Author: Temme Nico M.  

Tags: physics   mathematical physics  

ISBN: 0-471-11313-1

Year: 1996

An Introduction to
the Classical Functions
of Mathematical
Nico M. Temme

SPECIAL FUNCTIONS AN INTRODUCTION TO THE CLASSICAL FUNCTIONS OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS NICO M. ТЕММЕ Centrum voor Wiskunde en Information Center for Mathematics and Computer Science Amsterdam, The Netherlands A Wiley-Interscience Publication JOHN WILEY & SONS, Inc. New York • Chichester • Brisbane • Toronto • Singapore
This text is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright © 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada. Reproduction or translation of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without the permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Requests for permission or further information should be addressed to the Permissions Department, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158-0012 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: Temme, N. M. Special functions : an introduction to the classical functions of mathematical physics I Nico M. Temme p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-471-11313-1 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Functions, Special. 2. Boundary value problems. 3. Mathematical physics. I. Title. QC20.7.F87T46 1996 515.5—dc20 95-42939 CIP Printed in the United States of America 10 987654321
CONTENTS 1 Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers 1 1.1. Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials, 2 1.1.1. Definitions and Properties, 3 1.1.2. A Simple Difference Equation, 6 1.1.3. Euler’s Summation Formula, 9 1.2. Euler Numbers and Polynomials, 14 1.2.1. Definitions and Properties, 15 1.2.2. Boole’s Summation Formula, 17 1.3. Stirling Numbers, 18 1.4. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading, 21 1.5. Exercises and Further Examples, 22 2 Useful Methods and Techniques 29 2.1. Some Theorems from Analysis, 29 2.2. Asymptotic Expansions of Integrals, 31 2.2.1. Watson’s Lemma, 32 2.2.2. The Saddle Point Method, 34 2.2.3. Other Asymptotic Methods, 38 2.3. Exercises and Further Examples, 39 3 The Gamma Function 41 3.1. Introduction, 41 3.1.1. The Fundamental Recursion Property, 42 3.1.2. Another Look at the Gamma Function, 42 3.2. Important Properties, 43 3.2.1. Prym’s Decomposition, 43 3.2.2. The Cauchy-Saalschiitz Representation, 44
vi CONTENTS 3.2.3. The Beta Integral, 45 3.2.4. The Multiplication Formula, 46 3.2.5. The Reflection Formula, 46 3.2.6. The Reciprocal Gamma Function, 48 3.2.7. A Complex Contour for the Beta Integral, 49 3.3. Infinite Products, 50 3.3.1. Gauss’ Multiplication Formula, 52 3.4. Logarithmic Derivative of the Gamma Function, 53 3.5. Riemann’s Zeta Function, 57 3.6. Asymptotic Expansions, 61 3.6.1. Estimations of the Remainder, 64 3.6.2. Ratio of Two Gamma Functions, 66 3.6.3. Application of the Saddle Point Method, 69 3.7. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading, 71 3.8. Exercises and Further Examples, 72 4 Differential Equations 79 4.1. Separating the Wave Equation, 79 4.1.1. Separating the Variables, 81 4.2. Differential Equations in the Complex Plane, 83 4.2.1. Singular Points, 83 4.2.2. Transformation of the Point at Infinity, 84 4.2.3. The Solution Near a Regular Point, 85 4.2.4. Power Series Expansions Around a Regular Point, 90 4.2.5. Power Series Expansions Around a Regular Singular Point, 92 4.3. Sturm’s Comparison Theorem, 97 4.4. Integrals as Solutions of Differential Equations, 98 4.5. The Liouville Transformation, 103 4.6. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading, 104 4.7. Exercises and Further Examples, 104 5 Hypergeometric Functions 107 5.1. Definitions and Simple Relations, 107 5.2. Analytic Continuation, 109 5.2.1. Three Functional Relations, 110 5.2.2. A Contour Integral Representation, 111 5.3. The Hypergeometric Differential Equation, 112 5.4. The Singular Points of the Differential Equation, 114 5.5. The Riemann-Papperitz Equation, 116 5.6. Barnes’ Contour Integral for F(a, b; c; z), 119 5.7. Recurrence Relations, 121 5.8. Quadratic Transformations, 122 5.9. Generalized Hypergeometric Functions, 124 5.9.1. A First Introduction to ^-functions, 125
CONTENTS vii 5.10. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading, 127 5.11. Exercises and Further Examples, 128 6 Orthogonal Polynomials 133 6.1. General Orthogonal Polynomials, 133 6.1.1. Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials, 137 6.1.2. Gauss Quadrature, 138 6.2. Classical Orthogonal Polynomials, 141 6.3. Definitions by the Rodrigues Formula, 142 6.4. Recurrence Relations, 146 6.5. Differential Equations, 149 6.6. Explicit Representations, 151 6.7. Generating Functions, 154 6.8. Legendre Polynomials, 156 6.8.1. The Norm of the Legendre Polynomials, 156 6.8.2. Integral Expressions for the Legendre Polynomials, 156 6.8.3. Some Bounds on Legendre Polynomials, 157 6.8.4. An Asymptotic Expansion as n is Large, 158 6.9. Expansions in Terms of Orthogonal Polynomials, 160 6.9.1. An Optimal Result in Connection with Legendre Polynomials, 160 6.9.2. Numerical Aspects of Chebyshev Polynomials, 162 6.10. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading, 164 6.11. Exercises and Further Examples, 164 7 Confluent Hypergeometric Functions 171 7.1. The Л/-function, 172 7.2. The ^-function, 175 7.3. Special Cases and Further Relations, 177 7.3.1. Whittaker Functions, 178 7.3.2. Coulomb Wave Functions, 178 7 3.3. Parabolic Cylinder Functions, 179 7 3.4. Error Functions, 180 7.3.5. Exponential Integrals, 180 7.3.6. Fresnel Integrals, 182 7.3.7. Incomplete Gamma Functions, 185 7.3.8. Bessel Functions, 186 7.3.9. Orthogonal Polynomials, 186 7.4. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading, 186 7.5. Exercises and Further Examples, 187 8 Legendre Functions 8.1. The Legendre Differential Equation, 194 8.2. Ordinary Legendre Functions, 194 193
viii CONTENTS 8.3. Other Solutions of the Differential Equation, 196 8.4. A Few More Series Expansions, 198 8.5. The function Qn(z), 200 8.6. Integral Representations, 202 8.7. Associated Legendre Functions, 209 8.8. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading, 213 8.9. Exercises and Further Examples, 214 9 Bessel Functions 219 9.1. Introduction, 219 9.2. Integral Representations, 220 9.3. Cylinder Functions, 223 9.4. Further Properties, 227 9.5. Modified Bessel Functions, 232 9.6. Integral Representations for the I- and ^-Functions, 234 9.7. Asymptotic Expansions, 238 9.8. Zeros of Bessel Functions, 241 9.9. Orthogonality Relations, Fourier-Bessel Series, 244 9.10. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading, 247 9.11. Exercises and Further Examples, 247 10 Separating the Wave Equation 257 10.1. General Transformations, 258 10.2. Special Coordinate Systems, 259 10.2.1. Cylindrical Coordinates, 259 10.2.2. Spherical Coordinates, 261 10.2.3. Elliptic Cylinder Coordinates, 263 10.2.4. Parabolic Cylinder Coordinates, 264 10.2.5. Oblate Spheroidal Coordinates, 266 10.3. Boundary Value Problems, 268 10.3.1. Heat Conduction in a Cylinder, 268 10.3.2. Diffraction of a Plane Wave Due to a Sphere, 270 10.4. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading, 271 10.5. Exercises and Further Examples, 272 11 Special Statistical Distribution Functions 275 11.1. Error Functions, 275 11.1.1. The Error Function and Asymptotic Expansions, 276 11.2. Incomplete Gamma Functions, 277 11.2.1. Series Expansions, 279 11.2.2. Continued Fraction for Г(а, z), 280 11.2.3. Contour Integral for the Incomplete Gamma Functions, 282 11.2.4. Uniform Asymptotic Expansions, 283
CONTENTS ix 11.2.5. Numerical Aspects, 286 11.3. Incomplete Beta Functions, 288 11.3.1. Recurrence Relations, 289 11.3.2. Contour Integral for the Incomplete Beta Function, 290 11.3.3. Asymptotic Expansions, 291 11.3.4. Numerical Aspects, 297 11.4. Non-Central Chi-Squared Distribution, 298 11.4.1. A Few More Integral Representations, 300 11.4.2. Asymptotic Expansion; m Fixed, j Large, 302 11.4.3. Asymptotic Expansion; j Large, m Arbitrary, 303 11.4.4. Numerical Aspects, 305 11.5. An Incomplete Bessel Function, 308 11.6. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading, 309 11.7. Exercises and Further Examples, 310 12 Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions 12.1. Complete Integrals of the First and Second Kind, 315 12.1.1. The Simple Pendulum, 316 12.1.2. Arithmetic Geometric Mean, 318 12.2. Incomplete Elliptic Integrals, 321 12.3. Elliptic Functions and Theta Functions, 322 12.3.1. Elliptic Functions, 323 12.3.2. Theta Functions, 324 12.4. Numerical Aspects, 328 12.5. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading, 329 12.6. Exercises and Further Examples, 330 13 Numerical Aspects of Special Functions 333 13.1. A Simple Recurrence Relation, 334 13.2. Introduction to the General Theory, 335 13.3. Examples, 338 13.4. Miller’s Algorithm, 343 13.5. How to Compute a Continued Fraction, 347 Bibliography 349 Notations and Symbols 361 Index 365

PREFACE This book gives an introduction to the classical well-known special functions which play a role in mathematical physics, especially in boundary value problems. Usually we call a function “special” when the function, just as the logarithm, the exponential and trigonometric functions (the elementary transcendental functions), belongs to the toolbox of the applied mathematician, the physicist or engineer. Usually there is a particular notation, and a number of properties of the function are known. This branch of mathematics has a respectable history with great names such as Gauss, Euler, Fourier, Legendre, Bessel and Riemann. They all have spent much time on this subject. A great part of their work was inspired by physics and the resulting dif- ferential equations. About 70 years ago these activities culminated in the standard work A Course of Modern Analysis by Whittaker and Watson, which has had great influence and is still important. This book has been written with students of mathematics, physics and engineer- ing in mind, and also researchers in these areas who meet special functions in their work, and for whom the results are too scattered in the general literature. Calculus and complex function theory are the basis for all this: integrals, series, residue cal- culus, contour integration in the complex plane, and so on. The selection of topics is based on my own preferences, and of course, on what in general is needed for working with special functions in applied mathematics, physics and engineering. This book gives more than a selection of formulas. In the many exercises hints for solutions are often given. In order to keep the book to a modest size, no attention is paid to special functions which are solutions of periodic differential equations such as Mathieu and Lame functions; these functions are only mentioned when separating the wave equation. The current interest in ^-hypergeo- metric functions would justify an extensive treatment of this topic. It falls outside the scope of the present work, but a short introduction is given nevertheless. xi
xii PREFACE Today students and researchers have computers with formula processors at their disposal. For instance, Matlab and Mathematica are powerful packages, with pos- sibilities of computing and manipulating special functions. It is very useful to ex- ploit this software, but often extra analysis and knowledge of special functions are needed to obtain optimal results. At several occasions in the book I have paid attention to the asymptotic and nu- merical aspects of special functions. When this becomes too specialistic in nature the references to recent literature are given. A separate chapter discusses the stabili- ty aspects of recurrence relations for several special functions are discussed. It is explained that a given recursion cannot always be used for computations. Much of this information is available in the literature, but it is difficult for beginners to lo- cate. Part of the material for this book is collected from well-known books, such as from Hochstadt, Lebedev, Olver, Rainville, Szego and Whittaker & Watson. In addition to these I have used Dutch university lecture notes, in particular those by Prof. H.A. Lauwerier (University of Amsterdam) and Prof J. Boersma (Technical University Eindhoven). The enriching and supporting comments of Dick Askey, Johannes Boersma, Tom Koomwinder, Adri Olde Daalhuis, Frank Olver, and Richard Paris on earlier ver- sions of the manuscript are much appreciated. When there are still errors in the many formulas I have myself to blame. But I hope that the extreme standpoint of Dick Askey, who once advised me: never trust a formula from a book or table; it only gives you an idea how the exact result looks like, is not applicable to the set of formulas in this book. However, this is a useful warning. Nico M. Темме Amsterdam, The Netherlands

1 Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers A well-known result from calculus is the alternating series 2n — 1 ’ which can be used for the computation of the number тг, although the series converges very slowly. However, summing the first 50 000 terms gives the remarkable result 50 ooo 2 E 71=1 (-I)""1 2n — 1 = 1.5707 86326 79489 76192 31321 19163 97520 52098 58331 46876. Using a criterion for convergence of this type of series, we may conclude that this answer is correct to only six significant digits. When you compare the answer on the right-hand side with a 50-d approximation of ^7r, you will reach the surprising conclusion that nearly all digits in the above approximation are correct, except for those underlined. In this chapter this intriguing aspect will be explained with the help of simple properties of Euler numbers and Boole’s summation method. Another example is the series oo ln2 = E 71=1 (-l)n+1 n You may try to sum the first 50 000 terms with high precision, and compare the answer with an accurate approximation of In 2. In this chapter we discuss basic properties of the Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling numbers, with applications to the summation methods of Euler and Boole. These methods are based on the polynomials of Euler and Bernoulli. 1
2 1: Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers Such topics are extensively discussed in classical books on the calculus of differences, the subject that played a prominent part in numerical analysis. A short introduction to difference equations is given §1.1.2. Just as many other special numbers, polynomials and functions, the special numbers and polynomials of this chapter can be introduced by generating functions. Usually these are power series of the form oo F(x,t)= ^fn(x)tn, n=Q where each fn is independent of t. The radius of convergence with respect to (complex) values of t may be finite or infinite. We say that F(x, t) is the function which the sequence {fn} generates, and F is called the generating function. Often, F and the coefficients fn are analytic functions in a certain domain. 1.1. Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials The Bernoulli numbers are named after Jakob Bernoulli, who mentioned the numbers in his posthumous Ars conjectandi of 1713; see Bernoulli (1713). He discussed summae potestatum, sums of equal powers of the first n integers. For instance, we know from elementary calculus that 71 — 1 V i = -n(n - 1) = -n2 - -n, 2 2 2 i=1 71—1 E-2 1 3 12.1 I = -П-----П + -n, 3 2 6 ’ 7=1 71—1 У г3 = _ 1 n3 + 1 n2 = 4 2 4 ’ 7=1 71—1 E-4 1-5 1 4 . 1 3 1 г = -n-----n + -n-------n, 5 2 3 30 ’ 7=1 and so on. Bernoulli was, in particular, interested in the numbers multiplying the linear terms n at the right-hand sides: —. Euler (1755) called them Bernoulli numbers By B2, B3, B4,.... As we know from the general result
§ 1.1 Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials they show up in other terms also; see Exercise 1.3. The Bernoulli numbers occur in practically every field of mathematics, in particular, in combinatorial theory, finite difference calculus, numerical analysis, analytical number theory, and probability theory. We discuss their role in the summation formula of Euler. 1.1.1. Definitions and Properties Instead of introducing the Bernoulli numbers Bn as above, we use a generating function for their definition: (1-1) Because the function is even (prove it!), all Bernoulli numbers with odd index > 3 vanish: B2n+i =0, n = 1,2,3,... . The first nonvanishing numbers are B8 = -l, B10 = A, = = ви = ^ 30 66 2730 6 510 The Bernoulli polynomials are defined by the generating function = ez - 1 n! 11 n=0 (1-2) The first few polynomials are В0(ж) = 1, Bi (ж) = x — B2(x) = x2 - x + j, В3(я:) = ж3 - |m2 + ^x, B4(x) = x4 — 2x3 + я:2-——.
4 1: Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers A further step yields the generalized Bernoulli polynomials: (1-3) where cr is any complex number. By taking x = 0 we obtain the generalized Bernoulli numbers B^ = B^\o), which are polynomials of degree n of the complex variable a. We now give some relations which easily follow from the definitions through the generating functions. 1 Bn(x) dx = 0, n = 1,2,3,... . (1.4) = £ Q ВкхП~к> B^x+^ = i(k) BkW~k- fc=0 ' ' k=0 ' ' Bn(0) - Bn, Bn(l) = (-l)nBn. (1.6) Bn(l -x) = (-l)nBn(xl Bn(-x) = (-l)n [BnCr) + n/-1] . (1.7) Bn(i) = - (1 - 21-n) Bn. (1.8) ^-Bn(x) = nBn_i(i), Bn(x + 1) - Bn(x) = пхп~г. (1.9) ax n k=0 The proof of (1.4) follows for example by integrating the left-hand side of (1.2) with respect to x. The properties (1.5)-(1.10) all hold for n = 0,1,2,... . Property (1.10) gives for x = 0 the identity for the Bernoulli numbers: (1-10) (1-11) with which the numbers can be generated by means of a simple recursion. Symbolic manipulation on the computer may be very useful here. Numerical computations with finite precision will yield very inaccurate results, due to instability of (1.11). In Exercise 1.1c you can prove that , ~2n+l ала, 71=0
§7.7 Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials 5 where the relation between the tangent numbers Tn and the Bernoulli numbers Bn is defined by Tn is an integer with Tin = 0, n > 0. This follows from differentiating tan г: all even derivatives at z = 0 vanish and the odd derivatives are integers. The same holds for the coefficients of the MacLaurin expansion. We have 7b = 1, Ti = -1, T3 = 2, T5 = -16, T7 = 272, T9 =—7936. Finally, we mention dt = 1 (ж) — Bn+1 (a)]. n + 1 This property can be used in the proof of the memorable formulas R M-<)( niV sin(27rma:) B2n-i(x) - 2(—1) (2n - 1)! 2^ (2тгт)2"-1’ m=l ' (1-13) where n = 1,2,3,... and 0 < x < 1. For a proof we may begin with the first line with n = 1. This gives a well-known result from the theory of Fourier series for the function B± (ж) = x — -J,. Then induction and the above integral relation should be used. The special case x = 0 gives in (1.5) an interesting result for the even Bernoulli numbers: в2п = 2(-1)”+1(2п)! У2 (2тгт)-2п, n = 1,2,3,... . m=l (1-14) It is of interest, since with this result the series Ylm=l m~S (l^e Rlem&nn function, which will be discussed in the following chapter) can be expressed in terms of Bernoulli numbers when s is an even positive integer. When s = 2,4,6 we thus have OO-i 9 El _ r m2 6 m=l °° i 4 El 7Г4 / 90’ (L15) m=l oo л 6 1 7Г° m6 945 m=l
6 1: Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers Figure 1.1. The functions Bn(x), n = 1 and n = 3. For odd s—values a similar relation is never found. The Fourier series for Bernoulli polynomials in (1.13) can be defined for all real values of x. Outside the interval [0,1] the series do not represent polynomials, of course, but periodic functions of x. These periodic functions are very important, and we introduce a special notation Bn(x) by defining for n = 0,l,2,... Bn(x) = Bn(x), 0 < x < 1, and Bn(x +1) = Bn(x), x e IB. (1.16) The functions Bn(x) have continuous derivatives up to order n — 1. This easily follows from the earlier properties, for instance from (1.13). They become smoother as n increases. As will follow from §1.1.3, the periodic functions Bn(x) play an important part in Euler’s summation formula. In Figures 1.1 and 1.2 we show the first four functions Bn(x), n = 1,2,3,4. 1.1.2. A Simple Difference Equation One of the results of the previous subsection (see (1.9)) reads f(x + 1) - f(x) = nxn~ l, a difference equation with solution f(x) = Bn(x). It follows that the Bernoulli polynomials can be used to construct a solution of the difference equation f(x+ 1) - f(x) = Pn(x), where Рп(ж) is a polynomial. When Pn(x) = we can write the general solution in the form л*) = 52 v+iBk+i^+ k=Q
§7.7 Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials 7 Figure 1.2. The functions Bn(x), n = 2 and n = 4. where тг(ж) is an arbitrary periodic function of x of period 1. The function f(x) = cjnBn(~) is a solution of the more general difference equation = (1.17) (jj with ф(х) = nir72-1. When we want to solve this equation for general </>(#), we may call oo f(x) — A — ш ф(х + ncA) n=0 a formal solution of the difference equation (1.17), where A is independent of x. For example, when ф(х) = exp(—ж), we obtain OO __ 71=0 which indeed is a solution of (1.17). The series in this example is convergent, but in general this condition is not satisfied. Several methods are available to use a modified form of the formal solution, from which well-defined solutions can be obtained. For instance, we can take A = ф(х) dx, with c > 0 and N a large integer, and we define p7V N /n(x) = / ф(х) dx — 57 <KX + пш)- Jc n=0 When the limit of /уу(ж) exists as N oo, this limit may be a solution. For example, let c = l,o> = 1 and ф(х) = 1/ж, x > 0. Then Г N 1 1 Г N / 1 1 \1 fN(x)= lnJV-£ — + 52 (-— --—) , n + 1 \ n + 1 x + n J 71=0 J L7l=0 J
8 1: Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers and each quantity between square brackets tends to a finite limit, as N —> oo; see the next subsection, Example 1.2. From Chapter 3, formula (3.10), we infer that the function /уу(ж) tends to a special function, the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function ф(х), which indeed satisfies the difference equation f(x + 1) — /(ж) = 1/ж. In a second method the function ф(х) in (1.17) is replaced with ф{х,р} that satisfies Нт^_^о Ф(х,^) = ф(х\ For instance, we can take ф(х,/л) = (^(.т)е”м'г, /z > 0. Let c be a number independent of x, and assume that ф(х, /z) dx, oo and ^2 Ф(х + пса, /Ф) п-0 both converge. Then we define as the solution of (1.17) the function f(x) = lim^o/(z,/z), where /(ж,м)) = лОО °°^ / ф(х, dx — У2 Ф(х + пса, ji) Jc n=0 (1.18) provided that this limit exists. It is shown in the classical literature (for instance, in Norlund (1924)) that this /(ж) indeed satisfies (1.17), and that this solution is independent of the particular choice of ф(х,ц). Other choices are also possible. It is easily verified that for (1.17) with c = 1, ca = 1, ф(х) = 1, the function f(x, /a) is given by and that lim^—>o JC7^/2) = x — a Bernoulli polynomial. Example 1.1. Consider the difference equation f(x + 1) - f(x) — nxn ге 1ЛХ, Ц > 0, x > 0,
§7.7 Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials 9 which for = 0 reduces to the difference equation of the Bernoulli polynomi- als. We try to find /(^,/z) of (1.18). Take c = 0, then POO 00 /0>Az) = / nt^e-^dt- V n{x + m)n~1e-^x+m^ J° m=0 ^n—1 POO 00 Lm= 1 ny m(m — nY. m=n v 7 In this derivation we have used the generating function (1.2). When > 0, we have /(ir,/z) = Вп(ж), which again shows that Bn(x) satisfies the second relation in (1.9). 1.1.3. Euler’s Summation Formula A striking application of Bernoulli numbers and polynomials is Euler’s sum- mation formula, that links a finite or infinite series and an integral. This formula yields an efficient method for evaluating some slowly convergent se- ries by means of an integral. Turning it round, by this method also an integral can be approximated by discretization, which leads to the trapezoidal rule. In Euler (1732) the proof of the formula can be found. Theorem 1.1. Let the function f: [0,1] —> (D have к continuous derivatives (к = 0,1,2,...). Then for к > 1 /(1) = [ /(я) dx + ^ (0)] + Rk, J° i=l г' with Rk = —^,fc+1- f P\x)Bk(x) dx. Proof. The proof runs with induction with respect to к. For к = 1 the claim is true, which follows from integrating by parts. Then the property Bm(x) = is used to go from к = т>]Ло к = mil. g
10 1: Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers With similar conditions for f on the interval [j — 1,J] we have k /(j) = f dx + £ -1)1 + Rk, Jj-1 i=1 with Rk = d^ where Вд.(ж) is the function introduced in (1.16). The next step joins a number of these intervals: £/G) = Г ^х + £^ +Rk, i=l Jo i=l with Rk = [nfW^Bk^dx. Jo For к = 1 this gives the formula /(l) + /(2) + ..- + /(n)= / /(x)dx + |[/(n)-/(0)]+ / Bi(x)f'(x)dx, Jo 2 Jo with Bi (ж) a sawtooth function on [0,n]. This is Euler’s summation formula in its simplest form. The formula expresses a connection between the sum of the first n terms of a series and the integral of the corresponding function over the interval [0, n\. Example 1.2. Take and replace in the above formula n with n — 1. Then we obtain the classical example i+i+i+i+..-+i=i»»+i+i- РЧмпА,. 2 3 4 n 2n 2 Jo 1V 7(l + x)2 The integral is convergent when n —> oo. From this we infer that 7 = lim fl + - + - + - + -- - + -— In7?) n—>oo \ 2 3 4 n / exists as well. The limit 7 = 0.5772 15664 90153... is called Euler’s constant. From this example also follows that 1 f°° Я I , iz 1 Г ,2 ‘
§7.7 Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials 11 Since Вд.(О) = 0, к = 3,5,7,... all terms with odd index can be deleted in the summation formula, except the term with index i = 1. And at both sides we can add the term /(0). Then the result is Theorem 1.2. Let the function f: [0, n] —> ф have (2k + 1) continuous derivatives (k > 0, n > 1). Then n fn E dX + 9 + Я°)] 1^0 k (i-19) Rk = (2ГП)! /о Nk+1^x^+^ dx- The summation formula is usually presented in this form, and is connected with the trapezoidal rule (Exercise 1.7). Example 1.3. We take f(x) = x2. Since f^(x) = 0 for each x, the contribution of the remainder in (1.19) is zero when к > 1. For к = 1 (1.19) then reads E*2 = / x2dx+ in2 + ^B2[f'(n) - /'(0)] = |n3 + |n2 + ±n. i=0 J° An alternative summation formula for infinite series arises through the intermediate form E = [ № dx +1 t/(n) + A™)] dm к (i-20) +E^[/(2i’1)w-/(2i"1)H+^ z9. 1 n, Г f2k+1\x)B2k+1(x)dx. ' JJ- Jm
12 1: Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers In this formula we replace n with oo, which is allowed when the infinite series and the indefinite integrals °o roo ЛОО ~ £/(«). / f(x)dx, / f(2k+1\x)B2k+1(x)dx i=m Jm Jm exist. In addition we assume that f and the derivatives occurring in the formula tend to zero when their arguments tend to infinity. The result is °o к Fl f(x) dx + l/(m) - £ + Rk, (1.21) This form of Euler’s summation formula can be fruitfully applied in summing infinite series. It is important to have information on the remainder R^. It is not always necessary to know the integral in exactly. Also, it is not necessary to know whether lim Rfc — 0. k-^oo In many cases this condition is not fulfilled, or the limit does not even exist. An estimate of the remainder can be obtained through the following theorem. Theorem 1.3. Let f and. all its derivatives be defined on the interval [0, oo) on which they should be monotonic and tend to zero when x oo. Then R^ of (1.19) satisfies Rk = [/(2fc+1,W - /(2fc+1)(0)] , with 0 < 0k < 1. Proof. First we remark that /(fc)(a:), /(/c+1)(z), k = 0,1,2,... have fixed and different signs on [0, oo). Let f(x) > 0, x > 0. Then it is easily verified (consider the graph of the sine function) that the sign of / sin(27r?7iir)/(ir) dx, 777 = 1,2,3,... JO is also positive. From (1.13) and (1-16) then follows that the sign of [ В2п+1(ж) f (x) dx, 77 = 1,2,3,... , 777 = 0,1,2,... Jo
§ 1.1 Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials 13 equals the sign of (—l)n+1. From this we also conclude that the remainder Rk of (1.19) have different signs for subsequent values of k. This implies that Rk and (Rfc — Rk-\-i) have the same sign and hence that \Rk\ < l-Rfc - .Rfc+il- From (1.19) it follows, however, that Rt - R^ = -/(и+1,(»)] This is exactly the ‘first neglected term’ in Euler’s summation formula. The sign of this term equals the sign of R^ and the absolute value of this term at least equals the absolute value of R^. g A similar result holds for formula (1.21). In this case we have Rk = with O<0*<1. (1.22) \ZiK -f- ZjI The theorem says that, with the conditions on /, the error in taking in (1.21) к terms of the series in the right-hand side is smaller than the first neglected (k + 1)—th term. In practical problems one tries to find this (k + 1)—th term that falls below the requested accuracy, and one sums the series on the right- hand side of (1.21) as far as the th term. In other words, one may sum the series until a particular term falls below the accuracy. This naive criterion, which is very popular in summing infinite series, is fully legitimate here. Example 1.4. Sum the series oo л ЕЙ i=i1 with an error less than IO-9. First we compute Vto = 1.19653198567-•• . Z—/ 7o 2=1 1 Next we apply (1.21) with /(я:) — and m = 10. Namely, (1.21) should not be used with the low value m = 1, but with one that makes R^ small enough (for an acceptable value of k). Our f fulfills the conditions of Theorem 1.3. Verify that the third term in the series of the right-hand side of (1.21) equals ———2520 x 10-8 = —- x 10-8 = -0.83 x 10~9. 42 6! 12
14 1: Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers Hence, we apply (1.21) with к = 2, and we obtain = 1.19653198567-•• dx i i X3 + 2000 + 40000 1 12000000 = 1.20205690234, with an error that is smaller than 0.83 x 10 9. The actual error is 0.82 x 10 9. From this example we see that the error estimate can be very sharp. An- other point is that Euler’s summation formula may produce a quite accurate result, with almost no effort. To obtain the same accuracy, straightforward numerical summation of the series requires about 22360 terms. Not all series can be evaluated by Euler’s formula in this favorable way. Although the class of series for which the formula is applicable is quite interest- ing, Euler’s method has its limitations. Alternating series should be tackled through Boole’s summation method, which is based on the Euler polynomials (see §1.2.2). Several other summation formulas have been invented to improve the con- vergence of slowly convergent series. Each method has a favorite class of series for which the method is extremely successful. Monotonicity and regularity of the derivatives of the function f that generates the terms of the series always is a good starting point. To obtain information on how many terms one needs using (1.22) one may use estimates of the Bernoulli numbers. Since the radius of convergence of the series in (1.1) equals 2тг, one can use the rough estimate = O [(2,)^] , as IZ /и "I Z J • L J This estimate can be refined by using the first series in (1.13). Since the series assumes values between 1 and 2, we have (see also Exercise 1.2) (2^ < (“1)”+1(2§! <2(2^p n = 1,2,3,... . (1.23) When also estimates of the derivatives of f are known, much information on Rk of (1.22) may become available. 1.2. Euler Numbers and Polynomials The Euler numbers have a less dominant place in mathematics than those of Bernoulli, although the definitions are quite similar. Again definitions
§1.2 Euler Numbers and Polynomials 15 are based on generating functions. A short introduction is worthwhile, in particular in connection with the summation of alternating series. 1.2.1. Definitions and Properties The Euler numbers are introduced through the series: cosh z e2z + 1 n\ ' 2 71=0 The Euler numbers are integers, in contrast to the Bernoulli numbers. The first few are Eq = 1, E2 = -1, E4 = 5, Eq = -61, E% = 1385, while those with odd index are zero: ^271+1=0, n = 0,1,2,... . The Euler polynomials are defined by with as relation between numbers and polynomials En = 2nEn(i). (1-24) The first few Euler polynomials are: E0(z) = 1, Ei(x) = x- £^2 (^) = X2 — Ж, Е3(я;) = x3 - |я;2 + i, E4 (ж) = ж4 — 2ж3 + х. Further generalizations give:
16 1: Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers Figure 1.3. The functions En(x\ n = 1 and n = 3. Note that the system of generalizations is not as clear as in the Bernoulli case. However, the numbers of Bernoulli and Euler do share many properties, such as for example the analogs of the Fourier series in (1.13) r? M A( nlV cos[(2m + 1)7T®] E^x) = 4(—1) (2n - 1)! [(2m + 1)7r]2„ m=Q LV 1 / J which hold for n = 1,2,3,... and x € [0,1]. We see that E'^x) = 0 for x = and with (1.24) it follows that |^2nM| < |-К2п(|)|=2“2П£;2п, n= 1,2,3,... . We define as in (1.16) the periodic Euler functions En(x) by writing En(x) = En(x), 0 < x < 1, and En(x + 1) = En(x), x e IR. The function En(x) has n — 1 continuous derivatives. In Figures 1.3 and 1.4 we show the first four functions En(x), n = 1,2,3,4.
§ 1.2 Euler Numbers and Polynomials 17 Figure 1.4. The functions En(x), n = 2 and n = 4. 1.2.2. Boole’s Summation Formula This method is given in BOOLE (1860), but Euler knew the method also. The analog of Theorem 1.1 is given in the form: Theorem 1.4. Let the function ft [0,1] —> (D have к continuous derivatives, (к = 0,1,2,...). Then, for к > 1, with k—1 /(1) = | E [/(i)(1) + /(i)(0)] + Rk, i=Q Rk = 9/. 1 n, [ f('k\x)Ek_1{x)dx. ~ -U- Jo Proof. Use induction with respect to k. For к = 1 the claim is obvious, and for the induction step we can use (n + l)2£n(ir) = ^+1(ж). В The theory for Boole’s summation formula is developed in the same way as in Euler’s case. The striking difference is that in the Boole version of Theorem 1.2 the left-hand side of (1.19) now shows an alternating series. Moreover an integral of f is missing. We write a final result similar to (1.21), with an extra parameter h, which enables a shift in the argument of f. In this way we obtain Euler numbers in Boole’s summation formula (taking h = ^), instead of the quantities En(l). The proof of the following theorem is left to the reader. Theorem 1.5. Let f: [m, oo) —> IR, have к continuous derivatives, (k = 0,1,2,...). Assume that f^(x) —> 0 as x —> oo for each i = 0,1,..., k. Let
18 1: Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers h e [0,1]. Then oo к 1 у—, / 7 \ + + jRfc (i,25) i=m г=0 with 2 Jm Applying this with h = ^, f(x) = 1/x we obtain after some algebra 2y (~1)fc flyV E2k (2fc + 1) 1 (2n)2*+x ’ k=n k=Q where, on account of earlier given estimates of the Euler polynomials and evaluation of the derivatives of /, it easily follows that This result holds for each positive n and N. With n = 50000 and N > 1 we obtain an explanation of the intriguing phenomenon we observed at the beginning of this chapter. The error equals 10-5 - 10-15 + 5 x 10-25 - 61 x IO-35 + 1385 x IO-45 .... Adding this to the computed 50-d approximation of jtt, we will see that the result indeed is correct to an accuracy of 50 digits. The striking point is that the digits in the asymptotic correction represent integers (the Euler numbers). That is why the indicated effect is clearly visible. In this example we can also take other values of n = 0.5 x 10ш. Only sufficiently large values of m show the effect appropriately. 1.3. Stirling Numbers James Stirling introduced in the beginning of Methodus Differentialis (Stir- ling (1730)) certain coefficients that became famous and now bear his name. We define the Stirling numbers of the first and second kind, respectively de- noted by S<m) and , as the coefficients in the expansions
§ 1.3 Stirling Numbers 19 x(x - 1) • • • (ж - n + 1) = S^xm, m=Q xn = У2 &n^x(x - 1) • • • (x - m + 1), m=0 (1-26) (1-27) where we give the left-hand side of (1.26) the value 1 if n = 0; similarly the factors on the right-hand side of (1.27) have the value 1 if m = 0. This gives the ‘boundary values’ = 1, n > 0, and = e£0) = 0, n > 1. Furthermore it is convenient to agree on S^ = = 0 if m > n. The Stirling numbers are integer numbers; apart from the above mentioned zero values, the numbers of the second kind are positive, and those of the first kind have the sign of (—l)n+m. We have the following recurrence relations - nS^, (1.28) = тб(™} + e^m-1). (1.29) A proof of (1.28) follows from x(x -1) • • • (® - n) = 57 ^n+ixm = (x - n) 57 &т)хт m=0 m=Q and comparing corresponding powers of x. A similar proof can be used for (1.29). The Stirling numbers of the first and second kind satisfy an interesting orthogonality relation. Substitution of (1.26) into (1.27) yields n m n n = E s!™1 E = E E m=0 k=Q k=Q m=k Comparison of corresponding powers of x gives V fi(w) a(*) _ c / — °k,n- m=k
20 1: Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers In a similar way one proves £ eSM”’ = m=k These properties lead to a general inversion which can be applied to sequences of numbers. Let be two number sequences, then we have the Stirling inversion n n an = ^T S^bk <=> bn = У2 k=0 fc=0 with as alternative for infinite sequences (the formal) inversion oo oo an = 52 skn>>bk bn = 52 k=n k=n For example, it is not difficult to verify from (1.26) that n 52 (-i)n-m^m) = ni. Then from the inversion relation we obtain = 1. m=0 Several other generating functions are available for Stirling numbers. We have № + r = (1.30) ml nl n=m (1.3!) ml t—** nl n=m When (1.31) is proved, one can use (with some imagination) the inversion formula for infinite sequences to verify (1.30). To do so, write in (1.31) z = ex — 1, x = ln(z + 1). We sketch the proof of (1.31). Call Fm(x) the (unknown) left-hand side of (1.31). Then we know that F$(x) = 1 and furthermore (since = 1) F'i(rr) = ex — 1. Using the recurrence relation in (1.29) we arrive at , Fm^x) ~ m^rn(^) + Fm— dx
§ 1.4 Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 21 Considering the condition at x = 0, we obtain a solution of this recursion, which is indeed in the form of the left-hand side of (1.31). A closed expression for the numbers of the second kind reads 1 m / \ ’k=Q V 7 A proof follows simply by expanding the left-hand side of (1.31) by Newton’s binomial formula and by comparing the power series of the resulting expo- nential functions on the right-hand side of (1.31). A similar closed expression for the numbers of the first kind is not known. The Stirling numbers play an important role in difference calculus, com- binatorics, and probability theory. An example from combinatorics is: is the number of ways of partitioning a set of n elements into m non-empty subsets. We find for m = 2, n = 4 the value 64 — 7, since {a, 6, c, d} = {a} U {b, c, d} = {b} U {a, c, d} = {c} U {a, 6, d} = {d} U {a, 6, c} = {a, b} U {c, d} = {a, c} U {6, d} = {a, d} U {6, c}. 1.4. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 1.1. An extensive bibliography on Bernoulli numbers (and the other quan- tities treated in this chapter) is given in Dilcher et al. (1991). 1.2. Further information on classical difference calculus can be found in Jor- dan (1947), Norlund (1924), and Milne-Thomson (1933), where also the summation methods of Euler and Boole are considered. Euler’s method can be found in Knopp (1946). 1.3. Euler’s name is connected with another method for applying transfor- mations on series: the Euler transformation, which should not be confused with the summation methods discussed earlier in this chapter. Euler’s trans- formation is a powerful method to improve the convergence of series, in par- ticular of slowly convergent alternating series. Let the given convergent series beS = SXo(-1)”«n- Then Д”а0 ° 2^ 2n+1 ’ 71=0 where Д is the forward difference operator defined by Дад. = а^ — Ufc-i-i, Д (Lfe = — Дад._|_1 = а^ — 2пд._|_^ + u^-i-2?
22 1: Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers and, in general Л“ао = Ё(-1)-‘ (“К k=Q v 7 For example, when an = l/(n + 1), then Anao = l/(n + 1), which gives In 2 = V -___~ = V_______________ n + 1 (n + 1) 2n+1 ’ n=0 n=Q 4 a startling improvement with respect to convergence; see Knopp (1946). 1.4. Yet another method for transforming finite and infinite sums into inte- grals, based on residue calculus, is the Abel-Plana formula. See Chapter 8 in Olver (1974), where also the connection with Euler’s summation method is described. 1.5. The remarkable phenomenon observed in summing the series in the introduction of this chapter, and in Exercise 1.9, which is explained in §1.2.2 with the help of Boole’s summation formula, seems to be discussed for the first time in Borwein, Borwein & Dilcher (1989). 1.6. More information on Stirling numbers can be found in Jordan (1947, Ch. 4) and Comtet (1974). See also Chapter 24 of Abramowitz & Stegun (1964), for tables and more formulas. Knuth (1992) discusses the notation and other interesting historical aspects. Asymptotic expansions have been given by Moser & Wyman (1958a, 1958b). They consider several overlap- ping domains in the n, m-plane with n > m. See also Dingle (1973, p. 199). A more recent result is given in Темме (1993), where approximations are given for Stirling numbers of both kinds, with n large, uniformly with respect to m, 0 < m < n. 1.5. Exercises and Further Examples 1.1. A number of Taylor series for elementary functions can be derived from the generating functions for the Bernoulli and Euler numbers. A few impor- tant series follow from the following results. a. Show that the function f(z) introduced in connection with (1.1) can be written in the form f(z) = — z coth — z - 1. J v 7 2 2 b. Determine via (1.1) the Taylor series of the function г coth г. c. Show that tanh z = 2 coth 2г — coth z and determine the Taylor series of the function tanh г. d. Show that 2/ sinh 2г = coth г — tanh г and determine the Taylor series of the function г/ sinh г.
§1.5 Exercises and Further Examples 23 e. Integrate cothz — 1/z and determine the Taylor series of In [sinh (г)/г]. f. Determine the Taylor series of the functions In cosh г and ln[tanh(z)/z]. g. Determine with these results corresponding expansions for trigonometric functions. 1.2. Evaluate as for (1.14), the following series: (-l)m+l _ (-1)п+1(2тг)2п (1 - 21—2n) B2n m?n 2 (2n)! ’ m=l x 1 _ (—1)п+1(2тг)2п (1 — 2-2”) B2n 2-(2m+l)2"“ 2(2n)! For the first formula you will need the result B„(|) = - (1 - 21-”) Bn, n = 0,l,2,.... With these results improve the inequalities in (1.23) to obtain the rather accurate estimates (at least, when n is large) 2 1 < Z_nn+1 < 2 1 (27r)2n 1 - 2~2ri 1 } (2п)! (2тг)2п 1 - 21-2n ’ n = 1,2,3,... . 1.3. Show that from both equations in (1.9) follows: ГУ 1 r^+1 / Bp(t)dt = —— [Bp+1(y) - Bp+i(o:)] , / Bp(t)dt = xp, Jx P + 1 Jx p = 0,1,2,..., and that, hence, for n = 1,2,3,... 1 1 /»i+l pTl 1 = 5Z / BpW^t= = । [^p+i(n)- ^p+i] • г=0 i=0Ji 70 P± Expand in powers of n: This formula holds for p = 0 when we put 0° = 1. 1.4. The series oo 2 El _ 7Г2 г2 6
24 1: Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers can be computed with Euler’s formula. Determine a value of m that satisfies |^/(5)(m)| < IO-10, with f(x) = 1.5. Compute Euler’s constant 7 = lim n —>OO 1+1 +1+11 -1„(„+1)' by treating the series oo 52 «n, 71—1 with un — i + In n — ln(n + 1) n via Euler’s summation formula. Show that the series converges and that the corresponding function f satisfies the conditions of Theorem 1.4. If you find it difficult to prove that the derivatives of /(ж) = \/х + \nx — 1п(ж + 1) are monotonic, you may use the representation f1 /1 1 \ /(ir) = /----------------dt. k 7 Jo t + xj Now it easily shown that all derivatives have fixed signs on (0, oo) and that and have different signs. 1.6. Prove Stirling’s formula ( Stirling (1730, page 135)) n! ~ л/2тгп nne n, as n —> oo with the help of Euler’s summation formula. Prove first Wallis’ product 22 42 62 ... (2n)2 _ 7Г n-^oo l2 32 52 • • • (2n — l)2 (2n +1) 2 Consider for this the integral Р7Г/2 In = I smnxdx, n = 0,1,2,.... JO Integrating by parts we can show that the recursion In = [(n — l)/n]In-2 holds, with initial values Iq = тг/2, = 1. From In+i < In < In-1 it then follows that the ratio hn+i/hn tends to 1 as n tends to infinity. This proves Wallis’ product; a more concise notation is v (n!)2 22n hm — —— = V7r. ti—>oo (2n)I y/n
§ 1.5 Exercises and Further Examples 25 Now apply (1.20) with /(ж) = In ж, n = 2m, к = 0. The result is In 7^—= 2m In 2 + (m + 1) In m — m + - In 2 + Rq , \m — 1)! 2 with Ro = / Jm dx = 2ra l*ms^ m 2x J m Since B2(m) = l?2(2m) = the integrated term equals — 2477- Because of - and 2x2 > 2m2, 6 1 “12 we see that the integral with B^x) lies between — 24m and So, 1 1 ~ 12m - 0 - 24m’ Application of Wallis’ product finally gives v m- hm --------------- = 1, a different way of writing Stirling’s formula. 1.7. Apply (1.19) with the function f(x) = g(x/ri). The result is the ex- tended trapezoidal rule on the interval [0,1] in the form g(t) dt= h [ jp(O) + g(h) + p(2/i) H-+ p(l - h) + |<z(l)] b2fc+l /-1 ч -pTiWo 9<2‘+1)(‘)-B2i+i(n«M Here, h = 1/n. Notice that as more derivatives of g vanish at 0 and 1 the trapezoidal rule progressively improves in accuracy. For a C°°— function with compact support in (0,1), all terms in the sum disappear, whatever i and k. Only the integral remains on the right-hand side , in which we may take к as large as we please. 1.8. Verify the following relations for the Euler polynomials: ^n+lW = (n+E)En(x), En(x + 1) + E(x) = 2xn, En(l — x) — (-V)nEn(x'), /0\2n+l 00 (_ nm E2n = 2(—1)” (2n)! (-) + 2n+1, x z m=04
26 1: Bernoulli, Euler and Stirling Numbers for n = 0,1,2,..and = I [En(m + 1) + (-l)m-M0)], m,n > 1. k=l 1.9. Summing the first 50 000 terms in the series In 2 = — gives 50 000 n П=1 = 0.69313 71806 59945 30939 72321 21474 17656 80483 00134 43962. Show that the error (for obtaining a correct 50-d result) equals 10-5 - 10“10 + 2 x IO-20 - 16 x IO-30 + 272 x IO-40 - 7936 x IO-50. Apply Theorem 1.5 with h = 1. The integer numbers in the asymptotic expansion of the error are the tangent numbers introduced in (1.12). Namely, Tn = (-lf2^n(l), which relation follows from 1.10. Verify the following relations for the Stirling numbers: - 1)!, ©^ = 1, = 6^-1) = Q У2 = 0, lim m~n&^ = T ' n-^oo rn\ m=l For the final relation you may use (1.32). 1.11. Show, with the help of (1.31) that the =Stirling numbers of the second kind, in fact, are special cases of the generalized Bernoulli numbers defined in (1.3) with x — 0, and show that a similar relation exists for the Stirling numbers of the first kind. That is, e(m) _ fn - 1\ n _ fn\ m Лп ~ I ™ _ 1 I an-m^ “Il ^n-m- \ 11 и X / \ 11U /
§ 1.5 Exercises and Further Examples 27 1.12. Verify that, for n > 1, the Fourier series of Bn(x) in (1.13) can be obtained by the calculus of residues. Consider f(z) dz with /(г) = z~nexz(ez - l)-1, n an integer > 1, the contour C being a (large) circle with radius (2#+1)тг (N an integer), center at the origin. The poles of the integrand are zr = 2тггг, (r = 0, ±1, ±2,...) and the residues of /(г) at these poles are (2тггг)“п ехр(2тгггж); the residue at z = 0 is Вп(ж)/п!. The integral around the circle C tends to zero as V —> oo provided 0 < x < 1. Verify that, by the theorem of residues, Bn(x) = ~n\ (2тггг)-пe27nnr, n > 1, 0 < x < 1, T=OQ where the prime indicates that the term corresponding to r = 0 must be omitted. This gives the expansions in (1.13).

Useful Methods and Techniques When manipulating series and integrals we often encounter problems con- nected with • interchanging summation and integration, • interchanging the order of integration, and • differentiation of integrals with respect to a parameter. In this chapter we quote some tools that are frequently used in advanced calcu- lus and analysis. The first two topics can be considered from the point of view of Lebesgue or Stieltjes integrals, for which Fubini’s theorem or Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem can be applied. For readers more familiar with Riemann integration it is useful to reformulate these theorems. We also give an introduction to asymptotic analysis of integrals, which is also a basic tool in the theory of special functions. In particular we con- sider Watson’s lemma and the saddle point method. In subsequent chapters asymptotic methods will be applied to obtain asymptotic expansions for the gamma function, Bessel functions, and so forth. 2.1. Some Theorems from Analysis The first theorem gives the conditions for justification of what is usually named interchanging summation and integration, a technique that is used very fre- quently in applied analysis and in the field of special functions. It is called the theorem of dominated convergence of Lebesgue in the setting of Riemann integrals. A proof can be found in the standard works of classical analysis, for instance in Bromwich (1926, §§175 and 176) or Titchmarsh (1939, §1-77). 29
30 2: Useful Methods and Techniques Theorem 2.1 . Let (a, b) be a given finite or infinite interval, and. let {Un(t)} be a sequence of real or complex valued continuous functions, which satisfy the following conditions: (1) converges uniformly on any compact interval in (a, 6). (2) At least one of the following two quantities is finite: oo J) n=0Ja Then we have pb oo oo Jj / 52 ад 52 / un(t)dt. J(1 71=0 71=0 The second theorem treats the interchanging of the order of integration for improper Riemann integrals. For the principles of Lebesgue theory, mea- surable functions, and so on, we refer to Rudin (1976). We have Theorem 2.2 . If f(x,y) is measurable (in particular continuous) on the open quadrant (0, oo) x (0, oo), and the repeated improper Riemann integrals pOO pOO pOO pOO / dx f(x,y)dy / dy / f(x,y)dx Jo Jo Jo Jo both exist and are both absolutely convergent, then these integrals are equal. This theorem is given in Love (1970), where also instructive comments on this theorem are given. The third theorem is an extension to complex variables of a standard theorem concerning differentiation of an integral over an infinite contour with respect to a parameter; for proofs see, for example, Levinson & Redheffer (1970, Ch. 6) or Copson (1935, §5.51). Theorem 2.3 . Let t be a real variable ranging over a finite or infinite in- terval (a, 6) and z a complex variable ranging over a domain Q. Assume that the function f: (Q x (a, 6)) —> C satisfies the following conditions: (1) f is a continuous function of both variables. (2) For each fixed value of t, f(.,t) is a holomorphic function of the first variable. (3) The integral F(z) — I f(z,t)dt, z € LI J a converges uniformly at both limits in any compact set in Q.
§ 2.2 Asymptotic Expansions of Integrals 31 Then F(z) is holomorphic in Q, and its derivatives of all orders may be found by differentiating under the sign of integration. Often, the theorem will be applied to a contour integral in the complex plane, for which the contour of integration can be parameterized by a real parameter t. 2.2. Asymptotic Expansions of Integrals The next topic is from the theory of asymptotics for Laplace integrals. We mention a very useful result known as Watson’s Lemma and we discuss the basic elements of the method of saddle points. First we give a definition of an asymptotic expansion. Definition 2.1. Let F be function of a real or complex variable z\ let anz~n denote a (convergent or divergent) formal power series, of which the sum of the first n terms is denoted by Sn(z); let Rn(z) = F(z) — Sn(z). That is, F(z) = aoH—- H—| + • • • -1——г + Rn(z), n = 0,1,2 ... , (2.1) z zz Zn~L where we assume that when n = 0 we have F(z) = Rq(z). Next, assume that for each n = 0,1, 2,... the following relation holds Rn(z) = О (z~n) i as z —> oo (2.2) in some unbounded domain Д. Then anz~~n is called an asymptotic expansion of the function F(z) and we denote this by oo F(z) ~ 52 anZ~n^ z —> °o, z € Д. (2-3) 71=0 This definition is due to Poincare (1886). Analogous definitions can be given for z —> 0, and so on. Observe that we do not assume that the infinite series V~n con- verges for certain г—values. This is not relevant in asymptotics; in the defi- nition only a property of Rn(z} is requested, with n fixed. Example 2.1. The classical example is the so-called exponential integral, that is, F(x) = x /* t~1ex~t dt = x exEi(x), Jx
32 2: Useful Methods and Techniques (see §7.3.5) where x is real and positive. Repeatedly using integration by parts, we obtain F(x) — 1-----1— X xz (—l)ra~x(n — 1)! жп-1 ex-t —dt. Zn+1 In this case we have, since t > x, /OO X-t I /*OO I (-1Гед = п!а:/ ^dt<- = Jx b Jx Indeed, Rn(x) = O(x n) as ж —> oo. Hence fOO 00 | " n.o 1 X —> oo. This series is divergent for any finite value of x. However, when x is sufficiently large and n is fixed, the finite part of the series Sn(x) given by Sn(x) = F(x) - Rn(x), approximates the function F(x) with any desired accuracy. In this example we can derive the asymptotic expansion in a different way. We write (using the transformation t = t(1 + u)) F(x) as a Laplace integral F(x) = x [ e xuf{u)du, f(u) = 1/(1 + u). Jo (2.4) We now write f(u) = 1 - U + u2 - • • • + (-If-1^-1 + (-1) V/(l + u), and we obtain exactly the same expansion, with the same expression and upper bound for |Rn(ir)|. 2.2.1. Watson’s Lemma The second approach above gives the set-up for the following result (the Euler gamma function appearing in (2.7) is treated in the next chapter). Theorem 2.4. (Watson’s lemma). Assume that: (i) f(t) is a real or complex function of the positive real variable t with a finite number of discontinuities and infinities. (ii) As t 0+ /(f) ~ ?”x ^2 antn, > 0. (2.5) n=0
§ 2.2 Asymptotic Expansions of Integrals 33 (Hi) The integral /•OO F(z)= f(t)e~ztdt (2.6) Jo is convergent for sufficiently large values oftftz. Then oo + г ^oo (2.7) n=0 Z in the sector | argz| < ^тг — <5(< ^тг), where zn+^ has its principal value. A larger г—sector can be obtained when we know that f is analytic in a certain domain of the complex plane. For example, when f is analytic in the sector |argz| < tv/2 and f(f) = O[exp(a|f|)] in that sector, for some number cr, then the asymptotic expansion in Watson’s lemma holds in the sector | argz| < tv — £(< тг). For a proof we refer to Olver (1974, p. 113), where a more general condition (ii) is assumed. When applying Watson’s lemma in the theory of special functions, condi- tion (i) often holds, since the function f(t) is, up to the factor ZA-1, usually an analytic function in a domain containing [0, oo). Compare Example 2.1 for the exponential integral with f(t) = 1/(1 +t). In that case /(Z) is analytic in the sector | argt| < тг. Next we formulate a second theorem in which a much larger domain than in the previous theorem for the phase of the large parameter z is possible. For a proof we refer to Olver (1974, p. 114). Theorem 2.5. Assume that: (i) f(t) is analytic inside a sector Q:«i < argt < 02, where eq < 0 and 02 > 0. (ii) For each 8 € (0, ^02 — ^«i) (2.5) holds as t 0 in the sector : eq + 8 < argt <012 — 8, for A we again assume that У1A > 0. (Hi) There is a real number o’ such that f(t) = O(ecr^l) as Z —> 00 in Then the integral (2.6), or its analytic continuation, has the asymptotic ex- pansion (2.7) in the sector 1 1 —02 — -tv + 8 < arg z < —eq + -tv — 8. (2.8) In this result the many-valued functions tn+\ zn+^ have their principal values on the positive real axis and are defined by continuity elsewhere.
34 2: Useful Methods and Techniques Figure 2.1. Contour C in the complex plane; the dots indicate singularities of ф or ф or saddle points of ф. To explain how the bounds in (2.8) arise, we write argZ = r and arg г = 0, where eq < r < оц. The condition for convergence in (2.6) is cos(r + 0) > 0, that is, — ^7г < т + 0 < ^7r. Combining this with the bounds for r we obtain the bounds for 0 in (2.8). For the exponential integral in (2.4) we can take eq = —7Г, = тг. Hence, the asymptotic expansion given in Example 2.1 holds in the sector | argz| < |тг — 8. This range is much larger than the usual domain of definition for the exponential integral, which reads: | argz| < 7г. The phrase or its analytic continuation is indeed important in this theorem. 2.2.2. The Saddle Point Method The saddle point method is usually applied to contour integrals in the complex plane: F(lj) = y* e~^^z^{z)dz where </>, ф are functions of the complex variable z and which are analytic in a domain V of the complex plane. The integral is taken along a path C in the г—plane, as shown in Figure 2.1, and avoids the singularities of the integrand; w is a real or complex large parameter. Integrals of this type arise naturally in the context of linear wave propagation.
§ 2.2 Asymptotic Expansions of Integrals 35 The first ideas of the saddle point method have been sketched by Riemann (1863). Debye (1909) has used the method for Bessel functions of large orders. Consider this problem from the view point of numerical quadrature of the above integral. Assume that w is real. Separating ф into its real and imaginary parts, writing z = x + iy, </>(z) = R(x,y) + il(x,y), we know that, when cj is large, the evaluation of the integral is hampered by the strong oscillatory behavior of the integrand, caused by the expression ехр[ш>1(я,у)]. Usually we have much freedom in choosing the path C in the complex plane (by invoking Cauchy’s theorem). When the contour C can be chosen such that /(ж, у) = /0 = constant for z = x + iy E C, we can write F(w)=e-^o у e-^Wv>(2) dz, where the dominant part exp[—wR(x, yf] of the integral is non-oscillating (in some cases the new path C is split up in more branches, each branch being defined by a different Iq, resulting in a sum of integrals of the above type). From a numerical point of view the new representation of ф(сФ) is very at- tractive. The question that remains is: which constant Iq should be used? Luckily, there is not much choice. Considering the real part of the phase function Я(ж, у), and the landscape of mountains and valleys defined by exp[—oJ?(#, г/)], we may assume that, if the original contour C extends to infinity, C will certainly extend to infinity by descending into one of the valleys. Recall from complex function theory that R(x,y) is a harmonic function, ДЯ(ж,г/) = 0 and that, hence, R(x,y) cannot have local maxima. When the path C runs in two different valleys, the path should pass the saddle point between these two valleys. This can be seen as follows. When C is defined by I(x,y) = constant, we have Ixdx + Iydy = 0. Using the Cauchy-Riemann equations Rx = Iy, Ry = —Ix this gives Rydx — Rxdy = 0. Hence the path C runs orthogonal to the level curves R(x, y) = constant] in other words, C is a steepest descent path. Such a path, joining two valleys, should pass through the saddle point. The constant Iq used above should be equal to I(xq, t/q) where zq = xq + iyo is a saddle point: 0'(го) = 0. Summarizing, one tries to deform the contour C through one or more points where the dominant part of the integrand locally behaves like a Gaussian curve. These points are found at the saddle points of the integrand. The method is best learned from clear examples.
36 2: Useful Methods and Techniques Example 2.2. It is instructive to see what happens in a simple example. Let </>(z) = -z2 — iz and C = (—oo,+oo). We have I(x, у) = c when x(y — 1) = c. The path C can be deformed into the path у = 1, corresponding with c = 0. Otherwise, when c / 0, the path C will be such that the integral is divergent. Observe that the saddle point is z = г, at which point I(x,y) = 0. In this case we have, integrating along the path у = 1 and substituting z = x + i: г+оо+г zi 2 \ i f°° i 2 I Oar i = J е-ш(5г -™)dz = e-2“ J e—^x dx=^e~^. In the following case F0(w)= / e-^-i^dz Jo the best contour of integration is constituted by two parts: one part from 0 to i and a second part from i to i + oo. In Exercise 2.1 we consider this example again. In §3.6.3 of Chapter 3 we give a detailed example of the saddle point method for the reciprocal gamma function. In the present subsection we give another example, involving Hankel functions with large argument and fixed order. Example 2.3. Consider the Hankel function defined by Hp\z) = — [°° e-zsinhw + PWdw, (2.9) J—oo—ivi with i/ a fixed real number and z a large positive number. This function will be considered in Chapter 9 on Bessel functions. The dominant part of the integrand is exp(—z sinh w), which has saddle points at the zeros of its derivative; that is at the zeros of coshw. The saddle points are 1 . , . 7 _ uifc = — -7П + &7П, к E7L. We concentrate on the point wq; we have exp(—z sinh wo) = ехр(гг). We try to choose the contour of integration such that along this contour S sinh w = S sinh wq = — 1. When this is satisfied, the dominant part of the integrand has a constant phase; this gives a very convenient representation, as we will
§ 2.2 Asymptotic Expansions of Integrals 37 Figure 2.2. Contour for the integral in (2.9), w = и + iv. shortly see. We note, writing w = и + w, that equation ^sinhw = — 1 is equivalent to cosh и sin v = — 1. A suitable solution for the present problem is v(u) = — ^7г + arctan sinh u, и E IR. (2.10) We integrate (2.9) on the path defined by this relation; see Figure 2.2. It is straightforward to verify that, on this path, ?R(—z sinh w) = —z sinh2 и I cosh u. It follows that, when we integrate with respect to u, (2.9) can be written as H^\z) = — [°° e-*sinh2»/coshu+^u+w) (2.11) J—oo where pz Ч dw „ .dv „ i f(u) = ~r~ = 1 +1—- = 1 4------------------------j— du du cosh и and with v = v(u) given in (2.10). It is also possible to write (2.11) as an integral with respect to v over the finite interval (—тг, 0). The dominant part of the integrand in (2.11) has the desired Gaussian shape. The integral is a suitable starting point for numerical quadrature. The oscillations are only caused by exp(zz/u); this factor is quite harmless with i/ fixed and v in the bounded interval (—тг, 0).
38 2: Useful Methods and Techniques A few manipulations then give z v p3/2„zx roo 2 = ----— e^sinh “/cosh“ff(u)dM, (2.12) 7Г Jo where g(u) = —cosh,(u + i arctan sinh ?z) (14----) e~^\ #(0) = 1, and x — z — (^z/ + |)tt. A further transformation sinh2u/ coshzz = 2Z, or cosh и — t + л/l + t2 , brings this integral in the form of a Laplace integral, on which Watson’s lemma can be applied. This eventually leads to a well-known asymptotic representation of the Hankel function. We do not give details on the computation of the coefficients, because in Chapter 10 on Bessel functions the coefficients are obtained rather straightforwardly. Remark 2.1. The choice of saddle point Zq is rather obvious in this case. In more complicated cases it is not always clear which saddle point should be chosen. In the present case Zq is the only saddle point through which the contour can pass such that the contour ends at — oo — тгг and Too, and on which S sinh t is constant. Several monographs give extensive treatments of the saddle point method. See, for instance, De Bruijn (1961), Dingle (1973), Bleistein & Handelsman (1975), Lauwerier (1974), Olver (1974), and Wong (1989). 2.2.3. Other Asymptotic Methods Other standard methods in this area of asymptotics of integrals, such as the method of stationary phase, Laplace’s method, can be found in the literature. • Olver (1974) treats all topics and is very thorough and rigorous. Many results for special functions are derived from their differential equations. It is an important book for uniform asymptotics. • Erdelyi (1956) is a very concise book, and of interest for the method of stationary phase. • De Bruijn (1961) gives several very interesting topics, in particular the saddle point method, asymptotic inversion and asymptotic iteration. • Dingle (1973) has developed its own terminology and has recently received much interest in connection with the study and re-expansion of remainders in asymptotic expansions. • Bleistein & Handelsman (1975) gives a nice treatment of the sad- dle point method; this book is also important because of the exten- sive discussion of Mellin transformation techniques with applications to asymptotics.
§ 2.3 Exercises and Further Examples 39 • Lauwerier (1974) is an attractive practical introduction to several methods in asymptotics of integrals. • Wong (1989) is a sequel to Olver’s book, with a sound mathematical approach; a distinctive and important feature is the application of dis- tributional and summation methods; no other book on asymptotics pays attention to this. Wong also treats uniform asymptotics and asymptotics for multi-dimensional integrals. New interest in several aspects of asymptotics arose recently, starting with the paper Berry (1989), in which the so-called Stokes phenomenon has been given a new interpretation. We return to these new developments in §11.1, when we discuss properties of the error function. 2.3. Exercises and Further Examples 2.1. Let zq = xq + iyo be any point in the finite plane. Describe the path such that the integral r+oo F’zo(w) = / exp-w[</>(x)] dz, ф(г) = -z2 - iz Jzo 2 converges, and on which path the integrand does not oscillate. 2.2. Consider the Hankel function defined in (2.9) for the case that order and argument are equal; that is, z = v > 0. Describe the path of steepest descent for this case.

