Author: Tilbury A.   Clementson T.   Hendra L.A.   Rea D.  

Tags: english   english grammar   english language  

ISBN: 978-0-521-69777-4

Year: 2010

. .
- -
81 Pre-intermediate
\\ \)D-ROM

Alex Tilbury, Theresa Clementson,
Leslie Anne Hendra & David Rea
Course consultant: Adrian Doff

English . . II .. - . ..  . 81 Pre-intermediate Coursebook with e-Portfolio . Alex TilbJry, Theresa Clementson, Leslie Anne Hendra & David Rea Course consultant: Adrian Doff -  CAMBRIDGE  UNIVERSITY PRESS I I 3 
::: I,'BRIDGE UNIVERSrrY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape -O\l/n, Singapore, s.1io Paulo, Delhi, Dubai, Tokyo Cambridge Univeity Press The Ed nburgh BuilllillY. Cdfllbfllly l.tlL tiKU. UK Information on this title: o Cambridge University Press 2010 This pwlication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. first pLblished 2010 Printed in the United Kingdom at the University P'ess, Cambridge A calalJgue record for this publication is available from the British Library ISBN 978.0.521.69777.4 Pre-intermediate Coursebook with e-Portfolio ISBN 978.0-521.69778.1 Pre.intermediate Self-study Pack (Workbook and DVD-R ISBN 9l8-0.S21.69780-4 Pre.intermediate Teacher', Pack ISBN 9l8.0'S21.69779.8 Pre-imermediate Class Audio CDs Cambridge University Press has no resP'Jnsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this pU:llication, and does not guarantee that ar.y content on such websrtes is. or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices,. travel timetables and other factual information given in this wo<k are correct at the tirre of first printing but Cambridge University Press does nDt guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter, 
Acmowledgements the authors would like (0 thank aU 1M ''tam 0111 CUP for Iheir Ideas. support and tommllrnenl 10 English Unlimited. In particular their editors. -<aren Momber. Greq \ O!."d 'o(l'Ih SCl1\5.. cm6 'OiW"\Q L..."""u":\' \U'l: n 'l'0(''\. on ,'\I.e "'I"  Qi1!o \9f\ t'he')l" 6 it.\!lO \\\o.. \ ''''i't\"y. ""6n<X"o (;.0\\ \Q1 \ u')"\'1o\t""\ t:f\U'f""'i\ ".It.f\'I1 re-m;Jrk,)b\y detal\ed te-edboi.:A:: af'ld Oa'>le W.Uis. Jal'l W'1bs.. AUsof\ Sh.\rpe and Sue UlIslein for rhtlr Idea al"Jd lospirallo,} in the early day;, of Ihis prDjecl Tha1M;s are also due:o Michael Stuart Clark. Oanus! Klimlc.oYJicl. Monica Koorlchh and lIt-hUs lor parhcular tdeas and conlr.buhons. Alex Tilbury Ylould 1.k@10dedlcate his work on English Unlimited to Geoffrey William T. bury. C8rol Tilbury and Stawek Srnolorz. with IDle end thanks David Rea ....,ould like to than"'- the students. teachers. trainers and slalf at IH I<rakow. IH HllOpolis.. IH Buenos AlriP. IH Pari, and IH London 'or all the support. df'Velopmpn! and fun over Ihe years He d also li to thank Emma McLachlan. Ihe rnot beautl'u1 woman In the world. Les1ie Anne Hendr.. would like to thank her 'our tong-time sfudiPnlS bnd friends In Japan Junoto TeraJima. Elko Kanal. Aklko Tsuukl and A(lko Ohno With much appreciahon for all the wonderlul time we spenllogelher Theresa Clementson '''outd likt to thank Anlhony. Sam an Megan lor IJ'I,," IdiPas. 5upport and unwavering confidence. and Cti$lina Rimini lor her he\p and advice on aU maultfs TEFL over the years. The authors and pubUShtn would lib tD th,ank the following teachers for invatuable feedback they prov1dfd wtlon reviewmg draft material: Howard Smith. Merryn Gnmley IUI<I; Marla de los A.r.gclc Velez Guzman (MexlcoJ; JIISi'yna Kubica (Poland): Gin HamlRon ($pollini. "'arbn Goosey (Korea); C.J"thenne Land ICZtch Republic): Ins GraUert. Donna ltel"ieh (Germanyl; Rachel Connaheer IUal't1. Jamelt'a Noder U.:rp..JOI. Amanda G 4 mble (Turk..-y1; and the vanous members of the Cam"ndge AduU Pdnel. Tl'1e authors and publlstlers are also grateful to the 'ollowing contnbutors: Design and page make'up: SIc>phanit Whll02,1 Kamae De!:lgn Piclure research; Hilary Luccock Photography: G,}re-Ih Boden Audio recordings: John Green at Aucllo Workshop and id-l\IJdlo. London The authors and publishers would Ilk. to thank aU of tho.e wtlo took pari in the authentic recording sessions, especially: Annie Genlrl Alba Higgins. David \Val\vlck.. Susanne Neuber.. SiewVlan Chal. Xi Yen Tan, PalAa Porront NaiallC' Krol. Leonardo Soiano. Me93n Rrs.Moo. Me\ ArrtlyO-l<alin. Pham Thl Thant1 An. And Reid Richa Bans1 twI,iIIsha Sutton, Srung Yang. Tom Boyd. Fran Disken. A$lrrd Gonzale.RaNo'.. A.nrr t-v..saki. Anme Gentl!. Marlin Huarte.Esplno5c1.lvan Gladstone. Huna Gon"at..-s-Rabad. The authors and publlsl'1f1rs acknow1.dge the 'ollowing sourCes of copyright material and are gratet\i( for th. permissions granted. 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Goals Language Skills Explore Me and mv life Vocabulary Lletenlng Your lile p7 Kate talks about he-r life p7 . i.,troduce and talk abollt Needs. wi:Jntsi3nd Learnl'lg a language p8 yourself rP"'''ioon''io p8 o talk bout needs. wanls Speaking pages and reasons Talk about your life p7 7-9 Give reasons pC;- Plav Vocabulary Listening Kevword I Talking about music p10 MusIc In Tnnidad and Tobago p1() across cunuru . laLk about musIc Deciding what to do pll Li talks about motorbikes p14 pages . lalk about what to do in Sports al"ld exercise p 13 CuUure shock 10-17 your free time Tal.ung aboul interests pl4 Reading . lalk aboul pasl evel"Jts and Inltrvlcw wllh RlJber Gonz;) lez Wrmng present activities Grammar p12 . write messages 01 requcsl . talk about sport and Present simple. past Raadlng _ listening al"ld information to different exercise simple. present WOMADeialde pll people . talk about your interests progressive p12 ard how they slC3rted Pronuncletlon Speaking TII\I8IICIIvIlJ Word slre$$ pl3 Music and you plO Choose an event to attend p11 Look... 0 Talk about an interest Michollo Sung Wie. Vincent Manlsoe p12 SpeUiog and sounds Sports 81"1d exercise p 13 or. war- Work and studies Vocabulary Listening Kevwonl r Stuay,ng pi 8 lifelol"lQ learning 1'18 hlependellliearnlll!l . talk abollt personal Working (cnd tions p21 Interview at a job agency p22 P<J9"s experience Presenting YOJrseli 1'22 Noticing and recording 18.25 . talk about your stuDies Raadlng coltocatiol"ls . talk abo\J1 your work Grammar The Workplace> chat p20 . JOin a job agency Presel"lt perfe:11 - for Speaking SlleaiII!I experience p 19 . ask people 10 repeat, spell TlrDelII:I1ItIJ Presel"lt perfe:t 2 - with (or Past and present studies p19 things and slow down Have an interview aod since p?l Educational experiel"lces p 19 . show you understand The work q.iz p20 Pronunciation Workiog conditions p21 . take a phone message Sentence slreiS p 19 Life experiences p21 LoolI..'.O Spelling and soul"Jds Word:. with cr. or. -:Jr. -our How's your food:- Vocabul.ry Listening Keyword wlfh G.vlng opinions p26 Planning a barbecue p30 . give opinions Food and meats p27 across cunures pages . talk about food and eating Ordering a mEal p29 Reading Mealtimes 26-33 o order a meal i., a M01klng suggestions pJO In defence of supermarkets 1'27 restaurant Reading and listening Wri1in!I . make suggestions Grammar . glVc and underslal"ld wnUen Nouns wllh J:reposltlOnal Ealing out p28 instruchons Tn"", IICIMIJ phrases p2 0 Speaking Plan a meat Pronuncletlon Where yo. buy food p26 Schwa ,., sO'-"d p29 Food and food shopping p27 LoDII...O Order a meal p29 Spellmg al"ld sOl.mds Describe a recent meal p29 O;.OjI Encounters Vocabulary Listening Keyword 1axls p34 IwO Journeys by taxI p:.J 1llll8Dendlll11la1W1n9 . 1Jse a taxI Getlil"lg a taxi :135 Memorable meetings p38 pages . describe past eveFlts Linking a slor ( p37 English outside the classroom 34-41 . lell a story Slarting a slory p38 Reading . tell a travel anecdote Hock: a la.i driver's btog p36 SlleaIdng Grammar . show inlerest in a Tn"", ICIfIiIJ Pasl progressive p37 Speaking Taxis p34 conversatLon Tell stories about Pronunciation Get a ta.i p35 o dclop a conversation by memorable Senlence stress aod Tell a story: the ten-dollar bIll asking queslions and qivi.,g meetings schwa ,., p35 p37 10l"lger al"lswers LouII...1II 0 Spellil"lg and soul"lds gh a 
GOBla Lang\lage Skills EJlplo.. Monev Vocabulary Listening IeVWOrd ,I Money p47 t..... :] bureau de change p42 . change money Paying for things p43 Thidgo in 'St;:f)Ual1d p43 Across culIDres pages . unlier-=.Io:md instructions on Giving iSGvic-: p46 Advice for visitorc- p Monoy 42-4 a cash machIne o pay for things in differert Grammar Reading wriling places have 10. can ,1&5 Cash machin p42 . write  email or letter . lalk aboul rules and Pronunciation A new kind of bankmg? p44 gIVing advi< e to O!!o visitor obligalions li1klng consonants and 8orrower success stories pll . give advice vowels 1 p43 pl74 _III BClivtty Speaking Give advice to a visitor Cange money p42 auy things p43 Grameen Bank pl.4 look 11II111 0 Success stories p45 SJJctling anQ sounds laws il1 your country p45 -lion. -5510n, -cian Energv Vocabulary Llat&nlng lIeVWOrd, , Housenold (hores p5£J Weather.. Moscow. Kolkata p52 . lalk about present habits TalkIng about habits p51 Fitness, cel"ltre s.urvey p54 Independent learning pagc! . ,..Ik nhOlI' wp",thpf WC3thcr pS'2 Re>ading the> phonem.r rlpt 50-57 . make compansons Expressing preferences p5& Reading o express preferences The tfeadmill. The cycle washer SP881Jng Grammar p50,p12' o spcak more pt!.1iteLY by Brae! HCOVlIY Comparing Ih,ngs p53 Speaking beiog less direct Do a survey Pronunciation WhO does the chores? p50 lOllIl..'" 0 Words with -er and -esl p5'3 Your haits p51 Spellll'1g a"d sout\ds Comparing regions pS3 -able ano -Ible City lire Vocabulary Listening lIeywOrd II The environment p59 I-Iow can I get there? pb1 . make gues,es and Giving O\ctions p61 What should t see? p62 Across cultullS page prediclions Getting tounst Inf«mation Tourism 58-6 o make recommendatiol"ls p62 Reading . give direccions ... urban world in 2050 p58 Wriliag . get inforntauon 10 a tounst Gramm.. Amsterdam Travel GUIde p60 o write a description or a office will, mighl. nay p59 Sp&.klng JJlace Real condilio)nals p60 Brae!8C1iviIV Thtt nVlrUI1"It:"1I 1'59 Get tourist information Pronunciation Life In 2050 p59 lOlMIlllllii 0 linking consonants anD Recommendations p60 Spelling and sounds vowels 2 ,61 Give directions p61 ThingS Vocabulary Listening lIevword by Duying Ihins p66 AI Porlobello Marke. p66 o ask iloout and buy things Describing cb)ects p69 favounte possessions p70 Independem leamll" page!: . describ obJec.\1i. Talking abotJt a Ways £lr reading 66-13 _ding o talk aDOUI possessions p70 Speaking p68 Dlrgel aCUully Grammar Speaking o explain words you don't T4Ilk about a tavDurite some. any p67 k.1Ow possession Passives p69 Ata market staU p67 CliJ' objects JJ69 looka.1n 0 Pronunciation Mysterious oe.cI.s p69 Spelling and sounds Contri)shve ;tress p67 a"' FeelingS Vocabulal'J Listening KeVWOrd 51 . say how yOll reel yawn, laugh .. p74 Just good friends p76 Across edt.res Extreme ad)ecti'les p75 Two friends catch up p78 pagef . give ano respond to Reacting to newS. thanking. Gestures 74-81 different kinds of news apolog;sirg p16 Reading . thank people anti apologlse Asking for n!WS p18 Why do people laugh? yawn? Wl'fti11ll . aSK -ror news cry' p74. p125. p130 . Virile an emdlt or note 01 Grammar Sp&.klng apology TBrIIet BCIIVIIY Present penect 3 - giving Catch up with friends news p77 How d,d you leel? pi!> Role play: JC'dn Paul dnd Pronunclll\\an Racel p71 - Intonation - sppkin9 wi..h What's happened? p77 Spe\b" sounds emollol'1 17 'g e . -<1ge. -- 4 
Goals Language Skills Explore Genmg orgamsed Vocabulary Listening KeJWord make Hotel facilities p82 A room in Kuala Lumpor p83 . book a room and check S.ayiog in a hotel p83 Leonardo and Min's plans p85 IndePIIAdem learning pages inln  holfll Ar..-anging 10 meet up p86 A ch.:mgQ of plan pS6 Impr(lv yrulr lic.tnin!J 82-89 . 'alk about plans and arrangements Grammar Reading SpB8lting . make and chan:;re Future plan and Remember me? p84 . use questions to pre-face an angements arrangernets p85 Speaking Invitations aod reql.ests brget ICtivity PronunclaUon Book a room. ct'leck in p83 LD,* Igllin 0 Arrange to meet up Intonation Ir questions p85 Plans and arrangements pas Spelling ana sounds BU.BW Spaces Vocabula". Listening Kerwonl ,..ere Oescriblng tomes p90 Moving home p91 . talk about homes and Talk about pros and cons Evas problem p94 Across cunures pdges hoosing p93 Nelghbours 90-97 . describe imaginary Solving protiems p94 Reading situatloflS Archilect ollhe lutu..? p92 Wrilltlg . discuss pros and cons Grammar Speaking . write a letter or email or . talk about ways to solve would p91 Describe YOl.r I,ome p91 complaint problem:;. PronunCiation Your ideal home pYl LD,* 11II1111 0 T.,.lIIlctiIitJ/ Groups of wt)rds 1 p93 Le Corbusier.s Ideas p93 SpeRing a"d sounds Talk about a problem Your area: pros and cons p93 ck. k. ch. qu people and places Vocabulal')' Listening KeJWord , Localion p98 Akcbono. sumo wrestler plOD . say where places are OescntJing i country p99 Lech Wa(a. Kra6w plO2 IndIPBndllllt lIIarning pages . descnbe counries Life and ach evements pi 00 Ol.esslng what words mea... 98-105 . talk about people.s lives Expressions wil know p 102 Reading and achievements The Vatica" Cily. Tuvalu p99. Speakutg Grammar p127 o use vague language lIIt IctIvIIJ hrlnltives and gerunds plOI Speaking Tatk about people and Pronunciation Oescrl3e where ptaces are p98 places in your country Stress in verbs p101 Three smll countries p99 LD,* II"" 0 Talk about your hie plOD Spelling and sounds Hopes and plans plO1 -ent. -ant Now and then Vocabulary Listening KeYWOrd "e I-iow I feel about gadgets Electronic gadgets p 106 across cultures o tatk about electronic p 1 06 Chrisline's phone calls pl07 pages gadgets you use Telephone e:presstOns pi 01 Time 106-113 . use tne pho'le In differer'Jt Comparing past and Reading siluauons present plIO plO8 Writing . lalk about past habits and Living your life online p11C . write abotJt a memory states Gremmar Speaking used 10, wotAd p109 brgllt IICIiViIY Gaogels you use pI 06 LD,* BglIlI 0 Pronunciation Role play, phone calls p' 0 I Talk about technology and Groups 01 words 2 P 107 Childhood memories pl09 Spelling and sounds change ei,ey A maner of oPInion Vocabulary Listening Keyword would Expressing opjpions p115 Argument aboul boxing pl14 . I!xpress and respond to Responding to opinions ..1IeP8ltllenllelnitg page opinion:;. pl55 Reading Improve )'0"'1" :;pcohlOg 111.-121 . have a discussion Ways to reduce your kitct1en.s . discuss imaginary Grammar carbon footprint p 116 SllllaUtg situations Real and unreal A new airport pi is e usc expressions to soften . take part in a meeting condltion.ts p117 Spe...lng OplOlOOS and disagreements TtIrIJet BctlvIIJ Pronunciation Give opinions pl15 Have a debate: Groups 01 \Wrds 3 P 117 Agree and disagree p115 100. II"" 0 Nandil'-s blog p116 Spelling and sou"ds Our carbon rootprint pl17 .Ie, .er. -al. -ul activities pages 122-131,BnIn... msrenclBIUI uraCUCc pages 132-142, SCItp1s J ges 1'3-158 5 
How to use this coursebook  r L - Every unit of this book IS divided into sections. with clear, practical goals for learning. ,-.  ....-'-.................1 f ' Th.... first four p::tgpc::. of tho unit ht')lp yOL build your language skills and knowledge. These pages include speaking, lislening, reading. writing, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation activities, They are followed by a Target activity which will help you put together what you have learned. --- - -. ------- -.-- .---- ---.. --- .  -=-- ",==5-. ::- - -=..---- '. m -.=.... -.':r=.------ ._----_._- _. -.------- -. ----- .- _. . - ;. ;-  ,.. . ----.- -. -=:=-- C ..,... ri , ........'4__"'........__ I ......_"'....009fY..... . ....,.._II...,....__ , 1-'0 ..'-......__. '11111....,..._...  "",,__......... "_.h,"",,_, ._. ..._, ...n._1 :a 1tIo...h""",,"I"'" The Explore section of the unit begins with a Keyword. which looks at one of the m)st common and useful words in English. It also inc.udes either an Across cultures or an Independent learning section, and then an Explore speaking or Explore writing task. The Explore section gives you extra language and skills work. all aiming to hctp you become a better communicator in English and a more effective learner " \1 The Look again section takes another look at the target language for the unit, helping you to review and extend your learning, Sometimes you will also find this "ecyclmg symbol with the goals. to show when a particular goal is not new but is recycling language that you have met before. o This symbol shows you when you :an hear and practise the correct pronunciation of key language. using the audio DVD-ROM. The e-Portfolio DVD-ROM contairs useful reference material for all the units. as well as self-assessment to help you test your own learning. and Wordcards to help you test your vocabulary learning. ,......J.. En. sh Unlimited You can do more p-actice by yourself using the Self-study Pack, which includes a workoook and interactive DVD-ROM. . -- --.- .......- . ..._-a_ . .... --D- . -a- I 81=::- The DVD-ROM contains ideo and over 300 hteractive activities, """" -- ,-- 8 
Inlro goals introduce and ta k about yourself talk about needs, wants and reasons Me and mv life 1 t " . " t, ..,.... . .. '1 t -; I'm from onawa 1 Introduce yourself to your group. Hi. my name's Kate Mori. I'm from Ottawa in Canada .t....  :\ L7t" L.. I:L!'lTP .." ... .-r.. ..a r.: ." the RldHu GItMt. art...... -.. ...-. \.  .,... - ..  . ., "1. '1 IIW' f) 1 I \ \ J --  ..... - ,.  0 1J!or  till DI m .,., , "\ -. -...::- ....   -"' '''' "-.- =--'-'". -7  _, .:.s--d ;..zo"""A. cc.c9: '.... '* <"'..;- I LISTENING 2 a Look at the pictLres from Kate's life. What can you guess about her: family? 2 work? 3 free b .... Listen to check your ideas. VOCABULARY 3 Complete Kate's sentences..... Listen again to check, YJur life 1 I live with m) husband, Masao. 5 I speak n. 8 I like.., 2 We have ... 6 I'm studying ... 9 I play on 3 I'm;)... 7 I'm interested in ... 10 I go.., " Iwork,n , Add more words to each group. family members jobs languages study subjects sports and hobbles husband teacher English art history tennis SPEAKING 5 a Think of five thirgs to teU other student about yourself. b Talk to each other in groups. Ela's from Poland. She speaks Polish. English and Spanish. 6 How much can YJU remember about the people in your group? J 
11'.18 Ir«'1  I reallv 100110 ... " .. ""- .\   " .. I<dlc, Kernal and Sun.Hi are aI.1 learning languages. LlS'tEN.lN.G VOCABULARY Needs. wants and reasons B 8 ,- ..... , - ,  Kemal from Tur/cey , a, WD Can '1IJu remember what language Kate is leaming"! Why do you think she's learning it? Listen to check. b . EJ Liste, again. Does Kate learn at home or go to a class? Why? 2 a. EJ Now .isten to Kemal and Sun-Hi, t What la1guages are thC'y learning? 2 Who s learning for work? Who's learning for fun? b . EJ Liste, again. What exactly does each person want to do in the language? 3 Read the sLripts on pt43 to check your answers in 1 and 2. , Who says these things: Kate, Kemal or Sun-Hi? t I need English for my work, Sun-Hi 2 I sometimes need English for my studIes. :> I don't need English for traveL l. I need to practise my writing. 5 One cay I want to watch Spanish films. 6 I really want to talk with my husband's family. 7 I'd like to have a real conversation with them. e I'd really like to go Ie Spain. 
SPEAKING 5 Complete these sentences with because or so. 1 I'm learning Japanese Pe.'que I want to talk with my lusband's family. 2 I didn't want to stop studying, _I started going to classes. 3 I'm learning Spanish I like it. I, I have a job with an international company, _ I need Enqlish for my work. 6 a Why are you leanmg English? Think about why you need it and what you'd like to do. b Talk together. Which reasons are the most common and the most interesting? I need English for work because I travel a lot. I'd like to watch Amercan films. so I need to improve my listenmg 7 a Read 1-8. Write uestlons. Do you want to mve to another city or town? Find someone who: 1 wants to mcve to another city or town. 2 WOUld like to change Jobs. 3 always neecs a coffee first thing in the morning. 4 likes modern art. 5 wants to run in a marathon. 6 would like to have more free time. 7 is interested in motorbikes. 8 goes to night school. b Make two more questions for the people in your class. 8 a Talk to different people. Ask each other questions and us because or so to give reasons. Becduse most of my fdmily and friends are here. b In pairs, tell each other what yOU learned about the people in your class.  'I II -.. = ..  Self-assessment an you do these things In EngllSh?CJa number '. , ,. = ' " " , . = . n do this well. . introduce and talk about y.urs . talk about needs. wants and rea!ons 1 II 
Plav USTENING Natalie talks about music in Trinidad and 10'c20, where she grev> up. VOCABULARY Talking about music SPEAII;ING . 10 1.1 goals talk about music tatk about what to do in your free time Local music 1 Talk together. 1 Do you listn to music a lot? 2 What types of music do you like? 3 Can you ploy any instruments? t L ,,"--":-  . -t ""  A h, " lhe sf ,rums 2 .  listen to Natalie and anSwer the questions. Do people in Trinidad and Tobago only listen to local music, or music from around the world? 2 WhICh instruments in the pictures 6es Natalie talk about? 3 a Which instrument does Natalie play now? Which doesn't she play? Why? b ..xI Listen again to check. 4 a Natalie mentions these types of music. Can you think 01 any more? Cuban music. reggae, classicaL. calypso, salsa, rumba n b What types of music are popular where you live? 5 Match 1-7 with a-g and complete the sentences from Natalie's interview. 1 I learned how to play the steel drum when a calypo. 2 I would love to  able to b play classical piano. 3 I was brought up to c Cub"n music. 4 Nowadays I play more d I was a little girL 5 We have o\"r own instrument called  e Latin America. 6 We have a local music called "f pl.Jy it again. 7 Calypso IS simitar to music from '--g the stee\ <lrum. 6 Write four or fi1e sentences about some of these things. Use the highlighted expressions from 5. 7 . music in your country . a special instrument in you' country . a type 01 mu;1C you like . music in your childhood . music in your life now . something you'd like to lea-n Talk to each other about music in your country and in your life. Ask questions to lind out more. I learned how to play the guitar when I was a teenager. 
READING AND lISTENING noR" Music around the world 1 Read the online programme for WOMADeiaide on Sunday Do you know any of the performers? Wh ch would you most like to see? . C) ...r WOl\D!World of Mo,I" AttIind DiO,r! orgui!.C'J mtC'mAtion.1 maSK frnivAl1 in DVtrtwemg (oootrif'!. At WOMADelalde, you can enjoy the magical sonds of the planet in the sunshine with friends and family. (Kids under 12 are free,) Come for a night, a day, or for the whole three days. VOCABULARY Deciding what tc do MADelaide Cesaria Evora - Cape Verde Cesaroa Evora's beaut.ful songs are sung In Creole Portuguese and originate from traditional Portuguese and Brazilian music. foumanl Dlabate's Symmetric Orchestra - Mali More than any other kora player, Toumani Oiabate has brought the uniQuc 21-strirg West African harp to people around the world. Mista Savona - Australia This 13-piece group - including some of Jamaica's best singers together with leading AustralIan mU51clans - brings a huge and excIting reggae sound to the stage. lIfII TlMfNW STMES ill m ur lf1"AP .. .. q, BOTANIC PARK, ADELAIDE SUNDAY 12.00 - .OO The Beautiful Girls - Australia Singer- songwrlter-gulta-Ist Mat McHugh started The Beautiful Girls ,n 2002, but the band has changed a lot since then. Their musi takes in hip.hop and reggae, soul and pop. Terem Quartet - Russia Putting new life into Russian folk music, the Terem Quartet's perfornances are full of fun and incredible musical energy_  , ,I JOHN Do you want to..!l!1..-? CAMERON Sure, if we can get tickets for a day or a night. 2 J Why don't we _ online? c OK. hang on a minute. 3 J Mlsta Savona looks mterestlng, c Hm.l'm not really _ reggae. SPEAKING ..... 2 . "listen to two friends at work. Cameron and John, talking about the programme. Which performers do they talk about? Whic do they both want to see? J a Complete the sentences from the conversation with word, from the box I see have a loo good idea  gel into I 4 J What do you think about this? The Terem Ouanet? c The folk? Yeah, that sounds_ 5 J Do you want me to _ if there are any tickets? c Good_. 6 J Maybe we could _ a group together. c Yeah, it would be a good laugh. b ..u listen aga n to check. 0 , Work in pairs. Take turns to say the first lines in 1-6 and remember the responses, 5 a Work alone and choose: 1 two performers from the programme that look interesling. 2 twO performers you don't want to see. b In groups, decide: 1 one performer you'd all like to go to. 2 who will boo the tickets. 3 where \0 meet 6 Tell the class what you decided. Which are the most popular performers in the class? Which arc the least popular? 11 
1.2 goals An unusual atlliets  ta\k about past events and present activities talk about sport and exerCise READING 1 Read the introdLction to an interview, Whafs unusual about Ruben? An interview with Ruben Gonzalez At school, Argentina's Ruben Gonzalez was not a natural athlete, However, at the age of 21, he started doing the Olympic sport of luge and, four years later, he represented Argentina at the Calgary Winter Olympics. How did he do it? ....Rubt /Coday o ,- · LI' . - ...... ,: .. , .... Rllbfn al die 2002 Wimer Olympics 2 Read the interview with Ruben on p13 and answer the questions. I Why did Ruben decide 10 become an Olympic athlete? 2 Why did he choose the luge? 3 How many VYinter Olympics was he in? 4 Whafs his job now? 3 Read the interview again. Why is luge a difficult sport? Find three reasons. , What do you think about Ruben? What do you think about what he's done? GRAMMAR Fresent simple. past simple. present progressive 5 Complete 1-3 in the table with the corr ect time expressicn from the box. I at the moment .soeli, ,,s in 1988 I Now complete 4-9 with are, do, didn't, don't, 'm not, did. 6 present simple I past simple I wert to the Olympics 2 T When '_ you go to the  lympi CS? I I. _ go in 1998. 7 a Complete the questions with the correct form of the verb in [brackets). 1 What sport tfid_ Ruben pli1Y at school? (play) 2 Why _ e _ the luge? !choosel 3 When _ luge athletes usually _ training? (strt) 4 How last _ a luge _ ? (gal 5 How olten, _ he _ ? (practisel 6 Whal he these days? (dol I present progressive o I I  I still practise on the luge ' ometimes . I'm maki1g a film 3 _ !-ow often '__ you practise? What' mOment' you doing at the I Q , I 7_ practise at weekends. 1'_ doing anything. Grammar reference and practice, pt32 b Write two more questions to ask a partner about Ruben. C How much can you remember? Ask and answer all the questions. ING B a Look at the photos. What can you guess about the peopli!? b Work in Al8 pairs. A. read about Michelle on B. read about Vin:ent on p128. Follow the . C Tell each other about Michelle and . . ... .JiC helle Sung Ie J 
Interviewer So, Ruben, how did you gN into Ihpluge? RulJen Wpll, al school, I couldn't jump high or run fast. I played football bUT I wasn't very good. IT was really sad I But when I was ten, I saw the Olympics On TV for The first time and I loved it. And later, when I was 21, I saw Scott Hamilton win an Olympic mcdal in figure skating. Scott's about 155 cm tall and weighs about 50 kilos, and he gave me hO)e. I thought: if that little guy can do it, I can d3 it too. So I dedded to be an Olympic ch.,mp:on - but I had to find a sporr. It's true, I'm not a great athlete. but I never give up. I try again and again. So I chose the luge because people get hurt a lot, people often break bones - ninety percent of them give up. And I thoughT, well, I don't give up, so I have a chance. Interviewer MOST Olympic luge athletes star training aT 12. You sTarred aT 21, bUT you've competed in Three Olympics. Ruben Yes. I started in 1984. I wenr to the WinTer Olympic, in Calgary in 1988 and in A1bemI1e in 1992. Thpn, nparly Ipn years later, myoid coach phoned me up and said "Argentina needs you!" So at age 39, I competed in the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Ol}mpics. Interviewer What's it like to luge down a mountain aT 90 miles an hour? Ruben Well, at Ihat speed, you don't haw lime 10 think. The luge is very sensitive. If you hiccup, you Qln crash. And when you finish, you have TO sit up and SlOp the luge by purring your feeT on the ice. It rakes a couple of hundred meues to stop because you finish the run at about 80 miles an hour. I still practise 3n the luge somerimes and I'm frightened on every run. Interviewer And what do you do these days? Ruben I'm a morivaTional speaker. I ralk abouT my experiences and how to be successfuL I'm making a film about success at the momenr. We're interviewing a lot of business people, philosophers. athletes, HoUyw,)od people. It's very interesting. Phvsical activities 0  B G -" e ,., \ ... - I \ ,. - E G ";J «a,... -- ...  -- , VOCABULARY Sports and exrcise 1 a Match the activities with the pictures A-I. aerobics hockey karate running skiing swimming tenris volleyball yoga I play hQ,ckey b Match the activities with the verbs 1-3. 3 I go n. 2 I do n' C Can you think of more activities for verbs 1-3? PRONUNCIATION 2 a How many syllables are there in the words in 1 a? Word stress Where's the stress? Put the words in g roups. I 00 1 I Doc> I 000 3 I hockey b .  Listen to check. 0 SPEAKINO 3 When I was at college. I did aercbics. [id you like it? In groups. ask and answer the questions. Find out more. 1 What activities do you do? 2 What do you watch? 3 What did you do when you were younger? 13 
Target activity Talll about IT interest '- talk about past event. and prownt acl,vltl.. {} talk "bout your Inle,.SIS anI! how lhoy st.arted L, from I:ngtand ....  TASK LISTENING 1 Which of these things are you interested in? Why? Talk together. fashion books motorbikes cars sports computers cooking travel art history music photography science cinema politics 2 .  Listen to Li talking about her interest in motorbikes. Where does she like riding her motorbike? 3 a Can you remember what Li says about: 1 when she was a child and a teenager? 2 why she decided to start riding a motorbike? 3 her motorbike tessons? 4 what she likes about being on a motorbike? b I  Listen again to check. TASK , Make six sentences from the interview with Li. Which are about the past? Which YOCABULARY are about now? Talking about 1 It started when  a learn someth...g ne,or interests 2 I really got into b going fast. 3 I really wanted to c I was a kid. 4 The great thing about it is, d motorbikes e _s a teenager. 5 I"m not interested in e it doesn . ta"e-rT to learn. 6 For me, I speed . TASK 5 a Choose someth ng really interested in. Jh, - ese questions. 1 When and how did your interest start? 2 How did you feel about it when you starte I really got into 3 How do you feel about it now? Why do cooking when I 4 How much time does it take? When was a teenager b Tell each other about your interests.. AM . ore. 6 Would you like to try any of the gs I 14 
EXPLORE Kevword so 1 We use so before a result, like this: My fir!':t h?Y,[".:.crd :18d a rcd.!.lv nice bikf!: 80 Wf!: wp.nt. rttJ\t'lg in t.hp r.onntryAiop A 1nt nnJ.t  Add so to the correct place in each sentence. so 1 I thought. well. I don't give up A I have a chance. UMI 2 A sleel drum's about a metre high I cou ,dn't really travel with it. Unit 1 3 I have a job with a large international ccmpany I need English for my work. Inlr. um' 4 Masao's interested in art too we usually go to galleries together.ln"oun" 2 a What important decisions have you made in the last five years? Write three sentences with so. I wanted a better job, so I started studying at the local college. b Listen to each other's sentences. Ask ques:ions to find out more. What did you tudy? 3 Make four conversations and then practise in pairs. Take turns to say 1-4 and reme11ber a-d. 1 00 you need to work late lonig hI? _______ a 2 Du yuu lhink. irU Idlll tUIIIOIIUW? - It 3 What's the capital of Morocco? Is it Rabat? c 4 00 you think the bank's open now? d Yes. I think so. but Cas<Jblanca's much bigger. rill r edlly Iii ed IJul yes. I supPQse SQ II guess so. I hope so, This we;tther's too hot for me. No. I don't think so. They usually close at four. , a Write three questions for a partner about these topics. Use: 00 you think ... ? . food and drink . sport . musIc . the weather b Ask and answer the questions. Try to use the expressions in 3 00 you think chocolate is good for you? I hope so. I eat lots of it! Across cultures Cullure ock I W,,,I do you think happen:> when people mDve to a new country or culture? M"ke three sentences. 1 At first a .ife is difficult "nd you miss your home 2 After a few days or weeks b rou start living normally. 3 After a while c rou think everything is great. Read the article to check. 00 you agree wi I' the ideas? t}h {cI!: ..... ravoriC5 lods t:e"p Addrs 'hVW articloslcultureshock I ¥ !aGo ....," 1\ )f Artioc I D,SCUSS1OI\ I ('"ILogIrw' Culture Shock When people movelD a foreign coun.ry. 'he often get culture shock. This has Ihree diff9fent stages, lhough not everyone is in the new cutture long enough to go through a1l three. . Stage 1 At first, people often feel that tt.e differences between the o1d and new culture are Interesting and exciting. They may lall,n love with lhe n.w foods, the lifestyfe, people's habits, lhe buildings. and so on. . Stell" 2 After a few days. weeks or morlhs, many people slart 10 have problems. They may Ihink a 101 about Ihe" old cuttur. and flfld It diHlcui! to corrlmunicate with people. They miss the food from their own country, they feel Ihallhe lifestyle is 100 fasl or too slOw, they get angry al people's habits, and so on. . Stage 3 After a while, the new culture starts to feel 'normal" and not 'new'. Peoe understand that it flas 9000 and bad things to offer. Trrcy start thinkhg about day-to-ouy liVing, as they did In their origi"la1 cutture. - Think about the questions. Then talk together, using the highlighted expressions in the article to help you. 1 Have you (or people you know) ever had culture shock? What happened? 2 What things do people usually like when they come to your country? What things can be difficult for them? 3 Have you ever gone to live, work or study in a new place? Would you like to? 4 What things were new for you? How did you feel about them? Did you get used to them? 15 
I I EKPlOH Writing 1 Look at the photo. Whafs wrong with Cameron? How do you think he feels? 2 a Read the emails. What will Cameron do for the next few days? Why? 2 What arc the names of: his froends? his client? 3 What does he arrange to do next week? b Which emails are more formal? Which are less formal? 3 a What expressions do Cameron, Marc anj Pam use to begin and end their emails? Make two lists. Beginning Ix41: Dea r Marc.., no Ending Ix51: Reg,ards, f;ameron ClarklL .n b Which expressions from 3a would you use when writing to these people? Compare your ideas. . someone in your family . a friond . your manager . a client . someone you don't know , a Cover the emails. Can you complete the sentences with these expressions?  drop by changing our appointment give me a call take a few days off If so over lunch Requests 1 Would you mind _ to Monday or Tuesday next week? AnyJime is fine. 2 When you see John, could you tell him to ? 3 Is it all right if I _ _ _ tomorrow, orwould you prefer to be alone? Invitations 4 Would you like to join me at Chez Mi:hel at one o'clock? We could talk about the project 5 Do you want to meet up this evening- barbecue maybe? _ let me know. 6 I have to . How about dinner next week? b Look at the emails to check. 5 Write short emails for these situations. Invite a friend to meet you somewhe-e. Give the date, time and place. 2 Cancel an appointment with a client. Give the reason, suggest a new time, and invite her I him to lunch. Exchange emails with a partner. Write a short reply to each one. 6 7 Look at all your emails together. 00 you think they have the correct style? 16 Goal , , 9 write messages 01 u.5I.ncI InVllab911 to different people .... ...' ! ' I ....1 " .. I' I "  ( , fI ,. f -, ;:;..  . -=:'-I .... .... '. - , ;;.  - ...-   : . . Dear Marc, rm very SOrTY but 1 havC to cance1 our . t for tod a y I'm not welL Would you IIppOlntmen . mind changing our appointment to Monday or luesClay neJet week' Any Lime is fme. Regards, Cameron Clarke Hpllo Cameron, I'm sorry to hear you". no' feeling well. Tuesday next week is fine Witt me. Would you like to join me at Che Michel at 3nc o'clock? We could talk about the proJect Ove' lunch. eet well SOOn. Best wishes, Marc Hi Cameron. Do you want to meet up this evening - barbecue maybe? If so, let me know. John and Jen are coming too. love, Pam n,.", o (gct;: DMot. "M' ........... ...... Pam, Really sorry but J woke up thic; morning with a cold and feel terrible. I heve to take a rew cays off. How about dinner neJilt week? Cameron. PS When you see John, could you tell him to give me a call? .JIJ You poor thing! Yes, rext week will be good. 15 It all FIght ,f I drop by tomorrow. or would you prefer to be alone? Take care. P :.J 
look again 0 Review VOCABULARY Music, sports and exercise --- 1 ;II Work How many words or expressions can you think of: 1 connected with music? jazz. instrument ... 2 lor sports and exercise? swimming, yoga... b .EI Listen to eight instructions. Write down your answers - but don't write them in order. ( Look at each other's answers. Can you guss what they mean? , . Wrestling ... Do you like watching wrestling on 1V? GRAMMAR Question patterns 2 a Put the words in order. Write the questions in the table, 1 like do What you doing In the evening? 2 Can ride you a motorbike? 3 did Where go you to school? 4 reading you Are anything interesting at the moment? 5 you would What places like to visit in luture? · Questian word 1 What Auxiliary Subject Verb verb do you like dOln1 In the evening? Can 2 - b Vlrite two more questions to ask a partner. Then ask and answer all the questions. CAN YOU REMEMBER? Intre unit - Needs, wants 3 a Complete the conversations with 'd like, walt, need. A I can't find my bank card. B I think you _ to phone the bank. 2 A Hello. Can I get you somethIng? B Yes, I _ some cake and a coffee, please. 3 A Shelll we go out tonight? B No, I_I _ to stay at home. There's a good film on TV. b Vlrite sentences about things you'd like, want or need to do: . alter this lesson . tomorrow . next weekend . next week . next year ( Listen to each other's sentences. Give more information. Well, alter the lesson r d tike to go home and relax .. ... but actually I need to go back to work! Extension SPELLING AND SOUNDS or, 'Nor- I. ;II.  Listen and repeat the words with or and wor-. or with stress I:J:I or without stress hI wor- IW3:1 sprt brn mtorbike dctor work b Add these words to the correct group. Practise saying them. forget morning word orchestra visitor wo-Id ( . tIIID Spellcheck. Close your book. Listen to ten words with or and wor- and write them down. d Look at the script on pI" to check your :;petting. NOTICE Extreme adjectives 5 a Find the adjectives in this unit which mean: really good. special: mgi 'al ,u _ e. . e. (the festival programme on plll 2 rcally nice: 1_ _yo (Natalie's script on p1431 3 really good, great: a _ g (Cameron and John's conversation on p143] 4 really interesting: f. _g 5 really frightening: t _ g 6 reallybad:t_e (the interview with II on p 143-41 b Think about how to describe some things and people you really like or don't like, for example: . a musician . a boo. . a 1V programme . a sportsperson . a 'ilm . a politician . a place . an activity C Tell each other your ideas. Do you agree? Self-assessnent Can you do these th"9s in En9lisha rumber . e i.. = _1',1 II andot"iswe l . .'allcaboltrl ic . . 'al about ...t to do .n your free t I ,. . talk about sport and exerc se . a '<. about past ever 5 a,d presert 31.1 5 .talk abOIt ro" i. er 5 a,d t.'V '''1ey I a rt'ea . M'i e ne 5Qges of requ' -;nd i..vitatlo '" to d fert people . For"'" . eerds. ...nee  ....11'II yaw....-I( .. e-90rtfalo . Formorw practice» Pack. Unit f 11 
, \ I II 2.1 goals 'aUt about personal experience e talk about your studieS Work and studies LISTENING Lifelong learning 1 Ask and answer the questions. 1 A\ what age do people in your country usually do lhese things? . start school . go \0 coUege or univerSIty . do exams . do military service . start work . re\ire 2 What do you think are Itle best ages to do them? Read the introduction to a radio programme. Is this true of people where you live? 2 - 'W. In rMAY' prooramme. we'n be takina a look at lifelona \c.e.ming In th40 P. 1>QOP'Q want \0 &cho01 Qnd maybA IUllvelbity. then tlJeY got a Job and :hat was it. Today, however, an tl1at IS changmg, Many pt'Ople are ccnnmirf\\j to study an their lives and some ale going back to school or uruversitY wben t.1)e</ i!{e much )loeJ, . . , - , ; ','I ,.f: ... ,, \. \' ' :" "- \ - f oil VOCABULARY Studying 18 ... Luis P\t!rre Margaret 3 .  Listen to interviews with three students, Luis, Pierre and Margaret. \ Mat'(,h them with pictures A-C. 2 Who: a started studying after they retired? b works and studies at the same time? c went to college after working lor 20 years? o . C !  ' I f l _ I , .. "l f 'f t ', t, <, " \1 , , - "  .. , . . ... - .. r ---  "..  . J -  . ;' ..  ,.. \-to., .....  r " .." , .. $"" < , .... 14 .,\, ...... ':..., - '  "" , a Can you remember tne answers to these questions? Luis 1 What does he do? 2 What are his plans It'r the luture? Pierre 3 Why didn', he like school? 4 Why does he enjoy his studies now? Margaret 5 Why dil! she jom the U3A? 6 How is the U3A dltterem trom other universities? b . aD Listen again to check. 5 Do you know 3nyone with similar stories to Luis, Pierre or Margaret? Talk together. 6 a Who mentions these subjects? What do they say aboulthem? Spanish IT skills archaeology history maths science rTIUSIC art b In groups, add more subjects to the list. Then compare as a class. geography, Ff'!!nch .n 
exams I J degree a thesis an IT sk lis course college. a-deeto.ollC' courses degrees School SPEAKING GRAMMAR Present perfect 1 - fer experience Grammar reference iilnd practice, p133 PRONUNCIATION , Sertence stress I SPEAKING 5 7 a Complete the sentences from the interviews with words or expressions from the box 1 I'm doing .a.dec,tpra te in archaeology. 2 I'm writing _ on my work in the Amazon 3 I passed my _ - just! 4 I wanted \0 do in art. S I applied 10 some _ 6 I gol into the of Art and Design in Limoges. 7 We don't do exams or get _ . 8 I've done _ in music, local history and Spanish 9 last week I signed up for _' b Which words in the box in 7a can go with these verbs? do get pass I fail do a degree. do a doctorate u' S Write five sentences about your past or present studies. Use the expressions in 7a, 9 Listen to each other's sentences. Ask questions 10 find out more. Last year I did a course in marketing. Where did you do il? I've done ... 1 Look at Ihe sentences from the interview with Pierre and answer the questions. I've always enjoyed art. 2 I didn't like a lot of subjects al school. In which sentence is he talking about: a only the past? b his whole life up to now? 2 a Complete the sentences with have, has, 've, haven't, hasn't have I has + past participte  What kind of course!> _ you done? o I've done courses in mUSIC, local history and Spanish. = I choose things I studied before. = I _ never been very good with compulers. [ as she ever studied Spanish? Yes, she _' I I No, she - b .  Listen to check. 0 3 Complete the questions with the past participles of Ihe verbs in (bracketsl, 1 What subjects have you always e,njpyed? (enjoy) 2 What subjects have you always _ good at? (bel 3 What's the most useful subject you've ever _? (study) 4 Who's the best teacher you've ever _ _? (have] 5 Have you ever _ a course in your free time? (dol 6 Have you ever _ a thesis or a very long essay? (writJ 7 Have you _ a lot of exams in your life? Idol 8 What's the most difficult exam you've ever _? (pass] You can look up irrgular past participles on p160,/rregular verbs. a . DE) We stress the most important words in a sentence (often question words, nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs!, Listen 10 Ihese questions from 3 and practise. 1 Wht sbjecls have you lways enjyed? 2 Wh:t subjects have you lways been go"od at? b Look at the other queslions in 3. Decide which words should be stressed and underline them..UB Then listen and compare, Ask and answer the questions in 3. Ask questions to find out more. I've always lO\.ed mdths. . Why? DId you have good teachers al school? 19 
I I I 2.2 goals A great place to work:» talk aboul personal experience '.J 10 lalk about \'Our work SPEAKING 1 a Use the wor< quiz to interview each other. Give reasons for your answers. .J' 10., ', , , .. ... II ... l-<> , . I  ., The work quiz What would be your Ideal job? Would you prefer to: 1 (al work for a big ccmpany? (b) work for a small company? (el be self-employed? 2 (al have a full,time job? Ibl have a part.time job? (el work whenever you want? 3 Ia) work in an office Ibl work outdoors? lei work at home 4 lal work alone? Ibl work with the same people every day? lei often work with different people? 5 lal have a well-paid pb? (bl have an inleresting job? (CI have a JOb which Mips olner people? Lj1M r t  ..»..-" \ ."" \). _ .,;;n.  b For each question 1-5, what's the most common answer in the class? Are your recsons the same? READING 2 Read four web poslings by peopLe who work for esp, a company which designs and sells cOTlpuler software. Who s generally happy at eSP? Who's not happy? , tk tdl  'orRef l«b tte\:l A1a'u www.[heworkpl&c:/chatroom v CJGo Lm No The Workpiece > chat 1 Posted by: Marco l I've worked here since 2008 when I left college and I quite like it. I work in the IT department and there's a nice atmosphere. E_eryone's easy to work with, frIendly - it's a bit like a family really. I'm alwavs busy but we have flexible working hours: sometimes I'm here from 7 to 3, sometimes from 10 to 6. That's good when YOJ've been out the night before I The pay's good too. VICW 2 rephes to this comment .. 2 Posted by: noname99  J I've only worked here for a couple of months but I already hate it. The people In IT never seem to do \ ' any work. There's one young guy who's always late, and that can be reall difficult. The management ""V Isn't very good either. They dJn't listen to you and they're often nol here or 100 busy to lalk. So _ , basically. it's a terrible place to work and I'm looking for a new job. View 3 reolies to this comment 3 posted by: Laurenl0l I I 1 - I I've been wjth the :;;]Ie:; tC,Jm ,Jt CSP for three months and it's i1 great place to work. My bo::; I:; the ."   best - she's never here, alwa)'s away on buslns tripsl But seriouslv, the atmosphere here's pretty  relaxed because we often don't have a lot to do, and we probably spend a bit too much lime surfing . Ihe Internet and havmg long lunch breaks. The pay's not great, but It's enJugh for now. View 10 .V I r.ep1ies to this commp-nt 4 Posted by: Lydia I started working here about three years ago. The job's Interestmg bul it can be quite stressful because I work w,lh the sales team. They make a lot of mistakes, and the' I have to fix them. The pay's not great - I never have any mcney al the end of the month! But lhe benefils are OK - I gel C. - four weeks' holiday a year and free health care. No reolie..c; to this commert 20 
I I VOCABULARY Working conditions SPEAKING I lIat's your job like? It's reat, because we 1ave flexible working hours n. .. GRAMMAR Present perfect 2 - with for and since GfiI.,mar reference :II .d practice, p133 SPEAKING fou've been a teacher for five years, right? No, only two. Oh, sor)', two ears, What do (JU teach? 3 Read the postings again. Who: 1 is in lhe sales team? 2 sometimes hs problems because of the sales team? 3 is in the IT department? 4 isn't happy with the IT department? 5 doesn't have a lot of work? 6 came to CSP alter college? 7 wants to leave CSP? 8 doesn't say anything about money? Who do you thin would be good to work with? Who could be difficult to work with? Why? , 5 Complete statements 1-6. Then read the postings again t3 check. We have flexible working a I never have any money at the end hours: of the month' 2 The management isn't b Iget four weeks' holiday a year and very good either. free health care. 3 The benefits Jre OK - c They don'tlisten to you. 4 The pay':; not grcat d and rm looking for a new job. 5 It's a terrible place to work e everyone's easy to work with. 6 There's a nice atmosphere. f sometims rm here from 7 to 3. sometims from 10 to 6. 6 a Think about how to describe some of these things with th expressions in 5. your job now 2 jobs in your past 3 jobs of people you know b Talk together. I've worked here for ... 1 Look at the sentences from the postings. Marco rve worked here since 200S. Lauren101 rve been with the sales team at CSP for three months. 1 When did Marco and Lauren start working at CSP? 2 Do they work there now? 3 Complete a and b wIth for and since: a You can use _ to say when something started (Monday. last month, 70081. b You can use ._ with a period of time la week, three months, five yearsl. 2 a Write four sente1ces about yourself on a piece of paper. Use the ideas below with for and since. Then give your sentences to your teacher. rve worked at.n rve been a... rve lIVed In ... rve known.n I've studied n. rve had my... I've worked at m) present company for about five years. b Listen to each set of sentences. Can you guess who wrote them? 3 Talk in groups. What can you remember about each other from 2? Ask questions to find out more.  fit c-  \- 21 
Target activitJ Have an interview 2.3 goals talk about personal expenence '::, talk about your studies CO talk about your work 0 let Findajob help you find your dream job. Simply give us your ev and come in tor an interview and we'll find the best job tor someone with your skills and interests. You'll get experience with some of the wor d's best organisations and have the freedom to work how you want to, We can find JOU a job with a permanent or temorary contract and you can work full-time or p<Jt-time - the choice is yours! TASK LISTENING 1 II '.... ,. '-J/' r  2 . II. .. .. 3 Lauren Go"don has left CSP I and is looking for a new Job. She has ar inlerview allhe , Firn3ajob agenq. Read the advErt for a job agency. 1 Do many people use job agencies where you live? 2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a jOb agency? 3 Have you or people you know ever used a job agency? 11m) Listen to part of Lauren's interview. In what order does the intervIewer ask about these things? o experience in sales !II qualifications in catering [J strenglhs and weaknesses Olangu3ge" o computer kills o driving licelce a Can you remember if these sentences are true or false? Lauren: 1 brings her CV with her true 2 only wants to work in catering. 3 has her Food Safety certificate with her. " speaks some French and Spanish. 5 left CSP bcause she wasn't happy there. 6 says she t as no weaknesses. b . 1m) Listen again to check. TASK , a What does Lauren say in her interview? Match 1-8 with a-h. VOCABULARY 1 I"ve got experience in work for a big company. a Presenting 2 I"m "ok;", fur "';\ b Food Safety for Catering. yourself 3 I"ve got a certificate in c talking to people, I think. " I've been in d working in a team. 5 I've always wanted to e any of those areas, really. 6 I'm good at f sales. administration and catering. 7 I really enioy g sales for a )ear now. 8 I'm not very good at h working on my own. b Look at the script on pl44 to check. TASK I I 2Z C Use the highlighted expressions in 4a to write five sentences about yourself. 5 a Work in AlB pairs. A, you've got en interview with Findajob. Think of answers to questions 1-5. B. you're the hterviewer Write two more questions. I What experience have you got? 2 What kind of work are you looking for? 3 What quaUfications have you got? " What languages can you speak? 5 What are your strengths and weaknesses? b Interview your partner. Then change roles and do the i,terview again. 6 Were you happy with your interview? Why I Why not? Talk together. 
UPLME Keyword tor 1 a Look at the highlighted expressions in sentences I-I, from this unit. Match them with explanations a-d. Irve only worked here for. couple of .:mth8. 2 Simp] Y give us your CV and come in for all I interview. 3 You worked for Cat' Concerto last. sUW".er. 4 rn sure we" II have something for yQW.. You can use for to give a reason, to answer Why? You can use for with a time period. You can use for to say who receives something. You use for after some verbs lask, look. walt, work, etc.!. b Now match more examples from the box with a-d. a t c d 1 2 Im looking for a new job. UDl 2 C for a night. a day or for the whole three days. on! t. 1 Do you use your bike for gett1ng around. getting to WiOrk ... ? 't 1 Last. year 1 wrote a book for ch1.1dren. tlDit 1 I need English for :ny ",,'Ork. J:o.t.J:o UD.1.t. 3 I: 2 a Which sentence talks about a time period: a in the past? b in the future? c up to now? 1 I've been in sales for a year. 2 Next year. I'm going to work in Brazit for the summer, 3 When I was a student, I went to universIty in Paris for nine months. b Write three sentences t ke 1-3 about you. Then listen to each other's sentences and ask questions to find out more. I 3 Put the words in order to make questions. Then ask and answer them in groups. make /your friends/Do you ever /for /things /? Do you ever make thmgs for your friends? 2 your mobile phone /taking photos / for / use / Do you ever / ? 3 organised / someone / Have you ever / a party / for /? I, How often / you / for I do / buy tickets I or other events / concerts / ? 5 for / What web sites I you / your work / do / use / or studies / ? 6 someone / the last time / for / a present / bought / you / When was /? Independent learning NOhCll1U and recording eolloeshons Collocations are words that often go together. Cross out the Vlord that doesn't usually go with the highlighted words. 1 do /  / pass / fail an exam 2 a part-time / well-paid / happy I difficult job 3 a lunch / breakfast / coffee / cigarette break b Which of the collocations are: adjective + noun? verb + noun? noun + noun? Z Work in three groups. Complete the collocations with words from the postings on p20. Then show them to the other groups. Group A, find adjectives: a nice atmosphere a place to work a place to work Group B, find verbs: _ mistakes the Internet _a break Group C, find nouns: the _ department the team a_trip "'--"--:,,;,:'r 3 Look at three ways of recording collocations. Can you think of more ways? Sid,es ')0  W/lvqrSil'j pa.;s an tI)<Q.Ar<a... wdtl a. tlt4SiS . u",t 2 We have fluMe IAKJrk""j MA'" /,or-w.o cJ.e tl' es flex,ble 1 'Jet fr'ee / ewe . 4sI:;;teN:.,a. .:..tJ\otar.a. qr-a.t/Atta. donc.I"'8 ru""''''8 -V for" walk home '0 univerSity Which do you prefer? Choose ways to record the collocations in 1 a and 2. Z3 
I II' I /. I I .1 EX L Speaking 1 a.  Listen to the phone call and choose a, b or c. The caller s name is a Clare. b Lisa Moore. L Yuur Kdl illi. 2 The person he needs to speak to is a at lunch. b in a meeting. c on holiday. 3 The caller leaves his a mobile number. b home number c home address. 4 He wants Lisa Moore to a email him. b phone hIm c send hIm something. j) Read the conversation to check. 2 a Read the conversation again. Which highlighted expressions: 1 ask someone to slow down? (xli 2 ask someone to say something again? (x3) 3 ask someone to spell something? (xli 4 show you understand? (x3J b .  Listen to check. 0 3 a Put the words in order to make sentences or questions about taking messages. 1 take you Would me message to like a ? 2 name agam What your was please? 3 would like to tell you What me her? l. mp"""!Jp !Jivp hpr I'll the 5 ask you her to ru contact. b Read the conversation to check. , a Cover the conversation. Role-playa sirrilar conversation in AlB pairs. A, you're Clare from CSP. 8, you're Yusuf Karim from Findajob (telephone 0412556 207, email y.karim0findajob.ccm.auJ. Try to use the highlighted expressions h 2 and 3. j) Change roles and practise again. 5 a Make two new phone calls in AlB pairs. 1\, you work for esp. Read role card 1 on p126. B, you work for FmdaJob. Read role card 2 on p129. Start the call. j) Change roles. 8. you work for CSP Read role card 4 on p 130. A you work for Findajob. Read role card 3 on p176. Start the call. 24 Goals 051< ....... to ........1. spoil thongs and slow down show you understand - .oke a phone message IT "- \ \ A manager at the FindaJob agency calls CSP to ask about their exemployee. Lauren Gerdon. CLARE YUSUF Hello, CSP, Clare speaking, How con I help you? Oh hello, my name's tusuf Karim. I'm trom the job agency. Findajob, Could I speok to Lisa Moore. please? CenoL'1Iy. Can I ask you the reason for the call? 01 course. I'm calling about an ex'CSP employee. Lawen Gordon I,isa Moore was her manager, ThaP.k you Let me just see II usa's aV81lable. Hello? I'm afraid she's in a meeting. Car I take 8 message? I'm sony, this line's rot very good. Could you say that again, please? Yes, 01 course. I'm sorry, Would you like me to take a message? Yes, please, Er, what was your name agam, please? Yes. It's Yusuf Ka!m. Could you spell tbm for me? Yes. it.s Yusuf with ai, Y.U-S.U.I', and Ka:im is K-A-R-I.M. OK And what's you: lelephone number? I'll give you my mobie number It's 0412 556 2m. SorlY, can you speak more slowly. please? Yes,lt's 0412 556 207 Right. And has LlSa got yow eUklJ! address? Er. no. It's y.kar.m@tindaJOO,COOlau Sorry. y.karim@ ... . Findajob - that's one WOld - dot com dot au OK, so that's y kanmUfiodajohrnrn au And what would you likp me 10 leD bel? Well, I'd bile to ask lie! quesbooS about Lauren Gordon, what was she like 8. an emp10yee and things, Jt would be great:! she rouJd phone me. OK, I'll give her the message mxlask her to contact YOII, Thank you. 'I'bat's beIPuI No problem Goo CLARE YUSUF CLARE YUSUF CLARE YUSUF ClARE YUSUF CLARE YUSUF CURE YUSUF CLARE YUSUF CLARE YUSUF CLARE VUSUF CLARE YU5UF CLARE YUSUF CLARE 
look again 0 I I I Review GRAMMAR Present perfect 1 a RQad the 'Find someone who' sentences bQlow. Write four more like these for the people in your class. Find someone who: . has had the same job for more than two years. . has always liked the same music. . has worked for more than three companes b Make questions from the sentences, then ask them. Find out more details. Have you always liked the same music? c Talk in groups. What did you lind out about other people in the d';)55? VOCABULARY Working conditions 2 a Use the expressions to complete Fleur's pc sting. Is she happy in her job? flexible working hours pay free health care eay te ..o r!rwl11\ benefits managemerl atmosphere Posted by: !'IeWS' The job's a bit boring, but the people are '!'a !y to Vfgr k _ ""itl1 and there's a really good 2 _ in the office. The 3_ aren't bad - I get' _ - but the' _ is terrible! [ haven't had a rise since [ started. We don't have' _ - we start at eIght In the morning and often work late. But the 7 _ IS qUIte good. My boss is great and tells me conditIons will get better if [ stay here longer. b Write a posting like Fleur's about your job or the jO!J of someone you know. tAN YOU REMEMBER? Unit 1 - Music, sports and exercise 3 a Use verbs from the box to com plete the qu:stions. I done go (x21 listen to  1 Can you "pI'!}' volleyball? 2 Do you ever _ running? 3 How often do you _ to concerts? 4 Do you ever _ classical music? 5 Have you ever _ yoga? b T,ink 01 two more endings lor each questi!)n. Can you play the guitar? Can you play football? C Ask and answer all the questions in 3a and b. Extension SPELLING AND SOUNDS Words with -er, -or, oar, -our , oIl.  You say the endin -er, -or, -ar, -our in the same way,!;)!. Listen and repeat. -er I:wyer -or -ar -our n:ighbour . . visItor grammar b Complete these words with the correct endings. Practise saying them. teachg.r. direct_ danc_ act_ sug. _ behavi_ C .  Spellcheck. Listen to ten more words and write them down. d Look at the script on p 145 to check your spelling. NOTICE Collocations 5 a Complete the highlighted collocations Irom the radio interviews with Pierre and Margaret. I ask free g at great have IT kff Pi] ssed I 1 I lelt school when I was eIghteen. 1_ my exams - just! - and then I _ a job. 2 It's a, _ experience, completely different from school. 3 I'm a lot older... so it'. easier to questions, talk to the teachers, things Like that. 4 We _ meetings and talks in members' homes. S I retired three years ego. I had a lot of _ time, and nothing to do, 6 Last week I signed up for an _ skills cou rse. b Look at script 1.11 on pH.4 to check. c Choose three collocations and write questions with them. Do you have a lot of meetillgs where you work? d Ask and answer your questions. Self-assessment Can you do these things In English?C]>a number . an do this welL talk about personal cxp(!rionce . about your stud!!!. . tall< about your work ask people to repeal, spellihings and slow down _ _ . show you under$tand e'ake a'telephone message . For  nderence -.d uW'tg your work .. e-PorUolo . Formorw practice '" Setf-8tudy PIICk.Unit 2 25 
I II I I I I. I \ I . 26 3.1 goals <> give opini:ms' . talk about food and .ating HOw'S JOUr loodil  . . ... . . --- .. VOCABULARY Giving opinions Supermarkets or small shops:- .. ... '-.... , .-...... . J ,1 , . ..  .... ...' \..'o_ '\:. t£ ' 'II ,.. '. ... ,- '.. __ I ,'. I.'  .: k"Q . ... ,f(,"'.. .: _ .: ...;. .,.' " .. . .1.- "11M " , ..= 0,' " ..   ;.r' ..... .' ,. - ..... I '.....;: ..__ "., .. . . .r .: - 1 Look at the pictures. In groups, ask and answer the questiol'/s. 1 How often do you shop at places like these? 2 In your home, who docs the food shopping? Read three people's opinions about supermarkets. Do they like or dislike them? Why? "I thwk small shops are better. The owners are u9ually fnendly and you can ask them aJ;out tlungs. I find super:narkets quite stressful They're a!ways crowded and nOIsy. If ;,ou ask me, they':e only Interested in making money, not in their customers " Jenn!. New Zealand 2 Well, supermarkets arc cheap and convenient but I prefer convenience stores. They're fast and modern and sell inf.Prp.tiT'lU thiT'l(J Ah::o. "UpATm;}Tkpt.c:: bring a lot of theu sluff here by plane and that's bad for the environment They should sell more local food. "-kia, .Japan SPEAKING "I go to the market near my fiat every day to buy food - tlungs likp. mPRt. fih ::m'" vP'OPtRh1p. T nF!VPT huy things likp thAt in the supermarket. I don't thmk their food is fresh. But I guess they're good for cleaning products, pet food and so on. " " Luz, Spain 3 Match the beginnings and endings of the opinions. Then look at 2 to check. 1 I think small shops  a sell more local food, 2 I find supermarkets b cleaning products and pet food and so on. 3 If you ask me, c are better. 4 They should d is fresh. 5 I don"t think their food e quite stressfJI 6 I guess they're good lor I they're only interested In making money. , a Find the opposites of these adjectives in 2. unfriendl} friendly expensive relaxing ir., quiet boring empty old-fashioned b . UD Listen to check. 0 5 a Think about places where people buy food in your country. What are their good and ad points? b Listen to each other's opinions in groups. Say if you agree or disagree and give reasons. Well, I don't agree, I think .n 
READING  ,-  .. ... """ ".l -,' - finned food t. -,  ... .:. r_'- '. frozen "od .-..... '.' ..... , fresh tnii/anil..,. vege/ables . .. ...  '!\' J . .. .. ready-lNIde meal "  VOCABULARY Food and meals SPEAKING Food and VOIl 1 Look at the pictures. Which kinds of food do you prefer to buy? Why? 2 Read th" article by Judi Bevan. Which paragraphs, a are about supermarkets now? b are about shopping in the past? c compare shopping in the past and present? ..... In defence of supermarkets :.. 1 I like supennarkeb. I can buy a week's sbopping in ninely minules. giving me lime 10 help my daughler w ilb ber homework, or read a good book in Ihe bath. , SupennarkeLS sell aJ amazing choice of fresb .md Ii"ULen food. If I want to spend hours cooking a three.course dinner for fricnds, I can find all the ingredients I need al my local supermarkel. If I choose an lIalin meal. tbere arc porcini mushroom,. fresb basil and mou.arclla cbeese. If I wanl some olher cuisine - Indian. Chinese or French - heros. spices, sauces .nd vege\.ilbles from every continenl are only a few minutes away. 3 On the other hand, when I'm lired and jUsl want 10 put togcther a quick family meal. I can buy a ready-made lasaplle or curry, a bag of sald alld SOllie fresh fru;1 alld slart elillg it len minutes after I get home. · Thanks to supermatl<ets, I can now shop all day from early morning 10 laic al night. In somc Siores I can even shop 24 hours. 5 When I was" child, my molher didn't have thcse choices, .. she went 10 three 01' four Jepreosmg lillie shops every day 10 buy wlldl she nceded. These shops "pcned from 9 dill to 5 pm Monday to SaturdlY. and they all closed or Thursday afternoons. · The food was nol a!.vays good. there was almOSI no choice and Ihe shopkcepers were nOI vcry friendly. And alll.allimc. food was very expensive. Cream or strawberries was a luxuf)'. and roasl chicken was for special occasions only. 7 NOI m,my people would say Ihal shopping in their local supell1l<UkCI on a crowded S,,(uroay morning makes Ihem happy. But it's much, much better than wh"t we had before, Judl Bevan is a freelance financlallournallst, author and broadcaster. Her bool<s include Trolley Wafs - the Battle of the Supennarlrets. published in 2006, 3 Read the article again. Find four reasons why Judi likes supermarkets and four problems with shopping in the past. , Judi describes supermarkl'ts in the UK. Which things are true about supermarkets in your country? Which things are differl'nt? 5 Add vowels to make food words from the article. Then look at the article to check. Look on p131 to check ilny words you don't know. 1 bsl bas;1 4 vgtbls 7 strwbrrs 2 chs 5 crry 8 hrbs 3 spcs 6 frt 9 scs 10 lsgn 11 s.d 12 c.7ckn 13 mshrms 14 crm 6 Match the examples from the box with a-d. Think of two more examples each for a-d. I basil dessert .asagne bredkfa!>t I a a meal b a course c a,' ingredient dad sh 7 In groups, ask and answer the questions. Find out more information. 1 Do you have a favourite kind of food, dish, or meal of the day? 2 What dishes C201 you, or people you know, cook? What ing-edients do you use a lot? 3 Where YOll iive, are there any good places to buy food from other countries? fI 
I It I II I I I I I I 28 Eating out 3.2 goals talk about food and eating .::- order a meal In a restaurant 1 Talk together. 1 How ofter do you go to cafes or reslauranls? 2 Are there any good places to eat near your home? 2 a Read the information from a guide to eating out in Melbourne. Australia. Which restau"ant: READING AND LISTENING 1 is owned JY a family? 2 has tables outside? 3 IS open on Sundays? 4 sometimes has live music? b Which of these restaurants would you like to go to? Why? I The Bridge Restaurant 45 Hardware Lane. Melbourne Vie 3000 'fr03 9600 234 ..........._.'......................uunnn....nnn.......unnnu. "!!' ..... ...  , . i ,! .';0 \ '" c: 'C ... .. J , Th" Bridge ha< a modem dining room scrvinp; quality European fOOd. There is also a beautiful terrace for outdoor dining, and live jazz every Friday. Bookings essential Open Monday-Friday 12 pm - lO pm, Satutday 5 pm - lO pm. 3 Bopha Devi Docklands 27 Rakaia Way. Docklands Vie 3008 n03 9600 187 ....... .n..nnn.........uuun...........nn...................... ***** .....,.,................................................................ l'he new place in Docklands that veryone's wlking about. The Bopha Deyi Cambodian reslaurant combines lama'lic lood "ith excdlent scn'ice. Open 12,=- 11 pm. .">sed Monday... Abla's Lebanese Restaurant 109 Elgin Slreet. Carlton Vie 30S3 n039347006 hn.... huo....nnnn... ............................................ ***** ...........................-............................................ Choose from an exciting menu of Middl.. EaSlern fuud, r.h..n sir. back and enio} the friendl} service in lhisfamily-<>\\'ned restaurant. Open / hursday-l',iday l!pm - 3pm, .\/onday-Satunlay 6pm - llpm L! . un Listen :0 Bryan and Lynn talking about the restaurants. Which one do they choose? Why? , Read the restaurant menu. Which dishes would you like to try? Look on p131 to check any words you don't know.  \ 1 - _I ,....... B')an and Lynn arc cousins. They want to celebrate I fAn's birthday STARTERS Soup of the day Pear. apple and choosesalad tyl Worm olives wrth 011 and brood (v) MAIN COURSES Home-mod<" posto in a tomoto cnd olive souce (v) Grilled solmon with potofo03 end green :solad Steak in a mushroom souce with roosted pototoes Fried rice with mushrooms (y) Prawns ond green vegetobles wh a tresh cucumber solod DESSERTS Worm chocolate coke - WIIh chocolate or vanlllo ice croom tv) Cheese plate wit... to:)st <vi Fresh fruit so lad with cream tv) (y) - SlJItabie for nans 5 . DE» Listen to Lynn and Bryan ordering their meals, Tick (,I) the things they order. 
