                    ДОМАШНИЙ «РЕПЕТИТОР

УДК 802(075) БВК 81.2Англ-922 И75 Серия «Домашний репетитор» основана в 1996 году. Все права защищены. Никакая часть данной книги не может переиздаваться или распространяться в любой форме и любыми средствами, электронными или механическими, включая фотокопирование, звукозапись, любые запоминающие устройства и системы поиска информации без письменного разрешения Правообладателя. Ионина А. А., Саакян А. С. И7Г Английская грамматика: Теория и практика. — 2-е изд. испр. — М.: Рольф, 2001. — 448 с. — (До- машний репетитор). ISBN 5-7836-0390-2 Книга представляет собой теоретический и практический курс грамматики английского языка. Теоретическая часть содержит доступное изложение на русском языке основных правил морфологии и синтаксиса английского языка. Особое внимание уделяется темам, обычно вызывающим затрудне- ния у изучающих язык. Практическая часть пособия содер- жит разнообразные по характеру (аналитические, тренировоч- ные, коммуникативно-направленные и др.) упражнения и тес- ты с ключами. Пособие рассчитано на школьников, абитуриентов, студен- тов и всех самостоятельно изучающих английский язык. ISBN 5-7836-0390-2 © Рольф,2000.
Предисловие Foreword «Английская грамматика: Теория и практика» является базовым теоретическим и практическим курсом грамматики современного английского язы- ка для учащихся средней школы, гимназий, студен- тов первого-второго курсов факультетов английско- го языка, а также для широкого круга лиц, изучаю- щих английский язык самостоятельно. Данная книга состоит из теоретической и прак- тической частей. Первая часть пособия представля- ет собой последовательное изложение основного те- оретического минимума знаний, необходимого для овладения строем языка и формирования навыков правильного построения речи. В целях облегчения восприятия теоретический материал дается на рус- ском языке. Вторая часть пособия - практическая. Она пред- ставляет собой последовательное изложение ма- териала по принципу нарастания сложности. Раз- нообразный характер упражнений, включающих аналитические, тренировочные, творческие и комму- никативно-направленные задания, поможет учащим- ся приобрести уверенность в сфере употребления времен, артиклей, модальных глаголов, которые тра- диционно считаются скучными и трудными. В каж- 3
дом разделе под названием «Проверьте себя» дан ряд заданий, позволяющих повторить пройденный материал в комплексе. Тестовые задания в конце пособия могут быть использованы в качестве конт- рольных работ. Наличие ответов к упражнениям позволит произвести самоконтроль. Надеемся, что работа по данной книге, построен- ной на фактическом материале, представляющем язык современной Великобритании, будет не только обучающей и познавательной, но и приятной. Авторы
Введение Introduction Язык - основное средство человеческого обще- ния, которое существует наряду с языком мимики и жестов, различных видов искусства и многочислен- ных кодовых систем. Язык состоит из трех составляющих частей: фо- нологической, лексической и грамматической сис- тем. Фонетика - наука, изучающая звуковую сто- рону языка: звуки, интонацию, ритм и т. д. Лек- сикология - это наука, изучающая словарный запас языка: слова и словосочетания, из которых скла- дывается речь. Можно хорошо произносить анг- лийские слова и иметь богатый словарный запас, но невозможно будет общаться, если не знать пра- вил соединения отдельных слов в предложения, ко- торые являются основной единицей общения. Этим занимается грамматика - наука, изучаю- щая строй языка. Грамматика состоит из двух разделов: морфо- логии и синтаксиса. Морфология рассматривает от- дельные слова (части речи), их словообразование и функционирование. Синтаксис изучает механизм соединения отдельных слов в предложения, различ- ные типы предложений и их значения.
Раздел I. Синтаксис Section I. Syntax Типы предложений Types of Sentences • Предложение (the Sentence) - это единица речи, выражающая законченную мысль, имеющая определенную грамматическую форму и интонацию. Все предложения классифицируются по двум ос- новным принципам: по структуре и по цели выс- казывания. • По структуре предложения можно разделить на простые, сложносочиненные и сложноподчиненные. Простое предложение (the Simple Sentence), как правило, состоит из главных членов предложения - подлежащего и сказуемого и употребляется незави- симо или как часть сложного предложения. Life is wonderful. We are students and we like English. Простое предложение может быть распростране- но второстепенными членами предложения: допол- нением, обстоятельством и определением. I bought a nice present for my friend yesterday. Сложносочиненное предложение (the Compound Sentence) состоит из двух или более равноправных простых предложений. It was a warm night, and the weather was fine, and we went to the sea. 8
Сложноподчиненное предложение (the Complex Sentence) состоит из главного предложения (the Principal Clause) и из одного или более подчинен- ных придаточных предложений (the Subordinate Clause). Наиболее употребительными типами при- даточных предложений являются: 1. Придаточные дополнительные, вводимые со- юзами that, whether, if, why, what, when. I know that it’s true. Nobody knows if they will return soon. We’d like to see what it is. 2. Придаточные времени и условия, вводимые со- юзами when, as soon as, before, after, if, in case, unless. When Mother comes, we’ll discuss it. If I have time, I shall go to the party. I will not speak to him unless he apologizes. 3. Придаточные обстоятельства, причины; образа ДЕЙСТВИЯ, СРАВНЕНИЯ, ЦЕЛИ. I can’t join you because I’m very busy. Helen studies as well as her elder brother does. He left early so that he should not be late. 4. Придаточные определительные, вводимые отно- сительными местоимениями that, who (whom), which. Show me the book that you’ve bought. The girl whom he invited is my sister. I’d like to meet the writer who wrote this novel. • По цели высказывания все предложения делят- ся на повествовательные (Declarative Sentences) (сообщающие факты в утвердительной или в от- рицательной форме), повелительные (Imperative Sentences) (выражающие приказания, просьбы, при- глашения), вопросительные (Interrogative Sentences) 9
(задающие различные вопросы для получения нуж- ной информации). It’s autumn. Winter is coming. I don’t like winter. Stay cool! Relax! Don’t answer me back! Don’t tell me lies! What’s the matter? Do you agree with me? Is everybody here? • Любой из вышеперечисленных видов предло- жений может быть преобразован в восклицатель- ное предложение (the Exclamatory Sentence) при помощи слов what и how. What a nice girl! What fantastic news! How nice the girl is! How interesting the information is! Основные типы вопросительных предложений Main Types of Questions • Общий вопрос (the General Question). Он зада- ется ко всему предложению и требует ответа Yes или No. Порядок слов обратный, на первое место выносится вспомогательный (do, does, is) или мо- дальный глагол для выяснения конкретной инфор- мации. - Do you like computers? - Yes, I do. - Is that your CD? - No, it is not. - Does he speak Spanish? - Yes, he does. - Can you help? - Of course, I can. - Must I do it now? - Yes, it’s urgent. Глагол to be в простом настоящем и простом про- шедшем временах вспомогательного глагола не требует. Am I or are you right? Were you (was he) at the theatre last night? 10
Сравните также общие вопросы, соответствующие русскому значению «Разве...?», «Неужели...?». Isn't he here? Weren't you there? Won't you go there? Don't you know him? Can't you do it for me? Haven't you got a car? • Специальный вопрос (the Special Question) мо- жет относиться к любому члену предложения. При его постановке для получения конкретной информа- ции используются вопросительные слова who, what, when, where, why, which, what kind of, whom, how. Who helps you? What do you do? When did you come? Where did you get it? Why are you so angry? Which is your book? What kind of music do you like? What country do you come from? Whom did you invite to your birthday? How are you going to do it? • Вопрос к подлежащему (the Question to the Subject) как в настоящем, так и в прошедшем вре- мени не требует вспомогательного глагола. Поря- док слов в таком вопросе прямой. Who plays the piano in your family? Who went to the picnic last Sunday? What troubles you? What made you happy? Примечание. В настоящем времени глагол име- ет форму третьего лица единственного числа. What helps you to be so active? Who meets you after school, Benny? • Альтернативный, или выборочный вопрос (the Alternative Question), может ставиться к любому члену предложения и предполагает выбор между двумя лицами, предметами, качествами и т. д. 11
We watched a western on TV last night. Did you or did the kids watch a western on TV last night? Did you watch a western or a comedy last night? Did you watch a western on TV last night or on Saturday? • Разделительный вопрос (the Disjunctive or “Tag-question”) задается с целью выражения удив- ления, сомнения, подтверждения высказанной мыс- ли и соответствует русским оборотам «не правда ли?», «не так ли?», «ведь».... Разделительный воп- рос состоит из двух частей: повествовательной (с прямым порядком слов) и вопросительной, пред- ставляющей собой краткий вопрос. Во второй ча- сти употребляется вспомогательный или модаль- ный глагол, входящий в состав сказуемого первой части. You are an optimist, aren't you? Не likes coffee, doesn't he? You can swim, can't you? You have been to Rome, haven't you? He hasn’t got a car, has he? They have dinner at home, don't they? Если первая часть вопроса утвердительная, то глагол во второй части будет иметь отрицательную форму. И наоборот, если первая часть вопроса отри- цательная, то глагол во второй части имеет утвер- дительную форму. Сравните: English is difficult, isn’t it? - English isn’t difficult, is it? You are happy, aren’t you? - You are not happy, are you? He never lies, does he? - He often lies, doesn't he? 12
Главные и второстепенные члены предложения Main and Secondary Parts of the Sentence Главные члены предложения Main Parts of the Sentence К главным членам предложения относятся под- лежащее и сказуемое. ПОДЛЕЖАЩЕЕ SUBJECT * Подлежащее (the Subject) обозначает лицо, про- цесс или действие и отвечает на вопросы именитель- ного падежа who! («кто?») или what! («что?»). Подлежащее может быть выражено местоимени- ем, существительным, инфинитивом, герундием. Не and I are good friends. Children like to play computer games. To go to England is my dream. Working in the garden relaxes me. Подлежащее может также выражаться различны- ми субстантивированными частями речи (прилага- тельными, числительными, причастием II, глаголами и т. д.), переходящими в класс существительных. The rich and the poor have different problems. The unemployed gathered in the Central Square. The best buys are before Christmas. Seven is a lucky number for me. There are ups and downs in every business. • Для английского языка характерны формаль- ные элементы it и there, заменяющие или вводящие подлежащее в предложение. 13
It is getting late. It was summer. It will get warm soon. It rains a lot here in summer, doesn’t it? It never snows in California, does it? It snowed heavily last winter, didn’t it? There is a secret in every family. There was a mistake in the text. There will be seven pupils in my group. There have been many changes in my life lately. Примечание. При наличии нескольких подле- жащих в предложениях с конструкцией there... ска- зуемое согласуется с первым существительным, сле- дующим за ним. There is a dictionary and some papers on the table. There are papers and a dictionary on the table. СКАЗУЕМОЕ PREDICATE • Сказуемое (the Predicate) - главный член пред- ложения, который обозначает действие, состояние, качество лица или предмета, выраженного в пред- ложении подлежащим. • Сказуемое может быть двух типов: глагольным или именным. Глагольное сказуемое (the Verbal Predicate) обо- значает действие и выражается глаголом в личной форме (в любом времени, залоге, наклонении). She studies Chinese. They went for a walk every evening. They are having dinner at the moment. They usually have it at five o’clock. I’ve been missing you, we haven’t met for ages. The house has just been redeeorated. Глагольное сказуемое может быть двух типов: 14
1. Модальным, состоящим из модального гла- гола с последующим инфинитивом глагола без частицы to (исключение составляют ought to, to be to, to have to). You must do it right now. He has to think of his future. They should be more careful. You ought to be more polite. It was to happen. 2. Фазовым (с глаголами, обозначающими на- чало, продолжение, конец действия: to begin, to start, to continue, to go on, to keep, to stop, to finish, to cease). They started working like mad. We went on dancing all night. The girl kept smiling happily. They began to talk like old friends. • Именное сказуемое (the Nominal Predicate) обо- значает факты, состояния, качества, характеристи- ки предмета или лица. По структуре оно всегда со- ставное и включает в себя глагол-связку и именную часть. It is a foggy day today. He always looks upset. He feels well today. Her voice sounded cheerful. Marry seems happy. They remained silent. The pie tastes delicious. В английском языке существуют следующие свя- зочные глаголы (Link Verbs)'. 1. Глаголы бытия: be, look, feel, taste, smell, sound. 2. Глаголы становления, перехода в новое каче- ство: get, grow, become, turn, prove. 15
3. Глаголы сохранения качества: remain, keep, continue. 4. Глаголы «кажимости*: seem, appear. Употребление различных связочных глаголов по- зволяет передать разнообразные оттенки значения и сделать речь более выразительной. Сравните: Му boss is busy. - Му boss looks (feels, seems, becomes) busy. Именная часть сказуемого (the Predicative) мо- жет быть выражена существительным, местоимени- ем, прилагательным, числительным, инфинитивом, ге- рундием, причастием П. Не is my doctor. Somebody is knocking, that’s him again! He seems competent. He looks thirty. His job is to watch his patients’ health. His greatest pleasure is visiting nice people like me. Ted is satisfied with his life. Примечание. Глагольное сказуемое определяет- ся наречием. Именная часть (предикатив) составно- го именного сказуемого определяется прилагатель- ным. Сравните: Не is a good worker. - Не works well. It’s a serious matter. - Take life seriously. I am a bad driver. - I drive badly. Второстепенные члены предложения Secondary Parts of the Sentence К второстепенным членам предложения относят- ся дополнение, определение и обстоятельство. 16
ДОПОЛНЕНИЕ OBJECT • Дополнение (the Object) обозначает лицо или предмет и отвечает на вопросы косвенных падежей русского языка whom? («кого?»), what? («что?»), to whom? («кому?»), by whom? («кем?»), about what? («о чем?») Оно может быть выражено существитель- ным, местоимением, инфинитивом, герундием, при- даточным предложением. * Дополнение может быть прямым и косвенным. Прямое дополнение (the Direct Object) обозна- чает предмет или лицо, на которое распространя- ется действие глагола и отвечает на вопрос what? («что?»), whom? («кого?») (винительный падеж рус- ского языка). I like pizza. I eat it every day. She wants to buy a bike. They enjoy fishing. He says that he is a genius. Косвенное дополнение (the Indirect Object) мо- жет быть беспредложным и предложным. Беспредложное косвенное дополнение (the Non- Prepositional Direct Object) обозначает лицо, к ко- торому обращено действие, и соответствует в рус- ском языке дополнению в дательном падеже to whom? («кому?»). Оно может быть выражено су- ществительным без предлога в общем падеже или местоимением в объектном падеже и занимает по- зицию между глаголом-сказуемым и прямым до- полнением, без которого оно не может употреблять- ся. Tell Peter (him) your story. Give us some more time, please. He gave the boy a paper. Show us the fax. 17
Предложное косвенное дополнение (the Prepo- sitional Direct Object) следует за глаголом и может быть выражено существительным или местоимени- ем с предлогом. Отвечает на различные вопросы. I am thinking of you. We talked about the weather. Give it to me, please! I agree with you. Nina is married to my cousin. Are you interested in astrology? При наличии прямого дополнения косвенное до- полнение следует после этого прямого дополнения. Nick bought the disk for me. Show the fax to him. В примерах, подобных вышеперечисленным, воз- можен другой порядок слов с беспредложным до- полнением: Nick bought те the disk. Show him the fax. Ряд глаголов, однако, не допускает подобного пре- образования, так как они исторически употребля- ются с предлогом to. К ним относятся глаголы: to explain, to introduce, to dictate, to read, to describe, to refer. Explain the task to me. Introduce Bess to Liza, please. Dictate it to her. Describe the place to us. ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ ATTRIBUTE • Определение (the Attribute) обозначает признак предмета, относится к существительному и отвечает на вопросы what?, what kind of?, whose?, which?, how much?, how many?. Определение может быть выра- жено прилагательным, местоимением, существитель- ным без предлога, существительным в притяжатель- 18
ном падеже, числительным, причастием. Оно может стоять перед определяемым словом или же после него. It’s a lovely day today! Travelling is my hobby. It was a November day. Mike's birthday is on the eighth of March. It takes five years to become a teacher. We live in a changing world. The unexpected news shocked everybody. When I saw a star falling from the sky, I made a wish. ОБСТОЯТЕЛЬСТВО ADVERBIAL MODIFIER • Обстоятельство (the Adverbial Modifier) харак- теризует действие, состояние или качество лица или предмета, обозначая время, место, образ действия, причину, степень, цель совершения этого действия. Обстоятельство может быть выражено наречием, существительным с предлогом, инфинитивом, герун- дием, причастием, придаточным обстоятельствен- ным предложением. You should take life more seriously. It happened in the middle of the night. To make good progress you must work hard. One learns by failing. Coming into the room, she switched on the TV-set at once. As he was very busy, he forgot about his own wedding. * Место обстоятельства в предложении. С глаго- лами движения обстоятельство места следует непо- средственно за глаголом. They stayed at the office till late evening. 19
He went to the station to catch the last train. Если в предложении есть несколько обстоятельств, то обычный порядок их расположения следующий: «место», «образ действия», «время». We went to the theatre by car last night. My parents met in Paris by chance twenty years ago. В случае простого глагольного сказуемого такие обстоятельства времени, как never, ever, usually, often, seldom, already, располагаются перед глаголом. He never tells me anything. Marina always sends me Christmas cards. They seldom visit us in winter. Nothing ever happens to me. My mother already knows my secret. Если сказуемое составное (именное или модаль- ное), то эти наречия употребляются после вспомога- тельного или модального глагола. Не is never on time. Mary can always rely on us. Victor has just come back from London. You must never complain. В вопросительных предложениях наречия време- ни следуют непосредственно за подлежащим. Is he ever on time? Can Mary always rely on you? Has Victor just come back from London? Must you always stay at the office so late?
Раздел II. Морфология Section II. Morphology • Морфология - раздел грамматики, изучающий части речи. Все части речи классифицируются по трем основным принципам: 1) грамматическое зна- чение; 2) форма; 3) синтаксическая роль (функция) слова в предложении. В соответствии с этим все ча- сти речи делятся на самостоятельные и служебные. К самостоятельным частям речи относятся сле- дующие: - имя существительное - имя прилагательное - слова категории состояния - местоимение - числительное - глагол - наречие Самостоятельные части речи имеют независимое значение и могут выполнять различную синтакси- ческую роль в предложении. К служебным частям речи, не имеющим само- стоятельного значения, относятся: - союзы - предлоги - частицы - междометия - модальные слова - восклицания 21
Эти части речи могут соединять слова и предло- жения, определять или усиливать значения других слов или же выражать отношение говорящего к со- держанию высказывания. Имя существительное Noun Имя существительное и его классификации Noun and Its Classifications • Имя существительное (the Noun) обозначает предметы, живые существа, вещества (материи), аб- страктные понятия, различные явления. • По выражаемому ими значению все имена су- ществительные в английском языке делятся на: 1. Нарицательные (Common Nouns) и соб- ственные существительные (Proper Nouns). К первым относятся слова типа: a book, a flower, the moon, love, life. Среди собственных имен существительных выделяются имена людёй (Mr. Brown, Henry), географические наимено- вания (Paris, the UK, the Nile), названия мест, организаций, газет, журналов, литературных произведений и т. д. 2. Конкретные (Concrete Nouns) (a file, a student, a tree, wood, tea, air), абстрактные (Abstract Nouns) (freedom, time, love), собирательные (Collective Nouns) (news, police, team, goods, money, glasses, clothes, jeans, scissors), вещественные (Material Nouns) существительные (bread, coal, water). 22
• Все имена существительные в английском язы- ке могут классифицироваться по принципу исчис- ляемости — неисчисляемости. Исчисляемые имена существительные (Countable Nouns) обозначают предметы, которые можно пере- считать (один, два ... много) и которые могут упот- ребляться как в единственном, так и во множествен- ном числе: an apple - apples, an idea - ideas, a file - files, a printer - printers. Неисчисляемые имена существительные (Un- countable Nouns) обозначают понятия, явления, ко- торые нельзя пересчитать. Они употребляются толь- ко в единственном числе и согласуются со сказуе- мым в единственном числе. Light travels fast. The information is top secret. Sugar is bad for many people. Honey always helps me to fall asleep. Категории имени существительного: число, падеж, род Categories of Noun: Number, Case, Gender ЧИСЛО NUMBER • Исчисляемые имена существительные в англий- ском языке имеют единственное и множественное число. Множественное число обычно образуется с помощью окончания ~(e)s, имеющего три варианта произношения: [S], [z], [iz] hat - hats toy - toys story - stories a pen - pens a boy - boys a knife - knives a box - boxes a party - parties a roof - roofs 23
В ряде слов английского языка формы единствен- ного и множественного числа образуются нетипич- ным способом, так как исторически в них происхо- дит чередование корневой гласной. a man - men a woman - women a mouse - mice a foot - feet a tooth - teeth a child - children a goose - geese a louse - lice • Следующие имена существительные имеют со- впадающие формы для единственного и множествен- ного числа. a fish - two fish a deer - five deer a sheep - a lot of sheep a Swiss - two Swiss a swine - two swine a Chinese - three Chinese a series - three series a species - some species • В сложных словах окончание -(e)s добавляется к последнему элементу слова. a grown-up - grown-ups an office-block - office-blocks a boyfriend - boyfriends a handful - handfuls a forget-me-not - forget-me-nots a lady-bird - lady-birds Ho: a mother-in-law - mothers-in-law a passer-by - passers-by a hanger-on - hangers-on Еслй первым элементом сложного слова являет- ся man или woman, то оба элемента меняются из единственного числа во множественное. a woman-driver - women-drivers a manservant - menservants Ряд слов, заимствованных из латинского и г ре- 24
ческого языков, имеют несвойственные для англий- ского языка окончания, написание которых следует запомнить. a genius - genii a datum - data a phenomenon - phenomena a formula - formulae a cactus - cactii a memorandum - memoranda Окончание множественного числа ~(e)s также воз- можно у этих слов. a formula - formulas a genius - geniuses a cactus - cactuses a memorandum - memorandums ПАДЕЖ CASE * В английском языке выделяются два падежа имени существительного: общий и притяжательный. • Существительные в общем падеже (the Common Case) не имеют окончаний, и их значение носит об- щий характер. * Притяжательный падеж (the Possessive Case), как правило, употребляется с одушевленными-суще- ствительными, обозначающими людей или живот- ных, и выражает значение принадлежности, облада- ния чем-то, различных отношений. Синтаксической функцией слова в притяжательном падеже являет- ся, как правило, функция определения: Mary's family, A. Christie's novels, a day's work, Boris's wife, a month’s salary. Форма притяжательного падежа образуется с помо- щью окончания’s. На письме существуют две формы притяжательного падежа: *8 — для существительных в 25
единственном числе и ’ (apostrophe) - для существи- тельных во множественном числе. a student’s dictionary - students’ dictionaries a woman’s journal - women’s journals Примечание. Если имя собственное заканчива- ется на —s, то апостроф может либо употребляться, либо опускаться: Charles’ club, Keats’ poems, Max’ car, St. James’s Park, Bess’s toys Притяжательный падеж употребляется также для выражения: 1. Совместного владения чем-то: Nancy and Fred’s business; My son and daughter’s computer. 2. Меры времени или расстояния: a moment’s silence, a two-miles’ drive, a day’s wait, a two weeks’ holiday. 3. Какого-либо места (магазин, дом, мастерская, салон и так далее): at the dentist’s (office, clinic), at the butcher’s (shop), at my mother’s (house), at the hairdresser’s (saloon), at the baker’s (shop). 4. Значения «один из» во фразе с предлогом of. Helen is a student of my mother’s. Boris is a friend of my father’s. Monica has always been a favourite of her Granny’s. Неодушевленные существительные передают зна- чение принадлежности при помощи сочетания of + существительное', the roof of the house, the end of the story, the cover of the book. В современном английском языке притяжатель- ный падеж часто употребляется с неодушевленны- ми существительными типа moon, sun, world, Earth, river, country, city, а также с названиями стран, вре- мен года, месяцев и дней недели: the city’s 26
population, the sun’s rays, the Earth’s surface, the river’s bed, the river’s bank, Tuesday’s programme, the country’s policy, July’s heat, a summer’s morning, London’s buses. Если имеется в виду посвящение чего-то кому-то, то притяжательный падеж не употребляется: the State Tretyakov Gallery, the Pushkin Monument, the Tate Gallery, the Kennedy Centre. РОД GENDER • В отличие от русского языка, в котором кате- гория рода выражается с помощью окончаний муж- ского, женского и среднего родов, в английском языке отсутствуют морфологические показатели этой ка- тегории. Значение рода в английском языке передается: 1. Лексическим значением слова: мужской род - man, boy, husband, father, brother, bachelor, monk, gentleman, lord, nephew, женский род - woman, girl, wife, mother, sister, spinster, nun, lady, niece; средний род - table, house, computer, vase, life, city, river; 2. Личными местоимениями - he, she, it; 3. Суффиксами -ess, -ine, -er: actress, hostess, poetess, tigress, baroness, heroine, waitress, lioness, a widower; 4. Составными существительными типа: a woman-doctor a Ae-cousin a uwnan-president a sAe-inspector Примечание. В некоторых случаях значение рода в английском языке (в особенности с неодушевленны- 27
ми существительными) определяется традицией. Так, названия стран, судов, средств передвижения истори- чески употребляются с местоимением she. К их числу относятся существительные ship, yacht, boat, cruiser, car, carriage, coach, plane, Russia, England, France. She is a fine car. England is proud of her poets. The “Magnolia” has started on her voyage. Артикль Article Общее понятие General Notion В современном английском языке существует два артикля (the Articles) - неопределенный артикль (the Indefinite Article) а (ап) и определенный ар- тикль (the Definite Article) the. Артикли в английском языке - это слова, упот- ребляющиеся только с именами существительны- ми или же со словами, перешедшими в разряд су- ществительных - субстантивированными частями речи. Наряду с указательными, притяжательными и не- определенными местоимениями, артикли передают значение определенности или неопределенности име- ни существительного. Значение имени существительного является оп- ределяющим при употреблении с ним артиклей. Исчисляемость или неисчисляемость имени суще- ствительного является вторым фактором, опреде- ляющим употребление с ним артиклей. 28
Исчисляемые Неисчисляемые существительные существительные a film surprise anger a person freedom love a train happiness patience a coin work experience a fish news money a child sugar education a student juice nonsense Исчисляемые существительные поддаются счету, они имеют формы единственного и множественного числа и могут употребляться как с определенным, так и с неопределенным артиклем. Ряд неисчисляемых (конкретных и абстрактных) существительных не имеет формы множественного числа. Их употребление часто вызывает трудности, так как в русском языке они являются исчисляе- мыми и имеют формы как единственного, так и мно- жественного числа: новость - новости, совет - со- веты, сведение - сведения. Следующие существительные имеют форму един- ственного числа и согласовываются с глаголом в единственном числе: information success knowledge advice progress cream money furniture ink news work linen rubbish hair weather This information is very important. Your progress is really good. The work is difficult. Her hair is silvery blond. 29
The weather looks promising. It is hitting news. Существует также ряд существительных, которые имеют форму множественного числа и согласовы- ваются с глаголом во множественном числе. clothes scales tights contents goods pants sweepings shorts stairs odds trousers wages greens jeans outskirts customs scissors earnings Му jeans are denim blue. These glasses were made in Italy. Are the scissors sharp? The scales are not exact. My wages are not high. My stairs are very steep. Поскольку употребление определенного артикля не зависит от исчисляемости или неисчисляемости имени существительного, то основные трудности воз- никают при употреблении именно неопределенного артикля. Основные случаи употребления неопределенного и определенного артиклей Main Cases of the Use of Indefinite and Definite Articles • Неопределенный артикль имеет две формы как в написании, так и в произношении: а [э] - перед согласными звуками 30
an [an] - перед гласными звуками She has a busy life. I am waiting for an answer, Ben. Выбор той или иной формы артикля определяет- ся произношением, но не орфографией. Форма а упот- ребляется перед словами, которые начинаются с со- гласного звука в речи, даже если они и начинаются с гласной буквы в написании. This is a universal device. Форма ап употребляется перед словами, которые начинаются с немой буквы й. An hour is enough for lunch. Сравните также возможные варианты: an hotel - a hotel, an history - a history. Неопределенный артикль в английском языке про- изошел от числительного one: one > а, ап. Однако его не всегда можно заменить на числительное one. Ре- зультат может быть очень странным. Сравните: You look like an idiot. - You look like one idiot. It’s a nice day. - It’s one nice day. One употребляется, когда хотят быть точны или же подчеркнуть единичность предмета или лица. I have two brothers and one sister. One look at his face told me all. Неопределенный артикль употребляется только с исчисляемыми именами существительными в един- ственном числе: a tree, an apple, a child. Неопределенный артикль отсутствует, если имя су- ществительное стоит во множественном числе. В та- ких случаях принято говорить о «нулевом артик- ле»: trees, apples, children. • Неопределенный артикль имеет следующие зна- чения: 1. Классификации предмета, лица, явления. It’s a bus (not а саг). 31
It’s a teenager novel (not for grown-ups). He’s an actor (not an artist). 2. Обобщения (предмет или лицо, о котором идет речь, не просто классифицируется, но и выступает в роли представителя класса пред- метов, лиц, явлений). Это особенно характерно для пословиц и поговорок, выражающих свой- ства, характерные для любого из данного клас- са предметов или лиц. A lawyer must know all the laws. A teacher should be competent. A hungry man is an angry man. 3. Единичности, которое особенно очевидно при выражении мер времени, расстояния, веса. An hour and a half has passed. I ran a mile without a stop. An apple a day keeps wrinkles away. Buy a pound of sugar, please. Значение единичности четко проявляется также в ряде устойчивых словосочетаний, передающих од- нократные действия. to be a success to have a look to have a rest to have a good time to have a snack to make a date to make a will to make a mistake to make a start to have a try to give a lift to give a chance to be at a loss to make a speech to play a trick • Неопределенный артикль употребляется с ис- числяемым существительным в единственном чис- ле, которое выполняет синтаксическую функцию: 32
1. Подлежащего в предложениях с конструк- цией there is, there was, there will be. There was a plane in the sky. There is a stamp on the envelope. There will be a good concert next Sunday. Ho: There are planes in the sky. There are stamps on the envelopes. There will be good concerts next month. 2. Предикатива (именной части составного именного сказуемого). I am a teacher, and she is a writer. Nigel is an optimist. Ho: Are-you pessimists? 3. Прямого дополнения. He has a big family. They have got a small house. Mary wants a husband and some kids. Let’s take a seat and have a snack. Неисчисляемые существительные (вещественные, собирательные и абстрактные) во всех вышеупомя- нутых синтаксических функциях не имеют артик- ля, так как употребляются в общем смысле. It’s such hot soupl What fine weatherl There is hot tea in the tea-pot. There was joy in the child’s look. Неопределенный артикль употребляется также с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе в восклицательных предложениях после слов what или such. What a chancel It’s such a great day'. You are such a crazy woman, but you mean so much «о me! Ho: What chances'. These are such great days'. What crazy women'. 2-1112 33
* Определенный артикль (the Definite Article) имеет одну форму написания и два варианта произ- ношения: [дэ] - перед согласными звуками [di] - перед гласными звуками. The name seems familiar to me. The England of our childhood! The произносится [di] перед словами, которые на- чинаются с немой буквы Л. heir honestly honorable heiress honesty honorably heirloom honorary hour honest honour hourly Определенный артикль произошел в английском языке от указательного местоимения that и всегда указывает на предмет, лицо, явление как определен- ное. Эквивалентами определенного артикля явля- ются притяжательные (ту, your, his, her, its, our, their) и указательные местоимения (this, that, these, those). В русском языке, где нет артиклей, значение опре- деленности передается с помощью указательных местоимений или же порядка слов. Поэтому при переводе на русский язык эквивалентом английс- кого существительного с определенным артиклем будет сочетание существительного с указательным местоимением этот, тот. I remember the girl. (Я помню эту девушку.) You are the man we are looking for. (Вы тот чело- век, которого мы ищем.) ® Определенный артикль употребляется в тех слу- чаях, когда: 1. Ситуация (то, что вы можете мысленно представить себе) или контекст (часть связ- Q 1
кого текста) показывает, что речь идет об оп- ределенном предмете или лице. The day is fine and the children are going to the park. The film was great, the actors were wonderful. 2. Предмет упоминался в тексте ранее и мо- жет быть назван во второй раз тем же самым или другим существительным. Three little kittens lost their mittens... The three little kittens, they found their mittens. There was a cat on the step. The animal was enjoying the sunshine. Nigel gave me a calendar, but I didn’t like the present at all. 3. У существительного есть уточняющее (огра- ничивающее) определение, которое может быть выражено: а) придаточным предложением; This is the chance I’ve been waiting for. б) предложной фразой; The house at the end of the street is for sale, в) словами типа all, whole, very, right, left, wrong, only, main, last, next, same, previous: He is the only person for the position. Ho: I was an only child. We are all in the wrong business. Ho: We’ve taken a wrong turn. It was the last stop. Ho: It was a last minute decision (поспешное решение). г) порядковым числительным; Take the first turning to the right. Ho: a first love, a first night, a first time, a first child. I am reading the second chapter now. Can I have a second cup of tea? 2 35
(неопределенный артикль придает фразе зна- чение «еще один») д) прилагательным в превосходной степени. I try to read the best authors. I was the best man at Mike’s wedding. Но: нулевой или неопределенный артикль возможен в выражениях типа a best seller: This novel could be a best seller. Сравните также следующие пары предложе- ний: This is the most interesting project. This is a most urgent matter. В первом примере превосходная степень прилагательного с определенным артиклем выражает самую высокую степень качества. Во втором примерю с неопределенным ар- тиклем выражена очень высокая степень качества, но не самая высокая и соответству- ет русскому «весьма», «чрезвычайно», «в высшей степени». 4. Обстоятельство места, как правило, упот- ребляется с определенным артиклем. Jane spends most of her time either in the kitchen or on the phone. Но: иногда возможен и неопределенный артикль. We all live in a yellow submarine. Tracey feels lonely in a big old house. Ряд фраз с существительными в притяжатель- ном падеже обозначает обстоятельство места (дом, магазин, клиника и т. д.) и всегда упот- ребляется с определенным артиклем: at the doctor’s, at the dentist’s, at the vet’s, at the butcher’s, at the chemist’s, at the cleaner’s. 5. Определенный артикль употребляется co сло- вами, обозначающими тип географического ландшафта: the city, the land, the country, the 36
mountains, the countryside, the plains, the desert, the easide, the forest, the taiga, the jungle, the tundra. Shall we have our holidays in the mountains or at the seaside? The rain was hammering the land and the forest. I like the English countryside. Артикли с конкретными и абстрактными именами существительными Articles with Concrete and Abstract Nouns * Неисчисляемые (конкретные и абстрактные) имена существительные, употребляемые в общем смысле, не имеют артиклей и формы множествен- ного числа. Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. He prefers quality to quantity. Food is what people and animals eat. • Приведенные ниже неисчисляемые имена су- ществительные не имеют формы множественного числа в английском языке и не употребляются с неопределенным артиклем. advice behaviour equi pment furniture hair health homework information knowledge luggage money music news progress prose shopping traffic travel wealth weather She asked her Mum for advice and she got it; she asked her Mum for cash and she didn’t get it. 37
Ho: I saw a hair on her collar. При необходимости выразить единичность исполь- зуются выражения типа a piece of, an item of, a word of, an article of, a sum of и так далее: a piece of work, a piece of advice, an item of news, a sum of money, an article of furniture, a spell of good weather. Существительное weather употребляется во мно- жественном числе лишь в выражении in all weathers. She is carrying her umbrella in all weathers. He takes his dog out in all weathers. * Значительная группа английских существитель- ных может быть как исчисляемыми, так и неисчис- ляемыми, однако с большой разницей в значении. Если слово употреблено в общем смысле, то оно не имеет артикля. Употребление неопределенного артикля с существительным означает конкретное проявление того или иного понятия. Наиболее упот- ребительные из них: air education light beauty experience memory business grammar speech charm history study cold language time dinner law work Сравните: grammar (грамматика, составная часть науки о языке) study (процесс учения) work (работа, процесс труда) beauty (красота) a grammar (учебник грамматики, книга) a study (комната, кабинет) a work of ... (книга, картина, поделка, конкретное проявление труда) a beauty (красавица) 3S
Air is necessary for life. There was an air of importance about him. Time flies. There is a time and place for everything. • Следующие неисчисляемые вещественные име- на существительные могут переходить в разряд ис- числяемых и выражать вид, сорт, порцию, конк- ретный предмет: brick glass perfume brandy iron soup cheese jam stone coal meat tea coffee medicine whisky detergent metal wine food paper wood Сравните: glass (стекло) iron (железо) coffee (кофе) a glass (стакан) an iron (утюг) a coffee (порция, одна чашка кофе) - “Which cheeses do you sell?” - “Cheddar, camembert and gouda.” - “Which wines are produced in this region?” - “A dry red and a rose." My Granny makes a very fine jam. She makes four jams every year. Фразы типа “Want a beer?", “Two teas, please", “Two gin and tonics." уместны в ресторане или в кафе, но не дома, где вы скажете “Do you want а glass of beer?" или “Would you like a cup of tea?" • Употребление неопределенного артикля с абст- рактными именами существительными, имеющими описательное определение, характерно для книжно- го стиля в английском языке и выражает желание 39
автора подчеркнуть особую разновидность или нео- бычное проявление того или иного абстрактного по- нятия. A terrible quietness crept in the house. It was an absolute pleasure having you in my class. Сравните также авторское употребление суще- ствительного success в следующих предложени- ях: I have lived another day and that’s a success} The only place where success comes before work is in a dictionary. I have had one success however. We have had some successes in tennis lately. * Названия болезней считаются неисчисляемы- ми существительными и, как правило, не требуют никакого артикля. К их числу относится следую- щие: AIDS appendicitis cholera diabetes hepatitis herpes mumps influenza pneumonia laryngitis smallpox malaria tuberculosis measles typhoid The child has the first symptoms of measles. Определенный артикль возможен с названиями некоторых болезней. Это относится к словам measles, mumps, chickenpox, flu (но не к influenza). I’m coming down with the flu. She had a mild attack of flu (influenza). Существительные, обозначающие физическое со- стояние - cold, chill, cough, употребляются как обыч- ные исчисляемые существительные. Feed a cold and starve a fever. Have you caught a cold again? Слова, оканчивающиеся на -ache, в британском 40
английском могут употребляться без артикля или же с неопределенным артиклем. I’ve got earache. I’ve got an earaehe. (a toothache, a backache). Слово headache является исчисляемым: a headache - headaches. В американском английском все слова с -ache являются исчисляемыми, и вариант Гое got earache неупотребителен. Слово heartache с неопределенным артиклем не употребляется, так как передает эмоциональное стра- дание или боль. • Артикли с существительным fruit. Существительное fruit имеет в английском язы- ке несколько значений: 1. В своем основном значении оно соответству- ет русскому слову «фрукты» («вид питания»). В этом значении оно неисчисляемо, то есть со- гласуется с глаголом в единственном числе, не имеет неопределенного артикля и формы мно- жественного числа. Fruit is useful. There is fruit and ice-cream for dessert. 2. Слово fruits может обозначать «различные виды фруктов». Many different fruits are brought from Italy. I like citrus fruits best. I’ve got a beautiful book on African fruits. 3. Формы a fruit - fruits имеют значение ♦ плод - плоды» (как ботанический термин). It was a strange looking fruit. This bush gives very beautiful fruits. 4. Кроме того, слово fruits может употреблять- ся в переносном значении - «плоды, результа- ты чего-либо» (как правило, за существительным 41
fruits следует предлог of): the fruits of labour, the fruits of enlightenment, the fruits of industry, the fruits of my efforts. Артикли с существительным fish. 1. Существительное fish является исчисляемым в английском языке и имеет совпадающие фор- мы единственного и множественного числа: а fish - two fish - many fish. Названия различ- ных видов рыб также имеют совпадающие фор- мы единственного и множественного числа: а cod - five cod, a pike - a lot of pike. There are many fish in this lake. Do flying fish really fly! Buy two or three fish, please. She keeps goldfish in her aquarium. Сравните другие существительные, также име- ющие идентичные формы единственного и мно- жественного числа: a sheep - many sheep, а deer - a lot of deer. 2. Форма fishes употребляется в значении «раз- личные виды рыб» и согласуется с глаголом во множественном числе. The fishes of the Atlantic. There are different fishes in the aquarium. 3. Кроме того, существительное fish может обо- значать продукт питания, и в этом значении оно неисчисляемо. Which do you like more: fish or meat! There is much (little) fish on the plate. 4. Существительное fish может иметь собира- тельное значение. И в этом значении оно согла- суется с глаголом во множественном числе. Climbing fish are found in Malaysia. Fish are plentiful in these waters. 42
Расположение артиклей Position of Articles • Как правило, артикль непосредственно предше- ствует имени существительному, которое он опреде- ляет. Однако такие слова, как all, both, half, double, twice, many, quite, rather, such, what, могут упот- ребляться как перед артиклем, так и после него. При этом расположение артикля существенно изменяет значение предложения. 1. Half + а (ап) обозначает половину какого- либо количества или числа: half a week, half а dozen pens, half an hour. A + half обозначает качество: a half bottle (a small bottle), a half smile (not real smile), a half-brother, a half truth. 2. Half + the обозначает половину определен- ного количества или числа: half the people, half the money, half the price. The + half обозначает качество предмета. The half bottle we drank was delicious. 3. Double (twice) + the имеет значение «вдвое больше». I was offered double the amount. We paid twice the price. Twice + a (an) выражает частотность какого- либо действия: twice a day, twice an hour. A (the)+ double выражает: а) качество: a double-decker, a double bed, the double doors, a double-breasted jacket; б) двойную меру чего-либо: a double Scotch, a double vodka and orange. 4. Слова all, both всегда предшествуют опре- деленному артиклю. Возможен также нулевой артикль. Сравните: 43
All students must work hard. All the students did well at the exams. Both (the) students are in the lab now. 5. Слова quite, rather, such, what, so, as, too, however определяют прилагательное. Располо- жение неопределенного артикля относительно этих слов и прилагательного может быть раз- личным. Артикль может стоять на первом, вто- ром и третьем месте. It\s a quite good idea. What a good idea! It’s so good an idea. A (an) обычно употребляется непосредственно после quite, rather. It’s quite an easy task. She’s rather a strange woman. It’s rather a serious matter. Однако возможен и другой вариант: She’s a quite interesting person. Артикль a (an) употребляется после such и what. It was such an unexpected visit! What a good idea! What an unusual job! Если перед прилагательным стоит so, as, too, how, however, то неопределенный артикль упот- ребляется после этого прилагательного. Never before have I met so good a man. It’s too good a chance to be overlooked. However miserable a life I have, it’s mine. He is so clever a man as there can be. 6. В книжном стиле английского языка мож- но встретить сочетание many 4- а (ап) + суще- ствительное в единственном числе. Many a time have I told you this! Many a man tried to win her attention. 7. После kind of, sort of, type of неопределен- ный артикль не употребляется: a kind of man, a sort of book. 44
He isn’t a kind (sort, type) of man to make a woman happy. Употребление артиклей с именами собственными Use of Articles with Proper Nouns АРТИКЛИ С ГЕОГРАФИЧЕСКИМИ НАЗВАНИЯМИ ARTICLES WITH GEOGRAPHIC NAMES • Употребление артиклей с географическими на- званиями во многих случаях основано на традиции: the Hague, the Strand, the Mall, the Wall Street. На географических картах названия принято да- вать без артиклей. • Определенный артикль употребляется с геогра- фическими именами, обозначающими: 1. Названия океанов, морей, проливов, каналов, рек, озер и водопадов: the Indian Ocean, the North Sea, the Bosphorus, the Gulf Stream, the Panama Canal, the Amur, the Thames (the River Thames), the Seliger, (the) Niagara Falls. Срав- ните: the Baikal, но Lake Baikal. 2. Горных цепей и групп островов: the Rocky Mountains (the Rockies), the Urals, the Himalayas the Kurilas, the Canaries, the~Andes, the Alps. Названия отдельных горных вершин и остро- вов употребляются без артикля: Vesuvius, Elbrus. Everest, Easter Island, Cuba, Madagascar, Cyprus: Haiti, Etna, Kilimanjaro. 3. Наименования пустынь: the Midlands, the Lake District, the Crimea, the Caucasus, thf Middle East, the Punjab, the Riviera, the Ruhr the Tyrol, the Transvaal. 45
4. Названия пустынь: the Gobi, the Sahara Desert, the Kara-Kum, the Kalahari. Без артикля употребляются: 1. Названия континентов, стран, областей, го- родов, деревень: Europe, Africa (the African Continent), France, Russia, California, Bavaria, Moscow, London, Beijing, Chernogolovka, Sofrino. Ho: the Far East, the Near East. 2. Если существительные имеют определения типа north(ern), south(ern), ancient, old, central, medieval, east(ern), west(ern): Central America, South-East Asia, old England, western Europe, medieval Europe, Ancient Russia. Но: названия стран, включающие такие нари- цательные существительные, как Union, Kingdom, States, Dominion, Federation, Republic, имеют определенный артикль: the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, the Irish Republic, the United States. В сокращениях определенный артикль сохра- няется: the USSR, the USA, the UK, the USA. Названия стран во множественном числе упот- ребляются с определенным артиклем: the Netherlands, the Philippines. Примечание 1. Страны, названные по имени соответствующих регионов, имеют два вариан- та употребления: без артикля или же с опреде- ленным артиклем. Sudan- the Sudan Cameroon- the Cameroon Yemen- the Yemen Ukraine - the Ukraine Argentina-fhe Argentina Ivory Coast - the Ivory Coast 46
Более употребителен вариант без артикля. 3. Названия заливов и полуостровов: Hudson Вау, Mexican Bay, Kamchatka, Scandinavia, Taimyr. Но: если употреблено слово peninsula, то необ- ходим определенный артикль: the Balkan Peninsula, the Kola Peninsula. Примечание 2. Географические имена, тра- диционно употребляющиеся без артикля, мо- гут, тем не менее, иметь определенный артикль, если у существительного есть лимитирующее определение. This isn’t the Moscow I used to love.. In “Ivanhoe” Walter Scott described the England of the Middle Ages. Определенный артикль также необходим, если имя собственное употреблено во множествен- ном числе. The two Americas have a great variety of climatic zones. Примечание 3. Неопределенный артикль, если существительное имеет описательное определе- ние или просто выражает единичность. It was a new Russia that he found on his return. There will always be an England for me. АРТИКЛИ С ДРУГИМИ НАЗВАНИЯМИ ARTICLES WITH OTHER NAMES • К числу имен собственных, употребляемых с оп- ределенным артиклем, относятся: 1. Названия театров, музеев, картинных гале- рей, кинотеатров, отелей: the Bolshoi Theatre, the Vienna House, the Opera House, the Hermitage, the Tate Gallery, the Marine Hotel, the King David (King David Hotel). 47
2. Кораблей, известных поездов: the Queen Elizabeth, the Titanic, the Orient Express. 3. Названия английских и американских га- зет: the Times, the Observer, the Financial Times, the Sun, the Star. Примечание 1. Единственным исключени- ем является газета “Today". Примечание 2. С названиями иностранных газет артикль не употребляется: Pravda, Le Monde, Der Spiegel. Примечание 3. Названия журналов и перио- дических изданий, как правило, не имеют ар- тикля, хотя определенный артикль возможен: Times, House Beautiful, Punch, Newsweek, the Spectator, the Journal of Psychology. 4. Наименования организаций и политических партий употребляются с определенным артик- лем: the United Nations (the UN), the BBC, the Labour Party, the FBI, the EC. Некоторые сокращения, превратившиеся в са- мостоятельные слова, артикль утрачивают: NATO, UNICEF, IBM, Xerox, Greenpeace. Однако при наличии слова company артикль возможен: the Bell Telephone Company. В дан- ном случае возможны и альтернативные ва- рианты: General Electric, GEC, the General Electric Company. 5. Наименования большинства политических и государственных учреждений: the Kremlin, the House of Commons, the House of Lords, the Senate, the Shadow Cabinet, the State Department, the Supreme Court, the Bundestag, the Interior Ministry, the Foreign Ministry, the Army, the Government, the Navy, the Royal Family. Ho: Parliament (but: the Houses of Parliament), Congress, Whitehall, Westminster, Downing Street. 48
6. Названия музыкальных групп, если суще- ствительное стоит во множественном числе: the Beatles, the Devils, the Rolling Stones, the Eurythmics, the Supremes. В остальных случаях артикль не употребляет- ся: Queen, ABBA, Gorky Park, Genesis. 7. Названия спортивных событий: the Olympic Games, the World Cup, the World Championship, the Cup Final. Но: артикль не употребляется, если для обо- значения спортивного соревнования использу- ется географическое название: Wimbledon (тен- нис ), Luzhniki (футбол), Royal Ascot и Epsom (the Derby Horse Race) (конноспортивные со- стязания), Henley (гребля). Без артикля обычно употребляются: 1. Названия школ, колледжей, университетов: Salisbury Grammar School, Carnegie College, Surrey University. В последнем случае возможны два варианта: London University и the University of London (официальное название), Chicago University и the University of Chicago. 2. Названия улиц, площадей, парков: Tverskaya Street, Regent Street, Broadway, Charing Cross Road, Park Lane, Pennsylvania Avenue, Trafalgar Square, Gorky Park, St. James’s Park. Однако существует ряд исключений: the High Street (в любом городе), the Mall, the Strand (в Лондоне), the Wall Street (в Нью-Йорке). Примечание 1. Названия шоссе и автотрасс могут иметь определенный артикль: the Al, the М3, the New Seattle Highway. Примечание 2. Определенный артикль не 49
употребляется в уличных обозначениях и в на- писании адресов. 3. Названия станций, аэропортов, мостов: Gatwick, Vnukovo (Airport), Victoria Station, Tower Bridge, Waterloo Bridge. 4. Церквей, соборов, приходов: St. Paul’s, St. Peter’s, St. Basil’s Cathedral, Trinity Church, Westminster Abbey, 5. Месяцев и дней недели: January, April, August, December. Monday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Сравните: We met on Friday. (Мы встретились в (прошлую) пятницу.) We met on a Friday. (Мы встретились в одну из пятниц, но не в четверг и не в субботу.) 6. Названия языков: English, French, Dutch, Danish. Ho: the English language, the Spanish language. АРТИКЛИ С ЛИЧНЫМИ ИМЕНАМИ ARTICLES WITH PERSONAL NAMES • Личные имена (имена и фамилии людей), как правило, употребляются без артикля, даже если они имеют такие описательные определения, как little, old, young, dear, poor, honest, old Henry, poor Smith', lucky Monica, little Charlie. Dear old Emily! How I miss you! • Существует ряд особых случаев употребления артиклей с личными именами. 1. При наличии лимитирующего определения или ситуации употребляется определенный артикль. Сравните: - I met R. Murphy. - Do уou mean the R. Murphy (who wrote all those grammar books)? 50
2. Имена членов семьи, употребляемые члена- ми этой же семьи для выражения родствен- ных отношений, артикля не требуют и пишут- ся с большой буквы. Hello, Papal Hello, Mamai Is Baby still asleep? Примечание. Если имеются в виду родствен- ные отношения вне вашей семьи, то употребля- ется определенный артикль. The son resembled the father greatly. 3. Определенный артикль употребляется с су- ществительными во множественном числе для обозначения всей семьи. The Roosevelts provided America with two presidents. 4. Неопределенный артикль используется с лич- ным именем существительным для обозначе- ния члена семьи или же некоего субъекта, нося- щего это имя. Peter Ustinov comes from the Benois, and like a Benoi is very talented. A certain Safonov wants you on the phone. 5. Личные имена становятся исчисляемыми су- ществительными и могут употребляться с не- определенным артиклем, если: а) имя художника, изобретателя, промыш- ленника используется для обозначения его произведения, труда, премии, продукции; This small museum has a Levitan. Mine is a Panasonic, not a Sony. This film won an Oscar for Best Foreign Film. He is driving a brand new Jaguar. б) личное имя используется для выражения типичных черт носителя этого имени (но не самого человека); Poor darling looks like a Cinderella. 51
Mozart was called the Raphael of music. He is a typical Don Juan. Примечание. В обращениях артикль от- сутствует. Well, young man, have you been smoking again? Can I speak to you, doctor? Артикли с уникальными именами существительными Articles with Unique Nouns * К числу слов, обозначающих единственные в своем роде предметы и явления и употребляющих- ся с определенным артиклем, относятся следующие: the atmosphere, the cosmos, the earth (Earth), the equator, the east, the west, the north, the south, the galaxy, the globe, the ground, the horizon, the Hemisphere, the Milky Way, the moon, the North Pole, the North Star, the pope, the world, the stars, the solar system, the South Pole, the sun, the sky, the Universe, the Zenith, the weather, the Arctic Circle. This is the way of the world. It was a civilization gone with the wind. Сравните примеры, в которых артикли отсутствуют. East is East, and West is West and they shall never meet. (R. Kipling) Contrary to R. Ki pling, Hong Kong is truly a magic place where East and West really meet. * Неопределенный артикль возможен, если у дан- ных существительных есть описательное определение. There was a three-quarter moon in the sky. We all hope to see a better world. I am a big girl in a big world. Выражение once in a blue moon означает «очень 52
редко»; to be over the moon - «быть на седьмом небе от счастья»; to cry for the moon - «желать чего- то невозможного». * Названия планет употребляются без артикля, так как являются именами собственными, восхо- дящими к именам греческих и римских богов и богинь. Mercury is the small planet closest to the sun. Saturn has a great power to rule. * Существительное Earth в значении одной из планет употребляется без артикля и пишется с про- писной буквы. Much is written about man’s life on Earth. Возможны также варианты: the Earth, the earth. Выражение on earth употребляется в стилисти- ческих целях после слов how, what, where, why. What on earth are you talking about? There’s no reason on earth why we should refuse. Артикли с существительными school, college, university, bed, town, home, church, hospital, prison, jail, work Articles with the Nouns school, college, university, bed, town, home, church, hospital, prison jail, work • Эти существительные могут выражать абстракт- ные понятия и употребляться без артикля: to go to school (= to study); to be in hospital (= to be ill); to go to church (= to believe in god); to go to bed (= to go to sleep); to be sent to prison (= to be imprisoned for something); to be at work (= to be busy). - When does school begin? - In a week. Do you go to churchl 53
Stay in bed till you feel rested. You can’t send an innocent person to jail\ • Они также могут быть исчисляемыми и употреб- ляться с неопределенным и определенным артиклем. This is a college, not a prison, I hope. Amanda went to the school to a parents’ meeting. The prison was in the outskirts of the city. They brought new equipment to the hospital. They live in a small town. It’s the town where they first met. This is a very old church. • В предложных фразах существительное town употребляется без артикля, если оно противопос- тавляется понятию «за городом» (in the country) или же если имеется в виду город, в котором вы находитесь. I’ll be out of town next week. Let’s meet in town, not in the country. Артикли с существительными, обозначающими приемы пищи Articles with Names of Meals • Эти существительные не имеют артикля, если* они употреблены в своем абстрактном значении и просто называют ту или иную трапезу и ассоцииру- ются со временем: to have (take, serve, cook, prepare) breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea. Lunch is at 12 o’clock. Tea is laid on the coffee table. What shall I cook for supper! Kitekat for breakfast, sardines for lunch, Dandy Cat for supper. What could a cat ask for more? 54
• Неопределенный артикль употребляется, если у существительного есть описательное определение. There is по such thing as a free lunch. Let’s have an early supper tonight. A potluck dinner is a dinner when everyone has to bring a dish. It’s very popular in America. * Определенный артикль употребляется с дан- ными существительными, если есть ситуация, кон- текст, лимитирующее определение или же имеется в виду сама еда. The dinner you cooked was great! How much did you pay for the lunch? Don’t burn the dinner again, Molly! • Иногда названия трапез могут становиться ис- числяемыми и обозначать: 1. Званый вечер. There was an official lunch at the Embassy. Are you going to dress up for the dinner? 2. Порцию. I haven’t enough money to buy a supper. Артикли с существительными, обозначающими части суток и времена года Articles with Nouns Denoting Parts of Day and Seasons • Если данные существительные имеют абстракт- ное значение и выражают время суток или время года в общем смысле, то они употребляются без артикля. Winter eats what summer provides. Night fell. Day broke. It was evening. It was noon. 55
• Неопределенный артикль необходим, если у существительного есть описательное определение (кроме таких определений, как early, late, real, broad, high, с существительными в функции предикатива). I like the dusky gold of a fine autumn. It was a cold morning. It was a fine day. Ho: It was early morning. It was broad day. It was late autumn. Сравните: to have an early (a late) night. I haven’t had an early night for a month already. • Определенный артикль употребляется с дан- ными существительными, если они ясны из кон- текста, ситуации или же имеют лимитирующее оп- ределение. We watched the sunset from the boat. The sunrise promised good weather. It happened in the spring of 1996. • Следует обратить внимание на употребление артикля с данными существительными, когда они входят в состав некоторых выражений с предло- гами. Определенный артикль употребляется в выраже- ниях: in the morning, in the daytime, in (the) spring, during the winter, in the late autumn, all through the night, in the dead of night. Сравните: early in the morning - in early morning. В выражениях с предлогами at, by, about, past, before, after, towards, till (until) артикль отсутству- ет: at night, by noon, by midnight, past noon, after sunset. By nightfall I was feeling hungry and sleepy. Артикль не употребляется также в следующих выражениях: all day (long), all night (through), day after day, day in, day out, from morning till night, day and night. 5o
Артикли с существительными, выражающими родовое понятие, изобретения, жанры, термины Articles with Nouns Used in Generic Meaning • Исчисляемое существительное в единственном числе; имеющее определенный артикль the, может представлять целый класс предметов, становясь сво- его рода символом этого класса. Названия живот- ных, растений, профессий, социальных групп, раз- личных терминов могут выражать подобное родо- вое значение. Не is interested in the flora and fauna of Africa. The red squirrel is steadily dying out. The true botanist knows a tree as soon as he sees it. The article is a word specifying the noun. He is writing a thesis on the drama. Неопределенный артикль также возможен в по- добных случаях. A violet is a lovely flower. In grammar, a noun is a word, which is used to refer to a person, a thing, or an abstract notion. * Существительные man, woman, child в родо- вом значений употребляются без артикля. The fate of man is hard to tell. Much is written about the social injustice to woman. This novel is about man, woman and child. • С названиями изобретений употребляется толь- ко определенный артикль. In “the Periodic Table” the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleyev classified the natural elements into groups. The telegraph works on the S. Morse alphabet. The telephone was invented by A. Bell. • Определенный артикль употребляется, когда профессионально говорят о частях тела (то есть ког- да части тела становятся терминами). 57
We hope the operation won’t hurt the brain. He suddenly changed in the face. This fellow is really weak in the head. The hunter accidentally shot himself in the leg. Артикли в выражениях с предлогами in, with, like, as Articles in in-, with-, like-, as-Phrases • Исчисляемые существительные в единственном числе обычно употребляются с неопределенным ар- тиклем в выражениях, вводимых предлогами: l .With: with a look, with a nod, with a sigh, with a yawn. Marion greeted us with a nod. 2 . In: in a hurry, tn a whisper, in a loud (low) voice, in a mess, in a good (bad, blue) mood. Nothing goes well in a hurry. Why is the house in a mess again? S .Like: to sing like a lark, to work like a slave, to sleep like a log, to behave like a child. Wilfred drank like a fish, but it never showed on stage. He lives like a rolling stone. 4 . As: as happy as Punch (a child), as busy as a bee, as pretty as a calendar picture, as simple as ABC, as mad as a hatter. Some men play their whole life as a comedy. Peter is as poor as a church mouse. • Если существительное является неисчисляемым или же имеет форму множественного числа, то в выражениях с предлогами артикль не употребля- 58
ется («нулевой артикль»): in (with) surprise, in (with) anger, like children, black as night, green as grass, white as snow. “My love to you is like a Sunday morning. My love to you is like stormy weather.” It was as thick as London fog. They fought like young lions. It was as cold as charity. • При наличии ограничивающего (лимитирую- щего) определения возможно употребление опре- деленного артикля. Сравните следующие предло- жения: The noise seemed like a strong beating heart, like the strong beating of my own heart. Never speak to children in a rude way, lest they should answer you in the same way. Артикли в словосочетаниях с предлогом of Articles in of-Phrases В зависимости от ситуации или же от контекста существительное с предлогом of может быть описа- тельным или уточняющим по отношению к перво- му слову всего сочетания, что и определяет употреб- ление определенного или неопределенного артикля с ним. • Определенный артикль употребляется с пер- вым существительным, если оно обозначает часть того целого, которое выражено существительным с предлогом of: the top (foot) of afthe hill, the end (beginning) of a/the story, the figure (profile, face, shadow) of afthe man, the middle (depth, width) of c/the river, the climax of afthe situation. 59
This company is on the edge of collapse. The face of a person shows what life he has lived. The depth of love isn’t measured by words. Сочетания с предлогом of требуют определенно- го артикля: the Bank of England, the Tower of London, the Great Wall of China, the Houses of Parliament, the Museum of Modern Art. • Если существительное с предлогом of имеет форму множественного числа, то первое существи- тельное может употребляться как с неопределен- ным, так и с определенным артиклем. Неопреде- ленный артикль выражает единичность, определен- ный артикль обусловлен ситуацией или контекстом: а/the set of stories, a/the tin of biscuits, a/the party of people, а/the team of players. I’m reading a set of stories by R. Dahl. After my holiday I come back into the swing of things. • Если существительное с предлогом of являет- ся вещественным или абстрактным, то оно упот- ребляется без артикля. Первое существительное может иметь любой артикль: а/the bar of chocolate, a/the item of news, a/the article of furniture, a/the sense of humor. Отсутствие артикля в ряде выражений, вводимых предлогами Absence of Article in Some Prepositional Phrases Во многих устойчивых выражениях с предлогами артикль не употребляется. Приведем некоторые из них: day by day, side by side, from time to time, from head to foot, from start to finish, from hand to mouth, from morning till night, under lock and key. 60
Ьу by accident by car, by train, by air by heart by fax, by post by chance by good fortune by hand by mistake by half by name on deck sale (good, bad) foot terms (one’s) mind sight in advance half bed love court mind fact private future time at hand dinner home once first sight present last sea night work Артикли с существительными в функции приложения и предикатива Articles with Nouns used as Appositions and Predicatives • Исчисляемые существительные в единственном числе в функции приложения, как правило, употреб- ляются с неопределенным артиклем. Mike, a chronic complainer, is never satisfied. The painting, a Dali, cost the museum a fortune. The article, a small word, often causes problems. Классифицирующее значение неопределенного ар- тикля проявляется в данном случае наиболее от- четливо. • Определенный артикль употребляется, если: 61
1. Приложение относится к известному лицу. Mozart, the greatest of all composers, is the best medicine for me. Pushkin, the great Russian poet, described autumn beautifully. Ivan Bunin, the Nobel Prize Winner, lived in Paris for many years. 2. Приложение ясно из ситуации, контекста или же имеет лимитирующее определение. Не had left his hat on the table, the tall hat, in which he always went to church. Mr. Hooks, the newspaper editor, wants to see you. 3. Если приложение предшествует имени соб- ственному, то также употребляется определен- ный артикль: the painter Turner, the composer Britten, the student Vetrov. • Артикль не употребляется, если имени соб- ственному предшествуют слова, обозначающие ти- тулы, чины, служебные ранги: Admiral Nelson, Colonel Pickering, Doctor Heil, Queen Elizabeth, Professor Vishnevsky, King Umberto, Lord Byron, Sir Henry Smith. King Albert, who was Queen Victoria’s beloved husband, was an outstanding man. He was husband of the Queen, but never the King. Примечание 1. Существительные в функции приложения или именной части составного именно- го сказуемого (предикатива) обозначают официаль- ный пост, должность, чин, которые могут занимать- ся лишь одним человеком одновременно. Наиболее употребительные из них следующие: author director manager boss dean president captain goalkeeper prime minister 62
centre forward head chief king chairman leader principal queen secretary Mr. Wilson, Prime Minister of England, made a historic speech. Mike is goalkeeper and Brian is centre forward. Life was different when he was President. Примечание 2. Определенный артикль возмо- жен при наличии последующего существительного с предлогом of. This man is the author of the famous book that won the Booker Prize. Примечание 3. Артикль необходим, если име- ется в виду сам человек, а не занимаемый им пост. The Queen has a meeting with the Prime-Minister every morning. The Headmistress can force a pupil to attend classes but not to think. Определенный артикль употребляется в титулах монархов и высокопоставленных лиц: William the Conqueror, Ivan the Terrible, Alfred the Great, the Tsar Peter the Great, the Baron Munchausen, the Emperor Napoleon, the Reverend Montanelli, the Prince of Wales (but Prince Charles), the Duke of Kent, the Countess of York. Артикли с субстантивированными частями речи Articles with Substantivized Parts of Speech • Многие части речи могут переходить в разряд существительных (субстантивироваться) и приобре- тать категориальные свойства существительного - число и артикли. 63
Be a dear and fetch me a cocktail. For anyone who teaches English this book is a must- have. This agent will tell you about Dos and Don’ts of building your own home. - What money would you like? - Four fives and ten ones. Субстантивация может быть полной или частичной. • Как правило, полностью могут субстантивиро- ваться прилагательные и числительные. Переходя в разряд существительных, они могут обозначать: 1. Исчисляемые существительные типа: а native - natives, a criminal - criminals, а romantic - romantics, two - a two - twos. 2. Названия некоторых национальностей: a Russian - the Russians, an American - the Americans. a Greek - the Greeks, a German - the Germans. 3. Оттенки цветов: a baby pink, a Wedgwood blue, deep purple, a silver gray. * Частично субстантивированные части речи име- ют лишь один признак существительного, как пра- вило, это определенный артикль. Они могут обозначать: 1. Группу людей, имеющих общую черту, при- знак, качество: the old, the young; the deaf, the dumb; the civilized, the cultured. К числу наиболее часто субстантивируемых та- ким образом прилагательных и причастий про- шедшего времени относятся следующие. aged strong educated free 64 oppressed poor
blind handicapped powerful uneducated homeless rich brave hungry sick unemployed injured weak dead living wounded deaf old young Sometimes the weak (слабые) can help the strong (сильные). Примечание. Два частично субстантивиро- ванных прилагательных, объединенных союзом and, артиклей не имеют. Old and young came to the celebration. Rich and poor have their own problems. 2. Названия наций, оканчивающиеся на sh, -ch. The Spanish are the people who live in Spain. The English are very conservative. The Dutch are famous for their tulips. 3. Абстрактные понятия (чаще всего они вы- ражаются прилагательным или причастием П). Do you believe in the supernatural! This magician can perform the impossible. We got lost in the dark. She was always afraid of the unexpected. Это следующие прилагательные и причастия: exotic impossible inevitable past future possible new present obvious supernatural old unbelievable incredible unexpected unknown unreal unthinkable ridiculous 4. Определенный артикль имеют и субстан- тивированные прилагательные, обозначающие абстрактные понятия и входящие в состав 3-1112 65
некоторых устойчивых выражении с предло- гами. in the negative in the negative in the positive in the affirmative to the quick in the open on the whole to do one’s best for the better for the worse for the best of in the main not in the least all of a sudden out of the blue for one’s good Местоимение Pronoun Местоимение и его классификации Pronoun and Its Classifications • Местоимение (the Pronoun) - часть речи, кото- рая указывает на предмет или качество предмета, не называя его прямо, как это делают существительные и прилагательные. Местоимения могут заменять дру- гие части речи (существительные, прилагательные) и носят очень общий относительный характер. * В предложении местоимения выполняют роль существительных или прилагательных и соответ- ственно делятся на местоимения-существительные и местоимения-прилагательные. Первые могут употребляться в предложении в роли подлежащего, дополнения или предикатива (именной части состав- ного именного сказуемого). I am a great traveller, (подлежащее) - Who is there? - It’s me. (предикатив) 66
Explain it to me. (дополнение) Местоимения-прилагательные определяют суще- ствительные и не могут употребляться самостоятель- но в отличие от вышеуказанных местоимений-су- ществительных. К ним относятся притяжательные, указательные и другие разряды местоимений. Му life is full of ups and downs. I need some paper and a pen. Do you have any idea what it is? • Некоторые местоимения имеют род, число, падеж. Род (the Gender) выражается в формах личных местоимений: he - мужской род, she - женский род, it - средний род. Категория числа (the Number) в системе место- имений может выражаться различным образом: I - we; he, she, it - they; this — these; that — those; one - ones; other - others; yourself - yourselves. Некоторые местоимения в силу своего лексиче- ского значения имеют только единственное число: each, every, everything, something, nothing, anything, (a) little, much. Другие же всегда имеют значение множественного числа: many, (a) few, both, several. Сравните: Much was done and now everything is settled. Many were present, but only a few were ready to speak. Ряд местоимений имеют одну и ту же форму для выражения единственного или же множественного значения: all, any, some, who, which. All is well. - All are here. I have no idea who lives here. - People, who live here, are lucky people. • Все местоимения современного английского з» 67
языка делятся на группы в соответствии со значе- нием, которое они выражают: - личные - притяжательные - неопределенные - указательные - возвратные - вопросительные Личные местоимения Personal Pronouns Личные местоимения (Personal Pronouns) в анг- лийском языке имеют два падежа - именительный и объектный. Именительный падеж Объектный падеж I me he him she her it it we us you you they them • Местоимение в именительном падеже (the Nominative Case), как правило, выполняет в предло- жении роль подлежащего или именной части состав- ного именного сказуемого (предикатива). They visited the Russian Museum yesterday. It was they who did it. В неформальном, разговорном стиле английско- го языка объектный падеж личного местоимения в функции предикатива более употребителен. It was them who told me this. 68
Hello, is that me you are looking for? * Объектный падеж (the Objective Case) лич- ных местоимений употребляется также после таких предлогов, как between, up, but («если бы не»), except, without, with, by. I’ve just discussed it with him. The book was written by me last year. It’s up to her, not to us. But for them, we wouldn’t know what to do. The money was divided between Nick and me. • Если же местоимение следует за словами than и аз, то оно употребляется в именительном падеже. Не is a brighter student than I am. She is as competent as he is. Притяжательные местоимения Possessive Pronouns • Притяжательные местоимения (Possessive Pronouns) указывают на принадлежность предмета или качества тому или иному лицу. Притяжательные местоимения имеют две формы: совмещенную и абсолютную. Личное местоимение Совмещенная форма Абсолютная форма I my mine you your yours he his his she her hers it its its we our ours you your yours they their theirs 69
• Совмещенная форма (the Conjoint Form) при- тяжательного местоимения употребляется только в сочетании с существительным и, если имеются дру- гие определители существительного, ставится перед ними, но после слов all и both’. Му future life depends on you. All my friends are here. Both my sisters are students. My life is wonderful. Her parents are very understanding. Their plan was very good. Your friend is very nice. Местоимение «свой» переводится одним из при- тяжательных местоимений: Brian visits his relatives every month. I am happy with my life. He’s lost his keys again. They adore their children. • Абсолютная форма (the Absolute Form) притя- жательного местоимения употребляется самостоя- тельно, без существительного, во избежание его по- вторения в тексте и для создания определенного сти- листического эффекта. The book is not mine. Don’t park your car next to hers. I don’t like this new boy-friend of yours. Theirs was the best plan. Указательные местоимения Demonstrative Pronouns * Указательные местоимения (Demonstrative Pronouns) имеют единственное и множественное чис- ло: it - they, this - these, that - those. 70
It’s a book. - They are books. It’s a good day. - These are good days. That was a good idea. - Those were good ideas. • Местоимения this - these обозначают предмет или лицо, которые находятся ближе к говорящему во времени и в пространстве и употребляются с на- речием here. That - those обозначают нечто более удаленное во времени и в пространстве и употреб- ляются с наречием there. This man is here and he is waiting for you. That incident happened there. These children live here. Those people met there. • Местоимения this, that употребляются с место- имением one". Of the two books I prefer this one. This bag is cheaper than that one. Неопределенные местоимения Indefinite Pronouns * К неопределенным местоимениям (Indefinite Pronouns) относятся some, any, no, somebody, anybody, someone, anyone, something, anything, one, much, many, (a) little, (a) few, all, both, either, neither, every, everyone, everything, each, one another. * Местоимения some и any и их производные могут употребляться как местоимения-существи- тельные, так и местоимения-прилагательные для обозначения неопределенного качества или коли- чества. Они могут сочетаться со всеми классами существительных как в единственном, так и во мно- жественном числе. Some people are clever. Some are not. Something is wrong with my computer. Nothing can stop him. Everything is OK. 71
Местоимение some, как правило, употребляется в утвердительных предложениях. В вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях употребляется ме- стоимение any или по. I have some friends in London. Have you any friends in London? I have no friends in London. Однако some может сохраняться в вопроситель- ных предложениях, выражающих просьбу или пред- ложение. Would you like some coffee? Could I have some more time, please? Местоимение any употребляется в вопроситель- ных и отрицательных предложениях вместо some. Any может быть употреблено в предложении как обстоятельство степени. Не isn’t any better today. (Ему сегодня ничуть (ни- сколько) не лучше.) Any в утвердительных предложениях имеет зна- чение «любой», «всякий», «какой угодно». I like any pop-music. Come any day you like. Any time will do. Any kid can answer such a question. • Местоимение no в качестве определения упот- ребляется со всеми типами существительных как в' единственном, так и во множественном числе. No sound came. No news, is good news. No people could be seen. There is no time left. Если местоимение no определяет исчисляемое су- ществительное в единственном числе, то оно равно- значно not а (ап). I have по telephone at home. - I have not got a telephone at home. 72
There is no reason for this. - There is not a reason for this. Если местоимение no определяет исчисляемое су- ществительное во множественном числе или же не- исчисляемое существительное, то оно равнозначно not any. There are no students in the hall. - There are not any students in the hall. There is По information in the file. - There is not any information in the file. Местоимение no является более сильным сред- ством отрицания, чем not а (ап) и not any. Срав- ните: It’s по warmer today. - It’s not any warmer today. • Неопределенное местоимение one употребляется только с исчисляемыми существительными и имеет форму притяжательного падежа (one’s) и форму мно- жественного числа (ones). Оно употребляется: 1. В значении одушевленного лица в предло- жениях, имеющих очень общий (безличный) ха- рактер, как слово-заместитель имени существи- тельного, уже употребленного в предложении, во избежание его повторения. One should be patient. This student Will be the first one to answer. We liked all the songs, but the second one made me cry. - What do you think of these new tables? - I prefer the old ones. 2. Для выражения неопределенного времени. One day we shall meet again! One dark night there came a knock at the door. 3. В сочетании с определенным артиклем для выражения значения «тот самый», «единствен- ный». 73
Stephen is the one man to help us out. This is the one way to avoid the risk. 4. С глаголами must, ought to, can, may оно имеет обобщенно-безличное значение «надо», «следует», «необходимо» и т. д.: One must be careful about what he or she says. One ought to think better of people. You can never tell. • Местоимение much («много») употребляется только с неисчисляемыми существительными, а many («много») - с исчисляемыми существитель- ными. Они употребляются, как правило, в вопроси- тельных и отрицательных предложениях, а в ут- вердительных предложениях чаще используются a lot of, plenty of, a great deal of, a large number of, a good many. There is a lot of work to do today. Is there much work to do today? There isn’t much work to do today. There are a lot of stars in the sky. Are there many stars in the sky? There aren’t many stars in the sky. Much и many могут употребляться в утвердитель- ных предложениях, если: 1. Они являются подлежащим, дополнением или определением к подлежащему. Many think that meat is harmful. Much depends on the way you behave. Many women drive cars now. They would give much to learn the truth. 2. Much и many определяются такими наре- чиями степени, как so, too, how, as. We’ve got so many problems! There are so many things to do in this life. 74
• Местоимения little — few употребляются соот- ветственно с неисчисляемыми и исчисляемыми су- ществительными и передают отрицательное значе- ние «недостаточно», «мало». There is little hope left. They have few chances. • A little и a few передают положительное значе- ние «немного», «несколько». We have a little time, so we can talk. They have a few chances. They have hope. • Местоимения much, many, little, few имеют сле- дующие степени сравнения: much more - most many / little - less — least few - fewer - fewest Формы more - most, less - least используются для образования степеней сравнения прилагатель- ных и наречий. interesting - more interesting - (the) most interesting convenient - less convenient - (the) least convenient seriously - more seriously - (the) most seriously intensively - less intensively - (the) least intensively Возвратные местоимения Self-Pronouns • В русском языке возвратное значение переда- ется при помощи суффикса -ся (съ). В английском языке категория возвратности выражается следую- щими средствами: 75
1. Глаголом в активном залоге. Не washed, shaved, dressed and came downstairs. They kissed and soon parted.. Relax, my dear! 2. Глаголом в пассивном залоге. This roof is being constructed now. The contract is being signed at the moment. 3. Конструкцией глагол + oneself (т.е. глагол + возвратное местоимение). Help yourself to the cake. Behave yourselfl Pull yourself together! Make yourself comfortable. Why do you always hide yourselves? 4. Фразовыми глаголами и устойчивыми со- четаниями типа: to be back, to run out of smth., can't help doing smth, to give up, to ask for smth., to take the trouble of doing smth. - We’ve run out of coffee again! - What a shame! I can't help admiring this singer. He didn’t even take the trouble of phoning us. These boys are asking for trouble, I am sure. • К возвратным местоимениям относятся myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, oneself. Они указывают, что действие, вы- полняемое субъектом, направлено на него самого. В предложении возвратные местоимения могут выпол- нять роль дополнения (прямого или косвенного), оп- ределения, предикатива или обстоятельства образа действия. She saw herself in the mirror. He thinks too much of himself. I like this photo of myself very much. You are not quite yourself today. They did it all by themselves. • Возвратные местоимения могут употребляться с 76
целью усиления значения того или иного слова в пред- ложении. В подобных случаях эмфатическое возврат- ное местоимение следует либо за словом, которое оно усиливает, или же стоит в конце предложения. The director himself welcomed us. I’ve caught this big fish myself. Имя прилагательное Adjective Имя прилагательное и его классификации Adjective and Its Classifications * Имя прилагательное (the Adjective) обознача- ет отличительный признак предмета, лица или яв- ления. В зависимости от характера признака все прилагательные английского языка подразделяют- ся на качественные и относительные. • Качественные прилагательные (Qualitative Adjectives) обозначают признак предмета или лица прямо, вне его отношения к другим предметам: great, nice, difficult. Относительные прилагательные (Relative Adjectives) обозначают признак предмета опосредо- ванно, через отношение к другим понятиям: веще- ству (woolen, golden, wooden), пространству (Italian, American, Caribbean), времени (weekly, daily). Они не могут иметь степеней сравнения (нельзя сказать: «более деревянный», «менее золотой»). * С точки зрения словообразования все прилага- тельные могут быть простыми (the Simple Adjectives) (clean, red, new), производными (the 77
Derived Adjectives) (helpful, windy, unknown), слож- ными (the Compound Adjectives) (well-made, second- hand, much-praised). • В предложении имена прилагательные высту- пают в роли определения или части составного имен- ного сказуемого. It is a difficult task. It’s a very informative letter. We had a nice holiday. She is so charmingt Примечание. Если в предложении есть несколько определений, выраженных прилагательными, то поря- док их следования следующий: качество - размер - возраст - цвет — происхождение - материал. A beautiful double old red London bus. (качество + размер + возраст + цвет + происхож- дение) Several lovely old English wooden tables. (качество + возраст + происхождение + материал) Степени сравнения прилагательных Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives • Качественные имена прилагательные могут быть представлены в положительной, сравнитель- ной и превосходной степенях сравнения. • Положительная степень (the Positive Degree) показывает признак предмета или лица, не сравни- вая его с другими предметами. Форма положитель- ной степени прилагательного совпадает с начальной (простой) формой прилагательного: beautiful, old, warm, optimistic, nice, new. * Сравнительная степень (the Comparative Degree) употребляется при сравнении двух предметов или лиц. 78
Сравнительная степень показывает большую или меньшую степень признака одного из сравниваемых предметов или лиц: kind - kinder, energetic - more energetic. He is taller than Rita. This new camera is better than the old one. Запомните также сравнительные конструкции типа: the sooner the better, the longer the night, the shorter the day. Превосходная степень сравнения (the Superlative Degree) показывает самую большую или самую мень- шую степень признака предмета среди нескольких сравниваемых предметов или лиц: large - the largest, famous - the most famous, necessary - the least necessary. What’s the largest city in the world? Who is the brightest pupil in the class? В функции определения могут также употреб- ляться имена существительные: family business, Moscow yard, school years, war document, air temperature, telephone number, business partner, bank manager, language (money, health, work) problem, estate agent. Существительные, употребленные с прилагатель- ными в превосходной степени, имеют определенный артикль: the easiest tasks, the most pleasant news. • Сравнительная и превосходная степени могут быть выражены в синтетической и аналитической формах. * Синтетическая (простая) форма образуется пу- тем прибавления окончаний — er, —est, к одно- и дву- сложным прилагательным: nice - nicer - (the) nicest, thick - thicker - (the) thickest. Примечание. В одно-, двусложных прилагатель- ных с окончанием -у в сравнительной и превосход- ной степенях сравнения происходит изменение -у 79
на -i: noisy - noisier - (the) noisiest, dirty - dirtier- (the) dirtiest. • Аналитической формой сравнения прилагатель- ных являются сочетания прилагательных со слова- ми тоге и (the) most; less и (the) least; comfortable - more comfortable - (the) most comfortable, terrible - less terrible - (the) least terrible. Примечание. Некоторые двусложные прилага- тельные могут иметь степени сравнения как в синтетической (-er, -est), так и в аналитической (тоге, most) формах. К ним относятся: able, angry, clever, common, cruel, requent, friendly, gentle, handsome, narrow, pleasant, polite, quiet, serious, simple, sour, которые зачастую употребляются c more: more pleasant, more cruel, more frequent, more nervous, more serious. * Степени сравнения некоторых прилагательных имеют нетрадиционную форму: good - better - (the) best bad — worse - (the) worst little — less - (the) least many much It’s a good day today. The weather is getting better. It’s the best day in my life. * Следующие прилагательные имеют двойные формы степеней сравнения. — the latest later («последний»,«самый новый») («более поздний») last the latter («последний» по времени, «прошлый») («ПОЗДНИЙ») (.последний the из перечисленных») , («последний» по порядку) 80