The Gamma Function 3.1. Introduction The first occurrence of the gamma function happens in 1729 in a correspon- dence between Euler and Goldbach. We take as the definition of the gamma function the integral tz 1e 1 dt, > 0. (3.1) Closely connected with this is the beta integral (Euler (1772)) with defini- tion (3-2) B(p,q) = [ ^(l-ty1-1 dt, №p>0, Xtq > 0. Jo The latter is called the Euler integral of the first kind, and (3.1) the Euler integral of the second kind. The gamma function is the most obvious generalization of the factorial. Euler was confronted with this matter when he was offered a seemingly simple problem. It was expected that n! (this notation was not used at that time) could be expressed in terms of simple algebraic quantities. This was possible for the so-called triangular numbers Tn = l + 2 + 3 + -- -+ n, which can be written as Tn = Jp(n + 1). In Euler’s days one paid much attention to problems of this kind. First, because a formula like the one for Tn gives the opportunity for quick computations. Second, because of the possibility of interpolating. The formula Tn = Jp(n + 1) also can be interpreted for non-integer values of n. In 1729 Euler proved that for n! such a simple formula does not exist. That is, there is no formula with a finite number of algebraic terms available 41
42 3: The Gamma Function for n!, and he derived the formula n! = f (— kix)ndx. Jo The right-hand side is indeed defined for non-negative real values of n. Nowa- days Euler’s integral is usually written as (3.1), a notation, in fact, due to Legendre (1809a), who also introduced the name gamma function. 3.1.1. The Fundamental Recursion Property Integrating by parts in (3.1), we obtain pOO лОО T(z + 1) = — / tz de~~t = z I tz~1e~t dt = гГ(г), Jo Jo and this immediately gives the fundamental property Г(г + 1) = гГ(г) of the factorial. From Г(1) = 1 then we have Г(п + 1) = n\. This does not make clear why Euler’s choice of generalization is the best one. But, afterwards, this became abundantly clear. Time and again, the Euler gamma function shows up in a very natural way in all kinds of problems. Moreover, the function has a number of interesting properties. One of the striking properties of the gamma function is that it cannot satisfy a differential equation with algebraic coefficients (this result is due to Holder (1887)). This property makes the gamma function completely differ- ent from other well-known transcendental functions, such as the exponential and trigonometric functions. While the functional relation Г(г + 1) = гГ(г) is so simple! From a certain point of view, the gamma function is at the basis of a theory of a class of difference equations, just as the exponential function, the solution of the simple equation у' = у, plays a principal role in the theory of differential equations. 3.1.2. Another Look at the Gamma Function Apart from (3.1), various other starting points are available for defining the generalization of the factorial. For instance, for positive values of the argu- ment we have a definition in the form: The gamma function Г: (0, oo) —> (0, oo) is the function f with /(1) = 1 that, for x > 0, satisfies the following three conditions • /(®) > 0, • f(x + 1) = xf(x), • / is log-convex (this means, In / is convex). In this way the gamma function is introduced in the legendary works of Bour- baki. In Bohr & Mollerup (1922) it is shown that these three properties
§3.2 Important Properties 43 characterize Г (ж) completely. The interested reader may verify the equiva- lence of this definition with the other ones, say (3.1), by consulting Rudin (1976). There it is also observed that the log-convexity of Г(ж) on (0,oo) follows from г(- + -) \p <u if 1 < p < oo and (1/p) + (1/#) = 1. This inequality is easily derived from Euler’s integral (3.1) and Holder’s inequality: f(x)g(x) dx л i/p l/(*)W i/q \g(x)\qdx > where /, g are (complex) integrable functions on [a, b] 3.2. Important Properties The gamma function is defined via (3.1) in the half-plane $lz > 0; in this domain the function is analytic. This follows from a well-known theorem of complex function theory for integrals that depend on a parameter; see Theorem 2.3. Using the recursion T(z) = Г(г + 1)/г we can enter the left half- plane step by step. The first step, and the principal of analytic continuation, shows that the gamma function is analytic in the strip — 1 < ^z < 0. The question about the nature of the singularities is not answered in this way. From T(z) = T(z + l)/z and Г(1) = 1, we expect the origin to be a pole of first order. 3.2.1. Prym’s Decomposition More insight gives Prym’s decomposition (Prym (1877)): r(z) = /* tz~1e~tdt+ /* tz~1e~tdt. Jo Ji The second integral represents an entire function of г. In the first integral we substitute the series of the exponential function. Since this series converges uniformly, we can interchange summation and integration when z is in the domain 0 < 6 < $lz < A, where 8 and A are arbitrary numbers. For these г—values we obtain the expansion due to Mittag-Leffler oo rw = E 71=0 (~l)w n! (n + z) tz 1e f dt, +
44 3: The Gamma Function Figure 3.1. Graphs of Г(ж) and 1/Г(ж), x real. which holds for all z / — n, n = 0,1, 2,... . From this analysis it follows that the gamma function has simple poles in the left half-plane at each non-positive integer value of z. Furthermore, (-1У1 lim (z + п)Г(г) = -— z-^—n n\ In other words, the residue at the pole — n equals (—l)n/n!. In Figure 3.1 we show the graphs of the gamma function and the reciprocal gamma function. 3.2.2. The Cauchy-Saalschiitz Representation There is another way to consider the analytic continuation of the gamma function. In Cauchy (1827) and Saalschutz (1887-1888) it has been shown that for (3.1) an analogous representation exists for negative values of Iftz. Consider the integral f tz~r (е~1 - 1) dt, -1 < sRz < 0. Jo Integration by parts gives (the integrated terms vanish at both limits) ГОО POO / f-1 - 1) dt = - / dt = ^Г(г + 1) = Г(г). Jo z Jo z
§3.2 Important Properties 45 It follows that the left-hand side defines the gamma function in the strip — 1 < sRz < 0. In general we can write the Cauchy - Saalschiitz representation, which holds for any integer n > 0 with — (n + 1) < $lz < —n, Г(г) = f tz~x Ге~* - 1 +1 - -t2 + ... + (-1)п+Ц<п] dt. Id L 2. 71. J 3.2.3. The Beta Integral The beta integral defined in (3.2) can be expressed in terms of the gamma function: . This will be shown by computing the double integral ПОО ,9 9 x‘2p~1y2q~1e~^x +y ^dxdy in two ways. On the one hand we know that I(p,q) = I(p)I(q), with /(p) = ^Г(р; see Exercise 3.2. On the other hand we can introduce polar coordinates x = r cos 0, У ~ r sin 0 in I(p, q), with the result fOO 2 Г71?2 I(p,q) = / r2^+2^-1e“r dr / cos2p-1 0sin2^-1 0d0. Using the substitution t = cos2 0 we then arrive at the required result (3.3). An alternative proof is based on a simple theorem from Laplace transforms. Consider /(£) = / tP 1(^ — T)Q 1 dr = B(p, q)tp+q 1. We compute, via (3.1), the Laplace transform of /, that is, F(S) = / dt = B(p, д)Г(р + q)S-P~4 On the other hand, we can also recognize the integral representation of f as a convolution of two simple functions, and use the convolution theorem for Laplace transformations. This reads: If f can be written in the form /(0= / /1W/2G - T)dr,
46 3: The Gamma Function where the following Laplace transforms POO = / fj^-stdt, j = 1,2 Jo exist, then, under mild conditions on /j, we have F(s) = Fi(s)F2(5)- Apply- ing this to the function f just introduced we again arrive at (3.3). 3.2.4. The Multiplication Formula Next we prove Legendre’s multiplication formula for the gamma function (Legendre (1809b)) 22г-гГ^Г (г+|) =Г(0 Г(2г). (3-4) The proof follows from B(z,z) = /* [t(l — £)]2-1 dt = 2 f [2(1 — £)]2-1 dt. Jo Jo Substitute s = 42(1 — £); then we see that B(z,z) = 21~2zB(z, i), which is equivalent with (3.4). A generalization of the multiplication formula is given in §3.3.1. 3.2.5. The Reflection Formula Another interesting formula is the reflection formula for the gamma function (Euler (1771, page 136)): Г(г)Г(1 - г) = (3.5) from which immediately follows rGW- With the functional equation (3.5) the gamma function can easily be com- puted for negative values of flz. For a proof we first take 0 < flz < 1 and write 1 / t y1 dt _ r°° зг-1 , О 1^7 Jo 1+7 '
§ 3.2 Important Properties 47 Figure 3.2. Contour for the proof of (3.5). where we have substituted s = t/(l — t). The final integral can be treated with a standard method from complex function theory. The function /($) = s2-1/(l + s), 0 < args < 2тг has a pole at s = ег7Г, which is inside the contour C of Figure 3.2. Hence, f f(s) ds = 2тп Res /($) = —2тп ег7Г2. JC s=e27r On the other hand, we can integrate along £. Since 0 < sRz < 1, the contributions from the small and the large circles tend to zero when their radii become smaller and larger, respectively. The contributions from the upper and lower sides of the branch cut (0, oo) give together . POO z-l (1 - e2™) / f---------ds, Jo 1 + 3 from which follows B(z, 1 - z) (1 - e2™2) = -27П ег7Г2.
48 3: The Gamma Function Figure 3.3. Hankel contour for the proof of (3.6). This is equivalent to (3.5). For the remaining г—values (z 2Z) we use the principle of analytic continuation. A symmetric version of the reflection formula (3.5) reads Г(1 + г)Г(1-г) = TVZ sin tvz ' with generalization n—1 z 2\ Г(п + z)r(n — z) = [(n — l)!]2 TT (1 —-Д), n = 1,2,3,..., sin7TZ J m=l where, in the case of n = 1, 0! and the empty product are equal to unity. Other forms of the reflection formula are given in Exercises 3.7 and 3.8. For instance, rG~z)r(14 = 7Г COS 7TZ z - - ft 7L. 2 3.2.6. The Reciprocal Gamma Function Hankel’s contour integral (Hankel (1863)) is one of the beautiful represen- tations of the gamma function. In fact it is an integral for the reciprocal gamma function: —Ц = Л7 f s~zesds, Г(г) 27П Jc z e C. (3.6) The contour of integration £ is the Hankel contour that runs (see Figure 3.3) from —oo,args = —7Г, encircles the origin in positive direction (that is, counter-clockwise) terminates at —oo, now with args = +?r. For this we also use the notation instead of= fg. The many-valued function s~z is assumed to be real for real values of z and s, s > 0.
§3.2 Important Properties 49 A proof of (3.6) follows immediately from the theory of Laplace transforms: from the well-known integral r(z) = f°° sz Jo tz~1e~stdt (3.6) follows as a special case of the inversion formula. A direct proof follows from a special choice of £: the negative real axis. This is only possible when $lz < 1. Under this condition, the contribution from a small circle around the origin, with radius tending to zero, can be neglected. Thus we obtain for the right-hand side of (3.6): = — sIuttz T(1 — z). 7Г Using (3.5) we infer that this indeed equals the left-hand side of (3.6). In a final step the principle of analytic continuation is used to show that (3.6) holds for all finite complex values of z. Namely, both the left-hand side and the right-hand side of (3.6) are entire functions of z. Another form of (3.6) is T(z) = ——------- [ sz 1es ds. 2г sin 7rz The substitution s = — t gives an integrand as in the starting point (3.1). The message is, that the many-valued function tz~^ in (3.1) can be used to “open” the original contour along [0, oo), and to obtain a representation that is valid in a larger domain of the parameter z. This approach can be useful with other special functions. 3.2.7. A Complex Contour for the Beta Integral We give here another demonstration of complex contours. Consider the inte- gral = / wP 1(w ~ 1)9 1 dw’ 2яг Jo with У1р > 0 and q € C. The contour starts and ends at the origin, and encircles the point 1 in positive direction; see Figure 3.4. The phase of w — 1 is zero at positive points larger than 1. When $lq > 0 we can deform the contour along (0,1). Then we obtain Ip^q = B(p, q) sm(7vq)/q. It follows that q 1 r(1+) В(p, q) = —-------—: / wp (w - V)q 1 dw. smTrq 2тгг Jq y
50 3: The Gamma Function The integral is defined for any complex value of q. For q = 1,2,... the integral vanishes; this absorbs the infinite values of the term in front of the integral at these points. 3.3. Infinite Products An alternative approach for introducing the gamma function goes via infinite products. Weierstrass (1856) defined the gamma function in the form e~z/n (3-7) We say that an infinite product UaXi(1 + uk) is convergent if there exists a non-zero limit of the sequence of partial products pn = Hfc=i(l + щ) as n —> oo. The value of the infinite product is the limit limnpn = P, and one writes + ик) — P- The infinite product Пл—i (1 + uk) converges if and only if the series 52/Х1 ln(l + is convergent. (Requiring a non-zero limit of the sequence {pn} we exclude the special cases = — 1 for one or more values of & or гц. —> — 1 if & —> oo, although the sequence {pn} may then converge.) In the above product we have ln(l + un) = In (1 + - - = О (n-2) , \ n/ n X / as n —> oo, with z fixed, from which follows that the product in (3.7) converges. In (3.7), 7 is Euler’s constant, which is defined by
§ 3.3 Infinite Products 51 7= lim V --ln(n + l) = 0.5772157-•• (3.8) Tl OO ' fv k=l and which has already appeared in Chapter 1, Exercise 1.5. We now derive a representation of the gamma function in the form of a limit of products. This result is due to Euler. From (3.7) it follows that -1^=2 lim Je(1+i+-+m-bm). TT Г(1 + Г)е-z/n\ I r(z) rn—>oo L\ nJ J V 7 I 72—1 ) = z lim m~z TT fl + — . m—>oo \ nJ n=l From this we derive after some algebra T) It) % Hz) = lim —----------(з 9) n—>oo z(z + 1) • • • (z + n) ' ’ ' which Euler used as the definition Euler (1729)). We shall verify Theorem 3.1. Ifflz > 0, then (3.9) and (3.1) represent the same function. Proof. Consider for this purpose II(z,n) = y* ^1 -tz 1 dt = nz У (1 - u)nuz 1 du. With the help of the beta integral (3.2) or by integrating by parts it can be verified that П(г,п) equals the fraction on the right-hand side of (3.9). On the other hand, it follows from the second integral, via the substitution и = 1 — e~v, that POO II(z,n) = nz / vz nvf(v)dv, f(v)= (--------------------) e v. Jo \ v J Watson’s lemma (see Theorem 2.4) now gives the result (notice that /(0) = 1) II(z,n) = n2/(0) У vz nv dv [1 + О (n = Г(г) [1 + О (n 1 as n oo. This shows that when ftz > 0 (3.1) and (3.9) are equivalent.
52 3: The Gamma Function 3.3.1. Gauss’ Multiplication Formula The infinite product can be used to prove a generalization of (3.4): TT r(z + -) =(27г)5(то-1>т5-^Г(тод m = 2,3,4,- • A A \ mJ k=Q This formula is called Gauss’ multiplication formula (Gauss (1812)). The proof is not so straightforward. We denote the left-hand side by G(z). Then by the use of (3.9) we have 1 _ tt (z + k/m)(z + k/m + 1) • • • (z + k/m + ri) ~ ™ /=0 1 n\ nz+k/m (z + k/m) k=0 nmim-1 }mn(mz+Y,Zo k/m) (mz + k) k=Q (n\)m By a slight modification of (3.9) we also have Ttmz) = lim n—>OO (mn)\ (mn)mz I^=0(mz + k) so that rw = lim (m)! (™Г n^1 G(z) n-+oo ('ni)rnnm2+(m-l)/2mm(n+l) Since nmim-1 lim П L—>OO k=nm-\-l mz + к n we obtain Г(тг) (mn)lrSm -1)/2 mmz G(z) ~~ П ’ which is independent of z. The right-hand side can be evaluated by using Stirling’s formula (see Exercise 1.6 or §3.6). We have (jnn)\n(m 1)/2 у/2тгтп (тп/e)mnn^m 1)/2 (n!)m mmn+l (2тгп)ш/2 (n/e)mn ттп+г = (2%) -L)/2 m -L/2 = mm-1
§ 3.4 Logarithmic Derivative of the Gamma Function 53 so that finally G(z) = (27r)^m-^m^-mzr(mz). There is another method to compute the constant mentioned in the final step of the proof. We can try to evaluate r(mz)/[mmz G(z)], which is independent of г, for a particular value of г, say z = 1/m. Then r(mz) 1 mmz G(z) тГ(1/т)Г(2/т) • • • T([(m - l)/m) ’ Euler simplified this by observing that d m—1 1 m— 1 . 7 / 1 y-r 1 _ TT sm7r^/m G2(l/m) Г(&/т)Г(1 — k/m) тг (see (3.5)) and by simplifying the product with the sine functions. Let e = exp(z7r/m) so that smirk/m = — e~k)/2i. Note that ^1+24---\-m— 1 _ £m(m—1)/2 _ 1)/2 _ jm-l Then we have after straightforward manipulations m— 1 №=<2^\пм- Because the ek are certain roots of unity we can write m— 1 x2m - 1 = JJ (x2 - e2k^ , k=0 so that i 2m _ i ^2/1/ < = (27Г)1"Ш lim X 2 / = m(27r)1"m. G2(l/m) v x2 - 1 7 This again yields the multiplication formula. 3.4. Logarithmic Derivative of the Gamma Function The derivative the gamma function itself does not play an important role in the theory of special functions. It is not a very manageable function. Much more interesting is the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function: , / x d л x r7(z) *<z> = s‘"r« = W
54 3: The Gamma Function Figure 3.5. Graph of 'ф(х), x real; is a meromorphic function with poles at x = 0, —1, —2,... A graph of this function is shown in Figure 3.5. By using the product (3.7) it follows that 00 / I i \ V<z) = -7+y4^7^0,-1,-2,... . (3.10) \ /6 ± Z- i lb / 71=0 X 7 The ^—function possesses simple poles at all non-positive integers. We have the recursion relation i/j(z + 1) = 'ф(г) + -. z Special values at positive integers at once follow from the series in (3.10): t/j(1) = -7, <ф(к + 1) = -7 + 1 + | + | н----------------1- к e IN. The derivative of 'ifj(z) is also a meromorphic function and has double poles. This follows, for example, from oo 1 k(0 = у \2 •
§3.4 Logarithmic Derivative of the Gamma Function 55 Observe that the right-hand side is positive on (0, oo) and that 'ijj'(z) is the second derivative of 1пГ(г). This again shows that Г(ж) is log-convex on (0, oo). The function ^(z) has the integral representation r1 I _ +z ^(г + 1) = -7+ / ------------ dt, %lz > -1. (3.11) Jo 1 “ t The proof follows from Since (1 - tz)/(l — t) is bounded on t e [0,1], we have fl I _ 4-Z lim / --------tN dt = 0. N^oo Jq 1 — t Hence, formula (3.10) is obtained by integrating in (3.11) each term of the series ]£(1 — tz)tn. Of great interest is also (Binet (1839)) 1 f00 ^(z + 1) = In г + ----/ t/3(t]e~ztdt) > 0, (3.12) 2^ Jo with /3(f) = - (-J-----1 + 1) = _L _ J_f2 + _J_Z4 + t \e* - 1 t 2 J 12 720 30240 We have encountered a similar function when introducing the Bernoulli num- bers, namely, 00 Bn w = £ tS^2"-2’ n <2?r- <313> yznjl n=l A proof of (3.12) runs as follows. From (3.11) one has when e 0: pi-s tz ^(z + 1) = -7 - Ins - / ----- dt + 0(1) Jo 1 - * ГОО e-zt = -7 - Ins - / —t--------- dt + 0(1), Je e — 1 where o(l) represents quantities which vanish when s —> 0. Since Гх(1) = — 7 = /* \nte~tdt^ 0
56 3: The Gamma Function which can be verified by using (3.10) and (3.1), we have similarly (if $flz > 0): /•°° -7 = ln(sz) + / e-*—-+o(l) J ez * . . Г°° —ztdt = In s + In z + / e 1------1-0(1), J£ t again as s —> 0. Combining these two results we obtain /*°° /1 t/j^z + 1) = Inz + / e~zt I - Jo V dt, which is equivalent to (3.12). With the help of (3.10) we can rational terms. evaluate series with more complicated Example 3.1. Consider the series 00 1 00 $ (n + 1) (2n + 1) (4n + 1) Un" 71=1 71=1 with 1 1 2 u - _3_________1 1 3 u7l — I 1 1 I 1 72 T 1 n -|- 2 72 H- _ 1 / 1 1 \ / 1 1 \ 2 / 1 1 3\n + l nJ n J 3\n+| n Application of (3.10) then gives 5 = -^(2)+^(|)-^О=|тг-1. О \ Zt / О \ / О These values follow from relations of the 7^—function given in Exercise 3.17. Alternating series can be evaluated by using (3-14) This formula can be verified with the help of (3.11). The reader can prove that the right-hand side of (3.14) can be brought into the form f1 tz~r / I---7^. Jo + 1 Expansion of l/(t + 1) in powers of t concludes the proof of (3.14).
§5.5 Riemann’s Zeta Function 57 3.5. Riemann’s Zeta Function The Riemann zeta function is defined by the series (3.15) under the condition flz > 1. The function was known to Euler, but its main properties were discovered by Riemann (1859) (an English translation of this paper is given in Edwards (1974)). The series converges absolutely and uniformly in each compact domain inside the half-plane ?ftz > 1, and hence defines there an analytic function. An integral representation for £(z) is obtained by using an integral for the gamma function in the form — = / tz~1e~nt dt, SRz > 0, nz Г(г) Jo and by substituting this in (3.15). With the help of Theorem 2.1 we can verify that, if ?fcz > 1, summation and integration may be interchanged. The result is 1 POO jZ — 1 №> = гы/0 Ж2>1' (ЗЛ6) A direct proof easily follows from ,. Д 1 .. 1 f°° .z-l1 - e-W+W ,, hm > — = hm ——— / t --------------------7--------dt. TV—>OO T(z) Jo et — 1 Again, when ?fcz > 1, the limit on the right-hand side can be evaluated. The analytic continuation of the zeta function into the left half-plane is obtained through a different integral. As with the gamma function we consider the contour integral: r(0+) tz-l J — oo c x where the contour does not enclose the points ±2тгг, ±4тгг,.... This integral is an entire function of z (Theorem 2.3). When $flz > 1 we can deform the contour along the negative real axis. As in the proof of (3.6) we have POO sz— 1 I(z) = 2i sinvrz J —-------- ds = 2i sinvrz T(z) £(z).
58 3: The Gamma Function Using the reflection formula (3.5) we get ф) = Г(1 - г) 2тгг tz~r —f-----Adt' e 1 — 1 (3-17) As remarked earlier, the integral is an entire function of z. The only sin- gularities in the above representation are produced by the gamma function, and occur at z = 1,2,... . But we know already that Q(z) is analytic when ?ftz > 1. Hence, the points z = 2,3,... must be removable singularities. When z = 1 the integral in (3.17) gives r(°+) i / —i—- dt = — 2тп. J — OO & 1 From this we infer that z = 1 is the only singularity of £(z); it is a simple pole with residue 1. That is, (z — l)C(z) is an entire function and lim (2- l)C(z) = 1. Z^>1 The zeta function satisfies, just as the gamma function, a functional equa- tion in the form of a reflection formula. This arises when we deform the contour in (3.17) into a vertical line in the right half-plane. In doing so we pass singularities at t = ±2птгг. At these points the residues of tz~^/(e~t — 1) equal — (±2птгг)2-1. Since the integral over the vertical line converges only if ?fcz < 0, we take this condition for the time being. Also, this condition is needed to be able to neglect the contributions at infinity. The result of this operation is Ф) = Г(1 - г) OO oo ^2(2ш7г)2-1 + У^(-2ттг)г~1 -71=1 71=1 plus an integral over the vertical line in the right half-plane. When $Rz < 0 this vertical line can be shifted to the right as far as we please, without passing singularities. It is easily verified that the contribution from this vertical line equals zero. The two series in the above result can be expressed in terms of Ш - Д giving £(z) = 2(2тг)г-1Г(1 — z) £(1 — z) sin ^z, < 0. Because the product £(1 — z) sin can be interpreted as an entire function, the right-hand side has a removable singularity at z = 0. Hence, invoking the principle of analytic continuation, we infer that in the above relation the
§3.5 Riemann’s Zeta Function 59 condition ?fcz < 0 can be replaced by z ф 1. Changing z 1 — z we obtain the reflection formula for the Riemann zeta function: £(1 - z) = 2 (2тг) гГ(г) cos |ttz £(z), z 0. (3.18) The restriction z 0 is now given because both sides have a simple pole at the origin. By multiplying both sides of this equation by г, both sides become entire functions. This gives, with the definition in (3.15), a complete description of the Riemann zeta function in the complex plane. By using (3.4) and Exercise 3.7 the reflection formula can be written in the more symmetric form тг-^Г (^) ф) = (1 - C(1 - z). The function on the left side is unchanged when we replace z by 1 — z. Also, it is meromorphic with simple poles at z = 0 and z = 1. The above residue method can be approached more rigorously by consid- ering the integral where Cyy is a contour described by a rectangle with corners at ±7V±(27V—1)тп and a loop around the origin (see Figure 3.6), with TV a large positive integer. Since for t e Cn we have \e~l — 1| > 1 — e~N, the above integral (except the contribution from the loop) tends to zero as N oo, again under the condition %lz < 0. The residue method again produces two series, and finally (3.18) is obtained. Special values of the zeta function follow for example from (3.18). When z = 1 we use lim2^i(^ — l)£(z) = 1. It follows that £(0) = — It is also easily verified that £(—2m) = 0,m > 1 and C(1 - 2m) = (-l)m21-2m7r-2m (2m - 1)! <(2m), m = 1,2,... . As we know from Chapter 1, can be expressed in terms of the Bernoulli numbers (see (1.14)): (3.19) a relation known to Euler in 1737. It follows that in general we can write
60 3: The Gamma Function Figure 3.6. Contour for proving the reflection formula (3.18). Finally, we give an infinite product due to Euler. Assume that ?fcz > 1. Subtract the series for 2~zC,(z) from the one in (3.15). Then we obtain (1-2 г) £(z) = 77 + ^7 + 77 + ^^-• lz bz 7Z Similarly, we obtain (1-2—) (1-з-)ф) = £^, where now the summation runs over n > 1, except for multiples of 2 and 3. Now, let wn denote the n—th prime number, starting with = 2. By repeating the above procedure we obtain m 1 Ф) П = 1+£^> n=l
§3.6 Asymptotic Expansions 61 where in the series no terms are used with n = 1 or multiples of the primes The sum of this series vanishes as m oo (since wm oo). From this we obtain the required result 1 oo = ПО-"»1)' fc>1- This formula is of fundamental importance for the relation between Riemann’s zeta function and the theory of prime numbers. An immediate consequence is that £(z) does not have zeros in the half- plane yiz > 1. The reflection formula (3.18) makes clear that the only zeros in the half-plane < 0 occur at the points —2, —4, —6,.... These are called the trivial zeros of the zeta functions. For the remaining strip 0 < %lz < 1 we have no information at the moment. Riemann conjectured that in this strip all zeros (it is known that there are infinitely many of them) are located on the line %lz = 1/2. Until now this conjecture has not been proved. An important part of number theory is based on this conjecture. Much time has been spent on attempting to verify the Riemann hypothesis, analytically and numerically. For example, at CWI in Amsterdam it has been verified numerically that Riemann’s conjecture holds for the first 1^ billion (plus 1) zeros; that is, these zeros are located indeed on the vertical line $ftz = A generalization of Riemann’s zeta function and a few properties of this function are considered in Exercise 3.16. 3.6. Asymptotic Expansions A well-known result from calculus is Stirling’s formula (Stirling (1730, page 135); in fact Stirling obtained a result for the logarithm of the gamma func- tion; see (3.23)) nl ~ у/2ттппе n, as n oo. In many applications this formula proves to be extremely useful. In this section we treat more general forms of this formula, by giving general results for the gamma function and related functions. For instance, Stirling’s formula follows from the asymptotic expansion (3.24) below; a proof based on Euler’s summation method can be found in Exercise 1.6.
62 3: The Gamma Function It will appear that the gamma function can be computed very efficiently by using asymptotic expansions. The relation T(z) = T(z + l)/z and the reflection formula (3.5) are useful when the argument is not large enough to apply the asymptotic expansions. Integration of (3.12) gives 1пГ(г + 1) = (г + |) Inz — z + К + /3(t)e zt dt. (3.20) where К is a constant of integration, which has to be determined. To find К we apply the multiplication formula (3.4), which can be written in the form 22zr(z + 1) r(z + j) П Г(2г + 1) = - 1П7Г. 2 (3.21) Since /?(/) is bounded for t > 0, it is easy to verify that the integral in (3.20) vanishes as z oo. Substituting (3.20) in (3.21) and letting z oo, we obtain К = 1п2тг. Hence we can write (3.20) in the form / i \ 7 00 InT(z) = In ^л/2тг zz~ 2 e~zj + J /3(t)e~zt dt. (3.22) Using (3.13) we find, via Watson’s lemma (Theorem 2.4) an asymptotic expansion for the logarithm of the gamma function(Stirling’s series): 00 R 1 InT(z) - In (y/2^zz~h~z) + V Q 1 \ 2n(2n - 1) г2™-1 тг=1 as z oo. Since the singularities (poles) of /?(/) are located on the imaginary axis, this expansion holds for | argz| < 7r. Because of the importance of this expansion, we explicitly mention an extra number of terms: ll,rw ~ 1. + 2. _ -Lj + -2-j. _ 1 691 1 3617 43867 + 1188г9 ~ 360360г11 + 156г13 ” 122400г15 + 244188г17 + ‘‘ ’ (3.23) as z —> oo, | arg г| < 7r. Taking the exponential of this result, we get the generalization of Stirling’s formula x -7 ( 1 1 \ Г(г) л/2тгг ‘2e exp —--------------- q H---- , ' ’ F \ 12г 360г3 ) ’
§3.6 Asymptotic Expansions 63 Table 3.1. Approximating Г (г) via (3.23) and (3-24) г (3.23) (3.24) 1 1.0002878 0.9997110 2 1.0000036 0.9999927 3 2.0000005 1.9999995 4 6.0000002 6.0000009 5 24.0000002 24.0000028 or 4 A— 2_1 A 1 1 139 571 \ (г)~ % z 2 e ^ + __ + _ 51g4(k3 - 2488320г4 +• •)• (3.24) A remarkable feature is that in 1пГ(г) only odd negative powers of z occur, whereas in the expansion of Г(г) both even and odd powers can be seen. That is why (3.23) is much more efficient for numerical calculations than (3.24). Moreover, the remainder of (3.23) (which we did not introduce thus far; see the next subsection) can be estimated more easily than that of (3.24). It is also useful to have the asymptotic expansion for the reciprocal gamma function. We have 1 1 z+i z Л 1 1 139 571 A Г(г) ~ 2 6 \ ” 12г + 288г2 + 51840г3 “ 2488320г4 + ” J ’ (3.25) We observe that the series in (3.25) has the same coefficients as (3.24), with different signs of the coefficients with odd index. To explain this we note that the series in (3.23) has odd powers only. The series for 1/Г(г) follows from exponentiation of the series in (3.23) with all signs changed. But changing the signs in the odd series in (3.23) can also be done by formally changing the sign of г. (We do not use (3.23) with г replaced by —г; we only perform operations on formal power series to explain the similarity between the series in (3.24) and (3.25).) In Table 3.1 we show the results of applying (3.23) (with terms up to and including the term 1/1260г-5) and (3.24) (with terms up to and including -139/51840г-3), for г = 1,2,3,4, 5. It follows that the accuracy is already quite interesting for these small values of the large asymptotic parameter.
64 3: The Gamma Function 3.6.1. Estimations of the Remainder Because of the importance of (3.23) for numerical applications we now inves- tigate the remainder, and we construct upper bounds. First we introduce a different representation of the function /?(/), which shows up in (3.12). We show that this function can be written in the form ж = pN(t) + where TV oo 2 = E (^!/2П“2’ = E (/2 +4/c27r2)(2^fc)2W’ (3.26) This representation of /?(/) is in the form of a truncated Taylor series (see (3.13)) where /z/y(t) is a remainder in a form that suits us quite well in the following analysis. We prove this representation of /xjv(t) via Taylor’s formula for the remainder of a power series: (_i)^w = _L f 2тгг J (t — r)r2JV where, initially, the contour of integration is a closed curve (for instance, an ellipse) that encloses the points т = 0 and т = t, and that does not enclose the points 2Ат7гг, к e Ж\{0}. The contour of integration is described in the positive sense. We deform the ellipse by bringing the intersection with the positive real axis to +oo; afterwards, the parabola is deformed into a vertical line in the left half-plane. This operation is allowed when we take into account the residues from the points 2/стп. On shifting the vertical line to — oo, we see that this makes no contribution. The result is __________1_________ _____________1___________’ (27rik — t)(27rik)2NF1 (—2ivik — t)(—2ttzA;)27V+1 _ which easily leads to the desired formula. The proof is valid for N > 0. When N = 0 we have the well-known result 00 2 (3(t) = 79----- , 9 9 , t ф 2k7li. ^Z2+4/c27T2 k=l This is one of the many examples of partial fraction decomposition for a class of trigonometric functions. In this connection, observe that we can write = (i/cotl4/-1) ' = - E
§3.6 Asymptotic Expansions 65 We write (3.22) in the form InF(z) = In zz~% e~z^ + Ф(г), with Ф(г) = I (3(t)e~zt dt, №z > 0. (3.27) JO Using (3.26) we obtain N ТЪ 1 n=l 4 ' with Rn — (-l)7^ / e~ztt2N dt = ^2^+1 / e~uu2NTN(u, z)du, and TN{Z,U) - Л, u2 + 47r2fc2^2 (27rfc^+2 • If z > 0 we can write Тдг(г, и) in the form т (7 \ _ a 1 л Аш+2 TN(z,u) ^2_> (27rfc)2W+2 eN 2 (22V+ 2)! ’ with 0 < On < 1. Hence, in this case we have о д В27У+2_______1_ N ^(W + ^W + l^2^1’ In other words, has the sign of the first neglected term in (3.28) and its absolute value is smaller than that term. Moreover, for each n, the value of Ф(г) lies always between the value of the sum of n terms and that of the sum of n +1 terms of the series in (3.28). This follows from the fact that the series is alternating. This is an ideal situation in asymptotics. In these circumstances one ver- ifies for a real г—value which term in (3.23) is smaller than the required precision, and one knows that that term, and all subsequent terms, can be neglected. For example, when z > 10, all terms in (3.23) after that of г-11 can be neglected for obtaining an accuracy of 1.92 x 10“14, or less. For complex values of z the situation is somewhat more complicated. To obtain insight in this case we introduce the quantity z1 Kz = max -75--□ . s>0 s2 + z2
66 3: The Gamma Function Observe that Kz does not change when in z2/(s2 + z2) the variables z and/or s are multiplied by arbitrary real numbers 0). Now we obtain -^z|-B2n+2| 2(n + l)(2n + l)^|2n+x ’ To determine Kz one can use ,_2 . + (^2 - У2) 2 + 4ж2?/2 z = mm-------------—ту-----, z = x + гу, z u>0 (ж2 + ?/2)2 and consequently if x2 > y2\ ч 4x2y2/(x2 + y2)2. if x2 < y2. Hence, if | argz| < |тг then (as in the case of real z = x) Kz = 1. From this it follows that when | argz| < |тг, the remainder Rn of (3.28) is again smaller than the first neglected term in the series. When |тг < arg г < the above method gives an increasingly unfavorable estimate of Rn as z approaches the imaginary axis. The expansion in (3.23) has an asymptotic character in the sector | arg z\ < 7Г, but this does not follow from the above analysis. See Spira (1971), where the following simple result is derived: 2|B2JV/(2W - 1)| l^l1"2*, |B22V/(2W - 1)| if ?fcz <0, Ssz 0; if Viz > 0. Of course, for computations with $flz < 0, the reflection formula (3.5) should be used. 3.6.2. Ratio of Two Gamma Functions In applications one frequently meets expressions with the ratio of two gamma functions. When the arguments of both functions are large it is not always possible to use numerical approximations of both functions, since they may become too large for the computer’s number system. Moreover, loss of accu- racy may occur when we divide two large numbers obtained via (3.24). This is due to the inaccuracy with which the dominant term (in front of the series in (3.24)) will be computed when z is large. It is of great help when an algorithm for computing r*(z) =-----, >J?z > 0. 2e~z (3.29)
§3.6 Asymptotic Expansions 67 is available. From (3.24) it follows that T*(z) = 1 + (9(l/z), as z oo. Suppose that we need to compute T(z + a)/T(z + 6) for large values of z. Then from (3.29) it follows that Г(/ + а) ~а-6Г*(г + a)n/~ n г(7Тб)=г F(7W0( ’ ’ ’’ ( } where Q(z,a,b) = fl + fl + *ГЬ+1 еф(1+«-«-1п(1+|) + 4]. It is not difficult to verify that Q(z,a, 6) = 1 + (9(l/z), as z —> oo; (3.30) shows quite well which contributions play a role in the ratio of the gamma functions. Although Q(z,a, 6) is composed of elementary functions, one should be careful when evaluating the above expression when z is large. The point is that, for small values of г, the function ln(l + z) — z cannot be accurately computed directly from the log-function (a loss in relative accuracy occurs). However, it is rather easy to write a code for the function ln(l + z) — z. Nevertheless, it is of great importance to have available an asymptotic expansion for the ratio Г(г + а)/Г (г + 6). Consider the beta integral in the form + 1 f1 e+a-\l - t)^-1 dt, &(b - a) > 0 Г(г + Ь) r(b-a)J0 { ’ i \ ) 1 r°° = VtiT^ ub~a~1e~zu f(u)du, Г(о - a) Jo where /1 — u^~ a~ 1 /(u) = e~au ) у и J Using the series in (1.3) we obtain oo (a-5+l) /(U) = 52CnU", ^ = (-1)^—p-W. ' n\ 71=0 Watson’s lemma (in the form of Theorem 2.5) gives the result (under the condition Ji(6 — a) > 0) Г(г +а) ~ za-b У' Г(Ь-а + n) 1 , . Г(г + &) n Г(Ь-а) z”’ { }
68 3: The Gamma Function in the sector | argz| < 7r. By representing f(u) in a different way a more efficient expansion is pos- sible. To obtain that expansion we write — e-u(b+a-l)/2 sinh(u/2) Again via (1.3) we can write f(u) = e-«(b+a-l)/2 Cn = (_1)та 2n W where p = (a — b + l)/2. Application of Watson’s lemma now gives r(z + a) a_b^( ,n Г(Ь-а + 2п) 1 ——---— w / (—1) C/i —------------г— —о—, as z —> 00, (o.o2) T(z + 6) T(6-a) w2n’ V 7 in the sector | argz| < 7r, with w = z +(a+ b— l)/2 and 3?(6 — a) > 0. Since only even negative powers of the large parameter occur (in this case w), the series in (3.32) gives a more efficient expansion than (3.31). Another favorable feature of (3.32) is that for real a, b and г, with 0 < a — 6 + 1 < 1 the remainder can be estimated. Let N = 0,1, 2,... and let be defined by writing Г(г + а) b Гу-1/ nnr Г(6-а + 2п) 1 Г(7Тц w <-1) C" Г(Ь-а) Then, when z + min[a, (a + b — l)/2] > 0 and 0 < a — 6 + 1 < 1, we have (Frenzen (1987)) Rn - f)N(-VNcN r(& ~ a + -4v ’ 0<^<l. (3.33) 1 (o — a) wZ1^ Below we give some coefficients Cn of (3.32). From 0 < p < 1/2 it follows that the series is alternating. This restriction on p is not very important, since by recursion the parameters a and b may be changed in order to bring the new p in the desired interval. In (3.32) the gamma function ratio Г(6 — a + 2n)/T(6 — a) can of course be generated by recursion as well. 9 9 9 Cb =1, C. = C2 = ^ + ^, c3 = -^ + -^- + -?—, u 11 12 2 1440 288’ 3 90720 17280 10368’ c p + 101p2 + p3 + p4 4 4838400 87091200 414720 497664’ c p + 13p2 + 61^3 , p4 , p5 5 239500800 522547200 1045094400 14929920 29859840’ _ 691p 7999p2 59p3 6 “ 7846046208000 + 14485008384000 + 41803776000+ 143p4 p5 p6 75246796800 + 716636160 + 2149908480’
§3.6 Asymptotic Expansions 69 3.6.3. Application of the Saddle Point Method For a short introduction to the saddle point method we refer to §2.2.2. We use Hankel’s integral (3.6) for the reciprocal gamma function. We consider positive values of г. A first transformation s = zt gives 1 ezzr~z -A- = —------ / ez^ dt, r(z) 2тгг J_oo where </>(t) = t — 1 — hit, and the contour is the same as in Figure 3.3. The saddle point of the integrand is the solution of the equation ф' (t) = 0. The only solution is t = 1. We try to define a contour through this saddle point on which ^ф(Е) is constant. Since </>(1) = 0, this constant must be 0. Writing t = peie, we find that the equation ^</>(t) = 0 is satisfied when the polar coordinates of t satisfy e sin#’ — 7Г < 0 < 7Г. (3.34) This defines the path of steepest descent. Next we define a mapping t u(t) by writing ifU2 = </>(/). Near the saddle point t = 1 we can expand Hence, the mapping just defined can be rewritten in terms of z /2(/-l-lnO where the square root is positive for positive values of t. This definition of the mapping gives a better description of which branch of the function u(t) will be used. For complex values of t the mapping is defined by analytic continuation. Observe that for positive values of t we have sigmz = sign(Z — 1) and for complex values signal = signet. The positive t—axis is mapped in the it—plane onto the whole real axis. The saddle point contour described by (3.34) is mapped onto the whole imaginary axis. So we can write where ezz1 z 2тгг du, (3.35) (3.36) dt du tu t - 1* 1 гИ /Ы =
70 3: The Gamma Function We obtain the asymptotic expansion of the reciprocal gamma function by expanding f(u) = cnun, and substituting this in the above integral. The result is 1 гИ ezz^ z 2тгг 77=0 which can be written in the form 1 гИ —n f 'j C2ti, \z / n as z —> oo. The coefficients cn can be computed by using (3.36). We know that t = 1 + cW(n + l)un+1. Then (3.36) gives the relation (oo 1 + 52 77=0 _£ZL_un+i n + 1 n + 1 By equating equal powers of и we find the recursion n cn—l __ y' ck cn—k П k 1 k=0 which can be written in the form It follows that _ 1 _ 1 _ 139 .571 ’ 71 12’ 72 288’ 73 51840’ 74 2488320’ ' Indeed, we find the values as in (3.25). Using the same transformation t u(t) we can derive an expansion for the gamma function itself. Let us write Г(г + 1) = zz+1e~z f°° e~z<№ dt, Jo where again, </>(/) = t — Int — 1. This representation easily follows from (3.1). The mapping t u(t) given by ^u2 = </>(/) now gives T(z + 1) = zz+1e~z / e~zzu f(u) du, — oo
§ 3..7 Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 71 with f given in (3.36). Further steps are as in the case of the reciprocal gamma function. From the above analysis it again easily follows that in the asymptotic expansions of T(z) and 1/Г(г) the same coefficients occur; see also the explanation after (3.25). We have for both functions z ±—Z oo oo E ^z~n, ~ £(-1)п7пг-п, v27r n=0 n=0 where the first coefficients are given in (3.37). The saddle point analysis of the reciprocal gamma function gives a further interesting integral. When we integrate in the /—plane over the saddle point contour with respect to 0, using (3.34), we have dt = dO de = eie ( + ip ) do = [i + 7i(0)] do, \ du ) where h(0) is an odd function of 0. It follows that 1 ezz^ z Г(г) ~ 2тг (3.38) where Ф(0) = -$)?</>(/) = i-0cot0 + ln-A;. sm0 To evaluate Ф(0) for small values of 0 we have ф(0) = + —я4 + J-#6 + — e8 + —!—e10..., V 7 2 36 405 4200 42525 ’ where all coefficients are positive. In general we have ад^Е^г^^2" which follows from well-known expansions for the trigonometric functions. Representation (3.38) is very useful when one wants to evaluate the gamma function by means of a simple quadrature rule. As explained in Exercise 1.7, the trapezoidal rule gives extremely high accuracy in this case. 3.7. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 3.1. Readers interested in the history of the gamma function should consult the entertaining paper of Davis (1959) or Godefroy (1901). In almost
72 3: The Gamma Function every book on special functions the gamma function receives a lot of attention. The classic Whittaker & Watson (1927) is still an interesting source of information. The proof of the bounds for the remainder in the expansion for the logarithm of the gamma function in §3.6.1 is based on this reference. Our proof, however, is based on (3.26), which is a different starting point. 3.2. The analysis for the ratio of two gamma functions, resulting in (3.31), may also be based on a contour integral. See Tricomi & Erdelyi (1951); Fields (1966) has given the more efficient expansion (3.32). Frenzen (1987) has shown that the remainder in expansion (3.32) can be estimated as in (3.33). In Frenzen (1992) this is extended to the case of complex parameters. 3.3. Recent papers on asymptotics in connection with the gamma function are Berry (1991), Paris & Wood (1992), and Boyd (1994). 3.4. In §5.9.1 of Chapter 5 we mention so-called q—extensions of the gamma function and the beta integral. 3.8. Exercises and Further Examples 3.1. The shifted, factorial (а)п = Г(а + п)/Г(а) is also called Pochhammer’s symbol. It is defined for а e C, n e IN. We have (a)o = 1, and in general (а)п = а(а + l)(a + 2) • • • (a + n — 1) = (a + n — l)(a)n-i, n = 1, 2,... . Verify that for а e C, m, n = 0,1, 2,...: ' o, if n > m, (-m)n, = < (1) (—l)nm!/(m - n)!, if n < m; ( — a)n = ( -l)n(a - n+ l)n; (2) (а)2тг = 2 \z / n \z / n ; (3) a)2n+l = 2 2n+l ПЛ Pa + \2 /n+l D • 2 / n 3.2. 7°° 1 / 2 \ / tz-1e-°ltXdt= -V{-\orz/x, &a>Q, > 0, > 0. 0 X \ X /
§ 3.8 Exercises and Further Examples 73 3.3. Let JJce > 0, $R/3 > 0. Verify the following alternatives for the beta integral: [°° ta-1(t+l)-a~f3dt = B(a,l3y, (1) Jo [ (x- £)a-1 (t - (3) (ж - y)a+(3~\ 0 < ?/ < ж; (2) Jy 2 [ (sin t)2a-1 (cos t)2^-1 dt = B(ce,/3). (3) Jo 3.4. гК) = н№!-(^ "'O’1-2...................... 3.5. 3.6. The binomial coefficients are defined, for a e (D and n = 0,1, 2,..., by Other useful relations are a n n\ — (_i }n ~ } п\Г(-а) = Г(а + 1) n\ Г (a + 1 — n) Show that the binomial coefficients appear in the expansion: oo n=0 For general complex values of w and z one defines, as for the binomial numbers in Pascal’s triangle, '^=______Г<* + -1-2-3 w) Г(«. + 1)Г(г-«. + 1)’ Г ’ ...
74 3: The Gamma Function 3.7. Verify the reflection formula for the gamma function with as variant r(i - w)r(- + iy) = —г—• v2 y’ v2 y! coshTry 3.8. Verify the reflection formula, the more general form of (3.5), r(z -n) = __^2 ( ’ ( } r(n+l-z) (-1)^ sinvrz Г(п + 1 — z) ’ n = 0,1,2,... . 3.9. Show, by using the reflection formula (3.5), that |Г(гу)| ~ e as У->±oo. 3.10. Verify with the help of (3.7) the following infinite products for the sine and cosine functions: • / \ OO / 9 sm(7rz) TT [ i z 7VZ , \ П2 n=l x oo cos(7rz) = П 72—0 («+ |)2 3.11. Show that fl*, , 7Г Г(ж+1) / (cos£) cos yt dt = n —77--------————— ------------——, > -1. Jo 2^+1 + y)/2 + 1]Г[(ж - y)/2 + 1] The right-hand side can be expressed in terms of the reciprocal of the beta function. To prove this interesting formula integrate f (cos z)x exp(iyz) dz along a contour consisting of the half-lines ±^7r + is, s > 0 and the interval [—тг/2, тг/2]. For the time being, take Jfy > > 0. Formula (3.5) is needed also. Analytic continuation gives the result for each complex y, since both left- and right-hand sides are entire functions of y. 3.12. 00 [ dt = 22x~2B(x — y,x + y), > |Э?у|. Jo cosht First write the integral over (—00,00) and replace cosh(2?/Z) with e2yt. The substitution и = and Exercise 3.3 (1) conclude the proof. 3.13. Verify the following contour integral representation: Sin 7TQ Г(Р) Г(р + д)Г(1 - q) (1+) wp 1 dw,
§ 3.8 Exercises and Further Examples 75 where the contour is as in Figure 3.4. At the point where the contour cuts the positive real axis (at the right of 1) the phases of w and w — 1 are both zero. This representation holds for any complex q and for Jip > 0. By writing in the integral w = 1/u, verify that Ш 1 rc+ioG . ------4^--------- = — / - vy-1 dv, 0 < c < 1. Г(р + д)Г(1 - q) 2-тгг Jc_ioo In other words, 1 = Г(Р + ,) = , </В(м) Г(р)Г(,+ 1) iri. j,. 1 > with + q) > 0. 3.14. Show that the alternating series can be expressed in terms of the Riemann zeta function: r](z) = (1 - 21-г) <(z). Verify that 77(1) = In 2 by using lim2^i(z: — l)£(z) = 1, an already known result. 3.15. Verify the following integral representation of the Riemann zeta func- tion : = Ъ + + r7^ / dt' > -1’ 2 2-1 1 (z) Jo where /?(/) is the function used in (3.12). This gives the analytic continuation of the zeta function given in (3.16) and the residue of the pole at z = 1. 3.16. The Hurwitz zeta function (Hurwitz (1882)), which is also called the generalized Riemann zeta function, C(z,ct) is defined by £(z, a) = ^P(n + a)-2, %lz > 1, а ф 0,-1, -2, -3,... . 77=0 The function (Sz,oi) reduces to £(z) for а = 1. Show that the following recurrence relation holds m—1 C(z, m + a) = £(z, a) - (n + m = 1, 2,3,... . 71=0
76 3: The Gamma Function Derive the following integral representation 1 /-ОО -atf >Rz >1, > 0, the analog of (3.16). Derive the analogous result of the previous exercise: 1 a1-z 1 f00 £(z,a) = -a z H-------7 + r./ \ at dt, > —1, Жа > 0. 2 z — 1 r(z) Jo This shows that the residue at the simple pole z = 1 again equals 1. Verify the contour integral representation л. . Г(1 - z) /‘(°+) tz~xeai , C(z, a) =----—— / —7----— dt, ’ Im e4 — 1 which generalizes (3.17). 3.17. Recall and verify the following properties of the ^—function: recurrence relation: ^(z + 1) = ^(^) + -• z Multiplication formula: т/>(2г) = ii/’U) + (^ + ^) + In 2. Reflection formula: ^(z) = ^(1 — z) — 7TCOt(7rz). Special values: = “7, W;;) =-7-2 In 2, ф'(Г) = ±тг2, = |тг2. \2 / о \2 / 2 Asymptotic expansion: // \ 1 1 B2n I I ^(г)~!пг- — z —> oo, |argz|<7r. n=l 3.18. Compute the integrals /0°° ^-1/(t) dt for the cases f(t) = In |1 — t\, f(t)=cost, f(t) = smt. For the first case take for a start — 1 < $flz < 0, and split up the interval of integration into (0,1 — s),(l + oo); integrate by parts to remove the logarithm. Substitute on the infinite interval t 1/t and combine the results
§ 3.8 Exercises and Further Examples 77 of both intervals; at a certain moment you can let s —> 0; use (3.11) and the reflection formula from the previous exercise; the answer is: 7Г cot(7rz)/z. For the two remaining cases integrate f tz-1 dt over a path composed of (0, Я), (0, iR) and a circular arc with radius R in the first quadrant; first take > 1. The answers are: 1 1 / tz~^ cost dt = T(z) cos -тгг, / tz-1 sint dt = T(z) sin -irz. JO 2 Jo 2 For the sine integral: compute the limit as z —> 0. Determine for both in- tegrals the г—domain of validity. Integrals of the kind considered here are Mellin transforms (see Sneddon (1972) for a good introduction, and Ober- hettinger (1974) for tables of Melllin transforms).

