                    Version 2.32


Contents Dark Angels Imperial Fists Legion Rules ................................................................................................ 4 Interemptors Squad.................................................................................... 8 Inner Circle Knights Cenobium............................................................ 9 Deathwing Companions Detachment ................................................ 10 Deathwing Terminator Companions Detachment.......................... 11 Firewing Enigmatus Cabal..................................................................... 12 Ironwing Excindio Class Battle-Automata........................................ 13 Corswain...................................................................................................... 14 Marduk Sedras........................................................................................... 15 Farith Redloss............................................................................................ 16 Holguin....................................................................................................... 17 Primarch Lion Lion El'Jonson.............................................................. 18 Legion Rules ............................................................................................... 63 Templar Brethren ...................................................................................... 65 Huscarl Squad...... ...................................................................................... 66 Phalanx Warder Squad ............................................................................. 67 Alexis Polux ................................................................................................ 68 Fafnir Rann ................................................................................................ 69 Sigismund ................................................................................................... 70 The Primarch Rogal Dorn ...................................................................... 71 The Aetos Dios ........................................................................................... 72 Emperor’s Children Night Lords Legion Rules .............................................................................................. 19 Phoenix Terminator Squad .................................................................... 21 Palatine Blade Squad ............................................................................... 22 The Kakophoni of the Emperor’s Children ...................................... 23 Emperor’s Children Sun Killer Squad ................................................ 24 Rylanor the Unyielding .......................................................................... 25 Captain Lucius ........................................................................................... 26 Lord Commander Eidolon ..................................................................... 27 Captain Saul Tarvitz .................................................................................. 28 The Primarch Fulgrim the Illuminator ............................................. 29 Legion Rules ............................................................................................... 73 Terror Squad ............................................................................................... 76 Contekar Terminator Squad.................................................................... 77 Atramentar Squad...................................................................................... 78 Night Raptor Squad .................................................................................. 79 Flaymaster Mawdrym Llansahai .......................................................... 80 Nakrid Thole............................................................................................... 81 ‘Sevatar’ ........................................................................................................ 82 Kheron Ophion of the Kyroptera ........................................................ 83 The Primarch Konrad Curze ................................................................. 84 Iron Warriors Blood Angels Legion Rules ............................................................................................... 30 Dominator Cohort .................................................................................... 32 Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad ............................................................. 33 Iron Havoc Support Squad ..................................................................... 34 ‘Iron Circle’ Domitar-Ferrum Class Battle-automata Maniple .... 35 Erasmus Golg ............................................................................................. 36 Kyr Valen ..................................................................................................... 37 Nârik Dreygur ............................................................................................ 38 The Primarch Peturabo ........................................................................... 39 The Tormentor .......................................................................................... 40 Legion Rules ............................................................................................... 85 Dawnbreaker Cohort ............................................................................... 88 Crimson Paladins ...................................................................................... 89 Contemptor-Incaendius Class Dreadnought ................................... 90 The Angel’s Tears ....................................................................................... 91 Judiciar Aster Crohne.............................................................................. 92 Dominion Zephon................................................................................... 93 Chapter Master Raldoron........................................................................ 94 The Primarch Sanguinius ....................................................................... 95 White Scars Iron Hands Legion Rules ............................................................................................... 41 Golden Keshig ........................................................................................... 44 Ebon Keshig ...............................................................................................45 Dark Sons of Death Squad (Karaoghlanlar) ......................................46 The Falcon’s Claws ................................................................................... 47 Kyzagan Assault Speeder ........................................................................48 Qin Xa ...........................................................................................................49 Tsolmon Khan ........................................................................................... 50 The Primarch Jaghatai Khan ..................................................................51 Legion Rules ............................................................................................... 96 Gorgon Terminator Squad ...................................................................... 98 Medusan Immortals Squad .................................................................... 99 Spearhead-Centurion Castrman Orth ............................................. 100 Iron-Father Autek Mor ........................................................................ 101 Shadrak Meduson .................................................................................. 102 The Primarch Ferrus Manus ............................................................... 103 Space Wolves World Eaters Legion Rules ............................................................................................... 52 Deathsworn Pack ...................................................................................... 55 Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminator Squad .............................................. 56 Grey Slayer Pack ........................................................................................ 57 Geigor Fell-Hand ...................................................................................... 58 Hvarl Red Blade ........................................................................................ 59 Fenrisian Wolf ........................................................................................... 60 The Wolf-kin of Russ ............................................................................... 61 The Primarch Leman Russ ..................................................................... 62 Legion Rules ............................................................................................ 104 The Red Butchers ................................................................................... 106 Red Hand Squad ......................................................................................107 Rampager Squad ......................................................................................108 Centurion Shabran Darr ...................................................................... 109 Khârn the Bloody ....................................................................................110 Endryd Haar ............................................................................................ 111 Gahlan Surlak .......................................................................................... 112 The Primarch Angron ........................................................................... 113 2
Ultramarines Salamanders Legion Rules ............................................................................................ 114 Invictarus Suzerain Squad ................................................................... 116 Nemesis Destroyer Squad .................................................................... 117 Praetorian Breacher Squad .................................................................. 118 Locutarus Storm Squad ........................................................................ 119 Fulmentarus Terminator Strike Squad ............................................ 120 Honoured Telemechrus ....................................................................... 121 Captain Remus Ventanus .................................................................... 122 The Primarch Roboute Guilliman ..................................................... 123 Legion Rules ............................................................................................ 168 Pyroclast Squad ....................................................................................... 170 Firedrake Terminator Squad ................................................................ 171 Cassian Dracos ......................................................................................... 172 Lord Chaplain Nomus Rhy’tan ........................................................... 173 Xiaphas Jurr .............................................................................................. 174 The Primarch Vulkan ............................................................................ 175 Death Guard Raven Guard Legion Rules ............................................................................................ 124 Grave Warden Terminator Squad ...................................................... 126 Deathshroud Terminator Squad ........................................................ 127 Mortus Poisoner Squad ........................................................................ 128 Section Leader Crysos Morturg ........................................................ 129 Marshal Durak Rask .............................................................................. 130 Calas Typhon ........................................................................................... 131 The Primarch Mortarion the Reaper ............................................... 132 Legion Rules ............................................................................................ 176 Mor Deythan Strike Squad .................................................................. 178 Deliverer Squad ....................................................................................... 179 Dark Fury Assault Squad ...................................................................... 180 Darkwing Pattern Storm Eagle Gunship ......................................... 181 Strike Captain Alvarex Maun ............................................................. 182 Moritat Prime Kaedes Nex .................................................................. 183 The Primarch Corvus Corax ............................................................... 184 Thousand Sons Alpha Legion Legion Rules ............................................................................................ 133 Castellax-Achea Battle-automata Maniple ..................................... 138 Sekhmet Terminator Cabal ................................................................. 139 Khenetai Occult Blade Cabal ............................................................. 140 Ammitara Occult Intercession Cabal .............................................. 141 Ahzek Ahriman ...................................................................................... 142 Magistus Amon ...................................................................................... 143 The Primarch Magnus the Red .......................................................... 144 Legion Rules ............................................................................................ 185 Headhunter Kill Team ........................................................................... 187 Lernaean Terminator Squad ................................................................ 188 Armillus Dynat ........................................................................................ 189 Exodus ....................................................................................................... 190 Autilon Skorr ........................................................................................... 191 The Primarch Alpharius ....................................................................... 192 Sons of Horus Blackshields Legion Rules ............................................................................................ 145 Justaerin Terminator Squad ................................................................ 147 Reaver Attack Squad ............................................................................. 148 Maloghurst the Twisted ........................................................................ 149 Ezekyle Abaddon .................................................................................... 150 Garviel Loken .......................................................................................... 151 Tybalt Marr ............................................................................................... 152 Horus the Warmaster ............................................................................ 153 Blackshield Rules .................................................................................. 194 Blackshield Marauder Squad .............................................................. 195 Blackshield Reaver Lord ...................................................................... 196 The Nemean Reaver .............................................................................. 197 Word Bearers Shattered Legions Legion Rules ............................................................................................ 154 Mhara Gal Tainted Dreadnought ....................................................... 157 Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren ................................................................... 158 Procurator squad .................................................................................... 159 The Ashen Circle .................................................................................... 160 High Chaplain Erebus .......................................................................... 161 Kor Phaeron ............................................................................................. 162 Hol Beloth ................................................................................................ 163 Zardu Layak, The Crimson Apostle .................................................. 164 Anakatis Kul Blade-slaves .................................................................... 165 Argel Tal..................................................................................................... 166 The Primarch Lorgar ............................................................................. 167 Shattered Legions ....................................................................................198 Primarch Basic Rules Lord of War .................................................................................................200 Foreword & Disclaimer Welcome to this compilation of rules, intended to allow people to use their Horus Heresy armies with the 40k 8th Edition ruleset. We’ve tried to keep the structure and arrangement of units and armies the same as they have been in previous versions of 30k, but using the 8ed rules system. If rules for a unit exist in 8ed, we’ve used them unchanged. When porting over rules from 7ed, we’ve tried to use equivalent 8ed rules wherever possible, and only write completely new material where necessary. We appreciate any input on what does and doesn’t work, or what could be improved. This is intended to be a living document, updated regularly based on community playtesting. No copyright infringement is intended to any of the many, many GW trademarks we’ve liberally used in this document. We’re all huge fans of Warhammer 40k and 30k and the setting GW has created, and this is our attempt to help out the player base and provide a common structure for Heresy players who want to play 8ed, at least until an official supplement is released. We make no claim to ownership over anything included in this document. Compiled by Grifftofer and ArbitorIan with contributions by Wildetuen, RandomTerror, Mounty_Chris, Shas’va, Darog, Chainmachetem, Magos_Dominus, bryanp319 and Azkaëllon. With thanks to the members of Heresy 30k, HATE Club and Dakkadakka for suggestions and playtesting. 3
Legion I - Dark Angels The Dark Angels were the first of the Emperor’s Space Marine Legions, and in their earliest incarnation fought as the personal army of the Master of Humanity in the dawning years of the Great Crusade and in the shadowed campaigns that preceded it. As the prototype of what were to become the Legiones Astartes, they served both as the template for the more specialised Legions that were to come after them and a standard by which these successors would be measured. Unyielding, technologically capable, ruthless and insular, the Dark Angels were a powerful and highly independent Legion, used to operating on its own to conduct large scale campaigns and compliance actions. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Dark Angels Infantry, Biker, Land Speeder and Dreadnought units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Mastery of the Blade: When fighting an enemy in the Fight phase with the same Weapon Skill, and equipped with any weapon modelled as a sword (combat blade, chainsword, heavy chainsword, power sword, Terranic greatsword, Calibanite war blade, Charnabal sabre, Calibanite charge-blade, The Death of Worlds, and paragon blades), a model with this Trait may add 1 to their Hit rolls. • Scions of the Hexagrammaton: Astartes Dark Angels units must take one additional upgrade from the Scion of the Hexagrammaton list. • Inviolate and Alone: Dark Angels units can't claim any leadership benefits from non Dark Angels units. Legion Wargear Dark Angels models have access to the following wargear: • Any model with access to the Melee Weapons list may choose a Calibanite warblade as their choice from the list. • Any Character with access to the Melee Weapons list may choose a Terranic greatsword and Cytheron pattern Aegis as their choice from the list. • Any Character can take additional upgrades from Scions of the Hekatonystika +1 Power Rating each. • Any Astartes unit with access to Plasma guns may replace these with plasma repeaters or with plasma burners. If this is chosen, all such weapons in the unit must be replaced. • Techmarines can take a Artificia Kill-switch. • Any Astartes unit equipped with grenade launchers or missile lauchers may make use of the stasis shells stratagem. • Any Astartes or Dreadnought unit with access to Heavy bolters or Twin heavy bolters may take Molecular acid shells as an additional choice when firing the weapon. If this is chosen, all such weapons in the unit must be upgraded. • In addition, a model in a Dark Angels detachment may choose to take the Pyrix Extasis instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. • Any Centurion without a current Consul upgrade can be upgraded to a Paladin of the Hekatonystika. Legion Warlord Trait A Dark Angels Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Calibanite Hunter: Add 1 to to your Warlord’s Attacks and Strength Characteristic each time he slays an enemy Character, Monster or Titanic model. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Pyrix Extasis Relic. The bearer of the Pyrix gain the Fear special rule and may open Pyrix Extasis once per battle, at the start of any Fight phase. Until the end of the turn all enemy units suffer -2 to its Leadership. Cytheron pattern Aegis Add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. A model equipped with a Cytheron pattern Aegis has a 4+ Invulnerable save against Shooting attacks, and a 5+ Invulnerable save against attacks in Melee. Scions of the Hekatonystika Before the game begins select one of the following options: Augurs of Weakness: This unit add +1 to weapons Strength against enemy Vehicle units. Icons of Resolve: This unit may make 1 additional attack in the Fight phase if he made a charge move or Heroic intervention in the Charge phase. Guardians of Sanctity: This unit add +1 to the Deny the Witch tests. Slayers of Kings: This unit re-roll 1 to hit while fight against enemy Character. Hunters of Beasts: This unit re-roll 1 to wound while fight against enemy Monster or Titanic units. Reapers of Hosts: Model in this unit gains +1 additional attack in any Fight sub-phase which they begin within Engagement range with more than three enemy models. Breakers of Witches: This unit re-roll 1 to hit and wound rolls against psykers and daemons. Scion of the Hexagrammaton Before the game begins select one of the following options: Scion of the Stormwing: This unit hit on 5+ when firing Overwatch and can fire Overwatch without using Stratagem. Each time a model with this teait makes an attack with a bolt weapon an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit. Scion of the Deathwing: Any model of this unit can make Heroic Intervention moves. If it is a Character, it can perform a Heroic Intervention if the enemy is within 6” (rather than 3”) and can move up to 6” when doing so. Scion of the Dreadwing: Each time a melee attack is made against this model, an unmodified hit roll of 1-2 always fails. All enemy flamer, plasma, volkite or phosphex-type attacks are at -I Strength when used against models with this rule. Scion of the Ironwing: Once per turn counts received damage by one less. Does not stack with other similar rules. Scion of the Firewing: When units is resolving an attack against a Character unit, you can add 1 to hit rolls and wound rolls Scion of the Ravenwing: If this unit Advances, it gains a 4+ invulnerable save against all shooting attacks until the start of your next Movement phase. Artificia Kill-switch If necessary, the friendly techmarine can activate the device and the friendly Ironwing Excindio Class Battle-Automata receives D6 mortal wounds and doesn't confer any VPs if it dies this way. Paladin of the Hekatonystika +0 Power • • • • This model loses the Centurion keyword and gains the Paladin of the Hekatonystika and Consul keywords and Fear special rule. Replace this model’s chainsword with a Terranic greatsword. A Paladin of the Hekatonystika must be given one of the Order Exemplars options available to the Inner Circle Knights Cenobium. Increase this model’s Attack Characteristic to 4. 4 +0 Power
WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Melee +2 -3 1 - 36” Heavy 3 * -1 2 This weapon wounds on a 2+, unless it is targeting Vehicles, in which case it wounds on a 6+. Plasma Burner 12" Assault D6+1 6 -3 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. Plasma Incinerator 30" Assault D6+1 7 -3 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. Calibanite warblade Heavy bolter (molecular acid shells) Plasma repeater Melee When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Standard 18” Rapid Fire 2 6 -2 1 - - Supercharge 18” Rapid Fire 2 7 -2 2 On a hit roll of 1, the bearer is slain after all this weapons shots have been resolved Melee +3 -3 2 Each wound roll of an unmodified 6+ inflicts an additioal mortal wound on the target unit. Heavy 6 * -1 2 This weapon wounds on a 2+, unless it is targeting Vehicles, in which case it wounds on a 6+. Terranic greatsword Melee Twin heavy bolter (molecular acid shells) 36” Legion Points Costs Models Unit Points per Model Dreadwing Interemptor Squad 5-15 Inner Circle Knights Cenobium 5-10 Unit per Points per Item Wargear/Weapon Advex-Mors greatsword 5 18* Calibanite warblade 5 30* Cytheron pattern Aegis Deathwing Companions Detachment 5-10 19* Deathwing Terminator Companions Detachment 5-10 28 Deathwing Cataphractii Terminator Companions Detachment 5-10 30 Firewing Enigmatus Cabal 3 Ironwing Excindio Class Battle-Automata 5 Heavy bolter (molecular acid shells) 17/22** Enigmatus sword 5 Kheres assault cannon 22 Kill switch 0 24 Plasma-caster 10 1 115 Plasma incinerator 11 n/a 0 Plasma burners 12 Corswain 1 120 Plasma repeater 13 Farith Redloss 1 100 Scion of the Hexagrammaton 0*** Holguin 1 130 Scions of the Hekatonystika 12*** 10 Paladin of the Hekatonystika Marduk Sedras 1 140 Terranic greatsword Lion El'Jonson 1 300 Twin heavy bolter (molecular acid shells) 42 Phosphex canister launcher 40 Nerve indiction shredder 35 Atomantic pulse cannon 42 Graviton flux projector 45 * Does not include wargear ** For infantry, biker models/for vehicle and monster models *** Cost per unit Legion Rites of War Storm of War - Stormwing Protocol Consisting of Tactical Squads and Assault Squads, the Stormwing specialised in mass infantry operations.. Advantages: • • Masters of Storm of War: Each Legion Tactical and Assault squads that are 20 models strong may be upgraded to have Legion Centurion. The Centurion may not take a consul upgrade and cannot be the Warlord. This Centurion does not take up a HQ choice slot. Marshal of the Storm: Praetors and Centurions with Scion of the Stormwing gain Marshal of the Storm special rule. Marshal of the Storm: A model with this rule may issue orders to any Dark Angels units with Scion of the Stormwing special rule within 6” of this model. To issue an order, in the command phase, pick a target unit and choose which order you wish to issue from the table below. A unit may only be affected by one order per turn. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol, Battalion or Brigade detachment. • Compulsory Troops and Warlord (exept Primarch) must have the Scion of the Stormwing upgrade. • Tactical squads and Assault squads can't have dedicated transports, • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • This detachment cannot include more Elites and Fast Attack choices combined than it has Troops choices. • Your army may not include any units without the Dark Angels keyword. 5 ORDER Result Hold the Line At the start of the Movement phase. After model in this unit suffered a wound, roll a dice; on a 6+, that wound is ignored. Unit cannot move this turn. Volley Fire At the start of the Shooting phase. Until the end of that phase, for the purposes of the Bolter Discipline ability, an Legion Tactical Squad unit is treated as if it had remained stationary in your previous Movement phase. Full Assault At the start of the Movement phase. This units add 1 to the Strength, if were Charged in the Charge phase unit till the end of the next Fight phase. Field Reserves Before the battle. During deployment, you can set up this unit moving around the flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the unit can join the battle - set it up so that all models in the unit are within 6” of a your battlefield edge.
Legion Rites of War The Seeker's Arrow - Ravenwing Protocol The Ravenwing protocol, which focused on the use of grav-model units and all-terrain bikes, had it’s origins in early Astartes tactics for rapid-moving search and destroy formations, some of which dated back to the nomadic war clans of Pre-unification Terra. Advantages: • Knights Commander: Characters in this detachment may re-roll Wound rolls in the Fight phase against enemy models with a Toughness Characteristic of 5 or more that do not have the Vehicle keyword and can charge after Fall back. • The Arrow Knows the Path: Units with the Land Speeder or Biker and Fly keywords in this detachment can move off of the battlefield in the movement phase if the entire unit can reach a table edge. When this happens, the unit is placed in reinforcements and gains the Flanking Manoeuvres ability (this replaces the Sky Hunters ability). Flanking Manoeuvres: During deployment, you can set up this unit moving around the flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the unit can join the battle - set it up so that all models in the unit are within 7” of a battlefield edge of your choice and more than 9” from enemy models. • Hunt them Down: All units in this detachment add 2” to their advance, charge, or consolidation moves each game turn (does not stack with any other abilities). Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by an Outrider detachment. • Iron Knights: Legion Sky Hunter Squadrons and Legion Outrider Squadrons must be taken as the compulsory Fast Attack choices in this detachment, and gain the Objective Secured ability. Characters in this detachment must have the Biker keyword. Hussar Squad, Legion Jetbike Sky Seeker Squadron lose Support and gain Core keywors and must have Scion of the Ravenwing upgrade. • This detachment may only include a single Heavy Support Squad. • Any unit in this detachment without the Biker or Vehicle keyword must begin the game transported in a Vehicle. • Any Vehicle in this detachment must have the Fly keyword. • Your army may only include a Super-heavy or Super-heavy Auxiliary detachment if all the units within it have the Fly keyword. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include any units without the Dark Angels keyword. Serpent's Bane - Firewing Protocol The Firewing was one of the six "wings" of the Hexagrammaton in the Dark Angels Legion during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy, specialising in destroying enemy command structures. Advantages: • Priority Target Kill List: At the start of the game pick three enemy HQs, Elites, or LoW choices, all Firewing units, gain +1 to wound against these units. Characters with the Scion of the Firewing upgrade gain +1 attack in combat against the picked units. If any of the picked enemy units survive the game, the Dark Angels automatically loses, regardless of gained VP. • Up to three Troops choices with the Scion of the Firewing upgrade can receive Concealed Positions special rule. Concealed Positions: When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” from the enemy deployment zone. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Outrider detachment. • The Serpent’s Bane: Legion Seeker Squads and Firewing Enigmatus must be taken as the compulsory Fast Attack choices in this detachment and gain the Objective Secured ability. • Compulsory Fast Attack and Warlord (exept Primarch) must have the Scion of the Firewing upgrade. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include a Super-heavy or Super-heavy auxiliary detachment. • Your army may not include any units without the Dark Angels keyword. Eskaton Imperative - Dreadwing Protocol The specialty of Dreadwing was total warfare where the voted-lieutenant bearing title Dreadbringer used Interemptor Squads supported by other types of squads to bring total annihilation of a foe on specific battlefield. Advantages: • Marshal of the Eskaton: This model gain the Fear special rule. Enemy units reduces its Leadership by 1 within 6" of the Character with Scion of the Dreadwing upgrade. • Land Raiders without the Achilles keyword can be taken as Dedicated Transports in this detachment. • Masters of the Blackened Earth: After deployment, but before the first battle round, roll a dice for three pieces of terrain on the battlefield. On a 4+ that terrain piece no longer grants the benefit of Light Cover. In addition, roll a dice each time a model Advances of charges across the terrain; on a roll of 1, the model’s unit suffers a mortal wound. • Salt the Earth and Burn the Sky: All units and Characters with Scion of the Dreadwing upgrade can use Rad grenades Stratagem, Statis Shells Stratagem for free, and replace a weapons with type heavy with a plasma incinerator Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by an Vanguard detachment. • Dread Legion: Legion Destroyers and Interemptors Squads must be taken as the compulsory Elite choices in this detachment and gain the Objective Secured ability. • Compulsory Troops and Warlord (exept Primarch) must have Scion of the Dreadwing upgrade. • Enemy scores 1VP if they've got any units left in their own deployment zone, 3VP if its a scoring unit. • Any unit in this detachment without the Biker or Vehicle keyword must begin the game transported in a Vehicle. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include any units without the Dark Angels keyword. 6
Legion Rites of War The Unbroken Vow - Deathwing Protocol The Deathwing is not solely a tactical formation - promotion to the Deathwing also means that an individual is bestowed many of the darkest secrets of the Legion. Advantages: • Characters with the Scion of the Deathwing upgrade get +1 attack while within 6" of an objective. • Place an objective marker in the center of the board, if the Dark Angels player doesn't control it at the end of the game, the enemy gets +1 VP, if Dark Angels player control it gets +3 VP. • Terminators in this detachment gain the Objective Secured ability. Objective Secured: If this unit is within range of an objective marker (as specified in the mission), it controls the objective marker even if there are more enemy models within range of that objective marker. • Death is not the End: After model in this detachment is within 6" of any objective and has suffered a wound, roll a dice for each additional wound he suffers during the battle; on a 6+, that wound is ignored. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Vanguard detachment. • Legion Terminator Squads, Legion Veteran Squads or Inner Circle Knights Cenobium must be taken as the compulsory Elites choices in this detachment. • Compulsory Troops and Warlord (exept Primarch) must have the Scion of the Deathwing upgrade. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include any units without the Dark Angels keyword. Steel Fist Rite - Ironwing Protocol This protocol was developed in the very earliest days of the Great Crusade, when Astartes were used to exterminate the most dire threats to Mankind. Later variants of this protocol would seek to combine the power of the Legiones Astartes with newly designed armoured units. Advantages: • Exterminators: Any Infantry units in this detachment can add 1 to Wound rolls with Pistol, Grenade or Rapid Fire weapons against enemy units within 12”. This has no effect on weapons with a fixed Wound value. • The Dust of Untold Worlds: Vehicles in this detachment (except Flyers or Dreadnoughts) may re-roll Advance moves. Infantry units without Terminator keyword with detachment, can take Proteus or Phobos Land Raiders as dedicated transports. Transports receive +1 to invulnerable save, if they didn't have it, then they get 6+ invulnerable save. • The detachment may take Castellax Battle-automata as Troops; Vorax Battle-automata as Fast Attack and Domitar Battle-automata or Ironwing Excindio Class Battle-Automata as Elites choices. • Goliaths of War: Dreadnoughts in this detachment may re-roll failed Wound rolls of 1 against Vehicles. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Spearhead or Battalion detachment. • Any Infantry units in this detachment must be transported in a Vehicle which does not have the Fly keyword. • At least half the units in the army must be Vehicles which do not have the Fly keyword. • If all Vehicles in this detachment without the Fly or Dreadnought keywords are completely destroyed at the end of the battle, your opponent gains an additional victory point. • Only a single unit with Fly keyword can be taken. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include any units without the Dark Angels keyword. Legion Stratagems STASIS SHELLS Dark Angels Stratagem WEAPONS OF OLD NIGHT 2 CP Dark Angels Stratagem Dark Angels Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem just before a Dark Angels unit from your army attacks in your Shooting phase. Increase the Damage Characteristic of that unit’s plasma weapons by 1 until the end of the phase. For the purposes of this Stratagem, a plasma weapon is any weapon profile whose name includes the word ‘plasma’. Use this Stratagem in sour Shooting phase, when a model from your army shoot with a grenade or missile launcher. That model can only make one attack with that weapon this phase. If a hit is scored, the target is caught in stasis unti; the start of your next tourn and the attack sequence ends. While a unit (excluding Vehicle and Moster units) caught in stasis, it cannot Fall Back. ANGELS OF DEATH 2 SECRET AGENDA 2 Dark Angels Stratagem 1 CP CP Use this Stratagem after selecting secondary objectives or Agendas. Do not reveal one of your selections to your opponent. Ihe fust time you score victory points or eipenence point» for it. reveal it to your opponent Note that you must still base a record of your selection We recommend wilting it down and concealing it until rcsealed. You can only use this Stratagem once. Use this Stratagem in your Command phase. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a Dark Angels model from your army makes an attack in Fight phase, on an unmodified wound roll of 6 improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1. You can only use this Stratagem once. 7
Dreadwing Interemptor Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Interemptor Interemptor Praefectus 6” 6” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 7 8 3+ 3+ 7 Poiwer This unit consists of 1 Interemptor Sergeant and 4 Interemptors. It can include up to 5 additional Interemptors (+6 Power rating) or up to 10 additional Interemptors (+13 Power rating). • Each model is armed with a plasma burner, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES - Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Phosphex bomb 12” 6” 6” 6” Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Grenade 2D6 4 3 6 5 0 0 -1 -1 1 1 D3 1 Plasma Burner 12" Assault D6+1 6 -3 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. Plasma Incinerator 30" Assault D6+1 7 -3 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES Blast weapon. Blast weapon. • For every five models in the unit, one model can replace one of it’s plasma burner with an item from the Veteran upgrade list, toxiferran flammer, plasma incinerator with suspensor web or a missile launcher with suspensor web. • The Interemptor Praefectus can take up to three phosphex bombs. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Suspensor Web: A weapon with a suspensor web does not suffer the penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons. However, if it does move and fire in the same turn, half the weapon’s maximum range. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Scion of the Dreadwing: This unit ignores any penalties for moving on the terrain and add +1 to wound roll in Shooting phase. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Dark Angels Infantry, Core, Destroyer, Astartes, Interemptors, Rad grenades, Melta grenades, Dreadwing 8
Inner Circle Knights Cenobium 12 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Order Cenobite Order Preceptor 4” 4” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 3 8 9 2+ 2+ This unit consists of 1 Order Preceptor and 4 Order Cenobites. It can include up to 5 additional Order Cenobites (Power Rating +11). • Each model is armed with a terranic greatsword and plasma-caster. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Advex-Mors greatsword Melee Plasma-caster 12” Terranic greatsword WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES Melee S AP D ABILITIES Melee +3 -1 2 On a wound roll of an unmodified 6+, that hit is resolved at AP -4. When resolving an attack made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage. Assault D6 4 -3 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. Melee +3 -3 2 Each wound roll of an unmodified 6+ inflicts an additioal mortal wound on the target unit. • • Any model in the unit may replace their Terranic greatsword with Thunder hammer. If you choose Order Exemplars Broken Claws, any model in the unit may replace their Terranic greatsword with advex-Mors greatsword. • The Order Preceptor can take a grenade harness. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Cataphractii Armour: A model equipped with Cataphractii Armour has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. Bodyguard: While a friendly Dark Angels Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models . FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Order Exemplars: In addition, before the game begins select one of the following options. This unit gains the benefit of that ability for the duration of the game. • Augurs of Weakness: this model may add +1 to the Strength of the weapon used to make the attack. • Icons of Resolve: if this model charges in the Charge phase, add 1 to his Attacks Characteristic until the end of the Fight phase. • Guardians of Sanctity: this unit can attempt to Deny one psychic power in each psychic phase. • Slayers of Kings: this unit can re-roll to hit rolls of 1 during the Fight phase. • Hunters of Beasts: this unit can re-roll to wound rolls of 1 during the Fight phase. • Reapers of Hosts: model in this unit gains +1 additional attack in any Fight sub-phase which they begin within Engagement range with more than one enemy model. • Breakers of Witches: this model may re-roll all To Hit and To Wound rolls in close combat when attacking an enemy unit affected by a psychic power, or an enemy unit with the Psyker keyword • Broken Claws: this model gain a bonus of +1 to their To Wound rolls when attacking an enemy unit with the Monster or Daemon keyword. Additionally this model gain a bonus of +1 to their Damage when attacking an enemy unit with the Vehicle keyword. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Dark Angels Infantry, Cataphractii terminator armour, Terminator, Astartes, Deathwin, Inner Circle Knights Cenobium, Deathwing Terminator 9