LEX IS Ordering a meal PRONUNCIATION S:hwa /3/ sound SPEAKING GRAMMAR "ouns with prepositional phrases Grammar reference and practice, p 134 SPEAKING We went to Abla's. It's a Lebanese restaurant with really friendly staff. We S3t at a table in the corner ... 6 a Put the lines of the restaurant conversation in order, 1-12, Waiter ur OK. And lur yuu, ir? [Ij Hi, are you ready to 0 rder? D All rlgl;!' Can I get you somthing to drink? D Fine, and how would you lie your steak? o Today it's cream of mushro,)m soup. DSure. Sparkling or still? Customers o Can we have a be,ttle of water? o Could I have the :heese alad to start ... and then the steak? o OK, so ru have thai and thl:! pasta, please. D Medium, please. D Still, please. IlJ Yes. I think so. What's the soup of the day? . b . D!) Listen aga n to check. 7 a. ED Words or syllables without stress often have a schwa /3/ sound. Listen and say the sentence. .;) ....:it. =' Can we have a bottle of water? b Mark the /3/ sounds in the rest of the customers' sentences in 6a. e: .  list,," ilnd r"ild th.. script on pll.5 to G Prilctise silying the sentenc"s. 8 a LOok at the menu and decid e what you want to order. b Work in groups of three. Student A, you're the waiter. Students Band C, you're the customers. Order a meal. e: Have two more conversations. Take turns to be the waiter. Describing 8 meal 1 Look at sentences 1 and 2. Then8the nouns and underline the prepositional phrases in 3-6. 1 f Ihe day "1 Warm chocolatE! @witt1 ice cream 3 Fresh fruit salad with ice cream 4 Pasla in a to malo and olive sauce 5 Warm olives with oil and bread 6 Steak in a mushroom sauce with roasted polatoes 2 a Put the highlighted phrase in the correct place in each sentence. . .r.------ 1 I d like to bock a tablerpleasc. for two 2 My parents c')ok a big meal every weekend. for nine or ten people 3 Could I have the chickln, please? in garlic sauce 4 That table is free. Why don'l we sil there? in the corner 5 Would you lie a bottle with your meal? of water 6 The weather was great, so we sat at a table. on the terrace 7 There's a good menu and Ihe staff are very friendly. with lots of vegetarian dishes 8 I'll have the almon, please. with rice b . m> Listen to check. 0 3 a Think about a meal you had recently. Where did you have the meal: in a restaura,t or cafe? at a party? al a friend's house? 2 When did yo have it? Who witb? 3 What did you eat? How was the food? 4 What was Ihe place like? 5 Did you have a good time? b In groups, describe your meals. Give details. 29 
./ Target activitv ! II s.--1rDtn Ct«trNn.... 1/1 .,. , .. . . I II- TASK LISTENING 1 I I TASK VOCABULARV Making suggetions  TASK I I I I 30 .. . 3.3 goals Plan a meal 'IO#tIl'llll)ns .. .talk about fo)d and eilting em Ike suggesttans --...- ....  '- .. ':z' ',.  , _'  ....", t, .... .. s-b ." .. ,. ,... " 4.. .. ...  ,1m) Four people are planning a barbecue, but some 01 their friends are vegetarian. What do they decide to do? Listen and choose from 1-4. cook meat and vegetables together Z cook only meat but make some salads too 3 cook meat and vegetables on different grills 4 cooo< only vegetables . Ui) Listen :0 the second part of the conversation. Tick (.II the things they need for the salad. lettuce black olives parmesan cheese ol.ive oil leta cheese limes garlic tom<ltoes 3 8 Can you ren1t'.lItJtH whil:h six of the50e s.uyylioll the friends. Indk? 2 1 How about we organise a barbecue? 2 We could do some pasta. 3 We can put veggies on the barbecue as well. 4 Why don"' we get some burgers? 5 Sausages are nice 6 How about a fruit salad? 7 Perhaps we should make a cake. 8 What abot fruit? 9 Melons? b . . ua Listen again to check. , a You're going to plan a meal for your group" Work alone and think about these Questions. 1 hould you eat Insllle or outside? Could the meal be In or near your home? 2 What kinc 01 food should you make? How many cOlrses? What about drinks? 3 Who should make the lood? How can you help? b Now think about how to: 1 describe the food. Chicken with no 2 give opinions" I think we should .., 3 make suggestions. How about ... ? In groups, plan your meal. Make a list of the dishes yo decide to make. 5 6 Read the other groups" lists. Which meats do _ thir1t SOlo . the nicest or the most interesting? 
I r EXPLORE Kevword w,'" 1 a Match 1-3 with a-c to make three sentenCES. 1 I've never been very good 2 I work 3 It has a good menu b Which sentence has: a noun + with? a with lots 01 vegetarian dishes. ..... J b with the sales team. ..i< 2 c with computers. ..... 2 an adjective + with? a verb + with? 2 Choose the best endings lor 1-9. 1 I have an appointment with ') I've got a problem with 3 I had a meeting with 4 I m bored with 5 What's wrong with 6 My new lIat's nice but I'm not very happ>, with 7 I'm staying with 8 Steve's going out with 9 The tour of the castle starts with a Cecile? She looks ill. b the view. c a walk around its lamous ardens. d my computer. It won't start up e this film. Can we change channels? I Erika now. They met at a party a month ago. g the sales team yesterday, h friends in Honolulu right now. It's wonderful here. Or Jones for two o'dock. 3 a Complete five or six of these sentences with your own ideas. rn Inot veryl good with... I work with no I have a meeting with ... I've got a problem with ... rn bored with... I'm (not very\ happy with n, I sometimes stay with __. My day uSJally starts with ... b Compare your ideas in groups. Ask questicns to find out more. Well, at the moment I've OK Wh t '. ' th . t ? , . a s wong WI I. got a problem with my car, Across cultures r ealUmes 1 olD Listen to Matt and Carlos talking about mealtimes. Who talks about these things? bredkfast the evening meal dinner on Friday eenings dinner with guests Can you remember who said these things, Matt or Carlos? oil!) Listen again to check. 1 We usudlly eat together," the evening. 2 Everyone sits around the table and eats and talks. 3 In my family, we all have breakfast at different times. 4 I send my kids to wash their hands before dinner. 5 My mum says bon appefit before we start eating 6 We usually have a quick meal in Iront of the TV. Talk together. 1 What time do you usually have meals? Are meals quick or do they take a long time? 2 00 you eat at the same time as other people? 00 you eat in the same room? 3 00 you say or do anything belore you begin a meal? 4 What do you do while you're eating? (talk? watch TV? smoke? something else?1 5 If you talk, what do you usually talk about? 6 Where you live. do you think lood and rrealtimes are a very important part of: a family life? b sociallile? c work or business life? b Now think about these questions and talk again. 1 Are the things in 3a the same or different in other places you know? 2 Have you ever had a meal in someone's home in another country? What was it like?  ":' . . ... " , HMJ -J 31 
o Writing II 1 a Look at the pictures of two snacks ard items A-H. Which items do you think you need for bruschetta and which for spiced nuts? 0 0 <\ . -.  . I l!- I I 0 0 I , II 1/ 0 ,r e \. \ J e CD b Read the recipe for bruschetta to check. Tomato and cheese bmschetta I I 2 medium tomatoes, chopped l00g mozzarella cheese. chopped 2-3 basil/eaves 40 mlllKtra virgin olive oil sa/I, pepper 4 slices 0/ good whfee bl1J8d 1 Clove of garlic. peeled Chop the tnmAtneR Anti mn"mrpJlA Antlllllt thpm in a bowl. Add the basil. 011. salt and pepper. Stir. then leave for 20 minutes to an hoUl. T081t tbe bread until golden brown, then put OD a plate. Cut the garlic clove In half and rub over eacb piece of toast. Put a quarter of tbe tomato mixture on eacb slice and serve. II 2 a Which of these verbs can you find in the recipe for bruschetta? chop cut pour shake serve stir You can look up the words on p131. I I b In pairs. take turns to mime and guess the verbs for preparing. I I 3 What kinds of foods do you cook in these ways? Talk together bake boil fry grill roast toas! Look on p131 to check any words YOL don't know. II  I I 32 Goal give and u1derstand written ins-truetions .... . )"- '""-  W.rm SlJICM nuts ... . ,Iollndclree". , Read the recipe for warm spiced nuts. Choose the correct verbs. Warm spiced. DUb 200g mixed nurs 40ml olive 011 a llttJe salt IOmI chopped fresh r08em' 5m1 clJopped drIed . ies PuClbe no... all and " t in a " . CboJII ". UIe 1rnIL _ 'T IID4 drI_ cb111IM &lid add. die bold. 'CUI Sllr aU U. iIIaNdt--. UIeD pam oltto.  II.,. 1IaII.,.....t J' c..r0l'15. 20 DIIDma, .....1.1"11 _ Po IBllr '!HI Duts 'HIW .  ".. , .-d tIId.. -. diIIII "1IIIA\Ia' 8uft__ 5 Read both recipes again. 1 Which snack do you think is the easiest to make? 2 Would you like to try these snacks? Why? I Why nol? 6 a Think of a snack or some other quick dish that you know hOW to make. b Write the ingredients for your recipe. c Write the instructions for your recipe. 7 Look at each other's recipes. Ask and answer the questions. 1 Would you like to try them? 2 Can you understand dll the instructions? 
I  lOOk again 0 ReVIeW VOCABULARY Opinions 1 a PII thp wnrr1c; in nrr1pr to mo:lkp c;.pntpnrpc;. are better than Iresh ones frozen vegeta31es I think. 2 seven days a week should open shops I don't think. 3 should buy everyone II you ask me. locallood 4 expensive restaurants I find quite stress'ul. 5 ready-made meals very good lor you I don't think are. b Talk about the opinions. Do you agree with them? VOCABULARY Ordering a meal 2 a As a class make a cale menu, Suggest your lavourite dishes. Include: starters main dishes desserts drinks Then think about what you'd like to order. b Work in groups 01 three: one waiter. two customers. Order a meal. Take turns to be the waiter. Hi are you ready to order? Yes, r d like the bruschetla, please. CAN YOU REMEMBER? Unit 2 - Studying, Working conditions 3 a Work in two teams, A and B. A, how many expressions about studYing can you renember? Make a list: IT skills, do a degree ... B, 'low many expressions about working conditions can you remember? Make a list: pay, working hours .n b Look back at unit 2 to check. A,look on p19. B, look on p21. e Follow the instruclions lor the quiz. Choose five expressions to test the other teams. 2 Write sentences with gaps. 3 Take turns to read your sentences to the other teams, 4 Guess the words. You win a point for eve}! corred word, and a bonus point if you can spelli!. Extension SPELLING AND SOUNDS oi, oy , a.  You "y oi ..nli oy in thp w'"y: h,/. Listen, then say the words. enjoy employee noisy boil b Complete the rules with oi or oy. 1 We usually write _ before a consonant. 2 We usually write _ before a vowel or al the end of a word. e . IE:) Spellcheck. Listen to eight words and Wl"ite them down. d Look at the script on p11.t to check your spelling. NOTICE Making sentences stronger I weaker 6 a Look at the"c "cntcncc" from Judi Bcv"n'" article, In Defence of Supe"markets. Decide where the missing words go in e3ch sentence. Then look back at the article on p27 to check. I can lind .J, the ingred ents I need at my local supermarket. 2 .. vegetables from every continent are a few minutes aw"y. In some stores I can sop 24 hours. The food was not gooc __. no there was no choice, ... and (he shopkeepers were not friendly. very 7 And at that time. food was expe'lsive. very 8 But iI's much better than what we had before. all 3 I. 5 6 only even always almost much b Cover the highlighted words. Can you remember the complete sentences 1-8? .." .. . - '. " "10 " .... .. II! .. ;I - 0:11I V "==-= "- ..., U ... , f.. AIIif ...... ..' .., Self. assessment Can you do these things in English? irc! a number on each line. 1 = I can't do this, 5 = I can do this welL . give opimons . talk about foag_ rant . make suggestions . give and underst8l1d wriUen Instructions . FOt" Wordoarda.. and ta\'Ing wortc "'. Portfolio . For m6 praCbce II> SeIf-sbKI», Pack tinlt 3 33 
III I II. I I I , I I I I , I I I I . 34 4.1 goals use a taxi Encounters Taxi! VOCABULARY TaxIS 1 Ask and ansVier the questions together. 1 How often do you use taxis in your own city? What :10 you use tl\em for? 2 What aboul when you're travelling? 3 When was your lasl trip by taxi? Where did you gO! R 13 · 00 Cft.   :i\.\\I\I\ ,el tiT  ..- oU tor 'T"an V" tra ve \\\n9 b e"o'" Ca . , YEllOW CAB ... ... ft) , ... .... .. - - ' I YELLOW CAB TAXI , . , O"l arch "lO'lO 101L $'\3. 00 $20. 00 $1 .00 -  It ""' RCU"E\) CtlMGE  . f , \\\\\\\\\\\\\ ... 2 a Read the questions. Match the highlighted expressions with A-F in the pictures. 1 When was the last time you phoned for a taxi or got a taxi at a taxi rank? 2 How much is the minimum fare for a laxi in your city? 3 Whafs Ihe maximum number of passengers a taxi can usually take? 4 Do laxis Ii) your cily always use a meter? What about in other cilies you know? 5 Do you uually ask the driver to keep Ihe change? 6 Do you ever ask for a receipt al the end of a journey? b . &t Listen to check. 0 SPEAKING 3 Ask and answer the questions together Find out more. The l.;!st time I got a laxi at a taxi rank Vias two weeks ago. Really? Where was that? 1\ was oulside the train station. It was raining and ... 
LISTENING . , fMy IS , ',IR driver In I6InoCIU""'. CMlMI.. VOCABULARY Getting a taxi J PRONUNCIATION Sentence stress ard schwa II SPEAKING OK C<ln you take me to the OSP tuilding. please? 1Wo journeyS 1 .. . un Listen to Tcny's conversations with two passengers, first Nicola and then Dan. Who wants to go to: a a bank? b a hotel? c the airport? 2 Who asks Ton)': a for a receiJt? b to wait? c how much the journey will cost? 2 a Can you remember if these sentences are true or false? 1 It's Nlcola's first time In Canada. 2 She wants to go to a hoteL 3 Dan goes to the bank to get some money. " He's going on a business trip. 5 It costs more than $30 from the bank to the airport, b , un Listen again to check. 3 Do you ever chat with people you meet in these situations' What do you talk about? in a taxi on a plene I bus I train waiting for a bus sharng a table in a cate , a Mijtch what the passengers say 1-8 with the drivers replies a-h, The start of a journey 1 Iow much is t to the city centre? 2 Ciln you take Tle to the Park Inn? 3 I'd like to go to the airport. please. I. Can I put my case in the back? a rhe Park I,n on Broadway, right? I'll do that for you. It's usually about thirty, thirty-five dollars. OK. Which terminal? b c d The end of a journey 5 Could you walt here for five minutes? 6 How much is t? 7 Just make it thirty' five doll<lrs. 8 And can I have a receipt. please? e Thanks very much ." And here's your change, fifteen dollars. f Well, OK, but can you pay me first? g Sure ... Here you are. h I hirty-one fifty. please. b Cover 1-8 and lock :>t:> h. C:>n you remember wh:>t the p:>""engers say? 5 a Mark the stressed syllables in these sentences. 1 How much is it to the city centre? 2 Can you take me to the Park Inn? 3 I'd like to go to the airport, plea!>e. " Can I put my case in the back? 5 And can I have a receipt, please? b Remember that words or syllables without stress often have a schwa hI sound. Mark the hI sourds in the sentences in Sa. Hw mch is It t th city cntr? C . DD Listen and -ead the script on pI 1.6 to check. 0 Pracl se saying the sentences. 6 a You're going to take a taxi. Work alone and think about these questions. 1 Where are you? 2 Where do you want to go? 3 What's the reason for your journey? " What will you chat about with the driver? (the weather, the traffic, your job no I b Take turns to be the passenger and taxi driver. Have conversations with three parts' the start of your journey  a short chat  the end of your journey C Change pairs and have two more conversations. 35 
'1- I lI- I I II I I II I' I I I II II I I 38 4.2 goals HaClC describe past events . t.Ua story .,.,. Melicca Plaut ic one of only 400 women among .. New York's 40,000 taxi drivers. "I start . . " driving a cab after losing my boring office job," says Melissa. "I didn't want to work on an office again, so J decided to get l1',y cab licence." She started a blog about her experiences as a taxi drivcr, newyorkhack., which quickly became P3Pular. She's also written a book called Hack. In New York, hack is slang for taxi, or taxi driver. -.. -. ....' - .. !A" ,  ., .  I .. " .::..-.---::- - READING 1 Read the information about Melissa Plaut, a New Ycrk taxi driver. 1 How did Melissa become a taxi driver? 2 Where can you read about her experiences as a driver? 2 a You're going to read a true story from Melissa's blog. Look at these words and expressions from the story and guess what happened. a CanadIan man the airport a wallet credit card phoned s,opping filty dollars laughed b Read the story to check your ideas. . non ... c; +  q,- DUring rush hour, a Canadian man and his teenage son got In the cab ard asked me to take them to La Guardia airport. They were going back to Canada, We had a OIce conversation together and when they got out, they gave me a good tip. When my next passenger got in, he handed me a wallet and said he found .t on the back seat. 1 immediately knew it belonged to the Canadian man, It contained a driving license and a credit card, nothing much else. Now, I liked the Canadian guy, so 1 found the 800 number on the back of the credit card and phoned the company, I explained what happened and gave them my number. After about half an hour; the Canadian guy called and asked me to go back to the airport and retum the wallet. So I tumed off my cab light and 1 started for the airport, Five or six people tlied to stop me as I was driving througt, the city, but I didn't stop. I was doing a good thing' Forty minutes later, I arrived at La Guardia. The guy waS standing outside the terminal building and looking pretty stressed. I gave back the wallet and told him that I only did a little shopping with his credit carj! Just a Joke. He was so happy, he Just laughed. 'You're my favourite New Yorker ever: he said. Then he handed me fifty dollars and ran back into the airport. The whole lhing - plu,; the fifty dull(,,1 - ."ally lIIau" illY IlIyhl, . 3 Read the story again. Answer the questions in groups. 1 Why do you think Melissa liked the Canadian man? 2 How did the Canadian man know Melissa's phone number? 3 Why do you think the Canadian man was loolung stressed -fllhen Melissa saw him? 4 Why did the Canadian man laugh? 5 How did Melissa feel at the end of the stOI'}"'" I 'nk? , What do you think are the good and bad points aD Talk together. a taxi driver? 
VOCABULARY Linking a story After as DUring later Then When GRAMMAR Past prog ress ive r t ..;! .1. . . r:i"Tv / -. ""0 Grammar reference and practice, p134 SPEAKING Telling a story 1 a Cover the blog. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences from the story. 1 rush hour. a Canadian man and his teenage son got in the cab and ... 2 _ my next passenger got in, he handed me a wallet and n 3 _ about half an hour, the Canadian guy c<llled and '" 4 Five or SIX people tried to stop me  I was driving through the city. but .., 5 Forty minutes _ _ . I arrived at la Guardia The guy was ... 6 -You're my favourite New Yorker ever:' he said. _ he handed me fifty dollars and ... b look at the story again to check. 2 Cover the story. In pairs. tell the whole story using the sentences in la for help, 3 a look at the beginning of Melissa's story. Then choose a or b.___ past simple ... a Canadian man and his teenage son got In the cab and asked me to take them to La Guardia airport. They were gOing back to Canada, - past progressive When Melissa met :he Canadian man and his son: a their journey to Canada was finished. b they were in the middle of their journey to Canada. b the correct words. 1 Use the past simple} p'rogre,siv to talk about a finishec action. 2 Use the past ,simple { p'rogressiye to sayan action was in progress in the past. J , a Complete the sentences with was, we re. wasn't. w eren't. I was I w ere + -i ng _ What he doing? o He was standing outside the terminal.  He _ looking very hdPIJY. tI they going back to Canada? & Yes, they were, Q No, they _ - ... b t  Listen to check. 0 Do we say was and were with a schwa hi in: a questions and positive sente...ces, or b negative sentences and short answers? 5 a look at three pictures from the start of a story. Use the best form, the past simple or the past progressive, to complete the paragraph. . Tile Ten-Dollar Bill OnE' sunny morning a man I _ (w31k) through thE' city on hi way to work. lie 2 __,._ (wear) a smart suit and tie and 3 (talk) on his phone. SOlld('nly, rhe sun '_ (o) in and it'_ (start) rainitlh('a\"ily. The man 6_ (sC'e) a taxi and 7 _ (stat1)nI/UlirKlowanlsiI.Ashe t _ (nm).a$]Obill' _(f31l) front his pocket onto the Al"ound, but he didn.t notice. He 10 __ (get) into the <"ab. IT _ (shul) t/w door. and the cab 12 _ (driv(') away. b t Ul) Listen to check. 0 6 a In pairs, look at the pictures from the rest of the story on p123. Plan how to tell the rest of the story. Think aboul how to do these things. . describe the evenls in the story . link the events together . describe people. places and the weather . add extra information b Practise telling Y0l!r story together. 7 listen to each other's stories. What are the differences between them? 3J 
I Target activilV II I lI- I I I i l - -.. I " Tell stories about memorable meetings 4.3 goals . describe past events <: ten a travel anecdote JJ\ '» .. -- \. - I j ; - n . - l- I. I , \ .. " \ .  . -- - oJ TASK LISTENING 1 a The people in the pictures have just met each other, Where are they? Do you think they're havir'g a good time together? II TASK VOCAbULARY Starting a story b . DI» Listen to Osman's and Annie's stories. Check your ideas. 2 a Which sente,ce in each pair is about Osman and Bernd? Which is about Annie and Lukas? 1 a They met in Germany. b They met in France. 2 a They were going to the US on business. b They had French lessons together 3 a They met One or two years ago. b They met a long time ago. 4 a They met a few times. b They only met once. 5 a They'rE not in contact now. b Now thy're pen friends. b . DJ Listen again to check. 3 a Make sentences for starting a story. I I 1 Iwas a for a little restaurant. 6 I was f for a train. 2 I was living b in France. 7 It was g in a shop. 3 I was looking c in Frankfurt. S I was working h surnmer. 4 I was on mywat' d my brother 9 I was travelling to the USA. 5 I was visiting e to a conference. 10 I was waiting with two friends. I I II r TASK 38 b Look at 1-10 again. Think of more ways to complete Each sentence. , a Think of a tine in your life when you met someone interesting. Think about these questions. 1 Where wre you? When was it? 7 What were you doing? 3 What was the person like? 4 What did you talk about? 5 O,d you spend much time together? 6 Are you i1 contact now? b Tell each other about the people you met. 
Independent learning ngllsh outside the classroom o I EXPlORE I Kevword back verbs with back  1 a Read the sentences. How do the two highlignted expressions differ in meaning? a Pd like to go to the airport.. please. UDJ.1t . b The Canadian guy called and asked me to go back to the auport. DlLit. b Add back to the correct place in each sentence. \ 1 ! 2 Could you wait? I'll be in five minutes. unit 4 ._ a Canadian man and his son were going to Canada. UDiI: .. I gave the wallet and t.old him I only did .a little shopping! DDJ.t. He handed me fifty dollars and ran inco the airport. OAl.t .. 3 I 4 back (opposite of frontl 2 Which highlighted expressions refer to: a a motorbike? b a car? c a credit card? I: Can I put my case in the back? \.'1IJ.t .. He handed me a wallet and said he found it on t.hp back seat.. _It .. I found t.he number on t.he back and phoned the corrpany. 41 I really wanted to ride it, not eit on the back! unn: L 4 A !/,,,,ttL ,, c r -- ,.'  I . ?(;.'-:! 1..:...  11-111 I . . " . -' \ ,L . " ... .. , . c, . 1.:'- .. =,;":.6- V" .. . y'  - 3 a Complete the questions v..ith the words and expressions in the box. a shop car home how quickly old 1he.IJ t doy travelled wardrobe Have you ever flown tc a different country and come back the next dcv ? 2 Have you ever been back to your _ school or college? 3 When someone texts ou, _ . do you text them back? What about emalls? 4 When was the last time you took something back to _? What was it? 5 What's the first thing you do when you get back  after a day at work or college? 6 Do you know anyone who's _ on the back of an elephant? 7 Have you ever spent the nighl on the back seat of a ? 8 What things do you keep in the back of your ? b Ask and answer the questions together. Well. a few months ago I tok Oh. Why? a pair of jeans back to a shop. " Ash' om exlCo . a tlEi) Listen to three people talking about how they learn languages outside the classroom. Which things A-E does eact person talk about? tlEi) How do they use the things in the pic:ures? Listen again and make notes. Astrid - read children.s books C What do you think about their ideas? Why? Talk together.  romfromE Can you think of more ways of learning English outside the classroom? Make a list of your ideas. Think about listening. speaking. reading and writing. b Compare with the tist on p123. - Talk together. Which of the ideas for learning outside the classroom: 1 do you do now? 2 do you like I not like? 3 would you like to try? IQsMtnIm IInW 39 
u OR Speaking \ , \ _ t ,,1. I ,J II r - . . x ., -.. '... '":. \ . ,t -  ..,; 1_  ". .. - .. " ... :0- I I"  I _ II ,. I I I I I II II I I r- III ... \ I "It :;\'1 '. ""'Ill .,f". ..... ..,. \"ii - , -- 1 a, D:) Listen to a conversation between Tony and Valerie. 1 Why's Valerie in Vancouver? 2 Whal does she do? b Do you think they have a friendly conversation? Why? I Why not? 2 II Read the conversation. 1 How many questions does Tony ask? 2 Which highlighted expressions i1 the text are used: a to show interest? So... b to add extra information? Actually, .'. 3 Underline the extra information Valerie gives in her answers. 3 a In pairs, write the next five lines of '1alerie and Tony's conversation. b Compare your conversations with a10ther pair. Were your ideas the same or different? , a Think of four questions for starting a conversation. Use the expressions in A below or your own ideas. b In AlB pairs, use your questions to start conversations. Then continue the conversations. I I A Are you inlerested in ... ? What's your favourite ... ? Have you ever been to ... ? Are you going 10 ... ? 00 you like ..' ? Have you seen no ? Where do you ... ? Have you got no ? B Answer the question. Give some extra information. A Listen carefully to what your partner says. Ask another question. 5 Tell another partner about the conversations you had. 1 What did you talk aboul? 2 What was your most interesting conversation? 40 Goals show Interest In Q conyeratlon >llcleve\Q'II a tGftver1latloR by a.kiRg Clue.lions and glYlnq Ion ger answers I .  ".  .\ - ," .. .. -\ VAlERIE Good mommg, C'd11 you take me to the Holiday Inn, please? rONY Swc W'.1ie one? VALERIE The one on Broadway, please. rON\' So. W\1at bnngs you to Vancouver? VAIlRIE I have some old Wends here Actually. W,j'IeI().al ILO..ivf!rsitv tDQ'e t her JON' SO it's not your filst bme here? YAlmlE 011. no I VIsit every three or fow months. rON.. Right So you like it here? VAlERIE Yes, In fact, I'd really l1ke to liVe here. JON' Oh ypah?Where do you live? VALERIE In Monueal Well. actually. I've got a mall husiness there. JON' Really? What do you do? VAL1RIE I own a eouple of restauranl.s Do you like> footb;III? Yes. l\ctually, I play for a team at work. So where do you play? 
I look again 0 Review VOCABULARY Getting a taxi , a Put the words in 1-8 in the correct order. is centre much it city How the to ? 2 you Can the take Park Inn to me?  like to station to the please I'd go. I. suitcases the I my put m Can back? 5 five Could for minutes here you wait? t it much is How? j Just thirty it make dollars. f, Can a have receipt I please? b In pairs, take turns to say 1-8 and think of answers GRAMMAR The past progressive 2 a Choose a time from yesterday. Make sure you all choose a different time. b Find out what different people were domg at the time you chose. Make notes. What were you doing at 9.30 in the evening? Hm ... I think I was having a shower. c Choose one of the people in your class. Make sure you all choose a different person. d Find out from the others what your person did yesterday. Make notes. Well, at 9.30 pm he was having a shower. e h groups, tell each other what your people did yesterday. Who had the most interesting day? In the morning, Jakub drove to work. He had a meeting and ... -'" CAN YOU REMEMBER? Unit 3 - Ordering a meal l 3 a Complete the restaurant conversation. "AlTER Hi. are you '_ to order? aJ.TOMER Yes. What's the soup of the 2 ? "AlTER It's vegetable soup' _uash heJbs. aJ.TOMER That sounds nice 1'1I'_ . that ar d te fish, please, "AlTER AU right. And lor you, sir? aJ.TOMER S _ _ I have the green salad to start end then ille steak? "AlTER Yes, and' _ would you like your steak? aJ.TOMER · _, please. "AlTER And can I' _ you something todrin? aJSTOMER Can we have a bottle' _ watr,please? "AlTER 01 cowse. 10__ or still? aJSTOMER Still. please. "AlTER OK, thanks very much b Practise in groups of three. Change the food and drink to make new conversations. Extension SPELLING AND SOUNDS gh  a.  gh is usually silent. List"n, then say the words. right night frightening eight neighbours bought through straight b 'tIm In a few words, gh is pronounced If I or 19/. Listen, then say the words. If I enough laugh Igl yoghurt spaghetti c 'SpeUcheck, Close your book. Listen to ten words with gh and write them down. d Look at the scripi on p147 10 check your spelling. NOTICE find 5 a Look at the sentences from this unit. Which highlighted expression describes a feeling or an opinion? Which describe an action? ... when my next passenger got in. he handed me a wallet and said he found it on the back seat. 2 I liked the Canadian guy. 50 I found the number on the back of Ihe credil card and phoned the companf. 3 When I was learn ins French ... I liked reading chlldren's books. I found It very useful because the sentences are very simple. b Ask and answer the questions in groups. Have you ever found something on the street, in a taxi, etc.? What was it? What did you do? 2 What was the lasl thing you lost? Did you ever find it? 3 What situations or things do you find: stressful? boring? lascinaling? terrifying? funny? inconvenient? I find travelling stressful. Why? I usually find it really interesting. Self-assessment Can you do these things In EngUsh?a number on each line. 't 0 5 = , n do this well. euse8 xi . tetl a 0I0P"/' . tetl a travel anecdote -scribe past 8 ve5 Interest in Ii conv8r&ation . d';; iOj, a conv-; "'ation by aSking que sllon . and . win. lon. er ilRSWenii . For Wordcards. noference .nd AVlng your wottc .. ..Portfolio . For mo,. practice .. SeIf-study Pack. Unit. 41 I 
I II- II , . I I I II II II II; I i  , . 'I II I, I .. 42 Monev --lIIIf.':LFJ"'a'" Money USTE IMNo.  r, SPEAKING READING 5.1 goals . change money . understand instructions on a cash machine pay for thins in different places Monev maners o . y "r' __  ('":lNl _ :,......D-. "0.. . e o   "f <. I. .......,c-\.I'\" -a J  - I: .. .. . ..ft.. -- -- AMOUN'DUE £61.8. "' 1 a Read the questions. Match the highlighted words and expressions with the things in pictures A-F. How many different coins and notes are there in your country? What pictures do they have on Ihem? 2 How ollen do you use a cash machine or go into a ba,k? What do you do at each place 3 When YOl go shopping, how do you prefer to pay? [in cash? by card? another way?1 4 How do y')U usually pay bills? Do you ever use the Internet for paying bills, banking or shopping? b ... Listen to check. 0 2 Ask and answer the questions together. 3 . EJ Thiago's flying from France to Scotland. Before his flight. he changes some money in the airport. Listen to Thiago's conversation. 1 How much money does he change? 2 How much does hE! gE!t? " a Match the questions and answers. Which questions does Thiago ask? Which does the assistant ask? 1 Do you have Scottish pounds? 2 Can I change these euros, please? 3 That's a hundred and eighty euros, yes? 4 Sorry, doyou have any smaller notes? b . EJ Listen again 10 check. a N) problem. Are twenties OK? b 01 course. c N), we don't. d Yes, that's right. 5 a How many different currencies can you think of? euros, pounds n. b You're going to change money at a bureau de change. Decide: . which currency you want 10 change. and how much . whIch currency you want 10 get c Have conversations in different pairs. Take turns to be the customer and assistant. 6 Thiago uses a cash machine in Glasgow, Scotland. Put the screens A-E on p43 in order. Then answer . the questions. Which buttons on screen A. 1-6, can you press if you want 10: a get some money? b change your PIN number? c know how much money you have? 2 Find wores or expressions in screens A-E that mean: a chooe b question c how much - ash -==- .. .,.. 
I .. - W111'" .-. """IU"JO '. . ... 50 no' -1aI<e)'DUf cash and ,e<8ipt 2. enqury baJonce enqlOry  . 5 I. . . -42.0 100 . no ....1 chaI1ge PIN' .. . .-c30 ----' other . 3. . ""-....  I. ldent_an IILmber jilt! I. . .- I . . I . D _ take)'IU caI& ! ..n II' .- .. 1 . (' . ti ;- 'J c , r o - How would vou like to pav:- re? .  Listen to three conversations with Thiago in Glasgow. In each conversation: a Where is he? 1 a bus station 3 a shop :I a museum 4 a restaurant b Does he pay in cash or by card? 2 . EI List"n again and complete the information. Conversation I Thiago buys some _ They cost _ The assistant asks him if he'd like a _ Conversation 2 The waitress asks Thiago to type in his PIN and press She gives him a _ Conversation 3 The receptionist asks to see a _ His ticket costs_ He pays with a [ _ note. VOCABULARY 3 a Which of these questions does Thiago ask? Payir.q for thmqs 1 Anything else? 6 How would YOJ like to pay? 2 How muchjs that? 7 00 you take cards? 3 Can1 pay b'/ card? 8 Can1 see YOLr student card? 4 Would you lia bag? 9 00 you haanything smaller? 5 Could1 haVE the bill? 1 LISTENING b Think of ways to answer all the questions. Then compare your ideas with the script on p147. PRONUNCIATION Linking consonants and vowels 1 , .  Listen to uestlons 1-9. Notice how consonant and vowel sounds link II. Does a consonant or a vowel come: at the end 0' the first word? 2 at the start of the next word? 5 In pairs. practise asking the questions and giving different answers. 0 SPEAKING 6 a Work in AlB pai's. A,look at your rJle cards on p123. B,look at your role cards on p1:19. b Have two conve-sations. . Hello, can I help you? ...... Yes. do you have ... 43 
I II n: I I I I I II II II , I I I I II In II I I I II I I 5.2 goal Microcredil talk about rules and obligations READING 1 Why do people borrow money from banks? Make a list of reasons. to buy a home .n Complete the sentences with these wor ds. I credit interest a loan repayments I 1 I borrowed some money from the bank. -} I got I _ from the bank 2 Now f pay money to the bank every month. -} I ma<e _ every month. 3 Borrowin the money costs seven percent a year. -} I pay seven percent a year. 3 a What do you think microcredit is? Is it credit for: 1 people without much money? 2 buying computer software? 3 the educction of children? 2 b Read the arti:le to check. .... - A new kind of banking? + '1976 Muhammed a Bangladeshi professor of econor\ _..., started Grameen Bank Grameen gives small 108n5 -I - Ily no more than US$100 - to very poor people who C-Jn I at c. edit from normal balks This Iond of credit IS called IT ... .:Jcredit + Most of Grameen s CU8tOmers ve In ... . . as In the Bangladeshi _ tryslde 97 percerE of them ere woman They UBB the credit to &tart small bU&l - :. and mske money for their familIeS, For example, they make furmb.Jre repelr IClines Dr Ir milk + Customers  have to make repayments every w!lek fer twalva They !-Illy B.JCIuL 16 1JI'I''-IfnL IIILt::I'tf1:il. a ytxtr Gr drT1l:8n uys  . all their rvpaymentli + People who want a loan from Gramstln have to nlS The people In the (. rcls meat to  I the grc Ip d"esn't make However. If everyone mak' . + In 2CD7 Gram \ \  s .. + , SPEAKING Read the arti:le again. What are these numbers in the text? 100 97 12 16 98 5 7,000,000 80,000 7,000 5 Talk together. 1 Why do you think most of Gramccn's customers arE women? 2 Why do you think Professor Yunus got the Nobel Peace Prize? Do you think he was a good choice? READING 6 a You're going to find out about two people who used microcredit to start businesses. They make the things in the pictures. What would you like to find out? In p3irs. write two questions. Where are the people from? ' . ;;...., /-",:,j \L-...4 .I//f ... '."':-.... '....j( ....., _')t  ../. ...  , t!. " 44  
I t'lnn I b Try 10 find Ihe an;wers to your questions, Student A, read Alice's story on Ihis page, Student B, read Rukmani's story on p124. CJ . " ..  Q. When Alice Pallewela got married, she and her husband went to live .:J' .' : . . 1"'- in Yodagama, a tiny farming village in the west of Sri Lanka. . ,. 0'1:0 I " '1'1 .. " " "My husband works for the government, but his pay isn't enough for both of us," explains Alice. "I needed to make some money, so I decided to sell sweets, I've always loved sweets, and there weren't any sweet shops in Yodagama." Alice started her business with a loan of US$100. She makes a few different kinds of sweets, all with local ingredienls. She now employs SIX young women, and her sweets have an excellent reputation. SPEAKING GRAMMAR h2vC 10. can Qrammar reference and practice, p136 SPEAKING , rYe heard Ihal in Ihe US. you can drive when you're fou'leen. Yes, bul not everywhere. 7 Tell each other about Alice and Rukmani. Whose story do ou find the most interesting? Why? You have 10... 1 a Look at the grammar table. (f:ircl the correct expression in sentences 1-4. have to can Grameen's customers h'!\i'i!. tol don',!. t; "ave t9, make groups of five people. They ,h!lve,t9.1 don't have to. be women. I' 2 4 They c<ln I ar1 t usually gel credit from normal banks. They can. I c!l"" get bigger loans if they make alliheir repayments. _ they have to be women? Yes, Ihey No. they _ they get credit from normal banks? Yes. they_ , No. they _' b Answer thll qUllstions. Which highlighted expression means thai something is: a possible? b not possible? c necessary? d not necessary? 2 Which highlighted expression has a similar meaning to: a need lo? b don 'I need lo? C Complete the questions and short answers in the table with can, can't, do, don't. 2 . Et Listen to sentences 1-4. Notice how we say can Ik;ml and to 1t;,1 with a schwa 1;,1. 0 3 Work alone, Change these sentences so they're true for your country, 1 You can't gel married until you're 21. 2 You can'l drink alcohol. 3 Everyone over 1 B has 10 vole. 4 You don'l have 10 serve in the army. 5 You have 10 go 10 school until you're 17. 6 You can drive a car when you're 15, 7 You don't have 10 carry an 10 card. a You can smoke when you're 16. Compare your se,tences in groups. Then ask and answer the questions, 1 If you're from the same counlry. do you agree? 2 Are there any laws you'd like to change? Why? How WOJld you change them? 3 What do you now about laws in other countries? 45 
Target activitv Give advice to 8 visitor 5.3 goals lalk about rules and obtigatlons It".. . give advice TASK LlST,ENING 1 a Loo. at the pictures and read the situations, Which things, 1-6, do you think you should do? Which things shouldn't you do? I \ II .. I I I -f II , ....   'I y...' " II .. '- , . -- II , Visiting a home in Canada 1 before the visit, ask if you can bring sornething 2 take a gift to the hosts 3 wear shoes in their home Having a hot spring bath n Japan 4 wash yourself before you get into the water 5 get out of the water from timp to time and rest 6 make a lot of noisp II b .  Listpr to Megan and Yukio and check your ideas. Do you find any of the rlles surprising? , "ASK VO,CABULARY GIving advice 2 What advice did Megan and Yukio give? Match 1-7with a-g. I I I III I You should probably ask ahead of time 2 Maybe YJu can bring a 3 Don't wear 4 You have to wash 5 After that, you can !let into 6 The water's qUIte hot, so you shouldn't stay in it 7 You can': make TASK " . I \ - .. . ..... Megan Irom Canada Yukio Irom Japan a your shoes inside. b il you can bring something with you. c too long. d aff alllhe soap, so you are realty clean. e a lot of noise. f the hot sp'ing. g bottle of ....ine, or maybe some flowers, somethin like thaI. ,I 111 1 II I I I 3 a Choose three things that are useful to teU a visitor about your country. Use these VI" your own ideas.. . visiting a religious building, e.g. a church, a mosque, a temple ... . using a litrary, public transport. ski slopes, ... . going to a wedding, someone's house for dinner, a -estauranl. 'n b You're going to teU someone about the three things. Think about the advice you want to give. You have fO.., You can'f .'. You should probably... Don't ... c listen to each other's advice and ask questions to find out more. If you're from the same country, do you agree? When you go to a mosque, there are a few rules, You have to n, 46 
Complete the statements with verbs from th e box. I borrJw cost give edrn lend pay (x31! 1 If you need a big loan, you should _ from your family if you can. 2 If you _ money to a friend, you should)'t ask for interest. 3 P3rents should some money to thei' children every week. 4 Mults who live with their parents should _ rent, 5 You shouldn't talk about how much you_. 6 You shouldn't ask people how much their home_. 7 If a man and a woman go to a cafe, the man should always the bill II II you mVlte Inends to a restaurant, you should _ lor all the lood and dnnk. . tED Listen to Hayley and John. Which statement, 1-B, do they talk about? . tED Listen again. Who agrees with the statement? Who disagrees with it? Why' Read the script on p14B to check. Think about these questions. Then ask and answer them together. 1 What do you think about statements l-B? Why? 2 Where you live, what do most people think' Do they have the same ideas as you? 3 What do people thmk In other regIons or countries that you know? EXPLORE Kevword il Three uses of it 1 a Re"d the inform"tinn "nd "no;wer thp qlJPtior. You can use it to talk about: A things, places and ideas you've mentioned already. I The quite hot so you shouldn"t. stay 111 it t.oo long. B ti"es and dales. I rt was July and I was looking for.....;jrd. to my "")Oliday_ C the weather and temperiJture, I It was ::eally nice weather so you could eat outside. 1 What does it refer to in sentence A? 2 C3n you think of five more expressions to replace the underlined words? a times and dates: It was 1998. my birthday b the weather: It was rainy. hot and sunny b You're going to talk about an important day from your life. Think about these questions. When was it? What happened? Why was it impor.ant? What was the weather like? How did you feel? c Tell each other about your important days. A sk questions to find out more. It a summer day in 2005. It was important because it was the day I got married! v Across cunures onev Expressions with it 2 a Complptp thp ronvpro;"tiono; with pxprpo;o;iono; from the box.'  Then listen to check. 0 Don t worry about.t I'll th nk about it It depends J UiDesn't rcall, "'dll1 Irs up to you ThaI's it A When can we meet? T,)morrow? Sunday? B It doesn't rea/luDatte!:, .l'm free all weekend. 2 A I'm sorry I'm late' Whre's the meeting? B _' The meeting asn't started yet. 3 A Do you like parties? B . Generally yes, but not when there are too many people. 4 A Do you want to come to the cinema tonight? B Mm, I'm not sure I ha<e time, _' OK? 5 A Have we got any food at home? B Not really... we've got some mIlk In the fridge. _ ' 6 A What time do I have te start work? B _' But you have to be here eig ht hours a day. b Work in pairs, Take turns to start conversations 1-6 and remember the respJnses. l.LE,cn uc (.R\ ..f;"' -  ouOIJ '( ;)/  ... ; 111 01109 ..  t1- 0... .... ./ e, \)\'\J; ..",:!t ." -:;:... b1 J ..... , >0:1"""- o 1Yf from ". USA , I . i(r1Ithe UIC 4J 
 I I ,I II I III II 'I III II " I I II I I I I I I I II r I II I . 48 X LO Writing 1 a Imagine you're going to visit a friend who lives in another country, What things would you ask your friend about before you go? Make a list. the weather, ctothes n, bRead Thiago's emailto Chris, who lives and works in Cairo, Which things on your list does heask about? -- "- -.. .... - -..foil.... _................ ...........Do_.......... . ..1- Chris, Hello from sunny Glasgow! Is itstJIl OK for me to stay with you In Cairo for a few days? I'm arrivin;j at Caaro InternalIOnal next Thurs (t 9th) at 18.55 (flight KL0549). How's the weather there? What clothes should I bring? Also, is it a good idea to change some mor.ey here ()( can I get some when ( arrive? Having a great time here in Scotland. Hope to see you soon. Take care, Thiago 2 Read Chris's reply. Does he answer all Thiago's questions? "'AA ce<:J "Plr .elrM  Hi -hiago, Of course it's still OK, no problem. Reallv looklrg forward to seeing vou! ('m working when Vou amve, so I can't meet you at the airort, sorry. You'll have to find vour wav to m flat. Tak a taxi but remember to agree on a price first. It should be about thirtV pounds (Egvptian). I think vou've gOt the address of mV flat, right? I'll be at home bv the time you arrive. It's pretty hot here, so make sure vou bring plenty of light clot,es. You'll need to cover vour arms and legs 'n some pans of the CltV, so trousers and long.sleeved shIrts are goo:l. Also, yes, it's a good Idea to change some money befc,re vou come. You're amving Thursday evemng and it can be difficult to change monev on Fridays here, About a hundred Egvptlan pounds should do it. Ano:her thing Is, don't forget to bring a guidebcokll've only hppn here 3. couple of month!i and don"t kn:>w th city very well yet, so ('m hoping we can explore the CltV together, Tha(s everything, , think. If vou have anv problems, give me a call on mV mobile (+201253095 49). See you at my place on Thursdav night' Chris Goal write an emlll or teUer giving advice to a "isitor ... -, - I. ..t ._._ ""'I ..._ - ...... .....:-::-- ....--- .....'"--..- ....... ----.... '1 -___..... ,. Thiago is planning to visit nlS fnend Chns in Cairo. C) 3 a Cover the emllils. Clln you remember Thillgo's questions and Chris's advice? Asking for advice 1 What... should I bring? 2 Is it a good idea to change ... ? Giving advice 3 You'll have to find your way to u. 4 Remember to iJgree on u. 5 Make sure you bring plenty of no 6 You'll need to cover your .. 7 It's a good idea to change ... B DonOt forget to bring a n. b Read the emails again to check. I. CompLete th" sent".ces. Use the words in [brackets] and different expressions from 3a. 1 There are lots of i,sects so no [buy I insect spray) 2 You can't get into the country without the right visa so ... (get ItourisL visal 3 The museums have discounts for students, so no (bring I student card! 4 The weather here's freezing, so ... (pack I warm clothesl 5 It's a reaLLy long train journey, so no (bring I good bookl 5 a Plan an email or leller to a friend who's going to visit you. Which topics do rou want to talk about? Use lhi lb.l dull YUUI UWrI ilhd. the weather clc,thes money transport where to meet chone numbers 2 What do you want to say about each tOpiC? 3 How many piJragraphs will you write? 4 What will you sar in each paragraph? 5 How will you stiJr: and finish your email or letter? b Write your email or leller, Write about 100 words. 6 Read each other's emails or lelters, Is there anything else you'd like to know about? Ask questions to find out. 
LOOk again 0 Review GRAMMAR call, have 10 . .- .. 1 :II In pairs, decide on the rules for a library. Complete the sentences with: can, can't, have to or don't have to. 1 You pay to join the library. 2 You _ borrow more than six books. 3 You keep books lor up to three weeks. 4 You pay a line if you keep books too long. 5 You _ borrow dictionaries. 6 You _ keep quiet in the library. b Work alone. Think of the rules and advice for two places. Use can, can't, have to or don't have to. e In groups, listen to the rules and advice, Can you guess the places? U"udlly yuu don't have to buy a ticket. You can bring your own food. You shouldn t leave any rubbish... VOCABULARY Giving advICe 2 a Work in pairs. For each situation, think of advice for a friend. Use your OWn ideas. I'm going on holiday to Paris but I don't speak any French. 2 My manager wants me to work this weekend but friends are coming to stay with me. 3 I promised to meet a friend tonight but Ileel too tired now. 4 I rcally want to top mol(in9 but I c"n't. b Lislen to each other's advice. Who has the best ideas? We'd tell our friend: You should talk to your manager. Explain that your friends on CAN YOU REMEMBER? Unit I. - Getting a taxi 3 a Malch the sentences 1-6 with the responses a-I. 1 How much is it to the city centre ? 2 Can you take me to the Pa r k Inn ? 3 Could you wait here for five minutes? I just have to eet some DaDers . /, Tho> Royal Bank on Howe Street , please. 5 Just make it thir\y' -five dollars . 6 And can I have a receipt, please? a Sure n. here you are. Have a safe trip noVi. b OK. c Thanks very much n. And here's your change, fifteen dollars . d The Park Inn on Broadway , right? e That depends on the traffic. I Well, OK, but can you pay me first? b Practise taxi conversations in pairs. Change the unl!erlined parts 01 the sentences in 3a. Extension SPELLING AND SOUNDS -lioll, -SSiOIl, -ciall , :II. BJ You say the endings .tion, -ssion, -cian in the same way,/[:.n/. Listen and say the words. Notice how the stress always goes before the ending. . . . conversation expression musician b Practise saying these words with the correct sound and stress. politician station discussion reception electrician pronunciation e 'Spellcheck. Close your books, Listen to ten words and write them dov.n. d Look at the script On p11.8 to check your spelling. NOTICE Vague language 5 a What can you remember about the Grameen bank? Complete the sentences with the numbers. seven thousand seven million 16 eighty thousand 10J Grameen gives smaliloJans - usually no more than US$ 2 They pay about _ percent interest a year. 3 In 2007, Grameen Bank had over customers in nearly _ villages. I. There are now more than _, other micro credit organlsations around the world. b Look at the a rticle on p44 to check. e .  Listen to eight questions and write down your answers - but don't write them in order. Use the expressions in 5a. No more Ihan Ihree. d Look at each other's answers. Can you guess what they mean? Ask questions to lind out more. OK, 'No more than three' ... is that how much tea or coffee you drink? Self-assessment Can you do these things in English?a number . . n do this well. .c nge mon !L d instructions on a cash maehine - - . pay 'r things In different places . bout rules and obligations - - . gIVe advICe .wr" an emaR or leUer giving advice to a ¥I gr . For Wordcerds. reference and saving your work No e-Portfono . For more preotico .. s.w-at\Idy Peck, Unit 5 49 
II . , I I I I I I .l I,: (I I I I I I I i I' I I, .' 1,1 Energv Burning calories Qftti  0 .. Q !:y,  ' Q\._ ,  0 T\. 6.1 goal talk about prese.t habtts / '. 0 r  tI'. 0  f " ' VOCABULARY Household chores 1 a What chores can you se e in each picture? cleaning the wlndows ding the co'oking doing the dsting . . . . . eo . , doing the Ironing making the bed dOing the vacuuming SPEAKING b . B) Listen to check. 0 Can you think of more chores? 2 Talk together. 1 Who does the different chores in your home? 2 Which chores do you like the most? Which don't (ou like? Why? 3 a Which three chores;n r do you think use the most energy? b Read the fact file from a magazine to cheCk your ideas. Daily chores may do you more good than going to the gym D oing the \'acuuming mar be a better wav to keep fit than s,,'imming or, yeling. according to new research. This is great nf'ws for all of us who don't like going to the gym! Here's how some house.lOld chores compare to more naditi,,,,al ways of keeping fit ..1lori"'f: ,1n hour Vacuuming 320 Swimming (20 metres a minutc) 270 Walking (5 ki l Qli1etres 1"" hour) 260 <..yding (10 kilOlnetres per hour) 240 Voga 230 Ironing 203 Cooking 180 Making beds 180 Cleaning \",indows 150 Dusting 150 I , " "'   , a Look at the photos showing two unusual ways to burn calories. What do You think are the advantages of each way? b Check your ideas in pllirs. A. read the article about Manuel Pedro below. B, read the article about Alex Gadsden on p124. READING r .... \' \ . 1 300 - 1>4.,",11I PNro 011 Ins treadmIll In tile Dlfke, .... 51 .'  - Alex GBdsden on his cycle wlI$/rer.outslde.  .L _ = - , -:::."!'\' - ...- ,....-;1\  -  - r'./ 'i .'  Jhlji  ,t. j -....... . 
The treadmill When Manuel Pedro's daughter looked at him one morning and said NWaw, you're fatl", he knew il was time to lase same weight. The trouble was, he didn't have time to do any exercise, "I work in an office all day and when I get home in the evening, I generally iust want to sit down and relax. At the weekend I normally do Ihings wilh my kids, so I just don't have time 10 go 10 the gym or go for a rln." However, one day, his wife suggested buying a treadmill and walking on it while he worked. "I thought she was crazy at first," he says. "Bl't then I thought, why not?" So the forty.year-old bought a cheap 'readmill and put it in the corner of his office. He fixed his laptop to il and begon walking and working at the same time. .  I I "At first. I found it hard to type and walk of the same time. I got really stressed and sometimes only did it once or twice a week. I also looked really stupid in a shirt and tie an a treadmill. My colleagues thought it was really funny." However, soon Manuel got better at working wl1ile he walked, and started to feel healthier. After a while he was doing several hours' walking every morning. "I have a lot more energy now: says the office manager. "When I get to the office, I get straight on lhe treadmill and check my emails. I do three hours a day at the moment. Every week I do ten minutes' mare walking. I've last a lot of weight. My wife can', stop smiling." 5 a Read your article again and answer the Questions about Manuel or Alex. 1 Who had the idea? 2 How much tilT1e does he spend doing exercise at the 1T10ment? 3 What's his morning routine now? 4 How has it changed his life? b Ask and answer the Questions about each other's articles. 6 What do you think 3bout the ideas in the articles? lIend to ... 1 a Which sentences from the articles are about Manuel? Whic, are about Alex? 1 Then I generally have breakfast ilnd a shower. 2 He normally cycles for 25 minutes to wash the clothes, 3 Aller a while he was doing several hours' walking every morning. 4 Every week I do ten minutes' marc walking. 5 I got really stressed and sometimes only did it once or twice a week. 6 I do three hours a day at the moment. 7 I tend to get up at around six-thirty now and get straight on the cycle washer. S The 29-year-ol:l now slarts each day with a 45-minute cide ride. b Which highlig/:ted Nords or expressions from 1-8: 1 mean usually? (x31 2 say how often you do things? (x3] 3 say how long or when you do thinqs? (x21 2 Write six sentences about your habits - four true, and two false. Use these topics and your own ideas. . in the morning . when you get up . in the evening . after your work/studies . before you go to sleep . meals, food and dllnk . sports and exercise . household chores SPEAKING 3 a listen to each other's sentences. Can you guess which are false? b Find out more about each other's habits. Do you do the same or different things? I start each day with two OK, it's false.  Il I or three C up s of coffee. But you don't S d e. ... o what do you 0 Ii ke coffee! in the morning? VOCABULARY Talking about hatits 51 
II \ I , I I I, ! I II I J1:1 I I I I I I I 'I II' I I" I I I 6.2 c .' 6.2 goals talk about we;! ther make (ompnsof'l!; " o  " , a 8 8 . .( \ . Edt I r VOCABULARY Weathcr 1 a Read the weather fact file, Find the highlighted words in the pictures, What's the most surprising fact for you? b Have you experienced these kinds of weather? Wh ch ones occur in your country or region? II [ct:XDI'IF2JocJt,\J ... Fact file: weather If A . ..... '" oaDbaveu..oh_...fGardap' of eleoklot'Y forUlewbole1Jlll&edS&da If A 1II"" ill:lBcJaeateUul air to abolltSO,OOO.c. 'l'bat'B UIan tJte sur!' ofu.e.... If 'fIut oaIauda.... cumuJoDimIlus cIoads. Prom bottoJi. to top,  can up to 18 ..  ,., In 111ft .ndAbowinNorth Wa1ealaakdtorUu'ee If  u.vieR:raID was on the island oC ReunioJ11n the In.; . Ocean: 1,e81 ..,.. . It' w:1D4a....eartl1are1nsldeatornacl.o.Tbe Speedinstdeone n"...._., blA _ _ QIuI. .aokph. 'I'be W'IIJ'Id'alaJ8u' snowflake cen in 1887. Ie was 88 . .' en...  ooIden \empa'ature ever recorded was -89.2.C. ., e VOIItok Station In Che '1ArCe .....""""'. .. faD at speeds Caster than 180 kph. ba.vied hailstone r.u . . 1D 1.188 1\ wetCI*Il ... and was ..large as a melon. LISTENING 2 a What problems dO you think people can have when the weather's really hO\, or really cold? b _ BD Listen to Jeevan and Vasily talking about the weather where they live. 1 What kindS ot wedther 110 they talk about! 2 Who talks about thesc things? . dfternoons . driving . air conditionmg . clothes . drinks . temperature . tourists 3 a Can you remember what Jeevan and Vasily say abcutthe things in 2b? Talk together. b -lID Listen agail1to check. - -=- Jeevan from Kt>\I<ata , What do you tlo when the weather's really hot or cold? Do you like this kind o weather? Vasily from Moscow 52 
. .  . :a mparing "go; I>.H-,I-\I>.NIS1AN It isn'las cold as ... 1 a What are the comparatives and superlatives of the adjectives in the table? I Irr egul ar Two or more syllables careful impo900d bad far One syllable Two syllables ending in -y I- cold colder, fhe coldest b Use words from 1a to complete the sentences from the talks and the fact file. -- I I Comparatives and superlatives You have to be on the roads. That's _ than the surface of the sun. I The _ hailst:me fell in Bangladesh in 1986. I The _ thing is to drink a lot as... as... It weighed 1 kg ana was as as a melon. I It isn't as _ as Siberi<l. I C . DB Listen to check. 0 2 Look at sentences 1-5. Which highlighted expression(s) means: a big difterence? a small difference? exactly the same? 1 It' usually -5 to -10 °c but it can get a lot colder. 2 People prefer to go to much hotter countries 3 You should be a bit more careful in the hot sun. f. Moscow is almost as cold as Siberia. 5 Helsinki is just as cold as Moscow. Complete the paragraph about Pakistan with thes e adjectives in the correct form. IJar1jE'" big frightening hot cold (x21 heavy I 3 "O"(O  /. ......- '/.'..'/,' / , I i'esna'Na' . When 1 was little, Il1ved in Lahore in Paklstan. It's the second . largest, city in PalUstan atter KarachI. i\\e wea\\\e\ iTl \.:i\\\o\e  ex\\eme d\l\\'!\ \\\e s=e\. The 2 months are May, June and July, when temperatures can nse to 40-4E "C. The 3 _ rainfall is in July and August during tJ:c monsoon. The · _ months ilIe December, January and February, but it doesn't often get 5 _ than goC. What 1 remember most clearly is the hall. Hailstones almost as' _ as tOIUllS balls would hit our house. They cou1d break windows and damage cars. However, the 7 moments were the dust storms. when the sky turned black in the middle of the day. . Islamabad 40 c C 0 ////N/ . Multan C Quetta. C /. ' ' /. P/..-;(;S;AN , /, / / 4(J'C" PRONUNCIATION Words with -er and -est SPEAKING -ubai, the wettest nths are January Feb-uary. Actually, I think it's just as wet in December. . 1'/." INDIA . Hyderabad , a When a word ends in -er or -est, the stress stays On the same syllable Say these words. hot  hotter  the hottest hevy  hevier  the healest b Practise saying the comparatives and superlatives in 1a with the correct stress. 5 a Think about these things in your country or another country you know. Make notes, . climate and seasons . extrelT'e wealher and storms . oceans or seas . rivers alid lakes . mountains wettest - January and February longest river - the NIle b Compare your ideas in groups. If you're from the same country, do you agree? 53 - 
Target activity I I  r '. 1 l ,.. II I I I Sports Plus is planning to open a rew fitness centre, They're doing a survey of local people's habits and preferc!! nee!. TASK LISTENING 1 2 I , 'l'ASK 3 VOCABULARY Expressi ng preferences - I' .i:; \. - *t  j.......i,'i::" , ,.J.;r. . ";a., I I i!..- " ..,;:"  /\ , , TASK 5 I I III, II I" How ollen do you go to a sports centre? I I Wi>U, I go swimming once a week. 6 I 7 54 6.3 aoals Do a survey talk about pre....t habits U make comparisons . express preferences ----. - . . . .... . Is there a fitness centre near where you live? What can you do there? 00 you ever use it? . SI) listen to the interview with Sally. 1 What does Sally think of the fitness centre she visits? 2 How often does she go there? 3 How lorg does she spend there? 4 What does she usually do? a Can you remember what Sally says? Complete the sentences with words from the box. a nicer pool facilities showers women-only cla:;ses changing rooms pool 1 The _ _'s OK, but it coutd be bigger. 2 I'd prefer  as well. 3 The _ could definitely be better. " I don't mind the_. 5 I'd much rather have private. 6 I'd rather have _ than a sauna. b . SI) Listen again to check. Cover the sentences and look at the things in the box. Try to remember what Sally says. a You decide 10 open a new business, In groups. choose one of the following or your Own idea. . a fitness centre . a music shop . a cafe or restauranl . a market stall b Before you open your business, you want to kno'H about people's habits and prpfprpnrp. n"sign a qup"tionn"irp with "ix '1"..<;tion<;. 'Think ahollt thp!>p thin!]" . the kind of products/ facilities/service . location . hours . special features . other ideas Do you...? Where...? When...? Are you Interested in...? How often... ? How long...? What do you...? Do you prefer... ? Use your questionnaire to interview people from other groups, Talk to three different people each. a Go back to our group and compare your results. What kind of service would most people like? b Tell the class about your decisions.. 
