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Ail nghts reserved. Copyright © 2002 Pépin van Roojen The Pépin Press - Agile Rabbit Editions 90 5768 001 7 1000 Decorated Initiais The Pépin Press / Agile Rabbit éditions 90 5768 003 3 Graphie Frames P.O. Box 10349 90 5768 004 1 Batik Patterns 1001 EH Amsterdam, The Netherlands 90 5768 005 x Floral Patterns 90 5768 006 8 Chinese Patterns Tel +31 20 4202021 90 5768 007 6 Images of the Human Body Fax +31 20 4201152 90 5768 009 2 Indian Textile Prints mail@pepinpress.com 90 5768 010 6 Signs & Symbols www.pepinpress.com 90 5768 OU 4 Ancient Mexican Designs 90 5768 012 2 Géométrie Patterns ISBN 90 5768 011 4 90 5768 013 0 Art Nouveau Designs 90 5768 014 9 Menu Designs Concept & sériés éditer: Pépin van Roojen 90 5768 016 5 Graphie Ornaments Layout for this volume: Dorine van den Beukel 90 5768 017 3 Classical Border Designs 90 5768 018 1 Web Design Index 10 987654321 90 5768 020 3 Japanese Patterns 2005 04 03 02 01 90 5768 021 1 5000 Animais 90 5768 023 8 Occult Images Manufactured in Singapore 90 5768 022 x Traditional Dutch Tile Designs 90 5768 024 6 Bacteria And Other Micro Organisms 90 5768 025 4 Compendium of Illustrations 90 5768 026 2 Web Design Index 2 90 5768 027 0 Mediæval Patterns 90 5768 028 9 Islande Designs 90 5768 029 7 Persian Designs 90 5768 030 0 Weaving Patterns 90 5768 032 7 Patterns of the I9th Century 90 5768 033 5 Baroque 90 5768 034 3 Renaissance 90 5768 036 X Turkish Designs 90 5768 037 8 Lace Motifs 90 5768 038 6 Bmbroidery More titles in préparation In addition to the Agile Rabbit sériés of book+CD-ROM sets, The Pépin Press publishes a wide range of bocks on art, design, architecture, applied art and popular culture. Please visit www.pepinpress.com for more information. scan: The Stainless Steel Cat
Contents Introduction in EngLsh 4 Introduction en Espanol 5 Introduçâo enr Português 6 Introduction en français 7 Introduzione in Italiano 8 Einführung auf deutsch 9 H*is-c®*arr 10 PABitr 1 o Designs 11—121 Captions 123 Eree CD-Rom in the inside back cover
English This book contains images for use as a graphie resource, or inspiration. Ail the illustrations are stored in high-resolution format on the enclosed free CD-ROM (Mac and Windows) and are ready to use for profes- sional quality printed media and web page design. The pictures can also be used to produce postcards, either on paper or digitally, or to decorate your letters, flyers, etc. They can be imported directly from the CD into most design, image-manipulation, illustration, word-pro- cessing and e-mail programs; no installation is required. Some programs will allow you to access the images directly; in others, you will first hâve to create a document, and then import the images. Please consult your software manual for instructions. The names of the files on the CD-ROM correspond with the page numbers in this book. For pages with more than one image, the order is from left to right and from top to bottom. This is indicated with a number following the page number. or with the following letter codes: T = top, B — bottom, C = centre, 1 = left, and R = right. The CD-ROM cornes free with this book, but is not for sale separately. The publishers do not accept any responsibility should the CD not be compatible with your System. For non-professional applications, single images can be used free of charge. The images cannot be used for any type of commercial or otherwise professional application - including ali types of printed or digital publications - without prior permission from The Pépin Press/Agile Rabbit Editions. For inquiries about permissions and fees: mail@pepinpress.com Fax +31 20 4201152 4
