

WAR DEPARTMENT, Washington 25, D. С., 1 November 1944. FM 18-24, War Department Field Manual, Tank De- stroyer Pioneer Platoon, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. By order of the Secretary of War: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. Official: J. A. ULIO, Major General, The Adjutant General. Distribution: T of Opns (2); All SvC(2); Depts(2); Island C (2); Base C (2) ; Def C (2), Sectors (2), Sub- sectors (2) ; Base Sectors (2) ; HD (2) ; В 18 (1) ; R 18 (1); Bn 7, 18 (5), except I Bn 18 (20). I Bn 18-.T/O&E 18-25. For explanation of symbols, see FM 21-6. ii
CONTENTS Paragraphs Pages Section I. General___________________________________ 1-3 1 IJ. Pioneer reconnaissance__________________ 4-7 3 111. Movements______________________________ 8-14 9 IV. Bivouacs__._________________________ IS—21 19 V. Position in readiness----------------- 22-24 30 VI. Combat area___________________________ 25—28 32 VII. Technical training___________________ 29-30 36 VIII. Safe strength of equipment___________ 31—33 38 IX. Road expedients_______________________ 34-37 41 X. Stream crossing expedients____________ 38-41 46 XI. Bridge strengthening------------------ 42—47 52 XII. Determining capacity of bridges___ 48-50 64 XIII. Deceptive measures____________________ 51—53 76 XIV. Mine removal 54-56 80 XV. Bomb and artillery dud disposal----- 57-58 87 XVI. Estimation of demolition charges____ 59-63 90 INDEX__________________________________________________ 97 iii
Section I GENERAL 1. Scope This manual covers the tactical employment of the self-propelled tank destroyer pioneer platoon. It is designed to be used as a guide only and does not provide inflexible rules. All commanders must be encouraged to solve each situation ac- cording to the various factors involved. 2. Equipment The pioneer platoon is organized and equipped to accomplish small construction and demolition tasks. The text and illustrations contained here- in are based on tables of organization and equip- ment in effect at the date of writing. These tables may change at any time; however, the methods and principles described in 'this manual will still be applicable. 3. Mission a. The pioneer platoon 'has two general mis- sions : (1) To prevent the movement of the battalion from being delayed by natural or artificial ob- stacles. (2) To impede or canalize the movement of the enemy by the creation of obstacles. b. Quickly executed field expedients, rather than extensive works or improvements, are the normal tasks assigned the platoon. Note. For military terms not defined in this manual see TM 20-205. 1
c. The personnel of the pioneer platoon are trained to accomplish many tasks, some of the more common being— Strengthening bridges. Improving fords. Making minor road repairs. Clearing road blocks. Making passages through mine fields. Neutralizing booby traps. Assisting in the preparation of gun posi- tions. ’ Improving fields of fire. Constructing road blocks. Increasing the effectiveness of natural obstacles. Laying or removing hasty mine fields. Performing limited demolitions. d. In addition to the above tasks, they are also trained to fight. They must know their weapons and be able to use them. At times, it may be necessary to fight in order to accomplish the pri- mary mission; in emergencies, the platoon may be called on to cover by fire obstacles it has prepared or to reinforce the small arms fire of other ground troops. 2
Section II pioneer reconnaissance 4. General Selected members 'of the pioneer platoon usually accompany elements of the reconnaissance com- pany on route reconnaissance. The reconnais- sance elements report the location of the roads, bridges, obstacles, and similar items; the members of the pioneer platoon report the condition of these items. All obstructions are investigated and reported to the reconnaissance company commander. 5. Missions a. Some of the more common technical matters to be investigated and reported by pioneer recon- naissance elements are enumerated in the follow- ing paragraphs. These lists are to be used as guides and should be modified as experience warrants. b. Roads (FM 5-10). (1) Capacity, includ- ing possible effects of rain or snow. Can the road support the heavy vehicles o'f the battalion under all probable conditions? (2) Obstacles and an estimate of the work re- quired to reduce them (FM 5—30). (3) Wood, gravel, rock, or other materials in the vicinity which could be used to repair the road. (4) By-passes around obstacles if the road can- not be cleared or repaired in a reasonable length of time. c. Bridges (FM 5-10). (1) Construction, 3
to determine the weight the bridge will bear. Bridge cards (par. 49) will be of assistance. (2) Conditions of the approaches, to deter- mine whether or not they can be used safely by the vehicles of the battalion. (3) Repairs needed to the bridge or the ap- proaches before the battalion can safely travel on it. (sec. XI). (4) Materials in the vicinity which may be used for repairs. (5) Presence of demolitions and booby traps and an estimate of the work required to neutralize them. This mission is especially important in ter- ritory which has been occupied by the enemy. (6) Possible effect of a swollen stream or a heavy rain on the bridge and its approaches. (7) By-passes that may be used even though the bridge will carry the battalion; enemy action or weather might render the bridge impassable before the battalion has used it. (8) Time and material needed to destroy the bridge in the event this action should later become necessary (sec. XVI). d. Fords. (1) Approaches to ford sites, to determine whether or not they will support the vehicles of the battalion. If possible, the ap- proaches should be perpendicular to the stream for at least fifty yards and should provide cover and concealment for the vehicles if there is any possibility of enemy observation. The exit need not be exactly opposite the entrance but may be a distance up or down the stream. (2) Depth of the water in relation to the ford- ability of the vehicles of the battalion (par. 38). (3) Condition of the stream bed to determine 4
whether or not it will bear the vehicles of the battalion. (4) Work necessary to prepare 'the approaches and the stream bed for use (par. 38). (5) Materials in the vicinity which can be used for necessary repairs. (6) Possible effect of changing weather condi- tions on the stream bed and approaches. e. Cross-country Routes. (1) All barriers to the movement of the battalion such as wooded areas, soft ground, streams, mined areas, traps, etc. (2) Work required to make the route passable for all vehicles of the battalion. (3) By-passes around any barriers requiring an excessive amount of work to reduce. (4) All opportunities to impede enemy at- tacks, such as the possibilities of mining or con- structing obstacles in likely avenues of approach. /. Mined Areas. (1) Location and extent of mined areas. (2) The presence of booby traps in and around the mine fields. (3) An estimate of the work necessary to clear a path through the mined area or the possibility of by-passing the mine field (sec. XIV). 6. Road and Bridge Guards a. The capacity of bridges, fords, and other critical road sections is substantially increased and the required maintenance greatly reduced by con- trolling the speed and interval of vehicles at these points. b. When tank destroyer vehicles cross points 5
which have a capacity equal to or only slightly greater than the weight of the vehicles, the maxi- mum speed should be five miles per hour; the in- terval between vehicles should be at least 50 yards. A constant speed should be maintained. c. Bridge guards should be stationed at critical points to enforce orders necessary for safe pas- sage. The pioneer element of the reconnaissance party reports the number and locations of guards needed. 7. Pioneer Reconnaissance Reports a. To be of value, the information secured by pioneer reconnaissance elements must be returned to the appropriate headquarters in sufficient time to be used. This information must be clear, con- cise, and accurate. Information obtained by pioneer reconnaissance will ordinarily be incor- porated into the regular reconnaissance report. b. A common means of reporting information is by overlays on maps or aerial photos to show the location of roads, bridges, mined areas, and other items. Notes-on technical information may be placed on the overlays. When maps are not available, sketches may be used. An accurate sketch can be made by the use of a compass and the odometer of a vehicle. c. To insure against omission of important de- tails, forms may be prepared for reconnaissance. Forms cannot be prepared in advance to cover all situations, nor will they always be available in the fieldi FM 5-6 gives guides for reconnaissance. Figures 2 and 3 show sample forms for recon- naissance. 6
Figure 1. Information reported by means of a sketch. P*TE рдмко ROIODESCRIPTION <ттм> fsoce, «CMMtJ UMClUM HOUMI СМЫЙН1 «Л»»»»») r*Oi* «0 О О Figure 2. A form for reporting road information. 7
Figure 3. A form for reporting bridge information. 8
Section III MOVEMENTS 8. Platoon Mission During the movements of the battalion the pioneer platoon will frequently move at the rear of the support of the advance guard. Its mission dur- ing movements may be divided into two general classes: a. To protect the battalion from delay by re- ducing obstacles or by constructing by-passes. b. To impede or canalize the enemy by con- structing obstacles such as road blocks or mine fields. Figure 4. 9
9. Duties The following check lists for duties performed prior to and during movements are given as guides. They should be amplified or modified as experience warrants. a. Platoon Commander. (1) Alerts the pla- toon and issues warning order. (2) Supervises the maintenance of vehicles and the checking and storage of weapons, ammu- nition, mines, tools, equipment, fuel supply, and rations. (These duties are continuous before, during, and after movements.) (3) Checks radio net. (.4) Inspects the platoon and issues the final order. Insures that all know the situation, route, and destination; issues overlays or sketches of routes when time is available for their prepara- tion. (5) Checks intervehicular distance in both col- umn and dispersed formations. (6) Keeps oriented at all times by observation of terrain and map, and by noting odometer dis- tances. (7) Checks maintenance of prescribed speed. (8) Checks observance of blackout instruc- tions. (9) Checks clearing of roads and proper use of cover and concealment at halts. (10) At unscheduled halts, investigates the cause and reports it to the company or. advance guard commander. (11) Sees that all vehicles move at resumption of march—especially at night. (12) Maintains prescribed contact. 10