I tlPlORE Kevword 110 1 Put the hightighted collocations with do into three groups: a work and studies b chores c sports and exercise I 1 Do.!ng the vacuuming may be a bet.ter way to keep f it than switmllng. ODic' I 2 TheSQ days we have to do our jobs and 00 exercise to stay healthy! bD1t:' 3 In your home, who d::x..s the fOOd shoppir,g? ODlc. J 41 I haT ed doing exams and testE: and so or.. uaJ.I::iII 5 I"ve done courses in muslc l()Cal history and VlDJt. J 6 I do a lot' of "Ok in the ra1nforest in the centyl Amazon. Uldt: :ill '1 When [ was at college. I did aerobics. UlDiI: 1 2 a MaKe questions with the collocations in 1. Have you ever... ? How often do you n. ? When WclS the last time you .. ? Have you ever done yoga? b Ask and answer the questions together. " 3 a Continue sentences f -6 with a-I. do.. a bit ofla lot of 150 me + activity 1 I did a bit of singing when I was younger. \ a 2 I'm doing a lot of reading at the moment. b 3 When I'm stressed I do some yoga. c do.. somethinglanythingleverything 4 I did something really stupid lasl week, d 5 I didn't do anything last night. e 6 I have to do everything when my wife is <way. f b Write three more sentences about what you do. I did a bit of karate when I was at school. e In groups. read out your sentences. Ask questions to find out more. Iteft my key 10 the door! The cleaning, the ironing. all the chores. The exercise really calms ne down. I'm half-way through a 500-page book. I was really into it. I just came home and went to bed. Independent leaming Reading the phonemic senPI ;jI Lock at the dictionary entry for routine. How do you say it? b Wo'k in pairs. How do you say these sounds? /bl If I Iml leI Isl Ijl lei li:1 /II lrel h:1 Ii'll c Check with the chart on p159. 2 Match the symbots1-8 with the highlighted sounds in words a-h. Use the chart to help you. routine lru: ti:nJ noun the things that you do every day at the same time: a daily routine 3 a In pairs. read the words 1-10. 1 Id31rnJ 2 I' 3 l'saIkhDI 4 /tJ ..:'z/ 5 IklalJdz/ b , Listen to check. 6 l'kli:.mIJI 7 I'rem. b;JlJI 8 l'vk..u:mIDI 9 It..: 'ncl.d3lJ1 10 l'w..:.kIDI 1 I  14 I 7 18 li:1 II' IN Ie! 1c:J1 I d 31 lell 13:1 a her b stay c shopping (j current e best f energy g hair h free b , Hl) Listen to check. 0 55 
'.1 r I I,  , , I .. , I I' I I II I II I II , I PlO Speaking Goal - speilk more politely by being I.... direct ... " , d .. l . .' ""?j J:I    '.... 1.. ... - ... 191 t  - M- Y  ..... . -:=: a_..,.,.' 1 .  Listen to three conversations. Match them with the pictures. 2 a You can  more polite by speaking less directly, Which sentences ilre direct. a or b? a Would you mind answering sorre qlli!Slions? b Can you answer some questions? 2 a II could be better. b It's bad. b Look at the conversations. Find and underline the expressions that are less direct than these. Requests 1 Can you answer a lew questions? 2 Can you change this ten lor me? 3 Can you tell me a bit more? Refusing requests 4 No, I don't want to. 5 No, I don't need anything OlJilliull 6 The pool is dirty, 7 The staff aren't interpsted. 8 It's boring. 9 I'm not interestpd in (\)otball. C . Bl) Listen to check. 0 3 Make these expressions less direct using the words in (bracketsl. Then compare your answers. My parents are old-fashioned. (a bltl My parenls are a bit old-fashioned, 2 We're not hungry. (reallyl 3 Ronnie ar,d Clara are unhappy. (do,-t seeml 4 I hate bananas. !really \ik1 5 George is stupId sometimes. Iclever\ 6 Can you wait lor five minutes? (Wodd you mind) 7 Can you be quiet. please? 100 you think) 8 Can you help me with my bags? (I wonder if) , a,  Listen to a phone conversation between Andre and Sue. Do you think it sounds polite? b look at the script on p149.ln pairs, write a more polite version 01 the conversation. Practise it. e Listen to each other's conversations. Do you think they sound polite? 56 .t flDIHi cen . G BILL SHEILA BILL SHEILA BILL SHEILA BilL e BEN Would you mind arsweJing a few questions, please? It won'( tal.., long, Er, yes, that's OJ( Thank you. Are you happy with the fttness centre genera1ly? :rm, weRlt could be better. Oh. I see. Do you t!1lnk you could reU me a bit JIlQre? Well. to be hallest, the pool isn't always very clean, Alld the staft don't seem very interested Oh dear. Well. I'U delIIte]y tell the Uldnager. Hi I wonder if you couJd change this ten for me, I need some coins for tIJI) ticket machinE\ CLDDADH Sorry, but I'd rather nOl Peple are aJways asking me for change, BEN Oh ClOOAGH Perhaps you'd hke to lJuy something? BEN Erm, no, not really, E) PHil Here s your drink, Sony it took so long. CATNERINE So. what do you think of the game? PNll Urn. it's a bit boring. CATHERINE Bonog? PHil Well. you know I'm not rea'.l'l imerested In football, CATHERINE SO shauJd we go? The second hall starts In two minutes PHil No, you stay he:e. I'U do some shopprng, then come back in an hour, OK? CATHERINE Well, OK. See ye,u bier 
Look again 0 Review VOCABULARY Weather 1 a Work in teams. Complete these weather words with 'Iowels. Who can finish first? rn thndrstrnl Ightnng snwflk trnd rnbw hl.stns wnd clds tmprtr b How did you feel about Mierent kinds of weather when you were a child? When Iwas a child,l was afraid of lightning. Really? I thoug ht it was excit;,g. GRAMMAR Comparing things 2 a Order the words in these questions. lif" ! in the past! 00 you think ( than! is easier now? 2 it's better for children! 00 you think! or I to play computer games! to read? 3 cheerfutl Who's I person you know I the most? 4 tetter kinds of! than in the past I 00 people ave I entertainment? 5 for you I the best place! What's! to relax? 6 been Ie (the most exhausting event! Whafs! ou've ever? b Ask and answer the questions. Give eXamp\e and reasons. CAN YOU REMEMBER? Unit 5 - Paying for things 3 a Put the sentences of the conversation In orde-. CA55ISTANT D THIAGO DASSISTANT Anything else? Next door? OK. Eiaht Dostcan!s That comes to six Dounds fort V , please. No, that's all, thanks. How much is that? UAS51STANT I'm afraid not, no. There's a cash machme just - I'll take thesc Dostcards . please. And do you have any maDs ? O,WAGO No. it's OK. I've got some cash. I think. D ASSISTANT r m sorry. we don't have any maDS at the moment. )'ou eQuId try next coor. D ASSISTANt Thank you. And that's 60 pence chanae . D THIAGO Can I pay by card? b Practise in pairs, changing the underlined expressions. Take turns to be Thiago and the shop assistant. D IHIAGO JJ IHIAGO Extension SPELLING AND SOUNDS -able and -ible " a. En These two IIdjective endings sound the same.l;,bl!. Read and listen. comfortable available possible sensible b Complete these words to make endings with -ible or -able. terr_ble fashion__ble impos5_ble horr _bLe memor _ble enjoy_ble c ..e Spellcheck. Close your book. listen to ten words and write them down. d Lool< at the script On p149 to check your spelling. NOTICE Abbreviations 5 a Mat<.h these words with abtreviation.. fro III the weather fact file on p52. 1 millimetre a km 2 degrees ICelsiusi b °C 3 kilometres per hour c em I. centimetre d mm 5 kilo metre e kg 6 kilo (kilogram! f kph b Can you remember what these figures are about? Talk together, then read to check. , 38 cm 4 480 kph 2 18 km 5 1,825 mm 3 30,OOO°C 6 7 -89.2°C 1 kg I think 3tj cm was the largest snowftake. II was 38 cm across. C Talk together. Do you know, or can you guess: 1 how tall you are? 2 what the speed limit is for cars in your country? 3 how far it is from your h3me to the nearest airport? 4 what the temper3ture was on the honest and coldest days you ve had this year? 5 how much you weighed ",hen you were born? Self-assessment Can you do these things in Engllsh?(Ja number , i..' n do this well. .about present habltf . talk aboul weather . make cpa"s0E!.- . e xpress preferences . &peek more p olote ly by berng ess direct . For WordcBrda, reterenCf and eavtng)'OU" work .. ...-Portfoho . For more practtce » s.wstudV Pack. un" 8 5J 
I ,1 I I , I II II Jill I I  I I, I II II 'I  .. .. - -  . I ." , \ , . " z.,.. IItMtJ In . ,'HI '- SlMIIcb z.,.,J 11. 2f1(J City lile Urban saUon READING 1 Look at the pictures. What changes can you see? 7.1 goal . make guesses and predictions = '.:-; .. . - -. 2 Read the introduction to the article about urbanisatior. Why do you think so many people around the world are going to live in cities? C + www.viewpoint.ctm/urbanworld - q,- Viewpoint - The urban world in 2050 In 1900, just 13 per cent of the wortd's people lived in cities. In 2008, the number passed 50 per a!nt for the first time in history. By 2050, the number will  be about 70 per cent. The urban population in Asia and Africa will double, and there will be necilly 30 "me9ddli.. - l.ili) wilh mur thdll 10 miUton people. So what will life be like for people in the cities of the future? Professor IIf human geography Ben Rhodes describes his vision of the llrban world In 2050. P'ofessor Ben Rhodes life in cities will be very different from how it is today. Energy, especially oil, will be very expersive, so many people will probably work at home, or have their workplaces close to where they live. There'll be less traffic on the roads, and it'll be easier for people to be close to their families. For these reasons cities won't have just one centre where everyone goes to work and shop. Instead, we'll probably see cities with many di'ferent centres. 2 It will be difficult to provide enough water, gls and p't.rtricity for rpally bi!) cities. so these will prot>ahly st)P gmwing. Many people from the countryside will move to sma\!er cities of 500,000 people or rransport over lor,g distances will be a lot more expensive than it is ncw, so people will have to use food ard energy from the countrJside around their cities. They'll use local materials for btiilding, and perhaps traditional styles of architecture too. 'The thing I really worry about is that enery may become too expensive for many people. In the end we might have two groups of people: a rich group which can afford energy and lives in clean, green areas, and a bigger. poorer group which can't afford it and has to live in the more polluted parts of the city. This might lead to serious political problems. . As we all know, cities near the sea will probably expenence some extra problens. As temperatures around the world go up, sea levels will rise and many places will have problems with flooding. Some cities will be OK, some may even find that the change in the climate is good for them, but others will need help. We really need to start planning for this MW. . y 3 Read the rest of the article. In which paragraph 1-4 does Professor Rhodes talk about these topics? a Cities and the countryside c Energy, money and politics b Cities near the sea d Working and living in cities 58 
I I VOCABULARY 6 The environment SPEAKING GRAMMAR wil', might, may Gr..mmar reference and 1)ractlce, p't37 SPEAKING - 4 Read the article again. What reasons does Professor Rhodes give for these predictions? 1 Cities will have many centres. 2 Big cities will stop growing. J HUlldmgs will use tocal matenals. 4 5 There might be political problems. Some cities near the sea will need help. 5 In groups, ask and answer the questions. How do you feel about the changes Professor Rhodes describes? Which are good and which are bad? 2 00 you disagree with anything Professor Rhodes says? Why? Cover the article and use the words and expressions from the box to complete the sentences. Then check in the article. 7 - 6 clean, green climate flooding gas oil poll ted se levels trffic trnsport 1 Energy, especially _' will be very expensive 2 There'll be les; _ on the roads. 3 It will be difficLlt to provide enough water, and electricity for really big cities. 4 _ over long distances will be a lot more expensive. 5 We might havc two groups of people: a rich group which lives in areas no 6 ... and a poorer group which has to live in the more parts of the city. 7 As temperatures around the world go up, wIll rise and many places will have problem with _ . 8 Some cities m3Y find that the change in is good for them, but others will need help. Ask and answer the questrons. 1 00 you think the climate is changing around the world? Vvhat about where you live? 2 Which places in your country or city: . have the worst traffic? . sometimes have problems with flooding? . have the most popular green areas? . are the most polluted? . might have problems If sea levels go up? Making predictions 1 Read sentences 1-5, Then complete the grammar table with the highlighted words. 1 There'll be les; traffic on the roads. 2 Cities won't hve just one centre. 3 Big cities witt probably stop growing. 4 Energy may bccome too expensive. 5 This might create two groups of people. 1( I'm sure wonJ . I'm not sure miahl I . I'm sure 3 'Il- will won't. will not 2 What do you think the world will be like in 2050? Make sen:ences with the words. 1 people I have I free time 5 food I expensive 2 families I have I children 6 people I do I exer,:ise 3 children I study I home 7 English I importa)t 4 people I use I cash I shops 8 people I happier People will probab,y have less free time, 3 a Think of three more predictions about life in 2050. b Compare all your predictions from 2 and 3a in groups. Talk about your ideas, 59 
II I II . II I I I' J I I I I I I I 1 I II II I II READING nA'" .t: Total ,) Tourist ,  7.2 goals n you're i11eresred In an make recommendationl give directions 1 Look at the hotos in the website for t(,iJrists. What do you know about Amsterdam? 2 Now read the entries. Which place woutd you most like to visit? Why?  .lotalto"';:;nst comi trave9-idelamsl;:a.arT . .. :, . ".1 _IT'" 1I...__ : f"I"7T:__'ml  . :II__I7";'7 1 . :'1_1"";";"I:'1 " - """'Iml. AMSTERDAM TRAVEL GUIDE n.,g:s to Do ...... Van Gogh Museum Updated by heidt7"B on February 18. 20081 Send to II friend II you're Interested In art, you'll love the Van Gogh Museum. It has the world's biggest Van Gogh colletion with over 200 paintings. Personally, I'm not REALLY into art, but I stHI found this an amazing place. The queue to get In can be quite long. tJulll)) worth Iht:t wCiit. Luve 8 carnmen. I Phone: +31 20 570 S252 Website: http;/ jwwwvanoootn'\UgeUr.'\.fll I . Keukenhof Gardens Updated by alexx on August 30. 2010 I Send to..afrimd. H,is is a great day out lor anyone who loves gard",,", II you vist at the right time, you'll see more than ileVen million llowers! They say n's the biggest fIwer garden In the world, but II slill gets very crowded. When we We.1t, the restauranls were all tull allunchlime, so ,I you want to eat here, you mighl have :0 book in advance. It's a:>oul an hour lrom the city. L9auJ): I Phone: +3125226 5555 Website: ht 1p.llww\\IIo::Atlkantnf nl 11I1111I1 111111111 tllllli 111111 11\11 U2.- I I I Anne Frank's house Updatod b)o m.diI on December 2, 20091 to..a..friend This is tho house where two Jewish families, the Franks and the Van Pels, hid during Ihe Second WONd War, and where 13-year-old Anne Frank wrote her tamous diary. My visit was a sad but interesting expenence. Top: il you visit in the suomer, you should go 10 the house in the e.TIy eveninQ. It's open unl1l 8 pm and the Queue b !lel,n is not so long. Leev8 B commen I Phone: +31 20 556 1100 Websito: I1l lpJ/ GRAMMAR 3 Real conditionals Crammar reference and practice, pt37 SPEAKING 60 Complete the sente nces from the website with words from the box. 1'1\ (x2) might sh 4 .- I willi mIg ht I should + infinitive you _ love Ihe Van Gogh Museum. you see more than seven millIon 'lowers. you have to book in advance. I you go to te h ouse in the ear ly evening. Write recommendations for visitors to your country. 1 If you re interested in sightseeing, you'Ulove... 2 If you want to do some shopping, you should go .. 3 If you en.oy trying new food, you might like n 4 If you like the countryside, YOIJ'U.., 5 If you come In the winter. you should '.. 6 If you lik sports, you might n 7 If you. rc interested ill ... 8 If n. If + present, 1 II you're interested 'n art, 2 II you v,s,t at the righl time, 3 If you Viant to eat here, 4 If you visit in the summer, 5 Listen to each other's recommendations. Which ones would you like to try? If you're from the same country, do you agree? o Q. 
LISTENING I . . . - VOCABULARY Giving directions PRONUNCIATION linking cons,)nants and vowels 2 SPEAKING Getting dlrecUons 1 . E) Listen to Lizz(s conversation In the tourist office and answer the questions. Where does she want to go? 2 How far is it? " O&>1''''pd' " . ',- Z ';i:, ,f / st Church! ) q /" .,:. New Stock Exchange J Church ..  .l1am $.... / "A..t.o... R I. S2Ire .# New :r oya . A{'. rkE' Palace .National . O. Monumen, """"'me i ff g J TUdUd"S i /A £ i ... Amsterdam f History . Museum 005"""",, c '-...  " I i  r Nieuw Ma""- / \ .lIombran(!' t-ouse 2 ,DI) Find the tourist office on the map and then listen again, Where's Anne Fran's house: 1, 2 or 3? 3 a Use the map to put the directions in order, 1-8, Ask How can I get to Anne Frank's house? Start We're next to the main train station. o Go along Raadhuisstraat for about fiv.. hundn.d mgtrgs IlJ Go down the big street. It's called Damrak. rn Go out of here and turn left, -l. 0 Turn right and go past the palace. o When you get to the canal called Prinsengracht. tLrn right. n If you cortinue along Damrak. you'll come to the [am. rn You'll go past a big building on your left, the Beurs, o You'll see the National Monument on your left and the Royal Palace on your right. Finish The house is by the canal. b Check in the script on p149. Then cover 3a,look at the map and give directions to Anne Frank's house. 4 a,  Listen and nO:lce how the consonant and vowel sounds link in this sentence Go oulvr ""!,Sdll.] Iv. II I"n. b Mark the consonants and vowels that link in these directions. 1 Turn right and go past the palace. (x1) 2 You'll go past a tig building on your left, the Beurs. (x2) 3 You'll see the National Monument on your left and the Royal Palace on your right. (x3) c .  Listen to check. 0 Practise saying the directions. 5 a Work alone. Choose two places on the map, Think about how to give directions from the tourist office. b Listen to each others directions and guess the places. 61 
,  I I I I t I I lalllBI BGlilli" 7.3 goals Get tourist informalion make recommendations , ' gl'/8 directions . CI get information in a tourist O"lt - .11..... - AMSTERDAM MOET IE HOREN , .- <'''':''. '........ _t.",!m '. - ..  .. " .. " I . I i;j..., ........ .. \ .' ... I II II , - \  ..""" \ i, Ii . -- AMSTERDAM  l 10, .1 \ "-:ij II J1.. '" - . -- Sergei is in Amsterdam on business. but has some free lime to see the city. , .' , TASK LISTENING 1 a What can YOJ remember about: the Van Gogh Museum? the Keukenhof Gardens? Anne Frank's house? b . HI» Listen to Sergei"s conversation in the tourist office. Which places does he decide to visit? II " TAStI; V01;A8ULAR't Getting tourist informalion 2 a Can you remember what Sergei says? Tick ......1 the highlighted expressions he uses. 1 I'm looking for somewhere to stay. 2 Do you organise tours of the city? 3 Have you got a map? 4 Can you recommend some things to see? 5 Do you have any information about art galleries? 6 Do you s1I tickets? b . HI) Listen again to check. jl II 3 Can you think of more ways to continue the highlighted expressions in 2a? Use these and your OWn ideas. . day trips . guidebooks . a leaflet . a restaurant . the railway station . travel passes . a hotel I'm looking for lJ good hotel. 4 a You're going to do a role play in a tourist office. Work in A/B pairs. Student B, tell Student A the name of a neighbourhood, town or city you know well. A, you're visiting this place. Think of five questions to ask. 8, you work n the tourist office. Decide where the tourist office is. then think of five things to recommend and how to get there.  I TASK 1I0' I'm lookingt;":'l b Have a conversation in a tourist office. A, start the conversation with one of your questions. B, listen, make recommendations and give directions. C Change roles and have another conversallon. 62 
J EXPlORE Kevword wIll will for predictions wit( for offers, promises, requests , a Put the Lines of each conversation in tho corroc! order, 1-3.. Hi) Then Listen to check. 0 2 a Vou can also use will to make, offers o It'U be Leona I invited her tor a coffee, o Rou l Can you answeI the door? I'm doing the washing up. o Yeah, OK. Who is it? 1\ Can J pat:. my case in t.he back? B I' 1J o t.hat lor you. DUIt. promises o Ah,yes, Howo\dishe 7 o Don't 100get,II's Deite!'s b'.rthday on Monday, o He U be twenty.fve, I thmk OK, I 1). give her llao II'Ia::>Eage and ask her co cont:.act you. IllDit 2 b In which conversation is will ('lIJ: a about the future? b about now? request s I orders a'k.e .hesp postcard;, I have y ("1Mps? OD.1t 5 please. And do you c Write a Ibt or !iv" illlfJUI tant people in your life. Then Look at each others Lists and find out ab3ut the peopLe. Use these questions and your own ideas. 1 Who are they? How do you know them? 2 Where do you think they are at the moment? 3 When will you see them again? " How do you think their lives will change in the next five years? Can you remember who said these sentences and where? b . B) Listen to three short conversations. Which is: a a phone caLI? b h a car? c in a cafe? c ..m Listen again. Think of a sentence with w\\l to continue each conversation and then compare your ideas. Ves, I'll have some water, pLease. !5. Across cultures Tourism . Read statements 1-6. Find a highlighted expression which means: a a pLace where a Lot 01 people go for holidays, c important pLaces in a country's hIstory. b the peopLe who live in a place, not tourits. d peopLe's habits and Wcys 01 behaving. 1 Tourism heLps people from different pla:es to understand each other. 2 When yoU visit another country. you shoJLd try to speak the LocaL language, 3 In a tourist resort, restaurants shouLd sLl food from tourists' countries and LocaL food. " Tourism is bad for a country's areas of naturaL beauty and historical sites, 5 Visiting a pLace during a festivaL is a great way to Learn about the customs and traditions there. 6 Tourism is good for Ihe LocaL people and Local businesses. b Tick I.rJ the statements you agree with. iI . III) Listen to NataLie and PauLa tdlking dbout statement 2. Do they generally agree or disagree with the statement? · IE) What do they say are the good pc.nts about the statement? What are the problems? Listen again. then read the script on p150 Ie check. TelL each ether what you think about statements 1-6. ExpLain your ideas. .. 'I, '4 ' " \ ..I .  . ... ... .. r . , ,  . ;\ ".I ,', ".. 0 \.: ,>  , ,-I',. . . .a -- j J:\ " .. - ,. . .. "' 
,I I II II I  "I r I III I I \  I I il II . Writing Goal 1 a Choose a city, or a place you know well, to write about. Make a list of things you could write about. buildings, parks, the weather ... b Compare your ideas and add more things to your list. write a description of a place 2 a Read the web postings about home twns. Who writes about these thmgs, Kel.y, Mildu or both of them? 1 people 3 flowers 5 the weather 2 homes "popular activities 6 the city's atmospherE "!.«'_l"""'" "tI.""f'lS'I: " g)Go ''''''  WELCOME TO MY HOME TOWN! .'fJ.1ft KELLY - SHERIDAN,"""" . (USA) I Ten years ago, Sheridan had 15,500 people. Now it has 16,000. The growlh has all be(!n outside th city. Thcyre bui ding a lo! of homes four or five miles. out of lown. 'Sheridan's about 1,200 metres above soa level. We get lots of snow and there are qood ski slopes near here. Dnve an hour west and you'li be in the best camping and fishing areas. 'Sheridan has some of the best schools ,n the country. Great football and soccer learns. W. also have streel dances and kids' groups. There's always something going On around here. . "  Jii",h,- .. 'I n.\\' , 'lnU I , ' I.- , ,. ... . . ..  , In Nlgena, people ohen talk about Ihe beauty of Abuja. II was a DIce surprIse when I stepped onto this city for the first li,.,e. The city gate has many flowers planted around It. Nearby is the very mcdern NatiONI tadium and the Games Village, which was used for the All African Games. 'Abuja is the federal capilal city of Nigeria and a lot of the country's oil money has been spent on it. The streets and buildings look new, clean and beautiful. 'There are modern houses and lots of tres and flowers. A nice wind blows In from the Sahara Desert. It's Quiet and peaceful. Aher my first vIsit, I decided to make AbuJa my home. T'. I  b Would you like to visit these places' Why? I Why not? 3 a Add words and expressions from the postings to these groups. 1 places and buildings ski slopes. .. 2 groups of people foofball teams,... 3 events street dances. n. /" the wether, nlure snow.... b What words or expressions could you use to talk about your city? Add more things to each Qroup. 5 a Plan a posting describing a place you know well. I DecIde what tlings you want to tlk about. 2 Organise the Ihings into three or four paragraphs. 3 ThInk of words and expressions to use m each paragraph Look at the langu3ge in 3-4 and use your own ideas. , a What adjectives do Kelly and Madu use? Try to complete the list, then check in the postings. goQfL gr_ _ ni_ mo _ ne_ c be_ qu_ pe_ b Whal adjecives could you use to talk about your city? Add them to the list. b Explain your ideas to each other. 6 Write your posting. 7 Read each other's postings. Ask questions to fInd out more informalion. 64 
look again <) Review GRAMMAR Real conditionals 1 II Paul is .alking about his life in the next five years. Put the words in order to make sentences. be happy have I ru if job same the. /'II be happy if I have the same job. 2 s annoyed be better can't car get I ru if . 3 be don't exams I ru if my pass sad, I. be get I ru if married surprised. 5 be children have I ru if shocked. b Write sentences like 1-5 about your life in the next five years. c Listen to each other"s sentences. Ask questions to find out more. VOCABULARY Giving directions 2 a. B:) Look at the map of a language school and listen to the receptionist's directions to a stucent. Whe"e does the student go? Drinks machines b Reac the script on p150 to check. Then look al the map and try to remember the directIons. c Take lurns to ask for and give directions to other rooms from the receplion. Listen and check the directions are correct. CAN YOU REMEMBER? Unit 6 - Chores. habits 3 a Look at the sentence about chores. In groups. think of words or expressions which could replace each part of the sentence 1-1.. I usuaUy clean Ihe windows once a monlh , 1 231. tend to do the ironing every day b Work alone. Think aboul how 10 describe a normal day in your life: . during the week, . at the weekend. c TeU each other about your days. Who spends :he most time: at work? doing chores? studying? relaxing? Extension SPELLING AND SOUNDS ui uy , a.  You c:>n s:>y ui :>nd uy in three w:>ys. Listen and repeat. /J/ Ju:J /al/ buy fruit build b Add these words to the correct group. Practise saying the words. guide suit guy juice guitar biscuit c :e the correct answer. Which letters do we use: 1 in the mIddle of words?ui luy 2 at the end of words? ui /uy d . DE) SpeUcheck. Close your books. Listen to nine words and write them down. Then look at the script on p150 to check your speUing. NOTICE Noun + infinitive 5 a Complete the sentences from this unit with these nouns. place queue something somewhere things time 1 The _ to get in can be qUite long. 2 rm looking for _ to stay. 3 One of Ihe most popular _ to see is Anne Frank's house I. The best _ _ to go is early evenmg. 5 Irs definitely a good _ _ to visit 6 Would you like _to drink? b Think about these questions. Then ask and answer in groups. Can you recommend a city to visit? When's the best tIme to go? 2 In the city. can you recommend: a somewhere to stay? b some things 10 see? Are there long queues to get in? c somewhere to have a meal? Self-assessment Can you do these things in Engllsh7C)a number . .' .. n do this well. . make guesses and predictions make recom mendations .91 diroc tion s . get nformation in e tourist office . write a des.crlptlon or a plate . For Won:Ic8rds. rwterence... ..Wlng yow work . eaporUoIIo . For more practtce.. SeIf-.tudy Plick, Un4f 7 65 
Things , o . . . II 'I \1 rl I I I' I LISTENING f I III" iI Carolina lives in lond on. VOCABULARY Buying things  ponobello Market ... . ...... .' l !j 8.1 goal ask about and buy things ....... .. - I ,.  I .,. . -:> \ .' .  J  ... It="" '..! " '. . t. ,. " I.. , to! ---. . ..-..'...... . i=J.. f- ; 4. '10 ) . . - " L 01' ..  1 look at th photos of stalls in Porto bello Market, london. Ask and answer the questions together, 1 00 yo likE> shopping in markets? Why? I Why not? 2 Do yo usually just pay the full pnce at market stalls, or do you bargain? 3 What do markets in your town sell? Ifood, antiques. second-hand clothes ...1 4 Are there any famous markets in your country? Have you ever visited them? 2 'BE) Carolina is from Spain but lives and works in london. listen to her shopping in Portobello Market. What thing in each photo does she ask about? 3 'BE) listen agail1. What does Carolina buy? How much does she pay? , a Complete the highlighted expressions from Carolira's conversations with the stallholde-s with verbs from the box. I give hi.we (x2] is leave "-<rTlg see take 1x21 try want I Looking o 5 Do you nee1 any help? < No. lJ1anks, I'm just J110killg 6 < Can I _ a look at those ones there? 5 These big ones? < No, the smaller ones. I e c Can 1_ the big rug at the top? s The orange one? c No, the white one, 66 Bw yuill.ill.Y o c I could you eighty. 5 I'll do it lor aighty-live. c Well...OKI'])_lt o c Would you __ twenty'? . ] can take thirty. c Thanks. butl'll_ them o c How much do yw __ for them? > These ones are tluny-live. b look at the script on p 150 to check. - Buyiull "tuLllcs 0< Whatslzc_ it? 5 It's B medium, Oc Canl__lton c 5 Yes. 01 c:ow:se, o < Do you _ Bny other colours? s I'm afraid not, no. 
,  _ ik;, '. ... -,  1 .1/ I I PRONUNCIATION Contrastive stress I I GRAMMAR some. any Grammar refcrence and ctlce 138 SPEAKING '_..7.r,;.t:. mi:".':ziJ 5 a.  Listen to 2 and I. from I.a. Notice that two of the words have strong stress. . C Can I have a Look at those ones there? c I could give you eighty. s These big ones? s I'll do it fo' eighty-five c Nn, thp <;mlIprnnp<; c Wpll OK. I'll t"kp it b Now look at 3 in 4c. Which two words have strong stress? What about in 5? C .  Listen to check. 0 Practise saying 2-5 in I.a. 6 In pairs, take turns to start the conversations from 4a. Ans\ver with your own ideas. Do YOU have any ... :» 1 Look at the examples in the table. Then co m plete 1-4 with some and any. l here are some second-hand stalls just I Excuse me? over there. s Yeah, do you need some help? I might have some other sizes, I 0 . d ' ? o you have ary sIlver can testocks. C Do you have ary other colours? We don't have any second-hand clothes. s Do you need any help? I c No thanks, I'm just looki ng. 1 In positive senlences, we usually use 2 In negative sertences, we usually use 3 In questions. v-.e use _ when we don't know the answer, I. In questions, we use _ when we expect the answer 'ys' loffers, requests, elc.l. 2 a Add some or any to sentences 1-5 in the conversation. some 1 STAllHOLDER Hello. Do you need A help? 2 CAROll"'" Yes. Do you have I)Qokcasl!s,? 3 s Yes. we do. We've got njpJ1Qo,<\sl!s over here. c Oh, right. How much i the .l1i9. one? I. sit's UQ, but oJ/e've got cheaper ones. This .I)lc;. one's just Q. 5 C Hm. Do you think you'll get more? s Yes, I get them In qUite often. sO you could try again jP.!!..f.I!W,wee!ss. b . &!) Listen to a conversation with possible answers. Are our answers the same? c In pairs, change the underlined expressions and have more conversations. 3 a Work in Al8 pairs. Choose the rug, antique or jacket stall in the photos on pM. A. you're the stallholder. Decide on prices for things in the photo. B, you want to buy something for a good price. Choose something. b Role play together, , Change roles and choose another stall. Role play again. 5 Tell the class what you bought and how much you paid. \  '- , l- \. " ,- I ..1 . (I _ . J 'I  , i I , .... 
I , I I, \ III I 1\ II , o . :\ '! . ....-.!......-.:: . ":.!- ---" ." -- .. 8.2 goal Musterv obiects r . describe objects c . -  \ .{.. __:... A  ..__. _,_ \f I. "_0._ ... READING r\nn 4 C 68 1 a Look at the three objects. What do you think they are? b Read the webpage and check your ideas. + -Q. http://www.mys!eries..comlsar_htm The Voynich Manuscript This strange book was discovered in 19121n Frasca1i, near Rome, by Wilfred Voynich, an antIque book collector. It's smalJ, 25 by 18 cm, but thick, with 235 pages. The pages are illustrated with strange coioured pictures of different things, including unknown plants and herbs. The book uses a kind of writing which no one can understand. Some people 1hink It's wrJlten in an unknown, secret language. Others think the whole manuscript must be a very compl Ca1ed (and expensive) joke. No one knows fer sure where it came from, but many experts believe it was made in Europe, sometime between the fifteenth and sov;mtenth CQnturies. The Baghdad Battery This small pot, about 15 cm tall, was probably discovered in a village near Baghdad in the 1930s. It's about 2000 years old and is made of light yeliON clay but also has two pieces of metal inside. In 1940, an article was written suggestin!J that 1he pot was in fact a very old electric battery. .., the 1970s. a copy of the 'Baghdad battery' was made and filled with grape JUIce. It prodJced a small amount of electricity - 0.87 volts - so it seems possible 1hat electric batteries were used in the ancient wond, nearly 2000 yea:s before their 'invention' by Alessandro Volta in 1800. The Saqqara Bird This object, made of wood, was found in 1898 in Saqqara, Egypt. It's about 18 cm across and weighs about 40 g. At fllst i! was thought to be a model of a bird, made in about 200 BC. and it was pu1 in a box in the basement of the Egyptian Museum in Ciliro. Then, in 1969, it was rediscovered by Dr Khalil Messiha. He believed that the oJect looked very similar to a modern aeroplan - for exan,ple, It has wIngs like an aeroplane, not a bird. The anc,.mt Egyptians often made small models of things they planned to buiJd, so could this be a model of a simple aeroplane that was built over 2000 years ago? II . ,f. 2 Read again and complete the table. place found when found Voynich Manuscript Frascati, neiElr Rome SaQQara Bird Baghdad Baltery ---.. size aoe 3 Which ideas about each object do you think are correct or incorrect? Tatk together, 
VOCABULARY Describing objects SPEAKING GRAMMAR Passives o ! "" ... I:'.:r- ..  " t:I ',.   ,i ,.,,- .... ..' :;::-......"> c' r ,#  ? ,,''i''. ' "-...: , "'1 . ' ,',  i "" .l" , fi" ._ '\., 'Y"""- - .\ t- . T' . 'r(t ; "--1,," ' _.. Grammar reference and practice, p138 SPEAKING , a Match the descriptions, 1-6, with pictures A-C. 1 Irs tIght yellow. 2 Irs small but thick. with 235 pages. 3 Irs 25 by 18 em. I. Irs made of ctay. 5 It has wings like an aeroplane. 6 It weighs about 1.0 g. b Answer the questions in groups, then compare your ideas. 1 Whars the oppo;ite of lIght in sentence I? 2 How many more colours can you think of? 3 Find things in your classroom which are made of these materials. cotton glass leather metal paper plastic stone wood c Choose some things in your classroom and write two or three sentences about each one. 5 listen to each other's sentences. Can you guess the objects? Irs blue with white lellers. Irs about 20 by 12 em. II was made in ... 1 a Which sentence, 1 or 2, is used in the paragraph about the Voynich Manuscript? 1 Wilfred Voynich :fiscovered this strange book. [activel 2 This strange book was discovered by Wilfred Voynich. [pa;sivel b Why does the writer use the passive? Is the writer more interested in the book or Wilfred Voynich? 2 a Complete the sentelces in the table with the correct form of be. present simple passive am I is I are + past participle Some pcople think it written in an unknown, secret language, The pages _ ,i ,Iustrated with stmnge cOloured pictures. past simpte passive was I were + past participle Many experts believe it _ made in Europe. It seems possible that elcctric batteries used in l1e ancient world. b Find and underline line more examples of the passive in the text. 3 Work in two groups, Group A and Group B. A, turn to p125 and complete the information about the objec: in picture 0, B. turn to p129 and complete the information about the objects in picture E. Use the active or passive. You can look up irregular past par:iciples on p160, Irregular verbs. , a Prepare to tell someone from the other group about your object. Use these expressions to help you remember. b Work in A!B pairs. Tell each other about your objects. 5 Which of the five objects, A-E, do you think is the most interesting? Why? 69 
I II I II I II I \ I II I /1 II Target activitv " .  from the TASK LISTENING 1 TASK YOCA.BULARV Talking about a possession ASK 1D Talk about a lavourite possession 8.3 goals describe objects 0 ta\k about Jl05sssion5 kuaoPAlsCfq; UIIt IIQouu ON LIJ: CR ': RJasapAsS   .. ..  . , A.IN from "eZllel .... OMIIII" from Au m £I'IHI trom Turlcev . tEla Listen to four people talking about their favourite possessions. Match the people and possessions. 2 a Can you remember who uses these sentences? 1 I Ihink my favourite thing is my TV. 2 I need ilfor work. 3 It helps me relax aller a long day at work. 4 I've had 50me of them since I was five. 5 They were given to me by my mother. 6 It just reminds me of Ihose days. the sunny summer days. 7 I just like it because il means I can do a lot of different things. B I absolutely love it because il is like a mosaic. b . tEla Listen again to check. 3 a Think of one of your favourite possessions. Think about how to describe: 1 whal it looks like. It's made of... 2 how lon you've had il. rve had if .. 3 how you got it. It was given to me t;y... 4 how you feel about it. I like it because__. 5 any other details. b Tell each olher about your favourile possessions. As questions 10 find oul more. , As a class, make a list of everyone's favourite possession. Which are the oldest? Which are the smallest? Which are the mosl unusual? 
EXPLORE  Kevword lIy 1 Add the underlined expressions from previous units to the correct groups in the table. I 1 ThiSI' .trMt., boxak W"'. di.covered :.n 1.912 by W11£red Vovn:Lch _ valli: . I 2 [t was drawn in 1513 by an adm..ral 10 t'1e Turkish navy. Piri Reis. OUt. I 3 The house is  t c 4IL:11 , just here. ., I 4 can I pay by card ? UltJ.t 5 5 I'll be at home by the time YOU arrive . 'DrlJ.t 5 6 No one really talks. Everyone's a bit tired  Pri . IDD1t) 7 Supennarkets bring a lot of their stuff here by plane and that's bad for the environment. OIIJ.t JI 8 You have: to stop the: luge by puttinq YOU feet on the ice. t2nit. 1 A who? by a person by Alessandro Volta B how? by [noun I-ingl by taxi C no later than bya time by two o'clock o next to by a place by the park 2 a Add by to these questions. 1 Do you have to do anything important the end of this week? 2 What tmngs do you keep your cooker at home? 3 How often do you contact people letter? " Were any of the things in your home mad your family or friends? 5 When you're on holiday, do you prpfpr to travel car or use public transport? 6 Would you prefer to live the sea or in the 11ountalns? 7 Do you think you'll still live in the same p!ace the end of next year? 8 What do you hope to have done 2020? b Ask and answer the questions together. Independent learning WayS of readang Which of these do you usually read on a computer? Which do you usually read on paper? Why? bank statements dictionaries essays nev<spaper and magazine articles recipes stories and poems transport timetables TV and film listings work documents a Think about how you read the things in 1. Wich do you: a read Quickly to get a general idea of what irs about? b read quickly to find information le.g. a price!? c read slowly and carefully so you can understand everything? d read slowly and carefully because you en.oy it? II Compare your ideas in groups. Do you read thing<; in thp same way? , Tal, about your reading in English. 1 What kinds 01 English texts do you read? 2 What ways of reading in 2a do you use for each one? 3 What ways of reading do you use lhe mas! often and the least often? Loo< again at the article on pb8. Which ways of reading do you think tasks 1 band 2 practise? I I I  i.C;   :\."i@,..,- ---- t' ,.  ,., ""';;'--c-., , ',- ...."'1<\ \  _j., r; 5 '.., ,..v' -''so''  -I I ..... I.A .. If> - ... .nt".(,mw ......::. 11 
I I \ II I \ III ill II \ II Speaking " ... - . ... f . . B 1 a .E)listen to three conversations, In each conversation: Where are the people? a classroom an office a restaurant 2 Which thing in pictures A-E do they ta.k about? b Read the scripts to check, In which conversation aes someone: a describe something in \)thr words be:ause they can'l remember an Englosh word? b help someone by explaining an English word? c explain a word in their language that doesn't have an English translation? Z Look at the nlghllghted expressions 1-'1 in the scripts. Which are for: I saying you don't know a word? 00 2 describing size, shape. material, similar things? 0000 3 describing use, location? 000 3 a In pairs, think about how to describe the things in p',ctures A and D, Use expressions from 2. b Compare your descriptions with .mother air. , a Work alone. In your first language, write down the names of four things in your home or workplace. Choose things you don't know the English words for: b Work in groups. Don't show your words but take turns to describe your things to your group. Can anyone tell you the English word? I don't know what you call it in English. Irs a kind of ... C Check each word in a bilingual dictionary. 12 Goal , .xp," word' you don', know () . ,. . _..=..' '. l... ' .--..,:....;..;::. :.' .:; ...:.::.:..:..:.. . ......"....... . .... ......... ... ., -,, , ." . ...; 1'. .... ....., ....1........ I .,.,.1 ,f. . n:::. .:. '. . . . . . . o AGNIESZKA So. what ale we hailing to pat? BRENDA [don't know. Is ther a menu in English? AGNIE.,,,,," I don't think so, Can I help? BRENDA Yeah.. bamcz I I<r:ow, placek I know what's . kluskl'? AGNIESZ... KluslG 'They're made of potato BRENDA Potato? AONIESZKA Yeah, "tbey're like little balls. Somewnes >they h<!ve meat inside them OK What about this? m\1I£.OA 0 NAZI' "ELEH NAZI. VIi.\.lE.tI NAZIF Hi, HeJpn Afternoon. Yavp you lost somct'11ng? Yes, ['m looking [or my blue... erm '.' .What's it called? YOUI pen1 No. 51 don't mmembel the word in English, 'It's a kind of book 'You wnte in It, ,/00 know, urnes, Ihings te> do ,. Yoo me3IJ your chary? That's ii, 8 diaIy. Is that It over mele? HELEN H.AZIF HELEt! E) HAE-WQN MANUEL HAE-WON MANUEL .....WON MANUEL Manuel, what's 8 'kettle'? A what? A 'kettle'. Whem's that? ErIn ... it's in paragraph two Hang on. Oh,lrs a '.. .you usually find it rn tbe Kltcnen .AE-WON OK.., MANUEL 'You use it to make water bot, .AE-WON Right, MANUEL When you make tea r coffee, 101 exampIe. ."'WON Oh I see, Thanks 
Look again 0 Review VOCABULARY Describing objects 1 a. E) Listen to Sandra describing an object tat's important to her. Guess what it is. b Think of an important object you have at home. Plan how to describe it without saying what it is. It"s made of plastic and '" c Listen to each other's descriptions. Can you guess the objects? GRAMMAR The passive 2 a Complete the quiz questions with the correct form of the passive, present or past. .............................................................. 1 Farsi (speak) in a Turkey b Iran c Iraq. 2 The first calour photographs _ (take) in the a 186:15 b 18905 C 19205. 3 The Yellow River (locate) in a Cambodia b China c Korea. 4 In 1867, Alaska .__ (sell) to the USA by a Russia b Britain c Canada 5 Ulyssess, by James Joyce. (write) in the a 18th century b 19th century c 20th century. 6 The 2005 Nobel Prize for literature _ Iglvello a V S Naipaul b Kenzaburo Oe c Har:>ld Painter. 7 In English, babyelephanrs (calli a 'kids' b' calves' c' cubs'. 8 The first footboll World Cup _(winl in 1930 tr, a Argentina b Brazil c Uruguay. . . .............................................................. b . e) Do the quiz and then listen to check. c In groups, write four more quiz questions. d Exchange quizzes with another group. Do the qUIz and then check your answers together. CAN YOU REMEMBER? Unit 7 - will, might 3 a What do you think will happen in your life in the next five ye"r:;? Complete the sentences. Think about these topics: . fanily . work . studies . travel . free time . possessions 1 i'll... 2 i'll probably .h 3 Imight... I get married. b Listen to each other's sentences. Ask questions to find out more. " I hope I'll ... 5 I think ru ... 6 I don't think ru ... Extension SPELLING AND SOUNDS ow I. a. DB You say ow in two ways. Listen and repeat. taut /30/ now down shower stow yellow known b Add these words to the correct group. borrow brown crowd eel /lower /lawn fa llow how snow tomorrow 10Nn vowel window c ,.m Spellcheck. Close YOlr book. Listen to ten words with ow and write them down. d Look at the script on p151 to check your spelling. NOTICE Describing opinions and beliefs 5 a Which of these sentences are about the Voynich Manuscript? Which are about the Piri Reis map? 1 No one knows for sure where il came from, 2 Many experts believe it was made in Europe. 3 Some people think it shows the coast of Antarctica. " Other people say it's really just a bad drawing of part of South America. b What else can you remember about these mystery objects? . the Baghdad Ballery . the Saqqara Bird . the Stone Balls of Costa J;ica Use the expressions in Sa. Some people say it's a model aeroplane. Self.assessment Can you do these things In Englllih?C:)a number . ,. . n do this welt. . ask abouland buy Ihlng':.... . descrobe objecls _ _ . talk about possessions . explain words)'OU don t know . For Wordcerds. reference...d U\ltng your wortc . e-Pontollo . For mo.. practic  -atuc:Iy Pack. UrHt8 13 
9.1 goal . say how you leel I FeelingS Whv do we do it:» J 0 0 .... a e t:t> .. .. -.. , -... " , . 1 I I \ II III !II I J I , I VOCABULARY y"wn.'"ugh ." READING brealhe - 10 take air into and out of your body deaf - nol able 10 hear blinD - nol able to see hormones - chemicals thaI make the body grow and change aygen - a gas in Ihe air. O 2 fears - drops of waler from Ihe eyes , , II .' 1 Match Ihe highlighled words wilh Ihe piclures. Did you know: 1 babies slart to yawn _ months before they re born? 2 adults laugh, on average, limes a day? 3 Ihe average baby cries for _ hours a day? 4 you use _ muscles in your face to smile; you use aboul _ muscles 10 spea k, 5 when you sneeze, air leaves your nose at _ kilomelres per hour? 2 a Can you guess how 10 complete the sentences 1-5 with these numbers? 20r3 6 12 17 70 150 b f E!9 Lislen 10 cbeck. 0 3 a Read the sentences, uSlOg Ihe glossary to help you. Which do you think are true? Which are false? I People who are d"af and blind don't laugh. 2 People uually laugh because they see or hear something funny. 3 People yawn when their brains need more oxygen. 4 If you breathe through your nose, this will slop you from yawnrng. 5 The human eye makes three differenl kinds of tears. 6 When people l'ry, their bodies make a lot of hormones b Work in groups of three. A. Band C. A, read the article about laughing on this page and check sentences 1-2 in 3a, B. read Ihe article aboul yawning on p125 and check senlences 3-4 in 3a. C. read Ihe article aboul crying on p130 and check sentences 5-6 in 3a. '0 .eo. e au. . BablesslaJ1laughlngverysoon afte.'lhe)'re borDo Deaf and blind peoplecanlaughe>'en though they"'c never seen or heard anyone la,,ing. l.aughing seems 10 be a pari of human nature, but "..hat's it for! Iany people Ihink thdl we laugh bccausc we ee or hear somethinR funny, hut most of ,bc time this isn't true. In one 5ludy. a professor of psycbology and his srudenls listened In and made nores on hundreds of ((mVerdUOIiS in public places. They heard aboUT 1,200 laughs, bUI only 10-20 )4 percent c-.ame a(Jer a joke or someThing funny The olher 60-90 percent foUowed normal. everyday cxprcssiOllS like. "I'll see you later" or, "It ,,,.as nice to rneet you No one reaUy knows why we laugh, bUlone idea i mat Lhe most imporrant rcason for laugh,ng is to make oll",r people fecI good. \'\onen you laugh, the people around you often stan laughing too. Soon, WI.' whole group is cheerflll and relaxed. l.allghter can .IOp negative feelings and belp people 10 leel to each olher. II may be thaI thousards of years ago, before people eouid speak. laughter helped them to form groups and \....ork together. II also seems Ihal laughter can be good for you health. l.aughing a hundred times us the same energy as riding on an exer:ise hike for fifteen minutes. The writer Norman Cousins, who suffrs Irom back pain, 'oJTote that watching comedy programmes on TV helped him to feel hetter. He said that ten minutc5 of laughter Sd\'C him rn.-o hours of paUl-free sleep. 
VOCABULARY Extreme adjectives j  i 1 . . I c SPEAKING I was delighted when I passec my driving test. Oh yes. Wher was that? c Talk together. Are sentences 1-6 in 3a true or false? 4 Read your article again. Choose two or three more facts, then tell your group about them. 5 Which ideas from the articles do you find most interesting? Do you have any different ideas? How do vou leel;l 1 a Choose words from the table to complete the conversations. ordinary adjectives extreme adjectives angry cold pleased hot amazed boiling delighted hungry frightened sure exhausted freezing furious surprised tired positive starving terrified A I'm very hungry. Shall we make some dinner? . Good idea. I'm absolutely 2 A Are you sure the shops will be open tomorrow? B Yes, I'm _' Don't worry, 3 A You look reall'( _ . Have you had a long day? B Yeah, I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed. " A It's very hot ir here. isn't it? B Hot? It's _! Can we open a window? 5 A How could you do that parachute jump? Weren't you ? B Yeah, I was atsolutcly terrified, but it was fun! 6 A I heard Kirsten found a job. She must be really _ B Oh, yes. she's delighted. 7 A Will Ron be if we don't go to the meeting? . I think he'll be absolutely furious! 8 A Is it cold there at the moment? Should I bring a winter coat? . Yes. It's 9 A Were you urpri!;cd you passed the exam? . I was really _' I don't know how I did it. b .  Listen to check. 0 c Work in pairs. Take turns to start the conversations 1-9 and -emember the responses. 2 Which of these worcs in the box can we use: 1 only with ordinary adjectives? 2 only with extreme adjectives? 3 with both kinds of adjective? 3 a Try to think of a time when you were: . delighted . exhausted . amazed absolutely really very . freezing . furious . bOiling Wh1I Wd il? Whdl hdpplIt:'d? b Tell each other about your experiences.  t t' - -- - 15 
J I 'III I , I II I' I I III , r II I I '1  I II I .. l .  3- .,; - ',- o LISTENING VOCABULARY Reacting to news, thanking, apologlsing 16 Just gOOd friends I 9.2 goals give a.d respond to dIfferent kinds 01 news thank people and apol<>g'''' I ",. .. .\; t 1 ; , . ......... ... , -- .-- ,." , .J 1, -;;;  " /' - -c: 0--  ") 1 a These pi:tures tell a story. Can you guess: 1 what's happening in each picturc::? 2 how Jc::an-Paul and Rachel feel about each other? b. Listn to Rachel and Jean-Paul's conversation in each picture. Check your ideas. 2 a Can you complete these sentences? Conversation 1 1 Jean-Paul bought Rachel a cactus because se needed some plants In her 2 In the evoning Rachel's going out with Conversation 2 3 She didn'l 9cllhe job wilh NBS becau!:c !:hc doc!:n'l have enough 4 She's worked for the company for almost years. Conversation 3 5 She didn't come to the cinema because she had a call trom her 6 Jean-Paul and Rachel planned to meet at _ Conversati on 4 7 Rachel's new job is ___ miles away. B She thinks she should start looking for a b .  Listen again to check. 3 What doyou think Jean-Paul should do? 4 a Add these expressions from the conversations to the correct group. .c: Congratulations. I'm really sorry. (x2) Sorry. Th"t'!: rot geod. Th"t'!: very kind of you. Well done. Good news Thanking Thanks very much. CMers That's great! You didwel.. Bad news I'm sorry to hear that. Apologislng I'd like to apologise. b . .m Listen to check 0 5 Look at conversations 1 and 3 on p151. Find two Expressions Jean-Paul uses to respond to an apology and two expressions he Uses to respond to thanks. 
I PRONUNCIATION Intonation - speaking with emotion SPEAKING GRAMMAR Present perfect 3 - giving news Qrammar reference and practice. p139 SPEAKING 6 iI'  Listen to the expressions in A and B. Notice how the speakers use intonation to express different emotions. A Thanks very mLch. B I'd Like to apoLogise. That"s great' I'm sorry to hear that b Practise saying aLL the expressions from I<a. 7 iI In pairs, choose one of the pictures A-D, and roLe pLay Jean-PauL and RacheL s conversation. b Change roLes and rJLe play another conversation. What's happened;J 1 Look at the examples in the table, the nG:ircL the correct words in 1 and 2. You use the presenl perfect to taLk about an action which: 1 is !j!]!.I).!!J.nQPi!]i.!;hd.. 2 has a result in the p.;!!;.t.1 psen.. have/has + past participle I've bought you a present. They've given the job to someone eLse. She's just had her second baby. I've found a new job! I Res ult I (Here is your pre;ent'\ (Someone eLse hJS the job now.\ (My sister has two chiLdren now.\ II have a new job now.\ 2 iI Complete the sentences with these verbs in the present perfect. bUild buy decide finish forget Lose move pass 1 I'm really sorry. 1_ your !];!!!!. 2 I _ my .15Y. Can you heLp me find them? 3 Have you heard? ,!ea,,-;!UL his !!ri)!il!,g,tL 4 We don't have a Lot of money at the moment because we_just a new. a.r. 5 The town's charging rcaLLy fast. They _ .tw9.!)"".ho!.e!!; in the Last '.rr1O,l!th!; 6 RacheL and Ja,.c.\J. don't work. here any more. They _ to another !!!P.i,InY. 7 That was the .Ji on Ihe phone. He _ to canceL .t,Q!!!Rrr.Qw.'Ji.r:'[I.!'!!il1!l. B 1_ my W9,!<. for today. Let's go for a R!!. You can Look up irreguLar past participLes on p160, Irregu/arverbs. b Change the !Jnderlined words in the sentences in 2a with your own ideas. Write five sentences. rm really sorry. rve forgotten your email address. c Compare your sentences. 3 a TaLk about pictures 1-5 in pairs. How do you think each person feeLs? Why? 0 AI . , ., " .. - e MDlISnRSI 5... , _5 . i 0 &,'  -- '. J Ih1 ,A " ........... . lrl She Looks happy. Yeah, maybe she's passed an exam. Or she's just got a new job. b Compare your ideas. How many do you have for each person? I, I I n 
1 I I I \ I . "I ,I I I I', , III I II I , l11ge1 aC1ivitV 9.3 goals ta\e" U\\ '11\\\\ tl,en", . sa. now '1OU teel '.J ',<\I!"<!.\<\<\\"'''''R\'-,l\I!'1,(''''''''''' " ask for news t . ,.  Aifo.l' . '" - JI , It tit - .., --- ----- , 1\ w - Jearr'l. ttd.1Id SMnniI.I .... -'II tn.-....  ' TASK LISTENING 1 Talk together. Which of your family and friends do you see: every day? about once a week? two or three times a year? less than once a year? 2 .  Lis:en to Sharmila and Jenny. Tick 1,11 the things they talk about. a movie Sharmila's new home Sharmila's new job Mani's new job a concert 3 a What do they say about the things?' eJ Listen again to check. b How often do you think they see each other? TA5K VOCABUlARY Asking for news A B 1 What have you been up to? \ a 2 I've just started a new j\!b, b 3 How is it? c 4 How's Mani? d 5 Anyway, what's new with you? e , a Match the expressions from the conversation. C He's really happy. v Not mIlch. w Oh, great. So what are you doing? x Some of the kids are difficult! /,y Erm, things are very busy right now. /' Z rn1 still teaching maths. No? How are things at work? Oh, that's good. Really? Hm, that's not good. b Read the script on p152to check. c Take turns to say 1-5 and remember the responses. II TASK 5 a You're going to a cafe to meet a group of friends you haven't seen for six months. Think of five pieces of news to tell them about. For example: . work . family . trips and holidays . home studies . free time b Think about how to: 1 give nWS about the things in 5a. I've started n. 2 say hcw you feel. I'm a bit '" 3 ask ycur friends about their news. How are things at ... ? 4 react :0 your Iriends' news. That's great! 6 In groups, tell each other your news. Ask questions to find out more. 18 
EKPlORE Kevword iust 1 a In which of these sentences from previous units does just mean: a short time ago? only, simply? 1 X"v. )Ut At';'Tr...  n..-w joo ara.&1: 0 2 My sister called. the one from New zea]d.ld. Shes Just Iu1d a baby. ODJ.t' 3 J"ve just bought you a pre!;ent. ODit:' 4 Some ( the Wills are very sma.l1 - just two centimetree. ante . 5 In 1900. ;ust 13 percent of the world's population lived in cities. UDh,7 6 Cities "",n" t have just one centre where everyone goes to work and shop. Van,' 2 a Add just once to each line, 1-6, of the phonecaU. b In the sentences where just means a short time ago, which verb form is used? Whre you live, do people use gestures to communicate these things? What are they? Talk in groups. 1 Hello. 11 Stop' 2 Goodbye. 12 Be quiet 3 Yes and no. 13 What's the time? " I don't know. 1" It's good. 5 I'm not sure. 15 It's bad. 6 Come here. 16 It's a secret. 7 I'd like the menu. 17 He's crazy. 8 I'd like the bill. 18 He's rich. 9 OK, I understand. 19 Thank ycu. 10 Please wait. 20 Sorry iEN Hi, Rosy,tt's Ben. Look, would you Ukp to rome out to dinner tOrughl? 1 osy Maybe, I've got back from a liard day at wmk. Who's going? 2 OEN Well, me actually. 3 'OSY 0!:1. right, You know. I think I'm going to &ay in, 'EN That's OK. don't worry, By the way, do you thInk Jen 'U be at home? 4 ROSY Ai:\ually, I've seen her at the bus stop, 5 BEN Really? What's her mobile number? I have her home numw. 6 ROSY Oh, a second. HelB you are, It's 077 14596 70 BEN Thanks. Rosy, You re a £lat. Well. have a nice evening b .  Listen to check. 0 Then practise the conversation in pairs. Across cultures eslures . Km Listen to Pete talk alJuul a y""ture he ,.aw wh"n he lived ie', Egypt. 1 Did he understand the gesture? 2 What does it mea:>? Read the script on p152 to check. 3 a Match the sentences. Where do you thmk the conversations take place? 1 Can I have the bill, please? 2 Can I gel you a coffee? 3 Do you need any help? " Hello, we have a reser/ation. 5 Where are YOIJ going? 6 I'm sorry but Lisa's no: in at the moment. a Could you just teU me your names. please? b Oh. Could I just leave" message? c I'm just looking. thank you. d No thanks. I've just ha:! one e I just have to go to the bank. I'll be back sOOn, f Yes. of course. Just a moment. b Take turns to say 1-6 and remember a-f. .. - .... - n ;,r , . ; " '" " . ..   1, 1 1 ,II . , Itl .1 . r " 'J> I . -y -:or ... " ""2!M. ,,- ... Ask and answer the questions together. 1 Have you ever had an experience like Pet's? 2 Do you know any different gestures from otr,er countries or places you've visited? 3 Do you thinK people where you love use a lot of gestures when Ihey speak? ,. .-. 19 
"'..... .... "" II, ....- 1I!Iia.14_J ..- 'II -- -'- -..- \ I - ... .- I . I II II I I', I III III I , III Wriling 1 Sometimes we get invitations \0 parties but can't go. What reasons can you think of? 2 Read the two emails from Adam. 1 Why didn't he go to Kim's party? 2 Why can't he go to the lunch on the 14th? 3 Read the emaits again and put these events in order from 1 Ifirst) to 7 (last I. Kim's partyITJ go to Porto 0 meet Sean LJ phone Kim 0 return from Porto 0 re\irement lunch for Marina 0 see Kim 0 . . .ftI!,_""""'IIID """ I m l!Dll!3l11111 r& 1K>m  1 b1;y - HI Kim, 'Sorry I couldn't come to your party last Saturday. ' I had a bad cold and \'\as on bed all weekend. I've just started to feel better ,n the last day or two. 'Hope you had a great time. How are things at WOrk7 Everythmg's OK here but I have to go to Porto next week for a few days. I'll give you a call tomorrow night and hopefully we can get t"gether this weekend. See you soon, Adam 4 a Match the highlighted expressions 1-8 with possible endings a-f. a 0 away on business.! on holiday. b [JO a great party.! a wonderfu. evening. c 0 lake my children to the doctor's.! work late. d DO come to your parly.! attend the meeting. e U a bad cold.! a dentist's appoinlment. f Oru misslhe lunch.! I won't see you. b Which expressions 1-8 are for: 1 apologies 2 excuses 3 good wishes 5 a you're going to write an em ail of apology. Choose one of the situations. You've been invited to an event by a friend or relative. You can't go because you have other things to do on that day. 2 You were inviled to an event by S3meone from another company. You didn't go bcause you had 10 do something important, ,r somelhing you didn't expect. 80 Goal wr\e an eTla\\ Dr no\( 01 apo\ogy ... .. -- --- - .. . . A.A.- '.. . .. J - .. "__""".r___"",  . ... 1'Oo - MDu I Ada.TI " ':I' "'" .J!....... '-dI ,. fIo:rwI ...... -0 Dear Sean, Tnank you very much 'or the invitation to the retirement lunch for Marina Lopez on the 141h, . Unfortunately I won't be able to come because' I'n be in Porto. 'I have to make a couple of presentations to our sales team there but I'll be back on Friday. Is II possible to see you on the 19th (Mondayj? I've just received a copy of Yulia's report and would like to discuss It with you. , I'm sony I'll miss the lunch. 'I hope you have a good time. Please give Malira my best wishes. Yours, Adam Adam Clarl(. Techn",cat Manager Then think about: Who invited you? What is! was the vent? When is! was it? Why can't! didn't you go? b Write your email. 6 Read some other students" emails. Do you think they give good reasons for not going? 