Espano] En este libro podrâ encontrar imâgenes que le servirân como fuente de material grâflco o como inspiraciôn para realizar sus propios disenos. Se adjunta un CD-ROM gratuite, (Mac y Windows) donde hallarâ todas las ilustraciones en un formato de alta résolution, con las que podrâ conseguir una impresiôn de calidad profesional y disenar paginas web. Las imâgenes pueden también emplearse para realizar postales, de papel o digitales, o para decorar cartas, folletos, etc. Estas imâgenes se pueden importar desde el CD a la mayoria de programas de diseno, manipulaciôn de imâgenes, dibujo, tratamiento de textos y correo electrônico, sin necesidad de utilizar un programa de instalaciôn. Algunos programas le permitirân accéder a las imâgenes directamente; otros, sin embargo, requieren la creaclôn previa de un documento para importar las imâgenes. Consulte su manual de software en caso de duda. Los nombres de los archives del CD-ROM se corresponden con los nûmeros de pâgina de este libro. En aquellas pâginas en las que haya mâs de una imagen, el orden que se ha de seguir para localizarlas es de izquierda a derecha y de arriba abajo. Esto se indica con un numéro a continuaciôn del numéro de pâgina, o con las siguientes abreviaturas: T (top) = arriba; B (bottom)= abajo; C (centre) — centro; L (lefl)- izquierda y R (right)= derecha. El CD-ROM se ofrece de manera gratuita con este libro, pero estâ prohibida su venta por separado. Los editores no asumen ninguna responsabilidad en el caso de que el CD no sea compatible con su sistema. Se autoriza el uso de estas imâgenes de manera gratuita para aplicaciones no profesionales. No se podrân emplear en aplicaciones de tipo profesional o comercial (incluido cualquier tlpo de publication impresa o digital) sin la autorizaciôn previa de The Pépin Press/Agile Rabbit Editions. Para mâs information acerca de autorizaciones y tarifas: mail@pepinpress.com Fax +31 20 4201152 5
Português Este livro contém imagens que podem ser utilizadas como fonte de material grâfïco ou como inspiraçâo para realizar os seus prôprios desenhos. Você encontrarâ todas as ilustraçôes em formata de alta resoluçâo dentro do CD-ROM gratuite (Mac e Windows), e com elas poderâ conseguir uma impressâo de qualidade proflssional e desenhar paginas web. As imagens também podem ser usadas para criar postais, de papel ou digitais, ou para decorar cartas, folhetos, etc. Estas imagens podem ser importadas do CD para a maioria de programas de desenho, manipulaçâo de imagem, ilustraçâo, processamento de texto e correio eletrônico, sem a necessidade de utilizar um progra- ma de instalaçâo. Alguns programas permitirào que você tenha acesso às imagens diretamente; e em out- ras, você deverâ criar um documenta antes de importât as imagens. Por favor, consulte o seu manual de software para obter maiores informaçôes. Os nomes dos arquivos do CD-ROM correspondem aos numéros de pâgina deste livro. Nas pâginas onde exista mais de uma imagem, a ordem que deve ser seguida para localizar as imagens e da esquerda para a direita e de cima para baixo. Isso é indicado com um numéro que vem logo depois do numéro de pâgina, ou com as seguintes abreviaturas: T (top)= acima; B (bottom)= abaixo; C (centre)- centra; L (left)= esquerda e R (right)= direita. O CD-ROM é oferecido de forma gratuita com este livro, porém é proibido vendê-lo separadamente. Os editores nâo assumem nenhuma responsabilidade no caso de que o CD nào seja compativel com o seu sis- tema. Desde que nâo seja para aplicaçâo proflssional, as imagens individuais podem ser utilizadas gratuitamente. As imagens nâo podem ser empregadas em nenhum tipo de aplicaçâo comercial ou proflssional — incluin- do todos os tipos de publicaçôes impressas ou digitais — sem a prévia permissâo de The Pépin Press/Agile Rabbit Editions. Para esclarecer dùvidas a respeito das permissôes e taxas: mail@pepinpress.com Fax +31 20 4201152 6
