                    Europaisches Patentamt
@	European Patent Office
Office europeen des brevets
© Publication number: 0 378 976 B1
(45) Date of publication of patent specification :
08.09.93 Bulletin 93/36
@ int. Cl.5: F41A3/72, F41A 17/42
@ Application number: 89830560.2
(22) Date of filing : 21.12.89
© Automatic safety device for fire arms.
(зо) Priority: 11.01.89 IT 510189
@ Date of publication of application :
25.07.90 Bulletin 90/30
10, Via P. Beretta
I-25063 Gardone V.T. (Brescia) (IT)
@ Publication of the grant of the patent:
08.09.93 Bulletin 93/36
@ Inventor: Beretta, Pier Giuseppe
18 Via P. Beretta
i-25063 Gardone V.T. (Brescia) (IT)
@ Designated Contracting States :
@ Representative : Manzoni, Alessandro
(Ц) References cited :
BE-A- 795 653
DE-B- 1 213 761
FR-A- 1 447 906
1-25121 Brescia (IT)
ЕР 0 378 976 В1
Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any
person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted.
Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been
filed until the opposition fee has been paid (Art. 99(1) European patent convention).
Jouve, 18, rue Saint-Denis, 75001 PARIS

1 ЕР 0 378 976 В1 2 Description SPECIFICATION The present invention generally concerns those fire arms which are operated starting from their open- bolt position, and in particular an automatic safety de- vice for said fire arms and especially designed for au- tomatic guns. Fire arms which are operated starting from their open-bolt position have to be first manually cocked by taking back the bolt till it is engaged by the tripping mechanism of the arm. This operation may however cause an accidental and therefore dangerous shot. In fact, a faulty or in- complete manual move of the bolt or its release during its cocking or a shock taking the ammunition into the barrel causing an uncontrolled shot cannot be exclud- ed. The purpose of the present invention is instead to prevent such an eventuality and thus its possible con- sequences. Specifically, it is the purpose of the present in- vention to make available an automatic safety device for the above mentioned type of fire arms which is able to immediately stop the bolt in whichever position in case of a faulty or incomplete operation or in case it moves back by accident, in order to prevent said bolt from advancing before it is safely engaged in the trip- ping mechanism of the arm; thus "obliging" the oper- ator, while he is cocking the arm, to take the boltlock on the tripping mechanism. Said purpose is fulfilled by an automatic safety device for fire arms according to the characterizing part of claim 1. The device is therefore performinng the following functions owing to its special design. - It goes into action only the moment the arm is cocked: while the arm is operating either auto- matically or with individual shots, the whole safety device is cut off and thus inactive; - With the proposed solution the bolt of the arm cannot be manually displaced without activat- ing the safety device to allow it to exert its func- tions; - during manual cocking the device allows the bolt to move in one directions only, i.e. its rear- ward motion towards the tripping mechnism to take it into its correct cocked position; - in case of a faulty or incomplete move or if the boltlock is released too soon, the safety device makes any accidental shot impossible. The document BE-A-795 653, for exam- ple, disclose a fire arm having a bolt which is manually displaceable by means of a slider in a breech starting from an advanced closed position against the barrel and ending in an open rear position defined by a tripping mech- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 anism, the breech being provide with a longi- tudinal slot at least at one side of which a tooth- ing is fitted made of a sequence of teeth trans- versely oriented with respect to the direction in which said bolt is displaced. Very advanta- geously, the safety device according to the present invention can be assembled not only on new arms, but also to already used automat- ic guns to transform them and improve their safety. More details of the invention will be