(13) Reports mine fields. b. Platoon Sergeant. Assists the platoon commander as directed. c. Section Leader. (1) Alerts section. (2) Sees that all members of the section are thoroughly familiar with their specific assign- ments. (3) Passes on to the members of the section all instructions from the platoon commander. (4) Relays all prearranged signals. (5) Checks weapons, explosives, mines, and equipment for completeness and stowage; checks machine guns for adjustment, serviceability, and ammunition. (6) Checks vehicles for maintenance, fuel, equipment, and rations. (7) Checks radios. (8) Maintains control over section during movement. (9) Maintains blackout discipline. (10) Provides security on march and at halts as directed by the platoon commander. (11) Sees that vehicles are properly dispersed and camouflaged at halts. (12) Sees that one man in each vehicle is awake during halts at night. (13) Maintains contact with adjacent section when prescribed. (14) Rotates duties of personnel to provide sufficient rest for all. d. Assistant Section Leader. Assists the section leader as directed. e. Air Compressor Operator. (1) Checks vehicle for maintenance, fuel, and equipment. II
(2) Checks air compressor tools for complete- ness, serviceability, and stowage. f. Radio Operator. (1) Sees that radio is property netted and in operating condition. (2) Operates and maintains radio. (3) Assists in other duties as prescribed by the platoon commander. g. Driver. (1) Operates vehicle and per- forms first echelon maintenance. (2) Utilizes maximum cover and concealment in movement. (3) Keeps vehicle in proper gear so maximum acceleration can be obtained when necessary. (4) Remains with vehicle when halted, and dismounts only when directed. (5) Mans the vehicular weapon when alone with vehicle during halts. (6) Assists in other duties as prescribed. 10. Formations Normally the platoon will move in a column for- mation with the air compressor in the middle of the platoon column. During movements across country, the formations used are adapted to the ground and will vary according to whether other troops are in the area and to the proximity of the enemy. Two standard formations used by the platoon are the block and the diamond. These formations are designed for security and control. The air compressor will take a position in the in- terior of the formation. The platoon may also use other formations, such as the line of sections and echeloned sections. Units that have need for 12
Figure 5- Platoon formations. 13
other formations should not hesitate to design them. Formations should be practiced until the platoon is perfect in their execution. 11. Security during Movement a. March Security. While on the march the platoon commander provides for the security of his unit by the dispersal of vehicles, observation, the use of covered and concealed routes, avoid- ance of dust, detouring defiles where possible, camouflage discipline, blackout discipline, main- tenance of radio silence, and the elimination of all unnecessary noise and traffic. b. Security against Air Attacks. Security against air attacks on the march is gained by dis- persion and alertness. When road space is avail- able and control can be effectively maintained, in- tervehicular distance of about 175 yards is de- sirable. Movement cannot cease every time enemy planes appear, because such halting would enable a few enemy planes to keep a unit from performing its mission on time. For this reason, instructions as to whether to halt or keep moving in the event of air attack will be issued prior to the beginning of the march. The platoon takes immediate measures for protection against low- flying aircraft by using its own weapons which are suitable for fire against aircraft. Carbines, sub- machine guns, and pistols are not considered suit- able weapons. All men must be prepared con- stantly for immediate action, but will fire only upon the order of an officer or responsible non- commissioned officer. No aircraft will be fired upon unless it has been recognized clearly as hos- 14
tile or is positively identified as hostile, or attacks with bombs or gun fire. (1 ) When troops halt during an air attack, vehicles leave the road, when terrain and time permit, and halt under available concealment. Troops not manning antiaircraft weapons dis- mount and disperse; personnel fire all effective weapons at the attacking aircraft. (2 ) When movement continues during an air attack, vehicles maintain distances on the road, or, 15
if the terrain permits, disperse laterally while con- tinuing the forward movement. The fire of all effective weapons is brought against the attacking planes. 12. Flank Guard The platoon or section may be attached to a flank guard. In such a case it may construct road blocks and lay hasty mine fields (with permission of higher authority) to assist in preventing the enemy from striking the flank of the moving col- umn. The location of such obstacles is governed by the most likely approaches of the enemy. The platoon will remove the mines after the column has passed. Mine fields and road blocks will usually be covered by fire, and the platoon may be called on to help provide this fire. 13. Halts a. Unscheduled halts may be the result of un- expected obstacles in the route. In such cases the pioneer platoon may be sent forward to reduce these obstacles. Speed in the execution of these tasks must be attained so the least possible delay in the movement of the column will result. b. During normally scheduled halts the platoon commander ascertains that proper security meas- ures, such as the dispersion and concealment of vehicles and personnel, are taken. He then checks the condition of vehicles and sees that proper maintenance is being executed. Normally, all personnel will be busy during halts. Resting is usually done only in bivouacs. 16
14. Rail and Water Movements Personnel from the platoon will be trained to as- sist the other units of the battalion in the loading, blocking, and securing of vehicles for movement by rail 'or water. The special pioneer equipment may be used to cut blocks and for whatever other purposes are found necessary. The platoon com- mander, assisted by some of his noncommissioned officers, may be detailed to inspect the work per- formed by the loading crews of the various com- panies. Id
Section IV BIVOUACS 15. General a. Entering Bivouacs. When the situation permits, at least part, and preferably all of the pioneer platoon will precede the main body of the battalion to the selected bivouac area, accompany- ing the advance reconnaissance element or the quartering party. This gives time to make neces- sary improvements before the arrival of the main body. During movement into bivouac the essen- tial requirement is 'speed in clearing the road and in finding cover and concealment. The platoon commander or a selected noncommissioned officer should precede the platoon into the area and be prepared to point out the section areas to the sec- tion leaders. After the road has been cleared and all the vehicles of the main body are under cover, the original platoon positions may be im- proved. b. Platoon Plan. A platoon plan facilitates the occupation of a bivouac area. Under ordi- nary circumstances the platoon will occupy an in- terior position; all vehicles halt faced toward the route of egress. In rare instances, when the pla- toon occupies a portion of the battalion perimeter, the machine guns are dismounted and placed on the perimeter; vehicles again face the route of egress. The air compressor will be kept well to- ward the rear where it will receive the most protection. 19
Figure 8> Disposition of platoon tn bivouac. 20
16. Prior to Occupation by Main Body a. General. There usually will be many tasks for the pioneer platoon to accomplish before the main body arrives at the bivouac area. Frequent- ly the routes of ingress and egress to the bivouac will need improving, especially when the routes are muddy because of heavy rain or thaw. Typi- cal improvements include filling ditches, holes, and cuts; cutting down humps Or high ground; remov- ing large rocks from the roads; and providing crossings over small streams. Any unexploded shells or bombs will be disposed of or marked (sec. XV). These improvements should be ex- tensive enough to facilitate the passage of the heavy vehicles of the battalion. b. Improvement of Trails. The trails and roads within the bivouac area may need improve- ment. To avoid excessive tracks within the bivouac, it is desirable to mark routes with white tape. c. Mines. In situations where the bivouac area is in territory once held by the enemy, as will usu- ally be the case, the area may have been mined or planted with booby traps. The pioneer platoon will locate and remove these mines and booby traps to make the area safe for the battalion (sec. XIV). If the area is mined extensively the pio- neer platoon will need assistance in this work. When the bivouac area is found to be heavily mined, an alternate area shgjsld be selected and used if the situation permits. 21
Figure 9- I mprovement of bivouac routes. 22
17. During Occupation a. General. During the actual occupation of the bivouac one of the principal duties of the pla- toon will be to assist the CP group and companies of the battalion in camouflaging and digging in. Whe re the ground is hard, demolitions may be used for emplacements and other protective meas- ures. The platoon is equipped to do this work, but is limited by the amount of explosives carried. b. Protection for Area. To provide protec- tion for the bivouac area, the platoon can be utilized to prepare obstacles along the main ave- nues of approach. Road blocks, mined areas, or other prepared obstacles may be used. Permis- sion from higher headquarters will be obtained before mines are laid or road blocks constructed. Mine fields laid will be marked and reported. The improvement of natural barriers usually is more effective and involves less work than the construction of new obstacles. c. Improvement of Living Facilities. When the battalion is in a rest area, or when it appears that it may remain in a bivouac area for some time, the equipment of the pioneer platoon may be used to improve living facilities. Typical uses are— (1) Constructing improvised showers. (2) Improving cooking and serving facilities. (3) Constructing shelter for the maintenance platoon. (4) Providing dug-in storage for gas and oil cans. 23
