . Odes:a. DI"" 1..:fI.юYIk" w4  I 1I'hW1f. 01U ). <..:., .  Бuсtiin!l( ","' Ri'lb .- . . BuLG R&д . s'!IIyi .... ....'i!I-i "'.... ,,\ о (. k f: .  q  . ,, .#;1 :!IIIIrI....""""", .I'  . ,  i:I!Ibul ь....... дbkl1 <----.Л;: .J/"'*<"".... . ... . SOU[ rr" Л ffl;  r,i"'""o.':'P .s................  - / '  s." QIECE .... &,: . "'"'  n!IW.I. . ,а;.. :t. ..e...I!roII";.  1: """'i f i. ."  1. r  ' ", ,: ..."....... "&",,, tuRKF(>  ' r hJ..  I Y...v. AZERвAlj),N . ;;'I'08Il1 I"'!! .IIIIJ'"I". 'о. IJ.. ' ....r SI...-.. .......) lJ8aku ..._"'.... ".c' .. N v' t о .1 О _ ш..::.. R:tro К Ь kh ..........' 1"- ,..,..., FJra!  '=!  - rno- ;Jr;t а . ';..-r  1'IoIotp. ..... 7OIIи RI#"' 1'001 ...... 1. / > / .. _"е !"  "-   .Dtj:!o""81 ..z't*'" , "'" < ...h.....  >1- IUIgdil!':5 len81  .- ""...,. "rпli.n (GI\E Е) :.М;;  _ Northem CYErys", "'  r .uМowtll' "'r!III ......ooio ...... SYRIA S;, . L CYPRUS  Dh'r".' "i' _ F " hWO- 1:If:l"orп'tu.t:_J т  Dч"oIIIlZol......., ,., О «k '- s.n:,Пr.d1illl (UKI J  N  t Q /)] , ........С<о 50'  %. 'Уз"""""""" Dama,cus. .  Нi]...... S r-   PaJestiп-е- ' ,. IRAQ "t. В'..tdod [ '> Alenndli....... ре тО!..... .<а  ;;::;:-;:---1'; -с;;: . ...... ..; Gшц,. J. .......... () ':1".""': : Q ь D.n51hur8 111 .... fI' ....  <t . у..... .. ....  $ 1" r t .......,. \.... ... 5h,I:IIr1,."11<дtt-t1 O'" . '" v' B:hll 11.IIi. AI 'Arro.t'ItI Мwи .r- ._. L . ......LrO.s.. JORDAN ..........,..,... "'....... ......511111i \; '1-  r  [}Qr, Oo VI   5 .,::; '\тoepreSSio - ,\.о' """rwu. п (\ ( RUSSIA \ () о "\ eo"Q ./ L 6  KAZAKHSТAN Lok< 1JoLIt/ю,h 1. fJ 45'М \3 1> t У у\()Н rt и \ \ \ ...,."..,... .s: Д!'1!'...""';, "!'''.!!.... _  \." ,.,  l>U8rЫ ,f{'-I.'    .... "б UZBEКISТAN L  '1R1..:,щr . T  - ".A /  l.Ji !","О" .r'( Т о . ,  ,,""'" ь', .... "f';  l7J. - с О S . "? "j  --.....  \l. :J " '   ' I>u....n.. · CНINA о...а... ". ,  т AjIКlSТ AN " . , . . .  '$ 'tr, TURKMENISТAN tf\ -1: ii'/'    ...:.- \l  s.tyf( ." Jt .Н" "" \1 'i-" , :f, i "  , '-'1 ..\, c--.. 00' '1 L t..... '?   . .. ,  . " ,..... tr   ,. I ,.\  9 ["tюno.сAm.....,   ·  h;.abod ("  .... ) "..,.. ,..:e(>  i t n d О Of D@lhi  > ,,Ct' Q Q  "....... 5'u r.N . .. "с Р/О1П 'AKISТAN ..J ., с'" , e 1i ," . .... t::п!;поdill'" . II 5<0. ..,." 1( а r,fJ Iur-rt, j)!. fJ, (" ..."" .  J ......... .  .s 35'М J.. ""  Мa...h.d rronaп т e\v3rl "Н D " '1'f'"r ,/' 4- а E.ltho. IRAN ....  '" ... к.Ьul  At-GHANISTAN  ""'11"" ]О.... EGYPТ AS)tll "1 1"] _1\1 Qr{J d 3- о <=- . "t'" ........ 9. "" .,f' ZDOj. ) tдorgo !lert   CI .. ".  ... ,. ," """... ..." 1)t11" !J'RII l) е$' I!" ,. ... . ,.i.,...- ....... . о n \ "'р (1) р.. и С'" 'о  < tJ f!, S.- 7JJ м Dwt.1I'1II"  11 e NО1п-N1o '" ВAН!\A'N (.1 /  [LIJ QA1  \ UNlTE"D?:.RAB r \. EMIRAТES r t 1ВIInd-1 15'['1 \" iU "  <J () \.. ()  () t., н-d'", ., "'" .... .... Ripdh  '" о IC .1-<)'0......... , "'"' I(arachl l Lr 6 п ор"!' t'I' r.Ca.Y.dkln.... .1. AIrn:mbod 1i vi(\ '",«1' IP" 1"ropic.dCIII"K@f'" ........h"'d,i. ..... th41 5Uf1 " never dlrl!ayl!l"ht!acI ('1 ",е "- <:) JttII... .. OМAN Omdlolrm....r:.hllirnм.n I ERIТR'E). YEMEN () '" . ()  \ t O  INDIA ZO'... Mumbai .: (80тЬау) РУ". , . (, \  с   15'" .  о!' ." .- .. '" f.\J\J (1 \ i , \.\t'"  V ,'" о;,е. {)е SAUDI ARABIA SUDAN ........... \f' ('i) о  I'"I S' "a..d . IdG rnr> '% ..  z  %  i с"""  r Т"". f  ". .". ,J, )-. , \..  ]E .lJH. . ,<1(" ч-' ь\. '\  '"  .Adl!l'l .O.r-8 ....ddls АЬаЬ. -.,. ,IJ"'"'\J  .... Soma!lland SOMALIA J<}'E ( ') ... ""'Е IOP!A  >1AЦ1I1jES "!iE "'"" "'10 "'", "5'10 т'Е 7I; Land Cover in the year 2000. including relative proportion оп this тар as percentaze of total попwаtеr area _ TroplC.a1 Forest <1% Dec,duous Shrubs 7% _ Trees Flooded ,., Salt Water <1% _ Deciduous Fores[ 2% Evergreen Shrubs <1% Trees Flooded i., Fresh Water ("ol'1e) Deciduous Т rees < 1 % Grass 6% Flooded Shrubs or Grass < 1 % _ Needle-1eaved E\<."I\''''''IS 1% Sparse Shrubs or Grass 10% Salt Water _ Needle.Leaved Deciduous % Snow and!ce 2% Мах Extent of Solid Sea Ice, 2005 _ Mlxed Т rees < Barren L.and SO% Fresh Wi!ter Mixed Ts and Shrubs <1% _ Burnt Trees <1% Rivеr(widtt1l'roponЮn.lroа,.."'watof>l1odJ Cultlvated L.and 17% Mixed Crops апд Shrubs I Grass 3% Mixed Crops апд Т rees < 1 % Urban Areas <'  Sovereignty in 2006  U.N_recognlzed IntematlOna1 Border    Ое (аао Intern<ttional Вorder Disputed Border (O. ..,d<t<lng .opo...... dII!",.) Sub-National Border (io1dudi", ;оо.,',,,,,,тООI "'!gio..) ."",I'fom",for I U N MEMBER STATE !ltilltв!i WItJ, Ies!; la.nd ""\ wn Fthodo "Iond L State (de (аао) witl1 Limired о, No Recognition  QI &cla"L!! (Pм@r.tSir.iteinPвI'@nd"1@!@:!) Cities, Roads. Canals, Time Cllj)'III o;r of 25Q,OOO  5ЩООО p"'fil. С,,>, d 500.000  1..000.00о F*>plo Otj' d 1.000.000  S,ooO,ooo ,"'''р1е City of rnосе [han 5.000,000 people Нighway I Road or Path Сапа1 or дquedUC[ Тime Zone Вou.,dary (io1 ..;ter. DST щ'''s''''''''') ЬЕEqшJ-Аril!а. kaI,ащ ISN .nd J.5.N is t:1O,OOO,QI.X) 'on-l0iНm Ihlh = ЗIS.7 "'.. N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m  ' 1 (Ю' ' ni 
Central and Southwest Asia .. Plate Tectonics TI"'''' "1" 1.: UКitAINE ROМANIA 8t''''J ...... J M  .  i{h:i:.... .. \.)(Iei:i .Nrmll:" ... .... Gaaв, Pjtмb . -""111E11J .а.: '>C""..: .. . RB\  " I . BULGARIA ...." sQ,  IC .,,....  RUSSIA ,  . KAZAKHSТAN  опDcм:I ........' Eurasian Plate ........" . '\. Кп!icкllW"  ........ , r:6""""""  ..... о t..s.r*  .I' """""<'Щ,р,,,,. AD%ia , SOuth O., 17, """'1> Щ.GЬХ.тtIIo5 Tr.ozon. ......... . .Ai.t1ErФj..--ДЕR8AJJАN \  ......  ....у . Мgoo.Karabakh J ..-  > W 1 , r  .. .....LiL:19b..!1  ом II ..T RE!LF 110.... l!IIIa 1;.I.RrJr ru  .....ъ,.,., A", TURKEY .."". !i'tnJlru.. "i-' ...... 8h«UAegear\'r .r;;,.., CPi n 6 t . 6 ......' "bun:.. . .0 1 ."tII'J8'6o Ктт- .-. r-\OiI... . e;i r ite Anatdlia м.,f.o. .D<" 1[:) J  ""''1' <Onh":  ate"'..... );р;;;;  / rthеrn C yp l ..  h ' ........... . :.. ' A  't\.,w  1IUМr.w11  CYPRU'S  ..,,,,r 1 H" SYRI. zo ..  . o><omo   В!. N 5io1c:.t/!l lm,с:UI Нilllii .. P".......on .  ""'- IRAQ A""",ndrl.  р." 'f;jТ:Т'1ач. f] l Dm;;-;.. Id (;anc'JtT ih".;.f:: I  JRDAN r 1lhif8"1.. ............... .....,'"'. 4 f] _ ,,, "Но",. 1. '1{ Q r \4'. (, d EGYPТ ""' · () t!'.s- ""'" . Т"М.  "с:  ...... ...... .  ..., . I "" ......,.? ,., " «"n:1!. ) .. t #? н.md..n /]] "'" ........ "r- , I!qhdod ........ ., .......НIIItI .lu\N8WLf" . . т elir3l' fU. I\nk . ........... < е.... о AI 'A"} Nrvu ,s. \ч" IRAN ,... . .......NaII'1,,18k., 3- с <:- ? . (" llul!h... () . ...., ..r A,I8aII'"O!h.,  rАП " " , ,,,,-. . Q'"I . . \' IU С,  sl (:) '- (:)  (:) LO:I  DwttI8lll11 . 'QA-rАR ,""'" r . t 'r с ... . l\ipdh -" '" . "',"""'.. I \ UNIТED-ARAB, ,'E" IIl"11idirg . Arabian Plate  t-IO... . f . SAUDI ARABIA J./.. . . \)" , SUDAN Omd""'l(;hIIIl"'toWn RITREA ,....."Ll ........, .lJH. \, . '\:.... .,  . ..' . . . / ....... , YEMEN . i'.jI.. ..""" . African Plate TIIiU" . .   . i! """,,,,: <' .\. АЬп.  AJ'V.ty ---< ( Dиш.к.ue  DOI f '"" r KYRGYZSTAN '. .[ ' nl..,.. "". "" /""\ ""'iI ... -;-. с..... .... f о fn ';.. ........'" ........... wboo ....,, r t<. &-;, 0........' ""'" "\"1/1>.... )!AJIК1SТАN TURKMENI$TAN ! S:: ..1  ........ "' 'f. '\l. -t Hlltd\i Q"Q"., ь ,.. '0 in",,"'. '? '3-' ;"; ulaJ  I UZBEКISТAN U. То, Во  08"" . CHtNA м..hh.d к..Ьul ). ..........w м-I............ ;1 hldl " "=" . AFGHANISTA!iII waf;311 rz\ h. f-<o-.......... '('" 0....[',.;1; ""'t'..  J:" I n " (  ,1, ... . / ,  c;,)Jr, PAКlSТAN (' P/,n Delhi . tJ Doo.t '': . ...,.,\  . . J J.ip... -Ч-:!: t t .."О""'.. .. rabl ,,,  Bho,piU ' .,G8IdhlnlJElll \'('I Ahmodabod .' .. ... tI" о '1.(> '" ... tI>I).IО ...s  OMAN ".. INDIA J Mumbait: (ВотЬау) .PlJn8 ,q- . I r:j  <> ..  ' . ...,.... у . . .. )  , ..z. "#i "" ... .. CI t    / Indian Plate J ... ,f SJ !!'(. ."".11 / ')J r . ЕТНIOРIА Somalia PIte  SоmаШапd....l.  7 SOMAU ......  Adl. А.... . J<}'E ..... ]E "'10 ""'Е "!iE -й"Е Plate Motion Мajor Earthquakes 19752000 magnltlJde ОП the R.chter Scale: . 5.0  5.9 О 6.06.9 О 7.07.9 Active Volcanoes Elevation and Bathymetry mete 9,000 29,518 feet 6.000 19.685 3.000 9.842 .....>r Arrows show motion relative со Africa Colors a1so show plate тоиоп Gn!IIIIU!I" t:alor соrШ1 be[Ween lIItes We4mr tivEI di"-erEf1се m ir&etion d rnm'ВI1'1ertt.  Seafloor Spreadin.g о!" ContlJlental Rlft  Area of dilfuse trаш;rormаtiоп  (РI""'''''"nd.r;e.<JI'Unl<rюwn) date of l:ast еruрtюn: . since 1900 . 16th  19т centlJry . 1st  15th century . between 1.000 ilnd 10.000 years :ago Sea Level 3.000 le5s than ,OOO Sea Level . (,О'Е f.S-f ""Е inc1uding extreme points оп this тар  hlghe5t pOlnt аЬоуе sea level: peak of К2, Кa5hmlr (8,611 m 128,251 ft) +-- tJtghest posslbIe permanent hlJman settlement (5,100 m f 16,500 ft) +--Iawesr polnt оп land. shore oftl1e Dead Sea,Israe1 I Jordan (1IB m I I 371 ft) 9.B42  19.685 and below  greatest осеап depth: bottom of а уа11еу sOlJtheast of Socotr.l (5.612 m I  18.412 п) ... 4S'M 40'" 35'М ]О.... l5'M :rcpic. dCIII"K@f"" .......h"'d,i. ..... th41 5Uf1 " neve,. rl!ауl!rht!acI 10.... s.... 10.... 7S1; ЬЕEqшJ-Аril!а. kaI.ащ ISN .nd J.5.N is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" Q 1 Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni 18 t I N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... 
Central and Southwest Asia .. Climate T UK ,.-J RUSSIA КAZAKHSТAN "t/1...,. TURKEY TRK  GR , , p сур LEB J SYRIA -r PStY  l!ogIкI.adt ISR :1 '-./" "- J D D IRAQ cJrq '> 1Rf\N т "","сап AFGH w PAf<IS vpт  , Rdh ,вНR 'QT .... -т l<a'rad1I ' 1J 001 ARAВI'! ... & r ОМА' Мuтba, (Вarrb;ly}  DAN ER ...  '. -1  !. o;:ТНIO DJ Addl. с\ \ .. АЬ.Ьо  YEMEN .-. SQMALIA Меап Annual Т emperature Average of :3.11 temperarures throughout the year I.s:s. dlan ...'],OQ ..10. О' 14' И,s!l d.iU'I411 n' \r1{f)M  uк .  ....... f BLG I RUSSIA КAZAKHSТ AN " , .... . КAZAKHSТ AN RUSSI  , ) TRK f   ---- -i" АЬ.. GR UZB L .' 001 , I..J ...  CHINA CHINA . .... . . '......  , 1"<" , (. " 1{ р сур LEB r Pst ISR Вognd,.d , T.eIb1- G Delhi . c3JС9 IRAQ Delhi . } w ,1,. .  -.;: Rl)?dh I'НR . 1 ......,i,r ...  I кarad1i ,., w i Мumbiii (BQmt>ay) SUDAN OMAN ER \- к""""'"" . EТ)- q YEMEN .-. L I  Addl,  .':"1 д.."". SQMALIA " 10' :IO" ]О'С - 5()' 68' &"i О' -4(10 :10' Temperature Range (Contrast of Seasons) Dlfference between mlnlmum апd m..xlmum avera,ge monthly temperи.ures О' З6' 72' '\, it eM  ... "'- BLG ,I ....:S> l TRK  .... -L ./ \... UK CHINA RUSSIA КAZAKHSТ AN АЬ GR с: RV CHINA в-с SQMALIA 1os,<II.., I 10 100 1.000 СМ Il!Iss.lIl1an 0.4 '" 40 4001" . .., or'  I .. -.  , I  TUR "  ТRJ< /-L- r AFGH { N p сур LEB pst ISR' IRAN Кашhl r  SYRIA Tehhn l!ogIк , "% .........! Cairo рдКISТЖ (  w EGYPТ I!HR I Rh OМAN Мumba; (Вamoay)  SAUOI ARABIA SUDAN Khari ('" ER "\. t.IHf9f'IA  rDJ Add.. . I д...",,' таЫаП1 YEMEN Mean Annual Precipitation Includlng snow. convened to equlvalent amount OF raln  ,. t GR  ... "'Athen,'   TUREY "  CYPE: SY.RIA Pst '-.. ISR .. Teh' I\FGt l!ogIк{ MO "1 w  DeJh ' { Cairo IRдN .\ jRO ..::..r Delh . PAKISJ AN EGYPТ I!HR IN8 Rl)?dh SUDAN  ER  OМAN МumБаi (Вamoay) кмachi 1t  SAUOI ARABIA  . t. Нjl Add.. д...",,' ""\ rDJ YEMEN , . ma1iland : " SQMALIA PreClpltatlOn Range (Contrast of Wet & Dry Seasons) Difference between minimum and maximum :3.vera,ge monthly precipit.1tion 10 100 o. .. -4(1 bEEqual.Aril!& kaI,ащ ISN .nd J.5.N is 1:41.00Q.000 rtm-42.jНm 11N:I\=bl,-9m Q -wo 800 1100 1600 lOOCМOn I . . , . , с)  еОО . ш mi 19 /  L' '. ,  6О'С IOB'F 1.000 см 400i. ТbeGn!llltL..вla!o!.a't:me.:s.amil! !lcaJe: А 
South Asia .. Land Cover тш.КМЕNISТ .. ! ''t. ()o('jJO '. 11 "  НI [1 tfv bul ..:"ftAFУНАr;IДI-I 'Мul\iId  ,.л(!rg о  .   De ser .  ....."  ,.. 06 _ .., Q 5'E - Y'''k . '.,:t;rlq  .. ,.f<! .111 Dci'h'  1.......... 'N " О lJ п t й 1 л s L  ,.....,... .... '\. . *. ".' j.( ".,... "''''' .... f ' JJJ "о ..",.. "::>. ,'. 1'Чr'r п g е t . с Р J Q ; п '-'" о I --   ., Lш:J.:now  '  ('о,  t4  ., K_pt.J... ('  r-  Q1пg ....... L ...., -.J :r-;, Vш"!;'l :.;;;:.'  'ВANGLADESHr ,(/  .,..... J  .,. '..L .... D.;'oka  ;.  .. Kh ........ Kok:2lta' E4.. ., t" kUtta.\ Chitto,gQf1CJ,  ,  , .J1 -i! $-   ..,. 1;1V К" .  Q J. .:"' """:...101 1fII"'-r1 , '!'!...... '...  \... ......:.. . 1.: """1"'11 ,,6,  ""::;,-  1!.ooвIj>tМ , ..... .,.-? ""., .. '. , , ,  &iofI'tr  I,  , ; ,  {I ...., F>i>alob.d j,A",,,,,,;;' ! J ............ ........  .()-"'\ r'  :'1,0\ ? :;., .., ..  PAКls'r A J,,, 0'0 , t:. fwo ( t> е s .. \ r Or1m 605111  . ,....   .: . OE'.$ , 'j:!...... ... .04 N t а in s М () u IRAN ...... r::  О"  О '"  ...... ..... laf'NI []u",;" .J ,  f U:A.y . . A OMAN 'E R ип' u п {Т lJ..: е ,t..a'11 (:нtNA - '/ J ,0,11 t:'e о- '" "1' ..J .а <jn- " Ka,.,chi' ;. .,--<: IND&A l!I1opol lIooGl., . ., Alиnadol>ad rlrt О ...,.., d'.II у,,'!"О _  ....d"'Si:.. .""t.  ':i!}..t..r  .,. Noi'P.... ,; . .Mj, ..,.. .  ..- .. .\i. . . " 4[.' . .: ,.. .:Etlu1fI.wвr ,;   ь fZI .... d .... Q... Н)'dyoь.o O .Vith . Mumbil' < (ВотЬау) ,,  Pune ,     ro 11] engol с CI v .,.) д Qk 0\ Co <Q S(! о   '1 t"мr& , cr. ....? -У.! ""I ....."'"' . \ J5'N  RO<e'  '\.. )- JO'N J .. К." J .  .I . r 1, . _..:а У} ,; .< ? t IS'N ': Тrop"''''Unсо" I 1 q. Ngrth1;"'" tМesunisf)8'l'l!Ir d;r""'>'.....r!.'"<I ) -. 1 1=:' . ';t  J l1.пdolч, I , .".". i \ .,f:  1O'N ....... .r,.o .'t kfi. ...  , \>., .Ift( 1> "'", f '. Узl\gOП .  ""() =\4.- 1.  \ 'S'N ,. , ,,- ':\ 0<01.5. 'МУАNМАI\J . спеппа1 (Madr.1S)  .a..............1III1 , kgl;hi.. к:о. ... ",- . Mii.dl.lrilli ...., "' Tamil ....Eelam Tri\rillndn.P1 It  , Cglgmb<:lg-   oti8Jle.... SRI LANKA r МOO.UJ''''''' 7VE I Ю'Е '\IO'E 75'" SS'E Land Cover in the year 2000. including relative proportion оп this тар as percentaze of total nonwater area _ т roplC.a1 Forest 4% _ Deciduous Forest 7% Deciduous Т rees < 1 % _ Needle-leaved Е'о& gJ eEllS 3% _ Needle.Leaved Deciduous (попе) _ M,xedTrees. le) Mixed T!> and Shrubs 1% Declduous Shrubs 6% Evergreen Shrubs 3% Grass 10% Sparse Shrubs or Grass 6% Snow and!ce 3% Barren L.and 19% _ Burnt Trees (попе) _ Trees Flooded In S.alt Water <1% Trees Flooded in Fresh Water (попе) Flooded Shrubs or Grass <: 1 % Salt Water Мах Extent of Solid Sealce, 2005 Fresh Water River (widtt1I"ОponЮn.l ro а,.. '" w.o,"""od) Sovereignty in 2006 Cultlvated L.and % Mixed Crops and Shrubs (Grass <:1% Mixed Crops and Т rees ",Х, Urban Areas <'   U.N,recogn,zed IntematlOnal Border    Ое (аао Intern<ttion<t1 Вorder Di5puted Border ("", "'dodlng 'opo<a1ls<dalm,) Sub-National Border (ir1dudi", ;outDl10m0us l'E!gioм'l ,,,,.llfOf>,,,,fcr i  U N MEMBER STATE !ltilltв!i'W1'd11m5Ia.nd """" F\hodo....1'I<I  Stat (de (acto) witl1 Limired or No Recognition  lr Intf'fratNI .[хcl"..-!!! (Paren.t Sr.at2 in Pвremf1et) J;O  о- IP J.. А'  IMYANMдR i 'O'N J , " .......А...  'N INDONESI/\ ........  ш,..и?и(' . NI",l.. 95 Cities, Roads. Canals, Time CIIj)I d tоо.olЮ...1SiШXI 'III o;r d2.SQ.OOO. ""'-000 P"'f'l' С"" "'500.000  1,(lO0.O0O F*>plo Cit)' d 1.000.000  SЛОО,ооо . City of rnore [han 5.000,000 people Нighway I Road о,. Path Canal or Aqueduct Тime Zone Вoundary (in w;n....; DST щ'''s''''''''') 20 .... '<--.  . .11  . t bEEquaJ.Aril!a. kaI,ащ LON .nd J.5.N is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-l0iНm 'h<h = 3'S.7 "''' N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m  ' 1 (Ю' ' ni 
South Asia .. Population and Infrastructure  . L Kt1ENIST 'МdJtrIc,<\r  , , ,... то {/. DС!  IRAN ......... .; ,...,  ... '" # ь klli"'" .. '" 6 '"  ...  . . :""'k . .... "':" . :'.Jo" .... > a/'fAN j' { 'E Population Density in the year 2000 more than 10.000 3J!61 ilnd greater +--Delhl. Paris. Be1Iiп,g. Buenos Alres, Calro +---Bangladesl1. Hauston, Johannesburg. Greater H;mol NOrthem India. Greater Perth. Rwanda. Suburban Chlcago +--Mountains of, Algerian Caasr. Northern New Jersey +--Central Afghan'stan. Estonla. Vermont. Central Chile +---Southern Tiber. Central Finland, Upper Hichigan 1.000 386 реорlе I km I()O 39 реорlе I mi 10 -4 less than I 0.4 and below r Orrт 605111 "  MQUntoinS .  \..- -;. ..а.:', О'  I  s ..itj. ......6....     "Q"? :;: f  I.thxot'  .\ ,. I Ь е 1.0 п !-i < 7   , i h...labo.d ' '. ;'-\\5: У,...., .  'k  1 JM DEf.lhi ' DlJпtan t PAKISTAj\J  '"' r '" "-  .....,о.'. ........... ! 't;t . . I .V    о. ( . Lud",,,w  .. I\t ,. 1 к.;;Р,.. 0\  <Q  "'J 'F... "' , .Kиnluп  r '7 tж] "'I"- !hll't(  о .AI!,\ . 1/ \'1 "'-- . U .i  Н 1 [1 «ftJ'  . 1  / .. f'<\<lrg o I)e.serti ...  ? . . !: 'с . tj,donb&d .... . с ""'"" капе r .. ..... Вhopol .iI'I {"" 1:>-Gt.n-м,1D 'lvnadoliod t .»! (I ,.. Naipu. MumbaJ (Бorrtщt) Риn. Нjodo_",bo.i V"M .-р ,.. 06 _ .., QA) :tj, р.' I .. БanpJorо Che"nai (Madras) iI"Ltr S о i4J'" .lJ t(,gi;lli ,eum\ Ur:>i .... "-Tamil Eela.m  IINDIAj TrivllnrJru  SRI LANKA ..... МALDI\IES 8S'E I SO'E 7VE 7S"E I nfrastructure Rallroad Divided HigJ1way Road or Path Power I СоmmUПlCаtlОПS СаЫе Over1and PiFeline Canal or Aqueduct r А1е{.. "  '\.;. Р' teO . а " l\iI'4t (HNA }.  LIfI' .- .. .( "" .  .. .:J1', NGLADE 7 ......... .( 1" ., )  KM':' "!;: j . Koka... "'"..   ') . :r-:» 1 I '"'"'"-- ..... , \)епglQI АпаЙll]ot'Н'! ls. IINDIA) l'r.Ii<.obar ':5 IrNDI,II,J SS'E '\IO'E *" t f/.i>eI  -\ -&J \ ·  1 i IJ . kYN '., (BUf(I+I :o !" I  "3.o:,. , 1 .;1", \\<.. ..., , K'  ..\ Ь ".1<' . .. . .\g.n ''''(оп) '1 ,} (. . ). 1 ,   ;PI ":;1\ q.. р M4!rJui i\r<I1lJ>elCJ.i. (MYANMARj ..... SjJll!'ulиil!' .:5". Ni.. ;;\ 'E J5'N ]O'N '"' { IS'N "'ropic dСалСI!r' Ngrttt1;"'" tМesunisf)8'l'l!Ir d;r"",>""""0'!....t .. ItrN 15'" \ ID'N , w '" 21 ... x.. .  , .11  . t bEEquaJ.Aril!a. kaI,ащ LON .nd J.5.N is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Q 1 Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni 
\1fKT"" .....'""" 1т.; ,с.  ,  f;Iih-  .t Hiпdt.r Q,. 1C.OJ>Oj,/ Q-f: ,. .....'f1 ip....,..."'" Q ;; :::!, 1'>' 'llj Y't--., /J1 со NEPAl IJ[) qin ".......у'). ':  1"""".... . ...,... I  rf  . Faisal8f. . Amr'iuY" J. .-: ( .ф r' \со) {. South Asia .. Plate Т ectonics . м...НI\>o. "+ IRAN AFGНANISTAN : L J.1"'" .  .  . \ .... . . . . ;  . . 1 PAКlSTAN /", t.:.:('NI  vy;r Du t ..... W ..  1 'с . t-I,1dl!nbad UAEf ..  l' 1 \ SA. Arablan Plate I:>GI. Ahma<loliad .. .. OMAN J .. 7.} - t Mumbil' t- (I!onDIy) ," .' . ... , ;"",} ..,.r J Indian Plate (. " J 040,.",. ))J . J I o<8I!!"'J , ../ r'.: I · $.qmalia ... FЧatе /  , I  Ibl,/. J ... , )l 6 ,. 'E 5"E 7VE Plate Motion ....:>т Arrows show mooon relatlve tO AfrlCa Colors 01150 5how p1ate motion G"Ntw c.o1Of C«I'tПI$ b8tw..... p11t8S k'1c1ir:at4't r'@1и1\t@ diПеl"'@n.c.e in .dil"'eCtion cl mcNlI!II'rIIent  Seafloor Spreading or Continental Rift  Area of dilfuse transюnnаtiоn :::;;::::; (PI.," """"d.';.. ..,," со' ..n1a\own) Major Eartl1quakes 19752000 m'lgТ1itude оп the RlChter Scale: о 5.0  5.9 О 6.06.9 О 7.0  Н  8.0 and greater Active Vоlсапоеs , l.rf".{/![ 6 () Sf't.  .. 18  lТп.1tJ п ntаlПS M ()U  ... . :J"' Eurasian Plare . u r 1 ь е 1-.0 -n CН\NA .r '\)i pa-teo. O*1d , i r l'o '"  Ihj Q"o ..... 0«., '(;' , I'ir'r Q п g е [ ,с ''! 1 Kapц Vilrм'I!. INDIA ..... -1:r.. ..:m. ""'о«> ( ('... ":BANGLADES .,RshII'м ) O  ' " \ t<..o!atl'  1- h!...... (c.Ko '1.1 .....""Ij;"O'i5 1 1r1 "J:C;I 1 f1YANMAk (ptJRМA)>}:. ВI1?,oo1 ..... tl\. v,ndlJ." tlI,-(l" .o(pUro NЧрur в.....;!Ifw  -... .Pune с::. ltI .... AILANI /)J' " . ......... . Y"''''I!On-' -:-.'R,щgооп)  ,.,; ЗР "" .:-  .- If """  1iyO.....Ъo.d t J  Q. , .. '" <" р   .. 10:: CJ >,,) .., ... Q t. ... .... t::! 1.<1 .. oajs. NYANMARj ..... -r о ...  Icr. . ) "Z. NMдR) "'> $" ."  Suпdа <   Plate .. J 1   .,. I " (Со I Bu rli1a Plare м:.и.. :д.. 4al1M Е I {"""'" (  ,..сп.п.m' \0 A'" i- .. '-"  I.<;. "::h... """"р" "" .;I'. INooNE ....  . 75"1: SO'E SS'E 'I«I'E 9!j'E Еlеvаtiоп and Batl1ymetl"y те, 's 9.000 29,528 teet 6.000 19,685 3.000 9.841 date of last eruptlOn' . since 1900 . 16th  19th сепtury . 1st  1 Sth century . between 1.000 and 10.000 )'ears a.go IПсludlПg extreme роюtS ОП thlS тар  hlghest pOlnt аЬоуе sea level' peak of Mount Everest (8.848 m 119.028 ft) hjghest possibIe permanent human settlement (5,100 m 116.500 ft) Sea Level з.ооо less than --6,000 Sea Level Iowest pOlnt оп land: Kuttani!du Area. southwest India (2т 1 7ft) 9.842 19.685 апd below greatest осеап depth: In theJava Trench (аррх. 5,500 m I 18.000 ft) J5'N ]O'N . ; . !I'N Тropic dСалСI!r' Nl;lrttt1;"'" tМesunisf)8'l'l!Ir d;r"",>,"""0'!....t !trN 15'" ID'N '" 1.. 22 ... x..  , ,11  . t bEEquaJ.Aril!a. kaI.ащ LON .nd J.5.N is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Q 1 Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni 