Look again 0 Rev1ew VOCABULARY Extreme adjectives 1 a Can you remember the extreme adjectives? 1 angry - f uri ous 2 cold-I 3 hghtened - 1_ 4 tot-b_ 5 tungry - s_ b Ask and answer the questions in groups. 6 7 8 9 pleased - d_ _ sure-p __ surprised - a_ tired - e_ How do you feel: 1 cn Monday morning? 2 at the end of a working week? 3 when you meet an old friend? 4 after you've just finished some housework? 5 when you've been too busy to eat lunch? GRAMMAR Present perfect 2 a Complete the questions with Have you ever, recently, How long. ridden a camel or an elephant? !Jresent perlect 1, Unit 2) ') _ have you known your closest friend? !Jresent perfect 2, Unit 2) 3 Have you bought anything nice _ ? !Jresent perlect 3. Unit 9) b Which questions in 2a are about: a an unfinished action or situation? b c finished action with a present result? c your whole life up to now? c Write three more questions for a partner, wit, Have you ever, recently, How long. d Ask and answer all the questions. Find out more detalts. CAN YOU REMEMBER? Unit 8 - Buying things 3 a Match sentences 1-7 with responses a-g 1 Can I try it on? 2 Do you need any help? 3 Can I see the big rug at the top? 4 I could give you seventy. 5 What size is it? 6 Can I have a look at those shoos there? 7 Do you have any other colours? a I:'s a medium. bill do it for seventy-five. c No, thanks. I'm just looking. dim afraid not. Only red. e es, of course. I The blue one? g The black ones? b In pairs, cover a-g and take turns to answer 1-7 with your own ideas. Extension SPELLING AND SOUNDS -ge, -dge, -age 1 a. at You say -ge and -dge as /d3/. When it's not stressed, you say -age as /rd3/. Listen and repeat. /d3/ !Id3/ age huge bridge judge average language b Add the correct endings for these words, -ge. -dge or -age. viLl... chan... lugg... fri.. mess.. oran... pa... lar... arran... c ..m SpeLlcheck. Close your book. Listen to ten words and write them down. d Look at the script on p152 to check your spelling. NOTICE Describing ideas 2 a Can you complete the sentences about laughing? Look at the article on p74 aain to check, 1 It seems that laughter can be good for your ... 2 One idea is that the most important reason for laughing is to make other people feel... 3 It may be that, before people could speak, laughter helped them to ... ..  t. b Why do people yawn? Why do they cry? Read one of the texts on p125 and p130 that you haven't read before. Then tell each other what you remember using the highlighted expressions. Self-assessment Can you do these things in Engtisha number . .. an do this well. say how you leel . give and respo nd to di!'e rent Kinds 01 MWS .Ihank people and apologise . ask for news --- . write an ema,l or note of apology . For Wordcarde. reference _nd tawing 10" work .. ..Portfolio . For more pqcttce .. 8elfBtudy Peck. UnI,. 81 
r. Gelling organised I I' ( fl.11' '- ,, , I L\ 11,Ulc:t (i / f-- book a room and chock 1ft1..1 hOlM I ( / l t' J' .........,11 10.1 goal lI 'Q. ) hi .1a.b A place to slav J E I f\ I I , .. ...... , ::=2   --  - - .. III! II I IIII - ' = =   I' =1 , ". Lum or Mala ,g I ' 1 Answer the Questions. Have you eII",r stayed in an.y hotels? Which were the best? Which Ylere the worst? Why? 2 Are there eny hotels near where you live? Which one would you re<;ommend to a visitor? Why" Read the introduction to the Sun Hotel's website. Where's the hotel located? What's it c1oseto? Hotel taclbtles 2 e,o. c.- »- ........ t.s II-'> www boCII<8h(1e!MJIII' IwaIaitJmpur sunhotel .. .J... BOO A OTE ,COM ..-..... 'IIXIII_ (01_ U'..." ...... Of III Sun Hotel. Kuala Lumpur * * *... * Our comfortable business holel is localed 111 the heart of Kuala Lumpur. n S JUSI a few fr11,.,ut' walk to barlks, 90vment 3/Id off1ces, embassies and a shOpping mall and it's only 50 minute$ from Kuala Lumpur IntematJonaI AIrport. Each rt)()/Tl has I",emllt access. Full business facltltleS are aVaJlaDle. . HoIIII F_I.... ..... ClIrWQIQnI 0Yett rw'IItM  u"""l biIr - '-::: c.......l.. . _ 8'Id conference rooms "=f1.a......L..1""""'''G L..:....O rFrJl . .  ---:;;..:: . P'r1ces [!=il. AM 15o-flM 150 ' .' f"-' r l ' AM 188-RM 200 ...,\.':' : '_"""" _ AM16>-RM210 ',""""I'c.__  ' - AJII1XJm$ haW:!tI eo.SU1UI bathroom. . , 101 All rates Include a - ',. II:! . ...,' , __",_"- -' ' It"  -.::.J on site ( .... -.,- r Nopets .. 3 a Complete the web page with these words. double room parkmg ai r conditioning buffet breakfast ha[th club tWin room laundry single room business centre b ...-u Listen to check. 0  Which things do you think are Important when choosing a hotel'? 
LISTEN \l Leoonardo B-.rrelf"'Q'; works lor Bra2,biln (ompan)' Rio A",alonia l1e s pre panng for a business tnp to Kuala Lumpur. VOCABULARY taY1 ng 111 a hotel Crammar ret....nce .,d p,..ctic.., p 142 PEAK IN&; Booking a room. checking in 1 .  Listen to Leonarno calbng the Sun Hotel to ask some Questions. Tick 1,(1 the things he asks about parking Inlernet a:ceS5 breakFast laundry late arrival swimming pDol air condi:ioning 2 Does he decide to reserve a room? 2 3  Listen again. Answer the Questions. 1 How much does In te!"net access cost 7 2 What time is Leo'lardo arriving ill the hotel? I. '" J What kind of room does he want? \'1 tI- " What day is. he arflYlng') I< 5 How many mghts is he staymg'J :!. ,.. ..EJ Listen 10 Leonardo checking in a week later. Which of these things does he want? I ..' a map 2 some sandwiches 3 help wLth his suitcase rEI Listen again and ,fjrcie' the correct words. 1 Leonardo's leaving on the 3rd '13th I 2 The receptionist ass for hiS credit card' passport. . 3 Leonardo' The receptionist fills In the registratIOn card. I. His room number is 1406/'4'6, . 5 The check-out lime IS 10.00/11.00. 5 a Complete the senlences from Leona!"do"s c onversalions with tl'es e words. [check-out have reservatIOn book says induded is charg;:j-7 \'8Pr Checking amI booking 1 Your webs.le  )Iou have Internet access. .s.t wlfeles":; .' 2 And is Internet access !.Y-   Or is there an extra . lor thai? 3 Does I"e hotel  a $wlmmmg pool' I. I'd like.o  a single room for Ihree nlghls. from the 10th November Checking in 5 I have a _J:: :-. My name s Leonardo Barreiros 6 Whallime  breakla5t? 7 Whafslhe .." - t.rne? b . EJ Listen to check. 0 , 1i:1) You sa)l Does Ihehotel frileaswlmmmgpeoC?nol ilB5 tht horr htsw/ pool" 6 a Match Leonardo's sentences in 5a with answers a-g. iI Yes. and we ctlso h.a'le a lit 'less room. b Yes. It IS. C Irs lrem 6.30 to 10 am. III the dIning rocm. d Certainly. and what's your name. please? ell's 11 am f Sorry. could you spell your surname. please? g No. It's IIlcluded In the room rate, b In pairs. cover 6<1 and take tu!"ns to remember the answers 10 501. Then cover 5a and try to remember whalLeonardo said. 7 ;II Work alone. LClok a1 the Sun Hotel's webpage. Prepare to: book a room on the phone. Decide whal kind of reom )Iou want, when and ler how long. 2 check in. Decide wtal quesllons you wiinllo ask, lor example. aboullhe hea:lh club, a map, breakfasllime ... b In pairs, practise bookln!! a room and thecll"Ig In Take lurnslo be the guesl and the receptionist. 1:& 
Remember me;t 10.2 goal t.&. about iUns .... ....ngemonlS ,, [ ."._ . ........ SQCJaJ nerworkmg 511es r"place people S :SOCIal I1ves. People don't see lIib o!ber any more They just c-ommumcate throuyh these SIteS. , I love cbeckmg mv mends pages and lookmg a't thvlI ;!lctUIes and n"s been great comaC'tlllg old scl10cl tnena.s agaIn. But we don't actUally say vel}' mucl1 and I haven', met up with anyone. So frn not sure why I go aD It really I think these SIIes ilIe great You can stay In touch WIth people who !we ollll1e other 5lde o11he worlet " -;-f:f a 1 1 1ILI.. 1 Read the opinions about sociat networ"ing siles. Then as" and anSWer the questions together. , Which opinions do you agree with? Why? 2 Have yOu ever used a sociaL networ,,"g site? Why? tWhy nol? J Have you ever found an old friend olliine? Did you contact or meet the fnend? Are you still in touch? m) 8e careful with the pronunciation of social I ,uJ"l'. Read the meMage from Min 10 Leonardo Sarreiros on a sodaL nerworlling site, 1 How do they know each other? 3 Where dIJes Min live nOw? :l When did they [asl see 63Ch other? Pronunciation ntf.,..nce .nd... 1DO 2 Or" '"  + nlt www.myworldCD"IIprotile/,ntJoX/..admessag" . Q- MyWorId.f;om PrIIfte IicIrne friends r' _ I.. COmpof'e HaN lt: s..",,--...  ....- L-.... , ° t- I eQnardo, I've just fourXI your profile. I can't belll!'Ve Irs you l You look a bit older., your po but voo naven't changed muc:I1. Do you remember me? We waned tDgether at GIG in San Franosco abo six yea", a9" Why don i you 9ft In touch with me byernatl: I'm back .n Kuala Lumpur oow. Mln 3 Read the emaiLs between Leonardo and Min. What are their jobs now? "A'" """",,,,""""'IIII- Hi Hill, Great to hear "om you! Of course 1 remember you. and tile year at GIG. They were good times_ Arryway. things are fine with me. I moved back to BJaZiI a few years ago and live in Rio now. stiU single. but near my parents and brothe.. I'm a marketing manager at Rio Amillia. and guess what? I was in Kuala Lumpur las.t Novenber - my fir.;t trip. Fantac city! I'm going to be there again next month, from the 3rd to the 6th. What's your mDbiLe numller Maybe we covltf get t09'!thor. It would bo n;co to catch up on things. Leonardo HI Leonard], 11"5 great to know you're commg here 500n. I'd 10'le to meet you, GIve me a call when you amve and we can arrange something. My mOOlle's 012-3242349, office phone OJ-J21-J456. Maybe you...., wondering wny { 1e1t the Stdtes. Aller GIG, I went to w'" fer CIS Management In LA but it wasn't very challenging - I'U tell you abOut that later - so anyway. I returned to Malavsla an<! got a gOOd Job WI Lh MalayTed1 s AdvertlSl119 Manager. I'm $Ingle. too, but h.:l.....e Iou of family Lind fncnd ht:!'fe In I<&.. Mln , Read the emails agam. What do Leonardo and Min have in comrnon? Well, Ihey both rnoved back fo the r home countries .. M I ::: -  , . "- 
LlSTENINCO GRAMMAR 5 Future pliins and arrangements I "'- =.' .. :9 ;-. 's;ii ::::- "'--   - .. .- 'Ii.. ow:!'rs. lfJur r ,.fe.,..nC8 ..-tIc., pi4 UNCiATION allonin lions INIio d. Alba's he sea lIyand to .. Plans and arrangements 1 f  listen to a phone call between Leonanlo and Min, Why does Leonardo call Min? a to make a business appointment <: to change an arrangement b to make a sociaL arl'angement f  listen again. When and where do thef arrange to meet? 2 J . listen to their second ptlone call. What new arrangemen: do they make?  a After Leonardo returns to Brazil. Min writes him an emili!. What do you think she says? b Rp"d hpr pm,,;1 nn 1'1 ?91n rhprk You can use difleren,t forms to tatk about fu:ure plans and arrarogements. Match a-d with examptes 1-4. a present progressIve for arrngernenl$. wllh people, organlsatlons, ete b bl!' going to .. infinitive for personal pla,s The differenc:e lJetween a and b is very small Often. you can use either e present simple for Ihings with foxed Iomes [train limetables, flight schedules. e\c.l d am/is/are Iwith adjectives. prepositio'ls. etc.l 1 I'm going to be there agam next month from the 3rd to thi! bth, 2 My flight leaves on Saturday morning a111.15 3 What are you doing on Fndayevening? " Fnday's difficult.. I'm free on WednesdaveveninQ. We usually use hme expressions wllh forms a-d to say when someth,ng .s ha ppening. For example. nex. month. on Frrdayerening. at 11.15. ,.'JI:» You say What areo youdolfl9 on f,.,dayeventng' not 1','1'1611111 )lIu 16 M ,'", ,118, ne ,"g' t. a Choose the best form lor formsl to complete the questIons. What (yo.., dol altr <;I"$$? What iJre }'O'u domg after class? or What are you going to do aher class? 2 What time _ lUlls class /inr$h!? 3 Iyou gol anlMhere on YOUf next holiday? 4 What [you hilvellor dinner tOnight? 5 [you bel busy tomorrow evening'J 6 What lime [tre shops close tonightl? 7 [you meetl any friends th,s weekEnd? 8 _ (you work) tomorrow afternoon? b . EI Usten to chec k. G 7 a. EI Listen 10 the quesllons In 6a agaln. fird lhe correct undertined word in rules a ane! b. a In yes I no queshons [starting Are. Do. etc.J.the inlonahon often goes up I do"" at the ene!. b In in/onnaho" quest ons Istarhng What Wllo. etc.!. the mtonation often goes up {down al the end, b Prilctise saying the Questions with the right intonation. 0 8 Ask and answer the questions in 6a. Find OLt more informillion. Ii TpU thp rlac; ahnut your partner's most interl's!in!] plan.. anri arran!]"m"ntc;  .. - 
Target aclivllV .., \.1:t.(";:flrT 1 TASK VOCABULARY Arrangng 10 meet up TASK Hi. Ahmed Are you domg anything tomorrow? I Arrange to meet UP 10.3 goal IaIk Haut plans anII mHl15 c. . make and ctta",.. anangements Ask and answer Ihe queslions togelher. 1 What do you think is the best way to spend tlmewittllriellds? 2 Does anyone you know cancel arrangem!'nts a lot? What reasons do they give?  . . .- .. , . ,- . ., . - - . 2 .m. L.isten to Jason and AkioafTan!lin to meel in their 'reetime. What do they arrange to do? 3 -JED listen to their next conversalion, Vlho's going to the perlormancE on Saturday? Who's going on Sunc:lav? ----- , . , EJ listen 10 both convel'salions agai n. ,!:!rc:! tt'le underli"ed exp re5sions Ihal they s.ay. Checking 1 Are you doing anythmg l.hl5 week? I tomght? 2 Do you fancy having lunch? I going loo? Arranging a dale and time 3 Can you malle Satul'day", the 121h"7 t. Can you do tomorrow? , :3.30? Canelli ng and rearrilnging 5 I m sorry but I can t make iltomorrow I on Saturday. 6 Can we poslpone? {Can we do It another lime? 5 II WOl'k alone. Thonk of Ihree Ihl"95 you-d lrke to do WIth friends, For example: . have a meal al your home . watch a sports evenl . go to a concert . have a party . go for a piCfllC 2 Wl'ite down four times when you're free. "......:::''' :- I ""DW, 12.. .... Z. Mc, 7 .""  T, j P'" oj s.n..-Mj "".,,",'} b Make arrangelT1enls with three different peJple. Find someone to do each Ih.1\\: 6 a Work alone. You have to cancel two of your arl'angpmpntc: Ol!cid@whlch two.:.-: I tomorrow, 11 am - go.Jor--WR<1Hiwth cance' because: m eelinrl at wor b Talk to the two people you made Ihe arrangements witl!. Cancel and agl'ee on a diffel'ent date and lime. Hi, Ahmed. Sorry but I can'l mo." i: tomorrow. rve gol iI me!i!llng at work. Can we postpoe' 
oc:ach ,,'" gal an t I'Icel' " EXPLORE 'ord make + noun Patterns with make d the epres5ions with m ake to the tabl e <ske an appointment make friends ::J -ke a profit make a snack make mistakes a ", some salad mak e repaymen ls 3  look atlh", hlllhhghted expressions wlIh make. Does kE mean: a cause sc.methlng to happen or cause a stale? b creale something'? "n1e 1II08'E. iapoct.8nl: realli=' for i.s tc .. _ D:u.c.' 1 M'hy 00  j,. r.e88e1! . 'TlOney Blood, dnnk C other things make arrangcmcnt 1 YO'Ll can use 1. CO -.  .... Clldl .. NQIt aany peOFle WC'".J (I eay 'tl1a= .b..1"fl1"'t9 l..D tlleir 10:..: IILP'IINrket _ ke money make donner ......o _.lIt I yOu Ihink of more expressions for A-C? . plete the questions with the correct fOl'm of and these words. a meal a phone call presentallons en\l,"s the last time you _ to anothel' Guntry? "  yOU usually _ befof'l! you go shopping? VI! u ever for more than SIX people? ou ever have 10 to a tot of people') b Which highlighled expressions are: a malle + objett + verb 7 b make + obJect.. adjective? Talk together about what makes you' funous tappy feel exhausted feel energtlC cl'Y laugh We II. this !>aU nd s stra nge bu. wed(jings alwdY IUd"''' lIIe uy two more questions; with m..k. 'or a r. Then answer all the Questions. I denllearnlng Improve vour listening . answer Ihe ques.lions. in groups. twould you like to be able lo understand beller in English? '-, the news, tOnVl.'r$iltlons in shops ..I >re anything Inat makes listening difficult for you? en to three people talking about how Uey improve mng. Who: English for travel? -s English at home? Englosh for work? remember who does these Ihings? l l, .--  ... . \ AlexeI lrom Russia M art In 'rom Fra"ce .0 other people s conversations. o Ihings on the Internet and learn new words. "pie to repeat or e plain word$. ne whal othe-r people might say and prepare Ine answers en again to check. IOU think about their ideas? Give reaSOP5. ..  make illist of ideas about how to improve your listening: e In or VISit an English-speaking country own country. ur list with the one on pt26. Which ideas would you like 10 Iry?  Ae-Voung Iron  Ih Ko...,. F' 
PL R Speaking Goal 1 Read the inlurmatlOn. Why is it a good idl'a to use questions: belor invitations? before requesls? .. quesdons to IlllAdUCll!  and '*1"- Be10re invitations, a question makes It easier lor Ihe ol"er pel'son to say 'no'_ Are pu free' -+ Erm, I'm it b" busy. -t Do you wanllo go for a qUlc¥ coffee 1..... No. sorry. I've got too much /0 do Before requests. a question prepares the othel' person lor t"e request. 00 you have a pen? -., Yes. Ilhm/{ so. -t Can I use It for if moment? 2 A 8 . '1m Llliiiten to three ,unversations. Match them with pictures A-C. _:=I .... 3 , , I. In conversation 1. Anna asl<s a auestion 111 and then gives an in vitation (;1). In con'lersalions 2 and J, underiine: a question to Introduce an invltalron or request. 2 an invitation or a request 0 "NU D]1 r tell ;rou'i'l m UOlng to 0 Ihe =ema OOXl week wit}] I LE9 H'Jo "IE mends I JD H1.r..., ItsJo HOWBreu? ROSE all. reah? What aJ..- '/QII go:ng LED Not bad II5INEI)'thmU O'C w th to see? I you? ANNA MctIopohs' It', -u at .!Ie 10 Yeah ilPo, Elm. what 11m you ROX\' domgwr on0w7 ROSE 0l1. r.!\jt.!. That's a good 'ilm LEO : m WDrlal!g 8J day trom UlNA 'Ar!"'j',u fT# 11M '"'hUrM.:aV t'JI/..we to "t..ven. Why, Jo? ? JO Do yw want to ffi-oet up !or E R.tI5E: Erm ves.' am actuaJlv I ooHee In the rno'""'9' AlINA "'lffiL\1 . M vou hlee I LEO SOrry, '11 be too DIed r nGvef  get up 111 tlJc monung 9SE ' wou ,be really nice JD 011 Or. Wen. maybe next Anr.a 'l'Jbatt time 0= g 6J o UlNA SOny 10 bothor you. Rose. Hall! you got it ,. I -nt? 1!()5E Yes Go ahead '"N. Sony, but could you help m With my computel? R05I I call ny. What's the PlobJcm? aNN" I ne;,j to pont somethUlg but It SDOt wor1<ulg. _I AQaln? OK Let B hav a look , a Read the beginning!: of six conve-rsalions. In pairs, decide what speakers A and B could say next. A Do you like Chineliiil! food? B Yes. I do. A Well, woutd you ike to ...? 2 A What are you dorng tomorrow? B NothIng, really. A 3 A Are you Interested in art exhlbillons? I A " A Havol! you gol your mobile here? I .. 5 .. Are you gOIng to thl! party tOnight? B A _ 6 A Do you have any plans for the weel<end? B " 5 a Choose one aivity. Think about the language youll need tor requests and invilallOns. Vou want to go to a foot!:alt match tomorrow Vou have f()ur free IIckets 2 Vou wanllo buy some new clothes You d like some friends to come with you J You're moving flat or hovse this weekend. Y need a few people to help. I. You WClnt to go to a cantert or show with silmr frie nd s. b Talk together: Find people lei do t"e- activily with you. c Which activity did you choose? Who's going to dt it wit" y)u? Tell the class. b Practise- your ,onversatiuns. I c - 
Look again 0 Review VOCABULARY Hlltel collocations 1 i Match word5 from A and B 10 make hotel collocations.  I air en-suile II nternet buson ess buffel double private ealth B break fast park Ing bathroom ctub room conditiOning access cenlre b Can you think of more hotel collocations? C In groups, Imagine the perfect hotel for you. What facilities would It have? Why? iRAHMAR Future plilns and arrangements a Complete the telephone conversation with the correcl form of these word5. Ilave get (x2) IS can't go can 'x21 leave lake ..... Hi John HowaIoyOU"Ihaven'lfromyou lor iI'J'35 JOHN !know,SOIl}' Wheteare you?' _ youtaDtnoYl1 elM I'm stUle a.IjJOn. &C1ua.!y ,IOOHN Really? Wh... 2 _ you ) _ ? It'N To luly r' a llloollog It,ere romonow .MIHM 01 nght. lml\Ju!I Md I' _ mBInEd m.1w:a _ COngJiltuJlilnns' JOHM Can vou (;I)me'TI1e wt!d<:l1ng. _ on the 16th ICI" Tho If'h"' Oh. sony T' 1"_ 8 Iio.lidily mJlJIJe JOHN That s too h.ill We.! !l\3Yt;c V.d · 1I.Je1 ali(,"'1e1: W!''' "'" Swe. ListeD. r lurJe to  JJ1 My pl!n!! ,. _ In ZO Itlnu! JOHN OR GIve !II!! a cell wh.e!! VI...! II bae!!. 01(1 1 M1. Bye, and speak Ie you 5001, n pairs. change five or six details in the lI;onvers<ltion. Then practise your conversation. 10U REMEMBER? Umt 9- Reaclmg to news, . , apolctgising .,......,.. rIlthe best response 10 Ihese- statemen ts. A I passed my driving test yesterday. s Cheers I Well done! A My mum.s not very well . I'd like to apolcgise./I m sorry to hear that .. Can' get1l0U a dril'lk' . ThaI s very lond of you.' TI1al'5 great ' .. rve had a heedache for three d;)y now. . That's not good.' Sorryl irs. take turns to sa1/1-4 and remember the onses. Extension SPELLING AND SOUNDS 3U, aw /-:>:/ , a.1!!) You usually say au and a", as':'.listen and repeat :hese words laundry S.1una saw awlul b Complete these words with au or aw. tumn d_ghter dr ext- sted L yer s_c@ str berry y n c: tE:!E) A I"VI' wUI-ds have a diHen!nt pronu ncl::ltlon Listen and repeat. laugh aunt Australia sausage d . C!t Spellcheck. Close y()ur baok. Llslen tolen words and write them down, e Look althescnpton p16810 check your spelling. NOTICE Work 5 ill Look at the sentences with work from this unit. Match the words with the defin,lrons a-d. . need to J;nnt somethIng but It'S not working IAnna. scnp1 pI 681 I chal wilh the people I worfl' wIth, \l5ually after work'. and when Ihey say something I can I understand. 1 say. 'Wait!. (Mar1in, script p168 I pl3n everything and then wilen I gellhere.1 can understand thmgs beller ,t usually work5" qUIte well. IAlexei. scropt p16BI a the Ihlng you do to earn rJ10ney Inounl b do a job (verbl c is broken lverbl d is successful I ve rbl bAsk anel answer the questions in groups. Is there anything tat doesr't work in your home or place of work or study at the moment? 2 What do 10U do when something you need to use doesn', work? 3 Whafs the besl way 10 learn a language? WIIat works best for you" 4 Do you chat to people- at work dunng Ihe day' When, SeH-assesament Can you do these thi in EngUsh _ .1 . II I I -... d8u.sweIL book  .- DId died iIIIIIalllllll .taUtapla as .,_ .!I!-!n .!.ndchan!J8 ......* . use II\IHIIDM .lMredIIaI ....... & - - your .t 
11.1 goals talk t homes And housing . do:Krib.lnagtll8ry sllua_ Spaces Moving Ann ¥' e;'  ";' www.nnm(>(h&l\ 6..0 .  C) Q,. hom(!change forum> aU5lr.i1t1a > genr.d An awenov" Australiall will mowe eleven times In their lifl!. ... ... .'" ",,".d bvCn'g When I r!!ad this stallstoc, I was SHOCKED! I'm from it small town and I now lIVe "l km from where I grew up. Laurf!nF I'm moving at the end ofthls monlh and that makes 21 moves since I was 18. I'm 42 thIs montl!. TR I hate moving. I want 10 stilY ,n one place for my kids but we're alwavs hawing to mow" because of my Job DomoZOOO VOCABULARY Oescrlbmg homes 1 Read the postings ftom a website about mowing home. Then ask and answer the questions. I Whilt do you tl1ink about the i nlormation in the postings? 2 How many times have you moved in your lile? 3 What are- the reasons you or people you know hawe moved? " How do you f!!!!L about mowing home? Read Ihl! adverlisements Irom an !!stat!! ag!!nfs in Sydney. Australia. Match photos A-C with descriptions 1-3. C .... '\ , . 2 o A comIo/table house In the COIU1U'/Sln With two bf>drooIDS. a spacpus modem latchen. a fucplac:e and all condltlorung. Barbecue aIea r"xt to SWllDIDmy peo1 and beauWuI gardn WIth uees Perlect fl)( people WhD love pOOGe and (jUle' o TIns rnodoem one-bedroom apartment on the 31st 1]001 IS close to the CIty cen. , It faces east and has great Vle\"/S of tbe r'11:Y C()mfortable living roc:rn wooden flools and lJaJcul1Y Modem baWOOtl1 No szoo per week LoDgbeacb Road, LoDg Beach E) Just iUound J.1e cornel 110m he beach. thIs two-storey hom has two bedIoom.'i. a uadruonaJ !tllct'en and a IaIgfO bathroom The bvan('f loom faces nonh, so It's warm 111 \'Iimet and cool !t1 summec The balcony at the w('}; IS peffect lOT lelaxmg 3 5 haws horn Sydney , 5350 pel' week Century Tower. Sydney '... . . c ... " ... . . -.- - 5380 per week WaUada. Far North Coast PTonu-nclation reference _ pnce. 1>1&7 1iI» Be careful whel'l you s.a)' comfortable J'k \mfl.;JblJ. It only hilS three syllables. 3 iI Reaa the al1wenaSements again and find words for, .'">  ".J (-- \J .J..y.. q/Jldoar fei/lures 1 barbecue 2 50:!: P.':'I 3 g,!'- "bk" 5 p'::' .t indoor feature!!. 6 'irepldce 7 a I' c........ B w)/flA_S \. ." J. ,_ describing rooms 9 comfortable 10 s..(.'11 m4!A 12 t !..' IJ ,l""'\ 1£ W,,": 15 c !.".- b .  Listen to check. Q . 
" Match 1-1. with a-f to make sentences about homes. 1 I hve in a - the City centre. 2 Irs on thi! mountains. 3 There's a large tnlmg mom wit people who love peace and qUiet l. Irs close to two-storey apartment. S II has a wonderful view of e the 10th Iloor, 6 Irs perfect lor I a balcD ny, SPEAKING 5 Talk about your home or a home you know well. Ask questions to lind oul more. .J. .ary m,prence . D> You say Which floor do you tllle on? not .:), .:IJ ft()(}f r10 yo u 111e. ,n? ,J . pr._. pt52 I live ,n a three-storey builDing / ( Whid. lIuUI du yuu I,ve  A dream home r.. .. :;u LISTENING 1 ..m Listen to Donna and Jose outside the estte agent's. 1 Who likes the idea of movin9? Who doesn't like the ,dea? 2 Which places A-C on p90 do they talk aout? (to ..  Listen again. Answer the questions. 1 Why does Jose th,nk they call't move? I:wo reasonsl . 2 What solution does Donna suggest7 Read part 01 the conver5ation. f;lrc the correct answer in \ and 2. OON"" !magma I' we . "I hnml\ rr'1ffi WOIk. 'CO joT a Iil'nIn JMf That n "'" .-h ell..... .. . . 2 ...  :a . J MMAR ,d 3 1 They're talking about the past I the pesent or future.. r . ....L 2 They're talking about a Situation that IS real.l is not reilL Lt.D.,t' dr> , a Complete the 9rammar table with 'd. would Ix31 and wouldn't Ix21. ;)..... V '  What ldo.n the m.ddle of nowhere? \)'.IO'"\YOuChangeyoUrjOb? () I bel yot. 1..,j.'.1ind a nice little school nearby. Yes, I thll,k I \d-¥l. a(;tuaUy. C Ie<-c>t."'\,\;ant 10 move schools NO,I wn.I..' \ 'd = would b r4IIiJ Listen to check. G 5 iI Complete these descriptions of ideal homes with would or II and verbs lrom the box. likelx21 I a Right now I live lD 11 very small apartIIlent, so I thlnt< my idea! bomo.v',..l\""a'Tht mom space, It 5'1'a< big livmg loom Ii bIg kitchen. big In'erylhlng. 1 · ·  -t 14. I<> have mavbetwo bedrooms, on.e for me and one for guestS, A15Q thero ':11""''''''' I ea1ly iHg wmdows Wlth VIews 01 the mountalllS. hke myoid In B1az1l. " I" /11 be (x31 have hl:21 ...e. hQme I \l ... pretty much l1J!e the place ow hut [ I .  t. J.,fJ,t tc be Moon degrees &0 lIIStead 01 1II000ng lettuce and spinach grow Ulmgs like mangoes and oranges and  Ttat' v-' L ",Ieally perfec;t " mn Trinidad and Tobago (now lives in England) Ed1Jarda [rom Bazrl r_.... -'Ice,p143 b . I!!) listen 10 check. What do you think of Natalie's and Eduardo's Ideas? KING ,6 1 II Whal would yOUP' ideal home be like? Think about: . location . size . rooms . indoor features . outdoor features . ct.l'1'\ale b Talk in groups. Whilt do you think of each other's ideas? 11 
Look at the photos and answer the ques.tlons together. 1 Whal can you see in the pictures? 2 Would you like to live In a place like Ihis? 3 00 many people live In tower blocks where you hire? 4 What do you think are the good and bad poin 1$ alKJut lilliny in a lower bloc Read the article about Leo Corbusier. Which paragraphs A-F are about: 1 a city he de.slgned? 2 why some people dislike his Ideas" 3 why l!lsldellS luiy"l be Important lor Ihe future? _ 4 people's different opinions about his v<ork? A 5 h'$ ideas for tower blocks? 6 his tower- block ,n France? Le Corbusjer r, - I I -- . ...V .  ...... LeCorbu,'er [1S87- 1...651 was a SWI5S' French .arLIII!ct HQ buillth,. lower block called Umtt! r! hMallO". READING 1 2  /  ,.t .. . .... I# ..... ". .......e  . -r.,#  "t'."""::: r :;";'-:" /. ..-.......... h ..:..-- -... ,'" ". .. -4........-- .. - ..,.:.- - ........... ...."'1-.,,--. .::;.....- .. .....-- .- .-;..,;j"';--rr-C I r_---_.---" ----.. - -r=r '-- 11.2 goals toile about """- and hoIJsi"') e:) . discuss pros and <en$ ..... ...::.... ... ........ ....... ..... ..-.... "It..:. .... .... ....-... t r-.. _ t o  ' - .. r=.... p---;; -r" --- -r- - "I t . .  Le Corbusier - architect of the future? . To some people. he 1$ the father of amnion vgly tower blocks, stloppmg cenlres .and multi-storey car parks. To others, he was a genius, a man who dreamed of s.a!e and comfonable cities for everyone. nch or poor. Hs name was Le Comusler and his bUildings can be seen.n Europe. North and South Ameri and Asia. a Le Corbv sier saw concrete and tower blocks as a Ylay of prOVidIng Inexpensive, quiet and spacious homes for everyone. He Ihought tower blocks should have tIIe.r OWl indoor 'streets' with shops. cafes. schools and sports centres, and be close to histonc city centres. , Le Co rbUSler used these ideas in one of hIS most famous deslgl1s. the twelve-s torey Unite d'habrtatlon In Marseille, bUilt in 1952. Today. the tOWer block IS home to 1.600 people. It's a popular at!dress and nelghbours get on wen. It has an indoor shopping street. soc dubs a kmdergarten. a gym and a hotel. There IS ellen a wnvT'IIn£ pool allo,l a rooftop garden. JWeVer. pemaps the best example of Le Corbusier's or modem urban IMng is in India. 250 km north T'-P built one of the world's most unusual cl1les. Chandlg3m. II IS set around a large man-made lake and is full of parils. trees and flowers. It has 46 areas each with I1s O\O/n apartment blocks, shops and senilCeS One resident. RanJlt Sehgal. says. "ChaMlgarh was for many a dream IIlthl!' desert. a new beginning. People are terribly proud of from Chandlgarh: Hmvever, thEre IS another side 10 the stCf}'. Other archl1ects tried to use Le Corbusler's ideas. but theI' tower blocks wre sometimes very dIfferent They....ere cheaply bUIlt Vlith small. dark apartmen1S .and paper thin walls. They Wefe bUilt far from c.ty centres. with rr indooQr shops or streets. Some writers on urbanisabo beheve tower blocks like these crea1e social problems, hke crime and violence. and they blame Le CorbvsiL( hr the problems of modem city '''e. Laurent Bouvier, an expert on the architer;;t. disagrees 'WIth more thaI' half thp wor1d's pQ9ulatlon now hYll'ljj; 1/1 clbes: he SiltS, -it's time to look at Le CorbUSler work again. HIs Ideas were misunderstood in the 2(;- century. but the) may be thl! answer to the problem, the 21st" 
SPEAKI N6 WCABULARY dlk about pros. nd clms Rad the article again. Accordin9to the wriler, who has or had these opinions? 1 TQ\¥er blocks should have their own faci'lties 2 PeGple from Chandlgarh are proud to liv there 3 Le Corbusler is responsible lor som of the problems In CltlS today. I. People should think ;;bout Le Corbusier's ideas again 5 Le Corbusier"s ideas could help create better cities In Ihe future. Talk together. Which opinions in J do you aree and disagree with? Why? 3 , The thing is ... 1 Read what some people say about Chandigarh. Which !}ighllghted expressions show positive, negative or neutral opinions? I1g abom IIbgarb ,IrS too quiet puents bve there and It !I for them - a city for Id people But lL's not llJJ!e the noise the . the smeUs of Dellu l p Ouple, m , thing abo , the .lege  It S SI) green. IIlIh lots of lighllllSlde, " 1b.iu: student ege()(An ...IlJ .......nee . pt!i3 ......\.. - ,..-" .......iiili l . ",nllIUIlI ...r.- ;:;i1ii.niiiiiiii ill '!! ! ................... n ""'1111I II"" ......- - . . r . 1. .. " Le Corhusier was the artist or CODCIoOto. Tr.c- uoublo lA, concrete is net beautiful to Jook at It can look duty aI1d depressmg if It's not cJeaned reguJa:rlv_ 'llIlg IS. Chandlgarh IS too»OFWcr V"'''lJIIcd for.. population 01 up W 500.000. It's now IJQme to doiWle that OJ more. " " Vevi Rameesl1, residenf of c.andJl1arl1 Neena RaJZ1esl1. reSIdent ofChandlgarb Choose one of these topics and complete 1-4 wllh your opinions. . lower blocks . living in the country . modern architecture 1 The bad I wGrst Ihmg about... is, .. 2 Tile gOQd I bestthong about ... is, n. 3 The thing is. . 4 The lroube I problem IS, --. 2 . livong In the <:ily The best Ihing aboullower btocks IS, you gel a great view. IL) You say The best fhlng dbouC the col£e9(' '5, it's 50 green nol l abol't Mc  110<'9c ,so it's so. 3 ill lID People speak;11 groups of words. Listen and put 1/ between the two groups in a(h sentence: 1 Theworsl thing about Chandlgarh IS/lit's too qUiel 2 The best thing abuJt the co"ege IS, il 5 so green. 3 The thill9 IS. Chandlgaf'h IS too popular. 4 The trouble .s. conCf'ete 15 not beautiful to look at. b Practise saying Ihe sentences. I. Listen to each other's ideas from 2. Do you agree? 5 iI Work alone. Think about the area where you IIvl!. and areas near where you live What are the pros and cons of each place' . location . If'illiel services and shops . It>ing$ 10 do . the environment . other b Listen to each oher'sopinions and ask questions to find out More. If YOJ e ,.- the same plae. do you agree? a 
Target aclivilV Talk about a problem t t.3 goals describe nlltJ ..Iumons .0 dlst:1IU p.... nd <OIlS 0 talk .b1Iul w.p to 501ft problems £ . ... . . , \ "' , , Oonl1.1 amI MOirisa <Ire tatklng about Mal d3 5 daughter. E .. Eva rents a room in Canberra WIth th. P'erce. TA.SK USTENING 1 TASK VOCABULARY SolVing problems brother l,ves in 1\ olllats. af1d .n,nthe I m often s. (E:) Listen 10 Donna and Marisa's conversation. What problem do they talk about? 2 En Listen a'!jain. Which suggestion for Eva does Marisa lhink ,s a good idea? 1 Organ'se her day so she doesn'l see ;he Pier-tes' daughter 2 Tall< 10 the daughter. 3 Talk 10 Mr and Mrs Pierce. " Wrile 10 Mr and Mrs PiercE 5 Move to a d,Herenlllal. 3  Match 1-5 wilh a-e 10 make sentences from Ihe conversalioll. 1 Could she organi$l!  a 2 Maybe she should b 3 r d fjrobably , c  Would it be pOSSlbte 10' d 5 r d telt her 10 mo.e e bRead Ihe script on p169 to check C Cover 1-5 and look at a-e. In pairS.lry 10 complele Ihe suggestions. l.alk 10 Ihe parents, adually, write to them? lalk to her. if that dsn't workl l1.r day so she doesn't see the daughter" 4 What do you Ihink Eva should do? Why? 5 ,&5) Listen to Paula and Leonardo talking about problems Ihey have .. with people. What problem does each pe.son have? 6 a Think about each situ3tlon. 1 How you would leel? I think rd feel n 2 What would you do? Think of two or three ideas I'd say. b Talk about your Ideas in groups. Who has the best ideas? 7 a Think about simll.1r problems you. or SOJ'!leone you know. hashad with peo,. hQme or at work. b In groups, discuss the probLems and ways 10 solve them. I 
EXPLORE KeyWord '''ete 1 Put Ihe words In order 10 make sentences from previous unils wilh Ihere + be. 1 Th..... I ""'-" I . lUSl" Uv1n9 <001I I 'C I  balcony _ tllUr. 11 'J'hre I 9!!C::n.d-baad .t.alla / ec.e :J I ! O\."'er I.beoEe I ariiP'. UiII. I: . r I .ca t:afflc I 11 o::l tt.e roads. Ddt. In 20::JC be Z iI Notice Ihe difference belween Ihere and It/they. WhIch hIghlighted words: 1 introduce new ideas? 2 refer back 10 earlier ideas' There's iI cafe round the corner It opens al ten. There are 1015 of lovel "arks to go 10. They're uS\1a!ly I ree II Complete Ela's description of her flal with Ihere 1:x21. It (x21 and they Ix11 "well. Ih our flat are live looms. 's 8 hvmg room. ana a bedroom - 'rlt qwte big - and we also MV8 a study. a kitchen and a bthIoom. ISUPlJOSe mv lavourlte room is the study. 's also die room bu< _ '" Q room m..t I refllly feel IS mme. 1 don't Just work 1J1 the stUdy: I alsolikeolle nn the sofa and mall a good lJook. " c ,  lislen to check. 0 cross CUnures HeiUhbours d Write a description of YOLJr home and favourite room. like Ela's. e lislen to each other's descriptions. What are other people's favourite rooms? Why? 3 iI You can also use there to avoid repeating places. Replace a 1n1UP 01 words in 1-5 with there. there IlovUhe Golden l,nn cafe I go  to the Col deft !:ion q\llte alien on my way home. 2 My favounte room at home IS the kitchen We do everything In the kitchen, cooking. lalking. everythng 3 I usuallyamve al work at ttJe same time every day I usually get to work at eight thlY. 4 When' need 10 relax. J go to Ihe river near my house. I pro ba bly go to the fiver on te or twice a week, 5 I spend a lot of time at my paront' house. I stay at my parents' house two orlhree limes a ""i!ek b Change the sentences in 3a so they're true for you. Then compare your sentences, . spend a lo! o"Ime ilt my friend shouse. 'go there ".most cllery Qay look at the expressions in the box. Tick [.II the places you have lived in. Compare in groups. I a house a suburb a v.llage a CIty cenlre a town centre a slvdent hall',..' iI dormitory us a block 01 'lals ., 'an aparl ment blcck . ......- 7 ..... Who are your neighbours? Do you know them? Are they friendly? b ..a Listen to Megan talking about her experience 01 neighbours in different countries. -- , I Wnere does she lIve now? 2 Where did She live In the past7 ..:ED Listen again. What does she sayaboul her neighbours in each place? ,- :el' Tell each other about the ptaces w"ere you live now. I 00 nelgl-,bour.; usually say hello when Ihey see eilth other? Do they stop and chal? 2 00 they ever help each other with Ihangs like shopping or taking care 01 chIldren? 3 I,; II normal lor pe0l'l" lu vi".1 new ne.g hbours a1I introduce tflemselves' l 4 00 neighbours spend Iree lime togelher, or organise thIngs together? What do they do? 5 Do their children play or ge to school together? 6 00 people generally live near olher members oltheir famIly? What are your eXfjerlences of neighbours in other places you've lived? J!! 
PLOR Writing , a Have you ever rented an apartment? What problems can people have? Make a list. Can.' opel! if window, if broken /Ighl . , b Read Jose's letter. Are his problems on your list? 2 a Cover the leller. Can you remember the mlssmg in/ormation in this summary of the pn.blems? 1 The ... IS broken 2 Jost! and DUlllld 'dn t find. 3 Thll ... doesn't work properly, I. They lie .asked for someone to.n but 5 They are very unhappy about the ... b Read the tetter again to check. 3 Which words or expressions In the lette are used to: 1 explain the reasons lor writing 7 1x21 2 make a lost 01 complaints? Ix41 3 make requests? Ixll  a You're going to write a letter or em ail of complaint. With a partner. read the situation and decide on tn!]plh..r, renllng a home. When did YQU move in? 2 You have twO Dr three problems with Ihe home. What are they7 3 What do you want the owner Dr agency to do about the problems? b Think about: 1 how many paragraphs te wnle. 2 whal should go In each paragral)h. :3 which expresSIons from 2 and 3 you'!! like 10 use, Wt>rk alone and write an email or leller of complaint about your situation, 5 6 oil With a new partner. read each other's letters or em ails. Can you answer these questions? 1 What's the reason lor wnllng 7 2 What are the problems? 3 What does the writer want to haIJpen 7 b Talk about your emails or letters together and improve them if necessary. Goal r ",",c ilLelter Dr CIDIII of complaint .  D . . J  - 3105 Century'Iawer Sydney December 20. 201 0 Dear !.!.r Scott, I am WI"ItiIlg to complam About tbe service provided by your ency. Myne &Dd I moved into :3105 Century Tower on September 12. W &1'6 generally happy with the apartment, but \l1\fortunately tbere are a nwnlH!r of problems, first. the r coniltJoDlng Is broken, which tB making the apartment very t:ncomfoMahIe.A.nother problem IS, we C&IJ't flnd the key fer tdle b&lCOI\Y door. Also. She Intercom doesn't work properly.. so Visitors sometImes can't hear wha.t t're're saJint. - We've telephoned your B8ency three tiIres and6Sked for someone to come round &lid fir these ttJs. but no one has come. In addition, I emalled your office on December 12 but aga.ln,l haven't had & reply. I am very unhappy about tMs level of service. Would YOIl "leue contact me as soon as poss.ble to let me knl1W what you are going to do about this? Yours sincerel;y, :J 0- se.. "De- 50-v.. 2-...... 
Look again Q Review VOCABULARY' Discuss pros and cons 1 ill Which eIC pre$$iOIJ. 1 or 2. do th ese words go with? fbad problem tf1ing best t go od lrouble worst 1 The is, I don't Iie hot weather. 2: The thing about summer here is. it s abs(){utely boiling. 3 Th p thIng about my flat is. It'S got air-condlhoning. b Talk together. What do you think are the pros and cns of these things? o summ er . winter 0 Intern..t 0 football . lIying 0 dffi'ing . pets . fast food GoRAMMAR would 2 a What would you do in these situations? Your friend IS tryIng 10 give up smoking However, when you go out togelher, he always aslls people for cIgarettes. 2 II's earty in the mornIng and your nelghbouris playing reall)' laud mu&ic. You wanl 10 "Ieop 3 You re lookIng after your sister's flat and yau break Dne of her plates. She has lDts and probably won't notice. G YDU  dnvmg to a party but you're losl You don', have a map and YOlJr mobile phone doesn't work 5 II's Monday morning and you're not feeling well YDU have an irnportant meetmg at worll In I he afte rnoon b Talk about situations 1-5 in groups. CAN YOU REMEMBER? Unit 10- Hotel colloubons J ill Work in AlB pairs 5tudent A, lool<. at live hotel expresSions Dn p128, Student 8. look at five hOIl1 expJ'esslons on p127. Think of definitions for your expressions. A big room tor bUS;II"'SS roeelin!;5 Iconference ..-oom] b Test eacn other. listen to each other's defmitlons and say the expressions. c Put the words in onler to make sentenCe$, a II d I four r like I boolll double I reom I to I for I mghts. 2 breakfasll included I buffet lIs I the? 3 oil I have III reservat ion. 4 time I breakfast I is I What? 5 the I time I cf1eck-out I is I What? 6 have I access I you I Interne I I Do I wireless ? d Role playa conver!HItion in pairs, Make a hotel reserv<ltl9n by telephone. then check an. Take turns to be the guest and receptionist. Extension SPELLING AND SOUNDS cle, Ie. ch o qu , a.  Listen and repeat the words. How do you say ck. k and ch? How do you say qu ? 1 ck IW blDck back 2 k Ikl 'ork broken 3 ch /kl schoDt architeel " qu Ikwl quiet questiofl b . e:) S"ellcheck. Close your bDDks. Usten to twelve words. and write th em down. (; look.1t the SCript on pl6'Hocheck your spelling. NOTICE Expressions with prepositions 5 a Complete the highlighted expressions in the estate a'lent's advertisements with the correct prepositions. I around at from 10 of to I 1 A comfortable house the countryside :2 It has wDnderful views the City. 3 Jusl the corner from the beach. t The balc,>ny th.. back .& p",rf"ct for relaxlOg. 5 3 5 hours _ Sydney. 6 This apartment IS etose the city centre. b Check in the adverts on p90. c Write an estate agent's advert for your home or a home you know well. Use the prepositions from Sa. You can use the adverts on p90 to help you. !!l Tt. .. --- J " , ':. L , SeH-assessment tin you do tIIese thmgs In EnglJsh? lfcl number , .' , n do this well. tMIc about h Uld housmg - -- . desaibe Imag n;ary sltUXlons .cliscU55 proi iII1d cons . bilk  .ap to s.otw pI"Obtems . wm. . 1mII' M enaJlel eoIIIIlUInt .'01 __.... ---.a_...... -FDr '"0r-" .SeII....,' L 
12.1 poals _whore pIKes..... descnbe counU'tos People and Places tlU: ,",011.1 D'S 'IV! tAl1.fSl' (OU , 'The V;a1lCil" C.ty 1 Monaco- ... 3 Nauru 41uv alu !O Siln Ma.rino . tlten\el n 6 lie<: \10111 Is.Iilf'lds. 7 The Mars and Nevis. II Saint K,t\.S 9 e tAaijive 10 MalIa . lisbon VOCABULARY Localion A.'iJ /'  d SPEAKIN& ad e Madrid Where is it? eBerlin .Ptague .Paris Vienna_ . Bern .Budapest -. - LJvbljana · .Zagreb .b . BumDrest . Belgrclde .Sarajevo e50fia . Skopje . Tirana c . Rome d ktanbul  Medirer'anl'an Sea . Athef\5 ,e 1 Look al Ihe list of the world's ten smallest countries. 1 What do you know about them? 2 Which ones can yau pul on the map In ;:-e' 3 [)o YDU know where the other <:ountnes are? 2 a Work if1 groups. Caf1 you match the countries with these descriptions? -... I oJ. I-. <'" . a Irs jn,f'<Ome in Italy. '- - . . b II's \'!yh e east of Italy,  Hoc.... --- c Irs an Islaf1lf1n)he outh PacifiC. fJc... f -_,\_  d It's a group orrsland the Pacific Ocean. bc2} '" __l( :, I ...- e Irs an island nalionwthe Caribbean SlEa. o:  [ h, 1/ So ..... 0.- f They're to the Indian O<:eal1, south-wesl of Sri Lanka r-. \.!,  9 It's in Ihe Medilerrdean Sea, to the sDulh of SJClly. ' h 'I:; belween Auslria imd Swilzerland. Irs in the soulh 01 Europe. on the Mediterranean cDast. and it borders France. "" b I EJ Lislen 10 check. 0 c Add words from 2a 10 these lisls. Can you think of any more words? a fhe Allanf;c Og!iJn. ,"' r:'   ,\tt...... j',' b Africa. Asia,.l?.. c ,..r. "\A.'_; ( tI  eM I L  c fhe north. rhe 5DIJth, ..."- <!. . -I!.  3 a think abo'Ut how to describe the location of, I anolhercltyon Ihe map_ 2 a town Dr country YOJ"ve VIsited or wauhj like 10 visit b Listen to ea<:h ether's descriptions. Can you gUess the places? ') MI ,a I' . I' n n z 
READING n.. 1'MJc." C''7 . . I - It I " . - ." IInHnmiU relenneo ....r ..__bee, ..t... VOCAeu LA.RY I;scrlbmQ 3 unt')' TWO small countries , Work in Ale pairs. Student A, read about the Vatian on this page, Siudent B, read about Tuvalu on p127. Find the ans.wers. to these qUestions. I Where IS II? How big is. it? I. Does It get m2nyvisilors? 2 How many people live there? 5 What languages do people use? 3 WhatjODSdo peopled0 7 /, How does it make money? TIle V3ticall City , t l11e smaUesllnde(J"l1dem counln In the 1\'Orld. Ille \"aUl.lIJ1 C.ny cO\"C:'rs all o1It='"d Ille """iJ'.,r tI u '..:uurse in HornC'. the caplla] or ItaJy.11 ,,,,. roundPd In t929 and i> ruled hj' just Olle "kID. the ""pc. \ho" 1110;0 .tl! hMd oflhe Cathulie r.hurch. II, bwldmg. <11h as SI Pl:ld5 Ba.'illica imd the SlsUn..-Chapel- arc hume to rome of 1I11! \\'IIri1'o; mnSl famous art. mcluding work. II) BorriceUi. Raphael and MicllCI<UlgdO, The Va.ican..... i,<ol.\'I1 bank. 8rm. pelke fore<', flre b..gade, pQst QUi!:e. sareUlle n d1Hn nel. radio staUolI and Inremer doma.irr 4. V'd). Thf' V:uican aml'. edited .he Swiss CUlfn'. is .he small.,.,r UI the wllrld. It has abour tOlI.old,ers. al1llI11l1a1ried, al1d all frow S,,; r7.erland. The \iu.ican po..tal service has an exrelll'm Jl'plIIalion: an imemauonaJ I"!ler pnsrC'd UI l1Ie \',,',ean will arrive f8!.ler tha none dropped i""r a rew hW1dred merre5 aWi\Y mIUl}. Millions 01 peuple ,-i.irrhe V..r.iLan evel)' y«.'ar. bur <he \..ncm has 8 popuLoriun nl.m!) ..horn 800 petJl'l..., Till' '\uican ha.. no officiallanguagl'. The S,,;s Guard w... German bu. mo.' peopl.. ue Iralian and Li1iIL In laCT. .he Vauc an bank machmes are the onh ones in rhe wmld thl1'I;1"': i...uu!:oorrs In I ann. The roumr 's l!Cunnmy Is uruque. It ='I'''C5 mosl of!" !linnI') from uuholiLs amund Ihe world ami Irum 'OImIII, It 31sl.1 malees n10n('\, frorh a petrol ,'alion wbere I.allam, can buy fuelJO percef1l mDR' cheapty than in IralJ - becau5e lit.. \.lIiean has DO Ia.\es! \ - . . ROME -1W-;> Y{)U say Host people use Italian and Lalin lot Th II,"!, jJ)P  IJSI! :til(,/j I!nli La/ ,1I. 2 Read Ihe desriplions again. Choose two more interesting facts to tell your partner; J Tell each other aboullhe Vatican and TuvalL. " What can )IOU remember about the Vatican and Tuvalu? Complete the sentene$ logether: 1978 800 art ollectlon Britain four yea..s Funalutl tounsm Tuvaluan <lnd Englis.h the UN , , ' ; 1: I I The capilal is ._ Lito. '(1"'1 _ J. _' 1'6 11 makes ils mvney from... 1..1 2 The population IS abOut jQ 'C7 It s. famous for ItS.. _ 3 The olhClallanguages <lre;;1l. Lll 11.110rJn the past it was governed by.. G IrS. a member of... I\J fl,I_f.-I 9 11 belaml! ,ndeoendent in... 5 It has elections every .., f , r j, Jf ,,( b 5 a Write six sentences about your country, five true and Dn@ fals.@. Thf' capItal of Sfovema is Ljubljana. bin groups,lislen Ie» each other's sentences. Which senlence is false? 6 a Work in groups cf three, A, Band C. Student A. look at the profile of San M<lrino 0'1 p127. Student B. look at the prohle of the MaldIves on p 123. Student C, look atlhe profile of Saini Kitts and NevIs en jr125. PreP<lre to tark about your country. b Tell each olher about your countries in 6a. Would yOu like 10 visit any af fh!;"{' countries? Why? .. h  ... . 
USTENING Big in Japan 12.2 goal Ik o1bDut people. INK And ........_ , iI Look at the picture of Akebono Taro. GUESS the am;wers to tbese questions. 1 Where IS Akebono from? 2 Where did he bcome famous'! 3 Whal was unusual aboul him? " What IS a yol<OZUfiiJ'! b .  Listen to a radIO interview with the author of a book. Y/I/(oluna. about sumo wrestling. Check your ideas in 101. .. .I." .' ..  . ... , t.. . .'- ' . : ... "13 . '. ........... , , ... IS . .. . t ". f .' . :. . ( ,- IL"' .. .. ... '-  Grammar re1erc"". and prac_. ,,'44 VOCABULARY Life and achievements - . . .   . .. ... . .  ....: .... - I" Akebono Taro. sumo wresller . . nd yokoiunil 11 .J' 2 I HeaO the summary. Can you corred the ..nde.-lin ed information'! " was born in  HawaIi. At illS{ he was Interested in 'LootbaJ!, He flow to  in 19SB and started pracbsU1g sumo seriously, HIS 5rn professIOnal mach wa.s in'IDI! He became a YOkOZlJ.16 In' He was t'le first forPlgner to achieve this In "1JI!K! years Dunng lIis thi"leen yeilis of silmo wrestling. lie won the Emperor:; Cup a total ()f']1; urnes, HIs last light was ID "mOQ, 3 b -.EiI Listen again to check_ II:» You say He was born in HawaII not  in H Who are the bes:t-known sports people where you live'! What srts do they play or do Achievements t  What can you remember about Akebono? Match 1-8 with a-h to make sentences , He was born a study hoteL management. 2 He won b sumo from watchIng 01 on TV. 3 He wante-d to In ZOO 1. tJ. He became Interested In  become a in 1500 years. 5 He flew to Japan to jom  a basketball scholarship. 6 Akebono defeated Konlsh,kI. 7 He was the flrsl foreigner 10 9 in Hawaii. 8 He retired h Azumazek, s stat>le b ,,Listen to check. 0 1 2 In pairs. cover 1-8 and look at a-h. Can you remember the c;omplete sentences? - - 3 a Prepare a short talk about your life or the Life 01 someone you know. Use the expressions in 1a and your own ideas. b Listen to each o1her"s talks:. My Lad was born In 1955 He was the first Ask questions to lind out more. person in my !"mil)' to gv to university.. 
GRAMMAR InfinitIves and gerunds 4 a ,!i .the correct expressIons in these sentences from the interview. 1 For foreigners it was very di llicult to become f becommg a yokoluna 2 As a young man, he enjoyed to play I plaYing basketball 3 He also wanted to 5Iudy I studying hote. managemenl. J. He became interested in sumo from to watc" I watching ,t on television. b Look at the scnpt on p170 to check. c Match the sentencE's 1-4 in I.a with these rules. You can use mhOlliveswith fo [rogo. rohave. ftc.!: a .after adjectives D baiter $QITIC verbs fl You can u St' gerunds 19orng. having. etc.l, c aft.:!r prepositions l d ,,'tEr somp yprbs::J Some common verb:; . the mfimtrve wrth to are. agree. oeClde. hope, learn, need, plan. wanl. would I,ke. Grammar merenGe Md praetle.. p'" Grammar ......,.nc. _ IG.. p,.... .., I ..-ess in .erbs SPEAKING 5cme common verbs. the gerund lire, enjoy. fmish. practise. suggest can't stand 'Ii:) You say I want you to help me not I ..tint thai )d;;" h.olp ",.. 5 a Choo5everbs ' rom the to)( to complete questions 1-6. Use the in!initiye or the gerund. m move retire speak start I Dg ygU know anyone who. 1 decided a new career after they were 30" 2 practises English outside class? J hnds it easy new languages? 4 15 plannm9 befall! they're 60 7 5 IS thinking about to another country" 6 would like to become n 7 IS ,nterested in studying. 8 enjoys.. 9 is hoping ... b Complete 6-9 with your own ideas. 6 a.  Listen to the verts with two syllables Which syllable is usually stressed the firs.t or the second? agree become decide defeat enjoy f nish practise rei re study suggest b . E) Listen to the "e,.ts. DOes the stress move or stay the same when you add an ending? decide> decided pra<tise > practises bUi> bUYing speak> spoken c Find the verbs in the sentences In Sa and IT'ark the stress. Practise saying them. , In groups. ask and answer the questions in 5a. Find out more. ":') , "Wr>em') .. ... "0 . "£!t l _ ',F; t  J;---- t L , :-  '1..:1,  \. ...... - /1L" ---- -J. , Ii  , 
Target activitv TASK USTENING 1  Renata from Polilnd TASK VOCABULARY ExpressIOns withknCJw Do you know anything about Krakow Well. I know that 1\"50 on Poland and IrS,. TASt( 12.3 'Dais Tall( about people and places in vour counb'V . sey wItere places  ... I d .scnbe countries ....1 taUt.about peopl.'s IiIes and ac__nUi 0 I , " .. .. , tC Look at the pictures What do you know ..bout lech Watsa ad Krakow? ..B) Listen to Renata talking about lech Watsa. Tick 1.11 the things she mentions SolJdarity Gdansk communism educatJOn election 1995 :I . ol!I) Lister-. again, What does she say about the things you ticked? II Check your Ideas In groups. Then check In the script on p170 2 P 2 4 0 E) Nuw lilen to Renalalatklng about Krak6w. TIck 1.1'1 the things she mentions. the capital atmosphere Industry 'azz Warsaw sOuth poputalior 5 a 0  Listen again. Vihat does she say atout the things you ticked? b Check your ideas in groups. then check in the script on p170, 6 . Mate h 1-7 with a-g 10 complete the sentences. 1 You probably know 'I was a an ordinary worker. 2 I know that he wo....ed b Ihe capitat 01 Poland 3 I dOll't know much ab1)ut Its c he di d before that , I don't know what d the population IS less than a million 5 Do)/ou know an,.ung about e hIs hfe? 6 I don't really know lor sure butllhink I history. 7 As far as I know. he was 9 In Gdansk b look at the pIctures at the top of the page again. In palts. tall< about them, using the highlighted expressilms. In , 7 a Choose a person and a place in your CCluntry that you think are important or intetesting. and prepare to talk about them. Think about these questions. The person 1 Why do you think they re important or Interesling? 2 When and where were they bo.....? 3 What do you know about their life? I. Ar-e Ihey we II known in your country nowadays? The place 1 Why do you thonk it s Important or mtere-sllng? 2 Where is It exactly? 3 What do you know about ils h,story? " Have you been there? What's itlrke? b Talk in groups and ask each other questic:ns 10 find out more. If you chose the same people or places. 110 you have the same information and oplOions? 2 3 8 , Which people and places lIid you flOll interesting? Tell your group. 
EXPLORE Keyword 10 finatives with to I Match the underli ned expressions with the corred groups, A-C, in the table. ff1] F..l' A.;]te1 o l"'h::l!"n;; the CoJJ.f"tJ"Y. I!nat': : -,3 1- poss:.ble ':.c sa..:! you. an the 19th?  ] CAn rou red scae 'Ch.2noi! to see ? "'1: 1 :t.e.n aI" -oft.ezl 10[15" 'IlJ.e"i5 ao the: be3t time r"Q..90 Is e4rly -evcnL,g WII1t: 1 !t leE!  plarJl ang to MV.! a S4'a A.....-.a y' Inr:Eo!n,=-ed 1n U:l1n9 . S4U11.!ii" IlU.t .c UaviDq a . here in Sc-ot!.and. t!o"pe  see you 8OCII'1. .ut. I A verb + infinilive plan to go need to buy B adjective.. infmltlve difficult 10 do ready to order C noun + mhnitive a .good place to V'Slt Ihe besl wayla learn b Wrile five or six questions. Then ask and answer the qu eslions in groups. Do you want J need ,..' Are you planning' hoping .n? Is it possible.n ? Do you think Irs difficult I easy . ? Whars. the besl time f way f place .. 7 osition to iI Write tl) in the correct place in the questions. 00 you like llstenmg musIc when you're working or studying' 2 00 you ever read stones fnends or people in your family? HdV you ever senl a lext message tne wrong person? 00 you always reply emalls on Ihe same day' When was the last lime you wrole a letter someone' How ollen do you give pres-ents people' k and answerthe questions. I endent learning Guessing what words mean )t do you do when you see a word you don't ? Do you; 70k the word up on a dictionary? ask your teacher' ask someone els.e in class' ry to guess whalthe word means? Ihe web page. then close your books. m"ch can you remember about topher"s story? r -':= ,.... I! -.... at Ihe highlighted words 1-'. n you say which word IS a nou n verb or ]ect,ve? to you guess what the words mean? theword with these explanations. flt:':"dlllJ:,.blt!l og ether in a group op part of your legs when you sit dl)wn clear and slrong at the highlighted words 1-1. in two more an p130 Try to guess what they mean , check your ideas in a dictionary. .. .. I- .....  ,..  reM umRAr Rorte:s. - .- -  - -- ,.... _.... .J.".;..- 1969 - 'One small step for man' On 21 July 1969. millions of people around the world wacched on television as man walked on the moon for t:he first time. Some of you sent your memories: I was only live years old but J have a . VIVid memory cJ that: day. We all Zpchered in franc of d>e TV - my mum. dad and JII my 's,bl,ng3 I was che smallest boy, so I sat on my dad's 'tap. I remember he was very quiet. Then when Neil Armurong stood on the moon. I 't:IL 3Io1J11lt:d lill2S wcl 'UtI L11't: lUp of my !lead. My bther wu crying, Chrm"""e. ... &:>-.. -.:... - . - . \;......- -:-.- - ::. --- -.  . _._  ... :'-< .. .. 