Deathwing Companions Detachment NAME Deathwing Companion Deathwing Oathbearer Core M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 2+ 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 3 3 8 2+ 7 Power This unit consists of 5 Companions. It can include up to 5 additional Companions (Power Rating +6). • Each Companion is armed with a boltgun, chainsword, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Boltgun Bolt pistol Chainsword Frag grenade Krak grenade WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES 24” 12” Melee 6” 6” Rapid Fire 1 Pistol 1 Melee Grenade D6 Grenade 1 S AP D ABILITIES 4 4 User 3 6 0 0 -1 0 -1 1 1 1 1 D3 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Blast weapon. - • • Any model can replace its bolt pistol with an item from the Pistols or Melee Weapons lists. Any model can replace its chainsword with a Terranic greatsword, Calibanite warblade or an item from the Melee Weapons list. • Any model can replace its boltgun with a cytheron pattern aegis. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Refractor Field: Deathwing Oathbearer has a 5+ invulnerable save. Honour Guard: While a friendly Dark Angels Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models . Scion of the Deathwing: Any model of this unit can make Heroic Intervention moves. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Cytheron pattern Aegis: Add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. A model equipped with a Cytheron pattern Aegis has a 4+ Invulnerable save against Shooting attacks, and a 5+ Invulnerable save against attacks in Melee. Alternatively, if at least two models has been equipped with an Aegis and neither did not shoot nor fight this turn, they can give those Invulnerable saves to entire unit. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Dark Angels Infantry, Core, Elite, Deathwing, Astartes, Melta grenades, Companions 10
NAME Deathwing Terminator Companions Detachment Deathwing Terminator Companion Deathwing Terminator Oathbearer Core M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv 5” 3+ 3+ 4 4 3 2 7 2+ 5” 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 2+ 10 Power This unit consists of 1 Deathwing Terminator Oathbearerand 4 Deathwing Terminator Companion. It can include up to 5 additional Deathwing Terminator Companion (Power Rating +9). • Each model is armed with a combi-bolter and power weapon. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Combi-bolter Chainfist Grenade harness Heavy flamer 24” Melee 12” 12” Rapid Fire 2 Melee Assault D6 Heavy D6 Lightning claw Melee Melee Plasma blaster - Standard Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword Reaper autocannon Thunder hammer WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES AP D ABILITIES 4 x2 4 5 0 -4 -1 -1 1 D3 1 1 - User -2 1 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Blast weapon This weapon automatically hits its target. Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge UNIT OPTIONS S 18” Assault 2 7 -3 1 - 18” Assault 2 8 -3 2 For each unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers one mortal wound after all this weapon’s shots have been resolved. Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee 36” Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Heavy 4 Melee +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 7 x2 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 -2 -2 1 2 1 1 1 1 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. • A Deathwing Terminator Companion Detachment can take Cataphractii Armour. If it does its Move Characteristic is reduced to 4” (Power Rating +1). OR • A Deathwing Terminator Companion Detachment can take Tartaros Armour. If it does its Move Characteristic is increased to 6”. • Any model can replace its combi-bolter with a Volkite charger, or an item from the Combi-Weapons list. • Any model can replace its power weapon with a terranic greatsword, calibanite warblade, power fist, chainfist, thunder hammer or lightning claw. • Any model can replace its power weapon and combi-bolter with two lightning claws. • The Deathwing Terminator Oathbearer can take a grenade harness. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Terminator Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. Cataphractii Armour: A model equipped with Cataphractii Armour has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. Honour Guard: While a friendly Dark Angels Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models . FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Scion of the Deathwing: Any model of this unit can make Heroic Intervention moves. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Dark Angels Infantry, Core, Deathwing, Astartes, Terminator, Companions 11
Firewing Enigmatus Cabal 5 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Firewing Enigmatus Cabal Legionary 12” 2+ 3+ 4 4 3 3 8 2+ This unit consists of 3 Firewing Enigmatus Cabal Legionaries. Each model is armed with a Needle pistol and Enigmatus sword. WEAPON Needle pistol Enigmatus sword RANGE TYPE 12” Pistol 1 S AP D ABILITIES 1 0 1 A needle pistol always wounds on a 2+, unless the target model is a Vehicle. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Standard Melee Melee +2 -1 1 - - Overpressure Melee Melee +2 -4 1 For each unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers one mortal wound after all this weapon’s shots have been resolved. Blast weapon. WARGEAR OPTIONS • ABILITIES Angels of Death, Legion Traits A model can take a grenade launcher. Enigmatus Jump Pack: Opponent units cannot overwatch against this unit. During deployment you can set the unit up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Shroud bombs: Once per battle, instead of shooting in your Shooting phase, this unit can use its smoke grenades. Until the start of your next Shooting phase, when resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against this unit, subtract 1 from the hit roll. Scout: At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit up to 9”. It cannot end this move within 9” of any enemy models. If both players have units that can do this, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Scion of the Firewing: When units in this detachment is resolving an attack against a Character unit, you can add 1 to hit rolls and wound rolls. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Dark Angels Infantry, Astartes, Jump Pack, Elite, Fly, Firewing Enigmatus Cabal 12
10 Ironwing Excindio Class Battle-Automata Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Ironwing Excindio Class Battle-Automata 7” 3+ 3+ 7 7 8 4 6 3+ This unit consists of 1 Ironwing Excindio Class Battle-Automata, armed with two dreadnought close combat weapons, two manipulator arms and two combi-bolters. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Dreadnought close combat weapon Melee Melee x2 -3 3 - Manipulator arm Melee Melee +1 -3 2 Each servo arm can only be used to make one attack each time this model fights. When a model attacks with this weapon subtract 1 from the hit roll. You can reroll failed wounds with this weapon. 18” Heavy 4D6 5 -1 1 Blast weapon. 24” Assault 4D3 6 0 1 A Nerve indiction shredder always wounds on a 4+, unless the target model is a Vehicle. 24" Heavy 4 8 -4 2 This weapon automatically hits its target. This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target model is a Vehicle. Each Time you make a wound roll of 6+ with this weapon that hit inflicts 2 damage instead of 1. 12" Heavy D6 9 -5 2 Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save Characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage Characteristic of 3. Blast weapon. 24” Rapid Fire 2 4 0 1 - Athanax pattern phosphex canister launcher Tyrhenius pattern nerve induction shredder Magaron pattern atomantic pulse cannon Cytheron pattern graviton flux projector Combi-bolter WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES • • A model can replace both combi-bolters with a two graviton guns, irad-cleansers or plasma repeaters. A model can replace its both dreadnought close combat weapons and a manipulator arm with a Athanax pattern phosphex canister launcher, Tyrhenius pattern nerve induction shredder, Magaron pattern atomantic pulse cannon or graviton flux projector (this reduces the model's base Attacks by 1). • A model can take up to two hunter-killer missiles. Fear Cybernetica Cortex: Each time a Combat Attrition test is taken for that unit, it is automatically passed. Additionally, unless a friendly Cortex Controller unit is within 6”; this model can only target the nearest visible enemy unit if it shoots, and if it charges it can only declare a charge against the nearest visible enemy unit. Internal Refractor Field: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Reactor Blast: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, and each unit within 6” suffers D3 mortal wounds. Tortured remains of the Men of Iron: This unit can re-roll hit rolls of 1 during the Fight phase. Brutal charge: When a Ironwing Excindio Class Battle-Automata finishes a charge move, roll a dice; on a 4+ one enemy unit within 1” suffers a mortal wound. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Shackled Artificia: Each time a Ironwing Excindio Class Battle-Automata suffers a wound, roll a D6, on a 1 it goes native, and follows a basic set of Cybernetica Cortex rules for the rest of the game but attacking closest unit even if friendly. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Dark Angels Monster, Cybernetica Cortex, Support, Ironwing Excindio 13
Corswain 6 Power Captain-Paladin of the Dark Angels's 9th Order NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Corswain 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 6 9 2+ Corswain is a single model armed with a bolt pistol, the Blad, frag grenades, krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Bolt pistol Boltgun Frag grenade 12” 24” 6” Pistol 1 Rapid Fire 1 Grenade D6 4 4 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 - Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 - Melee +3 -4 2 The Blade ABILITIES Melee Blast weapon. This weapon has Strength x2 if Corswain charged in the preceding Charge phase. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Parrying Blade: Increases invulnerable save to 3+ in the Fight phase. Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Scion of the Deathwing: Corswain can perform a Heroic Intervention if the enemy is within 6” (rather than 3”) and can move up to 6” when doing so. Superlative Duellist: When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by this model against a Character unit, you can re-roll the hit roll and you can re-roll the wound roll. WARLORD TRAIT Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Dark Angels Core units within 6”. Master of Manoeuvre: You can re-roll the dice used to determine how far friendly Dark Angels Core units Advance or charge if they are within 6" of your Warlord. FACTION KEYWORDS Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Dark Angels KEYWORDS Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Corswain 14
Marduk Sedras 6 Power Eskaton within the Dark Angels Legion's Dreadwing NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Marduk Sedras 4” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ Marduk Sedras is a single model armed with a plasma burner, The Death of Worlds and three phosphex bombs. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Plasma Burner 12" Assault D6+1 6 -3 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. Phosphex bomb 6” Grenade 2D6 5 -1 1 Blast weapon. Melee +5 -3 2 Invulnerable saves taken against hits inflicted by this weapon are reduced by -1, to a minimum of 6+ (for example, a model with a 4+ Invulnerable save struck by the Death of Worlds takes an Invulnerable save of only 5+ against the attack). The Death of Worlds ABILITIES Melee Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Cataphractii Armour: A model equipped with Cataphractii Armour has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. Living fortress: When resolving an attack made against this model, an unmodified wound roll of 1-3 always fail, irrespective of any abilities that the weapon or the model making that attack may have. Scion of the Dreadwing: This unit ignores any penalties for moving on the terrain add +1 to wound roll in Shooting phase. WARLORD TRAIT Ancient of War (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls and wound rolls of 1 made for friendly Dark Angels Core units within 6" of this model Master of Dreadwing: Friendly Dark Angels Core units within 6” of Marduk Sedras adds 1 to the strength of its weapons in the shooting phase. FACTION KEYWORDS Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Dark Angels KEYWORDS Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Marduk Sedras 15
Farith Redloss 5 Power Master of the Dreadwing, Cenobite of the Order of Crimson Scales and Favoured of the Lion NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Farith Redloss 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 5 9 2+ Farith Redloss is a single model armed with a Master-crafted power axe, frag grenades, krak grenades and three phosphex bombs. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Frag grenade Krak grenade Magaron pattern Atomantic Pulse Pistol Master-crafted power axe Phosphex bomb Tyrhenian pattern Neural Shredder Carbine Selenite Shard-bolt Pistol ABILITIES S AP D ABILITIES Blast weapon. 6” 6” Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 6" Pistol 1 8 -3 D6 Melee Melee +1 -2 2 - 6” Grenade 2D6 5 -1 1 Blast weapon. 18" Assault 2 1 -3 2 This weapon always wounds on a 4+, unless the target is a Vehicle. 2 On a wound roll of an unmodified 6+, that hit is resolved at AP -4. Any wound caused against a model with the Daemon, Daemon of the Ruinstorm or Psyker is instead counted as two wounds 12" Pistol 4 4 - You can re-roll failed wound rolls for this weapon if the target is a Vehicle. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Master of the Arsenal: At the start of any game, the controlling player may select one of the following weapons - Farith Redloss gains the use of that weapon for the duration of the game: • • • Tyrhenian pattern Neural Shredder Carbine Magaron pattern Atomantic Pulse Pistol Selenite Shard-bolt Pistol The Dreadbringer’s Plate: Grants a 2+ armour save and a 4+ Invulnerable save. In addition, against any weapon with the Crawling Fire or Melta weapons, this Invulnerable save is increased to 3+. In addition, weapons that wound on a fixed value require a 6 to wound Farith Redloss. Scion of the Dreadwing: Farith Redlossignores any penalties for moving on the terrain add +1 to wound roll in Shooting phase. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Dark Angels Core units within 6”. Master of Destruction: At the start of the Shooting phase, you can choose one Dark Angels unit which is within 6” of this model. For the duration of that Shooting phase, the chosen unit may add 1 to the Strength of its weapons when targetting Vehicles or Buildings. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Dark Angels Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Rad grenades, Melta grenades, Farith Redloss 16
Holguin 6 Power Master of the Deathwing, Seneschal of the Order of the Forest’s Claws and Bulwark of the Legion NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Holguin 5” 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+ Holguin is a single model armed with a Volkite charger and Viridian Blade. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Viridian Blade Volkite charger ABILITIES RANGE TYPE Melee 20” S AP D ABILITIES Melee +3 -3 2 If the bearerl fights with this weapona and is within Engagement range with two or more enemies the bearer gains +1 Attack. Heavy 2 5 0 2 When resolving an attack made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage. Angels of Death, Legion Traits The Deathbringer’s Aegis : This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, the controlling player may reroll one Grim Resolve rolls in the following enemy turn made for a model equipped with the Deathbringer’s Aegis. Grim Resolve: When Holguin reduced to 2 or fewer Wounds, and suffers an addintional next wound, roll a D6; on a 5, that wound is ignored. When Holguin reduced to his last Wound, and suffers an addintional next wound, roll a D6; on a 4, that wound is ignored. Scion of the Deathwing: When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by this model against a Character unit, you can re-roll the hit roll and you can re-roll the wound roll. WARLORD TRAIT Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Dark Angels Core units within 6”. Child of Terra: You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 for attacks made by your Warlord. FACTION KEYWORDS Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Dark Angels KEYWORDS Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Terminator, Master of the Legion, Holguin 17
Lion El'Jonson 15 Primarch of the Dark Andels Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Lion El'Jonson 8” 2+ 2+ 7 6 9 7 10 2+ Lion Lion El'Jonson is a single model armed with the Wolf blade, Fusil actinaeus and frag grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Lion Sword Melee Melee +1 -5/-4 4/3 Use the first profile on a turn in which this unit has charged, or has performed a heroic intervention. This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target model is a Vehicle or Primarch. Wolf Blade Melee Melee +4 -3 3 You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Any unit which suffers one or more casualties from this weapon and makes a Morale check must roll an additional D6 for that check and keep the highest dice to determine the result. Pistol 4 Grenade D6 7 3 -3 0 2 1 Fusil Actinaeus Frag grenade 18” 6” Blast weapon. WARGEAR OPTIONS Lion Lion El'Jonson can replace his Wolf Blade with Lion Sword. ABILITIES Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Leonine Panoply: Gives him a 4+ invulnerable save, which can be re-rolled once per turn. Sire of the I Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Dark Angels Core and Dark Angels Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Dark Angels (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Dark Angels Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. Friendly Dark Angels Core units within 6” of this model automatically pass the Combat Attrition test and add 2 to charge rolls (cannot be improved in any way, and does not stack with other rules, such as chaplain litanies). The Lion’s Choler: When reduced to 6 Wounds or less the Lion gains +1 Attack, increased to +2 Attacks when reduced to 3 Wounds or less. Stasis Grenades: When this model shoot with a grenade. That model can only make one attack with that weapon this phase. Of a hit is scored, the target is caught in stasis unti; the start of your next tourn and the attack sequence ends. While a unit (excluding Vehicle and Moster units) caught in stasis, it cannot Fall Back. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS An Absolute Focus: In Fight phase, Lion Lion El'Jonson never suffer any penalties to Hit rolls. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Dark Angels Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Lion Lion El'Jonson 18
Legion III - Emperor’s Children The Emperor’s Children have always striven to be exemplars above all others in the arts of war; paragons of martial virtue and excellence, scorning those who do not meet their own, perhaps unattainable, standards. This led them to seek perfection in war as a fluid, lightning-quick force whose battles were preordained victories brought about by a combination of acute strategic planning and flawless execution. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Emperor’s Children Infantry, Biker and Dreadnought units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Flawless Execution: Each time a model with this trait makes an attack, on an unmodified wound roll of 6, improve the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack by 1. • Duellist’s Pride: Each time a model with this trait makes an attack, you can ignore any or all hit roll, Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill modifiers. If model in this unit is within Engagement range with an enemy Character; an Emperor’s Children Character must direct all of his attacks against the enemy Character. • Martial Pride: Astartes units with this ability suffer a -1 penalty to Combat Attrition tests during the Morale phase if an enemy Character killed a friendly Emperor’s Children Character within 6” during the preceding Fight phase. Legion Wargear Emperor’s Children models have access to the following wargear: • Any Character can take Sonic shriekers or Sonic Lance. • Any model with access to a power fist can instead take a Phoenix spear or Phoenix rapier. • In addition, a model in an Emperor’s Children detachment may choose to take the Lucid Blade instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. • Any Centurion without a current Consul upgrade can be upgraded to a Paladin of the Hekatonystika. Legion Warlord Trait An Emperor’s Children Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Lust for Glory: Your Warlord can perform a Heroic Intervention if the enemy is within 6” (rather than 3”) and can move up to 6” when doing so. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Sonic shrieker Enemy models within Engagement range with a model equipped with Sonic shriekers suffer a -1 penalty to hits rolls during the first turn of the Fight phase. Phoenix Warden This model loses the Centurion keyword and gains the Phoenix Warden and Consul keywords. Martial Superiority: At the start of the Fight phase, if this model is within Engagement Range of any enemy Character units, it can fight first that phase. Spiritual Leader (Aura): Friendly Emperor’s Children Core or Character units can use this model’s Leadership Characteristic instead of their own whilst they are within 6” of this model. Killing Stroke: You can add 1 to the Damage Characteristic of this model’s melee weapons. Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. • • • +0 Power WEAPON • • RANGE TYPE AP D ABILITIES Power Lucid Blade Melee Melee +2 -4 2 RELIC. When resolving an attack made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage. Phoenix spear Melee Melee +2 -3 2 During the first Fight phase of each combat this weapon has AP -4. Phoenix rapier Melee Melee User -3 2 During the first Fight phase of each combat this weapon has AP -4. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. Sonic Lance 12” Assault D6 5 -3 1 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, that attack automatically hits the target. Each timne an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that attack. The cacophony 36” Heavy 3 6 -2 1 Each timne an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that attack. Legion Points Costs Models Unit Points per Model Phoenix Terminator Squad 5-10 28* Palatine Blade Squad 5-10 19* Palatine Blade Squad with Jump Packs 5-10 21* The Kakophoni of the Emperor’s Children 5-10 18* Sun Killer Squad 5-20 18* Phoenix Warden n/a 0 Rylanor the Unyielding 1 160 Lord Commander Eidolon 1 165 Lord Commander Eidolon (with Jump Pack) 1 190 Captain Lucius 1 110* Captain Saul Tarvitz 1 85 Fulgrim the Illuminator 1 280 Unit * S +0 per Wargear/Weapon Does not include wargear 19 Points per Item The Blade of the Laer (for Captain Lucius) 10 Phoenix spear 10 Phoenix rapier 10 Sonic shriekers 1 Sonic lance 10 The cacophony 10
Legion Rites of War The Maru Skara To the Emperor’s Children, war was a matter of perfection incarnated in violence, intent and action. Named after one of the most difficult strikes in the lore of their duelling cults, this formation called for a precisely-timed feint designed to engage an opponents guard so that a second fatal blow could be dealt against it. Advantages: • Familiar Formation: This detachment generates 1 more Command Point in first Command phase. • The Open Blade: Any models who start the first turn deployed on the battlefield may add 1 to their movement, Advance and Charge moves. • The Hidden Blade: Between 1 and 3 Elites or Fast Attack units in this detachment must be given the Flanking Manoeuvres ability and must be deployed using it. Before the start of the first battle round, write a turn number on a note and place it face down in plain sight. All of the above units must be deployed on the noted turn, at the end of the movement phase. Flanking Manoeuvres: During deployment, you can set up this unit moving around the flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the unit can join the battle - set it up so that all models in the unit are within 7” of a battlefield edge of your choice and more than 9” from enemy models. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol, Battalion or Brigade detachment. • This detachment cannot include any Artillery or Titanic units. • This detachment must include a Champion as a compulsory HQ choice. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include any units without the Emperors Children keyword. 3rd Company Elite In the aftermath of the Dropsite Massacre the Primarch Fulgrim withdrew from his Legion for long months. Many passions long held in check by duty and devotion were unleashed, and experiments begun at the earliest stages of the Legion’s fall found a foothold amongst willing subjects. Advantages: • Chosen of Vairosean: Kakophoni units in this detachment may ignore the -1 hit penalty for moving and firing heavy weapons and gain the Objective Secured ability.. • Sonic Assault: Infantry units in this detachment (except Terminators) may take sonic shriekers. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Spearhead detachment. • All units in this detachment must be Traitors. • Your army may not include any units without the Emperors Children keyword. Legion Stratagem EXEMPLARS OF WAR Emperor’s Children Stratagem TACTICAL PERFECTION 3 CP Emperor’s Children Stratagem All Emperor’s Children Infanty, Biker and Dreadnought models roll an additional dice for Advance and Charge moves and discard the lowest. In addition, they add 1” to it’s Pile In and Consolidate moves until the end of the turn. CRUEL DUELLISTS Emperor’s Children Stratagem 1 CP Use theis Strategem at the start of the fist battle round, before the first turn begins. Select one Emperor’s Children Unit from your army. Remove that unit from battlefield and set up again following the usual deployment rules for that unit and the mission being played 1 THE PERFECT COUNTER CP Emperor’s Children Stratagem Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when an Emperor’s Children unit from your army that is not a Vehicle is chosen to fight with. Until the end of that phase, when resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by a model in that unit, on an unmodified wound roll of 6 that weapon has an Armour Penetration Characteristic of -3 for that attack. 0 CP Use this Stratagem in the Enemy Charge phase. Select one Emperor’s Children friendly unit, that was declared as target of charge. When the enemy unit rolls for its Charge Distance, your unit must also make a Charge Distance roll. If the your unit’s Charge Distance roll is equal to or greater than that of the enemy unit then the you may choose to make a Charge with this unit immediately (cancelling the enemy unit’s charge if it is successful and gaining all the usual benefits of a successful Charge). If the your Charge Distance roll is lower than that of the enemy unit, ypur unit can open Overwatch Fire (use Fire Overwatch Stratagem) for free. You can only use this Stratagem once. 20
Phoenix Terminator Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Phoenix Terminator Phoenix Champion 6” 6” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 3 7 8 2+ 2+ 10 Power This unit consists of 1 Phoenix Champion and 4 Phoenix Terminators. It can include up to 5 additional Phoenix Terminators (Power Rating +9). • Each model is armed with a phoenix spear. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Grenade harness Phoenix spear UNIT OPTIONS WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES 12” Melee • • Assault D6 Melee S AP D ABILITIES 4 +2 -1 -3 1 2 Blast weapon. During the first Fight phase of each combat this weapon has AP -4. The entire unit can take sonic shriekers or sonic lances. The Phoenix Champion can take a grenade harness. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Living Icon (Aura): Friendly Emperor’s Children units within 6” of models with this ability, count as having taken one less casualty when rolling Morale tests. Sudden Strike: Models killed by Overwatch can attack as normal when this unit is activated during the following Fight phase. Bodyguard: While a friendly Emperor’s Children Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. Tartaros Terminator Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Sonic shriekers (Aura): Enemy models within Engagement range with a model equipped with Sonic shriekers suffer a -1 penalty to hits rolls during the first turn of the Fight phase. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Emperor’s Children Infantry, Core, Terminator, Phoenix Terminators, Astartes 21
Palatine Blade Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Palatine Warrior Palatine Prefector 7” 7” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 7 8 3+ 3+ 7 Power This unit consists of 1 Palatine Prefector and 4 Palatine Warriors. It can include up to 5 additional Palatine Warriors (Power Rating +6). • Each model is armed with a charnabal sabre, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol S AP D ABILITIES 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 - Charnabal sabre Melee Melee +1 -2 1 Every time you make a Hit roll of an unmodified 6+ with this weapon, that attack is resolved with an AP of -4 instead of -2. Frag grenade Krak grenade Phoenix spear Plasma pistol - Standard 6” 6” Melee Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee 3 6 +2 0 -1 -3 1 D3 2 Power lance Power sword WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES During the first Fight phase of each combat this weapon has AP -4. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge UNIT OPTIONS Blast weapon. 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 +1 -1 -3 1 1 - • • The entire unit can take sonic shriekers or sonic lances. The unit can take jump packs (+1 Power rating). If it does, its Move Characteristic is increased to 12”, and it gains the Fly and Jump Pack keywords. • Any model can replace their charnabal sabre with a charnabal tabar, charnabal glaive, power sword, power lance, phoenix spear or phoenix rapier. • The Palatine Prefector can replace his bolt pistol with a plasma pistol. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Blademasters: Each hit roll of an unmodified 6+ against a model with a WS 3+ or worse grants this model a single additional attack with the same weapon (additional attacks do not generate further attacks). FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Sonic shriekers (Aura): Enemy models within Engagement range with a model equipped with Sonic shriekers suffer a -1 penalty to hits rolls during the first turn of the Fight phase. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Emperor’s Children Infantry, Core, Elite, Astartes, Melta grenades, Palatine Blades 22
The Kakophoni of the Emperor’s Children Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Chora Orchestrator 6” 6” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 2 7 8 3+ 3+ 8 Power This unit consists of 1 Orchestrator and 4 Chora. It can include up to 5 additional Chora (Power Rating +7). • Each Chora is armed with a bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades, sonic shrieker and the cacophony. • The Orchestrator is armed with a bolt pistol, chainsword, frag grenades, krak grenades, sonic shrieker and the cacophony. WEAPON Bolt pistol Chainsword Frag grenade Krak grenade Plasma pistol - Standard RANGE TYPE 12” Melee 6” 6” Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword The cacophony FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS AP D ABILITIES 4 User 3 6 0 -1 0 -1 1 1 1 D3 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Blast weapon. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES Pistol 1 Melee Grenade D6 Grenade 1 S 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 1 2 1 1 1 - Heavy 3 6 -2 1 Each timne an attack made with this weapon targets a unit within half range, add 1 to the Damage characteristic of that attack. 36” • • When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - The Orchestrator can replace his chainsword with a power weapon, power fist, phoenix spear or phoenix rapier.. The Orchestrator can replace his bolt pistol with a plasma pistol. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Sonic shriekers (Aura): Enemy models within Engagement range with a model equipped with Sonic shriekers suffer a -1 penalty to hits rolls during the first turn of the Fight phase. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Emperor’s Children Infantry, Core, Astartes, Melta grenades, Kakophoni 23
Emperor’s Children Sun Killer Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Sun Killer Novaetor 6” 6” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 2 7 8 3+ 3+ 10 Power This unit consists of 1 Novaetor and 4 Sun Killers. It can include up to 5 additional Sun Killers (Power Rating +10), or up to 10 additional Sun Killers (Power Rating +20), or up to 15 additional Sun Killers (Power Rating +30) • Each model is armed with a lascannon, chainsword, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Lascannon 12” 6” 6” 48” Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Heavy 1 4 3 6 9 0 0 -1 -3 1 1 D3 D6 - Multi-melta 24” Heavy 2 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Plasma cannon - Standard Blast weapon. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 36” Heavy D3 7 -3 1 - - Supercharged 36” Heavy D3 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Volkite culverin 45” Heavy 4 6 0 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. UNIT OPTIONS WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES • • Any model can replace its lascannon with multi-meltas, plasma cannons, or volkite culverins. The Novaetor can replace his lascannon with a boilter, lightning claw, power fist, or an item from Combi-weapons list. • The Novaetor can replace his chainsword with an item from the Melee Weapons list. • The Novaetor can take an augury scanner. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Precision Fire: Enemy units do not receive the benefit of cover to their saving throws for attacks made with this unit. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Fortified Position: As long as that unit is entirely or whitin a terrain feature and remains stationary, when resolving an attack made against that unit, add 1 to the saving throw. Invulnerable save are unaffected. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Emperor’s Children Infantry, Core, Heavy Support Squad, Astartes, Sun Killer Squad, Melta grenades 24
Rylanor the Unyielding 8 Power Ancient of Rites NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Rylannor 8” 2+ 2+ 7 7 9 4 8 3+ Rylannor is a single model armed with a kheres assault cannon, dreadnought close combat weapon and heavy flamer. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Dreadnought close combat weapon Heavy flamer Kheres assault cannon ABILITIES RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Melee x2 -3 3 - 12” Heavy D6 5 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. 24” Heavy 6 7 -1 1 - Melee Angels of Death, Legion Traits Atomantic Shielding: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Venerable: Roll a D6 each time this model loses a wound, on a roll of a 6 that wound is ignored. Mantle of Glory: Friendly Emperor’s Children units within 6” of Rylannor add 1 to their Leadership. Duty Eternal: Each time an attack is allocated to this model subtrat 1 from the Damage Characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of 1). FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Explodes: When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 3" suffers 1 mortal wound. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Emperor’s Children Vehicle, Smokescreen, Dreadnought, Character, Contemptor, Rylanor 25
Captain Lucius 6 Captain of the Emperor's Children Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Captain Lucius 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 5 9 3+ Captain Lucius is a single model armed with a Nineteen, Chainsword, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 - Blade of the Laer Melee Melee +1 -3 2 This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target model is a Vehicle or Primarch. Chainsword Melee Melee User -1 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. Each time you make a unmodified wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4 instead of -1. Nineteen Frag grenade Krak grenade UNIT OPTIONS ABILITIES Melee 6” 6” Melee +1 -1 2 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 Blast weapon. - • Captain Lucius can take sonic shriekers • Captain Lucius can can replace its chainsword with a Blade of the Laer Angels of Death, Legion Traits Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Emperor’s Children Core units within 6” Duellist’s Pride: If Lucius directs all of his attacks against a single enemy Character, roll an extra 2 attacks. These extra attacks must also be directed at that Character. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Skilful Parry: When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon against this model, subtract 1 from the hit roll Stimulated by Pain: Add 1 to your Warlord’s Attacks Characteristic for each wound he has suffered (to a maximum of +3). If your Warlord heals any wounds, he loses the associated bonus attacks. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Emperor’s Children Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Lucius 26
Lord Commander Eidolon 6 Power Lord Commander Primus of the Emperor’s Children NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Eidolon 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ Eidolon is a single model armed with a thunder hammer, death scream, archaeotech pistol, sonic shrieker, frag grenades, krak grenades and an iron halo. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Archaeotech Pistol 12” Pistol 1 6 -2 2 - Deathscream 8” Pistol D6 2 0 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. This weapon may only be used once per battle. If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon that hit is resolved at AP -4. Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee 3 6 x2 0 -1 -2 1 D3 3 Frag grenade Krak grenade Thunder hammer UNIT OPTIONS ABILITIES 6” 6” Melee Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Eidolon can take a jump pack (+1 Power Rating). If it does, its Move Characteristic is increased to 12”, and it gains the Fly and Jump Pack keywords. Angels of Death, Legion Traits • Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Emperor’s Children Core units within 6” Sonic shrieker (Aura): Enemy models within Engagement range with a model equipped with Sonic shriekers suffer a -1 penalty to hits rolls during the first turn of the Fight phase. Thunderous Charge: Eidolon may make 1 additional attack with his thunder hammer in the Fight phase if he made a charge move in the Charge phase. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Warlord’s Pride: Eidolon must always be your army’s Warlord, unless Fulgrim is also included. Co-ordinated Assault (Aura): You can re-roll failed charge rolls for Eidolon and friendly Emperor’s Children units that are within 6” of him at the start of the Charge phase. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Emperor’s Children Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Eidolon 27
Captain Saul Tarvitz 5 Power Loyal Officer of the Emperor’s Children NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Saul Tarvitz 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 5 9 2+ Saul Tarvitz is a single model armed with a charnabal broadsword, nemesis bolter, bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and a refractor field. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol Charnabal broadsword Frag grenade Krak grenade Nemesis bolter ABILITIES RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 - Melee Melee +2 -2 2 If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon that hit is resolved at AP -4. Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 6” 6” 72” Heavy 1 5 0 1 Blast weapon. Each time you select a target for this weapon, you can ignore the Look Out, Sir rule. If you roll a wound roll of an unmodified 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Refractor Field: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Emperor’s Children Core units within 6”. Steadfast Loyalty (Aura): Friendly Loyalist units within 6” of Saul Tarvitz automatically pass Morale tests. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Emperor’s Children Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Saul Tarvitz 28