more evident in the following description made with reference to the enclosed drawings which are merely illustrative and by no means restrictive and where: Fig. 1 shows a partial elevation of a fire arm in idle position, fitted with a safety device; Fig. 2 shows a sectional view of an arm with its bolt in forward closed position and with its safety device in idle position; Figures 3,4,5,6,7 show a sequence of intermedi- ate positions of the bolt and the safety device during the manual cocking operation; Figures 9 and 10 show the device while it is being inactivated and in idle position at the end of man- ual cocking respectively. Said drawing shows a breech 10 with barrel 10’ of a fire arm, e.g. an automatic gun, and with a bolt 11 which is manually displaceable, by means of a slider 12, from a front and closed position resting against the barrel to a rear and open position defined by a tripping mechanism the moment in which the arm is to be used. Said slider 12 is assembled to the breech 11 through a support 13 which is fixed to the breech and can thus be displaced together with it. Slider 12 is as- sembled and guided on support 13 and sliding in the direction in which the bolt is displaceable. Support 13 is inserted into a longitudinal slot 14 cut into the breech 10 to allow the opening and closing displace- ments of the bolt 11. At least at one end of said slot 14 the breech 10 is fitted with a sequence of teeth 15 sloping transversally to the sense of displacement of bolt 11. In support 13 a slot 16 which is parallel to the axis of bolt 11 is provided to receive a pin 17 traversing the support 13 and thus the slider 12. Slot 16 and pin 17 cooperate in delimiting the sliding motions of slider 12 on support 13 and taking back said support with the bolt when the latter has to be manually taken into its open position. In the illustrated embodiment said rearward displacement of support 13 with bolt 11 is actually obtained by placing the front end 12’ of the slider against the head of support 13. Between support 13 and slider 12 a spring 18 is normally keeping the slider 12 displaced to the front end of support 13, while the pin 17 is pushed against the front end of slot 16. In addition, on support 13a rocking catch lever 19 2
3 ЕР 0 378 976 В1 4 is pivoted on a pin 20, said pin crossing the direction in which bolt 11 is displaced. The front end of said rocking lever 19, i.e. its end directed towards the front end of the breech 10, is fitted with a tooth 21 designed to interact, from back to forth only, with the toothing 15 on the breech, while its rear end 22 is designed to interact with pin 17, as will be explained here under. Said lever 19 is also subject to a spring 23 to normally keep its tooth 21 displaced towards the toothing 15 and its end 22 towards pin 17 or to engage it on said pin. The operation of the safety device will now be de- scribed by specifying some of its characteristic opera- tional stages. A. Arm in neutral position In Figures 1 and 2 the arm is shown in its neutral position: bolt 11 is in its advanced position and resting against the rear end of barrel 10’; the safety device is released. In particular, the position of the components of said device is: - slider 12 is in its advanced position owing to the pressure exercised by spring 18 and kept in this position by pin 17 cooperating with slot 16 in support 13; - catch tooth 21 of rocking lever 19 is lifted above the toothing 15 on breech 10; and - tail 22 of said lever 19 is resting against pin 17 in slider 12. B. Manual cocking The first stage of manual cocking comprises a pressure exercised in the direction of arrow F on slid- er 12 to slightly displace it (by 10 mm approx.) on its support 13 and thus in respect to bolt 11, support and bolt not moving during this first stage. After that, when slider 12 has compressed the spring 18 like shown in Fig. 3, it is in such a position that it disengages tall 22 of rocking lever 19 from pin 17 in the slider: now lever 19, pushed by its spring 23, is able to move on till its front tooth 21 is resting on the outer surface of breech 10, i.e. on its section