                    There really is a difference
If you think that most cassette decks look alike... you’re right.
If you think that most cassette decks are alike... you’re right again.
But there is one so different that
Low frequency noise and high frequency distortion are characteristic of the low tape speed of cassette players (1-Va ips ). That’s why professional reel-to-reel recordings are usually
And you don't have to be an
it defies comparison. And you can own one for no more than the “look-alikes.” There are a lot of technical simi-
larities, but only AKAI gives you the incredible GX (glass and crystal ferrite) head. A head so remarkable that it is virtually wear free... Its low-noise single crystal and glass coated surface make
made at 15 inches per second. The Dolby® system provided the answer to low frequency noise. (Of course, we use Dolby too.) But only AKAT’s exclusive ADRS system provides the means to eliminate almost all high frequency distortion over 8 KHz.
engineer to understand it
it dust-free too. And its high frequency response is completely superior to any other head on the market today.
AKAI GX head after 500 hrs.
Pressed-Ferrite head after 500 hrs.
It all adds up to the real difference in fine tape equipment... GX heads, ADRS and Dolby. No one else gives you all three. Why settle for less than the best?
Listen to the AKAI GXC-46D. It may look similar ... but you get so much more.
"Dolby” Is a Trade Merk of Dolby Laboratories, Inc.
The InncMotors