
unit О CL act to be a person or an animal in a play or film We are going to act The Ugly Duckling in the school theatre. against in competition with Red team is playing jatns blue team. answer a reply to a question Everyone got the right answers in. the test. Ь board broke past tense of break 1 to harm something so you cannot use it Ben stood on his toy car and he broke it. 2 to do better than Fred ran 100 metres in I 2 seconds and he broke the school record. bubble click to press on a computer mouse Move the arrow to 'Open then dick. club a group of people who do an activity together Lots of children go to Swimming dub. come in to enter into a place A'e stand up when our teacher comes in. concert when people perform music or sing The choir sang tn the . cer. Last week. (j_ daughter a girl child Mr Brown has two sons and two daughters. drama a play or a story that actors tell Tm enjoys drama He is a good actor. excellent very, very good Ten out of ten is an excellent mark. captain the leader of a team Dan is the captain of the football team. chess a board game for two players In chess, each player has 16 pieces. chess pieces group a number of people or things together The children are working in groups today. internet a way of joining computers all over the world and sending information between them We found lots of information about lions on the internet. choir a group of singers The school choir sang a song for us.
join to put things together The girls Jo..red hands In a circle. kilometre 1000 metres The new bridge is two aiometres long. kind friendly, good and helpful The and lady gave the children some sweets. kindergarten the class for the youngest children in a school The children in the kindergarten are Learning colours. lazy not liking work Sam is lazy. He never does his homework. lose to not win Ben always when he plays chess. m move to go from one place to another Lions sometimes ve very quickly. next following after This isn't our bus. Our bus is the nexi one. play a story that actors tell on stage We are doing a plat of Red Riding Hood. practise to do something many times and do it better The choir is practising for the competition. program the instructions that make a computer do something This computer . .ram helps your spelling. put on to perform a play The drama group is p Red Riding Hood. record the best score in a sport or game The school d for running 100 metres is 12.9 seconds. seaweed second one sixtieth of a minute There are sixty a minute. team a group of peop e who do an activity and often play against another group Ben is in the schoa. s.-. because he swims very :ir. tomorrow the day ofte' today Anna will write a letter to orano-.a tomorrow. too more of somet- .'-g- you need I don’t like this band, t s _?_a try to do your best to co something Alfie tried to do a very difficult website a place on the чте- where there is informal or Our school tells .c«_ c_ ccc-_: school dubs. well in a good wcu The chuaren c-=r~?~.-=ra Tjet
Unit Q alone without another person A fter school, the teacher was - in the s.assroom. anyone a person Can. you. see anyone in the park? basket d beside next to disappear to go from sight The strange man disappeared Into the fog. Alfie sits beside Max in maths. brave not easily scared Firemen work near big fires and. they are :*ave. bunch a group of things together Mam boaght a big ba c f carrots in the market. doorway the opening where a door fits The castle is tall and wide. button edge the place where something ends The pencil fell off the edge of the desk. closed shut, not open The shop is closed now. Come back tomorrow. copy something that is the same as something else ’.'o made a сосу of his story for his □crt folio. co st-me the clothes an actor •ears on stage —- ac2 -ea Riding Hood and her 2- _ *02 a ~ed cloak. felt past tense of feel - to have thoughts and ideas Amy feel happy when she sees her Grandma. first at first at the beginning Harry didn’t Like school but now he loves it forest a large piece of land where many trees grow near each other Lots о f birds Live in the trees tn the --; t. forget to not remember Alfie to do his homework again!