South Asia .. Climate 1lI; I <: '- 1\ lТRif  HANISTAN } с  ........... " , <t.. CHINA  NPL ... . U  РАЮ AN Ihi . ... , км:кh   '11 B N(  K<>ko.... ' J (CalrntМ) OM toNt1A J. Mumb", (Вombay) ) , yo. ,<>Dfi, , J Chenn"i f ,  (I"I;ukж) 1 . Ta lеlзm SRI INDOSE LANKA МALDIVES 1  1... IПa. 1QO IO' О' IC- 10- ]О'С Ies. than ..... 14' ]1' 50" 68' U'f .,............ r . , Dtlh. AN ... ;-L. км:кh l. [   ND1A {:-:, \ mANМA BUR Muml>'" (6omb.у) , V"';on (<Н') Chenn"i (Madr"s) .:таmil  Eel3m SRI LANKA МALDIVES 1 INDOSESIA С' 1ii' Меап Annual Т emperature Average of all temperatures throughout the year Temperature Range (Contrast of Seasons) D,fference between mlnlmum апd maximum avera,ge monthly temperatures )6' IRAN UAE' ж    AFGHANIS1=,('" Wil7"taD ?). CHINA IRAN Кмжh" , , UAE  ж ) PAKISTAN Delhi '1  :!о ----- ВN<.. " I KoIc:o... 'f-""'"'"' \ (CoI,,"<ra)' \ А', "JR Мumbзi . (Бombay) , , 1" yo. жоаn) , , Chennai (l'WJras) Ta ( 1зm SRI LANKA INDOSE МALDIVES I .. !ан"ал I 10 100 1.000 cm Меап Annual Precipitation Including snow, converted to equivalent amount of rain С' j.. . AFGHAt-'" "   ..... J CHINA ... , PAКlirAN t' Delhi ..... т ....... l<М-adW ..., "1 _ I  . K"'<>I" (C.ku<raj' , r'  . А 'u Murrrn.i (ВomOOy) J 1 1" . у on . К""") f 1 Chennai (Nadras) I . am1l- l elam SRI LANKA INDOSE  I'1ALDIVES I 10 400ln Preclpitation Range (Contrast of Wet & Dry Seasons) Difference between mln.mum and maxlmum ilvera,ge monthly precipltatlon 4 ........n O, 4 40 O, , 40' 72' t , ' " t , '1 100 40 bEEqual.Aril!& kaI,ащ ION.nd J.5.N is 1:41.00Q.000 rtm-42.jНm 11N:I\=bl,-9m Q .wo 800 1100 1600 lOOCМOn . . , , , , с)  еОО . ш mi у  r ,-".......'  ,L  5О.С 108'F 1.000 cm toOin 23 \ \ ТbeGn!llltL..вla!o!.a't:me.:s.amil! !lcaJe: А 
Northern Eurasia .. Land Cover .. FINLAND 13o ren ,.. Se(l it.rloblJrg 11 Lak.;- ....."'"  "'-:r '"  со ..... .JI;;D\fиyl!" '!" IIIUo5U\,I rl'(;JVoйrj] Zmryй (RUAJ 1(010 Se(l . I'J 1 А..] .  1 а. )( Pcr.inr:lll tJМ Wtlrfd  -":. ... rthl!.d'мm"'l! ... q /.. .." .... 'с rz . I   ..:&..... ...... 1} 1 О . .. '"1-. "L.!; I'. у........ ClYJ'OI ос""",.. ""'\ID y """"'"' Nahny N""xor<>d  I i" V1"!i' уl.l.....а .... Kann g> iOf:.. ,... o' "Кk"" 1'0;0* , JIS.. Porm' .. <>' '\}\   RUSSIA Iz...  Uf.o. '"  el)\l1lМlfl- / , '\ . I(ur,iill'l (5" .T .. b""h D Oms1c . ... М1/. S<o , . . .к........., I . S,, Ь <> '\ '!'.da"t   в......' ....... .. ... Iт к...,.,....  """"'"', . КAZAKHSТ AN L..../'\ ,  u....."'   I "'," '1'- "'" з Lokt iIoI"",h UZ КlSТAN ." ;; (T ...........   ..K'   . "-- ,.r- ... . Alтa ..< ;:   l .... _ ..........t-:I ..... т A.!I!(ISi"AN  K'fflG-v.zsт"-'N ,.. ..... (.-/, Ia..... Т,' fFп  S-h Q . м ......"'; Ur'.1",i !  о и п t.-.Q J п IC' ........  . TO r ,  1щ В . ЙSIЛ .,.  f ( - iGTдN ..J.... . .......!: .......,  T f.f"" ..  ..\ n-E 8О'Е ВS"I 9О'Е 9.'1 Land Cover in the year 2000. including relative proportion оп this тар as percentaze of total non-water area _ TroplC.a1 Forest (попе) Declduous Shrubs 7% _ Trees Flooded In Salt Water <1% _ Deciduous Forest 6% Evergreen Shrubs 1% Trees Flooded in Fresh Water <1% Deciduous Trees <1% Grass <;<;' Flooded Shrubs or Grass 4% _ Needle.leaved Е\.& gJ eellS 9% Sparse Shrubs or Grass 11% Salt Water _ Needle.Leaved Deciduous 18% Snow and!ce 1 % Мах Extent of Solid Sealce, 2005 _ Mlxed Т rees 1," Barren L.and 12.% Fresh Water Mixed Ts and Shrubs 2% _ Burnt Trees 1% Rivеr(widtt1"roponЮn.lroа,..dw.otont1odJ ....... . J I ....0   ..t'  . .... '! .),;ul>l<" MONGpUA .... D e sert (;о--Ь' ---- 100'E Im"E Cultlvated L.and Mixed Crops and Shrubs I Grass Mixed Crops and Т rees 1 % Urban Areas <'  )-е-'rrП1::I Zm.,Q (RUSSIAj Op l' 1- .r с 'iSP    .a;1Sii (. .Ф ,- .'"" . 'L:.L "х- ,.....J IIO"E 115"1 Sоvеrеigпtу in 2006 WI.onJ1 .f (I\USWI) ,О" 1. .AJ [(1st () rz, - со (\ 'О е t \ S\ < >tt> C' . (1.... oS".f;J.< .. 110 ..... > о t:J    (> .., QSL О>  ..'С , YD;ua" . .., II S(? Q qи "  ' -0\ О/' 0-f .-j о...."''''' . J:'  ..  .. \ )r) (.. r Qмiжr .'jJ   .. .. ". CR,, , '\ . r  UNITED STAТES SI. Lawre-l'Ке ,1. (U.5.) IICIN"I:I, -) lЗ е r - 11] KS п 1 :t 7'  iI L-i;;1'' '0.1 '.r " ,;...... ct\.............'"'V ...  f1tf 'j i iUIli l(u"II.. ID"I'utedl 1;'- АР ...1 5.f: "'J.. 6 CHINA I .... 1"; IYk "'.... a,. ' .  J 'ЪREA  110"1 1].'1 I"I ...., " .J II"E Cities. Roads. Canals, Time  U.N..--recognlzed InternatlOnal Border    De (аао Intern3.tional Вorder Sub.NatloJlil1 Вorder lau<onomOlJO ""(00) ....1110.."'0<1100-  U N.. MEMBER STATE 1It:вrмla.nd .r.." 1\I"'<I.I....,d 3% d"IОО'ООО--2501WOO1PII СIt)' <l2ЩOOD  SOQ.OOO poooI. Ci< 1..000,000 рО<>рlо Otj' d 1..000,000  5,000,000 """,,1. Highway I Road or Расl1 Сапаl or Aqueduct Time Zone BOlJndary (о, "'In..... DST .",'.00""',\  I8nIcgt"..e4 &clCJIoI'I!! (Pa.roo'tStat.e in F'illr.eтfH:!lII!$) t;;;;;; 17!1: llТlary  lтlf ьу вfffcd 11:1.- 51: n:rI!irs 11(>"1 1'11"1 "...... 6O'N 55.... (I'N 4.'N 4O'N JS'N 24 I N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III'Rm. ilta.... bEEquaJ.Aril!& kaI.ащ 7ON .nd4S.N is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" Q 100 ]00 JOO 400 SOO I<m  ' 1 (Ю' ' ni 
Northern Eurasia .. Population and Infrastructure   ANtA'ND' "'"". r ... " ,". Л й r р n t . 1... O;. ..b"rg ,''''_ "Е" )...." .JI;;I.tLl)fI!" .!" IIIU5.WЧ E,k< 8пtg!]' .. ;!' ""' .'I'.ro>lm ""''''' >-fIO...- Nithп)' W....I0r<x! -т-  -y... , _ (\- C";I с>' " ':: с)' ""'"  -'-с,' \ ;y.....-Ctt C.ьd;t;II'1 11 . Kaиn' п...... ' 1''1&' g.. -t.;  Т-a 'I( L  '\ Ч ,..о.-",Iм--J 'i   А   ........., ....  , '\ l1eIYaI8UIC ..J \ -- """'h7' т' , ft.roj' S<o "Т'  '"  1! J. ':!: ... <:?, ()...... . (о . '" 1'- , <' 3   т.; ..... КAZAKHSТ AN ./' , -'е' 't>.> I 'l1li ... AI'!,'8)' 71 0 Е 80'1 ВS"I IЖЮ 386 реор1е I km1- 100 39 реор1е I mi" 10 -1 les5 than 1 0.4 and below )-e-"!t..n Zrnlrt1 (!'.1dSW\) NDV.a,l'/J Zm?,lJ (P.IJ>SIA) v..-   I I  ь\е \,  ,O 'O'l. '\ (1" ... ,с.  RUSSIЛ -<> ..... со  Ol';" [(1s t NtкrSIDII',Jon 'f (I\USSLA) < ct> .... 3..,с" 00:$  -:) r:> с" .$L Q. "\ " .$ о#' -J ...... '::> Sib eriO LrW'P-J "" d' """" ,  4....д.i .... K4ImlllftwO J A>  Во""'" , I v J .......:-.. :о..  \ Moutaiпs ,а  "- ' Jr<UZ . .  l' I,. sayaп ... t1I J   s...   I . ':I. )( """"'" "'<wo.!d .. ""...,""""'<....... '10. 4/ I'Q' ... z .11:10> .  I}t o ' 'q.  MpNGOUA UI.....,. . ... D e sert с,'оы   Х \  .... 100'E Im'E 9О'Е 9.'1 I nfrastructure Rallroad Divided HigJ1wa)' Road or Path Power I Communlcauons Cable Overland Piре1IПе Canal or Aqueduct  .. S t (1 1I Q. \1 0'1'" М4J и t й; л I $ :   .  * c . IIO'E 115"" 110"1  (>... oS'-f .J- 4t °v' (о. ,пs ...  .. t-# J 1\  ,  С'\  ,,1  . ., Qlqiho r H;a(Din. CHINA ИOl o.. 1].°1 011..   .&..... "-  ои--"'lОif}r r аnт В йS1Л Population Density in the year 2000 more than 10,000 3.861 апd greater (Sr. Perersburg. Gre;!(er Наnщ Houston. Johannesnurg +---Eastern UzЬeklsran. Southern Wales. Brazilla, Ншtl +---Wesrern Tajikisran, Norrhern New Jersey. Cuba +---Сепtra1 Russla. Zambla. Solomon Is1ands. Laos +---Кazakh Sreppe. Сепtrэl Боrпео, Upper Mid1igan f OREA I"E w.""f'I" (PШ'JA} 't d- '" $ .;'L S(? Q IS"E r  UNITED sт А ТES --- ;)1:_ LQ'Wre-l'Ке 's. !U,S) St, M.QithclW 1:1, (tJ5.J Be r - '1} C.r Q  CI 3 ('\ '"5 Р -..... -r: о Кdtпо"dоrJ:.i 's. I j ... .............. О/ 0-f  О.... "'1"" I\"t '" (I\USS\д1 Sоkf1aJш IIS. (I\U>SIA) "*:111:.... r '  .. 1,1,. 'iV 7 s"DI><h> . 1;. Sdut" J(ufll '1. (о..р",м) 11(>"E ИS"Е "...... 6O'N S5"N S(I'N C.'N 4О"" ]S'N 25 I N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... bEEquaJ.Aril!& kaI,ащ 7ON .nd4S.N is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" Q I Q 100 ]00 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni 
26 Northern Eurasia .. Plate Tectonics r ".....-  I . VV''f 'I\LJSSIII' FINLAND   UNITED sт А ТES 6O'N . .  ;)1:.1.' ." it. .......... j 1 l'АЛ<чо' .. North American Plate Уо!оР. j  "' . . YМ05 .JC.attrtlm" . h"II;a1> ъo:uo 1>""'io< "3"""",, .... D '.. \( S5'N с"': .-; (>"  .. < <S'.f  It> Y4J > \, 0-:$ со .  J  r:>h ...... "';;;:; \ ,.,  '"" ... ." ,.   ..,: Ylkubk., .0,. S(I'N ". , "'t:! Okhotsk Plate . -;  . . ъ i St MoиtO;п J . . . . 45'N . Nizhny NO,.od Y)OtI .Kann' Ul'yanOY>k I, UIao   . Q RUSSIA Penn' , \С>  s.""'oI. .  "'...... . Kur&ill'l ) II::--"  ............... "Omsk КoIuh Eurasian Plate "1<uybyok.,.. .G-lI!Iпbtq  'Т"""" ,,, . . .I< "'kii!:millrtW'O ,,,,,,,,, . I(.;a.d:  O(;qp..... hm:.uI' tJr.  Ii ........ f '/ h-kU....  , ' .1.,.bn.1 . J..." . . ,!<><Ib" КAZAKHSТAN .50"'J !-"'. ..... sayClf1 Moиtall'} . .....11 .. . . yr , uz8EКlSTAN '-. s,J"'r'8:!.I"[ Л \' 'ТaA T       ,..... . ':  """" ....... r ,. ........ ;1. TAJIКISТAN: ( KYR'GYZSTAN  fJu.л .  а I'F 1ФО-L/..rц а i п s .. AmUr Plate * ..I .. . . .. у . "... ..., Q\I.. .  .K . , . . i'" t ). , 111 . 4O'N . . ;,.' Paci.t1C . f t.J! JAhN Рlзtе SopF" ..... . , I ,  . .  t<'Й!"""Clrfd' 11>",,",,''''''' '". oЩIoI)  .  . / I Q' MONGOLIA , 11* .. . ........p t о ''bS' DeS e t . о .../"\ 95"Е 100'E Im"[ IIO"E IIS"Ii QiGi har Hl.t bin дFЛN  PAK Ur'im; ' <... t J .  '.. . - ,. 1: 11(>'. З5'N 71 0 [ 110'[ ВS"E -r. : 9О'Е , CHINA ..(.... Ch,,;"g<hun NORi I . . 11O"E ']>". ''E IJI"[ . .... . . ..... Ortт BDjy, ... 1'11"[ Plate Motion Major Earthquakes 1975.2000 magnltude оп the Rlchter ScaJe: с 5 О  5.9 ..... 6.0  6.9 U 7JJ79 r' 8.0 and greater Active Volcanoes ...>t Arrows show motion relative to Africa Color'$ also show plate motlon date о! last eruptlQn: . since 1900 . 16th  19th century . 1st  15th century between 1.000 and 10,000 years :!,go Elevation and Bathymetry meters 9,000 29.528 "'t 6.000 19.685 3.000 9.842 including extreme points оп th is тар  hW1est pOlnt above sea level' pe,}k о! Bawra, Kashmlr (7,795 m I 25.574 ft)  hW1est pos5,bIe perrnanent human settlement (5,100 m I 16.500 ft) bEEquaJ.Aril!& kaI,ащ 7ON .nd4S.N is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Greatв.- 1:0101" l:on'П"illst Ьetweeп platss. indicat:в!l .t8f r.1i... М_..,с," in dill-8ctioo dmov.mW'lI[  SeaAoor Sрrеаdщg or Contlnental Rlft % Area о! diffLlse transformatton  (PI.,.ь""nd.v"".-..с. DI' """,nown) Sea Level з.ооо less than ,,(;.000 Sea Level Iowest pOlnt оп land. Turpan Depresslon. лоrthwеst Chlna (154 m I 505 ft) Q 1 Q 100 ]00 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni 9.B42  19,685 and below  deep ocean floor (5,500 m I  18.000 ft)  greatest осеал depth: bottom of the KurllКamchatka Trench (9.505 m I з 1.1 84 ft) 
Northern Eurasia .. Climate , t  1 FN  1 4 ..... 1'"  j \ . """""""J  .St. Potonbu'1! ",.... ...  ,---- ...  .,р- . tJ"'* -1 ... . ... ( . r . .:-- . ....... ... - f/f- .... .. NI"'п)' . N1mпу . Nov,gorod Nov,gorod f ... t , .. . . .. , 17 RUSSIA L RUS$JA j tJa с... iF tJa с... .- . КAZAKHSТAN КAZAKHSTAN  I B I   ......."\. ( u"м.: С .... . '----. APAN  . CHINA JAPAN  Ul2.anн..r CHINA MOOV . \r ) ...-.. MONGOLIA F   t Меап Annual Т emperature Ies. tnan 1O' .10' О' 10. 10' ]О'С Temperature Range (Contrast of Seasons) С' 10' 40' 6О'С - Avel'i'\ge of аll tеmреraшrеs througholJt the уеи IlВss Iha.... --4 е 1'" 12 50' 1>8' 86"f Difference between minimum and maximum average monthl)' temperatures (1 36" П" 10000f FIN/  St.  St,I'81:....""'1! '- r  .;. ,.  ., NI"'n)' " Nov,gorod NI"'n)' t . ..4 , , . . I ,/ . RUS$IA , I .  .- 11' . КAZAKHSTAN  . . t ""[.......... " т {rLJ.. '\   L APAN ...  АЬо.., о JAPAN UIut1 CHINA ""'-- ",nG. u""""....,. HINA " " MONGOLIA   MONGOLIA   { \ IlВssltl.&n I 10 I{)() ,IOOO[:m Precipitation Range (Contrast of Wet & Dry Seasons) 10 100 1.000 <m Ies:s than О.4- " 40 4()() In DIfference between minimum and maximum avera,ge monthly precipitation О.. I 40 4001" ' RUSSJA  . КAZAKHSTAN """ :I\G r "-........ Меап Annual Precipitation Includ,ng snow. c:onvened (О eqlJlvalent aтount of ra,n 27 , \ ТbeGn!llltL..вla!o!.a't:me.:s.amil! !lcaJe: bEEqual.Aril!& kaI,ащ 7O.N.nd4S.N is 1:41.00Q.000 rtm-42.jНm 11N:I\=bl,-9m А Q iOO 800 1100 1600 lOOCМOn I . . , . , с)  еОО . ш mi 
East Asia ... Land Cover  А?о 17.., (f{j ес,.. c rI ;л  Q. "'" .....1t о " r I Q/"-4s ' ./ .,.. uw.' Amur Ft I...,.......,., МONGOllA .1 Q"iihar  .... e rt Oe S .. .. 'l// , r1 J' I ч.r.g ; .o. ... . , .  ю... 1'" " '. "" . '1. ,. \ , .- '"'Lr , , EJJg<I<> \') () -t'   ( " .-.'  " ,;  } I J- .... "... t'i Gцiхщ;: .mт0l/, , , опЮ'. . .. ,  ". ffi,ju ... Inch crf'   +   /1 _ЪtЩ tiIt'« П дт....... Iln. ;. .1 . Т..пj<'-i -т. r Ti,,!,jin . т 1r....(' J\ ,r.'. j IЯ   u 1; #' М.... :fjIf'- Cj. INA : ,.. у. . o OЦl Da1ion. , .. '" "> ... Qing<!oo  ....  ..... о ;z,. - .. , ., ....' , ''111: , w"..n Н""; .N..!!),"'& о . / r . Shanghai   ./ ... ... " F .kdik.v' шhau I[);"",'О<!) " <;hog .n.пg '}: , ::;.. .. , if: .. ""' ТТ' ,. W.  tP .. ':4", ' -:..' .  GL  ... " .   · t . TNAM T'o/rJ<oooo, ""' Hatlat Il.!: ,, i),QS 'pJ>o""  .. ..", . . ""h ""- ."- ."" "'DINIII'),g . awn,... 1 сдr lА ityo....... , '05', 11(]"Е rtI м (CHINA) CI-iIiAj ri.inin" Кaosh.iuf1g' Taiwan a 11. (CHINA) е б С, <> 4i:" ....  lJ 8i1Jfi:l'I'J ' I &!t> t"'" I r !PttLI'F'III  ..... ::s о v) , 4'ZOJ1 Citj м.М. . PI-flLII 1!iE 'W'E Land Cover in the year 2000. including relative proportion оп this тар as percentaze of total nonwater area _ TroplC.a1 Forest 5% Declduous Shrubs 6% _ Trees Flooded In S.alt Water <1% _ Deciduous Forest 9% Evergreen Shrubs 1% Trees Flooded in Fresh Water <1% Deciduous Т rees < 1 % Grass 14% Flooded Shrubs or Grass 1 % _ Needle-1eaved &." 1\''''''' IS 12% Sparse Shrubs or Grass  Salt Water _ Needle.Leaved Deciduous 3% Snow and!ce < 1% Мах Extent of Solid Sealce, 2005 _ Mlxed Т rees 2" Barren L.and 11 % Fresh Water Mixed Ts and Shrubs 1% _ Burnt Trees <1% Rivеr(widtt1"roponЮn.lroа,.."'w.otont1odJ ,OJ e-,tli . s."d ." -w", ':1 "' P.fAl " ; , 1)",,- И"N (JAI'AN) .... . ( )"ok)'o  м,'i:...kJ '1\ ...... I fI..r.,I,.,  ? ./ , . #1  ,,Jo.hd>;o-. J НarbIn" ... .... ...   ".  J' s. .....,...  "'  1?""," \  о.... ;f J, ,. ,. ,6 с: t) G.. tI ...... L """'"'& . WCnW" # '. r' -' a  н ... &....... ..I(;.ew · нro. oItё..Q  . . , /(f FUI<UOb ,. К)' " иАРА с; Jul s..1(.......\LI"I ... ....l![a58w r - ,. 4, thi пo f;'e t} . . ' ,.il. (JAPANJ  Amomifs. (ll\PAN) O.f(l."war OAPAI\ ..1 . Dkjпowo , (JAPANI l)OjID 's. (JA1i1 .j.:;i и+рт) Р!} /ip p ' lпfj S'ea J".lE: ,)Q" В5"Е Sоvеrеigпty in 2006 Cultlvilted L.and %  U.N.--recognlzed IntematlOna1 Border Mixed Crops апд Shrubs I Grass 2% Sub.Natiol1a1 Border (indU<inC_U"",omOU5 ""5) Mixed Crops апд Trees 1%  r UN MEMBER STATE I :5ma'l'orrt U!iedfor . . Urban Areas <  ........,d ....(QI'I.. State (de fact.a) Wlth Llmlted or No Rec:ognltlon whh 1"" land ... J><nde'" '" Sp....1 T.rтlto<)' (Pa"",s",," 1" Po...n.., cbon PJ.odo bland PctrII<"'r  EJt,I.., (Ропо, 1" р....пt/,.,.,) J = 1!Пt. tl!rrtaf)' ВI 0011 ьу o.тciaf:s IDrSf: 8Ibif's , '\е й о 45. 9 М I LKи'k IDbp.... 4()'N ЭС'N l"N T,.opicd... Non:h d Uiig  l'h..l"lniia:.......r diril!<.qtiWiI!rbi!ed lO'N "Iorctoe", t1iи'''iiI.n1ls. (u.s.\ IS'N 140.E 14E Cities. Roads. Canals, Time Ul;:fd.OO.oo:J--250.000pll o;r ""!дOOD  'iOQ.OOO р..,.,. cky '" 500.000  '.000.00о Р"'р," Otj' d 1.000.000  5,000.000 """pI. О!)' 01 rnore than 5.000,000 people Highway I Road or Path Сапа1 or Aqueduct Time Zone Вondary (Ol W;"ter' DST """.>юwn) > + '- :ir 28 I N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. .1:3.... Ь4!EqшJ-Аril!а. kaI.ащ ISN .nd4S 9 N is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-l0iНm Ihth = ЗIS.7 m" Q '00 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m  ' 1 (Ю' ' ni 
East Asia  Population and Infrastructure .A-t 70 Q Qr е"у Cil1.1 -7" ft;>. '" -./1t о" ..., r Q . / .o.s /'  , \. MONGOtIA "  .... e rt Oe S . .  ..... ,f- . #«>   -"\' 1iI01. . . , "t"2h". ..-;." ... '" .,    ,.,..  .(с: 'Ov ,1 .. f j 1ii!il)oo"8 '. к...   .1 .., r ';, м.....   ... r"I .. ...  1-AQS .. ...с:. . -. r--. 'Vlnh , ,(\' f-'I-- crlna 11. fCHINA)  N,... a...,, CAMBODIA С/оо""" . . 105', I,Ю"f Population Density in the year 2000 more th.ш 10,000 3.861 and greater Seoul, Calro, Mexlco City. Paris, Delhl +---Pearl Rlver Delta. Houston. Вangladesh. Ruhr Valley +---Slchuan Вasln.Java. Suburban Perth, Rwanda Northem Vietnam. NlJ:elia, Fiji. Centra1 Michrgan Laos. Central Afghanlstan. Estonla... Vermont., Yucat1ln  Tibetan Plateau, Вэjа California, Southem Mauritania 1,000 386 реор1е I km1. 100 39 реорlе J mi 1 10 4 less than I 0.4 and below  - т"iфhor Ti<i!'ji" . , T "   IA""'" J"  . 7 ... .ngzJOQЧ .... u.-, -s; _ - u  о "t- нtht .Non  .\ w..r ,.  " 'J: .,.  . .-. ..., -j I \  (CHINA) "C-HINA) ео. " \J'  "  v'.e"t' [Dnp""'ol --t:' ...... :::s о V'I 11!!!i'"E Infrastructure Rallroad Di\lided HigJ1wa)' Road or Path Power I Communlcauons СаЫе Overland Pipe1ine Canal or Aqueduct \ L RUSL\ 1  t ..&  ...1 ()  . '-,' .;- '" .... Q"...r '"  .. нort> .. :,. "  " )I>'  ' JikI.. . 1  "'''''' Anthatr  o,'Dl\lii'1 о.м ..... ....... .:,. .  P'J-or ЦI .r . UII. 1'1.. <1- [:>'КOIФ\l Incl n. .i!OOl . ..  н '" .. 'К E .. }, 'I1'fuT QЧo\->  . ..' r:"- :... . ""'" нros/wna  ' - К)' ...,;...... -)   J!j[J '1 (50 KOI\EA) , . <Нoho.  ..... " .1 01:111"';"", IJАРЛN) " , , Arf щ.. '!  .AlII) , :\'0"..'. ,.1 1 fL);IpI'.,j) ClA:jllaw"f, О"РЛN, Ю.аJIDI5. Nr" Njt " '" ....... т ... .. т......., w.W,"'" , WAN) . ,' Ta.iwan КaOJltsiu'lg' 8i1JtQI'JIs , _ .. i1ЮЬUУЙi'l"s . . !fИL I'FWES) O.i',. (JAI'AN) .  - ........., 1,. 4  . 5opJ'I'!'Y р.  f 1 "  ТО"У" Iu J I.  ,  тр РЬ hu.s. UAPANI ""' " а Арт ) o/Inofo" """./'1 иАРАМ Р h -ц--,.  fjplТJe. -, . :.:.::.." ';:'\. I'Ю'Е IZ"E ')О'Е IЗS'Е 140"'E I;:",пl.. (IWSSIAI , Sшlh Ки,.д r!l:_ (DI) Non!1e", I"'b.riar..als. (U.:>.!. GL<Im ),. (U.S.) I 45. 9 М ""М ]'M )0'1'1 Z5'M T"Qpkd... Non:h d Uiig  1'h..l"lni9......'r diril! iWiI!rbeed lU'N tS'N 14E > :;. '- :ir Alben.EquaJ.Aril!&1C8l kaI,ащ tSN .nd4S 9 N is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-101!Ьт1 Ih<h = ЗIS.7 mlot 29 I N,YQ1(/nillll: а......т. ilt:iIk Q 100 100 ]00 400 SOO I<m  ' 1 (Ю' ' ni 
