
«Учение с увлечением» Автор-составитель М.П. Филипченко ЗАГАДКИ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ ДЛЯ МАЛЬЧИКОВ И ДЕВОЧЕК RIDDLES FOR BOYS AND GIRI S Ростов-на-Дону ф Э ей и кс 2012
УДК 373.167.1:811.1 И ББК81.2Анп1-9 КТК 441 3-14 3-14 Загадки на английском языке для мальчиков и дево- чек Riddles for Boys and Girls / авт.-сост М.П. Филип- ченко. Ростов н/Д.: Фенике, 2012. 316. 11J и - (Уче- ние с увлечением). ISBN 978-5-222-18761-6 Этот сборник самое настоящее практичсскос пособие для ве- селого изучения английского языка Сборник предназначен школь- никам, студентам, прсполашггелям. веем, кто любит английский язык и имеет желание владеть нм в совершенстве. ISBN 978-5-222-18761-6 УДК 373.167.1:811.1 II ББК81.2Англ-9 © Филиппенко М.П составление, 2012 © ООО «Феникс», оформление, 2012
ОТ АВТОРА С давних времен загадки были неотъемлемыми спутниками нашей жизни. И действительно, давайте задумаемся над таким вопросом: каким образом с древ- нейших времен проверяли у человека в народе ум, сме- калку и сообразительность? Ну, конечно же, ему зага- дывали загадку! Их загадывали у охотничьих костров, стремясь скоротать долгие зимние вечера; ими развле- кались при дворе королей и императоров, в то время как сами правители без колебаний рубили головы му- дрецам, не умевшим найти достойного ответа. Тс времена давно прошли, и теперь никто нс карает за незнание столь жестоко, но загадки, тем не менее, никуда нс исчезли и по-прежнему помогают нашему беспокойному уму отвлечься от серых будней и проя- вить себя во всей красе. Но загадка - нс просто забава, нс просто игра, она помогает с самых малых лег развивать у человека логи- ческое и нестандартное мышление, остроту ума и сооб- разительность, умение рассуждать и доказывать, учит видеть прекрасное. Загадка заставляет ребенка думать, развивает наблюдательность, стремление к размышле- нию и познанию окружающей действительности. 3
«§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... Сама форма загадки привлекает внимание детей и делает учение интересным, ненавязчивым. По со- держанию и структуре загадки таковы, что позволя- ют развивать логическое мышление детей, формиро- вать у них навыки восприятия и использования речи- доказательства и речи-описания. Таким образом, загад- ка является как средством воспитания, так и средством обучения и развития детей. Само разгадывание загадок - увлекательнейшее за- нятие, рассчитанное на веселье, шуточное настроение, радостное предвкушение правильного ответа, и если смотреть на мир внимательными, зоркими глазами, за- мечая всю красоту и богатство, то всякий мудреный во- прос, любое иносказание в загадках будут разгаданы. Мир загадок удивителен и своеобразен, в нем мно- го неожиданностей, парадоксов. Своей необычностью, парадоксальностью загадки поражают. Загадка - это краткое иносказательное поэтическое описание живого существа, предмета или явления, опирающееся на их наиболее своеобразные признаки. Каждая загадка содержит в себе задачу: отгадать, ка- кое существо, предмет или явление кроется за данной характеристикой. Загадка состоит из текстовой части и отгадки, они взаимосвязаны и взаимообусловлены. В этом проявляется своеобразная жанровая закономер- ность: отгадка в тексте никогда не называется прямо, она заменена метафорой, которая даст возможность скрытому сравнению, сопоставлению достаточно дале- ких предметов, действий, явлений. Метафоры строятся гак, чтобы заманить отгадывающего в ловушку, заста- вить его идти по ложному пути, посмея ться над его не- догадливостью. Как правило, если загадывается неоду- 4
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> шевленный предмет, то в качестве метафоры чаще вы- бирается одушевленный предмет, и наоборот. Одушев- лять неодушевленные предметы - излюбленный прием загадок, хотя в них используются самые разнообразные художественные средства: сравнения, противопостав- ления, гиперболы, эпитеты, отрицания. Ответ заранее известен тому, кто предлахаст загадку, но его должен са- мостоятельно найти отгадчик. Обычно в загадке описы- вается только один объект. Если же объектов несколько, то мы имеем дело с комплексной загадкой. Если внимательно присмотреться к загадкам, кажу- щимся на первый взгляд парадоксальными, мы найдем в них какие-то детали, подробности, которые выступа- ют нс в переносном, а в прямом смысле по отношению к отгадке. Они как бы уточняют, дополняют, конкрети- зируют, подсказывают отгадку и этим помогают ее раз- гадать. Об одном предмете можно загадать несколько различных загадок, используя разные свойства и каче- ства предмета: материал, цвет, форму, размеры, функ- цию, способ изготовления, его количественные отно- шения, взаимосвязи с другими предметами. Читая загадки, над одними из них вы весело посме- етесь, над другими задумаетесь, а третьи, может быть, и не сумеете разгадать. Тогда вам поможет подсказка- отгадка. Загадки открывают во всем, что нас окружает, мно- го чудесного и поэтического. Они не только испыты- вают человека на сообразительность, но и открывают мир поэзии, мир знакомый, но увиденный зоркими гла- зами поэтов. С развитием общества меняется тематика загадок, но ее значение в жизни и развитии человека остается неизменным. <§><•><§> 5
Загадки на английском языке... Жизнь полна загадок и секретов, и мы с раннего детства пытаемся разгадать их. Этот сборник поможет детям самим ответить на многие вопросы из жизни че- ловека и природы, пополнить свой арсенал новой ин- формацией о животных и растениях, всего того, что окружает нас... Несмотря на то. что многие загадки довольно про- сты, новичкам, несомненно, придется провести немало времени за словарями, выискивая смысл тех или иных слов. Стоит ли напоминать, что лучше всего запомина- ется только тр, что интересно? И даже если вы с гор- достью скажете, что знаете язык и нс нуждаетесь ин в чьей помощи, нс спешите: здесь вам мщут встретиться и такие загадки, которые построены на синонимике, игре слов и прочих нюансах языка, так что для того, чтобы их решить, придется улавливать смысл нс от- дельных слов, а всей задачи в целом, а это, поверьте, нс так уж и просто. И нс забывайте, что при решении задач главным будет не только знания языка, но и не- малая сообразительность, а также умение мыслить во- преки стандартам. В сборнике загадки распределены по группам, бла- годаря чему позволяют быстро найти материал к какой- либо определенной теме, если преподаватель нс знает, какими конкретно загадками он может воспользовать- ся. Такая группировка загадок помогает преподавате- лю охватить сразу много тематических вопросов при подготовке к занятиям. Используя загадки, преподаватель сможет разви- вать наблюдательность и логическое мышление своих учеников, повысить мотивацию обучения. 6
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> Дети, работая на занятиях с загадками, смогут наи- более быстро запомнить сложный материал, правопи- сание слов, научиться сравниват ь и т.д. Использование загадок на занятиях позволяет обогащать речь детей, развивать воображение, укреплять память, всегда вы- зывает положительные эмоции. Собственно говоря, именно с этой целью и созда- вался сборник загадок на английском языке, который вы держите в руках. Тем более, что он позволит нс только с пользой провести свободное время, но и про- верить или значительно повысить уровень познаний в английском языке. Надеемся, что он окажется полезным всем, кто из- учает английский язык или работает с ним профессио- нально: школьникам, студентам, преподавателям, всем, кто любит английский язык и имеет желание владеть им в достаточно свободной форме. Этот сборник - самое настоящее практическое посо- бие для веселого изучения английского, который мож- но читать с первой до последней страницы, но можно и наоборот. Если открыть eix> на любой странице, то все равно будет и полезно, и весело, и очень интересно. Преподавателю эта книга позволит сделать уро- ки нескучными, оживить их -забавными заданиями и смешными текстами, разнообразить материал занятий, внести элемент игры, переключить внимание детей с одного вида деятельности на другой. Собранный в книге материал может быть использо- ван и во внеклассной работе - при подготовке конкур- сов и викторин на английском языке, а также на заняти- ях школьного кружка.
RIDDLES ABOUT NATURE: THE SKY, THE EARTH, THE RIVER, THE WEATHER <$> A blue sheet which covers The whole world. What is it? (The sky) It looks like peas Scattered on a path. (The sky and the stars) Ф White pearls were Scattered on a black cloth. ( The sky and the stars) <$> At night 1 come Without being fetched. By day I am lost, But not really gone. What am I? (71 star) 8 <§><><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> Ф I have a little sister, Her name is Pretty Peep, She wades in the waters Deep, deep, deep! She climbs up the mountains High, high, high; My poor little sister. She has just one eye! (A star) <$> Higher than a house, Higher than a tree, Higher than a cloud. What can it be? (A star) We're very large but we seem so small, We float so high and never fall, We shine like jewels in the night. But in the day light are hidden from sight. So what we arc and why? (Stars) Ф In the dark I am found. Without being fetched. In the day I am lost, Without being stolen. (A star) <§> They come to witness the night Without being called, A sailor’s guide and poet's tears. <§><•><§> 9
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... They are lost to sight each day Without the hand of a thief. (Stars) <§> Swirling, sparkling, shining bright. You can sec it in the dark of the night. (The Milky Way) Ф As I get closer, my tail grows longer; As I get far away, my tail leads the way. (A comet) <$> 1 saw a restless shepherd travelling Back and forth on his paths. He garbs himself in that which goes In the same and in an opposite direction. He goes hither and thither among creatures. (The Sun) Ф It never bothers To wake us up, But in any weather And any season, We open our eyes. Stretch and yawn, we rise The moment we are shining It is risen. (The Sun) I daily am in Elsweyr and Skyrim, At times do all the world explore, Since time began I've held my reign, 10
Riddles for Boys and Girls 000 And shall till lime is never more. 1 never in my life have strolled In garden, field, or park, Yet all of these are sad and cold If I am not there and it is dark. (The Sun) 0 1 am big, I am in the sky 1 give light. What am I? (The Sun) 0 My children arc near and far, No matter that I know where they are. The gift 1 give them makes their day. But if I gone they wander away. (The Sun) 0 What sneaks through doors And windows without knocking? What heats an unlit stove? What gives the cat a snug place to rest? (The Sun) 0 An eye in a blue face Saw an eye in a green face, «That eye is alike to this eye» Said the first eye, «But in low place, Not in high place.» (Sun on a field of daisies) 000 11
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... Ф Brother can not meet sister, Sister can not catch up brother. (The Moon and the Sun) Ф Who am I that shines so bright With my pretty silver light, Peeping through your windows grey? Tell me, little boy, I pray. (The Moon) I am with borrowed silver shine, That you see is none of mine. First I show you just a quarter. Like the bow that guards the Tartar; Then the half, and then the whole. Ever dancing round the pole; And it is true, - I chiefly owes My beauty to the shades below. (The Moon) <$> What is it that has always been And still is only a month old? (The Moon) <s> I was a horn once, A disk I am now. I know things happen, But I wonder - How? (The Moon) 12 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> <$> Dish with kissel Stands on the roof of a house. (The Moon) Ф My love, when I gaze at thy beautiful face, Soring along, and always in place, The thought has often come into my mind If I ever shall see thy glorious behind. (The moon) Ф What can be half full, Three-quarters full or fully complete, But never empty? (The Moon) <$> II is very old and still it shines. Only four weeks old, and never will be five. (The Moon) Ф Two little golden horns Sitting on the cloud, Floating slowly in the sky, And look very proud. (A young Moon) Somebody who never open the door To enter the room. (Sun light) Ф Hick-a-more, Hack-a-morc, On the kitchen floor: ф <$><§> 13
Загадки на английском языке... All the horses, all the men, Couldn’t drive Hick-a-more, Hack-a-more, О fl'the kitchen floor. (Sunshine) <$> It is sunny. It is hot. It is windy. It is cold. It's warm today. Yes, what a lovely day! It's cold today. Yes, what a terrible day! (The weather) <$> I have an eye. but I cannot sec And I am guided only by the winds. I am strong and disastrous But in the center of me, I am calm. I live for a while but I am dying soon enough, And when you least expect it, I am reborn. (A hurricane) Ф Footless and hand less It knocks on the door And wants to be let in. (The wind) Ф Voiceless it cries, Wingless it flutters. Toothless it bites. Mirthless it mutters. (The wind) 14
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> Ф Water frowns on it. Trees shake their heads at it. Flowers bow to it. Clouds run away from it. (The wind) <$> Which way he blows? And where he goes? He runs on water, He runs on the snow. From which place he comes, In what place he goes, There is no one who can tell you, There is no one who knows. (The wind) What can pass by the sun Not making the shadow? (The wind) <$> What is with no hands And with no feet, With no a head or body, But may open the door? (The wind) Ф 1 am, in truth, a yellow fork From tables in (he sky The inadvertent fingers dropped The cutlery, that terrify. Of the mahsions never quite disclosed 15
Загадки на английском языке... And never quite concealed The apparatus of the dark Made ignorance revealed. <$> My tines arc long. My tines arc short. My tines end ere My first report. (Lightning) (Lightning) 1 am around long before the dawn. But by the lunch time I usually leave. You sec me in the summer, appearing in the spring. I like to climb on everything. But when the winter winds begins to blow; Burr, then it's time for me to go! What am I? (The dew) <$> It lands in the evening. And lying on the ground all night, But in the morning it flics away. (The dew) A hill are fulled, a hole arc fulled; But you cannot catch the bowl fulled. (The mist) Ф It has no wings, But flics. 16
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> it pours tears, But has no eyes. (A cloud) < $> White sheep. White sheep, On a blue hill, When the wind stops, You al! stand still. You walk far away, When the wind blows, White sheep, White sheep Where arc you going? (The clouds) < $> A thousand threads. Ten thousand threads. They fall into the river And they will not be seen never again. (Rain) Ф If it rises, then among the clouds it will be visible, If it lies, in the grass it will be invisible. (Rain) < $> It gently patters On our roof All through the long. Dark night! / It mutters something, 17
Загадки на английском языке... And lulls us to sleep, And asks: «All sleeping? Huh! All right!» (Rain) <$> Whal is it that makes a noise In the fields and in the garden. But cannot get into the house? (Rain) What always falls, but never rises? (Rain) A cloud is my mother, The wind is my father, My son is the cool stream, And my daughter is the fruit of (he earth. A rainbow is my bed, The earth is my final resting place, And I am torment for a man. (Rain) <$> What is it that can catch me In the garden and make me wet, But cannot reach me When I am at home? (Rain) <$> They ask inc to come, Waiting for me. 18 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§> ф <§> But when I come, I make them hide. (Rain) The branch of a mountain ash Was spanned over the ground. (A rainbow) Purple, yellow, red, and green, The King cannot reach it, nor the Queen, Nor can my father, whose power’s so great: Tell me this riddle while counting up to eight. (A rainbow) <§> My father is the Sun-God, My mother is the sea; My house is in heaven. The moon beams play with me. My gown has seven colours, My song has seven keys; I run among the mountains, I bathe in all the seas. The world is ever waiting For the little tinkling cry Of bangles on my ankles When I jump across the sky. (A rainbow) Ф The first pours water, The second drinks water, The third grows. (A rain, the ground, a herb) <§><•><§> 19
Загадки на английском языке... Ф As round as an apple, As deep as a cup, And all the king's horses Cannot pull it up. (A well) What often falls And would never hurts? (Snow) What is white And falls on the top of the roof? (Snow) <$> In the spring becomes old, In the summer dies, In the winter comes alive. (Snow) <s> What Hies when it was born, Lies when it is alive, And running, when it dies? (A snowflake) <$> What man can not live Inside the house? (A snowman) <$> What is white and is made of snow? (A snowman) 20
Riddles for Boys and Girls <$> The old woman sweeps behind the house, The dust swirls in front of the door. (A blizzard) <$> 1 am energy and motion, I can fly across the ocean, 1 can hear and I can speak, I can see and even seek. I eat, no bread no gruel, I cat energy and fuel, Better say: I never eat; I am transformated heat. (Electricity) 1 am always hungry, I must always be fed, The finger which I lick, Soon will turn to red. (Fire) <e> No legs have I to dance, No lungs have I to breathe, No life have I to live or die But I am doing all these three. (Fire) Ф Inspired jig it dances bright, Banishing the darkness of the night. Give it food and it will live; Give it water and it will die. (Fire) <§><•><§> 21
Загадки на английском языке... < $> The state оГ my form will spin like the waves and bend, From the things that I destroy to the things that I will rend. My color will vary from bright red to blue, The power 1 am using will dictate my hue. What am 1? (A flame) < $> I touch your face, 1 am in your words, I create the space, And I am the one, who love birds. (Air) < $> I am a black child of a white father; A wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth tears of mourning among the people that I meet. And as soon as I was bom I dissolv in the air. (Smoke) < $> A house is fulled, a hole is fulled, And you cannot fill a bowl. (A fog or a smoke) < $> What is it that always goes with a train, Is not there when the train stops. This there is no use for the train, But the train cannot go without it? (Noise) 22 <§><£<§>
Kiddles for Boys and Girls < $> Shining like diamonds, Loud as thunder, Never stands still, Wonder of wonders. (A waterfall) <$> This old one runs forever, But never moved at all. He has no lungs or throat, But still makes a mighty roaring call. (A waterfall) <$> Many man scuding thumper, Maker of a worn wood, Metal rustcr, Sky mocker, Rave! Portly pusher, Wind slave. (The ocean) <$> The Moon is my father, I’he Sea is my mother; I have a million of brothers, I am dying reaching the land. (A wave of the ocean) <§> It flows, but cannot flow fully. It runs, but cannot run away. (A river) <§><•><§> 23
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... < $> What all day runs, but never walking; Often murmurs, never talks; Has a bed, but never sleeps; Has a mouth, but never cats? (A river) < $> What has a bed. But never lies in it? (A river) < $> It runs and runs, But it never run away. It flows. Who knows What I am talking about? (A river) Ф Two brothers look in the water. But can not meet each other! (The banks of a river) Five siblings arc they, their color is true; One belongs to one, four are shared by two. Connected together, some by locks; Many met their fate among the rocks. Arrange their initials, and you will Find things that arc in the neighborhood. What has just been described? (The Great Lakes: Superior, Michigan, Huron. Erie, Ontario) 24 ^> <•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> < $> You hear my song From quite afar. That I ring on the pebbles when run To reach the lake. I am joyful, 1 am fond of singing. (A streamlet) Ф It’s so weak that the slightest wind can stir it. It's so strong that you can cut it With a knife and not leave the trace. (Water) < $> What can run but can't walk? (Water) < $> What is it that everyone can divide But no one can see where it is divided? (Water) < $> 11 is white, it is cold. You can skate on it. What is it? (Ice) < $> Lighter than that of what 1 was made, A big part of me is hidden than the one that is seen, I am the bane of mariner, A tooth belonging to the sea. Say my name. fZcej '§><•><§> 25
Загадки на английском языке... < $> In the spring becomes thin, In the winter becomes thick. (Ice) Ф I walked along the London Bridge, I heard something crccnchcd; No one man in all of England Can't mend it! (Ice) < §> What is it that can not bum in the fire, And drowning in the water? (Ice) < $> It is white and blue. It is cold. You sec it on the skating rink. You can skate on it. What is it? (Ice) Ф A simple riddle you behold, All that glitters is not gold. My first is second in line, 1 will send shivers up your spine. Though I am not quite shining bright, I seem glittering in the light. (Ice) < $> My step is slow My breathing - snow I give the ground A grinding death 26
Riddles for Boys and Girls My marching Leads to the end of inc Slain by the sun Or drowned in the sea. (A glacier) Why the Earth never ends? (Because it s round) <$> What becomes even more If you take this even more? (A hole) & I am a yellow hem Of the blue skirt, which is the sea. (Sand on a beach) <$> Who changes the clothes Four times within one year? (The ground) Ф What has roots that no one sees, What is higher than the trees, Up and up it goes And still never grows? (A mountain) <$> What has the foot, But has no feet? (A mountain) 27
<§»<•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> Му thunder comes before the lightning; My lightning comes before the clouds; My rain dries up all the land it touches. (A volcano) My thunder rolls beneath me, My lightning flares above, I do the dust and crust. I blow up when I am tall. (A volcano) Ф I am a red tongue Of the Earth that buries the cities. (Lava from a volcano) <$> A strange attraction compels me To hold your things like most dear, 1 know this is not, and feel no warmth in such hug. My brothers and I stuck close to ich other Until it finds one, that would push me away. What am I? (A magnet) Ф What is black when you buy it, Red when you are using it, And gray when you throw it away? (Charcoal) Black I am and much admired. Men seek me until get tired. 28 ^> <•>«§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls When they find me, they break my head, And take from me my resting bed. (Coal) *$> There are lour brothers in this world That were all bom together. The first runs and never tired. The second eating and never filled. The third drinks and is always thirsty. The fourth sings a song that is never good. (Water, fire, earth, and wind) • <$> I am all that I am and all that you sec, Yet I am nothing at all and from you I flee. Distortion of perceptions - this is me, I play with the horizon where ever 1 lie. What am I? (A mirage) <$> This is what no one has ever seen, But everybody heard it. (An echo) ® I am sometimes strong And sometimes weak. But I am not a fool. There is no such language In which I can’t speak, However, I never went to school. (An echo) <§><$><§> 29
<§><><§> Загадки на английском языке... Ф You have heard me before, You hear me again. Then I died until you call me again. (An echo) Ф II lives without a body. Hear without ears, Speaks without a mouth, And was bom in the air. What is it? (An echo) First broken and then spoken. (Silence) Ф What is it that you will break Every time when you call it by name? (Silence) Ф Although much water you see, By definition, «desert» fits me. In the winter I double in size, But staying away - thit is advise. I am very windy, thit is the clue, What am I? Good luck to you. (The Antarctica)
CALENDAR RIDDLES ABOUT THE YEAR. THE TIME, THE CHANGE OF SEASONS Ф Fat and gay, on a winter's day. He came here with us to stay. When he grew both sad and thin, We brought his younger brother in. People meet the guest with cheer, For he brings another year. What is he? (A calendar) <$> He came to us before New Year A healthy, merry fellow. But every day he loses weight, And in a year he'll fade away. (A calendar) Ф It lakes off a piece of its clothing each day, By the end of the year it has nothing left to wear. (A calendar) <$> Why is snow like New Year’s Day? (Because it can fall on any day of the week) 31
Загадки на английском языке... Ф Before I came, confusion abounded. 1 am late. I am late was frequently sounded. I am not average, but was based on a mean. My size, in theory, is constant: fifteen. I am two dozen steps, again in theory. But walk my length and you'd get weary. I take half and quarter steps at times. In reality, I do not follow the lines. I shrink to nothing in two cold extremes. Over a thousand miles wide in the bctwccns. (Time zones) <$> Four brothers work, But the work is to gather them together. (Seasons) Ф There arc twelve brothers. Who marching in the single rank. But can never overtake one another. (12 months) <$> A little old woman With twelve children: Some of them are short, some long, Some cold, some hot. What is it? (A year) <$> What year lasts Only one day? (It s New Year) 32
Riddles for Boys and Girls < $> This is the season When children ski, And old Father Frost Brings Christmas tree. < $> The windows are blue at night. But in the morning they are white. And snowflakes arc falling. «Come out», they arc calling. (Winter) (Winter) < $> When she comes, It becomes cold. Everything becomes white, All the lakes and over Arc covered with icc. (Winter) <$> The snow falls, The north wind is blowing; The earth is white All day and all night. (Winter) <$> This is the season When the mornings are dark And birds do not sing In the forest and park. This is the season When children ski And Father Christmas :Mk 14
«§><$><§> 3ai адкн на английском языке... Brings the Christinas tree. Grey is the sky And the wind is chill, Icicles hang From the window sill. The swing dissapeared From the tree bough, Nobody is playing In the garden now. Only the robin With breast of the red, Sits and waits For his crumbs of bread. <$> It is the season When apples arc sweet, It is the season When school-friends meet; When there is noisy and fun They got a tun from the sun With their books and bags To school they run. <$> This is the time When the days are cool. When we eat apples And kids go to school. (Winter) (Autumn) (Autumn) 34 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls Without the paints, without brushes She coloured all the leaves. (Autumn) Ф The summer is over, The trees are all bare, There is mist in the garden, And frost in the air. (Autumn) <$> What a rainy season! The sky is dark and grey, No sunshine any more; No playing out of the doors. (Autumn) <$> Yellow and red, and green, and brown Look, the little leaves fall down Dancing, dancing in the breeze Falling, falling from the trees. (Autumn) Ф The trees are green, Blue skies we can see. Grey winter left! The world looks new and free. (Spring) <$> This is the season When snowdrops bloom, When the birds make their nests, 35
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... This is the season We all like the best? (Spring) <$> I he meadows arc empty. And gathered the sheaves - But isn’t it lovely, Kicking up leaves? (Autumn) <s> The season when nights arc short Children have plenty of fun and sport Boating and swimming a whole day long Will make us well and strong. (Summer) ♦ The sun is shining, The flowers bloom. The sky is blue, The rains are few. (Summer) <$> This month brings snow, Makes feet and fingers glow. (January) <$> It is dark blue at night. In the morning it is white, The snow flakes arc falling. (January) 36 ф <$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><£><§► <s> On the window — ledges, On the branches lie. Sec how fast they gather, Filling all the air. (January) <$> In this month it is snow ing again And sometimes the rain. (February) <$> In what month children talk less? (February) <$> In what month we are working, Eat, and sleep less? (February) Ф Now it coats black bushes All look soft and white; Sec the snowflakes falling; What a pretty sight! (February) <$> In what month children laugh less? (February’) <$> This month brings sunny days and winds So that we know that spring begins. (March) <§><•><§> 37
Загадки на английском языке... < $> This month brings the primrose sweet. We sec daisies at our feet. (April) This month brings the flowers, the joy and the grass And the holiday for us. (May) < e> While the sun shins brightly, Little children, come with me, The birds and the trees and the flowers to see. (July) < §> Let us make a merry ring, Talk and laugh, and dance and sing’ Quickly, quickly, let's go away, So it is a pleasant day. (August) John from the garden Already took chairs; It's dark in the evening And cold on (he stairs. Winter is coming And everyone grieves — But isn't it lovely. Kicking up leaves? (November) <S> Cold month brings us skating, For the New Year we arc waiting. (December) 38 <§><$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§> <c> <§. < $> This cold and frosty day The sun is bright, The snow is right! Tliis month brings you ski And the Christmas tree! (December) Look at the pretty snowflakes, Falling from the sky: On the walls and houses tops, Soft and thick they lie. (December) Ф Can you name five days of the week? I do not mean Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday. (Today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow) * $> What is it that was tomorrow And will be yesterday? (Today) Ф What is it that never was. Never will be and still lasts? (Today) < $> What is it that everybody seen, But will never sec again? (Yesterday) 39
3ai адкн на английском языке... <$> If yesterday two weeks ago it was Saturday, What a day will be tomorrow? (Monday) <$> Nature requires five, Custom comes at seven. Laziness comes at nine, And slowness at eleven. (Hours of sleep) <$> When the day after tomorrow is yesterday, Today will be as far from Wednesday As today was from Wednesday When the day before yesterday was tomorrow. What is the day after this day? (Thursday) <$> What is it that always comes. But never arrives? (Tomorrow) <$> 1 have never been, 1 will always to be, No one ever saw me, nor ever will see And yet I am the confidence to all To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball. (Tomorrow) <$> Where on Earth is the longest day? (Everywhere are identical) <$> What breaks but never falls? (Day) 40
Riddles for Boys and Girls <$> What falls but never breaks? (Night) The black bird spreads its wings. Under its canopy lay Wide world, sleeping sounds, Untill the breath of the next day. (Night) < $> Twelve falcons. Fifty two daws, Three hundred sixty five starlings Have brought one egg. (Months, weeks. days and year) < $> When the black bull comes All people lie down to sleep. When the white bull comes All people arc walking up. (Night and day) < $> She is so peaceful, but causes fear He is so bright and full of cheer She rests the body, he wakes the soul He is so light, she is black as coal She has mole and tiny bright freckles He covers us with liny tear speckles She hides us, he beams with pride He is her husband, she is his bride He in the bright silk, she is all in velvet A yin-yang marriage as they tell it Two lovers who meet twice a day 41
Загадки на английском языке... When he needs to go, she had to stay Now I ask you, who are they? One more thing you should know She gets us inside, he bathes us in glow. (Day and night) <e> It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt. It lies behind stars and at the foot of the hills, And empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, Ends life, kills laughter. (Dark) Ф The more this is around The less what you see. Transform all that you want When Surrounded by me. (Darkness) <$> This thing all the things devours: Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grind hard stones in meal; Slaying kings, destroying cities, And beats the high mountain down. (Time) <$> Mountains will crumble and temples will fall, And no man can survive its an endless call. (Time) 42
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> Ф Elvish mithril and Argonian silver, crumble I can. But first, I improve all created by man. I devour all things, Bird and beast, serfs and kings. Even if my pace is slow, men curse my speed, Wishing me to be lazier in their hour of need. I can creep and crawl, or rush, even fly. I am all yours. Tell me, who am I? (Time) Ф What can fly but has no wings? (Time) <$> I can run swiftly and silently when you want me to stay still, I can move slowly and cautiously and am yours to fill. You look at me often but you always forget about me, I am the most fearful killer, but you can't live with- out me. Sometimes you have me for all in spare, Yet when you need me, I am not there. You can waste me, or cherish me, it's you choose the track, But once having done so you can't never get me back. (Time) Ф What is it when you once lose it Then you can never find it again? (Time) 43
ффф Загадки на английском языке... Ф As I watch I sec the world passes me. All the good, the bad, in the twinkling of an eye. I watch and wait, and patiently sit. 1 never began, so 1 never will end. My only presence is in my being. 1 am almost not noticeable, and not a thing. I am fast as light, thin as air. Run if you can! Run if you dare. To avoid me is a mark of a fool. For all you are worth, your life is my tool. Though concealed, I am not shy. The question is. What am I? (Time) Ф Until I am measured, I am not known. But how do you miss me. When I have flown. (Time) Ф The giH your mother gives you, Though prized by all, long or short it is, Too much of it kills you every time. (Life)