frightened scared Are you. frightened, of snakes? at once at this time, now "Hurry up, Ben,’ scud Mum. 'You are Late for school and you mast .eave ?. : ace." hood just at a certain moment then, they heard, a load, noise. knock to hit something to make a sound or a noise Ki lock on the door before yoa go in. last after all the others Ben was sad because he came la: t in the race. at last after a long time, in the end The Journey was long but at ..as- we got there. leap to jump high The horse leap over the gate. lovely beautiful, nice We gave Mum a lovely bunch of flowers. nightcap a soft hat to wear at night Grandma always wears her ntgl . when it is cold. perform to act The chudren . • ’ - -ea -ha.ng Hood in the theatre. photocopier a mach ne that copies pages The .- can copy tei pages every minute. politely in a nice woy Speak . . . pound 100 pence n Eng sh money Dad gave me ten. cathday press push down This machine g.ves jjut money in and - the b-ttsr. safe not hurt The bus hit a tree but afl. the passengers were safr. scream to shout ~ a h gr voice Do not script the words I know all words in tne set off to begi” a ourney We are going to_araar. umcrt shawl nothing not a thing They opened the old box but there was not :.ng in it. once onetime Ben has won the competition once. smell I can - -
wolf soon n о short time —- : _c£ sr_s mm. I hope it ends soord woodcutter a person who cuts thousand 1,000 Ims statue is two years old. twitch to move a little \ . its nose. way road or path г r_s me . to the station.? >. *.n= to school we saw a dog. down trees in the forest work to run in the right way My computer isn't :r<ing and I can’t use the internet. worriedly with the feeling that something is wrong "My purse is not in my bag," said Mum worriedly. Unit О adult a man or a woman ere лете free and a child in the appear to come into sight ~*.e >. _ on the forest path. argue to fight (with words) Sen ana Meg . all the time. both the two Lulu and Molly both enjoyed the Science lesson. branch build to make a building Mr Brown is going to build a new house. chick clever very good at thinking Joe is : .He always gets good marts cygnet a baby swan •: have grey feathers.
danger something that can do harm Fast cars are a da r to people on. the street. die to stop living Only one person Ln the Great Fire of London. disaster something terrible that happens The Great Fire of London was a for rnany people. dive to go head first into water Pengains into the ocean and catch fish. drown to die in water Many albatrosses because fishing nets trap them underwater. Emperor penguin the largest kind of penguin in the world feather p fit to match in size These shoes my feet. gosling a baby goose The swam after their mother. lake a large piece of water in the land Swans often live beside a land the parts of the Earth that are not under the oceans Sailors travel to another by ship. lag to make an egg Birds their eggs ,n nests life the time that sorret"ing or someone is living An albatross spends m::: : n n.n: over the ocean. m. much a lot There isn't -. juice in. the jug. ocean very large area of wofeer between land America is across cne -'-".ns parent a mothe-or Lots of с came to watch, the play. put on to wear Pul _r. your coat been-зе : _ ica -aa_ grab to take hold of something quickly Ben ed his pencil before it fell off the table. graceful moving in a beautiful way Dancers are gri -L I. ridiculous ve'_ s _ My hat ls too b_g and I Look r .
skin the outside of the body of a season or animal - . tenant s is grey and very thick. t toe trap to catch -e:o.= use nets to fish. tw g the small part of a branch ocas _se to make their nests. unfortunately in a way that is sod , thousands of albatrosses a— л-_ every year. Unit О bowl bottom the lowest part /Г \ ~- .ere were houses at r.e v oj the hill. C candle Д paid elight the light from a esnde u "C as strong as sunlight. usually very often It . rains in winter. warm a little bit hot It’s in spring and hot in summer. webbed toes with skin joining them Water birds have webbec feet. wild living without help from people Lions and crocodiles are li animals. carefully with care Ben did his homework co r e 1 ally and all his answers were right. coil to turn something round in lots of circles /ш You can coll a rope. cool to let something get cold We >.ea our hot feet in the pool. craft the making of things by hand A carpenter’s a ft Is making things with wood.
(£ dip to put something into a liquid We : ped our toes in the Lake. dry to take the water from something The hot sun dried the washing quickly. pour to let a liquid drop from a cup orjug Ma.„ scr-.e vice into a glass. reeds p ants that grow near a river or ake finally at the end , the potter pa.in.ts the pot and finishes it. gradually a little at a time Grad* 1. all , it grew darker as the sun went down. heat to make something hot The sun heats the Earth. knife <7 у . lump a big piece of something Mum put a Lump of sugar in her tea. other the different one I don’t want that toy, I want the other one. oven a large box that people make hot and use for cooking food Mum baked a cake tn the oven. pinch to press something hard between your finger and thumb Don’t ;inch my arm, it hurts! The aguj duddtng hid. in the reeds. shape the outline that something has A square ana a arae are ices. side the part of something that is not the front, bock, top or bottom There was a amre an the of the war_ smooth very - at, with no lumps The new roaa u a*, a there are no stones on it soft not hard Feathers fed your hand. squeak the small sound a mouse makes Did you hear that - c? A mouse squeaked! straight not in a curve The road was might for many kilometres.