Français Cet ouvrage renferme des illustrations destinées à servir de ressources graphiques ou d’inspiration. La total- ité des images sont stockées en format haute définition sur le CD-ROM gratuit inclus (Mac et Windows), prêtes à l’emploi en vue de réaliser des impressions ou pages Web de qualité professionnelle. Elles permet- tent également de créer des cartes postales, aussi bien sur papier que virtuelles, ou d’agrémenter vos cour- riers, prospectus et autres. Vous pouvez les importer directement à partir du CD dans la plupart des applications de création, manipu- lation graphique, illustration, traitement de texte et messagerie, sans qu’aucune installation ne soit néces- saire. Certaines applications permettent d’accéder directement aux images, tandis que dans d’autres, vous devez d’abord créer un document, puis importer les images. Veuillez consultez les instructions dans le manuel du logiciel concerné. Sur le CD, les noms des fichiers correspondent aux numéros de pages de ce livre. Sur les pages qui com- portent plusieurs images, l’ordre va de gauche à droite, et de haut en bas. Il est indiqué soit par un numéro figurant après le numéro de page, soit par les codes suivants : T (top)= haut, B (bottom)= bas, C (centre) = centre, L (Ieft)= gauche, et R (right)= droite. Le CD-ROM est fourni gratuitement avec le livre, mais il ne peut être vendu séparément. L’éditeur décline toute responsabilité si ce CD n’est pas compatible avec votre ordinateur. Vous pouvez utiliser les images individuelles sans frais dans des applications non-professionnelles. Il est interdit d'utiliser les images avec des applications de type professionnel ou commercial (y compris toutes les sortes de publications numériques ou imprimés) sans l'autorisation préalable de The Pépin Press/Agile Rabbit Editions. Pour tout renseignement relatif aux autorisations et aux frais d'utilisation: mail@pepinpress.com Fax +31 20 4201152 7
Italiano Questo libro contiene immaglni che possono essere utilizzate corne risorsa grafica o corne fonte di ispi- razione. Tutte le illustrazioni sono contenute nell’allegato CD-ROM gratuite (per Mac e Windows), in for- mate ad alta risoluzione e pronte per essere utilizzate per pubblicazioni professionali e pagine web. Possono essere inoltre usate per creare cartoline, su carta o digitali, o per abbellire lettere, opuscoli, ecc. Dal CD, le immagini possono essere importate direttamente nella maggior parte dei programmi di grafîca, di ritocco, di illustrazione, di scrittura e di posta elettronica; non è richiesto alcun tipo di installazione. Alcuni programmi vi consentiranno di accedere aile immagini direttamente; in altri, invece, dovrete prima creare un documente e poi importare le immagini. Consultate il manuale del software per maggiori infor- mazioni. I nomi dei document! sul CD-ROM corrispondono ai numeri delle pagine del libro. Quando le pagine con- tengono più di un’immagine, l’ordine di queste ultime è da sinistra a destra e dall’alto verso il basso. L'ordine è indicato con un numéro situato dopo il numéro di pagina o con le seguenti lettere: T (top)= alto, B (bottom)= basso, C (centre)= centro, L (left)= sinistra e R (right)= destra. Il CD-ROM è allegato gratuitamente al libro e non puô essere venduto separatamente. L’editore non puô essere ritenuto responsable qualora il CD non fosse compatibile con il sistema posseduto. Per applicazioni di tipo non professionale, le singole immagini possono essere utilizzate gratuitamente. Se desiderate, invece, utilizzare le immagini per applicazioni di tipo professionale o con scopi commercial!, comprese tutte le pubblicazioni digitali o stampate, sarà necessaria la relativa autorizzazione da parte délia casa éditrice The Pépin Press/Agile Rabbit Editions. Per ulteriori informazloni su autorizzazioni e canoni per il diritto di sfruttamento commerciale rivolgetevi a: mail@pepinpress.com Fax +31 20 4201152 8