--;; ....0. м '" "";'0 ч"'} FQ QS Se f 'Ое. East Asia  Plate Tectonics -t/.J e " 'О' (,О ... ... . .. Ing Lan'\'... . . V- 8J d'J""-. ,.. Вe T..ngWIn T)il1.. ...... . GOLIA    r .)' . . ..., с:- .... .:'t- Tlliyl:lll....' - ""   -<:- Eurasian Plate Oel'gd" ""h.l"'n3 .,.J G,, "Ч'lrw V/EТNAM I , T" <Н JII.';I"' J-IIIrp" Hew.c." GIrI LAOS \""'о.  THAID   ,r- CAMBODIA ) 'l>5'E Plate Motion Мajor Earthquakes 19752000 ma,gnltl.lde оп the R.chter Sc.ale: 5.0  5.9 О 6,O6,9 О 7.0 7.9 '} 8,0 and greater ....>r Arrows show motion relarive ro Africa Colors а150 show p1ate mooon Grl!!lШ!t' t:Dlor COn1 betwl!!len F1ates. ifJ4dic.a l""e4mr tiVEI differEf1ce m dir&etioo of mClyemertt.  Seafloor Spreadin.g or Сопttпепtal Rlft  Area of dilfue!;rormation  (PI"",Ьо""d...",,,,lI<rюwn)  .... 'iюuНi8n.f: ....... то.   CHINA .n '" .  ...J. :;J( , , W.J1ln \t I)i.og C.!jg'ho у angtze Plate (>шо«zhou , .. fi{k]on . t CH  ']nan M!hi ) у Sun.da .::;;1' P-Iate ..1 J ,.- .r. -"".. ..  .." .... ,J' , .:; j   ". ... J. ......., III)"E 11!!!i'"E Active Volcanoes date of l:ast еruрtюп: . ince 1900 . 16Ф  19th century . 1st  15th century . Ьеtwееп 1.000 and 10.000 years :a,go . ., Оkh,9--К  .. \"'-' I Plate . . .. - - 'fID:hT."'" #' 45. 9 N  ("'r J ..  .. t.sJ '.. / . .11"   1 ." '}.рР""".  . .., .. 1 . 11_\ Pacifl{ ""'N  Plat - .. .. <ао   lr......h.. RUSSIA . t:: .... ..... '""J Kh8bar'OIrlj{ lIIIiit .  '- ()   " . с:- ()   f}"-r;,.\ &' * 0"1,...' ..... Amur Plate Нt.t bin . 1 1_In Chв . '" I f ..., ' "" ( .'hUn  NORTH L..\. KOR ,'l8l"1 .. f . . ,"'>ook. ... · i !,,;{ . r.- . ;. т 0400.G- ( .: .  ..I.\;..:I i. N ... 1< b ...l(t<>to , . ..1 "00.."" . Do1ia"t P')vnЮ' I  "... 1.l't.I....:.. н;\: ,.. K2!II.'t"Al "n' -Soou! '.  ,. - :/ 5< JT . CJ,I, ....... К AJ' (Jд;/\ " T 0 1'WJ 1 , ..  ,  . Hir<>VI mo .J.."""". .,.. - """""""' lU<.ol<;o. КI&;> 'fЧii.ь. , , ./,) ,... . f .. ""21"'& . . . . , . . ' .'\ . ;1 . \ . . 1-1 J....  .Shangha l .. -: .H-Пr 1JIOU . . . .... , . \t ...i .. 4 ( . I '. ' ...., .. , .1:.. ... ..J F J 'J..... i  . \  ,,'.' " .1,1 "' ( t ' ,)., '"'-. i } I 4 .. "  . ... , ... , "n'.l .-f\Jznоu . "'О,. ",! · ISP. \о- ..fЖJпа , Plate .  Tillicht8В.. Т"1'1 1 ...  . I'f'  / "'т." -t 1'> . .. T'nir1'" К401h r  I . {. ., Iln ,J . 1; ,.  . 1 , .. / -r-... .1 , ,. \ . IPF , '.J' . . '" I t r"r .. . Jf ( 1.. 1; ., . . . .... ..8' .0Cit7 1"Io'!I'i1. . 1N1!6 '/I--т . "f . 1".lE 140"'E IW"E HO' В5"Е Elevation and Bathymetry mete 9.000 29,528 feet 6,000 19.685 3.000 9.842 '.. " А I I .A ,. .. iari\2, "( ,P1aI . / ..'  1,/ (/. J ' '.. ')   - ../,  ." . 'rl 1. <1- , . " , ., I _ .. И"N 30'1'1 l"N T,-QрkdCillц(er Non:h d Uiig  1'h..l"lni9......'r diril! iWiI!rbeed lU'N 15'1'1 14,.10 including extreme points оп this тар i--- htghest РОlпt аЬоуе ea level: реа" of Gопggа Shan. l:entra1 Chlna (7,556 m I 24.790 ft) +-- hJ,ghest posibIe реrrлапепt hl.Jman ett1ement (5,100 m /16,500 ft) Sea Level З.ООО less than 6,OOO Sea Level .{----.Iowest point оп land: shore of Lake Hacl1iro, northern Japan (m 1 13 ft) 9.842 19.68S and below +--deep осеап floor (5.S00m / 18.000 ft) +--greatest осеал deprh, In the Мапoanа Тrепсh (аррх. IO.23S m 1 33,S79 ft) > :;. "- :ir Alben.Aril!&1C8l kaI,ащ 15 4 N .nd 4S 9 N is 1:10,000,000 .оп -10iНm Ih<h = 315.7 m'" 30 I N..".Ytlf1< I Lstgп.-tа......т. ilt:iIk 1) I с) 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' , , . 1(10 1 00 хю ni 
East Asia .. Climate  с ' RUSSIA Т  .... RUSSIA tAu!п.,Ь.ltlt" L/ U!un!:-Qt" \..../1" , MONGOLIA r---' MONGOLIA  J   I  Be!ng  NORTH Ве..М! NORTH ... /" KOREA KOREA  P'j'Q<I8)"IfIg' .. р' .  n. Seou.r SOUTH , SOUTH . KOREA seou , KOREA .Tokya L CHINA CHINA  ! JAPAN . Shanghhi  . f V н d , -{ Т'" .  llnl KC<\Ii < li' , (Iwanl , 1'\ i? \ , ""L )   f'1i1f)f1. PHILIPPINES СМВ . -..с-- т еmреrа'Шrе Range (Contrast of Seasons) Dlfference between mlnlmum and maxlmum average monthly temperatures , нcn,g KC<\Ii ( Меап Annual Т emperature Average of з11 temperatures throughout the year - less. d-ran "lOe ..10'" О' t{)' 20' зо"с Ics dtan -411 14' ]2' 50' ,В" U'f о" zo' 4Q' ()' )6' 71' МО=: ?  f. / .. . ." "--  ; f. ,.. RUSSI MONGOLIA ....... w ""'-о....... n,g CHIN,6 Ia.. , · '\.ShмgtoВi ... .!tAPAN NORTH КOREA SPUTH KOREA t. Вeq,inS NORTH КOREA SOUTH KOREA р '''СУ'' SeCtJ , "1 , "ш" seou ., , ld<o;o CHINA ... Iwф;u .   (' Т'" ' <  (Ianl , 'М . ...... \ Ti!lwanl OnOI- , " нсч: Ко,,& . нсч: KOf\g , , '\; (  , 'HILIPPINE$ CJ1В  . . . Меап Annual PrecipitatlOn Including snow. converted со equivalent amount of rain r....1wI I Precipitation Range (Contrast of Wet & Dry Seasons) Difference between mlnlmum алd maxlmum ",vera,ge monthly preclpltatlon 4с.' 10 100 I.DOO cm 10 100 ОА .. 1... """ O, 4 40 4001" bEEqual.Aril!&1C8l kaI,ащ ISN .nd4S.N is 1:41.00Q.000 rtm-42.jНm 11N:I\=bl,-9m Q .wo 800 1100 '600 lOOCМOn 1 . . , . , с)  еОО , im mi .J...- " 4  5О"С IOS°F 1,(IO(Ic;m 400in 31 \ ТbeGn!llltL..вla!o!.a't:me.:s.amil! !lcaJe: А 
Southeast Asia  .. Land Cover Р J.r .....   r ъ. fNiiLд:' ."",  f "О BNG  ,  G"'V"C , J 'f " Z  . ",  '.. 'l '..r .... ,. f' I 1". I -" mYANMM,.J \\. . (BU .  :\' "" .;.I. k..., Уangоп ""., f (R;1Лgocn)  , '1 .; 1 HW1du'; It .'  \ а , 1< I  . . '. lМAR) 1 """от"" .. .. IIN -1 I Мi!'r,l:Ш ...""",,., ':IfO Мl>Jl.I ..:: ..\ ,.. ,... , OIj tf '1 . 1" , I . -;t .....,.... . . ,. . ..;' J#!1,;.-j- '7ti r- ,  ",:'  '*....J "', Go;yang ':р- :11 о- q.  с> .." /;. (INОIД , . .r f'>() J .r '. .!l м1 1. _Т  .. -".n.... plJp =-- o ....и-.. /. .  ... пot;<hot,g . foboI,Ci8I Cilll1,g Нo , , () ' ...-- ,," ,. ..  ., 'vffi1'NAM , Тlo!I'jo>Jo" Нa,r.OI i. ,  ,0= Qo'Iyy 'C"'.'t"'" ,;. t.Aos. IIOШ '!" J ....eOlb. (1oJJSТl\ALIA) 9S'c " , ..'  'а. 'LL.O. I= .", .. Bok ......... fblr:...iПIII Qoonj .... сRш)IД j . CV' JIIJO. -.-.;;....   I .t. L" Т... p  1.....I-tC<l. " ;)"Jык .... .> 'Но ("1,; Minh c1ty(Seij:o.) """J"W" 111e IIbdiIGмo ItТk> J ) i "" (  "  .1; J." t1   O M.cli!ln . .. ..... . 'J.,I.""'N \, !,.rкqpo, , . .... Nrпиll ;, 81!li:o. .. ..... .." . к......,.......1Y1 К.....   .",: "'"" s;;.h':,...,. """'IIi RJtи .s. МАLЛ YSIA ,.. А..тЬ.. ,..  .. у ..  '#"" с' .... 5anJka '! . Ic  о l' (!J". .1' . '- M,.r.I"'4'.Iw,..I',.  "''JI I J"" 'J(/ S о €'Q PIoII.b..g .. oeтипz 's. javo Еnzonо 1.  ''iIII1jui''1'МJJ.:Ь8lllJr..,:   laJp.rca  ... 5 е moпng" r'.iQ. ...   1.'. О," v.,... . :hrl:nrna, 11, I\USТRAl.IAJ IOODE I[JS.E: шrе Land Cover in the year 2000. including relative proportion оп this тар as percentaze of total nonwater area _ т roplC.a1 Forest 17% _ Deciduous Forest 2% Deciduous Т rees З% _ Needle.leaved &." 1\''''''' IS 7% _ Needle.Leaved Deciduous (попе) _ MlxedTrees. le) Mixed Т !> and Shrubs -4% Declduous Shrubs 10% Evergreen Shrubs 9% Grass 4% Sparse Shrubs or Grass Snow and!ce < 1% Barren L.and <1% _ Burnt Trees (попе) 7' _ Trees Flooded In S.alt Water <1% т rees Flooded in Fresh Water 2% Flooded Shrubs or Grass < 1 % Salt Water Мах Extent of Solid Sealce, 2005 Fresh W.ater River (widtt1I"ОponЮn.l ro а,.. d w.o,"""od) '( /C".1g.h(  , ,   ,  f1i1catLl J.s;J Ji.ptJ!Jod) r-w". ,'" 10)'0 'S- ОАрт  ,.,., Т.,р8 l)ajft:lll. (JAI':O.N) , I т ...ь..., а'! AP"'N) . r"", Taiwan "  ..;"  (CHJNA) r<':H>NA, ."".... . .. lIJoIJPUY°,l1l'f r !PнVI'PINE! "CiP.1',J (U"l"'tsdl Ci1)' t () си  с>  " L . '. C.QJ'JJmjdf1'.  \: . (1 ';1:. , PHIt.IPPlN \ .. S(III'J'I(III"', Рапау '5.. \ Ij. . ' I PojawGl1 J5 (f'Н1I.'PfIN .'. IU"ptJ<eo1 .,. . " 11 S е 0""1.;)". . , '1  'f;4 LIt.I .A'tpt'"ori:l .. ....." 'OOINE5} Min-d'''l1aol:r " .. " ,,, .!fl!-;'   . BRU, ,...""'! ...,... ,. , . "/у k '1 .' \!.-. v "(",. #-..,,/ ..  .... ....'д .. . 1a]oIJ.&. INOOI  Cel ebe5 1. "'Ц,JNtSIA) .  ro о> О  >r . .A ..-. .. r ,..;7  ';;: .",. .( 'SiiП'8fV1dl 1-1 1-:,1 ., 'ro1rт ВoII"," ,..., ., IЮ, "; ". ...... РАIA\ с:. 1 'с;.. .J ;, А 'r I \ L8 ............ 11"" 'I!:.r '1   s.".IfJI'$ ....... /SlanS 8;Wrdj.rrr:I$F1 " ..t::nllвri .....j.. "; I , /S/an S"!tfN" 1, INDONESIд IC .. , d s "'......." о N......'IIj"" It K(JI\f"1'I 'S, >S"nbaj<r. 1. 'S S е r "';" ... .... '!;rr!' s u II"d а 15' й п d s .""Ю7." ,01\1.,', ;-# -' /  R D"rDI" . rGпjmlIIr 's:.. Arof\J(;o e.o frQ-r,.. Js. .G 't,;...  , Lor Se(J ,\\(1' r  , J""''''''! 32 ...  + . .11  .  l Isawara .k jAPAN' 1'N Тrnpil: cfCaJКsr Ni:ln::hClflll:Nsllne:. I:he:r.un i neV8'" Clllr«rN1!I.1d NN Nor1I1i1!1m н.,*. J., IU 15'N Guam (Ш.J IO'N  Caro'lne ISlaпd$ ......:I(I .  iZ" ... , . . .... 10_ _"'-':. ....  AUSТRALIA bf!rtt') ,eu G?'eat Sond 1','( 1:tO'e I!'e I Sovereignty in 2006  U.N.--recognlzed InternatlOnal Border    De (аао Intem3.tional Вorder DIputed Вorder 1"0< '.okJolng ,.".,,41, cIoim'j Sub.Narion3.1 Вorder (U""".'1("J> "'P'"'I s.."щonш,.u", r U N MEMeER STATE .ш..-::;::,..: .{ Srat (de (аао) wirl1 Lim.ted Or No Recognition 1 Iho" RhO<i.I"'..o L D.реоОощ о, s,...IaI T.rтllO<}' (fV."," 1" "'""""", htm<'"t "Ч"""'I uclo<o fPo."",St;ot8 1..  } .  lk$endef1rf terrcory 0"'1 tJy o((i.dJ (lr  1- De sef I)S-e 'N e III...........I..'!D :Aj ...... ,  -i. .,...  :!  i:i  <..,," . ..,  fL..... 1:  l'  .. . 111 1'",01.   ;J:- РАЮА NEW GUEA ""'1'bwIoJ 10'5 I(J ,  15'S  .  , 14S.-E t40 D E Cities. Roads. Canals, Time d"lоо.ооо--2501WOOpII СIt)' <l2ЩOOD  SOQ.OOO pq1. ci<y d 500.000  1..000.00о fOOpIo Oty OJ 1.000,000  5.000,000 "оорl. О!}' 01 rnore than 5.000.000 peole Hlghway I Road or Path Сапаl or Aqueduct Тiтe Zone Вoundary (Ol "';"",,", DST "',' s»Qwn) bEEquaJ.Aril!&1C8"I 5<01..1000 IO'.nd 11) N.. 1 :10.000.00о lon-l0iНm Ih<h = 31S.7 "''' N.1JIj" YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Cultlvated L.and 1 S% Mixed Crops and Shrubs I Grass <:1% Mixed Crops and Т rees 13% Urban Areas <'  Q 100 !оо JOO 400 SOO I<m  ' 1 (Ю' ' ni 
Southeast Asia 1,000 386 people I km1. 100 39 people J mi 1 10 1 less than 1 0.4 and below .. Population and Infrastructure  4' , J  c"'sr.r NiI:псhll.I'E  J-i , ...... ..J /..;.1 f \:\ " - mYAN  ' '(P l м....,.; . 1f '"YO'" - '101 zhou KM  , #о 1" т-.к...., . . ,G .  T&lnМlOl  '"'' -. f:l8.""" I , . .J.. ICHINAJ ft:I--<'NА, . r"" 'w' r GII Cilll1,g I hQf1J!  .. ..,..J,  . '. 1;; f ... h HaiпoGI'n's fCHINAI  LA,QS ,\1  , , f "  .  r4 j 1 .к''''с" \; ..... ""'" - THAILA D  ......, . ..,. 'lbll:kelll'll "- Р.,,,,,е1/..! (DispL>tedi I-UIОI"i' 1$ ....у.._, (RangO(1n) -, f r м;.... t 1. .. (\/"-. ,'( ()  L ,,'Q.-----  Io :,}! ., l., , , . 'о:ау r'M  :  Poj"WCIп Is , ... If't-IL lflN(S) . NegfD5 k I COC:(1I'$ (HYA"fКAR) -е--- си '" с Алdаmаl't " (INDIA} t)win CAMBODIA , . ...L. Мr.RШ .'1''''1»''''''' IHYANМAJl.I .  ....... y r:.. . с. "",IIyI,.t  IIi""I,H.. т'"" .Но Cl.1"W1 с<tj'(Saigoп) '11<  , NюоЬоr's- (INDI1\1 . f' .. .. ,.... . ... ";f;. ... ....N ....... rrt"'LI la _'" tff/ . BRUt:!Elfi\( \J,/!'1 ..  Мod . ....... ........... ... Natиn 8i1!,5;d,.ls. ...с K....IiI-'P"'  . j I ..., (. Sjmиlиe 'f_ МАLЛ YSIA , . ' ,r  - '1' ... ['1 LI .1.. С: "" -r I.r- .8anJko . .. ': .. ВoI,.......,. ф N... 1.\ 't' l. О O.  iВdrи .. .J . , \ li!IornI!O"'s. """t""  11 ..."",",d; .. JIIII'11 "  о t' (:1".  PlbntI . ......L ..1'1 l\IenWWat " POI  .......' .3'> iь. ......ww ,. J"" 'J(/ hO S;':i I INDONESlA J' S I а п d s ........ jQVo ,,- E'IJi'n'" ... "'..Iu\O:b8lllJ .- .JaKd"d . ....... .....'\5 ... ..:'-> ... ,   . Modlrro ':5'  . .пЪа.!" J lt",t'IJ"n 'r. ., . .... < o..twnu ". ( s"m CQcosh. !дШfRAlJAI 9S'c IOODE I[JS.E: шrе 115"e ':tO'e Infrastructure Ra,lroad Divided HigJ1wa)' Road or Path Power I СоmmUПlсаtlопs СаЫе Overland Pipellrle Canal or Aqueduct Gеоstatiопаry Satellite . " S-пIt""u 1,_' (Dnp....d) Тl,р S'! Talwan ,(VrrIlП '1. (1'1- 'PINSJ . .. lIJoIJPUYO/1':5' ' , (PНUPP!NES} .. о ;ndoCIl1oCIo Is. . . L-  .. ,- .... ... SI1.u A'tpt',o'i:I (!. - . .. 1, .  I.I'  l!.trrr.l . '; I ", .  ОIn."." .....,. ОАРЩ ,. т a]'oIJtJd' 15 .., . (-'if' , .. ..,. S,e,,,т ....... DojfaJ.5;. (JдI'АIЧr PALAU о   t ...., . /SlanS I8Grclr 1),,"[1 r. . Т.атО', . '"   8.,6., ,,_ . '-О!"Н ' b er ' еу f..;.((I \ е n,u \O '!'e '1 Ко; ,. Arи l.s;. T.aпimb", ':5' Ar o f\J1 AUSTRALIA G-redt SaJldV 1- De sef , ""R'" (lAPAN) зз ...  + , ,11  .  l "ls OAPAN, 1S'N Тrnpil: cfCaпcer Ni:ln::hClflll:hkllne:. I:he:r.un i пеve- dW'«rNt=I1!I.1d NN Northe.rn Нor1lпol.. (Ш_I IS'N I G ..... r (ш.) IO'N  саrоliле,ISlйпd$ 'N о о с) о о  о о O e 8 ... Ar"',J.go IPAF\)A "Е"'" 'IN<A! ,:"..,,  ,)s-e t:, '.j' .., .. '. м а о K' ' L . tt о (j  /Jt b Nw G lпo, ',/  J') S'S .. J Population Density in the year 2000 more th.ш 10,000 3.861 and greater Jakarta. New Yorl< Clt)'. Paris. Oelh" Buenos Alres +---Greater Hanoi. Montreal. Вosron, Sr. Perersburg, Baghdad +---Ja\la. Northem Indla. Haltl, Nile Delta. Rwanda Mlndanao Island. Nigeria. Сепrrаl Mich.gan. Cuba Northern Papua New GUlnea. Midwest US, Southern Iran +---Centra1 Borneo. Kaz.akh Steppe, Сasрiап Dерrеssiоп L е 5 s е r S u п-й I s 'й 11 d sl 111./" ...... ',. l: _,Z,.'.I' ..... . r-;"..-"I '\ .,. r {I'ЮCNESIд, .'  ........ \J3 нo.nm ro 1.  , о . l!.,. И " Am,,,,J, & UJ. 8a n U(lj'l  ..... .. (:... . -'.-f Ob,I, s'u'a' '\ ."  . -' PAPUA NEW GUlNEA j . 8It..f:J .... f'bW>J 10'\ '5'S -\, ,40 а Е 14S..E. bEEquaJ.Aril!&1C8"I x.i..1ooo 10'\ .....11> N.. 1 :10.000.00о lon-l0iНm Ih<h = 315.7 m" N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Q 100 100 JCO 400 SOO I<m  ' l (ю' .  ni 
34 ... Southeast Asia .. Plate Tectonics  +    l , .11  . : ... . . с ВН  INDIA ""!!<"< BNG .. *' ....r vl МYANMAR  (BUQ.MA) .J . M.-.I,I", , . T"'IJIII'  (. О,'Шsl,o NCIhil.l1,g  .-./' j.. "х' " ... ..:- ..A J 1<.......118 CHINA  Yangtze P1ate . "'zho" .-.J.:atu ,, . !Dt r . 6t<1W р1 ":ir,I.'Tlt] rr ,,.," .,  j  '.r , ,."  t .......... NJ.   " . !... :, ......J. _ ;:т- I ,. . rl :J ....... .. \ " ,. .а. 'Т. ;.I: 1'1..... r"" L j.. ;:' Jl/; ./-/ ... ". ,. . .. Euraslan Plate .......It l"1"Lr Sunda Plate G    p f' >  aC111C I .  Plate 1" " )"!\. .. . {\4 J.: :-t1  1'1 /t.  PI:fte ' . · /  }j..... knI '  j ..  J. --'" ::  ., ;'1. f I k " ! · ..   . /  r .., .. ' . .. .;/ -N :;,. . J:" } ; tIJy  - J" I 4 .,.1-. - // 1'.' .-J.''i  r ;,# ..Ij :.. -.;: +"' ...... , Jif. p  ;,'" . I ,. :1,' ) L". 'N ,'   . F'  ... , · ':"..: :':-}:L  ..... 1 . ::.::' .;; ...,....". L -!, .11J1 . ;aп.. J  , oV'01'" Is 1 J NaM G"'П8zho1> . Tlip"- 4.-1. T'a;d''''1I. .. ...... t.. . . T!lJn1.1"1' ' '(фlc cfCaJКsr ::IInhClflll:Nsllne:. :r.unineV8'" dvt=l1!I.1d , VIEТNAM n..П D I нonc> ...""'....., . Cilll1l ....,. "" Нo w! IJN,t" 1'"" .' , . .. ,,' LAOS . I ..- I .... . ......... со;; Н, {с IF'PII .; ] ! .. , ,..\..... \ 1: '" I r (.. ., . Cht"8I Iпdlап Plate . CAMBODIA .  .....4' "'... # '    z.  . ..,,)....  . .-- r h. . f1iN  1*  .. """"a" O . ,,:,.  L #... -, "'. . '  i,  F'AIUPPlNES Jlr . ,( ,. У . "blolln 3nJO[)  llonl ., '"'''' .o: r " 1. МAR) THAILAND ?..... .," f\R)   \. . .  t,1,  r ."..... ........, '-'... ""'h..... r. !;"" - '.Qoч .... 1:, 11'1 .. "'1 iI1  1 \ Bak . 8, lВornl!oIt t:! .  .;. ...д..<.., -  . ) qp. . .. . :  ''1 r &..... l ' , ...: .. .'0 .;rt' ·   i 't 1 f"'I04ucca. еа :.:..л о ,., f  PI -1, "'::!, .:. l " 1... " . J... r r<: d . Н d ,.Maoke .  I:Slr s еа Plate ,, ........-: te " "t"'  ;'" J:-I.,  ь; I   , . ,  1 ,,-.{ о..:... . А.и " . .}< ...,.,.,;.Ptate nmbml, . , .,. .,..,.,. ",.. '... -r.ttt" I .....  1 .. - 1 I, - , '. , 1' 0пО l .....  .. . f .. I ' · ... I . . ""'CI]J .... .:5- .  . Ж' .. ... ... ,,,,,  _:.J,> Burila PJQ; 'r""'" .. . · L ,. I , ". ...в....N  . liI- r . ,..... ..... "Caroline Plate 5'N .... . . . к..". "'1Pи" l ...-.....: ...  Jrgn NaиlliIJ 8o! BRUNEI" '\    . \ . MALA YSIA  . · r1<!<I! . s А.отЬ.. ,. "  'L.  lUои 's. . 8 . ' . f . . r- -. "JM.ot \L'" . -, . ... . ..... ,. ,.. 4SII'1 С\:) E !1 t . .. ....... '.", Po1"i>bo"" ... .......,.1. '#"" с' .... I,  О t' ,(:1", OCI 1f' S  l./'Jd o '" .4urop;.п,.Т.J.:bмul'l,i. .. ,..' """""'1 "g  - ;1 .. ." 1.   . у-"n' .  .. .!:i .r J-r N. Bismar .. Plate' I 1 Wo(!)dk . f1.o iJ i l Pt& ,.....,.. . Q/41 s.. '" . Jbl '-в.. , .." " I INDO S/aпds . .,А"";1 . '. . . . .......ч'd '1 KQI'IJ!r ..,. .  .( "'I.SlJrla.  8--'. ,... - ,. PAPUA t'lEW Gl:..llNЬA . , . , .J """'ll' . ..  , ......r'1 . rrbtt  S . J l ....  . -; - . ...  .. ,, , ,. / ..".... 411';  "А . I  l' · ..,'J.", "rI. rr 1". I..t   r-...", . ... " '"'.  , f ..  . I ... tlJ ,.., ,.. . AUSTRALIA J\ J 15"5 ...... I . . ,",.J .1 -l 4 1 . . , . ""'] , (.& \Lr! -' .,-! #' '. . .... .. . . . Australian Plate . r ,JI ) G eat Sand De 9S'c IOOE I[JS.E: IIIr'E 1'5'E 1:tO'E I!"E I I)S-e I40 D E 14S..E Plate Motion Major Earthquakes 19752000 magnltl.lde оп the R.chter Scale: . S.oS9 О 6.06.9 О 7.o 79  . е.О ;and greater Active Volcanoes ....>r Arrow5 $how morion relar.ive [о Africa Colors a1so 5how pl;ate motlon Gn!IIIIU!I" II:CISor conberween iII!il We4tEr rllla""'EI di"-erEf1се in irectioo d mavВl1'1Ef1t  Seafloor Spreadln,g Qr Contlnental Rift  Area of dilfuse transrormation  (... boIJ_&Orko lodlotl_« cr unl<llcwnJ date of lasr eruptJon: . since 1900 . 16th  19th century . I $[  15th century . Ьеtwееп 1.000 ;and 10,000 years ago Elevation and Bathymetry meters 9.000 29.528 feet 6,000 19.685 3,000 9.842 including extreme points оп this тар  highest point аЬоуе sea 'еуе1: peak of Kangto, India 1 South Tibet (7.090 m I 23.261 ft) (----- I,ghest pos!;lbIe реrmаnепt humап 5еmеmепt (5,100 m /16.500 п) bEEquaJ.Aril!&1C8"I 5<01..1000 10'\ .....11> N.. 1 :10.000.00о lon-l0iНm Ih<h = 315.7 m" N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Sea Level 3.000 le5s tl1;an ..6,000 Sea Level (-----Iowest point оп land: sea Level Q 100 100 JCO 400 SOO I<m 1 ',' . . . с) 10) 2:ьо хю ni 9.842 19,685 ;and below -t--deep осеаn floor (5.5OOm / 18,ooOft) -t--greatestocean deprl1. bottom of rhe Маriапа Trench (IO.911 m / 3S,798 h) 
Southeast Asia .. Climate   ) I"IDfA CHINA l'rA J .... ...., Kong .... НIIJO, . ,1 on' (Rar«oa1 1 МI"IIИ" I BangIto"r I :ДМР. VIEТNAM r , '" . ch Hi"h City (Soiвon) БRur-J I MALAYSIA Е .. l') I I . Меап Annual Т emperature Average of all temperatures throцghout the year '<'- "t =- .. ,д UR . tIarti: Kong ... teOI . , , Y<I"gcn ' (R.щgооп) 1 HAILAr '..J..., СДМВ VIEТNAM  Wc hi Hi"h Clty(Solg<ln) ". " BR UN I 1 . IW  r " MAL.AYSIA . " "'-оМ I\E '.1 ,. . r ... 1;- , Mean AnnUзl Precipitation Including snow. conveпed (о equivalent amount of raln ,О' fT:a.,wan  I 16 ) Ь  МYANMI (BURM.II .,..< t Kong .ни,,,, ,.  }  .. J,r. Y<lr.gon  1 (R..1rч: ооп ) THA1LAND '- Bangkok  . (' C VIEТNAM но Chi Hi"h City (Soiвon) '1IСRФNESIA pAI.J.u 1,.,; , БRur-JЕI ............... KLl318 Lunpur . MALAYSIA NhAюRЕ  i L ,  "  PAP\JA NEW GUINEA  .. ---.......,. .. I ' .. " ---1 . Jakarta . 1601 "T:a.,wan , .----- Мoni   PHILIPPINES е( '9' INDONESIA ,.  F (   .  ...,  ,  10" cn.. --10' _10" О' 10" 20' 10 е с ""..h,n . 14' 31. so- 68- U'f , ". PHILIPPINES / ; )r.   X : f'f " r .. ....,.., INDONESIA ...,........."...I 60' "T.1'Wan т emperature Range (Contrast of Seasons) Difference between minimum :a.nd maxlmum :a.ver<1ge monthly temperatLJre!> '<'- II'{O .1 '\01 А , . у tIarti: Kong ..-tOI " 1 ,1 .n \ \  " AILAr BangIto".-- / ДM  VIEТNAM МlсRФNЕSIA B RJ)N 1 , ch Hi"h City (Solg<ln) ". РЩU , . " MAL.AYSIA " I\E , ,.. т- .. ... 'i'  1 L PAP\JA NEW GUINEA  ..... .. IТ .. .. , 601 "T4I,wan ЕА$Т TIMOR Ai# pAI.J.u AUSТRALIA О" О' . , , . PHILIPPINES IТ ..   .. .... .. INDONESIA ,. F ,. ..,. . .  '"  AUSТRALIA  Ieo, th,n I 10 100 1... cn.n O. 4 40 . ,. PHILIPPINES INDONESIA ..,. . F  ,,- . $Т .  TINOR '" ..,. о.  " 1,(100 cm 4001" Precipitation Range (Contrast of Wet & Dry Seasons) D,fference between m'nlmum :a.nd max,mum .werage monthly prec'p't.atJon , 0.4 10" 36" РЩU 1 , RALIA . 10 OJ .J...- f  '1IСRФNESIA L I PAP\JA NEW GUINEA  .. 40" 72' МlсRФNЕSIA PAP\JA NEW GUINEA  " I ""'"   100 4() "-'  6О-С 108'F IJXЮt:m 4()Oln 35 , \ ТbeGn!llltL..вla!o!.a't:me.:s.amil! !lcaJe: bEEqual.Aril!&1C8"I 5<01. _1000 10'\ _.... 1I\fl.. 1> rtm-42.jНm 11N:I\=bl,-9m О .wo 800 1100 '600 lOOCМOn I . . . . . с)  еОО , im mi А 
