Author: Ibragimov Nail H.  

Tags: higher mathematics  

ISBN: 0-8493-4488-3

Year: 1994

                    CRC HANDB*
CRC Press
Boca Raton Ann Arbor London Tokyo

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data CRC handbook of Lie group analysis of differential equations/editor, N. H. Ibragimov. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Contents: v. 1. Symmetries, exact solutions, and conservation laws/ W. F. Ames... [et al.] ISBN 0-8493-4488-3 (v. 1) 1. Differential equations—Numerical solutions. 2. Lie groups. I. Ibragimov, N. Kh. (Nail' Khairullovich) QA372.C73 1993 92-46289 515\35—dc20 CIP This book represents information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Every reasonable effort has been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use. Neither this book nor any part may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from the publisher. All rights reserved. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the personal or internal use of specific clients, may be granted by CRC Press, Inc., provided that $.50 per page photocopied is paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center, 27 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970 USA. The fee code for users of the Transactional Reporting Service is ISBN 0-8493-4488-3 $0.00 + $.50. The fee is subject to change without notice. For organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by the CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged. CRC Press, Inc.'s consent does not extend to copying for general distribution, for promotion, for creating new works, or for resale. Specific permission must be obtained in writing from CRC Press for such copying. Direct all inquiries to CRC Press, Inc., 2000 Corporate Blvd., N.W., Boca Raton, Florida 33431. © 1994 by CRC Press, Inc. No claim to original U.S. Government works International Standard Book Number 0-8493-4488-3 Library of Congress Card Number 92-46289 Printed in the United States of America 1234567890 Printed on acid-free paper
CRC HANDBOOK OF LIE GROUP ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Editor N. H. Ibragimov ABSTRACT FOR THE HANDBOOK With the recent advances in group analysis of differential equations, it is timely to make available to scientists as well as students this first extensive compilation of the results of Sophus Lie and related modern developments. The material is presented in separate volumes. These volumes reflect the research interests and biases of the coauthors and hence there is no claim that the presentations are either complete or exhaustive. In this regard, the editor will entertain any proposal for inclusion of material in any future Volumes. in
PREFACE TO VOLUME I With the veritable explosion of advances in group analysis of differential equations, it is timely to make available to applied scientists as well as students this first extensive compilation of the results of Sophus Lie and related modern results, which span a period of over one hundred years. They exist in many diverse books and journal articles and are written in many languages, both in the literal and technical sense. We have attempted to collect and unify the presentation of these results. There will be inevitable shortcomings in this first attempt and we apologize for omissions. Subsequent volumes will allow us to redress errors and omissions. In this regard, the editor will entertain proposals for inclusion of materials in any subsequent volumes. Volume I consists of three parts: A—Apparatus; В—Body of Results; С—Computer Aspects. The purpose of Part A is as follows: to systematize the relevant results of Lie and natural generalizations; to guide the reader through the totality of group theoretic methods with a minimum number of theoretical constructions; to prepare the reader to access the results tabulated in Part B; to assist the reader in developing skills in applying these results and methods to new problems. Part B, which makes up the body of results of the Handbook, is devoted to the group classification and characterization of differential equations. Their Lie point and contact symmetries, Lie-Backlund and nonlocal symmetries, Backlund transformations, exact solutions, and conservation laws are tabulated. Part С deals with numerical considerations. The intention is to cover in subsequent volumes at least the following topics: similarity, elasticity and glacial mechanics, differential constraints and partial (conditional) symmetries, Backlund transformations, approximate symmetries, superposition principles, recursion operators, classification schemes, the Huygens principle, and fundamental and Green-Riemann functions. Chapters 1-4 were prepared by Ibragimov and Anderson by condensing lecture and book manuscript material of Ibragimov. Chapters 5 and 6 were written by Anderson and Ibragimov as a part of a project funded by a NATO Collaborative Research Grant (#930117). Chapter 7 was prepared by Gazizov, condensing research papers of Akhatov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov. Chapter 16 was written by Ames. Chapter 17 was written by Dorodnitsyn. The Body of Results was prepared by Ibragimov (Chapters 8 and 9), Gazizov (Chapters 9, 11, and 13), Svirshchevskii (Chapter 10), and Ferapon- tov (Chapters 14 and 15). We benefitted from the help of many colleagues in collecting materials for the Handbook. We would like especially to thank A. V. Aksenov (parts of v
Preface VI Chapter 15), V. A. Baikov (major portion of Chapter 12), S. P. Konovalov (Section 8.2), and S. P. Tsarev. We would like to acknowledge Professor A. Samarskii, Director of Institute of Mathematical Modeling of Russian Academy of Science for his encouragement and financial support of this project. We acknowledge financial support from the University of Georgia and, in particular, we would like to thank Professor William J. Payne, Sr. (while Dean of the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences) and Associate Vice President for Research John Ingle for arranging for this support. We would also like to thank, for their technical help in the preparation of this volume of the Handbook, Mrs. T. I. Petrova and Miss E. V. Eremina. Nail Ibragimov
TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface to Volume I v Part A. APPARATUS OF GROUP ANALYSIS I. LIE THEORY OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 3 1. One-Parameter Transformation Groups 7 1.1. Local one-parameter point transformation groups 7 1.2. Prolongation formulas 12 1.3. Groups admitted by differential equations 14 1.4. Integration and reduction of order 16 1.4.1. Integrating factor 17 1.4.2. Method of canonical variables 19 1.4.3. Invariant differentiation 21 1.5. Determining equation 22 1.6. Lie algebras 24 1.7. Tangent transformations 26 2. Integration of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations 29 2.1. Solvable Lie algebras and successive reduction of order 29 2.2. Method of canonical variables 30 2.2.1. Canonical forms of L2 31 2.2.2. Integration algorithm 32 2.2.3. Example 34 3. Group Classification of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equation 36 3.1. Lie's classification of equations admitting three-dimensional algebras 36 3.2. Summary of Lie's general classification 38 3.3. Linearization 38 4. Invariant Solutions 42 4.1. Notion of an invariant solution 42 4.2. Optimal systems 44 vii
Contents 49 5. Lie-Backlund Transformation Groups 51 5.1 Steps toward a theory 51 5.1.1. Lie and Backlund 51 5.1.2. Generalization of Lie's infinitesimal operators 52 5.1.3. Key applications 54 5.1.4. Imposition of the group structure on infinite-order tangent transformations 54 5.2. Formal Lie-Backlund transformation groups 56 5.3. Lie-Backlund symmetries of differential equations .... 57 6. Noether-Type Conservation Theorems 60 6.1. Conservation laws 60 6.2. Noether theorem 63 7. Nonlocal Symmetry Generators via Backlund Transformations 68 7.1. Quasilocal symmetries 71 7.2. Example 72 Part B. BODY OF RESULTS 8. Ordinary Differential Equations 77 8.1. Some first-order equations with a known symmetry .... 77 8.2. First-order equations with symmetries linear in the dependent variable 79 8.3. Some second-order equations with a known symmetry 82 8.4. Lie group classification of second-order equations 84 9. Second-Order Partial Differential Equations with Two Independent Variables 86 9.1. Linear equation 86 9.1.1. Lie's classification 86 9.1.2. Ovsiannikov's classification 88 Hyperbolic normal form 88 Parabolic normal form 90 9.2. Chaplygin equation 91 9.2.1. Ш)фвв + фаа = 0 91 9.2.2. <рв = -фа, <ра = К(а)фв 92 9.3. Homogeneous Monge-Ampere equation 94 9.4. Nonhomogeneous Monge-Ampere equation 95
IX Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 102 10.1. Linear heat equation 103 10.2. Nonlinear heat equation 110 10.3. Nonlinear filtration equation 129 10.4. Potential filtration equation 131 10.5. Nonlinear heat equation with a source 133 10.6. Heat equations in nonhomogeneous medium admitting nontrivial Lie-Backlund group 143 10.7. Nonlinear heat equation with a source, in the Af-dimensional case 144 10.8. Anisotropic heat equation with a source, in the two-dimensional case 155 10.9. Anisotropic heat equation with a source, in the three-dimensional case 158 10.10. Potential hyperbolic heat equation 163 10.11. Hyperbolic heat equation 169 10.12. A system of two linear diffusion equations 170 10.13. A system of two diffusion equations 171 Evolution Equations II: General Case 177 11.1. Equation ws = 0 177 11.2. Simplest transfer equation 178 11.3. Transfer equation 179 11.4. Burgers equation 180 11.5. Potential Burgers equation 183 11.6. Generalized Hopf equation 184 11.7. Korteweg-de Vries equation 185 11.8. Generalized Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation 192 11.9. BBM equation 194 11.10. Equation ut + uux + $uttt = 0 196 Wave Equations 197 12.1. One-dimensional linear wave equations 197 12.1.1. ий7] = 0 197 12.1.2. utt-uxx = 0 198 12.2. One-dimensional linear wave equations with variable coefficients 198 12.2.1. utt - c\x)uxx = 0 199 12.2.2. vt = ux, ut = c\x)vx 201 12.3. Equation zxy = F(z) 204 12.3.1. Bonnet equation 206
X Contents 12.4. One-dimensional nonlinear wave equations 208 12.4.1. (U): utt = (cp(u)ux)x 208 12.4.2. (V): vtt = <p(vx)vxx 212 12.4.3. (W): w(( = F(wxx) 214 12.4.4. Sequence (W)-(V)-(U) of nonlinear wave equations 215 12.5. Two-dimensional linear wave equation 218 12.6. Two-dimensional nonlinear wave equations 222 12.7. Three-dimensional linear wave equation 226 12.8. Three-dimensional nonlinear wave equations 232 12.9. Linear wave equations with dissipation 236 12.9.1. One-dimensional case 236 12.9.2. Two-dimensional case 237 12.9.3. Three-dimensional case 239 12.10. Nonlinear wave equations with dissipation 243 12.10.1.One-dimensional case 243 12.10.2.Two-dimensional case 244 12.10.3.Three-dimensional case 246 13. Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 249 13.1. Adiabatic gas motion 249 13.1.1. General case 249 13.1.2. One-dimensional case 252 Euler coordinates 252 Lagrangian coordinates 258 Intermediate system 261 (L)-(D-(E) sequence of equations of adiabatic gas motion 264 Point and quasilocal symmetries of (L)-(D-(E) sequence 273 13.1.3. Two-dimensional case 285 13.1.4. Three-dimensional case 289 13.2. Equations of stationary transonic plane-parallel gas flows 295 13.3. Equation of nonstationary transonic gas flows 296 13.3.1. Two-dimensional case 296 13.3.2. Three-dimensional case 298 13.4. Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya equation 299 13.4.1. Two-dimensional case 299 13.4.2. Three-dimensional case 300 13.5. "Short waves" equation 301
xi Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 303 14.1. Equations of chromatography 306 14.1.1. Langmuir isotherm 306 14.1.2. Generalized Langmuir isotherm 310 14.1.3. Power isotherm 313 14.1.4. Langmuir isotherm with dissociation 316 14.1.5. Exponential isotherm 317 14.2. Systems of Temple class 317 14.3. Isotachophoresis equations 320 14.4. Weakly nonlinear semi-Hamiltonian systems 322 14.5. Benney system 327 14.6. Averaged nonlinear Schrodinger equation 328 14.7. Averaged KdV equation 330 Integrodifferential Equations 332 15.1. PseudodifFerential Schrodinger equation 332 15.2. One-dimensional motion of elastoplastic media 334 15.3. Nonlocal Korteweg-de Vries equation 335 15.4. Benjamin-Ono equation 337 15.5. Conformal-invariant integrodifFerential equation 340 15.6. IntegrodifFerential Boltzmann equation 341 15.7. Spacially homogeneous Boltzmann equation for Maxwell molecules 342 15.8. Exactly solvable kinetic equation describing "very hard" particles 343 15.9. Maxwell-Vlasov equations 344 15.10. Long nonlinear waves 344 Part С COMPUTER ASPECTS Applications of Group Theory in Computation—A Survey. . . . 349 16.1. Conversion of boundary value to initial value problems 350 16.2. Calculation of eigenvalues 355 16.3. Some miscellaneous applications 361 16.3.1. Calculation near a singularity 361 16.3.2. Finite-difference equations 362 16.3.3. Invariant algorithms 364 Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 365 17.1. Transformation groups in the spaces of continuous and discrete variables 365 17.1.1. Taylor group 366
Xll Contents 17.1.2. Introduction of finite-difference derivatives 367 17.1.3. Transformations conserving the sense of finite-difference derivatives 370 17.1.4. Continuation formulas for a group operator in a grid space 371 17.1.5. Discrete representation of differential equations 373 17.2. Invariance of finite-difference grids and finite- difference equations 376 17.2.1. Criterion of invariance of finite-difference equations on a grid 376 17.2.2. Invariance of finite-difference grids 377 17.2.3. Method of finite-difference invariants 378 17.3. Invariant variational problems in discrete spaces 379 17.3.1. Discrete representation of Euler's operator ...379 17.3.2. Invariance of mesh functional 381 17.3.3. Condition of invariance of a difference Euler equation: quasiextremals of a mesh functional 382 17.3.4. Quasi-invariance of a mesh functional and invariance of a difference Euler equation 383 17.3.5. Conservation laws for quasiextremals of an invariant mesh functional 383 17.3.6. The difference analogy of the Noether theorem 385 17.4. Discrete models admitting symmetry groups 387 17.4.1. Ordinary finite-difference equations (OFDEs) 387 Some classes of first-order OFDEs admitting a one- parameter group 387 Some first-order OFDEs admitting a one-parameter group 388 Some classes of second-order OFDEs admitting a one- parameter group 390 Some classes of second-order OFDEs admitting a two- parameter group 391 Some second-order OFDEs admitting a group 392 17.4.2. Partial finite-difference equations (PFDEs) 394 Nonlinear difference heat equation 394
Contents xiii Difference equation of heat transfer with relaxation of a heat flow 395 Finite-difference wave equation .... 396 17.5. Numerical realization of invariant solutions of heat transfer 397 References 405 Author Index 421
A. Apparatus of Group Analysis
I Lie Theory of Differential Equations Lie, in his group theoretic investigations of differential equations, found it necessary to distinguish clearly between two approaches: One is natural and deals with the totality of solutions of a given differential equation. The other is based on regarding the differential equation as a surface in the space of independent and dependent variables together with the derivatives involved in the given equation. To illustrate this, consider a first-order ordinary differential equation [ODE], F(x,y,y') =0. (i) In the first approach, the symmetry group of Equation i is regarded as a one-parameter group (with parameter a) of point transformations of the (x, y) plane, x = <p(x,y,a), у = ф(х,у,а), (ii) such that any solution h(x) of Equation i (i.e., F(x, h(x\ h'(x)) = 0, identically in x from some interval) is converted into a solution of Equation i in the following way. Consider the integral curve (x, у =h{x)). (iii) Fix the parameter a in Equation ii and apply the Transformation ii to the integral curve iii. This yields a curve given by (x = <p(x,h(x),a), у = ф(х,к(х),а)), (iv) which, according to the first approach, is an integral curve. This integral 3
4 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 curve, after elimination of x from Equations iv, can be rewritten in the form y=H(x,a). (v) Because x is arbitrary we can again denote it by x. Hence, the original solution h(x) of Equation i is converted by the symmetry group into a one-parameter family of solutions H(x, a) of Equation i. In the second approach, the differential equation is considered as a surface in the three-dimensional space of variables x, у, р given by F(x,y,p) = 0. (vi) Here x, y, and p are considered to be three independent variables that transform as x = <p(x,y,a), у = ф(х,у,а), р = Dilf/D<p, (vii) where D = д/дх + p д/ду. This is, in fact, a one-parameter group and is called the first prolongation of the group of point transformations. A symmetry group, in the sense of this second approach, is defined as a group of transformations such that its first prolongation leaves invariant the surface given by Equation vi. The constraint on the transformation law for p that appears in Equation vii provides a connection with the first approach because the prolongation is consistent with the transformation law for first derivatives with the identification p = y'. Equally important is the fact that this constraint provides an algorithm for finding symmetry groups. It is clear from the second approach that the symmetry group of Equation i is identical to the invariance group for the surface given by Equation vi and does not depend on the existence of solutions of the differential equation. Because of this fundamental role played by the surface given by Equation vi, it is called the frame of the differential equation. In integrating differential equations, a decisive step is that of simplifying the frame. For such a purpose, it is sufficient to "straighten out" the one-parameter symmetry group i.e., to reduce its action to a translation by a suitable change of the variables x and y. This automatically simplifies the equation by converting its frame into a cylinder, i.e., the explicit dependence on one of the variables x or у has been eliminated. For illustration, we give the following example. Example. The Riccati equation, y' + y2 - 2/x2 = 0, admits the group G of point transformations x = xea and у = уе~а because the frame of this equation, p + y2 — 2/x2 = 0, is invariant under the dilations in the space of three variables (x, y,p) x = xea, у =уе~а, р = pe~2a. These dilations are obtained by the prolongation of G. The group is straightened out by the
Lie Theory of Differential Equations 5 change of variables t = In x, и = ху. In these variables the transformations of the group G are written 1 = t + а, й = и. Its prolongation to the frame space (t, w, q) is given by t = t + а, й = w, q = q, which is obtained by setting p = q in Formula vii. In the new variables the frame of the Riccati equation becomes the parabolic cylinder q + u1 — и — 2 = 0. As a result we have transformed the original Riccati equation into the following integrable one: u' + u2 - и - 2 = 0. Central to this book is the remarkable discovery by Lie that the group approach provides a unified explanation for the seemingly disparate (diverse and ad hoc) integration methods used to solve ordinary differential equations. Moreover, Lie [1883], [1884] gave a group classification of all arbitrary- order ordinary differential equations. In this way he identified all equations that can be reduced to lower-order equations or completely integrated by the application of group theoretic methods. The purpose of Part I is as follows: (1) to systematize the relevant results of Lie; (2) to guide the reader through the totality of Lie group methods with a minimum number of theoretical constructions; (3) to assist the reader in developing skills in applying these results and methods.
1 One-Parameter Transformation Groups 1.1. LOCAL ONE-PARAMETER POINT TRANSFORMATION GROUPS We shall consider invertible transformations of the (x,y) plane x = <p(x,y,a), у = ф(х,у,а), (1.1) depending upon a real parameter a, where we impose the conditions <p\a=0=X, ф\а=0=У- (1.2) We say that these transformations form a one-parameter group G if the successive action of two transformations is equivalent to the action of another transformation of the form 1.1. This group property can always be recast, by a suitable choice of parameter, as follows: <p(x,y,b) =<p(x,y,a +ft), ф(х,у,Ь) = ф(х,у,а + Ъ). In practice, it often happens that the group property is valid only locally, i.e., only for a and b sufficiently small. In this case G is referred to as a local one-parameter transformation group. If the group property is valid for all a and b from some fixed interval, G is referred to as a global group. It is local groups that are used in group analysis. For brevity, we simply call them groups. Transformations 1.1 are called point transformations (unlike contact transformations, where the transformed values also depend on the derivative y'\ and the group G is called a group of point transformations. It is readily seen 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc. 7
8 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 from Formulas 1.2 and 1.3 that the inverse transformation can be obtained by changing the sign of the group parameter: x = <p(x,y,-a), у = ф(х,у,-а). (1.4) Let Ta denote the transformation 1.1 of a point (x, y) into a point (x, y), I the identity transformation, T~] the transformation inverse to Ta, and TbTa the composition of two transformations. Then one may summarize properties 1.2-1.4 as follows. Definition 1.1. The set G of transformations Ta is a local one-parameter group if the following hold: 1. 70 = /eG 2. TbTa = Ta+h e G 3. T~] = T_a^G where a and b are sufficiently small. We shall represent the functions <p and ф via their Taylor series expansions with respect to the parameter a in the neighborhood of a = 0 and write the infinitesimal Transformation 1.1 as follows: x ~x + £(х,у)я, у ~y + 7i(x,y)a, (1.1') where дф(х,у,а) дср(х,у,а) a = 0 . (1.5) z„ I ' V(x,y) = da \a=o oa For example, in the case of rotations x = x cos a + у sin а, у = у cos a — x sin a, the infinitesimal transformation is given by x ~ x + ya, у ~ у — xa. The vector (£, 77) given by Formula 1.5 is a tangent vector (at the point (x, y)) to the curve determined by the totality of transformed points (x, y). That is why it is called a tangent vector field of the group G. Given an infinitesimal transformation 1.Г, a one-parameter group can be completely determined by the following Lie equations with appropriate initial
One-Parameter Transformation Groups 9 conditions: dcp — = £(<P,<A), (p\a = 0 = *, —- = 7](<р,ф), ф\а=0 =у. da A tangent vector field can be written in terms of the first-order differential operator X = £(x,y)-+V(x,y) — . (1.7) Unlike the vector (£, 77), X transforms as a scalar under a change of variables. Lie called the operator 1.7 a symbol of the infinitesimal Transformation 1.Г. The terms infinitesimal operator, group operator, Lie operator, and group generator came into use later. All these terms will be used interchangeably. Definition 1.2. A function F(xy y) is an invariant of the group of transformations 1.1 if for each point (x, y) it is constant along the trajectory determined by the totality of transformed points (x, y): F(x,y) = F(x,y). Theorem 1.1. The function F(xy y) is an invariant of the group G with the symbol X given by Formula 1.7 iff it satisfies the partial differential equation dF dF XF = Z{x,y)— + r){x,y)— = Q. (1.8) ox oy Hence any one-parameter group of point transformations of the plane has only one independent invariant. One can take this invariant to be the left-hand side of a first integral J(x, у) = С of the characteristic equation dx dy (1.8') Нх>у) v(x,y)' Then any other invariant is a function of /. The concepts just stated can be readily generalized to the multidimensional case, where instead of transformation groups of the plane one considers transformations Г =/''(*, *), i = l,...,л, (1.9)
10 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 of the л-dimensional space of points x = (jc1, ..., xn). Let us focus on this multidimensional case and consider the system of equations Fx(x) = 0,...,Fs(x) = 0, s <n. (1.10) We suppose that the rank of the matrix lldi^/dx1!! equals s at every point x that satisfies System 1.10. Then System 1.10 determines an (n — s)- dimensional surface M. Definition 1.3. System 1.10 is invariant under the transformation group G (or admits G) if any point x of the surface M moves along this surface under the action of G, i.e., x e M if x e M. Theorem 1.2. The system of Equations 1.10 is invariant under the group G of Transformations 1.9 with the symbol (l.ii) a = 0 iff XFk\M = 0, * = 1,...,*, (1.12) where the notation \M means evaluated on M. This theorem is useful for finding the group admitted by a given system of equations. When the functions Fk(x) are known, the coordinates ijl(x) of Operator 1.11 are determined from Equations 1.12. Then one may obtain Transformations 1.9 of the group admitted by solving the Lie equations -—=£'(*), х'\а=о = х', / = l,...,n. da Conversely, in order to find an invariant system of equations for a given group G, it is convenient to use the following theorem on the representation of invariant equations via group invariants. Each one-parameter group G of Transformations 1.9 has exactly n — 1 functionally independent invariants. Any set of n - 1 functionally independent invariants is called a basis of invariants for G. A basis of invariants for a group G with symbol 1.11 can, in principle, be constructed by solving the characteristic system dxl dxtl X = t'(x)^> ?(*) = df{x,a) da
One-Parameter Transformation Groups 11 Theorem 1.3. Let the system of equations 1.10 admit the group G, and assume its tangent vector £ix) is not equal to zero on the surface M determined by Equations 1.10. Then there exist functions Ф such that one may rewrite System 1.10 equivalently as follows: ф*(Л(дО,...,/„_!(*)) = °> * = l,..., j, (1.Ю') where J{ix), ..., Jn_xix) is a basis of invariants of the group G (i.e., a set of all functionally independent invariants). Equations 1.10 and 1.10' are equivalent in the sense that they determine the same surface M. Example. Consider the paraboloid given by x2 + y2 - z = 0 with the origin excluded. This paraboloid is equivalently given by x2 + y2 1 = 0. z The group G of inhomogeneous dilations x = xea, у = yea, and z = ze2a moves points along this parabolic surface, hence both equations describing the paraboloid are invariant under G. However, it can be easily verified that the function Fix, y, z) = x2 + y2 — z under the action of G becomes Fix, y, z) = e2aFix, y, z). Hence F is not invariant under G, whereas the function Ф(х, у, z) = ix2 + y2)/z - 1 is invariant under G. In integrating ordinary differential equations we shall use the following simple theorem on what is called similarity of one-parameter groups. Here, we formulate this theorem only in the case of transformation groups on the plane. Theorem 1.4. Any one-parameter group G of Transformations 1.1 can be reduced under a suitable change of variables t = tix,y), и = u(x,y) to the translation group ~t = t + a and й = и with the symbol X = d/dt. Such variables t and и are referred to as canonical variables. This can be seen by the following argument. By a change of variables, the differential operator given by Formula 1.7 is transformed according to the formula X = X(t)-+X(u) — , (1.13) ot ou
12 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 where X(t) and X(u) denote the action of the differential operator X on the functions t(x, y) and u(x, y), respectively. In order that Operator 1.13 becomes X = д/dt, the equations X(t) = 1 and X(u)=0 (1.14) must be satisfied. For example, for the dilation group x = xe and у = уе2а with the operator X = хд/дх + 2у д/ду, Equations 1.14 are readily solved and yield t = hut + g(yx~2) and и = h(yx~2), where g and h are arbitrary functions. One has the freedom to choose the functions g and h. We take g = 0 and h = yx~2, i.e., the change of variables t = In x, и = y/x2. This reduces the dilation group to the group of translations - i-i У y t = \nx = \nx + a = t + a, и = ^z = -^ = u. xL xL 1.2. PROLONGATION FORMULAS Now we write the transformation formulas for the derivatives y',y" corresponding to the point transformations. It is convenient to use the operator of total differentiation д д д D = — + у'— + у"— + • • • , дх ду ду where D is used to distinguish this operator from the operator of partial differentiation д/дх. Then the derivative transformations are given by dy Иф фх + у'фу У = ~р = 7Г~ = —~--^ =Р(х,у,у ,а), dx Dcp <рх + У(ру -«^^-BL- ?x + yPy + у"Ру' dx D<p ipx+ y'ipy If we start from a group G of transformations 1.1 and add Formula 1.15, we obtain the first prolongation G acting on the space of three variables l (я. У, У'У, after adding Formula 1.16, we obtain the second prolongation G 2 acting on the space (jc, у, у\ у"). Substituting the infinitesimal transformation x = x + at; and у = у + ar\ into Formulas 1.15 and 1.16 and neglecting the terms up to o(a), we obtain (1.15) (1.16)
One-Parameter Transformation Groups 13 the infinitesimal transformations of the derivatives y' + aD(r\) »/+ [D(V) - уЩ^а ш у'+ a(u y" + aD(L) ?,-тт^"1,,+ад111'ад1 * у" + [D{Cx) ~ y"DU)]a « y" + a£2. Hence the symbols of the groups G and G are equal to 1 2 f = 4 + *^ + ^' f.-^)-^(f). (1-17) X = X + Z2—, t2 = D(C1)-y"D(a- (1.18) They are referred to as the first- and the second-order prolongations of Operator 1.7. Sometimes we shall also call the expressions for the additional coordinates £x and £2, Cx = D(V) - y'D(t) = r,x + (Vy ~ £,)У' - У'%, (1.17) £г = D{Cx) ~ y"D{U) = Vxx + (2vxy " €xx)y' + (vyy " Пху)у'2 - y%y + (Vy - 2£x - 3y'iy)y", (1.18') prolongation formulas. In dealing with the multidimensional situation (with independent variables x\ i = 1,..., n, and dependent variables u", a = 1,..., m, instead of x and y) one may recast Prolongations 1.17 and 1.18 of the operator as follows: ь дх' диа д д X = X + ff , X = X + £» 1 'Зи?' 2 1 "dufj where tf - DW) ~ ufDfci), (1.17") f* = DjiCT) ~ "°k4tk)> (1-18")
14 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 and д д д D:= Г + U0 + Uf: + ' ' ' . 1 дх1 ' диа lJduJ The convention of summation over repeated indices is adopted here. 1.3. GROUPS ADMITTED BY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Let G be the group of point transformations and let G and G be the first 1 2 and the second prolongations defined in Section 1.2. Definition 1.4. A first-order ordinary differential equation F(x,y,y') = 0 admits the group G if the frame of the given equation, i.e., a two-dimensional surface F(x, y, p) = 0 in the three-dimensional space of variables x, y, and p = y' is invariant (see Definition 1.3) under the first prolongation G of G. Analogously a second-order differential equation F(x,y,y',y") = 0 (1.19) admits a group G if its frame (a three-dimensional surface in the space x, у, у', у") is invariant under the second prolongation G. 2 Evidently this definition can be generalized to higher-order differential equations as well as to systems of partial differential equations. The terms "groups admitted by differential equations" and "symmetry groups" are used interchangeably in the literature. Under the action of a group admitted by a differential equation, any solution of the equation is converted into a solution of the same equation. Often in the literature one finds the converse statement taken as the definition for symmetry groups, namely: Definition 1.4'. A symmetry group of a differential equation is a group that converts every solution of the equation under consideration into a solution of the same equation. Under conditions of solvability, Definitions 1.4 and 1.4' are equivalent (see Lie [1891], Chapter 6, Section 1; for a recent treatment of locally solvable systems see Olver [1986], Section 2.6). However, because of the work of
One-Parameter Transformation Groups 15 H. Lewy [1957], we know there are exceptional cases of equations without solution. In these cases the two definitions are not equivalent. The construction of differential equations admitting a given group can be readily realized with the help of Theorem 1.3 on the representation of invariant equations in terms of group invariants. If we fix our attention on constructing the most general form of second- order ODEs that admit a given group with generator X, then one must find a basis of invariants for X, i.e., solve 2 XJ(x,y,y',y") = 0. 2 The theory of characteristics says there are three functionally independent invariants. It is convenient to find these invariants successively by solving the sequence of equations Щх, у) = 0, XJ(x, у, у') = 0, XJ(x, у, у', у") = 0. (1.20) 1 2 The first equation has one functionally independent solution, which we denote by u(x, y). The second equation has two functionally independent solutions; we select one of them to be u(x, y) (because Xu = 0) and we denote the second one by v(x, y, y'X Note that v(x, у, у') must depend on y', otherwise the first of Equations 1.20 would have two functionally independent invariants. The solution v(x, у, у') is called a first-order differential invariant of the group G. Similarly, we find from the third of Equations 1.20 exactly one additional functionally independent (of и and v) invariant w(x, у, у', у"), which is called a second-order differential invariant of the group G. The choice of invariants is unique up to functional dependence. If one looks for the most general form of first-order ODEs then it is only necessary to consider the first two equations from Equations 1.20. Example. Let G be the group of Galilean transformations x = x + ay and у = у with generator X = у д/дх. This group has the invariant и = у. The first and second prolongations of the operator X are easily calculated by Formulas 1.17 and 1.18 and turn out to be д д д д д X = у— - у'2—, X = у— - у'2— - Зу'у"—-. 1 дх ду' 2 дх ду' ду" From the characteristic equations dx dy' dy" У У'1 Зу'у"
16 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 we obtain the first- and second-order differential invariants: У У" In accordance with Theorem 1.3 the most general invariant equation (except singular ones) for prolongations G and G can be written as v = F(u) and 12 w = F(u, v), respectively. Substituting here the expressions for the invariants w, v, and w, we obtain the following general first- and second-order differential equations admitting the Galilean group: У' = /gn, У" =У'ър[у, A " -). x + F(y) \ у у) In more complex cases the following theorem (Lie [1891] , Chapter 16, Section 5) simplifies calculation of the second- and higher-order differential invariants. Theorem 1.5. Let the invariant u(x, y) and the first-order differential invariant v(x, у, у') be known for a given group G. Then the derivative dv vx + y'vy + y"vy. Dv du ux + y'uy Du is a second-order differential invariant. As a result of subsequent differentiation one may obtain the higher-order differential invariants d2v/du2, d3v/du3,.... Several differential equations of the first and second orders are listed in Sections 8.1 and 8.3 along with the operators they admit. These results are obtained with the help of Theorems 1.3 and 1.5. 1.4. INTEGRATION AND REDUCTION OF ORDER Group theory elucidates many methods and results on the integration of equations that are widely used in practice. This permits one to understand connections between different methods and to unify them. Here we discuss the simplest applications of one-parameter groups to the problems of integration and reduction of order for ordinary differential equations. For the integration of first-order equations, two group theoretical methods are presented. The first provides a method for finding an integrating factor (Section 1.4.1). The second, the method of canonical variables (Section 1.4.2), provides a method for finding a suitable change of variables. This last
One-Parameter Transformation Groups 17 method, in the case of higher order equations, becomes a method for reducing the order of the equation. For these and more general group theoretic methods of integration of ODEs see the exhaustive presentation by Lie [1891]. Helpful presentations can also be found in Bianchi [1918] and Dickson [1924] as well as in more recent books by Olver [1986], Bluman and Kumei [1989] Ibragimov [1989a], [1991], and Stephani [1989]. 1.4.1. INTEGRATING FACTOR This method is applicable to first-order equations only. Consider a first- order ordinary differential equation written in the symmetric form Q(x,y)dx-P(x,y)dy = 0. (1.21) It is equivalent to the following partial differential equation: dF dF P— + Q— = 0. (1.22) дх ду The left-hand side of any integral F(x, y) = const, of Equation 1.21 is a solution of Equation 1.22 and, conversely, any solution F(x, y) of Equation 1.22 equated to an arbitrary constant determines an integral of Equation 1.21. Theorem 1.6 (Lie [1875]). Equation 1.21, Q(x,y)dx-P(x,y)dy = 0, admits a one-parameter group with generator 1.7, д д * = £— + ?7 — дх ду iff the function €Q-vP is an integrating factor for Equation 1.21. First Example. Consider again the Riccati equation /* = T7, Ъ (L23) 2 v'+y2=^. (1.24)
18 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 This equation admits the one-parameter group of dilations x = xea and у = уе~а with the generator x-xk-yh- (L25) Rewriting Equation 1.24 as dy + \y2 ^\dx = 0 (1.24') and using Formula 1.23, we obtain the integrating factor Д = x2y2 - xy - 2 ' After multiplying by this factor, Equation 1.24' becomes xdy + (xy2 — 2/x) dx I 1 xy — 2 V ; =d \]nx + -]n- -I =0. x2y2 — xy — 2 " \ 3 * xy + 1 Thus we find the general solution of Equation 1.24 in the form 2jc3 + С У = x(x2 - С) Second Example—A Group Theoretical Basis for the Method of Variation of Parameters. Let us apply Lie's formula to integrate the inhomogeneous linear equation y'+R(x)y = Q(x). (1.26) In this case a symmetry group is given by the superposition principle. Namely, if z0(x) = exp[fR(x)dx] is a particular solution of the homogeneous equation z'+/?(x)z = 0, (1.26') then the one-parameter family of transformations x=x, y=y+azQ(x) converts any solution of Equation 1.26 into a solution of the same equation.
One-Parameter Transformation Groups 19 These transformations form a one-parameter group G with the symbol X = z0(x)-. Here, one can use Definition 1.4' and conclude that G is a symmetry group for Equation 1.26. Now we rewrite Equation 1.26 in the form (Q - Ry) dx - dy = 0, and, using Formula 1.23, we find the integrating factor /x = - l/z0(x), or fi = -e^x)dx. Therefore [dy + (Ry - Q) dx] efRix)dx = dF, for some function F. It follows that dF dF = em*)dx^ = R(x)yeIR(x)dx __ Q(x)em*)dx dy dx By integrating the first equation one may obtain the expression F = у cxp[fR(x)dx] +/(jc). The substitution of this expression into the second equation yields f'(x) = -Q(x)eJR(x)dx, or f(x) = -fQ(x)e^x)dxdx. Substituting this back into the expression for F(x, y) and setting F = C, we find yeJR(x)dx _ jQ(x)emx)dx fa = C By solving this equation with respect to у one obtains the general solution of Equation 1.26: у = e-}Rdx(fQefRdxdx + C). 1.4.2. METHOD OF CANONICAL VARIABLES First we note that if a differential equation admits a group G in one coordinate system, it admits the group in any other coordinate system. Therefore, we simplify the group by choosing canonical variables t and и according to Theorem 1.4 and reduce the action of G to translations in one of these variables, say, t. Then our equation written in terms of t and и will be invariant with respect to translations in t. This means that the trans-
20 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 formed equation does not depend explicitly on t. Therefore, in canonical variables, we can integrate this equation by quadratures if it is first-order, or if it is of higher-order, reduce the order by 1. First Example. Consider equation 1.24. For the group with generator 1.25, the canonical variables are t = In x and и = xy. In these variables Equation 1.24 is written as u' + u2 - и - 2 = 0. (1.24") This equation is readily integrated and yields и + 1 In 3t = const. и — 2 After substituting the expressions for t and и in terms of x and y, we reproduce the solution given in Section 1.4.1. Second Example. The second-order linear equation yn+f(x)y = 0 (1.27) admits the group of dilations in у with the generator X = y — . (1.28) by Here the canonical variables are и = x and t = In y. In these variables Equation 1.27 becomes u" - u' + /(w)w'3 = 0. It does not depend explicitly on t. That is why its order can be reduced by the standard substitution u' = p{u) and the problem becomes one of integrating the Riccati equation dp s+/<«),'-i-o. The method of canonical variables gives a second group theoretic basis for the method of variation of parameters (see, e.g., Ibragimov [1989a]). In this way, in contrast to the integrating-factor method, one is provided with a group theoretic approach to the method of variation of parameters for higher-order equations.
One-Parameter Transformation Groups 21 1.4.3. INVARIANT DIFFERENTIATION If a second- or higher-order equation admits a one-parameter group, one can reduce the order of the equation with the help of Theorems 1.3 and 1.5. Here we focus on second-order ODEs admitting a one-parameter group G. Denote by и an invariant of G and by v its first-order differential invariant. According to Theorem 1.5 a second-order differential invariant can be chosen in the form w = dv/du. Then by Theorem 1.3 the differential equation can be rewritten as dv -b=n»,v). (1.29) By this we have reduced the order. If we find an integral of Equation 1.29 (e.g., of the original second-order equation) in the sense Ф(и,и,С) =0 (1.30) then the solution of our second-order equation automatically reduces to quadratures. Indeed, the substitution of the known expressions for invariants u(x, y) and v(x, у, у') into Equation 1.30 results in a first-order differential equation that admits the group G. This is the consequence of the fact that и and v are invariants. Example. Let us reduce the order of Equation 1.27 by the method of invariant differentiation. The first prolongation of operator 1.28 is д д X =y— +y'—. 1 ду ду Its invariants are и = x and v = y'/y. In accordance with theorem 1.5, we calculate the second-order differential invariant w = dv/du: du у у2 у It follows that y"/y = dv/du + v2. The substitution of this expression into Equation 1.27 gives Equation 1.29 in the form of the following Riccati equation: dv — + u2 +f(u) = 0.
22 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 1.5. DETERMINING EQUATION Now we consider the problem of constructing the group admitted by a given second-order Equation 1.19. In accordance with Definition 1.4 and Theorem 1.2, the infinitesimal criterion for invariance is X^F\F=0 = (£FX + VFy + CxFy. + £2iy)lF=o = 0 (1.31) where f, and £2 are calculated by the prolongation formulas (Equations 1.17' and 1.18'). Equation 1.31 is referred to as the determining equation for the group admitted by Equation 1.19. Furthermore, we shall treat differential equations written in the form y"=f(x,y,y'). (1.32) In this case the determining equation, becomes Vxx + (2rlxy ~ €хх)У' + (Ъу ~ 2Ly)y'2 ~ У'Чуу + (т7у - 2{x - 3y%)f - [Vx + (Ъ - Zx)y' - y%\fy. -Sfx-Vfy = 0. (1.33) Here fix, у, у') is a known function and the coordinates £ and r\ are unknown functions of x and y. Because the left-hand side of Equation 1.33 includes (besides x and у) у' considered as an independent variable, the determining equation can be split into several independent equations. As a result we obtain an overdetermined system of differential equations for £ and 77. Solving this system of determining equations, we find all operators admitted by Equation 1.32. First Example. Let us find all operators д д ox ay admitted by 1 y" + -y' - ey = 0. (1.34) x Here f = ey — (l/x)y' and Equation 1.33 becomes Vxx + (2Vxy ~ ixx)y' + (Vyy ~ Чху)У'2 ~ У%у + (Vy - Цх - 3y'{y)[e> - iL) + ![„, + (Vy - Qy' - y%\ йУ— ~ vey = 0. x
One-Parameter Transformation Groups 23 The left-hand side of this equation is a polynomial of third degree in y'. That is why the determining equation is split into the following four equations: (yf: €yy = o; .'\2 (/) : vyy-2ixy+-iy = 0; y': 2r,x-ixx+\-\ -3^ = 0; (1.35) t\0. (У'У- V**+-Vx + (vy-2tx-v)ey = 0. It follows from the first two equations that £=p(x)y +*(*) and v = (p' + ^)у2 + Ыа1' - -J + <?(*) У +Ъ(х). We substitute these expressions for £ and 77 into the last two of Equations 1.35. Because £ and 77 depend on у polynomially and the left-hand sides of these last two equations contain ey, it follows that £y = 0 and <ny-2£x-v= 0. The solution of these equations is given by f = a(x) and 17 = -2«'(jc). After this the third equation of Equations 1.35 becomes (•■-i)'-0- which gives a = Cxx In x + C2jc. The last equation of Equations 1.35 is valid identically. As a result we obtain the general solution of Equations 1.35: £ = Сгх In x + C2jc and 17 = —2[C1(1 + In jc) + C2], with constant coefficients Cx and C2. By virtue of the linearity of the determining equations the general solution can be represented as a linear combination of the following two independent solutions: £2 =jclnx, r)l= -2(1 4- lnx); £2 =x> 712= ~2-
24 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 This means that Equation 1.34 admits two linearly independent operators /9 /9 Я Я X]=x\nx 2(1 + 1пл:)— and X2 = x 2—. (1.36) дх ду дх ду Hence the set of all operators admitted by Equation 1.34 is a two-dimensional vector space with the basis given by operators 1.36. For partial differential equations (PDEs), the construction of an admitted group parallels the ODE development previously described. In the PDE case, one utilizes the prolongation Formulas 1.17 and 1.18 in place of Formulas 1.17' and 1.18'. We illustrate this by the following example. Second Example. Consider the following second-order partial differential equation: uxx + uyy = e\ (1.37) We seek a symmetry operator д д д x = £l— + £2— + v —, дх ду ди where g\ £2, and 77 are unknown functions of three variables x, y, and u. Solution of the determining equation gives that £] and £2 depend only on x and у and satisfy the Cauchy-Riemann system £-# = 0, #+# = 0, (1.38) while v = -1С So, Equation 1.37 admits the infinite-dimensional vector space of operators д д д X=£l(x,y)— +£2(x,y) 2£| —, (1.39) where £l and ^2 are defined by Equations 1.38. 1.6. LIE ALGEBRAS Now we return to the general properties of the determining equation. It can be seen from Equation 1.33 that the determining equation is a linear partial differential equation with unknown functions £ and 77 of two variables x and y. It follows that the set of all its solutions is a vector space. However,
One-Parameter Transformation Groups 25 there is another property that is intrinsic to determining equations. A set of solutions of any determining equations forms what is called a Lie algebra. (This term was introduced by H. Weyl; S. Lie himself used the term infinitesimal group.) We define a commutator (Lie bracket) [XY,X2\oi operators д д д д *i = £iT- +?7i^- and X2 = £2—- +7]2-- дх ду дх ду by the formula [Xl,X2]=XlX2-X2Xx, (1.40) or [XltX2] = (*,(&) -ХгЦ,))— + (Х^ъ) -Хг{щ)) — . (1.40') It follows that the commutator 1. Is bilinear, [X, cxXx + c2X2] = cx[X, Xx] + c2[X, X2] [cxXl+c2X2,X]=cx[Xx,X]+c2[X2,X] 2. Is skew-symmetric, [Xv X2] = -[X2, Xx] 3. Satisfies the Jacobi identity, [Xl9[X29X3]] + [X2,[X3,XX]] + [Х39[Хг,Х2]] =0 Definition 1.5. A Lie algebra of operators 1.7 is a vector space L that includes the commutator [Xx, X2] along with any two operators Xx, X2 e L. This Lie algebra is denoted by the same letter L, and the dimension of the Lie algebra is the proper dimension of the vector space L. Remark 1. Let Lr be an r-dimensional vector space with a basis Xx,..., Xr, i.e., any IeLr can be decomposed as follows: r X = £ СМАГМ, С» = const. (1.41) Then it follows from Definition 1.5 that Lr is a Lie algebra iff г [**,*„] = Е<Да> ^=1,..-,/-, (1.42) Л = 1 where c*„ are real constants called structure constants of Lr.
26 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Remark 2. A Lie algebra Lr generates an r-parameter group of transformations 1.1 with a vector-parameter a = (я1,..., ar). To construct the transformations corresponding to this group, it is sufficient to solve the Lie equations for each basis operator of Lr and take compositions of these r one-parameter groups. One of the general results for second-order equations is the following one due to Lie [1891]. Theorem 1.7. For any Equation 1.32, the set of all solutions of the determining equation forms a Lie algebra Lr of dimension r < 8. The maximum dimension r = 8 is realized if and only if Equation 1.32 is linear or can be linearized by a change of variables. Example. The commutator of operators 1.36 equals [XUX2]=-X2. (1.36') So property 1.42 is valid and therefore the vector space spanned by the operators Xx and X2 is a two-dimensional Lie algebra. According to the First Example in Section 1.5, Xl and X2 are two linearly independent solutions of the determining equation for Equation 1.34, and any X admitted by Equation 1.34 is a linear combination of them. It follows from Theorem 1.7 that equation 1.34 cannot be linearized. Although we discuss above only groups admitted by second-order differential equations, all concepts and algorithms can be generalized to higher- order equations. Moreover, Lie gave a classification of all ordinary differential equations of arbitrary order according to their admitted groups. This classification is based on enumeration of all possible groups of transformations of the plane. A treatment of this classification is given in Lie [1883] and [1884]. Finally, we are in a position to see why the method of the determining equations is not effective for first-order ODEs y' = fix, y). In this case we have the determining equation *(/-/)!, =vx + (vy-e*)f-£yf2-£fx-vfy = 0- (i-43) 1 ly =f This does not contain the variable y'\ that is why the split into an overdeter- mined system does not occur here. 1.7. CONTACT TRANSFORMATIONS In the theory of differential equations as well as in mechanics and geometry along with point transformations, groups of contact (or tangent)
One-Parameter Transformation Groups 27 transformations are widely used (Lie [1896a], [1896b]). Here we will discuss at once the multidimensional case with an arbitrary number n of independent variables x = (x1,..., xn) and the one dependent variable u. (It is worthwhile to mention that for the greater number of the dependent variables there are no contact transformations different from a point ones; the proof can be found, e.g., in Ovsiannikov [1978], Section 28.3, in Anderson and Ibragimov [1979], Section 9, or in Ibragimov [1983], Section 14.10.) Let u' denote the set of first derivatives ui = ди/дх\ and consider a one-parameter group of transformations xl = cpl(x, u, u!, a), U = ф(х,и,и',а), й( = а)((х, и, и', а) (1.44) in the (2n + l)-dimensional space of variables (x,u,uf). Transformations 1.44 are referred to as contact transformations when Ui = дй/дх1. In terms of infinitesimal transformations, xl ~ xl + £'(*> u-> u')a-> и ~ и + r\(x,u,u')a, bLt ~ ui + £i(x, u, u')a (1.44') this condition can be rewritten as the prolongation formula £, = АЫ - UjD^). (1.45) Theorem 1.8. The operator Хш(,>? + ч*; + 1-щ (1-46) is a symbol of a contact transformation group iff dW dW dW dW Г'=- —, 4 = ^-11,— , £-= — +11,.— (1.47) dut dut дх1 ди for some function W = W(x, w, u'). The function W occurring in this theorem was called by Lie [1896a] the characteristic function of the contact transformation group. For ordinary differential equations formulas 1.46 and 1.47 become A A A where W = W(x, y, p) with p = y'.
28 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Example. Consider contact groups admitted by the third-order equation y'" = 0. (1.49) After substitution of operator 1.48 into the determining equation, we find W = Cx + C2x + C3x2 + C4y + C5p + C6xp + C7(x2p - 2xy) + Csp2 + C9(xp2 - 2yp) + C10(xV - 4xyp + 4y2), (1.50) where C1?...,C10 are arbitrary constants. Therefore, the substitution of function 1.50 into Equation 1.48 yields 10 linearly independent generators of a Lie algebra L10: д д 2д д д 1 ay' 2 ay' 3 ду' 4 ay' 5 ах а а а а а Аг6=х—, Х7=х2—+ху —, Xs = 2p— +Рг—, ах ах ay ax ay а 1 а 1 а ^9 = (у-хр)---хр2---р2-,
2 Integration of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations 2.1. SOLVABLE LIE ALGEBRAS AND SUCCESSIVE REDUCTION OF ORDER As stated in Section 1.4 (see also Dickson [1924], Ovsiannikov [1962], Olver [1986], Bluman and Kumei [1989], Stephani [1989], and Ibragimov [1989a], [1991]), a one-dimensional symmetry algebra can be used to reduce by one the order of a second-order equation. So it is natural to expect that given a two-dimensional algebra the order can be reduced twice, which means we have integrated the equation. We begin by discussing the properties of Lie algebras that we need in this chapter. Let Lr be an r-dimensional Lie algebra with any r < oo and let N be a linear subspace of Lr. Definition 2.1. The subspace N is referred to as a subalgebra if [X, Y] e N for all X,Y e N (i.e., this subspace is an algebra itself), and as an ideal if [X,Y] e N for all X e TV and all Y e Lr. If N is an ideal, then one can introduce an equivalence relation: Operators X and Y from Lr are said to be equivalent if Y - X e N. The set of all operators that are equivalent to a given operator X is referred to as a coset represented by the operator X; any element У of this coset has the form Y = X + Z for some Z e N. The set of all cosets is naturally endowed with a Lie algebra structure and is called the quotient algebra of the Lie algebra Lr by its ideal N. It is denoted by Lr/N. One may consider the representatives of appropriate cosets as elements of this quotient algebra. If all constructions are considered in the complex domain, then the following theorem is valid. 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc. 29
30 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Theorem 2.1. In any algebra Lr, r > 2, there exists a two-dimensional subalgebra. Moreover, any operator X ^ Lr can be included in a two-dimensional subalgebra. Definition 2.2. A Lie algebra Lr is solvable if there is a sequence Lrz>Lr_xz> ... dL, (2.1) of subalgebras of dimensions r, r — 1,..., 1, respectively such that Ls_x is an ideal in Ls (s = 2,..., r). A convenient criterion of solvability is formulated in terms of derived algebras. Definition 2.3. Let Xx,..., Xr be a basis of an algebra Lr The linear span of the commutators [X^ Xv] of all possible pairs of the basis operators is an ideal denoted by Lr and called the derived algebra. The higher-order derived algebras are defined recursively: L(rn + l) = (L(/°)', n = 1,2,... . Theorem 2.2. An algebra Lr is solvable if and only if the derived algebra of some order equals zero: L(/° = 0 for some n > 0. Corollary. Any two-dimensional algebra is solvable. To construct Sequence 2.1 in the case of a two-dimensional algebra L2, one may choose a basis Xx, X2 so that the equality [Xu X2] = aXx is valid. Then the one-dimensional algebra Lx spanned by Xx is an ideal in L2, and the quotient algebra L2/Lx can be identified with the algebra spanned by X2. If this algebra L2 is admitted by a second-order ODE, one can use the ideal Lx to reduce the order of this equation by 1 (Sections 1.4.2 and 1.4.3). Further, the resulting first-order equation admits the quotient algebra L2/Lx and hence it can be integrated by any of the methods discussed in Section 1.4. It is clear that an ordinary differential equation of order n > 2 can be integrated by this method of successive reduction of order if it admits a solvable п-dimensional Lie algebra. For detailed discussions, see Olver [1986], Theorems 2.60, 2.61, and 2.64. 2.2. METHOD OF CANONICAL VARIABLES If a given second-order equation admits a two-dimensional Lie algebra, then instead of using the preceding method of successive reduction of order, one may change variables such that the equation is integrable.
Integration of Second-Order ODEs 31 2.2.1. CANONICAL FORMS OF L2 To state the basic theorems of this section we need, together with Commutator 1.40, the pseudoscalar (skew) product Х^Х2 = £м2-щ£2, (2.2) A classification of two-dimensional Lie algebras according to their structural properties is based on the fact that the equations [A",, X2] = 0, and A', V X2 = 0 are invariant under both changes of bases in L2 and changes of the variables x and y. Based on this, the set of all two-dimensional Lie algebras is divided into the following inequivalent types: I. [XUX2] = 0, Xx vA-2#0; U.[Xl,X2]=0, X1vX2 = 0; III. [XUX2] #0, Xx VX,*0; IV. [XltX2] Ф0, X, V X2 = 0. (2.4) The following theorem states that in each type is only one inequivalent algebraic structure. Theorem 2.3. By a suitable choice of the basis XVX2, any two-dimensional Lie algebra can be reduced to one of four different types, which are determined by the following canonical structural relations: I. [XlyX2] =0, XXV Х2Ф0 II. [Х1УХ2] =0, Xx V X2 = 0 III. [Xu X2] = Xu XXV Х2Ф0 IV. [Xl,X2]=Xl, XlVX2 = 0. These structural relations are invariant under any change of variables. Using this invariance one can simplify the form of the basis operators Xx and
32 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 X2. This leads to the following: Theorem 2.4. The basis of an algebra L2 can be reduced by a suitable change variable of to one of the following forms: I. II. III. IV. *1 *1 *1 *1 д = Ty> д д = Ty' д ду д ду д д х2 = х— + у—; дх ду д *2=у—. ду (2.5) The variables x and у are called canonical variables. 2.2.2. INTEGRATION ALGORITHM Now we identify, by the types described in Theorem 2.4, all second-order ODEs admitting two-dimensional Lie algebras, and then we integrate them. Type I. To construct all second-order equations admitting an algebra L2 with the basis Xx = д/дх, Х2 = д/ду, one finds a basis for the second-order differential invariants. Prolongations of these operators coincide with the operators themselves; that is why y' and y" provide a basis for differential invariants. Hence the general second-order equation admitting L2 of the first type has the form У" -/(/)• (2-6) Integration yields , dy' I = x + C1? or equivalently, y' = cp(x + C\), whence у = fcp(x + C) d(x + C) + C2. Type II. In this case, a basis for the differential invariants is x and y", and the invariant differential equation has the form y"=f(x). (2.7)
Integration of Second-Order ODEs 33 Integration yields у = /(//(*) dx\ dx + Cxx + C2. Type III. In this case, a basis for the differential invariants is y' and xy", and the invariant differential equation has the form y" = -f(y'). (2.8) Integration yields , dy' ]jr— = lnx + Cl9 or y' = <p{\nx + Cx), then у = \<p{\n x + C\) dx + C2. Type IV. In this case, a basis for the differential invariants is x and y"/y\ and the invariant differential equation has the form y"=f(x)y'. (2.9) Integration yields у = Cxf e!f{x)dxdx + C2. The preceding results can be implemented in the following five-step algorithm for the integration of second-order ODEs (for details, see Ibragimov [1991], [1992]). First Step. Calculate an admitted Lie algebra Lr. Second Step. If r > 2, determine subalgebra L2 с Lr If r < 2, the ODE cannot be completely integrated by the Lie group method. Third Step. Calculate the commutator 1.40' and the pseudoscalar product 2.2 for a basis of L2; if necessary, change the basis in accordance with Theorem 2.3. Fourth Step. Introduce canonical variables in accordance with Theorem 2.4. Rewrite your differential equation in canonical variables and integrate it. Fifth Step. Rewrite the solution in the original variables.
34 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 2.23. EXAMPLE We apply the algorithm to the equation У' 1 У" = ^--. (2.10) У ХУ First Step. We solve the determining equation and find that Equation 2.10 admits L2 spanned by д д дуд X,=x2— +*y —, X2 =x— + - —. (2.11) дх ду дх 2 dy Second Step. Here, r = 2 and therefore we proceed to the third step. Third Step. Here, [Xl9X2] = -Xl9 X,VX2 = -\хгуФЪ. Hence, we conclude from Equations 2.4 that our algebra L2 is of type III. After changing the sign of X2, the algebra spanned by д д дуд Xx=x2—+xy—, X2= -x—--— (2.1Г) дх ду дх 2 ду has the canonical structure given by Theorem 2.3. Fourth Step. Here Xx is reduced to the operator of translations by the change of variables У 1 t = -, u= --. (2.12) x x After this change, the operators become д t д д Хг = —9 Х2 = + w—. (2.1Г) 1 ди 2 2 dt ди v } They differ from the canonical form of type III given by Equation 2.5 by a factor of \ in X2. This could be brought to the canonical form. However, Operators 2.11" are already in a simple form. In order to avoid the singularity u' = oo, we exclude the following solutions of Equation 2.10: у = Cx. (2.13)
Integration of Second-Order ODEs 35 After the change of variables, Equation 2.10 becomes u" 1 Si V - О- (2.10Г) Integration of Equation 2.10' gives the following two solutions: t2 u=-- + C (2.14) and t 1 и = — + T^ln |Cjr - 1| + C2. (2.15) Fifth Step. After we substitute Expressions 2.12 into Equations 2.14 and 2.15 and take into account Equation 2.13, then we obtain the following general solution of the nonlinear Equation 2.10: у = Сх, (2.13) у = ±y/2x + Cx2, (2.16) Cxy + C2x +xln\Cl- - 1| + Cf = 0, (2.17) where the Cs are arbitrary constants.
3 Group Classification of Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations In Chapter 2 we discussed group theoretical methods for integrating second- order ODEs. The conclusion is that if a second-order equation admits a one-dimensional Lie algebra Lv then we can reduce its order by 1 and if it admits a two-dimensional algebra L2, we can completely integrate the equation by group methods. This conclusion led to the classification of second-order equations admitting an L2. This classification is accomplished by Theorem 2.4. As a result of this classification we obtain four inequivalent types of equations, Formulas 2.6-2.9. Each of these four types involves one arbitrary function of one variable. Further, if one takes into account the allowed arbitrary changes of variables, each type involves two additional arbitrary functions of two variables each. Hence the totality of second-order ODEs integrable by Lie group methods is infinite in the sense just described. Some of equations appearing in this classification admit higher-dimensional Lie algebras Lr or r-parameter local Lie groups, 2 < r < 8 (see Theorem 1.7). So we come to the problem of the complete group classification of ODEs. Lie [1883] solved this problem for equations of arbitrary order. Here, we only present this classification for second-order equations. This permits us to present the essence of his method and at the same time to be exhaustive. 3.1. LIE'S CLASSIFICATION OF EQUATIONS ADMITTING THREE-DIMENSIONAL ALGEBRAS The group classification of ordinary differential equations is based upon the enumeration of all possible Lie algebras of operators acting on the plane 36 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc.
Group Classification of Second-Order ODEs 37 (jc, y). The basis operators of each algebra are simplified by a suitable change of variables. Algebras connected by a change of variables are called similar. Equations that admit similar algebras are also similar (equivalent) in the sense that they can be transformed into one another by a change of variables. The classification happens to be of an especially simple form in the case of second-order equations (see Lie [1889], Section 3). In this case the dimension of a maximal admitted algebra has only the values 1, 2, 3, and 8. The dimensions 1 and 2 were discussed in the previous chapters. Here we summarize results for second-order equations admitting a three-dimensional algebra. Lie gave his classification in the complex domain. The results on the enumeration of all nonsimilar (under complex changes of variables) three- dimensional algebras and of invariant equations are given, e.g., in Lie [1891]. For three-dimensional algebras L3, the construction of invariant equations is accomplished by solving the determining equation 1.33 with respect to the unknown function fix, у, у'). We illustrate this construction for L3 spanned by д д д д д д *! = — + —, Х2=х— + у —, Хх =х2— +у2—. (3.1) дх ду дх ду дх ду For the operator Xx we have £ = 1, 77 = 1. After substitution of these values, Equation 1.33 becomes df/дх + df/ду = 0, so that f = f(x-y,y'). Substitution of this expression for / and the coordinates £ = x and 77 = у for X2 into the determining equation yields zfz+f= 0, where z = x - y. It follows that t-^-. 0.2) x - у Finally, substitution of Function 3.2 and the coordinates f = x2 and rj = y2 of X3 into Equation 1.33 yields 2y'— -3g + 2(y'2-y') = 0. It follows that g = -2(y' + C'3/2 + у'2), С = const. (3.3)
38 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Thus the algebra L3 is admitted by the equation y, + суЗ/2 + а y" + 2 =0, С = const. x - у 3.2. SUMMARY OF LIE'S GENERAL CLASSIFICATION Lie demonstrated that if a second-order equation admits an algebra Lr with r > 4, then it necessarily admits an eight-dimensional algebra. However, all such equations are linearized (Theorem 1.7) and they are equivalent to the equation y" = 0. This completes Lie's classification of second-order ODEs, y" = fix, y, y'). Namely, if an equation admits Lv the action of Lx can be transformed into translations in x. Therefore, the canonical form of an equation admitting an Lx can be taken to be y"=f(y,y')- (3.4) In the case of L2, the corresponding four canonical forms of the invariant equations are given by Equations 2.6-2.9. In the case of L3, they are given by the four canonical forms listed in Section 8.4, Equations iv-vii. In the case of higher dimensions, as discussed previously, the only canonical form is y" = 0. (3.5) Recall that Lie made his classification in the complex domain. If one deals with the real domain only, some of the equations given in Section 8.4 will split into two inequivalent equations (in the sense of real changes of variables). For example, the equations У" = С(1 +y'^3/2^arctan/ and y" = Qj'(*-2)/(*-l) are inequivalent in the real domain. However, the first equation is converted into the second with к = (q + i)/(q - i) via the complex change of variables x = \{y - ix), у = j(y + ix). 3.3. LINEARIZATION One can extract, from several results of Lie ([1883], [1891]), the following statement (Ibragimov [1991], [1992]).
Group Classification of Second-Order ODEs 39 Theorem 3.1. The following assertions are equivalent: i. A second-order ODE y"=/(*,y,y') (3.6) can be linearized by a change of variables. ii. Equation 3.6 has the form y" + F3(x, y)y'3 + F2(xy y)y'2 + F}(x, y)y' + F(x, y) = 0, (3.7) with coefficients F3, F2, F{, and F satisfying the integrability conditions of an auxiliary overdetermined system, dz dF — = z2 - Fw - Fxz + — + FF2, dx l dy 2 dz 1 dF2 2 dF, — = -zw + pp £ + L dy 3 3 dx 3 dy dw 1 dFx 2 dF2 — = zw — FF3 — — h — , dx 3 dy 3 dx (3.8) dw dF3 — = -w2 + F2w + F3z + F,FV ^y 2 3 dx ] 3 iii. Equation 3.6 admits an L8. iv. Equation 3.6 admits an L2 with a basis A^, A"2 such that their pseudo- scalar product (Equation 2.2) Xx V X2 vanishes. First Example. Consider equations of the form (2.6) У"=/(У')- (3-9) In accordance with Theorem 3.1(ii), it is necessary that the function f(y') is a polynomial of the third degree, i.e., Equation 3.9 has the form у" +^зУ'3 +A2ya +Axy' 4- A0 = 0 (3.10) with constant coefficients. One can easily verify that the auxiliary system 3.8 for Equation 3.10 is integrable. Therefore Equation 3.10 is linearized.