4 Differential Equations In this chapter we are concerned with the theory of regular and singular points of linear second order differential equations in the complex plane. First we explain how these differential equations arise in mathematical physics. 4.1. Separating the Wave Equation The functions which will be introduced in later chapters are of importance in physical problems. Many problems in classical mathematical physics are connected with one of the following linear partial differential equations: • the Laplace equation or potential equation: Au = 0, • the diffusion equation or equation of conduction of heat: Au = щ, or • the wave equation: Au = utt- The symbol A is the Laplace operator. For instance, in three-dimensional space: d2u d2u d2u U dx2 dy2 dz2 with a similar form in spaces of other dimensions. The time variable t in the diffusion and wave equations, the so-called evolution equations, is often removed by using a Fourier or Laplace transformation, or by introducing special solutions with a time dependent factor eikt. The result can then be written in terms of the Helmholtz equation (A + k2)v = 0, which is also called the time-independent wave equation. Writing, for instance, in the wave equation и = veikt, with v not depending on t, then v indeed has to satisfy the Helmholtz equation. Similarly, the time-independent function v in the representation и = ve~k 1 of the solution of the diffusion equation should satisfy the Helmholtz equation. 79
80 4: Differential Equations The Helmholtz equation is a special case of the Schrodinger equation, a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics, of which the three dimensional time-independent form reads 2m Д^ + [E — V(x, y, z)]^ = 0, n where is the wave function, m is the mass of the particle in the potential field V, h is Planck’s constant and E is the energy. The special functions treated in this book, in particular, the functions from the Chapters 7, 8 and 9, play an important part in the construction of solutions of the Helmholtz and Schrodinger equations. To obtain a solution by using the Laplace transformation, we usually pro- ceed as follows. Let v(x, y, z, s) be the Laplace transform with respect to t of the solution u(u,y,z,t) of the diffusion equation. That is, we write /•OO v(x, y, z,s) = / e~stu(x, y, z, t) dt. Jo Then, at least formally, /•OO /»OO Ди(ж, у, z, s) = / e~st£vudt = / e~stut{x,y,z,f) dt. Jo Jo Integrating by parts in the final integral, we obtain Ди(ж, у, z, s) = ~uq(x, y, z) + sv(x, y, z, s), where uq is the value of и at time t = 0 (the initial value). When we take uq = 0, we again arrive at the Helmholtz equation; when uq 0 we obtain the nonhomogeneous Helmholtz equation. When we can solve the equation for v, we can obtain и by using the formula for the inverse Laplace transformation 1 /*с+гоо u(x,y,z,t) = —; / estv(x, y, z, s) ds, Jc—ioo where the contour of integration is a vertical line at the right of the s—singular- ities of v. Example 4.1. The transport of heat in a homogeneous isotropic one di- mensional medium (say, an infinite rod) is described by the equation kuxx = t > 0, —oo < x < oo where и is the temperature and к is a coefficient of heat conduction. At time t = 0 we prescribe the initial condition и = uq = sign(a?) = ±1, according
§ ^.7 Separating the Wave Equation 81 to the sign of x. We take к = 1. The Laplace transform v of u satisfies the equation vxx = sv — sign(a?), which has the solution v(x, s) = Ae~x^ + Bex^ +-, x > 0 s with a similar solution for x < 0. Observing that the initial condition implies that и and v are odd functions of x and that the solution should be bounded as x oo, we conclude that A = — 1/s, В = 0, and that, hence, 1 _ e-Xy/s v(x,s) =-----------, x > 0. s The function u(x,t) follows from Laplace inversion, but it is easier to work with the inversion of vx. From the derived result for v(x,s) it follows that vx(x, s) = 5-1/2 exp(—Xy/s). Hence, by Laplace inversion, 1 /*с+гоо 1 ус+гоо 2 ux(x,t) = —- / estvx(x, s') ds = -— / etw ~xw dw, c > 0. 2?TZ Jc—ioQ Jc—ioo The final integral is easily evaluated: ux(x,t) = 1/д/тг£ exp[—ж2/(4/)]. Be- cause u(x,t) is an odd function of ж, we obtain u(x,t) = f e~^ d£ = erf— Jo 2y/i which holds for all x G IR and t > 0. The symbol erf denotes the error function, which will be introduced in §7.3.4. 4.1.1. Separating the Variables Trial solutions of the Helmholtz or Schrodinger equation can be found by using a method called separation of variables, or Bernoulli’s method or Fourier’s method. In this method we assume that the solution v can be written as a product of functions of one variable, that is, that the variables can be separated: v(x,y,z) = The Helmholtz equation then reads A dx2 f2 dy2 f3 dz2 with possible solutions h(x) = e±iax, f2(y)=e^, /3(^=6^,
82 4: Differential Equations where the separation constants а, (3, у should satisfy k2 = a2 + /32 + y2. On account of physical evidence or boundary conditions it may happen that the separation constants cannot be chosen freely. For instance, one condition may be that the solution should be periodic with respect to x with period 2тг. Then the range of a may be the set of integers. A next step is to build a new solution by taking linear combinations of the building blocks Д, /2? /з- By summing or integrating with respect to the separation constants one obtains a solution that may satisfy the imposed boundary conditions. Example 4.2. Consider the problem of Example 4.1 and write u(x,t) = f(t)g(x). The we obtain fgxx = ftg, or f / ft = g/gxx. Putting both sides equal to a constant —A2, we obtain /(t) = exp(—A2f) and g(x) = A(A) sin Аж+ B(A)cosAa?. Since и is an odd function of ж, we take B(A) = 0 and we compose: /•00 u(X) t) = / JO e Л 1 sin XxA(X) dX. The initial condition u0(x) = sign(a?) yields the value A(X) = 2/(Лтг), giving sin Xx dX. It is not difficult to verify that this function again can be written in terms of the error function. For instance, ux can be evaluated in closed form: 9 r°° 9 1 О /(4t) ux(x, t) = — I e~X 1 cos Xx dX = — / e~x t+iXx dX =-----------------------7=— к Jo 'ТГ J-OQ y/irt In this example the building blocks /, g are elementary transcendental functions. These building blocks are indeed quite natural when the Helmholtz equation is written in terms of a Cartesian system. However, when the Helmholtz equation has to be solved in domains corresponding with inte- rior or exterior parts of configurations such as spheres or cylinders, it often is necessary to write the Helmholtz equation in terms of a different coordinate system (it, u, w), in place of the Cartesian system (ж, ?/, z). When we apply the method of separation of variables to the new form of the Helmholtz equation, usually higher transcendental functions arise as building blocks of solutions. In Chapter 10, after we have learned more about Legendre and Bessel functions, we treat more boundary and initial value problems. There we also give details on separating the Helmholtz equation for a wide range of coordinate systems, such as cylindrical, spherical, parabolic and spheroidal coordinates.
Differential Equations in the Complex Plane 83 4.2. Differential Equations in the Complex Plane By using the above mentioned method of separation of variables in particular system of coordinates, the Helmholtz or Schrodinger equation may split up in several linear ordinary differential equations of the form f"+p{z)f' + q{z)f = Q. (4.1) A small set of equations of the form (4.1) governs the well-known functions of mathematical physics. We have the following important examples: the hypergeometric differential equation z(l - z)fH + [c - (a + b + L)z\f - abf = 0, (4.2) the Bessel differential equation Z2f" + zf + (z2 -v2)f = 0, (4.3) the Legendre differential equation (1 - г2) /" - 2zf' + p(p+ 1)/ = 0, (4.4) the Kummer differential equation zf" + (c - z)f - a/ = 0, and (4.5) the Hermite differential equation f" - 2zf' + 2vf = 0. (4.6) The solutions of these equations will be treated in later chapters. Here we are concerned with general properties of the solutions of the equations. 4.2.1. Singular Points Consider equation (4.1), where p: G C and q: G C are given meromorphic functions in a simply connected domain G of the complex plane. With respect to (4.1) the following questions are relevant: • Has the differential equation a solution /, that is, can we find a function f defined in G (or in a subdomain of G) which satisfies the differential equation? • Where is such a solution analytic? • Is this solution f unique?
84 Differential Equations As will be shown in this section, the answers to these questions will depend on the nature of the points in G. We define regular and singular points. Definition 4.1. A point zq e G where p and q are analytic is called a regular point of the differential equation. When z = zq is not a regular point, it is called a singular point. When z = zq is a singular point but both (z — zq)p(z) and (г — zo)2q(z) are analytic there, then zq is called a regular singular point. If zq is neither a regular point nor a regular singular point, then it is said to be an irregular singular point. Especially important in the theory of special functions are the expansions in terms of power series in the neighborhood of regular singular points. At regular points the solutions can be represented rather straightforwardly in terms of power series. At regular singular points the situation is more com- plicated. The general set-up for these points is to represent the solution as a formal power series multiplied by an algebraic term. Next the convergence of the series is established. The proof of existence of solutions of (4.1) will be given in two versions. In §4.2.2 we give a method based on successive approximation; in §4.2.3 we give a power series method, which is also used in §4.2.4. Experience with both methods is of great importance. It is sufficient to consider the solutions in a neighborhood of the point zq = 0; a simple transformation Q — z — zq or ( = 1/z can map any finite or infinite point to the origin. 4.2.2. Transformation of the Point at Infinity The transformation £ = 1/z yields for (4.1): +P(0^+QO = °, (4-7) where 2 1 1 !7(C) = /(*) = /(1/C), Ж) = ? РШ, Q(0 = ^9(i/0- A decisive answer about the nature of the point z = oo of (4.1) is obtained from investigating the functions P and Q in the neighborhood of £ = 0. Definition 4.2. The point z = oo is called a regular point, or a regular singular point of differential equation (4.1) when the point £ = 0 is a regular point, or a regular singular point, respectively, of the differential equation (4-7).
§ 4-2 Differential Equations in the Complex Plane 85 To decide about the nature of the point at infinity, let p, q of (4.1) have the expansions zp(z) = Po +pi/z + p2/z2 + • • •, z2q(z) — qo + qi /z + 42/z2 + , which converge for sufficiently large values of \z\. Then P, Q of (4.7) have the expansions C-P(C) = 2-po -piC -P2C2 + , C2Q(C) = qo + qiC + 72 C2 + • • •, which converge for sufficiently small values of |£|. It follows that, when p,q have the above expansions, (4.7) has a regular singular point at zero, and, that, hence, (4.1) has a regular singular point at infinity. Example 4.3. The hypergeometric differential equation (4.2) has a regular singularity at infinity. The point at infinity is not a regular singularity for Kummer’s differential equation (4.5). 4.2.3. The Solution Near a Regular Point Let z = 0 be a regular point of the differential equation (4.1). Then we can find a number R > 0 such that the functions p and q are analytic in the disc |z| < R. Choose a number r satisfying 0 < r < R, and let S be the closed disc \z\ < r. Instead on f we concentrate on a new function у = y(z) which is defined by /(*) = j/(z)exp Ц ГP(O<K , * Jo Since p is analytic in S, the value of the integral does not depend on the choice of the path of integration, as long this path is contained within S. The differential equation (4.1) is transformed into (verify this!) ^ + 7(^ = 0, (4,8) where 7/ \ / \ 1 dp(z) 1 r / м2 J(z) = g(z) - - ~[p(z)]2. Observe that the new differential equation does not have a term involving the first derivative yf. The transformation of (4.1) into (4.8) is also mentioned in §4.5 where the Liouville transformation is given. The function J is defined in G and also is meromorphic there. A regular point of (4.1) is also a regular point of (4.8).
86 4: Differential Equations Existence of a Solution We convert the differential equation (4.8) into an integral equation by inte- grating the differential equation yff = —J(z)y twice with respect to z. Then we obtain, after integrating by parts, the equation y(z) = b0 + b1z+ [ (C- z)J(£)y(£)d£, (4.9) JO where 6q, b± are arbitrary complex numbers. It is also easily verified directly that (4.9) fulfills (4.8). Furthermore we have y(O) = bo, 3/'(0) = bi- The integral equation (4.9) will be solved by the method of successive approximation. This method is based on constructing a sequence of functions {?м}, n = 0,1,2,... defined by Vo(z) = b0 + 61г, Уп&) = f (C-W)?/n-l(M, n>l, Jo and showing that the sum Y(z) = 2/^(^) a solution of (4.8). This expansion is called the Liouville-Neumann expansion. The quantities bo and 61 are arbitrary complex numbers; the path of in- tegration in the integral defining yn(z) can be chosen to be the straight line between 0 and z. Since J is known, all functions yn can be determined in this way. All functions yn are analytic in S. Next we introduce constants M and /1 by putting M = max 1J(z)|, = max |?/o(z)|. z^S zES Then we will prove that the functions yn can be bounded as follows: Ь(г)|</1----z^S, n>0. (4.10) ni For n = 0 the bound is trivial. Assume that the bound holds for ?/n_iwith n > 1. Then it follows, when the path of integration indeed is a straight line, |j/nU)| = [ (C- Jo < Л'к-г! |J(C)| KI2"-2 KI Jo \n~ty -<^'4l!l|<|2"-2« ^и.Г‘2"-2^<^
Differential Equations in the Complex Plane 87 So, we have verified the induction step, and we conclude that (4.10) holds for n = 0,1,2,... . Furthermore we have, since |z| < r if z e S, the uniform bound |j/n(z)| < M, г e S, n > 0. n\ Since the series 1лМпг2п/n\ is convergent, it follows that the series is uniformly convergent with respect to z e S. Since all yn are analytic, the sum Y(z) = Уп(%) constitutes an analytic function in the disc |z| < r and the series may be differentiated term by term. That is, y(k\z) = |z| < r, fc = l,2,3,... . n=0 Since r is an arbitrary number satisfying 0 < r < R, we infer that Y is analytic in the open disc |z| < R. From the definition of yn it follows that yo(z) = bi, yo(z)=O, y'n(z>) = - [ J(Oyn-i(C)dC, y'n(z) = -d(z)yn_1(z), for n > 1. Hence we obtain oo oo = E = - E J^yn-i^ = -im. 71=0 77=1 We conclude that the function У is a solution of the differential equation (4.8). Also, oo oo HO) = E^(0) = b0, У'(0) = E Уп(0) = bi, 72=0 72=0 and, hence, the solution Y fulfills the initial conditions У(0)=60, Y,(0)=b1. (4.11) With the solution Y there corresponds the function F defined by L 2 Jo a solution of the original differential equation (4.1). The function F is analytic in the disc |z| < R and has initial values Г(0)=У(0)=60, F'(0) = У'(0) - ly(0)p(0) = 6i - h0p(0).
88 4: Differential Equations We denote these values by uq , ai; then F fulfills the initial conditions F(O) = ao, F\Q)=ai. (4-12) We now show that the analytic solution F of the differential equation (4.1) with initial conditions (4.12) is unique. Let us assume that the differential equation (4.1) has a second solution F* with the same initial values uq and a±. Then we know that the function V(z) = F(z) — F*(z) is analytic in S and satisfies v"(z) + p(^)^z(^) + = о with the initial values V(0) = 0, V'(0) = 0. Substituting z = 0 in the differential equation we obtain V'^O) — 0. By differentiating the differential equation, and substituting afterwards z = 0, we obtain V7"^) = 0. This process can be repeated, and we conclude that v(")(o) =0, n = 0,1,2,.... Considering the power series of V we infer that all terms in the series vanish. Hence V(z) ~ 0, that is, F(z) — F*(z) in the open disc |z| < R. This shows that the solution F is determined unambiguously by the initial conditions (4.12). We summarize the previous results as follows. Theorem 4.1. Let the functionsp and q be analytic in the open disc |z| < R and let ao and ai by arbitrary complex numbers. Then, there exists one and only one function f with the properties: 1) f satisfies the differential equation (4.1); 2) f satisfies the initial conditions /(0) = ag, /z(0) = ai and 3) f is analytic in |z| < R. Remark 4.1. When applying this theorem we can take R in an optimal way. Then R is the radius of the largest disc around the origin in G, such that no poles of p and q lie inside this disc. Remark 4.2. When zq e G is an arbitrary regular point, zq e G, and p and q are analytic inside a disc with positive radius around zg, we can use a simple translation and again prove that the solution of (4.1) exists and is analytic inside this disc. Since any two points in the simply connected domain can be joined by a finite sequence of intersecting discs, we can continue the solution of (4.1) throughout G.
Differential Equations in the Complex Plane 89 The Wronskian of Two Solutions We now apply Theorem 4.1 twice: 1) with initial conditions uq = 1, ai = 0; giving a unique solution, which we call /i; 2) with initial conditions uq = 0, ai = 1; giving a unique solution, which we call /2- Then the functions Д and /2 are linearly independent solutions of (4.1). To verify this, let A/i(z) + /2/2(2) = 0 in |z| < R. Then the initial conditions yield necessarily A = ц = 0. Each solution of (4.1) can be written as a linear combination of /1 and /2- When, for instance, we try to construct a solution / with initial values /(0) = A, /z(0) = В then we have f = A fa + В fa. Each pair {/1, fa} such that any solution of (4.1) can be written in the form /(z)=A/i(z)+B/2A), where A and В are constants is called a fundamental system of solutions; that is, the pair {fa, fa} is a basis for the linear space of solutions. Let us consider two arbitrary solutions fa and fa of the second order differential equation (4.1). We construct with this pair the expression W1,A](A = A A) /((A A(A Л(А = A(A/2(A-/1(AA(A, (4-13) which is called the Wronskian of the pair {/1, /2}- W[fa,fa] plays an im- portant part when investigating the linear independence of a pair of solutions {/1, fa} of a differential equation. We can consider this expression also for differential equations of higher order (again by using determinants). It is quite simple to verify, by using (4.1), that the function W[fa, fa] is a solution of the equation w' = —pw. It follows that, when z, zq G G, W[fa,fa](z) = Cexp (4-14) which is Abel's identity (1827), where C does not depend on z; C equals the value of W[fa, fa](z) at the point z = zq. Consequently, the Wronskian vanishes identically (when C = 0) or it never vanishes in a domain where p is analytic. Another consequence is that the Wronskian of each pair of solutions {/1, /2} of (4.1) reduces to a constant when the term with the first derivative in (4.1) is missing (p = 0). Now let {/1, fa} constitutes a linearly dependent pair in G. This means there exist two complex numbers A and В with |Л| + \B\ Ф 0, such that А/1(г)+В/2(*) = 0, WeG.
90 4: Differential Equations Differentiation gives Af^z)+Bf^z)=0, VzeG. These two equations for A and В can be interpreted as a linear system. We have assumed that a solution {Л, В} ф {0, 0} exists. Consequently, the determinant of the system should vanish. That is, W[/l,/2](^) = 0, z e G when {/i, /2} constitutes a linearly dependent pair of solutions of (4.1). On the other hand, the Wronskian cannot vanish for a fundamental system {/1, /2}- Summarizing we have: Theorem 4.2. The solutions {/1, /2} of the differential equation (4.1) are linearly independent if and only if the Wronskian (4.13) does not vanish iden- tically in a domain where the solutions are analytic. 4.2.4. Power Series Expansions Around a Regular Point The method of this and the following subsection is called Frobenius method (Frobenius (1873)). We consider a solution of (4.1) with given initial values /(0) = cq, /z(0) = ci. We prove the convergence of the power series f(z) = when z = 0 is a regular point. In fact this follows from Theorem 4.1. However, in connection with the treatment of power series around regular singular points it is convenient to have a separate proof. The series 00 00 ?(*) = 52pnzn-- = 52qnzn n=0 n=0 are convergent in the disc |z| < R. Cauchy’s inequality for the coefficients of a Maclaurin series gives the bounds |?n| < Ar~n, |qn| < Br~n, where A, В do not depend on n and r is an arbitrary number satisfying 0 < r < R. Next we pose the induction hypothesis: we can assign positive constants C and m such that for all indices n we have Ы <C'(n + l)mr-n. The series J2(n + l)m(z/r)n converges in |z| < r, and will be used for com- parison with the series When the hypothesis is verified we know that the series for f converges. To verify the bound for |cn| we use induction with respect to n. The constant C will be adapted such that the bound holds for cq and ci, without regard to the value of m > 0. Substitute the series for f,p,q into (4.1) and
Differential Equations in the Complex Plane 91 compare equal powers. When, indeed, f has a convergent power series, the coefficients must satisfy the relation n n—1 n(n + l)cn+i + 52 kckPn-k + 52 скЧп-к = 0, n=l,2,... . k=l k=0 The induction step from n to n + 1 runs as follows. Using this recursion for Cn we obtain from the above bounds for рп,Цп and from the hypothesis for q, 0 > к > n i i/ C Cn+1 S / -.x n(n+l) < Cr~n ~ n (n + 1) Ar~n 52 +1)m+Br~n+152fcro jt=i fc=i ^(n + 2)m+2 m + 2 m + 1 where we have used the estimate n 5>’"< k=l •71+1 xm dx = m +1 The estimate for |cn+i| will be elaborated by writing . , Cr~n(n + 2')m —STI— (n + 2)2 n (n + 1) + Br — n < Cr-n~1(n + 2)m ^Ar + Br2 m + 1 So, when we take m + 1 > ^Ar + Br2, we conclude that acceptance of the hypothesis as far as n yields a similar bound for the index value n + 1. This proves the absolute convergence of c^z77, in |z| < r, and hence in |z| < R. Example 4.4. From the theory of this chapter we conclude that Legendre’s differential equation (4.4) has analytic solutions in |z| < 1. The solutions hence have convergent power series inside the unit disc. Equation (4.1) is not convenient as a starting point now, since q(t) = v(y +1) 1 — Z2 have infinite series expansions. It is more convenient to take (4.4). Substitu- tion of /(г) = EXo CnZn into (4.4) yields the simple recursion n(n + l)cn+i = (n - z/ - l)(n + i/)cn_i.
92 4: Differential Equations The starting values cq = 1, ci = 0 produce an even function Л W = 2+ + ,4„-2)(„ + w + 3)24_ The starting values cq = 0, ci = 1 give the odd solution (y - l)(z/ + 2) з (z/ - l)(z/ - 3)(z/ + 2)(z/ + 4) 5 Mz) = z------------------z 4------------------------------z - • • • • It is easily verified that this pair {/i, /2} constitutes a fundamental system with Wronskian which indeed never vanishes. For integer values of v one of these expansions terminates, and we obtain the Legendre polynomial: fi{z) = AP^z) /2(2) = BPW(z} if 77 = 2n, if v = 2n + 1, where A and В do not depend on z. So, when v = n, one of the above solutions is a polynomial of degree n, and the other solution has an infinite convergent power series in the unit disc. 4.2.5. Power Series Expansions Around a Regular Singular Point Let z = 0 be a regular singular point of (4.1). With a slight change in notation we write the differential equation (4.1) in the form г2/" + zp(z)f' + ?(г)/ = 0, (4-15) where we assume that p and q are analytic in |z| < R with power series 00 00 p(z) = zL Рпг”’ q(-z') = zL qnZn- n=0 n=0 We assume that at least one of the coefficients po, qo and q± is different from 0. We may expect that, for values of z near the regular singular point z = 0, the solutions of (4.15) behave as the solutions of the equation z2yz + zpog' + qog = 0. This is Euler’s differential equation, with exact solutions g(z) — z^, where satisfies the quadratic equation - 1) + ppo + qo = 0. (4-16)
§4-2 Differential Equations in the Complex Plane 93 Actually we try to find a solution of (4.15) of the form oo /(*) = z» 52 (4-17) n=0 in which the series converges in a neighborhood of the origin, and defines an analytic function there. The result is as follows. Theorem 4.3. Let the functionsp and. q be analytic in |z| < R. Then (4.15) has a solution of the form (4.17), where /z satisfies equation (4.16), and the series converges for all z in \z\ < R. Equation (4.16) is called the indicial equation and the roots /zi and /12 are called the exponents of the differential equation (4.15) at the point z = 0. Proof. Substitution of (4.17) into (4.15) gives for n > 0 n n (n + + /J.- l)cn + + 52 9n-fccfc = °- (4-18) k=0 k=0 For n = 0 (and cq ф 0) this corresponds to the indicial equation (4.16). When /1 is a solution of this equation, we can choose cq arbitrarily. Usually, co cannot assume the value of f at z = 0, since f may be singular at this point. For special functions cq will be often chosen so that f has a convenient normalization. We proceed formally, and we assume that the power series makes sense; that is, we assume that it converges in a neighborhood of z = 0. Collecting the coefficients of cn in (4.18), we obtain (n + /z)(n + /z — 1) + (n + ff)po + Qo- Using (4.16) and the exponents /zi,/Z2, we can write: m(m - 1) + MPO + 90 = (м - M1)(M - М2)- It follows that the coefficients of cn in (4.18) can be written as (n + ffffn + /z - 1) + (n + /z)p0 + Q0 = (™ + /z - /zi)(n + /z - /z2). Hence, equation (4.18) can be written as n— 1 n— 1 (n + (J, - /zi)(n + fj, - /z2)cn = - ^к + ^рп_кск - 52^-fcCfc- (4-19) fc=0 k=0 By choosing /z = /zi, (4.19) becomes n—1 n—1 n(n + Ml - M2)c« = - 52 + ^Pn-kCk - 52 Чп-кСк- (4-20) k=0 k=0
94 4: Differential Equations For n = 1,2,3,... the coefficients cn can be computed successively from this relation. Apart from the free choice of cq we obtain just one formal series solution of the differential equation. By choosing, on the other hand, fi = fi^ (4.19) becomes n—1 n—1 n(n + № - Ml)c« = - 52 (^ + V2)Pn-kCk - 52 Чп-кск- (4-21) k=0 k=0 In this way we obtain, in general, a second (independent) solution. However, the method breaks down when p,i — /л 2 is an element of 7L. Let /И = №• Then both schemes for calculating the coefficients (4.20) and (4.21) are the same. Consequently, in this case at least one of the solutions is not of the form (4.17). Let m = /11 — /12 = 1,2,3,... ; then we find via (4.20) a solution. In (4.21), however, the coefficient of cn has the form n(n — m). We see that at the value n = m the recurrence relation may break down (it may happen that the right-hand side of (4.21) vanishes as well). When indeed the method breaks down two different solutions of (4.15) cannot have the representation (4.17). A further discussion of this case is given in the next section. We proceed with (4.20) and we assume that /11 — /12 / — 1, —2, —3,... . We use the estimates for the coefficients pn, qn of §4.2.4, that is, \pn\ < Ar~n, \qn\ < Br~n, and we again verify the hypothesis with respect to cn: \сп\<С(,П+1-)тг~п. From (4.20) it follows that Ы - Dr.2 Ar~nY^ \k + Mll(fc + l)m + Br~n ^(k + l)m k=0 k=0 Cr~n A(n + l)m+2 + (A|/zi I + B)(n + l)ro+1 Dn2 m + 1 < Cr~n(n + k J (m + l)Z) where D is chosen such that \n + щ — /121 > Dn. We conclude that, in this case also, it is possible to choose m such that the induction principle can be applied successfully. g
Differential Equations in the Complex Plane 95 We summarize: 1) If the roots /ii, /12 of equation (4.16) satisfy /11 — /12 Ж, then we find two solutions 00 00 /1(г) = 52 cnzn, f2(z) = z* 52 dnzn. 72=0 72=0 The power series represent analytic functions in |z| < R and may be differentiated term by term. The functions /1 and /2 both satisfy the differential equation (4.15). 2) If /11 — /12 E 7L then we find, using the above method, at least one solution of the form (4.17). Example 4.5. In Bessel’s equation (4.3) z = 0 is a regular singular point. The indicial equation (4.16) has the two solutions /11 = ^, /12 = — The method of this section produces for the special choice cq = 2-I//r(z/ + 1) the Bessel function r(. p vv' (-1)” pV" Jy{z) = [ -z I > —-----------—----- -z ’ \2 ) r(n + i/ + l) n! \2 J 72=0 (4.22) In general, the pair {^(z), J_y(z)} constitutes a fundamental system. How- ever, when v = m E 7L the scheme (4.21) breaks down, since /12 — Ml = —2m. From (4.22) it follows however, that when m = 0,1,2,..., the series actu- ally starts with the term n = m; earlier terms vanish owing to the gamma function. In fact we have J— = (— Hence, {Jm(z), J-m(z)} do not constitute a fundamental system. A second solution of (4.4) has to be obtained in a different way. Also, when v = m+^ we have /12 — /11 = —2m — 1, which again is a negative integer. The construction of the second solution does not break down in this case. When, in the theory of special functions, the construction by power series of the second solution, as described in this section, is not possible, one often uses a special technique to obtain a second solution. First one assumes that /11 — /12 7L. Then a convenient linear combination of two power series solutions is defined. In the present case of the Bessel functions (more on these functions is treated in Chapter 10), the procedure works as follows. Assume that v TL and define as a new solution of Bessel’s equation the so-called Neumann function: (4.23) Sin 1/7Г
96 4: Differential Equations a linear combination of two functions defined in (4.22). The cosine function lets the numerator vanishes if v approaches an integer value. The sine function takes care of an interesting process then. Other periodic functions can be used here, but the choices in (4.23) give the Neumann function a suitable normalization. The limit of the right-hand side of (4.23), when v m, is properly defined, and can be computed by using 1’Hdpital’s rule. In this way one obtains Уш(г), which is of the form Ущ(^) = - Jm(z) Inz + z 7Г OO $2 ^z'2n- n=0 In (9.15) we give a different representation of the Neumann function Ym(z). We point out, however, that the appearance of the logarithm in the above representation of Ym(z) is a characteristic feature when the second solution cannot be written in the form (4.17). Further Analysis of the Case щ — Ц2 = m In the above example of the Bessel functions we have seen that a logarithmic term occurs via a limiting process when /ii — /12 = m = 0,1,2,.... We now discuss more generally what may happen. Let /1 be a solution of (4.1) and let it have the form (4.17) with /1 = /ц. To find a second solution /, we substitute f = fig, where g has to be found. We obtain for g the equation zfig" + (2г/{ +p/i)/ = 0. In/ = -21n/i - Integrating this we have z CT'p^dQ + A, 0 where A is a constant. It follows that д' has the following form: / = z-p0-2^hi^z^ where the function hi(z) is analytic in a neighborhood of z = 0. Since /11 + /12 = 1 — Po we can replace po + 2/11 with m + 1. The resulting equation is д' = In general, in the power series expansion of hi(z) occurs a term with zm. It now becomes clear that g may have the representation g(z) = clnz z~mhz(z) where hz(z) is analytic at z = 0.
§4-3 Sturm’s Comparison Theorem 97 In this way the second solution obtains the form oo /2(2) = c/i(z) In z + z^ dnzn. (4.24) 77=0 When in the above analysis m = 0 we have do = 0. This follows from the fact that the term with the logarithm is obtained through h\(0). The coefficients dn may be found using the above construction. However, it is much easier to find the coefficients of (4.24) by substituting (4.24) into the differential equation (4.15) and comparing equal powers of г. In this method one has a free choice for the coefficient do, if m > 0. Other Singularities We have seen that the solutions of differential equations with a regular sin- gular point have an algebraic singularity at this point. Special circumstances generate a solution with a logarithmic term. The equation z3f" + zf'-2f = 0 has, at z = 0, a singularity of a different type. We have the explicit solution: /(г) = exp(l/z) and we see that at least one solution has an essential singu- larity at z = 0. This solution cannot be represented by a power series at the origin, whether or not multiplied by algebraic or logarithmic terms. This chapter deals with linear differential equations of the second order. The theory of regular and regular singular points will not work with nonlinear equations. Consider, for instance, the equation y1 = 1 + y2. No singularities occur in the coefficients of this equation. The solution у = tana?, however, has poles galore. 4.3. Sturm’s Comparison Theorem We discuss Sturm’s comparison theorem (Sturm (1836)) since it is impor- tant for investigating the location of zeros of special functions. We apply this theorem in Chapter 9 to obtain information on the zeros of the Bessel functions. Theorem 4.4. On the interval (a,b), let уг be real solutions of the differ- ential equations y" + gi(x)y = 0, г = 1,2, (4.25) where gz are continuous and real valued on (a, b). Let gi(x) < g^x) on (a, b). Then between two consecutive zeros of y\ in (a, b) there is at least one zero ofy2-
98 4: Differential Equations Proof. Let y\ have the consecutive zeros p, q in (a, 6). Without loss of generality we assume that > 0 on (p, q), from which it follows that y\(p) > 0, y'ff^q) < 0. Assume now that y2 has no zero in (p, q); then we may assume that p2(^) > 0 on (p, q). We will show that this assumption leads to a contradiction. Consider (4.25) for both y^z У1 + 91 (z)j/l = 0, y2 + 92(х~)У2 = 0 and multiply the first equation by У2 and the second one by y±. Subtracting the results gives 3/1'(ж)2/2(ж) - 2/2(ж)2/1(ж) = Ы®) - 91(.х)]у1(х)у2(х>). Integrating this on [p, q], we obtain fq / 192(ж) - gi(x)]yi(x)y2(x) dx = y']_{q)y2{q) - У1(рУУ2&)- Jp The left-hand side of this relation is positive, since 91(x) < g2(x), ?/1(ж)>0, y2(x) > 0 on (p,#). The right-hand side is non-positive, since 3/i(p) > o, 3/i(q) < о, y2(?) > o, 2/2(9) >o So, we have arrived at a contradiction. It follows that the function y2 should have at least one zero in (p, q). g 4.4. Integrals as Solutions of Differential Equations Special functions are often introduced as solutions of a linear homogeneous second order differential equation. We discuss a general method for obtaining integral representations of the solutions of such equations. We give an ex- ample in which the differential equation considered is that defining the Airy functions. In Chapter 7 this method is used to obtain representations for the confluent hypergeometric functions, and in Chapter 9 to derive integral representations for the Bessel functions (see §9.2 and Remark 9.3). For the Legendre functions (see (8.47) and (8.49)) the method is also used, however without using the general set-up presented in this section. Let the given differential equation be of the form n Lz[y^] = Y.l^k}^ (4-26) fc=0
§4-4 Integrals as Solutions of Differential Equations 99 in other words, Lz is a linear differential operator. We introduce two other operators Mt and M* (the adjoint of Mt) by defining = <H)] = £(-l)fcK(ZHZ)]«. (4.27) k=0 k=Q On account of the identity , k-1 dt and using this with vft) replaced by we obtain v(*)Mt[u(t)] - u(f)Mt*[v(f)] ( —l)J[7nfc(t)v(<)]^u(fc-'?-1\t) = Ip(u,V). (4.28) This term P(u,v) is called the bilinear concomitant related to Mt. We try to find a solution of (4.26) in the form y(z) = / K(z,t)v(t) dt. J а (4.29) The kernel K(z,t) is chosen in a clever way, or by trial and error. Anyhow, К should be smooth enough to endure the actions to come. When applying Lz on (4.29), it appears that it is sufficient to find a solution v of the integral equation C? / Lz[K(z,t)]v(t)dt = 0. (4.30) J а The crucial step in the method is that we are able to find an operator Mt that satisfies Lz[K(zJ)\ = Mt[K(z,t)\. If this can be done, we replace (4.30) with I Mt[K(z,t)]v(t)dt = Q (4.31) а and, on account of (4.28), we now can write (4.31) in the form CP ( Q 1 / K(Z)t)M*\v(t)\ + —P\K{z,t),v(t)\ > dt = 0. ml J (4.32)
100 4: Differential Equations Assume next that we can find v(t) such that it solves the equation Ш)] = 0. Then we can integrate the left-hand side of (4.32), giving: As a final step we choose a and (3 such that the integrated term vanishes. This may happen when P[K(z, t), v(t)] vanishes at a and /3, but also when P[K(z,a),v(a)] = P[Jf(^,/3),u(/3)], because of the special choice a — and since the path of integration is a closed contour on which (and inside which) the function P[K(z, t), v(t)] is analytic. Example 4.6. Consider the differential equation Lz[y{z)] = y" - zy = 0 (4.33) and let K(Z)t) = e~zt, the kernel of the Laplace transformation. We have Lze~zt = (t2 - г) e~zt = (t2 + e~zt = Mte~zt, \ / \ dt J which defines our Mt. We see that + t2 and that (4.28) with P(u, v) = uv becomes vMt[u\ -uM*[v] = We try to find a solution of (4.33) in the form y(z) = e ztv(t) dt. J a Using the method described in this section we have r/3 . . Lz[y\ = J (t2 - ZJ e~ztv(t) dt = I v(t)Mt[e zt]dt J a Г0 ( A "I
§4-4 Integrals as Solutions of Differential Equations 101 Figure 4.1. Three contours of integration for the Airy integrals in (4.34). We look for a function v such that M*[u] = — v' + t2v = 0. The solution is v(t) = ei* . The values of a and /3 now follow from ICE Choosing contours of integration in the complex plane, it appears that we can take contours on which Jit3 —> — oo at the end points. We can select three such contours C^, which are shown in Figure 4.1. So we arrive at three solutions Vi(z) = [ e~zt+^t3 dt. (4.34) JCt These three solutions cannot be linearly independent. Integrating along C = Ci U C2 U C3 in the shown direction, we easily see that У e-z<+3*3 dt = 0, which gives ?/i(z) + У2 (^) + Уз (г) = 0. Equation (4.33) defines the Airy functions. A standard notation is Ai(z) = — [ e zt+3t3 dt. V 7 2« JC1 (4.35)
102 4: Differential Equations Figure 4.2. Graphs of the Airy functions Ai(rc) and Bi(rc), x real. The function Ai(^) is an entire function. This follows from the integral representation (4.35) and also from the theory developed in this chapter: the differential equation in (4.33) does not have finite singular points. When z = x is real Ai(^) is real. Then we have the real representation oo Ai(#) = (4.36) |t3 + xt which can be obtained by deforming contour Ci into the imaginary axis. A second real solution of (4.33) follows from Bi(z) = [(2/3(^) —2/2(^)]/(2тг), which, for real argument, can be written as (4.37) This result follows by deforming contour C2 into (—00,0] and the positive imaginary axis, and contour C3 into (—00, 0] and the negative imaginary axis. In Figure 4.2 we show the graphs of the functions Ai(rc), Bi(rc). More proper- ties of Airy functions follow from Exercise 9.13.
§4-5 The Lionville transformation 103 4.5. The Liouville transformation Consider the differential equation: Y" + p(x)Y' + q(x)Y = 0. Substitute У (ж) = ТУ(ж)ехр 4 fp(№ Then the function РК(ж) satisfies the equation W" - Q(^)VK = 0, (4.38) (4.39) where Q(z) = jp2 + jp' - q. When x in the final W—equation is transformed by /(ж), then, in general, a differential equation is obtained in which the first derivative is present. One has to apply a transformation like (4.38) to the new equation to remove the first derivative. The following transformation (the Liouville transformation) of both the dependent and independent variable directly transforms (4.39) into a form in which the first derivative is missing. Assuming that the third derivative of t(x) exists in the considered ж—domain, we write: ТУ(ж) = V&w(t), t = *(#)> where x = dx/dt. Then (4.39) becomes w — 'i/jffffw = 0, (4.40) where j2 I V’(t) = x2Q(x) + (4-41) «т Vi The second term in is often expressed in the form p d2 i i Vx—^—= = --Ча:,*}, dr2 y/i 21 1 where {ж, t} is the Schwarzian derivative: Q / .. \ 2 r . x 3 x\ z t ^’Z} = T~2 i) • (4Л2) Jo \ Jb J
104 4-* Differential Equations In Olver (1974) this transformation is frequently used for obtaining the Liouville-Green approximation (also called the WKB approximation in rela- tion with connection formulas) for the solutions of the differential equation. 4.6. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 4.1. This chapter gives the theory of linear second order differential equa- tions, as far as relevant for the theory of special functions. A more exten- sive introduction to differential equations can be found in, for instance, Ince (1956), Burkill (1956) or Coddington & Levinson (1955). More appli- cations on the theory of regular singular points are given in the next chapter. In §5.5 theoretical aspects of the Riemann-Papperitz equation are considered. 4.2. The approach of §4.4 is taken from Hochstadt (1971). 4.7. Exercises and Further Examples 4.1. Show that the equation coshz/77 + f = 0 has a fundamental system {/1, /2} given by the power series /l(z) = 1 - — z2 + — z4 - —zQ + ..., 714 7 2 12 720 ’ = z - — z3 + —z5-----——z7 + ... . 7 v 7 6 30 1680 Compute the Wronskian for this pair and use this result to verify the* correct- ness of the coefficients. Determine the radius of convergence of both power series. 4.2. Show that the differential equation of Weber f" = Q*2 + a) f has, for all z G (D, two independent solutions 00 z2n 00 z2n+l n=0 v 7 n=0 v 7 with ад = a\ = 1, a2 = аз = a and an+2 = aan + - l)an-2, n > 2. 4.3. Determine the solutions of the indicial equation of the equation z2(z - 1)/" + (|г - l)zf + (г - 1)/ = 0
§4-7 Exercises and Further Examples 105 for the regular singular points z = 0 and z = 1. Determine in both cases the power series expansions for a fundamental system. 4.4. Show that inside the unit disc the equation z(z - 1)/" + (2г - 1)/' + |/ = о has a fundamental system {Д, /2}, where /1А) = 52 ап2;П’ A A) = /1(2) In 2 + 4 52 [^(2^+ 1) - + l)]anzn, n=0 n=l and V’ is the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function (see §3.4) with _ 1232 • • (2n — I)2 Яп~ 2242---(2n)2 ’ 4.5. Consider Hermite’s differential equation (4.5) and determine two lin- early independent solutions. Show that when v = n > 0 just one element of this pair is a polynomial of degree n. Denote this polynomial by Hn(z\ the Hermite polynomial. Normalize Hn(z) such that the coefficient of zn equals 2n and verify the following special cases: #0(2) = 1, Я1(2)=22, Я2(А = 422 - 2, #3(2) = 823 - 122, H4(z) = I624 - 4822 + 12, #5(2) = 3225 - I6O23 + 1202. 4.6. Consider Legendre’s differential equation (4.4); z = 00 is a regular sin- gular point. Verify this. Determine two power series solutions in the neigh- borhood of z = 00, and compare the results with expansions given in Chapter 8 (see, for instance, (8.7) and (8.8)). 4.7. Consider Kummer’s differential equation (4.5) and verify that 1 /*(1+) /(2) = -A / ez4a~\t - l)c-a-1 dt, > 0 27П Jo is a solution. The contour starts and terminates at t = 0 and encircles the point t = 1 in the positive sense. The many-valued functions of the integrand assume their principal branches; that is, argt, arg(Z — 1) are zero when t > 0, t > 1, respectively. The function /(г) is connected with Kummer’s function 7И(а, c, z) introduced in Chapter 7. We have А Г(с)Г(1+а - c) M(a,c,z) =--------—--------- /(2).
106 4: Differential Equations Verify this relation by integrating the integral defining f(z) over (0,1) (when 3?(c - a) > 0) and by comparing the result with (7.7). 4.8. When one solution of a second order linear differential equation (4.1) is known, a second solution can be obtained in terms of this first solution. Consider (4.1) with p = 0 (this can always be obtained by using a transfor- mation given in (4.38)) and assume that we know a solution u(z). Show that a second solution is given by u(z) dC w2(0‘ Are the solutions u, v linearly independent?
5 Hypergeometric Functions Many special functions encountered in physics, engineering and probability theory are special cases of hypergeometric functions. In this chapter we give the main properties of the Gauss hypergeometric function. We shortly men- tion generalizations, also in connection with q—hypergeometric functions. The Legendre functions form a subclass of the Gauss functions, and will be dis- cussed in Chapter 8. Several classical orthogonal polynomials, for instance, Jacobi polynomials, are hypergeometric functions; see Chapter 6. Familiar examples of applications of hypergeometric functions to physics are given in Chapter 12 on elliptic integrals (where we treat the simple pen- dulum) and in the chapters on Legendre and Bessel functions (with examples from potential and diffraction theory). These functions naturally arise when separating the Helmholtz or Schrodinger equation. Another class of functions that arise in these problems are the confluent hypergeometric functions; see Chapter 7, where we also mention applications from quantum mechanics. The central role in all this is played by the hypergeometric differential equation. We will show in §5.5 that any homogeneous linear differential equa- tion of the second order with at most three regular singular points, can be transformed into the hypergeometric differential equation. Moreover, this equation yields in its (confluent) limiting form many other interesting func- tions of mathematical physics. In Gauss (1876), the collected works, Gauss’s investigations on the hyper- geometric functions can be found. In 1812 he presented the hypergeometric series to the Royal Society of Sciences at Gottingen. 5.1. Definitions and Simple Relations The Pochhammer symbol or shifted factorial is defined by (a)n = а(а + l)(a + 2)... (a + n - 1), n > 0, (5.1) 107
108 5: Hypergeometric Functions with (a)o = 1. Hence (a)n = Г(а + п)/Г(а) n > 0. This has already been introduced in Exercise 3.1, and is very useful in the notation for hypergeometric functions. The first steps are OO OO / \ OO 7 X (1-^)-а = Е(7)(“г)П = £^Л (5’2) 77=0 77=0 X ' 77=0 which lead to the following generalization of the geometric series: (a)n (&)n n n=0 n! ab a(a + 1) b(b + 1) 2 c c(c + 1) 2! (5-3) This is the hypergeometric function, which is named after Gauss. Verify from (3.31) that the radius of convergence of (5.3) indeed equals unity. In definition (5.3) a, b and c may assume all complex values with the exception с = 0,— 1,— 2,.... However, it is easily shown that the function is an entire function in all three parameters a, b and c. For instance, we have lim 7?^F (a, b: c: z c—>0 T(c) oo ) = abz E 77=0 (a + l)n (b + l)n n (n + 1)! n\ = abzF (a + 1, b + 1; 2; z). When a or b are non-positive integers the series in (5.3) terminates, and F reduces to a polynomial. We have (see Exercise 3.1 (1) for the interpretation of (-m)n), 777 F (~m, b; c; z) = 77=0 (-m)n (b)n (c)n n- Several orthogonal polynomials can be expressed in terms of the Gauss hyper- geometric function; see (6.35) for a relation with the Jacobi polynomials.
§5.2 Analytic Continuation 109 Example 5.1. It will not be difficult to verify the following special cases (always for |z| < 1): F(l,l;2;z) = (1 _ ln(l - z) z 1 3 2 , 1; -z i 1.3 2 2’ 2’2,Z 1 1Л._72 2’2’2’ arctan z z ’ arcsin z 5 Z In (z + \/l + Z2 ) z We observe that in all these examples the F—functions become singular when their arguments assume the value 1. In general, the point z = 1 is an algebraic or logarithmic singularity of F (a, b; c; z), and the F—function is many-valued due to this singularity. Inside the unit disc, where (5.3) defines an analytic function, no problems arise in this connection. Outside the unit disc we need a cut in the complex plane to define the principal branch of the F—function. We take the cut from +1 to +oo. Remark 5.1. As mentioned above, the definition of F breaks down when c = 0,-1,—2,.... However, when a or b are also equal to a non-positive integer the definition may have a meaning. Let a = — m and c = — m — A;, with k,m non-negative integers. When к = 0 (that is, a = c), F reduces to (1 - z)~b\ see (5.2). When к > 0, F reduces to a polynomial: F (-m, b\ —m — ул (b)n (m + k- zn yn J (m + kY. -и—П x 7 x 7 When we take к = 0 in this result, we obtain Q(b)nzn/n\, the first part of the power series of (1 — z)~b (again, see (5.2)). Hence, one should be careful in the interpretation of the F—function when the parameters c and a (or 6) assume negative integer values. The answer may depend on whether c and a (or Ь) are independent or not; see also Remark 5.2. 5.2. Analytic Continuation We are concerned with the analytic continuation of F outside the unit disc, and we want to know the nature of the singularities of F. In the above
по 5: Hypergeometric Functions examples we have seen algebraic and logarithmic singularities. The follow- ing integral representation of the hypergeometric function, due to Euler, is an important tool for deriving numerous properties of F. We have (Euler (1748)) F(a, b’c;M f ?“1(1 “ ~ tzTa dt, Г(6)Г(с- b) Jo (5-4) where > ftb > 0, | arg(l - г)| < тг. To prove this we use the second series in (5.2) and the beta integral given in (3.2) and (3.3): У' zn (a)n Г(Ь + n) nl T(c + n) <n —П x 7 Г(с) Г(Ь)Г(с-Ь) Since for Ш > 1, 3?(c — 6) > 1 and |z| < 1 the series £ Un(t), Un(T) = гпЦп^+п-1(1 _ ty-b-l ni n=0 converges uniformly with respect to t E [0,1], we are able to interchange the order of integration and summation for these values of b, c and z. Furthermore, observe that the right-hand side of (5.4) is defined for all complex values of z, with the exception of the interval [l,oo). According to Theorem 2.3, the integral is an analytic function of z in (D \ [l,oo). Next we apply analytic continuation with respect to b, c and z in order to arrive at the conditions announced after (5.4). Hence we have obtained the analytic continuation of F, qua function of z, outside the unit disc. It appears that the point z — 1 is the only finite regular singular point of F. 5.2.1. Three Functional Relations The hypergeometric function satisfies a great number of relations, of which a few simple examples will now be given. First we observe that (5.3) is symmetric in a and b, giving F (a, b; c; z) = F (b,a; c; z). Furthermore we have F(a, b\ c; z) = (1 — z) aF I a,c — b;c;- (5-5) — (1 - z)c a bF(c- a,c- b;c;z).
§5.2 Analytic Continuation 111 The proof follows by substituting t = 1 — s in (5.4). Then we obtain giving the first relation. The second one follows from the first one and from the symmetry in F (a, b; c; z) with respect to a and b. The third relation in (5.5) follows from using the first or second relation twice. Although, in general, z = 1 is a regular singular point of F, under certain conditions the limit for z = x 1, x > 0 may exist. From (5.4) it follows limF(a, 5; c; x) — a?Tl Г(с)Г(с - a - 6) Г(с — а)Г(с — 6) ’ (5-6) which holds when J£(c — a — 5) > 0. This condition is also sufficient for the convergence at z = 1 of the series in (5.3). The important result (5.6) is due to Gauss. Remark 5.2. The relations in (5.5) are derived from (5.4), and are valid under the condition given after (5.4). For instance, it is not difficult to verify that the second of (5.5) does not hold when a = — 1, c = —2 (see Remark 5.1). We have F( —1,5; —2; г) = 1 + ^bz, whereas the second line of (5.5) gives a wrong answer. 5.2.2. A Contour Integral Representation A more general integral is the loop integral defined by F(a,b-,c;z) = Г^СУ1Хм~ /(1+) i6-1(/-l)c“6_1(l-^)-acZ/, Kb > 0, k 2тгг Г(6) Jo v v where the contour starts and terminates at t = 0 and encircles the point t = 1 in the positive direction. The point 1/z should be outside the contour. The many-valued functions of the integrand assume their principal branches: arg(l — tz) tends to zero when z 0, and argt, arg(Z — 1) are zero at the point where the contour cuts the real positive axis (at the right of 1). Observe that no condition on c is needed, whereas in (5.4) we need 3?(c — b) > 0. The proof of the above representations runs as for (5.4), with the help of the loop integral for the beta function; see Exercise 3.13.
112 5: Hypergeometric Functions 5.3. The Hypergeometric Differential Equation To derive the differential equation for the hypergeometric function it is conve- nient to introduce the differential operator d = zd/dz. We have dz^ — [iz^. We observe that d(d + c — l)zn = n(n + c — l)zn. Hence 0(« + с - 1)Г(о, Ь; « a) = V-n(n + C - 1)^? „.1 OO n=0 ^,n(a + n)(b + n)zn+1 (c)n n! = z(d + a)(d + b)F(a, b, c, z). It follows that F satisfies the differential equation d(d + c - 1)F = z(d + a)(d + b)F. (5.7) In explicit form (5.7) reads z(l - z)F" + [(c - (a + b + 1)г]Г' - abF = 0, (5-8) the hypergeometric differential equation, which was given by Gauss. With equal ease we can show that a second solution of (5.7) or (5.8) is of the form z1~cG, where again G is a hypergeometric function. Indeed, the substitution F = z1~cG in (5.7) on the one hand gives the result d(d + c - F)zr~cG = zr~c(d + 1 - c)dG, and on the other (d + a)(d + Ь^~сС = z1-^ + a-c+ l)(d + b-c+ 1)G. Hence d(d + 1 - c)G = z(d + a - c + 1)($ + b - c + 1)G. But this is nothing other than a reparameterization of the hypergeometric differential equation, of which F(a — c+1,6 — c + 1; 2 — c',z) is a solution. It follows that, in addition to F(a, b;c;z), a second solution of (5.7) or (5.8) is given by z1~cF(a — c+1,6 — c + 1; 2 — c;z). When c = 1 this does not yield a new solution, but, in general, the second solution of (5.8) appears to be of the form PF(a, b; c; z) + Qz1~cF(a - c + 1, b - c + 1; 2 - с; г), (5.9) where P and Q are independent of z.
§5.5 The Hypergeometric Differential Equation 113 Next we observe that with the help of (5.8) and (5.9) we can express a hypergeometric function with argument 1 — z or 1/z in terms of functions with argument z. For example, when in (5.8) we introduce the new variable z' — 1 — z we obtain a hypergeometric differential equation, but now with parameters a, b and a + b — c + 1. Hence, besides the solutions in (5.9) we have F(a,b\a + b — c + 1; 1 — z) as a solution as well. It follows that we can find numbers P and Q, which do not depend on г, such that F(a, b; a + b - c + 1; 1 - z) = PF(a, b; c; z) + Qz1~cF(a - c + 1, b - c + 1; 2 - c; z). To find P and Q we substitute z = 0 and z = 1 and use (5.6), under the conditions J£(c — a — b) > 0, Sic < 1, which relations can be relaxed by using analytic continuation with respect to the parameters. Instead of giving the values of P and Q, we observe that it is more convenient to write the above relation in a form that has the function F (a, b; c; z) at the left-hand side. In addition, we observe that the relations in (5.5) can be used to obtain more relations. The following list is the result of such manipulations. Let Г(с)Г(с - a - 6) Г(с)Г(а + b - c) " Г(с — а)Г(с — 6) ’ ” Г(а)Г(6) = Г(С)Г(Ь-а) = Г(с)Г(а - b) Г(6)Г(с —а)’ Г(а)Г(с-6)' Then F(a, 6; c; z) = A F(a, b;a + b — c + 1; 1 — z) + В (1 - z)c—a-b F(c - a, c - 6; c - a - b + 1; 1 - z) (5.10) = C (—z)~a F(a, 1 — c + a; 1 — b + a; 1/z) + D (-z)~b F(b, l-c + b;l-a + b;l/z) (5.11) = C (1 — z)~a F[a, c — b; a — b + 1; 1/(1 — z)] + D (1 — z)~b F[b,c — a; b — a + 1; 1/(1 — z)] (5.12) = Az~a F(a,a - c + 1; a + b - c + 1; 1 - 1/z) + В za~c(l - z)c-a~b F(c - a, 1 - a; c - a - b + 1; 1 - 1/z). (5.13) There are restrictions on the phases of z or 1 — z. (5.10) holds when | arg(l - z)| < тг. (5.11) holds when |arg(-z)| < тг, (5.12) holds when | arg(l - z)\ < тг. (5.13) holds when | arg(l — z)| < тг and |argz|<7r.
114 5: Hypergeometric Functions The relation (5.11) yields for F(a, b\ c;z) a representation with convergent series expansion when |z| > 1; that is, (5.11) can be viewed as an asymptotic representation for large values of |z|. On the other hand, the relations in (5.5) and (5.10) — (5.13) also supply us with interesting formulas for the numerical evaluation of the F—functions. For instance, when < z < 1, then the convergence of (5.3) is not so good. In that case (5.10) gives a way out. Also for complex values of z we can often find a representation for F (a, b; c; z) in terms of hypergeometric functions with argument w, such that |w| < see also Remark 5.6 in §5.10. Something goes wrong in the above formulas when — c = 0,1,2,... . As explained in §5.1, this is inherent in the definition of the F—function. A different source of trouble is more interesting and arises, for instance, when in (5.10), c = a + b + m, m e 7L. Then A or В become undefined, whereas the left-hand side remains defined. In fact, one or more terms in the series of the right-hand side have to control this behavior of A and B, and have to remove the singularities. Assume, for instance, that m = 1; then В of (5.10) (the term multiplying the second series) is not defined. In the first F—function on the right-hand side a zero value occurs at the c—location. Introducing a limit process c = a + 6+ l-|-£, s —> 0 we can still define (5.10). We give the result of this limit for (5.10), when c = a + b: F(a b-a + b-z\~ Г(а + V* С (1 zY1 F(«, b, а + Ь,г)- X; ^r-C»<1 - (5.14) Cn = 2^(n + 1) — ^(a + n) ~ ^(fr + n) ~ ln(l — with the conditions |1 — z| < 1, | arg(l — z)| < 7Г. This result can be used to compute the elliptic integral K(k) presented in Exercise 5.2 and in §12.1. In the remaining relations similar removable singularities occur. As in (5.14) logarithmic terms always arise. For example, in (5.11) a logarithmic term appears when b — a = 0,1,2,.... More formulas of this form can be found in the literature, for instance, in Bateman Project, (1953, Vol. I) or Abramowitz & Stegun (1964, p. 559 - 560). As remarked in §5.1 the F—function reduces to a polynomial when a or b assume non-positive integer values. When c — a or c — b equal non-positive integer values it follows from (5.5) that F(a, 6; c; z) reduces to a polynomial multiplied by an algebraic factor of the form (1 — z)p. 5.4. The Singular Points of the Differential Equation The appearance of logarithmic terms as in (5.14) can be explained further with the help of the theory of Chapter 4. The fact is that the points 0, landoc
§5.4 The Singular Points of the Differential Equation 115 are three regular singular points for the hypergeometric differential equation (5.8). If we consider the indicial equation (4.16) for these three points, we arrive at the scheme z = О ДН=0 /^2 = 1 — c z = 1 ДН=0 /12 = c — a — b z = oo /11 = a /^2 = b It follows that when none of the numbers c, c—a—b, a—b assume integer values, the difference of the indices //i — /12 can never assume integer values. Under these circumstances the approach of §4.4 yields two power series expansions for a fundamental system, which, obviously, for the present case can be expressed in terms of F—functions. We have the following sets of fundamental pairs (still under the condition that c, c — a — 6, a — b do not assume integer values): z = 0 /1 (г) = F (a, b; с; г) /2^) = z1~cF (a - c + 1, b - c + 1; 2 - c; z) z = l /i(z) = F (a, b; a + b + 1 — c; 1 — z) f2(z) = (1 — z)c~a~bF (c — 6, c — a; c — a — b + 1; 1 — z) z = 00 — z aF (a, a - c + 1; a - b + 1; z f2(z) — z~bF (5, b - c + 1; b - a + 1; z-1) These six solutions of the hypergeometric differential equation can be trans- formed through the three relations in (5.5). This gives a total number of 24 solutions, the basic forms, already given by Kummer in 1836. The formulas (5.10) — (5.13) can be used for analytic continuation of these solutions. When one of the numbers a, 6, c — a, c — b equals a negative integer, then at least one of these 24 solutions is of the form za(l — z)^p(z), where p(z) is a polynomial. When, for one of the regular singular points, the difference of the two indices /11 — /12 equals an integer, then the corresponding fundamental system has one member in which logarithmic terms occur. This is in full agreement with the theory of the previous chapter. We give a fundamental system for c = 1: /1(г) = F(a,6;l;z), /2(г) = F (a, b-1; г) In г + ^fb]nCnzn, n\ n\ 72=1 Cn = t/j(a + n) - 'ф(а) + t/j(b + n) - ^(b) - 2^(n + 1) + 2^(1).
116 5: Hypergeometric Functions A complete list of other examples will not be given here. See Bateman Project, Vol. I (1953) or Abramowitz & Stegun (1964, p. 564), for more information. 5.5. The Riemann-Papperitz Equation The importance of the differential equation (5.8) comes, among other reasons, from the following theorem. Theorem 5.1. Any homogeneous linear differential equation of the sec- ond order with at most three singularities (inclusive perhaps of the point at infinity), which are regular singular points, can be transformed into the hypergeometric differential equation (5.8). Proof. First we consider the equation Ф’Ф + «W = °- of which we assume that the three finite points £, p and £ are regular singular points. The indices corresponding with these points are denoted by the pairs (ai, 02), (/?i, /З2) and (71,72)- We have implicitly assumed in the formulation of the theorem that the only singularities of p and q (perhaps the point at infinity) are poles. On account of a theorem from the theory of functions (see, for instance, Copson (1935, §5.56)) we conclude that p and q are rational functions. It follows that / x =_______P{z)_______ . =_________Q{z)________ PZ (z - £)(z - 7})(z - £)’ qZ (z-^2(z-r]')2(z-Q2, where P and Q are polynomials. Since we have assumed that the point at infinity is a regular point, the functions 2z — z2p{z) and z^q(z) should be analytic at 00 (this follows from the fact that P and Q of (4.7) have to be analytic at the regular point 0). From this we infer that P and Q are polynomials of degree 2 or lower, and that the coefficient of г2 in P equals 2. Hence z x А В C p(z) =----7 4------।---7 z — £ z — T] Z - Q and (г - 0(г - 7?)(* - ОФ) = ^7 + ^7 + & % & I & s with Л + В + С = 2. (5.16)
§5.5 The Riemann-Papperitz Equation 117 The numbers А, В, C, D, E and F, of course, depend on the indices of the singular points. From the indicial equation of the point £ (see (4.16)) ^-i) + ^+(e_^e_0=o it follows that A = l-04-012, D = (£ - ?/)(£ - <)aia2. For the remaining points z = rj and z = £ we obtain in the same way B = 1-/31 -/32, C = 1 — 71 — 72, F — (C - C)(C - ’1)7172- From (5.16) it follows that the indices cannot be chosen arbitrarily. They have to satisfy <ai + a2 + /3i + /32 + 71 + 72 = I- (5-17) With all these relations, we find for equation (5.15) the form + / 1 - Qi - a2 + 1 ~ /?1 ~ /З2 + 1 ~ 71 ~ 72 A \ z~£ z-r] z-C, ) J _ а±а2 Pi/32 7172 1 (Xifil (г-Ш-’?)] 1 ’ (С - ’Ж’? - <)« - О , n Next we introduce the following transformations: *= F = t-“’(1-O“71/. (5.19) The first transformation is a fractional linear transformation (sometimes called a bilinear transformation), which maps the extended г—plane one-to-one to the extended t—plane. The differential equation in the new variables F and t again is of the second order and linear. The only singularities are the points which correspond with z = £, p and £. This means, the points t = 0, oo and 1, respectively. These singularities are regular, as can be easily verified. From the second relation in (5.19) it follows that the indices in these points are (0,a2-ai), (ai+/3i+7i,ai+/32+7i), (0,72-71), respectively. The transformations (5.19) lead to the differential equation F//. /1 - a2 + ai 1 - 72 + 71 \ , («1 + /31 + ci)(ai + /32 + 71) „ n F + ( t + ............t-1 J F + <^1)-------------F = °’ (5.20) Finally, from (5.17) it follows that (5.20) has the form (5.8) with а = ai + /?i + 7i, 6 = ai + /З2 + 7i, c = 1 + aq - «2- This proves the theorem. g
118 5: Hypergeometric Functions Equation (5.18) was first given by Papperitz (1885) and is called the Riemann-Papperitz equation. In a notation due to Riemann (1857) we write e f = V «1 /31 71 z > . k Z?2 72 (5-21) The singularities occur in the first row; their ordering is not significant. The corresponding indices are in the second and third row. The theorem does not cover the case in which z = oo is one of the three regular singular points. However, it can easily be verified that, when we have two finite regular singular points at £ and p and one at oo, the differential equation (5.18) takes the form 1 — cei — од ( 1 — /3i — /З2 z — TJ \ z-% 'otio^-p) /3i/32(£-7/) (5.22) + 7172 Z — T] (z-£)(z-t?) This equation is the limit of (5.18) as £ —> 00 and it has the scheme (5.21) with £ replaced by 00. Equation (5.22) can also be transformed into (5.8). In Riemann’s notation the hypergeometric differential equation (5.8) can be represented by the scheme 0 0 f = P{ 1 - c 1 00 0 a z > . с — а — b b (5.23) We give another example of how to compute with this scheme. The trans- formation f = (1 — z)pg, with f satisfying (5.23), gives for g a differential equation of which the regular singular points are the same as those for /, but with different indices. It is obvious that the indices at the point z = 0 remain the same. At the point z = 1 they are lowered by the quantity p and at the point at infinity they are raised by the same quantity. The function g is not necessarily of hypergeometric type, since in general both the indices at z = 1 are different from zero. Choosing, however, p = с — а — b then we have for g the scheme 0 g = P < 0 1 - c 1 00 а + b — с c — b z > . О с — а Since the indices for z = 1 can be interchanged, it follows that this scheme indeed corresponds to that for a hypergeometric function. The solution that
§5.6 Barnes’ Contour Integral for F (a, 6; c; z) 119 Figure 5.1. Possible contour of integration for (5.24) when a = 3.7 + 2г, b = 2.3 -1.5г. is regular at the origin is g = F(c — a, c — 6; c; z). And again we arrive at the third line of (5.5). 5.6. Barnes’ Contour Integral for F(a,b;c;z) We consider the integral (Barnes (1908)) Лк / (5.24) V 7 2тгг Г(а)Г(6) Jc Цс + s) V 7 where C runs from —zoo to +zoo, such that C separates the poles of Г(п + s), Г(6 + s) (at s = — a — n, s = —b — m, with m, n = 0,1, 2,...) from those of Г(—s) at s = 0,1, 2,.... We assume that n, 6, c are different from 0,-1, —2,... and that | arg z| < 7Г. In general, the contour cannot be a vertical line, but a contour that meanders around the poles of the gamma functions according to the description above. For an orientation one may consider a = 3.7 + 2г, b = 2.3 — 1.5г. In that case one can take C to be the contour as shown in Figure 5.1. From (3.31) and (3.5) it follows that the integrand has the estimate О [|s|a+b“c-1e_ ai'gk)^-’r|9s|] , s oo, s e £ Hence, according to Theorem 2.3, we know that Ф(а, 6;c;z) is an analytic function of z in the domain described by | argz| < тг.
120 5: Hypergeometric Functions Now use (3.5) and consider z , . 1 r(c) f r(n + s)r(6 + s) 7T£S _ Фм(а, b\ с; г) = -—/ —----——------г—----ds, Г(а)Г(6) JcN Г(с + s)T(l + s) sm stv where Cn is the semi-circle with radius TV + at the right of the imaginary axis. From (3.31) we know that Г(а + з)Г(6 + s) 7rzs = o \ zs Г(с + s)r(l -h s) sin S7T \ / sinS7r’ as N —> oo, for all values of args € [—тг/2,тг/2]. Writing s = (TV + J)e^ and taking \z\ < 1, with | argz| < tv — <5, we then have ' o L(^+i)inkl/^2 zs ----- = Г 1 /—"I SinS7T -^(W+Tp/v^ if 0 < |0| < |тг; if < |0| < 27Г. Hence if In |z| is negative (|z| < 1) then the integrand tends to zero sufficiently rapidly to ensure that —> 0, as TV —> oo. Applying the method of residues inside a contour consisting of £ and Cn (integrating in negative, that is, clockwise direction), where for s = n = 0,1, 2,... the poles of 1/sins7r are located with residues (—l)n, yields lim Фдг(а, b; c; z) = Ф(а, b; c; z) = F(a, b; c; —z). N—>oo The condition \z\ < 1, | argz| < 7Г can be replaced by | argz| < tv by invoking the principle of analytic continuation. Using a similar technique we can take a semi-circle on the left of the imaginary axis. Then we can take into account the residues of the poles of the functions Г(а + s) and Г(6 + s). When the poles of the gamma functions do not coincide, two series of residues arise. These series have negative powers of z and can be written as F— functions: , x -лГ(с)Г(6-а)л/ , 7 1 F(a, b] c; —z) = z a—77——-----F [a, 1 — с + а; 1 — 6 + a; — v ’ ’ ’ 7 Г(6)Г(с —а) V ’ ’ z _ьГ(с)Г(а —6) / 7 l 777—7777---77 F \ b, l — c + 6; l — cl b\ — Г(а)Г(с - 6) \ ’ z This corresponds to (5.11). When the poles of the gamma functions coincide (this happens when b — a equals an integer), then poles of the second order occur, of which the residues contain logarithmic terms in z. In this way
§5.7 Recurrence Relations 121 we become acquainted for the third time with the logarithmic terms in the representations of the F~functions. Contour integrals, as in (5.24), play an important part in the theory of hypergeometric functions, and also in the theory of generalized hyper- geometric functions. Integrals of the type (5.24) are called Mellin-Barnes inte- grals. One can interpret (5.24) in terms of the inversion formula of the Mellin transform. We recall the Mellin transformation pair (Sneddon (1972)) /•OO i pc-Hoo X*) = / = — t~zg(z)dz, Jo Jc-ioo and obtain S_1 = Г(а + з)Г(6 + К)Г(-з)Г(С) Г(а)Г(6)Г(с + s) This can also be written in the form dz = Г(а - s) Г(6 - s) T(s) Г(с) (5.25) Г(п) Г(6) Г(с — s) This result holds for Ш > 0,5R(n — s) > 0,5R(6 — s) > 0. This follows from the behavior of F at z = 0 and at z = —oo; see (5.11). 5.7. Recurrence Relations The six functions F (a ± 1, 6; c; z), F (a, 6 ± 1; c; z), F (a, 6; с ± 1; z) are called neighbors of F(a,b;c;z). We use the notation F for F(a,b;c;z) and F(a+), F(a—) to denote the F—function with a replaced by a + l,a — 1, respectively, and so on. Gauss proved that there exists a linear relation between F and two of its neighbors. The coefficients are linear functions of z. There are fifteen of such relations, also called contiguous relations. Only four of them are independent, since the other ones can be obtained from these four by elimination and since F is symmetric with respect to a and b. Thanks to this symmetry it is sufficient to have available only nine of the fifteen
122 5: Hypergeometric Functions contiguous relations. These nine are as follows. (c — a)F(a—) + (2a — c — az + bz)F + a(z — l)F(a+) = 0, c(c — l)(z — l)F(c—) + c[c — 1 — (2c — a — b — l)z]F + (c — a)(c — 6)zF(c+) = 0, c[a + (b — c)z]F — ac(l — z)F(a-\~) + (c — a)(c — 6)zF(c+) = 0, c(l — z)F — cF(a-) + (c — b)zF(c+) = 0, (6 - a)F + aF(a+) - 6F(6+) = 0, (c - a - b)F + a(l - z)F(a+) - (c - 6)F(6-) = 0, (c — a — 1)F + aF(a+) — (c — l)F(c—) = 0, (6 - a)(l - z)F — (c — a)F(a-) + (c - 6)F(6-) = 0, [a — 1 + (6 + 1 — c)z]F + (c — a)F(a—) — (c — 1)(1 — z)F(c—) = 0. As always, one needs to be careful when c = 0,-1,—2,...; see §5.1. For instance, from the second recurrence relation it does not follow that F(a, b, l;z) = 0. The above relations can be systematically verified by ex- panding the hypergeometric functions in power series and showing that the coefficients of all г—powers vanish identically. Computer algebra is, as always, a very useful tool in this method. Other proofs can be based on integrating by parts in the integral (5.4). 5.8. Quadratic Transformations In §5.4 we mentioned Kummer’s 24 solutions of the hypergeometric differential equation. They form the complete set of bilinear transformations (that is, of the form (a + Дг)/(7 + bz)), with which the hypergeometric equation can be transformed into another equation of hypergeometric type. G OURS AT (1881) made a thorough study of another kind of transformation, although the basic ideas are due to Gauss and Kummer. We will discuss a few examples. We introduce the following transformations: Then (5.8) can be cast in the form C(i - + [c "(4b" 2c)< + (c - 4a - 2K2] S — 2a[2b — c + (2a — c + 1) C] <7 = 0. Now, let b = a + Jp Then this equation reads Ф - + [c - (4a - c + 2)C]^ - 2a(2a + 1 - c)g = 0. (5.26) (5-27)
§ 5.9 Quadratic Transformations 123 A solution is F (2a, 2a + 1 — c; c; £). When c does not assume a non-positive integer value, the equations (5.8) and (5.27) have one and only one solution that is analytic at the origin. Hence we obtain the quadratic transformation F (2а, 2а + 1 — c;c; z) = (1 + z)~2aF 1 4г a, a + c; —----------x- 2’ (1 + г)2 (5.28) Verify that another (inverse) version of this transformation reads / 1 \ /1 1 л----\~2a -r-, , 1 — Vl — z F ( a, a + c; z ) = ( - + - Vl — z ) F ( 2a, 2a — c + 1; c;-.__ - V ’ 2’ ’ / \2 2 V J V ’ ’ I + УГ^ By using the relations in (5.5) we can obtain many more examples. Example 5.2. Applying the second transformation of (5.5) to the left-hand side of the above relation we obtain F (a, a + c; z^ = (1 — г) a 2F (a + |,c — a;c;(^ , Combining the right-hand sides of the above formula and the above quadratic transformation, and introducing new parameters a = a + , (3 = c — a, we obtain (1 \ 1/11 ,--------\1—2a a,/3;a + 0--;z) = (1 - z) 2 (- + x F [2a - l,a - /? + -;a + /3 - \ 2’ 2’ZFZ+l See Exercise 5.7 (1) for another example. One can show that a quadratic transformation exist for the F—functions if and only if the numbers 1 — c, a — b, a + b — c satisfy one of the following properties: • one of them is equal to ± |, • one of them is equal to another one or equal to the opposite of another one. For formula (5.27) we took b = a + We can also take b = c/2. To see this, consider (5.26) and substitute z = C?. The result is given in Exercise 5.7 (2).
124 5: Hypergeometric Functions Summarizing, we conclude that for each of the following hypergeometric functions a quadratic transformation exists: F (a, 6; J; z) F (a, F (a, a + J; c; z) F (a, a — ^;c;z) F (a, 6; 2a; z) F (a, 6; 26; z) F (a,b;b — a + 1; z) F (a, b; a — b + 1; z) F (a, b; a + b — ^;z) F (cl, b\ CL + b + J z^ F (a,l — a; c; z) F (a, 6; |(a + b + 1); г) The first two rows correspond with the first criterion; in the second column the first two cases are not different, due to symmetry F (a, b; c; z) — F (6, а; с; г); the same for the final two cases in the first column and the second column. Observe that (5.28) covers two cases: the first and fourth case of the second column. Examples of corresponding transformations of all cases in the table follow from (5.28) (and the examples given there), and Exercises 5.7-5.9. The results hold always in a (unspecified) neighborhood of the origin. The domain of validity can be extended by using the principle of analytic continuation. See also Exercise 5.8 for a warning and more information on this point. 5.9. Generalized Hypergeometric Functions In the theory of special functions the following generalization of the Gauss hypergeometric function is used. Let p, q = 0,1, 2,... with p < q + 1. Then we have ..............(5'2!l) It is clear that the Gauss function corresponds to p = 2 and q = 1. If p = q +1 then the radius of convergence of the pFq—series is again unity. If p < q + 1 then the radius of convergence is equal to oo. The above generalization contains many elementary and special functions. For instance, ez = The Bessel functions, Whittaker functions and many orthogonal polynomials can be written as generalized hypergeometric functions. The pFq— function is also used if p > q +1. On the one hand as a formal series, on the other as a terminating series. When one of the parameters ai,..., ap is equal to a non- positive integer number the series in (5.29) terminates. Also, when p > q-\-1, the notation is useful in asymptotic expansions, in which convergence is not relevant. Luke (1969) is a good reference for generalized hypergeometric functions.
§ 5.9 Generalized Hypergeometric Functions 125 The differential equation of the pFq—function is a generalization of (5.8). Using the notation of (5.7) we have ^(^+6i-l)(^+62-l) • • • (tf+^-l)F = z(tf+ni)(tf+n2) • • • ($+ap)F. (5.30) The origin is a singular point; when p > q + 1 this point is not regular. 5.9.1. A First Introduction to q— functions A completely different generalization is due to Heine (1846), (1847). Nowa- days it is called the q—hypergeometric function. We start with Heine’s gen- eralization of the ordinary Gauss function: (1 - g“)(l - qb) (1 - ga)(l - ^Xl - <Zb)(1 - Q6+1) 2 1+ (1-д)(1-дС)г+ We assume that the following conditions on convergence hold: \q\ < 1, \z\ < 1. Note that r i~qa hm ---- = a. On account of this limit we conclude that, when q —> 1, each term in (5.31) converges to a corresponding term in the well-known series of the Gauss func- tion. Remark 5.3. Generalization (5.29) is characterized by the fact that the series is of the form w^ich the ratio an^\/an is a rational function of n. In (5.31) the ratio of successive terms is a rational function of qn. The present-day theory of q—functions is based on the following starting points. First we consider the q—variant of the shifted factorial (5.1). Let (n; q)o = 1 and, in general, (a; q)n = (1 — a)(l — aq) •••(! — agn-1), n = 1, 2,... . (5.32) When we replace a with qa we obtain a product that turns up in the series (5.31). When n = oo we have oo (a;q)oo = JJ (1 - aqn), n=0 which converges if \q\ < 1. The q—analog of (5.29) is гф8, the generalized basic hypergeometric func- tion. It is the generalization of Heine’s series (5.31) and defined by r^s(^l? • • • ? j ^1? • • • ? bs j Q, ^) xp (ai;q)n---(«r;q)n n[( nn,ffl]1+s~r (5-33) te9)n(bi;9)n---(^;9)n I- -I
126 5: Hypergeometric Functions When 0 < \q\ < 1, the гф8 converges absolutely for all z if r < s and for |z| < 1 if r = s + 1. When \q\ > 1, the series converges absolutely if И < The series in (5.33) may terminate, as in the case of ordinary hypergeometric functions, for certain values of the parameters. In the q—theory the number q is called the base, and the function in (5.33) is called a basic hypergeometric function. Using the relation (a;9-1)n = (~a)nq~^ (a-1;g)n the series in (5.33) with base q can be transformed into a series with base q-1. Hence, it is sufficient to consider q—functions with q satisfying \q\ < 1. Many special functions can be generalized in terms of (5.33). For instance, the q—binomial series generalization of the second series in (5.2) reads i <2>o («; q,z) = ^2 H < L n=0 q^n This function reduces to the one in (5.2) when we replace a with qa and take the limit q —> l-. In fact we have the relation In the theory of q—functions often a relation exists between infinite products and infinite series. Euler and Gauss have already discovered such relations. An important class of special functions sharing this property is the class of the (Jacobi) theta functions (see Chapter 12). A great deal of current research in special function theory takes place in this q—setting. For instance, one is interested in more q—analogs of the well- known special functions. For 0 < q < 1 one defines the q—gamma function as follows: This definition is not quite obvious without further preparations. The infinite product representation (3.9) of the gamma function is an important source of inspiration here. It can be verified that lim^_Г^(ж) = Г(ж) (see Koorn- winder (1990a)). The q—beta integral now follows more easily (see (3.3)): Bq^= Vq(x + y) ’ ° < q < 11 У > °‘
§5.10 Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 127 5.10. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 5.1. The Gauss hypergeometric functions arise in physical problems when Legendre functions are used (see Chapter 9 and §7.3.2). Other occurrences arise in the form of elliptic integrals; see Chapter 12, where a simple pendu- lum is considered. See also the introductory texts of Seaborn (1991) and Lawden (1989). 5.2. Asymptotic representations of F(a, 6; c; z) for large values of z follow from (5.11). These representations are convergent when J?(c — a — 6) > 0. However, convergence is not needed for an asymptotic expansion. When c is large (with respect to a, 6, z, the definition in (5.3) gives an asymptotic representation. When the parameters n, b are large, the asymptotic problem is much more complicated. In Wagner (1990) a special case is considered, with further references to the literature. When the hypergeometric functions reduce to other well-known functions, such as Legendre functions or Jacobi polynomials, much more information about the asymptotic behavior is avail- able. 5.3. The approach of §5.5 is based on Olver (1974). 5.4. A nice treatment of the q— analogs of the gamma and beta functions can be found in Askey (1980), where more references are given. See Gasper & Rahman (1990) for a good introduction to q—functions. 5.5. Koornwinder (1990b) demonstrates how hypergeometric series can be manipulated in Maple, a software package for computer algebra. 5.6. The numerical evaluation of hypergeometric functions can be based on the series expansions (5.3) and the transformation formulas given in (5.5), (5.10) — (5.13). For real values of x one can always use one or two power series with argument w such that |w| < For instance, we can use the scheme if x < : —2 then use (5.11), b — a 7L, else if x < c -1 then use (5.12), b — a ^TL, else if x < , 1 then use (5.5), else if x < C 2 then use (5.3), else if x < : 1.5 then use (5.10), с — а — b # 7L, else if x < : 2 then use (5.13), с — a — b tfLTL, else use (5.11), b-a^7L. When x > 1 the function F (n, 6; c; x) is complex, unless it reduces to a poly- nomial. When с — а — b € TL (5.10) and (5.13) reduce to expansions involving logarithms, as shown in (5.14) for (5.10) and the case с = а + b. A similar situation happens for the expansions (5.11) and (5.12) when b — а € TL.
128 5: Hypergeometric Functions 5.11. Exercises and Further Examples 5.1. Verify the following relations: 6; c; z) = —F(a + 1, b + 1; c + 1; г), az c ^—F(a,b*,c\z) = + n,b + n; c + n; z), d^n (c)n F(a, b + 1; c; z) = F(a, b; c; z) + — F(a + 1, b + 1; c + 1; z). c Prove the third formula by using the relations of §5.5 or directly, by verifying (q)n (6+ !)n _ (a)n Wn = q(a + l)n-i(b+l)n-i (c)nn! (C)nn! c (c + - i)! 5.2. Show that for \k\ < 1 the complete elliptic integrals (more information is given in §12.1) Km = f di = Г12 Jo У(1 - i2)(l - fc2t2) Jo \/l - k2 sin2 ф ’ E(k) = f1 /1 — k2t2 'o — k2 sin2 ф <1ф can be written in the form K(k) = Pf P, 1; 1; k2) , E(k) = Pf 1; l;fc2) . 5.3. Show that the incomplete beta function fx / ^p-1(l — t)q~^ dt, 0 < x < 1, У1р > 0 JO can be expressed as follows: Bx{p,q) = — F(p, 1 -q;p+l-x) P = -жр(1 — x)q~^F (1,1 — q\p + 1; —-— p \ x - 1 = -#p(l — x)qF(p + q, l;p + 1; x). P
§5.11 Exercises and Further Examples 129 5.4. Show that cos 2at = F(a, —a\ |; sin2 t). (1) Observe, however, that both left-hand and right-hand sides are periodic func- tions with respect to f, with different periods. Indeed, the results hold in a limited region of the complex domain. Verify, with the help of (5.6) and Exercise 3.7, that the relation holds if t = тг/2. Put z = sin2 t and derive by using (5.8) a differential equation with respect to t. Verify that dF _ 1 p d2F _ 1 _ 2 cos 2^ dz sin 2t '' dz2 sin2 2t sin3 2t where F, F denote derivatives with respect to t. The differential equation F + 4a2 F = 0 is the result. A solution is the left-hand side of (1). As a further exercise, show that „ / 1 . , о \ cosh(2n — l)f F ( n, 1 — a; -; — smh2 t) =-------------. (2) \ ’ 2’ J coshf v J 5.5. Verify with the help of (5.4) F (6, a; a — 6+1; —1) = л/тг 2-аГ(1 + a - 6) Г(1+ la_6) r(l + In)’ 5.6. Give a direct proof of (5.25) by substituting an infinite series with the help of the first line in (5.5). In the proof you will need (5.6) and Exercise 3.3. Show that (1 + *)“ = [ Г(з - а)Г(-< ds Г(-а) Jc and specify the the path of integration in terms of the complex parameter a.
130 5: Hypergeometric Functions 5.7. Apply the first formula of (5.5) on the right-hand side of (5.28). Derive from the result the quadratic transformation: 11 L i 1 L . 1 4Z -a, -a — b -\—;a — о + 1; — -- 2 2 2’ (1 (1) Put in (5.26) c = 2b and z = £2. Derive from this result the following quadratic transformation: F(a,<z-b+i;?>+|;z2) = (1 + z)~2aF 4z a, b; 2b; —----x- , (l + z)2J (2) with inverse F(a,b;2b;z) = (± + ^/l^) a,a — 6 + 6 + ’ 2’ 2’ 1 - 1 + л/l — (3) x F 5.8. Derive the following quadratic transformations: F (2a, 2b; a + b + = F (a,b;a + b + 4z(l — z)) , (1) F (a, 1 — a; c; z) = (1 — z)c f-c — -a, -c + -a — c; 4z(l — z)"j , (2) \ 2 2 2 2 2 / a, b; a + b + - ; z . 2’ . 2a, 2b; a T b -I- —; — 2 2 -^V1^). (3) Hints. Consider Exercise 5.7 (1); put c = a + b + and replace z with z/(z — 1). Next apply the first transformation of (5.5) on the left-hand side of (1). (3) is the inverse of (1). To prove (2), apply the third line of (5.5) on the left-hand side of (1), and take c = a + b + Verify using (5.6) that for z = 1 the left-hand side of (1) reduces to cos[7r(n — 6)]/cos[7r(n + 6)], whereas the right-hand side is equal to 1. This paradox is explained by the fact that the quadratic transformation holds only in a limited domain D around the origin, this domain being defined by the connected subset of D = {z € C | |z| < 1 A |4z(l — z)| < 1} containing the point z = 0. Obviously, z = 1 does not belong to this domain. Verify that the interval (^, 1] does not belong to this domain. 5.9. Verify the quadratic transformations for the cases c = J,, |: Г(а+|)Г(Ь+£) V’ ;2 г) =F(2a,26;a + Z>+i;i(l + v^)) + F (2a,2b;a + b + ^;|(1 - л/г))
§5.11 Exercises and Further Examples 131 2Г(-^)Г(а + д-j) Г(а- 1)Г(Ь-^) yfz F (a, b; z} =F (2a- 1,26 - l;a + b- i;^(l - y/z)^ -F (2a - 1,2b - 1; a + b - | (1 + s/z)) Observe that these transformations involve two F—functions in the right- hand sides. To verify these forms apply to Exercise 5.8 (1) the transformation z —> ^(1 + v^) and obtain the form F (a, 6; a + b + 1 — = F [2a, 2b; a + b + |(1 + y/z Apply (5.10) to the left-hand side to obtain two F—functions, one with c = J, and one with c = |. Repeat this with y/z replaced by —y/z to obtain a similar relation, from which the F—functions with c = | and c = | can be solved. 5.10. that Put in (5.28) c = 2a; then the left-hand side becomes 1/(1 — z). Show F (a, a + 2a; = 22a—1 / ---\l-2a (1 + yw) Show that F(a,a+i;2a+l;<) = 22a (1 + ^l-<) 5.11. Verify with the help of (5.6) that F(-n,b;c;l) = ^~^n, n = l,2,3,.... (c)n From this we obtain the remarkable relation (a + tyn = 52 (/)(0)fc(b)n-A:- k=0 ' ' It is remarkable, since the notation has a striking similarity to Newton’s bi- nomial formula. 5.12. Show that for > 5RA > 0, |z| < 1 F(a,b-,c;z) = —f,/-* - i a?A-1(l - x^-^F (a,b; X-,xz) dx, Г(Л)Г(с - A) Jo by using (3.2) and (5.3). Extend the z—domain of validity to | arg(l — z)| < 7Г, z 1. Take A = b and compare your result with Euler’s integral (5.4).
132 5: Hypergeometric Functions 5.13. Prove Barnes’ lemma (Barnes (1908); see also Whittaker & Wat- son (1927), page 289): — [ Г(а + 5)Г(Ы- з)Г(с - s)r(d - s) ds 2лг J_ioo _Г(а + с)Г(а + d)V(b + с)Г(6 + d) Г(п + b + C “h d) where the path of integration is curved so that the poles of Г(с — s)r(d — s) lie on the right of the path and the poles of Г(п + s)T(6 + s) lie on the left. It is supposed that n, 6, c, d are such that no pole of the first set coincides with any pole of the second set.
6 Orthogonal Polynomials Orthogonal polynomials are of great importance in mathematical physics, approximation theory, the theory of numerical quadrature, etc., and are the subject of an enormous literature. An important application occurs in physics when we consider the Schrodinger equation for a linear harmonic oscillator of mass m, angular frequency cjq and total energy E, that is, d2/0 / dx2 \ 2m E IT .2 = o, where is the wave function and h is Planck’s constant. In quantum mechan- ics it is required to find the values of E for which this equation has bounded solutions in the interval — oo < x < oo. The eigenvalues that make this possi- ble are E = En = (ji+^yhcjQ and the corresponding eigenfunctions are related with Hermite polynomials: i/jn(x) = exp(—t2/2)Hn(t), t = у/(ti/(ma>o) see Exercise 6.9. The constitute an orthogonal set on IR; the Hermite polynomials {Hn} constitute an orthogonal set of polynomials on IR with respect to the Gaussian weight function exp(—t2). In this chapter we give general prop- erties of orthogonal polynomials and we give further details on the classical orthogonal polynomials. 6.1. General Orthogonal Polynomials Before discussing the well-known classical orthogonal polynomials we treat the basic concepts which are of vital importance for all orthogonal polynomials to be considered. We take a real interval (a, 6) - where а = —oo and/or b = +oo are accepted - and a function w: (a, 6) [0, oo), the weight function, with the property that the integral / w(x)xk dx J a 133
134 6: Orthogonal Polynomials exists for all к = 0,1,2,... . The integration can be formulated in the sense of Lebesgue-Stieltjes (with a measure dfi{x) in place of w(x) dx\ but here we assume that the function w is Riemann integrable. We introduce the linear space P of polynomials of the real parameter x with real coefficients. Let f,geP. Then we call (f,9) = [ w(x)f(x)g(x)dx (6.1) J a the inner product of f and g (always with respect to w). The following properties can be easily verified: (f,g) = (g,f}; (af + /3g,h) = a(f,h) + 0{g,h) when o,/3 G IR, /,g,h E P. Furthermore we have (/, /) = [b w(x)f\x) dx >Q, {f,f}=o=>f = 0. J a We say that ||/|| = у/ (f, f) is the norm of f and that f,g^P are orthogonal polynomials if (f,g) = 0. We now construct, starting from the linear independent set of polynomials /о(ж) = 1, fa(x) = X, f2(x) = x2, f3(x) = x3,..., fn(x) = xn (6.2) a new set Po, Pl, P2,---, Pn of orthogonal polynomials corresponding to the inner product (6.1). This process can be executed for any n = 0,1, 2,... and it is known as the Gram- Schmidt orthogonalization method. Put fo = fl - {fl,PO)PO po ll/oll’ pi ll/i - </i,Po>Po||’ and, in general, _ fk ~ Sz=Q {fk,Pi)Pi Pk ~ II f / л \ || ||A г2г=0 \/ьРг)Рг|| Obviously, is a polynomial of exact degree k, with \\pk\\ = 1 and (pi,po) = 0. Using the induction principle it is not difficult to prove that <Pj,PA:)=0,
§6.1 General Orthogonal Polynomials 135 The set {Pk} constructed in this manner is orthonormal: all p^. have norms equal to 1. Let f EP have degree n. Then we can express f uniquely in terms of the polynomials p^: n f(x) = 52 akPk(x)> ak = (f,Pkh 0 < к < n. k=0 (6-3) We further remark that, for к — 1,2,3,.. г6 E>k, fj) = / wtx'fpktx^ dx = 0, j < k, (6.4) J a where the fj are introduced in (6.2). Let kn be the coefficient of xn in pn. That is, pn(x) = knxn 4----. (6.5) Theorem 6.1. The orthonormal polynomials {pk} satisfy the following re- currence relation (6.6) Pn+1 - (anx + bn)pn + CnPn-1 = o, n = l,2,..., where an = bn = ~an(xPn,Pn), cn = ? c0 = 0- kn an— 1 Proof. It is clear that Pn+l(x) - anxpn(x) = ^2 akxk = PkPk(x) k=0 k=0 for certain ak, (3k, since the term with xn+1 in the left-hand side cancels. Using the orthonormal relations we can write = Pj, Referring to (6.4) we have, however, w(x)xpn(x)pj(x)dx = {pn,xpj} = 0,
136 6: Orthogonal Polynomials since xpj(x) has degree < n — 1. This implies Po = Pi = • • • = Pn—2 = 0. We observe that bn = pn and we put cn = —pn_\. This shows the validity of (6.6). The expression for cn is found by using Cn — an{xpn,Pn-l) — an(PnjXPn — l)j with жрп_1(ж) = kn-ixn + дгк”+-] 1 an—1 for certain numbers ту. Hence an Cn — an — l n — 1 Pn(^) + 52 wW >=° ' n — 1 pn,pn + 52 , j=0 an an—1 Remark 6.1. Conversely, when an > 0, cn > 0 and the family of polyno- mials {pn} satisfies (6.6), then there exists a weight function with which {pn} becomes a family of orthogonal polynomials. This weight function need not be a regular function but may be defined as a measure, for instance in the sense of Stieltjes-Lebesgue. See Favard (1935). The next result is the Christoffel-Darboux formula. First we introduce a function which plays a significant part in the theory of orthogonal polynomi- als: n Kn(x,y) = ^Рк^)Рк(у)- k=0 (6.7) It is possible to find a closed expression for this function. We have Theorem 6.2. (Christoffel-Darboux) Kn(x,y) = kn Pn(y)Pn+l(x) ~ Pn(x)pn+1(y) ^n+1 X — у (6.8) Proof. The formula is correct for n = 0. This is easily verified by using Po(x) = ко, pi (ж) = kix + c, for certain number c. Next we use induction
§6.1 General Orthogonal Polynomials 137 with respect to n. For the induction step of n — 1 to n we use the recurrence relation (6.6) in x у . Рп—1(у)Рп(х) ~ pn-i(x)pn(y) + Cn -------------------------- This proves the theorem. It is difficult to use (6.8) when x = y. However, a simple application of I’Hopital’s rule gives the result к Kn(x,x} = ^-^[PnWPn+lW -РпСФп+хСе)] = > °> fc=0 (6-9) which confirms (6.7) when x = y. The function Kn(x, y) is called the reproducing kernel and a similar func- tion plays an important role in the theory of linear operators. Here we mention the following property. For each f € V of degree n we have using (6.3) n {f, Kn( •, y)) = £ (/,Pk)Pk(y) = f(y)- k=0 (6.10) This explains the name reproducing kernel. 6.1.1. Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials An interesting aspect in the theory of orthogonal polynomials is connected with the zeros of the polynomials. In this respect we have the following fundamental property. Theorem 6.3. pn has n real simple zeros x^ satisfying а < Xfr < b, 1 < к <n. Proof. We assume that к zeros of pn are located inside the interval (a, 6), 0 < к < n, and that the function pn changes sign at these zeros. That is, we assume that the zeros have odd multiplicity. When we succeed in proving that к = n, we are done, since then pn has exactly n zeros in (n, 6) at which pn changes sign. But the polynomial pn has just n zeros. Thus it follows that
138 6: Orthogonal Polynomials the zeros are simple and inside (a, 6). Now, assume that к < n and consider the polynomial к qk(x) = (x- x-p)(x - ж2) • • • (ж - ж*) = 52 ajPj(x^ j=0 This is a polynomial of degree к with the property (pn, q^) = 0. Observe that Рп(ж)дд.(ж) cannot change sign on (a, 6), since the zeros of this function have even multiplicity. Assume that (without loss of generality) Pn(x)qk(x) > 0- Then we see that <Pn,qk}=[ w(x)pn(x)qk(x) dx > 0. J a This leads to a contradiction, and it follows that к = n. j We have another result, that describes the relation between the zeros of Pn and pn+i. Theorem 6.4. The zeros of pn and pn+i alternate on the interval (a,b), and pn and pn+i do not have common zeros. Proof. Let xr and £r+i denote two successive zeros of pn. Then, by virtue of (6.9), 52 PkM = T^-[-p'nMpn+iM] > o, k=0 n+1 n к TPk(xr+l) = Tr^-l-Pn(xr+l)Pn+l(xr+l)] > 0. k=0 n+1 Since xr and £r+i are successive zeros of pn, it follows that pfn(xr) and pfn(xr+i) are of opposite sign. Therefore pn^(xr) and рп_^1(жг_^1) also have opposite sign. Since pn+i is continuous, this polynomial must vanish at least once between xr and #r+i. Verify further that pn-\-l has one zero at the left of x\ and one at the right of xn. The remaining part, to verify that pn and pn_|_l cannot have a common zero is left to the reader. j 6.1.2. Gauss Quadrature Here we give the main ingredients of the Gauss quadrature formulas, in which the zeros of the orthogonal polynomials are of decisive importance. Let Ж1, X2, • • •, xn be the zeros of pn and and take a polynomial f 6 V of degree < 2n — 1. We construct a new polynomial F by means of the Lagrange
§6.1 General Orthogonal Polynomials 139 interpolation formula: n F(x) = £ f(xk) fc=l Рп(ж) (a? -xk)p'n(xky It is clear that F is a polynomial of degree n — 1 and that F(xk) = lim F(x) = f(xk), к = 1,2,..., n. Hence F — f is a polynomial of degree < 2n — 1 and xi, X2, • • •, xn are the zeros of F — f. It follows that .Ffo) - /(ж) Pn(x) is a polynomial of degree n — 1. Hence we can write We integrate this formula and introduce the quantities \ fb f \ Pnl'x'> J kn = / ------—-—-dx, ' J а (.X ~ Xk)p'n(xk) the so-called Christoff el numbers. Since fb / w(jr)r(x)pn(x) dx = 0 J а we obtain the required rule of Gauss quadrature: /•6 n / w(x)f(x) dx = ^ >4c,nf(xk)- Ja fc=l (6.U) (6-12) This rule tells us that for a polynomial of degree < 2n — 1 the integral is exactly equal to the expression in the right-hand side of (6.12). In other words: the n—points Gauss quadrature formula gives an exact result for polynomials having degree < 2n — 1. When f is not a polynomial the rule is also very useful for approximating integrals. When f has at least 2n continuous derivatives on (a, 6), one has rb n / и?(ж)/(ж) dx = 5 ^k,nf(xk) d" din- Ja fc=l (6.13)
140 6: Orthogonal Polynomials It can be shown that a number £ € (a, 6) exists such that Rn = Cnf(2n\%), where Cn does not depend on x. For this result, and for much more infor- mation on the numerical aspects of Gauss quadrature, we refer to Stroud & Secrest(1966). Example 6.1. Consider the computation of the integral Г1 dx ж + 3 = ln2. Take w(x) = 1 and n = 2. Verify that the first few orthogonal polynomials are given by The zeros of P2 are #1 = — ^\/3, ^2 = | л/3, and we have \ f1 3x2-1 J 1 ’ J-i (ж + 1ч/3)(-2^3) \ f1 3x2-1 j 1 ’ J-i (x- |л/3)(+2ч/3) Then by (6.13) Comparing this with In 2 = 0.6930 ..., we conclude that an accuracy of 0.15% is obtained. Representation (6.11) is not the ideal form for computing the Christof- fel numbers. Much more attractive forms are available. From the third and fourth formula of the following theorem it follows that the numbers are pos- itive. Especially (Hi) gives, combined with the recurrence relation of the polynomials, a rather stable representation for numerical calculations. Theorem 6.5. Л [Ь ( \ РП(Х) лкп = w(x)~-----——;—- dx J a (x — Хк)рп(хк) ____^n+1 ______I_____ kn Рп(Хк)Рп+1(.Хк) = [Еъ2М 1=0 fb I J Pn(x) I2 (0 (w) (Hi) (™)
§6.2 Classical Orthogonal Polynomials 141 Proof. Since pn(xk) = 0, by Theorem 6.2 Kn(x,xk) = £Рк(*Ш = ---Pn{x)pn+^Xk) “ Kn+1 x-xk which gives Рп(ж) = Kn(x,xk)kn+1 xk knPn+l(.xk) From (i) it then follows that 4n = “ W(^b+1(^) la W^K^X^dX- Applying now (6.10) with f = 1 we obtain (u). Taking in (6.14) the limit x xk we obtain n-1 к Kn(xk,xk) = (xk) = — — Pn(xk)Pn+l (ж/с)? kn+l which easily yields (ш). The fourth relation follows from applying Gauss quadrature to (6.13) (verify that Rn — 0 in this case): [ w(x) ------Pn(x) --- _ у ' цт Pn{x) Xx~xk)Pn{Xk) Remark 6.2. When applying (Hi) one should realize that the underlying orthogonal polynomials are orthonormal. The well-known classical orthogonal polynomials are usually considered in a standard form, which does not show the orthonormal versions. Of course, (iii) can be adapted to the circumstances by means of the norm of the non-orthonormal polynomials. 6.2. Classical Orthogonal Polynomials The orthogonal polynomials associated with the names of Jacobi, Gegenbauer, Chebyshev, Legendre, Laguerre and Hermite are called the classical orthogo- nal polynomials. They will be discussed in the remaining part of this chapter. The separate families share many features. The following points are characteristic of the classical orthogonal polyno- mials:
142 6: Orthogonal Polynomials (г) the family {pfn} is also an orthogonal system; (гг) pn satisfies a second order linear differential equation A(x)y" + B(x)y' + Xny = 0, where A and В not depend on n and An does not depend on ж; (iii) there is a Rodrigues formula of the form where X is a polynomial in x with coefficients not depending on n, and Kn does not depend on x. These three properties are so characteristic that any system of orthogonal polynomials having these three properties, can be reduced to a system of classical orthogonal polynomials. For a recent reference, see Al-Salam’s con- tribution to Nevai (1990). 6.3. Definitions by the Rodrigues Formula First we will consider a finite interval (a, 6); it is convenient to take (—1,1). For the function X in the Rodrigues formula we take X(x) = 1 — x2. It is easily verified that with this choice of X the function pn of (6.15) satisfies w(x)xkpn(x) dx = 0, 0 < к < n. (6.16) The proof follows from integrating by parts repeatedly: We assume, of course, that w is sufficiently regular at ±1. It follows that pn is orthogonal with respect to any polynomial of degree less than n. Observe that, at the moment, no weight function is specified. In fact, the present choice of X gives limited possibilities for w. An essential condition is that the right-hand side of (6.15) must produce polynomials. For p± we find 2<lPl(a;) = W (1 - a;2>) - 2a;.
§ 6.3 Definitions by the Rodrigues Formula 143 When this has to be a linear function, the only possibility is ufix) = (1 - ж)а(1 + , where a and (3 are constants. Indeed, this w produces in (6.15) a polynomial for any value of n. (To prove this, apply Leibniz’ rule for repeatedly differ- entiating products.) Moreover, when a > — 1, /3 > —1, all integrated terms in (6.17) vanish. This weight function leads to the family of orthogonal poly- nomials {pn} defined on the interval (—1,1): the Jacobi polynomials. The numbers Kn in (6.15) are usually taken equal to Kn = (—l)n2nn!. This gives the definition based on the Rodrigues formula (6.18) The choice of Kn is, here and in later cases, not always obvious. It does not influence the orthogonality, of course, but the orthonormality. The norm of the Jacobi polynomial follows from Exercise 6.11. Usually one does not use orthonormal systems for the classical polynomials. Simple coefficients of the polynomials and attractive formulas are of more importance. It is not difficult to verify that in the present case we have the pleasant normalization and symmetry (6.19) When а = /3 = 0 we have the Legendre polynomials (6.20) The graphs of the first ten Legendre polynomials on the interval [—1,1] are given in Figure 6.1. When а = (3 = — and a different Kn we obtain the Chebyshev polyno- mials of the first kind (6.21) The graphs of the first ten Chebyshev polynomials on the interval [—1,1] are given in Figure 6.2.
144 6: Orthogonal Polynomials Figure 6.1. Graphs of the Legendre polynomials Pn(x\n = 0,1,2,..., 10 on [—1,1]. The Legendre and Chebyshev polynomials are special cases of the Gegen- bauer polynomials or ultraspherical polynomials, which follow from (6.18) by taking a = /3 = 7 — and with adapted Kn: (6.22) When 7 = 0 these polynomials are equal to 0 (if n > 0). The following limit holds: 1 2 lim —С^(ж) = —Tn(x), n > 0. 7—>0 7 n The choice X(x) = 1 — ж2, that gave us the Jacobi polynomials, has zeros at ±1. For the semi-infinite interval (0, oo) we take X(x) = x, giving for p± x w'(x)x KlPlfx) = —+ 1. w(&) This becomes a linear function if w(yc) = xae@x. For convergence of the integrals (for instance (6.1)), /3 should be negative, say /3 = —1. This gives
§ 6.3 Definitions by the Rodrigues Formula 145 Figure 6.2. Graphs of the Chebyshev polynomials Tn(x), n = 0,1, 2,..., 10 on [—1,1]. the definition of the Laguerre polynomials (6.23) The norm of the Laguerre polynomial follows from Exercise 6.5. Choosing X = constant we finally arrive for the interval (—oo, oo) at KlPl(x) = wf(x) w(x) ’ This yields a linear function when w is an exponential function with a quad- ratic function as argument. On account of symmetry and normalization one takes w(x) = exp (—ж2), although w(x) = exp(—^x2) also is convenient, for instance, in physics. The first variant gives the Hermite polynomials 2 / d V 2 ^ex2 [ _rL ] e-% \dx I (6-24)
146 6: Orthogonal Polynomials The second variant leads to TT , \ S 4\n ±x2 ( — — x2 Hen(x) = (-l)ne2* — e . (6.25) The relation between the two families is: Яеп(я) = 2~n^Hn(x/V2), Hn(x) = 2n^Hen(xV2). We summarize the results in Table 6.1. For each polynomial we give the weight function w(x) and (n, 6), the interval of orthogonality. We also give a few extra polynomials that are useful in applications, and which can be obtained from the classical ones by simple transformations. In some important cases we refer to explicit representations, which will be given in later sections. 6.4. Recurrence Relations On account of the general theory we know that the classical orthogonal poly- nomials introduced in the previous section satisfy a recurrence relation. We recall (6.6): Pn+l - + bn)Pn + CnPn-1 =0, n = l,2,...,. We give the first two values of po and p\ for the classical orthogonal poly- nomials. The coefficients of the recurrence relations are given without proof, since the Rodrigues formula is not very suitable for obtaining the coefficients. We will point out in Exercise 6.1 how to obtain the coefficients an, cn in the recurrence relation for the case of the Jacobi polynomials. Jacobi: _ (2n + Oi + /3 + 1) (2n + a + (3 + 2) an (2n + 2) (n + a + /3 + 1) I) — (2n + a + /3 + 1) (a2 - /32) n (2n + 2) (n + a + (3 + 1) (2n + a + /3) _ 2(n + a) (n + /3) (2n + a + /3 + 2) (2n + 2) (n + q + (3 + 1) (2тг + a + /3) Po(",/3) (ж) = 1, Pi(a,/3) (ж) = |(a - /3) + [1 + |(a + /?)] x. Gegenbauer: _ 2(n + 7) n + 27 - 1 an — , On — 0, cn — — n + 1 n + 1 Сд(ж) = 1, С^(ж) = 27Ж.
§64 Recurrence Relations 147 Table 6.1. The Classical Orthogonal Polynomials and Some Variants Name w(x) (a,b) Jacobi: Рп°^ (ж) (see (6.35)) (1 — £c)Q'(1 -h x)P (-1,1) Jacobi: (shifted) В^а'0\х) = P^} (2x - 1) (1 — x)ax^ (0,1) Gegenbauer: c1» = {^^7"|,7-|) (*) (1 - Ж2)7~2 (-1,1) Legendre: PnW = ^°’0) (ж) 1 (-1,1) Chebyshev: (first kind) \2 Jn 1/л/(1 -z2) (-1,1) Chebyshev: (first kind, shifted) T* (x) = Tn(2x — 1) l/x/x(l - x) (-1,1) Chebyshev: (second kind) un^ = w (-1,1) Chebyshev: (second kind, shifted) u*(z) = Un(2x - 1) Laguerre: L*(x) (see (6.40) or Remark 6.3) \/(l -Я2) (0,1) (0, oo) Hermite: Hn(x) (see (6.41) or Remark 6.3) e~x Hermite: (variant) Hen(x) = 2~nJ2Hn(x/V2) -^x2 e 2
148 6: Orthogonal Polynomials Chebyshev: = 2, bn = 0, cn = 1 Т0(ж) = 1, Т1(ж)=ж. Legendre: Р0(ж) = 1, Р1(ж)=ж. Laguerre: 1 2n + a + 1 n + a an = bn = — , cn = —- n + 1 n + 1 n + 1 Lq (ж) = 1, (ж) = 1 + a — x. Hermite: = 2, bn = 0, cn = 2n Я0(ж) = 1, H1(x) = 2x. The results for the polynomials on the finite interval all follow from the result for the Jacobi polynomials. Many results for the Laguerre and Hermite polynomials follow also from Jacobi polynomials by taking special limits. The Jacobi polynomials constitute a very rich class, for which many beautiful results are available. The Christoffel-Darboux formula (6.8) is given for general orthonormal polynomials. To obtain the formula for Jacobi polynomials we first observe that the polynomial pn (ж) given by = (ж) («,£) = 2a+^+1 Г(п + а + 1)Г(п + /?+1) V / (a,/3) ’ 2n + a + /3 + l Г(п + 1) Г(п + a +/? + 1) у hn is an orthonormal polynomial; see Exercise 6.11. The value of kn in (6.5) follows from (6.36): kn lim >oo xn 2 n f2n + a + (3 n It follows that the Christoffel-Darboux formula for the Jacobi polynomials reads: " (x) P^ (3/) _ (a>/3) P^ (у) P^ и-р^ (x) P^’? (y) An X-y k=0 h'k
§ 6.5 Differential Equations 149 where = kn 1 kn+1 _ 2~a-/3 Г(п + 2)Г(п + a + /3 + 2) 2n + a + (3 + 2 Г(п + a + 1)Г(п + (3 + 1) ’ Similar formulas hold for the other polynomials. 6.5. Differential Equations The next step is the derivation of the differential equation and this leads to a connection with the hypergeometric functions. Consider the expression T[(1 - a;2)w(a;)p^(2;)] = гф)[(1 - Ж2)р"(ж) + {(3 - a - (a + /3 + 2)®}p^(a:)], (6.26) where w{x) = (1 — ж)а(1 + x)&, pn{x) — (ж). The expression between square brackets on the right-hand side is a polynomial of degree n. Hence we can write (6.27) for certain &j. By (6.3), Л J ak llPfcll2 = J [(1 - Ж2) w(®)p;(a:)] dx. Integration by parts twice (observe that the integrated terms vanish) yields 1Ы12 = / K1 _ x) ®W#)| dx- But [(1 — x2^ w(x)pfk(x)] = w(x\p(x)) where p is a polynomial of degree k. Hence ak = 0, for к < n. It follows that (6.27) can be written as 1 d w(x) dx [(1 - a;2) w(®)pn(a:)] = OnPn(x). (6.28) This equation can be interpreted as an eigenvalue equation for the operator defined by the left-hand side of (6.28). To compute an we substitute (6.5)
150 6: Orthogonal Polynomials and we take care of the coefficient of xn in the left-hand side and right- hand side of (6.28). This gives an = — n(n + a + (3 + 1). With this result we have found the differential equation. For the Gegenbauer, Legendre and Chebyshev polynomials the differential equation follows easily by selecting the parameters. For the Hermite and Laguerre polynomials we can proceed as above. The differential equations below are defined for any complex value of n. When n = 0,1, 2,... the equations have one and only one polynomial solution. When n IN the equations define more general special functions. Jacobi: у = Р^а^ (ж) is a solution of (1 — ж2) y" + [(/? — a) — (a + /3 + tyx]yf + n(n + a + (3 + l)y = 0. (6.29) Gegenbauer: у = С^(ж) is a solution of (1 — ж2) y" — (27 + P)xyf + n(n + 27)?/ = 0. (6.30) Chebyshev: у = Tn(x) is a solution of (1 — x2) y" — xyr + n^y = 0. (6.31) Legendre: у = Рп(ж) is a solution of (1 — ж2) y" — 2xyf + n(n + l)y = 0. (6.32) Laguerre: у = L%(x) is a solution of xy,r + (a + 1 — x)yf + ny = 0. (6.33) Hermite: у = Hn(x) is a solution of y" — 2xyf + 2ny = 0. (6.34) When in (6.29) we substitute z = (1 — ж)/2, w(z) = г/(ж) then we obtain: z(l — z)wff + [o + 1 — (a + /? + 2')z\w' + n(n + а + (3 + l)w = 0. This is the hypergeometric differential equation (see (5.8)) with а = — n, 6 = a + /? + n-|-l, с = а + 1.
§6.6 Explicit Representations 151 Taking into account the normalization (6.19) and the fact that the Jacobi polynomials are regular at z = 0 (x = 1) we arrive at the important result (6.35) 6.6. Explicit Representations With (6.35) we immediately have the explicit representation: „(<*,/?) ( \ _ (n + a\\r + a + /3+l)k (1 - x У П ’ \ n JZ-' (a + lkfc! I 2 J' This can also be written (see Exercises 3.1 and 3.6) as: „(«,/?) / \ _ Г(п + a + 1) ул /п\ Г(п + к + a + /3 + 1) / x - 1 \ к n W ~ n! Г(п + а + /3+1) ^ \к) Г(А: + а + 1) \ 2 ) ' (6.36) Now (6.35) is available, many transformations are possible by invoking the formulas in (5.5). In this way we will not find a polynomial representation in terms of powers of x. Until now an attractive representation of the coefficients has not been found. From (6.35) and (5.4) it is not possible to give a simple integral represen- tation of the Jacobi polynomials, because the condition with respect to the b and c parameters in ((5.4) cannot be satisfied. However, by using the loop integral for the F—function in §5.2, we find p(a,/3) , . r(n + a + 1)Г(п + P + 1) - tz)n P' W Г(п + о + /5 + 1) Л (1 - ip+.3+1 where z = (1 — ж)/2. This integral holds when 5R(n + a + (3) > —1. The contour starts and terminates at t = 0 and encircles the point t = 1 in positive direction. Of course, we now also have explicit representations for the remaining polynomials that are orthogonal on (—1,1). We need not give the represen- tations in powers of 1 — ж, since for other polynomials the representations in powers of x are known. Remark 6.3. The representations for the Hermite and Laguerre polyno- mials do not follow at once from that of the Jacobi polynomials. With the
152 6: Orthogonal Polynomials help of (6.30) —(6.34) it is not difficult, however, to obtain explicit polynomial solutions of these equations. When we look at Kummer’s equation (7.4) we see that the Laguerre polynomial is a iFi— function: T-rv/ \ (nOl\ т^(ж) = ( ) i^i(—a +1;^), where the binomial coefficient is chosen for normalization and on account of convention; see also Exercise 7.10. The Laguerre polynomial can also be obtained as a certain limit of the Jacobi polynomial; see Exercise 6.10. The Hermite polynomial can be obtained from the Laguerre polynomial L^(x) when we take a = ±^; see Exercise 6.7. Gegenbauer: C^) = (z) b + 2)n = ^F(“n’n + 27;74;l“H (6.37) _ 1 (—l)*T(n - fc + 7) , p-2fc Г(7) fc!(n-2fc)! ’ where L^J is the integer satisfying |jrJ < x < + 1 with x 6 IR. Chebyshev: \2)n p ( 11 1 \ = F —n, n‘ --------ж \ ’ 2’ 2 2 J = (-l)^(n-fc-l)! 2fc (6.38) 2 k\(n- 2k)l ’ L"/2J z x = e fc=0 V ' Legendre: РП(х) = ^°’0) И = F(-n,n + l;l;i-|a;) = LV"J (~l)fc(2n - 2fc)! хП_2к (6 39) 2k kl (n — fc)! (n — 2k)l — I xn~2k (x2 - l)fc ~П ^0 22fc(fc!)2(n-2A:)!’
§6.6 Explicit Representations 153 Laguerre: та a + 1; x) ,k (6.40) n k=Q Hermite: (—l)n(2n)! ( Л2п\Х) = -----:--- 1F1 I ni ' И2„+1М^-1)П(п2Р+1)!2 [_n/2j (_1A& П' 1 2 A 2’ ) ( 3 2 1 — n: x \ ’2’ (6.41) The third representation in (6.38) is only defined for n > 1. The final repre- sentations in (6.38) and (6.39) follow from transformation formulas of hyper- geometric functions. For instance, we can apply the quadratic transformation (1) of Exercise 5.8 with a = —n/2, b = (n + l)/2 on the second line of (6.39). Applying next the first transformation of (5.5) we obtain the final line in (6.39). We give another representation of the Chebyshev polynomials, which is unique. Put in (6.31) x = cos0, 0 < 0 < 7Г, w(0) = y(x). Then the equation for w becomes d2w о dF + n w = 0 with solutions w = cos n0,w = sin n0. Taking into account the values of Tq and T\ we find Tn(cos0) = cosn0, that is, Tn(x) = cos(n arccosж). (6-42) Many nice properties of the Chebyshev polynomials follow directly from those of the elementary trigonometric functions. The solution w = sin n0 does not yield a polynomial solution of the above differential equation. However, the function z sin(n + 1)0 л C7n(cos0) =-----—-----, n = 0,1, 2,... sm0 is a polynomial in x = cos0, and is called the Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind. It is associated with the weight function д/1 — ж2 on (—1,1). In fact, we have Un(x) = (n + i)!p(U) 3\ 2/
154 6: Orthogonal Polynomials 6.7. Generating Functions A generating function is a function F(x, f) having a convergent power series in t of the form F(t,x) = E anPn{x)tn n=0 where in the present case {pn} is a family of classical orthogonal polynomials. The radius of convergence may be finite or infinite. Many generating functions can be obtained by using the Rodrigues formulas. Often a convenient starting point is the Cauchy integral for a function and its derivatives: f,2} = 2_ fш w = 21 Г ж Л 2m J K-Z)’ J 1 1 2m J «- z)"+l integrated along a suitable contour in the complex plane. We demonstrate the method for the Laguerre polynomials. The result also gives a verification of the recurrence relation for the Laguerre polynomials. From (6.23) it follows that Ь»= (C - x)n+! where we integrate along a circle around the (complex) point x / 0 with radius less than |ж| (to keep the origin outside the circle). Next we set up the summation: OQ n=0 x~aex Г e~^a tnCn 2m J C - x « - x)n With on the contour of integration we can write £ = x + гехр(г0), 0 < r < |ж|, 0 < 0 < 2тг. Then we can choose t so small that the geometric series uniformly converges with respect to C). That is, we can make tC, t[x + г ехр(г#)] C~x rexp(iO) smaller than- unity, uniformly with respect to Performing the summation we obtain 00 72=0 x aex P e 2тгг(1 -t) J < - a;/(l - t) dC
§ 6.7 Generating Functions 155 Calculating the integral by the residue method, we obtain the generating function (1 - a, x € (D, |t| < 1. n—0 (6.43) b“(0) = ( Analytic continuation gives the domain of validity of the parameters. When x = 0 a direct proof follows from n + cA _ (a + l)n n J n\ Let us denote the left-hand side of (6.43) by F(F). Then F satisfies the differential equation (l-t)2Fz = [(a + l)(l-t)-z]F and we know that F has a convergent power series Cn^” f°r x,a E and \t\ < 1. Substitution of this power series gives for the coefficients cn the same recurrence relation as that given for the Laguerre polynomials in §6.4. This method for finding the coefficients in the recurrence relation is usually more efficient than a method based on the Rodrigues formula. For the Hermite polynomials we find in a similar way e2xz—z2 n=0 ; Z 7 X 7 Z t vb. n! (6.44) For the Gegenbauer polynomials we have for 7 0 (see Exercise 6.2) (1 - 2xz + z2) 7 = С7(ж)гп, -1 < x < 1, \z\ < 1, n=0 (6.45) a formula that is often used as the definition for the Gegenbauer polynomials. For the Legendre polynomials we thus obtain a 9 2 = Eи<i- VI - 2a;z + zz (6.46) A direct proof based on the Rodrigues formula is not difficult for the Legendre polynomials (Exercise 6.3).
156 6: Orthogonal Polynomials 6.8. Legendre Polynomials We derive a few extra results for Legendre polynomials: integral representa- tions, bounds and an asymptotic expansion. 6.8.1. The Norm of the Legendre Polynomials The generating functions can sometimes be used to compute the norms of the polynomials. We give an example based on (6.46). By squaring the series, a new power series arises: 1 1 — 2xz + z2 oo n cnz ) Cn = Pk(x)Pn-k(x\ n=0 k=Q Integration with respect to x over [—1,1] yields only a result for the even powers of z (use the orthogonality). In C2n only the product Р^(ж) makes a contribution: V IIP (я) II2 z2n - f1 dx_________- - In 1+z - V 2 z2n - J_ 1_2жг + г2 - zl n!_z - 2_,2n + l • 72=0 72=0 Hence Г1 2 / Pn(x)Pm(x) dx = - ——-6n m. (6-47) J-l 2n + l See Exercise 6.5 for obtaining the norm of the Laguerre polynomials in this way. 6.8.2. Integral Expressions for the Legendre Polynomials We observe that the generating function in (6.46) has two forms: Л , , 2- = $2 Fn(x)zn, -1 < x < 1, |z| < 1, 1 - 2xz + г oo = 52 pn(x)z~n~\ -i < ж < i, \z\ > i. 72=0 (6.48) We see that, writing x = cos0, 0 < 0 < 7Г, and applying Cauchy’s theorem on the coefficients in the second power series, 1 r zn Pn(cos 0} =---- Ф y =- dz, (6.49) where the integral is taken (in positive sense) along a circle |z| = R, R > 1. By deforming the contour of integration around the segment joining the points
§ 6.8 Legendre Polynomials 157 exp ±20, the singular points of the integrand, we can obtain Laplace’s formula for the Legendre polynomial 1 f^ Pn(cos0) = — / (cos0 ± i sin0 cos^)n d/ф. л Jo (6.50) This formula is derived in Chapter 8 by using a different method; see (8.42). A direct verification follows from expanding the integrand by using the binomial theorem and comparing the result with the final line in (6.39). Another interesting pair of integrals is 2 fe cos(n±iH 2 /‘7r sin(n±A)Z P„(COS0) = - —= V .......:2L= dt= - . V -j4=- dt, Jo v2cosf — 2cos0 7Г Jo у 2 cos 0 — 2 cost (6.51) which are known as the Dirichlet-Mehler formula for the Legendre polynomial. A proof can be based on (6.49), by deforming the contour around the circular arc —0 < arg г < 0 of the unit circle. This gives the first formula. The second formula follows from the first one by a simple change of variables: t 7Г — t and 0 tv — 0 and using Pn(cos0) = (—l)nPn(—cos 0). A direct proof of the first formula in (6.51) follows from Laplace’s formula (6.50) by using the change of variables —> t given by ехр(г^) = cos0 ± i sin 0 cos Jr. Initially, the ^—interval [0, тг] is mapped to a path in the complex plane from 0 to —0. This path can be deformed into a real interval. 6.8.3. Some Bounds on Legendre Polynomials Laplace’s formula yields a few simple properties of the Legendre polynomials. First we observe that |Рп(ж)| < 1, -1 < X < 1, n = 0,1,2,..., (6.52) which easily follows from the fact that the maximum modulus of the integrand in Laplace’s integral equals unity. A sharper bound, which is not sharp near the end points x = ±1, follows from observing | cos0 ± 2sin0 cos^|n = |1 — sin2 0sin2 ^|П//2. Hence i |Pn(cos0)| < — [ |1 — sin2 0sin2 ?/;|n/2 dj). к Jo But . 2 л . 2 / 4^2 sin2 0 / 4^2 sin2 0 \ 1 — sin 0 sin2 Jr < 1------5----- < exp--------5---- , 7VZ \ 7VZ J
158 6: Orthogonal Polynomials since sin-0 > 2-0/тг, 0 < -0 < ту7г and 1 — t < exp(—t), t > 0. Thus we obtain |Pn(cos0)| < 2n^2 sin2 0 7t2 2m/>2 sin2 0 \ / d-ф. This gives 1 P f / — 1 < / 1 „ — 1 9 0 у 2n (1 — ж2) ’ — 1 \ JU < x 1, fb — 1, O, . . . . (6.53) 6.8.4. An Asymptotic Expansion as n is Large We use the first Dirichlet-Mehler formula in (6.51) to derive an asymptotic expansion of Pn(cos0) as n —> oo. First we write 1 ?0 Pn(cos 0) = - , ........ = dt. тг J-e \/2cost — 2cos0 (6.54) In fact the above integral can be expanded by using the method of stationary phase, but we prefer a method based on Watson’s lemma. First we choose a different path of integration on which the integral is free of strong oscillations. Consider the integral f f(t)dt, where f is the integrand in (6.54), and the closed contour lies in the upper half plane 9/ > 0. Since f is analytic in > 0 the integral is zero. We choose the contour along the two half lines $lt = ±0, > 0 and the interval ( — 0, 0). It is not difficult to verify that тгл/з Fn( cos 0) = / — 0+ioo -0 cos T — COS 0 Substituting r = — 0 + it, r = 0 + it, and observing that we can take twice the real part of the first integral, we obtain е-г(п+1)0+|™ e-(n+|)f 2 Fn(cos0) = — 7TV 2 5/cos 0(cosh t — 1) -И sin 0 sinh t (6.55) We can apply Watson’s lemma by substituting the expansion ". t ............................ = О-(0)? 2, Co(0) = Д==. д/cos 0(cosh t — 1) + г sin 0 sinh t Vsin0 (6.56) Higher coefficients Q.(0) are complicated expressions and can be computed by standard techniques. However, it is possible to modify this method, and
§ 6.8 Legendre Polynomials 159 to obtain an asymptotic expansion in which the coefficients are available in a simple closed form. It is easily verified that ie~ie cos0(cosh/: — 1) + i sin 0 sinht = iue* sin 0(1 — XuL X = ——-. 2 sin и Substituting this in (6.55), we obtain pn(cos0) = —^=3? е-г[(п+|)й-^] f1 u-2(i-Mp(i-Au)-5<fcz 7TVSin0 Jo That is, we have a new representation of the Legendre polynomials in terms of the hypergeometric function (see 4.4)): Pn (cos 0) = 4n! 7r(3)nV2sin0 3? Ге-*>+1)0-И f(- ДиДл)] . L \2’2’ 2’ /] We can expand the F—function when | A| < 1. It follows that, if 2 sin0 > 1 on [0,7г], that is, if ^7г < 0 < |тг, we have the convergent expansion 4nl y> cos[(n + fc + ^)0- (fc + (|)fc(|)fc (2sin0)fc+5 fc!(n+^V (6.57) Outside the 0—interval [^7r, |тг] this expansion is divergent, but for all 0 € [(О, тг) it has as an asymptotic character as n —> oo. In fact we have 4n! y' cos[(n + fc+ ^)0- (fc+ (2sin0)fc+5 fc!(n+|)fe’ as n —> oo, uniformly for e < 0 < тг — e, where e is a fixed positive number, 0 < e < ^7г. This expansion is given by Stieltjes (1890), who also gave a simple upper bound for the remainder of this asymptotic expansion; see Szego (1975), where many other other asymptotic results for orthogonal polynomials are given. The expansion fails when 0 or 7Г — 0 is small. It is not possible to give an expansion in terms of elementary functions in which 0 may approach 0 or 7Г. In these cases a Bessel function is needed. To see this, we assume that in (6.54) 0 is small. Then t is also small, and we have \/2cos/: — 2cos0 ~ VO2 — t2 . Hence, cos[(n+ |)f] -0 — t2 dt.
160 6: Orthogonal Polynomials Comparing this with the first integral in Exercise 9.12, which reads for v = 0: т / \ 1 У1 COS^ we obtain Pn(cos0) ~ \ Jo [(n + ’ 0 = °(1)- V Sint/ L 2 J The term in front of the Bessel function comes from the limiting form lim 6,2 ~f2 _ 6 t—^0 2 cos t — 2 cos 0 sin 0 ’ Observe that we have not used that n is large. However, the error in the asymptotic relation for Pn(cos0) becomes small when n is large. In fact we can write Pn(cos в) = \ Jo [fn + d + О fn-3/2^ , V smfl L\ 2/J \ / as n oo, where the O—term is uniform with respect to 0 6 [0,7Г — e], e > 0. For this result we again refer to Szego (1975). 6.9. Expansions in Terms of Orthogonal Polynomials We will not give the general theory, but discuss some aspects in connection with the Legendre and Chebyshev polynomials. 6.9.1. An Optimal Result in Connection with Legendre Polynomial Let L2(—1,1) be the class of functions f which are square integrable on [—1,1]. That is: / € L2( —1,1) <=> [/(ж)]2 dx exists and is finite. When we want to approximate a function from L2(—1,1) by a polynomial, then the best choice (with respect to the L2 — norm, that is according to the criterion formulated by (6.60)) is an expansion in terms of Legendre polyno- mials. We assume that for a given f e L2(—1,1) the expansion /(*) = CnPn(x) (6.58) 72=0
§6.9 Expansions in Terms of Orthogonal Polynomials 161 uniformly converges on [—1,1]. Then we can express the coefficients Cn in terms of the sum /(ж). To obtain the coefficients multiply (6.58) by Pm(x) and integrate on [—1,1]. On account of (6.47) we can write cn = (n+b/' ffxjPnfx) dx. (6.59) 2 J-1 Assume that we want to approximate f by a polynomial Jjy; this polynomial can always be written in the form N /n(x) = 52 anPn(x')- n=0 We want to choose fc such that the mean quadratic deviation (6.60) is as small as possible. The claim is that mN is minimal for the choice an = cn. A proof follows from the orthogonality property of the Legendre polyno- mials: N n=0 N an стг n+ c2 °72 n + b 72—0 N The final expression is approximation in the L2—norm minimal n=0 if an an + 2 (an ~ Cn)^ «+ 2 (6.61) n=0 Hence, we find for the best mN=J-1 1 1 c7l- N n=0 where cn are given by (6.59). Observe that the polynomial /yy is just the first part of the infinite series expansion in terms of Legendre polynomials of the function f. As a side result we have from (6.61) Bessel's inequality (6.62) for the coefficients cn of the series expansion in terms of Legendre polynomials of the function f. Compare this with the inequality having the same name in the theory of Fourier series; see Zygmund (1959). In the following theorem we formulate the conditions on f in order that (6.58) is a convergent expansion.
162 6: Orthogonal Polynomials Theorem 6.6. (i) Let f be continuous on [—1,1], with the exception of a finite number of points of discontinuity. (гг) On [—1,1] let the derivative ff exist in the points where f is continuous, and let the left and right derivatives exist in the points where f is not continuous. (iii) Let Cn be given by (6.59). Then the series in (6.58) converges and for — 1 < x < 1 the series is equal to f(x) in the points where f is continuous; the series is equal to the value ^[/(ж + 0) + f(x — 0)] in the points where f is not continuous. For a proof we refer to Nikiforov & Uvarov (1988), where a proof is given for more general orthogonal systems. When f and all its derivatives exist on [—1,1] formula (6.59) for the co- efficient cn can be modified. By applying the Rodrigues formula (6.20) one obtains, after integrating by parts n times, ^ = 1^?dx' (6’63) Example 6.2. Consider the function /(ж) = егах, — 1 < x < 1, with a € C. We determine the coefficients cn in the expansion (6.58). The n—th derivative of f is given by f(n\x) = (iayne'iax. Hence, using (6.63) for the coefficients cn we obtain Cn = eiax x2)n dx- From the Poisson integral in Exercise 9.12 we derive that cn can be written in terms of a Bessel function. So we find the result (Bauer (1859) I- CXD = Е(2П+1г^+,ыр„(г). v n=0 (6.64) An application of this result will be given in §10.3.2. 6.9.2. Numerical Aspects of Chebyshev Polynomials As follows from formula (6.42), an expansion in terms of Chebyshev polyno- mials is in fact a Fourier series. That is, let f have the expansion /(®) = |co + E cM*), -i < ^ < i, cn = - L dX. 2 n^l 77 J-1 V1 ~ x2 (6.65)
§6.9 Expansions in Terms of Orthogonal Polynomials 163 Then we can also write 1 2 Г /(cos#) = -CO + / Cncosn0, 0 < 0 < 7Г, Cn = — /(cos0) cosnO dO. 2 n=l * J° (6.66) Hence, several methods and techniques from Fourier theory, for instance, the discrete Fourier transform and the fast Fourier transform, can be used to evaluate the coefficients cn. For details and useful information on Chebyshev expansions we refer to Luke (1969), (1975), Rivlin (1990), Fox & Parker (1968), Clenshaw (1962), Clenshaw & Picken (1966), and Nemeth (1992). For the discrete and fast techniques see, for instance, Oppenheim & Schafer (1975). Chebyshev expansions are used very frequently in numerical algorithms for special functions. In general the convergence is very fast. When using the truncated expansion fn(x) = |cq + ck^k{xY the error max |/(ж)-/п(ж)| is only slightly larger than the error in the best approximation (in the Cheby- shev sense). For details see Rivlin (1990). Various methods have been devel- oped for computing the coefficients cn in Chebyshev expansions. Quadrature methods are not the only tool for computing the coefficients (although the quadrature methods can be based on fast algorithms and may efficiently pro- duce the coefficients). See Clenshaw (1962) or Luke (1969) for methods based on differential equations. Many special functions obey a linear (second) order differential equation with polynomial coefficients in which a Chebyshev expansion of the solution can be substituted. In this way recurrence relations for the coefficients can be obtained. Example 6.3. Let /(ж) = 1/(ж + a) with а > 1. Then (x + d)ff = — f. Considering the expansion in (6.65) we can write /х(ж) = dnTn(x) where the relation between cn and cfn is given by c^_x = + 2ncn, (n > 1). Verify this, for instance by observing that 2 JTn(x) dx = Tn+±(x)/(n + 1) — Тп_1(ж)/(п — l),(n > 1). From the differential equation (and the relation xTn(x) — ^[Тп_1(ж) + Тп_|_1(ж)]) we obtain the recurrence relation — Cn = acn + + cn+i)- Writing this relation with n replaced with n + 2, and subtracting these two relations, the coefficients dn can be eliminated, and we obtain cn_^2 + 2ncn_^i + cn = 0. A solution of this recursion is obtained by writing cn = c\n. It follows that A = д/а2 — 1 — a. The value of c can be obtained by observing that Tn(l) = 1, and that, hence, l/(a + 1) =
164 6: Orthogonal Polynomials ^c+ An, giving с = 2/д/а2 — 1 • It follows that {OO Л i + £ [v'^T - «]” ЗД . «>1. -!<*<!. 72=1 ) The expansion holds also for certain complex values of x and n, but we have to be careful with selecting the square root when a is complex. 6.10. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 6.1. An excellent reference for this chapter is Szego (1974). Many new books have been written since this classic. For instance, Freud (1971), Rivlin (1990) and Chihara (1978). Interesting conference proceedings are Brezinski (1985) and Nevai (1990). 6.2. Several computational aspects of orthogonal polynomials and of Gauss- type quadrature rules are treated in Gautschi (1990), (1994). These papers also discuss methods for obtaining recursion coefficients an,bn,cn of (6.6) in the case of non-classical weight functions. The representations of these coeffi- cients as given in Theorem 6.1 are not always suitable for obtaining numerical values. In §13.3, Example 9, the stability of the recurrence relation of the Jacobi polynomials (with respect to numerical evaluation of the polynomials) is discussed. 6.3. Many new results on asymptotic approximations for classical orthogo- nal polynomials have been obtained since Szegd’s book. Van Assche (1987) considers general orthogonal polynomials. For uniform asymptotic estimates for classical orthogonal polynomials, see, for instance, Frenzen & Wong (1985) for Jacobi polynomials (generalization of Hilb’s formula), and Fren- zen & Wong (1988) and Temme (1990) for Laguerre polynomials. Temme (1989) gives estimates for the classical polynomials in terms of other classical polynomials. Frenzen & Wong (1985) also gives estimates for the zeros of the Jacobi polynomials for large values of the order. 6.4. Present research in orthogonal polynomials is often in terms of q—ortho- gonal polynomials; see Askey & Wilson (1985) and Gasper & Rahman (1990). A few definitions of q—functions are given in §5.9.1 of the previous chapter with references to the literature. 6.11. Exercises and Further Examples 6.1. Determine the coefficients an, bn, cn of the recurrence relation for the Jacobi polynomials given in §6.4. Warning: the relations given after (6.6) are
§6.11 Exercises and Further Examples 165 for orthonormal polynomials. It is better to proceed as follows. First observe that from the recurrence relation follows that an is given by an = lim x—>oo (*) Рп°’/3) (я)’ and use (6.36) to compute this limit. Next use the values of (ж) at x = 1 and x = — 1 (see (6.19)) for determining bn and cn. 6.2. Verify with the help of Exercise 6.1 and (6.37) the recurrence relation (n + 1)рп+1(ж) = 2(n + rfxpn(x) - (n + 27 - 1)рп_1(ж) for the Gegenbauer polynomials. Derive from this the generating function (6.45) by introducing G(x,t) = with рп(я) = С^(ж). We have 00 00 _. = У2 npn(a?)tn-1 = + l)pn+it” n=0 n=0 00 = 52 i2(n+- («+27 - i>n-i (*)]<". n=0 Verify that this yields dG n „ dG n „ <.dG — = 2yxG + 2xt— - 2ytG dt dt dt This gives the differential equation £ dG _ 27(ж - t) G dt 1 — 2xt +t2 With the initial conditions G(#,0) = 1, and we again arrive at (6.45). 6.3. Give a direct proof of (6.46) based on the Rodrigues formula (6.20). For that purpose write n! Г (l-CT 2m J «-жун-1 where the contour of integration is a circle with center x.
166 6: Orthogonal Polynomials 6.4. Prove the contiguous relations (x) = ±(Bn + (x) An (1 - x2^ ±P<^ (ж) -n[a- /3- Anx]P^a^ (ж) + 2(n + a)(n + /3)P^“’f^ (ж), f1 - x2} ^-PnQ'll3> (ж) = [a - /3 + (An + 2')x]Pn°‘’^ (ж) -tjn -г i \ / ax -2(n + l)P^ (ж), |(1 + ж)рД1’/3+1) (x) = P^a+1^ (x) - P^ (x), 2P^} (x) = (1 - ж)Р^+1>/3) (x) + (1 + x)P^+1) (ж), where Атт, = 2n + q + /3, Bn = n + q + (3. To prove the results you may use values at x = ±1, see (6.19); use kn, given in Exercise 6.1, for determining the coefficient of the highest ж—power. Also, show that for x e (—1,1) 2n f (1 - t/)a(l + y^P^1'^ (y) dy = (1 - ж)а+1(1 + x)/3+1Pr^“^1’/3+1) (ж). Jx For Laguerre polynomials we have J-L^(x) = -L“ti(z) = 1 [nL®(x) - (n + a^-^x)] CLX X 6.5. Prove the orthogonality relation for the Laguerre polynomials [ xae~xL(^{x)L(^n{x)dx = + 6nm, n, m = 0,1,2,... . Jo n- First show that, when > 0, >0, n = 0,1, 2,..., а —их га/ \ j — a — 1 + <^ + 1) /— 1\П / xae vxL*(x}dx = a a 1 —----------------- ----- Jo n! V M / by substituting (6.40). Next, multiply both sides of (6.43) by xae~xL^x), and integrate with respect to x. We give another proof. Consider the relation
§6.11 Exercises and Further Examples 167 OO OO z»OO £ £ / [xU^L^dx] sntm n=0 m=Q /•oo a —sx/(l — s)—tx/(l—t)—x - / ______________________dx ~J0 (l-s)«+l(l-t)«+l лх' which follows from (6.43). The right-hand side equals Г (a + 1)(1 — st)~a~\ 6.6. From (6.43) it follows that we have the representation where C is a circle around the origin with radius less than 1. Expand the exponential function in powers of x and verify formula (6.40). 6.7. Verify that ^n(^) = n| 22n+1 )’ Ln = n\ 22n )• A different way of writing this interesting relation between Laguerre and Her- mite polynomials reads: Я2„(х) = (-l)n22nn! L“^ (ж2) , H2n+1(x) = (-1)п22п+1п!хЦ (a:2) . Verify with the help of Exercise 6.5 that f00 2 / e x Hn(x)Hm(x)dx = у/к2пп\6т^ J — oo 6.8. Prove that 2n f°° 2 Hn(x) = —/ (х-\-И)пе~1 dt J — OO by verifying that the right-hand side satisfies the recurrence relation for the Hermite polynomials. Then, with the help of (6.44), give a proof of the bilinear generating function for Hermite polynomials V Hn(x)Hn(y) ( ,2}n _ 1 Г2xyz-(x2+y2)z2'\ 2- n\ <Z'Z} “д/1^2 P l-z2 ’ |Z|<i- 72=0 6.9. Verify that, by applying the transformation that yields (4.8), the differential equation of Hermite (6.34) becomes U" + (2n + 1 - x2')U = 0, U(x) = e~x^2Hn(x\
168 6: Orthogonal Polynomials Denote the zeros of the n—th Hermite polynomial byrri < x\ < ••• < xn. The function Uf has inside the interval exactly n — 1 zeros. Since U(x) tends to zero as ж —> dzoo, Uf has outside the interval (#i,#n) two extra zeros. Observe that U'(x) = e~P/2[H'(z) - xHn(x)], a polynomial of degree n + 1 multiplied by an exponential function. Hence U' has exactly n + 1 real zeros. By a similar reasoning it follows that Un(x) has exactly n + 2 real zeros, of which two zeros are located outside (ж1,жп). However, U"(x) = (x2 — 2n — 1) e~x t2Hn(x). Verify that this leads to the conclusion that the zeros of Hn(x) satisfy the inequalities \xfc\ < \/2n + 1, к = 1, 2,..., n. 6.10. Verify, by taking limits in each term of the polynomial on the left- hand side lim 7“n/2^H^7) = ~Mx). 7~>OO n\ Other interesting results are: lim P^ (1 - 2x/(3) = L%(x), /З^оо which follows from taking termwise limits in (6.35). In Chapter 7 a limiting process is discussed in which a 1F1— function is obtained as a certain limit of a 2^1— function. The above relation between the Jacobi polynomial and the Laguerre polynomial is closely connected with this more general process. The weight function of the Jacobi polynomial also transforms to that of the Laguerre polynomial. Let x = 1 — 2£//3; then, as /3 —> 00, nce-|-/3 na-|-/3 (1 - <(1 + xf = — Щ - t/pf ~ — t^. Verify the following interesting limits: lim pnQ,/3) (*) = (lim pna’^ W = P^ (1) \ 2 / ’ pfr*’® (-1) v 2 / showing that the zeros of the Jacobi polynomial tend to —1 when a is large, and to +1 when /3 is large. The zeros of (ж) tend to zero when both
§6.11 Exercises and Further Examples 169 parameters a, /3 (with fixed ratio a//3) tend to infinity. Prove the special case for the Gegenbauer polynomials: lim 7—>00 C^x) 02(1) 6.11. Prove the orthogonality relation for Jacobi polynomials f Pna'l3) (ж) (1 - x)a(l + x)P dx = 2a+^+1 Г(п + а + 1)Г(п + /? + 1)^ 2n + а + /3 + 1 Г(п + 1) Г(п + а + /3 + 1) 1 Base the proof on the Rodrigues formula by using (6.17) with к = n. Show that the left-hand side of (6.17) then equals (—l)nn! y* w(x) (1 — ж2) dx. Use also kn from Exercise 6.1. 6.12. Prove that 2n (a;) = п!Г(2п + а + 1) (а,-1/2) / 2 _ < (2п)!Г(п + а + 1) n к п!Г(2п + a + 2) „(a,1/2) (2n + 1)! Г(п + a + 1)X n (2x2 - 1) . For a proof of the first relation it is sufficient to verify that ( p(a’ 1/2) (2x2 - 1) xk (1 - a;2)“ dx = 0, к = 0,1,..., 2n - 1. This is trivial when к is odd. Complete the proof for к even by first reducing the interval of integration to [0,1] and then replacing x by y/(t +l)/2. A similar method can be used for the second relation. The constants in front of the Jacobi polynomials can be derived from (6.19). For the second rela- tion you can also use Exercise 5.8; an analogous proof of the first relation is possible when you first derive a similar quadratic transformation for the hypergeometric function. 6.13. Show that for m = 0,1, 2,... |m/2j xm = rn'.2~m^ 52 fc=0 m — 2k + | k\ Г(т — к + |) Pm—2k(.x\ p(«,«) (r\ _ *2n+1 W ~
170 6: Orthogonal Polynomials 6.14. Expand the function /(®) = | J’ if if — 1 < x < 0; 0 < x < 1. into a series of Legendre polynomials on the interval [—1,1]. Determine the sum of the series at x = 0. 6.15. Expand the functions /(ж) = \/l — x and /(ж) = ln(l — x) on the in- terval [—1,1] into series of Legendre polynomials. Investigate the convergence of the series at x = ±1. 6.16. Let Pn be the class of all polynomials having degree n, with coefficient of xn equal to unity. Show that j P2(x)dx, P&Pn is minimal for 2n(n!)2 (2n)! Pn(ar). 6.17. Prove the generating functions for Chebyshev polynomials exz cos z C2' Un(x) = sinzVl - a;2 (n + 1)! гд/1 — ж2 by substituting x = cos#; see (6.42). Both series converge and represent their sums for all complex values of x and z. 6.18. Verify the multiplication formula for Laguerre polynomials: TO*) = £ C + f) Afc(1 - xr~km \ Tl К / fc=0 4 7 by replacing £^(ж) by representation (6.40) and interchanging the two sum- mations.
7 Confluent Hypergeometric Functions The functions of this chapter are also called Kummer functions or Whit- taker functions, and several kinds of notations are in fashion; a subclass can be denoted as 1F1 hypergeometric functions. Anyhow, the confluent hyper- geometric functions constitute an important class with many applications in physics and probability theory. Special cases are exponential integrals, er- ror functions, incomplete gamma functions (chi-square probability functions), Fresnel integrals, Hermite and Laguerre polynomials, Coulomb wave func- tions, parabolic cylinder functions, and Bessel functions. For instance, the Coulomb wave functions are the solutions of the non- relativistic Coulomb wave equation d2w dp2 + л(А + 1)1,„ = о, P2 277 P and it describes the radial variation of the scattering states of the two charges interacting, with positive energy, by means of the Coulomb potential, Ze2/r. The quantity p = Zol/(3 is the Sommerfeld parameter, which determines the strength of the interaction, Ze2 is the charge product (of either sign), e is the charge on the positron, a is the fine-structure constant, and (3 = v/с is the relative velocity of the charges in terms of the speed of light. The dimensionless independent variable p is kr, where the wave number к is given in terms of the reduced mass M, and Planck’s constant h — Д/(2тг), as к = Mv/Ть. The solution in nuclear and atomic physics usually requires solutions for real p , positive p and integer A = L (the angular momentum number). The equation has two solutions, denoted by F\(p,p) and G\(rpp), which are regular and irregular, respectively, at the origin p = 0, and which behave asymptotically as circular functions, Fx(ri,p) ~ sin0A, Gx(ri,p) ~ cos0A, p oo, 171
172 1: Confluent Hypergeometric Functions where = P - 7?ln(2p) - |Л7Г + <TA, <ta = argT(A + 1 + г?у); <j\ is called the Coulomb phase shift. In §7.3.2 we give the relations between the confluent hypergeometric func- tions and the Coulomb wave functions. These functions are (when we consider p, p and A as general complex variables) no special cases, but equivalent to the confluent hypergeometric functions (or Kummer functions, or Whittaker functions). 7.1. The M-function Let us recall the differential equation of the Gauss hypergeometric functions: z(l - z)F" + [c-(a + b + V)z]Ff - abF = 0. (7-1) From the theory of Chapters 4 and 5 it follows that z = 0,z = l,z = oo are regular singular points and the theory confirms the possibility of power series expansions around these points. The relevant indicial equation is p(p— 1+c) = 0. Indeed, we find independent solutions, unless c is an integer. The confluent hypergeometric function arises when two of the regular sin- gular points of (7.1) are allowed to merge into one singular point. Formally this process runs as follows. The hypergeometric function F (a, 6; c; z/6) has a regular singular point at z = b. We define M(a, c, z) = lim F (a, b; c; z/b). (7-2) Using the power series (5.3) of the F—function we can compute the limit termwise, since we know lim = 1. b—>oo bn The result is In the series a, c and z may assume any finite complex value, with the excep- tion c = 0, —1, —2,.... Performing the same limit in (7.1) we obtain the differential equation | zF" + (c — z')F' — aF = 0. | (7-4)
§7.1 The M—function 173 This equation is called the Kummer differential equation. The function in (7.3) is called a Kummer function (Kummer (1836), (1837)). It is not difficult to verify that (7.3) satisfies (7.4). Applying the above limiting process on (see (5.5)) F(n, 6; c; z) = (1 — z)~bF (c — a, b; c; — we obtain the useful functional relation for the M—function Af (n, c, z) = ezM(c — n, c, —z). (7.5) A second solution of (7.4), which will usually be independent of (7.3), can be obtained through the second solution in (5.9). Using the above limiting process we obtain a function of the form z^Mta- c+1,2- c,z). (7.6) Finally, applying the limiting process on the integral representation (5.4), we obtain for Fee > > 0 M(a, c, z) = -- f1 e^t^l - dt. Г(а)Г(с-0) Л V ’ (7-7) A more general variant of this integral representation is given in Exercise 4.7. Observe that the relation in (7.5) follows from this integral by letting t 1 — t. Considering Kummer’s equation (7.4) in the light of the theory of Chapter 4, we distinguish two singular points: z = 0 and z = oo. The indicial equation of the regular singular point z = 0 reads //(/i+c—1) = 0. When c is an integer we obtain, just as for the Gauss functions, for one of the solutions logarithmic terms in the power series expansions near the origin. This time the singularity at z = oo is not regular. Hence we cannot expect convergent series in powers of 1/z. Apparently, by the above limiting process described in (7.2) the two regular singular points in z = b and z = oo are transferred into a singular point at oo, which is not regular. For z = 0 the theory is applicable and does not give new perspectives. From (7.3) it follows that Af (n, c, z) is a hypergeometric function (as in- troduced earlier in (5.29)) with p = q = 1. Hence Af(a,c, z) =iF’i(a;c;z). From this point of view the confluent hypergeometric functions can be intro- duced without reference to the limiting process in (7.2). The function in (7.3)
174 7: Confluent Hypergeometric Functions is an entire function of z and has (7.7) as an integral representation. This can be derived directly from (7.7) by expanding the exponential function exp(z£) and by using the representation of the beta integral in (3.2). With the help of Theorem 2.2 from Chapter 2 (and possibly invoking the principle of analytic continuation) we can then confirm the relation between (7.3) and (7.7) for > 0, 5t(c- a) > 0. Writing (7.7) in the form M(a,C,z) = У z (7 g) Г(а)Г(с —a) Jo we recognize a Laplace integral, on a finite interval. We can apply Watson’s lemma (Theorem 2.3) to obtain the asymptotic behavior of the M—function for large values of |z|. We substitute in (7.8) the power series (1 - t^-1 = n=0 П' and we obtain the asymptotic expansion м(«,с,г) ~ г(ТГ e Г(п) n\ (7.9) which is valid in the sector | argz| < ^7r. In Exercise 7.7 this limited range will be extended. As remarked earlier (see (7.6)) we can write the general solution of the Kummer differential equation (7.4) in the form: F(z) = AM (a, c, z) + Bz1~cM(a - c + 1,2 - с, г), (7.10) at least when c is not an integer. The behavior of F as z 0 is clear. As z —> oo it is more complicated. Using (7.9) we find F(z) 4Г(е) , R Г(2 —с) 1 (c-<(!-< Г(а) r(a-c+l)J n! zn z oo. Surprisingly, a special choice of A and В (A, В may not depend on z) allows the expansion to completely vanish. This does not mean that, when A and В satisfy + B Г(а) Г(2-с) Г(а-с+1) = 0, (7-11)
§7.2 The U —function 175 the function F will vanish identically. When (7.11) holds we expect that F is a solution of lower order at -boo. It does not behave as ez times an algebraic function. In other words, when we take in (7.10) A and В as in (7.11), we arrive at a solution of (7.4) that is independent of both M—functions in (7.10). In the following section we will bring out this solution without reference to the previous considerations. 7.2. The [/-function We try to find a solution of (7.4) in the form y(jz) = e dt J a and we use the method of §4.4 to determine a, (3 and v. In the present case the operator Mt is given by wq = — (ct + a), = — t2 — t. The adjoint reads du M*[«]=t(f + 1)—+ [(2-c)t + (l-e)]v. A solution of the equation M* [u] = 0 is given by v(i) = i“-1(t + l)c-a-1. This gives the occasion for introducing the following standard solution of the Kummer differential equation: U(a, c, z) = —[ e ztta 1(l + ^)c a 1 dt, rW JO (7.12) where we assume that > 0, > 0. The reciprocal gamma function in front of the integral is chosen for normalization and on account of convention. An application of Watson’s lemma indeed leads to the conclusion that U(a, c, z) has the aforementioned asymptotic behavior of lower order. Ex- panding the integrand of (7.12) according to }c—a— 1 _ c~^^n^.n n=0 П’ we obtain the asymptotic expansion for the U—function U(a, c, z) z oo. (7-13) According to Theorem 2.4, (7.13) holds for | argz| < Зтг/2.
176 7: Confluent Hypergeometric Functions We verify that indeed the U—function can be written in the form (7.10). The proper values are obtained by taking into account (7.11) and the behavior at z = 0. Let < 1; then by (7.12) 1 Г00 A = I7(a, c, 0) = —- / «“"Vl + f)c-a-1 dt, Г(а) JO giving (see Exercise 3.3) r(l-c) Г(а-с+1) and subsequently The result is U(a,c,z) = ~ ч M(a, с, г) + Г^ ~ z1~cM(a-c+l, 2-c, z). (7.14) Г(п — c + 1) T(n) This solution has a meaning for all values of г, a and c with the exception of the point z = 0; in general C7(a, c, z) is singular at z = 0. Observe that U is defined at the points c = 0, —1, —2,...; see (7.12). The M—function itself is not defined at these c—values. We have for M (a, c, z) the alternative (7.6). Has the U—function a similar alternative? To answer the question we use the differential equation (7.4). It can be verified that z1-cC7(a — c + 1,2 — c, z) is also a solution. This should be a linear combination of two by now available solutions. In this linear combination no M—function can occur, because of the behavior of this function at infinity. The asymptotic behavior of the U—function given in (7.13) thus gives the remarkable functional relation for the U—function (7-15) U(a,c, z) = z1 cU(a — c + 1, 2 — c, z). This relation can be verified directly by using (7.14). The right-hand side of (7.14) takes an undefined form when c is an integer number. A limiting process, in which both terms of the right-hand side in (7.14) should be involved, yields however a well-defined result. This is also confirmed by the theory of Chapter 4. When c € TL the power series expansion of the U—function will contain logarithmic terms. We have for n = 0,1, 2,... U(a,n + l,z) = - /—? \м(а,п + l,z) In z nl Г(а - n) L + 12 Т’ТГТГ—i x _ + m) - ’/'(I + n + m)}l (n - 1)! -n у-'1 (а-п)та zm. r(a)
§7.5 Special Cases and Further Relations 177 (n — 1)! is to be interpreted as zero when n = 0. For negative values of n we can use (7.15) in the form U(a, 1 — n, z) = znU(a + n, 1 + n, z). Observe that (7.14) can be used for the analytic continuation with respect to z of the U—function. The M—functions in (7.14) are entire functions of z and the singularity of U comes from z1-c. When it is required to use the U—function for negative values of $fcz it is convenient to specify the phase of z. By (7.14) and (7.5), ezU(a, с, ze±7rz) = — a, c, z) v ’ ’ 7 Г(а-с+1) v ’ ’ 7 + ~a,2-c, z). 1 \a) It is also possible to express the M—function in terms of certain U—functions. Replacing in the above relation a with c — a we obtain ezU(c - a, c, ze±vi) = M(a, c, z) Г(1 — a) + ffi-~ + a - c, 2 - c, z). Г(с — a) Eliminating M(1 + a — c, 2 — c, z) from this relation and (7.14), we find after some algebra i p±7ri(c-a) z л e^ia адc’г> = ~rw~л/ (c“ c’“ ") + ададuia-с’г>- (7-16) This formula can be used to extend the range of the asymptotic parameter z in (7.9); see Exercise 7.7. 7.3. Special Cases and Further Relations Many well-known special functions can be expressed in terms of the confluent hypergeometric functions. An elementary example is the exponential function: M(a, a, z) = ez. In this section we give the most important special cases. In Chapter 11 special attention will be paid to the error functions and incomplete gamma functions.
178 7: Confluent Hypergeometric Functions 7.3.1. Whittaker Functions In the literature an alternative pair for the confluent hypergeometric functions is given, called the Whittaker functions. The definitions are MK^z) = e~^zz^+p,M + /2 - к;, 1 + 2/2,2^ , _1 14. /1 4 (7-17) WKt/j,(z) = e 2zz?+llU + ц - к, 1 + 2ц,z) . They satisfy the Whittaker equation ( 1 2 \ w" + I -i + - + 4 V I w = 0. (7.18) \ 4 z Z2 / This equation follows from the Kummer equation (7.4) by applying the trans- formation that yields (4.8). It is useful to know that a differential equation of the form „ az2 + bz + c w 4---------5------w = 0 z2 has solutions which can be expressed in terms of Whittaker functions, and hence, by using the above relations, in terms of Kummer functions. 7.3.2. Coulomb Wave Functions The differential equation + [1-^ p A(A + 1) p2 (7-19) w = 0 is a special form of (7.18) but deserves special attention. As we mentioned in the introduction to this chapter, it plays an important part in physics, in particular in quantum mechanics as a form of the Schrodinger equation in a central Coulomb field. The solutions of (7.19) are called Coulomb wave func- tions, and are usually denoted by F\(p,p), G\(p,p). We give the relations with the Kummer functions: Тд(т7,р) — AM(A + 1 — ip, 2A + 2,lip), G\(p,p) = iF\(p,p) +iBU(X + l - ip, 2A + 2,2ip), _ |Г(А + 1 + i7?)|e-’r?'/2-V(2p)A+1 2Г(2Л + 2) В _ е7Т77/2+А7гг-гсгл-гр^2р)л+1? а\ = argT(A + 1 + ip) (the Coulomb phase shift). The functions F\(p, p) and G\(p, p) are real for real values of p, p > 0, A > 0. This certainly does not follow directly from the above definitions, considering
§7.5 Special Cases and Further Relations 179 the many complex parameters in the definitions. For Fx(rpp), however, this result follows directly from (7.5). The quantities A and В in the above definitions are chosen such that behave asymptotically as circular functions, F\(P,P) ~sin0A, Gx(r],p) ~ cos 0x, p -> oo, where See Exercise 7.11. 0Д = P - pln(2p) - |Лтг + <TA. 7.3.3. Parabolic Cylinder Functions The solutions of the differential equation y" + (z2 +pz + q^y = ft are called parabolic cylinder functions or Weber parabolic cylinder functions. Another standard form is y" - (a+^2)y = 0. (7.20) There are no finite singular points. Hence, all solutions are entire functions of г. It is straightforward to verify that the following even and odd solutions exist: \2 4’2’2 ) \ 2 4’2’ 2 /’ \2 4’ 2’ 2 J 4 2 4’2’2/ Although the Wronskian of this pair equals 1, this is not a satisfactory pair (see Miller (1952b)). For instance, y± and y2 have almost the same behavior at infinity. A better pair is defined by writing combinations of г/i, г/2: C7(a, z) = х/тг 2 1//4 a/2 У1 r(| + ^) У%У2 г(1ч) = 2 3/4 a/2e 4г2 z U (- + -z2) , \4 2’2’2 / ’ (7-21) V(a, z) = —Г f- + a') [sin7ra U(a, z) + U(a, —z)]. 7Г \2 7 The Wronskian of the pair [7, V equals д/2/тг. In the notation of Whittaker we have Dv(z) = U (—v — г). When a = —1/2, —3/2, —5/2,... the Hermite polynomials arise: Hn(z) = 2^ne^u(-n- ^V2) = 2^ne^2 Dn(zV2). (7.22) In Exercise 7.9 integral representations for U(a, z) are given.
180 7: Confluent Hypergeometric Functions 7.3.4. Error Functions The error functions are considered in more detail in Chapter 11, because of their importance in statistics and probability theory. The definitions are 2 / _/2 2 / _/2 erf z = —=r / e 1 dt, exicz = 1 — erfz = —= / e 1 dt. Jo Jz (7.23) The relations with the Kummer functions are г „л- /1 3 о A r —г2тг/1 1 2 A erf z = zM ( — z1 I , erfcz = e U(-.-,z2]. \2’ 2’ / ’ \2’2’ 7 7.3.5. Exponential Integrals The exponential integrals are defined for n = 1,2,... by (7.24) The relation with the U—function is E'n(z) = e~zU (1,2 — n,z) = zn~^e~zU(n,n,z), which follows from (7.12) and (7.15). The latter gives (7-25) from (7.12) and (7.15). The latter gives -n—lp — Z roo — ztj.n— 1 * / \ dt, Kz > 0. 0 When n = 1 one usually writes This function is also written as — Ei(—z). For real values of z = x it is more convenient to define where for x > 0 the integral should be interpreted as a Cauchy principal value integral. The logarithmic integral follows from writing \ fxdt , h(x) = 7- -— = EiQnx). Jo
§7.5 Special Cases and Further Relations 181 Figure 7.1. The sine and cosine integrals Si(rc), Ci(or), 0 < x < 8. The function li(x) is related to the asymptotic distribution of prime numbers. For complex values of the argument it is more convenient to take as defi- nition of the Ei—function: Ei(z) = —егС7(1,1, —z), | arg(—z)| < тг. Obviously, the parameter n in (7.24) may assume any complex value, whereas (7.24) is valid only if №n > 0. The sine and cosine integrals are defined by sinf , -----dt, t Ci(z) = 7 + Inz + cos t — 1 , --------dt, t where 7 = —Г'(1) (Euler’s constant; see also (3.8)). The integrals represent entire functions of z. In Exercises 7.1 and 7.2 more representations of these functions are given. The graphs of the sine and cosine integrals are given in Figure 7.1. The sine integral can be used to describe the Gibbs phenomenon. To explain this consider the Fourier series 1 = — (sin x + - sin 3x + - sin 5x + ... 7Г \ 3 5
182 1: Confluent Hypergeometric Functions with 0<ж<тг,п = 0,1,2,.... Denote the partial sum of the series by sin(2fc + 1)ж 2Г+1 It is not difficult to show (for example by using induction with respect to n) that sin 2nt 1 ------dt smt which we write using the sine integral in the form Sn(x) = - Si(2nz) + Rn(x), where 2 Гх / 1 1\ RnM = — sin2nf —---------------] dt. TV Jq \smf t J For large values of n we have Rn(x) = (9(l/n), uniformly with respect to x in closed intervals of [0,7г) (this can be shown by integrating by parts). As follows from Exercises 7.2-7.3, the quantity ^Si(2ra) approaches 1 as n —> 00 when ж is a fixed positive number. Hence, the Fourier series converges, because the partial sums of the Fourier series approach 1 when n becomes large. But Si(&) has maxima at x = 7г, Зтг, 5тг,... and 2 2 /*^" sin t — Si(2mr) = — I ------dt = 1.089490 ... 71 Jq t when x = 7r/(2n). So, when n is large, Sn(x) is not uniformly close to 1 at the right of the origin. The maximal ’’overshooting” value of approximately 1.089490... at ж = тг/(2п), and smaller overshootings at x = Зтг/(2п), 5тг/(2п),..., is the famous Gibbs phenomenon, and it occurs also in the Fourier expansions of other discontinuous functions; see Zygmund (1959). Since the Sn(x) are odd functions of ж, a similar situation occurs in the left-hand neighborhood of x = 0, where Sn(x) tends to — 1 as n —> 00 with x fixed. In Figure 7.2 we give the details near the origin of the partial sum Sn(x) with n = 250. 7.3.6. Fresnel Integrals The Fresnel integrals are C(z) = / cost2 dt, S(z) = / sinf2df. (7.26)
§7.5 Special Cases and Further Relations 183 Figure 7.2. The graph of Sn(x), n = 250, —0.1 < x < 0.1 showing the Gibbs phenomenon. The t2 in the circular functions suggests a relation with the error functions. Indeed we have: x , .Q( x 1 + г (l-i)z C(z) +iS(z) = —erf . Auxiliary functions are /(z) = [| - S(z)] cos Z2 - [| - C(z)] sin z2, 5(2) = - S(z)] sin z2 + [i - C(z)] cos z2. On inverting these, we obtain С'(г) = I + /U) Sin(z2) - #(z) cos(z2), S(z) = ^ - /(z) cos(z2) - g(z) sin(z2). These representations of S(z) and C(z) describe precisely how C(z) and S(z) behave for large values of z. The fact is that the functions f and g are slowly varying and monotonic (when z > 0). To show this we first observe that S(+oo) = C(+oo) = (use Exercise 3.18). Then it easily follows that G(z) := = ^e~lz2 У dt- Observe that G vanishes at +00. Next consider the function x/2 f°° p-z2*2 H(z) := — / ----dt, 5Rz2 > 0. 7Г Jo t ~ г
184 7: Confluent Hypergeometric Functions This function satisfies the equation and H vanishes at +oo (verify this by using Watson’s lemma). Hence H(z) = G(z). Separating real and imaginary parts in the above integral representation of H(z) we find for z > 0: 1 Г 00 p~z2t 1 roo ./+P-Z2t f(z) = ~~7=r / ------ dt, g(z) = dt. nV? Jo Vi (t2 +1) ^V^ Jo (*2 +1) These representations hold for $lz2 > 0, and are useful for deriving asymptotic expansions for large values of z (Watson’s lemma can be used). In diffraction theory one uses the Fresnel integral From the above formulas we infer that F(z) = [g(z) + if(z)]eiz2. The Fresnel integrals C(t), S(t),t > 0 are known to form Cornu’s spiral. Let the set {x(t),y(t),t} be defined by x(t) = C(t), y(t) = S(t), t > 0. Then the set {x(t), y(t)} is called Cornu’s spiral, which is visualized in Fig- ure 7.3. In fact Cornu’s spiral is the projection of the cork-screw in the {x, y}—plane. The spiral has a very special property. Let P = P(x, y) be any point on the projected spiral. The curvature K(x,y) at P, that is, ,2 Г /Л \ 21-3/2 T^z x a 7/ _ (dy\ K(x,y) = 2 1 + ( 3“ ) dxz \dx J is directly proportional to the arc length L(x, y) between the origin and point P, that is, y^ = io 1 + d^' We verify this by computing dy dy dt dx dt dx = tan£2.
§7.5 Special Cases and Further Relations 185 Figure 7.3. Cornu’s spiral, formed from Fresnel integrals, is the set {C(t\S(t\t}, t >0. Hence, the arc length at P equals L(x,y) = Г -^2 = Л f dt = tJi. Jo COS*2 V Jo V 7r Next, d? у d \dy d x2 dx dx d г o'] dt = — tan*2 —- dt L J dx tV^TT cos3 *2 Hence, the curvature at P equals K(x, y) = tV^Tr. It follows that the ratio K(x, y)/L(x, y) at any point P(x, y) of Cornu’s spiral equals 7Г. 7.3.7. Incomplete Gamma Functions In Chapter 11 we give more details on incomplete gamma functions. The definitions are For 7(a, г) we assume the condition Jto > 0; with respect to z we assume | arg г| < 7Г. In probability theory these functions show up in connection with the gamma distribution. In this area of applications the normalizations ?(«,*) Г(а) ’ P(a, z) = Q(a, z) = Г(а, z) r(«)
186 1: Confluent Hypergeometric Functions are frequently used, which satisfy P(a, z) + Q(a, z) = 1. The relations with the Kummer functions are as follows: 7(a, z) = a~1zae~zM(l, a + 1, z) = a~1zaM(a, a + 1, —г), Г(а, z) = zae~zU(l, a + Cz) = e~zU(). — a, 1 — a,z). 7.3.8. Bessel Functions Bessel functions arise when in M(a, c, z) and U(a, c,z) the parameters satisfy c = 2a. Bessel functions will be treated in Chapter 9. Two important relations are e- M i + 1,2iz) , 1 l I/ JL J \ z / Kv(z) = у/тг e~z (2z)" U (v + 2v + 1,2г) . The latter is a modified Bessel function. 7.3.9. Orthogonal Polynomials The Hermite and Laguerre polynomials introduced in the previous chapter are special cases of the confluent confluent hypergeometric functions. For the Laguerre polynomials, see Exercise 7.10. 7.4. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 7.1. The books of Buchholtz (1969) and Slater (1960) are exclusively devoted to the class of confluent hypergeometric functions or Whittaker func- tions. Especially in the first book many references are given to physical ap- plications. Many properties of these functions follow from the general theory of hypergeometric functions, which is extensively discussed in Luke (1969). 7.2. Rational approximations (based on the Pade method) and Chebyshev expansions of the M— and U—functions are found in Luke (1968), (1975). 7.3. Olver (1959) gives a very detailed account on the asymptotics of the Weber parabolic cylinder functions. A discussion on the choice of standard solutions of Weber’s equation (7.20) is given in Miller (1952). In Olver (1980) and Dunster (1989) uniform asymptotic expansions are given for the Whittaker functions (equivalently: for the confluent hypergeometric func- tions). The approach is based on the differential equation. In Темме (1978) integral representations are used for deriving uniform expansions of the con- fluent hypergeometric functions.
§7.5 Exercises and Further Examples 187 7.5. Exercises and Further Examples 7.1. The exponential integral Ei(z) = Г(0,г) has the representation: Fi (г) = —7 — In г + 1 — e 1 t dt. Verify this by considering 1 r(«, z) = Г(«) - - za + J i?-1 (1 - e“‘) dt. The integral is defined for a = 0. The two other terms give, by invoking 1’Hdpital’s theorem, v ГГ(а + 1)- za hm --------------- a—*0 a = Г'(1) —Inz The above representation of Fi(z) shows clearly the singularity of the func- tion, since the integral is an entire function of z. 7.2. Show that 7°° sin/ i 7°° cos/ 1 ^./ x / ----dt = -7Г — Si(z), / ----dt = — Ci(z). Jz t 2 Jz t Show that Fl ^ге27гг^ = — у — lnг — Ci(^) + i ^7г + Si(^)j . Show that, on the other hand, Ey = Г dt-, Г dt, ' ' Jo z -\-t Jq Z + t and hence, that the sine and cosine integrals can be written as Si(z) = —f(z) cos z — g(z) sin z + ^7r, Ci(z) = +/(z) sin z — g(z) cos г, where /*°° sint I --------at o z + cos/ , -----dt, z +1 г 7^0, | argz| < 7Г.
188 1: Confluent Hypergeometric Functions Show that for > 0 (cf. §7.3.6, where a similar procedure is used for the Fresnel integrals): roo —zt roo tp~zt M = L ^dt’ ’(2)=Л 7.3. The asymptotic behavior of Si and Ci follows from the above represen- tations in terms of the functions f and g. Show that for N = 0,1,2,,... and Viz > 0 Z n=0 Z Jo 1 + Bounds for the remainders in these expansions follow from replacing 1/(1+12) by unity. 7.4. Show that the error functions are special cases of the incomplete gamma functions: г 1 /1 2\ r 1 r> f1 2\ eriz = ^=7 -,z , eric г = -^F z . V2’ J 7.5. Verify the following relations: dn (a) ~—M(a, c, z) = -Гу1М(а + n, c + n, z), dzn (c)n dn -^U(a,c,z) = (-l)n (a)nU(a + n,c + n,z'), (c — a)M(a — 1, c, z) + (2a — c + z)M(a, c, z) — aM(a + 1, c, z) = 0, c(c — l)M(a, c — 1, z) + c(l — c — z)M(a, c, z) + z(c — a)M(a, c + 1, z) = 0, (1 + a — c)M(a, c, z) — aM(a + 1, c, z) + (c — l)M(a, c — 1, z) = 0, zM(a + 1, c + 1, z) + cM(a, c, z) — cM(a + 1, c, z) = 0, U(a — 1, c, z) + (c — 2a — z)U(a, c, z) + a(l + a — c)U(a + 1, c, z) = 0, (c — a — 1)U(a, c — 1, z) + (1 — c — z)U(a, c, z) + zU(a, c + 1, z) = 0, U(a, c, z) — aU(a 1, c, z) — U(a, c — 1, z) = 0, zU(a + 1, c + 1, z) — U(a, c, z) — (c — a — 1)U(a + 1, c, z) = 0.
§7.5 Exercises and Further Examples 189 The recurrence relations for the M—functions can be derived from (7.3) by substituting the series and comparing equal powers of z. For the U—function the recursions follow from integrating by parts in the integral in (7.12). A remarkable feature is that U and M do not satisfy the same relations. This follows from the normalizations used for the functions, which are based on convention. Show that JU(a, с, г)/Г(1 + a — c) also satisfies the a—recursion of the U—function and that [Г(с — а)/Г(с)]М(а, c, z) satisfies the c—recursion of the U—function. 7.6. The behavior of the U—function near z = 0 follows from (7.14). A useful overview can be obtained by considering several c—values. Verify that tZ(a,c,z) = Г(Л + О (k|2-3ftc) , Kc > 2, c 2, i (a) \ / = Ц^г1-с + 0(1М), c = 2’ = + 0(1), 1 < iRc < 2, Г(а) =--^[lnz + V>(a) + 2}+0(|zlnz|), c=l, 1 {a) Г(1 - g)-, 0 /1 |l-»c\ Г(а+1-с)+ V21 )’ = гЯЛ)+0(|2М)’ c = 0’ = г5Г^)+0(и>- ^0’ 0 < 3tc < 1, 7.7. By combining (7.13) and (7.16) verify that where the upper sign is taken if — ^7r < arg г < |тг and the lower sign if — |тг < arg г < ^7г. The first part is dominant when ^z > 0 and corresponds with (7.9); the second part becomes dominant when z enters the half plane $tz<0. 7.8. Use the methods of §5.6 for deriving the following Mellin-Barnes inte- gral for the function: \ 1 r(c) Г Г(а + $)Г(—s) . M(a, c, -z) = —— —-— / ------—-------r—-z ds, argz <7t/2, V 7 2тгг Г(а) Jc r(c + s) /
190 1: Confluent Hypergeometric Functions where C runs from —zoo to zoo, and separates the poles of Г(—s) Г(1 — c — s) from those of Г(а + s). For the U—function take the integral (7.12) and use the result of Exercise 5.6 to derive the Mellin-Barnes representation U(a, c, z) = z~a Г Г(а + s)r(l + a — c + s)r(—s)^s 2тп j£ Г(а)Г(1 + a — c) | argz| < Зтг/2. The path £ separates the poles of Г(—s) from those of Г(а + «)Г(Ц-а — c+s). 7.9. Show that a solution of the differential equation y" + zy' + (| - a)y = 0 (1) is given by y(z) = e~^z U(a, z), where U(a,z) is the parabolic cylinder function introduced in §7.3.3. Verify that for equation (1) the operators Mt and M* introduced in §4.4 (with corresponding kernel K(z,t) = exp(—zt)) read Mt = t2 + t-^- + (- — a), M* = t2 — - — a — t—. 1 dt V2 h 1 2 dt A solution of = 0 is v(t) = t x/2 aexp(^2). Show that pc+zoo = / Jc—ZOO ey2-zss-^-ads c> 0, is a solution of (1) with 2—3/4—a/2 9<(,, = 2"Т(ГчГ 2—1/4—a/2 3/'(0) = r/l , aA 1 \4 2/ Show with the help of (7.21) for determining U(a, 0), Uf(a, 0) that 1 12 rC-{-ioo 2 U(a,z) = ~j=e*z / eis -zss-2~ads, c > 0. 2у2тг Jc —ZOO 7.10. When in (7.14) a is a negative integer, the second term on the right- hand side and the first M—function become polynomials. Verify that (— 1 f n (y\ £«(г) = L_2-t7(-n,a+1,г) = I n Af(-n,a+l,z), where L“(z) is the Laguerre polynomial introduced in (5.40).
§7.5 Exercises and Further Examples 191 7.11. Verify that the Coulomb wave functions introduced in §7.3.2 have the following behavior as p oo: ~ sin6,A> Gx(r),p) ~ COS0X, P^oo, where 0\ = P - P ln(2p) - -Атг + <тА. Use the expansion of Exercise 7.7 for the JU—function and expansion (7.13) for the U—function; observe that ax satisfies гстд = Г(А + 1 + Й?) |Г(Л + 1 + гт?)Г 7.12. Verify the Laplace transformation of the JU—function [ tc~1e~st M(a,c,t)dt = Г(с) sa-c (s - l)-a, ftc > 0, K.s > 1, Jo by substituting expansion (7.3). Verify the inversion formula M(a, c, t) = f-JLsl [ est sa-c (s _ !)-a ds, 2m Jc where £ is a vertical line in the half plane > 1. Initially we need the condition > 0. By deforming £, for instance when |argJ| < ^7r into the Hankel contour for the reciprocal gamma function in Figure 3.4, we see that the condition on c can be dropped (except for the usual condition c 0,-1,-2,...).