18. Security and Safety in Bivouoc a. Security. The platoon security measures— outposts, dispersion, concealment, camouflage, blackout discipline and noise discipline—should be automatic. (For bivouac security in general see FM 18-5.) If the platoon bivouacs alone it 24
establishes outposts for all-round security. In those rare instances when the platoon occupies a portion of the perimeter of a bivouac of a higher unit, it will be assigned a security sector and will establish outposts. The mission of the outposts is to warn of surprise attack, to stop any attack by enemy troops, and to prevent infiltration into the area. Outposts maintain liaison, whenever possible, with more advanced observation and lis- tening posts established by other units and co- ordinate their fields of fire with those of adjacent units. An adequate warning system is estab- lished. b. Blackout Precautions Camouflage and noise discipline and the enforcement of blackout instructions are essential. Some common-sense blackout safety precautions are— (1) Individual vehicles moving within the bivouac in blackout are preceded by a dismounted guide. (2) Sleeping personnel are checked to see that none are near an engine exhaust or in front of or under a vehicle. (3) When the platoon moves from bivouac in blackout, men are carefully checked to see that none are left behind. 19. Routine Duties in Bivouac a. General. Besides the specific missions as- signed to the platoon, there are certain general duties which will be performed after the bivouac has been occupied and organizeAfor defense and security. Primary attention should be given to 25
the combat readiness of the vehicles, to the fight- ing and working equipment, and to 'the comfort and security of the men. Men take care of their vehicles and equipment before they take care of themselves. The platoon leader and noncom- missoned officers see that vehicles, equipment, and men are taken care of before they make them- selves comfortable. A check list for the platoon in bivouac is given below. It should be modified and amplified as experience warrants. b. Security. Are the vehicles dispersed and camou- flaged? Are the machine guns sighted for mutual support and manned? Is the air compressor placed in the best protected location? Have blackout instructions been issued? Have prone shelters or fox holes been dug? Are sentries posted? Is there relief for men on outposts? Are antitank warning system signals un- derstood ? Do the men know the challenge, password, and reply? Are provisions made for proper action in case of air attack? c. Combat Readiness. Are the friendly and enemy situations known by all? Is first echelon maintenance being per- formed? Have all vehicles been refueled? 26
Is the air compressor in good operating condition ? Have the tools been checked and found ready for use? Have the weapons been cleaned and checked for operations? Do all vehicles and personnel have basic ammunition loads? Have all radios been checked? Are reserve rations on hand? Is the platoon ready to move on a mo- ment’s notice? d. Contact. Has contact been established with adjacent units ? Has a messenger been sent to the company CP? Has the company commander been in- formed of the disposition of the pla- toon? Do members of the platoon know the lo- cation of the platoon CP? The com- pany CP? The battalion CP? The battalion aid station? Do the members of the platoon know the location and general disposition of the other platoons of the company? Do the key personnel of the platoon know the location of the men in bivouac? e. Living in and Leaving the Bivouac. Do the vehicles have firm standing? Have latrine facilities been provided? Have the men the best available shelter? Is water available? 27
Have routes of egress been reconnoitered and suitably marked for night move- ment? Is good camouflage discipline maintained? 20. Air attack a. In Bivouac. In the bivouac area all per- sonnel of the pioneer platoon will dig prone shel- ters or fox holes. When hostile planes are sight- ed, fire will be withheld until it is determined that they have located tank destroyer units. Careless firing frequently discloses positions that would otherwise be unobserved. Enemy planes may attempt to draw fire for that purpose. If the planes have located tank destroyer units, fire pow- er of all effective weapons will be used (par. 11£). b. Moving from Bivouac. Units are particu- larly vulnerable to air attack when moving out of bivouac. To avoid any possible congestion the platoon commander coordinates the egress of his unit with other troops in the area. All vehicles must be dispersed as they move out, not closed in with the idea of taking distance on the march. 21. Defense against Bivouac Raids a. Platoon Plan. Each platoon should de- velop and practive a plan to execute in the event of a surprise raid, especially at night. Regard- less of how far back a bivouac is, a sudden raid by infiltrating or airborne troops is always a pos- sibility, and there may be no friendly troops be- tween the tank destroyers and the enemy. In making defense plans the platoon area should be considered as a defense area and the weapons and 28
individual arms of the platoon employed to or- ganize it. b. Action during Raids. (1) Adequate de- fensive action during a night raid requires thor- ough training and rigid discipline. Each unit should adopt a standing operating procedure for defense at night. One method is to prescribe two alert signals, as follows: (л) First signal is sounded when an enemy at- tack or infiltration appears imminent. All per- sonnel occupy prepared positions with 50 percent on alert and others resting. (b) Second signal is sounded when an enemy attack or infiltration is made. All personnel are alerted and remain in prepared positions. All movement within the area is assumed to be hostile and subject to immediate attack. (2) The primary weapons for defense against close-in night attacks are -antitank and antiper- sonnel mines, flares, grenades, bayonets and knives. The firing of weapons is rigidly con- trolled as their flash discloses the location of the firer. There is no withdrawal from a position during a night attack. All men must understand that they are “frozen” to their positions regard- less of xvhat happens. 29
Section V POSITION IN READINESS 22. General A position in readiness is an area which an or- ganization occupies while the battle situation is developing. There will, in all probability, be sev- eral possible combat areas in which the action might take place. During the period of waiting for developments the pioneer platoon is prepared to move rapidly to execute any missions assigned. 23. Reconnaissance of Combat Area While the position in readiness is occupied, pis- sible combat areas are reconnoitered. Usually the pioneer platoon commander and the two sec- tion sergeants go forward, one with each gun company commander, to estimate the extent of work required in missions which they may be called upon to execute within the different areas. 24. Occupation and Duties Dispositions of troops and vehicles in a position in readiness are similar to those in bivouac (sec. IV). While the battalion occupies the position in readiness the pioneer platoon executes the mis- sions assigned after the reconnaissance of the combat area. Principal missions at this time are to see that routes to the selected combat areas are free from obstacles, both natural and man-made (FM 5—30). When time permits, the platoon may assist in improving gun positions. The mis- sions of the platoon may be numerous: therefore the battalion plan of action determines the prior- ity of such tasks. 30
Section VI COMBAT AREA 25. Obstacles a. Removal of Obstacles. It is a function of the pioneer platoon to remove or assist in remov- ing obstacles, both natural and artificial, including mine fields and booby traps (FM 5-30). b. Construction of Obstacles. When time permits the deliberate occupation of positions, all possible means of forcing the enemy to fight on ground chosen by the tank destroyers should be used. The pioneer platoon will often be directed to move forward to execute demolitions, lay mines, build road blocks, and construct other ob- stacles with which to canalize the movement of the enemy (FM 5—30). In selecting gun posi- tions there may be approaches which cannot be covered by fire from the destroyers. Obstacles will be constructed to deny the enemy the use of such approaches. The pioneer platoon may be required to assist the security sections of the gun platoons in covering these obstacles by fire. 26. Preparation of Gun Positions Frequently the pioneer platoon will be employed to assist gun crews in preparing gun positions. The equipment and training of the personnel adapt them to jobs such as assisting in digging gun positions, preparing camouflage, clearing fields of fire, and improving routes into and out of position. The platoon also may be employed 31
Figure 11. Preparation of a gun emplacement. 32
to assist in the preparation of alternate and dum- my gun positions. To add realism to dummy positions the platoon may equip them with ex- plosive charges called fougasses (par. S3). 27. Fire Fight During the fire fight the pioneer platoon reor- ganizes, if necessary, and assists in the defense of the command post. It will be prepared at all times to move forward and perform new missions. 28. Retrograde Movements During a retrograde movement the pioneer pla- toon is generally assigned to the rear guard to assist in delaying the enemy. The platoon pre- pares road blocks, increases the effectiveness of natural obstacles, lays hasty mine fields, and pre- pares bridges and defiles for demolition as di- rected by the rear guard commander. In turn, the rear guard covers the obstacles with fire while the pioneer platoon moves on to the next task in the movement. Authority from the rear guard commander, who in turn will have obtained per- mission from division or higher commander, must be obtained before laying mine fields, installing booby traps, or executing demolitions. 33