Deutsch Dieses Buch enthalt Bilder, die als Ausgangsmaterial für graphische Zwecke oder als Anregung genutzt wer- den kônnen. Aile Abbildungen sind in hoher Auflôsung auf der beiliegenden Gratis-CD-ROM (fur Mac und Windows) gespeichert und lassen sich direkt zum Drucken in professioneller Qualitât oder zur Gestaltung von Websites einsetzen. Sie kônnen sie auch als Motive für Postkarten auf Karton oder in digitaler Form, oder als Ausschmückung für Ihre Briefe, Flyer etc. verwenden. Die Bilder lassen sich direkt in die meisten Zeichen-, Bildbearbeitungs-, Illustrations-, Textverarbeitungs- und E-Mail-Programme laden, ohne dass zusàtzliche Programme installiert werden müssen. In einigen Programmen kônnen die Dokumente direkt geladen werden, in anderen müssen Sie zuerst ein Dokument anlegen und kônnen dann die Datei importieren. Genauere Hinweise dazu fînden Sie im Handbuch zu Ihrer Software. Die Namen der Bilddateien auf der CD-ROM entsprechen den Seitenzahlen dieses Buchs. Bei Seiten mit mehreren Bildern verlâuft die Reihenfolge von links nach redits und oben nach unten. Wo die Position auf der jeweiligen Seite angegeben ist, bedeutet T (top)= oben, B (bottom)= unten, C (centre)= Mitte, L (left)= links und R (right)= redits. Die CD-ROM wird kostenlos mit dem Bucli geliefert und ist nicht separat verkâuflicli. Der Verlag haftet niclit für Inkompatibilitât der CD-ROM mit Ihrem System. Für nicht professionelle Anwendungen kônnen einzelne Bilder kostenfrei genutzt werden. Die Bilder dürfen ohne vorherige Genehmigung von The Pépin Press /Agile Rabbit Editions nicht für kommerzielle oder sonstige professionelle Anwendungen einschlieBlidi aller Arten von gedruckten oder digitalen Medien eingesetzt werden. Für Fragen zu Genehmigungen und Preisen wenden Sie sich bitte an: mail@pepinpress.com Fax +31 20 4-201152 9
IM- BS OC 7? U 7 —X ^<>X f >—> 3 > t D WJW "CiÈ-SÿsDV^X — ^HWêîtlTl» S r. l'l/—>a>K, CD-ROM (Mac 43<fctX Windows JW) 430. r4T.6^^JfflDXypD®M©EPRiJ^WEB^-;^OWKfW^tîJSTètt.. ïfefc. æ^t-X ctië>oisi{m. cdmïôt-U'o. -ï-s-xb. y—:/□. e x—jpxx b’7x7tîKSSjt0ü trr tat-CëS-r. < >X bb- >3 >«ÆSSS>0 ^-&Zu. Ay/zAKioTtt. B®l:(87ÿ-tXTa stê^. —H.b+xx>b&^iæcfc^K®^&ffiDüt?wê-^*iæ>DS-r<, ram. rffijwwjx Tffi-v-czTJb&r^BgTSV^ CD-ROM ±G7 Z<)b«H. rtm-ÿamsbwsr. 6*. _E*'6TOflHS'VS^7=>(tB41. 'zSmK^SfclffiEffib:)'-3— F-ü^iJètlîfeT., T = h7y (_ESB). B=AbA (TSB). C=-t>^— W*). L=U7b Cfc) R=x<b (A) cd-rom aA»®bt«>S'rs>D, »jæèti-r43D^-&Ao cd *s45^«©szxA2»tasn?/ft*>-ofc»-ê-. 56 fïSHlttÊfttoftHûtêrTiSTâ».. 7’DJWJy.^®77U4r—>3 >7?. WS^—t^rsst. ThePepinPress/Agile Rabbit Editions è^hubT pJ&WS i < , £> 0 5^^/b®JW)<m Diô tT-S. S>6«î> saaoiffimjw^6 tm:/n JW WJ y-—>a £ t &»ÜhD*T. TfE*7?43rav*-&t5-&T3V^ mail@pepinpress.com 7 7 y ÿ X : +31 20 4201152 4» X ° cd-rom (JJ * Mac Windows Tffiffi) 4> WK'WWrïïnnn®£P®!lffifSffi®lM^tf " HK-»W)WWâWPg^ÏB Jt ’ ^OS&ËJÏsÈf' ' AW^ ° CD ' PAR ' - W®gff AnffeS-fêffifflHM- = HW • ° ffl &BSÈ^s>pg^B^^w » ÏECD « asWM'f’MIMM-Sili-B ’ KJK^Aî/ÉAïJA - fô±S!lT > ’ ^JÊin—H^S : t= ± > b = T - C= rfï L= Æ ’ R= ° CD-ROM ’ f0 CD-ROM AWÜ ffiW » A® CD ’ gt^W^KffiîèWW ’ WfeRfëffl¥HBI^ » AAïPAWAjThe Pépin Press/Agile Rabbit Editions PAffïÏÏ ’ AftJfê WW«W : Mail@pepinpress.com : +31 204201152 10


