
PUBLISHED BY PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA, LLC (USA) & PUBLICOM LATINA PUBLISHING GROUP S.A.S (LATAM) CHIEF CONTENT OFFICER AND GLOBAL EDITORIAL DIRECTOR EDWARD R RUEDA - ceo@plpg.online Deputy Editor VINCENT GOTTI Fashion Director & Fashion News Director MAGRET MARTINEZ Associate Sales Director SHIENY & CO GLOBALUX PUBLIC RELATIONS, PTE LTD PLPG NETWORK ™ - Web Editorial Director DIEGO LEONARDO CERÓN IN THIS ISSUE; Cover Model/Guest: SARA BAENA Public Relations: PLPG TALENTS for PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA External Photographic Services: GETTY IMAGES Copyediting, Design And Layout: PLC CREATIVE STUDIO @PLC.CREATIVESTUDIO Social Media Management: PLC CREATIVE STUDIO @PLC.CREATIVESTUDIO INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATED ADVERTISING SALES, FEATURES AND SUBMISSIONS Email: plpg.globalmedia@gmail.com - Whatsapp: +1-925-577-5942 FASHION SHOWMagazine © Copyright 2023 All rights reserved by PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA, LLC. and our division for Colombia & Latin America PUBLICOMLATINA PUBLISHING GROUP S.A.S It is prohibited the total or partial reproduction of any of the contents that appear here, as well as its translation to any language without written authorization of PLPG GLOBAL MEDIA, LLC & PUBLICOMLATINA PUBLISHING GRO

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SAMANTHA HAVENSTRITE MISS HOUSTON @S_HAVENSTRITE HMUA: KISS AND MAKE-UP @kissandmakeuphouston Creative Director: ROSALINA TRAN LYDSTER @rosalinalydster Jewelry By: DIAMANTE BY ROSALINA Rosalina’s Assistant: JASMINE NGUYEN and CHIEU ANH NGUYEN Copy Editor: KIEDO VILLANUEVA @kei_villanueva Art Director: NIGEL JOHN DEL MUNDO @nigeldelmundo Public Relations: RASHENA FRANKLIN Executive Producer: QIANA JAMES @qianajames Photographer: VINCENT GOTTI @vinniegotti

Samantha Havenstrite is the reigning Miss Houston. After graduating from Southern Methodist University with a degree in Finance, Sam moved to Houston to start her career in investment banking at an oil and gas company. She industries recently and now shifted works for apartment developer, The Hanover Company as a Capital Markets Analyst. In her spare time, Sam äĢĔĩűʼn úĩěƈĢú͡ őŅÁŪäěĆĢú͡ őŅűĆĢú Ģäū restaurants, and taking exercise classes. •

΋ƋäŅäΎʼnġĩŅäőĩàĆʼnÚĩŪäŅūĂäĢűĩŖőŅŖěű ėĢĩūűĩŖŅʼnäěù͠HőŅäńŖĆŅäʼnÚĩĢƇàäĢÚäÁĢà ʼnäěùͿőŅŖʼnőőĩÙäÁÙěäőĩƈűΌ Ϳ'ĂŅŅÁĢ`ĩĢőĩűÁ
DISCOVERING A NEW REALM THROUGH FASHION & ART EHRRAN MONTOYA DEBUT FASHION SHOW Ehrran Montoya’s debut collection features his attention to details, textures, and use of vibrant hues. The inspiration are mainly from his made up fantasy stories during childhood; from Mermaids, Fairies, Mythical Creatures, and scenes from animation movies like Princess & The Frog, Fairytopia, and other realms of the pixies from his Fantasia-like imagination. It is so wild that the pieces speaks for it self. “When I was four, I would always draw illustrations and play dress up through paper. I made paper dolls from scratch,” he adds. Twenty-seven-year-old artist Ehrran Montoya believes that it is through standing on the shoulders of the giants that he can truly achieve progress. The recognition slowly lavished upon him today is the result of his years-long observation of Karl Lagerfeld, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Rei Kawakubo, and Alexander McQueen— designers who all allowed him to widen his artistic perspective and humbly apply collated strategies that will make his “wearable art” pieces appear a little more striking. “That’s who I wanted to be. I grew up and learned that the wardrobe I fawned over was made by fashion illustrators and designers. So I quickly researched about the job; while doing so, I stumbled upon shows like America’s Next Top Model. I also followed creative female artists like Lady Gaga, Madonna, Rihanna, and more.” Montoya, who hails from