Section VII TECHNICAL TRAINING 29. Mission From the previous discussion of the two general missions it will be noted that the tasks of the pio- neer platoon are similar to those of a platoon of combat engineers. The technical training of the platoon must therefore be similar to that of en- gineers. The personnel should be trained thor- oughly in the technique of constructing and removing obstacles and in at least the elementary engineering tasks commonly assigned to the platoon. 30. References a. In addition to the techniques described in this manual, the personnel of the pioneer platoon should be trained in all the techniques given in FM 5-10, Construction and Routes of Communi- cations, FM 5-30, Obstacle Technique, FM 5-31, Land Mines and Booby Traps, and in the follow- ing subjects in FM 21-105, Engineer Soldiers’ Handbook: Engineer tools and common engineer tasks. Elementary rigging. Camouflage. Explosives and demolitions. Bridges. Engineer reconnaissance. Combat weapons. 35
b. In using FM 5-10, FM 5-30, FM 5-31, FM 21—105, and other manuals .referred to in this text, the subject material must be adapted to the organization and equipment of the platoon. Figure 13. Technical references for the pioneer platoon. 36
Section VIII SAFE STRENGTH OF EQUIPMENT 31. General As members of the pioneer platoon will frequent- ly be working with ropes, chains, winches, and like equipment, they must know the safe working strength of this equipment. Should the equip- ment break while being used, personnel may be injured and the mission may not be performed. To satisfactorily complete a mission with the least danger to personnel, the load should always be kept within the safe working strength of the equipment being used. 32. Rope, Wire, and Chain (FM 5-10). The following simple rules are applied to deter- mine the safe working load of rope, wire rope, and chain: a. Rope. Working strength (in tons) equals the diameter (in inches) squared (T = D2). Example: The safe working strength of а y2 inch rope is % ton— T (tons) = D2 (diameter in inches squared) T = У X У = У ton. b. Wire Rope. Working strength (in tons) equals eight times the diameter (in inches) squared (T“=8D2). Example: The safe working strength of a % inch wire rope is 2 tons— T (tons) = 8D2 (diameter in inches squared^ ,;i T = 8 Х^У X У — 2 tons. 37
c. Chain. Working strength (in tons) equals eight times the diameter (in inches) squared (T = 8D2). (Measure the thinnest portion of a link of chain to find the diameter.) Example: The safe working strength of a )4 inch chain is 2 tons— T (tons) = 8D2 (8 X diameter in inches squared) T - 8 X У X )4 = 2 tons. 33. Winches a. Capacity. The table below shows the ca- pacities 'of winches used by the battalion. These capacities must not be exceeded. When there is danger of exceeding the capacity of the winch, the load can be lessened by using blocks (see FM 21-105). Weight of vehicle Winch capacity, lbs. У ton and У ton..............— 5,000 \y ton and 2)4 tons----------- 10,000 4 tons and larger------------- 15,000 b. Shear Pins. To protect against overload, the propeller shaft universal joint is fastened to the worm shaft of the winch by a shear.pin which will break if the winch is overloaded. The shear pin is installed as a safety measure; only the speci- fied pin should be used for replacement. If the pin will not stand the strain, reduce the load on the winch. c. Operation. The winch has two forward speeds and one reverse speed. The lower speed should be used for heavy loads. The winch must be operated with a constant tension on the line, as the winch will not withstand a sudden snap or strain. 38
Section IX ROAD EXPEDIENTS 34. General The pioneer platoon ordinarily is not called upon to make permanent road repairs, but is expected to employ expedient methods for hasty road re- pairs and construction. The type of road built depends on the time available and the usable ma- terials near the road site. (FM 5—10 presents additional road expedients.) 35. Corduroy Roads a. Usage. The corduroy road is one of the most reliable and widely used expedient roads. It may be constructed easily and rapidly when timber is conveniently available. The platoon may construct corduroy roads to improve soft ap- proaches to fords and bridges and to negotiate mud holes and short stretches of swampy ground. b. Construction. The corduroy road is built by laying logs, split or round, crosswise to the axis of the road. The logs should have a mean diam- eter of 6 inches, be as nearly the same size as pos- sible, and be laid by alternating tips and butts. If the logs are large, the spaces may be filled with smaller poles. These poles should be trimmed to fill the gaps closely. To make the road smoother for traveling, the entire structure may be covered with a layer of hay or same similar material which 39
'1 THE METHOD OF PLACING f LONGITUDINAL stringers 1 1H£ METHOD OF LAYlNGp LOGS я> they ащкяа^ ано sum * Figure 14. Corduroy roads. 40 (дев’!»*' |_Й Pty (кй»Й5Ййд¥ ROAD LAID OVER. . MUDHOLE ,
is then covered with a layer of dirt. If the soil is reasonably solid, the logs need be only as wide as the width of the road; on marshy ground, the logs must be wider than the road. I c. Curbing. Logs should be used as curbing on corduroy roads. This log curbing is spiked, wired, and staked in place on the upper surface and outer edges of this type road. The curbing helps to bind the logs of the road together and to keep the road itself in place. Curbing is also use- ful in keeping in place any hay, dirt, etc., that is used to cover the roads. Whether the road is covered or not the curbing serves to prevent ve- hicles from slipping off the road. 36. Wire Mesh Roads a. Construction. When deep, dry sand is to be crossed and no material for a corduroy road is available, a chicken-wire, hog-wire, or other heavy-wire mesh road may be constructed. Ordi- nary 3-foot rolls of wire may be used and sev- eral widths wired together with a one-foot over- lap to construct the desired width of road. The entire mesh should then be solidly anchored. A single thickness may be sufficient for light vehicles; however, three thicknesses, with burlap or brush between layers, are required for cargo and other heavy vehicles. Such meshjtoads may be covered with dirt. b. Maintenance.. Constant maintenance is necessary to repair holes in wire and to keep the wire taut with the surface of the sand. Traffic 41
should never be allowed to cross a wire-mesh road at right angles. If such traffic is necessary, ap- propriate plank or other type of crossing should be made. Figure 15- Wire-mesh roads. 37. Tread Roads Short sections of this type of road may be con- structed when time and materials are limited. It is otherwise less desirable than other types. Spac- ing of cross ties is generally 3 feet but may vary with subgrade conditions. Inside curbs are nec- essary to prevent vehicles of various width treads from driving off road. 42
Section X STREAM CROSSING EXPEDIENTS 38. Fords a. General. If a bridge is not available, ford- ing a stream is ordinarily the quickest and easiest way to cross it. Even though there may be a bridge, a ford should be located in the event the bridge is rendered unserviceable by enemy action. If the selected ford site needs improvements, the pioneer platoon will be called on to do the work if the job is not too extensive. b. Fordability of Vehicles. The depth of water that normally can be forded by the vehicles of the battalion is shown in the table below: Normal Vehicle fordability in inches Truck, %-ton............................... 18 Truck, j^-ton, weapons carrier and com- mand ................................... 34 Truck, Ij^-ton, 6x6, cargo, w/winch.... 34 Truck, 2^-ton, cargo, w/winch................ 36 Compressor, air, motorized................... 36 Truck, heavy wrecker, w/winch.............. 40 Car, armored, light, M8.......___1________ 34 Car, armored, utility, M20—.................. 34 Vehicle, tank, recovery................... 36 Carrier, personnel, half-track M3-—.......... 32 Carriage, motor, 76-mm gun................... 48 Carriage, motor, 3-inch gun.................. 36 44
c. Improving Approaches. To maintain traf- fic flow, the approach to and the exit from the ford, whenever possible, should be perpendicular to the stream for at least fifty yards. The ap- proaches must be firm enough to support the ve- hicles of the battaion and have a slope gradual Figure 17л Ford improvements. 45
enough for the vehicles to enter and exit easily. Soft approaches may be improved by the construc- tion of cordutoy roads or other road expedients. Steep approaches may be cut down either by hand labor or by the use of explosives. d. Improving Stream Bed. If the stream bed is not firm enough to support the vehicles, it may be improved by constructing a semi-floating cordu- roy road with the logs wired together and an- chored at each end to keep the current from shifting the road. The stream bed may also be improved by placing sand bags or heavy-wire mesh to form a roadway. On a dry sand bar a chicken- wire or hog-wire road may be constructed. 39. Floating When suitable fords cannot be found or where the water is too deep to be forded by the smaller ve- hicles, these vehicles may be floated across the stream. One method is by the use of tarpaulins of large vehicles to float the smaller vehicles. The tarpaulin from a 2 %-ton truck is large enough to provide a float for a %-ton truck. Figure Floating a vehicle. 46
Figure 19. Types of rafts. 47
40. Rafts The lighter vehicles may also be transported on rafts constructed from oil drums, logs, or boats. Rafts made from vehicle tarpaulins on a frame- work of saplings, boards, or truck bows can be used to transport men and light equipment. 41. Cable Ferry When the banks are steep, the water too dee-p for fording, or the current too swift for floating, per- sonnel and light equipment can be ferried by using the winch cable of a vehicle. Heavier equipment up to a %-ton truck can be ferried by using two 2%-ton truck winch cables (ch. 11, sec. IV, FM 5-10). 48
Fiffure 20. Cable ferry. 49
