                    Т.В. Кожевникова
для университета и института аязи
for Communications Students
Допущено Минобразования России
в качестве учебника для студентов вузов,
обучающихся по специальностям,
входящим в направление «Телекоммуникации»
Шестое издание, стереотипное


Т.В. Кожевникова АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК для университета и института аязи ENGLISH for Communications Students Допущено Минобразования России в качестве учебника для студентов вузов, обучающихся по специальностям, входящим в направление «Телекоммуникации» Шестое издание, стереотипное МОСКВА 2012
УДК 811.111(075.8) ББК 81.2 Англ-923 К58 Рецензенты: Л Л. Шестоперова, канд. пед. наук, ИЛ. Голованова, канд. пед. наук, HJL Адамия, канд. филол. наук, О.П. Иевлев, канд. техн, наук, Т.Ю. Полякова, канд. пед. наук Автор Кожевникова Татьяна Витальевна, заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков Московского технического университета связи и информатики, автор более 100 публикаций в области методики преподавания иностран- ных языков в неязыковых вузах, дистанционного обучения, использова- ния технических средств в учеб ном процессе, канд. пед. наук, доц. Кожевникова Т.В. К58 Английский язык для университетов и институтов связи : учебник / ТВ. Кожевникова. — 6-е изд., стер. — М. : КНОРУС, 2012.- 368 с. ISBN 978-5-406-01848-4 Рассчитан на 170 аудиторных часов и предназначен для работы на 1—2 курсах всех отделений технических факультетов. Состоит из трех частей: вводно-коррекги в ного курса, основн о го курса и п рил оже н и я. С набже н слова - рем, ссылками на использованную литературу и ключами к ряду задач. Для студентов вузов связи. УДК 811Л 11(075.8) ББ К 81.2 Англ-923 Кожевникова Татьяна Витальевна АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК для университетов и институтов связи Сертификат соответствия № РОСС RU. АЕ5L Н 15407 от 31.05.2011 Изд. № 3944. Подписано я печать 22.06.201 L Формат 60x90/16. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 23,0. Тираж ] 500 экз. Заказ № ООО «КноРус*. 129085, Москва, проспект Мира, д. 105, Стр. L Тел.: (495)741-46-28. Е -та И; olTice@knorus.ru http ://w w w.knorus. ru Отпечатано в ОАО «ИПК «Ульяновский Дом печати». 432980, г. Ульяновск, ул. Гончарова, 14- ISBN 978-5-406-01848-4 © Кожевникова ТВ., 2012 © ООО «КноРус*, 2012
Оглавление Предисловие......................................................6 Часть 1. Вподно-коррективный курс.................. Unit 1* Английский алфавит. Слова и выражения! употребляющиеся в формулировках заданий................................8 Unit 2. Правила чтения: Л7, Л/, /е/, /о7, /иХ /а/. Текст "Electricity" (ex* 5 р. 16).........................................15 Unit 3. Правила чтения: /е/, /э:Л Л©4 /el/, /аХЛ /ои< лад /аи/, /о|/, /иэ /. Тексты "Письма" (ех. 21 р. 21: ех. 22 р. 22).. 20 Unit 4. Правила чтения: Я/. < /к/, Л& Isi, W, /(&/, /@ /, ЙД Ы /Кв/. /gz/, /w/( /Kw/, irlt /3 /, Текст "Modem Telephone Systems" (ex. 36 p. 26)........................................25 Unit 5. Множественное число существительных; 3-е лицо единственного числа простого настоящего времени глаголов, оканчивающихся в неопределенной форме на ch, sh, х, s, у (после согласной); образование наречий. Текст "Organization" (ex. 46 рр. 31-32) ...................................31 Unit 6. Интонация повествовательного и вопросительного предложений. Текст "Spreadsheet" (ex. 49 р. 34).......33 Unit 7. Основные типы вопросов. Текст "The Job Interview" (ex, 52 pp. 37-38) ...................................35 Часть 2, Осносной курс..................................................39 Unit 8. Четыре основных формы глагола.................39 Unit 9. Система времен английского глагола в действительном залоге. Simple Tensas. Текст "The Mason-Dixon Line" (ex, 64 p 44) ....41 Unit 10. Система времен английского глагола в действительном залоге. Continuous Tenses. Текст "Installation of a Photocopier" (ex. 71 p, 49)........................................46 Unit 11. Система времен английского глагола в действительном залоге. Perfect Tenses. Текст *Who Lives Longer?" (ex. 72 pp. 51-52)... 50 Unit 12. Система времен английского глагола в действительном залоге. Perfect Continuous Tenses. Тексты "Marie Sklodowska Curie" (ex 78 pp, 55-56) и Pierre Curie" (ex. 82 p. 51)......54 Unit 13. Система времен английского глагола в страдательном залоге. Simple Tenses. Текст "The Sierra Club" (ex. 85 p. 60).58
Unit 14. Система времен английского глагола а страдательном залоге. Continuous Tenses, Perfect Tenses. Тексты ’Transistor11 (ex. 92 p, 65) и ’Transistor, Semiconductor, Insulator" (ex. 93 pp. 65-66). ..61 Unit 15. Выражение будущего времени с помощью словосочетания to be + going to + V. Употребление выражения "to have got smth" для обозначения наличия чего-либо в настоящий момент....................66 Unit 16. Согласование времен. Косвенная речь. Тексты "Changing the System" (ex. 99 pp. 70-71) и "Saudi ProjecT (ex. 100 pp. 71-72)...66 Unit 17. Медальные глаголы (can, must). Тексты “Interviews" (ex. 104 p. 75) и “Car Hire’ (ex. 106 pp. 77-78)......................72 Unit 18. Модальные глаголы (may! should). Текст "Writing a Business Letter" (ex. 109 pp. 80-81)...........................................78 Unit 19. Сослагательное наклонение. Текст "Sending a Telex" (ex. 114 p. 85).......................................................81 Unit 20. Сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными, вводимыми союзами Ии when и их эхвивалеитеми. Употребление. used to, would to, to be used to, to get used to. Тексты "At the Reception Desk" (ex. 116 pp. 87-88). "It's London!" (ex. 117 p.88), "Computerized Systems" (ex. 118 p. 89), “Word-processing Systems" (ex. 119 p. 90).85 Unit 21. Неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив. Тексты Tiling the Documents" (ex. 123 p. 93) и “Chromatab Processing" (ex. 125 p. 94)...91 Unit 22. Неличные формы глагола. Инфинитивные конструкции. Текст ’Telephone Problems" (ex. 126 p. 96)..........................95 Unit 23. Неличные формы глагола. ~ ing и - ed формы.................100 Unit 24. Неличные формы глагола. Обороты с - ing и ~ ed формами. Тексты "Pushing New Products and Services" (ex. 134 pp. 105-106) и "From the History of Computers" (ex. 135 pp. 106-107).103 Unit 25. Артикли. Единственное и множественное число существительных. Определения, выраженные комбинацией существительных. Тексты "Call HandHing" (ex. 139 №. 112-113) и “Liguid-crystal Technology" (ex. 143 pp. 115-116)...................108 Unit 26. Местоимения. Текст "Payphones" (ex. 149 p-121)............117 Unit 27. Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий. Числительные. Словообразование. Тексты "Wireless Payphones" (ex. 152 р. 124), "Cail Supporting" (ex. 155, p. 126), ’Tesla Millenium Network" (ex. 159 pp. 127*128).......................................122 Unit 28. Предлоги и союзы. Фразовые глаголы. Тексты "Cdma Оле in China" (ex. 160 р. 133) и "A Stop away from Idea!" (ex. 161 pp. 134-135).........................................................128 Unit 29. Сложные предложения. Инверсия. Образцы де левой переписки. Текст "At a Sitting of the Regional Committee" (ex. 164 pp. 138-139)................................................135 Unit 30. Что такое резюме? Тексты "Solving the SNA and LAN Problem Using Frame Relay (ex. 170 pp. 149-154) и "Banking on ATM by Satellite" (ex. 171 №• 154-158)...............................146 Unit 31. Тексты "Historical Review1' (ex. 172 pp. 158-182), "The Russian Academy of Sciences" (ex, 174 pp. 162-165), "The Royal
Society of London*' (ex. 177 pp. 165-169}, "National Academy of Sciences and National Research Council (USA)" (ex. 179 pp. 170-173).............................................158 Unit 32. Текст “Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics" (ex. 180 pp. 174-178)............................174 Unit 33. Тексты “Alexander Popov, the First Inventor of the Radio" (ex. 184 pp. 179-180) и "Andrey Kolmogorov" (ex. 185 pp. 181-183).............................................179 Unit 34. Текст “Conferences, Symposiums, Congresses" (ex. 190 pp. 1844 87).............................................184 Unit 35. Тексты “Environmental Problems" (ex. 193 pp. 187*190), "The Science of Climate Change“ (ex. 195 pp. 190-194), “The Health of the Ozone Layer" (ex. 196 pp. 194-196}.........................187 Часть 3. Приложение ......................................................197 Text 1 . History and Regulation of the Telephone Industry.........197 Text 2. Network...................................................201 Text 3. Switching Technology......................................206 Text 4. Transmission Media........................................208 Text 5. Transmission Technology...................................212 Text 6. Broadband Access and Service..............................214 Text 7. Wireless..................................................216 Text 8. Code Division Multiple Access.............................220 Text 9. Current Cellular Standards................................222 Text 10* Commercial Applications................................224 Text 11 * Software is the Key.....................................227 Text 12* Traffic Engineering Methods............................231 Text 13* WAP-The Catalyst of the Mobile Internet..................246 Text 14* UT Starcom SPDH’" Family of Optical Link Integrated Multiplexing Terminals (Optimux).......................257 Text 15* Database Programming with ISAM.........................269 Text 16* The Latest News in the Field of Number Portability.....278 Text 17* Hearing Voices...........................................282 Text 18* A tutorial introduction to optical modulation techniques.288 Text 19* Visions for 4G; many ways to achieve integrated wireless connectivity.............................................291 Text 20. Mobile devices impact WLANs..............................296 Text 21. Satellite security.......................................299 Интернет-ориентированные задания .........................................305 Англо-русский словарь ....................................................307 Ключи ....................................................................359 Список литературы ........................................................361
Предисловие Учебник английского языка для университетов и институтов связи предназначен для студентов 1—2 курсов высших учебных заве- дений, обучающихся по специальностям, входящим в направление «Телекоммуникации», магистров, аспирантов и специалистов в облас- ти связи и рассчитано на 170—240 аудиторных часов. В нем учтены пожелания преподавателей вузов, работавших с предыдущими тремя изданиями. Особое внимание при этом уделено обновлению тематики текстов и возможности использования интернет- материалов в учебном процессе. Учебник может использоваться на традиционных занятиях под руководством преподавателя, для традиционной самостоятельной ра- боты, на занятиях в компьютерном классе (под руководством препода- вателя и самостоятельно) и в условиях дистанционного обучения (в автономном режиме или в режиме on-line). Учебник состоит из трех частей: вводно-коррективного курса, основного курса и приложения. Он снабжен словарем, ссылками на использованную литературу и ключами к ряду заданий. Все части учебника поделены на уроки (Units). В вводно-коррективном курсе каждый урок посвящен несколь- ким правилам чтения и наиболее простым грамматическим явлениям. Правила чтения представлены схематично, грамматические явления описаны кратко и схематично. Каждое правило и (или) явление отраба- тывается с помощью тренировочных упражнений урока. Одновремен- но, наряду с повторением бытовой и страноведческой лексики, обу- чаемые начинают работать над усвоением общенаучной, политехниче- ской и специфической связистской лексики, а также над специфиче- скими сокращениями, используемыми в отрасли. Уроки основного курса посвящены определенным грамматиче- ским явлениям, представленным кратко и схематично, и содержат зна- чительное количество соответствующих тренировочных заданий. Ис- пользуемая лексика носит бытовой, страноведческий, общенаучный, политехнический и профессионально ориентированный характер. Сложность и объем предлагаемых оригинальных текстов увеличива- ются от урока к уроку. Их тематика как страноведческая, так и профес- сионально ориентированная.
7 Помимо заданий, направленных на овладение языковым мате- риалом, в каждом уроке имеются задания для развития умений и навы- ков содержательной стороны всех видов речевой деятельности: чтения? письма, аудирования, говорения. В 5-м издании приложение значительно расширено за счет но- вых текстов и образцов интернет-заданий. Приложение направлено на развитие всех видов речевой деятельности. Представленные в нем тек- сты взяты только из современных оригинальных источников и не под- вергались никакой адаптации. Они могут быть использованы в качест- ве дополнительного материала для работы с сильными группами бака- лавров и специалистов, а также в качестве основного материала для работы с магистрами, аспирантами и специалистами. Интернет-задания рекомендуется предлагать обучаемым, начиная со 2-го курса. Современнав версия словаря содержит ряд новых, возникших в последние годы, специфических связистских терминов. При составле- нии словаря автором была сделана попытка отобрать наиболее употре- бительную современную профессионально ориентированную лексику, как правило вызывающую затруднения у студентов. Автор благодарен рецензентам рукописи за внимательное и объ- ективное отношение к его работе. Автор признателен старшему преподавателю кафедры иностран- ных языков МТУСИ Г.Л. Орловой за помощь в подготовке словаря. Замечания и пожелания по поводу содержания учебника просьба направлять по адресу: 123955, ГСП, Москва, ул. Народного Ополчения, д. 32, кафедра иностранных языков МТУСИ.
8 Часть 1 Часть 1 Вводно-коррективный курс Unit 1 Принято считать, что в английском языке 7 кратких гласных, 5 долгих гласных и 8 дифтонгов. Краткие гласные: /1 / — pit, / е / - pet, / se / - pat, / л / - putt, / з /- pot, / u / — put, / э / - another Долгие гласные: /i:/-bean,!a:/-bam, /э:/-bom,/u7-boon,/3 :/-bum Дифтонги: / ei / - bay, / al /- buy, / si / — boy, / ou / - no, / au / - now, / ie / - peer, / ce / - pair, / ue / - poor Представив наши органы речи в виде четырёхугольника, мы получим следующие таблицы английских кардинальных гласных:
Вводно-коррективный курс Что касается трифтонгов, то их обычно рассматривают как сочетание дифтонгов с нейтральными звуками. Например: layer / eie /, fire I aie /. Английские согласные делятся на: взрывные: / р / - pin, / b 7— bin, /t/-tin, / d/ - din, / k / - kin, / g / - gum аффрикаты: / tl / - chain, / ds / - Jane фрикативные: /f/-fire,/v/-vine,/© /-think,/fl/-this,/s/-seal,/z/-zeal, / f / - sheep, /3 / - measure, / h / - how сонорные: /т/ - sum, /п/ - sun, / g / - sung аппроксиманты: /1/-light, / r/-right,/w/-wet,/j /-yet Их можно представить в виде таблицы, где звонкие и глухие согласные размещены попарно: глухая - слева, звонкая - справа,
10 Часть 1 по типу сификл-^Х^ртнкуддиионной пре- ця* по месту'хшы и способу 3]П»^Л>1ШОЮ10нЧ№ОНЖДеНЯЯ преграды и кктмйнаыуХдеума органу речи Взрывные Аффрика- ты Фрика- тивные Сонорные Аппрокси- манты Билабиальные (губные) р,Ь m W Л абиально-д сигал ьные (губозубныс) f.v Дентальные (межзубные) е,а Альвеолярные t,d S, Z П I Заальвсолярныс tf,d3 /,з г Палатальные (нйбныс) _ j ЗалненЁбные k,g М 3__ Гортанные h Звуки (гласные и согласные) произносятся в речи, а буквы служат для обозначения звуков на письме. Для обозначения 44 анг- лийских звуков используется латинский алфавит, имеющий 26 букв. Аа /ei/ Nn /еп/ ВЬ /bi:/ Oo /ои/ Сс /si:/ Pp /pi:/ Dd /di:/ Qq /kju:/ Ее /i:/ Rr /a:/ Ff /eff Ss /es/ Gg /(fei:/ Tt Ai:/ Hh /eitj/ Uu /ju:/ li /at/ Vv /vi:/ Jj /(feet/ Ww /'dAbl'ju:/ Kk /ket/ Xx /eks/ LI /el/ Yy /war/ Mm /cm/ Zz /zed/ Соответственно, одна и та же буква в разных положениях может читаться как несколько разных звуков. Выделение слога в слове называется словеснмМ ударением. В транскрипции оно обозначается знаком / ' /, стоящим перед удар- ным слогом.
Вводмо-хорршотш0ный>о^с 11 Во многих случаях в двусложных существительных, прилага- тельных, наречиях, местоимениях ударение падает на первый слог, в двусложных глаголах - на второй, в многосложных словах - на третий слог с конца ('export - to ex'port, 'beautiful). Однако эта за- кономерность очень часто нарушается ('contact - to 'contact). Кроме того, многие слова имеют двойное ударение Ccoiitra'dict, 'cross-e^xami 'nation) или меняют ударение в зависимо- сти от контекста ('compact - com'pact). Поэтому рекомендуется как можно чаше проверять правильность словесного ударения по сло- варю. Слова и выражения, употребляющиеся в формулировках заданий abbreviation сокращение add добавить additional дополнительный adjective прилагательное adverb наречие aloud вслух alphabet алфавит article артикль; статья below ниже besides кроме, помимо box рамка brackets скобки category категория change менять, изменять choose выбрать column колонка common общий, общеупотребительный comparative сравнительный complete завершить compose составить conclusion заключение, вывод conjunction союз consider считать, полагать
12 Часть 1 consonant согласная contain содержать context содержание, контекст correct исправлять conection исправление decide решать define определять definition определение describe описать direct прямой double двойной extract извлекать fellow-student соученик figure цифра find находить flowchart блок-схема following следующий form форма groupmate одногрупник imagine вообразить imprint выходные данные indirect косвенный indirect speech косвенная речь infinitive неопределенная форма глагола initial начальная буква intonation интонация inversion инверсия letter буква; письмо list список main основной make up составить mark отметить match сочетать» соответствовать meaning значение mention упомянуть mistake ошибка
Веодяо-морреюпиекы# муре necessary negative neighbour noun outline необходимый отрицательный сосед существительное обрисовать, наметить в общих чертах paragraph part pattern pay attention plural positive preposition prompt pronoun pronounce proper refer remember render параграф часть образец обращать внимание множественное число положительный предлог подсказка местоимение произносить соответствующий ссылаться помнить воспроизводить, передавать, пере- водить request resume similar singular sound group space spelling statement summary superlative syllable table task term thesis (theses) просьба, требование резюме подобный, схожий единственное число звуковая группа место, интервал правописание утверждение краткое содержание превосходный слог таблица задание термин тезис (тезисы)
14 Часть 1 third person transfer третье лицо переносить, перемещать, преобра- зовывать two-way translation type underline unscramble verb version двусторонний перевод тип подчеркивать расшифровать глагол версия, вариант Exercise 1 Complete the table below by writing the letters of the alphabet in their sound groups. ei i: е ai OU ju: a: а ь f i О J r Exercise 2 Say the following initials: ТВА, ТС, XTO, ZB, ZDP, ZM, VI, VHR, ZDS, ZDR, AFR, CCM, BF, BHF, DC, DVT, UBD, UD, WBR, WFG, IDT, LTS, MFC, MP, OTH, RFS, RHC, JSS, КС, KDT, EP, FL, BDD, ADR, ADS, ADTP
Ваодмо*оррекпш»ный *<ypjc 15 Exercise 3 Match the abbreviations in the box to the definitions below. A, AC, NC, TM, VLF, PDP, S, WPS address code, analog (signal), time monitor, network control, project de- velopment plan, very low frequency, waveform processing system, satu- ration Unit 2 ее (see, reed) *— ea (cheap, clean) '———~~~~~ e + согласная + e (complete, even) i + согласная + e (elite, chlorine) ie (niece, piece)-------------- ei (ceiling, receive) —•— Exercise 4 Write the words beside tbeir definitions. a. a plan (------). b. to instruct (----). c. players on the same side in a game (---) d. to touch (----) e. a thing with moving parts which needs some kind of power to do its job (------------) f. a chair (-----) g. every (----) h. to cross out (------) i. high temperature (----) j. what we do with food (- ---) k. to take without asking (-----)
Часть ? « Exercise 5 Complete the words in the text below. Electricity can travel over a very long p- -ce of wire. But a note written on a p- -ce of paper can't be put into a wire. It is well known that electricity can move a n- -die from left to right. So a special electric mach-ne with a n- -die pointing at letters written on a p- -ce of paper must be used to send messages. e (elastic, event) ——_ /1 / i (if, important) Exercise 6 Match the words in the box with the definitions below. electric, expensive, elect, entire, excite a. Choose especially. b. The opposite to cheap. c. If petrol runs out in the world, we may all have to use cars. d. Complete, whole. e. To cause someone to have stronger feelinga. Exercise 7 Listen and repeat: rich, sit, in, input, inphase, inner,, inquiry, inspect, inside, insert, instruct, instrument, drift, shift, integrated, integral, insulator, intact, insulation, intensity, midband, mil, minimum, mixed, single, bit e - (edge, energy)--------- / e / Exercise 8 Which words are pronounced with lei and which are pronounced with /1 /? central, session, begin, band, bell, cell, behavior, cement, felt
Вводно-коррективный курс 17 or ore (absorb, cord)— (core) ^2 /3:/ oor (floor, door) — al (call) Exercise 9 Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right. a. call 1. middle, centre b. chalk 2. cable c. more 3. to telephone d. cord 4. opposite to less e. core 5. you write on a blackboard with this о (off, on, offer) -h! Exercise 10 Match the words in the box with definitions below. positive, oxide, often, optical, opera, optimum, oxygen, optimize _______________________________________________________________ a. happening regnlarly b. a musical play c. gas d. best suited e. favorable, possessing good qualities f. a special kind of glass is called glass g. a product of a chemical reaction u + согласная +e ue ui ew oe 0 00 о + согласная + e OU (rule, June) (blue, true) (fruit, suit) (flew, chew) — (shoe) 1 u: 1 (who, do) (boot, (more, whose) (route)
Часть 1 18 Exercise 11 Read the common words which include the sound /u:/ and remem- ber their spelling. cool, boost, boot, loop, loose, noon, pool, tool, roof, root, soon, tooth, zoo Exercise 12 Write the words beside their definitions. a. footwear that covers the leg (---) b. a place to go and see animals in cages (-) c, to pick or select something (------) d. 12 o’clock midday (-----) e, to break up food in your mouth (---) f. footwear that covers the foot (--) g. opposite to tighten (------) u (must, shut)----------- о (mother, cover) — / Л / ough (rough, tough) —— Exercise 13 Complete the poem by using the words in the box. All the words have the sound /Л/. sunny, come, worry, honey, tonne, some, son, hurry, curry, love, money, glove, none, dove 1. Bees make. 2. Workers make. 3. The weather can be. And jokes can be funny. 4. Indians make. 5. Exams make you. 6. Clocks make you.
Вводно-коррективный курс 19 Alarms make you scurry. 7. 1 minus 1 makes. 8. A thousand kilos make a. 9. A baby boy - your little. Congratulations! Well done. 10. A lovely white bird’s called a. 11. A couple holding hands call it. 12. A quiet night is alright for. 13. But here’s a party invitation for those who want to. Exercise 14 Write the words in their sonnd groups. /л/ />/ /X/ /i: / /I/ /е/ object, electron, echo, off, order, optimize, nonuniform, normal, net, metal, meter, former, foreign, formula, mean, medium, melt, four, emer- gency, enough, cover, element, cement a (vase) ar (car, far) a: / u (put) ~ oo (book, foot)/ u / u (huge) ew (news) ju: / • Exercise 15 Put the following words into the correct categories: bar, cubic, cumulative, art, book, accumulator, dew, dark, enlarge, par- tial, target, tube, tune, few, full Exercise 16 Now use these words to fill in the sentences below. 1. In the evenings people like to go to .... 2. The volume of the swimming pool is 250... meters. 3. Very... students can speak English well.
20 Часть 1 4. Are you interested in ...? 5. What is ... used for? 6. What... are you reading now? 7. In winter it gets ... very early. 8. ... was a very important part in old TV-sets. 9. At the exam one must... one’s answer as much as possible.- 10.... in your radio sets. Il,... zones are bombarded by electrons. 12.... data must be sent to the processing centre. I3. Sometimes... addressing can be used instead of a ... one. Unit3 Звук / a i никогда не встречается в ударном слоге. Он может пере- даваться различными буквосочетаниями (letter, Saturday). Exercise 17 Underline the syllables which contain the sound / e / in the words helow. List the ways you found to spell / e /. father electron damage important electrostatic visible centre cellular vertical tonight nominal contact employment voltage suspender Exercise 18 Complete the words in the following sentences by spelling the sound / e /. _ hundr_d ph_togr_ph_ _s firjn Can_d_ _nd _meric__rrived in Britain t_nightt_ join th_ discuss_n in Lond_n _boutth_ role _f television _nd newspap___s. A + согласная (man, plan) - / ae /
Вво&но-коррштианый курс 21 Exercise 19 Listen and repeat: Ann, lamp, analog, accuracy, acetate, accident, access, absolute, channel, black, battery, balance, back, manual, management, match, tab, tap, tan- dem, tank, pack, package, penel, transfer, amplifier, unclassify er (her)"— ir (firm) —/ 3 : / yr (Byrd) ur (turn) Exercise 20 Read the following words and choose those with the sound / 3 : /. curve, cut, care, certificate, certify, board, circuit, circular, myriametric, Murray, mirror, surway, surface, service, servo, pyramid, purification, purpose, permanent, persistence, per cent, overflow, interpreter ear (fear, rear) ere (here, severe) — ier (frontier) ------------------------ / ю / eer (steer) -------------- Exercise 21 Complete the letter helow using the words in the box. sincerely, severe, dear, we're, appears, clear, engineer, interfere Mr. Smith! It is_____that we will need no more computers for our firm. I hope this will not______with your delivery plans. Also, according to the, it is__________that the damage to the machines is due to the____temperatures______having at the moment. So you needn't send your specialist to us. Yours________ V. Petrov
22 Часть 1 (aim, remain) (pay, stay) (weight) a (station, stable) ----------------- a + согласная + e или у (name, fame) ai ay ei /er/ Exercise 22 Unscramble the words to finish the letter. Dear (teKa)! How was your (oyilhad) in the (satSte)? It’s a nice (alcpe). J hope you weren’t too (aridfa). So many people (ysa) New York is a (zaycr) city but I couldn’t (coplmina) about my own (tsay) in the USA. I felt quite (fase). I went on an (chaexnge) visit with a friend at school who was the (rnase) (gea). His father was a (repiant). What was the weather like? When I was there we had a lot of (niar). Especially the (yad) we went to a (mage) of (sabellab). They had to stop it. I didn’t mind as no one could (xeplina) it to me (nyawya)!. Must go now, I’ve got a (rinat) to catch. I (amy) have a new job in TV. I’m still in search of (mafe)!. Lots of love (neJa) i (find, bind, wind)-----------------— i+ согласная + e или у (tiny, nice) "" / ar / igh (light) _________________-_______— " у (my, cycle) ------------- Exercise 23 Unscramble the letters and match the words in the box to the defini- tions. thgfi, plypa, dedio, nefi, ylpmi, iltgh, dlinb, dnib, left, hercip a. bring into action, make use of b. suggest, hint at, mean
авобно-морректианый муре 23 с. screen d. tie, fasten e. secret writing f. an electric device g. pleasant, excellent, exquisite, thin h. set of papers i. we turn it on in the darkness j. battle, cornbet, action о + согласная + e или у (nose, rosy) ow (flow) oa (coat) /ou/ Exercise 24 Complete the following sentences: a. Opposite of high is. b. The place where you live is called. c. Yesterday I up at 6 am but 1 didn’t get up until 8 am. d. A piece of rock is called. e. In summer the winds from the south-east. f. A short letter is called a. g. Can you me your holiday photos? h. He.spokeinaveryangry of voice. are (software, care) air (chair, fair) ~~— ear (wear)---------------------------- / Ее / ere (there, where) •—' Exercise 25 Read the following words and remember their spelling: air, hair, armchair, affair, warehouse, hardware, whereabouts, underwear ow (now) ou (house) /au /
24 Часть 1 Exercise 26 Complete the words in the following sentences hy spelling the sound / au /. Mail opening machines can open an envelope with_______t damaging the contents. The am_ _nt stated in the covering document must be the same as the am_ _nt enclosed. N_ _adays mail room staff* need to be well organized. Good h____sekeeping also applies to the electronic filing system. The electronic system should be "thinned___t" at regular intervals. Provide a print_ _t showing what formulae were used. Show us h_ _ the mail opening machine works. oi (voice, point) oy (boy, toy) _ /51/ Exercise 27 Underline the syllables which contain the sound / di / in the words below. moisture, oyster, horizon, party, poison, poise, hockey, hoist, host, going, point, coyote, boyish, doing ure (cure, pure) oor (poor) ----- /ue / Exercise 28 Write the words beside their definitions. People having no money are called_______. Clear substance is called_____. When we have no hesitation we say that we are Doctors the sick.
fleodMfrMoppwOTwgHbrii курс 25 Unit 4 sh (ship, fresh)----------------------- t (section, initial, cautious)__ c (electrician, commercial)—- / f / s (extension, suspension) ___________ ss (profession, session) " Exercise 29 Underline the letters which are pronounced as / J / in the following sentence. The ambitious language learner, who wants to do some translation after graduation, should work hard on pronunciation and dictation as well as conversation. f (fall, floor) / f/ ph (telephone) Exercise 30 Match the words in the box with the given definitions. telegraph, telephone, philosophy, photography, physical science a. The process of making pictures using light. b. An instrument which sends voices over long distances. c. A system for sending messages over long distances. d. The study of natural forces such as gravity and energy. e. A logical study of thought, knowledge, the universe. к (break, thank) ke (smoke, stroke) c (republic, statistic) —/ к / ck (flack, check) que (technique, unique)
26 Часть 1 Exercise 31 Choose the correct spelling. a. Why don’t we go for a walc/walk in the park/parck? b. The answers are at the bake/back of the book/booc. c. He’s off worck/work because he’s feeling sic/sick. d. Good luj/luck with new job. e. He has a basic/basick understanding of the subject. f. He didn’t make/mace many mistakes/mistackes. g. This is a historic/historick occasion for our countries. ch (lunch, speech) tch (catch, fetch) - /V/ Exercise 32 Choose the correct spelling. a. I’ve just bought a Swiss wach/watch. b. Can you touch/toutch the branch/brantch of that tree. c. The customer asked the waiter to fech/fetch.a mach/match for his ci- gar. s + согласная (test)---- s в начале слова (sit)------- в конце слова после глухой согласной (list ss (boss) --------—*—: с + е, i, у (cinema, center, policy) /s/ Exercise 33 One word in each group is pronounced differently from the others. Which one is it and how is it pronounced? How are the rest pro- nounced? cinema stress sed eggs ask center boss safe kicks fast policy less vision picks phase republic profession sack fists mist
Вводно-коррективяыц курс 27 s на конце слова после звонкого согласного и гласного (pens, bees) ------------- s между двумя гласными (visible) . / z Г z в любом случае (zero) Exercise 34 Write the words in their sound groups. / s / Zz/ set, cellular, circuit, circular, zoo, zone, sample, save, instruction, in- spect,. inverse, instructions, tools, errors, invisible, fuse, gains, wires, scale, frequency g перед e, i, у (page, gin, gym) j в любом случае (jam) --------- / dj / dg + гласная (bridge)----------- Exercise 35 Choose the correct spelling. Technological/Technolodgical/Technolojical developments take place in the “electronic”office. Records must be chanjed/changed/chandged, updated and organized. Many conventional paper-based routines are replaced by modem infor- mation techno loj {/technology. When a new employee goins/joins a company a personnel file is made out. Urgent/Urdgent/Uijent mail should be sent by first class post. th в начале служебных слов (this, that) th в знаменательных словах между / 3/ гласными буквами (bathe) _—---------- th в начале и в конце знаменательных слов (thickj thin) —- / 0 /
Часть f та Exercise 36 Read the following extracts and write the words with "th" in them in their sound groups. /е/ /а/ Modem telephone systems meet the individual requirements They are built on a "modular" basis. This means that future needs and developments can be edded without changing the basic structure. They still have the usual components but changes are made in the way these are brought together. Documents and correspondence in one Hie can be referred to those in another. This occurs when there is a change of names. For ex- ample, women who get married usually change their surname. For the files not to become "thick" unnecessary information is deleted. g перед согласными (bag) -----------/ g / g перед гласными: кроме e, i, у (game) -- ng (hunger)----------- /g/ ng (reading)__________ /д/ ng (strange)---------- /ncft/ Exercise 37 How are "g" and "ng'1 pronounced in the following words? doing, geng, stranger, ranger, ringing, grade, ground, growing, gain, fringe, galvanic, gate, gating, government, gold, general, good, glow, Geneva, group, grading, guy, hunger, heating h в начале слова перед гласной (he, hat) __ __ _ /h/ Exercise 38 Read the following words paying attention to the sound / h /: hot, high, hollow, heat, height, heavy, helical, belix, harmonic, half, hack, hair, hand, hall, harden, whole, hang, hold, hole, whom, hardware, hay, harsh, head, whopper, hell, Hertz, hesitation, hood, house, how], hub, hunting, hyperfine, wholesome
Ввойжнгорреюпиеный муре 29 х перед согласными и на конце слова (six) --------/ ks I х перед ударной гласной (exam)--------------------/ gz / Exercise 39 Write the following words in their sound groups. /ks/ /gz/ x-axis, xerography, executive, excitation, exchange, exact, examination, excess, excite, excitor, exclusive, exempt, extension, expand, exit, ex- haustion, exercise, example, exposure, explore, expiry, external, extra, exuberant, exult, exterior w + гласная (want, wate) "---------- wh + гласная, кроме "о" (what, white)— / w/ qu + гласная (quick)-----------------------/ kw / Exercise 40 Practice saying these sentences quickly. Quick liquor and quite quiche frequently. The liquid squid questions the quarreling queen mosquito. Exercise 41 Write the words with "wh" or "w” in them in their sound groups. /w/ /h/ wave, weight, weld, whom, what, way, wax, white, wheel, weak, which, whose, weather, whisper, wide, widow, wire, whole, wet, want, where, work г перед любой гласной, кроме немой "е" (red, read) - / г / Exercise 42 Read the following words and remember their spelling: trade, priority, private, mirror, return, processor, peripheral, run, reverse, ring, transmission, retest, relative, relay, write, tariff, nonreturn, lorry, battery, barium, harrier, arrive, arrange
30 Часть 1 Гласная + s + иге (leisure, measure) гласная + s + ion (vision)-------------- /3 / Exercise 43 Complete the words in the following sentences by spelling the sound / 3 /. Money is kept in the tre .__. Meter is a me_______of length. At le_______I like reading. In mist v___on is bad. A man was walking at a le_______by pace. Me__________ments are wery important in telecommunications. у в начале слова перед гласной (yes, yet) -Гу! Exercise 44 Write down your own examples of words with the sound / j /. v в любой позиции (valve) - / v / d в любой позиции (did)-/d/ t в любой позиции (test)-/t/ b в любой позиции (big) - / b / p в любой позиции (pat) - / p / l в любой позиции (late, tale)-/1 / m в любой позиции (merge, some)-/ т/ n в любой позиции (no, lane) - / n / Exercise 45 Complete the words in the text below. A receptionist a_ways ries to mai_tai_ goo_ will. He greets the _isi_ors frie__ly. _isi_ors shoul_ no_ _e ke t wai_ing unnecessa___ly. They should always be aske__о ake a sea_. They coul_ a_so be offered' a _ews_a_er or agazi e _o rea_. 1 is i_ _or_an_ to let them, know tha_ they are receiving attention.
Вао^О"Мвдремпиеиый курс 31 Unit 5 Когда слово оканчивается на согласную +у, при присоедине- нии суффиксов и окончаний у изменяется на i: сапу-carried; certify - certificate; happy-happily; happy - happier; cany - carries. Обычно множественное число существительных и 3-е лицо единственного числа простого настоящего времени глаголов обра- зуются с помощью окончания s: Не makes model receivers. Но к словам, оканчивающимся на ch, sh, х, s, у (после соглас- ной), добавляется es: My wife teaches young children. I like sea beaches. При образовании множественного числа существительных, оканчивающихся на f или fe, f переходит в v: half - halves. Некоторые существительные образуют множественнее число особым образом: man - men; woman-women; goose - geese; mouse - mice. Exercise 46 Change the words in brackets into the correct plural or third person form. All (orgenization)'are made up of (individual). Any organization (to need) to attract and keep worthwhile (employee). Every employee (to require) tact, enthusiasm and the ability to communicate with paople at all (level). When a vacancy (to arise) a job description is prepared. This (to give) a clear outline of the (duty) and (responsibility) involved.
32 Часть 1 A job description (to describe) the nature of the job. It (to list) the main (aspect) of the job, the (duty) and (responsibility) and any spe- cific (requirement), such as typewriting (skill). A job specification (to list) the knowledge, (attribute) and (qual- ity) needed to cany out the job. В словах, оканчивающихся на ударную гласную + согласную (кроме w, у, х), при прибавлении суффиксов ed, er, est, ing и у ко- нечная согласная удваивается: big-bigger-biggest; debag - debegged; debit - debitted. Exercise 47 Which of these words double the final consonant? Write the consonants where necessary. job, jog, join, gulp, gun, guess, group, enlarge, emit, club, fit, fix, fiap, big, need, seed Обычно наречия образуются добавлением ly к прилагатель- ному: light-lightly. Однако если прилагательное оканчивается на у, то у перехо- дит в i перед !у: funny-funnily. Если прилагательное оканчивается на е, при образовании на- речия е опускается: simple-simply. Если прилагательное оканчнаается на ic, при образовании на- речия добавляется ally: automatic - automatically; photographic - photographically; но; public - publicly; shy-shyly; true - truely. Некоторые наречия имеют ту же форму, что и прилагатель- ные: early, fast. Некоторые наречия имеют особую форму: good - well.
ВвоЛю-юрративчый курс 33 Exercise 48 Form adverbe from the following adjectives: quick, correct, early, slow, bad, sunny, witty, ample, true, rough, elastic, electromagnetic, elegent, chilly, sharp, large, active, content, loyal, low, lucky, slight, simple, uniform, kind Unite В английском предложении под ударением (-), как правило, стоят знаменательные слова: существительные, наречия, вопроси- тельные и указательные местоимения. Неударными (.) обычно бы- вают служебные слова: артикли, союзы, предлоги, вспомогательные глаголы, а также личные и притяжательные местоимения. В случае необходимости говорящий может выделить ударением какое-либо служебное слово, кажущееся ему важным, Или сделать безударным знаменательное слово. В английском языке имеются два основных речевых тона: нисходящий и восходящий. Нисходящий той ("^) выражает закон- ченность высказывания, его категоричность. Он употребляется в повелительном и повествовательном предложениях. Восходящий тон (J) выражает незаконченное высказывание, употребляется при перечислении, в вопросительных предложениях. Повышение голоса при этом происходит в конце слога и начинается с самого низкого тона. Первый ударный слог в предложении произносится самым высоким тоном по сревиению с остальными слогами. Give me my box. Could you help me?
34 Часть 1 Exercise 49 Read the following text. Find mistakes in it. Read it again marking the intonation. Spreadsheet are the electronic equivalent of a large sheet of paper. They consists of row and column organized in a "grid" format. Each cell give its row and column reference. Spreadsheets has a wide range of use. They are used to keep ac- count, analyze information and make calculation. The spreadsheet pro- gram carries out all mathematical and statistical function by the use of special formula. A formula tell the spreadsheet what calculation to per- form. Why do business organization often nead information? They needs information so that they can analyses it and make a decision. One of the most important advantage of a spreadsheet is its ability to answer "what if" question. Many spreadsheet program also offer a fastly and reliable way of converting data into graphical form. But you should always re- member that the work done by any machine dapend on the accuracy, skill and competence of the operator. Простые повествовательные и повелительные предложения произносятся, как правило, с понижающейся интонацией. Managers plan activities. Advertise in special journals. Однородные члены и обстоятельства принято выделять-по- вышающейся интонацией.
Вводно-коррективный курс 35 In (he U£, | the national telecommunications network is supplied by British Telecom. A customer may use the following postal services: Datapost, | Cash on Delivery | and Freepost. Для выделения отдельных членов предложения применяется также смешанная (нисходяще-восходящая) интонация и разкий подъём. The model, selected | is available from all potential suppliers. Предложения, входящие в состав сложных, произносятся как с повышающейся, так и с понижающейся интонацией в зависимости от смысла и типа соединения. When the mistakes are discovered, | the Accounts Department must be informed. In a small firm, | one person may be responsible for carrying out all of the invoice checking procedures, | but in ajarge organization, | iseveral members of staff may perform these duties. Unit 7 Существуют три основных типа вопросов: прямые вопросы, косвенные вопросы и вопросы-утверждения’ Прямые вопросы можно подразделить на два вида; • wh- вопросы, начинающиеся с wh- вопросительного слова (включая how); они, как правило, произносятся с понижаю- щейся интонацией; How should the post town be .typed? • yes /по- вопросы, ответами на которые являются "да" и "нет"; произносятся, как правило, с повышающейся интонацией. Do some organizations type the name of their firm below the complimentary close? Альтернативные вопросы имеют ту же форму, что и yes/no- вопросы; их первая часть произносится с повышающейся, а вторая с понижающейся интонацией. Do all lines of the letter begin at the left-hand margin or do they begin at the ,right-hand margin?
Часть 1 Однако на альтернативный вопрос нельзя ответить кратко "да" или "нет". Ответ на него всегда полный. Порядок слов в прямом вопросе можно изобразить в виде следующей схемы: Вопросительное слово (+ существи- тельное) + Медальный глагол/ Вспомогательный глагол + Подлежащее + Остальные элементы глагольной фразы В косвенный вопрос входит вопросительное слово (wh-, how), if или whether и придаточное предложение с утвердительным по- рядком слов, интонация которого, как правило, понижающаяся. I don’t know | why it is necessary to arrange the different parts of a letter into a standard form of presentation (а не is it necessary...). Could you tell me | if the typewriter is still the most frequently used business machine for preparing letters (а не is the typewriter still...). Существует два типа вопросов-утверждений: • утверждение, произносящееся с повышающейся интонацией: This sector provides details of some frequently used reference books? * утверждение + question-tag, произносящееся с понижающейся интонацией: An annual publication provides information and statistics about government, industry, finance and commerce, doesn’t it? Exercise 50 Read the following questions. Define their types (direct yes/no ques- tions, direct wh- questions, indirect questions, statement questions, statement questions + tag). Answer them. 1. What has been your most valuable experience? 2. Do you prefer money or do you prefer status? 3. Are you an aggressive person? 4. When did you last lose your temper? 5. Could you tell me why you lose your temper?
Ваодно-коррвктивный курс 37 6. Can you describe yourself in three adjectives? 7. What is the best idea you've had this year? 8. What is the hardest thing you've done? 9. You’ve got enough experience for a job, haven't you? 10. You can't tell me everything about yourself, can you? Why? 11. Your worst fault? 12. What is your proudest achievement? 13. What would you like to be doing in 5 years' time? In 10 years'time? Exercise 51 Are the questions below correctly formed? Write the corrections if necessary. 1. The firm is a big orgenization or a small firm? 2. How many people it employs? 3. Where is the firm based? 4. The firm has no subsidiaries, hasn’t it? 5. Do it have a good industrial relations record? 6. Has any recent political or economic events affected the firm? 7. What is the name of the chief executive? 8. The firm exports goods? 9. Could you tell me where does the firm exports goods? 10. Does the firm take training and career development seriously? Exercise 52 Read the following text Ask all types of questions to each para- graph. The Job Interview Arrive in good time - not only because it is polite but because having to rush will leave you feeling hot and flusted, and therefore nerv- ous. Be neat and fairly conservative in your appearance. Take cues from interviewer on degree of formality - your sensitiv- ity to non-verbel communication should help you with this. Perhaps be a little more formal than usual ~ not a stuffed shirt. Be cautious about jokes, sarcastic asides etc.
Часть 1 39 Don’t smoke unless invited to do so, and then only if you must, unless the interviewer smokes. Never smoke if there is no ashtray in sight. Be prepared to take notes, if it is necessary to record information. But it might be best to ask the interviewer if they would mind if you did. Even then, don’t scribble furiously all the way through. Be polite, but friendly and don’t forget to smile (but only when it’s appropriate). Leave promptly when the interview is over, don’t hover. Smile, shake hands and thank the interviewer. Exercise 53 Think of a situation where you might telephone an organization and request information. Write the questions you might ask. Use differ- ent types of questions and different wh- words. Exercise 54 Read the following text aloud with proper intonation. Ask five ques- tions which will make up a plan of the given text. Retell the text. The mobile telephone, fast train and air travel have cut the problems of distance for today’s business executives. However, where the recipi- ent cannot be reached personally by telephone, the fax message and the telex message, which can be transmitted fast to the person concerned, may still prove invaluable in extremely urgent situations where immedi- ate action is required. Generally speaking, telex machines are now only used in situa- tions where there needs to be legal proof that a message has been* sent when fax machines are not acceptable. Telex messages present die communication with the greatest test in conveying a clear message in the. minimum number of words. This skill in writing information-packed messages can.be useful in other writ- ing tasks.
Основной муре 39 Часть 2 Основной курс Unite Четыре основных формы глагола I 11 III IV Инфинитив (The Infinitive) Простое прошедшее вредя {The Past Simple Tense) Причастие П (Participle И) Причастие 1 (Participle 1) (to) v V+ed или особая - (2-я) форма глаголя V+ed или особая (3-я) форма глагола V+ing (to) ask asked asked asking (to) teach taught taught. teaching (to) take took taken taking Exercise 55 Define the forms of the following verbs: spoken, sang, said, stood, speaking, worked, understand, shown, sit, said, had, building, caught,, chose, blew, binding, begun, got, awoke, dug, fought, hurt, getting, forgiven, flew, lay, must, met, can, forbade, lit, brought, drawing, digging, ground, hoped, giving, winning Exercise 56 Read the given forms of the verbs. Decide which of them are correct and which are not Give the right versions. (to) cost, costed, cost, costing (to) hang, hang, hang, hanging (to) think, thought, thought, thinking (to) eat, eated, eaten, eating (to) come, come, came, coming (to) fall, fall, fallen, falling (to) feel, felt, felt, feeling (to) lose, lost, lost, losing
40 Часть 2 (to) ring, rung, rung, ringing (to) built, built, built, building Exercise 57 Give the four forms of the following verbs: читать, писать, жить, покидать, покупать, связывать, хотеть, любить,- нравиться, соединять, посылать, набирать (номер), получать, давать, брать, бежать, идти, двигаться, слышать Exercise 58 Give the infinitives of the following verbs: became, learned, helping, broken, forbidden, reading, kept, gone, was, doing, drunk, drove, carried, dreamt, finding, crowded, sold, paid, knew, throwing, burnt, putting, seen, broke, driven, forbede, kept, shook, told, written, worn, smelt, shown Exercise 59 Add three forms of the verbs given below. I II Ш IV bent lean . hidden led holding mistaken found choose freezing
Основной курс 41 Unit 9 Система времен английского глагола в действительном залоге Present Past Future Simple V; V+s (3-е л.ед.ч) do, does Что делает? V+ed или особая форма did Что делал? Что сделал? win + v (shall) Что будет делать? Что сделает? Continuous am is are Что j I V+ing делает? was п were г V+ing Что делал? will+be+(V+ing) (shall) Что будет делать? Perfect have has Чтос 1 Зф (V+ed 'или особая форма) : дел ал? hed+Зф Что сделал? will have+Зф (shall) Что сделает? Если глагольная форма состоит из одного глагола, для образования вопросительной и отрицательной формы обязательно требуется вспомогательный глагол. Если глагольная форма состоит из двух и более глаголов, крайний левый из них яаляется вспомогательным. Исключение: глагол to be в Present и Past Simple не нуждается во вспомогательном; глагол to have в значении "иметь" может упот- ребляться без вспомогательного. Simple Tenses The meeting starts at 9.00. These figures don’t edd up. The Present k Simple Tense
42 Часть 2 During the year we installed a new accounting system. When did you finish your work? I think HI reed your proposal. At the first stage the machine will not/won’t work properly. The Past Simple Tense The Future Simple Tense Positive Form Negative Form Interrogative Form 1 work in different departments. I do not/don’t work at different departments. Do I work at different departments? We/you/they We/you/they do not/don’t work... Do we/you/they work ..;? He/she/it works He/she/it does not/doesn't work... Does he/she/it work „? I worked in different departments. I did not/didn't work at Did I work at different di fferent departments, departments? We/you/they worked... We/you/they did not/didn’t work... Did we/you/they work...? He/she/it worked... He/she/it did not/didn*t work... Did he/she/it work...? 1/we will (shallVll work in different' departments. 1/we will (shall) not/won’t (shan’t) work... Will (shall) 1/we work... He/she/it/you/they will/’l 1 work... He/she/it/you/they will not(won't) work... Will he/she/it/ you/ they work... Времена группы Simple обозначают регулярное действие в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем.
Основной курс Present Simple может употребляться для обозначения будущего времени с глаголами движения или при наличии обстоятельства будущего времени. A new plant opens on February 1. When do you leave? Exercise 60 Complete the following sentences with the correct form of a verb from the list in the box: provide, rise, start, consist, be, proceed, expend, cause, have 1. The new computer program_______a variety of helpful applications. 2. The new machine 50 percent more than the previous machine. 3. When the temperature the metal 4. The broken contact the heater to be switched on and so the cycle____again. 5. Shape memory alloys_____many applications. 6. Silicon___the most common element on this planet. 7. A transistor of two types of silicon. Exercise 61 Write sentences to complete a dialogue based on the flowchart below. Ask what the size of the : ►'medium -sized company company is, Ask how many terminals ----------------- they have got _______________- 10 Ask how they input ’ ---------7~\ information and provide it keyboard operators to senior staff Ask if they have got a ________ specially designed computer noroom room Ask what they need > an authorized access
44 Часть 2 Exercise 62 Complete the following text Silicon___solid and____the ability to conduct electricity. It_ neither a good conductor nor a good insulator. That_why it and other solids such as germanium semiconductors. As a semiconductor silicon______very sensitive to impurities or dopants. If you 0.0001% of dopant to silicon you conductivity by 100 times. Exercise 63 Read the completed text above and compose a similar text of your own. Describe copper* iron* alluminium. Exercise 64 Read the following text Ask 10 questions to it. Let your fellow-students answer them. The Mason-Dixon Line, often considered by Americans the demarcation between the North and the South, is in reality the boundary that separates the stete of Pennsylvania from Maryland and parts of West Verginia. Prior to the Civil War, this southern boundary of Pennsylvania separated the non-slave states to the north from the slave states to the south. The Mason-Dixon Line appeared long before the Civil War, as a result of a boundary dispute between the two states. Two English astronomers, Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon surveyed the area and officially marked the boundary between the two states. They completed the survey in 1767 and marked the boundary with stonas. Exerfcise 65 Read the text given above again and choose the best endings to the sentences betaw. I. The best title for this text is a) Dividing the North and the South; b) The Meaning of the Mason-Dixon Line; e) Two English Astronomers;
Основной курс 45 d) The History of the Mason-Dixon Line. 2. Before the Civil War a) Pennsylvania was south of the Mason-Dixon Line; b) Pennsylvania was a non-slave state; c) the states south of the Mason-Dixon Line had the same opinion about slavery as Pennsylvania; d) the slave states were not divided from the non-slave states. 3. The Mason-Dixon Line appeared because of disagreement a) about borders; b) about slaves; c) between two astronomers; d) over surveying techniques. 4. The word "survey" means a) view; b) understand; c) map out; d) separate. 5. They marked the Mason-Dixon Line with a) pieces of rock; b) a fence; o) a stone wall; d) a border crossing. Excercise 66 Answer the following questions about yourself. I. What will you do after classes? 2. Where will you go in the evening? 3. Who'll you see tomorrow? 4. Will you go to the University tomorrow? 5. What won't you do in the evening?
46 ЧаслшЗ Unit 10 Continuous Tenses Which project are you working on? Гт finishing preparations for our meeting tomorrow morning. What were you doing at this time last year? As the equipment was getting old we decided to replace it. What will you be doing this time next year? The business will be dropping gradually next year. Positive Form Negative Form I атУт checking the figures now. I am not/*m not checking... We/you/they are checking... We/you/they are not/агепЧ checking He/she/it ig checking... He/she/it is not/isn't checking... I was checking the figures yesterday. I was not/wasn’t checking... We/you/they were checking... He/she/it was checking... We/you/they were not/weren4 checking... He/she/it was not/wasn’t checking... The Present • Continuous Tense I The Past ► Continuous , Tense The Future • Continuous Tense Interrogative Form Am I checking...? Are we/vou/thev checking...? Is he/she/it checking ...? Was I checking...? Were we/you/they checking...?‘ Washe/she/it checking...?
Основной курс 47 Г will/1!! be checking the figures tomorrow. 1 will not/won't be checking Will I be checking „.? We/you/they wi И/'ll be checking... We/you/they will not/won't be checking... Will we/you/they be checking...?•. He/she/it will/1!! be checking... He/she/it will not/won't be checking... Will he/she/it be checking...? Времена группы Continuous обозначают действие, проис- ходящее в определенный момент (период) в настоящем, прошед- шем или будущем. Этот момент (период) может быть обозначен конкретным временем или другим действием. Tomorrow the engineers will be discussing the advantages of optical fibres compared with copper cables. . When the consultant came the manager was speaking about security requirements for the computer equipment. Время Present Continuous может употребляться для обозначения действия, ставшего привычкой. She is always grumbling. Оно может передавать значение будущего времени с глаголами движения или при наличии обстоятельства будущего времени. We are writing a test tomorrow. Hurry up! The train is leaving.
48 Часть 2 Exercise 67 How many sentence combinations can you make based on the following alternatives? I Mr Black was were researching writing a new problem a new plant when they die director helped me The production projecting a report 1 found The engineer he the solution rejected die idea resigned Exercise 68 Put the verb into the correct form. 1. A: What... your father(do)? B: He's a teacher, but he... (not/work) at the moment. 2. Electronic computers... (become) very good at routine clerical work now. 3. Engineers and physicists ... (solve) many engineering problems by means of semiconductors. 4. A: What... (you/do)? В: I... (solve) the problem from my home assignment 5. In 1948 the world ... (see) a revolutionary concept: the invention of the transistor. 6. Automatic control... (develop) now and... (develop) in the near future. 6. In a circuit in which a steady direct current... (flow) there will be a direct relation between the current, voltage, and resistance.
Основной курс 49 Exercise 69 Complete the following dialogue by choosing the correct form of the verb in brackets: Engineer; We _ (to have) a lot of problems with existing equipment. Manager: So, what do you suggest? Engineer: Well, at the moment we(to use) a modem linked up direct to our microcomputer and the telephone line. Manager: What's the problem? Engineer: Well, the weak link is the line. A lot of our clients are overseas and we(to have) problems with the lines. We_________________(to transmit) the files but they_(to arrive) in the same form. Manager: That sounds bad. Engineer: Even more serious is that it_(to cost) us a lot of money in call charges. Call charges on international lines are high. Manager: Yes, that is serious. So what do you suggest? Engineer: Well, I think we should use an electronic mailbox. Exercise 70 Transfer the dialogue into the past and then into the future making all the necessary changes. Exercise 71 Read the following text. Imagine that you are /were/ will be installing the 945C Photocopier at all the stages described below. Tell us what you are /were/ will be doing at each stage. First you are to take out the main copier and adjust the feet, so that the machine is level. Next, you should attach the lid. You are not supposed to use force - it just clips on. Next you ought to slide in the A4 cassette holder into the upper space. It is not to go into the lower space. You are supposed to just click it into position. Then you ought to fit the A3 cassette holder into the lower space. Finally the copy tray is to be fitted on the opposite side. You oughtn4 to need any force - it just sits in position. Now the copier is assembled. Next take 2 bottles of toner. You mustn't use any other toner except 9450. The bottles must be shaken first, and then poured into the toner compartment. Switch on the machine, and it should be ready for use.
50 Часть 2 Unit 11 Perfect Tenses Today, electronics has started a newera. Our engineers have developed many new devices. When we installed the new software, it had already become obsolete. I had already worked in marketing before 1 joined my present company. By the end of the century most of the industries will have become automatic. The new legislation on environmental protection will have appeared by the end of this year. Positive Form I/you/we/they have/'ve finished the project. We are free now. He/she/it has/'s finished .... 1/you/we/they/he/she/ it had/’d finished the project by Tuesday. l/you/we/they/he/she/ it will/41 have finished the project by the end of the month. Negative Form I/you/we/they have not/haven't finished ... He/she/it has not/ hasn't finished... I/you/we/they/he/ she/it had not/ hadn't finished... 1/you/we/they/he/ she/it wilt not/won't have finished... The Present K Perfect Tense The Past Perfect Tense The Future ► Perfect Tense Interrogative Form Have I/you/we/they finished ...? Has he/she/it finished .„? Had I/you/we/they/he/ she/it finished ...? Will I/vou/we/thev/he/ she/it have finished ...? Времена группы Perfect обозначают действие, завершившееся к определенному моменту в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем.