Legendre Functions Legendre functions have as a subclass the Legendre polynomials introduced in Chapter 6. Legendre functions are of great importance in physics and arise in several branches of the physical sciences. One of the interpretations of the generating function (6.46) for the Legendre polynomials comes from potential theory. The expression 1 /у/a? — 2ar cos 7 + r2 represents the potential at a point P of a source situated at A when r and a are the distances respectively of P and A from a point O, and 7 is the angle subtended by PA at O. In terms of the present parameters (6.46) reads __________1_________ у/a2 — 2ar cos 7 + r2 cos 0 a. r In this expansion of the potential the parameters r and cos 7 are separated, and the coefficients Pn(cos7) are the Legendre polynomials introduced by Legendre in 1784 (LEGENDRE (1785)). Figure 8.1. The potential at A due to a source at P is given by 1/ \/a2 — 2ar cos 7 + r2 . 193
194 8: Legendre Functions When Laplace’s equation AV = 0 (the potential equation) is discussed in spherical polar coordinates the Legendre functions arise. This will be- come clear in Chapter 10, when we consider several coordinate systems, and separate the variables. Because of the connection with spherical coordinate systems Legendre functions are also called spherical harmonics. 8.1. The Legendre Differential Equation Our starting point is the differential equation (1 - z2) y" - 2zy' + Г u2 1 ptx + l) У = о, which, when /z = 0 and v = n = 0,1, 2,..., indeed reduces to equation (5.32) for the Legendre polynomials. When 0 (8.1) is called the associated equation and the solutions are Ccilled the associated Legendre functions. The singularities of (8.1) are located at z = — 1, 1 and oo, each singularity being regular, as is easily verified through Definition 4.1 of Chapter 4. In Riemann’s notation (8.1) reads (see (5.21)) (8-2) By using elementary transformations this differential equation can be written as a hypergeometric equation: Гг-lW2 0 00 1 S biT (8-3) From (5.23) it follows that hypergeometric functions F (a, 6; c; 0 are involved if 1 — c = —/z, с — а — 6 = /z, а = v + 1, b = —z/, ( = | — ^z. In §5.8 we have mentioned that for this type of hypergeometric function quadratic transformations exist. 8.2. Ordinary Legendre Functions When /z = 0, (8.1) reduces to 1 - z2 ) y" - 2zy' + z/(z/ + l)y = 0. (8.4)
§ 8.2 Ordinary Legendre Functions 195 We define PI/(z) = p(-^I/ + l;l;i-^). (8-5) as the Legendre function of the first kind. This is a straightforward generaliza- tion of the Legendre polynomial. From the symmetry relation F (a, 6; c; z) = F(b, a; c; z) we derive the important property P— v— 1(г) — Py(z)- (8-6) The right-hand side of (8.5) has a regular singular point at z = —1. From the properties of the hypergeometric functions (see for instance the conditions for (5.4)) it follows that we can consider Py(z) as an analytic function in the complex г—plane, with a branch cut along (—oo, —1]. The function of the second kind does not follow directly from (5.9), since c = 1. However, from transformation (2) in Exercise 5.8 it follows that Рр(г) = F (--u,-v + i; 1; 1 - z2\ V 7 \ 2 ’ 2 2’ ’ J in a domain that contains the point z = 1. (Warning*. from the above rep- resentation it does not follow that the function Py(z) is even with respect to z.) The last function will now be transformed by using (5.12). The result is: Г(^ + ^)Г(1 + ^) ь ’2 z/;-z/ + |;2 2) + F (±1/ + i ^1/ + 1; v + |;z \2 2 2 2 ) (8-7) Both terms on the right-hand side are solutions of (8.4). We now concentrate on the second term and we define —’F [-y + 1 r(iz + g) (2z)I'+1 \2 (8-8) as the Legendre function of the second kind. For the Q—function the values z/ = — 1, — 2,... are always excluded. The F—function represents an analytic function in the domain |z| > 1. In the same domain the Q—function is analytic and is single valued for |argz| < тг; the many-valuedness outside this domain is due to the factor The analytic continuation of the Q—function follows from that of the F—function, for instance by using (5.5) and (5.10) —(5.13). We conclude that the Q—function is an analytic function
196 8: Legendre Functions in the entire complex plane with the exception of the points z = ±1 and with a branch cut along (—oo, 1]. Especially, the point z = 0 is a regular point, although in (8.8) the factor may suggest differently. The two domains for Pz/(z) and Qy(z) are shown in Figure 8.2. It is clear that P^l) = 1, whereas Qy(z) is not defined at z = ±1 (see (5.6)). 1 Figure 8.2. Domains with branch cuts where Py(z) (left) and Qy(z) are analytic. Qy(z) ~ Q-y-l(z) = 7TCOtl77rPy(z). 8.3. Other Solutions of the Differential Equation The functions Py(—z), Qv(-z), P_z/_i(±^), Q_I/_i(±^) are also solutions of (8.4). For Р_г/_1(г) this has been already mentioned in (8.6). A similar symmetry does not exist for the Q—function. We know that a linear relation should exist between Py(z), Qy(z\ Q-y-i(z). This relation reads (8-9) A hint for a proof of this relation is given in Exercise 8.1. Equation (8.9) holds for all z in the complex plane, with a branch cut along (—oo, 1], since in this domain both sides of (8.9) are analytic. Also, formula (8.9) holds for all complex values of z/, with the exception of v = 0, ±1, ±2,.... A special case of (8.9) is Qn_iW = Q_n_iW, n = o,±i,±2,... . Next we explain the relations between Py(—z), Qy(—z) and Py(z), Qy(z). Due to the many-valuedness of the functions it is convenient to indicate the meaning of the minus sign. This can be done by writing е±г7Г. Let г be a point in the complex plane with | argz| < 7Г. Then from (8.8) it follows that Qv (zemi^ = -e-^Q^z), m e TL, v ± -1, -2,... . (8.10) Initially (8.8) allows |z| > 1 only; by using the principle of analytic contin- uation we conclude that (8.10) holds for all z in the complex plane with a branch cut along (—00,1]. Combining (8.9) and (8.10) yields — sinz/тг ^eJFl/7riQy(z) + e^l/7riQ-l/_i(z)^ = 7rcosi/7rPy (ze±Z7r) ,
§ 8.3 Other Solutions of the Differential Equation 197 where the upper (lower) sign in the left side corresponds to the upper (lower) sign on the right side. We can use (8.9) to eliminate The result is ^^Qiy(z) = Ply(z)e±'^i-pJze±4, (8.11) 7Г \ / where again v -1,-2,..., although the factor sin(z/7r) in front of the Q—function makes the left-hand side defined for those v—values. A different way of writing (8.11) is: —- Pv(-z), (8.12) 7Г where the upper sign is chosen when $sz < 0 and the lower when $sz > 0. To see this, take z with ^sz < 0 outside the unit disc. Turning z in the positive direction over тг radians, that is writing zeZ7r, we avoid the branch line of the Q—function; hence we take the upper signs in (8.11). Similarly for Qz > 0, in which case we must take the lower signs. By the principle of analytic continuation, the restriction \z\ > 1 can be dropped (on the unit circle only the points ±1 are singular). We now wish to interpret (8.11) and (8.12) when z = x real and in the interval (—1,1). We know that the two values Ру(хе±г1Т) are real (see (8.5)) and equal; hence we can write Pz/(a;e=l=Z7r) = Py(—x), without ambiguity. For the Q—function the situation is different. Qy(z) is real on (1, oo). On the cut from — oo to 1 there are two possible values for Qy(z), depending on whether the cut is approached from the upper or lower side. We denote the two values by Q„(x + i0) and Q„(x — i0). With this notation, we derive from (8.12) for — 1 < x < 1 the relations ^^Q^x + i0) = Pv(x)e~™ - Pv(-x), % (8.13) 81ПР7Г^(* - *0) = PJx)^1 - P^-x). 7Г Hence Q„(x + г0) — Q„(x — г0) = — i7rP„(x), — 1 < x < 1, which clearly shows that indeed the values (^(я-МО) and Qy(x — г0) are differ- ent and that the interval [—1,1] is part of the branch cut for the Q—function, as indicated in Figure 8.2. In practical problems it is very convenient to have available two solutions of (8.4) which are real on (—1,1). Besides Р„(х) we define Qz/W = + «0) + Qv(x - «0)], -i < x < i- (8-14)
198 8: Legendre Functions Indeed, it is disturbing that the symbol Qy on the left-hand side has a different meaning from that on the right-hand side. But we use the convention that Qy(x) always denotes the function as defined in (8.14), whereas Qy(jz) denotes the function from (8.8). For the P—function we do not need an agreement like this. So, the general solution of (8.4) with z = x G (—1,1) can be written in the form у = APy(x) + BQy(x). Remark 8.1. For the sake of clarity, the functions Рг/(г), Qy(z) are some- times denoted in the literature by Gothic symbols: ?Py(z), £2y(z) when z is outside the interval (—1,1). For the functions on the cut (—1,1) the argument often is written in terms of a cosine: Pz/(cos^), Q^cos#), Q G (0,7r). 8.4. A Few More Series Expansions After manipulations with the gamma functions, we write (8.7) in the following form: p^p) Г(-^Ч) л/тгГ(-1/) (2г) v XF (-у + -, -г/ + l;z/ + -;z 2V v ' \2 2 2 2 / (8.15) This representation is useful for large values of z. Again we assume that | arg г| < 7г; with respect to v we exclude the values ±^, ±§,..., although a proper limiting process is available to define the right-hand side of (8.15) for these cases; see the discussion at the end of §4.3. We next consider an expansion of Py(z) at the regular singular point z = — 1. Combining (8.5) and (5.14) we obtain PAP) = _______1______ y' (~p)n + 1)n r(—z/)r(p +1) Z-i n\ n[ v 7 v 7 n=0 Г1 in Cn |_-(1 + z)j , (8.16) Cn = 2^(n + 1) - - y) - + у + 1) - In |(1 + г), with conditions: |1 + г| < 2, | arg(l + г)| < 7Г. A similar result holds for the function of the second kind and can be obtained by combining (8.8) and (5.14). From a practical point of view, it is interesting to have an expansion of Py(z) in powers of z. Observe that (8.5) yields an expansion in powers of
§84 A Few More Series Expansions 199 z — 1. To start with, we compute the values Pv(z), Py(z) at z = 0. Applying the first formula of (5.5) on (8.5) we obtain + 1)VF (-г/,-V-1; ^1) . When z = 0 this gives, with the help of Exercise 5.5, n(o)^(1+^(l-^)- <8-17) From relation (3) in Exercise 8.3 it follows that P^(0) = z/Pz/-i(0). Hence P^(0) = ---rAi------i-r- (8-18) To obtain the desired power series for Py(z) we remark that the substitution t = z2 brings equation (8.4) in the form i(l - t)y + |(1 - Ы)У + + 1)?/ = 0, (8.19) where the dots in у, у denote differentiation with respect to t. This is a special case of the hypergeometric differential equation (5.8) with 1 L h I l\ 1 a = — I/, b = - (v + 1), c = -. 2 ’ 2V 2 So the general solution of (8.19) can be written in the form (5.9). In our case we obtain (observe that with the present c—value two independent solutions occur in (5.9)) Pv(z) = P,(0)F (-jp,+ i; i; z2) + P'(0)zF (| - 1 + |; z2) , (8.20) valid for each complex value of v and initially for |z| < 1. Analytic continua- tion with respect to z gives the domain of validity in the cut plane indicated in Figure 8.2. For the function of the second kind we obtain a similar repre- sentation: QM = + j; к *2) + Q'AtyzF (1 - I*,, 1 + z2) . \ Z Zi Z Z / \ Z Z Z Z / (8.21) The values of Qj,(0), Q(y(0) are still to be computed. They depend on the sign of 3г. After a few manipulations we find from (8.13), (8.17) and (8.18) that (Jj,(±fO) — ± у'тг Г (jjp + I) 2гГ (^ + 1) e=F5I/’r’, Q(,(±fO) = Г (1 + ^) 2гГ (2^ + 2) (8.22) еТ|(/тгг
200 8: Legendre Functions Just as, or even more, important is the representation of the function intro- duced in (8.14): + 1) cos ^Z/7T 11 ,3 -I/, -v + 1; x 2’2 ’2’ ^r(^ + i)sin2P7rP/l , 1 1 .1. 2 , 1 . -L I “I ZA 1 X 2Г(^Р + 1) \2 2’2’2’ (8.23) valid for —1 < x < 1 and, as usual, i/ / 0, — 1, — 2,... . In Exercise 8.12 you are invited to prove this formula. 8.5. The function Qn(z) It is of importance to examine the Legendre function of the second kind for non-negative integer values of the parameter z/. From (8.8) it follows by summing the hypergeometric series (see also the list at the end of §5.1) QoW = |1пт~Ц> QiW = ^1пт~Ц ~ L az — ± A z — ± (8.24) These representations show clearly the many-valuedness of the functions. We again consider the domain shown in Figure 8.2. The other Qn—functions can be obtained by using the recurrence relations of Exercise 8.3. When doing so it becomes clear that the following representation arises: Qn(z) = Pn(z)Qq(z) - Wn-^z), n = 0,1,2,... (8.25) where Wn-i is a polynomial of degree n — 1. That is, we have W-i(z) = 0, Wq(z) = 1 and Wn-i(z) satisfies recursion (1) of Exercise 8.3, since Pn(z) and Qn(z) satisfy this relation too. Substituting Wn-i(z) in the differential equation (8.4) we obtain (1 - W^z) - 2zW^_x{z-) + n(n + 1)^-!^) = 2Р». (8.26) This enables us to derive an explicit representation for Wn-i(z). Let n—1 (8.27) k=Q Substitution of the left-hand side of (8.26) yields n— 1 ^(n + к + l)(n - к)акРк(г). (8.28) fc=0
§ 8.5 The function Qn(z) 201 Expansion of the right-hand side gives n— 1 2Р4(г) = 2 £ bkPk(z), (8.29) k=Q where follow from elementary relations for the Legendre polynomials, such as (5.47). For, we see after integrating by parts that b^. can be written as yf^bk = 1 - (-l)fc+ra - Д Pn(z)P^) dz where the integral vanishes since к < n. Combining (8.28) and (8.29) we have finally <?,.(») = (2^') nV)T'nw. (8.30) For the real function Qn(x) defined in (8.14) and — 1 < x < 1 the formulas become (8.31) The Legendre polynomials and the Legendre functions of the second kind are connected through Cauchy integrals and Hilbert transformations on the interval (—1,1). We show that the function Qn(z) is the Hilbert transform of the Legendre polynomial Pn(z) on the interval (—1,1). That is, Qo(^) = I In Qi(x) = - 1, z 1 — X 1 — X (8.33) This is Neumann's integral for Qn(z) (1848). We consider г—values outside the interval (—1,1). To prove (8.33) we show that it satisfies (8.4). Denote the integral of the right-hand side of (8.33) by g(z). Then we have / \ f1 1 - z2 (1 - z2) g'(z) = - J i Pn(*) dt = f Pn(t)dt- f J-l J-l \z~t) = C— f dt J__dt у z t J fl I—/2 = c+ --------~P'(t)dt, J-l z — t
202 8: Legendre Functions where C is a constant (C = 2 when n = 0 and C = 0 when n > 1). Next we verify az L \ / J j at z t J z t where in the final step we have used (8.4). It follows that the function g(z) satisfies (8.4). Hence it is a linear combination of Pn{z) and Qn(z)- For n = 0 and n = 1 the corresponding functions g(z) can easily be evaluated. The validity for n = 2,3,... then follows from the recurrence relation (1) of Exercise 8.3. We can also verify that the linear combination Pn(z) and Qn(z) only contains Qn(z); for instance, by using the behavior of the functions as z oo. We conclude that (8.33) is verified. When z = x e (—1,1) the formula reads (8.34) where the integral should be interpreted as a Cauchy principal value integral. From (8.33) it follows that n ( A - P ( \ 1 Л Pn^ ~ Pn^ Qn(z) — Pn(z)Qo(z) о / dt. 2 J i z -1 The integrand can be expanded in powers of г. A polynomial of degree n — 1 remains. This again leads to formula (8.30). 8.6. Integral Representations From Exercise 5.12 it follows that Pv(z) = — f F (—I/, i/ + 1; -(1 — z) sin2 ф] d(/), тг JO 22 7 where the hypergeometric function is an elementary function: Ш = F + 1; j;-w) _ (д/l + w + A/w)2l?+1 + (Vl + w + y/w) 2l/ 1 (8.35) 2-\/l + w To prove this, use Exercise 5.4, formula (2), and substitute w = sinh2(£). We obtain Py(z) = - [ /i/fiU - l)sin2 ф\ <1ф. (8.36) 7Г Jo 12 J
§ 8.6 Integral Representations 203 The right-hand side is an analytic function for z in the cut plane of Figure 8.2, that is for | arg(l + г)| < тг. Restrictions on v e (D are not needed. Now let z = cosh a, with a > 0 and introduce in (8.36) the following transformation: sinh ^0 sin ф =------y—. sinh Then (8.36) becomes „ , , , 2 fa cosh (z/ + ^) 0 Py (cosh a) = — / v- . — dO. 7Г Jo V 2 cosh a — 2 cosh 0 (8.37) Writing this in the form 1 ra е-(И-|)0 Pv (cosh a) = — I .......-------------dO 7Г J_a v2 cosh a — 2 cosh 0 and putting = cosh a + sinha cos^, we obtain dip (cosh a + sinh a cos '0)z/+1 * (8.38) From (8.6) we have the alternative representation 1 /*7Г F/y(coshri) = — (cosh a + sinh a cos ip)" dip. к Jo (8.39) The above representations hold for any v G (D and are derived under the condition z > 0. Analytic continuation with respect to z gives a much larger domain, viz. SRcosha > 0. Representations for —1 < x < 1 follow from (8.35) via sini# x = cos/? (0 < (3 < 7r), sin0 =-------. sin ^/? Then (8.35) becomes the Mehler-Dirichlet formula for Legendre functions cos(^ + |)0 M '0 V^cos# — 2cos/? (8.40) Integrating this on the interval [—/?, /?] and writing cos(z/ + ^)^ in exponential form, the substitution ег3 = cos /? + i sin /? cos ip
204 8: Legendre Functions gives the analog of (8.38), that is, dip (cos (3 + i sin/? cos '0)z/+1 ’ with the alternative 1 /‘7r P„(cos /3) = — (cos /3 + i sin /? cos ipy dip. л Jo (8-41) (8.42) When I/ = n, (8.42) is called Laplace’s formula for the Legendre polynomial, which usually is derived by using the Rodrigues formula (6.20). Namely, from (6.20) it follows that Pn(z) = 2— I dt, 2тгг J (t — z)n+^ (8.43) only condition is that the contour encircles the point z in positive direction. Using the substitution t = cos/? + г sin/? , z = cos/? (8.43) becomes (8.42) with v = n. Writing z for cos /? we obtain which in this case is valid for all z e (D. The transition from (8.43) (with i/ = n) to the last integral can also be described as integrating in (8.44) over the circle with center t = z and radius y^2 — 1| • A similar approach for general values of v cannot be set up via (6.20), since Rodrigues’ formula permits no generalization to complex values of n. However, with some extra care when handling the many-valued functions, we can generalize (8.43) in the form of Schlafli’s formula where the contour encircles both the points t = 1 and t = z in the positive sense, but does not encircle the point t = — 1 (see Figure 8.3). From this we again obtain (8.42). Usually, for complex values of г, this formula is written in the form Pv(z) = — f (z + \/z2 — 1 cos ip\ dip. (8.45)
§ 8.6 Integral Representations 205 The conditions will be formulated later. A very important aspect in the theory of integral representations of Leg- endre functions is that the differential equation (8.4) is solved by the function defined by the integral 2- Г (f2_ir 2тгг JC (t — z)l'+1 (8.46) A solution like this can be found by the methods of §4.4. We give a direct ver- ification however. The contour of integration in (8.46) avoids the singularities at£ = ±l,£ = z and satisfies the condition that the function assumes its original value when t runs along through the contour. This remark is related to the many-valuedness of the function f. A proof that (8.46) is indeed a solution of (8.4) is quite simple. By substituting F(z) into (8.4), one obtains (1 - 22) F" - 2zF' + 1/(1/ + 1)F = +2^2 L + 2) 02 " 0 + + " г)! dt • = W1)2- 2m Jc dtJ Hence the integral vanishes when C satisfies the above mentioned condition. Since the contour avoids the singularities of /, the function F(z) is a solution for any I/ e (D. If v = n then (8.46) yields a special case with F(z) = We now take two special choices of C. The first choice will lead to (8.44) and the other one to an integral representation for the function of the second kind. We concentrate on contours as given in Figure 8.3 with the properties described after (8.46). First we remark that, after a full circuit around the point t = 1, the function /(*) = (t2-l)I/+1(i-z)-1'-2 assumes its original value multiplied by the factor after a full circuit around the point t = z the change equals e27™(-z/_2). Hence, when C is a contour that encircles once the points t = 1 and t = г, but does not encircle the point t = — 1, then the function f(f) assumes its original value when t runs along the contour. To point out the sense of the contour we write dt, (8.47)
206 8: Legendre Functions Figure 8.3. Contours of integration and branch cuts for (8.47) (left) and for (8.49). where A is a point on the real axis larger than unity (and larger than г if г is real and larger than unity); see Figure 8.3. We need to specify the many- valued functions in the integrand of (8.47). At the point A we assume that arg(£ — 1) = arg(£ + 1) = 0 and | arg(£ — z)\ < тг. With this condition we know that F(l) = 1. Since the function of the second kind is not bounded at z = 1 we conclude that F(z) = Py(z) and that (8.44) is verified. A proof of (8.45) now follows by integrating in (8.47) over a circle with center t = z and radius y^2 — 1| • If > 0 the point t = 1 is within the circle, but t = — 1 lies outside the circle. Next we substitute in (8.47) t = z + -\A2 — 1 , —тг < ф < тг. Indeed we arrive at (8.45), with the conditions v e C, | arg z\ < ^7r and arg [г + Vz2 — 1 cos^] equals arg г if ф = ^7г. With similar conditions the variant of (8.41) holds: (8.48) Formulas (8.45) and (8.48) are called Laplace’s first integral and Laplace’s second integral, respectively. An integral for Qy(z) by choosing a contour 7?, as depicted in Figure 8.3: a ‘figure of eight’, where we assume that z does not belong to the interval [—1,1]. Moreover the contour should encircle the points t = +1 and t = — 1; the first point in the positive, while the second is in the negative direction. The point t = z lies outside the contour. The contour cuts the real t—axis at a point A > 1, where arg(£ + 1) = arg(£ — 1) = 0. Furthermore, | argz| < тг.
§ 8.6 Integral Representations 207 Reasoning similarly as earlier we infer that (8.46), with C replaced by 7?, solves equation (8.4). We claim that, when у 7L, QM) = dt. 4zsini/7r J'D (z — t)^1 (8.49) We prove this for Kz/ > — 1. In that case we can push the contour along the interval (—1,1). Taking into account the phases of (t ± I)*7, we obtain 2-y^_e-i^ ,i (i-^)*7 4isinz/7r J-i (г — ^)г/+1 with arg(l — t) = arg(l-H) = 0. Hence, for Kz/ > —1, | arg z\ < 7Г, z [—1,1] (8.50) When у = n (integer) we can integrate by parts n times. With Rodrigues’ formula (5.20) Neumann’s integral (8.33) then appears. The identification with earlier definitions of the function of the second kind follows from the behavior of the above integral as z —> oo: 2-,-X I (l-< У-Нг-tr+l dt _2_ f1 (1 - d, = ^+4^ (2^+1 Ja V J (2z)-+lr(^+ f)' From (8.15) it follows that Py(z) cannot be present in the right-hand side of (8.50). Hence, the identification with (8.8) is verified. Next we derive Laplace’s integral for the Q—function that corresponds with (8.48). The starting point is (8.50). Assume that z > 1. Introduce the new variable of integration ф by writing e^y/z + 1 — y/z — 1 e^y/z + 1 + y/z -1 (8.51) The range (—1,1) of real /—values corresponds to the range (—oo, oo) of real ф—values. After some simple manipulations we obtain Qv(z) = - f |z 4- — 1 cosh</>] dф 2Д7 /________ M = J \z + V z2 — 1 coshdф. This is the desired Laplace integral for the function of the second kind.
208 8: Legendre Functions To obtain a variant - and a variant for (8.37) as well - we introduce the variable of integration 0 by putting e® = z + лД2 — 1 cosh0. Then /•OO e-(z/+l)<9 Qv (cosh a) = / z.........— dO, z = cosh a. J a cosh 0 — 2 cosh a (8.53) Both results hold when SRz/ > — 1. By using the principle of analytic continuation we infer that the restriction with respect to real values of z can be relaxed: (8.52) and (8.53) hold in the familiar г—domain for the Q—function as shown in Figure 8.2; the function \/z2 — 1 also assumes in that domain the principal branch (it is real if z > 1 and continuous in the mentioned domain). Finally we present the following representations: z , . 2 / i\ f00 cosh (z/+ Д) 0 Р„(cosh a) = — cos ( v + - ) 7Г / . v 2 7 — dO, (8.54) 7Г \ 2 / Jq y/2 cosh 0 + 2 cosh a / x 2 / i\ f°° sinh (z/+ Д) 0 (cosh a) = - cot (z/ + -) 7Г / V 2 dO, (8.55) л v 2' J a v 2 cosh 0 — 2 cosh a valid when a > 0,-1 < SRz/ < 0. The reader is invited to prove this by using the hints given in Exercise 8.2. 8.7. Associated Legendre Functions From the theory of hyp er geometric functions (see Chapter 5) it can be verified that the following two functions are solutions of (8.1): Z X 1// 1 / 7 _1_ 1 \ 2^ 7 -1 -1 \ №) = F(fT7) (Tri) + (8.36) = ^Ее^Г^ + д + Х) (z2-l)^ 2^+1 zi'+y.+l г + 3) (s.57) x F (-v + -/j, + 1, -v + -/j, + -;//+-;z-2>) . \2 2^ ’2 2^2’2 / These functions are called the associated Legendre function of the first and second kinds, respectively. Other representations are also available. They are all generated through the well-known relations of the hypergeometric func- tions. An example is given in Exercise 8.19.
§ 8.1 Associated Legendre Functions 209 The domain of definition of both functions with respect to z is (after analytic continuation of the above relations) the complex plane with a branch cut along (—00,1]. In (8.56) we assume that arg[(z + l)/(z — 1)] = 0 if z is real and greater than 1. In (8.57) we assume that arg(z2 — 1) = 0 when z is real and greater than 1, and that arg г = 0 when z is real and greater than 0. When /z = 0 the above functions reduce to the definitions in (8.5) and (8.8); /z is called the order and z/ the degree. The word ‘degree’ corresponds to the polynomial case Py(z) when /z = 0, у = n = 0,1,2,.... We shall not give an extensive treatment of the associated functions. A few basic properties will be mentioned; for more information we refer to the literature. When /z = m (a positive integer) the hypergeometric function in (8.56) is not defined. The reciprocal gamma function in front of the F—function van- ishes, however, and a meaningful expression remains when /a = m = 1,2,3 ... . The fact is that Лг) (г -1) -----m\----Ci) ( 11' x F — у + m, у + 1 + m; m + 1;-z \ ’22, (8.58) as follows immediately from the definition (5.3) of the F—functions. From Exercise 5.1 the fundamental relation (8.59) can then be derived, which is often used as the definition of the associated function (if /z = m), since it is quite important for practical purposes. For the function of the second kind we have the analog lm dm dzm (8.60) In fact this can be derived from (8.57), but we give a direct proof, because it gives a better insight into the nature of equation (8.1). Introduce in (8.1), if /z = m, the substitution у = (z2 — l)m/2w. Then, after a few calculations (8.1) becomes 1 — z2j wn — 2(m + l)zwz + (y — m)(y + m + l)w = 0. (8.61) Consider now the Legendre differential equation (8.4). Differentiate this equa- tion m times with respect to z and put dmy/dzm = v. With the help of
210 8: Legendre Functions Leibniz’ formula we derive — [fi - z2} "1 = v M (РЧ1-*2) dzm 1Л /J у к J \ dzm~k I dz^ k=0 \ / L = (1 — г2 ) v" — 2mzvf — m(m — l)v and also dm ——(2zyf) = 2zvr + 2mv. azm Hence, after m—fold differentiation of (8.4), we again find for w equation (8.61). On the one hand the functions dmPy(z) dmQ„(z) dzm ' dzm are solutions of this equation; on the other hand both left-hand sides of (8.59) and (8.60), multiplied by (г2 — 1)-ш/2 are also solutions. The verification of (8.59) has already been carried out. The verification of (8.60) now follows from the behavior of both sides as z —> oo, by using (8.57). From (8.58) and the third formula of (5.5) it follows, with the help of a few relations for the gamma function, that = r(l + z/-m) . Г(1 + р + ш) " 1 (8.62) As we will see later (cf. (8.67), for general order) Q” (2) Г(1 + » + А'w' (8.63) Both formulas give a useful alternative to the result for P~m(z), Qym(z) given in Exercise 8.17, which gives an interpretation of (8.59) and (8.60) when m is a negative integer. Equation (8.1) remains the same when we replace /z with —/z, z with —z or z/ with —z/ — 1. Hence, Рр(±Д Q**(±z), P^_^±z), Q^.^z) all satisfy the differential equation (8.1). There must exist several relations between these functions. As in (8.6) we have P^_1(z) = ^U), (8.64)
§ 8.1 Associated Legendre Functions 211 which follows immediately from (8.56). Furthermore, we have the analog of (8.9): Q^-10) = — 7Г е^г COS Z/7T Py (z) + sin 7f(z/ + /z) Qy (z) sin7r(z/ — /z) (8.65) The proof runs as for (8.9) itself; see Exercise 8.13. Next we consider the reflection with respect to /z. Special cases are already given in (8.62) and (8.63). For general /z we have = г(^ + м + 1) sin^ ’ (8-66) Q-^z) = (8-67) 1 \1/ । jJj । X j The last formula follows directly from (8.57) in combination with the third formula in (5.5). Formula (8.66) can be verified in the same way as (8.65) can be proved. The analogs of (8.47) and (8.49) for the associated functions (see Exercise 8.14) read p,(2) = 1Л> г^+ЧгЦ-л-г/) ‘c (t - dt’ (8.68) е^Т(г/ + м + l)r(-tz) 2z/+27TZ dt. (8.69) The contour V is the same as in Figure 8.3; for the contour C the real point A should be equal to +oo. Since now the contour extends to infinity we need ?R(z/ + /z) < 0. From (8.68) we again derive, as in (8.45), a Laplace integral. For m = 0,1,2,... we have P^(^) — J-) [ (z \/z2 — 1 cos^) cosm^ d'lp. (8.70) 7ГГ(17 +1) Jo \ / For the function of the second kind we mention the generalization of (8.50): y''1 ' 2"+! r(v + l) 1 ' 7_1 (z - i),'+<‘+1 ’ (8.71) > — 1, |argz|<7r, z ^[—1,1]. The associated functions satisfy a number of recurrence relations. See Exercise 8.16. The first pair is with varying order, the second pair with varying
212 8: Legendre Functions Figure 8.4. Legendre functions on the interval [—1,1]; P^(a?),n = 1,2,3 (left) and (J*(я), n = 0,1,2,3. degree. The proofs of the recurrences follow from the integral representations in (8.68) and (8.69). See Exercise 8.3 for a demonstration of the method. In Figure 8.4 we show graphs of Legendre functions on the interval (—1,1). In fact, for real values ofz = #e(—l,l)we can define real solutions, as we did in (8.14). In the associated case we need a definition for the P—functions too. We introduce the functions | [e^^P^x + i0) + - Ю)] , Q„(x) = [e-^Q^x + i0) + e^Q^x - i0)] . When /j, = m (a positive integer) we have (8.72) (8.73) (8.74) Formulas for P^(#), Qy(x) with x G (—1,1) are usually obtained from results for Qy(z) by writing z = x ± and replacing z — 1 and г2 — 1 with (1 — ж)е±7гг and (1 — ж2)е±7гг, respectively, and z + 1 with x + 1. Apart from (8.72) it is convenient to have explicit representations in the form of
§ 8.8 Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 213 hypergeometric functions. See Exercise 8.8 for expansions in powers of x. The following representation is the analog of (8.5): (8.75) You are asked to prove this in Exercise 8.15, together with the analog of (8.66), that is, pv = n lcos^7r p№)- - • 1 (Z7 + /1 + 1) L 7Г J (8.76) 8.8. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 8.1. A very extensive treatment of Legendre functions and associated func- tions is given in Robin (1957-1959). An overview of the functions with many formulas can be found in the Bateman Project (1953, Vol. I, Ch. 3), Abramowitz & Stegun (1964, Ch. 8) and Magnus, Oberhettinger & Soni (1966, Ch. 4). In the classic Hobson (1931, pp. 183-200, 236-243, 266) integral representations as loop integrals are discussed quite extensively, and in a very lucid style. 8.2. The numerical stability of the recurrence relations of the Legendre functions is discussed in §13.3.1, Examples 2 and 3; more details are given in Gautschi (1967). See also Olver & Smith (1983). For computing a single value the representations and transformations of the hypergeometric functions may be exploited. However, when the parameters /z, у are large, computations based on the power series expansions may suffer from severe instabilities. 8.3. Asymptotic expansions with respect to large parameters /z, у can be found in the references given above. In some cases these expansions are just the power series expansions of the hypergeometric functions. More recent are the more powerful uniform expansions, in which more than one of the quantities z,/z, z/ may tend to infinity. See Olver (1974), where uniform expansions are given in terms of Bessel functions, and Olver (1975) for expansions in terms of parabolic cylinder functions. In succession to Olver’s pioneering work, we mention Boyd & Dunster (1986), Dunster (1990), (1991); these results are based on the Legendre differential equation. In Ursell (1984), Shivakumar & Wong (1988), Frenzen (1990) integral representations are the starting points for obtaining uniform expansions of the Legendre functions.
214 8: Legendre Functions 8.9. Exercises and Further Examples 8.1. Prove that Qy(z) - Q-y-l(z) = 7Г COt Z/7T Py(z) by substituting (8.8) and a similar form for Q_y_i(z). The result can also be transformed into (8.7), by using several relations for the gamma function. 8.2. Prove the integral representation (8.54) by expanding .... . — = ................................ , z = cosh CE л/2 cosh 0 + 2 cosh a Cosh ^0 ^/1 + ^(z — l)/cosh2 ^0 in powers of (z — 1). Formulas (3.4) and (3.5), Exercise 3.12 and definition (8.5) should also be used. Prove (8.55) by using (8.9) and (8.53). 8.3. Verify that the Legendre functions satisfy the following recurrence relations: (z/ + l)PI/+i(z) = (2z/ + l)zPl/(z) - i/Pl/_1(z), (1) P'+1(z) - P'_,(z) = (2v + 1)Р,(г), (2) Р'+1(г)-гР'(г) = (г/ + 1)Р,(г), (3) - Pv-dz) = uPv(z), (4) (1 - г2) P^z) = - i/zPvfz). (5) The functions Qy(z) satisfy the same relations. (Warning: when in (3) the Q—function is used with v = —1, we cannot replace the right-hand side by 0; we now from (8.8) that limz/^-i(z/ + l)Qz/(^) = 1; from the first relation in Exercise 5.1 and (8.8) it follows that lim^^-i Q£,(z) exists.) The above recurrence relations also hold for the Legendre polynomials; for instance, for (1) see §6.4. The recurrence relations can be verified by substituting the series expansions that follow from (8.5) and (8.8). Much more elegant proofs follow from (8.47). For example, d (t2 - 1)P+1 = 2(p + l)i (t2 - l)17 (1/ + 1) (t2 - 1)P+1 dt (t-zy+1 ~ (t-z^1 (t-zY+2 Hence, upon integrating, 0 = 2 f4t2-iy C (i - z)^1 (t2 - lf+1 (i - z)v+2 dt. Л-/с
§ 8.9 Exercises and Further Examples 215 By writing t from the numerator of the first integral in the form (t — z) + z we obtain i /• _ if Рр+1(г) - zPv(z) = Jc dt. Differentiating this we obtain (3). 8.4. Verify using Abel’s identity (4.14) that, for a pair iz, v that solves (8.1), the Wronskian W[u, v](^) = uv' — u'v satisfies W[u,v](z) = Cf(z2 - 1), where C may depend on и and /1. Verify the following cases: u(z) = P^z), v(z) = v](z) = + 1 u(z) = P~f‘(z), v(z) = Q£(z), W[u,v](z) = U(Z) = р^х), ф) = q^, wqM(x) = JL ( JL “p 1/ LL j ± JU u(x) = рй^х\ v(x) = Qv(x\ г>](ж) = • In the last two cases we assume that x G (—1,1). The second case is especially of interest, since W cannot vanish for any choice of z,v, /j,. 8.5. Show that the associated equation (8.1) with /a = m = 0,1,2,... admits a solution that is finite at z = ±1 if and only if z/ = n (integer) with n > m. This solution is given by P™(z). 8.6. Show that the associated functions {P™(x)} given in (8.73) with fixed m and n = m, m +1, m + 2,... constitute an orthogonal system on the interval [—1,1] with weight function equal to unity, and that f1 Pm(x)P^(x) dx - _____-__ + m)! $ J_! [x)^k [x) ax~ 2n + 1 (n_ m)! W- Whittaker & Watson (1927, p. 324) 8.7. Show that rl fl - (-l)fc+4 (n + m)! / P^(x)QT(x) dx = . L —-----------i—----------, J_x n v ' fe v ' (n - k)(k + n + l)(n - m)! where A;, m, n are non-negative integers.
216 8: Legendre Functions 8.8. Verify the representations, valid for —1 < x < 1, №) = 2^1п[А-2хВ]. (1-z2)^ Q„(x) — Гд. xb _ 1 tail L-x-fv + ц)А 2 2 2. where A = F(~2^~ 2^2 - ^ + ^^x2) Г (5 - Г (1 + в = + В;ж2) Г G + ^ - 2^) Г ("ih - 2^) 8.9. Verify Barnes’ integral (1908) rl . . _1И 2^-1Г Г [ ха (1 — ж2^ 2 Р„(х) dx = —-.-------—, -----— J0 ' р / (У~1'—д-\-<2 \ р / су+i/—д+3 8.10. Show that for non-negative integer values of n and m: Q™(z) = (-l)mP™(z) (n + my. f°° (n-my. Jz dt (t2-l)[P™(Z)]2 n > m, where the path of integration avoids the interval [—1,1]. 8.11. Show that the Legendre function Py(z) with z > 1 and complex de- gree of the form v = — + ir, with т G IR, is real. Legendre functions of this type arise in boundary value problems inside a cone. They also arise in integral transforms known as the Mehler-Fock transformation. The function P_ i _^T(z) *s a^so caUed a Mehler function or conical function. Show that this function satisfies the integral equation cosher f°° 7Г A Z + C d(, z > 1. Hint: take (8.37) and substitute this in the integral; interchange the order of integration; the resulting integral looks like (8.54). 8.12. Verify formula (8.23). 8.13. Prove the relations in (8.65) and (8.66).
§ 8.9 Exercises and Further Examples 217 8.14. Prove the relations in (8.68) and (8.69). First show that the function w(z) = (г2 — l)^/2P^(z) satisfies the equation (г2 — l)w,z + 2(1 — p)zwf — (z/ + p)(y — p + l)w = 0. Next substitute v(z) = f^(t2 — l)y(t — dt in the equation and verify that this time the right-hand side equals (z/ — p + l)u(z), where f (t2 — l)*7 / \ Ф) = Jc _ zy-p,+3 [(^ - Л + 2) \t2 - 1) - - *)] dt dt Jc dt (t - г)-м+2 Verify that this expression indeed vanishes, when C is as in (8.68). As z —> 1, w(z) ~ 2^Г(—jLz)/[r(l + z/ — /1)Г(—z/ — p)] when %tp < 0. Use this behavior and compute -y(l) by using Exercise 3.13, to verify that the terms in front of the integral in (8.68) are as shown. The condition < 0 can be dropped, by using analytic continuation. [01 ver (1974, p. 174.)] 8.15. Prove the relations in (8.75) and (8.76). 8.16. Show that the associated Legendre functions Py(z) Qy(z) both sat- isfy the following recurrence relations: P}P4z) + = („-» + 1)(^ + л)РГ1 (Д (1) (г2 - 1) ^^2 = fizP^z) + л/г2 - 1 Р^+1(г), (2) (2^ + 1)гРрф) = (// - м + W+i (*) + (^ + м)^_х (Д (3) (г2 - о (4) ^-1(г) - Р^+1(г) = -(2р + nv/^lPr1 (г). (5) A similar warning as in Exercise 8.3 is effective when the Q—function is used; for instance, one needs to be careful when (3) is used with v + p = 0. 8.17. Formulas (8.59) and (8.60) suggest that, when using them with nega- tive values of m and interpreting dm/dzm as an |m|—fold integration,
218 8: Legendre Functions where the choice of the limits of integration is based on the behavior of the functions at z = 1 and z = oo, respectively; this behavior follows from (8.56) and (8.57). Give a direct proof of the above formulas. Hint differentiate the results; use induction with respect to m; use recur- sion (2) of the previous exercise. 8.18. Show that, when /z = ±^, the associated functions are elementary functions. In fact we have: P„ 2 (cos 0) = sin (z/ + 3) 0 (у + I) Vsin# Q^(cos0) = sin# qJ(cos^) = -^| COS (z/ + 2) 0 (y + 2) Vsin# Another elementary case for the P—functions gives p, — —v. Show that 2-I/ (г2 - 1)^ IV+ i) /’""(costf) = 2~v{sm0)v Г(^+1) '
9 Bessel Functions 9.1. Introduction Bessel functions show up in many problems of physics and engineering, in Fourier theory and abstract harmonic analysis, in statistics and probability theory. Most frequently they occur in connection with differential equations. In Bessel (1824) the earliest systematic study of the functions was made in a problem connected with planetary motions; see Watson (1944) (Chapter 1: Bessel functions before 1826) and Dutka (1995) for information on earlier occurrences of special cases of Bessel functions and the early history of Bessel functions. In the theory of probability functions, the modified Bessel function I^z) plays a role in the non-central x2 — distribution, which can be defined by the integral /•OO Qn(x,y) = e~x / (г/ж)2^-1) e-27M_i (2y/xz) dz. Jy The function Q^x, y) plays also a role in physics, for instance in problems on radar communications, where it is called the generalized Marcum Q—function. In Marcum (1960) the function is considered with /z = 1. The parameter /1 is related with the degrees of freedom and у with the non-centrality. The occurrence of the Bessel function in the integral for Q^^y) enables us to derive many interesting properties of Marcum’s function, by using particular properties of the Bessel function. Series expansions in terms of the (incom- plete gamma functions) follow from substituting the power series expansion of the Bessel function (see (9.28)), giving 00 Tn 22_ Tn y) = e~x + n,y) = l-e~x ^2 ^7 -P(M + n, y), n=Q n=0 219
220 9: Bessel Functions where P(a, z) and Q(a, z) are the incomplete gamma functions defined in §7.3.7, and which will be considered in more detail in Chapter 11. In mathematical physics Bessel functions are associated most commonly with the partial differential equations of the potential, wave motion or dif- fusion, in cylindrical or spherical coordinates. By separating the variables with respect to these coordinates in the time independent wave equation (or Helmholtz equation) Av + k2v = 0 several differential equations are obtained (for details we refer to Chapter 10), and one of them can be put in the form of the Bessel differential equation Lz[y\ = z2y" + zy' + (г2 - v2) у = 0. (9-1) The Bessel functions are defined as solutions of this equation. Proper nor- malizations and combinations give the standard Bessel functions. The point z = 0 is, according to the theory of Chapter 4, see Example 4.2, a regular singular point. The power series method yields a solution as given in (4.22). This is one of the starting points to treat and clarify the available wealth of information on Bessel functions. Here we choose the approach based on integral representations. Also in this method several starting points lead to the desired results. In our view the approach described in the following sec- tion produces pretty and flexible integral representations, which are of Schlafli type and related to the Sommerfeld integral representations of Bessel func- tions. As an extra benefit of this approach we mention the optimal domain of validity with respect to complex parameters for the representations. A differ- ent approach, considered extensively in Watson (1944), will be mentioned in §9.6; see also Remark 9.3. 9.2. Integral Representations We try to find a solution of (9.1) by using the method of §4.4: y(z) = / K(z,t)v(t) dt, J а with K(z,f) = exp(—z sinh£). Then we have LzK(z,t) = |z2sinh2£ — zsinh£ + (z2 — z/2)] e-2;smh* = with Mt = d2/dt2 — v2 = M*. In this case the function P of formula (4.28) is given by P(u,v) = vur — uvr. A solution of M*v(t) = 0 is v(f) = exp(z4). The required solution of (9.1) now reads y(Z)= / e-2Sinh^ + ^dt, J а
§ 9.2 Integral Representations 221 Figure 9.1. The contours of integration Cj for (9.3). with a and /3 chosen in the complex t—plane such that e~zsinhZ gZ/Z = 0. (9-2) a When z > 0 we can choose (3 = Too; however a = —oo is not possible. It is better to choose the path C such that for Ш — oo the function sinh£ approaches Too. Because of the periodicity of the hyperbolic function, this is possible in several strips running parallel to the real axis in the complex t—plane Putting z = x + iy = гег® and t = и + iv we take for £ in particular the paths depicted in Figure 9.1; the variable и runs through all real val- ues. Convergence of the integral and the relation in (9.2) then requires the following: • When и Too we must have cos(0 + v) > 0; we choose —-7Г — 9 < V < -7Г — 9. 2 2 • When и — oo we must have cos(0 — v) < 0; we choose Q 1 ----7Г + 9 < V <-----------7Г + 9 2 2 or 1 4 -7Г + 0 < V < -7Г + 0. 2 2 This leads to the following definitions of the so called Hankel functions = ~ [ e-zsinht + l/tdt, j = 1,2; (9-3)
222 9: Bessel Functions Figure 9.2. The path of integration £3 for (9.6). v is called the order. The integrals in (9.3) are called Sommerfeld integrals. The Hankel functions are entire functions with respect to the order (for any complex z 0); considered as function of z they are analytic in (D\ {0}. From (9.3) it follows that Я^) = е’1/7ГЯр1)(г), H(^(z) = (9.4) The first relation is proved by substituting t = —w — Itt in (9.3) (with z/ replaced by —z/). Similarly for the second relation. It will certainly support your insight in the theory of Bessel functions by attributing to the Hankel functions H^\z), H^\z) the roles the exponential functions ezz and е~гг play in the theory of circular functions. As will become clear in §9.6, the asymptotic expansions of the Hankel functions, as z —> oo, contain the exponential functions as crucial components. When v is real the Hankel functions are complex conjugates of each other. That is, Я<2)(г) = H^(z). When z/ is real and z > 0 we can split these functions into real and imaginary parts. This gives the analogs of the sine and cosine functions, namely, the ordinary Bessel functions ffP\z) = Л(г) + iY^z), H^(z) = J^z) - iYv(z). (9-5) This can be written as Л(г) = + W = T [ e-zSmht + vtdt^ 2 L J 2m W = [я^(^) - ^2)U)] = e-zsinht + utdt, (9-6)
§ 9.3> Cylinder Functions 223 which are now taken as definitions of Jy(z) and Y„(z) for general complex values of z and 1/ (z / 0)t The contour of integration £3 is depicted in Figure 9.2, whereas £4 is just the union of £1 and £2, with a different direction of integration on £2. In Figures 9.3-9.6 we give the graphs of the Bessel functions Jy(x), Yy(x) for non-negative values of x and z/. 9.3. Cylinder Functions Solutions of equation (9.1) are also called cylinder functions, because they occur as solutions in boundary value problems with cylindrical symmetry; see Chapter 10. A general notation for cylinder functions is C„(z), denoting an arbitrary solution of (9.1). Bessel functions satisfying (9.1) are called ordinary Bessel functions, as distinct from the modified Bessel functions introduced in §9.5. The functions J±„(z) are called the Bessel functions of the first kind, Yvfjz) (also called the Neumann function) is the function of the second kind, and Н^(у), H„2\z) are the functions of the third kind. We return to the Bessel differential equation (9.1). The equation remains the same when we replace v by — z/. Hence, the functions ^(г), Я^г), 7_,(г), are also solutions of (9.1). The relations between the Hankel functions H^(z), and Я<2)(г) are given in (9.4). For the other Bessel functions the relations follow from (9.4) and (9.5): 2i sinvTr (z) = — e Ш7Г Jy(z) + J_y(z), 2i sinz/тг H^2\z) = eW7rJ„(z) - J_„(z), (9-7) When z/ = n = 0,1,2,... we conclude that J-n(z) = (~l)nJn(z). (9.8) t In the physics literature the function Yu(z) is sometimes denoted by Nu(z).
224 9: Bessel Functions Figure 9.3. Bessel functions ЛДя), v = 0,1,2,3. Figure 9.4. Bessel functions У^я), = 0,1,2,3.
§ 9.3 Cylinder Functions 225 Figure 9.5. order v. Bessel functions Jy(x), x = 5, 7,9,11,13, as functions of their Figure 9.6. order v. Bessel functions x = 5, 7,9,11,13, as functions of their
226 9: Bessel Functions The pair {Jy(z),Yy(z)} act, under all circumstances, as an independent pair of solutions of the Bessel equation (9.1). The same for the Hankel functions {Hy^fyf), H^\z)}. In the terminology of Chapter 4, the pairs {Jy(z), Yy(z)} and {Hy1^(z), Hy2\z)} constitute fundamental pairs of solu- tions of (9.1). The solutions Jy(z) and J-y(z) are only independent if v is different from an integer. When z/ 6 Ж, see (9.8). In Exercise 9.1 an overview of Wronskians is given, from which the independence of pairs of solutions follows. From (9.5) and (9.7) follows the fundamental relation for the Neumann function (9-9) which often is used as the definition of the function of the second kind. Remark 9.1. So far we have considered four cylinder functions (and also functions with order —z/). As mentioned above {Л(г), ВД} and constitute linearly independent pairs of solutions of the Bessel differential equation. In fact, one pair is sufficient to describe all interesting properties of the Bessel functions. However, in physical problems it is very important to have available all four functions. First because Jy(z) and Yy(jz) are real for positive z and real z/. Second, the Hankel function Hy^\z) is exponentially small as ^z —> +oo, whereas Hy J(z) is exponentially small as $sz — oo (see §9.7). Therefore, the Hankel functions are important to describe solutions of physical problems with complex parameters. Remark 9.2. In numerical and physical applications it is also important to have a numerically satisfactory pair of solutions. For instance, the pair {ez, e~z} is a linearly independent pair of solutions of the equation dPw/dz2 = w, as is the pair {sinh г, cosh г}. However, with the latter pair severe cancel- lation takes place when we compute e~z = cosh г — sinh г for large positive values of ?ftz. We infer that.the pair {sinh г, cosh г} is not a numerically satis- factory pair of the equation dPw/dz2 = w for large positive values of Кг, but the pair is numerically satisfactory for small values of \z\. A similar situation occurs in the case of the Bessel functions. The Hankel functions constitute a numerically satisfactory pair of the Bessel equation for large values of \z\ in | arg г| < тг. They are numerically unsatisfactory for small |г|, in which case a better pair is {Jy(z\ Я^\г)} for 0 < arg г < 7Г, and {Л(г), Hy2\z)}
§ 9.^ Further Properties 227 Figure 9.7. Contour £ for (9.10). for —7Г < arg г < 0. For more discussions on this point we refer to Miller (1950) and Olver (1974). 9.4. Further Properties We give an interpretation of the first formula in (9.6) in terms of the inversion formula for the Laplace transformation. Take s as new variable of integration by putting e-t = 2sIz. First take z > 0. Then the transform of £3 can be taken as the vertical line Hence £ = {s | = constant > 0, — 00 < < 00}. (9.10) When £ is a vertical line we have to assume that > —1. Analytic con- tinuation with respect to v is possible by deforming the vertical line at ±гоо into the left half plane; see Figure 9.7. Also, the restriction with respect to z > 0 can be relaxed: (9.10) holds for z e C \ {0}. In (9.10) take z = 2y/t and change s ts . Applying Laplace inversion on the resulting integral, we obtain e~st dt = s~v~xe~^ls, > -1, Ш > 0. (9.11) Other Laplace transforms of are given in Exercises 9.8 and 9.9. Expanding the factor exp(—z2/s) in the integrand of (9.10) into a power series, we obtain after interchanging the order of integration and summation Л(^)-(24 E r(n + ^ + l)n! \2z) n=0 (9-12)
228 9: Bessel Functions the well-known power series for the Bessel function of the first kind. In the proof of (9.12) we have used Hankel’s integral (3.6); in (9.10) we take the contour as in Figure 9.7. Also Theorem 2.1 from Chapter 2 may be used. Recall that (9.12) directly follows from the power series method applied to the differential equation (9.1); see (4.22). By using (9.7) and (9.9) we can obtain compound power series expansions for the the Hankel functions and the Neumann function. The dominant terms for Jh/ > 0 are (9.13) These relations hold as z —> 0. They also are asymptotic relations for the Bessel functions as —> +oo, with z fixed. This easily follows from the series (9.12). It has an asymptotic character as v oo. When у = 0 the expansion in (9.12) reads /1 \2 1 /1 \4 1 x6 JoW = l-(-4 +---- <9-14) When z/ assumes integer values, the expansion of Yy(z) has logarithmic terms. This is in accordance with the theory of Chapter 4. Applying I’Hopital’s rule to (9.9) we obtain in the first instance = 1 dJ„(z) [ (-фЭЛ(г) 7Г ду 7Г du v=n n integer. Hence У_п(г) = (-1)пУп(г). Next we assume that n > 0. Straightforward analysis eventually gives (when n = 0,l,2,...) Yn(z) = -Jra(z)ln (iz) 7Г \ 2 / (^Г-^-А;-!)! % fro k' (9.15) k=Q v 7 where ф is the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function, which is defined in §3.4.
§ 9.4. Further Properties 229 Other interesting special cases occur when v equals n + In Exercise 9.3 you can verify that in this case the Bessel functions reduce to elementary functions. For the Bessel functions with consecutive indices v — 1, z/, + 1 a number of relations exist, which easily follow from (9.3). We have the recurrence relations for the Bessel functions: + С^ф) = — Cy_1(z)-C^1(z) = 2C^z\ , v (9.16) C'(z) = C^_i(z)--^(z), С'(г) =-С^+Цг) + where Cv(z) denotes one of the functions Jy(z'), Yv(z), the cylinder functions; see §9.2. When we take Ci/(z) = H^(z), the proof of the first relation runs as follows: Hyl-i (z) + (z) = — [ e-2 smh cosht dt J Cj = —— [ eytde-zsinht = — [ e"zsinh‘ + l/4t. JCj zm JC} The other relations follow in a similar way; for J^z), Yy(z) the first parts of (9.6) can be used. Next we derive from (9.16) z az ~ztAz~VCv^\ = Applying the operator of the left-hand side repeatedly we obtain the nice results 1A _z dz _z dz. к [z-C^z)] = z^C^z), к = 0,1,2,... . к [z-^z)] = (-1)^—kC„+k(z). (9-17) We mention the following special cases, which occur frequently in practical problems, |jl(z) = -J^), У1(г) = -У0'(г). | (9.18)
230 9: Bessel Functions 0 + Я 0-я Figure 9.8. Special choice of the contour £3 of (9.6). When 1/ E Ж we can derive from (9.6) the well-known Bessel integral representation: 1 f7r Jn(z) = 2- / e~lz^v elnv dv, -7Г геС, пЕЖ. 1 г = — I cos(zsin-y — nv) dv л Jo (9.19) To prove this we write in (9.6) t = и + w, z = and deform the path £3 into a path constituted by the following straight lines: (a) — 00 < и < 0, v = i(9 — я), (b) и = 0, i(9 — я) < v < i(9 + я), (c) — 00 < и < 0, v = i{9 + я). Since ezz/(6’-71') = ег*'(0+7Г) when v = n the contributions from (a) and (c) cancel each other. All that remains is the right-hand side of (9.19), with limits of integration 9 — я and 9 + я. Since the integrand is a periodic function of period 2я, and the integral runs over a full period, we can change the interval into [—я, я]. In Figure 9.8 we show the special contour that is used in the proof of (9.19). When I argz| < ^я we can take in (a) and (c) v = —я and v = я, respectively. Then the above method leads to SchlaHi’s integrals Jl/(z) = — [ cos(z/0 — z sin 9)d9 — S* [ e~yt ~ zsmht dt, 71 Jo 71 Jo Y„(z) = — f sin(z sin 9 — v9) d9 — [ (eyt + e~yt cosz/я) e-2;sinh* dt, 7Г JO JO
§ 9.4 Further Properties 231 which are valid for all complex values of z/. Observe that, when v = n (integer), the first one is equivalent to the integrals in (9.19). Apparently, interpreting the first integral in (9.19) as a Fourier coefficient, we have (9.20) This Fourier series can be considered as a generating function for the Bessel functions of integer order, that is, for the Bessel coefficients. From the Parseval relation for Fourier series it follows that oo E ^) = i> n= — oo геС. (9.21) Several variants of the expansion (9.20) exist, for instance, oo cos(z sin 0) = + 2 J2n(z) cos 2n0, n=l oo sin(zsin0) = 2 E J2n+1(^) Sin(2n + 1)0, n=l oo cos(zcos0) = Jq(z) + 2 У2 ( —l)n^2n(^) cos2n0, n=l sin(zcos0) = 2 У^(—l)nJ2n+l(^) cos(2n + 1)0. n=l We obtain from the second series, by differentiating with respect to 0 and taking 0 = 0: oo z = 2 E(2n + 1)J2n+l(z). n=Q In a similar way expansions can be derived for higher powers of г. In Ex- ercise 9.4 a few other aspects of generating functions will be mentioned, in particular the expansion of the exponential function and the sine and cosine in terms of Chebyshev polynomials. The Bessel functions introduced thus far have, for general values of z/, an algebraic singularity at z = 0; when z/ G 7L the J—function is regular at the origin. When z/ = n the other functions have a pole and a logarithmic singularity at z = 0. For the Neumann function Yy(z) this is described in (9.15). Usually we consider the many-valued functions in the sector | argz| <
232 9: Bessel Functions 7г, but we can consider the analytic continuation of the Bessel functions outside this sector. The differential equation (9.1) does not change when z is replace by —г. Hence, the functions Jrz/(—z), and so on, can be written as linear combinations of the other functions. For the J—function this easily follows from (9.12). Since the series is an even entire function of г, we find Л(геш™) = еш^Л(г), m e Ж. (9.22) For the Y—function we find using (9.9) Уг/(геШ7Гг) = e m^lYv(z) + 2i sinmz/тг cotz/тг J„(z) (9.23) and for the Hankel functions the relations follow from (9.5). We mention the simple special cases: h^\ [ге+™) (ге"™) = 2 cos (г) + (z ^e"™) я<2)| fze+™) = 2 cos 1/irHpXz) + е+1/,гг H^XZ. (9.24) Bessel functions play an important role in the theory of integral transforms. We mention the Hankel transform pair /•OO /*OC д(.У) = / y/xyJv(xy)f(x)dx, f(x) = / y/ху Jv{xy)g(y) dy. JO Jo Other Bessel functions also occur as kernels in integral transforms. A good introduction to this topic is Sneddon (1972). Tables can be found in the Batemann Project (1953), in Oberhettinger’s tables and in Prudnikov (1986). 9.5. Modified Bessel Functions The Bessel functions with argument ±iz are called modified Bessel functions. When z is replaced by iz, equation (9.1) becomes z2y" + zy' - (z2 + Z/2) у = 0. (9.25) The modified Bessel functions are the solutions of this equation. When z is positive and z/ is real this equation has real solutions. The pair {/^(z), K„(z)}
§ P.5 Modified Bessel Functions 233 constitute an attractive and conveniently chosen pair, their Wronskian being equal to — 1/z (see Exercise 9.1). They are defined by e-^J^ze1^ , I„(z) = eiv^Jv(ze-i^ , Kv(z) = (ze5™) , K^z) = -упе^Н® (ze"!™) , / 1 —7Г < arg г < -7Г, 1 -7Г < arg Z < 7Г, 1 —7Г < arg г < -7Г, 1 —-7Г < arg г < 7Г. (9.26) When v = 0 this leads to Jo(±iz) = Iq(z). For the Y—function we have Y^ze^j = e^+1>iIl/(z) -e-^K^z), 7Г 1 —7Г < arg z < -7Г. (9.27) It is easily verified by means of (9.12) that (9.28) Furthermore, from the first formula in (9.7) and (9.26) it follows that (9.29) where the right-hand side should be determined by a limiting process when v assumes integer values. In that case we have, when n = 0,1,2,..., the analog of (9.15): Kn(z) = (-i)n+1/ra(z)in (f) + i (f) " £ (w k 1)!(-i)fc (f)2fc + k=Q 1ЛгАпД (4)2fc k=Q v 7 (9.30) From (9.8) and (9.29) we derive the following properties: I-n(z) = In(z), K y(z) = Кр(г). (9.31) The K—function is an even function with respect to z/. The analytic contin- uation with respect to z is described by I„ (zem~^ = emi,™Iv(z), Kv (zem™\ = e-^K^z) - m^^-I^z). \ / Sin 1/7Г m € TL (9.32)
234 9: Bessel Functions The analog of (9.20) for the I—functions reads: e^cos* _ cos nt In(z) = Iq(^) + 2 cosnt In{z)\ n= — oo n=l (9.33) see also Exercise 9.4. The modified Bessel functions Iy(z), Ky(z) satisfy re- currence relations, which follow from (9.16) and (9.26). They read as follows: 4/-1СЮ - = —Iy{z), 4-l(^) + Iu+l(z) = 2l'v(z), z r^z^I„+1(z) + -I^z), z Kh-1(z) - Kv-llz) = ~Kv(z) К1/-1(г) + Кр+1(г) = -2К'(г), K'AZ) = -Kv-\{z) - -K^z), z Kv(z) = -Kv+\{z) + (9.34) Unfortunately, Iy(z), Ky(z) do not satisfy the same relations; observe that the relation for Iy(z) is also satisfied by e^Kj^z). Next we have (9.35) where Z»(z) means the function Iv(z) or eP7ViKy(z). Special cases of (9.35) are /(,(/) = Л(г), К^ = -К^). (9.36) The following asymptotic relations as z —> 0 are important: M*)~ (Uf/r^ + i), p^-1,-2,..., K,(z) Qz)^ , JRp>0. (9.37) These estimates also hold when z is fixed and —> +oo. 9.6. Integral Representations for I— and K-Functions Apart from the integral representations (9.3) and (9.6) introduced earlier, many more interesting integrals for the Bessel functions exist. It is not possible to present more than a brief overview. The integrals introduced thusfar have the slight drawback of being expressed in terms of complex contour integrals.
§ 9.6 Integral Representations for I— and K—Functions 235 The benefit is that they are valid for a large range of the complex parameters z and z/. In this section we restrict ourselves to the representations that are useful in deriving asymptotic expansions, or that can be used in deriving other new relations. Combining the third line of (9.26) with (9.3) (J = 1) and replacing t with t — ^7гг (and integrating with respect to real values of the parameter t) we obtain the integral representation 1 r°° Kv(z) = ± J e~zcosht + vtdt. (9.38) This is often written in the form (9.39) It holds for | argz| < 57г and v € C. For the /—function a contour integral reads: (9.40) /•OO + /7T ( ezcosilt~vtdt, oo—i7r which is valid for | argz| < ^7r and v € C. For other phases of z the contour may be shifted upwards or downwards. See the analog for Jv(z} in (9.6), from which (9.40) can be derived. In the same manner we can verify that the integrals in (9.3) for the Hankel functions can be written as /1\ p—VTvi/2 roo H^\z) = --------— / e2ZCOSh‘-p‘dt, Qz>0, J —oo Г9Ч е^г/2 Г00 . , 4. (z) =-——r- / e-zzcosht“dt, Sz <0. J—oo We take in (9.38): e-t = u. Then K„(z) = e-^u+l/u)/2u-u-l du (9,41) 2 JO By using simple transformations this can also be written as: (9.42) V /*ОО / e-^-^t-^dt.
236 9: Bessel Functions Substitution of the relation in (9.41) gives 1 r(z/ + 2) dx^ fry > -i, 2’ °° i 2Г (v + ^) Jo e—u(x+z/2)—z/(2u) du у/й dx. и y * 1 The order of integration may be interchanged by absolute convergence of the repeated integrals. The inner integral is a special case of (9.41) with v = — Hence it equals (see Exercise 9.3) zl2 V ---K' X Ч- zj2 J 2 2 / 7Г /1 1 л/-------т exp — 2\ -z(x + -z) \ x + z/2 F [ V 2 2 The substitution t = y/x + z/21 -\/z/2 in the remaining x—integral then fi- nally gives = гЛ'-Ну Г e~Zt^ ~ i)"4 dt~ С9’43) Г (^+2) •/! A simple substitution brings this in the form: nz ( 2\^ p-z ЛОО K^z) = V / e“ + If-2 dt. г (^+2) J° (9.44) Hence, from equation (6.12) we find the connection with the confluent hyper- geometric function: K„(z) = y/7r(2z)l/e ZU (z/ + p2z/ + l,2z) . (9.45) This result can also be verified directly by using the differential equations (7.4) and (9.25), and by using the behavior of both sides of (9.45) for large values of z. All other Bessel functions can be written in terms of Kummer functions. We mention Ш = O'+ ? + 1)2г) • 1 \y 1 J- J \ z 7
§ 9.6 Integral Representations for I— and K—Functions 237 From this result, which also follows from the differential equations, we derive via (7.8) and (3.4) the integral representations (9.46) This gives the analog of the Poisson integral as given in Exercise 9.12 for the ordinary Bessel function: Iv(z) = —— /* (1 — t2y~z cosh^tdt, -, z e C. (9.47) 0rF(i/+l)J-i 2 Expanding coshz£ in powers of zt gives the series in (9.28); so the detour via the Kummer functions is not really needed for (9.47). Remark 9.3. We have remarked after (9.45) that all Bessel functions can be written in terms of Kummer functions (that is, of confluent hypergeometric functions, see Chapter 7), and we expressed the I—function in terms of the M—function, which in fact is a iF± —function. A similar result holds for the J—Bessel function: = (r(2J+ifM+ + 2iz) • 1 \l/ -j- JL ) \ z / We see that the Bessel functions e^J^z) and ezIp(z) are iF± — functions, whereas Jy(z) and Iy(z) themselves are оF± — functions (see (9.12) and (9.28) and the definition of generalized hypergeometric functions (5.29)). Remark 9.4. The representations in (9.43) and (9.46) can be interpreted as Laplace transforms. For the ordinary Bessel functions such integrals exist in the form of Fourier integrals. Assume now that the function y(z) is a solution of (9.1). Then w(z) = z~yy(z) satisfies the equation Lz[w] = zw" + (2z/ + l)wz + zw = 0. We will verify that integrals of the form i/ izt (л.2 i \У 2 ii z / e 11 — 1 j at
238 9: Bessel Functions are solutions of this differential equation. Using the method of §4.4 we take K(z,£) = exp(iz£) and, via the relation £^[ехр(г^)] = М*[ехр(г;г^)], we find the operators Mt, Mt* in the form = Я2*7 + 1)£ - i (1 - v(t), Mt [v(t)] = г(2г/ + l)iv(t) + [(1 - i2) v(i)] . A solution of M*[v(t)] = 0 is v(t) = (t2 — the function P of formula (4.28) is given by P(u,v) = i(t2 — l)uv. Next we can choose a, (3 and the location of the contour of integration, taking into account the branch cuts of the many-valued function (t2 — 1)^-2. So we find representations of the Hankel and the Bessel functions. In Watson (1944, Ch. VI) a number of integral representations are derived in this way for the Bessel functions with the Fourier kernel exp(±zz£). In §9.2 we have applied the method of §4.4 directly to equation (9.1) by using the kernel K(z,t) = exp(—zsinh£). In this way the perils with the many-valued functions are circumvented. In Exercise 9.12 several Fourier integrals for the Bessel functions will be presented. 9.7. Asymptotic Expansions The following notation, Hankel’s symbol, is frequently used in representing the coefficients of the asymptotic expansions for the Bessel functions: о— 2n c r _ . (a, ri) = —j— I(4a2 — l)(4a2 — 32) • • • |4a2 — (2n — l)2j J (9.48) (—l)ncos(7ra) /1 \ = ---p—(-+a + nr(--a + n). 7rn! \2 / \2 / We have (a, 0) = 1 and the recursion (n + A)2 — a2 (a,n + l) = — ----------(a,n), n = 0,l,2,... . In the asymptotic results to be derived in this section we assume that у is fixed and that z —> oo (in a sector that will usually be specified). Expanding the function (^H-l)1'-1/2 of (9.44) into a power series and using Watson’s lemma, we obtain the asymptotic expansion: K„(z) ~ e 7—Д, argz <-7Г. v 7 V 2z (2z\n 161 2 ’ n—0* v 7 (9.49)
§ P.7 Asymptotic Expansions 239 By taking z = (e 27rz)^ = ^e27rzwe obtain for the Hankel functions via the third and fourth formula in (9.26): h' £н(зд”")’ < arg< < The terms with odd indexes in these asymptotic series show the factor г, the even indexed terms do not have this factor explicitly. It appears to be very convenient to split up the real and imaginary terms (without taking into account whether £ is complex or not), and to introduce P and Q by writing: where x = z — (^ + ^)тг. Then the functions P and Q have the following asymptotic expansions: ~ z2(-i) (2z)2n ’ ~ 2J(_1) (2z\2n+l • (9.51) n=Q ' n=0 ' That is, we have, writing ц = 4p2, o/„ - W - 9) , (м - 1)(м - 9)(м - 25)(M - 49) l ’ ' 2!(8г)2 + 4! (8г)4 М-1 (М-1)(М-9)(д-25) 8z 3!(8г)3 +-” • From (9.50) and (9.6) it follows that the Bessel functions of the first and second kinds can be written as (9.52) Asymptotic expansions for Л,(г), Y„(jz) now follow from those for P and Q. For Л,(г), Yy(z) the expansions hold in the sector | argz| < 7Г.
240 9: Bessel Functions Observe that (9.50) and (9.52) are exact relations; (9.50) is the definition of P and Q. We can determine P and Q in terms of Л,(г), Y^(z) from (9.52): (9.53) Expansions for the derivatives of the Bessel functions follow from formal differentiation of the above relations. For the I—function we can use the results of the J—function and the first two formulas of (9.26). We have i I / i |arg£| < -7Г, (9.54) which also follows from applying Watson’s lemma to the first integral of (9.46). This result is certainly not valid outside the indicated limited sector. Just as for the M~function, see Exercise 7.7 of Chapter 7, we need an extra series for describing the asymptotic behavior outside the sector | argz| < ^7r. In the case of the function we have ez у', e ^+(^+2>г ~ (p,n) (2z)n ^0(2z)n’ when — ^7T < arg г < |тг, and when — |тг < arg г < ^тг. When we take z = x > 0, we have for large values of x (9.55) Hence the Bessel functions have an oscillatory character, with amplitude у2Дтпг), which steadily decreases as x —> oo.
§ 9.8 Zeros of Bessel Functions 241 Asymptotic representations for large values of z/ with z fixed can be ob- tained from the series (9.12) and (9.28). The remaining functions can be treated by using (9.9), (9.5) and (9.29). When both parameters z/ and z are large the asymptotics becomes much more complicated. A good survey is given in Abramowitz & Stegun (1964, Ch. 9). The theory can be found in Olver (1974), where the results, along with the above expansions, are mainly derived by using differential equations and are supplied with bounds for the remainders. 9.8. Zeros of Bessel Functions Looking at (9.55) we observe that the Bessel functions J„(z) and Y„(z) will have real zeros when z/ is real. A zero of the Bessel function Jy(z) is a value of z such that Jy(z) = 0, with у a given fixed number. Similarly for Yy(z) and the derivatives. In this section we assume that the order v is real. We prove the following theorems, of which the first one is a special case of a more general result for zeros of solutions of second order differential equations. Theorem 9.1 . 1. All zeros of a solution of the Bessel differential equation are simple (with a possible exception of the point z = 0). 2. All zeros of the derivative of a solution of the Bessel equation are simple (with a possible exception of the points z = 0 and z = ±y). Proof. If w is a solution of (9.1), and z = zo is a regular point with w(zq) = wz(zo) = 0, then Theorem 4.1 leads to w = 0. If, on the other hand, w'(zo) = n/'^o) = 0, then from (9.1) it follows that w(zq') = 0, when zq ±z/. g The following theorem is due to Lommel (1868). Theorem 9.2 . Л/(г) has no поп-real zeros when у > —1; J„(z) has no поп-real zeros when у > 0. Proof. From (9.28) it follows that Л,(г) has no purely imaginary zeros if z/ > — 1. Assume now that z = a is a non-real zero, with а Ж. Then z = а is also a zero. Consider the identity (a2 - /?2) Г dt = z \jv(az)dJtf^ - , * Jo L az dz J (9.56) where у > — 1, which can be proved by differentiating with respect to z and by using (9.1). We use this formula with z = 1 and /3 = a. Then, f tJy{at)Jy(fat) dt = 0. Jo
242 9: Bessel Functions Table 9.1. Positive Zeros jy,n,yu,n of the Bessel Functions г/ = 0,1. n JO, n <71,72 У0,п У1,п 1 2.40483 3.83171 0.89358 2.19714 2 5.52008 7.01559 3.95768 5.42968 3 8.65373 10.17347 7.08605 8.59601 4 11.79153 13.32369 10.22235 11.74915 5 14.93092 16.47063 13.36110 14.89744 6 18.07106 19.61586 16.50092 18.04340 7 21.21164 22.76008 19.64131 21.18807 This is impossible, since the integrand is positive. The same proof can be used for Jy(z), hut now there is a pair of imaginary zeros when — 1 < v < 0. This follows from the power series of Jy(z). When v < — 1 the proof is not valid, since in this case the integral in (9.56) is not convergent at t = 0. Indeed complex zeros occur when v < — 1, see Watson (1944, §15.27). In Table 9.1 we give the first seven positive zeros jv^yv,n of the Bessel functions Jy(ж), v = 0,1. A first approximation of the zeros of Jv(z) follows from (9.55): ( 1 cos \z-----UK \ 2 Hence, Z = П7Г + -Z/7T — -7Г + О (n 2 4 \ where n is a large positive integer. Sharper approximations follow from the equation (see (9.52)) P(z/, z) cos x = z) sin x and the expansions in (9.51), that is z — a = — arctan Q(y, z) P{y,z) 4z/2 - 1 8г (4z/2 - l)(4z/2 — 25) 384г3 where a = (n + — ^)тг. After a few formal manipulations we obtain for the large zeros of Jy{z) the asymptotic expansion (McMahon (1895)) 4z/2 - 1 (4z/2 - 1) (28z/2 - 31) Q 8a 384a3 oo. (9.57) n
§ 9.8 Zeros of Bessel Functions 243 If v = the first (and later!) terms give the exact result 7г, 2тг, Зтг,... for the positive zeros. Using continuity of the zeros with respect to the parameter we infer that (9.57) indeed gives an approximation for the n—th positive zero (n > 0). When n = 1, v = 0 one has a = |тг. Computing the first zero of Jq(z) using the terms shown in (9.57) yields z ~ 2.35619 + 0.05305 - 0.00617 = 2.40307, while the ‘exact’ value is 2.40482.... Theorem 9.3 . Jy(x) has a countable number of positive zeros. The distance between two consecutive zeros of Jy(x) is = тг if \v\ = -%, respectively. Proof. Starting from the Bessel differential equation (9.1) it easily follows that the function w(x) = y/x Jp(x) is a real solution of the differential equation / z/2 _ i \ w" + I 1------j w = 0. (9.58) We now use Sturm’s comparison theorem (§4.3). We apply Theorem 4.4 for the two following cases (the case v = is trivial, see Exercise 9.3). (i): |z/| < Take gi(x) = 1, gz(x) = 1 — (z/2 — |)/#2 with x > 0. We compare (9.58) with the equation wH + w = 0, which has the general solution w(x) = A cos x + В sin x. For each fixed pair A, В this solution has countably many zeros, with distance 7Г. According to Sturm’s theo- rem, between each pair of consecutive zeros of equation wu -\-w = 0 there is at least one zero of Jy(x). Considering that in a finite interval Jy(x) only has a finite number of zeros (this follows from a well-known prop- erty of analytic functions), we infer that Jy(x) has a countable number of positive zeros. Assume next that Jy(x) has consecutive zeros a, /3. Take a solution w of the equation wH + w = 0, with zeros a and ol + 7Г. According to Sturm’s theorem we conclude that а < /3 < а + тг. Hence /3 — OL < 7Г. ii): |z/| > Now take gi(x) = l/(4z/2), gz(x) = 1 — (z/2 — |)/#2 with x > |z/|. The general solution of w" + (l/4z/2)w = 0 has countably many zeros. According to Sturm’s theorem, then Jy(x) has a countable number of zeros. For the remaining part of the theorem we take gi(x) — 1 — (z/2 — |)/#2, gz(x') = 1 and reason as in the first part of the theorem. The zeros of Jy(x) can be arranged as a sequence o < Jz/,1 < Jz/,2 < • < jy,n < " •> lim = oo. (9.59) ’ ’ 72—>OO ’
244 9: Bessel Functions We will now show that the zeros of Jyy±(x) are located between these zeros. Theorem 9.4 . Between two consecutive positive zeros of Jy(x) there is exactly one zero of Jy^i(x). Conversely, between two consecutive positive zeros of Jy^i(x) there is exactly one zero of Jy(x). Proof. We use the relations in (9.17) with к = 1 and Cy = Jy, in the form [Z+4+1(2)l = ZVJv(z), [z-^z)] = -Z~V~rJv+1(z). Z (1Z L J z az (9.60) Take two consecutive positive zeros jy,n, jy^+1 of Jy(x). Then jy^n, jy,n+i are zeros of x~y Jy(x) as well. According to Rolle’s theorem, at least one zero of the derivative, hence of Jyy\{x) lies between jy,n and j^n+1 (see the second relation in (9.60)). Assume now that Jyy\{x) has two zeros Ai, A2 such that jy,n < Ai < A2 < Then Ai, A2 are zeros of Jyy\{x) as well. With the help of the first relation of (9.60) and Rolle’s theorem it follows that at least one zero of Jy(x) would lie between Ai and A2. This is in contradiction with the assumption that jy,n and jy^ny 1 are two consecutive zeros of Jy(x). Hence between jy,n and j^n+1 there is exactly one zero of Jy+l(x). The proof of the remaining part of the theorem is similar. g When v > — 1 the zeros of Jy(x) and Jyyi(x) can be arranged according to 9 < Jz/,1 < < ji/,2 < Jzz+1,2 < * ‘ < jy,n < jy-\-l,n < • • • (9.61) Much information is available on the zeros of the Bessel functions (also on complex zeros), for instance in Watson (1944, Ch. 15) and Olver (1974). The real zeros are extensively tabulated; see Abramowitz & Stegun (1964, p. 409). In Exercise 9.5 you are invited to derive more properties of the zeros of Bessel functions. When v is large the functions Jy{x), Yy(x) are monotonic in the interval (0, z/) and start oscillating when x > z/; see Figure 9.9. 9.9. Orthogonality Relations, Fourier-Bessel Series In Theorem 9.3 we have shown that for real positive values of z/ the Bessel function Jy(x) has a countable number of zeros (and Theorem 9.2 says that there are no complex zeros when z/ > —1). Here we denote the positive zeros of Jy(z) by jn, arranging them as in (9.59): 0 < Jl < J2 < J3 < • • • < jn < • • • , JV(jn) = 0.
§ 9.9 Orthogonality Relations, Fourier-Bessel Series 245 Figure 9.9. The Bessel function J^q(x),0 < x < 100. Theorem 9.5. Let v > — 1. Then, on the interval [0,1], the Bessel functions JvfjnX), constitute an orthogonal system with weight function x. Furthermore, (9.62) Proof. We first consider the case m n. Using (9.56) with а = jm, /3 = jn and z = 1, we obtain / xJy(jmx)Jy(jnx) dx = 0. JO If m = n (9.56) has to be be analyzed in more detail. We bring the factor о? — /32 to the right-hand side and apply I’Hopital’s rule, as о —> /3. Then we have j* tJv(j3t)dt = {(3z р'(/?г)]2 - л(/?г)7'(/?г) - 0zJ„(0z) J^flz)} .
246 9: Bessel Functions Again, take z = 1, /3 = jn- Then the terms on the right-hand side containing Jv(jn) vanish. The expression [Jl/Jiz)]2 can be replaced by [J„+i(г)]2 upon using one of the recurrence relations in (9.16), namely xJ^(x) = uJy(x) — xJy^-i(x). (9.63) It follows that j xJ^(jnx)dx = ^J^+1(jn). By analogy with the theory of Fourier series we can now investigate series of the form S„(x) = У? <hnJv(jmx'), O<X <1, (9.64) m=l which are called Fourier-Bessel series. Assume that this series converges uni- formly on the interval [0,1]. Then the coefficients am can be expressed in terms of the function S„(x). For that purpose, multiply (9.64) with xJv(jnx) and integrate over the interval [0,1]. Then, on account of the orthogonality of the Bessel functions, yi oo .1 i / xS„(x)J„(jnx) dx = X am / xJl/(jmx')Jl/(jnx)dx=-anJ^+1(jn). Jo 2 We can now solve for an: 2 f1 an = “72—7^1 / xS^x)J^jnx) dx. (9.65) Jv+lUn) JO This formula is the analog of the formulas for the coefficients in a Fourier series. When v = the Fourier-Bessel series (9.64) reduces to a Fourier sine or cosine series. Next we can consider the problem from a different point of view. Let / be defined on [0,1]. Compute the coefficients an according to the rule 2 f1 an = To—тхх / xf(x)J„(jnx)dx (9.66) Jo and form the Fourier-Bessel series ^2^! anJ/jnx). One can prove, under certain conditions on /, that this Fourier-Bessel series is convergent with sum f(x). One condition is that f is integrable such that Jq1 y/x f(x)dx exists, and that this integral (if it is an improper integral) converges absolutely. If x G (u, b) with 0 < a < b < 1 and f has bounded variation on (a, 6), then, if
§9.11 Exercises and Further Examples 247 v > — | and an is given by (9.66), the series anJv(jnx) converges and the sum is equal to ^[/(z + 0) + f(x — 0)] (see Watson (1944, §18.24)). Example 9.1. We have Xй = V 0 < x < 1, v > 0. (9.67) ^Jn^+10n) To prove this we derive from (9.17): ^+1л(ж) = A[^+1J (a;)]. ax Hence the result (9.67) follows from integrating by parts in (9.66) with f(x) = x”. Observe that the right-hand side of (9.67) vanishes as я —> 1, whereas the left-hand side takes the value unity. 9.10. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 9.1. All asymptotic expansions given in this chapter for the Bessel functions are for large z and fixed order v. More powerful expansions are available in which v usually is considered as the large parameter. We have Debye type expansions and Airy type expansions. An overview of the results can be found in Chapter 9, §9.3, of Abramowitz & Stegun (1964). See also Olver (1974). 9.2. Marcum’s function considered in the Introduction of this chapter is discussed in Chapter 11, §11.4, where we discuss asymptotic expansions and numerical aspects. 9.3. The computation of the Bessel functions can be based on the recur- rence relations. In Chapter 13 more information is given. In Amos (1986) a large collection of Fortran programs is described for all kinds of Bessel func- tions for real order and complex argument. Matviyenko (1993) discusses the implementation of several kinds of asymptotic expansions of the Bessel functions. This paper also shows that the Bessel functions J^x) of integer order v describe displacements of coupled harmonic oscillators on a line. 9.11. Exercises and Further Examples 9.1. Verify with Abel’s identity that the Wronskian W[u, v](^) = uv' — u'v (see (3.13) and (3.14)) for any pair of solutions ?/, v of (9.1) satisfies W[u, v](z) = —, z
248 9: Bessel Functions where C may depend on v but not on z. Nzvfiy the following cases: u(z) = л(г), v(z) = J-y(z), u(z) = Л(г), v(z) = Ут/(г), u(z)=H^\z), v{z) = H^\z), u(z) = Iv(z), v(z) = I-V(z), u(z) = Iv(z), v(z) = Kv(z), 2sinz/7T VV[u, vj(z) =-----------; 7TZ W[u, v](z) = —; 7TZ 4? Ж[и,и](г) =--------; 7TZ Tizr im 2 sin z/тг W[u,vj(z) =------------- 7TZ W[u, v](z) = - j. The second, third and fifth relations cannot vanish for any combination of z and z/. 9.2. Verify the following relations, which are related with the relations for the Wronskians in the previous exercise, _ / x T / x т / \ т / x 2sinz/7r Л+ЦгР-гДг) + Jy(z)J_(„+1y(z) =--------------; 4 7 7TZ 2 + Jy(z) Vz/_|-i (z) = ; 7TZ H^(z)H^\z) - H^\z)H^z) = —, - iv+1(z)l_v(z) = Iv{z)Kv+i{z) + Iv+]_{z)Kv{z) = P(y, z)P(y + 1, z) + Q(i/, z)Q(y + l,z) = 1. 9.3. Show that when v = the Bessel functions are elementary functions. Verify the following relations: A (^) = У_ i (^) = \ — sin 2 2 у 7TZ У1(^) = —— cosz, 2 2 у TVZ H^\z) = -iH^z) = 2 2 у 7Г2 H¥\z) = = i 2 2 у 7Г2 zJw = \/Isi”h2' J-jW = \/I“sh2’ k.W = k_.W =
§9.11 Exercises and Further Examples 249 With the recurrence relations in (9.16) and (9.34) all Bessel functions of order n+^ can be expressed in terms of circular functions multiplied by a polynomial in powers of г-1. In the literature on Bessel functions these functions are often called spherical Bessel functions. There is a separate notation: = /1Уп+|(г)- Show that 3n(z) = (-г)п 1 d n sin z z dz\ z ' УпИ = -(-z^ 1 d n cos z z dz z 9.4. Verify, by using (6.42) and the generating function (9.20) for the Bessel coefficients (see also (9.33)), the following Chebyshev expansions for the Bessel functions: COS £2 = 2^2 (-1)nj2n(^)T12n(^), 72=0 sinzz = 2 У2(-1)"-/2п+1(2)72п+1(ж), 72=0 OO exz = 2 £ ’W)Tn(x). n=0 The prime in denotes that the first term of the series is halved: OO , £ «n = 2°° + °1 + a2 H-------• 72=0 9.5. In addition to the theory in the text we present extra examples on zeros of Bessel functions. 1. Show that between each pair of consecutive positive zeros of Jy(x) there is exactly one zero of Yy(x), and conversely. Hint, use the Wronskian for both functions, see Exercise 9.1. Draw the graph of the function Jv(x)/Yy(x) when x > 0. 2. Verify that the first terms of the asymptotic expansion of the positive zeros of Yy(x) follow from (9.57) by replacing a with (3 = (n+ — |)тг. Verify that the positive zeros j'n, y„n of J'(ж), У/(ж), respectively, have the following asymptotic expansion (McMahon (1895)): , 4z/2 + 3 112И + 328z/2 - 9 ~ a — §§^3 ..., n oo,
250 9: Bessel Functions where a = (n + — |)тг for j„n and a = (n + JjP — ^)тг for yfun. 3. Introduce the function G(x) = AJ„(x) + xJy (ж), where p > — 1 and A is a real constant. Prove that, if A + v > 0, all zeros of G are real and simple (with possible exception the point x = 0). Show that between each pair of consecutive positive zeros of G there is exactly one zero of Jy(x), and conversely. 9.6. Expand the function In x in terms of a Fourier-Bessel series with v = 0. 9.7. Verify the indefinite integral / J^XjJy^X) — = -------------2---2----------’ M 7^ • J X /JLZ - Investigate the convergence of the integral Г i ( \ i ( \dx Jo x and compute this integral. 9.8. Verify the Bessel transforms in connection with the Laguerre poly- nomials: °° tn+a/2 Ja ) e-t dt = Xa/2e-x n, (1) ta/2Ja e-^2L^t) dt = 2(-l)nxa/2e-a:/2 L“(x). (2) (1) is valid when Ji(n + a) > —1, (2) is valid when a > — 1; x may be any complex number. By a slight change of integration variable, both relations may be seen as Laplace transforms of the Bessel function. In fact (1) general- izes the Laplace transform (9.11). Observe that (2) gives an integral equation for Laguerre polynomials: let yn(x) = xa/2e~x/2Ln(x), then yn(x) solves the integral equation yn(x) = (Vxt) yn(t) dt. To prove (1) start with (9.11) in the form e~xxn^a = y* (Vrt) Jn+a (^VTt) е~* dt, and assume first that x > 0. Next verify that LUV!2JV (2^Z) = (2v^) •
§9.11 Exercises and Further Examples 251 We find that, for m = 0,1,2,.. ч ._\n—m+a / _\ , (e~xxm+a) = Уо [Vxij Jn-m+a \2y/xt ) e~4mdt. Taking m = n and using (6.23), we obtain (1). The result in (1) is valid for all complex values of x. When n = v (non-integer) the right-hand side can be replaced by a Kummer M—function; see Exercise 7.10. To verify (2), expand Ln(f) = where cffl follow from (6.40). The resulting integrals can be evaluated by using (1). Finally you need the following identity for Laguerre polynomials: (-l)raL“(2z) = £ m! 2m LaM. m=0 This follows from Exercise 6.18. 9.9. Verify, by expanding the Bessel function in powers of f, the Laplace integral [°° t^-1Ju(t)e~stdt = Jo Г(/х + р) /1 1 i i 1 _2\ 2^^Г(р + 1) F + 2P’ 2^ + 2P + 2 ; P + 1; ~S )’ (1) where > 0 and + u) > 0. Verify, with the help of (3.4) and (5.2), that the cases // = z/ + l,// = z/ + 2 give the elementary results: 'OO e st dt = 0 21,+11> + Ц. 0 лЛЕ Г52 + 1^+2 Prove, by taking /a = 0 and /a = 1, and using Exercise 5.10, that v oo \e st dt = и 0 J„(t)e st dt = (^\/s2 + 1 — s) Vs2 + 1 The right-hand side of (1) is a Legendre function, as becomes clear from the right-hand side of (7.57). However, this is not the form that is usually found in
252 9: Bessel Functions the literature. Use the quadratic transformation of (5.28) with 2a = //+z/, c = v + 1 and s — Vs2 + 1 Z = ----Л-9 .../ * s + VS2 + 1 The hypergeometric function in (1) then takes the form (1 + z)^pF (/jl + v, //; v + 1; г). Next use the second transformation in (5.5) and finally (8.75). Thus we obtain for (1): fOO / \ / dt = (? + 1)-^Г(м + p)p-_\ Jo p \V«S2 + 1/ A further special case is [ Jv(t)dt=l, SRp>-l. Jo Prove with the final result and (9.9) that 7°° /1 \ / Yv(t) dt = — tan ( -гл/г) , < 1. Jo \2 J 9.10. Use (9.43) and an integral for the beta function to prove that Г t^K^t) dt = 2^-2r Q/z + |p) Г Q/z - ip) , > |M J 0 In fact, this is the Mellin transform of the K—function. The inversion formula gives (see the Mellin transformation pair in §5.6) K,(t) = [ 2^’Mr (^+r & -Y) 27П j£ \2 2 / \2 2/ where £ is a vertical line in the complex //—plane, on which 3ft// > |SRp|. Shifting the path of integration to the left while picking up the residues of the gamma functions, we obtain a power series that corresponds with (9.29) and (9.28). From Exercise 7.8 and formula (9.45) a different Mellin-Barnes integral for Ku(z) follows. 9.11. Substitute и = sinh2 that is coshf = 2u + 1, in (9.39) and derive with formula (2) of Exercise 5.4 the integral representation x -z f°° -2zu^(± .1 1 \ du
§9.11 Exercises and Further Examples 253 Substitution of the power series expansion of the F—function and Watson’s lemma again give the asymptotic expansion (9.49). Verify this. Use of the first formula of (5.5) then shows that p — 2zu /1 —-------rF U (l + uf+i V 1 и \ du 2 ’ 1 + U ) Ju Derive from this result the expansion which, by using (7.12), can be written as Kv(z) = y/Tve~z V + 2\n ^)nU (n+ -,1 -v,2z) . K n\ \ 2’ ’ / n=0 This expansion is a convergent alternative of the asymptotic expansion (9.49) of the K—function. The [/—functions in this expansion can be computed by using backward recursion (Miller’s algorithm) as described in Chapter 13. 9.12. Verify the analog of (9.47) for the J—function: JJz) =------—=— [ fl — t2] 1 cosztdt, > — -, z G C. This is the Poisson integral and has the form as mentioned in Remark 9.3 at the end of §9.6. It can be proved by expanding the cosine and comparing the result with (9.12). The Mehler-Sonine integrals also have the form as mentioned in Remark 9.2 (with — v in place of z/): 2 (^rr) V Г°° sinxt 2(2ж) Z-00 cosrrt dt where x > 0 and |SRp| < Prove these formulas by replacing in (9.43) v with —p and z with — ix. Next use the third relation of (9.26) in order to have a Hankel function in the result. The remaining step follows from (9.5).
254 9: Bessel Functions A related integral for the K—function is Basset’s integral: v , x r + 2) (2гУ f°° cos xt dt Kv(xz) = ---- / ---------j- dt, V^X" Jo (j2 + 22^+5 where x > 0, | argz| < |тг. 9.13. The solutions of the equation yH — zy = 0 are called Airy functions. They play an important part in several physical problems, for instance in diffraction of light. Airy functions are also used in asymptotics to describe the transition of oscillatory behavior of functions to exponentially small or large behavior. In §4.4 (Example 4.6) three solutions yi of the Airy differential equation are found, of which yi (г) = Ai(^) is given as a contour integral. Verify by expanding e~zt that a representation in terms of modified Bessel functions can be obtained: 3 3 00 ~3n 00 _3n+l h 32”+3»!r(n + |) ~,е»з2"+>»!Г(» + !)’ where C = (I) A second real solution is BiW= /I[m(c)+zj(<) 00 гЗп+1 + п?о32п+Зп!Г(п+^) Both series representations define entire functions; however, the represen- tations in terms of modified Bessel functions are valid only in the sector I arg г I < |тг. Outside this sector the representations in terms of ordinary Bessel functions read: Ai(-z) = j^ [j_l(C) + J1(C)] , Bi(-) = yi [j-i(O-AK)]. again in the sector | argz| < |тг. The quantity £ is given in (1). Show that the Wronskian (see Exercise 9.1) for the pair Ai(^), Bi(^) is given by W[Ai, Bi]0) = 1. 7Г
§9.11 Exercises and Further Examples 255 Verify that from the asymptotic expansions (see (9.49) and (9.54)) of the modified Bessel functions it follows that: AV \ 1 -1 -C JXiiz) = —t—'Z 4e 4 Bi(z) = [l + O , | argz| < -тг, л/7г L \ /J 3 z —> oo. Verify that from the asymptotic expansion (see (9.55)) of the ordinary Bessel function it follows that: Ai(—z) 4 cos — -тг") , у 7Г \ 4 / 2 г 1 2 —> oo, |argz| < -тг, Bi(—z) — -~j=rz~~^ sin (£ — -7Tj , where is defined in (1). In Figure 4.2 graphs of the Airy functions Ai(#), Bi(#) are given.