Section XI BRIDGE STRENGTHENING 42. Nomenclature of Military Bridges Bridges may be encountered which are not strong enough to support the vehicles of the battalion, but which may be strengthened sufficiently. Sometimes it may be necessary to erect entire small bridges. In order to estimate the capacity of a bridge and the work necessary, and to do the work efficiently, all personnel of the platoon must be thoroughly familiar with the nomenclature of the standard military bridge. The diagrams shown in figures 21 anil 22 should be studied care- fully. It should be noted that 10 feet between curbing is insufficient for some military vehicles. The maximum capacity of bridge type shown in figures 21 and 22 is 24 tons when span length is at its maximum of 15 feet. 43. Addition of Bents a. Ge-NERAL. Ordinarily, the best method o'f strengthening the span of a bridge is to insert ad- ditional supports in the center of the span. The standard trestle bent is the easiest and quickest support to build and will approximately double the strength of the span. Where the ground un- der the bridge is uneven, the posts may be cut to suit the terrain and a common cap may be used on top of the posts. If this is done a separate foot- ing is usually required under each post. 50
Figure 21. Cross section of bridge. b. Wedging Additional Bents. If the stand- ard trestle bent is used for an additional support, wedges may be used to eliminate the excessive amount of time needed to construct a bent of the exact height necessary. The posts should be cut from 3 inches to 4 inches shorter than necessary and a double wedge driven between the cap and each stringer so the load will be transferred from the stringers to the bent. Constant mainte- 51
SIDE VIEW Figure 22. Side view and construction details. 52
Figure 23. Addition and bracing of bents. 53
nance of these wedges will be required to keep them bearing against the cap and stringers. A ribbon board (figure 23) may be nailed across the stringers to keep the wedges in place. c. Knee Bracing. Knee bracing can be used to add rigidity to the bridge. There should be one brace on each post of the bent. 44. Construction of A-frame a. In places where the water is too deep for bents, the A-frame may be used to strengthen a span. A-frames are more difficult to construct than standard bents; however, the following dis- cussion presents a simple method of construction that can be used by the pioneer platoon. b. The easiest way to lay out the length and angles of an A-frame is by the use of a steel square. To do this, the length of the span from post to post (L) must be known, and the height of the span from the sill to the stringer (H). Four inches are subtracted from the height (77), giving the dimensions (77-4 inch). The 4 inches thus subtracted, together with the 4 inches that will be cut from the apex of the assembled A-frame to provide a flat seat for the cap (figure 26), allows 8 inches for the 6-x-8-inch cap to be placed between the A-frame and the stringers. c. As any two bents may be of different heights, it may be necessary to lay out each leg of the A-frame separately. The first step in laying out a leg is to place the steel square on the end of the timber which is to be the bottom of the leg, letting 54
Figure 24. Completed A-frame with known dimensions. 55
one inch on the scale equal one foot on the timber. With L/2 on the right scale and H—4 indh on the left scale, the line AC is drawn and point В mark- ed as shown in figure 25. J.) The distance AB is measured. Then, let- ting each inch on the scale equal one foot on the timber, the length AD is laid out so that AD in feet is equal to AB in inches. This will give the length of the A-frame leg as shown in figure 25. e. To lay out the point of the A-frame leg, the steel square is placed on the opposite end of the timber so that the left scale touches point D at H—4 inch and L/2 still intersects line AD. The line DE is drawn as shown in figure 25. /. The timber is cut along AC for the bottom of the A-frame leg, and along DE for the top of the leg. Four inches are cut from the point of the A-frame to allow room for an 8-inch cap to fit between the top of the A-frame and the string- ers. g. In finding the dimensions for the left A-frame leg, it should be noted that L/2 equals 7 feet on the bridge and 7 inches on the square, and H—4 inch equals 10 feet on the bridge and 10 indhes on the square. By properly placing the square on the timber it is found that the distance from point A to point В is 12.2 inches; therefore, the distance between point A and point D is 12.2 feet. The same procedure is followed to lay out the right A-frame leg except that measurements must be/taken to find the new value of /L-4 inch since the right bent is shorter than the left bent. 56
Figure 25. Laying out leg of K-frame. 57
Figure 26. Cutting h-frame leg. 58
Figure 27. t^-frame with uneven legs. 45. Addition of Stringers Bridges may be strengthened by the use of addi- tional stringers. These may be added either by jacking up the floor and inserting a stringer, or by hewing approximately one inch from the under side of a new stringer for a distance of two feet from’the end, fitting the stringer into place paral- leling the old stringer, and blocking it up with double wedges placed between the cap and the stringer after the latter is in position. If neces- 59
sary, all the flooring may be removed to expedite the placing of extra stringers. 46. Replacing Posts It may be possible to repair broken posts by nail- ing scabs over the breaks. If a broken post can- not be repaired, another post is cut and slid into place beside the broken one. To cut and place a new post that exactly fits is a tedious job. The posts should, therefore, be cut slightly shorter than the required elength and tightened in place with wedges. 47. Other Strengthening Methods The impact load of a bridge can be reduced and the capacity of the span increased by smoothing the flooring. Loose boards are nailed down and rough spots chipped off. All broken planks are replaced. The addition of a tread will distribute the load on the flooring more evenly and increase the bridge capacity. If the material is available and if the bents are in good condition, a new set of stringers and a new floor can be laid directly over the old floor. 60
Figure 28. Other methods of strengthening bridges. 61
Section XII DETERMINING CAPACITY OF BRIDGES 48. Weight of Vehicles a. General. To be able to determine whether or not a bridge will support the vehicles of the battalion and the amount and kind of repairs needed to strengthen the bridge, members of the pioneer platoon must be thoroughly familiar with the weights and types of the various vehicles of the battalion. b. Normal Weights. The following table gives the gross weights of the battalion vehicles with a normal load. A system of using the equiv- alent weight of vehicles for various span lengths of stringer-type bridges (FM 5—10) may be used to determine passability of vehicles across bridges having load capacity posted. Gross weight Vehicle with normal load Truck, }4-ton.......................... 3,125 Truck, 34-ton, weapons carrier or com- mand ............................ 6,800 Truck, 1%-ton, 6 x 6, cargo, w/winch.. 10,225 Truck, 2%-ton, cargo, w/winch.......... 15,000 Compressor, air, motorized............. 13,000 Truck, heavy wrecker, w/winch__________ 37,000 Vehicle, tank, recovery............... 70,000 Car, armored, light, M8.............. 16,000 Car, armored, utility, M20........... 15,500 Carriage, motor, 90-mm gun, M36________ 63,500 62
Carriage, motor, 76-mm gun.............. 38,500 Carriage, motor, 3-inch gun............. 64,000 Carrier, personnel, half-track, М3...... 19,000 Trailer, %-ton...................—..... 1,060 Trailer, 1-ton...................... 3,300 Trailer, ammunition, M10.............—. 4,000 Gun, 3-inch, M5 and carriage, gun 3-inch, Ml........................... 5,100 Gun, 3-inch, M5 and carriage, gun 3-inch, M6......................... 5,900 c. Passage with Caution. It should be re- membered that when the weight of a vehicle is near the capacity of the bridge, extreme caution must be used in crossing. Ordinarily a bridge will carry a 25 percent overload if the following precautions are taken: Vehicle must stay on cen- ter line of bridge. Speed not over 5 miles per hour. Distance between vehicles, at least 50 yards. No braking or gear shifting on bridge. While the 25 percent overload does not apply to floating bridges, passage with caution means the same as on fixed bridges except that speed must be reduced to 3 miles per hour. 49. Bridge Cords a. General. A rapid means of determining the capacity of bridges and the amount of repairs needed is by the use of bridge cards. Each pio- neer platoon leader and at least the members of the platoon who will be sent on the reconnais- sance missions should have copies of the bridge cards that apply to the vehicles of the battalion. The use of these cards should be practiced so all members of the platoon can use them rapidly and 63
accurately. Structures must be examined for soundness of timber and steel deterioration and appropriate reductions in capacity made accord- ingly. For special cases involving towed loads see paragraph 50. b. Bridges of more than One Lane. (1) General rule. The bridge cards present a method of determining the capacity of a span of one lane only. To find the capacity of each lane of a two- lane span, count the stringers under each lane and solve for each lane separately. Thus, the span may be found to have a capacity of two 10-ton vehicles (one in each lane), but this does not mean it will carry one 20-ton vehicle. (2) Emergency passage. In an emergency the capacity of a two-lane bridge may be exceeded by observing the following procedure—count the stringers in both lanes of the span and multiply this number by % ; then, using this result as a total number of stringers in a span of a 1-lane bridge, find the capacity of the span. When this method is used only one vehicle should be on any one span at one time, and it must be driven along the center line of the bridge. c. Wheeled Vehicles and Half-Tracks. Half-tracked vehicles can safely cross all bridges capable of carrying wheeled vehicles of the same weight. The following bridge cards may be used to determine the weight of wheeled vehicles or half-tracks which a one-lane bridge will support. ( 1) Rectangular wooden stringers with, timber flooring. The card below shows the safe gross load in tons for stringers one inch wide. 64