Morong, Rizal, Philippines, considers himself a “fashion-artist”. As a Fine Arts graduate, he knows how to make a mark on sparkling runways and art galleries. “I know how to design clothes and I also know how to make other mediums of art such as paintings and illustrations. After getting my art degree from Far Eastern University (FEU), I became the associate designer of the renowned Francis Libiran. I was quickly promoted as the Creative Director of the house for a year before I started my own line in June 2021, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic,” he shares. Montoya’s passion for fashion started at a tender age when he would see the beautiful gowns worn by Disney princesses. “I have always been a big Disney fan. Their beautiful animated princesses have inspired me to create clothes. Any ÁĢĆġÁőäàÚĂÁŅÁÚőäŅőĂÁőūäÁŅʼnƉÁġÙĩűÁĢőłĆäÚäʼn became my obsession,” he discloses. Unlike any other child, Montoya easily became aware of the path he wanted to pursue for the rest of his life. He realised that the people responsible for the clothes he used to adore onscreen were artists and fashion designers. The artist describes his works as “wearable avant-garde” that play with hues, textures, volumes, and draping. “Most of my designs were inspired by nature. They were also inspired by McQueen who played a big role in my design path because his pieces made me ġĩŅä ÚŅäÁőĆŪä ÁĢà ÚĩĢƈàäĢő͠ ĩàÁű͡ H úäő őĩ dress A list celebrities in the Philippines and see my works on television screens and concerts,” he shares. “When it comes to dressing my regular clients, I play safe by using combinations of tones, fabrics, and textures that are easy on the eyes. Sometimes I focus on fabric manipulations,” he adds. “Most of my clients are politicians, entrepreneurs, and women who ěĆėäőĩėääłőĂäĆŅĩŖőƈőʼnőĩĢäààĩūĢ͡ʼnĩHàäʼnĆúĢ pieces that are ‘wearable’ every day.” According to Montoya, the daunting world of fashion and arts is something that he is no longer afraid of because of the trials and tribulations he had gone through and conquered in the past. “It is really hard to enter the industry, you need to work hard on personal branding and connections,” he explains. “My fascination with arts helped me to slowly climb the ladder. I can even recall the phase when I really wanted to be part of it instantly. I would always volunteer and assist series of fashion shoots, illustrate art for a bunch of designers, and do anything that has to deal with creative works.” Montoya’s experiences—both the good and bad—helped him dole out wisdom that he wants to share with budding artists. “I would advise aspiring designers to always stick to their aesthetics but do not be afraid to step out of the box because you will be able to learn more about yourself out there. You will really face a lot of challenges in this industry, but do not be afraid to make mistakes. It will lead you where you’re meant to be and what’s yours will always ƈĢàĆőʼnūÁűőĩűĩŖ͡ΌĂäÚĩĢÚěŖàäʼn͠ The young designer created a collection by group which he assigned Lepidoptera for the Drag Queens; A continuation of his Spring/ Summer 2022 Capsule Collection where they opened the Fashion Show at Spring Glamour 2022 ùäÁőŖŅĆĢúŪÁŅĆĩŖʼnàäʼnĆúĢʼnĩùÙŖőőäŅƉĆäʼnÁĢàġĩőĂʼn͠ The next group features connecting hues from Mariposa where Ehrran used the WGSN x Coloro SS23 Color Trend in combinations of Luscious Red & Digital Lavender which was assigned as Metamorphosis. Followed by creations in hues of the Lavender to immortalized the pixies of Ƌä‡äÚŅäő<ÁŅàäĢ. Another four piece in shades of Verdigris following the color trend for next year in `äŅġÁĆà ZÁúĩĩĢ concept where models where ŪĆʼnŖÁěěű ěĩĩėäà ěĆėä ùŅĩġ őĂä gÚäÁĢ͠ Ăä ƈĢÁěä segment were graced by colors of Cyber Lime and Cream showcasing his Bridal versions of how he imagined the nymphs in wearable wedding gowns and suit ensemble, completing the storyline for Ƌä ©äààĆĢúÁőőĂä¨Áěěäű.