Let’s watch the latest news. This is the latest fashion. Yesterday I met Max and Hilda in the street. The former said “Hello”, but the latter didn’t recognize me. He is the last person I want to see. We didn’t have time to speak last time. nearest near________ («близкий») nearer next («более близкий») («ближайший» в значении «расстояния» в прямом и переносном смысле) («следующий» по времени) the next («следующий» по порядку) You can have a snack in the nearest cafe. In the nearest future I plan to enter the University. I’ll see my parents next week. There is important Information on the next page. по возрасту: older - oldest old («старше») («старше») («старейший, самый старший») в семье или по чину, по положению: elder - eldest («старший») («самый старший») She is as old as I am. Mary is three years older than Tom. He is my elder brother. He is the eldest of the three brothers. Boris is the eldest at the office though he is very young. 81
far («дальний» «далекий») в значении расстояния: farther - farthest («более дальний») («самый дальний») в переносном значении: further - furthest («дальнейший») («самый дальний») Let’s sit at the farthest table. I’m waiting for further instructions. В силу лексического значения некоторые прила- гательные не имеют степеней сравнения: left, medical, dead, greenish, junior, senior, wooden, middle, empty, pregnant, round, unique. Примечание. Запомните прилагательные с окон- чанием -ly: daily practice, friendly people, an early bird, a lovely time, a lively child, a homely dog. Наречие Adverb Общее понятие General Notion • Наречие (Adverb) - часть речи, которая опре- деляет характер протекания действия и отвечает на вопросы: how?, when?, where?, why?, in what manner?, to what degree?. Все наречия делятся на наречия, обозначающие место (here, there, at home, outside), время (now, thenf today, long ago), образ действия (by chance, by mistake, quickly, suddenly), частот- ность (sometimes, usually, often, never, once, always), степень (quite, rather, extremely, fairly, a bit). • В соответствии с выражаемыми значениями 82
наречия могут выполнять в предложении синтак- сическую функцию обстоятельства места, времени, образа действия, степени. They met there and then. It’s windy outside and it’s warm inside. Everything started badly but finished well. I meet him from time to time. It’s a bit warmer today, isn’t it? * Большинство наречий образуется путем прибав- ления суффикса -1у к соответствующему ему прилага- тельному: quick - quickZp, serious - seriousZp, intensive - intensive^/, sudden - sudden/;/, near - nearly, high - high/;/. Примечание 1. Некоторые слова, оканчиваю- щиеся на -ly, являются прилагательными: friendly, lovely, lonely, lively, womanly, manly. Наречия fast, hard, early, late, long, far, little, much, straight по форме совпадают с соответствую- щими прилагательными: That’s a hard task. - You should work hard. We took an early train. - We arrived at the station early. I don’t like fast food. - Cook fast, eat slowly. We had a late dinner. - Why do you always come home so latel We have much work today. - Thank you very much. Примечание 2. Обратите внимание на разни- цу в значении следующих слов: hard («много», «тя- жело», «упорно») - hardly («еле-еле», «едва-едва»). Не works hard. - Не can hardly walk. Не is too old. Степени сравнения наречий Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs * Наречия имеют положительную (the Positive Degree), сравнительную (the Comparative Degree) 83
и превосходную (the Superlative Degree) степени сравнения. Наречия, оканчивающиеся на — 1у, об- разуют степени сравнения аналитическим путем, т. е. путем прибавления слов more (less) или most (least) к положительной степени слова. carefully - more carefully - most carefully gratefully - more gratefully - most gratefully efficiently - less efficiently - least efficiently gracefully - less gracefully - least gracefully Наречия типа late, hard, fast, near, soon образу- ют степени сравнения как соответствующие им при- лагательные: soon - sooner - soonest near - nearer - nearest hard - harder - hardest Примечание. Следующие наречия имеют непра- вильные формы степеней сравнения: far — farther - farthest far - further - furthest badly - worse - worst little - less - least much - more - most well - better - best • Некоторые наречия не имеют степеней срав- нения. К их числу относятся: before, ever, here, never, no, not, now, so, then, there, thus, too, very, by, back, whenever, whatever. Имя числительное Numeral * Имя числительное (the Numeral) - часть речи, обозначающая количество и порядок предметов при счете. В соответствии со значением числительные могут быть количественными и порядковыми. 84
* Количественные числительные (Cardinal Numerals) указывают на количество предметов и отвечают на вопрос how тапуЧ («сколько?»). There are ten students in my class. He has three questions to ask. Все количественные числительные английского языка могут субстантивироваться и употребляться как существительные. The two played the game of chess. Thousands went to the show. Примечание. Числительные million и thousand, если после них не следуют другие числительные, могут употребляться как в единственном, так.и во множественном числе. Сравните: two millions of citizens или two million citizens three thousands of children или three thousand children five hundreds of people или five hundred people to count by tens, hundreds или to count by the ten, the hundred и т. д. * Порядковые числительные (Ordinal Numerals) обозначают порядковое место предмета при счете и отвечают на вопрос which! («какой?», «который?»). Большинство порядковых числительных образуют* ся путем прибавления суффикса -th к количествен- ному числительному: sixth, seventh и т. д. Исклю- чения: first, second, third. Неопределенный артикль может предшествовать порядковому числительному, которое имеет значе- ние «еще один». You are like a second family to me. A third possibility occurred to me. * Числительные, обозначающие дроби (Fractional Numerals), имеют составную форму: сочетание ко- личественного и порядкового числительных, где 85
последнее употребляется как существительное: two- thirds (2/3), three-sixths (3/6). Десятичные дроби имеют следующее выражение: 1,62 = one point six two Примечание. Цифра 0 может иметь несколько Форм в английском языке: a) nought [no:t] используется в математике: 0.7 = nought point seven .07 = point nought seven 6) zero [zi:rou] используется в науке, например, для обозначения температуры: -15 °C = minus fifteen degrees или fifteen degrees below zero в) о [ou] используется в телефонных номерах: 01-500-3026 = о one - five double о - three о two six г) nil или nothing используется в спорте для обозначения счета игры: 2: 0 = the score is two nothing или two nil Таблицу количественных и порядковых числи- тельных смотрите в приложении. Глагол Verb Общая характеристика глагольной системы современного английского языка General Characteristics of the Verb System in Modern English • Глагол (the Verb) - часть речи, которая обозна- чает действие или состояние. 86
• В соответствии со значением и ролью в предло- жении английские глаголы делятся на смысловые (полнозначные), служебные и вспомогательные. Смысловой глагол (the Notional Verb) имеет соб- ственное лексическое значение и выполняет роль простого глагольного сказуемого в предложении. Many people study languages now. We had a good rest in Sochi. * Служебный глагол (the Semi-Auxiliary Verb) не имеет самостоятельного лексического значения и самостоятельной функции в предложении. Он употребляется лишь как часть составного сказуе- мого - именного или глагольного. К ним относятся модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs) и глаголы-связ- ки (Link Verbs). You can’t buy health and happiness. You must be punctual. She looks happy today. The weather gets better in May. • Вспомогательный глагол (the Auxiliary Verb) не имеет никакого лексического значения и упот- ребляется в сочетании со смысловым глаголом для образования аналитических (составных) форм. Наи- более распространенными вспомогательными гла- голами в английском языке являются to be (am, are, is, was, were), to do (does, did), to have, shall, will, should, would. She has taught me English for ten years. Now I am learning Spanish. When shall I see you again? Will you marry me, my darling? He was sure he would win. Примечание. Полнозначные глаголы to have, to do, to be могут быть как смысловыми, так и слу- жебными словами. 87
He has a big family, (смысловой глагол co значе- нием «иметь») I had to give up smoking, (модальный глагол, вы- ражающий «обязанность», «долг») I have come to see you. (вспомогательный глагол, используемый для образования составной формы) Сравните также следующие примеры с глаголом to be. I am here. I am to be there at ten o’clock. You are being unbearable today! * Английские глаголы имеют четыре основные формы (Basic forms) The Infinitive (неопреде* ленная форма глагола) The Past Simple (простое прошедшее время) The Past Participle (причастие прошедшего времени) The Present Participle (причастие настоящего времени) to do did done doing to hear heard heard hearing to feel felt felt feeling to work worked Worked working to take took taken taking • В силу своего исторического развития при обра- зовании прошедшего времени (the Past Simple) и при- частия П (Participle II) все английские глаголы де- лятся на две группы: правильные и неправильные. Правильные глаголы (Regular Verbs) образуют фор- му прошедшего времени и причастие П при помощи присоединения окончания —ed к корню глагола. enjoy - enjoyed - enjoyed live - lived - lived play - played - played stop - stopped - stopped 88
Неправильные глаголы (Irregular Verbs), кото- рых гораздо меньше в английском языке, образуют формы прошедшего времени и причастие II в соот- ветствии с устоявшимися в языке нормами, be - was - been catch — caught - caught come - came - come keep - kept - kept put - put - put go - went - gone stand - stood - stood spend - spent - spent wear - wore - worn write - wrote - written * Английский глагол может иметь личную и не- личную формы. Глагол в личной форме (the Finite Form) облада- ет такими категориями, как: лицо, число, аспект, вре- мя, залог и наклонение и выполняет в предложении роль сказуемого. Английский глагол имеет два числа (the Number): ЕДИНСТВЕННОЕ (SINGULAR) И МНОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ (PLURAL) И три лица (the Person): первое (the istj, второе(тне 2nd) и третье(тне 3d). Окончание -(e)в является показателем 3-го лица единственного числа глагола в простом настоящем времени. Лицо Единственное число Множественное число Ц I learn, work we learn, work II you learn, work you learn, work III he learns, works she learns, works they learn, work it moves, works 89
В английском языке глаголы могут иметь фор- мы двух аспектов (the Aspects): общего и длитель- ного. Глаголы в форме длительного аспекта ( the Continuous Aspect) обозначают конкретное действие, происходящее в определенный момент, в то время как глаголы в общем аспекте (the Common Aspect) указывают на общий, абстрактный характер проте- кания действия. Сравните: Длительный аспект Общий аспект She is singing at the moment. They have been dating for a year. She sings perfectly. They date from time to time. Время (the Tense) - это форма глагола, которая указывает на время совершения действия: в насто- ящем, прошедшем или будущем. I live, I lived, and I shall live\ Залог (the Voice) - это форма глагола, которая по- казывает отношение между действием и субъектом (лицом), на который это действие распространяется. В английском языке есть два залога: активный, или действительный, и пассивный. Глагол в форме действительного залога ( the Active Voice) показывает, что субъект сам выполняет действие. Гла- гол в форме страдательного, или пассивного залога (THE Passive Voice) показывает, что субъект не производит действие, а испытывает на себе его воздействие. They often invite me to their parties. - I am often invited to their parties. John Baird invented television in 1926. - Television was invented by John Baird in 1926. Наклонение (the Mood) - это форма глагола, кото- рая показывает, является ли действие или факт, выраженный в предложении, реальным, проблема- 90
тичным, желаемым, вероятным или же нереальным. Субъективное отношение говорящего к содержанию того, что сообщается, выражается в английском язы- ке различными средствами, основными из которых ЯВЛЯЮТСЯ МОДАЛЬНЫЕ СЛОВА (MODAL WORDS) (maybe, perhaps, probably, evidently и т. д.), модальные глаго- лы (Modal Verbs) (can, may, must, have to, should, ought to и т. д.), наклонения (Moods) (We wish you were here with us! If he could, he would do it.). * К неличным формам глагола (the Non-Finite Forms of the Verb) относятся инфинитив (the Infinitive), герундий (the Gerund) и причастие (the Participle). Эти формы не могут выражать лицо, число и наклонение, и в силу этого не способны вы- полнять функцию сказуемого в предложении, а лишь только быть его частью. Неличные формы глагола могут также выполнять в предложении функцию подлежащего (инфинитив и герундий), дополнения или же части сложного до- полнения, обстоятельства цели, причины, времени, об- раза действия. То travel means to broaden your mind, (подлежащее) Cooking is my hobby, (подлежащее) My task is to help you. (часть составного именно- го сказуемого) Му mind began working (to work) at once, (часть составного глагольного сказуемого) I want to speak to you. (дополнение) They want to join them, (часть сложного подлежа- щего) We stopped to talk, (обстоятельство цели) I have many things to do today, (определение) Feeling fired, I decided to go to bed. (обстоятель- ство причины) He left without saying a word, (обстоятельство об- раза действия) 91
Времена Tenses НАСТОЯЩИЕ ВРЕМЕНА PRESENT TENSES Настоящее простое время Present Simple * Настоящее простое время (the Present Simple) образуется при помощи инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to. Глагол в форме третьего лица единственного числа имеет окончание —в/—ев. We walk. - Не (she) walks. They start. - It starts. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы глаго- ла образуются при помощи вспомогательного гла- гола do, does (don’t, doesn’t) в настоящем времени и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to. - Do you like sweets? - I don’t like them. - Does she play the piano? - She doesn’t play the piano. • The Present Simple употребляется для выражения: 1. Обычных фактов, регулярных, повторяю- щихся действий в настоящем времени. Му friends like to travel. He visits his grandparents every Sunday. We have English grammar twice a week. 2. Общеизвестных истин. Это время характер- но для пословиц и поговорок, в которых отра- жается человеческий опыт и мудрость. The Universe is endless. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Still waters run deep. Old love doesn’t rust. 92
3. Последовательности действий, происходя- щих в момент речи. She enters the room, sees a fax on the table, reads it, and calls the secretary. 4. Действия, происходящего в момент речи с глаголами, которые обычно не употребляются в длительной форме. К их числу относятся гла- голы чувственной и умственной деятельности, а также глаголы обладания: see, hear, sound, believe, belong, understand, need, realize, remember, prefer, sound, possess, own. I believe you understand me. It really sounds great. This house belongs to my parents. Don’t worry, I remember your address. Now I realize that you believe me. - Who owns this car? - I do. 5. Времени, уступки, условия в придаточных предложениях после союзов when, till, until, as soon as, before, after, if, unless, in case, on condition that, even if. If Ted gets this job, he’ll be happy. Shall I see you before you leave*! Decide this question as soon as the boss comes. Even if he learns the truth, he will not be cross with me. 6. Прошедших действий с глаголами to forget, to hear, to be told. I forget your telephone number, («забыла») We are told she is leaving soon, («нам сказали») I hear you are doing well, («слышал») Это время, как правило, употребляется со сле- дующими наречиями: always, ever, as a rule, never, every day (week, etc.), now and then, from time to time, generally, seldom, usually, regularly, rarely. 93
Настоящее продолженное время Present Progressive * Настоящее продолженное время (the Present Progressive) образуется при помощи вспомогатель- ного глагола to be в the. Present Simple (am, are, is) и причастия I смыслового глагола (четвертая фор- ма глагола с окончанием — ing). I am doing it well. We are thinking about it. She is walking in the park at the moment. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образу- ются при помощи глагола to be в нужной форме. Am I doing it well? We are not thinking about it. Is she walking in the park? • The Present Progressive может выражать: 1. Действие, происходящее в момент речи. The kids are watching the new cartoons now. The team is playing very well today. I can’t understand what you are doing. 2. Действие, охватывающее некоторый период времени в настоящем. She is working too hard this term. No ice-cream for me. I am slimming. Nelly is studying at the University. She is writing her diploma now. 3. Эмоционально окрашенную характеристику лица. Как правило, это отрицательная оценка. Не is constantly talking about hockey. Why are you always losing your things? Примечание 1. Глаголы be, look, feel могут употребляться в длительной форме для выра- жения действия в какой-то конкретный мо- мент. 94
I am feeling better today. Little Nick is being difficult this week. You’re looking rather strange. Are you feeling all right? 4. Заранее запланированное действие, которое произойдет в ближайшем будущем. Употреб- ляется с глаголами движения move, come, go, leave, return, start. We are leaving tomorrow. They are returning next month. Are you moving to the new flat? 5. Действие в процессе, которое протекает од- новременно с другим действием (в the Present Simple). Это время употребляется в придаточ- ных предложениях времени и условия после союзов when, while, as long as, if, in case, unless. David always talks when he is eating. Watch traffic lights when you are crossing the road. Try not to make noise when you are drinking your tea. Это время употребляется co следующими наре- чиями: always, now, at the moment, constantly, right now. Примечание 2. Глаголы see, hear, understana могут также употребляться в длительной фор- ме для выражения сильных эмоций. I can’t believe what Гт hearing and seeing. Am I understanding you correctly, my dear? And I knew it was my mother’s face I was seeing in my mind. Настоящее совершенное время Present Perfect * Настоящее совершенное время (the Present Perfect) образуется при помощи вспомогательного 95
глагола to have в the Present Simple (have, has) и смыслового глагола в форме причастия II (тре- тьей формы глагола). I have done it. Не has come. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образу- ются следующим образом: - Have you done it? - I haven’t done it. - Has he worked"! - He hasn’t worked. The Present Perfect может быть результативным и длительным. * Результативный настоящий перфект (the Present Perfect Resultative) выражает законченное действие, связанное с настоящим моментом через этот результат. На русский язык это время перево- дится глаголом совершенного вида в прошедшем времени («купил», «сделал», «прочитал»). I’ve bought a new disc today. Let’s listen to it. You can’t see her. She has gone home. The Present Perfect, как правило, употребляется co следующими наречиями: ever, just, already, before, never, not ... yet, lately, of late, so far, recently. Recently в значении “not long ago" («не так дав- но») употребляется с глаголом в прошедшем вре- мени (the Past Simple). I started painting only recently. We met quite recently. Recently в значении “for a short period of time before the present" («за последнее время») употреб- ляется с глаголом в the Present Perfect. I haven’t heard from her recently. He has made good progress recently. Have you bought anything new lately? I haven’t had lunch yet. She hasn’t written to me so far. Just, как правило, употребляется с глаголом в 96
Present Perfect. Just now употребляется с глаголом в the Past Simple. Сравните: I have just heard this news. She was here just now. Примечание 1. The Present Perfect возможно с обстоятельствами времени, которые обозначают не- законченный период времени (today, this morning, this week, this month, this year и т. д.). Если пери- од времени окончен, то используется простое про- шедшее время (the Past Simple). Did you read the article in “The Times” this morning? (утро закончилось) I haven’t had time to look at the paper today, (се- годняшний день еще не закончился) Примечание 2. The Present Perfect не употреб- ляется в вопросах, которые начинаются со слов when и how. В этих случаях используется простое про- шедшее время (the Past Simple). When did you meet! How did it happen! В вопросах, начинающихся co слов who, why, where, what, what ... for, возможны как the Present Perfect, так и the Past Simple. Who has done it? - Who did it? What has happened! - What happened! What have they come for? - What did they come for? Where have you been all this time? - Where were you? Примечание 3. The Present Perfect употребля- ется в придаточных предложениях времени, вводимых союзами when, before, as soon as, till, until, after для того, чтобы подчеркнуть завершенность действия. I shall believe you only after you have told me the truth. We shall talk about it after we have had supper. You’ll go for a walk as soon as you have done the work. 4-1112 97
Charlie, you won’t go for a walk until you have eaten up your porridge. * Длительный настоящий перфект (the Present Perfect Durative) выражает действие, которое нача- лось в прошлом, длилось какой-то период времени и все еще продолжается. Это время употребляется с глаголами, не имеющими формы продолженного вре- мени (Progressive). К ним относятся: be, have, see, hear, know, understand, like, love, hate, want, believe, remember, own, possess. Период времени, в течение которого происходит то или иное действие, обозначается фразой с предлогом for. На момент, с которого началось действие, как пра- вило, указывает слово since. На русский язык это вре- мя переводится глаголом в настоящем времени. We have known each other for ten years. (Мы зна- ем друг друга десять лет.) They have been partners since 1993. (Они партне- ры с 1993 года.) Не has had this car for five years already. (Он име- ет эту машину уже пять лет.) I have owned this flat since my parents bought it for me. (У меня эта квартира с тех пор, как мои родители купили ее для меня.) Это время переводится на русский язык глагола- ми несовершенного вида в настоящем времени («знаю», «имею», «владею»). Примечание. В предложениях с for-фразами, обозначающими период времени, возможно употреб- ление как the Present Perfect, так и the Past Simple. Если этот период относится к прошлому и не связан с настоящим, то употребляется the Past Simple. I studied music for five years when I was a child. We stayed in Riga for two months last year. Если период, в течение которого длится действие, непосредственно связан с настоящим моментом речи 98
(включая или исключая его), то используется the Present Perfect. I have been here for an hour and I am going to leave. We have known him for seven years and we like him very much. Настоящее совершенное продолженное время Present Perfect Progressive • Настоящее совершенное продолженное время (the Present Perfect Progressive) образуется с помо- щью вспомогательного глагола to be в the Present Perfect (have been, has been) и причастия I (четвер- той формы) смыслового глагола. I have been living in St. Petersburg all my life. She has been reading since morning. В вопросительных предложениях первый вспо- могательный глагол (have - has) ставится перед под- лежащим. Have you been living in St. Petersburg all your life? Has she been reading since morning? В отрицательных предложениях отрицательная частица not ставится после первого вспомогатель- ного глагола. I have not been living in St. Petersburg all my life. She has not been reading since morning. The Present Perfect Progressive может быть двух типов: длительным (Durative) и результативным (Resultative). • The Present Perfect Progressive Durative обозна- чает действие, которое началось в прошлом, продол- жалось какое-то время и все еще длится. Слова since и for выражают соответственно момент, с которого началось действие, и период времени, в течение кото- рого это действие продолжается: since 5 o’clock, since 4* 99
yesterday, for an hour, for a long time, for ages, for a month. It has been raining since morning. (Дождь все еще идет.) They have been waiting for the train for half an hour. (Они все еще ждут.) I have been thinking of you since I first saw you. (Я думаю о тебе с тех пор, как увидел тебя в первый раз.) Это время переводится на русский язык глагола- ми несовершенного вида в настоящем времени («идет», «ждут» и т. д.). Специальные вопросы часто начинаются со слов: How long? Since when...? How long have you been waiting for us? Since when have you been learning English? • The Present Perfect Progressive Resultative обо- значает действие, которое началось в прошлом, про- должалось какой-то период времени и только что закончилось, и результат этого действия очевиден. Come in! Гое been looking for you. Why are you silent? Have you been talking about me again? Don’t tell your father what we have been doing. Это время переводится на русский язык глагола- ми несовершенного вида в прошедшем времени («ис- кали», «говорили», «делали» и т. д.). ПРОШЕДШИЕ ВРЕМЕНА PASTTENSES Прошедшее простое время Past Simple * Прошедшее простое время (the Past Simple) в английском языке выражается второй формой смыс- лового глагола. 100
He came. He saw. He won. He lost the game. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образу- ются при помощи вспомогательного глагола do в прошедшем времени (did/did not) и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to. - Did he come? - He did not come. - Did he see? - He did not see. - Did he win? - He did not win. - Did he lose the game? - He did not lose the game. • The Past Simple употребляется для выражения: 1. Действия, имевшего место в прошлом и никак не связанного с настоящим моментом; на время совершения действия могут указы- вать слова: yesterday, ago, last week, the other day и т. д. He left yesterday. I read the book long ago. We met last week. 2. Последовательности действий при описании развития событий, I got up at nine o’clock yesterday, had a cold shower, dressed and made a cup of tea and some sandwiches. I had breakfast, read a paper and at about ten o’clock went to the office. 3. Действия, которое длилось некоторый период времени в прошлом и теперь закончено. Для обозначения периода времени обычно исполь- зуются фразы с предлогами for и during. Yesterday I walked in the park for two hours. He studied hard for six years to become a doctor. We met a lot of interesting people during the voyage. Something unusual happened during the perfor- mance. 4. Обычных, повторяющихся действий, на 101
которые указывают слова every (day, week, etc) usually, regularly, often, always, as a rule и т. д. Every Sunday she visited her relatives and helped them about the house. He attended all the lectures regularly last year. Примечание. Для выражения повторяющих- ся действий в прошлом используется также конструкция used to + инфинитив («иметь обыкновение что-то делать»). Му mother and I used to discuss all our problems. Last year I used to walk out my dog every morning. • Вопросительная и отрицательная формы кон- струкции образуются при помощи вспомогательных глаголов did, didn’t. Не used to smoke when he was young. Did he use to smoke when he was young? He didn’t use to smoke when he was young. He never smoked when he was young. Прошедшее продолженное время Past Progressive • Прошедшее продолженное время (the Past Progressive) образуется с помощью вспомогатель- ного глагола to be в the Past Simple (was/were) и причастия I смыслового глагола. I was reading. She was writing. В вопросительном предложении вспомогательный глагол выносится перед подлежащим. Were you reading"! Was she writing"! * The Past Progressive употребляется для выра- жения: 102
1. Действия, которое происходило в определен- ный момент в прошлом. Этот прошедший мо- мент может быть указан с помощью другого действия в форме the Past Simple или же об- стоятельством времени. You were sleeping when I left. She was having tea at five o’clock yesterday. 2. Действия, занимающего некоторый период времени в прошлом. When I met Helen in the street she told me that she was studying at the University. I knew that she was writing a new novel. 3. Характеристики человека в эмоционально окрашенной речи. This dealer was always talking about money! Whenever I met Peter he was constantly talking about his car. When I was a kid my mother was hiding sweets from me all the time! 4. Необычного, нехарактерного для человека состояния, поведения в определенный момент в прошлом. В этом значении, как правило, упот- ребляются глаголы, не имеющие формы про- долженного времени (Progressive). Не was happy as his wife was feeling better now. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing and hearing. We couldn’t understand why he was being so rude to us. 5. Действия в процессе в придаточных пред- ложениях с союзом while. В главном предло- жении, как правило, употребляется the Past Simple. She watched TV while the children were playing in the garden. While Nancy was cooking dinner, her husband read the letter. 103
Прошедшее совершенное время Past Perfect • Прошедшее совершевное время (the Past Perfect) образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to have в the Past Simple (had) и причас- тия II смыслового глагола. I had seen it. She had done it. They had arrived. Вспомогательный глагол had используется при образовании отрицательной и вопросительной форм. Had you seen it? She hadn’t done it. • The Past Perfect употребляется: 1. Для выражения действия, которое закончи- лось до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент может быть обозначен обстоятель- ством прошедшего времени или другим дей- ствием в прошлом. Matilda had finished reading the book by 9 o’clock (by that time, by Saturday). Yuri had done the work by the time his parents returned. They had finished the project by the end of the year. 2. С глаголами, не имеющими формы продол- женного времени, для выражения действия, ко- торое началось до определенного момента в про- шлом и все еще было в процессе в этот момент. Не told me he had been badly ill since he returned from the South. I knew that they hadn’t seen each other for many years. He realized he had been in love with her for a long time. 104
They had owned the house for twenty years when they decided to sell it. 3. Для выражения двух прошедших действий, одно из которых находится в процессе, а вто- рое завершилось к началу первого действия. The sky had cleared and the moon was shining on the snow. Rita had done the work and was speaking on the telephone. 4. В сложноподчиненных предложениях с при- даточными времени, вводимыми союзами scarcely ... when, hardly ... when, no sooner ... than («не успел ... как»; «едва ... как»). Hardly had the children got out of the house, when they saw a stranger in the yard. No sooner had Mary entered the garden, than she saw a beautiful bird. Scarcely had the spy left the pub, when the policemen caught him. Прошедшее совершенное продолженное время Past Perfect Progressive • The Past Perfect Progressive образуется с помо- щью вспомогательного глагола to be в the Past Perfect (had been) и причастия I смыслового глагола. We had been walking. She had been walking. В вопросительных предложениях первый вспо- могательный глагол выносится перед подлежащим. Had you been walking? Had she been walking? В отрицательных предложениях отрицательная частица not ставится после первого вспомогатель- ного глагола. 105
We had not been walking. She had not been walking. • The Past Perfect Progressive выражает действие, которое началось до определенного момента, или дей- ствия в прошлом и продолжалось вплоть до этого момента (включая или исключая его). They were tired as they had been walking for a long time already. She put aside the book which she had been reading. Sarah was the girl he had been looking for all his life. БУДУЩИЕ ВРЕМЕНА. ДРУГИЕ СПОСОБЫ ВЫРАЖЕНИЯ БУДУЩНОСТИ FUTURE TENSES. OTHER MEANS OF EXPRESSING FUTURE ACTIONS Будущее простое время Future Simple • Будущее простое время (the Future Simple) об- разуется при помощи вспомогательных глаголов shall и will и инфинитива смыслового глагола без частицы to. I shall call you tomorrow. He will soon come back. В современном английском языке есть тенден- ция к употреблению вспомогательного глагола will для всех лиц. Разница в употреблении shall и will полностью исчезает в современном английском яз м- ке в сокращенных формах ГН, you’ll, we’ll и т. д. Вспомогательные глаголы shall и will использу- ются в образовании вопросительных предложений. Для первого лица употребляется только глагол shall. Shall I help you? Shall we see you again? Will they join us? 106
What will you do next? В отрицательных предложениях отрицательная частица not следует за первым вспомогательным глаголом. We shall not meet soon. They will not join us. • The Future Simple выражает: 1. Действие, которое будет совершено в будущем. We shall meet and have a chat one of these days. It will be cold tomorrow. They will discuss it as soon as possible. 2. Действие, которое будет происходить в те- чение какого-то времени в будущем. We hope that they will live happily for many years. I think I shall be in love with you all my life. 3. Повторяющееся действие в будущем. We shall meet and talk and make plans from time to time. Will you phone me every week? • C the Future Simple, как правило, употребляют- ся следующие слова и фразы: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, one of these days (*на днях»), next week ... , in the near future, soon, some day, in, two days, in a year, in a month. Будущее продолженное время Future Progressive * Будущее продолженное время (the Future Progressive) образуется при помощи вспомогатель- ного глагола to be в the Future Simple (shall be, will be) и причастия 1 смыслового глагола. I shall be worrying about you. Don’t leave, we shall be having tea soon. 107
В вопросительных предложениях первый вспо- могательный глагол выносится перед подлежащим. Will you be worrying about him? Shall we be having dinner soon? В отрицательных предложениях отрицательная частица not следует за первым вспомогательным глаголом. I shall not be worrying about you. They will not be talking about it when you come. • The Future Progressive выражает: 1. Действие в процессе в определенный момент в будущем. Этот будущий момент может быть обо- значен обстоятельством будущего времени (или дру- гим будущим действием) или же будет в той или иной ситуации подразумеваться. It will be late. I am afraid he will be sleeping. In an hour we shall be flying over the ocean. 2. Действие, которое говорящий предвидит в бу- дущем. I must go now or my mother will be worrying about me. Stephanie is sure Ben will be telling her about his life again. Момент совершения действия в будущем может быть обзначен фразами типа the whole day, at that time, all day long, at the time, at the moment. Будущее совершенное время Future Perfect • Будущее совершенное время (the Future Perfect) образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола have в the Future Simple (shall have, will have) и причастия II смыслового глагола. Не will have signed the contract by two o’clock. I shall have read the magazine by that time. 108
The secretary will have typed the letter by the time the meeting begins. В вопросительных предложениях первый вспо- могательный глагол выносится перед подлежащим. Will he have signed the contract by two o’clock? Shall we have read the magazine by that time? Will the secretary have typed the letter by the time the meeting begins. В отрицательных предложениях отрицательная частица not следует за первым вспомогательным глаголом. Не will not have signed the contract by two o’clock. I shall not have read the magazine by that time. The secretary won’t have typed the letter. • The Future Perfect выражает действие, закон- чившееся до определенного момента в будущем. Этот будущий момент может быть выражен в предложе- нии либо обстоятельством будущего времени, либо придаточным предложением времени. They will have got my telegram by morning. She will have learned the news before this letter reaches her. Это время употребляется с обстоятельствами by that time, by then, by Sunday, by now, by the end of the year, by summer. Будущее совершенное продолженное время Future Perfect Progressive * Будущее совершенное продолженное время (the Future Perfect Progressive) образуется с помо- щью глагола to be в форме the Future Perfect (shall have been-, will have been) и причастия I смысло- вого глагола. I shall have been speaking. 109
He will have been running. Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения строятся обычным способом. • The Future Perfect Progressive выражает дей- ствие, которое началось до определенного момента в будущем и будет находиться в процессе вплоть до этого момента, включая его. Это время в английском языке употребляется очень редко, так как редко возникают ситуации, требующие употребления the Future Perfect Progressive Tense. I shall have been staying at this hotel for a week next Sunday. They will have been working for this firm for twenty years next May. Другие способы выражения будущего времени в английском языке Other Means of Expressing Future Actions in English • The Present Progressive употребляется для вы- ражения действия, которое запланировано и опреде- ленно состоится в ближайшем будущем (как пра- вило, с глаголами движения). I am leaving tonight. Не is coming to dinner on Thursday. * Сочетание модального глагола to be и инфини- тива указывает на действие, которое было заранее запланировано и которое должно быть выполнено. I’ve had a letter from home. I am to go back at once. Who is to do the talking today? Эта конструкция выражает приказания или ин- струкции, так как значение долга, обязанности в ней очевидно. You are not to talk to your father like this! He is not to treat his kids like that! 110
• Конструкция to be going + инфинитив очень употребительна в английском языке и обозначает намерение говорящего совершить действие в бли- жайшем будущем. I am going to tell him what I think of him. She is going to explain that tomorrow. Косвенная речь Reported Speech • В английском языке существует два способа передачи чужого высказывания. Прямая речь (the Direct Speech) передает его без всяких изменений. В косвенной речи (the Indirect Speech) чужая мысль пересказывается с изменением порядка слов, вре- менных форм, некоторых слов, а также интонации. Tony says, “I am late again!” - Tony says that he is late again. Sue said, “I am leaving tomorrow.” - Sue said that she was leaving the following day. * В косвенной речи могут передаваться утверж- дения, вопросы, приказания и просьбы. 1. При переходе из прямой речи в косвенную утверждение, как правило, становится прида- точным предложением (с союзом that), кото- рое в прошедшем времени подчиняется пра- вилу согласования времен. При передаче чу- жого высказывания могут происходить и лексические изменения. Глагол say, например, заменяется глаголом tell, если указано лицо, к которому обращаются. Ann says to me, “I’m hungry.” - Ann says to me (tells me) that she is hungry. ill
2. Просьбы, приказания, рекомендации в кос- венной речи имеют форму инфинитива. “Please, cross the road here,” the policeman says. - The policeman asks to cross the street there. The teacher says to his students, “Don’t forget to sign your papers.” - The teacher asks his students not to forget to sign their papers. The instructor says, “Don’t wash your jeans in hot water.” - The instructor warns not to wash my jeans in hot water. 3. Общий вопрос в косвенной речи имеет фор- му придаточного предложения, вводимого со- юзами if или whether, с прямым порядком слов. На русский язык такие предложения перево- дятся с помощью частицы ли. “Is it raining now?” he asks. - He asks if it is raining now. “Do you understand me?” she asks. - She asks if I understand her. “Are there any people there?” the manager asks. - The manager asks if there are some people there. 4. При передаче специального вопроса в кос- венной речи он становится придаточным пред- ложением, которое вводится союзным словом, соответствующим вопросительному слову в вопросе. Порядок слов в таких предложениях прямой. They ask, “What is the time?” - They ask what time it is. He asks, “When will it happen?” - He asks when it will happen. She asks us, “Who has come?” - She asks us who has come. We ask them, “How often do you meet?” - We ask them how often they meet. Предложения в зависимости от цели высказы- 112
вания могут вводиться следующими глаголами: add, advise, allow, describe, explain, complain, continue, inform, insist, note, observe, order, offer, promise, protest, remark, reply, remind, recommend, refuse, suggest, think, warn, wonder. I ask, “Who reads all these books?” - I wonder who reads all these books. “You can stay here till morning,” she says. - She allows me to stay here till morning. “Remember to phone your Granny,” he says to me. - He reminds me to phone my Granny. “Don’t take sharp knives,” Dad says to the children. - Dad warns the children not to take sharp knives. Согласование времен Sequence of Tenses * Согласование времен (the Sequence of Tenses) необходимо при передаче слов собеседника (при пе- реходе прямой речи в косвенную). Наречие времени, места, указательное местоиме- ние меняются следующим образом: yesterday - the day before, the previous day today - that day, the same day tomorrow - the day after, the following day the day before yesterday - two days before the day after tomorrow - in two days time last week - the week before the previous week now - then, immediately next week - the week after, the following week ago - before this - that these - those here - there 113
• Правила согласования времен обычно соблюда- ются в различных придаточных предложениях: 1. Если глагол в главном предложении стоит в форме настоящего или будущего времени, то глагол в придаточном предложении может быть в любом времени, необходимом по смыслу. They wonder where I am (was, will be, have been). We don’t know what she thinks (thought, will think) about it. 2. Если глагол з главном предложении стоит в форме прошедшего времени, то в придаточ- ном предложении происходит сдвиг времен. В подобных случаях правила согласования вре- мен могут быть обязательными или же факуль- тативными. • Правила согласования времен обязательны, если действие придаточного предложения рассматрива- ется с позиции прошлого времени. 1. Если действие придаточного предложения происходит одновременно с действием главно- го предложения, то в придаточном предложе- нии употребляются the Past Simple или the Past Progressive независимо от того, какое прошедшее время использовано в главном предложении. Не didn’t know where she was. They noticed that he was sleeping. 2. Если действие придаточного предложения пред- шествует действию главного предложения, то в придаточном предложении употребляются the Past Perfect или же the Past Perfect Progressive. She had a feeling that she had been deceived. I knew you had left Moscow. They understood what she had been doing. 114
3. Если действие придаточного предложения относится к будущему, то в придаточном упот- ребляется the Future-in-the-Past (простое или продолженное) или же один из способов выра- жения будущего времени. We hoped she would be back soon. Nobody told me what would happen next. He said she was going to have a snack. They told him he was to do the work. • Правила согласования, времен не соблюдаются в следующих случаях: 1. Если в придаточном предложении речь идет об общеизвестной истине или фактах, не требу- ющих доказательства и остающихся верными вплоть до момента речи. Му father said that the Earth moves and that it is round. The child was told that the sun rises in the East. Our geography teacher told us at the lesson that there aren’t any unknown islands left on the Earth. 2. С модальными глаголами must, should, ought to как правила согласования времен так- же не соблюдаются. I wrote that I must see him. - He said he should be more careful. These people advised me that I ought to see a doctor. 3. Если говорящий ссылается на слова собе- седника, которые только что были сказаны. Mary'. Don’t leave, Bess. Til make a cup of coffee for you. Bess to Tina: Mary said she will make a cup of coffee for me. 115
Sarah'. What’s the weather like in Moscow? Ann'. Oh, it’s snowing heavily. Sarah to Bell: Ann said that it is snowing heavily in Moscow. 4. Простое прошедшее время (the Past Simple) в придаточных предложениях времени, вводимых союзами when и since, не претерпевает никаких изменений. Michail said, “I haven’t met Susan since we parted.” - Michail said that he hadn’t met Susan since they parted. 5. Прошедшее продолженное время (the Past Progressive) не подвергается сдвигу времен. Не remarked: “When I came in, she was crying”. He remarked that when he came in, she was crying. Monica said, “When I came to the party, everybody was dancing.” - Monica said that when she came to the party, everybody was dancing. 6. При передаче последовательных событий, где указывается конкретная дата, прошедшее вре- мя глаголов не подвергается сдвигу времен. Не said that he was born in Kiev in 1970 and soon the family moved to Moscow. She said she graduated from University in 1995. Залог Voice • Залог (the Voice) - это форма глагола, кото- рая показывает, является ли предмет или лицо ис- полнителем действия или же они испытывают на себе действие, выраженное глаголом. В английском языке существует два залога - активный и пас- сивный. 116
* Активный (действительный) залог (the Active Voice) показывает, что лицо или предмет, выражен- ный подлежащим в предложении, является испол- нителем действия, которое выражено сказуемым. She is listening to her favourite song. My parents travel a lot. We didn’t catch any fish yesterday. * Пассивный залог (the Passive Voice) широко употребляется в современном английском языке. Как правило, пассивные конструкции используются, если нет необходимости называть исполнителя дей- ствия, который подразумевается из контекста или же ясен из той или иной ситуации. Her two brothers were killed in the war. The letter has been sent this morning. Форма пассивного залога образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в нужной форме и причастия II смыслового глагола: the Present Simple - is (am, are) done the Past Simple - was (were) done the Future Simple - will (shall) be done the Present Perfect - has (have) been done the Past Perfect - had been done the Future Perfect - will (shall) have been done the Future in the Past - would be done the Present Progressive - is (am, are) being done the Past Progressive - was (were) being done В пассивном залоге не употребляются такие сложные времена, как the Future Progressive, the Future Progressive in the Past и все формы the Perfect Progressive. В вопросительных предложениях первый вспо- могательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим. Was it done? When was it done? How has the work been done? Who will the work be done by? 117
В отрицательных предложениях отрицательная час- тица not стоит после первого вспомогательного глагола. The work was not done yesterday. The fax has not been sent. The fax won’t be sent today. The question is not being discussed now. • Пассивный залог в английском языке употребля- ется, как правило, с переходными глаголами, то есть с глаголами, которые имеют после себя дополнение: 1. Ряд английских глаголов может иметь два дополнения - прямое и косвенное. Наиболее употребительными из них являются: to tell, to give, to offer, to show, to pay, to promise, to send, to teach, to allow, to ask, to answer, to forgive, to invite, to advise. Такие глаголы образуют двойные конструкции в пассивном залоге. A very good job was offered to me. I was offered a very good job. He was promised a raise in the salary. A raise in the salary was promised to him. 2. Большое число глаголов в английском язы- ке употребляется с дополнением, имеющим предлог. В таких случаях предлог занимает место после глагола в пассивном залоге. The doctor was sent for. This film is much spoken about. The books were looked for everywhere, but weren’t found. You are being made fun of. Why is he always laughed at? This dictionary is often referred to. 3. Глаголы to explain (something to somebody), to point out, to announce, to dictate, to describe, to mention, to repeat, to suggest, to propose могут об- разовывать только одну пассивную конструкцию. 118
The difficulty was explained to her. A new plan was suggested to us. • Глаголы to sell, to wash, to peel, to crease, to wear, to burn употребляются в форме активного за- лога, хотя имеют пассивное значение. This dress washes and wears well and doesn’t crease. Love stories sell well. Dry leaves burn well. Такие глаголы, как to have, to lack, to become, to fit, to suit, to resemble, не употребляются в пассив- ном залоге, так как они обозначают не действие (или процесс), а состояние лица или предмета. This house lacks a big kitchen. John resembles his father. He has become a real professional. С пассивными конструкциями часто употребля- ются предлоги of, from, with, by. I was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. He was shot with a gun. This pie is made from eggs, milk and flour. Сложное дополнение Complex Object • После ряда глаголов в английском языке мо- жет употребляться сложное дополнение (the Complex Object), которое состоит из существитель- ного в общем падеже (или же местоимения в объек- тном падеже) и инфинитива (или же причастия I смыслового глагола). Оно возможно после следую- щих глаголов и фраз: to want, to expect, would prefer, would like, to get, to believe, to wish, to consider, to find, to persuade, to desire, to allow, to like, to order. Инфинитив после них употребляется-с частицей to. 119
Mum wants me to be happy. I don’t want you to leave. Nobody expected Monica to marry Henry. Do you expect them to join you? We would like you to visit us. I would prefer you to stay here. They will get you to do it. Nobody will make me give up this idea. I believe him to be an honest man. Why don’t you believe him to be алhonest manl I like it when it snows. (Мне нравится, когда идет снег). She likes it when all her family gathers at the table. Приведенные выше примеры, включающие слож- ное дополнение, переводятся на русский язык при- даточными предложениями. Мама хочет, чтобы я была счастлива. Мы хотели бы, чтобы вы навестили нас и т. д. * Инфинитив употребляется без частицы to пос- ле глаголов: 1. Чувственного восприятия: to feel, to hear, to see, to watch, to notice. I’ve never heard you sing. We’ve watched you grow for ma»y years. I. saw her leave the house. Everybody noticed Daniel turn pale. 2. Принуждения: to let, to make, to have. What makes you think so? Never let him go. They had the man do what they wanted. • После глаголов to see и to hear в значениях «знать* и «понимать» употребляется придаточное предложение. Сравните следующие предложения: We heard them laughing, (мы сами слышали это) 120
- We hear that he returned to Moscow, (мы слышали: знаем, кто-то сказал нам это) I see them playing, (я вижу это сам) - I see that you are wrong, (я вижу, понимаю это) * Для английского языка характерно употребле- ние сложного дополнения, в состав которого входит причастие П. Конструкции типа to have one's hair cut, to have one's teeth examined, to have one’s car serviced, to have one’s eyes tested, to have one's watch repaired и т. д. Обозначают, что не сам субъект вы- полняет действие, а кто-то другой делает это для него. Сравните в русском языке: «Мне помыли окна, отре- монтировали квартиру, проверили зубы» и т. д. I am going to have ту hair cut. It’s too long. You must certainly have your eyes tested. When are you going to have your piano tuned? Модальные глаголы Modal Verbs * Модальные глаголы (the Modal Verbs) явля- ются одним из средств выражения отношения гово- рящего к содержанию высказывания в современ- ном английском языке. К ним относятся глаголы can, may, must, to have to, to be to; ought to, should, need, dare, shall, will. Модальный глагол в сочета- нии с последующим инфинитивом образует состав- ное модальное глагольное сказуемое. * Модальные глаголы имеют следующие грам- матические особенности: 1. За ними следует инфинитив смыслового гла- гола без частицы to (за исключением глаго- лов ought to, to have to и to be to). 121
You must help them. Nelly can sing professionally. They ought to know it. 2. Вопросительная и отрицательная формы модальных глаголов образуются без помощи, вспомогательного глагола (за исключением глагола to have to). — Must we help them? - No, you needn't. — Can Nelly sing professionally? - No, she can't. — Ought we to consult a doctor? - No, you ought not. — Do students have to read a lot? - Yes, but they don’t have to read a lot during their holidays. 3. Глаголы can и may употребляются только в двух временах - the Present Simple и the Past Simple, глагол must имеет только одну форму. 4. Модальные глаголы не имеют окончания 3-го лица -е(з). Они также не имеют нелич- ных форм глагола - инфинитива, герундия, причастия. Для модальных глаголов харак- терны сокращенные отрицательные формы: can't, mustn't, oughtn't, shouldn't, needn't, shan't, won't. 5. Большинство модальных глаголов имеют бо- лее чем одно значение. Они могут представ- лять действие с точки зрения говорящего как необходимое, возможное, желательное, сомни- тельное, проблематичное или обязательное. Сравните выражение оттенков значения при помощи различных модальных глаголов. You can (may, must, should, have, ought to) decide the problem. You can join us. You are free today, (объективно существующая возможность) He can do the task, he is competent, (умственная возможность) 122
Bell can lift the box. He is strong enough, (фи- зическая возможность) They may join us. (разрешение) She must think of her education, (долг, обязан- ность) You should (ought to) be more understanding, (моральный долг, совет) I have to go. (вынужденная необходимость) You needn’t blame yourself, (отсутствие необхо- димости) CAN * Модальный глагол can имеет две временные формы: can (the Present Simple) - could (the Past Simple) * Модальный глагол can выражает: 1. Способность (умственную или физическую). Не can read a little French. Peter can speak five languages. I can swim very well. My sister can do any hard work. Это значение может также выражаться с по- мощью модальной фразы to be able to, которая может употребляться в настоящем, прошедшем и будущем времени. Don’t worry! I am able to look after myself. I was able to reach the camp before night fell. The tourists will be able to cross the river by ferry. 2. Объективно существующую возможность. You can get this dictionary from the library. Nobody can buy health and happiness. 3. Разрешение или просьбу в утвердительных и вопросительных предложениях. В отрица- тельных предложениях сап выражает запрет. 123
Can I go out? You can go out if you like. You can't go out. It’s late. Could выражает более вежливую просьбу: Could you close the door, please. («Не могли бы вы ...?») Could you do me a favour? 4. Удивление в вопросительных предложениях со- ответствует русскому «Неужели?». Can it be five o’clock already? Can it really be Nancy? Can he still be sleeping? В отрицательных предложениях can может вы- ражать недоверие («не может быть, чтобы»). It can’t be five o’clock already. It can’t be Nancy! He can’t be sleeping! Примечание. Запомните следующие выражения о модальным глаголом сап: Не couldn’t help laughing. («Он не мог удержаться, чтобы не ...») I can’t but ask him about it. («Мне ничего не оста- ется, как...») It can’t be possibly true. (He может быть, чтобы это была правда.) MAY * Модальный глагол may имеет две временные формы: may (the Present Simple) - might (the Past Simple) • Модальный глагол may выражает: 1. Возможность, существующую благодаря объективным обстоятельствам (только в утвер- дительных предложениях). 124
You may order a ticket by telephone. One may come across such things in everyday life. 2. Разрешение, просьбу (более формальные, чем с глаголом сап). You may take the exam now. May I go now? Yes, you may use my telephone. May I ask you a question, Sir? Might I trouble you for the sugar? (очень вежли- вая просьба) Примечание. В ответе, выражающем запре- щение, употребляется глагол must, a may не упот- ребляется. Might употребляется как прошедшее время от may только при согласовании времен. Jack said he might help us. Everybody hoped the situation might change. 3. Предположение, смешанное с сомнением (со- ответствует русскому « возможно», «может быть»). They may be at home. It may be true. It may happen to any person. В этом значении за глаголом may могут следо- вать различные формы инфинитива в зависимос- ти от того времени, когда происходит действие. She may be at work now. (Она, возможно, на ра- боте.) Не may be resting now. (Он, может быть, отды- хает сейчас.) Kate may have fallen ill. (Катя, возможно, забо- лела.) Stephen have been waiting for us for an hour already. (Стивен, возможно, ждет нас уже час.) MUST • Модальный глагол must имеет только одну вре- менную форму - the Present Simple. Она указывает, 125
что действие относится к настоящему или же к буду- щему времени. You must always trust us. (настоящее время) We must meet as soon as possible, (будущее время) Глагол must в косвенной речи не меняется, т. е. правило согласования времен в данном случае не соблюдается. The boss said to the secretary: “You must come at 10 o’clock”. The boss told the secretary that she must come at 10 o’clock. Для выражения долженствования в прошедшем и будущем временах употребляется модальный гла- гол to have to. I must take two exams this week. I had to work hard last week. I shall have to take the last exam next week. * Модальный глагол must выражает: 1. Обязанность, долг или необходимость. You must do this work. Must he do it himself? 2. Запрет ( в отрицательных предложениях). You must not come so late. No driver must break rules. Примечание. Отсутствие необходимости мо- жет выражаться глаголами need или have. - Must we hurry? - You needn’t hurry. - You have a lot of time. Must we go shopping today? - We don’t have to do it in the middle of the week. 3. Настойчивый совет. You mustn’t cry. You must take it easy. 4. В утвердительных предложениях модальный глагол must может выражать предположение. Не must be here already. He must be studying now. 126
TO HAVE TO Модальный глагол to have to выражает значение обязанности или необходимости, обусловленной об- стоятельствами и соответствует русскому значению «вынужден», «приходится», «должен в силу той или иной ситуации». То have to употребляется в настоя- щем, прошедшем и будущем временах. Вопроситель- ная и отрицательная формы модального глагола to have to образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола to do в соответствующем времени. Do I have to do this? Did he have to do it? Why does Tim have to work so hard? You don’t have to explain the details. They didn’t have to tell me what had happened. Have you had to walk all that way? TO BE TO * Основным значением модального глагрла to be to является значение предварительной взаимной до- говоренности о необходимости совершения како- го-либо действия. Сравните в русском языке значе- ния «условились», «договорились», «должен, обязан, суждено», «собирались». То be to может иметь фор- мы настоящего и прошедшего времен. При необхо- димости выразить будущее время употребляется модальный глагол to have to. Не is to come at exactly five. She was to phone after dinner. They will hdve to meet in court. Примечание. Перфектный инфинитив после гла- гола to be to показывает, что действие планирова- лось, но не было выполнено. Не was to have come at seven and now it’s already nine. (Он не пришел.) Сравните: She was to do it. (Возможно, она это сделала.) 127
She was to have done it. (Но она этого не сделала.) * То be to может также выражать приказание. You are to report to the captain. They are to give up that crazy plan! • В отрицательных предложениях to be to обо- значает запрет. You are not to open the box! She is not to appear here! To be to употребляется в вопросительных пред- ложениях для получения дальнейших указаний или- инструкций. What are we to do? Are we to leave or to stay here? — Am I to follow you? - No, you are not. SHOULD * Глагол should может быть вспомогательным или модальным. Should как вспомогательный глагол не имеет собственного лексического значения и используется для образования the Future in the Past (будущее в прошед- шем) или же форм сослагательного наклонения. We felt we should meet soon. If I were you I should do the same. • Should как модальный глагол выражает долг, обязанность, часто ослабленные до значения сове- та, упрека. You should inform the police. (Вам следует проин- формировать полицию.) Tony’s parents should think about his future. (Ро- дителям Тони следует подумать о его будущем.) They should think twice before they agree to that. (Им следует хорошо подумать, прежде чем согла- шаться на это.) Временная отнесенность действия выражается при помощи различных форм инфинитива, следующих за глаголом should. 128
You should be friendly to people, (действие отно- сится к настоящему или же к будущему: - Вам следует быть дружелюбным с людьми вообще.) The secretary should be working now and not polishing her nails! (действие относится к моменту речи: - Секретарю в данный момент следует рабо- тать, а не делать маникюр.) You should have phoned us. (перфектный инфини- тив после глагола should показывает, что действие было желательно, но оно не было выполнено: - Вам следует позвонить нам.) You should not have phoned, (отрицательная фор- ма перфектного инфинитива после глагола should показывает, что действие имело место, но было не- желательно: — Вам не следовало звонить им.) Сравните также следующие предложения: You should have bought that book. It’s interesting. - You shouldn’t have bought that book. It’s boring. Victor should have taken that job. It’s well-paid. - Victor shouldn’t have taken that job. It’s underpaid. • Should употребляется после глаголов suggest, propose, recommend, insist, demand, assure. I suggest you should come at five. He insists everybody should take part in the test. Should употребляется также в эмоциональной речи в вопросительных предложениях для выра- жения удивления, недоумения, возмущения после слов why, how. Why should I go there right now? («С какой стати...?») How should I know? (А откуда мне знать?) OUGHTTO • Глагол ought to имеет лишь форму настоящего времени. Инфинитив, следующий за ним, употребляет- ся с частицей to. Временная отнесенность действия 5-1112 129
передается при помощи формы следующего за этим глаголом инфинитива. You ought to decide it now. (действие относится к настоящему времени: - Вам следует решить это сей- час.) Charlie, you ought to be sleeping, but not watching, that horror film! (действие относится к моменту речи в настоящем времени: - Чарли, тебе следует спать, а не смотреть этот фильм ужасов!) You ought to have decided it long ago. (прошед- шее действие, которое было желательно, но выпол- нено не было: - Вам следовало решить это давно.) • Глагол ought to выражает совет, моральный или социальный долг. You ought to be more responsible. Young people ought to respect their elders. They ought not to complain. NEED • Глагол need может быть как смысловым (пол- нозначным), так и модальным. Сравните: We need your help. - We need to be patient. Do you need my help? - Need we be patient? We don’t need your help. - We needn’t be so patient. Полнозначный глагол need употребляется во всех временах. I need to speak to you. I needed you badly yesterday. I will always need you. • Модальный глагол need выражает необходи- мость сделать что-то и соответствует значению в языке «нужно», «обязательно необходимо», «надо». You need to work harder. She needs to improve her manners. Do I need to explain it again? Yot- don’t need to do it. You really needn’t do it. 130
Смысловая разница между формами you don’t need to и you needn’t незначительна. Сравните: - Must I do it right now? - No, you needn’t do it now. (Или: You don’t need to do it now.) You needn’t complain, you are a lucky man. (Или: You don’t need to complain.) They needn’t wait for me, I have to make some calls. (Или: You don’t need to wait for me.) Однако предпочтительна форма Do I need to...? We don’t need to... . Do I need to call the doctor for you? - You don’t need to do it. I am better now. You don’t need to be so official. You don’t need to tell you that we are old friends? • Перфектный инфинитив после отрицательной формы глагола need показывает, что действие было совершено, но в этом не было необходимости. You needn’t have worried. I’m fine. (He нужно было волноваться. Все в порядке.) You needn’t have taken your umbrella. (Напрасно ты взяла зонт.) Проблемные глаголы Problem Verbs Следующие пары глаголов, как правило, вызыва- ют трудности при их использовании. • Lie - Lay. Глагол to lie (lay-lain-lying) являет- ся непереходным, т.е. не может иметь после себя дополнение, и выражает значение «лежать», «нахо- диться». Глагол to lay (laid-laid-laying) является переходным и обязательно требует после себя упот- ребление дополнения и имеет значение «положить что-то», «накрыть что-то». Сравните: 5* 131
She lay reading a book. He laid the file on the table. Don’t lie in the sun too long. Don’t lay the papers on the kitchen table. • Rise - Raise. Глагол to rise (rose-risen-rising) является непереходным, после него не употребляет- ся дополнение. Он имеет значение «подняться», «пой- ти наверх». Глагол to raise (raised-raised-raising) является переходным, он требует обязательного упот- ребления после себя дополнения, т. к. выражает зна- чение «поднять что-то». Сравните: Не rose from the chair and switched on the light. The worker raised the heavy box lasily. The temperature is rising today. The pupil raised his hand to ask a question. • Sit - Set. Глагол to sit (sat-sat-sitting) явля- ется непереходным, за ним не может следовать до- полнение. Он передает значение «сесть», «сидеть». Глагол to set (set-set-setting) является переходным, за ним должно следовать дополнение. Он имеет зна- чение «поставить что-то», «установить что-то». Every day after dinner she sits in the armchair knitting something. She sets fresh flowers on the table once a week. I was sitting at my dask reading. The doctor set my broken arm. • Find - Found. Глагол to find (found-found- finding) имеет значение «найти что-то». Глагол to found (founded-founded-founding) имеет значение «основать что-то». Не cannot find work. They founded this theatre in 1870. We must certainly find a way out. Cortes founded Mexico City.
Раздел I. Синтаксис Section I. Syntax Типы предложений. Главные и второстепенные члены предложения Types of Sentences. Main and Secondary Parts of the Sentence УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 1. Прочитайте, переведите и определите, являются ли предложения простыми, сложносочиненными или сложноподчи- ненными. 1. I love English. 2. It is a very beautiful language. 3. When I think about you, I feel happy. 4. Come in and we shall have a nice chat. 5. Robert had a cup of milk and went to bed. 6. If you have a strong cough, put a spoon of honey in your tea. 7. The room was warm and comfortable. 8. She is the person who cares for me. 9. There was no moon and the sky was black. 10. She was sure that when she grew up she would become a pop-singer. 11. It was raining heavily though the wind had died down. 12. Make a cup of tea for us while I’m laying the table. 13. Shall we see you again after you come back from London? 14. I have loved you ever since I saw you first. 15. Ted looks unhappy because he got a bad mark. 135
Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения. Определите тип предложения по цели высказывания. 1. Life is full of surprises. 2. Don’t answer back! Do as I tell you! 3. Can I have a Mars bar, Dad? 4. She blew him a kiss and went away. 5. I’ve just had an absolutely brilliant idea. 6. Is there anything interesting on TV tonight? 7. Karate is an art form which comes from the mysterious East. 8. Don’t you recognize me, darling?! 9. My friends never let me down. 10. She is not pleased with her new dress. 11. - John is late for class again. - What a shame! 12. You have never flown by Concorde, have you? 13. It’s healthy to get up early with the sun. 14. I had such a delicious big supper last night. 15. Shall we go for a walk? 16.1 don’t like spicy food. 17. The inspector didn’t trust the young man. Задание 3. Определите, чем выражено подлежащее в следую- щих предложениях. 1. Alison lives next door to us. 2. He and I are business partners. 3. Something is wrong with the computer again! It must be a virus. 4. It’s bitter cold today. 5. The Wilsons are redecorating their house. 6. To help you is my pleasure. 7. Walking is a good way to avoid stress. 8. The unemployed demand more job vacancies. 9. Seven is considered to be a lucky number. 10. Being in love is wonderful! 11. The homeless dream of a warm house. 12. Yours was the best project. 13. Your ifs and buts always irritate me! 14. There is an orange in the vase. 15. There is no news today. 16. There are a lot of new words in this text. Задание 4. Найдите подлежащее в следующих предложе- ниях. 1. In a dark, dark wood, there was a dark, dark house. And in that dark, dark house, there was a dark, dark room. 136
And in that dark, dark room, there was a dark, dark cupboard. And in that dark, dark cupboard, there was a dark, dark shelf. And in that dark, dark shelf, there was a dark, dark box. And in that dark, dark box, there was a dark, dark ghoetl 2. It is impossible to make any decision. 3. It doesn’t matter, believe me. 4. It rains a lot here in the summer. 5. It’s the fifth of April today. 6. It’s foggy outside and it’s raining. Задание 5. Заполните пропуски словами there или it. 1. ... is a new film on TV today. ... is a French comedy. 2. ... is a flower in the vase. ... is a tulip. 3. ... is good information. ... is no doubt about it. 4. ... is a long break at twelve o’clock. ... is our lunchtime. 5. ... is necessary to go ahead. ... is no way back. 6. ... was a full moon in the sky, ... was midnight. 7. ... was late, ... were no people in the street. 8. ... is one child in the family, ... is a boy. 9. ... was early spring, ... were some snowdrops in the forest. 10. ... is a pity that ... isn’t any news. 11. ... are eight hundred pages in the book, ... is too long. 12. ... is too early, ... are no people at the office. 13. ... are about twenty of us, ... is a big group. 14. ... was a reason for this and ... was a serious one. 15. ... is difficult to speak English correctly, ... are so many rules to remember. 16. ... was a garden behind the house, ... was a secret garden. 17. ... is a sunny morning, ... are no clouds in the sky. 18. ... are so many English textbooks in the shops, ... makes teachers and students happy. 19. ... is winter, ... is snow everywhere. 20. ... was little time left, ... was time to start for the airport. 137
Задание 6. А. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. На этой улице много новых домов. 2. Новые дома в этом районе красивые и удобные. 3. В этом рассказе много полезных выражений. 4. Выраже- ния очень интересные. 5. В нашем городке есть оз- доровительный центр (fitness centre). 6. Оздорови- тельный центр открывается в семь часов утра. 7. На моем письменном столе есть глобус. 8. Глобус боль- шой и красивый. 9. В кошельке есть немного де- нег. 10. Деньги в ящике. 11. В сегодняшней газете много сведений. 12. Газета сегодня очень информа- тивна. 13. В комнате есть несколько картин. 14. Картины на стенах очень красивые. 15. В вит- рине магазина есть очень красивое платье. 16. Пла- тье слишком дорогое, я не могу купить его. В. Коммуникативное задание. Побеседуйте с друзьями о райо- не, улице, доме, квартире, в котерой вы живете. Используйте сле- дующие возможные вопросы. 1. Is your district new or old? 2. Are there big or small houses in the area? 3. Is it far from the city centre? 4. Does it take you long to get to your school (office, work)? 5. Is there a bus stop near your house? 6. Where do you do your shopping? 7. Are there any theatres, cinemas, libraries, clubs in your street? 8. Is there a fitness centre (a swimming-pool) where you live? 9. Do any of your relatives (friends) live near you? 10. Where do you take your dog out for a run (if you have one)? Задание ?. Заполните пропуски одной из приведенных ниже форм. there is / are there was / were there has / have been there had been there will be 138
1. Do you think ... people like us on other planets? 2. I noticed that ... a misprint in the text. 3. Have a look! ... a butterfly on the bush. 4. We don’t think ... any other visitors today. 5. Lucy came screaming out of the kitchen because ... a cockroach on the wall. 6. It is Sunday tomorrow, so ... fewer traffic jams. 7. ... any wars in the 20th century? 8. ... any faxes for me, have there? 9. When she got to the booking-office, they told her that ... a mistake, and they had given her ticket to somebody else. 10. ... anybody at home if I come to you tomorrow? Задание 8. Определите тип сказуемого в следующих предложе- ниях. 1. They gave a wonderful show last night. 2. The concert was fantastic! 3. Amanda is very diligent. 4. She takes her studies seriously. 5. Frederick is an honest person. 6. Can you talk to me honestly just for once? 7. It was a lucky chance. 8. All ended luckily. 9. - He has worked hard all his life. - Yes, he really is a hard worker. 10. You must think hard about what I am offering you. 11. She hardly knows what to do with her children. 12. I’m so tired that I can hardly move. 13. Give it a hard push when you try to open the door. 14. Chris would like to buy a fast car. 15. News travels pretty fast. 16. We had a late lunch at a hotel. 17. I started learning English quite late in life. 18. I have made good progress in my studies lately. 19. Have you heard of him lately? 20. As we took an early train, we arrived in London quite early. Задание 9. Определите тип глагольного сказуемого в следую- щих предложениях. 1. Mr. Robinson manages his firm well. 2. We have worked together for twenty years already. 3. My Granny had lunch and went for a walk in the park. 139
4. All her life Tina has been dreaming of becoming a dancer. 5. I can’t find words to say I love you. 6. Should I follow all your advice? 7. They started running as fast as they could. 8. Since I read it I keep thinking about it. 9. They began to visit each other regularly. 10. I’m sorry, I have to leave. 11. You needn’t have done it for us. 12. It has just stopped raining. 13. You should have thought twice about it! 14. We were to meet at five, just after the lecture. 15. Do you need my help, Mary? Задание 10. Определите значение связочных глаголов в следу- ющих предложениях. 1. It is a good question. 2. It seems like a good question. 3. It grew dark suddenly. 4. Our climate is getting warmer and" warmer. 5. My brother became an expert in his field. 6. You look terrific today! 7. I am feeling lonely, everybody has left me. 8. The stranger looked suspicious to the children. 9. Robin turned pale. 10. Thebookprovedinteresting.il. The people kept silent. 12. The weather remained fine all through the autumn. 13. Susan appears quite ignorant about it. 14. The child is so cute! 15. The strawberries are fresh and they taste delicious. Задание 11. Выберите правильное слово. 1. Bill Bryson is a ... politician. He always chooses words ... . (careful - carefully) 2. Nigel is a ... boy. He did this work .... (clever - cleverly) 3. The cat looked ... at the steak. The dog looked ... . (hungry - hungrily) 4. After a week of rest Hugh felt ... . He helps his parents and feels ... about it. (good - well) 5. We always have ... coffee at the office. It cheers up everybody .... (instant - instantly) 6. My brothers are ... lawyers. They handle all their cases ... . (success- ful - successfully) 7. These are ... methods. You can 140
use them ... . (effective - effectively) 8. At school I had very ... teachers. My parents also brought me up ... . (strict - strictly) 9. Her manners are very ... . She treats people ... . (good - well) 10. He behaved ... to his son. He must get rid of his ... habits, (bad - badly) 11. The Peacocks are our ... customers. They buy from us ... . (regular - regularly) 12. - My little cousins eat and drink ... . - Yes, they are very ... children, (noisy - noisily) 13. Kate answered us ... . In general she seems ... . (shy - shyly) 14. Stay ... . You should accept such words ... . (calm - calmly) 15. Irina is a... woman. She manages her husband ... . (gentle - gently) 16. Why do you look so ...? And why did you answer me so ... ? (angry - angrily) Задание 12. Переведите на английский язык, используя слова, данные в скобках, или же соответствующие им наречия. 1. Это срочное дело, и нам срочно нужна ваша помощь, (urgent) 2. - Я хотела бы узнать точную дату нашей встречи. - Я не могу ответить вам сей- час точно, (exact) 3. Они устроили нам теплый при- ем и сердечно нас поприветствовали, (warm) 4. - Вы плохо спали прошлой ночью? - Да, я видела пло- хой сон. (bad) 5. Ты должен ответить нам немед- ленно и принять безотлагательные меры, (immediate) 6. - Нам нужна полная информация. - Да, мы пол- ностью с вами согласны, (full) 7. Небо сегодня яс- ное, и я четко вижу на нем радугу, (clear) 8. Денис легко согласился на наше предложение, так что для нас это была легкая задача, (easy) 9. - Давайте об- судим недавние события. - Я не читала газеты в последнее время, (recently) 10. Ты никогда не отве- чаешь правильно, а я бы хотел услышать правиль- ный ответ, (correct) 11. Вселенная бесконечна. Я думаю об этом бесконечно, (endless) 12. Она мило улыбнулась мне. Она такая милая девупн<а1 (sweet) 141
13. Ты работаешь так много, что мне практически не удается тебя увидеть, (hard) 14. - Как он все- таки быстро водит машину! - Да, он во всем быст- рый. (fast) 15. Температура в моей квартире всегда постоянна. Моя мама постоянно регулирует радиа- тор. (constant) 16. Романы А. Кристи широко изве- стны, и у нас в библиотеке есть широкий выбор ее книг, (wide) Задание 13. Найдите дополнения в следующих предложениях и определите, являются ли они прямыми или косвенными. 1. Buy me an ice-cream, please. 2. Are you going to explain it to me? 3. Dictate this rule to the students, please. 4. Show me the new computer. 5. Look at the map. 6. - I’ve never seen a ghost. - Have you? 7. I want to be with you. 8. Call me tonight. 9. I shall never forget you. 10. Nina is married to my cousin. 11. I’ve been thinking of you! 12. Peter will not tell her about his adventure. 13. The secretary gave the mail to the boss. 14. I’ve never translated from Spanish into English. 15. Barbara parked the car near the shopping-centre. 16. I’d like to introduce you to my friends. 17. Listen to your heart! Задание 14. Измените предложения по образцу, если это воз- можно. Образец: Give this disk to Victor. - Give Victor this disk. 1. Show your new passport to the inspector. 2. Send a Christmas card to your grandparents. 3. Pass the ketchup to Dad. 4. Don’t lend any money to Vladimir. He never gives it back. 5. Take the telegram and pass it to Henry. 6. He has two small daughters and he often gives presents to them. 7. I need your car badly. Can you lend it to me? 8. Mr. Parker gave a master class to 142
his students. 9. Describe this picture to me. 10. She taught Latin to my son. 11. Tell your new telephone number to the secretary. 12. Sing this wonderful song to us, Maria. 13. You will have to pay the money to them here and now. 14. Would you get a beer for me? 15. Let me make some coffee for you, girls. Задание 15. Заполните пропуски перед дополнениями с помо- щью правильных предлогов. 1. I am fond ... listening to music. 2. You can always rely ... me. 3. The secretary reminded everybody ... the meeting. 4. Nobody objects ... this plan. 5. The boy smiled ...the pretty girl. 6. She was proud ...her son’s progress. 7. Brian shook hands ... us and introduced his companion ... us. 8. Are you interested ... astrology? 9. Don’t worry, I am not angry ... you. 10. I really got angry ... his words. 11. When Susan looked ... the clock;it was midnight. 12. Nobody can be sure ... such things. 13. We never talk ... each other ... our private lives. 14. Can you wait ... us a minute? 15. Much depends ... good luck. 16. - What are you looking ...? - My dog has run away. 17. Helen is a baby-sitter. She looks ... her neighbours’ children. 18. Thank you ... everything you’ve done ... my family. 19. I asked my Mum ... money, but I didn’t get it. 20. He doesn’t read newspapers, he just looks them ... . Задание 16. Переведите на английский язык. 1. Я хочу подарить маме что-то необычное на день рождения. 2. Все пожелали ей много-тиного счастья. 3. Она собирается почитать нам свои стихи. 4. По- лицейский попросил меня показать ему мои води- тельские права. 5. Не могли бы вы передать мне хлеб? 6. Почитай мне сказку, мамочка. 7. Позволь- те нам пригласить вас на эту церемонию. 8. Я одол- жила ему свой словарь. 9. Я хочу показать тебе мои 143
новые книги. 10. Учитель объяснил детям это за- дание. 11. Она купила ребенку плитку молочного шоколада. 12. Он предложил мне сигарету, а я от- казалась. 13. Мы пожелали всем доброй ночи. 14. Не клади руки в карманы. 15. Родители, как правило, дают хорошие советы своим детям. 16. Мы планируем обсудить эту проблему с директором. 17. Мой сын задал мне вопрос, но я не смог ответить на него. 18. Она замужем за славным парнем. Задание 17. Заполните пропуски предлогами to или for. 1. Put on your warm coat... warmth. 2. He referred ... this dictionary constantly. 3. Why didn’t you introduce me ... your boyfriend? 4. Margaret dictated the business letter ... the manager. 5. He did his best ... his children. 6. My cousin promised to find a job ... me. 7. I can’t express how grateful I am ... you. 8. Does this wonderful house belong ... you? 9. How are you going to explain it ... your wife, Johnny? 10. They arranged a conference ... the mayor. 11. She described all the details ... me. 12. Is it really so important ... you? 13. Well, is everything clear ... you, children? 14. She used to read all the letters ... her Granny. Задание 18. Найдите определения в следующих предложениях и объясните, чем они выражены. 1. It was a small cosy room. 2. It happened on a December night. 3. I like Jessica’s earrings. 4. Did you see his new scooter? 5. Have you got any new ideas? 6. It’s miserable weather today, isn’t it? 7. The streets of Moscow have become very beautiful lately. 8. I saw a girl dancing in the hall and I fell in love with her. 9. The rising sun made everything look beautiful. 10. The house built by my grandfather is made of wood. 11. The scared child couldn’t say a word. 12. On the second day of our trip there was a strange incident. 144
13. She has a talent to tell people’s future. 14. I hope to have a chance of travelling around the world one day. 15. He has a bright post-card of a London double- decker. 16. The photo which is standing on the piano was taken some twenty years ago. 17. A busker is a person who sings in the streets for money. 18. Tina was wearing a dress that was too tight on her. Задание 19. Найдите обстоятельства в следующих предложе- ниях, определите их значение и укажите, чем они выражены. 1. Don’t go out alone in the middle of the night. 2. Our teacher speaks English perfectly. 3. My relatives live in the country all the year round. 4. I like your new shoes very much. 5. He was very much surprised at hearing it. 6. I’ve missed you a lot! Where have you been all this time? 7. They went there with a heavy heart. 8. The stranger spoke in an easy friendly manner. 9. She is as pretty as a calendar picture. 10. - Did you come to work by car this morning? - No, on foot. I took my car to the service-station a week ago. 11. He works at the laboratory hard from morning till night. 12. After waiting for a few moments impatiently, he left angrily. 13. What a shame we have our birthday once a year! 14. They stood side by side looking tenderly at the playing children. 15. Though he was tired he started working at once. Задание 20. Поставьте слово, данное в скобках, в нужную позицию. 1. Timothy is sure of his plans, (never) 2. Erica congratulates me on my birthday, (always) 3.1 can remember her fax number, (never) 4. We have lunch at McDonald’s, (sometimes) 5. He is angry with his naughty children, (often) 6. The Fletchers go to the opera, (often) 7. Rita makes mistakes in spelling, (seldom) 8. Our neighbours are kind to our dog. (generally) 9. Sit to table! We are having dinner, (just) 145
10. If you see her (ever), say a big hello to her. 11. I am sorry, but they have left, (already) 12. Don’t worry, your friends know the great news, (already) 13. Mind, you must answer me back! (never) 14. You should come to the lecture on time, (always) 15.1 haven’t seen Max’s new girlfriend, (yet) Задание 21. Поставьте наречия, данные в скобках, в нужную позицию. 1. Does your son work on the computer in the evenings? (usually) Is he tired after that? (often) 2. Do your parents discuss their problems with you? (always) 3. Is he frank with you? (never) 4. Have you invited Ben to the party? (yet) 5. Have you been to Hong Kong? (ever) 6. Can you rely on your partner? (always) 7. Is it a difficult task? (generally) 8. Haven’t you finished your project? (yet) 9. Can he love me? (ever) 10. Can you break the rules? (sometimes) 11. Is he generous to you? (always) 12. Does Sam tell you the truth? (ever) 13. It has started raining, (just) 14. Is it warm in September? (usually) 15. Have you lost your temper? (ever) Задание 22. Дайте правильный порядок слов в следующих пред- ложениях. 1. You, watch, last night, did, the football match? 2. English, am learning, to speak, I, fluent, now. 3. Fred, you, his, has invited, to, party, housewarming. 4. She, really, heavy, such a , is, smoker? 5. This photo, Brian, did, when and where, take? 6. Can, guess, he, never, I, about, is thinking, what. 7. In Ireland, have been living, my aunt and uncle, since 1995. 8. Never, in Africa, warm clothes, people, wear. 9. Rains, in the Himalayas, often, it, in spring, early. 10. Short, so, is, life, and, it, you, always, must, enjoy. 11. Romantically, started, this, in America, story, long ago, love. 12. A 146
small garden, to have, in which, I’d like, flowers, my, plant, favourite, every spring, I could. Основные типы вопросительных предложений Main Types of Questions УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 23. Поставьте общие вопросы к следующим предло- жениям. 1. I live in a big city. 2. We are students. 3. She can play chess very well. 4. He knows a lot of people in the city. 5. Tom has an interesting job. 6. He has a lovely time in the country every weekend. 7. It is interesting for me to study English. 8. It’s getting cold outside. 9. I shall help you, don’t worry. 10. I have spoken to the chief. 11. Winter has come. 12. I enjoyed my holiday greatly. 13. I had a bath an hour ago. 14. I am deeply interested in this matter. 15. They got married last December. Задание 24. Поставьте специальные вопросы к следующим предложениям, используя данные слова и фразы. 1. I got up early this morning. (What time...?) 2. She lives rather far from here. (How far...?) 3. It’s interesting work. (What kind of...?) 4. My friends live in America. (Where...?) 5. I am going to visit you next week. (When...?) 6. Sam is going to relax today. (What...?) 7. Can you give me some money? (How much...?) 8. I was born in 1980. (When...?) 9. Something strange happened yesterday. (What...?) 10. The film is too boring. (What kind of...?) 147
11. I am a theatre-goer. (What...?) 12. She has a lot of books in her library. (Where...?) 13. Russia and Canada are big countries. (What kind of...?) 14. There is some money in the box. (What...?) 15. Somebody phoned you. (Who...?) Задание 25. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам по об- разцу. Образец: 1. She visits a dancing school. - Who visits a dancing school? What does she visit? 2. Mike is waiting for his friend. - Who is waiting for his friend? Who is Mike waiting for? 1. Nick saw an accident. 2. Sandra married John. 3. He reads a lot of newspapers. 4. She is talking to the guide. 5. Fleur sells flowers. 6. Tom thought about his problem. 7. I am going to order pizza. 8. The children visited the Zoo on Sunday. 9. They have passed the interview. 10. There are bright stars in the sky. 11. I don’t like to play tennis. 12. She is looking at the sea. 13. The house needs painting. 14. Bobby is looking for a job. 15. He can’t translate this fax. Задание 26. Поставьте альтернативные вопросы к следующим предложениям. 1. There are ten students in my group. 2. Mario wants to become a singer. 3. It’s already dark outside. 4. Betty can play the piano. 5. My mother is my best friend. 6. She will get this information tomorrow. 7. Kate’s father is a tall man. 8. We met two years ago. 9. They have been here for an hour already. 10. The partners must give the answer now. 11. My brother has a large family. 12. Students have to be 148
hard-working. 13. My little son has to be very careful with his keys. 14. My granny is sixty years old. 15. I’d like a glass of cola. Задание 27. Выберите из правой колонки правильный разде- лительный вопрос. 1. You usually start your work a. can she? at nine o’clock, b. do they? 2. Tamara can’t speak c. has he? any foreign language, d. don’t you? 3. He hasn’t got a pet, e. aren’t I? 4. You can always trust me, f. will you? 5. They never argue with me, g. did they? 6. Helen didn’t come to the party, h. weren’t they? 7. We are going to see the ocean i. shall we? tomorrow, j. will (would) you? 8. You haven’t been to the k. could it? Bolshoi before, 1. will she? 9. He isn’t lazy, m. aren’t we? 10. Pamela won’t date Jack, n. can’t you? 11. I am lucky, o. did she? 12. Pay attention, p. is he? 13. Don’t be late, q. have you? 14. Nobody called for me, 15. Everyone was very happy, 16. Nothing could be better, 17. Let’s start, Задание 28. Поставьте разделительные вопросы к следующим предложениям. А. 1. You are Marina Serebrova, ...? 2. Не isn’t а student, ...? 3. She lives in York, ...? 4. You have a big family, ...? 5. They have lunch at one o’clock, ...? 6. My father has to drive to his office, ...? 7. He doesn’t have to get up too early, ...? 8. German isn’t difficult, ...? 9. There is a lot of light in this hall, ...? 149
10. There are no stars in the sky, ...? 11. Ted didn’t come to class yesterday, ...? 12. Our teacher gave us much homework to do, ...? 13. You didn’t have to lie to her, ...? 14. It snows a lot in Siberia, ...? 15. It never rains in the Gobi, ...? 16. Those are your gloves, ...? 17. I am a fool, ...? 18. We haven’t met before, ...? 19. He has never been to Jamaica, ...? 20. The Browns will never sell their house, ...? B.l. He can cook well, ...? 2. You can’t buy happiness, ...? 3. Rob must keep his word, ...? 4. You mustn’t smoke here, ...? 5. Let’s start working, ...? 6. Let’s not argue, ...? 7. Make him take his words back, ...? 8. Don’t shout at me, ...? 9. Nothing ever happens to me, ...? 10. Everything depends on the situation, ...? 11. Everyone will be present at the conference, ...? 12. Nobody has ever thought about it, ...? 13. Something should be done to help them, ...? 14. I used to live in the street, ...? 15. He never used to drink coffee, ...? 16. We need a new washing- machine, ...? 17. You needn’t worry about it, ...? 18. Everyone is informed about it, ...? 19. Nobody phoned me today, ...? 20. No one agrees with him, ...? Задание 29. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. - Кто он такой? - Это Денис, мой друг. 2. - Чем он занимается? - Он врач. 3. Где ваш сын про- водит вечера? 4. - Это ваша собака? - Нет. - А чья она? - Никто не знает. 5. Кто из вас говорит по- испански? 6. Во сколько вы заканчиваете работу? Вы никогда не приходите домой рано, не так ли? 7. В этом году немного фруктов, не так ли? 8. Ка- кая сегодня погода? 9. Какое сегодня число? Какой сегодня день? 10. Который час? 11. Сколько лет вашей бабушке? Ей столько же лет, сколько вашему дедушке? 12. Я прав, не так ли? 13. Как часто вы отдыхаете? Вы отдыхаете в Крыму или на Кавказе? 150
14. - Все ли студенты были на вечере? Вечер всем понравился, не так ли? Он закончился рано или по- здно? А был ли декан (the Dean) на вечере? А учите- ля там тоже были? - Не задавай так много вопро- сов, ладно? 15. Кто помогает тебе воспитывать детей? 16. А что случилось с твоим новым холо- дильником? Он опять не в порядке? (to be out of order) 17. Завтра опять будет дождь? 18. Он имел обык- новение гулять перед сном, не так ли? 19. Ему при- шлось вызывать полицию? 20. Кого вы видели, ког- да вошли в дом? 21. Почему вы собираете эти сведе- ния? Кому они нужны? 22. Зачем ты пришла? Ты должна быть на работе, не так ли?