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13 variation of the xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 23CR abstract design 23BL abstract design 14TL circle design 23BR abstract design 14TC circle design 14TR circle design 24T abstract design 14C circle design 24B xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 14BL circle design 14BC circle design 25T spiral design 14BR circle design 25B abstract design 15TL circle design 27 xochitl (floral) design 15TR circle design 15C circle design 28 aquatic flower design 15BL circle design 15BR circle design 29TL xochitl (floral) design 29TCL aquatic flower design 16TL xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 29TCR xochitl (floral) design 16TR xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 29TR xochitl (floral) design 16CR xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 29CL xochitl (floral) design 16BR xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 29CCL xochitl (floral) design 29CCR xochitl (floral) design 17TL xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 29CR xochitl (floral) design 17TC xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 29BL xochitl (floral) design 17TR xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 29BCL xochitl (floral) design 17CL xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 29BCR xochitl (floral) design 17CCL xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 29BCR xochitl (floral) design 17CCR xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 17BL xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 30TL leaves design 17BC xonecuilli (blue worm) design 30TR domesticates plants design 17BR xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 30CL domesticated plants design 3OC cactus design 18T xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 30CR leaves design 18C xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 30B xochitl (floral) design 18B xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 31TL design representing earth in bloom 19TL xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 31TR xochitl (floral) design 19TR xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 31CR xochitl (floral) design 19CL xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 31BL xochitl (floral) design 19BL xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 31BR xochitl (floral) design 19BR xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 32TL xochitl (floral) design 20T xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 32TC xochitl (floral) design 20B xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 32TR xochitl (floral) design 32BL xochitl (floral) design 32BC chicahuüstli (wooden rattle) design 21T xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design 32BR xochitl (floral) design 21B xicalcoliuhqui (stepped-fret) design with spiral motif 3 3 TL xochitl (floral) design 22T abstract design 33TR aquatic flower design 22TCL abstract design 33CL Macuilxochitl (Five Flower God) symbols 22TCR abstract design 33CR Macuilxochitl (Five Flower God) symbols 22BCL abstract design 33BL Macuilxochitl (Five Flower God) symbols 22BCR abstract design 33BR Macuilxochitl (Five Flower God) symbols 22BL abstract design 22BC abstract design 34TL spider design 22BR abstract design 34TC papalotl (butterfly) design 34TR spider design 23TL abstract design 34CL insect design 23TR abstract design 34C lobster design 23CL abstract design 34CR insect design 124