DRAG QUEENS Eva Le Queen Lady P Galore Brigiding Prince Marell

METAMORPHOSIS Ashley Subijano Montenegro Patricia Go Kirst Viray

METAMORPHOSIS Sam Santamaria Roxie Baeyens JP Ocat MERMAID LAGOON George De Lumen Laura Jhane Benedict Cua
MERMAID LAGOON Maria Isabela Galeria

STYLE, SWAG, AND SUBSTANCE Bryan Calloway is an up-andcoming fashion stylist who recently graduated with his BFA from Academy of Art University. He was born and raised in the sunny seaside city of Oxnard California. The diversity of the city and growing up in the 1990s provided him with a vast amount of inspiration that he would later use to develop his aesthetic. Although łŮ¾ğΨÿ¾ÝΨ¾ΨĘĦŎΨĦöΨĦœŎņăÝáΨăğƆœáğ×áņ͜ΨÿáΨ¾ĘņĦΨ credits his grandfather Otis for being the embodiment of swag. His grandfather had his ĦŨğΨá××áğŎłă×ΨņáğņáΨĦöΨņŎŮĘá͜ΨŨĦłáΨÿăņΨ×ĘĦŎÿáņΨ ŨăŎÿΨ ×ĦğƅÝáğ×á͜Ψ ¾ğÝΨÿ¾ÝΨ ğĦΨ łá÷¾łÝΨ öĦłΨŨÿ¾ŎΨ ĦŎÿáłņΨ ŎÿĦœ÷ÿŎ͛Ψ ŎΨ ¾ğΨ á¾łĘŮΨ ¾÷á͜Ψ ÿáΨ Öá×¾ĞáΨ enamored with anything that had to do with hip-hop and sneakers; this was the moment in his life when he realized that he had a passion for fashion. His early endeavors as a ņŎŮĘăņŎΨ Öá÷¾ğΨ ¾ņΨ ¾Ψ ŎááğΨ ăğΨ ÿă÷ÿΨ ņ×ÿĦĦĘ͜Ψ ŨÿáğΨ he would often assist his friends put together ĦœŎƅŎņΨ öĦłΨ ņ×ÿĦĦĘΨ Ý¾ğ×áņΨ ¾ğÝΨ ÿĦœņáΨ Ŀ¾łŎăáņ͛Ψ Classmate quickly took notice to his ability ŎĦΨ ×łá¾ŎáΨ œğăŁœáΨ ×ĦĘĦłΨ ×ĦĞÖăğ¾ŎăĦğņ͜Ψ Ğăŭăğ÷Ψ ¾ğÝΨ Ğ¾Ŏ×ÿăğ÷Ψ ĦöΨ ĿłăğŎņ͜Ψ ¾ğÝΨ Ę¾Ůáłăğ÷͜Ψ Ũÿă×ÿΨ resulted in them asking for styling tips. Little did he know that the universe was preparing him for his future career as a stylist. öŎáłΨ ÿă÷ÿΨ ņ×ÿĦĦĘ͜Ψ ÿáΨ ŨĦłĔáÝΨ ăğΨ fashion retail for two years where he would ĦöŎáğΨ¾ņņăņŎΨלņŎĦĞáłņΨņáĘá×ŎΨ×ĘĦŎÿăğ÷͜ΨņÿĦáņ͜Ψ and accessories that matched their personal ņŎŮĘá͛Ψ EğΨ ̛̙̙̜͜Ψ łŮ¾ğΨ Ğ¾ÝáΨ ¾Ψ ĘăöáΨ ¾ĘŎáłăğ÷Ψ decision to join the United States Navy; this was ŎÿáΨÝá×ăņăĦğΨŎÿ¾ŎΨņáŎΨăğΨĞĦŎăĦğΨ¾ΨÝĦĞăğĦΨáƂá×ŎΨ that set him up to be a stylist today. While in ŎÿáΨ^¾ŧŮ͜ΨłŮ¾ğΨÿ¾ÝΨŎÿáΨĦĿĿĦłŎœğăŎŮΨŎĦΨŎł¾ŧáĘΨ ŎÿáΨŨĦłĘÝΨ¾ğÝΨŧăņăŎΨ×ĦœğŎłăáņΨņœ×ÿΨ¾ņΨ8ł¾ğ×á͜Ψ „Ŀ¾ăğ͜Ψ ŒœłĔáŮ͜Ψ ¾ğÝΨ 9łáá×á͛Ψ ŒÿáΨ áŭĿĦņœłáΨ ŎĦΨ ŎÿáņáΨ ÝăƂáłáğŎΨ ×œĘŎœłáņΨ ŨĦœĘÝΨ ŎœłğΨ ĦœŎΨ to be crucial to the further development of his styling aesthetic. His travels abroad also gave him a broader sense of what the word ņŎŮĘáΨ Ğá¾ğŎΨ ŎĦΨ ÝăƂáłáğŎΨ ×œĘŎœłáņΨ ¾łĦœğÝΨ ŎÿáΨ world. Once he was honorably discharged ¾öŎáłΨ ×ĦĞĿĘáŎăğ÷Ψ ÿăņΨ ņáłŧă×áΨ ăğΨ ̛̙̙̠͜Ψ łŮ¾ğΨ began his career in the oil and gas industry where he worked for nine years. Working in this industry also enabled him to travel to Ŀ¾łŎņΨ ĦöΨ öłă×¾Ψ ņœ×ÿΨ ¾ņΨ Œœğăņă¾͜Ψ TáğŮ¾͜Ψ ¾ğÝΨ the Democratic Republic of the Congo; which áŭĿĦņáÝΨÿăĞΨŎĦΨĞĦłáΨלĘŎœł¾ĘΨăğƆœáğ×áņΨŎÿ¾ŎΨ he would later use as inspiration in his styling. ‘ğöĦłŎœğ¾ŎáĘŮΨ ăğΨ ̛̙̟̚͜Ψ łŮ¾ğΨ Ũ¾ņΨ Ę¾ăÝΨĦƂΨöłĦĞΨÿăņΨđĦÖΨÝœáΨŎĦΨ¾ΨņĘĦŨÝĦŨğΨăğΨŎÿáΨ industry–it was a blessing in disguise as it ĦĿáğáÝΨ¾ΨÝĦĦłΨŎĦΨ¾ΨğáŨΨĦĿĿĦłŎœğăŎŮΨŎĦΨƅğ¾ĘĘŮΨ pursue his passion. After seeing an ad for ×¾ÝáĞŮΨ ĦöΨ łŎΨ ‘ğăŧáłņăŎŮ͜Ψ łŮ¾ğΨ ņ×ÿáÝœĘáÝΨ for a tour at the school. Upon arriving at ŎÿáΨ ŧáğœá͜Ψ ŎÿáΨ ŎĦœłΨ ÷œăÝáΨ ¾ņĔáÝΨ ÿăĞΨ Ũÿă×ÿΨ program he was interested in enrolling. Bryan said that he always dreamed of starting his ĦŨğΨ ÷ł¾Ŀÿă×ΨŎͺņÿăłŎΨ Öł¾ğÝ͜Ψ ņĦΨŎÿáΨŎĦœłΨ ÷œăÝáΨ suggested that he should enroll in the Product Development program. Once the tour was Ħŧáł͜ΨłŮ¾ğΨĘáöŎΨŎÿáΨÖœăĘÝăğ÷ΨłáĘăáŧáÝΨĔğĦŨăğ÷Ψ that he had found the school for him. Without ÿáņăŎ¾ŎăĦğ͜ΨÿáΨ¾ĿĿĘăáÝΨĘ¾ŎáłΨŎÿ¾ŎΨáŧáğăğ÷ΨŨÿáğΨ he got home. Ready to embark on a new career path that had been his destiny all along.