40 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Second Example (see also Mahomed and Leach [1989]). Consider equations of the form, r-l-nn (3.11) Again, by Theorem 3.1(H), we have to consider only equations of the form у" + -(А3у'3+А2у'2+А1У'+А0) = О, with constant coefficients At. In this case, the integrability conditions of Equations 3.8 yield A2{2 - Ax) + 9A0A3 = 0 and 3A3(1 + Ax) -A22 = 0. We put A3 = -a and A2 = -b and obtain At--\l + -\ and л0--.А + ^1 Hence, Equation 3.11 is linearized iff it is of the form У = ~ x 7 . b2\ b b3 ay'3 + by'2 +1 + -— y' + -— + Ъа ] За 27а2 (3.12) A linearizing change of variables can be found via Theorem 3.1(iv). For example, we find a linearization of Equation 3.12 in the case a = 1, b = 0, i.e., of the equation 1 X (3.13) This equation admits L2 with the basis *i = 1 д X дх ' 2 x дх (3.14) which satisfies the condition Xl V X2 = 0 of Theorem 3.1 (iv). These operators are of type II from Equations 2.4. Therefore a linearization is obtained by employing the canonical variables x = у and у = \x2
Group Classification of Second-Order ODEs 41 so that _ д _ д 1 dy 2 dy Then, excluding the special solution у = const., Equation 3.13 becomes the following linear equation: y" + 1 = 0. Third Example. Consider the equation y" = F(x,y), (3.15) where F(x, y) is nonlinear in y. Equation 3.15 is a particular case of Equation 3.7 with Fl = F2 = F3 = 0. System 3.8 is written zx = z2 + Fw - Fy, wx = zw, zy = —zw, wy = —w2. One of the integrability conditions of this system is It gives the necessary condition for linearization: Fyy = 0. Hence Equation 3.15 is not linearizable.
4 Invariant Solutions Lie's investigations were centered on problems of general integrability of differential equations by means of group theory. This is why many of his papers deal with ordinary differential equations or with linear partial differential equations of first order. In his paper on higher-order partial differential equations, Lie [1895] considered solutions invariant under groups admitted by these equations. With the help of these invariant solutions, he returned to the problem of general integrability. However, the majority of the partial differential equations that appear in mathematical physics are not completely integrable by means of group theoretic techniques. In our opinion, this is one of the main reasons why Lie's approach was not widely used and taught in applied mathematics and mathematical physics for a long time. On the other hand, special types of exact solutions of differential equations were known and successfully used in mechanics and physics. These solutions were found by ad hoc methods. As the result of the efforts of many people, these special solutions are now identified as invariant solutions in the sense of Lie. This connection with group theory led to the increased activity in group analysis of partial differential equations that occurred after 1950 (strongly influenced by the books of Birkhoff [1950], Sedov [1957], Petrov [1961], Ovsiannikov [1962], and Ames [1965], [1972]) and eventually to the explosion of activity starting in about 1970. This chapter provides an introduction to the notion of an invariant solution and the construction of sets of independent invariant solutions (optimal systems in the sense of Ovsiannikov [1962]). It is sufficient, for purposes of illustration, to consider ordinary differential equations. 4.1. NOTION OF AN INVARIANT SOLUTION In order to explain the notion of an invariant solution, we consider the simple example of the Riccati equation from Section 1.4.1, y' +y2 = 2/x2. (4.1) 42 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc.
Invariant Solutions 43 One of its symmetry groups is given by x=xea, y=ye'a. (4.2) We choose a particular solution of Equation 4.1, say, 2x3 + 1 "'Тй^Ту <4J) Transformation 4.2 converts this solution into a one-parameter family of solutions 2x3 + С »= iji^c) (4 4) with С = е3й. Here С > 0 because — oo < я < oo. How general is the solution given by Equation 4.4? The solutions with С < О and С = oo are missing. Is it possible to recover those with С < 0 by using the reflection x *+ —x, у •-» -у, which is a discrete symmetry of Equation 4.1. What about the limiting cases С = О and С = oo? It turns out that the solutions yx = 2/x and y2 = — 1/x, (4.5) which correspond to С = 0 and С = oo, respectively, have a special property with respect to the dilations. Namely, each one is converted into itself, i.e., yx = 2/x and у 2 = —1/x, (4-5') and hence they are invariant in the sense of Definition 1.3. So, Solutions 4.5 are called invariant solutions. More precisely, Solutions 4.5 are invariant solutions of Equation 4.1 under the action of the dilation group given by Equations 4.2. In general, if a solution is invariant, in the sense of Definition 1.3, under the action of any symmetry group, it is called a group invariant solution or, for brevity, an invariant solution. Now, we illustrate a technique for constructing all invariant solutions corresponding to a symmetry group when its infinitesimal operators are known. We do this for Equation 4.1, using the infinitesimal operator д д дх ду of Transformations 4.2.
44 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 By Theorem 1.3, any invariant solution can be written in terms of invariants. In our case the only independent invariant is J = xy. Therefore all invariant solutions can be written as / = const., i.e., xy = С Substitution of the expression у = C/x into Equation 4.1 yields C2 — С — 2 = 0. Thus we have С = 2 and С = — 1. As a result we obtain two solutions, yx = 2/x and y2 = -1/x. These are precisely the two invariant solutions given by Equations 4.5 and there are no other invariant solutions of Equation 4.1 with respect to the dilations 4.2. 4.2. OPTIMAL SYSTEMS In the preceding section, we considered invariant solutions with respect to a given one-parameter group or one-dimensional Lie algebra. If a differential equation admits a Lie algebra Lr of dimension r > 1, one could in principle consider invariant solutions based on one, two, etc., dimensional subalgebras of Lr. However, there are an infinite number of subalgebras, e.g., one-dimensional subalgebras. This problem becomes manageable by recognizing that if two subalgebras are similar, i.e., they are connected with each other by a transformation from the symmetry group (with Lie algebra Lr), then their corresponding invariant solutions are connected with each other by the same transformation. Therefore, it is sufficient to put into one class all similar subalgebras of a given dimension, say s, and select a representative from each class. The set of these representatives of all these classes is called an optimal system of order s (Ovsiannikov [1962], [1978]). In order to find all invariant solutions with respect to s-dimensional subalgebras, it is sufficient to construct invariant solutions for the optimal system of order s. The set of invariant solutions obtained in this way is called an optimal system of invariant solutions. Of course the form of these invariant solutions depends on the choice of representatives. It is sufficient to illustrate this construction for r = 2. Let us return to the example in Section 2.2.3. It was shown there that the equation У2 xy (4.7)
Invariant Solutions 45 admits a two-parameter group G2 with the Lie algebra L2 spanned by д д дуд *i = *V +xy —, X2=x— + - —. (4.8) дх ду дх 2 dy . We will also use the fact that Equation 4.7 has the reflection symmetry у >-> -у. Let us find the optimal system of one-dimensional subalgebras and the corresponding invariant solutions. Because we are interested in one-dimensional subalgebras, we determine how an arbitrary operator 2 X = E C^ (4.9) /x = l of the algebra L2 transforms under G2. Transformations of G2 can be obtained as a composition of two one-parameter groups, one generated by Xx and the other by X2. Therefore, we need only consider transformations of Operators 4.9 under the action of these two one-parameter groups separately. The operator Xx generates the group of projective transformations (4.10) 1 ' * 1 > 1 — axx 1 — axx with parameter av Using Equation 1.13, we find that under these transformations Operator 4.9 becomes _ 2 _ *= E^, (4.11) /1=1 where Xx = Xl9 X2=X2- агХх. (4.12) In the original basis, Operator 4.11 is rewritten as _ 2 _ *= E C^. (4.13) /x = l It follows from Equations 4.11-4.13 that Cx = Cl - axC2, C2 = C2. (4.14)
46 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Similar calculations with the group of dilations x = a2x, у = yfa^y (a2 > 0) (4.15) generated by the operator X2 yield Xx=a2Xl9 X2=X2, (4.16) or, equivalently, C1 = a2C\ C2 = C2. (4.17) To construct the optimal system of order 1, we must partition Operators 4.9, or equivalently, their coordinate vectors C= (C\C2), (4.18) into similarity classes with respect to Transformations 4.14 and 4.17. Following Ovsiannikov [1962], we proceed to solve this problem in a way that is particularly effective for low-dimensional algebras. In our case we first observe that C2 is invariant with respect to Transformations 4.14 and 4.17. Further, the transformation of the coordinate C1 in Transformation 4.14 suggests that we distinguish the cases С2 = О and C2#0. All Vectors 4.18 with С2 = О are spanned by the unit vector (1,0). (4.19) Any vector with С2 Ф 0 can be transformed to the form (0, C2) by applying Transformation 4.14 with ax = Cl/C2. These latter vectors are spanned by the unit vector (0,1). (4.20) Hence any Operator 4.9 is similar to Xl or X2. Thus the optimal system of order 1 is {XUX2}. (4.21) In order to find the corresponding optimal system of invariant solutions we have only to construct the invariant solutions for Xx and X2. These solutions are further simplified by using Dilations 4.15 and the reflection symmetry у •-> — у of Equation 4.7. As a result we obtain the following optimal system of invariant solutions: yx=x, y2 = Jlx~. (4.22)
Invariant Solutions 47 The application of Transformations 4.10, 4.15, and reflection to Solutions 4.22 yields the totality of invariant solutions of Equation 4.7: у = Cx (4.23) and у = ±)/2x + Cx2 . (4.24) According to the terminology of Lie group theory, the action of the group G2 on L2 given by Equations 4.12 and 4.16 (or, equivalently, by Equations 4.14 and 4.17) is called the adjoint representation of G2. The fact that the number of elements in the optimal system of Subalgebras 4.21 and the optimal system of Solutions 4.22 is equal to the dimensionality of the symmetry algebra is an accident of this example and is not true in general. For example, consider the equation У"=У"3. (4.25) It admits the three-parameter group G3 with the Lie algebra L3 spanned by д did д д X{ = —, X2=x— + -y —, X3=x2— + xy —. дх дх 2 ду дх ду In this case the optimal system of order 1 is {Xl9 X29 X39 Xx + X39 Xx - X3), (4.26) whereas the corresponding optimal system of invariant solutions consists only of one element, namely, у = ]/l+x2. (4.27) Furthermore, application of the group G3 and the reflection symmetry у -» — у to Solution 4.27 yields the following two-parameter family of invariant solutions: у = — у 1 + b4(x + a)2 , a, b arbitrary constants. (4.28) b Moreover, this is the general solution of Equation 4.25; hence all solutions are invariant solutions (see Ibragimov [1991] and [1992] for details).
II Generalizations The question of generalizing Lie's theory of point and contact transformation groups led naturally to developments in two directions: group actions and their generators (vector fields). This problem was raised by Lie himself in his fundamental work (Lie [1874], page 223) on contact transformations and was formulated as follows: 1. Are there transformations, other than contact transformations, for which tangency of higher order is an invariant condition? 2. Do partial differential equations of order higher than one admit transformations that are not contact transformations? One positive answer to Lie's questions lies in the introduction of formal transformation groups that act necessarily on infinite-dimensional spaces. These formal groups are called Lie-Backlund transformation groups. Another positive answer to the second question (not the first) is based on the introduction of transformations that act only on the family of solutions of a given differential equation and are called in the literature Backlund transformations. These transformations do not have the group property and are not connected in general with Lie-Backlund transformation groups. Nevertheless, for evolution equations and those that can be rewritten in this form. Backlund transformations can be represented as invariants of Lie-Backlund groups defined by the evolution equations (considered as Lie equations) (Fokas and Anderson [1979]; Anderson and Ibragimov [1978]). For the purposes of applications, what has proven to be most expedient are Backlund transformations and infinitesimal generators of Lie-Backlund groups. In Part II, we give a concise presentation of a theory of Lie-Backlund transformation groups as well as closely related generalizations. 49
5 Lie-Backlund Transformation Groups 5.1. STEPS TOWARD A THEORY In this section we attempt to sketch the crucial ideas and key applications that led to a theory of Lie-Backlund transformation groups. The subsections reflect a chronological ordering. We also point out the importance of the order of influence, which starts with key applications, on the development of a theory. However, the main emphasis is on results. 5.1.1. LIE AND BACKLUND In order to explain the work of Lie and Backlund, it is important to distinguish between those requirements placed on transformations that arise from tangency conditions alone and those that follow from the group properties. Hereafter, we employ the notation и, и,..., for the sets of first-order, 1 2 second-order, etc. partial derivatives {ы,}, Ыи), .... Lie contact transformations discussed in Section 1.7 can be considered as transformations xl = fl[ x, и, и ], й = fix,u, u\, w, = <p\ x, и, и J (5.1) that leave invariant the first-order tangency condition du - uidxi = 0. (5.2) In the case of one-parameter groups of contact transformations 1.44, this is 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc. 51
52 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 equivalent to the prolongation formula 1.45 or Lie's formulas 1.47. Higher-order tangency conditions are obtained by replacing Equation 5.2 by du - ut dxl = 0, du^ is — Uji i dxj = 0, s = 1,..., к — 1, (5.3) for any fixed k. Lie's first question, which is formulated in the Introduction to Part II, concerns the existence of transformations x1 = fl\x,u, и ,..., и), U = <p\x,u, и ,..., и), v 1 к' v 1 к' (5.4) that leave invariant the tangency conditions 5.3 for 1 < к < oo. Backlund [1874], [1876] proved the following negative result. Theorem 5.1. Any invertible /cth-order tangent transformation 5.4 is a prolongation to A:th-order derivatives of a Lie contact transformation 5.1. The analogous result was proved within the framework of one-parameter transformation groups by Ibragimov [1967]. The considerations of Lie and Backlund demonstrated that the only generalization of contact transformation groups lies with the possible existence of infinite-order tangent transformation groups (k = oo in Equations 5.3), acting on an intrinsically infinite-dimensional space. They themselves did not pursue this possibility. Noether [1918] demonstrated that if such groups exist, they have applications in her theory of conservation laws. A detailed discussion of the considerations of Lie and Backlund is given in Anderson and Ibragimov [1979]. 5.1.2. GENERALIZATION OF LIE'S INFINITESIMAL OPERATORS Another possibility is to generalize Lie's infinitesimal operators. Johnson ([1964a], [1964b]) did this in one way by studying a new type of vector field. In local coordinates, this type of vector field is an infinitesimal operator of the form / \ д X= 7]a[x,u, «,..., и \——, к < oo. (5.5) v 1 k'dua
Lie-Backlund Transformation Groups 53 Note that in Lie-Backlund theory this is what is called a canonical Lie- Backlund operator, and any generator X = £*(х,и, и,..., и)—т + т?а(*,и, и,..., и)— (5.6) of a formal one-parameter Lie-Backlund group can be reduced to the canonical form 5.5 (see Section 5.3). The results of Johnson's first paper that are relevant to our considerations are as follows: (i) prolongations of Operators 5.5, X=r1a +Д-(т7а) +■••+£> •••Д.(т7а) , (5.7) диа ,v ' ' ди? ll 'л ' ' ди ii.-.i, where Д. is the total derivative with respect to x\ i.e., я л д — + и? + и?. ajc1 ' диа 1]диа: D= —г + и? + uf: + ■ • • ; (5.8) (ii) the definition of the Lie bracket [X^X^oi these operators; and (iii) the proof of the theorem that the linear space of all operators 5.7 is a Lie algebra (see Johnson [1964a], Definition 2 and Lemma 1, and Definition 3, Theorem 1). He also notes in this paper that the Lie equations дйа / _ _ _\ —— = rja[x,u,u,...,u), a = l,...,m, (5.9) да \ i k * are not generally solvable for k > 1 even in the analytic case. This is in contrast to Lie's point and contact transformation groups, where k = 0 or 1 and Equations 5.9 are locally solvable. In his second paper, Johnson [1964b] defines invariance of systems of partial differential equations under Operators 5.5 and derives the determining equation for this invariance. Furthermore, he generalizes Lie's result that the totality of solutions of the determining equation is a Lie algebra (Johnson [1964b], Theorem 2). Johnson treated this generalization in the framework of Ehresmann's [1953] jet bundles in order to formulate his results in a coordinate-independent form. He used the concept of formal tangent vectors introduced by Hermann [1961] and called the generalized operator 5.5 a k-vector field. Note that Johnson uses the Kuranishi symbol df for Dt given by Equation 5.8. For an exposition in the context of infinite jet bundles, see Vinogradov [1979] and Kupershmidt [1980].
54 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 5.1.3. KEY APPLICATIONS Interest in explaining so-called hidden and dynamical symmetries of physical systems and their consequences within the framework of Lie theory of differential equations led Khukhunashvili [1971] and Anderson, Kumei, and Wulfman [1972a], [1972b], independently, to the introduction of higher derivatives in Lie's infinitesimal techniques and to the rediscovery of Johnson's к -vector fields. For example, in both papers the Runge-Lenz vector in the so(4) symmetry algebra of the hydrogen atom (Fock [1935]) was identified as a non-Lie operator 5.5. The so(4, 2) dynamical symmetry of the hydrogen atom (Barut and Kleinert [1967], Fronsdal [1967]) was identified by Anderson, Kumei, and Wulfman ([1972a], [1972b]), in their study of the time- dependent Schrodinger equation, as a non-Lie symmetry. Widespread interest in generalized group analysis of differential equations came from a distinctly different direction, namely, from soliton physics (Zabusky and Kruskal [1965]). It was recognized early that non-Lie symmetries account for the infinite number of conservation laws that the first soliton-type equations possessed, as well as providing a characterization of their soliton solutions as invariant solutions under the action of these symmetries. This led to a flurry of activity in generalized group analysis as a tool to search for more soliton-type equations. For our purposes it is important to understand that Lie's infinitesimal techniques apply when using the generalization with one caveat, namely, one must a priori fix the order к < oo (see, e.g., Kumei [1975], [1977]). A new technique that was not in Lie's theory has proved to be particulary effective for constructing hierarchies of symmetries. It is based on the notion of a recursion operator discovered by Lenard for the Korteweg-de Vries equation (see Gardner, Greene, Kruskal, and Miura [1974], Olver [1977], and Magri [1978], [1980]). These recursion operators can be precisely associated with the linear part of Lie-Backlund symmetries for evolution equations (Ibragimov and Shabat [1980a], [1980b]; see also Ibragimov [1983], Section 19). This latter association provides a test whether a given evolution equation possesses nontrivial Lie-Backlund symmetries. 5.1.4. IMPOSITION OF THE GROUP STRUCTURE ON INFINITE-ORDER TANGENT TRANSFORMATIONS Now we return to the central problem of this chapter: How do we wed infinite-order tangency with group properties? These are two different requirements to impose upon any transformation. The problem is not with the existence of infinite-order tangent transformations. Many examples are given by transformations of the type x =/(*,и,..., w), й = (p[x,u,..., w) (5.10)
Lie-Backlund Transformation Groups 55 together with their prolongation to all derivatives according to Formulas 1.15, 1.16, etc. The difficulty lies in imposing the group property. For example, in the case of Transformations 5.10 we know transformation groups of this type only for k, s < 1 (these are Lie point and contact transformations). However, for к and/or s > 1, we do not know of any example of groups given by Equations 5.10. This brings us to a fundamental difficulty. Namely, the problem of wedding infinite-order tangency with the group property leads, for Operators 5.6, to Lie-Backlund equations d*1 (- - -\ — = £'(^,w,..., u), da дйс da дйа ,_ _ _ч (5.11) -— = ria[x,u,..., и , да V k i which are not of the Cauchy-Kovalevskaya type and hence their integrability is not assured. However, there are examples, beyond Lie's point and contact transformation groups, for which one can prove the existence and uniqueness for the Lie-Backlund Equations 5.11. For instance, examples are provided by taking €* arbitrary and rja = £1и? in Operator 5.6, i.e., X=eDt, (5.12) where Dt is given by Equation 5.8. The resulting Lie-Backlund Equations 5.11 are not of the Cauchy-Kovalevskaya type. However, there is a generalization of the Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorem, namely, Ovsiannikov's theorem in scales of Banach spaces (Ovsiannikov [1971]), that is applicable to this example (Ibragimov [1977], Anderson and Ibragimov [1977]). Another class of examples is provided by Operators 5.5 of the form д X= u—. P du Here, e.g., for p = 2, the solvability of the corresponding Lie-Backlund equations can be provided only for functions u(x) from the Jevrey class C1/2 (Anderson and Ibragimov [1979]), Section 12; for arbitrary p see Ibragimov [1983], Section 16.3). These examples, as well as those from quantum mechanics, make it clear that there is no hope of proving, in general, the local solvability of the Lie-Backlund equations as is the case with the Lie equations. Therefore the problem is divided into two parts. First, candidates for Lie-Backlund groups must be identified by using formal power series. The algebraic part was done by Ibragimov [1979] (see also Ibragimov [1983]) for all Lie-Backlund Operators 5.6 in a universal space [[s/]] and is described next, in Section 5.2. The
56 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 second part, i.e., the convergence of these formal power series, cannot be universally solved and must be treated separately for each type of Lie-Backlund operator. 5.2. FORMAL LIE-BACKLUND TRANSFORMATION GROUPS Consider functions f(x,u, w,..., u) of a finite number of arguments l к (к < ос) that are locally analytic in the sense that / is locally expandable in a Taylor series with respect to all arguments. These functions are generalizations of Ritt's differential polynomials (Ritt [1950]) and are called differential functions of finite order (Ibragimov [1981], [1983]), where the order refers to the highest derivative appearing in /. The space of all differential functions of all finite orders is denoted by s/. This space is a vector space with respect to the usual addition of functions and becomes an associative algebra if multiplication is defined by the usual multiplication of functions. Furthermore, it has the important property of being closed under the derivation given by Equation 5.8. Consider operators of the form Х=?—+Г—, ?,-Пае*. (5-13) ox ou Their prolongation to all derivatives is again denoted by X and is given by д д д д X = f'"—г + г]а + if + f", + • • • , (5.14) Ь дХ1 ' д^ l dU? bhl2duf: V ' I l{l2 where Definition 5.1. An operator given by Equations 5.14 and 5.15, where £' and r]a are differential functions of finite order, i.e., £', rja e s/, is called a Lie-Backlund operator. The abbreviated operator 5.13 is also referred to as a Lie-Backlund operator. Denote by [[j/]] the space of formal power series in one symbol a with coefficients in s/. The following theorem due to Ibragimov [1979], [1983]
Lie-Backlund Transformation Groups 57 states that any Lie-Backlund operator generates a formal one-parameter group of tangent transformations acting in [[sf]]. Theorem 5.2. Given any Lie-Backlund operator 5.13, there exists a unique solution of the Lie-Backlund equations £4 x, U,..., й J, xl\a=o = xl, , ' , (5-16) ria[x,u,..., wj, ua\a=o = ua, in the space [[ssf]]. This solution Г = 5" = with coefficients A's, B" e j/, where у4\ = £4*, и,..., и) and £" = 77а(л:, и,..., и). It is a formal one-parameter group that leaves invariant the к infinite-order tangency conditions dua - uj dxj = 0, duf - ufj dxJ; = 0, ... . (5.18) Definition 5.2. The formal groups obtained in Theorem 5.2 are called formal Lie-Backlund transformation groups. Any formal Lie-Backlund transformation group is given by a formal power series and is generated by a Lie-Backlund operator (Definition 5.1). Definition 5.3. The formal Lie-Backlund transformation group in Definition 5.2 is a local one-parameter group if the series in Equations 5.17 converge, and is called a one-parameter Lie-Backlund transformation group. 5.3. LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Lie's determining equations (see Section 1.5) naturally generalize to formal Lie-Backlund symmetry groups (see Johnson [1964b], Ibragimov and dxl ~da дйа ~Ja~ is given by formal power series, i.e., 00 = *'+ E^x, (5.17) = ua+ £#X> 5=1
58 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 Anderson [1977], and Ibragimov [1983]). However, it is important to note that one must use Definition 1.4 of an admissible group. This is because Definition 1.4' is not applicable for Lie-Backlund transformation groups because they are given by formal power series and do not convert classical solutions into classical solutions. This is not to be confused with the fact that in particular cases where one can prove convergence of the power series in Equations 5.17, Definition 1.4' is also applicable. Theorem 5.3 (Ibragimov [1979], [1983]). Consider a A:th-order differential equation F[x,u, w,..., u) = 0, (5.19) ^ 1 к ' where F e s/ is a differential function of order k. Denote by [F] the frame of Equation 5.19 given by this equation and all its differential consequences (cf. Introduction to Part I). Then Equation 5.19 admits, in the sense of Definition 1.4, a formal Lie-Backlund transformation group generated by a Lie-Backlund operator X iff XF\[F] = 0. (5.20) Equation 5.20 is called the determining equation of the Lie-Backlund symmetry group. It is an immediate consequence of the determining equation that every Lie-Backlund operator of the form X*=?Di9 f'^, (5.21) is admitted by any differential equation. We remark that Lie-Backlund equations for operators 5.21 are solvable (in suitable scales of Banach spaces), as was noted in Section 5.1.4. Moreover the set of all Operators 5.21 is an ideal in the Lie algebra of all Lie-Backlund operators. Therefore, it is sufficient to consider the quotient algebra, i.e., to consider Lie-Backlund operators with £' = 0, X=Va — , Va<=tf, (5.22) which are called canonical Lie-Backlund operators. In particular, every Operator 5.13 is transformed to the canonical form by the prescription X = X-FDi.
Lie-Backlund Transformation Groups 59 All of these considerations obviously generalize to systems of differential equations. Example. The time-independent Schrodinger equation for the bound states of the hydrogen atom - Au + I E\u = 0, where E is a positive constant, admits three nontrivial Lie-Backlund operators (the Runge-Lenz vector mentioned in Section 5.1.3) *(/) " dxl -xl + £ (xluu - х1ин) r 1Ф1 д ди ' /=1,2,3, or, in the canonical form, x(i) ~ -xl - M/ + £ {xluu - xluii) i*l д ди
6 Noether-Type Conservation Theorems 6.1. CONSERVATION LAWS The concept of a conservation law for a differential equation F(x,u,u,...,u)=0 (6.1) v 1 к ' is motivated by the conservation of such quantities as energy, linear and angular momentum, etc. for equations that arise in classical particle mechanics. These quantities (here denoted by T) are conserved in the sense that they are constant on each trajectory, i.e., if t denotes time, q(t) a trajectory, and q(t) the corresponding velocity, then T(t) = T(t, q(t), q(t)) satisfies the equation dT - - 0. (6.2) The conservation law given by Equation 6.2 generalizes to continuum mechanics in the form дт — + divp = 0, (6.3) where t is again time and div is the divergence operator with respect to spatial variables x = (jc1, ..., xp). The function r is called a conserved density. The terminology "conserved density" is used because its integral, T = J т dx, 60 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc.
Noether-Type Conservation Theorems 61 also satisfies dT under the usual assumption that p vanishes at infinity. The conserved density т is a function of t, x, dependent variables, and their partial derivatives up to some order, whereas p = (p1,..., pp) is a vector with the same arguments as r. Because the differentiation with respect to t and x must be understood as a total differentiation, Equation 6.3 means D,(r)+ EAV) = °- (6.3') / = 1 For an arbitrary differential equation, we do not distinguish space and time variables and denote by x = (xl,..., xn) all independent variables. In this case a conservation equation is written in the form Д(Г) = О, (6.4) where Г gj/ (i.e., each Tl is a differential function of finite order, see Section 5.2). Definition 6.1. Equation 6.4 is called a conservation law for Equation 6.1 if the equation (*)) = 0 (6.5) is satisfied for all solutions u(x) of Equation 6.1. The vector T = (Г1,..., Tn) is called a conserved vector. Immediately the question arises, how does one find conservation laws for a given Equation 6.1, namely, how does one find Г? Although Definition 6.1 follows naturally from physical considerations, technically its applicability depends on knowledge of the solutions of Equation 6.1. Here we arrive at the same situation we encountered in the definition of symmetry groups (cf. Introduction to Part I and the passage from Definition 1.4' to Definition 1.4 in Section 1.3). Namely, we make these considerations algorithmic if we replace the notion of "all solutions" in this definition with the notion of the frame of the differential equation. Because of the presence of higher derivatives in the 7's, we must use the frame mentioned in Theorem 5.3, which is given by Equation 6.1 together with its differential consequences. In order not to get into an extremely technical discussion of what is meant by the frame of Equation 6.1 in the general case, let us consider only
62 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 conservation laws of a fixed order /. By this we mean that / is the maximum of the orders of all the Tl in Equation 6.4. As a result, the left-hand side of Equation 6.4 involves derivatives of order < / + 1. Further, let us restrict ourselves to the case of one equation (the generalization to systems of differential equations is obvious). It follows that if s is defined by s = max{&, / + 1}, (6.6) then all constructions take place in the finite-dimensional space of variables (jc, и, и ,..., и ). (6.7) ^ 1 s ' More precisely, the frame [F], in this case, is a surface given by the following equations F = 0, if s = k, F = 0, AF = 0,...,A ••£> F=0, if s > k. (6*8) ' l ' ' 'l ls-k ' Definition 6.2. Equation 6.4 is called a conservation law for Equation 6.1 if D,(T%F] = 0. (6.9) Definition 6.2 brings us to the same situation we encountered when calculating symmetries by using determining equations (see Section 1.5 and compare Equation 6.9 with Equation 5.20). Namely, Equation 6.9 is linear in the unknowns Tl and splits because it contains derivatives of higher order than those in the Tl. In principle, we can solve Equation 6.9 and find all /th order conservation laws for Equation 6.1. Hence we call Equation 6.4 the determining equation for /th order conservation laws obeyed by Equation 6.1. This algorithmic possibility was employed by Laplace some 200 years ago. He (see Laplace [1798], Livre II, Chapitre III no. 18) used an analog of Equation 6.9 to derive conservation laws quadratic in velocities for the Kepler problem. In particular he found three new conserved quantities, xk Ak = m(\v\2xk - (x • v)vk) + a—, 1,2,3, (6.10) for the equation of motion x mx = a^r, a = const. (6.П) r* Here x = (jc1, x2, jc3), r = \x\, v = x = dx/dt, and x • v = E3=1 xlvl. The
Noether-Type Conservation Theorems 63 conserved quantities are the components of the vector x A = v X M + a-, where M = m(x X v). (6.12) The quantum mechanical version of this Laplace vector is also known in quantum mechanics as the Runge-Lenz vector. 6.2. NOETHER THEOREM It has been known for a long time that the conservation laws of classical mechanics are connected with symmetry properties of the physical system. This connection was clearly described in the course of mechanics by С Jacoby. Although Equation 6.9 provides, in principle, a direct and exhaustive method for calculating conservation laws of finite order for any differential equation, it sheds no light on this connection. Noether [1918] was the first to combine the methods of the variational calculus with the theory of Lie groups and to formulate a general approach for constructing conservation laws for Euler-Lagrange equations when their symmetries are known. It is this connection that is exhibited by the Noether theorem. As a consequence, the rest of this chapter deals with conservation laws for differential equations of the form 8L — = 0, a=l,...,m, (6.13) ou where L = L\x,u, и ,..., и) gj/ v l к) is a Lagrangian. Equation 6.13 is called an Euler-Lagrange equation. It is derived by the usual variation of an integral of the form (action) fbdx, flcR". (6.14) The operator 8/8ua denotes the variational derivative (or the Euler-Lagrange operator) defined by 8 д ^ s д = + £(-l)A "D: . (6.15) 8ua dua ctv ' ЖЩ : K }
64 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 It is convenient to rewrite any Lie infinitesimal operator (infinitely prolonged) and the Lie-Backlund operator 5.14 in the form д д x = ^— + va— dxl dua + E[A-'-A/^)+^1...Jt^-, (6.16) -M where Wa = va - £>uj. (6.17) The following operators are associated with any operator 6.16: Nl = e + Wa + ЕД --• DAW") , (6.18) OUi s>\ where 8/8uf, etc. denote the corresponding variational derivatives (cf. Equation 6.15), e.g., 8 д ^ д = + E(-l) Д •• D, . (6.19) 8ua dua h Jsdua- oui oui s>\ ouiJl...js Operators 6.18 were introduced and called Noether operators by Ibragimov (see, e.g., Ibragimov [1983], Section 22.1). Even though the three operators (6.15), (6.16), and (6.18) are represented as infinite formal sums they act properly on the space srf. Namely, they truncate while acting on any differential function. Further and most importantly they are connected by the following theorem. Theorem 6.1 (Ibragimov [1983]). Operators 6.15, 6.16, and 6.18 satisfy the identity X + D,.(f'') = W°— + D,JV'. (6.20) ou This operator identity is called the Noether identity. With this identity in hand, the content and proof of the Noether theorem as well as related results become transparent. For simplicity we first consider a one-parameter group G of point transformations xl =fl(x,u,a), Ua = <pa(x,u,a). (6.21)
Noether-Type Conservation Theorems 65 Let X = ^(x,u)—+Va(x,u)— (6.22) be its infinitesimal operator. Under the action of the group G, any function u(x) is transformed into U(x) and a domain ftcR" is transformed into a domain ft с Rn. Definition 6.3. Integral 6.14 is said to be invariant under the action of a group G of transformations 6.21 if I L\ x, u(x), и(x),..., и(x)\ dx = f_L\x, U(x), U(x),..., U(x)) dx (6.23) Ja v i к > for every domain fl and for all smooth functions u(x) such that the integral exists. Theorem 6.2 (Ibragimov [1969], [1983]). Integral 6.14 is invariant under the action of a group G of point transformations with infinitesimal operator 6.22 iff X(L) + Щ(£'') = 0. (6.24) The following particular case of the Noether theorem (Noether [1918]) is a direct consequence of formulas (6.20) and (6.24). Theorem 6.3. If integral 6.14 is invariant under the action of a group G with infinitesimal operator 6.22 then the vector T = (Г1,..., Tn) defined by Tl = Nl(L) (6.25) is a conserved vector for the Euler-Lagrange equation 6.13. In the case of an r-parameter invariance group, Formula 6.25 applies to each of the r generators of this group. Noether [1918] assumed the existence of groups of transformations that involve derivatives, and formulated her theorem for this case. This generalization of Theorem 6.3 is what is understood today as Noether's theorem (more precisely, Noether's first theorem, as distinguished from her second theorem, which is not discussed here).
66 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 It is clear that Definition 6.3 and Theorem 6.3 can be directly extended to contact transformation groups. However, in the case of transformations involving higher derivatives, the realization of the general theorem is problematic. The problem, as discussed in Chapter 5, is in the solvability of Lie-Backlund equations. In order to deal properly with this general case and not lose Noether's results, it is convenient to replace the invariance of the integral 6.14 by the invariance of the differential л-form (elementary action) Ldx. (6.26) Then Theorems 6.2 and 6.3 are generalized to the following, which includes Noether's theorem. Noether's Theorem (Ibragimov [1983]). Given a formal Lie-Backlund transformation group with the Lie-Backlund operator х = ^ + ^ + -"' ^aej/' (6-27) the differential «-form 6.26 is invariant with respect to this formal group iff X(L) + ££,.(£') = 0. (6.28) The vector T = (T\ ...,Tn) defined by T = Nl{L) (6.29) is a conserved vector for Equation 6.13. Remark. It directly follows from the Noether identity 6.20 that if Operator 6.27 satisfies, on the frame of Equation 6.13, the divergence condition X{L) + LDt(?) = D,(B'), В1 е sf, (6.30) rather than the invariance condition 6.28, then the conserved vector is given by Г = N'(L)-B'. (6.31) Example. We illustrate the Noether theorem by applying it to Equation 6.11 with Lagrangian m , a L = y|i|2--. (6.32)
Noether-Type Conservation Theorems 67 This is a one-dimensional case (n = 1), where the independent variable is t and the three dependent variables are xl. So, Operator 6.27 is written as Further, because Lagrangian 6.32 depends only on first derivatives, we need only consider a truncated form of Noether operator 6.18, namely, & = ? + (г,а-?и?)-^. (6.34) In our example Operator 6.34 becomes *-f+(V-£i')^7- Equation 6.11 admits a five-parameter group consisting of time translation, dilation, and rotations in space. An element of its Lie algebra, written in canonical form, is X = rfld/dxl, where V = (3At + B)xl + (Clk - 2A8lk)xk (6.35) with constant coefficients A, B, Clk such that Clk + Ck = 0. If one looks for additional symmetries linear in velocity, i.e., by replacing Equation 6.35 by Vl=rt(t,x)xk + h!(t,x), (6.36) then the solution of the determining equation gives three additional Lie-Backlund operators, X{k) = (2xkxl-xlxk - {x-x)8lk)—n к = 1,2,3. (6.37) In this case the divergence Equation 6.30 is satisfied, hence the conserved quantity for each operator 6.37 is given by Formula 6.31. This formula yields Laplace's conserved quantities, or equivalently the Laplace vector 6.12 (Ibragimov [1983], page 346). For more detailed discussions of the Noether theorem and related results, applications, and generalizations, see Ibragimov [1983].
7 Nonlocal Symmetry Generators via Backlund Transformations The theory of Lie-Backlund groups gives an algorithmic method for constructing all local symmetries of differential equations, i.e., formal groups generated by the canonical Lie-Backlund operators д X = f(x,u9ul9u2,...,uk)— + ••• ou with coordinates / belonging to the space s/ of differential functions (analytic functions of an arbitrary finite number of local variables jc, w, uv и2,...). However, in practice differential equations are encountered that admit an operator X = fd/ди + • • • whose coordinates / depend not only on a finite number of local variables, but also on expressions of the type involving integrals of u. Such symmetries are called nonlocal. In a number of cases nonlocal symmetries may be easily obtained by a recursion operator. Example 1 (Ibragimov and Shabat [1979]). For the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation ut = из + uu\-> the recursion operator has the form L =D2 + \u + \uxD~\ 68 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc.
Nonlocal Symmetry Generators 69 (i) Acting by it on the coordinate / = 1 4 tux of the canonical operator of the Galilean group, we get a new admissible operator with coordinate (3) (1) f = L f = t(u3 4- uux) + \xux 4 \u. (1) (3) Here /, / e s/, but further action of the recurrence L leads to the nonlocal symmetry operator (5) / = t(u5 4 \ииъ 4 ^■ulu2 + fw2"i) + jx(u3 4 uux) 4 \u2 4 fw2 + !«!<£>, where <p is a nonlocal variable defined by the integrable system of differential equations u2 <px = u, (pt = u2+ —. This symmetry can also be found by direct calculation if one permits dependence of / on a nonlocal variable u_1 such that D(u_x) = u. Developing this observation, one could introduce instead of s/ the space sf of analytic functions of any finite number of local (jc, w, ux,...) and "natural" nonlocal («_!, w_2,...) variables and seek operators with coordinates from sf. However, problems arise quickly. For example, the action of the operator L leads to nonlocal symmetry (7) / = t{un 4- \ииъ 4- luxuA 4- Ци2иъ 4- ffw2w3 + ™uuxu2 4- ffwj 4- ffw3^) + i(w3 4- wwj^ 4- ±игф with the nonlocal variable ф satisfying the equations фх = и2, фг = 2uu2 — u\ + \иъ. The nonlocal variable ф found does not belong to s/ because in "natural" variables it is represented as an infinite sum: ф = D~](u2) = uu_x — uxu_2 4- u2u_3 — • • • . Thus, the use of "natural" nonlocal variables in the present case would be unsuccessful. The same thing is true for the symmetry (9) (7)
70 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 which depends on q>, ф, and another nonlocal variable в defined by the system w3 u4 6X = u\, 6t = —2u1u2 + u\ + u2u2 — 2uu\ H . Generally speaking a closed theory of nonlocal symmetries can be constructed by the introduction of functions of an infinite number of variables w, wl5 u_u ... (as is done, for example, in Kaptsov [1982]); however, here one loses the possibility of a constructive calculation of nonlocal symmetries. Thus, for the construction of nonlocal symmetries a basic problem is the proper choice of nonlocal variables. They are defined by integrable systems of differential equations that relate the nonlocal variables to the original differential variable u. The choice of these differential equations is made on the basis of some additional considerations. In the example just considered, such an additional consideration was the principle of recursive construction of the symmetry operators. Another choice is based on the observation (cf. Examples 2 and 3) that the existence of Backlund transformations can lead to extension of the admissible group due to nonlocal symmetries. We note that the nonlocal variables obtained turn out to be connected with conservation laws (generally speaking, nonlocal ones). In Example 1 they are connected with the familiar series of conservation laws for the KdV equation; in fact, the compatibility conditions of the system of equations for <p, ф, and в give, respectively, the first three conservation laws of this series: Dt(u) +Dxl-u2- у =0, Dt(u2) + Dx[u2 - 2uu2 u3\ = 0, DA — u\ + Dx\2u1u3 — u2 — и u2 + 2uu\ — = 0. Example 2 (Ibragimov [1983]). The equation utt -uxx = 0 is invariant with respect to the Backlund transformation vt-ux = 0 vx - ut = 0. It has the nonlocal symmetry /=ту(и + y) with arbitrary function ту.
Nonlocal Symmetry Generators 71 Example 3. The linear diffusion equation ut — u2 = 0, due to its invariance with respect to differentiation and integration, has nonlocal symmetries /i = v> fi = ^tu + w> where vx = u, vt = ux, and wx = xu, wt = xux — u. An approach was developed in Akhatov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1987c] for equations having Backlund transformations and used (Akhatov, Gazizov and Ibragimov [1987b], [1987d]) for constructing nonlocal symmetries of a special type, namely, quasilocal symmetries. It is important for applications that the Lie equations corresponding to the nonlocal operators can be integrated. This circumstance lets one again come to the classical problem of group classification of differential equations. Here new possibilities for the construction of group-invariant solutions are revealed. Other approaches to nonlocal symmetries are considered in Fushchich [1979], Fushchich and Kornyak [1985], Kaptsov [1982], Khor'kova [1988], Kiso [1989], Konopel'chenko and Mokhnachev [1979], Svinolupov and Sokolov [1990], and Vinogradov and Krasil'shchik [1980], [1984]. 7Л. QUASILOCAL SYMMETRIES (AKHATOV, GAZIZOV, AND IBRAGIMOV [1989b]) Let the systems of evolution equations ut = F, F e ssf[x, и], and vs = G, G<Esf[y,v], be connected by a Backlund transformation s = t, у = (p(x,u,uu...,uk), ua = Фа(х,и,ии...,ик), a = l,...,ra, (р,Фа <ejz?[x,u]. Here x and у are scalar independent variables; и and и are vector-valued differential variables with successive derivatives such as (7.1) (7.2)
72 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 Let System 7.1 admit an algebra of local symmetries, i.e., a Lie-Backlund algebra *fUM = {/« ej*[x,u]:^ - {F,fu} = oj, where the Lie bracket {F, /} is defined as the га-dimensional vector from s?[x, u] with the components {F,f}a = Fl •/-/« F, /3 = 1 />0 dUi After the Backlund transformation given by Equations 7.3, if fu ^sfF[x,u] goes over into fv ^s/[y,u], then fu and /„ are connected by the transition formula (Ibragimov [1981]), Dx(<p)K = (Dx(<p)<bl - Dx(4>«)<p*)fu. (7.4) The extension of Formula 7.4 to arbitrary fv (in the general case fv £ ssf[y, v]) may lead to the introduction of new, nonlocal, variables QJ, which are defined from Formula 7.4 and the corresponding conditions of tangency of the vector field fv(y, u, vv ..., Q) to the differential manifold [G]. The function fv, calculated in this way, is a nonlocal symmetry; it is called a quasilocal symmetry associated with the local symmetry /u. Definition. A quasilocal symmetry fv of Equation 7.2 associated with fu e sfF[x,u] is a vector-valued function fv that is connected with fu by the transition formula 7.4 and depends not only on the local variables s, y, v, vv... but also depends on certain new variables Q},..., Ql such that ^-{G,/J+ L^Qls = 0. (7.5) ds i=\dQ In computing the bracket {G, fv) we use differentiation Dy extended to the nonlocal variables Ql in the same way as to the usual differential variables. It is possible to use Equations 7.4 and 7.5 to obtain quasilocal symmetries fu for Equation 7.1 associated with local symmetries fv for Equation 7.2. 7.2. EXAMPLE Let us consider the equations v, = У;*/зу (7.6)
Nonlocal Symmetry Generators 73 and u, = {u-^ux)x, (7.7) connected by the Backlund transformation vx = u, and translate the operator д д X = x2 Ъхи—, (7.8) дх ди v } admitted by Equation 7.7, into the corresponding operator admitted by Equation 7.6. In this case the transition formula has the form /„ = Dx{fr), (7.9) where fu and fv are coordinates of the canonical Lie-Backlund operator for Equations 7.7 and 7.6, respectively. For Operator 7.8 the coordinate fu has the form fu = —Ъхи — x2ux. Substituting this function into Equation 7.9 and using the Backlund transformation, we get the following equation with respect to the unknown function /,: Dx(fv) = ~3xu ~x2ux s -3xvx -x2uxx. After integration, the solution of this equation may be written in the form fv = ~x2vx ~ xv + w, where w is a nonlocal variable, satisfying the equation Dxw = v. Hence, the corresponding operator for Equation 7.6 has the form д д Y = x2 (- (w — xv) — . dx v } dv The dependence of the nonlocal variable w on t is determined by the equation D,(w) = -Ъь~У\ which is the condition of invariance of Equation 7.6 with respect to the operator Y.
В. Body of Results
8 Ordinary Differential Equations 8.1. SOME FIRST-ORDER EQUATIONS WITH A KNOWN SYMMETRY I. У' = F(y). У' = Fix). y' = Fikx + ly). t у +xF(r) д x = — дх д "'Ту д д Х = 1 к — дх ду у -г л,1 1/1 I— — II. У'= ?K'r=V^r+^. х - yF(r) III. у' = F(y/x). д д Х = у х — дх ду д д X = х— +у — дх ду 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (с) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc. 77
78 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 IV. y' =xk~lF(y/xkl V. xy' = F{xe~y). VI. y' =yF(ye~x). VII. y' = y/x + xF(y/x). VIII. xy' = у + Я у А). IX. у' = x + F(y/x) д д X = х— + ку — дх ду д д Х = х— + — дх ду д д Х= — +у — дх ду д уд Х= — + дх jc ду д д X = х2— + ху — дх ду д д Х = ху—+у2— дх ду X. у' x+F(y) Х = у дх XI. ху' = у + Л*). * = х- ду XII. ху' = In jc + F(y) Х = ху дх
Ordinary Differential Equations XIII. xy' = y[ln у + Fix)]. 8 X = худу XIV. у' = P{x)y + Q(x). dy XV. y' = P(x)y + QU)y". dy XVI. y' = P(x)y. д X = y — dy 8.2. FIRST-ORDER EQUATIONS WITH SYMMETRIES LINEAR IN THE DEPENDENT VARIABLE Consider a first-order ODE y'=f(x,y). (8.1) The determining equation (Equation 1.43) vx + (vy - L)f-Zyf2 ~ tfx -vfy = o does not split into an overdetermined system. Therefore Equation 1.43 has an infinite set of solutions. That is why we can hope to find solutions of certain forms only. For instance, there is a sufficiently wide class of Equations 8.1 that admit operators of the form X = (a(x)y + b(x))— + (c(x)y + d(x)) — , (8.2) ox dy in other words components £ and 17 are linear in у (see Section 8.1).
80 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Example 1 (Konovalov [1992b]). Let us find Operators 8.2 admitted by the equation /=/n(^)y"+/p(^)yP+/i(^)y- (83) This equation admits an Operator 8.2 in the following cases. Case 1. fp = 0 (The Bernoulli equation). The Bernoulli equation admits two (n Ф 2) or three (n = 2) linearly independent operators 8.2, for example, 1 Id д . *,,.-««*.». _+/ir_i. Case 2. n, p Ф 2 (One may consider Equation 8.3 as a perturbation of the Bernoulli equation). In this case Equation 8.3 admits an Operator 8.2 iff the function z = (fp/fn)l/(n~p) satisfies the equation z'=fxz + Cfnz" (8.4) for some constant С The set of Operators 8.2 admitted by Equation 8.3 is a one-dimensional vector space spanned by 1 1 д 1 1 д X= —z1-"— + — z'zl~ny —. fn dX fn дУ In the canonical variables t = ffnzn~l dx, и = y/z, Equation 8.3 is written as u' = un - Си + up. Remark. If n = 3 and p = 2 (the special case of the Abel equation), then Condition 8.4 turns into a less strict condition. Case 3. n = 2, p = 0 (The Riccati equation). The space of Operators 8.2 is three-dimensional, i.e., X = b < — у Н — {hb)' +fh Ji Ту' (8-5)
Ordinary Differential Equations 81 where b(x) is any solution of the equation fob + 1 \fh+{hb)' щл'+— r/or+~/r The reduced Riccati equation У'=У2+Го admits the operator X = b — dx b"\ д b'' + i)ry- where b is any solution of the equation b'" + 4f0b' + 2f'0b = 0. (8.6) (8.7) (8.8) In the canonical variables t = / dx/b, и = by + b'/2, Equation 8.6 is written as и! = и2 + С, where the constant С is C=f0b2 + \bb" -\ba. We cannot find solutions of Equation 8.8 in the case of arbitrary function /0, but an analysis of Equation 8.8 may be useful. The following example confirms this statement. Example 2 (Konovalov [1992a]). Consider the special Riccati equation, y' = y2 + axxSl + • • • +apxsp. Let us find the solutions of Equation 8.8 in the form b =Axxr* + ••• +Anxr». (8.9) Here we consider only two cases, p = 1 and p = 2. p = l: y' =y2 + axs. (8.10) Equation 8.10 admits a generator given by Equations 8.7 and 8.9 in the two cases (a) s = -2 and (b) s = -2 ± 2/(2n - 1), n = 1,2,.... In the first
82 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 case, b = x. In the second case, + _ 2(fc-l) ._ 2(2n-k) Tk~ 2n-l ' Tk 2n-l ' k-l-->n> Л / 2 П \2rm-2±—— Л - 1, Л±= (-2a)*"1 -^ £"_^ k = ^ ^ П rm(rm - l)(rm - 2) m = 2 /? = 2: / = y2 + я^1 + я2х*2. (8.11) Equation 8.11 admits a generator given by Equations 8.7 and 8.9 in the following two cases: a. y' =y2 + axx~2 + a2x~2±{2yll-^)/{2n~l\ where ax and a2 are arbitrary constants b. y' = y2 + axx~2±{l/n) + Ня,и)х~2±(2/'1), where ax is an arbitrary constant and a2 = F(av n) is obtained from the equation det(c/;) = 0, where (cu) is a three-diagonal matrix, ckk=^(4k-4n-2), ckk+l = ^(* " 1)(* " 1 " n)(k - 1 - 2n), 4a2 c^_! = — (* -n) For example, the equation у' = у2 + ах~г/г - 4a2x~l admits Operator 8.7 with b = 1 + Saxl/2 (n = 2). 8.3. SOME SECOND-ORDER EQUATIONS WITH A KNOWN SYMMETRY :. y" = F(y, y'l y" = Fix, y'). y" = F{kx + ly, y'l X д x = — дх д X= — ду д д = 1 к — дх ду
Ordinary Differential Equations II. y"={\+y'2f/2F\r/-——, v ; \ x + yy у - xy д д X = y x — дх ду III. y" = y'JF y, Z = y djt «"(y) /3 ( 1 в'(У) IV. у" + —г^ху" = У' F\ y, - - ——x X = q(y) dx V. y" = Fix, у - xy'). X = x- dy VI. p(x)y" - p"(x)y = Fix, pix)y' - p'ix)y). VII. p2ix)y" + pix)p'ix)y' = Fiy,pix)y'). X = p(x) dx VIII. xy" = Fiy/x, y'). д д X = x— + у — дх ду IX. у" =xk-2Fix~ky,xx-ky'). д д Х = х— + ку — дх ду X. у" = yFiye-*, у'/у). д д
84 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 XL / = yF(x, y'/yl д X = y — dx y'2 + q(y)F[x,^—\. 9(У) X'^Ty XIII. yy" = y'2 + y2F(x, jty'/y - In y). * = *y — dy XIV. ;ty"+ y'+x2y'V(y,y/(jty') - In x). * = *y — dx XV. ;cV = HyA,y-JcyO. а d X = x2— +jcy — dx dy XVI. ;cV=y,JF(y/x,(y -xy')/y'\ в в X = xy— + y2— dx dy XVII. ** + y + (1 - k)xk+ly = F(x~ky, xy' - ky). , д d X = xk\x— + ky — 1 dx dy XVIII. xy2y" + (k - \)xyy'2 = y'3F(*y~*, y/y' - kx). I d d X = yk\kx— +y — I d* dy 8.4. LIE GROUP CLASSIFICATION OF SECOND-ORDER EQUATIONS i. у"=/(у,у'). d Gx\ Xx = — 1 * ax
Ordinary Differential Equations 85 II. /'=/(/)• д d G2: X\ = —, X2 = — dx dy III. y" = (!/*)/(/). д д d G2- x\ = —> x2 = x— +У- dy dx dy y' + Cy'3/2 + y'2 TV. y" + 2 = 0. x -y G3: X, = — + —, 3 l dx dy d d X2=Xd-x+yd-y X3 =x2— + y2 д д - +у2— дх ду V. у" = Су G3: VI. у" = Се~у\ д д д Хх = —, Х2 = 2х— +у — 1 дх 2 дх ду д д дх ' ду Х3 =Х2— + ху — G3: Хл — —, 3 1 дх д д д ду дх ду VII. у" = Су,{ \кФ0,\,1,2. д д д д G3\ Х, = —, Х2=—, Х3=х— +ку — 3 * дх ду 3 дх ду VIII. у" = 0. дх д 2 Эу' д ду Х4=х—, Х5=у — , Хв=у — , дх дх ду д д д д Х7 =х2—- + ry — , Xs =ху— +у2— дх ду дх ду
9 Second-Order Partial Differential Equations with Two Independent Variables 9.1. LINEAR EQUATION R(x, y)zxx + S(x, y)zxy + T(x, y)zyy + P{x,y)zx + !2(x,y)zy + Z(x,y)z = 0 9.1.1. LIE'S CLASSIFICATION CLASSIFICATION (LIE CONTACT SYMMETRIES) (Lie [1881a]) Equivalence Transformations *=/(*,У), y=g(x,y), z = a(x,y)z, where /, g, and a are arbitrary functions. Classification Result For arbitrary R, S,T, P, Q, and Z the symmetry Lie algebra is infinite and is spanned by *0 = z-, x.-rtx.y)- where ф(х, у) is an arbitrary solution of the equation. 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 86 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc.
Second-Order PDEs, Two Independent Variables The algebra extends in the following cases. 1. zxy + Y(y)zy + z = 0. д 1 dx 2. zxv + Q(x - y)zv + Z(x - y)z = 0. д д 1 dx dy 3. zxv + Cyzv + z = 0. д д д д д —, Х2 = Ccz—, Х3 = х у — dx dy dz дх ду А В х-у (х-у) д д д д Хх= — + —, Х2=х— + у—, дх ду дх ду д д д — +у2 Axz — дх ду dz Х3 = х2— + у2— - Axz — 5. zxx + zy + Z{x)z = 0. 6. zxx + zy = 0. д 1 dy 1 дх ду X3 = 2y— + xz—, *a=x— +2y —, dx dz dx dy д д /1 1 \ d — + y2— + -x2 - -y\z— dx dy \4 2y) dz 7. zxx + z + (A/x2)z = 0. d d d X\ = т~, *2 = x— +2y —, dy ^JC dy д 2д /1 1 \ a
88 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 9.1.2. OVSIANNIKOV'S CLASSIFICATION anzxx + 2al2zxy + a22zyy + blzx + b2zy + cz = 0, (9.1) where a, b, and с are analytic functions of x and y. Equivalence Transformations x = <p(x,y), у = ф(х,у), z = co(x,y)z, (9.2) where <p, ф, and со are arbitrary functions. Equation 9.1, by the corresponding equivalence transformations, may be transformed to one of the normal forms: • Hyperbolic normal form zxy +Azx+Bzy + Cz = 0 (9.3) • Elliptic normal form Zxx + Zyy + Azx + Bzy + Cz = 0 (9.4) • Parabolic normal form zxx + Azx + Bzy + Cz = 0 or zxx - zy - Hz = 0, (9.5) where A, B, C, and H are functions of x and y. Remark. Equation 9.4 may be written in the form of Equation 9.3 by the complex change of variables x = x + iy, у = x — iy, z = z. HYPERBOLIC NORMAL FORM zxy + A(x, y)zx + В(дс, y)zy + C(x, y)z = 0. (9.3)
Second-Order PDEs, Two Independent Variables 89 CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Ovsiannikov [I960]) Equivalence Transformations 1°: x = <p(x), у = ф(у), z=z; 2°: x=x, y=y, z = co(x,y)z. Here <p, ф, and oj are arbitrary functions. Classification Result For arbitrary A(x, у), B(x, y), and C(x, y), the symmetry Lie algebra is infinite and is spanned by д д xo=z^-> X«>=z0(x,y) — , oz oz where z0 = z0(x, y) is any solution of Equation 9.3. The algebra extends in the following cases: Case 1. If Laplace's invariants h = Ax + AB - C, k = By+AB -C (9.6) (they are invariants under the transformations 2°) are equal to zero, i.e., ft = 0, k = 09 then Equation 9.3 is equivalent to the wave equation zxy = 0. (see Section 12.1). Case 2. Let h Ф 0 (or к Ф 0). Then Equation 9.3 admits more than one additional operator iff the functions к 1 are constants. If p and q are constants, then Equation 9.3 is equivalent to either the Euler-Poisson equation (q Ф 0) 2/q 2p/q Ap/q2 :z* ~ ггтт.2у + ~, 7iz = ° (9-7) x+y x+y ' (x+yy
90 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 or the equation (q = 0) zxy + xzx + pyzy + pxyz = 0. (9.8) Equations 9.7 and 9.8 admit three additional operators: д д д д Equation9.7: Х{ = —, Х,=х—+у — , дх ду дх ду д д 2 д дх ду q dz д д д д Equation 9.8: X, = х у—, Х2 = yz—, дх ду дх dz д д ду dz Remark. Any equation admitting one additional operator may be rewritten, in some coordinate system, as an equation with coefficients that do not depend on one of the variables. PARABOLIC NORMAL FORM zxx=zy + Hz, (9.5) where H = H(x, y). CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Ovsiannikov [1978]) Equivalence Transformations r I a' b" \ x' = ax + b, у = Ia2dy, z = z exp -r—x + ——x + с \, J \4a 2a j aa" - 2a'2 ab" - Ъа'Ъ' a2H(x, y) = H(x, y) + —j x2 + 4a2 Aa1 a' b'2 2a 4a2j' where a = a(y), b = b(y), and с = c(y) are arbitrary functions of y; a', V and a", b" are first and second derivatives with respect to y, respectively.
Second-Order PDEs, Two Independent Variables 91 Classification Result For arbitrary H(x, y) the symmetry Lie algebra is infinite and is spanned by д д dz dz where z0(x, y) is any solution of Equation 9.5. The algebra extends in the following cases: 1. H = tf(y). 2. H = H(x). 3. H = mx , m Ф 0. 1 dx д x\ = — 1 dy 4. H = 0. д д д Хг=—, Х2=х— + 2у—, ду дх ду 8 д д Хъ = -4ху— - 4у2— + (х2 + 2y)z— дх ду v J dz д д д д дх ду дх ду д д д д /1 1 \ д Хл = 2у xz—, Хс = ху К у2 —х2 Н у z — 4 У дх dz' 5 У дх У ду \4 2У) dz 9.2. CHAPLYGIN EQUATION 9.2.1. К(а)фвв + фаа = 0 (9.9) LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Ovsiannikov [I960]) For arbitrary K(a) the symmetry Lie algebra is infinite and is spanned by where ф0(в, a) is an arbitrary solution of Equation 9.9.
92 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 Equation 9.9 admits three additional operators iff the function K(a) is given in the following parametric form: K = £\s), «7=-^-, (9.10) where £(s) and £0(s) are two linearly independent solutions of the linear second-order differential equation d ds 1 dC -(*' + ClS + C2)- = £, 4 = const., (9.11) with Ct and C2 arbitrary constants. The transformations M I aa + b\ KW = 7 ^4 ^r—~A \> (9Л2) M =£ 0, ad — be Ф 0, are the equivalence transformations on the set of all functions #(<г) that are defined by Equations 9.10 and 9.11. Functions K(a) defined by Equations 9.10 and 9.11 and nonsimilar up to Equations 9.12 are as follows: 1. K(a) = l/o-2 2. K(a) = /04(\/27), a = Y0(i/27)//0(i/57), where у = J0(x) and у = Y0(x) are Bessel functions of first and second kinds, respectively, satisfying the equation 1 у" + -у' + у = 0 x 3. K(a) = a-4v^2v+l\ where 2/$ = v{v + 1) 4. ЯЫ = e" 5. K(cr) = Pu\s\ a = Q„(*)/W> where £ = Pp(s) and £ = Qv(s) are Leg- endre functions of the nth degree, of first and second kinds, respectively, satisfying the equation [(1 - s2)£'] + v(v + 1)£ = 0 9.2.2. <рв=-фа, <ра = К(а)фв (9.13) CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Ovsiannikov [1962]) Equivalence Transformations a _ _ 1 6=-re, a = aa + b, <p = -j=<p, Ф = Ф, vc vc K(a) =cK(aa + b), where a, b, and с are constants.
Second-Order PDEs, Two Independent Variables 93 Classification Result For arbitrary K{a) the symmetry Lie algebra is infinite and is spanned by д д д xo = <P— + Ф-, Xx = д(р оф дв' ^ = ^Ро(0,сг)-+ф0(в,сг)-, where <po(0, о-), ф0(в, a) is an arbitrary solution of Equations 9.13. System 9.13 admits two additional operators iff K(a) satisfies the equation К \" K2 K' I = P~K7' P = const- (9.14) Additional operators have the following form: a. p Ф 0, 1 2l£l' + l 2K N'^Te + lcN^ д dip I KY K2 д ^ф Ь. р = 0, х = К2 1 К \' \ К^ 2К д + \к 1 д ~дв iky к2 \-^)Щв)(р+—ы'(в)ф (f) + 1)nW д ~дф' д д(р where N(6) is a solution of the equation JV"(0) +pN(d) =0.
94 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 The set of all solutions of Equation 9.14 contains the following nonequiva- lent solutions: 1. К = l/o-2 2. K = e2t, a = fie-'/Odt 3. K = a(l~2u)/u, v Ф 0 4. К = еа 5. К = ((г - l)/(z + l))1"2", a= f(z- 1У~1(г + 1)"" dz. 9.3. HOMOGENEOUS MONGE-AMPERE EQUATION Uxy ~ UxxUyy = 0 LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Chupakhin [1979], Ibragimov [1983]) д д д д Хх=Тх' Хг=^' Хз=^и~' Ха=ХТх' Х5=у — , Х6 = и — , Х7 = у — , Х8=х—, ду ди дх ду д д д д Х$ = х — , Х10 = у — , Хх j = и ——, X12 = и — , ди ди дх ду д д д д д д Х1Ъ =х2— + *У — +хи —, Х14 =ху— +У2— + уи —, дх ду ди дх ду ди д д д Х,5 = хи V уи— + и1 — дх ду ди LIE CONTACT SYMMETRIES (Chupakhin [1979], Khabirov [1984]) ди where £, 17, and £ are arbitrary functions of ux, uy, and и - xux - yuy.