10 Separating the Wave Equation As explained in §4.1, the special functions of classical mathematical physics frequently arise when the potential equation Au = 0, the diffusion equation Au = щ, or the wave equation Au = utt are separated with respect to the variables in, say, spherical or cylindrical coordinate systems. The symbol A is the Laplace operator, which in three dimensional space reads d2u d2u d2u U dx2 + dy2 + dz2 ' and with a similar form in spaces of other dimensions. The special functions treated in this book, in particular the functions from the Chapters 7, 8 and 9, play an important part in the construction of solutions of these equations. The time variable t in the diffusion and the wave equations, the so-called evolution equations, is often removed by using Fourier or Laplace transformations, or by introducing special solutions with a time dependent factor eikt. The result can then be written in terms of the Helmholtz equation (& + k2^v = Q, (10.1) which is also called the time independent wave equation. When (10.1) has to be solved in domains corresponding with interior or exterior parts of configurations such as spheres or cylinders, it is necessary to write the Helmholtz equation in terms of a different coordinate system (u,v,w), in place of the Cartesian system (x,y,z). Often, the new system is curvilinear and orthogonal. In the case of a sphere, for instance, one in- troduces spherical coordinates и = r,v = 0,w = ф, which will be described below. First we give the general transformation formulas that the describe the new forms in terms of the new variables of, for instance, the Laplace operator, the divergence, the gradient, and the rotation of scalar or vector functions in three 257
258 10: Separating the Wave Equation dimensions. Next we give special cases in which we obtain explicit forms of these quantities and see how the Helmholtz equation can be separated. In a final section we discuss in some detail two boundary value problems from mathematical physics (heat conduction in a cylinder and diffraction of a plane wave to a sphere) that can be solved in terms of special functions by separating the variables, and we give three exercises with further examples. 10.1. General Transformations Let (?z, v, w) be an orthogonal coordinate system related to the original Carte- sian system (#,7/,z) by the equations x = x(u, u, w), у = y(u, u, w), z = z(u, u, w), where we assume that the surfaces defined by и = ci,u = C2,w = C3 are mutually orthogonal. In order to describe equation (10.1) (or a different equation) in terms of the new coordinate system it is useful to know how the element of arc length ds and the element of volume dr are expressed in the new system. We have the following relations (ds)2 = (dx)2 + (dy)2 + (dz)2 = ^(du)2 + ^(dv)2 + -^(dw)2, dr = dx dy dz = rrT^Trr du dv dw, uvw while the new elements of surface read du dv dv dw dw du Hv1 VW’ w~u' The functions I/, V, W are given by 1 _ I ( dx \2 / dy \2 / dz \2 ^du J + \du J + \du J 1 _ 1 72 - 1 / ГЧ \2 / ГЧ \2 / ГЧ \2 < dx \ I dy\ 1 dz\ ^dvJ + \dvJ + \dvJ 1 ТУ2 - / 0 \2 / 0 \2 / \2 1 dx \ 1 dy \ 1 dz \ \ dw / dw / "\ dw J Now, let Ф and F = (Fx,Fy,Fz) be a scalar and a vector function, re- spectively (the subscripts denote components, not differentiations). Then the quantities V^^grad1!», ДФ =’^2Ф = div (gradФ), V-F = divF, VxF = curlF
§ 10.2 Special Coordinate Systems 259 are represented, in terms of the new coordinates u, v, w, by V$ = дФ дФ дФ и—, V—, w— ди dv dw ДФ = UVW V • F = UVW д ди ' д ди U ЗФ\ д / V ЗФ\ д / W дФ VWdu J + дй \UW ~dv J + dw \j7v Fu \ д_ д /РуД- VW J + dv \UW J + dw \UV J ’ V x F = [(V x F)u, (V x F)w, (V x F)w], with (VxF)u = VW [^- dv \W J (yxF)v = UW [A dw \U J (VxF)w = t/V [A (^) ди \ V J d (Fy\ dw \ V ) A du \ W J э_ dv\U )_ where Fu, Fv, Fw denote the components of F in the new (u, v, w)system. The following relations express the transformation of the vector components: F -TJ(F dx ,F дУ +F dz\ — O' I Гх Q I “y Q I FZ Q I 1 \ OU OU OU J dx dy dz\ Fv = V [Fx— + Fy^~ + Fz— , \ dv y dv dv J ^=ДрД+д+рДу \ dw dw dw J 10.2. Special Coordinate Systems We give the transformation rules for a number of commonly used systems of coordinates and the standard functions which arise in the method of separat- ing the variables for the Helmholtz equation. 10.2.1. Cylindrical Coordinates X = r cos ф и = r и = 1 у = r sin ф V = ф v = 1/r z — z w = z w = --1 This case can also be used in two (instead of three) dimensions, in order to treat the well-known polar coordinates; some of the following vector relations
.260 10: Separating the Wave Equation Figure 10.1. Cylindrical coordinates г, ф, z. are not relevant in that case. The surfaces r = constant are right circular cylinders with the г—axis as axis of symmetry, and the surfaces ф = constant are planes through the г—axis. In Figure 10.1 we show the cylindrical coor- dinates. The transformation rules are: (ds)2 = (dr)2 + (rd({))2 + (dz)2, (V ДФ V-F=-|-(rFr) + ^ + ^, r or г оф oz д2Ф dz2 ’ а2Ф 13Ф 1 д2Ф • = k k dr2 r dr r2 dфC2‘ 1 dFz _ д£ф x F)r = - r _ dф dz F)^ = - 1 Г d F)z " r [Sr Fr = Fx cos ф + Fy sin ф, Рф = — Fx sin ф + Fy cos ф, Fz = Fz. (V (V ; dr dr^r дф ] ’
§10.2 Special Coordinate Systems 261 We write Ф(г, ф, z) — /1(г)/2(</>)/з(г)- Then the Helmholtz equation ДФ + к2Ф = 0 separates into the three equations: fl + -fl + (k2 - c? - fl = 0, /i(r) = Cfj, (ri/k2 -a2} , /2+m2/2 = 0, /2W-e±W, /з+а2/з=0, f3(z) = e±iaz. Here a and // are arbitrary constants, the separation constants; fi is a Bessel function. The occurrence in this case of a Bessel function has given this function the name cylinder function. 10.2.2. Spherical Coordinates x = r sin 0 cos ф и = r U—l у = r sin 0 sin ф v = 0 V = l/r z = r cos 0 w = ф W = l/(rsin0) The surfaces r = constant are spheres and the surfaces ф = constant are half planes with the г—axis as boundary. The surfaces 0 = constant are right circular cones with vertex at the origin and the г—axis as the axis of symmetry. In Figure 10.2 we show the spherical coordinates. Figure 10.2. Spherical coordinates г,ф,0.
262 10: Separating the Wave Equation The transformation rules are: (ds)2 = (dr)2 + (rd0)2 + (rsin0d(^)2, /<ЭФ 1ЭФ 1 <ЭФ\ \/ф = I —,-----,--------I , \ dr r 80 r sin 0 d(f) J V • F = ^(/4) + -j_ A(sin^) + — rz dr r sin 0 dO r sin 0 d(p £ д/2дФ\ 1 д ( . <ЭФ\ 1 <92Ф r2 dr \ dr ) + r2 sin в dO \ П dO ) r2 sin2 0 dtp ’ (V x F)r = -2— [A(sin^ ) _ ^1 , rsin# \_d0 * дф _ (V X Р)ф = - [^(rF,) - , r \_dr d(p _ Fr = Fx sin 0 cos ф + Fy sin 0 sin ф + Fz cos 0, Fg = Fx cos 0 cos ф + Fy cos 0 sin ф — Fz sin 0, Рф = —Fx sin ф + Fy cos ф. We write Ф(г, 0,ф) = /1(г)/2(0)/з (</>)• Then the Helmholtz equation ДФ + к2Ф = 0 separates into the three equations: A' + IA + [‘2 - л = 0, /1(г) = ~cv+j(kr), sin2 Ofz + sin в cos 0/2 + pt17 + 1) sin2 0 ~ M2] /2 = 0, /2W = F#(cos0), /3 +м2/з = о, W) = Here v and p are the separation constants; Д is a cylinder function, or Bessel function and /2 is a Legendre function. Often v and are integers. In that case /3 becomes a periodic function of ф and the Bessel function in Д is of ‘half odd integer’ order; such Bessel functions are called spherical Bessel function. Also, the Legendre functions become simple functions in that case. If к = 0 the Helmholtz equation reduces to the potential equation. In that case the function fi is given by л'+Ъ;-^л = о, with solutions fi(r) = r" or fi(r) = г-17-1.
§ 10.2 Special Coordinate Systems 263 10.2.3. Elliptic Cylinder Coordinates x = c cosh £ cos rj у = c sinh £ sin rj z = z u = £, V = TJ w = z U = 1/(ст) V = l/(cr) W = 1 where т — у sinh2 £ + sin2 r]. The results can also be used in two dimensions for treating elliptic coordinates; some of the following vector relations are then not relevant. The domain of the new parameters is given by: 0 < £ < oo, 0 < г] < 27Г, —oo < z < oo. The surfaces £ = £o (constant) are right elliptic cylinders with generators parallel to the г—axis. The cylinders have semi-axes ccosh£o, csinh£o and they are defined by the equation X2 + y2 = x c2 cosh2 £o c2 sinh2 £q The surfaces rj = t]q (constant) are hyperbolic cylinders with generators par- allel to the г—axis and defined by the equation X2___________y2 = 1 c2 cos2 T]o C2 sin2 T)o In Figure 10.3 we show the elliptic cylinder coordinates in the z = 0 plane. Figure 10.3. Elliptic cylinder coordinates (z = 0).
264 10: Separating the Wave Equation The transformation rules are: (б/s)2 = c2r2[(d£)2 + (drf)2] + (dz)2, _ / 1 ЭФ 1 ЭФ дФ Х7Ф =------,-----, — уст д£ ст drj dz д2Ф C2T2 \ 5£2 + <Эг?2 Fe) + ^-(TF^) + CT2^] , 4 OTJ 1 oz д2Ф + dz2 ’ (V (V (V 1 / drFrj drF^ \ ст у dr] j F^ = — [Fx sinh £ cos rj + Fy cosh £ sin rj], Fjj = — [—Fx cosh £ sin rj + Fy sinh £ cos rj], Fz = Fz. We write Ф(£,т?^) = /1(С)/2(^)/з(^)- Then the Helmholtz equation ДФ + к2Ф = 0 separates into the three equations: fl + [—A + |c2 (k2 — q2) cosh 2^] fi = 0, /2 + [A - (fc2 - “2) cos2r?J /2 = 0, /з+«2/з = 0, f3(z)=e±iaz. Here a and A are the separation constants. The differential equations for fi and /2 are called Mathieu equations and the solutions Mathieu functions. The typical form is that for /2 because of the periodic function cos 2rp the equation for fi follows from that for /2 by writing i£ in place of rj. The standard form of a Mathieu equation is d2 f + (a — 2q cos 2x)f = 0. dxz 10.2.4. Parabolic Cylinder Coordinates a: = -??2) У = z = z u = t u = l/p v = г] V = 1/p w — z W = 1
§ 10.2 Special Coordinate Systems 265 Figure 10.4. Parabolic cylinder coordinates (z = 0). where p — y/%2 + 02 - This case is described in the (ж,т/) — plane by the conformal mapping x + iy = + гт?)2. The lines £ = £o and tj = tjq correspond with mutual orthogonal parabolas, of which the x—axis is the axis of symmetry and the origin is the focal point. Taking into account the г—variable, we see parabolic cylinders with generators parallel to the г—axis. In Figure 10.4 we show the parabolic cylinder coordinates in the z = 0 plane. The transformation rules are: (<Zs)2 = р2[Ш2 + (dp)2] + (dz)2, / 771 \ ] 2 dFz (pFn) +P д2Ф dz2 ’ V’F = 4 [J? ИО + ^-i дж 1 /д2Ф Э2Ф\ . _ p2 \dt2 + dp2) + ' _ 1 (dFz dFv X p\dp P dz _ 1 ( dF^ dFz x p v dz d$ x F>-=? [Д ио • Fe = -p(£Fx + r]Fy), F^-^Fy-r]Fx), Fz = Fz. (V (V
266 10: Separating the Wave Equation We write Ф(£,т/,г) = /1(С)/2(^)/з(^)« Then the Helmholtz equation ДФ + к2Ф = 0 separates into the three equations: /{' + (л + /2е2) /1 = о, l2 = k2-a2, f2 + (-A + /V)/2 = 0, I2 = k2 — a2, /з+а2/з = 0, /3(г) = e±laz. Here a and A are the separation constants. The functions Д and /2 can be expressed in terms of Weber functions, or parabolic cylinder functions. Such functions are special cases of the confluent hypergeometric functions, see (7.21). One can take the following solutions: /1(0 = и [-i + (/ + a)/(2/), (I + 0], /2(1/) = U [-i + (/ - гА)/(20, ±T)Vl (1 + i)] . 10.2.5. Oblate Spheroidal Coordinates X = CT cos ф u = £ и = /(ср) у = ст sin ф V = 77 V = 6/(cp) Z = C^T] w = ф IV= 1/(C7<5) where p = 4- ^2 , у = д/1 4- ^2 ? $ = y/1 — тр , т = у 6. The domain of the parameters is 0 < £ < 00, — 1 < 77 < 1, 0 < ф < 27Г. The surfaces £ = £0 (constant) are ellipsoids of revolution around the г—axis and are given by x2 + y2 г2 The surfaces r) = r)o (constant) are hyperboloids and are given by x2 + y2 z2 _ c2 (1 - »7o) c2rlo The surfaces ф = фо (constant) are half planes through the г—axis and are defined by у = x tan фо- In Figure 10.5 we show an oblate ellipsoid of revolution (£ = £q) that intersects a hyperboloid of revolution (rj = 770)-
§10.2 Special Coordinate Systems 267 Figure 10.5. An oblate ellipsoid of revolution (£ = £o) intersecting a hy- perboloid of revolution (77 = 770). The transformation rules are: 'W + W]+A>|< 7 0 /7 дФ 6 дФ 1 <ЭФ\ \7ф = ----,----,----I , \cp д£ ср др ст дф J v'F = (wf£> + (гл) + 1 ДФ = —-— — c2p2 [ae — (r CP7 [ch? v 1 [p dF^ сбр [7 дф (ds)2 = c2p2 d dp ' ' д [ d f сэдФ 1 I + I <5 d£, J dp \ dp ’ 6 дф ] ’ ^трф\ ’ xF)</> = -i2 7^7 (PFv) ~ “J- (PFd ’ cpz \_o д£ у dp F( = - [£<5(-Fr cos ф + Fy sin ф) + TjyFz], P Fr, = ~p [~rry(Fx cos + Fy sin + &Fz]’ Рф = -Fx sin ф + Fy cos ф. (V (V (V г- дф _ p2 д2Ф т2 дф2 ">
268 10: Separating the Wave Equation We write Ф(£, ту, ф) = /1(£)/2(?/)/з (</>)• Then the Helmholtz equation ДФ+ к2Ф = 0 separates into the three equations: (i+e2)/!' + 2e/i+ -x+k2c2e + i+e2 /1=0, (1-7?2)^'-2т?Л+ ^+A + fc2CV /з+м2/з=0, Ш = е^. м2 1 — /у2 /2=0, Here A and // are the separation constants. For the Laplace equation, that is, к = 0, the functions j\ and /2 can be expressed in terms of the Legendre functions. When к 0, the differential equations for Д and /2 are called the Lame differential equations and the solutions are called Lame functions. See Bateman Project (1953, Vol. 3). 10.3. Boundary Value Problems By means of examples of boundary value problems from mathematical physics we demonstrate in this section the method of separating the variables. Many properties of the resulting special functions are given in the previous chapters. 10.3.1. Heat Conduction in a Cylinder We consider a cylinder described by the cylindrical coordinates г, ф, z with domain 0<г<1,0<(/>< 2тг, —00 < z < 00. Let ?z(r, ф, г, t) be the temper- ature at (г, ф, z) at time t. Then и satisfies the heat conduction equation Л Au = —. dt (Ю-2) The boundary of the cylinder is cooled and kept at constant temperature и = 0. Furthermore, the initial temperature is taken as u(r, ф, z,0) = Ф(г). From these data it follows that the solution will show symmetry: и will not depend on ф and z. Therefore we write u(r^z,t) = u(r, t) and we obtain the following boundary value problem for u(r, t) (see §10.2.1): d2u 1 du _ du dr2 + r dr dt' 0 < r < 1, t > 0, u(l,t) = 0, t > 0, boundary condition, (10.3) (Ю.4) 7/(r, 0) = Ф(г), 0 < r < 1, initial condition. (10.5) We observe that the differential equation (10.3) and the boundary condition (10.4) are homogeneous and linear. This means that, if the functions u± and
§ 10.3 Boundary Value Problems 269 U2 satisfy the differential equation and the boundary condition, any linear combination Au± + Bu% also satisfies the equation and the condition (the principle of linear superposition). The initial condition (10.5) does not have this property; this condition is not homogeneous. In the methods of solving equations like (10.2) homogeneous and inhomogeneous conditions may play an essentially different part. By writing u(r, t) = /(r)#(£), separation of the variables gives the relation r . = / f r f д' The left-hand side is a function of r while the right-hand side is a function of z. This is only possible when both sides are equal to a constant A, say. Hence we arrive at the equations f" + -f'-Xf = Q, д' - Xg = 0. (10.6) r We assume that /(0) is finite. Furthermore, it follows from (10.4) that it is convenient to prescribe /(1) = 0. Taking A = 0 we obtain /(r) = A + Blnr. But with this solution we cannot have /(1) = 0 and a finite value /(0), unless f = 0. Next we try A = — p2. Then we find the following Bessel function solution of the first equation in (10.6): /(r) = AJ^pr) + BY^pr). Since /(0) is finite we must take В = 0. The condition /(1) = 0 now reads Jq(p) = 0; hence p is one of the zeros of the Bessel function Jq(^): P = jn, the n-th positive zero (see §9.8). For the function g in (10.6) we find the solution g(t) = e^. As the materials for building the final solution we thus find the functions un(r, t) = JoOnr)e-J"i, n= 1,2,3,... and we combine these functions in the form of a trial solution (linear super- position) u(r,i) = Y (10.7) 72=1 where the coefficients cn are still to be determined. This series formally sat- isfies the differential equation in (10.3) and the boundary condition in (10.4). Next we determine the coefficients cn such that (10.7) also satisfies (10.5): u(r,0) = Y = ф(г), 0 < r < 1. (10.8) 72=1
270 10: Separating the Wave Equation Hence, the series in (10.8) is a the Fourier-Bessel expansion of the function Ф. By using (9.66) the coefficients Cn can be represented as follows: 2 Г1 Cn= t2,. , / rV(r)J0(jnr)dr. (10.9) A \Jn) Jo The solution u(r, t) of the boundary value problem (10.3)-(10.5) has been found in the form (10.7) with coefficients given by (10.9). After this we have to verify that (г) the series indeed converges and can be differentiated termwise with re- spect to r and t; (u) the function Ф(г) equals the sum of the Fourier-Bessel series; see the conditions formulated after (9.66). 10.3.2. Diffraction of a Plane Wave Due to a Sphere We consider spherical coordinates (r, 0, </>), as introduced in §10.2.2, and the surface S of a sphere given by r = 1, 0 < 0 < 7Г, 0 < ф < 2тг. The sphere is hit by a plane scalar wave Akz — iwt AkrcosO—iwt uq = e = e e (10.10) which propagates in the direction of the positive г—axis. In (10.10) we write к = cj/c, where w and c represent the frequency and the velocity of the wave. The incoming wave will be diffracted by the sphere. We call the diffracted wave и = v(r, 0)е~ги}1; observe that the problem has some symmetry and that, hence, и will not depend on ф. We now can formulate the following boundary value problem for the function v(r, O'): Au + k2v = d2v 2 dv 1 d2v dr2 + r Qr + r2 Q02 + cos 0 dv r2 sin 0 dO + k2v = 0, r > 1, 0 < 0 < 7Г, u(l,0) =-ezfccos^, 0 < 0 < 7Г, (10.11) v(r,0)~ A(0) —, r 0 < 0 < 7Г. r —> oo, Explanation: the boundary condition for u(l,0) tells us that at the surface S the total wave satisfies и + uq = 0. The remaining condition is called the Sommerfeld radiation condition; this says that the diffracted wave should behave like an outgoing wave (emitted from S), as r —> oo.
§ 10.4 Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 271 We write v(r,O) = /(r)#(0). Then, as mentioned in §10.2.2, we obtain for f and g the differential equations of Bessel and Legendre, respectively. On account of the desired regularity of the function g at 0 = 0 and 0 = tv we choose g(JF) = Fn(cos 0), n = 0,1,2,.... For f we choose Hankel functions: On account of the radiation condition in (10.11) and the asymptotic behavior of the Hankel functions we must take В = 0. In this way we arrive at the following series representation: = -F^AnH^^k^Pn^cose). (10.12) V r n=o ” 2 This solution formally satisfies the differential equation in (10.11) and also the radiation condition. The coefficients An are determined such that this solution also satisfies the boundary condition at the surface S, that is, for r = 1. This gives the relation v(l, 6») = У AnH(^(k)Pn(cos6') = -eik cos<?, 0 < 0 < тг. ‘ n-j- n n=0 Comparing this with the series in (6.64), we conclude that = У (2п + 1)!”^гУ On account of the asymptotic behavior of the Bessel functions given in (9.13) we infer that, with the present coefficients An, the series (10.12) converges in a suitable way, and that, hence, the right-hand side of (10.12) is a solution of the diffraction problem. 10.4. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 10.1. Extensive use of the method of separation of variables can be found in any book on classical mathematical physics. See for instance the classics Morse & Feshbach (1953) and Carslaw & Jaeger (1959). Collections of exercises can be found in Budak et al. (1964) and Lebedev et al. (1965).
272 10: Separating the Wave Equation 10.5. Exercises and Further Examples 10.1. Consider the Dirichlet problem for the interior of a sphere: Avz = 0, r < 1, 0 < 0 < 7Г, 0 < ф < 2тг, U = /, Г = 1, 0 < 0 < 7Г, 0 < ф < 27Г, where f = ф) is a given function on the unit sphere. Verify that a formal solution can be written in the form и(г,8,ф) = 52 52 гПРп(СО8^[Ат,пСО5(тф) + Bm>nsin(m</>)], 72=0 772=0 where the associated Legendre functions of integer values of order and degree (and m < n) are chosen on account of regularity. Verify that, by using Exercise 8.6 and the well-known relations for Fourier coefficients, that the values of Am,n and Bm,n follow from пг) —|— 1 /'I I r'R 2 tt Am, П =------:-------r? / / f (9, ф)Р™(cos 6) соъ^упф) sin (№(№ф, W (п + т)! Jo Jo Bm,n = n+ mY [ f f (0, ф)р™(cos 0)81п(тф) sin 8 dвdф, 7Г (n + m)\ Jo Jo where n = 0,1,2,... ; m = 0,1,2,..., n and tjq = 2, rjm = 1 when m > 1. 10.2. At the point P (with spherical coordinates r = a < 1,0 = 0) an elec- trical dipole is located with dipole moment 1 directed parallel to the positive x—axis. The dipole is situated inside the grounded surface of a sphere S given by r = 1. Determine the potential V(r, 0,<^) of the electrical field inside S. The potential of the field due to the dipole is given by 1 \ _ i д 1 RJ 47Г dx yV2 + a2 — 2ar cos 0 ’ where R is the distance between the point (r, 0, ф) and P. Show that on the surface S: 1 oo = -y- 52 °npn+i(cos0) созФ- 47Г £' 72=0 The required potential can be written as V(r, 0, ф) = V^(r, 0, ф) + u(r, 0, ф), where the function ?z(r, 0, ф) will be a solution of the boundary value problem Avz = 0, 0 < r < 1, 0 < 0 < 7Г, 0 < ф < 2тг, ti(l, 0, ф) = —Vrf(l, 0, </>), 0 < 0 < 7Г, 0 < ф < 2тг. ул(г,е,ф) = -^^- 47Г ox
§ 10.5 Exercises and Further Examples 273 10.3. A circular disc with radius 1 is given by x2 + y2 < 1, z = 0. The disc is an electrical conductor with potential V maintained at the value V = 1. The potential in space is the solution of the boundary value problem: AV = 0 outside the disc, V = 1 on the disc, У(ж,2/,2:) —> 0 as x2 + y2 + z2 oo. Determine V in space and the current density on the disc (that is, — dVjdz evaluated at z = 0). Hint. Use oblate spheroidal coordinates introduced in §10.2.5. That is, intro- duce £, 77, ф, which correspond to ж, 7/, z in the following way: x = V (£2 +1)(1 _ v2) С05Ф> У = у (C2 + 1)(1-7?2)sin</’, z = (1) where £ > 0, —1 < 77 < 1, 0 < ф < 2тг. Investigate the surfaces in ж, 7/, z—space corresponding to the coordinate planes in £,77,^—space given by £ = constant, 77 = constant, ф = constant. Verify that the disc is described by £ = 0. Use the method of separation of variables to obtain the solution. Explain the following choice of the solution, after separating the variables: V = coQo(^C)> with co = 1/Qo(+^O), see (8.22). Verify that this solution reduces to V = 1 — | arctan(£) = arcsin(l/\/l + £2), and that it satisfies all conditions. Translate this answer to ж, 7/, z coordinates; use the relations in (1) to show that и = 1 + £2 is one of the solutions of the quadratic equation и2 — (1 + r2 + z2)tz + r2 = 0 where r2 = x2 + y2. Finally, when z = 0, r > 1, we have V = arcsin(l/r), and the current density on the disc is given by •/A 2 1 j(r) = R---------2 • тг v 1 — r2