w wax the quid that a candle ~ e' uses to make candles □оез ".in when. it cools. weave to push threads between each other to make cloth You weave the threads from side to side. wheel Unit 0 active doing a lot of things L-andma likes walking, tennis and : •••: “jrap-fl., iswerq active. begin to start You maq beau qour homework now. agree to have the same thoughts ”d ideas as another person _ ^jning is fan, said Pete. . - ."/said Ben, "it’s qreat!” □live living snail isn't гпдаля but it is alive. come alive to start being alive <7’nen an egg hatches, - chide com.es alive. army a large number of fighters "nere were many soldiers in the king’s array. attack to fight against Tie lions Hacked the zebras. ballet a kind of dance lancers weansoecial shoes. oattle a fight between two armies 'he lar.g s army won the battle. called having a name My sister is called Bella. certainly really, surely The sky J^jolacjji! It's certainly going to ram. change make different My drawing is terrible so I’m going to change it. change into to be something different A chick will change into a hen. characters' ^he people in a story, play or film The wolf is a character Ln Red Riding Hood country a land I Live in England. Which count ’ do you live in? dream the pictures you see when you are asleep In my dream. I changed Into a huge rabbit!
excited very happy and pleased Annals cj-. because she's going to London.. evil very bad The man stole all the old lady’s money. fall off" to fall from a place Bea tell о f * his chair. fierce veryfrightening A roaring Lion sounds really, ier: ! fight when two or more people hit each other Dad is angry because my brother was in a fight. final last In the nal scene of the play the wolf ran away. finish to end, to complete You must your homework today and give it to me tomorrow. Japan a country near China kill to end the life o* z season or animal The woodcutter did nr. ~~ *о.г because It ran awa^ loud making alot of sour a My dad has a very ITl mask mice pluralofmc_.se There are - in the ~a—s oom. midnight twelve с cco z~. -ight At midnight the streets агевиЛ Palestine a land n the M ddte East gloomy without colour or light It was jloomi. inside the cave. hero a brave or good person that other people like Ben’s rc 15 Superman hour 60 minutes We have maths for one tour every day. performers actc*: singers or musicians There were fifty d. in. the show. prince the son of a c -g The prince loined his fathnoa*. programme asm a :::< e* that tells people at:.’ c srcw The names of the actor: programme. intelligent clever and able to think Sam Is good at his lessons because he Is very intelligent. rehearsal /practice*: а асу or concert The children had lots :* *-* hr the play.
show a play, a ballet or a concert r. *_"€ tnere are different e.eru г silent without sound one was in the house and it was -aside. spend to'use time cer. алЛоц^оп. his hor.ewcrk. start the beginning of the race was exciting because e• e^gone moved at once. switch on ' to make something start working ts dark now, please ' tr.e ught. terrible very bad ,' Ben woke up because he had a dream. on time at the correct time You are Late. You must come to school time. total everything together The cost of our tickets was ten pounds. i^—-------------------— 4----------- wooden from wood Dad made a wooden table. Unit О awful terrible butterfly That film was aar.t like it at all. beast an an ma or insect A cow is a quiet become to c-eg’n to be something Shadows л the evening. best better than all the others Ben is the а: -лс-л. He always comes first in the tests better good compared to another one This boc< is than that book because It has more res. caterpillar crumpled squashed together Anna’s dress was and she couldn't wear it. delicate light, not heavy, thin Mum keeps her cups in a cupboard. fan
feast a lot of food for a big dinner On special days Mum prepares a east for the family. flash light for a few seconds There was a La in the sky then we heard, thunder. look for to try to find If you lose a book, ли • for it. nature the plants, t'ees and animals in the world I like TV programmes aDout . - glow to shine but not brightly The Light -wed through the thick fog. [t golden from gold or the colour of gold Goldilocks had golden hair. nervous worriea ~z~ :_*e Sam is always i test nice pleasing, gocc This dress is ven^ ". r - please? grow to become The sky re v dark as the sun went down. guess to give an answer that you think could be right When you don't know the answer, Just : own to have sorer - z My uncle owi two con ”xie. Аф. owner the person -os something Mr Green is the hang to swing freely from something In the forest, monkeys were from the trees. hide to go where no one can see you 5 When my sister is scared, she hides under her bed. painting a pictu'e that someone has made with paints Ben gave his his grandmother. seed the tiny part of a ptanttitat grows into a new p ant Flowers drop their -- ~ cm z~. jaw one of the two bones of the mouth The crocodile held a fish in its Jaws. jewel sight what you co" xz-c The sailing boats were a- . - :; - . out of sight w-='e *::*= see The thief hid