Model: Jameel Miggins Wardrobe Stylist: Bryan Calloway Photographer: Jeffry Raposas Makeup/Grooming: Lisa Teller
Model: Sal Diallo (3 Model Management) Wardrobe Stylist: Bryan Calloway Photographer: Jeffry Raposas Makeup/Grooming; Lisa Teller
Enrolling in the Product Development program was more challenging than what Bryan had expected so he began to second-guess himself. In his mind, he kept thinking if going back to school in his late 30s was even worth it in the long run or Ũ¾ņΨÿáΨ đœņŎΨŎłŮăğ÷ΨŎĦΨ öœĘƅĘĘΨ ¾Ψ ö¾ğŎ¾ņŮΨŎÿ¾ŎΨÿ¾ÝΨ already passed him by. Most of his classmates were in their early 20s; just beginning their lives and had time on their side. After long discussions with family and close friends, with their support and encouragement, Bryan decided to shut down his negative thoughts ¾ğÝΨ đœņŎΨ áĞÖł¾×áΨ ÿăņΨ ¾÷áΨ ¾ğÝΨ ƅğÝΨ Ũ¾ŮņΨ ŎĦΨ use it to his advantage. He leaned heavily into his life experiences, which helped him with his creative process and be a better student. Bryan was also struggling with learning on how to use the Adobe Creative Cloud apps. But through all his struggles, he was determined to complete his degree program. It may have been by pure coincidence or divine intervention that in his last semester of the Product Development program, Bryan took a styling class as an elective and absolutely loved it! It was at this ĿĦăğŎΨ ŨÿáğΨ ÿáΨ ƅğ¾ĘĘŮΨ łá¾ĘăŶáÝΨ Ŏÿ¾ŎΨ ¾öŎáłΨ ¾ĘĘΨ ŎÿáΨ Ůá¾łņΨ ĦöΨ ŨĦłĔăğ÷Ψ đœņŎΨ ŎĦΨ ŨĦłĔ͜Ψ ÿáΨ ƅğ¾ĘĘŮΨ found his calling and his life had come to a full circle. The instructor of the class quickly took notice of his potential and unique sense of style; and encouraged him to pursue a career in fashion styling. After graduating with his AA in Fashion, Bryan decided to further his education and get his BFA Fashion Styling; which he earned in the fall of 2022. During his time at Academy of Art, he honed his styling skills by learning about menswear styling, editorial styling, personal styling, product styling, and photoshoot production. Through the use of this knowledge, Bryan has produced several successful in studio and on location photoshoots. Bryan believes that no matter how cool the concept or good the styling is, he couldn’t have produced the shoot by himself, so, it’s very important for him to also give credits to the crew he’s collaborating with, after a successful shoot. Model: Issa Hakizimana (Look Model Agency) Wardrobe Stylist: Bryan Calloway Photographer: Jeffry Raposas Makeup/Grooming: Lisa Teller
Model: Issa Hakizimana (Look Model Agency) Wardrobe Stylist: Bryan Calloway Photographer: Jeffry Raposas Makeup/Grooming: Lisa Teller
Model: Keltan Lawler (Dt Model Management) Wardrobe Stylist: Bryan Calloway Photographer: Jeffry Raposas Makeup/Grooming: Lisa Teller
Model: Issa Hakizimana (Look Model Agency) Wardrobe Stylist: Bryan Calloway Photographer: Jeffry Raposas Makeup/Grooming: Lisa Teller