RIDDLES ABOUT THE ANIMALS < §> He is not a tailor. But carries needles on himself. (A hedgehog) * £> He is very kind, hard working, He is covered with needles. Have you heard about him? Who is he? (A hedgehog) * Who collects the apples On his back? (A hedgehog) < §> Little Billy Breek Sits by the reek. He has more horns Than all the of the king's sheep. (A hedgehog) < $> There came the maid of poultry In a red coat To count the poultry. (A fox) *O<§> 45
<§><♦><§> Загадки на английском языке... Ф I am red and I have A fine fluffy tail, I like meat. I hunt and cat Small animals. (A fox) <§> I am orange, I live in the forest, I can walk, run and jump, I cannot fly, I cannot swim, I like hares. What am I? <$> An animal that has A red bushy tail is... (A fox) Ф She is red, With red, bushy tail. She is cunning! Who is she? 64/ox; <$> My beautiful tail is bushy, And the colour of it is red. 1 hate the idea that it can be Worn round your neck or on your head. Ф I am red And 1 have a fine tail, 46 ^» <$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> I live in the forest, I like meat. (A fox) <$> He looks like a big dog, He is grey and he has big teeth. (A wolf) <$> I am a little red animal So busy as can be, 1 gather some acoms For the winter food for me. (A squirrel) Ф I've got a long bushy tail, Two bright little eyes. 1 gather acorns. I am pretty and wise. (A squirrel) <$> There is not a bird in the tree. It is a small animal. It has a warm fir-coat. Who is it? (A squirrel) Ф Who dries mushrooms in the trees? (A squirrel) <$> 1 have a bushy tail, Sometimes 1 am grey 47
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... And sometimes I am red, I like nuts. What am I? (A squirrel) Ф He doesn't speak. Nor docs he sing. Nor at the door-bell Give a ring, But still he lets His master know Who wants to see him. Friend or foe. (A dog) <$> What animal sleeps all winter Upside down? (A hat) <$> It's grey, but it's not a wolf, Long cars, but not a hare, With hooves, but not a horse. What is it? (A donkey) <$> It is grey or white. It likes to eat carrots and cabbage. It can run and jump. What is it? (A hare) 48
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> <$> This animal is small. It lives in the woods And runs very fast. It just afraid of everything. What animal is it? (A hare) <§> What animal has small children When leaves arc falling? (A hare) <$> In winter it is white, In summer it is gray, It likes carrot and cabbage. Who is it? (A hare) An animal that is very timid And is afraid of everything Who it is? (A hare) ф I live in the hollow. Dark and warm, Protected from rain. Snow and storms. I have a grey coat And two furry ears. I am very quick And full of fears. (A hare)
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> Which animals have their eyes closest together? (A bear) <s> The animal that sleeps All winter in the den is? (A bear) Ф It is brown. Il has four legs. It sleeps in winter. What is it? (A bear) <$> The water in the sea is cold, So cold as ice, But I am not afraid at all: My coat is warm and nice. (A white bear) <$> The animal that has A beautiful yellow skin With black stripes is? (A tiger) <$> It is an animal That has beautiful yellow And black stripes And a long tail. Which is orange. (A tiger) 50 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> <$> It looks like a big cat. It has a stripes and a long tail. It lives in India And it can run very fast. (A tiger) Ф Who has yellow eyes And a striped fur coat? (A tiger) Ф There is an animal that has A beautiful yellow skin With black stripes on it. It is a very fierce wild animal. It lives mainly in hot countries. (A tiger) <$> An animal that has a pouch In which she carries her babies is? (A kangaroo) I live in the Zoo. I have four legs But jumped on the two. I have a little kid And a big bag, too. (A kangaroo) <$> An animal that can go Without food and water For a long time is? (A camel) <§><•><§> 51
Загадки на английском языке... An animal that has A horn on his nose is? (A rhinoceros) <s> An animal that has A beautiful white skin With black stripes is? (A zebra) <e> It has a long neck and long legs And cats leaves from the trees. <§> Who has the longest neck? Ф An animal that can hang On its long tail is? <$> A very funny animal That runs very quickly. It can hang on its tail. <$> I am a very funny animal. I can run, jump, walk. I cannot fly. I live in Africa. What am 1? 64 giraffe) (A giraffe) (A monkey) (A monkey) (A monkey) 52
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> < §> An animal that has A long trunk is? Ф I am big and I am strong And my trunk is very long. Ф It lives in Africa and Asia, It's very strong, And it can lift a ton. (A n elephant) (An elephant) (An elephant) < $> 1 am very big and I am grey. I live in the jungle, But you can find me In the zoo or in the circus. I do not like meat; I like vegetables, Fruit and grass. < $> Who has the trunk? Ф I am big. I am grey. My nose is long, My tail is short. I am an? (An elephant) (An elephant) (An elephant) §><•><§> 53
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... Ф An animal that has Long hair on its neck is? 64 lion) <s> My paws are big and strong, My tail is very long, My mane is fine and thick. And 1 am very big. (A lion) <s> It looks like a big cat, It lives in Africa, It can run very fast And it has a very long tail. (A lion) Ф Who is the king of animals? (A lion) <$> It takes hours When it comes. (A turtle) <$> Who is the slowest of all? (A turtle) Ф I live in the river. But I am not a fish. I jump in the field. But I am not a rabbit. I have a green coat. But I am not a bird. 54
Riddles for Boys and Girls <^<$>^ I sleep in the daytime. But I am not an owl. I come out of the egg. I am not a chick. What am I? (A frog) Ф Bandy legs And Gape-a-grin, 1 am leaping In the green. Midges, gnats, Do not try your fate! Stay away Each time I gape. (A frog) Ф It is a green animal. Il can swim and jump. It likes to eat flies. What is it? (A frog) <S> 1 am green, I can jump, I can swim, I can not fly, I live in the water. What am I? (A frog) 55
^> <$><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> People usually see me as black & white. I prefer to roam at night. Just do not attack or startle me. Or the result of fetid emissions you will see. I am omnivorous, yes it's true. But what’s my name-tell me, do! (A skunk) <e> Yes, I am a Skunk it's used to see. Just black and white, yes that's me. Attack or startle me, and you'll know. How far my stink can really go. Plants & bugs I eat all sorts. Just stay away from me and my cohorts. My children come out of the eggs, Though they feed on milk. My gait resembles a lizard, But 1 am surely warmblooded. I am an expert swimmer because my feet are webbed, And my tail is a broad Hat paddle. I still have claws, and My tail is also a food store. My mouth looks like a duck bill though I cannot quack. And my voice growls like a dog. I am the most ingenious paradox. (An Australian platypus) * When scientists first saw the Platypus they thought that it is a joke, sewn together from the assorted duck and mammal of the body parts. 56
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> <$> I am little, 1 am grey. My nose is short. My tail is long. I am a... (A mouse) <e> Who is bom with a whiskers? (A kitten) <§> What is it that has a cat. But no other animals? (A kitten) Ф What is it that looks like a cat. Eats like a cat, Walks like a cal, But still is not a cat? (A kitten) <e> Furry and purry With long whiskers. (A cat) Ф I’ve whiskers, I am frisky. Whisk, A little mice, Or I should catch you! Please stroke my back, I will purr And won’t scratch you. (A cat) 57
^>ф^> Загадки на английском языке... <$> 1 am not a kitten, But ту children are. What am I? (A cat) I can lie on the mat. I can catch a rat. I am black. I am fat. My name is? (A cat) <$> I have four legs. My nose is pink. 1 am afraid of dogs. I like fish and milk. (A cat) Ф My friend is grey, He likes to play. He is warm and fat. I love my... <$> My friend is black. My friend is grey, He often drink milk. And washes every day. (Cat) (A cat) Ф I am small and warm. I have a nice fur and I purr. 58
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> 1 like to eat mice. What am I? (Л cat) < $> See, sec! what shall I see? A horse's head where his tail should be. (A mare, tied for a tail to the manger) < $> 1 live in the house Or in the street. Sometimes 1 am small But sometimes I am big. If you hear «Bow-wow», You know it's me. What am I? (A dog) I can catch a frog. I can sleep like a log. I can find your sock. My name is? (A dog) Ф I have four legs. I like bones and meat. I can jump and swim But 1 can't read. (A dog) < $> It is a big animal. It cats grass. ‘I* 59
Загадки на английском языке... It gives milk. What is it? (A cow) <$> The hot stone Lays under the ham. (A udder of the cow) <$> They arc the three brothers. They arc pink. They are very funny. (Three pigs) <$> My long, thin legs are good and fast, I like to gallop and to run. I think it is great fun. (A horse) <$> One who nods her head when climbs uphill. One who runs downhill like a stream. One who is taller when she sits, than when she is on her feet. One who washes her face, but not combs her hair. (A horse) Ф My slender legs Are swift and fast, A gallop. Or I trot, Or walk. Or run - Oh, it’s great fun! 60 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> Let's run (he race, Why not? (A horse) <$> Who always goes to sleep in shoes? (A horse) <$> Long cars, Long cars, Hop, hop, hop. Long ears, Long cars Never stop. They like carrots, They like hay. They grow longer From day to day. (A bunny) Ф Father and Mother, And all of their little kids Wear dresses made Of silver coins, Of little silver lids. (A fish) It has wings, But it can not fly. Without legs, It moves swiftly. Do you know why? (A fish) *><<><& 61
000 Загадки на английском языке... 0 Alive without breath, As cold as death; Never thirsty, ever drinking, Always in motion, never clinking. (A fish) 0 My home is not quiet but I am not loud. The lord has meant us to travel together. I am faster than it, and sometimes stronger. But it keeps running on longer. Sometimes I rest but it never. For as long as 1 am alive I am living in it. If we part from one another It is I, who will die. (A fish in a river) 0 I love to climb up high in trees, Digging holes, and feeling the breeze. I eat eggs, apples, carrots, meat. Even peanut butler is a treat. Around the world my kin can be found. «Chirping» is our signature sound. (A land hermit crab) 0 I can sizzle like bacon, I came out of the eggs, I have no legs. 1 lose tiic layers like an onion, But still remain whole; I can be long like a flagpole, 62 000
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> But can fit in a hole. What am I? (A snake) < $> I can curl up in a ball. I can lie in the sun. It's fun! (A snake) < $> What is the name of the tree Whose leaves become red? (An aspen) < $> It is green and big. It lives in the water And likes meat. (A crocodile) Ф I met a creature on the road; On its back it had the load. It wasn't a bag and it wasn't a cow, Though two horns grew on its brow. (A snail) If a man tries to carry my luggage, I le would surely break his back. 1 am not rich, but, whomever 1 go. I leave the silver in my track. (Snail) Ф You can find me on the land and in the sea, Yet I neither walk nor swim. 63
<§><$> <^ Загадки на английском языке... I travel on foot, but don't have a toes. No matter where I roam, 1 am never away from home. What am I? (A snail) < $> Who carries his house with himself? (A snail) I have no eyes, no legs or ears And I help the earth to move. (A worm) Ф There hangs a sieve, Made not with human's hands. (A web) Ф A clever workman who builds a house Without a brick or beam, Its snow-white walls have no windows and doors, But can be pulled down and made into clothes. (A silkworm) < s> This bird has a long sharp nose. When it flies, it sings. When it lands, it stings. (A gnat) < e> When they are caught, they arc thrown away. When they escape, you will be itching all day. (Fleas) 64
Riddles for Boys and Girls Ф I can jump. I can sing. I can play the violin. (A grasshopper) Hopper, hopper In the grass, Please do not hop And let me pass. But it hops, Hops, hops, hops, Hops and hops, And never stops. (A grasshopper) <$> Irritating All around With its tiresome Buzzing sound, It flics, restless, All day long, But at night It drops its song. (Afly) $><•> I am not a bird, But I have wings, I can fly What am I? (A fly or a butterfly) • I.» м
«§><><§> Загадки на английском языке... < $> A very pretty thing am 1, Fluttering in the pale-blue sky. Delicate and fragile arc my wings, Indeed I am one of the pretty things. (A butterfly) < s> I am so happy. I can fly In the blue-blue sky. (A butterfly) < $> The petals of this flower Fluttered in the wind, But when 1 bent to pick it, It suddenly took wing. (A butterfly) < §> He makes nets - And what’s more - Never fishes Then what is for? (A spider) < $> A warrior who flies among the flowers. He carries a hiden sword. He uses it when he has to defend his golden hoard. (A bee) < $> In the meadows Rich in flowers, It likes to work For hours and hours. 66
Riddles for Boys and Girls Buzzing songs It likes io sing. Do not disturb it, It can sting! (A bee) Golden treasures 1 contain, Guarded by hundreds and thousands. Stored in a labyrinth where no man walks. Men often come to seize my gold. By smoke I get devastated and robbed, Then I am left to create my treasures again. (A beehive) Ф The strangest creature You can always find two eyes in front And many many more behind. (A ladybird)
RIDDLES ABOUT THE BIRDS <$> Not a horseman, But wears spurs. Not a watchman. But wakes people up. What is it? <$> Hom from a bone, A beard from flesh. (A cock) (A cock) <$> My friend is a man, My wife is a hen, My child is a chick. Who am I? Say quick! Ф Early in the morning He's the first to awake, And very load sound He’s ready to make. This shrill, Alarming, (A cock) 68
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> Deafening sound Awakens from the sleep Everybody around After some time This sound dies away, Ushers in Another new day. (A rooster) < $> Spurs on his boots, He's ready to fight. Singing his battle songs By day Not by night. (A rooster) < $> He's a boastful, puffed-up fellow, Wearing spurs; eyes gleaming yellow. He so proudly struts around. He's in charge, (here is no doubt. (A rooster) Ф Name two animals Which have four legs. (Two hens) < $> I have a little house In which I live all alone. My house has no doors or windows, And if I want to go out 69
<^ <$><§> Загадки на английском языке... I must break down the wall. What am I? (A chicken in an egg) <$> As I was walking in a field of wheat, 1 picked up something good to eat; Neither fish, flesh, fowl, nor bone. I kept it till it ran alone. (An egg, a chicken) <§> In a white room There is no door, There is no window. There is no floor, And this white room Has only one wall; And in this room There is a round yellow ball. (A chicken in an egg) < J> What is white outside And yellow inside? (An egg) < $> Pearl white ball without lock or lid. Inside of which there is a golden treasure indeed. (An egg) < $> You can cook it, You can fry it, Decorate with it 70 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><><§• A tasty salad, But if you leave it Under the hen chick, 11 will be Chicken Or duck. (An egg) <$> Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses, And all the king's men, Couldn't gather Humpty together again. (An egg) Ф In marble halls of white as milk, Lined with a skin as soft as silk. Inside the fountain of crystal clear, A golden apple will appear. No doors there arc to this stronghold, But thieves break through in and steal the gold. (An egg) Ф What flies up into the air white And falls down yellow and broken? (An egg) Ф A nice thin wall. As white as milk, The curtain drawn, As soft as silk; 71
Загадки на английском языке... Somebody came And broke the wall. And soon he saw The golden ball. (An egg) < $> There stood a house. All marble-white. One day There was a knock from inside. Broke down Those walls of marble, Out sprang A yellow marvel. (A chick) < $> Webbed red feet, A neck like hinges, With its bill Il sometimes pinches. (A goose) < $> A little fellow Dressed in grey, Hops here and there And never goes away. (A sparrow) < $> I was abandoned by my mother and father. I wasn’t yet breathing. A kind woman covered me with clothes, Kept me and looked after me, 72 <§><•>«§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> Cuddled me as close as if I had been her own child. Under that covering 1 grew and grew. I was unkind to my step brothers and sisters. This lovely woman fed me Until I was big enough to provide me myself. She had fewer of her own dear sons and daughters because she did so. (A cuckoo) Ф In April I open my day; In May I sing all day; In June 1 change my tune; In July away I fly. (A cuckoo) I wonder, have you ever heard My bird? This is talking bird. He says «Hello» to everyone. Who says «Hello» to him. (A parrot) <$> It sleeps in the day time. It flics at night, And frightens passers-by. (An owl) Ф 1 sleep all day. I wake up at night. I call «Та-tooo...» Till morning light. (An owl) 73
<§><$><§> Загадки на ашлийском языке... <•> What bird has eyes as big as saucers, Bui cannot see well? fj/z owl) Who flies away in the autumn, And return in the spring. (Birds) <§> What bird you can find in Africa Which have wings but cannot fly? (A n ostrich) <S> Why five-day old chickens walk across the road? (To get to the other side) <$> When the goose Look like a snowball? (When it hides his head under the wing) <$> I am as outstretched fingers That seize and hold the wind. Wisdom flows around me in all directions. Above me I have sweet dreams in flights. My merest touch brings laughter. (A feather)
RIDDLES ABOUT THE TREES AND PLANTS <§> A hundred arms, a thousand fingers, But it has no eyes to see where it lingers. (A tree) Ф Some live in me, some live on, And some shave me to get something from me. I rarely leave my native land. Until my death I always stand. High and low I can be found Both above and underground. (A tree) Ф I am tall and green, I am in the garden. (A tree) <$> A mansion I am For many, many things. I can live for a very long time. As I grow, I have a lot of precions rings; However, they are hidden. 75
ф <•><$> Загадки на английском языке... Only when 1 dies Others find How I am old And just where's my rings lie. (A tree) Ф I reach the sky. But fastened to the ground; Sometimes I leave, But I am always around. (A tree) < $> In spring I am cheerful in the pretty array; In summer more cloths I wear; When it gets colder I shake off my clothes; And in the winter quite naked appear. (A tree) At birth I have a friend spring At life wind turns me up and down. In death I steeper and fall, but revival returns all. (A leaf) < $> What kind of tree has the most warm clad? (A fir tree) < $> What kind of tree rustic Without any wind? (An as pen-tree) 76
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§»<•><§> Ф It was not frightened, But it is always trembles. (An aspen-tree) <$> Tn the winter and in the summer They stand both the same colour. (A fir-tree and a pine) Ф When it sits, it is green! When it falls, it is yellow! When it lies, it is black! (A leaf) <S> It is curly, It is white, And it is standing near my gates. (A birch) Ф On what kinds of trees a fire has no effect? (Ashes, as when burned, they are ashes still) * Игра слов: 1. ash - вяз, 2. ashes - пепел. <$> In spring you arc glad to see me, In the summer I keep you cool, In the autumn I give you food, In the winter I keep you warm. (An apple-tree) <$> It is red and sweet, It is good to cat. (An apple) 77
<§><•><§> Загадки на аш.шнеком языке... Ф Crushed by trampling feet, Kept in darkness and cold. I am useless if 1 did not suffer; But after suffering, My temper is sweet and strong to all, Who takes part. What am J, at the start? (Grape) Ф The sun bakes them, The hand breaks them, The foot treads on them. And the mouth tastes them. (Grapes) Ф There is a little green house; And in the little green house There is a little brown house; And in the little brown house There is a little yellow house; And in the little yellow house There is a little white house; And in the little white house There is a white little heart. (A nut) Ф As soft as silk, as white as milk. As bitter as gall, a thick wall And the green coat covers all of me. (A walnut) Ф I have inside as white as snow. Outside as green as the herbs that grow; 78 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§>«$•<§> I am higher than a house. But I am less than a mouse. (Walnut on a tree) Ф I am sitting on a tree, Round as a ball, Red as sunrise, Sweet as honey. (A cherry) < $> At first 1 am green and small. Like a little ball. Then grow red and big. And when I blacken in the sun, You say that I am ripe and cat me up. (A cherry) < §> In what the tree A crow sits When it rains? (In a wet one) < $> I went to the wood and got it; 1 sat down and looked at it; The more I looked at it, The less I liked it; And I brought it home because I could not get it out. (A thorn) Ф I went to the fields and I got it. I brought it home in my hand §><•><$» 79
^> <$><§> 3ai адки на английском языке... Because I could not find it. The more 1 was looking for it. The more I felt it. But when I found it, I threw it away. (A splinter) What shoots without a gun? (A plant) <$> I have black eyes and bright hair And my feet are firmly standing on the ground. I love the sun upon my face And I follow it around. When I am dead and dried is said. That 1 will fall real low, That I will keep the birds well fed. Staying stiff there, in my row. (A sunflower) < $> It is a golden sieve With many black houses in it. (The sunflower) < $> I have black eyes and bright hair. I sit firmly in the ground and follow my lord When he races around the world. (A sunflower) < $> It is not a bee, but stings. What is it? (A nettle) SO <§><$><§>
Kiddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> <$> Take off its moustache and a legs And there you will find a body. (An ear of corn) There grows the house in the field, Filled with golden grain. The walls of the house gilded But the shutters are closed. (An ear of corn) Ф I know the little creature In the green bed, With softest wrappings All round its head. When it grows old. It is hard and cannot feed, People take it to the mill, And grind it in meal. (Corn) <$> The child clinging to a little tree, He wears a lot of green coat. And a hat with a long red tassel. (An ear of maize) <§> This tree has a thousands leaves, It grows bigger and bigger Without any branches, Without any roots. (A haystack) 81
<§><£><§> Загадки на английском языке... < $> Golden hills grow in the summer. What arc they? (Ricks or stacks) What lies in bed, and stands in bed, First white, then red. Then plumper it becomes Most of all the old ladies likes it? (A strawberry) < $> What goes around And around the wood But never goes into the wood? (The bark of a tree) I am bom green, And 1 die yellow in large And small gardens. (Grass) < $> I am a little country lad In a fine red coat you can sec. When folk people meet me, they arc glad And always bow low to me! (A wild strawberry) < $> I am a yellow little fellow. When I am old, I am grey haired. If you shake me You can send me To sail far away. (A dandelion) 82 <§><♦> ^>
Riddles for Boys and Girls «§><•>«§> < $> First you sec me in the grass dressed in yellow dress; Then I am in dainty white, then I fly away. (A dandelion) < $> He stands on the side of the road In a purple cap and tattered green cloak. One, who touches him. curse him. (Thistle) < $> I have a heart that is not beating. If I am wounded, I have not blood flows. I can fly. but have no wings. 1 can float, but have no fins. I can sing, but have no mouth. (A tree)
RIDDLES ABOUT THE ROAD, THE TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC <$> What goes up a hill and down a hill And always remains in the same place? (A road) This belt stretches, Far and wide. Walk along it, Run, or ride By bus, Or by car. (You can choose How far.) (A road) It starts Where it ends, And your lovely house There stands. (A road) Ф From house to house I go, Sometimes narrow, sometimes wide. 84 <§> <$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls No matter what the weather - rain or snow I am always outside. (A path) < $> Houses run on the rails, Over the hills and valleys. (A railway line and a train) < $> Of our deep river It connects the two banks. When it helps me to cross the river, I say: «Many thanks!» (A bridge) < $> To cross the water I am the way, I am over the water; Do not touch it, and truth to say, I do not swim and do not move. (A bridge) < $> Man walks over, Man walks under, In times of war he bums me to asunder. (A bridge) < t> All the cars and the trucks That are running along Can be stopped by this man. Who is enormously strong. (A traffic officer) <§><•><§> 85
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... < $> Не follows you Though remains in place. (A track) Ф Wooden horses run over the snow Without sinking into it. (Skis) < $> They run along the snow With noses up. (Skis) < $> When it is driven, it goes, When it stops, it falls down. (A bicycle) < $> This young foal Looks nice and great. He eats no Oats or hay. Firmly grip The handle-bar. If you want To travel far. (A bicycle) < $> When I ride, I am all right. When I stop, I flop. (A bicycle) 86 <§><$><^
Riddles for Boys and Girls <$> What is it, that resembles the cart, But has no wheels And leaves no traces behind it? (A boat) Ф Weight in my belly, Trees on my back, Nails in my ribs. Feet I have a lack. (Ship) <$> What, when you need it you throw away, But when it is not needed you take it back? (An anchor) Ф 1 often have to struggle with the waves, to fight with the wind — Strive with both at the same time - when I depart to find The earth is deep under water; For me my home is an alien place. I am strong in the struggle if I hold still - If 1 slip, even slightly, they are stronger than me And, wrenching challenge, soon forces me to flee; To carry away the thing I should keep safe. I can avoid this as long as my tail endures, And the stones add to my strength The power to hold on firm. Guess what T am called. (An anchor) 87
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> Guides travelers, never moves, Always turning, never stops, Always shining, never burns, Always looks at the blue fields with its every turn. (A lighthouse, compass, or a buoy) Ф A steel horse Drags much behind it. (A locomotive) ❖ What is it that runs so fast. Who makes a noise and smoke in the past, Carries us and gives a blast? (A locomotive) < $> What always followcs the train? It cannot be seen, and the train cannot go without it. (Sound) What is it that can reap alone? (A tractor) < $> A thousand hammers. And shovels, too, Can never do What I can do. (An excavator) <$> Winter weather, Fresh and cold. In this house Will always hold. 88
Kiddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> In the shop We lately bought it, To our kitchen We brought it. (A refrigerator) Ф In our kitchen, All the year round, Living old Jack Frost, Keeping all safe with no sound. (A refrigerator) < e> 1 bend my steel neck, Which is hard and long, Raise up heavy loads, Because I am very strong. I carry those loads, As far as I can, I am a faithful Servant of the working man. (A crane) & What has four wheels and flies? (A garbage truck) Ф We are half a tram and half a bus; Will you come and ride us? (Trolley-buses) Ф Have a look At this fine steed. He looks very strange, indeed: •>><•><§> 89
<@> «$><§> Загадки ня английском языке... Eats petrol, And never grazes, Fast along the road he races. (A motor-car) <$> Put four tyres On her heels, Which arc round - It is her wheels. Give her Some petrol to drink: It is a treat for her, I think. (A motor-car) <§> This house on wheels Runs the race, Delivering people From place to place. (A bus) What is it that runs with the car And comes with it; There is no use for it, but the car Cannot move without it? (Noise) <S> Why the bus should beware of lightning? (Because it has a conductor) ♦ Игра слов: a conductor 1. проводник (в вагоне, автобусе), 2. проводник (электричества). 90
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> <$> Four sisters, each is the same as the other. Two run in front, and two follow behind. (Wheels of a car) Ф Six legs, Two heads, One tail. What is it? (A horse and horseman) <$> What has two heads, Four eyes, Six legs and a tail? (A horse and its a rider) <t> What has six legs, two heads, Four cars, two hands. But walks on four feet? (A horse and a rider) Ф What is it that has Two heads, six legs And one tail? (A man on horse) <$> Three eyes I have, all in a row; When the red one opens, all freeze. (A traffic light) <s> This wingless bird Will soar, and soon •*<•><§> 91
ф <$><§> Загадки па английском языке... L and quite safely On the Moon. (A rocket) Ф Like a bird, it flics High in the sky, Much faster Than any gale, it has powerful engines, Two featherless wings And a very attractive tail. <§> Not a bird. Not a butterfly, I can fly High in the sky. If you arc ready To have a try, Just get inside We run fast. Then fly! (An aeroplane) (An aeroplane)
RIDDLES ABOUT THE INSTRUMENTS AND HOME APPLIANCES Ф It dresses other people, But goes naked itself. What is it? (A needle) <$> What has an eye. but cannot sec? (A needle) Ф A one-eyed dragon with a long tail. He was inside and outside many beautiful clothes, And seen a lot of good tailors. (A needle and a thread) <$> The iron horse with flexible tail. The faster the horse runs, The shorter its tail becomes. (A needle and a thread) Ф A steel horse With a cotton tail. (A needle and a thread) 93
<§>$><§> Загадки на английском языке... < $> This old Granny has only one eye And a long thin tail that dances behind; Whenever she dances on the clothes A bit of her tail stay in it. (A needle and a thread) < $> Old mother Twitchet had one eye And a long tail which she makes to fly, And every time she passes the gap. She left a piece of her tail in a trap. (A needle and a thread) < $> There is one that has a head without an eye, And there is one that has an eye without a head: You may find an answer if you try; And when all is said, Half the answer hangs upon a thread. (A pin and a needle) < t> With two sharp blades, Assisted by two rings, I am handy for cutting paper, Fabric and other things. (A pair of scissors) < $> Two circles, two lines. And a nail in the middle. (Scissors) 94 <§><•>♦
Kiddles for Boys and Girls < $> I open wide and tightly shut, sharp am I Have paper-cut fingers too, so take care, I am good and bad, so best beware. (Scissors) < $> I am paper's enemy. Keep me away from small children. You use me in the art class. I can change the style of your hair. (Scissors) Ф Please do not run with me in your hands. I have a blade long and thin, And one hundred teeth. That nibbles wood That is my food. (A saw) < §> My sharp steel teeth, For any wood. For cutting trees Are very good. So if you want To fell a tree, You need to make Good use of me. (A saw) Ф What has a hundred teeth But can not eat? (A saw) '§><•><§> 95
<§*<•><§> Загадки на аныийском языке... Ф It grinds quickly and chews; It bites, but not swallows. (A saw) Ф I ant a tall guy, holder. Once crowned in green. (Pillar carved from a tree-trunk) < $> I drink the petrol, And the trees arc scared of my roar, Yet a man should hold me in his hands. (A chainsaw) < $> A hundred little brothers. They are all alike. Guess who they arc running one by one. (The centimeters in a meter) < $> He is a little round fellow. But try to release his tail away, And you won't catch him. (A ball of wool) Ф It is very small and easy But you won’t be able to lift it by its tail. What is it? (A ball of wool) Ф Try to drag it By its tail 96
Kiddles for Boys and Girls <^<$>^> Or pul it on your back. You will fail! (A ball of string or wool) Ф Long legs, Crooked thighs, A little head And no eyes. (A pair of tongs) < $> Roach back. Smooth belly. (An iron) < $> It swims to and fro On a white sea. It leaves a smooth surface Quite pleasant to see. (An iron) Head of the iron. Tail of the wood. (A hammer) 1 am an energetic worker, I despise lazy boys. When I see any, I strike them on the head. (A hammer) •» Ми 14 97
Загадки на английском языке... <$> Who is very long and thin With a big and heavy head? (A hammer) <$> Brother Thin And Brother Thick Fasten things, One small another big. (A nail and a hammer) <$> 1 know what my job is, The point has been made. You say I have a big head, And you are right, I am afraid. So put me in my place. And then leave me alone. What 1 need the most Is someone to bring me home. (A nail) <$> I have a hundred legs, but can not stand. I have a long neck, but no head. I can not see, but I am neat and tidy as can be. (A broom) When the wind blows. Then the mill goes: When the wind drops, Then the mill stops. (A windmill) 98