to open out ле doth on the table. W worm terrified .ery scared :" Load, noises. terrifying .ery frightening . and. all the true correct, right TVxnts need, water.’ said. Max. €2 '.-.a:s said Miss Carey worse not as good compared with something else Ben is ill and he Is . . crse today than he was yesterday. worst worse than all the others The weather is о ften the irs: in January. wrinkled having lines after folding or because of age Grandpa has got a .<- r kled face. Unit О CL among in the ddle of desert land where very little or no rain falls here was a house among the trees. Cannels live m the desert. capture to catch (a person or animal) *.e ”. er. ran. fast but they did not capture complain to say that you are /: eased with something M__. . to the baker because the zrecc ••• is horrid. com, a grass with seeds that peep e make flour from - ' golden In the summer then the •d.-me~s cut it. Custom something that эесо e do in a certain way r. c'.aana it is a . ..stom to put candles on. a birthday cake. east the direction where the sun comes up in the morning Russia Is east of England. electricity the power that people use to work lights and machines When the -..eccr.citg stops, the lights go off. explorers people who go to new lands Explorers often find new plants and animals. falcon a bird that flies fast and catches other birds Falco catch birds with their sharp claws.
frozen colder than 0 degrees Celsius The water la the pond is ~rozer. and you can stand on it. gross horrid not nice Ben was to his sister and she cried. nomads people who do not live in one place but move from one place to another Nomad live in places where there are few people. north the direction to the left when you face the rising sun Few people live m the .. r i .. nowadays at this time , most people have mobile phones. hunt to follow and catch Lions .ar t zebras and kill them.. hurt to feel bad My leg because I fell over. Incas powerful people who lived in Peru more than five hundred years ago The пса had lots of gold and jewels. invent to make something new and useful Thomas Edison . er -.Led the gramophone. pack up to put things into a bag or box We our books at the end о f the lesson. part a piece of something Ben oa.e of his cake to his sister. pattern markings in shapes or lines Jce th-s red and yellow plough language the words used by a group of people or the people of a country What do people speak in America? powerful strong Ал elephant is a oowerful animal. reindeer m. modern of the present time M oderr planes fly much faster than old planes. museum a building where you can see old and interesting objects The biggest pot in the is nine hundred years old. ribbon a long thin piece of doth i :: : --i in her hair. rude having bad manners, not polite re • - to your teacher.
rule over to be in charge of people and tell them what to do An. emperor e s over many people. village a small group of houses it is often q.u_Let in a. i .age because there are not many people. south the direction on youg '' when you face the rising sun Africa Is south of Europe. spin to turn round and round very fast Tie Earth spins in space. suspicious strange, not usual “hat man with the sunglasses and. the black, '.at looks very suspicious. watchful watching hard The soldiers were vale жтаХ&лЛ as they walked through the forest. west the direction where the sun goes down Spain Is tn the о f Europe. wonderful very good, exciting Our holiday was wonderful! Unit Q band a circle of metal ne princess wore a sliver r around her head. beckon to sign to someone to come to you 'Ass Carey I coned to Max and he went - ner at once. collar the part of a coat, shirt or dress that goes around the neck Anna’s dress had a big white command to tell someone to do something The king ।. in his army to stop. before earlier than a—.ved at school before ejm o'clock. corner the place where two walls come together There was a TV in. the comer of the room. dearly in a way that is easy to -'ce'stand zeacher said the word .early and the fjTQte it down. courtyard a square space with a building on each side The children played safely in the school courtyard. e