Основной курс.51 Этот момент может быть обозначен конкретным временем или дру- гим действием. The researchers got useful results after they had made a number of tests. We had tested cables under different conditions by the end of October. Исключение: Present Perfect может употребляться для обозначения действия, начавшегося в прошлом, продолжавшегося какоё-то время, .продолжающегося в - настоящий момент и имеющего тенденцию к продолжению. В этом случае глагол в Present Perfect переводится на русский язык глаголом в настоящем времени. 1 have lived in Moscow since 1980. Exercise 72 Read the text and place the different actions in the appropriate column in the box below, according!© the meaning-in the context; Both men and women are living longer'these days in the .industrialized countries. However, women, on the average, live longer. One important biological factor that helps’women live longer is the difference in hormones between meh and women. Female hormones have a positive effect on the heart and the blood flow. They help the body defend itself against some kinds of infections. This means that women generally get sick less often and less seriously than men. The cultural context also influences life expectancy for men and women. Women generally smoke cigarettes less than men. They also drink less alcohol on average. Both cigarettes and alcohol have been proven to cause many health problems and to shorten lives. Another factor that has influenced the lives of women is the lack of stress. Until recently,, women who worked were in less responsible, less stressful positions. These cultural factors have playad an important part for the women who are now getting old; But the social habits of women are changing. Young women are smoking and drinking more than women used to. More women are holding more responsible positions now. These changes mean that the cultural context will no longer help women live healthier lives. However, the other, biological factors in life expectancy remain unchanged. Women probably will therefore continue to live longer than men.
52 Часть 2 Regular activity Activity at a certain moment or period of time Activity finished by the moment of speech Exercise 73 Look at the time lines below to make sentences which contrast two different actions. Use "already" in each sentence. The first has been done for you. t Personnel's instruction installation of a computer now We had already instructed before we installed the personnel the computer. 2 Operator's training testing the machines now 3 Maintenance trainer's arrival beginning of the course now 4 Schedule sending a telex now 5 Finish everything an official opening date now
Основной курс 53 Exercise 74 Write four sentences describing events effecting your studies or your life in which a past tense is contrasted with a past perfect tense. Example: 1 had already worked before I entered the University. Exercise 75 Read the following sentences. Decide if their underlined parts are right or wroug. Correct the oues which are wrong. 1. Well have finished testing the machines by Monday next week. 2. I'll telex you by the end of the week. 3, Tbe first maintenance course'll begin in a week. 4. We'll be having tests on August 25. 5. We’ll send you some more copies of the Operators' Manual by September. 6. The fimbwill install new equipment by the end of March. 7. The engineers will be setting the full capecity date by Friday. Exercise 76 Ask the following questions to yonr neighbour. Then change the parts. 1. Have you finished school? 2. Have you entered the University? 3, How long have you studied at the University? 4. By what time will you have finished your studies? 5. What exams will you have passed by the end of your second year? 6. Had you worked before you entered the University? 7. Had you workad in summer before the term began?
54 Часть 2 Unit 12 Perfect Continuous Tenses We have been reviewing our Software development programme for 2 hours. We are testing it now. We have been developing quality equipment since 1953. We had been improving qualityfor 2 years before we reachad good results. We had been working with the system for a year and then we changed over to Microsoft Windows. By 2004 we'll have been working with the system for 3 years. By the time you come we will have.been discussing the problem for 4 hours already Positive Form Negative Form 1/you/we/they have/'ve been I/you/we/they have using the agency since not/haven't been 1996. using... He/she/it has/'s been using He/she/it has not/ the agency since 1996. hasn’t been using... I/you/we/they/he/ she/it had/’d been using the agency for 5 years before changing over to another one. I/you/we/they/he/ she/it will/1!! have been using the agency for 3 years by 2003. I/you/we/they/he/’ she/it hadnot/ hadn't been using... I/you/we/they/he/ she/it will not/ won't have been using... The Present Perfect Continuous Tense The Past Perfect Continuous Tense The Future Perfect Continuous Tense. Interrogative Form Have I/you/ we/they been using the agency..,? Has he/she/it been .using...? Had I/you/we/they/ he/she/it been using...? Will I/you/we/they/ he/she/it have been using...?
Основной курс 55 Времена группы Perfect Continuous употребляются для обозначения действия, начавшегося до какого-то момента в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем, продолжавшегося до этого момента, продолжающегося в этот момент и имеющего тенденцию к продолжению. I have been working at the laboratory since 1990. In 19961 had been working in the laboratory for 5 years. By 20091 will have been working in the laboratory for 9 years. В этом случае время Present Perfect Continuous переводится на русский язык глаголами в настоящем времени. Кроме того, времена группы Perfect Continuous употребля- ются для обозначения действия, длившегося а течение некоторого времени, но закончившегося к определенному моменту в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем, чтобы подчеркнуть длительность этого действия. We have been testing the new equipment since the beginning of the year. It works perfectly now. We had been testing the new equipment for 3 weeks before starting pperating it. Exercise 77 Make nine sentences from the following prompte in Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect Continuous and Future Perfect Continuous. Make first a positive statement, then a negative statemept and finally a question. Add necessary time definitions (for many years before created them; for three months by January; since 1996). They /develop/ new communications satellite. Exercise 78 Read the situation and then make up a sentence. 1. Marie Sklodowska taught in Warsaw during several years. In 1891 she moved to Paris where she studied physics. Marie Sklodowska ... 2. Marie Sklodowska began working in Sorbonne in 1893. Two years later she married the French chemist Pierre Curie. Marie Sklodowska
5в Часть 2 3. Marie Curie began researching radioactivity in 1898. It took her four more years of work to isolate radium in its pure form. Marie Curie... 4. Maria Curie became chief of the laboratory in her husband's department at the Sorbonne in 1903. After her husband's death in 1907 she succeeded him there as a professor of physics. Marie Curie * 5. Marie Curie worked in the Sorbonne during 11 years. In 1914 she headed the radioactive laboratory of the new Institute of Radium in Paris. Marie Curie... Exercise 79 Ask 2 questions for each situation. Let your neighbour answer them. Example: Your friend looks tired, (You/study? How long/you/study?) Have you been studying? How long have you been studying? I. You come into the room. Your colleagues are installing a new computer. (How long/install/the computer? Since when/you/install/the computer?) 2. Your friend comes in. His hands are covered in oil. (What/you/do? You/work/on the machine? 3. Your friend is learning Spanish. (How long/you/leam/Spanish? Since when/you/leam/Spanish?) 4. Your friend is to finish working at the machine by June. (How long/you/work/at the machine/by June? You/work/at the machine/for 3 months/by June?) 5. Your friend is looking for a job. (How long/you/look for a job? Since when/you/look/for a job?) Exercise 80 Describe a decision connected with your studies. Use both the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous forms. Example: I have decided to study better. I have been thinking about this for a long time.
Основной (type 57 Exercise 81 Read the following text and ask yonr neighbour questions beginning with 'how long' or ‘since when*. Then change the parts. Pierre Curie, French physicist, was bom in Paris on May 15, 1859 and was educated in the Sorbonne. He became professor of general physics in 1895 and started working in the Sorbonne in 1904. He investigated piezoelectricity in crystal in 1880. He worked in the Sorbonne up to his death in 1906. Exercise 82 Put the verbs in brackets in the necessary tenses. 1. By this time next year you (to graduate) from the University. 2. All last week he (to prepare) for the examinations. 3. That man (to teach) at the University since 1985, 4. Water (to change) into ice when the temperature (to drop) below zero. 5. Kindly repeat what you just (to say). 6. 1 only (to succeed) in solving the problem after 1 (to work) on it for several hours. 7. He reminded me that wb (to be) classmates at school. 8. 1 (to hear) that you (to give) up the idea of learning French. 9. By the time he (to be) thirty he (to become) a good engineer. 10. My friend (to go) to Moscow last summer and he (to work) there since them 11. When 1 (to get) hack they probably (to work) at the computer. 12. When 1 (to go) to the library the next day I (to find) the book exactly ' where I (to leave) it. 13. I'm sure that they (to complete) their work by May. 14. At this time tomorrow you (to take) your exam. 15. She (to return) from the library at 6 o'clock. 16 .1 not (to work) at 8 o'clock, I (to finish) my work by that time. 17. At what time you (to finish) you work? 18. What you (to do) at 8 o’clock? I (to work) on my report. 19. He (to speak) French? - Yes, he (to speak) French quite fluently. 20. Don't go into the classroom. The students (to write) a test there. 21. The man who (to stand) at tbe window (to be) our English teacher. 22. Where (to be) Peter? - He (to have) his English lesson. I think that he always (to have) it at this hour.
58 Часть 2 23. Helen (to learn) English at the Institute. She (to leam) English, since last autumn. 24. They (to be) busy now. They (to discuss) an important question. They (to discuss) it since 5 .o'clock. 25. Where (to be) Petrov? - He (to work) at the computer. - He (to work) long? - Yes, he (to work) since morning. Unit 13 Система времен английского глагола в страдательном залоге Present Past Future Simple am is are Что ci Что д< 3<D.V(V+ed "или особая форма) [елано? шается? was were Чтобылс Что дела • ЗФ.у «сделано? лось? will (shall) be + 3O.V Что будет сделано? Что будет делаться? Conti’ nuous am is are Что д< * being+3<D.V шается? was П were * Ьенщ+Зф.У Что делалось? Perfect have has Что 6e - Ьееп+Зф.У дло сделано? had Ьееп+Зф.У Что было сделано?' will have Ьееп+Зф,У Что будет сделано? Случаи употребления времен.страдательного залога те же, что и действительного. В страдательном залоге отсутствуют времена групп Future Continuous u Perfect Continuous.
Ремовной курс 59 Simple Tenses The fabricated products are stored in the The Present warehouses. к Simple Our headquarters are located in Moscow. Tense The investment was made in the last The Past quarter. - Simple The range of services was expended. Tense Protective clothing will be worn inside the The Future production area. . Simple 50 percent of our production will be made at Tense our plant in Moscow. Positive Form Negative Form Interrogative Form I am/’m developed. I am not/'m not Am 1 developed? developed. He/she/it isfs He/she/it is not/ Is_he/she/it developed. isn't developed. developed?. We/you/they arefre We/you/they are Are we/you/they developed. not/aren*t developed? developed. I/he/sheZit wasfs I/he/stie/i t was Was I/he/she/it developed. not/ wasn't developed? developed. We/you/they were/re We/you/they Were we/you/they developed. were not/weren't developed? developed. I/you/we/they/he/she I/you/we/they/he/. Will I/you/we/they/ /it will/'ll.be she/it.wilLnot/ won’t he/she/it be developed? developed. be developed.
Часть 2 60 Exercise 83 Change the following from the active to the passive: 1. Electronic devices revolutionize life. 2. Mendelyeev observed interesting regularities in the properties of elements. 3. We use boilers for many purposes. 4. Our engineers will design and construct new thermal power stations. 5. Edison discovered a new phenomenon of electricity. 6. Engineers use computers in all the branches of the economy. 7. The delegates will see tremendous hydro-potential in Siberia. Exercise 84 Complete these sentences with one of the following verbs: cause, repair, make, postpone, translate 1. A decision will not... until the next morning. 2. Her new bode will probably... into a number of foreign languages. 3. The machine ... by someone. 4. The meeting... because of illness. 5. The fire... by an electrical fault. Exercise 85 Complete the text by choosing an appropriate form of each verb in brackets. The Sierra Club ... (be) an organization whose goals... (center) on the protection of the environment. It... (found) in 1692 in San Francisco by naturalist John Muir, who ... (be) intent on preserving the natural beauty and harmony of Sierra Nevadas in eastern California. Today the Sierra Club ... (boast) almost 200,000 members in all fifty states of the United States. Through activities such as conferences, lectures, exhibits, expeditions, and films, the organization ... (work) to continue t effort begun by John Muir. The Sierra Club also ... (publish) д weekly newsletter, a bimonthly magazine, and various books.
Основной курс st Unit 14 Continuous Tenses From transmission links power is being subdivided into smaller blocks and fed into the subtransmission parts of the power network. A new proposal was being considered for most of last year. The Present Continuous Tense The Past Continuous Tense Positive Form 1 atiVm being developed. We/you/they are/*re being developed. He/she/it is/*s being developed. I/he/she/it was/*s being developed, We/you/they were/'re being developed. Negative Form I am not/*m not being developed. We/you/they are not/aren*t being developed. He/she/it is not/ isn4 being developed. 1/he/she/it was not/wasn’t being developed. We/vou/thev were not/weren’t being developed. Interrogative Form Am I being developed? Are we/you/they being developed? Is he/she/it being developed? Was I/he/she/it being developed? Were we/you/they being developed?
62 Часть 2 Exercise 86 Complete the sentences by choosing an appropriate form of each verb in brackets. 1. As the current... (flow) through the circuit heat... (produce) in it. 2. At this very moment the primary winding... (connect) to the source of energy. 3. During the experiment glass ... (rub) with silk to produce static electricity. 4. We didn't notice that our conversation... (record). 5. The capacity of these two conductors separated by an insulator... (measure) now. Exercise 87 f Ask questions to the following sentences. Let your neighbour answer them. 1. Considerable scientific and technical progress is being achieved in the development of power plants nowadays. (What ...? Where ...? What kind...?) 2. During the expariment a current was being sent along a- conductor and a magnetic field was at once being sent from the conductor. (When •...? What...? Where...?)
Основной курс 63 Perfect Teuses Copper has been used as a conductor since the beginning of the industry. In transformers which have been in service, the oil always contains considerable boncentration of carbon dioxide. After thin wires had been used in the device. they got hot and melted. The results of the experiment had been referred to in the article before they appeared in the book. By 10 o’clock the distance of 10 miles will have been covered. A new invention will have been implemented in industry by the end of the year. , The Present Perfect * Tense The Past Perfect Tense The Future Perfect Tense Positive Form I/we/you/they have/Ve been developed. He/she/it has/s been developed. I/we/you/they/ he/she/it had/'d been developed. I/we/you/they/he/ she/it will/1!! have been developed: Negative Form 1/we/you/they have not/haven't been developed. - He/she/it has not/ hasn't been developed. I/we/you/they/he/ she/it had not/ hadn’t been developed. I/we/you/they/he/ she/it will not/ won't have been developed. Interrogative Form Have 1/we/you/they been developed? Has he/she/it been , developed? Had I/we/you/they/ he/she/it been developed? , Will I/we/you/they/ he/she/it have been developed?
Честь 2 Exercise 88 Look at the following chart which shows the development of a company. Write a short paragraph which explains the main events. Begin each sentence with "by”. Jan 1992 reports profits increase of 25% June 1992 produces prototype of a device Oct 1995 offers to buy new equipment Nov 1996 installs new equipment June 1997 produces devices of improved quality 2005 will begin producing newest models Exercise 89 Describe the activity of the company known to you in a way similar to given above. Exercise 90 Describe how your University has been changed in recent years. How was it changed a few years ago? How will it have heen changed hy 2015? Exercise 91 Create passive sentences in different tenses using the prompts in the table below. finished products new plant goods manufacture open store several locations in Moscow warehouse
Основной курс М L Exercise 92 Read the following text Ask questions to the underlined sentences. Let your neighbour answer them. In 1948 revolutionary concept was introduced to the electronic world: a transistor was invented, a crystal which amplified was announced. Nothing like this had happened in electronics since the discovery of the triode vacuum tube in 1907. Some years later the crystal detectors of the wireless era were replaced bv radio tubes. Now a crystal amplifier, the transistor, challenges the vacuum tube because transistors are smaller, simpler, more efficient and longer lived. In hearing aids tubes have already been replaced bv transistors with unheard-of battery economy. Moreover, many transistor circuits have fewer components than the vacuum tube circuits, such as multivibrators. For example, in switching circuits, such as multivibrators, the work of two triode tubes will be done by one point-contact transistor. The transistor is a current-oparated device, whereas the vacuum tube is a voltage-operated device. The transistor is designed to become a relatively low-voltage, low current device. Electron tubes will shortly be replaced bv transistors in communication equipment, computers, radio and television receivers. Exercise 93 Translate the verbs given in Russian into English. Read the text. Use appropriate tenses. Retell the text. A transistor is an active semiconductor device with three or more electrodes. By active (подразумевается) that the transistor is capable of current gain, voltage amplification and power gain. A transistor is an electronic device in which electronic conduction (производится) within a semiconductor. A semiconductor is an electric conductor with resistivity in the range between metals and insulators, in which the electrical charge carrier concentration (увеличивается) with increasing temperature over some temperature range. The resistivities of semiconductors and insulators (уменьшается) rapidly with rising temperatures, while those of metals (увеличивается) relatively slow. Unlike metals and insulators, the resistivity of semiconductors depends upon the direction of current
Часть 2 66 flow. The direction of the easiest current flow or lowest resistivity (называется) the forward direction, the direction of restricted current flow or highest resistivity (известно) as the reverse or back direction. Unit 15 Выражение будущего времени с помощью словосочетания to be + going to+V We are going to end the conference on Friday at 6 o'clock. When are you going to have this report ready? The new materials are not going to be delayed. Словосочетание "to be+going to+v" употребляется для обоз- начения уже задуманного действия или намерения. При этом степень уверенности в обязательности их осуществления меньше, чем при употреблении "wiir. Exercise 94 Write sentences on any of the following: - your intentions - an action already decidad Exercise 95 Ask your neighbour about his/her intentions and actions already decided. Then change the parts.
Основной курс 67 Употребление выражения "to have got smth" для обозначения наличия чего-либо в настоящий момент Have you got any money? She hasn't got a car. В современном английском языке выражение "to have got smth" употребляется для обозначения наличия чего-либо в настоящий момент чаще, чем глагол "to have". Оно никогда не может быть употреблено в устоявшихся словосочетаниях типа to have breakfast, to have a swim, to have a bath и т.д. Употребление выражения "to have got smth" в таких словосочетаниях меняет их смысл. Например; to have a bath - принять ванну, to have got a bath - иметь ванну. Выражение "to have got smth" употребляется только в настоя- щем врамени. Exercise 96 Make negative sentences with "have got". i. I can't make a phone call, (any change) 2.1 can't pay my bills, (any money) 3. Nick doesn't know the news, (a newspaper) 4. Ann can't find her way back, (a map) 5. We can't operate the tape recorder, (a socket) Exercise 97 Some of the sentences below contain mistakes. Correct them. 1. Had you got any benefit from the training course you did last week? 2. Have you an agent in Morocco? 3. Our competitors have got good products at present.
65 Часть 2 Unit 16 Согласование времен. Косвенная речь Не promised that the conference would be ready for us when we arrived. He said that they had signed the contract. She says that we have a deal. Если сказуемое в главном предложении выражено глаголом в настоящем или будущем времени, сказуемые придаточных предложений не претерпевают никаких изменений. Если сказуемое в главном предложении выражено глаголом в прошедшем времени, времена глаголов-сказуемых придаточных предложений претерпевают следующие изменения: present ------ past; past past or past perfect; will ----------- would. Например: She says: The policy of the government has changad.' She says that the policy of the government has changed. She said: The policy of the government has changed.' She said that the policy of the government had changed. При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную изменения претерпевают некоторые местоимения и наречия: Прямая речь Косвенная речь I/you we/you we/you — us/you yesterdey today tomorrow last... next ... this... he/she they him/her them the day before/the previous day that day the day after/the following day the previous... the following... that...
Основной *УРС в» Исключение: Время глагола-сказуемого не меняется, если сказанное все еще является правдой. She said: The date of the next meeting hasn’t been fixed yet.1 She said that the date of the next meeting hasn't been fixed yet. (They haven't decided about it by the moment of speech). При переводе из прямой рачи в косвенную помимо глагола "say" рекомендуется употреблять такие, как; add, agree, announce, answer, claim, comment, declare, emphasize, explain, highlight, imply, indicate, inform, prove, reply, report, reveal, show, state, stress, suggest, tell. При переводе вопросов из прямой речи в косвенную порядок слов в них становится прямым, так как вопросы в этом случае прев* ращаются в обычное придаточное предложение: She asked: 'Have you increased the quality of products?* She asked if we had increased the quality of products. Exercise 98 Below is an extract from a newspaper report. Complete the spaces with an appropriate form of one of the verbs from the box. warn, believe, say, remind The Minister the audience that 20 years ago things were very different. He____the time bad come to face realities and he we had to choose between cooperation or isolation. He______that major problems would arise if we made the wrong choice.
70 Часть 2 Exercise 99 Here is a conversation between an administrative manager and a communications engineer. Transform it into indirect speech. Use past tenses. Make ail the necessary changes. Ask your neighbour ten questions connected with the text received. Retell the text. Administrative manager (Ad. M.): So you think we should change the system? Communications engineer (C. Eng.): Yes, I do. We're having a lot of problems with the existing configuration. Ad. M.: So, what do you suggest? C. Eng,: Well, at the moment we're using a modem linked up direct to our microcomputer and the telephone line. Very simple, in theory we send files from our computer direct to our clients' computers using a software package called 'Communicate'. Ad. M.: OK ... Well, sounds fine. What's the problem? C. Eng.: Well, the weak link is the line. As you know a lot of our clients are overseas and we are having problems with the lines. The files are being transmitted but they are not arriving in the same form. The data are being corrupted. Ad. M.: What does that mean? C. Eng.: Well, say we send a 10 page contract to a client in France. We make the connection, start transmitting and then there's a fault on the line and they receive the contract with some parts missing, or parts they can't understand Ad. M.: That sounds bad. C. Eng.: Even more serious is that it's costing us a lot of money in call charges. Call charges bn international lines are high and each time we send a report or contract - let's say 10 pages long - it takes up' to’5 minutes to transmit - longer if we have problems with the line. Ad. M.: Yes, that is serious. So what do you suggest? C. Eng.: Well, I think we should use an electronic mailbox. Ad. M.: How does that work? C. Eng.: Very, simply really. We subscribe to a service called DIALCOM. We send our files to a central computer. The files are stored there and our clients can get the file out when they
Основной курс 7» . want. We use our existing equipment and so we only have to pay for the subscription and the call charges. Ad. M.: How expensive is it? C. Eng.; It’s cheaper, but more important - the. system uses a data network, not the normal telephone lines; so transmission is faster and more reliable - there’s less chance of the data being corrupted. Ad. M.; Alright, I think we should go ahead. Exercise 100 Here is a telephone conversation between two managers. Write a brief message to their chief telling him the details of this conversation. Use the following pattern: Jim spoke with Chris yesterday. He asked Chris... Jim; Hi, Chris. It’s Jim here. I'm calling about the Saudi project... to find out how the work's coming along. Chris: Not bed, we’re mostly on schedule,. Jim: Has all the equipment been installed? Chris: Yes, we finished installation last week. We start testing the machine on Monday next week. Jim: How long will that take? Chris: Well, the operator training has already started. We kicked off on Wednesday this week and the first course ends next Friday. Jim: Oh yes, that was one of the things I wanted to mention. Fred Hyman, the maintenance trainer should arrive at the weekend. Chris: Fine, do you know what time? Jim: No, but I expect he'll arrive at 12 on Saturday. I'll telex you as soon as I know for certain. Chris: OK, Anyway he'll have a week before he starts training. The first maintenance course is due to begin a week from Monday.. Jim: When do you plan to finish the training programme?. Chris: Just a moment. I'll look at the planner-., here it is, urh,... the last course is in July - that's the supervisors ’ course - if all goes well that'll finish at the end of the month and they'll be ready to start work at the beginning of August. Jim: So you plan to start up in August?
12 Часть 2 Chris: Yes, if all the tests are OK, we've got a provisional start-up date on 25th August ... for the first two weeks well be building up capacity slowly ... hope to reach full capacity by September 8th. Jim: Sounds fine. Anything you need? Chris: Um. I don't think so. Thanks Jim. Jim: You're welcome. Spaak to you again soon. . Chris: Yes, Bye. Jim: Bye. Unit 17 Модальные глаголы Модальные глаголы не имеют многих глагольных форм: I ф. 2 ф. отрицательные формы Can - could cannot = can't, could not = couldn't Must must not = mustn't May - might may not, might not = mightn't Should should not = shouldn't В неопраделенной форме перад ними не употребляется частица to , в 3-м лице единственного числа настоящего времени они не' имеют окончания s, инфинитивы, стоящие после модальных глаголов, употребляются без частицы to. We can sneak English a little. My brother should help me do my hometask. Every student must study well. В большинстве случаев форма could (мог) является простым прошедшим враменем от сап (мочь): I can swim. I could swim when I was 10. Could (могли бы) может также использоваться для обозначения возможного действия в настоящем и будущем, в особенности для внесения какого-либо предложения: The weather is fine. We could go to the country.
Основной курс 73 Использование сап в том же значении также возможно: The weather is fine. We can go to the country. Эквивалентом can является to be able to. В большинстве случаев to be able to употребляется для компенсации недостающих форм сап. I haven't been able to perform my work properly recently because of my illness. New technology might be able to improve the quality of goods. В прошедшем времени was/ were able to ... = managed to ... (удалось, смог) и соответствует случившемуся в определенной ситуации, в то время как could (мог) характеризует возможность чего-либо в прошлом в широком смысле: This department could coordinate the activities of various other departments (= it had general ability to coordinate other departments). This department was able to coordinate the activities of various other departments last year as its chief was a very talented person. Отрицательная форма could not = couldn't возможна в любых ситуациях. Could have done (мог бы) относится к ситуациям, которые были возможны, но не осуществились. The trip was cancelled as we handn't enough money. We could have gone away if we had had enough money. Can't (не может быть) используется в случаях, когда что-либо считается невозможным. The interview can't be successful as the participants haven't planned and prepared it carefully. The participants were not able of careful monitoring df what was happening. The interview (can't) couldn't have been successful.
74 Часть 2 Exercise 101 Complete the sentences using can or be able to. 1. A dividend only be paid out of profits but not out of capital. 2. In 1894 Michal Marks and Tom Spenser to organize what was to become the most famous business partnership in English history. 3. The owners of a private company be members of the same family. 4. Typewriting courses combine keyboard training with the theory and practice of typewriting. 5. We install a fax machine yesterday. Exercise 102 Answer the questions with a suggestion. 1. How shall we correct the mistakes? (insert the right letters) We__________________ 2. Where shall we find information about telephone rates and charges? (supply all customers with a booklet) Rostelecom__________________________ 3. What will make contact between members of staff possible? (use) A telephone_____________ Exercise 103 Read the following information: Bill wasn't at home on Sunday. He was short of money. He had to borrow from his aunt. Bill went to the Zoo. At 5 p.m. he met Ken there. They went to Ken’s. Bill returned home at 11 p.m. Some people phoned Bill and left their messages which were recorded on the answering machine. Bill dealt with the messages properly i.e. listened to them and called back if necessary. Say whether he could have done or couldn’t have done what he was asked to do. 1. A friend of his wanted him to go out for a meal on Sunday. Bill
Основной курс 75 2. His girl-friend asked him for money. Bill 3. His aunt asked Bill to visit her at 5 p.m. Bill 4. Ken wanted Bill to come to his place at 4 p.m. Bill 5. Jane wanted Bill to call her back at 10 p.m. Bill Exercise 104 Complete the following text using can, can’t, can’t have done. The interviews begin on Tuesday, each interview last not more than 30 minutes. They start earlier than 930 as it takes time to get to the place of the interviews and fulfill all the necessary formalities. No interviews scheduled after 4.30. An interview take place between 1.00 p.m. and 2.00 p.m. as it is lunch-time. The participants come on Monday as they were warned beforehand. They be waiting for the beginning now as it is only 8.30. Основное значение глагола must - долженствование, необходимость. The train starts at 6. It is 5.30 now. We must hurry. Отрицательная форма must в данном случае выражает запрет. You mustn’t touch the contacts. You may be killed. Если запрет отсутствует, а действие просто не нужно совершать, вместо mustn’t употребляете needn’t или don’t need to. The train starts at 6. It is 5 now. We neadn’t hurry. We don’t need to hurry. Обратите внимание на то, что глагол need - переходный от обычного к модальному. Поэтому' мы говорим needn’t do smith, don’t need to do smith. Форма didn’t need to характеризует отсутствие необходимости действия в прошлом и показывает, что оно не свершилось. The train started at 6. We got up at 4. We didn’t need to hurry. Форма needn’t have done показывает, что действие совер- шилось несмотря на отсутствие необходимости в нем.
Честь 2 76 We got up at 4 and hurried to the station. But the train started at 6. We needn’t have hurried. We had plenty- of time. Эквивалентами глагола must являются have to и be to. Have to соответствует долженствованию, вынужденности в силу обсто- ятельств, a be to - долженствованию в силу морального долга или договоренности. Гт ill. 1 have to go to hospital. I am to meet my friend at 8 p.m. Эквиваленты глагола must могут употребляться вместо него в любом времени. Вместо have to в том же значении в настоящем времени может употребляться have got to. Значение mustn’t и don’t have to различны. Если mustn’t означает запрет, то don’t have to - только отсутствие необ- ходимости. You mustn’t tell anyone about our secret (=don’t tell anyone). You don’t have to tell anyone about our conversation (=needn’t tell anyone). Обратите внимание на то, что вопросительные и отрицатель- ные формы глагола to have в модальном значении образуются только с помощью глагола to do. Глагол must также употребляется для того, чтобы подчеркнуть, что то, что мы говорим, соответствует истине. You’ve been working for 5 hours. You must (должно быть) be tired. Where is Tom? - He must be working. Для отнесения действия к прошлому с тем же значением употребляется must have done. Where is Tom? -He must have gone out.
Основной курс 77 Exercise 105 In each sentence translate the underlined verbs. 1. Payment must be collected from the customer when the goods are delivered. 2. People wishing to use a new service have to pay a sum of money in advance. 3. The customer doesn't have to pay the postage. It’s the duty of the firm. 4. The customers needn’t enjoy all the services suggested to get a discount, 5. Harmful substances mustn’t be stored in unlocked premises. 6. The machine must have been switched off and disconnected. I don’t hear it working. 7 Paper-cutting machines must be dangerous while working. They can cut fingars as easily as they cut papers. 8. You needn’t have gone to the medical room. Our department has got its own trained first-aider for emergencies. 9. We didn’t need to destroy the unnecessary documents manually. We used a document shredder for this purpose. Exercise 106 Complete the following text using the verbs can, must, need, have to, be to, translate and retell it Many business people prefer the flexibility, reliability and convenience of a hire car to using their own car. Car hire be particularly useful and advantageous when combined with air travel. The major international car rental firms provide a special programme designed specialty for business people. This include a ‘Rent it here / Leave it there* service. Different sizes and types of cars_____be available. Some firms provide a driving directions service. Computerized systems provide an instant printout containing step-by-step directions to the destination. When a hired car is required you book in advance. The rates are usually cheaper and availability be guaranteed. When
78 Часть 2 selecting and booking a vehicle you to take into account any luggage regulations. In some countries a driving license of your country is not acceptable; you have an international driving pannit. For a small charge permits _be issued to any current holder of a valid driving license. You____always check the driving regulations for the countries concerned. Unit 18 Основное значение may и might - показать возможность, вероятность чего-либо. They say Bab is ill. It may be (вероятно') true. / It might be true. В прошедшем времени с тем же значением употребляется may have done или might have done. I wonder why Sam didn’t stay at our hotel? - He mav not have liked the location. Иногда could используется с тем же значением, что may или might. Why did Tom arrive earlier? - He could have left on Monday morning. Might указывает на несколько меньшую степень вероятности чего-либо, чем may. Как правило, в речи не имеет значения, используете вы may или might. Exercise 107 Read the situations and make sentences with may or might 1. You receive an account for repairs to your car. It must be paid within seven days. You have got enough cash. You say: I pay right away. 2. You have been assisting the buying office. You have been asked to make the order to be passed to the regular suppliers. You are not sure whether you have done it. You say: I to be passed to the regular suppliers.
Основной курс 7S • 3. You work in the Purchasing department You and your colleagues must check the copy orders regularly. One of your colleagues is checking something now. You say: He' copy orders. 4, Your colleague has been asked to prepare a standard letter of enquiry to be sent to the potential suppliers. You see him writing something. You say: He a standard letter of enquiry to be sent to the potential suppliers. 5. You sell very useful travel reference books which contain a variety of information: routes, road maps, street plans of major cities, garages, hotels and restaurants. They are sold at your office. You say: You buy travel reference books at my office. Модальный глагол should указывает на желательность действия, его уместность. Он используется для того, чтобы дать совет или изложить свое мнение. The receptionist should be able to organize and use the reference books provided to obtain the necessary information. Should используется также в тех случаях, когда что-то происходит не так, как мы ожидаем. There is no alphabetical index of streets in this street rhap of the town but there should be one. Should have done smth употребляется в случаях, когда вы не сделали того, что вам следовало сделать. Your travel agency should have arranged car hire and travel insurance but didn’t. Во всех перечисленных случаях эквивалентом should является ought to. A company ought to deal with calls rapidly and efficiently to have a more professional image (- a company should deal with calls rapidly).
Часть 2 80 Should обычно употребляется после таких глаголов, как suggest, propose, recommend, insist, а также после таких прилагательных, как strange, odd, funny, typical, natural, interesting, и причастий surprised, surprising. I suggest we should install telephones in all the departments. It’s typical that modern telephone systems should be designed to meet the individual requirements of businesses. В конструкциях типа if smth should happen или should smth happen глагол should подчеркивает малую вероятность события и отдельно на русский язык не переводится. Should you make a call outside your local area find out the national dialing code. Exercise 108 Are these sentences right or wrong? 1. An operator can know how to use the telephone system. An operator may know how to use the telephone system. An operator should know how to use the telephone system. 2. I suggest we should buy a mobile telephone to stay in touch. I suggest we bought a mobile telephone to stay in touch. I suggest to buy a mobile telephone to stay in touch. 3. If Tom called leave me a message. Should Tom called leave me a message. Must Tom called leave me a message, 4. You should deal with the calls promptly in the morning but I see that they are not answered. You should have dealt with the calls promptly in the moming but I see that they are not answered. You should be dealihg with the calls promptly in the moming but I see that they are not answered. Exercise 109 Read the text and answer the following questions. Retell the text. — Why should a business letter be well written and perfectly produced? — What impression should a business letter produce? — Should there be any mistakes in a business letter? :— What should create a balanced appearance?
Основной курс&1 — What equipment should be used to type a business letter? — What skills should be used to type a letter? — What program should a microcomputer be used with? A business letter is often the first contact that a customer has with an organization. It must therefore be well written and perfectly produced so it gives a good impression of the organization. There should be no spelling or punctuation errors. The leyout or overall appearance of the letter is just as important as the message. The careful use of the spece available and the correct positioning of the various parts of the letter will create a balanced appearance. The typewriter is still the most frequently used business machine for preparing letters. However more and more compenies are using microcomputers and word-processing systems to produce their business correspondence. Both typewriters and computers use the traditional ‘QWERTY’ keyboard (the name coming from the first six letters on the second row). Hence, the same keyboarding skills are required. A wide range of equipment is now available. The equipment consists of a keyboard, a visual display unit (VDU), a processing unit, a disk drive and a printer. Text is not typed directly on to paper, as with a conventional typewriter, but appears on a VDU. There are-two types of word processor: a dedicated system, which means that it is used only for word processing; and a microcomputer, which can be used with word- processing programs. In some offices the word processor is used simply as a glorified typewriter. Its potential and capabilities are never explored or discovered. Unit 19 Сослагательное наклонение Сослагательное наклонение показывает, что говорящий рас- сматривает действие не как реальный факт, а как предполагаемое или желательное. Present Subjunctive - соответствует неопределенной форме глагола без частицы to для всех лиц и чисел (he be, it have, we work).
82 Часть 2 Past Subjunctive ~ полностью совпадает c Past Simple изъяви- тельного наклонения; вместо формы was может употребляться форма were (he worked, I was / were). Past Perfect Subjunctive - полностью совпадает с формой Past Perfect изъявительного наклонения (he had worked, I had been). It is necessary (необходимо) It is desirable (желательно)-that he telephone us immediately. It is important (важно) и т.п. — (чтобы он ...) Не ordered (приказал) commanded (приказал) demanded (потребовал) suggested (предложил) proposed (предложил) и т.п. that she submit the document without delay (чтобы она сдала ...) Действие относится к настоящему или будущему If 1 had a pattern I would write a letter (если бы у меня был ... я бы написал). Как жаль, что у меня нет... I wish I had a pettem. "" Я хочу, чтобы у меня был ... Действие относится к прошлому (в реальности не совершилось и не может совершиться) If I had had a pattern yesterday I would have written a letter (если бы у меня был ... вчере, я бы написал ...). I wish I had had a pettem yesterday (как жаль, что у меня вчере не было ...). If I had written that letter yesterday 1 would be free now (если бы вчера я написал ..., то сегодня был бы ...). - В первой части предложения действие относится к прошлому, во второй ~ к настоя- . тему.
Основной «ирс аз Exercise 110 Write a sentence with if for each situation. 1. You are employed by the Stylifax Group. Your Office Manager has asked you to write a letter from the list of brief notes but you don’t know how to write letters. You say: Ifi... 2. The manager is ready to prepare an official order but the supplier doesn’t offer a suitable arrangement. The manager says: If the supplier... 3. A compeny has performed an advertising campeign but customers haven’t sent letters of enquiry yet to ask for information on the product, price, discount, availability and delivery. The manager says: If the customers... 4. Computers and .word processors are able to save and file large quantities of information: That’s why they are so popular. We say: If computers and word processors ... 5. Yesterday we wanted to send a fax but the destination fax was engaged so the fax remained unsent. We say: If the destination fax ... Exercise 111 Write sentences beginning with I wish... 1. I haven’t got a fax machine (and I need one). I wish ... 2. I can’t confirm that the call has been connected to the correct number as I haven’t got the ‘answerback’ code (and I want the call to be confirmed). 1 wish ... 3. I can’t make a telex call (and I need to make it). I wish ... 4. Yesterday I was on the move all day long and I couldn’t contact anyone as I had no mobile phone on me (and 1 was to contact people). I wish... 5. Last month I had no telephone answering machine that’s why I didn’t know about my clients’ calls when I was absent (and knowing about them was very important). I wish ... Exercise 112 Write your own sentences beginning with I wish or if.
Часть 2 W I. (something you’d like to be now - in the forest, in the cinema etc.). 1 wish I... 2. (something you’d like to have - a computer, a new suit etc.). Г wish I... 3. (something you’d like to become - an engineer, an actor etc.), I wish I... 4. (something you’d like to do if you could - sing, dance etc.). If I could 1... 5, (something you’d like to be if you had a possibility - rich, clever etc,). If I hadachancel... Exercise 113 Imagine that you are in these situations. For each situation, write a sentenee beginning with it is necessary..., it is desirable etc. or I order..., I demand... etc. 1. Many organizations prefer to use franking machines rather than stamps for their mail. It is desirable... 2. If mail is to receive the best possible service correct addressing is important. It is important... 3. Your electric kettle has developed a fault and yon return it to the manufacturers by post to get your money back. You say: 1 demand... 4. You are a chief of a department.. You want your letter to be sent through a treditional postal system. You say: I order... 5, You are a chief of a department. You want to centralize the services your department renders. You say: I suggest... or . It is desirable...
Основной курс as Exercise 114 Read the following text. Imagine that you should send a telex now / had to send a telex yesterday. Say what you would do / would have done. A telex call is made in the following way: 1. Type or dial the telex number, depending on the system. 2. Wait for the answerback code to confirm that you are connected to the correct number. If the answerback code is given, provide your own answerhack code. 3. Type the message or retrieve the message stored in memory. 4. Exchange the answerback code, to check the connection was held during the transmission. 5. The message is thea transmitted and printed or stored in memory simultaneously on both machines. If I was to send a telex I would ... If I had hed to send a telex yesterday I would have ... Unit 20 Сложноподчиненные предложения с придаточными, вводимые союзами if и when и их эквивалентами В придаточных предложениях, вводимых союзами if в значении "если" и when в значении "когда" и их эквивалентами (while, unless, in case и т.д.), будущее время ие употребляется. Употребление будущего времени в придаточных предложе- ниях после вышеупомянутых союзов возможно, если они имеют другое значение. If a word in the manuscript is unfamiliar it will be written in the margin. When customers request detai Is and information on the new goods letters will be sent to them enclosing a catalogue and price list. The manager asked if the customers would request details and information on the new goods.
Честь 2 86 Конструкции had better, would rather, it's time Конструкция had better do smth свидетельствует о жела- тельности действия, показывает, что в случае его невыполнения могут возникнуть трудности. 1 am to phone Mary today. I’d better do it now or it may be too late. Отрицательная форма конструкции had better соответствует had better not. — Are you going out tonight? — I*d better not. I’ve got a lot of work to do. Конструкция had better do smth относится к настоящему или будущему. (for somebody) to do smth. действие относится к настоящему или будущему It’s time smb. did smth. It’s time to go home. = It’s time for us to go home. = It’s time we went home. В некоторых случаях конструкция it’s time smb. did smth. может быть эквивалентна it’s time smb. should have done smth. или should have started doing smth. It’s time our fax machine was repaired. It hasn’t been working properly for a week already. Конструкция would rather указывает на предпочтительность действия. do smth. would rather smb. did smth.
Основной курс 87 Отрицательная форма конструкции - would rather not do smth, и would rather smb. didn't do smth. Exercise 115 Read the situations and write sentences using I*d rather, I'd better, it's time. 1. You think it is very convenient to use a credit card instead of cash or cheques. You say: It’s time ... 2. You are in a shop. You are asked whether you will pay cash or cheques. You say: I’d rather ... 3. Your friend must meet his business colleagues in a different part of the country and asks you if he should travel by plane or by train. You prefer train as the space and seating arrangements provide the opportunity to work while travelling. You say: You had better... 4. There is a wide range of filing equipment available. You think that your firm should buy such an equipment considering the space available and the expense involved. You say: You had better ... It's time... 5. A telephone apparatus with automatic redial costs more than the apparatus without it. Which one would you prefer and why? I’d rather... Exercise 116 Read the following text and write seven recommendations for a receptionist with had better. There are usually many regular callers at a reception desk. These could include: people delivering letters and parcels, security van drivers, window cleaners, service staff, and messengers delivering accounts and packages. Receptionists should always follow ‘in-house security rules’ when dealing with deliveries. When authorized to receive parcels I packages, the receptionist should not sign the~delivery note before the following ‘checking' procedures are carried out: 1. Check that the goods were ordered. 2. Check the consignment quantities or number of packages against the delivery note. 3. Check that the parcel(s) isfare) in good condition - undamaged.
Часть 2 И 4. When the contents have not been examined, and a signature is required, add the words ‘not examined’ before signing. An efficient receptionist will quickly recognize and know by name the clients and visitors who call regularly. Exercise 117 Read the following advertisement and make up not less than ten sentences beginning with it*s time. It’s London! Fly to London with us this winter and enjoy a wonderful week in this enchanting city at a price you will find hard to believe! We will be flying from Moscow to London on a specially charted, brand new jet aircraft, giving you the chance to make the very most of all your holiday time in the British capital. All the famous landmarks wait to greet you. Explore them or simply sit over a coffee at one of the cafes and watch the world go by. There really is something for everyone in this great city which draws visitors back time and time again. We leave Moscow at 9.00 a.m. in the morning on Friday (please enter date - first Friday of next month). On arrival at Heathrow you will be transferred direct to your hotel. The next few days are then free for you to enjoy - join your optional excursions or explore London at leisure. We will return on Friday (enter date please) in the late afternoon. Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity! Send for a full-color brochure today. Употребление used to, would do, to be used to, to get used to Used to do smth (отрицательная форма — didn’t use to do smth) употребляется для обозначения регулярного действия в прошлом. Nick used to do well at school. He is not doing well at the Institute.
Основной курс 89 Would может употребляться с тем же значением для обозначения прошедшего действия. Normally our firm would take part in the worldwide Telecom exhibition every four years. To be/get used to doing smth употребляется для того, чтобы показать, что что-то не является новым ияи непривычным. После этих конструкций никогда не употребляется инфинитив. То после used - предлог, а не частица, предшествующая инфинитиву. Mary has a new fiat. It is vary far from her office. She has to get up very early to be there in time. This is difficult for her because she isn’t used to getting up early. Exercise 118 Complete the following text using used to, to be / to get used to, would do. Computerized systems to play such a vital role in the world as they play now. You ... seeing keyboard-based electronic equipment almost everywhere you go: in banks, schools, colleges etc. A few years ago one ... think it impossible to process information so quickly. And now we ... to the fact that the information can also be displayed, updated or printed out at any time. State-of-the-art computers reflect the latest technology. They can be used to run sophisticated word-processing programs along with any number of other applications: databases, spreadsheets, stock control, book-keeping, peyroll, graphics and desk- top publishing. We ... to operating state-of-the-art computers using the popular MS-DOS system. This means that we can use the same application software for all the computers. An operating system is a group of procedures which manages the overall operation of the computer. We ... to carrying out specific tasks, such as word processing, financial analysis and record keeping, by means of application programs.
Часть 2 Exercise 119 Read the following text Translate the underlined words into Russian. All word-processing systems have some form of storage facility. It is no good being able to process information if it is not readily available when needed. It may have taken hours or even days to produce important text or facts and figures and they cannot easily or quickly be replaced. Data must be stored electronically on a diskette or a hard disk. Diskettes are generally referred to as ‘floppy disks’. They may be considered the most common form of storage. However,'hard disks have a far greater memory capacity than floppy disks. This means that they can store much larger amounts of data. They are also to transfer data faster because the information is stored within the system. Before a new disk can be used, it has to be formatted. This process should create tracks on the disk to prepare it to accept and store information. Disks are read by means of a disk drive. If disks are damaged, the stored data may be lost. For this reason a copy of any data must be kept on a separate disk. This is called a back- up. Back-up disks may be stored in a case or box. When not in use, they should be locked away in a secure place. The following guidelines should be observed: 1. Do not touch the exposed recording surface. 2. Protect them from dust. Keep them in their protective enclave when not in use. 3. ' Never place heavy objects on top of them. 4. Write on disk tables before attaching them to disks. 5. Keep them away from other magnetic fields, including televisions, printers, telephones, etc. Magnetic fields can destroy the contents of disks. 6. Do not bend. Store them vertically in their box.
Основной муре 91 Exercise 120 Read the text given above again. Imagine that in the past you violated the guidelines. Describe your past actions beginning each sentence with I used to or I wonld. Use I am / get used to in the subordinate clanse. Example’. I used to touch the exposed surface and now 1 am not used to touching it. Exercise 121 Say what would happen / would have happened if you violated / had violated the guidelines mentioned above. Add the necessary adverbial modifiers. Exercise 122 Make up ten complex sentences with if and when connected with your studies. Refer them to real and nnreal conditions. Unit 21 Неличные формы глагола Инфнннтнв Существуют следующие формы инфинитива: Active Passive Indefinite (to)V (to) ask (to) be + Зф. V (to) be asked Continuous (to) be + V + ing (to) be asking Perfect (to) have + 3 ф. V (to) have asked (to) have been + 3 ф. V (to) have been asked Perfect Continuous (to) have been + V + ing (to) have been asking
Часть 2 92 The Indefinite Infinitive употребляется для обозначения действия, одновременного с действием, обозначенным глаголом- сказуемым. I’m pleased to inform you that we are going to send you the information every week. The Continuous Infinitive употребляется для того, чтобы подчеркнуть, что обозначенное им действие находится в развитии. Mik may be working in his office now. The Perfect Infinitive употребляется для обозначения действия, предшествующего обозначенному глаголом-сказуемым. The company was thought to have received the documents on Monday. The Perfect Continuous Infinitive обозначает действие, длившееся какое-то время до действия, обозначенного глаголом- сказуемым. For ten days we seem to have been advertising our product in the local press. В предложении инфинитив может быть: • подлежащим; То advertise (рекламировать, реклама) is very expensive. • частью сказуемого; Would you like to advertise (рекламировать) in the local press? • обстоятельством; To advertise (для того, чтобы рекламировать) in the local press one needs money. • определением; Your intention to advertise (рекламировать) in the local press must be discussed. • дополнением. We agreed to advertise (рекламировать) our product in the local press. Особое затруднение для понимания и перевода на русский язык вызывают случаи нахождения инфинитива в начале предложения. Для правильного понимания и перевода необходимо, прежде всего, определить, является ли инфинитив подлежащим
Основной курс ЯД (стоит на первом месте в предложении) или обстоятельством (стоит левее подлежащего). То carry out all the invoice checking procedures one person may be needed. Для того чтобы осуществлять проверку всех инвойсов, может потребоваться один человек. То carry out all the invoice checking procedures may take one person. Проверка всех инвойсов может занять одного человека. Exercise 123 Read the following text. Identify all infinitives in it. Translate all sentences with the infinitives into Russian. Alphabetical filing is very popular. This method is easy to understand and operate. To use it in offices is particularly suitable for filing correspondence. It is the only method to classify correspondence by looking through the storage system. With the alphabetical method, a file is made out for each customer or client according to the first letter of the surname. The files are arranged in strict alphabetical order in the storage system. Index or guide cards are used to divide the letters. They act as signposts and help staff locate files quickly. To file the documents one should collect them together and arrange them into alphabetical order. This is known as pre-sorting. Many different pre-sorting aids are available. These allow the filing operation to be carried out more efficiently. Expanding indexed wallets are frequently used for this purpose. Each letter of the alphabet will have its own ‘miscellaneous’ file. This contains documents which do not require a separate file. The documents in a miscellaneous file should be kept in alphabetical order. A list of the contents is often knpt on the front of miscellaneous folder.
Честь 2 94 Exercise 124 Decide if the following sentences are grammatically correct or not. If they are wrong correct them. 1. To receive or pay out cash always count it carefully. 2. You can have paid the rent by standing order. 3. It is important to be checking the facilities available. 4. An organization is planning to have taken part in a training exhibition at the National Exhibition Centre. 5. To have left on Wednesday moming two cars will be required. 6. To hire a car may be particularly useful when combined with air travel. 7. We want to talk about the exchange of information. Exercise 125 Choose the correct infinitive to complete the spaces tn the text. Read the completed text again, retell it. calculate, guarantee, pey, make, produce Chromalab Processing is one of the leading photographic laboratories. It has facilities the highest quality photographic work using the very latest in processing technology. Customers can a first class service. The motorcycle dispatch riders_____________ same- day deliveries throughout the Yorkshire area. The dispatch riders own their own vehicles, but all petrol expenses and percentage of running costs must by the firm.the payment for petrol the number of miles they travel each month must be known. The running costs are paid in the form of a set monthly allowance according to the engine size of the motorcycle.
Осноаяой курс S5 Unit 22 Инфинитивные конструкции Сложное дополнение Jim wanted me.npt to touch the switch as it was dangerous. Джим предупредил, чтобы я не трогал выключатель, так как это опасно. Конструкция "сложное дополнение" включает в себя дополнение, выраженное существительным или местоимением, и инфинитив. Она стоит сразу за сказуемым, которое может быть выражено следующими глаголами в действительном залоге: • want, expect, ask, beg, help, mean (=intend), would like; We expected the new machine to be delivered in time. • tell, order, remind, warn, force, invite, teach; We invite you to share in a whole new concept in office design. • advise, recommend, encourage, allow, permit, forbid; The Director recommended the workers to improve productivity. • make, let; После этих глаголов инфинитив употребляется без ‘to*. Му mother made me apply for this job. • see, hear, feel, listen. После этих глаголов в конструкции "сложное дополнение" может употребляться как инфинитив (если нас интересует констатация факта), так и -ing-форма (если мы хотим подчеркнуть длительность действия).
Часть 2 36 J saw a clerk pass the documents to the manager. Я видела, как клерк передал документы менеджеру. I saw a clerk passing the documents to the manager. Я видела, как клерк передавал документы менеджеру. Конструкция "сложное дополнение" чаще всего переводится на русский язык придаточным предложением. Exercise 126 Read the following text. Find the sentences with the construction ‘ ver b+object+infinitive’. Translate them into Russian. Retell the text. Telephone Problems Though we expect telephone to have convenience and speed it also has the power to convey a.poor impression of the efficiency of individuals and organizations and create confusion and irritation. Telephone firms encourage customers to make telephone calls as they seem cheaper than sending a letter. Many organizations calculate that the average cost of sending a letter is about £25, which allows the customers to buy a lot of telephone time even at current rates. But telephone calls do not necessarily save time - and in business time is money. We have all suffered from the irritating waste of time caused by bad telephone manners. We can expect such time-wasters as trying to get a line, being left hanging on, being passed from department to department etc. to take longer than it takes to write or dictate a letter.' Perhaps the principal cause of the telephone inefficiency is that although the standard telephone allows a customer to parform oral communication, it doesn’t yet transmit visual communication. Facial expressions, gestures and posture not only help people convey the real meaning of words, but are often the principal means of feedback in face- to-face conversation. They allow misunderstandings to be instantly corrected. Without visual communication we expect such typical problems as missed words, misheard words, misunderstood words to occur. Many people have developed a positive dislike to the telephone because they cannot see the person to whom they are talking.
Основной дуре 97 Exercise 127 Decide if the sentences below are right or wrong. Correct the mistakes where necessary. 1. Some organizations iet their least able employees to become telephone operators. 2. Let me remind to phone me when calls are cheaper if you can wait. 3. The manager told to dial the number carefully as wrong numbers are the most common cause of frustration and time-wasting. 4. I would like you wait patiently to be put through. .. 5. If you are cut off we expect replace telephone receiver, wait a few seconds and ring again. 6. I saw you to write down the name and number of the person you were speaking. 7. Telephone etiquette officially advises decide when the call ends, but since not everyone knows this, use your judgement. Сложное подлежащее Mary is said to work 8 hours a day. Говоря^, что Мерн работает 8 часов в день. Мери, (говорят?) реботает 8 часов в день. Конструкция "сложное подлежащее" состоит из собственно подлежащего и его инфинитивной части. Сказуемое в предложениях, содержащих "сложное подлежащее", может быть выражено следующими глаголами: • теми же глаголами, что и при употреблении конструкции "сложное дополнение", но стоящими в страдательном залоге; Models and experiments аге expected to be used where they are essential.
98 Часть 2 • say, believe, suppose, think, know, consider, report, allege, understand (употребляются при наличии конструкции "сложное подлежащее" в страдательном залоге, в действительном залоге могут употребляться с конструкцией "сложное дополнение"); Videos аге supposed to be hired from the distributors. а также с конструкциями to be likely, to be unlikely. The rate of change in price and choice of equipment is likely to be fast. Как правило, сказуемое в предложениях, содержащих конструкцию "сложное подлежащее", переводится на русский язык вводным словом, стоящим в начале или в середине предложения. Инфинитив же, входящий в конструкцию "сложное дополнение", переводится глаголом в личной форме. Exercise 128 Write these sentences in another way, beginning as shown. Use the underlined words in your sentences. 1. It is expected that you will volunteer to help rather than wait to be asked. You are expected to volunteer to help rather than wait to be asked. 2. It is supposed that you won’t attempt to reason with someone while they are still angry. You are... 3. It is believed that an employee will personalize the conversation by introducing himself and getting the caller’s name. An employee... 4. It is advised not to suggest or agree a solution until al! the facts have emerged. One is advised ... 5. We heard an employee offer excuses. An employee .... 6. We saw an employee showing a client a new type of equipment. An employee... 7. it is understood that a caller should be offered sympathy. A caller
OcwcflHoO курс re Exercise 129 People say a lot of things about a new manager. For example: a. He takes all the complaints personally. b. He is not objective. c. He gets angry very quickly. d. He considers every cotnplainer unique. e. He agrees to do things he is not in a position to deliver. f. He never takes advice. Nobody knows for sure whether these things are true or not. Write sentences about the new manager using snch verbs as suppose, believe, say, think, etc. a. The new manager is supposed to take all the complaints personally, b. The new manager.... c. He... . After completing the exercise decide whether the new manager is a good one. Give your reasons. it is important it is interesting it is possible it is dangerous, etc + to V It is important to have a system of assessing the performance of employees in the firm. На Фирме важно иметь систему поощрения работы сотрудников. Exercise 130 Ask your neighbor six questions with it is important, it is possible etc. Let him answer them. Then change the parts. ... for + дополнение + to V The firms give many opportunities for the employees to discuss their career prospects and long-term objectives.
100 Часть 2 Фирмы предоставляют своим сотрудникам много возможностей для обсуждения перспектив их карьеры и долговременных целей. или Фирмы предоставляют много возможностей для того, чтобы их сотрудники обсуждали перспективы своей карьеры и долговремен- ные цели. Exercise 131 Translate the following sentences into Russian: 1. It is important for us to understand, the difference between duplicating and copying. 2. Copiers give an opportunity for a firm to produce accurate copies from texts, drawings, graphs and even photographs. 3. For large organizations it is possible to centralize reprographic services. 4. It is essential for any.meeting to be well organized. 5. Using the very latest computer technology makes it possible for an agent to have a direct access to the larger computer systems. Unit 23 -ing- и -ed-формы V + ing I enjoy working with the computer. Я люблю работать с компьютером. Would you mind visiting our office on Monday? He зайдёте ли вы к нам в офис в понедельник? После таких глаголов, как enjoy, mind, suggest, stop, finish, postpone, imagine, consider, avoid, involve, continue, keep, употребляется -ing-форма, которая, как правило, переводится на русский язык инфинитивом. Preposition + -ing-форма Аге you interested in working for us? Вы заинтересованы в работе с нами?