UPlOft Speaking 1 iI I ED Listen to three conversations. What's Ihe relationship between Heten and Pal. and between Helen and LUIs? 2 What's each conversation aboul? bRead scripls 1-3 10 check your ideas. Z Leok althe hlghllghled expressions in the SCript. Which ones do you use: to descnbe Ihlngs when you can't be exacl'> 2 10 mean 'and similar Ihings' J to mean 'or similar Ihings 3 a Which expressions from 2 ciln you use in 1-6 In this conersalion? Two eXI'ressions are always possible. PAT 11 5 so qwe! he:e isn't it? HEL'" Yes sometimes there "'L k lis "" roolOrbJkes I.::illg 310und and sboutl.D;j 1 but 11 S usually tIne. PAY So wha I NC gOlr.J to do Illclily? HELEN Well, maybe see some SIghts. There are a few mtL"EII!!lS, a.Tt gallenes me aquanum 2_ _ _ PoT Ye!;, QI we ocr..sld hllVl ,,' q..,el daV, m8\1:e walk aramd a rul. tt..."1\ go out 1m Junch  _1 HElI" Di:l1ruteJy. 'Ih'!:e sa gI€£lt Iwanl up lIle I It does 8 t _ local fISh Wsh wluch rm !lUll! y'dJoye Pid C-reat An:! thn ma'be we could VIsne mu.o:E'illI1 \I' ganlllY. _ tomorrow HELE" &lIe. good !dea. b Practise the- conversalion tWice. Try to use different expressions each lime. I, Talk in group5. Tell each other: where you were born a nd grew up a nd what IOU remember about ,t. bout the ingredienls of a mce meat you ale y someone VISiting your country in Ih IS s!'4>uld bring wIth Ihem. d like 10 do with a close friend or TI! lie ling IU for Ihe f'rs1 time in a new Goal . use  languig. o Pat JS plannmg to VlSlt her daught"r III Mendoza Argenuna. PA' I' sc> 1oo'w19 forward 10 seems \IOU, r lolen 6",1 meenng your n-w buylnend I UI$.IIQII!7 But \'rOO c!vIhes u! i bnng' 19 11 .....arm' HaD< Yc.: 111; W!lDl1l1l tJle Cay bur tlnDg romr IImlJer m a 'ad!:et Ot Eomvthwg for I" f'verunqs PAT JumJj(rs 7 Thlr rlnes wooDy i>Oes. yeu meaJJ? HELDI EI. Ye:I. maybe. PAT  n:V bJue one? You !mow !hI! one? HELEN Ye3 1116 blue no or YOU! red fJf.e or wha.lever n !oesn"{ matte!. 6 A week later. ID Mendoza. II's lunchtime. PAT So. wt.ill are we !:Iawnlj fOI ium;h darlmg? HELEN £r I'm r",;.: sur.. .{t Maybe scme soup" (lawn PAT MrI1JY'Jn t.1u.s SQups aboolulet,- deCious. Your cooltlrg ha5 got much belter Helen. What 5 in 111 HELEN 011. cr. vegetables rrLillnly On.ODS pepp<" POLaIJ.J€S ana stuff hIm thBt PAT R.>ght So, y...u, chop the veg. and then what) HEUN VIr'. I Ih1nk you add 'fJaler aDd some tJerbs an d thlngs SorI},! dJdn'! Bel "ny maI<e 11 did. 'AT Ah. 01: Well. ILnUln II was lDely and I <l1Ike 19 1<.'1 pIWhenale weseemglillna.:J!'III? HE'" TIus a!!emoor_ at throB. - E) Later that aftrnoon, Pat is chatnng to Holen's boyfnend. LlUS 'A1 St:, LW:;.YQ Wt ,!In m Spa:r:.ngt7 LU Yos. thRt ugl1l.!n Gall::ra PAT OIL es. Where ImIctiy? wlS We:L I1C1U;:;I]y to a fsrmhouse III the m1dOle of ngw)lCr-f' II vow; son 01 SUIrC:wclw  V'""<lIILRu1S The !lea:S'" 1O""1 \WI: Qroguena. w!:ich IS cn thE. E1 the north .../(I, cresl PAT Oh,IIQh! And 1M .O\: slav thm; throughout yaw ctukihoctl? LUIS No. WI' .roved IDJo..Igenl1na.lO 3uer.05I\II05. Whl I ViilS th.'ee. 3J ll1oo't (relly mmcrr1beJ IL 81 alL tlLr I've oIwa'S h"eJ 11," "'nd 01 speCi Ie€ling about Ih Inn nl8.Jn3 It s ct1Iiu1t to I'}(p.",n, bLiIII belIlg abIe to S3e the mountc- > It grves me a se!:.98 o! sPftIX. I guess I R rJ ,  2 r:= J 
look again u Review vtKABULARY Location, describing a country 't a In groups, design your ideal country. You can use some of these ideas:  IOtalion size populahon languages work Ir lime gowernment Ihe economy Iransport Prepar(! to talk about your country. You can use Ihe expressions on p98 ilnd p99. Our ,dpOI' roulltry IS a group ot thl'99/slands. It hx b Change groups Tell edh other about your Ideal countries. Decide which you'd most like to visit MAR IlI'mitiYes and gerunds a Put the verbs in the correct groups. promIse agree can t stand would like offer dislike enjoy want ',nish miss _ I _/ _ I _ I +Iodo I I I I + dOing II Do these verbs 90 with an in'onili\le or a gerund? In groups, use dictionaries to check. enjoy Im'd311 verb 1 If you enjoy something, it gives you pleasure. I ho,.e )IOU enjoy your meal, (+ doing something] I really enjoyed bel1lg with him. \JI j\1 'ooe learn plan don t mmd yJt11I: a\:6il. \..J5 rdb,tE' Use the verbs to write six sentences about yourself. 'our true and two false. hen I \Va!> SIR. ] wanted 10 be a polJceman. _Isle... to each other's sentences. Ca'n you guess hich are false? TOU REMEMBER? Unit 11 - would \en's dd the missing words to Theo's descnption of his am home. would fx71 wouldn't Ix11 I!I b-: J{\O\1(\. , b'. borno? Well I hve '" a house m the 'tillllli but II be close to a wlUage so we could "Ioppmg and Uungs like that It be t.oo big - It maybe four rooms - but the livrng fOom have balcony Wllh wonderM VIews, ] live there my wife and son of course and every day up, make coffee and just look out over the .UlffiS Tbat be perfect 1\' ' v " "" '\5 F\J1' , it £It 011 111 '')I1011DQ " bUt\\(J'ret [L .-. . oes!ll@a..... Ilk about your dream home. Where would it be. I would it be like and what would you do there'? ,n group!>. listen to each other's Idea s. What ou think about them? Extension SPELLING AND SOUNDS -en! -an! , a,  Y)U say the endings -ent and -ant in the same wa)',/nl/. Listen and repeat. student pri!sldent parliament government Importanl elephant b Read the information and then complete the words. -en! lincludlng -ment\ 15 much more common that -enl. 2 After the 50unds/f/./gl Ikl and III. we U5U"Uy US!! -ant. accounl._ apartm ass,st differ excel! independ mom monum_ insl pres c '-.I:) S3eUcheck Close YOlJr books listen to ten words and write them down. d look at the script on p1?1t., che<;11 your spelling. NOTICE hpressioRs with of 5 a Complete the expressions \\oith of using the words fr om the box. I membe r he ad group s out  1 The Vatlcan's ruled by th Pope. who is also Ihe oflhe C"IhoUc Church. 2 Monaco IS in the 0' Europe. 3 Tuwalu is a 1" nine Islands. Ii Nowadays it's a 0'1 the United Nations II Think al:otJt your answers to these questions. Wha. are you a member f7 Whal groups do you belong to? 2 Whos the head 01 state in your country? Who.s the tead of your .:ornpany. school or club? :3 WhIch part of your town do you live In? For exampte. the centre Dr the east? What about your fnends and family? C Ask and answer the questions. Fmd out more. I'm a member of a cycling club, Oh yean? How often do you meet?  Setf-.sse....,ent C. , you do t'-e i, Engli ""CJa Rurrber on each II,e. 1 ,.1 can'l do thO 5 = I can do t '5 welL . say ... pfa<.s en . dIur... ",-cries .11III  1. pr>pl.-s \lv.uN! , s ..... 009-langNgII . Jot .........  lAd.......... .For . 
-"'> Uot> <lI. /J' A.e. f/;!.. 13.1 goals l. Ulla .J.?> "tIlR J J  !mtA . .MJ) u AJt£J2 ,.r.:o IJ.. talk .belul electrank 9adfe15 you use use "'" phDne In  situalioN: o iJ  -  ., Now and then c ,( C. 'l'G.' n.J tQ  '- t f Jd ..x.  :;:J  EWb ds.iJ JJra J -<!) J .  3 - ../  LISTEN INe; -"> i(U. f ) r N.llahe and Paula Me"n and FaDo VOCABULARY How I feel aboul gadgets Prvnunci.tlon n1'erenc. aMI pnatt"e, pUI1 SPEAKI"'G I-J  .:U W. r:t  I cDuldn'lliVe Wilhout it! .--- . I -- ·  - ii mil"'" ,,/rQn I . .. @ /I """";I/Iti :taJI/M,. --  /I. t - .. -"- ..-- - .-J" ..---::.0.. t::.l...1 ----.. 1 I Look at th pkture. Which 01 these electronic do you have? b What other gadgets do you use? Make a list. c Compare your tists. Which are the most (ammon gadgels? Which are Ihe most unus.ual? 2 fIE!:) lIstn 10 two conversations. T,ck III the gadgets 'ha' Che people mentiOfl. mob,le phone musIc player computer 1 Natalie and Paula 2 Melin and Fabio l 3 I Whal can ou remember aboul'-3? Talk logether. 1 How do NataUe an:! Paula 'eel about ttelr mobile phones? Do Ihey leel'he same? 2 How oflen doe-s Mtln use his music player 1 Why IS ,t Important to hIm? :3 How does FabIo feel about gadgets In generill? Which ones docs he have? II . u:J Listen again to check , Do you know anyone I ke Nalalie. Paula. Fabio or Melin? Who are you most similar to? '- 5 a Can you remernbr what each of these sentences is about? 1 I need to have it wIth me. mobile phone "'I h on':'b I hardly ever use II. 2 I use II aU the time. r,u.' ;I:'...j&1 7 I don'l even have- one at home,l" 3 I u!:e it lor my job. -\..{" Oko'l' e I don I bOlher with il. 4 I don t know how to use theorY). "'( 9 I think I would die wlthoul iL,J,-E 5 It makes ute easier cu.)\e.r 10 I couldn'l Ioe wlthoul mine. b Read the scripts on pt71 to check. ,.,..c. tl m> Be cilrelul Wllh Ihe pronunciation ollbe 11\' and life /lalf . 6 a Think about the different gadgets you use )  1 How ollen do you use them? W lo.ocii\. -<I) (b  2 Do you use Ihem lor work, lor studies or for your personal life? 3 How do you feel about Ihem? 4 Are Ihere anygadgels you're nol mterested In having 7 Wh'fnOI7 A< ,":I b Ask and answer the questions.  '].. 
USTE I  ...... " .. / l VOCABULARY Telephone e xpressoons Voc..bul.ry merence and practice, p153 PRONUNCIA"lO" Groups of words 2 SPEAKINIi Intematoonal. can I help you? I dliketo speak to no ... Four phone caDs 1 Ask and answer the questions. Do you ever use the phone to manage lour bank account or book hOlidays?! Why? I Why not? '\:!;.-L' 2 Do you or people you know gel a bonus al worit? How olten' Whars it usually lor' . ea Listen to three phone calls with Christi ne. Answer the questions after each one. CaLI , 1 Chnstlne calls her bank Why IS she surprised' .:z.. -l.  - <Si" 2 Where docs she think the money has come from? .....'" u  2  1 Chri..'mp r"U" " rnmp"ny Whnrln.."..hpw"nl 'n '"Ik In? I..A.- ""' I.. h. 2 What message does she give the receptionist "....--;' ,0 ........flie. "':s., ....- CaLI 3 '-'-' 1 Chnstlne talks to er husband John, Vlhat does she tll him? J. L-nrt! . 2 What do Ihcydctide to de? 1""",.1; _.IO". 3  The bank manager phones Christine. What do you think he says? b .-I!:) Listen to check your ideas. f po 0 l \A - J '.....rJ.--r-l. 2 , Has something like this ever happened to you or someone you know? 5 a Who said sentences 1-12? Christine lei receptionist IRI John IJI bank manager (BI 1 Can I speak te John Andrews. please' C 2 It's ChrIstine, h, 3 rm sorry, but John isn't her!!' 4 Listen. the recepllon's really bad here 5 Just a moment, please. 6 15 that Chnstone Andrews? 7 Do you want me to take a message? B Could you ask h,m to call me") 9 rll call you back later: 10 ThIs IS Paul Jennings. 11 Is this a good time to talk' 12 Can you hear me now? b Read the scripts on p171 to check. Ii:» When speaking an the lelephone you say This IS Paul JerJnig5 not IBm ,"at.t )1I I"I,Rg3 6 a. £!a Listen to sentences 1-5 in 5a again. Mark/lbetween the two groups of words.. 1 Can I speak to John Andrews 1/ please? b Practise saying the sentences. 7 a LODk ill the sentences in 5a again. In pairs, change the nilmes Then der;:ide what I he ne.xI line could be. 1 Can I speak to Anna. pleas..? Yes.jusl a momen/. b Take turns 10 say 1-12 and respond with ur Ideas. 8  Work alone. Think about Ihe language you'll need for these conversations. 1 Caller, you want 10 speak to a retall Itrolher, mother ... L Phone the place wher" they work and ask to speak to the person You have important news to tell them. RE'cE'plonist.thl! p"rson's not in T;;Jklla mE'ssagl! 2 Caller, (:all a friend. The .el:ept'on is bd. Call back, then i!I$k about recent new- and arrange to do something. Friend, I<lU\ aDoul reterlt flews. A9ree Qn a d<lY to meet, <I IIf"e and a I ---'" _.' b Role play the conversations, Take turns to be the caller. 
" nnn ..... When I was a child 13.2 goal talk .bout past hablls .nd slales  B ::- - '1  . # '", .;" I  . ..  "'-- ...  er E no . .  " READING 1 The pictures show what five people believed when ItJey were cnildren. Can you guess what they Ihought? 2 Read the people-s web poslings. Malch thEm wilh piclureos A-E. Cam 0 Lol'\ardo 0 N;tlalie 0 RaquelD Dave 0 .  'WWW.m;l<f'QQdI>ere!s.a>m - .. [.hi\dh()odbe.\ie.f £.Om is a wllution of strange- and fUrlrl'i ide-ar. \Nt had Ylhtm we Ylere- c.nildren Add 'jour own to our site.. I used to think my grandmother was inside the telephone '"d hear her voice and say. 'Come out. Gan!' but !>he never did" (:am In;Jm H_ Ze.len<1 When I was little, I used to bieve there wre IiIVe men in!>l<le the teleVIsion an(ll II$ecllo get close to the TV and tum it on and off to see if I could hear the little men WOrking Ins,ide It .n And 15tlll don"t understand how it works. Leon_from Co&la Rica When I was a little gir1.lllVed in a very big neighbourtlood and W shared a garden arod a pool between forty-e.ght houses. There were a lot of children arcund my age and we all used to play together. and we'd often swim in the pool. But theIe was one boy about five years older than us and he told me once, when I "'as swimming In the pool, "I hope you kO()w thai if ycu're alone In the pool. there's a shark that WIll come out of the light bulb and get you: I was terrified. and up until today -I'm twenty.flVe now - I still get nervous if I'm in a pool alone and I always check the light to make sure there's 00 shark. Natallo from TrWdad _ Too.,go When I was little, I used to beheve the moon followed me and -ny family everywhere we went. When we went to my unCie's, the moon would come wit' us. When we went on hol day. the moon would be there. I was so surpriSed when I told my friend and she said It followed her, too. How could the moon follow me and her at the same time when we weren't together? II couldn't t;>e. tl1Je! IIlIqlloI'rrnn MeNCO When I was aDOul Sl!': years Old. I usea to believe Inat monsters lived under my bOO. I'd jump out of 00d so they couldn't get me. Later I decided they .ust wanted to be mends and felt bored under the bed. After that, I"d always leave a book under my bed so they could read It while I slept. D......rom England I  . . CJ q, WhE use. neal / 
GRAMNAR u,..,d lu, vrould 3 Reallihe postings again. Who: 1 was afraId of somelhmg as a child? !x2) 2 is still a bit a'raid now? 3 dldn't !:Dmelhing as a child') Ix3] 4 still doesn.1 really undersland .t as an adult? , Which story do you likelhe besl?.....hy? I used to ... 1 Reallihe se ntences. Answer questions 1 and 2. I used to gel close to the TV and tum il on and off (Leonardol We all used to play together, and we d often swim in the pooL [Nata"el 1 Are they about the present or the past? 2 O,l! Ihe)' do Ihese 1lngs once or many Ill1'\es? 2 a Underline more examples of used 10 and would ( dl in the web po!:ling!: an II lOB. b Complele Ihe rules 1 and 2 with used to or W()U ld. I used 10 believe Ihall1'\on!:ter!: lived under my bed. I used to lump out of bed so they couldn't get me. I'd jump out of bed!:o they couldn't get me. 'd= would We (an use both _ and 10 talk about actions' go, come.took,jump... 2 We (an only use _ _ 10 talk aboul stales: believe. be, have,live, thonk, like, hate.. Gr.IlftllLiiilr l'&f@I'Unce and adlce t SPEAKING en I was a child we d \0 go i:ampin'3 rly every summer: I Really? Where . did you go? C .listenand say lhe sentences. 0 3 a Which sentences can you complele wilh: a used to or would? b only used to? When I was a chIld on 1 I used ro..Lwould play in the woods near my house after school. :2 I used fo like swimming in Ihe sea. Ncw Ihnd illoo cold 3 I _ have a wonderfut red bicycle. £. I live In a small village in Ihf' COUnll)'slOe 5' walk to si:hool wIth my best fr end every day, 6 I _ read one or Iwo comiC books Every week. I loved readlny. 7 I believe the moon was a light tulb on the sky. e I talk to my toys all the time 9 I go to dante and exerc ise cI ases a fie r s chQol. 10 I buy sweets at a wonderfulliule shop near my hom. b U$e Ihe I'fighbghted lIetbs in 3/110 write sentences about your childhood. I used to pia)' baseball with my friends after school every day. m> You say I used Iv 9010 Ihe 9ymaherWlJrk not U5e/cr-gol lJ I 91,11 ft, ..Do h , Think about things you used to do In your childhood. and things you used to believe . things you did: games you played school fnends places. YDU went on holiday . beliefs about: food nature matt1ine$' aoomals toys sCience transport people mo ney n In groups. talk about your childhood memCJries.. 5 Ii How many of you believed or did Ihe same things? .. """ . ..... - , 
Target aclivitJ Talk about technology and change 13.3 goals talk about eledronk g.lIgel5 you use 0 .liIlk iIbout  habits one! slilles 0. TASK READING , Have you done all these things? When was the first time you did them? . used Ih Internet . opened an emailaccoul\t . bought something online . watched TV onlme . talked online 2 Read Mark Glaser's web page about how the Internet has changed people's lives. Does he think the changes are good, bad or both? "" t.-: ... '._.. lodJ. .,. r:u VIIww.hmgyooolffQnlmt (om "aGo I J I - .. LIVING YOUR LIFE ONLINE BY MARK GLASER I'm thinking a lot at the moment about life before the Internet. and life before com pulel'S. How was life different? Was It worse? Was It better? 1 Now; I arrange 10 meet up WIth fnemls lJy email Berore: I used to call them up on the pnone. Change: t.s faster now! But I think I chat to my frienc!s le on the phone. I J1mk pe(JpJe commulllcate more 'tne-se  (S. but they talk to eacl1 other less 21har II>")' used 10. 2 NDW: Bcflxe: To get  lateSit news I go to Coogle News. 'In the daya before the Inlernet 1"1I Check the television news on CN or a local channel. Change: lfOw I can click on the news stOI)' I want, afMIlllon t have to re ttIe news I'm not interested In. People decide ..hat news they get' OWl> . There's more Choice 'tt1an Ihere u5C!d 10 00.  . -r-- I G . 3 Now: I buy g/fI for p<;1ople onlie. Be""re · n the J)ilo;t. I'd go to a shOp to buy the gift If the pe.ton lIVe.:! .n arother cl1:Y. I rnalle<! it to them from the post Qffice. C"JJnglJ I do more sMPPl1'rg 'Ins n I used 10. I'm In debt now becatJse .1',;; 10<) as.y 10 ,;;hoP. Hew has your life changed onllne7 Share your comments. TASI( VOCABULARY Companng past and present 3 Read the web page again. Which highlighted expressions: 1 a re about now? (x21 2 are aboulthe past? (x21 3 cempare the present and the past? IxJI , a You're going to talk about how te<:hnology has. changed lives. Think about these questIons. What technology 110 you use at home an d at work? Wha t a bout other people 'Iou know? 2 How have these Ihings changed your lile? :J How have the)' changed Life," your co"nt'}'. or around the world? Think of the language you need, Ma ke nO:e$. TASI( Peop.le are 31ways in tOntact with ea<:h other now allays It s more difficult to Qet aVo'a from everyone rh iln ,t used 10 be ....., , b Talk logether. Do you have Ihe same ideas? 5 Do you think these chal1ges have made life belter or wor.;e? Why? 111 I A 3 
.  Listen to Leonardo and Megan talking about attitudes to time in Costa Rica. Answer the questions.  1 Which does Leon1trdo say IS faster. Costa Rican ume or regular time' 2 What do they say about how people In Costa Rica leel about. a having meals? b getting to meetings? 3 How does Megan reel abo1Jttime'? f Listen to Leonardo and Megan again. Tick I.rJ the sentl!nces VOL hear. 1 I'm usually right on time. 2 I always try to be on time but r m sometimes late. 3 I'm In a hurry to get where I m going. 4 Peojie are always rushing to get somewhere. 5 Peopte take their time having their break last Which e)pressions are abGut: 1 doing things at the agreed time? 2 doing things quickly. olten with stress? 3 doing things slowly without stress? Write three sentences about yoursell with the expressIons in 2a. I m /w;! IO;! hUITJI'o gP' 10 my c!;I,,-OOPo;. Compare your Sentences and ask questions to lind out mo..e. Are your attitudes to time the same or different? EXPlORE Kevword lime 1 a Use expressions wtth time from the box to comp lete the sentences Irom prevIous u nits. I all the time anothertime Anytime too much lime lor the Ilrst time I have a good your first time 1 _ <:OEd my =b11" phone witJI ....  In 1 '9. r:mn. va.lked en ene Iroen _ !IDJ." U Il'V..I;o:_ 3 It )'Q,l";o b".a.r.i tQJr.r.n.  r;an meet 'I 4 7 P m .&err}' r'll m.J.S8 t.he lunch. :- hope you . .. Is !biB _ in canada? DU II" P":Y sp.ond a bU _ .ur"illg t Int.e!:71e:t:. o,,=,-_ Would 'YC\.O :n::.nd ch.ans1.l'19' cur ") 18 :..&. Dl1 !i 15 17 b Write four sentences about whe-n you were a child or teenager with expressions lrom 1. Then compare your sentences. I flew for Ihe firsl I,me when I was fourteeo. Across cultures Time .It these . people 2 a Complete the sentences Irom previous units words Irem the box. flo 9 Q to think to talk I 1 r21 thu i!I CIiOt".Jd ': tre ? UI.U J 2 'i1-.c.W Aya  .;"t=r le.!1g q..:es. so. fh.l! NII'= I:l !..& early e....-ening 1. 'I' ] At I:}-d. epe-e::i. you docOt t'Ul'.-C _ "'" f;ou am"" I hea r that expressio n I QO on holiday I 4 .-.r1d ben r.exr. t: .':!JI! _.! kncv J.t 5 ] need 1iJ)I puspo e-/erv tilDl! _ I  J 11 be at !Xme U.l the t.l.D!le- _ ..It I b lw1al<e questions lor the people in your class. Then ask and i!nswer the questions When's the best time,. , Do you h.ave tIme. 7 What 111I11 you do th e nextltme '.. ? When's the be time to call vou' - - ......... --\Fi- .. " - ;:;;;. .r I ,\. J Leol'laf"do 'S from Costa Rica, Megan is 'rom They ,alk a bout lime in Costa RIca. Think aboul other pla<:es you've been to or know abDul, Do you thinll people's anitudes to time there are similar to yours? 
EXPlOR Writing Goal I , took at the pictures in the web page. Can you remember your first calculator. musIc player or camera? 1 How otd we re you? 2 H ow did you leel about them? 3 What were they like? 2 Read three people's web postings about Iheir 'firsts', What are their answers to the questions in 1? . wr"e .......t . memory 'n" ,.,. I:a a + htIp:/fIIww"'._ ..........1e> wm Q TEcHt-OrI1Eh10R:I:E5 > h1..... F=:I:R$T > > r'1..... FJ:RST C:ALC:ULATOR :-. . -.:..., Ja_ 4t ... ] got my first calculator when I was about eleven, when I went to Junior high school. It was really big and heavy but it could do lots of cornpllted things. I loved It so much that I used to carry it In my jacket pocJcet ..II the time. It nea Iy pulled my jacket off my shoulder! Then a lew years later, I began to dislike It. I was doing a maths exam. which I found really boring, and I had to study all the time, and the calculator just ...epresented the exam, I stili have It - see pic. Very old-fashioned! Whenever I see it, I stili think of that exam. Kojl H., Japan .. ........ > tI1..... FJ:RST WFlLI'<:h1Ft'4 I - . I r-.......: I remember getting my first Sony Walkman. My older brother had one and I didn't, so I used to use his Walk man "Int. """",Uv w.thn..t ",<;kin!j. We had 50 many arguments that my p.....ents eventually gave me my ()wn Walkman for Christmas. -.. I think I was twelve or thirteen. 1 remember that mv bl"Other was really Jealous because it was smaller and more modem than his old one. I love<:! my Walkman. \ I used to use it all the time, cspedally when I was delivering papers ear1y In the mornmg before school. It made the e:xperlence almost enjovable. Cdm, New Zealand > h1..... FJ:RST D:r:Gi:I:TAL CAmERA \ .  ,. ( remember Vlhen I got my first digital camera, a little silver one. Mv husband gave It to me for my twenty-eighth birthday. I was a bit disappointed - another boring gadget, ] love taking pictures and I used to take good ones with myoid camera, before It broke. soon as I started uSing the digital camera. my were terrible! The Quality wasn't good, the battery alv,..ys die1J just when 1 had the perfect Shot '.. It was all too complicated. I have a much Detter digital camera now but I stdl miss mv old Camera. Elmira E., Turlcey 3 iI Cover the postings-o Match 1-5 with a-e to complete the sentences. 1 I ,ot my firsI calculator when a Sony Walkman. 2 Bul as 500n as I started using the digllal camera, b was really jealous 3 I remember getting my Iorsl C it Ilttle silver one " I remember Ihat my brolhel" d my plctuf'es were ter....ble l 5 I remember when I 90' my 'Init dlgilat camcr.!. e I was about elcven. b Read the web poslings again to check. 4 Choo a 'first' gadget to write about. In pairs, latk ilbcut your ideas for your web postings. 1 When did you get it? 2 Whal was il like? How often did you us.e II? 3 How did you leel about It then? What do )Iou think about It nov.? L W""ch hlghh'3hted ","pres-sions from 3a can you use? Can you use used to or would? 5 Worll alone and write your web posting. 6 Read your partner's posling Ask questions 10 find out more. 112 
look again 0 Review VOCABU LARY Telephone exprusions. expre55iDns wItII tim. 1 iI Play In groups 01 three. A, Band C. Students A and 8. take turns. to choos!! a number in the bQ. Llslen to stu1Jent c;: read a sente'lte with a gap Say Ihe missing word and win a square. You wrn thi! game by geltlng three squares rn a line. Student C. read the s.ententes for Game 1 on pl28 1 1\ 9 7 6 2 3 B 5 b Draw anolher grid with numbers 1-9. Change roles and play again. Student C, read the s.emences for Game 2 on pl22 GRAMMAR uutl to. uld 2 a Wh ich verbs usually go wIth: I used to and would 7 11 u:lcd to, but nat would? thmk -Z1 buyD walk D believe D have D listen to D goD lakeD playD enJoy 0 dislike 0 liveD b Choose siJ. verbslrom 2a and write sentences about your past. You tan wnte about your lile: 1 as a teenager. 2 at school. 3 at cQllese I. in your last job. C Listen to each other's sentences. Ask questions to lind out more. CAN YOU REMEMBER? Unit 12 - Life and achievement& 3 a Complete the sentences about Akebono. the sumo wrestler. with wonls and expressionslrom the box jom rellretl became Interested I" was the I'l"st <;tudy won I He ",a'lled 10 _ hotel managemenl. 2 He sumo from watchIng It on tele'llsion 3 He fie'" to Japan to Azumazcki's stable, G Akebono _ loreigner to become a yakozlJna. 5 He _ a b<Jskelball scholarshIp. 6 He in 2001 b VIrite senlences about a famous person In your country. Use the exp..essions in 3a. C Read your sentences to a partner. Ask questions to find out more. btension SOUNDS AND SPELUNG (II, ey , a.  YtlU a n say e; and oey in two ways. Liste n and repeat. Ali:1 B ICII eight they receive money b Dc> you usuaUy use e, Dr ey: I althe start of a wonI'" 2 in the middle 01  word? 3 at the end 01 a word? Note that t: ollen goes: 1 after c 2 before silent gh c Compte Ie these words with el elr ey.. Then put Ihem In the correct groups above, A or B. c_ hng gr Journ < n ghbour rec pt Turll_ w gh d .  Listen to check. 0 Repeat the won/s. e . €!!) Spellcheck. Close \lour hook. Listen to ten words and write them down. Then look at the sc..ipt on p172 10 check your spelli,,!!, NOTICE wilhouf 5 I Match 1-3wjth a-c to make sentenceslrom this unit. 1 I used 10 USi! his Walkmana lot, usulIywithoUI 2 I think I would die withoul 3 How do you live without a the Internet? b my moblte phone. C ilsking b Ask and answer the questio ns. 1 What three gadgets can YOIl live without? 2 What three gadgets can't}'\Ju live without? J When )'ou were a child, what coutd you do withoul asking? I could play nlhe street wilhoul askIng. But when I wanted to 90 to the park. I had to ask my parents. Self-assessment Can you do these thlngstn English1 number' . . n do ltIis well. 181II11>.",1 electrortlc god!ob I"'" u... use !tie phone I. ofIIh-rwot situ_ _0- _ ____ _ ./alk ut agsI  and_ .wnt. il>gut <l11WT'\IIY ..-:t......... won . . f\.... , 
14.1 goals elpres and repond 10 opinions haft a discuss:fon A maner of opinion Boling . , , ....  ..  - -  -- USTENING 1 a Find thes!! Ihings in the picture. boxers gloves the referee Ihe nng b Whal olher sports similarlo boxing can you Ihinl< of? wrest/mg. karate. c Are these I<inds of sports popular in your country" 2 - £0 lislen 10 Ihe first part of Lewis and Amelia's conversalion, Who likes boxing? Who doe,,'t?  2 i 3 -II Which of these opinions do Y01J Ihink are Lewis's ILl? Which do y()U Ihink are Amelia's IAJ? 1 Boxing is dangerous. 2 Other sports are more dangerous 3 In boxing. the goal IS 10 hlJrt other people. , People are naturally aggressive. 5 BQxers an! great athletes. 6 People can t:hOOSE to box or not. 7 Children IJnder sixteen shouldn't box. 8 II you ban boxong, It will become moredangerol>s 9 Boxers. could do other spons because they're good athletes b -,II:!!) Listen to the rest of the conversalicn and check your ideas. . . . . . Lewis and Amelia from Ihe USA a watdl,ng a boxing maleh al h011e rwf._ _ pnc1k:e, p154 , II:» You say BOKers are 9reat athletes nol 711<: hd.t:, 3 d. <: g, eat /Jtll:, '0 , Do you agree wilh the opinions? Talk in groups. 1M 
...... "'l ' I" . ' : IIJ" ExpressIng opinions SPEAKING- VOCABULARY' Responding 10 opinions What do JOU think:» 1 . Complete Lewis's and Amelia's opinions with words from the box feel wurse tAti'll( know find thing (xli anywa I 1 I Ihi11l< il 5 awful. 2 '_ _ ,t quite exciting,  We all thai people are aggressive 4 And , nobody has to box. 5 I really that II peopLe want to 1J00c, we shouldn t SlOP them. 6 01 that s not the same. 7 The IS, they have ruLes and there s;; f'<?leree. B Another IS, beIng a bo)(er is. a job. YQU know. b ..e)Listen to check, 0 Z I Thmk alJout your opinions on some of these things. . the enVIronment . supermarkets . banl<s . health and Illness . tne Inlernet b Listen to each other's opinions, Do you agree? I think we should buy fresl1 loae ,n markels. not supe rmarkets. y- 3 Read siIC extracts from Lewis and Amelia's con'lersation. Which IlIghllghted expressions can we use if we want t(l: agree'l 2 disagree  finish what we're sayong 7 1 L I mean a let of boxers g.:11II]1J!W. Some = rn d.P . , I more poop)" Oe In football matches you know 2 . loIS of sports can be 1ge!Ous L In :OOIOOlJ you', not tryIDg 1.0 hwt som n'<.lIIo 'You? 3 . PeoplE l! "'ggt'j1e. Naturally L I " I Olin}[ "depends on the1! envuc-.:r.enl  L Yeah bUI . The tlI1ng IS they have Jules and \JUf)'6 a Ic!eree. 5. aDd rhall] be a Jut mas dangerous L .......  I L But  u sa:d bo1ClS il/t' !;relit al1llr<t99.lIcrht') .. - ,  listen to the responses in 3. Which words ere stressed jn the hIghlighted expressions? 0 5 Work in AlB pairs. Student A, say the first lines In 1-6 above. Student B. cover 1-6 -and give responses. Then change roles. " oil Think about thesl! statements. Do you agree or disagree? Why? 1 People's. wrillng and are getting worse because of texting and ernalt 2 Tower blocks are the best places to live. 3 You don', really need to worry about you!" heat:h until your 30 & Irs best to work lor on I! company aU your life. 5 Everyone sh ould team at least two atherla ng uagl!s. 6 UniverSIty educalion should be free lor everyone .- b In groups, talk about 1-6. c Whirh to pies did your group a1 "e and 1115agree abour 1 Tell th e ctass. \ 
Carbon footprinl 1 14.2 Goals .""';J discussion i) dlscussl _lions A carbon footprint IS the amount of carbon dioxide (C0 2 1 we produce fro m ou r daiLy activities. What activities do you think neate a carbon footprint? i z  a You're gOing 10 read an article by Nahdita:Ways 10 reduce your kitchen's carbon footprinr. What do you think she'Li say about these things? t .." -, o Nanj,la .s a wr ler and bves In IoIumtJa. In dla She's also a doctor 31\d h.,. her own 1>10'1 a boul cookoog. catted Satlron r,ail InUol...: 0;"1. ... 0f1;;i..._ .. II........ . . ... ... .... . ="...... '0 r:m  . r ... ..  . r:m,/";.... '(P''''..TTl.1o") = II J.......1.1.....ill . ,'\\\\ '\\\\\ \\\\ .\\\ -. -  IIm EiI r-I..r....J" b Read the article, Were your ideas correct? Bltdt_'....-l__ http . ...",ffrmtnll bIogSpol..(umJa).1O  UC. vow katlhotn" carhn "tml w ... r Ways to reduce your kitchen's carbon footprint .blt'  IS Wortd Err. , my own Tt . Day 11OOugttI" wcukllIc a PI! ., 01!y ID see how I 001I11I "1I'IOY9111e enWanmr"lt I hflped me rod atbon'oo!II 11111 11>I> k n and 11; pad 111I 51 e I1U1IIY too Talk about each of Nandita's points Which do )fOU think is: . a good Idea? . a good Idea bul a 101 of people do It already? . a good idea but dlfhcullio do" . a waste of time" /" Dc)'Oll kl'!p the microwilVe am! 0IIIar IIIlc.hen rM:I1ines 00 s!afd)y? Voos your relngerator ne.!d to be so cdd" Is  dlshwashet 001)' hall full? It all IIS energy. , If you use Ilgil bulbs 111 your kitchen, tQlgE 10 law ef1ergy buills They wasle Ie-ss energy Ileal up \tie pIacs less MIl last longer II  dJanged 10 low-eneo-gy IIutt!s IIHI WIOI wOO!! use 4% less eloc1nCIty r Whml"m usng \tie IMIn. I tIaIce IYftJ a It1ree dtShl!s lOoetl\et. For those with a small oven. II you prt!paR evlll)ttunQ ahcaIJ {J\ bme inllIaM the da;hes one alter die oilier you won't have 10 p'e-heatlne -. epn. ggr III'ObIem we have today In IJII! - II everyone tI1oUQ11I, IUd soon De cl..anet 11IIII 9""J!>ef  /:. WI! wouldn't SPEAKING 3 " PleaseJearnIDusealftS$.r8coo1<l!r1 youdol. nlake!; 90% _lime IOCGOk lice aoo IenliIS II1an by IX*1g. I' 1f)'Oll' lap water is drir1l1abJoe, don tnk botlcll water n JUS! roeases the 8I1IIU1t 01 plastic In the elMroomenl f' Plan your 5hcpplng for 1000 ancI kItd1en IIS 56 YOu can ge! everythmg 111 one -.p II you snare a !;CI1' With 1nend5. you U have fun and saw fuel f' Grow as I11MY green IIerIJS as posSIble Theyll maJ<e  krlI:hefl look nice. you can use lllem 111 cool<Ing nd 1t'11 aI50 111CI'ea56 tI1e CDY08f1 supply r Solar heateni are 'IefY populii' WIllie Sooth  11II13:n! nmy new boIldi1vs ha>e hrr If we get a lot Of SUnlight. 'oIIe shouldn't waste it .f3/ e ng IIWI!aII It 0 Illranc.1 Wllj one D CU' hg beIIIIJ III lie dO\l all use '-:if Ithonk.1 s.a good Idea not 10 keep machines on standby, but I often lorget 10 turn them off. ---  
GRAMMAR Real ami unreal cond,tionals situation I 2 3 I. 15 6 Imagine 1 a Read Ihe Iwo sente-nces. Then answer the queslions, A II you share a car Vt,th fnends, you'li have fun and save fuel B II everyone changl!jj to low-energy bulbs, the world would use ""'3 less electricity 1 Are Ihey aboul, a the past? b the present or (ulure? 2 Which sentence means: a the situation IS possible !real conditional! b the slluatlDn IS Imaginary and probably won I happen (unreal conditional! b Complele the sentences in the table wilh thought. prepare, wore't have and wouldn'l change. A If + 1" . ",.",1 "'''" 1'1", WI" + inflmtlve II you !:hare a car with fnend!:, you'lt have fun and save fuet. If you everything ahead of time. you _ 10 pre-heal .he oven agam B II + pasl SI mpte. would... Infinilive II everyone changed 10 low-energy bulbs, the wortd would use 1.% less electricity. II everyone _ like thai, we anything You can change the order: The WOrld would use L% less electricIty II everyone changCd to low-energy bulbs. D) You say" eyervQne5harea a car, we would5dvf' luel not If .t"on_ ..o<Ild ltttrelJ w!ItJttJ 'ja.l ft.!l. 2 a Read the situations. then rc..d he corred underlined words in the sentences. '--- I might see Susan this afternoon, I don'L have a bike. He hates exercise. We might go to Spain In July. Yo don I have a compuler. She It probably \Nork late tOnight \Nhatthe person !:,ays 'If I see I saw Sus"n, I'll Ird give her your message: 'III hae Ihad a bl ke, ntl r d use Itte get to work: 'He'll IHe'd be illot healthier If he does I did soome exercise: -If we go I went to Spain, well Iwe d visit Andalusia first II you ave I had a com puler, your life willI would be a lot ea5ler: I 'If she work!: I worked late she'll! !:he'd get a :alll home.' Grannftar ref..."". and practice. p14G PRONUNC IATlON Groups ot words 3 SPEAKING ovoryono turn ed , n their heatmg or conditioning, we'd ;: less energy b . E) liMen to check 0 3 Complete these sentences. Think about you. situation, then choose the correct form, 1'1 have I had time Ihls weekend.., If I have time Ihis wei!l<end, I'll go and see ,IIa' e"hibi,ion. IYou probably have time.! If I had 'ime 'hIs weekend, I'd go and seelhal e"hib"Ion. IYou <lon'l have lime.! 2 If I need J needed s()me new clothes '" 3 If my friend CilltS J C3 Iled Iilter " If I change I changed j()bs ... 5 If I can J could change one thing in my cuntry., " a Think about how to say your sentences fror:l3, Mark /I between groups of words. If I ha\ll! lime Ihis weekend /I nt go and see that exhibilion. b Say your sentences to each other. Are your situations the same or different? Compare your Ideas. 5 a Nandila says, 'If we all managed our home$ bel1er, our cilles would soon be cleaner and greener: Think about more things people could do to reduce their c;trbon footprint: . at home [healing, air cDnditioning, waste.. I . travelling (long-distance, 'uel, public or private transport . . shopping 1I0cat prodw:ts. packaging, secDnd-hand ...1 . free lime .acbvltles (£)'Cling, walking I . al work lmachines, recycling, working lrom home n. I b Talk in groups. What doyou think about each other'!: idea!o7 WI,,7 
T roel activitv 14.3 qoals Have a debate . UIIftSS 6p!n1oM U -'1-.1:t::1'I]I( , Ask and answer the questions have . dISCussion W discuss I....,lnary sm..tions * IlIIe IlArt In .. "",.lIng PronuncJ.ation nlerence and pr"'Ktice, p157 Whal are the ITIost'mportant airports in you!" country7 2 Are there any plan 10 make them blggr or to build new ores? 3 Wl1al do you think are the advantages d living near an airpcrP What are Ihe disadvantages? Ii:» Be carelyl....'th the pronun\;lation of advantages ,;!d', o:nll.t,511 and d 1!KIllvan tages Jdl :>J' va :ntld31, 2 a Read the information.lo4atch the photos 1-3 with the places A-C on the map. 0 (> _ 0 -0 0 0 G e 10- '0 C 7 0 " <>-  0 StbleQ -<> ..... (r B n I> <> 0 '" 0 It' L1ut tJus an:a of lhe C-OUII DCl-.J, a biggr airport. The pr.:",nl airpon. '\'Cry near S"ndlowlI. L' cln:mcl)' imponanl rllr's and lor 1')Cd) louri,m.hUleCf)'onc 3;!rS thai if;.IIMI ,mall. II j!d;.IOOu"""d, of p"'",nt'er.; every day, I;1Qtb from oLl1er d lie In lhe cnuntr) dnd from abroJd. and Ihi. number will p"1b3bl)' in('re.a. b)o 3t lea..t fil,y ""reen' in Ihe nex' 6,'c ycar.; Some J>eQpk Ibi.... Ihe t>c1 sohmoll It) LI1i'\. prohlem \\ould be 111 rodk,.. lI1e :urport higgr h) adding a nc'" lerninal Othc" bel icve ,hm SaJldslu\\ n Ai rp.'" ,hQuk! b<: dv..cll. and il new aupor l11Iill funher awa} fnom the IOwn TIlen: an: IWo "",.-ible locati"n., for 3 lie" a.rpon: n=r ,he ,illae of Siblc)' un ,he coaSI. or 00 !hi: mid t:oil1,g Ibmugh Ihe 'l/arun: Rc-.cnc l)epaltmenl of 'Tarn-port officials are wming '0 meel local people and 10 hear the". "pin;on. ... I 2 3 r , -. ..... -- 111 -,  ,.. ... .. '-4. -f' 1 TASK bRead thl! Informati!)n again and then answer the questions together. 1 What's Ihi! probLem with the airport now? 2 There are three possible solutions-to the problem What an! they? 3 What aN! the good and bad poonts of each solution? 3 You'ri! going to have- a meeting to talk about the airport. Work 111 four goups. Group A, you live in Sandstown. near the aIrport. Look at the role card on p122, Group B. you live In SitJle. Look at the role carll on pI2t.. Group C. you work at the Natue Reserve-. Look at the role card on p126. Group D. you work for the government, at the Department of Transport. Look. at the role card on p130, Follow the instrucllons on your card. 2 3 4 Get into groups 0' four. with onl! pl!rson from eaeh of the groups A-D. Student D, start Ihe meeting. 5 I Whl!n y()U fitush your meeting. go back to your original group. Groups A. B. C, how was your meeling'? What do you Ih,nk the gDllernmenl will decide' Group O. what did you think about the arguments you heard' Decide where the airport shoutd be and why, b listen to group D's decision. 00 you think it'; thl! tight decision" Why? I Why not? 4 
EXPLORE Kevword would Two uses of would W us wold to talk about: A Imaglnar")' thlngs.n tl1e present I flJture; I.o;:. be eal1)' rce 'CQ .gel: 0'U't of t.he cl'c,y. B habits on the past: NheD I WBB a i[;[le 9_rl  d cf"t.eD SWIm in c.t.6 pool Iiool' 2 Which sentences. 1-5. are like A? Which are like 8? It wouLd be a Qood Idca to ban mUSIC In supermarkets and other public places 2 The wortd would be a lilt happier!! people didn't have to work se mUl:h. 3 When I "li as a student. rd al\yays get a Job 'n Ihe surrmer. 4 I think il would be interesting.!Q learn another language 5 I'd Clflt'n sleep late gn Saturday m{Jmings when I was. a leenagr. Write feul' sentences which al'e true fol' you, using the underlined words. In pairs. talk abgut your cntcncc!io. It would be a good Idea to have more tree parkmg In this city. Expressions with would 3 Match sentences 1-8 with the (esponss a-h. II!:) Then listen to check. 0 I Can I ta.e you cut fo,. dinner' 2 Woulil you close the windew please' 3 leI's eat and then go to the cinema. 4 Branda,. Hotel Can I help you? 5 We're gOing for a drink. Can YOIJ come too? 6 Woulil il be possIble to meet up tomorrow? 7 Would you mood lending me your dictionary? 8 HowabcutcClffee<Jllhe o'dock? a Yes. I'd like to book a room. please. b I'd love to I'll Just get my Jacket. c I'd rather meet today If we can. d Four WOJld be better for me e Yes. It is rather cold. r Tht would be lovelyl 9 I'd prefer to go to the cmema to rst. h Sorry, but I'd rathr not. I'm using it now. In pairs. lake turns to say 1-8 alld remembe,. the responses in a-h. , How can you use these things outside the classroom to improve your speaking? Talk in groups. Independent learning Improve your speaking o a In pairs. put Miguela's and As{an's instructIOns in the corred order. Miguela's Idea DThen try to say everythin9 at the same time as the reco,.dlf1g. D Read the scripts and repeat each line after the recon:ling. C listen 10 the conversations on your course book CD. Asian's idea DPlan what you want to say, o Check your grammar. look up new words and check pronul\ciillion. o II sten and write down what you said Dlisten and do steps 3-5 again if necessary DPractise again and Ihen record yourself again, o Rl.UI LI )'UUI t!'U fJedk.iny. b Read the scripts on p173 to check. I «!It Listen and answer the questions. 1 Which picture. A 0" B. does each person talk about') 2 Were their Ideas successful? What do you think about their ideas? What other ways have you tried to improve your speaki ng? ---- o " 'IIIII!I ,-1 \'. l . , A$.;,n ''1>m Turkey and M gueta Irom Spa'n lalk aboul how Ihey tned 10 improve the" spea kin 9 
EKPlOR Speaking 1 Ca n you remember the answers to these questions? II you need help, look back at the text on pl1S. 1 What was the problem with the air pOri in Sandst!Jwn? 2 What were the three possible solutions 1(1 tile problem? 3 Whal were some of the good and bad pomts of ea<:h solution? 2 t;E3llsten to interviews with three people living in Sandstown. Who thinks the airport should stay in Sandstown? Who thinks it should move? 3 a t.D!J listen again. What reasons do the peopLe give? b Read the conversations below to eheck. \ Goal r U51 I'lqIrtisions to 5Oft1 n optntollS md dlsag__ . . . , .a Which of the hlghllghtl!'d expressions , -8 make an opinion softer? Ix31 Which make a disagreement softer? ()(51 II  listen to I-B. Which words are stressed ,n the f1ighlighted expressions? c listen iI'.jain anI! repeat. 0 Leona is a tCleal r.ldic Journalist She s asking people m Sand lOw" whal rl1ey th,nl< SI'1ou d be do-ne aboulll1e a rporl $ iI Work alone. Choose two or three tgplC5 and make notes about your opinions and reasons. . a ge3d place to bve . interesting TV programmes or films .;;; nice place to visit . a good lime of yea.- to have a holiday . good places to shop a 9(1od plac:e to live - the countryside, quiet and clearP. b In pairs. take turns to give ygur opinions and say whether )Iou agree a.-disagree. Use the highlighted expressions in the script. Ask Questions to finl! out mere. o uo.... Exa...-a me I m Leona Cook 110m [/PC \1PJIor, Can you leU 'US W'1at do y' u Ihmk "boul Snds1oWl1 aiJpon1 IWIL WeD. I L d ! slY)ul<J he moved II'sveryoJd. 1 !em8llbe! ...1' >"11 WdS L Ilt 3&, 40 years ago? LEONI. FOlly two y(\aI1I Wi"(It do you :'.1..1. c!)ou t Itw 111m :.>f sunp jI "j(.l!ding tM i!lIJ)OIt lJy l",J lnrn!lC! &cml!nil1? WouJ!tn ! LM' hi' belll? ""HL I': aL "The.. ...n I loom. unless ..1eY d ave the Non!! PBII\. BI1d . In I 'Jant!bat I den I nflllgh 9\9611 he town as It is. 121 I :I Ilhmk the besl plilce to lIVe is in th countryside because it"s lIuiet "nd clean. o LEONA ExC\lSlO me. Om I ask you what s vow orJJn 'm I!bool the airpon7We do }'Ou tllluk II should be? CAROL' E know some PeapJ" Uum we soouJd move it bUI > luwlblt 3IJpcrt (jUlI.e a lot 8nd :1 900d to II:lYe the aupon neA.lthe-lu \. .. '"\1 wO: need a blOO811111J)011 I U." locatIOn Isn I a problem UONA BUl d W" md(Jc tbNlllnort btgger they"d have ) hulld OVN me NortJj fBr.Ii wO'.J!:in'llhey? !I.nely Ihal W!Till:ln ! be B gcoo thmg1 CAROLE A< lwlly. s, I grey, up flea! mBt P/Ilil and T 1on tIun.!I It's anythtng speaal. d.1d 11',; lrC<ldy Wf1' nolS)' becat.Se 01 all tl\e pJaIl.... Rill 1 hme s Jots of lovely counttygj oulSlde U, 'owTl.300wcdon1wan to Io3e-thal E) LEONA ucuse n,e, Loona Cook (/PC JEWS IIIP-. 6 lot cf dJs.cuBsJon at \he moms!:t about Ihe IUIJJOIt r 're and wh  II -lllIolIJd 1><. D<J jVU have any though-; OD that? AiEl18A$ \VolL'" Il g.Ln I ,they should build tho [ aitpOr; near Sib,e;,. But II: In I' '" Nature RElS(JfVO 3 LEONA But Sandsur.'m already has :ill auport Wou1dn it be '1!cdiJ6ll11St to moo thaI auport htg.J<!f'1 AllIIAS '1 "'<1Jy_ _uti think tJUJ  could s.,]) -.he IBnd ill Sanilslown It- 1l'S wonh a lot 01 money Tb.en I.hey r uld use tJl3IlII()OOY to pay :CJ the DiNI alIp(}rt Yoah 
looll again Q ReView VOCABULARY Expressing opinions, responding to opinions a Complele Ihe expressions for: giving opinions It I really f thai .. I f it .. disagreeing :._ but... W"U.lJutr agreeing OK. that 50 a gO{Jd p Yes. e We all k Thet_ that. IS. y bul... b In groups, take turns to start i:onversations with these sententes and reply to them. LeI's go ou t tomorrow nIght. Do you kngw any good shows or hlms 7 2 Le!"s go to a fast-food plil!;e aileI' class. J Let's open Ihe wondow Irs 100 hol.n here. " Le!"s stilrt .-unning 'gr f.tness. We can go every moming. 5 LcI' go for 0 picnic ttus w",ck,,"L1. Did you agree in the end? Tell the class. GRAMMAR Unrealtondltlonals 2 a What would you do? Complete the sentences with your OWn ideas. 1 If I had the time, I'd .. 2 If I had 1M money. rd... 3 If I hild Ine chan!:e, I'd n " If I had mgre energy. rd.. 5 '" had a larger home. I'd .. 6 III had a time'd . b Compare your ideas in groups. Ask questions to find out more. CAN YOU REMEMBER? Unit 13 - Gitdgels 3 a Malch 1-6 WIth a-f 10 make senlences. , I use It a easier. 2 I don't know b have one at home 3 1\ makes lite c withoul il. G I have one but I d all the time. 5 I don'l n e hardly ever use it 6 I !;ouldn I love how to USE them. b Think 01 different gadgels you own such as, . kllche n ga::lgels . cleaning gadget s . electronrc [JIClionary or other study a.ds . hairdryer. electroc shaver. ete C Talk aboullhem, using sen tence$I-6.  have a ha,rdryer but I hardly ever use It J V- - Extension SPELLING AND SOUNDS -Ie. -.1, -aI, -ul/:M , a'  These four endings have thl! same sound. I:,j/. Listen and repeat, people channel usual awful -ul is ne<lrly always in the ending -!ul. II In pairs. complete the words with the terrect endings. natlDn 5kilf trav vow troub anom posslb beautil C.aplt uset vegetab hosp.t C . I!:) SpeILchecJ<. Clost' your beok.. Listen to twelve words .and write them down, :.imp chann wonderf _ d Look allhe scripl on p173 10 check youI' speUing. NOTICE waste, Hl'e 5 a Completl! these sentences from Nandila's arlicle with waste u save in Ihe cor.-eet lorm. 1 These ideas helped me money. too 2 Docs your refrigerator need to be 51} cold? Is your dlshwasf1er only half tull? It aU energy. 3 Change 10 low-energy bulbs. They less energy, he;!t up the pla!:e les., and last longer " II you share a car with tnetlds. you'U have lun md luel If we gel a lot ot sunlight. we shouldn I It bRead Ihe art de on pl16 to check C Think 01 waY5 you could waste less 0'- save: a energy b money clime d Compare YOOJr ideas Are Ihey the same or different? Self-auessment Can yau do Ulesttthings In English? rCle' number . ea 1 I' ; .1"" " ; --ndothlswelL ...... Gplrn_ '-. ... ;.:;;;;;- otaUc about IININ--!-.. SINahanS . Ilk. pIrt In 1iIg_ _ . ..... expnossions 10 soften oplnlans and  oFar-'__-..a___.. 
Activities Unit 1, p12. An unusual athlete 8b (Sludenl A) Mlcbelle SUIlg Wie - (be) Kotean.Amem:an pmlffiRlOnRI unll..r - (be) born J:1 Honolulu. Hawan ill 1989 - (begin) playing golf al tbe 8gB of four - (WID) two Major golf tournaments Ln Hawmi at the age 01 t 1 - (be<:ome) 8 professIOnal player at 15 - (be] 185 em tall and very suong - (train) liard every day - (want) to play in the Masters one day - (prepare) for B tournament at the moment I a Reali the Information about Michelle. Think about these questions. 1 What does she do? 2 How did she get Into golf? 3 Whatsshedolng.atlhemoment? t u Unit 14. p118. Target activity 3 (Group A) You bve m Sandstown near the anport. You're gOing to have a. rni!etmg WIth someone from the gO'lernment who wants to hear different people s OpllliOns You don't ant thorn to make the aupon bIgget I:JecaJSe, o the toads ro and from the airpon are loa smallllD thets's B1teady too much traffic, o the only possible space for a new tenninal is a beauttful park near your IIome You thiIIk they should bUlld a new altJ)orl further away from !he town Discuss thO$O questions 1 What will you say? Can you tb1nk of more arguments? 2 Where do you rhmk the new airpon sbould be (near Sibley, or ill the Nature Reserve)? Why? Uni113. p113. lOok again 11 and b u. Game 2 - Expressions with time Student C. red the Senlenccs, Say gap" for the missing word c y Answers , I need my mobile phone with me _ thE limE 2 'Pieosil f!<I ml is my lavounte song of _lime. 3 If )'Du're bUSy tomorTow, we COIn meet _ _ time. £ In 1969. man walked cn the moon for the _ time 5 I m sorry I'll miss the lunch, I hope you _ it good II me 6 Is Ihis your _ time In Canada 1 We prob.bly _ a bit too mUl::h time surfing the Inlernet Would you mld changing Dur appointment? _ time is fone nd m( passport _ time I go on holiday. lall\ 101111 lanolherJ Ilirstl [havel (lor5t) (spend! [Any) [everyl P 51 . 8- a a y. Yo 
Unit 12. 099. Two small countries II (Studenl!) The Maldives Geography: More than 1000 smalllslanOs (though only 250 populatedl in Indian Ocean. Smallest country in Asia. Smallest Muslim country. Population: 380000 Language(s): Dhlvehl (official), Enghsh Capi'tal: Mal Goemment: ElectIOns every five yeelrs. Parliament (Majlls) elects a prcSident Ec;onorny; Tourism (about 0.5 million vls.tors a year). fistllng Hl6tory: Buddhl3t for Oller 2.000 years. ISI<Im irtllxJuced 1153 InQependence 19t)!>. Unit 4, p31, Telling a stor" lia o F ... ., . \ .. I -co. (mn ho  roOd b tv..... I L of. \ HIt d,,!"pD.' b U k Unit 4. p39. Independimllnrning 2b .j IT . . . t....l",' .£.4  h,." I.'" I""' LLtC'1 r t.  (!III)) "f I L "1'\0 ..J., .... ou' .,Jo 1 Change the language on your co mputer to English 2 Change the language on yellr mobile phone 10 Engl sh. :3 Listen 10 English radio programmes and podcasls. " listen to En-gllsh song, Find the words on Ihe Inlernet 5 Make !:ards with English words on one side and a ddimtion (piclure on the other: Test YOllrseLf. 6 Make recordings of hew English words and e"press;ons. Listen 10 them on you.- wy 10 work I s!:hgol. 7 Meet your cliJ5-5mates hall an hour before class begins Chat In English 8 Practise readIng aloud a short text Wllh the correct sOljr'ld$ and slress 9 Read bogks in English. These can be special books for students. or chlldn"5 books 10 Visit Interne I chatrooms for students of English. 11 Walch English-language Illms wllh subtitles In your OW" language 12 Walch Engllsh-langlJage TV pr09ramme with  slory - lor e>!ample, soap operas. 13 Walch Illms with sublltles In English It. Wrile a d,ary ,n English, Wrote every day or every few days. 15 Write down Clew English words and eICpl"eSSlens in a notebook. Read Ihru9h them every feV! days. r Unil5. p43. How would vou Dke 10 pa,,:- 6a (Stulllni A) CONVERSATION 1 You"le a custornu 111 8 small shop. TIcII' 1,1'1 tlIree t!lUlgs you"d 1J116 to buy, postcards of Gla!gow itaIIlps B dnnlr a localllem;paper " sandwich ii ptKIne card You'd lIke w pay by card. You bave cash, b,t only a £50 note CONVERSATION 2 YoU'(u iI recepUoIUSt m a museum You seU' tickets £10 (adults) £6 (ch1ld:ren) £4 50 (litUdents. over.655) (jUJded rours [2,50 exua museum gUidebooks £1.99 each postcards f1 60 each books about Glasgow'S history £1(; each You don't bave: maps 01 Glasgow stamps You take castJ or caras You don't bave '!(lY bags. 