Зб ... Australasia ... Land Cover  . .11 ( . , ;;;"'I.m , .........'1" 400S  " " 1 asmoпia (AUSTRALIA) CIw-i.td1urd.. 7 ,. , .. } NEW . ZEALAND 150S ..  '-зfl.o (}  ,\0. . GrCl t J  . "'",1Omd . н-r,our. "4' AUSfrt1!IOn ,. \}> ... Bighr POl1h 10"1  " M!/truy R;kr  .0:......10\6< !>pJ""1 L , ., т #;r"'" Ntw.:fll!"l:le , o'rJHo......;..s:, 'U5ТМLlAJ  b,o! '1 'О' '!"9:: ... Grear V'Cl or . 'о (>'; Norfoll< ,.. (АШТRдiLд O S r Trapld'Gptmm $о"", of.;;,..... Ull!:lutli!.r'I <11..«1) ...odotod '- tЦJ со I .... l'  I . W'0 . ,  · 6' .. " t.'J..... ..:; "'Q  .1'/  'J:JSO(\ I" s ert AUSTMLIA s о f\ u'\" t Se. f Qe Вnsba..J\@1P I ? 10"; N;ul!! NZ,) rONGA ....   New Caledorlia (FRANCE) t ...'" (FI\ANC: '-1,. ()\. t'"' (, (',сИ O De sert д",..-;с.о Somo. (1 5АМОА '"  FIJI . А,' T.;JWI1w8! lrntJerte}t р I 0'1: е о 1 150S WoIN.S. Futunill ,A\ANCEJ z (1) '::Е t I :I:. '\ (1) 10'"   C'tI VANUATU '" CI'1t1UI Cl1s. (FF\AI......E) , (о r а I Seo .0) s.. ,. I,,"SТRA!JA ., " у 10"1 * P/i 1;.I:5"1Gllds II<.OI\IIIATI) " SO/ о ' \ ... 'z) о . "  / ' . /c;;> " "" "> , . e.uE.J. '. (Р .N.'l  '\ f " SJ.,i".....мlrr \ J .1 t.,. ... I!'\O"f\ 1 , "",010. (NL) ....  'v'" .. l8arbar 1:5 т:' AJor'S" ,.. Le ssef -; r 1, Sa)f\d O '\. <111;;"" ..",Parr ArOfиra se O .. iБtlr"пDdltdl S"S .... . ... ...... ."  SLlI'U ''! .ф. -!.. r X, .P' $t :'А I S е, ,. pAPU)S;NE!'Jv GUlNц.. !о. TClj"IJmb"'IS NlIt'f (PNG.) .::. r-f\сIUk INDONESIA В 11 I(jO j Q ... 5OLOMON ISLANDS  t'l1i ' . "'- .'и '1' 4  !'  ..... : _пJ  Z;" 111'\,1";,I)".1 -  . I , J r.  . Boa; 1, . , , .  '\ f........ .... .[ f ... G'.lbi!'r (1(1 , " l.- ..,i.i , .... ....... J "  'Ь, ..,.   .  ..",  .   " H""""h.,,, .0.1  .....  !  "- iЮkеrl,.: ...,,.,......""l'I'r'" .#  ..   VI  о  а... и _. NAURU etsmtl,..d 11, pe-JoQg'о 'NCi)  elo/< r,. Ь е <; Cele  \'1'1 115"W .Anurn.r-idМin 175'Е I.E '\"L I6CrE 155.. 15O"L r04."1: 140"E Ш'Е 13().E 11\"Е 11O'E Land Cover in the year 2000. including relative proportion оп this тар as percentaze of total nonwater area _ TroplC.a1 Forest 14% Declduous 5hrubs (rlone) _ Trees Flooded In Salt Water <1% _ Deciduous Fore5t (попе) Evergreen Shrubs <1% Trees Flooded in Fresh Water <1% Deciduous Т rees 6% Grass J В% Flooded Shrubs or Grass < 1 % _ Needle.leaved E\<."I\'"",,,IS <1% Sparse Shrubs or Grass 28% Salt Water _ Needle.Leaved Deciduous (попе) Snow and!ce (попе) Мах Extent of Solid Sealce, 2005 _ Mlxed Т rees < Barren L.and  Fresh W.ater Mixed Ts and Shrubs <L.. _ Burnt Trees (попе) Rivеr(widtt1"roponЮn.lroа,..dw.otont1odJ Sovereignty in 2006 Cultlvated L.and I  U.N.ecognlzed InternatlOnal Вorder Mixed Crops and Shrubs I Grass < 1% Sub-National Вorder ''''''''''''''''''.-.;''''.1 Mixed Crops and Trees 3% .me1lfQ",,,.lt!foo- { U.N. MEMBER STAТE Urban Areas <'  ....te, -:::::"=.:. D"I"'odont Т rn"Ш7 (Pa...nt St>.te ir1 Pи......'...1 1:han f\hode lвпd PcIJlкd.Jr 'ПfЧ'rоt!!d {.k-cJav.е- (P.arI!f'lI.Stвr..eirll f.iМ"el'\tt.escsJ ;;;;: Dl!лd1  in'tfJbn:@"d'lJrdy Ь, offtc. oh; Dr t!Ii Cities. Roads. Canals. Time (J'lr;fI.!:SO.OOOplOfllt n Clr:yd l5Q,.OOO sщ.cюo p«Ip1e CII)' d'SOOJlOQ  ,J:IOO.oooF.",I. Cit)' о, 1.000.000  5,000.000 pe.,ple Highway ( Road or Path Canal о.. AqueduCt Time Zone Bourldary (In""",,,,DSТ,,,,,"",,,,nj bEEquaJ.Aril!& 5<01..1000 11's.... 4ТS " I;2(IJ:IOO.(IOO lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.l m" N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m  ' 1 (Ю' ' ni 
Australasia . NiulI!I (NZ.) rON(;,t, Amorkoiп S,""'" (U,:5.) " SдMOA ... W.allis.& fu"",. rfRANCE1 Tclcelo. IN.L) PhD4!n;. 1:5JGпdS IKIRIВA TQ  Вoto""f).SJ  Н,мan. 1" (U\ ... Population and Infrastructure Во.пl)' 1., (NZ.I I.m .. (N_'Z::) ........  W"."., { NEW  ZEALAND IQ e, I r,'f\.  ,\0. , .-  A" \, I(I!,.m(ldc '! (N.Z.) iord ,..,.0.....1: 1'$. (f'USTRAUAI NQffolk ,.. (AUSТIW.IA) ..., New Сэ.lеdОПlа (FRANCE) .  ..1w' LO)<IoUOi..It (Ff\ANCf) r  .  .  FIJI 1 a..wfiekll. (FRANCE)  ttI =t I n о" (.or al   t'tI VANUATU '" ., Sq/o \  'J]-- o/) / .. .rj  Q -.. .., <t Т\NАШ SOOMON ISLANDS , iВoug'l"Iпvifl '!.  J"' -G.) ....... G'ijbi!'rf I.sJtJпds (l(IIIIВATI) 11S"W .AnИn.r-idiln 1.000 386 people I km" 100 39 people I mi:> 10 -1 less than 1 0.4 and below о NAURU с о о о Q о 17S'E (71)"Е I5"E 16O"E Infrastructure R3Ilroad Divided HigJ1way Road or Рэ.th Power I Communlcauons СаЫе Overland Pipellrle Сапаl Or Aqueduct Grostationary Satelllte о Sec 1".. 1 asmonia (AUSTMLIA) . оф>, ....... r"J- -:( l!'J:'f'. t-i"t  ,.(.а. ...\)....i';. 't r. )'.  1IцrR'tOer I: ...::.  ,..., rr !'i" " ., Nt!wle - -.. , "(lr -< С:'.  а:: ВnSbanfl ьо  .. I ..р  ,.......;:  . ? . о  -......... ..I... f:o) .....  '1 J T;; , C(JtarI!(lls. (AUSТl\AUA # ...., .....a.__ ............."  N_w ",J" "- {PNGj t  t . '. $'!. . '. .  е..........! AпIt PO!<>R<> '(I'f.I.«.) r PAPUA NEW GUINEA Ai- ..}foij ao  ... .#ОС ..{../: м J о о о о  о u '*' 15О"Е '''\,"1: jAd<lt,ldo 1  , 37 ...  , ,11 ( . Lt 40", J5., Austtп!,on  JO", 8i-[ G ,. е'Т1С \ .1'. d"!./J SO r1 - l"sert Ne-....  InQ 's. . ,ф, (/ ц Ir-t"!в r ., r .oI..ioL. о  Population Density in the year 2000 more than 10,000 3.861 and greater +--Melbourne, Houston. Бangladеsh" Jol1annesburg +---SuЬurbэ.п Perth, Hi\ltJ, Nlle Delta. Rw3.n(]3. +--Fiji. Mountairls of Paki5tiln. Northern Syria. Al,gerian Coast +--New Brlta.ln Island. Vermont. Central Сhilе. Zambl:!. SolJthеrп New Guinea Island. Baja California. Тibetan Plateilu 11O"E V'Cl o r . 10 1>", D SC "r Tr!f'Id'Gptmm SO.<J. of .;;,..... Vll!:lutli!.r'I <11..«1)0 ....т...  50" u"" t 5e. r Qe UTRALIA 10", о" t'"' (, De sert {I(H 4)0 I"-lrnter/e}' р llI!'(!IJ . 15., 10"\ EAS  .- ,' $иmIПf-r. TJт., 1" ':;'I!f 4""  . .6>' 6":0 . floro. " , о fi .JIJo " d:O \ s " Alo,', S 11 FI Le sser \ edtDd,.,s. .,1 .... &rar D(lYo 'r:' r Arofura se O .s, ТаттЬо, 11. " !i\ ( . .J' > I  ,.gg; l.l  ,Jj. 1'\11 '$J .f f........  Ldrls INDONESIA A's 1(0; .. r-f\оlUkl.l .......  '$:, ... 'Ji>"..,.  ' ...А 8иnr '1, ..ш. .  ....  1.---,..J :!ii4Jlo '!  ,1 .. s  . " . VI  . . ?   Jl.тpтr., О  .,.. o  ..... о 'nl о... ,"o/rooh.,o r;" . VJ .... ..> \'t-I  о 1:t. Вlok ,.. О  IJS"E IJ().E 11\'Е 11O'E bEEquaJ.Aril!& 5<01..1000 11"5... 4ТS " 1;2(1.000.000 lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS,7 m" N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Q 1 Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni 
, ) r J .у ,./ ...  ,  1- · '&f 4. J " (У" "'s-  ,;  "'......,    .., "".. ..  ,;  ..). , .... , -.1 ,,,, Wооdlаrк.. Plate . #i>' ........  "'f soС ... эmоле t  . .'. ISLAjJDS .. + '&  РНф  .  ..:!1:0.. ... r . .,- !f  ""j-.f<\  и  р"  .1,a "'"и   .bl!h БisпЬрk . .. Pl-ate , ., Plare ... ... North jynark i4::: Iate. J - ..:. ,- I Australasia .. Plate Т ectonics ..,. ... '-i .... .-. . .. . . .....'1.- 4 - -:.. -1 "'- ';; ...,. , .. '" !- - " ... . ... иd" . :; :/ f"'.. -;I .  .L " <1 Щi . . . NEW !.' ZEALAND 1 Кёrmэ <! J f rat - . I · L.I-IIII'JII" .1 1 .. // ., } - P.a.cific I Plate, " "'" , . , .;"t 1.. ,,-  ..  ., ., ., . ., 4 -. . J  .....  ..   :"w l, ;( , .. , . j'! \. .. .. .,  -"  ;:'  f . ,  .  ., ;. :si_ , -. .Jot h ., ... ;, w _/О' '\t .. ... ." 1"   f J- ."... , 10.-'111< r. -r I 1\1- 1'" J .,..  А( , i' I · J -; 'J  .. /" . "' . .:,L .. ..... . H , .. . ...... 1.  . ;...  ... New Caledonl"  . (FRANCE) .   .8 .  N 1 " ew- '  .. ... " .L J НI Z  ,. · rlate   r 4 ''#. ....... . . ..,...- юаfd'6u. .14/  I Coway Pfat,et.  '(' .....'..",..  . ;Re "I; :... FцtWU . .. " Jlare u . .:.'p.M -1>1a  ., 1-  '!I).   '$o ""'"  .. · ",-w,Р1<& Баrmоlееf '-.r:. .  ..:. . 11  ,. Ptate :I:.  ""7,  ..,, I  -=: ..; n   J '";...    ".. .r..,.6   ..".,/ ... .......,.........  ' J . '  ·  '-::., ;"',/ а."  .>  .......... ;... ".:..,. ;,А 'YAttl,}). ..р;. q... : -L t'>:  ..ot  Jl'r ...1."  ...." .. ......... . J ..... .c    11. , 1. ... .. ...,-;:. #' .. "....... I ""! "'.. ,............. ,. -.....:-L\  ..1  .... у "'''' , -. .. ."  =-" .. ,.. .. .. ....  ... " 'i . .,. "А'"   .. . " . " 4   J . .- .. 1":,' .. .... 4!ф . J .iJI. ,J ,   "- О'- ..... . '"  /r  '" .-41  ... f . .1 ... JfJ'o/ , ,r ., , . ",. 11.yy  17>'E 170'Е I.E I6CrE Plate Motion ...>r Arrows show motion relative [о Africa Colors '1lso show р1а[е motion Мajor Earthquakes 19752000 magnitLJde оп the Richter Sc.ale' ., 5,0  5.9 О 6.0  6.9 Q. 7.0  7.9 : 8.0 and greater Active Volcanoes date of last eruption: . !iince 1900 . 16т  19т cenl:LJry . l!i[  15th cen[ury . between 1.000 and 10.000 years :!,go Gl"li!IIIIti!JI'" c contr.lsl between paltвs indic:ates I'I"Wblr V1I dlff8r8nC8 m ,diПlction of mav.".nt.  Seaf100r Spreading or ContJr1ental Rlfr ::::=;.:::; Area of dlПusе traлsfurmatlOП  (PI""boond.nes OI' u"""awn) .. .. " 4 ... 70sт (AUST!!-ALIA) ........ . . . " ) ,. ..;  l.bolJrl"t.. а \ I ,,-11 , ( » \tl f  .. .' I b , -/ . '!,.о....,. /! zttl J.  /  .-4 , l вР...," . . ., .C8тo[ )   с: t) g:: ьо с: J / & ? "'Q - ... " 1 ..  . I t .  J  . о .... 6 fI) ..... ..::J Аustrаliап Plate 1 ,.. J . T 11, 1'" · , .IIfI' ,J"   "  ". PAklA NfW INEA Q . °k .(J .... . .,  "" ./ ш.f J5O"E r-4,'E Elevation and Вathymetry meters 9.000 29.S28 feet 6,000 19,685 3.000 9.841 38 ( ...  . .11 I Lt 40', .  .r "Jt ....' .1' . , 1"', .,, "''''''/  'A"1tIdo ',:, \.. , ЗО", 1>', O S(! Trapld'Gptmm U<J. "'...,..... 1'I1!:Iutlii!;n 11..«1) ....т..d AUSTRALIA 10", (\\. D n O ..J;:' .. 15'1 ; # , ..... 10"1 , ТI'1 ' 1 ,  ..,. "":it' '> , , I i. А1 Q'  UfJtail1S . o  ;e;т 'Sea: ........  с:. f'ate )- о .  .  5'1'1 , lquo.... 1 Bir.d's Неа! Maol<.e Plate - PJ3.te 1 -- '" r )"'"1 . . 1 . .;j .,nt "<c"f.(; I -Б la.t ь ". f  Саrоliпе Plate ..' '. 11O.E Щ'Е 130'Е 11'E IN'E including extreme points оп this тар hlghest pOlrlt аЬоуе sea leve1: peak of Puncak Jaya. New GUlпеа (4,684 m f 16,023 fr) bEEquaJ.Aril!& 5<01..1000 11'\..... 4ТS " 1;2(1.000.000 lon-l0iНm 1""" = 315.7 m" N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... Sea Level з,Ооо less th"n --6.000 Sea Level +--Iowest polnt оп land- !ihore of Lake Eyre. South Austl"31la Н 5 m f -49 ft) " 100 100 !со 400 500 I<m 1 '.' , , . с) 10) 2:ьо хю ni 9.842 19.685 and below rdeep осеan floor (5.S00m / IB.OOO ft) +-- greatest ocean depth' bottom of the Т оngа Т rench Н 0.881 m I 35.701 ft) 
Australasia ТОrчGА  ... SдMOA . ... FIJI TUVALU 1\8\I!A'JJ  .. Climate NEW l.EALAND"" ....."""''''' ВriSilЛВ" New Caledonia (FMNCE) ..,  , I .:" VANUATU ..... \" SOLOMON -'-: - I ISLANDS .... , NAURU  Меап Annual Т emperature Ауеrэgе of all temperatures tl1ro,ghot tl1e year TOЫGA . ... FIJI SдMOA TUVALU КlRI6A ТJ  '8risвo. New Caledonia (FMNCE) '" . <о . , ., I .:" VANUATU "- \" SOLOMON " I ISLANDS .... NAUI\IJ Mean Annual Precipitation Indudin,g snow, converted (о equlva1ent amount of rаlП Sj'<I"ey J........ Н..Ьс.......  . р., rth \ ,  . " \ '-' . , ,. LIA .... f' t CI .. '" "' ..A. N.\ '- GUINEA  Sj'<I"ey ... а 'r  l'18I>CU1МI ;,.....  "' I , t.4:A. NEW ......... GUINEA   "1 . .  , " ....--.. . 111 EASТ, .4 ТlMO.  ,. .J "l,j , ; INDONESIA . .-. '" .-..:. .  .. 'III! '1 . '* .".". ...... .  ..  I!ISS тап .:lOD -10" О. 10' 10. 30'С IlВss.d1aп....4 111o 1..' ];l' SO' 68' 86'F ... AUSТRALIA . -. ....-u, \ \.- 111  . --.. . EASТ JI ..... ТlMO....4 ,. , - .J , ; INDONESlA . - . ..............  .. 'III!  ----..... ...... liВSS d1an I I() lets "',п 0.4 .. 100 _.ОСЮ &:т 40 400i" ТОrчGА SдMOA 1\8\I!A'JJ   NEW 'ZEALAND"" ..........  ВnSЬiIЛВ' New Caledonia (FMNCE)  . FIJI VANUATU TUVALU  SOLOMON ISLANOS NAURU  Ternperature Range (Сопtrаst of Seasons) Difference between minimum and maximum average monthly temperatures TOblGA .. SAMOA KIRI6A ТJ   .. NEW ZEALAND"" ..д.......nd \ '8risbвo . ... FIJI New Caledonia (FMNCE) " . ;., I "'Jt. VANUATU TUVALU "- \ '-<.. SOLOMON "' I ISLANDS .... NAUI\IJ Precipitation Range (Сопtrаst of Wet & Dry Seasons) Difference between minimum and maximum average monchly рrеСlрiLШОП 39 ,1. --111= "-'  , '- . 'r ----.-- 'Helbcumoo ... p.,rth Sj'<I"ey ):  ,,!\'. r.. \' . " - \... ... , 1. ,  f' t . ..... . --'\ " ... 4- EASТ ".-. ТlMOR ... .,. II'lD000SIA . .....! yaJ '\ PAPUA NEW I .. GUINEA ' ...... \   , Ю' 10' 40' М'С Ю' 16. N. 10S.f  'r  t-'d>c:urnto \ ... ....-u, CI Sj'<I"ey . ,.. AUSТRALIA f'" t А, , 11 ....--.. . 111 _E.,4 ТlMOR ..." ,. , - "' I 1 .. , INDONESlA . ; , .-. A. NEW '" ,. -..:. . l---o- ----"..,. .. 'III! GUINEA   ......  10 100 1.000 сом 0.4 .. .fO .fOOln ЬЕEqudJ-Аril!а. kaI.a 11N .nd4:.N is 1:41.00Q.000 rtm- 42.JJkm 11N:I\=bl,-9m ТbeGn!llltL..вla!o!.a't:me.:s.amil! !lcaJe: А Q -wo 800 1100 '600 lOOCМOn I . . . . . с)  еОО . ш mi 
The Western Arctic Land Cover .. &."", I{-   J. ....  I . Wf(jI[.Ij'I's. (IЮSSlА) '. . .., RlJSS1Д .... С'.6 (; .f- С' J$ .  s е о , -, 'r' \ f\ g 'l.""  е,О  St. Ao!Qt(ntw 11. (U.5o) St La,*,re (Ш <1'... CI - of' ..,o 81! иnblk ,.. (U . ,.,j." -t i  ffiskv U:S.l \"rll-Q  е...  ...   ... ...... ..,.,..' 011;. An .010:. CU/f of ,A1(]s\l.C !I A'ltf.ldol!''' o ;: t;',, ",2.  ,''f'  I:P n> о с:. ........ о .... <' J' f5'Q "1- . fl.c -f'<t> , ,.,   '.. :>- ОА.  -р  а. 1. ('\. > ., - ,-  j ?  '! . ....NADA) F , .. ! 15'W 1 45'уо, I'W Ш'W t)C'W Land Cover in the year 2000. including relative proportion оп this тар as percentaze of total nonwater area _ TroplC.a1 Forest (попе) Declduous Shrubs 3% _ Trees Flooded In Salt Water <1% _ Deciduous Forest 4% Evergreen Shrubs 5% Trees Flooded in Fresh Water <1% Deciduous Т rees (попе) Grass 5'" Flooded Shrubs or Grass < 1 % _ Needle-1eaved &." 1\''''''' IS 20% Sparse Shrubs or Grass 25% Salt Water _ Needle.Leaved Deciduous <1% Snowand Ice 14% Мах ExtentofSolid Sealce, 2005 _ Mlxed Т rees 1," Barren L.and < 1% Fresh W.ater Mixed Ts and Shrubs 9% _ Burnt Trees 1% Rivеr(widtt1"roponЮn.lroа,..dw.otont1odJ ......."rl! :ДNADдJ .. y J5'W' at ,;; 80",   \ l' t.. ...  . .. !:\  IJ'W Cultlvated L.and 4'% Mixed Crops апд Shrubs I Grass Mixed Crops апд Т rees < 1 % Urban Areas <'  .)  5 QLrl!l!пiEJi.2:аЬl!l"l:r (CANADAj L"--A.x.. 11(....11.,.,.,11 j/ ''J ftjhr Pтrn.c.!! """и-I, .:1' """J/" f!lопk! J. p,.1hct Wart mr, ;. oat. "'< '% "\. ..... r\,ooo 1 ' rL!I1 tOJ< i! l2 S 1 . Е.-....о:," ...r-'F ... nф"l:: .. . s.........  . С',. o....,. . .. / о: h . ,c.Jso", l! ; OS' UNltED "sт А ТES \ '- IIS'W IIO'W IOS'W IOO'W Sovereignty in 2006  U.N recognlzed IntematlOna1 Border 1 % Sub.National Border (indU<inC"''''''omou. o",,) ....11"'"''''''''.0' .i U N. MEMBER STATE SIa1fl.f'I 'Ufr11.01'1t1 llJndt!nt Т II!!rr1rDr;r (Pивnt StatB iп Риentbвs. wl1J1I5Iaпd ""'" RhO<lo....r>d """""'1)'  ""clo.. (I'.....n'sШе;П1 , ;;;;;; DoI!'Рi!'пdl!lIt rl!......rtor.... юhoh  I:Intr Ьу  or !lсi4!шrlsts ,\ " ()'- O!Q ()i со 6фо 5.trth"",,,toj '. ..у" O',r 01) ANADA 95"W 40 f I I!W Grеелlапd (DЕNМАRК)  .1 I ,, 1\ . ,. t l};. L , t; 1. . ЕО'" SI"" brador ea \.0 h 80у , -( . 50'"  .. .. 1 .. 1" с c \,) "" ",4  ".N .. ..... :а . ..,.. <t> ( :..". · &Iton . ,. Lof<'  .""'...,. 41)"" J ....... ..P"  . "т","",," / I«кhoot, s../f...,1 .... , 11>1, fЮ"W ... I ch r 1...... ..New УaI< 90"" 8S'W 7S'W Cities, Roads. Canals, Time Cllj)ld.OO.ooo_250J)X1'III o;r of 25Q.OOO  ю).ооо P"'f'l' с.,. d . 1.000.00о F*>plo с;,у d 1.000.000  S,ooO,ooo ,,,,ор1е City of rnore [han 5.000,000 people Нighway I Road or Path Сапа1 or Aqueduct Тime Zone Вoundary (in W;"ter' DST щ,,< .1юwn) ЬЕEqшJ-Аr4!!а. kaI,ащ 5.ON .пd rlN is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" LQn'Iiltaм5ilm'IiQ'J18: Q 100 100 )со 400 SOO I<m  ' 1 (Ю' ' ni 
The Western Arctic  '" ..... \ f\ g /l;'"  е,О  f,iWof/. IU.S.) J![eиtl(iln 11 'U.5.) 15""'" 1.000 386 реор1е I km1. 100 39 реор1е J mi 1 10 4 less than 1 0.4 and below .. Population and Infrastructure RUSS1A Wf(,lпZ1 '1. (RUS5lA l 'i!   9" с:. ..."., о .... ,. 51'" 1., (U.5.) 10 Lcмtи« ,. (Ш <J  о Q,f. of' "10.,..' 7СЕ J' t!!O Na",I),ok'" (u 6 iJf- 1 ;  R ОЛ'1> "" A1iiJ!<v lU.S'} ,,\(.11 t-\O , л1 Чс'1' .t; " .......  \  111 'Ii" -.:. n .....  ,.....",. ..  l(04..k kd1  (u.s.) ? .. ... ""- Arиdпdol!'{ A,cI1;pclofO (U.5) t "р о (" -F ...L j Qииn CI1t1rfoul!ls. (C.O.NADAI 3- о <::-! ...,!) "- ' "р  ...-:;) \/1 tJ "'[]n(Ov,,1" '! ICдNдDдI 'v \-- L   IJS"W' ! , 14S'W 1-40'W IJS'W t)C'W Ш)"W I nfrastructure 't--'-Greater VanC:OLlver. Haiti. Java, Eastern UzbekiJtan +--Northem New Jerse)'. Nigeria. Central Ecuador. Fiji {---Vermont, Centra1 Chlle. Southern lr3n. Zambla 't--'-Upper Michigan. Tibetan Plateau, Сеntra1 Fil1land. Кazakh Sreppe Rallroad Divided Highwa)' Road or P3th Power I СоmmUПlсаrюпs СаЫе Overland Pipe1il1e Canal or Aqueduct QLlI!.JaiEJ;zЬ-=IJJ..1" If" NA I Princl! "......1<,' 1It1, lВoh! Jg. 1[011'11[1':5"_ c,..". 8e",L !j;1оИ!! aI:. '\  1.0.. ..j.iobo lJl<{ ftj,,'t.loI!':5"I:s. 'ВO'tHJr't.... iri :к'С'1 M(.."J' Pl"jп'i!"fJ] Wal.,,,. .king WIШl1m ':Ii,   J' \. I   \   'OJ'. -у)т.. Wo.o/r\on .,- " "1 k  .  IIS'W ..\'4"" ): '<, ; . 1" ::.1- ...  ."i7't ..1. ::.   4.. J ..r- А.. II'W Greenland (DЕNМАRК)  f.,  .1  \ fJ4fj. SOtltЬamptan ls l/I] ,, <ро 'J . ... ''.! о .f'G- '" с> 17,r 01}' \8 0у ), 1 1:;: ......  (:ANADA "'"  t .....-..h .  . . UNUED :ATIiS \ I.'*. M I i '\ B5'W  .,..,.. 105....... 100'W IS'W 9О"'" f Population Density in the year 2000 more th.1П 10,000 3.861 and greater +--New Yor\< Clty, Paris. Delhl. Т okyo. os +--Momrea1, Porto A/egre. Me1boume, Pear1 River Delra я;; I , ., ').. i AJi. -i \: ,J, b f Qdor \..й s e-Q. ..... <:' ...   ' D  ... c- r (t I  "  {  I . '\......"t J.;./vт .:;" '1f : . .  ;:. -" . :10". \ .  :  & , J , . I . J ,;;......' "',.. "O  '   Rocb.",*, Д .,"" .' ., """'..Q;'" - ... ..,..ВиIftIo  .), ..New York ,1  ,.. " . '- J fJ()'W 7S'W I 41 I ш" SS"" ." ".N . r 41)"" LQl1CIon'i8tOМl5iilm. :I.; ЬЕEqшJ-Аril!а. kaI.ащ 5.ON .nd rlN is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-l0iНm Ih<h = 31S.7 mlos Q 100 100 )со 400 SOO I<m  ' 1 (Ю' ' ni 