Riddles for Boys and Girls <$> I have four wings, but can not fly, I never laugh and never cry; In the same place I am always found, Moving then around with a little sound. (Windmill) & What grows up while growing down? (A plant) Who always finds things dull? (The knife-grinder) Here is the rod, Here is the line, Here is the hook - The fish is mine! (A fishing-rod. a line and a hook) <5> Brother Rod And Brother Hook Went for the simpletons. Just look: Brother Hook, All tough and firm. Fastened to his nose A worm. (A fish-tackle) Ф What do you throw out when you want to use it. But take it when you do not want to use it? (A fishing line) . O> <c> <§>
Загадки на английском языке... <$> I am nothing but a holes tied to the holes, However 1 am strong as iron. (A chain) If you want To get rid of dust, Oh, I am sure It absolutly must. From every comer And every nook I will suck it out, By hook or by crook. (A vacuum-cleaner) Ф I am on three legs when I rest and one when I work. (A wheelbarrow) <s> Two legs I have, and this will confound: Only at rest they touch the ground! (A wheelbarrow) <$> I can be any colour you can imagine. You see me in everyday life. I have been around for many, many years, look around... You can probably see some of me right now. (Paint)
RIDDLES ABOUT THE HOUSE AND INTERNAL FURNITURE OF THE HOUSE <$> One hundred and one brother Standing next to each other Tired together one belt. (A fence) Ф What runs around the city But never moves? (A wall) Ф When you look at it, it is not there, But it is there when you touch it. It is like ice that docs not melt, And as the water that does not flow. (A window pane) Ф I was made to keep liquids, Do not push me too far; And then I can break down, And hurt you. And even leave a scar. (A glass) 101 •?><><§>
000 Загадки на английском языке... 0 What does not ask questions. But demands an answer? (A doorbell) 0 You can hear it speak, for this it has a hard tongue. But it can not breathe, for this it has no lungs. (A belt) 0 What has a tongue And must answer. But still can not say a word? (A bell) 0 Despite my great age, I live in a cage, Having a long tail and one car, My mouth is round, And when joy in abound. Oh, then I sing wonderful clear! (Bell in a steeple) 0 Knock on me, And please come in. I will gladly Let you in. But please do not forget, To see and. To put Your hand on me. (A door) 102 000
Riddles for Boys and Girls < s> There are (wo sisters in my house. One says: «I wish (he day would come. Then I can lay my burden down.» The other says: «For me the night is the best. Then there is my turn to rest.» (A bed and a door) < $> They stare at ich other all the time, But never meet. What arc they? (The ceiling and the floor) < $> It does not bark, it doesn't bite But still docs not let you in the house. (A lock) < t> A watchdog at your door am I, You turn me round and still I lie. I never bark and I never bite, 1 keep your things quite safe at night. (A lock) Ф What passes through the door, But never comes inside and not outside? (A key-hole) Ф Why force and strength can not get through If I with gentle touch can do; And many in the streets will stand, If I am not in a friendly hand. (A key) 103
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> I turn around once. What is out will not get in. I turn around again. What is in will not get out. (A key) Ф What is it-on what do you sit, sleep in, and brush your teeth with? (A chair, a bed. and a toothbrush) <$> Four brothers are holding one hat. What is it? (A table) Wc are four brothers Living under one roof. Do you know us? (The legs of a table or a sofa) Ф I have four legs, But 1 can not walk. (A table or a chair or a sofa) What has four legs But is not an animal? (A chair or a table) Ф It has four legs, Straight or bandy. However it can not walk. To sit on it is quite handy. (A chair) 104
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> < $> What has legs but cannot run? (A chair or a table or a sofa) < $> I have legs but do not walk, A strong back but do not work, Two good arms but do not reach, A big scat but can not sit, (An armchair) < $> What has arms and legs, But has no head? (An armchair) Ф Four legs, But not the beast. Full of feathers, But not a bird. (A bed) < e> What is higher Without the head Than with the head? (A pillow) You arc looking for it, when your hunger is ripe. It sits on four legs, and smokes a pipe. (A wood stove) < $> What is it that causes tears without sorrow And makes its journey into the heavens? (Smoke) Ф <•><§> 105
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... Black and red inside. With four comers outside. (A chimney) It is true, 1 have both face and hands, And move before your eyes; But when I go, my body stands, And when I stand, I am lying. (A watch) < $> It is running Night and day, But never Running away. (A watch/a clock) < $> What always runs but never walks, Tells you something but never talks? (A clock) < $> What goes Without moving From its place? (A clock) Ф I can say to you all day: Its time to sleep and time to play. (A clock) * $> One face, two hands. It goes, but stands. (A clock) 106 <$><•><$>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§>фф <$> My hands and face I never wash, But, not a sloven, I look posh! Do not wash me: I will stop to chime, And you will never Know the time. (A clock) <$> I have a face, And two hands, but I can not move. I count to twelve, but I can not speak. I can still tell you something everyday. (A clock) <$> I can tell the time. What am I? (A clock) <S> I have a face. I have a little hand. I have a big hand. My face is white. My hands are black. I have no feet. I can run. What am I? (A clock) Ф What has a face but no head, And hands but no fingers? (A clock) •?> О <§> 107
^> <•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <е> I go at night and all day, And 1 never go away. (A clock) <$> It has no legs, But it goes. (A clock) What always keeps both hands In front of its face? (A clock) When I go, I do not speak; But when I stop, I am lying. What am I? (A clock or a watch) I run all day But I stay In one place. I keep what I will tell you Without talking. (A clock) <$> What can stand And go at the same time? (A clock) I can do the strike each hour. But do not forget, 108
Riddles for Boys and Girls «§><$><§> You must not strike me, My good friend! (A clock) <$> What hands can't take anything? (The hands o f a clock) Whose face does not need to wash? (The face of the clock) <$> I have no legs. But I can run. I have no tongue, But 1 say to everyone: «Time to start working!» «Time to go to bed!» «Time to get up again, — You sleepy head!» (An alarm-clock) <$> I have a face, I have two hands, I have no feet, But 1 can run. Whal am I? (A clock) Two body 1 have, But both of them are linked in one, The more still I stand, The faster I run. (An hourglass) Ф <$><$> 109
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... < $> Му top and bottom are twins of a kind. The middle of me makes one body combined. I am used to pass time without any thrill. If I stand tall and still, run faster 1 will. (An hourglass) Tear one off and scratch its head, What once was red is black instead. (A match) < $> What is it that docs not ask questions, But should get an answer? (A telephone) < e> Over fields, and woods, and rivers That voice is transferred (Sometimes quivers). If runs through the wires Day and night, And never get tired. (A telephone) < $> You answer me, although I never ask you questions. (The telephone) < S> You hear me calling you. Beckoning with my shrill voice; My signs will lead you To a place of your choice. (The telephone) 110
Riddles for Boys and Girls < $> 1 will dial the proper number. And soon will hear the voice Of my very best friend. (A telephone) Ф What book was once owned by only the wealthy, But now everyone can have it? You cannot buy it in a bookstore or take it from a library. (A telephone hook) ® This is a house With one window in it, Showing films Almost every minute. (A TV-set) < $> It is not very big. But it hangs in the middle of the room. (n the day-time nobody wants it, But in the evening everyone need it. (A lamp) Ф In a ball of glass There lives this light. It sleeps in the daytime And works at night. (A n electric bulb) < $> When 1 point up — it is light. But when 1 point down - it is dark. (A light switch) >><?><& Ill
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> I have a big mouth And I am pretty loud! I am not a gossip But I am involved In everyone's dirty business. Can you name me? (Vacuum cleaner, a washing machine) <$> I am the only thing that always tells the truth. I show everything that I sec. I can be of various shapes and sizes. So tell me what am I supposed to be! (A mirror) <$> What is there in your house In that you should look into? (A mirror) <$> What is it that is dead, dumb and blind And always tells the truth? (A mirror) <£> You can't see nothing else When you look in my face. I will look you in the eye And never will lie. ( Your reflection in a mirror) <$> I have holes throughout, From back to front and from top to bottom. 112 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls More nothing than something within. However I still hold water. (A sponge) < $> What is full of holes But still holds the water? (A sponge) < $> The more it dries up, the more it becomes wet. (A towel) < $> You use it from your head to toes, The more it works the thinner it becomes. (A bar of soap) < $> The life I lead lasts hours or less, I serve all my time being consumed. I am more rapid when thin, and slower when fat, And and wind is the banc of the gift that I can get. (A candle) < $> Here stands a post: When it burns, It docs not smoke. (A candle) Ф It has a red nose The longer it stands, The shorter it becomes. (A candle) Ф0Ф 113
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <§> It was brought in a dark room, and set on fire. It burst into tears and lost its head. (A candle) Ф A little Nancy Etticotc, In a red petticoat With a red nose; The longer she stands. The shorter she becomes. (A candle) <$> What has fifty heads But cannot think? (A box of matches) <$> I have one hundred legs but cannot walk, 1 have a long neck but no head, I can not sec but I am neat and tidy as far as I can. (A broom) <$> What goes all over the floor And then stands in the comer? (A broom) <$> People arc hired to get rid of me, 1 am often hiding under your bed, With time I always go back, Clap for me and I will fly up. What am I? (Dust) 114
Riddles for Boys and Girls ^> <•><§> <$> I am up. and I am down. Up and down! Up and down! I am made of sturdy rope and wood. Would you like me? Yes, you would! What am I? (A swing) <$> It is always round. It can jump and fall. In the air, on the ground Wc can see a rubber... ? ((A) bull) <$> It is blue and green, and red, It bounces higher than my head. It docs not want to stop at all. What is it? It is my... ? ((A) ball) <$> It has no legs, But jumps. (A ball) <$> Has no legs, But just for fun It is always On the run. . (A ball) <§><£<§> 115
<^<*>^> Загадки на английском языке... Ф It is round, it has A lot of friends: Pussy cat. And Puppy dog... (Puff the Ball) Ф Brute force won't put me in my place. Smooth and even wins the race. Envy colors where 1 rest. No sandy beaches for the best. (A golfball) Ф What can be driven, but has no wheels. And can be sliced, and still remain whole? (A golf ball) Ф 1 am served at a table, In gatherings of two or four; Served small, white and round. You will love some, And that is part of the fun. (Ping pong balls) Ф Hands she has but docs not hold, She is smiling but if is not warm, Feet she has but they can't walk, Eyes she has but can not sec. (A doll) 116 <^3>ф
Riddles for Boys and Girls «§><$><§> <$> What is lighter than a feather, Round as a ball, But even hundreds of men will not be able to carry' out it? (A bubble) <$> Nothing inside, Nothing outside, Just a rainbow around you can sec. I am lighter than a feather. But ten men cannot lift me up! What am I? (A bubble) <$> What is it that works When it plays, and plays when it works? (A fountain) <$> Iron roof, glass walls, Shines and shines and never falls. (A lantern) Ф A blue box hangs on a wall; People put letters And greetings into it And then a man comes to take them away. (A letter-box) Ф It is an iron house, And the lodgers in it, which bring news. (A letter-box) 117
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> What flies, but do not fly away? (A flag) <$> I come in different shapes and sizes. Part of me are curved, others arc straight. You can put me wherever you like. But there is only one correct place for me. (A Jigsaw puzzle piece) Ф The higher 1 climb, the hotter I engage, I can not escape from my crystal cage. (A thermometer) Ф Four legs have I, a sturdy fellow, A fuzzy back that is not yellow, But (often) green or (rarely) red, Л den is where 1 make my bed. My keepers feed me coloured balls, With sticks they store on my den walls, Sometimes I store them in my pouch. Sometimes deep in my belly; ouch! ’ That is when you’ll see me acting strange, Instead of balls, I will cat your change, And that is my cue to feed again, Chalk it up to hunger, friend! (A billiard (pool) table)
RIDDLES ABOUT THE WARE FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND DIFFERENT FOOD-STUFF Ф At first 1 am green and small, Like a little ball. Then grow up and become red and big. And when I blacken in the sun, You say that 1 am ripe and eat me up. (A cherry) 1 am sitting on a tree, Round as a ball, Red as blood, Sweet as honey. (A cherry) <$> A wee wee man in a red coat. Stick in my hand, stone in my throat. (A cherry) <$> A red cap on my head, A stone in my throat, If you tell me the answer, I will give you a Groat. (A cherry) <§><•><§> 119
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... < j> A golden girl sits in the darkness, But her hair she hangs outside in the sunlight. Do you know her? (A carrot) < $> This little red lady Is hard to be found, As only her green plait Sticks out of the ground. (A carrot) < $> Little old uncle, dressed in brown. Take off his coat... How much tears flow down! (An onion) < e> I come out of the earth, I am sold at the market. The one who buys me cuts off my tail. Takes off my suit silk, And cries over me when I am naked. (An onion) Ф Take off my skin - I will not cry, But you will! What am I? (An onion) < $> When I am alive I do not speak. Anyone who wants to takes inc into captivity and cuts off my head. 120
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> They bile my bare body I don’t do no harm to anyone unless they won't cut me for the first time. Then I quickly make them cry. (An onion) < t> An old fellow has A hundred coats on. There he is, In his bed. Half-asleep. But if you risk To take off All his yellow coats, You are certainly Going to weep. (An onion) < $> What white root Makes eyes full of tears? (An onion) < $> A hundred shirts And all without buttons. What is it? (A head o f cabbage) < e> People use me for the soup And for tasty pies’ And especially the hares, Young and old like my leaves. (The cabbage) <§><•><§> 121
<§><•> ^> Загадки на английском языке... Ф Patch upon patch, Without any stitches; If you tell me this riddle, I will give you niy breeches. (The cabbage) <$> What house has a lot of people inside, But neither windows nor doors? (A cucumber) Ф A young imp, He wore a green. Now his age is mature. He wears a red. And his conduct Now's always demure. (A tomato) Ф W’hat food you, Release from the outside, Cook what is inside, Eat the outside, And throw away what is inside? (Corn on the cob) <$> What eggs have leaves and stems? (Eggplants) Ф I am very tempting, - it is usually say, I have a shiny red coat, My flesh beneath is white. 122
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> I smell so sweet, taste good to cat, And help your teeth look bright. (An apple) Ф It is red and sweet, Il is good to eat. (An apple) < $> Come and drink from my spring. Green walls arc all around it, Shiny black stones inside. (A watermelon) < $> There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white bouse Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were a lot of babies (A watermelon) < $> A skin have I, more eyes than one. I can be very nice when I am done. (A potato) < $> There is a time when they're green, a time when they’re brown. But both of these times, make me frown. But just in between, for a very short while. They’re perfect and yellow, and make me smile! (Bananas) Ф What one half of an apple resembles? (The other half) •§><$><§> 123
Загадки на английском языке... Ф Clean, but not waler; Sticky, but not tar; White, but not snow; Sweet, but not honey. What is it? (Milk) Ф I am white, I am good to drink. What am I? (Milk) <$> You can spin, wheel and twist, But it can turn without moving. (Milk) <$> I am yellow, I am made of milk, You eat me with bread. (Butter) <$> White as snow Sweet for all, But when it gets into the mouth, It disappears. (Sugar) <$> Clean, but not water White, but not snow, Sweet, but not ice-cream, What is it? (Sugar) 124
Riddles for Boys and Girls <$> What can bum the eyes, Sting the mouth, But can be consumed? (Pepper) <s> They do not eat me only, But can not cat without me. What am I? (Salt) <$> Two sisters arc wc, one dark and one fair. In twin towers dwelling, we're equal pair. One from the land, and one from the sea. Tell us truly, who arc wc? (Salt and pepper) <S> What's long and thin, Covered with skin; Red in parts, And that arc put into tarts? (Rhubarb) <s> What is white on the outside And yellow inside? (An egg) It is a silver outside And a golden inside. (An egg) <§><•><§> 125
Загадки на английском языке... <$> What is white /Ind has a chick inside? (An egg) <S> It's a pretty white house. There is no window, There is no door, There is no roof, There is no floor. But there is a pretty yellow ball inside. What is this house? (An egg) <$> That it is impossible to put on desktop. What it is? (An egg) You walked through the field, And you have found something to cat. It lias not bones, It has not meat. You took it up and put it into your pocket. You brought it home and put it on the shelf. But 3 day’s later it walked away. (An egg) Ф What is bread before it is put into the oven? (Dough) <$> What has neither beginning, nor end, or the middle? (A doughnut) 126
Riddles for Boys and Giris <@> <•><§> <S> When the coffee is like the earth? (When it is ground) §> Outside it is a shell. Inside there is meat. It grows on a tree, And is good to eat. (A nut) <$> As soft as silk, as while as milk, As bitter as gall, a thick wall And a green coat covers me all. (A walnut) <$> J am a house with two boarders (Sometimes one, but rarely three). Break my walls, cat my boarders, Throw away the rest of me. (A peanut) I am a house with two occupants, Sometimes one, rarely three. Break the walls, Eat the boarders, Then throw away the rest of me. (A peanut) <$> It's white and cold and sweet. All the children like it. (Jee-cream) <•> <§> 127
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <§> What the dog does not have a tail? (A hoi dog) Ф flour of England, fruit of Spain, Met together as in the rain; Pul them in a bag. lie round the rope. If you tell me this riddle, I will give you a hope. (A plum-pudding) Ф Not born, but from a Mother’s body drawn, I hang on until half of me is gone. I sleep in a cave until grow old, Then valued for my hardened gold. (Cheese) Ф Ou late afternoons I often bathe. I will soak in hot water and it’s ok! My essence goes through my clothes. So they had use me - into the cup I am thrown. (A tea hag) Ф Discovered in Africa, 1 spread like a tide Becoming a hot drink known tall he world wide. A necessity for someone, a treasure for many, I am best joy for the pleasant company. Someone likes me hot and some likes me cold. Someone prefers mild, others only bold. Someone takes me straight, while some likes to savor My essence to which has been added a flavor. 128
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> So put aside your cares and sit a while with me; I will send you back refreshed and full of energy. (Chocolate) <$> I am powerful enough to clean almost everything, I am also gentle enough to cat me. 1 am used to do a sort of explosion, And can be found in millions of stores around the world. I can kill grass, And even do more tender meat, that you cook I can clean up even the smelliest stench. And soften your fabrics in the laundry. (Baking soda) < $> When I am young, I am sweet from the sun. When I am in the middle-aged, 1 make you joyful, I can help to make you healthy. When I am old, I am valued more than ever. (Grapes, raisins, and wine) ❖ Part of me is carbon, part - the water, I am poison to the fishes. Many have falsely claimed my name, I am just a pause that refreshes. (Soda pop) < $> What is it that everyone can divide But no one can sec where it is divided? (Water) •i Зак 14 129
<§><?><§> Загадки на английском языке... Three lives have I. Gentle enough to soften the skin, Light enough to caress the sky. Hard enough to crack the rocks. (Water) < $> I can be smooth as silk when you touch me But hard as rock when you hit me I can be crystal clear Or dark as pitch I can be still and silent Or I can rumble and roar. (Water) Ф I run smoother than any rhyme, I love to fall but cannot climb. I tremble with each breath of air, And yet can heaviest burdens bear. (Water) Ф It's so weak that every breath of wind can move it. It's so strong that you can cut it With a knife and leave no trace. (Water) < $> What is it that you have with every meal but never eat? (An appetite) < S> What is this dish, on which you can't cat? (An empty one) 130
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§> <$> <§> < S> What is round as a dish And no matter the size, All the water in the ocean will not be able to fill it? (A sieve) < e> A riddle, a riddle, As I suppose; Hundred of eyes, And never nose. (A sieve) < §> I bought a new one And it was full of holes. What was it? (A sieve) Ф Big as a biscuit, deep as a cup, Even a river can't fill it up. (A kitchen strainer) Hoddy doddy. With a round black body, Three feet and a wooden hat. Pray, tell me what's that? (The boiler on three legs with a wooden cover) Ф What starts with «t». Ends with «I» And is full of «t»? (A teapot) <§><•><§> 131
Загадки на английском языке... On the cooker I am pulling and puffing. Why are they torturing me For nothing? My lid is tinkling. Do make some teal Switch off the cooker, And set me free. <§> 1 am long and thin and made of steel I cut the mutton, beef and veal. When not in use. I lie and wait Beside my owner’s round white plate. What is it? (A kettle) (A knife)
ra RIDDLES ABOUT THE RADIO AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS At the sound of me, men can dream Or stomp their feet. At the sound of me, women can laugh Or sometimes weep. (Music) Ф Of wood it’s made, Of string it's made, It floats with the wind. It's made by one, It's made by many, From the hands and mouths it files out. A score without a game. A staff not for the lame. The seven letters tamed. Five letters is named. (Music) <$> My scale is something That doc's not weigh In grams, ounces, or pounds. <§><$><§> 133
Загадки на английском языке... However I may be heavy or light. What am I? (Music scales) <$> Seven kids on a ladder Are happy and brisk. They are swinging their feet They arc singing without any risk. (The seven notes of the octave) <$> Each dot on this ladder Looks like a bird. They're all singing the songs That I've never heard. (Notes) <$> Name something that can sing and has eight legs. (A quartet) Ф Four jolly men sat down to play, And played all night till break of day. They played for cash and not for fun, With a separate score for every one. When it came time to square accounts. They all had made quite fair amounts. Now, no one lost and all are gained - Tell me now, this can you explain? (The four jolly men are members of an orchestra hired to play at a dance) My sides arc firmly laced around, But nothing is within; 134
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> You’ll think my head is strange indeed, Being nothing else but skin. (A drum) <$> It is hollow, And it is round. It produces A rattling sound. Sometimes it beats out A loud bum-bum. I like, I enjoy it! (I hope you do, too.) (A drum) <$> A box and a disk But not a simple thing; It can sing. It can speak, It can play lovely times. (A gramophone) <$> Without a tongue, Without ears, I can speak, And sing And hear. (A tape-recorder) Ф lama tool, For the inspiration of many. Buy me in the store, Not more than a penny. <£<£<§> 135
ф <$><§> Загадки на английском языке... Do not overuse me, Or my fulness will go, What am I? Do you know? (A fi inkepen) <$> What musical instrument You would not believe? (A lyre) * Игра слов: сходное звучание 1. lyre - лира, 2. liar — лжец. Ф What can play but cannot walk? (A piano) Ф A box that holds keys without locks, But they can unlock your soul. (A piano) <$> My voice is tender, my waist is slender And I am often invited to play. Though wherever 1 go I must take my bow Or else I have nothing to say. • (A violin) <$> Who works when he plays And plays when he works? (A musician)
RIDDLES ABOUT THE SCHOOL <$> Some will use me, while the others will not, Some remember, while others have forgotten. For profit or gain, I am used expertly, 1 can’t be picked from the ground or tossed into the sea. Only gained from patience and time, Can you unravel my rhyme? (Knowledge) <$> What is it that looks like the ball. But is still in place and does not fall With its thin and graceful legs? Children like to turn it around, The rivers, mountains, lakes there are found, Countries, states and their towns Can be seen all around. What is it? (A globe) <$> Boys and girls arc by two-legged creatures And they run around a lot; I have different kind of features And although I am four-legged, <§>«$►<§> 137
^> <•><§> Загадки на английском языке... I stand still in place as you can sec, The teacher puts his things on me, The whole day I serve the school And I am very proud to do it. What am I? (A table) <$> The teacher writes on me with chalk. My face is black, I cannot talk; Unlike the boys whose voices hum 1 do my work although I am dumb. What am I? (A blackboard) <$> What is white when it is dirty And black when it is clean? (A blackboard) The teacher writes On me with chalk, My face is black, I cannot talk, What am I? (A blackboard) <$> Pupils and teachers Write on me with chalk. I can't write, I can't talk. (A blackboard) My face is black. As black as night. 138
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> On it with chalk, All pupils write. All right! But it is disgrace When they forget To wipe my face. (A blackboard) Ф What gets whiter than dirtier it gets? (A chalkboard) <s> Dark with white markings, And smooth as a rock. Where there learning occurs, I help to convey thoughts. (A blackboard or chalkboard) Ф What tabic has no legs? (A time-table) <$> My author’s uncertain, but my title's the same, I contain random text, but the order’s my aim. Read me one day and see my following pages to- tally bare. Try again the next day and the words will be there. 1 am not a book of magic although it may be alike, I can predict the future, and inside, your life can be found. (A diary) <$> 1 am used to draw the lines, I am long and thin and white; <§><•><§> 139
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... On my face black figures shine. Try, you must my name define. What am I? (A ruler) <$> If you want To draw a straight line, Make use of me, For this business am I. (A rider) <S> Look at the lines on my wrinkled old face. The land where you live you can easily trace And see where each nation has got its own place. What am I? (A map) 1 have the cities but without houses, Forests without trees; The rivers without water. What am I? (A map) <$> Where can you find Roads without cars, Forests without trees And cities without houses? (A map) <$> I have streets but no pavement. 1 have cities but no buildings. 140 <^ <$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§>«$►<§> I have forests but no trees. I have rivers but no water. (A map) < $> It is blue, and green, and yellow. It shows the rivers (deep, not shallow). Cities, mountains, lakes and seas - All arc there for him who secs. (A map) < s> Where you can find roads without cars, Forests without trees, cities without houses? (A map) Ф I have cities with no houses, Forests without trees, Rivers and seas without water. (A map) < e> In my house there is a smaller house With windows and doors And only one person Lives in it - Knowledge. What is it? (A bookcase) < §> This is not the bush, but has leaves; This is not the shirt, but sewn together; It has no tongue, but it tells a tale. (A book) <§><>*§> 141
<§»<•><§> Загадки на английском языке... It is not a shirt, but has the scams; It is not a scrub, but has the sheets. (A book) < $> I have no voice, but 1 talk to you; I am telling about all the things in the world that people do. I have leaves, but 1 am not a tree. 1 have a spine and hinges; But I am not a man or a door; I have told you all, I cannot tell you more. (A book) <$> What teaches without talking? (A book) Ф I know everything, 1 teach everybody. But to make friends with me You must first learn. (A book) The land was white the seed was black I have to take a good scholar to riddle you that. (A book) My leaves are while. They never grow. And everything You want to know Is stored in those Black marks that you sec 142 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Giris <§><•><§> On every' leaf You find in me. (A book) <$> My life is often full of grief, your help is needed to turn a new leaf. Stiff is my spine and my body is pale, but I ain always ready to tell a tale. (A book) <§> It is not a man, It is not a woman, But it teaches me. (A book) <$> We have friends. They cannot walk, and cannot sec, But they arc very good for you and me. With these friends we sail ships And ride by trains and even fly on airplanes. These friends show us the towns, seas and lands, Can you guess who arc these good friends? (Books) <$> The field is white, Black is the seed, And the sower who sowed it Was clever indeed. (A page in a book) <§><•> <^ 143
<§> <$><§> Загадки на английском языке... < §> I am a place where yesterday Always goes after tomorrow. What am I? (An English dictionary) Ф I saw an unusual book: The foreword comes after the epilogue; The end is in the first half of the book; The index comes before the introduction. (A dictionary) < S> I am where yesterday follows today, And tomorrow’s in the middle. (An English dictionary) < e> In one of my books, The end is in the first half of the book And the preface is in the second. The foreword comes after the epilogue, But the index precedes the introduction. What book is it? (A n English dictionary) <$> He is not French, he is not Greek; He tells us how to write and speak, But in a language not our own - Which none of us could do alone. Who is he? (A teacher) 144
Riddles for Boys and Girls <$> What word of three syllables Contains twenty-six letters? (Au English alphabet) <s> What word is it of only three syllables Which combines in it twenty-six letters? (Alphabet or ABC) Ф What three letters Mean twenty six letters? (The ABC) <$> We arc little airy creatures, All of different voice and features. One of us in glass is set, One of us you’ll find in a jet; The other you may sec in tin, And the fourth a box within. If the fifth you should pursue, It can never fly from you. (Vowels) <$> What is it you keep in your schoolbag And that shows how you leant your lessons? (Your day’-book) <$> Your teacher puts marks in it. (A day-book) <§><$><§> 145
<$> <•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> What tells you the answers. But gets you bad marks And is not a person? (A crib) <$> What is small and black, With a tail and a bent back. It doesn’t bark, it doesn’t bite. But it doesn’t let you to pass From one form to the next. (A «two») <$> What is it that gives light to the world Although it is black? (ink) What is it that, Black in itself though, Enlightens the world? (Ink) <$> What is dark But enlightens the world? (Ink) <$> This little traveller Is very strong. He takes a drink of water And runs thousand of miles. Before he starts, He takes off his hat. 146 <§><•> <^
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> When he rests, He puts it on. (A fountain-pen) < $> A black fellow in a wooden cloak. Wherever he turns his nose He makes a black mark. (A pencil) ® This coloured chalk In a holder of wood For drawing and writing Is perfectly good. (A pencil) < $> I am black, and red, and blue I draw a picture for you. (A pencil) < $> Our little John Has a wooden shirt on And a long sharp nose. He leaves his mark Wherever he goes. (A pencil) Ф I do not know' the ABC, But I can write As you sec. (A pen) <§><•>«§> 147
$><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... • $> Fill my bucket, spill my bucket, Over a plane of snow. Black is the track as 1 look back, My footsteps talk but make no sound. (A pen) My first of anything is half; My second is complete; And so it will be until My first and second meet. (Semicircle) <$> What's black and white And read all over the world? (A newspaper) <$> A slow, solemn square-dance Of warriors fighting. One by one they fall, Warriors defeated, Thirty-two on sixty-four. (Chess) <$> I am up and down and running round, Yet all the world can't find me out; . However hundreds employed their leisure time, They still can't find my size. I am found in almost every home, Nay, in the compass of a far den. There is neither chariot, coach, nor mill Can move one inch except I will. (A circle) 148