11 Special Statistical Distribution Functions In this chapter we consider several statistical distribution functions that have relations with special functions mentioned in earlier chapters. In particular, we consider error functions, which are related to the normal (Gaussian) dis- tribution, the incomplete gamma functions, which are related to the gamma distribution (or y2 —distribution), the incomplete beta function, which is re- lated to the beta distribution, with as special case Student’s distribution, and the non-central y2 —distribution. 11.1. Error Functions The error functions are defined by 2 rz 2 2 f00 2 erf z = dt, erfcz = 1 — erfz = —— / e-t dt. Jo Jz These functions are used in statistics and probability theory as the normal distribution functions, with somewhat different notation. For instance, let Then it is an easy exercise to show that P(x) = jerfc ж/л/2^ , Q(x) = jerfc (x/V2^ . In physics the plasma dispersion function is used. The definition is 1 e~t<2 w(z) = — / ----dt, ^sz > 0. Z7T J_0Q t Z (П-1) 275
276 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions For < 0 the function w(z) is defined by analytic continuation, or by lowering the path of integration in (11.1). To be more precise, let c be a real number less than <3z. Then, in particular when $sz < 0, (11.1) can be written as г , + oo+w e-t2 w[z) = — / ------dt, c < <sz. J—oo+ic % When ^sz < 0 we can again integrate along the real axis, by shifting the line of integration upwards, across the pole and picking up the residue: 2 1 f+°° e~t2 w(z) = 2e z 4------/ -----dt, ^sz < 0. i7rj_oo t — z Just as the error functions, w is an entire function. It is not difficult to verify that _ 2 w(z) = e z erfc(—iz). By using analytic continuation it follows that this relation holds without re- striction on z € C. We have the symmetry relations erf(—z) = —erf г, erfc(—z) = 2 — erfcz, from which we have w(—z) = 2e-2 —w(z). This also follows from the above manipulations with the integrals. Another member of this family is Dawson’s integral: F(z) = e-z2 Г / dt. Jo It is not difficult to verify that 11.1.1. The Error Function and Asymptotic Expansions The error functions play an important part in uniform asymptotic expansions of integrals. Some examples are given in later subsections, see §§11.2.4, 11.3, 11.4.2 and 11.4.3. In all these cases the functions to be approximated can be interpreted as probability density functions. New applications of the error function arose recently, starting with the paper Berry (1989), in which the
§ 11.2 Incomplete Gamma Functions 277 so-called Stokes phenomenon has been given a new interpretation. This phe- nomenon is related with the different asymptotic expansions a function may have in certain sectors in the complex plane and with the changing of con- stants multiplying asymptotic series when the complex variable crosses certain lines (also called Stokes lines). Berry explained that the constants are in fact rapidly changing smooth functions, which can be approximated in terms of the error function. His approach was followed by a series of papers by himself and other writers. At the same time interest arose in earlier work by Stieltjes, Airey and Dingle to re-expand remainders in asymptotic expansions and to improve the accuracy obtainable from asymptotic expansions by considering exponentially small terms. An introductory paper on the Stokes phenomenon and exponential asymptotics is Paris & Wood (1995). In Olver (1991a, 1991b) Berry’s approach is rigorously treated for integrals representing the confluent hypergeometric functions U(a, c, z) of Chapter 7. Other rigorous work is done for solutions of differential equations; see Olver (1993) and Olde Daalhuis & Olver (1994). Many other references can be found in the paper by Paris and Wood. 11.2. Incomplete Gamma Functions The incomplete gamma functions are generalizations of the exponential in- tegrals defined in (7.24) by taking n to be an arbitrary complex number. However, the name ‘incomplete gamma function’ comes from splitting up the interval of integration of the Euler gamma function. The definitions are (П-2) For y(n, z) we assume the condition > 0; with respect to z we assume | arg г | < тг. It is useful to have the normalizations . y(n, z) x Г(а,z) Q(a’= (11-3) Then P(a, z) + Q(a, z) = 1. In statistics and probability theory one is more familiar with the chi-square probability functions, which are defined by I f’(x2|*') = P(.a,x), <2(x2|^) = <2(а,ж), V = 2a, x2 = 2k. |
278 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions In other words, p (x2l^) = 1 2^2Г (|p) f^/2—ie—1/2 Q (x2|p) i 2"/2r(ip) fl2-le-tl2d^ When v is even we have the Poisson distribution, which reads 1 1 2 c = -p, m = -y . 2 ’ 2A The point z = 0 is a singularity for the incomplete gamma function, except when a = 0,1, 2,3,... . The singularity at z = 0 becomes apparent in the representation 7*(a,z) = £ aF(a,z) = ^—7(0,2); 1 ya) (П-4) 7* (а, г) is an entire function of z and a. The relations with the Kummer functions (see Chapter 7) are as follows: y(a, z) = a 1zae 27И(1,а + 1,г) = a-1 zaM(a, a + 1, —г), e z = ГГл-иПМ(1,а + 1’г) i ya -г- i = гИ*‘,,, + 1’4 Г(а, г) = zae~zU(1, a + 1, z) = e~zU(1 — a, 1 — a, z). (U-5) When a is a non-negative integer the incomplete gamma functions are very simple: y(n-hl,z) = n! fl - e~zen(z)l V L J n = 0,1,2,..., (11.6) T(n + 1, z) = n\ e Zen(z). in which en(z) is the first part of the Taylor series of the exponential function: n zm —й « = 0,1,2,.... m! m=0
§ 11.2 Incomplete Gamma Functions 279 The following recurrence relations are easily derived from the integral rep- resentations: 7(a + 1, z) = ay(a, z) — zae~z, Г(а + 1, z) = аГ(а, z) + zae~z. (11.7) The relations for the normalized functions are P(a + 1, z) = P(a, z) — —Z-^-——, Q(a + 1, z) = Q(a, z) + —. (11.8) Г(а + 1) Г(а+1) These relations are important for numerical computations. However, as will be explained in Chapter 13, the relations for 7(a, г) and P(a, г) are unstable when applied repeatedly (when the parameters a and z are positive). The relations for Г(а, г) and Q(n, г) are stable. 11.2.1. Series Expansions Important series expansions are 7(а,г) = e г 72—0 za+n _ (-1)" za+ra (a)n+l п! а + П (П-9) The first one is very suitable for numerical calculations, in particular when a > z. The series are convergent for each complex a and г, with the exception of a = 0, — 1, —2,.... Speed of convergence of the first series depends on the ratio \a/z\\ when this is smaller than unity convergence is quite fast. The second series is obtained by expanding the function exp(—t) in the first integral of (11.2). The first series arises after a transformation t = z(l —u) in the integral, which gives, y(a,z) = zae z [ (1 — u)a 1euz du. Expanding the exponential function again, and using the beta integral (3.2), we obtain the first series in (11.9). Series expansions for Г(а,г) follow from the relation Г(а, z) = Г(а) — у (a, z). In this way many complementary results become available. It is not suf- ficient to concentrate on just one function y(a,z) or Г(а, z), however. Espe- cially, from a numerical point of view, one needs relations for both functions. See §11.2.5 for more information on this point. When z > a we concentrate on Г(а, z). When z a, we can use an asymptotic expansion of Г(а, г). This expansion follows from the representa- tion . Г(а, z) = za<Tz / (t + dt, (11.10)
280 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions and integrating by parts. We obtain for N = 0,1,2,... i\a,z)=z e 2^ -------------Tn------+ -----Tn------ > (11.11) Ln=0 z z J (when N = 0 the sum is empty). The quantity 0^ is the remainder: 6N = z [°° (t + l)a~N~1e~zt dt. Jo For positive values of the parameters we can obtain an interesting estimate for Oft. We need the condition z > a — N. Then we write eN = ZN+I~aez jf00 t^-Le-* dt and next we integrate with respect to и = t — (a — TV) Inf. We obtain Г in which zq = z — (a — TV) In z. We can also apply Watson’s lemma (Theorem 2.5) to (11.10). This gives the expansion n=0 Z (П-12) 11.2.2. Continued Fraction for T(a,z) When z is not large enough to apply the asymptotic series (11.12) we can use a continued fraction for T(n, z). Several continued fractions are available for this function and the next example is due to Legendre. The starting point is the integral representation (see (7.12) and (11.5)): Г(а, z) = e~z e~ztt~a Г(1 - a) Jo ^+1 <0, %lz > 0. (11.13) Now let POO Uv’p = e~zttv{l + t)p dt, SRp>-l, ЭЪ>0. (11.14) 0
§ 11.2 Incomplete Gamma Functions 281 Then according to (11.13) we have U~a,-1 — Г(1 — а)е2Г(а, z). (11.15) Integrating by parts in (11.14), writing tvdt = we obtain г/7"+1,/> = (p + + pU^’P-1, with as a variant uv+1’p _ I' + l f11 1fiA UV’P Ц1^+1,р-1 ( • ) z ? uv+1,p On the other hand we can write in (11.14) ^+1(1 + ty = tu+1(l +1/-1 + t"+2(l +t/-1, so that (11.16) can be written as . (11.17) U^P p v ’ Z ijv+2,p-1 1 + Applying this formula repeatedly we obtain a formal expansion in the form of a continued fraction. From (11.15) it follows that jjl-a-l _ Г(2 _ а)г(а - 1, z) _ (1 - а)Г(а - 1, z) U~a~l ~ Г(1 — а)Г(а, z) “ Г(а,г) ' From this and the second relation in (11.7) we get jyl-a.-l g-г^а-1 U~a~r " -1 + г(а,г) Thus, (11-17) finally gives with v = —a,p = —1 Г(а,г) = e Zza (11.18)
282 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions This expansion converges for all z ф 0, | arg z| < 7r and any complex value of a. It is a splendid addition to the asymptotic expansion (11.11). The continued fraction converges better as the ratio z/a increases. A more compact notation of the continued fraction is Tn/ x ( 1 1 — a 1 2 — a 2 3 — a T(a,z) = e Zza \---------------------------- \z+ 1+ z+ 1+ z+ 1+ (11.19) More information on the analytic theory of continued fractions can be found in Perron (1950), Wall (1948) and Jones & Thron (1980), where also con- vergence aspects are discussed. A recent book is Lorentzen and Waade- land (1992). In §13.5 we point out how to compute a continued fraction. 11.2.3. Contour Integral for the Incomplete Gamma Functions We verify the contour integral P(a, z) = 1 [c+i(XcZS ds ^iJc-ioo s(s + l)a’ c > 0. (11.20) This representation holds for a wide range of the parameters. We assume > 0 and | argz| < ^7r, z 0. The contour of integration can be deformed into the Hankel contour (see Figure 3.3), which is used for the reciprocal gamma function in (3.6). We assume that the branch cut of (s + l)-a runs from —1 to — oo. The phase of s + 1 is zero when s > — 1. By turning the branch cut and the loop integral around it, we can extend the г—domain to | arg г| < 7Г, z 0. The above representation can be proved by using some elementary prop- erties of Laplace transforms. We know the Laplace transform 1 = pe-.tip^dt (s + l)a Jo dt Since P(a,0) = 0, we obtain by integrating by parts: e stP(a,t)dt 1 s(s + l)a On inverting this Laplace transform we obtain (11.20). The contour in (11.20) can be shifted to the left of the origin, but then we have to take into account the residue at this point. It follows that rd+io° zs ds d—ioo s(s + l)a -1 < d < 0,
§ 11.2 Incomplete Gamma Functions 283 Figure 11.1. Incomplete gamma function Q(a, An) as function of A with a = 20,40,..., 100. As a increases the graphs become steeper when A passes the transition point A = 1. from which we conclude that Q(a, z) = -1 fd+i°°cZS ds 2^ Jd—ioQ s(s 4“ l)a -1 < d < 0. The above representations have a striking relation with the Hankel contour integral representation of the reciprocal gamma function (3.6) and with the integrals used in §3.6.3 for deriving the asymptotic expansion of 1/T(z). To describe this relationship in more detail we write ~а*(л) [c+too^t)JLy 2ttz Jc—ioo t where 0(Z) = t — 1 — In/, A = —. Again we can integrate along the path of steepest descent, defined in (3.34). More details on this will be given in the next subsection. 11.2.4. Uniform Asymptotic Expansions The asymptotic expansion (11.11) becomes useless when a = (9(z). Also, the first series in (11.9), which has an asymptotic property when \a/z\ 1, con- verges slowly when z = O(a). When a is large, the functions P(a, An), Q(n, An) (see (11.3)) change rapidly when A crosses the value 1; see Figure 11.1. This change in behavior can be described by using the error function.
284 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions In this section we derive asymptotic expansions for P(a, г), Q(a, z) in which a is a large positive parameter. The expansions hold uniformly with respect to z € [0, oo), in particular in the neighborhood of z = a. From the previous subsection it follows that Q(n, г) = ‘livi X-t* where <^(f) = t — 1 — Inf, X = —. £ is the path in the complex t—plane defined by (3.34). When we take tem- porarily z > a, the pole at t = A is located to the right of the saddle point at t = 1. On the path £ the function is non-negative, and we transform iu2 = -0(f), (11-21) with the condition that t e £ corresponds with и € IR, and sign(?z) = sign(^f). We have U = —i(t — 1) + O [(f- I)2] , t1. The result of transformation (11.21) is Q(a, z) = в f*00 _^au2 dt du 2ттг J-oQ du A — f ’ dt du ut 1 -f‘ (11.22) In the u—plane the point u± = у/—2ф(Х) is a pole of the integrand. The sign of the square root follows from the conditions imposed on the mapping t h-> u(t). In fact we have .x / A — 1 — In A ui = “г(Л “ TW2 (A-l)2 ’ where the square root is positive for positive values of the argument (A > 0). The pole is at the negative imaginary axis; when integrating from —oo to oo, the pole is at the right of the path of integration, just as in the u—plane. The conformal mapping t u(£) preserves this orientation. When A 1 the pole is near the saddle point at the origin. We can remove the pole by writing dt du du X — t dt du 1 3 \ -------- du A — t и — ui 1 U — Ul
§ 11.2 Incomplete Gamma Functions 285 The part between [ ] is analytic at и = u±. To verify this, use PHopital’s rule: dt и — ui lim ——-------- и—^и± du A — t By using (11.22) and the above splitting of the integrand we obtain the rep- resentation Q(a,z) = ± erfc(r]y/a/2) + RaM, P(a,z) = ± erfc(-ijy/a/2) - RaM, z. / A — 1 — In A 4 z )y2 (A_1)2 ’ A = “> (11.23) RaM = 6 . f e-5a“2g(u) du, ITU J— OQ z 4 dt 1 1 q(u) = — ---------1------. du A — t u + zrj where we have used the relations for the error functions in §11.1. Note that the symmetry relation P(a,z) + Q(a, z) = 1 is preserved in the above repre- sentations. The condition A > 1 can now be dropped, since the error function and Ra(rf) are analytic with respect to A, in particular at A = 1. By expanding g(u) = 9n{j])^n^ we obtain the asymptotic expansion . (^4) 72—0 where CnG?) = -»2таГ 92nhT), n = 0,1,2,... . The function g is analytic at the origin, the nearest singularities being located at the points 2у/тг ехр(±Зтгг/4). This follows from a further study of the mapping defined in (11.21). The point t = 0 is mapped to и = — 00, and is not of interest. When we consider (11.21) as a conformal mapping from the /—plane to the u—plane, the finite singularities can be found by examining du/dt given in (11.22). Especially, /—values at which du/dt or dt/du vanish are of interest. At / = 1, и = 0 the mapping is conformal and analytic; we have u(f) = (/ — 1) + О [(/ — l)2] as t 1. However, to give a proper description of the mapping we need more than the principal Riemann sheet defined by I arg/1 < 7Г. Outside this principal sheet we have points / = 1 with phases equal to 2mk where к = ±1, ±2,.... The many-valued logarithmic function in <^(/) = / — 1 — ln(/) treats these values of unity differently, according to
286 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions their phases. At such points the derivative du/dt vanishes. The u—values corresponding to t^ = ехр(2тгг&) follow from (11.21) and are given by = — 2тг1к => Ufc = 2\Шк е±37гг/4, k = 1,2,3,... . These points t^ are the only finite singular points for the mapping in (11.21). The corresponding points are the only finite singularities of the function g(u) defined in (11.23). It follows that g(u) is analytic in the strip |Su| < у/2/к, uniformly with respect to rj E IR. Observe that the relation between rj and A is the same as that between и and t. In fact, g is also a (bounded) analytic function of rj in the strip |St/| < д/2тг- It follows that the coefficients gn(jl), and hence 0^(77) in (11.24) are analytic functions of 77. We can obtain a bound for 0^(77). Let p be any number less than 2-у/тг and let Mp := sup |p(u)|. I“I=P Then we have, using Cauchy’s inequality, |gn(’7)| < MpP~n-> which gives , z x, ( 2 Г(п+ i) Ы,)|£Ы ~T(J) Since Mp is bounded (qua function of 77), it follows that all 0^(77) are bounded functions of 77. When we define remainders for the expansion (11.24) by writing RaW) = _n=0 TV = 0,1,2,..., we can obtain estimates of |Тдг| in a similar way. This gives the result that (11.24) holds uniformly with respect to 77 E IR, that is with respect to A E [0,00). Extension of this result to complex variables is also possible. A few relations for the coefficients cn(rj) are given in Exercise 11.4. When a ~ г, the parameter 77 in (11.23) is small. When 77 is small enough to make r]y/a small as well, we have Ra(rf) = (9(l/\/a), a 00 and both P and Q approach 11.2.5. Numerical Aspects In the computational problem we concentrate on positive values of a and z = x, and the normalized functions P(a, x) and Q(a, x). We compute the function that is less than J,. The relation P(a, ж) + Q(a, x) = 1 gives the other value. With slight corrections for small values of x and a we have the following rule:
§ 11.3 Incomplete Gamma Functions 287 0 < a < x: first compute Q, then P = 1 — Q; 0 < x < a: first compute F, then Q = 1 — P. This follows from the asymptotic relation which becomes clear from the previous subsection. The method for Q is usually based on Legendre’s continued fraction (11.19), say when x > 1. When x a the asymptotic expansion (11.11) may be used for Q. The computation of P may be based on the first series in (11.9), that is, OO У2 «<*> = di-®) 72=0 V 7 For large values of the parameters x and a, in particular when the parameters are nearly equal, both methods for computing P and Q need much effort. For example, Gautschi (1979) reports for 8-digit accuracy and with x = 10236 and a = x • (1 + 0.001) for the power series the need of 536 terms, and for a = x • (1 — 0.001) of 124 iterations for the continued fraction (11.19) (with the remark that the continued fraction is 2 — 2^ times as expensive, per iteration, as the Taylor series). This motivates the construction of other algorithms, in particular for the case x ~ a, both large. We conclude with a discussion of how to compute the dominant part xae~x <1L2S) that usually turns up in algorithms for P and Q. Especially when a and x are large, the computation of this part needs some care. When a is large we write (11.26) in the form e—a [/z—ln(l+/z)] x — a a,x) = —==-------——•> Ц =----------, (11.27) л/2тгаГ*(а) a where Г*(а) =------, a > 0. (11.28) д/2тг aa ze~a Г* is introduced in (3.29), with a recommendation to have this function avail- able in a computing environment. When \/i\ is small, one needs a special routine to compute the function M - ln(l + м) = xM2 - |m3 + • • • Z О
288 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions (say indeed by using a Taylor series), since otherwise precision is lost in the subtraction /a — ln(l + //). (Observe that already the computation of ln(l + p) needs some care when \p\ is small). An error in // itself (from the evaluation of x — a) is the remaining problem in (11.27). When the parameters a and x are both large this may still cause a serious error in the numerical evaluation of P and Q, and this error may dominate the errors originating from the evaluation of the continued fraction or the Taylor series. 11.3. Incomplete Beta Functions The incomplete beta function is defined by Bx(p,q) = Г Jo dt. >0, > 0, with as normalized version 1 fx (11.29) where B(p,q) is the beta integral introduced in (3.2). We have the comple- mentary relation = i-ix(q,p)- (11.30) Usually x belongs to the interval (0,1) and the parameters p, q are positive, in particular when the function is considered in statistical problems. However, the range of x, pq may be extended to complex values. By expanding (1 — Z)^-1 in powers of t one obtains (see Exercise 3.6) ix(p,q) = xp у (i - q)n xn B(p, «) p + n n! (11.31) With (11.30) one can obtain an expansion with powers of 1 — x. The substi- tution t = (1 — s)x in (11.29) gives (with (3.2)) ix(p,q) = xp(l - x)q 1 у (1 - g)ra < 1. (11.32) x T x — 1 / X x — 1 Note that for real x the condition in this series reads:—oo < x < Another expansion is ix(.p,q) = ^(i-^ у (,? + <?)»^ pB(p,q) ^(p+l)n (11.33)
§11.3 Incomplete Beta Functions 289 again for |#| < 1. This expansion easily follows by taking derivatives with respect to x on both sides and dividing both sides through жр-1(1 — x)q~^. Comparing coefficients of equal powers of x yields a simple recursion in terms of ratios of gamma functions. The above formulas follow also from the re- lations between the incomplete beta function and the Gauss hypergeometric function, which is introduced in Chapter 5. We have (see Exercise 5.3) xp IxM = ^BMF^1~q’P+1'X) xp(l - x)q~1 ( X =----Б7-;—F 1,1 - q;p+ 1;--- pB(p,q) \ x — xp(l — x}q = —Б7---rF(p + Q,l;p+ 1; x). pB(p, q) We also have the continued fraction t ( \ _ xP^ ~ x^q ( 1 ^1 A X^q)~^B^qT ^1+ 1+ 1+ 1+ ” J’ (11.34) (11.35) where ^2m+l q? 2m)(p + 2m + 1) 2m (p + 2m — l)(p + 2m) A proof of this expansion is given in Exercise 11.5. A few remarks on the numerical evaluation of the incomplete beta function follow in §11.3.6. 11.3.1. Recurrence Relations We derive several recurrence relation from the integral (11.29). Some results appear in pairs; each result in the pair then follows from the other one via (11.30). Integrating by parts in (11.29), that is, writing d(tp), we obtain хР(л _ Ш ,) = «₽ +1,5-1) + -^-, qB\pJ . Integrating by parts with respect to the term (1 — Z)^-1 gives the pair (11.36) (11.37)
290 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions This pair is very useful in numerical computations. Note that the first of this pair is stable in backward p—direction, that is for the evaluation of Ix(p,q) from Ix(p + 1, 6), while the second one is stable in the forward q—direction. Writing in (11.29) = ta~2(t — 1 + 1) we obtain (p + q)lx<j>, q) = pix(p + 1,0 + qixtp, q +1), (11.38) which is invariant under (11.30). Combining the above results we obtain Ix(p, q) = Xlx(p - 1, q) + (1 - x)Ix(p, q - 1), (11.39) [p + qx\Ix(p, q) = qxlx(p - 1, q + 1) + plx(p + 1, g), (H-40) [g + px\Ix(p, q) = pxlx(p + 1, q - 1) + qlx(p, q + 1), where x = 1 — x. Finally we mention the pair with recursion only in the p and q direction: plx(p + l,g) = [p + (.p + q - l№(p>«) - (p + q- l)xlx(p- l,g), (11-41) qix(p, q +1) = [q + (p + q - 1)®]^(p, q) - (p + q - i)®^(p, q - 1)- 11.3.2. Contour Integral for the Incomplete Beta Function We verify the representation — <-) with p + q > 0 and 0 < x < c. When t € (0,1) the phases of t and 1 — t and of the multi-valued function are assumed to be zero. A proof follows by expanding 1 1 _ 1 ул /я\п t — x t(l — x/t) t^'Vt) v ' 7 n=0 We substitute this in (11.42) (observe that \x/t\ < 1 on the path of integra- tion), and obtain pc+ioo jy. 00 ус+гоо / t~p(i -1)-« = 52 xn / Jc—ioo t x n=0 Jc—ioo By comparing the contour integrals in this result with one of the contour integrals in Exercise 3.13, it follows that the series expansion of (11.33) is obtained.
§11.3 Incomplete Beta Functions 291 Observe that in (11.42) the normalizing factor B(p,q) is not present. We further remark that property (11.30) is contained in (11.42): when shifting the contour to the right, across the pole at t = x, we pick up a residue equal to 1; the remaining integral has a c—value satisfying 0 < c < x < 1, and can be transformed with t —> 1 — t into —Ii-x(q,p)- 11.3.3. Asymptotic Expansions We consider asymptotic behavior of the incomplete beta function as p and or q are large with x 6 (0,1). Elementary expansions can be given when just one of the parameters p, q is large and x is fixed. When p is large, with q and x fixed, a simple expansion follows from (11.32). Denoting the terms of the series by cn we observe that, when n is fixed, cn+i 1 — q + n x x ---- =------------------------- p > oo. cn 1+p+nx—1 p(x — 1) It follows that the series has an asymptotic character when p > x/(l — x)\ recall that when rr < 1/2 the series is convergent as well. When q is large, with p and x fixed, we can use the same method through formula (11.30), that is, ш?)-1 ,B(M) + A I » J 1 which converges when x > 1/2; when q (1 — x)/x the series has an asymp- totic character. In the following subsections we give asymptotic expansions in which the incomplete gamma function and the error function are used as main approxi- mant in the expansions. Uniform Expansion: q Fixed We derive an asymptotic expansion that holds as p oo, q fixed, and with x € [0,1]. Recall that (11.32) breaks down when ж —> 1; this case is allowed now. Substituting in (11.29) t = exp(—?z), we obtain = ug~1e~puf(u) du, (11.43) Щр, q) J % where /1 - e-?z V-1 ^=-lnx, f(u) = I--------—J Expanding /(u) — сп(.и~^)Пу and substituting this in (11.43) we obtain the formal expansion ~ 2 (U-44)
292 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions with 1 Г°° Fn(p,q,Q = =- u^e-P^u-^du. Fq is an incomplete gamma function, and the remaining Fn can be expressed in terms of this function. We have о — fqe p^ Fo(p,q,Q = P~gQ(q,p£)> Fi(p,q,£) =--------F0(p,q,Q + ? . p pl (q) By integrating by parts in the integral defining Fn we obtain the recurrence relation pFn+l = (n + q - pC)Fn + n^Fn-t, n= 1,2,3,.... Although it is rather easy to compute the functions Fn, expansion (11.44) is quite complicated. The fact is that the coefficients are quite difficult to obtain. The first few are (x —1\^-1 z чГж1пж + 1 — x = = [ a-oinx ] c°- Remark 11.1. We have expanded the function f in (11.43) at the lower limit of integration. This may not be optimal. Observe that the function assumes its maximal value at и = uq := q/p. When £ < uq it seems better to expand the function at the point uq. In particular the functions Fn become simpler then. For instance we have in that case F± = £qe~p^/[pT(g)]. Uniform Expansion: The Symmetric Case Let r := p + q and assume that r oo. In this subsection we derive an asymptotic expansion of the incomplete beta function that holds uniformly with respect to x E (0,1) and with respect to p/r^q/r E [<5,1 — <5], where 6 is a fixed small positive number. The uniform expansion contains an error function that properly describes the change in behavior of Ix(p^q) when x crosses the critical value •= p/(p + <?)• Consider the integral in (11.42). The dominant part t~p(l — t)~q has a saddle point at xq. We have assumed that this point is bounded away from 0 and 1, and we observe that when x ~ tQ the saddle point and pole are close together. As we did in §11.2.4 for the incomplete gamma function, we transform the integral and split off the pole. First we derive a contour for (11.42) on which the phase of t~p(l — t)~q is zero. This is the path of steepest descent, and it goes through the saddle point at xq. The path of steepest descent is defined by (11.45) I I sin[(l + p)o] 1 1 1 + p J v 7
§ 11.3 Incomplete Beta Functions 293 where p = p/q. We deform the path in (11.45) into £, assuming temporarily that x < xq. Along £ the function —plnf — gln(l — t) + pln + Qhi(l — j?o) is non-positive and we transform 1 2 , * м -u =xoln-----h(l-z0)ln------ 2 l — ^o (11.46) with the condition t G £ и G IR, sign(^f) = sign(?z). Using this transfor- mation we write (11.46) in the form f X \^о/ _ir7/2 dt du e ----------. dut — x The mapping t h-> u(t) transforms the pole at t = x in the t—plane into a pole ui = u(x) in the u—plane. When x < x$ (as assumed) the point u\ lies on the positive imaginary axis. This follows from the conditions imposed on the mapping in (11.46). We split off the pole by writing dt_ i _ Г dt 1 _ 1 1 + 1 dut — x \_dut — x и — гц J и — u± Thus we obtain, using the relations for the error functions given in §11.1, Ix(p,q) = ^erfc (-т/УдД) +-RrO?), r=p + q, p . . dt 1 1 ^0 = —~, g(u) = —----------------, p + q dut — x u + vq 1 о i x /-1 x , 1 - x ~-T] = XQ In— +(1 -2?o) In--------------------, 2 x о 1 x о sign(p) = sign(# - z0)- In this representation the condition x < xq can be dropped, and we assume now that x G (0,1). The function g(u) is analytic at the origin, and we can expand g(u) = ^=о9пиП’ This gives the expansion r oo, with Cn{ri) = -г2”Г #2n, n = °’ 1’1 2’ • • • • 1 (2)
294 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions The first coefficient is CoO?) = д/ж0(1 - a?o) X — Xq 1 To derive this we need dt/du at и = 0. From (11.46) it follows that 1 2 = - +O [(/ -X°)3] , t^XQ. 2 2#о(1 rr0) L -J Hence и = -i(t - x0)/x/x0(l -x0) +o [(/ - rr0)2] , ^1 =----- г L J dilu=o yrroCl-rro) This gives the required value of go = g(0). The singularities of g occur at points и where the mapping (11.46) is not conformal. We have dt ut(l — t) du xq — t The point t = #q, that is и = 0, is a regular point. The finite singularities of the mapping occur at the points tn,tn defined by tn = жое27ГШ, (1 — tm) = (1 — жо)е27Ггш, n,m = ±1,±2,.... The many-valued logarithmic functions in (11.46) give corresponding points in the u—plane defined by 1 1 = 2тгшжо, ~^т = 2тггт(1 — j?o)? n, m = ±1, ±2,.... The first group approaches the origin when —> 0, the second group when xq —> 1. Because of this, the expansion of Sr(rf) becomes invalid when the ratio p/r approaches zero or unity. Uniform Expansion: General Case The expansion in § holds for fixed q (a very ’’skew” beta distribution), and the expansion in the previous case for q = (9(p) (a rather symmetric, or Gaussian shaped, beta distribution); in both cases p is large and x may range through the full interval (0,1). The asymptotic expansions obtained for both cases do not have an overlapping q—domain of validity. In the present subsection we derive an expansion in which q may run through (0, oo), without restrictions on its size with respect to p. We assume that p + q is large. In the previous case the error function (a function of one argument) is used. It can be expected that the incomplete beta function, a function of three variables,
§ 11.3 Incomplete Beta Functions 295 cannot be approximated in an optimal way by a function of one variable. In § the main approximant is the function Fq, that is, the incomplete gamma function Q, a function of two arguments. However, one argument is not used in an optimal way, since q is fixed. We again use the incomplete gamma function Q(n, z) as main approximant for the general case, but now both parameters may range through the interval (0, oo). We use the following transformation in (11.42): — Inf — /Яп(1 — t) = s — //In s + A(//), //=-, (11.47) P where A(/z) follows from conditions on the mapping. First we consider real values of t and s. By drawing graphs of the t— and s— functions it is clear that we can define a one-to-one correspondence between t and s when we prescribe that the point t = xq = p/(p + q) corresponds with the point s = //; in both points the functions have saddle points. The function A(/z) follows from prescribing that indeed these points should correspond, which gives A(/z) = — Inrro — /Яп(1 — j?o) — // + //In// = — // + (// + 1)ln(// + 1). (11.48) We further note that s(t) has the following properties: s(0) = Too, s(xq) = //, s(l) = 0, sign(:ro — x) = sign(s — //) and that, hence, the derivative ds/dt is negative for t E (0,1). The derivative is given by = [(д+ !)*-!> fll 49) At t = #0? s = /л the functions s(f), f(s) are analytic. We compute the deriva- tive at t = xq. We have (note that = 1/(M + 1)) lim + lim ~ XQ _ + I t^xQ dt Xq(1 — Xq) t^xQ S —/a Xq(1 — Xq) ds\t=x0^ where we have used PHopital’s rule. It follows that ^1 = -\l +1\ = -^+ Т/2- (n-5°) dt у #o(l — #o) The mapping (11.47) transforms the path of steepest descent in the t—plane (see (11.45)) through xq into the path of steepest descent in the s—plane through //. The latter is given by f i f) 1 7 = 2з = регв L = , |6»|<7rk I I sin U J
296 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions a similar path as we used in (3.34) for the reciprocal gamma function. The transformation (11.47) brings (11.42), when integrated along £ defined in (11.45), into Ix(p,q) = - ) ePSs-9^ (11.51) 2тгг J-oq as t — x where dt/ds follows from (11.49). The integration runs over 7. Initially the integration starts in the upper half s—plane. The minus-sign in front of the integral is used to change this. The pole in t = x is mapped into a point s = p defined by (11.47), that is, by — Ina? — /Яп(1 — x) = T] — //In77 + A(//), sign(rro — a?) = sign(?7 —/1). (11.52) Known corresponding points are x = О rj = +00, x = a?o — Ab x = 1 rj = 0. Note that at the moment 77 > //, since we have assumed that x < xq. We split off the pole by writing dt 1 _ dt s- 77 1 dt 1 1 1 ds t — x ds t — x s — rj \_ds t — x s — 77] s — 77 The part representing the pole gives in (11.24) an incomplete gamma function, see §11.2.3. The result is ix(p, q) = Q(q, tip) - Rx(p, q), Rx(p,q) = _~ ж^ем(м) \p3s-q--i. h^dSj J — co In this representation of Ix(p^q) we can drop the condition x < a?o, and consider x € (0,1). The function h(s') is analytic at the saddle point /1 and we can obtain an expansion for the function Rx(p,q) by expanding: h(s) = JZJXo ^п(^»м)(5 _ M)n- S° we obtain ЖР(1 д;)<?еМ(м)р<? ~ М^ф г(? + 1) рп р —> ею, where = рП 9Г(д+1) Г<° > epSs-q-i ( ds = Г(<?+1) } еЧ-Ч-1 (t-q)ndt. 2iri V Ч) (11.54) (11.55)
§11.3 Incomplete Beta Functions 297 The functions Фп are polynomials of g, Фо = 1,Ф1 = О, Ф2 = 2g, with the recurrence relation Фп+1 = —п(Фп + дФп-1), n = 1,2,3,... . The expansion in (11.54) holds uniformly with respect to x 6 (0,1), q > 0. To verify this one needs information on the singularities of the function /z(s), and in particular the singularities of the mapping defined in (11.47), with dt/ds given in (11.49). This problem will not be discussed here. We consider in more detail the first coefficient of (11.54): (»+1)-3/2 Xq — X (11.56) This coefficient is regular at 77 = //, that is at x = xq. To evaluate Ло(77,/^) at rj = p we have to investigate the relation between x and 77 in more detail. From (11.52) it follows that dx Л [(м + - 1] = z(l - - V)- (11.57) Substituting the expansion X = Xq + Xi(t]-p)+x2(r]-p)2 + ..., Xq = , p I J- (11.58) we obtain xi = ~(p + 1) 3/2, X!X2 = - , --Г3 - 1 3/i(/i + 1) |_y/2 + l The value of x± also follows from (11.50). Using the expansion of x in (11.58) we obtain ho(r),p) = px2/xi +O(p-T]), tjp. Hence Mw) = M 1 77-// 11.3.4. Numerical Aspects It is sufficient to concentrate on the computation of the incomplete beta func- tion when x < xq, with = p/(p + <?)• The fact is that, in particular when p + q is large, Ix(p, q) ~ when x ~ xq. When x > xq one can use (11.30).
298 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions When p+q is not large efficient algorithms can be based on the power series (11.31), (11.32) and (11.33). When p + q is large, some care is needed with respect to convergence, however. When q is large with respect to p, (11.33) converges slowly. The series in (11.31) and (11.32) terminate when q is a positive integer. The series in (11.32) can be used whenp ж/(1—ж), whether or not the series converges; when q is also large we need p qx/(l — x). The continued fraction (11.35) can be used for a wide range of the param- eters p and q, also when p + q is large. The convergents have the following interesting property: the 4n and 4n + l convergents are less than the fraction’s limit, and the 4n + 2 and 4n + 3 convergents are greater than the limit (see §13.5 for some details on how to compute a continued fraction). This provides excellent numerical checks for terminating the computations, since the limit is approached from above and below. When the parameters/? and q are large, and |ж—#q| is small, it is important to have an algorithm for the expression Dx{p,q) = xP(l - x)“ B(p, q) (11.59) See also (11.26) for a similar discussion. We can write / Р<1 Г (P + q) n[ln(l+<j) — <т]-|-д[1п(1-|-т) — г] V7t(p + q) Г*(р)Г*(д) / pg г (p + q) eg[in(i+x)-x] V7t(p + q) Г*(р)Г*(<7) (11.60) where the function T*(z) is defined in (11.28), and x — Xq a =------- xo — x 1 - ^0 ’ P~ P •> p p + q’ with rj defined in (11.52). A small error in ст, r or rj may have a great influence in the numerical evaluation of DX(P) q), and this may result into a serious error in the evaluation of the incomplete beta function. 11.4. Non-Central Chi-Squared Distribution The non-central x2 —distribution is defined by the series 2+ Qp.{x, y) = e~x ^2 ~TQ(P + n> 2/)> £' nl n=0 (11.61)
§ 11.4 Non-Central Chi-Squared Distribution 299 where Q(a, z) is the incomplete gamma function defined in (11.2), (11.3). Another starting point is Рц(х, у) = e~x + n> У)’ 72—0 (11.62) with P(a,z) = 1 — Q(a, z). It follows that Рц(х,у) + Qy(x,y) = 1. In problems on radar communications the function Q^x^y) is known as the generalized Marcum Q—function, which for /i = 1 reduces to the ordinary Marcum function. In this field // is the number of independent samples of the output of a square-law detector. In our analysis p is a not necessarily an integer number. We assume that p > 0; the parameters x,y are assumed to be non-negative. In statistics and probability theory one is more familiar with the definition through the y2 probability functions, which are defined by F (y20 = x\ Q XY v = 2a, x2 = 2x. The non-central у 2—distribution functions are defined then by F (y21v, A) = e“2A -2_— p (y21p 4- 2n^ , n=0 П‘ Q (х211',л) = 52 е ?л 2 । Q + , \ / n\ \ / 72=0 where A > 0 is called the non-centrality parameter. The functions Рц(х, у), Q^x, у) can be written as Bessel function inte- grals: r. / ч fy /Z\^-l) _z_Tr , . 7 p^x'y^ = jo \x) e h-r^Vxz) dz, \ fZ\^-V _Z_XT , A Q^x,y) = / (-) e z Xl^_1(2yfxz) dz, J у Ух 7 (11.63) where I^z) is the modified Bessel function introduced in §9.5. A proof of the relation with the Bessel function integral follows from substitution of the series expansion (9.28) in (11.63). We derive a recurrence relations for Q/j,(x,y) with respect to p. Using (11.8) and (9.28) we obtain <2д+1(я,3/) = QiA.x>y) + (-) e~xIfJ,(2y/xy). (11.64)
300 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions We can eliminate the Bessel function in (11.64) using (see the first relation in (9.34)) I^-i^z) = I^i^z) + (2/z/z) I^(z). This gives the homogeneous third order recurrence relation: ^Qn+2(^,y) = - y)Qn+l(^,y) + (y + y)Qp,(x,y) -yQp.-xixyy). (11.65) In the following subsections we derive asymptotic expansions of the func- tion defined in (11.61) and (11.62). When x and у are large, and |rr - y\ is small compared to x and т/, the integrals in (11.63) have a peculiar be- havior. To see this, consider the integral for Qii(x,y) and the asymptotic behavior of Iy_x(2y/xz) which follows from (9.54). We see that the term exp(—z — x)In-i(2y/xz ) (having dominant exponential part —(y/x — y/z)2) is exponentially small, except when x > у and z ~ x. It follows that, when x and у are large, the behavior of Qp^y) significantly changes when у crosses the value x. It will appear that when у is large too, this change in behavior occurs when у crosses the value x + //. In both cases, the asymptotic behavior can be described by using the error function introduced in §11.1. 11.4.1. A Few More Integral Representations First we show that the Bessel function integrals in (11.63) essentially reduce to sums of two simpler functions. Moreover we obtain symmetrical repre- sentations for the cases x < у and x > y. The auxiliary function is defined by /»OO F^,a):= / a > 0. (11.66) To show that Qp(x,y) can be expressed in terms of this function, we use (see (9.10) and the first relation in (9.26)) 1}^_i(2^)=l f е^+х/8$-(1(1з> (n67) V X / ZiTVZ j where the path of integration may be any vertical line in the half plane > 0. The path may be deformed into a Hankel contour £ shown in Figure 9.7. Substituting the loop integral into the second integral in (11.63), we obtain QlAx,y) = e~x Г -L [ e^^-dz. Jy Jc Take C such that < 1 for any s G £. Then, by absolute convergence of the repeated integrals, we may interchange the order of integration. Deforming £ back into a vertical line with 0 < < 1 we obtain x—y рс+гоо x/s+ys j 27Г1 Jc—ioo 1 (11.68)
§ 11.4 Non-Central Chi-Squared Distribution 301 When we move the vertical line to the right, across the pole at s = 1 and taking into account the residue, we obtain e X-у rc+ioo ex/s+ys ds {1'л=^гc>i- (iL69) In (11.68) we substitute s = t/p with p = y/у/х. It follows that Qn{x,y) = e x y 2гХрРф(г), I pc+гоо ez(i+l/£+2A) 2m Jc_ioo p-t t»’ 0 < c < p, (11.70) where z = y/ху. We now assume, for the time being, that p > 1. Taking 2A = -(p + 1/p), and assuming (again, for the time being) that p does not depend on x, у, г, we obtain W) = [c+io° ez(t+i/t) A _ 1\ JL. dz 2m Jc_ioo \ pj V*1' Invoking (11.67), we derive ^ = -e2Az I^z^-I^z) To integrate this we use Ф(оо) = 0. This follows from standard techniques from asymptotics applied on (11.70), for instance the saddle point method. Observe that the exponential function of the integrand in (11.70) has a saddle point at s = 1. We obtain <2//(z,y) = AW) = , 2 L P . У > (11.71) p has regained its original meaning and the F—function is defined in (11.66). Furthermore £ = 2^0y, a = P=Jl- (П-72) Now let p < 1. Repeating the analysis that leads to (11.71), but now with starting point the integral in (11.69), we obtain for this case
302 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions PiA.x,y) = -pF^,a) - , у <x, (11.73) where the parameters are as in (11.72). In the following subsections the large £—behavior of Q^x^y) is discussed. We have, as £ —> oo and p fixed, 1, 1 2’ o, if p < 1; if p — 1; if p > 1. (11.74) It will be shown that a smooth transition can be described in terms of the error function (the normal distribution function). 11.4.2. Asymptotic Expansion; // Fixed, £ Large We concentrate on the function 7^(£, cr) given in (11.66). We point out that this function with £ and a as in (11.72) is symmetric in x and т/, and occurs in both (11.71) and (11.73). Hence, it is sufficient to assume x < y. The case x = у follows from the asymptotic results when we let x y. The asymptotic feature is that £ is large, whereas a tends to zero when x y. We give an asymptotic expansion that holds uniformly with respect to a E [0, oo). Note that the integral defining F^(£, cr) becomes undetermined when a = 0. However, since we use a combination of two F—functions in (11.71), and p tends to unity as x y, the function Q^x^y) is well defined in this limit. We substitute in (11.66) the expansion in (9.54) written in the form e %z(£) 1 Аг(м) V^t } tn n=0 where An(/z) = 2 n(/i,n), with recursion лга+1(м) = -(2тг + 1)2~4^лга(м), n>0, л0(м) = 1. 0^/6 I 1) This gives the formal expansion 1 00 (11.75) n=0 where фп is an incomplete gamma function: фп = e~att~n~^ dt = ап~^1 2Г (| - n,a^ . (11.76)
§ 11.4 Non-Central Chi-Squared Distribution 303 The function фо is an error function (see §11.1): </>0 = у/тг/aeric = д/тг/crerfc (y/у - y/x) . (11.77) Further terms can be obtained from the recursion (п-^фп = -афп_1+е-а^-п+^ n= 1,2,3,..., (11.78) which follows from (11.7) or from integrating by parts in (11.76). Using (11.71) and (11.75) we obtain oo Qp(x,y) ~ ^2 ^n’ n=0 p^ ( —l)71 -^п(м _ 1) ^п(м) Фп- L p J (11.79) фп 2v^ Expansion (11.75) holds for large values of uniformly with respect to a G [0, oo). Because (p — l)/y/2a = ^/p, the first term approximation of the series in (11.79) reads, Ql&,y) ~ фо = i^_5erfc (y/у - x/J). (11.80) We remark that the right-hand side reduces to when x j y. Remark 11.2. When x > y, that is p < 1, the expression (p — l)/\/2a should be interpreted as —^/p, and (11.73) gives Qp(x,y) ~ 1 - V’o = 1 - (^/5 - y/y) . Again, the right-hand side reduces to when x [y. 11.4.3. Asymptotic Expansion; £ Large, p Arbitrary In this case we consider (11.68). We write where p and £ are as in (11.72), and <X0 = + VO -/?ln£, /3=7- 2 s The path of integration £ is a vertical line Wit = c, with 0 < c < p. However, £ may be deformed into a different contour, for instance into the path of
304 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions steepest descent through a saddle point. The saddle points are solutions of the equation a'(t) = 0. We select the positive saddle point to = /3 + д//31 2 + 1. It is convenient to write /3 = sinh4 p = e®. (11.81) Then we have to = e7, q(£q) = cosh 7 — 7 sinh 7. Observe that when 7 ~ 0 the saddle point and the pole are close together. As in earlier sections we handle this case by using an error function. The case 7 = 0 corresponds to у = x + p. When £ is large and у crosses the value x + p, the function Q^x^y) suddenly changes. We have (cf. (11.74)) {1, if x + p > y\ J, ifx+/j, = y; 0, if x + p < y. In terms of p and 7 these cases read 0 < 7, 0 = 7, 0 > 7, respectively. When £q < p, that is, when 0 > 7 or у > x + p, we can shift £ through the saddle point, without passing the pole at t = p. We temporarily assume that to < p. The path of steepest descent £ through £q follows from the equation Ssa(t) = 0. Let t = rei(K Then we can describe £ by ф / о r = sinh7——- + л /1 + sinh 7—5— , —7г < ф < тг. sin ф у sin2 ф We define a mapping t h-> u(t) that maps £ to IR by writing |«2 = a(t0) — a(t). When t follows £ we take и € IR, with sign(?z) = sign(^f). The pole at t = p is mapped to the point iuo, where uq is defined by = cosh 0 — cosh 7 + (7 — 0) sinh 7, where 0 and 7 are introduced in (11.81). The sign of uq follows from the definition of the mapping t u(t): we have sign(?zo) = sign(7 —0) = sign(# + p — y)- Integrating with respect to u, and splitting off the pole at и = iuQ, we obtain 1 / /---\ e~ с00 1л 2 Qpz, y) = -erfc (-u0pC/2 ) + o / e-2^“ /(u) du, (11.82) 2 \ / Lm j_nn
§114 Non-Central Chi-Squared Distribution 305 where p/ x dt 1 1 = -j-----7 +-----— • du p — t и — zuq In deriving the term with the error function we have used the representations of the error functions in §11.1. The asymptotic expansion of Q^x^y) now follows by expanding /(«) = i ^2 cnUn n=Q and by substituting this in the above integral. This gives . z t4 p~^uo 00 Г (n 4- 11 /9\п Q^,y) ~ -erfc (-uq^/2) + c2n...r/i? (?) > (U-83) as £ —> oo. This expansion holds uniformly with respect to p E [0, oo). The first coefficients are - 1 1 C° л/coshy — 1 uq ' _ e27 + e~27 - 8 + ев~^А + е2в~2^В _ 1 48cosh7/2 7 — l)3 uo where A = 10e2"' - 2e-27 + 28, В = e27 + 13e-27 + 4. Remark 11.3. We have temporarily assumed t$ < p, that is у > x + p. In (11.82) this condition can be dropped. The expansion in (11.83) also holds for у < x + //. Note that a single error function describes the transition from 7/>:r + //to7/<j: + //, and we do not need different representations for QlAx,y) as i*1 the previous subsection; confer (11.71) and (11.73). The method of this subsection can also be used when p is fixed. However, the method of the previous subsection gives very simple coefficients in expansion (11.71). 11.4.4. Numerical Aspects In applications it is of interest to have available algorithms for Q^x^y) when 0 < Qp{x^y) < and for P^x^y) otherwise. The inequalities apply when (roughly speaking) у > x + // (this follows from the asymptotic expansion of the previous section). Recurrence relation (11.64) is very useful for computing Q^x^y). It is numerically stable in forward direction, since the right-hand side of (11.64)
306 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions has positive terms. An algorithm for the modified Bessel function is needed. A point of warning: the recurrence relation for the modified Bessel function should not be used in forward direction; see §13.4. Observe that the function Р^Дя,?/) satisfies the recursion Рц(х,у) = Рм+1(х,у) + e“%(27xy), which is stable in backward direction. In the homogeneous recurrence relation (11.65) Bessel functions do not occur. It is attractive to use this equation in order to avoid the forward recursion of the Bessel functions. However, one needs to investigate the stability of (11.65) in more detail, and for several combinations of the parameters, which is not a trivial problem. Observe that any constant function (with respect to //) solves (11.65), and that, hence, Р/Х(ж,т/) satisfies the same recurrence relation. For small and moderate values of x, y, /a the expansions (11.61) and (11.62) can be used. Both series have positive terms and both series require the evaluation of one incomplete gamma function. The series in (11.61) requires the value and the remaining terms follow from the stable recursion n+/ze-?/ Q(/a + n+ I,?/) = Q(/a + n,y) + - n = 0,1,2,... . T(/z + n + 1) The series in (11.62) requires an initial P—value. The corresponding recursion should be used in the backward direction: tfi+p^-y Р(„1, <,)+r(tl+n+1), because the forward form is not stable. Let ng be the (smallest) number such that ^0 Tl Pp.(x,y) - e~x + (11.84) nl n=0 within the required relative accuracy. Then as starting value we need to com- pute F(// + no, 7/), and the remaining values follow from the above recursion. To estimate no we may use уП+»е-У —--------—, as /1 + n^oo. Г(/х + п+1)’ For obtaining relative accuracy, we need an estimate of F/;(x, y). One can use the value of the integrand of the first integral of (11.63) at z = y, that is, P^y^p^-x-vi^.
§ 11.5 Non-Central Chi-Squared Distribution 307 Table 11.1. no Is the Number of Terms Used in the Series (11.61) or (11.62); /a = 8192, у = 1.05//; the Relative Accuracy is 10“10 K/jU n0 Qp.(x,y) Pp.^,y) 0.01 150 1.984527803e—4 9.998015472e—1 0.03 355 4.000364970e—2 9.599963503e—1 0.05 543 4.985354536e—1 5.014645464e—1 0.07 727 9.556573418e—1 4.434265825e—2 0.09 894 9.996249724e—1 3.750276164e—4 0.11 1054 9.999997188e—1 2.811864384e—7 0.13 1207 1.000000000e+0 1.999694515e—11 Table 11.1 shows the number of terms uq used in the series of (11.61), for several values of x. In all cases /a = 8192, у = 1.05//. For large values of the parameters the computation can be based on the uniform expansion (11.83). Special care has to be taken when ~ re + //, that is, 0 ~ y. First it is convenient to have an expansion of uq. We have uq = (7 — 0)у 2[cosh 0 — cosh 7 — (0 — 7) sinh 1/(^ — 7)2 , where the square root should be taken positive. The expression inside the square root can easily be expanded in powers of 0 — 7. The coefficient cq has the expansion C° = ----- 3/0 (^3)] ’ 6 cosh3/2 7 L \ / J as £ —> 0, where /1 . 2 . 3\ sinh7(2sinh2 7 +27) no = smh7 — 3 cosh 7, a\ = sinh 7 + -J , a2 =----------------, and C = (# — 7)/cosh 7. For 0% we have e-37(e67 + 6e47 + 3Q9e27 _ 46) 4320 cosh9/2 7 _ e~47(l ~ + e4?)(l + 16e27 + e47) / 2x 4608 cosh9/2 7 /
308 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions When these approximations are used if \0 — y| < 10“4 for the coefficient cq, if \0 ~ 7I < 0.8 x 10-3 for C2, and (11.83) is used with these two coefficients under the condition y/ху + // > 1600, then the relative accuracy is about ten digits, unless Q^(x^y) or Рц(х,у) is quite small, say smaller than IO-20, in which case some digits may be lost. 11.5. An Incomplete Bessel Function From the Fourier expansion in (9.33) it follows that the modified Bessel func- tion can be written as Ш = ± Г ezcostdt. (11.85) 27Г J-7T An incomplete version of this integral plays a role as a cumulative distribution function. We define e*c°stdt, (11.86) 2тг jq(tv) J—к which is formally equivalent to the cumulative distribution applied by Von Mises (1918) to study deviations of atomic weights from integer values, rep- resentable as points on the circumference of a circle or as circular directions. The parameter 0 is the angular deviation and к is the concentration param- eter. This distribution of points on a circle is analogous to the normal or Gaussian distribution of points on a line and has applications to the study of quantal or periodic data, directions of sedimentary bedding, surface fault lines, wildlife movements, etc. To evaluate Iq(0,k) one can substitute the Fourier series of (9.33), and it follows that г /л \ 1 # 1 sinn# /O(0’ K) = 2 + 2тг + WoW (1L87) The modified Bessel functions can be evaluated by using their recurrence relation given in (9.34); see Example 13.1 at the end of §13.4 for more details. When tv is large (11.87) cannot be used for computing Zo(0,tt). For in- stance, when 0 is negative, Iq(0,k) is very small, and it is difficult to obtain high relative accuracy when summing the series numerically. As in the previ- ous sections an error function can be used to describe the transition from neg- ative to positive values of 0. We derive an expansion that can be used for large values of к;, and the expansion holds uniformly with respect to 0 E [—7Г, тг].
§ 11.6 Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 309 We write Ш«) = 1 + -J—- / eK cos z dt v ’ * 2тг70(«) Jo and substitute cost = 1 + 2sin21/2 — 1 + 2rr2, or x = sint/2. This gives i^e,K)=1- + Г1п^в c-2kx2 dx к lo(^) Jo л/1 — ж2 Expanding the square root, we obtain the (convergent) asymptotic expansion Л)(0,«) = i + eK 7Г/О(«) (11.88) where фп can be expressed in terms of incomplete gamma functions (see (П-2)): psin 2 фп(0,к) = / е-2кж x2ndx 7o 1 1 / , 1 o • 2 t/Л =---------r7 (nd—, 2k sin -в . 2 (2^)n+2 v 2 2 / (11.89) To obtain a first order approximation for large values of к we observe that the first term is an error function, since 7(^,z2) = ^/yrerf^, and we use Iq(^) ~ eK’ See (9-54)- This gives /о(0,^) ~ - + -erf (VTk sin-0^) = -erfc (—у/2к sin-0^ . uv ’ 7 2 2 V 272 V 27 For the computation of the incomplete gamma functions we can use the re- currence relation given in (11.7). We have remarked in §11.4.4 (see also §13.1) that this recursion relation is not stable, and that it should be used in back- ward direction. Another point is that the second line in (11.89) suggests that фп is an even function of 0, which is not true. It is better to write (see (11.4)) фп(0, к) = | Г (n + 1) Sin2"+1 ±0 7* ' 1 О 1 \ n + -, 2k; sin2 -6 ) . 2’ 2 7 11.6. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 11.1. Methods of uniform asymptotic expansions for integrals are given in Olver (1974) and Wong (1989). For the functions considered in this chap- ter, see also Temme (1975), (1976), (1979), (1982), (1987a), (1993). 11.2. Rather complete discussions of the computational problem for the incomplete gamma functions P and Q are given by Gautschi (1979) and
310 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions DiDonato & Morris (1986). In the latter an algorithm based on the uniform asymptotic expansion of §11.2.4 is used, of which a more efficient version is given in Темме (1987b), (1994). 11.3. The computational aspects of the incomplete beta function are treated quite well in DiDonato & Morris (1992). 11.4. The analysis of §11.4 is based on Темме (1993). Information on the asymptotic nature and error bounds of expansion (11.75) can be found in Темме (1986), where also numerical aspects of recursion (11.78) are dis- cussed. Table 11.1 has the same values as Table I in Robertson (1969). 11.5. Part of the treatment of the Von Mises distribution of §11.5 is based on Hill (1977), where also a Fortran algorithm is given. 11.7. Exercises and Further Examples 11.1. Show that erfc z = e z |argz| < |тг, and obtain the asymptotic representation -z2 r^-1 erfcx=* + Za/TT VDm \2/n Lm=0 where /*°° _+ / , o\ 0n(^) = / e 41 + t/2;2) dt. Jo v 7 Let z € (D, such that 11 + t/z21 > 1, for all t > 0. (1) Then \0n(z)| < 1 for this z. Verify that (1) holds when | argz2| < ^7r, z ± 0. To verify this observe that the equation |1 + £| = 1 in the plane is satisfied by the points on the circle (гб + 1)2 + ^2 = 1, where = u + iv. 11.2. Show by using Exercise 3.7 and the first relation in (11.5) that . . г“Г(а)Г(1 - а) Ло+) a , zt , ?(а, z) =-----Ц-A----------- / i 1 ezt dt. И 7 27гг J_r The integral is defined for all complex values of z and a. The singularities with respect to a become visible now through those of Г(а). The poles of
§ 11.7 Exercises and Further Examples 311 Г(1 — a) at a = 1,2,3,... are removable singularities in this representation, because the integral vanishes for these integer values of a. A proper limiting process should yield the first relation of (11.6). Verify that 7*(—n, z) = zn, n = 0,1,2,..., which also easily follows from the first representation of 7*(a, z) in (11.5). 11.3. Show that the analytic continuation of the incomplete gamma function Г(а, z) is described by Г (a,ze±7ri) = Г(а) - Г(а) (ze±7ri)a7* (a, -z) where 7* (a, z) is the entire function defined in (11.4). By using the relation with the M—function, given in (11.5), and by using (7.16), show that Г (a,ze±7ri) = (1 - e±2?r’a) Г(а) + е±2™аГ (a, . This relation is important, for instance for describing the asymptotic behavior of Г(а, z) (see (11.11)) outside the range — |тг < arg г < |тг. Verify what happens when a = (the error function case, as mentioned in Exercise 6.4). 11.4. Consider (11.23) and (11.24). Introduce a function Sa(rf) by writing: e-w Ra.(r)) = /=— Sa(rf). у2тга Show by differentiating the first line of (11.23) with respect to p and using dz dX Xr] dp dp A — 1 that Sa(p) satisfies the differential equation +1 - i7) where f(rf) = p/(X — 1) and See (3.25) and (3.37). Substitute Sa(rf) ~ cn(ji)a~n and the expansion of 1/Г*(а) in the differential equation for Sa(rf) and compare equal powers of a to derive the following set of relations for cn(7?): W(?7) = 'Ynffjf) + ^-cn-i(77), n = 1,2,..., dp
312 11: Special Statistical Distribution Functions with as first value rj A — 1 rj This also follows from cq(tj) = — г<?(0), see (11.21) and (11.23); observe that dt/du = i at и = 0. Show that the next coefficient is given by / x 1 1 1 1 ^3 (д _ 1)3 (A-1)2 12(A-1)‘ 11.5. To derive the continued fraction in (11.35) show first that the hyper- geometric functions satisfy the relation F (a, b + 1; c + 1; x) — F (a, b, c\ x) = .— x F (a + 1, b + 1; c + 2; x), form which follows G(a, b, c, x) =----j—r:------------------, (1) 1 — # G(b + 1, a, c + 1, x) where F(a,b+ l;c+ 1; rr) G(a, b, с, X) = —L-——------r-- v ’ ’ ’ 7 F(a,b;c;x) Interchange in (1) the parameters a and &, and next change b to b + 1, c to c + 1. This gives G(b + 1, a, c + 1, x) =-77-—v , „—s-----------------------. 1-£WnWrIC(a+l,!,+ l,C+2,I) When we substitute this in the right-hand side of (1), we observe that we have a relation between G(a, &, c, x) and G(a +1, b+1, c+2, ж), which is the start of a continued fraction expansion of G(n, &, c, x). Taking 6 = 0, a = p + q, c = p and using the third line in (11.34), we can derive (11.35). 11.6. Consider the representation of Ix(p, q) given in the first line of (11.53). Introduce a function Sx(p, q) by writing Rx{p,q) =------r(g+i)------ where //, are defined in (11.47), (11.48), (11.52). Observe that from (11.54) it follows that Sx(p, q) ~ /а)Фпр~п• Show, by using (11.57) and (11.59), (11.60), that Sx(p, q) satisfies the differential equation ^Sx(p' + (^ ~ ^Sxip, q)=p [ф(т])Ф(р, q) - 1], p ат/
§11.7 Exercises and Further Examples 313 where 1 - (1 + p)x л/l + /z ’ Ф(р, q) = r*(p + <?) r*(P) Substitute the expansion n=0 P P where cq(/z) = 1 and , . M z Ч M2 z x m(432 + 432/i + 139/i2) C1(M) - 12(1 + м) ’ С2(М) ~ 288(1 + m)2 ’ C3(M) “ 51840(1 + to determine the coefficients of the expansion q / \ V- dn(p,p) Sx(p,q)~^....-... n=0 p Verify that do— 1]/(ja - p) and that the higher coefficients satisfy the recurrence relation (/z - p)dn(p, p,) + p-^-dn_ dp l(7?,/z) = рф^Сп(р), n= 1,2,3,... . Also, verify that do(?7,/z) = ho(p,p) given in (11.56).