Основной курс 101 How about changing our equipment? Как насчёт замены нашего оборудования? -ing-форма обычно употребляется после следующих предлогов: in, at, with, of, for, about, instead of, in spite of, before, after, by, without, to и переводится на русский язык существи- тельным. Словосочетания с -ing-формами It’s по use/по good ... It’s по use trying to change the data. Бесполезно пытаться изменять данные. There is no point in ... There is no point in having a computer if you don’t use it. Нет смысла иметь компьютер, если вы им не пользуетесь. It’s (not) worth... I don’t think newspapers are worth reading. Я не думаю, что газеты стоит читать. Have difficulty... I had difficulty reading a book of a foreige author in the original. Мне было трудно читать книгу иностранного автора в оригинале. A waste of money... / a waste of time ... spend /waste (time)... (be) busy... go swimming/go fishing etc. I’m busy performing an experiment. Я занята постановкой эксперимента. An engineer spent hours trying to find the cause of the failure. Инженер проводил часы, пытаясь обнаружить причину поломки. It was a waste of time visiting this exhibition. Посещение этой выставки было потерей времени.
102 Часть2 Exercise 132 Read the following sentences. Translate the underlined word combinations into Russian. 1. Organizations sometimes have difficulty providing people with all necessary goods. 2. A mixed economy is interested in combining the benefits and advantages of both public and private enterprise. 3. The private sector suggests providing employment and offering a wide range of goods and services. 4. It’s no use starting a business without having an office of some description. 5. Most business activities involve performing some sorts of calculations. 6. An ambitious orgsnization is interested in attracting and keeping worthwhile employees. 7. Would you mind defining the difference between wages and salaries? -ing-форма в начале предложении Identifying training needs is an important function of personnel work. Определение потребностей обучения - важная функция работы с персоналом. Identifying training needs, a Personnel Manager helps the firm graatly. Определяя потребности обучения, менеджер по работе с персоналом значительно помогает фирме. Для правильного перевода -ing-формы, стоящей в начале предложения, на русский язык необходимо определить, является ли она подлежащим (стоит на первом месте) илн обстоятельством (стоит левее подлежащего), -ing-форма в функции подлежащего переводится на русский язык существительным или инфинитивом, а в функции обстоятельства - деепричастием. -ing-форма в функции обстоятельства может также стоять в конце предложения. Перевод на русский язык от этого не изменяется. A Personnel Manager helps the firm greatly identifying training needs.
Основной курс 103 -ing-форма, содержащая having + 3 ф. V, обычно стоит в начале предложения, показывая, что обозначаемое ею действие свершилось до действия, обозначенного глаголом-сказуемым, и переводится на русский язык либо деепричастием, либо придаточным предложением. Having identified training needs, a Personnel Manager could set up appropriate training programmes. Определив (после того, как он определил) потребности обучения, менеджер по работе с персоналом смог составить соответствующие программы обучения. -in g-фор мы п функции части сказуемого An important function of personnel work is arranging and organizing introductory or introduction courses for new employees. Важной функцией работы с персоналом является организация и проведение ознакомительных или вводных курсов для новых работников. Unit 24 Обороты с -ing- н -ed- формами -ed-оборот I “ ~ ' Г The services offered by telecommunication firms are useful for customers. Услуги, предлагаемые телекоммуникационными фирмами, полезны абонентам. -ing-оборот I-------'------1 Telecommunication firms offering new services are likely to receive greater profits. Телекоммуникационные фирмы, предлагающие новые услуги, вероятно, получают большие доходы.
104 Часть 2 При переводе на русский язык время -ing-форм, входящих в оборот, соответствует времени глагола-сказуемого, -ed-форма всегда имеет страдательное значение. Если в предложении стоят рядом две -ed-формы, не разделённые запятой, то правая из них яаляется сказуемым, а левая - определением. The firm possessing a product designed wanted to sell it at the highest possible price. Фирма, обладающая .спроектированным продуктом, хотела продать его по самой высокой возможной цене. Независимый причастный оборот The two biggest troubles being massive debt and growing competition. cable companies have some good reasons to focus on short-term fixes. Так как двумя основными проблемами являются крупная задолженность и растущая конкуренция, кабельные компании имеют основание сосредоточиться на краткосрочных затруднениях. Local service providers аге contemplating dramatic structural changes, the division of the company into organizations being one of them. Местные провайдеры услуг рассматривают значительные структурные изменения, причём разделение компании на две организации является одним из них. Независимый причастный оборот стоит либо в начале, либо в конце предложения и отделяется запятой. На русский язык независимый причастный оборот может переводиться только предложением, входящим либо в состав сложносочинённого (используются союзы а, и, но или бессоюзное соединение), либо сложноподчинённого (используются союзы так как, когда, если, причём) предложения.
Основной курс 1Об Exercise 133 Read the following text. Translate the underlined words and word combinations into Russian. Ask your neighbor 10 questions of different types connected with it. Work in pairs. Pushing new products and services against rising competition is rather difficult. Some companies realized this years ago. They installed an online customer tracking and analysis system having its own database. This system delivering a greater range of detailed reports faster and cheaper, the results have been impressive. The companies have seen the success rate of their direct marketing efforts climb by 20 percent, and they have doubled the number of new promotions they offer. Getting into the data analysis game relatively early, such companies as Comcast Cellular are now in position to develop targeted marketing plans that other service providers may not be able to pursue. Using a new analysis system gives the companies a better understanding of who their customers are, what services they use, and what need they have. The companies relying on the reports from their billing systems. that kind of understanding was hard to come by. Using the Macrocell billing system to generate reports was slow and costly. The reports came in on paper. They provided only a snapshot of activities at a given moment. Comcast Cellular’s reporting prospects changed markedly, the company having installed a software system. Along with giving Comcast Cellular the ability to track customer activity, the system delivers an online database of subscribers updated through the billing records. Exercise 134 Combine the following sentences using the Independent Participial Construction. The first one is done for you. I. The wireless industry turned its back on many potential customers. Many potential customers did not qualify for service because of bad or nonexistent credit histories. Many potential customers not qualifying for service because of bad or nonexistent credit histories, the wireless industry turned its back on them.
Часть 2 106 2. Prepaid technology has been available for several years. Providers lacked a realtime billing engine. 3. Prepaid services are positioned as a way for subscribers to control costs. They involve purchasing airtime in advance and tying a user to a certain amount of usage. 4. Developing countries are rapidly expanding the reach of their telephone systems in underserved and unserved areas. Cellular and personal communication services are quickly penetrating developing countries. 5. The satellite-basad systems are targeting markets that are not served adequately. Iridium is focusing on travelling executives. Exercise 135 You are going to read a text from which some words or constructions have been removed. Choose from the words or constructions given after the text the suitable ones, complete the text and retell it. It had been thought for more than two decades that the first electronic digital computers were the Colossus in England in 1943 and the Electronic Numerical Integrator______in the United States in 1945. However, the first electronic digital computer was actually built by John V. Atanasoff, an American theoretical physicist at Iowa State College (now Iowa State University). During tbe period' 1937-42 Atanasoff built two small-scale, special-purpose electronic computers, that was the prototype for the second larger machine as the Atanasoff-Berry Computers, ABC. The ABC was named after Atanasoff and his graduate assistant Clifford E. Berry with him. The prototype was built in a couple of months_______by October 1939, for the purpose of two ideas central to AtanasofFs design: capacities to store______addition and subtraction. The ABC computer itself was partly constructed from 1939 to 1942,_________. It featured about 300 vacuum tubes for control and arithmetic calculations; use of binary numbers; logic operations (instead of direct counting); memory capacitors; and punched cards as input/output units. Atanasoff’s digital computer was capable of accuracy that was 1,000 times greater than was possible with Bush's differential analyzer, the scientific computer at this time.
Основной курс 107 Atanasoff’s computer greatly influenced the future of electronic technology. It was the first machine to use electronic means to manipulate. binary numbers. Several concepts by Atanasoff remain important in today’s computers, . The recognition of Atanasoff’s achievement,quietly compared with the introduction of the ENIAC, resulted from a lawsuit filed in 1967 by the Sperry Rand Corporation against Honeywell, Inc., to protect the patent on ENIAC at that time by Sperry. Portions of the patent (which covered essentially all aspects of electronic digital computers) were shown to be derived from the ABC and from information to John W. Mauchly by Atanasoff in the early 1940s. In 1973 the ENIAC patent was ruled to be invalid by federal court Words and constructions: 1) imparted; 2) most advanced; 3) testing; 4) the use of capacities in dynamic random-access memories, the regeneration of capacities, and the separation of memory and processing being the most significant ones; 5) built; 6) held; 7) introduced; 8) built; 9) performing; 10) computing; 11) done; 12) the first being the central computing apparatus; 13) achieving; 14) known; 15) being operational; 16) Atanasoff and Berry discontinuing work before the completion of the computer because of World War II; 17) working.
10В Часть 2 Unit 25 Артикли Неопределенный артикль (а, ап) употребляется с исчис- ляемыми существительными в.единственном числе, упоминаемыми впервые. A more effective design can improve components. A data-centric architecture facilitates the inclusion of busi- ness rules. Неопределенный артикль не может употребляться с неисчис- ляемыми существительными. Have you got any money? The computer can’t work. There is no electricity. Такие существительные, как advice, baggage, behavior, bread, damage, furniture, information, luck, luggage, news, per- mission, progress, traffic, weather, work являются неисчислямыми. Соответственно, мы не можем употреблять с ними неопреде- ленный артикль (а, ап) и они не имеют множественного числа. We have по information concerning this device. What’s the news? Our equipment can’t cope with such heavy traffic. С исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе может употребляться местоимение some, имеющее два значения: 1. несколько; 2. некоторая часть. Some components provide a higher abstraction layer for op- erator application development (a number of components). Some views can be replaced with real tables (but not all views).
Основной курс 109 Определенный артикль (the) употребляется в следующих случаях: 1. С существительными, упоминаемыми вторично, а также в случаях, когда из ситуации ясно, кто ияи что имеется в виду. At the end of the 20th century the digitization of telephony came about. To make a good choice an evaluation of network manage- ment is needed. To perform the evaluation we start by listing major operator management goals that need to be met by best in class management solutions. 2. С существительными, обозначающими предметы или явления, единственные в своем роде. The earth goes round the sun. Moscow is the capital of Russia. 3. Перед same (the same). The new equipment can transmit the same data quicker than the old one. 4. Для обозначения типа чего -либо: • устройств; When was the telephone invented? • национальности ; The Chinese invented printing. • групп людей. Should the rich pay more taxes to help the poor? 5. С названиями океанов, морей, рек, каналов; the Atlantic Ocean, the Red Sea, the Suez Canal, the Rhine • групп островов, горных цепей; the Canaries, the Andes • названиями стран во множественном числе. the Netherlands, the Philippines, the United States 6. Для обозначения семьи. the Johnsons 7. Для обозначения сторон света, the north, the south-east.
110 Часть 2 Exercise 136 Put in a, an or some where necessary. If no word is necessary, leave the space empty (-). 1. ... new system was ... wonderful piece of technology. 2. For ... television broadcasting the dish would only be a little larger than ... conventional aerial. 3. Cable media was spending billions on building ... new satellite system. 4. In ... network system like the Internet, ... innovation incurs ... types of costs: ... development,... distribution,... adoption. 5.... portable scanner that can upload ... images over the Inter- net or ... cell phones is ... example of Internet appliances. 6.... items of interest brought up by the panelists were ... advan- tages and ... disadvantages of... various technologies. 7. We studied ... minimal set of ... functionality required for ... small appliances or sensors. 8.Despite ... minimization, ... implementation works well with ... standard browsers. 9.... design of ... converged system includes ... radio frequency unit and ... baseband unit, covering ... software and ... hard- ware issues. Exercise 137 Choose the correct form with or without the. 1. Plan /the plan was to launch a series of low-orbit geostationary satellites covering whole of Europe /the whole of Europe, stretching from Urals /the Urals in east /the east of Atlantic /the Atlantic in west /the west, from Scandinavia /the Scandi- navia in north /the north to shores /the shores of North Africa in south /the south. 2. Satellites /The Satellites are multi-purpose; each one has ca- pacity /the capacity to beam down up to two thousand /the two thousand digital television channels, as well as providing a ready-made network for both mobile and fixed-line telecoms systems. 3. Beauty /The beauty of a low-orbit satellite, circling earth /the earth in atmosphere /the atmosphere is that it is close enough to dispose of big dishes /the big dishes that restricted market
Основной курс /the market for satellite communications /the satellite commu- nications. 4. Launching new satellites /the new satellites was an increas- ingly competitive business in past few years /the past few years; Americans /the Americans used their space shuttle, Chi- nese /the Chinese the Long March rocket system and Europe- ans /the Europeans the Arianne/ 5. Most of new technology /the new technology is commercially available, sold to companies /the companies operating broad- casting throughout West /the West. 6. Each desk /The each desk has two display terminals and a key- board, linked directly to main monitor /the main monitor. 7. We have capacity /the capacity to monitor our targets via tele- coms surveillance, as well as physical surveillance through sat- ellites /the satellites. 8. Picture /The picture was scanned into PC /the PC using a sim- ple, off-the-shelf photo-processing programme, a type used by thousands /the thousands of magazines /the magazines. 9. Announcement /The announcement company /the company was in talks /the talks with bankers /the bankers about rescheduling debts /the debts. 10. A row of lights /the lights flashing on phone /the phone indi- cated more calls /the more calls were waiting. Exercise 138 Some of these sentences are correct, but some need the or a (perhaps more than once). Correct the sentences where neces- sary. Put ‘right* if the sentence, is already correct. 1. A few of the salesmen were in the office all night, taking calls from Far East. 2. Software for rudimentary analysis has just been installed. 3. Each image downloaded from the satellite is converted into digital form and stored in long lines of binary code. 4. Performing millions of calculations every second, computer checks code for each of its targets, comparing it with thou- sands of images it is downloading every day. 5. The basic technique for phone tracking is based on voice recognition.
1f2 Часть 2 6. Each individual voice has distinctive quality which, when ana- lysed on computer, can be translated into series of waves. 7. Money was poured into the media divisions, extending its product range. 8. The system appears to be working well. 9. The computer was already set up and the modem was con- nected to a phone socket. 10. On modem one can see series of small red lights flashing, as information was relayed down the line and answers came back through the system. Exercise 139 Complete tbe sentences of the text adding a /an /some /tbe where necessary. Read the text again, write dowp its plan and retell the text using the plan. Joe Nathan had never seen anything like it. For fifteen years, now, he had been monitoring... flow of... calls from ... office in ... British Telecom building in ... Newgate street checking that nothing was amiss with ... system. Before him there was ... bank of... computer screens, regulating ... traffic and providing ... constant, twenty-four-a-day sur- veillance of... calls around ... country. Usually, nothing happened. In- deed, in ... last fifteen years he could recall less than half... dozen inci- dents where anything had even come close to happening; ... last was when one of ... tabloid newspapers printed its bingo numbers incor- rectly, and was flooded with ... calls from readers who thought they had scooped ...jackpot. Right now he couldn’t believe his eyes. “What is going on?” he said to himself. Each electronic exchange within ... ВТ network was designed to handle ... different number of ... calls, depending on ... ex- pected flow of ... traffic. Relatively sleepy exchanges in rural ar- eas were built to cope with ... couple of ... thousand calls ... min- ute; anything more would be ... waste of ... money. High-density city-center exchanges were far more powerful and ... West End exchange, covering most of ... central London office blocks and government departments, was one of ... most powerful of them all. It was capable of handling fifty thousand calls ... minute, more than twice ... peak level ever recorded in ... area. There were only ten thousand phones served by ... exchange, so unless each person
Основной куре 113 received five calls at ... same time there was no way it could run out of... capacity. At this moment, according to ... screen ... inch from Nathan's nose, ... exchange was receiving forty-eight thousand calls. ... couple of ... thousand more and ... system would seize up com- pletely. Иногда существительное во множественном числе упот- ребляется для обозначения одного предмета, состоящего из двух частей: trousers (two legs), glasses (two glasses), pyjamas (top and bottom) etc. Они никогда не употребляются с неопре- деленным а ртиклем. Некоторые существительные, оканчивающиеся на $, употребляются только в единственном числе без артикля или с неопределенным артиклем: mathematics (maths), physics, elec- tronics, politics, news etc. Некоторые существительные, оканчивающиеся на s, мо- гут употребляться как в единственном, так и во множественном числе: • means - a means of communication - many means of communi- cation; • series - a television series - two television series. Некоторые существительные можно без изменений упот- реблять как в единственном так и во множественном числе: government, staff, team, audience, committee, company, firm etc. The government (they) want to increase taxes. = The gov- ernment (it) wants to increase taxes. Nokia have decreased the price of cell-phones. = Nokia has decreased the price of cell-phones.
114 Часть 2 Exercise 140 Id each example the words od the left are connected with an activity. Write the name of the activity. The beginnings of the words are given. 1. calculate, algebra, equation .mathematics 2. policy, election, minister g 3. finance, trade, industry e 4. light, heat, gravity ph 5. computer, chip, video e Exercise 141 Choose the correct form of the verb, singular or plural. 1. Physics was /were my best subject at school. 2. Informatics is /are very important nowadays. 3. The news wasn't / weren't as bad as we expected. 4. Communications is /аге a very important branch of indus- try. 5. I can't find my glasses. Where are they /is it? 6. The government plan /plans some reforms. 7. The committee haven't /hasn’t made a decision yet. 8. Communication means is /are in demand today. 9. The staff of the firm is not /are not happy with their new working conditions. Для обозначения одного лица, предмета или явления часто используется комбинация двух или нескольких существительных (существительное + существительное): a firm manager = a manager of a firm; • income tax = tax that you pay on your income; • A Moscow engineer = an engineer from Moscow etc. В таких случаях главным является превое существитель ное, а левое (левые) - определением к нему: • media servers = servers acting in the media; • servers media = media where servers act.
Ocmmwou курс 115 Exercise 142 What do we call these things and people? Use the structure noun + noun. 1. A magazine about computers is ... 2. An engineer in the Held of telecommunication is ... 3. An engineer working in Moscow is ... 4. The results of your examinations are your ... 5. A card you can use to pay for things instead of cash is called ... 6. To phone in the street we use a ... 7. We pay for a call with a... Exercise 143 Read the following text. Translate the underlined structures into Russian. Give a summary of the text. One of the methods for achieving all-optical switching is by means of liquid-crystal (LC) technology, which can be used to control the polarization of a light beam. Liquid crystals are used in conjunction with polarization-dependent materials, which absorb or reflect light with a specific polarization. When a voltage is ap- plied to an LC device, the individual crystal elements align with the applied electric field. If the elements are orthogonal to the op- tical beam polarization, the light will be reflected. On the other hand, if the elements are lined up with the optical polarization, the light passes through the liquid crystal. While liquid-crystal technology is well-characterized and has been proven reliable in many years of display applications, it has three noted disadvantages. It is fairly slow; is difficult to integrate with other optical components; and has relatively high light losses from the liquid crystal itself, the polarization splitters, and imperfections in the fairly complex optical path. The optical polarization of any input signal is completely uncontrolled. Therefore, the signal must be split into two known orthogonal polarizations using polarization splitters and switching
116 Часть 2 done separately on each. The results are then recombined to form the output. This approach is difficult and costly to implement and could cause unacceptable polarization mode dispersion, in which short pulses are spread out in time because different components of the pulses propagate at different speeds, depending on their polariza- tion. In addition, compensating for the liquid crystal’s temperature dependence renders it too costly for all optical switching needs in the metro and access networks. Exercise 144 Read the following text. Translate the underlined structures into English using noun + noun constructions. Render the whole text into English. Один из крупнейших производителей мультимедийных проектов - корпорация In Focus совместно со своим росси й- ским дистрибьютором . компанией "Русский Стиль ", предста- вила в Москве свой взгляд на состояние рынка проекторов и свое новое оборудование. В результате состоявшихся в по - следние годы слияний корпорация владеет сегодня тремя тор - говыми марками: In Focus, ASK и Proxima. Главное направле - ние деятельности In Focus - выпуск проектов на основе DLP- технологии и жидко кристаллических устройств . Оценить состояние рынка проекторов в мире можно по экономическим показателям In Focus, на долю которого в 2000 г. пришлось около 24% общемировых продаж . На рынке мультимедийных компьютеров идет интенсивная перестройка. Сегодня все более активную роль начинают играть продавцы компьютерной техники . Чтобы укрепить свои позиции, In Fo- cus наращивают маркетинговую активность . За год маркетин - говые расходы компании выросли на 51%. В соответствии с тенденцией к снижению цены на оборудование и изменению круга заказов основными адре сатами рекламы становятся ко- нечные потребители , а сама реклама становится менее техни - ческой и более "эмоциональной ". В России продажу своего оборудования компания ведет по двум каналам: с крупными заказчиками - подразделениями межнациональных корпораций и некоторыми российскими
Основной курс 117 компаниями работает непосредственно российское представи- тельство In Focus, а с остальными клиентами и реселлерами - "Рус- ский Стиль". Прошедший год стал переломным для российского рынка проекционного оборудования. Эго связано со снижением цен на проекторы и ростом круга потенциальных потребителей. В то же время быстрорастущий рынок привлекает новых участников, в результате чего появляется все больше торговых марок и продавцов компьютерных компаний. Новые продавцы, в отличие от специализированных фирм, активно играют на понижении цен, что приводит к снижению прибыли. Специалисты "Русского Стиля" даже призвали к консолидации "традиционных" участников рынка для борьбы с этой тенденцией. Однако, аналогичные процессы идут во всем мире, и, вероятно, и скором времени мультимедиа-проекторы превратятся в товар для компьютерных супермаркетов. Это означает, что специализи- рованным компаниям, которые сегодня продают такого рода обору- дование, придется искать новые пути привлечения и удержания клиентов, например, концентрируясь на корпоративных проектах. Unit 26 Местоимения It, there Чаще всего местоимение it употребляется вместо упомянутого выше неодушевленного существительного. A new exchange is being built near my house. It is very modern. Также it употребляется в безличных предложениях, связанных со временем, расстоянием и погодой, It’s a long way from here to the airport. It’s a nice day. и вместо словосочетаний. It didn’t take us long to get ready for the lesson.
119 Часть 2 Местоимение there употре бляется, когда говорящий впервые упоминает о существовании лица или предмета (часто в определенном месте). There is a new exchange in our street. There was no doubt that the trend towards full competition on the telecommunication market was unavoidable. Кроме того, there может передавать значение "там, туда". Му new office is very far from my house. It takes me an hour to get there. Some /any /none /no В большинстве случаев местоимение some употребляется в утвердительных предложениях, a any - в вопросите льных и отрицательных. Местоимения по и попе употребляются в о т- рицательных предложениях. Some investigations show that average usage of the PC and Internet at home tends to decrease. No investigations show that average usage of the PC and Internet at home tends to decrease. None of the investigations shows that average usage of the PC and Internet at home tends to decrease. There aren't any investigations that show that average usage of the PC and Internet at home tends to decrease. Местоимение any в утвердительном предложении соответст- вует значению "любой". Any investigations show that average usage of the PC and Internet at home tends to decrease. One /ones Местоимение one/ones употребляется вместо упомянутого вы- ше исчисляемого существительного. I think his best inventions are his early ones. The reform the government started in the telecommunications service market was a very important one.
Основной курс 119 Myself /yourself /themselves etc. Местоимения myself /yourself /themselves etc. употребляются в случаях, когд а подлежащее и дополнение - одно и то же лицо. Nick cut himself while he was repairing the device. Подлежащее Дополнение Местоимения myself /yourself /themselves etc. употребляются также в значе нии "сам, самостоятельно ". Who repaired the device for you? - Nobody. I repaired it myself. Exercise 145 Answer the following questions using none /nobody /nothing /nowhere. 1. What did you do? - Nothing. 2. Where are you going to work? 3. Who helps you find a job? 4. How-much are you going to be paid? 5. Where did you get your education? 6. Where do you live? 7. What are you going to do in the nearest future? Now write full sentences using any /anybody /anything /anywhere. 8. I didn’t do anything. 10. II. 12. 13. 14.
120 Часть 2 Exercise 146 Complete the sentences with some or any. 1. In the new horizontally layered network architecture ... appli- cations and' services are separated from the access network. 2. ... modern mobile applications can handle several kinds of me- dia in the same message. 3. The Service Network provides ... end-users with a personal- ized service environment. 4. Ericsson is working across ... industry sectors to develop mo- bile Internet Services. 5. The supply processes this far will not be adequate to cope with ... market demand for environment. Exercise 147 Put in there is /was /were, it is /was* it or there. I. Multimedia messaging service (MMS) is taking a giant step forward. ... gives users the power to become content developers and content consumers. 2. ... requires new portals for Mobile Internet to develop. 3 not easy to model the supply concepts on large-volume business. 4 many different clients (phones, smart-phones, high- power home PC’s, game consoles and TV’s) for the Internet and mobile Internet. 5 a trend among new imaging formats to ease transcoding and adaptation to client capabilities. 6. Some phones might have built-in cameras. If videocameras are used ... video clips can be recorded. 7. The mobile Internet is different from the Internet as we know ... because ... offers additional services. Exercise 148 Define where "one" is a numeral and where a pronoun. Trans- late the sentences into Russian. 1. SMS is one of the most-used services in second-generation mobile telecommunications systems.
Основной курс 121 2. The packet core network is a collection of logical entities and physical ones. 3. One of the solutions is to store one, high-quality version and then adapt the image to the client’s requirements. 4. The simplest is nearly always the best one. 5. After drafting the requirements the standardization group has started to single out the most important ones. Exercise 149 Finish the story by translating its end into English. Compose a dialogue on the basis of the text. Imagine that one of you is an expert in the field and the other knows nothing about it. The payphone, which has changed little in its 100-plus his- tory, is not escaping the wireless revolution. Ask a telecommunica- tions official from Ghana to recall how many payphones there were in his country in 1998. The answer would be that there were only 35 payphones servicing the entire country, 32 of which were located in the capital city of Accra. In the year of 2000 there were over two hundred payphones there and the number is growing. The reason for this is that the Ghanaian authorities decided that the quickest and most economical solution for improving its telecom- munications infrastructure was the wireless payphone. Гана ~ не единственная страна, использующая преимущества этого устройства. Его легко можно обнаружить в таких крупных метрополиях как Нью-Йорк. Там независимые провайдкры услуг устанавливают платные радиотелефоны по всему городу. Им не нужна прокладка крупных наземных сетей. Одновременно они удобны для размещения рекламы. Это создает дополнительный источник доходов для провайдеров. Специалисты утверждают, что в настоящее время разрабатываются совершенно новые образцы платных телефонов. Как и сотовый, платный телефон будет развиваться от голосового устройства к многофунк- циональному. Он сможет принимать И посылать не только звуковые, но и видео сигнаяы, передавать неподвижные изображения, данные и текст. Он позволит пользователям получать еводки нойостей, биржевые цены и информацию о расписании движения поездов й самолетов.
122 Часть 2 Unit 27 Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий Сравнительная степень одно . - н большинства двусложных пр и- лагательных и наречий образуется с помощью суффикса ег. New communications means transmit messages faster than old ones. The exam was easier than we expected. Многосложные (три и более слогов) прилагательные и наречия образуют сравнительную степень с помощью more. More используется также для образования сравнительной степени наре- чий, оканчивающихся на 1у. You should work at your English more seriously to get a good mark at the exam. We can’t buy a more expensive device. Ряд прилагательных и наречий образует сравнительную сте- пень особым образом: good /well - better; bad /badly - worse; far - farther (further). Превосходная степень одно- и большинства двусложных при- лагательных и наречий образуется с помощью суффикса est. Многосложные прилагательные и наречия образуют превосходную степень с помощью most. The lectures of this teacher are really boring. They are the most boring lectures I’ve ever heard. Can you name the cheapest way of communication? Nowadays the most expensive way of communication is by videoconference. Некоторые прилагательные и наречия образуют превосходную степень ос обым образом: good /well - best; bad /badly - worst; far - furthest (farthest).
Основной курс 123 Exercise 150 What do you say in these situations? Use comparative or super- lative forms. 1. Your friend meets a lot of famous people. You ask your friend: (famous /person /meet) Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met? 2. You’ve just been to the lecture. It was extremely boring. You tell your friend: (boring /lecture /hear) It... 3. You decided to give up your job. Now you think it was a bad mistake. You say to your friend: (bad /mistake /make) It... 4. Your friend and you both did badly at the exam. Your friend got a "three” and you got a "two”. Your friend ... than .... You ... than ... . 5. You were very busy at work today. You’re not usually as busy as that. You ... than ... . Exercise 151 Complete the sentences. Each time use the comparative or su- perlative form of one of the words in the list. disaggregated; popular; good; low; new; great; in- teresting; attractive; high; significant; large 1. Today the ... way to access the Internet is using a personal computer. 2. A free PC user has the technical capability to ... service pro- viders. 3. The ... problem is the problem of a dense mobile network. 4. Designers have done their ... to ensure that telecome facili- ties look ... . 5. To minimize interference the cells should be run at... power.
124 Часть 2 6. The operators have to support unpredictable but potentially ... cellular usage. 7. Real-time monitoring through a system called SeePower represents ... solutions. 8. The expertise involved would be of ... interest to all the op- erators. 9. In years to come we anticipate .... use of mobile data connec- tivity for uploading pictures in virtually real time. 10. Where can the world’s’ ... wireless payphone system be found? Exercise 152 Give the following two-way translation. Retell the dialogue in indirect speech. Student A.: Why are wireless payphones most popular in develop- ing countries? Student В.: Использование радиотехнологии позволяет охватывать большие сельские районы с меньшими затратами. Платные радиотелефоны позволяют предоставлять населению больший набор услуг. S. A.: In which countries аге wireless payphones widely spread? S. В.: Крупнейшая в мире система платных радиотелефонов имеется в Мексике. Благодаря ей телефонные услуги предоставляются в самых удаленных областях страны за умеренную плату. Телефоны могут быть модифицированы для приема самых разнообразных карточек. Разве ты не знаешь, что современные системы способны обслуживать более чем 400000 платных телефонов? S. A.: Yes, I do. And besides it is well known that it offers security and autoniatic software upgrades on the payphones. But have wireless payphones also found a market in major cities, espe- cially where competition is high? S. Да, конечно. Наиболее продвинутые провайдеры услуг счртают платные радиотелефоны одним из способов расширения своего поля деятельности. Те, у кого нет мобильного телефона, МОГУТ Приобрести карточки повременной оплаты и осуществлять вьповь! с платных радиотелефонов.
Основной *урс 125 Exercise 153 Compose a written paper devoted to the problem of wireless payphones in the world. Use as much additional information as possible. Pay attention to comparative and superlative forms of adverbs and adjectives. Числительные В английском языке запятая отделяет тысячи от сотен, миллионы от тыся9 и т. д. При чтении вслух она не произносится. 1,110,806 - one million one hundred and ten thousand eight hundred and six. Для обозначения десятичных дробей употребляется точка. При чтении вслух она произносится как ’’point" /p^int/. 5.85 - five point eighty five. Дроби произносятся следующим образом: числителю соответствует количественное числительное, а знаменателю - порядковое: 3/5 - three fifths; 7/8 - seven eighths. Степень обозначается порядковым числительным: 8Э- eight in the third power; 107 - ten in the seventh power. Существительное, которому предшествует порядковое числитель- ное, употребляется с определенным артиклем: the third page; the twenty second book. Существительное с количественным числительным употребляется без артикля: bus fifteen; room thirty two. Даты читаются следующим об разом: Мау 1, 1998 - the first of May nineteen ninety eight или May the first nineteen ninety eight; 2002 - the year of two thousand and two.
f26 Часть 2 Exercise 154 Pronounce the following correctly: 1) 01.01.2000; 22.06.1941; 9.05.1945; 05.05.1991; 11.09.1812; 25.01.1870; 08.12.1972; 31.11.1983; 2) 113; 254; 57; 8г; 34"; 15s; 4O10; 3) page 3; bus 5; room 31; tram 23; hall 8; volume 10; 4) 1/8; 2/3; 5/7; 9/10; 18/25; 15/72; 3/20; 5) 325,118,005; 2,318,108; 15,252,015; 112,502,305; 1,808,454,913 ; 6) 15.02; 8.205; 205.205; 1.0001; 26.8. Exercise 155 Read the following text once. Try to remember as many figures as you can. Close the book and try to check up your neighbor’s comprehension by asking him 5 questions concerning the main figures mentioned in the text. Then change the parts. Stadium Australia, the heart of the Olympic park, can support more than 120,000 minutes per hour of mobile capacity - or 2,000 concurrent calls. Overall, the networks create in the Park 200 ceils to support the user demand. Stadium Australia has the highest den- sity coverage in such a small area - 300 m by 300 m. In run-up and rehearsal events to the Games themselves the network was able to support 1,000 simultaneous calls. For a few short minutes during a rugby event at the half time break it carried what was equaled to ten per cent of Sydney’s average mobile traffic. The network was switching 250,000 at major, pre-Olympic events at the Stadium, which effectively means that attendees were making some three calls on average in the course of an evening event. Users experienced one per cent congestion, equivalent to saying that for a period of 40 seconds only, customers may have had to make a second call attempt. These design limits are about twice as stringent as the normal specification for mobile in the Sydney area.
Основной муре 127 Exercise 156 Discuss the following topics: I. Shares of different firms in the cellular market in Russia. 2. Different capabilities of cellular devices. 3. Wireless payphones - one of the most effective means to im- prove telecommunications infrastructure. Словообразование Exercise 157 Translate the following words into Russian. Say how they were formed. state-of-the-art; four-wheel-drive; security-card-operated; matchbox; break-out; lie-down; read-out; push-up; intake; out- come; looker-on; passer-by; runner-up; day-to-day; tablecloth; word-processor; golf-course; office-worker; commander-in- chief; risk-taking; film-making; 'export - ex'port; 'import - im'port; employment; readable; installation; beautiful; helpless; disabled; misunderstand; understandable; realization; briefly; effective; identical; impossible; specific; aviation; aviator; communication; television; adventure; amplify; amplifier; am- plification Exercise 158 Form as many new words as possible from the following ones: interest; understand; probable; page; heart; produce; recognize; access; result; cover; support Exercise 159 Read the text, translate the underlined words and explain how they were formed. Read the text again and give its summary. Showplaces are in telecom terms showcases. For Sydney dur- ing the 27th Olympiad telecom players were battling to get their name out and their product recognized. Few sectors provide more of a high profile than the mobile communications to support the
128 Часть 2 wave of visitors attracted to the Games. With the in flax of more than 600,000 people expected into the city, providing telecom fa- cilities that are accessible was a primary mission of Tesla and its competitors. Tesla officials say the company pumped some A$l50m into major upgrades of their networks to give an average a near-tripling of capacity across the city, and that the resulting total capability makes the Olympic event probably the most heav- ily architected localized network ever developed. In the “hotspots” of the Sydney Olympic Park and other ma- jor Games ventues, as well as key locations such as airports, high- way. and hotel areas, the actual increase is proportionately much greater, equivalent to ten per cent of the current overall city cellu- lar capacity. The mobile plans are part of the Tesla Millennium Network developed for the Olympic Games. The Millennium Network cov- ers not only 30,000 new telephone lines and the conventional fixed telephone services for the participants and spectators but high quality transmission systems for media distribution supporting the 20,000 correspondents at the Games, and links to earth stations and onward distribution through 11 satellites. A separate trunked mo- bile radio network supports 13,000 organizer and emergency per- sonnel in 600 talk groups across the Sydney metropolitan area. Media Centre facilities alone support 2,200 services for phone, fax and data as well as 210 ISDN links, 15 international data leased lines and 400 payphones. There is also a paving network opera- tional for the Olympic event. Unit 28 Предлоги и союзы. Фразовые глаголы For - в течение, в продолжение, (как долго?): for an hour, for a month. For - так как: We couldn’t start the experiment for we didn’t have all the necessary facilities. During - в течение, в продолжение: during the experiment.
Основной яурс 129 While - когда, в то время как: Robert suddenly began to feel ill while he was doing the ex- amination. As, as long as, as well as, as If, like: As - так как: As the aesthetics should be observed the antennae were de- signed as lighting towers along walkways. As - когда: As a sponsor paid business model is developed service pro- viders will significantly enhance revenue potential. As long as - если: The firm will expand its coverage as long as it has paying customers. As well as - и, а также: Tesla developed techniques to relocate capacity in-house as well as developing specific solutions to solve the architec- tural problem. As if - как, как будто, как если бы: It sounds as if a real time monitoring represents genuine in- novation. Like - как; такой же, как; например: Like every manager you must make important decisions. Many factors like crowd behavior may influence capacity po- tential. In case, unless, provided /providing: In case - если: Г II give you my phone number in case you need to contact me. Unless - если не: Unless you work much harder you won’t be able to pass the exam. Provided /Providing - если, при условии :
130 Часть 2 Provided /Providing you study hard you’ll pass your exams. If /whether - ли: They couldn’t decide whether/if it was worth re-sitting the exam. At ,on, in для обозначения времеяя: At - для обозначения времени: at 8 o’clock, at dawn, at lunch time. On - для обозначения дней недели и дат: on Monday /on Mondays; on 8 March, 2002; опту birthday; on Christmas Day. In - для обозначения относительно длительных периодов времени: in May, in spring, in 1990s, jn 1991, in the XXth century, in the future. At используется в следующих устоявшихся сочетаниях: at night, at the weekend, at Christmas /Easter, at the moment, at present, at the same time. In - употребляется в выражениях:. in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, HO on Monday morning, on Saturday afternoon, on Sunday eve- ning и T. д. Перед словами last, next, this, every предлоги at, on, in не употребляются. Предлог in часто употребляется для обозначения времени в будущем: in a week - через неделю; in five minutes - через пять минут.
Основной курс 131 In, at, on для обозначения места: In (в, внутри): in a house, in a building, in a box, in a garden. At (у, около, в, на поверхности): at the window, at the bus stop, at the end of the page, at the top of the page, at the end of the street. On (на, на поверхности): on the floor, on the door, on a page. Сравните: on /at the corner of the street; in the corner of the room; in the front /back of a car (на переднем /заднем сидении); at the front /back of a building /cinema /group of people; on the front /back of a letter /piece of paper. Запомните: in bed /in hospital /in prison; at home /at work /at school /at University /at college /at a party /at a concert /at a conference /at any event; on a bus /on a train /on a plane /on a ship, HO in a car /in a taxi; on a bicycle /on a motorcycle /on a horse. On, in, at - другие случаи: on holiday /on business /on a trip /on a tour /on a cruise; on television /on the radio; on the phone /telephone; on the whole; on purpose; (write) in ink /in biro /in pencil; in words /in figures /in block letters; in cash; in (my) opinion; St the age of... (at a speed of... /at a temperature of...).
П2 Часть 2 By: bv post /by hand/ bv cheque /by credit card; bv mistake /by accident /by chance; bv car / bv train /by bus etc.; bv road /by rail /by air /by sea /by underground; by millions of people /by Pushkin; increased bv $100 /by 10 per cent; bv (before)5 o’clock; bv (near) the door. To, at, in, into: go /соте/ travel etc. to a place; been to a place; get to a place; arrive in a country /city /town; arrive at a village /building /event; go home /come home /get home /arrive home /on the way home etc.; be at home /stay at home /do smth. at home; go into ... /get into ... = enter (a room /a building /a car etc.); get on /off a bus /a train /a plane. Глаголы часто употребляются co следующими словами: in, on, up, away, round, about, over, by, ont, off, down, back, throngb, along, forward. Добавление их к глаголу меняет его значение, и глагол при этом становится фразовым: Put out /get on /take off /run away etc. How was the exam? How did you get on? (= how did you do?). It was my first flight. I was nervous as the plane took off (= went Into the air). Why did you run awav from me?
Основной муре 133 Exercise 160 Complete the text using the necessary prepositions. Imagine that you and your neighbor are two engineers speak- ing about the problem disenssed in the text. Compose a dia- logue devoted to this problem. The final decision to use cdmaOne ... China is a culmination ... a process which began ... lobbying Qualcomm ... 1994. Four trial networks were established ... the PLA ... various locations ... China. These are the networks which will be purchased ... Uni- com. But the network status was never upgraded ... full commer- cial operation. The result is that though they have paying custom- ers, they are unable to expand their coverage. Their combined share is now one per cent... the Chinese market. The state Council has conducted a long-standing campaign to limit the commercial activities ... the PLA, which ... one time ranged ... agriculture ... nightclubs and included the four cdmaOne networks. It seemed that transferring ownership ... these networks ... China Unicom was the perfect solution. But other obstacles lay ... the path ... full deployment. ... the background a political battle appeared to be raging ... China’s Ministry ... Information Indus- tries and Premier who saw a link ... the adoption ... cdmaOne technology and China’s entry ... the World Trade Organization. ... the end it may not have been WTO-related factors that won the day ... cdmaOne. Pressure ... domestic manufactures ... cdmaOne played a major part. Furthermore, cdmaOne*s efficient use ... spectrum may have played its role. The number ... cellular subscribers ... China is growing faster than even the most optimistic forecasts. The urban areas are already facing pressure ... the radio spectrum. Granting the right to build out cdmaOne ... 800 MHz will help alleviate problem - some networks.
134 Часть 2 Exercise 161 Read the following text. Underline phrasal verbs and translate them into Russian. Read the text again, write its plan and retell the text. A Step away from Ideal All the indications are that the era of traditional silicon com- puters is coming to a close. A discovery made by scientists could turn around the high-tech market. The researchers built a computer with DNA molecules. Ac- cording to the scientists the computer of one trillion molecules will be able to perform one billion operations per second with a 99.8 per cent accuracy. This claim is not at all groundless. One cubic centimeter of DNA can contain more information than a trillion CDs. Moreover, DNA-computers use very little energy. Research in DNA computer technology began when scientists saw a striking similarity between the way a DNA works and the way an ideal computing machine the so-called Turning machine - could be organized, in 1994 the test-tube DNA was first used to solve a mathematical problem. Already at the time it was clear that it was far more convenient to work with the DNA computers than with the usual kind. They have capacity to store and work out vast amounts of information. The density of data storage on such ma- chines is approximately 100,000 times higher than on a regular hard disk. The DNA computer consists of DNA molecules and mole- cules of enzymes, or DNA analyzing substances. The new com- puter can work entirely on its own. This miniature electronic com- puting machine does not need a human. Thus far it can only proc- ess sythesised DNA. But it will soon graduate to read molecules. An ordinary computer is unable to perform several tasks si- multaneously. It performs them consecutively - true, very fast, so fast in fact that users are unaware of the defect. If a defect it is. The DNA computer is free from any such shortfall. DNA mole- cules work as a team, and this is why the new machine is poly- chronic being able to perform several tasks at once. The DNA computer processed information and stores it in the form of a chain of symbols.
Основной курс 135 So far the DNA computer operates, with only two symbols, the way ordinary computers operate with the notions of "logical 0" and "logical I". Thus far the system is too elementary to work out any specific task. But it can serve as a platform for DNA com- puters of the future that will be able to work directly in a human cell identifying potential diseases and curing them. It may still be a long way to the shining pinnacles of the future. But the first step has already been made. Unit 29 Сложные предложения Who / which / that-придаточные: Today’s e-commerce which /that was a novelty not long ago is just an additional channel for conducting business. On the Web today all customers who /that use it expect good reliable performance. Как правило which / that употребляется с неодушевленными, a who / that - с одушевленными существительными, причем придаточное следует непосредственно за определяемым существи- тельным. Which употребляется с одушевленными существительными, когда нужно выбрать одного из нескольких. The teacher didn’t know which of the students spoke French. Иногда who /which /that можно опустить. The operators try to compensate for money (which /that) they lost on the stock exchanges. В этом случае между which /who /that и глаголом находится существительное или местоимение. Whose-придаточные : В. Moon is a journalist whose article "Real-time services in Wireless Mobile Networks" has attracted a lot of attention.
136 Часть 2 Иногда whose употребляется с неодушевленными суще- ствительными. We need to learn from companies whose trading is more healthy than our own. Where-, when-, whereby-, why-придаточные : We are looking forward to a time when everyone will be able to use cellular phones. The government is to end the system whereby providers make more money from increasing payments than from in- troducing new services. I didn’t get a pay rise, but this wasn’t the reason why I left. I don’t remember where I put my notes. What, who, whatever, whoever, whichever-придаточные : Can you give me a list of who has fulfilled the task? The staff didn’t know what to expect of a new director. I’m sure I’ll enjoy doing whatever you ask me to do. Whichever one of you broke the device will have to pay for it. Whoever wins the tender will have to pay all the taxes. И- н what-придаточные: Was it by cutting the staff he managed to save the firm? - No, jt was by improving distribution that he succeeded. What I’d like you to work on is exercise 3 page 8. Dave lost his flat and was short of money, so what he did was to sell his flat and move in with his brother. Иннерсня Were packets forwarded to the terminal by dynamically established paths, the establishment of these paths would be triggered by the mobile terminal. = If the packets were forwarded to the terminal by dynamically es- tablished paths, the establishment of these paths would be trig- gered by the mobile terminal. Should you need more information, please telephone our main of- fice. =
Основной курс 137 If you should need more information, please telephone our main office. I believe, as did my colleagues (=... as my colleagues did), that the plan would work. Research shows that children living in villages watch more televi- sion than do their counterparts (... than their counterparts do) in inner city areas. Hardly had the modifications been introduced when a change in access segment occurred. Only in this was it possible to consider the handover decision algo- rithm. Under no circumstances are customers permitted to open these doors. Not a single word had she written since the exam had started. Little did they then realize how lucky they were. So successful was his business that he was able to retire at the age of 60. -His business was so successful that he was able to re- tire at the age of 60. Exercise 162 Complete the sentences with who /which /that or do without them if possible. 1. There are two different stages ... are possible in the handover decision algorithm. 2. This work has been performed in the framework of the project ... is funded by the European Community. 3. The decoding function may be applied to a frame ... corre- sponds to a datagram previously corrected. 4. Not that long ago each of the telecommunications networks was developing in a specific way ... it used to support its ser- vices. 5. My successor, ... is a current member of Our Board, is the first woman to be elected Com Soc President. Exercisel63 Complete the sentences with whose, where, when, whereby, why, what, whatever, whoever, whichever. Translate them into Russian.
П2 Чаешь 2 1. A lot of regards to the Nigerian section ... good efforts sup- ported the committee. 2. By means of our list the participants receive ... information they need concerning scientific conferences, programs, re- search grants. 3. Statistics of our list shows ... percentage of subscribers is re- lated to radio engineering and electronics. 4. We don’t know ... is appointed a chairman of our students* society. 5. It is not clear ... the University of New Mexico solely distrib- uted three microelectronic graduate courses on video. 6. The main reason ... the committee is particularly interested in presenters with experience in the identified subject areas is that such specialists are in great demand nowadays. 7. The committee hasn’t settled yet ... the 5,b International Sym- posium will take place. 8. ... wants to take part in the symposium should submit an appli- cation form. 9. ... you would like to write in your paper should be approved for presentation during the conference. 10. The aim is to promote the interface ... the researchers will be involved in the development and application of methods and technologies within the framework of video /image processing and multimedia communications. Exercise 164 Give the following two-way translation. Retell the dialogue in indirect speech. Student А.: Заседание регионального комитета начало свою работу 2 августа? Student В.: No, it was on August 31 when it started and it finished on September 2. S. А.: Все заседания проходили в Новом Городе, не так ли? S. В.: No, it was Edinburgh Castle where the sittings took place. What I’d like to say is that it is situated in the center of the Old Town. S. А.: Неужели? Значит, то, что сделали организаторы, это предоставили возможность насладиться достопримечательностя- ми старого центра шотландской столицы, да?
OcwowoO Jtypc J39 S. B.: Certainly. What is the dominent feature of the capital is the imposing Edinburgh Castle. S. А.: А как вы проводили свободное время? Путешествуя, посещая кинотеатры, выставки? Или же вы были так заняты, что единственное, что вас интересовало были доклады участников на заседаниях? S. В.: As a break from the serious business on Saturday eyening the delegates were taken on a conducted tour of Holyrood Pal- ace. What the guides did was to provide a wealth of information of Scotland's romantic and turbulent past. Exercise 165 Transform the following sentences using the inversion. Trans- late them into Russian. 1. A truly unified communication standard with a common well- defined management and operation system would be implemented if it were profitable to implement it. 2. New material for photoelectric power generation would be very im- portant if intelligent power distribution systems attracted solar power. 3. The introduction of smart sensors .was so successful that they began to be widely used. 4. 1 believe, as my colleagues did, that the intelligent home might in- clude smart appliances with wireless or wired communications inter- faces. 5. Only in some cases semiconductor-based optical amplifiers and wavelength converters could become more reliable, accurate, and cost effective. Exercise 166 You are the Purchasing Supervisor at ICC, 13 Station Road, London, England. Your Manager has jnst sent you this memo. To purchasing supervisor Date April 15,2002 From Manager Subject Order 564 We sent you an order for the equipment on January 4 but little have we received as yet. Please write to them and ask them when they can deliver the equipment. Their address is Calle Mayor 340, Madrid, Spain.
140 Часть 2 Write the letter to Corona taking the memo given above as an example. Compose an answer to your letter. Exercise 167 You work in Bahrain, at Eastern Bank. You are to write to Interfon Inc. informing them that you have received their letter of February 8 enquiring about agents for their products and have got some sug- gestions. Their address is 1677 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, Florida 3509. Compose an answer to your letter. Exercise 168 Translate the following letter into English: Уважаемые господа! Опыт нашего сотрудничества был таким успешным, что мы вновь обращаемся к вам с просьбой принять заказ на публикацию рекламных объявлений наших клиентов в каталоге ярмарки. Просим вас сообщить о готовности рекламных объявлений. В случае возникновения каких-либо трудностей просим не- медленно информировать нас. Заранее благодарны за ваше внимание. Приложение:, фото -5экз. тексты - 5 экз. марки - 5 штук. Exercise 169 Translnte the following sentences into Russian: 1. Using new products and services against growing competition is tough enough, but companies that are saddled with slow customer report- ' ing mechanisms and substandard tools for analyzing information are staring into the jaws of a marketing disaster. 2. Over the next three to six months, the provider will develop enhanced models to identify likely prospects for its services - a practice that's almost unheard of in the telecommunications business. 3. The problem with the new approach is that it doesn’t enable providers to use the transaction data they've collected for cross-marketing or customer acquisition.
Основной курс 141 4. By getting into the data analysis game relatively early, Comcast Cellu- lar is now in position to develop targeted marketing plans that other service providers may not be able to pursue. 5. By tracking usage patterns - the numbers that subscribers call, how often and at what times they call them, and what other services they use - the firm can better target promotions. 6. Subscribers, who use cal) waiting might be targeted for a marketing pitch for voice mail or call forwarding; subscribers using the phone while driving may be interested in voice connect, which offers voice recognition devices to automatically dial preselected num- bers. 7. Billing data has to come in clean and properly formatted from the bill- ing application; it also has to be appended with demographic infor- mation, such as whether a subscriber is a homeowner or a renter, and whether he or she owns a car. 8. Low- and medium-earth-orbit satellite system or network will reach every comer of the globe >- even places where no phone has gone before; they will act as providers, who can offer their customers worldwide service and partake of a new revenue stream: money from people making calls that would otherwise never be placed. 9. To consider which partner to choose - if any - service providers must first look at the systems. 10. With four operators jumping into the fray at almost the same time and trying to capture the same customers, there are concerns about the viability of these services. 11. In light of the world-wide growth and panetration of wireline and wireless systems, is there really a market for mobile satellite-based telephony, or are we going to witness the multibillion-dollar in- vestments in these systems vanish into thin air? 12. Developing countries are rapidly expanding the reach of their tele- phone systems in underserved and unserved areas. 13. Cellular and personal communications services beve been widely implemented in industrialized countries and are quickly penetrating developing countries. 14. Since new services will be used essentially as “fill-in” services - filling in gaps in coverage between cellular networks, for example, - cellular users will carry dual-mode handsets that'will support both the satellite system and the local cellular networks.
142 Часть 2 15. If a user travels out of range of the cellular network, the handset will automatically switch to the satellite. In either case, the service pro- vider will partake of the revenue. 16. Microsoft regards the development of digital TV as a battle for com- puter screens and recently tried to slow HDTV standards by propos- ing alternative Windows 95-complaint (of course) television stan- dards that offer approximately half the resolution of the current HDTV solution proposed by the television industry. 17. The broadcast industry isn't fretting about "revenue models" for push technology or advertising revenues from Web pages like the rest of the new media crown: broadcasters already have the big bucks to pay hard. 18. If you are a carrier, look at how you can provide linkage and feeder services to the broadcasters trying to make the new medium happen. 19. A lot of work on SMT-2000 is now aimed at ensuring that different flavors of the base standard are compatible with one another, thereby giving vendors economies of scale and ensuring that users can travel the world without changing their phones. 20. Even in the arcane world of standard-setting and industrial policy- making, a kind of market exits, and difficult trade-offs between be- ing first and being left behind must be made. 21 In the increasingly competitive world of mobile communications, operators and customers will be able to pick and choose systems that meet their needs, especially if, as seems likely, third-generation systems are equipped with clever technical fixes that ensure com- patibility. 22. Even if new competitors don't have the resources to offer other kinds of services, they don't necessarily have to settle for the razor-thin margins of simple resale. 23. Of course, long-term sustainability is exactly why local competitors are in business: to get there, experts say, they'll have to do a lot more than serve as an alternative billing agent for incumbent ser- vice. 24. New entrants that are taking the facilities-based approach to compe- tition believe they can maximize their investments easily, even though the price of building a fiber optic network or installing switching equipment starts at about $1 million and grows exponen- tially depending on the scopa of the project.
Основной курс 143 25. Competitors with their own networks can often bypass the incum- bent's network, thus avoiding access charges that incumbents assess on any provider that has to use its network to reach the customer. 26. Of the large interexchange earners, MCS seems to be the most ag- gressive as far as facilities-besed local competition is concerned. 27. One of the most dramatic structures that local service providers are contemplating is the division of the company into two organiza- tions: a wholesale arm to sell network services to resellers, and a re- tail arm comprised of one or more business units within the corpo- ration. 28. Once profits are on the line, the network organization begins to ex- amine and carefully manage its cost-leading to better efficiency, profitability, and eventually lower prices. 29. Despite the deep cost reporting skills that reside within telco organi- zations, their reports have been designed to produce regulatory in- formation - not data that can contribute directly to company profit- ability. 30. Bell company information systems are configured to produce analy- ses that support the regulated telephone subsidiaries as they report to regulatory bodies, usually the state public service commissions. 31. The rise in demand meant the company was in the position of having to add more generation capacity just to run all the heaters it had been selling. 32. There may be larger telecom mergers than the one recently sealed between SBC Communications Inc. and Pacific Telesis but few are likely to have such involved OSS integration challenges. 33. Tightly connected OSS management systems would undoubtedly help promote today's marketing hot button, bundling; and would also help reduce staffing needs and create greater operating effi- ciencies through centralized control of billing, order management, and customer service. 34. AT&T has spent most of its time since the McCaw Cellular acquisi- tion forming the business processes to support an integrated corpo- ration. 35. Nevertheless, it's hard to ignore the ultimate benefits AT&T could reach from combining OSSs, including efficiencies and economies of scale gained from operating a single billing and customer care operation.
144 Часть 2 36. Databases with information from the old and new Marcus systems are integrated, so a single interface needs to be written for each function such as managing the deployed base of addressable set-top converters, billing and program authorization for pay-per-view, in- ventory tracking, marketing campaign reporting, and data ware- housing. 37. While the partnerships differ in scope - Concert involves the merger of ВТ and MCI, Global One is a minority equity investment, and Uni World a looser alliance of service providers - they are all plac- ing OSS integration on the back burner. 38. Major carriers may be almost tripping over themselves to choose up sides for international team play, but that doesn't mean they are rushing to merge their operations support systems. 39. Of course, cable companies have forged a high-speed game plan in their inimitable style: they want to deliver state-of-the art service - while spending as little as possible on their aging cable plants. 40. Unstream traffic travels the old dial-up dirt road, via what cable op- erators call the telephone return path. 4] . Two-way high-speed cable modem service is not dead - the market entry strategies can work in tandem - but it does raise the possibil- ity of even longer and more limited hybrid fiber/coax deployment. 42. If the cable industry's history of being reluctant to make investments before a revenue stream is proven is any indication, however, at last some of the operators probably will elect never to take the second step. 43. While rebuilds continue - many design and construction firms say they are busy - the overall momentum has slackened and in some cases activity ceased. 44. Given all their immediate troubles and concerns - the two biggest being massive debt and growing competition for their most lucra- tive subscribers from providers of satellite service-cable companies have some good reasons to focus on short-term fixes instead of looking at the long-term picture. 45. Cable modems that use the telephone return path give cable opera- tors a way to rejigger the equation in their favor - at least in the short run.