Unit 14. p118. Target activity 3 tGroPD It You live In the vtlIage of Sibley You'Ie QOU1IJ to havo a meeung WIth somBJnlJ Irom thl} government wbo wants [0 bear d11ferem peop]e's opllUO<lS You don't want them to bwJd tile airport near the bei:;' o t.oo many people WIll wantlO move thero It WIll om too crowded and there wiD be too much traffic. o tourists come to SIDley for the peace and 'lluer Discuss rhe..... question:!'. I Do you thinJlthey should make Sandstown Allport bigger or build 8 new a1IPQI1 U\ the Natre Reserve? Why? 2 What WJIJ YOU say? Can you thInk of more arguments'> Unit 5. D45. Microcredil 6b (Slulient B) A"r. C) ':' j,ttp.IIWH.II mICrQ(..redltumrnlt org/st()I11 ,,1m . lor ""I had eleven children, Life wasn't easy. says RukmiJl1i from Bidar In India. "There were days when we didn't have any food. "Wtlen mv children got married and left home, [got a loan of 200 rupees, and bought some pieces of metal from the stop where my husband worked. We used the metal to make usefullhings like knives. Then we sold them and made a profit. "W,th" ",,"cond loan, I started a "m.." $1'101). Now my usl).and alll! I wor\< together in tI1e shop and make up to 100 rupees a day." .¥.",," ;'!,r . OWER sue , .. OCRE. 5S STORIES , MPAIGN  Unit 6. p50, Burning calories 4b The cycle washer Have )'Qv ever leI. thaI there aren I enough hours in Ihe day? These do)'s we have 10 do our Jobs. look after our homes, save energy 10 help Ih eonvironmenl and do exercise 10 slay heolthy! lIke many 01 us, AJe.x Gadsden never 110d enough time. He ran a business ond c home and needed 10 lose weighl, So he decided 10 do something about II He invenled the cycle washr The 29-yecr-old now 510rls eOl:h day WI", a 45-minule cycle ride, He '10' only feels healthier but he S(Jvss on his energy bills and does the washing too. He $Old. -h giveslhl! user a good workoul. I've only u il fo,- two wee"s butI've already noliced a diHerence. - Q. l  1:' I. w :\oJ " ar bl III ,11 br I lend 10 gel up 01 around six-thirty now and gel slraight on .he cycle washer. I keep ,I.n the garden, so it's nice 10 9et out on Ihe Fresh air. Afferwords. lleel lull of energy, Then I generally hove breakfasl and a shower and I re:rlly feel ready to 510rt Ihe doy.- The green washing machine uses 25 litres of waler a wash. ond takes enough clothes 10 lill a carrier bag, He oormolly cyc'e5 for 25 minutes \0 wash Ihe clothes, and thef1 lor another 20 minutes 10 dry them. And il doesn'l use ony electricity, 01 coorse, Mr Gadsden, the boss 01 a cleaning company, believes his moc,ine could become very popular With on invenlion whi:h cleons your clothes, keeps you Iii and reduces )'our eledricity bill he moy well be nghl. (JI Ih ya u 5 s .. Read your article again and answer the qUE!'stions about Alex. I Who had thl! idea? 2 How much tome does he spend doing exen:isc at the moment? 3 Whaf5 his morning roullne now? , How has I changed his lile 7 
Unit 8. p&9, n was made in n. 3 (GroulIl) nR II... (; + 1T1J"k"":e9 an\"Mr 111m . 0.' The Pin Rels Map This map _ mndl In 1929 In Istanbul It _ (make) of anImal skin. II _ Idra...> ,n 1S13 by an admlrBl in the Turkish navy. PIn Rfb;. II _ (8how) tte weost coast 01 Atncaand the east =t 01 South Amenca It's famoug because some people _ (think) It also soom the coast of AnlarelJca If true. Ih1$ would be- amazlOg. becau:se 1118 history books say lhe Antarcttc _ (discovered) In 1&20. Bul oth« people _ (say) that Ih", map's 'Antarctica' is reaIy Jus!: a bad drawing of part of South Amerlc;a, Unit 9. p14. WhV do we do it? 3b CStudent H) , , .0 .eo. e awn. L"eI)onc d"lIl - b.lbi. ('hlldren, \.,n"ge...., adu It, - bur tile trulh i. Lhal we don't f'Omplcldy ullder>lanll "h \iam' prop1e IluJ1k 1lIa\ we m\TI ",hen we re urec.l or bu!l!d our bodies are u-,.'ing Lo I\'" more oxygcn 10 lite hrain. In 198., Roben Provine frum 1 Uni........i" of decidoo rn Icst IIlis idea. He ......ktd group' of sludcnlS \u h....allt.. diff"rnr levI'ls of o:<),&ell fur .m minnie, and cowucd JIO", mJ,l1\ rim('o;;. ,hey yawucd, Thl! resul'? All mi' ';mdl"nls )-d\\ nt."t..laooul the mc nllmber of tiJll. :'0 lh IIadllional ,heory p,obabll isn'l rru... II also fail.. 10 am_r a lot of nth.. qucsnolls, Wjl' tIu some illne';."" make people yawn more? \\1w do UII'mpit :amlroles ommrrim('"Ci, yawn before a rac..E? And \Vl1m abolll 'group a\I'ning'. ,,'h.., people stan ya\\lting beca"... ,hry ..r uther people 'i1\\7IjnJ::? Olle stud '"M""" "l.' yawlI \l'hen our hrain.. an:" (0«) bot. Yawning is ...imply a way of COOJuIt; Ib bram;mLl helping i'l/) wad; bellI!! In me ,rud'. stud('nls "'er asked 'n watch lidC06 of olber !"'Opl. d" IUJtg, and Ihe number of ,imp< meY' '3\...-ned in Tesponw \\-a.c; coun(<"d II was found ,hm ,he siudems \al\lIN les., oftell If 111...) had ""lItethmg cold on thrir bead>. I'aJple \\-no hrea,hed 'hTOIIJ:h th..i, nose\ another \\'3)' of coohng ,he hrain - did not }""" aI alL So il SC"cn\s thaI \\'\;' \ awn nOI whn Wltre bun!d bul,t,; a W.I\ of [1JoliuR om br.ljn \'\--hen 'Y."f'"re rln-d C1T ill. '( ;.'mlp '8\"11lng' pmb3hl "al1ro 1113111 Ihous-and. of 'ears ago. \lhen II helP<'<1 small group" or pwptl:" In c..:ullt:enlr.J.le and notice dangers. Unil12. p99. 1\Vo Small counbies 68 (Student C) Saint Kitt5 and Navis Geography: Two Islands In the Canbbean Sea: St Kitts (Digger) and NevIs (smaller. 3 km 10 the souU1-east of 5t I'\lttS), Smallest country In the Amel'lC<ls. Population: 45.000. High emigration: population IS 25'16 less than III 1960. Language(sl: EngliSh Capital: Basseterre Govemmeni: Ejections every rour )'ears. Parliament of 14 members. Econont}l: Banillng, IQurlsm, sugar HlStorr: uoverned by Bntaln I France from 17th cnlury_ Independence 1983 Newest independent country on the Amencas IZ 
Uni110. p8l. Independent learning 4D If you're in an English-speGldng .country: Everyda)' s'tlJC!ion:s; I Restouront, oirports, siolions, post offices, licket offices, ele. - Plan what to Soay oheod of time. look up useful words or expressions Imagine whol the other person might say and prepore answers. 2 Phone ealb: making appointments, buying rickels, or<lel"ing food, elc, - Do the some as I. Th ink of useful telephone expr&ssions, then Il1inl< of ether uselullanguage 10 use 3 Announcements: airport:;, slolions, ete - PracTise lisleni ng to onnouneemenlS. Try to pick out key information: t,mes numbers, nomes, places. The medio News cn Ihe IeleviSion, redio or Internet. Itle woomer, spons, etc. - Think cbc.ul or look up words or expressions for 'opics that ore in the lIews Then wotch or listen to the news. Ofher people - Ask people to explain the meamngs of interesting new words or expressions they use. Try 10 use them os soon os possible H you're in your own ",ountry: The medic 1 News on the Internet or radio: me wealher. spOrls. ele, - lislen 10 cr read the news in your own lonsuog8 first. Then listen tc Ihe news In English II will be easier to undersland Lislen to the news on the Internet. Write down new words for one news Item. look rhem up .hen IIslen to the news ilem agofn. 2 Films, TV shows - WOlCh English-speaking Films or TV shows wi1h sublitles or dubbed in'O your language. Then watch Ihem in English. Repeal. Eoch hme lhe, film cr TV show wll be easier 10 understand - Copy the English subtotl&s lor 0 shen scene from the screen. Tronslole them inlo your own language, Then lislen to check. 3 Songs - lislen to songs to understand Ihe moin lopic tlove, etc.). Lislen 1;190in 9nd wri down Q$ Irony word$ os poS5ible Try 10 guess the story or Ihe singer's. ideas. Then recld Ihe Iy'ic:s to check. - . , r- I . .. -. -! . -t -' ,  .. t 1 2 3 I I I I I I I Unit 2. 024. Explore speaking 5a (StudeIIII) Role card 1 You work fOI CSF Answer the phone and: o explain thalthe person is not lhere o tQko;> the C<Iller's WDtact details and a message. Unit 2. 024. Explore speaking 5b ISludenl1) Role card 3 k for Findajob. You want 10 find out about an ex-employee of CSP AndV Koch. - Mukam. Lelel numDel:0481301991  ilddress. mlelei4'tinda]ob d . - 10 1iIllI to MIS McLacbIan. You WilDt to find out about an ex'employee An!1y Koch. . annact debuts and a message u c 
Un1112, p99, 119 sm;; tr;S 1 «$n!ilJ!!Btmn I) Tuvalu Tuvalu is a group of nine small islands in the South Pacific, between Australia and Hawaii. Polynesian people first came to the islands about 3000 years ago and, because they only lived on eight of the nine islands, they called them 'Tuvalu', which means 'eight standing together'. Tuvalu was governed by Britain from the late nineteenth century until 1 October 1978, when it became an independent country. Nowadays Tuvalu is a member of the United Nations and its official languages are Tuvaluan and English. Most of its 12,000 people live in Funafuti, the capital. It has a prime minister and a parliament (Fale i Fono) of just fifteen members. Although Tuvalu has elections every four years, there are no political parties. People generally vote for friends, family members and well-known people. The government's largest source of income is renting out its Internet domain name, which is '. tV. It also rents out its international phone code (900) and makes money by selling stamps and coins to collectors. Traditionally, each family on Tuvalu has its own work to do (salanga), for example fishing, farming, defence, or house-building. There are very few tourists in Tuvalu simply because it's so difficult to get to. There is one small airport with flights to and from Fiji, no ra.ilway, and just eight kilometres of roads. The highest point in the islands is only five metres above the sea, so climate change is a big worry for the people ofTuvalu. If the water rises by a few centimetres, it will be impossible to live there. Answer the questions. 1 Where is it? How big is it? 2 How many people live there? 3 What jobs do people do? 4 Does it get many visitors? 5 What languages do people use? 6 How does it make money? Unil 12, 099, Wi1i1l]  ]iiif !m €snn m San Marino Geography: In the Apennine Mountains in Italy. 61 km 2 . 33% the size of Washington DC. Population: 30,000 language(s): Italian (official). Emiliano-Romagnolo Capital: City of San Marino Government: Elections every five years. Parliament (Consiglio) with 60 members chooses two 'captains' from different parties every 6 months. 'Economy: More than 2 million tourists a year. Also banking, electronics, wine, stamps. Now one of the world's richest countries. History: Founded over 2,300 years ago by Marinus of Rab (Croatia). The world's oldest republic. UOl111, p91lom aDa  3f1E «Sm!mJlBJi I» Hotel expressions c private parking c air conditioning c a single room c a business centre c an en-suite bathroom - - , i -! s 5:l -=:: lt F;::;:::--:-"I::2::::-:j..-:';:k -:?_lJLs::,..d--,:;:':::::-: ;f-  r:J'-:- 2= :-:= : -:..::-c-..::.__..:".::;-. --:::::::::=_-=: -=-:.:_"'"' . _ _-_'._: .: ____:--"c_,:::: =- ::: :.. --=-o..::-:?';:':: 121-, i 
Unit 13. p113. Loole again 11 and . Game 1 - Telephone expressions Student C, read the sentences with telephone expressions Say 'gapr lor the missing word, Answe rs 1 Can I _10 John Andrews. please? 2 Is_ChnshneAndrews? 3 _ Chnstlne, his wife " Just a  please, 5 I'm sorry but John isn't _ al the moment 6 Do you 'Nant me to take a _? 1 Could you asl< him to _ me? 8 Is Ihis a good _to taLk? 9 ru call you _Ialer. (speak) )thad (lrsl Imoment) (herel (message) !calli (time] (backl Unl114, P118, Target acdvilV 3 (GroIP C) You Ie an envuonrnemahSl \Yarlung ill the Nature Reserve You re gomg :0 have a meetma w,th someone from tbe government who wlUI'tIi; tQ beat W1I'ereDI people'5 Opll11ons, You don't want tbern to bmld llIe aupon m the reserve because: 6 the reserve has a lot of unusual biTds and anuna1s which you can", fI..-.d anvwhero else m the rouIIIry o local p00p1e need somewhere qwet and beautiful where they can sp<1nC nmo. DISCUSS these 'l"estlons. 1 Do you think they should make Sandstown Allport blager. Of build a new alIJ)On lD Sibley? Why? Z What w1!l you say? Can you think of mom argummts? Unn 1. p12. An unusual athlete Ib 'Sludenl HI Vincent Marltsoe - (be) II dancer, cnoreographer and teachel' - (be) born in Sowew, South Mnca - as B boy «jan) WIth youll1 clubs. prllct.isu1g moot l1an<:e5 - (copy) darre move.,,: fTom VIdeos: (IIWIl) WIth the JohaJ:u1esburg Momg mto Dance CQmpany - (create) OIIm style of dance called ArIO.fuslon - now (llave\ luJi own mtDm<ltlgnill company of dancel5 tho company (include.1 da!1Ct![S nom France. South Afnca. the USA and Japan - (preparlJ) a big now 6JJow at the IDgment Read the information about Vincent. Think abolll these que-stions. 1 What does he do? 2 How dId he gel Inlo dancing? 3 What's he do,"S at the moment? Um111.091, Look again 38 (Studelll) HDreJ apiol1!l o aboIcl . . dDubieroam  a twm room o a henlth club o a buffet breakfast 1ZI Can I g£l!1 to John Andrews, please? u 
Uni110, 085,  ]S  f;Dgf5[iS LlJrID @eG C) Hi Leonardo, It was really nice to see you again after so many years - and great to catch up on all your news. Thanks again for a lovely dinner. And thank you for the flowers - they're beautiful! I hope you had a good flight home and are not too tired. Keep in touch - and see you in May! Min rn nl - t 2, n 24, :.q,f:\ E,j1j:a 1i:<JJ'\ 1I@{te!1fi (i}Jt\  IJ.6J iri.tJ tm Q;j@lij nUmi \1W3t.iJ!j\!blJf4a IIDI1 Role card 2 You are Jake Sanders and you work for Findajob. Call CSP and: o say you want to talk to Sara Moore. You want to find out about an ex-employee, Megan Simmons. o leave your contact details and a message. Your phone nuDber: 0443 657 234 Your email liJrnniitt I: n 43 H:f'1\'!i'! "1!3<'i)1!E1R7Y '1 iJ) ij'  IJI! , ' nRo!IFi!\m)f)!W1'> fUU1 ,1J.6J ,;f;U ...;1Jill1;J JJ tir\1 tl':CI i;d.iU; tID€W \1tIDliooWj\Wut! fIDlJ CONVERSATION 1 You're an assistant in a small shop. You sell: postcards of Glasgow 80p each books of 12 stamps £3.50 each local newspaper £ 1.20 each phone cards £5 or £10 each You don't have: drinks sandwiches CONVERSATION 2 You're a visitor to a museum. You don't take cards, only cash. You don't want any big notes. Choose the kind of ticket you want. an adult ticket, a child ticket (under 18), a student ticket, a senior citizen ticket (over 65) Tick (.I) three more things you'd like to buy. a museum guidebook a guided tour of the museum a map of Glasgow a book about Glasgow's history postcards stamps You'd like to pay by card. You'd like a bag. Unit 8, 069,  J ffijd$ lfa 80m 3 (H'OI!JP lED r-c,,;t' e ' -- e ' -'-,;- f.J:f> _ - :.. _ .::." - ... ,. .., kLc J 0, ::::",fi1"!:] '0::"'-;;- /.. ': " 'r.- .1 ., There are about 300 of these balls in Costa Rica. The first stone balls (discover) in the jungles of Costa Rica in the 1930s. The balls are not natural objects. They (make) by people in Central America a long time ago, but nobody knows for sure what they (use) for. Some of the balls are very small - just two centimetres - but others are more than two metres across. We (not / know) how old the balls are because most of them (move) soon after they (find). They may be 500 years old, or more than 2000. In Costa Rica, the stones (call) Las Bolas. 129 - t::-:::-.:,:'_;- --=-..:--","_:",,;'.::-...::,:_-:...,-<':':,:-_, .. .' ..., ,.- - ',,' ........,......,'". -:'-':'-,',.-' 
Unit 9, p14. WhV dO we do it;» 31t (Studem C) . ThO! human pYe prodnn>s Ihlee kinds of 1<>8 rs. Hasal lears are produced aU II.  urnI' (0 li.eep vu e \\t .mE! help us tu !>ee Rellex teaTS delln ou r I'V!'S \\'hpn ".., Rei din in ,11<>m or. fOl example. chop onions. :EnlolionaJ ted!'!> Me produced \'\"hen ,'ery s,ad ur hnppr. or in pain. Il11ere<ilinKlj. <>mmiona! lea IS romain a 101 of chcnlica1s and hocmoues which we OOU'I find In Ihe othel lunds of le:n 11331:md II'flfi lears arrcerrain'usf'ful. bur wh do W produce emo uonaltc.ars' \\111' do I'mollondl teM'" ha,e d dtfful"m clle[nilr)" frvm urner ld? \\11)" c.J1) \.V m I'll all? Thew o;e-em ro he two im,ep; 10 Ihes<) questions.. I-ml. whel'  fed \I) 1Ii:: lIUUUoJl.':'  xtrern n Dr h.oJp(1in5. our bodies m.:Jke a 101 of em:! chemic:d. and honno 'Ibcn, ",-hen \yc cry. our emotional It!4IS takt! thl'!ll! dlelIUI-as ami honn"n... out nf vur hodie<. Tn;. may be wh}' i'C'Oplr mcrimcs &1\" thaI d1ey 'fecl bettrr after emng. One o' the hOmlOI1t":) in t'Il1OliunaJ It.""dn hi proweLin Unit 12, p103. Independent learning 4 .-""'IJI*M The moon w.lS a 'rruly h,stOric momen My wle and I were '1"1 Scod.nd and we stayed up most of the ni,ght (0 w.!tch My d;tughter was then three montns old. so we put her 2 cotln ','Ont ohhe iY. David H. I WOI$ only three years old when Apollo II landed on rhe moon. but my father got tn OUt of oed becaus hoe wanted Me to l'emember it. To this day.' can rer\1embE!f watching the "fuuy pic.wl-e com,ng from the moon ..nd I an 'recall going outsIde and trying to see the astronauts' J.Tims Unit 14 Target activity 3 (Group D) \\omen U5l1.a1J 1\a\'C aboUi n\1cc as much I'rul....-un in lI",ir 13odi"" "" n",,,. dud dJb may nplain \\ill' Il11mrn m' moff' offen rh:ll1 men. 1111: t..t und ICH'.IoU.' fur lJ  illS i IU \\',ath ULht'f plJpI. S;.t.bies I:'3n'( <;peal, o Ihey ue crving 10 lell propl., ....hen Ihr,",,, hunw>'. mf;htencd and so on. As adlllis. we CIJ less often but , prub:Jbl' CI\' for the real1s: 10 show prople thaI we Ie in phyr.ical 01 €mouon1 pall1. and Ihal we nl'l'd heJp. ..l.J . g.. You wOlk 101 the government, at the Depanment of Transport You hve arid work hundreds ollaloml>U:es from San<l'itoWIJ, but n's your Job to de';ld.'" wha to 110 aJ)Q\;t tho allport. You go to Sandsoown to meet people and hear their oplillODS. You orgarnse a meeting Wlth three poop'a: o some-or:e woo I.t ves neRI the Bl1JXJrt m Sandstown. o someone who lives in the village 01 Sibley. o someone who works at the Nature Reserve Discuss these qutJons. I At the momem. 110 you bave an opiniQn about whIch solution IS best? What vn1J 'You ""y at tlle maotmg? What quesbDDs will you ask? Unit 2. p24. IMPlore speak1ng 5b (Student I) Role card" \. \'K kf rCSP Answer the phone nod: o IaPlam that the person IS nDt the o take the callers contact details and a message QI I t 
Unn 3. 021, Food and VOU 5 ... "-.J bSll . (:h..,sl> chicken cream .... .. . .... .  0# . . "'- .. ....... . s:la\I . .. mushrooms sauces sl)'"s Unit 3. p28, fating out 4 t I .. curry lrull Slrwber rie5 vge tat:\5 , . . cake cucumber I(e cream 011 olIVes I." .. . "- --" .. . p<;1lalccs prawns rice salmon sour> sleak Unit 3, p32. Explore writing 2 Verbs lor prel)a r,"'9  ,  .. 11 '-" thOD Cui pour !3.e"Vl! shake sbr Un" 3, p32. ExPlore wrRing 3 Verbs lor cook,"9 "..  -" . .  .. .. l' .... bilke tloll Iry gnll roasl loa1 herbs lasagne .. ''''J. .  r 1 . . 1:)85ta a pear ... . tomatoes .1 13! 
Grammar reference and practice be ab/s ID. can MEAHIN!; ,Ii:) You saT I would love 10 be able 10 pIa, II agaIn noli W't!1tJJd "'-Io-c"" pllly" Bt]ilffl, 'tou use can and be able 10 10 lalk about a"",'tles lhal you know how 10 11(1. They have Ihe same meaning )( You only USe can in lhe pl'1!sent simple I un play Ihe sreel drum, 'tou use could for Ihe pasl sImple and cond,llonal She could p/aYIhe- Dlano when she was. it cMd, My dad could elp LIS .1 he has lIme You use be able 10 lor the Inl,n.(rve and all olherverb lorms. f would "1>;,, 10 be able 10 l,slen 10 Calypso. fn a few years she will be able 10 play bke a proleS510n.1 FORM You don 1 use to after can or could Lr ['an smelllfle floWl!fS ..he.. stle m1es her Her dad could mje a Ink., 100 You use 10 after be able. She wanred 10 De able 10 noe .a norse 50 sne lOOk ndlng fe5SOlts. PAONU NCI#.TION Be careful how you say the dlfferenllorms, When can is stressed.. is pronounced kren. ..hich sounds like man. When &.11'115 nol slressed in Ihe senlenC", you say 'loon. Can'l 'L!:m has a long if. hke the 'ar' In cilr Make sure you say Ihe lasl (etter I clearly, Don 1 say Ihe Iln could Itlld/, II rhymes w.1 h Siood PRAmCE , Complele Ihe :;entence:> wilh Ihe correct lorm 01 can, could orbe :lble 10. 1 _ yau play any Instruments' No.1 2 l nol a unllishe learned last y=ar. 3 ShE! hDpes 10 nde he molorblk around the cl'Y soon , Cameron and Jame5 will buy Ihe tickels lomar row 2 . Put the words in order to makequestioO$. 1 ro u I Can Ilhe I play I or I piano I guilar/ Ihe ? Can I'OU playlhe plana or the yurlar' I kc/rrdc:/yo\J/Can/a .: oytd I you I read I were I you I lou ? I me I Could J seme I lend ? ork you I able I be I do /to l,h...1 II 0iscU5$  at Present simple. past simple, present progressive MEANING You can use th pre5enl simple 10 lal aboul Ihm9f> Ihal are always I rUE!. or happen allihe time , ',ve In Fri",/<rr '" Germany. IpL3y lennis wI:n my SISler every week>nd You C<1n use th! past simple 10 talk 'lloullillngs lhal,lfe 'n the pa sl and finoshed, When I was f./teen, I decIded 10 be a doclor I sludll!d lor selen years. You um use .". presenl progressive 10 talk aboul things happemng now. or around now Sor/)'. I can I go ,WI "ow I m wailing fer 3 phDnt! calL , m feaclm9 a reaffy mlefe1In9 /}ool< <1otJt Ihe f"SfOryo' Turkey FORM - pesent simp Ie pi! sl simple presenl progressIVe t# Where cia you INhal a,a you What <Ire you live? slUdy? walling lor? 0 I love ,n I studll!d I "., w:llhng lor a Franklu-t medl-4:lne. phone call C I dan I bile in I dld,,'( stucly I'm nOI walt In!! a..rlin. languag e... for you, f) Do y!)U play Did you 11a-.e a Are you lenn,s' g60d wN!kend' listenIng 10 mE!? - & Yes, I do. Yes,l dlC, Ye5 I .am 13 No.1 don't No I dldn I No Imnol Remember: (11 In the presnl s,mple. verbs- wllh tie I she' il have s or es, Whero does he !lve' He lIVes in Frank/urt He doeSI').f ',ve in Beflm, Does ne pl8'Y lennlS? Yes. he does No. be doesn'l 12) In the pasl simpLe. soml! verbs are rogular and olhers are irregular Rcgu Lar; pLily > played dec'fie > dec.rJed study> sfudled Irregula r: lie  s I Wflfe- have. haJi go. went (3) In Ihe present progreSSM!. you can make negallves In IV/o ways. rov afl'n I "slel,ng Co me. rOt/'re nOIIIS(emng Ie rrp No, you "fell" No you..... nol. Bullh, I:( curly u.. kinO ulllcy.JI.....C' hllil 1_ I'm nDllalk<ng 'a you. No. I'm no!. I I I , r , ( [ " f- Y, IT H /.I 
PRONUNCIATION (JuesllOn words anI! main vrb5 u5ually ha\'. Siress . . .. . W/)i'f'E' do 1IHJ Irve? I/,p 1M Frankfurt BUlin negative sentences and sMn answ,,-s. do I dId I be or not alsc "a\le stress . .. .. , d,dn , Sl urly lon9""ge. You aren '1/'5/e'''n9/0 me . . . . Ye.s. he does No. , m I)ol PRACTICE 1 Complele Ihr sentences wilh Ihe corl1!Cl lorm o/Ihe lIut 1 Why don I you call Alain now" Hp 1J1I"lIy IIM,hp [fInish I work early on F "days :l It Irain) all day ye,,'erday so we _ [dec:.delto sla)/ al home. 3 Ahmed (nol worklloday. He's ,II G I Int'I drivel. so I usually walk 10 places when I n. orgel buses. 5 I Iseel J;elena In lown yesterday. And guess what? She (gell marned l.1Ist monlh. 6 Can we make samelhlnQ vegelanan? Pam I nol eal' meal 7 Sorry. Petra Ilatkllo a d,e,,1 al te mOMefll. Can you phone ba ck lal er'0 8 When I Ibe) a child. we (Trot hawl a leI of monel. 50 we (nol gollo reslauranls 2 a Complete the questions wilh do, does, did or a",. 1 How often do you cool< lor more than two people?  When you have your hrsl lesson? 3 WhallllTle you usu ally go to bed? , What you doing at work Ihe-se days'" !> Where yDU gel your walch? 6 How you meel yeur elde:!'.lIrlend? 7 How ofter:! It snow in your home town? 8 Hew man)' bOOks _ you real!ing al the moment? bAsk anI! answer Ihe queslion5. Present perfect 1 - for eXDerience MEANING \...u can use the prosenl lIeflecl te 1lk aboul expenen<:es up I. "tow. Irom past to presenl fill! seeniJlIAlmOlJovars films Oh ,early' I lIavon '/ seen .any 0' Ihem. Don I use the present perlec. wltn finished limes in the past I., e ld /" Fuh,olrJb, Jldd o!j'o 'wenllo TOkyo (ouryearsilgo , "_'" J _l o51 ..."1 lsaw.hnelasr week Iou can use ever." questions and Ever means 'in "'y I your whole life' ii!ve you "lIPr been 10 JaPd 1 haven"1 ewr beenlo Germany mma n e and p e FORM have I  pijSI a rhclple I. yau, 'We. they he. she. it C} I've seen allAtmodc»'iir $ C} She 5 vislled more Ihan films, twenty counlnes Q W.. haven I mel Jane s Q He hasn I done a husband. compuler course We  never mt Jane"s H[I-s never used a husband. compule t) tiave the)' bn Ie Japan?  Ha he laken his drMnog Yes, Ihey h",." lesf' No. Ihey h"""n , Yes he has, No. he hasn'l I Contractions o rv@ . I have you lie = I'0u have We ve = we h"lIe they'ye = Ih"y have he' '" he has she'5 =:she has 11'5 - it ha; Q haen'l = ha'ie nol hasn't. has nct Some pasl particI'1e:!'. are regular and end ,n -ed Thi!y re Ihe same as Ihe pasl ,'mple. Irlte > I,lted smoke> srnoJeed ",", > onsiled Some par1iciples are .rregular bUI the sam.. as Ihe past sImple buy> boughl /Jail" > h:Jd Meet > mt Some paslpiir1.ciples are ..regular and oI,lIerenllrom the pasl 51mple, They after end wIth n, dr '" are . eaten do .J. did ). done !iee > ;aw ,)0 5en See Irregular W!TIJS  pI 75 PRONUNCIATION Vou usually slress Ihe past participle You don'l usually Iress have I has In p05111ve senlenCE'S and questions, , VI! s';;'n ;/' Alm(J(JJ.'ar 5 lilms Ha s he ",;, Jane? But you usually Slress have / has,n negaltve sentences and short answers_ We h;won -t m:t J;n $: h;5band. r:s. 'hey l'l;ve "1o 5he h;sn t, You cflen :;ay lleen as (1:111I/ PRACTICE 1 a Cemlllete the... sentl'nces wilh Ihe verbs in bracket" in Ihe presenl perfect or past simple. .. HaY<! you ever bee" 10 India? " Yes. I ",eT/llhen on 2006, Igol 2 & Haye you any Brazilian Ii 1m:!'.? .. Yes. ".,. City of God. Is eel 3 & Havl' you ever any1h1n creative' . Well I some short SID les a lew years agD, (wrilel 4 .. Ha yc,u any compuler courses? . Yes. I one on web design when I was a sludent. Idol 5 .. What langua ges have you , .. Welt, I English a'ld German al school (study) (, . Have yeIH!'t'er a polilloan' .. Yes. I my local lasl year, Imee.' bAsk Ihe que",ons and !love )'Our 0W'1 answers, 133 
mar re nee and pracbc Present perfect 2 - with tDf and since MEANING ) YClu say life worked helP SlIIc£' 1008 nol I ..e . /I _ ;".. " -2008 You can also use the pres.!nl perlect te talk about situations Nhlch began In the past and conltnue in the present , ve lwed here tor len yt"al'5. I haven I "alen SInCE' brea'''asl Be ra...,I1J1 na: ta confuse lar and ago, For is us"d w;,h the present perlect and age wilh the pasl Simple, Jane. JOlne/1 t army t"rM Yt'.r :Jc, .-!af"9iJret has sIud,ed mUSfC fDr three years. FORM AN D PR ONUNC IATION Be c<lreful when yau pronounce Since/.m..., Also see Present perfecll on 1)133 PRACTICE a Add for or SIt\( to these sente nces. :51lJce My prents have bved tn t he same house A thCJY got h'larn ed_ 2 My mum s r>ad the same hairstyle aboul fifteen )'&lrs. 3 I've had Ine me com puler I,ve years I, ThQr. hasn t b-een any snow in my country 2008 5 I've known my best friend school " My brother s worked al the same campany he left unlveroiy. II Hilke the senten(l!s true for you Then (om pare- wIth a partner. :2 Comptete the sentence$ witt) ttle verlls 'n IIratkets In the present perlect. present simple or past s1mple, 1 LUIS (have) that car s.nce he WOIS 18. 2 P,erre flake! hIS dnVlng tr>st a week ago. 3 They often Igol to wQrt< by tu. 4 . [want 1 10 work m advertising for a langlime 5 Craig j, We become a doctor [wor1d here since ZOO 1 Imeetl wilen I l.IIas study,ng 10 . 3 Nouns WUh prepositional phrases MEANING y .:a use p tepOS itlonal htases to 9''11' ekl r a ,nfOrmahan aboutnoun5 Lets go to the 'Mt;,vrant Which restaurant? Th;, restaurant m the town centre I d like the ltr1 WhiCh salad' The salad ",th blue cherse Canyoo g'v rr.e my bODI< beet> Tn book on In table. FORM Prep.oslhonal !]hrases can go aftpr.'1 '1nrJn noun prepositIOnal phrase Lets go to the --esta" II> the town <entrE' Ad,eellves usually ga be'ore a noun , adjecl ive noun Let's go to 'he 'tal,an IPStauran' Vou can use adJe-ctlves and pre.po511lGnal phrases together adJtI ive noun prepo11tlQnai phran LE'ls gc 10 Ine 'lalla" reslauran' II> Ille lown cenlre. pfl!positional hfilse nE'x/lo rile cmema. PRONUN CIATION You usually suess the no"ns. not the prepsitlol1s. . .. The r/ilurant m the to;,." centre. . .. The salad ..'rll,Olve cheese. The bo"o1< on Ihe I';ole You usually say the prepositIons of. IDr and to as/av/./f../ and /I:>/,n senten"'''. PRACTICE Complele the se ntent es Wit h I rom, I n. tin or WI! h. I CI1Urrasco is gritted meat witll sail and 9iulic, Z This IS RaJee... my fnend work J L.efsgotott.ecollHShop _ th.ecorMr, 4 I usualLy have my tea _ milk 5 The hod Ihat supermarket IS cheap & The 1fI _ blonde halns my sIster, 7 Do ycu know 1M man Ihe gr11Y SUit' 8 He !>as a MOu se a small garden. 9 TI><! totel_ the hilt has a grea1 View 10 The market _ the town cenlro IS gOQd for fresnfr-uil I 2 a Put the wo-rds in order- to make sentences.. In red WJne sauce I sounds nice I Steak $Ieal< in red WI M $duee sound,. mce, Z J]otOltoes lis I Grolled &;;1 rron I my lavounle dish 3 taday / ,he cheese plate I 00 you Nve I with 'rUI' bread? L tomato I.s I The seup of the day / "i'lh basil 5 'resh frUIt salad / I'd like 'he/lar dessert. pleas../ wllh cream. b with milk and sugar I please/two collees /Can we have : n AI W;; It What do you think Qlth. ,jishesand drinks in 2a' Would you order them in a restaurant? W1 Id Wt !hl 
4 The cowuncUon 8S MEANING 'ID) YCu can .5e as 10 link two separale st>nlences Vou can usa as vrtIen you wani to lalk aboul acllons or Sllualro<>5 Ihat happen al the same Inne. A. MelIssa was dnVlng down BroJdway, 11Ie Canad,an man stopped her As has Ihe same meaning as whIle While Anna ..,.dS S'llln!};l1 rho '"ble. luca3 s"nved. FORM As and whIle ae ofte!n used wll" Ihe pasl progressive. You usually use as and while 10 inlroduce Il1e main aclion 01 a senlence which started before Ihe shorler evt!nl The shorler evenl.s In Ihe pasl simple, Ashe was running. a $10 bill ,"'U 011101 llis pxkel You can change IN! order allhe sentence! Wllhoul c'>Jnging lI1e me ani ng As they W{!re haw,'} a baroccue In the oarlfen, It I!egan to ra il II began to ram as 'hey were haymg 6 barbecue In the garden PRACTICE Join Ihe sentences. wilh as. Use the pasl progress..e ;and the past simple!'. I Nicola d,d Ihe shopp,ng, N.cola mel Tony, 2 Dan 51o ad oulSlde the lem"nal. HIs IfIend arrwed 10 piCk him LP, 3 I had lea w'lh my brolher, Has girl/fiend phoned. /. AsICld wenl up Ihe slalrs Aslnd heard her son shou., 5 Ph,l washtd up Marlha walched Ihe lolball. 6 Sharon read Ihe map leSley drove, Past progressive MEANIHG Vou can use Ihe pasl progreSosive 10 lalk acoul an aclion thaI was In progress al a liml' ,n thl' PSI , slerted mall,ng lhe dlflner ar 5,30 pm A/6,(J{) pm I was mal<rng thE! dinner. (pCInI,n Iome " 6 00 pm! Jl>e drnrer WCIS reiltlr al 700 pm 1 left work al " DO pm. WMn 1'0" phoned me. 1 was dr,v/rI9I1ome. (paIn' in Ilerl! = wtlen you phoned mel I go/ home a/ , 20 prr 6,00 pm I you phoned me I NOW  -  making the dinner  drivIng home Compare the pi>sl simple and Ihe past progressive' I made Ihe drnnpr)lf!S'l'rda)', lIalk'n9 about a "R/shed "chonl At .()O pm yes,.rday. , ....> makIng tnI' amner ISOIYlng an act.on I was on progress al a lime In Ihe pas,) When Sf'1e phl1ned me 1 drollf! homl', rShe phoned me. and then I droe home, I """ she phonea me, I was d",,,ng horn" I She  honC!d me In the middle 01 my lour"ey hOme.! GI amm.u and . FORM I :as I _Fe. ""9 Whal were ou dOing 31 6,DO pm yesterday' (} I waS maklrg Ihe dinner Q I wasn'l walch,ng TV  Were you dnvlng ho  e when I called 7 (} Yes. 1 was C No, I ....nn I. Remember; II he/shell/was you / we / thl!)' ..ere PRONUNCIATION In poSo.tlve sentences end Qulluns. you don I usually stress was and we!re. We say j...:>J and /w:.J In negatIVe senlences and short answen. you usually stress was and we", We S;:,y/WD'/ and/w:l . .. . Wo was makJh9 tnI' dmner l..a5 mahlng the dinner. . . . You weren't making the dlflner V;s 'wa PRACTICE I Complete the senlen( wilh the verbs in brackels In Ihe pasl progressive, 1 We hrsl mel Jim ard E50in when we Wl!Le. IraJleiling. ,n Turkey Ilravell ? V'Jh:>t _ you _ w,..".1 calleel you' Ihere was. no an.wer. Idol 3 It _ when lleh my flallh.s lTloming. Now iI's hOI and su"ny.lra,nl G My brolhor _ Ihe computer so I used II 10 c!'>ecl'; myemall.noluseJ 5 -vihere'5 Ern?- -He _ in lhe garden aboul an !\aur ago . (p lay I 6 I s;wy an a«idenl when I _ to worfr.lhls mom,ng. Idnvel 7 _ Pe<!ra _ _ h.s homewcrk when you saw him'> (dol 8 I went home al aboul two a clo<:k yslergay, I welL InQIIeLJ !:jJ\ lhe beSot verb lorm In I!;lch sertence!. 1 I was gOing to bed at twe In th.e morning bur 2 I couldn': slep, My nelghbolJcshadl were hay'g a pany. J Sorry, can YJU say lhal agam? I dlcn I sle" / waSn I .tenlng. I. When I was younger, my lamily loved I w;as living In Berlin lor Ihree years 5 The lamily....d / we l1avlng lu"cl1 when Ihe polim arrived I were arril(lng tJ Th{! lasl time I saw I was seeing Joanna. she IlVe4/ was li\llng In Paris 7 I tll'51 mel / was meellng my IlUsbaid when I slood ( was standIng al a bus slop. e We worked I were workIng abroad whe" we hac I were having Jur forst .:t'-Ild 2 135 
m rre e n 5 halle 10. can MEANING Use have 1010 gy Ihal somrlhing's ne(essry Inow In Ih& luture or In genrall. Sony, but I have to go IJOW My taI 5 wiJ,tm'1 tor me I nowl IhilVf1 to gelupal (i.-ao'cfoc/( tomorrowtTIo"''''9 ,",y tram leavos al 'en past six, I.., the,.,lurel On II normal woHl/Og day I ha.-e'o Ire allhe offu:f! bc!fofT! nllle- tn,>1/ hn glmerail Ii:» You say T"CJI don'/ have 10 ",a". groups vf f.." """,pt,, nol TLl.; ,1 1th £., " gror;,"3 ij( ..  Use don'l J doesn'l flaw /0 10 say some1h'ng IS nol neces5a1)' Please starr eal"'g. You d01l'1 have 10 wall /0 r me US!! Co I Does w Ih have 10 10 a <k queshons Do.....e have ro Vlr-re rhe esSdY tor tomorrpw" Use can 10 say t..t50melh'n!lls possible (now In Ihe lulure or In generiJll You tlln use my phon.. If you wont. lnowl We can meet aga'" net cl<elld If yoo hiJi£' t,me, hn lhe lulufl!1 You can pay your phone "'" al the posl olllCe or on Ihl> Inlemet. lin generall Use can'l 10 say :H)melhing is nol possible, f'dflke-/o buy,] fla' bull t.Jtllgera (oa" Irom l/'e'",,,,1< FORM I. you. we. they he. she. 01 0 I have to go now. AL.:I'n has to gel up early lomorrnw C I don'l "."'Iogo I!ebecca doesn I havo 10 gel up unlillen, unlll nine,  Do you havell! go so Does Rebt"<:ca have 10 werle soon? 10 morrow? & Yes. I do Yes. she dOM. 0 No.1 don'l. No. she doesn I, I. you. he. she. II. we.lhey o You can get married when you're 18  You can I gellTl.!lrned when YDU'rt! 16,  Can you gel marned when you .... 16 7 & Yes.)'Ou c;an. I) No. you can',  PRONUNCIATION You usually stress have I hils bUI nDIIO. H3\1e II! and has Ie are ollen pronou nced fh",rl:>l and /' hiJ: st "I. ''';'''' 10 9; Vou don't usually stress can in pOSltrve sentences itn<l quesllons. You say Ik.,oJ. .. . . YQU can US&' my phooe Can you smokf! whPfJ yO(l re sIxteen"? You usually stress un in negallve senlences. and short :JnWC'r:;. You say Ik'i£FlI and Id;..l/. y:s. )'011 c;", /1:=0/ c;n t dn  you"re 'ourfen N, you c;n t lkaiDl1 I II PRACTICE Complete :he sentences with the correct form of can or .e 10, pcslt,ve or negative, 1 Is therea cash machine near lIero" I have 10 get some money. 2 Can I rna"e rnyseU a cup of collee 7 -Of course you Can. You ask - 3 Whert! Ilrve. YOll buy allythlng aller !>.OO pm Alilhe 5hops ar.. closed. 4 Carto's no( coming 10 work IhlS morning, He go /0 Ihe doclor"5 5 01<,1 can hear YQU ' You ShOU!' 6 Peoplc think Po'eM 5 a cotd counb,.. Lul nlJlIers In Poland be really hnl 7 Our cOlTpany kes 'IS emplO}'1!'e5 10 dress smartly You wear Jeans and men _ wear a tie 8 SQrry, I _ merl ou for lunch lomorrow 1 go 10 WOlk 2 . Put Ihe word$ In order 10 make que5tions. do I gel up I h;;ov 10 Ion I a IyplGlt clay I Wh:!! lin1e I y<>u 7 What t,me do you hifYe to get up on iI ryplcat 11,/7 2 Can I manage I online J you J your I bank account 't  at weekends I do I have to J Ho.... orten I won or study I you 7 I. ch ,Idren I in your country J do I go I have /0 I How many years 110 school' 5 lOin I pecpl" Iin yOlIr country I rn J II,.. urny J when It hey're 16 ' 6 00 J English I ever' have 10 I lor I your work :!. sllld,es/ use 1 you? 7 110 J 110 I 'aYe 10 Ilomorrow J Wha Ilhingsl you ? B go J 5lud>nls/,n your tounlry/lo 1 w.thout pay,ngl Can ' b DiscuS5 Ihe questiol'ls. Sor gOG baa far 
Comparing Ulmus MEANING Monday Tuesday dndy Thursday  J ] r 1C za-r z."r z."( 19'( ampar"tives londay was su nnler than T uesd ay. ....uray.3 wellther Wd!. much cooter Ihan Monday's IJperlaliWl!s onday's .....eather was 'fte hotte5t and sunmest ,ursday 5 WaS the col(est and wtlesl i... .S lesdaw was as warm as Wed"esday .e$'dav woiI5n't oiI5 warm as MandaI' .peU,ng nMs I adJect,ve comparatrve supertatlVe '05t on". last la51er Ihe lastest yllable II!J!!ctives tle-syllable b.g bigger the biggest :!tecuves, ,dmg In one 'ort vowel. consonant DSllwo. careful more Qlrelul Ihe most liable careful IJectlves -o-syllabl" happy frappler Ihe JeClivcs happIest -dIng ,n -jf iectlves cOfl')lortable mor" Ihe mosl .h three comfonable comfortable lables or ore e common irregular tomparatives and supertalive5 are . >- "eltr ,. the bes' . WW!le . Ihp worsl fur/hilf  I"e f"rlhH' =-=-=  mm . nd . r"",nl. PRONUNCIATION You usually slress more and adjecltvts YOil d)n', stress than and -er You say liJanl and I:J/. .. .. .. 1hlS cameras more rCKpmsIVP rnan myoid OIIe . ,. .:1 . ,.." harder work/llg at htJme ",an In an oll,te, You usually SlTPSS most and adjectives You den t slress lhe a,d -est, You say Mal a,d Itstl . :> -. . . fnrs IS Ihe mosl comfo"able room m my lIa/. 1 m th 1;"e51 rn my';mdy. But when rhe . In front of a \'Vord 51artlng wllh a vowel. W(! J',onouncc It with en 1:1 t: I: the earl.esl the oldest You don't usually 51ress S. You say 171 .. ,. . I don'tthmk you'n! as 1;)11 as me. PRAcnCE Complete the sentences with the correct lorm 01 the adjectives. It S mu-ch _tte, lwetl In the north olt'le country Ih;)n 'n the south 2 He',. Irela.ed! person I know 3\Jch IhappylnowthanSM",as, 4 Jayme.s as Illoodl "t hp, Job "Mall .o. SHe s much 'energellclthan I am, 6 Tl1at's the Ibadl meal!"VI! ever hd her. 7 ThIs 'epon isn't <;5 (,"terestingl as the last one B Is Ih..tlle [goodl hotel you couldl,nd'1 2 Pulthe word5,n order to make sentence!>, the I Ru nning the mar alhon /151 difficult' hlng I rVl! ever done I most 2 cheerful! when .1'.. sunny I. m usually J mon:. 3 gellin9 a la" GellmQ a bus f is I easy f a51 a5. 4 'rozen vegetables I good II th,nk I as "resh one..' are/as. 5 nteUigeml person I know I t.4y rother J mo,;l I is I the, 6 worst' way to Irave( I Orgamsed hobday> Ithe , are 7 to get iiI 'Ihan , Doing eerc'se I a healt "'..' way l,s I <be ling , 6 ;Is/last 5ummer ilsn'l/This 5ummerl n,ce I as .. 131 
mar and practice renc would ralher MEAN'NG Ii:»- You say I d rather hawe a mcer pool1han a sauna not k .I'« loMh( /J..rc"oo/ a:l;d"n or r> JI..,. p.,"', Il- hB.._ . pa.I Iii"a "8".. . Would rilther meilns tl1e samE' as. wculd proer. 115 freeDfIg cold IIlId now II:S Degun to snow. rd ralher Slif)' al home Haley los snOll)' warhl!r. Shl' d prefer 111911 tllr a "'all< FORM You cannot use r-alher and prefer toqeth(!,. RpmpmtJpr wcu.d r...'hpr .... to' 'o by an 'I'f1mtiv"? WlthOY' to. Dan lovt.>S runmng bIJI John would ralller go sWlmmlllg. Would refer IS followed by an Infln",ve w,th 10 Would JtOu I,ke 10 comp bowlmg wIlli m/!'?- 'No Ihanks. rd pfT!ler 10 go lo'he "'ne5s nmfre " Vou usually contrac I would' d] w,th sublecl pronouns when you're speaking imd In Informal wrol lng, PRONUNCIATION In Brotist! English you pronounce ralher r.",\... In American English you prOMunee rat he.. Jr.J:.-4't PRACTICE 1 C9mp'etc the cntcncc with the CO.f'rcc' lorm Dr the verbs In brilckels. 1 I'd preler _ IIlve' in Ihe country 2 She'd falher (meet up wllh) B.ll tomorrow, 3 I can I "ndersland why they"d pre1er _'havel dlnnl!r I h orne I. We could renl a car il)/ou'd alher (drive) 10 Odon! 5 They'd probably prefer _ (SIepl when I hey rrlve 6 Whal WJuld you rather Idol: walch TV or go 10 the cinema" wm, might, mal MEAN'NG You Ciln use w,ll 10 say you are sure aboul somelhing in Ihe lulure. Irr 2050. 71196 01 p<;Dple <lro"n" Ihe I'I'crlfl willllYe ,n cill, !luturel But ycu c;an aL$<: us will 10 laLK about nO"'.l)or atJoul things m general A 5'>alll phorre Irma? . No, call her lilter. She II be al wort now tnowl 1 work WI/h .J fT! goorlleam. If you have a problem. Ihey 1/ always Iry I., help (in general! You can use wlllwllh other words 10 show that you are more D:f'" (PSSSUI'@ E1rzi' "'I'" definitely wrn ;he n.exf World Cup - Browl w,ll WIn . 8r:11I1 W1111r/)lyw," . I'ofaybe / Perilaps Brazil w,1I wm .. You can use bolt, m,ghl <lnd may 10 say yo u re nol sure abo ul sDmething A Shall we rrtJye a Nr/;lecw lomor(QW7 B 1m rr{)tSUfT! II mlghl/mil'Yra;n. !lulurel . Where s Ir",a 7 . I <Ion t nDw. $n" ml9hr I may be m a mectlng, Inowl . When'S lil05? B I don I know. Ithmk ;1 mlghl' may be In Mgeml IIn general! May '5 a lilUe mofe lottnal Ihat! n'ughl. May is more common in formal kmds c:.f writing. but might 15 more co mmon In I!"eryday Spe-eCh Tt1ere is a.. ,"'pensnl d,lference between might / may and C8f\ Tbe 5upermarl<el mIght I may be cf'Owde>d on Saturrfay. Irm no' sum "., wIll be crowded on SalurdayJ The 5upermarketcan be crowdd on Saturday 11m 5ur.e.t rS 50melrmes cromed on Sillul"(Jay.1 FORM will J mlr.,11 m;Jy. Inhnltlve ",ilhoUllo I 0  1 0 e,r.. JllIlwIII I/wanl/...." W", .1 rain? Yes. ,I WIll ram. nlJtrain No. ;1 won', II mlgtlt ril'in 1/ ml9hr nol II mfgh' rain. II mfgll. n"l Jt may ram It may not - llmay. rain. /lltliJynot PRONUNCIATION You usually conlract will hke IhIS: 1t/31/ and won 1/....mdllt You don t usuall stress ""1111 ffllghl/ may W,ll )",y pass M J(arr'l M'" wHk? 11":nJ{ SPte II ftY ner b;sl Tey' c;ncel tJ.e p;r!y. But you stress WDnOt, nol and short answers Stle "';n I "ass, She m19h1 n;' ";55, She mghl m 54 bo Ii , PRACTICE Ccmplete the sentences with w,lI or mlghlmthe positlv!! ornegalive, I . What are you dOl ng lon'ghl? . Nothing. I m really so I IL lust slay'n. 2 . When: are you go.n9? B Sorry, I Just hav!!' to 90 10 Ihe bank I be long 3 A Are Penny and A'ex he re yet' . No. lhev said Ihe-y _ he lale, II depenCs on the traffic  . WIll you "nish paintIng the k IChen loday? B No. I'm .,red. 1_ probaDly do II In Ihe IT'crnlng, 5 A Why ..n-!Jacob al work today' I IlkJn-1 kflOW, He hasn't called, He be ,II 6 A Do you know where Ahmed '5? BYes, re _!Joe in the cafe next dOQr, lie alway has lunch there 7 A Shall give Lucy a call? I OK. bul call her on her mobile, She _ be al homcunbl ix e A Can we meel il9aln tomorrow? B I'm no:t Sure I'm pretty busy lomorrow 50 I be .ble 10 see you 
Real conditionals MEAHIN6 You can use reat cond.tlo""ls to do a 101 or dlfferenllhings For I>xample: "YDU .vanl 10 ",5,1 1'3.S country. pu have 10 get a . Ig v'"g Information) If ,rou rp IOterosted ," b.:Jltet. you m<Jst see Carlos Acosta, (recommending so"'''thlngl /I you re nOr feebng It)'l'u can poD hDme (giving pernllssionl you ve wrrrl<ed hen: for five years, }'t/u shoutd ask for a pay rise IgIVlng advice / you' opin,an' I see Jell tomorrow. III 9'11P h,m yoUT phQne nlJmbC"f. (making a promise) alilhE'se sentnCl!s, the speake-r led. Ihatlhe 5 tu".ion In "", " part of the sentence Ilf you want 10 ,,,t th,s cO<Jntry t.1 is rl>al or pos5lDle. tondllional SE'nlen's have lwo parts: clause ma In clause " rains tomorrow, we it stay at home u c.1 n ve'Se Ihe two paris. In Ihis use you don t usua lIy Ilr a comma 1.1 - I dause ".clause II  tay Be "Qm If -f 'dllfJ wmorrow. I'RONUNC IATION e pronunCIatIon 01 real candllional" '" Ihe same as in other olences. For exal'l'ple, W(> usually stcess verbs .and nouns I not modal verbs or preposillons. .. .. IT rd/riS tomorrow. we'lf stay at flome PRACTICE f ircte'the corr..c1 form of the verb, 1- Ca n you gi'2 me your m-ob,le number'" caU / you" IS U need some help, 2 Don"1 worry III m II be lale home lonlghl I e 91>t loads of wone at Ihe ollice 3 You'veworkPjj really hard.I'U be I'm wery surpnsed If you don't / v.on' t pass Ihe "xam. 4 If you come "U corn 10 sa" Paulo again, you tCJme I m u5t come and see us, 5 II you're I'U be Inle",sled rn ant'ques, you I""" , II love this muS-eum 6 It thE'r.. 's / '1: be a 101 01 trafnc lomorrow . we I..ave / II leave home early 7 II you go '"U go \0 Ihe shops laler. dCJ' will you get m.. a pper 1 8 You 'eave' should li1ave now if you don"1I won I wanl to be late mmar re nee nd pract.c 8 some and anv MEANING You use some and dny With plural nouns ..hen you don t need 10 say exactly how many. I need/o tIUy 50me <>pples. ( more Ihan one apptel fdon', neN1tobuy:J.1)' appfes [mor.. thar one apple. rd ""e an "pple. pIe..." ( one apple) I don '11'e apples 1= apptes In general! You aliD UE[! !!;omc ;and a"ywrth urtCuullld.1lle nouns when you don'l need to say"""cUy how mll..h We hava to gel some m,Ik. Can you g,,,e me $orte help? We v..n'l got imy ta, Do ,ou ""eo any help 7 FOAM VOt! usually use some In positive s.entences and any 10 se'lIern:es I'd lIke me coffQe. pleas£' Sony. we oon I ha... .n, (offer:. In questions we ollen use any, Do you h.JV9 any ml/1r7 Bu t ou use Some In Questions. when you eJpect 1he answer 'yes.. or when YQU d like the aO',)W"ef Iv be .yes- W(}utd you /1/(e some mIlk' 1= an otfer) Can I have some mIlk' ( a r"quesll PRONUNCIATION You dOn't usually SI5S some and any You usully say SOme Wllh a schw 1:01 .,rrJ. I'd f;kP some coffei! But at the end 01 a senlence you slress some and any, You say "mJ and I eni:' .. ... I ha VI' some. Irion / ,lave dny PRACTICE 1 Complele Ihe !>enlences wllh some or any and one of I hese words. I c;Jsl) emalls holels onformatlon D>iIt< 01011 frIends r ce help 1 Is blatk tCJlfce OK? I m a/raid we don'l have. any nllik 2 rmreaUysony.ld,dn"tbuy _ Can we have pasta' 3 Is Ihere a ba..k near heri:'1 need to get _ I .pcnl last weekend wllh . We had a 9real hme 5 C:a'l you help me? I'd like _ ilbcul flighls 10 P;;!ris 6 'm lookmg lor to slay Ir. the cily. Dc yeu know near here?! 7 1 haven'l wrlllen 10 my fnends lor a whde, , ",ally need 10 w....le _ _ 8 I don I need wllh mv sUIte ase. Ihanks, Z &: 'Ihe besl V«Jrd,n the Ijueslion", I Dc yDu Ita"" some I any brothers or sIsters? 2 Have you done 5()me' any E'xerclse Ih,s week? 3 Could I have s,m.. I a.,:!y orange jU1te. plea?  Do you speak some ( any foreign langu;;!gl'5 1 5 Can you gl\le me some I any lime to thInk' 6 Can I have some I any more Daper, P <,'., ' 
dr nc and J.IIr 0;;; Passives MEAN IHC (.ompar IIIeSe....nlences, Alf! ssandro Vall. m..entlN! Ihe eleClnc ballery In 1800 lac!!vel In this s.enlence. the wnter IS m0511f1terelecJ In Voila. The senlmc,," could be lrom an an,de aboul Volla's hI" Th "(,,cine balw ry was mvel1ted m/800 (passive! In Ihls sentence Ihe wnler 15 mosl mterested In Ihe eleetnc battery. The senlence could be Irom an article aboul 'he hlslory 01 the batlery You can use by 10 say who dae5 I did the acllon In a paSSI senlence Tn", .deClne ballery w.JS ,"venled b)' Ae'S;Jndro VoIla '" IBOO. Bul alien you don I use by b"cause you don', know who did the acllOn. or it s no. Impooant Two hundred b;k... iiI'P slolen '" Ih.S crly every week D,d yau near' MIe was offered a Job yr1stprday FORM You always make passive!; with be - past partICiple. senl5implt passive am/is/are+ past parliClple o They.... made of 91"'5 = They aren I mil1Se 01 plasllc. tl Are they mad" 01 gl.155' & Yes.theyare. f) No Iheyaren'l PUlsimple passive was/were +- past panlclple It w.o.s mvente4 In 1020. II wolsn'l Invented .n Ihe 18th cenhJry, Was II Invented In Ihe l'9tl\ century' Yes. it was No. ,t wasn t. PRONUNCIATION You usually slress the pasl participle Vau don't usually stress be In positive sentences ,and questions. It m;de ;n Ct;na Was Ir m;de In Chn(J? Bu( you usually .(",ss lie in negatIve senlences and shon answers. "w;sn I m;lIe ,"China res,1 "";5. CE:- PRACTICE z Put the words in order to make passive sentences. I ago J Ih s bill I !;er.t Ilwo wed,s I....,s ' 2 in' the :>real Wall 01 China II"e 61h cenlLJry BC , ,taneo I was. J are ',h..., offices ,......ry morning' cleaned? , Invented' Alexander Belli the telephone I by I was, 5 10SI J nv s,sl..r '51 books I,n Ihe posll were . 6 rad.urn' Maria Sklodowo(.a-Cvrie' discovered I was' by. 7 two thirds IWllhwaler' covered lof Ihe Earth I IS. 8 John F. enneOy I killed Iin Oiillas' was I In 1963 , Complele the senlences wllh theaellviI!' or passIve, present orpas t. Use the.... verbs, 11Illd gl\. In  ude clnnk I 1 a thiS house by my gran dpsre nls; b My 9r.1ndparenls IhlS housl!. 2 a Whe I lI..e.Ihe renl _ gas and electriClIy b Where I li"e. yas and electriII't' .n the rent. a thiS neckl ace 10 me by my husband b My huslland me this necklace, a Abou: a billion cans of Ceca .Cela Every day b People abOut it blllrcn cans 01 Coca.Cola l!\'eryllolY I  I s [ 1 
Present perfect 3 - giving news  You can use the present perfect to talk about actions which: .. are in the past and finished, but .. have a result in the present. I've passed my driving test. (present result = now I have a driving licence.) She's lost her keys. (present result = now she doesn't have her keys.] , They've moved home. [present result = now they're looking for a new home.! You can use the present perfect in this way to give news. Have you heard? Howard and Jola have had a baby! . Germany have won the World Cup. 3 There's been an earthquake in the north. Note: speakers of American English often use the past simple for giving news. I lost Jane 5 keys. Did you hear? Howard and Jola had a baby! Remember that you use the past simple, not the present perfect, if you say when something happened. Howard and Jola had a baby yesterday! ha E had There was an earthquake in the north this morning. ThE:I e's beEf] With go there are two forms of the present perfect. They have different meanings. Sorry, Rachel isn't here. She's gone to the dentist. (She went to the dentist and now she isn't here.1 I'm sorry I'm late. I've been to the dentist. [I went to the dentist and came back.J  See Unit 2 Present perfect 1 on p133. - See Unit 2 Present perfect 1 on p133.  ...'t ..,,,:.: >. ; _'__'.':-.. ::,..: ",,". . 1 CompLete the sentences with these verbs in the present perfect. I fail Leave die make write see win I 1 Ah, you 've done the washing up. Thanks very much. 2 Congratulations! You a two-week holiday in Kyoto, I 3 Jitka's a bit sad today. Her cat just 4 Happy birthday! We you a cake. 5 I can't find my keys, I'm sure I them today, but I don't know where! 6 Oh no! I my economics exam. I'LL have to do it again in January, 7 The police are looking for Greg, but I think he th e co untry. 8 I about 40 emails today, I never want to see a computer again! - ...- - ." -. ".-. .'-  :.. . :- . .._. ____ h___ _. __. 2 Make questions with the present perfect, The Internet's not working, 'we / pay / the last bill? Have we paid the last bill? 2 I thought we could go to Stefan's party together. you / decide / to go? 3 That letter from the bank might be important. you / open / it? 4 I keep calling you but there's no answer. you / change / your phone number? 5 Do you know where Fernanda is? anyone / see / her today? 6 Ms Wilden wants that report this afternoon. the marketing team / finish / it? 7 Your parents'll be here in half an hour! you I start / making the dinner? 8 I sent Shelley's birthday present two weeks ago. she / receive it? Complete these sentences with been or gone. 1 Donna's to see her grandmother. She'll be back on Friday. 2 I'm sorry I didn't call you, I've on holiday for a week. 3 We've to that new restaurant a couple of times. It's great. 4 I don't believe it! My car's ! I can't see it anywhere. 141 _ . .n_ __ _ .."-.-". ..- -..,......=:.:.:..-:.......- 
mm rr r n&.. ..nd pr...... c. 10 Does it have... P MEANING ID) You !kif Oops/he ho/pl have  sWimming poolnot  (PI, r<!Btl 1 1!. . :I" ..dt:' You use have 10 express possesSIon. relallonshlps and statlS Leonardo has a room In the hotel tor thf"ee' 11I9hfS. .lose doesn t haYe any lamily m Kvala Lumpur Do you have d 'oblem? You look ,",omed Have 15 also us.ed to express actions Go you lid ve i1 rest aftl!r iUMh? HB rail  rest after ItJI!("It' ErJu;lf(!o t!oon I Mve a SWim every ",0,n,n9. You can use have to mean eat. dnnk.enj.ov, Q, Urn A"g tIaYrIlunc;h at Ille hotel" Carmen If,d" t haW! coHee ;0' broakfast They all hiJd.a 500d I,me al 'he olirce parry. FORM Use the auxili.1)' verb do wilh hav" In questlo.,s OInd negahm forms In short answErS you only repeal the Bw"hary verb. do '00 YOIJ""'vPcllange ola (5I1i1note" 'No./ma/raidl flon'l When hawI! refers 10 possession relationships and slates. you can us e have got Leonardo ha$ 901 " nxlfII In Ih htJrel tor three nty'/u .I05e haSlI1 gal any famIly'" Kuala Lumpur Have you 90' a problem" You lock worrrrxl FQr question$ with hi.... got. don t ...peat 901 In I he sJ1qrt ilO$wer. Have yDIJgOI iiIIyapPO'rJlmenlsloday7 "Yes. I have .. Have golls not olten used in the past. D,d fOU have any time 10 go srghlseelng? Het1 ,...., 9<" B"r t.m. 10 yU"...,r ,<;;".... 00 not use have gOI in progressive lorms PRONUNC IATION You say have as '11\ In the strong form and 11;.'\-'1' or ;t\' in Ihe weak form, Make sure you put your lop leeth on your bottom lip lor the VI in h.ave: do not say It as a ,'b PRACTICE Correct the mistake in each sentence'.  Have you gOI a showr or a bath In lhe mOrl\lngs"i 2 -Has Carolina got a tlar In lOl1don.... -Yes, she has gal .. ] Jose doesn't havE got much spare time. 4 Had y()U gOl any p 'oblems with you r p .sspon? 5 Did you have gal air -conditioning .n your haler> 6 Has the cafe wi-fi t!:ccess"1 Future Plans and arrangements MEANI NG be gomg to and Ihe presenl progressIVe You can use be gOing to 10 lalk about ceople.s personal ideas "nd plan 5 lor te lutl/re , m gOing 10 have d dayolf lomorrow He s gomg 1«1 s'art h,s o»'n company next te.< You (I) Y$e' the prosent pTogresslve .') talk about future "rrangemenls thaI have Deen made ..ith other people orwlth organisationsl:ompanies schools. air'lnes. clubs _. I 1m meetJng leoOiJrdo f!arre/fOs ,at ZOO pm lom«1rro.... all ernOQl!, w. r. gomg 10 G....eoo'" Moy Sometimes the thflerence belwel:!'lllJt: yuin-y tu dud Un! pi I!!d!' progressive IS ImDortant gMm-o'nMnXr/I;; IiI's O[ iusl my ,ded' I"m gwng mar"led next week lit's an arran4Jemenl Wit" someone else) Bu t of1en the d flere nce ISo ve ry smilll. fm gomgto =lfmys/s'er nexlmon!h lirsmy plan..) 1m vlsltmg my SIster neJfl month. [... and IOvc arranged it with my sister) IiI) YOu say Whilr arr you dOllJg on Fnday evelllng? not WM'  J'<I'" v'u, un .. ''<IV'!'" ..  ... presnl "iMploe You use the presenlsimple lor I,xed nlS in [he lullJre. hmlables (buS.lldill, elc I ;!nd ;;chedules [fbQhts. [lasses. ell My fl1'Jhr leaves ar 3 45 tomorrow aflert/Don Tonrght's class slar/sat 7,00 and ends ilt B,JQ am /is , are You can also ta k about Ihoe fulure In mpte senlences wIth am ',s I are am, - adjectives kE Irpf!. busy. home. away bark. , m _ay next week - expresSions 'WIth ,n, on. iJt, etc I"m at i1 conlerence. You usually USE lime e"pressilons wrlh aLllhe above lorms. For Examole: !omorrowaflernoQn, a17.0Q, next mcnrh ... I FORM be going/a Use be g.omg to with th-e Inhnltlve. I  re you go nglo see her j 0 I'm 9 0in g to see her on 1 _aqa m? my nert trip to Malaysia. & s, I am. I 0 I m nol gOing to SlOe her I 13 0, I m nol. this mo nth . Presenl progressive,lhe present simple See Unit 1 Present simpte. paSISlmple. present prog,.essive on p32 PRONUNCIATION be !lolng /0 You a.,suc,Uy stress gOing and the inflnllive. You sa)' It? with a sch.a 'k J m ';101} r see  1,lm ",th Lecnrdc 0" Saru rrlay In negative sentences and short answer5, you also stress be. . . .JI. . .. We arrm I gOing to /]a ve a holiday !hls yar. . . .. Yes, I <1m. IlHJlnot'ce. No. I m nOli In 'asl speech you ollen say gOIng to ""Ihoul slress. a5/yn" . . . We re gOllrta wiltell II (11m '''"'9 hr Presenl progrs5ive, pre5ent simple See UM I. Prese-nk simple, Sl simllle, present progressive on p132. C . I; Ya 1ft . d Bu n . re 
PRACTICE Complele t'le sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use be gOing 10 or the present simple. 1 Wpen yourtrilln _ 'larT vel 2 What _ you Ih,!> summer' Ido)  I my essay Ih,s weekend l!onishl " I think the lasl bus al 1 I 30 pm. [leavel 5 We _ '"ends of ours ,I' Bombay Ihis summer. IVis.t! t. The meeling al 2.30 as usuaL (sian) 2 Complele the senlenceswilh Ihe presel'1 progressive or Ihe present simple, Use Ihe se verbs,  hon be way get  be In I 1 We"re hnIJ a parly 10 r Margare. ne_1 WeC1nesd<ly, 2 I _ 10 lhe hamll1!ssenh 15 allernoon at 3.00. 3 We a (at Ihl5 weekend The child""n are really excited I. We Irom home next wEek 5 I _ her ""5 evening around 6,00. 6 I checked hiS Schcdulp. tie _ Panslomorrow, 11 woull1 MEANING Yuu con USe would I 0110 talk abaL' ,SIIualiuns whIch. - are In the pre!it or fulure . you 'eel aren'l real or won 'I happen II,ve on a small fiat, bur my dream "ome wOlJld have" b,y oardm and a sWlmmmy pool /I wouldn', lie ,1IIf,cull lor me /0 I,.,da new lob, bur /hBVen'tgor 'me ro loolc 101' onc. FORM Use would W1lh Ihe ,n"Mive wilhoul/o I 0 I would have a big garden = 'I wouldn I lie 'n a b.g Gould il have a sWlmm'ng pool' & v s, ,t would 13 'o,1I wOuldI' I Contractions: Id you'd hed shed lid wed Iheyd PRONU NCIATION YOu usually ,;lre'5 Ihe ,n',n.I,,,e. You don I uually s.ress would .1' posItIVe sentences and queslions . .. . How WQu/ d you frnd d new lob? . . . II , 11 have Ie mOve /0 i! 'Jew city. Bu' you stress would in negauve .e",erce5 and short answers II woldn I be ;asy r:S, II wr:uld, N;. rl wOurdn t - G mmar lef nee and pI ......n..e PRACTICE Comptete Ihe conversallons with would or wouldn t. Use 'ontrutlons where possible. 1 A I .c:t leve 10 apply for Iht ne.... jOb on the IT deparlment . So. wty don't u7 A Well. I don't [honk [he boss _ be very happy aboul I. Whal _ )/OU do' . I _ worry about the boSo, II you wilnllhe Job go for I. 2 .. We Ie Ihlnklng about mOVo n9 10 Ha mpden II Really'rm surpnsed I want [0 be 50 far from the town centr...:. lit. WC!II I we got a t'<'I1' II Yeah, tJu' you w<!nllO drove Evory",her..? 'knowl 2 Complele the senlence' Wllh woul4 orwouldn t and one o/Ihese verlls, I be hel., invite loo lc pI8)1 spend WI] I 'd JI/;ty 'ootballlh;, weekend b11 .0' 90t a pr9blem w'In my knee, 2 If you'll! busy tomorr;)',o,_ WI! can meel anolher "me, II _ . prnblem I lu.a new flal bull m work,ng 51> hard I l>aven 1 gal Ihe Iome. I _ te work on another country. All my l.;Jmlly and Iflends a here. We _ Jules and Rachel lor donner too. but we ve only gal lour Ch.aor5. 6 Maybe you should get a flal on Ih" cenl..., Thi!n you _ 50 1'1uch on Iransport. Why don I \IOU ask your parenls '.- (he money' I'm 'Sure they you 13 
""!', -., --' .-. -_-:L,:>... mos" the mos,  @>IDI:» You say Most people use Italian and Latin not ThE ment pEaplE USE IIB/ian and Lat;n . Most means the majority of or almost all. Most people enjoy spending time with their family. We use the most in superlatives to say more than anyone or anything else. Who 5 got the most money? The most important works of art are in the Vatican.  You don't use of when you use most before a noun. Most children like sweets and chocolate. Mast a,' ch,U, En .... If you use a determiner [the. our, those, etc.J before the noun, use most of. The Vatican receives most of its money from Catholics. fo'o', O ' , .  "i;" O "'';'-- J,.,..-::r--- ", ;h_ ._> .?"-':.  .....% _==-__':;:r You pronounce most Im;:;ustl. Don't forget to say the final t. You usually stress most and the most in sentences o e 0 e Most Italians like football. f) Q 0 0 e Pasta is the most famous Italian dish.  1 Complete the sentences with most or the most. 1 of my friends speak English. 2 It was interesting film I"ve seen for a long time. 3 Spanish people like going to the beach in summer. 4 What's 5 amazing experience you've ever had? intelligent scientist of the last century was Einstein. be horn ,--=-_. " .m, eQB M.,.- J  - _o.=- : -......- :, @) You say He was born in Hawaii not liE Ga, 1'1 ;1'1 I/a"a;;. You use the passive verb be born to talk about when someone or something starts to exist. Nowadays, most of the world's population is born in developing countries. When you talk about your date or place of birth, you use the past simple. Laura was born on 25th December. The twins were born in Barcelona. i-it;t;r.:_;l,;/o.-< - j  iR1(altr , ...--:..........:........--:;-..->--.... 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of be born. 1 Many multiracial babies in big cities nowadays. 2 My parents in the 1920s. 3 Pedro on 29th February 1984, 4 When a baby , its birth must be registered. Verb panerns .lH lt.;  @> You say I want you to help me not " ,.ant that jau hElp mE When you ask/want someone to do something, use an object pronoun or a noun and the infinitive with to. Don't use that. The teacherwants the students to practise speaking, My grandmother would like me to carry her case. Clara needed her assistant to book the meeting room. The policeman told them to move the car: When you ask/want someone not to do something, put not before the infinitive with to. Margarita told me not to open the window. Jordi's friend asked him not to be late. 1ff 1 Complete the sentences with an object pronoun and the correct form of the verb in brackets. Renata would like him to answer (Lech Watsa / answer] some questions. 2 Lech Watsa needed (the workers I support] him, 3 Helen told (Patricia / not / forgetlto bring a jacket. 4 Helen asked [Jim and Pat / help] her in the kitchen. 5 Philip wants III not I spend) any more money Infinitives and gerunds  Infinitives with to You can use an infinitive with to [to go. to have, etc.l: 1 after adjectives I'm happy to say you've passed the test. Are you ready to go? Common adjectives with the infinitive: difficult. easy, free, hard, ready. tun/able, sorry. 2 after some verbs I want to go home now. We've decided to move house. Some common verbs with the infinitive are: agree, decide, hope. learn, need, offer, plan, promise. want, would like. Gerunds You can use gerunds (going, having, etc.]: 1 after prepositions You can start by doing some light exercises. You can learn a lot from watching television. 2 after some verbs I practised playing the piano every day when I was a kid. Have you finished painting the wall yet? Some common verbs with the gerulld are: can't stand, dislike, don't mind, enjoy, finish, miss, practise, suggest. You can use a dictionary to check whether 'erbs are followed by an infinitive with to or a gerund. 144 i ! l-l=f:;,;f;:.f..:- :-==--:;'1.'-.s::i'::£';:;';':-:;::b..:':"';.i::;=::":'::'i- *. :.J:..:.:E;:..."t it:;-S-:.k-=-_...:, ::t:;:_--:..':,;;,,-:;,.:-:.:::::,,:_.;..",--:7";:-,..::::::::;::._::;-=--::-.,::-.,f:'":-r::=:S:i_-=-C::*...:..._:'_ =:--":::-':-'="-- 
PRONUNCIATIO N W,lh in1lnltlves. u usuall,stl'1!Ss the verb but nol 10 You can say ro Ita! . .1.. . , want IfJ 9fJ home tJow WIth gerunds. you usually slress Ihe 1i..1 par! 011 he verb but not -In9. You can lem a I' 'rorn w;tchf"9 ,:'eVls,on PRACTICE 'fiJ he correcl lorm, Ihe gerunll or infirul1ve Wllh 10. I I pfOm'se be. ng 110 be on time lomorrow 2 You can m-emonsc Ihe words by repealIng I to repeat Ihem. 3 The pol,<o asked seems.llo see my passport, , I have 10 go 10 Ihe den".'-s geUlng f 10 gel my (-eelh chec ked 5 I really wanl passlng/IO pass my drMng tes I 6 YDU should always 1jellnsur-al\ce before gOing 1 t090 on holida) 7 I Can I Sla:'ld drIVIng f 10 dnve to work when Ihen! s a 101 or Iralfoc B Are you ready gOln9 f to go" 2 .. Comple Ie lhe: senlen!:es wi Ih Ihe CDrrect form of Ihe verbs in brackets. the gerund Or the inf.nitive with to 1 Do you eytr speam!1 (speakl Enghsn ..vhe", you r-e aloRI!? 2 I. II CD'Y _ ",11\11 d JU where you ve allhe moml!nl7 3 Have you er Inoughl aboul _ Ilearn) anolher languagl!? " What do you do Irelaxl after work? 5 AI'(!)'9u good 011_ Icook'? 6 DD you Ihink people (eam a 101 from Iv,s.11 olher countnes? 7 What do you plan _ Idol.n Ihe ne)(1 love yea..? 8 Doyt>u enJOy _ _19"1 to fool ball malc"es and other sports eYents? II Ask and answer the questions. used '0, would M£ANI HI;; use used 1£1 and would to talk about past habits and routtnes. 10 pfay fODlbalf on Salurd;}ys wen I was a kra  foolbdll on Salurdays when I was a kid uS<! usud 10. but nol would. 10 latk about past ales. d 10 fie a lawyer 1 1."'d b( u It>wYff 10 IlVeabro."ld __ ,rroon stale v.rbs are, be. have. like. tove Ihmk. "now. "e, under$lalld, seem, feel, .smell. lasle.  NOW  . 10 play compuler games when I was )'Dun5j.  .;oy compuler games "hen I was young " NOW  . 10 beU"". thaI man siers loved under my bed " roe .., TO s len l .d uFcfe, , I mm . R r 'IiI» You say IU$rdlo ,/0 10 Ihflgymaflermr)( nel .. I>Jl Co go t)- ril {lJ .1, fI. rwtJfk. You can only uS!! used tel tne pesl bul nol In Ie p"'""nl To talk aboul hab,ts In Ihe presenl use Ihe adverb usually anod Ihe pre5ent simplE. My Irt..nds usually com.. round al w..ekends ".1 r' z u.," oc 10 "". .. 'YWI,d ar .,e.',l.,d. , uwarty dD my 1I0r71ewor-k O' Sundays hr5e-Io do ",) 10.. ,." /, 811I $.., Ju, FORM used to/would - mf'Mlve  Wa t did you Js..:! tel d)' o I used to play loolbalL  I did n't use to play foolbalL I I never used 10 play foolball Inever 15 oftell used as Ihe negative) t) Did you use te play foolball'? & Yes. I dId f) No.1 d,dn L  What would you do on Saturdays? o We d play lootball e We woutlln'l play foolbalL  Would you play footbalL? & Yes. I_ule!. I) No, I woutdn'I, PRONUNCIATION Yo" usually In,.ss used In used to. You do t normally slre5S would in sentences I used 10 pI;" f';olbal/. Ius.ed 10 = !ju:,,;V'j I t1 pl;y f';olb,,11 In negative sentence5 and short an5we-rs. you stress did and wouLd. .. .. I dll/r>'! use /0 p<iI)' football . . . We wouldn'l pWi' on Sundays . . . . Yes. I dId Nt) h,;o(J/drJ I. Make sure you !oay used JU:st wllh onty (ne syllable. Say used loas one word and Ille roiLow'"9v"'b qUICkly afterwards' / used to pray leOOIS. I'ju =-Ieplri PRACTICE 1 at Complelelhesenlences with used 10 or would and these verbs. IY" not tlke ptay beeve  gel up work 1 I 'nghosls Z I 'c ec reolm. bul now Ilove it I 3 She _ wor!< mlS bonng unlilshe bec"me a nurse L They .n a itaim New York 5 We logel her In a fasl fOM re!:lauranl 6 We _ chess whel'l we were at university 7 I _ chJcota!e once or twIce c day. e I _ OIl rove in Ihe morning, b In which senlences can you u"": a u:scd to or HOullS? b only used to? 2 a Put the words In order to mal<e questions. 1 of clothes I d,d I wnal kInd I yo" I 10 wear 1 uS<! 'I 2 HoW' to travt"ll people f d,lIl berere planes' uS.e .. 3 dId I Where lie play I you I use las a choid ? 4 (0 eal f What food I use I al college I did I you ? 5 on holiday lyou IWhe,,,f U5e 110 o I did '1 6 uSe f people f What I to do I or elec"'c,1y did" It Ask and answer the questions. 145 
mndr nc nd r ... Unreal conditionals MEANING You can use unreal contllllon"ls 10 lalk bout Sllual,ons which are ,magina ry and probably won 1 happe 1'1 Real situahon /'lot ma"y pcoplc rJnvc clcClm: C<lrs. I don't haw a II 01 mLJnpy ImagInary slluallon II evef}'One drtli'l! electrIc cars, the air would be cleaner III had a lot fit money. ,.d blJy a bIg houst! In 'he countl}' Thl;se senlnces uS(! pasl wfbs Idroltl!. t1. elc.l bul t!'lev are nol about the past They re aboullhe presen' or the fulure fORM - ID> You sa II evel}'one sharer! a car. we WD'Jld sa"e fueJ nOI .1.I'""r..'JI'...." ,...."'fdI.<J' o;;.ac.a," .-v"o..J lds1urI If + past simple. would + infinitive It e..erytme drllfe electnc Ciirs. the aIr 1IVOU1r! be cleaner. If e....l')'One drove elecfm: cars. the ai, would" I be so "olluted. You can (hange the order When Ihe IF clause comes second. you dlm'l need a comma would. m'mrtrve " ... past simple The aIr "'foutd be cleaner Ir eYerYQ drvye elect'" cars. he Jlr "'au/Cn I be sa polluted ,t eerylJ"e r!rove electnc ca/'5 Make sure vOU US!! a 'Jerb In tne pasl slmpl afler if- Don'l use would In :both clauses In unr!!al condilloflals. you tan U$"as IIrwere aller I. he. SIIe 0"'. II jf was I wen warmrr  d have the pany 111 our giJrden It Iwasl were  umversr'y student I d slUdy bus-mpss Dr law PRONUNC IATION The pronunciation of real c:::ondlhonal5 IS the: 5&lm as In o[t1er sentences For e)(.amp1el you us,ual'y $tress v:rt)s and nouf'lS- but not mod al ver bs or preposlilon s, II eerjlrme rfoo electric c.; the aIr wauld be cleaner PRACTICE I Complete Ihe senlencps with Ihe verbs in brackets I. make unreal clmdilignal sentences. 1 It we used solar power, I' would save iJ lot of m()ney luse. savel 2 III _ a bit Oof mOl\ey.1 a second-tJand car.I'tave. but 3 II she John. I m SUI"!! she him. Imeel. likel " I 'or a new flill,,. mOf(! tIme llook. have) 5 III _ _ go back (0 un'ver'Slly. I a degree ,n eCO/!llmICS. (can. do) 6 I walk,ng ,n the mountain!> "I W[]' lomorrow !go. nol have 101 7 II easier to pay our bills " We Internet bank'ng Ibe. us..1 e It I the chan ceo I 10 a l:IoIferen! coum ry Ihaw.mlM!l Q III _ doser 10 my oll,. mv lite _ _ allOt ea...e.. I..we. bel 10 I a 101 health,er " I 50 many sweels and bistul's Ibe, not eall III 
Vocabularv reference and practice 1 Dla, and vraclise MEANING .m>YousaylplaYII:nnl5nO I/P.aff.,e r[,R" j. You use practise when you are t.alk,ng about training for a s;Jec,IIc objective or Clboul dl!'veloping a skill He 5 p,.acliS1ng a 101 because Ihe compelll'on IS .,eNI week Mana pracl15ell her EQgllsh WI/h an AU51raMn Inend. You use pLayVlflen you are /alking about mdlvldual or learn sports L,ke reM,s. hOtk-ey or foolbl511 All my classmares play volleyball In the "hernoons You use go whe" you talk abDut aClv,tles tho'll i!nd In -Ing. I go running evty marnlll9 tielore tif'l!aklllSI You US do toO lalk aMul Olher 'c.rms 01 exert;se. I do 9iI rwICea weef! al a 9ym In Ihe /lerghtJour1>ood. FORM In AmQric;!n EngliSh. Ihe verb and noun a sl'eLl the same: practice. In Bnlrsh EnglISh. pracllse IS the- verb .me praclice ISlhe noun PRONUNC IATION Be C3l'1!luL h ow yo u say play I pic I and practise 'I'r3!:ku, PRACTICE 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, pra4:tlse. go or play. 1 He snorkelling Every weekend ;n Ihe summQr 2 The stud,mls _ the exerCISes e5'erda belole the e]003m 3 t-1arIO"Y on Ihe girt. lootballteam " My brother karale with a Chlne$e tl'aclJer. 5 How often does your lather _ _ sports? 6 O<Il(Ou want to har Jon lor the concert? 2 degree and carBsr MEANING ',Ii:»Y(Ju sayrm d'oltJgiJr1egree not rn, rlv" "U d, «. A de9ree is a unrversity course or qUmlif,catwon You get a unlverslly deg in certain subJects;Or a"as of study. He wants to do i degree in economics..t unrver'S"r- A career IS the 10 b or $ene$ 01 ,Obs you have our wOr'"mg hfe, She care-tr In bankmg before she deCldd to .bccom .ill reacher You say clo a deg when you all! studying When you '",ish. you have/ g'" . d"g ree in a subieci Later in IiI" )'Ou """e a career In Bn \ish English. you say She 5 dDne 8 degree In prrys.cs r iI physICs degree In American Erglish, you say: Shes r1Dne a b.JchelDr's mas/cr 5 de!;ree", p"r5.. PRONUNCIATION Th .re$S In di!gre-ea,nd 15 onth€! second syUoiible The H in degree .$ pronounced a.. i:.' Id,'gri: In "areer.t s pronounced as .t..., /ka'''.... I PRACTICE , Complete Ihe sentences with dgree or eareN. Lauren loves coolung so she IS f10pmg to hve a 'n calenng. 2 Pierre wants to do a 111 art 3 Marco Ih,nk$lhat having a _ .n IT WIll pay ve'" weU & Atlhe UJA. (here a no examS but you dOll I et a _ either tl 141 
Vocabulary reference and practice dish and I1lale MEANING  You say dIsh to talk about food cooked In a certam way. nClI You USI! dish wilen you'f(! lalklng aboul food cooked In a certain way )11111 loVl.'s coak "9 fmlMn dIshes /,/{e curry lor her fnends Paella.s the most well-known 5pat)jsh dlsl'l You uS!! the w()fd Iale lor Ihe object on wh,ch you pul you. la<>d. Could you put tt.., prates dllli'll..,,..,,, .11 ,,,..table 7 You US!! course 10 talk ifbGlJllhedlHerent part.. 01 a meal I d like a salad for my fIrs' courw <'Ina a w"<ed 5tedk lor my milm course. FORM and PRONUNCIATlO The plural 01 dIsh I di.he. It has two ..Iable.. 'd'JllI. PRACTICE , 'C, rC It1e <:orcl word. , Pete.s lavour11e cours.e '- diSh J5 5plcy chicken 2 Whal plale' dish do you enjoy cookmg" 3 Lynn W1Int6 Cl'ea m 01 mu .hroom SOup for he r Ilfsl cou....<:1 plale. 4 can you lake th(!wdlrly plales/coul'!:l!s IntI> Ihe kitchen? COUld and can MEANING D) Could llare Ihe chlc;'e". please' i. more po hte than Can I hare the chicken, pfe;r.;e? II s more pohlelo use could Ihan can wl)en ask'ng for thIngs. Caula I hare lhe chE'ese salad IIJ sldn 7 illS 3150 more pohlE' 10 use wa-uldllkf Ihan wanl whM you olfer somelhin9- Would you "he a tJolllf' 01 warer 7 is more POlolE Ihan Do you wnl a btt1 Df "'Ii!r7 FORM Could I bool< a lable pli!ase? IS a lequl?I, You c.m als.o say I would I.hf 10 book a tab/I! vlease Use cou'd and ,.n wilh the infinollvE' w,lhout to PRONUNCIATION The Iin could k.JdJ and would J,,"d IS sIlent. PAACTICE . Complete the .entences with could orwould like. I Could you Dr,nQ me Ihe m,,"u? Requesl 2 I _10 order, plea.e 3 \lOur falher dnve when he was 18 7 , vou _ a coffee after)'Durdes.sert? ) .,OU pass me the salt. please" " u _ me to bnng you more wine" II Are Ihe senlences oller. Of' requesl..? Contamers MEANING and FORM Ii:» A bOllle 01 waler and a water tOllte have different meilnmgs, When you talk a!/Qul it borrle II' ....aler},ou are lt1inklng about whal,s Inside the container. When you latk "boul a waterbollle)'OL are thinking aboullh.. USf 01 the contlnr: Th.s IS also Irue 01 olher conlainers, cup. packet, baskel. box, etc. PRACTICE 1 lC"clt he correct words. 1 All of my Inemh broughl a WIC belile I DOttie of wIne to my party 2 I'm going to buy h.,r SIX tea cup.' cup' 01 tea a$ ill weddln pll!senl ] J,m 1001< a 00' 01 malch e. I maleh box Irom the ktl,hen be:aus-e his loghler wilsn'l werking, 4 My mum asked me to buy a packel 01 p3sl J pasla pacltet lrom the convenience stOn!, S I need to buy a new shoppIng bask..1 / b..,ke, of s.hopping myoid one 1$ broken. 4 lriD MEANING anC1 FORM Ii:» You say Pe s 9"'"9 0" a lIuslnes 1"11 nol H<! s fJ .I"" You use Ihe presllron on before the ..ords trip and Journey Lasl )'I!ar 'hey WflJr on a tnp ro Canada M .,SJI lhe,r 5on. I 1051 my !.."reaSES 011 my Journey home You use trop to mean you have go-ne and come ba' from it Journf1jl, Uasna made.1 fo' ollnends on he, trIp '0 Germar1Y. (She went to Germany and has now CfJme hack I A Journey is the 3[t 0' Iravelhng lrom one place 10 another. usually in a vehIcle 'I s a Iwo.hoUT IralnJolJrnry lrom torlr 10 LonlhJn, When yOU lrayel because of work Yot! y a bUsiness tnp not a b...)".... .1.1 JVW' "r Her company sen! her on a bU5'IJess rnp 10 Ilaty 10 attend a conferonce A voyage Ii; if long journey by sea The ["ante sank on ns maIden t/oyrilge. PRACTICE Cllmpl@te the sentences with Inp. Journey o voyage. I Chn510her Columbus's atross the Allanttc led 10 Ihe disl:overy of America. 2 A man Left tns wallet In t-1elissa"s taXI on nls _ _ to the airport. 3 The lrawel agency organo.ed a day _ 10 SlraUonl-upon-Aycn. 6 The IT department IS planning a sal!!s to promote their" new products. 