cover to put one thing on top of another Mum. covered the old table with a cloth. hall a very big room or b_ c ng where people can meet toget--- The concert was in the school crossroads the place where one road crosses another Tam. right at the sroads. headdress hurriedly in a hurried way Harry did his homework w got a bad mark. dawn the time when the sun comes up and the day begins Some people have to get up before dim only a little light It was in the room, because there was only a small window. important having a lot о* ссчмег A king Is an important man. jewellery empty having nothing , inside This box is empty. lead to go first and shov. the way to others The fireman lee the people ou: : ~ ~=. building. fail to be unable to do something that you try to do My brother з i.ed his driving test. fine thin and light, not heavy Grandmother wove with . threads. lean to bend your boar You mustn’t .ear. out of the л r c_- > lost not knowing whe'e zte I am lost. Can you tell me where ~ = museum is? forwards to a place in front The boys ran For : - . to see the king. great large, important Lots of people visit The .xea’ Wall of China. guard a person who keeps people and places safe. Two guards stood in front of the palace gate. message information z- zr : person sends to another pe;:* People often send text messenger the person wmc carries a message A long time ago . • . long wag. middle the centre "here is a dot In the of this circle. Ф
moment : s-c'ttime shield Hurry! The cram. «*. iene л а spear П narrow cshor distance fro^ z-e s ае to the other; not wide The road is — cars canno*. pass step to put one foot in front of the other Sam. : : into the water. surprise something you do not nod to yo„'head up and down to she.-. -es I asked.. 'Can I wasdiTV now?" Dad. 2." ~'J on. know is going to happen Our holiday was a big We usually stay with Grandma but this year we went to London! palace t”e crce nouse of a king or queen There are e.x.: * irea -corns in the queen's: in surprise with a feeling of surprise When the clown jumped out of the big box, the children laughed m surprise. sword passage z -stow hall The class*:: - *as a: c-.e end. of a short . passage ra re sc" e*." i n g th at people do *see or find ofte- The giant ic „ .1 a very rare an_~a_ repeat to say or do something again Repen the actos of sing it roundabout *.ne song then we will task a piece of work Ben has a tas1 every weekend. He helps Grandpa. tunic a long, loose shirt The Inca soldiers wore tunics. wake up to stop sleeping and open your eyes in the morning Ben early and gets out of bed. whisper to speak in a very quiet voice "Shi’' ‘whispered Mum. "Don’t wake the baby." shadowy full of shadows The dart . . forest is a bit scary. Ф
Unit О block a shape with six sides Little children Like to play with wooden compass a tool for finding north The needle on the points to the north. flame the long orange yellow shapes in a* 'e Don’t put your hana ле с e я they are hot. fireworks thecolo-'ez that explode in the sky Some little children a-e scares : ~ fireworks. completely totally, very The glass vase fell on the floor and was completely broken. definitely in a way that is sure This apple is bad. It is brown. discover to find out A long time ago people • that the Earth is round. ink a coloured liquid that people use for writing and printing The printer for our comcute- _ ink. invention something zr different that someone - The । verdi.o of the car уде; lives. discovery something you find just only out The li' of America happened There were Just two children on. the 500 years ago. display a show of something We enjoyed the gymnastics display. ГП map a drawing of land that shows where things ore This .. . shows the river, ”e the forests. dye colours that people use to make patterns on cloth They used blue and green for this pattern. melt to become liquid because of heat The ice on the pond . л-_е-. -те ж came up. explode to break open very suddenly with a loud noise In the film the car /Т T... mix to put different t- - zi together and make some” ng You can red and blue par/. л. have purple paint.
mixture d "e'ent things that someone put together ~ts zzle. - has a lot needle papyrus sheets for writing on ex "J> make papyrus. pknk a ~ea eaten outside зло. ~ -ome salt white powder we put in food You mustn’t have too much because It is bad. for you. scientist a person who works in science . find, out about things in our world. silk a fine, soft cloth Anna’s best dress is blue Ik. still going on up to this time It’s Late and Ben Is doing his homework.. Xl the beach. printing putting words or a pattern on paper or doth by press * z :ov. n a shape with ink on it -— - : z - _a.er than writing. problem something that makes tro-c e o' makes things difficult мпу cars z a dem In lots of cities. useful helpful for doing something well This knife is It J for cutting vegetables. W wrap to cover completely Dan .vrapced the present tn red paper. Unit ф CL Africa almost nearly : л -ле o'clock. around all round something □en -an the treer- arrive to come to a place We - name yesterday. astronaut the American word for a space traveller Nell Armstrong was the first istror . on the moon. board *' a flat wooden area We mg.de a staq§. from lots of blq on board o5t a ship or train When the passengers were oard, the train left.