Основной курс 145 46. As a sort of low-cost, entry-level data service, telephone return-path cable modems can help cable companies establish a quick revenue base for data services and build some brand recognition with cus- tomers. 47. Assuming a fairly conservative market penetration rate of 5 percent, a telco return-path service offered in a 100,000-subscriber cable system at a monthly fee of $30 would generate $1.8 million per year in revenue. 48. A bigger question is whether the one-way strategy will work in the commercial sector, now viewed by most convergence players as the key to long-term success. 49. The difference between building a convergence platform and offer- ing a single convergence product is subtle but important, because the speed and extent of infrastructure investment are determined by that single product. 50. If the cable industry can solve its financial problems and if demand for high-speed service remains as strong as it now appears today, the balance will likely tip toward the installation of more two-way systems. 51. While service providers wonder if they can afford the luxury of look- ing too far ahead right now, equipment makers are in the opposite bind. 52. Gazing into next millennium * even if ifs less than five years away - something that Bell South Cellular Corp, just doesn't want to do, at least not publicly. 53. The need for a technology overhaul to deliver high-speed data ser- vices is exactly why wireless service providers have to get involved in third-generation infrastructure planning now; for the time being, however, the focus for most service providers remains on the de- ployment of second generation infrastructure. 54. One of the big issues concerning modem chip sets right now is rate adaptation, the ability of modem to adjust to line conditions. 55. Along with measuring raw throughput and application performance, telecom and NS-TZ also tested modems for latency and for maxi- mum operating distance. 56. Because we used different types of computers for the server and the workstation, we later found that the test bed was slightly asymmet- ric when we reran a test on one modem using identical computers for the server and the workstation; the resulting effect was higher
146 Часть 2 downstream rates than would occur if two identical computers were used. 57. The Tl integrator, which is housed at the customer site, can be pro- grammed to handle any combination of DS-o (64 kbit/s) channels for voice and data; for instance, a customer can dedicate 16 of the 24 DS-os channels that make up Tl access line voice traffic, which the other eight DS-os dedicate to data and Internet access. Unit 30 Что такое резюме? Резюме - краткое изложение сути написанного, сказанного или прочитанного; краткий вывод, заключительный итог чего-либо. Целевое назначение резюме разнообразно. Его функции сле- дующие: I. Резюме отвечает на вопрос, какая основная информация заклю- чена в рассматриваемом источнике. 2. Дает описание первоисточника. 3. Оповещает о выходе в свет и о наличии соответствующих работ. 4. Является источником для получения справочных данных. Резюме является также одним из самостоятельных средств научной информации. В резюме не используются доказательства, рассуждения и ис- торические экскурсы. Материал подается в форме описания фактов или консультации. Информация излагается точно, кратко, без иска- жений и субъективных оценок. Краткость достигается во многом за счет использования преимущественно терминологической лексики. Резюме, как правило, включает следующие части: а) библиографическое описание первичного документа; б) текст резюме; в) справочный аппарат, т.е. дополнительные сведения и приме- чания. Текст резюме рекомендуется строить по следующему плану: а) цель и методика исследования или разработки; б) конкретные данные о предмете исследования или разработки, его изучаемых свойствах;
Основной курс 147 в) временные и пространственные характеристики исследования; г) результаты и выводы. Заглавие резюме не должно повторяться в тексте. Следует из- бегать лишних вводных фраз. Примерный объем резюме находится в пределах 1/8 или 10- 15% объема статьи. При необходимости объем может быть больше указанного. Исходный текст для резюме The End of A Monopoly Era The GSM community is fond of talking about the benefits of competition. Competition between operators is said to be good. Compe- tition between handset suppliers is said to be good. And competition between infrastructure suppliers is said to be good. The irony of this is that throughout the first half of the 1990s GSM was itself a virtual wireless technology monopoly. Japan got a good Second Generation digital system up and running in the form of PDC. But it then found that a combination of the frequency band it oper- ates in, and inflexible commercial acumen on the part of Japanese sup- pliers, meant that it could not succeed outside Japan. For it's part, North America floundered between fledgling TDMA and IS-95 CDMA sys- tems. Neither of them looked like succeeding in the United States, let alone anywhere further afield. During the first five years of commercial deployment, GSM has enjoyed startling success'. But it has only done so by virtue of being the only credible Second Generation technology on the market. Tbat com- fortable position has changed during 1996 with the posing of the first serious challenges by alternative technologies. IS-95 CDMA has got off the ground and is alive and commercially kicking at last in the Far East and in the United States. IS-136 TDMA now looks like a far more seri- ous option than 1S-54. And Japan’s cordless PHS has clearly stolen the wireless limelight from GSM with its extraordinary take-up rates. All of a sudden, the world looks like a different place. GSM can no longer as- sume continued success on the same scale as before. It is no longer the only credible digital wireless solution.
Часть 2 143 This new reality necessitates a change of strategy on the part of the GSM community. The first thing which has to go is the negative mindset which some Europeans have had towards other digital technolo- gies. True, some of the marketing of IS-95 has been highly derogatory about GS. But now that that seems to have peaked, there is no point pre- tending that the alternatives to GSM are not a lot more credible than they were a couple of years ago. In any case it is childish to deny the hugely positive impact which the rise of these rivals has had on the GSM standard. But for the threat posed by IS-95, it is doubtful whether PCS-1900 operators in the US would have pushed so hard for an enhanced 13kbits/s vocoder - an en- hancement which other GSM operators world-wide are now able to benefit from. It is also doubtful whether the migration towards Phase 2+ would now be moving as fast as it is were it not for the GSM camp’s need to stay ahead of the game in the value added service, data and in- formation stakes. Faced with a new competitive landscape, the GSM community also needs to be more thorough in its marketing. The IS-95 camp have been pushing themselves as much - if not more - as wireless local loop suppliers. The GSM community, by contrast, has done very little to posi- tion itself for wireless local loop. The evolution of regnlatory and standardization policy for GSM has become a little less Euro-centric but it is still too wrapped up in the blue and yellow of the European Union. The American Way has defi- nitely been a positive influence in the last couple of years. The doors should be opened still wider. Asia's GSM operators are also key to GSM's future. Regrettably, the only Asian countries with sufficiently powerful and outward looking telecomms policy bodies are Japan and Korea, both of which are outside the GSM camp. 1997 opens a new chapter - a Phase Two so to speak - in GSM's development. Europa's technology has done fantastically well without any real rivals. Now it must do just as well in the face of real competi- tion. Patrick Donegan GSM World Focus 1997, p. 7
Основной курс 149 Резюме Donegan Р. The End of Monopoly Era. GSM World Focus, 1997, p. 7 The End of Monopoly Era The aim of the article is to show the reader that real competition in the GSM field is now a reality and should be faced both by reducers and operators. The research method used in the article is description. Recognizing that in the first half of the 1990s GSM was a virtual wireless technology monopoly the author admits that nowadays that situation has changed dramatically due to the appearance of alternative technologies such as IS-95 CDMA, 1S-136TDMA, PHS. This new reality leads to change of strategy in the GSM commu- nity. Measures should be taken to let some Europeans* negative mindset towards other digital technologies go and to become more thorough in marketing; the doors should be opened for America's and Asia's GSM operators. The article describes the period of GSM's development beginning with the first half of the 1990s and ending with 1997 which was mainly a Europe-centric one. The author's conclusion is that GSM's development has entered a new chapter, i.e. the phase of competition. And it's up to GSM's technol- ogy to do as well in the face of real competition as it did without any real rivals. Exercise 170 Read the following text and do the tasks given after it Data Communications, June 1997, A4-A5 Solving the SNA and LAN Problem Using Frame Relay by Robin Leyland SNA networks are stable and reliable, apd the business world de- pends on them. LANs are growing but require higli maintenance. At first glance, combining the two into one integrated network seems like mix- ing oil and water, but this is exactly what network managers are under pressure to do. The reason is simple: Maintaining, installing, and man-
150 Части 2 aging two networks is an expensive headache. With budgets being stretched to provide ever-increasing support and band-width, network managers need a simple solution to the integration problem: frame relay. Frame relay provides the look and feel of a leased line network by employing virtual circuits while delivering the performance, manage- ability, and cost savings of a single network. Unfortunately, you still have to select the correct frame relay solution for your network, so that nothing can be difficult and time consuming. This challenge amplifies the selection process by presenting eight leading equipment vendors who show you how they integrate frame relay. This lets you compare their different solutions and techniques as they all respond to a common net- working problem. The Challenge The network given here is based on a real corporation's national network. Two physically separate networks have grown up over time. The older SNA network serves SNA cluster controllers that are primar- ily 31 74s but could just as well be older 3274s or AS/400s. This is a star network of leased lines connecting to FEPs at the company's data center in Atlanta, The line speeds are 19.2 and 56 kbps, supporting single 3174s or multidrop 3174s, depending on the size of the locations. The second network is comprised of PCs and LAN servers. This network supports a range of applications from database inquiries to groupware and even SNA accessing using emulation software running on the PCs. Besides servers located at many of the remote sites, there is a large server farm at the headquarters location in Philadelphia. The challenge as presented to vendors is to combine these two networks into one using frame relay. The first part of this challenge fo- cuses on the equipment needed at the remote sites, headquarters, and data center to support combined SNA and LAN networking over frame relay. The second part addresses the frame relay service portion of the problem. Whose and what equipment should be used to connect the remote sites headquarters and data center to the frame relay network? CSU/DSU are not necessarily part of the challenge, but vendors can include them if they desire.
Основной курс 151 Network Details The network in the SNA-Frame Relay Challenge consists of 80 remote sites scattered across the United States, with the bulk on the East Coast. These 80 remote sites fall , into two types. Sixty-one of the sites have both LAN and SNA cluster controllers (3174s). Twenty-eight of these sites need 56-kbps bandwidth to the frame relay network; 21 sites have a greater bandwidth need requiring a 128-kbps access line, and 12 require a 256-kbps access line. The LANs a mixture of token ring and Ethernet, split approximately 50:50. This is the result of a corporate merger in the past in which the two companies had different LAN stan- dards. There are 19 sites that have only SNA cluster controllers. Sixteen of these smaller sites are currently supported with a 19.2-kbps link, while three use a 56-kbps link to the data center. The traffic from the remote sites goes to two locations. The ,SNA traffic is destined for the mainframe data center located in a suburb of Atlanta. Each site in the network needs a PVC from the site to the data center. A second PVC is needed from the sites that have a LAN. The LAN servers are located at the company's headquarters in Philedelphia. The second PVC, or LAN PVC, is from the sites to the heedquarters. The network manager has estimated that the compeny needs three Tls from the frame relay network to both the data center and the headquar- ters. Three lines were selected because the company wants to be sure that that is enough handwidth. In addition, the equipment at the head- quarters and data center must have ports installed for five T1 s so that it can be quickly upgraded if needed. The company is willing to pay extra for this future growth insurance. The network manager has decided that the SNA traffic needs a guarantee of either 16 or 32 kbps from each remote site,'depending on the number of attached stations at the site. In frame relay terms, this means that the committed information rate (CIR) - the amount of band- width guaranteed - needs to be either 16 or 32 kbps. The LAN traffic needs a CIR of either 16 or 32 kbps, again depending on the size of the LAN. Whatever the guarantee, the equipment needs to be able to support traffic bursts up to the maximum of the access line - .256 kbps in some cases. The reason of these guaranteed bandwidth requirements is to en- sure that service levels are'maintained in the combined network.
152 Часть 2 The data center has multiple IBM mainframes that are channel- attached to the two 3745s using an Escon channel connection. The FEP is running NCP 7.2, and VTAM is at 4.2. The mainframe applications are CISC-based, with devices accessing the mainframes using the 3270 protocol (PU2 and LU2). The FEP has a token ring connection (TIC) to a 1 б-Mbit backbone token ring LAN, with plants to add TI ports for the frame relay connections if necessary. Network management for the SNA network is provided by IBM's Host Net View running on the mainframe. The LAN hubs are managed using one of the more popular SNMP managers, such as Hewlett- Packard's, IBM’s, Cabletron's, or Sun's SNMP management platform. Network Manager’s Concerns There are always concerns when integrating two different types of networks. Each solution given here should address the following: • Response time: The solution should help the network nianager meet the service-level commitment to the end-users, SNA end-users espe- cially expect good and consistent response times. The solution should protect the SNA traffic from potentially bursty LAN traffic. • Reliability: One of the chief concerns is network reliability. How does the solution address this? • Cost: The solution should be cost effective, not only in terms of equipment but also in relation to staff needs and network manage- ment requirements. While cost is a primary concern, this doesn't al- ways mean that the lowest initial cost is always the best. The solution should strike a balance between providing the lowest cost with the most benefits while meeting the needs of the business. • Network management and support: The solution should say how the vendor proposes to manage and monitor the network. It is safe to as- sume that there is no network technical support of people at the re- mote sites. Thus the preferred solution is one that allows the manager to control the network from the headquarters. Additional concerns involve the type of visibility into the frame relay network, the role of Host Net View, and the need for the operators to understand Inc rela- tionship between the existing SNA networking and the vendor's solu- tion. • Service and problem resolution: The solution should outline how the new software is installed aqd note whether the network needs to be
Основной курс 153 taken down for any potential problem fixes. It should be easy to maintain and should accommodate central-site maintenance and problem determination. Also, the vendor should specify the type of support that will be provided. Other Features The real world is more complicated than the challenge presented here. Vendor's solutions can also solve more than just the basic problem outlined above. Examples of additional services or features include sup- port for BSC devices in a banking environment or support for voice calls between the branch office and headquarters of a corporation. Vendors are free to explain how their solutions provide edditional features that solve SNA-LAN networking problems. Pricing Guidelines The following rules are applied to all prices. The cost for the solu- tion must cover the equipment and any software required, including any special network management software. The .cost of network management software, however, does not include the SNMP manager or NetView, as it is assumed that the network already has these managers in place. If this is not the case with your particular setup, remember to edd this cost into your network plans when you migrate to frame relay. The cost for any equipment or software must be based oh the US list price. The cost of the WAN service is not part of the equipment challenge. Tasks: • Write down the imprint of the article and define its genre (scientific, methodical etc.). • Find an extract where the main problem of the article is described. Give its summary. • Name the main ways of solving the problems touched upon in the article. What are the main characteristics of the network? • Write out specific terms used in the article and translate them into Russian.
Часть 2 154 • Give a written translation of the article into Russian, Use a diction- ary. Try to do it as quickly as possible. Mark the time. • Write a resume of the article. Exercise 171 Do the following tasks: • Read the first extract of the text and express its main idea. • Read the whole text. Name the main problems mentioned in it. • Give the full version of the following abbreviations: ATM, ALA, Mbps, Md, VSAT, ITU, ALE. Translate them into Russian. • Divide the text into logical parts and give their summaries. • What are the author’s conclusions? • Give a written translation of the text into Russian. Use a dictionary. Try to do it within three hours. » Write a resume of the article. Banking on ATM by satellite By Renee Sounders, Washington correspondent The general population prohably thinks ATM by satellite means their favorite automated teller machine uses a satellite link to talk to an unseen computer brain. Well, in some instances that could be true, but it's another story for another time. In addition to the automated tellers, the acronym ATM represents a powerful telecommunications protocol aimed at making broadband communications a reality. The challenge of using this protocol in satellite transmissions captured the attention of scientists at the Clarcksburg, Md.-based Comsat Laboratories several years ago. Now those scientists and executives with Bethesda, Md. par- ent company Comsat Corp., are banking on ATM via satellite in a whole new 1 ight. ATM, or Asynchronous Transfer Mode, is a telecommunications protocol originally developed for use on terrestrial networks for simulta- neous transmission of a phenomenal array of information, including
Основной курс 1S5 voice, data and video. This translates into videoconferencing, telemedi- cine, high-resolution imaging, and advanced Internet services. Until now, customers using ATM technology on their terrestrial networks have not been able to use satellite links with the same capabilities. Reinventing ATM "ATM is a powerful networking standard that has the ability to convey multimedia information in a unified structure", according to Benjamin Pontano, president of the labs. "Unfortunately, ATM was in- vented for fiber-optic cable, not satellites”, Pontano explained that ATM had to be reinvented to operate on a satellite link because satellite transmissions are subject to noise and interference, unlike fiber-optic cables which experience very little noise and few errors. Comsat Labs has developed two products that company officials say will permit satellite-customers to use the ATM protocol over satel- lites. During recent years, ATM has continued to grow in the fiber- optic community, under high standards for performance set by the Inter- national Telecommunications Union (ITU), according to Susan Miller, director of advanced business applications for Comsat World systems. "Typically, satellite transmissions are disturbed by none, so performance that is possibly cost-effective has not quite been what we need to sup- port ATM", Miller says. To solve the problem, Miller says, Comsat Labs developed special technology that interfaces between the terrestrial and satellite networks to improve the satellite link and meet those stringent ITU performance standards. Comsat Labs developed two of these interfaces to serve two dis- tinct markets. The ATM Link Accelerator-2000 (ALA-2000) offers data speeds up to 8.44 Mbps. With this device, Comsat will target multina- tional companies that want to use ATM over their very small aperture terminal networks, or to connect remote computer networks using the ATM standard. The ATM. Link Enhancer (ALE-2000) offers speed of 45 Mbps, and is geared more towards large telecommunications network operators that want to connect two or more large public ATM networks. For ex- ample, Miller says, long-distance carrier Sprint Corp, of Kansas City is currently beta-testing the high-speed product. The lower speed product will cost about $9,000 per unit, and the higher-speed interface will cost $13,000 per unit. However, Miller said,
Часть 2 159 during the current "precommercial phase", customers with existing Comsat satellite transponder leases, and those who sign up before De- cember, can use the equipment free of charge for the remainder of their current leases. According to Miller, most leases are for five to seven years. Once the current lease runs out, the customer can either purchase the hardware outright, or lease it. Leases would cost $300 per month for low-speed units, and $450 per month for high-speed. Both would include 24 hour technical support, Miller says. Nuts and bolts The new satellite ATM interface is not a switch, but a translator. Miller says it can be installed in one of several locations: on the cus- tomer's premises, at an ATM switch site or at a satellite Earth station. The box of electronics accepts the generic ATM signal and proc- esses it using a set of algorithms, "It picks apart the ATM signal and ap- plies error corrections and protects the signal over the satellite link", Miller says. "The interface also uses other algorithms to improve the ATM performance". Then the traffic is prioritized according to real-time vs. non-real- time. Real-time signals would be voice calls or videoconferences; non- real-time transmissions could be data file transfers, for example. The voice or video transmission would receive priority, because real-time transmissions depend on encountering as few errors as possible. Mean- while, the data for file transfers or other non-reai-time applications can be compressed and, since its delivery need not be instantaneous, correc- tions for any errors in the initial transmission can be sent. The ATM interface can also act as traffic cop, by detecting con- gestion in certain streams and instructing the switch to adjust the throttle of data streams; Miller says. Miller acknowledges some of these signal management tasks could be accomplished without ATM. For instance, she said, a customer could have a satellite modem that performs extra forward-error correc- tion. However, she adds, that method takes up more valuable bandwidth than the unencoded signal, she said, so it is more cost-effective.
Основной курс 1S7 In English please... But what does satellite ATM actually do? Miller and others say it will allow customers to do things they have never been able to do before with their satellite capacity. Veteran satellite consultant Walter Morgan, president of the Communications Center, also located in Clarksburg, says ATM-capable satellite transmissions are a significant step toward solving a number of problems, "A customer'could have voice lines, video conferencing, data, and so on all multiplexed together on one ATM stream. The customer could tear down applications and put different types of traffic up all day long without having to do anything", Morgan says. For example, say an international company has multiple transat- lantic locations linked via satellite, and suppose 10 individuals were us- ing the satellite link for voice communications. Now suppose two of the 10 want to switch to a video-conferencing mode. With ATM, those two users can seamlessly switch without disturbing the other users. Without ATM, every one of those 10 users would have to disconnect to allow the two to engage in their videoconference. Miller also notes the bandwidth-hungry applications of today will only become more demanding of speed and space. "ATM is future- proof’, Miller concludes. No matter what customers want to send down the pipe in the future, ATM can handle it, she adds. Technology ahead of the Market Satellite customers are not breaking down Comsat's doors, screaming "1 want my ATM"! On the contrary, "We are intentionally ahead of the market", Miller says. Operators, whether big or small, do not decide to add new capabilities to telecommunications networks overnight, "so when customers do facilities planning, now they have our ATM option". According to Miller, there will likely be some commercial instal- lations of the service by the second part of this year, but the company is focusing on the long-term growth potential. At first glance, Comsat is facing little if no competition from other satellite technology developers on the ATM front. Shekhar Bhandaru, senior director of products for Hughes Net- work Systems, Rockville, Md., told Satellite Communications that
Часть 2 158 Hughes is not independently developing a similar product "because it doesn't fit into the main (VSAT) focus of our business". Bhandari says Hughes Network Systems has been working with Comsat labs for one mutual customer to assemble a system relating to Comsat's 8-megabit ATM interface. Bhandaru says he doesn't see a lot of demand for the ATM capa- bility from customers using pure VSAT configurations. However, he adds, it could be of interest to customers looking to integrate wireless and satellite networks with a broad-band capability. A spokeswoman with the Norcross, Ga.-based Scientific Atlanta also said they are not developing a competing product. "It does not fit with our market focus”, she said. Satellite Communications, June 1997, 43-45 Unit 31 Exercise 172 Read the given text and answer the following questions: • When and where was the Academy of sciences founded? • What can you say about the time when the Academy appeared? • What required a thorough study and rapid development of Russia’s natural resources? • What gave rise to the Russian national culture? • What became a basis of the famous Cabinet of Curiosities? • When did a thought occur to Peter the Great about the creation of an academy of sciences m Russia? • What did Peter the Great original project include? • Who was sent on a mission abroad? ♦ What was Schumacher instructed to do? • Where was the problem of the foundation of the academy of sci- ences discussed? • What did his Emperial Majesty order? • How was the Academy called?
Основной муре 15$ Historical Review The Academy of Sciences was founded in St Petersburg according to Peter the Great's order and by the decree of the Govemn^ Senate of January 28 (February 8), 1724. The date is considered to be the day of the foundation of the Russian Academy of Sciences This was the time when science, as we know now, was gaining ground and rapidly accumulating the true knowledge about the nature based on the experiment and mathematical methods. It was the time when life itself demanded closer contacts between science and practice. The creation of the Academy was one of the key elements of the Russia's deep-cutting transformation initiated by Peter the Great's reforms. The developing industry, transport and trade needed scientific support and a higher cultural level to facilitate the state to gain both domestic and in- ternational ground. These tasks, and economy in the first place, required a thorough study and rapid development of Russia's natural resources. The Emparor was also trying to involve the country into the European cultural stream. The transformations, initiated by Peter the Great in the first quarter of the 18th century, in the field of industry, agriculture, trade, state management and culture, were of progressive importance. They gave rise to the Russian national culture. During his multiple visits abroad Peter the Great acquiredthe first collections which became later a basis of his famous Cabinet of Curiosi- ties, the forefather of all our museums. Already in 1714, he registered officially the Cabinet of Curiosities (Museum of Anthropology and Eth- nography named after Peter the Great todey) and the Library (Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences today), which became later the first establishments of the created Academy of Sciences. To replenish their collections and funds, Peter the Great issued the special decrees "On Acquisition of Bom Freaks and Unusual Things Found in All Towns" and on the delivery, from all eparchies and monasteries to Moscow, of "ancient manuscripts of church and civil annals, chronicles, etc." (he ordered that copies should be made of them and the originals be returned to the owners).
1W Часть 2 It was already at the close of the 17th century when a thought oc- curred to Peter the Great about the creation of an academy of sciences in Russia. Later, he came back repeatedly to such idea, in particular, when discussing with Gottfried Laibnitz the programs of cultural and elucida- tive reforms in Russia (the years of 1711,1712,1716) and writing letters to C. Wolf at the end of 1719. The idea of the creation of an academy of sciences was finally formed during his foreign trips. Not once he gave instructions "to make an academy". One foreign journal even wrote about his intention. After Peter the Great visited the Paris Academy of Sciences in 1717, he wrote on the report of his adviser G.Feke (1718): "To make an academy". At that time, he implied an educational establishment by this idea. Later, he formed his original project of an all-round institution just needed, in his opinion, for Russia and comprising an academy of sciences proper and two educational establishments, namely, a university and a grammar school. According to his conception and with regard for the specific fea- tures of Russia of that time, the national academy of sciences should differ from any of the West-Europeah academies. In 1721 the court librarian I. Schumacher was sent on a mission abroad. He was instructed to select a scientific staff "for the organization of sciences like in Paris, London, Berlin and other places". Schumacher visited the Royal Society in London and the Paris Academy of Sciences. He passed to the Paris Academy's Secretary B.Fontannel a proposal of Peter the Great of strengthening the scientific ties and his invitation to the French scientists to come to Russia, which was announced at a pub- lic meeting in the Paris Academy. Soon the negotiations started on send- ing the foreiga scientists to Russia. In January, 1724 Peter the Great asked his physician-in-ordinary L.BIyumentrost to put down his ideas in the draft regulations of the academy. He approved the prepared draft and introduced a number of additions and amendments (on the income for the academy’s mainte- nance, on the necessity of providing the foreign members of the aced- emy with Russian pujms, and others).
Основной курс 131 On January 20, 1724 the Office of Peter the Great sent a note to the Senate, which read: "On Academy where languages will be studied. Also other sci- ences and best arts. And books will be translated. To provide a place for such occupation. And an income Within the framework of "Draft Regulations of the Foundation of the Academy of Sciences and Arts", the problem of the foundation of the academy of sciences was discussed at the meeting of the Senate on the 22nd of January attended by such major state figures as Admiral F.Apraksin, Chancellor G.Golovkin, A.Menshikov, Procurator-General of the Senate P.Yaguzh insky, and others. Unfortunately, no details of the discussion are preserved. Though one can maintain that Peter the Great raised a question of the translation work which, apart from other objec- tives, was to become a part of the future Academy’s activity. Several days later a brief nominal decree of the Senate of January 28 (February 8), 1724 on the foundation of the acedemy was announced: "ON ACADEMY AND MONEY FOR ITS MAINTENANCE. January 28, His Emperial Majesty ordered that an academy should be estab- lished, in which languages will be studied as well as other sciences and the best arts, and books will be translated. On January 22, His Emperial Majesty acquainted himself with the project of the foundation of the academy and wrote with his own hand on the project: The Academy will be maintained at the expense of the customs and license income drawn from the towns of Narva, Derpt, Pemov and Arensburg in the amount of 24,912 roubles. According to such decree of His Emperial Majesty, the Governing Senate ordered tbat the drawn income should be kept in the State Treasury, paid out to the Academy by the Senate decree and spent on no other purposes. The corresponding decrees were forwarded to the Chamber Board and tbe State Office. The decree is certified by the Gov- erning Senate". As "Draft Regulations of the Academy" were never officially pub- lished, and the first Regulations were put into force only in 1747, the Academy was called in a different way during more than 20 years (when it was mainly guided by the non-approved Draft): Academy, Acedemy
162 Часть 2 of Sciences, Acedemy of Sciences and Arts, Emperial Academy of Sci- ences, Russian Academy of Sciences, but more often as Petersburg Academy of Sciences, According to the 1747 Rules the Academy was called the Emperial Academy of Sciences and Arts in St. Petersburg, between 1803 and 1836 it was called the Emperial Academy of Sci- ences, from 1836 till July 1917 it was the Emperial St. Petersburg Acad- emy of Sciences, in July 1917 it became the Russian Academy of Sci- ences, in May ] 925 was renamed into the USSR Academy of Sciences and since December 1991 - the Russian Academy of Sciences. Exercise 173 Retell the text given above. Exercise 174 Read the following text and give the general outline of the structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Russian Academy of Sciences The Russian Academy of Sciences is the higher scientific institu- tion of Russian Federation uniting the most outstanding scientists of the country as its members. The Academy conducts research promoting the advancement of all branches of science in Russia in keeping with the procedure deter- mined by the General Meeting of tbe Academy. It includes such sections as Physics and Mathematics, Chemistry, Geology and Geography, Biology, Engineering Sciences, History, Eco- nomics, Philosophy and Language and so on. The Academy consists of the following Institutions: Research institutes, laboratories, observatories, taiions, branches of the Academy, libraries, museums, botanical gardens, standing and special commissions and committees, scientific expeditions and others. Attached to the Academy there are scientific Societies founded in accordance with a procedure fixed by the Academy’s Presidium.
Основной курс 163 The Academy participates in establishing international scientific institutions and organizations by agreement with scientific institutions of other countries. It convenes scientific sessions, congresses, conferences and meet- ings to discuss scientific problems and the coordination of research work. The Russian Academy of Sciences establishes and promotes sci- entific contacts with scientific academies and other scientific institutions abroad, participates in international scientific congresses, conferences, and meetings and joins international scientific organizations. The Academy trains scientific personnel through the post- graduate courses attached to its institutions and conducts work to ad- vance the qualifications of scientific workers. The Russian Academy of Sciences consists of full members (aca- demicians), corresponding members, and foreign members.
164 Часть 2 The elections of full members, corresponding members, and for- eign members of the Academy are held in accordance with the present Charter and the Regulations governing elections of the Russian Aced- emy of Sciences subject to approval by the Academy's General Meeting. The highest body of the Academy is the General Meeting consist- ing of the Academy’s full and corresponding members. The General Meeting of the Academy defines the basic trends in the Academy’s Scientific work: it deals with major organizational mat- ters; it hears the reports of Sections, branches and others of the Academy institutions, as well as of individual members; it discusses problems of a scientific, scientific-technical and scientific-organizational nature; it elects full and foreign members of the Academy and directors of the Academy’s research institutions. Sessions of the General Meeting of the Academy are convened whenever necessary but at least twice a year. Every member of the Acedemy wishing to raise some question at the General Meeting must give written notice of it to the Academy’s Presidium in advance. The Presidium of the Academy consists of the Academy’s Presi- dent, Vice-Presidents, Head Scientific Secretary of the Presidium and Presidium members - Secretary Academicians of the Academy’s Sec- tions and other members whose number is determined by the Academy’s General Meeting. The President and Vice-President of the Academy, Secretary Academicians of the Sections and other members of the Academy’s Pre- sidium are elected from among its full members. The elections are con- ducted by a simple majority vote by ballot. The Presidium of the Academy carries out the decisions of the Academy’s General Meeting and directs all the Academy’s activities in between General Meetings. A Section of the Russian Academy of Sciences is a scientific and organizational center uniting within the Academy scientists of one or several fields of science. A Section of the Academy embraces institutes and other scientific institutions subordinated in all their scientific and organizational activi- ties directly to the Section.
Основной курс 185 The highest body of the Section of the Academy is the General Meeting of the Section consisting of the full and corresponding members of the Academy in that Section. The leading body of the Section between General Meetings is the Section Bureau elected by the General Meeting of the Section by ballot from among the members of the Section. The Bureau of the Section exercises scientific and organizational guidance of the institutions belonging to the Section, as well as of the Scientific activities of institutions of the Academy’s branches working in corresponding fields which unite research institutes and other scien- tific institutions of the Academy according to the territorial principal. The principal research bodies of the Academy are its research in- stitutes. The research institutes of the Academy are headed by directors. The scientific and historical manuscripts of the Academy are preserved in the Archives of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The Academy exchanges publications with scientific institutions, higher institutions of learning, libraries, museums, publishing houses, scientific societies, and government institutions of other countries. Exercise 175 Ask your neighbor 10 questions based ou the text and let him an- swer them. Then change the parts. Exercise 176 Speak about the International activities Of the Russian Academy of Scieuces. Find some additional information to make your report iuterestiug. Exercise 177 Read the following text. Compare the structure of the Royal Society of London with the structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Часть 2 Тбб The Royal Society of London The Royal Society founded in 1660 occupies a special place in the country's scientific affairs. Its Fellowship consists of approximately 500 eminent scientists and 50 foreign members. Admission of the former is restricted to 25 a year, and of the latter to four a year, ten eminent non- scientists are also elected to Fellowships. The Society maintains a Li- brary (140,000 books of a purely scientific nature), issues a large num- ber of publications, including the "Philosophical Transactions” and the "Proceedings", and convenes conferences which are attended by scien- tists from al! countries. In addition the Society is responsible for the ad- ministration of many research funds derived from various sources and a number of Government grants. These funds and grants are used for the promotion of science through research, publications, congresses, the award of medals, lectures and in many other ways. The Royal Society has its Statutes and Charter. The Statutes was adopted by Council in 1915-and subsequently amended. The Council from time to time makes Standing Orders for the regulation of the affairs of the Society. Such Standing Orders may be made amended or repealed at any meeting of the Council. Election and Admission of Fellows Every candidate, who must be a British subject or citizen of Eire, is proposed and recommended by a certificate in writing signed by six or more Fellows, of whom three at least certify their recommendation from personal knowledge. The Council selects by ballot from a printed list of candidates a number not exceeding twenty-five, to be recommended to the Society for election. Persons may be elected into the Society, under the title of Foreign Members, who are neither British subjects nor citizens of Eire; they are selected from among persons of the greatest eminence for their scientific discoveries and attainments. Every Fellow of the Society takes part at the Anniversary Meeting for electing the Council and Officers.
Основной муре 167 The Council for the ensuing year, out of which the President, Treasurer, two Secretaries, and Foreign Secretary, are chosen, consists of eleven members of the existing Council, and of ten Fellows who are not members of the existing Council. The President annually appoints two or more members of Council to be Vice-Presidents. In the absence of the President, one of the Vice- Presidents acts as his deputy. Committees The Council appoints from among the Fellows of the Society, Committees representing the several branches of Natural Knowledge, and called "Sectional Committees". The members of each Committee are chosen with a view to secure, so far as is possible, a representation of the several subdivisions of each branch of Natural Knowledge, and to obtain the assistance of Fellows who, from their connection with otber societies, and otherwise, are specially qualified to advise the Council in respect to particular parts of Natural Knowledge. The Sectional Committees are eight in number viz.: A 'Mathematics' Committee A 'Physics’ Committee A 'Chemistry* Committee An 'Engineering Sciences* Committee A *000108/ Committee A'Botany'Committee A 'Zoology' Committee A 'Physiology and Medical Sciences’ Committee. The Chairmen of Sectional Committees, together with the Offi- cers of the Society, are a Standing Committee with powers to make re- commendations to the Council. They meet at least once a year. Meetings of tbe Society The Session of the Society commences in November, and ends in June. . The business of the Society in their Ordinary Meetings is to order, consider, and discourse on experiments and observations; to read, hear,
168 Часть 2 and discourse upon letters, reports, and other papers containing philoso- phical matters; as also to view, and discourse upon rarities of nature and art; and thereupon to consider what may be deduced from them; and how far they may be improved for use or discovery. The Anniversary Meeting for the election of the Council and Of- ficers, and the Annual Meeting for the election of Fellows, take place at an hour determined by the Council. The President of Council may at any time call a Special General Meeting of the Society when it appears to them to be necessary. Research Professorships and Research Appointments Professorships are awarded only to candidates who have shown outstanding ability for independent research. A Royal Society Professor is appointed for a period of five years, the appointment can be renewed on the application of the Professor for further successive periods of five years, provided that the President and Council approve his work. The President and Council may appoint men of proved ability for independent research to research fellowships of student-ships for the purpose of carrying out original work. Research appointments usually are for two years in the first instance, but may be renewed for such peri- ods if Council determines. A Research Fellow or Student annually, or more often if required, presents to Council a report on the progress of his work. The Lectures of the Society The Society's Lectures are delivered annually or at the intervals decided by the Council. Members of the Council at a meeting (in December) propose can- didates for the lectureships for the following year. Bakerian Lecture was originated in 1775 for an oration or dis- course on natural history or experimental philosophy. Croonian Lecture is delivered for the advancement of natural knowledge.
Основной курс 199 Ferrier Lecture is given triennially on the structure and functions of the nervous system. Wilkins Lecture established tn 1947 is on the history of science. Leeuwenhoek Lectures were instituted in 1948 and delivered on microbiology annually. Rutherford Memorial Lecture was established in 1952. The Lec- ture is to be delivered at selected University centres in the British Com- monwealth overseas. Books and Publication of Papers of the Society The Society keeps a book called the Charter Book. This Book contains the copy of the Charters, the Obligation subscribed by the Fel- lows of the Society in their own handwriting, etc. The Society also has a book called the Statute Book where all the Laws, Statutes, and Constitutions made concerning the government and regulating of the Society or Council are written or printed. The Fellows of the Society are registered in this book with the times of their election and admission. All the minutes, orders, and business of the Society and Council enter in Journal Books of the Society. Journal Books are kept at the Li- brary of the Society. The papers communicated to the Society, and other matters are published under the title of "the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London", and under the title of "the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London". The Library and the Archives of the Society The Royal Society has its own Library. Any Fellow may loan al- most any printed book of the Society. The scientific and historical manuscript collections of the Society are preserved in the Archives, and catalogued so as to be available for consultation and study.
170 Часть 2 Exercise 178 What are tbe Professorship and Research Appointment of tbe Royal Society? Are there similar titles in the Russian Academy of Sciences? Exercise 179 Read the following text and tell yonr groupmates what is said about: • the election; • the meeting; • the sessions; • the committees; • the publications. National Academy of Sciences and National Research Council (USA) The National Academy of Sciences'adopted in 1863 the constitu- tion and bylaws approved by the President of the United States. The Academy organized the National Research Council during the first World War. Its members numbering about 250 are drawn from aca- demic, industrial and Government organizations throughout the country. Most members are nominated by the major scientific and technical so- cieties, but the representatives from Government scientific bureaus are designed by the President of the United States. The over-all organization of the National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council has come to be known generally as the Academy-Research Council. Matters of executive policy are considered at bimonthly meetings of a Governing Board composed of the Council of the Academy and the Division Chairman of the Research Council. The Academy-Research Council does not maintain laboratories of its own but supports the work of individual scientists and coordinates investigations dealing with broad problems in research. This is carried out through a wide variety of means including conferences, technical
Основной курс 171 committees, surveys,collections and collation of scientific and technical data, the sponsorship of scientific publications and research organiza- tions, and the administration of public and private funds for research projects and fellowships. The Council and the Sections of the Academy The Academy consists of members, members emeriti, and foreign associates. Members must be citizens of the United States. The officers of the Academy are a president, a vice-president, a foreign secretary, a home secretary, and a treasurer, all of whom are elected for a term of 4 years, by a majority of votes present, at the an- nual meeting of the year in which the current terms expire. The date of expiration of the terms of office is June 30. The officers of the Academy, together with six members who are elected by the Academy, and the chief executive officer of the National Research Council (provided he is a member of the Academy) constitute a Council for the transaction of business. There is also an executive committee of the Council of the Acad- emy, composed of seven members, consisting of the president and vice- president of the Academy, the chief executive officer of the National Research Council, the home secretaiy of the Academy, the treasurer of the Academy, and additional members of the Council of the Academy appointed by the president The Academy is divided by the Council into sections representing the principal branches of scientific research. Each section elects its own chairman to serve for 3 years. The chairman is responsible to the Acad- emy for the work of his section.. There is the following division of the Academy into sections: Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Engineering, Chemistry, Geology, Botany, Zoology and Anatomy, Physiology and Bacteriology, Anthro- pology, Psychology, Geophysics.
Часть 2 172 The Meetings, Election, Sessions and Committees The Academy holds one stated meeting, called the annual meet* ing, in April of each year in the city of Washington, and another stated meeting, called the autumn meeting, at a place determined by the Coun- cil. The Council also has the power to fix the date of each meeting. Special scientific meetings of the Academy are held at times and places designated by a majority of the Council. Election of members is held at the annual meeting in Washington. Communications on scientific subjects are read at scientific ses- sions of the Academy, and papers by any member may be read by the author or by any other member. Persons who are not members also may read papers in scientific sessions of the Academy on invitation of the Council or of the commit- tee in arrangements. The president of the Academy presents an annual report to Con- gress. This report is presented to Congress after authorization by the Council. It is also presented to the Academy at the annual meeting. Fellowship The fellowship activities of the National Academy of Sciences — National Research Council comprise large program. The administration and information regarding them is centered in the Fellowship Office or the Office of Scientific Personnel. Publications The Academy provides the publications of Proceedings, Scientific Memoirs, Biographical Memoirs and Reports. The publications of the Proceedings is under the general charge of the Council. They contain original articles in brief form of permanent scientific value. The Scientific Memoirs give opportunity for the publication of longer and more detailed scientific investigations. The Biographical Memoirs contain an appropriate record of the life and work of the deceased members of the Academy.
Основной курс 173 National Research Council The National Research Council serves as the principal operating agency of the Academy, furnishing professional and research advice to governmental and other organizations, and administrating certain funds. The Research Council is composed of: I. Representatives of national scientific and technical societies; 2. Representatives of the Government; 3. Representatives of other research organizations; 4. Persons whose aid may advance the objectives of the Council. The Council is organized in Division dealing with branches of science and technology. It includes the following eight Divisions: An- thropology and Psychology, Biology and Agriculture, Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Earth Sciences, Engineering and Industrial Re- search, Mathematics, Medical Sciences, and Physical Sciences. These Divisions carry on their work through permanent Boards and Institutes, Committees, Subcommittees and Panels, as well as ad hoc groups for special projects. Ah Office of Scientific Personnel and an Office of International Relations deal with problems in those areas common to all sciences. The executive board of the Research Council consists of the Chairman and officers; the chairman of the Divisions of the Council; and members of the executive committee of the Council of the National Academy of Sciences. The Chairman of the National Research Council is appointed by the Council of the National Academy of Sciences. The Chairman is the executive officer of the National Research Council. He acts as chairman of its. executive beard in the absence of the president and vice-president of the Academy. An annual report on the work of the National Research Council is presented by the Chairman to the National Academy of Sciences for in- clusion in the annual report of the Academy to Congrass.
174 Часть 2 Unit 32 Exercise 180 Read tbe text and follow the instructions. Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics MTUCI - History The MTUCI is one of the largest academic-research centers aimed at educating students and retraining professionals in the field of tele- communication, radio engineering and economics. The history of the University goes back to its predecessors, the Moscow Institute of Electrical Engineering and National Communica- tions founded in 1921 and merged in 1938 with the Engineering.^nd Technology Academy of Communications. -These two institutions formed the basis of the Moscow Institute of Communications Engineers renamed in 1946 into the Moscow Institute of Telecommunications En- gineers (MITE). In 1988 three institutes - the MITE, the All-Union Insti- tute for Correspondence in Electrical Engineering and All-Union Insti- tute for Administrative Staff Retraining formed the basis for the Mos- cow Institute of Communications (MIC). In 1992 the MIC was transformed into the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI) by a decree of the Government of Russia. MTUCI-today The teaching staff of the University consists of about 700 indi- viduals employed as professors, assistant professors and lecturers of whom seventy per cent possess scientific degrees of Doctor of Science or Candidate of Science and have certified academic ranks of Professor or Assistant Professor. Among the tuitors of the University, there are 42 members and corresponding members of various academies, 17 Lenin Prize and State Prize winners, 10 were awarded the State honorary title in communica- tions and 1 - in economics.
Основной курс 175 Among the Russian academic institutions the MTUCI was one of the first to introduce multilevel training providing the probation for Bachelors' and Masters' degrees and Engineers. ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES More than 15000 under- and postgraduate students, doctorants, trainees and learners both full time and correspondence study at the University. The academic structure of the University comprises: • educational administration, • 13 faculties, • 45 departments, • 97 laboratories and 11 study-rooms, • new technology testing ground for educational and research'pur- poses. The educational facilities include: • non-graduate upgrade center, • distance learning center, • computer center, • information and postal services technology center, • training centers. The University collaborates with secondary schools in Moscow and the Moscow Region. It has two branches: in Rostov-on-the Don and Nizhny Novgorod. Its library contains more than 1,073,000 publications on.science and technology, its computer resources are based on 850 computers, 90 per cent of which are IBM compatible. The University organizes annual scientific and technological con- ferences. The results of researches are published in scientific journals, monographs and collected articles. Advanced information and telecom- munication technologies are penetrating the teaching process deeper and deeper: the distance teaming center for under-and postgraduate training has been organized; all departments have access to the Internet;'special study-rooms have facilities for video conferences' through the ISDN channels and multimedia net in Russia.
176 Часть 2 A distance learning net in Russia has been developed and started to operate under the supervision of the University in collaboration with the largest communication service operators, such as Rostelecom, MGTS and the leading Russian Universities. Moreover, the International distance learning project for the CIS countries has been launched in collaboration with the International Tele- communication Union, the Communications Administration of the CIS countries and their leading higher educational centers. The following disciplines are taught at tbe University: • Accounting, Financial Analysis and Audit, • Economics of and Control over Communications Enteprises, • Radiophysics and Electronics, • Physics and Technology of Optical Communication, • Information Systems in Engineering and Technology, • Applied Mathematics, • Radio Engineering, • Communication Networks and Switching Systems, • Multichannel Telecommunication Systems, • Wireless Communication, Broadcasting and Television, • Communication with Mobile Objects, • Secured Communication Systems, • Automation in Technological Processes and Industry, • Computers, Complexes, Systems and Networks, •' Computer-Aided Data Processing and Control, • Software Development, • Applied Informatics in Economics, • Management, • Economics, • Automation and Control, • Telecommunications, • Information Systems in Economics, • Radio Engineering, • Informatics and Computer Technologies.
Основной курс 177 Scientific - Research Activity The MTUCI is a large scientific center with a high rating among other institutions of technical education in Russia. The scientific schools founded by famous scientists, such as Ko- telnikov V.A., Kharkevich A.A., Levin G.A., Mints A.L, Kliatskin LG., Shulejkin M.V., Pistolkors A.A., Aizenberg G.Z., Kataev S.I., Goron LE., Terentjev B.P., etc., ensure the high potential of research activities at the University. The University participates in a number of federal projects in the field of telecommunication and informatics, projects of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Ministry of Education, is deeply involved in the project "Fundamental Aspects of New information and Alternative Technologies" of the Ministry of Communications. The basic research efforts are concentrated on: • perspective and non-traditional systems and means of communication, • new principles, methods and algorithms of data transmission and processing, • methods of the efficiency upgrade of information networks, • physical problems in systems and communication means, including optical communications, • ecology and environment monitoring, • economic strategies for communications as a branch of industry, • modem technologies in education. A considerable part of applied research results in software appli- cations, pilot models, design documentation, technical descriptions. In recent years more than 40 types of devices have been constructed of which the most important ones are; • local TV transmitters up to I kWT, modulators and power amplifiers for TV transmitters, • secured systems for extended objects, • software for satellite communications design automation, • communication devices for the power transmission lines control ser- vice at the Russian Energy System LTD, • highly effective power amplifiers of high- and extremely high- frequency bands.
17В Часть 2 • the telecommunication terminal, • autoinformation equipment for national public exchanges, • sound mixer panels for high-quality broadcasting, • electrosurgical HF apparatus for biological tissues coagulation, and many others. Investigations and researches are held in 63 research laboratories (RL) and scientific department groups that are united in the MTUCI re- search center where about 700 employees including one third having scientific degrees work. Annually more than 350 scientific research ex- perimental design works (SR.EDW) that are invested with more than I million US dollars are carried out in the subunits of the research unit (RU). 2 experimental certification laboratories and the training center of metrologists were opened. The MTUCI is the leading higher educa- tional institution that conducts the All-Russia competition of students* scientific works on radio engineering, electronics and communications. Many of the MTUCI students used to be the prize winners of this com- petition. Turning out highly qualified staff is provided through defending Doctor degrees and postgraduate courses where 160-180 postgraduates study annually. There are 4 specialized councils for defending theses for Doctor and Candidate degrees in almost all the specialities of the Uni- versity. Exercise 181 Make up a detailed plan of each part of tbe text. Retell each part of the text separately. Exercise 182 Write down a summary of the text. Exercise 183 Bearing tbe text in mind say a few words about the faculty you are going to graduate from, the chair you perform your research at, the theme of your would-be thesis and about your scientific adviser.
Основной курс 179 Unit 33 Exercise 184 Read the following text and discuss it with your neighbor. Retell the text. Alexander Popov* the First Inventor of the Radio Today, when powerful radio stations transmit the latest news all over the globe, and the remotest comers of the world have the possibility to listen in, we realize how great is the name of Alexander Popov, the first inventor of the radio. It was about 100 years ago. At that time electrical engineering was a new science. Popov took great interest in electricity and began to work at it. He made experiments with electric waves. But his work went on under very hard conditions. He had neither money nor special equipment for his numerous experiments. But in spite of all difficulties Popov did not stop his experiments. He spent all his money on his work and made many parts of his equipment with his own hands. On the 24th of March, 1896 a meeting took place in one of the auditoriums of the Petersburg University. The greatest scientists of the city were present at that meeting. Popov made a report about the results of his work and demonstrated the first radjograms in the world. After his report the government gave him permission to make his experiments on board a small ship. And that was all. Again he had to work without any help. At this time an Italian, Marconi, began making the same kind of experiments. He already knew about Popov’s experiments, and as he was a businessman he plagiarized Popov’s ideas to make money out of them. He wanted to show he was the first inventor of the radio. His mother was an Englishwoman. She recommended him to go to England.
Часть 2 180 Не packed his apparatus and in spring, ) 896, left Italy for London. In London he found the protection of rich businessmen and the English government, so that in June, 1897, he received a patent for his invention and organized a commercial company named "The London Commercial Company of Marconi's Wireless". This English company wanted to keep Popov in the background and gave ten thousand roubles to a Russian reactionary newspaper which often printed articles about Marconi's work. Popov and Marconi were people of a different kind. Popov was a professor, a great scientist, a modest man. He called his work a repro- duction of the Hertz experiment. Whereas Marconi was a young busi- nessman who looked upon his work as means of getting rich. While the great Russian inventor lived and worked under very hard conditions, Marconi’s company already had a capital of 2,000,000 roubles. It was only in 1899 that Popov could build a radio station. This was the first radio station in the world.. In August 1903 Popov took part in the work of the first Interna- tional Conference on the Wireless. Marconi was also present at this con- ference, and tried to prove that he was the inventor of the radio. But the French scientist Bourdulong protested against this. He got up and spoke about Popov and his great invention. In 1904, during the Russian-Japanese war, the government real- ized the importance of the wireless. Shipa could communicate at long distances only by means of the radio. Then the government gave money and was ready to supply Popov with all the necessary equipment. But as it was wartime and there were no instruments and no specialists in Rus- sia, it was quite impossible to do anything. Popov died in 1905. A few years after Popov’s death, the Russian Physical Society set up a commission to settle the question of Popov's invention. This com-, mission stated that Popov was the first inventor of the radio.
Основной курс 181 Exercise 185 Read the text and follow the instructions. Kolmogorov, Andrey Nikolavevich (b. April 25 [April 12, Old Style], 1903, Tambov, Russia - d. Oct. 20, 1987, Moscow), Russian mathematician whose work influenced several branches of modem mathematics. Notably, he presented some basic postulates for probabil- ity theory that have since served to make the subject an integral part of analysis. At the age of 17 Kolmogorov was enrolled in the Moscow State University. In the autumn of 1921 he worked on complex problems - in the theory of trigonometrical series and operations on sets - closely tied with the basic directions of the Moscow mathematical school of that time, namely, with ideas in the theory of functions of real variables. Jn the spring of 1922 he completed a study in the theory of operations on sets (published in 1928). In 1925 Kolmogorov graduated from the faculty of physics and mathematics of Moscow State University and was appointed a research associate of the faculty. At this time he became interested in probability theory. His important ’’General Theory of Measure and Probability The- ory", published in 1929, gave the first description of an axiomatic con- struction of probability theory based on measure theory. In 1933 Kol- mogorov expanded the paper into the monograph "Grundbegriffe der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung", which in 1950 was translated into Eng- lish under the title "Foundations of the Theory of Probability". in 1931 Kolmogorov was elected a professor of Moscow State University; two years later he was appointed a director of the Institute of Mathematics of the University. During the period of this appointment he elaborated the principles of stochastic processes, including the Markov processes, in the monograph "Analytical Methods of Probability The- ory". Other contributions concerned aspects of functional analysis - a comparatively recent branch of mathematics in which the traditional techniques of algebra and calculus are applied to entire collections of functions. He also made contributions to studies of topology and turbu- lent flow of fluids. In the study of probebility theory, which is consid- ered his besic speciality, Kolmogorov formulated two systems of partial differential equations that bear his name; they describe transition prob- abilities controlling a Markov process. The Kolmogorov equations pro- vide a means of dealing with problems in the theories of Brownian mo-
182 Часть 2 tion and diffusion. The work marked a new period in the development of probebility theory and its application in physics, chemistry, civil engi- neering, and biology. This fundamental study in probability was succeeded by a funda- mental study of Markov chains that embodied many new ideas in the theory of dynamic systems and served as a starting point for numerous works of other mathematicians. Of considerable importance were Kolmogorov's investigations in problems of random stationary processes, which he related to the analy- sis of locally isotropic turbulent flow. Wiener, the founder of cybernet- ics (the theory of control and communication as applied to animals and machines), had independently investigated many aspects of stationary processes, particularly those identified with statistical prediction, and he pointed out that the investigations by Kolmogorov were relevant to the statistical theory of information upon which the science of cybernetics in part depended. In topology, Kolmogorov, simultaneously with US mathematician James Alexander but independently of him put forward certain consid- erations relating to an operator called the nabla operator and applied these to complexes and later to any topological space. Related algebraic structures called nabla groups turned out to be very effective and pro- vided suitable instrumentation in the study of numerous problems of to- pology, including continuous maps. On this foundation, Kolmogorov put forward a conception of a homological ring, an important idea in topol- ogy. His formulation of the duality law (on equivalent representations of certain mathematical properties) was very important for the period from 1935 to 1936. In this context the duality law concerned closed sets situ- ated in a topological space that is locally bicompact and fully regular. During the 1930s Kolmogorov also published the articles entitled "On Topological Group Formulation of Geometry" and "On Formultion of Projective Geometry", as well as others on the areas of functional analysis and the optimum approximation of functions. Later Kolmogorov’s interests broadened into problems of mathe- matical logic and the foundations of mathematics. In 1938, he published a large article, "Mathematics", in the first edition of the "Bolshaya Sovyetskaya Entsiklopediya" ("Great Soviet Encyclopaedia"), in which he described the development of mathematics from ancient to modern times and interpreted it in terms of dialectical materialism.
Основной курс 183 In 1939 Kolmogorov was elected an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and, a little later, an academician-secretary of the department of physical and mathematical sciences of the acedemy; the department had been established to unite and direct scientific work of the most prominent researchers in this field. In the mid-1950s Kolmo- gorov turned his attention to information theory, dynamic-system theory, interconnections of information theory with function theory, classical mechanics, the 13th Hilbert Problem (representation of functions of a large number of variables by functions of a lesser number of arguments), and complex theory. Throughout the latter part of his life, Kolmogorov paid great attention to problems of mathematical education of school- children. He was appointed chairman of the Commission for Mathemati- cal Education. Under his leedership a new state program of training in mathematics in the Soviet general school was developed and introduced. Exercise 186 Define the main facts mentioned in the text. Exercise 187 Write the theses of the text and retell it using them. Exercise 188 Who can be considered an outstanding scientist? Give your reasons. Exercise 189 Do you know outstanding scientists working at your University? Speak about one of them. Use the texts given in exercises 184,185 as examples to follow.
184 Часть 2 Unit 34 Exercise 190 Read the text, write its detailed plan and retell it. CONFERENCES, SYMPOSIUMS, CONGRESSES Global English for Global Understanding Moscow 23-25 May, 2001 Before the Conference a preliminary work was performed. The Organizing Committee composed the following letter and sent it to dif- ferent higher educational institutions in Russia and abroad. The Global Divergence of English Dear Colleagues, For the first time, several key organizations and institutions of higher education have joined together to hold a truly international con- ference. This Conference, "Global English for Global Understanding", will be devoted to the emerging issues and challenges of English Lan- guage Teaching in the 21 st Century. Anthony Burgess once observed, "The privilege of being an inter- national language is to suffer the divergence". English is, at present, not uniform; it is increasingly conceptualized not in the singular, but in the plural - as a number of "Englishes" exist all over the world. The aim of the conference is to provide a forum in which to evaluate and examine precisely this phenomenon - an exciting and chal- lenging undertaking that the Organizing Committee for "Global English for Global Understanding" invites you to attend. The Conference will be comprised of a series of keynote speakers, sessions, and poster presentations, in order to facilitate the intensive dis- cussion of research findings. Genera) areas of interest for the Confer- ence include the following: • GLOBAL ENGLISH Teach local, think global!