Fulgrim the Illuminator 14 Power Primarch of the Emperor’s Children NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Fulgrim 8” 2+ 2+ 6 6 9 8 10 2+ Fulgrim is a single model armed with the Laer blade, Firebrand and plasma grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Fireblade Melee Melee +2 -3 4 If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its usual damage. Firebrand 15” Pistol 2 6 -1 3 You can re-roll failed wound rolls with this weapon. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. Plasma grenades 6” Grenade D6 4 -1 1 Blast weapon. Blade of the Laer Melee Melee +1 -3 3 This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target model is a Vehicle or Primarch. WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES • Fulgrim can replace the Laer blade with Fireblade. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Gilded Panoply: Fulgrim has a 4+ invulnerable save, which increases to a 3+ invulnerable save during the Fight phase. Sire of the III Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Emperor’s Children Core and Emperor’s Children Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Emperor’s Children (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Emperor’s Children Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. While Fulgrim is on the table, enemy models in combat with Emperor’s Children Core units count their Leadership Characteristic as one less than normal. Sublime Swordsman: Models with this ability always fight first in the Fight phase even if they didn’t charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight, starting with the player whose turn is taking place. Enemy models attacking Fulgrim in the Fight phase must subtract 1 from their hit rolls. In addition, Fulgrim adds 1 to his hit rolls made against Characters during the Fight phase. If he directs all attacks to one Character, then he receives D3 additional attacks. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Strategic Planning: If your army is Battle-forged, you recieve an additional 1 Command Point if Fulgrim is your Warlord. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Emperor’s Children Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Fulgrim 29
Legion IV - Iron Warriors The Iron Warriors are the grim-faced, cold-hearted masters of the science of war, the exemplars of strength and discipline turned exclusively to the systematic destruction of the enemy. More so than in any other Legion, the life of each warrior is secondary to his duty, as much a resource to be expended in the relentless calculus of war as a bolt shell or a lascannon charge. Guided by such doctrines, the Iron Warriors are amongst the most relentless and dogged siege warriors in the ranks of the Legiones Astartes. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Iron Warriors units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Ruthless Discipline: Units with this ability ignore casualties from shooting for the purposes of taking Morale tests. • Wrack & Ruin: All shooting weapons used by model models with this ability inflict +1 Damage against Buildings and Vehicles. Each time a model with this trait makes an attack, the target does not receive the benefits of cover against that attack. • The Bitter End: In last battle round roll a D6 each time a Iron Warriors Infantry model is destroyed, before removing the model as a casualty. On a 4+ that model musters one last surge of strength before succumbing to its wounds; it can either shoot with one of its weapons as though it were the Shooting phase, or make a single attacks if it were the Fight phase. Legion Wargear Iron Warriors models have access to the following wargear: • A Praetor can be upgraded to a Warsmith. Any Warsmith or Techmarine may take a cortex controller. • Any model with a Heavy bolter or Twin heavy bolter can take shrapnel bolts. • Any Character with access to the Melee Weapons list may choose to take a Graviton crusher or a Graviton mace. • In addition, a model in an Iron Warriors detachment may choose to take the Blind Helm of the Black Judges instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. Legion Warlord Trait An Iron Warriors Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Cold & Bitter (Aura): Friendly Iron Warriors Core units within 6” of your Warlord automatically pass Morale tests. • WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Blind Helm of the Black Judges Relic. You can fire Overwatch free without using a Stratagem for friendly Iron Warriors Core units that are within 6” of the bearer of the Blind Helm of the Black Judges. Warsmith This model gains the Warsmith keyword. Increase this model’s Leadership Characteristic by 1. This model can take a servo arm, in which case it gains the Master of the Forge ability. • Master of the Forge: At the end of your Movement phase this model can repair a single <Legion> Vehicle or Cybernetica Cortex (if model has cortex controller) within 1”. That model regains 3 wounds. A model can only be repaired once per turn. • Shatter Defences: Enemy units do not receive the benefit to their saving throws for being in cover against attacks made by Iron Warriors Core units within 6” of this model. • • • +1 Power WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES +1 Power Graviton crusher Melee Melee +3 -3 2 If this weapon rolls an unmodified 6+ to wound, that hit is resolved as having Damage 3. Graviton mace Melee Melee +1 -2 2 If this weapon rolls an unmodified 6+ to wound, that hit is resolved as having Damage 3. Graviton maul Melee Melee 10 -3 2 If this weapon rolls an unmodified 6+ to wound, that hit is resolved as having Damage 3. 36” Heavy 3 5 0 2 You can re-roll failed wounds against Infantry models with this weapon. 36” Heavy 5 5 -1 1 You can re-roll failed wounds against Infantry models with this weapon. 36” Heavy 12 5 0 2 You can re-roll failed wounds against Infantry models with this weapon. 36” Heavy 6 5 0 2 You can re-roll failed wounds against Infantry models with this weapon. Heavy bolter (shrapnel bolts) Olympia bolt cannon Quad heavy bolter (shrapnel bolts) Twin heavy bolter (shrapnel bolts) Legion Points Costs Models Unit Points per Model Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad 5-10 32* Forgebreaker 50 Iron Havoc Support Squad 5-10 19* Graviton crusher 15 Dominator Cohort 5-10 30* Graviton mace 10 ‘Iron Circle’ Domitar-Ferrum Class Battle-automata Maniple 1-6 95* Graviton maul 0 Warsmith n/a +20 Erasmus Golg 1 145 Kyr Valen 1 123 The Tormentor 1 575 Nârik Dreygur 1 73 1 300 Unit The Primarch Perturabo * Does not include wargear per Wargear/Weapon Heavy bolter (shrapnel bolts) * 30 Points per Item 16/21* Olympia bolt cannon 18 Quad heavy bolter (shrapnel bolts) 64 Twin heavy bolter (shrapnel bolts) 32 For infantry, biker models/for vehicle and monster models
Legion Rites of War The Ironfire A siege doctrine, the Ironfire facilitates the rapid capture of Loyalist strongholds without the need to commit an entire Grand Company, thus serving their orders to topple Loyalist fortresses ahead of the march on Terra. Advantages: • Rolling Bombardment: Blast weapons and weapons that can target units that are not visible to the bearer in this detachment which target an enemy unit within 12” of a friendly Iron Warriors unit in the Shooting phase may re-roll to hit. In addition, Artillery units, Blast weapons and weapons that can target units that are not visible to the bearer in this detachment which target an enemy unit within 6” of a friendly Iron Warriors unit may re-roll the dice used to generate the number of shots. • Ride the Ironfire: Units within 6” of an enemy model may re-roll Morale tests. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. • In missions which have an Attacker and a Defender, your army must be the Attacker. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. The Hammer of Olympia Masters of siege warface and attrition tactics, this formation was designed to carry out an unyielding close range attack and shatter the strongest enemy defense line under the weight of armoured warriors and a hurricane of fire. Advantages: • Familiar Formation: This detachment generates 1 more Command Point in first Command phase. • Sheathed in Steel: Vehicles (except Flyers) in this detachment add 1 to their Wounds Characteristic. • Siege Engineers: This detachment has one more Heavy Support slot available than normal. • Hail of Fire: Your army gains access to the Hail of Fire Stratagem. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol, Battalion or Brigade detachment. • This detachment must include either a Warsmith or a Siege Breaker as a compulsory HQ choice. • This detachment must take an additional compulsory Troops choice. • This detachment must take more Heavy Support choices than Fast Attack choices. • Your army may not include any units with a different <Legion> keyword than the units in this detachment. HAIL OF FIRE Hammer of Olympia Stratagem 2 CP Use this Stratagem at the start of your turn. This turn, all Iron Warriors Astartes units may add 1 to their charge rolls if they a charge a unit they targetted in the Shooting phase. Legion Stratagem PRELIMINARY BOMBARDMENT Iron Warriors Stratagem IRON WITHIN, IRON WITHOUT 3 CP Iron Warriors Stratagem 0 CP Use this Stratagem after deployment, but before the start of the first game round. Select a visible point on the battlefield and roll a D6 for every unit within D6” of that point. Subtract 1 from the result if the unit being rolled for is a Character. On a 4+, the unit being rolled for suffers D3 mortal wounds. Use this Stratagem in any phase, when model in an Iron Warrior unit from your army lose a wound. Role one D6 for that wound, and for each other wound that would be lost by a model in that unit until the end of that phase; on a 6 that wound is not lost. BITTER FURY DOUR DUTY Iron Warriors Stratagem 2 Iron Warriors Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem in the Enemy Shooting phase. Select one Iron Warrior friendly unit, that was attacked by enemy unit, before any casualties are removed, but Armour Saves are made. This selected frendly unit may make a Shooting Attack, targeting the unit that attacked him, with all weapons making twice their normal number of attacks but for each unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers one mortal wound after all this weapon’s shots have been resolved. A unit that makes a Shooting Attack as part of a Bitter Fury may not make any attacks indirectly (without line of sight). Units making a Shooting Attack as part of this Stratagem are considered to be Stationary, and may fire weapons of any type as though they had not moved. You can only use this Stratagem once. 1 CP Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Shooting phase or your Charge phase, when an Iron Warrior unit from your army is chosen as the target for an attack. Until the end of that phase, when resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against that unit, worsen the Armour Penetration characteristic of that weapon by 1 for that attack (e.g. AP -2 becomes AP -1). 31
Iron Warriors Dominator Cohort Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Dominator 4” 2+ 3+ 4 4 3 2 8 2+ 11 Power This unit consists of 5 Dominators. It can include up to 5 additional Dominators (Power Rating +10). Only one of this unit may be included in your army. • Each model is armed with a combi-bolter and thunder hammer. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Combi-bolter Chainfist 24” Melee Multi-melta 24” Heavy flamer Reaper autocannon Thunder hammer WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES 12” 36” Melee S AP D ABILITIES Rapid Fire 2 Melee 4 x2 0 -4 1 D3 - Heavy 2 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Heavy D6 Heavy 4 Melee 5 7 x2 -1 -2 -2 1 1 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. This weapon automatically hits its target. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. • • • Any model can replace its combi-bolter with an item from the Combi-Weapons list. Any model can replace its thunder hammer with a chainfist. For every five models in the unit, one Legion Terminator can replace its combi-bolter with a heavy flamer, reaper autocannon or multi-melta. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Bodyguard: While a friendly Iron Warriors Master of the Legion unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, enemy models cannot target that Iron Warriors Master of the Legion unit with ranged attacks. Those Once Honoured: After model in this unit has suffered a wound, roll a dice for each additional wound he suffers during the battle; on a 6+, that wound is ignored. Brutal charge: When a model in this unit finishes a charge move, roll a dice; on a 4+ one enemy unit within 1” suffers a mortal wound. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Cataphractii Armour: A model equipped with Cataphractii Armour has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Iron Warriors Infantry, Core, Cataphractii terminator armour, Terminator, Astartes, Dominator, 32
Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Tyrant Terminator Tyrant Siege Master 4” 4” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 3 8 9 2+ 2+ 18 Power This unit consists of 1 Tyrant Siege Master and 4 Tyrant Terminators. It can include up to 5 additional Tyrant Terminators (Power Rating +17). • Each model is armed with a twin missile launcher, power fist and combi-bolter. WEAPON Chainfist Combi-bolter Power fist Twin missile launcher - Frag missile - Krak missile WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES RANGE TYPE Melee 24” Melee Melee Rapid Fire 2 Melee S AP D ABILITIES x2 4 x2 -4 0 -3 D3 1 2 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 48” 48” • • Heavy 2D6 Heavy 2 4 8 0 -2 1 D6 Blast weapon. - Any model in the squad can replace its power fist with a chainfist. The Siege Master can replace its combi-bolter with an item from the Combi-Weapons list. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Wrecker: All attacks by this unit cause an additional 1 point of damage against Buildings. Cataphractii Armour: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this unit Advances. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Omniscope: Enemy units do not receive the benefit to their saving throws for being in cover against attacks made by a unit that includes a Tyrant Siege Master. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Iron Warriors Infantry, Core, Terminator, Astartes, Tyrant Siege Terminators 33
Iron Havoc Support Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Iron Havoc Iron Havoc Sergeant 6” 6” 3+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 2 7 8 3+ 3+ 12 Power This unit consists of 1 Iron Havoc Sergeant and 4 Iron Havocs. It can include up to 5 additional Iron Havocs (Power Rating +11). • Each model is armed with a heavy bolter (shrapnel bolts), bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and hardened armour. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Autocannon Bolt pistol Frag grenade Heavy bolter (shrapnel bolts) Krak grenade Lascannon Missile launcher - Frag missile - Krak missile Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. WARGEAR OPTIONS • • ABILITIES 48” 12” 6” Heavy 2 Pistol 1 Grenade D6 7 4 3 -1 0 0 2 1 1 - 36” Heavy 3 5 0 2 You can re-roll failed wounds against Infantry models with this weapon. 6” 48” Grenade 1 Heavy 1 6 9 -1 -3 D3 D6 48” 48” Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Heavy D6 Heavy 1 Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee 4 8 +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 0 -2 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 1 D6 1 2 1 1 1 Blast weapon. Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - Any model can replace their heavy bolter (shrapnel bolts) with an autocannon, missile launcher or lascannon. The Iron Havoc Sergeant can replace his heavy bolter (shrapnel bolts) with a power weapon and nuncio-vox or a power fist and nuncio-vox. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Hardened Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. Tank Hunters: The unit adds 1 to the strength of its weapons when targeting Vehicles. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Deadly aim: Enemy units do not receive the benefit to their saving throws for being in cover against attacks made by a that unit. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Iron Warriors Infantry, Core, Astartes, Void Hardened, Melta grenades, Iron Havocs 34
NAME ‘Iron Circle’ Domitar-Ferrum Class Battle Automata ‘Iron Circle’ 6 Power M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv 7” 3+ 4+ 7 7 7 4 6 3+ An ‘Iron Circle’ Domitar-Ferrum Battle-automata Maniple consists of 1 ‘Iron Circle’. It can include up to 5 additional ‘Iron Circle’ (Power Rating +6 per model). • Each model is armed with a graviton maul, olympia pattern bolt cannon and karceri battle shield. WEAPON Graviton maul Olympia bolt cannon ABILITIES RANGE TYPE Melee 36” S AP D ABILITIES Melee 10 -2 2 If this weapon rolls an unmodified 6+ to wound, that hit is resolved as having Damage 3. Heavy 5 5 -1 1 - Karceri Battle Shield: Add 1 to the Saving Throws for models equipped with karceri battle shields. Cybernetica Cortex: Each time a Combat Attrition test is taken for that unit, it is automatically passed. Additionally, unless a friendly Cortex Controller unit is within 6”; this model can only target the nearest visible enemy unit if it shoots, and if it charges it can only declare a charge against the nearest visible enemy unit. Atomantic Shielding: One model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Two and more have a 4+ invulnerable save Battle automata: Each time an attack is allocated to this model, unless that attack has a Strength Characteristic of 8 or more, subtract 1 from the Damage Characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of 1). Brutal charge: When a domitar finishes a charge move, roll a dice; on a 4+ one enemy unit within 1” suffers a mortal wound. Shield of the Iron Tyrant: While a friendly Iron Warriors Master of the Legion unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, enemy models cannot target that Iron Warriors Master of the Legion unit with ranged attacks. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Reactor Blast: When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wound. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Iron Warriors Monster, Iron Circle, Cybernetica Cortex 35
Erasmus Golg 6 Power Captain of the 11th Grand Company NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Erasmus Golg 4” 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+ Erasmus Golg is a single model armed with a chainfist, combi-melta and nuncio-vox. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Chainfist Combi-melta - Boltgun - Meltagun ABILITIES RANGE TYPE Melee Melee S AP D ABILITIES x2 -4 D3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls for this weapon. 24” Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 12” Assault 1 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Cataphractii Armour: A model equipped with Cataphractii Armour has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. Brutal Charge: Roll a dice each time Ersmus Golg finishes a charge move within 1” of an enemy unit; on a 4+ that unit suffers a mortal wound. Living fortress: When resolving an attack made against this model, an unmodified wound roll of 1-3 always fail, irrespective of any abilities that the weapon or the model making that attack may have. Harsh Taskmaster: Friendly Iron Warriors units within 6” of Erasmus Golg automatically pass Morale tests. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Iron Warriors Core units within 6”. Bloody Handed: If this model is the Warlord, add 1 to its Attacks Characteristic. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Iron Warriors Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Terminator, Master of the Legion, Erasmus Golg 36
Kyr Valen 5 Power Warsmith of the 77th Grand Battalion NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Kyr Valen 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 10 2+ Kyr Valen is a single model armed with a paragon blade, volkite charger, servo arm, cortex controller, frag grenades, krak grenades and an iron halo. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Blast weapon. Frag grenade Krak grenade Paragon blade 6” 6” Melee Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee 3 6 +2 0 -1 -3 1 D3 3 Servo arm Melee Melee x2 -2 3 Each servo arm can only be used to make one attack each time this model fights. When a model attacks with this weapon subtract 1 from the hit roll. Heavy 2 5 0 2 When resolving an attack made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage. Volkite charger ABILITIES 20” - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Master of Fortifications (Aura): Friendly Iron Warriors units within 6” of Kyr Valen that are receiving the benefit of Light Cover add an additional 1 to their saving throws against attacks with an AP Characteristic of -1. Master of the Forge: At the end of your Movement phase this model can repair a single <Legion> Vehicle within 1”. That model regains 3 wounds. A model can only be repaired once per turn. Shatter Defences: Enemy units do not receive the benefit to their saving throws for being in Light Cover against attacks made by Iron Warriors units within 6” of this model. Jealous Command: Kyr Valen must always be your army’s Warlord, unless Perturabo is also included. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Iron Warriors Core units within 6”. Battle Logistician (Aura): Each time you roll a wound roll of 6 or more for a friendly Iron Warriors unit within 6” of Kyr Valen in the Shooting phase, the Armour Penetration Characteristic of that attack is increased by 1 (i.e. AP0 become AP-1, AP-1 becomes AP-2). Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Iron Warriors Infantry, Character, Astartes, Warsmith, Cortex Controller, Master of the Legion, Melta grenades, Kyr Valen SHATTER ASSAULT Kyr Valen Stratagem 2 CP This Stratagem is used right after an enemy unit has charged Kyr Valen. That unit does not count as having charged for the purposes of being activated during the Fight phase. 37
Nârik Dreygur 5 Power Former Consul Praevian to the Iron Warriors NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Nârik Dreygur 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 2+ Nârik Dreygur is a single model armed with a master-crafted bolt pistol, power fist, cortex controller, cortex designator, frag grenades, krak grenades and a refractor field. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Frag grenade Krak grenade Master-crafted bolt pistol Power fist ABILITIES RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Blast weapon. - 6” 6” Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 12” Pistol 1 4 -1 2 - Melee Melee x2 -3 2 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Refractor Field: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Cortex Designator (Aura): You can re-roll wound rolls of 1 made in the Shooting phase, for friendly Cybernetica Cortex units within 6”. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Master of Cybernetica: A single unit of Castellax or Vorax Battle-automata must be selected along with the Praevian Consul. This unit does not use up an additional Force Organisation choice and gains the Saviour Protocols ability, Core, Legiones Astartes, <Legion> keywords. Saviour Protocols: While a friendly Praevian is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Iron Warriors Infantry, Character, Astartes, Consul, Praevian, Support, Cortex Controller, Nârik Dreygur 38
Perturabo 15 Power Primarch of the Iron Warriors NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Perturabo 7” 2+ 2+ 6 7 9 6 10 2+ Perturabo is a single model armed with the logos, two wrist cannons, frag grenades, nuncio-vox, cognis-signum, cortex controller and a single bombardment. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bombardment 100” Frag grenade Forgebreaker The logos 6” Melee Melee Two wrist cannons WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES 24” • Heavy D6 Grenade D6 Melee Melee Assault 6 S AP D ABILITIES This weapon can only be fired once per battle, and cannot be used if the bearer moved. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer (when doing so, subtract 1 from the hit rolls). You may only use one Bombardment per turn, regardless of how many models in your army are equipped with it. 8 -2 D3 3 x2 User 0 -3 -3 1 5 2 Blast weapon. 6 -2 2 If this weapon rolls an unmodified 6+ to wound, that hit is resolved at AP-4. When targeting Vehicles or Buildings this weapon has Damage D3. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. When targeting Vehicles or Buildings this weapon has Damage 3. Perturabo can take Forgebreaker (+2 Power Rating). Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Logos: Perturabo has a 3+ invulnerable save and is immune to any enemy ability or power that lowers his hit rolls. Sire of the IV Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Iron Warriors Core and Iron Warriors Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Iron Warriors (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Iron Warriors Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. While Perturabo is on the table, Iron Warriors Core units may re-roll failed Morale tests. Relentless Strategist: All Iron Warriors units in the same army as Perturabo may re-roll charge distances while in the enemy deployment zone and if units has charged this turn in the enemy deployment zone, they gain +1 to its Strength Characteristic until the end of the Fight phase. Teleport Strike: During deployment, you can set up Perturabo and/or any friendly Iron Warriors Terminator unit in a teleportarium chamber instead of deploying it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this/these unit(s) can perform a teleport strike - set it/them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Cognis-signum (Aura): At the start of the Shooting phase, you can choose one <Legion> Core Infantry unit which is within 3” of a model with the cognis-signum. You can add 1 to hit rolls made for your chosen unit’s weapons this phase. Additionaly enemy units that are set up on the battlefield as reinforcements cannot be set up within 12” of this unit., unless those models are ser up within his own deployment zone. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Iron Warriors Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Perturabo, Cortex Controller 39
The Tormentor NAME M Shadowsword 10” 7” 4” 27 Power WS BS 5+ 3+ 4+ 5+ S 8 T W A Ld Sv 8 14-26 7-13 1-6 9 6 3 8 3+ A Shadowsword is a single model equipped with adamantium tracks, a volcano cannon, a twin heavy bolter, two sponsons, each sponson is equipped with a lascannon and either a twin heavy bolter. WEAPON Adamantium tracks RANGE TYPE Melee Melee S AP D ABILITIES User -2 D3 - Volcano cannon 120” Heavy 2D3 16 -5 6 Lascannon Twin heavy bolter 48” 36” Heavy 1 Heavy 6 9 5 -3 -1 D6 2 ABILITIES Blast. You can re-roll failed wound rolls when targeting Titanic units with this weapon. - Shadowsword Targeters: Add 1 to any hit rolls you make for this model for attacks that target Titanic units. Void Shields: This model has 2 void shields. Each void sheild has 3 shield points. When this model has any void shield, it has a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged attacks. Each time saving throw is failed for this model agianst a ranged attack, if it has any shield, it doeas not suffer any damage. Instead for each point of damage inflicted it like one shield point. Once a void shield lose a shield point it must continue t lose shield points due to any further damege inflicted until is collapsed. Each time an attach causes a void shield to be reduced to a 0 shield points, that void shield collapses. This model lose that void shield and any damege iflicted by that attack. Void shiled can never be used to prevent mortal wounds (eah mortal wound inflicted on a model with void shileds causes that model to lose one wound as normal). At the start of your Command Phase, if this model has a void shield tha that has fewer than 3 shield points ramaning that void shiled is restored to 3 shield points. Steel Behemoth: This model is eligible to declare a charge in a turn in which it Fell Back. Each time this model is selected to shoot, if it is within Engagement Range of any enemy units, it can make attacks against eligible enemy units that are not within Engagement Range of it as if there were no enemy models within Engagement Range of it. TRANSPORT Explodes: When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 2D6" suffers D6 mortal wounds. This model can transport 15 <Legion> Infantry models (each Jump Pack, Terminator or Primarch model takes up the space of two other models). FACTION KEYWORDS Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Iron Warriors KEYWORDS Vehicle, Smokescreen, Titanic, Shadowsword, Tank 40
Legion V - White Scars A bolt of lightning in clear skies, a sudden gale from an unexpected quarter - the White Scars are war’s sudden and merciless onslaught. Swift action and joy for the rush of combat and clash of blades are the hallmarks of their battles, tempered by a quiet and hidden wisdom that few took the time to uncover. They were the Great Crusade’s pathfinders, the bleak wind that ran ahead of its serried armies culling the weak and harrying the strong that they might fall more easily to those who followed. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all White Scars units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Swift Action: Add 1 to Advance rolls and charge rolls made for units with this ability. If a model with this ability moves its full movement distance in the Movement phase, it can re-roll wound rolls of 1 in the following Shooting and Fight phases; and receives the benefits of Light Cover, even if not in terrain. Models with this ability do not suffer the penalty incurred to their hit rolls for firing Assault weapons in the same turn their unit Advanced. • To Laugh in Death’s Face: A detachment containing White Scars models must take an additional compulsory Fast Attack choice. Legion Wargear White Scars models have access to the following wargear: • Any model with access to a Power fist can instead take a Power glaive. • Any Praetor may take a Cyber-hawk. • In addition, a model in a White Scars detachment may choose to take the Parthinian Serpent instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. • Any Character with the White Scars keyword which has access to a Scimitar Jetbike with a heavy bolter may instead take a Shamshir Jetbike with a Scatterbolt launcher Stormspeaking Discipline Before the battle, generate the psychic powers for Psykers that must choose powers from the Stormspeaking discipline using the table below. You can either roll a D6 to generate their powers randomly (re-roll any duplicate results), or you can select the psychic powers you wish the psyker to have. Stormspeaking Discipline D6 Roll Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 BLASTING GALE Withcfire. Warp charge 7. If manifested, select one enemy unit within 18"of and visible to this psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, that unit cannot Advance, and when a charge roll is made for it, roll one fewer D6, to a minimum of one D6 (typically, this will mean one D6 is rolled instead of 2D6). LIGHTNING CALL Withcfire. Warp charge 7. If manifested, the closest enemy unit within 18" of this psyker suffers D3 mortal wounds. If that unit is not destroyed, roll one D6; on a 4+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Then, if that unit is still not destroyed, roll one D6; on a 5+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Then, if that unit is still not destroyed, roll one D6; on a 6 that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. RIDE THE WINDS Blessing. Warp charge 7. If manifested, select one friendly White Scars Core or Character unit within 12" of this psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, when an Advance roll or charge roll is made for that unit, add 2 to the result. STORM-WREATHED Blessing. Warp charge 7. If manifested, select one friendly White Scars Core or Character unit within 12" of this psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, enemy units cannot fire Overwatch at that unit, and after that unit finishes a charge move, for each model in that unit, you can select one enemy unit within 1" of that model and roll one D6; on a 6, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound. SPIRITS OF CHOGORIS Withcfire. Warp charge 6. If manifested, select one enemy unit within 18" of and visible to this psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, subtract 1 from the Leadership Characteristic of models in that unit, and when resolving an attack made by a model in that unit, subtract 1 from the hit roll. EYE OF THE STORM Withcfire (Aura). Warp charge 6. If manifested, roll one D6 for each enemy unit within 12" of this psyker, adding 1 to the result if that unit can FLY; on a 4+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Legion Warlord Trait A White Scars Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Deadly Hunter: Roll a dice each time your Warlord finishes a charge move within 1” of an enemy unit; on a 4+ that unit suffers a mortal 41
Legion Rites of War Chogorian Brotherhood Favoured by the Chogorian recruits to the V Legion as the ideal fighting body of troops, this formation was composed of a body of Legionaries mounted entirely on fleet warbikes or in other transports, and were ideal for harrying campaigns or lightning strike warfare. Advantages: • Ride like the Wind: Legion Sky Hunter Squadrons and Legion Outrider Squadrons gain the Objective Secured ability. • Lightning Strike: Any Infantry units in this detachment in which no model carries a Heavy weapon, or any units in this detachment with the Biker keyword, may fall back and charge in the same turn. Any Infantry units in this detachment gain the Flanking Manoeuvres ability. Flanking Manoeuvres: During deployment, you can set up this unit moving around the flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the unit can join the battle - set it up so that all models in the unit are within 7” of a battlefield edge of your choice and more than 9” from enemy models. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by an Outrider detachment. • This detachment must take Legion Sky Hunter Squadrons or Legion Outrider Squadrons as compulsory Fast Attack choices. • This detachment must contain the Warlord, who must have the Biker keyword. • Any unit in this detachment without the Biker or Vehicle keyword must be transported in a Vehicle or deployed using the Flanking Manoeuvres ability. • During deployment, any Vehicle with more than 10 Wounds must be set up in the Second Wave instead of being placed on the battlefield. At the end of your second Movement phase these units can join the battle - set them up so that all models in the unit are within 7” of your rearmost battlefield edge and more than 9” from enemy models. The Sagyar Mazan Within the White Scars Legion, disobedience or catastrophic failure is often punished with death. Occasionally, this punishment may be commuted to exile, and these ’Sagyar Mazan’ are fated to seek out an honourable death and in so doing, wash away the stain of dishonour. Advantages: • Death Seekers: If the mission being played awards Victory Points for destroying units, roll a dice for each unit in this detachment that is destroyed at the end of the game; on a 5+ it does not yield any victory points. • The Serpent’s Eye: Astartes units in this detachment ignore morale checks in a turn in which they either charged or were charged by an enemy unit. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion Shattered Legions Detachment. • All units in this detachment must be Loyalists. • This detachment cannot contain more Vehicles units than Infantry units. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Cyber-hawk A cyber-hawk is represented by a small token or model which plays no other role in the game. The cyber-hawk may be placed anywhere on the table and may be moved elsewhere at the beginning of the owner’s turn. Any White Scars Core Infantry unit targeting any enemy unit within 6” of the cyberhawk in the shooting phase may re-roll hit rolls of 1. Any White Scars Core Infantry unit charging an enemy unit within 6” of the cyber-hawk may re-roll the charge distance. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Parthinian Serpent Power glaive - One handed 24” AP D ABILITIES 6 -2 2 Relic. Each time you select a target for this weapon, you can ignore the Look Out, Sir rule and add +1 to hit if has Fly keyword. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Two handed Scatterbolt launcher Melee Melee +1 -2 1 - Melee Melee +2 -3 2 When attacking with this weapon, the wielder must make one less Attack than normal. Assault D6 5 -1 1 Attacks from this weapon hit automatically. You may reroll to wound rolls with this weapon. Blast weapon. 12” Legion Points Costs Models per Unit Points per Model Dark Sons of Death Squad 5-15 21* Golden Keshig 3-6 40* Ebon Keshig in Terminator armour 5-10 28* Ebon Keshig in Cataphractii armour 5-10 30* Cyber-hawk 20 Falcon's Claw 5-10 18* Shroud Bombs 0 Kyzagan Assault Speeder 1-3 122* Scatterbolt launcher 10 Tsolomon Khan 1 120* Kontos Power Lance 10 Qin Xa 1 120 Power Glaive 10 Jaghatai Khan 1 320* Shamshir Jet Bike 8 Unit * Rapid Fire 1 S Wargear/Weapon Does not include wargear 42 Points per Item
Legion Stratagem WIND-SWIFT White Scars Stratagem ENCIRCLEMENT 2 CP White Scars Stratagem 2 CP Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase, after a White Scars unit from your army moves. That unit can move a second time this phase, but it can only Advance as part of that move if it has not already Advanced that phase. That unit cannot shoot, make a cahrge move or attempt to manifest psychic power this turm During deployment, before setting up a White Scars unit from your army , you can set the unit in outflank instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. CHASING THE WIND BORN IN THE SADDLE White Scars Stratagem 0 White Scars Stratagem CP White Scars Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem when a White Scars Biker or JetBike unit from your army Advances. That unit can still shoot this turn. Use this Stratagem in the Enemy Movement phase. Select all White Scars unit unit, that is within 12” of enemy unit, this selected friendly units may a normal Move. You can only use this Stratagem once. CHOGORIAN THUNDERBOLTS 0 CHOGORIAN THUNDERBOLTS White Scars Stratagem 1 CP 1 CP Use this Stratagem when the enemy Warlord is destroyed as a result of an attack made with a melee weapon by a White Scars model from your army. Until the end of the battle, when a Morale test is taken for a friendly White Scars unit, do not roll the dice; it is automatically passed. Use this Stratagem when a White Scars Biker or JetBike unit from your army finishes a charge move. For each model in that unit, you can select one enemy unit within 1" of that model and roll one D6; for each roll of a 6, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound. 43
Golden Keshig Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Golden Keshig Rider Golden Keshig Champion 15” 2+ 3+ 4 5 3 2 7 2+ 15” 2+ 3+ 4 5 3 3 8 2+ 8 Power This unit consists of 1 Golden Keshig Champion and 2 Golden Keshig Riders. It can include up to 3 additional Golden Keshig Riders (Power Rating +7). • Each model is armed with a chainsword, bolt pistol, a Kontos Power Lance, frag grenades, and krak grenades, and rides a Shamshir jetbike armed with a scatterbolt launcher. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol Chainsword Frag grenade S AP D ABILITIES 12” Melee 6” Pistol 1 Melee Grenade D6 4 User 3 0 -1 0 1 1 1 - Scatterbolt launcher 12” Assault D6 5 -1 1 Attacks from this weapon hit automatically. You may reroll to wound rolls with this weapon. Blast weapon. Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 +3/ user +2 +2 +3 +1 x2 -1 D3 -3/ -1 2 Use the first profile on a turn in which this unit has charged, or has performed a heroic intervention. You may reroll to wound rolls made with this weapon. -2 -1 -1 -3 -2 1 1 1 1 3 - Kontos Power Lance Melee Melee Power axe Power lance Power maul Power sword Thunder hammer Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee WARGEAR OPTIONS • • ABILITIES Angels of Death, Legion Traits Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Blast weapon. - When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Any Model may exchange their Chainsword for a Power Weapon The Golden Keshig Champion may swap their Chainsword for a Thunderhammer Sudden Strike: This unit may charge on a turn in which it has made a Fall Back move. Bodyguard: While a friendly White Scars Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. Turbo-boost: A model on a legion space marine bike or legion scimitar jetbike adds 6” to it’s move Characteristic for that Movement phase, when it Advances, instead of rolling a dice. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Sky Hunters: During deployment you can set the unit up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, White Scars Biker, Core, Sky Hunter Squadron, Elite, Fly, Astartes, Golden Keshig 44
Ebon Keshig Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Kharash 5” 2+ 3+ 4 4 3 3 9 2+ 10 Power This unit consists of 5 Kharash. It can include up to 5 additional Kharash (Power Rating +9). • Each model is armed with a Power Glaive. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Combi-bolter Chainfist Grenade harness Heavy flamer 24” Melee 12” 12” Rapid Fire 2 Melee Assault D6 Heavy D6 Lightning claw Melee Melee Plasma blaster - Standard Thunder hammer WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES D ABILITIES 4 x2 4 5 0 -4 -1 -1 1 D3 1 1 - User -2 1 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Blast weapon. This weapon automatically hits its target. Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. 18” Assault 2 7 -3 1 - 18” Assault 2 8 -3 2 For each unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers one mortal wound after all this weapon’s shots have been resolved. Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee 36” Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Heavy 4 +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 7 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 -2 1 2 1 1 1 1 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Two handed UNIT OPTIONS AP When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword Reaper autocannon Power glaive - One handed S Melee Melee +2 -2 1 - Melee Melee +3 -3 2 When attacking with this weapon, the wielder must make one less Attack than normal. Melee Melee x2 -2 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. An Ebon Keshig Squad can take Cataphractii Armour. If it does its Move Characteristic is reduced to 4” (Power Rating +1). OR • An Ebon Keshig Squad can take Tartaros Armour. If it does its Move Characteristic is increased to 6”. • Any model may exchange their Power glaive for a Power weapon and Combi-bolter • Any model in the unit may exchange their Power glaive for a Power fist and Combi-bolter • Any model may exchange their Combi-bolter for a Combi-weapon • One model may take a grenade harness Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear • Atonement: After model in this unit has suffered a wound, roll a dice for each additional wound he suffers during the battle; on a 6+, that wound is ignored. The Kharash: This unit cannot control objectives. If it is destroyed, it does not score your opponent any kill points, or similar objectives. This includes Maelstrom of War objectives. Bodyguard: While a friendly White Scars Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. Terminator Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Cataphractii Armour: A model equipped with Cataphractii Armour has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, White Scars Infantry, Core, Cataphractii terminator armour, Terminator, Astartes, Ebon Keshig 45