Second-Order PDEs, Two Independent Variables 95 LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES (Chupakhin [1979], Ibragimov [1983], Section 21.1, and Khabirov [1984]) M д M n X= /— + •", where / =fQ+yh + E Qk~lxfk, ди k = l where /0, A, and fk are arbitrary functions of the variables ux, uy, со = и — xux - yuy, Rkuy, and Rkco (k = 1,..., n - 1); differential operators Q and Я are defined by the formulas Q = и;У2и1/у2 Dx-Dy, R = u\'fu-xZ'A Dx = u-y*u'l'* Dy. 9.4. NONHOMOGENEOUS MONGE-AMPERE EQUATION и**иуу - u2xy + a2(x,y) = 0 CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Khabirov [1990a]) Equivalence Transformations Г : x = bux + bl2y + ft1? у = ft21* + ft22^ + ^2? w = Ъхфг1аи + ft31Jt + ft32y + ft3, 5 = afl 2°: Jc = x(l - fix - yyy\ y=y(l-px- yy)"1, й = u(\ — fix - yy)~ , a = a(\ — fix - yy) , where ft,, ft/y, a, /3, and у are constants. This 12-parametric equivalence transformation group is a projective group with the Lie algebra spanned by д д д д Xx = Yx' Xl=Yy' Хз=^и~' Ха = уТх' д д д 5 ay' 6 dw 7 7ам а а д д д д дх да ду да ди да д д д д 1 h ху Ь xu 2ах— дх ду ди да д д д д Хп = ху h у2 h ум 2яу —. дх ду ди да
96 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Classification Result For arbitrary a = a(x,y) the symmetry Lie algebra is three-dimensional and is spanned by д д д *1=^' Xl=XTu> Хъ=УТи The algebra extends in the following cases (а Ф 0). 1. a = xP(p(xay\ д д д XA = x- ay— + (/3 - a + 1)и — дх ду ди 2. a = х?уу. д д д д дх dw ду ди 3. а= х*. д Х4 — , Xз — х , ду ду а а а а dy dw дх dw 4. а = х Зуу. a a a д д д Х4 =х2— + ху — + хи—, *5 = ху — +У2^- +У« — дх <9у дм дх ду ди д д д д Х6=х— -2и — , Х1=У^ + (? + ^«r дх дм ду aw 5. я = 1. дх ду дх ду д д д д Хо=х V и —, Х9 = у V и — дх ди ду ди
Second-Order PDEs, Two Independent Variables 97 6. a = ya<p(yfi exp(x/y)). *4 = (*-Ду)-+У-+(« + 2)И- 7. a = yaexp(jc/y). Хл = у h и— дх ди д д д Х5=х — + у — + (а + 2)и — дх ду ди 8. а = у 2 ехр(х/у). дх aw X: = X2 Ь Ху Ь ХМ 6 дх 'ду дх ду д д д д —, Х; = ху—+у2—+ум — дм дх ду дм 9. а = ехср(у). 10. я = <р(у). 11. я = в'. Х4 = — + и— дх ди Хл= —, Х5 = у —, Х6=х \-и — дх дх дх ди д д д Хл = х—, Х5 = \-и — ду дх ди Х6 ~~ л > ду Хп = у— + и— 7 ду ди 12. а = (у2 + у)-1ехр(5/(у2 + уУ1 dy). д д д д Х4=—, Х5=у--, Х6=х— +и — , дх дх дх ди д д д Х7=ху— + (у2 + у)— + (у + 8)и — *v / ду ди дх 13. а=у 2(р(ху l + ay 2)ехр(-уу 1). Х4 = (ху + 2а)— + у2— + (у + у)и — дх ду ди
98 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I 14. a = у 2 ехр(— у l). X4=—, X5=y — , Xe = x — + и — , ox ox ox ди д д д Xi=*y— +У2— + (У 1)и — дх ду dw 15. я = у-2 ехр( —yy-1 + дху-1 + аду-2). д д д д д ХА=у — +MW —, Х5 = (*у+ 2а) — +y2— + (у+ у)и—- дх ди дх ду ди 16. я = (ху + ду2 + а) 1. д д д ХА = {ху + 2а)— + у2— +уи —, ох ду ди д д д Х5 = (х + 2fiy)- у- и — дх ду ди 17. а = y-*v+l\xy + /ху2 + аУ. д д д Х4 = (ху + 2а) — +У2— +У« —, дх ду ди г) /) Я *5 = (х + 2ду) — -у— + (2i/+ 1)и — дх ду ди CLASSIFICATION (LIE CONTACT SYMMETRIES) (Khabirov [1990a], [1990b]) Equivalence Transformations The equivalence contact transformation group reduces to the 12-parameter projective group: Г : x = bux + bny + fe1? у = b2lx + b22y + b2, й = bnb22au + b3lx + b32y + b3, a = aa 2°: x =x(l - px - yy)"1, у =y(l - px - yy)~\ i 2 й = u(\ - Px - yy) , a = a(\ - Px - yy) (see classification of the considered equations with respect to point symmetries).
Second-Order PDEs, Two Independent Variables 99 Classification Result The Lie algebra of contact transformations is defined by the characteristic function W(x, y, u, uXJ uy) (see Section 1.7; here we set v = и - xux - yuy). 1. a = 0. w= wo(ux>uyiv) + xWl(ux,uy,v) +yW2(ux,uy,v) 2. a = 1. W = 2u — xux — yuy + Wx(uy — x, ux + y) + W2(uy -\- x,ux — y) 3. a = a(x) is an arbitrary function. W = u -ywy + *(x,wy) + Cy, where Xxx = a2(x)xUyUy For each of the following functions a = a(x) there is a further extension: i. a = \/x. W = Axux + uy(xux — v) — 2y ln|x| ii. a = \x\p, /3 ¥= 1,2. W = A[xux-(P + \)yuy] + (/3 + l)uy(pu + 2joix - (2)3 + l)ywy) -yx2/3+2 iii. я = e*. Ж = ^4(w — wx) + 2uxuy — 2yu2y + wwy — ye2x iv. a = (x2 + y)_1. W = xv — yux + Ay— yx + "y((*2 + у)"* + луМу — *м)1, _ r dx v. a = (jc2 + y)-lexp(8x), 82 + 4y # 0, 8 Ф 0. W = xv — yux + 5уиу + л[-у5_1ехр(28х) + uy((S - 2x)" + 2(д:2 + y)ux + 2y(x - 8)uy)],
100 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 4. a = x~2<p(I), I = y/x, where <p(7) is an arbitrary function. W = xux + yuy + xa)(v, I) + C, where ш satisfies the equation (p2(I)o)uv = o>/7. For each of the following functions <p = <p(I), there is a further extension: i. <p(I) satisfies the equation ±<р2ф = <//', ф =\2<р<р"<р'~2 - 3|"1/2. W = ф[хих +уиу + 2<р(р'~1хиу}т(и) ± 2т'(и)(2ф + ср(ф<р'~1)), where m = m(u) satisfies the equation m" = ±m ii. а =у2ах-2а~2, а Ф -1/2. W= -(2a + l)~l I4a + 2 + v((4a + 3)yuy + (4a + l)xux- (2a + 1)и) + Л((2а+ 1)и -ywy) iii. я = (xy)~l. W = 21n|/| + i;(xwx -ywy) + Луму Here Л, С, о:, /З, y, and 5 are arbitrary constants and W{ are arbitrary functions. BACKLUND TRANSFORMATIONS The equation "xxUyy -u2xy + a2(x,y) = 0, by Martin substitution w(t,q) =ux(x,y), t = uy(x,y), x = q, y=p(t,q), is connected with one-dimensional gas dynamics equations written in Lagrange coordinate system wt+pq = 0, Tt-wq = 0. Here t, q, p, r, and w are time, Lagrange coordinate, pressure, specific volume, and velocity, respectively (Martin [1953]).
Second-Order PDEs, Two Independent Variables 101 CONSERVATION LAWS (Khabirov [1990a]) For the nonhomogeneous Monge-Ampere equation, the Lagrangian function can be taken up to divergence terms in the form L = u]uxx + u\uyy - 2b(x, y)uxy, where bxy = a2(x, y). 1. For equation "xxUyy- uly + a2(x) =0, with a(x) arbitrary, the conservation laws Dx[y{uxUxx ~ "yUxy + by) -b- uxuy\ + Dy[y(uyuxx - uxuxy + bx) + u2x] = 0, bxy = a2(x), and Dx["y DxX + ("x + У"ху) DyX ~ Dy(yux DyX)\ + Dy[(ux - yuxy) DxX + yuxx DyX\ = 0 are obtained, which correspond, by the Noether theorem, to the operators д X = y — du and д X = x(x,uy) — , where *** = «2(*)*w respectively. 2. For equation Uxxuyy ~ uly + ax-4(p2(I) = 0, / = y/x, the conservation law Dx(uxuyy) + Оу(-ихиху+х~Щух-1)) = 0, Ф'(/) = <Р2(1) corresponds to the operator д X = —. du
10 Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations This chapter presents a survey of symmetries and exact solutions for diffusion equations of the type ut = V • (jfc(n) Vu) + q(u), x e UN, (10.1) as well as for some generalizations of this type. Such equations are widely used as mathematical models of heat conduction and diffusion, filtration of gases and fluids in porous media, processes of chemical kinetics and biological processes. A variety of applications of diffusion equations is given, for example, in Crank [1975], Ames [1965], Berezovskii [1976], Murray [1977], and Fife [1979]. One can find a rich variety of exact solutions with a detailed discussion in Samarskii, Galaktionov, Kurdyumov, and Mikhailov [1987]; many examples considered in this chapter are presented as they appear in their book. The first two sections deal with one-dimensional equations such as Equation 10.1 without a source: N = 1, q(u) = 0. Closely related to them are the equations for potentials и and w: ux = u, wx = u, which are treated in Sections 10.3 and 10.4. One-dimensional equations with a source are considered in Section 10.5. The more general case of nonhomogeneous media, к = k(x, u) and q = q(x, u), is discussed in Section 10.6. Equation 10.1 for N > 1 is considered in Section 10.7. For the most part the results presented in this section (classification with respect to point symmetries, exact solutions) remain valid for the case N = 1. Even though there is some duplication we have included an independent presentation of the one-dimensional case in Sections 10.1, 10.2, and 10.5 because of its significance for applications. In Sections 10.8 and 10.9 anisotropic diffusion equations are considered for N = 2 and N = 3, respectively. 102 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc.
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 103 In conclusion, some generalizations are discussed. Hyperbolic equations arising when a finite (nonzero) time of relaxation of the heat flux is taken into account are considered in Sections 10.10 and 10.11. The results of the group classification for systems of two one-dimensional diffusion equations are given in Sections 10.12 and 10.13. 10.1. LINEAR HEAT EQUATION ut = k0uxx, k0 = const. Ф 0 LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Lie [1881a]) The symmetry Lie algebra is spanned by d d д д 1 dt 2 dx 3 dt dx did d d 1 д XA = It — хи —, X: = At2— + Axt —(x2 + 2knt)u —, 4 dx k0 du' 5 dt dx k0 V ° ' du X6 = u — , Xco = b(t,x) — , du du where b(t, x) is an arbitrary solution of the equation bt = k0bxx. LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES The linear heat equation admits Lie-Backlund symmetries of an arbitrary order. Coordinates of the canonical Lie-Backlund operators d U(t,x,u,ux,uxx,...)— (10.2) can be written in the form {/-(L.A^A»), (юз) where mx and m2 are arbitrary nonnegative integers satisfying the condition m, +m2> 3, and Lx and L2 are the recursion operators (calculated by Ibragimov [1981]) 1 L, = DY and L7 = tDY + —— x. 2k0
104 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Here Dx is the total derivative operator with respect to x. We emphasize that every admitted Lie-Backlund operator is a linear combination of operators given by Formulas 10.2 and 10.3 and the operators Xx,..., X6, Хж of point symmetries. Note also that in the case 0 < mx + ra2 < 2, Formula 10.3 gives coordinates of the canonical operators corresponding to the operators Xl9..., X6 (up to a constant factor). CONSERVATION LAWS (Dorodnitsyn and Svirshchevskii [1983]) All possible conservation laws of the type [F(t,x,u,ux9uxx9...)],+ [<b(t,x,u,ux,uxx,...)]x = 0 are given by (fu),+ [k0(fxu-fux)]x = 0, where fit, x) is an arbitrary solution of the equation ft + k0fxx = 0. EXACT SOLUTIONS Symmetries allow one to find new solutions starting from any known solution и =F(t,x) (10.4) as well as to construct invariant solutions. The following list presents one- parameter groups corresponding to operators Xv ..., X6, X^; the expression for a new solution that is the image of Solution 10.4 and a general expression for invariant solutions uinw are given in each case. X{. t' = t + а, и = F(t - a, x\ X'=X, Minv=/(*) и! = и X2: t' = t, и = F(t, x - a), x'=x + a, "inv=/(') u' = и X3: t' = e2at, и = F(e~2at, e~ax\ x' = eax, Minv = f(x2/t) u' = и
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 105 X4: X5: *6- X„: t' x' u' t' x' u' tf x' u' t' x' u' = t, = x + 2at, = ue~a(x*at)/k° t 1 - 4at' X l-4at' = uy/\ - 4ate~ = t, = x, = eau = t, = x, = и + ab(t, x) u = e-a<*-°'VkoF(t,x-2cit), "i„v = е-2/^о')/(г) e -ax2/(k0(l+4at)) t U = j= vT v~ov, , ™.„ it x \ + Aat ll + 4л*' 1 + 4atr e-x2/(4k0t) «inf = T /(*/Г) и = eeFO, x\ winv does not exist и = F(f, x) + ab(t, x\ winv does not exist In each case a is a group parameter and / is a solution of an ordinary differential equation arising after substitution of uinw into the original equation ut = kQuxx. Example. The following exact solutions are constructed by using the operator д l д — xu — дх к0 ди X4 = 2t- —xu generating the one-parameter Galilean group t' = t, x' = x + 2at, u' = ue-«x+at)/k°. (10.5) An arbitrary solution и = F(t, x) is mapped by Transformation 10.5 into the following solution: и = e-^x-at)/k°F(t,x- 2at). (a) Acting by Transformation 10.5 on the constant solution и = u0 = const.
106 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol I yields the "traveling wave" solution и = uQe~a{x-at)/k\ where a is the speed of the wave. The most general expression for the traveling wave solution has the form и = u0e-a(x-at)/k° + uly with arbitrary constants u0 and uv (b) In a similar way, starting with the stationary solution и = u0x, u0 = const., one can obtain the solution of the more complicated type и = и0(х-2ш)е-«х-а1)/к°, with arbitrary constants u0 and a. (c) The invariant solution corresponding to X4 has the form и =e~x2^k^f{t). Substitution into the heat equation yields 2(f,+/=0 and hence и = (C/i/f>-x2/(4*°'\ t > 0, where С = const. This is the well-known fundamental solution of the linear heat equation (up to a constant factor). OPTIMAL SYSTEM OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL SUBALGEBRAS, ALL POSSIBLE TYPES OF INVARIANT SOLUTIONS (Olver [1986]) In order to enumerate all essentially different invariant solutions, it is necessary to use the optimal system of one-dimensional subalgebras (see Part A, Section 4.2). The optimal system of one-dimensional subalgebras of the Lie algebra spanned by Xv ..., X6, Хж consists of the operators ^•2 > X6 , Aj + CX6 , Aj + A4 , A j — X4 , Xx + X5 + CX6, Хг + СХ6 (С е R),
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 107 and operators of the X^ type. These last operators do not give any invariant solution and can be omitted. The discrete symmetry (t,x,u) -> (t, -x,u) maps Xx - X4 to Xx + X4 and hence this list is reduced by one. The corresponding invariants, factor equations (in Ovsiannikov's terminology; also called reduced equations, Olver [1986]), and invariant solutions for the case /c0 = 1 have the following form. д д д (a) X3 + 2CX. = It— +x— +2Cu — . 3 6 dt dx du • Invariants у = x/yft, и = t~cu • Factor equation Vyy + \У»у ~ С» = 0 • Invariant solution u = tce-xl/^t){CxU(2C + \, x/yJTt) + C2V(2C + \, x/y/Ii)}, where U(b, z) and V(b, z) are parabolic cylinder functions (a fundamental system of solutions of Webers equation's equation wzz = (b + z2/4)w; see Abramowitz and Stegun [1970], Section 19.17), and where Cx and C2 are arbitrary constants. The factor "2" in the linear combination X3 + 2CX6 is introduced to simplify calculations. For some particular values of the parameter С the solution can be expressed in more simple form. For example, if С = 0, then и = CxQrf(x/2]ft) + C2, where erf is the error function: erf(z) = -j= fe"2'2dz'. If С = —(и + 1)/2 and n is a nonnegative integer, then и = г-<"+1)/2е-*г/(4г)Яя(х/2^)> where Hn is the nth Hermite polynomial: tf„(z) = (-l)V— (e-).
108 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 For n = 0 it yields the fundamental solution of the heat equation. The case С = (n + l)/2 leads in particular to the solutions и = t"/2H?(x/2y[t) = t"/2(-i)nHn(ix/2y[t)y which are known as heat polynomials and can be written as x, x2 + It, x3 + 6xt, etc. (see Widder [1975]). я я г) (b) Xx + X5 + CX6 = {At2 + 1)— + 4tt (jc2 + 2r - С)и —. dt дх ди • Invariants y = (4t2+iyl/2x, ,4r2+l ' 2 Factor equation 1/4 / '*2 С v = {At2 + 1) exp| At2 i i + — arctan(2/) vyy + (C + y2)v = 0 Invariant solution / С \/2Jc \ / С -i/2jc •=(4'!+,,'"рЬ'ЖтГс'Ь'ЖТ -rx2 С 4r2 + 1 " T Xexpj ^2,1— ^T ^rctan(2r) where W(fc, г) and W(b, -г) are parabolic cylinder functions forming a fundamental system of solutions of the equation wzz = (b - z2/4)w (see Abramowitz and Stegun [1970], Section 19.17), and where C\ are C2 are arbitrary constants. а я я (c) Xl-X4=--2t-+xu — . dt дх ди • Invariants у = x + t2, v = и exp( -xt — ft3)
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 109 • Factor equation: Vyy = yv • Invariant solution и = [Cl Ai(;c + t2) + C2 Bi(;c + t2)}exp(xt + |r3) where Ai(y) and Bi(y) are Airy functions (a fundamental system of solutions of the Airy equation vyy = у v. see Abramowitz and Stegun [1970], Section 10.4) and where Cx and C2 are arbitrary constants. The corresponding invariant solutions for Xx + Хл can be obtained by replacing x by — x. (d) i, + a6=- + a*—. 1 6 dt du • Invariants Factor equation Invariant solution X, — Ct v = e и »xx = CV {CxeCt cosh(\/Cjc + C2), C> 0, Cxx + C2, C = 0, iC1e°cos(v/- Cjc + C2), С < 0, with arbitrary constants Cx and C2. For the remaining operators of the optimal system, namely, Xx = д/dt and X6 = и д/ди, the invariant solutions are constant for the first operator and do not exist for the second. Any other invariant solution of the equation can be found by transforming one of these solutions by a suitable transformation from the admitted group.
110 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 10.2. NONLINEAR HEAT EQUATION ut = (k(u)ux)x, k(u) Ф const. CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Ovsiannikov [1959], [1978]) Equivalence Transformations - b2 1 = at + e, x = bx+f, u = cu+g, k = —k, a where a, b, c, e, /, and g are arbitrary constants, abc Ф 0. Classification Results For arbitrary k(u) the symmetry Lie algebra is three-dimensional and is spanned by д д д д 1 dt 2 дх 3 dt дх The algebra extends in the following cases. 1. к = eu. д д 2. к = иа,аФ 0, з* Х4 =х— + 2 — 4 дх ди а д д Х4 = —х Ь и — 2 дх ди 3. к = и~4/3. 2 д д д д Хл = х Ь и —, Х5 = -х2 Ь Ъхи — 3 дх ди дх ди CLASSIFICATION (LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES) (Bluman and Kumei [1980]) Classification Results Nontrivial Lie-Backlund operators are admitted only in the case k(u) = a(u + b)~ , where a and b are arbitrary constants.
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 111 In the case a = 1, b = 0, the coordinates of the canonical Lie-Backlund operators have the form U<k + 2) = (L)kB, where L = (Dx)2 • (w_1) • (Д^)-1 is the recursion operator, В = Dx(u~2ux) is the right-hand side of the given equation, к is a natural number, and к + 2 is the order of the Lie-Backlund symmetry. For example, jjO) = u~3u3 — 9u~4ulu2 + 12w~5(w1) , t/W = u~4u4 - Uu~5ulu3 - 10u-5(u2)2 + 95u-\uxfu2 + 90W-7(Wl)4, where dlu LINEARIZATION (Storm [1951]; Rosen [1979]; Bluman and Kumei [1980]; Ibragimov [1981]; Munier, Burgan, Gutierrez, Fijalkow, and Feix [1981]) The previously considered case к = a(u + b)~2 is remarkable also as the case when linearization is possible. For simplicity it is assumed that a = 1, b = 0. The equation u,= (u-2ux)x (10.6) is mapped by the one-to-one contact transformation dx = udx + u~2ux dt, di = dt, (Ю-7) й = и'1, (Rosen [1979], Bluman and Kumei [1980]) into the linear heat equation Щ = й-хх. (10.8) The transformation can be written in the following integrated form: x=fudx'~f\—u~x\ dt', ~t = t - t0, й = и~\ (10.9) where (t{], x{]) is a fixed point.
112 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 The corresponding inverse transformation has the form dx = Udx + Ux eft, dt = di, и = (w)"1, or x = f'udx' + f\ux)x=X()di', t = t-t0, и = (й)~\ x0 *0 for some fixed point (f0, x0). For a special case, this linearization was obtained in Storm [1951]. In the notation used here, Storm's result can be formulated as follows. The transformation x = f u(t,x') dx', 1 = t - Г0, й = и~1 (10.10) maps Equation 10.6 into the equation where fit) denotes the heat flux at the boundary x = x0, i.e., f(t) = -u~2ux\x=Xo- So if the function f(t) is known, then Transformation 10.10 maps Equation 10.6 into the linear equation given by Formula 10.11. In the special case / = 0 this transformation is identical with Transformation 10.9. Note that Transformation, 10.10 allows one to obtain Transformation 10.9 in a simple way. Indeed, the transformation x=x+ ft+t°f(t')dt', t = t, й = й (10.12) maps Equation 10.11 into the linear heat equation 10.8. The superposition of Transformations 10.10 and 10.12 yields Transformation 10.7. The linearization can be realized also as the differential substitution x = v(t,y), u(t,x) = (vy)~l (Ibragimov [1981]; Munier, Burgan, Gutierrez, Fijalkow, and Feix [1981]). It
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 113 maps the equation ut = (u 2ux)x into the equation So if v(t, y) is a solution of the linear heat equation vt = vyy, then u(t, x) satisfies the nonlinear equation ut = (u~2ux)x. It is interesting to note that the "remarkable equation" ut = (a(u +b)~2ux)x (as it was called in Bluman and Kumei [1980]) finds applications in some physical problems such as heat conduction in simple metals (Storm [1951]), diffusion in polymer-solvent systems (Fujita [1952]) and heat conduction in solid H2 (Rosen [1979]). NONLOCAL EQUIVALENCE TRANSFORMATION (Strampp [1982], Burgan, Munier, Feix, and Fijalkow [1984]) The one-to-one contact transformation dx = udx + k{u)ux dt, dt = dt, (10.13) U{i, x) = u(t, x)~ maps the equation ", = (*(«)«x)x (Ю.14) into the equation Щ=(й-2к{й-')й;)-х. (Ю.15) The corresponding inverse transformation has the form dx = udx + й~2к(й~1)йх di, dt = dt, и = (й)"1. Transformation 10.13 can be written also in the following integrated form x = f u(t, x') dx' + Ck(u{t', x0))\ —u(t', x) dt', x0 tQ \ OX ) x=x0 I — I In, U ^ U , where (t0, x0) is a fixed point.
114 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 In particular, the equations wr = ("X)* and ut = (ubux)x are connected by means of Transformation 10.13 if a + b = -2. Note that in the case a = -2 this condition yields b = 0 in full correspondence with the preceding results concerning the problem of linearization. The cases k(u)=eu and k(u) = u~4/\ to which the admitted Lie point group extends, lead to the new coefficients k(u) = u~2el/u and k(u) = u~2/\ respectively, which are not distinguished from either the Lie or the Lie-Backlund symmetries point of view. As is shown below, these and some other coefficients arise when the class of considered symmetries is enlarged by the nonlocal symmetries. If the function k(u) satisfies the condition k(u) =u~2k(u-1) (10.16) then Equations 10.14 and 10.15 are identical. This means that Transformation 10.13 is a symmetry. The general form of such k(u) is k{u) = Ф(и)/и, where function Ф(и) is invariant under the transformation и -> 1/w. Examples of such functions are Ф0 = const., Фг = In2 и, Ф2 = (и2 + l)/w, Ф3 =f(u) +/(1/и), Ф4 =f(u)f(l/u), where f(u) is an arbitrary function. Remark 1. Transformation 10.13 can be extended to equations of the more general type. For example, as shown in Strampp [1982], the transformation dx = udx + cp(u, ux) dt, dt = dt, U(t, x) = u(t, x)
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 115 maps the equation ut= [<p(u,ux)]x into the equation щ = -[й(р(й-\ -u~3Ux)]_. Some generalizations were considered also by Pukhnachev [1987]. Remark 2. As shown in Akhatov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1987b], nonlocal transformation given by Equations 10.13 corresponds to the local point equivalence transformation t = t, x = u(t,x), v(~t,x)=x (10.17) connecting the equations vt = k(vx)vxx and vt = (ux)~2k(l/ux)uxx, and also to the local contact equivalence transformation t = t, x = wx(t, x), w(~t, x) = xwx — w (10.18) connecting the equations Щ = K(wxx) and wf = -K(l/wxx). NONLOCAL (QUASILOCAL) SYMMETRIES (Akhatov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1987b], [1987d], [1989b]; Kirnasov [1987]) The original equation u, = (k(u)ux)x (10.19) is closely related to the following "potential" equations: v, = k(vx)vxx (10.20) and Wt = K{wxx), (10.21) where dK(z)/dz = k(z). Indeed, if v(t, x) satisfies Equation 10.20, then
116 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 u(t,x) = ux is a solution of Equation 10.19 and if w(t, x) satisfies Equation 10.21, then u(t, x) = wxx is also a solution of Equation 10.19. Moreover, every local symmetry (Lie or Lie-Backlund) of Equation 10.20 (or of Equation 10.21) can be considered as a symmetry of Equation 10.19. In general, these last symmetries depend on "nonlocal variables" и and w and are called nonlocal or quasilocal symmetries. Invariance properties of Equation 10.21 with respect to Lie point symmetries are represented in the following text. In order to use these results for Equations 10.20 and 10.19 all equivalence transformations are extended on variables v = wx, и = wxx, and k{z) = dK(z)/dz, as well as the infinitesimal operators are extended on variables v = wx and и = wxx. Only nonlinear case is considered which implies d2K(z)/dz2 Ф 0. Symmetries of Equations 10.20 and 10.21 are also discussed in Section 10.3 and 10.4, respectively. Equivalence Transformations for Equation 10.21 ~t = at + yly x = plx + p2v + y2> vv = j8J j84w + -jS3x2 + y3x\ + y4t + y5 Рз + 04" v =/33x + /V + y3, и Pi + PlU ' P,P4 - P2P3 ^ 74 l(a+a x2. /C = К H , k = — (/3i + /32w) A:, a a where a, /3,, and yi are arbitrary constants, а Ф 0, and /3^4 - Р2Ръ ^ 0. Note that only point equivalence transformations of the space (t,x,w) are taken into account in the following classification. Therefore if one restricts the consideration only to the case of Equation 10.21, then p2 should be zero in the preceding expressions. Classification Results for Equation 10.21 For arbitrary K(wxx) the symmetry Lie algebra is five-dimensional and is spanned by д д д 1 bt 2 дх 3 dw д д д д д д Х4 = It— -hjc— + 2w— + v—, Х5 =х— + —. dt дх dw dv dw dV
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 111 The algebra extends in the following cases (functions k(u) = dK(u)/du are presented in curly brackets) 1. К = ew" {k = eu). did d d X6 = t x2 x dt 2 dw dv ди 2. К = (l/a)(wxxr, а Ф 0, 1, ± \ {k = ua~1}. d d д д Хв = (1 - a)t— + w— + и— + и — 6 v J dt dw ди ди 3. K=3(wxxy/3 {k = u~2/3}. 2 д д д д д д д Хс. = —t h W h V h U , Xn = W V2 Ъии 3 dt dw dv du dx du du 4. K= -3(wxx)-1'3 {k = u-^\ 4 d d d d X6 = —t h W h V h U , 3 dt dw du du X7 = x h xw— + (w - xv) Ъхи dx dw 5. K= \n(wxx) {k = u~1}. du du 6 dt v Jdw dv du There is a reason to include in this list two more cases when Equation 10.21 admits contact transformations. Extension of these contact symmetries on the variables v and и leads to the point symmetries for Equation 10.20 and some nonlocal symmetries for Equation 10.19. 6. К = arctan(wXJC) {k = 1/(1 + u2)}. X6= -v— + 6 dx t + -(x*-v2) d d d + X + (1 + U2) dw dv du 1 1 7. К = — exp[A arctan(wXJC)], A > 0 {k = j exPU arctan(w)] }. A 1 ■+■ и d d 1 d d d Xe = -kt v— + -(x2 - v2)— +*— + (1 + u2) — 6 dt dx 2K } dw dv V } du
118 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Projection of these results on the subspace (t9 x, u) yields in addition to Ovsiannikov's classification given for the equations ut = (k(u)ux)x some new cases with outstanding symmetry properties, namely, u, = (u-^ux)x and / 1 и — ^Aarctan(w).. ' \l+U2 where Л is an arbitrary constant. Whereas the first equation is equivalent to the equation ut = (u~4/3ux)x with Transformation 10.13, the second equation is really new. In a similar way, projection of the results on the subspace (t, x, v) yields the full Lie point symmetry picture for the equations ut = k(ux)uxx9 which were investigated in Akhatov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1987a]. Note that the cases к = v~2/3 and к = vx4/3 arise here only from the nonlocal symmetry point of view. Remark 3. As shown in Gazizov [1987], group classification of the equations w, = K(wxx) with respect to Lie contact symmetries (see also Section 10.4) does not lead to new cases of extension of the admitted group. The main reason for this is that the equivalence group contains the contact transformation given by Formula 10.18, which reduces each "new" case (for example, w, = -expd/vv^)) to the known one. In the case of the equation vt = k(ux)uxx, the full Lie contact group includes only point transformations (see Section 10.10, Remark 3). CONSERVATION LAWS (Dorodnitsyn and Svirshchevskii [1983]) The equation ut = (k(u)ux)x, k(u) Ф const., is already in the form of a conservation law. The only additional linear independent conservation law of the type (10.22) (F(t,x,u9ux9uxx9...))t + (<b(t9x,u,ux9uxx9...))x = 0
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 119 has the form (xu)l + (K(u)-x(K(u))x)x = 0, where K(u) is such that к = dK(u)/du. OPTIMAL SYSTEM OF ONE-DIMENSIONAL SUBALGEBRAS, ALL POSSIBLE TYPES OF INVARIANT SOLUTIONS (Ovsiannikov [1959], [1978]) For arbitrary functions k(u) the optimal system of one-dimensional subalge- bras consists of the operators *■"* д 2 дх д ЯГ, = It — 3 dt д + X2 = — + 2 dt + JC д дх д дх {и =f(x)}, {"=/(0). (-'(т))- {«-/(*-г)}, where the terms in brackets are the general forms of corresponding invariant solutions. In the cases of symmetry extensions the optimal system widens and includes the following additional operators (represented also with the corresponding invariant solutions in brackets). 1. к = eu. r) r) r) Xl +X4 = — +x— + 2— [u ~2t +f(xe-')}, dt ox du Я Я Я CX, +X. = 2Q— + (C + l)x— + 2— 34 dt v J дх du u = C-1\n(x) +Я»(1-2С)/С), {отСФОА и = ln(f) +f(x), for С = 0 /' *2-I(*3-*4)-J--,l + A {«-x+fite'))
120 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 2. k = ua, а Ф 0, - f д а д д X{ + XA = — + -x— +u— {u = e'f(xe-at/2)}, dt 2 dx д ди о ( a\ a d CX3 +X4 = 2Ct— + С + - he— + и — 3 4 dt \ 2) дх ди lu=xlAC + */2)f(tx-2CAC + */2)^ {отСф _ | u = rl"f(x), for С = - a х^-^ + х^Тх-^ + и1 (" = ''/(*")} 3. к = и"4/3. a 2 a a Xx + X, = x— + и— [и = e'f(xe2'/3)}, 1 4 dt 3 dx ди l JK П 2\ д d СХЪ + XA = 2Ct— + \C--\x— + u — 3 4 dt \ 3 dx du u = длдс-г/зу^-гелс-г/з)^ for c ^ _> | u = t^f(x), X* = —x \- Ъхи- 5 дх ди X2 + X5 = x h Ъхи — дх дх ди д д д Хъ+ Х5 = 2t— + (jc - х2)— + Ъхи — dt v ' дх Here С is an arbitrary constant. ди for С = - 3 {u=x-*f(t)}, u =X-3f\t - - \u=x-'f\ txl (x+lY EXACT SOLUTIONS 1. ut = (k0uaux)x, a = const. Ф 0. Examples of invariant solutions. (a) Stationary solutions are invariant under the operator X = д/dt and are given by и = {Cxx + C2)1/(a+1\ if аФ -1, C2ec*x, where C\ and C2 are arbitrary constants C2ec,x, if o-= -1,
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 121 (b) Traveling wave solutions are invariant under the operator. X = д/dt + Л д/дх, where Л Ф 0 is a constant speed of the wave, and are given by the implicit formula ru ya dy A where Cx and C2 are arbitrary constants and u0 is any fixed number. For C{ = 0 this yields the explicit expression и = о-Л — (Af -*) + С -|1/<Г (10.23) where С is an arbitrary constant. (c) The simplest self-similar solution can be constructed as invariant under the operator ад д X = —X h U 2 дх ди and has the form и = -|1/<T 2(<r + 2) С- — -t (10.24) where С is an arbitrary constant. (d) A more complicated self-similar solution can be constructed as invariant under the operator Я 1 Я Я X = (t - Г0)— + -{Act + l)x— + Ли —, v 07(9Г 2V ; дх ди where T0 is an arbitrary constant, A = —l/(cr + 2), о- ^ -2 (see Section 10.7). Setting N = 1 in Equation 10.52 (Section 10.7), one can obtain a solution of the form и = {C\t -0-/(0-+ 2) 2(o- +2) T0 - t l/a , (10.25) where С is an arbitrary constant. The preceding expressions for the invariant solutions are written formally without any discussion of the range of variables and parameters where these
122 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 expressions are meaningful. In the following Examples 2 and 3 the solutions of initial boundary value problems are obtained by sewing these formal solutions and the trivial (identically zero) solution. We emphasize that we are dealing here with weak solutions: They are continuous everywhere but nondifferentiable at some points. However, the heat flux W(x, t) = —k(u)ux remains continuous at these points. 2. ut = (uaux)x, a = const. > 0; t > 0, x > 0. Using Expressions 10.23 and 10.24, one can obtain the following solutions, (a) The solution satisfying the initial boundary conditions u(0,x) =0, x > 0, w(/,0) = (a\2t)1/(r, t > 0 (Л = const. > 0), is given by M(,;X) = (M(A'-*)]1/<7, 0<*<A/, (1Q26) \0, x>Xt. This is a wave traveling over zero background with a finite speed Л. А simple generalization can be obtained after jc-translation: I [a\(\t - x + х0)]1/а, 0<x<x0 + Xt, 10, x > x0 + Xt. The corresponding initial boundary conditions are obvious. (b) The solution u(t,x) = 2 "I1/^ a(x-x0) 2(<г + 2)(Г0-0 0, x>x0, ' °^*^*o> (102?) where x0 and T0 are arbitrary positive constants, exists on a finite time interval [0, Г0) only. It describes a blowup boundary value regime (u -> oo as t -» T0 for any x e [0, jc0)) with a static wave front. The corresponding initial and boundary conditions can be found from Formula 10.27 by setting t = 0 and x = 0, respectively.
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 123 3. ut = (u(rux)x, a = const. > 0, а Ф -2; t > 0, x e U. The following solutions are obtained from Expression 10.25 after a suitable choice of the constants С and T0: (a) Solution of instantaneous source type. (Zel'dovich and Kompaneets [1950]) -<r/(a + 2) U = 2(<7 + 2) vl ( 2/(оЧ-2) I/" W<77o',/<<7+2). (10.28) where ^o -n- -1/2 2(o- + 2) li/"- Г(1/<7 + 3/2) o-/(o- + 2) Г(1/сг+1) uj this is the solution of the initial-value problem with initial function w(0, x) = E08(x), x <еШу satisfying the condition of constant energy, I u(t, x) dx = E0 = const. > 0. •'id (b) Blowup solution. (Galaktionov and Posashkov [1988]) {(T-o-0-4(1 - iL)2- (i - ^p+1} , о***х,(о, и = < X > X*(t), (10.29) where t e [0,Г0), **(') =*o[l - (1 - t/T0)wi"+2)\, 2(<r+2) Xn 1/2 T0 is a positive constant (the time of the solution existence). The corresponding initial and boundary conditions are obtained by setting t = 0 and x = 0, respectively, in Expression 10.29. When t tends to T0, the solution tends asymptotically to the solution given by Expression 10.26.
124 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 The solutions given by Expressions 10.26-10.29 are considered in more detail, for example, in Samarskii, Galaktionov, Kurdyumov, and Mikhailov [1987]. 4. ut = (u~2ux)x. (Bluman and Kumei [1980]) The linearizing transformation 10.7 gives a possibility of constructing solutions for this nonlinear equation using solutions of the linear heat equation. (a) The source solution of the equation щ = йхх, i.e., й = 0(1, x) =a(47r~0_1/V*2/4?, on the domain — oo < x < o°? t > 0, is mapped into the following separable solution of the equation ut = (u~2ux)x: и = 6(t,x) =a-l(4irt)l/2eu\ on the domain — \a < x < \a, t > 0, where v(x) is defined by a rv _ г x = -j= I e y dy. Л/ТГ J(\ 0 Note that Итх_ ±a/2 6(x, t) = +oo. (b) The dipole solution of the equation U-t = uxx, й = 0(1,х) = -—[a(4iriyl/2e-*2'A1], on the domain 0 < x < oo, ~t > 0, is mapped into the following self- similar solution of the equation ut = (u~2ux)x: i."1/2 1/2| и = 0(t,x) =x~l(2t) on the domain 0 < x < a(4wt)~l/29 t > 0. ( al Some more examples of solving the initial boundary value problems for the equation ut = (u~2ux)x using the linearizing transformation 10.7 are presented in Storm [1951], Rosen [1979], Bluman and Kumei [1980], Munier, Burgan, Gutierrez, Fijalkow, and Feix [1981], and Strampp [1982]. 5. ut = (ue~uux)x. (Samarskii, Galaktionov, Kurdyumov, and Mikhailov [1987]) The function v ' \0, x>\t.
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 125 satisfies the equation for any (r, jc) e [О, Л 2)xR and the initial boundary conditions w(0,Jt) = 0,jc e R, w(f,0) = -ln(l - A20, 0 < f < A-2. In spite of unbounded growth of the solution at x = 0 the perturbation penetrates the medium only on a finite distance L = A-1. 6. и, = (ux/(l + w2)),. (10.30) (Akhatov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1987b], [1989b]) In addition to point symmetries generated by operators 1 dt9 2 dx 3 dt dx' Equation 10.30 possesses a nonlocal symmetry with the operator д д X4= -v— + (1 +w2) —, дх ди where vx = и and v(t, x) satisfies the equation "'-T^r (10J,) Every invariant solution u(t, x) of Equation 10.30 can be written as и = vx with the appropriate invariant solution u(t, x) of Equation 10.31. The point symmetry Lie algebra of Equation 10.31 is spanned by У, = —, У2 = —, У, = 2t— +jc— + z; —, 1 dt 2 dx' 3 ^r dx du d d d d У4= —, У5= -w— +*— + (l + w2) —, 5d dx dv du and the corresponding optimal system of one-dimensional subalgebras consists of the operators У„ Y2, У, + У2, Y5, Yl + Y5, Yx-Y5, Y3 + aY5, where a is an arbitrary constant. Using these operators one can find
126 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 the following invariant solutions v(t, x) of Equation 10.31 as well as the associated invariant solutions u{t, x) = vx of Equation 10.30: (a) Yx + Y2. v = C, — arcsin(C2e'_jr), _,„ (10-32) и = Ce'-'(1 - C2e*'-X)) ' , С = const. (b) У, 5' v = (C-2t-x2)1/2, (Ю.ЗЗ) и = -x(C - It - x1) 1/2, С = const. (c) Yx + sY5 (e = ±1). v = tan(<p(z) + st), z = x2 + v2, ^V ' ; (10.34) и = tan(<p(z) + arctan(A(z)) -f st), z = x2 + u2, where <p(z) and A(z) satisfy the system A 1 / A (d) Y3 + аУ5, а = const. JC2 + V2 z = 1 (10.35) x2 + z;2 у = xtan(<p(z) + -ln(m, и = x tan(<p(z) + arctan(A(z)) -f st), z = where <p(z) and A(z) satisfy the system A 1 / A 9'=^", A'= -(1+A2) is-- Zz Z \ z Solutions 10.32 and 10.33 of Equation 10.30 can be obtained as solutions invariant under the operators X,+X2 = — + — and CX, -X, = (C-2t) x—, 1 2 dt dx i3V ' dt dx respectively, whereas Solutions 10.34 and 10.35 cannot be found via the point symmetry operators Xv X2, and Хъ.
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 127 7. ut = | 7eAarctan(M)w J , Л = const. (10.36) ' \ 1 + U2 X)x (Akhatov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1987e], [1989b]) The solution invariant under the operator of quasilocal symmetry д д д X, = -kt v— + (1 + и2) —, 4 dt дх v Jdu' where ux = и and u(t, x) satisfies the equation 1 ^AarctanCO^ (10.37) ' 1+V can be obtained from the solution of Equation 10.37 invariant under the operator д д д Yc = -Xt v— + x— ь dt дх dv after differentiation by x. This last solution has the form v = x tan cp(z) ln(r) I, z = x2 + v2, where q>(z) satisfies an ordinary differential equation of the second order, which after one integration and substitution /1 C-z ф = tanl jln— <p takes the form ф' ф 2 + — + -; г = 0, 1 + <A2 2z A(C-z) where С is a constant of integration. The associated invariant solution u(t,x) = vx is given by и = tan cp(z) + arctan(2z<p') ln(0 , z = x2 + v2. 8. ut = (u~2/3ux)x. (10.38) (Akhatov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1989b]) The solution invariant under the operator of quasilocal symmetry X5 = w 3uv —, (10.39) 5 дх ди v '
128 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 where wxx = vx = u, can be found via nonlocal equivalence transformation 10.13, which can be written in the following form: t = ?, x = v, и = 1/й. (10.40) This transformation maps Equation 10.38 into the equation щ = {й-*'Щ-х (10.41) and Operator 10.39 into the operator X5 = (1 + x2) Ъш —. 5 v J дх дй The corresponding invariant solution of Equation 10.41 is given by й = (а2-41)3/\\+х2у3/2. The associated solution of Equation 10.38 (invariant under Operator 10.39) has the form u = (a2 - 4t)3/2[(a2 - 4r)V2 - x2] ~^\ This solution is also invariant under the point symmetry operator д д д (a2 - At) 3jc— + Ъи—. v ' dt дх ди 9. ut = (u~lux)x. (Pukhnachev [1987]) As mentioned previously, the equation is invariant under nonlocal transformation 10.13. It maps the solution и = 2r(cos(jc)) invariant under the operator д д X =t— +и — dt ди into the solution и = 2t(x2 + 4t2) l invariant under the operator д д д X = t \- x и —. dt дх ди
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 129 10.3. NONLINEAR FILTRATION EQUATION Vt = KVx)Vxx> k(Vx) * COnSt. CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Akhatov, Gazizov and Ibragimov [1987a], [1987d], [1989b]) Equivalence Transformations ~t = at + yj, x = /^x + fi2v + y2, Z; = j83x + >S4^ + y3, where a, /3,, and yt are arbitrary constants, а Ф 0, and >81y84 — /32/33 ^ 0. Classification Results For arbitrary A:(^) the symmetry Lie algebra is four-dimensional and is spanned by d d д д д д 1 dt 2 дх 3 dv 4 <9r <9х 5у The algebra extends in the following cases: 1. к = eL\ d d X5 = t x — 5 dt dv 2. к = (vx)n, n> -1, n Ф 0. X: = tt£ V 5 <9f dv 1 3. fc = -^ епатс1*Щох) n>Q vl + 1 a a a X. = nt hD X 3 <9f <9jc dv
130 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Remark 1. The equivalence group contains in particular the transformation x = v, v=x, (10.42) which connects the equations v, = k{vx)vxx (10.43) and vt= Ю 2k(l/vx)vxx. Some examples of the pairs of equivalent equations are (1) vt = e°-vxx and vt-(vxy2el">'vxx (2) vt = (vx)"vxx and vt = (vx)~n~2vxx (2a) vt = (vx)~2uxx and vt = vxx (2b) vt = (vx)~4/3vxx and vt = (vx)~2/3vxx (3) vt = (avx + b)\x and vt = (vx)~n~\bvx + a)\ 1 C en*ctotvx) and »=—— У? + 1 У? + 1 (4) U/= ——^aictan^)^ and щ= ___e-narctanK)^ where С = e™/2 if z;x > 0 and С = е_7ГП/2 if z;x < 0. Here n, a, and b are arbitrary constants. The equivalence of Equations 2a was established in Chernous'ko [1969]; Crank [1975], page 323. Transformation 10.42 becomes a symmetry if k(vx) satisfies the condition k(vx) = (vxy2k(l/vx). Examples of such invariant equations are 1 + K)2 -v„ See also the section "Nonlocal Equivalence Transformation" in Section 10.2. Remark 2. It can be shown that group classification with respect to Lie contact transformations does not yield anything new: At any k(vx) the equation vt = k(vx)vxx has no contact symmetries other than point symmetries.
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 131 10.4. POTENTIAL FILTRATION EQUATION w, = K(wxx), dK(wxx)/dwxx Ф const. CLASSIFICATION (LIE CONTACT SYMMETRIES) (Gazizov [1987]) Equivalence Transformations ~t = at + y1? jc = pxx + /32*; + y2, iv = /BJ/S^fv + -Дз*2 + y3x + у4Г + y5 p3(xwx - w) + y3v + -j84z;2 z; = 03jc + (34v + y3, /С = /С + —, a a where a, fih and y- are arbitrary constants, а Ф 0, /3,/34 - /32/33 # 0, and the designation v = wx is used. Classification Results For arbitrary Жи^) the symmetry Lie algebra is five-dimensional and is spanned by д д X = dt9 2 dx' "3 dw' ^1 ~~ ;u ' ^2 - . > Х3 - X, = It— + x— + 2w— + v —, Xs =x— + — dt dx dw dv dw dv The algebra extends in the following cases: 1. К = ew*\ d 1 d X6 = t x2— 6 dt 2 dw 2. К = (l/a)(wxxr, а>0,аФ\,1 Хв = (1 - a)t— + w — 6 V } dt dw
132 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 3. К = 3(и> )1/3. 4. К = 1п(и> ). 5. К = arctan(u> ). 2 д д д X. = -t— + w—, Xn = w— 6 3 dt dw 7 dx X6 = -v— + dx 6. К = (l/A)eAarctan(H;4 A > 0. Г+ -(x2-v2) 2V ' d d — + jc— dw dv d d 1 а d X. = -\t v— + -(jc2 - u2)— +jc— 6 dr <9лг 2V } dw dv Here the operators of essentially contact (non-point) transformations are given in the form extended on the variable v = wx. Remark. The equivalence group contains the following transformation t = t, x = wx, w = xwx - w (wx=x, vv?=-w,), (10.44) which connects the equations ^t = K(wxx) and wt= ~K(l/wxx). Using this transformation, one can obtain from the cases of the classification just presented some new cases, such as К = -eV»xx. K = ~{wxx)\ a < 0; a K= -3(wxx) Note that the equation ■1/3 K= _eAarctan(^) Д < 0. Л W, = ~ko/Wx is equivalent to the linear equation W/ = *0W**«
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 133 10.5. NONLINEAR HEAT EQUATION WITH A SOURCE ut = (k(u)ux)x + q(u), q(u) Ф 0 CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Dorodnitsyn [1979], [1982]; Galaktionov, Dorodnitsyn, Elenin, Kurdyumov, and Samarskii [1986]) Equivalence Transformations 1 = at + e, x = bx + /, и = си + g, _ b2 с к = —к, q = -q, a a where a, b, c, e, /, and g are arbitrary constants, abc Ф 0. Classification Results For arbitrary k(u) and q(u) the symmetry Lie algebra is two-dimensional and is spanned by 1 dt 2 dx The algebra extends in the following cases. 1. к = eu. 1.1. q = ±e(3u, p Ф 0. д (p - 1) д д Хъ = fit — + ^ x dt 2 дх ди 1.2. q = ±eu + 8, 8 = ±1. д д Хъ = e~8t— + 8e~8t— 3 dt du 1.3. q = 8 = ±1. (9 (9 a a — + Se"5'—, A^4 = jc— + 2 —
134 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 2. к = и*7, а Ф 0, - \. 2.1. q = ±uu X, = 2(n - l)t— + (n - a - l)x 2u — 3 v ' dt K } dx du 2.2. q = ±u(7+1 + Su, 8 = ±1 d d X~ =e-8at— + 8e'8trtu — 3 dt du 2.3. q = 8u, 8 = ±1 d d — + 2u — dx du X3 = ax— + 2w —, *4 = e~8(Tt — + 8e~8(Ttu — д Jt d du 3. k = u~^\ 3.1. g = + м", я Ф 3- 1\ d A\ = 2(n - \)t— + \n + - jc 2w — 3 v y dr \ Ъ) dx du 3.2. q = au~l/3 + 8u, \a\ = \8\ = 1. ^з = е45./з_+5в45г/зм_> dt du XA = e2^x y[3^e2^xu—, dx du dx du 3.3. q = au 1/3, а = ±1. 4 <9 <9 X* = —t— + м —, 3 3 <9f du XA = e2^7Jx y[b^e2^xu —, dx dw ,— d , ,— a v =е-Ч«/Ъх— + V3oV2va/3*M — 5 dx <9w
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 3.4. q = 5u, 8 = ± 1. 2д d X3= X h U , 3 дх ди Хл = е48"3- + 8еш'ъи — 4 dt ди X5 = -x2- h Ъхи д д h Ъхи дх ди 4. к = 1. 4.1. q = ±еи. 4.2. q = ±ип. д д д Х2 = 2t— +х- 2— dt дх ди X, = 2(п - \)t— + (п - 1)х 2и — 3 v } dt v ' дх ди 4.3. q = 8и\пи, 8 = ± 1. д 8 д д Хъ = е*'— - i;e8txu — , Х4 = estu — дх 2 ди ди 4.4. q = 8и, 8 = ±1. д д д X, = 2t— +jc— + 28tu —, 3 dt дх ди ХА = At2— + Axt (2t +x2 - 48t2)u — , dt дх ди д д д X5 = 2t хи —, Х6 = и —, дх ди ди д Хх = b(t, х) —, where bt = bxx + 8b du 4.5. q = 8, 8 = ±1. d d d X3 = 2t— +x— + 28tu —, dt dx du X4 = At2— + Axt— + [8(6t2 + tx2) - (л;2 + 2t)u\ dt dx d d d X5 = 2t— + (8xt -xu) —, X6= (u-8t) — , ox du du d Xoa = b(t,x) — , where bt = bxx du
136 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Remark. Equations a-e with b Ф 0, (a) u, = k0(uaux)x + aua+l + bu, а Ф 0, (b) (c) (d) (e) = k0(u-^ux)x + bu-^, = k0uxx + bu, = k0uxx + b, = K(eu)xx + aeu + b, where a, a, b, and k0 are arbitrary constants, can be mapped into the same equations with b = 0 by using the transformations (*') (»>') x, t> = —eb(Tt, ba u' = e btu, xf = е~^ь/ък0х t = t, U' = e3jb/3k0xu^ if > o, x' = tan(^-fo/3A:0jc), t' = t, u' = cos3(^- b/3k0x) -и, if — < 0, (C) (e') x'=x, t' = t, u' = e btu, x' = x, V = t, и! = и - bt, x' =x, t' = -ebt, и' = и - bt, b respectively. This fact allows one to simplify the preceding classincaiton excluding the cases 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 2.3, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.4, and 4.5. Transformation b' was found in Kurdyumov, Posashkov, and Sinilo [1984]. CLASSIFICATION (LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES) (Dorodnitsyn and Svirshshevskii [1983]; Galaktionov, Dorodnitsyn, Elenin, Kurdyumov, and Samarskii [1986]) Classification Results Nontrivial Lie-Backlund (LB) symmetries are admitted only in the case k(u) = ax(u + a2)~ , q(u) = b, where av a2, and b are arbitrary constants, a( Ф 0, b Ф 0. In the case ax = 1, a2 = 0, the coordinates of the canonical LB-operators X= U(t,x,ux,uxx,...) du
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 137 have the form £/(*+2)= (L)kB, where L = (Dk)2(u~l Dx — \bx)(Dx)~l is the recursion operator, B = Dx(u~2ul) + b is the right-hand side of the given equation, A: is a natural number, and (k + 2) is the order of LB-symmetry. It can be written in the following more simple form: U™--{Dx)Xu-*Dx-kbx)k+\x). When b = 0 it yields the LB-symmetries given by G. Bluman and S. Kumei (see Section 10.2). LINEARIZATION (Dorodnitsyn and Svirshchevskii [1983]) The linearizing transformation can be written in the form 2(vy\ b \ x = - — I — , u(t,x) = —. b\vr У ' ) 2 (vy/v)y It maps the equation ut = (u~2ux)x + b into the equation Ч(т)>(^)Н- So if v(t, y) is a solution of the linear heat equation vt = vyy, then u(t, x) satisfies the nonlinear equation ut = (u~2ux)x + b. CONSERVATION LAWS (Dorodnitsyn and Svirshchevskii [1983]) The equation ut = (k(u)ux)x + q(u) has nontrivial conservation laws of the type (F(t,x,u,ux,uxx,...)), + (<b(t,x,u,ux,uxx,...))x = 0
138 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 only in the following two cases: (а) к = k0 = const., q = au + b, where a and b are arbitrary constants. Then the conservation laws are given by (ju)t+ [k0(fxu-fux)-bcp]x = 0, where f(t, x) is an arbitrary solution of the equation and <p(t,x) = f f(t,x')dx'. (b) к = dK(u)/du, q = aK(u) + bu + с, where K(u) is an arbitrary function and a, b, and с are arbitrary constants. Then the conservation laws are given by (e-b'f{x)u)t + {e-»>(f(x)xK(u) -f(x)(K(u))x + <p(x)))x = 0 or in equivalent form (e-»'f(x)u)t+{e -bt -/w'l^i ♦♦<*> -o, where Cx sm{4ax) + C2 cos{y[ax), if a > 0, /(*) = { Схе^х + C2<r^*, if a < 0, i CjA: + C2, if я = 0; C\ and C2 are arbitrary constants, l с 4>(x) = -^[ —C\ cos(Jax) + C2 sm^Jax)], if a > 0, if л < 0, / ■[c1^-e* + c2e-^-ex] !_• i ~r \^") X if a = 0, so that ip = cf(x).
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 139 For example, the only (up to jc-translations) conservation law for the equation is given by ut = (W+l)xx + u*+l (sin(jc)w), + (cos(x)ua+l - sin(x)(u<r+l)x)x = 0, or (sin(x)w), = </c0sin2(x) — sin(x) EXACT SOLUTIONS 1. ut = (uaux)x +ua+l, cr > 0. (Zmitrenko, Kurdyumov, Mikhailov, and Samarskii [1976]) The solution и = { \(т0- o, V -0"1/<r "2(cr+l) , ———cos2(irx/L) cr^cr + z) I/O" L w>|. where Г0 is a positive constant (the life span of the solution), L = 2tt((t + l)1/2/c7, and t e [0, Г0), is invariant under the operator д 1 a Z= (f- Г0) u—. v o;ar a du It describes a blowup regime: и -» oo as Г -> Г0 for any x e (-L/2, L/2). The perturbation is localized on a segment of length L. 2. и, = (w^ - Си2-», С = const. > 0, /x = const. > 1. (Kersner [1978]) The noninvariant solution u= \f(t)-l/(»-»\Af(tf^-Bf(tf-x*]lA»-l\ [■■■]> 0, A [•••]<o,
140 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 where 2fi(/i + 1) A = /* - 1 c(ti- i)V + V/2 в = с (м-i)2 and a and / are arbitrary positive constants, has compact support. When llifc the support grows at the beginning and then decreases with time. When a > a0 the support decreases. 3. ut = uxx + 8u In u. (Dorodnitsyn [1979]) (a) u(t, x) = exp (b) u(t, x) = exp 1 8 x + I In и 08t 8 _, 1 --x2(l + e~8t) + -e5'ln 4 v } 2 и0(1 +*"*') (c) w(r, jc) = expj - -x2(l + se~8t) l + e5' In 1 + ее 1 + в -8t\*/2* Here e and w0 are arbitrary constants, w0 =£ 0. Solutions a and b are special cases of solution c, when e -> 0 or e = 1, respectively. These solutions are invariant under the operator X= (e8t + e) д 8 д e8txu — дх 2 ди 4. и, = (wm)XJC - Cwm, С = const. > 0. (Bertsch, Kersner, and Peletier [1985]) и = 1 / cosh(ax) - 1 /C) *(') where a and p are arbitrary positive constants, and /(0 and git) are any
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 141 solutions of the system /' = C(m-l)p + f'8+f8' = (pg+l) ma2 g C(m2 - 1) m 5. ut = uxx + (1 + w)ln2(l + u). (Galaktionov and Posashkov [1988]) The transformation и = ev - 1 yields the equation vt = vxx+ K)2 + ^2> which has special solutions of the form v(t,x) = (p(t){ijj(t) + cosx), where cp(t) and \f/(t) are any solutions of the system (p' = —cp + 2cp ф, ф' = Ф + (p — (рф2. The corresponding solutions of the original equation are noninvariant. 6. ut = (uaux)x + ul~a((ua - l)2 + (a/a)(ua - 1) + /З/оО. (Galaktionov and Posashkov [1988]) The transformation u = (i + z;)1^ yields the equation vt = (1 + у)ухх + (1/сг)(^)2 + <™2 + av + /3, which has special solutions of the form v(t, x) = (p(t)^(t) + cos(Ajc)), A = a/ylo- + 1 ,
142 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 where <p(t) and ф(0 are any solutions of the system (срфУ = ——-<p2 + а<р2ф2 + асрф + /3, сг + 1 о-2 (г((г+2) ^' = —<р + ——ц> ф + а<р. сг + 1 а + I The corresponding solutions of the original equation are noninvariant. 7. u, = uxx - u(a - u){\ - u), -1 < a < 1. (Kawahara and Tanaka [1983]) (a) Constant solutions, (a.l) и = 0; (a.2) и = 1; (а.З) и = a. Linear stability analysis shows that и = 1 and w = л are stable while и = 0 is unstable when — 1 < a < 0, whereas w = 1 and и = 0 are stable while w = д is unstable when 0 < a < 1. (b) Traveling wave solutions. 1 1 ( ±)/2x + (I - 2a)t (b.l) и = - + -tanh ' 2 2 4 (b.2) w = - 4- -tanh ±]/2ax + (a2 - 2a)t 2 2 4 1 +я 1 -a / ±\/2(l -«) + (1 -tf2)f (b.3) u = —— + ^—tanh The solutions represent the wave fronts connecting two constants: 0 and 1; 0 and a; and a and 1, respectively. (c) Noninvariant solution. exp(I\) + а ехр(Г2) и = 1 + exp(rj) + ехр(Г2) where Г' = 7Г + (^Н' + '"1' Г2 = 7Г + (^Н' + '"2' r j and r2 are arbitrary constants, describes the coalescence of two fronts. Note that both the initial two fronts and a front after coalescence have the tanh profiles given in Solutions b.l-b.3. The coalescence of two fronts connecting stable and unstable constant states leads to a front connecting two stable constant states. 8. ut = uxx + и - 2u3. (Cariello and Tabor [1989]) This is a special case of the previous equation obtained by setting a = — 1 and replacing и by ]/2u, known as a real version of the Newell-Whitehead
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 143 equation. Kawahara and Tanaka's solution can be written in this case in the form и = + 1 Acxp(x/y/2) -£exp(-x/\/2) ]/2 Aexp(x/}f2) + Bexp(-x/}/2) + Cexp(-ff) with arbitrary constants A, B, and С (А2 + В2 + С2 Ф 0). 10.6. HEAT EQUATIONS IN NONHOMOGENEOUS MEDIUM ADMITTING NONTRIVIAL LIE-BACKLUND GROUP dk ut = (k(x,u)ux)x + q(x,u), — Ф 0 CLASSIFICATION (LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES) (Svirshchevskii [1984]; Galaktionov, Dorodnitsyn, Elenin, Kurdyumov, and Samarskii [1986]) Nontrivial Lie-Backlund transformations are admitted if and only if the equation has the form ut = (ku~2ux)x + au + b}fk - }/к(}/к)ххи~1, (10.45) where k(x) is an arbitrary function and a and b are arbitrary constants such that a b = 0. After the transformation и -> yk(x)u the equation takes the form w, = (u~2ux)x + au + b, ab = 0, considered in Section 10.5. A special case of Equation 10.45, with a = b = 0 and /: = (Ajc + /jl)2, Ax + fi au -V b was considered in Munier, Burgan, Gutierrez, Fijalkow, and Feix [1981],
144 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I where linearizing transformation was obtained. After the change of variables 1 A2 x -> —ln|x + /i|, t -> — t, У У the last equation transforms into the equation ut = [(au + P)~2ux)x + y(au + P)~2ux occurring in two-phase flow in porous media, which was considered in Fokas and Yortsos [1982]. Note that in the case dk — =0 du the nontrivial Lie-Backlund symmetries can be admitted only if the equation is linear, i.e., dlg du — = 0; see Svirshchevskii [1984]. 10.7. NONLINEAR HEAT EQUATION WITH A SOURCE IN THE N-DIMENSIONAL CASE N и, = E(*(«K/)*'+ *(")> k(u) *° CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Dorodnitsyn, Knyazeva, and Svirshchevskii [1982a], [1983]; Galaktionov, Dorodnitsyn, Elenin, Kurdyumov, and Samarskii [1986]) Equivalence Transformations 1 = at + e, xl = bxl + fl, й = си + g, _ b2 к = - /с, q = -q, a a where a, b, c, e, fl and g are arbitrary constants, abc Ф 0, / = 1,..., N.