42 The Western Arctic .. Plate Т ecton ics f I . E(I'"  OkhotsR ..plate , . rf! ." 4 G.-еелlалd (DЕNМАRК) .. 1 j. ""./ RUSSlД Il't.IrHI'I!!I's. ') '"  '- :r .l, , ...  '>... :J!I:'C'I ..1К J..';."l J. !'1J i:1 / L  ' [. 'ш .. ........ L '" ,. . . .  601n" 1, . f\, ; \i." .. ' "  *" ..... .'\ i fr,. "SI. \ ff> . St L(I',*,re SS'"  . '"   .  .... .. . .. 111"" ... !IL A'OJkv lU.SJ .  t . ..   . . ... ..   .. .1 .    , ..-.. 8 .... .... 'J.o:..". ..... ( !1' .. 1. S4)'" .g;d..,k А..т .  ..... . - . ..- . ""  .  . -р . Q \..8  t. ..Jt.    о .  (:'. .. ;::'> ..  . о- \" Рас ifi ( . . -  Plate . . . u1 . .......... C r , .. f'o . . .... .Juan de L ... y Fuca Plate . ISO'W 14S'W I'W IJS'W OC'W IJS"W IJQ'W IIS'W .f}'W IOS'W ".N North American Plate CANADA   I r  MI . " о.,;:.. f ""i'"  j ...... """lt ... " ..... 41)'" LJ' wmh    UNITED SТАПS ! ТОI"ОПЮfll' ../lIj\txhtl:st8r "{ 'O.IfOIO ...... ,  .... ..,...ew Уа ..w 9S"W 9fJ'W es-w fJ()"W 7S'W Plate Motion Major Earthquakes 19752000 magnltl.lde оп the Rlchte.- Scale: .. 50 5.9 О 6.06.9 О 7JJ79 Active Volcanoes ....>r Arrows show morion relati",e [о Africa Colors аlso show plate motlon Gn!IIII[f:I' II:CISor comras.'t: berween iII[e5, indjcat..e!il weat:ef rвlamelifference in irectioo d movВl1'1Ef1t  Seafloo.- Spreadll1g Qr Соntlлеntаl Rlft % Area of diffl.le transrormation  (А"'" ",,"nclo.;e. .-..с. О' "'\"lOwп) date of last eruptlOn: . ince 1900 . 16th  19th cenwry . 1 s[  1 Srh century . Ьеtwееп 1.000 ilnd 10.000 years аЕО Elevation and Bathymetry meters 9.000 29.528 feet 6,000 19.685 3,000 9.842 including extreme points оп this тар +-- hQ:hest point аЬоуе sea level: peak of Mount МсКiлlе)'. Alaska (6.194 m 120.320 ft) +-- h.ghest posslbIe permanent human settlement (5,100 m f 16,500 п) ЬЕEqшJ-Аril!а. kaI,ащ 5.ON .nd rlN is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" LQn'i8taм5iilm':I Sea Level -3.000 less than ,OOO Sea Levet +--Iowest point оп land: sea. Level Q 1 Q 100 100 JOO 4СО SOO I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni 9.842 19.685 and below -f--deep ocean floor (5,500т / 18,OOO ft) -f-- ,l:reatest осеan depth: bottom of the АlеutlЭЛ Trench (7,679 m I 2S.194 fr) 
The Western Arctic j . .. US .  # ..... AI<'JSk.9: {U.s.} ..... ....... \ .. Climate .... . j I CANADA RUSiIA . . i \ ". -JIIQ'  \-  . ... -- "\. " 1- . . , ..v , .... ,tL< ?'..... .. , 'I" ,.  -.t:  .    I "1 . r " ....... 8 ,. Jr; ; '" '>о . , ...... ..... I .. \ / ":) I .e.ow.. CANAOA  .. ......., UNIТED STATES , ") t\lewYork 'es:s than :lQD -LO' О' 10' Ш. ЭО'С 11!I:!ii11Nn --40 1... 32' SO' .&8' 8/,.F Mean Annual Т emperature Average of 311 remperatures rhmugl10lJt rhe year " RUSSIA \ ,,  -  .. ... А'Щi/«(! (U.S.) l: 1 t .... {' ,   Mean Annual Precipitation Includlll,g snow, conven:ed (о equlvalent amOUr1t of rall'\ CANADA tS  " Temperature Range (Contrast of Seasol1s) Difference between minimum and maximum average monthl)' temperatures 43 f ; \. Grеепl;шd . ?J.... 1",__- . "  8 J .. ., . ... .Jo(' , , : ... , .,. , ..., ...,,(  4  .;w;п L.r ....., r fIO<> wYorl< 20' 40' ЬО'С 36. 72' 10S'F UNIТED sт ..  \ ,.,.( CANADA :j 4 :>n  .....':1" UNITED STATc:! ... ) t\lewYor!< 10 100 1.000 cm 0.4 4 40 .fOO;. Greenland (DENMARK) j, RUSSIA ..' " " ... / х ... , А'м/':(! (U.S) .....\. , .... ""'А, .. ... }. .. ..., . ' - \ --- ,.,.( .. 4 , о...{  J" """'-" ...... ..."""'" .. .., -wУоr!< 1.000 ст   Precipitation Range (Contrast of Wet & Dry Seasons) Difference between minimLlm and m:lximum avera,ge monthly precipiution UNIТED SТAI 1."","" 1 ID 100 less tl1iIЛ О.оС .fOO ;" 4 40 О' С" Greenland (DENMARK) :w. h ... \ . , bEEqual.Aril!& kaI.ащ50N.nd rlN is 1:41.00Q.000 rtm-42.jНm 11N:I\=bl,-9m ТЪе. Иhdt!5ев. В! d\e !8iUТlil!' !ltaJe'. r J  Q .wo 800 1100 '600 lOOCМOn I . . , . , с)  еОО . ш mi 
'с.О ej..' ()\  ,::, \.;J Northern America Land Cover .. ."  R _I  \ , , \ -fiвcc' . J I ь...о.."", 'H  , .........."'I!! Jl.NADAI J  ,"'"' .. 01. L'OWn  COl:P<1 .Ji .. '" . udol. (мех f, . -r" _ ... r .. /Q  , rrl\r< . _, ).*' v , . · ,11-...,]1. 1...... \ '9> ''''''''' ..  l' s;'<1k.'  i '- ".Ff/II', .-!,.t.'):I'с   '4: ф.. ;! ;..: ,=,  ч1'1/j,; /II/:"' ...  f;' / 1jl: l.-f 1-'  1 'fI :t .,.' f'iI t. ,. ... J # <r Jfo\. I , . 1" ,) , ;!r' j. i. .  'J i  'I'fJ Ff';"", )о , А ' r ' i  \; ' T. ' 'It.'.' " '1.."1,\.' -. I, 1IPuo , .... ..,.  O JC.,  "\. (:haluIIM.  о <) <to "" '" .. .,I I-Iоunoп ро s.. " '  f'  'Il ': . .. . .....'" WiП:"1f .::.., ...  .. f'\ ." .... , -. , . .1 .. .- ....."..;.  ,.. ,. (tJ -=. с>  50'" I'OJ с' O JIO ./ Е>. ..... .., 3oS' \",-   oootl..... ilE. .. ..  .  'J' ... _""'" .. 'r  .)   .. j  w-  D,o.o,- , UNITED STATES 'Т-- Ki30I1Si11S City   " O OI.""'1"CJ .р '-;;'0 Е. CI wv ч-- ploreou D.jilll' с о". '", .  "j...   \  J .: AJ.:ti1 J ..., .;;. ...,.. (I-EXI   .-< о-  tIO» C.  . . o!I3. s.. i,O , ,Нe1:ICO ........  j  ..'t. . ., ,  '4j,." (r,' 4  ..  " J ,.. ...,. ... 11 lIfi"' ....aп ......,., ,. "Iarтpm  Rllarnl.. tr-Exl<  . ",' ".I.... ; ,  ,," , ..... r"'"'-;....... о..а.... ,  l' ./II1"\Ii ,. ..  Ii.  011.  ... .. IIS.W III)"W I(lS'W IOO'W 95..... Land Cover in the year 2000. including relative proportion оп this тар as percentaze of total nonwater area _ TroplC.a1 Forest 1% Dec,duous Shrubs 14% _ Trees Flooded ,п Salt Water (попе) _ Deciduous Forest 9% Evergreen Shrubs З% Trees Flooded in Fresh Water (попе) Deciduous Т rees (попе) Grass 11 % Flooded Shrubs о,. Grass < 1 % _ Needle-leaved &." 1\' ""'" IS 29% Sparse Shrubs or Grass 4% Salt Water _ Needle.Leaved Deciduous (попе) Snow and Ice < 1% Мах Extent of 50lid Sealce, 2005 _ Mlxed Т rees 7' Barren L.and (попе) Fresh Water Mixed Ts and Shrubs З% _ Burnt Trees <1% Rivеr(widtt1"roponЮn.lroа,.."'w.otont1odJ Nipp т-r   .t S' М."'Е  MllwaI<k..    "\. Ckicago' Id ..'""" ->. C"" .......'fIO c ...... """" PuertO Rlco CUBA ><o;..,"o<"'  , t  .......O (U5.) .......... 1'18D8IIo" , r u.:.. .......... dIIIIr-O ")' [)в.t.J.'''''"''''I D.Ca.I:Jr,;. "':.' .:-...),.w- .CoSi,тo" > . .,;..J.O Domingo  HAITI DOMINICAN . REPUBLIC Grearer An[,IIes , l' CANA{)A :! . st. Lo<>!o' .  ... l' . " "  ..... Q L ...  --- :i:  [III: . f'e'l'p'"   _... t м...1МI '" ..... "1/ I!IlIttIn 1). , "'ч' Now О,...", ...l't8-lt:JIilI Ior ."\...... .,.--  , <t 1 '... ... r ... iZE r Е  .  -. :.. .... .... .J  т ;" ':..  .' . L-I( 9O'W ;/ 1 а '" .; . -t... L .:..' o..,....  .NO'"'oJ . <," , .,' J Т<ЖCIIIx> I ., \. . Bufto,.,..  . <:-J"'" f:> '\ ;:'-AI( r ..... --.... ,,, CI ,"  . - NewYork ."""'"" . (:) > ,....  '\ k"lt!j,nor. 1 -RJ ",- . Ь. ..,. lwpt1 Р.С. ..  ... . i,. .' - , ():-' ,  .. 0::8е 11) ....... ""i'"' ... Coi'cY"" с"". "" .........,1. f 4 O Вo"""da iU1<-1 ...  1.ah1l:ИИ Jild.lcnwll.   у"Л" ТНЕ BAHAMAS Мillrni. "" t-1avana МiOaP:I о . ur1u а СII-ФJ 11. (и.к.) . .1»ra",L....... pn.nJ!Ii. (U.K JAМAICA  (orib beDn Seo '" BS.W 75'W 7O'W IIO'W Sovereignty in 2006 Cultlvated L.and 17%  U.N.recognlzed IntematlOnal Border Mixed Crops and Shrubs I Grass <:1% Sub.NationaJ Border (indи<incau"",omoJ'H"") Mixed CI"OpS and Trees (попе) "".'lfQn'ш"'Qr 1 U N. MEMBER STATE Uman Areas <'  ф""..,d ......".... llJopond.", Т .""о'}' (Ри..., s<>,. iп Pu"'''''''1!<) 'Y"''itt1I.:skll'll tba.n RhQde IsIa.nd Pdrt 1')' In1fg"Gte-d' Еже/ау!!! (р.аreпts'CiI.'te in Parend1e1ei) , ;;;;;; DoI!'J;loI!'пdl!flt rl!.rlto'}' юhoh  I:InJ, Ьу Dlfir.dYi or !lcj@"пrlsfS Cities. Roads. Canals, Time CIIj)I тШXI 'III CJ<)-"'2.SQ.OOO  ""'-000 P"'f'l' С"" '" 500.000 . 1,(lO0.O0O F*>plo Cit)' d 1.000.000  SЛОО,ооо . City of пюre [han 5.000,000 people Нighway I Road or Path Canal 01" Aqueduct Тime Zone Вoundary (i"""n....; DST щ,ts""""') 1, -,," SlJf'lt.P\erre в.м1q'u4!l1('оП IFMNCI ..... f IТN 4S'N 4O'N ЗS'N .0"," 'N TcdCmcill'- Nltlrrn dtNs III\I!,. t'hl5uпilon.....r clral.vr?м!8d 10'1'1 IS'N 44 L,.. " LQn'i8taм5iilm.:I bEEquaJ.Aril!& kaI. ащ 1O.N .nd 50 N is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m  ' 1 (Ю' ' ni 
Northern America 1.000 386 реор1е I km1. 100 39 реор1е I mi:> 10 -t less than 1 0.4 and below T  I  I ,.g...., . '<:' J ..во, '":".. (, .:>-11"""'" \ . (:,.... ......,;,ъ Dмrd" { .......,;, А  - а  d  -NеwУоrk """со" l'ItиIUJdt С  CQ!u.",..... -  I!вltigю« ' .(:о. '" ,s;;n<....1i t<o. W.shln,gt«> D..... .v .. ..... ,,<:,. u . "С> () f'", '9;  .. Population and Infrastructure  ;...:ov \\ ., <1a. L ........1 f 'L ... b.,(," · tu"er  ..:  L"*" ""..... Qи,.. Charf.olt!!ls ICANADA\ lIej""w LaЦ '3. i! 1:/ .  v.... 1. f(Jo.NADA) t Sdr!h,--!y b  '.  -j  i ....... О Po.rtblllld..  ..  f) -(.. , 'с, ч:. (,.;, :)с,-" '1'   W'ln >E    r 1\""-" ..,:) о d '  .... t . \)-\JP''-, I t:N...  '-' .} ();х ,Pou. "i М;""..ро'" ?о /. Qf":"' ,- 3:4' '" ..... CiII .\ " """"" 'JD- .iJNI"'fE!:F'  STT .Id .. 3- (:) с:.  ; '.' Q "- . ,,:- .М,-),..."" L МIWa .... , ....;;..  d''i I , OIiC2JD'  'С7>(" .:.s  "';...  Vo" J .:-.  .. '-z.--;. t : .. .  s<n < С'..,.С> ... 10 о.. .С>" ..L--. " if <?..... ,.;f 1 -й!"т r  ........c....t:. . .,,.:. . . G r-e a-l 'В.(]Slп . ::s '" rl f6 . ;. . 1'iI.."" 11....'  к...... .0')' sc. ....,.,t;. , , ,-;{:-t!' 'QhW т"   с ... s: ,,, .., ....1:. :;, i .... ...   c""."pdtt.  'i" .:si.: . ,.   " 1'" (jo '\ -.10 LC>t А'Ч!"Jео NIIII s.n lJ8W.O '; .) l " \. ..ОС' +-'" чj> ') .N  O1oIto',тPC.., .,. !lonт'JIt .щ;"", I -,j.,i -......  "'., "'.s  ! "5 --;.;j ..  <,''',  ;\. & '  ... '" I ... (о 'r"'"  " ь с.. . A- 't ..x . i  tt\  "" !';IE>;ICJ .... А/. l' """" .  ,   .. :,,/' ., I\!O,..'V  k ; , 1"""",,, ... G.Q2"'f....  :..?.. '   J  :.f  ...[ TO/W ь  ., .,.   "'tq--" до,. t;!I._ D.jil.. 1":--- Ыm.!oItf>. 1, II'1EXICOI с\   : hh. ." :5\ct AIlilllbf'lIa J-Iоu:фm'll . New Оrlапs ....   J.:I.ryl80 .а J .....  . "'- ("" 3 /<'>' lЬ- .. .,. с.0  ....... о ej (;)\  ,::, \.;J о j J,..  iJ1"";do .. Ri!ar1J ls. tl"E'<lCOI "  '() ... » '. . fP "\... J... 1 1.....""  ) .. .. ...............  .f"" '" т..dt IIS.W 411).W IOS.W IOO'W 95"W 9O'W Infrastruc.ture Rallroad Divided НigJ1wз)' Road о' Path Power I Communlcauons СаЫе Overland Pipe11rle Canal о, Aqueduct .....'Qoo c....."', t":;"g. "'2lik . "'" + ........... .".lIlIk... J.'iI Т""I" t1iarri. нw.n.. ..... f:tpmn k fLI"l twi  iБ.W CANADA (1.... ... ('о'  ('o -t\. , п "" . \I.. , V d} ,O"  ... ) Sa.lnt.P\erre & Muotl II'RANCE) L.JIOlt ",. ...Н.  ... '""у' . , ... 1""""" EIoo"""da (tJ:j() ТНЕ BAHAMAS INx'" Tortts.. CaI IL (U.K.) ). PLlerto Rlco (U5) ......... Jo1D'" .... . ...... III . q'i8.- . s.rno po"..... ........, I:1on1'F HAITI DOMINICAN . REPUBLIC Crea[r An[,IIes Population Density in the year 2000 more th.1П 10,000 3.861 and greater New Yor\< Clt)', Цgos. Parl, Delhl, Be'jirJg Boston. Вangladesh. Johannesburg. Greater H01.nol +---Suburban Chlca.go, Hal[I, SichlJan Basln. Southern Wales +---Сепr.raI Michigan. Non:hern Viernam, Wesrem Тajikistaл Mldwest US, Central Chlle, EstOnlil, Southem Ir01.n +---Baja California. Brazilian Hills. Сеntrз1 Finland. Centra1 Воmео .........  .....,., D. cdo-- JAМAICA oton (orlbbe.on S.e4 IIO'W 75'W 7O'W но ...... f 51ТN 4о"" 1O'N 3S'N 3"" lS'N T.-c::iPсdCmcеr NerrtlidtNs I ihl5UП iIon.....r clrю:I.vr?м!8d J'N IS'N 45 ..... "'- bEEquaJ.Aril!& kaI, ащ 1O.N .nd 50 N is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-l0iНm Ih<h = 31S,7 mlo1  LQn' Amliil'taм5ilm. Iitn8: Q 1 Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni 
Northern America Plate Motion ....:::r Arrows show motlOn relatlve tO Africa Colors а1so show plate motion Gr4.I.... cOlor CQI'\trlS1: b8fwмn itUIIlndlc.a'tМ; grвaи.r tifferEf1ce in i4'bOO d rnavemll!f'lt.  Seaf100r Spreadin.g or Continental Rift  Аreэ. of diffLJse transrormat.ion :::;:::: (1'1-.. boIJo&.rko I_dlotl_« cr unl<nc""J . . ,. " "" , " '.' . . . . .. .., . .. Plate Т ecton i cs  1( . . . '1. .... t:>  '% .. . , .., '. < ., (",. ,.., . CC>U'ol8f" 2 <;  .tJ J s,1tt'" " uan . ;::, de Fucapot<land,. O Plar.e   (.,1 .. (, f): .. . .,#. P..acifi{ Plat  115.W . 3:   '" L"'"r.. .... ....."..... .. .r...1..J""OJ.. re: c  -.. . .1 ... . . f---..... \.moo"", , .с"',р<у ....:...... II;,.   Wiпт,.,og \)1 u 11' tl' · -'р о r" --F ..L..  G' ,.. (!> C> Mi"n"""'" ,о ./ С. ....." OS' .  (:) с.  .... р . ..1'.. .. . . . . MIIw>... .....;." '" I  (;relJ( е,..о S f tr *' I} "", .  u) ""' .. "':"'" . . . ... .. .  . . . ,.  UNITED ST А ТES ".:,... .  'Т'" Ii.' К.ШSillS City . 5с L",,' "'..  . 0kW11 Ску "', 11Wd:.'" >1.... . . . ....o ", ...  ' ?- 0-:1' с: Q  CI'1i)L.I& <) (tIO u\ '" D.jil..  )<!:r"' ., . ... .." t-I.5 ... "'v-- .""" .... N:"wCl,_",   SanI HOu!itD.... '\.. D  " со ... .. '" "t'O  ... \  ,. O J"'- ... <> Nonae,мy . SЖtII1a  О , , d . 1> '.....,MEXICO ' .... с..... ...... о I J ;' 1  Ь nLu" ( fI>....   ,. ('" f'«u.81<.3I!t'I['" (JI ... Riy d. . G._d.!I_I_ra Q- ...рJзtе  i ,  '" ,. : '. i".; s!O"'\cllJ C :. "' .  l ""  q ...... fТ. r 4  JA' '.  , . ,  <>-t--- ..., 'Cocos  ...".! li..r L Т 1J!IL 9O-w .I JW.-icli. I ... .. -..,.",....  rf% , , " ro.. :> . . . III).W I(lS.W IOO-w 9S"W Active Volcanoes Elevation and Bathymetry meters 9.000 29.528 feet 6.000 19.685 3.000 9.841 date of last еruрtюn. . since 1900 . 16th  19th century . 1 St  15th century . between 1.000 i!nd 10,000 years a,go Se:!. Level з.ооо le5s tllan --6,000 Se:!. Leve1 T  CANADA  , . ... ::-) сч> I oМon' 1Ib ( TQ'Q  'з ' \ '  "-<:-"',,..,.  " "' . 8""'10 с> "7'" ""'. ..... /  .  """'""Жеw York f'lшО",gII {)  "  . .., CaI'i.'"b<Is " "то' Iri tJ t! WмII<c.; " "(:- v ,t! ().  ,,:rv,: CI.... ... .п I   1 ;f'  . "'..., r  J ' . . ;;; . . .,. F"1k NIII. J . .. . Major Earthquakes 19752000 ma.gnltLJde оп the Richter Scale: " 5.o5.9 о 6.o6.9 Q 7.o7.9 . 8.0 i!nd greater r (U. м.o..,lII'jlМl1' g North AP.1erican Plate . н..... .Т"hasIИ JIti:ill.   ...ttIlmi t I  :t: !-. Л " : \...  11  .. '" ,) ....... .н...  .....:... -41-' .J; :& 8 '): \ " "'.. "--I .. oI;i'U:9"'..lI -- 41 п .- I  __ :11 """"1 ... С'''1!3'''). Fr "...  ....... CUBA Нo;"i, -r /.n.  ;- .....  ")"8;:  y  .,....,.,........ ...-..:;...  }пР..: к--в; Ч ..... " sJu" . ,) ,.  ./.' N\:,,"""....  .:; n L1 J. JAMAIC" ..............  REPUBLIC .",r ......с е- fr .IY ,IIes 1', " fEa,l:/bean Plate . ".,.....,..,.. "  . +Si.ii. H . "'. RA ?  J ",JI \J BS.W 7S-w 7O'W IIO-w Irlcluding ехиете pOlnts ОП this тар highest poim аЬоуе sea lel/el. реаk of MQunt Elberr.. Colorado (4.401 m 114.440 ft)  lowest pOlnt оп land: bottom of Death Valle)'. CaJrfornla (6 m I 182 ft) 9.842 19.6B5 and below deep осеап floor (5.500m 1 IB,OOO ft) +-- greatest осеап deptll. bottom of the Puerto Rico Т rench (..a.60S m 1 28,232 ft) » .  utr lt ;LtJ.) )0'1 ,."'''' .  f slТN 'N 10'1'1 ЗS'N 3"" lS'N TcdCmcill'- Nltlrrn dtNs III\I!,. t'hl5uпilon.....r dr!aI.vr?м!8d 0'1'1 IS'N 46 ..... "' bEEquaJ.Aril!& kaI, ащ 1O.N .nd 50 N is ':1O,OOO,QI.X) lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m"  LoncIon'iltaм. :ltilil.; Q 1 Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni 
Northern America Climate .. I \ CANADA Vanc"OLfVef"  Seiittle 'L....  M DotrOi'V Сhiсэ,gо. E-SciIt.oп .New York 5anfl'UlCi!{()6 .. " -WDC. UNIТED STAТES Lo. Ar1gOlo.' 1..- \ r Hou,ton .  ,  . ТНЕ BAНAНAS Milllmi  MEXICO МеЩ> ) ... .  jAMAICA " Меап Annual Т ernperature A'l/er<ge of .3.11 temperatures throughout the year 10.. d\on -10. IO' 10" о'" 10' 14' .ем 'thitn 411 31" 50" 68" , 1>: " CANADA ...1 .. ... '-  ............ Selnle а  ti .._ А .... Мопа-е.1 .  < " ... Datrat Сhicэ.go. -!ew York fnoxиc .. " w DC. UNITED SТАПS .. Le. Af\PI8S" , t Hou,ton . ...   ТНЕ BAHAMAS . Milllml  ,.t1EXICO Mexic,p Cit \ ... jAMAICA \... Меап Annual Precipitation Including snow. convened to equlvalent amount о' raln .....!Im I 111 1110 Il!ss d1Ii1.П 0.4 4 411 .  . ' .... .. f CANADA ... ' \ ... А " ,;'" . . 1  DoIroit r Сhiсэ.go, IТED AТES """" Seit1R 1 ,  s.n fnn<в< 1 \ Lo. д..- \ , t Hou,tOl " .. , IIC( " ,  >  ....., (1Qnu-e.1  t   .., 'ew York \' '-F<>n ОС. .:: ..J, 1.,. Milllmi ТНЕ ВAНAНAS  I · CUBA Mexic,p a f\ j НON )О'С Ternperature Range (Contrast of Seasons) Dlffet'ence between mlПlmum and m"xlmum avera,ge mопthlу temper:lture!. &" , CANADA ...  SeattIe  .... \ Dotroi..) Chic>,goo fnn<иc .,.'.. " UNIПD STAТES Lo. ......  \ 't... Hcuston . ".------  EXICC О' О" jAMAICA ... HAIТI 20' 3'"   I l>!r:RoП 'New York DC. 1., , (. 1. ТНЕ BAHAMAS Milllm. Mexic,p Cit \ , , .... / 1,(100 ст Precipitation Range (Contrast of Wet & Dry Seasons) Difference between minimum ilпd maximum avera,ge monthly precipitation 0.4 4(Юil] f rL".  .. DR PR Santo Domin;go 40' ЬО'С 72' loeeF .. \ ..!/ _ DR PR -.----. --  ... HAIТI D",,",,&o jAMAICA 111 t 100 I..OOO<:m 4() 40010 ТЪе. Иhdt!5ев. В! Itte !8iIffiI!'!ltae= bEEqual.Aril!& kaI, a 1O.N .nd 50 N is I :41.00Q.000 rtm-42.jНm 11N:I\=bl,-9m J-.  r Q -wo 800 1100 '600 lOOCМOn 1 . . , . , с)  еОО . ш mi 47  
Central America and the Caribbean -i\ UNITED SТA TES in J' ;,. . S-n IQ HDt.r.Ltoq . 40   O  .", ' о e о'   u Hilva'lil. 4IC:  '"" .... _ Tarr v="':.6  . у ,-.. .:.   р:. .........'? .I '1'0,11.' . ...::... 4..' -t" ...  м':;сь. 'I.  ... ., _ Vf!la"r- t':IE>\ICO  ;::  . "'';':;:C  ;. '" -----' ,r;;. и ин ."",- .. ... ,.. ... 3 ;.OC  (Wm  . , ELSALV  . NI AGUA J р "!'- I.wiJn:o...., - ;,..,.., ,..; ... ",..  ..О............. "'n&:А  .. Land Cover т.".,._ eMat'nll ...,.. ТНЕ BAHAMAS .,.....М . ...а.п., Ol. "e.A"'" СIIai-. CUBA ,.. "....,., r A HAITI Ctn 1,. JAMAICA ....fOI!O  f 'N Trnpill: tJfCl1Квr Nt)rmdd'listl the м.. 'Ii nl d"r""""'" r ",kHI C,leo.l.. /1. 100N " ;;f  .,.  JI< 8otmudo . JO" '\. ........ м""'. (U.К,) . .. New Orloans /I,!<wnv;11o DOMINICAN REPUBLIC  1I't-D111'11oor. PwtiAf'...... o .....) . о... Ij, со G reO t е, Вriti!il .-р-, 1"'''''',..J,K,j 5мlfIoIОf"'JDail"lк..:.п,  ...uIOil ,1 I к..) SC>UNIIII".  Sr. Mt ".iI CfR.ДNCE:) DomJl)g"......... .. S. м..,,.,, NDSJ Puerto Rico ANl JA & r.ARВUDA '" U.s. Virgiп Islалd. (IJ.S sт KlnS & NEVIS I'Ic""orrat (UK) (,йriьЬеап 4 11t il/ es '" ., GUadOSIO F" IFRANCC) ОО Д 15"N   .. чое (FFANO :СА Sea .. с. "<:t . I!ARВADOS S1 VJNCENT 111 ТНЕ GREN.t.DINES AntllllS & An.lba INT}1ERLANDSI . 111 .. .. cz. " . GI\EN.t.D" ...... .&'" Iю ur I  kLo.""' Canчвnа. "" /" 1!Is...c../II нr'"  st' . t- A 1f. . . .,. .....1\1....... .r . .. I' UДDCV\! 95'W 9O'W ffi'W Land Cover in the year 2000. including relative proportion оп this тар as percentaze of total nonwater area _ TroplC.a1 Forest 52% Declduous Shrubs З'I. _ Trees Flooded In S.alt Water <1% _ Deciduous Forest 1% Evergreen Shrubs <1% Trees Flooded in Fresh Water 3% Deciduous Т rees < 1 % Grass <;<;' Flooded Shrubs or Grass 2% _ Needle.1eaved &." 1\''''''' IS 8% Sparse Shrubs or Grass  Salt Water _ Needle.Leaved Deciduous (попе) Snow and!ce (попе) Мах Extent of Solid Sealce, 2005 _ MlxedTrees < Barren L.and <1% Fresh W.ater Mixed Ts and Shrubs <L.. _ Burnt Trees (попе) Rivеr(widtt1"roponЮn.lroа,.."'w.otont1odJ  . " ' . ., .... ....." . f,j d8nn \: .  . :"l Ii .,;.. .:: '.. '" ........  "<Ili  - IO'N . ..........  TRINIDAD & TOBдGO  Сооо<о.  .... """'"" , ,\  tI VENEZUELA C.IId8II..,)oI . ... .. I {\1' 1} i'..r .  ..  t..IA " ,  "" lf  ii:" . - !". :;'! , ., 1 ' n !' ... .}J' AUI.....i1A [Р- l.J ,r....r 1'\.[ S'N  ) -() f> \0 l \.. о, , ""'""""" .  COLOMBIA Sovereignty in 2006 Cultlvated L.and 11 %  U.N.--recognlzed IntematlOn.a1 Border Mixed Crops апд Shrubs / Grass 2% Sub.Nation.a1 Border (indU<iПСU""'omou. "".) Mixed Crops апд Trees J}(. ....llfont"'''''fo, j U.N MEMBER STATE Urban Areas < I  11iI0II1U;=Э llJndt!nt Tl!!rrirDr;r{Parent 5ta'U! iп Pvw1J lIhWI Rho6e I.slwld  ... &clоу!! (p.iIIII'II!IfI'tSt:il.te in Parend1e!lll!$) t;;;;;;  11!......1It:lry  r:J...1f Ьу OIfiCtdh Or!JC olf!;rs ""'\;'.... , Guill8Ч tli .... ....... .... 1'1., . BO"\l\' 7';'W  I " .r E,." J. .. е 1 'r8 1,  'om I I\AZIL  1; 'S"""," '" '1< ;, ,  ПОШ  .... I - . . 'pt, . с> >. 50s . I_",} ... .., .. . . j ... ... 7O"W S'W шw Я"\I\' 50"\1\' Cities. Roads. Canals, Time Ul;р11'III o;r "'2!дОО1)  -щооо р""" cr.,.- '" 500.000  1..000.00о р<ор," Otj" d 1.000.000  5,000,000 ,,,,,,pI. О!}' 01 rnore than 5.000,000 people Highway I Road or Path Сапа1 or Aqueduct Time Zone Вondary (in w;nter' DST """.1юwn) bEEquaJ.Aril!& ScoI. Ion.o О''' ond 1S"N ;, 1 :10.оомоо lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m  ' 1 (Ю' ' ni  -"   ............... ,-> 48  ,,\  .l? ' N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... 