Dark Sons of Death Squad (Karaoghlanlar) NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Dark Son Death’s Champion 12” 12” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 7 8 3+ 3+ 8 Power This unit consists of 1 Death’s Champion and 4 Dark Sons. It can include up to 5 additional Dark Sons (Power Rating +7) or up to 10 additional Dark Sons (Power Rating +14). • Each model is armed with a chainsword, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES - Bolt pistol Chainsword Flamer Frag grenade Hand flamer Krak grenade 12” Melee 12” 6” 12” 6” Pistol 1 Melee Assault D6 Grenade D6 Pistol D6 Grenade 1 4 User 4 3 3 6 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 1 1 1 1 D3 Lightning claw Melee Melee User -2 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Meltagun Plasma gun - Standard 12” Power axe Power lance Power maul Power sword Volkite serpenta ABILITIES Blast weapon. This weapon automatically hits its target. - 24” Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 - 24” Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge WARGEAR OPTIONS This weapon automatically hits its target. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge Plasma pistol - Standard Assault 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 +2 +3 +1 -2 -1 -1 -3 1 1 1 1 - 10” Pistol 1 5 0 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. • • • For every five models in the unit, one Dark Son can replace its bolt pistol with a plasma pistol or hand flamer. For every five models in the unit, one Dark Son may take a flamer, meltagun or plasma gun. Any model in the squad can replace their chainsword with a charnabal sabre, charnabal tabar, charnabal glaive, or power glaive. • The Death’s Champion can replace his chainsword with an item from the Melee Weapons list. • The Death’s Champion can replace his bolt pistol with an item from the Pistols list. • The Death’s Champion can replace his bolt pistol and chainsword with two lightning claws. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Jump Pack Assault: During deployment you can set the unit up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Stormseer’s Conclave: While a friendly White Scars Librarian Consul unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. FACTION KEYWORDS Invocation of the Razing Tempest: Once per game, at the start of the Command phase, the White Scars player may declare they are activating Invocation of the Razing Tempest. For the duration of that player turn, a unit with special rule gain 1 additional Attack in the following Fight phase and may re-roll Advance and charge rolls this turn. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, White Scars 46
The Falcon’s Claws 7 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Falcon’s Claw Falcon’s Claw Champion 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 1 7 4+ 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 8 4+ This unit consists of 1 Falcon’s Claw Champion and 4 Falcon’s Claws. It can include up to 5 additional Falcon’s Claws (Power Rating +6). • Each model is armed with two lightning claws, Frag grenades, krak grenades, and shroud bombs. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol S AP D ABILITIES 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 - Lightning claw Melee Melee User -2 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Frag grenade Hand flamer Krak grenade Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword Plasma pistol - Standard 6” 12” 6” Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Grenade D6 Pistol D6 Grenade 1 Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee 3 3 6 +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 0 0 -1 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 1 1 D3 1 2 1 1 1 Blast weapon. This weapon automatically hits its target. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - - Supercharge 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Volkite serpenta 10” Pistol 1 5 0 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. Melee Melee x2 -2 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Thunder hammer WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES • • • Any model in the unit may exchange their two lightning claws for a Power weapon and bolt pistol The Falcon’s Claw Champion may take a cyber-hawk The Falcon’s Claw Champion may exchange one of their lightning claws for a Thunder hammer, a Power fist, a Hand flamer, a Plasma pistol, or a Volkite serpenta Angels of Death, Legion Traits Cameleoline: Each time a ranged attack is allocated to a model in this unit while it is receiving the benefits of cover, add an additional 1 to any armour saving throw made against that attack. Harry and Hunt: This unit may reroll To Hit and To Wound rolls of 1 when targeting a model with the Character keyword, and Enemy Character models within 12” can be targeted even if they are not the nearest visible enemy unit. Shroud bombs: Once per battle, instead of shooting in your Shooting phase, this unit can use its smoke grenades. Until the start of your next Shooting phase, when resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against this unit, subtract 1 from the hit roll. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Outrider: When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” from the enemy deployment zone. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, White Scars Infantry, Astartes, Falcon’s Claws 47
Kyzagan Assault Speeder 8 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Kyzagan Assault Speeder 16” 3+ 3+ 4 6 9 3 8 3+ This unit consists of 1 Kyzagan Assault Speeder. It can include up to 2 additional Kyzagan Assault Speeders (Power Rating +8 per model). • Each model is armed with a Kheres pattern assault cannon and two reaper autocannons WEAPON RANGE TYPE Hunter-killer missile Kheres assault cannon Reaper autocannon S AP D ABILITIES A model can only fire each of its hunter-killer missiles once per battle. 48” Heavy 1 10 -2 D6 24” Heavy 6 7 -1 1 - 36” Heavy 4 7 -2 1 - WARGEAR OPTIONS • ABILITIES Angels of Death, Legion Traits Any model in the unit may take up to two Hunter-Killer Missiles Grav Backwash: Your opponent subtracts 1 from all hit rolls made for models that target this model in close combat. Sky Hunters: During deployment you can set the unit up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Explodes: When this transport is destroyed, roll one D6 before any embarked models disembark and before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6” suffers a mortal wound. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, White Scars Vehicle, Fly, Astartes, Kyzagan Assault Speeder 48
Qin Xa 6 Power Master of the Keshig, Chosen of the Khagan NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Qin Xa 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 5 9 2+ Qin Xa is a single model armed with The Tails of the Dragon, Part the Horse’s Mane and a grenade harness. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Grenade harness Tails of the Dragon - Split the Mountain - Part the Horse's Mane ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” Assault D6 S AP D ABILITIES 4 -1 1 Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. Melee Melee +4 -4 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Melee Melee +2 -3 2 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly White Scars Core units within 6”. Warlord’s Pride: Qin Xa must always be your army’s Warlord, unless Jaghatai Khan is also included. Tartaros Armor and Iron Halo: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. Furious Charge: When a model with this trait makes a successful charge, it can make one additional attack in the subsequent Fight phase. Teleport Assault: During deployment, you can set up this unit in the teleportarium chamber instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can perform a teleport assault - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Master of the Keshig: Any army that includes Qin Xa may select a Legion Command Squad with the Terminator Bodyguard upgrade to represent the Keshig - this unit does not use up a HQ slot. Any model in the unit chosen to represent the Keshig may replace their power weapon with a power glaive for +8 points. If this option is used, the unit representing the Keshig must be deployed with Qin Xa as part of the unit during deployment at the start of the game. Chosen of the Khagan: During deployment, before setting up a White scar unit from your army, you can set the unit in reinforcement instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Loyalist , Legiones Astartes, White Scars Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Qin Xa 49
Tsolmon Khan 6 Power Khan of the Brootherhood of the Golden Star, Champion of Byfrust, The Hammerhand NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Tsolmon Khan 6” 2+ 2+ 5 4 5 4 9 2+ Tsolmon Khan is a single model armed with a combi melta, thunder hammer, Bolt Pistol and Frag & krak grenades and equipped with a iron halo . Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Heavy bolter Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Combi-melta - Boltgun RANGE TYPE 36” 12” 6” 6” Thunder hammer ABILITIES AP D ABILITIES 5 4 3 6 -1 0 0 -1 2 1 1 D3 Blast weapon. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls for this weapon. - Meltagun WARGEAR OPTIONS Heavy 3 Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 S 24” Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 12” Assault 1 8 -4 D6 Melee x2 -2 3 Melee When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Tsolmon Khan may be mounted on a scimitar jetbike with heavy bolter (+2 Power Rating). If it does, its Move Characteristic is increased to 15”, and it gains the Fly keyword. • If not mounted on a Scimitar Jetbike then this unit may also include a Single Sister of Silence Obhvion KnightCenrura +75 points (+3 Power Rating) (See the Talons of the Emperor army list for additional options and costs, this Obhvion Knight-Centura cannot be selected as the army’s Warlord.). This unit does not prevent other units in your army benefiting from Detachment abilities (e.g. Legions Traits), and does not prevent abilities that require every model in your army to have that ability Angels of Death, Legion Traits • Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly White Scars Core units within 6”. Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. WARLORD TRAIT The Hammerhand: Tsolmon Khan may make 1 additional attack with his thunder hammer in the Fight phase if he made a charge move in the Charge phase. Inspiring Presence (Aura): If this model is the Warlord, friendly White Scars units within 12” may use his Leadership Characteristic when taking Morale tests. FACTION KEYWORDS Loyalist , Legiones Astartes, White Scars KEYWORDS Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Tsolomon Khan 50
Jaghatai Khan 16 Power Primarch of the White Scars NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Jaghatai Khan 9” 2+ 2+ 6 6 9 7 10 2+ Jaghatai Khan Mounted 18” 2+ 2+ 6 7 10 7 10 2+ Jaghatai Khan is a single model armed with the The White Tiger Dao, the Storm’s Voice and frag grenades. Jaghatai Khan Mounted also is armed with two master-crafted heavy bolters. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Storm’s Voice 12” Pistol 2 6 -2 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. Master crafted heavy bolters 36” Heavy 3 5 -2 2 - 3 Use the first profile on a turn in which this unit has charged, or has performed a heroic intervention. If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its usual damage. The White Tiger Dao Melee Melee +2/ +1 -3 WARGEAR OPTIONS • ABILITIES Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear Jaghatai Khan can take Sojutsu pattern voidbike for +35 pts (Take the Mounted profile and gets FLY and Bike keyword) (Power Rating +2). The Wildfire Panoply: The Wildfire Panoply provides a 2+ armour save and a 4+ invulnerable save during the Shooting phase and a 3+ invulnerable save during the Fight phase, including when targeted by Overwatch attacks. In addition, the Khan receives the benefits of Light Cover. Sire of the IV Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly White Scars Core and White Scars Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the White Scars (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly White Scars Coreunits whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. When Jaghatai Khan is included as part of an army, all friendly White Scars Core models that are also part of the army gain the Flanking Manoeuvres rule. Flanking Manoeuvres: During deployment, you can set up this unit moving around the flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the unit can join the battle - set it up so that all models in the unit are within 7” of a battlefield edge of your choice and more than 9” from enemy models. The Bleak Wind: Models with this ability always fight first in the Fight phase even if they didn’t charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight, starting with the player whose turn is taking place. Jaghatai Khan can Fall Back and charge in the same turn. Unmatched Rider (mounted): Each time a shooting attack is made against this model, subtract 1 from that attacks hit roll. In addition, if he finishes a charge within 1” of an enemy unit, roll a D6; on an unmodified roll of 6+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. Turbo-boost (mounted): A model adds 6” to it’s move Characteristic for that Movement phase, when it Advances. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Strike from the Skies (mounted): During deployment you can set the unit up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, White Scars Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Jaghatai Khan 51
Legion VI - Space Wolves Renowned for both their savagery and their obedience to the will of the Emperor, the Space Wolves Legion long stood apart from the other Legiones Astartes. Distant and aloof, they were separated not only by their bellicose demeanour, but by an almost impenetrable web of self-generated myth and allegory which guarded well the Legion’s secrets. The unique gene-seed of the Space Wolves, altered by the inclusion of the Canis Helix, made them more animalistic than their fellow Legiones Astartes - uncommonly talented hunters and ferocious killers. But, to their detractors, it made them more beasts than men. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Space Wolves Infantry, Biker, Land Speeder and Dreadnought units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Bestial Savagery: If a model with this trait started the turn more than 1” from any enemy models, and either Charged or were Charged in the Charge phase, it can add 1 to Hit rolls made during the following Fight phase. • Hunter’s Gait: Models with this trait may add 1” to their Heroic Intervention, Advance, Pile In and Consolidate moves. • Preternatural Senses: During deployment enemy units that are set up on the battlefield cannot be set up within 12" of this unit. • Acute senses: Friendly Strategic Reserve units that arrive can be set up wholly within 6" of any battlefield edge other than the enemy's battlefield edge starting from the second turn. • The Wolves of Fenris: A Space Wolves Detachment must fulfil their compulsory HQ choice with either a unit wit Master of the Legion, Praetor or Centurion keyword. A Space Wolves Detachment must also include at least one HQ choice per 1,000 points (50 power rating) or part there of in the army regardless of the Force Organisation chart being used and the maximum available number of HQ choices. These additional HQ requirements may be fulfilled by any HQ choice available to the army. In addition, a Space Wolves detachment cannot include models with the Chaplain, Librarian or Primus Medicae keywords. A Space Wolves Battalion or Brigade detachment must always include three units of Grey Slayers as compulsory Troops choices, and a Space Wolves Patrol, Vanguard, Spearhead or Outrider detachment must always include two unit of Grey Slayers as a Troops choce. This may affect which Rites of War the detachment can use. Legion Wargear Space Wolves models have access to the following wargear: • Any Centurion without a current Consul upgrade can be upgraded to a Priest of Fenris - either a Speaker of the Dead or a Caster of Runes. • Any Character with access to the Melee Weapons list may choose to take a frost weapon as their choice from the list. • Any Praetor, Speaker of the Dead, Caster of Runes, Praevian, Master of Signals or Forge Lord may take Æther-rune armour. • A Frost Weapon is any of the following weapons: frost axe, frost blade, frost claw or great frost blade. • Any Space Wolves model may exchange a chainsword for a Fenrisian axe. • In addition, a model in a Space Wolves detachment can choose Burning Claws instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. Legion Warlord Trait A Space Wolves Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait, or roll a dice and consult the table to generate their Warlord Trait.: • Heroic Saga: Add 1 to to your Warlord’s Attacks and Strength Characteristic each time he slays an enemy Character, Monster or Titanic model. • The Get of Wyrm: This models gain the Fear special rule. Before the start of the game, select and note down D3 Space Wolves Infantry units. The Armour Penetration Characteristic of Grenade weapons this models is equipped with is improved by 1 (e.g. AP 0 becomes AP -1). And enemy units within 6” of this model suffer -1 Leadership. • The Hunger of the Void: When this model makes a successful charge, you can make one additional attack in the subsequent Fight phase. • Crown-breaker: If this model is the Warlord, he may re-roll failed Hit rolls when targetting Characters in the Fight phase. In addition, if a Character causes a wound on this model in the Fight phase, roll a D6; on a 6, that wound is ignored. • The Waster of the Land (Aura): Enemy units do not receive the benefit to their saving throws for receiving the benefits of Light Cover against attacks made by Space Wolves Core units within 3” of this model. • The Shield of the Wolf King (Aura): Friendly Space Wolves Core units within 6” of your Warlord automatically pass Morale tests. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Relic. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. When attacking with this weapon, the bearer may make two additional attack. When an attack made with this weapon hits a Vehicle, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of 4. Burning claws Melee Melee +1 -3 2 Fenrisian axe Frost axe Frost blade Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 +3 +2 0 -2 -3 1 2 2 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Frost claw Melee Melee +1 -2 2 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Grenade D3+1 * 0 1 Hits with this weapon always wound on a 4+. Any hit rolls of unmodified 6+ are resolved with AP-3. Blast weapon. - Garm-blood vial 8” Great frost blade Melee Melee +2 -3 2 If the bearerl fights with this weapona and is within Engagement range with two or more enemies the bearer gains +1 Attack. Tooth & claw Melee Melee User -1 1 - 52
WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Æther-rune armour This model gains a 2+ save and 5+ invulnerable save. Roll a D6 each time this unit loses a wound as a result of mortal wound, on a 4+ it does not lose that wound. Caster of Runes • • • • +1 Power • • • • Speaker of the Dead +1 Power • • • This model loses the Centurion keyword and gains the Caster of Runes, Psyker and Consul keywords. Increase this model’s Attack Characteristic to 4. Replace this model’s chainsword with a force weapon. Psyker: This model can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and two psychic powers from the Tempestas discipline. Runic Matrix: The caster of runes may re-roll the dice used when Denying a psychic power. When casting two psychic powers in the same turn, the second power suffers -1 to the psychic test as the caster of runes conserves his power. +1 This model loses the Centurion keyword and gains the Speaker of the Dead and Consul keywords and Fear special rule. Increase this model’s Attack Characteristic to 4. Replace this model’s chainsword with a power maul. In addition, this model has a Garm-blood Vial. Oath of the Dead (Aura): You can re-roll failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for friendly Space Wolves Core, Deathsworn or Character units within 6” of this model. Healing Balms: At the end of your Movement phase, this model can heal one friendly <Legion> Infantry or <Legion> Biker model unit is within 3" of it. That model regains up to D3 lost wounds. Each model can only be healed once per turn. Spiritual Leader (Aura): Friendly Space Wolves Core or Character units can use this model’s Leadership Characteristic instead of their own whilst they are within 6” of this model. Litanies of Battle: This model knows the Litany of Hate and one litany from the Litanies of Battle (pg 100). At the start of the battle round, this model can recite one litany it knows that has not already been recited by a friendly model that battle round. Roll one D6; on a 3+ the recited litany is inspiring and takes effect until the end of that battle round. +1 Power Power Legion Points Costs Models Unit Points per Model Deathsworn Pack 5-10 19* Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminator Squad 5-10 30* Grey Slayer Pack 10-20 17* Fenrisian Wolf 1-2 6 Cyberwolves 1-5 15 Caster of Runes n/a +20 Speaker of the Dead n/a +15 Geigor Fell-Hand 1 78 Hvarl Red Blade 1 120 The Primarch Leman Russ 1 320 The Wolf-kin of Russ 2 80 Unit per Points per Item Wargear/Weapon * Æther-rune armour 10 Fenrisian axe 0 Frost axe 6 Frost blade 6 Frost claw 6 Garm-blood vial 3 Great frost blade 6 Does not include wargear Legion Rites of War The Pale Hunters This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. Advantages: • Bleed & Harry: Infantry models in this detachment (except Terminators) may Fall Back and charge in the same turn. • The Fury of the Pack: If a Space Wolves unit from this detachment charges an enemy unit which is already within 1” of a friendly unit, models in the charging unit gain 1 additional Attack in the following Fight phase. • Cunning of the Wolf: The army has access to the Cunning of the Wolf Stratagem. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. • This detachment cannot include any Artillery or Drop Pods. • This detachment can only include 1 Heavy Support choice. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. The Bloodied Claws This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. Advantages: • Oath of the Bloodied Claw: Grey Slayer units and Legion Assault Squads who charge in the Charge phase add 1 to their Strength Characteristic in the following Fight phase. Additionally, Grey Slayer units and Legion Assault Squads must always attempt to charge an enemy unit in the Charge phase if possible. • Overwhelming Assault: Enemy models in combat with Space Wolves units from this detachment count their Leadership Characteristic as one less than normal if the combat occurs within the enemy deployment zone. • Howl of the Death Wolf: The army has access to the Howl of the Death Wolf Stratagem. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. • This detachment cannot include any Artillery units. • Your army may not include any units with a different <Legion> keyword than the units in this detachment. HOWL OF THE DEATH WOLF The Bloodied Claws Stratagem 2 CP Use this Stratagem at the start of your turn. All friendly Space Wolves units may re-roll Advance and charge rolls this turn. 53
Tempestas Discipline Before the battle, generate the psychic powers for Psykers that must choose powers from the Tempestas discipline using the table below. You can either roll a D6 to generate their powers randomly (re-roll any duplicate results), or you can select the psychic powers you wish the psyker to have. Tempestas Discipline D6 Roll Power 1 2 STORM CALLER Blessing (Aura). Warp charge 6 If manifested, then until the start of your next Psychic phase, the psyker and any friendly Space Wolves Core or Character units within 6” of him count as receiving the benefits of Light Cover . TEMPEST’S WRATH Withcfire. Warp charge 6 If manifested, pick an enemy unit within 24” of the psyker. Your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls they make for that unit until the start of your next Psychic phase. LIVING LIGHTNING 3 4 Withcfire. Warp charge 6 If manifested, the closest visible enemy unit within 18" of the psyker suffers D3 mortal wounds. Then roll one D6, on a 2-4 the closest other enemy unit within 6" of and visible to that unit suffers 1 mortal wound, on 5+, it suffers D3 mortal wounds. MURDEROUS HURRICANE Withcfire. Warp charge 6 If manifested, pick an enemy unit within 18” of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psyxhix phase. If that unit is not wholly on or within a terrain feature, that unit cannot fire Overwtch. In the Fight phase, that unit is not eligble to fight until after all eligble Space Wolves units from your army have done so. FURY OF THE WOLF SPIRITS Withcfire. Warp charge 6 5 6 If manifested, select one friendly Space Wolves unit within 18" of this Psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, armour the Armour Penetration Characteristic of that attack is increased by 1 (i.e. AP 0 becomes AP -1, AP -1 becomes AP -2). JAWS OF THE WORLD WOLF Withcfire. Warp charge 6 If manifested, select one enemy unit within 18" of and visible to this Psyker. Roll one D6 for each model in that unit, adding 1 to the result if the result of the Psychic test was 9 or more. For each roll if a 6+, that unit suffers 1 mortal wound. Legion Stratagem COUNTER ATTACK Space Wolves Stratagem YIMIRA STASIS BOMB 0 Space Wolves Stratagem CP 1 CP Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Charge phase. Select one Space Wolves unit from your army. Until the end of that phase, that unit can perform a Heroic Intervention as if it were a Character. In addition, it can perform a Heroic Intervention if there are any enemy units within 6" of it, instead of 3", and when doing so can move up to 6" instead of 3". Once per battle in the Enemy Movement phase you can declare a Charge targeting the enemy unit that stoped a move within 12" of the Space Wolves unit. You can use this Stratagem just before a friendly Deathsworn model from your army attacks a unit unit that has Infantry or Biker keyword in Fight phase. You only make a single hit roll this phase; if it hits, the targets suffers 2D3 mortal wounds. Additionaly, when an enemy unit within 1" of this Deathsworn unit is chosen to Fall Back, you can roll one D6; on a 4+ that unit cannot Fall Back this turn, unless the enemy unit has the Vehicle or Titanic keyword. KEEN SENSES Space Wolves Stratagem Space Wolves Stratagem BESTIAL NATURE 1 The Pale Hunters Stratagem CP CP Use this Stratagem in your Command phase, select one friendly Space Wolves unit, until the start of your next Psychic phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, armour the Armour Penetration Characteristic of that attack is increased by 1 (i.e. AP 0 becomes AP -1, AP -1 becomes AP -2). Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase. Select one Space Wolves Infantry or Space Wolves Biker unit from your army. Until the end of the turn, you can ignore any or all hit roll, Ballistic skill and Weapon skill modifiers, and each time you make a charge roll for that unit, you can ignore any or all modifiers to that charge roll. CUNNING OF THE WOLF 1 RUNIC WARDS Space Wolves Stratagem 1 1 CP CP Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Psychic phase, after a Psychic test is passed for an enemy Psyker unit. Select one Space Wolves unit from your army within 12" of that Psyker unit. The unit you selected can attempt to deny that psychic power by taking a Deny the Witch test as if they were a Psyker. Use this Stratagem during deployment. Select one Space Wolves Infantry unit from your army. All models in that unit gain the Outflank ability. 54
Deathsworn Pack 7 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Deathsworn 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 2+ This unit consists of 5 Deathsworn. It can include up to 5 additional Deathsworn (Power Rating +6). • Each model is armed with a power axe, bolt pistol, yimira stasis bombs, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol Frag grenade 12” 6” S AP D ABILITIES Pistol 1 Grenade D6 4 3 0 0 1 1 If the bearerl fights with this weapona and is within Engagement range with two or more enemies the bearer gains +1 Attack. Great frost blade Melee Melee +2 -3 3 Krak grenade Power axe Power fist Thunder hammer 6” Melee Melee Melee Grenade 1 Melee Melee Melee 6 +2 x2 x2 -1 -2 -3 -2 D3 1 2 3 WARGEAR OPTIONS • ABILITIES Angels of Death, Legion Traits Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. For every five models in the unit, one model can replace his power axe with a power fist, great frost blade or thunder hammer. Cult of Morkai: While a friendly Speaker of the Dead is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. Destroyers: Melta grenades and Rad grenades Stratagems cost 0 CP. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Dreams of the Death Wolf: This unit automatically passes any Morale tests it is required to make while it is within Engagement range of an enemy unit. Additionally, models killed before this unit activates in the Fight phase may still make their attacks as normal, so long as at least one member of the unit is still alive. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Space Wolves Infantry, Astartes, Destroyer, Elite, Rad grenades, Melta grenades, Deathsworn 55
Varagyr Wolf Guard Terminator Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Varagyr Terminator Varagyr Thegn 4” 4” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 3 7 8 2+ 2+ 12 Power This unit consists of 1 Varagyr Thegn and 4 Varagyr Terminators. It can include up to 5 additional Varagyr Terminators (Power Rating +10). • Each model is armed with a combi-bolter and either a frost axe, frost blade or frost claw. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Chainfist Combi-bolter Frost axe Frost blade Melee 24” Melee Melee Melee Rapid Fire 2 Melee Melee x2 4 +3 +2 -4 0 -2 -3 D3 1 2 2 Frost claw Melee Melee +1 -2 2 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Great frost blade Melee Melee +2 -3 2 If the bearerl fights with this weapona and is within Engagement range with two or more enemies the bearer gains +1 Attack. Heavy flamer Power fist Reaper autocannon Thunder hammer 12” Melee 36” Melee Heavy D6 Melee Heavy 4 Melee 5 x2 7 x2 -1 -3 -2 -2 1 2 1 3 This weapon automatically hits its target. WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES - When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. • • Any model can replace its frost weapon with a power fist, chainfist or thunder hammer. Any model can replace its combi-bolter with a frost weapon, reaper autocannon or heavy flamer, or an item from the Combi-Weapons list. • The Varagyr Thegn can replace its frost weapon with a great frost blade. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Crushing Charge: If a model with this ability has charged this turn, it gains +1 to its Strength Characteristic until the end of the Fight phase. Cataphractii Armour: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this unit Advances. Bodyguard: While a friendly Space Wolves Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. Lordsbane: Any model of this unit can make Heroic Intervention moves. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Legion Elite: If this model is equipped with two melee weapons, it gains +1 Attack. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Space Wolves Infantry, Core, Astartes, Terminator, Cataphractii, Varagyr Terminators 56
Grey Slayer Pack Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Grey Slayer Huscarl 6” 6” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 2 7 8 3+ 3+ 13 Power This unit consists of 1 Huscarl and 9 Grey Slayers. It can include up to 5 additional Grey Slayers (Power Rating +6) or up to 10 Grey Slayers (Power Rating +10). • Each model is armed with a chainsword, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES 4 4 User 3 +3 +2 0 0 -1 0 -3 -2 1 1 1 1 2 2 - Bolt pistol Boltgun Chainsword Frag grenade Frost axe Frost blade 12” 24” Melee 6” Melee Melee Pistol 1 Rapid Fire 1 Melee Grenade D6 Melee Melee Frost claw Melee Melee +2 -2 2 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Great frost blade Melee Melee +2 -3 2 If the bearerl fights with this weapona and is within Engagement range with two or more enemies the bearer gains +1 Attack. Hand flamer Heavy chainsword Krak grenade 12” Melee 6” Pistol D6 Melee Grenade 1 3 +3 6 0 -3 -1 1 2 D3 Lightning claw Melee Melee User -2 1 Plasma pistol - Standard Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword ABILITIES FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Blast weapon. - This weapon automatically hits its target. When resolving an attack made with this weapon, subtract 1 from the hit roll. Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge WARGEAR OPTIONS Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 1 2 1 1 1 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - • For every five models in the unit, one model can replace his chainsword with a power fist, or lightning claw; replace his bolt pistol with a plasma pistol, or hand flamer; or take an item from the Combi-Weapons list. • Any model can replace its chainsword with a power weapon or heavy chainblade. • Up to five models can take a combat shield in 10-man pack, and up to ten models can take a combat shield in 15man or more pack. • Any models can take a boltgun. • One Grey Slayer can take a legion vexilla. • One Grey Slayer can take a nuncio-vox. • The Huscarl can replace his chainsword and/or bolt pistol with a frost blade, frost axe, frost claw or great frost blade, or items from the Pistols or Melee Weapons lists. • The Huscarl can replace his boltgun with or an item from the Ranged Weapons or Melee Weapons lists. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Warrior’s Mettle: This unit may charge even if they Advanced in the same turn, but the roll for charge distance suffers a -1 modifier. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Space Wolves Infantry, Core, Astartes, Melta grenades, Grey Slayers 57
Geigor Fell-Hand 4 Power Thegn of the Space Wolves NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Geigor Fell-Hand 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 8 3+ Geigor Fell-Hand is a single model armed with the fell hand, a bolter, a bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades and equipped with a refractor field. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol Boltgun Frag grenade Krak grenade 12” 24” 6” 6” The Fell-Hand Melee ABILITIES S AP D ABILITIES Pistol 1 Rapid Fire 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 4 4 3 6 0 0 0 -1 1 1 1 D3 - Melee +1 -3 2 Blast weapon. Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Refractor Field: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Tactical Precision (Aura): You can re-roll Wound rolls of 1 for friendly Space Wolves Core units that are within 6” of a this model. WARLORD TRAITS FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Warrior’s Mettle: This unit may charge even if they Advanced in the same turn, but the roll for charge distance suffers a -1 modifier. Crown-breaker: If this model is the Warlord, he may re-roll failed Hit rolls when targetting Characters in the Fight phase. In addition, if a Character causes a wound on this model in the Fight phase, roll a D6; on a 6, that wound is ignored. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Space Wolves Infantry, Character. Astartes, Centurion, Master of the Legion, Geigor Fell-Hand 58
Hvarl Red Blade 6 Power Jarl of the Fourth Great Company NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Hvarl Red Blade 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+ Hvarl Red Blade is a single model armed with Hearth-splitter, a heavy bolter and a grenade harness and equipped with an iron halo. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Grenade harness Hearth-splitter Heavy Bolter ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” Melee 36” Assault D6 Melee Heavy 3 S AP D ABILITIES 4 +3 5 -1 -3 -1 1 2 2 Blast weapon. Hits with this weapon do 4 Damage against Vehicles. - Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Tartaros Terminator Armour & Iron Halo: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Space Wolves Core units within 6” WARLORD TRAITS FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Battle-cunning: If you wish, up to three Space Wolves Infantry units in the same detachment as Hvarl can take the Flanking Manoeuvres ability: Flanking Manoeuvres: During deployment, you can set up this unit moving around the flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the unit can join the battle - set it up so that all models in the unit are within 7” of a battlefield edge of your choice and more than 9” from enemy models. Head-takers (Aura): If this model is the Warlord, Space Wolves Core Infantry units within 6” at the start of the Fight phase increase their Attacks Characteristic by 1 on any turn in which they successfully charged an enemy Infantry unit. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Space Wolves Infantry, Character, Astartes, Terminator, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Hvarl Red-Blade 59
Fenrisian Wolf 1 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Fenrisian Wolf Cyberwolf 10” 10” 3+ 3+ - 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 3 4 6 6+ 4+ This unit consists of 1 Fenrisian Wolf. It can include up to 1 additional Fenrisian Wolf. • Each model is armed with tooth & claw. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Tooth & claw WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES Melee • Melee S AP D ABILITIES User -1 1 - Any model can can be upgraded to the Cyberwolf for 9 points. Bodyguard: While a friendly Space Wolf Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. Swift Hunters: This unit is eligible to declare a charge with even if it Advanced this turn. In addition, each time this unit makes a pile-in move or consolidation move, models in this unit can move an additional 1". FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Pack-bound: Fenrisian Wolf units do not fill any Battlefield Role Slots when choosing an army. Instead, you can take up to one Fenrisian Wolf unit for each Space Wolf Character model in the army or up to five Cyberwolves (Power Rating +2) for each Space Wolf Forge Lord. Should an effect be related to the unit’s battlefield role, this unit counts as an Elites choice. While this unit is within 2" of any friendly Space Wolf Character, enemy models can only shoot this unit if it is the closest enemy unit (ignore Character with a Wounds Characteristic of less than 10 when determining if this unit is the closest enemy unit to the firing model). <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Space Wolves Beast, Fenrisian Wolf 60
The Wolf-kin of Russ 4 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Wolf-kin 10” 2+ 0 5 5 5 5 8 5+ This unit consists of 2 Wolf-kin (Freki and Geri), who attack using their teeth and claws. Only one of this unit may be included in your army, and only if the army includes Leman Russ. WEAPON Iron-hard teeth & claws ABILITIES RANGE TYPE Melee Melee S AP D ABILITIES User -2 1 Each time you make a unmodified wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. Fear Wolf-kin of Russ: This unit must be deployed within 6” of Leman Russ, but afterwards each of them can move as separate models, independent of one another (they still share the above profile). While a Leman Russ is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. Pack-bound: This unit does not fill any Battlefield Role Slots when choosing an army. Instead, you can only take this unit if Leman Russ is present in the army. Should an effect be related to the unit’s battlefield role, this unit counts as a HQ choice. While this unit is within 2" of Leman Russ, enemy models can only shoot this unit if it is the closest enemy unit (ignore Character with a Wounds Characteristic of less than 10 when determining if this unit is the closest enemy unit to the firing model). Preternatural Senses (Aura): Enemy units that are set up on the battlefield as reinforcements cannot be set up within 12" of this unit during deployment. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Really Furry: Each time Freki or Geri suffer an unsaved wound, roll a D6; on a 5+, that unsaved wound is ignored. In addition, all that fur takes up extra space. This unit may ride in a Space Wolves Transport along with Leman Russ, but they take up two space per model. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Space Wolves Beast, Character, Wolf-kin of Russ 61