Раздел II. Морфология Section II. Morphology Имя существительное Noun УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 30. Определите, являются ли следующие существитель- ные исчисляемыми или неисчисляемыми. Idea, magazine, weather, knife, tooth, children, oranges, person, dictionaries, sheep, advice, money, hair, fish, garden, news, knowledge, picture, work, job, information, coffee, furniture, air, ocean, fruit, game, peace, bread, poetry, eyes, tourists, mice, progress. Задание 31. Дайте множественное число следующих существи- тельных. А. 1. a boy 2. a toy 3. а саг 4. a thing 5. a room 6. a book 7. a hat 8. a sweet 9. a stamp 10. a coat 11. а watch 12. a fox 13. a dish 14. a place 15. a glass 16. a cherry 17. a story 18. a century 19. a hero 20. а piano В. 1. a fish 2. a sheep 3. a deer 4. a series 5. а species; 6. a man 7. a woman 8. a foot 9. a tooth 10. а child 11. a mouse 12. a person 13. a fireman 14. а passer-by 15. a forget-me-not 152
Задание 32. А. Образуйте множественное число существительных в следующих предложениях, сделав все необходимые изменения. 1. This is a thrilling film'. 2. There is a man in the hall. 3. The man is an American, and the woman is a Swiss. 4. In the story a policeman helps a child. 5. A student must enjoy life. 6. My son keeps a white mouse in a box. 7. A cat is a cute animal. 8. What a good chance we have! 9. A refrigerator keeps food fresh. 10. It’s a new business centre. В. Образуйте единственное число существительных в следую- щих предложениях, сделав все необходимые изменения. 1. Men who drink and drive are criminals. 2. House- keepers must be economical. 3. Secretaries should know computers and languages. 4. Politicians must be good leaders and speakers. 5. Horror films are not for small children. 6. Partners should be honest people. 7. Hours passed before the police came. 8. Accountants must be good at figures. 9. I can see sheep in the field. 10. There are geese in the pond. Задание 33. Дайте множественное число следующих существи- тельных. 1. a city 2. a roof 3. a life 4. a valley 5. a leaf 6. а goose 7. an ох 8. a ship 9. a datum 10. a phenomenon 11. a mother-in-law 12. a swine 13. a half 14. a Swiss 15. a Chinese 16. a wife 17. a chef 18. a Negro 19. а German 20. a pair 21. a louse 22. a Frenchman 23. а salmon 24. a key 25. a lady Задание 34. Измените предложения по образцу. Образец: This is a fast train. - These are fast trains. 1. That’s a clever man. 2. She is a pretty woman. 3. There is a fish in the aquarium. 4. We saw a nice 153
little mouse in the kitchen. 5. My baby has a tooth already. 6. This is a printer to a computer. 7. There is a Japanese in our group. 8. There is a mistake in the text. 9. My friend has a pet, a cat. 10. My Granny keeps a goose in her garden. 11. Has he got a private house or a flat? 12. I got a nice present on my birthday. 13. An electric kettle is very convenient. 14. Buy a fashion magazine for me, please. 15. Helen has an aunt and an uncle. Задание 35. А. Составьте предложения по образцу. Образец: He’s going to be a detective. - Detectives solve mysteries. 1. He decided to be an artist. 2. She would like to become a teacher. 3. My brother wants to be an architect. 4. Jason is going to become a decorator. 5. Nancy made up her mind to become a nurse. 6. His son wants to be an engineer. 7. Our neighbour is a carpenter. 8. Megan is going to be a dressmaker. 9. Mary’s son wants to become an actor. 10. This young man would like to be a busker. 11. My student decided to become an accountant. 12. Our friend will be a policeman soon. 13. His wish is to become a bodyguard. 14. Ted’s parents want him to become a doctor. 15. This man is a barber. В. Прочитайте текст и вставьте в пропуски артикль, если это не- обходимо. When I Grow Up I’m Going to Be a ... When ... boy is very young he usually wants to become ... driver of some machine - ... large machine if possible, in fact the bigger the better. I want to be ... engine- driver when I grow up, he says, or I want to be ... bus- driver, ... crane-driver, or ... pilot of... big plane. Later when he is ... little older, he may want to be what his 154
father is. I’m going to be ... lawyer like my Daddy or I’m going to be ... banker. But ... little later he will follow his ... heroes from ... books or ... films. When I grow up I’ll be ... sailor, or ... detective or ... bodyguard. But when ... child grows up and must make ... final choice, it can be absolutely different from what he wanted to be. С. Коммуникативное задание. Побеседуйте с друзьями о том, кем вы хотели стать, когда были ребенком. Если ваши планы по- менялись, то почему это произошло? Кем вы соби- раетесь стать сейчас или уже стали? Задание 36. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. В нашем офисе работает семь мужчин и шесть женщин. 2. У этого крестьянина есть корова, два вола, десяток овец и несколько гусей. 3. Два полицейских охраняли дом Джеймса. 4. У этой актрисы красивые белые зубы. 5. У сына Линды уже появился зубик. 6. - В доме есть мыши. - К сожалению, сегодня утром я видела мышку на кухне. 7. - В прошлое воскресенье мы ездили на рыбалку. - И сколько рыбок вы пойма- ли? - Максим поймал пять маленьких рыбок, а я всего одну, но это была большая рыба. 8. - Мы видели кра- сивого оленя в лесу. - Да, олени красивые животные. 9. У нее очень маленькие ноги. 10. Он бежал очень быстро, несмотря на боль в ноге. 11. Опубликованы две .серии рассказов С. Моэма. 12. В мире более 24 000 разновидностей рыбы. 13. В этих лесах водятся дикие гуси. 14. - Полиция здесь? - Да, она только что при- ехала. 15. Прохожие помогали пожарным спасать лю- дей. 16. - Какой милый ребенок! - Да, все дети хоро- шие, когда они маленькие. 17. Мужчины, женщины, дети работали в полях. 18. Моя кошка слишком ле- нивая, она не хочет ловить мышей. 19. Мама купила 155
две рыбы для кошки и собаки. 20. Портье вручил клю- чи дамам. 21. Моя пижама сшита из хлопка. Задание 37. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния. Объясните случаи употребления притяжательного падежа су- ществительных. 1. A girl’s future very much depends on her character. 2. Students’ life is full of fun. 3. A policeman’s uniform in England is very beautiful. 4. The secretaries’ working hours at this office are too long. 5. My neighbours’ dogs are barking all the nights. 6. Tess’s new car is a Fiat. 7. Mr. Peacock works at a boys’ school. 8. An actress’s professional life is hard, but interesting. 9. The Wilsons are having a children’s party on Saturday. 10. Ben found a lady’s handbag in the street. 11. The concert took place at St. George’s Hall. 12. We need a month’s time to complete the project. 13. Mr. Davies’s office is in the City. 14. Tonight I’ll be staying at my friends’ house. 15. Phillip plans to go to the optician’s tomorrow. Задание 38. Дайте форму притяжательного падежа, используя окончания's, s’ и апостроф (’). 1. Ross, address 2. (a) week, holiday 3. my relatives, house 4. A. Christie, novels 5. Alex, discs 6. my sister, room 7. her neighbour, car 8. (a) woman, magazine 9. James, secretary 10. (a) child, bicycle 11. (a) girls, school 12. (a) week,trip 13. (an) actress,career 14. Doris, dress 15. teenagers, music. Задание 39. Замените фразы с предлогом of на существитель- ные в притяжательном падеже. 1. the name of my friend 2. the speech of the leader 3. the flat of Liz 4. the visit of Max 5. a novel by Sheldon 6. the life of a student 7. the boyfriend of Bess 8. the rights of people 9. the books of her sons 10. the toys of my baby 11. the hobbies of my parents 12. a 156
show of actors 13. a poem by Keats 14. the rays of the sun 15. the climate of England 16. the news of today 17. the progress of the world 18. the surface of the earth 19. a break of ten minutes 20. the history of Russia Задание 40. В следующих предложениях замените предлож- ные фразы существительными в притяжательном падеже там, где это возможно. 1. Jessica works for a magazine for men. 2. The roof of the house needs painting. 3. The dress of the girl was made by her mother. 4. The dresses of the girls were wonderful. 5. My seat was at the wing of the plane. 6. The style of this designer is perfect. 7. The sound of the car made me stop writing. 8. The voices of the children woke up the dog. 9. Mary often sat on the bank of the river looking at the ducks. 10. A holiday for a week will do you good. 11. These files belong to Felix. 12. I borrowed an umbrella from Charles. 13. Their house is at the end of the street. 14. Brian studies the history of the English language. 15. The leg of the new table is broken. 16. If I need some meat, I go to the shop of a butcher. 17. Where is the key to the car? 18. Pamela spends her weekends at the house of her aunt. 19. The cover of this dictionary is very bright. 20. The problems of the company are very serious. Задание 41. Ответьте на вопросы, используя приведенные ниже слова и выражения. Where do you go if you want to: 1. get fast food? 2. buy some vegetables? 3. have your eyes examined? 4. buy some nails and a hammer? 5. get your hair cut? 6. have some clothes cleaned? 7. buy some cigars and cigarettes? 8. buy a wedding ring? 9. get pens, pencils, paper? 10. buy cakes and chocolate? 11. a lot of small different things? 12. Have your teeth examined? 13. buy some medicine? 14. buy some meat? 157
15. buy some flowers? 16. get some information about travelling? 17. have your watch repaired? 18. buy the most expensive things in London? 19. have your pet examined? 20. have advice about your health? the florist’s, the butcher’s, the greengrocer’s, the supermarket, the travelling agent’s, McDonald’s, the ironmonger’s, the jeweller’s, Harrods, the vet’s, the chemist’s (the drugstore), the tobacconist’s, the watchmaker’s, the optician’s, the doctor’s, the dentist’s, the confectioner’s, the (dry) cleaner’s, the stationer’s, the hairdresser’s (the barber’s) Задание 42. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Во вчерашней газете было несколько интересных статей. 2. Не могли бы вы дать мне адрес Чарльза? 3. Это машина Джеймса, машина Алекса белая. 4. Пе- ред первым сентября в школе было родительское со- брание. 5. Работа стюардессы достаточно сложна. 6. Это мужской клуб, а.не женский. 7. Детство Дениса было трудным. 8. Мы встретились с Анной в парик- махерской и решили выпить по чашечке кофе в конди- терской. 9. Я устала, давайте сделаем пятиминутный перерыв. 10. Детишки играли в тени дерева. 11. Дом моей мамы был построен ее дедушкой. 12. После лек- ции профессор ответил на вопросы студентов. 13. Кар- ло - это мужское имя, а Карла - это женское имя. 14. Муж моей подруги - инженер. 15. Мне очень нра- вятся стихи Бернса и Китса. 16. Татьяна отказалась от предложения Виктора. ,17. В нашей библиотеке есть книги С. Кинга. 18. Комната моих дочерей самая боль- шая в доме. 19. Дети восхищались зонтиком Мэри Поппинс. 20. Советы моей мамы всегда полезны. 21. Давай встретимся в офисе Томаса. Задание 43. А. Объясните способ выражения рода существи- тельных в следующих предложениях. 158
1. What a fine yacht! See how sweetly she moves through the water! 2. I patted the dog and she wagged her tail. 3. Britain has lost much of the former political power, so she is a poor nation now. 4. Alexander bought a new car. She’s great. 5. This film is about the Empress of Russia - Catherine the Great. 6. My neighbour is always telling me about her problems. 7. The Mayor studied her programme for the day. 8. Ireland! She is our Motherland! 9. France is proud of her history. 10. A man has his duties, a woman has hers, the child has its own. В. Дайте существительное соответственно образцу. Образец: brother - sister 1. - mother 2. - wife 3. uncle - 4. - niece 5. son - 6. hero - 7. - spinster 8. waiter - 9. duke - 10. tzar - 11. baron - 12. king - 13. - lass 14. gentleman - 15. - bride 16. monk - 17.---------author -- 18. manager - 19. tiger - 20. - widow 159
Артикль Article Основные случаи употребления неопределенного и определенного артиклей Main Cases of the Use of Indefinite and Definite Articles УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 44. Употребите артикль а или an. 1. ... officer 2. ... young officer 3. ... year 4. ... incident 5. ... funny incident 6. ... artist 7. ... great artist 8. ... hour 9. ... happy hour 10. ... event 11. ... great event 12. ... engineer 13. ... plane 14. ... airport 15. ... new airport 16. ... idea 17. ... bright idea 18. ... opera 19. ... famous opera 20. ... elephant 21. ... baby elephant 22. ... angel 23. ... kind angel 24. ... auto 25. ... fast auto 26. ... ass 27. ... stubborn ass 28. ... university 29. ... open university 30. ... ant Задание 45. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния. Объясните, является ли значение артикля классифицирую- щим, обобщающим или передающим значение единичности. 1. An apple a day keeps wrinkles away. 2. A flower touches almost everyone’s heart. 3. A fortnight consists of fourteen days. 4. This song is a great hit. 5. I need a bottle of milk for my baby. 6. An actor must have a good memory. 7. We shall talk about it in an hour. 8. Can I have a cake and a cup of coffee, please? 9. This chocolate bar costs a dollar. 10. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 11. A hungry man is an angry man. 12. A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 13. A man is known by the company he keeps. 14. A lawyer never 160
goes to law himself. 15. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a while. Задание 46. Дополните следующие предложения, используя приведенные ниже слова. Образец: ...has to be patient, friendly and flexible. - A teacher has to be patient, friendly and flexible. A. 1. ... has to be reliable, efficient and well- organized. 2. ... has to be creative, intelligent and experienced in life. 3. ... has to be beautiful, tall and hard-working. 4. ... has to be kind, competent and professional. 5. ... has to be polite, creative and friendly. 6. ... has to have a good reputation and talent for speaking in public. 7. ... must have a good memory and a quick mind. 8. ... must be sweet, elegant and have good manners. 9. ... must be hard-working, studying for knowledge, enjoy his life. 10. ... must be careful, brave and clever. a lady, a writer, a politician, a secretary, a student, a model, an interpreter, a hairdresser, a doctor, a detective B.l. ... is someone who designs buildings. 2. ... is someone who breaks into houses and steals things. 3. ... is someone who doesn’t eat meat. 4. ... is someone who sings in the streets and gets money for it. 5. ... is a person who buys things in a shop. 6. ... is a person who controls business of a company. 7. ... is a book which gives you a reliable language information. 8. ... is a surface which reflects images. 9. ... is a person who keeps and counts business money. 10. ... is-someone who understands you and someone you can rely on. a vegetarian, an architect, a manager, an accountant, a mirror, a dictionary, a busker, a burglar, a customer, a friend 6-1112 161
Задание 47. Вставьте в пропуски неопределенный артикль, если это необходимо, и переведите предложения. 1. What about having ... snack? 2. We all had ... jolly good laugh. 3. I asked Sue when we could meet for ... chat. 4. Would you like to have ... dinner with me? 5. Take ... seat. We are going to have ... long talk. 6. Have you ever had ... lunch at this restaurant? 7. We’ll have to make ... fire to get warm. 8. Did you have ... good time at the graduation party? 9. Steve goes out every hour to have ... smoke. 10. The secretary would like to make ... appointment for Thursday. 11. Linda has ... splitting headache today. 12. Every morning before breakfast he has ... swim. 13. Just have ... look at that funny boy over there. 14. He called a lawyer as he wished to make ... will. 15. Are you going to make ... speech at the ceremony? 16. Whether you want it or not, I am going to give you ... piece of my mind. 17. There are people who are always ready to give you ... hand when you are in trouble. 18. The sponsor offers them to give ... support with advice and money. 19. Any woman would make ... fuss in such a situation. 20. - Would you like to have ... rest after dinner? - Just for half an hour. Задание 48. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. - Пора сделать перерыв и перекусить. - Хоро- шая мысль! 2. - Давай выйдем покурить. - Да, но на улице холодно, мы можем простудиться. 3. Если хо- чешь сделать доклад на английском языке, тебе ну- жен словарь. 4. По утрам он купается в холодной воде, а по вечерам принимает горячий душ. 5. Не мог бы ты мне намекнуть, почему она устроила такой шум? 6. Дети развели костер, рассказали друг другу много интересных историй и от души посмеялись. 7. Пойду прогуляюсь. Ужасно болит голова. 8. Мы собираем- ся устроить вечеринку и хорошенько повеселиться. 162
9. Присаживайтесь и давайте поболтаем. 10. Подож- дите минуту, я хотел бы сделать вам предложение. 11. Этот ученик постоянно делает ошибку в слове “daughter”. 12. Если ты опять скажешь неправду, твой друг поднимет шум. 13. Сегодня у Шерон свидание с Майклом. 14. Этот спектакль пользуется большим успехом. 15. - А не потанцевать ли нам? - О нет, у меня так сильно болит зуб! 16. Скажи мне правду, если ты настоящий друг. 17. У моего друга была пре- красная возможность совершить турне. 18. Детишки хорошо провели время на новогоднем вечере. 19. Я собираюсь вздремнуть часок или два. 20. Она сдела- ла ошибку, когда писала доклад. Задание 49. Вставьте в пропуски неопределенный артикль, если это необходимо. 1. There is ... new shopping centre in the city. 2. There were ... files in the boxes. 3. There was ... lift in the house. 4. There is ... marmalade in the jar. 5. There is ... island in the ocean. 6. There was ... anger in her voice. 7. There were ... tears in her eyes. 8. There was ... fantastic dress in the window-shop. 9. There are ... nice little cottages in the village. 10. There is ... money in the purse, but not much. 11. Is there ... any cheese left? 12. Once there lived ... fellow called Bill. 13. Are there ... five children in the family? 14. There was ... surprise in Molly’s eyes. 15. There was ... surprise in the box on Molly’s birthday. 16. There is ... sad news in today’s papers. 17. There is ... cold milk in the jug. 18. Is there ... useful information in the file? 19. There was ... accident in the street last week. 20. There is ... good advice the lawyer would like to give you. Задание 50. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. В каждой семье есть свой секрет. 2. На крыше 6» 163
сидит кошка. Какое милое животное! 3. Какая жа- лость, что у нас всего один час, чтобы поговорить. 4. В нашем офисе 3 компьютера, два факса и один ксерокс. 5. В холодильнике много еды: торт, масло, сыр, овощи и бутылка сока. 6. Каждую субботу и воскресенье в нашем клубе дискотека. 7. В моей группе есть хорошие ученики. 8. В кофейнике есть кофе. Хочешь чашечку? 9. На стене висит очень кра- сивая картина. На ней изображены тигр и олени. 10. - На кухне есть телевизор? - Нет, там есть ра- дио. 11. В коридоре есть телефон. И рядом с ним небольшой стул. 12. Жил да был однажды умный король, и у него была глупая жена. 13. Есть вопрос, который я хочу вам задать. 14. Есть шансы, что моя любимая команда выиграет. 15. В бутылке есть хо- лодный сок. Но у нас нет стаканов. 16. В меню есть и мясо, и рыба, и овощи. 17. В этом кафе всегда есть гамбургеры. Задание 51. Вставьте в пропуски неопределенный артикль, если это необходимо. 1. Arthur lived ... interesting life. 2. She was ... non-stop talker. 3. It was ... quick and clever decision. 4. - Are they ... colleagues or ... friends? - They are ... neighbours. 5. Are you ... optimist or ... pessimist? 6. It is ... very urgent information. Read it! 7. - What is it? - It is... tomato soup. - Oh no, I hate it! 8. A piano is not ... furniture. Its ... musical instrument. 9. Pizza is ... very popular dish which came from Italy. 10. My cousin is ... modern dress-designer. 11. It’s ... lie again, isn’t it? You always tell me ... lies. 12. This is ... great news. I am happy about it. 13. It is ... brown bread, but I usually have ... white bread. 14. It is not ... easy situation, it’s ... very difficult one. 15. It is... good start. You are ... very energetic man. 16. - They are ... bad boys! - But 164
they are ... great singers! 17. It will be ... exciting game. We’ll have ... fun, I’m sure. Задание 52. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Мой друг - гид. Он хороший переводчик. 2. Они туристы из Азии. Они бизнесмены. 3. Заме- чательная сегодня погода! Я люблю морозную пого- ду. 4. Я не начальник - обычный служащий. 5. - Они студенты или школьники? - Они уже студен- ты. 6. Он странный человек, не так ли? 7. Дочь моей сестры очень милый ребенок. 8. Он истинный джен- тльмен, а она - истинная леди. 9. Гринпис - меж- дународная организация. 10. Он известный худож- ник. Между прочим, он и неплохой писатель. 11. Ког- да я была ребенком, в доме всегда было животное. 12. Это был большой город. Это был современный город. 13. Хью ~ разумный мальчик. И очень веж- ливый ребенок. 14. Это очень дорогая машина, так как это современная модель. 15. Это прекрасные идеи. Он действительно умный человек. Задание 53. Вставьте в пропуски неопределенный артикль, если это необходимо. 1. Му Granny has sent me ... present for Christmas. 2. The detective got ... important information. 3. He had ... dream that seemed real. 4. She heard ... voice calling her. 5. I am going to start ... business of my own. 6. He made ... good progress in his Chinese. 7. My new computer makes ... strange noises. 8. In the morning Mary saw ... young servant girl. 9. Sing him ... song, tell him ... story and he will fall asleep. 10. We gave ... long interview to the press. 11. - Could you keep ... secret? - Of course, I like ... secrets. 12. We got... great news about this film star. 13. I’ve decided to bake ... chocolate cake. 14. My parents always give me ... useful advice. 15. I managed to get ... very interesting work. 165
Задание 54. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Час назад мы получили факс из Нидерландов. 2. У Стивена есть друг в Америке и дядя в Австралии. 3. Вчера мы купили новую мебель. 4. Я написал со- чинение и пошел погулять. 5. У нее очень приятные манеры и голос. 6. Выпей таблетку аспирина, если у тебя будет болеть голова. 7. Они услышали громкие голоса в доме. 8. Она купила потрясающее красное платье вчера. 9. Джон пообещал новую игрушку сво- ему сынишке. 10. Он немец? У него сильный немец- кий акцент. 11. Том построил дом для своих родите- лей. 12. Элис нужна новая машина. 13. Путешествен- ники прошли долгий путь. 14. Мартин прожил трудную жизнь. 15. У него красивая, но глупая секре- тарша. 16. Дэвид купил японский компьютер. 17. Най- ди мне работу, мне очень нужны деньги. 18. По пути домой мы встретили странных людей. Задание 55. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Я не могу пойти с тобой на прогулку, у меня свидание. 2. Прага - европейский город. 3. У маль- чика хорошая память. 4. Мыши - умные живот- ные. 5. Это сумасшедшая идея, а вы сумасшедшие люди. 6. Она сладкоежка, и у нее плохие зубы. 7. У Елены большая и дружная семья. 8. Это очень ожив- ленный (busy) район, со школой, автобусной станцией и новым спортивным комплексом. 9. У Майкла боль- шое чувство юмора. 10. Это срочные новости. 11. Не трать попусту ни минуты. 12. Это золотые правила, запомни их! 13. Я нашел записку в почтовом ящи- ке. 14. «Соберись, ты же англичанин!» - говорил он себе. 15. Мы в странном положении. 16. У мужчи- ны свои обязанности, у женщины свои. 17. Это хо- роший шанс для Бориса получить новую работу. 18. Сейчас очень популярны беспроволочные (cord- less) телефоны. 166
Задание 56. Вставьте в пропуски неопределенный артикль, если это необходимо. А.1. What ... strong coffee! 2. What... risky situation! 3. What ... timely advice! 4. What ... shocking idea! 5. What ... smart dresses! 6. What ... cold champagne! 7. What ... miserable day! 8. What ... tough people! 9. What ... killing news! 10. What ... great man! 11. What ... heavy weather! 12. What ... deep knowledge! 13. What ... wonderful life! 14. What ... choosy girls! 15. What ... important matter! 16. What ... hot soup! 17. What ... big surprise! 18. What ... fresh air! 19. What ... unexpected money! 20. What ... old coin! B.l. It is such ... original idea! We appreciate ... new ideas. 2. Robert gave me such ... beautiful engagement ring! 3. We got such ... smashing news! It’s so ... good! 4. He is such ... outstanding man! And so ... decent! 5. We are having such ... depressing weather this autumn! 6. They had such ... funny experience during the trip. 7. I don’t like such ... sweet tea. And so ... strong too! 8. It’s such ... shame that he failed the exam again. 9. My brothers are such ... noisy boys! 10. He is such ... intelligent boy for his age! 11. Isabel has such ... good dress-sense! 12. It is such ... foggy day! The air is so ... damp! 13. They got such ... important information! 14. It’s such ... thrilling film! And it is so ... long! 15. Nobody can cook such ... delicious food as Lizzie. Задание 57, Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Какой дождливый день! Какая холодная пого- да! 2. Какие умные дети! Какой талантливый ребе- нок! 3. Какой крепкий чай! Какая красивая чашка! 4. Ну и ситуация! Какие странные люди! 5. Какой вкусный сок! Какой большой стакан! 6. Бабушка, какие у тебя большие глаза, уши и зубы! 7. Какая 167
трудная работа! Но какая хорошенькая секретарша! 8. Какие милые женщины, и какой у них красивый дом! 9. Какой оригинальный совет! Какая блестя- щая мысль! 10. Джонни, какие у тебя большие ноги! 11. Какие неожиданные деньги! Какой сюрприз! 12. Какие большие успехи! Какой трудолюбивый студент! 13. Какая удобная мебель! И какая боль- шая комната! 14. Какие глубокие знания! Какой хо- роший учитель! 15. Какая глубокая река! Но какая теплая вода! Задание 58. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Это очень хороший вопрос. Ты всегда задаешь умные вопросы. 2. Врач должен быть добрым, вни- мательным и знающим. 3. Она милая женщина, и у нее такие милые дети! 4. Полицейские должны быть смелыми и сильными. 5. Футбол - популярная игра. Хоккей тоже популярный вид спорта. 6. Полутора лет достаточно, чтобы закончить эту работу. 7. Это очень хорошее место. Здесь мы можем передохнуть. 8. У нее новый офис и очень интересная работа. 9. Это очень сложная проблема, и, чтобы ее решить, мне нужен совет. 10. - Не пора ли нам перекусить? - Хорошо, через полчаса. 11. Я думаю, что английс- кий - очень интересный язык. 12. Подожди мину- ту, и мы пойдем на прогулку. 13. Когда я был под- ростком, я был очень робким. 14. Что такое арбуз? Это фрукт или ягода? 15. Телохранитель должен быть находчивым, быстрым, сильным. Задание 59. Прочитайте, переведите и запомните следующие предложения. 1. — What’s the weather like today? - Just fine. 2. - What’s the trouble? - No trouble at all. 3. - What’s the hurry? - There’s no hurry. 4. - What’s the panic? - There’s no panic. 5. - What’s the rush? - There’s 168
no rush. 6. - What’s the date? - The first of April. 7. - What’s the delay? - There’s no delay. 8. -What’s the matter? - There’s nothing the matter. 9. - Where is the key? -- In the box. 10. - Where are the kids? - In bed already. 11. - Look at the sky! - But there is nothing in the sky. 12. - Look at the picture! Do you see me in the picture? Задание 60. Измените предложения. Образец: I have a new watch.. - I have new watches. The watch is very good. - The watches are very good. 1. A child has a special love for animals. 2. The child looks like his father. 3. A hammock is perfect for relaxing in the garden in summer. 4. The woman is an expert on computer programmes. 5. A pet can have a positive effect on both your mental and physical health. 6. The man is definitely trying to do his best. 7. A powerful, efficient shower is a real pleasure in summer. 8. The shower is out of order again. 9. A provision market is held on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. 10. The provision market is closed today. 11. Everyone likes a good barbecue on a sunny day. 12. The party was a success. 13. A strict vegetarian can make a meal out of greens and vegetables. 14. The vegetarian refused to have the meat course. 15. The flower is so beautiful. Задание 61. Употребите артикль с существительными, значе- ние которых определяется ситуацией. 1. What’s ... matter? Have you lost ... keys again? 2. What’s ... date today? Where’s ... calendar? 3. What’s ... time? I’ve left ... watch at home. 4. Describe ... situation to us, will you? 5. Put ... 169
dictionary in its place. 6. Are you going to lay ... table? - Yes, but where is ... table-cloth? 7. I think we must put... fridge in the comer. 8. Where are ... tickets? ... performance begins in half an hour. 9. - Clean ... carpet. - But ... vacuum-cleaner is out of order. 10. We accepted ... invitation with great pleasure. 11. Water ... flowers, ... water is in the jug. 12. Switch on ... light, ... light is very bad here. 13. Iron ... dress, will you? ... party begins very soon. 14. Look through ... papers and tell me ... latest news. 15. ... officer brought valuable information. 16. ... remark was not to the point. 17. From ... window she could watch ... gardener cutting ... grass. 18. - Have you done ... Washing? - Yes, but I didn’t enjoy ... work. 19. ... girl seems to be intelligent. 20. Would you like to read ... book? Everybody says it is ... great book. Задание 62. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль. 1. Pass me ... bread, please. I like ... rye bread. 2. Put ... kettle on the fire. We’d like ... hot tea. 3. How much is ... dictionary? Is it... expensive book? 4. Where are ... children? They’ve gone for ... walk. 5. Shall I really buy ... coat? Isn’t it too long? 6. Look at... girl. She is like a calendar picture. 7. - Where did you get ...cat from? - From ... friend. 8. Is ... water filtered? Can I use it? 9. I can’t say that I enjoyed ... film. 10. Shall I warm up ... soup? - No, I’ll have it as it is. 11. Where is ... money? - I’ve no ... idea. 12. May I have a look at ... ring, please? 13. Ted, you’ll have to rewrite ... test, I’m afraid. 14. Have you understood ... rule, children? 15. Thank you for ... invitation, we’ll come. 16. We like ... song. It will be ... hit. 17. I’m sorry, but I don’t remember ... address. 18. Here is ... book, you can keep it for ... week. 19. It’s getting dark. Turn on ... light, please. 20. - Well, where shall we keep ... dog? - In ... yard. 170
Задание 63. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. - Вам понравилось представление? - О, это было замечательное шоу. 2. - Не могли бы вы закрыть окно? - Да, конечно, через минуту. 3. Я посмотрел на картину и решил купить ее. 4. - Где инструкция к стиральной машине? - Она в стиральной машине. 5. Не хотели бы вы взглянуть на проект? Это абсо- лютно новый план. 6. Собачка ждет вас у двери. Впу- стите ее. 7. - Как тебе нравится платье? - Это фан- тастика! 8. Он всегда сообщает нам о последних со- бытиях. 9. - Сколько вы заплатили за шампунь? - Доллар. 10. - Какая сегодня погода? - Погода вели- колепная, день чудесный. 11. - Где дети? - Они по- шли на прогулку в парк. 12. Поставь чайник на пли- ту и вскипяти воду. 13. Боюсь, мы не можем изме- нить ситуацию. 14. В чем дело? Почему ты так расстроен? 15. Я скоро закончу письмо и поеду в офис. 16. Посмотри на цветы, разве они не красивы? 17. Лифт не работает (out of order), нам придется вызвать механика. 18. Им понадобился год, чтобы перестроить дом. Задание 64. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль. 1. I have ... family. ... family is not big, but friendly. 2. This is ... wonderful car. ... car is my brother’s. 3. Jane bought... dictionary. She paid much for ... book. 4. The policeman saw ... strange man near the bank. He recognized ... man. 5. It’s ... beautiful flower. I am sure, Mary left ... flower here. 6. They arrived at ... very old house. ... house looked dark and unfriendly. 7. What ... funny little dog! Is ... dog yours? 8. Once upon a time there lived ... greedy king. ... king was not popular. 9. They found ... cottage in the forest. Not ... sound came from ... house. 10. They entered ... old-fashioned room and in ... room there sat a strange figure. 11. Long ago there lived ... magician. ... magician was clever and 171
kind. 12. One day Molly found ... old book in the library. She found ... wonderful story in ... book. 13. We were having ... interesting talk, but somebody came and interrupted ... talk. 14. He has ... wonderful chance, but I’m not sure if he will use ... chance. 15. We saw ... comedy yesterday, but ... film was so boring! 16. The children got into ... difficult situation. They did their best to solve ... difficulty. 17. There are ... exotic animals in the Zoo. Many people come to look at ... animals. 18. Judy has ... three small children. Every morning she takes ... kids to her parents. 19. I can’t understand ... text; ... language is very difficult. 20. - What do you think of... director? - Personally I don’t like ... woman. Задание 65. А. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. Ben’s mother sent him to ... shop to buy ... rice, ... fish and ... bread. She also told him to get ... salt. ... sugar and ... vegetables. When he got back home with ... purchases, his mother was dissatisfied. Look at ... products, Ben, she said. ... fish isn’t fresh, ... rice is old and full of weevils and ... bread is stale. There are ... lumps in ... salt, ... vegetables are not fresh and ... sugar is dirty. ... food is expensive and now I’ll have to throw away some of... things you’ve bought. Next time be more careful, Ben! В. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Это рис. Рис слишком твердый. 2. Это песок. Песок чистый. 3. Это тост. Тост подгорел. 4. Это соль. Соль грязная. 5. Это джем. Джем густой. 6. Это чернила. Чернила красные. 7. Это вода. Вода чистая. 8. Это минеральная вода. Вода соленая. 9. Это золото. Золото темное. 10. Это сталь. Сталь высокого качества. 11. Это чай. Чай крепкий. 12. Это молоко. Молоко кислое. 13. Это мед. Мед слишком сладкий. 14. Это большая квартира. Квар- 172
тира не моя. 15. Это железо. Железо ржавое. 16. Это фрукты. Фрукты очень красивые. С. Коммуникативное задание. Обсудите с друзьями, что вам необходимо купить для пикника. Задание 66. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Это хорошие словари. Сколько вы заплатили за эти словари? 2. Вечер начнется через полчаса. Гости уже в доме. 3. В городе есть спортивный центр. Центр открыт с 10 до 21. 4. Я хотел бы купить английскую газету. Английские газеты интересные. 5. Это дере- вянный стол. Стол сделан моим дедушкой. 6. Это горький шоколад. Шоколад темный. 7. У меня новая шляпка. Шляпка очень модная. 8. Нам нужен но- вый телевизор. Телевизор должен быть маленьким. 9. Я нашел для тебя нового учителя. Учитель очень компетентный. 10. Это итальянские макароны. Ма- кароны слишком длинные. 11. Это странные ново- сти. Кто может объяснить эти новости? 12. Я купила тебе новый портфель. Портфель большой и легкий. 13. У нашего соседа есть обезьянка. Обезьянка очень смешная. 14. Джон поймал бабочку. Дети посмотре- ли на бабочку и отпустили ее. Задание 67. А. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Чтобы быть здоровыми, мы должны пить боль- ше воды. 2. Выпей воду из этого стакана. 3. Дети пьют молоко каждый день. 4. Не пейте молоко, оно кислое. 5. Употребляйте мясо два-три раза в неделю. В нем есть протеин. 6. Съешьте мясо, которое лежит на тарелке. 7. Рис - основная еда китайцев, японцев, вьетнамцев. 8. Свари тот рис, который я оставил на столе. 9. Я люблю пить сок в жаркую погоду. 10. Сок слишком сладкий, он мне не нравится. 11. Мы не 173
можем готовить без соли. 12. Соль необходима для здоровья. 13. Передай мне сахар, пожалуйста. 14. Я редко ем кашу по утрам, хотя и знаю, что каша полез- на. 15. Каша опять подгорела. Я выпью чашку чая. 16. Я не люблю кофе, предпочитаю чай или сок. 17. Кофе слишком горячий и крепкий. В. Коммуникативное задание. Обсудите с друзьями, что вы едите на завтрак, обед и ужин. Обсудите различные диеты и системы пи- тания. Придерживаетесь ли вы их? Задание 68. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль, обра- щая внимание на уточняющие (ограничивающие) определения. 1. Who was ... first teacher you had at school? 2. This is ... suit John bought in Paris. 3. It was ... moment I’ll never forget. 4. Here is ... present you have been dreaming of. 5. Meet Mike. He is ... man I told you about. 6. The Hermitage is ... richest museum in Russia. 7. Young people like to walk in ... centre of Moscow. 8. ... whole group passed the exam successfully. 9. You are ... whole world to me. 10. This is ... thing you must do now. 11. If you take ... left turn you’ll get to ... right place. 12. Detroit is ... sixth largest city in the USA. 13. My mother is ... main person in my life. 14. - Are you ... next to speak? - I am ... last one. 15. We have ... same interests though we are different. 16. Who was ... man who invented television? 17. The watchman was ... last to leave the building. 18. This is ... job that you applied for. 19. ... only child usually gets more attention and care. 20. If you go for ... next interview, you’ll get... vacancy which you need so badly. Задание 69. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. А теперь мы собираемся обсудить сведения, ко- торые мы получили вчера. 2. Все здания в этом го- 174
роде построены в одном и том же стиле. 3. Мне нравятся подарки, которые я получила на Рождество. 4. Это самый лучший комплимент, который я когда- либо получала. 5. Почта находится на противопо- ложной стороне улицы. 6. Вы именно тот человек, который нам нужен. 7. Извините, но вы идете в не- правильном направлении. 8. Она единственная де- вушка, на которой он хотел бы жениться. 9. Рейс №102 из Бонна прибывает вовремя. 10. Все люди надеются на лучшее. 11. Самая большая проблема - это мое здоровье. 12. Бен рассказал нам следую- щую историю. 13. Не могу поверить новостям, кото- рые вы мне только что рассказали. 14. Давайте по- говорим об этом на следующем занятии. 15. Сту- денты, которых она учит, делают большие успехи. 16. Расскажите мне о стране, которую только что посетили. 17. У тебя ошибка в третьем абзаце, в предложении номер восемь. 18. Английский, на ко- тором мы говорим сегодня, - это не английский на- чала века. Задание 70. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль. 1. She has papers everywhere: on ... table, on ... floor, in ... kitchen and even in ... bathroom. 2. Let’s take the children to ... circus on Sunday morning. 3. He was born in small Siberian village. 4. I got into ... plane for my first flight. 5. If you look at ... sky, you’ll see a lot of stars. 6. Shall we meet at... library? 7. She lay on ... sofa listening to pop music. 8. She works in ... bank, in ... centre of... city. 9. In summer she likes to have tea in ... garden. 10. Susan rents ... top half of the house. 11. He lives in ... small town in Alaska. 12. There are not many holidays on ... calendar this year. 13. They came to ... beach and swam in ... sea. 14. He usually has dinner in ... cheap restaurants. 15. There is something for you in ... letter box. 16. Is there any special news in 175
... paper? 17. Look, there is ... beautiful butterfly on ... wall. 18. There is ... music center in ... corner to ... left of... TV-set. 19. If you turn to ... right you will soon get to ... shopping-center. 20. You’d better not keep fruit on ... top shelf of... fridge. 21. I found very many good expressions in ... book. 22. - I tried this dish in ... Chinese restaurant. - How did you like ... food? Задание 71. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния, обращая внимание на употребление неисчисляемых абстрак- тных существительных. 1.Information rules the world. 2. We hope the information will remain secret. 3. If advice is needed, ask one of our staff. 4. Did you follow the advice I gave you? 5. Jackie needs a piece of practical advice. 6. Good advice can be given; good name cannot be given. 7. We all need news to give us some interest in life. 8. The good news is that he did get an Oscar. 9. We are all hoping for good news. 10. It’s the best piece of news I could hope to hear. 11. Money is the soul of business. 12. They wore boots and galoshes in wet weather. 13. He hopes there’s big money in this new business. 14. This machine doesn’t give change. Please have the right money ready. 15.Bad money always comes back. 16.The weather proved to be as good as the weatherman had promised. 17. We all look forward to warmer weather. 18. You can never tell what the weather has in store for us! 19. You must come back to work, but it shouldn’t be hard work. 20. Love is an ideal thing, marriage is a real thing. Задание 72. Найдите средства выражения единичности неис- числяемых существительных. Образец: a loaf of bread a spell of good weather 176
1. a piece a. birds 2. a block b. toothpaste 3. a bar c. furniture 4. a head d. advice 5. a flock e. news 6. a herd f. cigarettes 7. a gang g. lemon 8. a cry h. money 9. a grain i. chocolate 10. a slice of j. robbers 11. an item k. cabbage 12. a word 1. sheep 13. an article m. ice 14. a tube n. horror 15. a flash o. truth 16. a tin p. lightning 17. a jar q. air 18. a sum r. juice 19. a breath s. jam 20. a cube t. cheese Задание 73. А. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. У нас нет хлеба. Не мог бы ты купить буханку черного хлеба? 2. - Мама хочет кофе. - У меня как раз есть баночка (кофе). 3. У Майкла нет сигарет. Мне придется пойти и купить блок. 4. Мне хочется пить. - Как насчет стакана минеральной воды? 5. В холодиль- нике нет ничего, кроме банки сардин. 6. Осень. Стая птиц летит на юг. 7. Джон - ковбой. У него есть стадо коров. 8. Если вы в трудной ситуации, могу дать вам один совет. 9. В этом магазине вы можете выбрать любой предмет мебели. 10. Она купила тюбик геля для волос. 11. Мы увидели вспышку молнии. 12. Ког- да ей грустно, она может съесть сразу целую плитку шоколада. 13. Чтобы сварить борщ, тебе понадобится кочан капусты. 14. Положи кубик льда в мой кок- 177
тейль. 15. Банда грабителей была арестована около банка. 16. Она вскрикнула от ужаса, когда увидела мышей. 17. Давай выйдем, чтобы глотнуть свежего воздуха. 18. В его словах есть зерно истины. В. Составьте список (a shopping-list) того, что вы купили бы для приема гостей. Задание 74. А. Объясните разницу между следующими парами слов: 1. glass - a glass 2. paper - a paper 3. wood - а wood 4. iron - an iron 5. coffee - a coffee 6. cloth - a cloth 7. rubber - a rubber 8. lamb - a lamb 9. language - a language 10. tin - a tin 11. study - a study 12. light - a light 13. duck - a duck 14. gold - a gold 15. play - a play 16. thought - a thought В. Составьте восклицательные предложения. Образец: good advice - What good advice! good idea - What a good idea! 1. terrible weather terrible climate 2. heavy luggage beautiful suitcase 3. elegant clothes elegant dress 4. heavy rainfall heavy shower 5. healthy cow healthy cattle 6. awful rubbish awful mess 7. clever people clever person 8. difficult job difficult work 9. fresh bread fresh loaf 10. delicious food delicious meal 11. horrible song horrible music 12. tough beef tough steak С. Подойдите к окну и опишите, что вы видите на улице (назови- те по меньшей мере семь исчисляемых и семь неисчисляемых существительных, используя слова из предыдущего упражнения). 178
Образец: I see that it’s bad weather today. We really have a bad climate. Задание 75. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Новости есть новости, и мы не можем без них жить. 2. Все эти новости очень важны для нас. 3. - Какие последние новости? - Они очень интересные. 4. Есть одна новость, которую хотелось бы обсудить. 5. Репортер просматривает новости, которые сумел раздобыть. 6. Плохие новости быстро распространя- ются. 7. Вы слышали новость? Это фантастическая новость! 8. Разведчик принес много сведений. Они были важные. 9. Сведения верны? Им можно дове- рять? 10. Нам нужна полная информация об этой организации. 11. Людям нужны точные сведения, чтобы знать, что делать. 12. Сведения были получе- ны по факсу. 13. Хороший совет - вот что тебе нуж- но. 14. Это бесценный совет! Он - от всего сердца. 15. Люди любят говорить о погоде, так как это безо- пасная тема. 16. - Какая сегодня погода? - Погода холодная. Похоже, будет снег. 17. Во время путеше- ствия у нас была теплая, сухая погода. 18. Работа в банке была трудна для него. 19. - Какую работу вы хотите? - Мне нужна легкая работа. 20. Это инте- ресная работа? Она тебе нравится? 21. У него обшир- ные знания в области физики. 22. Мои студенты де- лают большие успехи в языке. 23. В ящике есть день- ги. Возьми их. Деньги - твои. 24. Деньги - все для него. Они дают ему свободу. 25. Он тщательно пере- считал деньги и положил их в бумажник. Задание 76. А. Объясните употребление выделенных слов. 1. People eat more fruit now than they used to. 2.The fruits of nature belong to all mankind. 3. Is a tomato a fruit? 4. I hope your hard work will bear fruit. 5. Forbidden fruit is sweet. 6. Chocolate fruits, 179
Smarties or Kinder Surprises are great favourites with children. 7.Fruit is rich in vitamins and mineral salts. 8. Citric acid is found in many foods and in citrus fruits in particular. 9. Fruits, such as peaches and watermelons, grow well in warm climates. 10. The strawberry is both a delicious and beautiful fruit. 11. “What are the local fruits?”- “Mostly apples and cherries.” 12. A fruitarian is a person who eats only fruit. 13. As the tree, so the fruit. 14. A tree is known by its fruit. В. Переведите следующие предложения. 1.-Я трачу много денег на фрукты, потому что я их очень люблю. А ты их любишь? - Конечно, люблю. 2. - Что мы будем на третье? - Я думаю, фрукты. - Они есть у нас? - Да, немного есть. 3. Фрукты дешевые в этом сезоне, особенно яблоки, бананы и сливы. 4. Раньше люди привозили фрук- ты из Крыма и Кавказа. Сейчас их привозят в ос- новном из Латинской Америки, Африки, Италии. 5. Положи фрукты в корзину, пожалуйста. 6. Го- ворят, что нужно есть те фрукты, которые произрас- тают там, где вы живете. 7. Как будет по-французс- ки «плоды обучения»? 8. Фруктовый салат состоит из разных фруктов. 9. В августе созревают различ- ные фрукты. 10. На наших рынках теперь можно увидеть множество экзотических фруктов. 11. В этом году мало фруктов. Но это не проблема. Их завезут из-за рубежа. 12. Пьеса «Плоды просвеще- ния» была написана А. Толстым. 13. Его знания - плод долгой учебы. 14. Абрикос - очень полезный фрукт, особенно для сердца. 15. Теперь я могу пол- ностью насладиться плодами своего труда. 16. - Какие фрукты вы продаете? - Все, что хотите. 17. На севере культивируются фрукты, которые не боятся холода. 18. Фрукты и овощи - основная еда 180
вегетарианцев. 19. У нас кончились фрукты. Надо идти на рынок. 20. Различные фрукты использу- ются в косметических целях. Задание 77. А. Объясните употребление выделенных слов. l.Fish travel long distances in the sea. 2.The tuna fish is among the marathon swimming champions. 3. Most ocean fish (eighty-five percent) live in shallow water. 4. - How many species of fish are there? - There are about 24.000 known species (fishes). 5. “What a beautiful fish!”- “Yes, it’s a starfish.” 6. How do fish breathe? 7.Different fish live at different levels of water. 8. A flying fish can project itself through the air rather far. 9. Fish have a single or two-chamber heart. 10. “What are ‘barber’ fish?” - “They clean off parasites of other fishes.” 11. The Atlantic salmon is called the “King of Fish”. 12. Fish should be in your menu at least twice a week. 13. - Paul has left me again! - Take it easy! There are many other fish in the sea. 14. If wishes were fishes, you would need a whole ocean to hold all of mine! Happy Birthday! 15.Fish stink in three days. 16. It’s a pretty kettle of fish. 17. Timothy is an odd fish. 18. He feels like a fish out of water. 19. Big fish eat little fish, and the great fish eat the big. 20. Little fish are sweet. В. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Я обычно предпочитаю рыбу мясу. 2. Рыба не- обходима для нашего здоровья. 3. Суши (Sushi) - популярная японская еда, состоящая из сырой рыбы и риса. 4. Рыба содержит мало жира. 5. Аманда пла- вает, как рыбка. 6. У Генри большая коллекция ми- нералов, рыб и птиц. 7. Моя любимая еда - рыба с жареным картофелем. 8. Есть очень много способов, как приготовить рыбу. 9. Она дала собаке рыбку, но та упорно не хотела ее есть. 10. В этой реке много 181
рыбы. Но мы не поймали сегодня ни одной. 11. На столе много мяса, но мало рыбы. 12. Рыбаки были счастливы, они поймали много рыбы. 13. - Сколько рыбы мне купить? - Две или три рыбины. 14. Маль- чику подарили красочный альбом об экзотических рыбах. 15. Он ловит рыбу ради удовольствия. 16. Акула - это рыба, опасная для других рыб. 17. Он дышит как рыба, которую вытащили из воды. 18. Рыба - существо, живущее в воде. 19. Рыба вос- хитительна! Она тает во рту! 20. - Сколько рыбок ты поймал вчера? - Я поймал две рыбы, а Саша - пять. ПРОВЕРЬТЕ СЕБЯ CHECKUP Задание 78. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль. 1. This is ... lively and very lovely baby. 2. Cora was in ... kitchen making ... sandwiches. 3. Jeff has ... optimistic look at things. 4. You are ... genius, you are ... wonder! 5. He isn’t ... type of man to make ... woman happy. 6. Jane has ... marvellous complexion, doesn’t she? 7. Isn’t Dick tired of living as ... bachelor? 8. Take ... washing to ... bathroom, will you? 9. This is ... matter in which ... women differ greatly from ... men. 10. Max used to live ... double life when young. 11. He is ... grown-up,... responsible person. 12. This carpet will be only collecting ... dust here. 13. Put ... baby in ... pram, will you? 14. I’ll take ... dog for ... run in ... park. 15. ... house is in ... mess. What ... shame! 16. ... boss is afraid it’s going to be ... difficult job. 17. - That candy is ... temptation. - It really is! 18. I had ... nasty cold and ... sore throat. Задание 79. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль. A. Long ago there lived ... king who had ... only daughter. She was ... sweet, frail creature - very 182
delicate. As time passed she grew weaker and weaker and soon it became obvious to all that ... Princes was dying. All was in vain - ... love, ... money, ... doctors, ... nurses. Then, one day, someone found ... shabby old book on ... shelf in ... Royal Library. ...book proved of great value as it contained ... remarkable reci pe for curing just such ... illness as ... Princess was suffering from. One of ... most important items was ... pumpkin juice. ... king seized eagerly at ... chance to save his daughter’s life. So ... recipe was made up and ... dose of ... new cure was given to ... Princess. From ... very first dose there was ... marked change for ... better, and she was soon on ... road to ... complete recovery. B. ... king was ... middle-aged man and rather tall and well-built, and had ... strong face. ... children liked his appearance. He was “every inch ... king”, though he was dressed very simply in ... suit that reminded of ... admiral’s uniform. “What... decent sort he looks,” said Jack to Molly. There was ... great cheer which came from ... hearts of people in ... crowded hall. It was obvious that ... king was very popular. Задание 80. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль. Robert was ... very ordinary boy. He lived with his father and mother in ... ordinary house in ... ordinary street opposite ... park. Every morning his father, George, put on ... hat and ... coat, and went off to ... work. His mother, Albinia, put on ... apron, got out ... vacuum cleaner and did ... housework. And Robert took his lunchbox and went off to school. In the afternoon when he got ... home, his mother opened ... door and said, “Hallo, ... dear boy. Did you have ... nice day?” Then they had ... cup of ... tea and ... good chat, and sometimes went shopping together, and later, when his father came back from ... work, they all 183
had ... supper and talked ... little, and then Robert went to bed. One day when ... boy got home from school, his father said, “Today is ... very important day, as from now on we are going to start... new life. Yesterday, as I was peeling the potatoes, I had ... absolutely original Idea. Our life is too stale and boring. We shall move out of ... house and live in ... treehouse in ... park side by side with ... Nature. We are ... pioneers of the New Age Life.” “But there isn’t ... treehouse in ... park,” said Robert. “So we shall build one,” said George. “But I don’t want to live up ... tree, people don’t live in ... parks, and I am not... orang-utan,” protested ... boy. “Nonsense!” cried George. “This is ... free county and I can live wherever I choose. And it’s no use arguing. My mind is made up!” In ... hour and ... half they had all their things under ... largest tree in ... park. George and Albinia decided they should start building their new home on ... fourth branch from ... ground. “Why?” asked Robert. “Because it’s ... longest and ... prettiest,” explained Albinia. “There’s ... big crack in it,” said Robert. "... one above is better.” So ... fifth branch from ... ground became their new home. As they finally went to sleep in their hammocks, Robert thought sadly about his Lego, and his model planes, and his radio-car, and his walkie, which he had to leave in ... old house. Задание 81. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль. A. This was ... important journey for Mrs. Foster. It was ... wonder that she was going all alone to Paris to visit her only daughter, who was married to ... Frenchman. And, more than that, she had ... great desire to see her three grandchildren. “Goodbye, dear,” Mrs. Foster said, leaning into ... car and giving her husband ... small kiss. “Goodbye,” he answered. “Have ... nice trip.” ... car drove off. 184
В. ... rest of ... day was like ... bad dream. She sat in ... airport as close to ... airline desk as possible, and every thirty minutes she got up and asked ... clerk if ... situation had changed. She always received ... same reply - ... fog might blow away at any moment. She wondered where she might go to spend ... night. To stay at ... airport would be ... safest, but she also realized that this was ... stupid thing for ... old lady to do. C. Molly felt that everything was possible on such ... perfect morning. She jumped to ... ground and ran across ... room humming. ... patch of ... sunshine lay on ... floor by ... door, and as Molly stopped for ... second to do up her shoelace she saw ... curious shadow form on ... patch. And ... shadow was shaped like ... pumpkin! With ... start, she looked at... sunlit patch, but ... shadow wasn’t there. “Why, it must have been ... cloud passing before ... sun,’* she told herself. Употребление артиклей с именами собственными Use of Articles with Proper Nouns УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 82. Объясните употребление артиклей с географиче- скими названиями. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Asia Minor is a great peninsula in Western Asia. It is washed by the Black Sea in the north, the Mediterranean in the south, and the Aegean Sea in the west. It is occupied today by Turkey. 2. If you want to visit a city within the Arctic Circle go to Murmansk, which is on the Barents Sea. 3. San- Marino, which lies in the Apennine Mountains near the Adriatic Sea, in northern Italy, is Europe’s oldest 185
existing state. It has a population of less than 20,000 people, most of whom speak Italian. 4. The Virgin Islands (the Caribbean Islands) were bought by the United States from Denmark in 1917 and are now popular tourist centres. 5. Mount Ararat in the eastern Turkey is mentioned in the Bible as the place where Noah’s Ark came to rest. 6. The Blue Nile, and the White Nile meet in the Sudan to form the Nile. 7. The Monterey Peninsula juts out into the Pacific Ocean halfway up the California coast. 8. New York City is situated at the mouth of the Hudson River on the East coast of the USA. The heart of New York is the island of Manhattan. 9. The Gulf Stream originates in the Gulf of Mexico, swings around Florida, mixes with the North Atlantic Drift and heads towards Europe. 10. Lake Titicaca which is between Bolivia and Peru is the world’s highest large lake. 11. The Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean is famous as an area where ships and aircraft disappear under mysterious circumstances. 12. The Pan American Highway runs along the Andes of South America. 13. The Colorado River flows through the Grand Canyon. 14. In popular sea tales the Sargasso Sea is a place where huge masses of seaweed entangle ships and prevent them from escaping. 15. The Lake District surrounded by the gentle Cambrian Mountains is known for its Fifteen picturesque lakes. 16. New Caledonia is an island in the Pacific Ocean. It is a tropical heaven in the South Seas. 17. Rainbow Bridge is the largest natural stone arch in the world, located in southern Utah. 18. The travellers saw an oasis in the Gobi, but it was a mirage. 19. There are thousands of isles in Oceania. Tahiti is one of them. 20. (The) Niagara Falls are one of the wonders of the world. 21. “The Magnolia” won the race on the Mississippi. 22. The Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens are in Egypt. 186
Задание 83. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль. 1. ... Antarctic is the home for penguins, dolphins and whales. 2. She was sent to ... Persian Gulf as a war correspondent. 3. ... Europe extends from ... British Isles in the west towards ... Urals in the east. 4. The highest peak in ... North America is ... Mount McKinley. 5. We had an unforgettable experience in ... Austrian Alps. 6. ... Iceland is a volcanic island. 7. - If you want to see ... Lake Victoria and ... Mount Kilimanjaro, go to ... Kenya. 8. It hasn’t rained for several hundred years in ... Atakama in ... South America. 9. The hunters got lost in ... Rocky Mountains. 10. Many centuries ago ... Vesuvius destroyed ... Pompeii. 11. Most toxic waste water drains directly into ... Labe (Elbe) River in ... eastern Bohemia. 12. Life in ... Cyprus follows the rhythm of the sun. 13. The most famous Italian river is ... Tiber, which runs from ... Apennine Mountains and empties itself into ... Tyrrhenian Sea. 14. I wish I could visit ... Lake Chad in ... North Central Africa. 15. You simply must come to ... Tatras for skiing. 16. ... French Riviera is on ... Mediterranean south coast of... France. 17. The oldest country in the world is ... Iran, which was known as ... Persia until 1934. It has been independent since 529 B.C. 18. ... Mount Fujiyama (... Mount Fuji) is the most famous mountain in ... Japan. 19. ... Lake Tanganyika is the second largest lake on ... Dark Continent. 20. In 1819 the British bought an island on ... Malay Peninsula which they named ... Singapore. Задание 84. Объясните употребление артиклей с выделенны- ми словами. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. Although Australia is the smallest continent, it is the largest island in the world. 2. Luxembourg is a small country in Europe between France, Belgium and 187
Germany. 3. The population of the Russian Federation is about 150 million people. 4. The Empire State Building in Fifth Avenue is a symbol of New York. 5. The Low Countries include the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. They were so named because they are flat and near sea level. 6. The six island countries of the West Indies are the Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Haiti and Jamaica. 7. Pyongyang is the capital of North Korea. Seoul is the capital of South Korea. 8. Turkey is situated on two continents, Asia and Europe. The dividing line is the Bosporus, a strait that connects the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea. 9. Vatican is the Pope’s Palace on the Vatican Hill in Rome. The Vatican City is the only surviving Papal state. 10. Monaco is a tiny independent country on the Mediterranean coast of France near Italy. 11. We stayed at the Viking Hotel in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. 12. The South Bank Centre in London consists of the National Theatre, the National Film Theatre, the Museum of the Moving Image, the Hayward Gallery, the Festival Concert Hall. 13. The Washington Monument gives a splendid view of the city. 14. My Italian friends took me to see the Colloseum and the Forum. 15. The White House is now better known around the globe than palaces in Europe. 16. The Capitol is the place where the inauguration of the President of the. USA takes place. 17. Eton College is a famous and exclusive public school for boys. It is situated in Eton, a town about 20 miles west of London, on the River Thames. 18. Guildford Cathedral is close to Surrey University, which is in South-East Anglia. 19. San-Paulo is a city in South-East Brazil. It is the largest city in South America. 20. Heathrow is the world’s busiest international airport. 21. The Taj Mahal in the city of Agra in northern India is considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. 22. The Forbidden 188
City is located in Beijing (Peking), the capital of China. It was so named because it was the residence of the Emperor and very few people could visit it. 23. The Great Wall in China stretches for some 1,500 miles. 24. Stonehenge is located on Salisbury Plain, in southern England. 25. Travellers to Peru can see one of the most remarkable archaeological ruins in the Americas - a mountain citadel built by the ancient Incas. 26. Shall we meet in Regent Street or on Trafalgar Square?- Parliament Square suits me best. 27. In the mornings she used to read “Vogue” and he usually read “The Mirror”. 28. Who will come to power at the next elections: the Democratic or the Liberal Party? Задание 85. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1. ... White Tower in London was built between 1078 and 1098. 2. They always stay at... Coral Sands Hotel when they come to ... Sidney. 3. Excuse me, how can I get to... Natural History Museum? 4. ... Supreme Court is the highest tribunal in ... USA. 5. ... Freer Gallery of Art has a rich collection of Asian and American Art. 6. - Does this bus go to ... Sheremetyevo Airport? - Yes, it does. 7. You can say whatever you like in ... Speaker’s Corner in ... Hyde Park. 8. You can get a ticket to ... Moscow International Festival at the kiosk next to ... GUM. 9. Who built ...St. Basil’s Cathedral? 10. Most news comes from ... BBC and ... CNN. 11. ... Buckingham Palace,... Trafalgar Square, ... Houses of Parliament, ... Tower of London,... Tower Bridge, ... National Gallery are the usual sights in ... English capital. 12. ... Friary Centre is in ... Willow Street. 13. The capital of... China has two names: ... Beijing and ... Peking. 14. ... Mexico, ... New York, ... Tokyo are the biggest and the most polluted cities in the world. 15. The capital of... Republic of San-Marino is ... San-Marino. 16. ... London Zoo is the oldest in 189
the world. 17. ... Charing Cross Bridge is a railway bridge which crosses ... Thames in ... Central London. 18. ... Statue of... Liberty is a gift from the French people to the American people. It stands on ... Liberty Island in ... New York Harbour. 19. About 190 states are members of... United Nations Organization. 20. “... House Beautiful” is Britain’s Number One Home Interest magazine. Задание 86. Какие из перечисленных ниже имен собственных употребляются с определенным артиклем? А. 1. Kilimanjaro 2. Jenisei 3. Bermuda 4. Elbrus 5. Hudson Bay 6. Laptev Sea 7. Urals 8. Kalahari 9. Volga 10. Carpathians 11. Indian Ocean 12. Madeira 13. Etna 14. English Channel 15. Palm Beach 16. Arctic Circle 17. Olympus 18. New Forest 19. South Pole 20. Bridge of Sighs 21. Jutland Peninsula 22. Suez Canal 23. Swallow Falls 24. Sicily 25. London Bridge 26. Kara-Kum 27. Lake Chad 28. Amur 29. Malay Archipelago 30. Aleutian Islands В. 1. United Arab Emirates 2. Sudan 3. Far East 4. Brussels 5. Netherlands 6. Booker Prize 7. Hague 8. Art Theatre 9. Riviera 10. Northern Europe 11. St. James’s Park 12. Peacock Inn 13. Baker Street 14. Russian Museum 15. Salisbury Cathedral 16. Wailing Wall 17. Middle East 18. Southern Africa 19. Roman Empire 20. Miami Airport 21. Nobel Prize 22. Republic of Ireland 23. Athens 24. Winter Palace 25. Republican Party 26. Eiffel Tower 27. National Association of Teachers 28. Alaska 29. Village of Sosnovka 30. Central Asia Задание 87. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. А. ... Niagara Falls are one of the biggest waterfalls in the world. ... Niagara River is between ... Canada and ... United States of... America. ... island in the 190
middle is ... Goat Island. ... falls on the right are Canadian. They are ... Horseshoe Falls. ... Falls on the left of... Goat Island are American. There is a bridge across the river from ... American side of... Goat Island. B. ... Dresden is ... capital of... Free State of... Saxony. Situated on ... Elbe River in ... eastern Germany,... Dresden has always been called ... “Florence of... North”. C. All across ... America and ... Canada and ... Russia and ... Japan and ... India and ... China and ... Africa and ... England and ... France and ... Germany and everywhere else in the world a kind of panic seized all the television watchers. D. ... Oxford is situated in ... south of... England, about fifty miles north-west of... London. The oldest university in ... United Kingdom is situated in ... Oxford on ... Thames. It was founded in the thirteenth century. The oldest university in ... Europe is ... University of Bologna in ... Italy, founded in the eleventh century. The second oldest is ... University of Salamanca in ... Spain, founded in 1218, the third oldest in the world is ... Oxford University. E. Whether on a remote island in ... Indian Ocean or at ... Marine Museum in ... Florida, whether in a small village in ... Africa, or ... Mexico, or in a remote corner of ... Tibet; whether in ... Pacific Ocean, or in ... ancient hills of... Pakistan, the coral reefs of... Brazil, or the volcanoes of... Hawaii, you will marvel at the puzzle of the history and diversity of life on ... Earth. Задание 88. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Китай - древняя страна на Среднем Востоке. 2. Бермуды находятся в Атлантическом океане. 3. В Скалистых горах можно встретить множество редких животных. 4. Наполеон родился на Корсике, острове в Средиземном море. 5. Все высочайшие вершины 191
мира находятся в Гималаях, в Азии. 6. В Калифор- нии никогда не бывает снега. 7. Панамский канал со- единяет два океана: Тихий и Атлантический. 8. Аме- рика состоит из трех частей: Северной Америки, Цен- тральной Америки и Южной Америки. 9. Казбек - вторая по высоте вершина Кавказа. Первая - Эльб- рус. 10. Амударья течет через пустыню Каракум и впадает в Аральское море. 11. Мальта, Кипр, Капри - знаменитые острова. 12. Мраморное море находится в Турции. 13. «Крым», «Кавказ» и «Дальний Восток» употребляются в английском языке с определенным артиклем. Да, и еще «Ривьера», «Рур» и «Трансва- аль». 14. Если вы поедете в Египет, то увидите Нил и знаменитые пирамиды. 15. В мире есть несколько мо- рей, названия которых обозначают цвета: Желтое море, Красное море, Белое море и Черное море. 16. Все аме- риканские космические корабли стартуют с космичес- кой базы, которая расположена на мысе Канаверал. 17. Красное море находится между Северной Афри- кой и Аравийским полуостровом. Задание 89. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Музей изобразительных искусств находится на Волхонке. 2. Собор в Ковентри был разрушен во вре- мя войны. 3. На Пушкинской площади есть два боль- ших фонтана. 4. Кто получил Нобелевскую премию в области литературы в 1958 году? 5. Он живет на Цветочной улице и работает в Сити-Банке. 6. Боль- шой и Малый театры - старейшие в Москве. 7. Ро- бин Гуд и его друзья жили в Шервудском лесу. 8. В Европе есть несколько маленьких государств: Мона- ко, Лихтенштейн, Ватикан. 9. В каждой стране есть офис Организации Объединенных Наций. 10. Озеро Комо находится высоко в горах Италии. 11. Гаага - типичный голландский город. 12. Невозможно ос- мотреть Эрмитаж за один день. 13. Самолет при- 192
землился в аэропорту Майами. 14. Галерея Тейт была основана сэром Генри Тейтом. 15. Централь- ный банк Российской Федерации провел денежную реформу. 16. Новый американский боевик с Чаком Норрисом идет в «Форуме». 17. Отель «Ангел» сто- ит на реке Уэй в городе Гилдфорде. 18. Стокгольм, столицу Швеции, называют «Венецией Севера». 19. Скандинавия включает в себя Норвегию, Шве- цию, Финляндию, Данию и Исландию. 20. Эгейское море отделяет Грецию от Турции. Задание 90. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. В Мертвом море нет жизни, так как оно слиш- ком соленое. 2. Озеро Байкал славится своей красо- той. 3. Ривьера в Италии - знаменитый курорт. 4. Серебряный бор находится на берегу Москвы-реки. 5. В Республике Сан-Марино одновременно работают два президента. 6. На острове Сардиния живут Сар- ды (Sards). 7. Они провели медовый месяц в Нидер- ландах, в основном в Гааге. 8. Среди достопримеча- тельностей Москвы можно назвать Красную площадь, Кремль, Тверскую улицу, Манежную площадь, Боль- шой театр, Воробьевы горы и многое другое. 9. Наци- ональ и Метрополь - наиболее известные и дорогие гостиницы в Москве. 10. В Макдоналдсе вы можете быстро перекусить. 11. Берингов пролив разделяет Америку и Азию. 12. Кейптаун, столица Южно-Аф- риканской Республики, находится на мысе Доброй На- дежды. 13. Самый большой город в Африке - Каир, столица Египта. 14. Мексиканский залив - самый большой в Мировом Океане. 15. Красное море рас- положено между Северной Африкой и Аравийским (Arabian) полуостровом. 16. Ньюкасл стоит на реке Тайн (Tyne). 17. Романская стена - одна из досто- примечательностей Северной Англии. 18. Он журна- лист и работает в «Известиях». 19. «7 Дней» - са- 7-1112 193
мый популярный журнал в России. 20. Печора течет на север и впадает в Баренцево море. 21. Каждую субботу они ходят в бар «Три Дуба» на Северной ули- це. 22. Официальная столица королевства Нидерлан- дов - Амстердам. Гаага - резиденция голландского правительства и королевского двора. 23. Ватикан является резиденцией Римской католической церкви. 24. Знаешь ли ты, что Трафальгарская площадь была названа в честь знаменитой битвы? Задание 91. А. Географический тест. 1. What аге the most famous monuments in Moscow? 2. The longest river in Italy has the shortest name, consisting of only two letters. What is it? 3. What is the highest point on Earth? 4. What is the longest street in St. Petersburg? 5. When we think of this river, we picture Paris, the Eiffel Tower and everything that is French. Can you name it? 6. What is the oldest country in the world? 7. What river flows through a city that has a country inside it? 8. Do you know the name of the town where Shakespeare was born? What river does it stand on? Is there any world famous theatre there? 9. Can you say what is the oldest Zoo in the world? 10. Name the smallest country in the world, with the population of just 750 people. 11. What is .the biggest ocean in the world? 12. Name the biggest sea on our planet. What is the smallest one? 13. “The Mother of Rivers” - what river in Europe is called so? 14. There is a neutral country in Europe, which actually hasn’t been in wars since 1515. What is it? 15. What is the longest river on the globe? Do you know what the second longest is? 16. What is the difference between a channel and a canal? Name the most famous ones. 17. Name the country in Central Europe with the highest population density. 18. What is the most mysterious spot on the Earth’s surface? 19. There is a famous 194
city, which is in danger of going under the water. What is it? 20. What are the oldest books in the history of mankind? 21. What are your favourite places in your city, country or in the world? В. Коммуникативное задание. Игра “I packed my bag for...” Каждый из вас выбирает страну, которую хотел бы посетить. Какие вещи вы положите в сумку? Нач- ните со слов “I packed my bag for...” и продолжите любыми существительными в единственном и мно- жественном числе в алфавитном порядке. Образец: I packed ту bag for England and in my bag I put: 1) an album; 2) bananas; 3) a camera; ... Каждый последующий учащийся повторяет весь список с самого начала, добавляя свое существитель- ное. Задание 92. А. Объясните употребление артиклей с выделен- ными словами и словосочетаниями. 1. Most people in Sweden can speak spine English, so you don’t have to worry about a language barrier. 2. English has always been a hybrid language, what Daniel Defo called “your Roman-Saxon-Danish-Norman English”. 3. The modern world is a very small place. More and more people need a common second language. For millions that language is English. Today the English language is an industry. The name of the industry is E.L.T. (English Language Teaching). 4. The Queen’s English is the official English accent. This is the accent of the Royal Family and BBC news-readers. 5. People from the east of London (Eastenders) are called Cockneys. The Cockney accent is one of the most famous in the UK. 6. There are strong local accents and dialects 7* 195
in many other cities of Britain. For example, the accent and dialect of Newcastle are called “Geordie”, which is sometimes difficult to understand. 7. As well as English, there are three other languages in the UK. Today, only a few thousand people speak each of them. They are: Cornish (in Cornwall), Welsh (in Wales), and Gaelic (in parts of western Ireland and northern Scotland). 8. English has been called “a world language” for more than a century and a half. В. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Латынь - основа многих языков. 2. Он пере- водчик с голландского на финский. 3. В Швейца- рии говорят на немецком, французском и итальян- ском языках. 4. Русский язык прошлого века от- личается от русского языка XX века. 5. Он говорит по-русски с сильным итальянским акцентом. 6. Как будет по-французски «такова жизнь»? 7. Она преподает русскую литературу, точнее, рус- скую литературу XIX века. 8. Английский язык признан официальным языком во многих странах мира. 9. Миссис Вествуд читает лекции по англий- ской истории. 10. История английского языка - трудный, но интересный предмет. Задание 93. Лингвистический тест. 1. Do you know how many languages and dialects are there in the world? 2. What languages are spoken in the following countries? a) in Argentina b) in Australia c) in Canada d) in Brazil e) in Egypt f) in Luxembourg 196
g) in Mexico h) in Switzerland i) in Gibraltar j) in Austria 3. In what countries is English the first language? 4. In what countries is English the official second language? 5. What are the ten most spoken languages in the world? Артикли с уникальными именами существительными Articles with Unique Nouns УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 94. Объясните употребление артиклей с выделенны- ми словами. А. 1. The sun’s rays pass through the atmosphere to warm the surface of the earth. 2. There are wonders from all over, the globe in this museum. 3. The Zenith is part of the sky directly overhead. 4. The North Star is a guiding star. 5. When we don’t get much rain, the ground gets very hard. 6. I opened the curtain and saw that the sun was shining brightly. 7. She felt herself to be the middle of the world. 8. The equator is an imaginary line round the earth. 9. The wind cannot be caught in a net. 10. The horizon is the line at which the earth (or sea) and sky seem to meet. 11. Around the world people give flowers to say “Hello”, “I love you”, or simply “Thank you”; the message is international. The British traditionally give roses or carnations. 12. The Galaxy we live in is called the Milky Way. 197
В. 1. Through Internet you can enter a world of information. 2. The moment a child begins school, he enters a world of competition. 3. Imagine a world where things happened on time. Imagine a world where everything was exactly where you wanted it to be. Imagine a world of elegance and efficiency designed to make your life easier. A world to suit you. 4. I’m a small, small girl in a big, big world. 5. A gentle wind whispered in the trees. 6. Bill got off the train under a stormy, dark yellow sky. 7. The lighted area of a full moon is twice as large as that of a first-quarter or a third-quarter moon. 8. Venus is a planet second in order from the Sun. Mars is a planet fourth in order from the Sun. Jupiter is the largest planet of the solar system, orbiting about the Sun between Mars and Saturn. 9. We are probably all familiar with pictures showing the rings of Saturn. Do you know that Uranus and Jupiter also have ring systems? Задание 95. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1. People in ... East live longer than in ... West. 2. There are ozone holes in ... atmosphere of... Earth. 3. ... young moon appeared in ... sky. 4. If you go to ... North you’ll find a fortune, if you go to ... South you’ll lose everything. 5. When the ship reached ... equator everybody had ... swim in ... ocean. 6. ... moon hung low in ... sky. 7. This is ... way of... world. 8. I feel in harmony with ... Universe. 9. ... Earth has ... power known as ... gravity. 10. ... World Service was organized many years ago. 11. ... Earth rotates on its axis. 12. ... bright round moon showed them the way. 13. ... ground was covered with a carpet of golden leaves. 14. He was on an expedition to ... North Pole. 15. The books transported Matilda into ... wonderful world. 16. When ... moon in ... sky looks like this D - it’s ... young moon; when it looks like letter C - it’s ... old moon. 17. There was such ... freezing cold wind, and such ... 198
heavy rain, that we all stayed indoors. 18. She demands that ... world should accept her as she is. 19. ... light wind was carrying the smell of the gas away from the hotel. 20. There is ... good wind for boating today. Задание 96. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. The Planets and Their Names Our solar system is a small part of ... Galaxy. ... Universe includes billions of ... galaxies. Ойг galaxy is called ... Milky Way. We can see stars and planets from ... Earth. There are ten principal planets: ... Sun and ... Moon,... Mercury, ... Venus, ... Mars, ... Jupiter, ... Saturn, ... Uranus, ... Neptune, ... Pluto. The names of the planets came from Greek and Roman gods and goddesses. Astrology uses ... ten principal planets to describe people’s personality. ... Sun is the giver of life to our solar system. ... Moon regulates Earth’s oceans and human emotions. ... Moon symbolizes ... world of dreams, feelings and mysteries. ... Mercury is ... small, speedy planet closest to ... Sun. It’s named after the winged messenger of the gods in Roman mythology. ... Venus takes its name after the Goddess Venus, who is traditionally associated with love and beauty. If... Venus is a female symbol, ... Mars is a biological male symbol. ... planet has the reddish appearance in the night sky. ... Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. ... Jupiter was the king of the gods, thus it gives optimistic and good luck. ... Saturn is a dark, cold and fatal planet. The people, ruled by ... Uranus, are characterized by spontaneous and impulsive energy. 199
... Neptune is a watery planet. ... Neptune was the king of the sea in classical Roman mythology. ... Pluto is ... only planet, which rules money, power and sexuality. ... nine planets, ... Earth as well, revolve around the star named ... Sun. ... Earth is ... only planet in ... Galaxy, where animals, plants and human beings can live. Артикли с существительными school, college, university, bed, town, home, church, hospital, prison, jail, work Articles with Nouns school, college, university, bed, town, home, church, hospital, prison jail, work УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 97. Объясните употребление артиклей с выделенны- ми словами. 1. We don’t have to go to school today, and we are over the moon with joy. 2. Go to bed when you have had supper. 3. Rosy refused to go to hospital unless I promised to look after her cat. 4.Prison is not the answer to many social problems. 5. My Granny goes to church every Sunday to say prayers. 6. There is a new restaurant in town. Have you been to it? 7. He studies finance at college. 8. He was sent to jail for dangerous driving. 9. There is no place like home. Home, sweet home! 10. Doctors advise me to sleep on a hard bed. 11. I wonder what’s life like in an English private school. 12. Sometimes, especially on rainy days, the castle looked like a prison. 13. There was a chapel in the side of the school. 14. The child goes to a 200
prestigious school in Salisbury. 15. Usually he spends summer in a nice little town on the Oka. 16. There is an old military hospital in the area. 17. Frightened by the fire, the dog hid under the bed. 18. The school was kept by two gentlemen who did very little job. 19. The staff- of the hospital has a good reputation for performing transplant operations. 20. There is a good library in the prison. Задание 98. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1. If you go to ... bed late, you’ll stay very small; if you go to ... bed early, you’ll grow very tall. 2. Soon time came to start ... school. 3. If the test is positive, you’ll have to go to ... hospital at once. 4. People go to ... church to say their prayers. 5. Ten years in ... prison taught him nothing. 6. There is not a place in the world in which character is more important than in ... English Public School. 7. He first went to ... college, and then entered ... Newcastle'University. 8. I had ... uncomfortable bed at the hotel. 9. This is ... prison for women. 10. The stadium is rented by ... school for the boys to play football. 11. The priest goes to ... prison to encourage the prisoners. 12. He stays at... University till late evening. 13. I met him by accident in ... town. 14. The lawyer went to ... hospital to make a will for Mike. 15. Martha works as a nurse in ... children’s hospital. 16. ... church was empty. There were no services on that day. 17. I don’t like anything about ... town life. Life in ... country suits me best. 18. ... beds are still unmade, aren’t they? 19. ... school finishes at the normal time of 3.40 p.m. 20. Stationery and text-books are provided at ... school. Задание 99. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Пожалуйста, поторопись, а то опоздаешь в шко- лу. 2. Городок становится больше, и людям нужна 201