Vocabulary reference and practice lJofTOwand lend MEANING .> You sa, I borrowed some moner from t"e ban" nol - bi!I,lk bu. I u".d rn !lom matl!!1 You use borrow II! gy sompl!ne gels or recPIWS somelhlng from someone else with the mlenllon 01 returning Iltaler I borrow my SlSler's car when I Ite one You use leni! II! locus on Ihe penon ...ho gives something to someone for a short time. eKpe-cbng It t() be retumN it late,.. My slsler/em1. mt! her car when I need one. Iborrowedcomemtllleylrom Ihebank means the same as 'he ban" CM' me some money. FORM YI'U borrq..... 5I>melh1r)g from someone. Someone lends mething !!! you The verb lend ISlrre-gular The past simple and the pas! participle are the sa me: lent.. In Amenean Englosh. loan IS used as a verb and can mean e.1her borrow or lend. The bank loand me some moooy J can '(JiJ'n you my umbreJlla SJIlCeo 115 rilmlng The noun loan refe,.,. 10 Ihe amounl 01 mane)' Iha! you borrow. I f!e DanK ga lie Ifle rouple a loan 10 1m,sf! oaymg lor Ihe/r'fat 1 PRONUNCIATION Borrow IS a regular verb In the paSI say il .....,Ih onlylwo syllables and make sure you pronounce Ihe "nal'd; 'hnr3Jd, Say the d and -I endings 01 lend and lenl clearly Lo:'n "as only onE' syllable. ]:T<on', PRACTICE 1 tomplet the sententes wilh the i:orrecl form got !HIrrow or len d. 1 tan I 2 "',ke nighl 3 She some money from her mum 10 pay for her new motorbike. " The tank you money but yDu halle to pay .1 back wilt! Interes! 11 few COinS for the vending machine? me h,S coal as il was te31lv cold last tacilitias and installation MEANING Ii:» You sa The fac,''',es could deilmlely be bell..r nol  .Pf<i.M",811. f"l tI-de/H'IIl. FacIlities rfers to Ihe eqUipmenl an seMces provided tor a particular pur-Jose, The new sp-ort5 sladlum has eff'ellenl facllllres for Ihe alNeles ana t.he specfa'ors. You use Installation when you are talking alJout equrpmc-nl-or lurmture heln9 assembled and pullnlo place, 'G.:In you pul u 1/1" sMIl'es'- "Cenaily. bUI you tI niJv.. ro lJay 59£ more for installation - FORM Vou use facIlities In ,,10, plurallorm to e'pr;,s the mdmng above. PRONUN CIATION Yo u slres5 Ihe seto nd syllable In r a<ol.1I es. Say I he t as '" a d Ihe endmg -ies as onE' sytlable: f"',,lniz. In installallon you slress th :'1,rd sy.lable The ending .tion IS pronounced a.II;,n! JmI;,'I"IJ";,n/ PRACTICE tirc1 he correcl won! 1 The htel has special facILities I Installation for the d.sabled 2 The pJwer failure was due to faulty iI1;SlaU.iJ(to"1  tUllit/. 3 They have improved the sports Inslallatlon I faClt,I..,s al Ihe unirs Ily. 4 The sGpping centre has e.tra faCllllles. f Installalions. for customers at e....r stmas. 149 
Vocabulary reference and practice 7 gel 10 and arrive MEANING J:ij)} You sa) Whcn- you geliD t/>e canal. lurn rlghl not W/retI )'jI ilffillf' TO fill! f/i/IBf. It,, When gIVIng: d tett,otls. yo)u S;ily HowdDl !jell/) Ihe slalton? nOI , :...... t:"" r l).,.... te; th, JllJ(.rI" t can use bOI arrive at and get to in clher omets. ( amved all llo Ih{) airport Julln Ilffle 10 ealch my (lIght FORM Vou can use both In and _ with arrive You say amve in when you talk about a City Dr cDunlry. My molher amved In Madnd I,,'er Ihan expected You say amy""t when you talk "bout bUIldings and other cDntexts. We both arrived at Ihe a'rp"" al Ihe sam/!' lIme You don I use 31 preposition after get or arrive with here. the-re or home, WharrJmedjdycugelhDme:asI1!lgl1l l'.',, I < :Jd, ""'c hmnel1 n'9 PAONU NCIATION The stress.n uri"e 15 on the seCDnd syllable 'nt[' PRACTICE , Complete the sentenc with the eorreet form at get Dr arrIVe and at,ln, to or - 'no preposltlonJ. , fwty old schoo(mate 15 arntlrng In London tomorrow 2 Vlhelll _ te IfI1:e cveryne was," a meet"g J er parlner ol.en _ home lale in tt1l1l1Yem!: 1\ Vie al"ays Ilke [0 the a.rport Iwo hours berore Ihe flIght 5 £Xcu me liow do I the nearest cashpoinl? 6 Ber Spain. she changed her dollars to. curos 151 one and ORBS MEANINr. Iii» You say It.e S",.,lIer Ones not I/If> smm You can use one or Gnes to avo.d repaling a nou )Iou ave mentIoned beton!. 'Would you ',k" 10 look .at those b,'l f'U<)5''" fIIo. Ihe smarler onltS pfl!ase,. Carolrna's c(Jmpuler Isrr ! worlttng. ShE" rrp.eds to get a fJCrN one You don't use cone or ones aher DosseSSlve adjectives or pronoun 5. IslhrsAlbilspasspon? lVo..n""N N':J 'B"",-I- You dcn't use C'ne Of' ones atrr quan111y Vtord-s IIe sotne. r'\y both or number5 I'm IlUIkm!j Jor ;or.>e blacK beDls DD yu have any7 88 }B /'161£ 6,,; v '1;;;"'" FORM You Ciinnot uSE atjjectives Dn their Dwn; they need to have an accompanYing noun or one or ones. /o1aria dues" I tlXe Dig dlJgs, s"e prele", smail ones Remember you cannol make adJect"... plural. (don'l w.anl sm1I polaloes I'm loo"m (or b/!j D"eS.lney re eas,erle>peel t"!!' PRACTICE 1 Add one Jr ones to the sentences. ones I don'lIil<e grEen olives Gou d I have some bliKk". please' 2 Coutd you lend me an umbreUa'- I m .orry. I ha'llen I got . 3 00 yw bke ct1ocolate5' -y.,.. especially Ih" wl1h trearr In.,de - & ThIS Jackel's 'lieI)' is \'I!ry ex.I'IS'v" Do you howe a chiCaper? 5 I bkl1those (;Jmp. 00 VOU ave av b'ggpr" 
Vocabulary reference and ptactice- leminl1 and remember MEANING ID> You S.1y" remmds me 01 .hose days nol ' ,,", ,B..' m. """IJ.c. Ju,"", You use remio-j when 5()meone or "Some1hing heLps you thInk 01 something IOU halle or mlghl have forgotten. Remindmetophone'hf'c10Cror_ I" '\;' '(0,;' ,..... C",I>"6J tf._ CI!JCtor-- You us ,,!member when}lOu re able [0 bnng back a piece of Information Into your mind. o-r to keep a Pl(! of information In yOur memory, He C3" remem/Jr IIIe sludenls' faces. but t10llherr names. .... .ooIITfM.. FORM You use remmj  objecl  01 when somelhlng makes uS reml2mber the past and comment an similarllics Snow m [J'errtJer remrnds lIIe o/Irvlng I" 5palll" Remember Islollowed lIy -Ing or IG  In/millve, r remember turnIng oH Ihe lighls this morn<r'g , WiJys rwmember to 'urn off rhe '19hts PRONUNC IAilON You sy remmd n'mamLl. In the pas!. add an Ira sy\lble 1".'malnduL PMCTICE 1 &ir:<='I Ihe correcl word, I Did y,-u f(!membC'f 1 romind to ......rite the date in yc;ur diary' 2 Car-tnetl I  gra.:eful. she reMeMMS I rem.Ms FYle oi a batlet dancer 3 Do YG,J rnml!mlJer I remind me? We u!;Qd 10 go 10 s<:hoollogelher Ii Unless you remember I remInd me. III probably forgt 10 buy hi m a present be + adjective MEANINGal1d FORM ID-)Yousaylmvc/)'hungrynol :"" ,(., u,'" . Hungry and Ihlrsty am ad)CCllves. Ihey desmbe how yeu leel These eJlpresr.oons of leeling go with the verb be. I'm Ih;,sly. II.... !" sr, Some other express-Ions thai go with the vt!'rb b are tate. early nghl and when you talk aboul someone's ge )Vt:!IS dlwd/Bfe {CJI dltKJl '/ .g ""1... '"..I' ;;..../ 00L ShillS; 2D old " '. j 2,' ,'1, '''mrigl>l'''oJI'l'' PRO HUHCIATION Be carelullo say [he h- clearly in hung'}' t"iJgri. You don't want to confuse ,t wilh ary 'dIJYn/. PRACTICE , Complete Ihese !>entences with the correclform of the verb be. 1 Ben '5 always very Ih,rsty afler jogg,ng. 2 The S1Jdenls In Ihls class all,n herr Iwenl,es 3 I _ 'lever early v hn 11"1 ItIVlll1d 10 a party I. She reaUy hungry wilen sr.e got home yesterjay 5 Nex[ month Ron _ :15 years old. 6 Don'l lale or we II leave wl:houl you! 7 PolitICIans 1'101 al....ay ngnlln IPtr opinions 151 
Vocabulary reference and practice Adjectives with -ell and -ing MEANING D) 1m amalet1 Bnd I'm iimsllng haw dillerent meanongs WtII!n you say bt.. .ed adjcclive you are talking about hG.Nyou 'tel absclulell amazrd to see Je,," and Rachellogether II you say 115 ..",um9 YOu Clre- talking "boul a 511ualion or ""at pnwokQS the 'eI?lIng /, ...... absolutel, amazrnplo see lean and Rachell0lJ"tner I'm amazing. = , m an extilDrd,"ary person FORM There arc lot:. of adJcctlvc:;. that uo @nd In -ed or -Ing with d,Herentl't'lean"'9 s , ,n/ere-sled / inle'estrn!l t"!l"lened I (nglllenlng 11"'ft!J surp,.,sed I surpns'fjl1 eJthasted / L'"hausrlng borlld I burrng , was surprrsed to see Lisa at Ihe parly. The '"m we saw yesleroay "oJS really surprising twas re<lll,. Dared In our roe.... reacher 5 ["lass I rh,»k our llelNta;}clle,.,s fPally blJnng. PRONUNCIATION AdJII?dlves ending in a." or a "d! sound before the .ed. add an eKlra syllable .LIt: xc"ed Ik'ltUS. exhausted'J',l'''':Mld mreresred Inlrlld M...c:.t nthiPr ...t endin9 adjectlvcs Gnd with t.". /x1fea/t1:di t,rOO Idl.'<II (ngllreneIJ 'rr"untl. amazed" meudl PRACTICE , Complele'he sentences with the adjecllws ..nding in oed or -Ing. lOur tnp to the US was absolulely exhau$I'IJJ/ lexhaustl 2 Wi! were realty _ (rrig"tenl when m watc"ed the horror film. 3 Studyirgfor t'J<ams is very _ (tireJ " Kirsten s new job must be really _ lexCi I 5 Were you Iborel at t"e parry Ye5terday? I was. 6 I d,gn'l think the gocu mentary was very linten!stl. thanks and cheers MEANING Ii:» fhanks and Cheers are mare mformallhan rhank you YOtl say thank you in a 'onn."!1 context wnen you onleract w,lh peopte you don't know. You say thanks n an ,nformal context. and with colleagues. 'nends and lam Iy. Chee... IS very colloquiat and it is used especially in Brotish English I Vi' bought)'Du a drink - .ChHN, Mllre, . In Bnllsh Engl,sh. people alien use cheers [0 say goodbye. iJye'- 'CheMs, see y!IY nexl we'eh - '3 'Irs" and Amencan English cheers '5 also -,sed II! [oast -On-l! MII\ a dr-nk ......UHCIATtON p""""" ft:L '1';)7 Be c..refut not I conlu54.' il Wllh 1 on 3nd 111 MEANING and FORM m> You say MIlCh noor do you 1.1It' on? nal WII, "00 . ,du  You say on whC!n you talk about the nMr where a place 15 situated or whe-e someone 1,..e5. Wht>1'e 5 Pauls o'I,ce 7 /ls 01\ lb. 10lb Ilcor. In general. you use on 'Dr a surl.u:e and In for an endosed space Dn Ihe 2nd II(Jor the wall 'he beach r/-v, menu the TV 'he compuler In: 'he .apar1menl 'he bill/ !hi! parkf'lY btlg my pocket the car (. Ins.ide the cart rhe sign (In I"e wallsiiid -No enlry-. on 'lie menu roday7 W. .... been Joygin!/ It! the park rh.s mO"lIn9. I ve left my bag m rl'e car. Ill/us, ger ., PRACTICE 1 De(lde if he use 01 em or In is correelln each sentence I She found some chocolates ,n the box ,/ 2 There ...ere three plales in the table 3 Her '/lend Julia was slaYing on her l1at lor Ihe WEe keN. .4 Ivan left hiS van 10 the car part  She lal'ln h@r towel on the beach 6 In Spain. you'll always see gazpacho in the menu. 
Vocabulary reference and practice 111e lIesllhing ... MEANING E:» YOu y 1M beSIIII/ft9 aboullhe ('olleg.. IS, ,15 so green nol FIle b_>/ 01>.,.1 rlt. co:I IS. I!5509" You can use thl orthings alter a superlatIve to make it a noun. You cannot use tile + superlalive or adlectrve The most rnterestlng ,hlng "bout moving is meerin9 new pel:Jple T m".1 ;,,/.,! nng8MutnglS"-!"'!1f1f!tJ FORM Vou can use Ih,ng or Ihlfl9S alter superla""es. The won I Ihlfl9 ao,,1 England IS ltoe wca:hor. You also use say the good / bad Ihong and thc nght/wrong thing. /! s nol a bad Ihlng 10 S<1VE' some money. Jelung h,m ""dS Ihe nghllhrn!;jlo do. You lJe aboull' the epresslon is followed by a noun The best 'hlngs alroul JaJ<e are hrs sense of humour alld patience. Yo\.! IIse <in ,nfon,!>ve " '. 1$ follo....ed by a verb Ny dad allYays nDIYs Ihe Flghl rhrnl110 do PRACTI CE 1 . ---- Circl the best oplion. 1 The Mot dlmcult 1I"ngs Ilhrng 1- .boul English is the pr-onunc,alioo 2 The! goolllhlngs /Iftlng 1- aboul my mum am her good sense ani! her cookIng' 3 Those algebra problems are Ihe easle5tlhing s I 0;' ',g/_, i. Helping your 'rlends wf1en Ihey have a problem IS the flgl'ltth'ngs IlInng ( -to do, 5 H,,,,ng. hodilY when you're II....d IS iI greallh,ngs / thIng 1-. 1 Hello, this is Paul MEANING Ii::» When speakmg en the lele phone you say Th s is P.aul Jennings not I mPtt J I ,"g!) Wh"n you id"ntll} yourself on the phone, you always speak .n Ihm! pero n. Th,s,s "'ar'a sfJeal<i"9. h,' FORM When ytlu aO$wer tne phone. you can also say Irs Isabel here nut r" "';>I,:!br.;. 0;." ThisI5t<4rvan5. /g"..'I, L.u", II you wanlto check that )'ou are t..,klng 10 Ihe fight person, yo say Is lh.Jr.. ?not AI'!')'O" . 7 Is that you. Mike" II the situatIon IS mo 'o,mal, you can say CoulD I sp"al< 10 Mr Evans? To confirm who you are, you say Yes ,lis Dr No.,t,sn I You also say Yes. speaking PRACTICE -.... J\he correct words. -Can I speak to Joh n, pl.ilse? -Th,s isll am John:' 2 -H,. IS SLsan there. "Yes. speak ng I Yes. II,s I." 3 Hello, I am Peter /,t's Pl1ter here , Ves' Who's thill !Who's speak.n!!, ptcas,,? 5 GOOd alternoon Is [hat 1 A,,, YlfU Mr Jones? 753 
Vocabulary reference and practice lIIe MEANING YDu say 80.t!n are greal arhlCJIf!S nol ".. b. rs--Mf !If'£al ar\/, ' You don I use! Ihe with plural nouns when you aro talking about thongs.n gcmerat Children undu 16 ycar!; old Showln't box r 7l ,-'"IJ, < n u 1"'" .1.< .. ,uwl d", IM1t= The Is nol usoo wltl) pr<tper flouns. thfl n-ilm,.... nf most countne5 languages Dr means of transport with by. LewIs LS go.'"9 10 Sparn 10. sludy SpanISh Amel,a usuall, goes 10 school by bus The IS nOI u5lIy used wllh home. bed. $l:hDDI. h05pl1. church 0' un.,...sil)' wh.." you r/!Ier to th.. plac.. .n g..n..raL "Ia fal,a ri,dn I rrel welt so sfoe stit)'ed al homf! and Wf!nt 10 Md. \II,ll you be gong TO. vnlller5lly n.,xl yoa,' You useo 'h wf1C" the noun refers to someone or somethi"9 spec.lfic rhf! ch,ldren wl!a lwe lIf!.r door lave pia '"g ""rh a",mals In our lown. ,'''' ha,p 'ai,s belwe,n Ihe unrvers"r ..nd Ihe hJrclt ,,"ou use Ihe "Ahcn a noun 15 ml:!ntloned for' the second 'Imlf J saw a ITJiIn tatl off h,s bIke Tile man wasn'l h /'I. You use Ihe IMth adjectives and adv.rbs In Ihp 1IJ1prl,,';'" fo.m, rhls is Ihe tasll'sl car rile elle, sl!en. Ralph dnV/1s lite m051 c..lurlr 01 all his b,others, You USE! the w Ih nouns that are uniquE! the sun, the moon. Ihe e<lrth, PRONUNCIATION The w;ay you say th :I\;anges deper ,J on '" .herth.. following won! beg,ns with a vowel or a 'on5011anl You 5ay!he 0... when thl' \wrn lolloWing begIns with a COl1S()!lanl ""IP 'Ichen hiJd an eleclfle' Dilen. You say the 1\1: .....h.n lhe word begins with a vo.....t When f"u IIse lite .,..,n. bake '''10. Dr three II/shes logelher PRACTICE 1 Complele the sentences wllh the or -Ino artldel. I IloveIQok.'11j at _ 51<1rs 2 Bill IS In hospital wllh a broken leg. 3 My mother buys_ best ham 4 Terey went to _ bed earty. 5 Moet me by church at 8 o'clock. 6 sky" always blue in Andalusla iii 
Pronunciation reference and practice Past endings -ell PRONUNCIATION IiJ> Be car "ful when you sav started. wanted and rnterested The oed ending i. pronounced wilh an extra syLlable ,d'. With regular verbs which end 10 Ii Dr..d m the mfmrtlve. yoa say the .eel en<!ing wllh an extra !.ytlabte wan' > ..nJnled IWDnt.&' need> needed /'ni::J.d dcc,de " decld. II ,11 1'<;;Jld Id With all otheu'EguLarvmb!. in the pas I simple or pasl particIple. you say the oed ,,"dong as dI or I pfal > plilyed p!<:ld en10Y > enjoyed 1m d311l pa£ > passed II'O:I fDo' > looked 'lull Make SUM! you pronounce the end,ngs c,C!arly so Ihe listener kl\9W when you are lalklng abolthe pl1/ent or Ihe past PRACTICE 1 Tick 1./1 the re9ular verbs Wllh an exlra syllable Id m the past. 1 pain I .r £ I'!!ad 7 chan ge 2 start 5 ,. nish 8 inVite 3 Iraln 6 compete  wnle Iju:1 and IN PRONUNCIATION IiJ> Be careful wllh Ihe pronunclahon of unoverslty'" J;ltL In some words ,ike unrverr.tlyJ/Ou pronounce lhe inillal u as jl/;, u"",rrs,'y Ju:nII\:lli unno-rm Ju:nlf:m IJse ju:z usual' JU:3";o' ur'llly ju:'t dIu! In most wQrds eglnning with the teller u. ycu say II as \. up hP. under. \lId;r.- umbrella A!I.-brel:!, uJr,mattJm "III mCI13m The prefix un- IS always pronounced .'\n._ PRACTICE 1 Complet. the table with the words In the box.'i unkInd union umt up usually upstairs us U5er ultimate ju.:1 ,111 unlversly Isl and IkI PRONUNCIATION ID> Be carJulll/ith Ihe pronunCialion of f'l!celpt in i:I' The ,. '5 "rnolnced as. one long VChNC! sound ,I: after c. Some othrword5 tike ttus are recelYe and deceive. Remember. .n Ihe WDrd re< the p 15 silent. When <. comes before an e or an I, you sa Y It as Y { d "f' 10 go 10 Ine (/Iy cenlre. please. '," i "enl'" When c comes before it. 0 ()r u. you sa il itS- lu' Colon cuI hi. b,rlhday ca"e. ,'Iwl.." ,hi kc.1. PRACTI CE 1 Write  cr \. lor the tellers m !loLd, 1 sen lence-s ,. L Vancouver 2 decided :i e.erCIe 3 Qualilo<atoon. " certainly Words beginning with sl- PRONUNCIATION m> Be careful "..hen you say words that begm with sl- Don l add an 'c' S()und at I he beglnn"' Be ar-eiul WIth Ihe pronunClO!lIon 01 \'oOrds like slah(ln starl and st"denl, YOoI don't add an extra vowe! s-ound "eforo the.e words ;?,rarIOD,JBrart, r>1<Jdenl. PRACTICE 1 Pradise saying these IlOngue A slrorg slorm slarled as S';oha and the ,,!uden! stoDd n rhe statron :i1 Steye 5topped to slar 031 the smokmg s!(lre 155 
Pronunciation reference and practice wealhBI and whether FORM and PRONUNCIATION D) Be (arelul w,lh Ihe Vlords w@illl'ler ;lnd wheth"r, Thev soun d Ihe same bu I h.,ye dilfe renl mean'''gs Some words," Englisl1 are spell dillerenlly but sound the same wh"n you say Ihem. Words like this an! called homophones. II is I mporlant to be able to recognlse which word IllS wilen you are listening and to make sure- you 5p1 the words <orrectly when you are wrn,ng. The words can be dltfere nl types. nouns. adject ,yos. vorbs conJunctions. etc. Sam" typIcal homoph(1nes are' weal""r > whertr 1'\\ c.hl n'Jhl > wnle lralll e'ghl > ..Ie lenl hE're > hear /h,,,, Make sure you know which one you iJf"e us'''9 when you speak and write PRACTIC E . Complete the sentences with the C6rrect hom6phoOne. Make su.... you spell Ihe word ,orre<:tly. weather whethl!r rlelht eight ale he", hear I Did yoll _ the lorerasl on Ih2 radio Ih s morning' We ned to know _ rs gOln 10 raIn tomorro'W- WI! rc r-av,ng a b.1rD:tlUe. 3 We arrPJed at _ pm. but dinner WCi5 very latc. WI! al,lpm l OK, you.", anell m wrong. a9alnl Can you (orne oller . please' r got to an eff>ail,n English and I n..ed your hetp. b Praclise saying the sentences. WOrdS ending in -lure FORM and PRONUNCIATION D> Be caretul wnh Ihe pronunciation 01 Il!mperatlJr Icmp",I!.. In E"'JlIsh, maoy nouns end In -lure: architecture. 'ulure. plCtU/"!? nature. ClJllure.llterawre. (urn,Wre The tetters -tur. in these words are not slressed and are pronounced as If,,;. Don't say Ifle c:onsonant t as a I (wanted!. but like a ch Imuchl. The slress is usually on the hrst syllilble 01 the word p;ctuR' narure fmlturn PR4CT1CE . Mark the stress on Ihese words. l;ml)C!rature architecture fulur p'ctu n.a:llre lure lA:erarure furniture 'Ise sa)'lng the words Words ending in IIhland IIh PRONUNCIATION .Ii:» Be careful with the pronuncla...... 01 mIght mall In words ending If) ghl, yOU only say lhe I sound The gh .s silent mIght malt thoug/>/ 6:t c",ugh' iK:1 s'ra"ghIIS[r1I In SDme other words wllh gh these letters are also silent. tll9" '113,. nelqhbCJur I nel b) There are a lew NOrds in whIch gh IS pronounced w,(h a Ie! sound Idug" lu:[ coulJh 1m! enough Il'n\l PRACTICE 1 Match Ih..words wilh ghl and 9"'1-6. with the rhyming wordsla-el. 1 Ioghl 2 caught 3 straight I. enough 5 high 6 through a pot b sky c stuft d date e s,le I btue 8 /3:/ PRONUNCIATION ID> Be carelLI with Ihe pronU!1Ciai.ul 01 work 'n: The vowel sound IS tong In W()rdslJke wo-k skirt. her. hurt the r mal<es Ihoe vowes O. II. .. and u long: J'. Mak-e sure you really elongClte the vowel sound to avoid confu51(Jn with other wonls: wo,"",:\\ 3:" 30 wall< \\ ."f;kl You say the same sound 3: 'or other vowel.. r comb Ina lions o .. r = J: as In worse. worst. word , .... r = Je as in.. lirD. first bIrthday r  r = 3: as In /1l!rbs. I!Xpl!rI. ..ero u + r. 3: as In hurl. furn. Thursday ea + r = J; as.n farly, Iram. hurd ou.. r = 'J: a5 ,nJourney PRACTICE  the 3:1 sounds in the words In bold. Sl\irtey wnt 10 (JerMany 1<> do a university cOurse In nursing 2 You can circlQ the Qarth '" m(h less than thirly hDurs. 3 Eva IS not an expert UJOk; she burnt the turkey , Kurt Ihinks Esperanto .5 perfect: Ihe best language in [nil! WJrtd. 
Pronunciation reference and practice 1 III PRONUNCIATION JiI) Be UI ref ul wIth the pronunciatIon of 50Ciat ''hIUja' The consonant 50und J, olten corresponds to Ihe letlerssh she Iii: sh.p III" shake Ierk ashes l'a:f'L' Words .endlrg In .c,al, are also pronounced Viit'" /f . which (orrespooos to the lelters cr. Be carelut to di5unguosh cLea.-ly belwen " and j, when you are speaking. PRACTICE Pracllse saying Ihese wards. 1 a SCKlal s;tuJ.;1ol 2 a f;lCIal 'rclr1 3 a commerCIal b'm3:J "I. 4 a r;lCIat Ie IJ L b SOClct)' ,,:,",.al:Jili. b lace .rcl"" b commer(t! "11('m:J:') b race rel 11 Stress patterns PRONUNCIATION .E» Be careful when you s.:Jy comlortabte 'hmlt J,,,1t only h as three s)Uables In longer words U1 Enghsh, the sire-55 pattern often means that some ollhe 'Wntln lelters are not prono unced These (etters are \Jn5tress.ed c:m'ortable-;,. cr'b'e lderalure>-,ir rarure PRACTICE a (;roS$QUL Ihe leller:; Ihal are nalsaid. I vegela ble Z l&lboratory 3 temperature , busIness .. Practise sayong the words. 5 elementary 6 Wedned<ly 7 chocolate 8 Interes.!ln g 13 lire and lite MEANING and FORM de IS a noun, The plural,s IIVE!$. Jo;rnna '5 "'e In London was wry d./ll!nml ro he, II/e In Madnd Livr [3n be a voerb , enjoyed JIVIng on rhe US dUring rhe <umme< The word live can ao be IIn adJect've It means a Dertormanfe In lronl of an audience. The band plateo Irve In B,lbao Or It ,. an m,.,.n hi=l\/Ing Illp Theore were 1M" an/mals '" Ihe CirCUS PRONUNCIATION m> Be carerul woth the pronuncIation 01 IrYe Iwl and (ile /I,nf . In life and tl\''esthe liS pronounced as a.: ,'lOll' 'J31"'.l. The verb bve has a short "owelsol6ld, 11\,. When live IS. an adject "e. .t ,s pronnced lal PRACTICE Write /au' or 10 forthe wards in bold. 1 Gre'a lives, n Spa'n wIth her parents 2 110.. goong to \,ve concerB. :J ThcJ' s.oy tNI (:ats have! nine livc:. J. She had along lile: she IIwd untlt she was 95! 14 Id3/ PRONUNCIA.TION ID> B", c2rl!luL WIth the pronunciation 01 adva"tas .;!I\'vu:nlld311 and d,sadvan1agn IIlaa.J'VIJ:nlld3'z.. In words Wlt1 mOrl! thiln one syllatle the endmg -age IS pronounced 1'-'3' language '1"CI"'ld:y V//'agel'"d.d3' cabbag<o l'k."t>.d5- The sound d can also be written w,lh other lelters. J = d3 as In Jaclce t. 13m '9 '= d,. CJ.S In general, gene ge. d:;. a5 In large, stage dge. .1:;. as In bridge. '"dge PRACTICE a Un der,lRe the lellersl"al ar pranoune" iI$ d. 1 ,umper 5 orange 2 page 6 Germany 3 JUIce 7 vege lable 4 fride 8 Jazz .. Practise 5ilYlng t"e 'Wards. 15J 
,, Hi, my name's Kate Mori and I'm from Ottawa in Canada. I live with my husband, Masao, and, er, we have a cat. I'm a teacher. I work in a kindergarten. I speak English and French, and right now I'm studying Japanese, and slowly making progress! Er, I also study art history at night school once a week. Erm, I'm really interested in art, especially certain Canadian artists like Frank Johnston, so when I have the time, I like visiting the art galleries we have round here. Erm, Masao's interested in art too so we usually go together. What else? Well, sometimes I play tennis with my brother. He lives near me. And in the winter I go skating on the canal, which is a typical Ottawa thing to do! . &:.'iIR) INTERVIEWER SO Kate, why are you learning Japaese? KATE Well, last year I got married to Masao, He's from Japan, Congratulations. K Thanks. So now I'm learning because I really want to talk with my husband's family, his parents and so on. They don't speak English ... And you don't speak Japanese? K Well,' can say 'hello' and 'goodbye', but I'd like to have a real conversation with them. I Hm, so, does Masao teach you? K No. He tried to give me some lessons but I just can't study at home. I can't concentrate. I OK, so what do you do? K Well, I didn't want to stop studying, so I started going to classes. e: ' ,::,0011 INTERVIEWER SO Kemal, you're at university? KEMAL Er, yes, I'm studying chemistry, but I also have Spanish lessons twice a week. Spanish? K Yeah. I And why is that? ,K Because I like it. I OK. K You know, I've always liked learning languages. I sometimes need English for my studies but Spanish is my hobby, I guess. I like reading in Spanish. I You mean books? K Not books, no, but er, you know, things on the Internet. sometimes magazines. And I love Spanish cinema. One day I want to watch Spanish films without the subtitles. I Have you ever been to Spain? K Actually, 1)0. I Ah. K I'd really like to go to Spain, of course, but maybe after finish my studies here: )8 ,,:"::::-7i-;';".:-:i:_ ;';';: -:-:":"''';':_''''''-::-'':_J:':-:':;._' p. I So Sun-Hi, you're learning English. SUN-HI Yes, I have a job with a large international company in Seoul, so , need English for my work. Hm, do you travel a lot? s No, I don't need English for travel so much but, er, we have a lot of English-speaking visitors from other countries, especially Australia. I Ah, I see. s So I always talk to them in English. Of course we have a lot of visitors from other places too. Sure. s Europe, other countries in Asia, but we usually speak in English. I What about writing? s Well, yes, my speaking's OK but' need to practise my writing. I read and write a lot of emails in English but it takes me a long time. , ..; wi:a!E',} INTERVIEWER Erm, Natalie, did you have a lot of experience of music when you were little? NATALIE I think I was very lucky, in that I came from Trinidad and Tobago, so when' was younger there was a lot of music around me all the time. Lots of different types of music. We did have music from the rest of the world but our local music is very special. I Was that in your home, or just generally in the stre,ets and ." ? N It's everywhere. You cannot get away from music in Trinidad. We have '" we've created our own instrument called the steel drum. And you put ... you take an oil drum and you hammer it and you get notes out of it. And they make huge orchestras ... and I learned how to play the steel drum when I was a little girl. Do you have one? N Il1ave one in Trinidad, but they're very difficult to travel with. How, how big is it? N Erm, I would say it's about - what's this? - half a metre wide, maybe, and probably a metre high, I Right. N And you play it with sticks, so , couldn't really travel with it. But Trinidad definitely has a lot of variety. We have a local music called calypso, which is similar to music from Latin America, er, sort of a merengue beat. And we have a lot of reggae, which probably you would have heard of, from Jamaica. I What's your personal favourite? N Erm, well I play classical piano, I was brought up to play classical piano, but nowadays' play more Cuban music on piano. Son, salsa, things like that, rumba. I And do you still play the steel drum? N I have forgotten some. I would love to be able to play it again because I think it's very original and it has a lovely sound, but unfortunately I don't have it with me.  , JOHN SO, have you got any plans for the weekend? CAMERON No, not really. You? J Well, I was thinking about going to the festival, you know? C WOMAOelaide? J Yeah, it starts on Friday. Do you wa nt to go? C Sure, if we can get tickets for a day or a night. I couldn't do the whole weekend. J Me neither, it's too expensive. So when's best for you? C Sunday probably. It doesn't really matter - it depends what's on. J Yeah, and if there are any tickets left. Why don't we have a look online? c OK, hang on a minute. Right. Sunday. Ah, Cesaria Evora's playing, She's amazing. J Yeah, I'd love to see her. Or Mista Savona looks interesting. c Hm, I'm not really into reggae. J OK, well... er, erm ... What do you think about this? The Terem Quartet? c The folk? Yeah, that sounds good, J Well, there's plenty of good stuff on Sunday. Do you want me to see if there are any tickets? c Good idea. And do you want to ask anyone else? Maybe Jen? J Yes, and Sally would probably like to come too, Maybe we could get a group together. c Yeah, it would be a good laugh. b :,"-': 1 hockey, running, skiing, swimming, tennis, yoga 2 volleyball 3 aerobics, karate h:.jjJ"{f.:'J INTERVIEWER SO, how did you get into biking? LI Well, it started when I was a kid. Er, my dad had a motorbike and I thought it Looked like fun. Then I really got into motorbikes when' was a teenager. My first boyfriend also had a really nice bike, so we went riding in the countryside a lot and, yeah, it was great, er, but really I wanted to ri de the bike, not sit on the back! OK, and what about now? L Well, last year I wrote a book for children. Er, it was about a mother who rode a motorbike, a Harlev-Oavidson in fact, so I just had this motrbike idea in my head. Then I decided that I really wanted to Learn something new. It didn't really matter what but I wanted to learn a new skill, you know, and the 
>t great thing about it is, it doesn't take very long to learn. So I saved up some money and I started having lessons, I And how did that go? L Well, it was a fascinating experience. It was very difficult at first, er, much harder than I expected, but I enjoyed it too. At times it was quite frightening - terrifying in fact! Er, I passed my test a few months ago and I'm much more relaxed now, but I still need to get a lot more experience. I So, what is it that you like about being on a bike? Do you like going fast? L No. I'm not interested in going fast. I love it because I feel free. I can go wherever I want to go, any time. So, no, for me, speed isn't important. Do you use your bike for getting around, getting to work ,.. ? l No, it's too dangerous. I've been into the town centre on my bike one or two times and there are so many cars, people, it's terrible. I really like riding in the countryside on big, empty roads where there are no cars. And as you ride along you can smell things - not, you know, cars, but the trees, flowers, the rain. That's what I really like about it.  W'fB Write the name of a sport you're interested in, but don't play, Write the name of a sport you did when you were younger, but don't do now. Write the name of a sport you really don't like. Write the name of a sport you like to watch on TV, Write the name of a gi'OUp or singer you'd like to see in concert. Write the name of a group or singer you loved when you were younger, Write the name of a group or singer you listen to a lot at the moment. Write the name of a group or singer you really don't like.  sport born motorbike doctor work . 1 normal 2 work 3 important 4 information 5 forty , 1 INTERVIEWER Luis, you're twenty-nine ... LUIS Rig ht. I ... and you're a 5tudent? L Well, I work as an archaeologist but, yeah, I'm also a student, I guess. Right. W!1at kind of archaeology do you do? l I do,a lot of work in the rainforest, in the Central Amazon. 6 world 7 motorway 8 word 9 doctor 10 orchestra But right now you're doing a degree, aren't you? l Yes, I'm doing a doctorate in archaeology. Actually, I'm writing a thesis on my work in the Amazon. I And when do you finish? l I've got just one more year to go-I hope! I And will you stop then? L Stop studying? I Yes. L Well, I think an archaeologist is always studying, so, no, I'll never stop. It's a way of life for me. 2 Pierre, you didn't like school much, Why was that? PIERRE Well, I didn't like a lot of subjects at school, like maths and science. I just wasn't very good at them, and I hated doing exams and tests and so on. Hm. But you were interested in art? P Yes, I've always enjoyed art. So, you left school when you were ... ? P 1 left school when I was eighteen. I passed my exams - just! - and then I got a job. Then, er, about twenty years later, I decided I wanted to do a degree in art. So I applied to some colleges and I got into the School of Art and Design in Limoges. I Oh, and how is it? P It's a great experience, completely different from school. How exactly? P Well, I'm studying something I really want to study, you know? I Right. P And I'm a lot older and more confident, so it's easier to ask questions, talk to the teachers, things like that. 3 I ,Margaret, you're a student at the University of the Third Age? MARGARET Yes, we call it the UA. I U3A. And what is that exactly? M Well, 'the third age' means it's for people over fifty. Anyone over fifty can join. We have meetings and talks in members' homes, and we don't do exams or get degrees. So, you see, it's not a typical university! I And why did you join? M Well, f retired three years ago. I had a lot of free time, and nothing to do. It wasn't a very happy time, to be honest. Then I read something about the U3A and went to a talk and it was great. Hm. What kind of courses have you done? M Oh, there are so many interesting things. I've done courses in music, erm, local history and Spanish. I choose things I haven't studied before. And what's next? ::"ii---:.: : ' :_-:?".::-:'::=--z..;.;.$ :;:...:_::=cl::;:-:-:--:-':;.:-.:--=-:;'-:'::":--_'::p-".-,_:". M Well, I've never been very good with computers, so, er, last week I signed up for an IT skills course.  ",'l\,mJ What kind of courses have you done? I've done courses in music, er, local history and Spanish, I choose things I haven't studied before. I've never been very good with computers. Has she ever studied Spanish? Yes, she has, No, she hasn't. , rt:ili@) Wht sbjects have you lways enjyed? 2 What subjects have you always been good at? oj K'1 3 What's the most useful subject you've ver studied? 4 Wh's the best tegcher you've ver hd? 5 Have you ever dne a coourse in your fre"e tme? 6 Have you ver written a thsis or a very lng essay? 7 Have you dne a lt of exams in your life? 8 What's the most dTfficult exm you've ever passed? 'i INTERVIEWER OK, right. So, it's Lauren, isn't it? LAUREN Yes, that's right. I Great. Have you got your form there? Yes, here you go. And did you bring a copy of your CV? L Yes. I OK. Er, let's just have a look. So, you've done lots of different things! Sales no administration ... and you've worked in a restaurant. L Yes, that's right. Last summer. OK. And you're looking for work in .., ? L Well, yes, as you can see, I've got experience in sales, administration and catering, so I'm looking for work in any of those areas really. Right. Er, let's start with catering. You worked for Cafe Concerto last summer. What qualifications do you have? Do you have any kind of food safety or hygiene certificate? l Yes, I've got a certificate in Food Safety for Catering. It's level two. I Ah, that's excellent. Have you got a copy of that with you? L Er, no, sorry. Oh, that's no problem. Could you fax it over Later today? Or bring it in? L Sure. I Great. Now, administration.n How are you with computers? 159 
L Well, I have experience working with Word and Excel, so quite good, I think. OK, good, and more generally... it doesn't say here, no ... do you have a driving licence? L Yes, I do. Good. And what languages do you speak? L Erm, a little French and Spanish. I OK. And more recently you worked in sales for CSP. Did you enjoy that? L Yes, I've been in sales for a year now and I worked fJr CSP for six months. It was a nice company. So why did you decide to leave? Well... it's quite a small company, you know. I've always wanted to work for a big company. I think that would be a good experience for me. OK. Now... what would you say are your strengths and weaknesses? L Hm, that's a difficult question. Well, I'm good at talking to people, I think. And I really enjoy working in a team. But maybe I'm not very good at working on my own? I prefer working with people. OK, great. Well, I'm sure we'll have something for you. We'll put your details on our system and see what we have. And I'll need to contact your references. "  CLARE Hello, CSP, Clare speaking. How can I help you? YUSUF Oh, hello, my name's Yusuf Karim. I'm from the job agency, Findajob. Could I speak to Lisa Moore, please? C Certainly. Can I ask you the reason for the call? Y Of course. I'm calling about an ex- CSP employee, Lauren Gordon. Lisa Moore was her manager. C Thank you. Let me just see if Lisa's available. Hello? I'm afraid she's in a meeting. Can I take a message? Y I'm sorry, this li1e's not very good. Could you say tt:at again, please? Yes, of course, I'm sorry. Would you like me to take a message? Y : Yes, please. : c Er, what was your name again, please? Y Yes, it's Yusuf Karim. c Could you spell that for me? Y Yes, it's Yusuf with a Y, Y-U-S-U-F, and Karim is K-A-R-I-M. c OK. And what's your telephone number? Y i'lL give you my mobile number. It's oh four one two, double five six, two oh seven. c Sorry, can you speak more sLowly, pLease? Y Yes, it's oh four one two, doubLe five six, two oh seven. c Right. And has Lisa got your email address? Y Er, no. It's y dot karim at findajob dot com dot au. so c Sorry, y dot karim at ... ? Y Findajob - that's one word - dot com dot au. c OK, so that's y dot karim at findajob dot com dot au, And what would you Like me to tell her? Y Well, I'd Like to ask her some questions about Lauren Gordon, what was she Like as an empLoyee and things. It wouLd be great if she could phone me. c OK, I'll give her the message and ask her to contact you. Y Thank you. That's very heLpfuL. c No probLem. Goodbye. .; 1 tan you speak more sLowly, please? 2 What was your name again, pLease? CouLd you say that again, please? Sorry, y dot karim at ... ? 3 Could you spell that for me? 4 OK. Right. OK, so that's ... 6' Lawyer visitor grammar neighbour o;: 1 dollar 2 winter 3 computer 4 singer 5 doctor 6 colour 7 composer 8 footballer 9 calendar 10 teenager L Fine. B Right, what's the number? ( WAITER Hi, are you ready to order? LYNN Yes, I think so. Erm ... what's the soup of the day? W Er, today it's, er, cream of mushroom soup. L OK, so I'll have that ... and, er, the pasta, pLease. w OK. And for you, sir? BRYAN Yeah, couLd I have the cheese saLad to start ,__ W Cheese salad ... B __. and then the steak? W Fine, and how would you Like your steak? B Er, medium, please. W ALL right. Can I get you something to drink? B Do you want some wine? L Not right now actually, maybe later. B OK. L Can we have a bottle of water? W Sure. SparkLing or still? L Er, stilL. B Yep. L Still, please. W OK, thanks very much. :. :I ";) e ;t I):» Can we have a bottle of water? , Co"uLd I hve th che"ese sLd t strt   e ... and then the steak? &) 0 e 0;» .:I 2 OK, so I'LL have that and the pasta,' plee ase . 3 Mdium, pLe"ase. 4 Still, plese. G.oo ;lOa;J 5 Yes, I think so. What's the soup of the dy? : 1 I'd like to book a tabLe for two, please. 2 My parents cook a big meal for nine or ten people every weekend. 3 Could I have the chicken in garlic sauce, please? 4 That table in the corner's free. Why don't we sit there? 5 Would you like a bottle of water with your meal? 6 The weather was great, so we sat at a table on the terrace. 7 There's a good menu with lots of vegetarian dishes and the staff are very friendly. 8 I'll have the salmon with rice, please. ( MANUEL SO how about we organise a barbecue? EREN Barbecues can be tricky because that means that we have to cook meat and quite a few people are vegetarian. M Mmm. That's a thought. ?!..:;&-:Q--2.£:&- ::-.=-:,;:-.= !£__ .,...:- ;;";::::;::ii--::-_p ,:-'- . ..,_:p:,_::::-::;:,;:;:,..;]==:£;...:-_.:.,.,--=-::-;.-.y_:;_::i.2='.£:i.':.i-'::-:';';'-:";:: -=-:':_;:1: ":lL...: ;:;--=----. ,:':.." -,'  . .:.._.:._ z"..;:.-;:--:. ::::_....:-=: '-:::5.-.-_-_-.:::,.-:...-:--== e; unfriendly, friendly expensive, cheap relaxing, stressful inconvenient, convenient quiet, noisy boring, interesting empty, crowded old-fashioned, modern b"..""W-<L1 LYNN, SO, where are you taking me? BRYAN Well, I've had a look in this guide and, er, I think these three look quite good. Have a look. L Hmm. B What do you think? L Well, they all look nice ... but I went to Bopha Oevi recently. B OK, then, uh, what about this one? L Abla's? B Yeah, I've heard the food there's very good. L I don't know... it's a Long way from here. B OK, er ... how about The Bridge? L Yeah, we could sit outside. Ah, but do you think they do vegetarian food? B I'm sure they do. L OK, Let's go to The Bridge. Is that OK with you? B Sure, it's your birthday. L Great. B I'll call and book a table for, say, seven thirty? 