34BL 34BC 34BR sea shell design michin (fish) design cross section of a sea shell 47TL 47TR 47B 35TL popolod (butterfly) design 48T 35TR popolotl (butterfly) design 48B 35BL popolotl (butterfly) design 35BR popolotl (butterfly) design 49TL 49TR 36T tomocolin (toad) design 49BL 36CI frog design 49BR 36C frog design 36CR cuetzpaliin (lizard) design SOT 36BL cuetzpaliin (lizard) design 50B 36BR cuetzpoliin (lizard) design 51TL 37T cootl (serpent) design 51TR 37B cootl (serpent) design 51BL 51BR 38T quetzolcood (feathered serpent) design 38B quetzolcootl (feathered serpent) design 52TL 52TC 39T cootl (serpent) design 52TR 39B quetzolcood (feathered serpent) design 52BL 52BC 40TL sacrificial blood hieroglyph 52BR 40TR xiuhcootl (fire serpent) design 40BL man-eating serpent design 53TL 40BR red blood serpent design 53TC 53TR 41 rabbit inside moon with a serpent below 53B1 53BC 42TL rattlesnake design 53BR 42TR rattlesnake design 42BL head of the xiuhcoatl (fire-serpent) 54TL 42BC xiuhcootl (fire serpent) design 54TR 42BR xiuhcootl (fire serpent) design 54BL 54BC 43TL quetzolcootl (feathered serpent) design 54BR 43TR xiuhcoatl (fire serpent) design 43BL xiuhcoatl (fire serpent) design 55TL 43BR xiuhcootl (fire serpent) design 55TR 55BL 44TL double headed serpent design 55BR 44TR double headed serpent design 44BL double headed serpent design 56T 44BR double headed serpent design 56C 56B 45 T cipoctli (alligator) design 45 CL cipoctli (alligator) design 57TL 45BL cipoctli (alligator) design 57TR 45 BR cipoctli (alligator) design 57BL 57BR 4 6 TI, god in jaguar dress 46TR gof of the hunt killing a jaguar 60TL 46BL ocelod (jaguar) with sacrificial flag 60TC 46BR ocelod (jaguar) 60TR 60BL 60BC 60BR gof of dance, in coyote dress urinating dog Iztac Mixcoatl ocelot! (jaguar) design ocelot! (jaguar) design animal design ocelot! (jaguar) design itzcuintli (dog) design mazod (deer) design ozomotli (monkey) design ozomadi (monkey) design ozomotli (monkey) design ozomotli (monkey) design ozomotli (monkey) design ozomotli (monkey) design tzopilod (buzzard) design eagle design bird design aquatic fowl design oztotl (héron) design bird design bird design bird design bird design cozcocuoudi (buzzard king) design bird design double-headed bird eagle design road-runner or shouting pheasant design tecolotl (owl) design road-runner or shouting pheasant design road-runner or shouting pheasant design huitzizillin (hummingbird) design oztotl (héron) design bird design bird design serpent-bird serpent-brid serpent-bird tree of the West god Tezcatlipoca dressed as aturkey tree of the Middle-quarter tree of the South human design human design human design human design human design human design 125
61TL human design 76TL goddess giving birth to a god 61TR ritual mask design 76TR dancer 61BL human design 76BL wood cutter 61BC human design 76BR bail player with glove 61BR human design 77T goddess Tlazolteotl on her throne 62L human design 77B the empire of darkness with god (left) and goddess (right) of death 62R human design 78 water goddess 63L wind god Quetzalcoatl with plumed serpent 63R masked dancer design 79TL water goddess with water monster 79TR god with water monster 64 human design 79BL water carrier 79BR Tlaloc, rain god 65TL mask design, representing rain god Tlaloc 65TR human head 80TL lire goddess on her throne 65CR human head 80TR goddess Tlazolteotl 65BL human head wearing a large headdress 80BL Mayauel, goddess of agave wine 65BR human head wearing a large headdress 80BR sun god 66 god of hunt being celebrated by four men with bow and arrow 81TL Xochipilli 81TR drinking person on throne 67TL Mixcoatl 81BL Mayauel, goddess of agave wine 67TR Mixcoatl 81BR Chantico 67BL Mixcoatl 67BR god of the planet Venus 82 Mayauel, goddess of agave wine 68T water goddess (right) 83 god Itzlacoliuhqui 68B empire of the rain god 84 bat god 69T red (left) and black (right)god Tezcatlipoca with broken tree and bird of prey 85 god of fire (left) and god Xipe Totec (right) 69B red (left) and black (right) god Tezcatlipoca as a hall player 86L mummie 70T gof of planet Venus (left) and god of fire (right) with water and scorpion 86R sacrificed human 70B temple with owl and jaguar (left) and sun god (right) 87 two guards dresses as jaguars with a victim 71L Tlazolteotl, earth goddess 88L god of death on a throne of blood and bones 71R god Xolotl with dog’s head 88R god of death 72TL god Xipe Totec dressed in human skin 72TR Mayauel, goddess of the agave plant 89 gods of life and death 72BL god of morning star 72BR god of planet Venus 90 god of wind (left) and god of death(right), symbolizing life and death 73TL fire god (left) with god of planet Venus (right) 73TR god Tepoxtecatl 91 god of lust 73BL Uitzilopochtli, god of war 73BR goddess Ilamatecutli with skull-mask 92 godd carrying a sun, of which the heart is being eut out 74 winged serpent temple 93 twelve goddesses dancing around sun and moon god 75L temple with idol 94 four winged serpents, symbolizing north, east, south and west 75TR temple with vulture 75BR two gods in a temple 95 north, east, south, west and the centre of the world 96 apocalyptic scene 97 apocalyptic scene 126
98 apocalyptic scene 109C maya day sign: monik 109CR maya day sign: le mat 102L hieroglyphs 109BL maya day sign: rauluc 102CL hieroglyphs 109BC maya day sign: oc 102CR hieroglyphs 102R hieroglyphs 109BR maya day sign: chuen 110TL maya month sign: ycx 103T hieroglyphs 110TC maya month sign: pop 103 TC hieroglyphs 110TR maya month sign: uo 103BC hieroglyphs 110CL maya month sign: zip 103B hieroglyphs HOC maya month sign: zotz 11 OCR maya month sign: tzec 104TL face numéral: 0 11 OBI maya month sign: xul 104TC face numéral: 1 110BC maya month sign: yaxkin 104TR face numéral: 3 110BR maya month sign: mol 104CL face numéral: 11 104CCLface numéral: 9 111TL maya month sign: chen 104CCRface numéral: 6 I11TC maya month sign: zoc 104CR face numéral: 7 111TR maya month sign: uayeb 104BL face numéral: 8 111CL maya month sign: cumhu 104BC face numéral: 4 nie maya month sign: keyob 104BR: face numéral: 5 111CR maya month sign: pax 111BL maya month sign: mcc 105TL face numéral: 13 111BC maya month sign: kankin 105TC face numéral: 15 105TR face numéral: 14 111BR maya month sign: muen 105CL face numéral: 16 112TL maya period sign: cycle 105CCLface numéral: 17 112TC maya period sign: cycle 105CCRface numéral: 2 112TR maya period sign: ketun 105CR face numéral: 18 112CL maya period sign: kotun 105BL face numéral: 10 112C maya period sign: tun 105BC face numéral: 19 112CR maya period sign: tun 105BR: face numéral: 12 112BL maya period sign: uinal 112BC maya period sign: uinal 106TL full figure numéral 106TR full figure numéral 112BR maya period sign: kin 106C full figure numéral 106BL full figure numéral 113 rear head of earth monster 106BR full figure numéral 114 sun and stars 107TL full figure numéral 115TL sun and moon 107TR full figure numéral 107C full figure numéral 115R sun 107BL full figure numéral 116L sun 107BR full figure numéral 116R fantastic animal 108TL maya day sign: chou 117TL shield, arrow and flags 108TC maya day sign: chou 117TR shield, arrow and flags 108TR maya day sign: cznab 117BL sign symbolizing movement 108CL maya day sign: caban 108C maya day sign: cib 117BR sign symbolizing movement 108CR maya day sign: ix 118TL turreted wall 108BL maya day sign: ben 118TR shield, arrow and flags 108BC maya day sign: eb 1I8CL turreted wall 108BR maya day sign: imix 118BL brazier I18BR shield, arrow and flags 109TL maya day sign: cubai 109TC maya day sign: kan 119TL brazier 109TR maya day sign: chicchcn 119TR patolli game 109CL maya day sign: cirai 119B sign symbolizing movement 127