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> Ф What starts with an «е», Ends with an «с» And usually contains Only one letter? (Envelope) What is it that can carry a message To anybody in any town? (A letter) < $> What goes to every town And delivers its message to anyone? (A letter) Ф Kiddies, Standing in a row, Tell us Everything they know. (The letters) There are six of us in every family, But only four in a town, what arc we? (The letters) I am so simple, That I only point; But I guide people All over the world. (A compass) <§><•><§> 149
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... < $> The black snow Lays on the white ground. (A paper and characters) < $> Black seeds are sown On the white ground. (A paper and characters) < $> This little mark. So clear and round. At the end of sentences Is to be found. (A point) Ф An old gentleman, Bent with age, Is asking questions On each page. (A question-mark) <$> A disgusting, Unwanted guest Stopped on the page Of my notebook to rest. The teacher saw it, And so did the class. I got a poor mark. I deserve it, alas! (A blot) <$> What are the tallest buildings in the world? (Libraries: they have so many stories) 150 <§><$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§►<•> <^ <$> Ten tiny balls Running on each wire mounts. They help little children Learn to count. (An abacus) <$> I have keys that open no locks, I have space, but there is no room, You can enter, but you can't come inside. And I am... (A computer keyboard) Ф On what kind of ships students always learning? (Scholarships) Ф She is a beautiful fairy tale girl. She has two sisters, Father and a stepmother! <$> In the steppes, Or in the sea It’ll show The way to me. Even in the thickest wood Its orientations arc good. ❖ 30 men with ladies two Gathered for a festive do (Cinderella) (A compass) 151
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... Dressed quite formal, black and white Yet movement turned to nasty fight. (A chess match) Ф The eight of us move forward, but not back To protect a king from the enemies attack. (A chess pawn) Ф It goes up, but at the same time goes down. Up toward the sky, and down toward the ground. It's present tense and past tense too; Come for a ride, just you and me. (A see-saw) Ф With pointed fangs it sits in waiting, With piercing force it doles out fate. Without bleeding victims, proclaiming its might, Eternally joining its single bite. (A stapler) <e> My head and tail both equal arc. My waist is slender, as a bee. Whether I stand on head or heel Is quite the same for you or me. But if my head should be cut off, The matter's true, though passing strange Directly 1 don’t need nothing to change. (The figure 8)
RIDDLES ABOUT THE WORDS AND LETTERS Often Sought Out But Seldom Found I am often sought out but seldom found. Some people never find me until they are in the ground. Arguing nations who want tofind me, hard to find. But often, I am just a state of mind. Some believe I can only be found By divine intervention from above. Another name for me is Love. Now is the time to stop being in doubt. Shout out your answer, what am I? (Peace) <§> 1 can be cool, but I can't be cold, 1 can be sorry, but I can't be guilty, I can be spooked, but I can't be scared, I can be sweet, but I can't be friendly, 1 can be flammable, but I can't bum. (Words with double letters) <$> It has seven letters, It proceeded God, 153
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... All poor people have it. And all rich people need it. (Nothing) <$> Why is the word «thousand» like the Sahara desert? (Because both contain sand) What is the longest word in the English language? (Smiles, because there is a mile between the first and the last letters) Ф Why is the letter «w» quarrelsome? (Because it makes ill-will) Ф What two words, when combined, Hold most of the letters? (Post office) <$> What two letters make something really rotten? («d», «к») <$> Why a selfish friend is like the letter «р»? (Because it is the first in pity and last in help) <$> What makes a road broad? (The letter «Ь») <$> What words may be pronounced quicker And shorter by adding syllables to them? (Quick and short) 154
Riddles for Boys and Girls <$> What occurs twice in a moment, once in a minute, and never in a thousand years? (Leiter «т») Why is the letter «к» like a pig's tail? (Because it is the end of pork) What English word has three successive double let- ters? (Bookkeeper) <$> You can find us in darkness but never in light. Wc arc present in daytime but absent at night. In the deepest of shadows, wc hide from the plain sight. (Letter «d») <$> What letter is it? a) The beginning of evening, The end of time and space, The beginning of every end, And the end of every place, b) The poor have two, The rich have none, Millions have many, You have one. (The letters «е», «о») *$> Why is the letter «g» like the sun? (Because it is in the centre of light.) 155
Загадки на английском языке... <$> Why must your mother never put the letter «М» into her refrigerator? (Because it will change ice into mice) & I am more microscopic than microscopic, I am more minuscule than minuscule. I am smaller than small and I am tinier than tiny. Yet surprisingly I am still big. (The word «big». It only has 3 letters and is therefore shorter in length than the words «tiny», «small», «minuscule» and «microscopic».) <s> Find an English word which is singular, add an «s» and it becomes plural, and add another «s» it be- comes singular again? (There are actually 3 correct answers: Care(s) (s). Prince(s)(s). Bra(s)(s) This is an unusual paragraph. I am curious to how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it! In fact, nothing is wrong with it, though unusual. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But, if you work at it a bit, you might find out! Try to do so without any coaching! (The letter «е». which is the most common letter in English language, does not appear even once in the long paragraph) 156 ф <•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls Ф What is the most important letter in the world? (The letter «е» because it is first in everybody and everything) <e> This one's a tufty! There is a common English word that is seven letters long. Each time you remove a letter from it, it still remains a common English word - from seven letters in the beginning to a sin- gle letter in the end. What is the original word, and what are the words in which it develops after the removal of one letter at a time? (The original word is «Snowing». It decomposes to: sowing, swing, sing. sin. in, and 1.) With «d» and «f» I am at home. With «о» and «8» I am near the sea; find us? (Door, floor, oar, shore) <§> Which letter of the alphabet Goes all round Great Britain? (The letter «G») & What colour were the winds And the waves in a storm? (The winds blew, the waves rose) <$> I know a word of three letters thee, Add two, and fewer there will be. What am I? (The word FEW) <§><»<§> 157
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> With thieves I consort, With the vilest in short I am quite at ease in depravity; Yet all divines use me, And savants can’t lose me And I am the center of gravity. What am I? (The letter «V») <$> The beginning of eternity. The end of time and space. The beginning of every end. And the end of every place. What can be described this way? (The letter «е») <$> Lucy had it first, Ethel had it last, Mary Lungel had it twice Until she married Peter Stupid And never had it again. What is it? (The letter «I») <j> What letter is the most prominent in the alphabet? (The letter «а», because it is used twice) <§> What is in the middle of the day? (The letter «а») <$> Why is the letter «а» like 12 o’clock? (Because it is in the middle of the day) 158
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><*><§> <$> If all the letters of the alphabet were on the top of the highest mountain, which letter should leave first? (The letter «d» would begin the descent) Ф How could you transform A tea-table in the food? (By taking away the letter «!», for it is eatable then) Ф Why is the letter «t» like an island? (Because it is in the middle of water) <$> What is in the middle of nowhere? (The letter «h») <$> What is it that you can keep Even after you gave it to somebody else? (Your word) <$> What arc the four letters which can scare a burglar? («о», «i», «с», «и». Oh, I see you.) <$> We are five little things of a similar sort. You will find us all on a tennis court. (The vowels - «а», «е», «i». «о» and «и», which all appear in the phrase «a tennis court») <$> Why is the letter «к» like a rest? (Because it comes at the end of work) Which letter holds the most of all water? (The letter «s» - sea) 159
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... Ф There is one in a minute and two in a moment, but only one in a million years. What arc we talking about? (The letter «tn») <$> What letter of the alphabet is a drink? (The letter «t» ~ tea) Ф What letter of the alphabet is a vegetable? (The letter «р» — pea) <$> What letter of the alphabet is an insect? (The letter «Ъ» = bee) <$> What is the quickest letter In the alphabet and why? (The letter «г», because it is the first in race) <$> It is in a rock but not in the stone. It is in marrow but not in the bone. It is in a bolster but not in bed. It's not in the living, and not in the dead. (The letter «г») <$> Five hundred begins it, five hundred ends it, Five in the middle is seen; First of all figures, the first of all letters. Take up their stations between. Join all together, and then you will bring Before you the name of an eminent king. (DA VID - roman numerals) 160 <§><$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§*<•><§> <S> Which is the hottest letter of the alphabet? (The letter «г», because it's always in the midst of FIRES) <e> What has every street and every school? (The letters) <$> Kiddies, Standing in a row, Tell us Everything they know. (The letters) Ф There are six of us in every family, But only four in a town, what are wc? (The letters) <$> What is the worst weather for rats and mice? (When it 's raining cats and dogs) Ф I dance four feet to ev'ry line. With A and A I try to rhyme. And В and В make couples two, My friend, the answer stands in front of you. (This riddle) 3> What is the difference between «here» and «there»? (The letter «t») & What can be found right in the middle of Mel- bourne? (The letter «о») 161 " Зак 14
ф<$> ф Загадки на английском языке... < $> Can you spell «mousetrap» in three letters? («с». «а», «I» ~ cat) < 5> Which word in the English language Is most frequently spelled wrong? (The word «wrong») ФП was whispered in Heaven, it was muttered in hell, And echo caught faintly the sound as it fell; On the confines of the earth it was permitted to rest. And in the depths of the ocean its presence confcs'd; It will be found in the sphere when it is riven asunder, Be seen in the lightning and heard of the thunder; It was allotted to man with his earliest breath, Attends him at birth and awaits him at death, Presides in his happiness, honor and health. Is the prop of his house, and the end of his wealth. In the heaps of the miser it is hoarded with care. But is sure to be lost on his prodigal heir; It begins every hope, every wish it must bound. With the husbandman toils, and with monarchs is crowned; Without it the soldier and seaman may roam, But woe to the wretch who expels it from home! In the whispers of conscience its voice will be found, Nor e'er in the whirlwind of passion be drowned; It will soften the heart; but though deaf be the car, It will make him acutely and instantly hear. Set in shade, let it rest like a delicate flower; Ah’ Breathe on it softly, it dies in an hour. (The letter «h») 162 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> From what heavy seven-letter word Can you take away two letters And have the eight left? (There are at least two possibilities Freight or weights!) < $> What is the beginning of eternity, The end of time and space; The beginning of every end And the end of every place? (The letter «е») Ф I am (he beginning of sorrow, And the end of sickness. You cannot express the happiness without me, Yet I am in the midst of crosses. I am always in the risk, Yet never in danger. You may find me in the sun, But 1 am never out of darkness. (The letter «s») I am a word of meanings three. Three ways of spelling me there be. The first is an odour, a smell if you will. The second some money, but not in a bill. The third is past tense, a method Of passing things on or around. Can you tell me now, what these words arc, That have the same sound? (Scent, cent and sent) 163
<§><><§> Загадки на английском языке... Ф Twice six are eight of us, Six are but three of us, Nine are but four of us. What can we possibly be? Would you know more of us? I will tell you more of us. Twelve are but six of us, Five arc but four of us, now do you see? . (The number of letters contained in each numer- al word) A word I know, six letters it contains Subtract just one, and twelve is what remains. Which word is it? (Dozens) <S> What is not alive but still is? (A ghost) <$> How can you say rabbit without the letter «г»? (Bunny) <$> Why is «с» the most important letter? (Because it comes first in everything) <$> Which is the cleanest letter in the alphabet? (The letter «h», because it is in the middle of «washing») <$> When does Thursday Come before Wednesday? (In a dictionary’) 164
fiiddles for Boys and Girls Ф Where can you find every word Of your last conversation? (In a dictionary) <§> What can always be found between town and country? (And) <$> It's used with soap hut not with dirt. It's seen in you but not in me. Il's in the door but not in the key. What is it? (The letter «о») <e> There arc seven parts to this riddle, Each is part of a greater whole. You sec most of these. Everyday as you please: First is what I did with a book yesterday, Second mixes with apples. Third is a shout, then "ouch" you say. Fourth shares the sound of mean. Fifth is what the wind has done, The sixth is often skipped. The last and final can be called by two names, If roses arc this, then which is the blue one? (The 7 colors of the rainbow) Red: read a book Orange: apples and oranges Yellow: Yell and Ow Green: Rhymes with «Mean» 165
Загадки на английском языке... Blue: The wind «blew» Indigo is often skipped Violet: Roses are red. Violets are blue. Ф Wc are such little liny creatures; All of us have different features. One of us in glass is set; One of us you'll find in jet. Another you may see in tin, And the fourth is boxed within. If the fifth you should pursue. It can never fly from you. (The vowels (a, e. i, o, u) <s> Which is the unhappiest letter of the alphabet? (The letter «s», because it always starts sighing and sobbing) Ф We're 5 little items of an everyday sort, you'll find us all in A Tennis Court. What arc we? (The 5 vowels: a e i о и) <$> Which letter takes a long time standing and waiting? (The letter eq»: queue) <§> 1 banish darkness from your house for hours, yet add a letter and I will illuminate (he whole sky for just a second. What am I? (Lighting, add «п» for lightning) 166 <§><$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <$> What is the best butter in the world? (A goal) * Butter масло; to butt бодать. Ф Can you name five days of the week? I do not mean Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday. (Today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, to- morrow, the day after tomorrow) Ф When the water is like a tiger? (When it makes a spring) * Spring источник; to make a spring совершить прыжок. Ф Find an English word which is singular, add an «s» and it becomes plural, add another «s» it becomes singular again? (Prince) Ф What jam is hardest to spread? (A traff ic jam) * Jam варенье; traffic jam транспорт ная пробка. Ф What 7 letter word becomes longer when the third letter is removed? (Lounger) Ф What word begins with «с» ends with «с» and has one letter «с» in the middle of it? (An envelope) <§><$> <^ 167
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <е> What two five letter English words do not change its pronunciation when four letters arc taken away? (Queue and A itch ) <$> Why is it dangerous to fall asleep when traveling in a train? (Because trains run over sleepers) * Sleeper 1) спящий; 2) шпала. <$> A three-letter, one-syllable word that becomes a three-syllable word by adding one letter to the end of it. («Аге» — «Area») <$> What is the difference between an engine-driver and a school-teacher? (One minds the train, and the other trains the mind) * To mind заботиться, присматривать; mind ум, разум; train поезд; to train обучать, тренировать. Ф What kind of coat has no buttons and is put on when it is wet? (A coat of paint) * Coat пальто; coat of paint слой краски. <$> What is the difference between ammonia and pneu- monia? (One comes in bottles and the other comes in chests) ♦ Chest 1) ящик сундук; 2) грудная клетка, грудь. 168 <§»<$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> Ф Why is the sea always restless? (Because it has such a rocky’ bed) * To rock качаться; rocky 1) скалистый; 2) кача- ющийся; bed 1) кровать; 2) дно (моря). Ф What is the difference between a doctor and a dress- maker? (One dresses cuts and the other cuts dresses) * To dress перевязывать (рану); dress одежда, платье; cut порез; to cut резать, кроить. Ф Which day of the week has an anagram? (Monday = dynamo) Ф What arc the silent watches of the night? (The ones we forget to wind) * Watch I) часы; 2) сторож, часовой; to wind завести (часы.). Ф Why spring is a dangerous time of the year? (The grass is full of new blades, the trees and shrubs are shooting and every flower has a pistil (pistol) * Blade I) былинка, лист; 2) лезвие; to shoot 1) стрелять; 2) расти; давать почки, ростки, побеги. Ф What kind of match can’t be put in the match-box? (A football match) Ф How can you keep cool at a football match? (Sit next to a fan) ♦ Fan 1) болельщик; 2) веер, вент илятор. фф<§> 169
<§> <•><§> Загадки на английском языке... Ф What is the difference between a soldier and a young girl? (A soldier faces powder, a girl powders face) ♦ To face сталкиваться лицом к лицу (с чем-л.), смотреть в лицо (чему-л.) без страха; powder порох; to powder пудрить. <$> Why is a coward like a leaky barrel? (Because they both inn) * To run 1) бежать; 2) течь. <e> Why arc our laws like oceans? (Because the most troubles are caused by the breakers) * Breaker 1) большая волна; 2) нарушитель. <$> Which travels faster — heat or cold? (Heat, because you can catch cold easily) * To catch cold простудиться. <$> Do you know anything that has four eyes? (Yes. Mississippi has four «Vs») < ♦> I C U R Y Y 4 me. What is it? (1CUR Y Y 4 me means 1 see you are too wise for me.) < S> How can you spell brandy in three letters? (B, r and y) < $> Why is a cherry 1 ike a book? (Because it is read (red) 170 <§><♦> <@>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> <$> The «average» letter of the word ACE is C, because it is the average of the 1st, 3rd and 5th letters of the alphabet. Which seven-letter word also has an aver- age of the letter C? (CABBAGE; in letter position terms, this is 3 + 1+2+2+1+7+5= 21. and 21/7 = 3) Ф What is the difference between a watchmaker and a jailer? (The former sells watches and the latter watches cells) <$> Why is the letter «G» like the sun? (Because it is the centre of LIGHT) <$> Why do we say that «Т» is like an island? (Because it is in the middle of WATER) <$> What is the longest word in the English language? («Smiles», because there is a mile between each end) <$> Why is the letter «а» like 12 o'clock? (Day, «а» in the middle of the word) <$> In which English word does the letter I appear seven times? One other vowel appears in the word. (Indi visibil dies) <$> What is the end of everything? (The letter «g») 171
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <s> Start with a particular eight-letter word. If you delete the second and third letters, you arc left with a sort of hole often found in a wall. If instead you delete the first and third letters, you arc left with a hole found in fabric. And if you deleted the first and second letters, that will remind you one thing that could explore the black holes. What is the eight-letter word you started with, which is also a type of hole? (SPROCKET (the other words are SOCKET. POCKET and ROCKET) <s> What word can be written so that it looks the same forwards, backwards and upside down? (NOON) <$> What connects all these words: BUY, BRING, CATCH, FIGHT, SEEK, TEACH, THINK, WORK? (The past tenses rhyme: BOUGHT, BROUGHT, CAUGHT, FOUGHT, SOUGHT, TAUGHT. THOUGHT. WROUGHT) <e> Choose one letter from each line in order to spell out a similar word: YELLOW, PURPLE, BLACK, CREEN, GREY, RED (ORANGE) Ф What five letter English word does not change its pronunciation when four letters arc taken away?(Oh come on, think hard! You’ll kick yourself when you see the answer lol) (Queue (Q) Told you. you'd feel silly lol) 172 «§><><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls W<§> <$> A man with the same name as the leader of the Apos- tles (who was an accomplished wind instrument player) went to a shop and, after much deliberation, selected two gallons of the family Pipcraceae of the order Piperalcs that had been preserved in brine or vinegar. How is that story normally told? (Peter Piper picked a peck of p ickled peppers) <§> A lost explorer might utter this phrase. It is also an anagram of which quartet of related words? TUT! THAT’S NOWHERE - SOS! (NORTH. EAST. SOUTH, WEST) Ф Find a ten-letter word in which the letters R, S, T and U appear successively and in alphabetical order. (UNDERSTUDY, or OVERSTUFF) These words have a special property. What is it? bathtub, manservant, pussycat, taxicab (Both halves of each word are synonyms for the word itself — e.g. 'bath' and 'tub' both describe a bathtub) Ф There is something from which you can take its whole and yet some remains. What is it? (The word WHOLESOME) <§> Yreka, a small town in California, used to be fa- mous for its local bread outlet. Can you sec why? (The sign read «YREKA BAKERY» - a palin- drome) 173
Загадки на английском языке... <$> What royal word in the plural becomes singular when you add one letter? (PRINCES) <$> Find a nine-letter English word that contains only one vowel and one syllable. (STRENGTHS) <$> Which accountancy job is unusual because it con- tains three pairs of identical letters? (BOOKKEEPER) <$> In terms of its letters, what record can the following word claim to have? DERMATOGLYPH ICS (It's the longest word that can be made without repeating any letter of the alphabet) <$> I am thinking of two five-letter words. Each word is an anagram, homophone and synonym of the other - that is, they use the same letters, sound alike and mean the same thing. What arc the words? (One solution is «break» and «brake», which can both mean «slop») Ф Which English word: - has five consecutive consonants, - is recognized as one of the most frequently mis- spelt, and - is almost always preceded by three, five or seven? (EIGHTHS (since two-eighths is normally re- ferred to as a quarter, etc.) 174 <§><$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls 000 *0 How are you doing even of seven? (Delete the «s») To the best of my knowledge, there is only one other word that can be made from all the letters in the word discerning. Can you figure out what it is? (Rescinding) 0 Break it and it gets better, Instantly established and the more difficult to break again. (A record) Ф Three playing cards in a row. Can you name them with these clues? There is a two to the right of a king. A diamond will be found to the left of a spade. An ace is to the left of a heart. A heart is to the left of a spade. Now, identify all three cards. (Ace of Diamonds, King of Hearts, Two of Spades) He starts and ends 2 common English words. One painful in love, One painful in everyday matter. Do you know what 2 words arc these? (Heartache and Headache) 0 I am the ruler of shovels, I have a double, 000 175
ф <•><§> Загадки на английском языке... I am as thin as a knife, 1 have a wife. (The King of Spades, from a deck of cards) <§> Л traveller starts a journey. In the first week he goes to the cast. The second he goes in all directions, The third he flics up in the sky. In the fourth he comes back down. Who is the traveller? (An iceberg) It travels East as an iceberg, it is a free flowing wa- ter when melted, flies up into the sky when evaporated, falls back down as the rain. <$> An empty head man had a letter to write; It was read by a man who had lost his sight. The dumb repeated it word for word; And deaf was the one who listened and heard. (The letter in question is the letter «О». It is zero. The man had nothing to write. The blind could read nothing. The person who was dumb could repeat nothing. The deaf man listened and heard nothing.)
RIDDLES ABOUT THE PARTS OF THE BODY Ф Two brothers live across the path, But never see each other. (Eyes) Ф The doors are open in the morning but shut at night. If you look at them, you see yourself inside. (Eyes) <$> I am a window, I am a lamp. I am clouded, I am shining, And I am coloured; set in the white, I am filled with water and overflow. 1 say a lot, but I don't have the words. (An eye) Ф A little ball can reach the sky. (An eye) <$> Pronounced as one letter, And written with three, Two letters there arc, And two only in me. <§>фф 177
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... I am double, 1 am single, I am black, blue and grey, I can be read from both ends, The same way. (Eye) < e> I used to that I bat and flop, Yet 1 never get a hit. I am near a ball, Yet it is never thrown. (Eyelashes) < $> These two brothers Live not so far apart; One on the left, One on the right; But they never sec each other. (Two ears) * $> My timpani play a rhythmic song With the hammer on the anvil I play along. Down my channel no ship docs not hold the course And 1 have a stirrup which fits no horse. What am I? (An ear) < $> It hears everything And says nothing? (An ear) 178
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> <$> A thick forest which grows As fast as it is cut down. (Hair) <$> It can be cut and will grow back. But when you least expect it, It may disappear and never return. (Hair) <$> I move very slowly at an imperceptible rate, Although I take my time, I am never late. I accompany life, and survive past demise, I am viewed with esteem by many women’s eyes. (Hair) <$> Riddle me, riddle me, what is that? Over the head and under the hat? (Hair) <$> What is inanimate, yet can stand up, Can be as copper and as steel, So fragile, alone a child could break it, But many have the strength to lift a man? (A human hair) Ф What is it that above your head And under your cap? (Your hair) O' Never planted, Still it grows. 179
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... What’s the answer? Now who knows? (Hair) <$> What we caught we threw away; What wc didn't catch, wc kept. (Lice) <e> Why a man’s hair usually grey sooner than his moustache? (Because a man's hair is 17years older than his moustache) <$> Why are teeth like verbs? (Because they can be regular, irregular or defec- tive) <J> Thirty two white horses upon a red hill, Now they tramp, Now they champ, Now they stand still. (The teeth and gums) What kind of teeth cannot bite? (The teeth of a comb) Armor bright, Gleaming white, A single ran, Their faces blank. Now hid by night, Now bold by light, 180 <§><$> ^>
Riddles for Boys and Girls Bright red the land. Where soldiers stand. (The teeth) What is the best thing to run in the pies? (Your teeth) <e> Without it you couldn’t say a word. (A tongue) < $> Often held but never touched, Always wet but never rusts, Often bites but seldom bit, To use me well you must have wit. (A tongue) < §> It lives behind the bony Wall but is heard for everybody. (A tongue) Ф What goes all over the house, But touches nothing? (Your voice) Ф A hole leading in, a hole leading out, We connect to a cavern that is slimey all throughout. (Nostrils) < $> It lives alone between two bright stars. (A nose) 181
Загадки иа английском языке... <$> I run, yet I have no legs. <$> Between two little moons I am quite alone. (The nose) (A nose) <$> Two little holes on the side of a hill Just as you come to the cherry-red mill. (Nose and mouth) <$> What do you use to «hoe a row, Slay a foe, and wring with woe»? (Your hands) Ф What hands cannot do anything to hold? (The hands o f a clock) <$> Two mothers have five sons of each, And all have the same name. What are they? (Fingers) Ф Five sons with one name. (Fingers) <$> Ten brothers work. Their work together gathers. (Fingers) 182 ’§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <$> If life gels tough, what you have On that you can always count on? (Yourfingers) Ф I can be long, or I can be short. I can be grown, and I can be bought. 1 can be painted, or left bare. I can be round, or square. (Finger nails) < $> Used left or right, I get to travel, Over cobblestone or gravel. Used up, I vie for sweet success, Used down, I cause men great duress. (A thumb) < s> When is the nail not the fingernail? (When it is an iron nail) Ф When is it dangerous to have an arm? (When it is a firearm) < $> When the liquid splashes me, none seeps through. When I move much, the liquid I spew. When I am hit, the color I change. But after I come to a previous a range. What I cover is very complex, And I am very easy to flex. (Skin) <§><•>«§> 183
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> What belongs only to you And yet is used more by others Than by yourself? (A name) <s> What belongs to you, But is used more by others? ( Your name) <$> What is it that a man cannot live without? (A name) <$> The Pope has it but he docs not use it. Your father has it but your mother uses it. No one needs it. The husband of your girlfriend. Has it and she uses it. (A last name) Ф What is it that no one would want to have, But no one does not want to lose? (A bald head) <$> What man wears the biggest hat? (The one with the biggest head) <J> The spider has eight of it, The bee has six of it, The elephant has four, But only two that I have. (Legs) 184
Riddles for Boys and Girls <s> What part of your body disappears when you stand up? ( Your lap) It always beats and hops; It never sleeps or stops; Life-long wc do not part With our little... (Heart) Ф If you break me, I will not stop working. If you can touch me, my work is done. If you steal me, you must find me with a ring soon then. (The human heart) <§> The more of them you take, The more you leave behind. What arc they? (Footsteps) Ф What of us goes out And never comes back? (Your age) Ф What you cannot hold for five minutes Even if it is lighter than a feather? (Your breath) <s> 1 am free for the taking through all of your life, Though given but once at birth. <§><•><§> 185
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... I am less than nothing in weight, But will fell (he strongest of you if held. (Breath) Ф This is light as a feather, Yet no man can hold it for a long time. (One's breath) Ф 1 fly in the air, But I am not always there. I cannot be touched, But I can be felt or held. Think very hard. If you live near the equator, You may have a tough time seeing me. ( Your breath) <$> What is getting harder to catch The faster you run? (Your breath) <§> What goes on four legs in the morning, two legs At noon, and three legs in the evening? (A man) Ф You can sec nothing else When you look in my face, I will look you in the eye And 1 will never lie. (Your reflection) 186
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> < £- In (he eyes, it causes blindness. In the nose, it causes sneezing; But some people are looking for this, And act as though it pleases. («Pepper») < s> I do weaker all men for hours each day. I show you strange visions while you arc away. I take you in the night, and let you go of the day, No one suffers from having me, but do from my lack. (Sleep) < $> What can you quit without loosing anything? (A bad habit) What is faster Than the wind and the rain? (Thoughts) Ф What goes up and down at the same time? (Steps) < $> My second is performed by my first. And, it is thought, A thief, if he left traces of them. Can be caught. (Footstep) < s> An apple a day Keeps a doctor away. (Health) 187
Загадки на английском языке... < $> You can have me but cannot hold me; Gain me and quickly lose me. If treated with care I can be great, And if betrayed I will break. What am I? (Trust) < $> 1 can be cracked, I can be made. I can be told, I can be played. What am 1? (A joke) < $> What is everything for someone, And nothing for the rest? (Your mind) < §> A mile from end to end, Yet as close to you as a friend. A precious commodity, freely given. Seen on the dead and on the living. Found on the rich, poor, short and tall, But shared among children most of all. (A smile) < $> I am so bright as the sunshine on a warm day, I can go a long way. I am seen on the young and the old that God made, But I can fade. 1 have only five letters in my name. And I am painted on both the strong and the lame. 1 can be as white as pearls, Or as yellow as blond curls. 188 .