12 Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions Any integral of the type f R(x, y) dx, where R(x, y) is a rational function of x and y, with y2 = no^4 + ui^3 + a2X2 + a%x + «4, |ao| + |«1| > 0, a polynomial of the third or fourth degree in x, is called an elliptic inte- gral. Elliptic integrals cannot, in general, be expressed in terms of elementary functions. Exceptions to this are • when R(x, y) contains no odd powers of y; • when the polynomial y2 has a repeated factor. One can show using suitable transformations that all elliptic integrals can be expressed in terms of three standard integrals, which are called Legen- dre’s normal elliptic integrals of the first, second and third kind. The elliptic functions considered here can be expressed as inverse functions of an elliptic integral. We also consider theta functions, an important class of functions closely related to elliptic functions. 12.1. Complete Integrals of the First and Second Kind The basic integrals in this field are the complete elliptic integrals of the first kind 71 - fc2 Sin2 0 Jo 7(l-f2)(l-fc2t2) and the complete integral of the second kind f71"/2 /----------- f1 л/i — A*2/2 E(k) = / л/i — A;2 sin2 3 dO — -----------dt. Jo Jo л/1^72 (12.1) (12.2) 315
316 12: Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions Figure 12.1. The complete elliptic integrals K(k) and E(k\0 < к < 1. In Figure 12.1 we show the graphs of the complete elliptic integrals K(k) and E(k) for 0 < к < 1. In Exercise 5.2 the relation with hypergeometric functions is given. The complementary elliptic integrals Ef and Кf are the integrals with the comple- mentary variable k' = \/l — k2 . That is, Jf'(fc) = К (л/1-fc2 ) = A'(fc'), (12.3) E'(k) = E (a/1 - k2 ) = E(k'). (12.4) It is common to use the prime when the complementary variable is meant: ff(k) = f(kf). Differentiation will be denoted differently. The variable к is called the modulus and k' the complementary modulus. The integral in (12.2) is related to the perimeter of an ellipse. In an ellipse with semi-axes a and b the perimeter A equals f71"/2 /----------------- I b\ A = 4 / V a2 cos2 3 + b2 sin2 3 dO = 4aEf I - I . Jo \aJ Elliptic integrals arise in many physical problems. The integral in (12.1) has an interesting physical interpretation. 12.1.1. The Simple Pendulum The simple pendulum is shown in Figure 12.1. If p is the period of a simple pendulum with maximal amplitude a and length L, then p = ky/Lj g К (sin | a) ,
§12.1 Complete Integrals of the First and Second Kind 317 Figure 12.2. A simple pendulum. where g is the gravitational acceleration. To derive this, let us denote the amplitude at time t by 3 and the mass of the pendulum by m. The kinetic energy of the pendulum at time t equals ^mL2 (d3 / dt)2. The potential energy equals —mgL cos 3 (when we take this equal to zero when 3 = ^тг). Since at 3 = a (the highest level of the pendulum) the velocity vanishes, we have the following balance of energy: 1 2 (dO'? -mL I — \ — mgL cos 3 = —mgL cos a. Solving for dO/dt gives dg — = ± y/2g/L Vcos 3 — cos a. dt Observe that the mass m does not appear any more. We assume that t = 0 when 3 = 0, and that d3/dt > 0 at t = 0. Integrating from 0 to a yields fOt fig ____ fta ____ / „ ..... = аЛяМ / dt = yJlglLta, Jo у cos 3 — cos a Jo where ta is the time corresponding with the maximal amplitude a. In other words, ta is a quarter of the complete period. Hence p = 4ta. A new variable of integration </>, defined by sin ^3 sin ф =----, sin finally gives P = IVFff [ , .... = 4:y/L/gK(sin ^a) . *^° \/l — sin2 a sin2 ф
318 12: Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions Observe that when the amplitudes are small, that is, when a —> 0, we have the limiting case К (sin —> |тг. We obtain in this case the harmonic oscillator, with period p ~ 2тгy/b/g . 12.1.2. Arithmetic Geometric Mean An important feature of the theory of elliptic integrals is the connection with iterated number sequences based on the arithmetic geometric mean (AGM). In 1799 Gauss discovered by sheer luck that iteration by AGM can be linked with elliptic integrals. Consider the following recursions: an-\-l = “(ttn + bn+1 = л/an bn • (12.5) Assuming that 0 < < a0, we obtain from elementary properties of the geometric and arithmetic mean that bn < < аП) and that n 7 _ (an ~ bn) 2 ул/оп + y/bn J Hence, an and bn both converge (quadratically) to a common limit, which is uniquely determined by ao and 6q- Let us write a = oq, b = bo. Then we denote the common limit by 7W(a, b). That is, M(a, b) = lim an = lim bn. (12.6) n—>oo n—>oo It is easily verified that this limit is homogeneous. This means that, taking A > 0, we have XM{a,b) = M(Xa,Xb). So M can be regarded as a function of one variable, and without loss of generality we can take a = 1. Furthermore, M(a,6) =м(|(а + Ь),Уаб) . (12.7) In other words М(1,&) = 1(1 + 6)м(1,^у (12.8) It is quite remarkable that Gauss, after patient and careful computations, discovered that 1 , 2 Г1 dt М(1,ч/2) "Jo
§ 12.1 Complete Integrals of the First and Second Kind 319 agree up to (at least) eleven digits. We will show that M(l, x) can be expressed in terms of a complete elliptic integral of the first kind. Theorem 12.1. 1 _ 2 Г/2 dO (12-9) Proof. Let 2 W2 T(a,&) = - / Jo ___________d.0___________ у/a2 cos2 0 + b2 sin2 3 When a = b we have T(a, a) = 1/a. Next, the transformation t = 6tan# yields 71 J-oo у/(t2 + a2) (t2 + Observe that the integrand is an even function of t and that we can take twice the integral over the interval [0, oo). With a further substitution и = ^(t — ab/t), and the intermediate results 2 , (t2 + ab)2 2 fa + b\2 (t2 + a2)(/2 + b2) t2 + ab и и + (—) =-----------г, du^^^dt we obtain T(a,b) = l [ .-. dU J-oo у/(и2 + с2) (и2 + d2) where с = (a + b)/2, d = Vab. Hence, T(a,b) =TQ(a + 6),v/^) , the same equation satisfied by M(a,b). Now, generating the sequences {an} and {bn} with ao = a = l> b^ = b = x through the AGM-iteration, we observe that T(an, bn) does not depend on n. Interchanging the limit and integration, we obtain the result T(l,x) = T(M(l,z),M(l,z)). But T(M, M) = 1/Af, and (12.9) is verified.
320 12: Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions Observe that from (12.9) the relation between M(a^b) and the elliptic integrals follows. That is, * ' = -k(Vl-x2 ) . (12.10) M(l,x) 7Г \ J ’ The functional equation (12.8) leads to the result 9 / 1 — kf \ - ГтИmO <12л1> We rewrite this in the form l + g' \l + g' with gf = \/l — g2 . Substituting g(k) = 2д/&/(1 + к) (with the inverse relation y/k = (1 — y/1 — g2)/g) and using the intermediate results J1-^) 2 1+i. 1 + 9 1 + 0 -P2 92 1 + 9 we obtain кт = т^к(т^\ (12Л2) Since 1 - k1 , 2y/k Г+Р < k' T+k > k when 0 < k < 1, (12.11) is called a downward transformation and (12.12) an upward transformation. Such transformations are quite interesting for numerical applications. The downward transformation produces a sequence of K—functions with decreasing argument. A combination of a few AGM- iterations and a power series expansion (based on the expansion of the hyper- geometric function), yields a very efficient algorithm. For the integrals of the second kind transformation formulas are available too. It takes more time to derive them. A few hints are given in Exercise 12.2. The results are (an upward and downward transformation, respectively) + |fc'27<(fc), (12.13) /1 — k'\ = (l + fcW—T7 (12.14) \ 1 “Г /
§ 12.2 Incomplete Elliptic Integrals 321 12.2. Incomplete Elliptic Integrals The incomplete integrals are the ‘indefinite’ elliptic integrals: F(d>.k)= [Ф М ft <=[0,1], ф>0, (12.15) "'О \/1 — A;2 sin2 3 Е(ф, к) = [Ф V1-к2 sin2 0 dO, fee [0,1], ф > 0, (12.16) J0 of the first and second kind, respectively; ф is called the amplitude of the elliptic integrals. When ф = the integrals are complete. A final standard form is the elliptic integral of the third kind ?Ф 1 лд HM,k)= ---------------. 2 - fce[o,i], ф>о. (12.17) Jo 1-nsin v/1 _ *2 sin2 0 If n > 1 this integral should be interpreted as a Cauchy principal value inte- gral. When we take x = sin ф we obtain the following representations: Cx dt Е(ф,к) = .— -------, (12.18) д/(1 - t2) (1 - k2t2) Е(ф,к) = V dt. (12.19) «/o x/1^72 1 П(щф,к) = ------2--------------------. (12.20) 1~nt y(l-<2)(i-fc2z2) The functions in (12.18), (12.19) and (12.20) are considered as the standard forms of the elliptic integrals. As mentioned in the introduction to this chap- ter, the general form of an elliptic integral is f R(x, y) dx, where R(x, y) is a rational function of x and ?/, and 2 2 3 4 у = ao + a\x + a^x + a%x + a^x . By substituting for y2 we can write R(x,y) in the form /?(a?,2/) = Ri(x) +y~1R2(x'), where R± and R% are rational functions of x. Often it is a tedious job to express a given elliptic integral into one of the three standard forms, or into a combination of them. For instance, one has to know the zeros of y2.
322 12: Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions The locations of the limits of integration with respect to the zeros also play an important part in classifying elliptic integrals. Some examples are given in (12.32) and (12.33) below. A hint for the proper transformation is given in Exercise 12.7. Usually one resorts to published tables. The computer algebra systems Maple and Mathematica can also be used to solve this problem. 12.3. Elliptic Functions and Theta Functions The idea of taking inverses of incomplete elliptic integrals is due to Abel, Jacobi and Gauss. A simple example of the inverse of an incomplete elliptic integral is the inverse of Е(ф, к) when к = 0, that is, of . . fx dt ф = arcsm x = / —== • Jo a/T=72 The inverse is x = sin</>. Observe that this relation is already is used as a substitution in passing from (12.15) —(12.17) to (12.18)—(12.20). When к 0 the inverse function is less trivial, but we can proceed similarly. Let us consider the equation: /7/ u= --------------------------- (12.21) •A) 7(1- /2) (1-A;2Z2) and let us concentrate on the relation between и and x, with A; as a secondary parameter. The inverse relation of (12.21) is written as x = sin ф = sn(rt, k). (12.22) When к = 0, as above, и = arcsine and the sn—function reduces to the well-known sine function: sn(rt, 0) = sin(rt) = sin(«J>), a periodic function with respect to rt, with real period 2тг. A different limiting case follows when к = 1. Then we have sn(rt, 1) = tanh(rt), a periodic function, with period гтг. Has the period changed continuously when к changes from zero to unity? No! For general complex values of к the function sn(rt, k) has two complex periods with respect to the variable u. This property is certainly not obvious. The theoretical background of this will not be considered here. We will discuss a few elementary aspects of the theory. Two other functions are defined by cn(rt, k) = cos </>, dn(rt, k) = ^/1 — A;2 sin2 ф = 1 — A;2sn2(rq k). (12.23) Analogous definitions of these functions are: /•сп(^Л) dt u = - (12.24) 7(1 — t2) (kf2 + A;2/2)
§ 12.3 Elliptic Functions and Theta Functions 323 /•dn(w,fc) dt V(1 - <2) (<2 - fc'2) ’ (12.25) The two limiting cases к = 0 and к = 1 again yield trivial periodic functions with respect to u. 12.3.1. Elliptic Functions Let o?i and CJ2 be two real or complex numbers for which the ratio cji/cj2 is not a real number. A function satisfying the relation f(z + 2c^i) = /(г), f(z + 2cj2) = /СЮ, (12.26) for all complex values of z at which /(г) exists, is called a doubly periodic function of z with periods 2cji, 2cj2- A doubly periodic function that is mero- morphic in the finite part of the complex plane is called an elliptic function. A doubly periodic function f is completely defined by its restriction to a so called fundamental parallelogram, that is, a parallelogram with corners 0, 2cji, 2cj2 , 2cji + 2cj2, or a translation thereof; see Figure 12.3. The circular functions sin г, cos г, tan г, sinh г, and so on, can be inter- preted as doubly periodic functions of which one period is infinitely large. The functions sn,cn,dn introduced in (12.24), (12.25) and (12.26) are the basic elements in the theory of the elliptic Jacobi functions. Figure 12.3. A fundamental parallelogram.
324 12: Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions Another example of an elliptic function is Weierstrass’ function: n,m _________1_________ (z — 2ncJi — 2mcJ2)2 ________1_______ (2ncJi + 2mcJ2)2 (12.27) where the double series is summed with respect to all integers n and m, except for n = m = 0. Is this an elliptic function? You are invited to prove this in Exercise 12.6. Although Weierstrass’ function is defined as a special case, it plays a crucial part in the theory. The fact is that any elliptic function can be written as a rational function of p(z) and its derivative. The function p(z) is an even meromorphic function with Laurent series pW = ^ + ^2 + ^4 + ---, where the constants and g% are denoted by convention. They are defined by 92 60 S (2«wl + 2mw2)4’ 93 140 (2nwi + 2mw2)6’ It is quite simple to prove that у = p(z) satisfies the differential equation (^) = 4т/3 - g2y - дз (12.28) \ az ) (see Exercise 12.6). From this we derive a connection between Weierstrass’ elliptic function and the elliptic integrals. Namely, a solution of the differential equation can be written in the form ( . f°° dt Z(1J) = / /л<3 , =• dy - 92t- дз The function z(y) can be written in terms of an incomplete elliptic integral. The inverse of this integral is Weierstrass’ function у = p(z). 12.3.2. Theta Functions A fundamental part of the theory of elliptic functions is constituted by a set of four functions. They were first investigated by Jacobi and are called theta
§ 12.3 Elliptic Functions and Theta Functions 325 functions. The definitions are: 01(z,g) = 2 sin(2n + l)z, n=0 02 (^, Q) = 2 g(n+|) COs(2n + l)z, n=Q oo (12.29) 0з(г, q) = 1 + 2 У2 Qn cos2nz, 72=1 ^4(^5 Q) = 1 + 2 У2 (—l)n^n cos2nz, 72=1 where \q\ < 1 and z G (D. From elementary properties of the circular functions it follows that (in the notation we drop the parameter q): 01 (z+ |tt) = 02(4, 02 (2+|тг) =-01(г), 03 (^ + |тг) =04(4, 04 (z + 1тг) = 03(4 and also that 01(z + 7г) = -0i(z), 02(z + тг) = -02^), #з(г + 7г) = 0з(г), 04(z + 7г) = 04(г). We observe that and О2 are periodic functions with respect to z with period 2tt and that 0з and 9 4 have period тг. Finding other periods for the theta functions opens the channel to elliptic functions. We first write 01(4 =-г (_i)"9(n+D2e(2n+l)i^ 03(z) = qn2e2niz, ff2(z)= У2 q(-n+^2e(-2n+^iz, 04(z)= ^2 (~l)nqn2e2iz. n= — OQ n= — OQ Writing q = emT, with Sr > 0, we obtain after some manipulations = гд-4е-гг^4(г), ^4 + |тгт^ = iq~± e~'lz0i(z'). Hence, 0±(z + 7гт) = -д-1е-2гг^1(г), 3^z + тгт) = -д-1е-2гг^4(г)
326 12: Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions and similarly 02(z + 7rr) = q 1e 2iZ02(z), 6*3(2; + тгт) = g 1e 2гг6*з(г). This does not yield periodic functions, but the so-called quasi periodic func- tions. However, it is evident that #i(z,g)/04(z, g) is periodic with respect to г, with period тгт. Since т is not real we have found for this ratio two periods: 2tt and тгт. The function #i(z, g)/04(z, q) is a meromorphic function of г. To verify this we need the zeros of the theta functions, which can be found quite easily. First from the definitions and next from the relations for z + ipirr and z + тгт, we find that 01(z,g) = O г = Ш7Г + П7ГТ, 02(^5q) = O if г = |тт + Ш7Г + П7ГТ, #3(2, (?) = 0 if Z = |тГ + |тгт -h Ш7Г + П7ГТ, ^4(г, g) = 0 if z = |ttt + тптг + тыгт. It requires some extra work to prove that these are the only zeros. This proof will be omitted. Also, all zeros are simple. Some ratios of the theta functions yield the elliptic functions that we have introduced earlier. Without proof we give the relations: z .. 1 sn(z,A;) = (12.30) where £ = —-— q = е—7гК 4 2KtF 4 and К and K' are the complete elliptic integrals defined in (12.1) and (12.3). Before discussing an interesting functional relation for theta functions we first pay attention to Poisson’s summation formula, which usually turns up as an application of Fourier theory. We use the following version of this useful result. Theorem 12.2. Let f be of bounded variation and absolutely integrable on IR; let F be the Fourier transform of f, that is, poo F(t)= fiy^dy. J — 00
§ 12.3 Elliptic Functions and Theta Functions 327 Then we have oo 1 oo £ e^f(x + nb)=X- £ F n= — oo m= — oo 2irm + a b e—ix(27vm-[-a)/b where a, b, x are real numbers, b 0. Proof. See Zygmund (1959, p. 68) or Exercise 12.8. It is sufficient to prove the theorem with &=l,a = 0,£ = 0 since the general case easily follows from this special case by redefining f. Hence, the basic form of the theorem reads oo oo 52 vv= 52 n= — oo m= — oo but the general form is quite convenient in applications. Forms of the theorem for the cosine or sine transform follow by taking for f an even or odd function, respectively. In mathematical analysis, in particular when one is interested in transfor- mations of series, Poisson’s summation formula turns out to be an effective tool for improving convergence of series. A nice example, which directly leads to the theta functions, is the transformation When s is small, the series on the left-hand side converges poorly, whereas, on the other hand, the series on the right converges strongly. A proof easily follows from well-known Fourier integrals. Take f(y) = exp(-7rsy2). Then we have /ОО 2 e~vsy +ity dy -oo — е-«2/(4тгз) For the theta functions similar transformation formulas hold (the above example is a special case). Let us write Oj(z\r) = Oj(z,q) with q = emT. Then, #i(z|r) = A0i(zt/|t/)/z, = A04(zt/\t/), 03(zIt) = A03(zt'It'), 04(г|т) = Л02(гт'|т'), I e-7rs[j/+it/(27rs)]2 dy _ _J_e-t2/(4?rs) 7-00 Vs (12.31)
328 12: Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions where A = 1 eiTfz2/тх т/ _ _1 y/—ir 1 т1 and where the square root in y/—ir is positive when r lies on the positive imaginary axis. We have discussed a few interesting properties of theta functions and of the more general elliptic functions, and we have only lifted a corner of the veil. This fascinating theory was founded by Jacobi in 1829. He obtained his results by using algebraic methods. Later, the theory was based on more pow- erful methods of complex function theory (Cauchy’s integral). Also, there are interfaces with the q—hypergeometric functions introduced in §5.8. The theta functions attract a great deal of attention in modern physics, in particular in the theory of solitons. Several soliton equations, for example the Korteweg- de Vries equation, can be solved in terms of (ratios of) theta functions. In classical physics theta functions solve the one dimensional heat equation (the diffusion equation) de _ 2<Ро дт dz2’ for particular values of h. This easily follows from the definitions of the theta functions. 12.4. Numerical Aspects Published numerical algorithms for the standard elliptic functions can be found in Baker (1992) and Moshier (1989). In general they are com- puted by using AGM-iterations, which converge very rapidly. When |q| < 1 the theta functions can be computed directly from the definitions (12.29); when |q| is bounded away from unity the series convergence very rapidly. The functional relations in (12.31) may be used when \q\ > 1. Due to the in- teresting convergence properties of the series that define the theta functions, it is also possible to base algorithms for the sn—, cn—, dn—functions on the relations in (12.30). For the complete and incomplete elliptic integrals the AGM-iterations may produce very fast algorithms. Also, the so-called Landen transformation, which we have not discussed in this chapter, is very useful. An interesting approach can be found in Carlson (1987, 1988) where by means of a few concise, but very efficient, algorithms, the three standard elliptic integrals can be computed for real values of the arguments. Both papers supply Fortran
§ 12.6 Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 329 programs for computing the following three basic forms: 3 Г°° Rj(x,y,z,p) 2 Jo dt (i + p) y/(t + x)(t + y)(t + z) (12.32) 3 Г°° RD(x,y,z) = 2 Jo dt (i + z)y/(t + xjtt + y)(t + z) The three elliptic integrals can be written in terms of the above integrals (see Exercise 12.7): Р(ф, k) = sin фЯр (cos2 ф,1 — k2 sin2 </>, , Е(ф, к) = F(</>, к) — ^k2 sin3 фЯр (cos2 </>, 1 — k2 sin2 ф, 1) , П(</>, к, n) = Я(ф, к) — |n sin3 фЯд (cos2 ф, 1 — к2 sin2 ф, 1,1 + п sin2 ф^ . (12.33) An important step in Carlson’s algorithms is the transformation ?/, г) = 2Rp(x + X,y + A, z + A) = Rp ( \ \ J , (12.34) where A = y/xy + y/yz + yfzx. This transformation easily follows from changing the variable of integration in the first integral of (12.32). Transfor- mation (12.34) will be repeated until the arguments of Rp are nearly equal. In that case a Taylor expansion of at most five terms is used to finish off the calculations. Observe that, when indeed the arguments are equal, we have Rpfax^x') = 1/y/x. 12.5. Remarks and Comments for Further Reading 12.1. A recent and very attractive book on AGM-iterations is Borwein & Borwein (1987) (various aspects of the present chapter are derived from this book). It also gives various fast algorithms for the calculation of тг and of elementary functions, theta functions, modular forms, etc. 12.2. The proof of Theorem 12.1 is due to Newman (1985). 12.3. Finding the relation between a given elliptic integral and the three standard integrals may be drudgery. However, symbolic manipulation pack- ages as Maple and Mathematica can handle several cases, and the develop- ments in this area happen quickly. Excellent references for table look-up of
330 12: Elliptic Integrals and Elliptic Functions elliptic integrals are available. See Byrd & Friedman (1954), Gradshteyn & Ryzhik (1980), and Prudnikov et al. (1986). 12.4. More information on elliptic functions can be found in Bowman (1953) (for an introduction), Lang (1973) (for a modern mathematical treat- ment), Lawden (1989) with chapters on geometrical and physical applica- tions. The classic on special functions Whittaker & Watson (1927) gives also the basic theory of elliptic functions and theta functions, together with a note on their history (page 512. In Fricke (1913) much more about the history of elliptic functions is given. 12.6. Exercises and Further Examples 12.1. Show that the elliptic integrals of the first and second kind satisfy the following relations: dE _ E(k) - K(k) dK _ E(JF) - k'2K(k) dk к 1 dk kk'2 12.2. Differentiate the result in (12.12) with respect to k. This gives (1 + k)K(k) + K(k) = g(k)K(g(k)) (1) (we write К = dK/dk) and use the second result of the previous exercise to show that Use again (1) for eliminating K(g). Next write E(g(k}) in terms of K(k) and Efjt); this gives eventually (12.13). Derive (12.14) in a similar way, or write p-1(A;) for к in (12.13). 12.3. The arc length of the lemniscate is given by AT(1/V2) Compute K(l/y/2) from tf(l/V2) = V2 dt ^(1-^(2-^ by using the change of variable x2 = t2/(2 — t2). Show that £(1Л/2) = 4Г2(|)+Г2(^)
§ 12.6 Exercises and Further Examples 331 by using in (12.2) the change of variable x = л/l — ft • 12.4. Show that an elliptic function that is analytic for each value of its argument equals a constant. 12.5. Let f be an elliptic function with fundamental parallelogram F; as- sume that f has no zeros or poles on the boundary В of P. a. Show that the sum of the residues of f inside P equals zero. Use the periodicity of f to prove that fB f(z) dz = 0. Hence, each non-trivial elliptic function has at least two poles inside F. The number of poles (taking into account the multiplicity of the poles) is called the order of the elliptic function. b. Show that the number of poles of f inside F equals the number of zeros of f inside F (taking into account the multiplicities of the poles and the zeros). Hint: f'/f is an elliptic function; there is a theorem from complex function theory that gives the relation between the number of zeros and poles of a function f and the integral of f'/f. c. Let c be an arbitrary complex number, and let n be the order of f (n > 2). Then inside F there are exactly n values of z that satisfy the equation /(г) = c. 12.6. Prove that the Weierstrass function р(г) defined in (12.27) is an even meromorphic function with double poles. Show also that Ф(л) _ _2 1__________ с/г (г — 2ncJi — 2mcj2)3 is an odd elliptic function of order 3. Show that р(г) is an even elliptic function of order 2. Finally, verify that р(г) satisfies equation (12.28). 12.7. Prove the relations in (12.33). Hint: introduce in the first relation of (12.32) the variable of integration 3 defined by cos2 3 = (/ + x)/(t + 1), with x = cos2 ф. 12.8. Prove the Poisson summation formula in the form OO OO / POO \ f(x + n)= (/ e2"tmtf(t)dt] е~27Ггхт, n= — oo m= — oo ~00 where f is of bounded variation; assume that the series at the left-hand side converges uniformly with respect to x € [0,1]. Hint: observe that the left- hand side is a periodic function, with period unity. Expand this function in terms of a Fourier series.