FASHION SHOW Bryan’s creative process always starts with a good music because it helps him ŎĦΨ ÷áŎΨ ÿăņΨ ×łá¾ŎăŧáΨ đœă×áņΨ ƆĦŨăğ÷͛Ψ áĿáğÝăğ÷Ψ on the project–it could be any genre starting öłĦĞΨ ÿăĿͺÿĦĿΨ ¾ğÝΨ áŧáłŮŎÿăğ÷Ψ ăğΨ ÖáŎŨááğ͜Ψ ¾ĘĘΨ ŎÿáΨŨ¾ŮΨŎĦΨ×Ę¾ņņă×¾ĘͼÿáΨƅğÝņΨăğņĿăł¾ŎăĦğΨöłĦĞΨ ƅğáΨ ¾łŎ͜Ψ Ğœņă×͜Ψ ĿĦĿΨ ×œĘŎœłá͜Ψ ƅĘĞ͜Ψ ÝăƂáłáğŎΨ ×œĘŎœłáņ͜Ψ ÖĦĦĔņ͜Ψ ĘăöáΨ áŭĿáłăáğ×áņ͜Ψ ¾ğÝΨ Ŀ¾Ůăğ÷Ψ ×ĘĦņáΨ ¾ŎŎáğŎăĦğΨ ŎĦΨ Ũÿ¾ŎΉņΨ ÷Ħăğ÷Ψ ĦğΨ ¾łĦœğÝΨ him. Bryan has meticulous approach to his ĦœŎƅŎΨņŎŮĘăğ÷ΨĿłĦ×áņņ͜ΨоĔăğ÷ΨņœłáΨŎÿ¾ŎΨăŎáĞņΨ ƅŎΨŎĦ÷áŎÿáłΨĘăĔáΨ ¾Ψ ĿœŶŶĘáΨ Ŀăá×á͛Ψ áăğ÷Ψ ¾ğΨ ¾ŧăÝΨ ņğá¾Ĕáłÿá¾Ý͜Ψ ÿáΨ ÖáĘăáŧáņΨ Ŏÿ¾ŎΨ ņÿĦáņΨ ¾łáΨ ŎÿáΨ foundation piece and most essential part of any ĦœŎƅŎ͛ΨłŮ¾ğΨ¾ĘņĦΨÖáĘăáŧáņΨņÿĦáņΨņ¾ŮΨ¾ΨĘĦŎΨ¾ÖĦœŎΨ our personality and selecting the right pair of ņÿĦáņΨ ăņΨŎÿáΨ ÝăƂáłáğ×áΨ ÖáŎŨááğΨ ¾Ψ ÷ĦĦÝΨ ĦœŎƅŎΨ ¾ğÝΨĦğáΨŎÿ¾ŎΨŨăĘĘΨŎœłğΨÿá¾Ýņ͛ΨłŮ¾ğΉņΨņă÷ğ¾ŎœłáΨ style is deeply rooted in the hip-hop culture ¾ğÝΨ ăņΨ ÿá¾ŧăĘŮΨ ăğƆœáğ×áÝΨ ÖŮΨ ņŎłááŎŨá¾ł͛Ψ AáΨ ÿ¾ņΨ¾ΨƆ¾ăłΨöĦłΨĞăŭăğ÷ΨĦöΨ×ĦĘĦłņΨ¾ğÝΨĿłăğŎņ͜Ψ¾ğÝΨ his ability to pair tailored pieces with athletic wear. Bryan also enjoys pairing contemporary fashion brands with unique vintage secondhand. While working in the studio or on ĘĦ×¾ŎăĦğΨ Ýœłăğ÷Ψ ĿÿĦŎĦņÿĦĦŎņ͜Ψ łŮ¾ğΨ ¾ĘŨ¾ŮņΨ remember the quote from Confucius “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Just like in his previous ×¾łááłņ͜Ψ ÿáΨ ¾×ĔğĦŨĘáÝ÷áņΨ Ŏÿ¾ŎΨ ŎÿáłáΨ ŨăĘĘΨ ÖáΨ several challenges working as a fashion stylist; but the joy and satisfaction he gets seeing an idea that started in his head come to life is well worth it. łŮ¾ğΨ ÖáĘăáŧáņ͜Ψ Ά8¾ņÿăĦğΨ ĿłĦŧăÝáņΨ the ultimate freedom of expression for people ŎĦΨ Ũá¾łΨ ŎÿáăłΨ ×ĘĦŎÿáņΨ ÿĦŨáŧáłΨ ŎÿáŮΨ ņááĞΨ ƅŎ͛Ψ ŒÿáΨŨĦłĘÝΨăņΨŮĦœłΨłœğŨ¾Ů͜ΨņĦΨŮĦœΨÖáŎŎáłΨŨĦłĔΨ it!” Model: Sophia Hammond & Adam Deming (Look Model Agency) Wardrobe Stylist: Bryan Calloway Photographer: Jeffry Raposas Makeup/Grooming: Lisa Teller 82 • www.plpg.NEWS •
Model: Sophia Hammond (Look Model Agency) Wardrobe Stylist: Bryan Calloway Photographer: Jeffry Raposas Hair and Makeup: Lisa Teller
Model: Keltan Lawler (DT Model Management) Wardrobe Stylist: Bryan Calloway Photographer: Jeffry Raposas Makeup/Grooming: Lisa Teller
Model: Juergen Unger (Look Model Agency) Wardrobe Stylist: Bryan Calloway Photographer: Jeffry Raposas Makeup/Grooming: Lisa Teller


FASHION SHOW Sara Baena is a very recognized model , artist and philanthropist. Being in the model industry so long time have her the opportunity to create her own business. She has a great social community. Sara is originally from Medellín, Colombia. She studied psychology in a very prestigious university, she got her diploma and worked for a while helping teenagers. But her great successes came in the model industry. She was also developing a career in this field, that is not easy and she did in a very professional way. She was part of some model agencies during different periods and once, she learned enough she became independent as a model , and sometimes she uses the service of a manager. For 13 years Sara did not stop working as a model. And at the same time she got married and had a kid. She started to develop her modeling carrier even farther, including her lifestyle. She started to create unique content for her public. She was putting her daily routines with yoga, wellness and mom’s life tips. As psychologist she also, as we know, she launched a book that talk about healing body and mind that is available and she is working on the translation to English so she can share it with her public in the US community. 90 • www.plpg.NEWS •