новая церковь. 3. Эта машина привозит еду в тюрьму раз в день. .4. Это была больница, в кото- рой я родился. 5. Он подошел к кровати и посмот- рел на спящего ребенка. 6. Платите штраф или отправитесь в тюрьму! 7. Моя бабушка ходит в цер- ковь каждое воскресенье. В церкви она встречает своих соседей. 8. Я знаю, что сегодня она встреча- ется в городе со своим адвокатом. 9. Давай встре- тимся после занятий возле школы. 10. У нас в горо- де есть госпиталь с современным оборудованием. 11. Они вместе учились в колледже. 12. Позвони в больницу и узнай результаты анализов. 13. Ка- кая старомодная кровать! Она что, из музея? 14. Я подброшу тебя до госпиталя, а потом поеду в кол- ледж. 15. - Каждый месяц я хожу в школу на роди- тельское собрание. 16. Доктор, как долго мне при- дется оставаться в больнице? 17. Когда занятия за- канчиваются, я еду домой. 18. Карловы Вары - очаровательный город. 19. Тебе лучше повесить картину над кроватью. 20. Его отправили в тюрь- му за то, что он совершил ограбление. Артикли с существительными, обозначающими приемы пищи Articles with Names of Meals УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 100. Объясните употребление артиклей с выделенны- ми существительными. 1. I very often invite my friends for tea and supper. 2. If you hurry you’ll be in time for dinner. 3. After tea there was much talk about the match. 4. Danny watched his plate at dinner and at breakfast without 202
saying a word. 5. “Let’s arrange a lunch for all your friends,” my father said. 6. Brunch is a late morning meal eaten as the first meal of the day. 7. He throws a dinner party for at least ten people every week. 8. I always eat a big breakfast. 9. He treated us to an expensive supper at the Ritz. 10. At five-thirty we had an early supper of sausages and bacon. 11. The tea ended in disaster when I broke a willow plate that Mum had had for years. 12. “I’m afraid it’s not a very tasty lunch,” she remarked. 13. When I entered the kitchen there was a welcoming supper on the table. 14. Before dinner he usually has a whisky and soda at the bar. 15. Lunch really tastes better out-of-doors. 16. A European breakfast consists of toast with marmalade and tea or coffee. 17. In colloquial American English “an eatery” is a restaurant or an eating place, where you can have a meal. 18. If you put some more salt in the dinner, it’ll be alright. 19. How many meals a day do you have? 20. Dessert is sweet food served at the end of a meal, especially fruit. Задание 101. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1. She went into the kitchen to fix ... cold lunch. 2. She had no appetite for ... delicious dinner which Cora had cooked. 3. The guests began arriving for ... wedding dinner. 4. I won’t eat... breakfast, it’s burnt again. 5. ... free brunch is offered to children in Disneyland. 6. We took ... set-dinner which cost 10 pounds. 7. This is a serious matter, let’s discuss it after ... dinner. 8. What would you like to have for ... lunch, my dear? 9. Many celebrities were present at ... dinner in the White House. 10. Well, children, sit to table, ... dinner is ready. 11. What about ... lunch? I’m dying for a cup of tea. 12. What ... mouthwatering supper! 13. They organized ... charity dinner for the homeless. 14. Do you have ... lunch at 203
the office or at the bistro nearby? 15. The University gave ... farewell dinner to the graduates. 16. ... supper which she cooked was uneatable. 17. Now I must rush to the kitchen and have a look at... dinner. 18. Stephen cooked ... delicious meal for us last night. 19. In many countries ... main meal is eaten in the middle of the day. 20. On the first day of the vacation we all slept late and then had ... huge brunch. Задание 102. Прочитайте и объясните значение выделенных слов и выражений. 1. Good food takes a lot of preparation, and that takes time. And food always tastes better if served on warmed plates. 2. One of our favourite snack foods is popcorn - a treat discovered by the American Indians. 3. “I’m afraid it’s not a very fancy lunch, Philip,” Anne remarked. “I stopped off at Harrods and picked up a few cold meats, and I made a salad.” 4. Ideally, wine should be kept in a cool, dark place. Sweet white wines can be slightly chilled. 5. This is a cult wine with a centuries long reputation. 6. Riesling, Semilion and sparkling wines have a fantastic reputation. 7. Good wines are the best buys before Christmas. 8. I am used to eating salads. Vegetable salads are my favourites. 9. A fruit salad goes well with ice-cream. 10. This jug is ideal for serving fruit juices. 11. Two teas and a coffee, please. No sugar. 12. Out of the delicious selection of starters I’ll take a chicken file, fresh fruit and vegetable toast. 13. Spain has an excellent range of cheeses. There’s a mild goat’s cheese and a creamy blue cheese, which are the best. 14. I am surprised at the variety of cheeses that have appeared in our shops. Задание 103. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Я покажу вам дом и сад после ланча. 2. Разве нам не пора обедать? Я умираю от голода. 3. На мой 204
день рождения мама готовит особый ужин. 4. Давай пообедаем в китайском ресторане. 5. Я всегда пользуюсь кулинарной книгой, когда готовлю обед. 6. Садись за стол, а то обед остынет. 7. Ужин в ин- дийском ресторане был очень острым. 8. Сколько стоит комплексный обед в этом ресторане? 9. Не за- будь помыть руки перед обедом! 10. Время ланча. Что ты обычно ешь за ланчем? 11. Французы, как правило, едят морепродукты на обед или на ужин. 12. На Рождество мы готовим необычайно вкусный ужин. 13. На десерт я обычно беру мороженое, кото- рое я очень люблю. 14. Ужин состоял из рыбы и жареного картофеля. 15. - Обед готов. - А что у нас на обед? - Нечто особенное! 16. Я предпочитаю швейцарские сыры. 17. Я люблю смешивать разные виды чая. 18. Франция славится своими винами. Задание 104. Прочитайте текст, обращая внимание на употреб- ление артиклей, и переведите его на русский язык. Russian Food Contrary to rumours, Russian food is delicious. Breakfast is a big meal. It can include cottage cheese, pancakes (blinchiki or syrniki which are made with cottage cheese), jam, sliced cheese, cold ham, fried eggs, omelet or kasha (hot porridge with a boiled egg on the side), sweet buns and ordinary bread, coffee, tea and juice. There is a great variety of Russian soured milk products, such as kefir and smetana (sour cream). Lunch tends to be at about 2 o’clock, if at all. The concept of fast food, caffls and restaurants is catching on, but not fast enough to find somewhere to eat at midday on every street corner as in Paris or New York, so it is vital to stoke up at breakfast time. Dinner can begin at around 6.30 p.m. At either lunch or dinner a traveler should beware of overdosing 205
on the first course (zakuski), with its tempting array of smoked fish, caviar, meat, salad, pickled mushrooms, cucumbers and so on - all washed down with vodka. Next comes the soup, usually clear, made with vegetables, and maybe a piece of meat floating in it or dumplings. Then comes the main course, meat or fish, with potatoes or rice. Dessert is perfunctory, either ice-cream or compote (stewed fruit). Tea, rather than coffee, follows the meal. The Russians have a very sweet tooth and serve delicious chocolates and biscuits with tea mid-morning and in the afternoon. From one small Scottish firm alone they import four million chocolate bars a month. (From “Xenophobe's Guide to the Russians” by E. Roberts) Артикли с существительными, обозначающими части суток и времена года Articles with Nouns Denoting Parts of Day and Seasons УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 105. Объясните употребление артиклей с выделенны- ми словами. 1. Spring is the best time to start a new life. 2. The winter was mild last year. 3. It was midsummer, the garden was full of flowers. 4. We are expecting a frosty winter this year. 5. It was late evening when the housekeeper called Tom. 6. The soft light of evening faded into darkness. 7. His watch said it was nt irly four o’clock in the morning. 8. On a lovely still evening my father and I went to fly a kite. 9. It all started on a Saturday evening. It was the first Saturday of September. 10. “Twilight begins at about seven-thirty 206
this week,” my father said. 11. In late evening all birds fly up into the trees to roost. 12. Ancient advice is to get up before sunrise and to go to bed with sunset. 13. He looked at the sunset and the birds coming back to their nests. 14. The gnomes were building their tiny house from dawn to dusk. 15. A silent night was followed by a bright dawn. 16. Don’t start anything new on a Monday. 17. “You are as good as an umbrella on a rainy day.” 18. You’ll feel better in the summer, I am sure. 19. We meet twice a year: in early spring and in late autumn. 20. Now it was real spring. Задание 106. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1. ... day broke and everything seemed better. 2. ... night fell when we were halfway to town. 3. ... twilight was gathering. 4. In ... autumn I always feel blue. 5. The weather usually gets much worse in ... late autumn. 6. ... morning we met was surprisingly bright. 7. Last time I saw her in ... autumn of 1990. 8. It was September. It was ... early autumn. 9. The storm is over, it’ll be ... lovely day tomorrow. 10. He was lying sleepless at ... night. 11. I can never sleep on ... moonlit night. 12. I finished the work by ... late afternoon. 13. It happened on ... icy winter morning. 14. ... breakfast will be served very early, right after ... sunrise. 15. When ... day broke we were ready to act. 16. On ... rainy October evening he parted with Frankie. 17. We were caught up by ... sunset on a narrow path in the wood. 18. Light the candle on ... balmy summer evening. 19. At the height of... winter it suddenly rained hard. 20. She worked from ... dawn to ... dusk but earned little money. Задание 107. А. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Что вы любите больше: лето или зиму? 2. Сей- час зима. Очень холодная зима. 3. Говорят, будет 207
ранняя весна. 4. Я родился осенью 1980 года. 5. Ночь. Приближается рассвет. 6. Он остановил- ся, чтобы понаблюдать осенний закат. 7. Сейчас че- тыре часа утра, и я не могу заснуть. 8. Была теп- лая июльская ночь. 9. «Не волнуйся, я буду дома к вечеру», - пообещала я. 10. Вчера у нас был ро- мантичный вечер. 11. В сумерки я любила слушать сказки моей бабушки. 12. Был пасмурный день, ти- пичный осенний день. 13. Когда в России зима, в Бразилии - лето. 14. Ночь перед отъездом была морозной. 15. После заката всегда становится хо- лоднее. 16. Я слушаю новости рано утром. 17. Он ушел ранним утром и больше не вернулся. 18. Ночь перед Рождеством - самое чудесное время! 19. Часы показывают полночь. Пора идти спать. 20. Осен- ний день был сухим и ясным. В. Коммуникативное задание. Расскажите или обсудите в группе, какие времена года вы любите и почему. Задание 108. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Было утро. Было раннее утро. Было теплое летнее утро. Он родился ранним утром. Мне труд- но вставать рано по утрам. Утро было прохладное, но солнечное. Какое хорошее утро! Мы доберемся до станции к утру. 2. Наступил день. Это был туман- ный день, день нашего отъезда. День был дождли- вым. Что ты обычно делаешь в течение дня? Инци- дент произошел пасмурным сентябрьским днем. 3. Был полдень. Полдень - это 12 часов. Домохо- зяйки стараются сделать все покупки до полудня. Посетитель появился лишь в полдень. 4. Было пос- леполуденное время. Мы любили пить чай после полудня. Маленькие дети обычно спят в послеполу- денное время. Мы посвятили послеполуденное вре- 208
мя чтению. 5. Был вечер. Был морозный рожде- ственский вечер. Вечер был теплый. Был поздний вечер. Мне всегда хочется спать по вечерам. Ты пой- дешь на прогулку вечером? Мы закончим все к ве- черу. 6. Наступила ночь. Была ночь. Была тихая звездная ночь. Я люблю смотреть на звезды ночью. Ночь была тиха. Буря продолжалась всю ночь. Мы отправились туда в субботу вечером (субботним ве- чером). У меня ночное дежурство сегодня. Его ох- раняют день и ночь. Я целый месяц не ложился спать рано. 7. Восход - это время, когда всходит солнце. Мы пили, смеялись, болтали до рассвета. Это означает зарю (начало) новой эры. 8. Весна - это время года между зимой и летом. Весной становит- ся теплее. Он уехал весной 1996 года. Париж пре- красен весной. Осень - это пора свадеб. Была ран- няя весна. Была поздняя осень. ПРОВЕРЬТЕ СЕБЯ CHECKUP Задание 109. Прочитайте следующие пословицы и поговорки, обращая внимание на употребление артиклей. Найдите русские эквиваленты. 1. A foul morning may turn to a fair day. 2. A clean fast (пост) is better than a dirty breakfast. 3. A nod from a lord is a breakfast for a fool. 4. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile. 5. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man wealthy, healthy and wise. 6. All are not saints that go to church. 7. An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 8. A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day. 9. Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark. 10. After dinner comes the reckoning. 11. If you laugh before breakfast you’ll cry before supper. 12. Better to go to bed supperless than rise in debt. 13. Hope is a good 209
breakfast but a bad supper. 14. Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight. 15. He that goes to bed thirsty rises healthy. Задание 110. Вставьте в пропуски необходимый артикль. А. ... speakers became visible, making their way through ... wood in which ... children were standing. One was ... young, fat, rosy-cheeked man, with a jolly smile, wearing ... white overall; he was clean-shaven and had ... high voice. His companion was ... striking contrast to him, being old and thin with ... long white beard; he was dressed in ... rich, dark-coloured robe, and had ... number of keys dangling from ... belt. B. Not ... sound came from ... cottage, and ... three people waited impatiently for ... second or two. Then Gian knocked again on ... little brown door. ... sound of ... knock came clear in ... air. No answer. He lifted ... latch and pushed ... door open. They found themselves in ... old-fashioned room with ... fireplace in ... farther corner, and in ... chair by ... fireplace there sat ... huddled-up figure. C. ... children had ... refreshing wash, then sat down to ... well-spread table - ... hot tea, ... toast and ... eggs, ... brown bread and ... butter, ... honey and ... fresh fruit. Over tea they discussed ... latest news. While they were talking they heard ... footsteps on ... garden path outside ... window, and then came ... tap at ... door. Jack and Molly gave ... start. With ... shake of her head Miss Marigold said, “Don’t worry, it’s ... gatekeeper.” Задание 111. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. A. It was ... terribly hot day in ... jungle and all ... animals went to sleep. ... only creature who couldn’t sleep was ... small monkey who was very thirsty indeed. It looked for ... drop of... water but it was 210
useless. Suddenly he saw ... tall pot, but he didn’t know if there was ... water in it. ... common sense told him that he would die if he didn’t have some water. ... monkey began to rock ... pot very gently and heard ... water splashing in it. “I must make ... water rise,” thought ... clever animal. So he collected ... big stones and dropped them into ... pot, one by one, very gently. And ... water rose to ... very brim of... pot. ... monkey drank ... cool water happily and thought: “When ... water gets too low again, I’ll drop some more stones in.” B. Many years ago there lived ... boy in ... America who was called John Chapman. ... boy loved ... flowers, ... trees and ... woods, and he knew all about ... beasts and birds who lived in them. Once as he was happily eating ... apple he thought how wonderful it would be to fill all... countryside with ... apple-trees, which were his favourite ones. So when ... man grew up, he began planting ... apple-seeds wherever he went, up and down ... country. But once, on ... bitter winter day, when ... snow covered all ... beloved apple-trees which he had planted, he caught ... cold and fell ill. Luckily some Indians who knew and loved John, saved him. Then, on ... sunny morning John Chapman opened his eyes and saw ... people, who had saved him. He went out into ... fields where ... snow had already melted. On and on he went, planting ... beautiful seeds wherever he could. ... great planter always slept in ... open air, cooked ... simple food and made ... friends with ... animals. He was sure “that if... man and ... nature lived in ... harmony, it would make ... world better, much better.” He was known to the settlers in ... New World as ... kind and ... happy man who had made ... countryside rich with ... beautiful trees where once there was nothing but ... bare brown earth. C. When I came into ... cabin I saw ... Doctor Spencer. 211
He was examining my father who was lying still on ... floor with ... broken knee. ... doctor said he would have to call... ambulance as never in his life had he seen such ... serious case. ... ambulance arrived and my father was taken to ... hospital. Doc Spencer came over to me and said that I could stay with them until my father came back from ... hospital. At six-thirty in ... morning I was woken up by ... ambulance men bringing my father back. They carried him in and laid him on ... bed. ... doctor arrived to take ... look at... patient. “Don’t wake him till ... evening.” Then he looked at me and said, “When did you last have something to eat?” I hadn’t eaten anything since... night before. Doc Spencer reached into ... car and took out something which was wrapped in ... paper. “My wife said you would enjoy it. She’s ... terrific cook!” Then he started ... car and ... moment later was gone. In ... room I unwrapped ... doctor’s present and saw ... most fabulous cake I had ever tasted in my life. (after R. Dahl) Артикли с существительными, выражающими родовое понятие, изобретения, жанры, термины Articles with Nouns Used in Generic Meaning УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 112. Объясните употребление артиклей с выделенны- ми словами. А. 1. The rose was approved of by the Congress of the USA as the National Flower. 2. The avocado is the most caloric fruit eaten by humans. 3. The cat was first domesticated by ancient Egyptians. 4. The papaya 212
is very useful, it can make you look younger. 5. The mountain goat, which is often referred to as “the old man of the mountains”, is not really a goat. It is an antelope. 6. The belladonna (“beautiful lady”) plant is both useful and dangerous to humans. An extract from the plant is used by eye doctors. On the other hand, the berries of the belladonna are poisonous. 7. A flying fish can project itself through the air at a speed of about thirty-five miles per hour. 8. A (the) writer must never forget who he or she is writing for. 9. A spectacled bear inhabits parts of the Andes Mountains. 10. The capuchin is the most familiar of the New World monkeys. 11. The cockroach is believed to be the oldest insect on the Earth. 12. The Australian coala bear feeds mostly on the leaves of the eucalyptus tree. 13. A seahorse is a most fascinating ocean dweller. В. 1. Anthropology shows the development of man on the Earth. 2. The diamond is the hardest natural substance known to man. 3. In the short life of man, no lost time can be afforded. 4. Man proposes, God disposes. 5. The great destination of woman is to awaken love. 6. The pessimist sees the difficulty in any opportunity, the optimist sees the opportunity in any difficulty. 7. The atom was known to the ancient Greeks. 8. The bicycle is a very popular means of transport in China. 9. The article is a small word which means a lot. 10. Alexander Bell was a genius to invent the telephone. 11. The brothers Luminr invented the cinema. 12. The radio was invented long before television. 13. The garden has always been a religious symbol starting from the Koran and the Bible. Задание 113. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1. ... elephant is the symbol of Thailand. 2. ... potato was first grown in the Bolivian Andes. 3. ... 213
cat is most closely related to ... hyena. 4. ... mongoose likes to dine on snakes and eggs. 5. A true symbol of the frozen north is ... polar bear. 6. ... owl has become a fictional symbol of wisdom. 7. ... tropical Mimosa is a very sensitive plant. 8. ... Alaskan moose is the largest member of the deer family. 9. ... Atlantic salmon is called the “King of Fish”. 10. ... sea cow is not a cow at all. 11. ... opossum can defend himself very cleverly. 12. ... coyote is the most widely distributed animal in the world. 13. God made ... man and ... woman. 14. Galileo was the first astronomer to use ... telescope to study ... heavens. 15. ... man makes ... house,... woman makes ... home. 16. ... metro first appeared in London at the end of the nineteenth century. 17. ... circus makes people remember their childhood. 18. ... telegraph works on a special alphabet, invented by Samuel Morse. Задание 114. А. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Почтовая марка впервые появилась в Англии в 1840 году. 2. Луковица - символ Бермуд. 3. Ха- мелеон известен способностью изменять свой цвет. 4. Кто изобрел телескоп? 5. Павлин - одна из са- мых красивых птиц. 6. Я очень люблю балет, но засыпаю в опере. 7. Аист строит гнездо на крышах домов. 8. Календарь - очень полезное изобретение. 9. Кенгуру ассоциируется с Австралией. 10. Аза- лия может расти практически в любом климате. 11. Голубой кит - самое большое животное на Зем- ле. 12. У всех насекомых шесть ног, а у паука - восемь. 13. Дракон символизирует зло в сказках. 14. Компьютер был впервые создан в инженерной школе в Пенсильвании в 1946 году. В. Коммуникативное задание. Обсудите с друзьями, какие жи- вотные и растения вам нравятся и почему. 214
Артикли в выражениях с предлогами with, in, like, as Articles in with-, in-, like-, as-Phrases УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 115. Объясните употребление артикля с выделенны- ми словами. 1. Магу look out of the window in a bored way, and pretended not to listen. 2. O. Henry (William Henry Porter) was an American writer famous for short stories with a “twist in the tale”, i.e. a surprising ending. 3. Oh, my love is like a red rose, That’s newly sprung in June; Oh, my love is like a melody That’s sweetly played in tune. (R. Burns) 4. Gilbert came out of the door and stopped in amazement. 5. His eyes were wet-grey-blue, like precious stones. 6. A change of activity is as good as a rest. 7. The boy behaved in a wild, crazy manner. 8. Why make yourself miserable with jealousy? 9. Luke went to bed and instantly slept like a dead thing. 10. He was staring back at me with great attention. 11. Listen, my heart beats like a hammer! 12. Celeste swirled in the kitchen like a tornado. 13. I found Grandpa smoking like a chimney on fire while reading an article dealing with the danger of heavy smoking. 14. - “I can never be yours,” he said with pathos. - “Men are so cruel,” she thought with a heavy heart. 15. If you had as little money as manners you’d be the poorest of all the people. Задание 116 Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1. We lay there for what seemed like ... hundred 215
years. 2. The keeper was a tall bony man with ... hard eye and ... hard dangerous hands. 3. “She seems in ... awful hurry, Dad,” I said. “She’s sort of half-running.” 4. Peter’s eyes blazed with ... vitality and ... curiosity. 5. The children looked like ... young savages. 6. It’s a funny day. Looks like ... rain. 7. With ... sick shock I returned to my consciousness. 8. He spoke in ... easy, friendly manner. 9. You are a strange child! Like ... old woman! 10. There was a funny little hat on the top of her head, like ... mushroom. 11. She says that her life was like ... lonely night. 12. She addressed us in ... perfectly polite way. 13. “I am quite breathless with ... admiration. You look like ... top model, darling!” 14. The kite caught the wind and soared upward like ... huge blue bird. 15. I realized with ... satisfaction that Ben was a bit deaf, deafer than me at any rate. 16. During their conversation he watched her in ... worried way. 17. The waves were throwing themselves against the rocks in ... fury. 18. She was breathless with ... agitation. 19. Nell has a waist like ... sandclock. 20. We spoke in ... strange way as if something lay behind the words. Задание 117. А. Дополните следующие идиоматические выра- жения соответствующими словами из правой колонки. 1. as easy as ... a. the grave 2. as fat as ... b. a lamb 3. as cold as... c. a bat 4. as dead as ... d. a doornail 5. as blind as... e. a fox 6. as plump as ... f. a bird 7. as quiet as ... g. pie, ABC 8. as silent as... h. a pig 9. as tough as ... i. charity 10. as soft as... j. pitch 11. as black as ... k. a partridge 216
12. as greedy as ... 13. as free as ... 14. cunning as... 1. leather m. butter n. soot В. Дополните следующие предложения необходимыми по смыс- лу словами. 1. She sings like... 2. She runs like ... 3. She swims like ... 4. She flies like ... 5. It was as light as ... 6. She was as happy as ... 7. She sleeps like ... 8. It was as safe as ... 9. She was as pretty as ... 10. He was as busy as ... 11. A change is as good as ... 12. It was as hard as ... 13. It was as heavy as ... 14. He was as ugly as ... 15. It was as black as... 16. She was as white as... 17. He is as slow as ... 18. He is as merry as ... 19. He is as brave as ... 20. He is as blind as ... 21. He is as limp as ... 22. He is as obstinate as ... 23. It’s as old as ... 24. It’s as safe as ... 25. He is as deaf as ... 26. He is as drunk as ... С. Коммуникативное задание. Используя выражения, приведен- ные выше, обсудите характер и привычки своих друзей. Помните, что критика должна быть мягкой и дружелюбной. Задание 118. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Хотя эта история и стара как мир, я хотела бы ее послушать. 2. У нее большая семья, и поэтому с утра до вечера она крутится как белка в колесе. 3. Хо- телось бы мне быть красивой как картинка, петь как соловей, плавать как рыбка. 4. Нет проблем. Это проще простого. 5. Ты только посмотри! После этой ужасной ссоры она спит как невинный ребенок. 6. Она счастлива, как невеста в день свадьбы. 7. Билл хочет, чтобы его жена была тиха как овеч- ка. 8. Джек построил дом, который был надежен, как крепость. 9. Евгений одевался как лондонский ден- ди. 10. Праздник был грустный, подобно Рождеству 217
без елки и подарков. 11. Вы для меня как вторая семья! 12. Нет, он не откажется от своей глупой за- теи. Он упрям, как осел. 13. Я не могу относиться к этим людям с симпатией. Они превратили мою жизнь в хаос. 14. Скарлетт была в отчаянии, когда Ретт покинул ее. 15. «Как тебя зовут?» - спросил он ше- потом. - «Сэнди», - ответила она тихо. Артикли в словосочетаниях с предлогом of Articles in of-Phrases УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 119. Объясните употребление артиклей в выделенных словосочетаниях. 1. Hilda Roberts is clever enough to be at the top of the class. 2. The tone of the story is set from the very beginning. 3. Jessica has the face of an angel and the character of a man. 4. Martin is fed up with the life of a bachelor. 5. The influence of general computerizing cannot be overlooked. 6. Morning! Does anyone want a quick cup of coffee? 7. A bar of fruit and nuts chocolate is a good snack. 8. I bought a piece of furniture which cost me a fortune. 9. We are right in the middle of Christmas preparations now, join us! 10. ‘‘I have never had such a feeling of complete and utter love as now.” 11. The choice of words is very important in our everyday life. 12. A spot of colour appeared on her pale face. 13. At the beginning of the talks we were offered tea and coffee. 14. I had the surprise of my life when I saw this. 15. Do you believe that the fortune of a man can be told by his face? 16. The roof of a private house needs regular 218
care. 17. The roof of the garage leaks and the top of my car is getting rusty. 18. What I actually need is a piece of sensible advice. 19. Great treasures lie hidden in the depths of the World Ocean. Задание 120. Встааьте в пропуски артикли, если это необхо- димо. 1. ... back of... chair should be hard to help a child not to stoop. 2. We’re trying to get to ...heart of... matter. 3. ... end of... novel puzzled all the readers. 4. ... moral of... fable is rather instructive. 5. At ... age of fifty he still had ... figure of... young man. 6. There was ... trace of... hesitation in her voice. 7. At ... end of... path the flowers joined above our heads. 8. ... flock of... birds settled on ... roof of... cathedral. 9. ... profile of... young man reminded her of... Greek god. 10. Many great ships found their final destination at ... bottom of... Pacific. 11. You can admire ... panorama of... Florence from ... top of... hill. 12. I find him to have ... peculiar sense of... responsibility. 13. I used to live in ... big block of... flats. 14. I have never heard ... word of... truth from Betty. Have you? 15. The new life was like ... heavens of... Paradise for him. 16. My Christmas gifts are safely hidden at ... bottom of... big bright box. 17. ... piece of... information that came with morning mail is very timely. 18. The snow lay thick on ... roof of... cottage. 19. Grandma’s stone deaf. You’ll have to shout at ... top of... your voice if you want her to hear you. 20. There was ... expression of... disgust on her beautiful face when she saw a spider. Задание 121. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Чтобы отремонтировать крышу гаража, нам нужен ящик черепицы. 2. Сердце женщины непред- сказуемо. 3. Вы найдете большой супермаркет в 219
самом конце улицы. 4. Глаза человека - зеркало души. 5. На рояле стояла фигурка солдата. 6. Фи- гура топ-модели должна быть идеальной. 7. Каж- дый человек - архитектор своего счастья. 8. Я все- гда ношу с собой портрет сына. 9. Ты идешь в мага- зин? Купи, пожалуйста, баночку меда. 10. Он сделал большой глоток виски и поперхнулся. 11. Чтобы испечь этот торт, мне нужна банка сгущенного мо- лока. 12. Мудрость человека в большой степени за- висит от его опыта. 13. У него было чувство юмора, которое всегда помогало ему в трудные минуты. 14. Положи кусочек сахара в чай, но не больше. 15. Мне нужна кругленькая сумма денег, чтобы на- чать собственное дело. 16. Сирена полицейской ма- шины заставила меня вздрогнуть. 17. Я не забуду вас до конца моих дней. 18. Давай выйдем на ули- цу. Хочется глотнуть свежего воздуха. Отсутствие артикля в ряде выражений, вводимых предлогами Absence of Article in Some Prepositional Phrases УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 122. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния, обращая внимание на отсутствие артиклей в выделенных вы- ражениях. 1. Day after day things may be very much the same. 2. Day by day he was getting better. 3. We work side by side and we trust each other. 4. He read the letter slowly, line by line. 5. The soldiers stood shoulder to shoulder to greet the commander. 6. From time to time they went for a ride in the woods. 7. The boy kept 220
grinning from ear to ear. 8. They entered the church hand in hand for a wedding ceremony. 9. I enjoyed the show from start to finish. 10. From beginning to end he acted most strangely. 11. The iceberg was hidden in the water from top to bottom. 12. He is a gentleman from head to toe. 13. Melanie is perfect from head to foot. 14. I went cold from top to toe at this thought. 15. Horse and rider should be a united whole. 16. Mother and child should be protected by the state. 17. The prisoner was tattooed from elbow to wrist. 18. Stop sitting here day by day and doing nothing! 19. He keeps all the official papers under lock and key. 20. During the war the family lived from hand to mouth. Задание 123. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. День ото дня погода становится лучше. 2. День за днем она мечтала о встрече с ним. 3. Она становится все красивее и красивее. 4. Око за око, зуб за зуб. 5. Мы промокли с головы до ног. 6. Начался шторм, и катер швыряло из стороны в сторону. 7. Книга такая интересная, что я знаю ее от корки до корки. 8. Они встречали все трудно- сти плечом к плечу. 9. Они пришли на встречу под ручку. 10. Она знала, что это был неудачный выбор от начала и до конца. 11. День ото дня мой французский становится все лучше и лучше. 12. Вы когда-нибудь встречались с ним лицом к лицу? 13. Она держит свои деньги под замком. 14. Ма- шина и водитель слились в единое целое. 15. Мать и ребенок всегда очень близки друг с другом. 16. У отца и сына должно быть взаимопонимание. 17. Хо- зяин и помощник трудились с утра до ночи. 18. Они неразлучны, словно рука и перчатка. 19. Они очень бедны и живут впроголодь. 20. Дама в красном танцует со мной щека к щеке. 221
Артикли с существительными в функции приложения и предикатива Articles with Nouns Used as Appositions and Predicatives УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 124. Объясните употребление артиклей с выделенны- ми словами и словосочетаниями. 1. Roy, an undisciplined boy, drove many teachers to despair. 2. The report, a three volume book, included 150 recommendations. 3. Ms Baker, a high school chemistry teacher, inspired my love of science. 4. Ben and Simon were younger than me, burly strong fellows, but now getting fat and a little out of condition. 5. Good evening, Alan! Let me introduce Diana Bruce, a colleague of mine, to you. 6. I felt sure it must be a ghost, a visitor from another world. 7. Maya Angelou, the celebrated writer, will appear on television tonight. 8. The yacht once belonged to Mr. Leyland, a wealthy shipowner from Liverpool. 9. Walt Disney, the famous film animator and producer, created Disneyland, a large pleasure park, which was opened in California in 1955. 10. Karl Marx, an important 19th century sociologist, believed that his role was to change the world. 11. We were accepted by Peter Illingworth, headmaster of. Heaton Manor School. 12. The boy Tom and the girl Tracey dressed as ghosts for the Halloween. 13. The artist Stubbs painted mostly horses. 14. Today I’m going to watch the film about Admiral Nelson and Lady Hamilton. 15. The next morning, a Monday, my father was up at six o’clock. 16. I found some wine in the cellar, a litre bottle of Spanish red wine. 17. It was nearly four years before she became Queen, yes, the Queen of her land. 18. Mr. Hugh Walker is leader of the Social and Democratic Labour Party. 222
Задание 125. Вставьте в пропуски артикль, если это необходимо. 1. Megan Lively, ... professor of linguistics, studies the slang of teenagers. 2. A boy ran out, ... tall healthy handsome boy, straight into the man’s arms. 3. Bobby and Sally, ... sensitive children, were filled with excitement at seeing the new toys. 4. Charles Freer, ... founder of the Freer Gallery of Art, gave his collection to the United States. 5. Rebecca Bell, ... artist and ... cabinetmaker, specializes in hand-made kitchens. 6. Kate, ... leader of the group, didn’t want to give up any authority. 7. The ring she wore was ordered by ... King George the Sixth. 8. Miss Honey smiled, ... smile of pure pleasure. 9. Don married Felicia Scott, ... classmate of Celeste’s. 10. There was once a miller, ... good and unremarkable man. 11. Many people spoke at the meeting: ... teacher Borodin, ... worker Ognev, ... professor Nikolayev,... general Vetrov. 12. Colonel Baden-Powell, ... founder of the Boy Scout movement, was an Englishman. 13. The life of... Emperor Napoleon still attracts a lot of attention. 14. ... President Bill Clinton helped serve a traditional Thanksgiving meal to the homeless. 15. “Matilda” is a novel by Roald Dahl, ... famous English writer. 16. ... Princess Margaret is known for her charity work. Задание 126. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Он известный физик, эксперт в своей области. 2. Микки-Мауса, знаменитого мультипликационно- го персонажа, любят все дети. 3. Мы с нетерпением ждали сентября, месяца нашей свадьбы. 4. Джекки, дочь известного политического деятеля, решила стать актрисой. 5. Тетя Соня и дядюшка Антон всегда при- сылают мне замечательные подарки на Рождество. 6. Картины художника Тернера широко представ- лены в Национальной галерее в Лондоне. 7. Король Джордж III был очень образованным человеком. 223
8. Агата Кристи, «Королева Детектива», была незаурядной личностью. 9. Собака, огромная овчар- ка, охраняла дом по ночам. 10. Джек Вотс, коммен- татор, работает на ВВС. 11. Владимир Набоков, все- мирно известный русский писатель, был мастером стиля. 12. Мой сосед, налоговый офицер, говорит, что у него очень трудная работа. 13. Джефри Чосер, ос- новоположник английской литературы, прожил ин- тересную жизнь. 14. Эдвин Лэнд, студент колледжа, изобрел фотоаппарат Поляроид. 15. Левис Страус, немецкий эмигрант, является создателем брюк, кото- рые были названы его именем. 16. Ваза, настоящее произведение искусства, была привезена моим дедуш- кой с Востока. 17. Короля Артура часто сравнивают с царем Петром Великим. 18. Мистер Пикок, дието- лог, часто говорит, что мы - это то, что мы едим. 19. Не могли бы вы сказать, кто президент Домини- канской Республики? 20. Киви, тропический фрукт, богат витамином С. Артикли с субстантивированными частями речи Articles with Substantivized Parts of Speech УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 127. Определите, какие части речи субстантивирова- ны в следующих предложениях, и объясните употребление с ними артиклей. 1. Social Services is a government agency to help the unfortunate, the unlucky and the poor. 2. “Who says that the English can not be led into revolution?” - “We can.” 3. She loves this monster and she will see no 224
wrong in him. 4. You’ll be given enough delicious eatables to last you for many days. 5. Good wines are the best buys before Christmas. 6. The guilt of the accused was hard to prove. 7. He had accomplished the impossible. 8. The Greeks built a wooden horse that the Troyans took into the city. 9. If there is one secret weapon that’s possessed by the successful, it is that they are highly organized. 10. If ifs and ands were pots and pans... 11. “How can you tell if a man has done the washing?” - “All your clothes are of a fashionable grey.” 12. You are an incurable romantic, that’s what you are! 13. Elevenses (brunches) are popular with people who don’t have to get up early. 14. Julia understood the answer as a negative. 15. God knows how tired I am of all your perhapses and might- have-beens! 16. Are you sure it’s a him, not a her, she is going out with tonight? 17. Our life is full of ifs and nots, ups and downs. 18. Christopher got a four for the composition. 19. The future is not going to be bright for me. 20. We talked about what we wanted to do, in the war and after, if there was an after. Задание 128. Вставьте в пропуски артикль, если это необходимо. 1. “Where do ... wicked go after death?” - “They go to hell,” I answered. 2. And ... best is yet to come. 3. ... old forget, ... young don’t know. 4. Bali is a heaven where ... famous, ... rich and ... privileged go for a holiday. 5. ... green of her sweater matched ... brown of her skirt perfectly. 6. He is ... conservative and won’t change his views all of... sudden. 7. ... Scandinavians are much of merchants: ... Swedish produce all the materials,... Norwegians transport them, and ... Danish sell them. 8. “Is the weather changing for ... worse?” - “I hope not.” 9. Simon flew to America as he wanted to have a look at the land of... free. 10. Surely a career diplomat expects to take a bit of... 8-1112 225
rough with ... smooth. 11. There is often a lack of understanding between ... young and ... old. 12. Some people enjoy ... mystical and ... supernatural. 13. ... English have been called a nation of shopkeepers. 14. ... unemployed cannot be expected to live on the savings. 15. Every child should pass the medical check-up. It’s ... must! 16. One evening she telephoned me out of... blue and said she was in some kind of trouble. 17. ... black and ... white are her favourite colours. 18. Jimmy is ... radical and believes in his mission to change the world. 19. Only ... wealthy can have the luxury of doing nothing. 20. ... past can’t be helped! It’s ... present and ... future we should think of. Задание 129. Найдите русские эквиваленты следующих англий- ских пословиц и поговорок. Объясните употребление артиклей. 1. A blind leader of the blind. 2. A good name keeps its lustre in the dark. 3. A word is enough to the wise. 4. Among the blind the one-eyed man is king. 5. All cats are grey in the dark. 6. If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. 7. It is an ill wind that blows nobody good. 8. None but the brave deserve the fair. 9. The Dutch have taken Holland! 10. True blue will never stain. 11. Two blacks do not make a white. 12. There is no place for the wicked. 13. Two is company, but three is none. 14. When three know it, all know it. 15. When angry, count a hundred. Задание 130. Впишите в таблицу недостающие слова, обращая внимание на употребление артиклей. Название страны Прилага- тельное Житель страны Совокупность жителей Название языка 1. Russia 2. Britain British a Russian the British Russian
3. China 4. 5. Hungary 6. Finland 7. Spain 8. Turkey Turkish the Americans the Hungarian people the Spanish Finnish 9. Scotland a Scot the Scottish language 10. Holland 11. Denmark 12. Egypt 13. Swedish an Egyptian 14. Israel 15. Belgium 16. Portugal 17. Australia Israeli a Belgian 18. Czech 19. 20. 21. France 22. 23. Polish a German the Saudis Italian Задание 131. Составьте предложения, используя слова и сло- восочетания из правого столбца. 1. The storm started 2. The refusal 3. All the summer the kids stayed 4. On the whole 5. In the present situation there is 6. In short 7. Paul Macey left his job 8. He did his best 9. Don’t worry, it’s all 10. - Are you confused? a. in the open. b. she is not a bad person, c. the story has a happy end. d. out of the blue. e. to get the bette of everything. f. for the best. g. all of a sudden. h. a change for the better. i. Not in the least. j. touched her to the quick. 8 227
Задание 132. Переведите следующие предложения. А. 1. Японцы гораздо более работоспособны, чем англичане. 2. Чем больше снега, тем лучше для урожая. 3. Американцы менее педантичны (формальны), чем европейцы. 4. Большинство дат- чан хорошо говорит по-английски, чего не скажешь о французах. 5. Не говорите плохо об отсутствую- щих. 6. Мой дом - третий справа. Мимо точно не пройдешь. 7. Чем сильнее буря, тем скорее она пройдет. 8. Опытные (люди) знают, что опыт - лучший учитель. 9. Во всем мире собак исполь- зуют для поиска взрывчатых веществ и наркоти- ков. 10. Из двух братьев Дон самый высокий. 11. Моя соседка работает в школе для глухоне- мых. 12. Шотландцы любят свою горную страну. 13. Я - космополит, хотя я и консерватор. 14. Он носит одежду спокойного серого цвета. 15. Я вы- пил чашку чая, вторую, третью и лишь после чет- вертой понял, что утолил жажду. 16. Японцы жи- вут дольше, чем другие народы. В. 1. - Восемь часов вас устроит? - Да, чем рань- ше, тем лучше. 2. Даже для самых умных и опыт- ных это очень сложная работа. 3. Давайте забудем все худшее и будем надеяться на лучшее. 4. Раз- дался взрыв, затем второй, затем третий, и вновь наступила тишина. 5. Очень неразумно обвинять молодых. Старики должны постараться их понять. 6. Эти обидные слова задели ее за живое. 7. Мы все очень надеемся, что ответ будет положительным. 8. Прогноз сообщает, что погода наконец-то меня- ется к лучшему. 9. Мой брат - неисправимый ро- мантик. Он верит во все лучшее в людях. 10. Про- шел год, затем второй, а писем все не было. 11. Швейцарцы часто говорят, что жизнь в Швей- царии очень скучна. 12. Небо было бледно-голубо- го цвета, а море - темно-зеленого. 13. Голландцы 228
живут в Голландии и говорят на голландском язы- ке. 14. Мы сидели в прохладе нашего укромного садика и наслаждались покоем (спокойствием) ве- чера. 15. - Как называется этот сериал? - «Дерз- кие и красивые». 16. Сейчас этот театр ставит спек- такль по роману Ф. М. Достоевского «Бесы». ПРОВЕРЬТЕ СЕБЯ. ВСЕ СЛУЧАИ УПОТРЕБЛЕНИЯ АРТИКЛЕЙ CHECKUP. ALL CASES OF THE USE OF ARTICLES Задание 133. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1. On ... morning of... third day ... sea calmed. 2. I was scolded for ... hour as ... most ungrateful child in ... world. 3. ... hard work is ... key to ... success. 4. Which is taller - ... Eiffel Tower or ... Big Ben? 5. After ... school they had ... lunch. After ... lunch they went for ... stroll. 6. ... big fellow arranged to carry Tom’s boxes to ... school for ... dollar. 7. We walked along ... street, in ... direction of... church. 8. There was ... small moon racing through ... clouds. 9. Pamela was buying ... fruit at ... market when ... man stole her purse. 10. ... price of ... coffee is rising ... year by ... year. 11. “Good morning, ... class!” ... teacher said with ... smile. 12. If you move ... bed to ... window you’re sure to catch ... cold. 13. Tim told ... truth but ... girl didn’t believe ... word of it. ... truth was too bitter. 14. I got ... good mark for ... test which I wrote on ... second day of... school. 15. Stephen is ... absolute beginner and he needs ... step-by- ... step instructions. 16. ... mayor cut ... ribbon to open ... new hospital. 17. Anne gave ... dinner party on ... Saturday. It was... pleasant evening. 18. I am taking ... dog for ... run in ... early morning. 229
Задание 134. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1. Before going to ... bed, ... boy would ask his father to tell him ... bedtime story. 2. ... man who wastes ... money is known as ... spendthrift. 3. ... cement consists of... mixture of... clay and ... chemicals. 4. She thinks Ted is ... failure, so ... man drinks. ... more he drinks, ... more he fails. 5. ... jazz festival took place at... Congress Centre in ... Hague. 6. ... fellow was ... professional weight-lifter and never drank ... alcohol. 7. After ... breakfast she left for ... Rockies by ... plane. 8. ... Buckingham Palace holds ... greatest personal collection of ... works of art in ... entire world. 9. Then they had ... talk about... changes which ... doctor had made in ... hospital. 10. ... breakfast will be served early in ... morning, right after ... sunrise. 11. ... sportsman had ... nasty cold and was hoping to throw it off without going to ... bed. 12. ... England is ... paradise for ... women. 13. ... few minutes later, ... agent hurried to ... phone. He knew ... number of... police station by... heart. 14. When ... wind is in ... east, it is neither good for ... man nor... beast. 15. ... dawn was breaking as I stretched out on ... coach to have ... hour’s sleep. 16. ... workers are installing ... new bell in ... church. 17. ... otter used to be ... common animal, but is now found only in ... northern Britain. 18. Harris had ... nasty shock ... other day when he saw his neighbour’s house on ... fire. Задание 135. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1. I had ... interview for... job as... clerk in ... local bank last week. 2. His name is on ... tip of my tongue. It’ll come to me in ... moment. 3. ... children had to rise from ... table before ... dinner was over. 4. There was something in ... air, there was ... bright star in ... sky, and ... silver moon was shining for ... lovers. 5. ... man would get tired of ... woman not interested in anything else but her household. 6. Then ... secretary 230
filled ... second cup of tea and gave it to ... visitor. 7. I make myself ... cup of ... quick coffee and take it back to ... bed with me. 8. De n’t tell me ... sweet lies! Tell me ... truth! 9. ... Bristol Hotel, founded at ... end of ... 19th century, is located opposite ... Opera House in ... Vienna. 10. ... expression of her face was ... mixture of... love and ... concern. 11. ... three of them went for ... swim, carefully avoiding ... subject of Charles. 12. I must say ... girl has ... sense of... humour, as well as ... common sense. 13. Charles is ... special breed of... man. He’s ... British aristocrat. 14. He took ... deep breath and said, “I have ... confession to make”. 15. “You are ... very best, and ... apple of my eye. I don’t want you to get into ... mess.” 16. ... summary is ... shortened version of... passage, in your own words. 17. ... Dean needn’t finish ... work if he is in... hurry. ... report can wait. 18. ... dress is ... dream! It fits you like ... glove! Задание 136. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1. On ... night of January 7, in ... year 1610, Galileo peered through ... telescope at ... planet Jupiter. He saw ... three stars near ... Jupiter. 2. ... picture of Mike appeared on ... screen. He was waving at ... audience and grinning from ... ear to ... ear. 3. ... President Johnson as well as ... Prime Minister opposed ... bill. 4. I laid ... package on ... counter for ... assistant to fetch it in ... hour. 5. Hi, Max! Did you have ... nice weekend? I need you badly, there’s ... problem with ... printer again. 6. Hopefully Caroline will be in ... better mood at ... party. 7. ... Basques, ... small ethnic group, live in ... Pyrenees Mountains in ... northern Spain and ... southwestern France. 8. Take ... good care of... boss. ... next one can be worse. 9. Then he bought himself... day-old-English newspaper from ... kiosk, glanced at ... headlines and walked back to ... hotel. 10. “I thought we might have ... talk before... lunch,” Philip said with ... 231
smile. 11. And she found his upper-class English voice ... joy to listen to. It was beautiful, ... voice of ... Shakespearean actor. 12. He took ... step forward, smiled ... quiet smile and without ... word kissed her. 13. Anne had spoken ... truth when they had discussed ... house ... other day; she had loved ... place from ... very first moment she set her eyes on it. 14. ... motto of ... festival held by ... Cambridge University Press in Moscow in ... State Library for ... Children was: “Discover ... World Through ... English”. 15. ... young man does his writing at ... night, and during ... day he teaches ... English language in order to make ... living. 16. ... lift had shot right up through ... roof of... factory and was now rising into ... sky like... rocket. 17. ... fellow fished out ... pound from ... bottom of his bag. 18. ... person should come to ... theatre with ... open mind and ... desire to have ... great night. Задание 137. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. At the Travel Agency “Happy Holidays” Agent: Can I help you? Visitor: We would like to make ... exciting journey. We want to see ... life. Agent: Have you ever been to Brighton? Visitor: No, but we want ... more exciting holiday. Agent: Have you ever been to ... Sahara Desert? Visitor: No, we haven’t. Agent: Then this is ... holiday for you, ... month in ... middle of... Sahara Desert. Visitor: Is it interesting? Agent: Yes, there are ... sandstorms every day and ... snakes everywhere. Have you ever been bitten by ... dangerous snake? Visitor: Well, well, thank you, but... journey is too expensive. Have you got ... cheaper one? 232
Agent'. But it’s such ... rare chance to have ... unusual experience! Well, how about ... Arctic Ocean? We can give you ... fortnight in ... small boat with ... hole in ... bottom of it to make ... journey more exciting. And you’ll have ... food only for ... few days. Visitor: ... few days. You said ... holiday is for ... fortnight! Agent: But isn’t it thrilling? Visitor: Have you got anything not so exciting? Agent: Oh yes, let me see. This is ... holiday to remember. We’ll drop you in ... middle of... Amazon jungle by ... parachute with ... map of... London underground. Visitor: I don’t think I like ... idea. It’s so frightening. Agent: But very, very exciting! Visitor: Have you got something not so far from home? Agent: Well, what about two weeks in ... Brighton, staying in ... nice quiet hotel by ... sea? Visitor: It’s ... good ided! Agent: And it is ... pretty exciting one, isn’t it? No ... snakes, no ... jungles, ... enough food. Visitor: Yes, we’ll take it! Задание 138. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. Lucky Mrs. Grace Hume 1. Mrs. Grace Hume is one of ... few living survivors of ... S.S. Tyrone disaster. ... ship sailed from Liverpool for New York on ... 7th of April 1926. 500 passengers were aboard. Only 85 of them survived. Mrs. Hume described ... voyage recently for ... BBC radio programme. 2. ... morning we left Liverpool ... weather was very pleasant and we were all sure we were going to have ... 233
very pleasant voyage. ... captain told us it would be warm and calm all... way to New York. I still remember some of... passengers. There was ... old lady who was going to visit her son in Boston. Then there was ... man who was going to start ... new life in Canada. They both went down with ... ship. ... first and second days were very nice. I thought I would soon have ... fine suntan. Then, on ... second evening, ... captain told us that... weather ... next day was going to be ... bit worse than expected but that it wouldn’t last long. It turned very nasty on ... third day. I remember someone saying, “Oh, well, it’ll soon be over.” None of us had any idea how bad it was going to get. By ... time it was ... evening ... storm developed. 3. Everybody stayed in their cabins on ... fourth day. ... storm was impossible to describe by then. Suddenly I felt ... jolt. Then someone started screaming something about... huge leak in ... engine room. We all ran up on to ... deck. I was sure I would never be able to get in one of... lifeboats! There were too many people fighting over them. I also knew that I would go down with ... ship if I stayed any longer because it was going to sink any minute. When I jumped into ... water I sank so deep that I was sure I was never going to come up again. Somehow I did and there was ... lifeboat in ... water near me, only half full. Someone pulled me into... boat. 4. During ... night I often thought we were going to sink again or at least die of ... cold, but... next morning ... storm died down. Then ... ship came into sight and we and some people in another lifeboat were rescued.” Задание 139. Вставьте в пропуски артикли. 1. Mrs. Spencer was ... mysterious lady whom not ... soul ever saw. Her husband was ... handsome, rather pleasant man, who rented ... small house in ... Burnet. He didn’t seem to have ... job, and was away from ... 234
home ... great deal. His wife was said to be ... invalid, and people wondered how ... poor woman got on all alone in ... house. Katy used to visit Mrs. Spencer every day. 2. Most of the time ... woman was in ... bed and ... child would sit beside her for ... hour or two. Katy’s visits were ... comfort to ... poor lady, who was very ill and lonely. So Katy tried not to miss ... single day. She always carried ... prettiest flowers she could find, and if anyone gave her ... specially nice peach or ... bunch of grapes, she saved it as ... gift for Mrs. Spencer. ... visits did ... child as much good as they did Mrs. Spencer. 3. One day she stopped, as usual, on her way home from ... school. She tried ... side door - it was locked; and all ... blinds were shut tight. This was ... puzzle for ... girl. As she stood in ... yard ... woman put her head out of ... window of ... next house. “It’s no use knocking,” she said, “all folks have gone away ... hour ago.” “Gone away where?” asked Katy. “Nobody knows,” said ... woman, “... gentleman came back in ... middle of ... night, he had ... wagon at ... door, and just put in the trunks and ... sick lady, and drove off.” 4. It was too true. Mrs. Spencer was gone and Katy never saw her again. In ... few days it came out that Mr. Spencer was ... very bad man, and had been making ... false money. ... police were searching for him to put him in ... jail, and that was ... reason he had come back in such ... hurry and carried off his poor sick wife. Задание 140. Переведите следующий текст, обращая внимание на употребление артиклей. Мой день День начался замечательно. Я проснулся рано утром. В окно ярко светило солнце. Пели птицы в 235
саду. «Какой прекрасный день!» - подумал я. «Вы- ходной! Какое счастье!» Я встал, заправил постель и пошел в ванную. Я всегда принимаю душ по утрам, а поздним вечером принимаю ванну. Я надел джин- сы и рубашку и пошел на кухню. Через полчаса я позавтракал. Это был легкий завтрак, но вкусный! Тосты с джемом и медом, чашка горячего кофе с молоком, кусочек швейцарского сыра. Я включил радио: звучала красивая музыка. После завтрака я решил отдохнуть: прилег на ди- ван с любимой газетой «Аргументы и факты». Я всегда предпочитаю узнавать о последних новостях из газеты, а не по телевизору. А новости были инте- реснейшие: японцы изобрели новую электронную иг- рушку; британский самолет был угнан в Арабские Эмираты бандой террористов; голландцы вырасти- ли новый сорт тюльпана; группа шведов вновь под- нялась на самую высокую вершину Средней Азии - Эверест; тигр - исчезающее животное на Дальнем Востоке и нуждается в защите; правительство опять обещает помощь бедным, больным и старым. Прошел час. Зазвонил телефон. Мой друг, моло- дой художник, пригласил меня в Третьяковскую га- лерею, а затем на обед в ресторан. Мы с ним учи- лись в школе, затем служили в армии. Я с радос- тью принял приглашение, потому что давно не видел друга. К тому же я общительный человек и люблю посидеть с друзьями, поговорить и пообедать в не- дорогом ресторане. Я добрался до центра на такси, вышел на Пятницкой улице и дошел до галереи. Экспозиция картин была замечательная. Больше всего мне понравились картины Иванова, Врубеля, Поленова, русских художников конца XIX и нача- ла XX века. Обед в ресторане «Прага» был превосходным: эк- зотический салат, чешский борщ, рыба под соусом, 236
бутылка белого вина. Группа музыкантов исполня- ла русские и зарубежные песни. Мы замечательно провели время. День подходил к концу. Наступил теплый весенний вечер. Мы медленно прошли в Александровский сад, затем на Манежную площадь, мимо Кремля и гостиницы «Россия». И здесь мы расстались, пообещав друг другу встретиться через две недели. Местоимение Pronoun Личные местоимения Personal Pronouns УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 141. Назовите личные местоимения, заменяющие сле- дующие существительные. A family, a daughter, parents, a dog, Robert, people, an orange, fruit, morning, a word, Helen, a boy, the sun, a man, a teacher, sister, a doctor, the King, a grandmother, pets, the Queen, animals, a horse, grammar, a fly, a teenager, police, a boy-friend, paper, a book, news, scissors, weather. Задание 142. Заполните пропуски местоимениями в нужной форме. А. 1. This is my house. Do you like ... ? 2. Sam is very nice. Do you know ... ? 3. Those are your letters. Take ... .4. He doesn’t like animals. He is afraid of ... . 5. Sally never drinks coffee. She hates ... . 6. He is so handsome! Look at ... .7. I don’t need 237
this magazine. You can have ... . 8. Where are my shoes? I can’t find ... . 9. Margaret is talking to you. Listen to ... . 10. What surprising news! Have you heard ... ? 11. I often eat fish. I love ... ! 12. Tim always thinks about Mary. He loves ... . 13. I’ll be back in a minute. Wait for ... , please. 14. Your parents were so kind to you. Thank ... . 15. We are going to the party. Please join ... . В. 1. This is my watch. ... bought ... yesterday. 2. She didn’t come. What happened to ... ? 3. What’s the matter with ... ? You look bad. 4. Do you have a new dress? Show ... to ... ! 5. I’d like to have some biscuits. Can you pass ... to ... ? 6. He needs the money. Give ... to ... , please. 7. Sarah’s doctor is so kind! ... did so much for ... ! 8. We are very worried about you. Tell ... what is happening. 9. Who are these people? Nobody knows ... . 10. Mum and I have good neighbours. I like to talk to ... .11. Sue seldom visits her parents. ... often phones ... . 12. I don’t know Tina’s telephone number. Could you write ... for ... ? 13. My son saw a new Hollywood movie. But ... didn’t like ... very much. 14. Kevin and Bess bought a washing-machine. ... are proud of ... . 15. The scissors are very sharp. Be careful with ... . 16. Jack loves Sue. He offered ... to marry ... . Притяжательные местоимения Possessive Pronouns УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 143. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоиме- ниями. А. 1. I cleaned ... shoes. 2. You cleaned ... shoes. 238
3. He cleaned ... shoes. 4. She cleaned ... shoes. 5. We cleaned ... shoes. 6. They cleaned ... shoes. В. 1. She likes ... job. 2. He likes ... job. 3. They like ... jobs. 4. Do you like ... job? 5. I like ... job. 6. We like ... job. Задание 144. Заполните пропуски притяжательными местоиме- ниями. 1. Autumn has come. I like ... beauty. 2. I wash ... hair every week. 3. Nelly saw Peter with ... wife. 4. He has a bad memory. He can’t remember even ... own name. 5. This book is very old. ... pages are yellow. 6. I’ve got a relative in England. ... aunt lives in Guildford. 7. Some women are not happy with ... looks. 8. Charles is going to a picnic with ... girl- friend. 9. Are you satisfied with ... marks, Mark? 10. Sally and I like Maths. It’s ... favourite subject. 11. Can I take ... raincoat, Ann? 12. - Is this ... tape recorder? - No, they don’t have a tape recorder. 13. Can you rely on ... parents? 14. There is a mouse under the table. I can see ... tail! 15. My parents often play cards with ... neighbours. Задание 145. Выберите нужное слово. 1. - Whose bag is this? Is it (your, yours) book or his? - It’s (her, hers). 2. (Mine, my) task is easier than (your, yours). 3. Look at those people. They are (our, ours) friends. 4. It is not (their, theirs) house. (Their, theirs) is bigger. 5. (Your, yours) problem is (my, mine) problem. 6. Are (your, yours) hands warm? (Mine, my) are quite cold. 7. Can we use (your, yours) telephone? (Our, ours) is out of order. 8. Is this money (him, his) or (her, hers)? 9. Meet Mr. Bean. He is a friend of (our, ours). 10. We look after (their, theirs) children and they look after (our, ours). 11. I remember the house but I don’t remember (its, his, it’s) number. 12. The 239
children always make (their, theirs) beds in the morning. 13. I told her (my, mine) life story and she told me (her, hers). 14. Will you check (my, mine) paper and I shall check (your, yours) test? 15. Now we are going to open (our, ours) presents, and then we shall look at (their, theirs). Задание 146. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. - Это его часы? - Да, его. А эти - мои. 2. - Чьи это дети? - Наши. Они играют со своими дру- зьями. 3. - Ты сделал это для меня? - Нет, для него. 4. Это моя комната, а та - Бориса. Моя боль- ше, чем его. 5. Почитай, пожалуйста, эту информа- цию. Она поможет тебе. 6. Ее родители очень при- ятные люди. Ты их знаешь? 7. Моя кошка любит играть со своим хвостом. 8. Это ее фотография? Дай ее мне. 9. Где мои очки? Я не могу их найти. 10. Познакомься с моими друзьями. Их зовут Лена и Алексей. 11. Наша семья любит ездить в Крым. Мы любим его природу. 12. - Он останется с нами на выходные? - Поговори с ним об этом. 13. Ни- когда не обсуждай свои личные проблемы на рабо- те. 14. Помой руки и иди с нами обедать. 15. Слу- шай советы, но не всегда им следуй. 16. Моя дочь не любит больших животных. 17. - Цветы очень красивые. Ты их видел? - Нет, а кто их принес? 18. Тим предложил им пригласить нас на их свадь- бу. 19. Эти деньги его. Дай их ему и поблагодари его. 20. Я не интересуюсь компьютерными игра- ми. Я их не люблю. 21. Это крокодил. Его зубы очень острые. 22. Я дал ему мою визитку, а он мне свою. 23. Есть удивительные новости. Ты слышал о них? 24. Где моя пижама? Я не могу без нее зас- нуть. 25. - Вы позвонили в полицию? - Да, они уже едут сюда на своей машине. 240
Указательные местоимения Demonstrative Pronouns УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 147. Измените следующие предложения по образцу: Образец: This is a postcard. <—> These are postcards. Those are our friends. <--> That is our friend. 1. This is a newspaper. 2. That is my sister. 3. Is this your dictionary? 4. That is not his bag. 5. Those people are clerks. 6. Give me that spoon. 7. Are these pencils red? 8. This car is mine and that one is his. 9. I lived in these rooms for many years. 10. Can you see that bird? 11. This house is empty. 12. Who bought that magazine? 13. This mistake is very bad. 14. Is that a dog or a wolf? 15. Spell this word, please. 16. These letters are for me. Задание 148. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. - Кто это? - Это наш новый начальник. - Что это? - Это его новая машина. 2. Это моя комната, а та - Джона. 3. - Эти часы ваши? - Нет, это часы моего брата. 4. Посмотри на ту картину. Что ты на ней видишь? 5. - Сколько стоит эта куртка? - Она не очень дорогая. 6. Возьми то пирожное, оно с шо- коладом. 7. О чем эта книга? 8. Чей вот тот стул? Я могу его взять? 9. Эта одежда мала для него. 10. Эти ножницы не острые, возьмите их. 11. Ви- дишь тот дом? Я живу в нем. 12. - Ты знаешь тех людей? - Нет. 13. Которая сумка твоя: та или эта? 14. Эта музыка такая грустная! 15. Эти письма для него. 16. Какие фотографии вам больше нравятся: те или эти? 241
Задание 149. Выберите правильное слово. 1. Listen to (this, that). It’s a new hit. You’ll enjoy it. 2. Who’s (this, that) over there? 3. - Do you know French? - I learned it, but (this, that) was ages ago. 4. We’ll never forget (this, that) morning when it happened. 5. - How do you like (these, those) trousers? - They really suit you. 6. Do you remember (these, those) days when we were so happy? 7. Who were (these, those) people who came to see you last night? 8. - How is your lunch? - OK, but I don’t like (these, those) potatoes very much. 9. - (This, that) is a nice flat. - I’m glad you like it. 10. I can’t remember - have you been here before? - No, (this, that) is the first time. 11. (This, that) way, sir. 12. Take (these, those) kids out of here. 13. Let’s meet one of (these, those) days. 14. - Did you see him? - No. - (This, that) is a pity. 15. Now I’d like to thank (these, those) people who came to help us. Неопределенные местоимения Indefinite Pronouns УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 150. Заполните пропуски словами some, any, no. 1. I’ve got... nice ideas! 2. Have you got... friends? 3. There aren’t... lions in this Zoo. 4. The boys broke ... windows in the house. 5. ... weather is useful for your health. 6. Would you like ... Irish beer? 7. There is ... chocolate in the vase. I miss it so much! 8. You can choose ... hat you like. They are all beautiful! 9. Can I have ... water? 10. We had ... Swiss cheese at breakfast. It was delicious! 11. I’ve just baked ... cookies. Would you like ...? 12. - Are there ... changes in your life? -Yes, there are ... .13. He has a lot of money but he 242
didn’t give me ... . 14. - Do you speak ... foreign languages? - Yes,... Spanish. 15. - We have ... candles in the house. - I can go and get ... .16. - There are ... mistakes in your test. - Mistakes? I can’t find ... ! 17. There are not ... good dictionaries in our library. 18. John has ... furniture in his flat. Just ... chairs. 19. Could you give me ... tomatoes? I haven’t got ... . 20. Fortunately there are ... pirates in the seas nowadays. 21. We shall find ... way out, I am sure. 22. Can the children have ... ice-cream? Задание 151. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопроси- тельную и отрицательную формы. 1. Не has some bad habits. 2. I wrote some letters to my sister-in-law. 3. There is something special in this boy. 4. The children heard something about Robinson Crusoe. 5. She has got some good friends at the University. 6. Some birds fly to the South in autumn. 7. They made some mistakes in the test. 8. I would like some hot sweet tea with lemon. 9. Something happened while I was away. 10. He gave me some time to think. 11. There is some toast in the oven. 12. I would like something new to put on. 13. The manager took some decision. 14. I like some of Burns’ poems. 15. There are some good films on TV tonight. 16. Somebody has left nice flowers for you. 17. There are some apple-trees in our garden. 18. The millionaire bought some pictures at the auction. 19. The Ronins saved some money for holidays. 20. I’d like to change something in my life. 21. Children must have some pocket money. Задание 152. Заполните пропуски словами somebody, something, anybody, anything, nobody, nothing. 1. There is ... wrong with the printer. It won’t work. 2. ... opened the window again! 3. Have you heard ... 243
about the new Hollywood blockbuster? 4. ... can stop him when he is in love. 5. The neighbours didn’t see... coming into Liz’s flat. 6. He proposed to her. She answered ... . He got upset. 7. We have ... interesting for you. There is no news today. 8. - Hello! Is ... at home? - I’m afraid there is ... in. 9. ... has happened since we got married. Our life is so boring! 10. - Did he say ...? - Yes, he said ... about the weather. 11. It’s cold in here. Would you like ... hot? 12. - Did you discuss ...? - There was ... to discuss. 13. - Did he play cards last night? - He had ... to play with. 14. I am going to the laundry. Do you have ... to wash? 15. Does ... know where my glasses are? I can’t see ... without them. Задание 153. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Кто-то пришел. Ты кого-то ждешь? 2. Врач что- то написал на бумаге и дал ее мне. 3. Посмотри, кто- то забыл сумку на столе. 4. Он бизнесмен. У него нет свободного времени. 5. Вы должны гулять в любую погоду. 6. На небе нет звезд, только луна. 7. Любой учитель знает, что самое трудное - ставить оценки. 8. - Что-нибудь случилось? - Ничего. 9. - У вас дома есть цветы? - Да, есть. 10. Слишком по- здно. Ничего нельзя сделать. 11. Миша, ты вчера выучил какие-нибудь английские слова? 12. Когда он болен, он ничего не может есть. 13. - В зале есть свободные места? - Есть. 14. Любой девушке хочет- ся выйти замуж. 15. Было что-то странное в этом человеке. 16. Ничто не заставит меня работать по выходным. 17. У меня нет чая. А у тебя есть? 18. - Сегодня кто-нибудь звонил? - Никто. 19. Некоторые люди не придерживаются никаких правил. 20. Лю- бой, кто хочет получить приз, должен принять учас- тие в игре. 21. - Хотите салат? - Нет, спасибо. Дай- те мне, пожалуйста, немного сока. 22. В этой игре нет ничего трудного. 23. Сегодня есть что-нибудь 244
интересное в газетах? 24. Никто не пришел. Может быть, завтра кто-нибудь придет. 25. - У вас есть воп- росы? - Нет, у нас нет вопросов. Задание 154. Распределите следующие слова в две колонки. a few a little Albums, time, films, tea, chocolate, files, men, bread, deer, jam, glasses, fish, knives, children, butter, sheep, light, salt, mice, corn, soda, birds, oil, petrol, buses, happiness, cases, air, tomatoes, soap. Задание 155. Выберите нужное слово. 1. I eat ... meat. I prefer fish. a. few b. a little c. little 2. - Has he got many friends? - Yes, ... . a. a little b. a lot c. much 3. I’ve got... free time now! a. very little b. very few c. few 4. Very ... people can speak Welsh. a. few b. little c. a few 5. She doesn’t eat ... sweets because she is on a diet. a. a lot b. jnany c. much 6. There are ... pencils in the drawer. Take one. a. a lot b. a few c. a little 7. You haven’t got ... flowers in your garden this year. a. much b. a lot c. many 8. Put ... chocolate in the cake. A. a little b. a few c. few 9. Jack has got ... comics. He buys one every week. a. a lot of b. a lot c. few 10. We have ... shampoo. Can you buy some at the supermarket? 245
a. very few b. a lot of c. very little 11. He hasn’t got ... money. a. many b. much c. a lot 12. He’s got ... sweets in his pocket. a. little b. a few c. a little 13. We’ve got ... cucumbers. We can’t make a salad, a. a few b. few c. little 14. Nell has got ... money. She can buy a new hat. a. a little b. few c. little 15. There are very ... students in the hall. It is almost empty. a. few b. little c. many Задание 156. Употребите (a) little - (a) few в следующих предло- жениях. 1. Add ... drops of olive oil to the salad. 2. Very ... women become judges. 3. Could you lend me ... dollars until tomorrow? 4. ... people came to the party, but it was still fun. 5. Susan was very shy and made ... friends at school. 6. My friend is going to stay with us for ... days. 7. Melanie is quite happy and has ... regrets about leaving Victor. 8. Why do so ... English people speak German? 9. I’ve read ... of his books but I didn’t really enjoy them. 10. ... make- up will make you look much more attractive. 11. There is too ... water in the vase, and the flowers are dying: 12. The next day the child felt well enough to eat ... food. 13. If I were you I would use ... salt in my food. 14. Can I have ... more red wine, please? 15. - Do you speak Spanish?” - Just ... . 16. With ... more imagination you could do a lot with this room. 17. I can’t help. I have ... experience of this kind of work. 18. I am ... bit surprised by your gift. 19. Bad results showed that ... progress was made by the students. 20. It’s ... use trying to make her give up smoking. 246
Задание 157. Переведите следующие предложения, используя слова (a) little - (a) few. 1. К счастью, у меня есть несколько друзей, ко- торые мне помогут. 2. К несчастью, у меня мало друзей. 3. Ты мало работаешь. Поработай немно- го. 4. Он немногословный человек. Он может ска- зать все в нескольких словах. 5. В этом году мало снега. Но в лесу все еще есть немного снега. 6. Нам нужно несколько долларов и немного удачи. 7. Се- годня на ней мало косметики и украшений. 8. Мне нужно несколько минут, чтобы приготовить немного кофе. 9. Верблюдам нужно мало воды. Им доста- точно выпить немного воды раз в месяц. 10. Меж- ду отцом и сыном было мало понимания. 11. Это- му ребенку нужно немного любви и поддержки. 12. У мальчика дефекты речи, и мало кто понима- ет его. 13. У Марины есть небольшой прогресс. Она теперь делает мало ошибок. 14. Мало кто мо- жет быть счастлив без любви. 15. У меня есть не- сколько проблем и слишком мало времени, чтобы решить их. 16. Ты мало мне помогаешь. Не мог бы ты немного помочь мне сегодня? 17. У нас есть немного масла, но мало сыра. 18. Ты мало дума- ешь. Подумай немного, прежде чем ответить. 19. Давай поговорим немного, возможно мы смо- жем принять несколько решений. Задание 158. Измените предложения согласно образцу. Образец: She is по friend of mine. - She is not a friend of mine. We need no more milk. - We don’t need any more milk. 1. We have no bananas. 2. There’s no news from him. 3. He has given no reason for this. 4. They had no plans for the future. 5. Betty’s no fool, I’m telling 247
you. 6. It’s no problem at all. 7. There’s no juice in the jug. 8. We need no food today, we’ll dine out. 9. Being very poor, he got no education. 10. Ted bought no flowers for Tracey, as he was still angry with her. 11. I have got no time for sport now. 12. Simon has no money, no job, and no family to support him. 13. No politician is completely honest. 14. There’s no bread left. 15. We met no policemen in the park. 16. There’s no sense in making people unhappy. 17. I have no brother or sister. 18. He has given us no advice on the matter. 19. I am no expert on electronics. 20. It makes no sense. Задание 159. А. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предло- жения. Объясните употребление артиклей со словами (the) other- (the) others. 1. I’ve got other things to think about. 2. He had his papers in one hand, his hat in the other. 3. “Oh, look,” he cried, “there go the other children.” 4. Remember the golden rule: “Do to others what you would like them to do to you.” 5. Only two of the class passed the driving test, the others will have to take it a second time. 6. He sat far away from the others. 7. I’m tired of working for others. 8. Have you forgotten what happened the other day? 9. On the one hand, the idea is not bad; on the other, I doubt if it will work. 10. We read the three books, one after the other. В. Вставьте в пропуски артикли, если это необходимо. 1. I don’t like pizza. Have you got... other things to eat? 2. The two friends shook hands, each happy to see ... other. 3. Move it to ... other end of the room. 4. Don’t tire ... other people with your problems. 5. I shall wait until ... others come back. 6. He had two sons, one a baby, ... other a boy of ten. 7. The bus stop is on ... 248
other side of the street. 8. What was ... other thing you asked me to do? 9. Some people are less sensitive than ... others. 10. I only hope no one is using ... other lift at the moment. Задание 160. А. Распределите следующие слова в две колонки. many much A play, games, happiness, furniture, people, children, coffee, books, yogurt, table, music, hair, a TV-set, a fish, snow, money, a dollar, news, clothes, wood, rain, a printer, matches, sunshine, work, jobs, success, bananas, soup, holidays, nonsense. В. Составьте фразы c many, much и следующими словами. Образец: game - many games snow - much snow 1. woman 2. sheep 3. knowledge 4. children 5. story 6. hobby 7. furniture 8. apple 9. mouse 10. deer 11. reason 12. air 13. language 14. mountain 15. hair 16. geese 17. freedom 18. teenager 19. cash 20. blouse Задание 161. Дайте вопросительную и отрицательную формы следующих предложений. Образец: I have got a lot of friends. - Have you got many friends? I haven’t got many friends. They know a lot about computers. - Do they know much about computers? They don’t know much about computers. 249
1. They’ve got a lot of apples in their garden this year. 2. There is a lot of light and air in this hall. 3. There were a lot of students in the laboratory. 4. There is a lot of juice in the jug. 5. I took a large number of photos during our cruise. 6. Yuri had a lot of problems with his car. 7. There is a lot of snow on the roof. 8. There is a lot of salad in the bowl. 9. Victor has got a number of new hits. 10. There are a lot of exotic animals in the Zoo. 11. We’ve got a great deal of time before the exam. 12. Students must learn a lot of things before the exam. 13. We saw a lot of goldfish in the aquarium. 14. We had a great deal of sunny weather this summer. 15. Vegetarians eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Задание 162. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. Do you have to work much every day? 2. Did you have to learn much at school? 3. Have you got many relatives? 4. Do you spend much money on books? 5. Are there many things that you need? 6. Is there much food in your fridge? 7. Are there many good ideas in this book? 8. Did he make many mistakes in the dictation? 9. Do you eat much fruit? 10. Are there many boys in your group? 11. Are there many interesting things in this life? 12. Is there much practical advice in this medical journal? 13. Do you get much support from your parents? 14. Is there much furniture in your flat? 15. Are there many new teachers at your school this year? Задание 163. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. У меня немного друзей, но они все хорошие дру- зья. 2. У Линды немного времени, она не может пой- ти с нами. 3. У моих родителей немного денег. Они не могут много работать. 4. Я хожу в магазин по вечерам, потому что в это время там мало людей. 250
5. На нашей даче мало цветов, но много деревьев. 6. - Сколько яблок в день ты съедаешь? - Немного, одно или два. 7. - Сколько фруктов мне купить? - Не очень много. 8. - Сколько слов в этом словари- ке? - Не очень много. 9. В сегодняшней газете мало новостей. 10. Зимой на севере мало солнечного све- та (sunshine). 11. Нам не очень-то повезло на сорев- нованиях (to have luck). 12. Не очень-то много было у нас веселья на вечере (to have fun). 13. На этой полке мало книг. 14. В этом файле мало информа- ции. 15. У них мало шансов, так что у них мало надежды выиграть. 16. - Вы много пьете кофе? - Мало, но пью много зеленого чая. 17. Поторопись! У нас мало времени и много работы. Задание 164. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния. Определите, какой частью речи является в них неопределен- ное местоимение one. 1. One can eat well here. 2. One lie makes many. 3. It is nearly one o’clock. 4. She is the one person to help us. 5. So many nice bags, I’ll have this one I think. 6. These trousers aren’t as tight as the other ones. 7. I took her out to dinner one evening. 8. The law should guard one against such things. 9. They entered the hall one by one. 10. I feel like one newly born. Задание 165. Замените выделенные существительные на не- определенные местоимения one или ones. 1. These shoes are old-fashioned. Have you got modern shoes? 2. I don’t like this sweater. I’ll try to find a brighter sweater. 3. - Which turn shall we take? - Take the turn to the left. 4. There are two good dictionaries on sale. Which dictionary shall we buy? 5. They are buying old houses and building new houses. 6. - Which case is yours? - The case on the chair. 7. The difference between a good student and a 251
bad student lies in his attitude towards his studies. 8. - What dress are you going to wear to the party? - The dress I bought specially for this day. Возвратные местоимения Self-Pronouns УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 166. Составьте предложения со следующими фразами. 1. believe in yourself 2. blame yourself 3. cut yourself 4. enjoy yourself 5. feel sorry for yourself 6. help yourself 7. hurt yourself 8. introduce yourself 9. pinch yourself 10. be proud of yourself 11. take care of yourself 12. talk to yourself 13. teach yourself 14. tell yourself 15. work for yourself 16. wish yourself (luck) Задание 167. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Я порезалась, и мне так себя жаль. 2. У нее нет начальника. Она работает на себя. 3. Вы ког- да-нибудь разговариваете сами с собой? Многие люди разговаривают сами с собой. 4. Мы должны верить в себя. 5. Перед каждым матчем Андрей желает себе удачи. 6. Мне пришлось ущипнуть себя, чтобы поверить, что это правда. 7. Больная пока не мо- жет позаботиться о себе. 8. Не жалейте их, они сами справятся со своими проблемами. 9. А не предста- витесь ли вы, молодой человек? 10. Он не должен винить себя за это происшествие. Он лично сделал все возможное. 11. Будь осторожнее, ты можешь ушибиться. 12. Ты не можешь гордиться собой. Ты должна сказать сама себе, что ты совершенно не пра- ва. 13. Пожелай себе удачи перед экзаменом. 252