com- prising the toothing 15, while its tail end 22 is level with pin 17 of the slider. While the manual cocking is continued slider 12, after eliminating the space (10 mm approx.) separat- ing its front end 12’ from the head of support 13, will start to actually push back bolt 11. As shown in Figures 4 and 5, owing to spring 23, the front tooth 21 of rocking lever 19 is constantly kept in contact with breech 10, while its rear end 22 is at interacting level with pin 17. As the backward motion is continued (see Fig. 6) catch tooth 21 of lever 19 is travelling on the toothing 15 till the end of the cocking operation, i.e. till bolt 11 is catched and fastened by 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 the (not represented) tripping mechanism of the arm. Before reaching this final condition of the bolt al- lowing the actual use of the arm, some possibilities ought to be taken into consideration. B. Faulty move of the operator If during manual cocking the operator accidental- ly lets go the slider 12 or lets it go being erroneously convinced it has reached its correct position, he will bring about the situation shown in Figures 7 and 8. In fact, as the spring 18 of slider 12 is no longer com- pressed by the operator it will extend and take slider 12 to its advanced position on support 13. But by mov- ing on slider 12 takes pin 17 towards the tail end 22 of the rocking lever 19 which, as said before, is thus engaged by said pin. In consequence, said rocking lever is obliged to move in the direction of arrow G in Fig. 7 and thus engage tooth 21 in the toothing 15 on breech 10 (see Fig. 8). Lock 11 is therefore imme- diately stopped in the position to which it has been displaced and where it has been abandoned, thus be- ing absolutely unable to reach its closed position. The arm is thus in a static condition of partial opening of its bolt and at any rate in a safe position, while the trigger is fully indepennt from any motion of the bolt. B.2 Continuation of the cocking operation (after an eventual blocking as in B.1.) As it can be seen in Fig. 8, it is not possible to act on the safety device to release it and allow the bolt 11 to advance towards the barrel 10’ into its closed position. In fact, any action exerted on slider 12 in or- der to push on the bolt 11 will only result in a tighter engagement of the catch tooth 21 of rocking lever 19 in the toothing 15 on the breech. Thus the only thing the operator can do is to restart the manual cocking operation by grasping the slider 12 and push it back- wards and when its front end 12’ is in tight contact with support 13 he will be able to move back the bolt till it is correctly engaged in the tripping mechanism. B.3 . Correct cocking (interception of the bolt by the tripping mechanism). It is now obvious that the operator is still "obliged" to displaced the lock towards the tripping mechanism, as otherwise he will by no means able to use the arm for shooting. On the other hand, the safety device is inactivat- ed only with the bolt engaged in the tripping mecha- nism. To this purpose a release plate 24 is fitted on the breech 11 after the rear end of toothing 15, said plate 24 interacting with the locking lever 19 so as to lift and displace it into its neutral position as soon as the bolt has reached its correct cocked position. The 3
5 ЕР 0 378 976 В1 6 interaction of the release plate 24 with the rocking lever 19 is shown in Fig. 9 of the drawing where it can be seen how, on one hand, the catch tooth 21 of lever 19 is displaced by plate 14- arrow H - above toothing 15 and, on the other hand, tail 22 of said lever is sit- uated below pin 17 of slider 12. That is why, once the slider is no longer subject to the manual traction of the operator, it is pushed on by spring 18 and goes back to its rest position - see arrow F - taking pin 17 against the top part of the tail end 22 of lever 19, thus keeping said lever out of ac- tion (as it was at the beginnig of the manual cocking operation (see Fig.2). Now the arm is ready for shooting both single shots and automatically, while the safety device stays totally inert but always ready