Central America and the Caribbean  UNITED SТД ТE' ;f I """..... '" ........./I.JLII[1'f .... " Ht)$.tQfl . М...-.. Orloans '" .... (:> 1i  , о e1-r " <II . r_ 'T'I«>   u 6 """h.).o...,' . .-  А ,""II ,,   _""  AJ)1Ш t;hi  Tofll'" ."" Ь  r M. ,I c..pod>o-.: " tI  ....... '........ MEXICO --" 1'1IfrJ:1 с........ =. . J . '4 IТEl&дLA ,  .. Population and Infrastructure DOMINICAN EPUBtIC  KoDllNEar. !ritigh V"'"P , I ldarн!o (U,K,J .'iI> _...  .. ""&"III:I(I.J  K ... S;l.n I8iII" !iir. Manrr.l t с: J DQmln,gQ "', ___ -5< н...",," (N ЮS) Puerto Rico . & ВдRВUIOД . .. А h " 1 I &U5. VirJi"I,t.л'" (lJ.S,) ST KlnS М .. , К! ' '" , е S &: NEVIS 1: cnu...rat,..... , r-  f'r IF"-дNС) "'", . DOMltII,CA , .... .............. . !l<tmuda (1JJt) Т..:.... .........;1.. T . : Miarnl  ТНЕ ВAHAMAS   .. -.,. 5r' с....... CUВA ,]. Tиrkl" C.'"o,l.. (ux. со ", ".,....,  s... D.C HAITI 1'In",. -4 Ca:"""'I., IU,KI jAMAICA  G reo t е, r _  . .... .!L EL SALV OL COCD!> fst IC OSTAR Ic:A о о 00 О 'jБ:-- J . ..  .- ... о I, CECLWJOI\I 95'W 9O'W Population Density in the year 2000 more than 10.000 ].861 апd greater Mexlco City. New York City. Рапs, jakarta. Т okyo Houston. Бaghdаd, Вangl;!.desh. Ruhr V.3.lle)' +---Ha.ltl, Greater Vancou\ler. North Chlna Plaln +---СиЬа. Northern New jersey, Nigeria. Algerian Coast +--Yucmn, Loos. Central AfghanlStan. Z;!.mbla +---Eastern Рапата. Tibetan Plateau. Caspian Depression 1.000 ]86 people 1 km' 100 ]9 people 1 mi' 10 ./1 less than I 0.4 and below U ".  AGUA ......  Seo caribbean L Antlllls & An.Ibill (NTHERLANDSI ... ci .. .. cz. " ...  . f Вf .  .r -:-""""" -y-""" .. "JX""'7 .1'  "  В.П'''i.,;lIat, n.  J!:.1' "?'-'" Р . р$,д ;> f( .,  \ " . ...; . fш ы :r ".",... ./( VENEZUELA , ....    .. . ..  ВОР.  JIiI"...... се . r СОLОМБIА М..II  (\ , ;. с..  ( , о о о о 04; Fr .. tt , 'Ь( . Gи.yaq<4Er  QJ hi'. /.,}" , ,.r:. 4 А:  . ;,. )ft--, #  J"Рш-о {Orest . (\ \ 0\  v-. Q,,- onas PERU  ") .. --J 1 .:f  0('1 AmO"'t  If%Jl61J -- ffi'W BO"\l\' ТS'W 7O"W S'W I nfrastructure Rallroad Divided Highway Road or Path Power I СоmmUПlсаtlOПS СаЫе Pipellne С;!.па' or Aqueduct Gеоstatюпаry Satellite  :. 'M0 f= (FRдNCE) r: . 5Т "<t , " f.ARВADOS ST VJI\JCENT & ТНЕ GREN.>.DINES · GI\ENADA ...  RINIDAD & TOBAGO """'....... GUY . .....1I8I"i1кl ..  SURINAME 101 J BRAZIL 16 "2<  м,..... Ч<)# 'f,f' /  шw .......,   .о.:  I "9 <>: я'W ...... ....J- Mor.j6 1, :.> С:;"  \. 50"\1\' f JO'j 5'N Irq>ic: oIU1Квr Ntw"dlidd'listl tЬe м.. 'Ii nl ........... 100N 15.N IO'N S'N о E,." -&1"," .  J4I i$ 50s bEEquaJ.Aril!& ScaI..1on.o О''' ond 1S"N ;, 1 :10.оомоо lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS,7 m" Q I Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni  -'""   ............... ,-> 49  ,,\  .l? ' N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... 
Central America and the Caribbean Plate Motion ....>r Arrows show motion relative (о Africa Colors alo t1ow p1i1te motion G-еа.terot.O\аt".ц."'tragt pa indica.te5: lf6illtEir re\itive Mвrвoce in dsectюfl d movвtm!l1t  Seafloor SрrеаdlП,g or Сопtiпепtal Rlft  Area of diffuse t  (Pi.a. bound:arie9 irdi5.til'\Ct: cr tJn\cl'1QWn) UNITED SТAТES n НDW.tDп " S-n IQ , ... '" l о M,, Iiiill: JD 'II3 D о.. ....... <II ':1. О I..UliJlbIP-d ...  r"O .(; 'Мм ;f :. Cit)l J.... Tu1 ."u.. Il!I";t ,  ""  MEXICO . tl.. ... Cocos PJare   "'.........,.,. .... N.w о.п..... .x;rnlll M.. / ...  Mdill с..ро"". I3,LIZE lV "tI. .7' .., OiF t:..,..., т...:.. Nazca Plate 95'W 9O'W Major Earthquakes 19752000 magПltudе оп the Rlchter Scale: . 5.0  5.9 ..... 6.0  6.9 U 7.0  7.9 r) в.О and greater '" . (. ) r .... 1 , ! , . ", wr  . ......... .'  ./ /' ffi'W .. Plate Т ectonics L I ",k';';"'l.. r .- Nan:h Amerlc РIa1'Р р ...["М'IQuill.....   ...... м.''Р J1ю Ц  ,. ..,.. -.. .,F  ........ ... ........... . ......TM...::: '.  North ""'О'" ...;."" -.-1'10 .",:-'" And...... .... Рlа1ё .......WIrrO I >' GUYANA · :I Р PtP  н.".. , L  ,..... J. - cGUATEJs."f>,j ",ho 1-. ...... . . HUNDURдS ТЧ"'i.opIpo f CARAGU:  """I"' <;." СЮСд  OI!!" ,   I\Panama ./' ... :NAМ iate. .... . -1.., ? l  .     ....М. o 7 . ..... ".  Ji!"': . ,р ..A"'"'""'1LJ,  Ir,. '''-:' 'й 1 .) '  10..    AN ..-- ..... I , !TI >- ...... ...., - . r I  IAMAICA """..;..... ...'....,.... ...., ..(. "'"'".. ..J"'b .. './" .  J" ....... 1 . .Iht{ .....".  . J"" .v,  . .., , I  .., "   4'1 fr fI " , ,...,. 1..1/ ,е, /С; 1'..  I III'g'" d"HS.i I J,.I # ..J ,. I I I,J.-'!.i" ( 'l.aribbean Plare {::: .. J'J ' l'i..J& /к J/ "   , VENEZUELA  Нod.m  ..:;::r "o"h ---<;'1'  '''''; .Ii.I3 "'f:..  -6"   ОUl':;: .. ....... . EC 'CI.i  ....,,' " ( . вор> ............. COlOMBIA ""78ч  ! ..,.,.... , r' PERU ...... I \ \l I 01.... . . BO"VV 7'W 7fYW Active Volcanoes Elevation and Bathymetry meters 9,000 29.528 feet 6,000 19.68:5 3,000 9,842  , ""  . St. M, ..8 '>rsrzr 1......,,'-111 .( .1t.'O"/ 1c,A. . "'"Xlt"" ..... ...., . ... &:: q: r 1 .. . ci .. .. ... " j ;# 1 T"INIDAD .J. . CIUd8ljI!ool t1anl.'\A . C;S'W щ'w including extreme points оп this тар .  .I..  date of last eruptlOn: . since 1900 . 16th  19th century . 1 st  15th cen(ury . between 1.000 and 10,000 years ago  : ..'  .. . ........",  IOBAGO South American I Plate  .... ...... ( fr/!nch SURINAME \с G :; irтo IJRANC  / """"'- :rrar6 '1 BRAZll <If.Y" 't."......  я'W CI"W r highest polnt above !IOea leveJ: реа1< of Mount Сl1lmЬоr.п.о. Ecuildor (6.267 m /10.560 ft) r highest posslbIe permanent t1uman settlement (5.100 m / 16.500 ft) Sea Level З,ООО less than ,OOO Sea Level {-----Iowest point оп land: shore of lake Enriquillo. Dominican RepubIic (...14 m I .144 fr) 9.B42 19.685 and below rdeep осеал floor (5.500т I IB,OOO ft) {-----greate5t осеап depth. bottom of t:I1e Puerto Rko Тrепсl1 (.605 m / .28,231 fr) .,.  ., :.$ ., . f "/ hlom f  O'j } . l'N TI'Cf"ic: oIU1Квr Ntw"dlidd'listl hм..'linl d""""'" 10"N 15.N .. ""'" . IO'N S'N E, 50s bEEquaJ.Aril!& 5<oI..1on.o О''' ond 1S"N ;, I :lO.ooмoo lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" Q I Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni  .r-   ............... 50 ,.>  ,,\  .l? ' N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... 
Central America and the Caribbean .. Climate UNIТED , SТAТES HCIltC1n Nflw"'Orn:!i . . , '. ....\ ' ' } АП: HC:St4 N.....drl..". м ...... -11l>ml ТНЕ BAHAMAS НaWI'II. . ТНЕ BAHAMAS Мек!со С BELIZE HONDURAS ,.  BR HAI (i:1l  . ..."  S-nto  JAMAICA Dornl r Mek!F0 От;у CUВA  ,l BELIZE NDURAS GUA TEMALA EL SALVADOR GUA TEMALA ..;...,. EL SALVADOR NICARAGUA  NICARAGUA -. . . I ' С..."".  VENEZUELA ( .......... СilПВ:II.S- I'  .. t; COSTA f . RICA PANAMA COSTI'\ RICA . PANAMA ENEZ :> GUYANA SURINAME f,-еRtlJ Gи1ono "yf'"   "  .JLul'1EiII' ..  - Qui't(] U', .А , IF .r  ' j J:I(  ""' '':.....   ....v. ffRU PERU J Меап Annual Т emperature Average of аll temperatures throughout the year  'L )', 11I!!ii:5. tt.ara -100 IO' О' IC' 10' ]О'С less d1iln _41:1 .4' ]1' '>(). 68' I!b'f С' с Temperature Range (Contrast of Seasons) Difference betwl!erJ minimum and maximum avera,ge monthly temperatun: UNIТED \ SТAТES На:'1 --- UNIТED SТAТES на;' laI N«w"'O.-ltI3Ins < , N..;Orl..". '- MICO ( . МЕ. ......  ТНЕ BAHAMAS &- ТНЕ BAHAMAS н....... н....... HeKico С r BELIZE NDURAS HeKico С \, BELIZE НONDURAS ,./ ,1, , , GUAТEMA EL SALVADOR GUAТEMA EL SALVADOR , -. NICARAGUA NICARAGUA -. -1' ..J ... IENEZUELA GUYANA SURINAME frenr:h Gliiona 4. 4.  " COSТA RICA . PANAMA COSTA RICA . PANAMA ENEZUE восоь lА .... . OLO"'BIf!  U DI..m .... восоь .... COL01"IВV  ......«о .... '=:Jf PERU J 51 f ,1. "'-  J 1, t GUYANA SURINAME r ( f,-еRtlJ Gи1ono  BRAZIL ZO' 1(1" ('О'С ]6. 72' 10e"F GUYANA , SURINAME frenr:h Gliiona L 1 ... - 6 \ J :....... ( ВRAZI l L \ \ \ 10 100 IJXЮ ст .. 40 4OOi" . 1 ..  6 .._ I \ '" J  '::'"'"-+- 4 ..." r  В I j   \ J\ \ 10 100 I.OOO"m 0,4 4 40 4001"   FERU J Меап Annual Precipitation Induding snow, converted w equlvalent amount of raln lesst:'h:m . Precipitation Range (Contrast of Wet & Dry Seasons) Difference between minimum and maximum average monthly precipitation 1... d1a" 0.4 bE Equal.Aril!& UC8l 5<01..1000 Ю'" ond 15'N ;, l:4l.OOМOO rtm-42.jНm .1N:I\=bl,-9m ТbeGn!llltL..вla!o!.a't:me.:s.amil! !lcaJe: А Ю iOO еоо 1100 1600 lOOCМOn 1 ' . . . . с)  еОО . ш mi 
Т"'У".... .. <.. ' tr ;---. I . . .. .. . ;1. Sй.aLu Вoo.m . М....... Southern America .. Lan d Cover "ая ,RlOCks Jx VIIorll 11._' '-'Saq  iIC ... Riode" ,-  ,," (j.1J Д h о!\  C;:: ;р. t   ?); . (; "f1 fl , I fv"{ 11. ;f' 1 ' , , lIRA.4l- s.,Mdor Arau... hcll!lio i,dрд, Hi1J& , Recjfe  . . " N..... ... Frl с!,,, (Вl\AZll) .fClra.j.п. с  1W 4O'W 45'W Land Cover in the year 2000. including relative proportion оп this тар as percentaze of total nonwater area _ TroplC.a1 Forest 35% Declduous Shrubs 6% _ Trees Flooded In Salt Water <1% _ Deciduous Forest 6% Evergreen Shrubs <1% Trees Flooded in Fresh Water 1% Deciduous Т rees 1% Grass <;<;' Flooded Shrubs or Grass 1% _ Needle-leaved &." 11''''''' IS [попе) Sparse Shrubs or Grass 10% Salt Water _ Needle.Leaved Deciduou5 (попе) Snow and!ce < 1% Мах Extent of Solid Sealce, 1005 _ Mlxed Т rees < Barren L.and  Fresh W.ater Mixed Ts and Shrubs (попе) _ Burnt Trees (попе) Rivеr(widtt1"roponЮn.lroа,..dw.otont1odJ ..J c 0(- '0 Sea Falkland 15 (UK.) (fIр а '(о. Monl.8V'ideo . t.oP!o . в........ . """" Rosarlo URUGtJAY  "'ПlIIII_...F- . Рdto 'А1ч", .) Fbi........Or / . п- . -, ,.......- , :CrN,, lI.вa Oo , ,. 1 lib. "  .. . " , '.. !\UI..."   \"'..# ф'" c.nw (:irшl. .. I  .р> kLJnclqn II  '\,0.  tJ PARAGUAY . "" CoQnit . ili6 . -')1--8. t P t:. P С ;., ..,.- 4! 11-   . !-oot8o.. '! I 1- iZ. ,,' . I " if !it J!Ъ.I.: ' "" .. I I'1anВoIIs, р ........ ..  S/)"W S"W 6fJ'W .... r J ,, . V l ..! " !t... . " C'utt,p Jf'e:-. . :IJt \ 4 5 F1'.r del FU l .. , ':.  t:I ... t:; О,,  -...; c:r G.. .......  :. \  , rJ \ I , :;: ... , rc..up"", r' "'" ARGENTINA " JС';:F--IJШ  "'tJ' .t; f -\ ,  '1 . ,r, . ( .1" " '"""' .  DWI !, """ М.... '"ь.- DilТ,. -"\  :L J ,. Q", Q о"   !' . , : i '\ ':S\. 1  '" \ : i  ccwd  , .и58п.. ' .. I ;;11'.. ' {f (;1 . / . . ' . .........  '...... ... t .".. . ...... tr. 1.1 ...'" ,. d,[,o .  .; .. .  t. 1""\..,\-' ... ...., ,. fI ,.... i I  . BOUVIA <t:. ./ ... .... ,.,. . ,.., '1 \9 '" 'tt, е 'b  '" --#' 11 (,S'W 7fY'W Sovereignty in 2006 Cultlvated L.and 12%  U_N_ecognlzed InternatlOnal Вorder Mixed Crops апд Shrubs I Grass 6% Sub--National Вorder ,u""om",,'пg;о'..1 Mixed Crops апд Trees 6% 5"",llfu",u"""to.-  U.N MEMBER STATE Urb А < 1"11 !Lr.a.'te!i вntt l:ernюne:s: "'\  an reas.  withlI.nd ...... Dnd!ln.tТt!,.rftory(РillrentSt:a.te.,Ривntl-мase5t man filiod!! hb.nd fC6bOOIr 'nlegHI'teJ Erctaw- ,n F'at'"e:JrthJ - Di!'plI!ndnr l-!'нitDq inflOfIiti!"d IJfJJy Ь,  О; 15 йdй:i . ..EJ >1- .'   Lim.. T' :.чYlI;ао ;. J r  . .I' f ::.о-  .,.'" .., ,ь... .TNJ'lo .. {(:. " f4 .  ...... ..... . }. 1 .1  DI"\8;h. ;; "''''1"11 .. 1'Ij:"  YI " pjO   u,1J i  }а ,..  ,- 7'W Cities. Roads. Canals, Тiтe Ci"l d" 100JX(I !SO.OOO Clty d"Z50..000 'ifI C 001500.000  ..ооо.ооор.ор1. Cit)' '" 1.000.000  S,OOO.ooO р.орl. Cit)' о! more (harl 5.000.000 peof)le Hl,ghway I Road or Path Canal or Aqueduct Time Zone Boundary (;n ""n",," О5Т 00<'''''''''') f , s.!j,!ii SO'S oU.S -90"5 JI'5 JO'S 11'S T",pКof IOUtt1 с: и k1E.. 1ht!5a'I.1 d....tfy """т.... 1O'S I.S IO"S 5'5 E вo'W bE Equal.Aril!& A:i?f: UC8"I kaI. a 5.5:and 4Z"S is 1.20;OOQ,OOO lon-l0iНm Ih<h = 315.7 m" Q 1 Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni 52  ,->- , ....., N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... 
Southern America .. Population and Infrastructure So.rh SoncIoo..II 1... rШ(J '.,. Sotrdl Ce<l'r,fI"ls.1 (U,К"j у""... ...  ; , Sor.,dOl'" . I  :1 : "" f,;,"  Jj,j,. '" t(. .t Reclle f" Nd т «eRn.J. - fi!'rnona dt' No,on"a (ВRдZIL) FOf1:ilJe;p ..." 4 SoIoLL.liI.  о 00 .. I5'W of(J'W 45"'" Population Density in the year 2000 more thiln 10.000 ].861 апd greater Bueno5 A.re5. Be111n.g, РаП5. Cairo, Delh. +---Porto Alegre. Housron, Ruhr Уа11е)', Ремl River Delta +---Braz.lla, Suburban Perth. Northem Indla, Rwan(]a Centra1 Ec:uador, N.geria, Mounr.ail1s ofPakistan Centr.l1 Chlle. Vеrmопt. Southеrп Il"3n. Estonlil -t----Bra.zilian Hills. Southem New Guinea Island. Upper Мlсhigaл I.OCIO ]86 реор1е I km1. 100 ]9 реор1е I mi 1 10 ./1 less than 1 0.4 and below Sog RaCKS (uX.) "'"  'S.oul ,  .. J """ .., lInJ!.Ii. f' BR:AzIt 7:'"'1IО(/ НII/$ Q ,  " /" , &IIIJП . о I nfrastructure 1< .........,., /1 .. CI#i"- ) уР.... ..  8Йftоn.й' 1. I 't' iR  i , .IIID,.)6 1. ( "т 5(I'W Rallroad Divided Highwa)' Road or Path Power I CommUnlCatlOnS СаЫе Overland Pipe11ne Сапаl or Aqueduct Geo5tationary Satellite  { . I'<>ko А1чn ". # 1J iR J'c- ОчJ Мontevido.o ......... -- t... Пi Ч r о del fG "''''' "т-" '<::;;  L- Sea Fa1kland 15. {UK.\-..-. 1 "( ) IY'  v jf "'a' \l QJ flot>. Виe.noi . ffi ", М Е Ш t\1I;81'10 LfRUGt.JA у ,.  ...  PJo dC tt- ' " ... wo i. ) 1vJ.ltI.. -,.. ," l c.m,o   Jm. Y ' r1    r "1  ,-t  L'3 . '. r . ..........  I  -  fO. I..'" т"'" .,.-- ...:v oqFo СЬ,*"* \ , .......... А.. PARAGUAY J I " ..,... . ...'"  11 SoI{ilV.1118- """"r.II r I>t. BOLIVIA ,,0:,'" /lf 0 / Р О'-с о 'о ;0 lt.'o Ss I.t о I .а. ., i'Z  t'".  '1t r-б ..., O.,- а о?.. 6 о... со ?", o..r.m ,,1'  5S'W  Aтazoп Ji>fii'  <р' Ма.,'"  'С?  "' D 'ь " '"  il flJ'W s.!j,!ii SO'S .   1 '5  i: о- t\q cl  () q,.  -90"5 ..... .,. " ,}  у ,. 1 ..  JI'5  ,t  .lCJ'j\t';  ...... v....... 1.0П F..пhd<z ,oI\,d1ip.lof. (CHILEI ! ,11) :}' JO'5 L.:iotr1n. ....I, ICHIt!) 11'5 Tп;lPKof IOUtt1 clllh In;. 1ht!5a'llsl'1 d....tfy """т.... 10'5 ......f. 'Ч'11"'!  ,/1 I.S .. .   J.  .tl Д. ...  r i  р '.,gj . .  ,.J r ....... .. Lima 1 o/'fC>h<o .. 1'" !А PERU .L у. .. \ '= f  ... 10"5 Trujilo .I ( '/  '"'" .f.iA .. Rainfor est  5"5  . /J/!, ," j "'... .  ECI,I(\  O...J:;. E to' I   71'". 8O'W %./% <:> . CIA J f/:,'W 7O"W 53 \ rL"  ......, NУм:' &!tmfI blwsal'rll! I; bE Equal.Aril!& A:i?f: UC8l kaI...5"S:and4Z"Sis I.;OOQ,OOO rltm -10iНm .IN: = ]150.7 m Q I Q 100 100 JOO iOO 500 I<m , , , , . 1 00 2 00 ию ni 
Southern America .. Plate Т ectonics ..... SandjOO PI-a.te-  \C...,, 1., UJ::-l.. .  ..3"Q:....,:;  .1 '""" .."..... ..... '4/ r .. . .. . ..." .,... I ...... 'f .... ..... .. . . ...... .. -'... Scotia Plafe  ..........    ............ "'" ......... " r-r '1-  ..",1, ..... ,, -.. ...... .  I .'     4 J If . '--  .....  "-" .J 1 ,\  .  !  Дnta Platf'   ............. r -.--  falkl:and Is (UK)  . t;) 1.  с:: <:)  J () q, i:],,,  . с .: . I-! .) i ( ,,.. " [.. :.J " ТО;- (  f:HIE  +->r- ': '9 -  ... , South. American Plate ..... ..r",. J 1.", .....,. ...  .... . J" . .  ,. .. ,..,. ..".,#. -:-о VI&or-:;' '"L ,# ,. :с.. 'J s.."'odor  I " , . . . . e.nUt J ttu:ll!lio .... .. . . e.   . It?&f> fТJю' . ...... ltвl. , . ......T 1"Ir-. ,s....' . b-.Je;z;a4 .1 ., .......,.....1  ..1. ......... r J"" ..... н..... ..... Plate Motion Major Earthquakes 19752000 magnltl.lde оп the RlCl1ter Scale: " S.O 5.9 О 6.06.9 О 7.0 7.9 ") 8.0 ;and grea[er .....>r Arrows show motion r@lati\le [О Africa Colors also show plate тOtJоп Greatвr" calor I[:OntrilSl: bвtween paltвs iпdia.tes We4mr nZativEI di"-erEf1се m ir&etioo d rnm'ВI1'1eпt  Seafloor SpreadlJ1g Qr ContlJlental Rlft  Area of diffuse transformation  (PI""'Ьoun,jor;e.<JI'unl<rюwn) ,.,,....,. L 9J11tiba I Q Rfo dФ= ... #о (6 tt'CJ'! в..!о HOIijo>me c..r Вra.s flilll BRAZIL '"м, I!ad, и 'Т)" !tio L,ibr M' "  45'W 5O'W Active Volcanoes date oflast eruptlOn: . since 1900 16th  19th century " Ist 15th century . Ьеtwееп 1.000 ;and 10,000 years ago    \> о 00. "r Mo"b!I-"do.o ., ARGENTINA . ..... .,.... Lo pmo 111 ..Вu п05 дж... ) URUGJAY  с < 1';...... '" . JI .....QlFt Cor.otob& P<>rto Alegre L ...  1,.1 .."r.4. 4 'J .# tr , ---.у . Ц I,.. :Nazciil Pa(e J f . .. , ............... :f- О 11 si,"  I [пIf g  с. о ""  ,..... с n 8.J'i-  jf PARAGUA У  'J ...... ...r '   .. ..s::! I ,. , , '" .-6 .. :!-t O t:. " &w.. e:J ""8'.... " -i". .. . - ." ... '108м 'Lo. ..... .. .... . . ..,  : Altipm Plate .. 't \ '... . ..... RoВIIi '---------. . SUI M!&oIIiJ DilT".QlI'NIiI'  u . } с...... Gri.ndl . .", . . ..".... ,.. 4 !iIInr.a'- MuSI . ',,",",. BOLIVIA ."" 111 111 C\Jl!lbI At Qt 17, C °r", 0s OlJ .fO C'U!ID / . L,,,,," ):.101. t4..  \  PERU \ I  I ..TruJilr.. \...  ,. -и.Iy> .. """ Y.l . '..... . Amazoп Ra,nforest f '.,.".. ..... . ::; . .4bl'to  E<.:t.!AcrQp.  . . <> ..оС' . Mill'ВUS .........   COLOMBIA с "\ S5"W 6fY'W I,!,'W 7O'W "S'W 6fY'W Elevation and Bathymetry meters 9,000 29.518 feet 6,000 19.685 3,000 9.842 including extreme points оп this тар  I1lg11est pOlnt аЬО\l@ sea le."el: p@ak of Aconcagu"" Argentln", (6,962 m 112.841 ft) +--l1lg11est known permanent settlement: La RlnCOI"1:ada, sovthern Peru (5,IOOm 116,728 ft) (а mining town with а рорu1м-IOП of around 7.000) (-----Iowesr pOlnt оп I,,-nd. Lagun,,- del Сатоп. sour\1east Argentlna (105 m 1 .344 ft) Sea Le\lel 3.OO0 less th:ап --6,000 Sea Le."el 9.842 19.685 and below +--deep осеап floor (5.5OOm 1 18,000 ft)  greatest осеап dept\1. bottom Qf the South S,lJldwit:h Trencl1 (--8,418 m I 27.651 ft) f ,. s.!j,!ii SO'S ,,'5 """5 JI'5 JO'S 11'5 T",pКof IOUtt1 с: и k1E.. 1ht!5a'I.1 di.-«tfy """т.... 1O'S I.S Ш'S 'S . E bE EquaJ.Aril!& A:i?f: UC8"I kaI, a 5.5:and 4Z"S is 1.20;OOQ,OOO lon-l0iНm Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" Q I Q 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m , .' , , . 10) 2:ьо хю ni i L "- 54 ..... , \ , ---.J , N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... 