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><& 1 will never get old, Or never be sold, Or turn to mold, But I am more precious than gold. (A smile) < $> I tie and hold, capture and bind. Yet both knights and knaves crave me. I faithfully enslave all within my grasp, Whether or not they arc looking for me. Yet those who have never felt my unmerciful hand, Are pitied by their fellow Man. (Love) ® I make you weak in the worst at all times. I keep you safe, I keep you fine. I make your hands sweat, and your heart grow cold, I visit the weak, but rarely bold. (Fear) ® If you have got it, you want to share it, But if you shared it, you do not have it. (A secret) < $> Two words, my answer is only two words. To keep me, you must give me. (Your word) < $> What can you break without touching it? (Your promise) 189
<§><•><§> Загадки на ашлийском языке... < $> Says not about love or hatred. But tells me about it; What a gift can you give to me, That I can never buy for myself? (Kindness) < $> I can be cool and sometimes hot. When displayed, I rarely impress. (Temper) < $> What can be swallowed, But can also swallow you? (Pride) < $> When I am used, 1 am useless, Once offered, soon rejected. In despair I am expressed. Intentional but not protecting. (A poor alibi or excuse) Ф I can bring a smile on your face, And the tears in your eyes, Or even a thought in your head. But, I can't be seen. (Your memories) I am a talc in childrens minds I keep their secrets and share them inside I turn their thoughts in a fantasies kept Like a canvas of art or a submarine depth. Though an illusion, I occurs every night; 1 give them a fantasy, I give them a fright 190
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> Nor good or bad, but always nigh I am interesting to tell. (Dream) <$> If you look, you can't sec me If you see me, you cannot sec nothing else I can make you walk if you can't Sometimes 1 tell the truth, and sometimes I lie. If I lie, I am nearer the truth. (Dreams) <$> I come in the dark, but fill the mind of light. 1 bring enlightenment to someone, while gripping the others in the arms of fear. With me it can be a journey of an inexplicable joy and sorrow. What I will show, is often can't reach. Journey with me and what you sec, can haunt you. Journey with me and you can never want to return home. Journey with me and you will never know when it will be the end. (Dreams) Ф I cannot be felt, seen or touched; But I can be found in everybody; My existence is always in debate; But I have my own style of music. (A soul) <$> You see it under the sun. And under the moon and the lamplight. <§><$><§> 191
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... It follows you wherever you go, But never says a word. ( Your shadow) Ф You can see it, But you can't touch it. It may disappear, But never really Leave you throughout the day. What is it? (Your shadow) Ф Each morning I appear To lie at your feet, All day I will follow you No matter how fast you will run, But I am almost perishing In the midday sun. (Your shadow) Ф On a sunny day I have one. And you have one too, And the oak in the field And the fish in the sea also have one. (A shadow) <$> Only one color, but not one size, Stuck at the bottom, yet easily flics. Appears in the sun. but not in the rain, Doing no harm, and feeling no pain. (A shadow) 192
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> Ф Though I dance at the ball I am nothing at all. What am I? (A shadow) 1 am pan of the bird that’s not in the sky, I can swim in the ocean, but stay dry. What am I? (A shadow) <$> There is a thing, which nothing is, And yet it has a name, It’s something tall and something short. Joins our sport, and playing in every game. (A shadow) <$> I begin my job early, devouring your ankles and thighs I work my way above, eating your feet up to your waist And though around midday away 1 am chased, 1 return quickly to savor the arm to my taste As evening falls I enter your lungs, 1 feast on your body, your soul, and your mind, But as darkness falls you shall find That away I will go, a relief for some; Yet did not come tomorrow’s high morning. (A shadow) Ф What falls into the water And never getting wet? (A shadow) <§><$><§> 193 7 Зак 14
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... Ф They follow and lead, but only as you pass. Dress yourself in darkest black. And they are the darker still. Always they flee for the light, Though without the sun there would be none. (Shadows) <$> Who is working when he plays And plays when he works? (An athlete)
RIDDLES ABOUT RELATIVES < $> The man looked at the portrait and said: «Sisters and brothers have 1 none, But the man in the portrait Is my father's son.» (I) < $> My father's son is not my brother. (J myself) Ф My father has a son. He is not my brother. (I myselj) < £> My uncle has a brother. He is not my uncle. (My father) < $> If your aunt's brother is not your uncle, What kind of relation he has for you? ('Father) <§><•><§> 7* 195
<§><£<§> Загадки иа английском языке... Ф If Dick's father is Tom's son. What a relative is Dick to Tom? (Tom is his grandfather) <$> In what relationship is this child with its father, If is not its father's own son? (It is its father's daughter) <3> Two people arc walking along the street. One says: «This is my father's house, But I am not his son.» Who is speaking? (His father's daughter) A big German and a little German Were walking down the road. The little German was the big German's son; But the big German was not the little German's fa- ther. Who was the big German? (The big German was his mother) Ф Three taxi-driver had one brother, But this brother had no brothers of his own. Why? (He had three sisters) <$> There is a man standing over a dead body in a cof- fin, . And another man came in and asked, who was in the coffin. The first man replied, «brothers and sisters, 196
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$>«§> I have none, but this man's father is my fathers son.» Who's in the coffin? (His son) < e> There lived three workers, Who had a brother called John. However John himself had no brothers. How do you explain this? (He had sisters) < s> A father's child, A mother's child, Yet no one's son. (A Daughter) < $> One who knows more About your affairs than you do. (The neighbor) < s> I can read. I can talk. I can go for a walk. (A boy) < $> 1 can be created by humans, But they can not control me. I can be more of a hindrance than the help at times. To my creators, I seem to be everywhere at once. (A baby) I cry a lot. I love milk. 197
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... Everyone smiles at me. Please pick me up. I am newcomer to the world. (A baby) <$> Read my riddle, I pray. What God never secs, The king seldom secs. And wc see every day? (An Equality)
RIDDLES ABOUT CLOTHES, FOOTWEAR, ORNAMENTS AND OTHER THINGS Ф Riddle-riddle, not a king, nor a priest, But dresses for a feast. (Clothes) <J> My house has four doors. I go in through one. Then 1 went out through three doors all at once. (A shirt) Ф I sit astride, But on what I do not know. I jump off whenever I meet an acquaintance. What am I? Ф By day - a hoop, At night - a snake. (A hat) (A belt) <§><•><§> 199
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> When you come in, you take it off, But when you go out, you put it on: It is long and hung on a peg near the door. (A coat) What is neither fish nor flesh, Feathers nor bone. But still has fingers, And thumbs of its own? (Gauntlet) <$> As I walked along the path, I saw something with four fingers and one thumb, But it was not flesh, fish, bone or fowl. (A glove) <$> Five cupboards. But only one door. (A glove) Ф When 1 am filled I can point the way; When I am empty nothing moves me. I have two skins, one without and one within. What am I? (A glove) <$> They have not flesh, nor feathers, nor scales, nor bone. Yet they have fingers and thumbs of their own. (Gloves) 200
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> Ф What has eight lingers and two thumbs But cannot pick up anything by itself? (A pair of gloves) <$> What has feet and legs, And nothing else? (Stockings) Two little boats without any sailors, With ten passengers on board. They do not go to the river or the sea, But travel on dry land. All day boats pass to and fro. But at night they arc both empty. (Shoes) <$> Two brothers we arc, Great burdens we bear, On which we are bitterly pressed; The truth is to say, Wc arc full all the day, And empty when we go to rest. (Shoes) Runs over fields and woods all day Under the bed at night sits not alone, With long tongue out, Waiting for a new day. (A shoe) <^ <•><§> 201
Загадки на английском языке... <$> What has no head, No amis, no legs, And yet has a tongue? (A shoe) <$> What runs around town all day And lies under the bed at night With its tongue hanging out? (Shoes) <$> I run over fields and woods all day. Under the bed at night, I sit all alone. My tongue hangs out, and I am awaiting to be filled in the morning. What am 1? (A shoe) Ф Two deep wells. Filled by day, Empty at night. (High hoots) <$> We are twins, Wc walk together, Wc never apart, We make a pair forever. (Boots or shoes) <$> What is it that walks With its head downwards? (A nail in the shoe) 202 <§><•> <^
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> <§> Wc travel much, yet prisoners are, And close confined to boot. With the swiftest horse wc keep race, Yet always go on foot. (Spurs) Ф Two shafts behind the ears, Two wheels in front of the eyes, And a little saddle on the nose. (Spectacles) Who are these twins That bridge a man's nose Every morning? Who of those, Whom you know? (Spectacles) <e> What binds two people Yet touches to only one? (A wedding ring) Ф What do you find Easiest to part with? (A comb) * Игра слов: to part (with) 1. расставаться (c), 2. расчесывать на пробор. <$> My teeth arc sharp, But I do not bite, And you make use of me All right. <$>3><^ 203
<§><£><§> Загадки на английском языке... Му humble duty is Plain and fair - To help you comb Your lovely hair. (A comb) Ф What is it that never uses its teeth to eat? (A comb) Ф What has teeth, But can not bite? (A comb) <$> What is that that is sometimes with the head And sometimes without the head? (A wig) Ф What can go up in the chimney But can't go down in the chimney? (An umbrella) <$> What goes up When the rain comes down? (An umbrella) Ф When the rain - Pat, pat, pat - Starts its usual talk. Its best friend, I am sure, Will be out for a walk. (An umbrella) 204 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§» Ф A flower which is kept in the hand That blossom when it rains. (Ли umbrella) Ф What can go for a walk But can not stand by itself? (A walking stick) It has no top or bottom but it can hold flesh, Bones and blood all at the same time. (A ring) Ф Lovely and round, I shine with pale light, Grown in the darkness, A lady’s delight. (A pearl) Ф Whoever makes it, tells it not. Whoever takes it, knows it not. Whoever knows it, wants it not. (Counterfeit money) I am two-faced but bear only one, I have no legs but travel widely. Men spill much blood over me, Kings leave there imprint on me. I have greatest power when given away, Yet greed for me keeps me locked away. (A penny) 205
<^ <$><§> Загадки иа английском языке... <s> What goes further the slower it goes? (Money) <$> What's got a head And a tail, but no body? (A coin) <$> A leathery snake, With a stinging bite, I will stay coiled up. Unless I must fight. (A whip)
CHARADES, ACROSTICS AND ASSOCIATIONS <$> My first is the indefinite article, My second is the synonym of «wide», My whole means «in a foreign country». (Abroad) Ф My first is the two letters which begin the alphabet. My second is the Past Tense of the verb «to send», My whole is the antonym of present... (Ab + sent — absent) <e> My first is the indefinite article, My second means 'to go to the other side of the street', My whole is a preposition... (Across) Ф My first is one of the shortest words in English; My second is the opposite of short; I am either a preposition or an adverb. You can find me in any English book. (Along) <§><$><§> 207
Загадки на английском языке... <$> Му first is almost all, So is my second. Guess my whole. (Al + so = also) Ф (Thing 1) At the start, I am old. Many centuries I've been told, Used by the Greeks For counting techniques After things were bought and sold. Later is when I became known, As an infinite figure, when shown, You've counted my spaces, Over two billion places, And still, my amount, is unknown. (Thing 2) I am not young, too 1 am almost as old as Thing 1, I am just a frog On the natural log, But I can make counting fun. (Thing I and Thing 2) When you combine us two In the order of Thing 1 and Thing 2, I will be a baked treat. That's tough to beat Whether cherry, peach, or aloo. (An aloo pie is a potato pie) Thing 1 is «Pi». Thing 2 is «с» the base of the natu- ral logarithm. Thing 1 and 2 are, together, «Pic». 208 <§>«$><§>
Kiddies for Boys and Girls <$> If you like pretty gems that sparkle and shine, 1 invite you to dig in my virtual mine. My first is purple, fit for a king, My second is green where Dorothy did her thing. My third is red, July's birthstone as well. My fourth is seen in strings and is found inside a shell. My fifth is hard, pure Carbon and expensive to buy. My sixth is Crocodolite, striped like the big cat's eye. Seventh is two words, a man-made fake of April's stone, Eighth is very dark and found at Lightning Ridge alone. Now take from each gem, one letter in its turn, And you will find the stuff for which even the god's yearn. (Ambrosia) The gems are. Amethyst, Emerald (Emerald city from The Wizard of OZ), Ruby, Pearl, Diamond, Ti- ger's eye, Cubic Zirconium (Fake diamond). Black Opal. Taking the first letter of Amethyst, second of Em- erald etcetera gives Ambrosia - The food of the gods. <J> When I was walking down the street I met a man. He tipped his hat and drew his cane And in this riddle I told his name. What is his name? (And drew = Andrew) <§> Read forward, — I am a living creature; <§><•><§> 209
<§><£><§> Загадки на английском языке... Read backward, - 1 am a thin plate. (Animal, lamina in reverse) I am a set of three words, Ail with the same six letters First I am a kingdom Though not royally so, Then spell me backwards, And I become a thin plate. Now rearrange my consonants. Leaving my vowels in place... I am now a type of paper. (Animal = a kingdom, not royal, but biological, lamina = a thin plate, manila = a type of paper) <$> My first is a verb which helps to make tenses, My second is not high but its antonym, My whole is the antonym of'above'... (Below) <§> I can take you to another place that's neat, Or in a restaurant, hold your scat. I can tell you about a company’s numbers, Or find a hotel room for your slumber. If I am thrown at you, you must have been really bad, But if your enter my good side, you'll always be glad. Policemen use me as you might tell, They use me when you do not park so well! (Book) 210
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§>«><§> Novels can take you to another world. You can book a table at a restaurant. The company books tell you about it's financial in- formation. You can book a hotel room to stay at. If you arc a criminal, police can «throw the book at you». If you are nice to people you are «in their good books». And if you park in the wrong area the police will book you! <& Pronounced differently but spelled the same I have many meanings from obscure to mundane In a trip across the water 1 get there before you In precipitation amazing, a marvel to awe you One naming of me means to acknowledge the praise 1 move fastest in music as the violin maestro plays Taught to children of all ages , or trip up they would I was also much favoured by a notorious Hood. (Bow) Pronounced Bow (as in cow) or Bow (as in Toe). <j> If you like your Physics and you like your Chem- istry, You will find this puzzle, as easy as can be. Firstly, from a glass of milk, take what is good for bones. Second take the metal used to glaze pottery with pretty tones. Thirdly you might cat me to get your innards on a slide; •§> <•><§> 211
<§»<•><§> Загадки на английском языке... Last I am a diode in a «crystal-set» just look inside. Now put us all together, and thus what can be seen? A great big head? ; A large white moth? ; A vegeta- ble that’s green? (Cabbage) <$> Here arc the elements with their symbols. Calcium in milk is good for bones (Ca) Boron in Borax is used to glaze pottery (B) A «Barium Meal» is eaten to facilitate an X-Ray of the intestines (Ba) A diode used in crystal sets was often made from Germanium (Ge) Ca В Ba Ge A head of cabbage. A cabbage moth. If it begins with а «с» You can eat it, If it begins w'ith an «1», You can swim there. (Cake: lake) Ф Anagram teaser; same letters, of course, The first of the words is the movement of a horse, The second of the words is used to make honey, And the third is the look of a zombie. (Canter = the movement of a horse, nectar = raw material for honey, trance = the look of a zom- bie) <S> My first is in cat but not in kitten My second is in hat but not in mitten 212
Riddles for Boys and Girls My third in off is always found My fourth is in rope and also round My fifth is in us but not in we My last in sight and also see I am heard in rousing sound - Repeated often, round and round. (A chorus) Ф My first is in ocean but not in sea, My second in milk but not in me, My third in three but not in throw, My fourth in vow but not in crow, My fifth in eight but not in night, My last in wrong and also right, My whole is praise for thoughts or men, Or women, too, or tongue or pen. (Clever (the word) Ф My first represents company, My second avoids company. My third convenes company, My whole perplexes company. (Conundrum — Co.-mm-drum) <e> My first displays the wealth and pomp of kings, Lords of the earth’ Their luxury and case Another view of man, my second brings, Behold him there, the monarch of the seas’ But ah! United what reverse we have! Man's boasted power and freedom, all arc flown Lord of the earth and sea, he bends a slave, And woman, lovely woman, reigns alone. 213
<§><•>«§> Загадки на английском языке... Thy ready wit the word will soon supply. May its approval beam in that soil eye! (Courtship) My first is a creature whose breeding is unclear. My second, a price you must pay. My whole can be found in the river О Г Time and refers to events of today. (Current) <$> Read forward, 1 am a coarse, cotton material; Read backward. I have been dug for metals. (Denim-mined) <$> My first can be found, in a TREE, but not on the GROUND. My second not PERMITTED, but certainly AL- LOWED. My third is in GREY, if it is spelled the English way. My forth is in PEA, but not in NUT. Fifth is in HOUSES, also in HUTS. SIXTH always in DAY but never night. My last is in STICKY, but not in BUN My whole very large, it weighs a ton. (An elephant) <$> My first letter is in the spell, but not the book. My second letter is in the fright and also the shock. My third letter is in the cauldron, but never in pot, My fourth letter is in the net and also in the knot, 214 <§><•><§>
Riddles tor Boys and Girls My fifth letter is in the bat, but never in the vampire. My sixth letter is in the coal, but not found in fire, My seventh letter is in moon, but not in night. (The Phantom) Ф If you like solving puzzles, periodically, Then, this may suit your particular body chemistry. One is partly controversial but makes hard teeth with just a trace, Two is notoriously poisonous and sometimes seen with old lace. Three made the Hindcnbcrg rise and fall disastrous- ly from the sky. Four is most essential, without Thyroxin you would surely die, Five is up in the air and to life it is very dear, Six is like your favourite pub, a lot to do with at- mosphere. Put us all together and wc wield economic power, A magazine? ; a dress? ; a trend? ; I change by the hour. (Fashion) <$> One: Fluorine in Fluoride prevents tooth decay. (F) Two: Arsenic is poisonous (1944 Cary Grant movie «Arsenic and Old Lace» (As) Three: Airship Hindenberg was filled with Hydro- gen (H). Four: Iodine is required by the thyroid gland for production of thyroxin. (I) Five: oxygen required by most living organisms (O). <§><•><§> 215
^ <•><§> Загадки на английском языке... Six: Nitrogen makes up 80% of our atmosphere. (N) F As H I О N Fashion dictates spending patterns. A Fashion Magazine. A Fashion (able) dress. Fashion is a trend. < e> My first is a number, my second another, And each, I assure you, will rhyme with the other. My first you will find is one-fifth of my second, And truly my whole a long period reckoned. Yet my first and my second (nay, think not I cozen). When added together will make but two dozen. How many am I? (Four score) < $> My first is a preposition, My second is a synonym of'receive', My whole is the antonym of'remember'... (Forge!) < $> Read forward, I am an outdoor game; Read backward, I am to whip. (Golf—flog) < $> I have one, you have one, If you remove the first letter, a bit remains. If you remove the second, bit still remains, After much trying, you might be able 216
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> To remove the third one also, but it remains. It dies hard! (Habit; remove «h» — a bit remums, remove «а» — bit remains, remove «Ь» — it remains) My first is in have but not in tray, My second is in apple but not in weight, My third and fourth you’ll find in pine, My fifth and last is in try and thy inc. (The opposite of very sad) (Happy) <$> I am a word of 11 letters. My 4, 9, 5 is worn on the head. My 10, 9, 1, 11 is a narrow road. My 11,2, 3, 4, 5 is a number. My 8, 6, 7 is a spirit. My whole is an excellent singer. (Hat, lane, eight, gin. nightingale) <$> I am a male. Add a letter And I become female. Add another letter And I become male again Add three more letters And I return to being female. Find all four words. (He, her. hero, heroine) <§><$><§> 217
^>ф^> Загадки па английском языке... Ф Walking beneath me as you pass through. Or a small land with an Everglade view, I am useful to have where landmarks arc shown. Notes by the seven with concordant tone. One in a million will let you see A vital secret when you have me. (Key (keystone in an arch, Florida Keys, map key, musical key, door key with combinations, es- sential nature) <$> My first is in PECKISH but isn't in RICE, My second's in STACCATO but isn’t in TWICE, My third is in GIANT but is far from SIGHT, My fourth is in ALMOND and also in BLIGHT, My fifth is in CHINA and also in GAME, What is this creature’s name? (Koala) <$> My first is in kendo but not in Olympics, My second is in hurdles and in hunting, My third is in bowman and in bowling. My fourth is in cycling and in golf, My fifth is in flying and not in swimming, My last is in running and not in dancing, My whole is a sport. (Kung Fu) <?> My first is foremost legally, My second circles outwardly, My third leads all to victory. 218
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> My fourth twice ends a nominee, My whole is this riddle's only key. (Love) < $> Guess the word of two syllables. First syllable: This little word can include us all, Be only one, be large or small. Second syllable: A portion of time; no stated amount, Applied to yourself, it's not a big count. Whole word: Look after things; take charge in fact, Be able to, to be exact. (Man + age = manage) < $> My first wears my second; My third might be what my first would Acquire if he went to the sea. Put together my one, two, three, And the belle of New York is the girl for me. What one word am I? (Manhattan) Ф My first is often at the front door, My second is found in the cereal family, My third is what most people want, My whole is one of the United States. (Matrimony (mat rye money). Which is certainly a «united state») <§><$-<§> 219
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... < $> Му first is a negative prefix, Му second is a preposition, My third we use when speaking about music, My whole is unhappiness... (Misfortune) < s> My first is in Comb but not in Brush, My second’s in Loud but never in Hush, My third is in Nanny but not in Goat, My fourth’s in Oar and also in Boat, My fifth is in Scarf and also in Jacket, My sixth is in Parcel but not in Packet, My seventh’s in Geese and also in Hens, My whole is an elegant single lens. (Monocle) <e> Alone, 1 am nothing, With В, I am purchased, With F, I am struggled, With N, I am nothing again With 5,1 am looked for. (Ought) <$> My first three letters are a term for the golf, While my second, third, and fourth are drawings. My first four are less than a whole, And all of me is a celebration. (Party) My first is in pay but not in clay My second is in people but not in pray, My third is in orange but not in grain, 220
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•>*§> My fourth is in canvas but not is same, My last in yellow but not in green, I am a flower often seen. (Peony) Ф My first is twice in apple but not once in tart, My second is in liver but not in heart. My third is in giant and also in ghost, Whole I am best when I am roast. (Pig) I am a word of six letters: Without my 5, 6, I am a scheme; Without my 1, 6,1 am a narrow path; Without my 5, I am a vegetable organism; Without my 4, 5, 1 am to lay out in plots; Without my 1,2, 5, I am an insect; My whole is a heavenly body. (Planet) Ф Words of six letters, anagrams three, Tell me then, what they can be? The first: A person that will marry you, Waiting to hear the words «I do». The second: A ghost, a spirit, or fairy; If it's evil, you'd best be wary. The third: What you see when you sec a skunk, Lucky you've not an elephant's trunk. <§><$»<$> 221
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском ялике... (Priest = a person that will marry you, sprite = a ghost, spirit, or fairy, stripe = what you see when you see a skunk) Ф I am a word of seven letters: Without my I, 5, 7,1 am a garment, Without my 2, 4, 5, 7,1 am a poet, Without my 1,4, 7, I am a character, Without my 4, 5,1 am a preface. Without my 5, 7, I am an inquiry, My whole is a difficult matter. (Problem) < $> My first is in RAT, but not in MOUSE, My second is in MANSION, but not in HOUSE, My third is in LADY, but not in MAN, My fourth is in BILL, but not in DAN, My fifth is in NOTICE, and also in MENTION, The whole is the name of a wonderful invention. (Radio) < §> Three 5-Ietter words, Anagrams of each other. One is a cloth, The second a spot, The third is at home with the Father. (Satin — a silky fabric, stain — a discoloration or spot, saint — a spirit in Heaven) < $> Find the word of two syllables. First syllabic: Suffered a cut? But this you may find, 222 ф <$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls (When the story is told) is then left behind. Second syllable: Permission is given, no ban to impose, Agreement is reached, or so wc suppose. Whole word: So vivid the tint, so bright to behold. You’ll find it in flowers, or so I've been told. (Scar + let = Scarlet) Ф An anagram riddle to tease you: Three five-letter words, each gets one clue. A guillotine's use, An act to get deuce, And what you are reading now in view. (Sever = the guillotine is used for beheading, serve = in tennis, to put the ball into play, deuce be- ing a score, verse = the poem that you are reading) Ф 1 am a word that’s hardly there. Take away my start, and I am a herbal flair. (Sparsley, no «s» = Parsley) <$> First think of the person who lives in disguise, Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies. Next tell me what's always the last thing to mend, The middle of the middle and end of the end? Finally give me the sound often heard During the search for a hard-to-find word. Now string them together, and answer me this, What creature would you be unwilling to kiss? (Spider) ^> <$><§> 223