to exert its function as soon as the bolt of the arm has to be cocked again. Claims 1. Automatic safety device for fire arms, like auto- matic guns, to be operated starting with their bolt is in open position both for automatic shooting and single shots, said bolt (1) being manually dis- placeable by means of a slider (12) in a breech (10) starting from an advanced closed position against the barrel and ending in an open rear position defined by a tripping mechanism, the breech (10) being provide with a longitudinal slot (14) at least at one side of which a toothing (15) is fitted made of a sequence of teeth transversely oriented with respect to the direction in which said bolt is displaced, characterized in that a support (13) is fixed to said bolt (11) and extent- ing into said longitudinal slot (14), in that said slid- er (12) is assembled to said support (13) and able to slide between an advanced position where it is axially disengaged from the support and a rear position where it is axially engaging said support in order to take the bolt (11) to its rear, open pos- ition, in that on said support (13) a rocking catch lever (19) is assembled, one end of said lever (19) being fitted with a catch tooth (21) designed to in- teract with said toothing (15), while its opposite tail end (22) is designed to interact with a pin (17) fixed and displaceable with slider (12) on support (13), in that the pin (17) of the slider (12) and the rocking lever (19) cooperate in order to allow said tooth (21) of lever (19) to engage in said toothing (15) so as to prevent the bolt (11) from advancing in case of a faulty move or release during its mo- tion towards its rear open position, and to main- tain said lever (19) in an inactive position as long as the arm is used for automatic shooting or sin- gle shots, said lever being inactivated when the bolt is in its rear position on the tripping mecha- nism and its catch tooth (21) is not engaged in 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 said toothing (15). 2. Device according to claim 1), wherein a part (12’) of said slider (12) is designed to contact support (13) when slider (12) is in its rear position to dis- place the bolt (11) towards its open position, and where a recuperating spring (18) is placed be- tween slider (12) and support (13) to maintain and retake slider (12) in its advanced position where it is no longer engaging said support (13). 3. Device according to claims 1) and 2), wherein said rocking catch lever (19) is subject to a spring (23) tending to maintain and displace said catch tooth (21) of lever (19) towards the toothing (15) and tail end (22) of said lever (19) at an intercating level with said pin (17) on said slider. 4. Device according to claim 3), wherein the tail end (22) of said lever (19) and said pin (17) are at the same level and spaced between each otherwhen said slider is in its rear position on the support while the bolt is displaced towards its open posi- tion, and where said tail end (22) of lever (19) and pin (17) are at the same level and contacting each otherwhen said slider(12) is in its advanced pos- ition and the catch tooth (21) of said lever (19) is interacting with toothing (15), said tail (22) of lev- er (19) resting instead below pin (17) when slider (12) is in advanced position and said lever is in- activated, so as to keep catch tooth (21) off the toothing (15) on breech (10). 5. Device according to claims 1), wherein on breech (10) a plate (24) is fixed, which interacts with the rocking catch lever (19) in order to inactivate it by moving off its catch tooth (21) from toothing (15) when the bolt is in its rear position on the tripping mechanism. Patentanspriiche 1. Selbsttatige Sicherungsvorrichtung fur Feuer- waffen, wie Maschinenpistolen, die mit ihrem VerschluB in der Offenstellung ausgehend und mit selbsttatiger SchuBfolge Oder mit Einzelfeuer funktionieren und deren VerschluB (11) von Hand ausgehend von einer vorgeschobenen SchlieBstellung mit Hilfe eines Schiebers (12) in einem Bodenstuck (10) gegen den Gewehrlauf bis zu einer hinteren, durch eine Ausloseeinrich- tung bestimmten Offenstellung verschiebbar 1st, wobei das Bodenstuck (10) mit einem Langs- schlitz (14) versehen 1st, an dessen mindestens einer Seite eine Verzahnung (15) vorgesehen 1st, die aus einer Reihe von Zahnen besteht, die quer zur Richtung der Verschiebung des Verschlusses 4