Задание 168. Что вы сказали бы в этих ситуациях? Используйте выражения, данные в колонке справа. 1. You’ve come to the office of a foreign company for the first time. You are trying to get a job. 2. Your neighbours are leaving for the Caucasus tomorrow. They’ve come to say good-bye to you. 3. Your daughter is going abroad to study in a foreign college. You are worrying about her. 4. You got a new flat and invited all your friends to the house- a. Enjoy yourselves! b. Make yourselves comfortable. c. Behave yourself! d. Look after yourself. (Take care of yourself.) e. Help yourself! f. Be careful, you can burn yourselves! g. Let me introduce myself. I am Mr. Davidoff. h. You can do it by yourself! warming party. 5. Your child is making great noise and doesn’t allow you to speak to the others. 6. Your relatives are having dinner at your place. There is much delicious food on the table. 7. Your friend is going to take his dog out at six o’clock in the morning and asks you to join him. 8. Your little daughter wants to help you to make tea. Задание 169. Переведите следующие предложения. А. 1. Они поцеловались и расстались. 2. Он не 253
виделся с нею уже две недели и сильно соскучился. 3. Он отказался от чая. 4. Мэри уже спускается. 5. Поезд уже отправляется. 6. Каждое утро она про- сыпается в семь часов. 7. Поезжай, а после увидим- ся. 8. Чашка разбилась на кусочки. 9. Он разорился в один день. 10. Она умывалась, пудрила лицо и одевалась к завтраку. В. 1. Он посвятил себя музыке. 2. Никто не дол- жен обманывать самого себя. 3. Устраивайтесь по- удобнее и угощайтесь пирогом. 4. Он видит себя центром вселенной. 5. Я уговорила себя помочь им. 6. Болезнь распространяется очень быстро. 7. Я очутился один в совершенно незнакомом го- роде. 8. А теперь, дорогая, укладывайся спать. 9. Петр защищался как только мог. 10. Десять маленьких негритят отправились обедать. Один проспал, другой подавился, третий повесился... 11. Соберись, ты же мужчина! 12. Позаботьтесь о себе! 13. Она живет одна (сама по себе). 14. Джон сделал работу самостоятельно. 15. Он сам мне все рассказал. 16. Сам композитор дирижировал ор- кестром. 17. История повторяется. Имя прилагательное Adjective УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 170. Определите, являются ли следующие прилага- тельные качественными или относительными. Woollen, young, wooden, Russian, silk, old, gold, beautiful, silver, easy, cotton, cold, comfortable, happy, big, plastic, small, synthetic, great, leather, left, Persian. 254
Задание 171. Расположите определения в правильном порядее. 1. a package, paper, brown, thick 2. a dining-table, wooden, round, large 3. green, a jug, tiny, glass 4. a cat, black, fat, Persian 5. Russian, pretty, first-year, young, two students 6. English, reliable, new, complete, dictionaries 7. dark blue, best, cotton, my jeans 8. young, a lot of, Japanese, intelligent, programmers 9. silk, a few, dresses, fashionable, red 10. London, old, streets, narrow, dark, foggy 11. young, many, English, bank, efficient, clerks 12. really important, the first, congress, international 13. last, interesting, really, his, five paintings 14. straw, big, bright, hats, Mexican 15. a lot of, pans, frying, Tefal, non-stick, brand-new, French-made Задание 172. Дайте степени сравнения следующих прилага- тельных. 1. high 2. hot 3. funny 4. cool 5. sweet 6. thin 7. wide 8. wise 9. famous 10. pleasant 11. careful 12. busy 13. pretty 14. clever 15. big 16. old 17. late 18. far 19. near 20. early 21. bad 22. good 23. important 24. interesting 25. serious 26. friendly 27. convenient 28. comfortable Задание 173. Составьте предложения согласно образцу. Образец: Anna (old) Marina. - Anna is older than Marina. Six o'clock (convenient) eight. - Six o’clock is more convenient for me than eight o’clock. 1. The weather today (bad) yesterday. 2. This week I feel (good) last week. 3. London (big) Paris. 4. Girls (clever) boys. 5. The sun (bright) the moon. 6. Cats (intelligent) dogs. 7. Men (sensible) women. 8. The English (polite) Americans. 9. Physics (hard) chemistry. 10. Boys 255
(sensitive) girls. 11. Chris (serious) his younger brother. 12. The air in the morning (cool) in the daytime. 13. Some people (honest) others. 14. A car (comfortable) the metro. 15. This dress (elegant) the old one. Задание 174. Дайте степени сравнения следующих прилага- тельных. 1. happy 2. pretty 3. grey 4. shy 5. left 6. dry 7. simple 8. joyful 9. accurate 10. real 11. sweet 12. yellow 13. polite 14. angry 15. well-known 16. pregnant 17. fine-looking 18. kind-hearted 19. old- fashioned 20. light-minded 21. absent-minded 22. broad-minded 23. well-bred 24. middle 25. wooden 26. empty 27. medical Задание 175. Составьте предложения, используя as ... as. not as (not so)... as, more (less)... than. 1. Towns (noisy) villages. 2. This year things (good) last year. 3. Programmes now (interesting) they used to be. 4. Susan (pretty) a flower in May. 5. English (easy) Japanese. 6. Russian (difficult) Chinese. 7. Japanese (easy) English. 8. Health (important) money. 9. A change (good) a rest. 10. Now the situation (bad) last month. 11. Cigarettes (harmful) cigars. 12. Is London (old) Moscow? 13. My life (interesting) used to be. 14. I shall be happy (long) you stay with me. 15. He (not clever) you think. 16. We have known them (long) you have. 17. The new clerk (competent) the others. 18. This wonderful hotel (expensive) the Ritz. 19. Their new car (economical) the old one. 20. On Sundays my children don’t have to get up (early) as usual. Задание 176. Дополните следующие предложения. 1. The harder you study, ... . 2. The older he got, ... . 3. The longer she thought about it, ... . 4. The warmer the weather (is), ... . 5. The more people, ... • 256
6. The sooner, ... . 7. The more he talked, ... . 8. The more chocolate you eat, ... . 9. The farther from home.......10. The younger the child, ... . 11. The more children there are, ... .12. The faster the car, ... . 13. The smarter the clothes, ... . 14. The more horrible the film......15. The richer your vocabulary, ... . Задание 177. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Из двух сестер Эмма более хорошенькая, но ме- нее умная. 2. Из четырех братьев Роберт был са- мым энергичным. 3. Он лучше играет в теннис, чем я (tennis player). 4. Хосе - лучший игрок в этой фут- больной команде. 5. Постарайтесь сделать свое сочи- нение как можно короче, но не забудьте выразить наи- более важные вещи. 6. Все больше и больше людей хотят изучать английский язык, и им" нужны более хорошие учебники. 7. Дэвид Копперфильд - самый великолепный фокусник, которого я когда-либо виде- ла. 8. Это был самый плохой день в жизни Чарльза. 9. Какое из этих двух лекарств более эффективно? 10. Моя бабушка выращивает самые красивые цве- ты на своей даче. 11. Нет ничего лучше, чем чашка горячего, крепкого чая. 12. Сейчас многим людям приходится работать гораздо больше, чем прежде. 13. Для нее нет ничего более важного, чем семья. 14. Чем скорее ты поймешь это, тем лучше. 15. Мой день рождения - самый замечательный день в году. Задание 178. Заполните пропуски правильной формой прила- гательного. A. Late. 1. This dress is ... fashion. 2. You must get off at ... stop. 3. Why did you come home ... than usual last night? 4. I think we shall discuss ... news a bit ... . 5. Victor has two friends: Mike and Henry. ... is an 9-1112 257
artist, ... is a dentist. 6. Will you repeat... word, please. 7. What are ... achievements in this science? 8. ... month Ted passed ... exam. B. Near. 1. This problem brought her ... to me. 2. We walked to ... house in silence. 3. What’s ... metro station here? 4. ... time you ought to be more careful. 5. Are you getting off at... stop, madam? 6. Will you read ... lines, Mary? C. Old. 1. My husband is five years ... than me. 2. Is your mother as ... as mine? 3. Of the six children Tim is ... .4. My ... sister studies at college. 5. - Who is ... at the office? - Mr. Harte is, though he is the youngest man here. D. Far. 1. While walking we went as ... as the river. 2 How ... is the station from here? 3 .1 wouldn’t trust them very ... .4. Rita lives ... from the office than all the other people. 5. They found the child in ... corner of the park. 6. The inspector went ... into the matter. 7. Molly has never read ... than chapter I. 8. They never got any ... . 9. For ... information, see page 49. 10. At the party I was sitting at ... end of the table. Задание 179. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. - Ваша подруга старше вас? - Да, на два года. 2. Джордж - самый старший из четырех братьев. 3. Мой старший брат - хороший спортсмен. 4. Нам придется ждать дальнейших указаний. 5. Поздно но- чью мы прибыли на последнюю станцию. 6. Послед- ние опыты дали интересные результаты. 7. Это был последний раз, когда мы видели его. 8. В прошлый раз мы так хорошо провели время. 9. Давай загля- 258
нем в ближайший Макдоналдс и перекусим. 10. У нас были дальние места, и мы плохо слышали акте- ров. 11. На сколько лет ваша старшая сестра стар- ше вас? 12. Это был последний роман А. Кристи. 13. Тебе следует найти квартиру поближе к родите- лям. 14. Его последняя песня - гвоздь сезона. 15. В следующий раз будьте более разумны. 16. В своей работе он использует последние (новейшие) методы. Наречие Adverb УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 180. Дополните следующие предложения подходящи- ми по смыслу наречиями. 1. It’s snowing ... . a. well 2. Your mark is bad. You did the b.’hard test ... . c. heavily 3. He came home ... ,at one o’clock d. quickly in the morning. e. late 4. Don’t eat too ... . It’s bad for you. f. high 5. Sarah studies ... to pass her exam. g. carefully 6. Who gets up ... , has a long day. h. fast 7. I slept ... this night and I feel ... i. slowly this morning. j. quietly 8. He raised the flag ... on the tower. k. badly 9. Open the window ... not to break it. 1. early 10. Modern trains go ... . m. fluently 11. Speak ... , please. They don’t n. clearly understand you. 12. She sat... in the corner like a mouse. 13. I can speak German ... . 14. He came closer to hear me ... . 9 259
Задание 181. Найдите правильную позицию наречий, данных в скобках. 1. The teacher comes to class at 8.30 (always). 2. These children are on time for class (always). 3.1 will remember you (always). 4. She is sleeping (probably). 5. They have finished their work (finally). 6. Do you eat breakfast (always)? 7. Anastasia knows what to say (hardly ever). 8. The mail comes at noon (usually). 9. The fax is here by evening (usually). 10. The post will be here soon (probably). 11. Ann stays home in the evenings (often). 12. Ann is at home on Saturday evening (often). 13. Ann will stay home tonight (probably). 14. Steve wrote me a letter (finally). 15. The semester is over (finally). 16. I have finished my essay (finally). 17. Do you study at the library (usually)? 18. Is the teacher absent (ever)? 19. What did you say (just)? 20. What time do you eat lunch (generally)? 21. Do you feel homesick (sometimes)? 22. My daughter stays overnight with our relatives (occasionally). Задание 182. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Испанцы говорят очень быстро. 2. Он быстро бегает, ведь он спортсмен. 3. Не приходи домой по- здно. 4. Идет сильный дождь. 5. Внимательно по- слушай новости. 6. Моя жена плохо готовит, но хо- рошо поет. 7. Я прекрасно понимаю, что вы имеете в виду. 8. Осторожно переходи дорогу. 9. Если зна- ешь алфавит, ты легко прочитаешь это слово. 10. Он тяжело дышал, он очень быстро бежал. 11. Ярко светит солнце, по небу медленно плывут облака. 12. Думай быстро, говори медленно. 13. Туристы приехали на вокзал слишком рано. 14. Иногда жен- щины водят машину очень неосторожно. 15. Вне- запно инспектор понял, в чем дело. 16. Она бале- рина и двигается очень красиво. 17. В феврале идет сильный снег. 18. Иван Николаевич всегда громко 260
разговаривает. Он директор школы. 19. - Томас много путешествует? - Да, он репортер. 20. - Ты хорошо его знаешь? - Нет, я знаю его плохо. Задание 183. Дайте степени сравнения следующих наречий. 1. fast 2. hard 3. late 4. slowly 5. carefully 6. clearly 7. fluently 8. regularly 9. intensively 10. well 11. badly 12. far 13. much 14. little ПРОВЕРЬТЕ СЕБЯ CHECKUP Задание 184. Выберите нужное слово. 1. There is а ... lake in the forest. We were ... touched by their invitation, (deep, deeply) 2. He managed the task ... . Matt did ... work, (good, well) 3. The boxer was hit very ... . We ... know what to do next, (hard, hardly) 4. We are sisters and we are ... to each other. The inspector examined the papers ... . (close, closely) 5. Such equipment is ... used in all clinics. This shop has a ... choice of goods, (wide, widely) 6. My mother lives quite ... me. Hurry up, it’s ... midnight, (near, nearly) 7. Will you come home ... today? Have you bought anything new ... ? (late, lately) 8. - The dress is ... decorated with ribbons. - Yes, and it is ... expensive, (pretty, prettily) 9. The prisoner tried ... to escape but failed. Mel has ... recovered from the shock, (hard, hardly) 10. Do you feel ... today? I feel ... about my latest progress, (good, well) 11. She was ... hurt and was taken to hospital. It certainly was ... news to her family, (bad, badly) Задание 185. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Рано или поздно, но это обязательно случится. 2. Мэри смело направилась к полицейскому, она была смелая девочка. 3. Все хорошо, что хорошо кон- чается. 4. Они выполнят эту работу быстро и хорошо. 261
Они хорошие специалисты. 5. Лучше поздно, чем ни- когда. 6. Хотя мы и отправились ранним поездом, тем не менее мы приехали поздно. 7. Лучше хоро- шо поступать, чем хорошо говорить. 8. Плохие но- вости быстро распространяются. 9. Говори меньше, делай больше. 10. Он работает упорно, но едва мо- жет заработать деньги на жизнь. 11. - Почему ты так тяжело вздыхаешь? - Чемодан такой тяжелый. 12. К несчастью, машина не в порядке. 13. Я опре- деленно считаю, что они должны действовать немед- ленно. 14. - Она настоящая леди. - Вы в самом деле так думаете? 15. Новая секретарша серьезно от- носится к своим обязанностям. 16. Мы никогда не говорили о таких вещах прямо. 17. Ученый изло- жил свои мысли четко и естественно. 18. Она гото- вит профессионально и делает это автоматически. 19. - Как поживает Андрей? - Спасибо, хорошо. 20. Он часто помогает бедным и хорошо чувствует себя от этого. 21. Этот человек далеко пойдет. Имя числительное Numeral УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 186. А. Употребите правильную форму числительного в скобках. Образец: 1. There аге (5) roses in the vase. - There are five roses in the vase. 2. It was his (2) visit to the doctor. - It was his second visit to the doctor. 1. There are (10) students in his group. 2. It’s (5) o’clock already. 3. It is (7) of December today. 262
4. Read text (2). 5. Find (3) sentence. 6. She is (21) today. 7. It is their (15) wedding anniversary. 8. (2) years passed quickly. 9. - Will you have (2) cup of tea? - No more, thank you. 10. You are like (2) family for me. 11. (2) is a company, and (3) is a crowd. 12. (3) years later (4) child was born to him. 13. Find file (4) and take it to (14) room. 14. They got flat (6) on (3) floor in house (40). 15. My birthday is on (20) of July. В. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Мой дом - третий справа. 2. Упражнение де- сять - на тринадцатой странице. 3. Предложение шесть неверно, а вот седьмое правильно. 4. Мне не понравилась первая серия фильма, вторая - гораздо лучше. 5. Четверка - это хорошая оценка. 6. Про- шел месяц, затем второй, потом третий, а вестей все не было. 7. День рождения моего папы - 8 Марта. А ваш? 8. Третий лишний. 9. Комната тридцать на- ходится на третьем этаже. 10. Встреча состоится в два часа на втором этаже в комнате номер три. 11. Его офис находится на Пятой авеню на сороко- вом этаже. Глагол Verb УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 187. Дайте четыре основные формы следующих глаго- лов. 1. be 2. begin 3. bring 4. build 5 choose 6. cost 7. do 8. drive 9. fall 10. feel 11. fly 12. go 13. have 14. hear 15. leave 16. lie (лежать) 17. lay 18. lie 263
(лгать) 19. light 20. read 21. rise 22. say 23. speak 24. swim 25. teach 26. think 27. wake 28. wear 29. win 30. write Времена Tenses НАСТОЯЩИЕ ВРЕМЕНА PRESENTTENSES Настоящее простое время Present Simple УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 188. Объясните употребление настоящего неопреде- ленного времени в следующих предложениях. 1. Rivers flow towards the sea. 2. A student buys a lot of books at the beginning of each term. 3. Music makes me forget my problems. 4. Mr. Hill lectures Philosophy at the University. 5. Don’t shout. We hear you well. 6. I see that you understand us. 7. The teacher asks us a lot of questions in class every day. 8. There are four seasons in the year. Each season lasts three months and brings changes in the weather. 9. This house belongs to Mr. Rich. 10. If Paul calls us, we shall invite him to dinner. 11. When spring comes they will go to Venice. 12. We are told you are looking for work. 13. I forget where she lives. 14. Every weekend she gets into her car, drives to her country house, and works in her garden. 15. The next bus leaves at exactly two o’clock. 16. The ship sails every Tuesday, 264
Задание 189. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. What do you usually do from the time you get up until 9 a.m.? What are some of the things you usually do? 2. What do you usually have for breakfast? 3. What do you do from 9 a.m. to noon? 4. Do you ever sleep past noon? 5. What do you do from noon to 3 p.m.? 6. What do you do from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.? 7. What do you do from 6 p.m. until you go to bed? 8. Do you watch TV or listen to the radio in the evening? 9. How do you spend your weekends? Do you stay in town or do you go somewhere? Задание 190. Опишите ваши ежедневные дела, используя на- речия always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never. Образец: eat breakfast Maria: I usually eat breakfast. Helen: I never eat breakfast. Nick: Maria usually eats breakfast. Helen never eats breakfast. 1. drink coffee in the morning 2. put sugar in my coffee 3. drink more than two cups of coffee in the morning 4. drink tea in the morning 5. drink orange juice in the morning 6. drink tomato juice in the morning 7. drink milk two times a day 8. have a sandwich for lunch 9. eat dinner at around six o’clock 10. get to class on time 11. walk to school 12. take a taxi to school 13. drive to school 14. ride a bike to school 15. study in the library 16. do my homework Задание 191. Напишите данные предложения еще раз, начи- ная с подлежащего, данного в скобках, и сделав все необходимые изменения. 1. Those children help their mother. (Megan) 2. I get up at seven every morning, (my father) 3. We like to go for a walk in the morning, (the old man) 4. They 265
prefer coffee to tea. (Martin) 5. I spend a lot of money on books, (the teacher) 6. Some people do nothing during their holidays. (Eddie) 7. We finish the day’s work at six o’clock, (the clerk) 8. Women like to look at the shop windows, (my sister) 9. Some people paint their houses every year, (my neighbours) 10. We sometimes forget people’s names, (the director) 11. I sit at the back of the class. (Matilda) 12. We make mistakes sometimes, (a pupil) 13. Most of my friends play tennis, (my boyfriend) 14. I never wear a hat in the summer. (Grace) 15. Some people begin work very early in the morning, (a postman) Задание 192. Употребите необходимый вспомогательный гла- гол в следующих вопросах. Найдите ответ в правой колонке. 1. ... anyone know where a. Yes, but I don’t like the the Dean is? weather much. 2. ... you think we’ll be b. He enjoys washing. late?’ c. No, I’m afraid their 3. ... anybody know English isn’t good enough. the date? d. No, she hates it. 4. ... you like living e. The seventeenth, isn’t in England? it? 5. ... your son ever wash f. She was in the library a dishes after dinner? minute ago. 6. ... you know what time g. Ten minutes by car. the next train leaves? h. Not if we hurry. 7. ... your students read i. It’s five minutes fast. English books in the j. We’ll have to take a taxi. original? k. There is no answer to 8. ... your daughter have this. cereal for breakfast? 1. In about ten minutes, 9. ... anyone know the answer? 10. How long ... it take them to get here? I think. 266
11. ... you want to be late again? 12. ... your watch show the right time? Задание 193. Найдите эквиваленты следующих пословиц и по- говорок в русском языке. 1. A good beginning makes a good ending. 2. A good dog deserves a good bone. 3. A great ship asks deep waters. 4. A new broom sweeps clean. 5. After rain comes fair weather. 6. All is well that ends well. 7. All roads lead to Rome. 8. Bad news has wings. 9. Every bird likes its own nest. 10. He laughs best wholaughslast.il. Might goes before right. 12. One good turn deserves another. 13. One lie makes many. 14. Tastes differ. 15. The end crowns the work. 16. Time cures all things. 17. When at Rome, do as the Romans do. 18. Who breaks, pays. 19. What the heart thinks the tongue speaks. Задание 194. Дополните следующие предложения при помо- щи глаголов в отрицательной форме. Образец: She plays the piano, but she doesn’t play it very well. 1. That shop sells office furniture, but it ... typewriters. 2. Scott smokes a lot, but he ... before breakfast. 3. We know Robert, but we ... his father. 4. His father gives him pocket-money, but he ... him much. 5. I feel tired, but I... unwell. 6. I make mistakes, but I... grammar mistakes. 7. He does homework every evening, but he ... much. 8. English people eat a lot of potatoes, but they ... much rice. 9. My mother buys a lot of food every day, but she ... much meat. 10. We like fish, but we ... to eat it every day. 11. He spends a lot of money, but he ... all his salary. 12. Laura grows 267
a lot of flowers in her garden, but she ... roses. 13. They work hard, but they ... more than seven hours a day. 14. I understand the first question, but I... the others. 15. Mrs. Stone teaches English, but she ... any other languages. Задание 195. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопроси- тельную и отрицательную формы. Образец: I have got a big dog. - Have you got a big dog? I haven’t got a big dog. He has dinner at six o’clock. - Does he have dinner at six o’clock? He doesn’t have dinner at six o’clock. 1. They have got a new video camera. 2. I have a lot of work to do today. 3. He usually has lunch at the office. 4. Pamela has a rest in Miami every summer. 5. Denis always has a good time with his friends. 6. My neighbours have got four children. 7. I have breakfast in the kitchen. 8. I often have a talk with my father in the evening. 9. My cousin has got a nice little shop. 10. This old man has got a lot of money. 11. In summer we usually have fine weather. 12. Linda has a wonderful garden. Задание 196. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Информация правит (to rule) миром. 2. Каж- дый вечер он выходит на прогулку в парк. 3. Я люблю читать английские журналы, а мой брат лю- бит решать кроссворды. 4. Растения хорошо рас- тут в теплом климате. 5. Никто не знает, где он живет. 6. Этот профессор говорит на пяти языках. 7. У кого есть что-нибудь поесть? 8. В Лондоне ча- сто идет дождь. 9. Мистер Колби владеет этой фир- мой. 10. Когда у вас обычно каникулы? 11. Вовре- мя лекции у нас нет перерыва. 12. Ваш сын всегда 268
обедает в институте, не так ли? 13. Зимой в России идет снег. 14. Любовь творит чудеса. 15. - У вас есть соседи? - Нет, у меня частный дом. 16. - Ты меня понимаешь, не так ли? - Да, я вижу, что ты прав. 17. Он работает с утра до ночи и получает удовольствие от своей работы. 18. - Он всегда опаз- дывает на занятия? - Да, он никогда не приходит вовремя. 19. Она никогда с тобой не соглашается, не так ли? 20. Почему ты так сердита на меня? Настоящее продолженное время Present Progressive УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 197. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния. Объясните употребление the Present Progressive. А. 1. The baby is crying again. I think it’s hungry. 2. Emma can’t come to the phone right now, she is having a shower. 3. Martha is still working in the garden. 4. Why are you shouting at me? What’s wrong? 5. Look! It’s snowing heavily. 6. Denis is working at a new project this semester. 7. Now Olga is studying at the courses in the British Council. 8. Longman is publishing new books this year. 9. They are redecorating their house in the summer. В. 1. The bus is leaving in fine minutes. 2. Are you going to see the new play? 3. When is the plane taking off? 4. Is Sam coming with us? 5. I’m cleaning the house on Monday. 6. Mum and I are leaving for the country one of these days. С. 1. Max, you are sitting at your computer all days long! 2. Why are you constantly leaving your wallet at home, John? 3. Tracey is all the time thinking of her boyfriend! 4. - She is a born worrier. - Yes, she is 269
always talking about her problems. 5. Bob is smoking non-stop. 6. Nell is continually drinking coffee! 7. Why is Mel arguing with her younger brother all the time? He’s a nice boy. 8. What I mean is that you are being nosy! Задание 198. А. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. 1. Look out of the window. (It, rain)? Should I take my umbrella? 2. Shhh. The baby (sleep). 3. Right now I am in class. I (stand) at my desk and (speak) English to my students. 4. Mary is at home. She (eat) dinner and (listen) to music. 5. It (rain not) at the moment. The sun (shine), and the sky (be) blue. Light clouds (fly) across the sky. 6. Denny is in the library. He (sit) at a table. He (write) a composition. 7. - The students (take) a test in class right now? - No, the lecturer (explain) something to them. 8. Johnny, (listen) to me? What you (think) about, I wonder? 9. - What you brother (do) in the kitchen? - He (do) the crossword in the newspaper. 10. I like winter. Every morning I come to the window‘to see if it (snow). 11. Jack, why you (sit) at the back of the class today? 12. - Has Ben finished his homework? - No, he still (do) it. 13. The sun (set). It’ll get dark soon. 14. I (look) at the man, but I can’t recognize him. Who is he? 15. Mrs. Loveday usually teaches Class A, but this year she (teach) Class C. 16. Simon (take) driving lessons as he is going to buy a car. В. Коммуникативное задание. Представьте себе и расскажите, чем в данный момент заняты ваши друзья, соученики, родители, знакомые. Образец: Му aunt is making strawberry jam. But usually she goes to the park at 270
this time of the day. And what is your aunt doing right now? Задание 199. Объясните разницу между следующими предло- жениями. 1. We think that English Grammar is easy. We are thinking about Grammar right now. 2. She has a lecture once a week. She is having a lecture right now. 3. I always feel happy when I am with you. She is feeling happy after the exam. 4. I see and hear you well. I can’t believe what I am seeing and hearing. 5. We generally understand each other. We are friends. Are you understanding me or shall I say it again? 6. Brian is a nice child. The boy is being difficult today. 7. She is always kind to people. Today she is being especially kind to me. 8. He is fundamentally stupid. - I am being stupid, aren’t I? - Crazy. 9. I see her very often. I am seeing her tonight. 10. I forget his name. I am forgetting my German because I never speak it. Задание 200. Дайте правильную форму глаголов в скобках. 1. - You (see) that man over there? - Which man? The man in the brown jacket? - No, I (talk) about the man who (wear) the blue shirt. - Oh, that man. - You (know) him? - No, I (think, not) so. 2. Right now the children (have) a good time on the beach. They (have) a beach ball, and they (play) catch with it. They (like) to play catch. Their parents (sunbathe). They also (listen) to some music. They also (hear) the sound of the sea. 3. Right now I (think) about the roses which I (grow) in my country house. I (think) that roses are wonderful flowers. 271
4. - You (believe) in flying saucers? - What you (talk) about? - You know,spaceships from outer space with alien creatures abroad. - In my opinion, flying saucers (exist) only in people’s imaginations. 5. - This tea (taste)* good. I (like) it. What kind is it? - We (have) fruit tea now, though usually I (prefer) green tea. 6. - A penny for your thoughts. - Huh? - What you (think) about right now? - I (think) about English grammar. - I not (believe) you! - But it’s true. I (think) that English grammar is much easier than German grammar. Задание 201. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. - Где дети? - Они убирают свою комнату и заправляют постели. Они обычно делают это после завтрака. 2. Боюсь, что проиграю эту партию в шах- маты. Я плохо играю сегодня, хотя обычно я играю гораздо лучше. 3. - Что делает твой брат? - Решает кроссворд, он делает это каждый день. 4. Обычно она носит строгие костюмы, но сегодня на ней оча- ровательное маленькое платье. 5. Я так скучаю по дому! (to feel homesick) Я всегда скучаю (miss) по своим близким, когда уезжаю из дома. 6. - Этой весной мой старший брат оставляет свою работу. Летом он начинает свое дело. 7. - Вы часто види- тесь с Катей? - Почти каждый день. Она придет на чашечку чая в пять часов. 8. Ну почему ты вечно все теряешь? Ты действуешь мне на нервы! 9. Каж- дые выходные мой сосед сверлит стены и этому нет конца! 10. Наташа пишет сейчас курсовую работу. Она очень старается найти интересный материал. 272
11. Приближается зима. Птицы улетают в теплые страны, природа готовится к долгому сну. 12. Мне нравится смотреть на людей, когда я езжу рано ут- ром в метро. Некоторые спят, другие читают. Наши люди вообще много читают. Кто-то решает крос- сворды, а кто-то разглядывает людей, так же как это делаю и я. 13. - Что делаете завтра? - Ничего особенного, сидим (stay) дома. 14. В субботу вече- ром я встречаюсь с Евгением и мы идем в театр. 15. - Кому это он названивает? - Своей девушке. Он звонит ей раз по пять на день и постоянно сове- туется с ней по поводу своей одежды. 16. - Я уми- раю от голода! - А я как раз готовлю обед. 17. - А не подумываешь ли ты о том, чтобы продать этот дом? - Да, после обеда приезжают люди посмотреть его. 18. - Почему ты только пьешь воду и не ешь торт и конфеты? - Я худею (to slim). Настоящее совершенное время Present Perfect УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 202. Напишите третью форму глагола (причастие II). 1. know knew — 2. meet met — 3. see saw — 4. finish finished — 5. have had — 6. go went — 7. call called — 8. fall fell — 9. be was/were — 10. eat ate — 11. write wrote — 273
12. study studied — 13. come came — 14. fly flew — 15. start started — 16. read read — 17. cut cut — 18. begin began — 19. pay paid — 20. stay stayed — Задание 203. Объясните употребление the Present Perfect в сле- дующих предложениях. 1. Не has passed the interview and he’s happy. 2. Have you ever tasted African food? 3. We have known each other since 1990. 4. I’ve been here for an hour already. 5. The manager hasn’t come yet. 6. They have known it all the time. 7. Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me. 8. I’ve studied the last few telexes from Paris and I’ve come to a decision. 9. Have I told you lately that I love you? 10. Have you forgotten? I’ve just told you about it. 11. He has no wife as he has never met the right person, but he hasn’t given up hope... 12. Since I’ve known you, you’ve always been a workaholic. 13. I hope we haven’t made a mistake. 14. The weather has been terrible lately. 15. We’ve been in class since 10 o’clock this morning. 16. Jackie has been out of town for two days. 17. I’ve been to Europe many times. Have you? Задание 204. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. 1. Bob and Jane are old friends. They (know) each other for a long time. 2. I don’t like this weather. It (be) cold and cloudy for the last three days. 3. Paul (learn) a lot of English since he came here. 4. Victoria can go to bed now, she (finish) her homework. 5. My brother is at home in bed. He (be) sick for a week. 6. I 274
(write, not) to my sister in a long time. 7. We never (meet) Betty’s parents. 8. He never (visit) Hong Kong, but he’d like to go there someday. 9. She already (call) them and (invite) them to dinner. 10. Where you (be) all this time? I am waiting for you. 11. I am afraid the boss is out. He (go) to the bank. 12. You ever (eat) any seafood? 13. My parents (be married) for twenty years. 14. I (tell) you this so many times before! Is it so difficult to understand it? 15. I am so happy that my wedding (come). 16. My little cousin already (learn) to read. 17. What a strange expression! I (hear, not) it for years. 18. Put on your red dress. You (wear, not) for s.o long! 19. Jack and Amalia are the only people I ever (love). 20. We (hear, not) from them lately. No news (come) so far. Задание 205. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Ты изменился, Дмитрий! Ты стал другим че- ловеком! 2. Вы зашли слишком далеко (to go far). Пора остановиться, не правда ли? 3. - Дело прова- лилось! - Я не удивлен. Партнеры никогда не дове- ряли друг другу. 4. - Почему все так счастливы? - Управляющий только что дал нам всем выходной день. 5. Мы прожили еще один день, и это здорово! 6. Мы не можем быть друзьями после всего, что ты натворил. 7. Он с этой девушкой уже два года. 8. Мы пришли попрощаться. Мы уезжаем через два дня. 9. Планета Голливуд только что открыла ресторан в Каннах. 10. Он был в Восточной Афри- ке несколько раз, так что он прилично говорит на суахили (Swahili). 11. Я сказал что-нибудь глупое? Извините. 12. Я иду в магазин, у нас закончился сахар. 13. Ну что же, я прочитал вашу работу и решил поставить вам «пять». 14. Мне нужно знать, что я не так сделал. 15. Я сделаю так, как моя мама всегда учила меня. 16. Мы знаем ее десять лет, и 275
она всегда была трудоголиком. 17. Ну что же, я ска- зала все, что хотела по этому вопросу. 18. Есть не- что, чего я никогда не говорила тебе. Задание 206. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. Have you ever pretended to be ill to get off work or school? 2. Have you ever cheated in an exam? 3. Have you ever ridden a camel or an elephant? 4. Have you ever read your brother’s, sister’s or friend’s letter which was lying around the house? 5. Have you ever hidden any of your earnings from the tax inspector? 6. Have you ever taken anything home with you from the hotel? 7. Have you ever travelled without a ticket on public transport? 8. Have you ever told lies and invented stories about yourself to impress other people? 9. Have you ever met any people who could speak Swahili? 10. Have you answered all the questions honestly? Задание 207. Напишите третью форму глагола (причастие II). 1. give gave — 2. tell told — 3. do did — 4. fall fell — 5. take took — 6. ride rode — 7. drive drove — 8. get got — 9. break broke — 10. hide hid — 11. wear wore — 12. drink drank - 13. sing sang — 14. teach taught — 15. steal stole — 16. grow grew — 276
17. swim swam - 18. throw threw - 19. catch caught - 20. lend lent - Задание 208. Задайте друг другу вопросы типа “Have you ever...?", используя следующие фразы, и ответьте на них. 1. sit on a cactus 2. meet a famous person 3. win money in a lottery 4. spend one whole-day doing nothing 5. build sand castles 6. fly in a private plane 7. sleep in a tent, 8. find any money in the street 9. cut your own hair 10. tell a little white lie 11. catch a fish 12. lose the key to your house 13. write a poem 14. grow tomatoes and strawberries 15. be to the jungle Задание 209 А. Употребите since или for в следующих предло- жениях. 1. We haven’t met them ... four years. 2. My parents have owned this house ... last year. 3. The children have been outside ... early morning. 4. Jerry has had her driving license ... a month. 5. I’ve been at the office ... ten o’clock. 6. David hasn’t visited London ... half a year. 7. Tpm has had his car ... he left school. 8. Mr. Parker has been with this company ... it was organized. 9. I haven’t eaten such delicious food ... ages! 10. He hasn’t had a cold ... he went in for sport. 11. We’ve been good neighbours ... quite a long time. 12. The cake has been in the oven ... thirty minutes. В. Коммуникативное задание. Задайте друг другу вопросы типа “How long...?” и ответьте на них, используя for и since. Образец: - How long have you known each other? - We’ve known each other since we entered the Institute. 277
Задание 210. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Я надеюсь, что я не сделала ни одной ошибки в этой работе. 2. Он счастлив, потому что он влю- бился в замечательную девушку. 3. - Вы когда-ни- будь были в пустыне? - Нет, но я был в джунглях Амазонки. 4. Мне всегда нравился английский язык. 5. Я вижу, что вы передумали. Что-нибудь случилось? 6. Много лет прошло с тех пор, как они расстались. 7. Я не был в библиотеке уже очень давно, с тех пор, как сдал экзамен. 8. Спасибо, вы спасли мою жизнь. 9. Он никогда не был на Аляс- ке, не так ли? 10. - Как давно он уже здесь? - Он здесь с утра. 11. - Сколько раз вы были в Боль- шом театре? - Я пока там не был. 12. Здесь уже целый месяц не было дождя. 13. В этом году я еще не отдыхал. 14. Снег перестал идти, и светит солн- це. 15. Она никогда не видела моря. 16. Сколько денег ты потратила на вечеринку? 17. Вы ведь ни- когда не летали на воздушном шаре? 18. - Я сто лет тебя не видел, где ты был все это время? - Я только что вернулся из Австралии. 19. Они дру- зья. Они дружат с детства. 20. Я с утра ничего не ел. Вы что-нибудь приготовили для нас? Задание 211. Напишите вторую (the Past Simple) и третью (Participle If) формы глаголов. 1. leave — — 11. think — — 2. win — — 12. hit — - 3. feel — — 13. buy — - 4. lose — — 14. find — — 5. sleep — — 15. hear - - 6.send - — 16. sell — - 7. spend - - 17. stop - - 8. sit — — 18. draw — — 9. set — - 19. blow — - 10. put - - 20. teach - - 278
Задание 212. Употребите the Present Perfect или the Past Simple в следующих предложениях. 1. I (finish) my course paper. I (finish) it two days ago. 2. - You ever (eat) at Maxim’s? - Yes, I (eat) there many times. In fact, my friend and I (eat) there last night. 3. - What European countries you (visit)? - I (visit) Germany, France and Italy. I (be) in Germany and France in 1998, and in Italy in 1999. 4. - He already (talk) to the Dean about the grades? - Yes, he (talk) to him several times and the last time (be) yesterday. 5. Jim already (have) lunch. He (have) it an hour ago. 6. Erica and I just (see) this movie. We (see) it two days ago. 7. Jane already (call) her parents. She (call) them on Saturday evening. 8. I (read, not) this bestseller yet, though I (buy) it a couple of months ago. 9. - Where is Dick? - He just (go) for a walk. Actually he (leave) a minute ago. 10. - I (see, not) you for ages! Where you (be) all this time? - I (come) back from Canada two days ago. 11. - When you last (hear) from him? - We (hear, not) from him since he (go) to the Far East. 12. Everybody says you (win) a lot of money. When it (happen)? 13. He is staying in bed now. He (break) his leg. Yesterday he (slip) and (fall). 14. - It (rain) here lately? - It (rain) hard last night. 15. The concert (begin). It (begin) ten minutes ago. Задание 213. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Я давно купила этот словарь. Я давно не по- купала новых книг. 2. В последний раз он ел моро- женое прошлым летом. В последнее время он не ел ничего сладкого. 3. Мы видели этого человека очень давно. Мы даже не помним его лица. 4. - Вы давно его знаете? - Да, мы встретились очень давно, почти двадцать лет назад. 5. Франк давно не видел своих детей и очень по ним соскучился. 6. - Давно он приехал? - Он не уезжал, все это время он был здесь. 279
7. Вчера я долго читала новый журнал. Я так дав- но не читала этот роман, я забыла, о чем он. 8. Мо- лодые люди долго встречались (to date), а затем рас- стались. 9. Мы целую вечность не встречались! Как долго вас здесь не было! 10. Мой друг был на Даль- нем Востоке очень давно. Он очень давно не наве- щал своих родственников. 11. - Как давно вы уже здесь? - О, я пришла очень давно, три часа назад. 12. Она давно приготовила обед, часа два назад. Она так давно ничего не пекла, надо попросить ее испечь торт. 13. Эта история произошла очень давно. Со мной так давно не случалось ничего интересного. 14. - Они давно поженились? - Да, они очень давно женаты. 15. - Вы давно получили эту квартиру? - Да, она у нас очень давно. Настоящее совершенное продолженное время Present Perfect Progressive УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 214. Объясните употребление времен в следующих предложениях. 1. I’ve been living next door to Alison for five years, but I’ve never spoken to her. 2. Marie has been going out with Steve for a year now, and they are planning to get married. 3. This fund has been helping people for generations. 4. The inspector has been keeping a watch on the house for the last few days. 5. “I have been keeping this bracelet specially for you,” said my grandmother. 6. In my eyes you can see all the love that I’ve been feeling. 7. I’ve been waiting for this holiday for so long! 8. Where are my letters? Have you been hiding things from me again? 9. What a smell! 280
What have you been smoking? 10. For over three centuries farmers in the Philippines have been growing the finest tobacco leaf in the world. Задание 215. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. Употребите since и fore своих ответах. 1. How long have you been living in this city? 2. How long have you been studying in this class? 3. How long have you been studying English? 4. Have you been waiting for me for a long time? 5. How long have you been smoking? 6. Have you been running this firm for a long time? 7. How long have you been wearing glasses? 8. How long have we already been working? 9. Have you been doing your present job long? 10. How long have you been peeling all those potatoes? Задание 216. Дополните следующие предложения. 1. Little Mike is dirty from head to foot as he ... . 2. The sportsman is breathing hard, he ... . 3. He can’t speak English, though he ... .4. Don’t worry! I’m not going to tell your boss what ... . 5. Julia looks tired as ... . 6. Let me drive the car, you ... . 7. - Have you bought a new dress? - Oh, no, I- .;. . 8. They are silent because ... . 9. The kitchen smells of strawberries as my mother ... . 10. The computer is still switched on as Mary ... . Задание 217. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. - Как давно вы уже смотрите этот сериал? - Я смотрю его уже месяц и все еще не могу понять, что там происходит. 2. Переговоры длятся (be on) уже два часа, но президенты пока еще не подписали бума- ги. 3. А почему это вы молчите? Вы опять про меня говорили? 4. Сынок, почему у тебя грязные брюки? Ты опять играл в футбол? 5. Целый день идет дождь, 281
а я оставила зонт дома. 6. Пойду в душ, я работал в саду. 7. Джинсы в моде уже больше века. Люди но- сят их все это время. А вы носите джинсы? 8. Собака ищет бомбу в этом здании уже три часа, но пока еще ничего не нашла. 9. Мы ремонтируем квартиру с вес- ны и очень устали. 10. Он очень беспокоит меня. Он целый день сидит сегодня, ничего не делая и не гово- ря. 11. Я думаю о тебе с тех пор, как мы впервые встретились. 12. Команда упорно тренируется всю зиму, но пока еще не выиграла ни одной игры. 13. - Ты почему такой сердитый? - Я опять потерял свой проездной билет. Ищу его с утра, но он пропал. 14. Моя мама преподает французский язык с 1990 года. 15. Крыши домов покрыты снегом. Ночью шел снег. ПРОВЕРЬТЕ СЕБЯ CHECKUP Задание 218. Дайте правильную форму глаголов в скобках. 1. - You (smoke)? - Yes, I do. - How long you (smoke)? - Well, let me see. I (smoke) since I (be) seventeen. So I (smoke) for almost four years. - You (want) to give it up? - Yes, I (plan) to stop it very soon. In fact, I (decide) to do it on my next birthday. 2. - Where’s Irina? She (be) absent from class for the last three days. Anyone (see) her lately? - I have. I (see) her yesterday. She has a bad cold, so she (be) in bed since the weekend. 3. - Shhh. Alexander (talk) on the phone. It’s a long- distance call. - Who he (talk) to? - His brother. They (talk) for almost an hour. I think his brother (have) some kind of trouble. 282
4. -You (have) any plans for vacation? - Yes, I do. I (plan) to go to Sochi. - You ever (be) there before? - Yes, I have. I (be) in Sochi two months ago. My sister (live) there, so I often (go) there. 5. - Where’s Donald? - He (study) at the library. - How long he (study) there? - Since two o’clock this afternoon. - He (study) at the library every day? - Not every day, but often. Задание 219. Переведите следующий текст. Философия Жизни Жаркий летний день в Древнем Риме. Философ пересекает Тибр в маленькой лодочке. Во время пе- реправы он спрашивает у лодочника: «Ты когда- нибудь слышал о философии?» - «Нет, - отвечает лодочник, - я никогда об этом не слышал. Что это такое?» - «Мне очень тебя жаль - отвечает ученый человек, - ты потерял четверть своей жизни, потому что это очень интересная наука!» Они плывут уже несколько минут, как философ опять спрашивает лодочника: «А ты слышал об астрономии, когда учился в школе?» - «Нет, я закончил школу много лет назад и все забыл. Я ничего не помню», - отве- чает лодочник. На это философ опять говорит, что ему очень жаль лодочника и что тот потерял вто- рую четверть своей жизни. Проходит несколько минут, и философ опять за- дает лодочнику вопрос: «А слышал ли ты когда-ни- будь об алгебре?» И лодочнику приходится сознать- ся, что он никогда ничего об этом не слышал. «В этом случае ты потерял третью четверть своей жиз- ни», - говорит ученый. В этот момент лодка налета- 283
ет на большой камень. Лодочник вскакивает и кричит: «Ты когда-нибудь учился плавать?» - «Нет - отвечает ученый. - Я никогда не изучал плава- ние». Лодочник грустно объясняет философу, что тот потерял всю свою жизнь, так как лодка тонет. Мораль: В повседневной жизни практические умения бывают иногда более необходимы, чем зна- ние многих наук. ПРОШЕДШИЕ ВРЕМЕНА PASTTENSES Прошедшее простое время Past Simple УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 220. Объясните употребление the Past Simple в следу- ющих предложениях. 1. I was born in April. 2. Mr. Buckster worked in the USA in 1998. 3. - When did уоц marry? - John and I got married two years ago. 4. Max left the house for college, walked to the bus-stop, got on the bus and after some stops got off, had a sandwich in a cafe ... and decided to go back home. 5. I saw the sea long ago, in my childhood. 6. Roger went to University and lived in a hostel. 7. It often rained in the autumn of 1996. 8. The Scotts had dinner at six o’clock and went to a pub. 9. - When and where did you buy this ring? - Oh! It was long ago! 10. It happened on a sunny spring day. 11. I didn’t read much during my vacations. 12. The guests said good-bye and left the housQ. 13. - The brothers went to the same school, entered the same University, worked at the same company, and even fell in love with the same girl. - No wonder, they were 284
twins, weren’t they? 14. - Who painted this work of art? - It was Levitan. 15. - How long did she wait? - She waited for half an hour and left. Задание 221. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопроси- тельную и отрицательную формы. 1. I was born in a big American family. 2. The students were busy preparing for the exams. 3. I was shy in my childhood. 4. Mrs. Sweet taught Geography at school. 5. We did all the work on time. 6. The scouts heard something strange. 7. My father read all the detective stories from the public library. 8. It started raining. 9. Our group liked the new teacher. 10. My little sister had a kitten. 11. We had a nice journey to Jamaica last year. 12. Our family had dinner early yesterday. 13. We had great fun at the Halloween party! 14. She had to get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. 15. It snowed a lot this winter. Задание 222. Напишите вторую форму следующих глаголов. 1. eat - 11. fly - 2. know - 12. write - 3. lose - 13. begin - 4. burn - 14. run 5. cost - 15. take 6. teach - 16. steal - 7. tell - 17. choose 8. read - 18. drive - 9. say - 19. show - 10. make - 20. sing Задание 223. Раскройте скобки и употребите правильную фор- му глагола в прошедшем времени. 1. You (be born) in Moscow? 2. I always (be afraid) of flying by planes. 3. What (happen) last Monday? 4. The train (start) at ten o’clock sharp. 5. Where 285
you (be) yesterday? I (phone) you all day long! 6. Somebody (copy) the top secret file. I wonder who (come) here last night? 7. It (rain) all day long the day before yesterday and I (not, go shopping). 8. What (make) you give up jogging? 9. They (talk) for only twenty minutes and (fall in love) with each other deeply. Two months later they (marry). 10. As I (leave) the money at home yesterday, I (not, have lunch). 11. They (come) to the bank on Friday evening, but they (have) no money. 12. When my parents (be young), they (not, have) their own flat and they (have to) rent a room. 13. The boy (work) at his father’s farm, (go) to the Art Institute in Kansas City and many years later he (found) his own cartoon company. The boy was Walt Disney. 14. - Who (do) this perfect translation of Shakespeare’s sonnet? - It (be) Marshak. 15. - You (pay) a fortune for this car last year, didn’t you? - Who (tell) you this? It (cost) me almost nothing then! 16. As soon as the tourists (arrive) in Paris, they (buy) the tickets to Moulin Rouge. 17. - When the plane (take off)? - It (take off) ten minutes ago. 18. James (offer) me to go to the piano concert. It (sound) good, so I (agree). 19. He (wait) in the, rain till it (get) dark, but she (not, come). 20. It (rain) for many days and nights during the rainy season. Задание 224. А. Задайте вашему собеседнику вопросы, исполь- зуя следующие фразы. Образец: - Did you clean your teeth yesterday? - Yes, I did. As usual, I cleaned my teeth yesterday. 1. go to school 2. listen to music 3. go to the cinema, 4. get a letter 5. vacuum your room 6. do morning exercises 7. take out your pet 8. wash your jeans 9. have a sweet dream 10. get up early 11. water 286
the flowers 12. eat some chocolate 13. have your hair cut 14. have a date 15. say “Good Morning” to your neighbour 16. cook something delicious 17. have a shower 18. call your best friend 19. watch TV 20. buy something nice for yourself В. Напишите письмо вашему другу и расскажите в нем о своей жизни. Задание 225. Напишите вторую форму следующих глаголов. 1. try - 11. pay 2. stop - 12. rob - 3. study - 13. cry - 4. plan - 14. die - 5. happen - 15. lie - 6. offer - 16. flow - 7. enjoy - 17. nod - 8. say - 18. prefer - 9. found - 19. remember - 10. hear - 20. travel - Задание 226. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. - Вчера шел дождь? - Нет. Было сухо и солнеч- но. Мы даже ходили гулять. 2. Наш сын сказал свое первое слово, когда ему было два года. 3. Где и когда родился В. Набоков? 4. - Вы были здесь, когда по- звонил мистер Маккензи? - Нет, меня не было, но с ним разговаривала моя секретарша. 5. Это произош- ло в Лондоне в 1995 году. Была ранняя весна. 6. - Какая была погода в воскресенье? - Не знаю, я весь день спал. 7. На прошлой неделе Алиса два раза хо- дила в парикмахерскую. Она постриглась и покраси- ла волосы. 8. - Когда был твой день рождения? - Двенадцатого декабря. Все мои друзья пришли по- здравить меня. 9. - Кто выиграл чемпионат по фут- болу в 1999 году? - Команда Франции. 10. Наш папа 287
водил нас в зоопарк в прошлое воскресенье. Мы ви- дели слонов, медведей и тигров. Но больше всего нам понравились обезьянки. 11. - Когда вы были у зуб- ного врача в последний раз? - Вчера. У меня сильно болел зуб. 12. Как только встало солнце, стало тепло и запели птицы. 13. Фильм ужасов длился три часа и закончился поздно вечером. Дети очень устали и хотели спать. 14. Во время экзаменов Терри никуда не ходила и не смотрела телевизор, она много зани- малась. 15. Я хотела послать письмо подруге, но у меня не было конверта и марок. 16. - У вас вчера были занятия? - Нет, вчера был выходной. 17. Вче- ра был прекрасный день! Нам не нужно было идти на работу, поэтому мы поздно встали, долго катались на лыжах в парке, потом вкусно пообедали дома, а вечером смотрели телевизор и говорили о жизни. Мы отлично провели время! 18. Когда я увидел ее, я сразу понял, что она настоящая леди. 19. Капля дож- дя упала мне на нос, и я открыл зонт. 20. Он рабо- тал на ФБР много лет, потом ушел в отставку и за- нялся садоводством. Прошедшее продолженное время Past Progressive УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 227. Объясните употребление the Past Progressive в следующих предложениях. 1. It was snowing when we went out. 2. It was night. The stars were sparkling. 3. - What were you reading on holidays? - I wasn’t reading anything, I was enjoying my time. 4. They were constantly leaving their teacups unwashed! 5. After an hour’s sleep I was feeling much better. 6. The aliens were being kind 288
to us. 7. While Grandma was making tea in the kitchen, her grandson ate the last piece of cake. 8. Jess was always hanging on the phone! 9. It was December. Christmas was coming. 10. Chuck was having a shower at ten o’clock in the evening. 11. The phone always rang when I was cooking supper. Задание 228. Дайте нужную форму глагола в скобках. 1. Alec was not at home at seven o’clock. He (work). 2. The exam (be) difficult, and he (feel) sick. 3. While he (have) a swim, somebody (come) and (take) away his clothes. 4. What you (do) at eight o’clock? 5. You (be) in Rome in 1996? What you (do) there? 6. It (pour) when I (decide) to take my dog out. 7. When the telephone (ring), she (sleep). 8. She (look) terrific and she even (wear) her family diamonds. 9. When the professor (see) Eliza for the first time, she (sell) flowers. 10. - What you (do) in this house? - I (look) for my old friend there. 11. Andy (drop) his keys when he (get) on the bus. 12. From nine to ten o’clock the clerks (work) in the bank. 13. The performance (be) a success. The people (shout) “Bravo!” 14. She (feel) that something strange (happen). 15. - Where (be) he when we (look) for him everywhere? - He (play) chess with his neighbour. 16. - What they (do) in May? - They (plant) cucumbers and tomatoes in their kitchen garden. 17. When the sun (rise), everybody (be) still sleeping. 18. It (be) a very pleasant evening. The clock (tick), the fire (burn), romantic music (play). 19. When the boss (enter) the office, the secretary (type) still the contracts. 20. At this time yesterday I (lie) on the sofa and (read) a novel. Задание 229. А. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Я хорошо знаю Ригу. Мы жили там десять лет. 2. Вчера я два часа готовился к контрольной 10-1112 280
работе. 3. Он подождал ее полчаса и пошел зво- нить ей. 4. Мой брат учился в школе десять лет, а потом поступил в университет. 5. В воскресенье мы два часа гуляли в парке. Когда мы гуляли, мы увидели белку. 6. Бабушка полежала час и пошла пить чай. 7. На прошлой неделе моя семья долго смотрела бразильский сериал. Когда мы смотре- ли его, кто-то забрался в дом. 8. Мама все воскре- сенье работала в саду. Когда она работала в саду, ей помогал папа. 9. Я три года занималась танца- ми, когда училась в школе. 10. Когда мы пришли на вечер, все танцевали. 11. Фильм шел два часа. Когда мы выходили из кинотеатра, мы увидели наших друзей. 12. - Вчера я звонил тебе полча- са. Где ты была? - Я гуляла в парке. 13. Когда я пришел к Борису, он работал в гараже. Он мыл машину и менял масло. 14. Профессор экзамено- вал меня сорок минут. Я хорошо отвечал, сделал только одну ошибку и получил «пять». 15. - Что ты делал вчера, когда выключили (go out) свет? - Я принимал душ. А что ты делал? - А я готовился к экзамену по истории. Но я не мог больше чи- тать, и сегодня утром я встал очень рано и два часа читал учебник. В. Коммуникативное задание. Расскажите друг другу, что вы илй ваши друзья делали в субботу или в воскресенье вечером. Задание 230. Выберите правильное слово. 1. Can you help me to ... that box? a. rise b. raise c. pick 2. Bob ... for an hour to rest before the game. a. lay b. laid c. was lying 3. The weather has finally ... in. a. sat b. set c. sit 4. Emma ... back and tried to relax. 290
a. sat b. set c. has sat 5. A bright future ... before the young actress. a. lie b. lay c. was lying 6. If you have a question, ... your hand. a. raise b. rise c. lift 7. Japan is called the country of the ... sun. a. sitting b. setting c. rising 8. Robert ... a chance in any situation, a. seas b. seize c. sees 9. When Eddie got home, his dog was ... on the new sofa. a. laid b. laying c. lying 10. It’s time to ... the table for tea. a. lie b. laid c. lay 11. The moon ... . It was big and yellow. a. rose b. raised c. was raising 12. Who ... that question again, I wonder? a. rose b. is rising c. raised 13. The price of the petrol is constantly ... . a. raising b. rising c. going down 14. She ... the candle on the table. a. sat b. set c. seated 15. We had to ... from the table to catch the bus. a. rise b. raise c. be rising 16. Lomonosov ... Moscow University. a. found b. founded c. has found 17. Who ... America? a. founded b. has found c. found Задание 231. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. По воскресеньям я поднимаюсь позже, чем обычно. 2. Пожалуйста, не поднимай на меня го- лос. Терпеть этого не могу. 3. Все поняли, что он лжет. 4. Она лежала в постели. У нее была высо- кая температура. 5. Охотник приказал собаке лечь. 6. Пожалуйста, садитесь, и давайте посмотрим, сколь- Ю* 291
ких людей может вместить эта комната. Новый год приближается. 7. Откладывай свои учебники и да- вай повеселимся. 8. В следующем году банк повы- сит свои проценты. 9. Наша курочка снесла золо- тое яичко. 10. - Кто помогает тебе растить детей? - Бабушка. 11. Она положила факс на стол. 12. Они установили факс в углу комнаты. 13. Он отложил в сторону все дела и отвел детей в зоопарк. 14. Гус-, той туман поднимался над Темзой. 15. Шеф гово- рит, что прибавит мне жалованье. 16. Перед нами лежала прекрасная долина. 17. Дорога лежала че- рез лес. 18. Снег лежал под деревьями. 19. Тро- пинка вела к маленькому домику. 20. Словарь ле- жал на моем столе всю неделю. Где же он сейчас? 21. Стивен кладет покрытие (carpets) в магазинах. Это его работа. 22. Первого октября мы перестави- ли часы обратно. 23. Мистер Джонсон - патриот. Каждое утро он поднимает флаг своей страны над домом. 24. Этот крестьянин выращивает пшеницу. 25. Дети сидели на полу и играли. 26. Вертолет поднялся над дорогой. Прошедшее совершенное время Past Perfect УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 232. Объясните употребление the Past Perfect в следу- ющих предложениях. 1. The builders had finished the work by the end of the day. 2. The train had left by the time we reached the station. 3. She had typed the text and was looking through the files. 4. When the postman came, I hadn’t finished breakfast yet. 5. Mother had cooked supper and was watching television. 6. The policeman asked 292
me if I had seen the accident. 7. The rain had stopped and the sun was shining. 8. He explained that he couldn’t pay as he had spent all his money. 9. Hardly had the man got out of his car, when he was arrested. 10. The teacher asked if we had understood everything. 11. My father had had dinner and was looking through the papers. 12. We learned that Nick had been ill since he returned from a business trip. 13. They were good friends. They had known each other for a long time. 14. The work was much more difficult than we had expected. 15. They left after we had discussed the programme. Задание 233. Дайте правильную форму глагола в скобках. 1. The plane not (land) yet, but a lot of people (wait) in the terminal. 2. When I (wake up) in the morning, the rain (stop) already, and the birds (sing). 3. My neighbour (be) back some two months before I (see) him. 4. We (walk) in silence. We already (exchange) the news and now (think) about it. 5. Hardly he (open) the file, when he (find) the information which he needed. 6. Rick (be in love) with Lora for a long time before he (propose) to her. 7. The old man used to tell his grandchildren about the war in which he (take part). 8. The book turned out to be much more interesting than I (expect). 9. They (arrange) everything by evening, and (wait) for the guests. 10. Tanya (train) hard before she (become) a professional dancer. 11. We wondered if they (get) our message. 12. The young man thanked his-parents for all they (do) for him. 13. When I first (see) her, I (think) she (be) the most intelligent woman I ever (meet). 14. Even though the house (be) empty for two years, it (be) in good condition. 15. The patient thanked the doctor for all the attention he (give) him for the past six months. 16. Ted said that his father’s opinion always (be) important for him. 17. He was happy. His dream 293
(come) true. 18. The room looked beautiful, as she (change) the furniture and the curtains. Задание 234. Соедините следующие предложения согласно об- разцу. Образец: Helen finished the work. Then she went out. - Helen went out after she had finished her work. 1. Mother did all the homework. Then she sat down. 2. The bell rang. Then the pupils entered the classroom. 3. Sally spent all the money in her purse. Then she left the shop. 4. The clock struck nine. Then Jack woke up. 5. Andrew saved some money. Then he got married. 6. He lost all his money. Then he stopped playing cards. 7. I asked him three times for the money. Then he paid me. 8. He read the newspaper from beginning to end. Then he went to bed. 9. The sun set. The farmers stopped working. 10. We answered all the questions. Then we left the examination room. 11. Little Mary said “Please”. Then I gave her a bar of chocolate. Задание 235. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Они обсуждали новости, которые только что получили. 2. Она приготовила все к пяти часам и ждала гостей. 3. Едва я дошел до угла, как услы-‘ шал чьи-то шаги сзади. 4. Секретарь сообщил, что отправил факс в Нью-Йорк. 5. Я еще не заснула, когда услышала стук в дверь. 6. Он сожалел, что отказался от приглашения. 7. Когда мы пришли в театр, спектакль уже начался. 8. Я думала о том, что он мне рассказал. 9. Мальчики перестали иг- рать в футбол и медленно шли домой. 10. Женщи- на объяснила, что сама вырастила эти чудесные цветы. 11. Мы были удивлены, когда узнали, что он прошел интервью и получил эту работу. 12. Едва 294
мы сдали работы (to hand in), как зазвонил теле- фон. 13. Когда они ушли, мы вспомнили, что не показали им фотографии. 14. Он сказал, что толь- ко что вернулся из Китая. 15. Я очень удивилась, когда узнала, что он написал этот бестселлер. 16. Он болел уже неделю, когда родственники по- слали за врачом. 17. Едва мы пообедали, как при- шли гости. 18. Дети потеряли собачку и искали ее в саду. 19. Директор спросил меня, как давно я в этом деле. Задание 236. Дайте правильную форму глагола в скобках. 1. - You (get) to class on time yesterday morning? - No. By the time I (get) there, it (begin) already. 2. - You (see) Jack yesterday? - Yes, it (be) good to see him again. I not (see) him for a long time. 3. - You (enjoy) the concert on Saturday night? - Very much. I not (go) to a concert in a long time. 4. When Paul walked into the kitchen after dinner last night, his wife (wash) the dishes, so he took a towel to help her. 5. By the time Nelly walked into the kitchen after dinner, her husband (wash) already the dishes and (put) them away. 6. - By the time I (get) home, my sister (make) already dinner for us. 7 What you (do) after dinner? - We wanted to go to a movie Galaxy Invaders, but my mother (see) it, so we (go) to Ghost Ship instead. It (be) pretty good. Задание 237. Дайте нужную форму глагола в скобках. A Modern Picture A rich American (go)1 to Paris and (buy)2 there a very strange picture which was painted by a fashionable modern artist. The American (think)3 that the picture was fine because he (pay)4 a lot of money for it. When he (come)5 back to his hotel, he (try)6 to hang it, but he 295
(can)7 not (say)8 which the top or which the bottom of the picture (be)9. So he thought of a plan. He (hang)10 the painting in the dining-room and invited the artist to dinner. When the artist came, they (sit)11 down to dinner. While they (eat)12, the artist looked at the picture several times but (say)13 nothing. It seemed that he never (see)14 it before. The American thought: “If he not (recognize)15 his toork, I (ask)16 him about it myself. I (make)17 him (speak)18!” But at that very moment the artist (rise)19 from his chair and came up to the painting. “Why, my friend,” he said, “What you (do)20 with my picture? You (put)21 it upside down!” The American smiled. “Why you not (tell)22 me about it at once? I was sure I (do)23 it properly.” “Well, you see, I wasn’t sure myself at first,” answered the artist, “but now, I must say that we both (make)24 a mistake.” Задание 238. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Она была счастлива, что тяжелые времена про- шли. 2. Когда мы вернулись, все хотели знать, где мы были. 3. Я надеялась, что он сделал правильный вы- бор. 4. Мы были коллегами. Мы проработали вместе десять лет. 5. Я была уверена, что никогда раньше не слышала этого выражения. 6. Судья объявил, что он изменил свое мнение об этом деле. 7. Они поняли, что жизнь очень изменилась. 8. Оказалось, что эта женщина уже тринадцать лет была нашей соседкой. 9. Он пришел к нам за помощью, потому что всегда нам верил. 10. Адвокат был доволен - он получил хорошие новости. 11. Он был благодарен своим ро- дителям. Они так много сделали для него. 12. Мар- тин ничего не ответил. Жизнь научила его быть осто- рожным. 13. Марина выглядела необычно - она из- менила прическу (hair style). 14. Когда мы встретились, то мой одноклассник сказал, что я очень изменилась. 15. Он влюбился в нее, хотя и знал ее всего лишь 296
пару недель. 16. Она не знала, как начать, потому что раньше не выполняла такой работы. 17. Няня взгля- нула на ребенка и увидела, что он заснул. 18. Дирек- тор завода объявил, что решил подарить школе авто- бус. 19. На улице был сильный мороз. Дети не выхо- дили на улицу уже два дня (to be out). 20. Я понял, что пришло время решить эту проблему. Прошедшее совершенное продолженное время Past Perfect Progressive УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 239. Объясните употребление the Past Perfect Progressive в следующих предложениях. 1. We were tired as we had been walking for more than an hour. It was time to rest a little. 2. The boy had been reading the task in physics for a long time but still he didn’t understand it. 3. Mrs. Jackson was one of the best teachers at the school. She had been teaching for twenty years. 4. Dora was writing a letter to her boyfriend. She had been writing it since she got home from class. 5. My eyes were getting tired. I had been reading for two hours. I decided to make a break. 6. Mr. Robbins liked his job. He had been working at the company for fifteen years. 7. She put aside the sweater which she had been knitting. 8. The secretary closed the file which she had just been looking through. 9. They had been driving all night when finally they saw the lights of a big city. 10. When I entered the flat, I saw that everything was in a mess. Somebody had been searching the rooms. 11. The boys had black eyes and torn trousers. They had been fighting. 12. At least he got the opportunity he had been waiting for so long. 297
Задание 240. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Он сумел понять фильм, потому что много лет занимался французским. 2. Когда я был в Лондоне, то она пришла повидать меня, потому что мы пере- писывались уже несколько лет. 3. Он мыл машину около часа, когда понял, что это не его машина. 4. Люди прождали час, прежде чем пришел автобус. 5. В доме замечательно пахло. Мама пекла пироги с утра. 6. Хотя Антон весь день клеил обои, он согла- сился пойти вечером на концерт. 7. Он попросил не дотрагиваться до стены, потому что только что кра- сил ее. 8. Я всего лишь десять минут носила новые туфли, когда сломался каблук. 9. У него на руках было масло. Он менял покрышки (tyres). 10. Когда начальник вошел в комнату, все замолчали, и он по- нял, что говорили о нем. 11. Наконец наступил день, о котором он так долго мечтал. 12. Виктор закон- чил доклад, над которым так долго работал. БУДУЩИЕ ВРЕМЕНА FUTURE TENSES Будущее простое время Future Simple УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 241. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния. Объясните употребление глаголов shall и will. 1. Without your smile the sun won’t shine, and if the sun doesn’t shine, the birds won’t sing. And if the birds don’t sing, no one will bother to get out of bed, and if no one gets out of bed, the world will be a dull, lifeless place! 2. Wait a moment. I shall call my chief. 3. That’s against the law! I shall complain to the sheriff. 298
4. Well, what shall we do next? 5. Let’s go there, shall we? 6. Keep your mouth shut, will you? 7. - Drive carefully, it’s foggy today. - Don’t worry, I will. 8. Will you marry me? 9. I won’t give you your money back. 10. They will be here soon. 11. When will the concert start? 12. - What about the bill? - He will pay by credit card. 13. Will you follow me, please. 14. If someone calls, I shall be out in the garden. 15. - Shall I put the kettle on? - No, thank you, Mary will do it. 16. I’m afraid, it will be foggy tomorrow. Задание 242. Заполните пропуски глаголами shall (not) или will (not). 1. ... it rain tomorrow? If it does, I... take an umbrella. 2. - How old ... you be on your next birthday? - I ... be thirteen. 3. — ... I do shopping today, Mum? - Oh no, Dad ... do it. 4. There ... be a lot of interesting people in your life. 5. She has eaten three pizzas. I hope she ... be ill. 6. Gloria ... be a superstar one day. 7. It’s unjust! I ... complain to the director. 8. I ... do it. I ... certainly get good money for this work. 9. ... you shut up! 10. ... they join us? 11. - I hope you ... like my present, Mum. - I’m sure I ... . 12. When you are ready, I ... take you to dinner at the Continental. 13. I ... never forget tonight as long as I live. 14. - What ... we buy Dad for his birthday? - I ... think about it. Задание 243. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. - А не пообедаешь ли ты со мной? - Пообедаю. 2. - Что будем заказывать? - Я возьму рыбу, а Марина, я думаю, возьмет мясо. 3. Если все будет хорошо, то мы скоро встретимся снова. 4. Не знаю, куда я поеду отдыхать следующим летом. 5. Будь уверена, дорогая, ты получишь это кольцо. 6. Что бы ни случилось, я всегда буду с тобой. 7. - Мне по- мочь вам? - Нет, спасибо, мы справимся (manage) с 299
этим. 8. Вы нам поможете? 9. - А как мы туда до- беремся? - Это будет нелегко. 10. Через год я попро- бую поступить в университет. 11. - Кого ты пригла- сишь на вечер? - Я подумаю об этом. 12. Скоро пой- дет снег. 13. Пойди погуляй с собакой, хорошо? 14. - Я непременно вам помогу. - Правда? 15. - Сколько будет стоить эта картина? - Я спрошу у художника. 16. - Что мне сказать, если они спросят, где ты? - Ничего не говори! - Не скажу. 17. - Ты будешь дома к вечеру, не так ли? - Не беспокойся, точно буду. Задание 244. Дополните следующие предложения. 1. Catherine is going to visit her aunt when ... .2. I’ll call you as soon as ... . 3. When I’m in Paris next month, ... . 4. Before we go to bed tonight, ... . 5. My life will be easy after ... .6. Scott is going to call his friend as soon as ... . 7. My mother will watch this serial till ... . 8. As soon as I get home tonight, ... . 9. She is going to eat dinner before ... . 10. The teacher will get here as soon as ... .11. Ann is going to buy a new pair of shoes when ... .12. We shall go on a picnic after ... . 13. I shall tell you something when ... . 14. If Mum goes downtown tomorrow morning, ... . 15. Unless you get up at 5 a.m., ... . Задание 245 Перефразируйте и дополните предложения со- гласно образцу Образец: Maybe it’ll be nice tomorrow. - If it is nice tomorrow, I’m going (I shall go) to the park. 1. Maybe it’ll snow next week. 2. Perhaps it’ll be too late in an hour. 3. Maybe the boss will have more time after lunch. 4. Maybe it won’t rain in the morning. 5. Evidently everybody will leave at the end of the 300
week. 6. Maybe we’ll have enough money some day. 7. I hope father will have some free time on Saturday. 8. Maybe David won’t come to class tomorrow. 9. I think you’ll be hungry after class. 10. Maybe he’ll -win the contest. 11. Maybe she will marry this fellow. 12. Perhaps this doctor will help you. 13. Maybe we’ll be lucky. 14. It looks like rain outside. Задание 246. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Мы постараемся закончить работу до того, как наступит (fall) ночь. 2. Если она будет придерживать- ся диеты, то будет хорошо себя чувствовать. 3. Если э? ' логическая ситуация улучшится, то люди будут здо- ровее. 4. Позвольте мне остаться здесь, пока не при- едет полиция. 5. Если память вернется к ней, то она вспомнит, кто она. 6. Придется мне что-то делать со своими двойками, прежде чем родители узнают об этом. 7. Мы подождем врача, пока он не вернется из боль^ ньцы. 8. Если фильм закончится поздно, то я опять i.e смогу заснуть. 9. В случае, если план не сработает, мы придумаем что-нибудь еще. 10. Если цена сни- зится, то я смогу купить этот принтер. 11. Мама го- ворит, что мы будем обедать после того, как мой брат вернется из школы. 12. Она уверена, что он напишет ей, как только узнает ее новый адрес. 13. Учитель не разрешит Ирине уйти домой раньше, если только у нее нет на то серьезной причины (a good excuse). 14. Завтра почтальон начнет работу до того, как взой- дет солнце. 15. Мы выйдем на улицу, когда дождь закончится. 16. Если завтра будет хороший день, мы поработаем в саду. 17. Я не буду с ним разговари- вать, если только он не извинится. Задание 247. Употребите нужную форму глагола в скобках. 1. The teacher says he (begin) the lesson as soon as Andy (stop) talking. 2. Tom always (take) a cold shower 301
as soon as he (get) up. 3. After my friend (return) from her summer holiday, she (invite) me for a cup of tea. 4. My neighbour (drop) in again tomorrow. When she (come), I (make) a cake for her. 5. George (meet) me at the airport when my plane (land) tomorrow. 6. Marion (see) Mike when he (come) to New York. 7. When he (arrive) in New York, he always (stay) in Manhattan. 8. I (feel) normal again if the weather (change) for the better. 9. As soon as the show (come) to an end, the audience (leave) the hall. 10. If Helen (finish) her work on time, we (meet) at the cafe as usual. 11. If Mark (get) a new computer, he (forget) about all his studies. 12. When Susie (feel) bad, she (prefer) to stay in bed. 13. Unless my boyfriend (apologize), I (not forgive) him. 14. We (take) some urgent steps before the situation (become) hopeless. 15. We (have) to think about somebody else in case Dick (refuse) to do the work. 16. She (send) her family a telegram as soon as she (arrive) in Rome. 17. Felix’s father (not lend) him any money until he (learn) not to waste it. 18. He is retiring next year. He (have) nothing to do when he (retire). Задание 248. Дополните следующие предложения. 1. We would like to know when ... . 2. Tell me if ... . 3. I wonder whether ... .4. Nobody can tell me if ... . 5. It’s interesting when ... . 6. Can you tell them if ... ? 7. Do you know whether ... ? 8. I can’t remember when ... . 9. Does anybody know when ... ? 10. He would like to find out if ... .11. Ask her if ... . 12. She wonders whether ... . 13.1 am not sure if ... . 14. They have no idea if ... . 15. I doubt if ... . Задание 249. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. - Интересно, будет ли компьютер работать се- годня? - Если он заработает, то мы напечатаем вам 302
текст. 2. Не уверена, будет ли песня популярной. Но если ее исполнит эта певица, то она точно ста- нет гвоздем сезона. 3. Сомневаюсь, устроит ли вас цена, мадам. Но если все-таки она вам подходит, то я помогу вам примерить эту шубу. 4. Никто не может сказать нам, когда вернется управляющий. Секретарь, однако, обещает, что как только он по- явится, она нам позвонит. 5. Хотелось бы мне знать, выйдет ли Оливия замуж за Стива? Если это случится, то все будут очень рады. 6. Все хотят знать, когда эта популярная группа приедет в Мос- кву. Как только она приедет, мы постараемся по- пасть на ее концерт. 7. Я не уверена, изменит ли она свое решение. Но если она все-таки передумает, все будут очень удивлены. 8. Спроси у нее, поменя- ется ли завтра погода. Если вдруг пойдет снег, при- дется надеть что-нибудь потеплее. 9. Интересно, расскажет ли он ей правду. Если она узнает все от других людей, то она не простит его. 10. Не знаю, приедет ли она сегодня. Если все-таки она появит- ся, сообщи нам. Задание 250. Составьте предложения, используя приведенные фразы. Образец: If you don't the train. 1. don’t listen in class 2. get up very early 3. eat the whole cake 4. take this medicine 5. doesn’t save his money 6. forgets his promise 7. put the milk in the fridge 8. don’t work hard 9. drinks any more beer take a taxi, you'll miss a. turn sour b. catch a cold c. not pass your exam d. go swimming e. work in the City f. get furious g. not understand homework h. see the sunrise 303
10. don’t invite Bill i. will definitely fall ill 11. moves to London j. not be able to buy 12. rain today a new car к. remind him about it 1. have problems with the police Задание 251. Переведите следующие предложения 1. Если он пройдет через все экзамены (to get through the exams) в этом году, то получит квали- фикацию, но я не уверен, что он сумеет сделать это. 2. Если все пойдет хорошо, то эта ракета полетит на Марс. 3. Если он сомневается в тарифе, то пусть проконсультируется со служащим. 4. Он говорит, что если накопит денег, то купит машину к лету. 5. Если я понадоблюсь кому-то, то я буду внизу. 6. Если вы подождете, то через минуту мы присое- динимся к вам. 7. Вечер будет прекрасным, если ничто не испортит его. 8. Интересно, возьмет ли он деньги своих партнеров. Если он сделает это, мы не будем его уважать. 9. Директор спрашивает, смогу ли я сделать эту работу, если Том уедет в команди- ровку. 10. Интересно, будет ли у нас завтра конт- рольная. Если учитель даст нам ее, то я точно полу- чу плохую оценку. 11. Если это произойдет еще раз, то у нас будет серьезный разговор. Интересно, когда ты станешь взрослым человеком? 12. Мы ничего не будем делать, пока не приедет адвокат. Но никто не знает, когда он появится. 13. Если он потеряет работу, это будет ударом для его семьи. Он часто думает, когда же у него будет постоянная работа. 14. Как только передача закончится, мы будем ужи- нать. Интересно, что у нас будет на ужин? 15. Если агент получит необходимые сведения, то немедлен- но покинет Лондон. Его шефу хотелось бы знать, когда же будут получены сведения. 304
Задание 252. А. Объясните употребление the Present Perfect в следующих предложениях. 1. Mind, Tim, you will go for a walk only after you have done your homework! 2. As soon as we have had lunch, we’ll get down to business. 3. I shall not switch on the TV-set until I have cooked supper. 4. When they have arranged everything, they will start the conference. 5. Rebecca will become very popular before she has been a month in Hollywood. 6. We shall become great friends by the time we have finished this work. 7. He’ll come before I’ve sent the fax. В Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Мы обсудим это после того, как ты вымоешь посуду. 2. Маленькая Катя найдет новогодний по- дарок, прежде чем ее мама спрячет его. 3. Я все тебе расскажу, пока кто-то другой не сделал это. 4. Он прибудет до того, как они уйдут. 5. Позвони нам, как только узнаешь что-то новое. 6. Мы пове- рим вам только после того, как вы докажете это. 7. Тебе понравится торт, как только ты его попро- буешь. 8. Ты можешь включить телевизор только после того, как ребенок заснет. Задание 253. А. Переведите следующую историю. Большие надежды Молодая деревенская девушка, которая живет на Востоке, идет по дороге в ближайший город. На голо- ве у нее кувшин с молоком. Она идет и размышляет: «Когда я приду в город, я найду там рынок. На рынке я продам молоко. Не знаю, получу ли я много денег за молоко. Но если их хватит, то я куплю дюжину яиц. Из этих яиц у меня будет двенадцать цыплят. Когда цыплята подрастут, я отнесу их на рынок. После того как я продам их, я пойду в магазин и куплю себе 305
красивое новое платье. Оно очень пойдет к моим гла- зам и волосам. Только после того, как я надену это платье, я пройдусь по главной улице деревни. Когда люди увидят меня, то они остановятся и скажут: «Ка- кая красивая девушка и какое необыкновенное на ней платье!» Но я ничего не скажу, когда услышу это, а только покачаю головой (to give a shake of...)». И тут она гордо качает головой, и вниз летят (down come) молоко, яйца, цыплята и красивое новое платье! В. Коммуникативное задание. Обсудите в группе, какова мораль этой истории и почему она называется «Большие надежды». Будущее продолженное время Future Progressive УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 254. Объясните употребление the Future Progressive в следующих предложениях. 1. ГН be still working when you arrive. 2. This time tomorrow he’ll be lying on the beach. 3. They will be watching television from eight o’clock till midnight. 4. I will be buttering the bread while my mother is slicing the tomatoes. 5. We’ll be arriving at Heathrow at 6 o’clock. 6. What will your family be doing at this time tomorrow? 7. I am not coming to the party as I shall be taking my driving test. 8. - Why must I take a book? - You’ll be sitting on the train for hours. Задание 255. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. - Где ты будешь, когда я приеду? - Я буду рабо- тать в библиотеке. 2. Чем он будет заниматься завт- ра? 3. В три часа мы будем сидеть в поезде и ехать в 306
Париж. 4. Вы замечательный человек. Теперь мы бу- дем часта встречаться. 5. А что вы будете делать на Рождество? 6. Присоединяйся к нам. С восьми до деся- ти мы будем играть в теннис. 7. В субботу утром мама будет заниматься покупками. 8. Они будут заняты зав- тра вечером. Они будут встречать своего партнера из Греции. 9. Интересно, что на ней будет на вечере? 10. Пора идти. Родители будут волноваться. 11. - Труд- но представить, что будет происходить с нами через день или два. - Все будет хорошо. 12. Зачем ты взяла зонтик Лизы? Она же будет искать его завтра утром. 13. Я могу легко описать тебе, что будет делать моя семья в канун Нового года: мама будет накрывать на стол, папа будет готовить индейку с яблоками, а дети будут украшать елку. 14. - Настя устраивает вечерин- ку в субботу, ты идешь? - К сожалению, нет, я в это время буду трудиться, как пчелка. У меня экзамен в понедельник. 15. Когда мы поедем в Лондон, мы посе- тим парламент. Члены парламента будут обсуждать последние события в Британии и в мире. 16. Я думаю, я соберу свои вещи сегодня вечером. А то завтра ут- ром опять буду носиться по дому как сумасшедшая. Будущее совершенное время Future Perfect УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 256. А. Объясните употребление the Future Perfect в следующих предложениях. 1. We shall have left by the time you arrive. 2. They will have repaired your car by then. 3. The decorator will have painted the room by Tuesday. ,4. I’ll already have done the work by the time you come back. 5. I still won’t have finished reading the book by four o’clock. 307