born becoming a living person Lots of babies are b n in hospitals. during in the time of Dthe lesson, they worked. nan. call a spoken conversation by telephone or satellite Mum got a phone .al from my aunt in America. call sign the word that an astronaut uses to show which space craft is calling The scientists heard, the call i for the space station cheap hot costing much money Paper fans are cneaj but silk fans are expensive. continue to go on doing something Ben continued his English composition when he got home. cosmonaut the Russian word for a space traveller Yuri Gagarin was the first cci~ onaut in space. delighted very pleased Alfie won a prize and he was dehahted. description words and sentences that tell you what something or someone is like The children wrote a description of their favourite place. drive to make something go My uncle anves a taxi. driver a person who drives Ben's cousin is a lorry nver. education learning from teachers will help you all your life. engineer a person who works with machines The mended the lift m the mall. exploration the finding of new places Space n is exciting but sometimes it is aansen _s too. factory a building where many people mo<e things In this be they make cars. fit in gooc wealth If you do soar. day, jou will be I it. flight c in о plane, a balloon or c so ace ship The next * " 7 tn .eaves at one o'clock. free when people or animals can go where <e Birds ci" .- c ~.e- ire not in a case. mJ free time t -e you can choose what u ac Benc.i.. -rx.”x- husband the man that a woman is married to Aunt Ninas’ .
journey the travel from one □lace to another Cur to Russia took, six hours. kilogram 1000 grams oaby sister weighs four kilograms. last to continue for some time ~ne film -: for two hours. lift off when a rocket leaves the ground was very noisy and. exciting! m marry to become the husband or a 'e of someone Vu a nurse. sky-dive to jump from a plane and go down to the ground using a parachute Lots of people want to sky-dive. take back to return something Dad will our new computer because it didn’t work. take off to leave the ground and fly It is very noisy when a plane takes c ". test a short exam We have a 20-minute test every week. train to show people how to do something well Mr Brown is training us at Swimming Club and now we can swim faster. past time that has gone r. e , not many people had. cars. planet one of the round objects that goes around the sun Lam- is a c.anet. put to place ier. his book, on the desk. war-time a time when armies are fighting In war-time things are difficult for everyone. western of the west, in the west Valentina Tereshkova was born in western Russia. receive to get or accept something .. - i the school prize for Maths. return to come back to a place name from our holiday jesserau- w J Ф
Unit ф antlers area a piece of land This -ea. is a wild, life park. Ь beard border a band along the edge of something Molly's blue skirt has a red. 'den carve to shape stone or wood with a sharp tool The artist carved a statue of the king coast the edge of the land next to the sea The weather is usually cooler at the ast. fair a yellow colour of hair Anna has got very hair. fisherman a man who catches fish r.sherm.en. often, put nets tn the sea. fringe a row of threads that hang from a piece of material This scarf has a long xtjige at each end. match two teams plz_ -c a game against each othe' The Red. team won the * -.r ~-x Blue team. nation a very large : :* people; usually all the peooie one country The Queen of England sc :<.•= -u r= neAen. on the radio. national for all the ce-s-e n one country The national TV channel sheae ocs xf different programmes. newspaper nil zero score The score was five n.... northern ofthenort- - t-e north Finland is a northern coun.tr. once at a time in the pest 0n.ee, there were dinosaurs dz.tr. proud being very pleased лт something that you have Ben 15 proud of his computer radio
>:се ~~е - umber of paints ar goats each team has snow scooter score zz г. ~ a point or a sledge is just scored five points. tool an object that people use to do or make things A Kammer and a saw are useful ds. Unit & 4 > 4 (four by four) a kind of □rge :s ---atcan go over the land a- need i -m the desert or on a 2. ocventure lots of exciting things “cooening 3c xn -xe • stones? amazed very surprised _ cc . sc z-zd when I won the prize. boring not interesting * e . film was boring and Ben went to dentist a person who looks after your teeth You should visit your dent.st every year. disappointed sad because something is not as you hoped Lily was disappointed because she didn’t win a prize. distant a long way away Hie ciistan mountains had snow on the top. exclaim to say something suddenly and loudly, often when you are surprised "Look, a purple cat!” exclaimed Ben. date a fruit . tow in hot countries. date palm a desert tree that dates grow on You. can often see date palms at an oasis. fall over to fall down to the ground Ben i ell over in the playground and he hurt his knee.