13 Numerical Aspects of Special Functions In this chapter we discuss a few basic tools for evaluating special functions. In BAKER (1992) and Moshier (1989) many details can be found on al- gorithms, with software programs written in C. Software is also available in packages for symbolic computations, as Macsyma, Maple, Mathematica and Matlab, and libraries as IMSL and NAG. Also well known is Numerical Recipes, see PRESS et al. (1992). Furthermore, several software packages are available through the electronic network. For instance, the collection Netlib is available at (send the message help). An excellent overview of the literature on numerical evaluation of special functions, with an overview of the available software, is given in LOZIER & OLVER (1994). The special functions usually have several representations that may be used as starting points for numerical algorithms: series expansions, asymptotic expansions, integrals, differential equations, and recurrence relations. The series expansions for the functions of hypergeometric type (as are nearly all functions discussed in this book) may give efficient algorithms. The range of applicability is usually restricted by convergence or stability, however. Simple recurrence relations for the terms in the expansion improve the efficiency. For instance, the Gauss hypergeometric function F (a, 6; c; z) can be written as E°° _ z(a + n)(b + n) tn, io = l, W1 = (-+n)(n + 1) *»> (n>0), which can be used when \z\ < 1, although the speed of convergence and the stability may become problematic when a and/or b are large complex numbers. In nearly all cases several methods of computation have to be combined in order to produce a safe and efficient algorithm for the function. An im- portant tool will be discussed in this chapter: the method based on using the recurrence relations for the special functions. As will become clear, recurrence relations are a very powerful tool for computing a single special function or a 333
334 13: Numerical Aspects of Special Functions sequence of functions. It is always necessary to know whether the recurrence relation is stable. That is, when we start the computation with initial values, which usually are not exact, we need to know the propagation of errors dur- ing the computations when repeatedly using the recurrence relation. Serious errors may be involved when unstable relations are used. In the following sections we discuss several aspects of this topic. We start with a simple example, and later we give more information on how to deal with unstable recurrence relations. We also show how the situation is for the well-known recurrence relations of the special functions discussed in this book. In a final section we give some details on the evaluation of continued fractions. 13.1. A Simple Recurrence Relation The recurrence relations xn xn fn = fn—1 г ? 9n = 9n—l H г? n = 1,2,... n! n! with initial values /о = eX ~ 1, 90 = 1 have, according to (6.37) and (6.39) solutions in terms of incomplete gamma functions: that is, Assume that x > 0. Then, following our intuition, the recursion for gn will not cause any problem, since two positive numbers are always added during the recursion. For the recurrence relation of fn it is not clear, but there is a po- tential danger owing to the subtraction of two positive quantities. Note that the computation of the initial value /о, f°r small values of ж, may produce a large relative error, when the quantities ex and 1 are simply subtracted. This problem repeats itself for each subsequent fn that is computed by us- ing the recurrence relation: in each step the next term of the Taylor series is subtracted from the exponential function. Apparently, this is a hopeless procedure for computing successive fn (even when x is not small). On the other hand, the computation of successive gn does not show any problem. In the study of recurrence relations it may make sense to change the di- rection of the recursion. Writing the recursion for fn and gn in backward direction: fn—1 — fn + I 5 9n — l — 9n I n! n!
§ 13.2 Introduction to the General Theory 335 then we note that for both solutions the roles are reversed: gn is obtained by subtraction, whereas fn is obtained by addition of positive numbers. In addi- tion, lim^-^oo fn = 0. When we want to compute the sequence /о? /1? • • • ? f]\h then we might intuitively proceed as follows (assuming we do not have the faintest notion of stability of recurrence relations): choose a number 7И, M TV, and put fw = 0 (that is, neglect the infinite part of the Taylor series of each required fn. Next compute the values fn for n = M — 1, TU — 2,... 0 by using the above backward recursion of fn. If we choose M large enough, it will be clear that, in this way, /о? /1? • • • ? fN can be computed to any desired accuracy. Just the same reasoning can be used for computing the sequence of in- complete gamma functions y(a, #), y(a + 1, ж),..., у (a + TV, x). Use the back- ward form of (6.39), that is, ay(afz) = у (a + l,z) + zae~z, with starting value y(a + M,x) = 0. If we choose M large enough, we can compute у (а + п,ж), 0 < n < N M within any required relative accuracy. This statement can be supported by a simple error analysis; see, for instance, Van der Laan & Темме (1984, Ch. 3). It can be easily verified that both fn and gn satisfy the recurrence relation (n + l)j/n+l - (x + n + l)yra + xyn-i = 0. Again, this relation is stable for the computation of gn in the forward direction; it is stable for fn in the backward direction. Note that the solutions of this recursion satisfy fn 0, gn ex as n oo. Apparently, the solution which becomes ultimately small in the forward direction (small compared to the other solution), is the victim. A similar phenomenon occurs in the backward direction. This phenomenon will be explained and put in a general framework in the following sections. 13.2. Introduction to the General Theory Consider the recurrence relation Уп+1 + anyn + ЬпУп-! =0, n = 1, 2,3,..., (13.1) where an and bn are given, with bn / 0. Many special functions of mathe- matical physics satisfy such a relation. Equation (13.1) is also called a linear homogeneous difference equation of the second order. In analogy with the theory of differential equations, two linearly independent solutions fn,gn ex- ist in general, with the property that any solution yn of (13.1) can be written in the form Уп = Afn H” Bgn, (13.2)
336 13: Numerical Aspects of Special Functions where A and В do not depend on n. We are interested in the special case that the pair {fn, gn} satisfies lim — = 0. (13.3) n—oo gn Then, for any solution (13.2) with В / 0, we have fn/yn —> 0 as n —> oo. When В = 0 in (13.2), we call yn a minimal solution; when В / 0, we call yn a dominant solution. When we have two initial values yo, yi, assuming that Ль/1><70><71 are known as well, then we can compute A and B. That is, A = 911/0 - OT1 B = yofl - yifo fo91 - fl90 ’ 90 fl - 91 fo The denominators are different from 0 when the solutions fn,gn are linearly independent. When we assume that the initial values yo, y\ are to be used for generating a dominant solution, then A may, or may not, vanish; В should not vanish: yofl Ф yifo- When however the initial values are to be used for the compu- tation of a minimal solution, then the much stronger condition yofi = yifo should hold. It follows that, in this case, one and only one initial value can be prescribed; the other one follows from the relation yofi = yifo- In the nu- merical approach this leads to the well-known instability phenomena for the computation of minimal solutions. The fact is that, when our initial values УО^У! are n°t specified to an infinite precision, — and consequently В does not vanish exactly — the computed solution (13.2) always contains a fraction of gn, the dominant solution. Hence, in the long run, our solution yn does not behave as a minimal solution, although we assumed that we were computing a minimal solution. This happens even if all further computations are done exactly. In applications it is important to know whether a given equation (13.1) has dominant and minimal solutions. Often this can be easily concluded from the asymptotic behavior of the coefficients an and bn. The following useful theorem is due to Perron and taken from Gautschi (1967). For a proof the reader is referred to the cited literature in that reference. Gautschi’s paper contains a wealth of information and is considered as pioneering and is still authoritative. Theorem 13.1. Assume that for large values of n the coefficients an, bn behave as follows: an ~ ana, bn ~ bn^, ab 0 with a and (3 real; assume that ti, t2 are the zeros of the characteristic poly- nomial Ф(£) = t2 + at + b with \t±\ > \t2\-
§13.2 Introduction to the General Theory 337 [1] . If a > ^(3 then the difference equation (13.1) has two linearly indepen- dent solutions упд and yn,2, with the property Уп-^-1,1 q X/n+1,2 b q—q, -----— ~ —an , ----— ~---nr , n —> oo. 2/n,l Уп,2 a [2] . Ifa=7£p then the difference equation (13.1) has two linear independent solutions упд and yn,2, with the property Уп-\-1,1 , о/ Уп-f-1,2 , q — ~ tin , — ~ t2n , 71 —> OO, Уп,1---------------------------------Уп,2 assuming that |fi| > l^l- |^i| = |^| then we have limsup [Ы(п!)-“] " = |<i| n—>oo for each non-trivial solution of (13.1). [3] . If а < ^(3 then limsup [|3/n|(n!)-/?/2] " = уф)! n—>OO L -> for each non-trivial solution of (13.1). In case [1] and the first part of case [2] fn = yn^ is a minimal solution of (13.1). In addition, in the first part of [2], hm —!— = tr, r = 1 or r = 2, n—>oo Пауп where r = 2 holds for the minimal solution and r = 1 for any other solution. To verify this, we derive from [1]: ?Ы-1,2 /Уп,2 b 0_2a -----— / —— ~ —~n^ , n oo. Уп+1,1/ Уп,1 The right-hand side converges to 0, since (3 — 2а < 0. It follows that уп,2/Уп,1 converges to 0. In the first part of [2] we have ^/n+1,2 / Уп,2 h УпУ1,1 / Уп,1 ti ' oo. П Since |fi| > |^21 we again conclude that Уп,2/УпД converges to 0.
338 13: Numerical Aspects of Special Functions The second part of case [2] and case [3] of the theorem does not give information on the minimal and dominant solutions. As can be seen from the examples below we then need extra asymptotic information about the solutions of the difference equation (13.1). 13.3. Examples We give an overview of the most important recurrence relations for special functions and the stability aspects including the maximal and minimal solu- tions of the particular relation. The quantities fn, gn denote the minimal and maximal solutions, respectively. In Example 9, the Jacobi polynomials, the situation is different when x € [—1,1], because in that case fn and gn have similar asymptotic behavior. 1. Bessel functions Recurrence relation: Уп-\-1 Уп + Уп—1 — 0? z Ф 0. z Solutions: fn = Лг(^), 9n = ^n(^)- This is covered by case [1] of the theorem, with 2 a = —, a = 1, b = 1, (3 = 0. z Claim of the theorem: fn-\-l z 9n+l fn gn z Known asymptotic behavior: , 1 rez\n l~2~ (ez\~n Jn ~ -^=- — , gn~-\— ( —1 , n-»oo. у/2тгп \2п/ V тгп \2п/ Similar results hold for the modified Bessel functions In(z) and Kn(z). 2. Legendre functions, recursion with respect to the order. Recurrence relation: 2ш Ут+1 + 9 Ут + (m + v)(m -v- = 0. vzz — 1 Solutions: /ш = Р-(г), gm = Q™(z), Jiz > 0, z/eC z/^ -1,-2,..., z ^(0,1].
§ 13.3 Examples 339 This is covered by case [2] of the theorem, with 2г a = - , a = 1, b = 1, (3 = 2. vz2 — 1 I z +1 1 . . . . ^ = ~\~----*2 = —> *1 > 1 > *2 • V z — 1 il Claim of the theorem: lim ^±l=/2, lim m->oo mjm m—^oo mgm 3. Legendre functions, recursion with respect to the degree. Recurrence relation: 2n + 2z/ + 1 n + v + /л Уп-\-1 ~ z . —~гУп H : . тУп—1 = 0. n + z/ - /л+l n + z/-/z+l Solutions: fn = Q4,+n(z), gn = P„+n(z), + This is covered by case [2] of the theorem, with a = —2г, a = 0, b = 1, (3 = 0. 1 ti = z + л/г2 - 1, |*1| > 1 > |*2|. tl ’ Claim of the theorem: lim 'X fn = t2, lim ^±1 =tl. n-.OQ gn 4. Coulomb wave functions Recurrence relation: LyJ(L+l)2+7?yL+1 - (2L + 1) il + £(£+1) Solutions: + (L + 1)\/L2 +t?2 yL_t = 0. 9L=GL(y,p), t? e IR, p>0. This is covered by case [1] of the theorem, with 2 a = —, a = 1, b = 1, (3 = 0. P
340 13: Numerical Aspects of Special Functions 1 ti = z + л/г2 - 1, Claim of the theorem: 9l+i 9l P ' fL+l P fL co. Known asymptotic behavior; e,-fyrn y/2 e 2(L+1) L+l as L —* oo. 5. Incomplete beta functions Recurrence relation: Уп+1 n + p + q - 1 n+p Уп + n+p+q-1 n +p хУп-l = 0. Solutions: fn = Ix(p + n,q) = Bx(p + n,q) B(p + n,q) ’ gn = i, o < x < 1. This is covered by case [2] of the theorem, with « = —(! + ж), a = 0, b = x, /3 = 0, Zi = l, t2=x. Claim of the theorem: lim n—>oo /n+1 fn = X. Known asymptotic behavior: r (l-x^n^xP^ fn ~ 1, Г1 Г(д) 1 + tl’ \tl\>l>\t2i L CM ~ 6. Repeated integrals of the error function Recurrence relation: z 1 Solutions: fn = ez inericz, gn = (—\)nez inerfcf—z),
§ 13.3 Examples 341 where, for all z € C, /•OO 2 znerfcz = / zn-1erfc/ dt, z°erfc z = erfc z, z-1erfc z = —т=е Jz This is covered by case [3] of the theorem, with a = z, a = — 1, b = — |, (3 = — 1, Zi = l, /2 = x- Claim of the theorem: for both yn = fn and yn = gn Known asymptotic behavior: fWcz ~ Д. r(§ + l) Hence „->00. 9n Similar results hold for parabolic cylinder functions. 7. Confluent hypergeometric functions, recursion with respect to а Recurrence relation: (n + а + 1 - c)yn+1 + (c — z — 2a — 2n)?/n + (a + n - 1)г/п-1 = 0. Solutions: Г(а + п) T(a + n) fn = —U(a + n,c,z), gn = r, 1------------------rM(a + n,c,z). 1 (a) 1 (a + n + 1 — c) This is covered by case [2] of the theorem, with a =—2, a = 0, b=l, /3 = 0, h = t2 = 1. Claim of the theorem: limsup|ynp = 1. n—>oo Known asymptotic behavior (cf do not depend on n): fn ~ cin^c~^ne~2y//^ , gn ~ C2n2c~ine+2y/™z , n oo.
342 13: Numerical Aspects of Special Functions 8. Confluent hypergeometric functions, recursion with respect to c Recurrence relation: zyn+l + (1 - C - n - z)yn + (c + n-a- l)yn-i = 0. Solutions: , Г(с + n - a) 9n = U(a, c + n, z). This is covered by case [1] of the theorem, with a = —-, a = 1, b=-, /3 = 1. z z Claim of the theorem: fn+1 1 9n+1 ri • ~ 1, —!~ — n oo. fn 9n % Known asymptotic behavior: fn~n a 9n 1 — C — П Г(с n 1) Г(а) oo. n 9. Jacobi polynomials Recurrence relation: (2n + 2)(n + a + (3 + l)(2n + ol + (5)уп+\ - (2n + а + /3 + 1) [(2n + а + (3 + 2)(2n + а + ff)x + a2 - /32] yn + 2(n + а)(п + /3)(2п + а + (3 + 2)yn_i = 0. Solutions: fn = Q(na,/3) (*), дп = Pn^] (*), x e (D. This is covered by case [2] of the theorem, with a = — 2ж, a = 0, b = 1, /3 = 0. t± = x + д/^2 — 15 t2 = x — у/x2 — 1, \h\ = \t2\ = 1 if X e [-1,1], Ihl > 1, |/2| < 1 if X [-1,1]. Claim of the theorem: же [-1,1]: limsup|i/n|£ = 1, for both yn = fn and yn = gn. x [-1,1] : ^±i ~ ti, 9n in
§ 13.4 Miller’s Algorithm 343 Known asymptotic behavior: x e (-1,1) : Р^а’^ (cos0) ~ J-—cos |Yn + I) 0 - ^7г] , \ тип smO L\ 2 7 4 J X ? [-1,1] : (ж) ~ Q^\x) ~ where ф(х) and ф{х) do not depend on n. The first six examples are discussed in detail in Gautschi (1967). Ex- amples 7 and 8 are considered in Temme (1983). From the results for Jacobi polynomials (which also hold for Gegenbauer, Legendre and Chebyshev poly- nomials) we conclude that, when x is outside the interval of orthogonality [—1,1], the polynomials can be computed by recurrence, without the risk of instabilities, in the forward direction with the initial values P^ (ж) = 1 P^ (z) = j (a - /?) + i (a + /3 + 2)x. When x € [—1,1] the theorem does not give a clear statement. From a further study of the asymptotic behavior of the Jacobi polynomials and that of the second solution Q^’^(^), the Jacobi function of the second kind (see SzEGO (1974,p. 224)), it can be concluded that (ж) is not a minimal solution of the recurrence relation. Only the usual rounding errors have to be taken into account. 13.4. Miller’s Algorithm From the previous discussion, it appears that the numerical computation of the minimal solution of a recurrence relation (13.1) with initial values /о and fl is quite problematic. One has to accept that the results are completely wrong after a few recursion steps. Of course, it depends on the required absolute or relative accuracy as to how much risk can be incurred, but in general one should be very careful. From the asymptotic behavior of the minimal and a dominant solution, one can usually conclude whether recursion for the minimal solution is dangerous. If, for instance in Example 6, the real part of z is very small (and positive), then the ratio \fn/9n\ is small only for quite large values of n. Hence, the dominance of the dominant solution becomes significant only for large values of n. One can compute the first values fn with only a slight loss of accuracy. In this section we discuss an algorithm for computing a sequence of values /о, fl, • • •, /n (13-4)
344 13: Numerical Aspects of Special Functions of a minimal solution; N is a non-negative integer. Obviously, we can apply (13.1) in the backward direction; in that case fn becomes a dominant solution and gn the minimal solution. Then we need two initial values fa and fa-i- Miller’s algorithm does not need these values, and uses a smart idea for the computation of the required sequence (13.4). The algorithm works for many interesting cases and gives an efficient method for computing the sequence (13.4) numerically. Assume we have a relation of the form £ Xnfn =S, s ± 0. (13.5) The series should be convergent and An and s should be known. As will become clear, the series in (13.5) plays a role in normalizing the required minimal solution. The series may be finite; we only require that at least one coefficient An is different from zero. When just one coefficient, say Aj is different from zero, we assume that the value fj is available. In Miller’s algorithm a starting value z/ is chosen, v > A, and a solution {y^} °f (13.1) is computed with the false initial values УЙ1 = o, yP = 1. (13.6) The right-hand sides may be replaced by other values; at least one value should be different from zero. In some cases a judicious choice of these values may improve the convergence of the algorithm. The computed solution, with (13.6) as initial values, is a linear combination of the solutions fn and gn introduced earlier. A simple computation gives те = 0,1,...>г/ + 1. This can be verified by checking the relations in (13.6). We write this in the form Уп = Pvfn + ЦпУп- (13.7) We observe that Уп^ /pv = fn~ [Л+l/9v+l\9n and from (13.3) it follows that W lim — = fn, 0 < n < N. (13.8) !/->oo py Apparently, when v is large enough, an approximation of fn can be obtained from the quantities and py. However, in general, py is not known. At this moment the normalizing relation (13.5) becomes of interest. We compute = (13.9) n=0 S
§ 13.4 Miller’s Algorithm 345 Replacing in the series, on account of (13.8), with pyfn, we then obtain py ~ /s. It follows that we can consider as an approximation to /n, if v is large enough. That is, we assume that the circumstances are favorable, and that we can conclude that /п = n = 0,l,..., TV. (13.10) This claim will be founded by introducing extra conditions. From (13.9) we obtain for the relative error (when fn / 0) / x fW _ f (y) _ Jn Jn £n — r Jn We rewrite this: s/s^ У$3 - fn _ s(pv + qygn/fn') - fn ~ sM (l/) &У Pv-\-\/Pn H” Ту en (13.11) 1 - with (13.12) When introducing (13.5) we assumed that the series converges. Hence, —> 0 as z/ —> oo. Also, (see (13.3)) we assumed that py 0. From this we infer that the relative error of (13.11) converges to zero (as v oo), if and only if Ту converges to zero. Under this final condition, the limit in (13.10) holds. For the numerical part of the method it is important to obtain an estimate of for large values of v. In many cases it is not easy to obtain a strict estimate; usually some terms in (13.12) can be approximated by replacing the series with their dominant terms. Taking in the first series only the first term, and in the second series the final term, we obtain 1 1 Gy — ~^y4-ijy4-i, Ту ~ — Py+iAypy. s s With these approximations (13.11) reads (у) 1 \ t । fy+1 ^у9у fy+1 9n £n — ^у+1/у+1 । e s 9у+1 s 9у+1 Jn 1 л r fy+1 9n since usually the second term on the first right-hand side is less important than the first term. A further step is to replace in this estimate n by TV,
346 13: Numerical Aspects of Special Functions because, when the N—th element in the sequence in (13.4) is accurate, the situation will only improve for the remaining values. Reasoning in this way, we finally arrive at +1/P+1-^±1^. (13.13) 2 9v+l JN By using asymptotic estimates of the dominant and minimal solutions, the estimation of v can be executed, perhaps numerically. The estimate of the error in (13.13) reflects two aspects of the algorithm for favorable convergence. The first term on the right-hand side of (13.13) indicates that the series in (13.5) should converge quickly. The second term indicates that the extent of dominance of gn with respect to fn is very significant. In Gautschi (1967) this algorithm is discussed in great detail (in a slightly different form). Gautschi estimates the starting point of the backward recursion by using asymptotic estimates of the special functions involved. In Olver (1967) a direct numerical approach is used for obtaining a good start- ing point. Olver also considers inhomogeneous recurrence equations. Both methods are summarized in Van der Laan & Temme (1984). An excel- lent monograph for the numerical aspects of recurrence relations, including Miller’s algorithm, is WiMP (1984). Example 13.1. In Miller (1952) the above method has been introduced for computing the modified Bessel functions In(x). The recurrence relation for these functions reads (see (8.34)) 9 ту In+i(x) + — In(x) - 4-i(a?) = 0. (13.14) A normalizing condition (13.5) is (see (9.33)) ex = /0(з;) + 2/i(a;) + 2/2(3;) + 2/3(3;).... That is, s = eT, Aq = 1, An = 2 (n > 1). We take x = 1 and initial values (13.6) with v = 9 and obtain Table 13.1. The column on the right is obtained by dividing the results of the middle column by (see (13.8) and (13.9)) 9 P9 ~ ХпУп^ /e1 = 1.8071328986 x 10+8 n=0 The underlined digits in the third column are correct. See also Abramowitz & Stegun (1964, p. 428).
§ 13,5 How to Compute a Continued Fraction 347 Table 13.1. Computing the Modified Bessel Functions In(x) for x = 1 by Using (13.14) in Backward Direction 0 2.2879 49300 x 10+8 1.26606 587801 x 10“° 1 1.0213 17610 x 10+8 5.65159 104106 x 10“1 2 2.4531 40800 x 10+7 1.35747 669794 x 10“1 3 4.0061 29000 x 10+6 2.21684 249288 x IO-2 4 4.9434 00000 x 10+5 2.73712 022160 x 10-3 5 4.9057 00000 x 10+4 2.71463 156012 x 10-4 6 4.0640 00000 x 10+3 2.24886 614761 x 10“5 7 2.8900 00000 x 10+2 1.59921 829887 x IO-6 8 1.8000 00000 x 10+1 9.96052 919710 x 10“8 9 1.0000 00000 x io+° 5Л3362 733172 x 10“9 10 0.0000 00000 x 10+o 0.00000 000000 x 10“° 13.5. How to Compute a Continued Fraction We describe one method for computing continued fractions. See Gautschi (1967) for different approaches and Lorentzen & Waadeland (1992) for more details on the theory of continued fractions. A continued fraction of the form . «1 «2 «3 К — bo + -—- -—- -—- . •. bi+ b%+ 63+ can be computed as follows. One defines two sequences {An}, {Bn} by writing An = bnAn— i + anAn—2, Bn = bnBn—i + апВп—2ч n = 1,2,3,..., with A-i = Bq = 1, Aq = 6q, B-i = 0. Then the so-called n—th convergent «1 «2 «3 an Kn — bQ + -—- -—- -—- ... —- bi+ b%+ 63+ bn satisfies Kn=^, n= 1,2,3,.... When limn_Kn exists, the infinite continued fraction is said to be conver- gent. When аг and bj are positive then < ^2n+2, #2n+l < #2n-l-
348 13: Numerical Aspects of Special Functions So, in this case and if the limit К exists, one has an inclusion of K, which is very convenient in numerical evaluations. We mention a few numerical aspects and pitfalls. • The recursion relations for An and Bn may be unstable. • Various transformations of the continued fraction are available to speed up the convergence. • The quantities An and Bn may grow very fast and may not be repre- sentable on the computer when n becomes large, although the ratios Kn may be representable. Scaling An and Bn by a suitable factor is a simple remedy. • The convergence of Kn as n becomes large may be very peculiar. In Gautschi (1977) an example of anomalous convergence of a continued fraction for a ratio of Kummer functions is given,albeit that the method of evaluation in that paper is not based on the above recursion relations.
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Notations and Symbols Bn, Bernoulli numbers 2 generalized Bernoulli polynomials 4 Tn, tangent numbers 4 Bn(x\ periodic Bernoulli function 6 7, Euler’s constant 10 En, Euler numbers 15 generalized Euler polynomials 15 En(x\ periodic Euler function 16 5<m), Stirling numbers of the first kind 18 Stirling numbers of the second kind 18 r(z), gamma function 41 B(p,q), beta integral 41 ^(z), logarithmic derivative of the gamma function 53 £(z), Riemann zeta function 57 (a)n = Г(а + п)/Г(а), shifted factorial, Pochhammer’s symbol 72 ("), binomial coefficient 73 £(z,a), Hurwitz zeta function or generalized Riemann zeta function 75 F (a, b; с; г), hypergeometric function 108 P, symbol for the Riemann-Papperitz equation 118 (a;g)n, Q—variant for the shifted factorial 125 K(k\ E(k\ complete elliptic integrals 128 Bx(p,q), incomplete beta function 128 P, linear space of polynomials 134 Kn(x,y), reproducing kernel for orthogonal polynomials 136 Christoffel numbers for orthogonal polynomials 139 Jacobi polynomial 143 Pn(#), Legendre polynomial 143 361
362 Notations and Symbols Tn(x), Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind 143 C2(x\ Gegenbauer or ultraspherical polynomial 144 £"(#), Laguerre polynomial 145 Hermite polynomial 145 Un(x\ Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind 147, 153 7W(a,c, z), confluent hypergeometric function, Kummer function 172 U(a,c, г), confluent hypergeometric function, Kummer function 175 Whittaker functions 178 F\(z/,p), G^(?y,p), Coulomb functions 171, 178 U(а, г), V(a, г), parabolic cylinder functions 179 Dy(z), parabolic cylinder function 179 erfz,erfcz, error functions 180, 275 En(z\ exponential integral 180 Ei(x\ exponential integral 180 li(ж), logarithmic integral 180 Si(z),Ci(z), sine and cosine integrals 181 C(z),S(z), Fresnel integrals 182 y(a, z), Г(а, z), incomplete gamma functions 185, 277 P(a, z), Q(a, z), normalized incomplete gamma functions 185, 278 Pp(z), Legendre function of the first kind 195 Qp(z), Legendre function of the second kind 195 Py(x),x € ( — 1,1), Legendre function of the first kind 197 Qv(x\x € (—1,1), Legendre function of the second kind 197 Py(z), associated Legendre function of the first kind 208 Qp(z), associated Legendre function of the second kind 208 Py(x\x € ( — 1,1), associated Legendre function of the first kind 212 Qy(x),x € (—1,1), associated Legendre function of the second kind 212 Marcum Q—function 219 Hy2\z\ Hankel functions 221 Jv(z), ordinary Bessel function of the first kind 222 Yy(z), ordinary Bessel function of the second kind, Neumann function 222 Cy(z), cylinder function 223 ZI/(z),7fI/(z), modified Bessel functions 233
Notations and Symbols 363 Zv(z)y modified Bessel function 234 (a,n), Hankel’s symbol 238 F(z/, z), Q(z/, z), auxiliary functions for the Bessel functions 239 zeros of J— and Y— Bessel functions 243 jn(z\ Уп(х), spherical (half odd integer order) Bessel functions 249 Ai(z),Bi(z), Airy functions 254 Д, Laplace operator 257 V, nabla operator 258 erf z, erfc z, error functions 275 w(z), plasma dispersion function 275 F(z), Dawson’s integral 276 7(a, z),T(a, z), incomplete gamma functions 277 P(a, z),Q(a, z), normalized incomplete gamma functions 277 7*(a,z), incomplete gamma function 278 g), incomplete beta function 288 Ррфху ?/), Q^x, ?/), non-central %—squared distribution 298, 299 AT(fc), E(k)y elliptic integrals 315 К'(к\Е'(к\ complementary elliptic integrals 316 fc), Е(ф,к),П(п; фу к)у incomplete elliptic integrals 321 sn(rt, к)у cn(rt, к)у dn(rt, fc), elliptic functions 322 p(z), Weierstrass’ function 324 Oj(zy q\ Oj(z\r)y j = 1,2,3,4, theta functions 325, 327 RF(xyyyz)yRj{xyyyz)yRD{xyyyz)y elliptic integrals 329 znerfcz, repeated integrals of the error function 341 Q^^\x)y Jacobi function of the second kind 343 Kronecker delta function 364 The Cauchy Principal Value Integral Let f be continuous on the interval [a, b] and a < £ < b. Then we define the Cauchy principal value integral
364 Notations and Symbols Polar Coordinates Let X = r cos#, у = r sin#. Then du du dr du dO du 1 du dr 1 du dO dx dr dx dO dx1 dy dr dy dO dy dr dx о d2r = a? = sin2 # r dr • Й d2r = a? = cos2 # dy r de sin# d20 sin 2# dx r 1 dx2 r2 de cos# d20 sin 2# dy r ’ dy2 r2 With these formulas it is not difficult to transform the Laplace equation л —о d2u d2u Au = = 0 dxz dyz in terms of polar coordinates: d2u 1 ди 1 d2u _ dr2 + r gr + r2 gg2 A more extensive treatment of coordinate transformations, in connection with separation of variables and partial differential equations, is given in Chap- ter 10. General Notations IN the set of natural numbers {1,2,3, •••} Ж the set of integers 3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,...} Q the set of rational numbers {r | r = --p/q, p,q^^, q / 0} IR the set of real numbers {a: | - OO < X < oo} (D the set of complex numbers {z I Z = = x + iy, X, у G IR} %lz = ж, $sz = у are the real and imaginary parts of z = x + iy. dm n = S • г Ш / П’ m, n e Ж, Kronecker delta function. [0, if m / n,
Index A Abel’s identity 89 Abel-Plana formula 22 Abramowitz & Stegun 22, 114, 116, 213, 241, 244, 247, 347 accuracy of Stirling’s series 63 Airy functions 101, 254 Airy-type expansions 247 alternating series 14, 17 Amos 247 amplitude of elliptic integrals 321 analytic continuation of Bessel functions 232 gamma function 43, 44 hyper geometric functions 109 incomplete gamma functions 311 approximation of function by Chebyshev polyno- mials 162 function by Legendre polyno- mials 160 zeros of Jy (г) 242 arc length of the lemniscate 330 arithmetic geometric mean 318 Askey 127 Askey & Wilson 164 associated Legendre functions 194, 208 asymptotic distribution of prime numbers 181 asymptotic expansion 31 for Bessel functions 238 for Bessel functions as SRz/ +00 228 for classical orthogonal polyno- mials 164 for hypergeometric functions 127 for incomplete beta function 291 for incomplete gamma functions 279 for Kummer functions U and M 174, 175, 186, 189 for Laplace integrals 31 for Legendre polynomial 158 for Legendre functions 213 for logarithm of the gamma function 62 for multi-dimensional integrals 39 for non-central %2 function 302 for psi function 76 for reciprocal gamma function 63 for Von Mises distribution 309 for Weber parabolic cylinder functions 186 for Whittaker functions 186 asymptotic expansions of integrals 31 asymptotic inversion 38 asymptotic iteration 38 365
366 Index В Baker 328, 333 Barnes 118, 132 Barnes’ contour integral for hyper- geometric functions 119 Barnes’ integral 216 Barnes’ lemma 132 base 126 basic hypergeometric function 126 Basset’s integral 254 Bateman Project 114, 116, 213, 232, 268 Bauer 162 behavior of the U—function near z = 0 189 Bernoulli 2 Bernoulli’s method 81 Bernoulli numbers 2, 3, 9, 55, 59 Bernoulli polynomials 3, 6, 67 Berry 39, 72, 276 Bessel 219 Bessel coefficients 231 Bessel differential equation 83, 220 Bessel function 95, 98, 162, 186, 219, 220, 262, 338 Bessel function as Fourier coefficient 230 Bessel functions of the first, second and third kind 223 Bessel integral representation 230 Bessel’s inequality 161 best approximation 163 beta integral 41, 67 bilinear concomitant 99 bilinear generating function for Hermite polynomials 167 bilinear transformations 117, 122 Binet 55 binomial coefficients 73 Bleistein & Handelsman 38 Bohr & Mollerup 42 Boole’s summation method 1, 14, 17, 22 Boole 17 Borwein & Borwein 329 Borwein, Borwein & Dilcher 22 Boyd 72 Boyd & Dunster 213 boundary value problems 268 inside a cone 216 bounds on Legendre polynomials 157 Bowman 330 Brezinski 164 Bromwich 29 Buchholtz 186 Budak, Samarskii & Tikhonov 271 Burkill 104 Byrd & Friedman 330 C calculus of differences 2 Carlson 328 Carslaw & Jaeger 271 Cartesian system 82 Cauchy 44 Cauchy integrals 201 Cauchy principal value integral 180, 363 Cauchy-Saalschiitz representation of г(г) 44 central у2 distribution 219 Chebyshev expansions of the Bessel functions 249 Chebyshev expansions of the M— and U—functions 186 Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind 143, 147, 148, 150, 152, 153, 162, 170 of the second kind 147, 153
Index 367 Chihara 164 chi-square probability functions 277, 299 choice of standard solutions of Weber’s equation 186 Christoffel-Darboux formula 136, 148 for the Jacobi polynomials 148 Christoffel numbers 139 classical orthogonal polynomials 141 Clenshaw 163 Clenshaw & Picken 163 closed expression for Stirling num- bers 21 Coddington & Levinson 104 combinatorics 21 complementary elliptic integrals 316 complementary modulus 316 complete elliptic integrals 128, 315 computer algebra 122, 127, 322 computing special functions; see numerical aspects Comtet 22 confluent hypergeometric functions 171, 266, 341 conical functions 216 contiguous relations 121 continued fraction for Г(а, г) 280 continued fraction for incomplete beta function 289 contour integral for Airy functions 101 Bessel functions 221, 222, 235 beta integral 49, 74 generalized Riemann zeta func- tion 76 hypergeometric function 111 incomplete beta function 290 incomplete gamma functions 282 Jacobi polynomial 151 Kummer function 105, 191 Riemann zeta function 58 convolution theorem for Laplace transformations 45 Copson 30, 116 Cornu’s spiral 184 Coulomb phase shift 178 Coulomb wave functions 171, 178, 339 cylinder functions 223, 229, 261, 262 cylindrical coordinates 259 D Davis 71 Dawson’s integral 276 De Bruijn 38 Debye type expansions 247 degree of Legendre function 209 DiDonato & Morris 310 difference calculus 21 difference equations 2, 6 differential equation of Weber 104 differential equations for orthogonal polynomials 149 diffraction of a plane wave 270 diffusion equation 79, 257, 328 Dilcher, Skula & Slavutskii 21 Dingle 22, 38 Dirichlet-Mehler formula for the Legendre polynomial 157 Dirichlet problem for the interior of a sphere 272 discrete Fourier transform 163 displacements of coupled harmonic oscillators 247
368 Index dominant solution of difference equation 336 doubly periodic function 323 Dunster 186, 213 Dutka 219 E Edwards 57 eigenfunctions 133 eigenvalues 133 eigenvalue equation 150 electrical conductor 273 electrical dipole 272 element of arc length 258 of surface 258 of volume 258 elliptic cylinder coordinates 263 elliptic functions 315, 323 elliptic integrals 128, 315 elliptic integral of the third kind 321 equation of conduction of heat 79 error functions 81, 180, 188, 275 Erdelyi 38 estimates for the zeros of the Jacobi polynomials 164 estimates of the Bernoulli numbers M Euler 2, 9, 41, 46, 51, 110 Euler’s constant 10, 24 Euler’s summation method 6, 9, 10, 22 Euler numbers 1, 14 Euler polynomials 15 Euler transformation 21 evaluation of infinite series 56 evolution equations 79, 257 expansions in terms of orthogonal polynomials 160 exponential integrals 31, 180, 186, 277 exponents of a differential equation 93 extended trapezoidal rule 25 F fast Fourier transform 163 Favard 136 Fields 71 forward difference operator 21 Fourier’s method 81 Fourier-Bessel series 246 Fourier integrals for the Bessel functions 237, 238 Fourier series for Bernoulli polynomials 5 Euler polynomials 15 Fox & Parker 163 fractional linear transformation 117 Frenzen 68, 71, 213 Frenzen & Wong 164 Fresnel integrals 182 Freud 164 Fricke 330 Frobenius 90 Frobenius method 90 Fubini’s theorem 29 functional relation for hypergeometric functions 110, ИЗ M—function 173 U—function 176 fundamental parallelogram 323 fundamental system 89 G gamma function 41 Gasper & Rahman 127, 164 Gauss 52, 107 Gauss’ multiplication formula 52 Gauss quadrature 138, 164
Index 369 Gautschi 164, 213, 287, 309, 336, 343, 347 Gegenbauer polynomials 144, 146, M7, 150, !52> 155? 165, 168 generalization of geometric series 108 generalization of Stirling’s formula 62 generalized basic hypergeometric function 125 generalized Bernoulli numbers 4 generalized Bernoulli polynomials 4 generalized Marcum Q—function 219, 299 generalized Riemann zeta function 75 generating function 2, 3, 154 for Chebyshev polynomials 170 for Gegenbauer polynomials 155, 165 for Hermite polynomials 155, 167 for Laguerre polynomials 155 for Legendre polynomials 155 for orthogonal polynomials 154 for Stirling numbers 20 Gibbs phenomenon 181 Godefroy 71 Goursat 122 Gradshteyn & Ryzhik 330 Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization method 134 H Hankel 48 Hankel’s contour integral 48, 69 Hankel’s symbol 238 Hankel functions 36, 221 Hankel transform 232 heat conduction equation 268 Heine 125 Helmholtz equation 79, 81, 82, 219, 257 Hermite’s differential equation 83, 105 Hermite polynomials 105, 133, 145, 148, 150, 153, 155, 167, 179 Hilb’s formula 164 Hilbert transformations 201 Hill 310 Hobson 213 Hochstadt 104 Holder 42 Holder’s inequality 43 Hurwitz 75 Hurwitz zeta function 75 hypergeometric differential equation 83, 112 hypergeometric functions 108, 172, 333 I IMSL 333 Ince 104 incomplete beta functions 128, 288, 340 incomplete gamma functions 188, 277 indicial equation 93, 172 infinite products for the sine and co- sine functions 74 initial value 80 inner product 134 integral equation for Laguerre poly- nomials 250 integral representation for hypergeometric functions 110 Legendre functions 202 Legendere polynomial 156 modified Bessel functions 234
370 Index integrals as solutions of differential equations 98 interchanging summation and inte- gration 29 inverse Laplace transformation 80 inverses of incomplete elliptic inte- grals 322 irregular singular point 83 J Jacobi function of the second kind 343 Jacobi polynomials 108, 143, 146, 148, 150, 151, 164, 168, 342 as hypergeometric function 151 Jones & Thron 282 Jordan 21, 22 К Korteweg-de Vries equation 328 Knopp 21, 22 Knuth 22 Koornwinder 126, 127 Kummer 173 Kummer differential equation 83, 105? 173 Kummer functions 171, 236, 278 Kummer’s 24 solutions 115, 122 L Lagrange interpolation formula 138 Laguerre polynomials 145, 148, 150, 152, 153, 154, 168, 190 and Bessel functions 250 Lame functions 268 Landen transformation 328 Lang 330 Laplace’s first integral 206 Laplace’s formula for the Legendre polynomial 157, 204 Laplace’s integral for the Q—function 207 Laplace’s second integral 206 Laplace equation 79, 364 Laplace operator 79, 257 Laplace transform 80 of Jy(z) 227, 250 of the M—function 191 large order Bessel function 244 Lauwerier 38 Lawden 127, 330 Lebedev, Skalskaya & Uflyand 271 Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem 29 Legendre 42, 46, 193 Legendre’s differential equation 83, 91 Legendre’s multiplication formula for the gamma function 46 Legendre’s normal elliptic integrals 315 Legendre functions 98, 193, 251, 262, 268, 338, 339 Legendre function of the first kind 195 Legendre function of the second kind 195 Legendre functions on (—1,1) 197 Legendre polynomials 92, 143, 148, 150, 152, 155, 156, 193 Levinson & Redheffer 30 limitation of Euler’s summation method 14 limits of orthogonal polynomials 168 linear homogeneous difference equation of second order 335 linear superposition 268 Liouville-Green approximation 104 Liouville-Neumann expansion 86
Index 371 Liouville transformation 85, 103 log-convexity of Г (a;) 42 logarithmic derivative of Г(ж) 53, 76> 105 logarithmic integral 180 Lorentzen & Waadeland 282, 347 Love 30 Lozier & Olver 333 Luke 124, 163, 186 M Macsyma 333 Magnus, Oberhettinger & Soni 213 Maple 127, 322, 333 Marcum 219 Marcum Q—function 219, 299 Mathematica 322, 333 Mathieu equations 264 Mathieu functions 264 Matlab 333 Matviyenko 247 mean quadratic deviation 161 Mehler-Dirichlet formula for Legendre functions 203 Mehler-Fock transformation 216 Mehler function 216 Mehler-Sonine integrals 253 Mellin-Barnes integrals 121 for K„(z) 252 for the M— and U— functions 189 Mellin transform 38, 77, 121 of the K—function 252 method of stationary phase 38 Miller 179, 186, 227, 346 Miller’s algorithm 253, 343 Milne-Thomson 21 minimal solution 336 modified Bessel functions 186, 219, 223, 232, 338, 346 modulus of elliptic integral 316 Morse & Feshbach 271 Moser & Wyman 22 Moshier 328, 333 multiplication formula for Laguerre polynomials 170 multiplication formula for the psi function 76 N NAG library 333 Nemeth 163 Netlib 333 Neumann function 95, 223, 226 Neumann’s integral for Qn(z) 201 Nevai 142, 164 Newman 329 Newton’s binomial formula 131 Nikiforov & Uvarov 162 non-central %2 distribution 219, 298 nonlinear differential equations 97 Norland 8, 21 norm of orthogonal polynomial 134 of Jacobi polynomial 148 of Legendre polynomial 156 normal distribution functions 275 numerical aspects of Bessel functions 247 Chebyshev polynomials 162 continued fractions 347 elliptic functions 328 hypergeometric functions 114, 127 incomplete beta functions 297 incomplete gamma functions 286, 310 Legendre functions 213
372 Index numerical aspects of (continued) non-central %2 function 305 orthogonal polynomials 162 recurrence relations 334 special functions 333 numerically satisfactory pair 226 Numerical Recipes 333 О Oberhettinger 77 oblate spheroidal coordinates 266 Olde Daalhuis & Olver 277 Olver 22, 33, 38, 104, 127, 186, 213, 217, 227, 241, 244, 247, 277, 309, 346 Olver & Smith 213 Oppenheim & Schafer 163 order of Bessel functions 222, 225 of Legendre functions 209 of the elliptic function 331 ordinary Bessel functions 222, 223 orthogonality relation for associated Legendre functions 215 for Bessel functions 244 for Jacobi polynomials 169 for Laguerre polynomial 166 for Stirling numbers 19 orthogonal polynomials 108, 133, 134 orthogonal system 215, 245 orthonormal 135 P Pade method 186 Papperitz 118 parabolic cylinder coordinates 264 parabolic cylinder functions 179, 190, 266, 341 Paris & Wood 72, 277 Parseval relation 231 path of steepest descent 69 Perron 282 plasma dispersion function 275 Pochhammer symbol 72, 107 Poisson distribution 278 Poisson integral 162, 237, 253 Poisson’s summation formula 326, 331 polar coordinates 364 potential equation 79, 257, 262 potential theory 193 power series for the Bessel function 227 Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling & Flannery 333 prime numbers and the Riemann zeta function 61 probability theory 21 Prudnikov, Brychkov & Marichev 232, 329 Prym 43 Prym’s decomposition 43 psi function 53, 76, 105 Q q—orthogonal polynomials 164 quadratic transformation 122, 130 quantum mechanics 133 quasi periodic functions 326 R ratio of two gamma functions 66 reciprocal of the beta function 74 reciprocal gamma function 48, 69 recurrence relations 334 for Bessel functions 229, 338 for Coulomb functions 339 for gamma function 42
Index 373 recurrence relations (continued) for Gegexibauer polynomial 165 for hypergeometric functions 121 for incomplete beta functions 289, 340 for Jacobi polynomial 164, 342 for Legendre functions 214, 338, 339 for Kummer functions 188, 341 for modified Bessel functions 234, 338 for non-central %2 function 299 for orthogonal polynomials 146 for psi function 76 for repeated integrals of the er- ror function 340 for Stirling numbers 19 reflection formula for gamma function 46, 74 psi function 76 Riemann zeta function 59 regular point 84 regular singular point 84, 172, 220 relation between Laguerre and Her- mite polynomials 167 repeated integrals of the error function 340 reproducing kernel 137 Riemann 57, 118 Riemann hypothesis 61 Riemann-Papperitz equation 118 Riemann zeta function 5, 57, 75 Rivlin 163, 164 Robertson 310 Rodrigues formula 141, 142, 154, 162, 165, 204 Robin 213 Rudin 30, 42 S Saalschutz 44 saddle point method 34, 38, 69 sawtooth function 10 Schlafli’s formula 204 Schlafli’s integrals 230 Schrodinger equation 80, 133 Schwarzian derivative 103 Seaborn 127 separation constants 82 separation of variables 81, 258, 269 shifted factorial 72, 107 Shivakumar & Wong 213 simple pendulum 316 sine and cosine integrals 180, 187 singular point 84 Slater 186 slowly convergent series 14 Sneddon 77, 121, 232 soliton equations 328 Sommerfeld integrals 222 Sommerfeld radiation condition 270 spherical Bessel functions 249, 262 spherical coordinates 257, 261 spherical harmonics 194 Spira 66 steepest descent path 35 Stirling 18, 24, 61 Stirling’s formula 24, 61 Stirling inversion 19 Stirling numbers 18, 26 and Bernoulli numbers 26 Stirling’s series 62 Stokes phenomenon 39, 277 Stroud & Secrest 140 Sturm 97 Sturm’s comparison theorem 97 successive approximation 86 summing infinite series 13 Szego 159, 160, 164, 343
374 Index T tables of Hankel transforms 232 Melllin transforms 77 tangent numbers 5, 26 Taylor series for elementary functions 22 Temme 22, 164, 186, 309, 343 theorem of dominated convergence of Lebesgue 29 theta functions 126, 315, 324 time-independent wave equation 79, 220, 257 Titchmarsh 29 transformations of series 327 trapezoidal rule 9, 11, 71 triangular numbers 41 Tricomi & Erdelyi 72 trivial zeros of the zeta functions 61 U ultraspherical polynomials 144 uniform asymptotics 38, 276 for Bessel functions 247 for confluent hypergeometric functions 186 for incomplete beta functions 291, 292, 294, 312 for incomplete gamma functions 283, 311 for Kummer functions 186 for non-central %—squared dis- tribution 302, 303 for Von Mises distribution 309 for Whittaker functions 186 upper bound for remainder in asymptotic expansion 64 Ursell 213 V value of an infinite product 50 Van Assche 164 Van der Laan & Temme 335, 346 Von Mises 308 W Wagner 127 Wall 282 Wallis’ product 24 Watson 219, 220, 238, 242, 244, 247 Watson’s lemma 31, 32, 51, 67, 174,175, 238 wave equation 79, 257 Weber parabolic cylinder functions 179, 266 Weierstrass 50 Weierstrass’ function 324 weight function 134, 215 Whittaker equation 178 Whittaker functions 171, 178 Whittaker & Watson 72, 132, 215, 330 Wimp 346 WKB approximation 104 Wong 38, 39, 309 Wronskian 89 for Bessel functions 247 for Legendre functions 215 Z zeros of Bessel functions 241, 249 Gegenbauer polynomials 169 Hermite polynomials 168 Jacobi polynomials 168 orthogonal polynomials 137 Riemann zeta function 61 Zygmund 161, 182, 327