Leman Russ 16 Power Primarch of the Space Wolves NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Leman Russ 8” 2+ 2+ 7 6 9 8 10 2+ Leman Russ is a single model armed with the Axe of Helwinter, Sword of Balenight, Scornspitter and frag grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 Blast weapon. Scornspitter 12” Assault 3 4 -2 2 Each time you make a unmodified wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. The Axe of Helwinter Melee Melee +3 -3 4 Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to an Vehicle model, that attack has a Damage Characteristic of D3+4. The Sword of Balenight Melee Melee +1 -4 3 You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon, it inflicts one mortal wound in addition to its usual damage. Assault 1 x2 -4 6 - Melee x2 -4 3 - The Spear of Russ (shooting) The Spear of Russ (melee) WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES 18” Melee • Leman Russ can can replace Axe of Helwinter and Sword of Balenight with a Spear of Russ. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Armour Elavagar: Leman Russ has a 4+ invulnerable save, which increases to a 3+ invulnerable save against any weapons with the words flamer, plasma or melta in their names. Sire of the VI Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Space Wolves Core and Space Wolves Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Space Wolves (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Space Wolves Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. While Leman Russ is on the table, friendly Space Wolves Core units add 1 to their Leadership Characteristic. Units of Varangyr Wolf Guard Terminators and Legion Veteran Tactical Squads gain the Objective Secured ability. In addition, Legion Veteran Tactical Squads gain one more option in Veteran Tactics, they can choose the Warrior’s Mettle ability. Howl of the Death Wolf: An army containing Leman Russ has access to the Howl of the Death Wolf stratagem. Breaker of Shields, Bringer of Ruin: Each time Leman Russ is selected to fight, make D3 additional attack with one of its melee weapons for every five enemy models within 3" of it (to a maximum of 3 additional attacks). FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Lord of Winter & War: Your opponent must subtract 2 from hit rolls made by melee weapons that target Leman Russ in the Fight phase. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Space Wolves Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Leman Russ 62
Legion VII - Imperial Fists The legionaries of the VIIth are known as the stoic praetorians of Terra, the embodiment of all that the Great Crusade stands for. They are loyal, disciplined and methodical, and masters of both the attack and the defence. As the Imperium expands ever outwards, so the crusaders of the Imperial Fists are to be found on the very leading edge of Compliance. Then, in the wake of victory, the Imperial Fists construct mighty fortresses that are as much garrisons against recidivism as they are beacons of unification, the noblest of exemplars of the highest ideals and aspirations of humanity. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Imperial Fists units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Unshakeable Defence: Each time a Combat Attrition test is taken for a unit with this trait, it is automatically passed. • Disciplined Fire: Each time a model with this teait makes an attack with a bolt weapon an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit. In addition Heavy support squad units with this trait add 1 to the Strength of their Heavy weapons when targeting enemy Vehicles. • The Bitter End: In last battle round roll a D6 each time a Imperial Fists Infantry model is destroyed, before removing the model as a casualty. On a 4+ that model musters one last surge of strength before succumbing to its wounds; it can either shoot with one of its weapons as though it were the Shooting phase, or make a single attacks if it were the Fight phase. Legion Wargear Imperial Fists models have access to the following wargear: • Any Terminator model can replace its combi-bolter with a Vigil-pattern storm shield. • Any Character with access to the Melee Weapons list can take a solarite power gauntlet instead. • Any Terminator unit may take Teleportation transponder (Power Rating +1). • Any Terminator unit can replace a Heavy flamer with an Illastus pattern assault cannon. • In addition, a model in an Imperial Fists detachment can choose the Indomitan Mantle instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. • Any Centurion without a current Consul upgrade can be upgraded to a Castellan. Legion Warlord Trait An Imperial Fists Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Blood & Honour: You can add 1 to all hit and wound rolls made for this Warlord in the Fight phase when targeting enemy Characters. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Castellan • • • +0 Power • • +0 Power Indomitan mantle Relic. All damage suffered by this model is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1). Teleportation transponder Teleportation transponder grant the unit the Teleport Assault ability. • Teleport Assault: During deployment, you can set up this unit in the teleportarium chamber instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can perform a teleport assault - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Vigil-pattern storm shield The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. Each time a melee attack is made against this model, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. Legion Points Costs Models per Unit Points per Model Templar Brethren 5-10 19* Huscarl Squad 5-10 30* Illastus pattern assault cannon 22 Phalanx Warder Squad 10-20 18* Solarite power gauntlet 12 Alexis Polux 1 115 Teleportation transponder 20 Fafnir Rann 1 100 Vigil-pattern storm shield 5 Sigismund 1 125 The Aetos Dios 1 615 Rogal Dorn 1 300 Unit * This model loses the Centurion keyword and gains the Castellan and Consul keywords. This model has a master-crafted heavy bolter. Fire Support: Before game begins, select one Imperial Fists unit. For durations of the mission add +1 to the number of attacks made with Heavy weapon type when making a shooting attack. (for example, a Heavy 2 became Heavy 3). May replace their master-crafted heavy bolter with a master-crafted Illastus pattern assault cannon, master-crafted lascannon, mastercrafted plasma cannon, master-crafted multi-melta, master-crafted autocannon or master-crafted missile launcher. May not take a Jump Pack, Jetbike, Bike or Terminor armour; combat shield, boarding shield, power fist, solarite power gauntlet, lightning claw or thunder hammer. Wargear/Weapon Does not include wargear 63 Points per Item
Legion Rites of War Hammerfall Strike Force Originally concieved as a template for landing forces from the mightly Phalanx, a Hammerfall Strike Force is a concentration of elite, ship-borne units deployed for the purpose of enacting sudden and overwhelming boarding or landing actions against a foe that must be destroyed without mercy or quarter. Advantages: • Landing Force: Phalanx Warders can be taken as Troops choices in this detachment. • Teleport Array: Any Imperial Fists Infantry unit in this detachment may take a teleportation transponder and gain the Teleport Assault ability. Teleport Assault: During deployment, you can set up this unit in the teleportarium chamber instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can perform a teleport assault - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. • Blinding Luminescence: Any unit from this detachment that deploys via Teleport Assault receive the benefits of Light Cover until their next turn. In addition, enemy units within 12” and line of sight of the unit must re-roll successful hits with ranged weapons against them for the rest of the battle round. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. • During deployment, any Vehicle must be set up in the Second Wave instead of being placed on the battlefield. At the end of your second Movement phase these units can join the battle - set them up so that all models in the unit are within 7” of your rearmost battlefield edge and more than 9” from enemy models. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include any units without the Imperial Fists keyword. The Stone Gauntlet The Imperial Fists favoured a style of warfare that combined interlocking defense with calulated bursts of relentless aggression. This formation turned the mass of the Legion’s breacher and warder squads into a grinding, implacable battering ram of force. Advantages: • Defense Force: Phalanx Warders can be taken as Troops choices in this detachment. • Resolve of Stone: Units in this detachment equipped with Vigil-pattern Storm Shields or Boarding Shields add 1 to their Toughness Characteristic, unless they Advanced or charged this turn. • Shield Charge: Units in this detachment equipped with Storm Shields or Boarding Shields add 1 to their Attacks Characteristic when they charge. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. • Legion Breacher Squads must fill the compulsory Troops slots in this detachment. • With the exception of Champions, this detachment may only include one Consul. • This detachment cannot include more Elites and Fast Attack choices combined than it has Troops choices. Legion Stratagem BOLTER DRILL Imperial Fists Stratagem BOLSTER DEFENCES 1 CP Imperial Fists Stratagem 0 CP Use this Stratagem just before an Imperial Fists Infantry unit attacks in the Shooting phase. Each time you make a hit roll of an unmodified 6+ for a model firing a ’bolt’ weapon, that model can immediately make another hit roll using the same weapon at the same target (these bonus attacks cannot themselves generate further attacks). Use this Stratagem at the start of your Movement phase. Select one Imperial Fists Infantry from your army that is entirely or whitin a terrain feature. As long as that unit remains stationary, when resolving an attack made against that unit, add 1 to the saving throw. Invulnerable save are unaffected. You can only use this Strategem once per battle. THE EMPEROR’S WILL DEVOUT PUSH Imperial Fists Stratagem 1 Imperial Fists Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase, when a Imperial Fists Infantry unit from your army Advances. Until the end of this turn, models from that unit can still shoot with their Pistol weapons and the unit can still charge. 1 CP Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight phase. Select one Imperial Fists Infantry unit or one Imperial Fists Biker unit from your army. Until the end of that phase, that unit can pile in and, when that unit consolidates, it can move up to 6" instead of 3". 64
Templar Brethren Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Templar Brethren Chapter Champion 6” 6” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 3 2 3 8 9 2+ 2+ 8 Power This unit consists of 1 Chapter Champion and 4 Templar Brethren. It can include up to 5 additional Templar Brethren (Power Rating +7). • Each model is armed with a power sword, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON Archaeotech Pistol Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Plasma pistol - Standard RANGE TYPE 12” 12” 6” 6” Power axe Power fist Power maul Power sword Solarite power gauntlet Thunder hammer ABILITIES AP D ABILITIES 6 4 3 6 -2 0 0 -1 2 1 1 D3 Blast weapon. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge WARGEAR OPTIONS Pistol 1 Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 S 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 x2 +3 +1 -2 -3 -1 -3 1 2 1 1 - Melee Melee x2 -4 2 - Melee Melee x2 -2 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - • • • • • Two Templar Brethren can replace their bolt pistols with plasma pistols. Any model in the unit can take a combat shield. One Templar Brethren can take a nuncio-vox. One Templar Brethren can take a vexilla. The Chapter Champion can replace his power sword with a power maul, power axe, power fist, solarite power gauntlet or thunder hammer. • The Chapter Champion can replace his bolt pistol with a plasma pistol or archaeotech pistol. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Furious charge: You can add 1 to this unit’s Attacks Characteristic in the Fight phase if it charged in the preceding Charge phase. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Paragons of Battle: Any model of this unit can make Heroic Intervention moves. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Imperial Fists Infantry, Core, Elite, Astartes, Templar Brethren Templar Assault When the Templars of the Legion’s Oaths go to war, they do so with duty and righteous purpose above all else, and cannot be halted except in death. The Templars strike with overwhelming force in crashing waves of power armour – their tactics are not subtle, but their methods are furious and irresistible. Advantages: • Templar Brethren must be taken as the compulsory Elites choices in this detachment, and gain the Objective Secured ability. • On the turn that the Templar Brethren unit disembarks from the Transport, it gains +1 Attack until the next Fught phase. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Vanguard detachment. • Templar Brethren must fill the compulsory Elite slots in this detachment. • This detachment cannot include more Heavy and Fast Attack choices combined than it has Elite choices. 65
Huscarl Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Huscarl Huscarl Warden 4” 4” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 3 7 8 2+ 2+ 12 Power This unit consists of 1 Huscarl Warden and 4 Huscarls. It can include up to 5 additional Huscarls (Power Rating +11). • Each model is armed with a power weapon. WEAPON RANGE TYPE AP D ABILITIES 4 -1 1 Blast weapon Grenade harness 12” Lightning claw Melee Melee User -2 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword Solarite power gauntlet Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 1 2 1 1 1 - Melee Melee x2 -4 2 - WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES • • Assault D6 S When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - Any model can replace its power weapon with a power fist, chainfist, solarite power gauntlet or lightning claw. The Huscarl Warden can take a grenade harness. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Cataphractii Armour and Vigil-pattern storm shield: The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. You must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. Each time a melee attack is made against this model, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. Crushing Charge: If a model with this ability has charged this turn, it gains +1 to its Strength Characteristic until the end of the Fight phase. Bodyguard: While a friendly Imperial Fists Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. Shield Wall: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Teleport Assault: During deployment, you can set up this unit in the teleportarium chamber instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can perform a teleport assault - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Imperial Fists Infantry, Core, Cataphractii terminator armour, Terminator, Astartes, Huscarls 66
Phalanx Warder Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Phalanx Warder Veteran Sergeant 5” 5” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 7 8 3+ 3+ 13 Power This unit consists of 1 Veteran Sergeant and 9 Phalanx Warders. It can include up to 5 additional Phalanx Wardens (Power Rating +6) or up to 10 additional Phalanx Warders (Power Rating +12) • Each model is armed with a boltgun, bolt pistol, boarding shield, hardened armour, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol Boltgun 12” 24” Breaching charge Melee S AP D ABILITIES Pistol 1 Rapid Fire 1 4 4 0 0 1 1 - Grenade 1 8 -4 D6 When targeting a Building this weapon has damage 6 and you can re-roll failed wound rolls. This weapon can only be used once per game. Flamer Frag grenade Krak grenade 12” 6” 6” Assault D6 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 4 3 6 0 0 -1 1 1 D3 This weapon automatically hits its target. Meltagun 12” Assault 1 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Plasma gun - Standard When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge Plasma pistol - Standard Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword Thunder hammer ABILITIES 24” Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 - 24” Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge WARGEAR OPTIONS Blast weapon. - 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 x2 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 -2 1 2 1 1 1 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. • For every five models in the unit, one model can replace its boltgun with either a thunder hammer, breaching charge, meltagun, plasma gun or flamer, or an item from the Combi-Weapons list. • Any model may replace its boltgun with a power axe. • One Phalanx Warder can take a legion vexilla. • One Phalanx Warder can take a nuncio-vox. • The Veteran Sergeant can replace his boltgun or bolt pistol with a thunder hammer, power weapon, power fist or plasma pistol. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Hardened Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. Boarding Shields: Add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Shield Wall: Models with this ability add +1 to Weapon Skill when charging, making Heroic Intervention or was charged. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Imperial Fists Infantry, Core, Breacher Squad, Void Hardened, Astartes, Phalanx Warder 67
Alexis Polux 6 Power Captain of the 405th Company NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Alexis Polux 6” 2+ 2+ 5 4 5 4 9 3+ Alexis Polux is a single model armed with a master-crafted power fist, a combi-melta , frag grenades, krak grenades and a vigil-pattern storm shield. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Combi-melta - Boltgun - Meltagun Frag grenade Krak grenade Master-crafted power fist ABILITIES RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls for this weapon. 24” Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 12” Assault 1 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. 6” 6” Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 Blast weapon. - Melee x2 -3 3 Melee - When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Hammer Blow: At the start of any Fight phase, you may opt to lower Pollux’s Attacks Characteristic by 1. If you do this, then he may attack using his power fist without sufferin the usual -1 to Hit modifier. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Imperial Fists Core units within 6”. Vigil-pattern Storm Shield & Hardened Armour: This model has a 3+ invulnerable save and gains the Void Hardened keyword. Each time a melee attack is made against this model, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Void Commander: Any Imperial Fists Infantry unit within 3” of this model may re-roll Morale tests. In addition. during deployment, you can set up one friendly Imperial Fists Infantry unit in a teleportarium chamber instead of deploying it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can perform a teleport strike - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Master Tactician: If this model is the Warlord, after both sides have set up, but before the first turn is decided, you can remove from the table and re-set up one friendly Imperial Fists Infantry unit within your deployment zone, but 9” away from enemy units.. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Imperial Fists Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Void Hardened, Master of the Legion, Alexis Polux 68
Fafnir Rann NAME Lord Seneschal, Commander of the Persephone, Captain of the First Assault Cadre M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Fafnir Rann 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 5 9 5 Power 2+ Fafnir Rann is a single model armed with the Headsman & the Hunter, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade The Headsman & The Hunter RANGE TYPE 12” 6” 6” Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 S AP D ABILITIES 4 3 6 0 0 -1 1 1 D3 Blast weapon. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Single axe Melee Melee +2 -3 2 All Hits inflicted by enemy models and allocated to Fafnir Rann must reduce their Strength by -1 (to a minimum of 1). - Twinned axe Melee Melee +2 -3 2 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Fafnir Rann is not counted as having a boarding shield for any rules that would grant him benefit for having a boarding shield. WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES • Fafnir Rann may be equipped with a Teleportation Transponder (Power Rating +1). Angels of Death, Legion Traits Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Boarding Shields: Add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Imperial Fists Core units within 6”. Furious charge: You can add 1 to this unit’s Attacks Characteristic in the Fight phase if it charged in the preceding Charge phase. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Executioner’s Tax: Each time an attack is made by this model, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any normal damage. The Unbroken Wall: If this model is the Warlord, you can add 1 to Hit rolls made during the following Fight phase for friendly Legion Breacher Siege Squads or Phalanx Warder Squads units within 6”, if this unit either Charged or were Charged in the Charge phase. In your Command phase, select one friendly Legion Breacher Siege Squads or Phalanx Warder Squads within 6" of this Warlord, each time you roll a hit roll of 6 in the Fight phase for a this unit, you can immediately make 1 additional attack for that model. These bonus attacks do not themselves generate additional attacks Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Imperial Fists Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Void Hardened, Fafnir Rann 69
Sigismund 6 Power First Captain of the Imperial Fists NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Sigismund 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 6 10 2+ Sigismund is a single model armed with the black sword, a master-crafted bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades . Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Frag grenade Krak grenade Master-crafted bolt pistol The black sword - Sweeping blow - Thusting strike ABILITIES RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Blast weapon. - 6” 6” Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 12” Pistol 1 4 -1 2 - Each time an attack is made with this weapon, select one of the profiles below to make that attack with. Melee Melee Melee Melee +3 x2 -3 -4 2 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Death’s Champion: This model always fight first in the Fight phase even if he didn’t charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight, starting with the player whose turn is taking place. In addition, this model may re-roll failed Charge rolls. Superlative Duellist: When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by this model against a Character or Monster unit, you can re-roll the hit roll and you can re-roll the wound roll. Skilful Parry: Each time a melee attack is made against this model, subtract 1 from the hit roll. Dolorous Fighter: In the Fight phase, enemy models who suffer wounds from this model must reduce any invulnerable saves by 1 (so 4+ becomes 5+). Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Imperial Fists Core units within 6” Slayer of Kings: If Sigismund is the Warlord, and the enemy Warlord is slain during a Fight phase in which Sigismund inflicted at least one wound on him, you score an additional victory point. In addition, for the rest of the battle, enemy models in combat with Imperial Fists units count their Leadership Characteristic as one less than normal. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Imperial Fists Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Sigismund 70
Rogal Dorn 15 Power Primarch of the Imperial Fists NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Rogal Dorn 8” 2+ 2+ 6 6 9 6 10 2+ Rogal Dorn is a single model armed with Storm’s teeth, the Voice of terra and frag grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Frag grenade Storm’s teeth RANGE TYPE 6” Grenade D6 S AP D ABILITIES 3 0 1 - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Reaping slash Melee Melee +2 -2 1 Make 3 hit rolls for each attack with this weapon, instead of 1. Any attacks which roll an unmodified 6+ to wound cause +1 Damage. - Sundering blow Melee Melee x2 -3 4 Any attacks which roll an unmodified 6+ to wound cause +1 Damage. The Voice of Terra 24” Assault 3 5 -2 2 Each time you make a unmodified wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. ABILITIES Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Auric Armour: Rogal Dorn has a 4+ invulnerable save. When resolving an attack made against this model, an unmodified wound roll of 1-3 always fail, irrespective of any abilities that the weapon or the model making that attack may have. Sire of the VII Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Imperial Fists Core and Imperial Fists Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Imperial Fists (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Imperial Fists Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. While Rogal Dorn is on the table, enemy models in combat with Imperial Fists Core units count their Leadership Characteristic as one less than normal. Units of Phalanx Warders gain the Objective Secured ability. Furious Charge (Aura): Rogal Dorn and any Imperial Fists Core units within 6” of him add 1 to their Strenght Characteristic in the Fight phase if they charged in the preceding Charge phase. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Unshakeable Defence: After deployment, but before the first battle round pick three terrain pieces which would normally provide a +1 save due to Light Cover. These three terrain pieces now provide a +2 save. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Imperial Fists Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Rogal Dorn 71
The Aetos Dios NAME The Aetos Dios M 20-50” 20-40” 20-30” 20” 34 Power WS BS 6+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ S 10 T W A Ld Sv 8 24-30 15-23 8-14 1-7 8 4 3 2 9 3+ The Aetos Dios gunship is a single model equipped with a turbo-laser destructor, hellstrike missile battery, four twin heavy bolters and two lascannons. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Each time this attack is made against an Aircraft unit add 1 to that attck hit roll and Damage Characteristic is D3+2. Hellstrike battery 72” Heavy 4 8 -3 3 Lascannon Turbo-laser destructor Twin heavy bolter 48” Heavy 1 9 -3 D6 96” Heavy 2D3 16 -5 D6+3 36” Heavy 6 5 -1 2 ABILITIES Blast weapon. - Airborne: This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can Fly, and can only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can Fly. Colossal Flyer: When targeting this unit with shooting attacks and psychic powers, always measure to the model’s hull where it would be at tabletop level, even if it is on a flying base. In addition, unless the attacking unit has the Fly keyword, add 12” to the measured distance to determine the range when making shooting attacks against the Sokar Pattern Stormbird. Note that his means that many short-ranged shooting weapons will not be able to hit this model. Your opponent must also subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks against this model during the Shooting phase. Supersonic: Each time this model moves, first pivot it on the spot up to 90° (this does not contribute to how far the model moves) and then move the model straight forwards. Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot. When this model Advances, increase its Move Characteristic by 20” until the end of the phase - do not roll a dice. Void-hardened Hull: The Thunderhawk Gunship has a 5+ invulnerable save. Void Shields: This model has 2 void shields. Each void sheild has 3 shield points. When this model has any void shield, it has a 5+ invulnerable save against ranged attacks. Each time saving throw is failed for this model agianst a ranged attack, if it has any shield, it doeas not suffer any damage. Instead for each point of damage inflicted it like one shield point. Once a void shield lose a shield point it must continue t lose shield points due to any further damege inflicted until is collapsed. Each time an attach causes a void shield to be reduced to a 0 shield points, that void shield collapses. This model lose that void shield and any damege iflicted by that attack. Void shiled can never be used to prevent mortal wounds (eah mortal wound inflicted on a model with void shileds causes that model to lose one wound as normal). At the start of your Command Phase, if this model has a void shield tha that has fewer than 3 shield points ramaning that void shiled is restored to 3 shield points. Crash and Burn: When this transport is destroyed, roll one D6 before any embarked models disembark and before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 2D6" suffers 2D6 mortal wounds. Hover Jet: Before this model moves in your Movement phase, you can declare it will hover. Its Move Characteristic becomes 20” until the end of the phase, and it loses the Airborne, Colossal Flyer and Supersonic abilities until the beginning of your next Movement phase. TRANSPORT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS The Thunderhawk Gunship can transport 30 <Legion> Infantry models. Each Jump Pack, Terminator or Primarch model takes the space of two other Infantry models. It may also transport <Legion> Biker models who take up the place of three Infantry models each. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Imperial Fists Vehicle, Aircraft, Transport, Titanic, Fly, Thunderhawk Gunship 72
Legion VIII - Night Lords Even before the dropsite massacre, the Night Lords legion were renegade in all but name, having entirely devoted themselves to that arts of terror and murder. The legion’s Primarch Konrad Curse is the master of the unheralded strike from the least anticipated quarter, an attack delivered with such brutality and wanton cruelty entire planetary populations were brought to their knees in abject surrender. Never given to mercy, few who oppose the Night Lords ever live to tell the tale, unless they are allowed by design to escape in order to sow the seeds of dread still further. Given the dark demeanour of the legion, it takes an equally ruthless leader to rein in its propensity for atrocity, at least until such time as it is called for. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Night Lords Infantry, Biker and Dreadnought units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • From the Shadows: In the first battle round of the game, Night Lords Core or Character units count as receiving the benefits of Light Cover, even when in the open. Each time during the first battle round a ranged attack is allocated to this model while it is receiving the benefits of cover, add an additional 1 to any armour saving throw made against that attack. • A Talent for Murder: Each time a model with this trait makes an attack with any weapon, if that attack targets a unit (excluding • Primarch, Vehicle or Titanic units) that was outnumbered when the attacking unit was selected to fight, or if that attack targets a unit that has a Leadership characteristic of 6 or less, add 1 to that attacks wound roll. When counting models on either side, models with the Jump Pack or Terminator keywords counts as two models, models with the Biker keyword counts as three models, models with the Monster keywords counts as five models, models with the Dreadnought keyword counts as ten models. • Nostraman Blood: If an Astartes unit with this ability fails a Morale test, roll a D6; on a 4+, one additional casualty is caused. • Seeds of Dissent: If a Night Lords Warlord is slain, every Astartes model with this ability in the same detachment reduces their Leadership by 1 for the rest of the battle round. Legion Wargear Night Lords models have access to the following wargear: • Any Terminator unit may take Teleportation transponder (Power Rating +1). • Any model with access to the Melee Weapons list can take a Nostraman chainglaive or Nostraman chainblade instead. • Any Character may take Trophies of judgement. • Any Character with access to power fist can take a headman's axe or an escaton power claw instead. • In addition, a model in a Night Lords detachment can choose the Nostraman Mancatcher instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. Legion Warlord Trait A Night Lords Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Terror Tactics (Aura): This model gain the Fear speial rule. Enemy units within 6” of this model suffer -2 Leadership. In addition, if this model is part of an assault in which all the enemy models are slain, this ability extends to 9” until the end of the turn. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Teleportation transponder Teleportation transponder grant the unit the Teleport Assault ability. • Teleport Assault: During deployment, you can set up this unit in the teleportarium chamber instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can perform a teleport assault - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Trophies of judgement Unit gain Fear special rule. Enemy units within 3” of this unit must subtract 1 from their Leadership Characteristic. This ability does not stack with itself. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Headman's axe Nostraman chainblade Nostraman chainglaive Nostraman mancatcher Legion Points Costs S AP D ABILITIES Melee Melee x2 -2 2 Each time you make a unmodified wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. Melee Melee +1 -3 1 Each time you make a unmodified wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. Melee Melee +3 -2 1 Each time you make a unmodified wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. Melee Melee +1 -2 2 Relic. Choose one model 1" from the bearer, this model makes one less attack. Models Unit Points per Model Terror Squad 5-10 18* Contekar Terminator Squad 5-15 26* Atramentar Squad 5-20 28* Night Raptor Squad 5-15 21* Flaymaster Mawdrym Llansahai 1 78 Nakrid Thole 1 105 ‘Sevatar’ 1 118 Kheron Ophion of the Kyroptera 1 88 Konrad Curze 1 315 Unit per Wargear/Weapon Nostraman chainglaive * 73 Points per Item 5 Nostraman chainblade 5 Volkite cavitor 15 Escaton power claw 10 Teleportation transponder 20 Trophies of judgement 0 Headman's axe 10 Does not include wargear
Legion Rites of War Horror Cult For many in the VIII Legion, the betrayal in the Urgall Depression was the unstopping of a barely contained well of horrors. The worst affected were the Night Raptor squads, who flocked together in bodies that were as much cult as battlefield formation. Advantages: • Command Benefits: +3 Command points if your Warlord is part of this Detachment. • Raptor Cult: Night Raptor squads must be taken as the compulsory Fast Attack choices in this detachment. • Beyond Judgement: Any Astartes unit in this detachment may take Trophies of Judgement. • Talons of Fear: Legion Kharybdis Assault Claws may be taken as Dedicated Transports in this detachment. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by an Outrider detachment. • All models in this detachment must have the Traitor keyword. • Astartes models in this detachment must always declare a charge if there are non-Vehicle units within 12” of them at the start of their Charge phase. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include any units with a different <Legion> keyword than the units in this detachment. Terror Assault The infamous speciality of the Night Lords was the Terror Assault, often conducted under conditions of complete darkness. Such attacks were not just designed to overwhelm the foe, but to sow gut-wrenching horror in its victims. Advantages: • Command Benefits: +3 Command points if your Warlord is part of this Detachment. • Terror Tactics: Terror Squads must be taken as the compulsory Elites choices or Night Raptor squads must be taken as the compulsory Fast Attack choices in this detachment. Terror Squads gain the Objective Secured ability. • Claw Assault: Drop Pods may be taken as a Dedicated Transport. • Night Raider: The army gains access to the Night Raider stratagem. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Vanguard or Outrider detachment. • This detachment may only include one Consul. • This detachment may only include one Heavy Support choice. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include any units with a different <Legion> keyword than the units in this detachment. NIGHT RAIDER Terror Assault Stratagem 3/4+ CP Use this Stratagem at the start of the second battle round. The effects of the From the Shadows trait are extended until the end of this battle round. You may use this Stratagem again at the start of third battle round after this, but if you ever choose not to, then it may not be used again for the rest of the battle. The Cross of Bone Advantages: • The Aristocracy of Ruin: For every non-compulsory HQ choice included as part of this detachment, the maximum number of Elites choices available as part of this Force Organisation chart is increased by +1 to the 12 choices maximum. • The Strong a re Strongest Alone: A model from this detachment with the Character keyword gains +1 Attack. • The Tithe of Gore: The CUT OFF THE HEAD Secondary Objective is worth TWO additional Victory point for the player that has selected this Rite of War if the enemy Warlord’s final wound is removed by a friendly model with the Independent Character keyword. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol, Battalion or Brigade detachment. • Detachments using this Rite of War must take an additional Compulsory Troops choice in addition to those usually required on their Force Organisation chart. • Army using this Rite of War may not take Konrad Curze as a Lords of War choice. • Any unit from this detachment that makes a Consolidation move, must move the full distance allowed towards the nearest enemy unit within line of sight. If no enemy units are in line of sight then the Consolidation move must be made towards their opponents deployment zone. 74
The Bloodied Gaunlet Advantages: • Command Benefits: +3 Command points if your Warlord is part of this Detachment. • All compulsory HQ , Troops and Elite choices re-roll failed rolls to hit in Fight phase against enemy units. They must start the game on the board, don't confer victory points if were removed from play. • If you've drawn or lose, but all your compulsory HQ , Troops and Elite choices have been wiped out, you get D3 victory points • All non-compulsory models in this detachment gain the Flanking Manoeuvres ability and must start the game as reinforcements. Flanking Manoeuvres: During deployment, you can set up this unit moving around the flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the unit can join the battle - set it up so that all models in the unit are within 6” of a battlefield edge of your choice and more than 9” from enemy models. Compulsory choices can't hold or contest objectives, nor can they take dedicated transports, and the compulsory HQ choice can't be the Warlord Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol, Battalion or Brigade detachment. • Detachments using this Rite of War must take two additional Compulsory Elite choice, must be infantry, and without Terminator keyword. • All non-compulsory choices must begin the game in reserves. Swift Blade Advantages: • Command Benefits: +3 Command points if your Warlord is part of this Detachment. • Player must take three Characters, and gains two additional HQ slots (no more than five). All three Characters count as Warlords for purpose of the mission and gain Warlord traits free, so all this Characters must be removed from play to count as slaying the Warlord. When you resolve an attack made with a melee weapon by this Characters against a Loyalist unit, on an unmodified roll of 6 you can make one additional atack against tha same unit using the same weapon. This additional attack cannot generate another attack. • Hussar Squadrons are compulsory Troops choices, Outrider Squads are non-compulsory Fast Attack choices. Also player must take additional troops choice. • Night Lords units in this Detachment, add +2 to their number went counting for Talent of murder rule. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol, Battalion or Brigade detachment. • Detachments using this Rite of War must take an additional Compulsory Troops choice in addition to those usually required on their Force Organisation chart. • All Characters must have a bike option. • Army using this Rite of War may not take Konrad Curze as a Lords of War choice. • This detachment cannot include any models with the Immobile ability. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. Legion Stratagem COVER OF DARKNESS Night Lords Stratagem THE BETTER PART OF VALOUR 1 CP Night Lords Stratagem Use this Stratagem when a Night Lords Infantry unit is targeted by a shooting attack. For the rest of the phase, your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls that target that unit. HIT AND RUN Night Lords Stratagem 1 CP FLAY THEM ALIVE Night Lords Stratagem Night Lords Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem in the Enemy Charge phase. Select one Night Lords friendly unit, that was declared as target of charge. This selected friendly unit may a normal Move. If this movement causes the target unit to Move more than 12” from the Charging unit then the Active player may re-direct the Charge to target another enemy unit within range, but if the target unit remains within 12” the Charging unit must attempt the original Charge. You can only use this Stratagem once. Use this Stratagem at the start of your Charge phase. Select one Night Lords unit from your army. That unit can charge even if it Fell Back this turn. RAPTOR STRIKE 0 1 CP Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when an enemy unit is destroyed as a result of an attack made by a Night Lords model from your army. Until the end of the turn, when a Morale test is taken for an enemy unit within 12" of that Night Lords unit, your opponent must roll one additional D6 and you can choose one of those dice to be discarded. 1 CP Use this Stratagem in your Charge phase, before making a charge roll for a Night Raptor Squad unit from your army that was set up on the battlefield as reinforcements this turn. Roll 3D6 for that charge roll instead of 2D6. 75