Depth of Stringer in Inches 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 10 12 - 14 V V U. 15 c - 16 4 °* ТЯ 20 24 28 .19 .34 .55 .80 1.05 1.40 1.75 2-15 2.65 3.15 -IS .28 .44 .65 .90 1.15 1.45 1.80 2.15 2.60 .13 .24 .37 .55 .75 .95 1.25 1.55 1.85 2-20 .12 .22 .35 .50 .70 .90 1.15 1.40 1.70 2.05 .11 .20 .32 .47 .65 .85 1.05 1.30 1.60 1.90 .10 .18 -28 .41 .55 .75 .95 1.15 1.40 1.70 .16 .25 .36 .50 .65 .85 1.05 1.25 1.50 .11 .19 .27 .38 .50 .65 .80 .95 1.15 .09 .15 .22 .32 .42 .55 .65 .80 .95 Figure 29. Wheeled vehicle bridge Card (wooden stringers). Example: To determine the capacity of a 1-lane bridge which has six 8-x-xlO-inch wooden stringers over a span of 18 feet. Solution: The column for the depth of stringers of 10 inches is intersected by the line for a span of 18 feet. The figure .28 appears in the block at the junction of the two columns. This (.28) is the number of tons one 1-inch stringer would sup- port. The actual stringer width of the bridge is 6 (number of stringers) X 8 inches (width of each stringer) or 48 inches. The safe capacity of the bridge is therefore .28 (capacity for a width of 1-inch) X 48 (total width) equals 13.4 or 13 tons. Round stringers. For stringers of round timber, the diameter of the timber at the center of the 65
span is used as the depth, 0.4 of the diameter as the width, and the above bridge card is applied. (2) Steel stringers (standard l-beams) with timber flooring. The card below shows the safe gross load in tons for one steel stringer. Depth of Stringer in Inches 6 7 8 10 12 15 18 20 24 10 2.6 3.8 5.0 9.0 13.0 21.5 32.5 43.0 64.5 12 2.2 3.1 4.3 7.5 11.0 18.0 27.0 35.5 53.0 14 1.8 2.6 3.6 6.0 9.0 15.0 22.5 30.0 45.0 15 1.7 2.4 3.3 5.8 8.5 14.0 21.0 28.0 42.0 t 16 и 1.6 2.3 3.1 5.5 8.0 13.0 20.0 26.0 39.0 *18 1.4 2.0 2.7 4.7 7.0 11.5 17.5 23.0 34.5 20 4 1.2 1.8 2.4 4.2 6.0 10.5 15.5 20.5 30.5 & «24 1.3 1.8 3.2 4.8 8.0 12.0 15.5 23.5 28 1.1 1'5 2.6 4.0 6.5 10.0 13.0 19.5 32 1.2 ,2.0 3.1 5.0 8.0 10.5 15.5 36 1.8 2.7 4.5 6.5 9.0 13.5 40 2.3 3.9 6.0 8.0 12.0 Figure 30. Wheeled vehicle bridge card (steel stringers). Example'. To determine the capacity of a 1-lane bridge which has six 10-inch standard I-beam stringers over a span of 20 feet. Solution-. At the intersection of the column for the depth of stringers of 10 inches and the column for a span of 20 feet, is found the figure 4.2 which is the capacity of one stringer. The actual 66
number of stringers is 6; therefore, the safe ca- pacity of the bridge is 6 X 4.2 equals 25.2 or 25 tons. Railroad rails. Standard railroad rails should be considered as 6-inch I-beams. d. Data used for Computing Wheeled Ve- hicle Bridge Cards. Safe unit bending stresses —2,100 p.s.i. for wood, 24,000 p.s.i. for steel. (For'other data see FM 5-10.) e. 3-iNcii Gun Motor Carriage. The fol- lowing bridge cards may be used to determine the stringer requirements to carry the 3-inch gun mo- tor carriage, M10, (weight 64,000 pounds) on a 1-lane bridge. They may also be used for the tank recovery vehicle. (1) Rectangular wooden stringers with- timber flooring. The card below shows the total stringer Depth of Stringer in Inches 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 10 91 52 33 23| 17 13 10 8 7 6 12 132 74 48 зз| 24 19 15 12 10 8 t 14 <8 63 44| 32 25 20 16 13 И 15 113 72 so] 37 28 22 18 15 13 •; 16 126 ‘ 80 5б| 41 31 25 20 17 14 #18 97 68] 50 38 30 24 20 17 20 115 80| 59 43 35 29 24 20 22 132 92| 68 52 41 33 27 23 24 104| 76 58 | 46 37 31 26 Figure 31. Bridge card (wooden stringers). 3-inch gun motor carriage. 67
width in inches required to carry the 3-inch gun motor carriage, or the tank recovery vehicle. Example: A 1-lane bridge has six б-х-12-inch wooden stringers over a span of 14 feet. Will it carry the 3-inch gun motor carriage? Solution: At the intersection of the column for the depth of stringers of 12 inches and the column for a span of 14 feet is found the figure 44 which is the total stringer width in inches required. The actual stringer width is 6 (number of string- ers) X 6 inches (width of each stringer) equals 36 inches total width. Therefore, the bridge will not carry the vehicle. (To strengthen the bridge, two stringers are added or the span is shortened by adding a trestle bent or A-frame.) Round stringers. For stringers of round timber, the diameter of the timber at the center of the span is considered as the depth, 0.4 of the diame- ter as the width, and the above card is applied. (2) Steel stringers (standard \-beam) with timber flooring. The card below shows the total number of 'steel stringers required to carry the 3-inch gun motor carriages, or. the tank recovery vehicle. Example: A 1-lane bridge has six 10-inch I-beam stringers over a span of 20 feet. Will it support the 3-inch gun motor carriage? Solution; At the intersection of the column for the depth of stringers of 10 inches and the column for a span of 20 feet, is found the figure 7 which is the number of stringers required. The actual number of stringers is 6; therefore the bridge will not carry the vehicle. (To strengthen the bridge, 68
Depth of Stringer in Inches 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 10 12 14 IS о 16 и g 18 c 20 «24 28 32 36 40 S 3 2 2 8 4 3 2 2 10 6 4 3 2 2 11 7 4 3 2 2 13 7 S 3 3 2 2 16 9 6 4 3 2 2 19 10 7 S 4 3 2 14 9 6 S 4 3 2 2 17 11 8 6 4 3 3 2 20 13 9 7 S 4 3 2 IS 10 8 6 5 4 3 17 12 9 7 5 4 3 Figure 32. Bridge card (steel stringers). 3-inch gun motor carriage. one stringer is added or the span is shortened by adding a trestle bent or A-frame.) Railroad rails. Standard railroad rails are con- sidered as 6-inch I-beams. /. 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage. The fol- lowing bridge cards may be used to determine the stringer requirements to carry the 76-mm gun mo- tor carriage (weight 38,500 pounds) on a 1-lane bridge. (1) Rectangular wooden stringers with timber flooring. The card below shows the total string er 69
width in inches required to carry the 76-mm gun motor carriage. Depth of Stringer in Inches 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 10 12 ~ 14 V £ 15 e s 16 (9 °* 1 8 10 20 22 24 66 37 24 17 12 9 7 6 5 4 94 S3 34 23 17 13 10 9 7 6 123 70 45 31 23 17 14 11 9 8 77 50 34 25 19 15 12 10 9 86 55 38 28 23 17 14 11 10 100 65 45 33 25 20 16 13 11 120 77 53 39 30 24 19 16 13 88 61 45 33 27 22 18 15 99 68 50 38 30 25 20 17 Figure 33. Bridge card (wooden stringers.) 76-mm gun motor carriage. Example: A 1-lane bridge has six б-х-12-inch wooden stringers over a span of 16 feet. Will it carry the 76-mm gun motor carriage? Solution- At the intersection of the column for the depth of stringers of 12 inches and the column for a span of 16 feet the figure 38 is found, which is the total stringer width required. The actual stringer width is 6 (number of stringers) X 6 inches (width of each stringer) or 36 inches. The actual stringer width is less than that requir- ed, so the bridge will not carry the vehicle. Round stringers. For stringers of round tim- ber, the diameter of the timber at the center of the span is considered as the depth, 0.4 of the diameter as the width, and the above card is ap- plied. 70
(2)Steel stringers (standard l-beam) with timber flooring. The card below shows the total number of steel stringers required to carry the Figure 34. Bridge card (steel stringers). 76-mm gun motor carriage. Example-. A 1-lane bridge has six 10-inch I-beam stringers over a span of 24 feet. Will it carry the 76-mm gun motor carriage? Solution: At the intersection of the column for the depth of stringers of 10 inches and the column for a span of 24 feet, the figure 6 is found, which is the number of stringers required. The actual number of stringers is 6; therefore, the bridge will carry the vehicle. 71
Railroad rails. Standard railroad rails are con- sidered as 6-inch I-beams. g. Data Used for Computing 3-inch and 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage Bridge Cards. Safe unit bending stresses—2,100 p.s.i for wood, 24,000 p.s.i. for steel; stringer efficiency 80 per- cent; impact 25 percent; dead load of 220 pounds per foot (weight of stringers neglected). 50. Towed Loads a. General. In calculating the ability of a bridge to carry a towed load, two factors must be considered: (1) The weight of each part of the load, that is, the weight of the towing vehicle and of the towed vehicle. (2) The length of the two parts of the load in relation to the length of the span of the bridge. b. Short Spans. If the span of the bridge is short enough so that only One part of the load is over the span at one time, each part of the load may be considered as a separate vehicle. c. Long Spans. When the span of the bridge is long enough so that both parts of the load will be on it at the same time, two rules apply: (1) Vehicles loaded to rated capacity. The total weight consists of the weight of the heavier vehicle plus One-half the weight of the lighter ve- hicle. This principle applies because the two parts of the load will not be on the same spot at the same time. (2) Vehicles overloaded. The combined weight of both vehicles should be Considered as the load on the span. 72
Section XIII DECEPTIVE MEASURES 51. General a. Deceptive measures are frequently used in combat to mislead the enemy and to cause him to dissipate his fire. For example: chains, brush, or other improvised drags may be pulled behind ve- hicles to create a dust cloud resembling the move- ment of a large column. Bivouac areas may be simulated by creating tracks and signs of activity normally associated with such areas. Dummy installations and decoy positions may be con- structed. b. In the employment of deceptive measures it must be remembered that the enemy is smart. The positions must be logical, they must be con- stantly maintained, and the construction should be simple. The success of the work will depend on the resourcefulness and ingenuity of the men and their ability to use the materials available. 52. Dummy Gun Positions One of the most effective deceptive measures is the dummy gun position. To construct such a position a log may be used to simulate the tube of a gun. The tracks, blast marks, and other signs of activity characteristic of a gun position should be created. The dummy should be placed in a logical firing position and should be partially concealed, leaving only those tracks and signs of activity which usually disclose ‘position. It must 73
Figure 35. Deception as to size of moving column.