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 145 Classification Results For arbitrary k(u) and q(u) the symmetry Lie algebra is [(N2 + N + 2)/2]- dimensional and is spanned by d d д д dt' l дх1' ч дх1 dxJ Х0=—, Х:= Г, X::=XJ Г ~ JC' Г, | , j = 1 , . . . , TV, / > I . The algebra extends in the following cases. 1. k(u) is an arbitrary function, q(u) = 0. д d X = It— +xl—г dt dxl 2. к = eu. 2.1. q = ±eau, аФО. X = 2at— + (a - l)xl—г - 2 — dt v ) дх1 ди 2.2. q = ±eu + 8, 8 = ±1. d d X = e~st— + 8e~8t — dt du 2.3. q = 8 = ±1. 2.4. 0 = 0. *=e~5'— + 8e~St —, JT = *'—г + 2 — df dw dxl du d d d d X=2t—+xl—r, X=t dt dxl dt du 3. к = иа, а Ф 0. 3.1. q = ±un, пФ\. X = 2(n - \)t— + (n- a- l)xl—г - 2w — v ' dt v ' dxl du 3.2. q = ±ua+1 + 8u, 8 = ±1. <9 /9 Х=<Гг<г'— +5e"s<r'u —
146 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 3.3. q = 8u, 8 = + 1. д д д д X = ах1—г + 2и —, X = е~Ъа1 — + 8e~8<Ttu— дх1 ди dt ди In the case a = —4/(N + 2), there are additional operators. (a) If N Ф 2, there are N additional operators: X= \2xlxj - 8''|*|21—r - (N+ 2)xlu — , J dxJ du where \x\2 = L"=](x1)2; 8ij is the Kronecker symbol. (b) If N = 2 (i.e., a = -1), there is an additional infinite-dimensional subalgebra genertaed by operators д д д X = A(x\x2)—г + B(x\x2)—=• - 2Ахш — , v 'дх1 v } дх2 х ди where A(x\ x2) and B(xl, x2) are any solutions of the system Ax\ = Bxi, Axi = -Bx\. Note that the operator X = ax1 д/дх1 + 2и д/ди belongs to this infinite-dimensional subalgebra. 3.4. q = 0. д д д д X = 2t— + xl—г, X = ах1—г + 2и — dt дх1 дх1 ди In the case о- = — 4/(7V + 2), there are additional operators. (a) If N Ф 2, there are N additional operators: *= 2xV - 8"|*|2 —r - (W + 2)x'u — , where |jc|2 = EfL^*1)2; 8'y' is the Kronecker symbol. (b) If N = 2 (i.e., o- = -1), there is an additional infinite-dimensional subalgebra generated by operators д д д X = A(x\x2)—г + B(x\x2)—~ - 2Ахш —, v ' ' дх1 у ' дх2 х ди where A(xl, x2) and B(xl, x2) are any solutions of the system Axi = Bxi, Ax2 = -Bx\. The operator X = ax'д/дх1 + 2u д/ди belongs to this infinite- dimensional subalgebra.
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 147 4. к = 1. 4.1. q = ±eM. а д д X= It— -h л:'—г - 2 — dt дх1 ди 4.2. # = ±un. X=2(n - \)t— + (л - 1)jc'— -2w — 4.3. q = 8u In w, 6 = ± 1. Z=e5'—r e8txu —, ЛГ = е*'и — djt' 2 dw dw 4.4. g = 5u, 5 = ±1. Z= It— + x'1—г + 28tu—, dt дх1 ди A r) Я X=4t2— + 4txl — + (48t2- 2Nt - \x\2)u —, dt dxl v ; dw X = 2t—г — xlu —, X = и —, дх1 ди ди д Хх = b(t,x) — , where bt = АЬ + 8b ди 4.5. q = 8 = const. X=2t— +Jt''— +2<5f—, я я я * = 4f2 — + 4tt'"—г + \2S(N + 2)r2 + S|*|2f - (2M + |jc|2)i*1 — dt дх l A ди А А Я X=2t— +x\8t-u) — , X=(u-8t) — , дх1 ди ди д X^ = b(t, x) —, where bt = Ab ди The usual summation convention over the repeated indices is adopted here. It is supposed that indices i and ; run the values from 1 through N.
148 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I Remark 1. The classification presented in Dorodnitsyn, Knyazeva, and Svirshchevskii [1982a] was done for the cases N = 2 and N = 3. However, it seems to be realistic that it is valid for arbitrary natural N. At least it is easy to verify that all operators listed above are admited in this general case. Furthermore this classification remains valid for N = 1, too. Thus the classification results formulated in Sections 10.2 and 10.5 are included in this classification. The symmetries for the linear multidimensional case were calculated by Goff [1927]. CLASSIFICATION (LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES) (Dorodnitsyn and Svirshchevskii [1983]; Galaktionov, Dorodnitsyn, Elenin, Kurdyumov, and Samarskii [1986]) For N > 2 nontrivial Lie-Backlund symmetries are admitted only in the linear case /cz(w) = const. q(u) = au + b, where a and b are arbitrary constants, i = 1,..., N. Remark 2. The result was obtained in Dorodnitsyn and Svirshchevskii [1983] for the cases N = 2 and TV = 3, but it also seems to be valid for arbitrary natural N > 3. EXACT SOLUTIONS 1. ut = V • (ua Vw), a = const. ^ 0; x e RN. Examples of invariant solutions: Radially symmetric case. In the radially symmetric case the equation is written as ut = r]-N(rN~]u(rur)r, (10.46) where Some examples of invariant solutions of this equation are given next, (a) Stationary Solutions are invariant under the operator X = д/dt and are given by ((C]r2-N + C2yA'r+n, К<тФ-\,ЫФ2, I (С, lnr + C2)1/("+1), if <гФ -\,N = 2, C2 exp(C1r2"A/), if a = - 1, N Ф 2, \C2rc>, if a= -\,N = 2, where Cx and C2 are arbitrary constants.
Evolution Equations 1: Diffusion Equations 149 (b) The self-similar solutions invariant under the operator ад д X = —r— + и — 2 dr du are given by 2(Na + 2) С - — -t 1 /a (10.47) where С is an arbitrary constant. (c) A general form of the self-similar solution invariant under the operator д 1 д д X= it -ТЛ— + -(Aa+ l)x— + Ли—, v o;dt 2V ; dx du where T0 and A are arbitrary constants, is the following: u = U-T0\Af(€), £ = \t- T< UAa+\)/2 ' (10.48) Substitution into Equation 10.46 yields the equation for /(£): Ac + 1 df~ — uN-1/— I = AtN~lf 2 £ du sign(r- Г0). (10.49) Consider the case when the expression in the square brackets is proportional to the complete derivative d(gNf)/dtj. It is possible iff A = N No-+ 2' (10.50) where the condition cr Ф N (10.51) is assumed to be valid. Integration of Equation 10.49 in this case yields м df sign(f - T0) Kr
150 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 where Cx is an arbitrary constant. Assuming Cx = 0 we can integrate the last equation and obtain С - asignjt - T0) 2 2(Mr + 2) * l/cr С = const. Substituting this expression into Solution 10.48, we obtain the following solution of Equation 10.46: и = lC\t - Tn -No-/(No- + 2) (J 2 \ l/°- 2(Na + 2) Г0 - t , (10.52) where С is an arbitrary constant. Note that Expression 10.47 is a special form of this solution with С = 0. In Solution 10.52, setting С = 1 + In C0 and passing to the limit as a -> 0, we obtain и = iN/2 exp 4(*-Г0) Up to a constant factor this is (for t > T0) the fundamental solution of the linear diffusion equation ut = Am, The preceding expressions for the invariant solutions are written formally without any discussion of the range of variables and parameters where these expressions are meaningful. In the following example, the solution of an initial-value problem is obtained by sewing together the formal solution 10.52 and the trivial (identically zero) solution. We emphasize that we are dealing here with a weak solution: It is continuous everywhere but nondifferentiable on some surface. The heat flux W(x,0 = -k(u)Vu remains continuous on that surface. 2. ut = V • (mct Vm), a = const. > 0; t > 0, x e UN. Solution of the instantaneous source type. (Zel'dovich and Kompaneets [1950], for N = 1; Barenblatt [1952], for N > 1)
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 151 The following solution can be obtained from Expression 10.52 at a suitable choice of the constants С and Tn: и = < I f-Na/(Na + 2) (J 2(Mr + 2) Vo f2/{N€r + 2) 1\ 1/(r у Г < Vo* o, Г > 7]Qt 1 /(No- + 2) 1 /(No- + 2) (10.53) where Vo= \tt -N/2 2(Na + 2) 1 At \ a-/(No-+ 2) l/T(N/a+l + l/a) \ Ц1/СГ+1) L° EQ = const. This is the solution of the initial-value problem with initial function u(0,x) =E08(x), x G UN, satisfying the condition of constant energy: / u(t, x) dx = E0 = const. > 0. 3. ut = V • (ua Vu) - ум, a = const. > 0, у = const. > 0; t > 0, x e [RN. (Martinson and Pavlov [1972]) The transformation 1 f = —(1 - e~y(rt), u(t, x) = e-ycrtu(t\ x), t' e [0,1/ycr), maps the equation into the one considered in the previous example. Choosing, for instance, u(t\ x) = u{\ + t\ jc), where u(t, x) is given by Formula 10.53, and returning to the original variables we obtain the following solution: \ e-*'[g(t)]-N/iN<r+2) 0, ■(vl 2(Mr + 2)\ ,u [g(t)]2/(N(T+2) -il/o- , r<r*(t), r>rJ|e(0, (10.54)
152 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 where KO = i + r*(0 = T|0 1 + 1 - e~yat уст уст As well as in the previous example the diameter of the support of this solution is monotonically increasing but is bounded now by the constant L = lim|r*(OI = 77o 1 + уст l/CNa+2) < oo. The perturbation is localized in a ball of radius L. 4. ut = V • (иа Vu) - ul-a, ct e (0,1); t > 0, x e UN. (Kersner [1978], for N = 1; Martinson [1979], for TV > 1) 2(Na + 2) и = \ \ a [0, Л/а (Mr+ 2) At2/(Ncr + 2) _ ± >_t2 _ r2 Na + 1 l/a , [-1^0, []<0, where A = const. > 0. The solution has compact support. The diameter of the support increases with t on the time interval (0, t *), where t* = \A{Ncr+\)/(NcT + 2f\ 3UNa + 2)/(Na+l) and decreases on the interval (t*y T0), where T0 = \a{Nct + \)/{Ncr + 2)2] 2-|(М7- + 2)/(2(Мт-+1)) The solution becomes zero at t = TQ. Examples 1-4 are considered in more detail in Samarskii, Galaktionov, Kurdyumov, and Mikhailov [1987].
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 153 5. ut = Aw 4- и In u, t > 0, x e [RN. (Dorodnitsyn [1979], for N = 1; Samarskii, Galaktionov, Kurdyumov, and Mikhailov [1987], for N > 1) (a) (b) u(t, x) = exp N 1 о r2 + £e' 2 4 w(r,x) = exp{ -~r2(l - a0e ')" + e' TV Я-—ln(l-e0e-') 2я where a0 and В are arbitrary constants, a0 < 1. Solution a is a special case of Solution b, when aQ -> 0. 6. ut = А и - и In w, t > 0, jc g RN. (Samarskii, Galaktionov, Kurdyumov, and Mikhailov [1987]) u(t, x) = exp| - — r2(a0e' - l) +e ' * - ^;ln^' -!) where я0 and В are arbitrary constants, a0 > 1. 7. w, = (ux/u)x + (uy/u)y + Sw2. (Galaktionov and Posashkov [1988], [1989]) (а) w(r, jc, y) = [<K0*A(0 + cos * + ^(Ocosh у] ~\ where functions <p(r), «K'X and P(r) satisfy the system of ordinary differential equations (срф)' = ср2(Р2-1)-8, <P -ср2ф, (срР)' = ср2фР. The system can be reduced to the form 1 vV2 Ф^) = ±-(28 ln\<p\ + C2<p~2 + <p2 + C2) ' , P(0 =Cl9-2, <p' = -ср2ф, where Cx and C2 are arbitrary constants, (b) u(t,x,y)-{<p(t)[4,(t) + cos(2x) + Р(1)е2У + <&(t)eycosx]}~ , where <p(/), </fO), PO), and Ф(?) satisfy the system (<рф)' = -4<p2 -5, <p' = -А<р2ф, (<pP)' = <рг(4фР - Ф2).
154 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 The system can be reduced to the form 1 (S Ф = C2(p~] ехр(срф + 8t), <p' = -4<р2ф, P' = -2—P - срФ2, <P where Cx and C2 are arbitrary constants. Remark 3. After the transformation и = u~l, the original equation takes the form »t = V(Vxx + »уу) ~ {»х + Vy) ~ «• 8. ut = A(eu) + e~u(eu - l)2 + ae~u(eu - 1) + fie'", a, /3 = const. (Galaktionov and Posashkov [1988], [1989]) The transformation и = ln(L> + 1) yields the equation vt= (1 + v) Av + v2 + av + /3, which has special solutions of the form v(t,x) =<p(t)[ilt(t) +0(x)]9 where 8{x) is any solution of the elliptic equation Ав + в = О, and where cp(t) and ф(0 satisfy the system (<рф)' = <р2ф2 + асрф + /3, <pf = -<p + ср2ф + e*<p. For a = 0 and (3 > 0, the system has the following solution: exp(~0 i— / /— \ 9(0 = cQ / гп л * <K0 = Vi8 exp(0sin(V/8f).
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 155 9. ut = V • (|Vw|Vw) + u2, t > 0, x e UN. (Galaktionov and Posashkov [1988]; see also [1989]) 1 u(t,x) = — r(#(x) - Ct - 1), v ' } t(Ct + 1) v v } } where С is any constant and #(*) is any solution of the elliptic equation V(|V#|V#) + d2 = #. 10.8. ANISOTROPIC HEAT EQUATION WITH A SOURCE IN THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL CASE 2 щ= E(^(«K<)*' + 4(W)> k{(u) Ф 0, kx/k2 Ф const. CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Dorodnitsyn, Knyazeva, and Svirshchevskii [1982b], [1983]; Galaktionov, Dorodnitsyn, Elenin, Kurdyumov, and Samarskii [1986]) Equivalence Transformations 1 = at + e, xl = blxl + fl, U = cu + g, — -2 _ к = (bl) k/a, q = cq/a, where a, b\ c, e, f\ and g are arbitrary constants, ablc Ф 0, i = 1,2. Classification Results For arbitrary kx(u), k2(u), and q(u) the symmetry Lie algebra is three- dimensional and is spanned by д д д The algebra extends in the following cases.
156 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 1. k^u) are arbitrary functions, q(u) = 0. д 2 д x = 2t— + E*'"— dt r; dxl 2. kt = expCc^w), where ax Ф a2. 2.1. q = ±eau. д 2 д д X = 2at— + У (а - ql:)x1—г - 2 — dt ,_/ l) dxl du i=\ 2.2. q = 0. д 2 д 2 д д X=2t— + £jc''—, X= Г¥!--2- dr .— dxl r' ' dxl du 3. ki = w% where ctj Ф a2. 3.1. <7 = ±un, n Ф 1. з 2 /9/9 * = 2(n - l)f— + E (« - ^i - 1)*'"—^ " 2w — V 7 dt ^ dxl du 3.2. q = 0. д 2 д 2 д д x = it—+ E*'—г. * = Е^'"—г + 2м dt dxl i=\ dxl du 4. kx = 1, *2 = u~4/\ 4.1. <? = ±ия, n Ф - \. X=(n-l) д д 2t— +X1—г dt dxl l\ д д n + — \x —~ — 2w— 3 I ax2 aw 4.2. q = au~]/3 + 8u, \a\ = \8\ = 1. A' = <? W3^ dx2 3ae2^x2u — , du
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 157 4.3. q = аи~1/3, а = +1. д д З д X = It— + xl—г + -и —, dt дх 2 ди X = е2^х2^ - у[Ъае2^х1и — , дх ди г) г) X = е"2^*2—- + yjb^e-2^x2u — дхА ди 4.4. q = 8и, 8 = ±1. 2 д д 2 д д X = --х2—т + и—, Х= -(х2) —~ + 3jc2w — Ъ дх2 ди к J дх2 ди 4.5. q = 0. а аза Z= 2r— +JC1—г + -и —, dt дх 2 ди 2 д д 2 д д Х= --х2—^ + и — , Х= -(х2) ^ + Зх2м — 3 ах2 aw v ' дх2 ди Remark. The case кх/к2 = const, is reduced to the isotropic case considered in Section 10.7 by means of equivalence transformations. CLASSIFICATION (LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES) (Dorodnitsyn and Svirshchevskii [1983]; Galaktionov, Dorodnitsyn, Elenin, Kurdyumov, and Samarskii [1986]) The equation possesses nontrivial Lie-Backlund symmetries only in linear case /c,(w) = const. q(u) = au + b, where a and b are arbitrary constants, / = 1,2. EXACT SOLUTIONS 1. ut = (k1u(Tiux)x + (к2иа2иу)у + u&\ kv к2, (тх, (72, and (3 are arbitrary constants. (Samarskii and Sobol' [1963]) Any traveling wave solution of the type и = f(co), со = t — Aljc — A2y,
158 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 is given by . u*2 du —7 «=1 u~c = (o + C,, where С and Cx are arbitrary constants. In the special case ax = 4, к1 = 4, cr2 = 2, к2 = ^ for С = С, = 0, this expression yields lo.5{-l + [l + 16(t -x- 2y)]1/2}1/2, forjc + 2y <r, |o, forjc + 2y>r. 2. u, = (m^m^)^ + (ua2uy)y + w^. (Bakirova, Borshukova, Dorodnitsyn, and Svirshchevskii [1985]; Dimova, Dorodnitsyn, Kurdyumov, Samarskii, and Svirshchevskii [1988]) Self-similar solutions invariant under the operator * - 2(1 - p)(t0 _ /)- + (o-, - 0 + \)x — + (<72-£ + l)y — + 2a —, dy дм with r0 = const. > 0, have the form u(t,x,y) = (t0-ty/(1-l3)f(t,v), (10.55) where |=x(/0-O(<r'"" + 1)/<2(/3"1)), г, =у(Г0-0<<Г2^ + 1)/(2("_1)), and the function /(£, ту) is a solution of an elliptic equation obtained after the substitution of Expression 10.55 into the original equation. A numerical realization of such solutions for special sets of parameters av a2, and p is given in Bakirova et al. [1985] and [1988]. 10.9. ANISOTROPIC HEAT EQUATION WITH A SOURCE IN THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL CASE 3 kt(u) Ф 0, (k./k^l + (k2/k3fu + (ki/k^l Ф 0
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 159 CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Dorodnitsyn, Knyazeva, and Svirshchevskii [1982b], [1983]; Galaktionov, Dorodnitsyn, Elenin, Kurdyumov, and Samarskii [1986]) Equivalence Transformations ~t = at + e, xl = blxl + /', й = си + g, — ■ 2 _ к = (bl) к/a, q = cq/a, where a, b\ c, e, /', and g are arbitrary constants, ablc Ф 0, / = 1,... ,3. Classification Results We consider two subcases: (1) all three coefficients ki are not proportional, i.e., kx/k2 Ф const., k2/k3 Ф const., and kx/k3 Ф const.; (2) only two of the coefficients, for example, kx and k3, are proportional, i.e., kx/k3 = const, (but k2/kx Ф const, and k2/k3 Ф const.). Using the equivalence transformations, we can suppose in the last case that kx = k3 Ф k2. Subcase 1. kx/k2 Ф const., k2/k3 Ф const., and kx/k3 Ф const. For arbitrary kx(u), k2(u), k3(u), and q(u) the symmetry Lie algebra is four-dimensional and is spanned by д д д д X*=Tt> *1=^' *2=^' Хз=^' The algebra extends in the following cases. 1. kt{u) are arbitrary functions, q(u) = 0. д 3 д X= It— + Yxl—г dt ^x dxl 2. kt: = ехр(а,и), where at Ф aj if / Ф j. 2.1. q = ±eau. д 3 д д X = 2at— + У (а - azU'"— - 2 dt i=x дх1 ди 2.2. q = 0. д 3 д 3 д д X=2t— + Ух1—, Х= Е¥'--2- dt _x dxl ^x l дх1 ди
160 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 3. кi = ua', where at Ф o-j if / Ф j. 3.1. q = ±un, n Ф 1. д ± . д д dt /=1 ' дх1 ди X=2(n-l)t—+ E (n - o;: - 1)^— - 2u 3.2. ^ = 0. a 3 д 3 д д X=2t—+ Txl—г, Х= У,(Т:Х1—r+2u — dt f.ri <9jc' ^ ' dxl du Subcase 2. kx(u) = k3(u) Ф k2(u). For arbitrary kx(u), k2(u), and q(u) the symmetry Lie algebra is five-dimensional and is spanned by *o = и д — dt' *i 1 д = дх1' д Ai := г-, 2 дх2 д ■S±i == Т , 3 дх3 д 2 д ■Л* л X Т X т . 4 5л:1 5л:3 The algebra extends in the following cases. 1. fc,(w) are arbitrary functions, q(u) = 0. д 3 д x = 2t-+ Ел-'— dt i=l dxl 2. fcf- = ехр(агм), a^ = a3 Ф a2. 2.1. <? = ±eau. д 3 д д df •_/ '' дх1 ди 2.2. ^ = 0. д ъ д ъ д д x = 2t—+ Е*'—> * = Еа,*''—-2— дг ._! ta1 ^ ' дх1 ди 3. &, = uai, сгх = сгъ Ф а2. 3.1. q = ±ип, п Ф 1. 3 3 г) г) * = 2(и - l)f- + Е (" " о-* " 1)*''Т7 " 2м 5/ ." 5л:' дм
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 161 3.2. q = ±u. X = It— + £ (<r + 1)jc1"—7 + lu- St ^ } дх1 ди In the case cr1 = cr3 = — 1, cr2 = 0 (i.e., /с2 = k3 = u~x, k2 = 1), there is an additional infinite-dimensional subalgebra generated by operators X = A(x\x2)—г + B(x\x2)—T - 2Ахш — , v ' J dxl y ' J dx2 x du where ^(jc1, x2) and £(jc\ jc2) are any solution of the system Ax\ = Bxi, Axi = -Bxi. Note that the operator 3 д д X = У,о-:Х1—г + 2u — •t^ l дх1 ди belongs to this infinite-dimensional subalgebra. 3.3. q = 0. д 3 д 3 д д X=2t—+ E*1" —^ X= V (Т:Х1— + lu- St ." дх1 .~ ' dxl du In the case ax = a3 = — 1, cr2 = 0 (i.e., kx = k3 = и-1, fc2 = 1), there is an additional infinite-dimensional subalgebra generated by operators д д д X = A(x\x2)-1 +B{x\x2)—^ -2Axiu — , дх1 dxz ди where A(xl, jc2) and B(xl, х2) are any solution of the system Ax\ = Bxi, Ax2 = -Bx\. The operator 3 д д •t^ l dxl du belongs to this infinite-dimensional subalgebra.
162 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 4. k}=k3 = 1, k3 = и~4/3. 4.1. q = ±un, n Ф - j X=(n-1) д д д It— +JC1 г + X3 г df дх1 дх3 1\ д д + \п -\ х—=■ — 2и — 3/ дх2 ди 4.2. q = аи~х/3 + 8и, \а\ = \8\ = 1. X = е2^*2—; - ^е2№х2и — 9 дх ди X = е-2^73*2—у + у/З^е^У^^и — дх ди 4.3. <? = аи~]/3, а = ±1. а а а з а ЛГ= 2r— + Х1—г + х2—~ + —и—> дг ах1 ах2 2 ди дх ди дх дм 4.4. q = 8и, 8 = ±1 2 д *= --Х2 =■ +W— , Х = -(Х2Г =■ + 3X2W Ъ дх2 ди у } дх2 ди 4.5. 0 = 0. а а д з д X=2t— -Ьх1—г -Ьх3—т + -и —, дг дх1 дх3 2 дм 2 д д 2 д Х= --Х2—г + u—, * = -(х2) —=■ + 3х2м — 3 дх2 ди у ' дх2 *" д дм Remark. The case (&i/&2)u 4- (k2/k3)l + (&3/^i^ = 0 is reduced to the isotropic case considered in Section 10.7 by means of equivalence transformations.
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 163 CLASSIFICATION (LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES) (Dorodnitsyn and Svirshchevskii [1983]; Galaktionov, Dorodnitsyn, Elenin, Kurdyumov, and Samarskii [1986]) The equation possesses nontrivial Lie-Backlund symmetries only in the linear case k((u) = const., q(u) = au + b, where a and b are arbitrary constants, i = 1,2,3. 10.10. POTENTIAL HYPERBOLIC HEAT EQUATION r(ux)utt + ut = k(ux)uxx, (10.56) к(их)Ф0, т(их)Ф0 Remark 1. The models of heat conduction considered in previous sections were based, along with balance of energy дт d\v c^ = -^ (10-57> on the Fourier law, postulating that the heat flux is proportional to the gradient of the temperature: W = -кдТ/дх. Here T is the temperature, W is the heat flux, p is the density, cL is the specific heat at constant volume, and к is the thermal conductivity. Another relation between W and T was proposed by Cattaneo [1948], [1958] to account for the finite speed of propagation of thermal disturbances, namely, дт dw W= -k r—, (10.58) dx dt y ; were r is the time of relaxation of the heat flux. This hyperbolic model occurs in different physical problems, such as heat transfer in rare gases (see Lykov [1965]), thermoelasticity (Podstrigach and Koljano [1976]), and plasma physics (Choi and Wilhelm [1976]). For more references on this subject see, for example, Levanov and Sotskii [1987] and Morro and Ruggeri [1988]. Assuming that cvp = const. = 1, т and к are some functions of the temperature, and introducing the new function u(t, x), such that ux = T and ut = —W, we reduce the system given by Equations 10.57 and 10.58 to Equation 10.56.
164 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I CLASSIFICATION (LIE CONTACT SYMMETRIES) (Svirshchevskii [1986], [1988]) Equivalence Transformations ~t = t, x = x, й = и + Cx, т = т, к = к, where С is an arbitrary constant. Classification Results The results are formulated in terms of the function U(t, x,u,unux) (the coordinate of the canonical Lie-Backlund operator) connected with the infinitesimal operator д д д д д х = £'— + %х— + г]— + с1— + Г— dt дх ди ди ди of the contact transformation by the formulas dU 3U dU dU £ = , Zx = , V = "/ Ь ux U, ди{ дих ди{ дих dU dU dU dU dt ' ди дх х ди For arbitrary k(ux) and r(ux) the equation possesses three-dimensional Lie algebra with the basis functions t/, = un U2 = ux, U3 = 1 (translations by t, x, and u, respectively). The algebra extends in the following cases. 1. т = т0(ихУ (l ФО), к = k{){uxY. U4 = (21 — n — 2)u — 2ltut — (21 - n)xux 2. т = r() ехр(/м^) (/ ^=0), к = k0 exp(mux). U4 = (21 — m)u — 2x — 2ltut — (21 — m)xux 3. т = r0 = const. 3.1. k(ux) is an arbitrary function. U4 = e-"T
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 165 3.2. к = k0 = const. U5 = u, Ua= 2rxut + 2kQtux + xw, L^ = F(r, x), where F is any solution of the equation rFtt + Ft = k0Fxx. «3*«3* rC — K, r\U x U5 = xwx, [4 = 2/c0r ■+■ (xux — rut)s, U^ = uxF(r, s), where r = t + т ln|uj, 5 = w + тмр and F(r, s) is any solution of the equation rFrr + Fr = k0Fss. 3.4. k = k0(ux)n, пФ 0,-2. U5 = nxux — (n -\- 2)u 3.5. к = k0emu<, m Ф 0. t/5 = гаш^ - mu — 2x 3.6. к = *оаО-(л+2)(их + С)л, п Ф 0, -2; С Ф 0. / n \ / п + 2 \ п и5 = т1 их ~ ~^C)ut + I u + ~2TCx)Ux ~ ~2Си 3.7. А: = -; —т exp(n ак*ап(и ,/С)), С Ф 0. / я \ / п \ п U5 = т\их + —C\ut+ \и — —Сх\их+ —Си Л- С х 3.8. к = k0u;2em/u*, m Ф 0. / т \ ( т \ т Us = г\их - —yt + \и + у*]"* " у" Here m, n, I, and С are arbitrary constants satisfying the hypothesis given previously; kQ is a nonzero constant. A CONTACT EQUIVALENCE TRANSFORMATION FOR THE CASE r = r0 = const. (Svirshchevskii [1986], [1988]) The contact transformation 1 = t + r0 lnluj, x = w + r0ut, й = x + rQut/ux, Ux = l/ux, щ = —ut/ux, (10.59)
166 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 maps the equation т0ип + и, = k(ux)uxx into the form r0utt + u, = u;2k(u;l)uxx, Using Transformation 10.59 one can obtain Cases 3.3 and 3.6-3.8 of the previous classification from the following: (3.2) к = k0; (3.4) к = k0(ux)n; (3.5) к = k0emu*. Thus the equation rutt + ut= k0u;2uxx is transformed into the linear telegraph equation r0utt + ut = k0uxx. Transformation 10.59 admits the inversion t = ~t + T0 1п|Й^|, X = U + T0W?, W=H To"//"jf' wx = 1/Wjf, w, = — й}/йх, (10.60) provided that the Jacobian is nonzero. Remark 2. In the case r = r0 = const., the system given by Equations 10.57 and 10.58 is also equivalent to the equation T0Ttl + Tt = (k(T)Tx)x. (10.61) The equivalence transformations given by Formulas 10.59 and 10.60 in this case assume the form 1 * = f+ т01п|Г|, dx = k(T)Txdt + (T+r0Tt)dx, T=J (Ю.62)
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 167 and t = t + т01п|Г|, dx = T-2k(T-l)Tfdi + (Г+ т0Г?) <й, 7= =, respectively. They connect Equation 10.61 and the equation rJtt + Tt = {T-4{T-')Tx)x. Contrary to Transformation 10.59, defined for arbitrary functions u, Transformation 10.62 is defined only on the solutions of Equation 10.61. The linearizing transformation t = t + r0ln|7|, dx = k0T~2Txdt + (7 + r0Tt)dx, 7 = -, for the equation rjtt + Tt = k0(T-2Tx)x was obtained by Rogers and Ruggeri [1985]; see also Rogers and Ames [1989], page 53. Remark 3. The preceding results (classification and equivalence transformations) concerning the equation r0utt + ut = k(ux)uxx, т0 Ф 0, (10.63) remain valid also for the case r0 = 0 with the only remark that the group admitted in the case of arbitrary function k(ux) widens to the dilatation with U4 = 2tut + xux — и (the earlier function U4 = e~t/T° becomes identically zero), and in each of the cases к = k0 and к = kQu~2 one more operator is added. Note that every contact symmetry transforms into the point symmetry (compare with Section 10.3). CONSERVATION LAWS FOR THE CASE т = r0 = const. (Svirshchevskii [1986], [1988]) Equation 10.63 is the Euler-Lagrange equation for the variational functional fL(t, x, u, un ux) dx with the Lagrangian L = e'/T°("T(M')2 + ^(^))' where ^ is an arbitrary solution of the equation d2i¥(ux)/du2xx = k(ux). By
168 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 the Noether theorem there are the following conservation laws associated with the symmetry operators listed previously. 1. k(ux) is an arbitrary function. The conservation laws corresponding to U2 = ux, U3 = 1, and U4 = e~t/T have, respectively, the form (r0e"*°utux)t + e"4¥- dv {rQe^ut)t+\-e^—\ = 0 d^ In the case of Ux = ut there are no conservation laws because the condition of invariance of the variational functional does not hold. 2. к = k0(ux)n, n Ф 0, — 2. There is an additional conservation law, Ъп + 4 т0е""о ,0 -и* + и,((л + 2) и - юшх) + (Ъп + 4)* + е'/т° Tq—хщ + ——(njcwx — т0(3п + 4)w, — (n + 2)w) dw¥ -/1х¥ + Ф = 0, where * (л + 1)(л + 2) ¥ = Л0их(1п|их|- 1), i*;+2, Ф = 0, if п Ф -1, Ф = 2А:0ы, if w = -1. It corresponds to the linear combination (Ъп + 4)т0£/1 — £/5 of functions Uy = ut and U5 = nxux — (n + 2)w. 3. A: = /c0eWM*, m Ф 0. There is an additional conservation law, rne'/'o 3 ? 3fc0 Trs—mu, + u,(mu + 2x - mxur) + еш"л °2 ' 'v x/ m + e ,'Ao ml 3 rQ—xut — \u H jc - jcm^ + 3t0w, \kCiemUx 2 \ m ,0ut л,о 0,
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 169 corresponding to the linear combination 3mr0U{ — U5 of functions Ux = ut and U5 = mxux - mu - 2x. Conservation laws for the other cases of this classification can be written down in a similar way. 10.11. HYPERBOLIC HEAT EQUATION utt + ut = (k(u)ux)x, k(u) Ф const. CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Oron and Rosenau [1986]) Equivalence transformations are not taken into account in this classification. Classification Results For arbitrary k(u) the symmetry Lie algebra is two-dimensional and is spanned by д д Xl=Jt> Xl=Tx' The algebra extends in the following cases. 1. к = kevu, Л * 0, v Ф 0. д д X3 = vx— + 2 — дх ди 2. к = Л(и + /хУ, ХФО, v Ф 0, - |, -2. X3 = vX— + 2(и + /0 — дх ди 3. к = Л(и + д)-4/3, Л # 0. аза д д Х3 =х- -(и + /х) —, Z4 = -*2— + Злг(ы + /г) — а* 2 aw аде aw 4. к = Л(и + д)"2, Л ^ 0. а а а а Неге Л, д and, z^ are arbitrary constants.
170 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 LINEARIZATION (Rogers and Ruggeri [1985]; Rogers and Ames [1989]) The transformation 1 = t + In |w|, dx = kQu~2uK dt + (u + ut) dx, U = 1/u, maps the equation utt + и, = k0(u-2ux)x into the linear telegraph equation Щ-t + Щ = kQu-x-x. The inverse transformation has the form t = ~t + In |w|, <& = k0Ux di + (и + щ) dx, и = 1/U. See also Section 10.10, Remark 2. 10.12. A SYSTEM OF TWO LINEAR DIFFUSION EQUATIONS ut = kxuxx, vt = k2vxx, where kx and k2 are nonzero constants. CLASSIFICATION (LIE CONTACT SYMMETRIES) (Danilov [1980]) Classification Results For arbitrary kx and k2 the symmetry Lie algebra is spanned by д д д д Хх=—, Х2=—, X3 = 2t— +jc—, 1 dt 2 dx 3 a* <9х д д а 1 а 1 а Л"4 = и —, Х5 = v—, Х6 = 2t хи —- xv — ди ди дх кх ди к2 ди д д 1 д 1 д *'= t2Vt + txTx - лГУ + 1к^иТи - «ГУ + 2k*>Tv>
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 111 where fit, x) and (pit, x) are arbitrary solutions of the equations /, = kxfxx and (pt = k2(pxx, respectively. The algebra extends in the case kx = k2 only, with additional operators д д XR = v — , Xo = и — . 8 ди 9 dv 10.13. A SYSTEM OF TWO DIFFUSION EQUATIONS ut = {kxiu)ux)x + Qxiu,v), vt = {k2iv)vx)x + Q2iu,v), where кг(и) Ф const, and/or k2iv) Ф const. CLASSIFICATION (LIE CONTACT SYMMETRIES) (Knyazeva and Popov [1986]) Equivalence Transformations 1 = at + e, U = cu + g, _ b2 x = bx + /. v = dv + h, _ с d k\ — k\9 k2 = k2, Q\ — ~Q\, Q2 = — Qi-> a a a a where a, b, c, d, e, /, g, and h are arbitrary constants, abed Ф 0. The discrete equivalence transformation ~t = t, x=x, u = v, v = u, kl = k2, k2 = kl, QX = Q29 Q2 = Qi is also taken into account. Classification Results For arbitrary kt and Qi9 i = 1,2, the symmetry Lie algebra is two-dimensional and is spanned by д д Xl = 7t> Xl=Tx' The algebra extends in the following cases (^ and Ф2 denote arbitrary functions of indicated arguments; and /3 and at are arbitrary constants).
172 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 1. kx(u) and k2(v) are arbitrary functions, Qx = Q2 = 0 д d X, = 2t h x — 3 dt dx 2. kx(u) is an arbitrary function, k2 = 1 2.1. £>! = 0, Q2 = p = const. d d д X, = 2t \-x h 2v—, 3 dt dx dv X4 = (u ~pt) —, X00 = a(t,x) — , 01) 01) where a is an arbitrary solution of the equation at = axx. 2.2. Qx = 0, Q2 = Ъ2(и) Ф const. d d д д X3 = 2t- + х — + 2v —, XO0 = a(t,x) — , dt dx dv dv where a is an arbitrary solution of the equation at = axx. 2.3. Qi = 0, Q2 = r. d d d d d X, = 2t- +x— +2tv —, X4 = u —, X00 = a(r,x) —, <9? dx 3l' di; dv where a is an arbitrary solution of the equation at = axx + л. 2.4. Q, = *,(и) # 0, Q2 = l\ X3 = v — , X^ = a(t,x) — , dv dv where a is an arbitrary solution of the equation a( = axx + a. 2.5. Q, = %Ы, Q2 = Ъ2{и) + v, ЧГ2 Ф const. X. = ait, x) —, v } dv where a is an arbitrary solution of the equation at = axx + a. 2.6. Q, = %Ы)иР, Q2 = ЧГ2Ы)иР + 1, % Ф const., p Ф 0. Z, = 20f— + /Зх 2*;— dt dx dv 2.7. Qx = %(u)el, Q2 = %(u)el\ V? + ^22 # 0. d d d X, = 2t— +jc 2 — -3 dt dx dv
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 173 2.8. <2, = %(u), Q2 = %(u)v + v In v д X, = e'v — 3 dv 3.1. £>, = еР"%(и - v), Q2 = e^v%(u - v). (V? + ^22 Ф 0, (%)2 + (% - %)2 + /З2 Ф 0) a 1 d d d *г = Pt— + -(/3 - 1)х— - w— - у — dt 2 дх ди dv 3.2. 2i = «^(и - i>) + 5, Q2 = e"^2(" - w) + 5. (^j2 + ¥22 # 0, 8 = ± 1) 5 a a Z3 = e"s'— + S<TS' — + 8e~s' — dt du dv 3.3. e, = G2 = s (a = +1). a a a l а д д X3 = e~s'— + 8е~а' — + 5е"г'—, X. = -x— + — + — at du dv 2 dx du dv 3.4. Gi = Q2 = 0. а а а д д х3 = г , Хл = it— + х— 3 dt ди dv 4 dt дх 4. кх = и°\ к2 = v°\ (о-^ Ф 0, (о-, + f)2 + (сг2 + f)2 Ф 0) 4.1. б! = u^iu^/v"2), Q2 = i;(tr2(^"1)+tr,)/tr,^(wtr,/z;tr2). (*!2 + *| # 0, (¥2 - (о-,/о-2)%)2 + (^;)2 + ()8 - I)2 # 0) а 1 а д (ах \ д 4 а 1 а э (<гл з (%2 + ^22^ 0, о = ±1) а а / о-, \ X = е'8^1— + 8е~8^— + 5 — < -3 аг ди \а2 а а / о-, \ а аг;
174 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 4.3. Qx = 8u, Q2 = (ax/a2)8v (8 = ± 1). v = e-^t— + ge-*v_ + д dt du a? dv' (ax \ d d I ax \ d x4 = Иг U— + w— + —\v — \ 2 J ox du \cr2 J dv 4.4. Qx = Qi = 0. d d (ax \ д д I ах \ д Х3 = It— +х—, Х4 = \ — \х— + и— + — \и — dt дх \ 2 ) дх ди \а2 J dv 5. кх =и~4/\ k2 = v~4/3. 5.1. Qx = 8и + u~x/34fx{u/v\ Q2 = 8v + v~1/3^2(u/v). (№J)2 + (% - %)2 Ф 0, 8 = ±1) X = в(4/3)в/_ + 5e(4/3)Srw_ + 8e(4/3)8<v_ 3 ar aw а у 5.2. Qx = uVx(u/v) + au~l/3, Q2 = v%(u/v) + av~l/3. №[)2 + (¥2 - %)2 # 0, a = ±1) ,— а , ,— д , j— d X^ = е2^а/Ъх ylb^e2va/3xu ylb^e2^a/3xv —, дх ди dv f\ Pi r) дх ди dv 5.3. d = 8u + aw'1/3, G2 = S" + аг;~1/3. (5 = ±1, a = + 1) X = e«/W — + 5e(4/3)5rw_ + Se«/3>8tv_9 dt du dv X = ег^7ъх ][з^е2У^3хи Jb^e2^xv —, dx du dv , d , - d , , d X, = е-2У1а/3х— + у[Ъ^е-2Уа/3хи— + yfb^e-2va/3xv — dx du dv 5.4. Qx = u*%{u/v\ Q2 = vp%(u/v). ((%)2 + (% - Vx)2 ф 0, )8 Ф 1) ^-O-fl^-2 *+3 Xto+Mto+^
Evolution Equations I: Diffusion Equations 175 5.5. Qx = u%(u/v\ Q2 = v%(u/v). ((%)2 + (% - %)2 Ф 0) 2d d d X, = X h U + V- 3 дх ди dv ' 5.6. Qx = аи~1/3, Q2 = av'l/\ (a = ± 1) Хл = —X- h Ъхи h 3XV~ dx du dv Ad d d X3 = —t h U h V , 3 dt du dv X4 = e2^x y[3^e2^xu fbxe2^xv —, dx du dv ri r) f) dx dw dv 5.7. £>! = 5m, Q2 = 5u. (5 = ±1) 2 d d d d d d X3 = л:— +w l-y—, X4 = —x2 h 3jcw Ь Злх>—, 3 dx du dv dx du dv 3 Г\ П V = в(4/3)в/_ + 8е(4/3)8<и_ + 5e(4/3)5^_ <9f dw дг; 5.8. б! = Q2 = 0. 3 dt dx 2d d d X4 = x V и — + v —, 3 dx du dv Xc = -x2— + Ъхи— + 3xv — dx du dv 6. kx = eu, k2 = va. О Ф 0) 6.1. Qx = Q2 = 0. d d d d d X3 = 2t- +x—, X4 = (a/2)x— +C7— + v — dt dx dx du dv 6.2. Qx = 0,Q2 = efiu%(e-uva). (ЧГ2 Ф 0) d \ d d d Хъ = (Pa - \)t- + -((j8 - l)a - \)x— - a— - v- dt 2 dx du dv 6.3. Qx = epu%(e-uva\ Q2 = e^a+l)/a^%(e-uva). (% Ф 0) d \ d d d X3 = pat- + -(p - \)(тх— - a— - v — dt 2 dx du dv
176 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 6.4. Qx = еиЧГг(е-ииа) + 5, Q2 = e«a+l)/a)u4r2(e-uva) + (8/a)v. (8Ф ±1) f) f) Я X, = ere"6'— + crSe3' — + 8e~St — 3 dt du dv Remark. Symmetries of the system of two semilinear diffusion equations Ui = kl"xx + Q\(U,V), Vt = k2Vxx + £?20>^)> with constant kx and /c2 (kx Ф k2), were considered in Danilou [1980]. The problem of the group classification for the systems и, = uxx + Q(u), where w e К", g(w) e Rn, was initiated in Zulehner and Ames [1983].
11 Evolution Equations II: General Case 11.1. EQUATION ws = 0 The equation with w = w(s, y) is the simplest evolution equation. LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Baikov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1989]) д д д Z = €l(s,y,w)— + ф(у,ы)— + <p(y,w) — , ds dy dw where £l = £;l(s, y,w), ф = ф(у,м), and <p = <p(y, w) are arbitrary functions of their arguments. LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES (Baikov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1989]) Recursion Operators Any recursion operator is obtained from two operators Lx =/3(y,w,wy,wyy, ...)> L2 = Dy by the operations of addition, multiplication, and inversion. 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc. 177
178 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I Lie-Bdcklund Operators д Z = a(y,w,wy,wyy, • ••) — + ' " , where a(y, w, wy, wyy, ...) is an arbitrary function from s/[y, w]. 11.2. SIMPLEST TRANSFER EQUATION LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Katkov [1965]) д д Y = 6(t,x,v) — + [<p(v, x + tv) - t*lt(v,x + tv) - v6(t,x,v)] — dt OX д + *I*(V,X + W) — , dv where <p, ф, в are arbitrary functions of their arguments. LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES (Baikov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1989]) Recursion Operators Any recursion operator is obtained from two operators / 1 Vxx \ 1 Lx =P\v,x + tv,t + —,—3-, ... , L2 = DX- —, \ vx vl J vx where (3(v, x + tv, ...) is an arbitrary function, by the operations of addition, multiplication, and inversion. Lie-Bdcklund Operators 1 vrr \ о ^ XX Z = vxa\v,x + tv,t + —, —5-, ... — + VY Vt dv where oi(l>, x + a>, ...) is an arbitrary function from sf[x,v].
Evolution Equations II: General Case 179 LINEARIZATION The considered equation reduces to w5 = 0, where w = w(s, y), by the point transformation s = t, у = v, w = x + tv EXACT SOLUTIONS The general solution of the considered equation may be presented in the form v = cp(x + tv) with an arbitrary function q>. 11.3. TRANSFER EQUATION ut = h{u)ux LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Baikov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1989]) д X = 9(t, x, u) h [(p(u, x + th(u)) - М'(и)ф(и, x + th(u)) dt д д — h(u)6(t,x,u)] 1- ф(и, x + th(u)) —, дх ди where <p, ф, and в are arbitrary functions of their arguments. LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES (Baikov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1989]) Recursion Operators Any recursion operator is obtained from two operators Mx = /3\h(u),x 4- th(u),t + ———, ... , Мг = В h'(u)ux""y 2 x h'(u)u/
180 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 where p(h(u), x + th(v), ...) is an arbitrary function, by operations of addition, multiplication, and inversion. Lie-Backlund Operators X = uxa й(и),х + th(u),t + , ...—+•••, \ h'{u)ux J du where a(h(u), x + th(u), ...) is an arbitrary function from s/[x, u]. LINEARIZATION The considered equation reduces to ws = 0, where w = w(s, y), by the point transformation s = t, у = h(u), w=x + th(u). EXACT SOLUTIONS The general solution of the considered equation may be presented in the form и = cp(x + th{u)) with an arbitrary function ср. 11.4. BURGERS EQUATION ut - uux -uxx = 0 LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Katkov [1965]) д д д д
Evolution Equations II: General Case LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES Recursion Operators Lx= Dx + \u + \ux Dxl (Asano and Kato [1977], Olver [1977]) L2 = 2tDx + О + tu) + (1 + tux) Dxx (Ibragimov [1983]) Lie-Backlund Operators (Olver [1977]) 0) д X = f(t,x,u,ul9u29...)—+ •• • , ut = Dxu, du e.g., (3) / = u3 + \ииг + \u\ + \u2ux. (4) f = u4 + 2uu3 + 5^^ -f fw2w2 + Зшг2 -f ^w3wx, (5) f = u5 + \uuA + Ц;ихиъ + 5^2 + fw2w3 + 2juuxu2 NONLOCAL SYMMETRIES 1. (Akhatov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1989b]) + du *=(йи + 2Ах)ехр(^)- where <p is a nonlocal variable satisfying the equations <px = u, <pt = ux - —, and h = h(x, t) is an arbitrary solution of the heat equation ut = ux 2. (Tian [1988]) { l _, \ д X = и ехр — — DY u\ — + • • • , F\ 2 x Jdu X= (2-и)ехр\t+x- -D;xu\— + ••• .
182 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I BACKLUND TRANSFORMATION The Burgers equation is connected with the heat equation u\ = u'xx by the Backlund transformation u'x — \uu' = 0, ut — \{uu') x = 0. The first equation is known as the Hopf-Cole transformation (Hopf [1950], Cole [1951]). EXACT SOLUTIONS 1. The general solution of the Burgers equation ut - uux - fiuxx = 0 with initial condition u(x,0) = u0(x) has the form д и = 2 — ln<p(*,f), дх where 1 л°° I (X - Tj) 1 Г7] (Hopf [1950]). 2. и = 2 — , A = const. A — e cos x /-4-exp(-*7(4Q) 3. w = i/ ;==r, £ = const. V тгГ В + <p(x/{At) and «p(z) = -r\Ze-"'dv is the error integral. 4. и = u0 tanh — (jc — jc0), xQ and w0 are constants. 1 77JC 5. w = [— x + 77 tanh — -], —77 < x < 77. 1 +f 2(1+0
Evolution Equations II: General Case 183 11.5. POTENTIAL BURGERS EQUATION ut = uxx + u\ LIE POINT SYMMETRIES д д д 1 dt 2 dx 3 du 4 д д д д X. = It— 4- х—, Хв = 4t2— 4- 4ta aw where (pit, x) is an arbitrary solution of <Pt = <Pxx- д д = It x —, дх ди -(*2 + 2'^' LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES Recursion Operators Lx = Dx + ux (Ibragimov and Shabat [1979]) L2 = tDx + tux 4- \x (Ibragimov [1983]) Lie-Backlund Operators (Ibragimov [1983]) (О д X= f(t,x,u,ux,u2, ...)— + ••• , ui = Dlxu, ou e.g., (О f =u3 + 3ulu2 4 u\, (2) / = t(u3 4- 3ulu2 4- w3) 4- \x{u2 4- w2), (3) / = r2(w3 4- Зи^г 4 u\) 4 Дс(и2 4- w2) 4- (t 4- i*:2)^, (4) / = f3(w3 4 Зи^ 4 и3) 4 \t2x{u2 4 и2) 4(f/2 4 |а2)«! + (\tx 4 jx3), (5) f = uA + 4uxu3 4- 3«2 + bu\u2 4- mJ, (6) / = w5 4 би^ 4 10u2u3 4 10w2w3 4 \buxu\ 4 10м3м2 + "i-
184 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I NONLOCAL SYMMETRIES (Kaptsov [1982]) The operators of nonlocal symmetry A- = e-"Dx-'(e«-l) —, p > 1, are obtained by the actions of the operator L =e-uD~{eu on the symmetry fx = 1 — eu. TRANSFORMA TION The Burgers equation is connected with the heat equation U't = U'xx by the point transformation u! = exp(w). 11.6. GENERALIZED HOPF EQUATION ut + uux = (k(u)ux)x CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Katkov [1965]) Equivalence Transformations 1. t' = t, x' = x + at, uf = и + a, 2. t' = b2t, x' = hx, u! = ^, b where a and b are constants, b Ф 0. Classification Result For arbitrary k(u) the symmetry Lie algebra is two-dimensional and is spanned by д д
Evolution Equations II: General Case 185 The algebra extends in the following cases: 1. k(u) = exp(w). д д д x, = t— + (t +x)— + — 3 dt v } dx du 2. k(u) = u2m. d d д X, = 2(m - l)t— + (2m - l)x— + и — 3 v } dt v } dx du 3. k(u) = 1. (The Burgers equation [see also, Section 11]) д д X3 = t— + —, dx du d d d X4 = It V x и—, dt dx du d d d X. = t2— + tx— + (x - tu) — 5 dt dx y J du 4. k(u) = 0. (The simplest transfer equation [see also Section 11.2]) d d Хж = il/(t, x,u) h [uty(t, x,u) + tf(u, x — tu) + (p(u, x — tu)\ — dt dx d + f(u,x - tu) — ou with arbitrary functions /, cp, and ф 11.7. KORTEWEG-DE VRIES EQUATION ut = uxxx + uux LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Kostin [1969]) 1 dt 2 dx 3 dx du X4 = 3t— + x 2u—. dt dx du
186 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 The corresponding group transformations and transformations of an arbitrary solution и = f(x, t) of the KdV equation are given as follows. X{. t' = t + flj, x' = x, u' = u; w(1) = f(x, t + ax) X2: t' = t, x' = x + a2, u! = u; u(2) = f(x + a2, t) X3: t' = t, x' = x + a3t, и! = и — a3; w(3) = f(x + a3t, t) + a3 X4: t' = еЪаЧ, x' = ea<x, u' = e~2a*u; w(4) = e2a<f(ea<x, еЪач) The optimal system of one-dimensional subalgebras is X\, X2, X3, A4, Aj + л3, Xl -A3. LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES Recursion Operators (A. Lenard—see Gardner, Greene, Kruskal, and Miura [1974]) l = d2x + \u + \uxd;1 Lie-Backlund Operators (Lax [1968], Gardner [1971]) (0 X= f(t,x,u,ul9u2, e.g., (5) / = u5 + \uu3 + ^-uxu2 + \u2ux, (7) f = u7 + \ииъ + luxuA + Ц-и2и3 + ffw2w3 + ™uuxu2 + Им? + ffw3^. Remark 1. The symmetries X3, X4, and X = Lnux д/ди + • • • , n > 0, define all local symmetries of the KdV equation (Ibragimov and Shabat [1979]; Magadeev and Sokolov [1981]). Remark 2. For the potential Korteweg-de Vries equation w* + Wx + wxxx = 0> the recursion operator is L = D2 + \wx-\D-xwxx "'ди + ut=Dxu,
Evolution Equations II: General Case 187 and the Lie-Backlund operators are (О д X= f(t,x,w,wl9w2, ...)—+ ••• , wi = Dxw, ow where, for example, (5) / = w5 + lwxw3 + fw2 + ^w3, (7) f =w7 + \wxw5 + f w2w4 + >f + §w2w3 + f wxw\ + ^wf (Ibragimov and Shabat [1979]). For the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation ut = uxxx + u2ux, the recursion operator is l=d2x + \u2 + \uxd;xu and the Lie-Backlund operators are (О д X = f(t9x,u,ul9u2,...)—+ ••• , ut = D'xu, ou where, for example, (5) f = u5 + \и2иъ + Щ-иихи2 + f«i + fw4"i, (7) / = u7 + \и2иъ + 14ииги4 + 21и2и3 + ™uu2u3 + Ц-ихи\ + yfw4w3 +^W3W1W2 + ^W3^ + Ifw6wl (Olver [1977]) NONLOCAL SYMMETRIES Actions of recursion operator L on local symmetry / = 1 + taj give the following nonlocal symmetries (Ibragimov and Shabat [1979]; Akhatov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1987]; Khor'kova [1988]): g = L2/ = r(w5 + f ww3 + ™ulu2 + 1"2"0 + }*("з + uu\) + \u2 + fw2 + \их(р,
188 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 where nonlocal variable cp is defined by the equations u2 <px = w> <pt = u2 + у; g = L g = L3f = t[un 4- \ииъ 4- 7wjW4 4- Ци2иъ 4- ffw2«3 -\-^§-uulu2 4- ffwj 4- |fw3Wi) 4- 2w4 4- \ииг 4- ^w3 4- |(w3 4- uuY)(p 4- ~^ихф, where new nonlocal variable 1Д is defined by the equations фх = и2, ф{ = 2uu2 — и2 + \иъ. Remark 3. The modified Korteweg-de Vries equation has the following nonlocal symmetries: 1. /= sinw_1? where u_x = D~\u) (Kaptsov [1982]). M 2. / = L"(t(u3 4 u2ux) 4- ^х«! 4- з-w), where L = D2 4 |w2 4- fwx D~lu is the recursion operator (Khor'kova [1988]). CONSERVATION LAWS "3 «x — 4- uuxx — 3 2 = 0 (Whitham [1965]); и DA- + £> и T = 0 (Miura, Gardner, and Kruskal [1968]); DAt— +xu\ + DX t\ — uu2 и T 4 w, — xu~> — x —
Evolution Equations II: General Case 189 For other conservation laws, the conserved density is written as follows: u4 2 Тл = — Ъии\ + — u\' 4 5 и5 _ _ 36 108 9 w6 108 120 36 Г3 = у - 10w3w2 - 5w* + lSu2u2xx - —uu2xxx + — w3x + —uxxxx. BACKLUND TRANSFORMATION The Korteweg-de Vries equation is connected with the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation by the transformation (Lamb [1974]) vx = s(u + z;2), vt = suxx + 2(vu)x, s = + 1. The first relation is known as the Miura transformation (Miura [1968]). The Korteweg-de Vries equation has the auto-Backlund transformation (Ibragimov [1989b]) v*+ Wx = vT^ ~ W^D ~v ~ W^/2' EXACT SOLUTIONS A. Invariant Solutions under Operators of Optimal System of One- Dimensional Subalgebras (Kostin [1969]) 1. Xx = д/dt—stationary solutions. The invariant solutions have the form и = <p(x), where cp satisfies the equation <p'" + cpcp' = 0,
190 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 or <p'2 = -{-cp3 + kcp + /, (11.1) obtained from the previous equation by two integrations, where к and / are constants of integration. The general invariant solution is written in the form и = -12Ф(», (11.2) where Ф(х) is the Weierstrass elliptic function, satisfying the equation Ф'\х) = 4Ф3(х) - 82Ф(х) - g3. For real roots r,, r2, and r3 of the cube polynomial on right-hand side of Equation 11.1, Solutions 11.2 may be rewritten in the following forms: a. If л-j < r2 < r3, then и = u(x) is a limited function and 2a _/ / a 6? и = — dn2( ^ ^^ x, 5 | + y, a cnoidal wave (Korteweg and de Vries [1895]), where dn(x, s) is the Jacobian elliptic function with modulus s = ]/(r3 - r2)/(r3 - rx) , a = (r3 - r2)/2 is the amplitude of a wave, and у = rv b. If rl = r2 < r3, then и -> r1? и', w" -> 0 when |jt| -> oo5 and и = (r3 - rx) szch2(y/{r3-rx)/\2) + rl9 a soliton wave (Korteweg and de Vries [1895]). с If rx = r2 = r3, then -12 и = (x-cf 2. X2 = д/дх. Invariant solutions have the form и = с, с = const. 3. X3 = t д/дх — и д/ди. Galilean invariant solutions have the form с - x и = , с = const. t 4. X4 = 3t д/dt + хд/дх — 2ид/ди. Scale-invariant solutions have the form и = Г2/3и(хГ1'3),
Evolution Equations II: General Case 191 where v = v(y) satisfies the equation vyyy + vvy - \yvy - f v = 0. In particular, -36x(x3 + 24t) и = —x/r and и = 5—. (x3 + 120 If w = w(y) is defined by dw 1 then it satisfies the equation Wyy = l^W3 + Ь™ + ^> which is known as Painleve-II. 5. Xx + e^3 = д/dt + 6 d/dx — ей ди, e = ± 1. Invariant solutions have the form и = et + v(y), у = x — \et2, where и = u(y) satisfies the equation vT + w/ + e = 0. If v(y) = —l23/5w and у = el2l/5z, then w = w(z) satisfies the equation w" = 6w2 + z, which is known as Painleve-I. B. Some Physically Relevant Solutions 1. Traveling waves. These are invariant solutions under д д
192 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 and have the form и = ср(х — ct), where cp = cp(y) satisfies the equation \v2 = - \v3 + \cv2 + kv + /, where к and / are arbitrary constants. Corresponding solutions are obtained from stationary solutions by the change x •-> x - ct (see A.l). 2. Soliton solutions. a. One-soliton solution. (Korteweg and de Vries [1895]) u(x, t) = 3c sech2[\yfc(x — ct) + 8\ b. Two-soliton solution. (Hirota [1971], [1972]) d2 и = 12—j l°g(l + exP(0i) + exp(02) +Atxp(0l + 02)), where 0i = a{x + a]t + 5f-, Л = ((al — a2)/(a1 + я2)Х and я, and 5, are constants. 11.8. GENERALIZED KORTEWEG-DE VRIES-BURGERS EQUATION J и y = o ; = i j = 2 plane geometry cylindrically symmetric geometry spherically symmetric geometry m, у, ц, and /3 are constants. LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Korobeinikov [1983]; Zakharov and Korobeinikov [1980]) Certain special cases are given next. I. j = 0 {ii Ф 0, p Ф 0). LI. m = 1. д д д д Xi=—> Xi=—> X3 = yt— + — dt дх дх ди
Evolution Equations II: General Case 193 1.2. m = 0. The admitted algebra is infinite and involves the following finite subalgebra: Xl~dt' Xl~ dx X4 = 3t— + 4 dt * + 2|r--|, X3 = и —, ди д fi(x + yt) д U дх 3/3 ди 1.3. т Ф 0, т Ф 1. -У, = аг ^0 ах И. w = 1. 11.1. у = 1, /х = О, У = 0. Korteweg-de Vries equation (see Section 11.7) 11.2. 7= 1, /x = 0, ; = 1. Cylindrical Korteweg-de Vries equation Xx = —, X2 = 3t h x 2u —, dx dt дх ди d Id 3 dx yft du' X4 = 2x{t— + 4t]/t + I-pr - 4м\/м— dx \ yjt J du II.3. 7 = 1, /x = О, У = 2. Spherical Korteweg-de Vries equation d d d d did Xx= —, X2 = 2t — +x и —, X3 = \nt— + dx dt dx du dx t du И.4. 7 = 0, fx = 0, /3 Ф 0. Linearized Korteweg-de Vries equation; the admitted algebra is infinite and involves the following finite subalgebra: d ~dt U d It du Xl ~ *+ ^ n* a» ' Xl ~ dx ' d d X4 = u — , X5=xrj/2—, 4 du 5 du d d X, = 3t— + x — 3 dt dx Х. = Г"2- du
194 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I II.5. у = I, jjl Ф 0, /3 = 0. Burgers equation j = 0: AT, = —, *2 = — , X, = t— +—, а д д XA = It— +x- и —, д д д Xc = t2— + cc— + (x - m) — У = 1: d£ дх ди д д д 1 дх 2 dt дх ,. д 1 д \ = 2y/t— + -=- — а - и —, ди / = 2: Ху = —, Хэ = 2t h x и —, 1 дх 2 dt дх ди д 1 д X, = In t— + . 3 дх t ди 11.9. ВВМ EQUATION ut = иих + wfJCJC (Peregrine [1966]; Benjamin, Bona, and Mahony [1972]). This equation is also known as the regularized long-wave equation. LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Kostin [1969]) 1 dt 2 дх 3 dt ди The optimal system of one-dimensional subalgebras (Kostin [1969]) is x\> x2> хз> aX2 + X3, Xi+aX2.
Evolution Equations II: General Case 195 CONSERVATION LAWS (Benjamin, Bona, and Mahony [1972]) Dtu+Dx(-utx-\u2)=0, Dt{W + \u\) + Dx(-uutx - V) = 0, (11.3) Dt(W) + Dx(u* - u]x - u2utx - >4) The only nontrivial, independent conservation laws of the BBM equation in which the conserved density depends smoothly on x, u, and the various spatial derivatives of и are Equations 11.3 (Olver [1979]). EXACT SOLUTIONS (Kostin [1969]) The BBM equation of the type ut + uux + fiutxx = 0 has the following invariant solutions under operators from the optimal system of one-dimensional subalgebras. Operators Xx = д/dt and X2 = д/дх give only trivial solutions, и = с, с = const. 1. Scale-invariant solutions under the operator д д X, = t и — 3 dt ди have the form и = U(x)/t, where U = U(x) satisfies the equation pU" - UU' + U = 0. Parametric solution of this equation has the form 1 f (p + l)dp U= y/2p(p + lnp + c)x/1.
196 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 2. Invariant solutions under the operator д д д X = a— + t и — дх dt ди have the form и = U(£)/t, £=x-alnt, where U = U(£) satisfies the equation p(aU"f + U") - UUf + U - aUf = 0. 3. Traveling waves are invariant solutions under the operator д д X= — +a — dt dx and may be expressed in the form 2 / {a x - at \ и = a a{\ + s ) + 2a sn , , s , 3 v } \{b№ s у where sn(£) is the Jacobian elliptic function of modulus s and a is the amplitude of a wave. 11.10. EQUATION ut + uux + &иш = О LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Kostin [1969]) д д д д д X: = —, Х2 = —, X, = t— + Зх— + 2и — ' dt 2 дх 3 dt дх ди EXACT SOLUTIONS (Kostin [1969]) Subgroups Xx and X2 give trivial solutions. Scale-invariant solutions under X3 have the form и = t2U(x/t3), where U = £/(£) satisfies the equation 0(27£3£/'" + 54£2t/" + 6ft/') + 3 —[/' - U' -2 = 0.