55 Southern America .. Climate f , J " :>, , L " J L t  f' , 'tIIl 'J  ..  ARGENTINA AF ,,"ПNА Вuen." Aire' Buenos. Aire' ..б...:> J , UGUfY Ш",;lJiУ , ' , ,. РАК ОЧILЕ J (:1 J: R ' d J Si!.o P_olo lоеЗl1IС .. SJiD Paulo R,o de J3neiro ....... t! GUA'" \ \о \ E..,ii. :t -. .QL Вп..Ш. Lo е...( BQLIVIA / '( L.ima . I.ha ! f\ BRAZIL  less'll1i1n.... fI .. , .М -.() О' 10' 10' ]О'С 14' ]1' . 68' U'F т emperature Range (Contrast of Seasons) Difference between minimum апс! maximum 3verage monrhly temperatures  О' W' 40' 60:r.C о" ]6' n' 10e'F ....  J . \..... .. '11."""  .-............. .... ,  I . .. / Меап Annual Т emperature Дye of аll temperatures throughout the year 18S!. d\an -1О О "f' I...  l '-. .  1 .} ,'" { . ARGENTINA ARGENTINA 6uеПО:!i Aire' 8UВПО:!i Aire' .... е'" . "'1 И114V J I RUGUtY Rio de j;1 sr  0,,10 о- j" CHILE . GU Rio de j;1 S I 8,,10 о- . '.AGUA',  ... в...Onil I..a paz, L Вп,iil ,' <. ВОиУ в Lma Lma / v' ) у, ,. ... , ,,/ . R / ,. ..... .. ECU t' , .. ......, ..... JLONBI.A  ' ) BRAZIL )  'W\  t' ,. , , -"" ЕС ... ......, ..... )LONBIJI ) r ......,,"" 1 10 1... d1an 0,4 " 100 ..000 ст / 100in Precipitation Range (Contrast of Wet & Dry 5easons) Difference between minimum and maximum average monthly precipitation 10 100 ..000 cm Меап Annual Precipitation Including snow. converted to equivalent 1Imount of r1lin 40 0.4 4 4() 400in .AlЬЕп EqшI.Ari1!6 flп:Jp.lIКТI ,5gI. ilЮ'1S 5.5 <IInd 42"s i I:-n'ООО,OOCI 100 .. 1-1.0 m, 1=662.9m 'f'М.(JI'1!I.'!t.8td-н!!IйМ. J - ), с 400 800 1200 '600 101:104m I . . . . , с 400 eiю  ..oo "" 
Antarctica .. Land Cover lIu..koy.l\}SSI\l " ",,"- O Se a FrIflhil!lm l.J<d< Anto,,,,,,US I с.,.. Adaro (UJ{.) ... '\:' HI""....... boIon4IU.5.) .,t '] #!i.'.e: , i" ... T'-r.i.Ncrv.iI .А..э..&1(ltвIJ Ros s 'СЕ Shelf Lмll'lf:radlltaj8fRuttbi'Q Н<К..e<Io,u,s,) .1."  (N.... ZoaIand) . { I .. v..... t:\ -, Q    '\ ''- """' ъ  (') '-J PJ=.1"r.Manin CFran);( Dumont d'l.kvilll! CFnncl!ljo .., 'LI  ......   Con(AJ("dla. f'fnnL " V"""k <> 1!1!k + 1'Dr«2005) + S""  tt f'ok .ctI1 .....  (.ОП {,  t<' \0"  . ,," у.\Ь PIonoпk>p (USSI\)  ош,(USSI\) . M"l (R......) <> Amey е Shert о Z/>oтo.. (0)'''''1 с> Da' (Auoи>''') D OJ.-is SeO ILD"E 90"1: IIO"E 7'E Land Cover in the year 2000, including relative proportion оп this тар as percentaze of total попwаtеr area _ TroplC.a1 Forest <1% Declduous Shrubs <1% _ Trees Flooded IП Salt Wate (попе) _ Deciduous Fore5t <1% Evegreen Shrubs <1% Trees Flooded in Fresh Water (попе) Deciduous Т ees < 1 % Grass <: I % Flooded Shrubs or Grass <: 1 % _ Needle-leaved &." 1\''''''' IS [попе) Sparse Shrubs or Grass 7' Salt Water _ Needle.Leaved Deciduous (попе) Snow and!ce 84% !Се Shelf 11 % _ Mlxed Т rees <: Barren L.and 1% Мах Extent of $ol.d Sea Ice. 2005 Mixed Ts and Shrubs (попе) _ Burnt Trees (попе) Fresh Water I'll1JlJfJdse" SeO   .. A1or- 't> 8 l 0 1] У,. d о' ВjOnO с и .'.) " .......n.,....!.<oct(U,s,) Q """""(u.ч " El]u t> l "'6 Q'.I .J. о' .. м....,'''' (..........Ii.) (,(). Cultlvated L.and <1% Mixed Crops апд Shrubs I Grass <1% Mixed Crops апд Т ees < 1 % Urban Areas <'  \iil,.  .. ......".. . -  Ui.... (11'1:...1...) \. , . " . аshйusел Seo \\If\b e R.othil!ПII (u-к..... . " . s.nt'\o- , r-..-.oОУ(U.К.1 I """", f'rn IChIo) falmear(U.5;.) .с"  I w.,...., ч8  . """",,l  !: I,,"!<.noj , ·  ,,.;. I N! ..., F\ 1J 11.. F 11 "о(  0G.".,...tlO*f L О r s t' " ..: Ego.r.'П1.Ф"""'nп..)  5'''' (Ш.) .  ('- ,  . Fidsll 1II..й! (U.K.) . ос . " Ice 5helf 6р. (U1 . -"  "  R01)1)e 'се Shelf Si<n1I>1md C<.!.K,)q on;'....II...I.. ftиrЬ Drlnol!'j' k tv dd e // Seo . ElI""""" (U,S.I F,' с h n е  "<J......JIIop'<>I(A) 1 , е S h ,. . f Х "'"''''"'''" ,UK) Q<J...,...JIIqvo"O 11 (Aq.IIIi"'1 o....."'juJ<.1 <L s с О, , S Q е о Coti>ota u.-.. 1"""""""1 z "  .r С'''''  С>.б t' ">/ Q-з d \ .Мoud'.... 'о Vt=lI\Nr {Wf!!!J6. German)i} ъ  с> "  о>:,  '1L Norwвy!i " NiIE (!оот AInCa) е(\ \)е Q оNОУkфfR} м.Rri(,.....)  OaM__<ililrwotri(]ndiaj koI<aO'l"")  " I!oudooin 18<IJiom1 ..,iШю 0..."'1 .. °SyD'W".ill(Japan} &(,jr1 '$1 (NORWAY) НoЮdCПljli (R.Ulliiilll O"E 4С)'Е Ю'Е !tI"E Sovereignty in 2006 so.". t?O 1. "'. а,... '''''''' cl60"S ""' Ьм. gQ"'..... 1»' o:h4 hta.N.tК. Tt"eIIIl)' Stem. vAэkп 6aes: IКII.recqgni nmriai daМn!i: ..пd focЬids ..11 mШtilJ)' c1i...Jty, A d 2006. .... cuuntr-18s p-t"ticipate in thll! t:rll!ril.t)'. but 5.even s)gnlW)l'ieg ,о.. A.rкentin.a.. Frllloce., 1I1e Uniter:l Кiom. NOf'WiIIY.;a,Iia.. illПd New Zeabnd,) f1e nct ...,dr.<lod Iholr cIoI... о>'" .oIJo (Iht ....,.:I Sm..a F\u"'o) Research Stations. Roads. Тiтe " Q(cupied R4!I"A«:h StIioo J:rponi«lIW tomtry in piiI'"lII1 )( "'billndoмd RI!S8ArCh S1::iIIt.КН1 (notiilllшnckюed-sc.60m.iIIf"lIIlbbe!&d) Highway I Road or Path Time Zone Вoundal'}' (1. ";nttor. DSТ ""'-r.I1"".) Ctre!i:ll!llllr-d1 sr.a'tiQf'!here IШ doe bne cl' dмir '!IiLf'P1y  01" horn. c:JUn'tr'.) haV'E! "i!l5Er'\I'E! cЪei.r "'-';'t t.o daim t.erтitDl}' iI1 tt.e futurв. Sortth Saп Is. J.I(.) ,I)'Е 56 ...  , .11  .  "'I. E/J"W n'lkl.. h (U. </}"w «J'W II"c"""b. (ШЦ Q6ith GiI!'1]rgja I : 1,1<. Ю'W .';lOW IO.W frrn. t1....dп N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... bE EquaJ.Aril!& FrOfeL.l:lon kaI. а1; 01. SOiUth Ptll. is .оп -100 m-. Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" 1) 100 100 JOO 400 SOO I<m  ' 1 (Ю' ' ni 
Antarctica .. < Pacific (at . . . . , '. . ..Р 1.....t,I<aJo"""" . PtIII"!:.MCFl"'8nl1!: ""'О.. d.t.nil'llnnr4lf t "'" ., }  ILD"E Plate Motion  Arrows show motion relative (о Africa Color'$ also show plate motlOn Greater- 1:Df" l:ontril.5t bвtween patss iпdicat.e!l .'t8f r.1i... dtrJerllПС'" in ,doo drnov."W1t  SeaAoor SpreadlJ1g or Contlnental Rln Plate Т ecton ics  ....,... ..... .......  \и.okop .,. . . I.tй r , Framhil!lim, ArnrlltlJ.(U.S .. с.,.......... {U .ыll!ft(NI!'W'U.s.. . .. . H<I'>.o-IioIU.S.1  ... T«I& -.'В.iI)' (11:8I1)' W\c' e... (N.... n<l)   ." 11. t у...... tN,.. :z.oI.ooIJ \ 8Jt'ir  " "' . .. , . . A1ar f' Ii lO I] ,}-J" d о' """" (U.S.) " ......,.......soo«(IJ.s,) о ъ  (') '-J .., 't.I  .....   C[)"COI'"diR(fr"1lDa!llj  V"""k\ <> 50"'" "' + l'Dr< (2005) .,........1"""""11 PIonorok>,yo (IJ$SI\)  o.и.{U"""y M"1 (R.&Io, 'O." (0.1"1 " ."'D8tI 1i8' t  .. М....." pllinJ1 .,...... 90"1: IIO"E 7I}'Е Major Earthquakes 19752000 mnltl.lde оп the Rlchter Scale: S О  5.9 О 6.06.9 О 7JJ 79 Active Volcanoes date of last eruptlOn: . since 1900 . 16th  19th cenwry . 1st  15th century . between 1.000 and 10,000 years :!,go 1......(u.Ч " El]u ('> l "'6 а'.I .J. Q' ШЕ . S"...(u'-) . е(\ \)е Q ",iШю о....., о '\o н...,.,"'!'i""'" 'О"Е Elevation and Bathymetry meters 9,000 29,518  6,000 19.685 3,000 9,842 Sea Level 3,OOO less than ,OOO Sea Lev Sheta1td'l  J !\.oth..,.(tt . ,......fч...   : о\" , I ... n.м...rt'h1r1 6.t..". r..n '* tIA'li""dn., С!.,. pr F · ........QG """( ..,.ID("""",aj '\ "'\: ..... '..... , JIo,'\ t  . . . ( "5cotla ..,.  . lurt)Q  :. Plat p \ 1I rglмirч)  ," 1 "'- , S.u'  '1: \' ,,' ,. " " -\. 'ljfirJ> .:' 'f..:.t .  .Plrp:fi, . 11. , I & I ( t( \ I :.. ,  а,'" ,  ' I .J, (. I r l ,,' JJ '. ,,-',с , [..'M \ '/ l' 'Ito.c :'''1 1Jii · . ".'1  .\' '\\'4.f С( 1'\ V ,i\ f 1-!I ' . ........ '\ \ ,; /' U,h.,j (Np",Jпo) 't " 1 !i;!ы lIIont!к.1 , ...  , -; ' '\ t.... ( Il Iighu (Ш.\  "t , SJj' t '*'<!..., .  (U.SI < Б....> 1 (Arg<nn) х"" (UK \ Ijdgnno 11 (IIIJ..  .... Qн.J",{UK 7.. .. "" ,  !tI"E {----- hest pOlnt аЬоуе sea level. peak of Vinson Masslf (4,е97т f 16, 066 ft) 9.841  19.685 and below {----- deep ocean floor (5,5oo m f  18,000 ft) +---greatestocean depth: bottom ofthe South Sand""ch Trench (--8,"28 m f 27.651 ft)   06 t' lJ )(Мludh" ( ol'J11!1"'(V>.i ъ  с> "   () "><''''., , I """f""") 9 t1AitJi {IDdilll) """т"  Da'k!hrnG8fl1OU .Iuo"'-O'l""\ , " 8ou<loU" III<IpmI " t I Antarctic Pla ,- 4С)'Е Ю'Е iпсluding extreme points оп this тар  lowest point оп land: sea Level 57 ...  , .11  .  ,..j", South Аmеriсап Plate «J"W nll,n"h IU. 5/)"W , ':\ " \  '1 ,. \.. Р " /се.....'*' t;'\ . 4IJ'W i \ ; JO'W )li:Jt '1\; , 'l I  .. I ., I , 1 ...... . .';lOW .. IO.W r  , + 1:, African I ','}", Plate  Jj ' \ \ П'n. t1....dп II)'E bE EquaJ.Aril!& FrOfeL.l:lon kaI, а1; 01. SOiUth Ptll. is .оп -100 m-. Ih<h = ЗIS.7 m" N..". YQ1(/nillll: D'III....m. ilta.... 1) 100 !оо JOO 400 SOO I<m I '.' . . . с) 10) 2:ьо хю ni 
Antarctica .. Climate - z а Меап Annual Т emperature Average of all temperatures tl1roughout the year  . Меап Annual Precipitation IJldudiПЕ sпow. (:oпverted to eql.Jlva!ent зmоuпt of r.lIJl ,_..  'II!IS:!ii$.tN.t'II.-60< 1еsss.hl'1.з6 е . '!18 .,SO' 5B'  I  ,... -«1' ..04()' I , ..;, -30' .10' 1,. .'  -' / less thm I 1... Ih.. О.. , "'J IDa 14' ... f " ,,1. "-'  ' \ ", ....., CHILE CHILE "  ARGENТlNA  ARGENТlNA  О' 31' 10' SO' ,...  J  ,.  -  К. ,... , 20' )оес Temperature Range (Contrast of Seasons) Difference betweeп miпimum aпd maximum moпthly temperatures 611" 1!6'  CHILE  '\ \. ." ... :!I  10 4 ARGENТlNA "":!.  "',  -' !.......... .j ..' ,  . \ 100 I сюо cm Precipitation Range (Contrast of Wet & Dry Seasons) Differeпce between minlmum and maximum i!.vera,ge monthly precipitation 40 fOOin ... .. :!I  О' 10' о ]6. CHILE r \ ... -." ... . ...,.  10 о.. 4 bE Equal.Aril!& FrOfeL.l:lon .saиа'11,. SOiUthPoI.:is I 4'000000 rltm. 42.О m.. IIN:h ; 60'-9 m Q .wo 800 1100 1600 lOOCМOn I . . , . , с)  еОО . ш mi .j 40' 60'С 71' 10e"F ARGENТlNA .j 100 IJXЮ с.... 40 400;" ТbeGn!llltL..вla!o!.a't:me.:s.amil! !lcaJe: А 58 , 
е or сеап maps of Land Cover and Plate Tectonics 
Atlantic Осеап .. Land Cover RUSSIA .,j.. . , Alasko ' (U.sJ, , . . .'-r /'  .) ./7" 1< . .. Greenland , , (DЕNМАRК). CANAI;JA" .' ;..  " Ао '1". ). )- , .. . . . , . . ..J1 ""f " I " 111;: """"....& ..1on !Ff!A ,; . t : UNIТED . STATES .- MEXICO д.д:s\ T h. .1(.) CUBA'' .... / DOMINICN REPUBLIC , .Puert.o Р ...... .. ......п I"5kntl$ tu-!r: ." '.. I 8ritish <.} GUA' . , :",,:.,),.' ·  "" .' _\ N'CP .t; bLOВiA oCE) C"OTД'A--.:' : ,'-. :----- I . . ..'?yZUELA',.'"" fHiiТHE(,IIENADfNES ; i. - .... . C:;INAO'\ . J . Jj\INIDAD 8с TOВAGO , GU)'ANJ>;.. . suR:INAME ' . J . . Frch Gu.al1o (FRANCf) .. " Wi." 1  ... .... 1 r' ,!    .J [ . . UI3UGШУ . ARGENTINA , ", . " 15: . (UK) '. '. ICELANЪ -  FerJ d.N !6v.z fWЧ--- AпUrctlC Т reaty ZOl1e (No recognlzed clalms) Ат--rttl"8 ";in;;l«" Non:h ot rni91Вe.. Ih.п i rМ:'I'.r rnidrQк. EWI land Cover in the year 2000, including rel:auve рrоропюп оп the en(lre surface of the еапh _ т I"Oplcal Forest 1 2% Decldl.Jous Shrubs 1.7% _ Т rees Flooded ,п Salt Water 0.1% _ Needle.1eaved Evergreens 1.2% _ Evergreen Shrubs 0.9% Trees Flooded in Fresh Water 0.8% _ Needle.Leaved Deciduous 1 2% _ Gra$$ 2.5'К . Flooded Shrb$ or Gras$ 1 6% _ Deciduous Forest 0.7% Spal'$e Shrubs or Grass 2 8% Water 70Ь'J. _ Decidl.Jou$ Trees .'% Snow and Ice 1.9% МiП/Мах Extent of Solid Sea Ice. 2005 _ Mlxed Т rees 1 0% Barren Land 3.5% !Се Shelf О.]С/ Mixed Trees and Shrubs 0.8% _ Bumt Trees 0.8% Cultlv<lted Land L ,о Mixed Crops and ShrLlbs I Grass 0.8% Mixed Crops ilnd Trees 0.9% Urban Areas <D.I% Sovereignty in 2006  U.N.ecognlzed Il1ternatlonal Вorder    De (оао Interna.tional Border .... Maritlme Exclus,ve Econom.c Zone (.lюvring :юо.пm mits a11ow.d ь,- .........к.... 1."" .,,,... <-O'Jmr1.. "'.. qO\ doolarod IП EEZ...,d !iCJII"n8 ЬШ.ll"Jll:iu-iеs м&!' diisputEld.)   ,м4JfIlЩ )RW""j Tropk,dClI1"" Non:I'1  ..lin... dМ! 5IJni !ItfeI" dl.-..dJ.........d NORWAY \ ' \ '1  . . , \ ;INLANf) :h.trr\" €SТIA "'ц..ЕN', [д ""1 ". А . "'.nI'NMAK: NITED KINGDOM' ..  . ._. . GERМA t.. NEТHE  . . - ВЕI.;  1{" . -l: . . . '}  :.... . , .. , , :IRELAN[: . , . '-:'FRANCE , , 'SPAIN"- Мо lPC1R  PQR :  ,   . \ :MOROc;Fc .  ;r СI"'"I"Ш''''' . . J ;'Wesrer(f , Sahill'3' ,. Т1АURIТАNIА САРЕ . VERDE ..SENEGAL ТН" GUJNE'A, -ч1 \ '.GUIN '-'irERRA IN \. L'EON(  TOGp сАМЕ!" -tIВЕRIА ' (;HANA'NIGfRJA",  ' I\'OR'r" "., 1'-. '. itОАS'rн-SАО6tlE,. .,  . П"It: A.".ba"' GI}e ).GUI.,: R. CiJ '" .  / ,....  Eq......r " ANGQ1. I 5aJnt 1-11!!1I! " NAMIВIA r T""I,dCopiaom SolJtn of d'1i9 -в. ш.W'ai!;.... di.-.rdy ""'"""'" ...t......--  . SOUТH AFRICД M шЬйЬi!IЮ пfJ:l.i.1I1'te- &,uVl!tJ.s.I : (NORWAYJ ;;I ...thвw.otfd ...... "'ПА Cir1IJ: NlЭrthdthis.Ii,, 1i:I;1WVWI" пidпi,zhtEW'l Atlantic Countries . U N MEMBER SТAТE =:;"':.:;  State (de (оао) wjt}, Limited or No Recognltlon wid, Ioв:s.:s Ьлd lItOO 1\110.;. "nd .... Dependent Теnito?" (Раrеш Sta in P.iII'enthe!i.@s.J 1'oINкa'"  bcl<r.. (tSalto In F.,..''''....) w o.p.nd.... ""110')'  """ "у "'Т.... '" ..........'" L.aпDert Az8oRш:haJ EquвhAreв. lТqe...tJOn SiIIl. ICI"N.JS"W rs I-6DCIOCI-QOQ 11[,ffifOOa:m 11ndI 947DI'I'II!! () I О 500 . 1 Ю 1000 , SOO 7  ."'" . . IOOOml 60 ...... t! -- faPan &1: d'Н!I :l.a1Тl1I! !iI(a]e 
Atlantic Осеап Plate Motion ....:r Arrows show motion retШvе to Afric.a Colors ,,150 5how plate motion  Grmter U)1Dr U)пtra.s.(. belLW4!1!!I'I p131te:!i: Wlicateg, ..... "reatв,. r-e1i1tiV'E! d in.r clП1D'o'lI!IfТlE!!nt..  Seafloor Spreading or ContJnent31 Rift % Area of dllfuse tran5formation  (P1a.te baundllnes: ill4sJtif1c.tOf' un'knowr:l) Sочth American Plat(:!  .. Plate Т ectonics  / ,/ . 8. ,.,. , RU"SSlA . . . ... ..; iZ .   ... . '" .  AloskO (u.s.). t rJP--:.  Pacific Plate е . . .  (je . " . -. . . ..- . ;;  .1 {'"-t, Nbl'1:h Al1;1'er.fcai1 l  ....с? Plate k  , .. .. . :- . .-т-- ,/ I У.,.. е If   1 DENr-< .' \..CANA{J,I! ,.,....... . - . . . " . . . \  # , Saint rE &  v---- .... "   . .- ..' .е .' .. f' 7 UNIТIO nTI= .  E В/fМ.'Мд! . .  ! '". . ......., ff,..  ' <1 eNURtS IЛМ A "tLUMI"  ... /\J.... MEXICQ , . ,  f.:.! ".  .J " . .:. .... "А. J 1\11'Чlur.D & T  j- " ос ..2 GUYAPk . \ С ЬЬ RIa е SURINAME . "  Pa 1 а ean t( (r,h GUIO...J (FRАf"-,,. . N spJ '!:": J .J.   t. Nazca Plate  у'  ''':t. /Alano . pi I:  BRAZIL 'ъ 1(   . -UI3i::ft/..\:r: '. -......  ,. ARl;ENTINf .. . }:' "' Fad 15. .... . \tr) .. .. t.J , -.. . к . 'fl' . Scoria ptate. .. . ".. . ':"". с'' ....' '" \ Antarctic Plate .' ДП (No reoo " . -. . , .- An1 "Лdo: Nof' isliв-e. Ih.п i rМ:'I'.r mi&ф!l1Il Major Earthquakes 1975-2000 magn'tude оп the R,chter Scale: <> 5.0  5.9 О 6.06.9 () 7.0  7.9 ( 8.0 and greater Active Volcanoes ....  : :- " " -",- . "    Eurasian Pla(e ..jt 8. NORWAY f   \, \ ..1N1.8N'В ,," .,' . .... €SbNIA I ,,, SH1f:N  . i: IA' ' L1NITD KOOM GЕ(!J"IДЩ .J...... . '"';w' 1)  ':;PfatI;t  еалМ t  . t ..... СБ. · .  >   . , '  l  . "",ж.---:""'--'" I!EZ mfus. ... ""'J'''!'''" м r urii'  ,dri2tЮhJ I f ..  G1. .,,' . . . , .MORdcco у . Trapi(,dCanur . 'аЬ, "... Mr1!*trr .... . :! L \ fYe[erfi ' Sahara i:..  ---- . . r-. . . f1AURITANIA Ei .  УЕ&СЕ' SENEGAt') THFjS \"uJNEASAU , " Ы RM-/ .Nl .., '-lIВЕlId1I\t . r · .1 (' ." '"'\. " J.'Y .\ Rr. .JO NEROOt{""' , NA NG.ERJ.E r m . :.. / African .:: Plate 13RL  AN OLA ....",. IPI\lIt,) .. .. -#,...... ') ..' . NAMIBIA А T<opi,dCipuorn с 1H::'dWs Iroe, r IL h .n!lсф OYiI!IrbeIII:d О  -... . .UTH , . . '1' .. Мo(tr'М'JOlloir.r" iт."L1.rfы .' .... '. .. 9;' u., . ..- . . .... . 1<  Ia.тs  ,",ntArctX с.... NlЭrthClfthis.liпе.., 1i:I;1WПJ" пidnl:nr!ll:8'l Elevation and Bathymetry meters 9.000 29.528 't 6.000 19.685 3,000 9,842 date of last erupt'on: - 5inсе 1900 . 16tn  19tn century . 1st  15th century . between I.ОООапd 10.000 )'ears ago Sea Level Sea Level з,ООО less than --6,000 9.842  19.685 and below {..- deep осеап floor (S.SOO m / .18.000 ft) IПсludlng extreme pOlntS of the world +-- h'ghest po.nt аЬоуе sea level: pe.ak of Mount Everest. Nepal/ Chll'1a. (8,848 m /19.028 ft) {..- hl.ghest known permanent 5ettlement: La Rlnconad". sоuthеrп Peru (5,100 m /16.728 ft) (а m'l'1ll'1g town Wlth а populat'ol'1 of around 7.000) {..-Iowest point оп I.шd. st10re ofthe Dead Sea, Israel/ Jordan (.118т / 1.371 ft) {..- greatest ocean depth. Ьonom of the Mariana Т rench. Pac,f,c Осеan (10.911 m / 35,798 ft) L.aпDert Az8oRш:haJ EquвhAreв. lТqe...tJOn SiIIl. ICI"N.JS"W rs I-6DCIOCI-QOQ 11[,ffifOOa:m 11ndI 947DmI!! () I О 500 '000 . t<m 1 Ю' soo I 7 50 ' 1 000 ml 61 .". t! -- faPan &1: d'Н!I :l.a1Тl1I! !iI(a]e 
Indlan and Southern Oceans .. Land Cover ,. NEW ZEALAND  , , 117П " (АVП , ,. <1  , , . ;CHILE ...... ......   .. ARGENTINA . Fаlklапd Is. (U.K.} -. I!igLlIt1 (NORW . , AntarCtJc Т reilty Zone (No recognized сlаiП1s) - _.. ... .._--...--.. ,- .,'ннЮI , M r nall (>\ANL AUSTRALIA ..  '. , SOUT:Pf' AFRL€A -t ..  -... ... ..:  ''''  . y , .t , '. \" ;, , ".., .... . . , "о (i I  . ' "  . , о" . ..-.t . r J" ..:_ .'(  . , . , , . . -".., - ...--! -' . , . ''''' Land Cover In che ye"-r 2000. IПсluding relatlve рroponюn оп the entire surface of the earth _ Tropical Forest 1.2% Deciduous Shrubs 1.7% _ Trees Flooded in Salt Water 0.7% _ Needle-Ieaved Evergreens 1.2% _ Eyergreen Shrubs 0.9% Trees Flooded in Fresh Water 08% _ Needle.Leaved Dec,duous 1.2% _ Grass 2. 55:: Flooded Shrubs or Grass 1.6% _ Deciduou5 Forest 0.7% Sparse Shrubs or Grass 2.8% Water 6'1 _ Declduou5 Trees 0.7% SrlOwand!ce 2.9% MinfMax Extent ofSolid Sea Ice, 1005 _ Mixed Trees I. Баrrеп Land 3.5% Ice Shelf 0.3% Mixed Trees and Shrubs 0.8% _ Бumt Trees 08% SA .' DI .UDA Тropi<с!Canш U ..........'" NQrtt.d'tbisl ARABIA . ""'..п;,......, ..1!11orNl!r1'11!:W r )  Er}, ., ,Ank ,S , . . . :НО .... .  1 , . .. МAD1<.GдScAR. . J .  \ s: IFI '); . , '., . Coros Is.. 1, JПRAU ,t- 'М:) . I!КA .........   " 1 ; 'ТДNЧ'NI ;..- EN .. ., ,t.j , ..... ...._ INtlbNESIA , \..   :!. ,,:. ''''J' '1 .r4 " , . . , , , AIA. ..- SRI- '-.: ' --.,.., . . LANKA '" o..r  /-TD' .0/ : А.  ,\  INDlA r .:,.. t-. ., }t1f  R"  ., \ ,t GLADESH А- CJ :. r . '.   ,? r J" У    "-.. "1 " YEMEN ........ OMAN . I _.  ' ..... "... А. PдКISTAN "" ___OA AR r ; IRAN 'Ic,- . . RAIN  J . / ,; , .. RAQ    L .  '.EGYPT , i=."".... !Ii '."    .... ,  Cultivated Land L 1% Mi>:ed Crops and Shrubs I Grass 0.8% M,xed Crops апd Т rees 0.9% Urban Areas <0.1% Sovereignty IП 2006  U N.orecognized International Боrdеr    De (аао Internittional Вorder ooo Mari(ime Exclusive Economic Zone I.о-мr>g 200",,,, 11мЬ .10W4d b)llntomod""., k some o[.OL81trie!i I\8lve 1101 decwfJd!.an EEZ..and IOf'П8 Ьск..пdil.п..:s. iU8 di:sput.d,) Indian Ocean Countries  U.N MEMBER STAТE .....II.on'u..df"r S (d fi h L d N R ........,d...-...й..S" tate е аао) w,t 'mlte or о есоgПltюп  1_:5 tilnd .... [)rн:ft!nt Т I!IT1tD1'J (Piu-ant StaU!' ,n P.a..renthвsвs) th.п Rhode I""r><!  Int"oOti!'d' &,[jЙ"-1!! ('" РlirеЩе!J . :;;;; [:Iendпl rer"Ir/y nbOIIO tl"d I:Inly Ьу otfi(Ja11 о, 8(ltl.IrjftJi Тropic cl Clj>Пtorn; Sdthdlll'le" dwS\.lnl$rw::vr Orreuily....,.t:t bFed f9ou<>< , 1..imb4!lrt.A:.r:imtJth.ilEI;jJI.MI...Ar-ea F'\.  111. 3tJ4 (I:O"E. h I:=bQ.OOCIЛОО Ic:m  600 1:n1- 1inc:h  947..v l'IV1i1!! с) I с) 500 , . J>O 1000 , . . 500 O , SOO t<m 1, 1000 mi 62  "H5an"lI!S(.tiII!: { 
Indian and Southern Oceans .. Plate Tectonics .. . " ". . .- ".:... '. .  .   . ........ . .........t .,.,. .. ...... :. ... Nizca P1;e.  . .. t ..... . ;j. .. :.. . ... 11$ ':: "!.-- . . .. . . 1: "J . South Дmеriсаn 'Plate . . ..... . >-  . . . ...... , .  1: .. ..... ,  ..' -/t- .  ..:  .' < ". .... ,...t.,( ..., ....  ... ARGENl1NA. . Fl'd Is. WK} Stotla \Plate' , . ... . it! l' . <-- .. . Pacific Plat.e .. . .. .. ;jIj" ,   dWIC  " . .. I е .. [. .. '. . . l . ... .'... .. . .... j .....  .... ... . I . .' .. J NEW .. ZEALAND ..... . - .' . .' ....  ... ,,.lIj  .  '<ft' , .... , .. е  ./ J. -:- Antar..ctlc , Plate +ду . . . ." Afrin Pl aJ fE'  " , ,. . J ( .... ...  , . дUSTRAll ,. ... :, . , ... . .' ... sоuТН FRICA . ...... . . ' ' 1 \! .()/ i  )в r t Australin p;late  N " "...  . _ /. B.ird s He"d . . . , . . I 1ADAGAScAR JIJICIll l- .. I .1 . . .' ... ... . '. " .... .  rtl ;:4""" " S . 1 . orpa I Pta.te . . ..,... \ . D5  . .....   \' -',  :.\. . 810 ..... "i"1 .' . . . ОУ' "0 t ....1  ...t:. "f '1 . . ':': . "'JMolucca!oi Pe _ ,". , . :k  . .". . < :: · ;.   A)s; '-j .  tHAIlд1\JDl .....\'-...?""-' '.... . 1 . rANp:N <ENy;:tl \ i'( Jv NALIA .. х.... r .. 1   ) i  1 . YEM .. · .!.: .:.. _.. A? ':lфDА OMAN r '>Plate t S  . EGYPT PKISTA'N )A R : .:' '. ('"" L. IRAN--" J:iRAIN  1  .. ..  dJ.'    ;'5# Jt J; la 1: 4.--.--'. ,,. (' '" Jatr r- !I. . . . . '. . SRI L.ANKA tщ1 ;jJ .. t. J" . j'C; ',11'  .";" '» I" : I .te ...  ' . .....  . IND1A · rlA .111 r . au ... /""  ,.fl:.,e d мYANMAR...   . I;stGLADЕSJ-f' .  .8'-' :f-( ,.. А. " \ Inc3ian Plate J Yangtze Plate ... 8Апщr pp . <се J Eu rasian PLa!S , ..  . .ffi . . ""': ..  .Y :. ...  . .. . . , . Plate Motion ...>r Arrows show motion reI;Шve 10 Africa Colors also show plate mоtюп Active Volcanoes Elevation and Bathymetry met > 9.000 29,528!!: 6.000 19.685 3.000 9.842 Major Earthquakes 19752000 magnitude оп the Richter Scale: о 5.0 5.9 О 6.0 6.9 () 7.0  7.9 ( 8.0 and greater с Тropj< dCipП<om; Sl:JUthdthdllM. 1t"8S\.1nf1oI:V.r Orreuily f:Н1!rf1eвd  Tn:pК.dLu....iI!r" Ng;flbisli.... rnes.unis.Dl!YiI!f'" dJcrJl0r-0l!r date of l:lSt eruption: . since 1900 . 16th  19th centu ry . 1 st 15th century . between 1.000 and 10,000 years ago IПсluding extreme рОlПts of the wor1d f...-h.ghest point :!.bove sea If!vel: peak of Mount Everest" NepaJ / China (8,8-48 m / 29.028 п) +-- hlghest known permanent settlement: L1 Rlщ;опаdа. southern Peru (5,100 m I 16.728 ft) (а mining town with а popularion of arolJnd 7.000) +--Iowest porn: оп land: shore of the Dead Sea. Israel J Jordan (--418 m J  1.371 ft) Ci.-еаtElr U)10f" c:ontra:st bet'Neen рЬш irdcatss t8r п1i1t1п. а('" ....... in di,-.ctroп of П1ОV1IIП811't.  Seafloor Spreading or Contlnental Rlft  Area of d.ffuse transforтr.aoon  (Pb.te oourмiu-ies indistinc.t or uп1u1о'wn) Sea Level 3.000 less than --6.000 Sea Level .9.842  19.685 and below +-- deep осеan floor (-5.S00 m I  1 8.000 ft) +---grearest ocean deptJ,. bottom ofthe Мапапа Trench. Расiflс Ocean (-10.911 m f ЗS,798 ftJ БЗ  1..imb4!lrt.A:.r:imtJth.ilEI;jJI.MI...Ar-ea F'\.  111. 3tJ4 (I:O"E. h I:=bQ.OOCIЛОО Ic:m  600 1:n1- ]inc:h'947..vI'lVlil!! "H5an"lI!S(.tiII!: с) 500 .000 ,SOO"", , " .' . 1, О J>O 50Q O 1000 mi { 