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FASHION SHOW • www.plpg.NEWS • 99

Gabrielle Velasquez is a fashion stylist and visual artist from San Francisco, California. She is completing a BFA in Fashion Styling at the Academy of Art University. Throughout her career, Gabrielle has built a dynamic style that balances a blend of colorful prints and textures injected with symbolic iconography. She continues to experiment with a multitude of mediums implementing elements of up-cycled customizations. As an artist, Gabrielle believes in the importance of collaboration with other creatives and the diversity of voices featured in her work. She specializes in art direction, photoshoot production, editorial styling, commercial styling, product styling, and wardrobe styling. Gabrielle continues to expand her creative toolkit and explore new forms of expression to manifest her passion for storytelling. EPHEMERAL ETERNAL ART DIRECTION + STYLE GABRIELLE VELASQUEZ @g.abrielleanne PHOTOGRAPHY DANIELLE RUEDA @danielle_rueda BEAUTY SARAH DEAN @sarahdeanbeauty MODEL STEPHANIE RUGELES @stephrugeles @lookmodelagency DESIGNS JACLYN SHAHAN @j.j_stucker JACQUELINE LIU @hugmejac DIMENSIONAL EXPLORER ART DIRECTION + STYLE GABRIELLE VELASQUEZ @g.abrielleanne PHOTOGRAPHY ELLIOTT PASKINSKY @elliottpasinsky BEAUTY PRICILLA GARCIA @pricillagarxia MODEL + HAIR JOEL GARCIA @joelriches ga br ie l le -an n e. c om

FASHION SHOW STARS IN DIOR VIP AUTUM WINTER 2023-2024 The celebrities dressed in Dior Haute Couture and Dior by Maria Grazia Chiuri for the Autumn-Winter 2023-2024 Haute Couture Show Elizabeth Debicki wore a Dior white cotton top and a black leather skirt. She also wore a Dior hat, bag and shoes. She also wore Bois de Rose earring, earcuff and bracelets in white gold and diamonds from Dior Joaillerie. 110 • www.plpg.NEWS •
Alexandra Daddario wore a Dior Spring-Summer 2023 beige silk jacket and skirt with a white cotton top. She also wore a Dior bag and shoes.
Sonam Kapoor wore a Dior Pre Fall 2023 beige cotton trench coat and bustier dress. She also wore a Dior hat, bag and shoes. She also wore a Rose des Vents necklace, earrings and rings in yellow, pink and white gold, diamonds and ornamental stones of Dior Joaillerie.
Natalie Portman wore a Dior High Jewelry Collection 2023 “Les Jardins de la Couture” strapless evening dress in silk taffeta jacquard mottled with poppies, and Dior shoes. She also wore Rose Couture Abstraite earrings in pink gold and rubies & Solo ring in yellow gold, diamonds, spinel and sapphire of Dior Joaillerie. •
Antonia Gentry wore a Dior Pre Fall 2023 black knit top with an embroidered tulle skirt. She also wore a Dior headband, bag and shoes.
Thuso Mbedu wore a Dior Spring-Summer 2023 light gold tulle dress. She also wore a Dior bag and shoes.