Terror Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Executioner Headsman 6” 6” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 8 8 3+ 3+ 6 Power This unit consists of 1 Headsman and 4 Executioners. It can inculde up to 5 additional Executioners (+5 Power Rating). • Each model is armed with a bolt pistol, chainsword, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Bolt pistol Boltgun Chainsword Flamer Frag grenade Hand flamer Heavy chainsword 12” 24” Melee 12” 6” 12” Melee Pistol 1 Rapid Fire 1 Melee Assault D6 Grenade D6 Pistol D6 Melee 4 4 User 4 3 3 +3 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 - Lightning claw Melee Melee User -2 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Melee Melee +3 -2 1 Each time you make a unmodified wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. Nostraman chainglaive Plasma pistol - Standard Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword Rotor cannon Volkite charger ABILITIES This weapon automatically hits its target. Blast weapon. This weapon automatically hits its target. When resolving an attack made with this weapon, subtract 1 from the hit roll. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge WARGEAR OPTIONS Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee 24” Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Heavy 4 +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 6 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 -1 1 2 1 1 1 1 - 20” Heavy 2 5 0 2 When resolving an attack made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - • • • Any model in the squad can replace his chainsword with a heavy chainsword or chainaxe. Any model in the squad can take a boltgun, flamer, volkite charger or rotor cannon. The Headsman can replace his chainsword with a power weapon, nostraman chainglaive, nostraman chainblade, power fist or lightning claw. • The Headsman can replace his bolt pistol with a hand flamer or plasma pistol. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Executioners: This unit can re-roll failed hit rolls of 1 against Infantry. Enemy units within 3” of one or more Terror Squads reduces its Leadership by 1. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Concealed Positions: When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” from the enemy deployment zone. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Night Lords Infantry, Core, Astartes, Melta grenades, Terror Squad PRECISION STRIKE Night Lords Stratagem 2/3 CP Use this Stratagem when a Night Lords Terror Squad is selected to attack in the Shooting phase. In that phase you can ignore the Look Out, Sir rule. If that unit contains 5 or fewer models, this Stratagem costs 2CP; otherwise, it costs 3CP. 76
Contekar Terminator Squad 13 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Contekar Dissident 6” 6” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 3 7 8 2+ 2+ This unit consists of 4 Contekar Terminators and 1 Dissident Terminator. It can include up to 5 additional Contekar Terminators (Power Rating +12) up to 10 additional Contekar Terminators (Power Rating +21). • Each model is armed with a volkite cavitor and Nostraman chainblade. WEAPON Volkite cavitor Nostraman chainblade Heavy flamer Escaton power claw WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” Melee 12” Melee S AP D ABILITIES Heavy 4 6 0 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. Melee +1 -3 1 Each time you make a unmodified wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. Heavy D6 5 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Melee x2 -3 2 You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. • Any model can replace its nostraman chainblade with a escaton power claw. • Any model can replace its volkite cavitor with heavy flamer. • A Contekar Terminators unit may take Teleportation transponder (Power Rating +1). Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Trophies of Judgement (Aura): Enemy units within 3” of this unit must subtract 1 from their Leadership Characteristic. This ability does not stack with itself. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Terminator Armour: A model equipped with Terminator Armour has a 5+ invulnerable save. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Nigth Lords Infantry, Terminator, Contekar, Astartes 77
Atramentar Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Atramentar Atramentar Trucidor 6” 6” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 3 7 8 2+ 2+ 12 Power This unit consists of 5 Atramentar Terminators. It can include up to 5 additional Atramentar Terminators (Power Rating +11), up to 10 additional Atramentar Terminators (Power Rating +21) or up to 15 additional Atramentar Terminators (Power Rating +33). • Each model is armed with a combi-bolter and power axe. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Chainfist Combi-bolter Heavy flamer Nostraman chainglaive Melee 24” 12” Melee Rapid Fire 2 Heavy D6 x2 4 5 -4 0 -1 D3 1 1 Melee Melee +3 -2 1 Each time you make a unmodified wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. Lightning claw Melee Melee User -2 1 You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. If a model is armed with two lightning claws, each time it fights it can make 1 additional attack with them. Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword Reaper autocannon Grenade harness Plasma blaster - Standard Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee 36” 12” Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Heavy 4 Assault D6 +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 7 4 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 -1 -1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 - ABILITIES This weapon automatically hits its target. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge WARGEAR OPTIONS - 18” Assault 2 7 -3 1 - 18” Assault 2 8 -3 2 For each unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers one mortal wound after all this weapon’s shots have been resolved. • Any model can replace its power weapon with a nostraman chainglaive, nostraman chainblade, power fist, chainfist, lightning claw or thunder hammer. • Any model can replace its combi-bolter with an item from the Combi-Weapons list or with a voikite charger. • Any model can replacr its combi-bolter and power weapon with two lightning claws. • For every five models in the unit, one model can replace its combi-bolter with a heavy flamer, reaper autocannon or plasma blaster. • The Atramentar Trucidor may take a grenade harness. • The Atramentar Trucidor can replace its power weapon with take headman's axe. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Bodyguard: While a friendly Nigth Lords Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. Terminator Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. Trophies of Judgement (Aura): Enemy units within 3” of this unit must subtract 1 from their Leadership Characteristic. This ability does not stack with itself. Teleport Assault: During deployment, you can set up this unit in the teleportarium chamber instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can perform a teleport assault - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Sworn Loyalty: Atramentar Squads receives Objective Secured special rule in any detachment that includes Sevatar, but only if Sevatar has been chosen as the Warlord of that army, and count as Legion Terminator Squads for the purposes of the Master of the Atramentar special rule. In addition, Atramentar Squads loses Objective Secured special rule should the Warlord of the army they are part of be removed as a casualty. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Cloaked in Murder: If unit makes a charge move or performs a Heroic Intervention against this unit it never benefits from Shock Assault. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Nigth Lords Infantry, Core, Terminator, Atrementar, Astartes 78
Night Raptor Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Night Raptor Huntmaster 12” 12” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 7 8 3+ 3+ 8 Power This unit consists of 1 Huntmaster and 4 Night Raptors. It can include up to 5 additional Night Raptors (Power Rating +7) or up to 10 additional Night Raptors (Power Rating +14). • Each model is armed with a chainsword, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES - Bolt pistol Chainsword Flamer Frag grenade Hand flamer Krak grenade 12” Melee 12” 6” 12” 6” Pistol 1 Melee Assault D6 Grenade D6 Pistol D6 Grenade 1 4 User 4 3 3 6 0 -1 0 0 0 -1 1 1 1 1 1 D3 Lightning claw Melee Melee User -2 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Assault 1 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Melee +3 -2 1 Each time you make a unmodified wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. Meltagun Nostraman chainglaive Plasma gun - Standard 12” Melee Power axe Power lance Power maul Power sword Volkite serpenta ABILITIES Blast weapon. This weapon automatically hits its target. - 24” Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 - 24” Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge WARGEAR OPTIONS This weapon automatically hits its target. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge Plasma pistol - Standard Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 +2 +3 +1 -2 -1 -1 -3 1 1 1 1 - 10” Pistol 1 5 0 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. • For every five models in the unit, one Night Raptor can replace its bolt pistol with a flamer, meltagun, plasma gun, plasma pistol or hand flamer. • Any model in the squad can replace their chainsword with a power weapon, nostraman chainglaive, nostraman chainblade or lightning claw. • Any model can replace both its chainsword and bolt pistol with two lightning claws. • The Huntmaster can replace his bolt pistol with a volkite serpenta, hand flamer or plasma pistol. • The Huntmaster can take headman's axe, trophies of judgement Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Jump Pack Assault: During deployment you can set the unit up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Bloody Murder: Each time a model with this tactic makes a melee attack, if that model’s unit made a charge move, was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, an unmodified hit roll of 6 scores 1 additional hit. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Trophies of Judgement (Aura): Enemy units within 3” of this unit must subtract 1 from their Leadership Characteristic. This ability does not stack with itself. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Night Lords Infantry, Core, Astartes, Jump Pack, Fly, Melta grenades, Night Raptors 79
Flaymaster Mawdrym Llansahai 5 Power Fallen Primus Medicae of the Night Lords NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Mawdrym Llansahai 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 9 3+ Mawdrym Llansahai is a single model armed with the red jaqa, an archaeotech pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades and carrying a narthecium . Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Archaeotech Pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Red jaqa ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” 6” 6” Melee Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee S AP D ABILITIES 6 3 6 User -2 0 -1 -3 2 1 D3 2 Blast weapon. If you roll a 6 to wound with this weapon, that hit is resolved at Damage D6. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Refractor Field: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. The Devil’s Luck: Roll a dice for each wound Llansahai suffers; on a 5+, that wound is ignored. Chief Apothecary: At the end of your Movement phase, this model can use its Combat Restoratives ability twice instead of once. Combat Restoratives: At the end of your Movement phase, this model can heal one friendly <Legion> Infantry or <Legion> Biker model unit is within 3" of it. That model regains up to D3 lost wounds. Each model can only be healed once per turn. Narthecium (Aura): While a friendly <Legion> Infantry or <Legion> Biker unit is within 3" of this model each time a model in that unit would lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 6, that wound is not lost. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Unfit for Command: This model has the Support keyword and may never be chosen as the army’s Warlord. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Night Lords Infantry, Character, Astartes, Primus Medicae, Consul, Support, Mawdrym Llansahai 80
Nakrid Thole 5 Power Faceless Prince, Lord of the Bone Cross NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Nakrid Thole 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 4 4 9 2+ Nakrid Thole is a single model armed with the flay wipe, a master-crafted paragon blade, a volkite serpenta, frag grenades and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Flay wipe Frag grenade Master-crafted paragon blade RANGE TYPE Melee 6” Melee S AP D ABILITIES Melee 6 0 2 Each time you make a unmodified wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. Can swap he's attacks for a single attack against all enemy models within 2" of the model Grenade D6 3 0 1 Blast weapon. Melee +2 -3 4 Thole can make an extra attack for models that have been wounded by the Flay wipe. Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 Volkite serpenta 10” Pistol 1 5 0 2 ABILITIES Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Refractor Field: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Night Lords Core units within 6”. Faceles prince: Thole can not be choosen to be targeted unless he is the closest to the shooting unit. Also on a +5 when he's slain, he doesn't confer VP. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Trophies of Judgement (Aura): Enemy units within 3” of this unit must subtract 1 from their Leadership Characteristic. This ability does not stack with itself. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Night Lords Infantry, Astartes, Character, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Nakrid Thole 81
‘Sevatar’ 6 Power Jago Sevatarion, First Captain of the Night Lords NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Sevatar 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 6 8 2+ Sevetar is a single model armed with a Night’s Whisper, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Night’s Whisper ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” 6” 6” Melee Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee S AP D ABILITIES 4 3 6 +3 0 0 -1 -3 1 1 D3 2 Blast weapon. Each time you make a unmodified wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, that hit is resolved with an AP of -4. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Iron Halo: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. Dirty Fighter: When targetting a Character in the Fight phase, add 1 to the wound roll. Superlative Duellist: When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by this model against a Character unit, you can re-roll the hit roll and you can re-roll the wound roll. Master of the Atremnatar: If this model is on the battlefield at the start of the turn, any Night Lords Terminator units that are set up from reinforcements witin 3” of this model may arrive 1” closer to the enemy than normal. Trophies of Judgement (Aura): Enemy units within 3” of this unit must subtract 1 from their Leadership Characteristic. This ability does not stack with itself. WARLORD TRAIT PSYKER FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Night Lords Core units within 6”. Master of Ambush: If this model is the Warlord, D3 Night Lords Infantry units in the same detachment may be given the Concealed Position ability: Concealed Positions: When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models. This unit can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Natural Precognition power. Natural Precognition Warp charge 7 If manifested, until the start of your next Psychic phase, you can re-roll hit rolls of 1, to wounds rolls of 1, and one save roll for Sevatar. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Night Lords Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Psyker, Master of the Legion, Sevatar 82
Kheron Ophion of the Khyroptera 5 Power Captain of the 39th Company NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Kheron Ophion 6+ 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ Kheron Ophion is a single model armed with a power axe, volkite serpenta, frag grenades and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Frag grenade Krak grenade Master-crafted power axe Volkite serpenta ABILITIES RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 Blast weapon. Melee Melee +2 -2 2 - 10” Pistol 1 5 0 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. 6” 6” - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Refractor Field & The Bloody Aegis: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save, which improves to 4+ during the Fight phase. In addition, enemy models that target Ophion during the Fight phase subtract 1 from their hit rolls for the duration of that phase. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Night Lords Core units within 6”. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS The Coward: After Ophion has suffered a wound, roll a dice for each additional wound he suffers during the battle; on a 5+, that wound is ignored. When reduced to a single remaining wound, roll a dice for a wound he suffers; on a 4+, that wound is ignored. Aberrant Bravery (Aura): If this model is the Warlord, keep track of victory points as they are scored. While your enemy has more victory points than you do, Night Lords units within 12” of this model can re-roll failed Morale tests. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Night Lords Infantry, Astartes, Character, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Melta grenades, Kheron Ophion 83
Konrad Curze 16 Power Primarch of the Night Lords NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Konrad Curze 14” 2+ 2+ 6 6 9 9 10 2+ Conrad Curze is a single model armed with Mercy & Forgiveness, the Widowmakers and frag grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Frag grenade Mercy & forgiveness The Widowmakers ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 6” Melee 12” Grenade D6 Melee Assault 3 S AP D ABILITIES 3 0 1 Blast weapon. User -3 3 You may re-roll failed wound rolls with this weapon. If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its usual damage. 4 0 2 Each time you select a target for this weapon, you can ignore the Look Out, Sir rule. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, on an unmodified wound roll of 6+, normal and invulnerable saving throws cannot be made against that attack. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Nightmare Mantle: Konrad Curze has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, if he finishes a charge within 1” of an enemy unit, roll a D6; on an unmodified 4+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wounds; on an unmodified 6+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. Sire of the VIII Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Night Lords Core and Night Lords Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Night Lords (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Night Lords Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. While Konrad Curze is on the table, enemy models within 6” of any friendly Night Lords Core units suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership Characteristic. King of Terrors (Aura): Enemy units within 12” of this model suffer a -2 penalty to their Leadership Characteristic. In addition, if this model is part of an assault in which all the enemy models are slain, this ability extends to 15” until the end of the turn. Shadow Hunter: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls made by ranged weapons that target this model. This model can fall back and charge in the same turn, but cannot ignore Lord of War special rule. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Jump Pack Assault: During deployment you can set the unit up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 8” away from any enemy models. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Night Lords Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Jump Pack, Fly, Konrad Curze 84
Legion IX - Blood Angels The Blood Angels, of all the warriors of the LEgiones Astartes, evidenced perhaps the greatest degree of transformation of their flesh from their human origins. The aggressive overwriting of the aspirant’s gene-helix by the blood of their Primarch was capable of transforming the rad-scarred and twisted inhabitant’s of Baal to create ‘perfected’ warriors; living icons of the physical ideal of the Legiones Astartes. In battle, the Blood Angels Legion was the incarnation of the Emperor’s wrath upon those who rejected the gift of Unity, and their coming often nothing less than apocalyptic judgement delivered upon the guilty from on high. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Blood Angels Infantry, Biker, Land Speeder and Dreadnought units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Encarmine Fury: Astartes units with this ability can add 1 to their Wound rolls in the Fight phase, but still fail to wound on a roll of 1. • Host of Angels: A Blood Angels Detachment may not have more units in a detachment with the Vehicle keyword than those with the Astartes keyword. Units from the the Dedicated Transport Battlefield Role are not included for when making this calculation. Additionally models must always consolidate the full 3” directly towards the nearest enemy model. Legion Wargear Blood Angels models have access to the following wargear: • Any model with access to a Volkite serpenta may instead take a Hand flamer. • Any model with access to a Plasma pistol may instead take an Inferno pistol. • Any Character with access to the Melee Weapons list may take a Blade of perdition, Axe of Perdition, Spear of Perdition or Maul of Perdition. • Any model with a Heavy flamer can replace it with an Illastus pattern assault cannon. • Any Predator can replace its Predator autocannon with a Twin Illastus pattern assault cannon. • In addition, a model in a Blood Angels detachment can choose the Photonic Blade instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. Sanguinary Discipline Before the battle, generate the psychic powers for Psykers that must choose powers from the Sanguinary discipline using the table below. You can either roll a D6 to generate their powers randomly (re-roll any duplicate results), or you can select the psychic powers you wish the psyker to have. Sanguinary Discipline D6 Roll Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 UNLEASH RAGE Warp charge 6. If manifested, select a friendly BLOOD ANGELS Core or Character unit within 12” of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, add 1 to the Attacks Characteristics of that unit. BLOOD BOIL Warp charge 6. If manifested, select a visible enemy unit within 6” of the psyker and roll 2D6. If the total exceeds the highest Toughness Characteristic in the target unit, the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds; if the total rolled is more than double that of the highest Toughness Characteristic, the unit suffers 3 mortal wounds THE BLOOD LANCE Warp charge 6. If manifested, select a visible enemy model within 12” and draw a line between them and the psyker. Roll a D6 for each model the centre of the line passes over. For each roll of 5+ that model’s unit suffers a mortal wound. QUICKENING Warp charge 6. If manifested, you can add 3 to Advance and charge rolls you make for the psyker, and make D3 additional attacks with them in the Fight phase, until the start of your next Psychic phase. SHIELD OF SANGUINIUS Warp charge 6. If manifested, select a friendly BLOOD ANGELS Core or Character unit within 12" of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, that unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. WINGS OF SANGUINIUS Warp charge 5. If manifested, the psyker can immediately move as if it were your Movement phase, but his Move Characteristic is also increased to 12" and he gains the FLY keyword until the start of your next Psychic phase (this means he can shoot if he Fell Back in his Movement phase). In addition, whilst this power is in effect, you can re-roll failed charge rolls for the psyker. Legion Warlord Trait A Blood Angels Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Visage of Angel (Aura): Friendly Blood Angels Core units within 6” of your Warlord automatically pass Morale tests. 85
Legion Rites of War The Day of Revelation The IX Legion were famed for their ‘wars of ultimatum’ in which non-Compliant worlds would be offered one opportunity to embrace unification od face a ‘Day of Revelation’ in which they would suffer the fury of the Blood Angels unleashed. Advantages: • Cometh the Host: Any Jump Pack units in this detachment must arrive on the first turn of the game. • With Fire & Thunder: Any units in this detachment that are deployed as reinforcements receive the benefits of Light Cover until their next turn. • The Opening of the Seal: Any Infantry units in this detachment that arrive from reinforcements may re-roll hit rolls in the following Shooting phase. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. • Compulsory Troops and HQ choices in this detachment must have the Jump Pack keyword.. • This detachment must include one compulsory Fast Attack choice, which must have the Fly keyword. • This detachment may not include any Artillery units. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. The Day of Sorrows The Blood Angels were famed for their ability, when pressed, to stand aganst any that would overwhelm them, no matter the odds and no matter the foe. Such battles became known as ‘days of sorrows’, when few would stand against many and sell their lives dear, their names and deeds to be remembered eternally in the Legion’s rites. Advantages: • Resolute Defense: All units in this detachment ignore negative modifiers to their Leadership. Additionally, they can re-roll failed Morale tests when in their own deployment zone. • Aura of Wrath: Enemy models in combat with Blood Angels Astartes units in this detachment count their Leadership Characteristic as one less than normal. • By Blood Sworn: If a unit of Blood Angels Astartes from this detachment is at 50% or less of its starting size, the models within it may roll a dice for each wound suffered; on a roll of 6, they ignore the wound; gain the Objective Secured ability and hit rolls of 1. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. • Bloody-Handed: If model in this unit is within Engagement with an enemy Character; a Blood Angels Character in this detachment must direct all of his attacks against the enemy Character. • To the Bitter Dregs: If a unit of Blood Angels Astartes from this detachment is at 50% or less of its starting size at the end of the game, they count as being destroyed for the purposes of victory points. Legion Stratagem WITHOUT REMORSE, WITHOUT RELENT RED RAMPAGE 1 CP Blood Angels Stratagem Blood Angels Stratagem 1 CP Use this Stratagem when a Blood Angels unit with Fly Advances. That unit can still shoot and charge this turn. Use this Stratagem in any Fight phase to add D3 to the Attacks Characteristic of a Character from your army that charged earlier in the turn, for the duration of the Fight phase. THE WRATH OF ANGELS DESCENT OF ANGELS Blood Angels Stratagem 0 Blood Angels Stratagem CP 1 CP Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase. Select one Blood Angels Core Jump Pack unit from your army that was set up on the battlefield during the Reinforcements step of this phase. Until the end of the turn: • Each time a charge roll is made for that unit, you can ignore any or all modifiers to that charge roll. • Each time a model in that unit makes an attack, add 1 to that attacks hit roll. Use this Stratagem in the Enemy Shooting phase. Select one Blood Angels friendly unit, that was attacked by enemy unit, before any To Hit rolls are made. Until the end of this phase a model in that unit would lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, that wound is not lost. Once the Shooting Attack has been completed you can declare a Charge, following all the normal rules for Charging and targeting the enemy unit that made the Shooting Attack. You can only use this Stratagem once. 86
WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Blade of Perdition Melee Melee +1 -3 2 Each unmodified wound roll of 6+ with this weapon inflicts an additional Wound on the same enemy unit. Axe of Perdition Melee Melee +3 -2 2 Each unmodified wound roll of 6+ with this weapon inflicts an additional Wound on the same enemy unit. Spear of Perdition Melee Melee +3/ +2 -3/ -2 2 Use the first profile on a turn in which this unit has charged, or has performed a heroic intervention. Each unmodified wound roll of 6+ with this weapon inflicts an additional Wound on the same enemy unit. Maul of Perdition Melee Melee +4 -3 2 Each unmodified wound roll of 6+ with this weapon inflicts an additional Wound on the same enemy unit. Heavy 6 6 -1 1 If three 1s are rolled when rolling to Hit with this weapon, the gun jams and all shots miss. Melee +3 -3 2 Relic Attacks from this weapon always wound on a 2+, unless the target is a Vehicle. Heavy 12 6 -1 1 If three 1s are rolled when rolling to Hit with this weapon, the gun jams and all shots miss. Illastus pattern assault cannon 24” Photonic blade Melee Twin Illastus pattern assault cannon 24” Legion Points Costs Wargear/Weapon Points per Item Models Unit Points per Model Dawnbreaker Cohort 5-10 21* Crimson Paladin 3-5 30* Angel’s Tears 5-10 20* Contemptor-Incaendius Class Dreadnought 1 104* Aster Crohne 1 90 Dominion Zephon 1 95 Raldoron 1 120 Illastus Pattern Assault Cannon 22/26** Sanguinius 1 330 Angel’s Tears Grenade launcher 5 Coriolis Pattern Power Shield 5 Unit per * Does not include wargear ** For infantry, biker models/for vehicle and monster models *** Price per pair Falling-Star Spear 5 Equinox Blades 10 Sunset Blade 5 Grenade Dischargers 4 Blade of Perdition 10 Axe of Perdition 10 Spear of Perdition 10 Maul of Perdition 10 Talon of Perdition Twin Illastus pattern assault cannon 87 25/35*** 30
Dawnbreaker Cohort NAME Dawnbreaker Legionary Dawnbreaker Champion Core M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv 12” 2+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 2+ 12” 2+ 3+ 4 4 2 3 8 2+ 8 Power This unit consists of 1 Dawnbreaker Champion and 4 Dawnbreaker Legionaries. It can include up to 5 additional Dawnbreaker Legionaries (Power Rating +7). • Each model is armed with a Falling-star spear, and Grenade dischargers. WEAPON Grenade Discharger -Frag Discharger -Krak Discharger Equinox Blades RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 12” 12” Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 Blast weapon. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. -Sunrise Blade Melee Melee +1 -3 1 Reroll wounds when fighting with this weapon. Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to an Vehicle model, that attack has a Damage Characteristic of 3. -Sunset Blade Melee Melee +2 -3 1 To Wound rolls of unmodified 6+ cause +1 Damage. Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to an Vehicle model, that attack has a Damage Characteristic of 3. Falling-star spear Melee Melee +2/ +1 -3/ -2 1 Use the first profile on a turn in which this unit has charged, or has performed a heroic intervention Blade of Perdition Melee Melee +2 -3 2 Each unmodified wound roll of 6+ with this weapon inflicts an additional Wound on the same enemy unit. WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES • • Any Model may exchange their Falling-Star Spear for Equinox Blades The Dawnbreaker Champion may exchange their Falling-Star Spear for a Blade of Perdition, Axe of Perdition, Spear of Perdition or Maul of Perdition. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Jump Pack Assault: During deployment you can set the unit up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Set the Sky Aflame: Roll a D6 each time a model from this unit finishes a charge move within 1” of an enemy unit; on a 5+, the enemy unit suffers a mortal wound.. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Blood Angels Infantry, Core, Astartes, Jump Pack, Fly, Dawnbreaker Cohort 88
Crimson Paladins Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Crimson Paladin Crimson Exemplar 4” 4” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 3 9 9 2+ 2+ 6 Power This unit consists of 1 Crimson Exemplar and 2 Crimson Paladins. It can include up to 2 additional Crimson Paladins (Power Rating +2 power per model). • Each model is armed with a Power Weapon and a Coriolis pattern power shield. WEAPON Heavy flamer Plasma blaster - Standard RANGE TYPE 12” Heavy D6 S AP D ABILITIES 5 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 18” Assault 2 7 -3 1 - 18” Assault 2 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 x2 +1 -2 -3 -3 1 2 1 - 24” Heavy 6 6 -1 1 If three 1s are rolled when rolling to Hit with this weapon, the gun jams and all shots miss. Blade of Perdition Melee Melee +2 -3 2 Each unmodified wound roll of 6+ with this weapon inflicts an additional Wound on the same enemy unit. Sunset Blade Melee Melee +2 -3 1 Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to an Vehicle model, that attack has a Damage Characteristic of 3. Assault D6 4 -1 1 Blast weapon. - Supercharge Power axe Power fist Power sword Illastus Pattern Assault Cannon Grenade harness WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES 12” When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - • • Any Model may exchange their Power Weapon for a Sunset Blade A single Crimson Paladin in the squad may exchange their Coriolis power shield for an Illastus Pattern Assault Cannon, a Heavy Flamer, or a Plasma Blaster • Up to two Crimson Paladins may exchange their Power Weapon for a Power Fist • The Crimson Exemplar may exchange both their power weapon and Coriolis power shield for a Blade of Perdition, Axe of Perdition, Spear of Perdition or Maul of Perdition • The Crimson Exemplar may take a grenade harness Cataphractii Armour: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. Coriolis Pattern Power Shields: Add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. Reduce the Strength of all Melee attacks targeting a model with a Coriolis power shield by 1. If a squad has at least one model with a shield, then the entire squad receives this bonus. Bodyguard: While a friendly Blood Angels Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. Teleport Assault: During deployment, you can set up this unit in the teleportarium chamber instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can perform a teleport assault - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS The Blood is Forever: After model in this unit has suffered a wound, roll a dice for each additional wound he suffers during the battle; on a 6+, that wound is ignored. While this unit is engaged in Fight phase, after model in this unit has suffered a wound, roll a dice for each additional wound he suffers during the battle; on a 5+, that wound is ignored. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Blood Angels Infantry, Core, Terminator, Crimson Paladins, Astartes 89
Contemptor-Incaendius Class Dreadnought NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv ContemptorIncaendius Dreadnought 8” 3+ 3+ 7 7 9 5 8 3+ 9 Power This unit consists of 1 Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought. • Each model is armed with two Talons of Perdition and two heavy flamers. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Meltagun 12” Assault 1 8 -4 D6 Heavy flamer Dreadnought close combat weapon 12” Heavy D6 5 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Melee Melee x2 -3 3 - 24” Heavy 6 6 -1 1 If three 1s are rolled when rolling to Hit with this weapon, the gun jams and all shots miss. Melee Melee user -3 4 Each unmodified wound roll of 6+ with this weapon inflicts an additional Wound on the same enemy unit. Illastus Pattern Assault Cannon Talon of Perdition WARGEAR OPTIONS • • ABILITIES Angels of Death, Legion Traits A Contemptor-Incaendius may replace any Heavy flamer with a Meltagun, or an Illiastus pattern assault cannon. A Contemptor-Incaendius may replace either of its Talons of Perdition with a Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon Atomantic Shielding: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Unstoppable Fury: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for this model in Fight phase. Incaendius Booster Pack: This model may use one of the following two special rules. You must choose during deployment which you are using. Re-entry Burn: During deployment, you can set up this unit in low orbit instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can perform an orbital assault strike - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Shock Strike: Once per battle, before moving this unit in the Movement Phase, you may use this ability. If you do, this unit’s Move Characteristic increases by +5”, it gains the Fly and Jump-Pack keywords, and may reroll any charge rolls it makes in the subsequent charge phase. This lasts until the beginning of the controlling player’s next Movement Phase Duty Eternal: Each time an attack is allocated to this model subtrat 1 from the Damage Characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of 1). FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Explodes: When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 3" suffers 1 mortal wound. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Blood Angels Vehicle, Smokescreen, Dreadnought, Contemptor, Incaendius 90
The Angel’s Tears 6 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Erelim Arch-Erelim 12” 12” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 8 8 3+ 3+ This unit consists of 1 Arch-Erelim and 4 Erelim. It can include up to 5 additional Erelim (Power Rating +5). • Each model is armed with a chainsword, two volkite serpenta, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Angel’s Tears Grenade launcher 24” Assault d6 1 -1 1 Attacks from this weapon always wound on a 2+, unless the target is a Vehicle. Bolt pistol 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 - Blade of Perdition Melee Melee +2 -3 2 Each unmodified wound roll of 6+ with this weapon inflicts an additional Wound on the same enemy unit. Chainsword Frag grenade Hand flamer Heavy chainsword Melee 6” 12” Melee Melee Grenade D6 Pistol D6 Melee User 3 3 +3 -1 0 0 -3 1 1 1 2 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Illastus Pattern Assault Cannon 24” Heavy 6 6 -1 1 Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 User -2 1 Lightning claw Plasma pistol - Standard Melee Power axe Power fist Power sword Rotor cannon Volkite serpenta Thunder hammer ABILITIES This weapon automatically hits its target. When resolving an attack made with this weapon, subtract 1 from the hit roll. If three 1s are rolled when rolling to Hit with this weapon, the gun jams and all shots miss. Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge WARGEAR OPTIONS Melee Blast weapon. 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee Melee 24” Melee Melee Melee Heavy 4 +2 x2 +1 6 -2 -3 -3 -1 1 2 1 1 - 10” Pistol 1 5 0 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. Melee Melee x2 -2 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - • Any Erelim in the squad may exchange one of their volkite serpenta for an Angel’s Tears grenade launcher, Illiastus pattern assault cannon and suspensor web, Heavy Flamer, Rotor Cannon, or a Heavy Chainsword • The Arch-Erelim may exchange their chainsword/combat blade for a Heavy chainsword, a Power weapon, a Power fist, a lightning claw, or a Thunder hammer • The Arch-Erelim may exchange either of their volkite serpenta for a Plasma pistol Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Hardened armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save and gains the Void Hardened keyword Suspensor Web: A weapon with a suspensor web does not suffer the penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons. However, if it does move and fire in the same turn, half the weapon’s maximum range. Destroyers: Melta grenades and Rad grenades Stratagems cost 0 CP. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Jump Pack Assault: During deployment you can set the unit up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 8” away from any enemy models. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Blood Angels Infantry, Elite, Astartes, Jump Pack, Fly, Void Hardened, Destroyer, Rad grenades, Melta grenades, Angel’s Tears 91
Judiciar Aster Crohne 5 Power Last Officcer of ther 94th Company, The Shroudmaker, The Ghost of Saiph NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Judiciar Aster Crohne 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ Judiciar Aster Crohne is a single model armed with two hand flamers, Saiphan shard-axe and frag, krak and equipped with a refractor shield . Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Hand flamer Frag grenade Krak grenade Saiphan shard-axe ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” 6” 6” Melee Pistol D6 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee S AP D ABILITIES 3 3 6 +3 0 0 -1 -2 1 1 D3 2 This weapon automatically hits its target. Hits with this weapon do 3 Damage against Vehicles. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Refractor Field: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Tactical Precision (Aura): You can re-roll Wound rolls of 1 for friendly Blood Angels Core units that are within 6” of a this model. The Ghost of Saiph :The first time Aster Crohne is reduced to o Wounds, or otherwise removed from play by any effect or attack, roll a D6. On a 4+, he is placed in Ongoing Reserves with a single Wound remaining instead of being removed or destroyed. If he enters Ongoing Reserves on or after turn 4, then he may enter play automatically at the start of the controlling player’s following turn. Virtue of Judgement : At the start of the game, after deployment but before the first turn is declared, roll a D3. Aster Crohne’s controlling player may select a number of enemy units equal to the number rolled to be marked by the Angel’s Wrath. Whenever Crohne or a Destroyers or Angel’s Tears unit is used to make a Shooting attack against a unit marked with the Angel’s Wrath, his hand flamer attacks can reroll failed wound rolls. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Concealed Position: When you set up Aster Crohne during deployment, he can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models. Loyalist , Legiones Astartes, Blood Angels Infantry, Character, Astartes, Centurion, Rad grenades, Melta grenades, Aster Crohne 92