12 Wave Equations 12.1. ONE-DIMENSIONAL LINEAR WAVE EQUATIONS 12.1.1. и4„ = 0 LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Ovsiannikov [1978], Section 9.5; Ibragimov [1983]) Xm = a(i) — + p(V)— + [Си + a(i) + b(v)]—, where a, /3, a, and b are arbitrary functions of their arguments, and С is an arbitrary constant. LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES (Ibragimov [1983]) д X = [Си + g(x,ui9...,uni) + h(y,uv,...,unri)]— + ••• , where С is an arbitrary constant; un^ = дпи/д£п and uny] = dnu/dr]n; and g and h are arbitrary functions of their arguments. GENERAL SOLUTION "=/(£) +g(v), where / and g are arbitrary functions. 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc. 197
198 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 12.1.2. и„ - uxx = 0 LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Ibragimov [1983]) X„= [ax(t+x) +a2{t-x)\— + [ax{t+x) - a2{t - x)] — д where av a2, j3j, and /32 are arbitrary functions of their arguments, and С is an arbitrary constant. CONSERVATION LAWS The considered equation has the Lagrangian The right and the left columns of the following list give the infinitesimal operators and coordinates of the corresponding conservation laws respectively: A(C')+Dx(C*)=0, 1 1. X, = —; C'= (m? + u2r), Cx = u.ur 1 dt 2V ' д 1 2. X2 = —; С = -u,ux, Cx = -(и,2 + u2x) д д t 3' X3 = t~dt +XJx'' C' = --(u^ + ux)-xutux, x Cx= 2(M'2 + M^) +tu,u* Я Я 1 4. JT4 = a(t, x)— + j8(r, x) —; С = - -а(и? + u\) - (3utux, dt ox I where at = px and ax = /3, Cx = —&{u] + u2x) + aw^^
Wave Equations 199 GENERAL SOLUTION и =f(x +y) + g(x -y), where / and g are arbitrary functions. Remark. The equations u^ = 0 and w„ — uxx = 0 are connected by the point transformation f = * + y, T7 = * -y. 12.2. ONE-DIMENSIONAL LINEAR WAVE EQUATIONS WITH VARIABLE COEFFICIENTS 12.2.1. utt - c2(x)uxx = 0 CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Bluman and Kumei [1987]) Classification Result For arbitrary c(x) the symmetry Lie algebra is infinite and is spanned by д д д x0 = u--, xi = t:> xoe = u0(x,t) — , ди ot ди where u0(x, t) is any solution of the considered equation. The algebra extends in the following cases: 1. с = c(x) satisfies the system of equations c'(x) a2(x) = \2H'(x) +#2(x)] \ tf(jc) 2 /aa^2 c(x) ' (a' -Hay-I— =K9 K= const., for any a (zero or nonzero). (a) If a = 0, then we have the following cases. Case i. c(x) = (Bx2 + Cx +£>)ехр((Л - C)f(Bx2 + Cx + D)~l dx J,
200 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 and additional operators have the form X2 = [Bx2 + Cx +£>]— + [C -A]t— + -[A + 2Bx]u — , dx X3 = t[Bx2 + Cx + £>]— + df dw 1 dx d 1 .Дх2 + Ос + Z> -2(C-A)t> + f c4x) dx + -t\A + 2Bx]u- 2 L J aw Remark. This group is isomorphic to SO(2,1) when A — С Ф 0. Case ii. c(x) = {Ax + B)c, C#0,l,2, and additional operators have the form д ~dt X2=(Ax + B)— +A(1 - C)t- + -ACu — , ox ot Z ou д 1 X, = (Ax + B)t— + - 3 v ' dx 2 2-2C A(l -C)t2 + (Ax +B) A(l-C) Case Hi. c{x) = Ax + B, and additional operators have the form: д l д X2 = (Ax + B)— + -Au —, 2 v J dx 2 du д 1 д — + -ACtu — at 2 au X, = (Ax + B)t— + 3 V J dx —log(Ax+B) д 1 д — + -Atu —. dt 2 du Case iv. c(x) =AeBx and additional operators have the form д did X0 =A- ABt— + -ABu —, dx d 1 3 dx 2 dt du ABt2 + e~2Bx AB d l d — + -ABtu —. dt 2 du
Wave Equations 201 Remark. Cases ii-iv are limits for certain values of constants А, В, С, and D appearing in Case i. (b) If а Ф 0, then additional operators have the form X2 = eat d did a— + o-~\a' - Ha) — + -aHu дх dt 2 ди X3 = e~at д did a a l(a' — Ha) 1 aHu dx dt 2 du 2. c(x) = (Ax + B)2. In this case the admitted group becomes infinite. Remark. The equation (Ax + Я) uxx- utt = 0 can be mapped into the linear wave equation ^ = ° by the transformation 1 £ = + At, V = 1 -At, Ax + В Ax + В Ax + В Hence, its general solution is u = (Ax+B)[F(£) + G(ri)], where F and G are arbitrary functions of their respective arguments. 12.2.2. vt = ux, ut = c2(x)vx CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Bluman and Kumei [1987]) Classification Result For arbitrary c(x) the symmetry Lie algebra is infinite and is spanned by Xo = UV + г;^~' Zi = 17' Xoo = u0(x,t)— +v0(x,t) — , du dv dt du dv where (u0, u0) is any solution of the system.
202 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 The algebra extends and the system admits two additional operators iff c(x) satisfies the equation cc'(c/c,Y = Л2, where Л is a real or imaginary constant. (a) If Л = 0, then we have the following cases. Case i. c(x) = (Ax + B)c, СФ 0,1, and additional operators have the form (12.1) dx + (1 - C)t Cv X3 = 2xt — + 3 dx dt (1 -C)/2 + dv' r2-2C 1 - С d ~dt д д + [(2C- l)tu -x\— + {-tv -xl~2C) dv Case ii. c(x) = x and additional operators have the form д д X2 = x v — dx dv д д д I 1 \ д X, = 2xt— + 21ogJC— + (tu - x)— + -tv —. dx dt du \ X ) dv Case Hi. c(x) = e~ and additional operators have the form д д д X2 = 2— + t— + v —. 1 dx dt dv x/2 C3 = At— + (t2 + 4ex) (Itu + 2) 2ex—. 3 dx v ' dt v ' du dv
Wave Equations 203 (b) If Л Ф 0, then, by appropriate scaling of с and jc, Equation 12.1 reduces to two cases. Case i. Л2 > 0, c' = v l sinh(^ logc) (12.2) or c' = v sin(y log c), (12.3) where v is an arbitrary real constant. Additional operators have the form X2 = 2e'C- + e' X3 = -2e' д г/су — + 2e' - - 1 dX [\c'j НЯ)"-?] С д Г/ С 1 д \Vt ди м- С \ 1 - у+ — с / ее (9 — е НЯ)м+^+е~'[(Яу-^ Case ii. Л2 < 0, с' = v l cosh(^ log с), where v is an arbitrary real constant. Remark 1. The equation from Section 12.2.1 and the system from Section 12.2.2, for the same c(x), admit a four-parameter Lie group of point transformations if and only if c(x) = (A + Bx) , or the limiting case c(x) =AeBx, where A, B, and С are arbitrary constants.
204 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I 12.3. EQUATION zxy = F(z) CLASSIFICATION (LIE CONTACT SYMMETRIES) (Lie [1881b]; Pucci and Salvatori [1986]) Equivalence Transformations x' = axx + a2, y'=j81y+j82, z' = yxz + y2, where a,, /3,, and y- are arbitrary constants, a^/?^ # 0. Classification Result For arbitrary F(z) the symmetry Lie algebra is three-dimensional and is spanned by д д д д Хх = —, Х2=—, Х3=х у—. 1 дх ду 3 дх ду The algebra extends in the following cases: 1. F(z) = z. я я XA = z—, X„ = p{x,y) — , dz OZ where (3(x, y) is any solution of zxy = z. 2. F(z) = zl~5, s Ф0. д д д Xd = SX h Sy h 2z 4 дх ду dz 3. F(z) = ez (Liouville equation). A. = f(*) — + т,(у)— - (f(*) + V(y))^, where £(x) and rj(y) are arbitrary functions. In Case 3 the corresponding transformations have the form x' = X(x), y' = Y(y), z' = z-\n X\x) - InY'(y), where X{x) and Y(y) are arbitrary functions satisfying the nondegeneracy condition X'{x)Y'{y) Ф 0.
Wave Equations 205 Remark. For the equation zxy = F(z), the admitted group of contact transformations reduces to point transformations of the form x'=X(x), y' = Y(y), z' = Z(x,y,z) or х' = Ф(у), y' = V(x), z' = tl(x,y,z). The equation zxy = F(z) also admits the discrete transformation x -> y, у -*x. CLASSIFICATION (LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES) (Zhiber and Shabat [(1979]) If the equation zxy = F(z) admits Lie-Backlund symmetry of the type д ^ = f(zl9z29...9zn)— + •••, z( = Dlxz, where n > 3, then this equation may be transformed by point transformation to one of the standard form (the corresponding functions / are indicated in square brackets): 1. F(z) = 0—the linear wave equation (see Section 12.1) 2. F(z) = ez—the Liouville equation (Liouville [1853]) [/= (Dx + z1)<p(x,w,w1,w2,...), where w = z2 - \z\,w.t = Dxw] 3. F(z) = sin z—the Bonnet equation (Bonnet [1867]) (see Section 12.3.1) 4. F(z) = ez 4- e~2z—the Tzitzeica equation (Tzitzeica [1910a], [1910b]) [(5) 1 / = z5 + 5(z2z3 - z\zz - zxz\) + z\\ BACKLUND TRANSFORMATIONS 1. The Liouville equation z = ez is transformed into the linear wave equation
206 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 by the Backlund transformation zx-z'x + ae(z+z')/2 = 0, 2 zv+z' + -e(z~z)/2 = 0. y y a This linearization is obtained also by any of the differential substitutions z - ln(2« z'2 = ln[2(l + tan2 z')z'xz'y\ (Liouville [1853]). 2. The Backlund transformation for the Bonnet equation is considered in Section 12.3.1. 3. For the Tzitzeica equation of the type d2 log b 1 dudv b2' b = b(u,u), the pseudopotential auto-Backlund transformation has the form 1 dR dR b, = -b + —т , 1 R2 du dv where R = R(u, v) satisfies the equations d2R 1 db dR 1+cl dR d2R = bR, du2 b du du 1 — С Ь du ' dudv d2R 1 + с 1 dR 1 db dR + dv2 1 — С Ь du b du du where с is an arbitrary constant (Tzitzeica [1910a], [1910b]). 12.3.1. BONNET EQUATION zxy = sin z LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Lie [1881b])
Wave Equations 207 LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES Recursion Operator (Olver [1977]) L=D2 + z2x-zxD~lzxx Lie-Backlund Operators (Kumei [1975]) (/) д x=f- + ---, where, for example, (1) (3) (5) f =Z\> f = Zs + \A> f = *s + fz2z3 + \zxz\ + fzf, (7) / = Z7 4 fzfe 4 14Z!Z2Z4 4 f ZiZf 4—727 4 —747 4- — Z3Z2 4 — 77 -Г 2Z2Z3 ^ 8Z1Z3 ^ 4Z1Z2 ^ 16zl NONLOCAL SYMMETRIES (Khor' kova [1988]) For the Bonnet equation nonlocal symmetries have the form f=L"{xzx-yzy), where L is the recursion operator. BACKLUND TRANSFORMATION The Bonnet equation urv = sin и has the auto-Backlund transformation (Darboux [1894], Chapter 12; Bianchi [1922], Section 262) и - и (и 4 v)x = 2л sin —-—, 2 и + v (и -v)y = -sin—-—, a 2 with a arbitrary.
208 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 The Bonnet equation zxy = sin z, and the equation z;y = z'(i-z<2)1/2 are connected by the transformation z' = zx, z'y = sin z. EXACT SOLUTION z = 4tan-1[exp(ox + a~ly + ft)], where a and b are arbitrary constants. 12.4. ONE-DIMENSIONAL NONLINEAR WAVE EQUATIONS 12.4.1. (U): utt = (<p(u)ux)x CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Ames, Lohner, and Adams [1981]) Equivalence Transformations t' = axt + a2, x' = fixx + /32, u' = yxu + y2 where ai9 /3Z, and yi are arbitrary constants, a1p1yl Ф 0. Classification Result For arbitrary (p(u) the symmetry Lie algebra is three-dimensional and is spanned by д д д д 1 dt' 2 дх' 3 dt дх
Wave Equations 209 The algebra extends in the following cases: 1. cp(u) = eu. д д X4 =x— + 2 — 4 дх du 2. <p(u) = eua, e = + 1, a = const. д 2д X4 = x 1 и — дх (Т du 3. (p(u) = SU~4/3, £ = +1. д З д д д Х4 = х — и —, Х5 = х2 Зхи — дх 2 ди дх ди 4. ср(и) = ей 4, г = +1. д д д д dt ди ъ дх ди Remark. The class of equations utt = (<p(u)ux)x is preserved under the substitution s = x, у = t, v = Ф(м) = l<p(u) du (which is not the equivalence transformation) and assumes the form Vss= {F'(V)Vy)y> where F(v) is the inverse function for Ф(и). In particular, the equation utt = (киаих)х, а Ф — 1, is reduced by the substitution s = x, у = t, и = w°"+1 to the equation vss = (Kvyvy)y, where у = ~^T^Y'
210 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 and the equation utt = {ku~xux)x is transformed by the substitution s = x, у = t, v = In и to the equation EXACT SOLUTIONS 1. (Ames, Lohner, and Adams [1981]) The equation utt = (<p(u)ux)x, with arbitrary <p(u) has the following solutions. a. Traveling wave. и = h(x — \t), where h satisfies the equation A2/z" + [<p(h)h']f = 0, is an invariant solution under д д X= — +Л —. dt dx The function h = h(x — \t) is defined in the implicit form X2h - JH<p(0) dS =A(x - Xt) +5, А, В = const. b. Scale-invariant solution. where g(6) satisfies the equation
Wave Equations 211 is an invariant solution under д д X = (ax + ЬЛ— + (at + b2) —. In particular, the partial solution of (0 V)' = [<?(#)#']' has the form g(6)=cp-\e2), where <p_1 is the inverse function to (p. 2. (Ames, Lohner, and Adams [1981]) The equation u„ = (kexp(mu)ux)x has the solution w = ln|f + — | +g(6), where x + c3/cx _ (c{-c2) Т7Г i a = 2 (r + c4/c2)Cl/C2 6 = „ , , ,^cl/C2> * = 2 " * 0- It is an invariant solution under д д Сх — C2 д X = (cxx + c,)— + (c2t + c4)— + 2 3. (Ames, Lohner, and Adams [1981]) The equation utt= (k(u + rf)\), has the solution / с \P/C2 u + d= f+ — g(0), where * + c3Ai л „(ci_c2) (* + с*/с2У 0 = / > 0 = 2 — — *0,
212 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 and g(6) satisfies the equation j8(jB - l)g - ев[(2р - 1) - e]g' + e2d2g" = fc(*V)\ e = -. C2 (12.4) It is an invariant solution under X = (c,jc + с,)— + (c2t + c4)— + v l 3/d;c v 2 4J dt (C\ ~Cl) a (u + d). For /3 = 1 and a = — j, solution of Equation 12.4 has the form g{6) = (9Jt)3/V3/2 and so /3/c2 w -H ^ = I r _h _l I (9^) 3/4 (f + c4/c2) C1A2 3/2 c2 J ' ^ x + c3/cl j 4. (Tomotika and Tamada [1950]) The equation utt = (2uux)x has the following solutions: Л2 u= ±[Cx(x + \t) +C2]1/2+y, where C,, C2, and Л are arbitrary constants; и = C\t2 + C2r + Cxx + C3, where C,, C2, and C3 are arbitrary constants; and и = 2 (axt + a2) + a3t + a4 + (a^ + a:2)x, a^ =£ 0. 12.4.2. (V): *„ = <p(vx)vxx CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Baikov and Gazizov [1989]; Suhubi and Bakkaloglu [1991]) Equivalence Transformations t' = axt + a2, x' = fixx + /32, v' = yxv + y2x + y3t + y4, where at, /3,, and y, are arbitrary constants, ах/Зхух Ф 0.
Wave Equations 213 Classification Result For arbitrary cp(vx) the symmetry Lie algebra is five-dimensional and is spanned by d d д Xl = it' Xl=Tx> *3 = ^' d d д д Х4 = t—, Xs = t— + x— + v — . dv dt dx dv The algebra extends in the following cases: 1. f(vx) = гехр(^). X6=x- + (v + 2x)- 2. f(vx) = evxn, тФО, -4. 3. f(vx) = ev-x\ д д X6 = mx— + (m + 2)v — dx dv д д д д Х6 = 2х— + v —, Х7 = t2— + tv — 6 дх dv 7 dt dv Here e = +1, and m is an arbitrary constant. CONSERVA TION LA WS (Vinokurov and Nurgalieva [1985]) For the equation vtt-vyxx = 0, a #0,-1,-2, the corresponding Lagrangian function has the form / = _n2 va+2 2 ' (a+ l)(a + 2) * ' The right and the left columns of the following list give the infinitesimal operators and coordinates of the corresponding conservation laws D,(C) + DX(C*) = 0,
214 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 respectively: д 1 2 1 a+2 5? 2 (a + l)(a + 2) a + 1 ' * 3 1,1, 2. *2 = —; с =-v,vx, cx = —-u;+2 + -i),2 2 dx a + 2 * 2 ' д 1 3. ^з=—; C'-u„ Cx = u"+1 3 3y' " a + 1 * 4. *4 = 'r"; C = tv,-v, C*=-—— <+1 <?u a + 1 Remark 1. The equation is linearized by the Legendre transformation s = v,, у = vx, w = tvt + xvx - v and assumes the form Wyy =f(y)Wss> if u„vxx - v?x = 0. Remark 2. The equation "yy + UXUXX = 0 is known as the equation of stationary transonic gas flow (see also Section 13.2). 12.4.3. (W): w„ = F(wxx) CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Baikov and Gazizov [1989]) Equivalence Transformations t' = axt + a2, x' = Plx + (32, w' = ylW + y2tx + y3x2 + y4x + y5t2 + y6t + y7, where ah (3t, and y- are arbitrary constants, alplyl Ф 0. F = —F + 2 2 «1 al
Wave Equations 215 Classification Result For arbitrary F(wxx) the symmetry Lie algebra is seven-dimensional and is spanned by ^ д д ^ д Xx = Jt> Xl=Tx' *3 = ^> X*=X^> д д д д д Xs = t—, Хв= — +х— + 2и>—, Хп = tx—. 5 dw 6 dt дх dw 7 dw The algebra extends in the following cases: 1. F(wxx) = в expOXJC). я я Xs =x— + {2w + x2)—. dx dw 2. F(wxx) = ew™, m Ф 0,1, -3, - f 3. F(wYr) = swrr3 Xo = (m — l)x 1- 2mw— 8 v J dx dw XX7 ~'TXX д д дх ' dw Хя = 2x — + Зи> — X9 = t2— + tw д д — + tw — dt dw 4. F(wrr) = ewrr1/3. XX' ^ XX д d дх dw X8 = 2x-—h w—, X9 = x2-—h wx—. d d h WX dx dw 5. F(wxx) = s \n(wxx). д d Xo =x et2—. ox dw Here e = + 1, and m is an arbitrary constant. 12.4.4. SEQUENCE (W)-(V)-(U) OF NONLINEAR WAVE EQUATIONS (W): \wtt=F(wxx) Wr = V (V): (U): k, = 9{vx)vxx\ vx = u 1 u„ -- = (<P(U)Ux)x
216 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 connected by the Backlund transformations wx = u, vx = u, where F(£) =f<p(£)d£. CLASSIFICATION (QUASI-LOCAL SYMMETRIES ASSOCIATED WITH LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Baikov and Gazizov [1989]) (See also Sections 12.4.1-12.4.3.) Equivalence Transformations (W) t'= axt + a2, x'= ргх + p2, W = yxw + y2tx + y3x2 + y4x + y5t2 + y6t + y7, У\ 27s F' = — F + —-• 2 2 ' «г «г (V) ^ = «^ + «2, *' = (3{X + fi2, v' = ^ГЧг^ + У2* + 2Уз* + У4)> ^ = Э?«Г V; (U) t'= axt + а2, х'= рхх + Р2, uf = p-2(7lu + 2y3), <p' =p2ai2cp. Here ah /3,, and у. are arbitrary constants, афхух Ф 0. Classification Result For arbitrary F(£) and <p(£) = F'(£), the quasilocal symmetries of the equations of the (WMVMU) sequence are Lie algebras of point symmetries spanned by the following: (W) (V) (U) д 1 dt9 д z5 = r—, dw д 1 dt д 5 dt *i = > + д it д dx д Ze = t— + x 6 dt д dx д д — + и —; dx dv д > *2 — дх z3 = д д dw ' д — + 2и>—, дх dw Y3 > д = ^' д x3 = t— 3 dt з Z*=Xiw~> д Zl = tX~dw~' д Y4 = f—, dv д + x—. дх
Wave Equations 217 They extend to the following cases: 1. F(0 = e exp(f), <рЦ) = e exp(£), e = ± 1. Я Я (W) Z8 = x— + (2w + x2)— dx dw (V) Y6 = x— + (v + 2x) — dx dv (U) Z4=*— +2— OX OU 2. F(0 = еГ, <РШ = sa^~\ e = +1, а Ф 0, -3, - f a 2o- a (W) Z8 = x— + -w— dx a — 1 dw a 0-+1 a (v) y6 = ^^ + гут- dx a — I ov d 2д (U) X4=x— + -w — ox a — I ou 2'. Hf) = eC1/3, <рШ = ~ \еГ*/3, е=+\ d w d d д (W) Z8 = x 1 , Z9 = x2 1- xiv — dx 2 dw dx dw (V) Y6=x d v d dx 2 dv ' аза d d (U) *4=*^ ^W^~> *5=*2^ 3XW — dx 2 dw dx dw 2". F(0 = еГ\ <рф = -ЗеГ4, е = =F1. d 3w d d d ,— + , Zn = Г2— + tW dx 2 du dt dw dud d d .— + , У7 = t2 — + tv — dx 2 dv dt dv dud d d , X; = t2— + tu dx 2 du dt du (W) Z8=x— + — —, Z9 = r2— + m>: (V) ^6=*— + 77—> У1 = *2— +tV~ (U) X4=x , X5 = t2— +tu-
218 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 3. FU) = elnt,<p(t) = sCl- (W) Zs=x—-st2— ox ow (V) Y6=x—-u — ox ov (U) X4=x—-2u — OX OU Remark. Gray screened operator in Case 2! is the operator of quasilocal symmetry with nonlocal variable w, satisfying the equations w* = *>> Wtt = F(Vx)' 12.5. TWO-DIMENSIONAL LINEAR WAVE EQUATION "« - Uxx -Uyy = ° LIE POINT SYMMETRIES Xl~ dt' *2~ dx> *3~ dy> а а а д д ХА = t Ь х \- у —, X* = у х—, 4 dt дх ду9 5 дх ду X. = х— + t—, Хп = у— + t—, 6 dt дх 7 dt ду' д д д д Xs = (f2+x2 + y2)- +2tt— + 2/у — ~tu — 9 ' dt дх ду ди д 1 д д д Х9 = tx— + -it2 + x2 - у2)— + ху- хи —, 9 dt 2v ; a* ay ^w a a i a a ar a* 2v ay aw *n =u — , XQO= e(t,x,y) — 9 ди ди where 0(r, x, y) is an arbitrary function satisfying the equation вц = вхх + вуу.
Wave Equations 219 LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES The following recursion operators can be obtained from the preceding generators of point symmetries when these generators are rewritten as canonical Lie-Backlund operators (Olver [1986]): L{=Dn L2 = DX, L3 = Dy, LA = tDt+xDx+yDy, L5 =yDx-xDy, L6 = xDt + tDx, L7=yDt + tDy, L8 = (t2 + x2 + y2) Dt + 2txDx + 2tyDy + t. L9 = txDt + \{t2 + x2 - y2) Dx + xyDy + \x, L10 = tyDt + xyDx + \{t2 - x2 + y2) Dy + \y. The coordinates of Lie-Backlund operators are obtained by the actions of these recursion operators to u. For example, L\u = utit, LxL\u = utxx, L\u = uxxx, L2L5L2u = -yuxxx + xuxxy + uxy, (L2L5L3 - \D2X - \D2)u = -yuxxy +xuxyy - \uxx + \uyy, L2L6L2u = xutxx + tuxxx + utx, Li{Ls + ^)L2U = tutxx + *"*** + Уихху + |ихх, L6L2L6u = x2utxx + 2йги,хх + t2uxxx + xw„ + 2tutx + хихх, L2L8L2u = (t2 + x2 + y2)w,xx + 2*шххх + 2tyuxxy + 2xw„ + 3tuxx. Recursion operators generate (2p + l)(2p + 2)(2/? + 3)/6 independent Lie-Backlund symmetries of pth order (Delong [1982]). CONSERVATION LAWS The equation has the Lagrangian L = \{u]-u\-u2y). The following list gives the coordinates of Lie-Backlund operators and coordinates of corresponding conservation laws D,(C) + DX(C) + Dy(C>) = 0,
220 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 respectively: 1. ut; С = -|(w,2 + u2x + w2), Cx = u(ux, Cy = utuy 2. ux; С = -utux, Cx = \{u] + u2x- u2y), Cy = uxuy 3. uy\ С1 = -utuy, Cx = uxuy, Cy = \{u] -u2x + u2y) 4. tut + xux + yuy + \u\ С = t(u2 + u2x + u2\ — uut — 2xutux - 2yutuy, Cy = -(u2 - u2x - u2y) + uyy- + tut +xux + yuy} 5. -ywx + xu ; С = -yutux + xutuy, (u2 — u2 — i 2 у Cx = -^{u2-u2x- u2y) +ux(yux-xuy), X СУ = ~ тК 'и2' Ul) + иу(УЫх - XUy) 6. xut + tux; С = --(u2 + u2x + u2y) -tutux, t 7. yut + tuy\ Cx = ~(u2 + u2x- u2y) + xutux, Cy = xutux + tuxuy у С1 = ~^(u2 + "* + u2y) - tutuy, Cx =yutux + yuxuy, Cy = -{u2t-u2x + u2y) +yutuy
Wave Equations 221 8. (t2 + x2 + y2)ut + 2txux + 2tyuy + tu\ C=-l(t2 + x2 + y2)(u2 + u2x + u2y) + \u2 — tut{u + 2xux + 2yuy), Cx = tx[u2 + u\- w2) + ux[tu + (t2 + x2 + y2)ut + 2tyuy\, Cy = ty[u] -U2X + U2y) + Hy[fM + (t2 + X2 + y2)w, + 2*ШХ] 9. 2/xw, + (t2 + x2 — y2)ux + 2xywy + xu; С = -tx[u2 + u2 + u2y) - ut[xu + (t2 + x2 - y2)ux + 2xywy], C*=\(t2+x2-y2)(u2t+u2x-u2y) — \u2 + ux(2txut + 2xywy + xw), Cy = xy(w,2 - w2 + w2) + wy[xw + 2йш, + (t2 + x2 - y2)ux] 10. 2tyut + 2хуг^ + (Г2 - x2 + y2)uy + yu; С = -ty[u2 + u2x + u2y) - ut[yu + 2xywx + (t2 - x2 + y2)wy], Cx = xy(u2 + u2x- u2) + uy[2tyut + (t2 - x2 + y2)wy + yw], C^ = I(/2-x2+y2)(W2-^ + ^) - ^w2 + uy{2tyut + 2xywy + yw) И. w,„; 12. и,хх; ^' Uxxx> С = \(uj, + u]x + u%) С = \(u2tx + u2xx + u2xy) c' = u,xuxx 14- -Wxxx + XUxxV + "x С = u,x( -yuxx + xuxy) 15. — yuxxy + XUxyy — 2Uxx + 2Uyy> С = uxx(yuty + \ut) - uyy(xutx + \ut)
222 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 16. xutxx + tuxxx + ulx; С = jx(u*x + u2xx + u2xy) + tu,xuxx 17. tulxx + xuxxx + yuxxy + \uxx; С = xu,xuxx + yulyuxx + \u,uxx + \t{u2x + u2xx + u2xy) 18. x2uux + 2txutxx + t2uxxx + xu„ + 2tulx + xuxx; C'=\{t2 + x2)(u2x+uxx + uxy) + \u2y + t(2xu„ulx- uyu,y) 19. (f2 + x2 + y2)ulxx + 2txuxxx + 2tyuxxy + 2xu,x + 3tuxx; C' = -2(t2+x2 + y2)(ul + u2xx + u2xy)+u2x + 2t(™tx»xx + yUtyUxx + \^tUxx) 12.6. TWO-DIMENSIONAL NONLINEAR WAVE EQUATIONS "// = (f(U)Ux)x + {S{u)uy)y CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Baikov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1990], [1991]) Equivalence Transformations u' = au + b, t' = ct + d, x' = Ix + m, y' = ny + q, where a, b, c, d, I, ra, n, and q are arbitrary constants acln Ф 0. Classification Result I. For arbitrary f(u) = d^iu), g(u) = 82<p(u), the symmetry Lie algebra is five-dimensional and is spanned by д д д *1=^' X2=Tx> *3=V д д д д д хл = t— +х— + у—, х. = 82у 8Х х—. 4 dt дх ду' 5 2 дх 1 ду
Wave Equations 223 The algebra extends in the following cases: 1.1. f(u) = 8{eu, g(u) = 82eu. д д д X6 = x— + y— + 2 — 6 дх ду ди 1.2. f(u) = 8хиа, g(u) = 82ua. д д 2и д X6 = X + у + дх ду а ди 1.3. f(u) = 8xu~4, g(u) = 82и~4. д д и д д д Х6 =Х +у — , Х7 = t1— + Ш дх ду 2 ди dt ди 1.4. f(u) = 8xu-\ g(u) = 82u-\ д д д Х6 = х \- у 2и —, дх ду ди д д д Хж = а1(х,у)— +а2(х,у)- 2иа\(х, у) —, ох оу ои where al(x, у) and a2(x, у) are arbitrary functions satisfying the equations a\(x, y) = a2y(x, y), aly(x, y) = -8x82a2x(x, y). II. For arbitrary f(u) and (gu), the symmetry Lie algebra is four-dimensional and is spanned by д д д д д д х, = —, Х7 =—, х,= —, xA = t— +х—+у—. 1 dt 2 дх ду' 4 dt дх ду The algebra extends in the following cases: II.l. f(u) = 8V g(u) is an arbitrary function. д д X5 = 8гх— + t — 5 l dt дх
224 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 11.2. f{u) = 8V g(u) = 82e\ д д д д X. = 8.x— + t—, X. =у— + 2—, 5 l dt дх 6 ду ди д д й X00 = al(t,x) — + a2(r,x) — -2a](t,x) — , дх ду ди where а1(х, у) and a2(x, у) are arbitrary functions satisfying the equations a](t, x) = a2{t, x), a\{t, x) = 8га2и, х). 11.3. f{u) = 8U g(u) = 82u\ д д д 2и д X* = 8}x— + t —, Хв = у— + 5 x dt дх 6 ду у ди НА. f(u) = 8l9 g(u) = 82u~A/\ д д д 3 д X* = 8}х — + t —, X* = у —и — , 5 l dt дх 6 ду 2 ди д д Х7 = у2—-3уи — ду ди 11.5. Дм) = 8хеи, g(u) = 82еки. д д д Х5 =х— + ку— + 2— дх ду ди 11.6. Дм) = дхиа, g(u) = 82иу. д д д Х5 = ах Ь у у V 2и — дх ду ди Неге 515 82 = +1, and <х, у, and к are arbitrary constants. EXACT SOLUTIONS (Baikov [1990]) -■-£),♦£),
Wave Equations 225 Consider the subalgebra (X4 - X6, Хж), where X4-X6 = t-+2u-, Xm = a\t,x) — +a2(t,x)- 2a\u —, дх ду ди a\ = a], a\ = -a2x. (A) Consider the example when System A has the partial solution a1 = e*cos y, a2 = ex sin y. In this case the invariants of the subalgebra (X4 - X6> *J are Ix ue sin у the corresponding solution has the form u(t,x, y) = tzv(X)e , A = sin у when l>(A) is defined from the equation e) + 2—A3 - 2v = 0. A V After the substitution v(\) = 2ev^\ A = l//z, the last equation assumes the form u^ = eu. The invariant solution is then reduced to the following three-parameter family: u(t,x9y) u(t,x,y) u(t,x,y) v2 ' (sin у + C2ex) C\t2 ехр(С1(е_д: sin у + C2)) e2x[l - exp(C1(g"j:siny + C2))]2' Cft 2,2 Г 4e 2x tan' Cx I sin у + С, + 1 where C\ and C2 are arbitrary constants.
226 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 12.7. THREE-DIMENSIONAL LINEAR WAVE EQUATION Utt ~ Uxx - Uyy -»zz = Q LIE POINT SYMMETRIES д d д д 1 dt 2 дх ду' 4 dz д д д д д д Хг = t \г х \- у V z —, Х*= у х —, 5 dt дх ду dz' 6 У дх ду' д д д д Хп = z х —, Хо = z у —, 7 дх dz 8 dy dz d d d d d d xg=x—+t—, xl0 = y— +t—, xu=z—+t—, 9 dt dx 10 dt dy n dt dz l d d d d d Xl2 = -(t2 + x2 +y2 + z2) — + tx— + ty— + tz tu—, 12 2v Jdt dx dy dz du 3 l о о о о д д д д Хх% = tx— + -It2 + х2 - у2 - z2)— + ху— +xz хи — 13 dt 2V ' } dx У dy dz du д д 1 d d d xu = tyv< + д^;г + ^(t2~x2 + y2-z2)^ +yz^ -yu^ dt dx 2 / dy dz du d d d 1 o o o o d d Z15 = tz— + xz— +yz— + -it2 - x2 -y2 + z2) zu — 15 dt dx dy 2v ;<9z Зи d d Xl6 = u — , X00 = @(t,x,y,z) — , du du where 00, x, y, z) is an arbitrary function satisfying the equation 0=0 +0 +0 ^tt ^xx ~ ^yy ' ^zz- LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES The following recursion operators can be obtained from the preceding generators of point symmetries when these generators are rewritten as
Wave Equations 111 canonical Lie-Backlund operators (Olver [1986]): L,=D„ L2 = DX, L3 = Dy, L4 = DZ, L5 = tDt 4 xDx 4 yDy 4 zDz, L6 = yDx- xDy, L7 = zDx - xDz, L8 = zDy - yDz, L9 = xDt 4- tDx, L10 = yDt 4 tDy, Lu = z Д 4- rZ)z, Li2 = \{*2 + *2 + У2 + z2) £>, 4 txDx 4 /y£>y + tzDz 4 f, L13 = txDt 4 ^(r2 4 x2 - y2 - z2) D, 4 xyDy 4 xzD2 4 x, L14 = fy D, 4 xyDx 4 |(r2 - x2 4 y2 - z2) Dy 4 yzZ)z 4- y, L15 = fzD, 4 jczD, 4 yzDy 4 ^(r2 - x2 - y2 4 z2) Dz 4 z. The coordinates of Lie-Backlund operators are obtained by the actions of these recursion operators on u. CONSERVATION LAWS (Baikov [1992]) The equation has the Lagrangian L = \(u2 - u\- u) - u\). The following list gives the coordinates of Lie-Backlund operators and coordinates of corresponding conservation laws D,(C) 4 CX(CX) 4 Dy(Cy) 4 DZ(C*) = 0, respectively: 1. ut; С = -\{u2t 4 w2 4 w2 4 w2), C* = utux, Cy = w,wy, Cz = w,wz. 2. Wjc; С = -utux, Cx = \{u] 4 w2 - w2 - w2), Cy = и^иу, Cz = uxuz.
228 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 3. uy\ С = -utuy, Cx = uxuy, 4. u- Cy=\{u2t-u2x + u2y-u2z\ Cz = uyuz. С = — utuz, Cx = uxuz, Cy = uyuz, Cz = \{u] -u2x-u2y + u\) 5. tut + xux 4- yu + zw2 H- w; С = — —t(u2 + u2x + u2y + u2z\ — uut — xutux — yutuy — zutuz, X Cx = —(u2 + u2x- u2y - и2Л + uux + й*,ил 4- уихиу 4- zuxuz, у Cy = —[u2 - u2x + u2 — wz) 4- wwy 4- ta,wy 4- xw^Wy 4- zuyuz, z Cz = — (u2 — u2x — u2 4- wz) + wwz + tutuz 4- xwA.wz 4- ywywz 6. yw^ -xw ; 7. zw^ - xw,; С = —yutux 4- xutuy, у Cx = 2 (и? + "x - "у - «z) ~xuxuy, X Cy = --{u2t-u2x + u2y- u\) 4- yuxuy9 Cz = yuxuz — xuyuz С = -zutux 4- xutuz, Cx = ~(u2 + u2x-u2y -u\) -xuxuz, Cy = zuxuy - xuyuz, Cz = - -(и? - u2x - u2y 4- и*) 4- zw,w2
Wave Equations 229 8. zuv - yu- 9. xut + tux; 10. yut + tay; С = -zutuy + yw,w2, C* = zw^Wy — yuxuz, z C2= -^(ы2-и2-ы2 + ы2)+2ыуы2 C' = --(и? + u2x + u2y + u2z) - tutux9 Cx = ~(u2 + u2x- u2- u2z) + xutux, Cy = xutuy + tuxuy, Cz = jtM,w2 + toxwz С = - -(w2 + u\ + w2 + w2) - ta,wy, C* = yutux + tuxuy, Cy = -(w2 - w2 + w2 - u2z) + yw,wy, Cz = yw,w2 H- Ш w2 11. zut + tuz\ С = - -[и2 + u2x + и2 + w2) - tutuz, Cx = zutux + tuxuz, Cy = zw,wy 4- tuyuz, Cz = —(u2 - u2x - u2 + u2z\ + zutuz
230 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 12. \(t2 + x2 + y2 + z2)u, + txux + tyuy + tzuz + tu; С = -\{t2 +x2+y2+ z2)(u2 + u2x + u2y + u2z) u2 - tuut — txutux — tyutuy — tzutuz 4 , Cx = \tx[u2 + u\ — u2y — w2) 4- tuux 4 \{t2 4- x2 4 y2 4- z2)utux 4- tyuxuy 4- tzuxuz, Cy = \ty[u] - u2x + u2y- u2z) 4- tuUy 4 \(t2 4- x2 4 y2 4- z2)utuy 4- txuxuy 4- tzuyuz, Cz = ^z(w2 - w2 - w2 4- w2) 4- йш2 4-|(f2 4- x2 4- y2 4 z2)utuz 4- rxwjcw2 4- ty"yw2 13. /xw, + \{t2 + x2 — y2 — z2)ux 4- xywy 4- xzwz 4- xu; С = - \tx[u2 + u2x + u2y + u\) - xuut — \{t2 4-х2 —y2 — z2)utux — xyutUy 4- xzutuz, C* = \{t2 + x2-y2- z2)(u2 + u\-u\- u2z) u2 4- xuux 4- txutux 4- xyuxuy 4- xzw^w., —, Cy = —xy[u2t - u2x 4- u2 - w2) 4- хшгу 4- txutuy + —(t2 + x2 — y2 — z2)uxuy 4- xzuyuz, Cz = —xz(u2 - u2x - u2 4- w2) 4- xuuz 4- fxw,w2 4- -(t2 4-х2 - y2 - z2)uxuz 4- xywywz
Wave Equations 14. tyut + xyux + ^(^2 — x2 4- y2 — z2)uy 4- yzwz 4- yw; С = ty[u2 + u2x + u2 + u2^ - yuut — —{t2 — x2 4- y2 — z2)utuy — xyutux 4- yzutuz, Cx = —xy(u2 + u2x- u2y - и2Л + уии^ 4- tyutux + -(r2 -x2 +y2 - z2)uxuy +yzuxuz, Су = -(t2 - x2 + y2 - z2)(u2 -u2x + u2y- u\) u2 4- yuUy 4- *yw,"y 4- xyuxuy 4- yzuyuz —, CZ = 2^Z(M? " Wx - "y + Wz) + Уииг + ^W/Wz 4- -(r2 - x2 4- y2 - z2)wyw2 4- Jtyw^w., If,2 _ v-2 _ „2 , ^2Л 15. tew, 4- xzux 4- yzwy 4- -^t — x — у 4- z )wz 4- zw; 1 fz(w2 4- w? 4- ul 4- w?) - zww, С = - -te(w2 4- u\ 4- w2 4- w2) — — {t2 — x2 — y2 4- z2)utuz — yzutuy 4- xzutux, Cx = —xz(u2 + u2x- u2 - u2z\ 4- zww^ 4- fzw,^ 4—(r2 — x2 — y2 4- z2)uxuz 4- yzw^Wy, Cy = —yz[u2 - u2 + u2 - w2) 4- zwwy 4- rzw,wy 4- -(r2 - x2 - y2 4- z2)uyuz 4- xzuxuy, C* = -(t2 - x2 - y2 + z2)(w2 - w2 - w2 + w2) 4 4- zww2 4- tzutuz 4- yzuyuz 4- xzuxuz u2
232 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 12.8. THREE-DIMENSIONAL NONLINEAR WAVE EQUATIONS и« = (/(u)ux)x + {s(u)uy)y 4 (h(u)uz)z CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Baikov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1990], [1991]) Equivalence Transformations u' = au 4 b, t' = ct 4 d, x' = be 4 m, y' =ny+q, z'=pz + r, where a, b, c, d, /, m, n, q, p, and r are arbitrary constants, aclnp Ф 0. Classification Result I. For /(w) = 5j<p(w), g(w) = 82cp(u), h(u) = 83cp(u), and arbitrary <p(w), the symmetry Lie algebra is eight-dimensional and is spanned by д д д д Х\ = —, Х2 = —, А'з = —, А^4 = -—, дГ дх ду dz д д д д д д Xc = t Ь х V у V z —, X. = 8?у 8хх—, 5 dt дх ду dz 6 2 дх 1 ду' д д д д Хп = 8^z— — 5,jc—, Х„ = 8^z— — 8?у—. 7 3 дх х dz 8 3 ду 2У dz The algebra extends in the following cases: 1.1. f(u) = 8xe\ g(u) = 82e\ h(u) = 83eu. д д д д Х9 = х— 4 у— 4- z— 4- 2 — дх ду dz ди 1.2. /(и) = V, g(u) = 82иа, h(u) = 83иа. д д д 2и д Х9 = х \- у V z 1 дх ду dz а ди 1.3. f{u) = 5jW-4, g{u) = 82и~4, h(u) = 83и~4. д д д U д
Wave Equations 233 1.4. /(и) = 8lu~4/\ g(u) = 82u~4/\ h(u) = 83u~4/3. d d д 5 д Х9 = х \-у Yz — и —, дх ду dz 2 ди 1 д д д 5 д Хю = ^(х2 - S\52y2 - 8,83z2) — + ху— + xz- -zxu — , 10 2v l 2 ] 3 J дх ду dz 2 ди д 1 д д 5 д Хлл = ху 1 (у2 — 8,87х2 — 8?8.z2) V yz yu —, 11 дх 2уУ 1 2 2 3 ) ду dz 2 ди д д д 5 д Х}7 = xz Ь yz Ь (z2 - 8,8.x2 - 8283у2) — zu — 12 дх ду v l 3 2 3 } dz 2 ди II. For f(u) = 8х(р(и), g(u) = 82(p(u), and arbitrary q>(u) and h(u), the symmetry Lie algebra is six-dimensional and is spanned by д д д д Xl = 7t> Xl=Tx> Хъ=Ту' x^Tz' д д д д д д dt дх ду dz дх ду The algebra extends in the following cases: ILL f(u) = 8xeu, g(u) = 82eu, h(u) = 83eku. д д д д Хп = х— + у— + kz— 4- 2 — дх ду dz du П.2. f(u) = 8xuv, g(u) = 82uu, h(u) = 83uy. d d d d X7 = vx— + vy 1- yz 1- 2w — dx dy dz du H.3. f(u) = 8гср(и), g(u) = 82(p(u), h(u) = 83. II.4. f(u) = 8xuv, g(u) = 82uv, h(u) = 83. d d 2 d
CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 11.5. /(«) = 8xu \ g(u) = 82u \ h(u) = 83. d d X7 = 8,z — + t — , 7 3 dt dz д д д Xoa = a\x,y) — + a2(x,y)- 2alx(x, y)u —, ox dy du where al(x, y) and a2(x, y) are arbitrary functions satisfying the equations a\ = a2, 8xa2x = -82a\. 11.6. f(u) = 8xe\ g(u) = 82eu, h(u) = 83. д д д X7 = x— +y— + 2—, дх ду ди г) г) г) XO0 = a1(t,z) — + a2(f,z) — -2a](t,z) — , dt dz du where al(t, z) and a2(t, z) are arbitrary functions satisfying the equations a) = a2, a2 = 8ъа\. H.7. f(u) = 8V g(u) = 82, h(u) arbitrary. d d д д Хп = 8}х— + t—, Хо = 82у— + t — 7 l dt дх 8 2 dt ду П.8. /(и) = 8„ g(w) = S2, А(м) = 8ъиу. д д д д д 2 д — + —и — dz у ди П.9. /(и) = Sp g(n) = 82, Мм) = S3w4. лг7 = s,jc— + t—, Хо = 82у— + г—, 7 * df ал: 8 2 dt ду д ид Х9 = Z— + , dz 2 ди д д д д Xl0 = (t2 + 8хх2 + 82у2)- + 2tx— + 2ty— - tu — , v / dt dx dy du d \ d d 1 d x\\ = tx— + -(8xt2 + x2 - 8l82y2)—- +xy- -хм-, dt 2 ч J dx dy 2 du d d i а l а X9 = z- 1 u-
Wave Equations 235 11.10. f(u) = 8X, g(u) = 82, h(u) = 83u~4/3. d d д д Х7 = 8хх- + t — , Xs = 82у- + t—, dt dx dt dy д 3 д д д Xq = z — и—, Xw = z2 Зги — 9 dz 2 ди 10 dz ди 11.11. /(и) = 51? g(n) = 52, й(и) = 83ем. а а д д Х7 = 8хх- 4- t—, Xs = S2y- + t—, dt дх dt ду д д X9=z— 4- 2— dz dw III. For arbitrary f(u), g(u), and /i(w), the symmetry Lie algebra is five- dimensional and is spanned by X\ — , X2 — , X3 — ^ , A, д д д д Х5 = t— + х— + у— 4z—. 5 dt дх ду dz The algebra extends in the following cases: 111.1. f(u) = 8U g(u) and h(u) arbitrary. д д X6 = 8.x— 4- t— 6 x dt дх 111.2. /(и) = 8V g(u) = 82eu, h(u) = 83eku. д д д д д Х6 = 8<х— 4 t—, Хп =у— 4- kz— 4- 2 — 6 l dt dx dy dz du 111.3. /(и) = Sx, g(w) = 82u\ h(u) = 83uy. Xe = 8}x— 4 Г—, X- = vy— 4- yz— 4- 2u — 6 l dt dx ' dy r dz du VIA. f(u) = 8xeu, g(u) = 82ek>u, h(u) = 83ek*u. X6 = x h kxy h k2z h 2 — dx dy dz du
236 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I III.5. f(u) = 8xua, g(u) = 82u\ h(u) = 83uy. д д д д Хь = ах Ь vy V yz h 2u — дх ду dz ди Неге 8Х, 82,83 = +1, and a, v, у, к, к}, and k2 are arbitrary constants. 12.9. LINEAR WAVE EQUATIONS WITH DISSIPATION 12.9.1. ONE-DIMENSIONAL CASE utt + ut = uxx LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Baikov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1987], [1988a]) 1 д dt9 "2 dx' ~3 ~ dt ' * dx 2*"du Л.^ — , Л.2 — j ^з — X ^ ~\~ t ^ ~XU ^ , x4 = u—, xQO = e(t,x) — , ди ди where 0(t, x) is an arbitrary solution of the equation 0tt + St = 0XX. LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES Recursion operators L, = D„ L2 = DX The coordinates of Lie-Backlund operators are obtained by the actions of these recursion operators on u. CONSERVATION LAWS The equation has the Lagrangian The right and left columns of the following list give the infinitesimal operators and the coordinates of the corresponding conservation laws Z),(C')+D,(C*)=0,
Wave Equations 237 respectively: д 1 / 1 \ 1. *=^; C<= --е'(и2 + и2х + ии(), Сх = е<\и(их + -uuxj д 1 2. X=—; С'=-е<и(их, Сх= -е'(и1 + и2х) Remark. The equation utt + ut = «^ is transformed to the equation vtt vxx + ^ by the transformation и = e~t/2v. 12.9.2. TWO-DIMENSIONAL CASE utt + ut- uxx - uyy = 0 LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Baikov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1990], [1991]) Xl~ аГ Хг~ дх> д д д X3=—, Х4=У- x—, ду дх ду д д хи д д д уи д — + t , Х6 = у— + t , dt дх 2 ди dt ду 2 ди Х7 = и — , Xao = @(t,x,y) — , ди ди where ®(t, x, у) is an arbitrary solution of the equation © + © = © + © LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES The following recursion operators can be obtained from the preceding generators of point symmetries when these generators are rewritten as canonical Lie-Backlund operators (Olver [1986]): Lx=Dn L2 = DX, L3 = Dy, L4=yDx-xDy, L5 = xDt + tDx + \xy L6 = yDt + tDy + \y. The coordinates of Lie-Backlund operators are obtained by the actions of these recursion operators on u.
238 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 CONSERVA TION LA WS The equation has the Lagrangian L = {e'(u*-u\-u\). The following list gives the coordinates of Lie-Backlund operators and coordinates of corresponding conservation laws D,(C) + DX(C*) + Dy(C>) = 0, respectively: 1. ut\ С = -\е\и] + и\ + и]) - \uute\ Cx = elutux + \eluux, Cy = e*utuy + \eluuy 2. ux\ С = -e'utux, Cx = \el{u] + u\- u]) Cy = eluxuy 3. uy\ С = e'utuy9 Cx = -e'uxuy, Cy = \г\и] -и\- u2y) 4. yux - xuy\ С = erut(-yux + xuy), Cx = е'[\у(и2 -u\- u2y) - ux{xuy - yux)\, Су = e\-\x{u2t -u\- u2y) - uy( -yux + xuy)\ 5. xut + tux + \xu\ С = - \е1\х(и2 + u\ + w2,) + 2tutux + xuut], Cx = je'[t(u* + u2x — u2} + 2xutux + xuux — {w2], Cy = e{(xutuy + tuxuy + \xuuy}
Wave Equations 239 6. yut + tux + \yu\ С1 = -\е1[у(и* + u2x + u]) + 2ta,wy +yuut], Cx = e*(yutux + tuxuy + ^yuux), Cy = \el[t(u2 - u\ + My) + 2yutuy + ywwy - ^w Remark. The equation !„2 M„ + И, " Ихх " Myy = 0 is transformed to the equation »tt ~ vxx -vyy- \v = 0 by the point transformation u = e't/2v. 12.9.3. THREE-DIMENSIONAL CASE utt + ug- uxx - uyy -uzz = 0 LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Baikov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1990], [1991]) д d д д Тг Хг = Тх' *3=з? x^Tz д д д д д д Х5 = у х—, Х6 = z х—, Х7 = z у—, дх ду дх dz ду dz д д \ д д д \ д Хо = X \~ t XU , Ха = у — + t — УЫ , 8 dt дх 2 ди 9 dt ду 2 du д did ХлП = z Ь t — zu —, 10 dt dz 2 du d d Xn = u — , X^ = ®(t,x,y,z) — , du du where &(t, x, y, z) is an arbitrary solution of the equation в + в = в +(h) + (h) \Jtt -r \Jt \jxx -r \jyy -r w2z.
240 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES The following recursion operators can be obtained from the preceding generators of point symmetries when these generators are rewritten as canonical Lie-Backlund operators (Olver [1986]): L}=DI9 L2 = DX, L3=Dy, L4 = DZ, L5=yDx-xDy, L6 =zDx -xDz, L7 = zDy -yDz, L8 = xDt + tDx + \x, L9=yD, + tDy + \y, Lm = zDt + tDz + \z. The coordinates of Lie-Backlund operators are obtained by the actions of these recursion operators on u. CONSERVATION LAWS The equation has the Lagrangian L = \e\u2t-u2x-u2-u\). The following list gives the coordinates of Lie-Backlund operators and coordinates of corresponding conservation laws Dt{C) + DX{CX) + Dy(Cy) + DZ(CZ) = 0, respectively: 1. ut\ С = - —е1{иг + ux + u2y + u2z} - —eluun I UUt\ I UUv\ C* = e*\utux + — , СУ = e'\[utuy + -f), / uuz \ C* = e-[u,u2+-f} 2. u- С = -e'u,ux, Cx = \e'{u2t + u2x - u2y - u2z), Cy = e'uxuy, Cz = e'uxuz
гп*тгд + (*я + {п - \п - г'я);з = zj гп*пА,9 - (\п -{п + \п- г'я),Д = ,D 2 iZnxn6}9 - *ПхП2}д = XJ iZnltl6}9 + *П}П2гд- = jj \znti - *т т, znxn2Jd 4 (*я + {п - *я - г'я),э = ZJ с2п*пх,э — *пхтгд = tj iZnXnXj9 - (*Я - £я - ХгП 4 zn)jd~ = *3 iZnlnx}d 4. xn'nZj9— = jj znl{nXjd — znxn£}d = z3 !^77Jf — ХП2 *9 •y апхпА,э + (*я - £я 4- \n - ггп)гэ- - = &Э ипхпх}э — (*я - zn — xzn 4- }zY\)}d— = гэ '^n'nXjd 4- хп1п£гд- = }j (zzn + *zn-xzn- 1гп)гэ\ = zj iZn*n}9 = &j iZnxnjd = xj '2п*п,э- = jj {nx - XM *g \zn p гп*пгд = zj l(zzn -*n + *n- ггп)гэ\ = <j апхп,э = XJ anJfl}9- = }J \*П •£ \fl suopvnbg dciVM
242 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 8. xut 4 tux + \xu\ x 1 С = — —e'(u2 + u2x + u2y + u2z\ elxuut — eltutux, t 1 1 Cx = —e'(u2 + u2 — u2y — u2\ 4 —elxuux 4- elxutux e'w2, Cy = — elxuuy 4- elxutuy + eltuxuy, 1 C2 = —elxuuz + elxutuz 4- eltuxuz 9. ум, + ta 4- ^yw; У 1 С = е'(и? + ux + uj + w2) - -elyuut - eltutuy, Cy = —e'(u2 - u2x -\- u2 - и2Л H elyuuy + elyutuy - —e'u2, Cz = —elyuuz 4- elyutuz 4- eltuyuz 10. zw, 4- taz 4- {zw; z 1 С = e'(w2 + u2x + u2 + u2z\ e*zuut - eltutuz, 1 C* = —elzuuY 4- elzutuY 4- e'tuYu7J 2 Cy = —elzuuy 4- elzutuy 4- e'tuyuz, t 1 1 C2 = —el[u2t - u2 - u2 4- w2) 4- —elzuuz 4- elzutuz e'w2 Remark. The equation w„ 4- w, - w^ - wyy - w22 = 0 is transformed to y// ~~ yjfx ~ ^yy — ^zz ~~ iy = 0 by the point transformation w = e~'/2t;.
Wave Equations 243 12.10. NONLINEAR WAVE EQUATIONS WITH DISSIPATION 12.10.1. ONE-DIMENSIONAL CASE utt + <p(u)ut = (f{u)ux)x CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Baikov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1988b], [1988c]) Equivalence Transformations u' = au + b, t' = ct + d, x' = be + m, where a, b, c, d, I, and m are arbitrary constants, acl Ф 0. Classification Result For arbitrary f(u) and <p(u)y the symmetry Lie algebra is two-dimensional and is spanned by д д x^Jt' Xl=Yx' The algebra extends in the following cases: I. f(u) = 1. 1.1. <p(u) = u. 1.2. <p(u) = ua. 1.3. <p(u) = eu. II. f(u) = кеи, к = +1 ILL <p(u) = 1. X3 = t \- x и — dt дх ди X, = t— + x- д ид dt дх а ди д д д Х2 = t— + х dt дх ди Х3 =Х— + 2 дх ди
244 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 II.2. <p(u) = eku. д ( 1 \ д Id X2 = t— + 1 \x 3 dt \ 2k J дх к ди III. f(u) = киа, к = + 1. 111.1. <p(u) = 1. д 2d X3 = x 1 и — дх а ди 111.2. <p(u) = u\ д 2v — а д ид X* = t— + — x- L3 dt 2v дх v ди IV. /(и) = KM"4/3, к = +1. IV.1. <р(и) = 1. аза д д Х2 = х— — —и —, Хл = х2 Ъхи — дх 2 ди дх ди IV.2. <р(и) = и". д 2 + Ъу д ид X, = t— + — х- dt Ъу дх V ди V. /(и) = ки~\ к = + 1. V.l. <р(и) = и". а а д X, = vt— + (v + 2)jc и — Here о-, ^ and k are arbitrary constants. 12.10.2. TWO-DIMENSIONAL CASE CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Baikov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1990], [1991]) Equivalence Transformations u' = au + b, t' = ct + d, x' = be + m, y' = ny + q, where a, b, c, d, I, m, n, and q are arbitrary constants, acln Ф 0.
Wave Equations 245 Classification Result I. For f(u) = 8х<р{и), g(u) = 82<p(u\ and arbitrary <p(u), the symmetry Lie algebra is four-dimensional and is spanned by д д д д д Xi = 77' Х2 = T~i хъ = т~ > Х4 = &2у- 8ixT~' dt дх ду дх ду The algebra extends in the following cases: 1.1. /(и) = 8геи, g(u) = 82e\ д д д X5 = x— + y— + 2— дх ду ди 1.2. /(и) = 8xua, g(u) = 82иа. д д 2и д Х5 = х— + у— + дх ду а ди 1.3. /(и) = 8хи\ g(u) = 82и2. д д д д _ д Х5 = х \- у V и —, Х6 = е ' ие * — дх ду ди dt ди 1.4. f(u) = S^-1, g(u) = 82u~l. д д д Х5 =х \-у 2и —, дх ду ди д д д Х„ = а\х,у)— + а2(х,у)- 2иа1х(х,у) — ох оу ои where ax(x, у) and a2(x, у) are arbitrary functions satisfying the equations a\{x, y) = a2(x, у), а\(х, у) = -8l82a2.(x, у). II. For arbitrary f(u) and g(w), the symmetry Lie algebra is three-dimensional and is spanned by д д д 1 dt дх ду The algebra extends in the following cases: ILL f(u) = 8U g(u) = 82eu. д д X,=y— + 2— ду ди
246 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I II.2. /(m) = S„ g(u) = 82u-4/\ д 2 д д д х*=уТу--ъиТи> х^у2Ту~ЪуиТи 113. /(и) = S^", g(n) = S2eku. д д д Х4 = х— + ку— + 2 — дх ду ди ИЛ. f(u) = V, g(u) = 82и\ д д д Х4 = ах Ь уу Ь 2и — дх ду ди Неге к, a, and у are arbitrary constants, and 5,, 82 = +1. 12.10.3. THREE-DIMENSIONAL CASE Utt + "t= (/(«)«x)x + (*(М)МУ)у + (MWK)2 CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Baikov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1990], [1991]) Equivalence Transformations u' = au + b, t' = ct + d, x' = be + m, y' = ny + q, z' = pz + r, where л, Ь, с, d, /, га, n, #, p, and r are arbitrary constants, aclnp Ф 0. Classification Result I. For /(w) = 8x(p(u), g(u) = 82(p(u), h(u) = 83(p(u), and arbitrary <,p(w), the symmetry Lie algebra is seven-dimensional and is spanned by а д д д Xx = 7r Xl=Tx' Хъ = Уу' Xa=Tz' д д д д дх ду дх dz д д Хп = 83z 89у—. 7 3 ду 1У dz The algebra extends in the following cases: 1.1. f(u) = 8геи, g(u) = 82eu, h(u) = 83eu. д д д д Х8 =х— +у— + z— + 2 — дх ду dz ди
Wave Equations 247 1.2. /(и) = 8xua, g(u) = 82ua, h(u) = 83ua. д д д 2и д Xo = x— 4 у— 4- z— 4 dx dy dz a du 1.3. f(u) = 8xu2, g(u) = 82u2, h(u) = 83u2. д д д д д _ д \-у Yz \-и—, Х9 = е ' е 'и — дх ду dz du dt du 1.4. /(и) = 8хи~А/\ g(u) = 82и~4/\ й(и) = 83и"4/3. д д д 3 д Х8=х \-у \-z — и—, дх ду dz 2 ди 1 д д д 5 д Х9= -(х2 - 8{82у2 - 8{83z2)- +xy- +xz- - -хи-, д 1 д д 5 д хю=хУт- + ^(У2 ~ 8х82х2 - 8283z2) — + yz- тУ" —, дх 2 v ; ду dz 2 ди д д д 5 д Хи = xz ь yz Ь (z2 - 8}8~>х2 - 8?8~>у2) — zu — 11 дх ду v 1 3 2 ъ } dz 2 ди II. For f(u) = 8x(p(u), g(u) = 82<p(u\ and arbitrary h(u) and <p(w), the symmetry Lie algebra is five-dimensional and is spanned by д д д д Vr Xl=Jx~' Хъ=^' X4=Tz> д д Хс = 8?у 8лх—. 5 2У дх х ду The algebra extends in the following cases: 11.1. f(u) = V"> *(") = 82eu, h(u) = 83eku. д д д д Х6 = х— + у— 4 кх— 4 2— дх ду dz du II.2. /(и) = 8xuv, g{u) = 82и\ h{u) = 83и\ d d d d X6 = vx 1- vy V yz V 2u — dx dy dz du
248 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Dijferential Equations, Vol. 1 11.3. f(u) = 8xu \ g(u) = 82u l, h(u) = 83. д д д Xx = al(x, у) 1- a2(x, y) 2a\(x, y)u —, v } dx V Jду хУ У) du where al(x, y) and a2{x, y) are arbitrary functions satisfying the equations a\(x, y) = a2y(x, y), aly(x, y) = -8{82a2(x, y). 11.4. f(u) = 8xeu, g(u) = 82eu, h(u) = 83. д д д Хь = х— -У у— + 2 — дх ду ди 11.5. /(и) = <5„ g(u) = 82, h(u) = «3"~4/3. д 3 д д д X, = z — и —, Хп = z2 Ъги — 6 dz 2 ди 7 дг ди П.6. /(и) = Sl9 g(u) = 82, h(u) = 83еи. Х6 = z— + 2 — 6 dz ди III. For arbitrary /(гД g(u), and h{u), the symmetry Lie algebra is four- dimensional and is spanned by ^1 ~~ rw ' ^2 — n ' ^3 ~~ n > X4 — . dt дх ду dz The algebra extends in the following cases: 111.1. f(u) = Sl9 g(u) = 82e\ h(u) = 83eku. д д д X5 = у— + kz— + 2 — ду dz ди 111.2. /(и) = 8}еи, g(u) = 82ек>", h{u) = 83ек*. д д д д Хс = х— + кху— + k2z— + 2 — 5 дх 1 ду 2 dz ди Ш.З. f(u) = 8хиа, g(u) = 82и\ h{u) = 83иу. д д д д Х5 = ах У vy У yz У 2и — дх ду dz du Here 8{,82,83 = + 1, and к{, к2, а, р, and у are arbitrary constants.