7 ЕР 0 378 976 В1 8 ausgerichtet sind, dadurch gekennzeichnet, daB an dem VerschluB (11) ein Trager (13) befestigt ist, dersich in den oben genannten Langsschlitz (14) hinein erstreckt, daB der Schieber (12) mit der Halterung verbunden ist und zwischen einer vorgeschobenen Stellung, in der er auBer Eingriff mit dem Trager (13) steht, und einer ruckwartigen Stellung, in der er axial mit der Halterung ein- greift, verschiebbar ist, urn den VerschluB (11) in Richtung auf seine ruckwartige Offenstellung zu verschieben, daB auf diesem Trager (13) ein schwenkbarer Abstellhebel (19) angebracht ist, dessen eines Ende mit einem Sperrzahn (21) versehen ist, dermitderVerzahnung (15) zusam- menwirkt, wahrend sein entgegengesetztes En- de (22) mit einem auf dem Trager (13) befestigten und mit dem Schieber (12) verschiebbaren Stiff (17) zusammenwirkt, und daB der Stiff (17) des Schiebers (12) und der Abstellhebel (19) zusam- menwirken, urn dem Sperrzahn (21) des Abstell- hebels (19) zu ermoglichen, mitderVerzahnung (15) einzugreifen, urn das Vorlaufen des Ver- schlusses (11) bei Fehlbedienung bzw. beim Los- lassen wahrend seiner Verschiebung gegen die ruckwartige Offenstellung zu verhindern und urn den Abstellhebel (19) wahrend der Funktion der Waffe bei automatischem SchieBen Oder bei Ein- zelfeuerin einer unwirksamen Stellung zu halten, wobei dieser Abstellhebel unwirksam ist, wenn sich der VerschluB in seiner ruckwartigen Stel- lung aufderAusloseeinrichtung befindetund sein Sperrzahn (21) mitderVerzahnung (15) nicht zu- sammenwirkt. 2. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekenn- zeichnet, daB ein Tell (12’) des Schiebers (12) mit dem Trager (13) in Beruhrung kommt, wenn der Schieber (12) sich in seiner ruckwartigen Stel- lung befindet, urn den VerschluB (11) in Richtung auf seine Offenstellung zu verschieben, und daB eine Ruckholfeder (18) zwischen dem Schieber (12) und dem Trager (13) angeordnet ist, urn den Schieber (12) in seiner vorgeschobenen Stellung zu halten und zuruckzubringen, in der die Ruck- holfeder mit dem Trager (13) nicht mehr eingreift. 3. Vorrichtung nach den Anspruchen 1 und 2, da- durch gekennzeichnet, daB der Abstellhebel (19) von einer Feder (23) beansprucht wird, die be- strebt ist, den Sperrzahn (21) des Abstellhebels (19) in Richtung auf die Verzahnung (15) und das Ende (22) des Abstellhebels (19) in Zusammen- wirkung mit dem auf dem Abstellhebel befindli- chen Stiff (17) zu halten und zu verschieben. 4. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 3, dadurch gekenn- zeichnet, daB das Ende (22) des Abstellhebels (19) und der Stiff (17) auf der selben Hohe und in 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Abstand zueinander liegen, wenn der Schieber in seine ruckwartige Stellung auf dem Trager und der VerschluB in Richtung auf seine Offenstel- lung verschoben ist, und daB das Ende (22) des Abstellhebels (19) und der Stiff (17) auf der sel- ben Hohe liegen und miteinander in Beruhrung stehen, wenn derSchieber(12) sich in seiner vor- geschobenen Stellung befindet und der Sperr- zahn (21) des Abstellhebels (19) mit der Verzah- nung (15) zusammenwirkt, wobei hingegen das Ende (22) des Abstellhebels (19) sich unterhalb des Stiftes (17) abstutzt, wenn der Schieber (12) sich in seiner vorgeschobenen Stellung befindet und der Abstellhebel unwirksam ist, so daB der Sperrzahn (21) entfernt von der Verzahnung (15) auf dem Bodenstuck (10) gehalten wird. 5. Vorrichtung nach Anspruch 1, dadurch gekenn- zeichnet, daB an dem Bodenstuck (10) ein Platt- chen (24) befestigt ist, das mit dem schwenkba- ren Abstellhebel (19) zusammenwirkt, urn ihn durch Entfernen seines Sperrzahnes (21) von der Verzahnung (15) unwirksam zu machen, wenn der VerschluB sich in seiner ruckwartigen Stellung aufderAusloseeinrichtung befindet. Revendications 1. Dispositif de surete automatique pour armes