Camille Cottin wore a Dior Spring-Summer 2023 white cotton shirt with a beige pleated cotton skirt. She also wore a Dior bag and shoes. She also wore Bois de Rose in pink gold earrings and ring & Rose Dior Couture in pink gold and diamonds of Dior Joaillerie.
Nadia Tereszkiewicz wore a Dior Spring-Summer 2023 white cotton shirt, a striped beige and white bustier and pants. She also wore Dior shoes.
Kimberley Anne Woltemas wore a Dior Pre Fall 2023 asymmetrical white silk dress. She also wore a Dior bag and shoes.
Gemma Arterton wore a Dior white wool and silk top and shorts. She also wore a Dior bag and shoes.

REDCARPET EVENTS SAN FRANCISCO OPERA BALL September 8, 2023 Photography by: Drew Altizer Matthew Shilvock, Jeff Amann, Francesca Amann, Cynthia Gunn, John Gunn, Sue Graham Johnston, Eric Johnston, Jack Calhoun and Trent Norris San Francisco Opera inaugurated its second century with Opera Ball: The Elixir of Opera. Co-chaired by Francesca Gutierrez Amann and Sue Graham Johnston, the celebration began at San Francisco’s City Hall with a cocktail hour and dinner by McCalls Catering & Events with décor by J. Ricardo Benavides. Attendees then promenaded across Van Ness Avenue to the War Memorial Opera AĦœņáΨöĦłΨ¾ğΨdĿáğăğ÷Ψ^ă÷ÿŎΨĦğ×áłŎΨŎĦΨĔă×ĔΨĦƂΨŎÿáΨ̙̚̚ņŎΨņá¾ņĦğΨöá¾Ŏœłăğ÷ΨŎáğĦłΨ€ĦÖáłŎĦΨĘ¾÷ğ¾Ψ¾ğÝΨ soprano Aleksandra Kurzak with the San Francisco Opera Orchestra and Chorus under the baton of Company Music Director Eun Sun Kim. An after-party at City Hall concluded the festive evening with more revelry and dancing. Notable Attendees Matthew Shilvock, San Francisco Opera General Director Eun Sun Kim, San Francisco Opera Music Director Jack Calhoun, San Francisco Opera President of the Board of Directors Maryam Muduroglu, San Francisco Opera board member, „¾ğΨ8ł¾ğ×ăņ×ĦΨdĿáł¾Ψ9œăĘÝΨ}łáņăÝáğŎ͜Ψ„¾ğΨ8ł¾ğ×ăņ×ĦΨÿăáöΨ}łĦŎĦ×ĦĘΨdƃ×áłΨ Nancy Pelosi, US House of Representatives
Tad Taube, Dianne Taube and Matthew Shilvock Furio Rinaldi, Tamara Rojo and Jack Calhoun John Keene, Roberto Alagna, Aleksandra Kurzak and Eun Sun Kim

Jack Calhoun and Trent Norris Maryam Muduroglu Joel Goodrich and Clara Shayevich Navid Armstrong and Jack Calhoun
Maryam Muduroglu and Nazan Orr Robert Beadle and Navid Armstrong Carolyn Chang
Teresa Rodriguez and Olivia Decker Tanum Davis Bohen and Sean Bohen Malin Giddings and Richard Hechler Betty Yu and Peter Rodway
Maria Manetti Shrem Betty Yu and Carmen Legarda Oran Muduroglu and Maryam Muduroglu Constantine Sapuntzakis and Helen Christakos
Joel Goodrich and Clara Shayevich Joseph Yang, Louis Bobrow, Claire Bobrow and Jared Bobrow Mary Poland and Bill Poland Mark Calvano and Clara Shayevich