120TL chicahuastli, wooden rattle 120TCLchicflIiuûstli, wooden rattle 120TCRchicohuQstli, wooden rattle 120TR chicflhuastli, wooden rattle 121TL sun 121TR sign symbolizing movement 121B chicahuastli, wooden rattle 122 skull 128
J ir^ mi.-n foi .... ..h lh. « ndusrd e t« r pr< i h ial iiicdu and wch pftgt design. The pu <um CMi alu» he mm*iI le pinduce f»»tcird'. ru t.. 1-ttrrv. fl] er 4. ru Thvy tan lie H h .1. >rtr.1 /i 1} ' ii the lu miu irioa de* .. Itfioii ilhisir । •. .inl-prc-. ing it (ht intiudiKtioti । this t • K .i\ । ... ivcLmte lur tuuditioii'- Ai^ga«igMiMicnal ftu graphuthe /werkr («1er 4L» Aiirtgnng genutK n.-nj. । *ounm Ml»* AhhüdnnRer Mnri in \i r<»*unj girf der ‘•elJjrgt'iuici. Graih Il dire kl Min Bruvkrn in «iridAMiitidler Qualiu. nds-T » C*cU4lhtrag von Wrbsltet emsMTet aurh alv Motor fQr Vosikancn ode g 1 ' < Il d»'«i Blltfrr Ifswn *»ch r.ireki m dit .OKisiet ZelCien-, NlklbcatlwUiitig»- lliuMraiinr.s tBtd I Mail Progran'.mt .,-t t-natelkhc Ptngiamnir insilHlerr *cidrn :nihseq ftir die niHxu u 'bmencmngtr* kûnurn rli B i । ennehma iie nltie ni - cocnr, inspiration parc eu* prcçiuc du^nns ald|llt&« Uli CD BQM graillon tfoodr nsllait hxLi» la» IhiKricInnec rn un f.irioio ce du rvs’ilaciur.. rc.n 1<- .pic pvha c-inqpnt mu inipieuun .le ;alt- pm‘i*M.-nal i dHeMr plginai wv i Us imageries pnecrr uti l:tci eniîilume para rtali/àr psiua».-. .. ir cafta». Inllcto», cU nisgeix' ♦ puertrn imnaiLdi Jrsrli .. CD * 'J ntayuru de prograirife di* ll*c:k». uiampulaclOn de lintgcnii dihü|o ratarnleriin de <vxies y lOtrta eirctror tco. »ii irtoulad dr dtllua? tir pm^un.i .nv•Jacôn. En a miy^ru de .<q|u ?r lynrv. (ttiàgepr »e pnedri iipltjr «nohtduataiemo ne fhema gftiuJU Para obicnc; rnfaniuciùii meot de as tutxiiriiinrt de :iLevra |Mgiru *rh Cet ouvrage renferme de aiiperbe» illustrations des- tine. s â servir de re^ource» graphique» uu d’inspira- üon La totalité des images »onl stockées en format haute définition sut le CD-ROM gratuit indus, prêtes a l'emploi en vue de réaliser de» impressions ou page» Web de qualité provisionnelle. Elles permet- tent également de créer des cartes postales ou d'agn menter vo, cnurriei , prospectus ui autre*. Vous pcjtivt ? im, • rter din wjiient â partir du CD dans la phq.-ri application-, de création, manipulation graphique, iUuciruh . traitement de tc«e et mes ig .. qu iucum installation ni . it tAo - nrr Vous pouvez uiil rr k imaçs individuelle un; fvau dan la naâjprite des applications non pro- >nn. • P..MI pren.l tina».-. । . e de ndi- tion d’utib -ui... .euill . . .n-ulter l'intn ducti. .n d. . hvn i,i ; cu» rendre ir noti eu. Wd.
!lf|M I5H» ftW CE AO ' <• Il ' * Z . r. z bf Ht- 7 t «a «»;»rtn » . o * •*« . ww«wr-s»- Questu libro contient immaginï meraviglioM: chc pcjoorn Liséré ucilizzate tome risoisa grafica v corne Junte di ispirazione Tinte le illustrazi^ru »uûo con- tenute nell'allegato rD ROM gratuito, in tarmato ad alta risoluzione e pronie per c-jsere utilizzate per pubblicazioni pre;, .sionali e pagine web. Possono inoltre nsate per créait cartolin” abbcl lire letteru, opu«:> oli, «*ct Dal CD, le immagiri p< «ou e«er<- importât^ du tamente nclla niaggior par! dt* programmi di grafi- । » di rite h । o, lj illmirazionf' di urrittura e di posta elem imita. r«>ii ê richiestn alcun tipo d «n» al- laHiii»- Per la maggior parte delle applit azioni. le •.ing »le immagini f. r-zre ut. r/zati g rat ui ta ment. Consultate l'introduziooe d| quefto libre oppurc il iH/xnj mo Wer - aggiori informazk su ternûni । • mdizi • ii v, >.. w pepinpn a. .vw agilerabbit co. 9 789057 680113