Основной курс 185 In what manner do various "Englishes1* exist in the world? Do they represent a "divergence" or a "convergence?" Out of all "Englishes", what kind of English are we teaching? What kind of ELT will assure quality language knowledge and skills? What is the future of ELT (its forms, methods, and approaches)? How can we address the question of equity of learning opportunities? • GLOBAL UNDERSTANDING Mind the gap, be tolerant! What is needed to facilitate cross-cultural communication in a world of multiple Englishes? What is the relationship between ELT and cultural diversity/cultural awareness? What do students need to be com- fortable and proficient in a multicultural world? • GLOBAL USE Discover the world through English! Who is the English learner of tomorrow? What is the role of ELT in the Labor Market? In civic education? Why do we need English? How is English teaching changing? CONFERENCE ORGANIZERS Ministry of Education, Russian Federation Moscow State University Research-Methodological Council for Foreign Languages (Ministry of Education, Russian Federation) NA ТЕ (National Association of Teachers of English) LA TEUM (Linguistic Association of Teachers of English at University of Moscow) United States Embassy, Moscow British Council
Часть 2 186 С. II.Р- (Cambridge University Press) D internal, Longman, MacMillan KEY DATES: Deadline for receipt of abstracts: - 10 FEBRUARY 2001 - Deadline for non-resident registration: - 1 MARCH 2001 - Deadline for resident registration: 15 APRIL 2001 - Phone: ... - The Conference was quite crowded. There was a few hundred par- ticipants from Russia and foreign countries. The Chairman of the session who was also the Chairman of the Organizing Committee started the meeting with an opening address in which he pointed out that there had been a remarkable progress in our understanding of the role of English as a means of international communication. He stressed that the main goal in holding that Conference was to discuss various aspects of teach- ing, learning and understanding English. The total number of papers in- cluded in the Program was over 100. Some abstracts could be sent only by title so as to keep the meeting, within reasonable proportions. The Structure of the Conference was outlined in the program distributed be- forehand. It included sessions of 9 working groups or workshops which were held correctly in the moming and in the afternoon for three days. In addition there was a plenary session on the first day and a general clos- ing sessions on the last day. The plenary session included invited lec- tures by prominent researchers who surveyed recent developments in their respective areas. Each participant was allowed 20 minutes for the normal presentation of his paper in working group sessions and 40 min- utes for the lecture in the plenary session. Everyone had a chance to par- ticipate in the discussion and exchange of personal experience during
Основной курс 197 private discussions was promoted? The Conference provided a stimulat- ing ground for the exchange of information and for the generation of new ideas. There were also a few social events scheduled for three days. Exercise 191 Speak about the conference (congress, symposium, workshop) on telecommunication problems you have read about recently. Use the plan you have written for the previous text. Exercise 192 Have you ever taken part in a conference (congress, symposium, workshop)? Share yonr experience with your neighbor. Answer his/her questions. Then change the parts. Unit 35 Exercise 193 Read the text. Find the English equivalents of the following sen- tences. 1. Но особенно важные детали, от которых зависит успех или провал соглашения, все еще обсуждаются, и предпринимается мало реальных шагов для решения проблемы. 2. По оценкам ученых мы можем позволить себе выделить в ат- мосферу лишь ограниченное количество углерода, в противном случае мы перейдем "безопасные11 границы изменения климата. 3. Вот почему мы должны немедленно сократить выделение дву- окиси углерода и готовиться к этапу отказа от использования ископаемого топлива. 4. Первым шагом к этому является устранение препятствий для перехода на другие источники энергии. 5. Таким образом, мы боремся за капиталовложения в возобнов- ляемую энергию и за устранение препятствий для обеспечения возобновляемой энергией.
Часть 2 188 Environmental problems Greenpeace has identified global climate change as one of the greatest threats to the planet. Governments and scientists alike have agreed that the problem is real, and serious. Last year at the climate summit in Kyoto, industrialized countries agreed, at least on paper, to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases they pump into the atmosphere. But crucial details, upon which the success or failure of the agreement rests, are still under negotiation, and in the meantime little real action is being taken to address the problem. Greenpeace is therefore campaigning for governments to face up to their responsibilities and urgently address this problem. The longer action is delayed, the more drastic it will need to be in order to avoid dangerous interference with the planet's climate from the so-called greenhouse gases. Carbon Hypocrisy Governments should be leading the way to a fundamentally new energy direction based on clean renewable energy, like wind or solar power. But at present many governments instead use taxpayers money to support the agenda of the companies which continue to spend billions of dollars on development of coal, oil or gas - the climate-damaging fossil fuels. The Carbon Logic Scientists estimate that we can only afford to release a limited amount of carbon into the atmosphere; otherwise, we pass the "safe" limits of climate change. It is at this point that climate change happens so fast that ecosystems are unable to adapt. Greenpeace believes that a temperature increase of I degree C is the absolute maximum that should be allowed. The amount of carbon that we can release to keep within these limits can be calculated and is in the range of 112.5 to 337.5 bil- lion tonnes of carbon over the next 100 years. But industry already has around four times this amount of carbon ~ over one thousand billion tonnes - in existing reserves of oil, coal and
Основной лурс 189 gas. This means that three quarters of the oil, coal and gas already found cannot be burned if we want to avoid dangerous climate change. If we continue burning fossil fuels at present levels, the "safe" limit of I degree C will be reached in just 40 years. That is why we have to start reducing carbon dioxide emissions immediately and prepare for an or- derly phase out of fossil fuels. Greenpeace calls this the "carbon logic". The oil companies alone have already found enough oil to cause dangerous climate change. Yet they continue to look for more. And of course once they have invested in finding the oil, they will not be pre- pared to give up their right to pump it out and sell it. The effects on the climate could be catastrophic. In other words, we are in a second world oil crisis. But in the ] 970's the problem was a shortage of oil. This time round the problem is that we have too much. In the meantime, every dollar spent on new oil exploration for oil which cannot be used is a dollar not spent on the real solutions to cli- mate change: a conversion to renewable energy sources such as wind and sun. Oil companies, such as Exxon, Shell, Mobil and BP continue to extend their reach - exploring for oil in ever more remote ’frontier1 areas, previously too expensive or harsh to contemplate. Governments are li- censing this to happen, even encouraging it with favourable tax rates, despite the climate threat. In order to do this, a first step is to remove the obstacles to a switch, of energy sources. Greenpeace is therefore campaigning against new oil exploration. We are challenging the oil industry to stop explor- ing for more oil - oil we cannot afford to see used - and to switch in- vestment into renewable energy. We are focussing on halting oil explo- ration in two 'frontiers' - the Arctic in Northern Alaska and on the Atlan- tic Frontier in the wild ocean to the north and west of Ireland, Scotland and Norway.
1 go Часть 2 Renewable Energy for the Future Greenpeace firmly believes that it is possible to completely change the way the world provides for its future energy needs. We can no longer assume that fossil fuels will provide the bulk of our energy in the future. Instead, changes need to be made now to move towards a fu- ture where our energy needs are met by clean, renewable energy. We are therefore campaigning for investment in renewable energy; and for re- moval of the barriers to the provision of renewable energy. Buying a Fridge to save the Climate The most important greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (C02). However, also powerful - and regulated by the Kyoto Protocol - are the hydrofluorocarbons (MFCs). These have been widely used in recent years to replace the ozone-destroying CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) which are now being phased out under the Montreal Protocol. As part of Greenpeace's campaign to protect the ozone layer, Greenpeace devel- oped Greenfreeze technology, which is a cooling system that is safe both for the ozone layer and the climate. Greenpeace wants this solution to be applied throughout the world to replace HFC refrigeration. Exercise 194 Answer the following questions: • What is Greenpeace? • What is Greenpeace campaigning for? • What should governments do? • What is "carbon logic"? • Why is it necessary to find energy sources? • What does Greenpeace firmly believe? • What is the most important greenhouse gas? • What is known about Greenfreeze technology? Exercise 195 Read the text.
Основной курс 191 Compare it with the text from exercise 193. Combine the informa- tion given in both texts. Make up a detailed plan and retell them as a single story. The Science of Climate Change The Changing Climate The natural greenhouse effect keeps the planet 33°C warmer than it would otherwise be, allowing the earth to sustain life. Over the last 200 years human activities have resulted in emissions of greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil feelsX which have altered the composition, of the atmosphere and caused an 'enhanced' greenhouse effect. As a result the earth's temperature is rising and this, in turn, is changing the climate. The Framework Convention on Climate Change Using computer models, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (1PCC) has projected that if human interference continues to alter the composition of the atmosphere, average surface temperatures could rise between 2 and 3°C globally over the next 100 years. This un- precedented rate of climatic change would cause significant damage to ecological systems and economies on a global scale. In response to these climate projections the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (Climate Convention) was adopted by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee and signed by 162 countries at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. The Climate Convention is a blueprint for precautionary action against the threat of global climate change. Its ultimate objective is to: ‘achieve stabilisation of greenhouse gas concentrations in the at- mosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic (human made) interference with the climate system. Such a level should be; achieved within a timeframe sufficient to allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change, to ensure that food production is not threatened and to enable economic development to proceed in a sustainable manner.’
192 Часть 2 То achieve these objectives requires limits to both the total amount of change and the rate at which it happens. Setting Limits The United Nation's AGGG - Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases - worked out “targets and indicators” for climate change in 1990. The "indicators" set limits to the total amounts of temperature rise and sea level rise on the basis of known behaviour of ecosystems. In other words, what level of change nature can tolerate, or "ecological limits". The AGGG report identified these indicators to "protect both eco- systems as well as human systems". Sea-Level Rise Maximum rate of rise 20 - 50mm per decade Maximum 0.2 - 0.5 metres above 1990 global mean sea-level The lower rate of rise - 20mm per decade - would permit the vast majority of vulnerable ecosystems, such as natural wetlands and coral reefs to adapt. Beyond this rate, damage to ecosystems will rise rapidly. Global Mean Temperature Maximum rate of 0.1 °C per decade Maximum temperature increase of 1.0°C 2.0°C was "viewed as an upper limit beyond which the risks of grave damage to ecosystems and of non-linear responses are expected to increase rapidly". In view of this Greenpeace believes that the 2.0°C limit should be seen as one to be avoided by a significant margin. A long term increase in temperature of 1.0°C above pre-industrial levels, with a rate of change of 0.1 °C per decade, is the absolute maximum that policy makers should accept.
Основной курс 193 Carbon budget Working from the IPCC emissions scenarios and models it is pos- sible to estimate a "budget" for fossil fuels: how much we can extract and bum while limiting the temperature increase to l°C. The small amount of oil, coal and gas that we can afford to bum could then be used wisely, in an ordered phase out. Analysis of carbon cycle models suggests that to avoid dangerous climate change over the next 100 years, the total amount of carbon diox- ide from the burning of fossil fuels that can be released is around 225 billion tonnes - or gigatonnes - of carbon (GtC). If no action is taken on deforestation (which also releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere), the amount will be lower. Fossil Fuel Reserves Reserves of oil, gas and coal identified as "economically recover- able" currently stand at 1,053 GtC. This would, if burnt, lead to a 5.0°C rise in temperature. In reality ‘reserves’ are rapidly expanding due to oil, gas and coal exploration. The resource base that could be brought into reserves is 4,000 GtC. Carbon Logic The 225 GtC "carbon budget" is vastly exceeded by known fossil fuel reserves. At current rates of fossil fuel energy use, the budget e.g. 225 GtC, will be exceeded in 40 years globally. At current rates of increase in energy use (about 2% per annum) the budget will be exceeded in 30 years. The logic of this is that 75% of the known, economically recover- able reserves of conventional fossil fuels (as carbon) can never be used as fuel.
Часть 2 194 If this is considered in terms of the actual resources of oil, coal and gas and other fossil fuels, 95% must remain in the ground, So logic dictates that fossil fuels must be phased out. Given the size of the oil, coal and gas industry it is clear that governments have never before had to face such a task and are not giving it serious consid- eration. Exercise 196 Read the text. Find the sentences beginning with the following: I. Following the trend, in March ... 2, The average monthly mean over the Pole ... 3, For example, scientists have known for years ... 4, In other findings, the 1996... 5. The environmental imperative has always been ... 6. The alarming state of the ozone layer dictates ... 7. The goal must be not only to minimize ... Translate them into Russian. Retell the text using these sentences. THE HEALTH OF THE OZONE LAYER If we were to assume the role of a physician in order to diagnose the health of the ozone layer, no doubt we would state that our patient is in very poor health, and that the patients condition is getting worse. • In 1995, 1996 and now in 1997 we have experienced record ozone depletions over both the Southern and Northern hemispheres. • The 1996 Antarctic ozone hole reached a record 10 million square miles - an area greater than the total surface area of North America, and twice the size of Europe. • During November and December of 1996, ozone levels over North- ern Europe and the north Atlantic were 20% lower than the average measurements between 1957 and 1970. More than 25% ozone de- pletion was measured over some populated areas.
Основной курс 1BS • Following the trend, in March 1997, the ozone layer was 15 to 25 percent thinner over the Arctic than it was a year earlier, and Envi- ronment Canada reported a record of nearly 40% ozone depletion over the North West Territories. • The European Commission's Environment and Climate Programme reported in May, 1997, that "For the third winter in succession, re- cord low temperatures in the Arctic's lower stratosphere, coupled with the presence of man-made pollutants, have resulted in ... up to 40% ozone depletion in the Northern Hemisphere ... (with) total ozone as low as 270 Dobson Units near the pole during March this year". Of further concern is the recurrence of extremely cold spring time temperatures over the Arctic, which is a precondition for increased ozone depletion. The European Commission noted that "Analyses of stratospheric temperature data shows that the stratosphere during March 1997 was by far the coldest on record. The average monthly mean over the Pole was some six degrees lower than the previous minimum aver- age. These very low temperatures in the Arctic springtime for the third successive year give rise to the concern that they may be part of a longer-term trend. It is important to understand whether, for example, this represents part of changes induced by chemistry-climate feedback". Concurrently, scientists are reporting alarming data due to in- creases of UV-B radiation. For example, scientists have known for years that UV-B radiation reduces the reproduction of phytoplankton, the mi- cro-organism at the bottom of the marine food chain which are vital to the survival of marine animals; but this past year'they have also found species of fish with UV-B induced skin cancer and DNA damage. In other findings, the 1996 UNEP Scientific Assessment states that "recent studies suggest that potentially detrimental effects of UV-B radiation in evergreen woody plants may accumulate from year to year... and that there are accumulating intensified adverse effects on plants from genera- tion to generation". In other words, UV-B damage is cumulative and passed on from one generation to the next.
Часть 2 The environmental imperative has always been, and continues to be, to stop using all ozone depleting substances as quickly as possible, without resorting to the use of substances, such as HFCs, that signifi- cantly exacerbate the crises of global wanning and the toxification of the environment. The alarming state of the ozone layer dictates that it is essential, from both a short term and a long term perspective, that the Parties to the Protocol adopt policies that aim to eradicate the use of .all ozone de- stroyers on an emergency time scale. Greenpeace calculations show that an emergency phase out of ozone depleting substances could accelerate recovery of the ozone layer by nearly fifteen years (to 2026) and this would reduce ozone depletion by nearly 40%. The goal must be not only to minimize further ozone loss, but ul- timately, to facilitate - as much as it is humanly possible - the earliest recovery of the ozone layer. Exercise 197 What other problems besides the ones mentioned in the texts from exercises 193,195,196 are of vital importance today for environ- mental protection? Discuss them with your neighbor. Make up a short report devoted to environmental problems both in Russia and in the whole world.
Часть 3 Приложение Text 1 Read the text and follow the instructions. History and Regulation of the Telephone Industry "Mr. Watson, come here, I want you11. With these historic words Alexander Graham Bell called to his assistant Thomas Augustus Watson over the so-called "telephone", and an industry was bom. The place: 5 Exeter Place, Boston, Massachusetts. The time: evening, March 10,1876. As with all inventions, the road had not been smooth. For years, Graham Bell (as he liked to be called) had been experimenting with harmonic telegraph. It should be possible, he reasoned, to send six tones over the same wire at the same time and cause six reeds attached to the receiving end to be operated. Furthermore, if all worked well, varied combinations of these six pitches could reproduce human speech. Simultaneously he was working on a scheme that utilized the varying resistance of a wire. A diaphragm, which would be vibrated by the human voice, was attached to a wire that was dipped into a mixture of acid and water. In theory, as the diaphragm moved downward, forcing more wire into the acid, the resistance of the wire would be decreased. As the diaphragm moved upward, the wire would be withdrawn from the conducting liquid, and its resistance would be increased. It was this device that was ultimately successful and that formed the basis for the telephone industry for many years. A year later, on July 9, 1877, the Bell Telephone Company was formed, and Alexander'Graham Bell became the company's electrician, at a salary of S3,000, and Watson became superintendent in charge of research and manufacturing. Unfortunately for Bell, the basic patents were due to run out in 1893 and 1894. But by this time. Theodore Newton Vail had been brought in as general manager, and he immediately set about establishing an organization strong enough to survive without a monopoly. **What we wanted to do was get possession of the field in such a way that, patent or no patent, we could control
Часть 3 tt'\ Vail said. The first step was to obtain a captive manufacturing facility, and this was accomplished in 1881 with the purchase of Western Electric Company. Vail also sent his salesmen into the field to set up telephone exchanges in virgin territory. Generally, local promoters were encouraged to organize a local telephone company and sell stock. Thus, by 1885 Vail had established a vertically integrated supply division, a network of companies licensed by the parent, and a strong research and development arm. The expiration of Bell's basic patents in 1893 and 1894 was the starting signal for open competition. Independent telephone operating companies sprang up throughout the country; by the turn of the century there were approximately 6,000 of them, and these 6,000 provided service to some 600,000 subscribers. Through the years, mergers and acquisitions took their toll; at the present time there are approximately 1,300 local exchange carriers. Unfortunately for the general public, all of these telephones were not interconnected. Therefore, it was necessary for a subscriber to have two or three instruments to communicate with the total population of the city. However, the great asset of AT&T, which became the official name of the company at the end of 1899, was the control of all the long-distance circuits and its steadfast refusal to interconnect any other company to it. This would never do, and the Justice Department Hied suit in 1912. The world was angry with AT&T, and an AT&T vice president - Nathan C. Kingsbury - realized it. He recognized that the best demonstration of AT&T not being in a monopoly position was to point to thousands of independents apparently operating in harmony. To this end, AT&T agreed to provide interconnection arrangements to all independents. This 1913 agreement was henceforth called the Kingsbury Commitment. By 1934 telecommunications had become so important to the country that Congress passed a Communications Act and, simultaneously, created the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The section of this Act that has turned out to be most important has to do with what we now call universal service. It said: ’ For the purpose of regulating interstate and foreign commerce in communication by wire and radio so as to make available, so far as possible, to al) the people of the United States a rapid, efficient, nationwide, and worldwide wire and radio communication service with adequate facilities at reasonable charges”. As a result of this principle, a support structure has been established whereby certain groups of subscribers (e.g., long-distance users, business subscribers, subscribers in locations where telephone service can be provided with relative ease, etc.) will pay more than true costs, and other groups of
Приложение fW subscribers (eg., subscribers in rural and other high-cost locations) will pay less than true costs. In 1949 the Justice Department again filed suit against AT&T, claiming that Western Electric charged inordinately high prices from their customers (i.e.. the operating telephone companies owned by AT&T), thus making it possible for the operating telephone companies to charge their subscribers inappropriately high rates. The suit dragged on, and a consent decree was reached in 1956. AT&T won; Western Electric need not be divested from AT&T, the Bell System would be engaged only in telecommunications business, and nonexclusive licenses would be granted to any applicant on fair terms. This was the final judgment. The eventual breakup of the Bell System in 1984 was accomplished through a modification of this final judgment, hence the modification of final judgment (MEI). Although the Bell System appeared to be the winner in this 1956 suit, over the next two decades it would lose battles, one at a time. There was the Hush-a-Phone case in 1955; the Carterfone case in 1968; MCl's "above 890” case in 1959, and the MCI case dealing with a long-distance route from Chicago to St. Louis in 1969. In November, 1974, the Justice Department once again filed suit to break up the Bell System. The case trudged on until 1978. when Judge Harold Greene took over. He moved things quickly, and on January 4. 1982, a terse announcement was issued by the Justice Department and AT&T saying that negotiations had been reopened. Then, on January 8,1982, the news broke; AT&T had agreed to break .up its $136.8 billion empire. It was agreed that AT&T would divest the local parts of the Bell operating telephone companies, h would keep its manufacturing facilities and its long-distance network. The agreement would take effect on January к 1984. The 22 regional Bell operating companies (RBOCs) agreed to form 7 regional holding companies (Bell Atlantic, NYNEX, BellSouth, Ameritech, US WEST, Pacific Telesis, and Southwestern Bell), The agreement also said that the Bell operating companies would not be allowed to manufacture nor would they be allowed to get in the long-distance business within their territories. AT&T would not be allowed to get in the local-exchange business nor to acquire the stock or assets of any RBOC. That remained the state of affairs until the passage of the 1996 Telecommunications Act. This Act threw most of the rules established in 1984 out of the window and left the implementation of the Act to the FCC. There have been problems ever since. What did the Congress mean by "promote competition"? Should AT&T be allowed to get in the local-exchange business? (Answer yes.) Should the RBOCs be allowed to get in the long-distance business? (Answer: yes, but only after passing a 14-point checklist.) What did "expanded universal service" mean? Should the RBOCs be allowed to merge?
200 Часть 3 (Answer: yes. Bell Atlantic has merged with NYNEX; Southwestern Bell [SBC] has merged with Pacific Telesis and is planning to merge with Ameritech. Bell Atlantic intends to merge with GTE. If all of these are ultimately approved, there will remain four RBOCs). Today, many questions remain* and there is no assurance that they will be answered in the foreseeable future. Task 1 Find the English versions of the following sentences in the text. 1. Одновременно он работал над схемой* использовавшей меняющееся сопроти эл ение провода. 2. Независимые телефонные эксплуатационные компании появились по всей стране; к концу века их насчитывалось примерно 6000* и они предоставляли услуги приблизительно 600 000 абонентам. 3. Таким образом, абоненту нужно было иметь два или три аппарата, чтобы общаться со всем населением города. 4. Раздел этого закона* оказавшийся наиболее важным* относится к тому, что мы сейчас называем всемирным обслуживанием. 5. Соглашение вступит а силу 1 января 1984 г. Task 2 Translate the following sentences from English into Russian. I. It should be possible* be reasoned, to send six tones over the same wire at the same time and cause six reeds attached to the receiving end to be operated. 2. But by this time, Theodore Newton Vail had been brought in as general manager, and he immediately set about establishing an organization strong enough to survive without a monopoly. 3. However, the great asset of AT&T, which became the official name of the company at tbe end of 1899* was the control of all long-distance circuits and its steadfast refusal to interconnect any other company to it. 4. It said: "For the purpose of regulating interstate and foreign commerce in communication by wire and radio so as to make available* so far as possible, to all the people of the United States a rapid, efficient, nationwide, and worldwide wire and radio communication service with adequate facilities at reasonable charges". 5. In 1949 the Justice Department again filed suit against AT&T, claiming that Western Electric charged inordinately high prices from their customers (i.e.* the operating telephone companies owned by AT&T), thus making it possible for the operating telephone companies to charge their subscribers inappropriately high rates.
Приложение 201 Task3 Agree or disagree with the following statements. L By 1880 Vail had established a vertically integrated supply division. 2. The best way for AT&T to survive was to use a monopoly. 3. The expiration of Bdl*s basic patents in 1393 and 1894 was the starting signal for open competition. 4. The Justice Department did not file suit against AT&T. 5. The 1996 Telecommunications Act solved all the problems. Task 4 Write the theses of text 1 and retell it using them. Text 2 Read» the following extracts and put them in the correct order so as to form text "Network11. Network 1. However, this methodology has proven to be disadvantageous to the CATV companies, because it is extremely difficult to sand signals upstream. Of course, in a telephone system, signals (voices) must be sent in both directions. CATV companies are spending billions of dollars to upgrade their systems not only by utilizing fiber instead of the coax but by adding electronics to the many nodes that permit both upstream and downstream transmission. 2. If there were only three or four telephones in a locale, it would make sense to connect each phone to all other phones and find a simple method of selecting the desired one. However, if there are three or four thousand phones in a locale, such a method is out of the question. Then it is appropriate to connect each phone to some centrally located office and perform switching there. This switching could be a simple manual operation using plugs and sockets or could be done with electromechanical devices or with electronics. In any case, this central-office (CO) solution is the one that has been chosen by the telecommunications industry. 3. But what if a particular telephone call is not originated and terminated within the particular CO’s geographic coverage? How do we get to another city or another state or even another country? 4. As we connect each of these thousands of telephones to the central office, we have what is a star configuration; all lines are particular to one and only one station, and ah terminate on the nucleus of this star - the CO.
202 Часть 3 5. The answer of course, is to connect these COs to a higher-echelon CO (see Figure I). We apply numbers to these levels of offices; tbe local office, also called the end office, is called a Class-5 office. The office to which it connects is called the Class-4 office. The top level, the Class-1 office, appaars in only a few places in the country. Please note that tbe only office that has people as its subscribers is the Class-5 office. The other offices in this hierarchy have lower- level COs as their subscribers. Those lines connecting switching offices to switching offices, rather than to subscribers, are called trunks. Class-1 Regional S Class-3 Primary Class-2 Sectional Class-4 Toll Class-5 End Office s s s S Subscribers Figure I. The Hierarchy of Switching Systems in its Most Basic Form Consists of Five Classes of Offices 6. These connections are called the local exchange plant, and the telephone company handling this function is called the local exchange carrier (LEC). The connections themselves are often called the ''local loop", at other times we refer to them as "the last mile", tn more technical terms, the section closest to the customer's premises is called the distribution plant and that section closest to the CO, the feeder plant (see Figure 2). (Note: This is certainly a generalization, as will be much that follows. Although the feeder plant usually consists of one or more cables leading to some point of demarcation [a terminal box or an enclosure] after which the lines are spread out going in many smaller cables to the customer premises [the distribution plant], there are cases where there is no need for a point of demarcation. Then what do we call the plant? We will not struggle with such semantic difficulties here.)
Приложение 203 Figure 2. Particular Names are Applied to the Various Parts of the PSTN; End Offices are Class-5 Offices; Toll Tandem Offices are Generally Class-4 Offices 7. This section of the telephone infrastructure - the section leading upward from the Class-5 offices - is handled not by the LECs but by the interexchange carriers (IXCs)» the long-distance carriers. This entire structure has been titled the ’‘hierarchy of switching systems". The total network is called the public switched telephone network (PSTN)* 8. However, this hierarchical network is not the only network in the telephone system of today. There are many others including the following: • A local-area network (LAN) is a limited-distance network connecting a defined set of terminals. It could connect workstations in an office, offices in a building, or buildings on a campus. • A wide-area network (WAN) links metropolitan or local networks, usually over common carrier facilities.
204 Часть J • The intelligent network is a concept that centralizes a significant amount of intelligence rather than installing this intelligence in individual COs. For instance, how does a particular CO know which long-distance carrier is to receive a particular call? • The synchronous optical network (SONET) is a particular set of standards that allows the interworking of products from different vendors. It usually embodies a fiber-optic ring that will permit transmission in both directions. • The Internet is really quite different from the network we have been describing. It is a packet network (rather than a circuit-switched network), but, as has been discussed, it is an overlay network, • The common channel signaling network is espacially important; it works closely with the PSTN. We also apply the term out-of-band signaling. In the original PSTN, signaling (e.g., call setup) and talking utilized the same common trunk from the originating switching system to the terminating switching system. This process seized the trunks in all of the switching systems involved. Hence, if the terminating end was busy, all of the trunks were set up unnecessarily. In the mid-1970s, the common channel signaling network was established; it utilizes the protocol called signaling system 7 (SS7). With this system, a talking path was not assigned until all signaling had been satisfactorily completed. This network, incidentally, was and is a packet network rather than a circuit- switched network. 8. The PSTN we have been describing utilizes a star configuration. However, this is not the only configuration being applied in today's telecommunications world. The cable-television (CATV) companies, for instance, use a tree-and-branch technology. In this case, the head end (equivalent to the CO) receives programming from satellites and sends all signals downstream, out on the trunk. At various points along the way, branches extend outward, toward various neighborhoods. These branches are split several more times before the coaxial cable (the media of choice in past CATV systems) reaches the customer's premises. Frequently the signals must be amplified along the way, and therefore power must be sent along with the TV signal. In any case, because the intent of the CATV system is broadcast - that is, send the signal to everyone - there is no need to send an individual and distinct wire to each and every subscriber, as was the case with the telephone system. 9. In days of old there was only one long-distance carrier - AT&T. HenceT any time a telephone number was dialed with an area code up-front, the LEC knew that it must be handed off to AT&T. But then came MCI Sprint, and hundreds of other long-distance carriers. What was an LEC to do with a
Лршкыгетое 205 particular long-distance call? To whom should it be handed off? This was and is a technical challenge. In political terms, it was called "equal access", which means that a requesting long distance carrier could require that the LEC examine the number and hand off the call to the proper long distance carrier This handoff was from the CO of the LEC to the point of presence (PoP) of the IXC. This PoP could be in a building edjacent to the telco’s CO, or it could be in some convenient site in the suburbs where it could serve several of the telco's COs. The pure hierarchy of switching systems was becoming somewhat corrupted; new hierarchies in the long-distance part of the network were being applied on top of the old one. 10. Although it is not pertinent to the topology of this network, it should be recognized that the interconnections between these various COs can be twisted copper-pair carrier systems utilizing copper pairs (e.g., T1), microwave, satellites, and certainty fiber. TaskS Read text 5» find the abbreviations given below and give their meanings: PSTN, AT&T, WAN, IXC, CO, PoP, LEC, SS7, SONET, CATV Task 6 What do the following terms mean? network, switching, plug, manual, socket, electromechanical device, electronics, telecommunications industry, star configuration, nucleus, connection, local exchange, handle, function, carrier, customer, premises, distribution plant, feeder plant, cable, terminal box, enclosure, line, coverage, point of demarcation, local office, end office, hierarchy, subscriber, trunk, infrastructure, long-distance carrier, public switched telephone network, dial, area code, equal access, handoff, copper pair, fiber, terminal, intelligence, intelligent network, synchronous optical network, fiber-optic ring, circuit-switched network, overlay network, vendor, packet network, common channel signaling network, out-of- band signaling, call setup, tree-and-branch technology, coaxial cable, amplify, broadcast, node Task 7 Ask 10 questions to the text Let your neighbor answer them. Task 8 Write a summary of the text.
206 Часть 3 Text 3 Read the text and follow the instructions. Switching Technology The PSTN we have been describing has a star configuration. Local loops (usually one per subscriber) terminate in a CO, This CO completes connections from one local loop to another local loop, or from one local loop to a trunk that terminates on some other CO. This CO has gone through a number of fundamental technological changes (see Table 1). Table 1. Types of End-Office Switching and their Evolution Switching System Operation Method of Switching Type of Control Type of Network 1878 manual operator manual space/analog human plug/cord/jack 1892 step-by-step electrome- chanical spacc/analog distributed stage- by-stage stepping switch train 1918 cross-bar electrome- chanical space/analog common control X-bar switch I960 ESS-first generation scm (electro- nic spacc/analog common control reed switch 1972 ESS-second generation semielectro- nic space/analog stored program control reed switch 1976 ESS-third generation electronic limc/digital stored program common control pulse code modulation The manual system required, of course, constant attention from operators. In the late 1800s, telephone calls were connected manually at the CO. When a call came in, an attendant would plug into a horizontal bar line. He then would yell to the operator who handled the customer being called, and that second operator would connect to the bar and finish setting up the call. When the call was completed, another operator would yell to all in the room that the line was clear again. The step-by-step system, which is still in operation in many parts of the country, utilized what is known as the Strowger switch. The intelligence in the system was located in relays mounted on each switch. The switch itself responded to the dial pulses of the rotary dial. The crossbar system was still electromechanical in nature, but the intelligence of the system was separated from the actual switch. Thus, this common control could be used repeatedly to set up and tear down calls and never sit idle.
Проложение 207 When electronics came along, (be electromechanical control of the common control system was replaced with electronics, and the network, or matrix, was usually replaced with tiny glass-encapsulated reed switches. Hence, only a part of the switch was electronic. In the next generation, the stored program operation of a digital computer was applied to the switch, although the network remained a complex of reed switches. In the final generation, called a digital switch, the talking path was no longer an electrically continuous circuit; rather the spaech being carried was digitized into a stream of "Is" and "Os11. Notice that this final generation depicted a significant change from the previous generations in that there was no longer an electrical talking path through the switch. We were, in fact, operating in a digital (rather than analog) domain. However, whether the system was- analog or digital, one thing must be recognized: there was an actual talking path - a circuit - from the calling party to the called party. This talking path was established at the beginning of a call and held for the duration of a call. We call it circuit switching. This system is not actually efficient. When I am talking, you are listening, and the circuit is being used in only one direction - that is, 50 percent. When you are talking and I am listening, it is still 50 percent. When neither of us is talking, or when there is silence between words, the efficiency is 0 percent. There is, however, a different kind of connection, and we see it today in a number of applications: • credit-card verification; • automated teller machine; • SS7; • Internet and the World Wide Web. This system is called packet switching (as opposed to circuit switching). In a packet-switching system, the information being transmitted (be it data or digitized voice) is not sent in real time over a dedicated circuit; rather it is stored in a nearby computer until a sufficiently sized packet is on hand. Then a very smart computer seizes a channel heading in the general direction of the destination, and that packet of data is transmitted at very high speeds. Then the channel is released. So, except for some necessary supervisory information (destination, error checking codes, etc.) the channel is 100 percent efficient. When the distant station gets that message no more than a few milliseconds later, it responds with the necessary handshaking information - again, by accumulating a packet of data, seizing a channel, and bursting the information out over that channel. Again, 100 percent efficient. As mentioned earlier, the packet networks in the world (actually overlay networks to the PSTN) are being used extensively for data; only recently are we
208 Часть 3 seeing them being used for voice. As systems are perfected, this also will change. Task 9 Find al! the terms and abbreviations given in the text, write them down and give their meanings. Task 10 Give a written translation of the extract beginning with I. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 When electronics came along and ending in a digital (rather than analog) domain" and the extract beginning with “This system is called packet and ending "... 100 percent efficient”. While making your translation you may use a dictionary. Task 11 Make up a plan of the text Retell it using your plan. Text 4 Read the text and find the endings of the following sentences in it. Translate them into Russian. I. Technically known as unshielded ... 2. However, this is the way.,„ 3. These load coils 4. For example, a drop wire ... 5. Usually an outer insulating cover... 6. Whereas transmission over copper... 7. However, if a local loop ... 8. The message is clear ... 9. With single-mode fiber... 10. Most of the disruptions ... 11. With microwave there is no ... Transmission Media There are four types of media that can be used in transmitting information in the telecommunications world: • copper wire; • coaxial cable (actually an adaptation of copper wire); • fiber; • wireless.
Прштожеще 203 In days of old. copper wire was the only means of transmitting information. Technically known as unshielded twisted pair (UTP), this consisted of a large number of pairs of copper wire of varying size in a cable. The cable did not have a shield and therefore the signa) - primarily the high-frequency part of the signal - was able to leak out. Also, the twisting on the copper pair was very casual, designed as much to identify which wires belonged to a pair as to handle transmission problems. However, this is the way it was done, and for voice communications it was quite satisfactory. Consequently, there are millions of miles of copper in the PSTN - miles that must be used. Not only did the copper cable itself have limitations, but things were done to this cable to make it even more unsuitable for high-speed data transmission. These actions primarily took two forms: • loading - Load coils were frequently added to loops longer than 18,000 feet. These load coils were essentially low-pass filters. That is, they passed without attenuation all voice frequencies but effectively blocked frequencies above the voiceband. This is disastrous for data communications, which depend on high frequencies to achieve the desired speed of transmission, • bridge taps - A bridge tap is any unterminated portion of a loop not in the direct talking path. A bridge tap may be a used cable pair connected at an intermediate point or an extension beyond the customer. For example, a drop wire that provided a second line to a home is left in place even after the second set of customer premises equipment (CPE) is removed. Records of this were not alwnys kept and assigning a particular copper pair to a high-speed data circuit is far from a sure thing. Bridge taps do nasty things to data transmission. Coaxial cable consists of a single strand of copper running down the axis of the cable. This strand is separated from the outer shielding by an insulator made of foam or other dielectrics. A conductive shield covers the cable. Usually an outer insulating cover is applied to the overall cable - this has nothing to do with the carrying capacity of the cable. Because of the construction of the cable, obviously coaxial in nature, very high frequencies can be carried without leaking out. In fact, dozens of TV channels, each 6 MHz wide, can be carried on a single cable. The fact that a coaxial cable - or coax - can support a tremendous bandwidth has not been lost on the CATV folk. A leader of the CATV industry said, some years ago, "We have more bandwidth by accident than the telephone people have on purpose1'. Indeed, that is correct; piggybacking a telephone channel on a coax cable is no challenge at all. Fiber is the third transmission medium, and it is unquestionably the transmission medium of choice. Whereas transmission over copper utilizes
210 Часть 3 frequencies in the megahertz range, transmission over fiber utilizes frequencies a million times higher This is another way of saying that the predominant difference between electromagnetic waves and light waves is the frequency. This difference, in turn, permits transmission speeds of immense magnitudes. Transmission speeds of as high as 9.9 Gbps have become commonplace in the industry today. At this speed, the entire fifteen-volume set of Encyclopedia Britannica can be transmitted in well under one second. Laying fiber on a per-mile basis still costs somewhat more than laying copper. However, on a per-circuit basis there is no contest; fiber wins hands down. However, if a local loop is being laid to a residence, there is little justification to installing fiber - there will never be a need for more than one or two or three circuits. This realization has led to a transition in our thinking. Shortly after the commercialization of fiber, we talked about fiber-to-the-home (FTTH). It was then realized that there was little need to install fiber for a final several hundred yards, so the industry shied away from fiber-to-the-curb (FTTC). In such a system, fiber would carry a plurality of channels to the "curb," whereupon they would be broken dowa and-applied to the copper drop leading to the home. In many cases even this was overkill, and fiber-to-the- neighborhood (FTTN) is now being used. The message is clear apply fiber when it is economical to do so, and otherwise rely on copper. One final approach is being used in many areas, and it often proves workable. This is a combination of fiber and coax or, as it is known, hybrid fiber/coax (HFC). As we have seen, coax has a greater bandwidth than copper but a smaller one than fiber. Also, in some 60 percent of the homes in the United States, coax in the form of CATV goes to the home; tying fiber to coax for the final several hundred yards makes technological sense. Fiber comes in several forms; the two predominant ones are multimode and single-mode (see Figure 3). As can be seen, the total strand diameter for both is about 125 microns (a micron is a millionth of a meter). However, the ultrapure glass that forms the core transmission medium is between 50 and 62.5 microns for the multimode fiber and about 8 to IO microns for the single-mode fiber. One would think that the multimode fiber would have a greater carrying capacity; however, just the opposite is true. With single-mode fiber, only one ray or mode can travel down the str&nd, and this makes for a simpler job in regenerating the signal at points along the span. In fact, single-mode fiber makes up the majority of today's long-distance network. The tremendous capacity of fiber certainly makes for more efficient communications; however, placing so much traffic on a single strand makes for greater vulnerability. Most of the disruptions in the long-distance network are a result of physical interruption of a fiber run. It is called backhoe fade.
Приложение 211 Wireless communications is the final option as a transmission medium. This can take several forms: microwave, synchronous satellites, low-earth-orbit satellites, cellular, personal communications service (PCS), etc. Some of these will be described in more detail later. In every case, however, a wireless system obviates the need for a complex wired infrastructure. In the case of synchronous satellites, transmission can take place across oceans or deserts. With microwave there is no need to plant cable, and in mountainous territories this is a significant advantage. Cellular and PCS afford mobility. There are advantages and disadvantages to each. Single-Mode MultiMode Task 12 Read the text again and find the sentences where the following terms are used. Translate them into Russian, media, copper wire, cable, transmission, high-speed data transmission, load coils, data communications, customer premises, high frequency, coaxial cable, bandwidth, telephone channel, local loop, curb, multimode, single-mode, span, long-distance network, capacity, traffic, transmission medium, wireless system Task 13 Find all the abbreviations in the text Give their meanings. Task 14 Discuss the text with ytfur neighbor in a form of a dialogue.
212 Часть 3 Text5 Read the text and answer the following questions. I. What kinds of transmission are used in local exchange plants and in long- distance networks? 2. What is die most popular TDM system? Describe it. 3. What kinds of a talking path are in die PSTN? 4. How can a digital signal be transmitted? 5. What challenges are given in the text? Transmission Technology Most transmission - at leest most transmission in the local exchange plant - is analog in nature. That is, the signal being transmitted varies continuously, both in frequency and in amplitude. A high-pitched voice mostly contains high frequencies; a low-pitched voice contains low frequencies. A loud voice contains a high-amplitude signal; a soft voice contains a low-amplitude signal. In the long-distance network, and more and more in the local exchange plant, digital transmission is being used. A digital signal is comprised of a stream of Is and Os that portray the analog voice signal by means of a code. Analog signals can be combined (i.e., multiplexed) by combining them with a carrier frequency. When there is more than one channel, this is called frequency division multiplexing (FDM). FDM was used extensively in the past but now has generally been replaced with the digital equivalent: time division multiplexing (TDM). The most popular TDM system is known as tier I (Tl). In a Tl system, an analog voice channel is sampled 8,000 times per second, and each sample is encoded into a 7-bit byte. Twenty-four such channels are mixed on these rwo copper pairs and transmitted at a bit rate of 1.544 megabits per second. Tl remains an important method of transmitting voice and data in the PSTN (see Fignre 4). Such a digital transmission scheme (and certainly there are modifications of it that improve efficiency, capacity, or quality, etc.) works hand in glove with the digital-switching schemes we talked about previously. Those Is and Os need not be transmitted through an actual circuit in that switch; rather, one can simply turn on and off the various electronic devices that make up that switch. Thus a talking path (i.e., a switched circuit) in the PSTN can be either analog or digital or a combination thereof, tn fact, a digital signal can be transmitted over a packet-switched network as easily as a circuit-switched network. Now if we consider the next step, we see that digitized voice is not very different from data, and if data can be transmitted over a packet network, then so can digitized voice. This, of course, is now known as voice over the
црцдожшше 213 Internet. The challenge, of course, is to get the transmitted signal to the destination fast enough. After all, this may well be a time-sensitive voice conversation. A second challenge is to get each packet, which is a small piece of a voice conversation, to the destination in the proper order. Progress is haing made, and we can well believe that packet switching will play an important role in tiie PSTN of tomorrow. Figure 4. Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Sampling, Quantizing and Encoding Process: in this Example a 3-bii Encoding Scheme is Used for Quantizing the Total Amplitude Task 15 Find all the abbreviations in the text and give their meanings. Task 16 Make up a list of terms you can find in the text. Translate them into Russian.
214 Часть 3 Task 17 Make up 10 sentences of your own with the terms used in the text Let your neighbor translate their Russian versions into English, then change the parts. Text 6 Read the text and follow the instructions. Broadband Access and Service Transmission in the telecommunications networks of today is, more and more, digital in nature, and the transmission medium of choice is fiber. "Digitalhowever, does no more than imply a string of Is and Os racing through the network. But how are these Is and Os to be arranged? At what speed are they to travel? What route should they take? Answers to questions such as these have taken many forms and have made for the most complicated aspect of the telecommunications business. There has never been a scarcity of coding schemes in the industry. Starting with Morse code, going to die Baudot code, then the ASCII code, we have seen each providing for better transmission and higher quality. In this section we will discuss the most popular and important three codes. SONET SONET is a standard for optical telecommunications transport. The SONET standard is expected to provide the transport infrastructure for worldwide telecommunications for at least the next two or three decades. It defines a technology for carrying many signals of different capacities through a synchronous optical hierarchy. The standard specifies a b)ie-interieaved multiplexing scheme. The synchronous optical hierarchy mentioned is shown in table 2. Table 2- SONET Hierarchy Signa) Bit Rate Capacity OC-192 9953.280 Mbps 5376DS-1S OC-48 2488.32 Mbps I344DS-1S OC-12 622.080 Mbps 336 DS-1s 003 155.520 Mbps 84DS-1S OC-I 51.840 Mbps 28 DS-Is ОС = optical carrier The DS-1 channel can carry Iwenty-tbnr voice circuits, each called a DS-0
Приложение 215 The SONET standards govern not only rates, but also interface parameters; formats; multiplexing methods; and operations, administration, maintenance, and provisioning (OAM&P) for high-speed transmission. We most often hear of SONET rings in which fitter strands are strung around a metropolitan area in a ring configuration. The system is designed so that transmission can take place in either direction; should there.be a fault at any one location, transmission will immediately take place in the opposite direction. That is, the system is self-healing. ATM Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is a high-performance switching and multiplexing technology that utilizes fixed-length packets to carry different types of traffic. Information is formatted into fixed-length cells consisting of 48 bytes (8 bits per byte) of pay load and 5 bytes of cell header. The fixed cell size guarantees that time-critical information (e.g., voice or video) is not adversely affected by long data frames or packets. Of course, if the cells were longer in length the system would be more efficient, because the header would take up a smaller percentage of the total cell. Multiple streams of traffic can be multiplexed on each physical facility and can be managed so as to send the streams to many different destinations. This enables cost savings through a reduction in the number of interfaces and facilities required to construct a network. ADSL Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) is, essentially, a modem that employs a sophisticated coding scheme. This coding scheme permits transmission over copper pairs at rates as high as 6 Mbps for distances of 9,000 to 12,000 feet Speeds of this magnitude bring to mind television signals; a 6- Mbps channel can easily handle a television movie. ADSL succeeds because it takes advantage of the fact that most of its target applications (video-on-demand, home shopping, Internet access, etc.) function perfectly well with a relatively low upstream data rate - hence the word asymmetric. LECs are now using ADSL as an access technology for their television businesses and for Internet access. Task 18 Complete the following sentences from the text Translate them into Russian. L Transmission in the telecommunications networks of today is, more and more,... in nature. 2. What... should they take?
2f6 Часть 3 3. There has never been ... of coding schemes in the industry. 4. The SONET ...is expected to provide ... for worldwide telecommunications for at least two or three decades. 5. We most often hear of SONET ... in which .............. are strung around a metropolitan area in a ... configuration. 6. Information is formatted into fixed-length ... consisting of 48 bytes (8 bits per byte) of... and 5 bytes of... header. 7. Of course, if the ... were longer in length the system would be more ..., because the ... would take up a smaller ... of the total cell. 8. Multiple ... of... can be ... on each physical facility and can be managed so as to send the ... to many different.... 9. Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) is, essentially, a ... that employs a sophisticated... scheme. 10. Speeds of this ... bring to mind television ...; a 6*Mbps channel can easily ... a television movie. ll. LECs are now using ADSL as an ... technology for their television businesses and for Internet.... Task 19 Find and write down all the abbreviations from the text Say, which of them are new for you and which are already known. Translate into Russian the sentences where the abbreviations are used. Task 20 Make up a plan of the text and retell it Text 7 Read the text and define the main problems touched upon in it. Wireless The first commercially available radio and telephone system, known as improved mobile telephone service (I MTS), was put into service in 1946. This system was quite unsophisticated - but then there was no solid state electronics available. With IMTS, a tall transmitter tower was erected near the center of a metropolitan area. Several assigned channels were transmitted and received from the antenna atop this tower. Any vehicle within range could attempt to seize one of those channels and complete a call. Unfortunately, the number of channels made available did not come even close to satisfying the need. To
Приложение 217 make matters worse, as the metropolitan area grew, more power was applied to the transmitter or receiver, the reach was made greater, and still more subscrib- ers were unable to get dial tone. The solution to this problem was cellular radio. Metropolitan areas were divided into cells of no more than a few miles in diameter, each cell operating on a set of frequencies (send and receive) that differed from the frequencies of the adjacent ceils. Because the power of the transmitter in a particular cell was kept at a level just high enough to serve that cell, these same sets of frequencies could be used at several places within the metropolitan area. Beginning in 1983, two companies, one called a wireline company and the other called a non wireline carrier, were given a franchise to operate in each major territory. Two characteristics of cellular systems were important to their usefulness. First, the systems controlled handoff. As subscribers drove out of one cell and into another, their automobile radios, in conjunction with sophisticated electronic equipment at die cel) sites (also known as base stations) and the telephone switching offices (also known as mobile telephone switching office [MTSO]), transferred from one frequency set to another with no audible pause. Second, systems were also designed to locate particular subscribers by paging them in each of die cells. When the vehicle in which a paged subscriber was riding was located, the equipment assigned sets of frequencies to it, and conversation could begin (see Figure 5). Tbe initial transmission technology used between the vehicle and the cel I site was analog in nature. It is known as advanced mobile phone service (AMPS). The analog scheme used was called frequency division multiple access (FDMA). But the age of digital transmission was upon us, and many companies operating in this arena concluded that a digital transmission scheme would be preferred. The result was time division multiple access (TDMA). In Europe, the selected scheme was an adaptation of the TDMA used in the United States, and it was called groupe special mobile. Since then, the name has been changed to global system for mobile communications (GSM). As if that was not enough, a third group of companies determined that a special spread-spectrum or frequency-hopping scheme would be even better, and this also was developed and trialed. This is called code division multiple access (CDMA). Thus, there are at least four schemes that may be used for communications between a vehicle and the cell site. Communications between the cell site and the MTSO utilized more conventional techniques, such as microwave, copper pairs, or fiber optics.
2J8 Часть 3 Mobile Telephone Switching Office (MTSO) Class-S Telephone Office Figure 5. Jn a Cellular System Vehicle-to-Site Communications Take Place Using FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, GSM. etc.: Communications between the Cell Site and the MTSO Utilize Conventional Techniques The continuing growth of cellular communications (there are presently about 20.000 new subscribers signing on each day), led government and industry in the United States to search for additional ways to satisfy the obvious need not only for ordinary telephone service but also for special services and features, smaller telephones, and cellular phone use. This search led to the PCS industry. Additional frequency bands were allocated for their use. and rather than assign them to the first comers or by way of a lottery, the FCC auctioned them off through a sophisticated bidding contest that brought the US treasury billions of dollars. Geosy л* hronous satellites represent yet another way of providing wireless communications. These satellites, located 22,300 miles above the earth, revolve around the earth once each twenty-four hours - the same as the earth itself Consequently they appear to be stationary. Communications between two places on earth can take place by using these satellites; one frequency band is used for the uplink, and another for the downlink Such satellite systems are
/Приложение excellent for the transmission of data, but they leave something to be desired for voice communications. This is a result of the vast distance and the time it takes for an electrical signal to make an earth-satellite-earth round trip. That time amounts to one quarter of a second. A reply from the called subscriber takes another quarter of a second, and the resultant half a second is definitely noticeable. Consequently, voice communications is seldom carried via geosynchronous satellites. Yet another wireless telecommunications technology is the low earth orbit (LEO) satellite system. LEOs are satellites that communicate directly with handheld telephones on earth. Because these satellites are relatively low - less than 900 miles - they move across the sky quite rapidly. In a LEO system the communications equipment on a satellite acts much like the cell site of a cellular system. It catches die call from earth and usually passes it to an earth-based switching system. Because of die speed of the satellite, it Is frequently necessary to hand off a particular call to a second satellite ju^t rising over the horizon. This is akin to a cellular system, except that in this case it is the cell site that is moving rather than the subscriber Several systems are now in the planning stage, and in fact many satellites have already been launched. The most noted is Iridium, created by Motorola, which would utilize sixty-six satellites. A second system, called Globalstar, would employ forty-eight satellites. There are at least two or three others that are well advanced in terms of preparations to launch. Task 21 Answer the following questions: 1. When was the first commercially available radio and telephone system put into service? 2. What problem did cellular radio solve? 3. Which characteristics of cellular systems were important? 4. What technology was used between the vehicle and the cel] site? 5. How many schemes may be used between the vehicle and the cell site? 6. How did the PCS industry appear? 7. What do geosynchronous satellites represent? 8. What is LEO? 9. What are the most noted satellites? Task 22 Retell the text.
no Часть 3 Text 8 Read the text and follow the instructions. Code Division Multiple Access Summary Code division multiple access (CDMA) is a wireless communications technology that uses the principle of spread spectrum communication. The intent of CDMA technology is to provide increased bandwidth in a limited frequency system, but has also other advantages including extended range and more secure communications. In a CDMA system, a narrowband message signal is multiplied by a spreading signal, which is a pseudo-noise code sequence tbat has a rate much greater than the data range of the message. CDMA uses these cude sequences as a means of distinguishing between individual conversations. All users tn the CDMA system use the same carrier frequency and may transmit simultaneously. CDMA is a driving technology behind the rapidly advancing personal communications industry. Because of its greater bandwidth, efficiency, and multiple access capabilities, CDMA is becoming a leading technology for relieving the spectrum congestion caused by the explosion in popularity of cellular mobile phones, fixed wireless telephones, and wireless data terminals. Since becoming an officially recognized digital cellular protocol, CDMA is being rapidly implemented in the wireless communications networks of many large communications corporations. Introduction CDMA stands for "Code Division Multiple Access". It is a form of spread-spectrum, an advanced digital wireless transmission technique. Instead of using frequencies or time slots, as do traditional technologies, it uses mathematical codes to transmit and distinguish between multiple wireless conversations. Its bandwidth is much wider than the required for simple point- to-point communications at the same data rate because it uses noise-like carrier waves to spread the information contained in a signal of interest over a much greater bandwidth. However, because the conversations taking place are distinguished by digital codes, many users can share the same bandwidth simultaneously. The advanced methods used in commercial CDMA technology improve capacity, coverage and voice quality, leading to a new generation of wireless networks. Old-fashioned radio receivers separate stations and channels by filtering in the frequency domain. CDMA receivers, conversely, separate communication
Дршюжение 221 channels by a pseudo-random modulation that is applied and removed in the digital domain. Multiple users can therefore occupy the same frequency band. This universal frequency reuse is crucial to CDMA’s distinguishing high spectral efficiency. CDMA bas gamed international acceptance by cellular radio system operators as an upgrade because of its universal frequency and noise-like characteristics. CDMA systems provide operators and subscribers with significant edvantages over analog amt conventional TDMA-based systems. The main advantages of CDMA are as follows: ♦ increased capacity; * improved voice quality, eliminating the audible effects for multipath fading; • enhanced privacy and security; ♦ improved coverage characteristics which reduce the number of cell sites; • simplified system planning reducing deployment and operating costs; * reducad average transmitted power, thus increasing talk time for portable devices; • reduced interference to other electronic devices; « reduction in the number of calls dropped due to bendoff failures; ♦ development of a reliable transport mechanism for wireless data communications; • coexistence with previous technologies, due to CDMA and analog operating in two spectras with no interference. Background To understand why there is a demand for CDMA, it is necessary to understand the technology that existed prior to its introduction and to know the background behind previous spread-spectrum systems. Spread spectrum communications have been used for encrypting military communication for many years. Its strengths in the military arena lie in its ability to resist enemy jamming and to provide secure communication. It is difficult to interfere with or intercept a CDMA signal because of its use of a spread signal. The great attraction of CDMA technology from the beginning was its inherent ability to boost communications capacity and reuse frequencies to a degree unheard of in narrowband multiple access wireless technology. Its civilian mobile radio application was proposed theoretically in the late 1940’s, but its practical application in the market did not take place until 40 years Eater due to the many technical obstacles that still needed to be overcome. The viability of CDMA technology was dismissed by TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) supporters as a technology that worked fine in theory but would never work in practice. The rapid development of high density digital ICs, however combined with the realization that regulating all transminer powers to the lowest level required for a link would achieve optimal multiple access communication, allowed CDMA to materialize as a working technology, In 1991. the promising
222 Масть 2 results of the first field trials demonstrated that CDMA could work as well in practice as it did irr theory. Commercial CDMA was introduced, tested, standardized, and initially deployed in less then seven years, a relatively rapid maturation cycle compared to other technologies such as TDM A. The first commercial CDMA service was launched in Hong Kong in 1995, followed by a launch in Korea and Pennsylvania. It has rapidly become the primary choice of carriers in the US Now 11 of the top 14 cellular carriers, 10 of the top 17 PCS carriers, the 2 largest PCS C block bidders and 60% of POPs have selected CDMA for their new digital network. ТаЛ23 Find in the text words and word combinations given below, translate them into Russian, put questions to the sentences where these words are used, let your neighbour answer them. Then change the parts. wireless communication technology, spread spectrum, narrowband message signal, code sequences, spectrum congestion, time slots, point-to-point communications, filtering in the frequency domain, upgrade, civilian mobile radio application, viability, high density, transmitter powers, field trials, maturation cycle, launch, primary choice, cellular carrier, digital network Task 24 Retell the text using words and word combinations given in task 23, Text 9 Read the text and follow the instructions. Current Cellular Standards The cellular solution, originally designed by Bell Telephone laboratories in the 1970’s makes use of multiple fixed stations. Each station, located in what is termed a "cel P services subscriber stations within a limited geographical area. Cellular companies are each granted 25 Mhz of the spectral division in the 800- 900 Mhz region, each split between the two directions of communications. Typical analog systems such as AMPS employ FDMA schemes that divide the spectral allocations into uniform frequency channels in the range of 25-30 kHz wide. Applying simple algebra shows the approximate number of channels to be around 416. This number, although appearing somewhat large, is rather small with respect to data communications. Different types of cellular systems employ various methods of "multiple access1*, meaning that multiple, simultaneous users can ba supported. These users share a common pool of radio channels and. can gain access to any
Лршпмкежю 223 channel. Just as each telephone call is granted a specific line for discourse» each subscriber is assigned a unique channel to propagate data transmission. Only one subscriber at a time is assigned to each channel; no other conversations can access it until the call is completed. These channels are a limited resource of cellular companies, as are the number of phone lines for Ma Bell. Solutions to achieve greater capacity are central to cellular principles. Spectral allocations are limited for each ceil» due in part to regulatory agencies limiting the bandwidth in order for communication companies to create highly efficient solutions. This spectral efficiency is measured in Erlangs per unit service area, per MHz. Quite simply» this dimensionless unit of telephone traffic intensity, known as the Erlang blocking probability (typically 0.05), is equal to calling rate multiplied by the average call length. This shows the capacity for a channel to ba completely occupied for some given time freme, with higher values representing higher channel usage. Due to the explosive growth of the cellular industry exceeding initial predictions of analysts, subscribers in many urban cities often experience "blocking11 with the trend increasing as the number of wireless LAN’s and personal cellular radios continue to grow. Anyone who has tried to make a call and has baen prevented or "blocked" will understand this concept One in six Los Angeles subscribers experiences blocking during peak hours. Many subscribers also experience "dropped calls? when leaving one cell and moving into another when the new cell can't allocate a carrier channel to the mobile. Consequently this leads to poor customer relations which forces the cellular providers to arrive at solutions that achieve high spectral efficiency to increase cell capacity. Central to the cellular concept is frequency reuse, which is critically dependent upon the fact that the carrier wave power decays with increasing distance. With this information, and some physics (which we won't get into), a cellular division of frequency channels can be implemented, Ifs the same rationale when travelling long distances: your favorite radio show on a familiar frequency is not the same in each city. The channel is allocated to another radio station far enough apart where signals won't interfere with each other. By reusing channels in muftipie cells» the system can grow without geographical limits. Here each cell represents an allocation of channels where no adjacent cells share common frequencies, with a typical maximum subscriber load at about 350 users. This idealized depiction is a hypothetical representation of true cellular systems that is good for modeling, but unfortunately not substantial enough for real world implementations of cellular technology.