6. He will have left by now. 7. Will you have written the essay by tomorrow? 8. We shall have arranged everything by that time. В. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Завтра к двум часам мы уже сдадим все экзаме- ны. 2. К тому времени, как вы вернетесь, я уже уеду. 3. Если вы позвоните в восемь часов, то они еще не приедут. 4. Они надеются, что отремонтируют кварти- ру к осени. 5. Мы напишем статью к утру, но мы не закончим иллюстрации. 6. Я закончу школу к лету. 7. Надеюсь, что я найду работу к концу года. 8. Мы уверены, что узнаем новости к вечеру. 9. Если вы при- дете до девяти часов утра, то они еще не уйдут. 10. Она уже накроет на стол до того, как придут гости. Будущее совершенное продолженное время Future Perfect Progressive УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 257. А. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предло- жения. Объясните употребление the Future Perfect Continuous. 1. - Do you think you’ll be tired in the evening? - Yes, I’ll have already been working for eight hours. 2. By this time tomorrow, I’ll have been travelling for twelve hours. 3. By the time you get here the people will have been waiting for an hour already. 4. By May, he’ll have been riding that bike for five years. 5. By Christmas, I’ll have been working for this company for twenty years. В. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. К тому времени как встанет солнце завтра ут ром, мы уже два часа будем лететь над Атлантичес- 308
ким Океаном. 2. К первому сентября этого года я уже десять лет буду изучать английский язык. 3. Ей понадобится отдых. Она весь день будет работать. 4. К концу года мы будем жить в Москве уже двад- цать лет. 5. Когда приедет полиция, Эрик уже три часа будет ехать в Техас. 6. К тому времени как дети вернутся из школы, их мама уже несколько часов будет работать в саду. 7. В июле будет год, как я живу в этом городе. ПРОВЕРЬТЕ СЕБЯ CHECKUP Задание 258. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям, начиная их с “Howlong...?". Используйте слова, данные в скобках, в Present Perfect или Present Perfect Progressive. 1. It’s our wedding anniversary today, (be married) 2. Did you know that Renata wore contact lenses? (wear, them) 3. Where were you? It’s ten past seven, (be, here) 4. Maxim and I are getting married next month, (know, him). 5. They live in London now. (live, there) 6. The job is very easy for me now. (work, here) 7. The children are in the garden, (be, outside) 8. The boys are playing football, (they, do) 9. Richard is on a business trip, (be, away) Задание 259. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Антон очень упрямый. Он вечно со всеми спо- рит. Как раз сейчас он спорит с шефом. Они обсуждают новые предложения с раннего утра, но пока ничего не решили. 2. Шляпы всегда были в моде. Мужчины и женщины носят их уже много веков. А вы носите шля- пы? 3. Нина очень много разговаривает по телефону. В данный момент она разговаривает со своим парнем. Они беседуют уже час, но так и не решили, когда они встретятся. 4. Я обычно делаю покупки в супермарке- 309
тах. Сегодня я закупаю все в «Седьмом Континенте». Я хожу здесь уже минут сорок, но пока не нашла всего того, что мне нужно. 5. Эта компания набирает новых людей время от времени. Именно сейчас они ищут но- вого управляющего. Это непросто. Они ищут его уже месяц, но пока ни один человек не прошел интервью. 6. Игорь очень занят в последнее время. Он пишет программу для компьютера. Он работает над ней ме- сяц и уже сделал половину. 7. Этот спектакль идет уже несколько месяцев. Мой друг уже видел его. Я пы- таюсь попасть на него уже пару недель, но мне пока что не удалось купить билеты. 8. После работы Алексей обычно ждет Татьяну. Сегодня он тоже ждет ее. Он ждет ее с шести часов, прошло полчаса, но она пока не пришла. Алексей начинает нервничать. Задание 260. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. 1. She went up to her bedroom on the second floor, and she (feel) so tired, that she (fall) asleep soon after she (lie) down. She (have) a long and difficult day. 2. Mrs. Foster paid the driver and (ring) the bell. She (wait) but there (be) no answer. Everybody (leave) for the party. 3. He moved across the room to the box. He (pick) up a piece of paper that (lie) beside the box, (study) it carefully, (put) it down, (look) in the box, and then again at the paper. He (do) this for perhaps half an hour. He (know) who (write) the paper. 4. Mary took his coat and (hang) it in the hall. They not (meet) for quite a long time. Then she (make) the drinks, the way he (teach) her, and soon he (tell) her the news which she not (hear) yet. 5. Every day she took her grandchildren for walks. They (be) so beautiful! She (feed) them cakes, and (buy) them presents, and (tell) them charming stories. Those walks (become) a tradition with them. 310
Задание 261. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. 1. In the middle of the night Mary woke up. A heavy rain (start) falling again and the wind (blow) hard round the walls of the old house. Suddenly she (hear) the crying that she (hear) the night before. This time she decided to discover who it (be). 2. She (leave) her room and (go) to the other side of the house. At last she (find) the right room. She (push) the door open and (see) a big room with beautiful old furniture and pictures. A boy (lie) in a large bed. He (look) tired and cross. He stared at Mary. “Who you (be)? You (be) a dream?” he whispered. 3. “I (be) your second cousin, and your father (be) my uncle,” Mary explained. “I (hear) that you are ill. Your father often (come) and see you?” - “Not often. He not (like) to see me because it (make) him (remember) my mother. She (die) when I (bear), so he almost (hate) me, I think.” 4. “Why you (say) you (die)?” asked Mary. “I always (be) ill. I nearly (die) several times. My doctor (feel) sure that I (be going) to die. But he’s my father’s cousin, and very poor, so he (want) me to die. Then he (get) all the money when my father (die).” 5. “Last year we (have) a grand doctor from London, who (advise) me to go out in the fresh air. But I not (like) fresh air. I want to lie in bed. All the servants (have) to do what I want, because if I (get) angry, I (become) ill.” Mary was furious, and it (make) her (feel) strong. “You are the silliest boy I ever (meet),” she (cry). Задание 262. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. The Nightingale and the Rose Once there was a poor Student who (fall)1 in love with a beautiful young girL But she (say)2 to him one day: “I (dance)3 with you if you (bring)4 me a red rose.” 311
“But it’s winter now and there (be)5 no roses in my garden,” cried the unhappy Student, “if I not (get)6 a rose she (forget)7 me and my heart (break)8.” From the tree the Nightingale (hear)9 how he (cry)10 and decided to help him. She (fly)11 to the Rose-tree under the Student’s window and asked for one red rose. But there (be)12 no roses on that tree. But the tree (tell)13 her that there (be)14 a terrible way to get a red rose. The Nightingale (think)15 that Love was better than Life, so she agreed. The young Student still (lie)16 on his bed. He not (leave)17 his room for a few days already. “Be happy,” cried the bird, “you will have your rose if you (promise)18 that you (become)19 a true lover!” But the young man (can)20 not (understand)21 what the Nightingale (say)22 to him. And the bird (sing)23 all night with her breast against the thorn of the Rose- tree. And out of her song and blood there appeared a beautiful red rose. In the morning the Student looked through the window and saw that the bird (die)24. Then he noticed the wonderful red rose on the tree. “What luck!” he cried, “I never (see)25 such a wonderful flower in all my life!” He (run)26 to the girl with the rose in his hand. “I’m afraid it not (go)27 with my jewels,” she said, “everybody (know)28 that jewels (cost)29 more than flowers!” “You are ungrateful,” cried the Student angrily and he (throw)30 the wonderful red rose into the street and returned to his dusty books. Задание 263. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. Перескажите историю. A Night Accident One night I (wake up)1 in the middle of the night as I (hear)2 a slight noise. I (feel)3 sure that someone (stand)4 outside my bedroom door. I was awfully sorry now that I not (lock)5 it before going to bed. As I (hurry)6 312
to lock it, I called “Who’s there?” There was a strange sound, then I heard that someone (run)7 upstairs. My curiosity made me (open)8 the door, and I (find)9 the corridor full of smoke which (come)10 from Mr. Rochester’s room. I understood that someone (set)11 fire to the house. I (forget)1* all my fears and (run)13 into the master’s room. He (sleep)14. Everything around him was in flames and smoke. I (throw)15 some water to wake him up and to put out the flames. I explained what I (see)18. He (think)17 for a few seconds. “Jane, I (watch)18 you all this time, and I can’t help admiring you!” he (say)19. “If we not (hurry)20 now, it (be)21 too late. I (call)22 the servants, sir?” I asked. “No, not (do)23 it,” he answered. “If Adele (hear)24 something and (wake)25 up she (frighten)28.1 am glad that you are the jonly person who (know)27 about it. And thank you! You (save)28 my life a second time.” (After Charlotte Bronte) Задание 264. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Каждое здание в Риме говорит о своей истории и географии. 2. Чудо Интернета в том, что вы можете виртуально получить все, что ваше сердце пожелает. 3. - Я не могу понять, что с нами происходит. - Дело просто в том, что один из нас изменился, и это не я. 4. Мне всегда хотелось попасть в Новую Зеландию, но пока что мне это не удалось. 5. У меня липкие паль- цы. Я ела мед. 6. Моя собачка всегда лает, когда ви- дит почтальона. 7. Он долго стоял на шоссе, но ни одна машина не остановилась. 8. Он сказал, что пос- ледние две недели были замечательными для него. 9. Максим понял, что нашел женщину, которую ис- кал всю жизнь. 10. Репортер сердито отшвырнул га- зету, которую читал. 11. Было совершенно очевидно, кто написал это письмо. 12. Она уложила в портфель бумаги, над которыми работала все утро. 13. Она по- 313
казала нам свою коллекцию. Она собирала образчи- ки ткани два последних месяца. 14. Вечер имел гран- диозный успех. Тетушка Бланш так долго готовила его. 15. Мы все были счастливы, что критический мо- мент миновал. 16. Я никогда не откажусь от своей работы. Я вложил сли!пком много лет и усилий в свое дело. 17. Позволь мне отвезти тебя домой, а то твои родители будут волноваться. 18. Мне придется согласиться на ее приглашение, если она будет настаи- вать на этом. 19. Когда он вернулся домой, то обнару- жил, что дети играли с его компьютером. Косвенная речь Reported Speech УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 265. Измените следующие предложения по образцу. Образец: She says, “I have to go” - She says (that) she has to go. 1. Tom says, “I am always late for classes.” 2. Father says, “My watch is slow.” 3. The detective says, “There is something strange about this person.” 4. The sign says, “There is no parking here.” 5. Mum says, “It’s time to have lunch.” 6. The teacher says, “Sit down, please.” 7. The weatherman says, “It will be icy tomorrow.” 8. The boy says, “I can ride a motor-bike.” 9. The policeman says, “Be careful, don’t walk alone in the night.” 10. The Prime Minister says, “I promise everything will be all right soon.” 11. She says, “I am leaving tomorrow.” 12. The son says to his parents, “I’ve never been in the circus.” 13. The doctor says to his patient, “Go to bed not later than ten o’clock in the 314
evening.” 14. She says, “I am having tea now.” 15. Hue and Liz say, “We met two days ago.” 16. My dentist says, “Sweets are harmful for your teeth.” 17. “Don’t worry,” he says. “If someone calls, I’ll let you know.” 18. “Don’t make noise, children,” says our teacher. 19. “I can’t do it without your help,” says Roman. 20. “Type this letter urgently,” the chief says. 21. The top-model says, “There is nothing better than a good sleep.” Задание 266. Измените следующие предложения по образцу. Образец: Не asks, “Are you ready to go out?” - He asks if I am ready to go out. 1. The stranger asks, “Is anybody at home?” 2. They ask, “Is it cold today?” 3. The teacher asks, “Do you have any questions?” 4. Mario asks us, “Has Maria come?” 5. The boss asks, “Do you agree with me?” 6. She asks, “Is this film worth seeing?” 7. The student asks, “Shall I start reading?” 8. Everybody asks, “Do you have an extra ticket?” 9. The waiter asks, “Would you like some cheese?” 10. Sarah asks, “Do I have to say ‘Yes’?” 11. The policeman asks, “Has anything happened?” 12. I am asked, “Were you born in spring or in autumn?” 13. He asks, “Am I right or not?” 14. Richard asks, “Are you going to Charles’s wedding next Saturday?” 15. I am often asked at the airport, “Have you got a travelling insurance?” 16. She asks me, “Can you understand what he means?” 17. When I come home in the evening, my parents ask me, “Did you have a good time?” 18. The manager asks the clerk, “Have all the documents been signed?” Задание 267. Измените следующие предложения по образцу. Образец: Не asks, “Where has she gone?” - He asks where she has gone. 315
1. I ask them, “Who is the director of this film?” 2. They ask, “What happened last week?” 3. Sam asks, “Who told you this?” 4. The passer-by asks, “Where is the nearest cafe?” 5. She asks, “How much does this jacket cost?” 6. My students ask, “How long does it take to study English?” 7. Grandpa asks, “What have they just said on the radio?” 8. She asks, “Whose clothes are these?” 9. Mr. Snow asks, “Who am I talking to?” 10. Everybody asks, “When will the party begin?” 11. They ask us, “How often does it snow in the Caucasus?” 12. My daughter asks me, “Who invented the bicycle?” 13. He asks, “What is on TV tonight?” 14. She asks, “How much shampoo is there in the bottle?” 15. My mother asks me, “What tea do you prefer?” 16. We ask the tourists, “Have you been to Russia before?” Задание 268. Переведите следующие предложения. А. 1. Наш начальник говорит, что его хобби - рабо- та. 2. Он спрашивает, сколько сейчас времени. 3. Врач спрашивает, как я себя чувствую. Я отвечаю, чго не- плохо. И добавляю, что никогда раньше не болел. 4. Мои родители всегда говорят мне не есть так быст- ро. 5. Интересно, кем он работает? 6. Все спрашива- ют, как давно мы работаем вместе. 7. Она говорит, что оставила ключи дома. 8. Сообщают, что завтра будет теплее, чем сегодня. 9. Он просит не говорить, что он дома. 10. Специалисты сообщают, что в 2000 году компьютеры перестанут работать. 11. Интерес- но, кто изобрел велосипед? 12. Он спрашивает, какие цветы я люблю. Я отвечаю, что незабудки. 13. Она спрашивает, как часто здесь идут дожди. 14. Интерес- но, сколько требуется времени, чтобы написать книгу? 15. Интересно, в этом году будет жаркое лето? В. 1. Он считает, что это хорошая идея. 2. Секре- тарша спрашивает, что ей сказать, если кто-то позво- 316
нит. 3. Интересно, кто здесь только что был? 4. Инс- пектор хотел бы знать, не заметила ли я что-нибудь странное. 5. Они напоминают нам, что в 2000 году будут выборы. 6. Интересно, много ли у нас времени? 7. Врач советует мне одеваться теплее. 8. Профес- сор говорит, что Оксфорд знаменит своими традици- ями. 9. Учительница просит детей не шуметь. 10. Он предупреждает, что у меня мало шансов поступить в театральный институт. 11. Ученого спрашивают, гор- дится ли он своими успехами. Он отвечает, что гор- дится. Он также считает, что еще многое предстоит сделать. 12. Я стучусь в дверь и спрашиваю, есть ли кто-нибудь дома. Никто не отвечает. 13. Наши дру- зья предлагают никуда не ходить, а остаться дома и поиграть в карты. Задание 269. Коммуникативное задание. Произнесите любое предложение (просьба, утверждение, вопрос). Попросите другого студента пересказать то, что было только что сказано. Образец: Anna: I ат going to the cinema tonight. The teacher: What does Anna say? Boris: Anna says she is going to the cinema tonight. Согласование времен Sequence of Tenses УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 270. Объясните правила перевода из прямой речи в косвенную на примере следующих предложений. 1- Не said, “I work hard. Не said (that) he worked hard. 317
2. He said, “I am working hard. -> He said (that) he was working hard. 3. He said, “I have worked hard. -> He said (that) he had worked hard. -> He said (that) he 4. He said, “I worked hard. -> He said (that) he had worked hard. 5. He said, “I am going to work hard. -> He said (that) he was going to work hard. 6. He said, “I will work hard, would work hard. 7. He said, “I can work hard. could work hard. 8. He said, “I may work hard. might work hard. 9. He said, “I have to work hard, he had to work hard. 10. He said, “I must work hard. he must work hard. 11. He said, “I should work hard, he should work hard. -> He said (that) he -> He said (that) he -> He said (that) -> He said (that) He said (that) 12. He said, “I ought to work hard. He said (that) he ought to work hard. 13. What did Mary just say? I didn’t hear her.-> She said (that) she is busy. 14. What did Mary say when she got home last night? -> She said (that) she was busy. Задание 271. Переведите следующие предложения в косвен- ную речь. 1. Little Betty said, “I am sleepy.” 2. Sally said, “I don’t like chocolate.” 3. Margaret said, “I am planning atrip to the South.” 4. Tom said,“I have already eaten lunch.” 5. Kate said, “I called my doctor.” 6. Mr. Ford said, “I’m going to fly to Chicago.” 7. The speaker said, “I will come to the meeting.” 8. Jane said, “I can’t afford to buy a new TV-set.” 9. The teacher said, “Now, 318
children, you may go home.” 10. Ted said, “I have to finish my report.” 11. Mr. Durrell said, “I must talk to the director.” 12. Alison said, “I should call my parents.” Задание 272 Переведите следующие предложения в косвен- ную речь. Образец: I need to talk to you. -> Mother told me that she needed to talk to me. 1. I will call you tomorrow. 2. I know your parents. 3. I have met your friends. 4. I’m getting hungry. 5. I’m not married. 6. I like your watch. 7. I won’t be in class tomorrow. 8. I can’t read your handwriting. 9. I don’t like fish. 10. I walked to school this morning. 11. I have to take one more exam. 12. I think you speak English very well. 13. You should think about it. 14. I’ll meet you after class for a cup of coffee. 15. I’m going to take a vacation in Hawaii. 16. Your pronunciation is very good. 17. I’ve already bought this disc. 18. I may be absent from class tomorrow. Задание 273. Переведите следующие предложения в косвен- ную речь. Образец: Olga said to те, “Are you free?” -> Olga asked me if I was free. 1. Do you know any foreign language? 2. Are you shocked? 3. Can you send this fax? 4. Did you enjoy the book? 5. Are you going to join us? 6. Will you be at home tonight? 7. Have you ever been to the North Pole? 8. Can you hear me? 9. Are you listening to me? 10. Do you need my help? 11. Did you finish your letter yesterday? 12. Is it going to rain? 13. Do you know bow to knit? 14. Do you know if she is in Moscow? 15. Can you come to the party? 16. Do you have a 319
family? 17. Have you ever been in Africa? 18. Did you sign the papers? 19. When will you change your mind? 20. Are you going to speak to them? Задание 274. Переведите следующие предложения в косвен- ную речь. Образец: Helen said, "Where do you live?” -> Helen asked where I lived. 1. Where is your apartment? 2. What do you need? 3. Do you need a dictionary? 4. When does the semester end? 5. Why are you so sad today? 6. Where do you live? 7. How often do you go downtown? 8. Where do you buy your clothes? 9. Who do you usually discuss your problems with? 10. Is that okay? 11. When and where did you first meet? 12. Where do you study? 13. What did you do after class yesterday? 14. Where is your car? 15. Why aren’t you listening to me? 16. What are you thinking about? 17. Where is my bag? 18. What time do you usually get up? Задание 275. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Когда Павел сел в автобус, он вспомнил, что ос- тавил дома свой проездной билет. 2. Вчера я спросил своего сынишку, где его велосипед. Я был потрясен, когда он сообщил мне, что продал его своему прияте- лю. 3. Когда Петр получил обратно свою работу, ю он пожалел, что не занимался лучше. 4. Я попросил друга поторопиться, так как я боялся, что мы опозда- ем на (пропустим) автобус. 5. Когда лодка перевер- нулась, я был счастлив, что мой друг умел плавать. 6. Когда Нина упала, то она была уверена, что слома- ла палец. 7. Когда я спросил Юлию, хочет ли она пойти на вечер, она ответила, что не может, так как должна присмотреть за сестренкой. 8. Когда я пришел в офис, я поинтересовался, где Джек. Секретарша сказала, что 320
он уехал в Шеффилд навестить свою сестру. 9. Мама спросила меня, буду ли я дома вовремя к обеду. Я ответил, что буду дома около пяти часов. 10. Я спро- сила нашего гида, был ли он когда-либо в Японии. Он ответил, что был там несколько раз. Задание 276. Переведите следующие предложения в косвен- ную речь, используя слова, данные в скобках. Образец: Joe said, “Please come to my party." (invite) -> Joe invited me to come to his party. I said, “Bobby, don’t pull the cat’s tail." (order) I ordered Bobby not to pull the cat’s tail. 1. My teacher said, “You should be more punctual, (advise) 2. My neighbour said, “You may use the phone, ” (allow) 3. The doctor said, “Take a deep breath.” (tell the patient) 4. My mother said, “Make an appointment with the dentist.” (remind) 5. The Smiths said, “Would you like to join us for dinner?” (invite) 6. The judge said, “You must pay a tine.” (order) 7. Nick said, “Don’t touch that hot pot!” (warn) 8. My agent said, “Don’t buy a used car.” (advise) 9. Mr. Harte said, “Tom, could you please open the door for me?” (ask) 10. The police officer said, “Put your hands on top of your head!” (order the thief) 11. Jack said, “Don’t worry about me, Mother.” (tell) 12. Sue said to me, “Don’t forget to call me. (remind)” 13. Alice said to her roommate, “Don’t forget to lock the door.” (warn) 14. Marina said to her daughter, “Please don’t slam the door.” (ask) Задание 277. Прочитайте и переведите в косвенную речь сле- дующие истории. Перескажите их. I. Mrs. Williams loved flowers and had a small but beautiful garden. In the summer her roses were always 11-M12 321
the best in the street. One summer afternoon the bell rang, and when she went to the front door, she saw a small boy outside. He was about seven years old, and was holding a big bunch of beautiful roses in his hand. “I am selling roses,” he said. “Do you want any? They are quite cheap. Five pence for a big bunch. They are fresh. I picked them this afternoon.” “My boy,” Mrs. Williams answered. “I pick roses whenever I want, and don’t pay anything for them, because I have lots in my garden.” “Oh, no, you haven’t,” said the small boy. “There aren’t any roses in your garden - because, they are here in my hand!” II. Peter was ten years old. One day his friend Paul said to him, “I’m going to have a birthday party on Saturday. Can you come?” Peter asked his mother, and she said, “Yes, you can go.” She phoned Paul’s mother to tell her. Before Peter went to the party on Saturday, his mother said to him, “Now, Peter, don’t forget to be polite. Don’t ask for food. Wait until someone gives it to you.” “All right, Mom,” Peter answered, and he went to Paul’s house on his bicycle. There were a lot of children at the party. They played together for an hour, and then Paul’s mother gave them some food; but she forgot to give Peter any. He waited politely for a few minutes, and then he held his plate up in the air and said loudly, “Does anyone want a nice clean plate?” Задание 278. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Мой учитель поинтересовался, как давно я уже занимаюсь английским. 2. Он выглянул в окно и сказал, что снег все еще идет. 3. Полицейский подо- шел к парням и спросил, в чем дело и почему они спорят. 4. Он спросил, где спички и куда она их положила. 5. Его жена предупредила его, что если он будет шуметь, то разбудит ребенка. 6. Учитель сказал студентке, что, если она хочет сдать экзамен, 322
ей придется больше заниматься. 7. Управляющий пообещал, что побеседует с нами, когда найдет вре- мя. 8. Таможенник спросил нас, были ли мы рань- ше в Англии и когда это было. 9. Начальник пре- дупредил секретаря, чтобы он больше не опаздывал. 10. Он пожаловался, что уже неделю был болен, но никто его так и не навестил. 11. Я спросил, кото- рый час и куда все ушли. 12. Маленький мальчик очень удивился, когда узнал, что земля круглая. 13. Никто не предполагал, что он родился в Англии в 1970 году. 14. Мама терпеливо объяснила дочке, что в неделе семь дней, а в году двенадцать месяцев. 15. Реклама сообщила, что первая станция метро открылась в Лондоне в 1860 году. 16. Он объяснил, что, когда мы позвонили ему, он все еще спал и не слышал звонка. Задание 279. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. It Was Joy that Killed Him Once a pale and thin man came to me and gave me a note from a friend who was a doctor. I (ask)1 (help)2 the man. I remembered that my friend (tell)3 me of this man before. He had a very weak heart. His heart (can)4 (burst)5 at any moment. I wondered if he wanted me (do)6 something for him. “I (be)7 thankful to you if you (find)8 me a job that not (require)9 any physical effort,” he explained. The next day I (ring)10 to a kind theatrical manager and asked if he had any work for an invalid. “If he (manage)11 (stand)12 for fifteen minutes, I (take)13 him. He (act)14 in the last scene in a play we (stage)15 now.” They (take)16 him. At the first performance of the play I (see)17 him (stand)18 near the front of the stage with a spear in his hand and (look)19 very happy and proud. Some time later I learned from my friend, the doctor, that the man with the weak heart 11* 32.3
(fall)20 in love with a dancer and asked her to become his wife. The woman (fall)21 in love with him too and one day she visited the doctor to find out about the man’s health. She (make)22 him (tell)23 her all the truth and fainted when the doctor told her that the man (die)24 very soon. A month later while I (return)25 from the party, I (meet)26 my friend. He said that the woman he (tell)27 me about (write)28 a letter to the man with a weak heart. He got it and the next morning (find)29 dead in his room. It was joy that killed him because she (agree)30 to become his wife. Задание 280. А. Составьте короткие диалоги (пять-десять предложений), используя данные ниже ситуации. Представьте свой диалог классу. После этого один из слушателей должен переска- зать то, о чем говорилось. 1. Have a conversation about going somewhere in this city. 2. Have a conversation in which one of you invites the other one to a party. 3. One of you is fourteen years old and the other is the parent. The fourteen-year-old wants to stay out late tonight. What will the parent say? 4. The two of you are a married couple. One of you is reminding the other one about the things (s)he should or has to do today. 5. Have a conversation in which one of you persuades the other one to begin a health programme (walking, tennis, swimming, diets, etc.) 6. One of you is a store detective and the other is a shoplifter. The detective has just seen the shoplifter take something. 7. One of you is a stubborn, old-fashioned, uneducated person who thinks that the Earth is flat. The other one tries to convince the stubborn one that the Earth is round. 324
В. Переведите рассказы в упражнениях 219 и 253 в косвенную речь в прошедшем времени. Залог Voice УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 281. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопроси- тельную и отрицательную формы. 1. Marmalade is made from oranges. 2. This town was built a century ago. 3. They were invited to a birthday party. 4. The fax has just been sent. 5. America was discovered long ago. 6. The book is still being published. 7. My neighbour’s car was stolen last night. 8. His winter boots were made in Germany. 9. The building was ruined by the earthquake. 10. Italian is spoken in Italy and on Malta. 11. I am sure some way out will be found. 12. When he came home, dinner was being cooked. Задание 282. Измените предложения по образцу. Образец: A telephone call woke те up. - I was woken up by a telephone call. 1. My father built this cottage. 2. Beginners use that computer. 3. Somebody is opening the window now. 4. We sold the last French text-book. 5. People all over Russia watch the news. 6. The moonlight lit everything in the room. 7. Don’t worry, we shall settle your problems. 8. We have just sent for the doctor. 9. The Semenovs don’t use this room very often. 10. Thomas Coryate brought forks from Italy to England. 11. He has just repaired his car. 12. Somebody addressed the letter to the wrong person. 13. The secretary is still typing the 325
letter. 14. Mum cut the meat and chopped it. 15. Snow covered everything. 16. The police have been looking for him for a month! 17. He described his new flat for me. 18. Our chief offered me a day-off. 19. He pointed out the mistake to me. 20. They don’t allow their children to go far from home. Задание 283. Употребите правильную форму глагола в пассив- ном залоге. 1. You (advise) to wear sensible shoes in winter. 2. The time before bed (spend) very pleasantly. 3. Sniffer dogs (use) by police to detect drugs and explosives. 4. Huge pine trees (uproot) by the storm. 5. You (allow, not) to buy cigarettes if you are under sixteen. 6. Toyotas (manufacture) in Japan. 7. This road never (clean). 8. Gold (discover) in Eastern Canada. 9. When I saw him, he (chase) by a large dog. 10. Several towns (destroy) by the eruption of Vesuvius. 11. This coffee just (make), help yourself! 12. You ever (cheat)? You ever (make a fool of)? 13. The mirror (break) while it (move) into the hall. 14. How the word “magazine” (pronounce)? 15. The table (lay) now. You (serve) in a few minutes. 16. For months, the baby kangaroo (protect), (feed) and (teach) to survive by its mother. 17. I feel that I (watch) now by somebody. 18. These shirts (iron, not) yet. 19. Love stories always (sell) well. 20. Oranges and tangerines are very useful, besides, they (peel) perfectly. 21. I just (tell) that my house (knock down) next month. 22. My sweater (wash) badly so I put it into the washing-machine. Задание 284. Посмотрите на одежду, обувь и другие вещи, кото- рые вам принадлежат, и скажите, где и из чего они сделаны Образец: Му sweater was made in Ireland. It is made of wool. 326
Задание 285. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Вся домашняя работа сделана: ошибки исправ- лены, новые слова выучены, предложения переведены, сочинение написано. 2. Тихо! Не шумите! Она сейчас проходит интервью. 3. Радио «Европа-плюс» слуша- ют во всей России. 4. Это вкусное блюдо было приго- товлено итальянским поваром. 5. Многие современ- ные лекарства делают из растений. 6. Музыка к опере «Женитьба Фигаро» была написана Моцартом. 7. Ре- зультаты экзаменов будут объявлены завтра утром. 8. Не прикасайся к забору. Его только что покрасили. 9. Все деревья и цветы в этом саду посажены мною. 10. Книжные полки в его комнате покрыты пылью. 11. Ошибка была сделана очень давно, а исправлена только сейчас. 12. Этого ребенка никогда не учили, как себя вести со взрослыми. 13. Торт все еще печется, тебе придется подождать. 14. Преступник не был най- ден. Все еще велось расследование. 15. Я не знаю, кем была основана эта компания. 16. Новый роман Шел- дона отлично читается. Мне рекомендовал его мой дядя. 17. Соне предложили купить красивую и удобную пи- жаму. Она хорошо стирается и не мнется. 18. Если ему скажут, что она его бросила, его сердце будет разби- то. 19. Вся мебель в доме моих родителей сделана из натурального дерева. 20. В английском языке одно и то же слово часто пишется и произносится по-разному. Задание 286. Дайте правильный ответ на следующие вопросы, используя слова, данные в конце упражнения. Образец: - Was radium discovered.by Mary Poppins? - No, it wasn’t. It was discovered by Marie Curie. 1. Was “Mona Liza” painted by Picasso? 2. Was Micky Mouse created by the Warners? 3. Was the song 327
“Imagine” written by Elvis Presley? 4. Was the film “Titanic” directed by Alfred Hitchcock? 5. Was “Romeo and Juliet” written by Agatha Christie? 6. Was the Parthenon built by the ancient Romans? 7. Was the telephone invented by Siemens? 8. Was America discovered by Marco Polo? 9. Was “The Moonlight Sopata” composed by Tchaikovsky? 10. Were the Pyramids built in China? 11. Was “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” written by Shakespeare? Leonardo da Vinci, Marie Curie, the ancient Egyptians, James Cameron, the ancient Greeks, Walt Disney, John Lennon, Shakespeare, Alexander Bell, Popov, Christopher Columbus, Lewis Carrol Сложное дополнение Complex Object УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 287. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния. Найдите сложное дополнение и объясните, из чего оно состоит. 1. I want you to listen to me and I expect you to understand me. 2. If you don’t want anyone to know your business, keep your mouth shut. 3. What made you decide to enter that competition? 4. They wanted her to relax and sent the children to her aunt’s. 5. Everybody knows him to be a responsible man. 6. Sunglasses always make you look mysterious. 7. The desire for success makes Martin work hard. It doesn’t let him rest a minute. 8. Let me take you to the Milky Way on your holiday! 9. It takes two to make a dream come true. 10. Don’t let that fool you! 11. The boss expects you to finish the report by Monday. Would you like me to help you? 12. I 328
don’t let my children watch TV shows that are violent. Some of them will make your hair stand on end. 13. I saw you dancing, and I’ll never be the same again! 14. We saw Megan cross the street and enter the supermarket. 15. I have never heard anyone speak badly of him. 16. Angela felt her heart stop beating. 17. With great interest the detective watched people coming in and going out of the house in the middle of the night. Задание 288. Перефразируйте следующие предложения. Образец: Не did it. They saw it. - They saw him do it. 1. She said that. Everybody heard it. 2. The burglar got into the house. The neighbours noticed it. 3. The car disappeared in the tunnel. The policeman saw it. 4. The poet read some more of his poetry. The public made him do it. 5. Don’t worry! You will go to the party. We’ll let it. 6. Bill apologized. His father told him to do it. 7. He is an expert in his sphere. They think so. 8. You will become my friend one day. I expect so. 9. He really said it. Mike heard it. 10. We shall go to the party together. I would like that. 11. The car disappeared round the corner. The boys saw it. 12. Mary is the best girl in the world. Ted believes it. 13. Your kids often watch horror films before going to bed. You shouldn’t let that. 14. It is a misunder- standing. I believe it. 15. You must tell me the truth. I want it. Задание 289. Употребите частицу to, если это необходимо. 1. We expect everybody ... join us and ... have fun. 2. You can’t make me ... do such things. 3. It would be foolish to let the child ... have his way. 4. We heard the postman ... come up to the front door and then we saw him ... slip a thick envelope into the box. 5. He 329
got them ... rebuild the house. 6. The neighbour saw a stranger ... enter the house through the back door. 7. - What made you ... terrorize me? - I was made ... do it. 8. Why can’t you let your son ... decide his future? 9. We don’t want anyone ... interfere. 10. He noticed her suddenly ... turn pale. 11. Tracey had never expected Alan ... betray her. 12. I think this painting ... be a masterpiece. 13. Let him ... rest till he feels better. 14. She felt her shoes ... pinch. 15. I won’t have you ... say it behind my back. 16. We suppose her ... be in her late fifties. 17. I have never seen anyone ... enjoy food so much. Задание 290. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Я хочу, чтобы ты приготовила мне чашечку креп- кого кофе. 2. Кто-нибудь хочет, чтобы я сделала бу- терброды? 3. Инспектор хотел бы, чтобы вы всё ему объяснили. 4. Родители обычно предполагают, что их дети будут послушными. 5. Терпеть не могу, когда ты вмешиваешься в мою жизнь. 6. Я хочу, чтобы ты по- мог мне сделать эту работу. 7. Они предполагают, что Ольга присоединится к ним. 8. Она заметила, что он передал записку на сцену. 9. Прохожий услышал, как кто-то позвал его. 10. Мы полагаем, что это лучший выход из данной ситуации. 11. Родители Чарльза не позволяют ему смотреть телевизор позднее девяти ча- сов. 12. - А что заставляет вас так думать? - Мой жизненный опыт. 13. Дайте мне знать о ваших пла- нах. 14. Никто не смог заставить ребенка выпить ле- карство. 15. Пожалуйста, не заставляйте меня ждать. У меня мало времени. Задание 291. Раскройте скобки, употребив инфинитив или причастие I. 1. I watched the guests (leave), one by one. 2. She looked out of the window and saw the rain (pour) down on the 330
leafless garden. 3. Suddenly they heard a key (turn) in the lock. They waited for somebody (appear). 4. After a short rest I felt strength (come) back to me. 5. Alexis looked back and saw a stranger (follow) her slowly. 6. I saw the glass (slip) from her hand and (fall) to the floor. 7. We felt it (come) for quite a long time. 8. When Helen returned to the hostel, she found her roommates (have) a surprise party. 9. The police saw the detective (stop) and (take) a few shots. 10. The parents watched their children (laugh, talk and enjoy) themselves on the beach. 11. I saw the unhappy young man (sit) on the bench with a miserable expression. 12. Everybody noticed the lawyer (give) a start and (turn) pale. 13. I felt as if I could feel her heart (beat). And then, suddenly, I heard her heart (stop) beating. 14. I can smell something (burn). 15. People saw robbers (wait) behind the bank, Задание 292. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Я видел, как ты танцуешь, и я никогда этого не забуду. 2. Я слышал, что ты прекрасно танцуешь. 3. Мы слышали, что она прекрасно станцевала во вче- рашнем спектакле «Щелкунчик». 4. Хозяйка наблю- дала, как ее гости упаковывали чемоданы, и видела, что им было очень жаль уезжать. 5. Я чувствую, что ты не согласен со мной, и это меня огорчает. 6. Я чувствовал, что что-то двигалось в комнате, и увидел большую бабочку, летающую под люстрой. 7. Он по- чувствовал, как кто-то шумно дышит за его спиной. 8. Мы почувствовали, что у него есть чувство юмора. 9. Она чувствовала, что подходит для этой работы (to be fit for). 10. Присутствие молодой девушки застав- ляло его чувствовать себя молодым. 11. Я верю, что это верно. 12. Мы начали рассказывать шутки, и это позволило нам скоротать время. 13. Через некото- рое время он заметил, что его преследует полицейская машина. Он почувствовал, как у него заколотилось 331
сердце. 14. Я почувствовала, как у меня камень сва- лился с души. 15. Мы слышали, что они уехали в Лон- дон. 16. Вы когда-нибудь слышали кого-либо говоря- щим по-креольски? 17. Я считаю его экспертом в этой области. 18. Мы почувствовали, что кофе закипает, и поспешили на кухню. 19. Вернувшись домой, он об- наружил, что дети лечили собачку. 20. Они услыша- ли, как сработала ночная сигнализация, и увидели двух охранников, бегущих ко входу в банк. 21. Она пойма- ла себя на том, что опять думала о нем. Задание 293. Измените предложения согласно образцу. Образец: They saw him do it. - He was seen to do it. 1. Everybody heard her say that. 2. The neighbours noticed the burglar get into the house. 3. The detective saw the fellow leave the bar. 4. The teacher made the pupil tell the truth. 5. Tom’s parents allowed him to keep a dog. 6. People expect the performance to be a success. 7. Nobody ever heard him tell a lie. 8. We know her to be a real professional. 9. We consider the situation hopeless. 10. Many people heard him promise a lot. 11. Somebody noticed her enter the night club. 12. They let him choose his way of life. Задание 294 Заполните пропуски одним из следующих слов: been, crawl, get, move, play, pull, switch on, tap, try, walk, come. 1. We saw her ... the light and ... into the room. 2. I can feel something ... up my leg! 3. For a while they stood and watched the man ... trees. 4. He smelt something ..., so he rang the fire brigade. 5. We could definitely hear someone ... about downstairs. 6. We listened to the orchestra ... popular melodies. 7. I felt someone ... me on the shoulder, but when I turned round, there was no one there. 8. Look at that poor old lady 332
... to cross the busy street. 9. The policeman saw the man ... out of his car and ... out a gun. Модальные глаголы Modal Verbs CAN УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 295. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния. Объясните значение модального глагола сап. 1. Ona clear day, you can see the shores of Haiti and Cuba from the summit of Blue Mountain Peak. 2. I know you can do it because you have the courage. 3. Bungalows are for old people who can’t climb the stairs. 4. She gave Mary the names of several friends, whom she could trust. 5. We wish we could rely on him! 6. If I could, I would get the moon for you! 7. I can’t wait to get back into the swing of things. 8. Warm thoughts can fill the day with sunshine. 9. I can’t stop talking! I just can’t help it! 10. - Can I keep your CD till Sunday? - You can’t, it is not mine. 11. Ben can’t be still sleeping! It’s time for him to go to college. Задание 296. Прочитайте следующие предложения и дайте их русские эквиваленты. 1. One Englishman can beat three Frenchmen. 2. You can’t please all of the people all of the time. 3. Life cannot be one endless round of pleasures. 4. Good advice can be given, good name cannot be given. 5. You can’t put new wine in old bottles. 6. A man can do no more than he can. 7. You never know what you can do until you try. 8. God could not be everywhere, therefore he 333
made mothers. 9. You can take a horse to the water, but you can’t make him drink. 10. Where nothing is, nothing can be had there. 11. Love can neither be bought nor sold; its only price is love. 12. One cannot love and be wise. 13. You cannot get blood from a stone. 14. Man cannot live by bread alone. 15. You can’t change the number of hours in a day. But you can take control of your schedule. You can increase efficiency. Задание 297. Объясните значение модального глагола сап в следующих предложениях. 1. Can I have a banana? Could I have a look at the prices? 2. Can you travel anywhere you like without a visa? Could you travel to England without a visa? 3. Can you drive? Could you drive us to the school? 4. Sorry we can’t join you on Sunday. Sorry we couldn’t visit you last Sunday. 5. Can you lend me your bike? Could you lend me a pound, please? 6. I could speak better English when I was at school. 7. Can we cross the street here? 8. There was no traffic and we could cross the street quietly. 9. What a perfect morning! Who can feel sad at heart on a day like this? 10. He began to doubt whether the old man could smile. Задание 298. Заполните пропуски глаголами can (not), could (not), be able to. 1. ... you tell me the time, please? 2. No more for me thanks. I ... eat another thing. 3. Who is that outside? It ... be the policeman - he has already been here. 4. I ... open the drawer in my desk as it was stuck. 5. You ... make an omelette without breaking eggs. 6. We loved the cake. ... you give us the recipe for it? 7. Mr. Marshall is busy this week, but he ... see you next week. 8. It ... be 12 o’clock already! 9. We told him he ... leave whenever he wanted to. 10. I’ll get a car of my own as soon as I ... drive. 11. Interpreters ... translate without 334
thinking. 12. It will help if you ... give me friendly advice. 13. Sometimes gossiping ... be a real pleasure. 14. He promises he ... inform us of the turn of events in future. 15. Angela ... speak French when she was four, she ... do it now and she ... speak it perfectly in some years. 16. He ... sell his car unless he reduces the price. 17. My'aunt ... tell fortunes from tea leaves. Задание 299. Переведите следующие предложения 1. Она никогда не может прийти вовремя. 2. Нельзя игнорировать влияние всеобщей компьютеризации. 3. Они были счастливы, что сумели помочь друзьям. 4. - Ты можешь ей помочь? - Могу. 5. Она не могла заставить его приняться за работу. 6. Петр посовето- вался с отцом, и тот смог дать ему дельный совет. 7. Я не могу смотреть телевизор по вечерам, у меня слиш- ком много дел. 8. Ну что я могу сказать? Правилам нужно подчиняться. 9. К счастью, люди сумели пре- дотвратить эту катастрофу. MAY УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 300. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния. Объясните значение модального глагола may. 1. Mum, may I have another sweet? 2. I told him that he might go home. 3. At least you might phone your parents more often. 4. I must check my diary. I may have a prior engagement. 5. He who falls today, may rise tomorrow. 6. Fashions may be changing, but style remains. 7. A fool may give a wise man counsel. 8. Fortune may very well smile upon you one day. 9. May each day bring you closer to better health! 10. May this fresh bouquet of flowers brighten up 335
/our day! 11. Don’t throw it away, it may come in useful, you never know. 12. We knew that it might be tough to ask the necessary question. 13. - Might I trouble you, madam? - You might have knocked! Задание 301. Прочитайте и выучите новогоднее поздравление. A Happy New Year to You May the New Year bring your way Nice, unexpected things each day - New joys, new dreams, new plans to make. Worthwhile things to undertake... And may it bring you peace of mind. Success - the real and lasting kind. The gift of health, the joy of friends And happiness that never ends! Задание 302. Раскройте скобки и употребите правильную фор- му инфинитива. 1. ”1 will go in first, shall I?” he said. “There’s no light in the passage , and you may (fall) over something.” 2. For all I hear he may still (live) in that old house of his. 3. Don’t reject me, I might (do) a thing or two. 4. I thought you might (discover) it accidentally during your last visit. 5. ’’All right this time,” he said. “But you be careful in future, young man, it might (be) a very serious matter.” 6. Who knows what may (happen) tomorrow? 7. I’m afraid it may (turn out) to be hopeless. 3. What a fuss! You really might (spare) me all this! Задание 303. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. - Можно взглянуть на этот документ, инспек- тор? - Боюсь, что пока нет. 2. Решение может быть очень простым, можешь мне поверить. 3. - Можно мне вызвать портье? - Конечно, можно. 4. Я, может быть, совершаю ошибку, но я не вижу другого выхо- 336
да. 5. Вы, возможно не осознаете этого, но вы вели- кий человек. 6. Я был уверен, что могут появиться другие проблемы. 7. Он сказал нам, что мы можем прийти в любой удобный для нас день. 8. Ребенок поинтересовался, можно ли ему посмотреть еще два мультика. 9. Он, вероятно, опаздывает. Застрял, на- верное, где-нибудь в автомобильной пробке. 10. Она решила, что может воспользоваться машиной отца. 11. Она может быть очень милой, если захочет. Задание 304. Заполните пропуски глаголами сап или may в нуж- ной форме. 1. David ... do the work. He is competent enough. 2. You ... take the last copy if nobody needs it. 3. ... I ask you to look after the child? 4. ... you tell us of the final diagnosis? 5. You ... never tell what ... come to her mind. 6. A fool ... ask more questions than a wise man ... answer. 7. You ... trust me, and who knows, you ... need me one day. 8. Helen ... grasp the idea. She was thinking of something else. 9. I never thought that they ... get lost in the area. 10. Alexei ... sometimes forget things, but he ... always admithisfault.il. - ... I smoke here? - No doubt you ..., but you certainly ... not! 12. ... you lend me your bicycle for today? 13. You ... read this paper, it’s not secret. 14. ... you please open the door? ... I ask you for such a small service? 15. You ... never go back to your past; you have got to move on. Задание 305. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на придаточные уступительные предложения. 1. However rich you may be, you cannot be sure of happiness. 2. I will not believe it, though an angel may come and say it. 3. However kind he may be, we cannot count on it. 4. However badly he may work, we must give him a chance. 5. However wise she may be, 337
she won’t do the work. 6. However powerful a king may be, he cannot buy happiness. 7. Though he may live to be a hundred, he will never learn to be patient. 8. However little money I may have, I’ll survive. 9. However much he may try, I still don’t believe him. 10. Whatever may happen, life will still go on. Задание 306. Дополните следующие предложения. 1. I shall buy it, however ... .2. I am determined to go, whatever ... . 3. However powerful a king ... , he cannot force his subjects to love him. 4. Though he ... live to be an old man, he will never change. 5. Although he ... fifteen years old, ... .6. Although an elephant ... a powerful animal, ... . 7. Although he ... a thief, ... . 8. Though it ... , I will help you to escape. 9. However wise ... , he cannot answer this question. 10. Though you ... in China, you will never master the Chinese language. 11. Though you ... a millionaire, you cannot buy health. Задание 307. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Вы, возможно, правы, но я все-таки не могу согласиться с вами. 2. Возможно, что он получит первую премию. 3. Мне, возможно, понравится этот фильм, хотя мне не нравятся боевики. 4. Она, воз- можно, сможет сдать историю английского языка с первого раза. 5. Она, возможно, сможет пройти ин- тервью, если постарается. 6. - Могу я взглянуть на фото? - Да, конечно. 7. Не могла бы я пройти сегодня в банк без пропуска? 8. Когда врач сказал, что я могу покинуть больницу, то я просто не мог поверить в это. 9. Какая жалость, что ребенок не умеет плавать! Это может ему очень понадобиться в жизни. 10. Каким бы важным это дело ни было, я не могу сейчас им заняться. 11. Кто бы он ни был, он должен играть по правилам. 12. Где бы вы ни 338
были, мы всегда вспоминаем вас с любовью. 13. Как бы вы ни старались, но я не уступлю. 14. Все, что бы он ни сказал или сделал, всегда умиляет ее. MUST УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 308. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния. Объясните значение модального глагола must. 1. Who says A must say В. 2. Knowledge must be gained by ourselves. 3. What everybody says must be true. 4. What can’t be cured must be endured. 5. I felt sure it must be a ghost, a visitor from another world. 6. I think we must rely only on ourselves. 7. We must not look for a golden life in an iron age. 8. Caesar’s wife must be above suspicion. And so should Caesar. 9. Well, I must have looked an ass. 10. My matches have fallen out. I must go and buy some. 11. At work today, my boss told me that I must stop sleeping. 12. He realized he must do it. 13. Henry must be still sleeping. 14. - Must I send the fax and write the contract today? - You needn’t send the fax, but you certainly must write the contract. Задание 309. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Вы должны следовать инструкции и не долж- ны нажимать на эту кнопку. 2. Чтобы преподавать грамматику, вы должны понять, что язык - это сис- тема. 3. Чтобы приготовить хороший торт, нужно сначала хорошенько взбить яйца. 4. Он, должно быть, очень силен. Посмотрите на его бицепсы. 5. Ты не должна приходить домой так поздно. Ты должна по- нять, что это опасно. 6. - Нужно ли связаться с агентством сегодня же? - Нет, не нужно. Но нужно 339
сделать это завтра. 7. Вам нужно уходить. Вы, дол- жно быть, устали. 8. Вы должны приходить на ра- боту вовремя. 9. Мэр должен принять срочные меры. ТО HAVE ТО УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 310. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния. Объясните значение глагола to have (to). 1. Everybody had a really enjoyable time last night. 2. James had a farm on which he raised sheep. 3. Does he really have eight children? 4. Have a seat, please. I have to make a call before we leave. 5. You’ve just broken the law and you shall have to answer for it. 6. Norris had to learn a couple of hard lessons on his road to the top. 7. We’ll have to label all the goods which we have to sell. 8. - When will you actually have to report? - I have no idea. 9. I think I’ll have a snack, then I’ll have a look at the paper, maybe I’ll have a nap before I return to my studies. 10. Dad has something to tell you, Nick, and he has to say it right now. 11. I have been living here for a couple of weeks and I have already fallen in love with the place. 12. Doi have to have another check-up, doctor? Задание 311. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Не had to raise his voice to be heard through the rising storm. 2. You don’t have to cheer up if you don’t want to! 3. Jane has to get up early to catch the coach. 4. You’ll have to say it to his face. 5. I had to run for my life! But for my feet I would have long been dead! 6. Just think of the arrangements that have to be made. And the people we have to meet. 7. You’ll have to be very cautious, it wouldn’t do for you to get caught. 8. He had to submit to his fate. He had no choice. 9. From now on, my son, you’ll have to earn your own 340
living. 10. Mary had to invent a story to escape from the house. 11. I understand, darling. Work has to come first. 12. It was something she had to agree to. Задание 312. Дайте вопросительную и отрицательную формы следующих предложений. 1. Mr. Bucket has to support his elderly parents. 2. We’ll have to admit that she is right. 3. They had to turn to a private detective. 4. Michael has to read a lot for tomorrow’s exam. 5. These contracts have to be filed. 6. Whether they like it or not but they will have to do it. 7. Everybody has to be very careful with this device. 8. She had to study hard last semester. 9. I shall have to go out and greet the guests. 10. Again I have to have tinned food for dinner! Задание 313 Заполните пропуски правильной формой глагола have to. 1. The car broke down so I ... go by bus. 2. We arrived too early so we ... wait. 3. Nobody likes it when he ... get up early in the morning. 4. The building ... be demolished. It’s not safe. 5. My passport was out of date so I ... renew it. 6. If weather conditions get any worse, the climbers ... give up. 7. The manager told me I ... reduce my lunch breaks. 8. Ii you break it, you ... pay for it. 9. The old man told me he ... work very hard when he was my age. 10. If business improves, they ... closedown.il. I ... learn Spanish at the moment because I need it for my job. 12. If I don’t pass the exam, I ... take it again. 13. It ... be ready by the end of the week or you won’t get paid. 14. I regret to ... inform you of the sad news. 15. ... the Queen ... tell a black lie? Задание 314. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Сегодня Александру необходимо поехать в центр города, потому что у него там деловая встреча. 2. На- 341
конец-то она купила себе машину, и теперь ей не при- ходится пользоваться автобусом. 3. Если вы хотите получить хорошее образование, то придется много за- ниматься. 4. Я не могу пойти с вами на вечер, мне придется посидеть с младшей сестренкой. 5. Если он хочет быть здоровым, ему придется следовать сове- там врача. 6. Вчера мы хотели поехать на пикник, но не смогли, потому что вместо этого нам пришлось принимать неожиданных гостей. 7. Мистер Рич очень богат. Ему не приходится зарабатывать на жизнь. 8. Большинство овощей можно есть сырыми, их не приходится готовить. 9. По субботам моим детям не приходится как обычно ложиться спать в восемь часов, они могут играть до девяти часов. 10. Сегодня мне не нужно готовить домашнее задание, я все сдела- ла вчера. 11. - Вам никогда не приходится ездить в командировки, не так ли? - Бывает иногда. 12, Пси- хологу приходится помогать людям преодолевать трудности, не так ли? 13. Мэри пришлось вниматель- но слушать, чтобы понять его. 14. Ей пришлось поко- риться его воле. 15. Твоему боссу никогда не прихо- дится брать кредит в банке, не так ли? ТО ВЕТО УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 315. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния. Объясните значение модального глагола to be to. 1. We are to decide it right now. 2. It was the first and the last ceremony I was to see. 3. Who is to do the talking today? 4. What am I to tell my parents? 5. The Government was to have reduced inflation. 6. When he found what his fate was to be, he got very enraged, he wouldn’t submit to it. 7. I thought she was my love forever but it was never to be. 8. She couldn’t make up her mind whether 342
the letter was to be answered or not. 9. There was a fair in our little town and we put on red silk robes and painted our faces red. I was to tell people’s fortunes. 10. ”You are not to blame. How were you to know that they could have drugged me?” 11. Who was to have done the shopping? 12. A fortune-teller told me that I should be rich one day. I should soon be married, and after that I was to have a severe illness, from which I was to recover. My next adventure would be to cross the water, after which I was to return to my country. 13. Whatever will be will be! You are to discover very soon that it can’t be helped. 14. How was I to know all this was going to happen this summer? I just thought it was going to be a great lazy summer. How was I to know Carl Ray would come to town and turn everything into an odyssey? Задание 316. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Что же мне делать, сэр? Должен ли я уехать? 2. Мы условились встретиться завтра. 3. Детектив обязан провести расследование. 4. Детектив должен был провести расследование, но обстоятельства из- менились. 5. Премьер-министр должен вылететь в Ирак через неделю. 6. Генерал должен был выле- теть на Балканы, но ситуация изменилась, и пилоту пришлось повернуть самолет обратно. 7. Нина дол- жна была сделать массу вещей, но забыла о них. 8. Я знала, что этому суждено было случиться. 9. Он должен был выступить на конференции, но неожиданно заболел. 10. Какой беспорядок! Кто дол- жен был делать уборку сегодня? 11. Ни в коем слу- чае вы никому не должны говорить об этом! 12. Они собирались пожениться, но этому не суждено было случиться. 13. А откуда мне было знать, что это судьба? И что ему суждено было стать моим мужем? 14. Ты не съешь ни одной конфетки перед обедом, а то я очень, очень рассержусь на тебя! 343
SHOULD УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 317. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния. Объясните значение глагола should. 1. The report says the country should think twice before joining the European market. 2. A gentleman should be honest in his actions and refined in his language. 3. Children should be seen and not heard. 4. Law makers should not be law breakers. 5. We should consult three things in all our actions: justice, honesty and utility. 6. People should reflect how tender is the Earth’s environment. 7. We assured her that we should soon come back. 8. Is it vitally important that I should say “yes”? 9. Well, you should be working now instead of relaxing. 10. You shouldn’t remember the clothes but the feeling they 'give you. 11. The admiral’s order was that every man should do his duty. Задание 318. Дайте совет, используя глагол should. 1. Му eyes are tired. 2. They quarrelled last night. 3. My life is hectic. 4. Bess’ boyfriend is too young. 5. What a horrible film. 6. Jack thinks his girl is light- minded. 7. Mr. Snow has gone bankrupt. 8. The roses have faded. 9. I caught a cold last week. 10. Now I’m coughing and sneezing. 11. The police are helpless in this case. 12. I have developed a splitting headache. 13. I haven’t been getting enough sleep lately. 14. She’s been eating only one meal a day. 15. This is my sixth cup of coffee this evening. Задание 319. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Если вы хотите преуспеть, то вам следует набрать- ся знаний, опыта и терпения. 2. Тебе следует прокон- сультироваться у профессионала, прежде чем прини- 344
мать какие-либо решения. 3. А не следует ли мне на- чать брать уроки вождения? 4. Тебе не следует есть так много конфет! Это же плохо для тебя. 5. Я убежде- на, что тебе следует обратиться к врачу по поводу сер- дечной боли. 6. В больших городах животных следует держать под контролем. 7. Животных не следует за- пирать в клетки, им следует жить в естественных усло- виях. 8. Как настоящему другу, тебе не следует скры- вать правду, тебе следует все мне рассказать. 9. Не сле- дует тебе так много думать о нем. Свет клином на нем не сошелся. 10. Раньше нужно было думать об этом, моя дорогая! Но делать нечего, давай посмотрим, что можно сделать. 11. Вам следовало давным-давно бро- сить пить и курить. Нужно было думать о своем здо- ровье смолоду. 12. - Ну откуда же мне знать, как она поживает? - Как близкому родственнику тебе следова- ло бы знать это. 13. Тебе не следовало следовать ее примеру все эти годы! То, что хорошо для нее, не мо- жет быть хорошо для тебя. Вы абсолютно разные люди. 14. Вам следовало высадить луковицы осенью, если вы хотели, чтобы цветы появились весной. OUGHTТО УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 320. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния. Объясните значение модального глагола ought to. 1. Kings ought to be kings in al! things. 2. A liar ought to have a good memory. 3. We ought to weigh we!I what we can only once decide. 4. We pass our lives in doing what we ought not, and leaving undone what we ought to. 5. He ought to have been more tactful, b. Everybody thinks that I ought not to complain, t Molly hesitated. Ought she to accept this present from 345
a stranger? 8. The child is delicate, she ought to have a change of air. 9. I suppose we really ought not to be laughing at her, but I just can’t help it. 10. But Jack, I’ve got a feeling that we ought to go on. 11. Before the children could wonder what they ought to do, the King spoke. 12. You ought to remember the rule, it has been explained so many times before. 13. He ought to have done what I told him. 14. You oughtn’t to have tried to escape from prison. It made things worse. Задание 321. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Я чувствую, что мне следует проводить больше времени со своими детьми. 2. Я считаю, что мне сле- дует отказаться от этой идеи. 3. Мне следует купить чего-нибудь к чаю, печенья или конфет. 4. Тебе следо- вало это решить. 5. Нам следует сделать все возмож- ное, чтобы помочь им. 6. Вам следует стыдиться са- мого себя. 7. Учителю следует знать психологию ре- бенка. 8. Тебе следует спать, а не смотреть сериал. 9. Ирине следует быть более решительной. 10. Что мне следует сделать, чтобы ты была счастлива? 11. Ма- рине следует пересмотреть свои взгляды. 12. Следует ли мне быть откровенной с ним? 13. Ему следовало бы помнить правила и ехать по левой стороне. 14. Тебе следует следить за своим весом. NEED УПРАЖНЕНИЯ EXERCISES Задание 322. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложе- ния. Объясните значение глагола need. 1. You need to take more care of your kids. 2. - Do you really need my help? - You needn’t worry, I’m fine. 3. You needn’t finish the work if you are to leave, it can 346
wait. 4. I need nobody to keep me occupied. 5. My cousin needed a new suit for his graduation ceremony so I took him to Marks and Spencer’s. 6. I didn’t need a coffee break, I needed a break from coffee. 7. You just need someone to love. 8. We needn’t have taken so much food for the picnic. 9. We didn’t need to go shopping. The fridge was full. 10. His followers are ready to help him when he needs them. 11. Need I tell you that you needn’t have taken so much trouble? 12. He doesn’t really need to go. 13. You needn’t have done the shopping. We are dining out tonight. 14. What the boy needs is a good whipping. 15. Where have you been?I need you badly. 16. I think everybody needs a hero. Young or old, you need someone you can look up to. Задание 323. Заполните пропуски глаголами mustn’t, needn't, don’t (doesn’t) have to. 1. You ... pay. It’s free. 2. You ... forget to call me. 3. You ... shout I’m not deaf. 4. You ... hurry. There’s plenty of time. 5. You ... drop it. It’s very fragile. G. You ... accept a lift from a stranger. 7. Service is included. You ... leave a tip. 8. You ... stroke the dog because it bites. 9. Tomorrow’s Sunday so she ... get up early. 10. The old man retired so he ... work anymore. 11. You ... read in the dark. You’ll strain your eyes. 1?. You ... worry. All is going to be fine. 13. When you’re driving you ... take your eyes off the road. 14. You ... cheat or you’ll be disqualified. Задание 324. Употребите must (not) или need (not) в следующих предложениях. 1. You ... go to school this morning unless you wish to do so. 2. You ... go to school because you may give your cold to your classmates. 3. Your father is very busy so you ... disturb him. 4. This is so easy that 5ou ... ask your father to help you: you can manage it 347
by yourself. 5. Debra ... have asked the teacher but she did. 6. Nicholas ... have failed to understand or he wouldn’t have asked the teacher to explain the point again, 7. You ... have told him to go in such a rude way. 8. There .,. be a misunderstanding, she looks hurt. 9. You ... go or I shall be lost without you. 10. I am sure you ... go just yet, even though you have said you ... .11. You ... pay tax on most things that you buy abroad. 12. If you are Russian, you ... have a visa to get to Britain, but you ... any if you go to Turkey. Задание 325. Поставьте разделительные вопросы. 1. All the family liked him at once, ... ? 2. Don’t interrupt and read your magazine, ... ? 3. There is no way to solve this problem, ... ? 4. Nothing nasty happened, ... ? 5. He delights in teasing her, ... ?6. Just try to remake her yourself, ... ? 7. They are on Christian terms, ... ? 8. You’re coming, ... ? 9. He doesn’t like jazz, ... ? 10. You won’t tell anyone, ... ? 11. Shedidn’t mean that, ... ? 12. Maxim hadn’t been to a casino before, ... ? 13. You’ve got some time to spare, ... ? 14. Shut the door, ... ? 15. Don’t be late, ... ? 16. I’m right, ... ?17. Nobody called me, ... ? 18. Everyone was very excited, ... ? 19. I don't imagine he will turn into an ideal husband overnight, ... ? 20. She seems a bit nervy and unable to get out of her old habits, ... ? 21. My parents must do something about it, ... ? 22. They had to ask for your permission first, ... ? 23. They might get along well, ... ? 24. You should be in bed by now, ... ? 25. You can’t speak Swahili, ... ? 26. You could always borrow the money from the bank, ... ? 27. It was to happen, ... ? 28. You shouldn’t make such a fuss, ... ? 29. My boss needs a new car, ... ? 30. We need to go at once, ... ? 31. England needed a strong king in that particular period, ... ? 32. I may call you by your first name, ... ? 33. You shouldn’t be able to help me out, ... ? 348
Задание 326. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Тебе в самом деле нужен этот словарь? Но ведь он такой дорогой! Ты можешь пользоваться моим. 2. Если тебе не хочется, то тебе незачем ехать с нами. 3. Ни к чему торопиться. У нас еще масса времени. 4. Необязательно сдавать плащ в чистку. Он чис- тый. 5. Напрасно я брала сегодня зонтик. Дождя так и не было. 6. Зачем ты вымыла окна? Они же чистые. Не нужно было делать этого. 7. Холодиль- ник полон. Тебе незачем идти за продуктами. 8. Не нужно было покупать шоколад! Не много ли ты его ешь? 9. Мне вчера не пришлось рано вставать, и по- этому я отоспаЛся. 10. Вы совершенно напрасно так рано поднялись сегодня! Ведь сегодня воскресенье, или вы забыли? 11. Вы нуждаетесь в отдыхе, не нуж- но отрицать, что вы переработали. 12. Ни к чему было брать такси. От станции до моего дома рукой подать. 13. - Мне нужны верные друзья. - А кому же они не нужны? 14. Я независим, и мне ни к чему просить денег у родителей. 15. Только не рассказы- вай мне, что ты опять забыл о нашей встрече. Не нужно мне было волноваться и торопиться. 16. - Им срочно нужна твоя помощь! - В самом деле? 17. Мне нужен был отдых от всей этой сумас- шедшей жизни, и я уехала в Сочи. ТЕСТОВЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ TESTS Тест 1. Употребите правильную форму глагола е скобках. Пере- скажите текст. A Strange Present Jack and Molly (be)1 twins and it was their ninth birthday. This exciting day (make)2 them (feel)3 very special. In the morning the postman (bring)4 a lot of 349
parcels which (address)5 to them. They (get)0 a lot of beautiful presents, and, to their great joy, a fine new bicycle each from Mother and Father, which they (dream)7 about for a long time. When Molly (go)8 to bed that night she put all her presents on the dressing table. She (can)9 (hear)10 her brother in the next room (walk)11 noisily about. She (lie)12 in bed (plan)13 lovely rides that she and Jack (take)14 as soon as they both (learn)13 how to manage their cycles. She just (wonder)16 whether mother (let)17 them (go)18 to Brighton when at once she became aware that something (move)19 in her room. Molly (raise)20 her head. She (see)21 something large and round (move)22 softly on her dressing-table. Bigger and bigger it (grow)23. Then it (stop)24 (rock)25 and (fall)26 to the floor. Molly (spring)27 out of bed. She never (dress)28 so quickly in her short life. When the thing understood that he (watch)29 he (hurry)30 on and on and out of the room. Тест 2. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. Пере- скажите текст. Meeting the King Molly and Jack turned into a wide avenue that (lead)1 to the green park in the centre of which (stand)2 the King’s Palace. Through the grounds a little river (flow)3 (sparkle)4 in the sunlight. The big city hall (crowd)5 with people. They (come)6 to offer the King their help in the search that (take place)7 soon. At first the children (can, not)8 (see)9 what (go)10 on. All of a sudden all the people (stop)11 (talk)12. Looking up Jack and Molly (see)13 the King (enter)14 the hall. They never (meet)15 any Kings before and they definitely liked this one. He (be)16 “every inch a King”, though at the moment he (wear)17 no crown or velvet robes as the Kings usually 350
(do)18 in the children’s story-books at home, but (dress)19 in a very simple suit. The King (rise)20 and silence (fall)21. He began (tell)22 the people about the plans for searching v/hich he and his councillors (discuss)23 for so many days. “We want you (search)24 every corner of this country until the Magic Leaf (find)25. But we have only a few days left before it (disappear)26. As soon as you (find)27 it, fire signals (give)28. And when the glad news (reach)29 the City, all the bells (start)30 ringing.” Such was the King’s order. Тест 3. Употребите артикль, если это необходимо. 1. Robert was ... very ordinary boy. He lived with his father and mother in ... ordinary house in ... ordinary street opposite ... park. ?.. Every morning his father George put on ... hat ;;nd ... coat and went off to ... work. His mother, Albinia, put on ... apron, got out ... vacuum cleaner and did ... housework. And Robert took his lunchbox and went off to ... school. 3. In ... afternoon when he got ... home, his mother opened ... door and said, “Hullo, ... dear boy. Did you have ... nice day?” Then they had ... cup of ... tea and ... good chat, and went for ... walk or did shopping. 4. Later, when his father came back from work, they all had ... supper and talked ... little, and then Robert went to ... bed. One day when Robert got home from ... school, his father said, “Today is ... very important day, we are going to start ... new life from now on.” 5. “Yesterday I had ... absolutely original idea. We shall move out of ... house and live in ... treehouse in ... park.” “But there isn’t ... treehouse in ... park,” said Robert. “So we shall build one,” said his father. “But I don’t want to live up ... tree,” replied ... boy. “Nonsense!” cried George. “This is ... free country and 1 can live wherever I choose!” 351
6. In ... hour and ... half they had all their things under ... largest tree in ... park. George and Aibinia decided they should start building their new home on ... fourth branch from ... ground. “Why?” asked Robert. “Because it’s ... longest and ... prettiest,” explained Aibinia. “There’s ... big crack in it,” said Robert. “... one above is better.” So ... fifth branch from ... ground became their new home. Тест 4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. Пере- скажите текст. Molly Meets Miss Lydia Molly was walking along the lonely road that (lie)1 between the hills. She (worry)2 by the letter from a stranger. She (can, not)3 (make)4 up her mind who (send)5 it. But then she decided that she (wait.)6 till she (reach)7 Lake Desolate. When she finally (get)8 to the shores of the lake, she (stand)9 (gaze)10 into the dark water. Suddenly she saw a blind woman in a long, grey cloak who (come)11 slowly towards her. The woman’s foot (slip)12 a little and some of the stones on which she (stand)13 (fall)14 into the water noisily. As Molly looked at the woman’s face she (feel)15 certain that she (see)16 her before. Then all of a sudden-she (know)17. Of course, it was Miss Lydia! Molly (lead)18 her into the cottage, (bring)19 a chair into which the blind woman (sink)20 gratefully. “I (make)21 you some tea?” suggested Molly. “Oh, no, I (want, not)22 you (worry)23 about me, though you (be)24 so good to me all this time.” Molly realized that if she (take)25 Miss Lydia with her she (lose)26 much time. Looking out of the window by chance she saw someone (hide)27 behind a bush. And then all at once she (catch)28 sight of something that made her heart (stop)29 (beat)30. 352
Тест 5. Переведите следующие предложения. 1. Мальчик спросил у меня, который был час, и объяснил, что он потерял свои часы, 2. Путеше- ственник спросил у агента, сколько времени обычно требуется, чтобы добраться до Парижа, если отпра- виться туда поездом. 3. Мой приятель спросил меня, пообедаю ли я с ним, если он пригласит меня. 4. Дик спросил вора, что он делает в его доме и как он туда забрался. 5. Врач спросил меня, как я себя чувствую и прошла ли моя простуда. 6. Дети спросили у Деда Мороза, принес ли он им подарки, которые обещал. 7. Садовник заверил меня, что мои цветы будут хо- рошо расти, если я буду вовремя поливать их. 8. По- купательница спросила у продавца, сколько стоит ткань, которую он только что ей предложил. 9. Уче- ник спросил преподавателя, будет ли география обя- зательным предметом на экзаменах, и признался, что она всегда была его самым слабым местом. 10. Начальник спросил у секретаря, сможет ли он отправить несколько деловых писем, прежде чем уйдет домой. Тест 6. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках. Пере- скажите текст. The House-Party Two weeks passed before we (hear)1 from Mr. Rochester again. We (inform)2 by his letter that he (return)3 in two days and (invite)4 a large number of ladies and gentlemen to stay for several days. Everybody was very busy as great preparations (make)5 for the party. At last the great day came. We watched from an upstairs window carriages (arrive)6. The guests (welcome)7 by their host and his housekeeper. Adele hoped that Mr. Rochester (call)8 her down to meet the guests when they all (arrive)9 12-1112 353
but in the end she got so tired that she (fall)10 asleep very early. Those (be)11 cheerful, busy days and the old house never (see)12 so much life and activity. Mr. Rochester and Blanche always (ride)13 together. Observing them closely, I (feel)14 very sure that he (marry)15 this fine lady very soon though it was obvious that he not (give)16 her his heart. One day, I (tell)17 by the housekeeper that the master wanted me (bring)18 Adele (introduce)19 to the guests. “If he (want)20 it, I (go)21, though it not (make)22 me happy to meet so many new people,” I thought. I never (see)23 so many beautiful and elegant people, but my eyes (fix)24 on Mr. Rochester whom I (know)25 I (love)26 while there (be)27 breath in my body. I noticed a stranger (come)28 up to the master. He just (return)29 from the West Indies, where Mr. Rochester once (live)30. To my surprise I noticed Mr. Rochester suddenly turn pale. Тест 7. Заполните пропуски артиклями там, где это необходимо. 1. Му brother is ... sailor and he has sailed round ... world several times. ... last trip which he made was ... very interesting one. He sailed from ... Southampton, down ... English Channel, through ... Bay of Biscay and through ... Mediterranean. 2. They stayed in one of ... Egyptian ... ports for ... few days, so he took ... opportunity of visiting ... Egypt and ... Sudan. Down ... Red Sea they sailed, across ... Indian Ocean to ... most fascinating country, ... India, and then to ... Ceylon, which he described as ... wonderful island. 3. After that, they went on to ... Sydney, and from that port they visited ... Blue Mountains. ... New Zealand, he said, was ... very interesting country, and he preferred ... North Island to ... South Island. 4. He completed his voyage via ... United States, sailing through ... Panama Canal, and then they 354
returned to ... British Isles, docking in ... Belfast in ... Northern Island. Тест 8. Употребите правильную форму глагола о скобках. Пере- скажите текст. The Great Pirate Sir Ralph Rover was a wicked pirate who (sail)1 from sea to sea (rob)2 merchant ships. One day he (find himself)3 to the coast of Scotland and (see)4 a dangerous rock on which many years before a bell (place)5 (warn)6 the ships of danger. Sir Ralph (think)7 that if he (remove)8 the bell, the ships (wreck)9 upon the rock and then he (be able)10 (take)11 away their cargo easily. So he (row)12 to the rock in a small boat with a party of sailors and (cut off)13 the bell, which (sink)14 down into the deep water. Suddenly he (hear)15 a peal of thunder (roll)16 across the sky and felt that the earth (shake)17. He then (know)18 it (mean)19 something bad. He (hurry)20 away from that place, robbed people for a long time and got very rich. After about a year he returned and (stop)21 not far from the famous rock. A thick fog (set)22 in and he had no idea how near his ship (approach)23 the shore,though he feared they (be)24 not far from it. Blindly and very, very slowly, the ship (move)25 on and on. All of a sudden something (strike)26 the side of the ship and the pirates understood that it (run)27 on a rock. While some urgent measures (take)28 to save the ship, Sir Ralph wished he not (cut)29 off the bell from the rock. In a few minutes the ship (fill)30 with water and went down with all on board. Тест 9. Выберите правильное слово. 1. This textbook ... with a key. a. come b. comes c. have come 12 355
2. I ... back in the armchair and relaxed. a. lay b. laid c. was laying 3. There aren’t ... more days left. a. no b. some c. any 4. We should have used ... examples. a. much easy b. easier c. more easier 5. Your wedding plans sound ... . a. delightful b. delightfully c. delight 6. Between you and ... , English is really hard. a. I b. me c. us 7. What a car! I wonder who ... owner is? a. its b. it’s c. it 8. John forgot where he had ... his keys. a. laid b. lain c. lay 9. Sue had ... the cake on the table. a. sat b. set c. seat 10. This motor runs ... on gas. a. well b. good c. bad 11. There ... no marks on my test paper. a. was b. were c. is 12. The class ... start until 10 a.m. a. doesn’t 0. don’t c. hasn’t 13. The results of his study ... serious. a. was b. were c. is 14. She ... her head and looked at me. a. raised b. rose c. rises 15. I stumbled ... on the rug. a. awkward b. awkwardly c. slowly 16. Our roses look ... in the spring. a. beautifully b. beautiful c. nicely 17. Who is ... , Jack or Tom? a. fast b. faster c. fastest 18. I read this novel ... . a. for a long b. for ages c. long ago time 19. Angela hasn’t worn this dress ... . 356
a. long ago b. since her c. last week wedding 20. We have known each other ... two years. a. since b. for c. after Тест 10. Расскажите следующие истории в косвенной речи. I Have No Car Henry lived in a small town, but then he got a job in a big city and moved there with his wife and his two children. On the first Saturday in their new home, Henry took his new red car out of the garage and was going to wash it when a neighbour came by. He stopped and looked at Henry’s car and then said, “That’s a nice car. Is it yours?” “Sometimes,” Henry answered. The neighbour was surprised. “Sometimes? What do you mean?” “Well,” answered Henry slowly, “when there is a party in town, it belongs to my daughter, Jane. When there’s a football game somewhere, it belongs to my son, Joe. When I’ve washed it, and it looks really nice and clean, it belongs to my wife. And when it needs gas, it’s mine. But next time when I buy a new car, it will certainly be only mine.” Flying Fish One day a sailor came from a voyage and said to his mother, “I have been on many voyages and have seen a lot of strange things. My companions and I once rowed for six days in an open boat and found ourselves in a sea of milk, in the middle of which was a mountain of sugar. I noticed too that the milk tasted quite fresh. On another occasion we came across an island of cheese and it tasted like Dutch cheese. But the greatest wonder of all the wonders I have ever seen is the flying fish of the Southern Pacific, which 357
fly for quite a long time when they are pursued by their enemies.” His mother thought, shook her head and replied, “I cannot believe that. Seas of milk and islands of cheese there may be, and I quite believe that they exist. But flying fish there cannot possibly be. Nothing and nobody will make me believe it, unless I see those wonders with my own eyes!”