Dominion Zephon NAME The Bringer of Sorrow, The Exile, The Twice-born, Exarch of the High Host M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Dominion Zephon 12” 2+ 2+ 4 4 4 4 9 5 Power 2+ Dominion Zephon is a single model armed with Lament and Grief, the Spiritum Sanguis, frag and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Lament and Grief Frag grenade Krak grenade The Spiritum Sanguis ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 10” 6” 6” Melee S AP D ABILITIES Pistol 2 5 -1 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee 3 6 +2 0 -1 -3 1 D3 2 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Furious Charge: When a model with this trait makes a successful charge, it can make one additional attack in the subsequent Fight phase. Paragon of Restoration: Roll a D6 each time this model suffers a wound, on a 6+ that wound is ignored. The first time in any battle that Dominion Zephon loses his last Wound, or is otherwise removed from play as a casualty, the controlling player must immediately roll a D6. On a result of 4+, he remains in play with a single Wound remaining instead of being removed or destroyed. Chain Fire: This model can add 3D3 to the Shots Characteristic of its Pistol weapons in the Shooting phase (roll separately for each weapon). If it does, this model cannot charge this turn or make any ranged attacks during the next turn. Honour or Death: This model is eligible to perform a Heroic Intervention if it is within 6” horizontally and 5” vertically of any enemy unit, instead of 3” horizontally and 5” vertically. Each time this model makes a Heroic Intervention move, so long as it ends that moveeither closer to the closest enemy model or within Engagement Range of an enemy Character unit, it can move up to 6”. All other rules for Heroic Interventions still apply. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Martial Superiority: At the start of the Fight phase, if this model is within Engagement Range of any enemy Character units, it can fight first that phase Exarch of the High Host: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Legion Destroyer Squad units within 6”. Legion Destroyer Squad receive Bodyguard special rule. Bodyguard: While a friendly Blood Angels Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. Loyalist , Legiones Astartes, Blood Angels Infantry, Character, Astartes, Fly, Jump pack, Champion, Master of the Legion, Rad grenades, Melta grenades, Dominion Zephon 93
Chapter Master Raldoron 6 Power Loya Fist Captain of the Blood Angels, Equerry to the Primarch, Archein of Wisdome NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Raldoron 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 6 9 2+ Chapter Master Raldoron is a single model armed with a combi flamer, the Encarmine Warblade, frag and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Combi-flamer - Boltgun - Flamer The Encarmine Warblade Frag grenade Krak grenade When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls for this weapon. ABILITIES Angels of Death, Legion Traits 24” 8” Rapid Fire 1 Assault D6 4 4 0 0 1 1 - Mel Melee +2 -4 3 Each time an attack is made wih this weapon, on an unmodified wound roll of 6+ the target suffers 1 mortal wounds in addition to any normal damage. Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 6” 6” This weapon automatically hits its target. Blast weapon. - Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Blood Angels Core units within 6”. Warlord’s Pride: Raldoron must always be your army’s Warlord, unless Sanguinius is also included Cunning Strategist: An army containing this model has +1 Command Point. Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Furious Charge: When a model with this trait makes a successful charge, it can make one additional attack in the subsequent Fight phase. Archein of Wisdom: Raldoron has the World Burner Warlord Trait. In addition, at the beginning of each of your turns, you may select a different Warlord Trait. Raldoron loses his current Warlord Trait, and gains the new Trait. Loyalist , Legiones Astartes, Blood Angels Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Raldoron 94
Sanguinius 17 Power The Great Angel, The Brightest One, Master of Hosts, Primarch of the Blood Angels NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Sanguinius 14” 2+ 2+ 6 6 9 7 10 2+ Sanguinius is a single model armed with the Blade Encarmine and Infernus and Frag grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES The Spear of Telesto (shooting) 12” Assault 1 7 -4 D6+4 Each Wound roll of an unmodified 6+ with this weapon inflicts an additional Wound and one mortal wound on the same enemy unit. This weapon can only be fired once per battle, if you do so, you cannot use The Spear of Telesto later in the game. The Spear of Telesto (melee) Melee Melee +3/ user -4/ -3 3 Use the first profile on a turn in which this unit has charged, or has performed a heroic intervention. Each Wound roll of an unmodified 6+ with this weapon inflicts an additional Wound and one mortal wound on the same enemy unit. Infernus 18” Assault 2 8 -4 D6 This weapon can only be fired once per battle. When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 Blast weapon. -3 3 Each time an attack is made wih this weapon against a model with the Daemon, Daemon of the Ruinstorm or Psyker keyword, on an successful wound roll the target suffers 1 mortal wounds in addition to any normal damage. -3 3 You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. If this model is Engagement range with more than 1 enemy model at the start of the Fight phase, he adds D3 to his Attacks Characteristic until the end of that phase. The Moonsilver Blade Melee Melee +1 The Blade Encarmine Melee Melee +2 WARGEAR OPTIONS • ABILITIES Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear Sanguinius may replace The blade Encarmine with The Spear of Telesto and The Moonsilver Blade. The Regalia Resplendent: The Regalia Resplendent provides a 2+ armour save and a 4+ invulnerable save, and allows him to re-roll one failed invulnerable saves on a turn in which he charges. Sire of the IX Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Blood Angels Core and Blood Angels Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Blood Angels (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Blood Angels Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. While Sanguinius is on the table, friendly Blood Angels Core units can reroll failed charge rolls. Dawn breaker Squads may be chosen as Troops choices in an army in which Sanguinius is present. Angelic Presence (Aura): Friendly Blood Angels units within 6” of your Warlord automatically pass Morale tests. Sky Strike: If this unit moves over any enemy units in its Movement phase (and it did not FallBack), you can choose one of those enemy units and roll a D6. Any roll of unmodified 4+ inflict a mortal wound on the enemy unit; roll of unmodified 6+ inflict D3 mortals wounds. If the unit is an enemy with Flyer or Monster keyword it instead receives 3 mortal wounds always. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Great Wings: During deployment you can set the unit up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Sanguinius can Fall Back and charge in the same turn. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Blood Angels Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Fly, Sanguinius 95
Legion X - Iron Hands The Iron Hands are masters of the engines of war, wielding weapons and armoured tanks with the skill a master swordsman might a blade. Proud and relentless, the Legion has fought for many years at the forefront of the Great Crusade, and seen victories uncounted, though many have labelled them as callous and as inhuman as they manchines they employ with such devastating skill. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Iron Hands units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Inviolate Armour: Each time an attack with an Armour Penetration Characteristic of -1 is allocated to a model with this trait, that attack has an Armour Penetration Characteristic of 0 instead. • Stand and Fight: Units with this trait suffer a -1” penalty to Advance moves. Models with this trait whose Characteristics can change as they suffer damage are considered to have double the number wounds remaining for the purposes of determining what those Characteristics are. • Rigid Tactics: A detachment containing units with this trait cannot have more units with the Jump Pack and Biker keywords than units with the Infantry keyword (not including units that also have the Jump Pack keyword). Legion Wargear Iron Hands models have access to the following wargear: • Any Praetor can be upgraded to a Iron-father. • Any Praetor or Centurion with Cataphractii armour may take Gorgon Terminator Armour instead. • Any Character unit can take a cyber-familiar. • Any Vehicle can take Blessed Autosimulacra. • Any Iron Hands model with a graviton gun may exchange it for a graviton shredder, and any Iron Hands model with a plasma pistol may exchange it for a graviton pistol at no additional points cost. • In addition, a model in a Iron Hands detachment can choose the Grav Gauntlet instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. Legion Warlord Trait A Iron Hands Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Murderous Arsenal: Each time you roll a hit roll of an unmodified 6+ for your Warlord, make one extra attack at the same target using the same weapon (these bonus attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks). WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Blessed Autosimulacra At the start of each Movement phase roll a D6, on a 5+ regain 1 lost wound. Iron-Father • • • • +1 Power • This model gains the Iron-father keyword. This model has a servo arm. This model can take a cortex-controller. Master of the Forge: At the end of your Movement phase this model can repair a single <Legion> Vehicle or Cybernetica Cortex (if model has cortex controller) within 1”. That model regains 3 wounds. A model can only be repaired once per turn. Awaking the Machine Spirits: In your Command phase, this mode can awake one friendly <Legion> Vehicle model within 3” of it. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time that Vehile model makes a ranged attack, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll. Each model can only be awakened once per turn. Exquisite Bionics: Roll a D6 each time this model suffers a wound, on a 6+ that wound is ignored. • Cyber-familiar WEAPON +1 Power A unit with a cyber-familiar add +1 to its invulnerable save (maximum to the 4+ invulnerable save). Models that do not have an invulnerable save instead gain a 5+ invulnerable save. RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Grav gauntlet 12” Assault 3 5 -3 2 Relic: This weapon automatically hits its target. If the target has a Save Characteristic of 3+ or better or Fortification keyword, this weapon increases its Damage to D3. Graviton shredder 12” Assault 2 5 -3 1 Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. Graviton pistol 12” Pistol 1 5 -3 1 Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. Legion Points Costs Models Unit Points per Model Iron-Father n/a +20 Gorgon Terminator Squad 5-10 26* Medusan Immortals Squad 5-15 18* Spearhead-Centurion Castrman Orth 1 Iron-Father Autek Mor Shadrak Meduson Ferrus Manus Unit * Wargear/Weapon Points per Item Blessed Autosimulacra 15 Cyber-familiar 5 55 Graviton shredder 0 1 154 Graviton pistol 0 1 107 Forgebreaker 50 1 300 per Does not include wargear 96
Legion Rites of War The Head of the Gorgon The Iron Hands’ preference for close-range, brutal engagements, where their relentless firepower could be brought to its fullest effect, was exemplified buy this tactic. The enemy owuld be brought to battle and held in place while mechanised elements encircled them. Advantages: • Chosen Ground: Iron Hands Infantry units in this detachment may re-roll Morale tests while inside their own deployment zone. • War-Relics: Any model in this detachment which can be armed with a flamer may instead be armed with a graviton gun. In addition, Vehicles in this detachment gain the Blessed Autosimulcra ability. • Blessed Autosimulcra : At the start of each Movement phase roll a D6, on a 5+ regain 1 lost wound. • Iron Scions: This detachment may include units of Castellax or Vorax battle-automata as Elites choices. • Armoured Encirclement: Vehicles in this detachment (without the Fly, Dreadnought or Titanic keywords) gain the Flanking Manoeuvres ability. Flanking Manoeuvres: During deployment, you can set up this unit moving around the flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the unit can join the battle - set it up so that all models in the unit are within 7” of a battlefield edge of your choice and more than 9” from enemy models. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. • This detachment may only include one Fast Attack choice. • This detachment may only include a single Consul. • Your army may not include any units with a different <Legion> keyword than the units in this detachment. Company of Bitter Iron After the betrayal as Isstvan, many surviving Iron Hands considered themselves to have failed in their duties to their Legion and cast off their unit markings, renouncing their comanines and forming themselves into units of Immortals, resolved to sell their lives fighting the Traitors that had brought their Legion low. Advantages: • Company of Immortals: Medusan Immortals may be taken as Troops choices in this detachment. • Immortal Hatred: All Astartes models in this detachment may re-roll hit rolls in the Fight phase against Traitors. • Bitter Duty: Medusan Immortals may re-roll Morale tests when inside the enemy deployment zone. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. It may not be taken by Shattered Legions armies. • All models in your army must be Loyalist. • Your army may not include Ferrus Manus. • Your army may not include any units with a different <Legion> keyword than the units in this detachment. Legion Stratagem MACHINE EMPATHY Iron Hands Stratagem MARCH OF THE ANCIENTS 1 CP Iron Hands Stratagem 1 CP Use this Stratagem in your Command phase. Selectr one Iron Hands Vehicle model from your army. Until the start of your next Command phase, that model is considered to have its full wound ramaning for the purpose of determining what Characteristics on its profile to use and can ignore all the penalties in Shooting phase. Use this Stratagem before the battle, after nominating a model to be your Warlord. Select one Iron Hands Dreadnought model from your army. That model gains the Character keyword; add 1 to the Attacks and Leadership Characteristics of that model. THE GORGON’S SPITE Iron Hands Stratagem Iron Warriors Stratagem MERCY IS WEAKNESS 1 CP 1 CP Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase or the Fight phase, when an Iron Hands unit from your army is chosen to shoot with or fight with. Select one enemy unit. Until the end of that phase, every attack made by a model in that Iron Hands unit from your army that can target the selected unit must do so, but when resolving such an attack, an unmodified wound roll of 6 wounds the target unit twice instead of once. Use this Stratagem in the Enemy Charge phase. Select one friendly Iron Hands unit, that was declared as the target of the charge by enemy unit. This selected frendly unit may make a Shooting Attack, targeting the unit that attacked him, with all weapons making twice their normal number of attacks but for each unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers one mortal wound after all this weapon’s shots have been resolved. A unit that makes a Shooting Attack as part of a this Stratagem may not make any attacks indirectly (without line of sight). Units making a Shooting Attack as part of this Stratagem are considered to be Stationary, and may fire weapons of any type as though they had not moved. This unit cannot be selected to an Overwatch stratagem. You can only use this Stratagem once. REJECT THE FLESH, EMBRACE THE MACHINE 1 CP Iron Hands Stratagem Use this Stratagem in any phase, when an Iron Hands infantry unit from your army is chosen as the target for an attack. Until the end of that phase, when a model in that unit would lose a wound, roll one D6, on a 5+ that wound is not lost. 97
Gorgon Terminator Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Gorgon Terminator Gorgon Hammerbearer 5” 2+ 3+ 4 4 3 2 7 2+ 5” 2+ 3+ 4 4 3 3 8 2+ 10 Power This unit consists of 1 Gorgon Hammerbearer and 4 Gorgon Terminators. It can include up to 5 additional Gorgon Terminators (Power Rating +9). • Each Gorgon Terminator is armed with a combi-bolter and power axe. • The Gorgon Hammerbearer is armed with a combi-bolter and thunder hammer. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES - Combi-bolter Chainfist 24” Melee Rapid Fire 2 Melee 4 x2 0 -4 1 D3 Graviton gun 18” Rapid Fire 1 5 -3 1 Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. Grenade harness Heavy flamer 12” 12” Assault D6 Heavy D6 4 5 -1 -1 1 1 Blast weapon. Lightning claw Melee Melee User -2 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Power axe Power fist Reaper autocannon Thunder hammer Melee Melee 36” Melee Melee Melee Heavy 4 Melee +2 x2 7 x2 -2 -3 -2 -2 1 2 1 3 - WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. This weapon automatically hits its target. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. • • • • Any model can replace its combi-bolter with an item from the Combi-Weapons list. Any model can replace its power axe with a power fist, chainfist or lightning claw. Any model can replace its power axe and combi-bolter with two lightning claws. For every five models in the unit, one model can replace its combi-bolter with a heavy flamer, reaper autocannon or graviton gun. • The Gorgon Hammerbearer can take a grenade harness. • The Gorgon Hammerbearer can take a cyber-familiar. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Bodyguard: While a friendly Iron Hands Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Gorgon Terminator Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save and roll a dice for each wound this unit suffers; on a 5+, that wound is ignored. In addition, enemy models within 1” of a model with this ability suffers -1 to Hit in the Fight phase. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Iron Hands Infantry, Core, Astartes, Terminator, Gorgon Terminators 98
Medusan Immortals Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Medusan Immortal Veteran Sergeant 5” 5” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 7 8 3+ 3+ 11 Power This unit consists of 1 Veteran Sergeant and 9 Medusan Immortals. It can include up to 5 additional Medusan Immortals (Power Rating +5) or up to 10 Medusan Immortals (Power Rating +10). • Each model is armed with a boltgun, bolt pistol, boarding shield, hardened armour, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol Boltgun 12” 24” Breaching charge Melee S AP D ABILITIES Pistol 1 Rapid Fire 1 4 4 0 0 1 1 - Grenade 1 8 -4 D6 When targeting a Building this weapon has damage 6 and you can re-roll failed wound rolls. This weapon can only be used once per game. Flamer Frag grenade 12” 6” Assault D6 Grenade D6 4 3 0 0 1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Graviton gun 18” Rapid Fire 1 5 -3 1 Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. Krak grenade Lascutter 6” Melee Grenade 1 Melee 6 9 -1 -3 D3 D3 - Meltagun 12” Assault 1 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Volkite charger 20” Heavy 2 5 0 2 WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, a model may only ever make a single attack When resolving an attack made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage. • For every five models in the unit, one model can replace its boltgun with either a graviton gun, meltagun, lascutter or flamer. • Any model can replace its boltgun with a volkite charger • One Medusan Immortal can take a legion vexilla. • One Medusan Immortal can take a nuncio-vox. • The Veteran Sergeant can replace his boltgun and/or bolt pistol with items from the Ranged Weapons list. • The Veteran Sergeant can take a single breaching charge. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Hardened Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. Boarding Shields: Add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. Feel No Pain: Roll a dice for each wound this unit suffers; on a 5+, that wound is ignored. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Gun Them Down!: If an enemy unit Falls Back from this unit, this unit may immediately make a shooting attack at them after they have completed their move. This shooting attack is carried out exactly like an Overwatch attack would be in the Charge phase. Once this shooting attack is over, the enemy player may resume the turn. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Iron Hands Infantry, Core, Breacher Squad, Void Hardened, Melta grenades, Medusan Immortals 99
Spearhead-Centurion Castrmen Orth +3 Power Commander of the ‘Subjugator’ Armoured Battalion NAME Castrmen Orth (Tank Commander) Castrmen Orth (Infantry) M WS --- As Vehicle -6” 2+ BS S T W 2+ -------------------------- As Vehicle -------------------------- 2+ 4 4 A 4 3 Ld 8 Sv 3+ A single Iron Hands Tank in your army with at least 11 Wounds can take Castrmen Orth as an upgrade. Only one Castrman Orth may be included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Power maul ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” 6” 6” Melee Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee S AP D ABILITIES 4 3 6 +3 0 0 -1 -1 1 1 D3 1 Blast weapon. - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Tactical Precision (Aura): You can re-roll Wound rolls of 1 for friendly Iron Hands Core and Vehicle units that are within 6” of a this model. Refractor Field and Cyber-familiar: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. Spearhead Commander: Castrmen Orth begins the game commanding a vehicle (see above). Whilst commanding the vehicle, use that vehicle’s normal profile, weapons, abilities, keywords and Characteristics, with the exception of it’s Ballistic Skill - use Orth’s Ballistic Skill of 2+ when firing with the vehicle instead. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS If his vehicle is reduced to 0 wounds, set him up within 3” before removing the vehicle from the battlefield. He is treated as a passenger departing from a destroyed transport. Assuming he survives, Castrmen Orth then uses the Infantry profile above and the keywords below. He is equipped with a bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades, a refractor field and a cyber-familiar. Tank Crushers: If this model is the Warlord, all Iron Hands Tanks in the same detachment add 1 to their Weapon Skill Characteristic. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Iron Hands Infantry, Character, Astartes, Centurion, Castrmen Orth 100
Iron-Father Autek Mor 6 Power Lord of the Morragul Clan NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Autek Mor 4” 2+ 2+ 5 5 6 4 9 2+ Autek Mor is a single model armed with a paragon blade and volkite charger and equipped with a cortex controller and servo-arm. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Paragon blade Melee Melee +2 -3 3 - Servo arm Melee Melee x2 -2 3 Each servo arm can only be used to make one attack each time this model fights. When a model attacks with this weapon subtract 1 from the hit roll. Heavy 2 5 0 2 When resolving an attack made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage. Volkite charger ABILITIES 20” Angels of Death, Legion Traits Cataphractii Armour: A model equipped with Cataphractii Armour has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. Cortex Controller: This model gains the Cortex Controller keyword. Friendly Cybernetica Cortex units within 6” do not need to target the nearest visible enemy unit in the Shooting or Charge phases. Additionally for each model with this item one Thallax Cohort, Castellax Battle-automata or Vorax Battle-automata unit can be taken as a Heavy Support choice. Jealous Command: Autek Mor must always be your army’s Warlord, unless Ferrus Manus is also included. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Iron Hands Core units within 6”. Living fortress: When resolving an attack made against this model, an unmodified wound roll of 1-3 always fail, irrespective of any abilities that the weapon or the model making that attack may have. Master of the Forge: At the end of your Movement phase this model can repair a single <Legion> Vehicle or Cybernetica Cortex within 1”. That model regains 3 wounds. A model can only be repaired once per turn. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Awaking the Machine Spirits: In your Command phase, this mode can awake one friendly <Legion> Vehicle or Cybernetica Cortex model within 3” of it. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time that Vehile model makes a ranged attack, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll. Each model can only be awakened once per turn. Murderous Arsenal: If this model is the Warlord, each time you roll a hit roll of an unmodified 6+ for your Warlord, make one extra attack at the same target using the same weapon (these bonus attacks cannot themselves generate any further attacks). Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Iron Hands Infantry, Astartes, Character, Terminator, Praetor, Cortex Controller, Master of the Legion, Autek Mor 101
Shadrak Meduson 5 Power Master of the Shattered Legions NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Shadrak Meduson 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ Shadrak Meduson is a single model armed with an albian power gladius, master-crafted boltgun, frag grenades and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Albian power gladius Frag grenade Krak grenade Master-crafted boltgun ABILITIES RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES On a wound roll of an unmodified 6+, that hit is resolved at AP -4. Melee 6” 6” Melee Grenade D6 Grenade 1 +2 3 6 -3 0 -1 2 1 D3 24” Rapid Fire 1 4 0 2 Blast weapon. - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Iron Halo: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. Master of the Shattered Legions: When selecting a Rite of War for a detachment containing Shakrak Meduson, you may choose rites which are normally only available to Raven Guard or Salamanders detachments. In this case, all Astartes in the detachment count as having the requisite version of the <Legion> keyword to match the rite. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Iron Hands Core units within 6” Raise the Storm (Aura): If this model is your Warlord then, once per game at the start of your turn, you may raise the storm. For the duration of that turn, all friendly Iron Hands Infantry units add 1 to their Charge distances, can make 1 additional attack in the Fight phase if they have charged that turn, and can re-roll failed hit rolls of 1 during the Fight phase. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Iron Hands Infantry, Characters, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Shadrak Meduson 102
Ferrus Manus 15 Power Primarch of the Iron Hands NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Ferrus Manus 8” 2+ 2+ 7 7 9 6 10 2+ Ferrus Manus is a single model armed with adamantium fists, a heavy flamer, graviton gun, servo arm, plasma blaster, grenade harness and nuncio vox. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Adamantium fists Forgebreaker Relic graviton shredder Grenade harness Heavy flamer Relic plasma blaster - Standard RANGE TYPE Melee Melee AP D ABILITIES User x2 -3 -3 2 5 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. 12” Assault 2 5 -3 2 Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 2. 12” 12” Assault D6 Heavy D6 4 5 -1 -1 1 1 Blast weapon. This weapon automatically hits its target. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge Servo arm WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES Melee Melee S 18” Assault 2 7 -3 2 - 18” Assault 2 8 -3 3 For each unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers one mortal wound after all this weapon’s shots have been resolved. Melee x2 -2 3 Each servo arm can only be used to make one attack each time this model fights. When a model attacks with this weapon subtract 1 from the hit roll. Melee • Ferrus Manus can take Forgebreaker (Power Rating +2) . Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Medusan Carapace: Ferrus Manus has a 3+ invulnerable save. In addition, if Ferrus Manus is attacked by a ranged weapon, reduce the Strength of the attack by 1. Sire of the X Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Iron Hands Core and Iron Hands Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Iron Hands (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Iron Hands Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. While Ferrus Manus is on the table, friendly Iron Hands Core units have a 6+ invulnerable save. Master of Mechanisms (Aura): At the start of the Movement phase Iron Hands Vehicles within 6” regain 1 lost wound. Awaking the Machine Spirits: In your Command phase, this mode can awake one friendly <Legion> Vehicle or Cybernetica Cortex model within 3” of it. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time that Vehile model makes a ranged attack, add 1 to that attack’s hit roll. Each model can only be awakened once per turn. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Master of the Forge: At the end of your Movement phase this model can repair a single Iron Hands Vehicle or Cybernetica Cortex within 1”. That model regains 3 wounds. A model can only be repaired once per turn. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Iron Hands Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Ferrus Manus 103
Legion XII - World Eaters Of all the Space Marine Legions in the Emperor’s service, the World Eaters were among the most feared.The whisper of their coming was enough to quell rebellion and send armies to flight in terror. Tales of their predations and massacres were numberless, and their reputation was as the Emperor’s war hounds beasts, butchers and madmen whose fury was fuelled by bloodshed, and was such that no sane warrior would willingly stand against them. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all World Eaters Infantry, Biker and Dreadnought units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Incarnate Violence: When a model with this trait makes a successful charge, it can make one additional attack in the subsequent Fight phase. World Eaters Characters get +1 to Hit in the Fight phase if they direct all their attacks against enemy Characters. • Bloodlust: Units with this trait must always consolidate the full 3” directly towards the nearest enemy model, and attempt to get within 1” if possible. Legion Wargear World Eaters models have access to the following wargear: • Any model with access to the Melee Weapons list may take a Barb-hook lash or Twin falax blades instead. • Any model with access to a power fist can instead take a Excoriator chainaxe or Meteor hammer. • Any model may replace their Chainsword with a Chainaxe. • World Eaters Apothecaries and Primus Medicae may choose to take the Exhortation of Butchery ability. If chosen, all World Eaters Apothecaries and Primus Medicae must take it. • Any Character may take Ravening Madmen upgrade. • In addition, a model in a World Eaters detachment can choose the Earthbreaker Trident instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. Legion Warlord Trait A World Eaters Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Slaughterborn: At the start of the Fight phase, add D3 to this Warlord’s Attacks characteristic if there are more enemy models within 3" of them than there are friendly models. These extra attacks last until the end of that Fight phase. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Exhortation of Butchery One friendly World Eaters Astartes unit within 3” of this model at the start of their Fight phase may choose to increase it’s Attacks Characteristic by 1 until the end of that phase. However, if this is chosen, roll a D6 for each model in the unit at the end of the phase; on a roll of 1, that model is slain. Ravening Madmen This unit can never re-roll their failed hit rolls, for any reason. If this unit is within 1” of an enemy unit is automatically passes any Morale tests it is required to take. Enemy units targeting this unit during the Fight phase can never hit on worse than a 3+. WEAPON RANGE TYPE AP D ABILITIES Barb-hook lash Melee Melee * -1 2 This weapon always wounds on a 2+; except against Vehicles where it always needs a 6+. Chainaxe Melee Melee +1 -1 1 - Earthbreaker trident Melee Melee +2 -2 2 Relic: Once per game, this weapon may be used in the Shooting phase. When this happens, treat the Range as 12” and the the Strength as 10. Against Vehicles and Bulidings, this Shooting attack does D6 Damage Excoriator chainaxe Meteor hammer Melee Melee Melee Melee +4 +2 -2 -1 2 2 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Twin falax blades Melee Melee +1 -1 1 Each time the bearer fights exclusively with this weapon in the Fight phase, it makes 2 extra attacks with this weapon. Legion Points Costs Models Unit Points per Model The Red Butchers 5-10 38* Rampager Squad 5-10 18* Rampager Squad (with Jump Packs) 5-10 20* Red Hand Squad 5-15 18* Red Hand Squad (with Jump Packs) 5-15 20* Centurion Shabran Darr 1 75 Centurion Shabran Darr (with Jump Pack) 1 95 Khârn the Bloody 1 118 Endryd Haar 1 100 Gahlan Surlak 1 95 The Primarch Angron 1 280 Unit * S per When attacking with this weapon, you must add 1 to the hit roll. Wargear/Weapon Points per Item Barb-hook lash 5 Chainaxe 0 Excoriator chainaxe 10 The Gorechild 15 Meteor hammer 10 Ravening Madmen (Character upgrade) 10 The Cutter 0 Twin falax blades 5 Does not include wargear 104
Legion Rites of War Berserker Assault All-out infantry assaults had often been the hallmark of the World Eaters Legion. In the aftermath of Isstvan III, they frequently became the sole goal of the Legion; carnage for it’s own sake beyond any strategic objective. Advantages: • Beserk Charge: All World Eaters models in this detachment may re-roll Hit rolls of 1 in the Fight phase when outside their own deployment zone. • Unstoppable Wave: All World Eaters models in this detachment may re-roll Advance rolls of 1 and may re-roll charge rolls of 1. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. • This detachment must take an additional compulsory Troops choices. • This detachment may not include more than one Consul, and may not include any Librarians. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include any units with a different <Legion> keyword than the units in this detachment. The Crimson Path The XII Legion was known for it’s willingness to pay the highest butcher’s bill in exchange for victory. This spectacle became ever more common as the Legion’s descent accelerated until, in certain assault companies, it was almost battlefield doctrine. Advantages: • Forlorn Hope: Infantry models from this detachment who are in the enemy deployment zone may roll a dice each time they suffer a wound; on a 5+, that wound is ignored. • Unto Death: Characters from this detachment who are in the enemy deployment zone can roll a dice at the start of each of your turns - on a 5+, they regain a lost wound. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol, Battalion or Brigade detachment. • This detachment may not include any Artillery units or models equipped with Cataphractii Terminator Armour. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include any units with a different <Legion> keyword than the units in this detachment. Legion Stratagem THE BUTCHER’S NAILS World Eaters Stratagem APOPLECTIC FRENZY 3 World Eaters Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem at the end of the Fight phase. Select a World Eaters Infantry or Biker unit - that unit can immediately fight an additional time. WILD FURY World Eaters Stratagem World Eaters Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem during deployment, when you set up a World Eaters Infantry unit from your army. At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move that unit up to 9". It cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that can move before the first turn begins, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first 1 CP Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, when you select a World Eaters unit from your army to fight with. Until the end of that phase, improve the Armour Penetration Characteristic of melee weapons models in that unit are equipped with by 1 (e.g. AP 0 becomes AP -1). THE SAVAGE TIDE 1 KILL! MAIM! BURN! World Eaters Stratagem 1 CP Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase, before you consolidate with a World Eaters unit from your army. Until the end of that phase, each model in that unit can move up to 6" when they consolidate, instead of 3". 0 CP Use this Stratagem in the Enemy Shooting phase. Select one World Eaters friendly unit, that was attacked by enemy unit, before any To Hit rolls are made. Until the end of this phase a model in that unit would lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, that wound is not lost. Once the Shooting Attack has been completed you can declare a Charge, following all the normal rules for Charging and targeting the enemy unit that made the Shooting Attack. You can only use this Stratagem once. 105
The Red Butchers 13 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Butcher Terminator Devoured 4” 4” 2+ 2+ 4+ 4+ 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 7 8 2+ 2+ This unit consists of 1 Devoured and 4 Butcher Terminators. It can include up to 5 additional Butcher Terminators (Power Rating +12). • Each model is armed with a combi-bolter and power axe. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES x2 4 -4 0 D3 1 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Chainfist Combi-bolter Melee 24” Melee Rapid Fire 2 Lightning claw Melee Melee User -2 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Power axe Power fist Thunder hammer Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 x2 x2 -2 -3 -2 1 2 3 - WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES - When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. • Any model can replace its combi-bolter with a power axe. • Any model can replace its power axe and combi-bolter with two lightning claws. • The Devoured can replace any of its power axes with a power fist, chainfist or thunder hammer. • The Devoured can replace its combi-weapon with an item from the Combi-Weapons list. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Ravening Madmen: This unit can never re-roll their failed hit rolls, for any reason. If this unit is within 1” of an enemy unit is automatically passes any Morale tests it is required to take. Enemy units targeting this unit during the Fight phase can never hit on worse than a 3+. Dark Fury: If this model is equipped with two melee weapons, it gains +1 Attack. Unstoppable Charge: This unit can re-roll failed charge rolls. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Cataphractii Armour: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this unit Advances. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, World Eaters Infantry, Terminator, Astartes, Red Butchers 106
Red Hand Destroyer Assault Squad 5 Poiwer NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Ravager Blood Bonded 6” 6” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 8 8 3+ 3+ This unit consists of 1 Blood Bonded and 4 Ravagers. It can include up to 5 additional Ravagers (+5 Power rating), up to 10 additional Ravagers (+10 Power rating). • Each model is armed with a chainsword or combat blade, two bolt pistols, frag grenades, krak grenades. WEAPON Bolt pistol Chainsword Frag grenade Krak grenade Phosphex bomb RANGE TYPE 12” Melee 6” 6” 6” 12” Toxiferran flammer UNIT OPTIONS WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES Pistol 1 Melee Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Grenade 2D6 Assault D6 S AP D ABILITIES 4 User 3 6 5 0 -1 0 -1 -1 1 1 1 D3 1 - 4 -1 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Blast weapon. Blast weapon. Each time an attack is made with a poisoned weapon against a unit (excluding Vehicle or Titanic units), an unmodified wound roll of 3+ is always successful. Any successful wound dealt by a weapon with this special rule removes the effects of any psychic power which is active on the target unit. In addition, any To Wound roll of a 6 with this weapon is resolved at AP -4. • The entire unit can be equipped with jump packs. If it does its Move Characteristic is increased to 12” and it gains the Jump Pack and Fly keyword. • Any model can replace its chainsword with a heavy chainsword, barb-hook lash, excoriator chainaxe, meteor hammer or twin falax blades. • For every five models in the unit, one model can replace one of it’s bolt pistols with an item from the Pistols list, a toxiferran flammer, a missile launcher (rad missiles) with suspensor web or a thunder hammer. • Blood Bonded can replace his chainsword with an item from the Melee Weapons list or a thunder hammer.. • Blood Bonded can take up to three phosphex bombs. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Bearers of the Blood Hand: All models in this unit must declare a charge if able when they begin the Charge phase within 12" of an enemy unit. If there is more than one eligible target, the controlling player chooses the target of any charges made. Ravaging Assault: On a turn in which they have charged, a unit with this special rule gains a bonus of +1 to the wound rolls. Additionally, they gain a bonus of+1 to the Advance, Pile In and Consolidate moves. Hardened Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. Suspensor Web: A weapon with a suspensor web does not suffer the penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons. However, if it does move and fire in the same turn, half the weapon’s maximum range. Destroyers: Melta grenades and Rad grenades Stratagems cost 0 CP. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Jump Pack Assault: During deployment, a unit equipped with a jump pack can be set up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, World Eaters Infantry, Destroyer, Rad grenades, Melta grenades, Astartes, Red Hand 107
Rampager Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Rampager Rampager Champion 6” 6” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 7 8 3+ 3+ 6 Power This unit consists of 1 Rampager Champion and 4 Rampagers. It can include up to 5 additional Rampagers (Power Rating +5). • Each model is armed with a chainaxe, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Barb-hook lash Melee Melee * -1 2 This weapon always wounds on a 2+; except against Vehicles where it always needs a 6+. Bolt pistol Chainaxe 12” Melee Pistol 1 Melee 4 +1 0 -1 1 1 - Excoriator chainaxe Melee Melee +2 -2 2 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Frag grenade Heavy chainsword Krak grenade 6” Melee 6” Grenade D6 Melee Grenade 1 3 +3 6 0 -3 -1 1 2 D3 Lightning claw Melee Melee User -2 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Meteor hammer Plasma pistol - Standard Melee Melee +2 -1 2 You get +1 to hit rolls with this weapon. Blast weapon. When resolving an attack made with this weapon, subtract 1 from the hit roll. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Power fist Melee Melee x2 -3 2 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Twin falax blades Melee Melee +1 -1 1 Each time the bearer fights exclusively with this weapon in the Fight phase, it makes 2 extra attacks with this weapon. - Supercharge UNIT OPTIONS WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES The entire unit can be equipped with jump packs, gaining the Jump Pack and Fly keywords (+1 Power rating). • Any model can replace its chainaxe with a heavy chainsword, barb-hook lash, excoriator chainaxe, meteor hammer or twin falax blades. • The Rampager Champion can replace its bolt pistol with a plasma pistol. • The Rampager Champion can replace its chainaxe with a lightning claw, power fist, or an item from the Power Weapons list. Angels of Death, Legion Traits • Vanguard: Once both side are deployed but before the first player takes their turn, this unit can move as if it were their Movement phase. If both players have units that can do this, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. If all of the models embarked on a transport vehicle have this ability, then the transport vehicle can make the move instead. This move may not bring the unit closer than 9” to an enemy model. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Feel No Pain: Roll a dice for each wound this unit suffers; on a 6, that wound is ignored. <Fealty>, Core, Legiones Astartes, World Eaters Infantry, Elite, Astartes, Rampagers 108