a feu, telles que pistolets-mitrailleurs dont le fonc- tionnement commence avec la culasse mobile en position d’ouverture, et avec decharge automati- que ou coup par coup; cette culasse mobile (11) est deplagable manuellement dans la culasse (10) au moyen d’un coulisseau (12) qui permet de la deplacer d’une position tout en avant de ferme- ture contre le canon, jusqu’a une position reculee d’ouverture determinee par un mecanisme de declenchement, la culasse (10) comporte une fente longitudinals (14) sur au moins une cote de laquelle on a execute une denture (15) compre- nant une serie de dents dirigees de maniere transversale par rapport au sens de deplacement de la culasse mobile, caracterise en ce que - on fixe a cette culasse mobile (11) un sup- port (13) qui s’introduit dans la fente longi- tudinale (14), - ce coulisseau (12) est assujetti a ce rap- port, et II est en mesure de coulisser entre une position tout en avant, ou II est axiale- ment libre du support, et une position recu- lee ой II s’engage axialement dans le sup- port pour deplacer la culasse mobile (11) vers sa position reculee d’ouverture, - on monte sur ce support (13) un levier bas- culant d’arret (19); une extremite de ce le- vier (19) est munie d’une dent d’arret (21) 5
9 ЕР 0 378 976 В1 10 destinee a interagir avec la denture (15) tandis que I’autre extremite de queue (22) est destinee a interagir avec une goupille (17) f ixee, et deplagable sur le support (13) avec le coulisseau (12), - la goupille (17) du coulisseau (12) et le le- vier basculant (19), cooperent pour permet- tre a la dent d’arret (21) du levier basculant (19) de s’engager dans la denture (15) pour empecher I’avance de la culasse mobile (11) en cas de fausse manoeuvre ou de re- lachement lors de son deplacement vers la position reculee d’ouverture, et pour main- tenir inactive ce levier (13) lors du fonction- nement automatique ou coup par coup. Ce levier est inactive lorsque la culasse mobile est en position reculee sur le mecanisme de declancement et que sa dent d’arret (21) n’est pas engagee dans la denture (15). 2. Dispositif selon la revendication 1, caracterise en ce que - une partie (12’) du coulisseau (12) est des- tinee a entrer en contact avec le support (13) lorsque le coulisseau (12) se trouve en position reculee pour deplacer la culasse mobile (11) vers sa position d’ouverture, - un ressort de rappel (18) est situe entre le coulisseau (12) et le support (13) pour maintenir et ramener le coulisseau (12) dans sa position tout en avant oil le ressort n’est plus engage dans le support (13). 3. Dispositif selon les revendications 1 et 2, carac- terise en ce que - le levier basculant d’arret (19) est sol I icite par un ressort (23) qui maintient et deplace la dent d’arret (21) du levier (19) vers la denture (15), et la queue (22) de ce levier (19) au niveau d’inte- raction avec la goupille (17) sur le coulisseau. 4. Dispositif selon la revendication 3, caracterise en ce que - la queue (22) du levier (19) et la goupille (17), se trouvent au meme niveau et eloi- gnees lorsque le coulisseau est deplace en position reculee sur le support et que la culasse mobile est deplacee vers sa posi- tion d’ouverture, - la queue (22) du levier (23) et la goupille (17), se trouvent au meme niveau et en contact lorsque le coulisseau (12) se trouve en position tout en avant et que la dent d’arret (21) du levier (19) interagit avec la denture (15); la queue (22) du levier (23), s’appuie par contre au-dessous de la gou- pille (17) lorsque le coulisseau (12) est en position tout en avant et que le levier est 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 inactive de maniere a maintenir la dent d’arret (21) loin de la denture (15) sur la culasse (10). 5. Dispositif selon la revendication 1, caracterise en ce que - on fixe a la culasse (10) une plaque (24) qui in- teragit avec le levier basculant d’arret (19) pour le desactiver au moyen de I’eloignement de sa dent d’arret (21) par rapport a la denture (15) lors- que la culasse mobile est en position reculee sur le mecanisme de declencement. 6
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