'"   lRuSSIA ...-.: - -: , , Pacific Осеап  Land Cover " , " ' / ;f' 1{4 "1 i t ff{r-) .    / , (r{ .! -. .i /,! " ... 1 ., \. l'  ". ( t " / ), '_\ 1 ,-. . - , . .,p.....;,..,r-..I t!. l' 'р' ,'- к "'\ , ). O'!INA \ - '* ",. ZI JAPAN . , -' ""( I I?L""""o, " , , . . , 'Tiwan-' - ,- ,11 . ,\ . : PHILIPPfNES : , <1Af1 THA(LAD ' с, l' , ! ,,_ 1" l' _,.. , , ');r. - . ,,u).t . '\' LASIA' " . , , .: r'.,p  -:- ., '\ · f .( .""'  INDONESIA 1- .- j iESlA PAPUA NEW GUiNEA ....._ ' ..-, .. \.-. Ttl'10R . , -'  \ AUSTRALIA - \  1 ., ,-- , ,..- E  :жkorп: . :l5n.. IIhIl!5.unlS@I'" dI:I'ttb ) А " " 'i ... , КlRIE!.ATJ ,,....... \. SOLOMON'  ISLANDS ... TD'kil!4:i11U N:l " , . & ....... I .. ,SЖOд '-о I .MIIt ..... , r ..,VANUATlr: , , ...... , '" FIJI ....... New Caledonia (FRANCE)  . ..r ...0::;....... - , . :)elk Ь..  SТRдll,t,):. _ -.., , , NEJFALAND' jI, Lrwd111Nl'1 '!!':" 11" ....Ir' A/aska (US_) -....... CANA НЙWЙlt (U.S.) "" &iPJ, (IURIIIд Fre"ch Pol;mesla (FRANCE) ДПUlrсut: Т re3ty Zопе (No reсо,gпiZеd claims) .ArкВI".cdc Ch:IE NQr1h d d1is 1м.. !lhlilПI i& 1'Iev.. .....dnl,j\l..n land Cover in the year 2000, including rel:auve рrоропюп оп the en(lre surface of the еапh _ т I"Op,cal Forest 1 2% Dec,dl.Jous Shrubs 1.7% _ Т rees Flooded ,п Salt Water 0.1% _ Needle-leaved Evergreens 1.2% _ Evergreen Shrubs 0.9% Trees Flooded iп Fresh Water 0.8% _ Needle-Leaved Decidl.Jous 1 2% _ Gra$$ 2_5'К . Flooded Shrub$ or Gras$ 1 6% _ Deciduous Forest 0.7% Sp.1l'$e Shrubs or Grass 2 8% Water 70.6'J. _ Deciduous Trees .'% Sпоw and Ice 2.9% МiП/Мах Ехtепt of Solid Sea It:e. 2005 _ M.xed Т rees 1 0% Barren Land 3.5% !Се Shelf О.]С/ Mixed Trees .1nd Shrubs 0.8% _ Bumt Trees 0.8% Cultlv<lted Land L '" Mixed Crops and ShrLJbs I Grass 0.8% Mixed Crops ilпd Trees 0.9% Urban Areas <D.I% Sovereignty In 2006'zed Intern3tlonal Вorder    De facro IntеrпatiопaJ Border -. Mar't,me Excll.J$,ve Econom.c Zone (:!ItJtm""s:1OO-J1m limlu:alЮwкl byin't8rr\il.tIOrAiI 'I lon'I4 cmriM m\1'41 "О" dldlmll"l EEz..I"<t 5CПl8l:кн.,danes i!ln:I dtspLFted) - . .. '\ - , ... \( "'i . .. ") > ,. , UNIТ  ",-. ""'ДП Pl."""k.... )( PМJC.IIJ Ihe-.....!':StrfOffl . lv1tв.ro([I[.......I'IU: NQrth d d,b"l'" theril  flll1V'l!ll" mdnJghrSl.8'l f . 1.\  . " ',---- ......., - GUAТE it . 'aVAD . NDU _:, Nt, 'I\..,_:' :bSTA. II /  RICA.  ,: , 'РЛ'N.I(t1r\;i .' , . . ) ,. ' } , ,- r.,...r .L......' 1.  J' СОLOмIf' ..... -t > ... "", , ,, , , \; '- * \ 'Rj(l!!do 15. , Jf/ J Pacific Countries U.N. MEMBER SТ Д ТЕ ....!Ifom:",..!for J S ( --'  ) . h L ' d N R . . ..."" .. ....rlto"..") tate ue ,acro Wlt Imlte or о есоgпltlOn wim k! d .... Ol!Jl4!n.dent Т erт'itcx')' {F'аr-eпt Srat.e il1l'arel'lthe5A!IJ lhan ""ос. hlи1d l'OLCКdIr '""JI"". &,10" еРи.... s<3oo 1. "...""'....) .. OlIfId.!'nf IHiIDl)" iп'lаы@'dd D"'Y ь,.  [;I[ 5amInJ" 64 , I ... " , ' Trq)ICder Na.'ln  1tI1t  t'hеlilJJ1'ие,. dir4! iI!lbeiId  l ..., " . ..  juA " 1 I Ьjy",,>  . :РЕр' . . , .. f > , CHILE    /'  , rl'Ol COnI: SOI fl.. the:r;mi5:lI'I IIIIrO'I'ItI'ht:ad L..вrmerrADnuIhaJ "" '&Io  о." 1.5"S. 1615"W it 1 «1000000 ..(;[I()lo:m 11IW:'h=941Dd!! Frвrк.e 8[. Jb!:5am4! !laIe: () I () 500 . 1 Ю (!;OOkm . . I()OO m1 '000 . soo 7 So 
65 Pacific Осеап  Plate Т ectonics , I ... / . . . . . . " 1.J.1:.   'L ". Еurаsап Plate }n ....  .  , " 1 '. , /.; I " ..f'rl  "" ;.,  ""'"' ...... t  .  j,f . 8: . . .. Arиska ...--..!" :.. (U S-) \ . -" . .. ..It. . 1.  CANA. d Fuc F ' \ ' .10 «   . . J 1. . UNlпd* -': SlАЕБ . . .. " .. I . . 111 !V , Norm Д т 1ca"" Plate . 1 ')1" . , у . r RUSSI , - , J  ,- .  ... . n  '. J " , .. . . .' . . . 1. .. . . I  . ... .. .... ....... . . J . .  . ,.  I Ind I УС\пgtZе Plit; J:(' Plate ". "'t '.- ( т;i .ft   t«JREA ...- 50 ТН « REД .- .... - .  . ' , . .. ... r" hJ ." . . -. . . . CHINA . . ....'  "}- ......11..... .- I st - ..... .... - EXIC-  T.--tIpIс а1Стсе,... tJClrt=I, af dIII line. dм. sun i!i lIIIr drect1.v OfeJrЪead . . \ . . .. r....... . .. .  . .. . -.а   '.. -, .-- .. " . ц.. . " GUA fJ>tC \" I Elж. ! PWlte - N · NI . " _ u  J:{O CbSTA _ A;nde! RIC,( C] Aate Cocos, ?дNЛf1A, FIi1te> ", "1, .со ,Ам . f , ,.  I , . .. i , , ,  .J.r-t f ' WfJТ1"  \1rп ; i I 'te.iiJ 1, . '1' . 4.,"  . : AMEkX!1дI  ,. . .... -. .tнJY'LAND  ... ,... - ... "'., ,611.' .  '.....' l1ALAY;SIA 1  · _r-I  J · . · d re  .: rda .. 'PIJА t: !' PI :'1 ",'.?  '...--.  .'  ate " _ ..' ..... -. . r ;.S Had .It_e i1.t-r- · ...;  4:..." ноl ,SePlate ..r..- tt,., ."7 .. :.: 5 INDONE' ,.  . . М0R """ . \ f11&ke:Ir.e '" , Ваli,..зrз e\ff'Pl ....UsтRAUA- J  " <, New Herl  Pla\1 .. .; ConWily. Ref PIat:E ..:. 1 .' .. "1' . "'t. .  I J-. ..,. .J"" .   Caru -Plii.te '1 rth 81 Мап ; PI ... S"uth SoJ. Pacific Plate 8; pagos . МQA    r I . .,. ......... ... . . . . . .. . Ва -" se..p . - . .;, .... ..' . . . , .. .. t -'-.. .. , , . . Australian PI,ate \(1 ; 11 ,) . 1 I    'g..' . --  . .. " :- '...е  .... I . . . .' . . . I! J ,-fJ G' ' " . 'м-. , , , 4"\ ......  , '; .',' NEW хв,.LAND Pla ... . (f,.' .'t. , .  '3 r PВ\1.1'--' \s1 ;1. , ... 'r ';0 \ ( Iz  , 1 ,.. r . 'lи " . ,. '   . . . . . v . '1. Nazca Plate . 4(. .... а  , . " .. .... . . .... " ...... ... J.... . ... f /. -  . . . . ., '.1 . . . . ., , . . .A,""jan ....'. '. .. "" \ fhi..  ... . '.  " '\, . . . . . Tr- .С;ч'" =кn:. . rdll .. d\ra 5Un i5: l'ttWer dI:I'ttb .. .. . rf ,.   . ';'. 8 ....., --. '""-- \.,' ..9 ... _. А" l>dI ...."...... f\Inh.., ,-..... ... . .ot:.. ,. ,. , . : .:... ...... ... 7\ Antarcr Plare  ...' rr .. "'1 . .  , Sourh Атепсап f Plate - . , .' . . .. . . . . .. Scot , /Vкм...... rc Nмh  dНIПI i& 1'Iev.. .....dnl,j\l..n  ",""",-.. Q..1o'llf;llr'I theril  flll1V'l!ll" mdnJghr . . J-: ;. .' ТI'Of ....... sot по. the:r;mi5:lI'I IIIIrO'I'ItI'ht:ad Plate Motion Major Earthquakes 1975.2000 magn'tude оп the R,chter Xale: о 5.0  5.9 О 6,O6.9 () 7.0  7.9 ( 8,0 and greater Active Volcanoes Elevation and Bathymetry met > 9.000 29.528 '. 6.000 19.685 3,000 9.842 ...::r Arrows show motion relative [о Africa Colors ,,150 show plate mоtюп  Grl!!l2lU!:r U)1Dr II:OOU';a.S.t beeen i-пdt.r..ateg ..... ,l'l"EIiiI.'ter ...e!ative dihenc:e in dir-ection cl mo"'lI!JI'Т1II!Iпt.  Seafloor Spreading or Contlnental Rift  Area of diffu5e tran5rormation  (PI. boUfldlnes k'1dllStJn04" url<now'f'l) date of last eruptlOn: . 5ince 1900 . 16Ф  19th century . 1st  15th century . between 1.000 and 10,000 )'ears 2gO Sea Level -3.000 less than -6,000 Sea Level IПсluding extreme points of the world  hrghest рО,nt аЬоуе sea level: peak of Mount Everest, Nepal / Ch,n2. (8.848 m / 29.028 ft)  hrghest known permanent 5ettlement: La R'nconada, southern Peru (5,100 m 116.728 ft) (а m'n'ng town Wlth а рорulаt'оп of around 7.000) Iowest poil1t оп 1.!Пd: st10re ofthe Dead Sea.lsrael/ Jordan (18m /-1.371 ft) L..вrmerrADnuIhaJ "" '&Io  ... 7.S"$. 1615'W it 1 «1000000 ..(;[I()lo:m 11IW:'h=941Dd!! Frвncil!' 8[. dw!:5amE I.C3I1Е: 9.842  19.685 and below  deep ocean floor (S,500 m / .18,000 ft) () I () $00 '000 .$00 km 1: Ю' SOO' 7 50 ' 1 000 m1 f---- greatest ocean depth: bottom of the Мапапа Т rench. Pacitic Ocean (IO.911 m / 35.798 ft) 
67 About the Projections 150"Е  "1IIt: 40.s o N ,,, .. 8 .\. . ,,'  . .'. . . . . . t.. . . . . . . . . . . 40 50S  ..... 81. . .1./  L J  srandard parallels at 40S"N/S. central meridian at 150 0 Е wlth realwor1d circles 1.200 km in diameter. (о show shape distоrtюn The world maps (апd the index maps in the upperright corner of each рэgе) use the Eckert IV projection, with the central meridian set at 150°Е. This рrоjесtiоп was presented iп 1906 Ьу Мах Eckert, а professor of economic geography at the Тесhпicаl University of Aachen who devoted his career to еstаЫishiпg cartography as а sClence separate from mathematics; he is remembered as а founder of cartography as ап academic discipline. (Не was also ап enthusiastic supporter of the Nazi party and helped compute trajectories for the bombardment of Paris.) The Eckert IV projection was pubIished as part of а series of six world рrоjесtiопs defined Ьу regular geometric boundaries. all with central meridian апd the two poles drawn as lines half the length of the equator (making the mар fit exactly into а 2: 1 rectangle). For the IV projection. the outer meridians are half..circles, the other meridians are half..ellipses. and the spacing of the parallels has Ьееп adjusted using calculus to make the projection equalarea. The linear scale is dеfiпеd Ьу the .'standard parallels" at 40.5°N/S. and the projection is free from shape distortion only where these parallels intersect the central meridian. It is widely used for thematic maps of the world. see Мак Eckert. "Neue EntwUrfe Erdkarten," In Peterтanns Mltte,'иngen 52:5 (1906), рр. 97I09. 12°5 1 52.5°Е -.!.,\.\.\.\ 8/.I.,..r.. \. t.... .. .... \. . . . .  iG .' 42°5 ..   The suЬсопtiпепtаl maps use Albers Equal..Area projections. with standard parallels and central merldlanS adJusted to mlnlmize dlstortJon оп each тар. Below the equator, south is placed up so that meridians converge towards the top of the page оп all maps. This projection. presented in 1805 Ьу the Prussian merchant Heinrich Albers, shows all parallels as concentric circles. апd all mеridiапs converging as stralght liпеs perpendicular to the parallels. It IS constructed Ьу first choosing two parallels along which linear scale will Ье the same, then adjusting the radius апd spacing of the parallels with calculus to make the mар equal..area, There is по shape distоrtiоп along the standard parallels. Albers's projection was relatively uпusеd in the nlneteenth century. but SlПсе its adoptlOn Ьу Аmеrlсап cartographers In the 1 920s it has Ьесоmе the stапdаrd equal..area рrоjесtiоп for large regiопs. see Helnrich Albers. "Beschrelbung einer neuen Kegelprojektion:' In Zach's MonatllChe Соrrеsролdеnz zur Веfоrdеruлg der Erd uлd Нjmmе'sКuлdе 12 (Nov. 1 80S). рр. 4S04S9. srandard parallels at 12"5 and 42°5, central meridian at 152.soE with realworld circles 500 krn in di.ameter  , '-  8:.\"  '#". .1 8 .. \\ t . . . 8 8 8 . l' .' 7SOS . \. . . . I . ,\1 \  . , , .. 8:8 8:. ./  ...' '\ \.'8'.;./ · , .а:", _ .  ....  ., ,<:.. ,// ..,,.... ....  / central point at 7.5°5, 167.s o E Wlth real-world circles 1,000 krn in diameter 1 67.5°Е ---  The maps of the world осеап use Lambert ДZimuthal Equal..Area projections. with different central points for each тар. This projection was presented in 1772 as part of а series of seven projections Ьу Johann Lambert) а renowned natural philosopher employed Ьу the king of Prussia; his projections were the first to ье derived using calculus. The ДZimuthal Equal..Area projection is constructed Ьу choosing а central point and drawing circles centered оп that point as concentric circles оп the тар; the spacing of these circles is adjusted using calculus to make the projection equal..area. (These imaginary circles only correspond to parallels and meridians when the central point is опе of the poles; in other cases parallels and meridians are complex curves.) The projection is not useful for measurement, since the scale printed оп the mар is only true infinitesimally at the central point and only the central point is free from shape distortion, but it is commonly used for maps of the poles, hemispheres, or other very large areas. see Johann Lambert, '.Anmerkungen und Zus:ttze zur Entwerfung der Land- und Нlmmelscharren." part 3. sectlOn 6 in his Вeirтiзge zum Gebrauche der Mothemot/k илd dеrел Апwелduлg (1772). 
68 About the Data AII the geospatial data used to make this atlas is available оп the internet or pubIished оп оуо. It is all "raw" data: large numeric databases which must Ье displayed usiпg GIS software. 1 used ArcGIS to dеfiпе colors and symbology, and then used Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to make the fiпаl maps. " .. ... .;- . I . ... . . .. ., J .   , "i Land cover data north of 60 0 S is from the Global Land Cover 2000 database, pubIished Ьу the Еurореап Commission Joint Research Center in 2003. This data is derived primarily from а fоurtеепmопth satellite survey of the world at а resolution of опе kilometer; the raw data was processed Ьу researchers with specific expertise in regional ecosystems before being combined into а global was created as а baseline reference for future ecological change, and has Ьееп used in ecosystem assessments and climate modeling. In the legends of the landcover maps 1 have substltuted simpler terms for the scientists' technicallanguage: т ropical Forest Needleleaved Evergreens Needleleaved Deciduous Deciduous Forest Deciduous Trees Mixed Trees Mlxed Trees and Shrubs Deciduous Shrubs Evergreen Shrubs Grass Sparse Shrubs or Grass Snow and Ice т ree Cover, broadleaved. evergreen Tree Cover, needle--leaved, evergreen Tree Cover, needleleaved, deciduous т ree Cover, broadleaved. declduous, closed Tree Cover, broadleaved. declduous. ореп Tree Cover, mlxed leaftype Mosaic: Tree cover I Other natural vegetatlon Shrub Cover, closedopen, deciduous Shrub Cover, closedopen, evergreen Herbaceous Cover, closed-open Sparse Herbaceous or sparse Shrub Cover Snow and Ice Вarren Land Вare Areas Burnt Trees т ree Cover, burnt т ree Cover, regularly flooded, saline water Tree Cover, regularlyflooded, fresh water (& brackish) Regularly f100ded Shrub and/or Herbaceous Cover Bodies Cultivated and managed areas Mosaic: Cropland I Shrub or Grass Cover Mosaic: Cropland I Tree Cover I Ot.her natura1 vegetation Artificia1 surfaces and associat.ed areas т rees Flooded In Salt Water т rees Flooded In Fresh Water Flooded Shrubs or Grass Water Cultivated Land Mlxed Crops and Shrubs/Grass Mixed Crops and Т rees Urban Areas see http://wwwgem.jrc.itlglc2000 Land cover data for Antarctica is from the Antarctic Digital Database (АОО). а collection of rock, iceshelf. and land data collected Ьу the British Antarctic Survey. The digital files in the АОО were created with the use of dozens of pubIished maps and aerial photographs from the last fifty years, most of which were produced Ьу the U. S. Geological Survey, the British Antarctic Survey, the U. S. Navy, and Landsat satellites. see http://www.add.scar.orgfaddmain.html 
69 ,..../ .... t The data for streams (scientifically. all naturally flowing waters are known as streams) comes from the U. S. Geological Survey's Hydro 1 k project, а corrected Digital Elevation Model (ОЕМ) that сап accurately simulate water flow. Stream locations and drainage..basin sizes were derived from this model. Lake data was originally produced in 1997 Ьу the Nationallmagery and Маррiпg Agепсу (NIMA. now the National Gеоsраtiаl..lпtеlligепсе Agency) using information from NIMA's Operational Navigational Chart series. This data is part of Global G/S. pubIished Ьу the USGS and the American Geologicallnstitute (AGI). for streams, see http://еdс.usgs.gоv/рrоductslеlеvаtlOп/gtороЗО/hуdrо for lakes, see http://www.aglweb.orgfpubslglobalgls The minimum and maximum extents of solid sea ice in 2005 were determined with data from the U. S. Nаtiопаllcе Center (NIC). а collaboration between the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). the Navallce Center. and the Coast Guard. These agencies collect and pubIish daily data оп the lосаtiоп of sea ice; to determine yearly values for 2005. 1 combined several weeks of data for Фе summer апd winter. The NIC was created to provide strategic, tactical, апd ореrаtiопаl support for other U. S. governmental аgепсiеs, but other scientists have used its pubIications to investigate global climate change  the maximum extent of sea ice has Ьееп decreasing steadily for the last several decades. see Winnipeg ..,.. NatlOnal and suЬ..паtiопаl boundary data. Including Iпdiап reserves and reservations in Canada and the U. S., was compiled and distributed Ьу the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). а сот рапу devoted to geographic iпfоrmаtiоп systems (GIS) technology. City locations апd population figures also соте from ESRI. Except for the boundaries of Iпdiап reserves and reservations. this data is availabIe as part of Global GIS. pubIished Ьу the U. S. Geological Society (USGS) апd the Атеriсап Gеоlоgiсаllпstitutе (AGI). . .  see http://www.aglweb.or.glpubslglobalgis l)" М " 1 " Sашt Paul Inneapo 15 .-. . Exclusive Economic Zone extents were computed Ьу the Flanders Marine Institute using existing EEZ treaties or. where countries have not signed treaties or formally declared ап EEZ. theoreticallimits under iпtеrпаtiопаllаw. Thelr database is pubIlshed оп the Iпtеrпеt as ап open..source project, апd 1 made some minor mоdifiсаtiопs to the data. 1 drew boundaries and the iпtеrпаtiопаl date line myself, based оп various pubIished апd опliпе sources. for EEZ data. see http1/www.vllzbe/vmdcdatalmarbound     .. , , , .. , .... " I , I l' \ , ." .. I ... I """........ I , -- ... ....  '\, .  I .... " \ \ \ ...' .... .... .... " .. . J \ I '  J' ... , ...  , .,. , I .... .... " , , , . , , ...  - ... " , \ , .... I , , """"""'..............' ... \ J'  .... . , .., , ... " "  I  Road. Highway. Railroad. Canal, Aqueduct, Pipeline, СаЫе, and (оп the world тар) Airfield data was originally produced in 1997 Ьу the Nationallmagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA, now the National Geospatial..lntelligence Agency) using information from NIMA's Operational Navigational Chart series. Although it has not Ьееп updated since 1997, this series is the largest..scale unclassified тар series in existence with consistent. continuous global coverage. This data is part of G/obal GIS. а pubIication of the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the American Geological Institute (AGI). 1 drew undersea саЫе paths using information from the International СаЫе Protection Committee. ( for land Infrastructure, see http://www.agiweb.orgfpubs!globalgis for undersea cabIes. see 
70  . .  , .. . ..  .. j . 1 J . . Population density data is from the Global Rural..Urban Mapping Project (GRUMP), а collaboration between the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) at Columbia University, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), The World Bank, and the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Т ropical (CIA Т). I have used the alpha version. published in 2004, which сопtаiпs iпfоrmаtiоп for 399.747 аdmiпistrаtivе regions. 21.905 urban areas. and 55.412 smaller sеttlеmепts around the world. Data was collected from local authorities, and then adjusted ассоrdiпg to UN statistics. Geostationary satellite iпfоrmаtiоп is from Eric Jоhпstоп of for рорul.шоп. see http://sedac.cleSin.COlumbla.edulgpw / Tectonic Plate bound.aries (and the diffusely deformed orogenic zones) were constructed Ьу Peter Bird. а professor iп the Department of Earth апd Space Sciences at UCLA. The locations of seafloor spreading and continental rift are also derived from this data. Professor Bird modeled 52 plates based оп his and other scientists' analysis of earthquakes. vоlcапоеs. GPS lапdtraсkiпg. and seaf100r magnetism. The slze distrlЬutiоп of his plates follows а power law. which suggests that тапу of his оrоgепiс zопеs (the Рhiliррiпе islапds, sоuthеrп Europe) тау Ье resolvabIe iпtо а great number of very small plates. see Peter Blrd, "Ап updated dlgltal model of place boundarles" In Geochemlstry Geophysics Geos}'stems 4:3 (14 Mar 2003). I / v Earthquake data was collected Ьу the NatlOnal Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) at the U. S. Geological Survey (USGS). Modern seismometers detect almost all earthquakes greater thап magnitude 5 оп the Richter scale; below 5. global data will not Ье consistent. Between 1975 and 2000 there were more than 40.000 earthquakes greatet- than magnitude 5. Volcano data was collected Ьу the Smithsопiап Institution's Global Vоlcапism Program. Of the 1.500 volcanoes included in the Smithsonian's dataset, almost 400 are known to have erupted since 1900. Both datasets are availabIe through GlobQI GIS, а pubIication of the USGS and the Amerlcan Geologlcal Instltute (AGI). о ) ) see http://www.agiweb.orgfpubsfglobalgis Continental elevation data is from the U. S. Geological Survey's GTOP030 project, а Digital Elevation Model (ОЕМ) of the world with а rеsоlutiоп of 30 arcseconds (approxlmately опе kilometer). Bathymetric осеап..dерth data comes from the ЕТОРО2 project of the NatlOnal Осеапоgrарhiс апd Atmospherlc АdmlПlstratюп's National Geophysical Data Center. which includes elevation and bathymetry of the епtirе world at а resolution of 2 arcminutes. Both of these DEMs were compiled from ап assortment of existing digital sources. Urban..area boundaries соте from the same source as the infrastructure data (see previous page). for continental ОЕМ. see for Ьаthуmпс ОЕМ, see httр:l/wwwлgdс.поаа.gov/mи..mаgе/2mlnrе1iеf.html .. Relief shading was computed using DEMs from the USGS and NOAA. Оп maps with norch up. imaginary light comes from the norchwest; оп those with south up. light comes from the southeast. Even though the sun would never Ье in this position, 4'light from the upper left" is а long..standing convention in cartography and engineering drawing. (Some scholars have suggested that this habit originally stems from right..handed painters positioning their canvas so that their painting arm would not cast а shadow оп their work.) Note that this shading uses darker grays for steeper slopes; it does not show hypothetical shadows. ..... ..,..., ".. '>0' - ----: о.'  .. 7 .  "'"".;: .- . -J '"' 
71 Temperature and precipitation data north of 60 0 S is derived from the Global Climate Database of the Internationallnstitute of Applied Systems Analyses (IIASA). This data is ап updated version of а 1991 database complled Ьу Rik Leemans and Wolfgang Crame and originally distributed Ьу the Netherlands Nationallnstitute of PubIic Health and Environmental Protection. This database presents monthly averages of measurements taken continuously between 193 1 and 1960. It is pubIished as gridded point data with а resolution of зо arcminutes; I computed а bestfit spline interpolation to smooth the data. Both datasets are availabIe through Global GIS. а pubIication of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the American Geologicallnstitute (AGI). see http://www.-agiweb.orgfpubsfglobalgis Antarctic temperature and precipitation data comes from William Connolley and David Vaughan. two meteorologists associated with the British Antarctic Survey. Their data presents annual averages only. and as with the IIASA data (аЬоуе). it was pubIished as а gridded point database which I then smoothed Ьу computing а bestfit spline interpolation. То compute approximate values for maximum temperature range. I consulted longterm historica.1 data from individual weather stations to roughly model how temperature range varies with elevation; I then calculated temperature range from Connolley's data. То compute approximate values for precipitation range. I used information оп Antarctic precipitation variability to perform а similar calculation оп Vaughan's annual data. These calculations were very simplistic. and the precision implied Ьу ту consistently smooth data is largely fantasty. (Given the small number of weather stations оп the high Antarctic plateau, the spatial resolution of the annual averages is probabIy quite optimistic as well.) for Willlam Conno11ey's temperature data, see for monthly data from indlvldual weather stаtюпs, see httр:/fwww.апtаrсtiса.ас.uk/mеt1RЕАDЕR for Davld Vaughan's preclpitation data. see for preClpltatlOn see Rlchard Cullather, Davld Bromwlch, and Mlchael Van Woert, ."Spatlal and Temporal Var,abll,ty of Antarctic PreClpltatlOn from At.mospherlc Methods:' }oиrпal о' C/lmate I I (March 1998). The data vignettes in this sесtюп use the same Albers EqualArea projections as the sub-continental maps, but the scale has Ьееп doubIed. The and EEZ data is shown uSlng the same projection as the Pacific Осеап. again ас tWlce the scale of the orlglnal тар. In order. these vlgnettes show the area around Beljlng. the Antarctlc Penlnsula, northern Alberta (Canada), the Amundsen Sea, northern Minnesota (u.s.), the central Paciflc Ocean, Mesopotamla. Lake Victorla, Wallis & Futuna, Tokyo. the Pyrenees (twice). the Pamir Knot, and the Amery Ice Shelf.