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... < $> As a whole, I am both safe and secure, Behead me, and 1 become a place for a meeting, Behead me again, and I become the partner of ready, Restore me, and I become the domain of beasts. (Stable) < $> Read forward, I am heavy, Read backward, 1 am not. (Ton) < $> In the beginning, nobody will object. That I am the matter, issue, and subject, Change the third, then I become Poisonous, hazardous, even fatal to some, Change it again and then you’ll find me, In the bars and pubs of the city. (Topic, Toxic. Tonic) < $> I am a set of three words. All with the same four letters. First I am a type of carriage, Then switch my middle letters, And I am a cover often useful on a diamond. Now switch my end letters... When you see me, you also see hair. (Trap = a light one-horse carriage, tarp = a canvas cover, one use is to protect a baseball dia- mond from rain, part = the line that divides hair. when combing) My first is what we say when we agree, My second is the first syllabic of the word «terribly», 224 <§><$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> My third is the antonym of «night», My whole is the day before today... (Yesterday) Ф My first is what we do when your hands arc dirty. My second is the suffix of Participle I, My third is the letter that comes after «s», My fourth is a preposition, My whole is the capital of a state... (Washington) <$> My first is in WELL, but not in ILL, My second is in PAY, but not in BILL, My third is in FAST, and also in SLOW, My fourth is in H I G H, but not in LOW, My fifth is in WIN, but not in LOSE, My sixth is in STOCKING, but not in SHOES, My seventh is in RIGHT, and also in WRONG, My eighth is in CHANT, but not in SONG, My ninth is in ONLY, but not in ME RE, My tenth is in LISTEN, but not in HEAR, The whole is the name of a patriot true, Who gave glorious service to the Red, White and Blue. (Washington) <$> We begin flat as mirrors, and become, at times, a perfect circle. We inspire poets and romantics, and elicit fear in the most courageous. Although not emotional, we have our monthly moods, <§><$>«§> 225 t) Зэк 14
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... We carry the daring on our backs, yet stomp the same and others, Wc are spawned by a 2/3 interest in the holder of our residence, who is often a silent partner. /FK/ve.v? <$> To five a fourth of five append, One-third of one take then; Let fifty follow, and to end Affix two-thirds of ten. Two-thirds of this will yield sweet sounds. The whole with perfume sweet abounds. (VIOLET, composed chiefly of Roman numerals)
SARCASTIC RIDDLES-JOKES Ф What do you call a deaf dinosaur? - Anything you like, he can't hear you! What is brown and sticky? — A stick. < $> Why do witches fly on brooms? - Because vacuum cleaner cords aren’t long enough! < $> Why are there fences around cemeteries? - Because people arc dying to get in. < $> Who did Frankenstein take to the proms? - His ghoul friend. < S> Why do ghouls like to hang out with demons? - Be- cause demons arc a ghouls best friend! Ф Did you hear the one about the woman who spent all day and night learning how to cast spells? - She wanted to be a witch quickly. Ф How can you tell that vampires likes baseball? - Every night they turns into bats. <§><$>^> 227
<§><•><§> Загадки па английском языке... <$> A skeleton was at the witches' Halloween party ball. Why didn’t he dance? - He had no body to dance them. Which building docs Dracula visit in New York? - The Vampire State Building. <$> What part of your body is like a musical instrument? - Your nose, because you can pick it and blow it. Ф How do you make a witch itch? - Take away her W. <^> What is the difference between a cat and a complex sentence? - A cat has claws at the end of its paws, and a complex sentence has a pause at the end of its clause. Ф What has four wheels and flies? - The town garbage wagon. Ф What is a difference between a grandmother and a granary? - One is one’s bom kin, the other is one's com-bin. When is an old hat like a deposed king? - When it has lost its crown. * Игра слов: a crown 1. корона, 2. верх шапки. <s> How many animals did Moses take on the ark? - Moses didn't take anything on the ark. Noah did! 228
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§»<•><§> <s> If a rooster laid an egg on top of a pointed- roof hen- house, which side would the egg roll off? - Neither. A rooster can’t lay eggs. There was a big alligator walking down the street with a little alligator. The little alligator was the big alligator's son, but the big alligator wasn't the little alligator’s father. Who was the big alligator? - The little alligator's mother. <$> If an electric train travels ninety miles an hour in the west direction, and the wind is blowing from the north, in which direction will the smoke blow? — There is no smoke from an electric train. <$> Who can jump higher than a house? - Anyone! A house can’t jump. <e> Two fathers and two sons went fishing. Each fisher- man caught a fish, but only three fish were caught. How is this possible? - A boy, his father, and his grandfather went fishing together. At this moment, everyone in the world is doing the same tiling. What is it? - Getting older. <$> If you dropped a tomato on your toe, would it hurt much? - Yes, if it was in a can. <$> How much dirt is there in a hole exactly one foot deep and one foot wide? — None. A hole is empty. <$> <♦><§> 229
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... Ф Two teachers teach al the same school. One is the father of the other's son. What relation are they to each other? - Husband and wife. <$> What can you hold in your left hand, but not in your right hand? - Your right elbow. Can a man living in New York be buried in Califor- nia? -No! He’s still living! Ф A man who worked in a butcher shop was six feet tall and wore size eleven shoes. What did he weigh? - Meat. <$> What is the best exercise for losing weight? - Push- ing yourself away from the table. <$> What's the difference between a hill and a pill? - One is hard to get up, the other is hard to get down. Ф What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, and not once in a hundred years? - The letter «m». Ф Which is better: "The house burned down" or "The house burned up"? - Neither. They’re both bad! Ф What is the similarity between "Z + Z = 5" and your left hand? - Neither is right. Ф What can be right, but never wrong? - An angle. 230
Riddles for Boys and Girls <£ What is it that a man can use for shaving, polishing his shoes, and sleeping in? — Л razor, a brush, and a pair of pajamas. < «> What is all over the house? - The roof. < $> What is a UFB? —An Unidentified Flying Banana. < $> Why did the piano student put her head on the pi- ano? - Because she wanted to play by car. < $> Why did the man quit his job as a garbage collec- tor? - He was always down in the dumps. Ф Why did the teenager put his clock in the oven? - He wanted to have a hot time. < §> Why did the fanner plant sugar cubes? — Because he wanted to raise Cain. Ф Who has the strongest fingers in the world? - A mi- ser, because he’s always pinching pennies. Ф Why was the mother flea so sad? - Because her chil- dren were going to the dogs. Ф Why did the student always take cold baths? - Be- cause he didn't want to get into hot water. When can a man be six feet tall and be short at the same time? — When he is short of money. ^><$>^> 231
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... Ф What happens to a refrigerator when you pull its plug? - It loses its cool. <5> Why did the teenager girl put sugar under her pil- low? - She wanted to have sweet dreams. Ф What happened when the icicle landed on the man's head? - It knocked him with cold. Ф Why are comedians like doctors? - They keep peo- ple in stitches. Ф What is the first thing that a gardener puts in the garden? - His foot. Ф Where is the ocean deepest? - On the bottom. <$> On what side of a school does an oak tree grow, traditionally? — On the outside. Ф Do you say «Nine and five arc thirteen,» or «Nine and five is thirteen»? - Neither. Nine and five is fourteen. What is the perfect cure for dandruff? - Baldness. Ф What do you call a person who doesn’t have all his fingers on one hand? — Normal. Ф What's the best thing to take when you arc run over? - The license plate number of the car that hit you. 232 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <$><$> <^ < $> How many months have twenty-eight days? — All of them. < §> Name five things that contain milk. - Icc cream, cheese...and three cows. < $> What's the best way to find a pin in a nig? - Take off your shoes and walk around barefoot. < $> How many bricks docs it take to finish a house? - Only one—the last one! < $> Why is it so hard to open a piano? - Because the keys are inside. Ф Why did the mother owl not worry about her baby? - Because it doesn't give a hoot! < §> What do you call a man-made reservoir? — Fake lake. What did the fish say hit the side of his glass bowl at 50 miles per hour? - «Damn.» Ф What do you call a 100 year old ant ? - An antique. < e> What do you call an ant who likes to be alone? - An independent. < S> What do you call an ant who skips school? - A truant. < $> What games to ants play with elephants? - Squash. «§><•><§> 233
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... What is the biggest ant in the world? —An elephant. What kind of ant is good at math? - An accountant. What is it that no one wishes to have yet no one wishes to lose? - A bald head. Where did Pilgrims land when they arrived in America? — On their feet. < s> Who succeeded the first President? - The second one. < $> When is the best time to have lunch? - After break- fast. What animal uses a nutcracker? - A toothless squir- rel. What can be heard and caught but never seen? - A remark. Ф What kind of clothes do lawyers wear? - Lawsuits. What do you have if an ax falls on your car? - An ax-i-dent (accident). < $> Who is in the army and is corny? — A colonel (kernel). Ф What do you call a man when a Marine sits on him? - Submarine. 234
Riddles for Boys and Girls «§><><§> < §> When should you strike a match? - Only when it becomes violent. Ф What makes a man bald-headed? - Lack of hair. < $> What always ends everything? - The letter «g». What is it that one which needs most in the long run? - Your brcatlt. < $> What animal keeps the best time? - A watchdog. < $> Why should you always carry a watch when cross- ing a desert? - Because it has a spring in it. Ф A man went on a trip on Friday, stayed for 2 days and returned on Friday. How is that possible? - Fri- day is a horse. < $> How do you get to Carnegie Hall? - Practice, prac- tice, practice. < $> What is the second most used letter in the English language? Hint: it is also the first letter of the most used word in the English language. - The letter «t». < $> How can you avoid hitting your fingers when driv- ing in a nail with a hammer? - Hold the hammer with both hands. < $> Why did the bubble gum cross the road? - It was stuck on the bottom of the chicken's foot. <§><•><§> 235
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> What walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs in the afternoon, and 3 legs in the evening? - A man - crawls as a baby, then walks on 2 feet, then uses a cane (3 legs) as an old man. <$> What 5 letter word can have its last 4 letters re- moved and still sound the same? QUEUE, remove «UEUE», say Q. Q and queue are pronounced the same. If you sec a bird sitting on a twig, how could you get the twig without disturbing the bird? - Wait until the bird flics away. <$> When is a yellow dog most likely to enter a house? - When the door is open. <§> What has a head like a cat, feet like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat? - A kitten. <$> When is a doctor most annoyed? - When he is out of «patients». <S> Why isn’t your nose twelve inches long? - Because it would then be a foot. <$> What has five eyes, but cannot sec? The Mississippi River, (litter i) <§> What is it that by losing an eye has nothing left but a nose? - The word NOISE. <$> What has a foot on each end and one in the middle? — A yardstick. 236
Riddles for Boys and Girls Ф Which one of our Presidents had the largest shoes? — The president with the largest feet. <$> Sonic months have thirty days and some months have thirty-one days. How many months have twen- ty-eight days? - All twelve months have 28 days. Some have more as well. <$> Compose a grammatical and sensible sentence in which all words begin with the same sound and yet none begin with the same letter. — Pneumonic gnomes knew mnemonic names. <s> Now compose a grammatical and sensible sentence in which all words begin with the same letter and yet none begin with the same sound. - Ptomaine poisons Pnom-Penh’s psychedelic philosophers. <$> What is the difference between a fanner and a seam- stress? - One gathers what he sows, the other sews what she gathers. <$> What was given to you, belongs to you exclusively and yet is used more by your friends than by your- self? - Your name. <s> What is it that we often return but never borrow? - Thanks. <$> Every time you stand up, you lose this. What is it? — Your lap. 237
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... Ф What is the hardest thing to deal with? - An old deck of cards. <e> What is the difference between an oak tree and a tight shoe? - One makes acorns, the other makes coms ache. <$> How are a jeweler and a jailer alike? - The jeweler sells watches and (he jailer watches cells. < $> Why was it so hard to find Abe Lincoln in Washing- ton DC? - They were using his Gettysburg Address. < $> Where did King Arthur Icam to joust? - In Knight school. < $> How much water can you put into an empty 2 quart jar? - None, it would not be empty. < S> What stars should you stay away from? - Shooting stars. < $> What can you count on no matter what? - Your fin- gers or toes (or both!). Ф Why would you put money in a freezer? - To get some cold, hard cash. <§> What is six inches long, soft and pliable, and women like to hold it in their hands and blow it? - A hun- dred-dollar bill. 238
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§» <e> What letter is like a buck’s tail? - The letter «п» is at the end of venison. <$> Which is correct to say, «The yolk of the egg are white» or «The yolk of the egg is white»? - Neither, the yolk of the egg is yellow. <$> What kind of people are always in a hurry? - Rus- sians. Ф Explain the difference between a man going upstairs and a man looking upstairs. - One man is stepping up the stairs, the other is staring up the steps. <$> What can you put in a barrel that makes it lighter, yet has no density and takes up no space? - If you thought of helium you were wrong. It is a hole. Ф What do you call a man who spent all summer at the beach? - Tangent. <$> What do you say when you see an empty parrot cage? - Polygon. <$> What do you call a crushed angle? - A rectangle. <S> What did the Italian say when the witch doctor re- moved the curse? - Hexagon. <$> What did the little acorn say when he grew up? — Geometry. 239
ф<$>^> Загадки на английском языке... < s> What do you call an angle which is adorable? - Acute angle. Ф What do you use to tic up a package? - A chord. < $> What do you call more than one L? - A parallel. Ф What do you call people who arc in favor of trac- tors? - Protractors. Ф What should you do when it rains? - Гаке an um- brella. Ф Why did the kid put sugar under his pillow? - So he would have sweet dreams. < $> Why did the farmer cross the road? - To check on the chicks. Ф Why did the kid throw a bucket of waler out the window? - He wanted to see a waterfall. Ф Why did the kid throw a bucket of butter out the window? - He wanted to sec a butterfly. < $> What doesn’t get any wetter no matter how much it rains? - The ocean. Ф A guy went out in pouring rain with no umbrella or hat or anything. Not a hair on his head got wet. How come? - He was bald. He didn't have a hair on his head. 240
Riddles for Boys and Girls <@> <$><§> < $> What is an alligator’s favorite drink? - Water. < $> What kind of cheese isn't yours? — Nacho cheese. < $> Why did the kid cross the park? - To get to the other side. < $> Why are E.T’s eyes so big? - Your eyes would be big too if you saw the size of his phone bill. < s> Why did the cucumber blush? - It saw the salad dressing. Ф Why didn’t the chicken cross the road? - Because he was too chicken. < $> How much do pirates pay for their carrings? - Buc- caneer. Ф When is a car not a car? - When it turns into a ga- rage. < e> What happens when an elephant swallows you? You run around until you get pooped out. < $> What's the difference between a good hair cut and a bad one? - Two weeks. < $> How many sides docs a circle have? The inside and the outside. 241
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... < S> What did the camel wear when he went into the jun- gle to hunt? - Camelflage. < §> Why was the mouse crying? - He found out his dad was a rat. Ф What are two things people never eat before break- fast? - Lunch and supper. Why did the man put the clock in the safe? - He wanted to save time. < $> Where is the ocean the deepest? - On the bottom. < $> Why did the man throw his watch out of the win- dow? — He wanted to see time fly. < $> How many legs does an ant have? - Two, the same as an uncle. (Hint: ant = aunt) Ф How many people arc buried in that cemetery? - All of them. What can't be used until it's broken? - An egg. < $> What do tigers have that no other animals have? Baby ligers. Why is number six afraid? - Because seven eight nine (seven ate nine). 242 ф <•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> < $> How do you know when a motorcycle policeman is happy? - He has bugs on his teeth. < $> What did zero say to eight? - Nice belt. Ф What did number 1 say to 7? - Nice hair < s> What letter can do the work in one day that you can do in two days? - W (Double u Double you) < s> Why do not we need a compass at the North Pole? - Because every direction is south. Ф What is as big as a horse but doesn't weigh any- thing? The horse’s shadow. < $> Do you know why birds Пу to south in the winter? — Because it's too far to walk there. Ф What arc the 3 important rings in life? - Engage- ment ring, Wedding ring, and suffering. < $> Why didn't the skeleton go to the dance? - He didn't have anybody to take, (any BODY) < $> Why did the student take a ladder to school? - Be- cause hc/she was going to high school. < $> What arc the two strongest days of the week? They are Saturday and Sunday. - ЛИ the others arc weak (week) days. <§><»<§> 243
^> <$><§> Загадки на английском языке... How far can a dog run into the forest? Halfway, after that he is running out of the forest. Ф What do you call a bear without an «ear»? - BBBBBBB <$> Which is faster, heal or cold? - Heat, because you can catch a cold. Ф How many apples can you cat if your stomach is empty? - After eating one apple your stomach isn't empty. Why did Mickey Mouse go to outer space? — To find Pluto. Ф What is the difference between the capital of Russia and a calfs mother? - One is Moscow, the other is a cow's Ma. Ф What do you call a Spaniard who can't find his car? - Carlos. (It's pronounced «earless» (meaning without a car) Ф What’s the difference between electricity and light- ening? - You do not have to pay for lightening. <$> What's the difference between a TEACHER and a CONDUCTOR ? - A teacher TRAINS the MIND and a conductor MINDS the TRAIN. 244
Riddles for Boys and Girls <$> What do you call a witch at the beach? - A sand- wich. <$> Why did the traffic signal turn red? - You would too if you had to change in the middle of the street. <$> What's the difference between a lion with toothache and a wet day? - One's roaring with pain the other's pouring with rain. <$> Why are baseball stadiums so cool? - There is a fan in every scat. <$> Why were screams coming from the kitchen? - The cook was beating the eggs. <§> What has a foot on each side and one in the mid- dle? - A yardstick. <$> What docs no man want, yet no man wants to lose? - Work - employment. <$> What is filled every morning and emptied every night, except once a year when it is filled at night and emptied in the morning? - A Christmas stocking. <e> What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it? - Short. <$> What word in the English language uses all five vowels plus Y in alphabetical order and uses each one only once? - Facetiously. 245
<§><•>«§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> What do you get when you cross a duck with a com- puter? — A quackintosh. Ф What do you call a person who speaks 3 languag- es? — Tri-Lingual. Ф What do you call a person who speaks two languag- es? - Bi-Lingual. <$> What do you call a person who speaks one lan- guage? - An American. What do you call a fish without an eye? - Fsh. (Hint: No «eye» = No «i») <$> What has thirteen hearts but no body and no soul? - A pack of playing cards. Ф What do you call a fish that only cares about him- self? - Selfish. Ф Why couldn’t Mozart find his teacher? - Because the teacher was Hayden. (Hayden — > Hidin' —> Hiding) Ф What's a minimum? - A very small mother! (mini- mom) Why can't a bicycle stand on its own? - Because it's two-tired (too tired) 246 <§><><$>
Middles for Boys and Girls < 3> What's got a head and a tail, but no body? - A coin. < $> What’s got a wave but no sea? - My hair < $> What has three feet but no legs or arms? - A yard Where does a boxer who weighs 135 kilograms sit on a bus? -Wherever he wants to. < t> What makes «oom» and gives milk? - A cow walk- ing backwards. < $> What docs a man say when he walks into a bar? - Ouch! < $> What do cows like to read? - The mooooospaper. < $> What is the longest word? - Smiles, because there is a mile between the first and last s. < j> What is the word that everybody always says wrong? - «Wrong». < $> What’s the longest word in the dictionary’? - Rub- ber-band - because it streches. Ф How many seconds arc there in one year? - Twelve. January second, February second, .March second... < $> What two days of the week stall with the letter «Т»? Tuesday and Thursday? - No, today and tomorrow! O<§> 247
ффф За1адки на английском языке... Ф What did the doughnut say to the loaf of bread? — If I had as much dough as you, I wouldn't be hang- ing around this hole. Ф Why did the pony have a sore throat? - Because it was a little horse, (hoarse) Ф Is there a word in the English language that uses all the vowels including «у»? Unquestionably! Ф Why do birds fly south for the winter? - Because it's too far to walk. Ф What is the tallest building in our town? - The li- brary. (It has the most stories.) Ф If you are Russian before you enter the bathroom and Finnish after you leave the bathroom, what are you when you are in the bathroom? - European. (You arc a-peein’.) Ф What do you call a test lube that graduates from high school? - A graduated cylinder Ф Why did God create the man before he created the woman? The answer that men give: To give him the chance to enjoy Heaven on Earth for a few mo- ments. The answer that women give: Everyone makes a draft first! Ф How did Jonah feel after he got swallowed by a fish? - Down in the mouth. 248 ффф
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> <$> What did the monk say to the hotdog vendor? - Make me one with everything. < $> What did the fish say when he hit the wall? - Damn! < ♦> What did one light bulb say to another light bulb? - You are the light of my life. < $> Why did (he golfer wear two pairs of trousers? - In case he got a hole in one! < e> What flowers have two lips? - Tulips. < $> They travel all over the world but end up in the cor- ner, what are they? - Stamps < $> Ten copycats were sitting in a boat, and one jumped out. How many were left? — None. They were all copycats. < $> Why do cows have bells? - Because their horns do not work. < ♦> Why do seagulls fly over the sea? - Because if they flew over the bay, they would be bagels! <$> What’s the difference between a trampoline and an English textbook? - You take off your shoes before jumping on a trampoline. 249
ф <•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> Why were (he little drops of ink crying? Their mother was in the pen and they did not know how long her sentence would be. <$> How many sheep docs it take to make one wool sweater? - I didn’t even know sheep could knit? <e> What's a teacher’s favorite nation? Expla-nation. Ф What's the most colorful state of USA? - Color-ado. In what state does it cost the most to live in? - Ex- pcnnsylvania. Ф What do you call Santa's helpers? - Subordinate Clauses. How do you top a car? - Tep on the brake, tupid! <$> Do you know where people send a horse when it is sick? - To a horsepital. <§> What did the doctor say when the invisible man called to make an appointment? - Tell him I can't see him today. <§> Which 'BUS' could cross the ocean? - Columbus! Ф What a bee says when it gets in the hive? - Hi Hon- ey! I am home! 250 <§><£«§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$> «j» How do you catch a squirrel? - Climb a tree and act like a nut ! <$> What do you call a deer with no eyes? - No idea. (No eye deer) <$> Where do cows go for entertainment? - They go to the mooovies! Ф What's the difference between a musician and a sav- ings bond? - A savings bond eventually matures and cams money. <$> What color is a guitar string? — Plink’ (It is the sound the a guitar makes. The word sounds like the color «pink».) <$> What goes «ZUB, ZUB»? - A bee flying backwards (Buz, Buz) Ф How do porcupines kiss each other? - Very care- fully. <$> Why did the chicken cross the road? - To get to the other side. <$> Why did the turkey cross the road? - Because the chicken was on vacation. <$> Why did the baby cross the road? - Because it was stapled to the chicken. <§><•><§> 251
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... • $> Why did the germ cross the microscope? - To get to the other slide! < $> Why did the chewing-gum cross the road? — Because it was stuck to the chickens foot. < $> Why did the chicken cross the road? - To show the possum it could be done. < $> Why do people call their own language their mother tongue? - Because their fathers seldom get a chance to use it. Ф A big moron and a little moron arc walking across a bridge when the big moron falls ofT. Why didn't the little moron fall off? - He was a little more on. < J> Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth? - Mt.Everest. < $> What didn't Adam and Eve have that everyone else has? — Parents. < $> When docs a dialect become a language? - When its speakers get an army and a navy. Ф What is a Honeymoon Salad? - Lettuce alone with- out any dressing. Ф Why is it impossible to starve in the desert? - Be- cause of all the sandwiches (sand which is) there. 252
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><£><§> < §> Why do not sharks cat clowns? — Because they taste funny. < $> What is it that goes up and goes down but does not move? - The temperature. < «> To what question can you never answer «yes»? - A few actually... Offical Answer: Arc you sleeping? Others: Are you dead? :) What's the opposite of yes? Are you me? Ф What are tears? - The greatest water power known to women. < $> A sundial is a timepiece that has the fewest number of moving parts. Which timepiece has the most moving parts? - An hourglass. < $> If today is Monday, what is the day after the day be- fore the day before tomorrow? - Monday, of course. What is it that when you take away the whole, you still have some left over? - Wholesome. Ф How could a cowboy ride into town on Friday, stay two days, and ride out on Friday? - His horse’s name is Friday. < s> Scientists have proven that cats have more hair on one side then their other side. Some people believe that this is because when cats lay on their side they <§><•><§> 253
<^><$> <^> Загадки на английском языке... need insulation from the cold on the floor or ground. Which side of a cat has more hair? - Well Duh’ The outside of the Cat of course! <$> What is the noblest musical instrument? - An up- right piano. Ф What insect docs a blacksmith manufacture? - He makes the firefly. A hundred feet in the air, but it's back is on the ground. - A centipede flipped over.