224 Масть 3 Task 25 Translate the following sentences into Russian. I. Applying simple algebra shows the approximate number of channels in the range of25 - 30 kHz wide. 2. Only one subscriber at a time is assigned to each channel, no other conversations can access it until the call is completed. 3. Solutions to achieve greater capacity are central to cellular principles. 4. Due to the explosive growth of the cellular industry exceeding initial predictions of analysts, subscribers in many urban cities often experience "blocking" with the trend increasing as the number of wireless LAN's and personal cellular radios continue to grow. 5. By reusing channels in multiple cells, the system can grow without geographical limits. Task 26 Answer the questions given below. 1. When was the cellular solution designed? 2. What schemes do typical analog systems employ? 3. What do multiple access methods mean? 4. How many subscribers are assigned to each channel at a time? 5. How is spectral efficiency measured? 6, What do subscribers experience? 7. What does frequency reuse depend upon? Task 27 Retell the text. Text 10 Read the text and answer the following questions. I h What has led to a rapid development of the technology? 2. When was the first commercial CDMA network installed in Hong Kong? 3> What has happened since the installation of the first commercial network in Hong Kong? 4. Why is the widespread acceptance of the network likely to be accelerated? 5. What is the trend with the new CDMA networks? 6. How is the billing performed?
Дрцложе/rw 225 Commercial Applications The technical advantages associated with the usage of CDMA technology has led to a rapid development of the technology from its conception to use in ful (-service telecommunications networks. Despite the claims from advocates of existing technology that CDMA was a theory that looked good on paper but could never be refined enough to be applied, the technology was researched and pursued. By 1991» Qualcomm corporation had demonstrated its first example of CDMA technology in a rather promising field trial. By proving that the technology could in fact ba applied, Qualcomm effectively started the CDMA bandwagon. The next year saw CDMA's acceptance by the Telecom- munications Industry Association and ANSI as an official digital cellular technology. By the year 1995, the first commercial CDMA network was installed in Hong Kong - making CDMA's maturation period less than five years, a significantly shorter time period than for most other communications standards. Since the installation of the first network in Hong Kong, the major telecommunications corporations have been feverishly shaking their claims in the future CDMA market, especially in the United States. 1996 saw FCC auctions for the frequency ranges used by CDMA networks, and several companies have been trying to capture the most profitable regions of the country for their coverage. Several pockets of CDMA coverage were established in the United States in late 1996, and 1997 and 1998 were the years of major construction for the infrastructure. Sprint claims that the CDMA network will become the "replacement for current cellular technology0, and many companies are working on making that statement reality. Technology enthusiasts and those who live in the center of the initial CDMA coverage areas will probably take advantage of the services during this first year of service, but it will probably be at least 2006 before it becomes widespread enough to gnin widespread public acceptance» The widespread acceptance of the network is likely to ba accelerated nearly as much by the change in the typical conventions of cellular service as by the improved quality due to the new technology. The highly competitive market has caused companies to place more importance on what consumers see as a barrier to using cellular and wireless networks. Consumers will be attracted to the new networks by the promise of increased call quality, range privacy, and all of the other benefits of CDMA technology, but may likely be convinced by the changes that have been made from the way cellular service has typically been billed. One of the major problems that consumers report with existing cellular service is the ambiguity related to billing. Aside from being expensive, it is often unpredictable what any particular call will cost. Roaming fees and long distance fees vary in every location and it is impossible to tell ahead of time what the rates for any one call will be. The trend with the new CDMA networks
226 Часть 3 is to establish a defined 11 local calling area" and bill any minutes outside of that area at a constant amount of money per minute* typically 50 or 60 cents. Also, users of the networks will be able to query their account balance at any time from their phones, configure the network to notify them when a certain balance is exceeded, and program the phones to stop working after a maximum balance has been reached. Other subtle differences, such as not charging for airtime if a call cannot be completed, are changes in policy tbat are likely to affect the purchasing decisions of consumers. Current cellular service providers cover only relatively small geographic areas, which leads to billing nightmares if a phone serviced by one company is used in an area serviced by another. While the phone can still be used, the "foreign” company bills the original service provider who in turn bills the customer, with unpredictable rates and fees. Sprint's Personal Communications Services (PCS) division currently plans to operate a network that will cover the entire nation. Sprint currently hold licenses to operate this network in 33 metropolitan areas, plans to add coverage for 189 more cities tn 2005, and fill in the remaining areas in the years to follow. Their own estimates place the potential coverage area between 190 and 260 million people. Such a nationwide network would alleviate many of the difficulties currently associated with using cellular technology outside of one's own local coverage area. Task 28 Find in the text the English equivalents for: технические преимущества; услуги сотовой связи; улучшенное качество; испытание в полевых условиях; стандарты связи; зона охвата; период становления; непредсказуемый; плата за междугородние вызовы; оценки; широко распространенный; частотный диапазон; ресчет оплаты вызовов Task 29 Find the endings to the following sentences from the text Translate them into Russian. 1. The next year saw the CDMA acceptance by ... 2. Sprint claims that the CDMA network ... 3. Technology enthusiasts and those who live in the center... 4. One of the major problems that consumers report... 5. Their own estimates place the potential coverage ...
Приложение 227 Text 11 Read the text and follow the instructions. Software is tbe Key (Asia-Pacific Satellite - FEBRUARY/ March 1999) When the manufacturers of satellite receivers first approached digital technology, a first step they had to get through was the understanding that a digital satellite receiver software is two orders of magnitude more complex than ah analogue one. As a comparison, an analogue satellite software is typically 8 Kbit of code running on an eight bit micro, while a digital receiver requires typically 800 Kbit of code running on a 32 Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) processor. This alone would justify totally different methods of software architecture and debugging management. Furthermore, other features add to the complexity. Typically, real-time constraints for an analogue receiver are limited to detecting the remote control cnde and front panel key sensing. A digital receiver must also handle in real time the compressed data demultiplexing and supply to the MPEG video and audio decoders, the update and analysis of a numbar of Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) tables'and, when conditional access is used, the real-time handling of all the software tasks necessary for the descrambling process. The need for coordinated renl-time actions has led to the use of a Real- Time Operating System (RTOS) which facilitates the control of the time used and allocated to each task, and their priority levels. Also, the task concept replaces the older logic diagram control of software modules. Unfortunately, the above list does not show the whole range of additional difficulties facing the digital satellite receiver software developer. The reason is that the digital satellite market is split into many more variations than the analogue one. The major software variations cotne from pay-TV operators who define which conditional access to use and, if any, which middleware to include. The middleware, also sometimes called operating system, is a software layer which allows a generic software to bebave in the same way whatever hardware platform is used. There are presently two main middleware in use: Mediahighway and OpenTV, both targeting mainly the addition of interactive applications to the set-top box. As a result, if a software development for an analogue satellite receiver is typically a three-man-months work, for a digital one this ranges from a 15- to 60-man-months work, even if all low-level drivers are available.
220 Часть 3 Faster, Better Solutions The first market targeted by most newcomers in the digital satellite receiver field is Free-to-Air (FTA) broadcasting In this market, no operator dictates his personal preference, while only the end-user is to be satisfied. FTA receivers still have variations, just like analogue receivers, to cope with regional preferences like output standards (e.g., SVHS or SCART), but they allow an entry point design to be achieved fast. This is why FTA receivers have baen the first platform developed by STMicroelectronics in Singapore, complete with all hardware, drivers and application layer Some customers are even using such reference platform "as is1 to sell to the Chinese markets. Most of them, however, have chosen to add their own user interface and application layer, thus differentiating their product and making it more attractive to the user. Currently, it is estimated that about 70 per cent of Asian digital FTA satellite receivers are using a solution derived from ST reference. Thanks to ST's platforms, over half of the Asian manufacturers have been able to develop their own model with in-house resources. Such a process, while attractive for the long-term flexibility it gives the manufacturer, initially is time consuming since a new knowledge, or even-a new team needs to be trained and developed. This is why the use of an external but specialised third party can often be recommended, either to start faster in this field or complement internal resources. This trend is also valid for high-end applications which need a lot of resources and can often be found at attractive prices in Asia, ST is currently working with such third parties in various countries around the world, two of them being situated in Asia itself. Tools It is easy to guess from the variety of software origins and tasks that the major part of the work is dedicated to integrating and debugging all the processes. This is why good development and debugging tools are of prime importance, Since 1995, STMicroelectronics complete kit is based on a 32bit micro core issue from the transputers developed originally by IN MOS. This powerful core, able to handle over 50 Millions of Instructions per Second (MIPS), is supplied with an efficient C compiler. Now, a new improved series of toolset is available for ST customers. Based on a JTAG interface included in all members of the Omega chip family, this new toolset, referred to as Diagnostic Controller Unit (DCU), allows the software developer to get non-intrusive real-time debugging capabilities - a very useful feature for critical tasks like section filtering and handling for complex conditional access functions.
229 Satellite Software Trends Currently, the master word in the satellite TV industry is interactivity, while other fashionable related items are fast Internet and convergence. Interactivity, which starts with an Electronic Programme Guide (EPG), is in its essence purely local: the user employs his remote control and embedded functions to browse through a transmitted programme guide. It is often believed that EPG requires a middleware, though this is not necessarily true as can ba seen in DirecTV or PerfecTV. The complete set of user functions related to EPG, including such features as selecting a type of movie at a specific date on any channel is, however, quite complex to implement. This gives operators an incentive to use a middleware for which such EPG features have already been developed. One other type of'local' interactivity is the possibility given to the user to view his own selection of a set of transmitted programmes. These may be composed of pure graphics, normal MPEG pictures, still pictures, or a mix of them. An example is the weather channel broadcast by TPS, where the user can point and click on the map he wants to see with more details. Real interactivity needs a return channel. The only return channel used so far is a modem, but there are projects to get higher data rates using the satellite itself for the return path. Because of the user-friendly features available in PCs, these kinds of functions are most of the time PC add-on cards. It is to be noted that although a satellite can broadcast data rates up to about 30M bit/s (compared with 56Kbit/s on telephone lines), the effective bit rate is much lower, in the order of 400Kbit/s because of the TCP/IP protocol with its handshaking and the delay due to the distance of the satellites (36,000km above earth). As can be expected, with the decreased cost of components and increased competition, satellite service providers want increasingly more features. The direct consequence is that software is destined to be the main part of any development of satellite television. From a technical point of view, it is expected that set-top boxes will use I OOM IPS to 400MIPS processors within two years, while the amount of system memory is already requested to go up to 32 Mbit by some operators - this despite the fact that a set-top box can run perfectly well with only I Mbit. As a result, with the variety of markets and the increasing complexity of the requested features, the software skills of the development team, be it in- house or from a third party, will be the major factor of success. Task 30 Find the English versions of the following sentences in the text.
230 Часть 3 I * Более того, другие характеристики увеличивают сложность. 2. К сожалению, приведенный выше список не показывает всего диапазона дополнительных трудностей, стоящих перед разработчиком программного обеспечения цифрового спутникового приемника. 3, Однако, большинство из них предпочитает добавить собственный пользовательский интерфейс и заявочный слот, таким образом выделив свой продукт и сделав его более привлекательным для пользователя. 4. Такой процесс, хотя и привлекает производителя своей долговременной гибкостью, изначально требует больших временных затрат на развитие новой базы и подготовку специалистов. 5. Исходя из многообразия источников и задач программного обеспечения, легко догадаться, что большая часть работы посвлщена интеграции и отладке всех процессов. 6. В настоящее время ключевым словом в индустрии спутникового телевидения является интерактивность, а другими модными связанными элементами - быстро срабатывающий Интернет и конвергенция. 7. Как можно ожидать, при уменьшении стоимости деталей- и росте конкуренции провайдеры спутниковых услуг стремятся к постоянному увеличению числа характеристик. Task 31 Find the endings of the following sentences in the text Translate them into Russian. 1. This alone would justify totally different methods ... 2. Typically, real-time constraints for an analogue receiver are ... 3. The major software variations come from pay-TV operators ... 4. There are presently two main middleware in use:... 5. The first market targeted by most newcomers in the digital satellite receiver field... 6. Some customers are even using ... 7. This is why the use of an external but specialized ... 8. Since 1995, STMicroelectronics complete kit... 9. InterBdivity, which starts ... 10. This gives operators an incentive ... 11 .An example is the weather channel... 12. Because of the user-friendly features available ... 13.lt is to be noted that... 14. The direct consequence is that... 15. From a technical point of view ... Task 32 Write a resume of the text.
Приложение 231 Text 12 Read the text and write down what it said about: • traditional voice traffic; • internet traffic; • traffic engineering methods; • traditional switch-based traffic measurements; • exponential model; • power law model; • cull arrival data; * dialup Internet access; • day-to-day var iabi lity. L Introduction Traditional voice traffic on the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) is currently combined with facsimile, voicemail, cellular mobile red io, credit card verification, and long holding, time Internet access and modem- based data calls, some of which may constitute a significant portion of the total traffic on the network. These various traffic types are associated with call holding times ranging from short (e.g., credit card verification) to long (e.g., internet access calls). Recent evidence indicates that internet treffic is saturating the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). Currently, the Internet traffic is engineered and managed using traditional circuit-switched methods. However, the properties displayed by Internet traffic are not adequately captured by conventional stochastic processes. Given the fundamental differences in application traffic patterns and usage between Internet traffic and other services, the lack of more suitable methods is resulting in capacity and performance problems. For instance, Internet traffic causes much worse call blocking performance than traditional voice traffic. Methods must be developed to traffic engineer and administer the network so that an extensive range of data and voice services can be provided at reasonable cost. Treffic engineering methods must determine the sufficient capacity to meet the anticipated demand while meeting different Grade of Service (GoS) objectives, and ensure that the capacity is not so excessive as to render network services uneconomical. In order to engineer and administer the network effectively traffic engineers must recognize and deal with a variety of new traffic characteristics and be able to evaluate their effects and the factors that affect them. This paper addresses the impacts of Internet traffic on the PSTN. И includes an overview of the behavior of the combined voice and data traffic such as long holding time distribution, call arrival patterns, call retrials, peakedness and traffic variation, and engineering periods.
232 Часть 3 2. Call Holding Time Distribution One source of data for determining the properties of Internet access traffic on the PSTN is provided by ‘traditional* switch-based traffic measurements, such as call and load peg counts. However, this data gives very limited information. For example, it can be used to estimate the mean Internet call holding time (CHT), but provides no information on the CHT distribution. In fact even the use of peg count data to estimate mean call holding times can lead to incorrect estimates unless care is taken to correct for distortions associated with long holding time (LHT) calls; (this issue will be discussed in more detail below). For this reason, the results in this paper rely on analysis of SS7 data. Time-stamped SS7 messages, collected directly from the network, provide detailed information on the Internet CHT distribution, the call arrival process, per line load statistics, and customer reattempt behavior. This information is extremely useful in understanding the impacts of Internet access traffic on the PSTN, and in designing new engineering algorithms for this traffic. The traditional model for the CHT distribution of voice calls is the exponential model. The exponential model underlies most of the engineering algorithms and practices currently used to engineer the PSTN, к has assumed this centre! role for several reasons. First, it has nice mathematical properties, which make it easier to solve engineering problems and derive useful formulae. Second, although the true distribution of voice CHTs is not exponential, past experience has shown that the exponential model is a good approximation: it has given reasonably good results in practice. Finally, from a mathematical standpoint, many traditional engineering models are known to be relatively insensitive to the CHT distribution. This fact has provided justification for using the exponential model to facilitate mathematical solutions. It has been recognized for some time that the exponential model needs to be revised, in view of the many new services supported by the PSTN. Traditional voice traffic is now supplemented with facsimile, voicemail, cellular mobile radio, credit card verification, and long holding time data calls, some of which constitute a significant portion of the total traffic carried by the network. These various traffic typas are associated with call holding times ranging from short (e.g., credit card verification) to long (data calls). Other properties of the traffic - not necessarily related to the call holding time distribution - may also differ, such as the daily variation in the offered load, the times of busy hours, the degree of within-the-hour and day-to-day variation, etc. Finally, the properties of these new traffic types are also impacted by AIN features and new access technologies such as hybrid fiber-coax. Based on analysis of data from various sources, it appears that the tail of the Internet CHT distribution decays according to a power law. The power law distribution, used by Bellcore to better model LHT traffic, is characterized by
Приложение ДО two parameters, a and р. Note that details of Bellcore models are proprietary. A sample internet CHT distribution derived from SS7 data is shown in Figure 6. The function plotted in Figure 6 is the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF), denoted by Fc(t), which gives the probability that a randomly sampled CHT will exceed t seconds. Also shown in Figure 6 are the best fit exponential and power law distributions. Note that Figure 6 is plotted on linear-linear axes, and the time axis extends out to 6000 seconds (100 minutes). On this scale, both the exponential and power law distribution appear to be reasonable approximations to the true CCDF. Figure 7 shows the same plots on tog-linear axes, and the time axis now extends out to 30,000 seconds (8 hours, 20 minutes). On this scale it is clear that the exponential model is not a good model of the true CCDF. In particular, the exponential model significantly underestimates the probability of long call holding times. In contrast, the power law distribution appears to model the tnie CCDF quite well. In the power law model, the dimensionless parameter a determines the relative weighting of short and loog calls in the distribution. If one holds the mean CHT constant, while allowing a to lend to one from above, the CHT distribution becomes very flat, which means that call holding times can vary enormously from zero to infinity. For larger values of a (e.g., a>4) the distribution is well behaved, and CHTs tend to cluster closer to the mean. Intuitively, the value of a can be thought of as characterizing a type of service (i.e,, Internet access) and is not expected to vary significantly between different service providers. In contrast, the parameter 0 has dimensions of time. It effectively determines the mean CHT, and can be expected to vary between locations (i.e., user populations) and Internet service providers (i.e., classes of service). In order to fit the power law model to data, it is necessary to estimate values for a and p. in principle, a may be estimated from the asymptotic slope of a plot of log Fc(t) versus log t. However, estimation of a can be complicated by the sampling bias inherent in any finite-length dataset. Finite samples of SS7 data can exhibit significant statistical bias, due to the under-sampling of longer calls. An SS7 sample of duration T will provide CHT data only for calls that both begin and end within the sample. Calls that begin before and/or end after the interval are lost in this respect. By virtue of their length, longer calls therefore tend to be under-represented in the observed CHT distribution. When the SS7 data is corrected for this effect, the difference can be quite significant, particularly for datasets spanning less than 12 hours. Figure 8 shows the effect of allowing for sampling bias in a 5-hour dataset. The corrected distribution decays more slowly than the observed distribution at large t, and produces correspondingly smaller estimates for a. The effect on 24-hour datasets is much smaller, though still not negligible.
234 Часть 3 Figure & ISP Call Holding Time CCDF (Linear-Linear Axes). new bellcor e model / J / 7 / J L !/> expone ntral । / / ' / f / r F / ! i » I ! г r ——— - data 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 time /seconds! Figure 7. ISP Cali Holding Time CCDF (Log-Linear Axes).
Приложение 235 Figure 8. Statistical Bias in the ISP Call Holding Time CCDF (Log-Linear Axes) Jn order to obtain correct a and 0 estimates, it is therefore necessary to allow for the statistical bias inherent in finite data samples. It is also important to allow for statistical bias in the observed mean CHT. Failure to do this can result in the true mean CHT being under-estimated by 40% or more, depending on the length of the measurement interval. Clearly, an under-estimate of this magnitude in the mean Internet call holding time could result in significant under-engineering of the PSTN, leading to excessive blocking and other problems. 3. Internet Traffic Load Patterns 5J. Daily Load Profile Figure 9 shows the hourly variation of ISP call arrivals and offered load (in units of erlangs) during a weekday. This figure was derived by combining measured call arrival data, with the theoretical power law call holding time (CHT) distribution described in section 2. Figure 9 shows that the ISP call arrival rate is fairly constant during business hours, and continues on through the early evening at approximately the same rate. The new feature of the ISP call arrival profile is the pronounced spike in arrivals around 10PM. This spike
23fi Часть 3 appears to occur on weekdays only, and is responsible for the weekday Internet busy hour at around 10PM. (The weekday Internet busy hour in fact appears to run from 9:30-10:30PM, though it could vary between offices.) Aside from indicating where the Internet bosy bour occurs, Figure 9 highlights an important aspect of Internet traffic, namely that there is a lag between the ISP call arrival profile and the corresponding load profile. Each call generates toad from its arrival time through to its disconnect time. The load generated by a typical call is therefore centered on a point r/2 after the call arrival, where т is the mean call holding time. In this respect, the load profile lags behind the call arrival profile by approximately half the mean CHT. For traditional voice calls, the mean CHT is of the order of 3 minutes, and this effect is not noticeable. However, ISP calls have a mean CHT equal to approximately 20 minutes, and the effect becomes noticeable, particularly at times of day where the call arrival rate is changing rapidly, and the lag between load and arrivals is pronounced. The lag between call arrivals and lond can lead to errors in traffic calculations unless care is taken. Figure 9 shows the call arrival and load peg counts that would be produced by a switch handling this ISP traffic. A typical way to arrive at an estimate of the mean call holding time is to divide the load during a given clock hour by the calls that arrived during that hour. The top (dashed) plot in Figure 10 shows the results that would be obtained by applying this method to the call and load data in Fignre 9. This plot shows that the mean ISP CHT varies significantly during the day from a low of 14 to a high of 35 minutes. However, this result is incorrect. From direct analysis of the SS7 data we know that the ISP CHT varies from a low of 10 minutes to a high of 23 minutes, as shown in the lower plot in Figure 10. It is no accident that the error in the dashed estimate is greatest at times of day when the ISP traffic is ramping up or down quickly, and is negligible when the traffic is constant. The error is due to the lag between loed and arrivals. A significant portion of the load in any hour is due to calls that arrived before the start of the hour. During bours when the load is ramping up or down these calls are not capturad in the call arrival peg count - the call and toad peg counts get out of step - and consequently the mean CHT calculation is incorrect. This is another example of the statistical bias effects discussed in section 2. It also highlights the fact that switch based data can hide die real nature of SS7 traffic, by summarizing it only in the form of hourly peg counts.
Црцлаженме 237 Figure 9. Weekday ISP Offered Load Profile (Erlangs) Figure 10. Mean ISP Call Holding Time by Time of Day (Minutes)
2за 4*Cf№ 3 3.2. Per-ltoe Load A critical element in network capacity planning is to understand the fraction of total subscribers that access the Internet via ISP calls, aed the load per line generated by these subscribers in ISP calls versus other calls. This sort of information is needed not only to perform routine capacity planning, but also to assess the economics of alternatives to tha PSTN for supporting Internet access. For example, tins information can help identify the fraction of ISP customers that would have to be provided with alternative access methods in order to reduce the ISP load on tbe PSTN by a specified amount. Of course, per line load statistics will vary according to tha subscriber population (location, mean income, etc), so this information needs to be accumulated for a range of populations. Figure II. Busy Hour CCS Load Distribution per ISP Subscribers Based on Bellcore's market analysis, the current percentage of PSTN subscribers that use a dialup Internet access service is expected to be in the range lb 13%, on a US-wide basis. These figures are consistent with data collected from the PSTN. More specific figures can be obtained using census data and economic models for specific cities, towns, suburbs, etc. Of course, this percentage is changing as PC and modem penetration grows. Figure i 1 shows a sample CCDF for the load generated per ISP subscriber (i.e., per line) during the Internet busy hour. It shows that on a given day, as many as 40% of the ISP callers that are active during the busy will generate a busy hour load in excess of 10 CCS. (A centrum call second (CCS) is a load unit equal to one hundred seconds of connect time.) The same data that was used to generate Figure 11 can be used to determine the percentage of ISP load generated by the top x percent of ISP subscribers, asx is varied from 0 to 100%. This type of data suggests that
Приложение 239 the total ISP Toad on the PSTN can be substantially reduced by providing a relatively small percentage of subscribers with an alternative access method (e.g., pre-switch adjunct) that routes Internet calls to a data network rather than through the PSTN. Identification of heavy ISP users therefore becomes a critical problem. 3.3. Peakedness Peakedness, or within-the-hour variation, is a property of the offered load generated by a traffic stream. By definition, ft is equal to the ratio of the variance to the mean of the offered load. Traditionally, peakedness is associated with overflowed traffic streams on alternate route trunk groups. The peakedness of Poisson traffic is equal to one. Overflowed traffic typically has peakedness values between 1 and 10, which is ibe largest value occurring in the standard Neal-Wilkinson tables for trunk engineering. Peakedness captures the ‘burstiness* of overflowed traffic. Traffic streams with large peakedness values are more volatile than Poisson traffic, and require correspondingly more resources (eg., trunks) in order to produce the same grade-of*service (e.g., blocking). Intuitively, one might expect first offered ISP traffic to be Poisson, in which case its peakedness would be equal to one. However, in the process of being overflowed onto alternate route trunk groups the peakedness of ISP traffic is likely to be magnified relative to traditional traffic. The question therefore arises as to 'whether ISP traffic will exhibit paakedness values greater than 10. Peakedness can be calculated using either direct or indirect methods. Indirect methods rely on traditional (i.e., exponential holding time) theories of trank performance to deduce the peakedness of the offered loed from the observed mean load and blocking. Because traditional theories are not valid for Internet traffic, these indirect methods will not give accurate results for ISP traffic. Direct methods of peakedness calculation will also encounter problems. For example, one direct methnd is described in. It involves measuring the number of calls tn progress at 50 second intervals during a given hour. Assuming that blocking is negligible, the ratio of the variance to the mean of this quantity is the peakedness of the offered load. If this ’first principles' method is applied to first offered ISP traffic, it can produce peakedness values that are much less than one (e.g., 0.2). Peakedness values less than one are rarely encountered in the network, and are not expected in this context. The problem with the calculation is that long bolding time (LHT) calls, such as Internet access calls, introduce a high degree of correlation into the offered load. The first principles method is based on the assumption that these numbers of active calls at points in time 50 seconds apart are essentially unconelated. This assumption is correct for traditional voice traffic, composed of relatively short calls. However, it breaks down for Internet access traffic. The strong correlation in the ISP offered load process severely distorts the calculated
240 Часть J peakedness values, to the point where they cannot be trusted. It will be necessary to develop reliable new methods of peakedness calculation in order to facilitate accurate trunk engineering for Internet access traffic 3.4, Day-To-Day Variability Consider a specific hour on a specific day of the week (e.g., Tuesday 10- 11 AM). If the offered load is measured for this same hour over many weeks, the measurements will generally exhibit a degree of variability over and above that which is due to the inherent statistical variability of the call arrival process. This additional variability is referred to as day-to-day (DTD) variability. In traditional voice traffic DTD variability was analyzed and modeled by Wilkinson in classic studies of trunk performance. For ISP traffic, the question arises as to whether DTD variability will exceed the levels documented by Wilkinson. If so, it could produce worse switch and trunk blocking than might otherwise be expected (i.e., than might be predicted by traditional engineering algorithms). In order to estimate DTD variability, one must first measure the total variability of the load, and then subtract the component which is due to the statistical variability inherent in the call arrival process. For ISP traffic, calculation of this last component is difficult, due to fact that, the call arrivals occurring many hours prior to the time in question can affect the offered load process. Another way of stating this is that, due to the long holding times of ISP calls, the statistical variability of the call arrival process becomes difficult to quantify, since it is strongly dependent on the time variation of the call arrival process throughout the course of the daily cycle. Traditional methods of quantifying the statistical variability of the call arrival process make the simplifying assumption that each hour can be considered in isolation, which is true for traditional exponential traffic. This assumption breaks down for ISP traffic, due to the longer time scales involved. Creative methods of measuring day-to-day variability can still he devised. And in fact, they suggest that the DTD variability of ISP traffic will be no worse than that traditionally documented by Wilkinson. Nevertheless, the difficulty of measuring the magnitude of ISP DTD variability ^according to straightforward traditional methods highlights the unique properties of ISP traffic. 4. Network Design and Operations Systems The impact of the Internet traffic has already been observed in many Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs) in the United Sates in the form of busy hour shifts, busy day shifts, larger blocking levels in certain switches, substantially increased variability in subscriber line usage, congestion in interoffice trunk groups, and congestion in internal modules of Local Exchange
Приложение 241 Carrier (LEC) switching systems- The result is an increase in the cost of providing the PSTN, with little or no compensating offset in operating revenue. The impacts of this increased data traffic is estimated to cost millions of dollars for each metropolitan area in switch upgrades alone this year. The Total Network Data System/Trunking (TNDS/TK) of Bellcore uses traffic theory and procedures to determine the number of circuits required based on usage and congestion data which are collected from central office switching systems. It also creates a long-term forecast, providing a snapshot of trunk requirements for multiple periods of time. The selection of the proper theory and procedure for sizing a trunk group is largely dependent on trunk group types. Trunk group type is, in turn, determined by the nature of the offered load and the treatment to be afforded calls which overflow the group. Some offered load characteristics can be assumed and, need not to be considered explicitly when identifying a trunk group type. The current assumptions which include finite and independent sources as welt as exponentially distributed variable call holding times need to be reevaluated and possibly revised as specified in Section 2. Perhaps the most significant characteristics of various trunk groups are the peakedness and day-to-day variation of the offered , load. Since in large measure, peakedness and day-to-day variation levels on a trunk group are a function of the group's relationship to and interaction with other groups in the network, it is reasonable to determine trunk group types based on whether or not a group receives overflow, and whether it overflows to another group or blocks calls which find no idle trunks. Based on the routing structure, four groups types can be modeled in TNDS/TK. These are Only-Route, Primary High Usage (PHU), Intermediate High Usege (IHU), and Final. An only-route group provides the only route for all traffic offered to it. This type of group neither receives overflow nor overflows to another group. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume its combined Internet and voice offered load to be Poisson distributed with a peakedness of one. Like the only-route traffic, the PHU group has an offered load which consists only of first-route traffic. It does not receive any overflow, however, calls which find no idle trunks are overflowed. Therefore, the characteristics of the offered load can also be assumed to be Poisson distributed, statistical equilibrium across the hoiir, and random or systematic day-to-day variations. The IHU group offered load consists of overflow traffic from subtending groups and, ordinarily, some first route traffic. Figure 12 illustrates that the volume of traffic which could overflow to a ! HU group may be extensive. The overflow can be route advanced overflow or switched overflow. Route advanced overflow comes from subtending PHU groups whereas switched overflow is the overflow that has been route advanced at a preceding office. Although this traffic loses its identify as it passes through a switch and is combined with other traffic and then offered to the IHU group, the question is then whether it is reasonable to ^sume that the combined traffic retains a peaked characteristic, and to engineer the IHU
242 Часть J group using the Wilkinson equivalent random theory where the peakedness factor of the combined overflow load is approximated by adding individual overflow loads, adding their variances, and then dividing the total variance by the total overflow to develop the weighted peakedness factor. The day-to-day variation level should also be evaluated depending on the nature of the overflow load component of tile offered load. Finally, final groups are the last choice trunk group which are usually engineered for a low probability of blocking. The offered load on final groups consists of the same component as an I HU group. Currant assumptions which include statistical equilibrium over the hour, an ordinarily day-to-day variations which range from low to high, and Wilkinson engineering methods must also be evaluated for the combined Internet and voice peaked offered load. To size the network efficiently with Internet and traditional traffic, it is critical to determine how much of the offered load to a high-usage group should be carried and how much should be overflowed to alternate route. If cost were the only consideration, the high-usage group would be sized to cany the entire offered load. However, in practice, an alternate route path, though more expensive, can also be more efficient in load carrying capacity than a high-usage trunk. Thus, it is necessary to evaluate the relationship of the costs and efficiencies of the two route to determine how to allocate the total offered load to the high-usage group and its alternate route in a way which will minimize the total cost. In order to account for the immediate impact of Internet traffic on PSTN, Bellcore has developed stand-alone tools based on statistical analysis, mathematical' modeling and new administration and engineering recom- mendations. The Switch Capacity Engineering/Administration Tool would be used lo transform input load measurements obtained from each centra! office's data collection system into new equivalent loads. The output of this tool would
Приложение 243 quantify the reduced capacity of existing modules and could allow line concentration selection inputs to existing switch-vendor-provided engineering tools. This results in switches sized adequately to cany a call mix inclusive of LHT calls. It can be viewed as a pro-processor for traffic engineering data as well as an administration system. The Internet Access Planning Tool will aid service providers to cost effectively evaluate alternatives of deloading the Internet traffic off the PSTN and carrying it on Frame Relay and/or ATM networks. It provides engineering and economic breakpoints in determining: which central offices are candidates for offloading, when should offloading be implemented in each candidate central office, when and where is it more economical to continue to cany traffic on the PSTN, and how should offloaded traffic be aggregated for efficient transport to the Internet Service Providers. 5. Conclusions Due to a variety of market drivers, including wider availability of personal computers, the popularity of web browsers, and the rapid increase in Internet service providers, Internet traffic on the PSTN has experienced explosive growth in the past 6 to 12 months, and is projected to continue this growth for at least the next 5 years. The PSTN is already struggling under the increased volume of this traffic, and network problems such as congestion, excessive blocking of subscriber calls, and exhaustion of switch capacity point to the danger of network failures unless effective short term and long term network solutions are identified and implemented soon. Internet traffic is essentially data traffic, and can be carried most effectively on data networks. However, since the PSTN is currently the only near-universal method of access, any longterm solution will necessarily involve a staged migration from the present mnde of operation to some data network solution. The burning issue for LECs is how to engineer this migration in a cost effective and timely manner, given current technological constraints. Regardless of the ultimate solution selected by an LEC, it will be necessary in the short term to develop accurate techniques for engineering the PSTN for Internet traffic. This paper has identified the properties of Internet traffic that need to be captured in any engineering algorithm, and has discussed some of the difficulties associated with obtaining accurate measurements of these properties. Finally, the paper has survayed some of the areas in which existing operations support systems (OSSs) need to be' enhanced in order to deal with Internet traffic. OSSs underlie the day to day operations of the PSTN* and are critical to its profitability.
244 Часть 3 Task 33 Translate the following sentences into Russian. I. Traffic engineering methods must determine the sufficient capacity to meet the anticipated demand while meeting different Grade of Services (GoS) objectives, and ensure that the capacity is not so excessive as to render network services uneconomical. 2. For this reason, the results in this paper rely on analysis of SS7 data. Time - stamped SS7 messages, collected directly from the network, provide detailed information on the Internet CHT distribution, the call arrival process, per line load statistics, and customer reattempt behavior 3. Other proparties of the traffic - not necessarily related to the call holding time distribution - may also differ, such as the daily variation in the offered load, the times of busy hours, the degree of within-the-hour and day-to-day variation, etc. 4. In order to fit the power law mndel to data, it is necessary to estimate values for a and p. 5. By virtue of their length, longer calls therefore tend to be under-represented in the observed CHT distribution. 6. Failure to do this can result in the true mean CHT being under-estimated by 40% or more, depanding on the length of the measurement interval. 7. Aside from indicating where the Interact busy hour occur, Figure 9 highlights an important aspect of Internet traffic, namely that there is a lag between the SSP call arrival profile and the corresponding load profile. 8. A typical way to arrive at an estimate of the mean call holding time is to divide the load during a given clock hour by the calls that arrived during that hour. 9. A critical element in network capacity planning is to understand the fraction of total subscribers that access the Internet via ISP calls, and the load per line generated by these subscribers in ISP calls versus other calls. 10. However, in this process of being overflowed onto alternate route trunk groups, the peakedness of ISP traffic is likely to be magnified relatively to traditional traffic. 11. The problem with the calculation is that long holding time (LHT) calls, such as Internet access calls, introduce a high degree of correlation into the offered load. 12. Another way of stating that is that, due to the long holding times of ISP calls, the statistical variability of the cal] arrival process becomes difficult to quantify, since it is strongly dependent on the time variation of the call arrival process throughout the course of the daily cycle. 13. Trunk group type is, in tum, determined by the nature of the offered load and the treatment to be afforded calls which overflow the group. 14. Since the large measure, peakedness and day-to-day variation levels on a trunk group are a function of the group's relationship to an interaction with
Лри/юже/ше 245 other groups in the network, it is reasonable to determine trunk group types based on whether or not a group receives overflow, and whether it overflows to another group or blocks calls which find no idle trunks. 15. The day-to-day variation level should also be evaluated depending on the nature of the overflow load component of the offered load. 16. To size the network efficiently with Internet and traditional traffic, it is critical to determine how much of the offered load to a high-usage group should be carried and how much should be overflowed to alternate route. 17, The PSTN is already struggling under the increased volume of this traffic* and network problems such as congestion, excessive blocking of subscriber calls, and exhaustion of switch capacity point to the danger of network failures unless effective short term and long term network solutions are identified and implemented soon. Task 34 Choose the answer true io the text. 1, What is traditional voice traffic on the PSTN currently combined with? a) with long holding time Internet access; b) with voicemail; c) with all mentioned above plus facsimile, cellular mobile radio* credit card verification* modem-based data calls. 2. What is the traditional model for the CHT distribution of voice calls? a) a power law model; b) an exponential model; c) a combined model. 3, What can lead to errors in traffic calculation? a) an hourly variation of ISP call arrivals: b) under-engineering of the PSTN; c) a lay between call arrivals and load. 4. What is the first principles method based on? a) on measuring the number of calls in progress at 50 second intervals during a given hour; b) on the assumption that the numbers of active calls at points m time 50 seconds apart are essentially uncorrelated; c) on a lay between call arrivals and load. 5. Why has Internet traffic on the PSTN experienced explosive growth in the past 6 to 12 month? a) as it is a data traffic; b) as it is very cheap; c) due to a variety of market drivers, including wider availability of personal computers, the popularity of web browsers, and the rapid increase in Internet service providers.
246 Часть 3 Task 35 Make up a detailed plan of each part of the text Retell each part of the text separately. Task 36 Write down a summary of the text Text 13 Read the text and follow the instructions. WAP - The Catalyst of the Mobile Internet Staffan Pehrson. (Ericsson REVIEW No, /, 2000), Ericsson is actively helping to shape the mobile Internet industry with enabling technologies* such as WAP, Bluetooth, EPOC, Parlay, GPRS* UMTS, and associated products. In particular, the wireless application protocol is an early enabler with the potential both to offer and unlock value in the emerging mobile Internet industry. In fact, WAP is probably the one technology that will kick-start the new industry and open the doors of opportunity. The author describes the new wireless paradigm with its emerging business roles and opportunities. He then provides a brief background to WAP and goes on to compare it against competing technologies and solutions/ The Mobile Internet Industry - Opportunity Knocking A New Wireless Paradigm Mobile communication and data communication are two of the fastest growing areas in the communications industry. In particular, mobile data communication, which includes wireless Internet, carries a great deal of momentum. The media is keeping a vigilant eye on the evolution of wireless data, and operators and various kinds of enterprise have put wireless datacom at the top of their strategic agendas. Wireless data communication combines mobile communication and data communication by giving consumers easy access through mobile phones, pagers, or other wireless devices to relevant information on tbe Internet and Intranets. Operators see wireless data communication as an opportunity to create innovative services on top of existing networks and investments. Doing so will give them a means of differentiating themselves—for instance, to enhance their business image, reduce chum, attract new subscribers, and increase traffic volume per subscriber.
Приложение 247 Enterprises аге increasingly looking for ways of increasing employee productivity. Wireless data will enable professionals to access corporate data, such as e-mail, production status, price lists, and other critical information for doing business while they are away from the office. Specific vertical segments, such as financial institutions, have expressed interest in wireless data as a way of distributing services. In this context, wireless data would improve their overall imege and increase the availability of services through a rapidly growing low-cost distribution channel These needs and initiatives from Ericsson and others, have created ’’phone browser technologies11, such as the wireless application protocol, or WAP. BOX A, ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS Bluetooth Universal radio interface for ad software vendors to write appli- CDMA CDPD CSD hoc wireless connrctivity Code-division multiple access Cellular digital packet data Circuit’S witched data PCS cations for providing services across wireless networks. IP- based netwoks. and the PSTN Person communication services EPOC Operating system developed for PDC Personal digital communication ETS1 use in mobile devices European Telecommunications PoP SIM Point of presence Subscriber identity module GPRS Standards Institute General packet radio service SMS TCP Short message service Transmission control protocol GSM Global system for mobile TDMA Time-division multiple access HTTP communication Hypertext transfer protocol UDP UMTS User datagram protocol Universal mobile telecommuni- IDC IETF International Data Corporation Internet Engineering Task Force USSD cations system Unstructured supplementary da- IP internet protocol W3C ta World Wide Web Consortium ISP Internet service provider WAP Wireless application protocol LAN Local area network WML Wireless markup language OS Operation system WTA Wireless telephony application Parlay Name of application program XHTML Extensible hypencxi markup interface-a specification designed to enable carriers and independent XML language Extensible markup language New Business Roles for Operators The mobile Internet market is being formed by the intersection and merger of the wireless telecommunications and internet industries. In this realm, which is still very much characterized by transition, the rules of the game are changed and several traditional value chains have been upset. Consequently, on entering this realm, many players feel uncertain of their role. Ericsson has carefully evaluated the situation and identified a number of emerging business models that operators can adopt to position themselves in this turbulent market. Although the business models of the mobile Internet are similar to those of the Internet, some differences have been identified (Figure 13):
243 Часть 3 • The role of portals to the mobile Internet is more prominent than that of portals to the traditional Internet. • The emerging classes of service will have more impact on the success or failure of the mobile Internet than mobility-enabling technologies. • The mobile Internet represents a major opportunity for electronic commerce (e-commerce). Figure13. Comparison: Access to the Internet via WAP and over a Fixed-Network Connection Thanks to their important assets, such as large customer bases, gateways between mobile networks and the Internet, billing and invoice systems, and control over mobile terminals and networks, wireless operators are well- positioned for success in the emerging wireless data industry (Figure 14 and Box B). Mobile operators who choose to capitalize on their position in the emerging industry will open wireless portals that incorporate e-commerce and transaction centers. By doing so — and in particular, by adding WAP-enabled services that fulfill end-users1 needs - operators can: • differentiate themselves from the competition; • reduce chum, thanks to customized user profiles; • improve their overall business image; and ♦ enjoy large increases in datacom traffic.
BOX В. DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS MODELS IN THE MOBILE INTERNET SPACE Roto Description Business model Internet Sources of income n mobile Internet Access provider • ISP or wreless access provider • Monthly fee or usage-based • Adverting revenues • Fee for selected operator«based service- reduced dim • Monthly/usagefeeforvafoe-addedsavm Monthly fee ororusage*basedfeefof$urfngf external services Rashfroftfflg ad revenues Portal • Page referring to other pages • Advertang revenues • Link hosting • Flash advertismgfrolfcng ads • Co-brandng with Internet portal-revenue captured on the Internet portal Content provider • Content on Web page • Adverting revenues • Brand budding • Cost-samg (fctnbutwn channels • Flash adverbsmg/говтд ads • Cost-saving distribution channel • Brandbudding ЕчялнпегсезЛе Shopping possibly via Web page * Revenue share of transaction • Revenue share of transactions Enterprise • Informatonor Improved productivity * Improved productivity intranet/! ntemet applications on Web pages • Closer ti&ip to customers and suppliers • Closer tie-up to customers and supphera Payment/transactwi »Entity where subscribers Role assumed by credrt • Role could be assumed by operator center • can have accourts from which to issue payment cardcompamesibanks • Percent on transaction volume Percent on transaction volume
250 Часть 3 Holes in mobile Internet industry Operators Internet portals Internet content providers Banksand financial institutions Mobile ISP Internet access provider 4U Porta! 4& Tfuewvfoa provider «в E-commerce site Payment/ transaction center 40 4Q Figure 14. Operators are Well-Positioned to Make Money in the New Wireless Data Communications Industry WAP-What is it? The wireless application protocol is a suite of specifications that defines a protocol for communication between server applications and clients; how specific functions in the mobile device can be used at the client's current location; and an enhanced markup language for wireless applications - the wireless markup language (WML). The specifications have been drafted with the aim of: • becoming a global standard that is not restricted to any particular cellular standard; • being optimized for narrowband bearers; • being optimized for handheld devices with limited capabilities» especially in terms of the user interface; and • integrating telephony services with microbrowsing. The wireless application protocol is specified by an industry consortium — the WAP Forum — which was founded in December 1997, by Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia, and Unwired Planet The consortium, whose membership is open, currently has approximately 250 members. The work of the forum is divided among working groups and committees that oversee the work and ensure that the specifications do not drift apart. In short, the WAP specifications cover:
Приложение 251 • the microbrowser; • scripting; • wireless telephony applications (WTA) and a WTA interface to mobile devices; • content format for appl ications; and • a layered stack, which includes application, session, transport, and security layers. The WAP gateway, which terminates WAP on the server side, can be located at the site of the mobile operator, independent service provider, or enterprise. Different locations offer different advantages. If located at the operator's site, end-users can enjoy faster access, customized billing solutions, and specific network features provided by the operator If located at the enterprise, end-users can use the standardized security layer for end-to*end security when they access bank services or services within their corporation. Today, WAP LI products have been rolled out and several operators and service providers have launched WAP LI-compliant gateways and servers. WAP L2, which includes features like PUSH and wireless telephony applications, was recently completed and related products are expected to appear on the market this spring. The future roadmap includes work on combining WAP and Bluetooth, converging WML with the extensible hypertext markup language (XHTML), and on making WAP and smart cards fully compatible. A Sure Bet WAP is an open standard that has been optimized for mobile, environments with limited bandwidth and small screens, making it the first major enabler of a truly broad deployment of wireless data. Several technologies are competing to become the dominating standard for wireless information and Internet services, but numerous indicators suggest that WAP will predominate: WAP represents suparior technology that has been optimized for mobile environments. WAP has gained the support of operators, telecommunication and data communication suppliers, and a variety of corporations. Moreover, WAP does not compete head-to-head with other tech- nologies. The main contending technologies are Windows CE (Microsoft/Wire less Knowledge), Palm VII (Palm Computing), l-mode (NTT), and the SIM-Toolkit (Schlumberg-er). The unquestioned leader today among these contenders is I- mode, which already has several million end-users and a broad content portfolio.
252 Часть 3 WAP The objective of WAP is to provide an open standard for access via a mobile device to the Internet or intranets. Because WAP has been optimized for mobile environments, it makes optimum use of restricted conditions, including small screens, limited device memory, and limited bendwidth availability. Furthermore, WAP operates with existing networks and will be compatible with future standards for third-generation wireless systems and XML/XHTML The WAP Forum has established relationships with the European Telecom- munications Standards Institute (ETSI), Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). WAP enjoys the greatest support of all contending technologies. Most leading players in all affected segments (handset manufacturers, operators, content providers, application developers and system integrators) support WAP. In addition to Ericsson, a few principal members of the Forum include Alcatel, AT&T, IBM, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia, Oracle, Phone.com, T-Mobil, and Sun Microsystems. HTTP PLS SSI TCP/IP UDFAP HTML JavaScript Security Iqv (MLS) Transport layr(WDty Session Transaction layer (MP) Pram ВруЖЖЮП fXOCQCQI Appfctfon layer |№E] I CtarMrvtaind ; J appkdona j 5 SMS. USSD, CSD, IS-138, CDMA CDPD, POC-R GPRS.Bc.- Figure 15- Comparison of Architectures: the Internet vesus WAP Rapid Market Penetration The recent launch of several WAP portals and the release of WAP terminals are expected to give WAP rapid market penetration (Figures 16 and 17)*
npuffftwewi/» 253 Millions of subscribers □WAP BNon-WAP Figure 16. Estimates of WAP Penetration into GSM. Note: These Estimations Assume WAP Interoperability, WML Application Development and the Availability of WAP-Enabled Phones Millions of subscribers TDMA Figure 17. Estimates of WAP Penetration into TDMA. Note: These Estimations Assume WAP Interoperability, WML Application Development and the Availability of WAP-Enabled Phones
254 Часть 5 The predicted market penetration is based on Ericsson's estimates of mobile penetration, a three-year life expectancy for non-WAP phones, a two- year life expectancy for WAP phones, and percentages of WAP-enabled phones being sold per system. Initially, not all users of WAP-enabled phones will have active WAP subscriptions. In 1999, only 20% of users with WAP-enablad phones had active WAP subscriptions; during 2000-2001, this number is expected to reach 30%. By 2004, nearly 95% of all users with WAP-enablad phones are expected to have active WAP subscriptions. The percentage of WAP users who subscribe to WAP-based financial services is expected to equal that of users who use the internet for similar services. The International Data Corporation (IDC> estimates that this number will increase from 23%, in 1999, to 36%, In 2004. Approximately 50% of all financial transactions via WAP are expected to be served by a WAP gateway owned by financial institutions. Some 40% of all WAP users are expected to use their WAP phones at work. This is the percentage of corporate mobile phone subscriptions in Scandinavia. Nearly 15% of the WAP phones used at work will be served by enterprise-owned WAP gateways. WAP Evolves with the Network Evolving Networks and Technology Present-day WAP services use two different bearer services: circuit- switched data (CSD) and short message service (SMS), each of which is significantly limited. Ericsson's network solution offers WAP over unstructured supplementary data (USSD), but at present there are no terminals that support this solution. A CSD phone call can take up to 30 seconds to set up, which causes a major barrier for WAP. Even by improving the access time for WAP services over CSD this delay is still an obstacle to using WAP services - when a fast- access server is used, the total delay can be reduced to only 8 or 10 seconds; when a proprietary, non-authenticating access server solution is used the delay can be reduced to 3 seconds. By contrast, the set-up time for WAP over SMS is extremely short, but since SMS has far lower bandwidth than CSD, WAP over SMS is slow for services that transmit large amounts of information to the mobile terminal. The deployment of general packet redio service (GPRS) will eliminate delays - the access time will be insignificant since GPRS is always online. Furthermore, GPRS offers much greater bandwidth than CSD. Bluetooth is another technology that will enhance and work in symbiosis with WAP. Bluetooth will greatly enhance mobility by opening the way for communication with other electronic devices; for example, in shops. When used
Приложение 255 in combination with WAP, Bluetooth will enable communication between end- users, electronic devices, and applications and storage in the network or the Internet. Evolution of WAP The WAP 1.2 specification was recently approved, which means that PUSH functions, wireless telephony applications, and end-to-end solutions (compliant with WAP LI) are now being launched throughout the world. Future revisions of the specification will include functions for billing, smart cards, WAP over Bluetooth, WAP in third-generation wireless systems, multimedia, and convergence with XHTML. In short, we can characterize the evolution of WAP as: • increasing the functionality of WAP in current second-generation wireless systems, thereby strengthening the systems in use today; and • extending the abilities of WAP to work in conjunction with other technologies, now and in the future; for instance, paging, Bluetooth, smart cards, and so forth. WAP will also develop into a major service of third-generation wireless networks. Conclusion Browser technologies for handheld devices are one of several key enablers for the mobile Internet. Of the competing browser technologies, WAP is almost certain to emerge as the dominant solution for second-generation systems. Over time, WAP will maintain its position and evolve to adopt the characteristics of third-generation wireless systems. Certain key characteristics that have been observed in newly emerging business models are as follows: • The role of mobile portals is more important to the mobile Internet than that of traditional portals to the Internet. • Several new classes of service will accompany the rise of the mobile Internet. • The mobile internet vastly improves the potential of mobile electronic commerce. As new business models take form, network operators are finding themselves in a key position to serve as mobile Internet payment and transaction centers, mobile Internet portals, and sites for mobile Intemet-besed e-commerce. The deployment of WAP end-to-end solutions this year (2000) will be welcomed and give rise to rapid, large-scale market penetration. These services will evolve with the introduction of GPRS, Bluetooth, and third-generation
256 Часть 3 wireless technology. Application developers who develop WAP services will later develop services for EPOC, GPRS, Bluetooth, Parlay, and third-generation systems. WAP is thus more than just another wireless technology; it is the catalyst of the mobile Internet Within two to three years, WAP will have become a convenient commodity among mobile end-users, significantly changing the way they approach and cany out numerous daily tasks. Task 37 Underline the sentences true to the text • Ericsson is helping to shape the Internet industry. Ericsson is actively helping to shapa the Internet industry. Ericsson is actively helping to shape the Mobile internet industry. • Voice communication and mobile communication are two of the fastest growing areas in the communications industry. Mobile communication and data communication are two of the fastest growing areas in the communications industry. Mobile communication and data communication are two of the fastest growing areas in the telecommunication industry. • The mobile Internet market is being formed by the intersection and merger of the wireless telecommunications and Internet industries. The mobile Internet market is being formed by the merger of the wireless telecommunications and Internet industries. The mobile Internet market is being formed by the intersection and merger of the wireless communications and Internet industries. • the wireless application protocol is a set of specifications that defines a protocol for communication between server applications and clients. The wireless application protocol is a suite of specifications that defines a protocol for communication between operator applications and subscribers. The wireless application protocol is a suite of specifications that defines a protocol for communication between server applications and clients. • Different locations offer different advantages. Different locations offer the same advantages. Different locations offer different possibilities. • WAP is a standard that has been optimized for mobile environment with a broad bandwidth and small screens. WAP is a closed standard that has been optimized for mobile environment with limited bandwidth and small screens. WAP is an open standard that has been optimized for mobile environment with limited bandwidth and small screens.
Пршюжвние 257 Task 38 Read abbreviations and definitions given in box A, translate the definitions into Russian. Read the text again, find sentences with abbreviations given in box A, translate them into Russian. Task 39 Comprehend the information given in Box B. Say which of the business models is the most advantageous one. Give your reasons. Task 40 Comment on figures 13,14,15. Task 41 Ask 15 questions to the text and let your neighbor answer them. Then change the parts. Task 42 Write the theses of text 13 and retell it using them. Task 43 Find some additional material devoted to the problems raised in the text and write a short report in English. • ADM Text 14 Read the text, find the sentences where abbreviatious mentioned under the title "Terminology'1 are used, translate them into Russian. What other abbreviations are used in the text? What do they mean? Translate the sentences with tbem into Russian. UTStarcom SPDH*” Family of Optical LINK Integrated Multiplexing Terminals (Optimux) 1. Terminology • SPDH A method to multiplex and transmit several PDH data streams synchronously over an optical fiber. Add and Drop Multiplexer. A class of multiplexing equipment that has the add/drop functionality.
25а Часть 3 • OPTIMUX Type of fiber optical terminals that integrate both optical link transmission and digital multiplexing. • PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy, which is an ITU-T standard method to multiplex digital bit streams into a higher speed bit. stream. • SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy, which is an ITU-T standard method to multiplex digital bit streams into a higher speed bit stream. • PCM Pulse Code Modulation, a method to encode analog voice into digital format for transmission over digital networks. • El The first order of ITU-T PGH digital hierarchy. Its transmis- sion rate is 2.048 Mbps. This is also the primary rate of digital service which can cany 30 PCM voice channels at 64 Kbit/s per channel. • E2 The second order of PDH digital hierarchy. Its transmission rate is 8.448 Mbps. • E3 The third order of PDH digital hierarchy. Its transmission rate is 34.368 Mbps. • EI2 El to E2 multiplexing according to ITU-TG. • E23 E2 to E3 multiplexing according to ITU-T G.751. • UNCP UT Starcom Network Control Protocol. It is developed for the management and control of all UT Starcom telecom- munication products. It is hased on the conceptual model of SNMP and MIB. • DLC Digital Loop Carrier • CO Central Office • RT Remote Terminal 2» Introduction Optical Link Integrated Multiplexing Terminals, or 0PT1MUX systems, are major building blocks for building fiber Optical based telecommunication infrastructure. Since most digital interface used internationally are based on ITU-T 2.048 MHz G.703 standard (usually called El standard), one of the most popular product category in this area is the PDH multiplexing and transmission devices. The OPTIMUX products, which multiplexes £1 into higher bit rate (mostly at 34.368 MHz E3 rate) according to ITU-T PDH multiplexing hierarchy governed by G.742 and G.75I and directly convert the resultant higher tributary data streams into optical signal and transport over optical fiber link, are the most cost effective and easy to maintain transmission products on the market today. OPTIMUX products are used for a wide range of applications. For example, in PTT, they are used for building inter-office trunks, DLC systems.