SARAH We couLd do some pasta alternative, maybe? SUSANNE No, we can put veggies on the barbecue as well. E Yeah, that couLd be ... but then some peopLe are really strict that they don't want, like, any kind of meat, fat and stuff being mixed with ... SA Yes, that's true as well. M But we couLd have a barbie, we couLd have Like mushrooms and things Like this on one burner and another ... and meat and sausages on another pLace. su Separated, yeah. E I think that wouLd work if you have Like, yeah ." M Different grills. E Yes, that would work. M So what shouLd we buy? E Well, sausages are nice. )I'-:1lffi'J MANUEL What about saLads? EREN Greek salad I can do M Okay, okay. We need to buy some feta cheese then. E Yeah, feta cheese and some bLack oLives and, erm, olive oil. M Very important. What about dessert? SUSANNE Now this is getting too much now. M Well, it depends. A Lot of peopLe are going to come. su Well, then keep it easy and simpLe. Ice cream? M What about fruit? MeLons? ; MATT Well, in my family we usually eat together in the evening, erm, maybe pasta, salad, chicken. Everyone sits around the table and eats and talks about everything - what we did that day, how we feel n. erm, our plans for the next day, the food ... whatever. I don't know what other people do but I send my kids to wash their hands before dinner. Er, Friday evenings are a bit more reLaxed. If we're at home, we usually have a quick meaL in front :of the TV ... pizza or Chinese food or something. No one really talks. Everyone's a bit tired by Friday. CARLOS Er, in my family we all have breakfast at different times because we all get up at different times. Later in the day, if we have guests, we usually have a ... you know, a buffet- style dinner ... and everyone chooses things from a side table and then takes their food to the main tabLe. My mum says bon appetit before we start eating but that's all. And during the meal, we taLk about work and family and football and different things but we don't L:sually talk about the food. :iE) , enjoy employee noisy boil L...;.: :,:,;=;;';.,:;:::::'';'r:'''_.p.,. 6' 1 oil 5 toilet 2 join 6 boyfriend 3 self-employed 7 empLoy 4 appointment 8 choice ( A meter D passenger B fare E taxi rank C receipt F change I, 1 NICOLA Hi. Er, how much is it to the city centre? TONY Er, that depends on the traffic. It's usually about thirty, thirty-five dollars, N oK. Can I put my case in the back? T I'll do that for you. So, where are we headed? N Erm. can you take me to the Park Inn? T The Park Inn on Broadway, right? N Um, yes, that's the one. T All right .n So, is this your first time in Canada? N Well, no. I came here with my parents, like, fifteen years ago but I don't remember much. T Right, so what brings you back here? T Here we are. The Park Inn. N Thanks. Er, how much is it? T Thirty-one fifty, please. N Just make it thirty-five dollars. T Thanks very much ... And here's your change, fifteen dollars. N OK. Thanks. T Now, let's get your case. 2 OAN Hello. The Royal Bank on Howe Street, pLease. TONY 0 K. T OK, that'll be eight dollars and fifty cents. a Actually, could you wait here for five 'minutes? I just have to get some papers. T Well, OK, but can you pay me first? a Of course .., here's ten. I'll be back in five minutes. T OK. a Thanks for waiting. OK, I'd like to go to the airport, please. T OK. Which terminal? a Domestic, please. T All right, the domestic terminal n' So you're going somewhere on business, right? a Yeah. I've got some meetings in Calgary. T So do you work for the bank? T OK, that's thirty-five dollars and 75 cents, a And can I have a receipt, please? T Sure... here you are. Have a safe trip now. D Thanks, bye,  . G -a;»QO 1 How much is it to the city centre?  0 ;»;» e G 2 Can you take me to the Park Inn? G CI G CI 0 e 3 I'd like to go to the airport. please. ;» I) Q a 0 4 Can I put my case in the back? CI CI 0;) C 8 5 And can I have a receipt, please? i' What was he doing? He was standing outside the terminal He wasn't looking very happy. Were they going back to Canada? Yes, they were. No, they weren't. fi" The Ten-Dollar Bill One sunny morning a man was waLking through the city on his way to work. He was wearing a smart suit and tie and taLking on his phone. Suddenly, the sun went in and it started raining heavily. The man saw a taxi and started running towards it. As he was running, a ten-dollar bill feLL from his pocket onto the ground, but he didn't notice. He got into the cab, shut the door, and the cab drove away,  OSMAN Well, er, I was travelling to the USA on business and, uh, I got a plane from Germany, from Frankfurt. Anyway I was just reading the airline magazine and relaxing, when suddenly some late passengers arrived. A few of them came into Business Class, where I was sitting. One of them was this reaLly big guy with a huge beard and sunglasses. He was wearing a black biker jacket, black leather trousers and he had a lot of tattoos. He looked kind of scary, actually. Anyway, he sat down next to me and before I couLd pretend to fall asleep, he introduced himself and we had a good chat. He was a nice guy. Interesting. His name was Bernd, I think, but it was a long time ago. Then, recently, I was in Germany again and, er, I turned on the television and there he was, on a news programme. He's a top manager for the Harley-Davidson clothing company in Germany, and he was speaking at some big conference. And he was still wearing his biker clothes. so I recognised him immediately. ANNIE I went to MontpeLlier, er, one or two years ago. I was loking for a little restaurant to eat on my own. It was in February but in MontpeLlier it was really nice weather so you could eat outside. So I sat at a table for two. At one point a man arrived and there was only one table for five availabLe, so he asked me if he could sit at my table, erm, and we started having a chat. He was a reaLly nice person. He was 161 
from Switzerland and he was studying, er, French, erm, in Montpellier, so I started teaching him a bit. We met several times when I was there and, erm, next to Montpellier there is a nice town, next to the sea, erm, so we, we had a day trip here and, and that's it really. We became pen friends but of course I have my boyfriend at home so, erm, that's it. ' ASTRID When I was learning French, once I knew a few basic words, I liked reading children's books. I found it very useful, because the sentences are very simple. TDM When I was learning German, I used to change the language on my computer games to German. Then I could pretend to my parents that I was learning. instead of playing. But it really did he.p me learn. MASHA When I learn a foreign language, I like watching DVDs in that language, er, with subtitles on so I can, er, pause and look in a dictionary what the word means and see how it's spelt. And also when I was in Germany learning German I changed the menu of my mobile phone into German, so that helped. ,,: VALERIE Good morning, can you take me to the Holiday :nn, please? TDNY Sure. Which one? v Er, the one on Broadway. please. T So, what brings you to Vancouver? V I have some old friends here. Actually, we were at university together. T So it's not your first time here? v Oh, no. I visit e\lery three or four months. T Right. So you like it here? v Yes. In fact, I'd really like to live here. T Oh, yeah? Where do you live? v In Montreal. Well, actually, I've got a small business there. T  Really? What do you do? v I own a couple of restaurants. ., right night frightening eight neighbours bought through straight o If! enough laugh Igl yoghurt spaghetti ,, 1 light 2 thought 3 eighteen 4 neighbourhood 5 eno.ugh 6 flight 7 spaghetti 8 daughter 9 frightening 10 tonight 162 ,.. .--_.--.---.. i=.:.'::;&;:-':.;"_:....: :.=-.._-=_,--  o(',oo A a cash machine B bills C cash o notes E coins F a card if u:'Zk"19 THIAGO Hello. Do you have Scottish pounds? ASSISTANT Er, no, we don't, but English pounds are OK in Scotland. T Oh, OK. Can I change these euros, please? A Of course. That's fifty, a hundred, and fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty. That's a hundred and eighty euros, yes? T Yes, that's right. A Right. that's ... a hundred and fifty pounds. Here you are. T Sorry, do you have any smaller notes? A No problem. Are twenties OK? T That's great. thanks. .  ,'f'-':I 1 ASSISTANT Hello, can I help? THIAGO Yes, I'll take these postcards, please. A OK. T And, er, do you have any maps? A I'm sorry, we don't have any maps at the moment. You could try next door. T OK. A Anything else? T No, that's all, thanks. How much is that? A Eight postcards. That comes to six pounds forty, please. T Can I pay by card? A I'm afraid not, no. There's a cash machine just around- T No, it's OK, I've got some cash, I think. A Thank you. And that's 60 pence change. T Thanks. A Would you like a bag? T E,r, yes, please. A There you are. Bye now. T Goodbye. 2 WAITRESS How was your meal? Everything OK? THIAGO It was very nice, thank you. W Would you like to see the dessert menu? T No, thanks. W Maybe some coffee? T Er, no, that's OK. Could I have the bill? W Certainly. How would you like to pay? T Do you take cards? W Yes, of course. Just one moment. W Can you type in your PIN and press 'ENTER', please. T Er, right. W And there's your receipt. Thanks very much. T Thanks. 3 ASSISTANT Good morning. THIAGO Hi. One student. please. A Can I see your student card? T Sure, Here you are. A That's fine. That's two fifty, please. T OK. A Sorry, do you have anything smaller? T I'm sorry, no, that's all I've got. A That's OK. That's three, four, five, ten, thirty, fifty pounds. And here's your ticket and a guide to the museum exhibits. T Thanks very much. .; £E;) 1 Anything else? 2 How much is that? 3 Can I pay by card? 4 Would you like a bag? 5 Could I have the bill? 6 How would you like to pay? 7 Do you take cards? 8 Can I see your student card? 9 Do you have anything smaller?  <\ 1 Grameen's customers have to make groups of five people. 2 They don't have to be women. 3 They can't usually get credit fro'm normal banks. 4 They can get bigger loans if they make all their repayments.;;'1\J MEGAN When you go over to someone's house for dinner in Canada, you should probably ask ahead of time if you can bring something with you, just to be nice. Erm, and you should probably show up with a gift. Maybe you can bring a bottle of wine, or maybe some flowers, something like that. The other thing to remember is that you have to take your shoes off when you get to the house. Don't wear your shoes inside. YUKIO OK, when you go to a Japanese hot spring, there are a few rules. Women go to the women's area and men to the men's area. First, you go into the washing room. Here you wash yourself with a towel and lots of soap. Then you have to wash off all the soap so you are really clean, After that. you can get into the hot spring. The water's quite hot, so you shouldn't stay in it too long. You can get out and rest for a while and then go back in. What else? Well, you can't make a lot of noise. The spring should be a quiet place where people can just relax. if 1 A When can we meet? Tomorrow? Sunday? B It doesn't really matter. I'm free all weekend. 2 A I'm sorry I'm late! Where's the meeting? 
B Don't worry about it. The meeting hasn't started yet. 3 A Do you like parties? B It depends. Generally yes, but not when there are too many people. 4 A Do you want to come to the cinema tonight? B Mm, I'm not sure I have time. ru think about it, OK? 5 A Have we got any food at home? B Not really... we've got some milk in the fridge. That's it. 6 A What time do I have to start work? B It's up to you. But you have to be here eight hours a day. f, ..}ar:E\) JOHN What do you think about this article? I think I agree. You shouldn't tell people how much you earn. HAYLEY Why not? I tell people how much I earn! J Really? H Yeah, sure. Why not? J It just seems really... I don't know, H I mean, I don't tell people when I first meet them. I don't say. 'Hi, my name's Hayley and I earn fifty thousand dollars a year.' But if it's part of the conversation, then, sure. It's part of my life, it's part of who I am. J Really? In the UK. in general, I don't think people like to say how much they earn, It's just more private, maybe. Ij" ;....;flill conversation expression musician , 1 education 2 discussion 3 information 4 expression 5 politician 6 action 7 electrician 8 promotion 9 organisation 10 introduction 8 1 How many books do you have at home? 2. How many hours a week do you work or study? 3 How many emails do you get every day? 4 How many cups of coffee or tea do you drink a day? 5 How many kilometres do you drive in a typical month? 6 How many minutes does it take you to get to this class? 7 How many times have you travelled by aeroplane? 8 How many people live in your home town? w A doing the vacuuming B cleaning the windows C doing the dusting o doing the ironing ;:::.:::: =:.::'..:f:-:::-:::"':-'::::: :::;::=i..:.:-_::':_-,:-:,-=-;':.':-_-:'-':-_-:"":;':-0- E doing the cooking F making the bed o; "' JEEVAN The summer months in India can actually be quite dangerous; it's so hot before the rains come. The most important thing is to drink a lot, to cover up when you go outside, to cover your head. You'll see Indian men and women wearing long clothes which cover everything, including their arms and legs. Only tourists wear shorts and T-shirts in the hot sun. On summer afternoons in Kolkata, where I live, the streets are empty because it's, too hot to go out, so most people are either at work or at home, asleep. A lot of people use air conditioning but it's expensive. Not everyone can afford it. Cold drinks like mango panna are really popular, This is a drink made from unripe mangoes; it really helps to cool your body. VASILY I live in Moscow, in Russia, Our winters last from, er, about November to March and we get quite a lot of snow. In January and February, it's usually minus five to minus ten degrees Celsius but it can get a lot colder, even down to minus thirty, OK, maybe it isn't as cold as Siberia. but it's cold enough! You have to wear lots of big, heavy clothes and boots and, er, everything takes longer ... putting clothes on to go out, taking them off when you get inside. And you have to be more careful on the roads too because they can be icy. Everyone has to carry an emergency kit in the car, so if the car stops you'll be OK. These days a lot of young people prefer to escape the winter and go to much hotter countries like Egypt and T,urkey; but most people I know spend half the winter at home watching TV. Me? I like to get out of the city and go skiing. But I think we all look forward to the New Year celebrations, which are really fun and help us to get through our long winters.  You have to be more careful on the roads. That's hotter than the surface of the sun. The heaviest hailstone fell in Bangladesh in 1986. The most important thing is to drink a lot. It weighed one kilogram and was as large as a melon. It isn't as cold as Siberia. , INTERVIEWER Excuse me, do you have a few minutes? SALLY Well... We're opening a new fitness centre and we'd like to find out what local people really need. Could I ask you some questions? We'd really value your opinion. S Er, yes, OK. Thank you. It'll only take a few minutes. S No problem. Right. So, erm, do you use a fitness centre at the moment? s Er, yes, sometimes. I Where is that, if you don't mind me asking? s That's OK, I go to the Meanwood Fitness Centre in Kent Town. Right, and what do you think of it? s Well, to be honest, it's not that good. I Yes? Why is that? s Well, the pool's OK, but it could be bigger. And there should be time for adults only. I'd prefer women-only classes as well. OK, I'll make a note of that. Ah, what about the facilities? s Well, the facilities could definitely be better too. I don't mind the changing rooms but I'd much rather have private showers. Private showers. Right. Now, we're planning to have a sauna. Are you interested in using a sauna? s Er, well. maybe. But I think I'd rather have a nicer pool than a sauna, OK. Erm, how often do you go to the fitness centre? s Well, I try to go once a week, but I'd like to go more often. Uh-huh. And how long do you usually spend there? s Erm, about an hour and a half, I suppose. I usually swim for half an hour, then go to the gym for a bit. OK. And which machines do you prefer using in the gym? s Well, I generally use the running and rowing machines, I}. 1 h free 5 g hair 2 c shopping 6 f energy 3 d cu rrent 7 b stay 4 e best 8 a her ( 1 gym 6 cleaning 2 thunderstorm 7 rainbow 3 cycling 8 vacuuming 4 chores 9 tornado 5 clouds 10 working  1 Bill Would you mind answering a few questions, please? It won't take long, SHEILA Er, yes, that's OK. s Thank you. Are you happy with the fitness centre generally? s Erm, well, it could be better, B Oh. I see. Do you think you could tell me a bit more? 1';.-,. 
S Well, to be honest. the pool isn't always very clean. And the staff don't seem very interested. B Oh dear. Well, I'll definitely tell the manager. 2 BEN Hi. I wonder if you could change this ten for me. I need some coins fOf the ticket machine. CLODAGH Sorry, but I'd rather not. People are always asking me for change. B Oh. C Perhaps you'd like to buy something? BErm, no, not really. 3 PHIL Here's your drink. Sorry it took so long. CATHERINE SO, what do you think of the game? pErm, it's a bit boring. C Boring? p Well, you know I'm not really interested in football. C So should we go? The second half starts in two minutes. p No, you stay here. I'll do some shopping, then come back in an hour, OK? C Well, OK. See you later. ', 1 Can you answer a few questions? Would you rr,ind answering a few questions, please? 2 Can you change this ten for me? I wonder if you could change this ten for me. 3 Can you tell "e a bit more? Do you think you could tell me a bit more? 4 No, I don't want to. Sorry, but I'd rather not. 5 No. I don't need anything. No, not really. 6 The pool is d'rty. The pool isn't always very clean. 7 The staff aren't interested. The staff don't seem very interested. 8 It's boring. It's a bit boring. 9 I'm not interested in football. I'm not really interested in football. ( SUE Yes? ANDRE It's Andre. I want to talk to Sue, S This is Sue, but I'm busy. Call me later. A Tomorrow? S No. I don't work on Sundays. A Monday afternoon? S OK. Call me at the office. The mobile's expensive. A OK. Bye. ( comfortable available possible sensible 164 n 1 fashionable 2 memorable 3 available 4 terri ble 5 possible  TOURIST OFFICER Can I help you? LIZZY Oh, yes, please. How can I get to Anne Frank's house? T Oh, you can walk from here. It's very easy, me show you on the map. L OK. T We're next to the main train station. L Yeah. T ,Go out of here and turn left. Go down the big street. It's called Damrak, L OK. T You'll go past a big building on your left, the Beurs. L OK. T If you continue along Oamrak, you'll come to the Dam. L That's the big square, right? T That's right. You'll see the National Monument on your left, and the Royal Palace on your right. L Right. T So, turn right and go past the palace. Then go along Raadhuisstraat, here, for about five hundred metres. L OK. T When you get to the canal called Prinsengracht, turn right. The house is by the canal, just here. L That sounds pretty easy. Is it far? T No, two kilometres, maybe a bit less. It's a nice walk. L That's great. Thanks for all your help. T You're welcome. Is there anything else I can help you with? L No thanks, that's fine. 6 sensible 7 enjoyable 8 comfortable 9 horrible 10 impossible !i; Go,out,,-,of here and turn left. ., 1 Turn right,,-,and go past the palace. 2 You'll go past,,-,a big buildinon your left, the Beurs, . 3 You'll see the National Monument,,-,on your left,,-,and the Royal PalacLon your right. (!D TOURIST OFFICER Hello, can I help you? SERGEI Yes. Erm, I've only got one free day to see the sights in Amsterdam, and I was wondering, do you organise tours of the city? T Er, yeah, we can, but it's quite easy to get around the city on your own. S OK. T But, erm, you've only got one day? That's not enough! S Yes, I know, I have to leave first thing tomorrow, so n. T OK, well, er, what would you like to do? ::-;:: s Erm, I don't know. Have you got a map or something? T Yes, we have. Here you are. Er, it has all the sights on it ... S Ah. Thanks. Can you recommend some things to see? T Well, one of the most popular things to see is Anne Frank's house. That's here. S Ah, of course. I've heard of her, T Yes, this is the house where she wrote the famous diary. Erm, there are often long queues, unfortunately, so the best time to go is early evening. S Well, that should be OK. It sounds interesting. T Yes, if you're interested in history, it's definitely a good place to visit. OK, er, we have a lot of museums. So, if you like art, there's the Van Gogh museum here. S Ah, right. Er, do you sell tickets? T I'm afraid we don't, no. Er, there's also a science museum - NEMO. That's here. S Hm, maybe not this time, but the Van Gogh museum sounds good. Erm ... what about this? I don't know how to say it. The Gardens? T Ah. yes, The Keukenhof Gardens. They're very nice but they're not actually in Amsterdam. S Ah. T You have to get a train and then a bus, it takes about an hour. s Hm, OK. I think that's too far. T Right. what else? Erm '" s Actually, I think that's, er, probably enough. Thanks very much. T No problem. Have a nice day. S Thanks. i A Rob! Can you answer the door? I'm doing the washing up. B Yeah, OK. Who is it? A It'll be l.eona. I invited her for a coffee. A Don't forget, it's Deiter's birthday on Monday. B Ah. yes, How old is he? A He'll be twenty-five, I think. ( 1 A I'll have the pasta, please. B Fine. And would you like something to drink? 2 A Are you OK? You don't look well. B Hm, it's very hot in here! 3 A Hello? B Hi, Jan. It's l.aurence. A Sorry, I can't talk now. I'm in a meeting. :-=j:...:.;: g 3"3-:: i;'i:-!L=-i" £-=? ";':-:;.._.:.i-:.:.:t-:::- ' ===o:;,=-,,;;,,-'::-::!:.?:::::-,=2-::=--S2,:'::::..":::...--':==-.:""':'_;;.,- -p' .. "':..:-=-::'--,-;:;":7-_''::"'::---.-.....-...;:-=--=.:-_-::", 
b "iJID NATALIE When I go travelling, which I really like to do a lot, I think it's very important to try to speak the language of the people of the country you're visiting. I think it's a good way of getting to know people and understanding a bit more. PAULA Yeah, but sometimes don't you think that makes 'conversation a bit slow, like if you're walking around with a little dictionary and you have to sort of look up words every time you want to say something and if the other person speaks your language then maybe it's just easier to, you know, speak the language that you both share. N Yeah, I think you're right in that way. I know when I go to France even if I speak French the peopLe reply to me in English because I don't speak French well enough, but I think it's wrong to go to a country and expect people to speak to you in your language. I think if they are willing, then it's OK. P Yeah, probably, You're probably right, yeah.  .' OK, you go out of here and turn left and you'll see a coffee machine in the corner. Turn right and continue along the corridor. Turn right again and pass the teachers' room, The room you want is on your right, after the library. ": ,.£ru build buy fruit .,: 1 biscuit 2 build 3 buy 4 guitar 5 suit 6 fru it 7 guide 8 guy 9 juice "' STALLHOLOER 1 Hi, can I help you? [AROLINA Yes, can I see the big rug at he top? S The orange one? Erm, no, the white one. next to the orange one. s OK, I'll get it for you. [ Thanks a lot. S There you are. [ How much is it? S It's a hundred. [ Hm. How about seventy-five? S I can't take less than ninety. [ Really? I could give you eighty. S I'll do it for eighty-five. C Well n. OK. I'll take it, STALLHOLDER 2 Do you need any help? C No, thanks, I'm just looking. S They're nice candlesticks, aren't they? [ They're nice, but do you have any silver ones? p "p". " t:i;..:::.-O-:;_;.:::..::' ;:'-.,"" " S Er, yeah, there are some here. [ Oh, yes. Can I have a look at those ones there? S These big ones? [ No, the smaller ones, just there .., That's right. [ How much do you want for them? S Ah, these ones are thirty-five. [ WouLd you take twenty? s I can take thirty. [ Erm... thanks, but I'll leave them. [ Excuse me? STALLHOLDER 3 Yeah, do you need some help? [ Yes, how much is that leather jacket? S The red one? [ Yeah. s Ah, it's seventy-five. [ Is it second-hand or .., ? S No, we don't have any second-hand clothes. All our stuff's new. [. OK. S But there are some second-hand stalls just over there, if that's what you're looking for. [ No, no, it's OK. Erm, so what size is it? S I'll have a look for you. Erm, it's a medium, but I might have some other sizes. [ Can I try it on? S Yes, of course. There's a mirror just here. [ Oh, right. S What do you think? [ It's nice, but do you have any other colours? S That jacket, I'm afraid not, no. Just the red. [ Mm, OK ... I think I'll take it. Can I pay by credit card? S No problem. [ OK. It was seventy-five, right? , CAROLINA Can I have a look at those ones there? STALLHOLDER These big ones? [ No, the smaller ones. [ I could give you eighty. S I'll do it for eighty-five. Well, OK ... I'll take it. .; CAROLINA Can J see the big rug at the top? STALLHOLDER The orange one? [ No, the white one. [ Would you take twenty? S I can take thirty. [ Thanks, but I'll leave them. '!: STALLHOLDER Hello. Do you need any heLp? CAROLINA Yes. Do you have any bookcases? S Yes, we do. We've got some nice bookcases over here. [ Oh, right. How much is the big one? sit's 110, but we've got some cheaper ones. This bLack one's just 80. [ Hm. Do you think you'll get any more? S Yes, I get them in quite often, so you could try again in a few weeks. ( ANNA I think my favourite thing is my TV, because I watch TV every day for one hour or two hours. I like to watch my favourite programmes. And it helps me relax after a long day at work. ALBA My most treasured possessions are my books. I've had some of them since I was five. They were given to me by my mother and they've travelled with me from Venezuela to Scotland, then to Italy, then to Austria, then to the UK. Wherever I go, the longer I live, the more books I buy and they just pile up. I have boxes upon boxes and they will go with me everywhere I go. I love my books. CLAUDIA Erm, one of my favourite things I own is my passport. It, erm, I use it a lot and it has a lot of stamps from different countries in it because I travel a lot. I need it for work but I also need it every time I go on holidays and I just like it because it means I can do a lot of different things in Lots of different countries. EREN One of my most treasured possessions is a perfectly round pebble. It's a pebble that I found when I was little. I think I was about ten years old and I was playing on the beach, and it just reminds me of those days, the, erm, sunny summer days and long evenings and, erm, it's so round that people just can't beLieve that it's completely natural. And I absolutely love it because it is, erm, like a mosaic. It has some white bits and grey bits, different colours. i 1 AGNIESZKA SO, what are we having to eat? BRENDA I don't know. Is there a menu in English? A I don't think so. Can I help? B Yeah... barszcz I know, placek I know 'n what's 'kluski'? A Klusk;, They're made of potato. B Potato? A Yeah, they're like little balls. Sometimes they have meat inside them. B OK. What about this? 2 NAZIF Hi, Helen. HELEN Afternoon. Have you lost something? N Yes, I'm looking for my blue .n erm ,.. What's it calLed? H Your pen? N No. I don't remember the word in English. It's a kind of book. You write in it, you know, times, things to do .., 165 
H You mean your diary? N That's it, a diary. H Is that it over there? 3 HAE-WON Manuel, what's a 'kettle'? MANUEl A what? H A 'kettle'. M Where's that? H Um... it's in paragraph two. M Hang on. Oh, ifs a ... you usually find it in the kitchen. H OK... M You use it 10 make water hot. H Right... M When you make tea or coffee, for example. H Oh, I see. Thanks. h:lli.v;J SANDRA OK, it's dark blue with silver numbers and it's made of metal. It's quite thin. It's about ten by four centimetres and weighs about eighty grams. It has a camera. iI 1 Farsi is spoken in Iran. 2 The first colour photographs were taken in the 1860s. 3 The Yellow River is located in China. 4 In 1867, Alaska was sold to the USA by Russia. 5 ULysses, by James Joyce, was written in the 20th century. 6 The 2005 Nobel Prize for Literature was given to Harold Pinter. 7 In English, baby elephants are called 'calves'. 8 The first football World Cup was won in 1930 by Uruguay. , noW down. shower show yellow known ( 1 known 2 flown 3 brown 4 yellow 5 shower : 1 Babies start to yawn six months before they're born, 2 Adults laugh, on average, seventeen times a day, 3 The average baby cries for two or threE hours a day. 4 You use 12 muscles to smile; you use about 70 muscles to speak. 5 When you sneeze, air leaves your nose at one hundred and fifty kilometres per hour. 6 follow 7 borrow 8 tomorrow 9 crowded 10 flower 166 ;. ......,-:..... =-..: . ( 1 A I'm very hungry. Shall we make some dinner? B Good idea. I'm absolutely starving. 2 A Are you sure the shops will be open tomorrow? B Yes, I'm positive. Don't worry. 3 A You look really tired. Have you had a long day? B Yeah, I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed. 4 A It's very hot in here, isn't it? B Hot? It's boiling! Can we open a window? 5 A How could you do that parachute jump? Weren't you frightened? B Yeah, I was absolutely terrified, but it was fun! 6 A I heard Kirsten found a job, She must be really pleased. B Oh, yes, she's delighted. 7 A Will Ron be angry if we don't go to the meeting? B I think he'll be absolutely furious! 8 A Is it cold there at the moment? Should I bring a winter coat? B Yes. It's freezing. 9 A Were you surprised you passed the exam? B I was really amazed. I don't know how I did it. r;, fn}J 1 RACHEL Hi, Jean-Paul. JEAN-PAUL Morning, Rachel. Happy birthday! R Oh, cheers. How did you know? J Oh, you know. Somebody told me. Er ... I've just bought you a present. R Is it for me? Ah, that's very kind of you. J You're welcome. Be careful! ROuch! J I said be careful! R What is it? J It's a cactus. You said your flat needed some plants, so ... R Well, yes, it does. Yes. Thanks very much, Jean-Paul. J Don't mention it. Are you doing anything exciting tonight? R Oh, you know, just going out with some friends. Why don't you come along? J I'd love to, thanks. 2 J Hi, Rachel. What are you reading? R Oh, hi. I got a letter from NBS this morning. J Who? R NBS? I applied for a job there. J Yeah? R Well, they've given the job to someone else. J Oh, that's not good. R They said I don't have enough experience. J Well no R I've been here for almost five years, Jean-Paul! J I'm really sorry, Rach. R Me too. J So, does that mean you're staying here? 3 R Hi, Jean-Paul. How are you? J I'm OK. R Look, Jean-Paul, about last night ... I'm really sorry. My sister called, the one who lives in New Zealand, she's just had a baby, her second. She called me and we ended up talking on the phone all evening! J That's OK. R So did you go to the cinema? J Well. we said we'd meet outside the cinema at seven-thirty, so, yes, I did. R So who did you go with? J What? I didn't go with anyone. R Sorry! J Don't worry about it. It was a good film, anyway. 4 R Good morning, Jean-Paul! J Oh, hello. You look happy this morning R Yes, I've done it! J Done what? R I've found a new job! J Oh, right, congratulations! Well done! R Thanks! So, where are you going? q Cool Net. J What? R Cool Net. J But that's not in New York. It's miles away! R Yeah, about two hundred miles. Actually, I should start looking for a place to live there ." J That's a long way to go for a new job. R Not really, I've been here for almost five years. J Me too. R So - time for a change, I think! t Good news That's great! You did well. Congratulations, Well done. Bad news I'm sorry to hear that. I'm really sorry. That's not good. Thanking Thanks very much. Cheers. That's very kind of you. 
Apologising I'd like to apologise. rm really sorry. Sorry.  A 1 Thanks very much. 2 That's great i B 3 I'd like to apologise. 4 I'm sorry to hear that. { SHARMILA Irs great to see you, Jenny. JENNY Yeah, you too. So, what have you been up to? s Erm, things are very busy right now, J Really? s Yeah, everything seems to be happening at once. Erm ... remember I told you we were planning to move? J Yeah. s Well, we've moved now... J Oh, right. s ." and it's fantastic! We just love the house. There's loads of room and the street is quiet. And I've just started a new job! J Oh, great! So what are you doing? s I'm still teaching maths. But I'm at a different school. J And how is it? s Well, it's close to our new house, so that's nice, but some of the kids are difficult! Hm, that's not good. s No. WelL J And how's Mani? s He's changed jobs as well, actually. He's getting more money now. He's really happy, J Oh, that's good, s Yeah. Anyway, what's new with you? J Not much. s No? How are things at work? J The same, really. Same job, same boyfriend, but, yeah, we're OK. We went to this great concert last weekend. s 0)1, what did you see? J We saw this great band '..  BEN Hi, Rosy, it's Ben. Look, would you like to come out to dinner tonight? ROSY Maybe. I've just got back from a hard day at work. Who's going? B Well, just me actually. R Oh, right. You know, I think rm just going to stay in. B That's OK, don't worry. By the way, do you think Jen'll be at home? R Actually, I've just seen her at the bus stop. B Really? What's her mobile number? I just have her home number. R Oh. just a second. Here you are. It's 077 145 96 70. B Thanks, Rosy. You're a star. Well, have a ice evening. _....::=.:..__----,- - ______.__.__,...o__ _ _ -'".=.,:;= _:..._"7_-_--_-""----__::o--_.__ __J_ _ P__- w "_ _0_ 0 '" . _________ -..;::___::__:.::."_o'"_':.:__==_-__:..=.;_..::':..""'_-._.;..:ro--  Well, I lived in Cairo, in Egypt. for a year and they used a lot of gestures there that I didn't know. Erm, I remember when I first got a taxi, I asked to go to the centre - in my terrible Arabic - and the driver pointed at his eyes with his finger. And I really didn't understand this. I thought' he meant, er, "Becareful" or something like that. Anyway, the rest of the journey was, you know, fine and then a few days later I asked an Egyptian friend about the gesture. He explained that it means "of course, no problem". Taxi drivers often do it when you've told them where you want to go., So that was interesting, yeah. ., .. age huge language bridge judge average If 1. bridge 2 message 3 luggage 4 change 5 orange ':o "' 1 business centre 2 parking 3 air conditioning 4 laundry 5 health club  i} RECEPTIONIST The Sun Hotel. How may I help you? LEONARDO Hello, is that reception? R Yes, it is. Can I help you? L Yes, I've seen your website and I'd like to just check a couple of things. R Yes. Go ahead. L Erm. your website says you have Internet access in each room. Is it wireless? R Yes, it is. L And is Internet access included? Or is there an extra charge for that? R No. It's Included in the room rate. L OK, and, erm, I'll probably arrive quite late, around 10 pm. Is that all right? R Yes. We have twenty-four hour reception. L That's good. And another thing, er, does the hotel have a swimming pool? R Yes, and we also have a fitness room, L OK. well, that sounds fine. Erm, could I book a room then, please? R Yes, just a moment .n For what dates, please? L I'd like to book a single room for three nights, from the tenth of November, R Certainly. And what's your name, please? L It's Leonardo Barreiros, B-A-double R-E-I-R-O-S. R Thank yoU, Mr Barreiros, and can I take your credit card number? L Er, yes, it's a Visa card, number four one three nine, one one ... 6 village 7 fridge 8 page 9 average 10 arrange 6 single room 7 double room 8 twin room 9 buffet breakfast  RECEPTIONIST Good evening. LEONARDO Hello, I have a reservation. My name's Leonardo Barreiros. R Sorry, could you spell your surname, please? L B-A-double R-E-I-R-O-S. R Thank you. Yes, that's fine, Mr Barreiros. Three nights, yes? L That's right. I'm leaving on the 13'h, Saturday R Can I see y.our passport, please? L Here you go. R And could you fill in this registration card? L Right .,. Here you are, R Thank you. Here's your passport and the key to your room. It's room number fourteen oh six, on the fourteenth floor. L Thanks, and, uh, do you have a map of the city? R Yes, here you are, There's also an information folder in your room. L Thanks. Oh, ah, what time is breakfast? R It's from 6.30 to 10 am, in the dining room, L And what's the check-out time? R It's eleven am. L Right. R Would YOIJ like some help with your suitcase? L No, thanks. That's fine. R All right, Mr Barreiros. The lift is over there. Enjoy your stay. ., .. Checking and booking 1 Your website says you have Internet access, Is it wireless? 2 And is Internet access included? Or is there an extra charge for that? 3 Does the hotel have a swimming pool? 4 I'd like to book a room for three nights, from the tenth of November, Checking in 5 I have a reservation. My name's Leonardo Barreiros. 6 What time is breakfast? 7 What's the check-out time? Ij'of.i:. MIN Hello? Min Ang here. LEONARDO Hello,-Min. It's Leonardo. M Leonardo, hi! How are you feeling? Did you have a good flight? L Yes, it wasn't bad, thanks. Listen, Min, when are you free? What are you doing on Friday evening? Are you free then? MEr, Friday's difficult. I've got to work late. But, erm ... I'm free on Wednesday evening, L Sorry, but I don't get there till about ten, so ... M OK. well, what about lunch on Thursday... or Friday? L I can't on Friday, but Thursday... hmm, well, I'm meeting a colleague at one but I can rearrange it, no problem. So, could we meet at one o'clock? 161 
M Yes, one o'clock's fine, L And where should we meet? M Well, how about at Petronas Towers? My office is near there. Let's meet by the main entrance of Tower Two. L OK, that sounds good. I'll see you on Thursday then. M Great. There's so much to talk about ... f;, . LEONARDO Hello. MIN Hello, Leonardo, It's Min. I'm really sorry but I can't make it tomorrow. I've got meetings all day now. L Oh... OK. M But I'm free in the evening. L Ah... I'm busy tomorrow evening. M Oh, no! When exactly do you leave Kuala Lumpur? L My flight leaves on Saturday morning at 11.15. You're working late on Friday, right? M Yes, but ." well, I guess I can take some work home ." Yes, OK, let's meet on Friday evening. L Are you sure? Great! And let's have dinner. M That would te lovely. L So, we're still meeting at Petronas Towers, right? Let's say at 6.30. M OK, 6.30, Tower Two, main entrance. See you then. b, 1 What are you doing after class? ! What are you going to do after class? 2 What time dces this class finish? 3 Are you going anywhere on your next holiday? ! Are you going to go anywhere on your next hoLiday? 4 What are you having for dinner tonight? I What are you going to have for dinner tonight? 5 Are you busy tomorrow evening? 6 What time do the shops close tonight? 7 Are you meeting any friends this weekend? I Are you going to meet any friends this weekend? 8 Are you working tomorrow afternoon? f:'} JASON Are you doing anything this week? AKIO Not much. Why? J Welt, it's the festivaL and there's a group I'd really like to see. My friend can get me free tickets. A Yeah? Which group? J Ladysmith Black Mambazo. You know, from South Africa. Do you fancy going too? A Yeah, I'd love to. They're fantastic. When ;s it? J Well, it's most of the week. I can do Thursday or Friday evening. What about you? A Oh, sorry. I can't make it on Thursday or Friday. I'm working both nights. J Can you make Saturday? A Yeah, yeah. I'm off on Saturday. 168 , . po ._ _ ... '.'0 :ro- P J Me tao. OK, they're performing twice on Saturday, at 3.30 and 8.00. A Ah, can you do 3.30? The afternoon's best for me. J Yeah, and we could have lunch first at Hana's Cafe at 12.30. It's close to the festival halL. A Hana's Cafe? Nice pLace. OK, I'll see you there, ".('-€m AKIO Jason, listen. I'm sorry but I can't make it on Saturday. Marianne just asked me to work from 2.00 till 1 0.00. JASON That's too bad. A Yeah, I'm really sorry, Can we postpone? J Well, the thing is, Sunday's the last day. A Well, can you do Sunday afternoon? J No, I can't, actually. I'm seeing my mum. I'm free in the evening, though. Hold on, I'll just check the programme... Where is it? ... Ah, here it is. Oh, no! Sunday afternoon's their Last performance! A Really? Well, I'll have to go then. Can I still have one of your free tickets? J Well... yeah, I suppose so. I'm going to go tomorrow then ... by myself. O;.. MARTIN Erm, I'm a student at Universite Bordeaux but every summer I go to England and get a job in, uh, a cafe or a pub, or something ... and I need English for these jobs. My speaking's OK but, uh, I find listening kind of difficult so I try to listen to other people's conversations ... and, yeah, I chat with the people I work with, usually after work, and when they say something I can't understand, I say, Wait! What did you say? Say it again. What does it meanT and I try to use the expression myself. And then the next time I hear that expression, I 'know it. ALEXEI I travel to the States a few times a year, so it's important for me to understand English well ... especially, like, restaurant conversations or hotel conversations - checking in, room service and, erm, what else ... oh, buying tickets. You know, things like that. So before I go to a restaurant or station, I think about what I want to say, what they'll probably say and n. sometimes I check a phrase book. You know, I plan everything and then when I get there, I can understand things better and answer better. It usually works quite well. AE-YOUNG Well, I use the Internet for listening practice. I like to know what's happening in other countries, so I listen to the news in English on my computer - the BBC World Service or CNN or something - and write down useful and important words just for one news story '" one's enough. Then I listen again and I write more words, then I Listen again. Each time it gets easier to hear.  1 ANNA Did I tell you? I'm going to the cinema next week with some friends. ROSE Oh, yeah? What are you going to see? A 'Metropolis'. It's on at the Roxy. R Oh, right. That's a good film. A Are you free on Thursday evening? R Erm, yes, I am, actually. A WelL, would you Like to come with us? R That would be really nice, Anna, A What time? 2 LEO Hello. JO Hi, Leo, It's Jo. How are you? L Not bad. Is everything OK with you? J Yeah, fine, Erm, what are you doing tomorrow? L I'm working all day... from tweLve to eleven. Why, Jo? J Do you want to meet up for a coffee in the morning? L Sorry, I'll be too tired. I never get up in the morning, J Oh, OK. Well, maybe next time ... 3 ANNA Sorry to bother you, Rose. Have you got a moment? ROSE Yes. Go ahead, A Sorry, but couLd you help me with my computer? R I can try. What's the problem? A I need to print something but it's not working. R Again? OK. Let's have a look. f laundry sauna saw awful (!mJ laugh aunt Australia sausage ( 1 awfuL 2 daughter 3 sauna 4 Laundry 5 Lawyer 6 sauce 7 strawberry 8 yawn 9 saw 10 autumn , 1 barbecue 2 swimming pooL 3 garden 4 balcony 5 parking 6 fireplace 7 air conditioning 8 wooden floors 9 comfortabLe 10 spacious 11 modern 12 traditionaL 13 large 14 warm 15 cooL  OONNA Jose, corne over here, Let's have a look at these homes. JOSE Why? We can't move. We don't have enough money. _-:'-::..;'? "':;"E:-2g-J.....:td-E:::::::-:-=;;:'7:: .;: :r;$#::?.:;:;:?:::.;.:,...3;.;===-;:'::O.::.:,:: ,_ -=:0: .u._=:.:::: .=:._;.:;;..=;..*:=:..::;;,-=.....::-.-:-__:,:.:_:;-;-_:-.z';:'-:-':..:':..:',-=::'-o;" 0_.- -:;- __ 0 . 
D Can we just have a look in the window? We can Look, can't we? J I suppose so. D It'd be really nice to get out of the city. J Hmmm, would it? . D Look at this one ... a house with two bedrooms, a large kitchen, a swimming pool! Imagine it, we'd come home from work, go for a swim to cool off, have a barbecue ... J That wouLd be nice, yeah. D Sure it wouLd! J But it's three hundred and eighty dollars a week. We'd never be abLe to afford it. D You never know. Maybe one day. What about this one near the beach? You could go surfing after work. J It's three and a half hours from Sydney! I'd be too tired to go surfing after commuting for three and a half hours. D You'd move schools, I guess. I bet you'd find a nice little school nearby. J Yeah, but I love my job, the kids, all my friends at work. I wouldn't want to move schooLs, D Well, you might change your mind. Can you imagine? Working in a small friendLy school, rather than one with thousands of kids, cycling to work. Life would be so much easier. J Well, sorry, but it sounds boring to me l You know I love the city, What wouLd I do in the middle of nowhere? D OK. OK, But one day, you know, if we have kids, maybe we'd want to get out of Sydney. J Hmmm, Would you change your job? Would you leave IT? D Yes, I think I would, actually. J Oh, yeah? And what would you do? It's not easy to change jobs like that. ,, What would I do in the middle of nowhere? , bet you'd find a nice little school nearby. 'wouldn't want to move schools. Would you change your job? Yes, I think I would, actually. No', I wouldn't.  NATALIE My ideal home would be pretty much like the place I Live in now but I would like it to be fifteen degrees warmer, so instead of growing lettuce and spinach I could grow things like mangoes and oranges and tomatoes. That would be really perfect. EDUARDO R.ight now I live in a very small apartment, so I think my ideal home would have a lot more space. It would have a big living room, a big kitchen, big everythi:1g. I'd Like to have maybe two bedrooms, one for me and one for guests. Also there would be really big windows with views of the mountains, like myoId home in Brazil. , ' -- -- ---. _.- .-----  1 The worst thing about Chandigarh is, it's too quiet. 2 The best thing about the college is, it's so green, 3 The thing is, Chandigarh is too popular. 4 The trouble is, concrete is not beautiful to look at. ( DONNA How's your daughter getting on? She's moved to Canberra, hasn't she? MARISA Yeah, that's right. She's very happy, she loves it there and loves her job, but there are some probLems with her flat. DOh, no. What sort of problems? M Well, she Lives with a family, Mr and Mrs Pierce, and they're really nice, but Eva doesn.t get on well with their daughter! D Ah, that sounds really awkward. Why don't they get along? M Well, I think she's always complaining about Eva, saying she doesn't clean enough, her music's too Loud, things like that. Eva doesn't really know what to do. D Could she organise her day so she doesn't see the daughter? M Eva says she's there all the time! Apparently, she even goes in her room. Sounds really annoying' D Wow, Well, maybe she should talk to her, tell her how she feels, M Yeah, she did that, but Eva says she's not interested. Maybe she should try again, D I think so, yeah. M "ve never really been in that situation, so I don't know what to suggest. What would you do? D What, if I was Eva? I"d probably talk to the parents, actually, M Hm, I think she"d find that difficult. The problem is, they're really nice, D Well yeah, so they'll probably listen, M Yes, I think you"re right. She'll have to think carefully about what to say. D Would it be possible to write to them? M A letter? No no I don't think she'd want to do that. I"ll tell her to talk to the parents. D Yes, and I'd tell her to move if that doesn't work! M Well, you know, it's not so easy. At least she's close to her college. D I bet you miss her. M Yes, it's hard, but she's fine really, She's enjoying her independence! (!rID PAULA I have a big problem with my house mate. He loves cooking. He cooks almost every day, he uses every pan in the kitchen, every pot, every fork and knife, and he never, ever does the dishes. LEONARDO Really? Have you tried leaving a note in the kitchen saying, Please wash all the pots and ... ? P I've Left notes, LOve sent text messages, emails, e\(erything. And he always says, 'Oh, sorry, I promise to do it next time, I forgot, I'm really busy.- and then, every time I wake up because he leaves most of the time earlier than me, Like, the kitchen is a mess. It's really, really bad. L Well, I also have problems with my neighbour. He sings very loudly in the morning and irs not that bad but he tries to imitate an opera singer. P That's really bad. L It is really bad but there's nothing I can do about it, like leaving a note or sending text messages or emails because I don't even know him.  ELA Well, in our flat there are five rooms. There's a living room and a bedroom - they're quite big - and we also have a study, a kitchen and a bathroom. I suppose my favourite room is the study, It's also the smallest room but it's the room that I really feel is mine. I don't just work in the study; I also like to lie on the sofa and read a good book. (f;'-€!ill') NATALIE SO, Megan, I know you"ve Lived in a few different countries. I was just wondering how you felt when you moved into a new place, How did you get on with your neighbours? MEGAN Erm, now that I live in the UK, I don't know any of my neighbours at all. I think that might be also because I live in an apartment block and you just never have any contact with anybody, When I was living in Costa Rica we lived in a house, erm, but also, it was much more common to talk to your neighbours. Very quickly, as soon as we moved in, all the Ladies on the street came by, knocked on the door, introduced themselves. N That's really nice, M It was really nice. It was much easier to get to know people in the community. N Uh huh.  block back fork broken school architect quiet question  1 back 2 technology 3 parking 4 quiet 5 ticket 6 market 7 square 8 headache 9 quick 10 stomach 11 thick 12 think 169 
f, a The Vatican City is in Rome, Italy. b San Marino is in the east of Italy. c Nauru is an island in the South Pacific. d The Marsballislands and Tuvalu are groups of islands in the Pacific Ocean. e Saint Kitts and Nevis is a two-island nation in the Caribbean Sea. The Maldives are in the Indian Ocean, south-west of Sri Lanka. g Malta is in the Mediterranean Sea, to the south of Sicily. h Liec,htenstein is between Austna and Switzerland. Monaco is in the south of Europe, on the Mediterranean coast, and it borders France. . PRESENTER In the studio with me today is Hiroto Saitou, the author of a fascinating new book about sumo wrestling called Yokozuna, published by Newman Press. Hirota Saitou, welcome. HIROTO Thank you. P What exactly does the title of your book, Yokozuna, mean? H Well, yokozuna is the very highest rank in sumo. If you're a yokozuna, you're a top champion. Sometimes there are no yokozuna, and at other times there have been three or four at the same time. The name comes from the rope - called a tsuna - that the yokozuna wears. The rope can weigh up to 20 kilos but it's not used during matches. It's only worn before matches, during a special ceremony, P I see. Now, I always thought sumo wrestlers had to be Japanese, but that's not true, is it? H That's right. Traditionally, sumo is very much a Japanese sport and, for foreigners, it was very difficult to become a yokozuna. But in 1993, Akebono Taro was the first foreigner to become a ,okozuna in 1500 years. He was the first non-Japanese to reach the highest rank. 'p So is that why he's such an important person in sumo? H Yes, because, erm, before Akebono, nobody believed that foreigners could become yokozuna. P So, where's he from? H Well, he was born in Hawaii. His real name is Chad Haaheo Rowan. He changed his name when he went to Japan. P Now, there seem to be a number of Hawaiians who are good at sumo. Why is that? H Well, some Hawaiians make excellent sumo wrestlers because they are big and heavy. They can put on weight quite easily. Konishiki, for example, was another successful Hawaiian '.110 '..-..:.:, _,.:._,::..._--:::'::;...-::.': ....::..' 0. : wrestler, though he never became a yokozuna. The two men actually fought each other in March 1991, It was the first sumo match between two nonJapanese wrestlers and Akebono defeqted Konishiki. P Oh. So, what was special about Akebono? H Well, he was an unusual success story. As a young man, he enjoyed , playing basketball and he won a basketball scholarship. He also wanted to study hotel management. but then he became interested in sumo from watching it on TV. A family friend introduced him to Azumazeki Oyakata, who was also from Hawaii. Azumazeki had his own group of sumo wrestlers, which we call a 'stable'. So in 1988, Rowan flew to Japan to join Azumazeki's stable, There, he was given his professional name, Akebono, which means 'new dawn', P And he was extremely successful in his career, wasn't he? H Yes, that's right. His first professional appearance was in March 1988 and during his thirteen years of sumo wrestling, he won the Emperor's Cup a total of eleven times. He retired in 2001. P That's fascinating. Thank you very much for giving us an insight into this extraordinary sport.  1 He was born in Hawaii. 2 He won a basketball scholarship, 3 He wanted to study hotel management. 4 He became interested in sumo from watching it on TV. 5 He flew to Japan to join Azumazeki's stable. 6 Akebono defeated Konishiki. 7 He was the first foreigner to become a yokozuna in 1500 years. 8 He retired in 2001. ., agree become decide defeat enjoy finish practise retire study suggest  decide> decided practise> practises buy> buying speak> spoken ( RENATA I think one of the most important people in Polish history, I mean recent history, is Lech Watsa ... INTERVIEWER Right. R ... who was the first president of Poland after communism. As far as I know, he was an ordinary worker, but he had a very strong character and he wanted to change the country. He became Leader of a kind of workers' organisation, I mean Solidamosc. That was Solidarity? The union? R Solidarity, yes. So he was a real leader and people followed him. Do you know anything about his life? R Not very much. I think' he wa'S an electrician and I know that he worked in Gdansk. I remember him from that time, but I don't know what he did before that. OK. And then he became the president? R Yes, Communism ended in Poland in 1989 and Walfi!Sa won the election for president. I And how long was he president? R Five years? Yes, five years. And then he lost the next election in 1995. Right. \) RENATA When it comes to places, I think that Krakow is very important. INTERVIEWER Yeah, of course, R You probably know it was the capital of Poland in the past. It's a very nice city, an old city and It has a very rich history. It gets a lot of tourists but it's also a place where artists live and that creates a special atmosphere, Right. Do you mean it's an artistic place? R Well, yes, there's a lot of beautiful architecture, galleries and music as well. Especially if you're around in the evening, and you go to clubs and pubs. It's the place to go to hear jazz. Is Krakow well known for jazz? R Yes, you can find a lot of jazz clubs in the city centre. If you enjoy listening to music and stuff, you should definitely go. I It must have a very interesting history. RYes ... I don't know much about its history. It was the capital of Poland but then the capital was moved to Warszawa, to Warsaw... but Krakow is still the art capital of Poland. Is it near Warsaw? R No. No, Warsaw is more or less in the centre of the country but Krakow is in the south, I Ah. And how big is it? R It's not very big, maybe the fourth or fifth biggest city in Poland? I don't really know for sure, but I think the population is less than a million. Right. Ij 1 PAT I'm so looking forward to seeing you, Helen, and meeting your new boyfriend ... Luis, right? But what clothes should I bring? Is it warm? HELEN Yes, it's warm in the day but bring some jumpers or a jacket or something for the evenings. P Jumpers? Thick ones, woolly ones, you mean? 
HEr, yes, maybe. p Like my blue one? You know the one? H Yes, the blue one or your red one or whatever. It doesn"Cmatter. 2 P So, what are we having for lunch, darling? HEr, rm not sure yet. Maybe some soup? (later! P Mmmm, this sop's absolutely delicious. Your cooking has got much better, Helen. What's in it? H Oh, er, vegetables mainly. Onions, peppers, potatoes and stuff like that. P Right. So, you, er, chop the veg, and then what? H Well, I think you add water and some herbs and things... Sorry, I didn"t actually make it. Luis did. P Ah, OK. Well, tell him it was lovely, and I'd like the recipe! When are WE seeing him again? H This afternoon, at three. P Ah. 3 P So, Luis, you were born in Spain, right? LUIS Yes, that's right. In Galicia. P Oh, yes. Where exactly? L Well, actually, in a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere! It was sort of surrounded by mountains. The nearest town was Ortigueira, which is on the, er, the north-west coast. P Oh, right. And did you stay there throughout your childhood? L No. We moved to Argentina, to Buenos Aires, when I was three, so I don"t really remember it at all. But rve always had a, a kind of special feeling about the mountains. It's difficult to explain, but I love being able to see the mountains. It gives me a sense of space, I guess. ., student president parliament government important elephant  1 student ,2 moment :3 different 4 important 5 president 6 accountant 7 apartment 8 excellent 9 independent 10 elephant  NATALIE It's really strange about mobile phones these days. I know I have a funny relationship with mine because sometimes I will use it every day and then I'll go for three weeks when I just leave it at home and I don"t bother with it. What about you? PAULA How, how do you communicate with people when you, er, leave your mobile behind? N The funny thing is, I don't. I quite like just to leave it in the house and have nobody call me. .if2:-::-;;_::.=c-:",:':';';:-:7;:':::":'':." " P I think, I don"t know, I think I would die without my mobile phone. N Re2lly? P If I, the, the few times that I, I, forget it I just feel naked without it. I, I become desperate. I need to have my mobile phone with me ." erm ... N Is that for someone to contact you r for you to send messages? P I don't know, It's just the fact that I need it with me all the time, METIN I have an old iPod which I only use for music. I always leave it in my coat pocket so when I go out, I know I have it. I use it all the time ... on the way to work. on the bus, when I go shopping ... The other day it was hot so I left my coat at home and forgot my iPod. I was so bored ." and also kind of nervous. I really need my music to relax. FABIO Wow, interesting! I have an iPod, too, but I hardly ever use it. It was just a waste of money. M Really? I couldn't live without mine, F Well, to be honest, rm just not interested in electronic gadgets, machines and stuff. I don't even have a computer at home. I don't know how to use them" M You're joking! F No. It makes life easier, not having that stuff. M No way! It would make life more difficult for me, I mean, how do you live without the Internet? F It's easy... Actually, I have a mobile phon. My copany gave it to me and I use it for my job" Well ... and to call friends, sometimes. And check the football scores. But that's it! M Hm. 6 Call 1 BANK 'ASSISTANT You're through to Alan at Interbank, How can I help you? CHRISTINE Oh, hello. Can I check hew much is in my account, please? B Of course. I"ll just have to ask you a few questions, for security. ... B OK, that's fine. Erm, your bank balance is two thousand, two hundred and twenty-five dollars a nd fifty-three cents. C How much? B Two thousand, two hundred and twenty-five dollars and fitty-three cents. I don"t understand. I thought I only had about two hundred. Was a large amount paid in recently? B Er... Yes, two thousand dollars was paid in yesterday. C Really? That's,odd. It must be my annual bonus. I was expecting it ... but not that much. B Er... is there anything else I can help you with today? C No, no. Thanks very much, You've made my day! Call 2 RECEPTIONIST Good '!.I0rnir')g, BC Investments. How can I help you? c Can I speak to John Andrews, please? R Yes, who's calling? c It's Christine, his wife. R Just a moment, please. R Hello, Christine? rm sorry, but John isn"t here at the moment. I think he's at lunch. c Oh, Do you know when he"ll be back? R No, sorry, but he shouldn"t be too long. Do you want me to take a message? c Er, yes, please. When he comes back, could you ask him to call me? Tell him rve got some good news! R All right, I will. Bye. Call 3 JOHN Hello? Hello, John? It's Christine. Hi. Listen, the reception's really bad here. I'll call you back in a second. OK? Yeah, OK. Christine? Can you hear me now? c Yeah, that's better. Listen, I've got some great news. rve got my bonus! J Oh, really? How much is it this time? 200? 300? c No. That's what's so amazing! It's 2,OOO! J 2,OOO! You're joking! Are you sure they haven't made a mistake? Thanks a lot! No, rm sure you've earned every cent. Wow! We could book that holiday in Norway! c That's why rm calling, I checked flights to Norway in May and they're a really good price. Shall I book them? J Er, well ... maybe we should talk about it tonight ... c Come on, John. We've thought about it for years! We"ll never'get another chance like this. OK, OK. Go ahead and book. Listen. rve got to go but I'll call you back later, OK? c OK. Speak to you later.  Call 4 CHRISTINE Hello? BANK MANAGER Oh, hello. Is that Christine Andrews? C Yes. B Oh, hello" This is Paul Jennings from Interbank. Is this a good time to talk? c Yes, it's fine. B rm afraid we've made a mistake on your account, number 12807747. c Oh, no. What's happened? B Unfortunately, a cheque for a different C Andrews was paid into your account by mistake. The person has the same name and almost the same account number. Only one number is different. 111 
We're very sorry but I'm afraid this was a computer error. e Ah. WeLL, that expLains it. B So, we'll make the necessary arrangements and the money will Leave your account today. e Erm, weLL, hold on minute, Unfortunately, I've booked a holiday with the money, so I'll, er, need to call the holiday company to canceL I don't n. .; 1 Can I speak to John Andrews, please? 2 It's Christine, his wife. 3 I'm sorry, but John isn't here. 4 Listen, the re:::eption's really bad here, 5 Just a moment, please. 'i: I used to betieve that monsters lived under my bed. I used to jump out of bed so they couldn't get me. I'd jump out of bed so they couldn't get me. ,, LEONARDO In Costa Rica, if you have a meeting, er, people always ask you, OK, is it going to be Costa Rican time or regular time, 'cos if it is Costa Rican time, you're supposed to get there like maybe thirty or forty minutes later. I think that Costa Rican time exists because people are never in a hurry, people take their time having their breakfast, erm, and you take your time having your lunch and maybe you go to work and you start talking with friends and colleagues and there's never a hurry for anything, MEGAN I also find that because I'm in a hurry to get where I'm going I'm usually right on time and I have to get used to the fact that, erm, everybody else is going to be getting to the meeting a little bit more slowly and that things will probably start after we've had a ccffee and a chat as opposed to right on time.  receive money eight they ( group A ceiling journey key receipt Turkey ( 1 neighbour 2 receipt 3 key 4 grey 5 journey group B grey neighbour weigh 6 ceiling 7 eight 8 money 9 weigh 10 receive 172 ,: " :-::$irtt:: I.f LEWIS Do we have to watch this? AMELIA What? L This boxing match. Can't we watch something else? A No, I want to see it. L But you don't like boxing. A I do. I've always liked it. L But why? I think it's awful. A Really? I find it quite exciting. ,, AMELIA Really? I find it quite exciting, LEWIS But it's very violent. I mean, a lot of boxers get injured. Some even die. A Sorry, but more people die in football matches, you know - from heart attacks and stuff. Lots of sports can be dangerous, L Yes, but in football, you're not trying to hurt someone, are you? In boxing, the idea is to hit the other guy until he can't stand up. A We all know that people are aggressive. Naturally. It's silly to say they're not- L Well, not really. I think it depends on their environment. A Hmm... anyway, boxers don't just hit each other, you know. They train for thousands of hours. The best boxers are great athletes - like Mohammed Ali. And anyway, nobody has to box. They have a choice. I really feel that if people want to box, we shouldn't stop them. L And what about children - like under sixteen - they shouldn't box. They're too young. And it teaches them to be violent and- A No, no. It's a sport, like any other sport, and it actually trains them to defend themselves. And it's perfectly safe ... they wear helmets and all the protective gear. L But what if people want to fight, in the streets, or in the park? A Of course that's not the same. In a proper boxing match, they have rules to protect the boxers- L Yeah, but- A Just a second. The thing is, they have rules and there's a referee. The boxers wear gloves, there are doctors near the ring. If you ban boxing, people will just start boxing illegally and that'll be a lot more dangerous. L OK, that's a good point. A Another thing is, being a boxer is a job, you know. Some people box to make money, to live. L But you said boxers are great athletes, right? A Yes, exactly. L So they don't have to box. They could do another sport ... 'Oh, look, it's finished, A What, already? Oh, thanks a lot. L Sorry. Erm ... would you like some more coffee? ( 1 I think it's awful. 2 I find it quite exciting. 3 We all know that people are aggressive 4 And anyway, nobody has to box. 5 I really feel that if people want to box, we shouldn't stop them, 6 Of course that's not the same, 7 The thing is, they have rules and there's a referee. 8 Another thing is, being a boxer is a job, you know. . 1 Srry, but more people die in football matches, you know. 2 Ys, but in football, you're not trying to hurt someone, are you? 3 Well, nt re-ally. I think it depends on their environment. 4 Jst a scond. The thing is, they have ruLes and there's a referee. 5 OK, tht's a g;od pint. 6 Y;s, ex;ctly. f 1 If I see Susan,[li give her your message, 2 If I had a bike, [Q use it to get to work. 3 He'd be a lot healthier if he did some exercise. 4 If we 9Q to Spain, we'll visit Andalusia first. 5 If you had a computer, your life would be a lot easier. 6 If she works late, she'LL get a taxi home. Ij,  1 A Can I take you out for dinner? B That would be lovely! 2 A Would you close the window, please? B Yes, it is rather coLd. 3 A Let's eat and then go to the cinema. B I'd prefer to go to the cinema first. 4 A Brandon Hotel. Can I help you? B Yes. I'd like to book a room, please. 5 A We're going for a drink. Can you come too? B I'd love to. ru just get my jacket. 6 A Would it be possible to meet up tomorrow? B I'd rather meet today if we can. 7 A Would you mind lending me your dictionary? B Sorry, but I'd rather not. I'm using it now. 8 A How about coffee at three o'clock? B Four would be better for me.  tg..,£-t*::-==:-::-l:..-Lt"":f7::.;:0x";:5:-;';':':::':':-£i:-*;";. ,:-: :...-:::.,-,: -:_- _ _'-.===_:.==---=:-:......::?_';,,-:...__:..:..:::;s-=-=_=:-=___=-_-__'O...::;. .-_-- 
o " MIGUELA A couple of years ago, I planned a holiday to Australia and I really wanted to, er, improve my speaking before I went, so I went back through my coursebook CD and listened to all the conversations in shops and restaurants and things like that again. ASLAN OK. M And then I read the scripts, and I tried to speak at the same time as the recording. A You mean you repeated each line after the recording? M You can do that at first, yes. But after a while, you can actually try to speak at the same time as the person on the recording, A Wow! And did it work? M Yeah, it gets easier the more times you do it, of course. You can do it with songs too, but that's more difficult. A Mm, Well, I had one teacher who told us to use dictaphones, you know? Voice recorders? M Yeah, I know. And you can use your computer for that too. A That's right, yeah. Well, we all had to prepare a talk about something - I think I did a talk about Istanbul, actually. So I planned and recorded it. M OK. A Then I listened to my talk, and I wrote down what I said. M That's interesting. And then ... A Then I tried to, er, improve the text, you know, to make it better. M How did you do that? A Well, I checked my grammar, I looked up some new words in a dictionary, checked some pronunciation, things tike that. Then I practised my talk again, and recorded it again. I remember I recorded my talk three or four times, M Wow! A Yeah, By the end it was brilliant. No, really, it was. It was much better. So I d,o this sometimes when I know I have to give a talk in English. Irs quite hard work, but it really helps, ;,, 1 LEONA Excuse me, I'm Leona Cook from UPC news. Can you tell us, what do you think about Sandstown airport? KARL Well, I haven't thought about it a lot, but I suppose it should be moved, It's very old. I remember when it was built ... thirty-five, forty years ago? L Forty-two years. What do you think about the idea of simply extending the airport by building another terminal? Wouldn't that be better? K Well, I'm not sure about that. There isn't room, unless they build over the Norh Park, and I wouldn't want that. I don't think there are enough green spaces in the town as it is. 2 LEONA Excuse me. Can I ask you, what's your opinion about the airport? Where do you think it should be? CAROLE I know some people think we should move it, but I don't really agree. I use the airport quite a lot and it's good to have the airport near the town. It's true we need a bigger airport, but the location isn't a problem. L But if they made the airport bigger, they'd have to build over the North Park, wouldn't they? Surely that wouldn't be a good thing? C Actually, I'm not so sure. I grew up near that park and I don't think it's anything special, and It'S already very noisy because of all the planes. But there's lots of lovely countryside outside the town, and we don't want to lose that. 3 LEONA Excuse me, Leona Cook, UPC news. There's a lot of discussion at the moment about the airport here and where it should be. Do you have any thoughts on that? ABBAS Well, I might be wrong, but I think they should build the airport near Sibley. But not in the Nature Reserve. L But Sandstown already has an airport. Wouldn't it be cheaper just to make that airport bigger? A That's a good point, but I think they could sell the land in Sandstown. I guess it's worth a lot of money. Then they could use that money to pay for the new airport. Yeah.  I haven't tho"ught about it a lt, but I suppse [it should be mvedJ. 2 Well, I'm nt sure about that. 3 I dgn't rellally agree. 4 It's tnYe (we ne"ed a bigger ;irport, but the location Isn't a problemJ. .. " 5 I'm not so sure. 6 I might be wrng, but I think Ithey should build the a"irport near Sibley!. 7 Tht's a go"od p;int, but [I think they could sell the lnd in Sndstown!. 8 I gulless (it's wrth a lt of mney!. 6, people channel usual awful ': ';\-""l1 1 skilful 2 simple 3 people 4 hospital 5 vegetable 6 national 7 travel 8 possible 9 useful 10 vowel 11 usual 12 awful 173 
-- Vowels Short vowels /g/ /(£/ /U/ /D/ /1/ /i/ /e/ /A/ teach er go mrried m b oo k cou ld g,n gQt in swim happy easy wt ny c.\!p .\!nder Long vowels /3:/ /a:/ /u:/ /':):/ /i:/ h er shirt ar m c ar b lue t oo or w£1k ea t m eet DipthDgS /eg/ /Ig/ /Ug/ /':)1/ /aI/ /eI/ /gU/ /au/ ch air wh ere n ea r we"re t our b oy nQ!sy ,nine eye right d ay gg, .Qver ou t b row n Consonants voiced unvoiced /b/ /0/ /V/ /d3/ /d/ /z/ /9/ /3/ he Qit !he yery liye lob paRe Qown reg maga.?;ine RirL ba teLevion /p/ /8/ /f/ /tJ/ /t/ /s/ /k/ /S/ P.ark shop' !hink bo!b. face Lau gh ch ips tea ch lime while ee rif.e f.oLd Look sh oe fi sh /m/ /n/ /D/ /1/ /r/ /w/ /j/ /h/ me name now rain thi ng drink late hello caLry wr ite '!!.e wh ite i OU }::es bot hand 114 "-. -". - ""- - ."_:;"" ,"_".:_-_:.-..:- '_F"_". :" 
i; ,. '. .-7-'?:o.).? .-:. .'> .:O.'- wgar vrerb I fi t '. . <t . . . ' . : , P, . st . . .. ' . s , i . 'm . ' p 'i . e . "'.:.' , :;'? .' : . p . .. . '. . a . rt . .'.' . ' . p . .a . :. . rt . ::'Oiipl;:. : .ini iye \. ,,:,;,: . _ All forms are the same bet cost cut hit let put set Past simple and past participle are the same bring brought build built burn burned buy bought catch caug ht dream dreamed fued fud feel felt fight fought find found get got have had hear heard hold held keep kept learn learned leave left lend lent lose lost make made mean meant meet met pay paid read In:dl read Ired! say said sell sold send sent shoot shot s sat sleep slept smell smelled pell spelled spend spent stand stood teach taught tell told think thought understand understood win won i ! d2;;;'::::,;.:_;. __ - - .  _ _ .-.- r-!:. .:. .-....- .t;tr  ={t -  .iiI:'::..' .:,:: ::;'/ll:.'. All forms are different be was! Were been begin began begun " blow blew nL break broke can could beenca'ble to choose chose chose'n .:. ':. do did done draw drew drawn drink drank drunk drive drove drive n eat ate eaten fall fall fa llen fly flew flown forg et fa rgot forgotten freeze froze frozen give gave given go went been I gone grow grew grown hide hid hidden know knew known ride rode ridden ring rang rung rise rose risen see saw seen shake shook shaken show showed shown sing sang sung n.. speak spoke spoken steal stole stolen swim swam swum take took taken throw threw thrown wake woke woken wear wore worn write wrote written Infinitive and past participle are the same become became become come came come run ran run Infinitive and past simple are the same beat beaten 115 -... :... .:;::Z:=-_'-;-:-: 
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