furniture things in a house like chairs, tables, beds, cupboards When, we moved, we put all our furniture In a truck. slide to move smootnly The stone across "e .:•= further a longer distance away I’m not tired. Let's walk, a bit further. souvenirs objects people buy on holiday to remind them of the place I bought a "ea bus as s _snion. hum a low steady sound from a machine or a person's voice There was a quiet hum In the computer room. stare to look at sc~ without stopp rc or oc« a.vay It Is rude to . _ - x seaae. Steal to take something that is not yours The thie * i -r. . _ kneel to go down onto your knees The messenger cnelt in front of the king. suspiciously - : .c-that shows you think that something is wrong or untrue The man was earning a targe bag and the policeman c _ lid the cover of a pan or box Ben took the Lid of f the box and looked inside. look after to care for Mum ooks after my baby sister. torch a small electric i>ght you can carry We usee when we eetared. the cave. palm tree a tree that grows in a desert or dry place Palm trees have big flat leaves. professor a person who teaches at a university The r' ofessor gave an interesting talk about the old palace. pyramid tourists people who visit different cou’”tr es Tourist; usuoit, *_ac£ jcs : * armies. tricky a little d<+fxxft treasure lots c* gc-c. silver and jewels The king kept *_s . _ a huge gold, к > This sum is • ’ : : x. x •_ sand dunes hills of sand in the desert Sand dune- look like huge yellow waves. valuable eque- to a tt of money The king’s crown is Ф
Macmillan Education Between Towns Road, Oxford 0X4 3PP A division of Macmillan Publishers Limited Companies and representatives throughout the world ISBN 978-O-23O-O3217-O Text © Mary Bowen and Liz Hocking 2009 Design and illustration © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2009 First published 2009 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Design concept by Anthony Godber Design by Wild Apple Design Illustrated by Juliet Breese, Mark Ruffle, Heather Allen, Gustavo Mazali, Chris Petty, Lisa Smith, Chantal Kees Cover design by Oliver Design The publishers would like to thank the following for their participation in the development of this course: In Egypt: Inas Agiz, Salma Ahmed, Hekmat Aly, Suzi BalaMn Mohamed Eid, Bronwc.. El Kholy, Mostafa El Makhzangy. Hala Fouad, Jonathan French. ? .ha it Nageeb Gendy, Hisham Howeedy. Saber Lamey, Heidi Omara. Maha Radwan, Amany ''hawkey, Christine Abu Sitta. Ali Abdel Wahab In Russia: Tatiana Antonova. Elena Belonozhkina. Galina Dr^ynova, Irina Filonenko, Marina Gaisina. Maria Goretaya. Oksana Guzhnovskaya. Irina Kab’mna, Olga Kligerman, Galina Komikova. Lidia Kosterina, Sergey Kozlov. Irina Lai ionova, Irina Lenchenko, Irina Lyubimova. Karine Makhmuryan. Maria Pankina, Anna P 'trenkova. Elena Plisko, Natalia Vashchenko. Angelika Vladyko Printed and bound in Malaysia 2013 2012 10987654 «£ХВАЛЕНО ДЛЯ В ИИОРИСTА НН Я У 3’ лист I1T30 МОЙ $1. 4Ив-Г-*а“ °‘Д 23
adventures»^»1®! is The first-ever integrated ten-level print and digital English course for primary and secondary schools. Written by the authors of the best-selling Way Ahead and Macmillan English, the course aims to give learners confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing Thorough grammar and skills work is applied in natural contexts in the real world through dialogues and cross- curricular material. Independent learning is promoted through portfolios, projects and the use ol the dictionaries. 'We believe that learning should be toenTab,e-hard Work‘ “T®that children «'ll find mterestingand motivating.' I I I 1 Poster The visually stunning printed resources are complemented by electronic materials for use with an Interactive Whiteboard and videos of all dialogues using native-speaker students in context, together with a complete teacher training package with video masterclasses. Other features include a test builder, animated posters, interactive phonics activities and singalong versions of songs. The adventure continues in levels 3 and 4 of English World where children encounter more challenging texts and activity types. Level 4 is for children who are confident communicators and are building up their ability to use different skills. Pupil's Book Workbook Dictionary Audio CD Grammar Pr acute dook MACMILLAN Teacher's Guide DVD-ROM www.macmillanenglish.com/youngtearners