13 Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 13.1. ADIABATIC GAS MOTION 13.1.1. GENERAL CASE p dtu + grad p = 0, dtp + p divu = 0, dtS(p, p) = 0, where u = (и1, ...,un) is velocity, df = d/dt + uld/dxl, р is density, p is pressure, 5 = S(p, p) is entropy, / = 1,..., n, and, n = 1,2,3. Introducing dS IdS dul dp A( p, p) = —p— / — and ul„ = , л = , yy,HJ Hdp J dp a dxa a dxa the preceding system can be rewritten as u\ + uaula + p~lPi = 0, Pt + uaPa + pw^ = 0, p,+ иара+Л(р,рК = 0, а = l,2,3,i = 1,2,3. Hereafter, summation on repeated indices is assumed. CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Ovsiannikov [1962]) Equivalence Transformations p = ap + y, p = ар, Л = аА, а Ф 0. 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc. 249
250 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Classification Result For arbitrary A(p, p) the symmetry Lie algebra is [\n(n + 3) + 2]- dimensional and is spanned by д д д д д д Хг=—, X2 = t—+Xl г, Х'= г, X" = t : + —г, 1 dt 2 dt дх1 1 дх1 ' дх1 ди1 д д д д Xik = хк—г - х1—т н- ик—г - и1—г, i,k = l,...,n, i < к. 1к дх1 дхк ди1 дик ' The algebra extends in the following cases (/ is an arbitrary function of the indicated argument). 1. A =pf(pi+2>"p-4 д д д д X* = mt mul—г + p— + (1 + 2m)p — dt dul dp v )Hdp 2. A =f(pe-2n. 3. A= /(p). 4. A=f(p). д д в в X* = t и1— + — + 2р — dt ди1 dp dp d X* = — dp d d d X* = t ul—г + 2p — dt dul dp 5. А =А0рт,Ы Ф0). d d d d d X1 = —, X" = (m- \)t- - (m - l)ul— - Imp— - 2p — dp dt dul dp dp 6. A = yp. d d d d d
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 251 7. A = [{n + 2)/n]p. X' = t ul—г + 2p—, X" = p— + p—, dt dul dp dp dp д д д д д X'" = t2— + txl—г + (xl - tul)—г - (n + 2)tp ntp — dt dxl V J dul У J dp H dp Here A0, y, and m are arbitrary constants. CONSERVATION LAWS The equations governing the motion of an ideal polytropic gas are p dtu + grad p = 0, dtp + p divu = 0, dtp + yp divu = 0. In hydrodynamics, conservation laws may be written in the differential form Dt(r) + div(ru + |) = 0 or in the integral form — / т dx = — f %v dS, dt -чк/) Jsu) where 11(0 is an arbitrary n-dimensional volume, moving with the fluid; S(t) is the boundary of the volume H(0; v is the unit (outer) vector normal to the surface S(t). Conservation of mass: dt Conservation of energy: d f — / p dx = 0 dt Jn(t\ — f \-p\u\2 + —P— \dx = - \ puvdS at Ja(o\ 2 у - 1 ] Js(t)
252 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 д ~dt- Conservation of momentum: / pudx = — I pv dS Jn(t) JSU) Conservation of angular momentum: [ p(x X u) dx = - f p(x X v) dS Jnu) hu) d ~dt Center-of-mass theorem: — / p(tu — x) dx = — / tpv dS dt Jna) Jsu) In the case у = (n + 2)/n, there are two additional conservation laws (Ibragimov [1973]), which have the following integral form: — / Г(p|u|2 + np) — pxu dx = — I p(2tu — x)v dS, dt Jnur Jsu) — f [/2(p|u|2 + np) - px(2tu - x)l dx = - f 2tp(tu - x)v dS. dtJauy J hit) 13.1.2. ONE-DIMENSIONAL CASE EULER COORDINATES pt + upx + pux = 0, p{ut + uux) + px = 0, pt + upx +A(p,p)ux = 0 CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Ovsiannikov [1962]) Equivalence Transformations ~ a2 Pi t = axt + Ji, x = a2x + pxt + y2, и = —и + *i ai p = a3p + y3, p = ax a 1"3
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 253 where at, /3,, and yi are arbitrary constants satisfying a nondegeneracy condition. Classification Result For arbitrary A(p, q), the symmetry Lie algebra is four-dimensional and is spanned by д д д д д д 1 dt 2 дх 3 dt дх 4 дх ди The algebra extends in the following cases (/ is an arbitrary function of the indicated argument). l+2o->i 1. A =pf((l/p)pl+2n д д д д Хс = at аи V р V (1 + 2а)р — 5 dt ди dp y ;ндр 2. A =f(pe-2p\ д д д д Х5 = t и— + 2р— + — dt ди dp dp 3. A=f(p). 5 dp 4. А=А0р° д д д д д Х5 = —, Х6 = -(а - \)t- + (а - 1)и— + 2ар— + 2р — dp dt ди dp dp 5. A=f(p). д д д Xc = t и— + 2р — 5 dt ди др
254 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 6. A = yp. д д д д д at ou dp dp dp 7. A = Ър. д д д д д х^гЪ-иТи+1рТр' Хо=рТр+рТр> д д д д д Х-, = t2 ь tx— + (х - tu) 3tp tp — 7 dt дх v ' Ьи dp Hdp Here AQ, у, and a are arbitrary constants. EXACT SOLUTIONS (Ovsiannikov [1962]) I. In the case A(p, p) = yp, the system has the following solutions: 1.1. и = 0, P=P0, p=f(x), where fix) is an arbitrary function and p0 is an arbitrary constant. 1.2. p = 0, x — ut=f(u), p = g(u)ux, where f(u) and g(u) are arbitrary functions. 1.3. и = C1? p = C2, p = C3, where C{, C2, and C3 are arbitrary constants. This is an invariant solution under the operator Xv ljy + 1.4. u = U(x), p = Uy-'exp\t - у + 1 Г p = ™v Г-7ТТ ' y*-1'
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 255 where U = U(x) is given by the equalities 1 ;Uy+2 - yU = x, if уф -2, у + 2 or log£/+ 2t/ = jc, if у = -2. This is an invariant solution under X = Xx + A^. 1 1.5. и = *-1/(А), p= ——, /> = 1Г*(А), where the function U(\) is given by the equations 2y 2A + f/2 + f/1-^ = 0, if у Ф 1, у - 1 or 2Л + £/2 + 2 log (7 = 0, if у = 1. This is an invariant solution under X = Xx + X4. 1.6. u = t, p=-P'(A), p=P(A), Л=х-^Г, where P(A) is an arbitrary function. This is an invariant solution under the operator X = Xx + X4. 1.7. и = *+ £/(A), p = exp^ + J t/y + i-cu dUy 1 7 p = cU2p, \=x- -t2, уф -1, where £/(A) is defined from the equation rUy + l - yc = / dU, с = const. J с - Uy The solution is invariant under the operator X = Xx + Хл + X6.
256 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 1.8. и = — 2t, p = exp(x -f t2), p = 2exp(x + t2). This is an invariant solution under the operator X = X2 + X6. 2 x 1 1.9. и=—г-, у=-Д(Л), p=x-*P(\), у T 1 f X A=tt-(r+D/2> where f(A) is an arbitrary function and R(A) is denned by the formula (У + !)2 ,/У + 1 The solution is invariant under the operator y-_\ 2 X = X3 + —^-Xs-jXe- X \^ j ^2 1.10. и = — + —, p = —, p = C?t~y, t t t * where C,, C2, and C3 are arbitrary constants. The solution is invariant under the operator X = X4. x \ 1 / tl~y 1.11. и = - + -rf,_T, P = ex/l - exp This is an invariant solution under the operator X = X4 + Xb. II. In the case у = — 1, i.e., Л = —p, the system has the following solutions: 11.1. u = U(x), p = , p=-ClU(x), U(X) where U{x) is an arbitrary function. This is an invariant solution under the operator Xv
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 257 U.2. "=—T7> p=*"-V, p = X e', *> + 1 */(*/ + 1) where j/ is an arbitrary constant. This is an invariant solution under the operator X = Xx + X6. II.3. w = Г ± \Л/(*2 - 2x) , p = ± P yjv(t2 - 2x) ' 1 - * / ; where v is an arbitrary constant. This is an invariant solution under the operator X = Xx + X4. 11.4. и = Г - 1, p = ехр(д: + Г - \t2), p = — exp(x + £ — |^2). This is an invariant solution under the operator X = Xx + Хл + X6. 11.5. u=x, p=x~1R(\), p =xj\R(X) dX, A =xe~l, where ЖА) is an arbitrary function. This is an invariant solution under the operator X = Хг + X3 - Xs + X6. III. In the case у = 1, i.e., A = p, the system has the following solutions: III.l. и = - + 1, p = exp(--]P'(A)> p= yP(A), A = fexp(-y), where P(A) is an arbitrary function. This is an invariant solution under the operator X = X3 + X4 - Xb. III.2. u=-— p=-, P=~- 2t x x This is an invariant solution under the operator X = X3 + Xe.
258 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 x 1 t x \ 1 in.3. и-7, р-7л(7), P--t, where R(\) is an arbitrary function. This is an invariant solution under the operator X = X3 — X6. III.4. и = с, p = exp — \tc~l, p = с exp — Wc_1, where с is an arbitrary constant. This is an invariant solution under the operator X = X4 + X6. TV. In the case у = 2, i.e., Л = 2р, the system has the solution x log t t t (X\ 1 / log t + 1 \ p = expl7j' 7expl — j' JC \ 1 / log t + 1 w р = ехр17]'7ехр\ which is an invariant solution under X = X4 + X6. V. In the case у = 3, i.e., Л = Зр, the system has the solution 2 H t2 - 4/3 which is an invariant solution under the operator A' = A"3 — X5 + /ЗА^. LAGRANGIAN COORDINATES qs-uy = 0, vs+py = 0, ps+B(p,q)vy = 0, where g, u, and /? are specific volume, velocity, and pressure, respectively, and B(p, q) is the condition equation. CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Akhatov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1988], [1989b]) Equivalence Transformations а\аъ „ a2 Pi s = axs + yv у = у + y2, v = —и + —, l 2 «i «1 a2 alPl p = a3p + y3, q = —j—q + -j—
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 259 where a/? /3/? and y, are arbitrary constants satisfying a nondegeneracy condition. Classification Result For arbitrary B(p,q)y the symmetry Lie algebra is four-dimensional and is spanned by д д д д д Zl = Ts' Z2 = 5^+)V z^Yv' Z"=Ty' The algebra extends in the following cases. 1. B(p, q) satisfies the equation p(Bp&q - Bq&p) + (2a - l)Bqi *, = 0. Z5 = ay- + (l-a)v- +P- + <2aB - pBjB;* - 2. В = B(p,q) satisfies the equation Bp3Sq - Bq&p+ Bq& - B&q = 0. z<-y£-^ + 2£ + 2<*-*')*«'£ 3. В = B(p,q) satisfies the equation 33 = Bf(p\ f'(p) Ф 0. д д д v— + 2BB~1 — ду ди ч dq 4. В = В(р, q) satisfies the equation 3S = kB/p, к Ф 0. д д д д д д Z5=y— -v— +2BB;1—, Z6 = v— +p— -pBpBql — ду ди dq ди др р ч dq 5. В = В(р, q) satisfies the equation Bp3Bq - Bq&p = 0. д д д д д
260 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 6. В = B(p, q) satisfies the equation & = Б(1_Ь)/2. д д д д д z*=srv-yirP+yB>B;lvq> г'-тР-в>в;1ъ> zTyTy+ bvTv + (b+*>ph+ {2ВВ^1"(b+l)pB>B^h 7. В = В(р, q) satisfies the equation {% = 0. д д д д д zs = s У— +уВпВ~1 —, Z6 = ВпВ~{ —, 5 ди др У р q dq dp p q dq Z-,=y— + bv— + (b + \)p— + (2BBZ1 - (b + \)pBDB-1) — , 1 dy dv v 'dp v q v )И " q > dq д д д z8 = v— +р~л—pB ' — dv dp dq 8. B(p,q)=f(p). dp \d_ ]dq z--®[y-q+(£)) 9. B(p,q) = ее". d d d d '~-*[*<+lm)h- Z* = 0\y,q + I-—- —, Zc = y y— + 2 2q— 0 ' "4 i « -4 i - ' s уду dv др 4dq 10. B(p, q) = ер", О-Ф0. d d d д Z5 = ay— + (2 - <r)v— + 2p- 2{a - l)q — dy dv dp dq 11. B(p,q)= 1. Z& = @\y,q + r dp \d Zv = cp(s+y,P-v)\--- + - , Z, = t(s-y,p + v)\- + ---
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 261 12. B(p,q)= -1. / , dp \ д д д \ д Z^ = Re7r(— + — +1ттг— dp av J ov Here the following notation is used: \.3S = Bp- Bq/B. 2. a, b, k, and a are arbitrary real constants; e = + 1. ie-e('W/£))- <P = <p(s +y,p - v), ф = i//(s -y,p + v) are arbitrary functions of their arguments. 4. 77 = 7r(y + is, p + ш) is an arbitrary analytic function of two complex variables. INTERMEDIATE SYSTEM Rt + vRx = 0, Rx(vt + wj +px = 0, Rx{pt + црх) + ^(p,/?;1)^ = 0 CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Akhatov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1988], [1989b]) Equivalence Transformations <*2 P\ t = axt + yj, i = a2x + /3^ + /32Л + y2, ^ = —^ + — a\a3 ~ а\аЪ p = a3p + y3, R= Д + У4> B= ——B, a2 a2 where ai9 fih and y- are arbitrary constants satisfying a nondegeneracy condition.
262 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Classification Result For arbitrary B(p, R~l), the symmetry Lie algebra is five-dimensional and is spanned by д д д д д У = —, У2= —, Y* = t — +x— +R—, 1 дх 2 dt 3 dt дх dR д д д Y4 = t— + —, У5 = —. 4 дх ди 5 dR The algebra extends in the following cases (/ is an arbitrary function of the indicated argument). 1. В =pf(peR^{). д д д д Yb = t— + 2R и 2p — dt дх ди dp 2. B=px~(rf{Rxp(T\ У6 = -(a + l)r— + (a + l)v 2aR— H- 2p — 6 V ; dt V } ди dR У dp 3. В = Rxf{R;le>). 4.B= RJ(p). Ye = x— + и R 2— 6 дх ди dR dp d d d У6 = x— + v R — 6 дх dv dR For each of the following functions / = f(p) there is a further extension: i. f(p) = УР- lv у = 3. d d d Y7 = x — + v — + p — дх dv dp d d d d У8 = t2— + tx— + (x- to)— - 3tp — dt dx dv dp
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 263 ii. f(p) = 1. э l д д д Y7 = —, У8 = -/2— + t R — Э/7 2 Эх ди др 5. B=f(Rx). д д д д У6 = —, У7 = t2— + 2/ 2Л — Эр Эх Эг; Эр For each of the following functions f = f(Rx) there is a further extension: i. f(Rx) = eeR;\ д д д д Y8 = t 2R v 2p — dt dx dv dp ii. f(Rx) = eR* = o/?0-+l y,-(,-1),1 -(,-.)„!-2,,^ -2«^ 6. 5 =f(p + eRxl). d d д д д У, = sR , Y7 = (t2 + eR2)— + 2r 2Д — 6 Эх Эр 7 v } dx dv dp 7. Я=/(р). Y=t(R) — y ) dx For each of the following functions / = /(p) there is a further extension: i. /(p) = eep. d d d d Ye =x— + у Л 2 — 6 dx dv dR dp ". f(p)=Pa, <r*0. d d d d Y6 = (2 - cr)x — + (2 - <r)z;— + aR— + 2p — Эх Эг; ЭД Эр iii. /(p) = 1. Э I д д Y=K(t +R)— +K'(t + Я), ., V 7Эх V МЭг; а/7 Г Э ( д д - +X'(t-R) — + - Эх 1 Эг; Эр *;=*('-*)-+*'('-*)(-+ 77
264 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 iv. f(p) = -1. Y = oj(t,R)— + a)t(t,R)— + (oR(t,R) —. v ' ' dx tK } du Ry } dp Here the following notation is used: 1. a and у are arbitrary real constants; s = + 1. 2. т = t(R), к = kU + Л), and д' = xU - R) are arbitrary functions of their arguments. 3. со = co(t, R) is an arbitrary harmonic function. 13.1,2,4. (LMIME) SEQUENCE OF EQUATIONS OF ADIABATIC GAS MOTION (L): (I): gs ~Vy = 0, vs + py = 0, 1 p, + B(p,q)vy-0 s = г, у = Л, я = Rx Rt + vRx = 0, Дх(*;, + vux) + px = 0, Лх(р, + црх) +В(р,Л;1)^ = 0 P=RX (E): P/ + rP* + pux = 0, p(r, + vvx) + px = 0, p(p, + up J + Я(р,р l)vx = 0 CLASSIFICATION (QUASILOCAL SYMMETRIES ASSOCIATED WITH LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Akhatov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1988], [1989a]) (See also Sections Equivalence Transformations at a 1«3 (L) s = axs + y{, y= У+У4, _ <*2 /8, L> = V H , «1 «1 p = a3p + y3, <? = ~^<7 + a2/3 и2л2 2^2 Л ■В. arc^ a.a-,
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 265 (I) f = a1f + y1, x = a2x + fixt + /32Я + y2, у = — у + — > P = <x3p + y3, 2 2 2 Я = Л + У4, # = —=-Б. «7 a. (E) ? = a1f + y1, x = a2x + /V + y2, - «2 01 у = —^ + —> P = «зР + Уз> a2a3p afa? p= +y4, B=^B. ..2 <*9 Here af, j8£-, and y, are arbitrary constants satisfying a nondegeneracy condition. Remark. Grey screened terms lead to nonlocal transformations for Equations E. Classification Result For arbitrary B(p,q), the quasilocal symmetries of the equations of the (U-O)-(E) sequence are Lie algebras of point symmetries spanned by the following: (L) Z, = —, Z7 = s — + у —, Z-,= —, Z4 = — ; v } l ds 2 ds ду' 3 ди dy' (I) (E) д Y' = TX- * д д Y4 = t— + —, дх ди д дх д -*■ y> д Ys= ~dR] д *2= — > 2 dt д = t— dt *ъ = д дх д д д ■- t— + х—, dt дх dR' Х4 = t— + —. дх ди Classification of the equations of the (LMIME) sequence leads to the identification of 13 basic types of functions B(p,q) for which the admitted algebras extend (/ is an arbitrary function of the indicated argument).
266 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Type 1. B(p, q) satisfies the equation p(Bp&q - Bq&p) + (2a - \)Bq - 2aB&q = 0. (L) Zc = ay— + (1 - а)и— + p— + (2aB - pBn)B~l — y ' 5 dy v } dv dp v p) q dq (I) (E) Type 2. В = B(p, q) satisfies the equation Bp3Sq - Bq38p + Bq± B&q = 0. d d д д (L) Z, = у и— + 2— + 2(В - Вп)В~1 — К } 5 У ду dv dp У р) q dq (I) (Е) Type 3. В = В(р, q) satisfies the equation & = Bf(p\ f'(p) Ф 0. дд д dy dv ч dq (О (E)
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 267 Type 4. В = B(p, q) satisfies the equation <% = кВ/р, к Ф 0. д д д ду ди ч dq д д д Z6 = v— +р рВпВ~1 — 6 ди др У р q dq (I) (Е) Type 5. В = В(р, q) satisfies the equation Bp&q - Bq38p = 0. д д д Tv-yYP^B^Tq (L) Zs = s--y^+yBpB;x—, Zo=^-B»B^ Tq (I) (E)
268 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Type 6. В = B(p, q) satisfies the equation 3S = B(l ~b)/2. д д д (L) Z, = s у— +yBDB7l—, v ' 5 ди dp У р q dq' д д Z"=Tp~BpB^Tq' Z7=y— +bv— + (b + \)p— + (25- (b + \)pB„)B-1 — 1 by dv v 'dp y v >r p) я dq (I) (E) Type 7. В = Ър/q. d 3 д (L) Z5= -у — +v— + 2q —, ду dv dq д д д — + p— + q—, ди dp dq Z6 = "— +P— +4
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 269 d d д (I) Y6 =х— +у R—, w 6 dx dv dR Y7 = x \- v \- p —, dx dv dp д д д д Yo = t2 — + tx 3tp— + (x - to)— 8 dt dx dp V } dv д д д dx dv dp 3 dx dv dp dp ' Xe = X- hy- h p— — p d d d d d Xn = t2— + tx 3tp— + (x - to) tp — 7 dt dx dp v } dv Hdp Type 8. В = B(p,q) satisfies the equation & = 0. (L) Z5 = s— -y— +yBpBq d d d Z7 =y— +p— + (IB - pBn)B7l —, 7 dy P dp y * p) q dq' d d d dv dp dq (I)
270 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 (E) Type 9. B(p,q)=f(p). (L) , dp \ д (I) (E) Type 10. B(p,q) = eep. I , dp \ д <L) '•'T'^lmW д д д Z5 = у v h 2 2q — (i) dy dv dp dq д д д д У6 = -х v— + R— + 2 — 6 дх dv dR dp
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 271 (E) (5 = -x— + v— + 2— + 2p — dx dv dp dp Type 11. B(p,q) = spa, а Ф 0. I , dp \ д (L) z° = e[y>« + fjU)k> (о (E) д д д д Z, = ay 1- (2 - a)v 1- 2p 2(a - \)q— 5 dy V ' dv dp V )H dq Уб = (2 - <t)x— + (2 - a)v— + aR— + 2p — 6 v ' dx v ' dv dR и dp f\ 3 3 Q X5 = (2 - <r)x— + (2 - o> — + 2p — + 2(cr - \)p — ал: az; а/? ар Type 12. B(p,q)=l. (L) =0h+/7^y)^ a a a Z, = 9(s+y,p-i;)|--- + - a a a ^ ! du ap dq
272 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 (О (E) Type 13. B(p,q)= -1. / r dp \ д (L) z.-,[,., + fm)-. (д д \ д Z = Re тг — + — + Im тг— \др dqj dv (I) (E)
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 273 Here the following notation is used: 1. Я = Bp - Bq/B; 2. a, b, k, and a are arbitrary real constants; e = + 1; 3. 0 = ®(y,q + fdp/f(p)), <p = <p(s + y,p - v), and ф = i/Ks - y,p + v) are arbitrary functions of their arguments; 4. 77 = тг(у + is, p + w) is an arbitrary analytic function of two complex variables. 5. Gray screened operators are operators of nonlocal symmetries with nonlocal variables U, V, W, Ф, Ф, 0, П, and P, which are defined by the following equations: I Ux = pRBpB~\ I Vx = 2p(B - Bp)Bql + 2, (\VX = PBpB~\ \ Ut + vUx = 0; \ Vt + vVx = 0; ]Wt + vWx = 0, (Фх= -рср, (% = рФ, 1®Х = Р0, \ Ф( + иФх + <р = 0; ^ + u4rx + <A = 0; \ ©, + *;©* = 0; /П^рЯетг, (Рх(а) = p(2aB - pBp)B~x + la - 1, \п,+ ^П,- 1ттг = 0; |/>(fl) + z^(a) =0. In these equations the necessary values of the function B(p,q) are chosen. Remark. Gray screened operators of nonlocal symmetries may degenerate into point symmetry operators for some special values of B(p,q). The following section gives some point and quasilocal symmetries for the (LMI)-(E) sequence. POINT AND QUASILOCAL SYMMETRIES OF (L)-QME) SEQUENCE (L): s = t, у = R, q = R~l (I): | (E): I
274 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol I LIE POINT AND QUASILOCAL SYMMETRIES ASSOCIATED WITH LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Akhatov, Gazizov, and Ibragimov [1988], [1989b]; Sections For arbitrary B(p,q), the quasilocal symmetries of the equations of the (LMD-(E) sequence are Lie algebras of point symmetries spanned by the following: d (D Z,-- (i) ^ = (E) d 1 dx' d d d ds dy dv d d d d —, Y2=—, Y, = t— + jc— dx 2 dt 3 dt dx d d d Y4 = t — + —, У5 = —; 4 dx dv 5 dR' d d d 2 dt' 3 dt dx d dy d + Л—, dR' d d x4 = t— + —. 4 ax dy Additional point and quasilocal symmetries occur in the following cases, considered up to equivalence transformations (/ is an arbitrary function of the indicated argument). 1. B(p,q)=pf(pe«) (Type 11 d d d d (L) Zz = —s— — v h 2p 2 — v ) 5 ds dv \.dp dq d d d d (I) У6 = -t 2R— + v— + 2p — v J 6 dt dx dv dp (E) For each of the following functions / = /(z) there is a further extension, i. / = /(z) satisfies the equation (k - f)x~k = lfz9 к Ф 0,1 (Type 6). д к - 1 д (L) Z6 = dp (k - f)p dq д д у к - 1 д Zn = s — — у I - — dv dp Р к - f dq
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 275 (I) (E) ii. / = /(z) satisfies the equation /_1 + In / = / + (k - l)ln z, к Ф 0 (Type 5). д д (2 - k)f - 1 д ^ Z*=yTy+PJp+ (k-l)f Та (О (E) ii,. к = 0, i.e., / = f(z) satisfies the equation el/f = l/(zf) (Type 8). д 1 д д д у д (L) Z7=^~^V z% = sTv~yTP*' JfYq (I) (Е)
276 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 2. B{p,q)=px-'Tf(p''/q) (Type 1). Я Я Я (L) Zc = -(a + 1)5 lay — + (a + l)u — v } 5 v ' ds dy V 7 <9г; + 2p— + 2o-^ — dp dq Я Я Я Я (I) Y6= -(<т+ \)t- + {a+ \)v- - 2<tR— + 2p— at dv dR dp !) f) !) !) (E) X5= -(o-+ l)t- + (a+l)v— +2p— -lap — at dv op op For each of the following functions f = f{z) there is a further extension. i. / = /(z) is defined by the equalities / \a+k f k- - 1 =//*,* #0,-1 or ln/+o—=/ (Type 5). d d {k + \)af+{\-a)z d (L) Zt = v V p 1 — — q— V ' 6 dv dp (k + <r)f dq (I) (E) ii. f = f{z) satisfies the equation /' o-zf + z2— = &/"/<--'> + (a - 1)/, к Ф 0 (Type 6). d q k<rfaAa-l) + (1 -a)z d K) 6 dp p kr/l°-» + (<r-l)f dq' d d yq kcrf"^-» + (1 - a)z d dv dp p kf/(a-" + {a- - 1)/ dq (I)
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 111 (E) ii,. к = 0, i.e., /(z) is defined by the equality /(1 + f/zY'x = I (Type 8). д д <rf+(l-a)z д (L) Zs = v— +p— + a — dv dp af dq (О (E) 3. B(p, q) = (l/q)f(qep) (Type 2). д д д д (L) Z5 = -у— + V—-2— + 2q — ду dv dp dq д д д д (I) Y6=x— + v R 2 — w 6 dx dv dR dp д д д д (Е) X5=x—+v—-2—-2p — дх dv dp dp For each of the following functions / = /(z) there is a further extension. i. f = f(z) is defined by the equality /(1 - к/У1~к)/к = Iz, * # 0,1 (Type 6). d q 1 - kf d (L) Zb = ^~~fT^kJq' d d yq 1 - kf d Z7 = S у h dv dp f 1 - к dq (i)
278 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 (E) i,. к -» 0, i.e., / = /(z) is defined by the equality fe f = Iz (Type 8). д д 2- p - 2f д dy dp f dq (I) (E) 4. B(p,q) = (L) (I) (E) = (1/<7)/(р)(ТуреЗ). д д д Z5 = -у h V h 2g dy <9l> dq д д д К = jc— + у R — 6 <9x 5y dR д д д X5 = x— + и 2p — дх dv dp For each of the following functions f = f(p) there is a further extension. i. f(p) = УР + 8piy+])/\ уФ 0,-1 or f(p) = -p In p (Type 4). д д (у + 1 p\ д (L) Z6 = y— +p— + -\q — dv dp \ у f) dq (I) (E)
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 279 ii. /(/?) = 1 + 8ep (Type 6). d (L) 6 dp + 1 + 8epH dq' 8ep d d д 8ef dv yq- dp 1 + 8ep dq (I) (E) Hi. /(/?) = 3/? (Type 7). (L) z6 = ^v + ^V~ + <?—, <9l> dp ^ (I) d d д Y7 = x V v V p—, дх dv dp Yo = t2— + tx— + (x - to) 3tp — 8 dt dx v J dv dp (E) x*=xTx+vTv+pTp-9T9' Xi = t2— + tx — + (x - tu)— - 3tp— - tp — dt dx dv dp dp
280 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 iv. f(p) = -p (Type 8). (L) d d д д q д Zb = v— + р— + q—, Z7 = — + - — dv dp dq dp p dq Z8 =S~, У', yq д dv dp P dq (I) d d d Y7 = x V v V p —, dx dv dp (E) xb = xTx+vTo+pJp-pTP> 5. B(p,^)=/U)(Type5). (L) (I) Z5 = ^' z6 = s- У^Г dv dp d д д д Yh=—, Y-, = t2— + 2t 2R — 6 dp 7 dx dv dp (E) dp
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 281 For each of the following functions / = f(q) there is a further extension. i. f(q) = eeq (Type 6). d d д д (L) Z7 = -s— + v— + 2^— + 2 — ds dv dp dq d d д д (I) У8 = -Г— + 2R— + у— + 2р w 8 <9f дх dv dp (Е) И. /(<7) = г<^ + 1)(Туре6). А А А (L) Z7 = (a-1)5 --2y— -(or-l)i; — ds dy dv d d - lap— + 2q — op dq A AAA (I) y„ = (cr-l)f (a-l)v 2R lap — v ' 8 v ' dt y ' dv dR и dp (E) *7 = (.-!),- -(„-!)„- -2.P--2P- 6. B(p,q)=f(p + *■$) (Type 5). a a (L) z5 = з e^~> Z6 = 5^ УЧ~+£УТ~ dp dq dv dp dq d d t2 + eR2 d d d (I) У6 = -eR — + —, Yn = + t R — w 6 <9x dp 7 2 <9jc at' dp (E)
282 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 For each of the following functions f = fip + eq) there is a further extension. i. / = fip + eq) is defined by the equality e In / + f~l = kip + eq) + / (Type 6). (L) d <9 2 a dy dv kf dq (i) (E) ii. / = fip + eq) is defined by the equality ef — In / = &(p + eg) + kl (Type 6). 5 5 д ( 2e 2e \ д (i) (E) iii. f = fip + eq) is defined by the equality e 1 _^_p+«__r = k{p + eq)+kh ^ o.-l (Type 6). 1 + a a r) r) r) (L) Z7 = у— + (2(7 + lb— + 2(c7 + l)p — v ; 7 dy y } dv v ; <9p + 2г 2(<r+l)(« + e/) + —/° КСГ д Tq (I)
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 283 (E) 7. B(p,q)= f(p) (Type 9). = a\ v.n + ( fiP))dq ^ z»H^ + /7^t)^ (I) (E) For each of the following functions f = f(p) there is a further extension. i. f(p) = eep (Type 10). д d д д (L) Z5 = у v — + 2 2q — v ; 5 dy dv dp dq d d д д (I) Y6 = -x v— + R— + 2 — w 6 dx dv dR dp д д д д (Е) Х5 = -х и— + 2— + 2р — v } 5 dx dv dp F dp и. /(р) = вр^, о- * 0 (Туре 11). д д д д (L) Z5 = cry— + (2 - сг)и— + 2р— - 2(сг - 1)<? — ay dv op dq Я Я Я Я (I) У6 = (2 - o-U— + (2 - о-)*;— + сгЛ—- + 2р — w 6 v ; <9х v ; dv dR и dp (Е) *5 = (2 - ст)х^- + (2 - сг) Д + 2/Д ах dv dp + 2(сг-1)р — dp
284 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Hi. f(p) = 1 (Type 12). (L) г9 = ф + у,р-иц--- + д,, Z*-*('-y>P + v)\- + --- (I) (E) iv. f(p)= -KType 13). id д \ д (L) Z =Reir— + — +1ттг— V ' v \dp dq dv (I) (E) Here the following notation is used: 1. Я = Bp - Bq/B. 2. a, b, k, and a are arbitrary real constants; e = ±1. 3. 0 = 0(y, q + i[dp/f(p)]\ <p=<p(s+y,p-v), and ф = ф(з-у,р + и) are arbitrary functions of their arguments. 4. it = 7r(y + /5, /? + zl) is an arbitrary analytic function of two complex variables.
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 285 5. Gray screened operators are operators of nonlocal symmetries with nonlocal variables U, V, W, Ф, ¥, ©, П, and P, which are defined by the following equations: I Ux = pRBpB~\ ( Vx = 2p(B - Bp)B-1 + 2, l\Vx = pBpB~\ \ Ut + vUx = 0; \Vt + vVx = 0; \ Wt + vWx = 0; (Фх=-р<р, 1% = рФ, (вх = рв, | Фг + уФх + 9 = 0; | Ф, + у*х + ^r = 0; \ в, + z;0x = 0; (Пх = рКстг, (Рх(а) =Р(2аВ-рВр)В;1 + 2а- 1, \П, + г;Пх- 1ттг = 0; \i,(e) + vPx(a) = 0. In these equations the necessary values of the function B(p, q) are chosen. 13.1.3. TWO-DIMENSIONAL CASE ut + uux + шу + p~lpx = 0, u, + иых + Wj, + p~1/?y = 0, Pt + "Px + ^Py + P(Ux + ^y) = 0> Pi + WP* + VPy +A(P>P)(Ux + ^y) = 0 CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Ovsiannikov [1962]) Equivalence Transformations p = ар + у, р = ар, Л = аЛ, а =£ 0 Classification Result For arbitrary Жр, р), the symmetry Lie algebra is seven-dimensional and is spanned by д д д д д д X, = —, Х? =—, Х,=—, X4 = t— +х— + у—, 1 dt 2 дх ду' 4 dt дх у ду' д д д д X. = t— + —, X. = t— + —, 5 дх ди 6 ду ди д д д д Хп = х у V и и —. ду дх ди ди
286 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 The algebra extends in the following cases (/ is an arbitrary function of the indicated argument). 1. A =p/(p1+2>-1). д d д д д Хо = mt ти ти Ь р Ь (1 + 2т)р— 8 dt ди dv dp v ^ dp 2. A =f(pe-2pl д д д д д Х% = t и и 1 Ь 2р — dt ди dv dp dp 3. А =/(р). д др 4. А =/(/А д д д д Хо = t и v Ь 2р — dt ди dv dp 5. A =AQpm, (т Ф 0). x*~h' ^=(--i)4-(m-i)M^-(m-i)4 д д - 2тр- 2р — др др 6. А = 1. д д д д д Хо = —, Хо = t и и V 2р — 8 др 9 dt ди ди др 7. А = ур. д д д д д д X» = t и v V 2р —, Хя = р Ьр^— 8 dt du dv dp 9 dp dp
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 287 8. A = 2p. а а д д д д Хо = t и и Ь 2р —, Х9 = р Ь р — dt du dv dp dp dp д д д д Хю = t2— + tX— + ty— + (х - ft*) — d£ djt dy du д д д + {y-tv)— -4tp— -Up — du dp dp Here A0, m, and у are arbitrary constants. CONSERVATION LAWS (see Section 13.1.1) EXACT SOLUTIONS I. For arbitrary A(p, p), the system has the following solutions (Ibragimov [1967]): 1.1. w=/(y), у = 0, P = C,, p = C2, where Cj and C2 are arbitrary constants and / = /(y) is an arbitrary function. This is a partially invariant solution under the operators д д д 1 dt 2 dx dy' d d d d Хл = аГ— + (Г + ax)— + ay— + —. 4 dt y Jdx dy du 1.2. p = Cl9 p = C2, with w and у defined from the equations jtw 4- yu — ct = F(v) and w2 + г;2 = С, where С is an arbitrary constant and F(v) is an arbitrary function. This is a partially invariant solution under the operators d 1 <Эг' d d d d d X4 = at— + (^+y)- + (ay-x)-+^- w — df dx dy du du д x2= —, 2 dx д *з = —, 3 ду'
288 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Other partially invariant solutions are considered in Men'shikov [1969]. tx - у - a b у + а с 1.3. U= ~2 + y, f>=——, P = y2> P=P(0> where a, b, and с are arbitrary constants and P = P(t) satisfies the equation dP 2 I с — + -A P,- dt t \ t — + -A\P,-2\ = 0. It is an invariant solution under the operators д д д д д хх = — + t— + —, х? = t— + —. 1 dt ду ди 2 дх ди И. For А(р, р) = 2р, the system has the following solutions written in polar coordinates (r, cp), (un w^), r = yx2 + y2 , (p = arctan — , wr = г; sin cp + w cos cp, u^ = v cos cp - w sin (p (Ibragimov [1966]): rt IL1- ur = YTt27' U(p = 0' rt I 2 r2 \ 1 A ~ , , ,2 > P = TP , 2(1 + r) \ 1 + f where a is an arbitrary constant rt a II.2. ur = =-, ы = r i + r2' ~* /Г + r 2 1 / >*2 Г \ 1 where С and a are arbitrary constants.
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 289 These solutions are invariant solutions under the operators д д д д Хх = у х V и и—, дх ду ди ди д д д д Х2 = (1 + t2)- + tx— + ty— + (х - tu) — dt дх ду ди д д д + (у - to) — - Мр— - 2tp—. ди dp dp 13.1.4. THREE-DIMENSIONAL CASE ut + иих + ииу + wuz + p~lpx = 0, ut + uux + vuy + wuz + p~lpy = 0, W, + M^ + L>Wy + WIV2 + p_1/?2 = 0, pt + wp, + upy + wpz + p(wx + uy + wz) = 0, pt + wpx + upy + wpz +y4(p,p)(wx + z;y + wz) = 0 CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Ovsiannikov [1962]) Equivalence Transformations p = ар + у, р = ар, у4 = аА, а Ф 0 Classification Result For arbitrary Жр, р), the symmetry Lie algebra is 11-dimensional and is spanned by д д д д д X* = —, Х2 = t— + х— + у— +z—, 1 dt 2 dt дх ду dz d d d Хъ = Тх> *4=^> *5 = ^' d d d d d d x6 = t— + —, x7 = t— + —, Xo = t— + —, dx du dy dv dz dw d d d d X9 = x у V и и —, dy dx du du d d d d XlQ = X Z hW W , dz dx dw du d d d d Xn = у z V v w—. dz dy dw du
290 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 The algebra extends in the following cases (/ is an arbitrary function of indicated argument). 1. A =pf(pl+2mp-1). d d д д д д ЛГ19 = mt ти ти mw Ь р Ь (1 + 2т)р — 12 dt ди dv dw dp v 'dp 2. A =f(pe-2n. 3. A=f(p). 4. A=f(pl д д д д д д Х12 = t и и w 1 Ь 2р — dt ди ди dw dp dp 12 dp д д д д д ХХ2 = t и v w (- 2р — dt du dv dw dp 5. A =A0pm,(m Ф0). d Xn=Jp' Xl3 = (m-l)t--(m-l)u--(m-l)v- d d d -(m - l)w- Imp- 2p — dw dp dp 6. A = 1. d d d d d d Xn = —, X]3 = t и v w h 2p — dp dt du du dw dp 7. A = у p. d d d d d Xn = t и v w h 2p —, dt du dv dw dp d d x«=pJp+pTP
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 291 8. A = fp. д д д д д Хп = t и v w Ь 2р —, dt ди dv dw dp д д Х«=РТР+РТР' д д д д д Хы = t2— + tx— + ty— + tz— + (x - tu) — 14 dt dx dy dz v ;du + (y - tv)— + (z - tw)- 5tp- 3tp — dv dw dp dp Here A0, m, and у are arbitrary constants. CONSERVATION LAWS (see Section 13.1.1) EXACT SOLUTIONS I. In the case A = yp, the system has the following solutions: 1.1. (Ovsiannikov [1956]) dM 1 1 U=^TM x' P = W\F{M x)' ^=wG(M x)' where x = (x, y, z), u = (u, u, w); the functions F = F(%) and G = G(^) and the fixed square third-order matrix L satisfy the equality \G = FLZ, £eR3; and the nonsingular square third-order matrix M = M(t) is the solution of the equation d2M M*—-^ -h\M\1~yL = 0, dt where M* is the transposed matrix M, and \M\ is the modulus of the determinant of M.
292 CRC Handbook ofLie Group Analysis ofDifferential Equations, Vol 1 1.2. (Lapko [1978]) Solutions a-c are written in the cylindrical coordinate system x, r = yy2 + z2 , <p = arctan — , vr = v sin <p 4 w cos cp, v9 = v cos 9 - w sin <p. In this coordinate system the operators used, д d д д Х2 = t— + х— 4- у— 4- z—, dt дх ду dz д д д д Хи = у z Ь v w—, dz ду dw dv д д д д д Хп = t и v w \- 2р —, dt ди dv dw dp are rewritten in the form д X2 = t — 2 dt d dcp d Xl2 = t — d d dx dr > d d — и vr— • v* • + 2p — dvr dv* dp (a) u = t, vr = 0, v*=)Jx--t2, /r\-1 [t2-2x\ (t2-2x where P is an arbitrary function; this is an invariant solution of rank 1 under the operators X = Xx + X6, Y = 2X2 - Xn, Z = Xn. (b) и-±в— [-) [- , (rP'V/2 i/ = 0, V'> = ec"i' + x\ — , R
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 293 where R and P are arbitrary functions of r; this is an invariant solution of rank 1 under the operators X = X{, Y = X3 + X12, Z = Xn + aX9. C\ v x v v ; r(C2 + r) r C2 + r P = ^|, p-C4r^(r + C2)-2y, where C1? C2, C3, and C4 are arbitrary constants; this is an invariant solution of rank 1 under the operators X = X6, Y = —X2+Xl2, Z = Xn. 1 1 1 (d) u=-(x+Ax)9 v=-(y+A2), w=-(z+A3), p =А4Г\ р=А5Г3у, where A{,...,A5 are arbitrary constants; this is an invariant solution of rank 1 under the operators X = X6, Y = X7, Z = Xs. 1 у In z 1 z (e) и = — (x + C), l> = In f, н>=у4-, p = c2r2z-2(2+*>/<2-4 p = C3z3^<2"4 where A = (4 - 2y)/(y + 1), C3 = 2C2(1 - y)(2 - y2)/y(l + y)2, and Cj and C2 are arbitrary constants; this is an invariant solution of rank 1 under the operators X = X6, Y = X4 + Xl2, Z = X7. П. For A = §/?, the system has (in addition to those in Case I) the following solutions (Solutions a-d and g are written in cylindrical coordinates): (a) u = Cl£ + y, vr=-r ^ = 0, С 2 5 P = ~^2> Р = СЪ* > where Cv C2, and C3, are arbitrary constants; this is an invariant solution under the operators X = X6, Y = Xn, Z = X2 - Xl2 + Xl4. 1 / r \ x r I rP' \l/1 r "-Mi)- """ii)-
294 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 where U, R, and P are arbitrary functions; this is an invariant solution under the operators X = Xb, Y = Xu, Z = Xl4. (c) 1 / t \ X <p Г u=-U\- + , ur=-, v* = 0, t \r t t t p = r3R\-\, Р = СГ5, where U and R are arbitrary functions and С is an arbitrary constant; this is an invariant solution under the operators X = X6, Y = X3 - Xu, z = *14. (d) и = y u\z)+x+ j -<p V = -, v" '--^(t)- "'r'P(Lr^ where U and P are arbitrary functions; this is an invariant solution under the operators X = X6, Y = X3 — Xn, Z = X3 + XX4. (e) z x у z Ч2 t t t p = С2Г\ p = СЪГ\ where C,, C2, and C3 are arbitrary constants; this is an invariant solution under the operators X = X6, Y = X7, Z = X3 + XX4. I x \ у z \ (f) и = -U(\) + -, v= -K(A) + -, w = - + —, t t 1 р = Г3Р'(\), р = Г5Р(Х); A= T|z+ —I, 1 where £/, F, and P are arbitrary functions; this is an invariant solution under the operators X = X6, Y = X7, Z = X5 + Xu. (g) " = P = x/ rr 1 + r2' 1+r2' u* = + (r2+x2)1/2 1 4- t2 : ' r£). ,-(. + ,',-,(i). *r(l + Г) where /> = P(x/r) is an arbitrary function; this is an invariant solution under the operators X = X2 — X]2, Y = Xu, Z = Xx + XX4.
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 295 13.2. EQUATIONS OF STATIONARY TRANSONIC PLANE- PARALLEL GAS FLOWS uy = vx, vy = -uux LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Ovsiannikov [1962]) д д д ( 2 3 \ д Xx = (-xv + yu2) (xu + 2yv)— + 2uv— + u3 + -v2\—, dx dy du \ 3 2 / dv д д д д д д Х2=х h 2и h Зи —, Хъ = х Ну —, Хл = —, дх ди dv dx dy dv X„ = S(u,v)-+V(u,v)-, where £(u, v) and rf(u, v) satisfy the equations d£ drj d% drj — = — and — = — и — . dv ди ди dv Remark. The considered system may be rewritten as a single equation, uxuxx + uyy = 0. This equation is known as the equation of stationary transonic gas flow and admits a six-parameter Lie point group (see Section 12.4.2). EXACT SOLUTIONS (Ovsiannikov [1962]) 1. (a) x = 3v(4u3 + 9v2)~5/\ у = -2u(4u3 + 9v2)~5/6; (b) x = 2u2{Au3 + 9v2)~V\ у = 3u(4w3 + 9v2)'V\ These two linear independent solutions are invariant solutions under the operator Xv 1 л 1 За 2. и = -— x2p0(ay + b), v = -— x3p'0(ay + b), where p0(z) = p(z,0,4) is the Weierstrass elliptic function; the prime desig-
296 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 nates the derivative with respect to the argument. This solution is an invariant solution under the operator X2. 3. x2 2 x3 и = r, v = r- + y0, v0 = const. у 3 yJ This solution is an invariant solution under the operator X3. 4. и = w(A), v = — с log у — /Avv'(A) d\, (13.1) where A = x/y and w satisfies the equation (A2 + w)w' = c. If с = 0, then Solution 13.1 is an invariant solution; if с Ф 0, then Solution 13.1 is a partially invariant solution under X3, X4. 13.3. EQUATION OF NONSTATIONARY TRANSONIC GAS FLOWS (Lin, Reissner, and Tsien [1948]) 13.3.1. TWO-DIMENSIONAL CASE 2ulx + uxuxx - uyy = 0 LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Mamontov [1969]) XY = It— + у 2u—, dt dy du X2 = 3a(t)- + [a'(t)x + a"(t)y2] — + 2a'(t)y- dt dx + 1 -a'(t)u + a"(0*2 + 2o"'(0^2 + ^^\t)y4 д du *з = /з'(0у— +/3(0— + 2p'(t)xy + -p'"(t)y3 д du ' X4 = y(t)^ + [2yi{t)X + 2yV)y^,
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 297 Here a(t), /3(0, y(0, m(t)y and n(t) are arbitrary functions; primes denote the corresponding derivatives. CONSERVATION LAWS The considered equation has the Lagrangian function L = -utux- \иъх+ \и2у. By the Noether theorem we may obtain (Ibragimov [1972], Khamitova [1979]) the conservation laws D,{Wy ~ K) + Dx(u2 + \u2x) + Dy{ -utuy) = 0 and Dt[-\a'u\ + (a"x + a'"y2)u2x + \a'u] + 2a"yuxuy + 4(a'"x + a°v)y2)u) + Dx(\(a"x + a'"y2)ul + \{a"u + За'и, + 2a"yuy - a'"x2 -2a°v)xy2 - }a(v)y4)«2 + 2(a"u + \a'ut + a"yuy - a'"x2 - 2a(ivV - \а^ул)и, + \(a"x + a'"y2)u2y) + Dy[-a"yu2y - \а"уиъх - (a"x + a'"y2)uxuy - 2a"yuxu, - 3a'uyu, + (a'"x2 + 2a°v)xy2 + }a(v)y4 - a"u)uy - 4(a(ivV + ^a(v)y3)") = 0, corresponding to the operators д 0 dt and я яд X2 = 3a(t)- 4 [a\t)x 4 a"{t)y2] - 4 2a'{t)y- dt dx 1 -a'(t)u 4 a"(t)x2 4 2a'"(0*V2 4 -aClv\t)y4 д ди
298 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 The general conservation law obtained by the Noether theorem from the point symmetries has the conserved density (Ibragimov [1983]) C1 = -\au\ + (ax + ay2 + fi'y + y)u\ + faw2 + (2a'y + )3)wxw> + (a'w - a"*2 - 2a'"jcy2 - ja(iv)y4 - 2/Г*у -fjB'V-2/*-2y'y2)Mx + 2(a"x + a'"y2 + pTy + y>. 13.3.2. THREE-DIMENSIONAL CASE L/£ /WTVr SYMMETRIES (Kucharczyk [1967]; Sukhinin [1978]) Xx = —, X2 = 5Г— 4- jc— + 3y— + 3z 3w—, 1 dt 2 dt dx dy dz du д д д д д X, = f х Ъи —, Х4 = z у —, dt дх ди ду dz 5 д ( 3 \ д д д д x^V2Vt + \tx+2{y2 + z2)h+ZtyTy+3tzTz+{x2-Ztu)^ д д ( 1УЪ \\ д X7 = h'z— +h— + \2h"xz + К"\— +zy2\\—, 7 дх dz \ \ 3 }] ди X* = о— + \2а'х + <т"(у2 +z2)l—, ЯГ9 =/(f,y,z) —, 8 ах L V л ди 9 JK } ди where g(t), h(t), a(t), and f(t, y, z) are arbitrary functions; f(t, y, z) is a harmonic function with respect to у and z, i.e., it satisfies the equation (D2 + Ц2)/ = 0; g', g",... denote the first, second,... derivatives.
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 299 CONSERVATION LA WS (Sukhinin [1978]; Khamitova [1982]) The considered equation has the Lagrangian function L = -utux - \u\ + {{u2y + u2z). By the Noether theorem we may obtain the conservation laws Dt{\u\ - \uy - \u2z) + Dx(-ut{\u2x + u,)) + Dy(u,uy) + Dz(u,u2) = 0 and Dt(rjux) + Ar(*?(K + "r)) +Dy(-rjuy +zL) + Dz(-^uz-yL) = 0, where rj = yuz - zuy and L = \ux + utux - \u2y - \u\, corresponding to the operators Xx and X4. These conservation laws form a basis of conservation laws (Khamitova [1982]). 13.4. KHOKHLOV-ZABOLOTSKAYA EQUATION (Zabolotskaya and Khokhlov [1969]) 13.4.1. TWO-DIMENSIONAL CASE Utx~ (Uux)x-Uy LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Vinogradov and Vorob'ev [1976], Schwarz [1987]) д д д 1 dx dy 1 du ' X* = *WTX-*^' X-x = -yh'(t)— +h(t) — 3 2 K ' dx y ' dy 1 д 2yh"^lTu> x*-K)Tt + \*f'{t) + 7y2/"(0 д 2 д дх 3 ду luf'(t) + l-xf"{t) + l-y2f'"(t) д ди where /, g, and h are arbitrary functions of t.
300 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I EXACT SOLUTIONS (Vinogradov and Vorob'ev [1976]) и = --^eiltx - -y2 + 4f(l - yft)\, where 0Ш 1, iff>0, 0, if £ < 0, is the Heaviside function, and и = < 1(2* 2 t 0, -^J , if2tt--y^0, if2fcc y2 < 0, 2 where Г > 0, are invariant solutions under the operator 5 d X = y— + 2f—. <9jc dy 13.4.2. THREE-DIMENSIONAL CASE Wr*" (uUx)x~Uyy ~Uzz = Q LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Vinogradov, Krasil'shchik, and Lychagin [1986]; Schwarz [1987]) d d д dt ay dz X3 = 2x V у V z \- 2u —, dx dy dz du X4 = 5t— + x— + 3y— + Ъz Au — dt dx dy dz du
Hydrodynamics and Gasdynamics 301 д д д X5 = 10t2— + Utx + 3y2 + 3z2)— + Ylty — ** Uv dy dt dx д д + Yltz (4x + 16m) —, dz du ^-г/,ч«)^+ад^-Г""(')^, where /, g, and A are arbitrary functions of t. 13.5. "SHORT WAVES" EQUATIONS uy — 2vt — 2(v — x)vx — 2ku = 0, vy + мл 0. where /с = 0 and к = 1 for plane and axisymmetric waves, respectively (Rizhov and Khristianovich [1958]). Introducing potential w by и = wy and v = -wx, the preceding system may be rewritten as one equation, 2wtx -2(x + wx)wxx + wyy + 2fovx = О. CLASSIFICATION (LIE POINT SYMMETRIES) (Kucharczyk [1965]; Khamitova [1982]) CLASSIFICATION RESULT For arbitrary k, the symmetry Lie algebra is infinite and is spanned by dt' Zj = 9 4(k + \)x 2(k + l)y 8(Jfc + l)w —, dt dx dy dw X2 = -a'y— + a— + 2 dx dy xy(a" + a') - —dka' d dw X^fi^ + iy^fi-xVr + fi)]^, X^ay^, X5 = r±, where a, /3, a, and r are arbitrary functions of t; a' = da/dt,.. .,dk = d2/dt2 + Ok + \)d/dt + к.
302 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 The algebra extends in the cases к = \ and к = 2, and additional operators have the form Xb = 9y- + {[ЗУ - 4(* + \)y\x - [Зу" -(к + 1)Г']У2}^ + [6y'-2(k + \)y]y — dy I x2 + -[3y' + 8(k + l)y]w - y[3y" + (5 -4k)y'] + [3y'" + (2-k)y" - (k + \)y']xy2 - у [3y(iv> + 2(* + l)y'" - (k2 - к + l)y" - k(k + 1)У]|^, where у is an arbitrary function of /. CONSERVATION LAWS (Khamitova [1982]) The considered equation has the Lagrangian function L = {w,wx ~ \wl - xw2 + >y2)e2<* + 1". A basis of conservation laws is defined by the conservation law D,(r}iEwx + 9L) + Dx(^xE{wt - w2 - 2xwx) - 4(k + \)xL) + Dy(l\xEwy - 2(k + \)yL) = Ъ, where 771 = -Ш + IV - 9w, + 4(k + \)xwx + 2{k + \)ywy, E = e2(k + l)', and L is the Lagrangian function. It corresponds to the operator Xx.
14 Hydrodynamic-Type Systems This chapter is devoted to hyperbolic systems of hydrodynamic type u\ + v'(u)ujx = 0, ij = 1,..., л, the integrability and symmetry properties of which deserve particular study. Equations of this type naturally arise in gasdynamics, hydrodynamics, chromatography, Whitham averaging procedure, etc. See Dubrovin and Novikov [1983], [1989] and Tsarev [1990] for further information. Let us briefly recall the main steps one usually has to follow when studying systems of this type. Step 1. Compute the characteristic polynomial det(uj - A5j) = 0. If the system under consideration is strictly hyperbolic, this algebraic equation has exactly n distinct real solutions Л = A'(w), called characteristic values (or characteristic speeds). Step 2. For any A'(m), try to find the function Rl(u) which satisfies the equation R\ + klRlx = 0. Rl is called the Riemann invariant corresponding to the /th characteristic value A*. Note that, in general (for n > 3), Riemann invariants do not exist. However, they exist for the majority of systems arising in applications. As a rule Riemann invariants are given in the form R = R(u,\). 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc. 303
304 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 This formula has to be understood as follows. Suppose that Л = A' is a root of the characteristic polynomial. Then Rl = R(u, A') is the corresponding Riemann invariant. Step 3. Having obtained both A' and Rl, try to rewrite the system in diagonal form R\ + X(R)Rlx = 0, i.e., try to express A' as a function of Riemann invariants Rl only. (Note that initially A' are functions of и and not of R.) This step appears to be not so trivial as it may seem. Even if one has explicitly obtained R(u, A), it turns out sometimes to be completely impossible to exclude initial variables ul and to rewrite the system in Riemann invariants (see Sections 14.1.4, 14.1.5, and 14.5). However, from now on we shall suppose that our system is written down in Riemann invariants explicitly: R\ + kl{R)Rlx = 0, i = l,...,w. (14.1) Step 4. Check the following identity (Tsarev [1985a]): Jk (V^)=d\j^)' '«any/*/***/, (14.2) where dk = d/dRk. If these conditions are identically satisfied, the system is called semi-Hamiltonian and can be shown to possess an infinite number of commuting flows (or Lie-Backlund symmetries) and conservation laws. Step 5. The system Rlr + w\R)Rlx = 0, i = l,...,w, (14.3) is called a commuting flow of System 14.1 if RltT = RlTt. This means that r-evolution commutes with т-evolution, where т is the supplementary second "time." The condition R'tT = RlTl is equivalent to By d.A' wJ — w j—, forany/^;. (14.4) If System 14.1 is semi-Hamiltonian, this linear system is compatible. Hence any semi-Hamiltonian system possesses an infinite number of commuting flows, depending on n arbitrary functions of one variable. Note that the property for System 14.3 to be a commuting flow is equivalent to the property for the vector field д ,. i y ' xdR' to be a Lie-Backlund symmetry of System 14.1.
Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 305 Hence any semi-Hamiltonian system possesses an infinite number of first-order Lie-Backlund operators. In general it is not easy to solve the linear system 14.4. However, it is possible for some particular classes (e.g., weakly nonlinear systems, Temple systems, and so on). Step 6. The function H(R) is called the conserved density of System 14.1, if the condition д д —H(R) = — G(R) dt y } dx y } is a consequence of Equations 14.1, for some appropriate G(R). Densities H(R) can be easily shown to satisfy the linear system д2Н дН djX dH dtXj dRldRj ~ ~д& Aj - X ~dRJ A1" - kj' For any semi-Hamiltonian system 14.1, these equations are again compatible and define an infinite number of densities depending on n arbitrary functions of one variable. Step 7. Suppose wl(R) solve the linear system 14.4. Write down wl(R) =x- \l(R)t, i = 1,...,л, (14.5) and express Rl as a function of x and t from these implicit relations. It was shown in Tsarev [1985a], that Rl(x,t) is an exact solution of System 14.1. Moreover, any solution can be obtained after the suitable choice of wl(R). Hence, to integrate nonlinear System 14.1 one has to solve linear System 14.4. This beautiful and simple construction, known as a generalized hodo- graph transform (Tsarev [1985a]), can be given a purely group-theoretic interpretation. Indeed, System 14.1 has an obvious scaling symmetry *o= Е(*-л'(л)0^Д. Consider another symmetry 1=1 дк where wl(R) is any solution of System 14.4. Their linear combination x = xx-x0= Х>'-(х-А<0}л',—
306 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 is again a symmetry. Now it is clear that Formula 14.5 is the expression of the solution, invariant under X. Hence any solution of a semi-Hamiltonian system 14.1 is an invariant solution. 14.1. EQUATIONS OF CHROMATOGRAPHY cu\ + [w' + ^'(w)] = 0, / = l,...,n, where ul(x, t) is the concentration of the ith component of the compound in the moving phase, al(x, t) is its concentration in the sorbent, and с = const. is the velocity of the moving phase. After introducing т = ct — x, the equations of chromatography can be rewritten in the form u\ + a\u)T = 0. Different models are obtained after different choices of al(u), called isotherms of adsorption; see e.g., Kuznetsov [1967] and Rozhdestvenskii and Yanenko [1978]. 14.1.1. LANGMUIR ISOTHERM / Г>' \ Г>' where the Г, = const, are Henri (or adsorption) coefficients. CHARACTERISTIC VALUES The characteristic values A' are the roots of the equation n r2w5 Д £ — = V, where V = 1 + £ Tsus. 5=1 LS AV S=\ RIEMANN INVARIANTS The Riemann invariants R' are given by (Kuznetsov [1967]) Rl = XlV.
Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 307 There exist simple formulas that connect Riemann invariants Rl with "physical" variables ul\ 1 JL / Г "'-^ш^-те-1- DIAGONAL FORM OF CHROMATOGRAPHY EQUATIONS (Tsarev [1989]) 5=1 / S=\ K + Rl1nWnH*; = o (14.6) LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES (Pavlov [1987a]) where the w4/?) are solutions of the linear system dw'l/dRj 1 wj - w' ~ (RJ - Rl) Its general solution has the form , for any / Ф j. /(Я) dRl £ Ak(Rk) : = 1 Пт#^(Лт - Л*) where Ak(Rk) are л arbitrary functions of one variable. (14.7) GENERAL SOLUTION The general solution of the chromatography equations (Equations 14.6) can be obtained by the generalized hodograph transform: (14.8) Inserting here wl(R) given by Equation 14.7 and expressing the Rl as
308 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I functions of x and r from these implicit equations, we obtain the general solution of Equations 14.6. RECIPROCAL AUTOTRANSFORMATION (Ferapontov [1991a]) Introducing into Equations 14.6 new independent variables f and x by the formulas , Y\1(RS + P/a) I p nn,Rs di = a" + l „— -\cLt + --r—dx _. П1(Я' + 8/у) I 8 U1RS \" U1RS \ уЩГ j/H and new dependent variables R' given by aW + /3 Rl = yRl + 5 (where a, /3, y, and 8 are arbitrary constants), we arrive just at the same Equations 14.6, but in the new variables f, x, and Rl: R't + R'lUV ППЩ = 0. EXACT SOLUTIONS (Ferapontov [1991b]) Formula 14.8 is too general to be effective. There exist some particular solutions of Equations 14.6 given in a much more convenient and explicit form: <р(т) - at where a, and b{ are arbitrary constants and the functions f(x) and <р(т) are solutions of the ordinary differential equations df с dcp с с = const.
Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 309 It is possible to write down some explicit solutions even in the "physical" variables ul. Consider, for example, the two-component case (n = 2): Ux+\l + Tlul + T2u2jr °' 1 + Tjir + Г2и The desired solutions are given by u\x,r) = Ц?-[а0 + ^{YJix) - <p(r)) + a2(YJ(x) - <p(r))2}, и\х,т) = Ц^-[Ь0 + b^TJix) - <р(т)) + b2(T2f(x) - <p(r))2], where a0, au a2, b0, bv and b2 are arbitrary constants subject to the constraint a2Tl + b2T2 = 0, whereas f(x) and <р(т) are solutions of the ordinary differential equations 1 2\r2 = с + aQ + bQ + (в,Г, + bxY2)f + (а2Г2 + b2Y\)p, df/dx -—~d~ = с + (a, + &!)<P - (a2 + fc2)<p2. Analogous formulas can be obtained in the n-component case for arbitrary n > 2: u,(x,r) = ^P-gi[rif(x)-(p(r)]. Here £,(•) are some polynomials of nth order in [FJix) - <p(r)] with certain restrictions on their coefficients, and the functions fix) and <р(т) satisfy ordinary differential equations. CONSERVATION LAWS The conservation laws are of the form JH(R)dx,
310 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 with densities H(R) satisfying the linear system d2H дН/dR1 - 3H/dRJ 3RldRj Rj - R* One obvious solution is **;. H(R)= Yl(Rs-a), where a is an arbitrary constant. The general solution can be represented in the form Н(Ю= [RlTl(Rs-«)<PMda+ ••• + [RnTl(Rs-a)<pn(a)da, J l J l where <px(a),..., <pn(a) are n arbitrary functions of one variable. 14.1.2. GENERALIZED LANGMUIR ISOTHERM (Ferapontov and Tsarev [1991]) u' + Y:U 1[1 + ЦГ,И')1/г]г]т = o, ry at{u) = —pr, r = const. [l + E(I>'),/r] For r = 1 we recover the classical Langmuir case. CHARACTERISTIC VALUES The characteristic values Л' are the roots of the equation E p ' lv = W\ where V- 1 + E (Г,«')1/Г. RIEMANN INVARIANTS The Riemann invariants Л' are given by R1 = A'V.
Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 311 There exist simple formulas that connect Riemann invariants Rl with "physical" variables ul: DIAGONAL FORM ^ + ^nWflr5| K = o. LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES A • ■ д X= Y,wl(R)Rlx r, where wl(R) are solutions of the linear system dwl/dRJ r wj-wl (Rj-Rl) Its general solution has the form for any / Ф j. where H(R) satisfies the linear system d2H dH/dR> - dH/dR1 IWdR' ~Г R> - Rl One particular solution is H(R) = Yl(R'-a) 5 = 1 a = const. For r < 0 the general expression for H(R) can be written in the form where <р,(д),..., (pn(a) are n arbitrary functions of one variable.