LOGIC RIDDLES <$> A man was driving a black truck through a busy town. His lights were not on. The moon was not out. Suddenly a young girl stepped on the road. The man swerved to avoid her.But how did he see her? Лмуж?г.- It was a bright, sunny day. <§> Л flight from New York, carrying people from America, Canada and France was heading towards Glasgow Airport. Suddenly as the plane approached the Scottish coastline there was an almighty explo- sion. The aeroplane crashed into the sea close to the Isle of Mull. Where should the survivors be buried? Answer: Probably nowhere - if is very unusual to bury the survivors of an accident! <$> You arc in a house with 4 windows, which all are faced South, a bear walks by. What colour is the Bear? Answer: White. Since all the windows face south, the house must be at the North Pole. Thus the bear is a Polar Bear. <^<*><^ 255
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... <s> A man and his son were in a car accident. The man died on the way to the hospital, but the boy was rushed into surgery. The surgeon said «I can't oper- ate, for that's my son!» How is this possible? Answer: The surgeon was the boy's mother. <t> A man lives on the twelfth floor of a building. Every day he takes the elevator to go down to the ground floor to go to work or to go shopping. When he re- turns he takes the elevator to the tenth floor and walks up the stairs to reach his apartment on the twelfth floor. He hates climbing stairs, so why does he do it? Answer: The man is too small to reach the but- ton for the twelfth floor. How much dirt is there in a hole that is 6 ft deep, and 10 inches in diameter? Answer: None. A hole only has air in it, no dirt. <$> Dharam turns off (he light in his bedroom. The light switch is twenty feet from the bed, but he still man- ages to get into his bed before it is dark. How does he do it? Answer: He goes to bed when there is still day- light. <$> Why did the one handed man cross the road? Answer: To get to the second hand store. <s> Two grandmothers, with their two granddaughters, Two husbands, with their two wives, Two fathers, with their two daughters, 256
Riddles for Boys and Girls Two mothers, with their two sons, Two maidens, with their two mothers, Two sisters, with their (wo brothers, Yet only six in all lie buried here. All born legitimate, from incest clear. Explain how this may be. Answer: Two widows each had a son. and each widow married the son of (he other and then each had a daughter. <$> Four men sat down to play, They played all night till break of day, They played for gold and not for fun With separate scores for everyone. When they came to square accounts. They all had made quite fair amounts. Can you this paradox explain. If no one lost, how could all gain? Answer: They were not playing against each other. <S> As I went to St. Ives, 1 met a man with seven wives; Each wife had seven sacks, Each sack had seven cats, Each cat had seven kits, Kits, cats, sacks, and wives. How many were going to St. Ives? Answer: There is just one person going to St. Ives. Ф There are two dogs sitting on a porch - one dog is fat and one is thin. The little dog is the son of the fat dog, but the fat dog is not the father of (he thin dog. Can you explain? Answer: The fat dog is the mother. <§><•><§> 257 ') зак 14
Загадки на английском языке... <t> Steve, a party magician, is carrying three pieces of gold each piece weighing one kilogram. On the way to a session he comes to a bridge which has a sign posted saying the bridge could hold only a maxi- mum of 80 kilograms. Steve weighs 78 kilograms and the gold weighs three kilograms. He reads the sign and still safely crossed the bridge with all the gold. How did he manage this? Answer: Sieve is a juggler When he came to the bridge he juggled the gold, always keeping one piece in the air. <$> I was walking down Mulberry Lane 1 met a man doing the same He tipped his hat and drew his cane And in this rhyme I said his name What was the man’s name? Answer: Andrew - check the third line <§> Л rich man's son was kidnapped. The ransom note told him to bring a valuable diamond to a phone booth in the middle of a public park. Plainclothes police officers surrounded the park, intending to fol- low the criminal or his messenger. The rich man ar- rived at the phone booth and followed instructions but the police were powerless to prevent the dia- mond from leaving the park and reaching die crafty villain. How did the kidnaper get away with the valuable diamond? Answer: This is a true story which happened in Taiwan. When the rich man reached the phone booth he found a carrier pigeon in a cage. Il had 258
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> a message attached telling the man to put the dia- mond in a small hag which was around the pigeon's neck and to release the bird. When the man did this the police were powerless to follow the bird as it returned across the city to its owner. <$> Does the Moslem religion allow a man to marry his widow’s sister? Answer: A dead man can't marry anyone — no matter what his religion! Ф If two boys and a girl can beat their father in a tug- of-war, but their mother can win against a boy and two girls, who should win a contest between the fa- ther and a girl against the other and a boy? Answer: The mother and boy. Pitting the 2 win- ning teams against the 2 losing teams (boy + boy 4- girl 4- mother versus father 4- boy 4- girl 4- girl) will obviously result in a win for boy 4- boy 4- girl 4- Mother over father 4- boy 4- girl 4- girl. Take a girl and boy away from each side, and boy 4- mother must still beat father + girl. PHEW. <$> A long, long time ago - before airplanes were in- vented, a suspension bridge was being built to span the gorge near Niagara Falls. However, there was no way a boat could carry the necessary suspen- sion cables across the violent water, and the bridge could not be built until the cables spanned the river. In desperation, the builders staged a contest, open to the public, as a way to solve their problem. The con- test was won by a young boy. Soon afterwards, the <§»<$><§> 259 9*
<§><><§» Загадки на английском языке... cables spanned the water. What countries did they stage the contest? What was the contest and how did it solve the problem? Answer: The builders of the bridge offer a prize to the first person to fly a kite from the American side to the Canadian side. Once the kite string made the crossing, a heavier cord was tied to this string and it was pulled across. This process continued in succession using heavier cords and ropes until the first cable spanned the river. Ф A steady stream of people enter Mike’s place of business and remove its treasured belongings. The people do not pay for what they take. Mike allows them to take as much as they can carry as long as they keep their mouths shut. What arc the people taking and which type of business employs Mike? Answer: Mike works in a library and the people are taking books. <$> An elderly man is going for a walk. Two young men in excellent physical condition arc directly behind him, sprinting toward him. No matter how fast they run, they do not catch up with the man. Why can’t the men catch up with the elderly man and where arc al! three people? Answer: The three people are on treadmills in a gym. <$> A cowboy rides into town on Tuesday. He has trav- elled far and is tired, so he decides to stay in the town's hotel. He rides out of town on Sunday. He 260 <§><$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls hasn’t left town in the meantime or stayed any- where else, but he only pays for the hotel for two nights. How docs he do it, without breaking the law? Answer: The cowboys horse is called Tuesday. So he could ride into town on Tuesday but the day was Friday. Abraham had always lived in the same country and never traveled out of the country. He was bom 11 years ago but only three days could he really call his birthday. How can this be? Answer: Abraham was born on the 29 th of Feb- ruary — during the 11 years since he was born there have only been three leap years. <$> A woman lives in a skyscraper thirty-six floors high and served by several elevators which stop at each floor going up and down. Each morning she leaves her apartment and goes to one of the elevators. Whichever one she takes is three times more likely to be going up than down. Why? Answer: She lives on the 27thfloor. The elevator came down the 36th to the 28th-9 floors, or it came up the 1st to the 27th-27floors. Therefore there is a 3 in 1 chance of it going up rather than down. <$> There was a man one night. He started to run straight forward. Then he turned left. Soon after, he turned left again. Then he started running towards home. When he got home there were 2 masked men wait- ing for him. Who were they? 261
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... Answer: The man running was a baseball player. The 2 masked men were the catcher and the umpire. <$> Brothers Mark and Ben arc twins. They have no other brothers or sisters. At their birthday party Su- san asks them what age they are. Mark says he is fifteen. Ben says that he is only fourteen. Both boys are telling the truth. How can this be? Answer: Mark was born just before midnight but his brother was born after midnight. So (hey have birthdays on different days. <5> Tom and Sam arc twins. Tom was bom on the 16th of May and Sam on the 7th October. How can this be? Answer: Although both boys are twins they arc not brothers. <s> A man is wearing black. Black shoes, socks, trou- sers, jumper, gloves, and balaclava. He is walking down a black street with all the street lamps off. A black car is coming toward him with its lights off too, but somehow manages to stop in time. How did the driver sec the man? Answer: It's daytime. <$> Kevin likes the opera but not the ballet. He has a boxer but won't get a bulldog. He will travel to Colorado but not Alaska. He collects dimes but not nickels. Does he like bananas or grapes? Answer: Kevin likes bananas. He likes words that alternate vowels and consonants, like his name. 262
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> Ф A boy leaves his house one summer day, and be- gan to run into the wood to his grandmother’s house which is on the other side of the woods. It should also be known that the boy reached his grandmoth- er’s house. How far did the boy run into the woods? Answer: Halfway because once you reach the m iddle, you are running out of the woods. <§> Carl Jones introduced Roger Smith to his friend as his «Uncle Roger'». Roger Smith introduced Carl Jones to his friend as his «Uncle Carl». «If you are uncles to each other.» said one of the friends, «you must also be nephews to each other.» «That's cor- rect,» replied Carl. Since there has been no breach of marriage law, how can you explain such a rela- tionship? Answer: Two men, A and В marry each other's mother. One son was born to each marriage, in this case. Carl Jones and Roger Smith. Carl's fa- ther is A, and his half brother is B. Also. Roger's father is B, and his half brother is A; therefore, Carl and Roger are both uncle and nephew to each other. Ф A large truck is crossing a bridge 1 mile long. The bridge can only hold 14000 lbs, which is the ex- act weight of the truck. The truck makes it half way across the bridge and stops. A bird lands on the truck. Does the bridge collapse? Give a reason. Answer: No it does not collapse. Because it has driven a half mile -you would subtract the gas used from the total weight of the truck. 263
<§><•>«§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> Sue is traveling by ship from south of the equator to the north. She has a nice little cabin with a bath- room, but no window. Sue has no compass nor other instruments. Just the general luggage one brings on board a long cruise. Yet, without leaving her room or talking with anyone. Sue will be able to tell when the ship has crossed the equator. How? Answer: Sue can fill the sink and watch it drain. When the water reverses direction when going down the drain, she will know they have crossed (he equator. <$> How high would you have to count before you would use the letter A in the English language spell- ing of a whole number. Answer: One thousand. If you answered one hundred and one, it is incorrect. The number 101 should be spelled one hundred one. <$> In the local spelling bee, Jane beat Alice, Zena beat Billy. Tom was beaten by Billy but beat Jane. Jane was neither first nor last. Who was last? Answer: Alice (Zena, Billy, Tom. Jane then Alice). <§> Maggie bought a bottle of perfume for her only sis- ter's mother-in-law's only son's daughter. What rela- tionship was she to Maggie? Answer: Her niece. <$> After two years, Dave was stepping down from be- ing the treasurer of a group of animal rights activists. To show him their appreciation a bunch of them took 264
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><><§> him out one sunny morning. Dave shot an eagle and everyone congratulated him. Where had they gone? Answer: They took him golfing. Ф There is a low railroad bridge in your town. One day you sec a large truck stopped just before the under- pass. When you ask what has happened, the driver tells you that his truck is one inch higher than the in- dicated height of the opening. This is the only road to his destination. What can he do to get through the underpass the easiest way? Answer: Let enough air out of the tires to lower the truck. Ф Л horse is tied to a 15 ft. rope and there is a bail of hay 25 ft. away from him. Yet the horse is able to eat from the bail of hay. How is this possible. Answer: The rope isn't tied to anything, so the horse can go freely to anywhere it pleases. Ф If you are 8 feet away from a door and with each move you advance half the distance to the door. How many moves will it take to reach the door. Answer: You will never reach the door! If you only move half the distance, then you will always have half the distance remaining no matter how small the number. Ф Two men play five games of checkers. Each man wins the same number of games. There arc no tics. Explain this. Answer: They were not playing each other. «£> <<><§> 265
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> A naturalist, who was trying to pull the leg of Colo- nel Crackham, said that he had been investigating the question of blindness in bats. «I find,» he said, «that their long habit of sleeping in dark corners during the day, and only going abroad at night, has really led to a great prevalence of blindness among them, though some had perfect Sight and others could see out of one eye. Two of my bats could see out of the right eye, just three of them could sec out of the left eye, four could not see out of the left eye, and five could not see out of the right eye.» He wanted to know the smallest number of bats that he must have examined in order to get these results. Answer: The fewest possible would be 7. <e> A man went 20 days without a minutes to sleep? Yet he didn’t feel the slightest bit tired. How did he manage to do this? Answer: He slept every night! <$> Alice is walking through the forest of forgetful- ness. She wants to know what day of the week it is. She stops and asks a lion and a unicorn. Now the lion lies all of the time on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The unicorn always lies on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Alice asks the lion what day it is, he says, «Well yesterday was one of my lying days.» Well Alice cant figure it out just from the Lions answer so she 266
Riddles for Boys and Girls asks the unicorn and the uniconi says, «Yesterday was also one of my lying days.» What day is it? Answer: Thursday. <$> When John was six years old he hammered a nail into his favorite tree to mark his height. Ten years later at age sixteen, John returned to sec how much higher the nail was. If the tree grew by five centim- eters each year, how much higher would the nail be? Answer: The nail would he at the same height since trees grow al their tops. <§> There arc four girls, and four apples in a basket. Every girl takes an apple, yet one apple remains in the basket? How is this possible? Answer: Simple: she took the apple and the basket. <$> The rungs of a 10 foot ladder attached to a ship are 1 foot apart. If the water is rising at the rate of one foot an hour, how long will it take until the water covers over the ladder? Answer: It will never cover the ladder because as the water rises, so will the floating ship. <$> There are two plastic jugs filled with water. How could you put all of this water into a barrel, without using the jugs or any dividers, and still tell which water came from which jug? Answer: Freeze them first. Take them out of the jugs and put the ice in the barrel. You will be able to tell which water came from which jug. <§><$><§> 267
<§*<><§> Загадки на английском языке... <$> Two identical tanks full of water are being drained at the same time. One of the tanks has one-two cen- timeter circular drain outlet and the other has two- one centimeter circular drain outlets. Will one of the tanks empty faster than the other? Answer: The tank with the one-two centimeter drain outlet has twice the area as two-one centim- eter outlets and will therefore empty first. <$> The following sentence is false. The preceding sen- tence is true. Arc these sentences tme or false? Answer: Neither, it's a paradox. If the first is true, then the second must be false, which makes the first false: it doesn 't work. Ф A guy bet his neighbor $100 dollars that his dog could jump higher than a house. Thinking this not possible, the neighbor took the bet an lost. Why did he lose the bet? Answer: Simple... a house cannot jump! Ф Two sentries were on duty outside a barracks. One faced up the road to watch for anyoc approaching from the North. The other looked down the road to sec if anyone approached from the South. Sud- denly one of them said to the other, «Why are you smiling?» How did he know that his companion was smiling? Answer: Although the guards were looking in opposite directions, they were not back to back. They were facing each other. 268 <§><*><$>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•>«§> <$> How can a woman in New York, without getting a divorce or becoming a widow, or otherwise legally separated, legally marry 10 men? Answer: She was a clergy woman. Ф The Great Detective is hot on the trail of the guilty party who has perpetrated some atrocious puns. «In- tent to deceive» is the charge, and he is now interro- gating three suspects. George says. «I am innocent, Jane is too.» Jane says, «Sally did it, and George is innocent.» Sally says, «1 am innocent and Jane did it.» The guilty one lied, and the innocent both told the truth. Who is the perpetrator? Answer: Sally. Ф A chain link is broken into six parts. Four of these parts consist of three links apiece, one consists of two links, and one consists of only one link. A jeweler wants forty cents to cut a link and sixty cents to weld a link. What is the most economical way to put the chain back together? Answer: Break the double link and the single link and use them to connect the others. Ф Chuck, a bestselling author of romantic fiction, had suspected for some time that his wife Eva was un- faithful, though he had no proof. One afternoon, while Chuck was working on his latest bodice-rip- per, Eva mentioned that she intended to go to the movies and would be out for a few hours. As Eva went to the door, Chuck looked at her pensively, <£<$><§> 269
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... then resumed his work. Three hours later, Eva re- turned, took her coat off and asked Chuck weather he wanted some coffee. When she returned from the kitchen. Chuck asked her to sit down as he wanted to talk to her. «Eva,» he said, «I want a divorce.» Can you figure out how he knew? Answer: On Eva's way out. Chuck had noticed a run in her stocking. When she went io the kitchen for coffee, he noticed that the run was on her right leg. <$> A chemistry teacher began the day’s lecture. He held up a glass lube and said to his class, «In this vial I have a liquid which immediately melt any substance it touches.» He got no further. A student loudly replied, «Professor, you arc just trying to kid us.» Can you think as rapidly as the student and tell how it was that he knew the professor wasn't telling the truth? Answer: If what the professor said were true, the liquid would melt the glass tube it was in. Ф A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him? Answer: Lions that haven’t eaten in 3 years are dead so room the third room is the safest. <$> A sharpshooter hung up his hat and put on a blind- fold. He then walked 100 yards, turned around, and shot a bullet through his hat. The blindfold was 270 ^> <•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> a perfectly good one, completely blocking the man’s vision. How did he manage this feat? Answer: He hung his hat on the barrel of his gun. Ф You arc in a room that is completely bricked in on all four sides, including the ceiling and floor. You have nothing but a mirror and a wooden tabic in the room with you. How do you get out? Answer: You look in the mirror you see what you saw, you take the saw and you cut the table in half, two halves make a whole, and you climb out the hole. Ф A man is trapped in a room. The room has only two possible exits: two doors. Through the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything or any- one that enters. Through the second door there is a fire-breathing dragon. How does the man escape? Answer: He waits until night lime and then goes through the first door. <$> Five men raced their cars on a racing strip. There were no tics. Will did not come in first. John was neither first nor last. Joe came in one place after Will. James was not second. Walt was two places below James. In what order did the men finish? A nswer: Janies was first, followed by John, Walt, Will then Joe. Ф General Custer is surrounded by Indians and he's the only cowboy left. 271
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... Не finds an old lamp in front of him and rubs it. Out pops a genic. The genie grants Custer one wish, with a catch. He says, «Whatever you wish for, each Indian will get two of the same thing.» Custer ponders a while and thinks: «If I get a bow and arrow they get two. If 1 get a rifle they get two’» He then rubs the bottle again and out pops the ge- nie. «Well,» the genic asks «have you made up your mind?» What did Custer ask for to help him get away? Answer: One Glass Eye. <$> A fanner and his hired help were carrying grain to the bant. The farmer carried one sack of grain and the hired help carried two sacks. Who carried the heavier load and why? Answer: The farmer's load was heavier. His hired help only carried two sacks, while the fanner carries one sack, but his sack is a sack of grain. The hired help only carried 2 sacks - both empty. <$> Two convicts arc locked in a cell. There is an un- barred window high up in the cell. No matter if they stand on the bed or one on top of the other they can’t reach the window to escape. They then decide to tunnel out. However, they give up with the tun- neling because it will take too long. Finally one of the convicts figures out how to escape from the cell. What is his plan? Answer: His plan is to dig the tunnel and pile up the dirt to climb up to the window to escape. 272
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> <$ Ten people, all wearing hats, were walking along a street when a sudden wind blew their hats off. A helpfill boy retrieved them and, without asking which hat belonged to which person, handed each person a hat. What is the probability that exactly 9 of the people received their own hats. Answer: The probaility is zero. If 9 people have their own hats, then the tenth must too. <$> A-town and В-town are two villages connected by a bridge spanning a river. At the end of a war, the occupying forces installed a sentry in the middle of the bridge to prevent the inhabitants of А-town and В-town from visiting each other. All means of trans- port having been requisitioned, the only access from village to village is by foot over the bridge, which would take 10 minutes. The sentry is under strict or- ders to come out of his bunker every 5 minutes, and send anyone trying to cross back to his own village, if necessary by force of arms. Michael in А-town is desperate to visit his girlfriend in В-town. Is there a way? Answer: Michael set out for В-town as soon as he saw the sentry disappear into his bunker. Timing his progress, he walked for almost 5 minutes. He then turned round and started running back towards A-town. The sentry emerged and. seeing Michael. <$> Perhaps if you have ever been caught in the ram without an umbrella you will know the answer to this one. Joe Soaks found himself in a torrential 273
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... downpour. Not only didn't he have an umbrella, he had no hat or any other object to place over his head. Nor was there any shelter around. Yet his hair didn't get the slightest bit wet. Can you ex- plain why? Answer: He was bald. <s> A bookworm, feeling very’ hungry, is delighted to come across the three volumes of Dr Johnson's great Dictionary of the English Language standing on a shelf. Starting from the front declared that she trusted only the balance of the shop at the comer. There, it appeared that the parts, supposed to be equal, corresponded to the monetary' values of $3, $4 and $5, respectively. The third partner decided to weigh the ham on her home balance, which gave a still different result. This led to a quarrel, because the first woman kept insisting on the equality of her division, the second one recognized only the bal- ance of the shop, and the third only her own bal- ance. In what way is it possible to settle this dis- pute and to divide these pieces (without cutting them anew) in such a way that each woman would have to admit that she had got at least S4 worth of ham if computed according to die balance which she trusted? Answer: Standing on a bookshelf in the normal order, which we can reasonably assume, volume one is on the left, its front flat against the back cover of volume two, and the back cover of the third vol- ume is flat against the front cover of the second vol- 214 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> ume. Therefore the bookworm only actually bores through the complete second volume, a distance of 8 cm. <$> A black dog stands in the middle of an intcrsccton in a town painted black. None of the street lights arc working due to a power failure caused by a storm. A car with two broken headlights drives towards the dog but turns in time to avoid hitting him. How could the driver have seen the dog in time? Answer: It was daylight. Ф You have a ping pong ball at the end of a curvy, long, skinny hole in the ground. You want to get it out but you can't stick your hand in it won't reach or fit. A string won't work because you won’t be able to attatch it. What can you do to get it out without digging a hole? Answer: Put water in the hole. The ping pong ball is light and will float to the top! Ф A ship entered the Panama Canal at its west end, passed through the canal, and left al its cast end. However, immediately after it left the canal, it en- tered the Pacific Ocean. If the ship did not double back or sail backwards, how could this be? Answer: The west end of the Panama Canal is in fact in the Caribbean and the east end is in the Pacific The confusion arises because the isthmus curves around at that point. As can be seen from any atlas, the canal runs from north-west to south-east. •§><•><§> 275
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... Ф A beggar's brother died, but the man who died had no brother. How could this be? Answer: The beggar was a woman. <$> You arc at a river. With you arc a Chicken, Bag of Grain, and a Wolf. You have to cross the river in your canoe but can only lake one with you at a time. You can’t leave the chicken with the grain. He’ll eat it. You can’t leave the wolf with the chicken. He’ll cat it. How do you get everything over and intact? Answer: Take the Chicken over first and leave it on the other side. Next, take the Wolf across and leave him, but bring the Chicken back with you. Next trip, leave the Chicken where you started and take the Grain across with the Wolf. Finally, go back and get the Chicken. <e> «There are only four pubs in this village,» the visi- tor was informed, «one in each street. The village's four streets meet at the crossroads at right-angles. This street is the High Street.» «To reach the Blue Boar from the Griffin you must turn left. To reach the Dragon from the Red Lion you have to turn right.» 'The visitor entered three of the pubs; he arrived at the crossroads three times during this pilgrimage, turning left the first time, going straight across the second, and turning right the third time. He spent the night at the Blue Boar. 276 <§><»<§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><£<§> Which pub stands in the High Street? Answer: The Red Lion. <S> In a country, there exists over 100 streets. Street 1 is named First Street, street 2 is named Second Street, and so on and so forth. A traveller decides to walk through all these streets in the country. He could find all the streets except Street 62. No matter how hard he tried, he could not find it. He later found that the locals had given the street another name. What is the name? Answer: Minute street. This is because Street 62 is named Sixty Second Street, and Sixty Seconds - 1 Minute, hence Street 62 is also called Minute Street. Ф In Jamaica, if you drop a steel ball weighing five pounds from a height of 45 inches, will it fall more rapidly through water at 20 degrees Fahrenheit or water at 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Or will it make no difference? Answer: 40 degrees Fahrenheit. At 20 degrees Fahrenheit the water would be ice. Ф A traveler came to a fork in (he road at which he found a bystander. He knew that at the end of one of the forks there was a village inhabited by people who always told the truth. At the end of the other fork was a village inhabited by people who always told lies. He also knew that the bystander lived in one of the villages, but he didn't know which. How could the traveler find which fork led to the village «§><•> ^> 277
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... of the truthtellers by asking the bystander just one question? Answer: fie should ask. Is this the road to the village in which you live? If the answer is no, then the road has to lead to the village of the liars since the answer would he no, whether the bystander were a truth teller or a liar. Conversely, if the answer is a yes, then the road would have to lead to the village of the truthtellers. <$> Jack and Joe were on vacation and driving along a deserted country road from the town of Kaysville to the town of Lynnsville. They came to a multiple fork in the road. The sign post had been knocked down and they were faced with choosing one of five different directions. Since they had left their map at the last gas station and there was no one around to ask, how could Jack and Joe find their way to Lynnsville? Answer: They need to stand the signpost up so that the arm reading Kaysville points in the direc- tion of Kaysville, the town they had just come from. With one arm pointing the correct way, (he other arms will also point in the right directions. <$> You do not need to be a master of prestidigitation to figure this one out. All that is required is the power of observation or a little logic: You have observed that if you throw a tennis ball against a wall, it will stop and return to you. Simple. But how would you throw the same ball so it would completely stop, re- 278
Riddles for Boys and Girls <^> Ob- verse itself and return to you even though it has hit nothing and is connected to nothing? Answer: You throw it up. Ф Bouncing Bob was riding a particularly frisky horse when suddenly its bridle came off. As they raced down the road, a screaming Bob clung to the horse’s ears for dear life. Out of the comer of his eye, Bob saw a car coming, and realizing the horse was com- pletely out of control, he panicked. Flailing his arms about, he accidentally caused the horse to come to an abrupt halt. What could Bouncing Bob have done to make the horse stop? Answer: He put his hands over the horse’s eyes. Normally if a horse can't see. he will stop. <$> The word CHEWED contains within itself two pro- nouns, HE and WE. What common six-letter word, a noun, contains five different pronouns, each show- ing up as a solid word in its spelling? There is an- other common noun, one of eight letters, from the letters of which at least 17 different pronouns can be formed by proper letter selection and shuffling. Name the word. Answer: USHERS contains US, SHE. HE. HER and HERS. SMITHERY yields HE. HER. HERS, HIM, HIS, I. IT. ITS. ME. MY. SHE. THEIR, THEIRS. THEM. THEY. THY and YE. <$> John was so proud of his running ability that he boasted he could outrun Bill not only in distance 279
Загадки на английском языке... but in speed. Naturally Bill scoffed at such a decla- ration, and the two decided to put it to a test. They found a convenient flat and straight road contain- ing mileage markers. John started running at the 24- milc marker and ran to the 6-milc indicator, while Bill drove the car alongside him. He ran the distance in three hours and twelve minutes. Bill ran from the 6-milc marker to the first in one hour and two min- utes. Who was the faster runner? Answer: John was the faster runner. He ran 18 miles in three hours and twelve minutes. Bill ran five miles in one hour and two minutes. The distance from the. six-mile marker to the first is five miles. <$> A fanner in California owns a beautiful pear tree. He supplies the fruit to a nearby grocery store. The store owner has called the farmer to sec how much fruit is available for him to purchase. The fanner knows that the main trunk has 24 branches. Each branch has exactly 12 boughs and each bough has exactly 6 twigs. Since each twig bears one piece of fruit, how many plums will the farmer be able to deliver? Answer: Did you ever hear of a pear tree having plums-gotcha! Ф Aman and a woman were driving in their car when it broke down. The man decided to go for help at a gas station a few miles back. He made sure nobody was in the car, rolled all the windows up, and locked all of the sedan's doors. He went off, but when he came back, his wife was dead, and there was a stranger in 280
Riddles for Boys and Girls <@><$><@> the car. No physical damage was done to the car, so how did the stranger get in? Answer: The stranger was a baby and the woman died in childbirth. You own a tractor with a broken steering wheel that cannot turn right. You need to drive around a square patch of cabbages in the middle of your field. How can you drive in a clockwise direction around the patch without ever turning right? Answer: Drive along the first side in a clockwise direction. When you get to the first corner, do a 270 degree turn to the left. Continue driving along the next side and follow the same pattern at each cor- ner, until you get back to the origin. <$> A man was locked in a room with only a bed, a calendar, and a piano. How did he drink, how did he cat, and how did he get out? Another man was locked in a room with only a mirror and a table. How did he gel out? A third man was locked in an empty room. How did he escape? Answer: The first man drank from the springs of the bed, ate the dates of the calendar and played the piano until he found the right key, which he used to unlock the door. The second man looked in the mirror to see what he saw. Then he took the saw and cut the table in half. Next, he put the two halves together to make a whole. Finally, he crawled out through the hole. The third man broke out with the measles. <§><•><§> 281
Загадки на английском языке... <$> A physical challenge Mark and Billy have been the best friends ever since they were little kids. They are also very competitive. Throughout the years they have challenged each other to do both physical and menial challenges. And they completed the challenge. But one day Mark thought of something to chal- lenge Billy to do - somethimg he could start but never finish. The average man could do it and so could Mark and they were both the same sex and the same size. It is a physical challenge. Can you figure out what it was? Answer: Mark challenged Billy to get a tan, but he couldn't...Billy is an albino. The Breakfast Challenge You arc enjoying your breakfast after having put some salt on your scrambled eggs when your ner- dy brother presents you with an ice cube floating in a glass of water and a short length of string. He chal- lenges you to remove the ice cube from the glass us- ing the string without tying any knots. What strategy do you use to remove the ice cube from the water glass? Hint: you can use other elements that arc at your disposal besides the string. Answer: Take the string and soak it in the water. Let the string rest across the ice cube. Reach across the table and get the salt that you used on your eggs; pour the salt over the string and the ice cube. The salt causes the ice to melt. However, when you stop 282 <@> <•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls pouring the salt, the water that formed on the top of the cube will refreeze with the string embedded in it. Now you can lift the ice cube with the string. <$> Leg Travel A horse travels a certain distance each day. Strangely enough, two of its legs travel 30 miles each day and the other two legs travel nearly 31 miles. It would seem that two of the horse's legs must be one mile ahead of the other two legs, but of course this can't be true. Since the horse is normal, how is this situation possible? Answer: The horse operates a mill and travels in a circular clockwise direction. The two outside legs will travel a greater distance than the two in- side legs. <$> The Sage's Hat The three wisest sages in the land were brought before the king to see which of them were worthy to become the king’s advisor. After passing many tests of cunning and invention, they were pitted against each other in a final battle of the wits. Led blind-folded into a small room, the sages were seated around a small wooden table as the king de- scribed the test for them. «Upon each of your heads I have placed a hat. Now you are either wearing a blue hat or a white hat. All I will tell you is this - at least one of you is wearing a blue hat. There may be only one blue hat and two white hats, there may be two blue hats and one white 283
Загадки на английском языке... hat, or there may be three blue hats. But you may be certain that there arc not three white hats.» «I will shortly remove your blind folds, and the test will begin. The first to correctly announce the colour of his hat shall be my advisor. Be warned however, he who guesses wrongly shall be beheaded. If not one of you answers within the hour, you will be sent home and I will seek elsewhere for wisdom.» With that, the king uncovered the sages' eyes and sat in the comer and waited. One sage looked around and saw that his competitors each were wearing blue hats. From the look in their eyes he could see their thoughts were the same as his, «What is the colour of my hat?» For what seemed like hours no one spoke. Finally he stood up and said. «The colour of the hat I am wear- ing is...» Answer: The hat is blue. At first glance, this problem appears to be impos- sible to solve. Contributing to this is the feeling that the King's only real clue - that there is at least one blue hat - is useless since the sage can clearly see that there are at least two blue hats. Do not feel bad if you sat stuck on this one for a while: as the puzzle clearly states, so did the three wisest sages in the kingdom. It is this fact that allowed our sage to give his answer. In truth, any one of them w'ould have come up with it, given enough time. Why? Consider a situation which wc knew was not the ease - that there was exactly one blue hat. What would happen? There would be a split second of ponder- ing by the person wearing that hat, and he would say 284 <^<*>^>