Приложение 269 and for interconnecting modular CO switches. These products are applicable to all countries that have adopted the ITU-T standards. That include most countries in the world, except North America countries, Taiwan, Japan, and few other countries. 3. Product Overview ЗЛ. System Overview SPDHmi is an advanced fiber optical multiplexing and transmission system that has up to 1920 PCM digital voice channel capacity (without voice compression) and centralized network management system based on the ITU-T PDH standards. With the advanced "Synchronous Fiber Optical Transmission” technology, the SPDH™ is one of the most competitive ORTMUX systems on the market today. 3.2. Principle of Operation The SPDH*1" is designed as either single, dunl, and quad E23 multiplexer with optical fiber interface. When fully configured as the OMUX-400 model, the system consists of 16 E12 multiplexer modules, 2 dual £23 multiplexer modules, 1 or 2 optical link transceiver modules, I controller module, and 4 power supply modules. It is capable of transporting up to 64 El (2.048 Mbps), or 1920 telephone lines. With EMUX-400 model, it is also possible to configure the system as a full functional El 4 digital multiplexer with 64 El (2 Mb/s) inputs/outputs and 1 E4 (140 Mb/s) input/output On the multiplexer sida, input £1 signals that are connected to the EIM modules are multiplexed into £2 data streams according to ITU-T G.742 standard. These E2 streams are then routed to the DEM module where they are multiplexed into E3 data streams according to ITU-T G.751 standard. One, two or four E3 output signals of the DEM module are routed to the optical link transceiver module whare they are multiplexed and coded into 5B/6B signal and passed to a laser diode which injects the signal into an optical fiber. The system can accommodate two fiber optical links which can be configured as either a redundant optical link, or as an East/West configuration for Add/Drop functions. With proper configuration, these routing mechanisms can provide by-pass, add/drop, and optical link redundancy functions. On the demultiplexer side, signals travel in the exact reverse direction with respect to the multiplexer side. The ICM controller module performs die routing function for the E3 data streams between Ac DEM module and the two optical link transceiver modules. The ICM also provide the control function for the whole node, as well as the connectivity to the NETMAN network management system. For installations that don't require fiber optical interface, the system can be configured as standard EI2 or E13 PDH multiplexer.
200 Часть 3 ЗЛ UTStarcom SPDH4’1’ Major Competitive Advantages The SPDH™ family of products offers the following major competitive advantages: • Lowest Per El Cost By using a UT Starcom designer EI2/E23 ASIC, the UT8123 EMUX chip, we are able to significantly reduce the cost of the system. Therefore, the SPDH™ is the lowest per Ei cost OPT1MUX available today anywhere in the world. • Advanced Dual and Quad E3 Capability By using a unique Synchronous Fiber Optical Transmission design, the SPDH can transport two or four E3 signals over one single pair of fiber. Tilts technique effectively turns the SPDH™ into a 1920 channel system. • Add and Drop Capability This unique feature of the SPDH™ allows the customer to design the network very flexibly without resulting using SDH technology, which is not economical in places where transmission requirement is less than 140 Mbit/s. • Advancad Functions and Network Management SPDH™ can compete not only on price but also on functions. SPDH™ will provide sophisticated functions thet are only available from AT&T and Siemens. Among some of the key features are centralized network management, link redundancy, power supply redundancy, hot insert/removal, add/drop, and diagnostic testing. • Lowest Per Node and Maintenance Cost A unique controller architecture will allow us to design a system without the use of CPU and firmware. These systems will be targeted to rural areas where the bells and whistles are not necessary. • Alarm Indicator Controller ALARM INDICATOR CONTROLLER - this feature provides a simple and cost effective controller module that can be applied for environment where advanced network management functions are either not necessary or can be upgraded later. The alarm indicator controller module provides a set of alarm information leads that can be used to wire to an alarm control unit. • I nte Higent Control ler This feature provides an advancad controller module that has a built-in microprocessor and firmware. This controller can provide local and. remote network management functionality and more advanced diagnostic capabilities. This controller is ideal for advanced applications where multiple OMUX have been interconnected to form a fiber network. The intelligent controller module provides a network management interface
Приложено»aet and a network control channel that has the capability to allow the NMS to communicate with all interconnected OMUXs. • Voice Order-Wire This feature provides a voice communication channel for the OMUX whence the fiber optical interface is in service, it can be a useful feature during the installation and trouble shooting of the system. The voice order-wire supports beth selective calling and OMUX-BUS calling. • Overhead Date Communication Channel An end to end Overhead Data Communication Channel is provided to allow the customer to send user data, such as NMS of the access equipment, over the optical fiber link. о Hot Insert/Removal of Modules In order to reduce the down time during the repair of the system, the following modules are made to be hot swappable: E1M-E12 Module OLM - Optical Link Module PSM - Power Supply Module Optical Link Redundancy This feature provides the capability to allow the fiher optical interface module to have a hot stand-by. When the working module fails during operation, the hot stand-by module automatically switches over therefore protecting the communication from breaking down. Please note that this feature is only available for point-to-point configuration since the ADM configuration uses both fiber interface modules. This feature also requires the use of intelligent controller module. • Power Supply Redundancy The system is designed with two load sharing DCZDC power supply modules. Under the normal operation, both power supply modules can provide power to the system. If one power supply module fails during operation, the radundant power supply module can allow the system to continue to operate while the failad power supply module gets replaced. 3.4. Advanced Configurations and Applications Л4.Л Major Configurations In order tu satisfy diversified applications needs, the SPDH can be configured to support the following configuration: 1. Single Pair Fiber - Single, dual or quad E3 point-to-point multiplexer, one pair of fiber optic (FC connector) input/output). 2, Two Pair Fiber - Single, dual or quad E3 point-to-point multiplexer, one pair of primary fiber optic (FC connector) input/output and I pair standby fiber optic (FC connector) input/output.
Часть 3 262 3. Two Pair Fiber ADM - Single, dual or quad E13 multiplexer with dual fiber optical interfaces (east bend/west bond) with add/drop capability at El Level and one, two. or three complete E3 is by-passad. Major Applications In this section, a Dual E3 SPDH1" system is usad as an example to illustrate some of the typical applications of the system. Other configurations differ only in the number of the EI they can support. 3.4. 2, L Application Summary Major applications for SPDHnn systems can be summarized in the following: РошМо-Ро/л/ • DLC TRUNKING - used to provide trunking bandwidth for DtC application. • INTRA-OFF1CE - used in intra-office environment for interconnection and grooming of El lines. • INTER-OFFICE — used for intercoanecting CO switches, modular switches, and national and international trunking. Multi-point Add/Drop • RAILROAD - used for fiber lines laid along the railroad with add/drop capability. • OIL FIELD - used for interconnecting many different sites. • CAMPUS - used for interconnecting many different buildings, • FACTORY - used for interconnecting different office and production buildings. ЗЛ22. Point-to-point Application Scenario Point-to-point setup is the most common application for SPDH. In this configuration, the SPDH*0 system can be used to connect up to 32 E! digital trunks, or 960 voice channels. Please see Figure 18 for details. Point-to-point Redundant Application Scenario Same as above, but with a secood pair of fiber used to back-up the primary fiber in case of failure, such as natural disaster. It is advised that the secondary fiber runs a different route so that such disaster will have less chance to hit both fibers at the same time. Please see Figure 19 for details.
Лрцпожему»2*3 Multi-drop Application Scenario. Multi-drop setup is the cost effective solution for forming chained networks, such as along the railroad or oil or gas pipelines. In this configuration, the SPDH system can be used to terminate up to 32 £1 digital trunks at the beginning of the chain. At each hop site, the SPDH1" can drop off up to 16 El digital signals* Please see Figure 20 for details* 4. <2.5, AddlDrop Application Scenario As shown in Fignre 21, in this type of application, the SPDH system at each hub along the fiber route can drop (terminate) a certain number of Els from die up-stream traffic and add a certain number of Els to the down-stream traffic. * < <2* 6. Add/Drop and By-pass Application Scenario As shown in Figure 22, this application is almost the same as the above with one exception. One E3 traffic is never touched along the route and is usad to connect the two CO switches together at each end of the fiber route* As it is shown in the diagram, the OMUX-300 system can be effactivety used to double a 480 channel system without subatantial increase tn investment* The same application applies to Digital Loop Carrier (DLC) application as well as Remote Switch Module (RSM) deployment as well. 4* <2* 7* Single Point Network Monagement/Control (NETMAN) Application Scenario The NETMAN NMS can be used to control a SPDH®" network. A SPDH^™ network is defined as die local node and remote node in point to point application and as the entire cbain of nodes in a multi-point application* Please see Figure 23 for .details* The NETMAN NMS runs on a PC workstation with Windows 3*1. The NMS workstation is connected to the SPDH1" network via the network management interface (RS-232) port on the local SPDH*"1 node* From the NETMAN NMS workstation the system administrator can access the local node and all the remote nodes. Hand-held Craftsman interface Terminal Application Scenario For field and rural applications, tba use of sophisticated Network Management System is not necessary* In this case, a hand-held terminal can be used for controlling the SPDH node. A palm-top PC based computer is selected for the hand-held terminal for SPDH, such as the HP palm top PC* Such a palm-top PC terminal provides both highly used, friendly interface and good value since the PC can also be used for other purposes too*
Figure 19. Point-to-Point Application with Redundant Optical Link
Приложение 265 32хЕ1 Figure 21, Muld-Point Add/Drop Application
Часть 3 Figure 22. Add/Drop with By-pass Application Figure 23. NETMAN Network Management System
Приложение 5. System Architecture 5.L System Block Diagram £7 J. System Configured with Integrated Optical Link When configured with the optical link module, the SPDH™ system becomes an integratad OPTIMUX system that includes all fixed PDH multiplexing and fiber optic transmission functions, ft is becoming the most popular and cost effective application. Model OMUX-50, OMUX-lOO, OMUX- 200, OMUX-300, and OMUX-400 have this kind of configuration. Figure 24 is the high level function block diagram of the SPDH™ system when configured as OMUX-300; Figure 24. System Block Diagram with Integratad Optical Interface A 1.2. System Configuration as Standard Digital Multiplexer When the system is configured as a standard PDH multiplexer, such as a 2/34 Mb/s skip multiplexer, the optical link module is not required» At the place of the DEM module, the E3M module is plugged in. The E3M module provides a standard BNC type interface for the 34.368 Mb/s E3 interface. Model EMUX- 50, EMUX-100, E MUX-200, EMUX-300 and EMUX-400 have this kind of configuration. Figure 25 is the high level function block diagram of the SPDH system when configured as EMUX-200 skip multiplexer.
265 Чаешь 3 Figure 25. System Block Diagram when Configured as Standard PDH Multiplexer 5.2. System Description The SPDH**1 system is a family of fibar optical multiplexer based on ITU-T (formerly CCITT) PDH multiplexing standard for high capacity digital transmission of PCM voice and data. The system has the total capacity to transmit up to 4 E3 worth of bandwidth, or 1920 64K PCM voice channels. Due to the flexible design of the system architecture, the system can have a range of configurations. The standard SPDHra system is a standard 19 3U rack mount chassis, consists of 14 slots with backplane design. All cables and fiber optical- connections are made from the front panels for easy access. Two Power Supply modules can plug in as load sharing configuration to provide radundant power sources. This configuration can hendle up to 2 E3 worth of bandwidth drop and insert into the optical fitter A double height (6U) will accommodate the maximum configuration with up to 4 E3 worth of bandwidth drop and insert into the optical fiber Depending on customer needs, the SPDH*™ system can be orderad as low cost, plug and play, with no CPU control for simple installations, or ordered as sophisticated network manageable unit for large network installations.
Лрцдожеиие Ю Task 44 Define the main problems raised in the text Task 45 What can you add to the text using your own experience in the field of fiber optic? Task 46 Are similar products produced in Russia? Give their advantages and disadvantages. Text 15 Read the text and answer the following questions: I. What do ISAM statements and functions provide? 2. What is ISAM? 3. What are the statements for performing ISAM file tasks? 4. When can the ISAM statements be executed? 5. Where are the ISAM Hies often used? 6. Why do you use the set statement? 7. What does the ISAM engine create? 8. What are the parts of the ISAM file? 9. Why does ISAM simplify file manipulation? Database Programming with ISAM Visual Basic gives you the power and flexibility of the Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) through a group of straightforward statements and functions that are part of the Visual Basic language. ISAM statements and functions provide an efficiant and simple method for quickly accessing specific records in large and complex deta files. This chapter describes ISAM statements and functions and how to use them in programs that access and manipulate the records in ISAM database files. These statements and functions make it easy for your programs to manage database files as large as 128 megabytes. When you finish this chapter, you'll understand: • What ISAM ts, and when and why it is useful • The new and modified Visual Basic statements used for ISAM file access and manipulation. • A general approach to creating, accessing, and manipulating records in ISAM databases.
270 Часть 3 • The structure of an ISAM file* • Using indexes to work with data tecords as though they were sorted in many ways* • Using EMS (expanded memory) with ISAM programs. • Using transaction statements in applications with complex block processing requirements. • Converting existing database code to ISAM code* * Using ISAM utilities to convert your sequential and database files to ISAM format, to compact ISAM databases, repair damaged databases, and exchange tables between database files and sequential files* What is ISAM? When a program uses or modifies records stored in a file, it often has to sort and re-sort the records in various ways. When a file contains many complex records, sexting can require substantial program code and a great deal of processing time* ISAM is an approach to creating and maintaining a special data file, in which the way records typically need to be sorted can be easily defined and efficiently stored along with the records themselves* This means your program doesn't have to re-sort the records each time the file is used or each time you want a different perspective on the records* In addition to your data records, an ISAM file contains information that describes and facilitates access to each data record. Much of this information is maintained in tables and indexes* Tables serve many purposes, including allowing quick access.to any of the values of a specific data record* Indexes represent various ways of ordering the presentation of records in a table, and they permit you to easily access a whole record by the value of a field in the record. Column . Each column in a table has a name. A column in a table is the collection of all fields having the same column name. Thus, a column is a vertical collection of fields in the same way a row is a horizontal collection of fields* The name of each column in a table comes from the corresponding element In a TYPE ... END TYPE statement in the program that created the table* For example the TYPE ... END TYPE statement in Figure 25 shows some of the elements of a record variable defined in a hypothetical program* When an ISAM table is created to accept data from records of Example Type, ISAM uses the TYPE ... END TYPE element names as the names of the table's columns* Figure 26 illustrates the relationships between rows, fields, and columns in a table*
Приложение 271 UnitsSent TotalBiD ClientCode ClientRep- - Column Names UnitsSent] TotalBill i GientCodej GientRepi' UnitsSent 2 TotalBill 2 ClientCode 2 ... ClieniRep2 . * 4 >- Actual Rows in № * № * * . * № № № * Table UnitsSent n TotalBill n ClientCode n ClientRepn/ Figure 26. Records and Fields (Rows and Columns) Database A collection of tables and indexes contained in a disk file. Index An independent structure within the ISAM file created when a CREATEINDEX statement is executed. Each index represents an alternative order for presentation of the records in the table. The order is based on the relative values of each data item m the column (or columns) specified in the CREATEINDEX statement. You might want to think of an index as a '’virtual table", that is, a virtual ordsring of the table's data records. An index must bave a name, and may have other attributes. Any index you create is saved and maintained as pert of the database until it is explicitly deleted. Figure 27 illustrates a table. Beside the table, a list of positions indicates where eech record actually resides in the table. Beneath the table, a diagram illustrates how an index on one of the columns (the Invoice column) xhanges the presentation order of the data when the index is specified. Specifying an index is a separate step tn which the order of the indexed column (or columns) is imposed on any presentation of the table's records. To present a table's records in the index's ordsr, you first specify that index in a SETINDEX statement. If you were to create, and then specify the index on the Invoice column in the preceding figure, the records would be presented in the order shown in the final part of Figure '27, with the record at table position 3 first, followed by the record at table position 6, followed by the record at table position 2, and so on.
272 Часть 3 Default Presentation Order of Table UnftsSent ClientCode Invoice ClientRcp 105 147.914 6037.01 Smith & Jones 4 i— position 172 162.694 5427.22 Duckworth lac. 4 i— position 166 155.555 2445.78 Charles IL Pierce 4 i- position 197 149.276 6003.73 Mulholland Co. -* h* position 220 153.353 8072.47 Pinzer & Sons 4 i— position 177 121.212 5002.00 Bonelli Behring 4 v-position I CREATE1NDEX fl lentm,"Invoiceindex".0."Invoice" SETINDEX filenum,"Invoiceindex" I //wce/mtorfntry Points to The record at Invoiceindex position 1 —► table positions Invoiceindex position 2 —► table positions Invoiceindex position 3 —► table position 2 Invoiceindex position 4 —► table position 4 Invoiceindex position 5 —► table position I Invoiceindex position 6 —► table position 5 I New Presentation Order UnftsSent CHcntCode Invoice ClientRep 166 155.555 2445.78 Charles R. Pierce 177 121.212 500100 Bonelli Behring 172 161694 5427.22 Duckworth Inc. 197 149.276 6003.73 Mulholland Co. 105 147.914 603701 Smith & Jones 220 153353 8072.47 Pinzer & Sons Figure 27. Indexes on the Columns of a Table
Приложение 273 NULL Index The default index for a table; that is, the presentation order of the records when no user-created index is specified. When the NULL index is in effect (for instance; when the table is first opened), the order of the records is the order in which they were inserted into the table. In Figure 27 this order is illustrated by the table itself Record Order The actual physical order of records on disk is arbitrary because whenever records are deleted from a table, their physical disk positions are filled by the next records inserted in the table. This optimizes access speed and disk-spece usage. For example, if you delete the third record added to the table, then add the sixth record, the sixth record would he placed in the physical disk position previously occupied by the third record as shown In Figure 28. Initial Insertion Deletion of Rec 3 Insertion of Rec 6 insert nc 1 insert rec 2 insert rec 3 insert rec 4 insert rec 5 reel delete rec 3 itc 1 insert recti rec 1 rec 2 rec 2 rec 2 rec3 <deleied> rec 6 rec 4 rec 4 rec 4 rec 5 rec 5 rec 5 Figure 28. Insertion and Deletion of Records in a Table Insertion Order The order in which the records are inserted into the table. This order corresponds to the order imposed by the NULL index (the default index). Presentation Order The apparent order imposed on the table by the current index. Note that file- space optimization has a side effect: the subordering of records when an index is applied corresponds to the actual physical order of records on the disk. If you want presentation order to include specific subordering, use a combined index. Combined Index An index that is based on more than a single column. Specifying a combined index enforces a specific subordering on the presentation order of the records. Indexed Value The value (or combination of values) that determines a record's position on a particular index. While an index is a collection of indexed values, there is one
274 Часть 3 indexed value for each record (row). Therefore, with a combined index, the indexed value is the combination of the constituent fields of the index. Key Value A value against which indexed values are tested when using a SEEKoperand statement to seek a record that meets the specified condition. Unique Index An index requiring that each indexed.value (i.e., each field in the column on which the index is defined) be different from all others. When you use tba CREATEINDEX statement to create an index, you can specify it as unique. For example, if you specified a unique index on ClientCode column in the table in Figure 27, ISAM would generate a trappable error if the value of any ClientCode field ever duplicated the value of any other ClientCode field in the table. You could use a unique index to prevent a user from assigning the same ClientCode to two different clients. Current Position The focus of activity is in a table. Understanding position in the table is important because, in all cases, position is relative to some structure within the table that doesn't exist in other Visual Basic files. In an ISAM table, "currency" (meaning the current position, not the CURRENCY data type) is determined by several factors. Since multiple indexes may be created on any table, the current position depends on which index has been specified. There is no concept of a current table in ISAM, but there is always a current index for each open ISAM table. If a table contains any records, one record is the current record, except in two cases: • Thera is no current record at the beginning or end of the table (when BOF or EOF return time). • There is no current record after the unsuccessfol execution of a SEEKoperand statement (because EOF then returns true). Otherwise, every open table has a current index and a current record (if it contains any records). Current Index The index whose sorting order determines the order of appearance of a table's records. When a table is first opened, the NULL index is the current index. Once an index is created on a column or combination of columns, specifying it as the current, index imposes the sorting order of that column or combination of columns on the presentation order of all records in the table. That index remains the current index on that table until it is deleted, a different index is specified for that table, or the table is closed. Every open table has a current index.
Приложение 275 Current Record The focus of activity between your program and an ISAM table. Directly following a SETINDEX statement, the current record is the record with the smallest indexed value, according to the index specified. ISAM provides many statements for making different records current, and for altering the current record. At any time, one and only one record can be the current record in ench open table. When the NULL index is specified with SETINDEX, the current record is the record that was inserted into the table first. Focus The focus of data exchange (that is, the record affected by an ISAM statement that fetches, overwrites, inserts, or deletes data in a table). The focus is always the current record, as determined by the current index. Note this is unrelated to which control or form in an application may have the focus. ISAM Engine Routines used by ISAM to access and maintain the database. ISAM File A database created and maintained using ISAM. Data Dictionary Tables and indexes used by the ISAM engine in maintaining the database. ISAM Components ISAM works by applying routines contained in the ISAM engine to a physical disk structure called an ISAM file. The following sections describe these components and the table/index model for record access. The ISAM Engine The ISAM engine creates tables representing your deta records to enhance the storage of and repid access to each record. The relationship between the individual records in the table and what is actually in memory as your program runs is determined by the ISAM engine. This lets you easily manipulate the records of very large files as though they all fit in memory at once. Tbe actual order of physical storage of records in the file is unimportant because ISAM allows you to deal with the records as though they were stored in a variety of convenient ways. Your program can present the records in the file according to the sorting order of any column in the table simply by creating, and then specifying an index. Using the SETINDEX statement is fonctionally equivalent to sorting the records according to the values of the constituent fields of the indexed column (or combination of columns). When indexes are created, they become part of the
27$ Часть 3 database. They can then be saved as part of the database, or deleted. When saved, the ISAM file contains the indexes you've created, in addition to the tables containing the data records themselves. The Parts of the ISAM File ISAM places your data records in the table (or tables) you specify. Each table represents a group of logically related records, but the logic of the groupings is completely up to you. For example, it might be useful to keep one table in the database for your inventory and another for clients. Information describing an ISAM file is maintained within the file in a set of system tables called the data dictionary. The data dictionary itself is invisible to your program, and you never have to deal with it if you don't want to. In fact, it is safest to simply let the ISAM engine handle all interaction with the data dictionary, since corrupting it could destroy your database. Information in the data dictionary includes table names, indexes and index names, column names, and all the other information used by ISAM to access and manipulate the records in response to the ISAM statements. You can create any number of tables within a database file, although the number of tables you can open simultaneously has an upper limit of 13 and decreases each time an additional database is opened. A practical maximum of four databases can be opened at once. ISAM File Allocation and Growth Because an ISAM file contains descriptive information, it has some file- size overhead. Additionally, to optimize access speed and flexibility, ISAM flies grow periodically in large chunks (32K p^r chunk), rather than in record-sized increments as single records are edded. A'database contains a header of about 3K. Each table has 4 К of overhead beyond its actual data records; ench index requires at least 2K. The data dictionary consists of five system tables plus eight system indexes, resulting in a total initial overheed of about 39K. Therefore, the smallest ISAM file is 64K. Though an ISAM file with a single record is 64K, there is considerable room for adding data records within that 64K file before the next 32K chunk is added.. The initial combination of system tables and system indexes is about 39K; the remaining 25K are used for your data records and the new indexes and tables you create. When to Use ISAM For data files are too large to completely load into memory, ISAM vastly simplifies file manipulation because ISAM support replaces the kind of sorting that can only otherwise be accomplished efficiently by loading all data records in memory simultaneously. This makes ISAM an excellent method for dealing with large amounts of data which require sorted access. An ISAM file can be as
Приложение 277 large as 128 megabytes. ISAM handles all the work of moving portions of such a huge file in and out of memory during record manipulation. Whenever data records contain many fields that need to be examined in a variety of ways, using ESAM simplifies the programming. Although you can write cnde to sort or index random-access files, ISAM integrates these tasks for you with high-level statements that manipulate sophisticated file structures. This lets you easily manipulate records by the values in specific fields, and is far more flexible than a random file's one-dimensional ordering by record number. However, if disk space is at a premium, don’t automatically choose ISAM for short, easily-sorted files of relatively constant size. These may be better handled using other methods (for example, by creating and using hash tables). However, if you need to sort on different fields at different times, or if you need very fast access to records according to complex subsorting orders, the benefits of the ISAM file quickly make up for its overhead. Also, consider that for very large files, the amount of descriptive information relative to actual records remains relatively constant, so the percentage of the file devoted to overhead decreases progressively. Task 47 Describe the ISAM Programming Model Task 48 Translate the description of ISAM concepts and terms into Russian» Task 49 Complete the following sentences and translate them into Russian. I. These statements and functions ... it easy for your programs to manage data base files ... large ... 128 megabytes. 2. When a program ... or ... records ... in a file, it often.sort and resort the records in various ways. 3. This... your program ... ... resort the records each time the file ... br each time you ... a different perspective on the records. 4. Tables ... many purposes, including allowing quick access to any the values... a specific data record. 5. Similarly, when you ... the elements ... the user defined type, you.. them according to the ISAM naming convention (which ... a subset ... the Visual Basic identifier-naming convention). 6. With an ISAM file you......records ... by relative position (row) by the contents ... any field in a specific column. 7Ц ISAM also ... from other record - indexing approaches because all the information relating to the records ... in a single file that also ... the data records themselves.
27S Часть 3 8. This .s. you easily ... the records ... very large files as though they all... in memory at once. 9. Information describing an ISAM file ... within the file in a set of system tables... the data dictionary. 10. Additionally, to optimize access speed and flexibility, ISAM files ... periodically in large chunks (32 К per chunk), rather than in record-sized increments as single records .... ] 1. This ... ISAM an excellent method ... dealing ... large amounts ... data which..........access. Task 50 Write a resume of the text Text 16 Read the text and follow the instructions. Tbe Latest News in the Field of Number Portability By Deidre Ward, on behalf of the European Billing Association Everyone values their telephone number. We all know the frustration of moving house, going through the laborious process of letting friends and family know your new contact details. In September 1999, a total of 200,000 calls ware ported throughout the US, according to statistics from Lockheed Martin's NPAC (Number Portability Administration Centre). That equals about four calls per minute across the whole of the US, The number of ported calls is growing steadily each month but remains just a fraction in comparison to the overell volume on public switched networks. It makes you wonder whether or not number portability will ever become the normh Number portability is a hot issue at the moment. In Ireland, incumbent operators have until January 2000 to upgrade their systems to allow the import and export of numbers. Start-ups are required to have the facility to port numbers, which adds millions to their initial set up costs. The cost of upgrading
Приложение 27S systems is running into billions of pounds with whet chance of recuperating the costs in the next few-years? tn the US, the FCC said last year that companies could recover some of their costs through a monthly charge on consumers* bills. Ameritech, GTE and SBC wanted to impose these monthly charges and set a rete, but in July 99 the FCC ruled that the companies couldn't recover as much as they wanted and reduced the charges. Ameritech will be permitted to charge customers 28 cents a month, reducing the amonnt it can recover by $483 million; GTE can charge 36 cents a customer, reducing by $28 million. SBC Pacific Bell can charge 34 cents a customer down $19 million and SBC can charge 33 cents, down $154 million. The cost of making number portability a reality is significant, so who did the cost benefit analysis? On the Move Everyone values their telephone number On a personal level we all know the frustration of moving house, going through the laborious process of letting friends and family know your new contact details. It is inconvenience, costly, and invariably you forget to tell someone resulting in missed calls. it is particularly laborious for businesses All company stationery, brochures, business cards, signage and advertising must be reprinted. Every business customer, potential customers and supplier must be informed. Many companies have made significant investments in promoting and advertising their company telephone number, particularly companies that rely on freephone (1800) or part peid numbers (1850). Wil) your existing or potential customers ba able to reach you during the change over, if not can you quantify how much business you have lost? When you have completed the change how long will it take to re- establish this number with your customers? Your Options at the Moment Mobile number portability is partially available in Ireland at the moment. You can change from Esat to Eircell or vice versa and keep your subscriber number but the operator code will change, e.g., 086 868 1234 becomes 087 868 1234. The porting operator will kindly place a message on your old number, informing callers that your number has changed. However, how long before your old operator reissues your number? Will my forgotten friend end up speaking to some unknown? How will a third or even fourth mobile operator affect this? You could choose to have all your calls directed to your unique alphanumeric number with no cost to you. However your friends and business associates may not he thrilled when they And that the rates are not quiet the same as calling your landline or mobile directly.
200 Часть J Your Options in the Next Millennium Location portability will be an option, you can change address and keep the same telephone number This offers significant benefits to consumers, as a move of house or a move to a new office would not necessitate a number change. At present it is not possible to have location portability throughout the country for all numbers and indeed it would not make sense to have a number registered in Galway (091) living in Dublin (01). This means that location portability is only relevant with 'minimum numbering areas1, of which there are 128 in Ireland at the moment. However an operator that can arrange for a business to move across town without needing to change number, may have a distinct advantage over an operator that could not offer location portability. Portability does in fact promote competition, it drives down prices, and keeps providers competitive. The availability of number portability will bring benefits to both commercial and residential customers. In particular, it will allow businesses to take full advantage of the choices that will become available in a more competitive telecommunications market and choose the provider that best meets their neads without the risk of losing customer through changing their phone number. True Portability So how do we achieve true number portability? Some believe that the answer lies in the current freephone number system. As it stands most countries maintain a database of freephone and numbers. When a customer applies for a freephone number the routing information is input on the database, all calls to that number are then routed accordingly. This may work, however, consider .the resources neaded to input the relevant routing information for every number in the country. How difficult would this database be to maintain? It may be possible to maintain regional databases, but that will not eliminate the porting costs from a number registered in that region to another region. Yet again we are beck to costs, who will pay the transaction costs of porting an individual number and the additional conveyance costs arising from the re-routing of the call? The Alternatives for Now Is a fresh look at number portability required? Looking at the GSM market, where by default al) numbers are non-gengraphic within a country, International roaming via TAP (transfer account procedure) allows users to have fully portable numbers on (almost) a globel scale. However, as a GSM user I know the shock of getting my GSM bill and finding that it cost me a small fortune to answer a call from an unknown while abroad. GSM offers a form of number portability, but at a financial disadvantage to the customer. With the introduction of WAP and GPRS there may be an interim solution that could keep costs down. Would it be possible to extract customer location information
ПрШЮ*9КУ*231 from the VLR (visitor location register), pass this back to the home network informing the home network that 1 am in France for example. In doing so when someone calls me from Ireland while Гт abroad, they could receive an SMS (short message service) on their handset telling them that 1 am in France, and that the cost of making the call will be £X.OO per minute. This would then place the financial responsibility on the calling party for the full route and duration of the call, thus the GSM customer is not being financially penalised for having global number portability. Number portability offers many benefits to customers and operators alike. However, as we have seen from the US example perhaps some cost benefit analysis (common sense) may be required before rushing headlong into implementing costly these strategies and systems* If the regulator is forcing the issue, then perhaps the above US statistics may present an interesting case to the regulator for a financial contribution* Task 51 Find the English equivalents of the following sentences in the text: 1. Стоимость усовершенствования систем выливается в миллиарды фунтов стерлингов, а какова при этом вероятность возмещения затрат за ближайшие несколько лет? 2* Число перенесенных вызовов постоянно рестет с каждым месяцем, но остается незначительным по сравнению с общим объемом в сетях общего пользования. 3. Оператор, занимающийся перенесением вызова, любезно оставит сообщение на вашем новом номере: сообщит вызывающим, что ваш номер изменился. 4. Возможность переноса номеров предоставляет много преимуществ как абонентам, так и операторем. 5. Перенос номера при изменении места жительства будет дополнительной услугой; вы можете изменить адрес и сохранить свой прежний номер телефона. б* Возможно, удастся обслуживать региональные базы данных, но это не ликвидирует затраты на перенос вызова с номера, зарегистрирован- ного в одном районе, в другой район* 7* Перенос номеров фактически стимулирует конкуренцию, он снижает цены и заставляет провайдеров быть конкурентоспособными* Task 52 Find the sentences where the following words and word combinations are used and translate them into Russian:
292 Часть 2 ported calls, hot issue, promoting and advertising, re-establish, portability, alphanumeric, rates, location portability, full advantage, customer, number portability, routing, database, transaction, handset, freephone Task S3 Make up a plan of the text Retell the text in detail and then give its summary. Task 54 Is number portability possible in Russia? Discuss this problem with your neighbor. Give advantages and disadvantages of number portability. Text 17 Read the text. While reading try to find the following sentences: I. Это применения, которые либо просто возможны в IP, либо эксплуатируются в ней гораздо более эффективно. 2. На заре развития этого рынка заранее оплаченные телефонные карточки являлись предпочтительным способом сортировки и выписки счетов. 3. При пользовании телефонными карточками это является распространенной практикой и пользователи IP телефонии с готовностью принимают ее. 4. Соответственно, сервисные отношения весьма изменчивы - абоненты пользователи меняются, а в некоторых странах даже неизвестны расчетчику (т. е. обычно они представлены номерами карточки или PIN). 5. Как я, потребитель, получаю их и у кого? б. Вариант с предварительно оплаченными телефонными карточками дал толчок развитию специфических сервисных решений ведения расчетов. 7. Так как число этих новых ускуг изменяется от 3 до 12 или 100, такой подход становится абсолютно непригодным. Hearing Voices (Michael Couture sees how financial reward will inspire telco providers to convert from IN to VoIP). The value of Internet Protocol (IP) telephony to service providers comes from the long-term benefits of a multi-service IP network, and service portfolio. What wilt make compel carriers convert their primary service platforms from the safe circuit-switched. Intelligent Network (IN) world to IP, and attract new Service Providers (SPs) toVolP is quite simply, money. And money will flow to
Приложение 2W SPs when compelling new applications and services that make the commu- nication experience richer for consumers and businesses are offered at affordable prices, and when operational efficiency gains compel them to do so. These are the applications that are either only feasible over IP, or are much more efficiently operated over IP* So, from a user's perspective, where are all of these ‘killer-applications' that will drive IP telephony growth? Much has been made in IP telephony circles lately of the perceived lack of progress in the deployment of these added- value IP applications to complement the basic voice services that pioneered the industry* Several factors are held responsible for this. Among these is the need to improve voice quality and the need to reduce relative cost per port to the level of circuit-switches* Equipment vendors are rapidly addressing both of these issues* One key factor in the lack of progress that is often missed is the billing system* Quite simply, it is typically too costly and time consuming to build billing, customer care, and service management solutions to address these needs, Without being able to deploy and charge for new services rapidly, marketers fail to move business cases forward for these new applications. Innovation is choked* But why is this happening and what can current Internet telephony service providers (ITSPs) do to overcome this? What's Hot in VoIP Billing? In addition, value for the service is also very relevant today. As noted, voice quality is not yet up to circuit-switched standards, but it's getting there. Today, IP telephony facilitates the bypass of established carrier routes with the associated fees and high monopoly rates, and remains largely unregulated* Rapidly improving voice quality coupled with the inconvenience of two-stage dialling, making price the driver of IP telephony uses* With ongoing erosion of this price advantage, there is currently no sustainable advantage over traditional calling. Pre-paid calling cards have been the distribution and billing method of choice in these early days of this market What is W in the IP telephony billing space, then, revolves around billing for pre-paid calling card services, and to some extent wholesale international transport, and fax over IP. Calling cards and pre-paid services are popular avenues for a number of reasons, including technical, financial, and established consumer behaviour* First, most phone-to-phone IP telephony requires two-stage calling to access the IP network via the PSTN. This is analogous to using regular calling cards from traditional providers that do not utilise the ‘0+1 option. This is an accepted practice when using calling cards, and is readily adopted by consumers of IP telephony. Also driving the pre-peid catling card approach is the fact that ITSPs are generally new entrants into the merket with little established brand value. Their marketing objectives are typically not focused on building customer
284 Часть 3 relationships and cross-selling other services or applications. Rather, they are focused on rapidly driving the number of minutes through their gateways and over their networks. Consequently, the service relationship is highly transactional - subscribers/users are transient and, in some cases, even anonymous to the biller (that is, they are typically just card or PIN numbers). This suits calling card and pre-paid services very well. Furthermore, calling cards allow for easy retail branding and may expand sales channels and the addressable market through wholesale and private-label arrangements. This is ideal for providers with little or no brand equity trying to rapidly build minutes, manage costs, and improve margins. In addition, value for the service is also very relevant today. As noted, voice quality is not yet up to circuit- switched standards, but ifs getting there. With little or no brand identity and very low rates, this is not a major consumer or provider issue at this stage of the market. Pre-paid card users, particularly international callers, are conditioned to, or at least resigned to, lower quality in exchange for very low rates. Other reasons that pre-paid is so hot include the credit and fraud issues typically associated with international calling. With its built-in authorisation and authentication, and a pre-requisite of money in tbe bank, pre-paid services reduce the risk of toll fraud. But underpinning all of this is the fundamental driver of lower rates. As deregulation of international telephony accelerates and the threat of regulation for IP looms larger, it is clear that this arbitrage will evaporate. Value-added applications, single-stage dialling, and higher-voice quality must take-over to drive IP telephony to its potential Equipment vendors are furiously working on solutions that address the latter two issues of quality and convenience, and significant progress is being made. New applications also abound: • unified messaging, collaborative work groups, distance learning, video on demand. Interact call handling, multi-media conferencing; • all will serve to attract new users of IP telephony. But where are these applications in the market? How do I get them as a consumer, and from whom? One of the key reasons we do not see a proliferation of new and amazing services at the market level yet is the bottleneck of billing. The classic telco problem - we can build that service/feature product, but we just can't bill for it. This must change for iP telephony to close the immense gap, by sustaining or accelerating conversion rates. The 'Stovepipe1 Trap This focus on pre-paid calling cards has given rise to familiar pattern in the evolution of service-specific billing solutions. That is, the 'stovepipe1 approach to building or buying infrastructure. This layered business mode) and multi-service capability is the key to the success of IP telephony and its SP in the longer-term evolution of the new
Приложение 2И public network. This was also evident in traditional telephony and in the early years of IP in general to support the handful of new IP services. For each service, this approach served the purpose of getting SPs to market relatively quickly - that is, in a matter of a few months at a reasonable cost. It also allowed SPs to tailor the infrastructure solution, including provisioning, subscriber, management, billing, and distribution, to each specific service offering and specific customer segment - sometimes even to each specific pricing plan! So the corporate e-mail, residential dial, and SOHO web hosting, each had their own specific solution. While having the potential to be an effective short-term solution, this 'stovepipe1 approach serves as a major bottleneck to the growth of IP voice applications in the evolution of the new public network. Stovepipes make introducing new services or changing the billing approach or pricing plans cost and time prohibitive. As new service features become available to help differentiate the basic offering (for example, a new QoS metric), major projects are required to take advantage of the new service attributes that need to be exposed for billing, or to facilitate some kind of usage-based pricing, The new service feature is either given away or ignored, and the cycle to commodity status continues. New service introductions require new stovepipes to be built As these new services count from three to twelve to one hundrad services, this approach becomes completely unfeasible. Projects take months and cost hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars, to complete. Scarce internal IT resources compound this problem, as new code is required for every change. GLOBAL VO1CE/FAX OVER IP TRAFFIC AND MARKET DRIVERS Source; Probe ffesearcb inc. By Michael Couture, Product Manager, IP Telephony Solutions, Select Technology Group, The Select website is at: www.select.com
286 Часть 3 The proliferation of stovepipes, sometimes supporting the same basic network service but for multiple, different offerings or segments within the same SP is highly inefficient The investment in the infrastructure yields no scale economies, impacting larger service providers most significantly. In addition, the bundling of services into attractive offerings tailored to suit the needs various market segments or user niches is nearly impossible in a stovepipe approach. This makes service differentiation a further challenge. Finally, the stovepipes are typically built or purchased as short-term solutions, The longer term needs for scalability, availability, and performance is often not considered. Consequently, the stovepipes can not keep pace with the phenomenal subscriber growth, and are certain to be even more of a problem as IP voice applications mature. Solution: Billing as a "Business Operating System" By breaking down the stovepipes and introducing a single, layered, multi-service IP infrastructure, ITSPs can dramatically improve oparating efficiencies, add new services quickly to increase the addressable market, and host multiple, branded resellers to more effectively target new segments. The layered model allows underlying value in the network to be commercialised in products and pricing plans, extracting the value from the network for improvad margin and differentiated services. This layered business model and multi-service capability is the key to the success of IP telephony and ITSPs in the longer-term evolution of the new public network. With ample bandwidth inexpansive and innovative network applications, low cost and rapid commercialisation capabilities, and the ability to leverage any strong brand to target any market niche economically, the back- office function of billing is transformed into a core differentiator. Billing becomes the business operating system for rapidly deploying new voice and other IP applications, and for entering new market segreents or channels. ITSPs are able to enter the market on the coat-tails of rate arbitrage, build their network, and rapidly drive marginal revenue by deploying complimentary voice and other IP applications. Task 55 What do the following abbreviations mean? IP, VoIP, PSTN, 1TSP, IT, SP Task 56 Explain the meaning of the following: Business operating system, the 'stovepipe' trap, what's hot in VoIP billing
Приложение 287 Task 57 Answer the following questions: I. What's the value of Interact Protocol telephony to service providers? 2. What has been done in IP telephony circles lately? 3. What key factor in the lack of progress is often missed in the billing system? 4* What does 1P telephony facilitate today? 5. Why are calling cards and pre-paid services avenues? 6. What are equipment vendors furiously working on? 7. What has the focus of pre-paid calling cards given use to? 8. What is known about the ‘stovepipa’ approach? 9. What is the author's solution? Task 58 Write down the theses of the text and retell it. Task 59 Have you ever used pre-paid calling enrds? Share your experience with your neighbor. Ask him/her five questions about his/her own experience.
288 Text 18 Read the text and follow the instructions* A tutorial introduction to optical modulation techniques Simple schemes Simple optical laboratory experiments often involve voice transmission or low rate digital information, such as Morse Code* It is easy to apply the modulation for either via control of the current to a laser diode or LED- On- off keying and amplitude modulation (AM) are accomplished in the same manner as a radio transmitter, using a series pass transistor in the DC feed to the transmitting device. For these simple signals, indirect light beam modulation may also be accomplished, using mechanical shutters or a voice-coil driven mirror* These electro-mechanical devices are, of course, limited to low frequencies and useful only in the most simplistic applications* Some very early light-beam communications and remote control equipment used techniques similar to those just described, mainly to demonstrate the viability of lightwave technology* But soon, high frequency modulators were developed, using both direct and indirect modulation methods. Direct modulation Digital signals consist of logical Is and Os, which readily correspond to electrical ON and OFF states, or to two discrete voltage (or current) levels* The typical optical communications light source is a laser diode, which is easily modulated by controlling its current* Several factors limit the upper frequency at which a laser diode can be modulated* These include the time constants (frequency response) of the driving circuitry, the physics of the diode itself, and the characteristics of the transmission medium, which is typically an optical fiber* Microwave design and layout techniques have been used to assure performance of driving circuitry well into the GHz range, removing this as a major limitation. Optical fibers have a certain amount of dispersion, which introduces uncertainty at the detector, related mainly to transmission distance* This uncertainty is worse at high data rates - integration can help resolve the uncertainty, and there is less integration time with the shorter high-speed pulses. Ultimately direct modulation is limited by the characteristics of the diode itself* A full tum-on/tum-off cycle represents a significant electrical and thermal stress, which can result in a frequency shift (chirp), transients (ringing), as well as reduced operational lifetime of the laser diode*
289 One method of dealing with these effects is to apply a modulated “radio signal” to the diode. The current swing is reduced, which improves reliability, and the bandwidth is greatly increased because the diode’s drift and transient responses are reduced. But this technique also greatly reduces the signal-to-noise ratio, which reduces the range, and it requires more complex driver and detector circuitry. Figure 1 • Functional diagram of an optical modulator. Indirect modulation Modulation of a continuous light beam removes the laser diode- related problems at the cost of greater complexity. It also eliminates the signal-to-noise problems of applying a modulated subcarrier. The stable light source allows maximum transmission distance for a given amount of dispersion in the fiber. Established methods include delivering the data to electrically modulated crystalline materials such as lithium niobate. These devices can rapidly switch the light beam between a direct signal path, or split the beam mto two paths with 180-degree phase shift, which cancel when recombmed. This provides electrically controlled on-off transitions thst do not affect the light source. The other common method uses electro-absorption (EA) modulators, usually a semiconductor material that can be switched between transmissive and opaque states to provide the on-off transitions. Materials used in these modulators can be conveniently integrated with the laser diode. As with direct modulation, the driving circuitry uses microwave design and layout to couple high speed data streams to the modulating devices. The latest methods of achieving indirect modulation are fully integrated onto a single substrate. The latest developments in solid state optical switching are faster than EA, so switched optical paths are used, integrated onto the same substrate, with optical paths typically using
290 transparent versions of the same material. Figure 1 is a block diagram of such an optical modulator, which can be further integrated with a detector onto a microprocessor or other device, as on-chip optical interface. This tutorial only begins to discuss optical modulators. Readers are encouraged to find additional information using many references available in books, as well as application notes from optical device manufacturers. Task 60 Find the English versions of the following sentences in the text. L Конечно, эти электромеханические устройства ограничены низкими частотами и используются только в простейших применениях. 2. Но вскоре были разработаны высокочастотные модуляторы, использующие как прямые, так и непрямые методы модуляции 3. Оптоволокно обладает определенной дисперсией, обуславли- вающей погрешность у детектора и связанной в основном с расстоя- нием передачи. 4. Колебание тока уменьшается, что повышает надежность, а полоса пропускания значительно расширяется благодаря уменьшению инерционности диода и переходных характеристик. 5. Эти устройства могут быстро включить световой луч между прямым направлением сигнала или расщепить луч на два направления с фазовым сдвигом ISO градусов, гаснущих при рекомбинации. Task 61 Translate the following sentences from English into Russian. L On-off keying and amplitude modulation (AM) are accomplished in the same manner as a radio transmitter, using a series pass transistor in the DC feed to the transmitting device. 2. The typical optical communications light source is a laser diode, which is easily modulated by controlling its current. 3. This uncertainty is worse at high data rates - integration can help resolve the uncertainty, and there is less integration time with the shorter high-speed pulses. 4. It also eliminates the signal-to-noise problems of applying a modulated subcarrier. 5. As with direct modulation, the driving circuitry uses microwave design and layout to couple high speed data streams to the modulating devices. Task 62 Agree or disagree with the following statements. 1 .It is not easy to apply the modulation for either voice transmission or low rate digital information via control of the current to a laser diode or LED.
2М 2. Micro wave design and layout techniques have been used to assure performance of driving circuitry well into the GHz range, removing this as a major limitation. 3. Ultimately indirect modulation is not limited by the characteristics of the diode itself. 4. Established methods include delivering the data to electrically modulated crystalline materials such as lithium niobate. 5. The latest developments in solid state optical switching are slower than EA, so switched optical paths are used , integrated onto the same substrate. Task 63 Write the thesis of the text and retell it using them. Text 19 Before reading the text below re-read text 7. Compare the information given in both texts. Visions for 4G: many ways to achieve integrated wireless connectivity Videophone jeteGonferendng Hemet Access Audio & Video Enlertatnmertf Location and Who! It 4G? TNi dogrom show* many of the ф«сМс <фрВсаНоп* to bo supported by a 4G integrated commu- nications system.
292 The next generation of wireless communications (4G) is the subject of much conjecture and debate. In simplest terms? 4G will be an integrated system of voice, data and image communications that will support a wide range of personal and business communications. Beyond that basic description, the view of 4G can be quite different depending on whose view is being presented. First, let’s review the evolution of wireless as successive generations of technology: First generation (1G) - this is generally considered to be the first analog cellular systems and telephone capability over trunked redio services. A few commentators include cordless phones as part of 1G wireless. Second generation (2G) - digital-based cellular and PCS systems such as GSM? TDMA and CDMA. Some industry observers include Japan’s Personal Handy Phone (PHP), Europe’s DECT extended capability cordless phone technology, and unlicensed 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz telephone and data services, mainly in the US. Third generation (3G) - this is the current generation of wireless technology, which is not yet fully deployed. The difficulty with defining discrete steps in wireless development is evident with 3G - a number of enhancements to wireless technology were even referred to as 2.5G. 3G’s step forward is the eddition of data communications to the familiar audio communications of a "‘wireless telephone”. To be considered 3G, this data needs to be transferred at a useful rate for Internet and image communications. Wireless data (3G) - whether considered part of 3G or a parallel development, wireless data communications is definitely a precursor to 4G. This industry segment consists primarily of the various IEE 802.1 l(x) WiFi standards, but also includes other less widely-used systems. Competing definitions of 4G Beyond the basic description given in the first paragraph of this report, each industry segment has a different view of the path that will leed to 4G. Companies whose history is wireless telephony (cellular, PCS, GSM) consider the wide bandwidth extensions to their technologies to be the logical path to 4G. Proponents of wireless data - WiFi and WiMAX - see their technologies as being primary enablers for 4G. Ultra wideband (UWB) and ultra high data rate 60 GHz system developers believe that the capabilities of their technologies will be an essential part of 4G. Even wireline broedband access providers are getting involved. DSL and cable providers already have significant penetration into homes and
293 businesses. They argue that the integrated delivery system envisioned for 4G will be developed faster and more economically if their technologies are part of it. The still-developing fiber-to-home technology is receiving similar attention as a potential contributor to 4G. At this time, 4G is experiencing the old-fashioned problem of “too many cooks in the kitchen”. The diverging views of the road to 4G still need to be consolidated into a cohesive plan that can be presented to the marketplace. Some of this work is already being done. In the organizational realm, mergers, acquisitions and partnerships among wireless and wireline companies are being implemented with future 4G markets in mind. In the technology realm, developers of WiMAX and other new high-capacity systems are proceeding with the assumption that they will be part of 4G, not just a stand-alone program delivery system. 4G system architecture One major challenge is matching the frequency, modulation and bandwidth with both the delivery method (fixed, portable or mobile) and the program content. In the mobile and portable environments, this process may be reversed, adapting program content to fit the available bandwidth. For example, the capabilities of 3G “mobile phone*’ technology are quite different from mobile WiMAX. Of course, the nature of the communications devices plays a big role in this process, as well. For example, HDTV won’t be of much value on a 2” or 3” handset screen, so that type of video can be reformatted for lower resolution and less transmitted bandwidth. On the other hand, as suggested by television commercials of a major wireless carrier, when the handset user arrives home, he or she may want to continue watching the same program on a big screen HDTV, with full quality and full bandwidth. That image must be sent separately, using a different transmission system. The same scenario can occur in business communications. In a large meeting room, high quality video is desirable for video conferencing. But a participant who is traveling may be using a handset, PDA or laptop PC, which require less resolution and less bandwidth. 4G will consist of a hierarchy of quality/bandwidth modes, organized somewhat like this: • Voice, low-to-medium resolution images, moderate data rates. Current 3G “cell phone” technology and Wi-Fi fit into this category. • High quality audio, images with good quality on small screens (handset, PDA, laptop PC). This can be achieved with 802.1 In, and WiMAX, with cable, satellite and DSL in supporting roles.
294 • Wide coverage with HDTV quality images, hundreds of Mbps data rates. Broadcast HDTV, digital cable, satellite and next generations of WiMAX/WiBro support this level of quality. • Local distribution of HDTV quality images, hundreds of Mbps data rates. UWB, 60 GHz systems, and other developing technologies can address this application area. Market forces At the bottom line is, well, the bottom line. Someone has to pay for new technologies - with nearly all revenue generated through fees paid by users of the programming that will be delivered. With new technology, there is always some risk. Despite claims to the contrary, consumer demand rarely drives new technology, at least not directly. Using past consumer behavior and various forms of market research as a guide, promoters of new technology present consumers with new options to choose from. Some of those new services are accepted quickly, others more slowly, and some never become widely used (i.e., quadraphonic sound and video discs). Often, there is competition among similar, but incompatible technologies. Past examples include VHS and Betamax videotape and the first PC operating systems. The priority assigned to each step in the development of 4G will be determined by a combination of the ability to develop the enabling technology - including both technical capability and the availability of investment capital - and the estimation of the size of the market for the new services it will support. Technical challenges This report will conclude with a few of the technical issues that must be addressed in the near future to maintain progress toward 4G. • Assure a robust backbone communications system to interconnect the wireless and wireline elements of 4G. Data must be routed efficiently to assure seamless transition from one mode of transmission to another. • Complete the analysis and development of reliable high data rate transmission methods for the mobile environment. Much work has been done, but questions remain on the capabilities of mobile broadband systems as they operate at higher frequencies where propagation effects are more pronounced. • Continue the search for an ideal handset form factor and feature set that will support voice, data, audio and video programming - and provide the necessary RF communications capabilities.
295 • Finally, and most important, continue the search for the optimal combination of program delivery technologies for each mode of operation — mobile, portable, home and business. Task 64 What do the following abbreviations mean? 4G, 1G, 2G, PCS, GSM, TDMA, CDMA, PHP, DECT, IEEE, WiFi, WiMAX, UWB, DSL, HDTV, WiBro, PDA, RF, VHS. Task 65 Which of the abbreviations given above were already used in text 7? Task 66 Complete the following sentences and translate them Into Russian. 1. The next generation of...................(4G) is the subject of much conjecture and debate. 2. A few commentators include .................. as part of 1G wireless. 3. Companies whose history is .................. (cellular, PCS, GSM) consider the wide bandwidth extensions to their technologies to be the logical path to 4G. 4. To be considered 3G, this....needs to be transferred at a useful rate for Internet and image communications. 5. Even.........................providers are getting involved. 6. In a large meeting room, high quality video is desirable for 7. Data must be......efficiently to assure seamless transition from one mode of transmission to another. 8. Much work has been done, but questions remain on the capabilities of ................. as they operate at higher frequencies where...................are more pronounced. 9. That image must be sent separately, using a different Task 67 Give a written translation of the extract beginning with “Beyond the basic description given...” and ending “...contributor to 4G” and the extract beginning with “With new technology, there is../9 and ending “...for the new services it will support”. While making your translation you may use a dictionary.
296 Task 68 Make a short report on developing of the wireless technology. Use the information from texts 7 and 19. Text 20 Read the text and answer the following questions 1. What are the top challenges enterprises face in dealing with the growing number of mobile devices? 2. What should new mobile devices not be able to disrupt? 3. What should enterprises choose while selecting a WLAN system? 4. Where is Wi-Fi being embedded? 5. How can an enterprise avoid disruptions of the network? 6. How can the ESSID provide Internet access? 7. What is the key to maintaining the integrity of the enterprise WLAN? Mobile devices impact WLANs Controlling Device Access With the proliferation of new communication devices on the market, enterprises face a challenge to their networks as they implement wireless local area networks (WLANs). Increasingly, businesses can expect to have many workers bringing their own mobile devices onto the corporate network. These devices (e.g., smart phones, portable game players, media players) are being brought into the enterprise with or without the approval of the IT department, and they can significantly impact network performance and interoperability.