be remembered that it is not the indivdual decoy but the activity and characteristics of an actual position that will deceive the enemy. 53. Fougasse Dummy gun positions may be made more realistic by simulating muzzle blast through the use of a fougasse. A fougasse that creates a fake muzzle blast similar to that of a 3-inch gun may be con- structed by the use of two pounds of TNT to give a sound and flash similar to the gun firing and an additional % pound of TNT to blow dust out of a hole in the ground to give the effect of the muzzle blast. A fougasse is most effective if it is located in a logical gun position and should be fired while actual guns are firing. Figure 36. Dummy gun. 75
Figure 37. Dummy gun positions and fougasses. 76
Section XIV MINE REMOVAL 54. Orgonizotion a. When mines are encountered the pioneer platoon usually will be charged with breaching mine fields or removing scattered mines. How- ever, it must be prepared to lift entire mine fields. These operations must be done rapidly and always with great care or excessive casualties will result. Therefore, all personnel must be organized and thoroughly trained and drilled in mine removal to further the rapid movement of the battalion. b. The basic principles of mine field removal organization are contained in FM 5-31. The pioneer platoon, however, does not have as large an organization as is shown. Figures 38 and 39 outline an organization which is readily adapted for use by the pioneer platoon. c. The breaching party is organized as follows: Officer NCO Men Advance party............................ 112 No. 1 party—taping............. 16 No. 2 party—detecting.......... 1 . 8 No. 3 party—detecting..,. .. 1 8 No. 4 party—reserve & supply ..14 1 5 28 Party duties. (1) The advau^party indicates to the taping party the locatiorvof the starting tape and lays out the direction of the center tape 77
ADVANCE PARTY Personnel 1 officer 1 NCO 2 men Equipment Compass Stakes Marking lights Mine detector (from No 3 party) Personnel I Yeo 6 men Equipment S electrical detectors 1,000 yards white tape in rolls Hine markers Compass Nails, 6d Fliers Duties Officer supervises work’of entire breach- ing party. NCO directs advance party. (1) Advance party selects best location for breaching. (2) Establishes starting line for No. 1 party» (3) Proceeds through mine field using mine detector, finds its outer limit and locates guide stakes cr lights for No. 1 party, (4) Establishes location of cross tapes on way back. NO# 1 PARTY a. lane Taping Tepes two 8-yard lanes forward from baae tape as followsi Men Nos, 1, 2, & 3, taped together at fi- yard spacing, run out main tapes from base line, using electrical detectors to check ground immediately to front as they move forward (Fig, 3$), Tapes may be run out from reels in special holders fastened io their backs, leaving their hands free. (Detectors operated within в yards of each other may cause interference which decreases their efficiency. Io this case, the two side detector men drop back in line with the noncommissioned officer who follows 10 to lb yards behind the center detector operator. The side detector men are taped to the noncom- missioned officer to maintain proper 5-yard spacing.) Men Nos. 4, 5, 1 6, (assistants) follow, pin down tapes and cut them when required, place markers on mires found along tape lines, in- vestigate, disarm and cut trip wires located by detector men, and run out cross tapes when ordered. Cross tapes are set at right angles to center tape, and extend Б-yards beyond lane* boundary tape. Normally they are placed at approximately 100* yard interval to equalise clearing tasks. Sev- eral cross tapes are required for a deep mine field. NCO in charge commands party and establish- es proper direction of tapes. Figure 31. Procedure for breaching a mine field by elec- trical detector. 79
b. Min» De te cti on On completion of 1 an»* t a ping, ”par ty re- turns along boundary tapes to assembly area and becomes a detector party, widening to a 16-yard lane, the 8-yard lane cleared by No. 2 party. NO. 2 PARTY Personnel I NCO 8 men Equipment electrical detectorc Mine markers Wire ftrsonnol Tnco 8 men -Equipment 3^ electrical detectors Mine markers Wire Personnel 1 NCO 4 men Mine Detection As soon as taping party has advanced 15 yards, .No* 2 party starte detecting for- ward from tape line in right hand lane. Uen Nos. 1, 3_>&_j5, operate electric de* tectors each sweeping"8 feet of frontage working in echelon at 15-yard intervals. Men Res. 4, follow in rear as assistants and mark mines found. They ex- change duties with detector operators at 20 minute intervals* Mon Nojs. 7 & 8, disarm and lift mines, either ty hand' lift or by pull with a So yard wire or rope. Place lifted mines cut- side lane boundary tapes. NCO commande party. NO. 3 PARTY Mine Detection Wen ordered, walks up center-lire tape and starts detecting forward from cross tape in right-hand lane, using same procedure as No. 2 party. On completion, returns down center- line tape tc .oross tape and starts widen- ing lane it has just finished to Id yards, unless No. 4 party is used to widen it. no. 4 party Reserve and Supply Replaces casualties irf men and leases in equipment. Unloads and distributes lane-markirg supplies. Erects lane markers. Checks for mines in converging approach to lane. Maintains communications. figure 32. Procedure for breaching a mine field by elec- trical detector.—Continued. 80
by magnetic azimuth. This detail also locates all cross tapes. (2) No. 1 party, using tape, marks out two 8-yard lanes from the base tape. It becomes a detector party on completion of lane taping. • (3) No. 2 and No. 3 parties each clear a single 8-yard lane. (4) No. 4 party is in reserve and assembles supplies. 55. Location of Mines The mine removal organization uses the mine de- tector to locate individual mines. If mine detec- tors are not available or are out of order, the hand search method is employed. Definite or- ganizations for this method will be found in FM 5-31 and may be varied for use by the pioneer platoon. In the event that non-metallic mines have been buried in the mine field, a probe must be used to locate them. The probing should be done gently and at an angle of 45 degrees, being certain to cover every six inches of ground. 56. Removal of Mines A simple method of mine removal is to pull them out by means of ropes. When the mines are lo- cated, the removers attach short lead ropes to the handle, fuze, or cover of each mine. The short lead ropes are then attached to a main rope so that several mines may be pulled at once. Lead ropes should be of such length that when main rope is pulled the most distant mines will be pulled first, followed successively by those toward the pullers. This method prevents cutting of ropes 81
Figure 40. Locating and retnavinfi mines. 82
leading to more distant mines by the explosion of mines closer in. Care should be taken to allow sufficient slack in each lead rope so no mines will be actuated while the ropes are being attached. The main rope should be at least 150 feet long so that the mines may be pulled from a safe dis- tance either by hand from a sandbagged prone shelter or other suitable cover, or by tying the rope to an armored vehicle. 83
Section XV BOMB AND ARTILLERY DUD DISPOSAL 57. General a. Unexploded shells or aerial bombs may be found in areas occupied or to be occupied by the battalion or on routes where they cannot be de- toured. When possible, the bombs, or shells will be left undisturbed. When a possible time bomb is located in a position which cannot be detoured, the bomb is marked and a safe area of 300 yards in diameter designated. No personnel or vehicles will enter the area until the bomb is disposed of. b. If necessary, shells and bombs may be de- stroyed in place by the pioneer platoon. All ve- hicles and personnel will be moved to cover, or, if no cover is available, to a distance of at least 500 yards from the dud. One man will then place a small explosive charge against the dud, being careful not to move or disturb the projectile in any way. 58. Explosives Needed The amounts of explosives necessary to destroy various sizes of artillery shells are given below. The same figures can be applied to the destruction of bombs or mortar shells by comparing the diam- eter of the dud with that of the artillery shell and using the corresponding amount of explosive. Pounds of Caliber of Shell TNT 37-nun, 2.24-inch.......................................... 1 75-mm, 2.95-inch, 3-inch.................................... 1 155-mm, 4.7-inch, 6-inch..................................... 2 244-mm, 8-inch, 9.2-inch.....‘............................... 2 10-inch, 12-inch........................................... 3 14-inch, 16-inch........................................... 3 84
Figure 41. Placing charge to destroy dud shell. Note. Three j4-pound blocks of TNT are shown. If 1-pound blocks are issued, use two. 85
Section XVI ESTIMATION OF DEMOLITION CHARGES 59. General a. The pioneer platoon may be called on to ex- ecute demolitions. These projects .will vary be- cause of the material, structure, weather condi- tions, and similar factors; therefore it is not pos- sible to provide a set of rules that will cover all possible conditions. Any rules may be considered as guides and should be tempered by the results of test shots, past demolition experience, and existing conditions. b. While formulas (FM 5-25) are used to de- termine accurately the amount of explosive neces- sary to accomplish demolition tasks, it is not in- tended for the pioneer platoon to execute large scale demolitions. For this reason simple rules that can be easily remembered and applied are better suited to pioneer platoon work even though somewhat excessive amounts of explosion may be used in some instances. The following para- graphs present some general information on de- molitions relative to tasks that the platoon will normally perform. It supplements the elemen- tary principles on the use of explosives in FM 21-105. For information on more extensive de- molition tasks, see FM 5—25. c. When TNT is issued in 1-pound blocks in- stead of %-pound blocks they can be sawed in half and used according to figure 42 and the rules given below. If the 1-pound blocks can be made 86
up into a charge of approximately the same di- mensions as that required when using %-pound blocks, the 1-pound blocks can be used without cutting. 60. Steel To cut steel members by the use of explosives the most important principle to remember is that the explosive charges must be held in close contact with each other and with the steel to be cut. The amounts of explosive required to cut the various shapes of steel can be determined roughly by the simple rules outlined below— (1) Rods. One pound of explosive is used for each inch of diameter. This rule applies for rods up to four inches in diameter. (2) Small rectangular bars. One pound of ex- plosive is used for each inch of thickness and each two inches of width of the widest side of the bar. The explosive is placed on the wide side. For example, a bar 1 inch x 4 inches x 10 feet requires two pounds of explosives placed on the 4-inch side. (3) Small built-up box girders. The inside portion of the girder is filled with a tier of explo- sives. (4) \-beams. One side of the I-beam is filled between the flanges with a tier of explosives. 61. Timber The amount of explosive necessary to cut timber is obtained by using the formula— P — D~ 40 87
Figure 42. Cutting steel members with explosives. Note. This figure shows use of %-pound blocks of TNT. When TNT is issued in 1-pound blocks they may be sawed in half and made up in charges as illustrated above. 88
P equals the number of 1-pound blocks of TNT. D equals the diameter of round timbers or the smallest dimension of rectangular timber in inches. (1) Example: How many 1-pound blocks of TNT are required to cut a log 10 inches in diam- eter? (2) Solution: P = 12 X 12 = 3.6pounds. 40 (Use four 1- pound blocks of TNT.) 62. Concrete The amount of explosive necessary to destroy one reinforced concrete stringer in a span of a rein- forced concrete bridge is obtained by using the formula: P = 3H2T P equals the number of 1-pound blocks of TNT. H equals the height in feet. Minimum T equals the thickness in value of one feet. (1) foot. (1) Example: How many 1-pound blocks of TNT are required to destroy a reinforced con- crete stringer 2 feet high and 10 inches thick? (2) Solution: P —3X2X2X1 = 12 (twelve 1-pound blocks of TNT) 89