Lorence Manansala and Claudia Volpi Carolyn Chang, Farah Makras, Mary Beth Shimmon and Christine Suppes Tanum Davis Bohen, Navid Armstrong and Pam Preston Mary Beth Shimmon
Heide Betz and Vincent Gotti Sue Graham Johnston Jacqueline Erdman and Mackenzie Erdman Dede Wilsey
Paul Pelosi and Nancy Pelosi Mary Poland Carmen Legarda Betty Yu
Maryam Muduroglu, Cyrus Muduroglu and Nazan Orr Lorence Manansala Lorna Meyer Calas and Dennis Calas Lisa Zabelle
Mary Poland and Bill Poland Olivia Decker Blake McCall, Brittany Bruhl and Jack Calhoun
Jim Zanze and Lisa Zanze Angie Longworth, Jennifer Redmond, Ruby Gadhially, Gina Edwards and Francesca Amann Nancy Pelosi, Jack Calhoun and Dede Wilsey Maryam Muduroglu and Nancy Pelosi

Jake Heggie, Dede Wilsey, Bob Hill and Prisca Geeslin
REDCARPET EVENTS LEAGUE TO SAVE LAKE TAHOE x ODLR FASHION SHOW August 5, 2023 Photography by: Drew Altizer On Saturday, August 5, Saks Fifth Avenue and the League to „¾ŧáΨW¾Ĕá،¾ÿĦáΨÿĦņŎáÝΨŎÿáăłΨ¾ğğœ¾ĘΨÖáğáƅŎΨö¾ņÿăĦğΨņÿĦŨΨ¾ğÝΨĘœğ×ÿáĦğΨ öá¾Ŏœłăğ÷Ψ ¾ğΨ áŭ×ĘœņăŧáΨ ƅłņŎΨ ĘĦĦĔΨ ¾ŎΨ ŎÿáΨ dņ×¾łΨ ÝáΨ Ę¾Ψ €áğŎ¾Ψ }łáͺ„Ŀłăğ÷Ψ ̛̛̙̝Ψ ×ĦĘĘá×ŎăĦğ͜Ψ Ýáņă÷ğáÝΨ ÖŮΨ Ħͺłá¾ŎăŧáΨ ăłá×ŎĦłņΨ W¾œł¾Ψ TăĞΨ ¾ğÝΨ 8áłğ¾ğÝĦΨ9¾ł×ă¾͛،ÿăņΨŮá¾ł͜ΨŎÿáΨņŎĦłăáÝΨáŧáğŎΨł¾ăņáÝΨή̛͛̚ΨĞăĘĘăĦğΨöĦłΨŎÿáΨ Ŀłáņáłŧ¾ŎăĦğΨĦöΨW¾Ĕá،¾ÿĦáΨÝœłăğ÷ΨăŎņΨöœĘĘͺņ×¾ĘáΨłœğŨ¾ŮΨö¾ņÿăĦğΨņÿĦŨΨ ¾ğÝΨ áĘá÷¾ğŎΨ Ęœğ×ÿáĦğΨ ÿáĘÝΨ ¾ŎΨ ŎÿáΨ „×ÿœĞ¾×ÿáłΨ ö¾ĞăĘŮΨ ÿĦĞáΨ ĦğΨ W¾ĔáΨ Œ¾ÿĦáΉņΨă×Ħğă×ΨņÿĦłáĘăğá͛،ÿáΨöœğÝņΨł¾ăņáÝΨÝœłăğ÷ΨŎÿăņΨĿłáĞăáłΨĦöΨdņ×¾łΨ ÝáΨĘ¾Ψ €áğŎ¾ΉņΨ ņŎœğğăğ÷Ψ }łáͺ„Ŀłăğ÷Ψ ̛̛̙̝Ψ ×ĦĘĘá×ŎăĦğΨ ņœĿĿĦłŎΨŎÿáΨ Wá¾÷œáΨ ŎĦΨ„¾ŧáΨW¾Ĕá،¾ÿĦáΉņΨ̟̞ͺΨŮá¾łΨĞăņņăĦğΨŎĦΨΆTááĿ،¾ÿĦáΨĘœá·ΨÖŮΨöœáĘăğ÷Ψ ăğăŎă¾ŎăŧáņΨŎÿ¾ŎΨĿłĦŎá×ŎΨŎÿáΨÿá¾ĘŎÿΨ¾ğÝΨÖᾜŎŮΨĦöΨŎÿáΨW¾Ĕá،¾ÿĦáΨ¾ņăğ͛Ψ 138 • www.plpg.NEWS • Notable Attendees ¾łÖ¾ł¾ΨłĦŨğ AáăÝăΨ¾łŮ €ĦÖáłŎΨ͛Ψ ¾Ğ¾ņ×ÿăğĦ Ráņņă×¾ΨAă×Ĕăğ÷ÖĦŎÿ¾Ğ TłăņŎ¾Ψ9ăĦŧ¾ł¾ WăğÝņ¾ŮΨ]×ĦğğĦğΨΨΨ Lisa Zabelle TĦоĘΨ„ÿ¾ÿ ¾łĦĘŮğΨÿ¾ğ÷ΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨΨ

Betty Yu Heather Preston, Olivia Preston and Anna Chung Krista Giovara Audrey MacLean and Holly Racich Lisa Zabelle and Barbara Brown
Roman Gronkowski, Joel Goodrich and Robert Beadle Melodie Pacheco and Robert Beadle Terri Tiffany and Forrest Tiffany Laura Kim and Fernando Garcia
FASHION SHOW Hollye Schumacher Shepherd, Kern Schumacher, Ryan Schumacher and Julie Schumacher Lisa Goldman Barbara Brown, Karen Kubin, Ann Girard and Susan Malott 142 • www.plpg.NEWS •
FASHION SHOW Robert Beadle and Joel Goodrich Barbara Brown, Carolyn Chang and Jennifer Walske Betty Yu and Matt Lituchy Sandy Miller and Ella Qing Hou • www.plpg.NEWS • 143