Ключи Answers Задание 5 1. there, it 2. there, it 3. it, there 4. there, it 5. it, there 6. there, it 7. it, there 8. there, it 9. it, there 10. it, there 11. there, it 12. it, there 13. there, it 14. there, it 15. it, there 16. there, it 17. it, there 18. there, it 19. it, there 20. there, it Задание 6 A. 1. There are a lot of new houses in this street. 2. The new houses are beautiful and comfortable. 3. There are a lot of useful expressions in this story. 4. The expressions are very interesting. 5. There is a fitness centre in our town. 6. The fitness centre opens at seven o’clock in the morning. 7. There is a globe on my writing desk. 8. The globe is big and beautiful. 9. There is some money in the purse. 10. The money is in the box. 11. There is a lot of information in today’s paper. 12. The ne wspaper today is very informative. 13. There are a few pictures in the room. 14. The paintings on the walls are very beautiful. 15. There is a beautiful dress in the shop-window. 16. The dress is too expensive, I can’t buy it. Задание 7 1. there are 2. there was 3. there is 4. there are 5. there was 6. there will be 7. were there 8. there haven’t been 9. there had been 10. will there be Задание T1 1. 1,2 2. 1,2 3. 2,1 4. 2,1 5. 1,2 6. 1,2 7. 1,2 8. 1,2 9. 1,2 10. 2,1 11.1,2 12. 2,113. 2,114. 1,2 15. 1,2 16. 1,2 Задание 12 1. This is an urgent matter and we need your help urgently. 2. - I would like to know the exact date of our meeting. - I can’t answer you exactly now. 3. They gave us a warm reception and 359
welcomed.us warmly (heartily). 4. - Did you sleep badly last night? - Yes, I saw a bad dream. 5. You must answer us immediately (at once) and take immediate measures. 6. - We need full information. - Yes, we fully agree with you. 7. The sky is clear today and I can see a rainbow in it clearly. 8. Denis agreed to our offer easily, so it was an easy task for us. 9. - Let’s discuss the recent events. - I haven’t read any papers recently. 10. You never answer correctly, and I would like to hear a correct answer. 11. The universe is endless. I am thinking about it endlessly. 12. She smiled sweetly at me. She is such a sweet girl! 13. You work so hard that I hardly ever see you. 14. - How fast he is driving the car! - Yes, he is fast in everything. 15. The temperature in my flat is always constant. My mother is constantly regulating the radiator. 16. A. Christie’s novels are widely known, and there is a wide choice of her books in our library. Задание 15 1. of 2. on 3. about 4. to 5. at 6. of 7. with, to 8. in 9. with 10. at 11. at 12. of 13. to (with), about 14. for 15. on 16. for 17. after 18. for, for 19. for 20. through Задание 16 1. I’d like to give Mum something special on her birthday. 2. Everybody wished her a lot of happiness. 3. She is going to read her verses to us. 4. The policeman asked me to show him my driving license. 5. Could you pass me the bread, please? 6. Will you read a fairy-tale to me, Mummy? 7. Let us invite you to this ceremony. 8. I lent him my dictionary. 9. I want to show you my new books. 10. The teacher explained this task to the children. 11. She bought a bar of milk chocolate for the child. 12. He offered me a cigarette, but I refused. 13. We wished everybody good night. 14. Don’t put your hands into the pockets. 15. Parents, as a rule, give good advice to their children. 16. We plan (are planning) to discuss this problem with the director. 17. My son asked me a question, but I couldn’t answer it. 18. She is married to a nice fellow. Задание 17 1. for 2. to 3. to 4. to 5. for 6. for 7. to 8. to 9. to 10. for 11. to 12. for 13. to 14. to Задание 20 1. is never sure 2. always congratulates 3. can never remember 4. we sometimes have lunch 5. is often angry 6. often go 7. seldom makes 8. are generally kind 9. are just 10. you ever see 11. have 360
already left 12. already know 13. must never 14. you should always come 15. girlfriend yet Задание 21 1. usually work, he is often tired 2. always discuss 3. he never frank 4. to the party yet 5. ever been 6. you always rely 7. Is it generally 8, your project yet 9. he ever love 10. you sometimes 11. he always 12. ever tell 13. has just 14. is it usually 15. you ever lost Задание 22 1. Did you watch the football match last night? 2. Now I am learning to speak fluent English. 3. Fred has invited you to his house-warming party. 4. Is she really such a heavy smoker? 5. When and where did Brian take this photo? 6. I can never guess what he is thinking about. 7. My aunt and uncle have been living in Ireland since 1995. 8. People in Africa never wear warm clothes. 9. It often rains in the Himalayas in early spring. 10. Life is short, so you must always enjoy it. 11. This love story started in America romantically long ago. 12. I’d like to have a small garden in which I could plant my favourite flowers every spring. Задание 23 1. Do you live in a big city? 2. Are you students? 3. Can she play chess very well? 4. Does he know a lot of people in the city? 5. Does Tom have an interesting job? 6. Does he have a lovely time in the country every weekend? 7. Is it interesting for you to study English? 8. Is it getting cold outside? 9. Will you help me? 10. Have you spoken to the chief? 11. Has winter come? 12. Did you enjoy your holiday? 13. Did you have a bath an hour ago? 14. Are you deeply interested in this matter? 15. Did they get married last December? Задание 24 1. What time did you get up this morning? 2. How far from here does she live? 3. What kind of work is it? 4. Where do your friends live? 5. When are you going to visit me? 6. What is Sam going to do today? 7. How much money can you give me? 8. When were you bom? 9. What happened yesterday? 10. What kind of film is it? 11. What are you? 12. Where does she have many books? 13. What kind of countries are Russia and Canada? 14. What is there in the box? 15. Who phoned you? Задание 25 1. Who saw an accident? What did Nick see? 2. Who married ^ohn? Whom did Sandra marry? 3. Who reads many newspapers? 361
What does he read? 4. Who is talking to the guide? Who is she talking to? 5. Who sells flowers? What does Fleur sell? 6. Who thought about his problem? What did Tom think about? 7. Who is going to order pizza? What are you going to order? 8. Who visited the Zoo on Sunday? What did they visit on Sunday? 9. Who has passed the interview? What have they passed? 10. What is there in the'feky? 11. Who doesn’t like to play tennis? What don’t you like to play? 12. Who is looking at the sea? What is she looking at? 13. What needs painting? What does the house need? 14. Who is looking for a job? What is Bobby looking for? 15. Who can’t translate this fax? What can’t he translate? Задание 26 1. Are there ten or twelve students in your group? 2. Does Mario want to become a singer or a dancer? 3. Is it dark or light outside? 4. Can Betty play the piano or the violin? 5. Is your mother or your brother your best friend? 6. Will she get this information tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? 7. Is Kate’s father a tall or a short man? 8. Did you meet two or three years ago? 9. Have they been here for an hour or for two hours? 10. Must the partners give the answer now or later? 11. Does your brother or sister have a large family? 12. Do students have to be hard-working or lazy? 13, Does your little son or your sister have to be very careful with the keys? 14. Is your Granny sixty or seventy years old? 15. Would you like a glass of cola or of water? Задание 27 1. don’t you 2. can she 3. has he 4. can’t you 5. do they 6. did she 7. aren’t we 8. have you 9. is he 10. will she 11. aren’t 112. will (would) you 13. will you 14. did they 15. weren’t they 16. could it 17. shall we Задание 28 A. 1. aren’t you 2. is he 3. doesn’t she 4. don’t you 5. don’t they 6. doesn’t he 7. does he 8. is it 9. isn’t there 10. are there 11. did he 12. didn’t he 13. did you 14. doesn’t it 15. does it 16. aren’t they 17. aren’t I 18. have we 19. has he 20. will they В. 1. can’t he 2. can you 3. mustn’t he 4. must you 5. shall we 6. shall we 7. would (will) you 8. will you 9. does it 10. doesn’t it 11. won’t they 12. have they 13. shouldn’t it 14. didn’t 115. did he 16. don’t we 17. need you 18. aren’t they 19. did they 20. do they Задание 29 1. - Who is he? - This is Denis, my friend. 2. - What does he do? - He is a doctor. 3. Where does your son spend his evenings? 4. - Is this your dog? - No, it’s not. - Whose dog is it? - Nobody knows it. 5. Who of you 362
speaks Spanish? 6. When (At what o’clock) do you finish your work? You never come home early, do you? 7. There isn’t much fruit this year, is there? 8. What’s the weather like today? 9. What’s the date today? What day is it today? 10. What time is it? (What’s the time?) 11. How old is your grandmother? Is she as old as your grandfather? 12. lam right, aren’t? 113. How often do you rest? Do you have a rest in the Crimea or in the Caucasus? 14. - Were all the students at the party? Everybody enjoyed the party, didn’t they? Did it finish early or late? Was the Dean at the party? Were the teachers there too? - Don’t ask too many questions, will you? 15. Who helps you to raise (bring up) your children? 16. And what happened to your new fridge? Is it out of order again? 17. Will it rain again tomorrow? 18. He used to go for a walk before he went to bed, didn’t he? 19. Did he have to call the police? 20. Whom did you see when you entered the house? 21. Why are you collecting this information? Who needs it? 22. Why have you come? You must be at work, mustn’t you? Задание 31 A. 1. boys 2. toys 3. cars 4. things 5. rooms 6. books 7. hats 8. sweets 9. stamps 10. coats. 11. watches 12. foxes 13. dishes 14. places 15. glasses 16. cherries 17. stories 18. centuries 19. heroes 19. pianos В. 1. fish (fishes) 2. sheep 3. deer 4. series 5. species 6. men 7. women 8. feet 9. teeth 10. children. 11. mice 12. people (persons) 13. firemen 14. passers-by 15. forget-me-nots Задание 32 A. 1. These are thrilling films. 2. There are men in the hall. 3. The men are Americans, and the women are Swiss. 4. In the story policemen help children. 5. Students must enjoy life. 6. My son keeps white mice in a box. 7. Cats are cute animals. 8. What good chances we have 9. Refrigerators keep food fresh. 10. They are new business centres. В. 1. A man who drinks and drives is a criminal. 2. A housekeeper must be economical. 3. A secretary should know computers and languages. 4. A politician must be a good leader and speaker. 5. A horror film is not for a small child. 6. A partner should be a reliable person. 7. An hour passed before the police came. 8. An accountant must be good at figures. 9. I can see a sheep in the field. 10. There is a goose in the pond. Задание 33 Cities, roofs, lives, valleys, leaves, geese, oxen, ships, data, phenomena, mothers-in-law, swine, halves, Swiss, Chinese, wives, chefs, Negroes, Germans, pairs, lice, Frenchmen, salmon, keys, ladies. 363
Задание 34 1. Those are clever men. 2. They are pretty women. 3. There are fish in the aquarium. 4. We saw nice little mice in the kitchen. 5. My baby has teeth already. 6. These are printers to computers. 7. There are Japanese in our group. 8. There are mistakes in the text. 9. My friend has pets, cats. 10. My Granny keeps geese in her garden. 11. Have they got private houses or flats? 12. I got nice presents on my birthday. 13. Electric kettles are, very convenient. 14. Buy fashion magazines for me, please. 15. Helen has aunts and uncles. Задание 35 A. 1. Artists paint pictures and make sculptures. 2. Teachers give knowledge to people. 3. Architects design buildings. 4. Decorators repair houses. 5. Nurses look after sick people. 6. Engineers construct machinery and engines. 7. Carpenters make and repair wooden things. 8. Dressmakers make women’s clothes. 9. Actors play different roles. 10. Buskers are musicians who sing in the streets for money. 11. Accountants inspect or keep financial accounts. 12. Policemen keep order and protect the law. 13. Bodyguards guard people. 14. Doctors treat sick people. 15. Barbers cut men’s hair. B. a, a, a; an, a, a, a, a; a; a, a; a, -, a, a, a; the, the. Задание 36 1. Seven men and six women work in our office. 2. This peasant has a cow, two oxen, ten sheep and several geese. 3. Two policemen guarded James’s house. 4. This actress has beautiful, white teeth. 5. Linda’s son has already got a tooth. 6. - There are mice in the house - Unfortunately, this morning I saw a mouse in the kitchen. 7. - Last Sunday we went fishing. - How many fish did you catch? - Maxim caught five small fish, and I only one; but it was a big fish. 8. - We saw a beautiful deer in the forest. - Yes, deer are beautiful animals. 9. She has very small feet. 10. He was running very quickly,, despite the pain in the foot? 11. Two series of stories by S. Maugham were published. 12. There are more than 24,000 species of fish in the world. 13. There are wild geese in these woods. 14. - Are the police here? - Yes, they have just come. 15. The passers-by were helping the firemen to save people. 16. - What a cute child! - Yes, all children are good, when they are small. 17. Men, women, children were working in the fields. 18. My cat is too lazy, it won’t catch mice. 19. Mother bought two fish for the cat and the dog. 20. The porter gave the keys to the ladies. 21. My pyjamas are made of cotton. 364
Задание 38 1. Ross’(s) address 2. a week’s holiday 3. my relatives’ house 4. A. Christie’s novels 5. Alex’(s) discs 6. my sisters’ room 7. her neighbour’s car 8. a woman’s magazine 9. James’(s) secretary 10. a child’s bicycle 11. a girl’s school 12. a week’s trip 13. an actress’(s) career 14. Doris’(s) dress 15. teenagers’ music Задание 39 1. my friend’s name 2. the leader’s speech 3. Liz’(s) flat 4. Max’s visit 5. Sheldon’s novel 6. a student’s life 7. Bess’s boyfriend 8. people’s rights 9. her sons’ books 10. my baby’s toys 11. my parents* hobbies 12. an actors’ show 13. Keats’(s) poems 14. the sun’s rays 15. England’s climate 16. today’s news 17. the world’s progress 18. the earth’s surface 19. a ten minutes* break 20. Russia’s history Задание 40 1. a men’s magazine 2. - (no change is possible) 3. The girl’s dress 4. The girls’dresses 5. -6. Ibis designer’s style 7. -8. The children’s voices 9. the river’s bank 10. A week’s holiday 11. Felix’(s) files 12. Charles’(s) umbrella 13. -14. -15. -16. to the butcher’s 17. - 18. her aunt’s house 19. - 20. the company’s problems Задание 41 1. McDonald’s 2. the greengrocer’s 3. the optician’s 4. the ironmonger’s 5. the hairdresser’s (the barber’s) 6. the (dry) cleaner’s 7. the tobacconist’s 8. the jeweller’s 9. the stationer’s 10. the confectioner’s 11. the supermarket 12. the dentist’s 13. the chemist’s 14. the butcher’s 15. the florist’s 16. the travelling agent’s 17. the watchmaker’s 18. Harrods 19. the vet’s 20. the doctor’s Задание 42 1. There were a few interesting articles in yesterday’s newspaper. 2. Could you give me Charles’(s) address? 3. This is James’(s) car, Alex’(s) car is white. 4. There was a parents’ meeting at the school before the first of September. 5. A stewardess’(s) job is rather difficult. 6. This is a men’s club, not a women’s. 7. Denis’(s) childhood was hard. 8. Ann and I met at the hairdresser’s and we decided to have a cup of coffee at the confectioner’s. 9. I am tired, let’s make a five minutes’ break. 10. The kids were playing in the shade of a (the) tree. 11. My mother’s house was built by her grandfather. 12. After the lecture the professor answered the students* questions. 13. Carlo is a man’s name and Carla is a woman’s name. 14. My friend’s husband is an engineer. 15-1 am very fond of Bums’(s) and Keats’(s) poems. 16. Tatyana refused Victor’s 365
proposal. 17. There are books by S. King in our library. 18. My daughters’ room is the biggest in the house. 19. The children admired Mary Poppins’(s) umbrella. 20. My mother’s advice is always useful. 21. Let’s meet at Thomas’(s) office. Задание 43 B.l. father 2. husband 3. aunt 4. nephew 5. daughter 6. heroine 7. bachelor 8. waitress 9. duchess 10. tzarina 11. baroness 12. queen 13. lad 14. lady 15. bridegroom 16. nun 17. authoress 18. manageress 19. tigress 20. widower Задание 44 1. an 2. a 3. a 4. an 5. a 6. an 7. a 8. an 9. a 10. an 11. a 12. an 13. a 14. an 15. a 16. an 17. a 18. an 19. a 20. an 21. a 22. an 23. a 24. an; 25. a 26. an 27. a 28. a 29. an 30. an Задание 46 A. 1. a secretary 2. a writer 3. a model 4. a doctor 5. a hairdresser 6. a politician 7. an interpreter 8. a lady 9. a student 10. a detective В. 1. an architect 2. a burglar 3. a vegetarian 4. a busker 5. a customer 6. a manager 7. a dictionary 8. a mirror 9. an accountant 10. a friend Задание 47 4, 6,18- артикль отсутствует; 10 - an. Во всех остальных слу- чаях - а. Задание 48 1. - It’s time to make a break and have a snack. - It’s a good idea! 2. - Let’s go out for a smoke. - Yes, but it’s cold outside, we may catch a cold. 3. If you want to make a report in English, you must have a dictionary. 4. In the mornings he swims in cold water, and in the evenings he takes a hot shower. 5. Could you give me a hint why she made such a fuss? 6. The children made a fire, told each other a lot of interesting stories and had a good laugh. 7. I shall go out for a walk. I have a bad headache. 8. We are going to give a party and to have a good time. 9. Take a seat and let’s have a chat. 10. Wait a minute, I’d like to make an offer to you. 11. This pupil always makes a mistake in the word “daughter”. 12. If you tell a lie again, your friend will make a fuss. 13. Sharon has a date with Michael today. 14. This performance is a great success. 15. - What about dancing? - Oh, no. I have such a strong toothache! 16. Tell me the truth if you are a real friend. 17. My friend had a wonderful chance to make a 366
tour. 18. The kids had a wonderful time at the New Year Party. 19. Гт going to have a nap for an hour or two. 20. She made a mistake while she was writing a report. Задание 49 I.a2.-3.a4.- 5. an 6. - 7. - 8. a 9. - 10. - 11. - 12. a 13. - 14. - 15. a 16. - 17. - 18. - 19. an 20. - Задание 50 1. There is a secret in every family. 2. There is a cat sitting on the roof. What a cute animal! 3. What a shame (pity) that we have only one hour to talk. 4. There are three computers, two faxes and one zerox in our office. 5. There is a lot of food in the fridge: a cake, some butter, cheese, vegetables and a bottle of juice. 6. There is a disco in our club every Saturday and Sunday. 7. There are good pupils in my group. 8. There is some coffee in the pot. Would you like a cup? 9. There is a very beautiful picture on the wall. There is a tiger and deer in it. 10. - Is there a TV-set in the kitchen? - No, there is a radio there. 11. There is a telephone in the corridor. And there is a little chair near it. 12. Once upon a time there lived a clever king, and he had a silly wife. 13. There is a question I’d like to ask you. May I? 14. There are chances that my favourite team will win. 15. There is cold juice in the bottle. But there aren’t any glasses. 16. There is meat, fish and vegetables on the menu. 17. There are always hamburgers in this cafe. Задание 51 1. an 2. a 3. a 4. -, -, - 5. an, a 6. - 7. - 8. -, a 9. a 10. a 11. a, - 12. - 13. - 14. an, a 15. a, a 16. -, - 17. an, - Задание 52 1. My friend is a guide. He is a good interpreter. 2. They are tourists from Asia. They are businessmen. 3. It’s wonderful weather today! I like frosty weather. 4. I am not a boss, I am an ordinary clerk. 5. - Are they students or schoolchildren? - They are already students. 6. He is a strange man, isn’t he? 7. My sister’s daughter is a very cute child. 8. He is a real gentleman and she is a real lady. 9. Greenpeace is an international organization. 10. He is a well-known artist. By the way, he is not a bad writer as well. 11. When I was a child, there was always a pet in the house. 12. It was a big city. It was a modern city. 13. Hugh is a sensible boy. And he is a very polite child. 14. It’s a very expensive car, as it is a modern model. 15. These are excellent ideas. He is really a clever man. 367
Задание 53 1. а 2. - 3. а 4. а 5. а 6. - 7. - 8. а 9. а, а 10. а 11. а, - 12. - 13. а 14. - 15. - Задание 54 1. We got a fax from the Netherlands an hour ago. 2. Stephen has a friend in America and an uncle in Australia. 3. We bought new furniture yesterday. 4. I wrote a composition and went for a walk. 5. She has very pleasant manners and a wonderful voice. 6. Take an aspirin if you have a headache. 7. They heard loud voices in the house. 8. She bought a fantastic red dress yesterday. 9. John promised a new toy to his little son. 10. Is he a German? He has a strong German accent. 11. Tom built a house for his parents. 12. Alice needs a new car. 13. The travellers went a long way. 14. Martin lived a hard life. 15. He has a beautiful but silly secretary. 16. David bought a Japanese computer. 17. Find a job (work) for me, I need money badly. 18. We met strange people on the way home. Задание 55 1. I can’t go for a walk with you, I have a date. 2. Prague is a European city. 3. The boy has a good memory. 4. Mice are clever animals. 5. It’s a crazy idea, and you are crazy people. 6. She has a sweet tooth and has bad teeth. 7. Helen has a big and friendly family. 8. It’s a very busy district with a school, a bus-station and a new sports centre. 9. Mike has a good sense of humour. 10. It’s urgent news. 11. Don’t waste a moment. 12. These are golden rules, remember them! 13. I found a note in the letter-box. 14. “Collect yourself, you are an Englishman!” he said to himself. 15. We are in a strange situation. 16. A man has his own duties, a woman her own. 17. It’s a good chance for Boris to get a new job. 18. Cordless telephones are very popular now. Задание 56 A. 1.- 2. a 3. - 4. a 5.- 6. - 7. a 8.- 9. - 10. a 11. - 12. - 13. a 14. - 15. an 16. - 17. a 18. - 19. - 20. an В. 1. an, - 2. a 3. - 4. an, - 5. - 6. a 7. -, - 8. a 9. - 10. an 11. a 12. a,-13.-14. a,-15. - Задание 57. 1. What a rainy day! What cold weather! 2. What clever children! What a talented child! 3. What strong tea! What a beautiful cup! 4. What a situation! What strange people! 5. What tasty juice! W’hat a big glass! 6. Granny, what big eyes, ears and teeth you have! 7. What hard work! And what a pretty secretary! 8. What nice women and what a beautiful house they have! 9. What original advice! What a 368
brilliant idea! 10. Johnny, what big feet you have! 11. What unexpected money! What a surprise! 12. What good progress! What a hard-working student! 13. What comfortable furniture! What a big room! 14. What deep knowledge! What a good teacher! 15. What a deep river! But what warm water! Задание 58 1. This is a very good question. You always ask clever questions. 2. A doctor must be kind, attentive and competent. 3. She is a nice woman and she has such nice children! 4. Policemen should be brave and strong. 5. Football is a popular game; hockey is a popular sport, too. 6. A year and a half is enough to finish this work. 7. It’s a very good place, we can have a rest here. 8. She has a new office and a very interesting job. 9. It’s a very complicated problem, I need advice to solve it. 10. - Isn’t it time to have a snack? - All right, in half an hour. 11. I think that English is a very interesting language. 12. Wait a minute and we shall go for a walk. 13. When I was a teenager I was very shy. 14. What is a watermelon? Is it a fruit or a berry? 15. A bodyguard should be smart, quick and strong. Задание 60 1. Children have a special love for animals. 2. The children look like their father. 3. Hammocks are perfect for relaxing in the garden in summer. 4. The women are experts on computer programmes. 5. Pets can have a positive effect on both your mental and physical health. 6. The men are definitely trying to do their best. 7. Powerful, efficient showers are a real pleasure in summer. 8. The showers are out of order again. 9. Provision markets are held on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. 10. The provision markets are closed today. 11. Many people like good barbecues on sunny days. 12. The parties were a success. 13. Strict vegetarians can make meals out of greens and vegetables. 14. The vegetarians refused to have the meat course. 15. The flowers are so beautiful. Задание 61 С 1 no 19 - the; 20. the, a Задание 62 1. the, - 2. the, - 3. the, an 4. the, a 5. the 6. the 7. the, a 8. the 9. the 10. the 11. the, - 12. the 13. the 14. the 15. the 16. the, a 17. the 18. the, a 19. the 20. the, the Задание 63 1. - Did you enjoy the performance? - Oh, it was a wonderful show. 2. - Could you close the window, please? - Yes, of course, in a 369
minute. 3. I looked at the painting and decided to buy it. 4. - Where is the instruction to the washing-machine? - It’s in the washing-machine. 5. Would you like to have a look at the project? It’s an absolutely new plan. 6. The dog is waiting for you at the door. Let it in. 7. - How do you like the dress? - It’s fantastic. 8. He always informs us of the latest news. 9. - How much did you pay for the shampoo? - A dollar. 10. - What’s the weather like today? - The weather is wonderful, the day is fine. 11. - Where are the kids? - They’ve gone for a walk in the park. 12. Put the kettle on the cooker and boil the water. 13. I’m afraid we can’t change the situation. 14. What’s the matter? Why are you so upset? 15. I shall finish the letter soon and then I shall go to the office. 16. Look at the flowers, aren’t they beautiful? 17. The lift is out of order, we shall have to call the mechanic. 18. It took them a year to rebuild the house. Задание 64 С 1 no 8: a, the 9. a, a, the 10. an, the 11. a, the 12. an, a, the 13. an, the. C 14 no 16: a, the 17. -, the 18. -, the 19. the, the 20. the, the Задание 65 A. a, -, -, -. -, -, -. the, the, the, the, the, -, the, the, the, -, the В. C 1 no 16: -, the 14. a, the Задание 66 1. These are good dictionaries. How much did you pay for the dictionaries? 2. The party will begin in an hour. The guests are already in the house. 3. There is a sports centre in the city. The centre is open from 10 till 21. 4. I’d like to buy an English newspaper. English papers are interesting. 5. This is a wooden table. The table is made by my Grandfather. 6. It’s bitter chocolate. The * chocolate is dark. 7. I have a new hat. The hat is fashionable. 8. We need a new TV-set. The new TV-set must be small. 9. I’ve found a new teacher for you. The teacher is very competent. 10. These are Italian macaroni. The macaroni are too long. 11. It’s strange news. Who can explain the news? 12. I’ve bought a new bag for you. The bag is big and light. 13. Our neighbour has a monkey. The monkey is very funny. 14. John caught a butterfly. The children looked at the butterfly and let it go. Задание 67 A. 1. We must drink more water to be healthy. 2. Have the water from this glass. 3. Children drink milk every day. 4. Don’t drink 370
the milk, it’s sour. 5. Use meat two or three times a week. There is protein in it. 6. Eat the meat which is on the plate. 7. Rice is the main food of the Chinese, the Japanese and the Vietnamese. 8. Cook the rice which I left on the table. 9. I like to have juice in hot weather. 10. The juice is too sweet, I don’t like it. 11. We can’t cook without salt. 12. Salt is necessary for health. 13. Pass me the sugar, please. 14. I seldom eat porridge in the mornings, though I know that porridge is useful. 15. The porridge is burnt again. I shall have a cup of tea. 16. I don’t like coffee, I prefer tea or juice. 17. The coffee is too strong and hot. Задание 68 С 1 no 20: the Задание 69 1. And now we are going to discuss the information, which we got yesterday. 2. All the buildings in the city are built in the same style. 3. I like the presents which I got on Christmas. 4. This is the best compliment I have ever got. 5. The post-office is on the opposite side of the street. 6. You are the man we need. 7. Excuse me, you are going in the wrong direction. 8. She is the only girl he would like to marry. 9. Flight 102 from Bonn is arriving on time. 10. All the people hope for the best. 11. The greatest problem is my health. 12. Ben told us the following story. 13. I can’t believe the news that you have just told me. 14. Let’s talk about it at the next class. 15. The students whom she teaches make good progress. 16. Tell me about the country you’ve just visited. 17. You have a mistake in the third paragraph, in sentence eight. 18. The English which we speak today is not the English of the beginning of the century. Задание 70 1. the, the, the, the 2. the 3. a 4-7. the 8. a, the, the 9. the 10. the 11. a 12. the 13 the, the 14. - 15. the 16. the 17. a, the 18. a, the, the, the 19. the, the 20. the, the 21. the 22. a, the Задание 72 1. t 2. f 3. i 4. к 5. a 6. 1 7. j 8. n 9. о 10. g 11. e 12. d 13. c 14. b 15. p 16. s 17. r 18. h 19. g 20. m Задание 73 A. 1. We have no (not any) bread. Could you buy a loaf of rye bread? 2. - Mum would like some coffee. - I just have a jar of coffee. 3. Michael has no cigarettes. I’ll have to go and buy a block. 4. I am very thirsty. - What about a glass of mineral water? 5. There is 371
nothing in the fridge except a tin of sardines. 6. It’s autumn. A flock of birds is flying to the south. 7. John is a cowboy. He has a herd of cows. 8. If you are in a difficult situation I can give you a piece of advice. 9. You can choose any article of furniture in this shop. 10. She bought a tube of hair gel. 11. We saw a flash of lightning. 12. When she is sad she can eat a whole bar of chocolate at a time. 13. You will need a head of cabbage to cook cabbage soup. 14. Put a cube of ice in my cocktail. 15. A gang of robbers was arrested near the bank. 16. She gave a cry of horror when she saw mice. 17. Let’s go out to have a breath of fresh air. 18. There is a grain of truth in his words. Задание 74 В. 1. -, a 2. a 3. an 4. a 5. a, - 6. an 7. a 8. a, - 9. a 10. -, a 11. a,-12. -, a Задание 75 1. News is news and we can’t do without it. 2. All this news is very important for us. 3. - What’s the latest news? - It’s very interesting. 4. There is an item of news, which I’d like to discuss. 5. The reporter is looking through the news, which he managed to get. 6. Bad news travels (spreads) fast. 7. Have you heard the news? It’s fantastic news! 8. The scout brought a lot of information. It was important. 9. Is the information reliable? Can we trust it? 10. We need full information about this organization. 11. People need exact information to know what to do. 12. The information was got by fax. 13. Good advice (a piece of good advice) is what you need. 14. It’s priceless advice. It comes from the heart. 15. People like to talk about the weather, as it is a safe topic. 16. - What’s the weather like today? - The weather is cold. It looks like snow. 17. During the trip we had dry warm weather. 18. The work at the bank was difficult for him. 19. What kind of job (work) would you like? - I need an easy job (easy work). 20. Is it interesting work? Do you like it? 21. He has profound knowledge in physics. 22. My students make good progress in the language. 23. There is money in the box. Take it. The money is yours. 24. Money is everything for him. It gives him freedom. 25. He counted the money carefully and put it in the wallet. Задание 76 В. 1. I spend a lot of money on fruit because I like it very much. And do you like it? - Of course I do. 2. What shall we take for dessert? - I think fruit. - Have we got it? - Yes, we have a little. 3. Fruit is cheap this year, especially apples, bananas and plums. 372
4. Earlier people brought fruit from the Crimea and the Caucasus. Now it is brought mainly from Latin America, Africa, Italy. 5. Put the fruit in the basket, please. 6. They say that you should eat the fruits, which grow where you live. 7. What’s the French for “The Fruits of Study”? 8. A fruit salad consists of different fruits. 9. Different fruits ripen in August. 10. Now you can see a lot of different fruits in our markets. 11. There is little fruit this year. But it’s no problem. It will be brought from abroad. 12. The play “The Fruits of Enlightenment” was written by A. Tolstoy. 13. His knowledge is the fruit of a long study. 14. The apricot is a very useful fruit, especially for the heart. 15. Now I can fully enjoy the fruits of my labour. 16. What fruits do you sell? - Any you like. 17. Fruits, which do not fear the frost, are cultivated in the North. 18. Fruit and vegetables are the main food of vegetarians. 19. We have run out of fruit. I must go to the market. 20. Different fruits are used in cosmetics. Задание 77 В. 1. I usually prefer fish to meat. 2. Fish is necessary for our health. 3. Sushi is a popular Japanese food, consisting of raw fish and rice. 4. Fish contains little fat. 5. Amanda swims like a fish. 6. Henry has a big collection of minerals, fishes and birds. 7. My favourite food is fish and chips. 8. There are a lot of (many) ways of cooking fish. 9. She gave a fish to the dog, but it wouldn’t eat it. 10. There are many fish in this river. But we haven’t caught a single one today. 11. There is a lot of meat on the table, but little fish. 12. The fishermen were happy, they had caught many fish. 13. - How many fish shall I buy? - Two or three fish. 14. The boy was given a bright album on exotic fishes. 15. He catches fish for pleasure. 16. A (the) shark is a fish, dangerous for other fishes. 17. He is breathing like a fish out of water. 18. A (the) fish is a creature living in the water. 19. The fish is delicious! It’s melting in the mouth! 20. How many fish did you catch yesterday? -1 caught two, and Sasha five. Задание 78 1. a 2. the, - 3. an 4. a, a 5. the, a 6. a 7. a 8. the, the 9. a, - 10. a 11. a, a 12. - 13. the, the 14. the, a, the 15. the, a, a 16. the, a 17. a 18. a, a Задание 79 A. a,the. a. the. a,the,the. the,a,an,the. the,-, the,the. the, a, the, the. the, a, the, the, a. B. the, a, a. the. a, a, an. a. a, the, the. the. 373
Задание 80 a. an,an,the. а,а,-, ап,а,-. the,а? а,-,а,a. the,а,а. an. the, a, the, a, the, а, -, an, the. a. an, a, the, the. the, the. the, the. a. the. the, the. the. Задание 81 A. an. a, a. a. the, a. a. the. B. the, the, a. the, the, the, the. the, the. the. the, the, a, an. C. a. the, the. a, -, the, the, a, a, the. the, a! a, the, the. a, the. Задание 83 1. the 2. the 3. -, the, the 4. -, - 5. the 6. - 7. -, -, - 8. the, - 9. the 10. - 11. the, - 12. - 13. the, the, the 14. -, - 15. the 16. the, the, - 17. -, - 18. -(-), - 19. -, the 20. the, - Задание 85 1. the 2. (the) -, - 3. the 4. the, the 5. the 6. - 7. the, - 8. the, the 9. - 10. the, the 11. the, the, -, the, the 12. the, - 13. -, -, - 14. -, -, - 15. the, - 16. - 17. -, the, - 18. the, -, -, - 19. the 20. - Задание 86 A. 1.-2. the 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. the 7. the 8. the 9. the 10. the 11. the 12. - 13. - 14. the 15. - 16. the 17. - 18. the 19. the 20. the 21. the 22. the 23. the 24. - 25. - 26. the 27. - 28. the 29. the 30. the В. 1. the 2. (the) - 3. - 4. - 5. the 6. the 7. the 8. the 9. the 10. - 11. - 12. the 13. - 14. the 15. - 16. the 17. the 18. - 19. the 20. - 21. the 22. the 23. - 24. the 25. - 26. the 27. the 28. - 29. the 30. - Задание 87 A. (the), -. the, -. the, -. the, -. the. the. the, the, -. B. -, the, the, -. the, -, -, the, the С. во всех случаях: - D. —, the, -, -. the, -, the. -, the, -.the, -, - E. the, the, -, -, -, the, the, -, -, (the) -, the Задание 88 1. China is an ancient country in the Middle East. 2. Bermuda is in the Atlantic Ocean. 3. There are a lot of rare animals in the Rocky Mountains. 4. Napoleon was born on Corsica, the island in the Mediterranean Sea. 5. All the highest peaks in the world are in the Himalayas, in Asia. 6. It never snows in California. 7. The Panama Canal connects two oceans: the Pacific and the Atlantic. 8. America consists of three parts: North America, Central America and South America. 9. Kazbek is the second peak of the 374
Caucasus. The first one is Elbrus. 10. The Amu Darya flows through the desert Kara-Kum into the Sea of Aral. 11. Malta, Cyprus, Capri are famous islands. 12. The Marmar Sea is in Turkey. 13. “The Crimea”, “the Caucasus” and “the Far East” are used with the definite article in English. Yes, as well as “the Riviera”, “the Ruhr” and “the Transvaal”. 14. If you go to Egypt you will see the Nile and the famous pyramids., 15. There are several seas in the world the names of which mean colours: the Yellow Sea, the Red Sea, the White Sea and the Black Sea. 16. All the American spaceships are launched from the space base situated on Canaveral Cape. 17. The Red Sea is between North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. Задание 89 1. The Museum of Fine Arts is in Volkhonka. 2. Coventry Cathedral was destroyed during the war. 3. There are two big fountains in Pushkin Square. 4. Who got the Nobel Prize in 1958? 5. He lives in Flower Street and works in the City-bank. 6. The Bolshoi and the Maly theatres are the oldest in Moscow. 7. Robin Hood and his friends lived in the Sherwood Wood. 8. There are some small states in Europe: Monaco, Liechtenstein, Vatican. 9. In every country there is an office of the UNO. 10. Lake Como is situated high in the mountains in Italy. 11. The Hague is a typical Dutch city. 12. It’s impossible to see the Hermitage during one day. 13. The plane landed in Miami airport. 14. The Tate Gallery was founded by Sir Henry Tate. 15. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation carried out the money reform. 16. A new American hit with Chuck Norris is on at the Forum Cinema. 17. The Angel Hotel stands on the river Wey in Guildford. 18. Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, is called “The Venice of the North”. 19. Scandinavia includes Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Iceland. 20. The Aegean Sea separates Greece from Turkey. Задание 90 1. There is no life in the Dead Sea as it is too salty. 2. Lake Baikal is famous for its beauty. 3. The Riviera in Italy is a famous health resort. 4. The Silver Wood is on the bank of the Moskva-river. 5. Two presidents work at a time in the Republic of San-Marino. 6. The Sards live on island Sardinia. 7. They spent their honeymoon in the Netherlands, mostly in the Hague. 8. Among the sights of Moscow we can show: (the) Red Square, the Kremlin, Tverskaya Street, Manezh Square, the Bolshoi Theatre and the Sparrow Hills and many others. 9. The National and the Metropol are the most famous and expensive hotels in Moscow. 10. You can have a quick snack at McDonald’s. 375
11. The Bering Strait separates America from Asia. 12. Capetown, the Capital of the South African Republic, is on the Cape of Good Hope. 13. The biggest city in Africa is Cairo, the capital of Egypt. 14. Mexican Bay is the largest in the World Ocean. 15. The Red Sea is situated between North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. 16. Newcastle stands on the river Tyne. 17. The Roman Wall is one of the sights of Northern England. 18. He is a journalist and works in the “Izvestiya”. 19. “Seven Days” is the most popular magazine in Russia. 20. The Pechora flows to the North into the Barents Sea. 21. Every Saturday they go to the bar “The Three Oaks” in (the) North Street. 22. The official capital of the Kingdom of the Netherlands is Amsterdam. The Hague is the residence of the Dutch Government and of the King’s Court. 23. The Vatican is the residence of the Roman Catholic Church. 24. Do you know that Trafalgar Square was named after the famous battle? Задание 91 1. The Minin and Pozharski Monument, the Pushkin Monument, the Yuri Dolgoruki Monument. 2. The Po, 405 miles long, is the longest river in Italy. 3. Mount Everest, in the Himalayas, is the highest peak on the Earth, at 29,028 feet (8,848 m). 4. The Nevsky Prospect. 5. The Seine. 6. Iran, which was known as Persia until 1934. 7. The Tiber, Rome, (the) Vatican. 8. Stratford-on-Avon stands on the Avon River. The Swan. 9. The famous London Zoo in England is the world’s oldest public Zoo which dates back to 1828.10. (The) Vatican. 11. The Pacific Ocean. 12. The Mediterranean. It covers 1,145,000 square miles. The Baltic Sea - 160,000 square miles. 13. The Danube, because it was known to the ancient Greeks. It flows through Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria to the Black Sea. 14. Switzerland. 15. The Nile. The Amazon. 16. A channel is a natural narrow area of water between two high sides. A canal is a long, narrow stretch of water made by man for boats (the canals of Venice, the Suez Canal). 17. Monaco. 18. The Bermuda Triangle. 19. Venice in Italy. 20. The Bible, the Koran, the Domesday Book. 21. Give уоьг own answer. Задание 92 В. 1. Latin is the basis of many languages. 2, He is an interpreter from Dutch into English. 3. People speak German, French and Italian in Switzerland. 4. The Russian language of the last century differs from the Russian language of the twentieth century. 5. He speaks Russian with a strong Italian accent. 6. What’s the French for “Тако- ва жизнь”? 7. She teaches Russian Literature, to be more exact, the Russian Literature of the twentieth century. 8. The English language is considered to be the official language in many countries of the world. 376
9. Mrs. Westwood delivers lectures on English History. 10. The History of the English language is a difficult but an interesting subject. Задание 93 1. More than 2,700 2. a) Spanish b) English c) English, French d) Portuguese e) Arabic f) German, French g) Spanish h) German, French, Italian i) English j)- German 3. English is the first language in: Australia, the Bahamas, Canada, Eire, Guyana, many Caribbean islands (such as Jamaica, Barbados and Trinidad), New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States. 4. English is the official second language in: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Botswana, Brunei, Burundi, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan,the Philippines,Rwanda,Sarawak,Sierra Leone,South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe 5. The 10 most spoken languages in the world are: Language Number of first language speakers Chinese one billion English 400 million Spanish 290 million Russian 275 million Hindustani 250 million Arabic 160 million Portuguese 160 million Bengali 155 million German 130 million Japanese 120 million Задание 95 1-2. the 3. a, the 4. the, the 5. the, a, the 6-8. the 9. the, a, - 10-11. the 12. a 13-14. the 15. a 16. the, the, a, an 17. a, a 18. the 19-20.a Задание 96 the. the, -. the. the. the, the, -, -, -, -, -, -, -, -. the. the. the. the, the. -, a, the. -. -, -. the. -. -. -. -. -. -. -, the. the, - (the), the. -, the, the. Задание 98 1-5. - 6. an 7. -, - 8. an 9. a 10. the 11. the 12. the 13. - 14. the 15. a 16. the 17. -, the 18. the 19. - 20. the 377
Задание 99 1. Please, hurry up, or you’ll be late for school. 2. The town is getting bigger and people need a new church. 3. This car brings food to the prison once a day. 4. It was the hospital where I was born. 5. He came up to the bed and looked at the sleeping child. 6. Pay a fine or you’ll go to prison! 7. My Granny goes to church every Sunday. She meets her neighbours in the church. 8. I know that today she is meeting with her lawyer in town. 9. Let’s meet after classes near the school. 10. There is a hospital with modern equi pment in our city. 11. They were at college together. 12. Phone the hospital and find out the results of the analyses. 13. What an old-fashioned bed it is! Is it from a museum? 14. I shall give you a lift to the hospital, and then I shall go to college. 15. Every month I go to the school to a parents’ meeting. 16. Doctor, how long shall I have to stay in hospital? 17. When school is over, I go home. 18. Karlovy Vary is a charming town. 19. You’d better hang the picture over the bed. 20. He was sent to prison for robbery. Задание 101 1. a 2. the 3. the 4. the 5. a 6. a 7. - 8. - 9. the 10. - 11. - 12. a 13. a 14. - 15. a 16. the 17. the 18. a 19. the 20. a Задание 103 1. I’ll show you the house and the garden after lunch. 2. Isn’t it time for us to have dinner? I am dying of hunger. 3. Mother is cooking a special supper for my birthday. 4. Let’s have dinner in a Chinese restaurant. 5. I always use a cookery book while cooking dinner. 6. Sit to table, or the dinner will get cold. 7. The supper in the Indian restaurant was very spicy. 8. How much does a set-dinner cost in this restaurant? 9. Don’t forget to wash your hands before dinner! 10. It’s lunchtime. What do you usually take for lunch? 11. The French, as a rule, eat seafood for dinner or for supper. 12. We usually cook a very tasty supper for Christmas. 13. For dessert I usually take ice-cream, which I like very much. 14. The supper consisted of fish and chips. 15. - Dinner is ready. - And what shall we have for dinner? - Something special! 16. I prefer the cheeses of Switzerland. 17. I like to mix different teas. 18. France is famous for its wines. Задание 106 1-5. - 6. the 7. the 8. - 9. a 10. - 11. a 12. - 13. an 14. -, - 15. - 16. a 17. -18. a 19. -20. - Задание 107 A. 1. Which do you like more: summer or winter? 2. It’s winter now. It’s a very cold winter. 3. They say, we’ll have early spring. 378
4. I was born in the autumn of 1980. 5. It’s night. Dawn is coming. (It’ll be dawn soon). 6. He stopped to watch the autumn sunset. 7. It’s four o’clock in the morning and I can’t fall asleep. 8. It was a warm night in July. 9. “Don’t worry! I’ll be at home by evening,” I promised. 10. Yesterday we had a romantic evening. 11. In twilight I liked to listen to my Granny’s tales. 12. It was a gloomy day, a typical autumn day. 13. When it is winter in Russia, it is summer in Brazil. 14. The night before departure was frosty. 15. It always gets colder after sunset. 16. I listen to the news early in the morning. 17. He left in early morning and never came back. 18. The night before Christmas (Christmas Eve) is the most wonderful time. 19. The clock shows midnight. It’s time to go to bed. 20. The autumn day was dry and bright. Задание 108 1. It was morning. It was early morning. It was a warm summer morning. He was born in early morning. It’s difficult for me to get up early in the morning. The morning was cool, but sunny. What a good morning! We shall get to the station by mornirig. 2. Daytime came. It was a foggy day, the day of our departure. The day was rainy. What do you usually do in the daytime? The incident happened on a gloomy September day. 3. It was noon. Noon is 12 o’clock. Housewives try to do all shopping by noon. The visitor appeared only by noon. 4. It was afternoon. We like to have tea in the afternoon. Small children usually sleep in the afternoon. We devoted the afternoon to reading. 5. It was evening. It was a frosty Christmas evening. The evening was warm. It was late evening. I always feel sleepy in the evenings. Will you go for a walk in the evening? We shall finish everything by evening. 6. Night fell. It was night. It was a quiet starry night. I like to look at the stars at night. The night was quiet. The storm lasted all night long. We went there on a Saturday evening.-1 am on night duty today. He is guarded day and night. I haven’t had an early night for a whole month. 7. Dawn is the time when the sun rises. We drank, laughed and chatted till sunrise. It means the dawn of a new era. 8. Spring is the season between winter and summer. It gets warmer in spring. He left in the spring of 1996.’ Paris is wonderful in spring. Autumn is a time for weddings. It was early spring. It was late autumn. Задание 110 A. the, the, the. a, a; a. a, a; a, a, the B. a, the, the, a. the. the, the, the. the, the. an, a, the, a, the, a C. the, a, a, -. the. the, the, a, the. a. a, the 379
Задание 111 A. a, the, the. the, а. а, -. а, the, the, the, the. -, the. the, the, the. the, the, the B. a, -. the, -, -, -, -. an, the, -. the, the. a, -, the, a. a, the. the, the. -. the, the, the. the, a, a, the, -, - C. the, -. the, a. the, an, a. the, -. the, the. the. the, a, the. -. the. the, -. a. the, a. the, the, the Задание 113 1. the 2. the 3. the, the 4. a (the) 5. a (the) 6. an (the) 7. a (the) 8. the 9. the 10. a (the) 11. an (the) 12. the 13. -, - 14. the, the 15. a, a, a, - 16. the 17. the 18. the Задание 114 1. The postmark first appeared in England in 1840. 2. The onion is the symbol of Bermuda. 3. Chameleon is known for its ability to change its colour. 4. Who invented the telescope? 5. A (the) peacock is one of the most beautiful birds. 6.1 like the ballet very much, but the opera makes me fall asleep. 7. A (the) stork builds its nest on the roof of houses. 8. The calendar is a very useful invention. 9. The kangaroo is associated with Australia. 10. The azalea can grow practically in any climate. 11. The blue whale is the biggest animal on the earth. 12. All the insects have six legs, but the spider has eight. 13. The dragon symbolizes evil in fairy-tales. 14. The computer was first constructed at the engineering school in Pennsylvania in 1946. Задание 116 1. a 2. a, - 3. an 4. -, - 5. - 6. - 7. a 8. an 9. an 10. a 11. a. 12. a, 13. -, a 14. a 15. -, 16. a 17. - 18. - 19. a 20. a Задание 117 A. 1. (g) pie, ABC 2. (h) a pig 3. (i) charity 4. (d) a doornail 5 .'(c) a bat 6. (k) a partridge 7. (b) a lamb 8. (a) the grave 9. (1) leather 10. (m) butter 11. (n) soot 12. (h) a pig (pitch) 13. (f) a bird 14. (e) a fox , В. 1. a bird 2. the wind 3. a fish 4. a fly in a bottle 5. a feather 6. Punch 7. a log 8. the Bank of England 9. a calendar picture 10. a bee 11. a rest 12. lead 13. bricks 14. sin 15. night 16. snow 17. a tortoise 18. a cricket 19. a soldier 20. a bat 21. a donkey 22. a mule 23. the hills 24. a fortress 25. a pole 26. a lord Возможна широкая вариативность выбора лексических единиц. Задание 118 1. Though this story is as old as the hills, I’d like to listen to it. 2. She has a big family and that’s why from morning till night she 380
is as busy as a bee. 3. I would like to be as beautiful as a picture, to sing like a nightingale, to swim like a fish. 4. No problem. It’s as easy as pie (ABC). 5. Have a look! After this awful quarrel she is sleeping like an innocent child. 6. She is as happy as a bride on her wedding day. 7. Bill wants his wife to be as quiet as a lamb. 8. Jack built a house, which was as safe as a fortress. 9. Eugene dressed like a London dandy. 10. The holiday was sad, like Christmas without a fir tree and presents. 11. You are like a second family to me! 12. No, he won’t give up his silly idea. He is as obstinate as a mule. 13. I can’t treat these people with sympathy. They turned my life into a mess. 14. Scarlett was in despair when Rhett left her. 15. “What’s your name?” he asked in a whisper. - “Sandy,” she answered in a low voice. Задание 120 1. the, a 2. the, the 3. the, the 4. the, the 5. the, the, a 6. a, - 7. the, the 8. a, -, the, the 9. the, the, a 10. the, the 11. the, -, the, the 12. a, - 13. a, - 14. a, - 15. the, - 16. the, a 17. the, - 18. the, the 19. the, - 20. an, - Задание 121 1. We need a box of tiles to repair the roof of the garage. 2. The heart of (a) woman is unpredictable. 3. You’ll find a big supermarket at the very end of the street. 4. The eyes of a person are the mirror of his soul. 5. There was a figure of a soldier on the grand piano. 6. The figure of a top model should be ideal. 7. Every man is the architect of his happiness. 8. I always have with me a portrait of my son. 9. Are you going to the shop? Will you buy a jar of honey for me? 10. He took a big mouthful of whisky and choked. 11. To make this cake I need a tin of condensed milk. 12. The wisdom of a person depends to a great extent on his life experience. 13. He had a sense of humour, which had always helped him in hard times. 14. Put a lump of sugar in the tea, but not more. 15. I need a pretty sum of money to start a business of my own. 16. The siren of a police car made me give a start. 17. I won’t forget you to the end of my life. 18. Let’s go out. I need a breath of fresh air. Задание 123 1. Day by day the weather is getting better. 2. Day after day she dreamt of the meeting with him. 3 She is getting more and more beautiful. 4. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. 5. We got soaked from head to foot. 6. A storm started and the speed boat was thrown from side to side. 7. The book is so interesting 381
that I know it from cover to cover. 8. They faced all the difficulties shoulder to shoulder. 9. They came to the meeting arm in arm. 10. She knew that from start to finish it was a wrong choice. 11. Day by day my French is getting better. 12. Have you ever met him face to face? 13. She keeps her money under lock and key. 14. Driver and car became one whole. 15. Mother and child are very close to each other. 16. There should be understanding between father and son. 17. Master and helper worked from morning till night. 18. They are inseparable, like hand and glove. 19. They are very poor and live from hand to mouth. 20. A lady in red is dancing with me cheek to cheek. Задание 125 1. a 2. a 3. - 4. the 5. an, a 6. the 7. - 8. a 9. a 10. a 11. the, the -, - 12. the 13. the 14. - 15. the 16. - Задание 126 1. He is a famous physicist, an expert in his field. 2. Mickey Mouse, the famous cartoon character, is loved by all children. 3. We were looking forward to September, the month of our wedding. 4. Jackie, the daughter of a famous politician, decided to become an actress. 5. Aunt Sonya and Uncle Anton always send me wonderful presents for Christmas. 6. The Paintings of the painter Turner are widely exhibited in the National Gallery in London. 7. King George III was a very educated man. 8. Agatha Christie, “the Queen of the Crime”, was an outstanding person. 9. The dog, a huge sheepdog, guarded the house at night. 10. Jack Watts, a commentator, works on (the) BBC. 11. Vladimir Nabokov, the world famous Russian writer, was the master of style. 12. My neighbour, a tax officer, says that he has a very difficult job. 13. Jeoffrey Chaucer, the founder of English Literature, lived an interesting life. 14. Edwin Land, a college student, invented the Polaroid Camera. 15. Levis Strauss, a German emigrant, is the inventor of the trousers, which were named after his name. 16. The vase, a real work of art, was brought by my Grandfather from the East. 17. King Arthur is often compared with the Tsar Peter the Great. 18. Mr. Peacock, a dietician, often says that we are what we eat. 19. Could you tell me who is President of the Dominican Republic? 20. Kiwi, a tropical fruit, is rich in vitamin C. Задание 128 1. the 2. the 3. the, the 4. the, the, the 5. the, the 6. a, a 7. the, the, the, the 8. the 9. the 10. the, the 11. -, - 12. the, the 13. the 14. the 15. a 16. the 17. -,-18. a 19. the 20. the, the, the 382
Задание 130 Название страны Прилага- тельное Житель страны Совокуп- ность жителей Название языка 1. Russia Russian a Russian the Russians Russian 2. Britain British a Briton the British English 3. China Chinese a Chinese the Chinese Chinese 4. The USA American an American the Ameri- cans English 5. Hungary Hungarian a Hungarian the Hunga- rians Hungarian people 6. Finland Finnish a Finn the Finns Finnish 7. Spain Spanish a Spaniard the Spanish Spanish 8. Turkey Turkish a Turk the Turks Turkish 9. Scotland Scottish a Scot the Scots the Scottish 10. Holland Dutch a Dutchman the Dutch Dutch 11. Denmark Danish a Dane the Danes Danish 12. Egypt Egyptian an Egyptian the Egyp- tians Arabic 13. Sweden Swedish a Swede the Swedes Swedish 14. Israel Israeli an Israeli the Israelis Hebrew 15. Belgium Belgian a Belgian the Belgians Dutch, French, German 16. Portugal Portuguese a Portu- guese the Portu- guese Portu- guese 17. Australia Australian an Austra- lian the Austra- lians English 18. The Czech a Czech the Czechs Czech Czech Republic 19. Saudi Saudi a Saudi the Saudis Arabic Arabia 20. Poland Polish a Pole the Poles Polish 21. France French a French- man (woman) the French French 22. Germany German a German the Germans German 23. Italy Italian an Italian the Italians Italian 383
Задание 131 1. d 2. j 3. а 4. с 5. h 6. b 7, g 8. е 9. f 10. i Задание 132 A. 1. The Japanese are more industrious than the English. 2. The more snow, the better for the crops. 3. Americans are less formal than Europeans. 4. Most Danes speak good English, but you can’t say it about the French. 5. Don’t speak ill (badly) of the absent. 6. My house is the third to the right. You really can’t miss it. 7. The stronger the storm, the sooner it will pass. 8. The experienced know that experience is the best teacher. 9. All over the world dogs are used for detecting explosives and drugs. 10. Don is the taller of the two brothers. 11. My neighbour works in a school for deaf and dumb. 12. The Scots love their mountainous country. 13. I am a cosmopolitan, though I am a conservative. 14. He wears clothes of a quiet grey. 15.1 had a cup of tea, then a second, a third, and only after the fourth I understood that I was satisfied. 16. The Japanese live longer than other peoples. В. 1. - Will eight o’clock be all right with you? - Yes, the earlier, the better. 2.,Even for the most intelligent and experienced it’s a very difficult job. 3. Let’s forget all the worst and hope for the best. 4. There came an explosion, then a second, and a third and silence fell again. 5. It’s very unwise to accuse the young. The old must try to understand them. 6. These offensive words touched her to the quick. 7. We all hope that the answer will be in the positive. 8. The forecast promises that the weather at last will be changing for the better. 9. My brother is an incurable romantic. He believes in the best in people. 10. A year passed, then a second, but there were still no letters. 11. The Swiss often say that life in Switzerland is very dull. 12. The sky was a pale-blue, and the sea - a dark green. 13. The Dutch live in Holland and they speak Dutch. 14. We were sitting in the cool of our secret garden and were enjoying the quiet of the evening. 15. - How is this serial called? - “The Bold and the* Beautiful”. 16. Now this theatre is staging the play after the novel by F. Dostoevsky “The Possessed”. Задание 133 1. the, the, the 2. an, the, the 3. -, the, - 4. the, - 5. -, a 6. a. the, a 7. the, the, the 8. a, the 9. -, the, a 10. the, -11. -, the, a 12. the, the, a 13. the, the, a, the 14. a, the, the, - 15. an, -, - 16. the, the, the 17. a, a 18. the, a, - Задание 134 1. -, the, a 2. a, a 3. -, a, -, - 4. a, the, the, the 5. a (the), the, the 6. the, a, - 7. -, the, - 8. -, the, -, the 9. a, the, the, the 10. -, the, 384
11. the, a, - 12. a, - 13. a, the, the, the, the, - 14. the, the,~4 — *5. the, an 16. the, a, the 17. the, a, - 18. a, the, - Задание 135 1. an, a, a, a (the) 2. the. a 3. the, the, - 4. the, a, the, a, the 5. a, a 6. the, a, the 7. a, -, - 8. the 9. the, the, the, the, - 10. the, a, -11. the, a, the 12. the, a, -, -13. a, -, a 14. a, a 15. the, the, a 16. a, a, a 17. the, the, a, the 18. the, a, a Задание 136 1. the, the, the, the. -, - 2. the, the. the, -, - 3. the, the 4. the, the, an, an 5. a. a, the 6. a, the 7. the, a, the, -, - 8. the. the 9. a, a, the, the 10. a, -, a 11. a. the, a 12. a, a, a 13. the, the, the, the, the 14. the, the, the, - : the, - 15. the, -, the, the, a 16. the, the, the, the, a 17. the, a, the 18. a, the, an, a, a Задание 137 an. -. a. the. a, a, the, the. -, -. a? the. a? a, an! the? a, a, a, the, the. -, a. a. the, a! a. the, the, -, a, ~. the. -, a, the? a! a? -, -, - Задание 138 1. the, the. the, the. the, a 2. the, the, a. the, the. the. an. a, a. the. the. a. the, the, the, the, a. the. the, -, a 3. the. the. a. a, the. the. the! the. the. a, the. the 4. the, the, the, the. the Задание 139 l.a, a. a, a,-. a,-, a. an, the, the 2. the,-, the, an. a, the. a. the, a, a, a, the, the 3. ~. the, the. a, the. the, a, the, the. an. the. a, the, the, a, the, the 4. a, a, -. the, -, the, a Задание 140 My Day The day started wonderfully. I woke up early in the morning. The sun was shining brightly through the window. The birds were singing in the garden. “What a wonderful day!” - I thought. “A day off! What a joy!” I got up, made my bed and went to the bathroom, I always take a shower in the morning, and late in the evening I have a bath. I put on my jeans and a shirt and went to the kitchen. In half an hour I had breakfast. It was a light breakfast, but so tasty! Toast with jam and honey, a cup of hot coffee with milk, a piece of Swiss cheese. I turned on the radio: beautiful music was being broadcast. After breakfast I decided to have a rest: I lay on the divan with my favourite newspaper “Arguments and Facts.” I always prefer to learn about the latest news from papers, and not from the telly. And the news U-1112 385
was so interesting: the Japanese have invented a new electronic toy; a British airplane was hijacked to the Arab Emirates by a band of terrorists; the Dutch have grown up anew kind of the tulip; a group of Swedes has reached the highest peak of Middle Asia - Everest; the tiger is in danger of extinction and needs protection; the Government again is promising help to the poor, the sick and the old. An hour passed. The telephone rang. My friend, a young artist, invited me to the Tretyakov Picture Gallery, and then to a dinner in a restaurant. We had been at school together and then served in the Army. I took the invitation willingly, as I hadn’t seen my friend for a long time. To tell the truth, I am a sociable person and enjoy meeting my friends, talking with them and dining in a not very expensive restaurant. I got to the centre of the city by taxi, got out in Pyatnitskaya Street and walked to the Gallery. The exposition was amazing. Most of all I liked the paintings by Ivanov, Vrubel, Polenov, the Russian painters of the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The dinner at the Prague restaurant was excellent: an exotic salad, Czech borsch, fish in sauce, a bottle of white wine. A group of musicians was performing Russian and foreign songs. We had a lovely time. The day was coming to an end. A warm spring evening came. We slowly walked to the Alexandrovsky Garden, then to Manez Square, past the Kremlin and the Rossia Hotel. And here we parted, after promising each other to meet again in a fortnight. Задание 142 A. 1. it 2. him. 3. them 4. them 5; it 6. him 7. it 8. them 9. her 10. it 11. it 12. her 13. me 14. me 15. us В. 1. I, it 2. her 3. you 4. it, me 5. them, me 6. it, me 7. he, her 8. us 9. them 10. them 11. she, them 12. it, me 13. he, it 14. they, it 15. them 16. her, him Задание 143 A. l.my 2.your 3.his 4.her 5.our 6.their. B. l.her 2.his 3.their 4.your 5.my our. Задание 144 1. its 2. my 3. his 4. his 5. its 6. my 7. their 8. his 9. your 10. our 11. your 12. their 13. your 14. its 15. our Задание 145 1. your, hers 2. my, yours 3. our 4. their, theirs 5. your, my 6. your, mine 7. your, ours 8. his, hers 9. ours 10. their, ours 11. its 12. their 13. my, hers 14. my, your 15. our, theirs 386
Задание 146 1. - Is this his watch? - Yes, it’s his. And this is mine. 2. - Whose children are they? - Ours. They are playing with their friends. 3. - Did you do it for me? - No, for him. 4. This is my room, and that one is Boris’s. Mine is bigger than his. 5. Read this information, please. It will help you. 6. Her parents are very pleasant people. Do you know them? 7. My cat likes.to play with its own tail. 8. Is this her photo? Give it to me. 9. Where are my glasses? I can’t find them 10. Meet my friends. They are Lena and Alex .11. Our family likes to go to the Crimea. We like its nature. 12. - Will he stay with us for the weekend? - Speak with him about it. 13. Never discuss your personal problems at your work. 14. Wash your hands and join us for dinner. 15. Listen to advice but don’t always follow it. 16. My daughter doesn’t like big animals. 17. - The flowers are very beautiful. Did you see them? (Have you seen them?) - No, and who brought them? 18. Tim offered them to invite us to their wedding.“19. This money is his. Give it to him and thank him. 20. I am not interested in computer games. I don’t like them. 21. It’s a crocodile. Its teeth are very sharp. 22. I gave him my business card and he gave me his. 23. There is wonderful news! Have you heard it? 24. Where are my pyjamas? I can’t fall asleep without them. 25. - Did you phone to the police? - Yes, they are already coming here in their car. Задание 148 1. Who is this? - This is our new chief. - What is it? - It is his new car. 2. This is my room, and that one is John’s. 3. - Is this watch yours? - No, it’s my brother’s (watch). 4. Look at that picture. What do you see in it? 5. - How much is this jacket? - It isn’t very expensive. 6. Take that cake, it’s with chocolate. 7. What is this book about? 8. Whose is that chair? Can I take it? 9. These clothes are smalj for him. 10. These scissors are not sharp. Take them. 11. Do you see tnat house? I live in it. 12. - Do you know these people? - No, I don’t. 13. Which bag is yours? That or this one? 14. This music is so sad. 15. These letters are for him. 16. Which photos do you like more? Those or these ones? Задание 149 1. this 2. that 3. that 4. that 5. Qiese 6. those 7. those 8. these 9. this. 10. this 11. this 12. these 13. these 14. that 15. those Задание 150 1. some 2. any 3. any 4. some 5. any 6. some 7. no 8. any 9. some 10. some 11. some, some 12. any, some 13. any 14. any, some 15. no, some 16. some, any 17. any 18. no, some 19. some, any 20. no 21. some 22. some 13 387
Задание 151 1. Does he have any bad habits? He doesn’t have any bad habits. 2. Did you write any letters to your sister-in-law? I didn’t write any letters to my sister-in-law. 3. Is there anything special in this boy? There is nothing special in this boy. 4. Did the children hear anything about Robinson Cruseo? The children didn’t hear anything about Robinson Cruseo. 5. Has she got any good friends at the University? She hasn’t got any good friends at the University. 6. Do any (some) birds fly to the South in autumn? Some birds don’t fly to the South in autumn. 7. Did they make any mistakes in the tests? They didn’t make any mistakes in the tests. 8. Would you like some hot sweet tea with lemon? I wouldn’t like any hot sweet tea. 9. Did anything happen while I was away? Nothing happened while 1 was away. 10. Did he give you some (any) time to think? He didn’t give me any time to think. 11. Is there any toast in the oven? There is some toast in the oven. 12. Would you like anything (something) new to put on? I wouldn’t like anything new to put on. 13. Did the manager take any decision? The manager didn’t take any decision. 14. Do you like some (any) of Burns’s poems? I don’t like some of Burns’s poems. 16. Are there any good films on TV tonight? There are not any good films on TV tonight. 16. Has anybody left nice flowers for you? Nobody has left nice flowers for you. 17. Are there any apple-trees in your garden? There aren’t any apple-trees in our garden. 18. Did the millionaire buy any pictures at the auction? The millionaire didn’t buy any pictures at the auction. 19. Did the Ronins save any money for holidays? The Ronins didn’t save any money for holidays. 20. Would you like to change anything in your life? I wouldn’t like to change anything in my life. 21. Must children have any (some) pocket money? Children mustn’t have any pocket money. Задание 152 1. something 2. somebody 3. anything 4. nothing 5. anybody 6. nothing 7. nothing 8. anybody, nobody 9. nothing 10. anything, something 11. something 12. anything, nothing 13. nobody 14. anything 15. anybody, anything Задание 153 1. Somebody has come. Are you waiting for anyone? 2. The doctor wrote something on a piece of paper and gave it to me. 3. Look! Someone has left his bag here. 4. He is a businessman. He hasn’t got any free time. 5. You must walk in any weather. 6. There are not any stars in the sky, only the.moon. 7. Any teacher knows, that the most difficult thing is to put marks. 8. - Has anything happened? - Nothing has happened. 9. - Are there any flowers in your house? - Yes, there are some. 10. It’s too late. Nothing can be done. 11. Misha, did you learn 388
any English words yesterday? 12. When he is ill, he can’t eat? anything. 13. - Are there any vacant seats in the hall? - Yes, there are some; 14. Any girl wants to get married. 15. There was something strange in that man. 16. Nothing will make me work on weekends. 17. I haven’t got any tea. Have you got any? 18. - Did anyone call today? - Nobody did. 19. Some people don’t follow any rules. 20. Anyone who wants to get a prize must take part in the game. 21. - Would you like some salad? - No, thank you. Give me, please, some juice. 22. There is nothing difficult in this game. 23. Is there anything interesting in today’s paper? 24. Nobody has come. Maybe someone will come tomorrow. 25. - Have you got any questions? - No, we haven’t got any questions. Задание 155 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. a 10. c 11. b 12. b 13. b 14. a 15. a Задание 156 1. a few 2. few 3. a few 4. few 5. few 6. a few 7. few 8. few 9. a few 10. a little 11. little 12. a little 13. little 14. a little 15. a little 16. a little 17. little 18. a little 19. little 20. little Задание 157 1. Fortunately, I have a few friends who will help me. 2. Unfortunately, I have few friends. 3. You work little. Work a little. 4. He is a man of few words. He can say all in a few words. 5. There is little snow this year. But there is still a little snow in the forest. 6. We need a few dollars and a little luck. 7.‘ She is wearing little make-up and jewellery today. 8. I need a few minutes to make a little coffee. 9. Camels need little water. It’s enough for them to have a little water once a month. 10. There was little understanding between father and son. 11. This child needs a little love and support. 12. This boy has speech defects and few people understand him. 13. Marina has made a little progress. Now she makes few mistakes. 14. Few people can be happy without love. 15. I have a few problems and too little time to solve them. 16. You help me little (you don’t help me much). Can you help me a little today? 17. We have a little butter, but little cheese. 18. You think little. Think a little before you answer. 19. Let’s talk a little, maybe we’ll be able to make a few decisions. Задание 158 1. We haven’t any bananas. 2. There isn’t any news for him. 3. He hasn’t given any reason for this. 4. They didn’t have any plans for the future. 5. Betty isn’t a fool. 6. It’s not a problem at all. 7. There isn’t any juice in the jug. 8. We don’t need any food today. 9. Being 389
very poor, he didn’t get any education. 10. Ted didn’t bring any flowers. 11.1 haven’t got any time for sport now. 12. Simon hasn’t got* any money, a job, or a family. 13. Not a single politician is completely honest. 14. There isn’t any bread left. 15. We didn’t meet any policemen in the park. 16. There isn’t any sense in making people unhappy. 17. I haven’t a brother or a sister. 18. He hasn’t given us any advice on the matter. 19. I am not an expert on electronics. 20. It doesn’t make any sense. Задание 159 В. 1.-2. the 3. the 4. - 5. the 6. the 7. the 8. the 9. - 10. the Задание 160 A. 1. A play, games, people, children, books, a TV-set, a printer, matches, jobs, bananas, holidays. 2. Happines, furniture, coffee, jogurt, a table, music, hair, snow, money, news, wood, rain, sunshine, work,success, soup, nonsense. В. 1. many women 2.many sheep 3. much knowledge 4. many children 5. many stories 6.many hobbies 7. much furniture 8. many apples 9.many mice 10. many deer 11.many reasons 12. much air 13. many languages 14. many mountains 15. much hair 16. many geese 17. much freedom 18. many teenagers 19much cash 20. many blouses Задание 163 1. I haven’t got many friends, but they are all good friends. 2. Linda hasn’t got much time. She can’t go with us. 3. My parents haven’t got much money. They can’t work hard (much). 4. I go to the shops in the evening, because at this time there are not many people there. 5. There are not many flowers in our dacha, but there are a lot of trees. 6. - How many apples a day do you eat? - Not many, one.or two. 7. - How much fruit shall I buy? - Not very much. 8. - How many words are there in this dictionary? - Not many. 9. There is not much news in today’s paper. 10. There is not much sunshine in the North in winter. 11. We didn’t have much luck at the competition. 12. We didn’t have much fun at the party. 13. There are not many books on that shelf. 14. There is not much information in this file. 15. They haven’t got many chances, so they haven’t got much hope to win. 16. - Do you have much coffee? - Not much, but I have a lot of green tea. 17. Hurry up, we have very little time and a lot of work to do. Задание 167 1. I have cut myself and I am sorry for myself. 2. She hasn’t got a boss. She works for herself. 3. Do you ever talk to yourself? Many 390
people talk to themselves. 4. We must believe in ourselves. 5. Before every match Andrew wished himself good luck. 6. I had to pinch myself to believe that it was true. 7. The sick woman can’t take care of herself so far. 8. Don’t be sorry for them, they will manage their problems themselves. 9. And will you introduce yourself, young man? 10. He mustn’t blame himself for that incident. He himself did his best. 11. Be careful, you may hurt yourself! 12. You can’t be proud of yourself. You must tell yourself that you are absolutely wrong. 13. Wish yourself good luck before the exam. Задание 168 1. g 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. c 6. e 7. h 8. f Задание 169 A. 1. They kissed and parted. 2. He hadn’t seen her for two weeks already and had missed her a lot. 3. He refused the tea. 4. John is already coming down. 5. The train is already starting. 6. Every morning she wakes up at seven o’clock. 7. Go away, and we shall meet later. 8. The cup broke into small pieces. 9. He went bankrupt within a day. 10. She washed, powdered her face and dressed for breakfast. В. 1. He devoted himself to music. 2. Nobody must deceive himself. 3. Make yourself comfortable and help yourself to the pie. 4. He sees himself as the centre of the Universe. 5. I persuaded myself to help them. 6. The disease spreads itself very fast. 7. I found myself alone in a completely strange city. 8. And now, dear, put yourself to bed. 9. Peter defended himself as hard as he could. 10. Ten little niggers went to have dinner. One overslept himself, another choked himself, the third hanged himself... 11. Collect yourself (pull yourself together), you are a man! 12. Take care of yourself! 13. She lives all by herself. 14. John did the work by himself. 15. He himself told me everything. 16. The composer himself cDnducted the orchestra. 17. History repeats itself. Задание 171 1. a thick brown paper package 2. a large round wooden dining- table 3. a tiny green glass jug 4. a fat black Persian cat 5. two pretty young first-year Russian students 6. complete reliable new English dictionaries 7. my best dark blue cotton jeans 8. a lot of intelligent young Japanese programmers 9. a few fashionable red silk dresses 10. narrow dark foggy old London streets 11. many efficient young English bank clerks 12. the first really important international congress 13. his really interesting last five paintings 14. big bright Mexican straw hats 15. French-made non-stick frying pans 391
Задание 172 1. higher, the highest 2. hotter, the hottest 3. funnier, the funniest 4. cooler, the coolest 5. sweeter, the sweetest 6. thinner, the thinnest 7. wider, the widest 8. wiser, the wisest 9. more famous, the most famous 10. more pleasant, the most pleasant 11. more careful, the most careful 12. busier, the busiest 13. prettier, the prettiest 14. clever, the clevest 15. bigger, the biggest 16. older, the oldest 17. later, the latest; the latter, (the) last 18. farther, the farthest; further, the furthest 19. nearer, the nearest, (the) next 20. earlier, the earliest 21. worse, the worst 22. better, the best 23. more impotant, the most important 24. more interesting, the most interesting 25. more serious, the most serious 26. more friendly, the most friendly 27. more convenient, the most convenient 28. more comfortable, the most comfortable Задание 173 1. worse 2. better 3. bigger 4. cleverer (more clever) 5. brighter 6. more intelligent 7. more sensible 8. more polite 9. harder 10. more sensitive 11. more serious 12. cooler 13. more honest 14. more comfortable 15. more elegant Задание 174 1. happier, the happiest 2. prettier, the prettiest 3. - 4. shyer, the shyest 5. ~ 6. dryer, the dryest 7. simpler, the simplest 8. more joyful, the most joyful 9. more accurate, the most accurate 10. more real, the most real 11. sweeter, the sweetest 12.-13. more polite, the most polite 14. angrier, the angriest 15. more well-known, the most well-known 16 -17. more fine-looking, the most fine-looking 18. more kind-hearte<i, the most kind-hearted 19. more old-fashioned, the most old-fashioned 20. more light-minded, the most light-minded 21. more absent-minded» the most absent-minded 22. more broad-minded, the most broad-minded 23. more well-bred, the most well-bred 24-27. - Задание 175 1. More noisy than 2. not so good as 3. not so interesting as 4. afl pretty as 5. easier than 6. as difficult as 7. easier than 8. more important than 9. as good as 10. not so bad as 11. as harmful as 12* as old as 13. not so interesting as 14. as long as 15. not so clever ae 16. as long as 17. as competent as 18. not so expensive as 19. more economical than 20. as early as Задание 177 1. Of the two sisters Emma is more pretty but less clever. 2. Of the four brothers Robert was the most energetic. 3. He is a better tennis player than I am. 4. Hose is the best player in this football 392
team. 5. Try to make your composition as short as possible, but don’t forget to express the most important things. 6. More and more people want to study English and they need better textbooks. 7. David Copperfield is the most wonderful magician I have ever seen. 8. It was the worst day in Charles’s life. 9. Which of these two medicines is more effective? 10. My Grandma grows the most beautiful flowers in our dacha. 11. There is nothing better than a cup of strong hot tea. 12. Now many people have to work harder (much more) than before. 13. There is nothing more important for her than (her) family. 14. The sooner you understand it the better. 15. My birthday is the most wonderful day in the year. Задание 178 A. 1. the latest 2. the last 3. later 4. the latest, later 5. the former, the latter 6. the last 7. the latest 8. last, the last В. 1. nearer 2. the next (the nearest) 3. the nearest 4. next 5. the next 6. the next C. 1. older 2. old 3. the oldest 4. elder 5. the eldest D. 1. far.2. far 3. far 4. farther 5. the farthest 6. further 7. further 8. further 9. further 10. the farthest (furthest) Задание 179 1. - Is your friend older than you? - Yes, she is two years older than me. 2. George is the oldest of the four brothers. 3. My elder brother is a good sportsman. 4. We shall have to wait for further instructions. 5. Late at night we arrived at the last station. 6. The last experiments gave interesting results. 7. It was the last time we saw him. 8. Last time we had such a good time. 9. Go to the nearest McDonald’s and have a snack. 10. We had farther seats and we couldn’t hear the actors well. 11. How many years is your elder sister older than you? 12. It was A. Christie’s last novel. 13= You should find a flat nearer to your parents. 14. His latest song is a hit. 15. Next time be more sensible. 16. He uses the latest methods in his work. Задание 180 1. c 2. к 3. e 4. d 5. b 6.1 7. a 8. f 9. g 10. h 11. i 12. j 13. m 14. a Задание 181 1. always comes 2. are always on time 3. will always remember 4. is Probably sleeping 5. have finally finished 6. you always eat 7. hardly ever knows 8. usually comes 9. is usually here 10. will probably be here 11. often stays home 12. is often at home 13. will probably stay home 14. finally wrote 15. is finally over 16. have finally finished 17. 393
you usually study 18. Is the teacher ever absent? 19. you just say 20. you generally eat 21. you sometimes feel 22. occasionally stays Задание 182 1. The Spanish speak very fast. 2. He runs fast (quickly), he is a sportsman, isn’t he? 3. Don’t come home late. 4. It’s raining hard. 5. Listen to the news attentively. 6. My wife cooks badly, but she sings well. 7. I understand perfectly what you mean. 8. Cross the street carefully. 9. If you know the alphabet you will easily read the word. 10. He was breathing heavily, he had been running very quickly. 11. The sun is shining brightly, clouds are sailing slowly in the sky. 12. Think fast, speak slowly. 13. The tourists came to the railway station too early. 14. Sometimes women drive a car very carelessly. 15. Suddenly the inspector realized what the matter was. 16. She is a ballet dancer and she moves very beautifully (gracefully). 17. It snows heavily in February. 18. Ivan Nicolaevich always speaks loudly. He is (the) headmaster of the school. 19. - Does Thomas travel much? - Yes, he is a reporter. 20. - Do you know him well? - No, I know him badly. Задание 183 1. faster, fastest 2. harder, hardest 3. later, latest 4. more slowly, most slowly 5. more carefully, most carefully 6. more clearly, most clearly 7. more fluently, most fluently 8. more regularly, most regularly 9. more intensively, most intensively 10. better, best 11. worse, worst 12. farther, farthest; further, furthest 13. more, most 14. less,least Задание 184 1. 1,2 2. 2,1 3. 1,2 4. 1,2 5. 2,1 6. 1,2 7. 1,2 8. 2,19. 1, 2 10. 2,1 11. 2,1 Задание 185 1. Sooner or later, but it will certainly happen. 2. Mary bravely went to the policeman, she was a brave girl. 3. All is well that ends well. 4. They will do this well and quickly. They are good specialists. 5. Better late than never. 6. Though we went by an early train, still we arrived late. 7. It’s better to do well than to speak well. 8. Bad news travels fast. 9. Speak little, do much. 10. He works hard, but can hardly earn his living. 11. - Why are you sighing so heavily? - The suitcase is so heavy. 12. Unfortunately the car is out of order. 13. I definitely think that they must act immediately. 14. - She is a real lady. Do you really think so? 15. The new secretary takes her duties seriously. 16. We never talked about such things directly. 17. The scientist expressed his ideas clearly and naturally. 18. She cooks professionally and does it 394
automatically. 19. - How is Andrew? - Thank you, he is fine. 20. He often helps the poor and feels good about it. 21. This man will go far. Задание 186 A. 1. ten 2. five 3. the seventh 4. two 5. he third 6. twenty-one 7. fifteenth 8. two 9. a second 10. a second 11. two, three 12. three, a fourth 13. four, the fourteenth 14. six, the third, forty 15. the twentieth В. 1. My house is the third to the right. 2. Excercise ten is on the thirteenth page. 3. Sentence six is not correct, but the seventh is correct. 4. I didn’t like the first part of the film, but the second one is much better. 5.-Four is a good mark. 6. A month passed, then a second, and a third, but still there was no news. 7. My father’s birthday is on the eighth of March. And when is yours? 8. Two is a company and three is not. 9. Room thirty is on the third floor. 10. The meeting will take.place at two o’clock on the second floor in room number three. 11. His office is in the Fifth Avenue on the fortieth floor. Задание 187 1. be-was/were-been-being 2. begin-began-begun-beginning 3. bring-brought-brought-bringing 4. build-built-built-building 3. choose-chose-chosen-choosing 6. cost-cost-cost-costing 7. do- did-done-doing 8. drive-drove-driven-driving 9. fall-fell-fallen- falling 10. feel-felt-felt-feeling 11. fly-flew-flown-flying 12. go- went-gone-going 13. have-had-had-having 14. hear-heard-heard- hearing 15. leave-left-left-leaving 16. lie-lay-lain-lying 17. lay- laid-laid-layng 18. lie-lied-lied-lying 19. light—1 it—lit—lighting 20. read-read-read-reading 21. rise-rose-risen-rising 22. say- said-said-saying 23. speak-spoke-spoken-speaking 24. swim-swam- swuin-swimming 25. teach-taught-taught-teaching 26. think- thought-thought-thinking 27. wake-woke-woken-waking 28. wear- wore-worn-wearing 29. win-won-won-winning 30. write-wrote- written-writing Задание 191 1. Megan helps her mother. 2. My father gets up at seven every morning. 3. The old man likes to go for a walk in the morning. 4. Martin prefers coffee to tea. 5. The teacher spends a lot of money on books. 6. Eddie does nothing during his holidays. 7. The clerk finishes the day’s work at six o’clock. 8. My sister likes to look at the shop windows. 9. My neighbours paint their house every year. 10- The director sometimes forgets people’s names. 11. Matilda sits at the back of the class. 12. A pupil makes mistakes sometimes. 13. My boyfriend plays tennis. 14. Grace never wears a hat in the summer. 15. A postman begins work very early in the morning. 395