Riddles for Boys and Girls «§»<•><§> «I am wearing a blue hat.» No real puzzle there, but of course there wasn't just one blue hat The impor- tant fact is that everyone knew there was not one blue hat. But more importantly than that, everyone knew, or could quickly figure out that everyone else knew this (by the fact that answer was did not come out in the first few seconds.) This leaves everyone wondering, «Are there two or three blue hats?» Consider this less obvious situation- that there were exactly two blue hats. This seems a very real possibil- ity at first, after all, we can see exactly two blue hats. So everyone sits and thinks- for a little while. But if there arc only two hats, then two people see one blue and one white hat. These two people will very quickly, by virtue of the other's silence, rule out the possibility that there is only one blue hat. One of these two lucky sages would cry blue within a few short minutes, if that long. There is only one case which forces the three sages to sit in silence - three blue hats. Our sage, through his shaqj wits was the first to reach this conclusion. Ф The problem with fairies’ While exploring the wild highlands of Scotland, Crazy Rob was captured by hostile wood fairies. Smazze, the powerful chief of the fairies told him he could make one final statement which would de- termine how he would die. If the statement he made was false, he would be boiled in water. If the state- ment were true, he would be fried in oil. Crazy Rob found neither of this options too his liking, so he made <§> <•><§> 285
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... a statement that got him out of this seemingly impos- sible situation. What is the one statement he could make to save himself? Answer: Crazy Rob said: «You will boil me in water.» The fairies were faced with a dilemma. If they boil him in water, that would make his state- ment true, which means he would have been fried in oil. They can only fry him in oil if he makes a true statement, but if they do, it would make his final statement false. The fairies had no way out of their situation so they were forced to set Crazy Rob free. <$> Dead Hard? Two police officers were investigating a mysterious death. When they arrived at the scene of the crime they found a room with no windows and the dead man who seemed to have hung himself by a rope from the ceil- ing. There was no chair or table that the man may have jumped off. The only clue was a puddle of water on the floor. How did the man manage to hang himself. Answer: He stood on a block of ice until it melted. <$> Tasting Words Science brain teasers require understanding of the physical or biological world and the laws that govern it. Liz, Blondulla, and Fred were talking to each other. Blondulla and Liz have been friends for many years, but (hey just met Fred a week ago and were trying to get to know him. 286 ф <•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> They started talking about computers, and after Fred had repeated the word, «Chip» a few times while talking about computer chips Blondulla told him to stop saying it, as it tastes bad. Fred thought she was full of it, but Liz knew she was telling the truth. How could Blondulla taste the word? Answer Blondulla has a very rare ability called Synaesthesia. It is where people are «Wired» a dif- ferent way. and two senses come together. In her case, she tastes what she hears. There have also been cases where people feel what they hear, peo- ple hear what they smell, etc. In fact, the majority people who have this case are usually unaware that they even have it. Some of you may be shocked to learn as you read the answer that you have this con- dition. Ф Gatsby Riddle The paragraph below is most unusual. How quickly can you find out what is so unusual about it? It looks so ordinary you'd think nothing was wrong with it - and in fact, nothing is wrong with it. It is unusual though. Why? «Gatsby was walking back from a visit down in Branton Hill's manufacturing district on a Saturday night. A busy day's traffic had had its noisy run; and with not many folks in sight, His Honour got along without having to stop to grasp a hand, or talk; for a mayor out of City Hall is a shining mark for any poli- tician. And so, coming to Broadway, a booming bass drum and sounds of singing, told of a small Salvation <§><•><§> 287
<§><£><§> Загадки на английском языке... Army unit carrying on amidst Broadway's night shop- ping crowds. Gatsby , walking towards that group, saw a youg girl, back toward him, just finishing a long, soul- ful oration... » The above passage is taken from the book «Gatsby» written by Ernest Vincent Wright in the late 1930's. .Answer: The letter «Е» is the most commonly used letter in the English language, yet in the whole passage, there was no «Е» used. <$> Dollar Riddle Sabrina gave Samantha as many dollars as Saman- tha started out with. Samantha then gave Sabrina back as much as Sabrina had left. Sabrina then gave Sa- mantha as back as many dollars as Samantha had left, which left Sabrina broke and gave Samantha a total of S80.00. How much did Sabrina and Samantha have at the beginning of their exchange? Answer: Sabrina had $50 and Samantha had $30. <$> An evil wizard There once was an evil wizard. He took 3 woman from their homes and turned them into rose bushes that looked exactly alike. He put them in his garden. One of the woman had a husband and children and begged the wizard to let her see them. He agreed. At night, he brought the woman to her house. In the morning he came and took her home. One day the husband decided to go rescue her. So he snuck into the wizard's garden. 288 <§><$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$>$> He looked and looked at the 3 identical rose bushes trying to figure out which could be his wife. Suddenly, he knew the answer and he took his wife home. How did he know which rose bush was his wife? Answer: The wizard brought the rosebush to her home at night and returned her to the garden in the morning. Therefore, she was the only plant without dew. <s> Heads or Tails? You arc blindfolded before a tabic. On the table are a very large number of pennies. You arc told 128 of the pennies arc heads up and the rest are tails up. How can you create two subgroups of pennies, each with the same number of heads facing up, while remaining blindfolded?- Answer: Create a subgroup of any 128 pennies. Then flip over all 128. That group of 128 and the group of all the remaining pennies will have the same number of heads facing up. This works be- cause the «tails» that you grab while making your subset of 128 will equal the «heads» that are left in the original pile. Once you flip your 128 coins over, these «tails» will turn into «heads» and the two groups will have a matching number of heads- up coins. Ф Natural Disasters A group of four prisoners were held captive by the enemy and each prisoner was to be shot each day through the week. As natural disasters were common in this specific part of the world, the group of prison- 289 10. Зак. 14
Загадки на английском языке... ers decided to make up a plan of distracting the guards. Before each prisoner would be shot, they would shout out a natural disaster, which would cause chaos and dis- tract everyone to give enough time for each prisoner to escape. As ihrcc days passed the first three prisoners escaped by shouting out their chosen natural disasters and running away, however the tinal prisoner shouted out a disaster and was shot dead on the spot. What was the natural disaster he shouted? Answer: Fire <$> Take the Blue Pill You’ve been placed on a course of expensive medi- cation in which you are to take one tablet of Sildenafil and one tablet of Citrate daily. You must be careful that you take just one of each because taking more of cither can have serious side effects. Taking Sildenafil without taking Citrate, or vice versa, can also be very serious, because they must be taken together in order to be effective. In summary, you must take exactly one of the Sildenafil pills and one of the Citrate pills at one time. Therefore, you open up the Sildenafil bottle, and you tap one Silde- nafil pill into your hand. You put that bottle aside and you open the Citrate bottle. You do the same, but by mistake, two Citrates fall into your hand with the Sildenafil pill. Now, Here is the problem. You weren't watching your hand as the pills fell into it. so you can't tell the Sildenafil pill apart from the two Citrate pills. The pills look identical. They are both the same size, same weight (10 micrograms), same color (Blue), same shape (pcr- 290 <§><$><^
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> feet square), same everything, and (hey are not marked differently in any way. What arc you going to do? You cannot tell which pill is which, and they cost S300 a piece, so you can- not afford to throw them away and start over again. How do you get your daily dose of exactly one Silde- nafil and exactly one Citrate without wasting any of the pills? Answer: Carefully cut each of the three pills in half and carefully separate them into two piles, with half of each pill in each pile. You do not know which pill is which, hut you arc 100% sure that each of the two piles now contains two halves of Citrate and half of Sildenafil. Now go back into the Sildenafil bottle, take out a pill cut it in half and add one half to each stack. Now you have two stacks, each one containing two halves of Sildenafil and two halves of Citrate. Take one stack of pills today, and save the second stack for tomorrow. <$> Twin Trouble Ryan and Craig were identical twins bom in Seattle in 1961. Ryan was bom before Craig, but according to their birth certificates, Craig was older than Ryan. How come? Answer: Ryan and Craig were born in the fail on the day’ that the clocks are set back one hour. Ryan was horn at 1:45am. Craig was bom 30 minutes later. Since the clocks were set back at 2am, Craig's official time of birth was 1:15am. <$><$><§> TO* 291
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... <§> Ages and Ages King Tut died 120 years after King Eros was born. Their combined ages when they died was 100 years. King Eros died in the year 40 B.C. In what year was King Tut bom? Answer: King Tut was horn in 20 B.C. There were 120 years between the birth of King Eros and the death of King Tut, but since their ages amounted to only 100 years, there must have been 20 years when neither existed. This would be a period be- tween the death of King Eros, 40 В. C, and the birth of King Tut. 20 B.C. Ф A lie that good deserves reward Nora Shckrie led her brother and his wife through the front door of her favorite public house, the back room of the Sub Standard. She deposited Nelson and Sharon in the front booth and went up to the bar to or- der Horrid Hoagies and Lugar Lager for lunch. As she waited for the waiter to appear, the grizzled sexage- narian two stools away started into what sounded like a typical sailor’s tall tale. «Almost died that night, 1 did. Should have, by rights. Wc were about 50 miles off the Alaskan coast. I won't mention her name, but she's one of the Exxon supertankers - enough bad news about them already. It was wintertime; water would been frozen except for the salt in it - y’know sea water do not freeze like rcg'lar, don'cha?» «Well, 'bout two in the A.M., I was doin' my work on the port stem, when somethin' jostled a little, do 292
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> not know what. Lost my footing on the deck, went over the side, and the ship just kept glidin’ past me. Thought I was dead, right there, no life jacket, nothin' but the usual work clothes. Started treadin' water, and prayed harder 'n ever in my life, which hadn’t been much up 'til then. Just watched her go, knew that shoutin' wouldn't do no good, not in the wind and over them motors.» «Mcbbc a minute later, mebbe two, I see some lights, red 'n' green, where they shouldn't oughta be, wrong places on the ship. 1 figgered right on that: some- one had saw me, lettin' me know not to give up. I started a-swimmin, and they turned that ship around. Got to me, threw out a line, I tied it around me, an' my mates hauled me up to th'olrop - that's the lowest deck on the ship. Medic said a minute or two more, and I'd'a been a goner.» He leaned back and finished his beer. He looked around at the handful of listeners. «Anyone want to hear about the marlin 1 hauled in fishing in Puget Sound? Talkin's thirsty work.» Nora raised hcr hand. «You old salt, you tell a good tale. A lie that good deserves reward. I can't stay to lis- ten, but the next round's on me.» She signaled the bar- tender to refill the sailor's glass and add it to her tab. What gave him away? Answer: Survival time in the water, before hypo- thermia sets in. is highly dependent on water tem- perature. At freezing (zero centigrade, implied by his tale), a relatively still person has perhaps 15 minutes before losing consciousness; a moving person will 293
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... get exhausted sooner. Survival time is about 45 min- utes, but that assumes that the searchers can find you: a fully dressed body with no flotation device would slip beneath the surface and be lost. The problem with finding him in time is that it lakes about 20 minutes and 3 miles to bring a cruis- ing supertanker to a slop; going in a circle takes a little longer, but would return the ship to his original position sooner Either way, he wouldn't be able to swim and wouldn't be able to tic a line around himself when the ship reached him. The signal lights are a nice idea, but wouldn't change the fatal outcome. <e> Blind Man's Bluff A blind man drives up to a house, gets out of the car and goes up to the door with a package. The home- owner takes the package and gives the blind man a check. The blind man then drives away. What was in the package? Answer: The people bought blinds and the blind man delivered them. <$> Swindler's Dice A swindler once approached an honest man with a die. He handed him the die and told him about the bet. The die had six sides, if the man rolled a ONE, he wins, and gets back twice the amount of his bet. If not, the swindler would keep the bet. «But...my chances are only one out of six,» retorted the man. «True,» grinned the swindler, «But I will give you three tries to get a one.» 294
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> The man considered. Three tries, with each try hav- ing a 1 /6 chance of winning. So his chances of winning is 1/2. Why not give it a try? Is the bet really fair? If not. what arc the chances of the man winning? Answer: As you have guessed...the bet is not fair. He had calculated the probability wrongly. Probability does not accumulate, like 1/6 x 3. The probability of the man not getting a ONE in three throws is: 5/6 x 5/6 x 5/6, which is 125/216. This is the probability» of (he swindler winning. Hence, the remaining fraction. 91/216, is the actual chances of the man winning. <§> The King and the Poison In a far-off kingdom, it is well known that the only way to counteract being poisoned is to drink a stronger poison, in order to neutralize the weaker one. Long ago, the king who ruled this kingdom wanted to ensure that he possessed the strongest poison in the kingdom, to ensure that he could counteract any attempts on his life. So the king called the royal treasurer and the king- dom's best pharmacist. He gave each the task of con- cocting the strongest poison possible within one week. At the end of this week, each of the two men would drink the other’s poison, followed by his own - who- ever survived, succeeded. The pharmacist went straight to work, but the treas- urer knew he had no chance - after all, the pharmacist was far more skilled in this field. Instead, the treas- urer formulated a plan to make sure he survived and 295
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке... the pharmacist died. At the end of the week, the phar- macist came to the same conclusion, and realized that the treasurer would use whatever underhanded means necessary to survive. So the pharmacist, too, concocted a plan to ensure his own survival. At the end of the week, the king summoned both of them once again, and the two drank the poisons as planned: first the other's, and then their own. The treas- urer died, the pharmacist survived, and the king did not get what he wanted. What happened? Answer: The treasurer planned to drink a weak poison immediately before the trial, after which he would drink the pharmacist's stronger potion and neutralize his own. As his own poison, the treasurer brought water — this would have no affect on him. and would ensure that the pharmacist died from his own strong poison. The pharmacist, being clever enough to figure out the treasurer's plan, brought water as well. In the end. both drank water in the presence of the king, leaving the treasurer as the only one who had drunk any poison. The pharma- cist survived, the treasurer accidentally poisoned himself... and the king was left with two bottles of ordinary water. <s> Bom Liars Edward, Howard, and John arc three high school students each of whom is taking three of the four sub- jects, biology, chemistry, history, and mathematics. One day while talking about their programs they made the following statements. 296
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><£><§> Edward: There is just one subject we’re all taking. 1 am the only one of us who is taking mathematics. No two of us arc taking the same three subjects. John is wrong when he says that Howard and I are both taking chemistry. Howard: Ed is the only one of us who is taking his- tory. John and I are taking the same subjects. We’re all taking biology. Two of us are taking both chemistry and biology. John: We're all taking mathematics. Howard is tak- ing history. Ed is taking one subject that I am not. Both Howard and Ed arc taking chemistry. If two and only two of each boy's statements arc true, what subjects is each boy taking? Answer: Edward: chemistry, biology, history. Howard: chemistry, biology, mathematics. John: biology, mathematics, history. Ф Valerie's accomplishments «My four granddaughters arc all accomplished girls.» Canon Chasuble was speaking with evident self-satisfaction. «Each of them,» he went on, «plays a different musical instrument and each speaks one European language as well as-if not better than-a na- tive.» «What does Mary play?» asked someone. «The cello.» «Who plays the violin?» «D’you know,» said Chasuble, «I've temporally for- gotten. Anno Domini, alas But 1 know it's the girl who speaks French.» <§»<><§> 297
Загадки на английском языке... The remainder of the facts which 1 elicited were of a somewhat negative character. I learned that the organ- ist is not Valerie; that the girl who speaks German is not Loma; and that Mary knows no Italian. Anthca doesn't play the violin; nor is she the girl who speaks Spanish. Valeric knows no French; Loma doesn't play the harp; and the organist can't speak Italian. What arc Valerie's accomplishments? Answer: Valerie plays the harp and speaks Italian. <S> Baseball team Andy dislikes the catcher. Ed's sister is engaged to the second baseman. The center fielder is taller than the right fielder. Harry and the third baseman live in the same building. Paul and Allen each won $20 from the pitcher at pinochle. Ed and the outfielders play poker during their free time. The pitcher’s wife is the third baseman's sister. The pitcher, catcher, and infielders except Allen, Harry, and Andy, are shorter than Sam. Paul, Andy, and the shortstop lost S50 each at the race- track. Paul, Harry, Bill, and the catcher took a trounc- ing from the second baseman at pool. Sam is involved in a divorce suit. The catcher and the third baseman each have two children. Ed, Paul, Jerry, the right field- er. and the center fielder are bachelors. The others are married. The shortstop, the third baseman, and Bill each cleaned up SI 00 betting on the fight. One of the outfielders is either Mike or Andy. Jerry is taller than Bill. Mike is shorter than Bill. Each of them is heavier than the third baseman. 298
Riddles for Boys and Girls Using these facts, determine the names of the men playing the various positions on the baseball team. Answer: Hany is the pitcher, Allen the catcher, Paul the first baseman. Jerry the. second baseman. Andy the third baseman, Ed the shortstop. Sam the left fielder. Mike the right fielder, an J Bill the center ' fielder.
DIFFICULT MATHS RIDDLES & PUZZLES <§> If there are three oranges and you take away two, how many will you have? Answer: You took two. <$> Two men were playing checkers. They played five games. Each man won the same number of games. How is this possible? Answer: They played with different people. <$> What’s my number? I am a three digit number. My tens digit is five more than my ones digit. My hun- dreds digit is eight less than my tens digit. What number am I? Answer: Number 194. <$> Fred owns a pet store. He puls one canary per cage, but has one bird too many. If he puts two canaries in each cage, he has one cage too many. How many cages and canaries does he have? Answer: Fred has 3 cages and 4 canaries. 300 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <$> You have two egg-timers. One is a four-minute tinier and one a seven-minute timer. How do you measure nine minutes? Answer: The station clock is 3 minutes fast. The morning jourfiey took 65 minutes, and the evening journey therefore took 52 minutes, and the (rain ar- rived 57 minutes after it should have left, that is, 3 minutes early. ® Three boys have twenty walnuts between them. Bil- ly has three more walnuts than Alan, but five fewer than Charlie. How many walnuts do they each have? Answer: Allan has 3, Billy has 6 and Charlie has 11. Ф How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25? Answer: Only once. After the first calculation, you will be subtracting 5 from 20, then 5 from 15, and so on. <S> Find the five-digit number in which the first digit is arc more than the second, the second digit is the cube of two, the third digit is two less than the sec- ond, the fourth digit is one more than the third and three more than the last, and the third digit is double the square root of the first. The sum of all the digtis is 34. Good luck! Answer: 98,674. <§><•><§> 301
<§> <•>«§> Загадки на английском языке... A cowboy had twelve cows. All but nine died. How many cows did he have left? Answer: Nine. Ф While on my way to St. Ives, I saw a man with 7 wives. Each wife had 7 sacks. Each sack had 7 cats. Each cat had 7 kittens. Kitten, cats, sacks, wives, How many were going to St. Ives? Answer: Just one, me. Ф A row of four figures in value will be Above seven thousand nine hundred and three; But when they are halved, you'll find very fair The sum will be nothing, in truth I declare. Answer: A row of number 88888-put a line through the middle and you get 0 or nothing. <$> If you reverse the digits of my age. You have the age of my son. A year ago, I was twice his age. How old arc wc both now? Answer: Our ages now arc seventy-three and thirty-seven. <$> Sandra was baking cookies for her son's class par- ty, one-tenth were white chocolate, one-tenth were peanut butter, one-tenth were nuts and chocolate and 12 were gingersnaps. How many cookies were gingersnaps? 302
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><><$> Answer: 60 (30 chocolate chips. 6 each of the other 3 and 12 gingersnaps). . <$> Foward I am heavy, tTut backward I am not. (Ton) Ф How many books can you put into an empty school bag? Answer: None. If you put a book in it, the bag is no longer empty. Ф Note: this riddle must be done in your head and not using pencil and paper. Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Now add another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is the total? Answer: Most people will answer 5000, but the correct answer is 4100. «Now» you can use pencil and paper. Ф A donkey was tied to a rope six feet long. A bale of hay was eighteen feet away, and die donkey wanted to eat the hay. How could he do it? Answer: Easily, if the other end of the rope wasn't tied to anything. <$> Two pieces of metal chain were picked up on the battlefield. Their original purpose is unclear, and, anyway, is of no importance to us here. The chains were formed of circular links, all of die same size, made from metal half an inch thick. One piece of <§><£<§> 303
Загадки на английском языке... chain was precisely 3 feet long. The other piece was 22 inches. Assuming that one piece of chain con- tained six links more than the other, how many links were there in each piece of chain? Answer: 9 links and 15 links. How many times docs a coin rotate in rolling com- pletely about another coin, of (he same size, without slipping? Answer: Twice. You have 9 golfballs. 8 of which arc equal in weight. The ninth is slightly heavier then the rest. You also have a balancing scale. Can you use this scale two times and only two times in order to tell which ball is heavier? Answer: Separate the balls into 3 groups of 3. Place 3 balls on the left side of (he scale and 3 balls on the right. If they balance out. you know that the heavier ball is not one of those 6. If one side is heav- ier. you know that the heavier ball is one of those 3. & It takes twelve one-ccnt stamps to make a dozen. How many six-cent stamps docs it take to make a dozen? Answer: Twelve. It takes only twelve of anything to make a dozen. <$> An old man said to a young man, «I have a daughter. She has as many brothers as she has sisters. Each one of her brothers has twice as many sisters as he has brothers. How many sons and daughters I have?» Answer: 3 sons, 4 daughters. 304
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> <$> Fanner Brown came to town with some watermel- ons. He sold half of them plus half a melon, and found that he had one whole melon left. How many melons did he take to town? Answer: He originally had 3 melons. He sold half o f them (1 1/2) plus half a melon, which is the same as saying he sold 2 melons, leaving him with one whole melon as stated. Ф If you have five potatoes and you have to divide them equally among three people, what should you do? Answer: Mash them first. Ф Mr. and Mrs. Jones were walking home from the shopping mall with their purchases when Mr. Jones began to complain that his load was too heavy. Mrs. Jones turned to her husband and said, «I do not know what you are complaining about because if you gave me one of your parcels, I would have twice as many as you and if I gave you just one of mine, we would have equal loads.» How many par- cels were each carrying? Answer: Mrs. Jones was carrying seven parcels and Mr. Jones was carrying five. Ф David and Mike arc brothers. David is 33 years old today. This is three times as old as Mike was when David was the age that Mike is today. How old is Mike? Answer: Mike is 22. 305
<§><•><§> Загадки на английском языке,.. Ф The newspaper was offering a prize for a contest to find the number of triangles in a complex draw ing. Sam guessed 67, Sally figured 63, Susan figured 64, Jim thought 68 and John thought 65. One was wrong by 4, one was wrong by 3, two ere in error by I and one was correct. How many triangles were there? Answer: 64. Ф If there were six crows sitting on a bench and a hunter shot one of them, how many would be left? Answer: None. The noise of the gun would frighten the others away. You have nine coins. One of the nine is counterfeit. The counterfeit coin can only be distinguished by weight, it is heavier than the rest. Using a balance scale only twice, find the counterfeit coin. Answer: Create three groups of three coins. Groups I, 2 and 3. Balance Group I against Group 2. If the two groups balance, the bad coin is in Group 3. If one group of coins weighs more than the other, the bad coin is in the heavier group. Ф A girl was nine on her last birthday, and she will be eleven on her next. How is this possible? Answer: Today is her tenth birthday. Ф Three guys walk into town. They go into a hotel and ask for a room they can share. The clerk has just the thing they want for thirty dollars. Tire clerk sends them to the room, takes out the ledger, and rc- 306 <§><•><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> alizes that he made a mistake. The room costs only twenty-five dollars. Now he has to divide five dol- lars evenly three ways. Can’t be done. So the clerk pockets two dollars, tells the guys that he made a three dollar mistake and gives them each a single. Now, each man paid only nine dollars Гог his share of the room. Nine times three equals twenty sev- en, plus the two in the clerk's pocket equals twenty nine. Where is the other dollar? Answer: You are no! trying to find the thirty dol- lars - you are trying to find twenty five dollars - the 3 guys Pai(i thirty, minus the 3 they got hack, minus the 2 in the clerk's pocket - you are not supposed to add them when he gives it hack, it’s still part of the same thirty. <$> The ages of Old and Young total 48. Old is twice as old as Young was when Old was half as old as Young will be when Young is three times as old as Old was when Old was three times as old as Young. How old is Old? Answer: Old is 30, young is 18. How many sides docs a circle have? Answer: There are 2 of course. The inside and the outside. <$> A train leaves Edinburgh at 8:00 a.m. and travels to London at 60 mph. At 9:00 a.m. another train leaves London and travels towards Edinburgh at 90 mph. Which train is the nearer to London when they pass? <§><$><§> 307
<$><$><§> Загадки иа английском языке... Answer: They are both at the same distance when they pass. <t> There arc 2 ducks in front of 2 other ducks. There are 2 ducks behind 2 other ducks. There arc 2 ducks beside 2 other ducks. How many ducks arc there? Answer: There are four ducks. <$> If you count twenty horses on your right going into town, and twenty horses on your left coming home, how many horses have you counted in all? Answer: Twenty. You counted the same horses coming and going out. Ф At the hardware store 1 was quoted 12 cents for one, 24 cents for 50, and 36 cents for 144. T wanted six. What was I buying and how much did it cost me? Answer: Prices quoted were for house numbers at 12 cents per number. A number'6' cost me 12 cents. Ф A chessboard has squares that arc two inches by two inches by two inches. What is the diameter of the largest circle that can be drawn on the board in such a way that the circle's circumference is entirely on black squares? Answer: The diameter is 6.324 inches. Diameter is equal to twice the radius. Ф I started 2 watches at the same time, It turned out that one of them went two minutes per hour too slow, and the other went one minute per hour too 308 <§><$><§>
Riddles for Boys and Girls fast. When I looked at them again, the faster one was exactly one hour ahead of the other. How long had the watches been running? Answer: The faster watch gains on the slower one at the rate of three minutes every hour. After 20 hours, the faster one will he ahead by one hour. <J> If five persons can sew five dresses in five days...How many persons can sew fitly dresses in fifty days? Answer: 5 persons. Ф You have four lengths of gold chain. One is made up of five links, two arc made of four links, and one made of three links. These need to be made into one bracelet. The jeweler you have taken them to charg- es 50 cents to break a link and SI.00 to weld a link back together. You figure it would cost $6.00, but the jeweler finds a cheaper way. What is it and how much will it cost? Answer: Jt will only cost $4.50 if you do this: break all the links on the three-link chain and use those to attach all the other three together. Ф What is so unusual about the number 2520? Answer: 2520 is the lowest number into which all the digits from 1 to 10 will divide evenly. Ф Under what conditions would a rope be most likely to break? a. 20 men of equal strength with 10 pull- ing on each end. b. 10 of the same men pulling on one end and the other end being fastened to a tree. c. It makes no difference. <§><$►<§» 309
<§><$><§> Загадки на английском языке... Answer: If 20 men pull on the rope (10 on each end), the stress on the rope will be no greater than if 10 pulled from one end and the other was tied to a tree. The tension on a rope is no greater than the pull at one of its ends. <$> An old fashioned bike wheel has 21 spokes. How many spaces are between the spokes - 20, 21, or 22? A nswer: 21. http://www. sixthsense, ru/riddles/ classic/38955/ Ф There is a certain 10-digit number where the first digit is equal to the number of zeros in the entire number, the second number is the number of l’s in the entire number, and so on, to where the I Oth digit is the number of 9's in the entire number. What is the number? Answer: 6210001000 (There are 6 zeros, 2 ones, 1 two and 1 six). If 20 blackbirds are on a fence and you shoot one, how many remain? Answer: None, they would all fly away from the sound of the shot. Ф Friday the thirteenth is a lucky day! On average, over a number of years, how often docs Friday the 13th occur? Answer: Once every 213 days. Ф If it takes three minutes to boil an egg, how long will it take to boil three eggs? 310
Riddles for Boys and Girls Answer: Three minutes, if they're in the same • pot. Ф There was a farmer who was cutting his grass in a SQUARE field. It took him 90 minutes to do the left side, 90 minutes to do the top and 90 minutes to do the right side. But it took him 1 hour and a half to do the bottom. Why? Answer: Because 90 minutes is 1 hour and a half. <§> Here is one for you math pros: Find the five-digit number in which the first two digits are the square of the third digit and the last two digits arc the square of the digit that is one less than the third digit. The sum of all the digits is 22. Answer: 36,625. Ф A drugstore owner has his own system of pricing items. Soap is 14ccnts, shampoo is 23cents, tooth- paste is 32cents. How much docs a hairnet cost? Answer: 23 CENTS (2CENTS PER CONSO- NANT: 5CENTS PER VOWEL) - do not think he'll get rich too fast! Ф John was trying to take a short cut through a very narrow tunnel when he heard the whistle of an ap- proaching train behind him. Having reached three- eighths of the length of the tunnel, he could have turned back and cleared the entrance of the tunnel running at 10 miles per hour just as the train entered. 311
<§><•><§> За1адки на английском языке... Alternatively, if he kept running forward, the train would reach him the moment he would jump clear of the tracks. At what speed was the train moving? Answer: At 40 miles per hour, the train would enter the funnel when John was still two-eighths from the exit or a quarter of the tunnels length. If the train was to reach him at the exit, it would have to travel at four times Johns speed, i.e. 40 miles per hour. Ф Use your mathematic skills to solve the following problem: There arc a mix of red, green and blue balls in a bag. The total number of balls is 60. There arc four times as many red balls as green balls and 6 more blue balls than green balls. How many balls of each colour are there? Answer: Blue halls = 15 Red balls = 36 Green balls = 9 <^> Mr. Moody grumbles about bad time-keeping trains from morning till night! On one particular morning he was quiet justified. His train left on time for the one hour journey, to Clarksville, and it arrived 5 mi- nutes late. However, Mr. Moody's watch showed it to be 3 minutes early, so he adjusted his watch by putting it forward 3 minutes. His watch kept time during the day, and on the return joumey in the evening the train started on time, according to his watch, and arrived on time, according to the sta- tion clock. If the train travelled 25 percent faster 312
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><$><§> on the return journey than it did on the morning journey, was the station clock fast or slow, and by how much? Answer: The station clock is 3 minutes fast. The morning journey took 65 minutes, and the evening journey therefore took 52 minutes, and the train ar- rived 57 minutes after it should have left, that is, 3 minutes early. Ф The ages of a father and son add up to 66. The fa- ther's age is the son's age reversed. How old could they be? Find all 3 solutions. Answer: 51 and 15 42 and 24 60 and 06 Ф Sabrina gave Samantha as many dollars as Saman- tha started out with. Samantha then gave Sabrina back as much as Sabrina had left. Sabrina then gave Samantha as back as many dollars as Samantha had left, which left Sabrina broke and gave Samantha a total of S80.00. How much did Sabrina and Sa- mantha have at the beginning of their exchange? Answer: Sabrina had $50 and Samantha had $30. Ф Jenny has a wonderful birthday cake with pink icing and colourful candles. She takes a deep breath and blows as hard as she can - one third of the candles arc blown out. Once more Jenny blows hard and this time one third of the remaining candles are blown 313
«§><♦><§> Загадки на английском языке... out. If there are still 8 candles alight, what age is Jenny? Answer: Jenny is 18. Ф Amanda, Brian, and Caleb all have their birthday on same day. At their joint birthday party there is a huge cake with twenty-seven candles on it - rep- resenting their combined age. Amanda is twice the age of Brian and 2 years younger than Caleb. What ages arc Amanda, Brian, and Caleb? Answer: Amanda—10, Brians5, Caleh=12.
RIDDLES ABOUT NATURE: THE SKY, THE EARTH, THE RIVER, THE WEATHER Calendar Riddles about the Year, the Time, the chandc of seasons Riddles about the Animals Riddles about the Birds Riddles about the Trees and Plants Riddles about the Road, the Transport and Traffic Riddles about the Instruments and Home Appliances Riddles about the House and Internal Furniture of the House Riddles about the Ware Fruits, Vegetables and Different Food-Stuff Riddles about the Radio and Musical Instruments Riddles about the School Riddles about the Words and Letters Riddles about the Parts of the Body Riddles about Relatives Riddles about Clothes, Footwear, Ornaments and Other Things Charades, Acrostics and Associations Sarcastic Riddles-jokcs Logic Riddles Difficult Maths Riddles & Puzzles <§><•><§> 315
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ От автора..........................................3 Riddles about Nature: the Sky, the earth, the River, the Weather.....................................8 Calendar Riddles about the Year, the Time, the chande of seasons..........................31 Riddles about the Animals..........................45 Riddles about the Birds............................68 Riddles about the Trees and Plants..........75 Riddles about the Road, the Transport and Traffic..84 Riddles about the Instruments and Home Appliances....93 Riddles about the House and Internal Furniture of the House...................................101 Riddles about the Ware Fruits, Vegetables and Different Food-Stuff......................119 Riddles about the Radio and Musical Instruments....133 Riddles about the School...........................137 Riddles about the Words and Letters................153 Riddles about the Parts of the body...............177 Riddles about Relatives...........................195 Riddles about Clothes, Footwear, Ornaments and Other Things..............................199 Charades, Acrostics and Associations..............207 316
Riddles for Boys and Girls <§><•><§> Sarcastic Riddles-jokes............................227 Logic Riddles......................................255 Difficult Maths Riddles & Puzzles..................300 Riddles about Nature: the Sky, the earth, the River, the Weather....315
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