237 The top challenges enterprises face in dealing with the growing number of emerging mobile devices are reliability, security and service quality. The WLAN system should provide security mechanisms to ensure that only approved devices are allowed access to the network, while blocking unapproved devices. Additionally, new mobile devices should not be able to disrupt the operation and availability of the WLAN. Since many WLANs are now being utilized for mission-critical applications, the system should also ensure that these new mobile devices do not cause quality-of-service degradation for these applications. According to the Wi-Fi Alliance, as of October 2007 there were more than 4,000 certified devices across many product categories, including access points, computers, adapter cards, video cameras, digital media players, gaming consoles, phones and PDAs. Certification testing on these devices, performed by the Wi-Fi Alliance, focused on three key areas: • conformance to the IEEE 802.11 standards; • compatibility with other certified products in many configurations, ensuring that devices will work with products available today, as well as new products developed in the future that comply with the certification requirements; and • performance of devices for common applications, with the testing going beyond basic protocol interoperability to ensure that the devices meet a minimum performance level. When selecting a WLAN system, enterprises should choose a solution that has been certified for interoperability with 802.11 client devices by the Wi-Fi Alliance. Also, choosing clients such as phones, laptops and other devices that have been certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance as interoperable can help eliminate operational headaches down the road.. For devices that will be used for business-critical applications, companies should verify that their WLAN vendor has an interoperability program in place, has tested performance of the device and application combination, and certifies the device meets the performance requirements of the enterprise. If the WLAN vendor does not have this in place, the enterprise will need to perform its own testing in order to ensure it can support the applications. This will address the interoperability concerns for enterprise-controlled devices. Wi-Fi is being embedded in a wide variety of consumer electronics. Employees bring these devices into the workplace and expect to connect to the corporate network. Typically, these devices have not been tested by the enterprise, nor are they supported or endorsed by the company. These
298 devices also often access the WLAN without the user’s knowledge, as the radios are usually enabled by default. As consumers continue to buy new gadgets as fast as they debut, these devices are also brought into the enterprise before they have been certified for interoperability. Occasionally, a new device may disrupt the network so severely as to cause a network outage. A key consideration is to find ways to ensure these applications do not disrupt the mission-critical applications running in the network. One way this can be done to maintain a database of authorized devices and have the WLAN system verify each device’s hardware ID prior to letting it access the network. Many of today’s WLAN systems provide a mechanism, often called RADIUS MAC filtering, that can be used to perform this validation for any of extended service set IDs (ESSID) on the system. If an enterprise uses this approach, it should create and maintain a database of hardware IDs for all of the enterprise resources. RADIUS MAC filtering will perform a database lookup on the RADIUS server by sending the hardware ID (MAC address) of the mobile device to the server in an access-request message prior to allowing the device to associate to the WLAN access point The RADIUS server will then send back either an access-accept or access-reject message to the WLAN, indicating whether or not the device should be allowed onto the enterprise WLAN. If the enterprise wants to provide a basic, non-guaranteed service for non-authorized devices, then a separate ESSID can be created. This ESSID can provide Internet access by placing the users on a separate virtual LAN that keeps this traffic off the corporate intranet and is outside the corporate firewall. This can be utilized to serve visitors and guests to the enterprise, as well as employees with wireless-enabled personal devices, without compromising network security. For this guest ESSID, use a captive portal for user authentication to ensure that only authorized guests and employees can make use of this service. This also allows companies to track devices for security or for resolving network issues. Users can also be required to enter a user ID or e- mail address and password to be granted access. This device hardware ID can then be associated with a user in case there are any issues encountered. Since many of the new devices entering the enterprise are multimedia devices, the quality of service (QoS) for applications should be assured. For example, users could be using applications for watching TV from the WLAN. In order to preserve the reliability and QoS for business applications, enterprises should enable the WLAN system’s QoS features for critical voice, data and video applications on the corporate ESSID, while
299 providing best-effort service for the guest ESSID. This ensures that bandwidth is reserved or prioritized for critical applications. With planning, companies can maintain the integrity of an enterprise WLAN even with the proliferation of new devices. Key to this is ensuring interoperability be making certain that the devices an enterprise utilizes for its business purposes have been certified for interoperability by the Wi-Fi Alliance or tested by the WLAN vendor through an interoperability program. All other devices should be placed into the lower priority guest access ESSID, and the WLAN system’s QoS features should be enabled to ensure that the new devices do not disrupt traffic. Task 69 Define the main problems touched upon in the text Task 70 What new information have you found in the text? Task 71 Write down a summary of the text. Text 21 Read the text. While reading try to find the following sentences: L Однако спутниковые системы предлагают высочайший уровень контроля над всем маршрутом передачи благодаря владению спутниковой станцией или работе на ней; и именно этот факт обеспе- чивает надежность спутника. 2. Она показала, что 60% интерференции возникало из-за оши- бок работников, кросс-поляризации сигналов и проблем с оборудова- нием, в то время как более 30% было обусловлено неизвестными при- чинами: они носили временный характер и их нельзя было отследить. 3. Одним из предложений группы было включить иденти- фикационный код во все спутниковые сигналы, таким образом облег- чая обнаружение помех. 4. Эти условия, или критерии, обычно обеспечиваются коди- рованием, находящимся на так называемой смарт-карте, которая должна вставляться в спутниковый приемник или верхний блок для доступа к программе. 5. Двигаясь от ретранслятора к ретранслятору так называемым «стилем напал-и-убежал», пираты передавали собственные программы в течение более чем 14 минут и снова исчезали в эфире.
300 6. Спутники являются сформировавшейся частью нашей дело- вой среды и им нужно быть надежными. 7. С другой стороны, как в случае с военными, «хорошие ребята» постоянно разрабатывают контр-контрмеры для восстанов- ления целостности собственных систем. Satellite security In today’s commercial landscape, the importance of satellites is often overlooked, chiefly because communications, and satellite communications in particular, is an ‘invisible medium*. Typically, unless you actually bolted an antenna to your wall in order to receive and transmit satellite signals, you are unlikely to know whether or not your communications signals are traveling via satellite. Nevertheless, every day, satellite transponders carry ostensibly ‘secure’ communications - for anything from bids on eBay to multimillion dollar bank transactions - all around the world. But how secure are these satellite links and to what extent can we trust them? On the face of it, satellites would appear to be at a disadvantage when it comes to signal security, since a satellite signal is transmitted in free space and can theoretically be intercepted by anyone with an antenna pointed in the right direction. However, satellite systems offer the greatest level of overall control of the transmission path, through ownership or operation of the uplink station and the satellite, and it is aspect which provides the foundation for satellite security. The rest is largely a matter of software coding and encryption systems. Signal interference But let us start with the top-level issue of the free space transmission: Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Signal interference has been an issue for decades, ever since the dawn of the satellite communications era, simply because the more satellites there are the greater the chance that they will interfere with each other. The radio spectrum is, of course, a limited resource and has to be carefully managed. On a global basis, this is one of the functions of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), although bodies such as the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) provide similar services on a regional basis. Historically, significant interference problems have been handled on an international or bi-lateral basis by way of ‘gentlemen’s agreement’, simply because interference can work both ways (everything else being
307 equal, two carrier signals transmitted on the same frequency will interfere with each other). Likewise, sporadic, short-lived interference was typically dealt with by moving customers to other transponders until the interference subsided, and then largely forgotten. Now, however, there are many more satellites operated by many more operators and the problem is of larger proportions. In addition, satellite communications is now embedded within the general communications infrastructure and users are less tolerant to failure and generally more conscious of security* The bottom line is, of course, that interference causes disruption and disruption costs money The Satellite Users Interference Raduction Group (SUIRG), having operated informally for a decade, was formally incorporated in 2003 to help combat the problem* Its members include most of the world’s major satellite operators and several equipment manufacturers* According to its website, SUIRG “shares and disseminates RFI information and remedies, works with industry to define equipment standards and proficiency training, and actively pursues programmes to reduce or mitigate satellite interference”* In 2004, the group launched a programme to quantify the effects of interference* It showed that some 60 percent of interference events were due to human error, cross polarization of signals and equipment problems, while more than 30 percent were caused by unknown sources, mainly because they were transient and could not be traced. Much of the identifiable interference was put down to poor operator training, an aspect which has a significant impact on overall satellite security. After all, how can users, relying on satellites for million-dollar bank transactions, investment communications and the like, consider these systems reliable and secure if the operators themselves don’t know what they are doing? In a sense, satellite technology has proved to be its own enemy in this regard* As the size and cost of ground stations has decreased, they have become available, not only to the major operators, but also to smaller, local operators, which may not adopt such high standards of training* Moreover, with the rise of unmanned ground stations and Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSATs) the potential for interference grows* Sometimes, interference can be traced to sub-standard installation procedures, such as insufficiently tight connectors or poorly shielded cables, the result not only of poor training, but also of the increase in the number of installed systems* Put simply, people in a hurry make mistakes* There is light on the horizon, however* SUIRG is pushing the training issue and has published a guide to ‘General Principles for Earth Station Operators’, in part to avoid unintentional access and thus reduce interference* One of the group’s proposals was to include an identification
302 code within all satellite signals, thus making it easier to locate interferes. However, since equipment makers are unlikely to incorporate this without specific requests from operators, or regulation from above, education is required at all levels. Interestingly, there is already a commercial solution to pinpointing sources of interference to within a few kilometers. Transmitter Location Systems LLC, based in Chantilly, Virginia, claims to have resolved ‘more than 12,000 interference incidents worldwide’ with its TLS NexGen system. It uses interferometry techniques to determine a transmitter’s location by observing the difference in arrival times and frequencies of the interfering carrier signal through two satellites. In most cases, the company says, its accuracy is ‘more than sufficient to allow identification of the transmitter and elimination of the interfering signal.’ Conditional Access More commonly associated with the security of satellite transmissions is the security of the commercial data with which the carrier signal is modulated. Perhaps the most familiar data is that transmitted by Direct-To-Home (DTH) broadcast systems. Since most DTH providers are in business to sell a service to customers, they need a way to restrict that service to those who have paid to use it. The key buzz-phrase associated with the security of DTH or any ‘pay TV’ system is ‘conditional access’ - access given to the services under certain conditions. These conditions, or criteria, are usually provided by the coding contained on a so-called ‘smart card’ which must be inserted into a satellite receiver or set-top box in order to access the programming. Indeed, Conditional Access Modules (CAMs) are now an integral part of many modem TV sets. Specialized encryption systems have been developed to scramble the digital data in such a way that it can be decrypted by a receiver with the correct decryption algorithm (computational procedure) and security keys, provided by the smart card. The same is true, of course, for other commercial satellite applications, such as satellite radio services and high- resolution imaging, where data is being transmitted to a recipient. In response to ever more sophisticated attempts to override these security systems, the systems themselves have increased in complexity over the years. A typical contemporary system involves a scrambler key or ‘control word’ sent to the receiver and encrypted as an entitlement control message (ECM); the control word may be changed every ten seconds or so. Moreover, the receiver will only decrypt control word when authorized to do
303 so, this authority being sent to the receiver as an Entitlement Management Message (EMM), which contains general information about the subscriber and the status of the subscription. Several companies provide competing conditional access systems, including NDS VideoGuard, Irdeto Access, Nagravision, Conax, Viaccess and MediaGuard. Unfortunately for the broadcasters, decryption programmes and CAM emulators, card readers that can read several card formats, are continually being developed to combat these systems* So security of content is a moving battle. Pirating It is one thing for individuals to access content on a satellite transponder without paying for it, quite another for someone to highjack an entire satellite transponder for their own uses, but this is exactly what satellite pirates have been known to do* One of the first, and possibly most famous, transponder pirates was American John MacDougall, alias * Captain Midnight*, who ran a satellite dealership in Florida* In 1986, when Home Box Office became the first pay TV service to scramble its signal full time, satellite TV watchers became disenchanted with the extra costs and dealerships experienced a drop in business* MacDougall's evening job as an operations engineer at the Central Florida Teleport afforded him the opportunity to ‘retaliate’ by superimposing a typed message complaining about the HBO’s fees over intended programming. He was eventually traced by the FCC, fined $5,000 and placed on probation* Surprisingly though it may seem, piracy is still a concern on the high seas of space. As recently as July 2005, China’s political activist group, the Falun Gong, pirated TV signals in eight C-band transponders on APT’s Apstar 6 satellite, interrupting prime-time broadcasts from 25 channels* Moving from transponder to transponder in what report called a “hit-and- run-style attack”, the pirates transmitted their own programming for more than 14 minutes before disappearing once again into the ether* At the time, the anti-jamming system specially ordered from spacecraft builder Alcatel Space to guard against piracy had not been activated* It seems that until all satellites at risk have such a system installed - and operational - they will be prey to similar attacks* Proof, if it was needed, was supplied most recently by the allegedly intentional jamming of the Thuraya 1 satellite, which began in early 2006 and ended in August* The interference was reported to have originated from Israel, but few details are, as yet, available*
304 A matter of trust When we consider the amount of business and the magnitude of some financial transactions conducted via satellite, the satellite-related costs of downtime and unavailable transponders pale into significance. Satellites are an established part of our business environment and need to be reliable. So, can corporate entities which depend on the security of their communications systems rely on satellites? In a sense, the inclusion of the word satellite in the question is increasingly irrelevant, because of the convergence of satellite and terrestrial systems. A few years ago, for instance, any discussion of communications security would have separated satellite telephony and terrestrial (fibre) under two distinct headings. Terrestrial telephony would have included the Internet and company intranets as well as voice telephony, but satellite would not. Today, however, Internet applications, including Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), are a key part of satellite service offerings, and the concept of the Virtual Private Network (VPN), a private communications network operated within a company or used by several organizations to communicate privately over a public network, is no longer confined to terrestrial networks, thanks to IP over satellite. A similar panoply of firewalls, encryption and network access codes exists whatever the transmission medium. Although some systems are better are better that others, what this means ultimately is that secure communications and e-commerce via satellite should be no less trustworthy and reliable that its terrestrial analogue. Can we ever be absolutely sure that our conversations cannot be overheard, or our transactions intercepted? In the broadest sense, probably not, because there will always be someone developing countermeasures to combat the security systems. On the other hand, as in the military realm, the ‘good guys’ are continually developing counter-countermeasures to restore the integrity of their systems. Ultimately, our trust in security systems is a matter of faith. The alternative, after all, is to shut ourselves away and ‘say nothing to no-one’. And in this age of communication, that is unlikely to happen. Task 72 Make up a detailed plan of each part of the text. Retell each part of the text separately. Task 73 Write a resume of the text.
305 Интернет-ориентированные задания Для выполнения интернет-ориентированных заданий пред- лагаются следующие электронные адреса: Google: http://www.google.com Yahoo: http://search.yahoo.com MSN: http://search.msn.com Juice: http://www.kbcafe.com/juice/download.html GreatNews: http://www.curiostudio.com/downloadJitml BBC Learning English: http://www.bbcxo.uk/worldservice/leamingenglish/newsenglish Australian Broadcasting Company: http://www.abc.net.au/worldtoday Образцы заданий Authentic texts finding and discussing: 1. Use a search engine to find an article about the topic ‘‘Mobile communication” that you think is interesting for your fellow students. Make sure that the article is not too long or too short. It should not be more than one page when you print it out. 2. Copy the text from the web page. 3. Make a summary of the article and discuss it with the students of your group. Authentic texts finding and writing resumes: 1. Use a search engine to find an article about the topic: “Satellite communication*’. 2. Copy the article from the web page. 3. Write its resume. Authentic articles finding and writing reports: 1. Use a search engine and find a series of articles about the topic: “New services in telecommunications”. 2. Write a plan of your report on the topic above. 3. Prepare a report (either orally or in writing). Planning a visit to country (city): 1. Use the following resources to plan your time in London: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps http ://www. vis itlondon.com Do not forget you need time to get from one place to another and you also need time for eating (in a restaurant, cafe or somewhere in the street).
306 Click on * 'Attractions” to find out about the places to visit or “Shopping” to find out where to buy things. 2. Explain your day to the group. 3. Evaluate your future visit to London. Watching a video: 1. Go to: http://video.search.yahoo.com, http://www.altavista.com/video http://video.google.com 2. Find a short videoclip about communications, computers or on- line services that is going to be interesting for your groupmates. 3. Copy it on a disk. 4. Prepare questions (not less than 10) for group discussion. 5. Show the clip in the class and discuss it with your groupmates.
307 АНГЛО-РУССКИЙ СЛОВАРЬ Английский алфавит Аа Hh Oo Vv ВЬ li PP Ww Сс Jj Qq Xx Dd Kk Rr Yy Ее LI Ss Zz П Mm Tt Gg Nd Uu Принятые сокращения a adjective имя прилагательное adv adverb наречие Cj conjunction союз n noun имя существительное pl plural множественное число № past participle причастие II pron pronoun местоимение prep preposition предлог V verb глагол
308 ability л abbreviation n abound*» above a accelerate v способность сокращение иметь в большом количестве» изобиловать вышеприведенный ускорять acceptance л accessn accident я accommodate v accomplish v according toprep account for v признание доступ несчастный случай приспосабливаться; устраивать, размещать закончить а соответствии с объяснить accountn accumulate v achieve v achievement л acid л acquire v acquisition л act л add *» additional a adjacent a adjunct л adjust *» administer v adopt v advanced a advantage л take -of счет накапливать достигать достижение кислота приобретать приобретение указ, постановление добавлять дополнительный примыкающий, смежный, соседний приложение; дополнение прикреплять, приспосабливать управлять принимать; утверждать передовой» продвинутый преимущество воспользоваться преимуществом
309 affect v afford v воздействовать позволить себе, иметь возможность; предоставлять, давать affordable a доступный agency n agenda n aggregate v agree v agreement л ahead oftimearfv aid л aid v akin adv alarm л alleviate v allocate v агенство повестка дня собирать в одно целое соглашаться договор, соглашение досрочно помощь помогать сродни; похоже, сходно звуковой сигнал; сигнальный звонок облегчать предназначать, распределять; размещать; выделять; бронировать; ассигновать allocation n распределение; размещение; отведение; раскладка; выделение; назначение; бронирование; ассигнование allow v alloy л alter v alternate v although adv altitude л ambiguity л разрешать сплав изменить изменить хотя, несмотря на высота неясность, двусмысленность; неоднознач ность amount л количество amount v ample a amplifier л amplify v amplitude л angry a be - with составлять; достигать обильный, богатый, широкий усилитель усиливать диапазон; амплитуда сердитый сердиться на
370 announce v объявлять announcement n annual a another a anticipate v apart adv apparently adv appear v appearance л applicant л application л объявление, сообщение годовой другой предвидеть в отдалении, в сторене очевидно появляться, оказаться появление претендент, кандидат применение; заявление; прикладная программа; использование apply v approach л appropriate a approve v approximate a approximately adv ' approximation л arbitrary a arise (arose, arisen) v arrive at v arrive at solutions arrive in v ashtray л aside from adv применять подход, метод соответствующий, уместный одобрять приблизительный приблизительно приближение; упрощение спорный; произвольный возникать, появляться приезжать в принять решение приезжять в пепельница помимо assess v определять размер налога; облагать налогом asset л assign v assignment л актив, имущество опраделять, устанавливать задание; присвоение; ассигнование; распределение; предоставление каналов assume v assumption л assurance л asymptotic a предполагать, допускать предположение, допущение уверенность; гарантия; страхование асим птотический
311 atopttfr tittach v attempt v attendant л наверху, сверху прикреплять пытаться обслуживающее лицо; служитель; дежурный; телефонистка местного коммутатора attention ft attenuation л влимание затухание; ослабление; декремент attract v attraction л attribute л привлекать привлекательность определяющий признак; характеристика; свойство; критерий audible fl audience л authenticate v authentication n СЛМЩНЫЙ; слышимый аудитория удостоверяться, устанавливать удостоверение; опознавание; отождествление availability л available a average a axis л доступность; наличие; пригодность доступный средний ось
312 background л band л bandwagon л battery л battle л фон, предпосылка полоса; диапазон; сиектр; зона; лента победа, массовые движения батарея битва become (became, become) у становиться behave v behind adv behind prep вести себя сзади, позади за; указывает на запаздыиание, отставание; позади believe v belong to v bend v beneath prep benefit л bet л better v bias n верить, полагать принадлежать сгиблть под, ниже выгода, доход пари улучшать, усовершенствовать уклон, наклон, склон, смещение, поляризация bidder л bidding л покупщик предложение цены (на аукционе); надбавка к цене; торги bill л bimonthly adv bit л blood л boast v boost у borrow p bottleneck л boundary л branch л счет раз в два месяца, два раза в месяц бит (единица информации) кровь хвастать повышать, ускорять занимать помеха, препятствие, критический параметр граница, предел, порог ветвь; отрасль; отвод; фаза
313 brand л break up (broke, broken)^ марка разбивать, прекращать, сильно искажать (изображение) breakup n bridge tap л brief a bring (brought, brought) v broadcast v browse v browser л bundle л burning a busy a разрыв; сильное искажение изображения ответвление кроткий принести вещать, передавать по радио пролистать, проглядеть программа просмотра; броузер узел; пучок; комплект насущный занятой, несвободный
314 С cable л calculate v calculation л call л call v -cancel v capability л кабавь подсчитывать подсчет; вычисление; счет звонок, вызов называть, звонить отменять способность, возможность; производительность capacity л емкость; мощность; нагрузка; эффективность capitalize v captive a capture v carrier frequency л carrier л превращать в капитал, капитализировать захватывающий захватить; иерахватить; собрать данные несущая частота несущий (ток или частота); канал связи; . оператор связи cany out v cany v case л casual a catch (caught, caught) v cause v cautious a cell л cellular a cement л cement v выполнять нести, переносить дело, случай случайный; нерегулярный; причинный ловить; фиксировать; захватывать заставить, вызывать осторожный ячейка; зона; секция; сота; дефект в кабеле сотовый; клеточный; ячеистый; мористый цемент цементировать; устанавливать прочную связь census л century n certain a certainly adv chain л перапись; полный набор характеристик век определенный; конкретный; достоверный конечно иепочка; последовательность
315 challenge л challenge v chance л channel n chapter n charge л вызов; проблема; требование; конкуренция вызывать; создавать проблемы случай; вероятность канал; тракт; линка свази; ствол; дорожка глава руководство, ответственность, платадаряд, тариф charge v be in - of chassis л chief a chief л choice n choke n взимать; начислять плату; заряжать заведовать чем-либо; отвечать зв шасси главный. шеф выбор дроссель; реактивная катушка; полупрозрачный фильтр choose (chose, chosen) у chunkn circle л circuit n civilian a claim n claim p clerical a cluster v cluster n coexistence л collaborative a colleague n column л combine v command v выбирать блох данных; фрагмент данных круг схема; цепь; контур; канал; линия; цикл гражданский заявление; претензия; рекламация заявлять духовный ассоциироваться, быть тесно связанным группа; пакет, блок; кластер сосуществование сотрудничающий; совместный коллега колонка, графа, столбец соединять приказывать comment v комментировать commerce n commitment n commodity n торговля обязательство; стремление предмет потребления, товар
3f6 common a commonplace a communicate v общий банальный, избитый осуществлять свазь, общаться compare v comparison v compatible a compel v compete? competition л competitive a среанивать сравнение совместимый заставлять, подчинить соревноваться соревнование соперничающий, конкурирующий; конкурсный; конкурентноспособный competitor n compiler л complement л complementary a complete v compliant л complicated a compose v compound v comprehend v comprise v concept л concern л conclude v conditional n conduct v conductivity л confirm v congestion л конкурент составитель дополнение дополнительный выполнить, завершить податливый, уступчивый сложный состоять усложнять понимать содержать, охватывать понятие' отношение, беспокойство заканчивать, завершать условный проводить (тенао) проводимость подтверждать скопление; перегрузка; избыточная нагрузка conjunction n connect v соединение, союз; логическое умножение соединять
317 consequence й consequently adv consider у consigement я consist of p consistent о constitute p constraint n следствие следовательно, в результате рассмагрнаать груз, партия, отпреака грузов состоять на совместимый, последовательный составлять принуждение; ограничение; уточнение consume v потреблять, поглощать consumer л consumption я contain v contend p contender л потребитель; абонент потребление содержать бороться; спорить; соперничать соперник, претендент content я довольство, чувство удовлетворания contents я содержание contest я continue p convenience я convenient a conventional a соравнование продолжать удобство удобный обычный converge у conversation я conversely adv convert v сходиться в одной точке, сводить воедино разговор обратно, противоположно, наоборот превращать convey v conveyance я convince v cope with v copper я core я перавознть, транспортировать перевозка, транспортировка убеждать справляться с медь сердечник, сердцевина, суть дела, оперативная память corporate a корноретивный, учрежденческий, стратегический correct v исправлять
37В corrupt V портить; давать взятку; разрушить информацию cost л cost V стоимость стоить cover v охватывать; поарывать; упаковывать coverage л охват; радиус доступа; зона действия; зона обслуживания; зона уверенного приема; тираж; степень компенсации create v crossbar system crucial a cubic a создать координатная система рашающий, критический кубический cue л cumulative a curb л раплика, сигнал, условный знак накопленный, совокупный, итоговый ограждение current a currently flrfv customer л современный; текущий, нынешний в настоящее время клиент, покупатель; абонент; заказчик
319 D daily a damage n damage v dangers dash я datum s (data pl) deal with (dealt, dealt) v debuggings decades decay у declare v decrease v decrees dedicate v dedicated a deducev default я defend v deflnition я define v delays delay v delete и delivery s demand s demand v denote v density я dependent v ежедневный повреждение повреждать опасность тире, черточка данные иметь дело с. относиться нахождение и устранение дефектов, отладка, доводка десятилетие уменьшаться, угасать, слабеть, звтухать заявлять снижать декрет» указ; решение, постановление (суда) посвящать посвященный выводить; делать вывод; вычитать неплатеж; недосмотр; отсутствие; несоблюдение (правил); значанне по умолчанию защищать определение определять задержка задерживать уничтожать; вычеркивать; стирать доставка; подача; выдача; получение; передача спрос, требование требовать выражать, обозначать; показывать, отмечать плотность зависеть от
320 depict v depiction л deploy у deployment л описывать описание размещать, использовать; реализовать размещение; реализация; развертывание; применение; использование derive from v происходить от; производить из; модифицировать describes descriptive a desen л design v описывать описательный пустыня проектировать, создавать;разрабатывать, конструировать desire л despite prep destination л destine v destroy v detail л detect v determine v develop v device л желание несмотря на место назначения; адрес; адресат; приемник предназначать разрушать деталь, мелочь обияруживать определять разрабатывать, развивать, расширять прибор, устройство; компонент; схема; метод; механизм devise v devote v dew n dial v придумывать, изобретать посвящать роса набирать (номер телефона наборным диском) die л die v differ from v different a differentiate v difficult a digital a матрица, кристалл затухать отличаться от различный отличать, различать трудный цифровой
321 digitize v преобразовывать непрерывные сигналы в цифровые dimensions л pl dip v disadvantage л disadvantageous a disaster л disastrous a размеры, валичина погружать; снижать; падать недостаток непригодный бедствие; отказ; авария бедственный; недопустимый, чрезмерный (о помехах) discount л discourse n dismiss v display v distinct a distinguish v distort v distortion л distribution л diversify v скидка разговор распускать; отклонять; отключать показывать; отображать; воспроизводить ясный» отчетливый различать; отмечать; выявлять искажать искажение распраделенне; распространение разнообразить, варьировать; переадресовывать divest v divide v division л domain л double v downstream a downward orfv drag v draw v drift apart v drive out (drove» driven) v driving permit (license) drop v dual a отнимать, лишать делить подразделение, отдел; категория; деление область; интервал; домен; сфера действия удвоить нижний вниз, книзу тянуть, ташить привлечь разойтись; отклониться; сместиться приводить в движение; выходить водительские права падать, снижать двойной; сдвоенный; двойственно- противоположный
322 due а должный, причитающийся, установленный (срок) to be - to v duration it dust n быть должным продолжительность пыль Е earth п земля; заземление; заземлитель ease л economic а economical а effect л effect v efficiently adv elect v eliminate v embed v embody v emergency n легкость; простота экономический экономный влияние; воздействие; разультат; явление иметь воздействие, воздействовать, влиять эффективно выбирать, избирать уничтожать, устранять, исключать встраивать; вносить; интегрировать вкаючать, содержать непредвиденный случай; авария; выход из строя emphasize v подчеркивать; выделять; предварительно корректировать employ v employee n employment n enable v encapsulate v enchanting a enclave л применять; использовать служащий работа (по найму), служба, зенятие позволять; разблокировать; дейстнопьть заключать в капсулу; скрывать очаровательный, обворожительный анклав; территория, окруженная чужими владениями
323 enclosure n ограждение, вложение; корпус; кожух; муфта encounter v сталкиваться, (неожиданно, случайно) встретить encourage v ободрять, поощрять, помогать, поддерживать, способствовать, обеспечивать encrypt v engage v be engaged v engine л engineer v скрывать, хранить в тайне; шифровать заниматься быть занятым машина, мотор, устройство создавать, проектировать, работать в качестве инженера enhance v увеличивать, усиливать; усовершенствовать enjoy v enlarge v enormously adv enough adv enquiry л ensure v enterprise л entire a entrant л entry л environment л equals equilibrium л equipment л equity л erect v erlang л наслаждаться увеличивать чрезвычайно, крайне, очень достаточно, довольно вопрое, запрос обеспечивать прадириятие весь, полный участник вход; запись; элемент; статья окружающая срада равный равновесие оборудование; аппаратура; приборы акция; справедливость возводить раснраделение Эрланга (термин теории массового обслуживания) error л erstwhile a especially adv ошибка прежний, былой особенно
324 essence л суть, сущность essentially adv существенно, главным образом establish v установить; создать; осуществить estimate л оценка; смета, предварительный подсчет estimate v оценивать, приблизительно подсчитывать estimates pl л (сметные) предположения evaluate v оценивать; вычислять evaporate v испарать, выпаривать; напылять eventual a возможный, конечный evolve v развивать examine v осматривать example л кример exceed v превышать excellent a отличный except for adv за искаючением except prep за исключением excessive a чрезмерный, излишний exchange л телефонная станция; коммутатор; замена; перестановка excite v возбуждать, вызывать excursion n экскурсия execute v исполнять executive л исполнитель exempt v освободить exhaustion л истощение, изнурение exhibit v выстаапать, провалять exist v существовать expand v расширять, распространять expect v ожидать expectancy л ожидание expense л расход; трата; цена expensive a дорогой experience v испытывать expiration л истечение (срока) explain v объяснять
325 explicitly adv explore v explosion n explosive a extend v extensive a extensively adv externa! л extract л extremely adv F face v facilitate v facilities pl л facility л fade v fading л fail v failure Л fair a fairly adv fashionable a fast a fast adv fault л ясно, точно исследовать; изучать Взрыв взрывчатый, взрывной; быстрый; бурный расширять; продолжать; дополнять обширный; разветвленный; комплексный обширно, широко, комплексно внешний выдержка чрезвычайно сталкиваться (с проблемой) способствовать, облегчать средства, устройства, оборудование; - аппаратура; канал связи; удобства; услуги доступность, способность замирать, затухать затухание, замирание выходить из строя неудвча; отказ; неисправность; сбой справедливый относительно модный скорый, быстрый быстро, скоро недостаток; ошибка; дефект; неисправность
326 favourite a feature л fee л feeder л любимый черта, особенность; свойство; признак плата; такса; тариф; сбор фидер; питающий провод; абонентская линия - female a fence л fetch v feverishly adv fiber л field л file v женский забор принести, извлекать лихорадочно волокно; стекловолокно; световод область, поле; зона; попукадр подввать, хранить, подшивать; создавать файл (картотеку) file a suit v final a подввать иск конечный* последний; итоговый; окончательный find (found, found) v finite a first aid fit a fitv fiat a найти конечный; ограниченный первая помощь пригодный соответствовать прямой, плоский; находящийся в этой же плоскости; равномерный; равный; сплошной flexibility л floppy a fluently adv flustered a fly (flew, flown) v foam л follow V foot л force л force v forecast л foreign a гибкость висящий свободно взволнованный летать мыло, пена следовать Фут сила заставлять прогноз иностранный, зарубежный
327 foreseeable о form v former a fortune я ближайший формировать, образовывать прежний, предшествующий состояние (материальное); судьба; цепь случайностей found v fraction n frame л franchise n fraud л frequency л frequently adv frustration л fulfill p furiously adv furthermore adv основывать дробь, частица, доля рамка; цикл; кадр; блок данных; границы право, привилегии, льгота подделка; подлог частота; повторяемость; периодичность часто бедствие; рассогласование выполнить бешено кроме того, к тому же
325 G gain n gain v game я gap» gateway » generally adv generate v generation л generic a germanium л glass л glove it goal n govern v gradually adv grant v growp growth» grumble v guess v guide» коэффициент усиления; прирост; увеличение получить игра промежуток; интервал; пропуск; пробел ворота, вход; выход, доступ; шлюз; магистраль в общем производить; образовать; синтезировать поколение; создание; накоияение общий; унифицированный германий стекло перчатка цель управлять постепенно даровать, жаловать, раэрашать расти рост ворчать догадываться инструкция
329 н half л handhold л handhold (handheld, handheld) v handle v hardware л harmful a header л headlong a headquarter л половина упор, опора для рук лалать увор двя рук, держать руками выполнять; обрабатывать; обслуживать оборудование; аппаратные срадстаа врадный магистраль; заголовок; рубрика опрометчивый главное управление; центр управления; центральный орган heart л heater л height л hence adv henceforth adv hide (hid, hidden) v hierarchy n highlight p hold (held, held) v hop v hot a hourly a however adv hub л huge a humidity n сердцевина; ядро; сердечник награвателъ высота отсюда, с этих пор, с этого времени с этого времени, впрадь прятать иерархия освещать держать скакать; пересылать; перепринимать горячий; актуальный ежечасный однако втулка; концентратор в сети огромный влажность
330 ideal a identify v idle a illness n image п immediately adv immense a impact n impact? impedance n implement v implementation v imply v important a impose? improve v impurity n inappropriately adv incentive n incidentally adv include v inclusive a inclusive of a incorrect a increase v increment л incumbent a independanta indicate v infinity л influence a inform v идеальный определять; распознавать; отождествлять праздный; незанятый; неработающий болезнь образ; изображение; отображение немедленно огромный влияние, удар, толчок, воздействие уплотнять, плотно сжимать сопротивление внедрять осуществление, выполнение; внедрание предполагать, подразумевать важный облагать; налагать, навязывать усовершенствовать, улучшать примесь неуместно, несоответствующе стимул случайно, между прочим включать включающий в себя включая неправильный увеличивать увеличение, приращение; возрастание; шаг возложенный (об обязанности) независимый указывать; показывать; облзначать бесконечность влияние информировать
331 inherent a присущий, свойственный; собственный; внутренний; встроенный initial a inject v innovative a inordinately adv input n insensitive a начальный; исходный; первый впрыскивать; вносить; прокачивать нововведенный; новаторский; новый чрезмерно вход нему вствител ьны й insert у install v instead of adv institution л insulator л включать устанавливать; размещать; располагать вместо учреждение изолятор, изоляционный материал insurance л intelligence л intelligent n intend v страховка информация; интеллектуальные средства умный; интеллектуальный; рациональный намереваться intent n намерение, цель intercept v interconnect v перехватить, нарушить связь, подслушивать связывать interest n be interested in v interference л interim a interleave v интерес интересоваться помехи временный прокладывать чистые листы между страииплми, прослаивать; перемешать intermediate a internal a interruption л interstate a премежуточный внутренний прерывание; разъединение; перерыв межштатный; межгосударственный interstate commerce intrusive a invaluable v торговые отношения между государствами навязчивый бесценный inventory n investigate v опись, инвентаризация; список, каталог исследовать
332 investment л капитал овложе ним invoice л счет-фактура, накладная involve v включать isolation n изоляция isolate v иэдлнревать issue v выходить, выпускать item л пункт, вопрос; предмет; единипл; позиция; элемент jamming л judgement л justice л justification л justify р заглушение, помеха приговор, решение, суждение, мнение правосудие, справедливость оправдание опревдывать
333 keep (kept, kept) v keep pace v key л keyboard л kit n laborious a lackw lag л landmark fl language w latter л launch v law л lay fl layer a lead (led, led) v leak out v leave (left, left) v leave smth to be desired legislation я leisure n lend (lent, lent) v level я leverage n поддерживать, содержать идти в ногу ключ; переключатель; кнопка; клавиша клавиатура комплект, набпр трудный, трудоемкий отсутствие; потеря отставание, запаздывание; интервал; выдержка времени; инерционность наземный ориентир язык последний запускать; вводить (в действие) закон положение; шаг скрутки; слой пласт, слой вести, проводить; упреждать просачиваться; течь оставлять, уходить оставлять желать лучшего законодател ьство досуг давать взаймы уровень; матрица; ступень; степень действие рычага, двигатель
334 license n лицензия; соглашение; разрешение license v давать лицензию, разрешать lie (lay, lain) v лежать linear a линейный; одномерный; продольный link n соединение; звено связи; канал связи link v соединять liquid л жидкость load л нагрузка; загрузка local a местный; городской; локальный locale fl местность location n местоположение, местность logo логарифмический long-distance a междугородный loop fl петля, контур; цепь; даухпроводнал линия lose (lost, lost) v терать; пронгрыавть lottery л лотерея Jow a низкий; меньший; тихий lower a НИЖНИЙ luggage л багаж
535 м magnify v magnitude л mailbox л увеличивать, преувеличивать величина; значение; размер; модуль почтовый ящик; память (в систаме электронной почты) maintain к maintenance л поддерживать, сохраивть; обслужиавть поддержка, сохранение, эксплутация, стоимость содержания, содержание в исправности major a majority л make (made, made) v make for v manual a manually adv manufacture я manufacture v manufacturing л map out v margin n mat n match v maturation л главный; основной; существенный; важный большинство делать; заставлять направляться ручной; с ручным управлением вручную производство; изготовление производить; изготавливать производство, обработка составлять план, планировать предел, запас; прибыль; граница; поле матриив соответствовать; выравнивать; сравнивать созревание mean л mean time n среднее число, средняя величина промежуток времени mean v означать means л means p! n measure л средство средства измерение; масштаб; оценка; показатель measure v media p! n medium v melt v mention v измерять средства, способы, пути; носитель; цель средство, способ, путь; носитель таять упоминать
326 merge v сливаться; объединяться merger л сливние; объединение message» сообщение; посылка; разговор; запрос micron л микрон middleware межплатформенное программное обеспечение mix v смешивать mixture л смесь momentum л инерция движущегося тела, движущая сила. импульс mount л крепление, держатель mount v монтировать movie л фильм multimode a мультирежнмный multiple a сложный, составной; кратный; многократный multiplex a многоканальный; мультиплексный multiply v умножать; увеличивать
337 N namely adv narrow л а именно узкий nasty a nature л nearby a neat a отвратительный природа соседний аккуратный necessary a necessitate v needle n negligible a neighbor л neighborhood л neither... norcj neither pron net л network л nevertheless adv nevertheless cj newcomer л nightmare л node л noise л необходимый делать необходимым, требовать иголка ннчтожйый, не принимаемый в расчет сосед соседство, окрестность ни...,ни никто сеть сеть; схема; цепь; контур все же, как бы то ни было хотя, несмотря на новоприбывший кошмар узел, узловая точка шум, помеха note v noted a noticeable a notify у nowadays numerous a заметить, отметить знаменитый, известный заметный уведомлять в наши дни многочисленный
335 о object л object v objective л observe v obsolete a obstacle л obtain v obviate v obvious л obviously adv occur V предмет, цель возражать цель; задача; проблема; задание; требование наблюдать; контролировать устаревший препятствие получать избегать, уклоняться, устранять очевидный очевидно появляться, встречаться ocean л offload v offset д oil A old-fashionad a океан разгружать; сбрасывать нагрузку сдвиг, несовпадение; смещение; отклонение масло, нефть старомодный oppese v option it optional a order л order v origin л originate v otherwise adv противопоставить выбор необязательный, факультативный приказ, инструкция приказать происхождение; источник; начало отсчета возникать, преисходить иначе outer a внешний output л overall a overcome (overcame, overcome) v overflow (overflew, overflown) v overhead a выход полный, общий преодолевать переполнять; перегружать; занимать все линии воздушный, верхний; дополнительный
339 overhead л overkill л overlay network oversee (oversaw, overseen) v own V потолок, накладные расходы; заголовок многократное уничтожение наложенная сеть наблюдать владеть р packet network packet switching particulars party л pass a наяетнаяссть пакетная коммутация особенный лицо* человек,'участник законопроект; прохождение; просмотр; шаг pass an act v passage л paths patterns принять постановление, указ принятие; проход полоса; маршрут; траектория; дорожка образец; модуль; схема; серив; диаграмма; шаблон; модель; структура; рисунок payload н peakedness s penalize v penetration s полезная нагрузка пиковая точка наказывать, штрафовать проникновение; внедрение; преодоление зашиты per prep percent л perfect v perform p perhaps fftfv permit v в. на процент усовершенствовать выполнить возможно разрешать
340 persistance л упорство, настойчивость; инерционность; сохранение; длительность perspective л вид pertinent a уместный, подходящий piggybacking n на спине, за плечами; блок данных обратного направления pioneer v быть первооткрывателем! вести pitch л высота тона, звука plant n установка, оборудование plot v составлять план, делать схему, вычерчивать кривую и диаграмму, наносить на plugfl штепсель plug V вставлять в розетку plurality л множество point л точка; пункт; позиция; момент point communications n направленная связь point to v указывать на, говорить о, свидетельствовать о pool л общий фонд группа; объединение; пул population я население porta! n главный вход portray v описывать postage л стоимость почтового отправления possible a возможный power л мощность, энергия; степень; производительность; электропитание; эффективность powerful a мощный precede v предшествовать predict v предсказывать, прогнозировать prediction л предсказание predominant a преобладающий, превалирующий prefer p предпочитать preference fl предпочтение, преимущество premises pl л помещение, недвижимость
341 present v представлять preserve v сохранять prevent v помешать previous a предыдущий previously arfv ранее primarily adv первоначально primary a первоначальный, важнейший print out V печатать prior a прежний, предшествующий priority л приоритет probability i* вероятность probably adv возможно process v обрабатывать profit л доход, выгоде profitable a выгодный prohibitive a препятствующий, запрещающий proliferation n распространение prominent a выдающийся promise v обещать promising a многообещающий, перспективный promote v обеспечивать; расширять; продвигать promoter n лицо, способствующее развитию наук, искусств, производства, бизнеса prompt v подсказывать promtly adv быстро pronounce v произносить proof л доказательство propagate v распространять proper a правильный property л свойство proposal n предложение propose v предложить proprietary a частный prove v оказываться, доказывать provide v обеспечивать
342 pulse ft импульс; сигнал; пульсация purchase n покупка purchase v покупать pure a чистый; простой; беспримесный purpose r цель pursue v следовать какому-либо курсу Q quad л quality п quantify v quantity ft quarter л query v четырекугольник; четверка качество определять количество количество четверть осведомляться, собирать сведения'
343 R rack n зубчатая рейка; ствтив; стойка; стенд; стеллаж; шасси raise v поднимать ramp v идти под уклон; изменять ход обработки данных random a случайный range л rapid a rapidly a rate л диапазон быстрый быстро ставка, степень, процент, коэффициент, производительность, скоресть; такса; куре rather than adv ratio л лучше; скорее, чем отношение, коэффициент, степень; множитаяь rationale n логическое обоснование, разумное объяснение ray л reach v realize v realm л луч; лучевая линия достигать понимать царство, государство; область действия reason л причина; основание; довод reason v reasonable a receive v recipient л recognize v record n record keeping recover v обдумывать допустимый, разумный, обоснованный получать, принимать получатель (информации) признавать, узнавать запись ведение записей восстанавливать, возрождать recuperate v reduce v reduction n восстановить, рекуперировать уменьшать, снижать уменьшение, снижение
344 redundancy n избыточность; резервирование; дублирование redundant д излишний, чрезмерный; избыточный; дублирующий reed n refer to v, reference л reference book n refine v refusaln regardless of prep related a relative a relatively adv release л пружина; геркон ссылаться ссылка справочник очищать, совершенствовать отказ независимо от связанный относительный относительно выпуск; сброс; размыкание; разблокировка release v reliability л reliable a relieve v отпускать; размыкать; разблокировать надежность надежный выделаться» выступать, освобождать, разгружать; помогать; снять давление rely on v remain v remind v положиться на оставаться напоминать remote a удаленный; дистанционный remove v render v repair v repeat v replace v reply л reply v report n report v reprint v устранять; снимать; сменять обеспечивать, оказывать, представлять чинить, ремонтировать повторять вытеснять; заменять ответ; ответный сигнал отвечать; подввать ответный сигнал доклад; акт (документ); сообщение докладывать; сообщать перепечатать
345 reproduce v request л воспроизводить; повторять просьба, (вежливое) требование; запрос; заявка request v require v requirement n meet requirements research л спрашивать, запрашивать требовать требование; необходимое условие удовлетворять требованиям исследование; научно-исследовательскал работа reside v resign v resist v resistance л находиться отказываться, передавать на попечение сопротивляться сопротивление; стойкость; устойчивость resort v (with) respect to respond v responsible a restrict v result in v retails retain v (call) retrial n retrieve v прибегать, обращаться что касается, в отношении чего-либо реагировать, отвечать; срабатывать ответственный; компетентный ограничивать приводить к розничный сохранять; блокировать; удерживать повторный вызов; повторная попытка восстанавливать; искать; выбирать reuse n reveal v reverse a review n revise v revision л revolve v reward л ride (rode, ridden) v rise (rose, risen) p roaming л новое использование раскрывать обратный; противоположный обзор; рассмотрение; анализ повторать; проверять; уточнять просмотр, проверка вращаться вознаграждение водить, управлять, ехать подниматься, вставать свободное перемещение абонентов; роуминг; блуждание
346 rook л rotary в rotary dial rown rule л run (ran, run) out v rural 0 ладья вращательный вращательный (наборный) диск рад правило истекать кончаться сельский s salary л salesman л sample п зарплата продавец образец, проба; выборка; замер; эталон; пример; отсчет satellite п satisfactorily adv satisfy v saturate v saturation л спутник удовлетворительно удовлетворять васыщать; усиливать насыщение; загиб амплитудной характеристики scale л шкала; масштаб; градация scarce a scarcity л schedule л недостаточный, дефицитный нехватка, недостаток расписание; режим; програма; график; таблица; схема; срок schedule v scheme л планировать план; проект, система; способ; чертеж screen v scribble л search v экран; изображение; зашита небрежный почерк искать
347 secure a security n безопасный, надежный; секретный защита; безопасность; секретность; надежность seek (sought, sought) v seize v seldom adv selfhealing n semantic a semiconductor n send (sent, sent) v senior a искать схватить, охватить редко самовосстановление семантический, смысловой полупроводник посылать стврший sense n sensitive a sensitivity л sensor л смысл; значение; распознавание чувствительный; уязвимый чувствительность датчик; преобразователь; детектор separate v sequence n sequential a service л делить, разделять; выделять последовательность; очередность; ряд следующий (из чего-либо), последовательный услуга; обслуживание; служба; функция; эксплуатация; уход set about v приступать к set up v several pron severely adv shake (shook, shaken) v shape v share v shield л shift» устанавливать, создавать несколько сильно, строго трясти создавать разделять щит; экран; защита сдвиг, перемена, перемещение; переключение; уход shirt» shorten v shot» show (showed, shown) p shy awny p рубашка укорачивать выстрел, попытка, удвр показывать избегать
345 sign v signature л significant a silence л silicon n similar a simplify v simultaneously adv single a singlemode site л подписывать; обозначать подпись; признак; характеристика важный молчание кремний похожий упрощать одновременно единственный, один однорежимный сайт, страница; местоположение; узел сети; сервер size л skill л skip v размер мастерство, умение, опыт перескакивать, пропускать; обходить; игнорировать slide v slope n smooth a snapshot л so-called a software л скользить уклон; наклон, крутизна; спад; скат ровный; гладкий; однородный моментельный снимок, щелчок; стоп-кадр так называемый программное обеспечение; программные средства; математическое обеспечение solid n solid a solution л solve v sophisticated a source л твердое тело твердый, сильный, солидный решение; приложение решать сложный источник; генератор; излучатель; исходнел точка span л specify v speech л speed л spelling л интервал, расстояние; диапазон определять речь; разговор скорость; быстрота; быстродействие правописание
349 spike n штырь, лик; амплитуда; импульсное повышение напряжении split (split, split) v spread (spread, spread) v spring up (sprang, sprung) v stack a staff л stand for (stood, stood) v state p steadfast a steadily adv steady a step я step-by-step a расщеплять; разделять растягивать, растирать; распространять возникать, появляться кипа; набор; комплект; блок; пакет штат; персонал означать утверждать непоколебимый, твердый прочно, равномерно твердый шаг; этап; стадия; ступень шаговый; ступенчатый; каскадный; постепенный stock я облигация, ценная бумага; фонд; запас storage л store v память; накопитель; хранение; запоминание хранить;запасать; складировать; запоминать stovepipa л straightforward a strand л stream л strength л strengthen v stress v string (strung, strung) V string A дымоход, цклиидр прямой жила; стренга (кабеля); пучок жил поток; течение сила; прочность; интенсивность усиливать подчеркивать; усиливать; воздействовать натягивать струна; строка; цепочка; последовател ьность struggle v stuff V submit v subscriber л subscription a subsidiary л substance л бороться набивать; вставлять; заполнять подчиняться, подвергать абонент; пользователь подписка; абонемент; абонирование филиал, дочерняя компания вещество; сущность; содержание; матерка
350 substantial a subtend v существенный стягивать* противолежать (о стороне треугольника) subtle a subtract v suburb л succeed v тонкий; неочевидный; неявный вычитать пригород* окраина добиться цели, преуспевать success n successful a sufficiently tfrfv suggest v suit л suit v suitable a suite л summarize v superintendent n supervisory a supplement n supplement v supplementary a supplier л supply n supply V support л успех успешный достаточно предлагать иск подходить подходящий набор суммировать начальник, заведующий контрольная, контролирующая дополнение; прнаожение; добавление дополнять; добавлять дополнительный поставщик; источник снабжения поставка; подача; подвод; электропитание снабжать; подводить; подавать поддержка; опора; подложка; обаспечение; обслуживание; средства обаспечения support V sure a поддерживать; обслуживать; обеспечивать уверенный; верный; надлежный; безопасный surface л поверхность; плоскость surname n фамилия survey v survive v suspend v suspender a обозревать, осматривать; обследовать выживать подвешивать, приостанавливать, устранять подвеска; несущий трос
351 sustain v поддерживать, оказывать поддержку swap v switch on v switch a обменивать; переставлять; подкачивать включать. переключатель; коммутатор; ключ; пареметр switch v switching л symbiosis n переключать; коммутировать переключение, коммутация симбиоз
352 take into account v tail я tailor v принимать во внимание конец; хвост; остаток; последний элемент приспосабливать, шить, делать на заказ; настраивать take over v take place target л target v task a придти на смену происходить, иметь место цель; адресат; место назначения; приемник иметь цель (адресата; место назначения) задача: проблема; работа; рабочее задание tax л tear down v technique fl пошлина, сбор срывать метод; методика; процедура; умение; техника telecommunications fl telephone rate fl temper л tend p связь, телекоммуникация телефонный тариф харектер стремиться term fl terminal л terminate v условие; срок; термин; название терминал; конец; клемма; ввод/вывод заканчиваться tersea therefore adv thereof adv сжатый, выразительный поэтому этого, того, из этого, из того, вследствие того thesis (theses p/) fl through prp throughout adv тезис, положение, диссертация через, сквозь во всех отношением, на всем протяжении, повсюду, везде throughout prp через, по асему, в продолжение (всего времени) throw (threw, thrown) v thus adv tie v выбрасывать таким образом связывать, соединять
353 tiny л крошечный; миниатюрный; минимальный title л название, заглавие; краткое описание title v озаглавливать toll ft пошлина, сбор toll fl междугородний tool л инструмент; средство; приспособление; метод total fl общий, весь; итоговый; результирующий totally flrfv в общем, полностью, абсолютно touch v касаться tower л башня traffic л движение, транспорт, трафик; нагрузка transceiver л радиопередатчик и радиоприемник в одном корпусе, приемопередатчик transfer v переходить, передавать, перемещать; перелетать transition л переход; трансформация; перемещение tray л поднос; съемный блок; желоб treasury ft казна treatment ft обретение. трактовка; обработка; обслуживание tremendous a огромный trend л напревленне. тенденция; тренд; ход (кривой) trial л испытание; опыт; попытка; исследование trial p испытывать; исследовать tributary fl подчиненный, зависимый trip n путешествие, поездка; ход; пробах; переход trudge v тянуться, тащиться true a правильный; истинный trunk ft канал, телефонная магистраль; междугородняя линия trust V доверять, полагаться tube л лампа; труба; трубка
354 tune v turbulent л turnoff V tura on v настраивать бурный выключать включать turnout v twist v typewriter n typewriting courses л оказаться, выпускать (продукцию) скручивать, крутить, переплетать пишущая машинка курсы машинописи и ultimately adv в конечной счете, в конце концов, окончательно; предельно uncertain fl неуверенный; неопределенный; сомнительный undamaged a underestimate v underlie (underlay, uederlain) v underpin v unfamiliar a unfeasible a unfortunately adv unique a universal a unless cj unpredictable a unscramble v unsuitebleo up to prep неповрежденный; исправный недооценивать лежать в основе поддерживать, подкреплять незнакомый невыполнимый, неосуществимый к несчастью уникальный; однозначный; особенный всеобщий, всемирный пока не, если не непредсказуемый расшифровывать; дешифровать неподходящий до сих пор, до
355 update v модернизировать; обновлять; корректировать uplink л верхнее соединение; спутниковый канал связи; линия связи абонента с центральным узлом upset v upward adv urban a расстраивать вверх городской urgent a user л срочный; экстренный; необходимый пользователь; абонент; потребитель; клиент utilize v использовать; применять; утилизировать valid а действительный; применимый; обоснованный value л value v variability л variety л ценность» значение; величина; оценка оценивать непостоянство, изменчивость разнообразие; множество; модификация; разновидность; многообразие various а различный vary v vast л vehicle л меняться, изменяться обширный, крупный аппарат, движущееся средство, движущееся устройство; метод vendor л verification л продавец; поставщик проверка; контроль; подтверждение
356 version ir вариант; разновидность; версия versus prep via prep viability /r view v vigilant a violate v virgin a в противовес* против чераз жизнеспособность; живучесть рассмотреть бдительный нарушать чистый* нетронутый; первичный; неразмеченный virtue of n visible a voice» a high-pitched voice посредством, благодаря видимый; обозримый; очевидный голос высокая высота голоса няи голос с высокой высотой a low-pitched voice низкая высота голоса няи голос с низкой высотой volatile a непостоянный, изменчивый; энергозависимый voltage n volume л vulnerability n напряжение объем, емкость; вместимость; громкость уязвимость; порежаемость; чувствительность
357 w water л вода; влага way л способ, путь; направление; магистраль; метод weather л web л weekdays л weekly a weighting л whence cj whereas cj whereby odv whereupon cj whether cj while cj whistle л wholesale a width л wilt v win (won, won) v wire л погода; атмосферные воздействия паутина будни еженедельный нагрузка; взвешивание откуда, из какого источника, который тогда как, в то время как, поскольку при помощи, посредством после того, вследствие чего, тогда ли в то время как свисток оптовый ширина; длительность; длина увядать выиграть проволока, провод; шина; перемычка; проводник; телеграф -wireless a wireless л withdrew (withdrew, withdraws) p within prep without prep wonder v беспроволочный; беспроводной радио уходить, удалять, отодвигать в течение без интересоваться, удивляться
358 yell v yield v кричать производить
359 KEYS 1. /ei/- aj,k,h; ii'J - b,c,d,e,g,p,t,v; /е/ - f,l,m,n,s,x,z; ZaiZ- i,y; ZouZ - o; Zu:/-q,u,w;Za:Z-r 3. A - analog (signal); AC - address code; NC - network control; TM - time monitor, VLF - very low frequency; PDP - project development plan; S - saturation; WPS - waveform processing system 4. a - scheme; b - teach, c - team; d - feel; e - machine; f - seat; g - each; h - delete; i - heat; j - eat; к - steal. 5. piece, piece, needle, machine, needle, piece 6. electric - c; expensive - b; elect - a; entire - d; excite - e 8. ZeZ - central, session, bend, bell, cell, cement, felt ZiZ - begin, behavior, cement 9.a-3,b-5,c-4,d-2,e- 1 10. a - often, b - opera, c - oxygen, d - optimize, e - positive, f-optical, g-oxide 12. a - boot, b - zoo, c - choose, d - noon, e - chew, f - shoe, g - loosen 13.1 - honey, 2 - money, 3 - sunny, 4-силу, 5-worry, 6-hurry, 7 -none, 8 - tonne, 9 - son, 10 - dove, 11 - love, 12 - some, 13 - come. 14. Ы — order, nonuniform, normal, former, formula, four; hl - object, optimize, nonuniform, foreign, off ZaZ - enough, cover Zi:Z - meter, mean, medium /[/ - electron, emergency, enough, cement ZeZ - element, cement 15. Za:Z- bar, art, dark, enlarge, partial, target ZuZ-buH Zju:Z - cubic, cumulative, accumulator, dew, tube, tune, few
360 16. 1 - bar; 2 - cubic; 3 - few; 4 - art; 5 - accumulator; 6 - book; 7 - dark; 8 - tube; 9 - enlarge; 10 - tune; 11 - target; 12 - cumulative; 13 - partial, full 17. fathgr, important, centre, tonight, employment, electron, electrostatic, cellular. nominal, vertical. suspender 18. A hundred photographers from Canada and America arrived in Britain tonight to join the discussion in London about the role of television and newspapers. 21. dear, appears, interfere, engineer, clear, severe, we’re 22. Kate, holiday, states, place, afraid, say, crazy, complain, stay, safe, exchange, same age, painter, rain, day, game, baseball, explain, anyway, train, may, fame, Jane 23. a - apply, b - imply, c - blind, d - bind, e - cipher, f- diode, g- fine, h - file, i - light, j - fight 24. a - low, b - home, c - woke, d - stone, e - blow, f- note, g -show, i -tone 30. a - photography, b - telephone, c - telegraph, d - physical science, e - philosophy 43. treasury, measure, leisure, vision, leisurely, measurement 45. always, tries, maintain, goodwill, greets, visitors, friendly, visitors, should, not, be, kept, waiting, unnecessarily, askad, to, take, seat, could, also, newspaper, magazine, to, read, it, important, that, receiving 47. job - jobber, jog - jogged - jogger, gun - gunnad - gunner - gunning, emit - emitted - emitting - emitter, club - clubbed - clubbing, fit - fitted - fitting, flap - flappad - flapping, big - bigger - biggest 49. spreadsheets, consist, rows, -columns, gives, have, uses, accounts, calculation^, functions, formulae, tells, organizations, need, analyse. advantages, questions, programs, fast, forms, depends
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