Задание 192 1. Does, f 2. Do, h 3. Does, e 4. Do, a 5. Does, b 6. Do, 1 7. Do, c 8. Does, d 9. Does, к 10. Does, g 11. Do, j 12. Does, i Задание 196 1. Information rules the world. 2. Every evening he goes out for a walk in the park. 3. I like to read English journals and my brother likes to solve crosswords. 4. Plants grow well in a warm climate. 5. Nobody knows where he lives. 6. This professor speaks five languages. 7. Who has anything to eat? 8. It often rains in London. 9. Mr. Cobby owns this firm. 10. When do you usually have holidays? 11. We don’t have a break during the lecture. 12. Your son usually has dinner at the University, doesn’t he? 13. It snows in Russia in winter. 14. Love works miracles. 15. - Do you have any neighbours? - No, I have a private house. 16. - You understand me, don’t you? - Yes, I see that you are right. 17. He works from morning till night and he enjoys his work. 18. ~ He is always late for class. - Yes, he never comes on time. 19. She never agrees with you, does she? 20. Why are you so angry with me? Задание 198 1. Is it raining? 2. is sleeping 3. am standing and speaking 4. is eating and listening 5. is not raining, is shining, is, are flying 6. is sitting, is writing 7. are...taking, is explaining 8. are...listening, are...thinking 9. is...doing, is doing 10. is snowing 11. are...sitting 12. is doing 13. is setting 14. am looking 15. is teaching 16. is taking Задание 200 1. Do you see, I am talking, is wearing, do you know him, don’t think so 2. are having, have, are playing, like, are sunbathing, are listening, hear 3. am thinking, grow, think 4. do...believe, are...talking about, exist 5. tastes, like, are having, prefer 6. are...thinking, am thinking, don’t believe, think Задание 201 1. - Where are the children? - They are cleaning their room and doing their beds. They usually do it after breakfast. 2. I am afraid that I shall lose this game. I am playing badly today, though usually I play much better. 3. - What is your brother doing? - He is doing a crossword, he does it every day. 4. She usually wears official costumes, but today she is wearing a charming small dress. 5. I am feeling so homesick! I always miss my people when I leave the house. 6. This spring my elder brother is leaving his job. In (the) summer he is starting his own business. 7. - Do you often see Kate? - Almost every day. She is 396
coming for a cup of tea at five o’clock. 8. Why are you always losing everything? You are getting on my nerves! 9. Every weekend my neighbour is drilling the walls and there is no end to it. 10. Natasha is writing a course paper now. She is trying hard to find some interesting material. 11. Winter is coming. Birds are flying to warm countries, the nature is preparing for a long sleep. 12. I like to look at people when I go by metro early in the morning. Some are sleeping, others are reading. In general our people read a lot. Some are doing crosswords, others are examining people just like I do (I am doing). 13. - What are you doing tomorrow? - Nothing special, we are staying at home. 14. I am meeting with Eugene on Saturday night and we are going to the theatre. 15. - Who is he phoning all the time? - His girl. He calls her five times a day and is constantly discussing his clothes with her. 16. - I am dying of hunger. - And I am just cooking dinner. 17. - And aren’t you thinking of selling this house? - Yes, after dinner some people are coming to see it. 18. - Why are you drinking only water and aren’t eating the cake and the sweets? - I am slimming. Задание 202 1. known 2. met 3. seen 4. finished 5. had 6. gone 7. called 8. fallen 9. been 10. eaten 11. written 12. studied 13. come 14. flown 15. started 16. read 17. cut 18. begun 19. paid 20. stayed Задание 204 1. have known 2. has been cold 3. has learned 4. has finished 5. has been sick 6. haven’t written 7. have never met 8. has never visited 9. has already called and invited 10. have you been 11. has gone 12. have you ever eaten 13. have been married 14. have told 15. has come 16. has already learned 17. haven’t heard 18. haven’t worn 19. have ever loved 20. haven’t heard, has come Задание 205 1. You have changed, Dmitri! You have become a different man! 2. You have gone too far. It’s time to stop, isn’t it? 3. - The business has failed! - I am not surprised. The partners have never trusted each other. 4. - Why are you all so happy? - The manager has just given us all a day off. 5. We have lived another day, and that’s great! 6. We can’t be friends after all that you have done. 7. He has been with this girl for two years. 8. We have come to say good-bye. We are leaving in two days. 9. The Planet Hollywood has just opened a restaurant in Cannes. 10. He has been to East Africa several times, so he speaks Swahili quite well. 11. Have I said anything silly? I am sorry. 12. I am going to the shop. We have run out of sugar. 13. Well, I have read your work and have decided to give you a “five”. 14. I 397
need to know what I have done wrong. 15. I shall (will) do as my mother has always taught me. 16. We have known her for ten years and she has always been a workaholic. 17. Well, I have said all I wanted to say on this question. 18. There is something that I have never told you. Задание 207 1. given 2. told 3. done 4. fallen 5. taken 6. ridden 7. driven 8. got 9. broken 10. hidden 11. worn 12. drunk 13. sung 14. taught 15. stolen 16. grown 17. swum 18. thrown 19. caught 20. lent Задание 209 1. for 2. since 3. since 4. for 5. since 6. for 7. since 8. since 9. for 10. since 11. for 12. for Задание 210 1. I hope I haven’t made a single mistake in this work. 2. He is happy because he has fallen in love with a wonderful girl. 3. - Have you ever been in a desert? - No, but I was (have been) in the jungle of the Amazon. 4. I have always liked the English language. 5. I see that you have changed your mind. Has anything happened? 6. Many years have passed since they parted. 7. I haven’t been to the library for a long time, since I passed the exam. 8. Thank you, you’ve saved mjrlife. 9. He has never been to Alaska, has he? 10. - How long has he been here? - He has been here since morning. 11. - How many times have you been to the Bolshoi theatre? - I haven’t been there so far. 12. It hasn’t rained here for a month. 13. I haven’t rested (had a rest) this year yet. 14. The snow has stopped (it has stopped snowing) and the sun is shining. 15. She has never seen the sea. 16. How much (money) have you spent on the party? 17. You have never flown by a baloon, have you? 18. - I haven’t seen you for ages, where have you been all this time? -1 have just returned from Australia. * 19. They are friends. They have been friends since childhood. 20. I haven’t had anything to eat since morning. Have you cooked anything for us? Задание 212 1. have finished, finished 2. Have you ever eaten..., have eaten, ate 3. have you visited, have visited, was 4. Has he already talked, has talked, was 5. has already had lunch, had 6. have just seen, saw 7. has already called, called 8. haven’t read, bought 9. has just gone..., left 10. haven’t seen, have you been, came 11. did you last hear..., haven’t heard, went 12. have won,did it happen 13. has broken,slipped and fell 14. has it rained, rained 15. has begun, began 398
Задание 213 1. I bought this dictionary long ago. I haven’t bought any new books for a long time. 2. Last time he had ice-cream last summer. He hasn’t had any sweet things lately. 3. We saw this man long ago. We don’t even remember his face. 4. - Have you known him for a long time? - Yes, we met long ago, about twenty years ago. 5. Frank hasn’t seen his children for a long time and has missed them lot. 6. - Did he come long ago? - He didn’t leave anywhere, he has been here all the time. 7. Yesterday I read the new journal for a long time. I haven’t read this novel for so long (such a long time), I forgot (don’t remember) what it is about. 8. The young people dated for a long time and then parted. 9. We haven’t met for ages! How long you’ve been away! 10. My friend was to the Far East long ago. He hasn’t visited his relatives for a very long time. 11. - How long have you been here? - Oh, I came long ago, three hours ago. 12. She cooked dinner long ago, about two hours ago. She hasn’t baked anything for a long time, we must ask her to make a cake. 13. This story happened long ago. Nothing interesting has happened to me for so long. 14. - Did they get married long ago? - Yes, they have been married for a 'ong time. 15. - Did you get this flat long ago? - Yes, we have had it for a long time. Задание 217 1. - How long have you already been watching this serial? - I have been watching it for a month already and I still can’t understand what is going on there. 2. The talks have been on for two hours already, but the presidents haven’t signed the papers yet. 3. And why are you silent? Have you been talking about me again? 4. Sonny, why are your trousers dirty? Have you been playing football again? 5. It has been raining all day long, and I have left my umbrella at home. 6. I am going to have a shower. I have been working in the garden. 7. Jeans have been in fashion for more than a century. People have been wearing them all this time. Do you wear jeans? 8. The dog lias been looking for a bomb in this building for three hours already, but hasn’t found anything yet. 9. We have been repairing the flat since spring and we are (have got) very tired. 10. I am worried about him. All day long he has been sitting, doing and saying nothing. 11. I’ve been thinking about you since we first met. 12. The team has been training hard all through the winter, but it hasn’t won a single game yet. 13. - Why are you so angry? - I have lost my travelling card again. I have been looking for it since morning, but it has disappeared. 14. My mother has been teaching the French language since 1990. 15. The roofs of the houses are covered with snow. It has been snowing at night. 399
Задание 218 1. smoke, have you been smoking, have been smoking, was, have been smoking, want, plan, have decided 2. has been absent, has anyone seen, saw, has been 3. is talking, is she talking to, have been talking, has (has had) 4. have, plan, have...been, was, lives, go 5, is studying, has he been studying, does he study Задание 219 The Philosophy of Life It is a hot summer day in Ancient Rome. A philosopher is crossing the Tiber in a small boat. During the passage he asks the boatman, “Have you ever heard about Philosophy?” “No,” answers the boatman, “I have never heard about it. What is it?” “I am very sorry for you,” answers the learned man, “you have lost a quarter of your life, because it’s a very interesting science!” They have been sailing for a few minutes already, when the philosopher asks the boatman again, “And did you hear about Astronomy when you were at school?” “No, I left school many years ago and I have forgotten everything. I don’t remember anything,” answers the boatman. To this the philosopher says again that he is so very sorry for the boatman, and that the man has lost the second quarter of his life. Some minutes pass, and the philosopher asks the boatman a question, “And have you ever heard about Algebra?” The boatman has to admit that he has never heard anything about it. “In this case you have lost the third quarter of your life,” says the scientist. At that moment the boat runs on a big stone. The boatman jumps up and cries, “Have you ever learned to swim?” “No,” answers the scientist, “I have never studied swimming,” The boatman sadly explains to the philosopher that he has lost all his life, as the boat is sinking. The moral; in everyday life practical skills are sometimes more necessary and important than the knowledge of many sciences. Задание 221 1. Were you bom...? I wasn’t bom... .2. Were the students busy...? The students were not busy... . 3. Were you shy...? I was not shy... . 4. Did Mrs. Sweet teach...? Mrs. Sweet didn’t teach... . 5. Did you do...? We didn’t do... . 6. Did the scouts hear...? The scouts didn’t hear... . 7. Did your father read...? Your father didn’t read... . 8. Did it start raining...? It didn’t start raining... . 9. Did your group like...? Our group didn’t like... . 10. Did your little sister have...? My little sister didn’t have... .11. Did you have...? We didn’t have... . 12. Did your family have dinner...? Our family didn’t have dinner... .13. Did 400
you have...? We didn’t have... . 14. -Did she have to get up...? She didn’t have to get up... .15. Did it snow...? It didn’t snow... . Задание 223 1. Were you born...? 2.1 am always afraid... 3. happened 4. starts 5. were, phoned 6. has copied, came 7. rained, did not go... 8. made 9. talked, fell in love, got married 10. left, didn’t have lunch 11. came, had 12. were, did not have, had to... 13. worked, went, founded 14. did, was 15. paid, told, cost 16. arrived, bought 17. did the plane take off, took off 18. offered, sounded, agreed 19. waited, got, did not come 20. rained Задание 226 1. - Did it rain yesterday? - No, it was dry and sunny. We even went for a walk. 2. Our son said his first word when he was two years old. 3. Where and when was V. Nabokov born? 4. - Were you here when Mr. Mackenzie called? - No, I was out, but my secretary spoke to him. 5. It happened in London in 1995. It was early spring. 6. - What was the weather like on Sunday? - I have no idea, I slept (was sleeping) ail day long. 7. Last week she went to the hairdresser’s two times. She had her hair cut and dyed. 8. - When was your birthday? - On the twelfth of December. All my friends came to congratulate me. 9. - Who won the football championship in 1999? - The French team. 10. Our father took us to the Zoo last Sunday. We saw elephants, bears and tigers. But most of all we liked the monkeys. 11. - When did you visit the dentist last time? - Yesterday. I had a strong toothache. 12. As soon as the sun rose, it got warm and birds started singing. 13. The horror film lasted three hours and ended late at night. 14. During the exams Terry didn’t go anywhere and didn’t watch television, she worked hard. 15. I wanted to send a letter to my friend, but I didn’t have an envelope and a stamps. 16. - Did you have any classes yesterday? - No, it was a day off yesterday. 17. It was a fine day yesterday! We didn’t have to go to work, that was why we got up late, skiid in the park for a long time, then we had a tasty dinner, and in the evening we watched television and talked about life. We had a great timet 18. When I saw her, I at once understood that she was a real lady. 19. A drop of rain fell on my nose and I opened the umbrella. 20. He worked for FBI for many years, then he retired and took Up gardening. Задание 228 1. was working 2. was, felt 3. was having..., came, took 4. were you doing 5. were, were you doing... 6. was pouring, decided 7. rang, was sleeping 8. looked, was even wearing 9. saw, was selling 10. are you 401
doing, I am looking 11. dropped, was getting... 12. were working 13. was, were shouting 14. felt, was happening 15. was, were looking, was playing 16. are they doing, are planting 17. rose, was 18. was, was ticking, was burning, was playing 19. entered, was still typing 20. was lying, reading. Задание 229 1. I know Riga well. We lived there for ten years. 2. I prepared for the test for two hours yesterday. 3. He waited for her for half an hour and went to call her. 4. My brother went to school for ten years, and then entered the University. 5. On Sunday we walked in the park for two hours. When we were walking, we saw a squirrel. 6. Granny lay for an hour and them had tea. 7. Last week my family watched a Brazilian serial. While we were watching it, somebody got into the house. 8. Mother worked in the garden all day on Sunday. While she was working, father helped her. 9. I went in for dancing for three years, when I was at school. 10. When we came to the party, everybody was dancing. 11. The film lasted two hours. When we were leaving the cinema, we saw our friends. 12. - Yesterday I phoned you for half an hour. Where were you? - I was walking in the park. 13. When I came to Boris, he was working in the garage. He was washing his car and changing the oil. 14. The professor examined me for forty minutes. I answered well, made only one mistake and got a five. 15. - What were you doing yesterday when the light went out? - I was taking a shower. And what were you doing? - I was reading for my History exam. But I couldn’t read any longer and this morning I got up very early and read the textbook for two hours. Задание 230 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. c 9. c 10. c 11. a 12. c 13. b 14. b 15. b 16. b 17. c Задание 231 1. On Sundays I usually rise later than usual. 2. Please don’t raise your voice at me. I hate it. 3. Everybody understood that he was lying. 4. He lay (was lying) in bed. She had a high temperature. 5. The hunter ordered the dog to lie down. 6. Sit down (take your seat) please and let’s see how many people this room can set. New Year is coming. 7. Set aside your textbook and let’s have fun. 8. Next year the bank will raise its interest rates. 9. Our hen has laid a golden egg. 10. - Who helps you to raise your children? - My Granny does. 11. She laid the fax on the table. 12. They set the fax in the corner of the room. 13. He set aside all the business matters and took the children to the Zoo. 14. A thick fog was rising over the Thames. 402
15. My boss says that he’ll raise my salary. 16. A beautiful valley lay before us. 17. The road lay through the forest. 18. The snow lay under the trees. 19. The path led to a small house. 20. The dictionary has lain on my table all the week. Where is it now? 21. Stephens lays carpets in shops. It’s his job. 22. On the first of October we sat the clock back. 23. Mr. Johnson is a patriot. Every morning he raises the flag of his country over his house. 24. This peasant raises wheat. 25. The children were sitting on the floor and playing. 26. The helicopter rose over the road. Задание 233 1. had not landed yet, were waiting 2. woke up, had stopped, were singing 3. had been back, saw 4. walked, had already exchanged, were thinking 5. had he opened, found 6. had been in love, proposed 7. had taken part 8.had expected 9. had arranged, were waiting 10. had trained hard, became 11. had got 12. had done 13. saw, thought, was, had ever met 14. had been empty, was 15. had given 16. had always been important 17. had come true 18. had changed Задание 235 1. They were discussing the news which they had just got. 2. She had prepared everything by five o’clock and was waiting for the guests. 3. Hardly had I reached the corner, when I heard somebody’s steps behind me. 4. The secretary said that he had sent the fax to New York. 5. I hadn’t yet fallen asleep when I heard a knock on the door. 6. He was sorry that he had refused the invitation. 7. When we came to the theatre, the performance had already begun. 8. I was thinking about what he had just told me. 9. The boys had stopped playing football and were slowly walking home. 10. The woman explained that she herself had grown those wonderful flowers. 11. We were surprised when we learned that he had passed the interview and had got the job. 12. Hardly had we handed in our papers, when the phone rang. 13. When they left, we remembered that we hadn’t shown him the photographs. 14. He said he had just returned from China. 15. I was very much surprised when I learnt that he had written that bestseller. 16. He had been ill for a week already when the relatives sent for the doctor. 17. Hardly had we had dinner, when the guests arrived. 18. The children had lost the dog and were looking for it in the garden. 19. The director asked me how long I had been in that business. Задание 236 1. Did you get, got, had begun. 2. Did you see, was, hadn’t seen 3. Did you enjoy, hadn’t gone 4. was washing 5. had already washed, put 6. got, had already made dinner, did you do, had seen, went, was 403
Задание 237 1. went 2. bought 3. thought 4. had paid 5. came 6. tried 7. could 8. say 9. was 10. hung 11. sat 12. were eating 13. said 14. had never seen 15. doesn’t recognize 16. shall/will ask 17. shall/will make 18. speak 19. rose 20. have you done 21. have put 22. didn’t you tell 23. had done 24. have made Задание 238 1. She was happy that hard times had passed. 2. When we returned, everybody wanted to know where we had been. 3. I hoped that he had made the right choice. 4. We were colleagues. We had worked together for ten years. 5. I was sure that I had never heard that expression before. 6. The judge announced that he had changed his opinion about that case. 7. They realized that life had changed a lot. 8. It turned out that that woman had already been our neighbour for thirteen years. 9. He came to us for help because he had always trusted us. 10. The lawyer was satisfied - he had got good news. 11. He was thankful to his parents. They had done so much for him. 12. Martin didn’t answer anything. Life had taught him to be careful. 13. Marina looked unusual - she had changed her hairstyle. 14. When we met, my schoolmate said, that I had greatly changed. 15. He fell in love with her though he had known her just a couple of weeks. 16. She had no idea how to begin, because she hadn’t done such work before. 17. The nurse looked at the child and saw that he had fallen asleep. 18. The director of the plant declared that he had decided to present a bus to the school. 19. It was very frosty outside. The children hadn’t been out for two days already. 20. I understood that the time had come to decide this problem. Задание 240 1. He could understand the film because he had been learning French for many years. 2. When I was in London she came to see me as we had been corresponding for some years already. 3. He had been washing his (the) car for about an hour already when he understood that it was not his car. 4. The people had been waiting for an hour before the bus came. 5. It smelled wonderful in the house. Mother had been baking pies since morning. 6. Thought Antony had been wallpapering all day (the whole day), he agreed to go to the concert in the evening. 7. He asked not to touch the wall as he had just been painting it. 8. I had been wearing the new shoes for only ten minutes, when the heel broke. 9. There was oil on his hands. He had been changing his tyres. 10. When the chief entered the room, everybody fell (became) silent, and he guessed (realized) (that) they 404
had been talking about him. 11. At last there came the day they had been dreaming of for so long. 12. Victor finished the report he had been working on for so long. Задание 242 1. will, shall 2. will, shall 3. shall, will 4. will 5. won’t 6. will 7. shall (will) 8. shall (will), shall (will) 9. will 10. will 11. will, will 12. shall 13. will 14. shall, shall (will) Задание 243 1. - And will you have dinner with me? - I will. 2. - What shall we take? - I shall have fish and I think Marina will have meat. 3. If all goes well we shall soon meet again. 4. I have no idea where I shall rest next summer. 5. Be sure, darling, you will get that (this) ring. 6. Whatever may happen (happens), I will always be with you. 7. - Shall I help you? - No, thank you, we shall manage it. 8. Will you help us? 9. - And how shall we get there? - It won’t be easy. 10. Next year I shall try to enter the University. 11. - Whom will you invite to the party? - I shall think about it. 12. It will snow soon (It looks like snow). 13. Take out the dog for a run, will you? 14. - I will certainly help you. - Will you? 15. - How much (money) will this picture cost? - I shall ask the artist. 16. - What shall I say if they ask me where you are? - Don’t say anything! - I won’t. 17. You will be home be evening, won’t you? — Don’t worry, I will. Задание 246 1. We shall try to finish the work before the night falls. 2. If she keeps to a diet, she will feel well. 3. If the ecological situation gets better (improves), people will be more healthy. 4. Let me stay here till the police come. 5. If memory comes back to her, she will remember who she is. 6. I shall (will) do something with my bad marks before my parents learn about them. 7. We shall wait for the doctor until he comes back from the hospital. 8. If the film ends late again, I will not be able to fall asleep. 9. In case the plan fails (doesn’t work), we shall think of something else. 10. If the price goes down, I shall be able to buy this printer. 11. Mother says that we shall have dinner after my brother comes back from school. 12. She is sure he will write to her as soon as he learns (finds out) her new address. 13. The teacher won’t let Irina go home earlier unless she has (if she doesn’t have) a serious reason for this. 14. Tomorrow the postman will start his work before the sun rises. 15. We shall go out into the street when the rain stops. 16. If it’s a nice day tomorrow, we shall work in the garden. 17. I will not speak with him unless he apologizes (if he doesn’t apologize). 405
Задание 247 1. will begin, stops 2. takes, gets up 3. returns, will invite 4. will drop in, comes, shall make 5. will meet, lands 6. will see, comes 7. arrives, stays 8. shall feel, changes 9. comes, will leave 10. finishes, shall meet 11. gets, will forget 12. feels, prefers 13. apologizes, will not forgive 14. shall take, becomes 15. shall have, refuses 16. will send, arrives 17. will not lend, learns 18. will have, retires Задание 249 1. I wonder, if the computer will work today. - If it works, we shall type the text for you 2. I am not sure if the song will be popular. But if this singer presents it, it will definitely become the hit of the season. 3. I doubt if the price will suit you, madam. But if it still is all right with you, I shall (will) help you to try on this fur coat. 4. Nobody can tell us when the manager will come back. But the secretary promises that as soon as he turns up (comes), she will give us a call. 5. I wonder if Olivia will marry Stephens? If it happens, everybody will be happy. 6. Everybody wants to know when this pop group comes to Moscow. As soon as it arrives we shall try to get to its concert. 7. I am not sure if she will change her decision. But in case she changes her mind, everybody will be greatly surprised. 8. Ask her if the weather will change tomorrow. If it starts snowing, I’ll have to put on something warmer. 9. I wonder if he will tell her the truth. If she learns all from other people, she won’t forgive him. 10. I don’t know if she will come today. But if she conies (turns up), let us know. Задание 250 1. c 2. h 3. i 4. b 5. j 6. к 7. a 8. g 9. 1 10. f 11. e 12. d Задание 251 1. If he gets through all the exams this year, he will get the» qualification, but I am not sure if he will be able to do it. 2. If all goes well, this rocket will fly to Mars. 3. If he doubts the tariff, let him consult the clerk. 4. He says that if he saves money, he will buy a car by summer. 5. If somebody needs me, I’ll be downstairs. 6. If you wait, we shall join you in a minute. 7. The party (the evening) will be wonderful if nothing spoils it. 8. I wonder if he will take his partners’ money. If he does it, we shall not respect him. 9. The director asks if I will be able to do this work, if Tom goes on a business leave. 10. I wonder if we shall have a test tomorrow. If the teacher gives it to us, I shall definitely get a bed mark. 11. If it happens again, we shall have a serious talk. I wonder when you will become a grown-up person. 12. We shall not do anything, until the lawyer comes. But nobody 406
knows when he will come. 13. If he loses his job, it will be a blow to his family. He often wonders when he will have a constant job. 14. As soon as the programme is over, we shall have supper. I wonder what we shall have for supper. 15. If the agent gets the necessary information, he will leave London immediately. His chief would like to know when the information will be received. Задание 252 В. 1. We shall discuss it after you have washed the dishes. 2. Little Kate will find her New Year present before her mother has hidden it. 3. I shall tell you everything before somebody else has done it. 4. He will come before they have left. 5. Call us as soon as you have learnt something new. 6. We shall believe you only after you have proved it. 7. You will like the cake as soon as you have tasted it. 8. You may switch on the TV-set only after the child has fallen asleep. Задание 253 High Hopes A young country girl who lives in the East is walking along the road-to the nearest town. There is a jug with milk on her head. She is walking and thinking, “When I come to town, I shall find a (the) market there. I shall sell the milk at the market. I don’t know if I shall get a lot of money for the milk. But if it is enough, I shall buy a dozen of eggs. From these eggs I shall have twelve chickens. When the chickens grow up, I shall take them to the market. After I sell them, I shall go to the shop and buy myself a beautiful new dress. It will go well with my eyes and hair. Only after I have put on the dress, I shall walk along the main street of the village. When people see me, they will stop and say, “What a beautiful girl and what a wonderful dress ehe is wearing!” But I won’t say anything when I hear it, I will only give a shake of my head...” And here she gives a shake of her head, and down come the milk, the eggs, the chickens and the beautiful new dress! Задание 255 1. Where will you be when I come? -1 shall be working in the library. 2. What will he be doing tomorrow? 3. At three o’clock we shall be sitting in the train and going to Paris. 4. You are a wonderful person. Now we shall be often meeting each other. 5. And what will you be doing on Christmas Day? 6. Join us. From eight till ten o’clock we shall be playing tennis. 7. On Saturday morning Mother will be doing her shopping. 8. They will be busy tomorrow evening. They will be meeting their partner from Greece. 9. I wonder what she will be wearing at the party. 10. It’s time to go. My parents will be worrying. 11. - It’s 407
difficult to imagine what will be happening with us in a day or two. - Everything will be all right. 12. Why have you taken Liz’s umbrella? She will be looking for it tomorrow morning. 13. I can easily describe to you what my family will be doing on New Year Eve: Mother will be laying the table, Father will be preparing a turkey with apples, the children will be decorating the fur tree. 14. - Anastasia is giving a party on Saturday, are you coming? ~ I am sorry to say not, I shall be working like a bee at this time. I am having an exam on Monday. 15. When we go to London, we shall visit the Parliament. The members of the Parliament will be discussing the latest events in Britain and in the world. 16. I think I shall pack my things tonight. Or tomorrow morning I shall again be running about the house as if I were mad. Задание 256 1. We shall have passed all the exams by two o’clock tomorrow. 2. By the time you come back, I will have already left. 3. If you phone at eight o’clock, they won’t have come yet. 4. They hope that they will have repaired the flat by autumn. 5. We shall (w|ll) have written the article by morning, but we won’t have finished the illustrations. 6. I shall have finished school by summer. 7. I hope I shall have found a job by the end of the year. 8. We are sure we will (shall) have learnt the news by evening. 9. If you come by nine o’clock in the morning, they won’t have left yet. 10. She will have laid the table by the time the guests arrive. Задание 257 В. 1. By the time the sun rises tomorrow morning, we shall have been flying over the Atlantic Ocean for two hours already. 2. By the first of September I shall have been studying English for ten years. 3. She will need a rest. She will have been working all day long. 4. By the end of the year we shall have been living in Moscow for twenty years already. 5. When the police come, Erik will have, been driving to Texas for three hours already. 6. By the time the children come back from school, their mother will have been working in the garden for several hours already. 7. I shall have been living in this city for a year by July. Задание 258 1. How long have you been married? 2. How long has she been wearing them? 3. How long have you been here? 4. How long have you known him? 5. How long have you been living-there? 6. How long have you been working here? 408
7. How long have they been outside? 8. How long have they been playing football? 9. How long has he been away? Задание 259 1. Antony is very stubborn. He is always arguing with everybody. Right now he is arguing with his chief. They have been discussing the new offers since early morning, but they haven’t decided anything so far. 2. Hats have always been in fashion. Men and women have been wearing them for many ages. And do you wear hats? 3. Nina speaks a lot on the telephone. At the moment she is speaking with her boyfriend. They have been speaking for an hour already, but haven’t decided when they will meet. 4. I usually do my shopping in supermarkets. Today I am buying everything in “The Seventh Continent”. I have been walking here for about forty minutes, but I haven’t found all that I need. 5. This company hires new people from time to time. Right now they are looking for a new manager. It’s not easy. They have been looking for him for a month already, but not a single person has passed the interview so far. 6. Igor has been very buy lately. He is writing a programme for the computer. He has been working at it for a month and has already done half of it. 7. This play has been on for several months already. My friend has already seen it. For about two weeks I have been trying to get to it, but I haven’t managed to get the tickets yet. 8. After work Alexei usually waits for Tatyana. Today he is waiting for her too. He has been waiting for her since six o’clock, half an hour has passed, but she hasn’t come yet. Alex is getting nervous. Задание 260 1. felt, fell. lay. had had 2. rang, waited, was. left 3. picked, was lying, studied, put, looked, did. knew, had written 4. hanged, had not met. made, had taught, told, had not heard 5. were, fed, bought, told, became Задание 261 1. had started, was blowing, heard, had heard, was 2. left, went, found, pushed, saw, was lying, looked, are, are 3. am, is, hear, does...come, doesn’t like, makes, remember, died, was bom, hates 4. do you say, will die (are dying), have always been ill, died, feels, I am going, wants, will get, dies 5. had, advised, do not like, have, get, I shall become...* made feel, have ever met, cried 409
Задание 262 1. fell 2. said 3. shall (will) dance 4. bring 5. are 6. don’t get 7. will forget 8. will be broken 9. heard 10. was crying 11. flew 12. were 13. told 14. was 15. thought 16. was still lying 17. had not left 18. promise 19. will become 20. could not 21. understand 22. was saying 23. sang 24. had died 25. have never seen 26. ran 27. will not go (doesn’t go) 28. knows 29. cost 30. threw Задание 263 1. woke up 2. had heard 3. felt 4. v as standing 5. hadn’t locked 6. hurried 7. run (running) 8. open 9. found 10. was coming 11. has sat 12. forgot 13. ran 14. was sleeping 15. threw 16. had seen 17. thought 18. have been watching 19. said 20. don’t hurry 21. will be 22. shall I call 23. don’t do 24. hears 25. wakes 26. will be frightened 27. knows 28. have saved Задание 264 1. Every building in Rome tells its history and geography. 2. The miracle of Internet is that you can virtually get what your heart desires (wants). 3. -1 can’t understand what is happening to us. - The matter is that one of us has changed, and it’s not me. 4. I have always wanted to get to New Zealand, but I haven’t managed to do it so far. 5. My fingers are sticky. I have been eating honey. 6. My doggy is always barking when he (she) sees the postman. 7. He stood on the highway for a long time, but not a single car stopped. 8. He said that the last two weeks had been wonderful for him. 9. Maxim realized that he had found the woman he had been looking for all his life. 10. The reporter angrily threw away the newspaper which he had been reading. 11. It was quite clear who had written the letter. 12. She laid (put) into the case the papers she had been working at all morning. 13. She showed us her collection. She had been collecting cloth patterns for the last two months. 14. The party was a great success. Aunt Blanche had been preparing it for so long. 15. We were all happy that the critical moment had passed. 16. I will never give up my job. I have put too many year's and efforts into my business. 17. Let me take you home, or your parents will be worrying. 18. I shall have to agree to her offer, if she insists on it. 19. When he came back home he discovered that the children had been playing (were playing) on his computer. Задание 268 A. 1. Our chief says that his hobby is work. 2. He asks what time it is now. 3. The doctor asks how I feel. I answer that I feel well. And I add that I have never been ill before. 4. My parents always tell me not to eat so quickly. 5. I wonder what he does. 410
6. Everybody asks how long we have been working together. 7. She says she has left the keys at home. 8. They say that it will be warmer tomorrow than it is today. 9. He asks not to say that he is at home. 10. Specialists inform that in 2000 computers will stop working. 11. It’s interesting to know who invented the bicycle. 12. He asks what flowers I like. I answer that they are forget-me-nots. 13. She asks how often it rains here. 14. I wonder how much time it takes to write a book. 15. I wonder if we shall have a hot summer this year. В. 1. He thinks it’s a good idea. 2. The secretary asks what she should say if someone calls. 3. I wonder who has just been here. 4. The inspector would like to know if I have noticed something strange. 5. They remind us that there will be elections in the year 2000. 6. I wonder if we have much time.- 7. The doctor advises me to dress warmer. 8. The professor says that Oxford is famous for its traditions. 9. The teacher asks the children not to make noise. 10. He warns that I haven’t got many chances to enter the theatrical Institute. 11. The scientist is asked if he is proud of his success. He answers that he is. He also thinks that there is still very much to do. 12. I knock at the door and ask if there is anybody in (at home). No answer (there is no answer. Nobody answers). 13. Our friends offer us not to go anywhere, but to stay at home and to play cards. Задание 275 1. When Paul got on the bus, he remembered that he had left his ticket at home. 2. Yesterday I asked my little son where his bicycle was. I was shocked when he told me that he had sold it to his friend. 3. When Peter got back his paper, he was sorry that he hadn’t studied better. 4. I asked my friend to hurry up as I was afraid that we would miss (be late for) the bus. 5. When the boat turned over, I was happy that my friend could swim. 6. When Nina fell down, she was sure that she had broken her finger. 7. When I asked Julia if she wanted to go to the party, she answered that she couldn’t as she had to look after her little sister. 8. When I came to the office, I wondered where Jack was. The secretary said that he had left for Sheffield to visit his sister. 9. Mother asked me if I would be back in time for dinner. I replied that I would be at home at about five o’clock. 10. I asked our guide if he had ever been to Japan. He answered that he had been there several times. Задание 278 1. My teacher wanted to know how long I had been studying English. 2. He looked out of the window and said that it was still snowing. 3. The policeman came up to the fellows and asked what the matter was and why they were arguing. 4. He asked where the 411
matches were and where she had put them. 5. His wife warned him that if he made noise, he would wake up the child. 6. The teacher told the student that if she wanted to pass the exam, she would have to work hard. 7. The manager promised that he would speak to us when lie had time. 8. The customs office asked us if we had been to England before and when it was (had been). 9, The chief warned the secretary not to be late again. 10. He complained that he had been ill for a week, and that nobody had visited him so far. 11. I asked what time it was, and where everybody had gone. 12. The little boy was greatly surprised when he learned that the earth is round. 13. Nobody expected that he was born in England in 1970. 14. Mother patiently explained to her daughter that there are seven days in the week, and there are twelve months in the year. 15. The advertisement announced that the first metro station opened in London in 1860. 16. He explained that when we phoned him, he was still sleeping and didn’t hear the ring. Задание 279 1. was asked 2. to help 3. had told 4. could 5. burst 6. to do 7. shall (will) be 8. find 9. doesn’t (won’t) require 10. rang 11, manages 12. to stand 13. shall (will) take 14. will act 15. are staging 16. took 17. saw 18. standing 19. looking 20. had fallen 21. fell 22. made 23. tell 24. would die 25. was returning 26. met 27. had told 28. wrote 29. was found 30. had agreed Задание 283 1. are advised 2. was spent 3. are used 4. were uprooted 5. are not allowed 6. are manufactured 7. is never cleaned 8. was discovered 9. was chased 10. were destroyed 11. has just been made 12. Have you ever been cheated? Have you ever been made a fool of? 13. was broken, was being moved 14. is pronounced 15. is being laid, will be served 16. is protected, fed, taught 17. am being watched 18. haven’t been ironed 19. sell 20. peel 21. have just been told, will be knocked down 22. washes Задание 285 1. All the homework has been done: the mistakes are (have been) corrected, the new words are (have been) learned, the sentences are (have been) translated, the composition is (has been) written. 2. Be quiet! Don’t make noise! She is having an interview now. 3. Radio “Europe Plus’’ is listened to ail over Russia, 4. This delicious dish was prepared by an Italian cook. 5. Many modern medicines are made from plant®* 6. The music to the opera “The Wedding of Figaro” was comprised by Mozart. 7. The results of the exams will be announced tomorrow 412
morning. 8. Don’t touch the fence. It has just been painted. 9. All the trees and flowers in this garden were planted by me. 10. The bookshelves in his room were covered with dust. 11. The mistake was made long ago, but has been corrected only now. 12. This child has never been taught how to behave with grown-ups. 13. The cake is still baking (is still being baked), you’ll have to wait. 14. The criminal wasn’t found. The investigation was still going on. 15. I don’t know who this company was founded by. 16. Sheldon’s new novel (The new novel by Sheldon) reads well. It was recommended to me by my uncle. 17. Sonya was offered to buy beautiful and comfortable pyjamas. It washes well and doesn’t crease. 18. If he is told that she has left him, his heart will be broken. 19. All the furniture in my parents’ house is made of wood. 20. One and the same word in the English language is often spelled and pronounced differently. Задание 289 1. to join us and havefun 2. do 3. have. 4. come up,slip 5. to rebuild 6. enter 7. terrorize, to do 8. decide 9. to interfere 10. turn pale 11. to betray 12. to be 13. rest 14. pinch 15. say 16. to be 17. enjoy Задание 290 1. I want you to make a cup of strong coffee for me. 2. Does anybody want me to make sandwiches? 3. The inspector would like you to explain everything to him. 4. Parents usually expect their children to be obedient. 5. I hate you to interfere with my life. 6. I want you to help me (to) do this work. 7. They expect Olga to join them. 8. She noticed him pass a note to the stage. 9. The passer-by heard somebody call him. 10. We believe it to be the best way out of this situation. 11. Charlie’s parents don’t let him watch television later than nine o’clock. 12. - And what makes you think so? - My life experience does. 13. Let me know of your plans. 14. Nobody could make the child take the medicine. 15. Please, don’t make me wait. I don’t have much time (little time). Задание 291 1. leaving 2. pouring 3. turn (turning), to appear 4. come (coming) 5. following 6. slip, fall 7. coming 8. having 9. stop, take 10. laugh- ing, talking, enjoying 11. sitting, 12. give, turn 13. beating, stop 14. burning 15. waiting Задание 292 1. I saw you dancing and I will never forget it. 2. I hear that Уои dance wonderfully. 3. We hear that she danced perfectly at the yesterday’s performance of the “Nutcracker”. 4. The hostess watched 413
her guests packing their suitcases and saw that they were very sorry to leave. 5. I feel that you don’t agree with me, and it upsets me. 6. I felt something moving in the room, and I saw a big butterfly flying below the lustre. 7. He felt someone breathing heavily behind his back. 8. We felt that he had a sense of humour. 9. She felt that she was fit for the work. 10. The presence of a (the) young girl made him feel young. 11. I believe it to be true. 12. We began telling jokes, and it let us pass away the time. 13. Some time later he noticed a police car following him. He felt his heart beating. 14. I felt a stone fall off my shoulders. 15. We hear that they left for London. 16. Have you ever heard anyone speak Creole? 17. I consider him to be an expert in this sphere. 18. We felt that the coffee was boiling and hurried to the kitchen. 19. Coming back home, he found the children treating the dog. 20. They heard the night alarm work off, and saw two guards running to the entrance of the bank. 21. She found herself thinking about him again. Задание 294 1. switch on, walk 2. crawl 3. pull 4. burn 5. moving 6. play 7. tap 8. trying 9. come, pull Задание 298 1. can 2. could not (can not) 3. can 4. couldn’t 5. can’t 6. can (could) 7. can 8. can’t 9. could 10. can 11. can 12. could 13. can 14. will be able 15. could, can, will be able 16. won’t be able to 17. can Задание 299 1. She can never come on time. 2. You can’t ignore the influence of general computerization. 3. They were happy that they could help their friends. 4. - Can you help her? - I can. 5. She couldn’t make him get down to work. 6. Peter consulted his father, and the latter could give him good advice. 7. I can’t watch television in the evenings, I have too many things (too much work) to do. 8. Well, what can I say? Rules must be kept. 9. Fortunately, people could (were able to) prevent this catastrophe. Задание 302 1. fall 2. be living 3. do 4. discover 5. be 6. happen 7. turn out 8. spare Задание 303 1. - May I have a look at this document, inspector? - I’m afraid that you can’t so far. 2. The decision may be very simple, you may believe me. 3. - May I call the porter? - Of course you may. 4. I may 414
be making a mistake, but I can’t see any other way out. 5. You may not realise it, but you are a great man. 6. I was sure that there might appear other problems. 7. He told us we might come on any suitable day for us. 8. The child asked if he might watch two more cartoons. 9. He may be late. He may have got stuck in a traffic jam. 10. She decided she might use her father’s car. 11. She may be very sweet is she wants. Задание 304 1. can 2. may 3. can (may) 4. can 5. can, may 6. may, can 7. may, may 8. couldn’t 9. could 10. may, can 11. can, can, may not 12. can 13. may 14. can, may 15. can Задание 307 1. You may be right, but still I can’t agree with you. 2. He may get the first prize. 3. I may like the film, though I don’t like westerns. 4. She may pass the exam on the History of English at first attempt. 5. She may pass the interview if she tries hard. 6. - May I have a look at the photo? - Yes, of course. 7. Could I go to the bank without a pass today? 8. When the doctor said that I could leave the hospital, I just couldn’t believe it. 9. What a shame that the child can’t swim! It may help him a lot in his life. 10. No matter how important this case may be, I can’t deal with it now. 11. Whoever he may be, he must play according to the rules. 12. Wherever you may be, we always remember you with love. 13. No matter how hard you may try, I will not give in. 14. Whatever he may say or do, always makes her happy. Задание 309 1. You must follow the instruction and mustn’t press this button. 2. To teach grammar, you must understand, that language is a system. 3. To make a good cake, you must first beat the eggs well. 4. He must be very strong. Look at his bicepses. 5. You mustn’t come home so late. You must understand that it’s dangerous. 6. - Must I connect with the agency right now? - No, you needn’t. But you must do it tomorrow. 7. You must leave. You must be tired. 8. You must come to the work on time. 9. The mayor must take some urgent measures. Задание 312 1. Does Mr. Bucket have to support his elderly parents? Mr. Bucket doesn’t have to support his elderly parents. 2. Shall we have to admit that she is right? We shan’t have to admit that she is right. 3. Did they have to turn to a private detective? They didn’t have to turn to a private detective. 4. Does Michael have to read a lot for tomorrow’s 415
exam? Michael doesn’t have to read a lot for tomorrow’s exam. 5. Do these contracts have to be filled? These contracts don’t have to be filled. 6. Will they have to do it whether they like it or not? They won’t have to do it whether they like it or not. 7. Does everybody have to be very careful with this device? Nobody has to be very careful with this device. 8. Did she have to study hard last semester? She didn’t have to study hard the last semester. 9. Shall I have to go out and greet the guests? I shan’t have to go out and greet the guests. 10. Do I have to have tinned food for dinner again? Again I don’t have to have tinned food for dinner. Задание 313 1. had to; 2. had to; 3. has to; 4. has to; 5. had to; 6. will have to; 7. had to; 8. will have to; 9. had to; 10. will have to; 11. have to; 12. shall have to; 13. has to; 14. have to; Does ... have to. Задание 314 1. Alexander has to go downtown today, because he has an appointment there. 2. At last, she has bought herself a car, and now she doesn’t have to use a bus. 3. If you want to get a good education, you’ll have to work hard. 4. I can’t go to the party with you, I’ll have to look after my little sister. 5. If he wants to be healthy, he’ll have to follow the doctors instruction. 6. Yesterday we wanted to go on a picnic, but we couldn’t, because instead of that we had to receive unexpected guests. 7. Mr. Rich is very rich. He doesn’t have to earn his living. 8. Most vegetables can be eaten raw, you don’t have to cook them 9. On Saturdays my children don’t have to go to bed at eight o’clock as usual, they can play till nine o’clock. 10. I don’t have to do my homework today, I did all yesterday. 11. - You never have to go on business leaves, do you? - Sometimes I have to. 12. A psychologist has to help people deal with problems, doesn’t he? 13. Mary had to listen attentively to understand him. 14. She had to submit to his will. 15. Your boss never has to take credit from the bank, does he? Задание 316 1. What am I to do, Sir? Am I to leave? 2. We are to meet tomorrow. 3. The detective is to carry out an investigation. 4. The detective was to have carried out an investigation, but the circumstances changed. 5. The Prime-Minister is to fly to Iraq in a week. 6. The general was to have flown to the Balkans, but the situation changed, and the pilot had to turn the plane back. 7. Nina was to have done a lot of things, but she forgot all about them. 8. I knew it was to happen. 9. He was to have spoken at the conference, but he suddenly fell ill. 10. What a 416
mess! Who was to have done the cleaning today? 11. Under no circumstances you are not to tell anyone about it! 12. They were going to get married, but it was not to happen. 13. And how was I to know that it was my fortune? And that he was to become my husband? 14. You are not to eat a single sweet before dinner, or 1*11 be very, very cross with you! Задание 319 1. If you want to succeed, you should get knowledge, experience and patience. 2. You should consult a professional, before taking any decision. 3. Should I start taking driving lessons? 4. You shouldn’t eat so many sweets! It’s bad for you. 5. I think you should turn to a doctor about your headache. 6. In big cities animals should be kept under control. 7. Animals shouldn’t be locked in cages, they should live in their natural habitat. 8. As a real friend, you shouldn’t hide the truth, you should tell me everything. 9. You shouldn’t think so much about him. There are many other fish in the sea. 10. You should have thought about it before, my dear! But there is nothing to do, let’s see what can be done. 11. You should have given up drinking and smoking long ago. You should have thought about your health when you were young. 12. - How should I know how she is? - As a close relative, you should know it. 13. You shouldn’t have followed her example all these years! What is good for her, can’t be good for you. You are absolutely different people. 14. You should have planted the bulbs in autumn, if you wanted the flowers to appear in spring. Задание 321 1. I feel that I ought to spend more time with my children. 2. I think that I ought to give up this idea. 3. I ought to buy something for tea, biscuits or sweets. 4. You ought to have decided that. 5. We ought to do our best to help them. 6. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. 7. A teacher ought to know the child’s psychology. 8. You ought to be sleeping instead of watching a serial. 9. Irene ought to be more decisive. 10. What ought I to do to make you happy. 11. Marina ought to reconsider her views. 12. Ought I to be frank with you? 13. He ought to remember (to have remembered) the rules and drive (to have driven) on the left side. 14. You ought to watch your weight. Задание 325 1. didn’t they 2. will you 3. is there 4. did it 5. doesn’t he 6. will you 7. aren’t they 8. aren’t you 9. does he 10. will you 11. did she 12. had he 13. haven’t you 14. will (would) you 15. will you 14-1112 417
16. aren’t 117. did they 18. weren’t they 19. do I 20. doesn’t she 21. mustn’t they 22. didn’t they 23. might they not 24. shouldn’t you 25. can you 26. couldn’t you 27. wasn’t it 28. should you 29. doesn’t he 30. needn’t we 31. didn’t it 32. may I-not 33. should you Задание 326 1. Do you really need this dictionary? But it’s so expensive! You can use mine. 2. If you don’t want, you needn’t go (don’t need to go) with us. 3. We needn’t hurry. We have a lot of time. 4. You needn’t clean the raincoat. It is clean. 5. I needn’t have taken the umbrella today. It didn’t rain. 6. Why have you washed the windows? They are clean. You needn’t have done it. 7. The fridge is full. You needn’t go shopping. 8. You needn’t have bought chocolate! Don’t you eat too much of it? 9. I didn’t need (have) to get up early yesterday, so I had a good sleep. 10. You needn’t have got up so early today! It’s Sunday today, have you forgotten? 11. You need a rest, don’t deny that you have overworked. 12. You needn’t have taken a taxi. It’s quite near from the station to my house. (My house is at a stone’s throw from here). 13. “I need true friends. - And who doesn’t need them? 14. I am independent and I don’t need to ask my parents for money. 15. Don’t tell me that you have again forgotten about our date. I needn’t have worried and hurried. 16. - They need your help badly! - Do they? 17. I needed a rest from all this hectic life and I left for Sochi. ТЕСТОВЫЕ ЗАДАНИЯ TESTS Тест 1 1. were 2. made 3. feel 4. brought 5. were addressed 6. got 7. had been dreaming 8. went 9. could 10. hear 11. walking 12. lay (was lying) 13. planning 14. would tale 15. learned 16. was wondering 17. would let 18. go 19. was moving, had moved 20. raised 21. saw 22. moving, move 23. grew, was growing 24. stopped 25. rocking 26. fell 27. sprang 28. had never dressed 29. was being watched 30. hurrieo Тест 2 1. led 2 stood 3. flowed 4. sparkling 5. was crowded 6. has come 7. would take place 8. could not 9. see 10. was going on 11. stopped 12. talking 13. saw 14. enter, (entering) 15. had never met 16. was • 7. was wearing 18. did 19. was dressed 20. rose 418
21. fell 22. to tell 23. had been discussing 24. to search 25. is found 26. disappears 27. find (have found) 28. will be given 29. reaches 30. will start ТестЗ 1. the, a, the, the, the, a, -, a,-, the, an; the, a, a, a, -, a, a 2. a, -, a, the, an, the, the, the, the, a, a (the), a, a, a, the, a, the, the 3. the, an,-, the, the, the. the, the, the. the, the, -, the, the, - 4. -, a, -, a, a 5. an, the, the, the, a,the,the, a 6. an, a, the,the, the, the, a, the, the,the Тест 4 1. lay 2. was worried 3. could not 4. make 5. had sent 6. would wait 7. reached 8. got 9. stood 10. gazing 11. was coming 12. slipped 13. was standing 14. fell 15. felt 16. had seen 17. knew 18. led 19. brought 20. sank 21. shall I make 22. don’t want 23. to worry 24. have been 25. took 26. would lose 27. hiding 28. caught 29. stop 30. beating Тест 5 1. The boy asked me what time it was and explained that he had lost his watch. 2. The traveller asked the agent how long it usually takes to get to Paris if you go there by train. 3. My friend asked me if I would have dinner with him if he invited me. 4. Dick asked the burglar what he was doing in his house and how he had got in. 5. The doctor asked me how I felt (was feeling) and if my cold had passed. 6. The children asked Father Frost if he had brought presents for them which he had promised. 7. The gardener assured me that my flowers would grow well if I watered them regularly. 8. The customer asked the shop-assistant how much the cloth which he had just offered her cost. 9. The pupil asked the teacher if Geography would be an obligatory subject at the exams, and confessed that it had always been his weakest point. 10. The chief asked the secretary if he would be able to send a few business letters before he went home. Тест 6 1. heard 2. were informed 3. was returning 4. had invited 5. were being made 6. arriving 7. were welcomed 8. would call 9. arrived 10. fell 11. were 12. had never seen 13. rode (were riding) 14. felt 15. would marry 16. had not given 17. was told 18. to bring 19. to be introduced 20. wants 21. shall (will) go 22. doesn’t (won’t) make 23. had never seen 24. were fixed 25. knew 26. would love 27. was 28. come 29. had just returned 30. had once lived 14* 419
Тест 7 l .a, the, the, a, -, the, the, the 2 .the, a, the, -, -, the, the, the, a 3 .~, the, -, a, - 4 . the, the, the, -, - Тест 8 1. sailed 2. robbing 3. found himself 4. saw 5. had been placed 6. to warn 7. thought 8. removed 9. would wreck 10. would be able 11. to take 12. rowed 13. cut off 14. sank 15. heard 16. roll, rolling 17. shook, was shaking 18. knew 19. meant 20. hurried 21. stopped 22. had set, was setting 23. had approached 24. were 25. moved 26. struck 27. had run 28. were being taken 29. had not cut 30. filled Тест 9 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. a 6. b 7. a 8. a 9. b 10. a 11. b 12. a 13. b 14. a 15. b 16. b 17. b 18, c 19. b 2O.b
Приложение I Appendix I Неправильные глаголы Irregular Verbs Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Present Participle Translation arise arose arisen arising возникать awake awoke awoken awaking будить, просыпать- ся be was/were been being быть, находиться bear bore born bearing носить, терпеть beat beat beaten beating бить, ударять become became become becoming становиться begin began begun beginning начинать bend bent bent bending гнуть, сгибать bet bet bet betting держать пари bind bound bound binding связывать bite bit bitten biting кусаться bleed bled bled bleeding кровоточить blow blew blown blowing дуть break broke broken breaking ломать, разбивать bring brought brought bringing приносить broadcast broadcast, broadcasted broadcast, broadcasted broadcasting транслиро- вать 423
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Present Participle Translation build built built building строить burn* burnt, burnea burnt, burned burning жечь, гореть burst burst burst bursting взрываться buy bought bought buying покупать cast cast cast casting бросать, разбрасывать сеть catch caught caught catching поймать choose chose chosen choosing выбирать cling clung clung clinging цепляться come came come coming приходить, приезжать cost cost cost costing стоить creep crept crept creeping ползать cut cut cut cutting резать deal dealt dealt dealing иметь дело dig dug dug digging копать, рыть do did done doing делать draw drew drawn drawing рисовать; тащить dream* dreamt, dreamed dreamt, dreamed dreaming мечтать; видеть во сне drink drank drunk drinking пить drive drove driven driving водить dwell dwelt dwelt ; dwelling проживать eat ate eaten eating есть fall fell fallen falling падать feed fed fed feeding кормиться) feel felt felt feeling > чувствовать fight fought fought fighting ;бороться, \драться find found found finding находить fit fit fit fitting приспосаб* ливать flee fled fled fleeing бежать, спасаться бегством 424
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Present Participle Translation fling flung flung flinging швырять, кидаться fly flew flown flying летать forbid forbade forbidden forbidding запрещать forecast forecast forecast forecasting предсказы- вать forget forgot forgotten forgetting забывать forgive forgave forgiven forgiving прощать freeze froze frozen freezing замерзать, заморажи- вать get got got getting получать, становить- ся give gave given giving давать go went gone going идти grow grew grown growing расти, становиться hang hung hung hanging вешать; висеть have had had having иметь hear heard heard hearing слышать hide - hid hidden hiding прятать hit hit hit hitting ударять hold held held holding держать; содержать • hurt hurt , hurt hurting ушибить, причинять боль keep kept kept : keeping держать, хранить kneel* knelt, , kneeled knelt, kneeled kneeling стоять на коленях knit* knit, knitted knit, knitted knitting вязать know knew known knowing знать lay laid laid laying класть, положить lead* led led leading вести, руководить 425
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Present Participle Translation lean* leant, leaned leant, leaned leaning наклоняться, опираться leap* leapt, leaped leapt, leaped leaping прыгать, подскаки- вать learn* learnt, learned learnt, learned learning изучать, учить leave left left leaving покидать; оставлять lend lent lent lending давать взаймы let let let letting позволять lie lay lain lying лежать light* lit, lighted lit, lighted lighting зажигать, светить lose lost lost losing терять make made made making делать, изготавли- вать mean meant meant meaning иметь в виду meet met met meeting встречать mow mowed mown mowing косить, жать pay paid paid paying платить put put put putting класть, по- ложить бросать, quit quit quit quitting сдаваться, увольняться read read read reading читать ride rode ridden riding кататься, ездить вер- хом ring rang rung ringing звонить rise rose risen rising вставать, поднимать- ся run ran run running бегать saw sawed sawn sawing пилить 426
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Present Participle Translation say said said saying (сказать see saw seen seeing видеть seek sought sought seeking искать sell sold sold selling продавать send sent sent sending посылать set set set setting ставить, помещать s< w sewed sewn sewing шить, зашивать s'lake shook shaken shaking трясти, качать shine shone shone shining светить, блестеть shoot shot shot shooting стрелять show showed shown showing показывать shrink shrank shrunk shrinking сжиматься, давать усадку shut shut shut shutting затворить, закрывать sing sang sung singing петь sink sank sunk sinking тонуть, опускаться sit sat sat sitting сидеть sleep slept slept sleeping спать slide slid slid sliding скользить sling slung slung slinging пихну гь smell* . smelt, smelled smelt, smelled smelling пахну; ь sow sowed sown sowing сеять speak spoke spoken speaking говорить speed sped sped speeding превышать скорость spell- spelt, spelled spelt, spelled spelling произносить ио буквам s'Pc nd spent spent spending тратить, проводить время mi d n spun,span spun spinning прясть; крутить, 427
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Present Participle Translation spill spilt spilt spilling вращать проливать, spit spit, spat spit, spat spitting разливать плевать(ся) split split split splitting раскалывать, spoil* spoilt, spoilt, spoiling делить на части портить; spread spoiled spread spoiled spread spreading баловать распростра- spring sprang sprung springing нять прыгать; stand stood stood standing давать течь стоять steal stole stolen stealing красть, stick stuck stuck sticking воровать наклеивать; sting stung stung stinging застревать stink stank stunk stinking жалить strike struck struck striking вонять, смердеть ударять, strive strove striven striving поражать, бастовать стремиться swear swore sworn swearing клясться sweep swept swept sweeping подметать swell swelled swollen swelling расти, уве- swim swam swum swimming личиваться плавать swing swung swung swinging качаться, take took taken taking колебаться брать teach taught taught teaching учить, пре- tear tore torn tearing подавать рвать, раз- tell told told telling рывать сказать think thought thought thinking думать throw threw thrown throwing бросать 428
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Present Participle Translation thrust thrust thrust thrusting толкать tread trod trodden treading ступать understand understood understood understanding понимать wake woke woken waking будить, просыпать- ся wear wore worn wearing носить, быть одетым weave wove woven weaving ткать, плести weep wept wept weeping плакать wet wet wet wetting намочить win won won winning выиграть, победить wind wound wound winding виться; мотать wring wrung wrung wringing выжимать write wrote written writing писать * Ряд глаголов могут быть как правильными, так и неправиль- ными. Глагол burn может иметь формы burned или burnt, глагол light ~ формы lit или lighted и т.д. Для британского варианта английского языка более характерна неправильная форма (burnt, lit и т.д.).
Приложение II Appendix II Правильные глаголы, представляющие орфографические и лексические трудности Regular Verbs with Problem Spelling and Meaning Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Present Participle Translation agree agreed agreed agreeing соглашать- ся carry carried carried carrying нести die died died dying умирать enjoy enjoyed enjoyed enjoying наслаж- даться flow flowed flowed flowing течь found founded founded founding основать hang hanged hanged hanging казнить че- рез повеше- ние hurry hurried hurried hurrying спешить marry married married marrying жениться nod nodded nodded nodding кивать offer offered offered offering предлагать plan planned planned planning планиро- вать prefer preferred preferred preferring предпочи- тать 430
Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Present Participle Translation remember remembered remembered remembering помнить rob robbed robbed robbing грабить ski skied, ski’d skied, ski’d skiing кататься на лыжах stay stayed stayed staying оставаться study studied studied studying учиться tie tied tied tiying завязывать travel travelled travelled travelling путешест- вовать
Приложение III Appendix III Порядковые и количественные числительные Ordinal and Cardinal Numerals Ordinal Cardinal Ordinal Cardinal 0 zero 30 thirty thirtieth 1 one first 40 forty fortieth 2 two second 50 fifty fiftieth 3 three third 60 sixty sixtieth 4 four fourth 70 seventy seventieth 5 five fifth 80 eighty eightieth 6 six sixth 90 ninety ninetieth 7 seven seventh 100 one hundred (the) hundredth 8 eight eighth 101 one hundred (the) hundred 9 nine ninth and one and first 10 ten tenth 102 one hundred (the) hundred 11 eleven eleventh and two etc. and second etc. 12 twelve twelfth 200 two hundred (the) two hun- 13 thirteen thirteenth dredth 14 fourteen fourteenth 201 two hundred (the) two hun- 15 fifteen fifteenth and one etc. dred and first 16 sixteen sixteenth etc. 17 seventeen seventeenth 1000 one thou- (the) thousandth 18 eighteen eighteenth sand 19 nineteen nineteenth 1001 one thou- (the) thousand 20 twenty twentieth sand and one and first etc. 21 twenty-one twenty-first etc. 22 twenty-two twenty-second 432
Ordinal Cardinal Ordinal Cardinal 23 twenty- three twenty-third 2000 two thou- sand 2001 two thou- sand and one etc. 10 000 ten thou- sand 100 000 one hun- dred thousand 1 000 000 one million etc. (the) two thousandth (the) two thou- sand and first etc. (the) ten thousandth (the) hundred thousandth (the) millionth etc.
Содержание Contents Предисловие Foreword..................................... 3 Часть первая. Теория PartOne. Theory Введение Introduction................................. 7 Раздел I. Синтаксис Section I. Syntax..............................8 Типы предложений. Types of Sentences......8 Основные типы вопросительных предложений. Main Types of Questions.................... 10 Главные и второстепенные члены предложения. Main and Secondary Parts of the Sentence....13 Главные члены предложения. Main Parts of the Sentence.............................13 Подлежащее. Subject................... 13 Сказуемое. Predicate ................. 14 Второстепенные члены предложения. Secondary Parts of the Sentence..........16 Дополнение. Object ................... 17 Определение. Attribute................ 18 Обстоятельство. Adverbial Modifier.... 19 434
Раздел II. Морфология Section II. Morphology......................21 Имя существительное. Noun.................22 Имя существительное и его классификации. Noun and Its Classifications............22 Категории имени существительного: число, падеж, род. Categories of Noun: Number, Case, Gender..................................23 Число. Number....................... 23 Падеж. Case......................... 25 Род. Gender ........................ 27 Артикль. Article..........................28 Общее понятие. General Notion...........28 Основные случаи употребления неопределенного и определенного артиклей. Main Cases of the Use of Indefinite and Definite Articles........................;.......30 Артикли с конкретными и абстрактными именами существительными. Articles with Concrete and Abstract Nouns.............37 Расположение артиклей. Position of Articles.. 43 Употребление артиклей с именами собственными. Use of Articles with Proper Nouns...................................45 Артикли с географическими названиями. Articles with Geographic Names................. 45 Артикли с другими названиями. Articles with Other Names................................. 47 Артикли с личными именами. Articles with Personal Names................................. 50 Артикли с уникальными именами существи- тельными. Articles with Unique Nouns.... 52 Артикли с существительными school, college, university, bed, town, home, church, hospital, prison, jail, work. Articles with the Nouns school, college, university, bed, town, home, church, hospital, prison, jail, work.....53 435
Артикли с существительными, обознача- ющими приемы пищи. Articles with Names of Meals..................................54 Артикли с существительными, обозначающими части суток и времена года. Articles with Nouns Denoting Parts of Day and Seasons................................55 Артикли с существительными, выражающими родовое понятие, изобретения, жанры, термины. Articles with Nouns Used in Generic Meaning..........57 Артикли в выражениях с предлогами in, with, like, a». Articles in in-, with-, like-, as- Phrases................................58 Артикли в словосочетаниях с предлогом of. Articles in o/-Phrases.................59 Отсутствие артикля в ряде выражений, вводимых предлогами. Absence of Article in Some Prepositional Phrases ............60 Артикли с существительными в функции приложения и предикатива. Articles with Nouns used as Appositions and Predicatives.... 61 Артикли с субстантивированными частями речи. Articles with Substantivized Parts of Speech.................................63 Местоимение. Pronoun....................... 66 Местоимение и его классификации. Pronoun and Its Classifications.............. 66 Личные местоимения. Personal Pronouns.... 68 Притяжательные местоимения. Possessive Pronouns...............................69 Указательные местоимения. Demonstrative Pronouns...............................70 Неопределенные местоимения. Indefinite Pronouns...............................71 Возвратные местоимения. Self-Pronouns .... 75 436
Имя прилагательное. Adjective...............77 Имя прилагательное и его классификации. Adjective and Its Classifications........77 Степени сравнения прилагательных. Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives..............78 Наречие. Adverb.............................82 Общее понятие. General Notion............82 Степени сравнения наречий. Degrees of Comparison of Adverbs....................83 Имя числительное. Numeral...................84 Глагол. Verb................................86 Общая характеристика глагольной системы современного английского языка. General Characteristics of the Verb System in Modern English..................................86 Времена. Tfenses.........................92 Настоящие времена. Present Tenses......92 Прошедшие времена. Past Tenses........100 Будущие времена. Другие способы выражения будущности. Future Tenses. Other Means of Expressing Future Actions........................106 Косвенная речь. Reported Speech.........ill Согласование времен. Sequence of Tenses.. 113 Залог. Voice............................116 Сложное дополнение. Complex Object.......119 Модальные глаголы. Modal Verbs..........121 Can................................. 123 May................................. 124 Must..................................125 To Have to............................127 To Be to..............................127 Should................................128 Ought To..............................129 Need .................................130 Проблемные глаголы. Problem Verbs.......131 437
Часть вторая Упражнения и тесты с ключами Part Two. Exersises and Tests with Answers Раздел I. Синтаксис Section I. Syntax......................... 135 Типы предложений. Главные и второстепенные члены предложения. Types of Sentences. Main and Secondary Parts of the Sentence.......135 Упражнения. Exercises ...... .......135 Основные типы вопросительных предложений. Main Types of Questions......................147 Упражнения. Exercises ...............147 Раздел II. Морфология Section II. Morphology....................152 Имя существительное. Noun...............152 Упражнения. Exercises ........... 152 Артикль. Article........................160 Основные случаи употребления неопределенного и определенного артиклей. Main Cases of the Use of Indefinite and Definite Articles ...............................160 Упражнения. Exercises ................160 Проверьте себя. Checkup...............182 Употребление артиклей с именами собственными. Use of Articles with Proper Nouns....................................185 Упражнения. Exercises .................185 Артикли с уникальными именами существительными. Articles with Unique Nouns....................................197 Упражнения. Exercises .................197 Артикли с существительными school, college, university, bed, town, home, church, hospital, prison, jail, work. Articles with Nouns school, 438
college, university, bed, town, home, church, hospital, prison, jail, work............200 Упражнения. Exercises ................200 Артикли с существительными, обозначающими приемы пищи. Articles with Names of Meals...........................202 Упражнения. Exercises ................202 Артикли с существительными, обозначающими части суток и времена года. Articles with Nouns Denoting Parts of Day and Seasons......................206 Упражнения. Exercises ...............206 Проверьте себя. Checkup..............209 Артикли с существительными, выражающими родовое понятие, изобретения, жанры, термины. Articles with Nouns Used in Generic Meaning............212 Упражнения. Exercises.................212 Артикли в выражениях с предлогами with, in, like, as. Articles in with-, in-, like-, as-Phrases..............................215 Упражнения. Exercises ...............215 Артикли в словосочетаниях с предлогом of. Articles in «/-Phrases..................218 Упражнения. Exercises ...............218 Отсутствие артикля в ряде выражений, вводимых предлогами. Absence of Article in Some Prepositional Phrases...............220 Упражнения. Exercises ................220 Артикли с существительными в функции приложения и предикатива. Articles with Nouns Used as Appositions and Predicatives .. 222 Упражнения. Exercises ...............222 Артикли с субстантивированными частями речи. Articles with Substantivized Parts of Speech...................................224 Упражнения. Exercises.................224 439
Проверьте себя/ Все случа*ьупотребления артиклей. Checkup. All Cases of the Use of Articles.229 Местоимение. Pronoun............................237 Личные местоимения. Personal Pronouns...237 Упражнения. Exercises .................237 Притяжательные местоимения. Possessive Pronouns..................................238 Упражнения. Exercises ....................238 Указательные местоимения. Demonstrative Pronouns..................................241 Упражнения. Exercises .................241 Неопределенные местоимения. Indefinite Pronouns.....................................242 Упражнения. Exercises.....................242 Возвратные местоимения. Self-Pronouns ...252 Упражнения. Exercises ....................252 Имя прилагательное. Adjective...................254 Упражнения. Exercises ................ 254 Наречие. Adverb.................................259 Упражнения. Exercises.....................259 Проверьте себя. Checkup...................261 Имя числительное. Numeral.......................262 Упражнения. Exercises .................. 262 Глагол. Verb.................................. 263 Упражнения. Exercises ................ 263 Времена. Tenses..............................264 Настоящие времена. Present Tenses Настоящее простое время. Present Simple Упражнения. Exercises .................. 264 Настоящее продолженное время. Present Progressive Упражнения. Exercises .................. 269 Настоящее совершенное время. Present Perfect Упражнения. Exercises ....................273 Настоящее совершенное продолженное время. Present Perfect Progressive Упражнения. Exercises ....................280 Проверьте себя. Checkup................. 282 Прошедшие времена. Past Tenses Прошедшее простое время. Past Simple Упражнения. Exercises ....................284 440
Прошедшее продолженное время. Past Progressive Упражнения. Exercises ..................288 Прошедшее совершенное время. Past Perfect Упражнения. Exercises ..................292 Прошедшее совершенное продолженное время. Past Perfect Progressive Упражнения. Exercises ................ 297 Будущие времена. Future Tenses Будущее простое время. Future Simple Упражнения. Exercises ...................298 Будущее продолженное время. Future Progressive Упражнения. Exercises...................306 Будущее совершенное время. Future Perfect Упражнения. Exercises ..................307 Будущее совершенное продолженное время. Future Perfect Progressive Упражнения. Exercises ..................308 Проверьте себя. Checkup.................309 Косвенная речь. Reported Speech............314 Упражнения. Exercises...................314 Согласование времен. Sequence of Tenses ...317 Упражнения. Exercises...................317 Залог. Voice...............................325 Упражнения. Exercises............... 325 Сложное дополнение. Complex Object.........328 Упражнения. Exercises ..................328 Модальные глаголы. Modal Verbs.............333 Can Упражнения. Exercises ..................333 May Упражнения. Exercises...................335 Must Упражнения. Exercises ..................339 To Have to Упражнения. Exercises ..................340 To Be to Упражнения. Exercises ................ 342 Should Упражнения. Exercises ..................344 Ought to Упражнения. Exercises ..................345 441
Need Упражнения. Exercises ...........346 Тестовые задания. Tests..........349 Ключи Answers.................................359 Приложения Appendices Приложение I. Appendix I................423 Приложение II. Appendix II..............430 Приложение III. Appendix III............432
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АЙРИС П Р Е ОС представляет серию ДОМАШНИЙ И РЕПЕТИТОР Л. Романова Практическая грамматика английского языка Сборник упражнений охватывает все основные разделы грамматики английского языка. Разнообразные по форме упражнения и тесты призваны обобщить и систе- матизировать знания, полученные в школе, и распо- лагаются по степени возрастания сложности. Все задания снабжены ответами. Для учащихся старших классов, абитуриентов, пре-; подавателей и всех изучающих английский язык. •384 с. •
представляет серию О Амгаийсшй way© •. Английский клуб з thTstolen” Ь BACILLUS j ’ and other advtntnre stones ; гл . *« Я —--------------- t К It Украденная бацилла I. \ и другие приключенческие рассказы Адаптация текста, словарь Г. К. Л агидсон-Степановой; Упражнения Г. И. Бардиной; Под ред. Е. Л. Заниной Сборник приключенческих и детективных рассказов содержит произведения английских и американских писателей XIX—XX веков в адаптации Г. К. Магидсон- Степановой. Книга рассчитана на старшие классы средних школ, 9—10 классы школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, I—II курсы языковых вузов. После каждого рассказа приводятся упражнения, направленные на овладение лексикой, грамматикой и развитие навыков общения. Книга содержит словарь. • Обложка, 160 с., с илл. •
ПРЕСС представляет серию ДОМАШНИЙ g РЕПЕТИТОР Н. Г. Гичева, О. С. Дворжец, Л. П. Черкашина 1200 тестов по английскому языку Данный сборник тестовых заданий по английскому языку предназначен для самостоятельной подготовки аби- туриентов к вступительным вузовским испытаниям, а также школьников к выпускным экзаменам в средних учебных заведениях, в которых принят тестовый итоговый контроль знаний учащихся. Сборник также можно рекомендовать преподавателям, использующим методику тестового контроля. • 256 с. •
представляет серию ДОМАШНИЙ g РЕПЕТИТОР Е. Занина 95 устных тем по английскому языку Данное пособие рассчитано на широкий круг изучающих английский язык. Основная цель пособия — помочь школьникам и абитуриентам овладеть устными темами, необходимыми для сдачи выпускных и вступительных экзаменов по английскому языку. Материал книги можно также использовать на занятиях по английскому языку, английской литературе и страноведению в рамках программы школы, гимназии, лицея или института, а также для самостоятельного изучения английского языка. *304 с. •
В РЕГИОНАХ книги издательства «Айрис-пресс* Вы можете приобрести по следующим адресам: Екатеринбург < ► ООО «Эдельвейс* 8 (3432)55-66-42 И Екатеринбург, ул. Ленина, д. 50а Ижевск < » «Визит* 8 (3412)58-17-20 М Ижевск, ул. Труда, д. 86—7 Иркутск < ► ООО «ПродаЛитЪ» 8 (3952)59-13-80 М Иркутск, ул. Байкальская, д. 172 Казань < ► ООО «Аист-Пресс» 8 (8432)43-60-31 И Казань, ул. Декабристов, 182 Минск < ► ООО «Юнипресс» 8 (10-375-172)10-19-29 И Минск, ул. Куйбышева, д. 75 Набережные Челны < ► «Книги» 8 (8552)56-24-67 И Набережные Челны, Новый Город, д. 27/12 Нижний Новгород < » ЧП Эллинский О. Г. 8 (8312)33-36-61 И Нижний Новгород, Зеленский съезд, д. 6 Новосибирск < ► ООО «Топ-книга» 8 (3832)36-10-28 ^3 Новосибирск, ул. Арбузова, д. 1/1 » ЗАО «Сибверк» 8 (3832)11-98-14, 11-98-18 И Новосибирск, ул. Мичурина, д. 4а Пермь < ► «Азбука +» 8 (3422)64-12-26 И Пермь, ул. Героев Хасана, 10 Самара < » ООО «Метида» 8 (8462)59-45-52 И Самара, ул. Юных пионеров, д. 146 Санкт-Петербург < » «Санкт-Петербургский Дом книги* (розничная продажа) 8 (812)318-64-02 &3 Санкт-Петербург, Невский пр-т, д. 28 » ООО «Фирма Диля» 8 (812)314-05-61 И Санкт-Петербург, ул. Казанская, д. 15 Уфа ► ПКП «Азия» 8 (3472)50-39-00 М Уфа, ул. Зенцова, д. 70 (для оптовых закупок) ул. Чернышевского, д. 88, магазин «Оазис* Хабаровск < ► МП «Книжный мир» 8 (4212)32-85-51 И Хабаровск, ул. Карла Маркса, д. 37 » «Мирс* 8 (4212)23-54-47; 22-74-58 Ы Хабаровск,'ул. Ким Ю Чена, д. 21 Челябинск < » ЗАО «Корвет» 8 (3512)36-75-10 Южно-Сахалинск * И Челябинск, ул. Коммуны, д. 69 » ООО «Эврика-Трейд* 8 (4242)79-64-33 М Южно-Сахалинск, НПР Новоалександровск, ул. Советская, д. 104
ЛОНИНА, АИДА СААКЯН МО АНГЛИЙСКАЯ ГРАММАТИКА Доступная теория на русском языке Упражнения различных уровней сложности с ключами Оригинальные английские тексты Тесты с ключами ISBN 5-7836-0390-2 785783 603907