312 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I GENERAL SOLUTION The general solution can be obtained by the generalized hodograph transform (П?Р)Г R'iTllR') TT-x = w'(R). RECIPROCAL AUTOTRANSFORMATION Introducing new independent variables f and x by the formulas di = dx = U1(aRs +p) TllR* YlKyR5 + 8) T\1RS and new dependent variables Rl given by Rl aRl + j8 yRl + 8 (where a, /3, y, and 8 are arbitrary constants), we arrive at the same equations, but in the new variables f, x, and Rl: n in 5=1 / 5=1 &х +ЯЧ П^/ПГ5 R'i = 0 EXACT SOLUTIONS R'(x,t) = <Р(т) -at where ai and bi are arbitrary constants and the functions f(x) and <p(r) are
Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 313 solutions of the ordinary differential equations df d* [nU(f-bs)UUr\ dip с For r = - \, both fix) and cpir) become hyperelliptic integrals. CONSERVATION LAWS The conservation laws are of the form JHiR)dx, with the densities HiR) satisfying the linear system d2H 3H/dRl - dH/dRj dRl dRJ One obvious solution is = r- R} - Rl , for any / Ф j. H(R) s=\ The general solution can be represented in the form (for r > 0) H{R) = fR' Yl(R'-a) /Rn Tl(Rs-°) <P„(a)da, where (p^a),..., <p„(a) are n arbitrary functions of one variable. 14.1.3. POWER ISOTHERM (Ferapontov and Tsarev [1991]) u' + IV n;.,(r/)"', a,(u) T,u' П,Я.,(ГХ) S\P,' = 0, j8j = const.
314 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I CHARACTERISTIC VALUES The characteristic values A' are the roots of the equation £77^ = 1, where V= П(ГХЛ л-=1 Ал - KV s=\ Hence A' can be represented in the form A' = /x'/K, where the constants /1/ are solutions of the equation RIEMANN INVARIANTS The Riemann invariants R' are given by " P. R'= £—L_^nI>*. DIAGONAL FORM ^ + /i'exp - Ер'Л'к = 0, where the constants pJ are solutions of the linear system ps ,=1 ГУ"М LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES *=1>'(ВД^-,
Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 315 where wliR) are solutions of the linear system dwl/dRj /?V GENERAL SOLUTION The general solution can be obtained by the generalized hodograph transform т-м'ехр - YJpsRs\x = wi{R), wl(R) being an arbitrary solution of the linear system defining the Lie-Backlund symmetries. EXACT SOLUTIONS The exact solutions are of the form #(*,т)=*,.(?(т) -,#(*)), where #,(•) are certain polynomials of nth order and the functions <pir) and fix) satisfy ordinary differential equations. Let us illustrate this construction in the two-component case in = 2): R\ + /x1exp(-/71/?1 -p2R2)R\ = 0, R2X + n2exp(-plRl -p2R2)R2T = 0. The desired solutions are given in the form R1(x,t) = a0 + ах((р{т) - nlf(x)) + а2((р(т) - filf(x)) , R\x,t) =b0 + bfoir) - »2f(x)) + b2(<p(r) - n2f(x)f, where the constants a0, ax, a2, b0, bv and b2 are subject to the constraint а2р1/л1 + Ь2р2/л2 = 0. Here (p(r) and fix) satisfy the ordinary differential equations \n(d(p/dr) = [p'a^fi1)2 + р2Ь2(ц2)2]<р2 - [р1аФ1 + p2blti2]<p + P^o + P2b0 + c, \n(df/dx) = -\pla2+p2b2\f2- [/>1*1+/>261]/+c. (both <р(т) and fix) may be expressed through /exp(-£2)d£).
316 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I 14.1.4. LANGMUIR ISOTHERM WITH DISSOCIATION (Ferapontov and Tsarev [1991]) u\ + (ry)'A I =o «,-(") (ГУ)' ,Л1А 1 + Ц.^ГУ) [/г- where the constant r is the dissociation coefficient. After introducing v' = (Г,м')|/г and у = те, these equations assume the form »; + (»'') l-r IV 1 + Eu* = 0. CHARACTERISTIC VALUES The characteristic values A' are the roots of the equation r,(i>') 2-r s-irs(v')l-'-\V = K, where К = 1 + £ г;5. 5 = i RIEMANN INVARIANTS In the case r = 2, the Riemann invariants are given by 5=1 Г - v5klV ln-5-^ + Г - г/Л'К For r = 3,4,... the formulas for Riemann invariants become more complicated. This system possesses an infinite number of Lie-Backlund symmetries and conservation laws. Difficulties in writing them down explicitly are due to the fact that we cannot find the diagonal form of our equations (i.e., we cannot express the A' as functions of Riemann invariants Rl as was done for generalized Langmuir and power isotherms).
Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 317 14.1.5. EXPONENTIAL ISOTHERM (Ferapontov and Tsarev [1991]) «• . ( <*,e*p(ry) \ = oij ехр(Г/м') 1 + Е;.1а,ехр(Г,и*) a-(") = 1 ^ v» „ ^^/r.,54 » <*s = const- After introducing v' = a, ехр(Г,м'), these equations assume the form (the exponential isotherm is a limiting case of the Langmuir isotherm with dissociation as the dissociation coefficient r approaches zero). CHARACTERISTIC VALUES The characteristic values A' are the roots of the equation ^I>*-AK " — RIEMANN INVARIANTS The Riemann invariants /?' are given by 5=1 ln(r7^J ; к — i -г / , и А'У 1 + rsvs - A'Vj The difficulties here are just the same as in the previous case: We cannot write this system explicitly in Riemann invariants. 14.2. SYSTEMS OF TEMPLE CLASS (Pavlov, Ferapontov, and Tsarev [1993]) R't + \l(R)R'x = 0,
318 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 dkau = dj(zik, diaki aki where the \l(R) are subject to the following constraints: for any к Ф i Ф j, + aki, for any к Ф i Ф j, djdi In an + djUji - д(аи = ацап, for any i Ф j, where аи = (dj\l)/(\j - A1") and dj = d/dRj. The most interesting example is n Rlt + Rl П RkRix = °? k = l which coincides with the Riemann invariant form of the chromatography equations with Langmuir isotherm of adsorption. Other examples and applications may be found in Temple [1983]. LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES А д X= У Wl(R)Rlx—r. ;=! dRl To give the general form of Wl(R) it is convenient to introduce the quantities Hl(R) being any solutions of equations djH1 = -аиН1 (one needs only quadratures to recover Hl(R)) and the quantities b-(R), given by b; = a(JHJ, for iФj, ■ ldiaji b\ =diHl +#4-^ +an \ an (Note that the last formula does not depend on the particular choice of /.) Now the general form of Wl(R) may be written as follows: W\R) = H\R)d-£-+ tbj(R)<pJ, where the <pJ(RJ) are n arbitrary functions of one variable.
Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 319 CONSERVATION LA WS The conservation laws are of the form fH(R)dx, where the densities H(R) are solutions of the linear system dJdiH = aijdiH + ajidjH, гФ). Among them any Temple system has exactly n linearly independent densities H(R) that are solutions of the overdetermined system djdiH = aljdiH + ajidjH, This linear system on Я is compatible and defines H(R), depending on n arbitrary constants. Let ЯД/?),..., Hn(R) be n linearly independent solutions. Introducing H{(R\ ..., Hn(R) as new dependent variables, we may rewrite our system Rlt + Xi(R)Rix = 0 in the equivalent conservative form (Я'), + (Р(Я)), = 0. This form is usually adopted for systems of Temple class, because in coordinates Hl the surfaces Rl = const, can be easily shown to be hyperplanes (this peculiar property was the reason for B. Temple to introduce such systems in 1983). In coordinates Hk any Riemann invariant Rl satisfies the equation Е/'(Я')Я* = 1, « = l,...,/i. k = \ Indeed, this condition is necessary and sufficient for the surfaces Rl = const, to be hyperplanes. Hence the expression H(R) = fR'f!(a)Hk(R)<pl(a)da+--- + jR"fZ{a)Hk{R)<p"{a) da defines the density H(R\ depending on n arbitrary functions (pl(a),..., cpn{a).
320 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 14.3. ISOTACHOPHORESIS EQUATIONS (Babskii, Zhykov, and Yudovich [1983]) u\ + I I = 0, where ul(x, t) is the concentration of the /th electrolyte in the solute and the constants pl are electrophoretic mobilities (/ = 1,..., n). CHARACTERISTIC VALUES The characteristic values A' are the roots of the equation / A Ps"s \ A A ' E Г7> = 0, where P = £ psus. \S = X P ~ ЛГ ] s = 1 Hence A1 = 0 is one of the characteristic values. RIEMANN INVARIANTS The function Rl = ul + • • • +un is obviously Riemann invariant, corresponding to A1 = 0, i.e., R\ = 0. Riemann invariants Rl, i = 2,..., n, corresponding to nonzero characteristic values A', are given by Rl = A' • P. Note, that P may be expressed in the form P= Up5 Rl T\Rs s=l / s=2 DIAGONAL FORM The diagonal form of isotachophoresis equations is given by R) = 0, R\+ \RlYlRs R1Ups\K = 0, i = 2,...,n. From the first equation it immediately follows that Rl = Rx(x) does not depend on t (this property is known as electrophoretic memory). Inserting
Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 321 Rl = Rl(x) in the last (n — 1) equations for R* and introducing new independent variable x by the formula dx/dx = Rl(x), we arrive at the equations R' + U,'nWflp5)/?i = 0, i = 2,...,n, which identically coincide with the chromatography equations when the isotherm of adsorption is the classical Langmuir one. This coincidence explains the similarity between chromatography and isotachophoresis equations, observed earlier. LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES д п д X=Wl(R)R\—r+ ЕИ^)^—?, 'dR1 'dR' where Wl = W\Rl) is an arbitrary function of R1, whereas the W'(R) for i = 2,..., n are of the form rRxWHR) Wl(R) = J £—i- dR - W'(R) In R\ where R Y,W\R)KX— is an arbitrary Lie-Backlund symmetry of the chromatography equations i.e., s = 2 °R R'FlUiR* ■ » Ak(Rk) k = 2 ^m*k(Rm ~ R ) i = 2,..., n. In fact, all formulas for electrophoresis may be easily recovered from the corresponding formulas for chromatography equations.
322 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 14.4. WEAKLY NONLINEAR SEMI-HAMILTONIAN SYSTEMS R\ + Xi{R)Rix = 0, where characteristic values \'(R) are subject to <ЭЛ' —j = 0, foranyi-l,...,n (14.9) uK d* TT—J \=d'\ Ijrrij I > for апУ i*J*k* i. (14.10) The systems that satisfy Equations 14.9 are called weakly nonlinear. It is known that weak nonlinearity prevents shocks in the region where the system is strictly hyperbolic. The systems that satisfy Equations 14.10 are called semi-Hamiltonian and can be shown to possess an infinite number of conservation laws and Lie-Backlund symmetries (see the following discussion). In the last years these systems were extensively investigated in Pavlov [1987b], Tsarev [1985b], Ferapontov [1990], [1991c], etc. For n = 2 and А1, А2 Ф const., any weakly nonlinear semi-Hamiltonian system (WNS system) can be put into the form R) + R2R\ = 0, Rj + RlR2x = 0, which is the Riemann invariant form of "Chaplygin gas"—equations of gasdynamics with у = — 1; see Rozhdestvenskii and Yanenko [1978]. For n = 3 the general solution of Equations 14.9 and 14.10 is expressed by the formulas Л>(Л) = A2(*) = А3(Я) = <p\Ri) - <p\R>) V2(R2) - V3(R3) ' <p\R*) - <p3(R3) V*(Rl) -^3(Я3)' У'(Я!)-Р2(Я2) ^'(Д1) - V2(R2) ' where the functions (p'(R') and V(R') are six arbitrary functions of the corresponding variables.
Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 323 To give the general solution of Equations 14.9 and 14.10 for any n > 3, it is convenient to introduce the (n X n) matrix Д = 1 l <pln(Rn) where the <pj(Rl) are arbitrary functions of the corresponding variables (j = 1,..., n - 1, / = 1,..., n). Let Д1 be the (n - 1) X (n - 1) matrix obtained from A after we cancel its (n - l)th row and ith column. Let A be the (n — 1) X (n — 1) matrix obtained from A after we cancel its nth row and ith column. Now the general solution of Equations 14.9 and 14.10 is given by (Ferapontov [1990], [1991c]) det A' v ' det A' (However, all methods given next do not appeal to this general formula.) CONSERVATION LAWS (Pavlov [1987b]) The conservation laws are of the form д д —P+ —Q = 0, dt dx where P= L /,(*'•) H,(R), Q= Е/,(л')А'(л)я,(л). i=l Here the /,(^0 are n arbitrary functions of the corresponding variables, and the H({R) are any solutions of the system Wt = — r, i*j. (14.11) Note that one needs only quadratures to solve Equations 14.11.
324 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 A METHOD TO SOLVE INITIAL VALUE PROBLEM (Tsarev [1985b]) Let H;(R) be any solutions of System 14.11. We write R'x =fi{R')Hi(R), R' = -/,(Л')А'(Я)Я,.(Л), (14.12) where the f;(Rl) are n arbitrary functions of one variable. These equations are completely integrable (i.e., /?^ = Rltx) for any choice of fi(Rl), and their solutions Rl(x, t) are automatically solutions of the system Rlt + Xl(R)Rlx = 0. Given the initial data Rl(x,0), we insert them in the x part of Equations 14.12 to find fi(Rl). After that the t part of Equations 14.12 gives the time evolution of Rl(x,0). This solves the initial value problem. LINEARIZATION BY RECIPROCAL TRANSFORMATION (Ferapontov [1991c]) For any WNS system Rlt + Л/(Д)Д;С = 0 there are exactly n — 2 WNS systems Ка + К(Я)Я!х = 0, a= 1 л - 2, commuting with it. (Two systems Rl( + Л'ШД! = 0 and RlT + Wl(R)Rx = 0 commute if R\T = Rlrr) Let us write down all these commuting systems together: R' +A'(fl)/^ = 0, <+^(Я)Д1 = 0, a = 1 л - 2. The Rl are regarded now as functions depending not only on x and t, but also on ra. It is convenient to rewrite these equations in the equivalent exterior form: dRl A(dx -Kdt - W[drx - ••• - W*_2drn_2) = 0. Let us introduce new independent variables jjl1, i = l,...,n, by the formula drf = Ht(R)[dx - X dt - W(drl - ••• - W*_2dTn_2\, where the H^R) are again any solutions of System 14.11.
Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 325 Transformations of this type are known as reciprocal. In the new independent variables /x' our system becomes linear: dRlA d\£ = 0, or dW/diL* = 0, for any / Ф]. The complete integral is Rl = R1(ij!). Returning to the "old" variables x, Г, та, we obtain a complete integral of the initial system. ONE MORE METHOD OF INTEGRATION (Separation of Variables) (Ferapontov, [1990], [1991c]) Let us begin with the example Rlt + IE Rk -&)Ях = °> i = l,...,n. (14.13) (This system may be easily shown to be WNS.) The complete integral is given by the formulas 1-Ш- + -+1 W- (14Л4) where the functions /ХЦ),..., /„(£) are arbitrary. Some special solutions are obtained when Ш)= ••• =Ш=НП(^-£')1 . £* = const. In this case our formulas become a Jacobi inversion problem, and the function u(x,t)= E Es-2ERs(x,t) s=l s=\
326 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I solves the KdV equation: 2n + \ 4u, + uxxx - Ьшх + 2 £ Esux = 0. j=i (Solutions of the KdV equation obtained by the procedure just described are called n-zone solutions.) Formula 14.14 of the complete integral of System 14.13 can be generalized to an arbitrary WNS system (Ferapontov [1990], [1991c]): j Ш) j Ш) f -Щ)~ + -+/ ~1Л)- = 1' (14Л5) I -m- + '"+f 1J^ = 0' «-0---3- where /\(£),..., /„(£) are arbitrary functions, whereas the <pj(£) are fixed and completely determined by the WNS system under study (e.g., for System 14.13, ф) = П LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES For any WNS system, the Lie-Backlund symmetries are of the form (Ferapontov [1990], [1991c]) where n-2 Wl{R) = An - A/(/?)An"1 - £ WJ(R)ka, a = \ where Wla are the characteristic values of (n - 2) WNS systems R\ + wiRix = °> commuting with the initial system #', + AT^ = 0, and the Д* "are given by Д' fRitf ld£ fR»ipkn ld£ Ш) J Ш) (where the cp) are just the same as in 14.15).
Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 327 14.5. BENNEY SYSTEM 7,; + (My), = o, n u\ + ululx + £ 17* = 0, / = 1,..., л, A:=l where w'(jc, f) is the velocity of the ith layer and rfix, t) is the thickness of the ith layer. This system was extensively studied by Zakharov [1981]; Gibbons [1981]; Geogdzaev [1987]; Pavlov and Tsarev [1991]. CHARACTERISTIC VALUES The characteristic values \a are the roots of the following equation (a = l,...,2w): E —■ = * * = i (Л + w*)2 RIEMANN INVARIANTS The Riemann invariants Ra are given in the form Ra = \a+T r, a = l,...,2n. However, up to now there are no formulas for Afl in terms of the Riemann invariants Ra only. LIE POINT SYMMETRIES д — + дх д t— дх д Jx п *«1 п + Е > дик д ~дй* д Yt + а а дх dt п д £ 277*—г stretchin Galilean transformation. CONSERVATION LA WS The conservation laws are of the form Jp(u,t]) dx,
328 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 with density P(u, in). Some particular densities are given by P = v", u~ - w \ тФк P = uk, k2 P =U— + TjMllTJ* + £ J]m\Xi{uk - Um), 2 тФк etc. LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES The Lie-Backlund symmetries are given by д i дР \ э i эр\ < + — —г =o, т 5л: \ ату' / where P(u, r)) is an arbitrary conserved density. 14.6. AVERAGED NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER EQUATION R', + \'(R)R'x = 0, i=l,...,4, where i, „ (R'-R^R'-R^Kis) K ' t\ (R1-R4)K(s)-(R2-R4)E(s)' ( ' hx (R2-R3)K(s)-(Ri-R*)E(s)> MR) - У Л* + 2 (^2-^3)(^-^)ВД 4 _ f * (л1 -R4)(R4-R3)K(s)
Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 329 with (Rl -R2)(R3 -R4) (Rl -R3)(R2-R4) ' s and K(s) and E(s) are complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind, respectively. This hydrodynamic system describes modulation of a one-phase solution of the nonlinear Schrodinger equation (Pavlov [1987c]). LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES (Kudashev and Sharapov [1990b]) The Lie-Backlund symmetries are of the form i ■ 3 k = l where the Wk{R) are given by X= У Wk(R)Rk—r, ^ v } xdRk and the function V(R) satisfies the linear system d2v dv dv liRt-R')—= r + г r = 0, /,; = 1,2,3,4 (14.16) v JdRldRJ dRJ dRl ' ,J ' v } It is surprising, that elliptic integrals have disappeared from equations on V, System 14.16 possesses the following symmetry operators (Kudashev and Sharapov [1990b]): 4 д 4 д 3 tA 3Rk J Moreover, Equations 14.16 are invariant under the transformation Д' = \/R\ V = V/^RlR2R3R4 . For example, starting from V0 = 1 and applying the last transformation, one
330 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 arrives at V= l/]/R{R2R3R4 . Applying the transformation Rl -> Rl — A, one obtains V= l/}J(Rl - X)(R2 - А)(Д3 - Л)(Д4 - Л) . Expanding K(A)in the form K(A) = RWRiR^1 + Vl(R)X + Vl{R)K2 + ''' ) we arrive at the infinite family of polynomial solutions Vk(X). Let us give some more solutions: 1. V=v(s)}/(Ri-Ri)(R2-R<), where, = ((*, " ^^ " *4)} and v(€) satisfies hypergeometric equation 2. K=K(s), K=K(l-s2), where К is the elliptic integral of the first kind. Remark. Let us put R4 = r = const., x = x — rt, and 1 = t. After this transformation, taking the limit r -> oo one arrives at the averaged KdV equation. 14.7. AVERAGED KdV EQUATION Rlt + \i(R)Rix = 0, i = 1,2,3, where A , (л3-л2)вд
Hydrodynamic-Type Systems 331 with s = (R2 - Rl)/(R3 - Rl\ and K(s) and E(s) are complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind, respectively. This hydrodynamic system describes modulation of a one-phase solution of the Korteveg-de Vries equation (Whitham [1965]) and was extensively investigated in Dubrovin and Novikov [1989], Tsarev [1990], Kudashev and Sharapov [1990a], Levermore [1988], etc; (see also references therein). LIE-BACKLUND SYMMETRIES The Lie-Backlund symmetries are of the form X= ZWk{R)Rkx^-k, k = \ dR where the Wk(R) are given by (Kudashev and Sharapov [1990a]) and the function V(R) satisfies the linear system d2v dv dv 2(Rl - RJ)—:—: + г г = 0, ij = 1,2,3, v JdRlRJ 8R} 3Rl ' ' which is identical with that obtained in the nonlinear Schrodinger case. Hence we shall not repeat its properties here.
15 IntegrodifFerential Equations In this chapter we include some recent results on group analysis of integro- differential equations. Despite their wide applicability in physical problems, equations of this type have only recently drawn the attention of specialists in group analysis. The main reason is the difficulty one faces when solving the defining equation. Some approaches to overcome these difficulties were proposed by Meleshko [1990] and Bobylev [1993]. 15.1. PSEUDODIFFERENTIAL SCHRODINGER EQUATION д i y/\ - A \u = 0, dt where д д д = —7 + • • • +—=-, ;2=-i. **? dXn This equation describes in dimensionless form the motion of a free relativis- tic particle. LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Aksenov and Samarov [1989], [1990]) This equation admits the Lorentz group, д д д д 332 0-8493-4488-3/S0.00 + $.50 (с) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc.
Integrodifferential Equations 333 EXACT SOLUTIONS (Aksenov and Samarov [1989], [1990]) Up to rescaling и -* const. • u, there is only one Lorenz-invariant solution 1 .„ exp[/(fct - \l\ + k2t)\ J(n\x,t) = Л L V , ^dk, (2ir)' Vl + &2 where kx = kxxx + • • ■ +knxn, k2 = k2 + • • • + k2, and dk = dkx... dkn. For n = 1,2 this expression can be rewritten in special functions as follows: 1 Jw{x,t) J j Y0(^2-*2) - ^sgntJ0(y/t2-x2), \x\ < \t\, -K0Nx2-t2), \x\>\t\, 77" I / exp(-/sgn t\t2 - x2\ /(2)(jc,0 = -— sgnt LIT 4^. 1 exp(-Vx2 - t2) 2^ 7x=2=7 -, \x\<\t\, W>\t\, where Y0, J0, and KQ are special Bessel functions. For n > 3 analogous expressions for /(n)(x, t) can be obtained by applying the following recursion formula: 2тг\х\ д\х\ FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTION U(x,t)=i-J<n\x,t) ot The function U(x, t) is a solution of the following Cauchy problem: д ('5-H"4 U\,.„-S(x).
334 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 15.2. ONE-DIMENSIONAL MOTION OF ELASTOPLASTIC MEDIA <p(e) =<r+ ('K(t,T)(r(t,T)dT, where v is velocity, a is strain, e is deformation, and K(t, r) is the hereditary kernel. LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Meleshko [1990]) д 3 хг = —, x2 = — 1 дх 2 ди This trivial group extends in the following situations: 1. <p(e) = a + ln(a + ce)p CX д CU д д д Х3 = --- + — — + (а +се)— +pcv.(t) — 2 дх 2 dv де да 2. (р(е) = а{а + сеУ + у сх д си д Х3 = (р- 1) —— + (/3 + 1) —— + (а + се) — 3 кн ' 2 дх v ' 2 дг; v 7 <9е + j8c(o--y/i(0) — оа 3. <р(е) = а 4- ехр(уе) (у =£ 0) *з = У*^ + ?^ + 2у((7-ад(0)— +2— dx dv да де where fi(t) solves the equation 1 =/i(f) + CK{t,T)ii(r)dT.
Integrodifferential Equations 335 For the linear case, (p(e) = Ее + Ex, д д д X3 = и 1- a h e—, до да де д д д A x'dv "до- ххде where \(x, t) is any solution of the equation E\xx = Att + JK(t,T)An(t,r)dT. 15.3. NONLOCAL KORTEWEG-de VRIES EQUATION e r + »/ тг(х - f) \ ut = 2uux + — + coth sgn(x - £) w^ d£ As 8 -> 0, s = 28~l, this equation approaches the KdV equation, ut = lUxxx + luUx- As 8 -» oo? g = l? this equation approaches the Benjamin-Ono equation, ut = 2uux H f at,. тг J t — X EXACT SOLUTIONS (Bobenko, Matveev, and Sail [1982]) 2ep sin 8p u(x, t) u(x,t) = cos 8p ± cosh2p[x — x0 + (2e/8 — 2spcot 8p)t\ 2sp sinh 8p cosh 8p + cos2p[;t — л:0 4- (2e/8 — 2sp coth 5p)f] e5 w(x,0 = p ~ (rational solution), V (x + 2/tf) 2 + S2/4 V ' where /? and x0 are arbitrary constants.
336 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 BACKLUND TRANSFORMATION (Satsuma, Ablowitz, and Kodama [1979]) Let us introduce и = -Wx and put e = 1. Then the equation can be rewritten in the form where T(f)=f W, + W2 + T(WXX) = 0, i n(x-i) i ICOth 8 + 5"Sgn(* ~ ^ f(€)d€. The desired Backlund transformation is given by {W + W)x = A + iT{W - W)x - 2iS-\W - W) + ,xei(-w'-W) (W - W), = - (25"1 + \)(W - W)x + i(W + W)xx -i(W - W)XT(W - W)x + 2i8-\W - W)(W - W)x, where A and /a are arbitrary constants. If W(x, t) is a solution, then W(x, t) is another solution of the same equation. CONSERVATION LAWS The conservation laws are of the form (Satsuma, Ablowitz, and Kodama [1979]) JP(u,ux,...) dx. where the first five densities P(u, ux,...) are given by (again, we put e = 1) Pi = u, P2 = u2, P3 = u3 - \uT(ux), P4 = u*- 3u2T(ux) + \u\ + \{Tux)2 + Ъ8~'иТ{их), P5 = u5- fu'T(ux) + luuxT(u2) + \uu\ + lu(Tux)2 + l"2T2(uxx) + luT(uxxx) + \uT\uxxx) + 2S-'[f u2T(ux) - fAu2x - f(Tux)2} - f8-2uT(ux). As was recently observed by Degasperis et al. [1991], nonlocal equations of
Integrodifferential Equations 337 KdV type can serve as Lie-Backlund symmetries of generalized Toda equations. Consider, for example, the following equation on W\ WXT = exp[W(x + i8,r) - W(x,t)] - exp[W(x,r) - W(x-i8,r)] The simplest symmetry equation is 7 / r+°° irfij - x) w, + W) + g / w coth^—^ ^ = °> which is very similar to the nonlocal KdV equation. 15.4. BENJAMIN-ONO EQUATION 1 /-+00 Urt ut + 2uux + — I ——d£ = 0. ' x irJ-^i-x This nonlinear integrodifferential equation describes internal waves in stratified fluids of finite depth. EXACT SOLUTIONS (Benjamin [1967]; Ono [1975]) 2cx u(x,t) = - 5 -, cx = const, (rational solitary wave) [c\{x - cxt) + 1) kx tanh фх u(x,t) = r— =- (periodic wave solution), v ' 1 + sech^cosfifc^jc - cxt) + £j ' where q = /cj coth фх, (£1? kx, фх) = const., 2схс2[схв\ + c20\ + (q + c2) Ai^2(ci ~ ci) } и = j > [cxc2exe2 - (cx + c2)2/(q - c2)2} + (c^! + c2e2)2 where вх = x — cxt, в2 = x — c2t, and cx and c2 are constants. This solution, obtained by Satsuma and Ishimori [1979], describes the collision of two rational solitons.
338 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 A more general solution describing the collision of two periodic waves is given by (Satsuma and Ishimori [1979]) u(x, t) = i — In g(x,t) where / = 1 + exp(/^! + фг) + exp(/f2 + ф2) + exp(/£, + /£2 + фх + ф2 + An) g = 1 + exp(/^ - фх) + exp(/£2 - Фг) + exp(/f, + /£2 ~ Ф\~ Фг+ А\г) where £y = A:;(jc — CyO + gf, c} = A:y coth фр and (&y, фу, £?) = const. Moreover, Л12 is given by exp Al2 = {(c, - c2f - (k{ - k2)2}/((c{ - c2f - (k{ + k2)2} In general these solutions are complex, but may become real under a particular choice of the parameters (Satsuma and Ishimori [1979]). These formulas can be generalized to describe the interaction of N periodic waves: u(x, t) = i — In v } dx where / N N \ f= E expЕму('£у + Фу) + Е^ДуЛу > M = 0,1 \j=\ i<j J ( N N \ g = E exp E MyO'f/ " Фу) + Е^/МуЛу • M = 0,1 \У=1 /<У / Where £y = kj(x - Cjt) + £?, cy = fcy coth фу, (fcy, фу, f?) = const., and "interaction" constants Au are given by exp Au = {(c,- - Cj)2 - (*, - kj)2}/{(Ci - Cj)2 - (*,. + *,)2}. The notation EM=0,i indicates the summation over all possible combinations of /it, = 0,1,...,/хя = 0,1.
Integrodifferential Equations 339 BACKLUND TRANSFORMATION (Satsuma, Ablowitz, and Kodama [1979]) Introduce и = Wx. Then the equation can be rewritten in the form 1 , + »/(£) Wt + Wx2 + H(WXX) = 0, Hf(x) = -f d€, 77 •'-00 Z; - X where H denotes the Hilbert transform. The Backlund transformation has the form (W + W)x = A +iH(W - W)x + fiei(W'-w\ (W - W)t = -k{W - W)x + i(W + W)xx - i(W - W)XH{W - W)} SOLUTIONS OBTAINED BY THE POLE EXPANSION METHOD (Chen, Lee, and Pereira [1979]) Let us look for solutions of the form n I l l \ u(x,t) = i £ — k-o\x-ak x-akj (the bar means complex conjugation), where the ak(t) are the complex poles to be determined. (Note that u(x, t) is real for any choice of ak) Inserting this ansatz in the equation, we arrive at the following dynamical system: id Д 1 " 1 2 dt k*jak-aj k = \aj-ak This system is completely integrable: After differentiation upon t it assumes the form of the well-known Calogero-Moser л-body problem, d2 Д 1 dt J кФ](Л]-акУ In the periodic case we have to consider solutions of the form n u(x, t) = ia Y, {cot a(x - ak) - cot a(x - dk)). k = Q This solution is real and has period 2тг/а, where a is an arbitrary real constant.
340 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. I The dynamics of the complex poles ak is governed by the system i d n n ^Ttai = a £cotHfl* ~ ai)\ + <* E со1[а(лу-л*)], L ai кФ) k = i which after differentiation upon t converts into the integrable Moser- Sutherland many-body problem d2 —^aj = Sa3 £ csc[a(fly - ak)\coi2[a{aj - ak)\. ai кФ] 15.5. CONFORMAL-INVARIANT INTEGRODIFFERENTIAL EQUATION // \3-a , \4-a u(x) u(y) , 9 -^ \^ G(\x - y\2u(x)u(y)) dy = 0, \x - y\ where д2 З д2 or, A1? and A2 are constants, and G() is an arbitrary function. LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Fushchich, Stelen, and Serov [1989]) This equation possesses conformal group c(l, 3) with generators д д P0=—, Рд=-—, £1 = 1,2,3, <9x0 <9xfl JtL* =xnpv ~ xvp^ P,v = 0,1,2,3, D=xvPv + l, K^ = 2x^D-x2P^ д = 0,1,2,3. This equation turns out to be the only one that is conformal-invariant in the class of integrodifferential equations of the form D и + \xF(u) + \2ik(x,y,u(x),u(y)) dy = 0.
Integrodifferential Equations 341 15.6. INTEGRODIFFERENTIAL BOLTZMANN EQUATION ft + vfx = I{f,f) f = f(x,v,t), (x,v)^RnxR«, '(/,/)= fdwdncr(v-w,n){f(v')f(w')-f(v)f(w)}, where u' = \{v + w + \v — w\n\ w' = \(u + w — \v — w\n\ \n\ = 1, n e Sn, dn is a volume form of S", and cr(i; - w, n) is a cross section. LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Bobylev [1993]) 1. a(v — w, n) is an arbitrary function д д Z= —, ZJ = —г simple shifts, ' dt dxl д д Zni = t—- Л г Galilean transformations, G dxl dvl id д \ i д д \ Z('\J) = xl—r - xJ—г + и1—г - vJ—г rotations, rot \ dxJ dxl) \ dvJ dvl) д д п д Z = f V t h Y, xk—т scaling transformation df ^ /P1 dxk 2. a(v — w,n) = \v — w\2(l~n)/mg(9) where в is the scalar product of (v - w)/\v — w\ and n; additional operator: where pm = m/[m + 2 + n(m — 2)] 3. cr(v — w, n) = \v — w\(l~n)g(0), i.e., m = 2. Additional operator (Bobylev and Ibragimov [1989]): д 3 3 Z1 = t2 h tTxk—т + У\(хк - vkt)—г projective operator dt к дх к dv The corresponding one-parameter group of point transformations is given by t x' t' = - -, jc'"=- -, v1' = v'(\-at) +axl, f=f. 1 — at 1 — at
342 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 15.7. SPATIALLY HOMOGENEOUS BOLTZMANN EQUATION FOR MAXWELL MOLECULES Tt = \dwdn\ (v — w) \u - w\ ■>n {f(v')f(^)'f(v)f(w))9 where v' = \(v + w + \v — w\n), w' = \{v + w — \v — w\n), n e S2, \n\ = 1, dn is the volume of a two-dimensional sphere, and g(-) is an arbitrary function. INTEGRAL INVARIANCE TRANSFORMATIONS (Bobylev [1975], [1976]) 1- STf(v,t)= (477-r) 3/2 jdwf(w, t)txp (u — w) 0 < T < oo The infinitesimal generator of ST is the Laplacian d2/dv2, i.e., ST exp(rd2/dv2). 2. RTf(v,t) = [2тг(1 -е~2т)] V1 fdwf(w,t)exp (v — we T) 2(1 - e~2r) The infinitesimal generator of RT is the operator 5 / 5 -\- + v, i.e., Лт = ехрТ- - + «, ^ / д EXACT SOLUTIONS (Bobylev [1975], [1976]) 1 + /3 \3/2 1+/3 , 3 L> 2 2 exp 1+P where /3 = /3(0 = i „„,чГ„ ZT^T and /Lt = const. = — / dO g(cos 0)sin3 в. I 2 •'n 1 + j3(0)[l -е~^]
Integrodifferential Equations 343 The action of RT on this exact solution results in the r-shift: 2тг' Rrf(v,0 =f\V,t + M 0 < T < oo. Some other (more complicated) solutions f(v,t), satisfying RTf(v,t) = /^,; + -j, for appropriate Л = const., were constructed by Bobylev [1976] in the form of convergent series. It turns out that the only possible values of Л = const, are given by 77 Г1 \ I 1 +X\P / 1 -X\P] /7 = 2,3,... 15.8. EXACTLY SOLVABLE KINETIC EQUATION DESCRIBING "VERY HARD" PARTICLES (Ernst and Hendriks [1979]) I- +x+ llF(*,0 = jyujyyF{y,t)F{u-y,t), where Fix, t) is the energy distribution function. Applying the Laplace transform G(z,t) = fdxe-zxF{x,t) yields the first-order nonlinear partial differential equation д д \ 1 + 1G=-(1- G2), ,dt dz J zy ' which can be integrated in a closed form Ф(г +Г) + (z - \)e~' G(z,t) (z + 1)Ф(2 + t) - e~
344 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 where the function Ф(г + t) can be recovered from the initial data G(z,0): G(z,0)+z-\ ^Z) (z + l)G(z,0) - Г The distribution function F(x, t) is obtained by Laplace inversion: /ZOO -4- £ UZ, —e"G(z,t). -ioo + e £TTl 15.9. MAXWELL-VLASOV EQUATIONS f, + vfx-Efv = 0, E, = jvfdv, Ex = 1 - jfdv, where / = fit, x, v) and E = E(x, t). LIE POINT SYMMETRIES (Taranov [1978]) д 1 « 1 dt д хг = —, 2 дх д д д Хъ =х— + v— + Е — дх ди дЕ д ~f—r> 9f ХА = cos t sin t h cos t —, 4 дх ди дЕ д д д X. = sin t h cos t h sin t — 5 дх ди дЕ 15.10. LONG NONLINEAR WAVES ut + uux - и I uxdy + ghx = 0, ht + — udy = 0, dx->o where u(x, y, t) is the horizontal velocity, h(x, t) is a height of a free surface,
Integrodifferential Equations 345 and g is a constant. The main guess was to introduce "moments" An $un(x, y,t)dy (Benney [1973]). In these variables we have ВАЯ дАг h + ngAn_x = 0, n = 0,1,., CONSERVATION LAWS (Benney [1973]) The conservation laws are of the form — + — = o, dt dx « = 0,1,..., where Pn and Qn are some functions of A0, Ax... . The first few are given by *2 ~ lA2 + -2&40, Qo=A1, Qx=A2 + \gA\, Q2 = \Аг + gA0Au Q3 = \A, + gA0A2 + \zA\ + \%гА\, e4 = \A5 + gA0A3 + gA}A2 + \g2A\Ax, and so on. To obtain the infinite number of conservation laws it is convenient to introduce the generating function со f(x,t,z) = ^An(x,t)z\ n = 0 Then the following identity holds: д ~dt n+lrn+l lf RL\(n^v. д + — dx znfn У Ln -f(x,t,0) = 0, where L = gz1 d/dz. Each power of z yields a distinct conservation law. There exists another infinite sequence of conservation laws (Miura [1974]) of the form д д д — Tn + —Хп + —У =0, п = 1,2,..., dt n dx n ду п
346 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 where Tx=u, Xl = u2 + gh, Yx=uv, T2 = \u2, X2 = \u3 + ghu, Y2 = (\u2 + gA)i;, 73 = \u3 + *Ли, X3 = ^4 + g/ш2 + gAxu + ^g2A2, У3 = (У + g/iw + *4,)i and so on, where гУ v = — I uxdy. There exist also conservation laws д д д — Tn + — Хп + — Yn = О, dt n дх п ду п with the following explicit (x, O-dependence (Miura [1974]): Tx = tu, Xx = t(u2 + gh) -xu, T2 = t(u2 + gh) - xu, X2 = t(u3 + Ighu + gAx) - x(u2 + gh), T3 = t2(u2 + gh) - 2xtu, X3 = t2(u3 + Ighu + gAx) - 2xt(u2 + gh) + x2u, Yv = {tu -x)v, Y2=[t(u2 + 2gh) -xu]v9 Y3 = [t2(u2 + 2gh) - 2xtu + x2]u.
С. Computer Aspects
16 Applications of Group Theory in Computation—A Survey During the past three decades, research on and application of the group properties of differential equations has generated a substantial literature. As evidenced by the literature in book form (Ovsiannikov [1962], [1972], [1978]; Ames [1965], [1972]; Bluman and Cole [1974]; Ibragimov [1983]; Seshadri and Na [1985]; Sattinger and Weaver [1986]; Olver [1986]; and Rogers and Ames [1989]) and a great variety of papers, which will not be cited here, most of the work is of an analytical nature. Because of the versatility of Lie's ideas, it is not surprising that group analysis would also find applications in numerical analysis. Perhaps the first to realize such an application, but not in the present modern context, was Toepfer [1912]. He discovered a scaling transformation that successfully converts the Blasius boundary value problem into two initial value problems. The successive solution of two problems provides a solution for the original problem. Klamkin [1962], [1970] and Na [1979] realized that the success of Toepfer's transformation hinged upon the invariance of the Blasius equation under the one-parameter scaling group. Major extensions have been made by Klamkin [1970] and Na [1979] to boundary value problems on finite and infinite domains. In a recent paper, Ames and Adams [1976a] demonstrated a further extension to eigenvalue problems. Upon introducing other groups the procedure can be applied to many types of equations. For certain groups Klamkin [1970] and Ames and Adams [1976b] have characterized those classes for which the method is applicable. All of these studies have been restricted to ordinary differential equations although they can be generalized. 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc. 349
350 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 In his book Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations Ames ([1977], pages 236-237) discusses the "removal" of a troublesome boundary singularity by means of similarity transformations. These singularities, created by differences in the function values at the corner where the initial line meets the vertical boundary, are expanded into a line or curve. Then the sudden jump becomes a smooth transition along the line or curve in the new variables. The passage from a partial differential equation to a difference scheme inhibits a group analysis because the difference operators do not usually have the same group properties as the differential operators. It was therefore thought advisable by Janenko and Shokin, in a series of papers begun in 1968 (see Janenko and Shokin [1976] and Shokin [1983] for details and the complete bibliography), to conduct a group classification of difference schemes based on the first differential approximation. This approximation occupies an intermediate position between the original equation and the approximating difference scheme. In addition it is a fruitful device for studying the stability and dissipative properties of difference schemes. For the equations of gas dynamics these authors have shown how to formulate conditions under which the system of equations of the parabolic form of the first differential approximation admits the entire group of the original system. Thus a whole family of dissipative difference methods is generated. A related approach to that of Janenko and Shokin has been introduced by Postell [1990] and Ames, Postell, and Adams [1993]. In addition to classical optimal finite-difference schemes, they introduce invariant algorithms in which the terms added to a basic finite-difference scheme are selected to make the method high order and also to preserve some or all of the original equation's symmetry group. Examples include both hyperbolic and parabolic partial differential equations. A third approach, that of Dorodnitsyn [1989] is presented in the next chapter. 16.1. CONVERSION OF BOUNDARY VALUE TO INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS In the early part of this century it was recognized that invariance under scaling transformations permitted the reduction of the Blasius problem (y =y(rf)) у» + yy» = o, y(0) = /(0) = °> /(°°) = 2 into a pair of initial value problems. This follows from the observation that the Blasius equation is invariant under the scaling yi-q) = AF(rj), rj = \~lrj. Consequently, if F(tj) is a solution of the equation so is \F(\rj)—which constitutes a nonlinear superposition of solutions. So the procedure, now
Applications of Group Theory in Computation 351 called exact shooting, is as follows: Solve the initial value problem for F, F>» + ff» = o, F(0) = F(0) = 0, F"(0) = 1 (or any nonzero value) followed by У'" + yy" = 0, y(0) = y'(0) = 0, /'(0) = [2/F'(oo)]v\ In principle there is no need to solve the second problem. However, if у = kF(\ri) is to be obtained at the same uniformly spaced values of 77 as F(rj), then it is easier and more accurate to solve the second problem rather than to interpolate the values of AF(At7) from F(rj). An easy calculation provides the value of F(oo) ~ 1.6551828.... Klamkin [1962], [1970] was probably the first to realize the connection of the Blasius idea to group theory. In his first paper all the boundary conditions were specified to be homogeneous at the origin with some finite value at infinity. Such problems arise quite often in fluid mechanics. Subsequently, Na [1979] noted that the method was applicable to finite intervals and also applied to some equations that are invariant under other groups of transformations. Klamkin [1970] also removes the homogeneity required on the initial condition. We describe his analyses for a general second-order equation over an infinite domain and over a finite domain. Let a second-order equation over 0 < 77 < 00 be LAmnrs(yT(y')"yrVs = 0, (16.1) m, n r, s subject to the boundary conditions У'(0) = ay(0) + b, y(e)(oo) = k. (16.2) Here ra, n, r, and s are arbitrary indices, Amnrs are arbitrary constants, and e is an arbitrary integer (usually 0, 1, or 2). In what follows, we are tacitly assuming the existence and uniqueness of the initial value problems that will have implications for the basic boundary value problem. If Equation 16.1 is multiple-valued for y", a particular branch is specified and the analysis is carried through for that branch. Let A and fi be two parameters and assume that у can be expressed in the form y=XF(fJL71), (16.3) where F(tj) also satisfies Equation 16.1 but is subject to initial conditions F(0) =F(0) = 1.
352 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 For both у and F{rf) to satisfy Equation 16.1, the equation must be invariant under the simple two-parameter group rj=VVi У = А_1у. (16.4) This implies certain restrictions on the indices m, n, r, and s, which are obtained by putting Equation 16.3 into Equation 16.1, that is, E Amnrs[F"(nv)]m[F'(ni)]n[Fr(vi)}S^dVs = 0, (16.5) m,n r,s where с = m + n + r, d = 2m + n — s. (16.6) For invariance under Transformations 16.4, с and d must be constant for all sets of indices m, n, r, and s. Then Equation 16.1 reduces to ZAmn{y")m{y')nyc-m-"y]2m+"-d = 0. (16.7) m, n It now follows that y(0) = A, y'(0) = ak + b = Лд, £ = Л^(е)(°°). (16.8) After solving the initial value problem for F, thereby obtaining F(e)(°°) (perhaps using an analysis similar to that of Rubel [1955]), Л and jjl are determined from the simultaneous equations 16.8, which then provide the information to specify y(0) and y'(0). Thus we have converted the boundary value problem into two initial value problems. Both can be calculated, or we can determine у from у = AHju-tj) by interpolation of F{t}). The existence and uniqueness of И17), 0 < 77 < 00, has been tacitly assumed. Consequently, from Equation 16.3, the existence and uniqueness of у depends upon that for д and Л. Eliminating Л in Equations 16.8, it follows that the equation for jjl is k'{ii - a) = jjie, where k' = k/bF{e\^>). Depending upon the relative values of a, e, and k', there can be zero, one, or two solutions for fi. Once fi has been determined, Л is obtained from Л = b/(fi — a). Clearly, у may not have a unique solution. If the interval is finite, a similar analysis is possible. Thus, if the second boundary condition in Equation 16.2 is y(e)(L) =k,
Applications of Group Theory in Computation 353 then we have two equations in Л and /л, y'(0) = ak + b = A/i, k = XfieF(e)(fiL), as before. From these, we find A = b/(fi — a) and [k/bF«\vL)](fi - а) =це. If we replace the boundary condition, 16.2, by v(0) =a, y«\*>)=k, then we can employ one parameter jjl. With у = F(jjlt]), the requirement that F also satisfy Equation 16.1 leads to the invariance condition 2m + n - s = const. Because y(0) = a, F(0) = a. If we now take F'(0) = 1, then y'(0) = jjl, which is found from & = ^F(£)(oo), e Ф 0. For e = 0, an anomaly occurs, probably due to impossible boundary conditions. For a finite interval, with у(0)=я, y^(L) =k, we can proceed as in the immediately preceding paragraph. The boundary condition at the terminal point, r\T (L or oo)? can be replaced by ЕЯ,У(;>(Т7Г) = к. i Klamkin [1970] and Na [1979] also consider third-order equations of the form E Amnrst(y"')m(y")n(y'Y(yyv' = o, m, n, r s,t with у = XFifjLT]). The analysis is essentially the same as that described previously. There are many variations of the approach discussed here. We shall illustrate some of those with examples. Example 1. The energy equation for steady heat conduction, with linear heat generation, is described by + ЬГ=0, Г(0)=0, 7(L)=0, (16.9) d dx Г dT] '-rn dx \
354 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 where b is constant. Equation 16.9 is invariant under the scaling transformation x = aax, T(x) = a^T(x), provided a = n/3/2. If our first initial value problem is to be d /_ df\ *Г*)+и,-°' г(0)=0' r(0) = 1' the scaling gives the second problem 16.9 subject to dT df 7X0) = 0, — (0) =a'3-a— (0) =al}~a. (16.10) The choice of a = /3 in Equations 16.10 forces n to take the specific value 2, an undesirable situation. For any other choice, say (3 — a = 1, the derivative initial condition will depend upon a. With /3 — a = 1 there results n Ф 2. 2 — n ' 2 — n The value of the parameter a is then obtained by transformation of the boundary condition at x = L, which gives T = 0 at axQ = L, that is, a=[L/x0]i2-")/n, (16.11) where x0 > 0 is the value of x (if it exists), where T = 0 in the first initial value problem. The second initial value problem is then computed using this value of a. In the special case n = 2, the solution of the first problem is the required result. Some numerical results are listed in the following table: n b 2 0.1 6.544 2 1 1.167 2 5 0.354 2 3 0.3 5.55 2 3 3 3.12 2 3 15 2.085 Example 2. The equation d It du dt + ЛЫ = 0, ы'(0)=0, w(oo) = 0 (16.12) is invariant under the screw (spiral) transformation t = jjl l~t, и = и + Л, provided fi = ехр(Л/(/3 — a + 2)). Exact shooting proceeds as follows: Let
Applications of Group Theory in Computation 355 u(j) be a solution of the first initial value problem + a(iyeu = О, й(0) = О, й'(0) = О. (16.13) The second initial value problem consists of и satisfying the differential equation of Problem 16.12 subject to и'(0) =0, и(0) =А. To evaluate A, we use the condition u(p°) = 0; thus 0 = w(oo) = й(оо) + Л, so Л = — w(o°) (the compared result) and the second initial value problem can be obtained. Additional examples can be found in the cited literature and, for diffusion problems of various types, in Ames and Adams [1976a]. 16.2. CALCULATION OF EIGENVALUES The calculation of eigenvalues employing ideas from group analysis was begun by Belford [1969], who gave some simple examples. This was extended by Ames and Adams [1976b] to general situations using "exact shooting." Let со be the (positive) eigenvalue(s) sought, and consider the general problem u"=f[r,u,u',a>] (16.14) and, usually, three auxiliary conditions (see Moroney [1962] for details) of the type aiu{Pi) + biU\Pi) = 0, i = 1,2,3, (16.15) where f ^ С, и,и' <е Ш, со <e U+, 0 < x < 1, and 0 < pi■ < 1. The form of / is further restricted so that under the general scaling transformation R=g(<*>)r, U = h(a))u, the eigenvalue со is eliminated from Equation 16.14, but does appear in the d It du i d't
356 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 auxiliary conditions. For this restriction to hold, / must have the property R U g(a>) ' h(a>) ' g(e>) A(«) dU ~d~R ,a>) g» h(a>) dU R,U,-r~ dR , (16.16) as well as a condition found subsequently. In general / and F may be distinct. With Condition 16.16, Equation 16.14 becomes d2U ~d~R2 = F R,U, dU] ~dR (16.17) and the boundary conditions are dU a,U(g(a>)Pl) + big(a>) — (g(a>)Pi) = 0, (16.18) which now include the parameter. Second, for Equation 16.17 to be invariant under the one-parameter group coaR,col3U,(ol3-a R = waR, U = a>pU, dU dR = coP-^F dU (16.19) a functional equation. Upon differentiating Equation 16.19 with respect to со and setting со = 1, we obtain the generating first-order equation for F, dF dR 8F where p = dU/dR. Integrating this, by the theory of characteristics, gives F = R^/^-2G[UR-P/a, pR-^/«)+l], а Ф 0, (16.20) where G is an arbitrary but differential function of its arguments. (This provides all but those solutions called special.) Applying Condition 16.16 to Equation 16.20, we find that the admissible functions / of Equation 16.14 are f[r,u,u\co]=h-lg^ar^/a)-2G hu P/<*' / „„\P/<*-1 (Sr)p/a (gr) where u! = du/dr.
Applications of Group Theory in Computation 357 To simplify the details of the auxiliary conditions, we treat only two special cases f/(0) =0, U(g(co)) =0 (16.21) and (dU\ (dU\ («)(0)-0. («)(«(-)) "О, (16.22) with, in each case, the third condition being /3 — a = 1 to fix the eigenvalue uniquely (see Equation 16.24). So that we can guarantee the existence of positive eigenvalues со, assume f(R,U,U')<0 for U<E[0,Umax] and Ue[-a,a], that is, U is concave downward. For Conditions 16.21, using exact shooting, the first initial value problem (IVP) is U(R) satisfies Equations 16.17, 16.20, dU U(0) = 0, -= = 1, (16.23) V } dR(0) У } and the second IVP is U(R) satisfies Equations 16.17, 16.20, where the last condition 16.24 follows from the relation (dU/dR) = a)P~a(dU/dR). From the first IVP, because of the_ requirement U(g(a>)) = 0 in Equations 16.21, take the first zero of U(R), say, Rl9 whereupon coaRl =g(co) (16.25) yields an equation for со. Under the assumption that a smallest positive solution col exists, that value is used to solve the second IVP (Formula 16.24), generating U = U(R). Because R = g((o)r and U = h(a))u, the solution и = u(r) is directly obtainable by transformation and thus the first zero of u(r) is found for r e (0,1). Correspondingly, Equation 16.25 may possess a second, third, etc. root for со.
358 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 For Condition 16.22 the first IVP is U(R) satisfies Equations 16.17, 16.20, B(0)-i, (±)«4-o, and the second IVP is u(R) satisfies Equations 16.17, 16.20, ы(о)=йЛ Ш(о)=о- From the first IVP take the first positive zero, Sl9 of du/dR, assuming it exists, whereupon со is determined from co^lSx=g{co). Solving for col > 0, the second IVP is calculated with this value. Example 1. A number of problems in fluid mechanics and diffusion (Ames [1965], [1972]; Ames and Adams [1976a]) are modeled by nonlinear equations of the power type. The nonlinear diffusion equation used here is ut = (unur)r, n Ф 0, 0 < r < 1, t > 0, и(0,Г) =м(1,0 = 0, together with an induced initial condition. When a separable solution и = T(t)S(r) is sought, T satisfies V = ПТп + 1 and S satisfies (SnS')' = nS (16.26) with arbitrary П e (R and with S(0) =S(1) =0. (16.27) In the usual physical problem и and 5 are positive, n > -1. So with these set к = Sn + l > 0, whereupon Condition 16.26 becomes к" = П(л + l)fc1/(" + 1) (16.28) with fc(0) =k(l) =0. (16.29) Unless fl < 0, k" is positive. However, such nontrivial real solutions cannot satisfy k{\) = 0. With П = — со2 and R = cor (no stretching of к is required),
Applications of Group Theory in Computation 359 Equations 16.28 and 16.29 become k" = -{n + l)kl^n + l\ к = k(R) (16.30) k(0) = k(co) = 0. (16.31) Equation 16.28 is invariant under the simple group, with parameter со (eigenvalue), R = coaR, к = coPk, if 2a(n + 1) = pn. The first initial value problem requires \ = lc(R) to satisfy Equation 16.30 with Ш) = 0, Ш) = 1. The second IVP requires к = k(R) to satisfy Equation 16.30 with k(0) = 0, k'(0) = со, where со is yet to be determined and we have used the relation /3 — a = 1 as an alternative to a third auxiliary condition. From these two conditions there follows 2(n + 1) n n + 2 n + 2 Finally, to determine со, the condition k(co) = 0, hitherto ignored, is used. The function lc(R) is to be zero at coaRx = со, that is, find a value(s) Rx where ~k = 0 (this is done by observing the solution of the first IVP. Then* cox = (R^ thus permitting the second IVP to be computed, generating k(R). With R = cor the desired solution is obtained. Two sample computations were solved by using a fourth-order Runge- Kutta method. These are compared with the linear case (n = 0) in Table 16.1. Convergent sequences of upper and lower bounds for this problem are given in Ames and Adams [1976a]. The linear problem has the countable infinity of eigenvalues ктг, к = 1,2,3,.... A similar result probably holds *When n is an odd integer and к goes negative, for R > o>1? /^/(л + О becomes complex. Only one real positive eigenvalue results. If n is an even integer, the existence of a countable infinity of eigenvalues cannot be excluded.
360 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 TABLE 16.1 n Rl o>j /c(a>j) 0 (exact) 7г 7г О 2 1.1634033 1.3535073 6.75 X 10"9 = 0 (because zero is the desired value) 5 0.5117910 0.0959012 8.49 X 10"10 « 0 for the second case (n = 2), and in theory they are computable by this process although this is not done here. We note that the von Mises form of the boundary layer equations, with constant pressure, is a special case of the problem with n = 1. That equation forms the heart of a jet study by Ames and Adams [1975]. Example 2. As a second example, which is treatable by these methods and requires stretching of both dependent and independent variables, consider the following generalization of a problem of Kupper [1977]: u = u(r), u" -up[(u')m] = -co2uny и(0)=и(1)=0. (16.32) The eigenparameter can be transformed out of the equation with R=g(a>)r, U = h(a))u, h = u)\ g = totf1'""2, where e = 2(m - l)/[2(p + m - 1) + (n - l)(m - 1)], (16.33) whereupon Formula 16.32 becomes U" - Up[(U')m\ = -Un, f/(0) = U(g(co)) = 0. (16.34) The differential equation of Problem 16.32 is invariant under dilatation when 2(m +p - n) + (n - l)(m + 1) = 0 (16.35) thus excluding the case n = 1, because of Equation 16.33. When Condition 16.35 holds, the exact shooting sequence is very much like that of the previous example.
Applications of Group Theory in Computation 361 16.3. SOME MISCELLANEOUS APPLICATIONS (Ames and Ibragimov [1978]) 16.3.1. CALCULATION NEAR A SINGULARITY A common form of a singularity arises at the corners of the integration domain where the initial line meets the vertical boundary. To describe the removal of a singularity, consider ut = (F(u)ux)x (16.36) with initial data lim u(x,t) =f(x), 0 <x < 1, r->0 and boundary data such that lim u(x, t) = g(t), x > 0, t > 0, lim u(x, t) = h(t), x < 1, t > 0, x-*\ lim f(x) Ф lim g(t). The singularity creates no difficulty in analysis but in numerical computation there is a region of infection in the neighborhood of the origin. Fortunately, as t increases any stable numerical method will dissipate the error introduced by this singularity. In some problems, such as boundary layer situations, precise solutions near the singularity may be of sufficient interest to warrant "removal" of the singularity by a transformation that changes the sudden jump into a smooth variation along the line of the new variable. It is well known that Equation 16.36 is invariant under the group of magnifications x' = ax, t' = a2t, u' = u, whose invariants are xt'l/2 and u. With e=xt~l/2y fji = t (16.37) Equation 16.36 becomes /xwM - |@w0 = (F(u)u@)e. (16.38) From Transformation 16.37, it is clear that the boundary line x = 0, t > 0,
362 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 becomes the line в = 0 in the (0, /x) plane. The singular point x = 0, t = 0 (interpreted as x -> 0, t -> 0) becomes the line tt = 0, and the line t = 0, x > 0, becomes the point at infinity on the line /x = 0. The effect of the mapping is to expand the origin into a line and the jump from /(0) to g(0) becomes a smooth change along this line. Along /x = 0 the initial values (/x is now the propagation variable) are given by the solution to the boundary value problem for w(0,0), d I du \ 0 du ~de[F{u)d®} + Td0 =°' (16.39) u(0)=g(0), и(оо)=/(0). With F(u) = 1, Problem 16.39 has an exact solution, и(в) = [/(0) -g(0)]77"1/2 /V*2/4A+s(0), 'о so the initial data can be easily determined. In more complicated cases a numerical solution of Problem 16.39 may be required by some shooting technique. In some cases the methods of the previous sections may be applicable. Having determined the initial values we can use a finite difference procedure for Equation 16.38 and march a few steps in the /x direction. We are then safely removed from the neighborhood of the singularity and can return to the original variables for the remainder of the computation. 16.3.2. FINITE-DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS We shall discuss some applications of group properties to computational algorithms for the linear diffusion equation (16.40) Equation 16.40 admits the group G generated by the operators д д д д 1 дх 2 dt 3 дх dt д д Хл = 2t хи —, дх ди д д II 1 \д X. = xt— + г -х1и + -ш —, 5 дх dt \4 2 )ди' д д Х6 = и — , Х7 = b(x,t) — , ди ди where b is a solution of Equation 16.40.
Applications of Group Theory in Computation 363 Equation 16.40 is invariant under space and time translation and under the "similarity" transformation x = aX, t = a2T, (16.41) derived from Xx, X2, and X3, respectively. The invariant of Transformation 16.41 is x/ 4t. Our first application to computation will utilize Transformation 16.41. One of the simple methods for obtaining numerical solutions of Equation 16.40 is based upon explicit formulae (see, e.g, Ames [1977]), an example of which is K|,y+i = r(ui+1J + ut_XJ) + (1 - 2r)uij9 (16.42) where /,; = 0,1,2,... and uij = u(iAx,jAt), r = At/(Ax)2, 0 < r < \, for stability and the local truncation error [te] is [te] = 6>[(A/)2 + (A0(A*)2]. Let a e R+ and let us study Equation 16.42 under the transformation (compare Transformation 16.41) i = al, j = a2J. (16.43) In transformed variable form, Equation 16.42 becomes u[laAx,(J + l)a2At] = (1 - 2r)u[Ia Ax, Ja2 At] + г{и[(/+ l)aAx,Ja2At] + u[(I - l)aAx,Ja2At]). (16.44) With a Ax = AX, a2 At = AT, Equation 16.44 can be written И/./+1 = r{uI+ltJ + "/_!,/} + (1 " 2r)Ujj, where / and / need not be integers. Of course, the net in the (x, t) plane is not invariant but the form of the finite-difference equation is invariant. Further, 1 At AT 2>r=JKxY= (AX)2' so that numerical stability is preserved and the truncation error in the capital letter coordinate system becomes [ТЕ] = -^o[(AT)2 + (AT)(AX)2].
364 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 Thus a simple group property of the original equation provides for the automatic generation of a natural mesh refinement whose stability properties and truncation error order are left invariant. Most of the explicit and implicit schemes for Equation 16.40 can be treated in an analogous manner. Of course Transformation 16.43 is not the correct discrete form of Transformation 16.41. It was convenient to use that form to generate new algorithms. The correct discrete form of Transformation 16.41 should probably be iAx = aIAX, jAt = a2JAT, where we might wish I and /, as well as / and j, to be nonnegative integers. 16.3.3. INVARIANT ALGORITHMS (Ames, Postell, and Adams [1993]) To develop invariant finite-difference algorithms for equations such as ut = [f(u)]x, a term of the form (cux)x is added to the equation that preserves as much of the original group properties as possible. A typical finite-difference algorithm is {u}-k = u(j Ax, к At)) At " 2Ajc At + 2(д,2[П(*;+1/2> *к> И/+1/2,*) Al -a(Xj-\/2>h>Uj-l/2,k) b-\]Uj,k [fj + 2,k ~ 2fj+l,k + ^fj-\,k /} —2, A: J ' 4Д* where П = f(u) + c(x, t, u) and Ax and A_Y are forward and backward differences, respectively.