63. Craters a. To form a crater in a road, holes are dug in a line across the road extending to natural bar- riers on both sides. The holes should be 5 feet apart from center to center. The charge neces- sarily will vary with the condition of the ground; a normal charge is 10 pounds of explosive per foot of depth in each hole. For example, 50 pounds of explosive will be placed in the bottom of a hole 5 feet deep. b. The explosive should be tamped well with earth, mud, or water. The charge should be primed by two methods to insure simultaneous de- tonation of all charges. This will avoid the ne- cessity of digging up the charges or placing new charges in case the charge fails to detonate. c. At times culverts will be found in locations advantageous for road craters. A culvert may be utilized in blowing a crater by observing the spacing of charges and the amount of explosives per charge as outlined in a above. This proce- dure is effective where the distance from the sur- face of the road to the top of the culvert does not exceed five feet. When distances greater than five feet are encountered, other considerations en- ter which make the amount of explosives required too great for use by the pioneer platoon. The ends of the culvert must be blocked and well tamped. 91
DOUBLE PRIMING PRkMACORD Figure 44. Preparation of craters. 92
INDEX Paragraph Page Advance guard....................... A-frame ......................—!.... Air attack.......................... Air compressor operator............. Approaches to fords................. Bars, demolition of steel.............. Bed, stream............................ Bents ................................. Bivouacs: Air attack........................ Duties of personnel............... Leaving........................... Living in......................... Occupation ....................... Prior to occupation............... Protection........................ Raids ............................ Security.......'................................... Blackout precautions................... Booby traps............................ Brace, knee............................ 8 9 44 56 11,20 14,28 8 9 38 46 60 38 43 20 1.9 19 19 15-17 15,16 17 21 18, 19 18 16,28 43 91 46 52 28 25 25 25 19-23 19,21 23 28 24, 25 24 21,34 52 Bridge: Capacity ............................... 48, 49 Cards .......-.....-............... 6, 49 Check list............................. 5 Lanes............................... 49 Nomenclature ......................... 42 Passage .......-................... 48, 49 Post .................................. 45 Reconnaissance...................v 5 Report forms........................... 7 Strengthening....................42-45, 47 Stringers ..................... 1,45,49 Support .............................. 43 64,65 5,65 3 65 52 64,65 61 3 6 52-61,62 1,61,65 52 Cable ferry.......................... 41 50 93
Paragraph Page Capacity: Bridge .................-................ 48,49 64,65 Winch ................................ 33 39 Cards: Bridge ............................. 6,49 5,65 Road .................................... 6 5 Chain, safe working load of................. 32 38 Check list: Bridges ................................. 5 3 Combat readiness........................ 19 25 Contacts ............................... 19 25 Cross-country routes..................... 5 3 Duties on movement: Air compressor operator......... 8 9 Assistant section leader...— 8 9 Driver .........-.................... 8 9 Platoon commander................... 8 9 Platoon sergeant..................... 8 9 Radio operator...................... 8 9 Section leader....................... 8 9 Fords.................................... 5 3 Leaving a bivouac....................... 19 25 Living in a bivouac............... 19 25 Mined areas.............................. 5 3 Roads ...........................- 5 3 Security in bivouac.—................... 19 25 Combat areas: Occupation of............................... 24 . 30 Reconnaissance of....................... 23 30 Combat readiness.......................... 19 25 Concrete, demolition of..................... 62 93 Construction of obstacles................... 25 32 Contacts ................................. 19 25 Corduroy roads.............................. 35 41 Crater ..................................... 63 95 Cross-country route reconnaissance.... 5 3 Crossing, stream............................ 38 46 Deception ................................ 51 76 94
Page Paragraph Demolition: Concrete ......................................... 62 General................................ 59 Steel ................................. 60 Timber ................................ 61 Drivers, duties on movements................ 8 Dud, disposal of.......................16,52, 58 Dummy position.........................26, 52, 53 Duties of personnel: Bivouac ....................................... 19 Movement ................................ 8 Equipment .................................. 2 Expedient: Road ...................................... 34 Stream crossing...-.................. 38 Explosives: Demolition .................................... 59-63 Dud disposal......................... 58 Ferry, cable........................... 41 Fire fight............................... 27 Flank guard................................ 12 Floating ................................ 39 Fordability ............................... 38 Fords: Approaches to....................-..... 5,38 General .....................— 5, 38 Reconnaissance of..................... 3 Stream, bed of......................... 38 Formations ............................ 19 Forms: Bridge report........................... 7 Road report............................. 7 Technical report........................ 7 Fougasse ................................ 53 Frame, A-........................-......... 44 Girders, demolition of steel............... 60 93 90 91 91 9 21,76,87 32, 76, 78 25 9 1 41 46 90-95 87 50 34 16 48 46 3,46 3,46 3 46 25 6 6 6 78 56 91 95
Paragraph Page Guard: Advance ................*.................. 8 9 Bridge ................................ 6 5 Flank................................. 12 16 Rear -..........-..................... 28 34 Road .................................. 6 5 Halts .................................... 13 16 I-Beams, demolition of.................... 60 91 Information, reconnaissance................ 7 6 Knee brace..........................- 43 52 Lanes, bridge............................. 50 74 Location of mines......................... 55 84 Loads: Chain ................................ 32 38 Towed................................. 50 74 Rope ................................. 32 38 Vehicle ........................... 48,50 64,74 Mined areas................................ 5 3 Mines: Bivouac .............-..........- 16 21 Location of........................... 55 84 Removal of......................... 54-56 80-84 Mission: Bivouac ................—.......... — 15-17 19-23 Demolition ......................... 59 90 Flank guard........................... 12 16 General........................... 2-5,29 1-3,36 Mines ............................. 54-56 80-84 Movements ..................-... 8, 13,14 9,16,18 Occupation of combat area............. 24 30 Movements: Formation ............................ 10 12 General................................ 8 9 Halts ................................ 13 16 Rail ................................. 14 18 Retrograde ........................... 28 34 Security............................ 11 14 Water ................................ 14 18 Nomenclature, bridge...................... 42 52 96
Paragraph Page Obstacles: Construction of....................... 25 32 General ............................... 3 1 Reduction of..................... 13,25 16,32 Occupation: Bivouac ......................... 15, 16 19, 21 Combat area........................... 24 30 Operation of winch..............-......... 32 38 Overlays ................................ 7 6 Passage, bridge...................... 48,49 64,65 Platoon commander on movement...... 8 9 Platoon sergeant on movement.............. 8 9 Position: Dummy ............................26, 52, 53 32, 76, 78 Gun .................................. 26 32 In readiness..................... 22, 24 30 Post, bridge.............................. 45 61 Preparation of gun positions.............. 26 32 Protection in bivouac...........-......... 17 23 Radio operator, duties on movement.... 8 Rafts .................................. 40 Raids, bivouac............-..........- 21 Rail movements............................. 14 Readiness: Combat ..........................’........ 19 Position in...................... 22, 24 Rear guard................................ 28 Reconnaissance: Bridge ................................ 5 Cross-country route.................... 5 Combat area......................... 23 Ford ............................. 5 General................................ 4 Mined area............................. 5 Reports on............................. 7 Road .................................. 5 Reduction of obstacles..................13,25 References, platoon training.....30 Removal of mines....................... 54-56 9 50 28 18 25 30 34 3 3 30 3 3 3 6 3 16, 32 36 80-84 97
Paragraph Page Reports: Forms ................................ 7 6 Reconnaissance ......................... 7 6 Retrograde movements....................... 28 34 Roads: Cards for............................... 6 5 Corduroy .................*............ 35 41 Expedients ...................-.... 34 41 General ................................ 5 3 Guards ................................. 6 5 Reconnaissance of....................... 5 3 Report forms............................ 7 6 Tread ............................... 37 44 Wire mesh.....-......-....:............ 36 43 Rods, demolition of steel.................. 60 91 Rope: Safe working load of................... 32 38 Wire .................................. 32 38 Routes, cross-country.-..................... 5 3 Safe working strength: General.................................... 31 38 Chain ................................. 32 38 Rope ................................ 32 38 Winches ............................ 33 39 Wire rope.............................. 32 38 Section leader: Duties on movement.......................... 8 9 Duties of assistant section leader. 8 9 Security: ’ Against air attack..................... 11 14 Bivouac.......................... 18, 19 24, 25 On march.............-....-............ 11 14 Shear pins, winch.......................... 33 39 Sketches ................................... 7 6 Spans: Long .................................. 50 74 Short .......—......................... 50 74 Steel: Bridge stringers....................... 49 65 Demolition of.......................... 60 91 98
Paragraph Page Stream: Bed ........................................ 38 46 Crossing .............................. 38 46 Strengthening bridge................ 42-45, 47 52-61, 62 Stringers: Bridge ......................... 1,45,49 1,61,65 Corduroy road.......................... 35 ' 41 Support, bridge.......................... 43 52 Technical references....................... 30 36 Timber, demolition of...................... 61 91 Towed loads................................ 50 74 Training of personnel................. 3,29,30 1,26,36 Training references...................... 30 36 Trap, booby........................... 16,25 21,32 Tread, road................................ 37 44 Trestle bents............................ 43 52 Vehicle: Loads ............................ 48, 50 64, 74 Weights ............................. 48 64 Wedging ................................... 43 52 Weights of vehicles....................... 48 64 Winches: Capacity ................................... 33 39 Operation ............................. 33 39 Shear pin.............................. 33 39 Water movements........................ 14 18 Wire-mesh roads.........:.................. 36 43 Wire rope, safe working strength of... 32 38 U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE; 1944-«13937 99