17 Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations The symmetry properties of the differential equations describing a given mathematical model is a fundamental feature that can be used to construct an appropriate finite-difference scheme. The main idea of "symmetric finite-difference modeling" is very simple: The difference equations should admit the group of continuous transformations that is isomorphic to the group of original differential equations, i.e., just the same group but in the space of discrete variables. Theorems 17.1-17.10 were established in Dorodnitsyn [1987H1993]. 17.1. TRANSFORMATION GROUPS IN THE SPACES OF CONTINUOUS AND DISCRETE VARIABLES The nonlocal nature of mesh variables and operators demands consideration of infinite-dimensional spaces. We denote by Z the space of sequences (x, t* , lib ^ 9 ' * * * ), where us is the derivative of sth order from uk (the index к is dropped). By z we mean the arbitrary finite number of coordinates of a vector (x,u,ul,u2,---\ and zl is its /th coordinate. The differentiation D is defined in Z space: D(x) = 1, D(u) =и, D(us) =us+l... . Let sf be the space of the locally analytical functions 5<~{z) with a finite number of variables z. (See Chapter 5.) 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc. 365
366 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Let us consider sequences of formal power series of one parameter a: CO f(z,a) = LA'k(z)ak, /=1,2,..., (17.1) A = 0 where A'k(z) e j/,_with A'0 = z'. We denote by Z the space of sequences 17.1: Z:(/'(z,a),/2(z,a),...,r(z,a),...). Then we consider, in Z, transformations zi*=fi{z,a), / = 1,2,..., (17.2) which transform the sequence z' into the sequence z'*. Transformations 17.2 constitute a formal group iff z''*=/''(z,e)=ee*(z')a E-r*W(z')> <" = 1,2,..., (17.3) where X is the generator of the group, * = |'(z) —, /=1,2,..., <?/'(z,a) V{z) = da a=0 (17.4) 17.1.1. TAYLOR GROUP Let us consider the group of transformations in the space Z of formal series with tangent field D = — + ux— + u2 + • • • . (17.5) дх ди дих Transformations 17.2 of this group are defined by the action of operator Ta = eaD according to the exponential representation 17.3, z<* = eaD(zl) = £ — D(s\zl). (17.6) ,-n Si
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 367 Transformations 17.6 are the expansion of the function и = и(х) at the point (x + a) in the formal Taylor series, and thus the group with Operator 17.5 is called the group of Taylor's shift or the Taylor group. The Taylor group is the simplest nontrivial Lie-Backlund group, i.e., it is not the continuation in Z of the group of point or contact transformations, and the decompositions in formal Taylor series form the one-parameter group only in the infinite-dimensional space Z. The Taylor group is a very convenient tool in studying the invariant properties of the finite-difference objects in Z. We fix the arbitrary value of parameter a = h > 0 and form the pair of operators with the help of the Taylor group tangent field Formula 17.5. Such operators will be called operators of discrete shift to the right and to the left, respectively: 00 hs °° (-hY S = ehD = E — £>*, S = e~hD = E ~DS. +h s=0sl -h s = 0 s\ With the help of S and S , we construct the following pair of operators + h -h of discrete (finite-difference) differentiation to the right and to the left: +h /l V +h ' c=1 S\ s = \ 3 = -[\- S U У- D'. -h -*('-.')-£ ?! Operators S, S, 3, 3, and Ta commute in every combination, whereas + h -h +h -h 2J = 3 S , 9 = & S . + h -h +h -h +h -h 17.1.2. INTRODUCTION OF FINITE-DIFFERENCE DERIVATIVES We introduce the following special type of formal power series: ux = 3f{u), h +h u2 = 3 &(u), h -h +h u3 = 2J 9J 9f(u), и +h -h +h
368 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 where us is the finite-difference (discrete, mesh) derivative of order s. In the h odd case, we call the formal series u2k + x the right difference derivative. h When necessary, one can introduce left difference derivatives of odd order according the formula U2k+\ — U2k+l nU2k + 2- h h h The set of points x = x(a)= Sa(x), a = 0, ± 1, ± 2,..., h h +h is denoted by со and is called the regular (uniform) difference grid. Here- h after, we employ the notation Z for (x, u, ux, u2, u3,..., h) and call it mesh h h h h space. We define the action of discrete shift S on functions from j/ as ±h follows: S (7{z))=M 5 (z)), ±h v ±h ' this makes it possible to find the difference derivatives for & e j/, r( S (z))-f(z) f (*•(*)) = ±^^ 7 • ±h П According to this definition it is easy to set the discrete (difference) analogy of the rule of Leibniz: (FG) = 3(F)G+F 3(G) +h 3(F) 3(G), + h +h +h +h , (17.7) 9(FG)= 9{F)G + F 9(G)-h 9(F) 9(G), h -h -h —h -h where F, G ej/. Table 17.1 shows the action of discrete shift operators S in mesh space ±h = х,и, ux, w2,... , \ и и I h h and Table 17.2 shows the action of operators of discrete differentiation 3 (Dorodnitsyn [1987]).
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 369 TABLE 17.1 Result of Action of Discrete Shift Operator on Point (x, и, ul9 u2,...) h h S —Left Finite-Difference -h Shift Operator 5 —Right Finite-Difference +л Shift Operator S (x) = x-h -h S (и) = и — hux + h2u2 ~h h h S (иг) = ul — hu2 ~h h h h S I u2 I = u2 — hu3 + h2u4 ~h yh ' h h h S \u2k + i) = u2k + i ~ hu2k+2 -h \l / h h *2k + 4 S (x) = x + h +h S (и) = и + hu] +h h S (иг) = ux + hu2 + h2u2 + h h h h S I u2 = u2 + /zm3 +h yh J h h S U2k + \ = W2A:4-1 + hu2k + 2 'h Xh } h h + h2u0]f + . S (u2k + 2) = u2k + 2 ~ hu2k + 3 S ("гЛ + г) = "2Л+2 + hu2k + 3 TABLE 17.2 Action of Discrete Difference Operator on Point [x,u,ul9u2,...j f —Left Difference Operator У —Right Difference Operator ^00= 1 -h &(u) = ux - hu2 ~h h h pf"i) = "2 9$\u2\ = иъ - hu4 ~h Kh J h h &(U2k + l) = "2k + 2 &\u2k + 2) = "2* + 3 -^"2* + 4 9{x)= 1 +h 9i(u) = ux +h h 2! \ul I = u2 + /z«3 +h Kh } h h &(u2) = u3 ^(U2k+l) = «2* + 2 + ^M2* + 3 2>\u2k + 2) = "2*+3
370 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 17.1.3. TRANSFORMATIONS CONSERVING THE SENSE OF FINITE-DIFFERENCE DERIVATIVES Let us consider the formal one-parameter group Gx of transformations in Z. The transformation of the difference variables w* we define by h (ft*)*-1 ft* и* = E —n—^(z'a) = w*+ ^fw* + •■•, (-/j*)'-1 (ft*)5"1 ft* "* = E E —» ^—*,+/(*>*) = и* + -туи* + • • Л />15>1 Z* 5' 1Z (17.8) where ft*=(j> -l)/(z,fl), ft*_=(l- _S )/(z,fl), and operators 5 and 5 are "local", i.e., they are the corresponding + h -h shifts with steps ft+ and ft_, which depend on x. In order to apply the formal group Gx to the finite-difference objects, we need to select transformations under which the sense of the finite-difference derivatives is conserved. From Table 17.1 one can define the sense of difference derivatives. For example, the sense of the first difference derivative is conserved if the following equality is the invariant manifold of the group G{. uxh = S (и) -и. (17.9) h +h We name Relation 17.9 the first-order discrete tangency contact. The "conservation of the sense" of ux means that u\ is defined by the h h same relation 17.9 in the new variables. Let the following operator correspond to the group G{. д д д д дх ди s^ dus ^1И дщ h +Hi <*>)-«*>)*;+(*('WU ^))ж-_-^М) where £, 77 е s/ and £s and t>l are power series of ft with coefficients h from sf.
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 371 Theorem 17.1. Let Gx be the formal one-parameter group with Operator 17.10. Let Equation 17.9 be the invariant manifold of Gx at every point of Z. Then the following series of relations for the coordinates of Operator 17.10 is true: ^=^(tj-|Mi)+^ + 1, 5 = 1,2,..., (17.11) i.e., the formulas of Lie-Backlund groups. The invariance of Equation 17.9 ensures the conservation of the sense of the first difference derivative under transformations Gv The following theorem pointed out the conservation of the sense of the second, third, etc. derivatives. Theorem 17.2. Let the formal one-parameter group Gx with Operator 17.10 be given. For every point in Z, let Relation 17.9 be invariant. Then Gx conserves the discrete tangency contact of every finite order (i.e., Table 17.1 is conserved). 17.1.4. CONTINUATION FORMULAS FOR A GROUP OPERATOR IN A GRID SPACE We shall prolong the formulas for coefficients of a group operator for finite-difference derivatives which can be obtained by sequential action of the Operator 17.10 on the rows of Table 17.1 (Dorodnitsyn [1987]): Cx = &(V) - ux &(£), h +h h +h C2= arleA -u2 &(£), h ~h xh } h ~h : (17.12) h ~h yh } h ~h h +h ки J h +h where к = 1,2,... . Let us consider the many-dimensional case. Let Z be the space of the sequences (x, w, ub u2,...), x = {xl: i = 1, 2,..., n}, и = {ик: к = 1,2,..., m}, let ux = {ulk) be the set of mn first-order partial derivatives and let u2 = {и*.} be the set of second-order derivatives, etc. The previously obtained continuation formulas are easily extended in the case of many dependent variables uk. It is only necessary to interpret them as a component wise record of the vector u. Major changes take place in the
372 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 case of many variables xl. We shall study the case n = 2: x\ x2 without large formulas. The index к in uk is dropped. As in the one-dimensional case we introduce the following difference derivatives: &(u), ulT = 31 &(u), uX2 = 2 &(u), -И, и -hx + Л, и -h +h{ u2 = 3f(u), ul2 = 5$ &(u), etc. u +h7 h +h2 + Л. Analogously to the one-dimensional case, conservation of the discrete contact leads to the following prolongation formulas in Z: h Cx= 3(r,)-Ul ?(f)~ S(u2) 3(f), (17.13) where S(u2) is the "continuous" derivative u2 = ди/дх2 at the point shifted to the right along xl to hl (the discrete representation of "continuous" derivatives in Z will be discussed later. h h +h2 +h2 +h2 h +h2 £lT = 2 3f(V)-2uri &{ZX)-T S(u2) 9f(?) Пх —hx —Л, £25 = 3 3(V)-2u22 3(f)-— 5(m.) 3(f) h ~h +h2 и +hi h2 +h2 +h2 (17.14) П2 — h2 —h f12= 3 3(r,)-uJ 3(f)- 3(f)) + - S(ut) 3(f) h +h2 +/ij h \ +/zj +/ij / rlx +h2 +h2 + — S(u2) 3(f), h2 -A, + A, etc. (Dorodnitsyn [1987], [1989]).
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 373 17.1.5. DISCRETE REPRESENTATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Every finite difference equation (or system) F(z) = 0, F e s/, (17.15) h h h can be written with the help of the Taylor representation of mesh variables in Z: F(z) = 0, (17.16) where F is the locally analytical function with finite number of formal series of special type. So we have three objects in Z and Z: a differential equation (system), a difference equation, and the continuous representation of the difference equation. Because of symmetry, the presence of a fourth object is needed, i.e. the exact expression of the differential equation in mesh space Z. h The representation for the operator of the Taylor group in mesh space was obtained in Dorodnitsyn [1987]: r) r\ r) r±=_+ 3f(u)—+ 3f(us\ +•••, (17.17) dx ±h V ; du ±h \,.s)du, V } h h where 2= £- " &• (17.18) ±h n = l П ±h The finite transformations of the one-parameter group with operator 17.17 can be represented in exponential form as a* \ л (-h)"-1 + ns / * E- E -—— f"\ (z% >0 S- \n = \ П +h ~ X ' (17.19) (~a)s I - A""1 ^ *>o sl U-i " ~h I
374 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 or, with the help of the Newton series (Dorodnitsyn [1988]), 5! -h ос /,-1 \ j , = 1 U = 0 ) Si +h (17.20) The discrete representation (Equations 17.9 and 17.20 of the Taylor group in Z was called (Dorodnitsyn [1988], [1989]) the group of Newton's shift or the h Newton group. The correspondence between the differential variables and finite-difference variables is given by the formulas of Lagrange (Lagrange [1783]): ' £ (-h)-1 2$ <-> < n = \ П +h oo hn-\ (17.21) >2=1 П -h Formula 17.21 gives us the opportunity to represent the finite-difference variables in Z and since every difference equation F(z) = 0 when Fei (see also Gelfond [1967].) Example. The ordinary differential equation u2 = u2 can be written in mesh space Z with the help of the Lagrange formula: (+ИУ (ТА)' '(и) = и2 s-l In more detailed form, "« ~ huxxx + 0(h2) = u2, h h (17.22) "Л + hu— + 0(h2) =u2, h h "« + ^("J^ - uxxx) + 0(h2) = u2. (17.23)
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 375 The space of continuous variables Z.' (x ,u,u ,u , . . . „ft) The space of discrete variables £; (x,u,u <u , h h h ,h) -isomorphic transformation- differential equation Lagrange transformation] discrete representation of differential equation first differential approximation of difference equation truncation of series continuous representation of difference equation I Taylor transformation ( difference - -differential equations I truncation of series first difference approximation of differential equation finite-difference equation FIGURE 17.1. The finite-difference equations uxx ~huxxx =m2> h h U-x + hux~Tx ="2> h h (17.24) UXX rj ^XXXX U h z h
376 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 were called (Dorodnitsyn [1992]) a first difference approximation to the corresponding differential equation in mesh space Z. h Any difference approximation of some differential equation is the finite- difference equation of finite order and can be used for approximating difference modeling of the given equation (see Figure 17.1). The vertical arrows signify truncation of the corresponding series of continuous or difference variables. Performing the truncation on the different orders, one can obtain the first, second, etc. approximations of the corresponding objects. The combined models—differential approximations of difference schemes (see Janenko and Shokin [1973]) and difference approximations of differential equations—demand consideration from the point ^f view of approximate groups, and they need not inherit groups Gr and Gr of exact models. The differential-difference equations (see Jamilov [1980], [1982] and Levi and Winternitz [1991]) have their own group properties and they are not considered here. 17.2. INVARIANCE OF FINITE-DIFFERENCE GRIDS AND FINITE-DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS 17.2.1. CRITERION OF INVARIANCE OF FINITE-DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS ON A GRID Let Z be the space of the sequences of the mesh variables h (jc, u, w,,...,A + ), and let s/ be the space of analytical functions with a h h h h finite number of elements z from Z. Then the finite-difference equation on h the mesh со is written in the form h F(z) = 0, /ej/. (17.25) h This equation is written on the finite number of points (difference stencil) of difference mesh со, which may be uniform or nonuniform. Let the mesh be h defined by the equation fl(z,/z + )=0, flej/. (17.26) h The function П is defined by discretization of the space of independent variables that is obtained as the result of the action of the operator Sa on ±h the some "initial" point x0. Thus the surface given by Equation 17.26 is invariant with respect to the operator of the discrete shift S in Z. ±h h The difference equation 17.25 admitting S is called homogeneous. ±h
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 377 Function ft(z, h + ) depends on a finite number of variables and explicitly depends on /i+. In contrast to the continuous case, Equation 17.26 should be included in the invariance condition in the case of group transformations in Z because h the arbitrary mesh со need not admit the given group. h Theorem 17.3. Let the one-parameter group Gx be given with the help of Operator 17.10. For Equation 17.25 to admit the group Gx on the mesh given by Equation 17.26 it is necessary and sufficient that the following condition be fulfilled: X^i z) |(17.25),(17.26) = 0, Za(z,/Z + )|(17.25),(17.26) = 0. The pioneering work in this direction was done by S. Maeda (Maeda [1980], [1987]), who considered the transformations that do not change the independent variables (£ = 0) and hence invariant regular grids. He investigated a symmetry of first-ordinary ordinary difference equations, й1 = Ф1(и), where ul!= S (V). + h In this partial case Criterion 17.27 is дФ1 V(0("))=V(")^7- Levi and Winternitz [1991] extended this approach to apply to differential- difference equations. 17.2.2. INVARIANCE OF FINITE-DIFFERENCE GRIDS Uniform difference mesh со is one of the most widespread methods of h discretization of the space of independent variables. The transformation of formal one-parameter group alternating x can change the mesh, i.e., it may not be uniform after group transformations and this can influence finite-difference equations on со. Thus we select the class of admitted transformations conserving the mesh uniformity.
378 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 It is clear that when the independent variable is the invariant of a group (/(z, a) = x; £ = 0), then such a class of transformations does not change the difference mesh and also the uniform mesh. However, this condition is not necessary. Theorem 17.4. For the mesh со to be uniform under the transformations of h the group G1? i.e., h*+= h*_, it is necessary and sufficient that, at each point of Z, h 2) 3fU(z))\ =0 (17.28) + h -h Wz) = 0,n(z,/i + ) = 0 be fulfilled. The most widespread symmetries satisfy this criterion: translations, self- similar transformations, rotations, Lorentz transformations, etc. For other transformations it was proposed to construct invariant nonregular grids, using a set of finite-difference invariants. 17.2.3. METHOD OF FINITE-DIFFERENCE INVARIANTS Conditions 17.27 can be used for invariance check of difference equations together with grid. Immediately the question arises: How does one construct difference models according to the given differential model and its known symmetry? Let us have the system of differential equations Fa(z) = 0, a= l,...,m, admitting the known group Gr. We construct the system of difference equations Fa(z) =0, a = l,...,m, h on the difference mesh Clp(h?,z) =0, j8 = l,...,/i, p h (17.29) (17.30) (17.31) admitting the same group Gr in Z. Notice that the dimensions of surfaces h given by Equations 17.30 and Equations 17.30 and 17.31 coincide.
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 379 Because System 17.29 admits the group Gn the full set of functional independent differential invariants of order к is known: U{(z), /2(z),...,/T(z)), Ja <=A. Then System 17.29 can be written in the invariant form <ba(Jl(z),J2(z),...,r(z)) = 0, a=l,...,m. (17.32) Group Gr in Z has т + п functionally independent difference invariants h I\z),l\z),...,r+n{z), Ia(z) ey. h The next step is to construct the set of r invariants with the necessary approximation, i.e., for each invariant Ia in continuous space Z the following is true: Ia{z) =Ja{z) +o(A?), a = 1,...,т,/ = 1,...,я. (17.33) In practice we often need fewer than r invariants. Finally, we have o>/3(/1(z),/2(z),...,r+"(z)) = 0, where w^ = 0 is the invariant representation of the difference mesh 17.31. Because the functions Фа(/2,/2,...,/T) are locally analytical on their arguments, we get from Formula 17.33 that difference equations Фа = О simulate the corresponding fcth-order differential. This method of constructing invariant difference equations was called (Dorodnitsyn [1989], [1992]) the method of finite-difference invariants. 17.3. INVARIANT VARIATIONAL PROBLEMS IN DISCRETE SPACES 17.3.1. DISCRETE REPRESENTATION OF EULER OPERATOR Let us first consider the case of the single independent variable x and one or several dependent variables (и1, w2, w3,..., um). It is well known that the Euler operator in the "continuous" space Z can be written in the following form (see Section 6.2): 8 д Д s l д \ ___ + £(_l)D. . (17.35,
380 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Let us represent the Euler operator in Z on the uniform mesh. We h suppose that it acts on the following functions: Sf\xyuy uA Gi, which are determined on the regular mesh со. h Operator 17.35 can be represented in Z in the form (Dorodnitsyn [1989]) h 8 3 8u du ' з * dux (17.36) where 3f -h E -—-—d' s>\ Si is the operator of the left difference differentiation. The Euler equation on the nonuniform mesh со is h ~3u Q} (3^ 3ux h = 0. (17.37) In the many-dimensional case where the Lagrangian depends on the first "right" and "left" difference derivatives щ , h 5? = 5?\x\ u, ux, ux, u2, u2,... , \ и и и и I h h h h Euler's equation can be written in the following form: 35? hj du hi _h <3^ 3u{ h л; з, i +h 85? h 0, i = l,2,... (17.38) (Dorodnitsyn [1992]).
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 381 17.3.2. INVARIANCE OF MESH FUNCTIONALS Let the mesh (finite-difference) functional be given on the one-dimensional mesh со, h L = Y,&(x,u,uAh+- (17.39) Let the one-parameter group Gx be given in Z with Operator 17.10. h The mesh functional L will be called invariant with respect to the group Gj on the uniform mesh if, for each transformation of the group Gx and every domain П, the following equalities are fulfilled: Y,5?(x,u,ul)h + = £^(jc*,w*,w?U+*, й+*=/Г*. (17.40) Theorem 17.5. In order that the mesh functional be invariant with respect to the formal one-parameter group Gx with Operator 17.10 on the uniform mesh, it is necessary and sufficient that the fulfillment of the equalities д5? д& f 4- 7] + дх ди + h r(v)~ux &(£) — +& ®{£) =0, дих +И h (17.41) 9f 3fU)\ = 0. -h +h |Ш2,А+) = 0 Let us formulate the conditions of invariance of the mesh functional L = Y,Mx\x2,...9u,ul9u29...)hth2 .../*+. (17.42) a V h h } h Theorem 17.6. The necessary and sufficient condition of invariance of Functional 17.42 in the case of nonuniform quadrilateral mesh V=<P,(z) (17.43)
382 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 is the following: X(2) + 2 &№) = 0, + /l S^') - ? ~ Х(<р£) +h o, И+ = <р{г) where the operators Si and ^ are defined on the mesh given by +h +h Formula 17.43. 17.3.3. CONDITIONS OF INVARIANCE OF A DIFFERENCE EULER EQUATION: QUASIEXTREMALS OF A MESH FUNCTIONAL For convenience we shall treat the case of the one-dimensional uniform mesh. Theorem 17.7. In order that the Euler equations of Functional 17.39 be invariant on the uniform mesh со, it is necessary and sufficient that the following condition be true on its solutions: / L 32 32 32 3x h 3u h 3ul -h h = 0, (17.44) 2 &((■) = 0. -h +h The following question necessarily arises: Let Condition 17.44 not be satisfied; on what manifold will the constant value of the functional be reached? The answer is (Dorodnitsyn [1991]) "On the solutions of the equations (for regular grids) 32 ' + 3f 3x -h 32 W, h \ -2\ 1 \ + r,\ 1 \ 32 3u -h 32 3ux h \\\ = 0." (17.45) Equation 17.45 was called the quasiextreme and each of its solutions, quasiex- lrentals.
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 383 Notice that the coefficients £(xy u) and r](x, u) are in the quasiextreme Equation 17.45. So the equations for quasiextremals for one and the same invariant functional for different groups will have different forms. So, generally speaking, in the difference variational problems the invari- ance of a mesh functional does not mean the invariance of an Euler equation. The set of solutions where the mesh functional is stationary depends on the group orbit. If £ Ф 0, i.e., the group transformations change the independent variable (and the difference mesh), then the stationarity of the action is reached on the quasiextremals, not on the extremals. 17.3.4. QUASI-INVARIANCE OF A MESH FUNCTIONAL AND INVARIANCE OF A DIFFERENCE EULER EQUATION Definition . The mesh functional 17.39 that satisfies, on the invariant-uniform mesh, the condition [V -ЙТ- + 9 \V -f"i — = &(B(z)), with any B(z) e stf, \ h ) du +h V h ) dul +h h h (17.46) is called quasi-invariant. Theorem 17.8. Let the variational functional 17.39 satisfy Condition 17.46 with some function 5(z) e i on the invariant-uniform mesh со. Then the h h Euler equation admits the operator X= £— + v— + dx du &(r))-ux &(£V) д л 8 h (17.47) 17.3.5. CONSERVATION LAWS FOR QUASIEXTREMALS OF AN INVARIANT MESH FUNCTIONAL During the finite-difference modeling of the original invariant problem two cases arise: (1) the mesh functional admits the same group as the original and quasiextremals equation where the functional is stationary; (2) the mesh functional is quasi-invariant and its stationary position is reached on the invariant Euler equation.
384 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 The following operator identities are true (Dorodnitsyn [1991]): 1. For the one-dimensional uniform difference meshes, dS? dS? £ + 77— + дх ди + h 2J{y))-ux 9f({) +h dux +h d& dS? и д& дх h ди h дих -И + (*? ~£щ) ^ ди -И 1 д&^ + + Л h dj? дих \ h I } (17.48) where /= S (/) -л 2. For one-dimensional nonuniform meshes, dS? dS <7JC <7W 3(i»)«i 3(f) <9^ aul +И ( = f / + (v -£щ) dS? (h ди \h J -h \ d& dux h П + 3f + h {£+ (77 -guj) AS* ди \ h > (17.49) Theorem 17.9. Let the difference equation (or the system) F(z) = 0, F €ES/, h (17.50)
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 385 be given on the mesh со, h ft(z, h) = 0, where Oej/ h (17.51) Let the solutions of Equation 17.50 on the mesh 17.51 be quasiextremals of Functional 17.39 that are connected with the coordinates £, 17 of Operator 17.10. Then the invariance of Functional 17.39 on Quasiextremals 17.45 is the necessary and sufficient condition of the conservation law i = l +h = 0, (17.52) (17.50M17.51) where h^ dU: ^ h ' 1Ф]. (17.53) 17.3.6. THE DIFFERENCE ANALOGY OF THE NOETHER THEOREM The following identities, classified according to their dimension, are true (Dorodnitsyn [1991]): 1. For one-dimensional meshes, h-fnj — + зи-£щ)— + з(&) \ и ' du +h \ , / du} +h = (v -€щ) h ' ""l h du \ h+ ) -JT t9*^ дил h 4 3 + h £&+ (77 -fMl) du1 V h I (17.54) where/= S (/), B(z) e j/, and h + = h for uniform meshes; for the -h h nonregular meshes the operators 3 and 3 are "local"; and +/1 -h ( \ h~ 3 ЗФ 3 3, where 3\ S (/) = 7T" 3(f). +h -h -h +h +h v-л v " h+ -h v y
386 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 2. For two-dimensional meshes, dS? h -€1Щ -£2u-2\— + 3U -glu-{ -£2u-2\ — \ h h I du +h \ h h )dul h j.1. V и и I OU1 ,. \ _. / _,_. \ _. / h ' uu2 +h h [v ~ £ХЩ - ^2"2 \ и и ' dS? ftf dS? + 2fx + h + ^2 + h du h^ _h Bl + L -£хщ -£гиЛ Sx v h h ' -h ди1 h ~h+ 2 П2 -h 1^ du2 h ' ) 'as^ du v h 'I <as^ du>) (17.55) h ' ) where Bl,B2 e j/. h If this mesh is uniform, then hx= hx~ and h2 = h2, for the two-dimensional nonregular meshes the operators 3fx and &2 are "local", and in ±л ±л the general case ^ ^ =£ ^ ^, + h -h -h +h 3ft st = wA s;., 1 = 1,2. +h -h \ ni J -h Identities 17.54 and 17.55 make it possible to state the difference analogy of the Noether theorem. Theorem 17.10. Let the difference equation (or system) F(z)=0, be given on the difference mesh со h n(z,/*+) = o, (17.56) (17.57) where F,(lej/. h
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 387 Let Formula 17.56 be the Euler equations of Functional 17.42 on the mesh 17.57 and let them define the manifold invariant with respect to the group Gx with Operator 17.10. Then the quasi-invariance of Functional 17.42 on the solutions of the Euler equation 17.38, on the mesh Formula 17.57 with some functions Bl(z\ i = 1,2, is the necessary and sufficient condition of conservation law on the mesh 17.57 with vector At = e sI.(^) + h-finI -еи-л sA — / = 1,2 (17.58) (See also Maeda [1981]). 17.4. DISCRETE MODELS ADMITTING SYMMETRY GROUPS 17.4.1. ORDINARY FINITE-DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS (OFDEs) 17АЛЛ. SOME CLASSES OF FIRST-ORDER OFDEs ADMITTING A ONE-PARAMETER GROUP (Dorodnitsyn [1992]) 1. ux = F(u, й). F is an arbitrary smooth function; the admitted operator h is X = д/дх. Regular grid со is invariant. h 2. ux = F(x, x). The admitted operator is X = д/ди. Regular grid со is h h invariant. 3. ux = F(mx + nu, mx + пй), п,т = const. The admitted operator is h X = n д/дх — m д/ди. Regular grid oo is invariant. h 4. ux = F(u/x, u/x). The admitted operator is X = x д/дх + и д/ди. Reg- h ular grid со is invariant. h 5. ux = xm~1F(u/xmy й/хт). The admitted operator is Х = хд/дх + h mu д/ди. Regular grid со is invariant. h 6. ux = uF(x, x). The admitted operator is X = и д/ди. Regular grid со is h h invariant.
388 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 7. ux = uF{ue x,ue x). The admitted operator is X = д/дх 4- ид/ди. h Regular grid со is invariant. h 8. xux = F(xe~u, xe~u). The admitted operator is X = x д/дх + д/ди. h Regular grid со is invariant. h 9. ux = xF(u/x, й/х). The admitted operator is X = д/дх 4- {и/х)д/ди. h Regular grid w is invariant. h 10. xw^ = и 4- F(jc, f). The admitted operator is X = хд/ди. Regular grid o> is invariant. h 11. jcmx = {u — F(u/x, u/x)). The nonregular grid family is h X2 U U Мгт+*;-;т|=о (for example, h + = x2/(L0 — x), L0 = const., 0 < x < L0). The admitted operator is X = x2 д/дх + хи д/ди. 12. ux = u/[x + F(u/x, й/х)]. The nonregular grid family is h (x(x 4- /г + ) и й\ и — и хх) The admitted operator is X = хид/дх 4- и2д/ди. SOME FIRST-ORDER OFDEs ADMITTING A ONE-PARAMETER GROUP (Maeda [1987]) 1. Finite-difference Riccati equation. au 4- b й= -, й = S (и), (17.59) си + a +h where a, b, c, and d are constants, с Ф 0, ad — be Ф 0; regular grid со h with step h = 1 is considered (Maeda [1987]). The admitted operator is X=v(u)-+V(u)-,
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 389 where rj(u) = cu2 + (d — a)u — b. The following transformations linearize Equation 17.59 to the form и = и + A, A = const.: i. (a - d)2 + Abe > 0. 1 и = а(щ -и2) V("i) = V("2) = ° ii. (a - d)2 + Abe = 0. 1 v = — log и — w. и — и*, a(u — ux) ' i?K)=0 Hi. {a - d)2 + Abe < 0. i v = — tan l aco CO — f b I [ с ( \l ( — \u + d - a \\ ~ ы \ lc 1 a- d\2' 2c )\ 1/2 2. The discrete logistic equation. й = au{\ — u), (17.60) where a = const., 0 < a < 4, and initial value u0 is defined on [0,1]. The determining equation is solved in the form ту(Ф) = Вг](и)ФиУ Ф = au{\ - и), where В = const., В Ф 0, В Ф 1. i. a = 2. т]{и) = \ - w, В = \. For the new variable и = — log(| — и), v = 2v — log2, hence Sn(v) =c2n + log2, +h or, in initial term w, +h S"(u) = \-\A2, A = \ -2u0, n = 0,1,.
390 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 ii. a = 4. V(u) = [u{\-u)]X/\ B=l v = cos_1(l — 2u), и = ^(1 — cost;) Equation 17.60 may be transformed to cost) = cos2l>, and for small и (and v) v = 2v, hence rewritting the solution S"(v) = 2"A, n = 0,1,..., + h we have, in initial term u, S"(u) = \ - \zos(2nA), + h A = cos_1(l — 2w0), n = 0,1,... . SOME CLASSES OF SECOND-ORDER OFDEs ADMITTING A ONE-PARAMETER GROUP (Dorodnitsyn [1992] 1. ux- = F w, w, w, ux, Uj . F is an arbitrary smooth function. The ad- h ^ h h ' mitted operator is X = д/дх. Regular grid со is invariant. h 2. ux- = Fix, ux , ux I. The admitted operator is X = д/ди. Regular grid со и \ и и ' h h h h is invariant. 3. ux- = Flmx + nu, ux, ux I, n, m = const. The admitted operator is h h h X = n д/дх — m д/ди. Regular grid to is invariant. h 4. xuxx = Fi u/x, ux , ux \. The admitted operator is X = x д/дх + и д/ди. h h h Regular grid to is invariant. h 5. uxx = Flx,u - xux,u - xuA. The admitted operator is X = xд/ди. h x . h h Regular grid со is invariant. h 6. uxx = uFl x, ux/u, ux/u\. The admitted operator is X = хд/ди. Regu- h h h lar grid to is invariant. h 1. uxx = uFlue x, ux/u, ux/u . The admitted operator is X = д/дх + h h h и д/ди. Regular grid со is invariant h
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 391 1 / и и й \ 8* u™ = < 2^F ~ >7'7'M -xux,u -xu-A, h (x2x) \x x x h h J where ux-x = —\ux - uX h n Kh h ' The nonregular grid family is (for example, h + = x2/(L0 — x), L0 = const., 0 < x < L0). The admitted operator is X - x2 д/дх + хи д/ди. 9. ux-x = ^-F h и и where и и и - xuY и - хи \ > А > X их h «г А The nonregular grid family is / x(x + /i + ) w w f, -Ц -;-;-|=o. \ и — и xxx The admitted operator is A" = ;шд/<9х + и2 д/ди. ПАЛА. SOME CLASSES OF SECOND-ORDER OFDEs ADMITTING A TWO-PARAMETER GROUP (Dorodnitsyn [1992]) 1. uxx = F\ux, ux\. The admitted operators are Xx = д/дх and X2 = д/ди. h 4 h ' Regular grid со is invariant. h 2. uxx = F(x). The admitted operators are Xx = д/ди and X2 = x д/ди. h Regular grid со is invariant. h 3. uxx = Fx(x)ux + F2(x)ux. The admitted operators are Xx = д/ди and h h h X2 = и д/ди. Regular grid w is invariant. h 4. xuxx = f\ ux, ux . The admitted operators are A^ = д/ди and ^2 = h ^h h j x д/дх + и д/ди. Regular grid со is invariant. h
392 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 SOME SECOND-ORDER OFDEs ADMITTING A GROUP (Dorodnitsyn [1991], [1992], [1993]) 1. Ordinary finite difference equation. "xX-eu (17-61) The admitted operators are Xx = д/дх and X2 = x д/дх — 2 д/ди. Regular grid a) is invariant. Equation 17.61 is the Euler equation for h h 2> = \u\ + eu. The quasiextremal equation for Xx is 1 - expl -hu^ ux-x = - h—eu. (17.62) h h The conservation law is = 0. (17.62) h The exact solution of Equation 17.62 is й = и ± h^2eu + C0, C0 = const. 2. Ordinary finite-difference equation. uxx = u2 The admitted operators are Xx = д/дх and X2= x д/дх - 2и д/ди. The Lagrangian is &= Ъи\ + 2u3. h The quasiextremal equation for Xx is 2wP 2 i v i v2 . и + uu + и ux-x = г -, • (17-63) h h
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 393 The conservation law is + h 2w3 - 3w? = 0. (17.63) 3. Ordinary finite-difference equation. (17.64) The admitted operators are Xx = д/дх and X2 = 2x д/дх + и д/ди. Regular grid со is invariant. Equation 17.64 is the euler equation for S?=\u-2-\u2x. The quasiextremal equation for Xx is W- h и + и ux + и= и2й2 , where й = S (и). (17.65) — h h h The conservation law is +f(""2+"-) -0, (17.65) The quasiextremal equation for X2 is 1 1 XI / \ U T U 1 h U U\h \ h J h И И / The conservation law is +h \хй 2 + xw? - uu^\ = 0. (17.66) 4- "** = "TT> Л WW where Mu- - uA
394 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 The nonregular grid family is F(h*/uu) = 0 (for example, h + = еий, s = const., e <^ 1). The admitted operators are д д д д д Хх= —, Х2 = 2х \-и —, Хт>=х2 Ухи—. дх дх ди * дх ди 17.4.2. PARTIAL FINITE-DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS (PFDEs) NONLINEAR DIFFERENCE HEAT EQUATION Finite-difference heat equation of order 0(r + h2) is given by u, = &(к(и)йЛ-к(и)йЯх+ 3f{k{u))ux (17.67) +h X h ' h +h h where z = S (z) is the value of z on the "upper layer" in the t direction and k(u) is a difference approximation of the heat transfer coefficient u". If k(u) = j(u"+ S (и*)), then + h In v -h > and Equation 17.67 is ut = Uu°+ S (M*))fl_, + i-( 5 (и')- 5 (u*))us. (17.68) 2V -л /. 2n\+h -h '. Equation 17.68 admits the four-parameter group G4, defined by the operators Xx = —, X2 = —, X, =2t— +x—, XA = at w — h dt h дх' h3 dt дх h4 dt ди (Dorodnitsyn [1989]).
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 395 All four of these operators conserve the uniformity of the mesh со Х со . h т Invariant solutions of the difference heat equation are as follows: 1. Xx = д/dt. The stationary solution is u(x, t) = й(х) (Samarskii and Sobol [1963]), к(й)йхх + ®Шй))йх = О, к(й) = Uua + S (йа)). h +h h V ~h J 2. Difference running wave. (Samarskii and Sobol [1963]) д д Xx + aX2 = — + a—, 1 2 dt dx u(x,t) = w(A), A = x — at, a = kh/т, where к rational is an arbitrary constant, AA = h. айк + \\йа + йайЛ = 0, where и = й(А — AA). The first integral is aw + \{йа + й°")йд = const. 3. Self-similar (scaling) solution. (Dorodnitsyn [1989]) u(x,t) =й(х)Г1/<т The equation for й(х) on (n + I) time layer, я = t/r, is 5 (й^) + йЛйх - \ua + S {ua)\ йх + InhNn2 + n - l)u = 0. *-* J j. [ -л J л w(jc) [r(^TT)]1 A и(*»0 = ——, <x,1/o., /1 = 0,1,2,... DIFFERENCE EQUATION OF HEAT TRANSFER WITH RELAXATION OF A HEAT FLOW r0utl + 2«-,{y(l -e-T/Tffl)} + 2M'{?(eT/T°_ 1}} = M«ik«. + t«s . (17.69) h \ L h z h I
396 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 where k0 and r0 are positive constants. The admitted operators (Dorodnitsyn [1992]): д д д УЛ. 1 == . У\ Л "■ . УЛ. о —■ . 1 dt 2 дх' 3 ди ' а д д Х4= -<Г'/Т—, Х5 = х — +3и—. All five operators satisfy to the conditions of invariant uniformity so one can use the quadrilateral mesh a) X a), which is regular in each direction. r h The finite-difference equation 17.69 approximates the corresponding differential equation of order (r2 + h2) on the uniform mesh со Х со. T /l FINITE-DIFFERENCE WAVE EQUATION ua - ux-x = 0 (17.70) л л admits the same group as in the continuous case (Dorodnitsyn [1991]). Consider the subgroup generated by д д д д Л. л = , У\ л = , У\ т = / Т" X . 1 <9f 2 дх 3 дх dt Equation 17.70 is the extremal Euler equation for the Lagrangian The quasi-invariant conditions for Sf and conservation laws for Xx, X2, and X3 are as follows: 1. a = 1. Vt= -ut - ul9 т h B\ = 0, B2 = ux SA ux I — ut u-t h —t h т т r h i +h \ h т т ' = 0 (17.70)
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 397 2. a = 2. 3. a = 3. A A B\ = uxux - u, Sx\u,y A A A -A h B\ = 0; 3t \-u}(ux + u-x) + 3x\u\-ut Sx(u,)) +т \ A VA A ' + A \A t -A t ' = 0 (17.70) V3= -t(ux + uxj -x(u, + и,), h h т т B\ = tuxux - (1 + т)и, 5х(ы,)-ы, 5,(и), /z /z т — h т т —h B\ = —xutut + (x + h)ux SA ux I — ux St(u); т т h —т h h —t Я?Ахи*+(х + И)их sAut\+tu-Aux + ux-\ + St(u)ux\ + r \ т h —т т т h h —т ' h ' + 9xl-tu2x-(t + T)ut Sx(ut) - xux(u, + и;) + A * А т —Л т h т т - Sx{u)u, = 0 (17.70) 17.5. NUMERICAL REALIZATION OF INVARIANT SOLUTIONS OF HEAT TRANSFER The following equation is considered: u, = (ua>ux)x + {и°гиу)у + up, (17.71) where al > 0, <r2 > 0, and В > 0. Self-similar (scaling-invariant) solutions invariant relative to the subgroup of dilatations defined by the operator д д + (сг2 + 1 - В)у— + 2u — v 2 И,Уду ди (17.72) are considered. The parameter t0 > 0 determines the time interval [0, t0) on which the solution exists (a solution does not exist globally), so-called blow-up regimes.
398 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 FIGURE 17.2. To Operator 17.72 there corresponds the invariant solution u(t,x,y) = (t0 - 0171 Pu(£,ti), where (17.73) € = x{t{) - 0<-1 + i-*>/w-i>]f , =y(,o _ 0(^+i-/»/w-D]e Substitution of Solution 17.73 into Equation 17.71 yields the following equation for the function w(£, ту): a2 + 1 {й'1йе)( + {й*йч)ч + Ц±^ейе+ 2(/?_i} + и P _ 1 /3-1 0. (17.74) Blow-up regimes corresponding to the case ft > 1 are considered next. The dependence of the direction of heat propagation on the relations among the parameters /3, al9 and a2 follows easily from Equation 17.73. There we used the index characterizing the initial approximation of the invariant solution: EjMm, where ; is the number of circle lines (where maxima are localized) and m is the number of maxima on every circle line in the initial approximation of the solution of the elliptic problem Equation 17.74. Figures 17.2-17.4 present the numerical realizations of invariant blowup regimes of Equation 17.71 (starting from "arbitrary" initial conditions). The relation among the quantities {ax + 1), (a2 + 1), and [3 affects the character of the heat propagation, as is evident from the representation of invariant solution Formula 17.73. Figures 17.2-17.4 show three types of solutions
FIGURE 17.3. FIGURE 17.4. 399
400 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol 1 E1M2 E1M3 E1M4 E1M5 IIP wsk щ X) Ш ч гЯ1Р ШГ Е1МБ E1M7 FIGURE 17.5.
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 401 E2M2 E2M3 E2M4 E2M5 E2M6 E2M7 FIGURE 17.6.
402 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 E3M2 E3M3 E3M4 E3M5 E3M6 E3M7 FIGURE 17.7.
Symmetry of Finite-Difference Equations 403 FIGURE 17.8. (Bakirova, Borshukova, Dorodnitsyn, and Svirschevskii [1985] and Bakirova, Borshukova, Dorodnitsyn, Kurdyumov, Samarskii, Svirshchevskii [1988]; see also Galaktionov, Dorodnitsyn, Elenin, Kurdyumov, and Samarskii [1986], and Dimova-Borshukova [1986]). Figure 17.2 shows the S-S regime, стх = a2 = 2, /3 = 3 (isotropic medium). In this case no propagation of heat occurs in any direction. Figure 17.3 shows the HS-S regime, al = 3, a2 = 2, /3 = 3 (anisotropic medium). In this case no propagation of heat occurs in the у direction, whereas in the x direction during a finite time t0 propagation of heat occurs to infinity. Figure 17.4 shows the HS-LS regime, a{ = 3, a2 = 1, /3 = 3 (anisotropic medium). In this case curtailment of effective depth of heating occurs in the у direction, whereas in the x direction during a finite time t0 propagation of heat occurs to infinity. Thus, at the final stage the solution is an infinitely heated line away from which the temperature is finite. Figure 17.2 shows the simplest invariant solution for the isotropic case and can be obtained numerically from "arbitrary" initial data. However, Equation 17.74 has another solution with complicated structure. The mathematical technique for calculating this was developed in Kurdyumov, Kurkina, and Potapov [1982], Kurdyumov, Kurkina, Potapov, and Samarskii [1986], and Potapov [1986]. Figures 17.5-17.7 show the numerical results for solving the elliptic problem 17.74 (Dimova, Kaschiev, and Koleva [1992a]). Figure 17.5 shows LS-LS regime, ax = a2 = 2, /3 = 3,25. Figure 17.6 shows LS-LS regime, ax = a2 = 2, /3 = 3,25. Figure 17.7 shows LS-LS regime, ax = a2 = 2, /3 = 3,1. Figure 17.8 shows LS-LS regime, al = a2 = 2, /3 = 3,1. Figure 17.8 shows the radial symmetric eigenfunction, which is equal to zero in a neighborhood of the center of symmetry (Dimova, Kaschiev, and Koleva [1992b], Dimova and Vasileva [1992]).
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AUTHOR INDEX Ablowitz, M. J., 336, 339 Abramowitz, M, 107-109 Adams, E., 208, 210, 211, 349, 350, 355, 358-360, 364 Akhatov, I. Sh., 71, 115, 118, 125, 127, 129, 181, 187, 258, 261, 264, 274 Aksenov, A. V., 332, 333 Ames, W. F., 42, 102, 167, 170, 176, 208, 210, 211, 349, 350, 355, 358-361, 363, 364 Anderson, R. L., 27, 49, 52, 54, 55, 58 Babskii, V. G., 320 Backhand, A. V., 51, 52 Baikov, V. A., 177-179, 212, 214, 216, 222, 224, 227, 232, 236, 237, 239, 243, 246 Bakirova, M. I., 158, 403 Barenblatt, G. L, 150 Barut, A. O., 54 Belford, G. G., 355 Benjamin, Т. В., 194, 195, 337 Benney, D. J., 345 Berezovskii, A. A., 102 Bertch, M., 140 Bianchi, L., 17, 207 Birkhoff, G., 42 Bluman, G. W,, 17, 29, 110, 111, 124, 137, 199, 201, 349 Bobenko, A. I., 335 Bobylev, A, V., 332, 341-343 Bona, J. L., 194, 195 Bonnet, O., 205 Borshukova, S. N., 158, 403 Burgan, J. R., Ill, 112, 124, 143 Cariello, F., 142 Cattaneo, C, 163 Chernous'ko, F. L., 130 Choi, S. H., 163 Chupakhin, A. P., 94, 95 Cole, J. D., 182, 349 Crank, J., 102, 130 Danilov, Yu. A., 170, 176 Darboux, G., 207 Degasperis, A., 336 Delong, R. P, Jr., 219 de Vries, G., 192 Dickson, L. E., 17, 29 Dimova, S. N., 158, 403 Dimova-Borshukova, S. N., 403 Dorodnitsyn, V. A, 104, 118, 133, 136, 137, 140, 143, 144, 148, 155, 350, 365-403 Dubrovin, B. A., 303, 331 Ehresmann, C, 53 Elenin, G. G., 133, 136, 143, 144, 148, 155, 403 Ernst, M. H, 343 Feix, M. R., 111-113, 124, 143 Ferapontov, E. V., 308, 310, 313, 316, 317, 322-326 Fife, P. C, 102 Fijalkow, E., 111-113, 124, 143 Fock, V. A., 54 Fokas, A. S., 49, 144 Fronsdal, C, 54 Fujita, H., 113 Fushchich, V. I., 71, 340 Galaktionov, V. A., 102, 123, 124, 133, 136, 141, 143, 144, 148, 152-155, 403 Gardner, С S., 54, 186, 188 Gazizov, R. K., 71, 115, 118, 125, 127, 129, 131, 177-179, 181, 187, 212, 214, 216, 222, 232, 236, 237, 239, 243, 246, 258, 261, 264, 274 Gelfond, A. O., 374 Geogdzaev, V. V., 327 Gibbons, J„ 327 Goff, J. A., 148 Greene, J. M, 54, 186 Gutierrez, J., Ill, 112, 124, 143 Hendriks, E. M., 343 Hermann, R., 53 Hirota, R., 192 Hopf, E., 182 Ibragimov, N. H., 17, 20, 27, 29, 38, 47, 49, 52, 54-58, 64-68, 71, 72, 94, 103, 111, 112, 115, 118, 125, 127, 129, 177-179, 182, 183, 186, 187, 189, 197, 222, 232, 236, 237, 239, 243, 246, 252, 258, 261, 264, 274, 287, 288, 297, 298, 341, 349, 361 Ishimori, Y., 337-339 Jamilov, R. I., 376 Johnson, H. H, 52, 53, 57 0-8493-4488-3/$0.00 + $.50 (c) 1994 by CRC Press, Inc. 421
422 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Kaptsov, O. V., 70, 71, 184, 188 Kaschiev, M S., 403 Katkov, V. O., 178, 180, 184 Kawahara, Т., 142, 143 Kersner, R., 140, 152 Khabirov, S. V., 94, 95, 98, 101 Khamitova, R. S., 297, 299, 301, 302 Khokhlov, R. V., 299 Khor'kova, N. G., 71, 187, 188, 207 Khristianovich, S. A., 301 Khukhunashvili, Z. V., 54 Kirnasov, E. G., 115 Kiso, K., 71 Klamkin, M. S., 349, 351, 353 Kleinert, R, 54 Knyazeva, I. V., 144, 148, 155, 171 Kodama, J., 336, 339 Koleva, M. G., 403 Koljano, U. M, 163 Kompaneets, A. S., 150 Konopel'chenko, B. G., 71 Konovalov, S. P., 80, 81 Kornyak, V. V., 71 Korobeinikov, V. P., 192 Korteweg, D. J., 192 Kostin, V. M., 185, 189, 194-196, Krasil'shchik, I. S., 71 Kruskal, M. D., 54, 186, 188 Kucharchyk, P., 298, 301 Kudashev, V. R., 329, 331 Kumei, S., 17, 29, 54, 110, 111, 124, 137, 199, 201, 207 Kupershmidt, B. A., 53 Kupper, Т., 360 Kurdyumov, S. P., 102, 124, 133, 136, 139, 143, 144, 148, 152, 403 Kurkina, E. S., 403 Kuznetsov, N. N., 306 Lioville, J., 205, 206 Lohner, R. J., 208,210, 211 Lykov, A. V., 163 Maeda, S., 377, 387, 388 Magadeev, B. A., 186 Magri, F., 54 Mahomed, F. M., 40 Mahony, J. J., 194, 195 Mamontov, E. V., 296 Martin, M. H., 100 Martinson, L. K., 151, 152 Matveev, V. В., 335 Meleshko, S. V., 332, 334 Mikhailov, A. P., 102, 124, 139, 152 Miura, R. M., 54, 186, 188, 189, 345, 346 Mokhnachev, V. G., 71 Moroney, R. M., 355 Munier, A., Ill, 112, 124, 143 Murray, J. D., 102 Na, T. Y., 349, 353 Newell, A. C, 142 Noehter, E., 52, 63, 65, 66 Novikov, S. P., 303, 331 Nurgalieva, I. G., 213 Olshanetsky, M., 336 Olver, P. J., 14, 17, 29, 54, 106, 107, 181, 187, 195, 207, 219, 227, 237, 240, 349 Oron, A., 169 Ovsiannikov, L. V., 27, 29, 42, 44, 46, 55, 88-92, 107, 110, 118, 119, 249, 252, 254, 285, 289, 291, 295, 349 Lagrange, J. L., 374 Lamb, G. L., Jr., 189 Lapko, B. V., 292 Laplace, P. S., 62, 67 Lax, P. D., 186 Leach, P. G. L., 40 Lebedev, D., 336 Lenard, A., 54, 186 Levanov, E. I., 163 Levermore, С D., 331 Levi, D., 376, 377 Lewy, H., 15 Lie, S., 3, 5, 9, 14, 16-18, 25-27, 36-38, 42, 49, 51, 52, 86, 103, 204, 206 Lin, С. С, 296 Pakuliak, S., 336 Pavolv, К. В., 151 Pavlov, M. V., 307, 317, 322, 323, 327, 329 Peletier, L. A., 140 Peregrine, D. N., 194 Perelomov, A., 336 Petrov, A. Z., 42 Podstrigach, Y. S., 163 Popov, M. D., 171 Posashkov, S. A., 123, 136, 141, 153, 154 Postell, F. V., 350, 364 Potapov, А. В., 403 Pucci, E., 204 Pukhnachev, V. V., 128
Author Index 423 Reissner, E., 296 Ritt, J. F., 56 Rizhov, O. S., 301 Rogers, C, 167, 170, 349 Rosen, G., Ill, 113, 124 Rosenau, P., 169 Rozhdestvenskii, B. L., 306, 322 Ruggeri, Т., 163, 167, 170 Sail', M. A., 335 Salvatori, M. C, 204 Samarov, K. L., 332, 333 Samarskii, A. A., 102, 124, 133, 136, 139, 143, 144, 148, 152, 395, 403 Santini, P., 336 Satsuma, J., 336, 337-339 Sattinger, D. H., 349 Schwarz, F., 299, 300 Sedov, L. L, 42 Serov, N. L, 340 Seshadri, R., 349 Shabat, А. В., 54, 62, 183, 186, 187, 205 Sharapov, S. E., 329, 331 Shokin, Ju. L, 350, 376 Sobol', I. M., 157, 395 Sokolov, V. V., 71, 186 Sotskii, E. N., 163 Stegun, I., 107-109 Stelen, V. M., 340 Stephani, H., 17, 29 Storm, M. L., 111-113, 124 Strampp, W., 113, 114, 124 Sukhinin, S. V., 298, 299 Svinolupov, S. I., 71 Svirshchevskii, S. R., 103, 118, 136, 137, 143, 144, 148, 155, 164, 403 Tabor, M, 142 Tamada, K., 212 Tanaka, M., 142, 143 Taranov, V. В., 344 Temple, В., 318 Tian, C, 181 Toepfer, K., 349 Tomotika, S., 212 Tsarev, S. P., 303, 304, 305, 307, 310, 313, 316, 317, 322, 324, 327, 331 Tsien, H. S., 296 Tzitzeica, G., 205, 206 Vasileva, D. P., 403 Vinogradov, A. M., 53, 71, 299, 300 Vinokurov, V. A., 213 Vorob'ev, E. M., 299, 300 Weaver, O. L., 349 Weyl, H, 25 Whitehead, J. A., 142 Whitham, G. В., 188, 331 Widder, D. V., 108 Wilhelm, H. E., 163 Winternitz, P., 376, 377 Wulfman, С E., 54 Yanenko, N. N., 306, 322, 350, 376 Yortsos, Y. C, 144 Yudovich, V. I., 320 Zabolotskaya, E. A., 299 Zabusky, N. J., 54 Zakharov, N. S., 192 Zakharov, V. E., 327 Zel'dovich, Ya. В., 150 Zhiber, A. V., 205 Zhykov, M. Yu., 320 Zmitrenko, N. V., 139 Zulehner, W., 176
SUBJECT INDEX A Abel equation, 80 Adiabatic gas motion general case, 249-252 one-dimensional case Euler coordinates, 252-258 intermediate system, 261-264 Lagrangian coordinates, 258-261 (L)-(D-(E) sequence, 264-273 (L)-(I)-(E) sequence: Lie point and quasilocal symmetries, 274-285 three-dimensional case, 289-295 two-dimensional case, 285-289 в Basis of invariants, 10 BBM (Benjamin-Bona-Mahony) equation, 194-196 Benjamin-Ono equation, 337-340 Benney hyperbolic system, 327-328 Bernoulli equation, 80 Blasius equation, 350-351 Boltzmann equation integrodifferential, 341 spatially homogeneous for Maxwell molecules, 342-343 Bonnet equation, 206-208 Boundary value-initial value conversions, 350-355 Burgers equation, 180-182 с Canonical variables defined, 11-12 Canonical variables method for first-order equations, 19-20 for second-order ordinary equations, 30-35 Chaplygin equation, 91-94 Chromatography equations exponential isotherm, 317-319 Langmuir isotherm, 306-310 with dissociation, 316-317 generalized, 310-315 Commutator of operators, 24-25 Computer applications, see also Finite- difference modeling boundary value-initial value conversions, 350-355 calculation near singularity, 361-362 eigenvalue calculations, 355-360 finite-difference modeling, 365-403 finite-differences equations, 362-364 history, 349-350 invariant algorithms, 364 Conservation laws of, 60-63 Noether theorem, 63-67 Contact transformations, 26-28 D de Vries-Korteweg equation, 334-337 Differential equations conservation laws of, 60-63 Noether theorem, 63-67 determining equation, 21-24 first-order, 7-28, 14, see also Transformation groups, one-parameter with known symmetry, 77-79 with symmetries linear in dependent variable, 79-82 integration and reduction of order, 16-17 canonical variables method, 19-20 integration factor, 17-19 invariant differentiation, 21 integro-, 332-346, see also Integrodifferential equations invariant solutions defined, 42-44 optimal systems for, 44-47 point transformations admitted by, 14-16 second-order with known symmetry, 82-84 Lie-group classification, 84-86 second-order ordinary canonical variables method, 30-35 group classification, 36-41 solvable Lie algebras and successive reduction of order, 29-30 425
426 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Differential equations (Continued) second-order partial Chaplygin, 91-94 linear, 86-91 Monge-Ampere homogeneous, 94-95 nonhomogeneous, 95-101 symmetry groups, 14-15 Diffusion equations computer applications, 358-360 filtration nonlinear, 129-130 potential, 130-132 heat anistropic with source three-dimensional, 158-163 two-dimensional, 155-158 hyperbolic, 169-170 linear, 103-109 in nonhomogeneous medium admitting nontrivial Lie-Backlund group, 143-144 nonlinear, 110-128 nonlinear with source, 133-143 TV-dimensional case, 144-155 potential hyperbolic, 163-169 system of two, 171-176 system of two linear equations, 170-171 Discrete models, see Finite-difference modeling Eigenvalues, 355-360 Elastoplasticity: integrodifferential equations, 333-334 Euler coordinates, 252-258 Evolution equations diffusion filtration nonlinear, 129-130 potential, 130-132 heat anisotropic with source: three- dimensional, 158-163 anisotropic with source: two- dimensional, 155-158 hyperbolic, 169-170 in nonhomogeneous medium admitting nontrivial Lie-Backlund group, 143-144 nonlinear, 110-128 nonlinear with source, 133-143 nonlinear with source in N- dimensional case, 144-155 potential hyperbolic, 163-169 linear heat, 103-109 system of two diffusion equations, 171-176 system of two linear equations, 170-171 general case basic equation, 177-178 BBM (Benjamin-Bona-Mahony) equation, 194-196 Burgers equation, 180-182 equation ut + uux + fiullt = 0, 196 generalized Hopf equation, 184-185 Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation, 192-194 Korteweg-de Vries equation, 185-192 potential Burgers equation, 183-184 simplest transfer equation, 178-179 transfer equation, 179-180 Filtration diffusion equations nonlinear, 129-130 potential, 130-132 Finite-difference modeling discrete models admitting symmetry groups ordinary finite-difference equations, 387-394 partial finite-difference equations, 394-397 invariance of grids and equations, 376-379 invariant solutions of heat transfer, 397-403 invariant variations in discrete spaces difference analogy of Noether theorem, 385-387 Euler operator representation, 379-381 mesh functional invariance, 381-382 quasiexternals, 382-385 transformation groups conservation, 370-371 for continuous and discrete variables, 365-376 discrete representation of differential equations, 373-376 for group operator in grid space, 371-372 introduction of finite-difference derivatives, 367-369 Taylor group, 366-367 Finite-differences equations, 362-364
Subject Index 427 G Gas dynamics adiabatic gas motion general case, 249-252 one-dimensional case Euler coordinates, 252-258 intermediate system, 261-264 Lagrangian coordinates, 258-261 (L)-(D-(E) sequence, 264-273 (D-(I)-(E) sequence: Lie point and quasilocal symmetries, 273-285 three-dimensional case, 289-295 two-dimensional case, 285-289 Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya equation three-dimensional case, 300-301 two-dimensional case, 299-300 short waves equations, 301-302 transonic plane parallel gas flows nonstationary, 296-208 three-dimensional, 298-299 stationary, 295-296 Gray screened operators, 253 H Heat diffusion equations anisotropic with source three-dimensional, 158-163 two-dimensional, 155-158 hyperbolic, 169-170 linear, 103-109 in nonhomogeneous medium admitting nontrivial Lie-Backlund group, 143-144 nonlinear, 110-128 with source, 133-143 with source in N-dimensional case, 144-155 potential hyperbolic, 163-169 Heat transfer, 397-403 nonlinear difference equation, 394-395 with relaxation of heat flow, 395-396 Hopf evolution equation, 184-185 Hydrodynamics, see Gas dynamics Hydrodynamic-type hyperbolic systems averaged KdV equation, 330-331 averaged nonlinear Schrodinger equation, 328-330 Benney system, 327-328 chromatography equations exponential isotherm, 317-319 Langmuir isotherm, 306-310 with dissociation, 306-310 generalized, 310-315 isotachophoresis equations, 320-321 principles, 303-306 weakly nonlinear semi-Hamiltonian systems, 322-326 Infinitesimal operator, see Lie operator Integration of first-order equations, 16-21 Integrodifferential equations Benjamin-Ono equation, 337-340 Boltzmann, 341 spatially homogeneous for Maxwell molecules, 342-343 conformal-invariant type, 340 exactly solvable kinetic for very hard particles, 343-344 long nonlinear waves, 344-346 Maxwell-Vlasov, 344 nonlocal Korteweg-de Vries equation, 335-337 one-dimensional motion of elastoplastic media, 334-335 pseudodifferential Schrodinger equation, 332-333 Invariant computer algorithms, 364 Invariant solutions, 42-47 к KdV averaged equation, 330-331 Korteweg-de Vries equation, 185-192 Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya equation, 299-301 Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers generalized equation, 192-194 Korteweg-de Vries nonlocal equation, 335-337 Lagrangian coordinates, 258-261 Langmuir isotherm, 306-310 with dissociation, 316-317 generalized, 310-315
428 CRC Handbook of Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations, Vol. 1 Lie algebras, for first-order differential equations, 24-26 Lie-Backlund transformation groups formal, 56-57 symmetry, 57-59 theoretical development, 51-56 Lie group classification linearization and, 38-41 second-order differential equations, 84-86 summary of general, 38 of three-dimensional ordinary equations, 36-37 Lie operator, 9 Linear equations Lie's classifications, 86-87 Ovsiannkov's classification, 87-91 wave, see also Wave equations one-dimensional, 197-199 with dissipation, 236-237 with variable coefficients, 199-203 three-dimensional, 226-231 with dissipation, 239-242 two-dimensional, 218-222 with dissipation, 237-239 Linearization, 38-41 integration and reduction of order, 16-17 canonical variables method, 19-20 integrating factor, 17-19 invariant differentiation, 21 Lie algebras, 24-26 local one-parameter point, 7-12 prolongation formulas, 12-14 Ono-Benjamin equation, 337-340 Ordinary finite-difference equations (OFDEs), 387-394 Ovsiannkov's classification, 87-91 Partial finite-difference equations (PFDEs), 394-397 Prolongation formulas, 12-14 Pseudodifferential Schrodinger equation, 332-333 M Maxwell molecules Boltzmann equation, 342-343 very hard, 343-344 Maxwell-Vlasov equation, 344 Monge-Ampere equation homogeneous, 94-95 nonhomogeneous, 95-101 N Noether theorems, 60-67, 385-387 Quasilocal symmetries, 71-73 associated with Lie point, 274 of (D-(I)-(E) sequence, 273 R Ricatti equations, 80-82, 388-390 О One-parameter transformation groups contact transformations, 26-28 determining equation, 22-24 groups admitted by differential equations, 14-16 Schrodinger equation averaged nonlinear, 328-330 pseudodifferential, 332-333 Singularity calculations, 361-362 Symmetry of finite-difference equations, 365-403, see also Finite-difference modeling first-order linear equations, 79-82 first-order equations with known symmetry, 77-79
Subject Index 429 local transformation groups, 14-15 Lie-Backlund, 57-59 nonlocal via Backlund transformations, 68-73 quasilocal, 71-73 Transformation groups Lie-Backlund, 51-59 formal, 56-57 symmetry, 57-59 theoretical development, 51-56 one-parameter contact transformations, 26-28 determining equation, 22-24 groups admitted by differential equations, 14-16 integration and reduction of order, 16-17 canonical variables method, 19-20 integrating factor, 17-19 invariant differentiation, 21 Lie algebras, 24-26 local one-parameter point, 7-12 prolongation formulas, 12-14 Transonic plane parallel gas flows nonstationary, 296-308 three-dimensional, 298-299 stationary, 295-296 w Wave equations, see also Integrodifferential equations finite-difference, 396-397 linear with dissipation one-dimensional, 236-237 three-dimensional, 239-242 two-dimensional, 237-239 one-dimensional, 197-199 with variable coefficients, 199-203 three-dimensional, 226-231 two-dimensional, 218-222 for long nonlinear waves, 344-346 nonlinear with dissipation one-dimensional, 243 three-dimensional, 246-249 two-dimensional, 244-246 one-dimensional, 208-218 three-dimensional, 231-236 two-dimensional, 222-225 short wave gas dynamic, 301-302 zxy = F (z), 204-206 Bonnet equation, 206-208 Weakly nonlinear semi-Hamiltonian systems, 322-326 Very hard molecules, 343-344 Vlasov-Maxwell equation, 344 Zabolotskaya-Khokhlov equation, 299-301 one-parameter contact transformations, 26-28 theoretical development, 51-56