Centurion Shabran Darr 4 Power Adjutant to the 11th Assault Company NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Shabran Darr 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 4 3 8 3+ Shabran Darr is a single model armed with a master-crafted chainaxe, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Master-crafted chainaxe UNIT OPTIONS ABILITIES 12” 6” 6” Melee S AP D ABILITIES Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 4 3 6 0 0 -1 1 1 D3 - Melee +1 -1 2 - Blast weapon. - Shabran Darr can take a jump pack (+1 Power Rating). If he does, his Move Characteristic is increased to 12”, and he gains the Fly and Jump Pack keywords. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear • Head-hunter: When targetting enemy Characters in the Fight phase, any Wound rolls of 6 are resolved at AP-4. Tactical Precision (Aura): You can re-roll Wound rolls of 1 for friendly World Eaters Core units that are within 6” of a this model. Feel No Pain: Roll a dice for each wound this unit suffers; on a 6, that wound is ignored. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rage: When this model makes a successful charge, you can make one additional attack in the subsequent Fight phase. This is in addition to the Incarnate Violence trait. Bloody-handed: If this model is the Warlord, increase his Attacks Characteristic by 1. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, World Eaters Infantry, Character, Astartes, Centurion, Shabran Darr 109
Khârn the Bloody 6 Power Captain of the 8th Assault Company NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Khârn 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 6 9 2+ Khârn is a single model armed with the cutter, a plasma pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades and equipped with an iron halo. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE The Cutter Melee Frag grenade Krak grenade 6” 6” The Gorechild Melee Plasma pistol - Standard S AP D ABILITIES Melee +2 -3 2 If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon, that wound is resolved at AP-4. Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 Melee +2 -4 2 Blast weapon. If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its usual damage. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. UNIT OPTIONS • ABILITIES Angels of Death, Legion Traits Kharn can replace the Cutter with the Gorechild. Iron Halo: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. Rampage: If this model is within Engagement range with more than 1 enemy model at the start of the Fight phase, he adds D3 to his Attacks Characteristic until the end of that phase. If possible, he must always attempt to move into combat with an enemy Character when piling in or consolidating. Superlative Duellist: When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by this model against a Character unit, you can re-roll the hit roll and you can re-roll the wound roll. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly World Eaters Core units within 6”. WARLORD TRAITS Warlord’s Pride: Kharn must always be your army’s Warlord, unless Angron is also included. Savage Assault: You can select one unit from your army to be placed in Strategic Reserves free. FACTION KEYWORDS Traitor, Legiones Astartes, World Eaters KEYWORDS Infantry, Astartes, Character, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Kharn 110
Endryd Haar 5 Power Praetor of the Black Shield NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Endryd Haar 6” 2+ 2+ 4 5 5 4 9 2+ Endryd Haar is a single model armed with a master-crafted power fist, archaeotech pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades and equipped with an iron halo. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Archaeotech Pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Master-crafted power fist ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” 6” 6” Melee S AP D ABILITIES Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 6 3 6 -2 0 -1 2 1 D3 - Melee x2 -3 3 Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Iron Halo: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. Agent of the Emperor: This model may be included in any Legiones Astartes detachment, even though he may have a different <Legion> keyword to the rest of the detachment. In addition, this model may embark onto any Astartes transport, even if the transport in question might normally only permit models with other Faction keywords to do so. Bitter Blood: Any Loyalist unit within 3” of this model can re-roll failed Wound rolls in the Fight phase when targeting Traitor models. Savage Discipline (Aura): This model and any World Eaters Core or Character unit within 3” of him ignore the effects of the Bloodlust Legion Trait. WARLORD TRAITS FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly World Eaters Core units within 6”. The Fangs of the Emperor: If this model is the Warlord, pick D3 Astartes Infantry units in the same detachment. These units gain the Scout ability: Scout: At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit up to 9”. It cannot end this move within 9” of any enemy models. If both players have units that can do this, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, World Eaters/Blackshield/Knight-Errant Infantry, Astartes, Character, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Endryd Harr, Knight-Errant 111
Gahlan Surlak 5 Power Medicae Master of Inductii NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Gahlan Surlak 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 8 3+ Gahlan Surlak is a single model armed with a master-crafted needle pistol, a power axe, frag grenades and krak grenades and equipped with a refractor field and a narthecium. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Frag grenade Krak grenade Master-crafted needle pistol Power axe ABILITIES RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Blast weapon. 6” 6” Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 12” Pistol 1 1 0 2 A needle pistol always wounds on a 2+, unless the target model is a Vehicle. Melee Melee +2 -2 1 - - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Refractor Field: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. Exhortation of Butchery: One friendly World Eaters Astartes unit within 3” of this model at the start of their Fight phase may choose to increase it’s Attacks Characteristic by 1 until the end of that phase. However, if this is chosen, roll a D6 for each model in the unit at the end of the phase; on a roll of 1, that model is slain. Master of Inductii: Any Legion Tactical Squads in a detachment containing this model may be augmented. Augmented squads add 1 to their Strength Characteristis but reduce their Ballistic Skill Characteristic to 4+. In addition, these models may roll a D6 each time they suffer a wound; on a roll of 6 that wound is ignored. An augmented unit may never hold objectives and, if the mission being played awards victory points for destroying units, sugmented units are never worth any victory points. Combat Restoratives: At the end of your Movement phase, this model can heal one friendly <Legion> Infantry or <Legion> Biker model unit is within 3" of it. That model regains up to D3 lost wounds. Each model can only be healed once per turn. Narthecium (Aura): While a friendly <Legion> Infantry or <Legion> Biker unit is within 3" of this model each time a model in that unit would lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 6, that wound is not lost. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Sacred Trust: If the mission being played awards victory points for destroying units, and this model is within 6” of a friendly Astartes unit when its last model is slain, roll a D6; on a 5+ both you and the enemy player gain the victory points for destroying the unit. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, World Eaters Infantry, Character, Astartes, Primus Medicae, Consul, Support, Gahlan Surlak 112
Angron 14 Power Primarch of the World Eaters NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Angron 8” 2+ 2+ 7 6 8 8 10 2+ Angron is a single model armed with Gorefather & Gorechild and the spite furnace. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Gorefather & Gorechild Spite furnace - Standard - Supercharge ABILITIES RANGE TYPE Melee Melee S AP D ABILITIES +1 -4 3 If you roll an unmodified 6+ to hit with this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its usual damage. Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to an Vehicle model, that attack has a Damage Characteristic of D3+3. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 12” Pistol 2 7 -3 2 - 12” Pistol 2 8 -3 3 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Armour of Mars: Angron has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a dice for each wound Angron suffers; on a 6, that wound is ignored. Sire of the XII Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly World Eaters Core and World Eaters Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the World Eaters (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly World Eaters Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. Friendly World Eaters Core units within 12” of Angron automatically pass Morale tests. The Butchers Nails: Enemy models attacking Angron in the Fight phase must subtract 1 from their hit rolls. In addition, if Angron makes a successful charge he gains an additional Attack, and may re-roll Wound rolls of 1, even if fights with other primarch. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS The Red Sands: For each Character and/or Infantry or Biker unit that Angron slays during the Fight phase, add 1 to his Attack Characteristic for the rest of the game. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, World Eaters Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Angron 113
Legion XIII - Ultramarines The Ultramarines legion prosecutes the Emperor’s wars with reason, discipline and resolve; every warrior striving to match the example of their Primarch. The most numerous of the legions, they have long formed the bulwark of the Emperor’s domains in the galactic east. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Ultramarines units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Certainty and Resolve: Add 2 to the Leadership Characteristic of models with this Trait. • Interlocking Tactics: When targeting a unit that has already been shot at by an Ultramarines unit, a unit with this ability can re-roll wound rolls of 1 in Shooting phase. When charging a unit that is within 1” of an Ultramarines unit, a unit with this ability can re-roll charge distance. Units with this tactic are eligible to shoot in a turn in which they Fell Back, but if they do, then until the end of the turn, each time a model in that unit makes a ranged attack, subtract 1 from that attacks hit roll. • Rigid Chain of Command: If all the HQ choices in a detachment containing units with this ability are slain, the opponent gets +1 VP. In addition, every Ultramarines model in the detachment reduces their Leadership by 1 for the rest of the battle round. Legion Wargear Ultramarines models have access to the following wargear: • Any Character with access to the Melee Weapons list may take a Legatine axe instead. • In any Breacher Squad, the entire unit may replace their boltguns with power swords. • A Damocles Command Rhino can be taken as a Dedicated Transport for an Ultramarines Master of Signals. • A Praetor can take a Mantle of Ultramar. • In addition, a model in an Ultramarines detachment can choose the Gladius Invictus instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. Legion Warlord Trait An Ultramarines Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Adept of War: Whilst your Warlord is alive, roll a dice each time you spend a Command Point to use a Stratagem; on a 5+ that CP is immediately refunded. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Mantle of Ultramar Roll a dice for each wound this model suffers; on a 5+, that wound is ignored. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Gladius invictus Legatine axe Melee Melee Melee Melee S AP D ABILITIES +1 +2 -3 -3 2 1 Relic. When attacking with this weapon, the bearer can make 2 additional attacks. Any hit rolls of an unmodified 6+ wound automatically. Legion Stratagem SONS OF GUILLIMAN Ultramarines Stratagem Ultramarines Stratagem Ultramarines Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem when an Ultramarines Infantry or Biker unit from your army is chosen to shoot with in your Shooting phase or fight with in the Fight phase. If that unit has the Troops Battlefield Role, until the end of that phase, when resolving an attack made by that unit, you can re-roll a hit roll. Otherwise, until the end of that phase, when resolving an attack made by that unit, you can re-roll a hit roll of 1. DEFENSIVE FOCUS INSPIRING COMMAND 1 2 CP Use this Stratagem after an Ultramarines unit from your army is chosen as a target of a charge. Select up to three other friendly Ultramarines units that are more than 1" away from any enemy units and within 6" of the targeted unit. The selected units fire Overwatch at the charging unit as if they were targets of the charge. 1 CP Use this Stratagem at the start of the Shooting phase or the Fight phase. Select one Ultramarines Praetor, Ultramarines Centurion or Ultramarines Master of The Legion model from your army. Until the end of that phase, the range of that model’s aura abilities is increased by 3". UNITY OF PURPOSE Ultramarines Stratagem 2 CP Use this Stratagem in the Enemy Shooting phase. Select one friendly unit, that was attacked by enemy unit, after all shots have been resolved, but before any models are removed from play. This selected frendly Ultramarines unit and one Ultramarines unit within 6" of it may make a Shooting Attack, targeting the unit that attacked him and following all the usual rules for Shooting Attacks. A unit that makes a Shooting Attack as part of a Unity of Purpose may not make any attacks indirectly (without line of sight). Units making a Shooting Attack as part of this Stratagem are considered to be Stationary, and may fire weapons of any type as though they had not moved. You can only use this Stratagem once. 114
Legion Rites of War The Logos Lectora One of the many practical applications of the Legion’s vast storehouse of theoretical scenarios, the Logos Lectora is a battlefield formation which takes advantage of an interlocking range of Legion units to their best effect. Advantages: • Familiar Formation: This detachment generates 2 more Command Point in first Command phase. • The Logos: Your army gains access to the Full March, Hold Fast and Retribution Strike Stratagems. • This detachment must take an additional compulsory Troops choices. • This detachment must take an additional compulsory HQ choice, which must be either a Master of Signals or a Damocles Command Rhino. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol, Battalion or Brigade detachment. • This detachment may not include more Tank and Flyer units than Infantry units. • Units in this detachment may not utilise any abilities that allow them to arrive from reinforcements, or allow them to deploy outside their deployment zone. FULL MARCH RETRIBUTION STRIKE 1 Logos Lectora Stratagem Use this Stratagem at the start of your turn. All Ultramarine units in a detachment using the Logos Lectora can re-roll Advance rolls. This remains in play until another Logos Lectora Stratagem is used. HOLD FAST 1 Logos Lectora Stratagem CP CP Use this Stratagem at the start of your turn. If any Ultramarine units in a detachment using the Logos Lectora are charged in the Charge phase, they may re-roll hit rolls of 1 in the subsequent Fight phase. This remains in play until another Logos Lectora Stratagem is used. 1 Logos Lectora Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem at the start of your turn. All Ultramarine units in a detachment using the Logos Lectora hit on 5+ when firing Overwatch. This remains in play until another Logos Lectora Stratagem is used. Vigil Opertii Mission The Vigil Opertii is a largely unseen wing of the XIII Legion, and serves to underpin the Legion’s control of its home domain of Ultramar. It’s activities focus on counter-insurgency and policing missions, where the population of newly complicant worlds retains some hint of recidivist intent. Advantages: • Vigil Auxilia: All Infantry units in the Vigil Auxilia detachment gain the Objective Secured and Concealed Positions abilities. Concealed Positions: When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more tha 9” from the enemy deployment zone. • Legion Recon Squads in this detachment lose the Support keyword. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. • This detachment must include a Vigilator. • Your army must be comprised entirely of Loyalist models. • Your army must include a Vigil Auxilia detachment - this is a Patrol detachment with the Militia faction keyword and the Genecrafted and Warrior Elite provenances. The Patrol detachment may not include Inducted Levy squads. Legion Points Costs Models Unit Points per Model Invictarus Suzerain Squad 5-10 27* Fulmentarus Terminator Strike Squad 5-10 30* Locutarus Storm Squad 5-10 20* Nemesis Destroyer Squad 10-20 19* Praetorian Breacher Squad 5-10 19* Honoured Telemechrus 1 152 Captain Remus Ventanus 1 100 Roboute Guilliman 1 300 Unit * per Wargear/Weapon Does not include wargear 115 Points per Item Legatine axe 5 Bolter with nemesis ammunition 0 Mantle of Ultramar 20
Invictarus Suzerain Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Invictus Suzerain 6” 2+ 3+ 4 4 3 3 9 2+ 10 Power This unit consists of 5 Invictus Suzerain. It can include up to 5 additional Invictus Suzerain (Power Rating +9). • Each model is armed with a bolt pistol, legatine axe, boarding shield, refractor field, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Legatine axe Plasma pistol - Standard RANGE TYPE 12” 6” 6” Melee Thunder hammer FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS AP D ABILITIES 4 3 6 +2 0 0 -1 -3 1 1 D3 1 Blast weapon. Any hit roll an unmodified 6+ wound automatically. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee S • • 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee x2 -2 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Any model can replace its bolt pistol with a plasma pistol. Any model can replace its legatine axe with a thunder hammer. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Lords of Ultramar (Aura): Any friendly <Allegiance> unit with either the Ultramarines keyword or no <Legion> keyword within 12” of a model from this unit adds 1 to their Leadership. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Ultramarines Infantry, Core, Elite, Invictarus Suzerain, Melta grenades, Astartes 116
Nemesis Destroyer Squad 10 Poiwer NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Nemesis Destroyer Nemesis Destroyer Sergeant 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 8 3+ 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 3 8 3+ This unit consists of 1 Nemesis Destroyer Sergeantand 9 Nemesis Destroyers. It can include up to 5 additional Nemesis Destroyers (+4 Power rating) or up to 10 additional Nemesis Destroyers (+9 Power rating). • Each model is armed with a chainsword or combat blade, bolt pistol, bolter with nemesis ammunition, frag grenades, krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Bolt pistol 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 - Bolter with Nemesis ammunition 18” Assault 2 4 -1 1 If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon that hit is resolved at AP -4. User 3 6 5 -1 0 -1 -1 1 1 D3 1 Chainsword Frag grenade Krak grenade Phosphex bomb Melee 6” 6” 6” 12” Toxiferran flammer WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES Melee Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Grenade 2D6 Assault D6 4 -1 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Blast weapon. Blast weapon. Each time an attack is made with a poisoned weapon against a unit (excluding Vehicle or Titanic units), an unmodified wound roll of 3+ is always successful. Any successful wound dealt by a weapon with this special rule removes the effects of any psychic power which is active on the target unit. In addition, any To Wound roll of a 6 with this weapon is resolved at AP -4. • For every five models in the unit, one model can replace itsbolter with nemesis ammunition with a toxiferran flammer, flamer, heavy bolter with suspensor web, missile launcher with suspensor web, meltagun, plasma gun, graviton gun, lascutter or volkite charger. • One Nemesis Destroyer can take a legion vexilla. • One Nemesis Destroyer can take a nuncio-vox. • The Nemesis Destroyer Sergeant can replace his chainsword with an item from the Melee Weapons list. • The Nemesis Destroyer Sergeant can take up to three phosphex bombs. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Suspensor Web: A weapon with a suspensor web does not suffer the penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons. However, if it does move and fire in the same turn, half the weapon’s maximum range. Hardened Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Destroyers: Melta grenades and Rad grenades Stratagems cost 0 CP. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Ultramarines Infantry, Destroyer, Rad grenades, Melta grenades, Astartes, Ultramarines Nemesis Destroyer Squad 117
Praetorian Breacher Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Praetorian Praetorian Primus 5” 5” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 7 8 3+ 3+ 8 Power This unit consists of 1 Praetorian Primus and 4 Praetorians. It can include up to 5 additional Praetorians (Power Rating +7). • Each model is armed with a power sword, bolt pistol, boarding shield, hardened armour, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Plasma pistol - Standard - Supercharge Power sword WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” 6” 6” Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 S AP D ABILITIES 4 3 6 0 0 -1 1 1 D3 Blast weapon. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee +1 -3 1 - • For every five models in the unit, one model can replace its power sword with a legatine axe. • Any model may replace its boltgun with a power axe. • One Praetorian can take a legion vexilla. • One Praetorian can take a nuncio-vox. • The Praetorian Primus can replace its power sword with a legatine axe or power fist. • The Praetorian Primus can replace his bolt pistol with a plasma pistol. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Hardened Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Boarding Shields: Add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Ultramarines Infantry, Core, Breacher Squad, Void Hardened, Astartes, Praetorian Breacher Squad 118
Locutarus Storm Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Locutarus Locutarus Strike Leader 12” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 7 2+ 12” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 3 8 2+ 7 Power This unit consists of 1 Locutarus Strike Leader and 4 Locutarus. It can include up to 5 additional Locutarus (Power Rating +6). • Each model is armed with a bolt pistol, power sword, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol Frag grenade Hand flamer Krak grenade 12” 6” 12” 6” Lightning claw Plasma pistol - Standard Melee Power axe Power fist Power sword ABILITIES Melee AP D ABILITIES 4 3 3 6 0 0 0 -1 1 1 1 D3 - User -2 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Blast weapon. Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge WARGEAR OPTIONS Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Pistol D6 Grenade 1 S 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 x2 +1 -2 -3 -3 1 2 1 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - • For every five models in this unit, one Locutarus may replace their bolt pistol with a hand flamer or a plasma pistol. • The Locutarus Strike Leader can take a combat shield. • The Locutarus Strike Leader can replace his power sword with a power axe, lightning claw or power fist. • The Locutarus Strike Leader can replace his bolt pistol with a plasma pistol or hand flamer. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Jump Pack Assault: During deployment you can set the unit up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 8” away from any enemy models. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Opening Salvo: When this unit is deployed, they may fire any weapons with the Pistol type twice in the following Shooting phase. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Ultramarines Infantry, Core, Elite, Jump Pack, Fly, Astartes, Melta grenades, Locutarus Storm Squad 119
Fulmentarus Terminator Strike Squad NAME Fulmentarus Terminator Fulmentarus Decurion Core M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv 4” 3+ 3+ 4 4 3 2 7 2+ 4” 3+ 3+ 4 4 3 3 8 2+ 12 Power This unit consists of 1 Fulmentarus Decurion and 4 Fulmentarus Terminators. It can include up to 5 additional Fulmentarus Terminators (+11 Power rating). • Each model is armed with a power maul and combi-bolter. WEAPON Combi-bolter Combi-melta - Boltgun RANGE TYPE 24” UNIT OPTIONS WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES AP D ABILITIES 4 0 1 - When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls for this weapon. - Meltagun Power axe Power fist Power maul Power sword Twin missile launcher - Frag missile - Krak missile Rapid Fire 2 S 24” Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 12” Assault 1 8 -4 D6 Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 x2 +3 +1 -2 -3 -1 -3 1 2 1 1 Melee Melee Melee Melee When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 48” 48” • • • Heavy 2D6 Heavy 2 4 8 0 -2 1 D6 Blast weapon. - The entire unit can replace its combi-bolters with combi-meltas or reaper autocannons. OR The entire unit can take twin missile launchers. (+1 Power Rating per model) Any model in the squad can replace its power maul with a power axe, power sword or power fist. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Cataphractii Armour: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this unit Advances. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Peritarch Targeters: As long as there are at least 5 models remaining in the unit, the whole unit adds 1 to the Strength of its weapons when targeting Vehicles. As long as there are at least 8 models remaining in the unit, any enemy units targeted by this unit reduces any Light Cover save it has by 1. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Ultramarines Infantry, Core, Terminator, Fulmentarus Terminators, Astartes 120
Honoured Telemechrus 8 Power Last of the old 92nd NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Telemechrus 8” 2+ 2+ 7 7 9 4 8 3+ Telemechrus is a single model armed with kheres assault cannon, dreadnought close combat weapon and a combi-bolter. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Combi-bolter Dreadnought close combat weapon Kheres assault cannon ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 24” Melee 24” S AP D ABILITIES Rapid Fire 2 4 0 1 - Melee x2 -3 3 - Heavy 6 7 -1 1 - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Atomantic Shielding: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Venerable: Roll a D6 each time this model loses a wound, on a roll of a 6 that wound is ignored. Brutal Charge: Roll a D6 each time this model finishes a charge move within 1” of an enemy unit; on a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. Duty Eternal: Each time an attack is allocated to this model subtrat 1 from the Damage Characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of 1). FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Explodes: When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 3" suffers 1 mortal wound. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Ultramarines Vehicle, Smokescreen, Dreadnought, Character, Contemptor, Telemechrus 121
Captain Remus Ventanus 5 Power Commander of the 4th Company, 1st Chapter NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Remus Ventanus 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 5 9 3+ Remus Ventanus is a single model armed with a Phaethon, bolt pistol, legion banner, nuncio vox, frag grenades and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Phaethon ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” 6” 6” Melee Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee S AP D ABILITIES 4 3 6 +1 0 0 -1 -3 1 1 D3 2 Blast weapon. On a wound roll of an unmodified 6+; change the AP of that hit to -4. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Legion Banner (Aura): Ultramarines units within 6” of any friendly this model add 1 to their Leadership. In addition, roll a D6 each time a Ultramarines Infantry model is destroyed within 6” of this model before removing the model as a casualty. On a 4+ that model musters one last surge of strength before succumbing to its wounds; it can either shoot with one of its weapons as though it were the Shooting phase, or make a single attacks if it were the Fight phase. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Ultramarines Core units within 6” of that model. Cunning Strategist: An army containing this model has +1 Command Point. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Nuncio-vox: You may re-roll any hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Ultramarines Basilisks, Medusas, Whirlwinds or Rapiers with Quad Launchers when they target enemy units at least 36” away in the Shooting phase, if the enemy unit is within sight of this model. Resolute Planning: If this model is your Warlord, Ultramarines Astartes units within 3” of an objective may re-roll failed morale tests. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Ultramarines Infantry, Charachter, Astartes, Herald, Master of the Legion, Melta grenades, Remus Ventanus 122
Roboute Guilliman 15 Power Primarch of the Ultramarines NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Roboute Guilliman 8” 2+ 2+ 6 6 9 6 10 2+ Roboute Guilliman is a single model armed with the Hand of Dominion, Gladius Incandor, Arbitrator, a nuncio-vox and frag grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Frag grenade RANGE TYPE 6” Grenade D6 S AP D ABILITIES 3 0 1 If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its usual damage. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Gladius Incandor Melee Melee +2 -3 3 Hand of Dominion The Arbitrator Melee 18” Melee Assault 2 x2 6 -4 -1 4 2 ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Armour of Reason: Roboute Guilliman has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, he may re-roll the first failed save of each phase. Sire of the XIII Legion (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Ultramarines Core and Ultramarines Characters units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for attacks made by models in friendly Ultramarines Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. While Roboute Guilliman is on the table, friendly Ultramarines Core units add 1 to their Leadership Characteristic and units of Invictarus Suzerains gain the Objective Secured ability. Master of Battle (Aura): Add 1 to advance and charge rolls for Ultramarines units within 9”. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Preturnatural Strategy: If your army is Battle-forged, you recieve an additional 3 Command Points if Roboute Guilliman is your Warlord. If he directs all attacks to one Character, then he receives 1 additional attack, if he fulfills this condition on the next turn, he will receive 2 additional attacks, if he continues to fulfill the condition, he will receive D3 additional attacks. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Ultramarines Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Roboute Guilliman 123
Legion XIV - Death Guard The Death Guard are stalwart and implacable fighters who have made a speciality of both endurance under the harshest of circumstances and of overcoming the more nightmarish and inhospitable of war zones. Their name is a byword for unflinching determination and victory through bloody, gruelling attrition when all else fails, as well as for expertise in the darker arts of warfare, such as the use of bio-alchem and rad weaponry. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Death Guard units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Remorseless: Each time a Combat Attrition test is taken for a unit with this trait, it is automatically passed. • Sons of Barbarus: This unit counts as having Remained Stationary if not fall Back or Advance in your previous Movement phase. • If this unit has the Vehicle keyword, it does not suffer the penalty incurred to its hit rolls tor firing Heavy weapons at enemy units that are within Engagement Range of it. If this unit has the Infantry keyword, it can ignore any or all modifiers to its Move Characteristic, Advance rolls and charge rolls. • Intractable: Astartes Models with this ability may only move 2” when performing a Heroic Intervention or Consolidate move. Legion Wargear Death Guard models have access to the following wargear: • Any model with access to a power fist can instead take a power scythe. • Any Traitor Character model can take a Toxin Bombs. • Any unit equipped with combi-flamers, flamers, hand flamers, flamestorm cannons or heavy flamers may take chem-munitions. Make clear which units have chem-munitions. • In addition, a model in a Death Guard detachment can choose the Barbaran Thurible instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. Legion Warlord Trait A Death Guard Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Resilient: The Warlord adds 1 to his Wounds Characteristic. In addition, roll a d6 each time he loses a wound; on a 5+ that wound is not lost. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Barbaran thurible Relic. Your opponent must subtract 1 from the Toughness Characteristic of any units within 6" of the bearer of the Barbaran Thurible. Chem-munitions Each time an attack is made with a poisoned weapon against a unit (excluding Vehicle or Titanic units), an unmodified wound roll of 3+ is always successful. However, if the dice roll to determine the number of shots the weapon makes is a 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after all the weapon’s shot have been resolved. Toxin Bombs While an enemy unit (excluding Vehicle units) is within 3" of this unit, subtract 1 from the Strength characteristics of models in that enemy unit. WEAPON Assault grenade launcher - Krak grenade RANGE TYPE D ABILITIES 18” Assault 2 6 -1 D3 18” Assault 2D6 * -1 1 This weapon always wounds on a 3+; except against Vehicles where it always needs a 6+. Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Cleave Melee Melee User -1 1 Make 2 hit rolls for each attack with this weapon, instead of 1. Melee Melee +3 -3 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon profile, subtract 1 from that attack's hit roll. Legion Points Costs Models Unit Points per Model Grave Warden Terminator Squad 5-10 28* Deathshroud Terminator Squad 2-10 35* Deathshroud Cataphractii Terminator Squad 2-10 37* Mortus Poisoner Squad Unit * AP When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Toxin grenade Power scythe - Scythe S per 5-15 18* Section Leader Crysos Morturg 1 98 Marshal Durak Rask 1 120 Calas Typhon 1 160 Mortarion the Reaper 1 335 Wargear/Weapon Points per Item Assault grenade launcher 10 Chem-munitions 1 Power scythe 15 Toxin Bombs 10 Does not include wargear 124
Legion Rites of War The Reaping Although specialising in entrenched warface, the Death Guard Legion also had formations that enables it to operate in concentrated and crushing force in an attack. The Reaping was a deliberately slow-moving and murderous example. Advantages: • Superior Firepower: Legion Veteran Tactical Squads and Legion Heavy Support Squads can be taken as non-compulsory Troops choices and gain the Objective Secured ability. • Dark Arsenal: Legion Praetor, Legion Centurion, Legion Tactical Squad, Legion Assault Squad, Legion Breacher Siege Squad, Legion Reconnaissance Squad, Legion Seeker Squad, Legion Hussar Squad, Legion Jetbike Sky Seeker Squadron, Legion Outrider Squad, Legion Jetbike Sky Slayer Support Squadron can use Rad grenades Stratagem. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Battalion detachment. • This detachment cannot include more than one Fast Attack choice. • Models in this detachment cannot Advance. • Units in this detachment may not arrive from reinforcements. Creeping Death As the Heresy ground on, the XIV Legion revealed ever more forbidden weapons. At length, they were able to create a rolling bombardment of chemical munitions and a relentless chem-fog from which the Legionaries would assault in lockstep, somehow untouched by the carnage. Advantages: • Mist-clad: Death Guard Infantry in this detachment receives the benefits of Light Cover from any ranged attack originating from more than 12” away. • Toxin Weapons: All frag grenades and frag missiles used by models in this detachment add 1 to their Strength. • Bio-phage Bombardment: After deployment, but before the first battle round, roll a dice for each piece of terrain on the battlefield. On a 4+ that terrain piece no longer grants the benefit of Light Cover. In addition, roll a dice each time a model Advances of charges across the terrain; on a roll of 1, the model’s unit suffers a mortal wound. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol, Battalion or Brigade detachment. • All units in this detachment must be Traitors. • This detachment must include a Siege Breaker. Legion Stratagem ENDURANCE Death Guard Stratagem GRENADE BOMBARDMENT 1 Death Guard Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem when a Death Guard unit loses a wound. Roll a D6 for that wound, and for each wound lost by the unit for the rest of the phase; on a 6, that wound is not lost. GRENADE BOMBARDMENT Death Guard Stratagem Death Guard Stratagem CP You can use this Stratagem just before a friendly Death Guard unit shoots or fires Overwatch; when resolving that unit’s shots, every model in the unit that is equipped with a krak or frag grenade can throw one, instead of only one model in the entire unit being able to do so. 1/2 CP TRENCH-FIGHTERS Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase when a Death Guard Infantry unit from your army is chosen to shoot with. Until the end of that phase, boltguns and the boltgun profile of combi-weapons models in that unit are equipped with have a Type Characteristic of Rapid Fire 2. In addition, until the end of that phase, combi-bolters models in that unit are equipped with have a Type Characteristic of Rapid Fire 3. If that unit contains 6 or more models, this Stratagem costs 2CP REMORSELESS ADVANCE 1 Death Guard Stratagem 1 CP Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase when a Death Guard unit from your army is chosen to fight with. Until the end of that phase, when a model in that unit fights, if it is equipped with one or more knives or chainsword, it can make one additional attack with one knife or chainsword. 0 CP Use this Stratagem in the Enemy Shooting phase. Select one Death Guard friendly unit, that was attacked by enemy unit, before any To Hit rolls are made. Until the end of this phase a model in that unit would lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 4+, that wound is not lost. Once the Shooting Attack has been entirely resolved, the unit may make a Move in any direction up to 6“ and obeying all the normal rules for making a Move. You can only use this Stratagem once. 125
Grave Warden Terminator Squad NAME Grave Warden Terminator Chem-master Core M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv 4” 3+ 3+ 4 4 3 2 7 2+ 4” 3+ 3+ 4 4 3 3 8 2+ 12 Power This unit consists of 1 Chem-master and 4 Grave Warden Terminators. It can include up to 5 additional Grave Warden Terminators (Power Rating +11). • Each model is armed with a power fist and assault grenade launcher. WEAPON Assault grenade launcher - Krak grenade RANGE TYPE Chainfist D 18” Assault 2 6 -1 D3 18” Assault 2D6 * -1 1 Melee x2 -4 D3 Melee Heavy flamer with chem-munitions 12” Power fist ABILITIES AP ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Toxin grenade WARGEAR OPTIONS S Melee This weapon always wounds on a 3+; except against Vehicles where it always needs a 6+. Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Heavy D6 5 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Each time an attack is made with a poisoned weapon against a unit (excluding Vehicle or Titanic units), an unmodified wound roll of 3+ is always successful. However, if the dice roll to determine the number of shots the weapon makes is a 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after all the weapon’s shot have been resolved. Melee x2 -3 2 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. • • Any model can replace its power fist with a chainfist. For every five models in this unit, one Grave Warden Terminator can replace its assault grenade launcher with a heavy flamer and chem-munitions. • The Chem-master can replace its assault grenade launcher with an item from the Combi-Weapons list. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Death Cloud: Infantry and Biker units charging this unit do not get to strike during the ‘chargers’ portion of the Fight phase. Instead they can be activated in the alternating activation stage along with units that did not charge. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Cataphractii Armour: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this unit Advances. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Death Guard Infantry, Core, Terminator, Grave Wardens, Astartes 126
Deathshroud Terminator Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Deathshroud 6” 2+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 9 2+ 4 Power This unit consists of 2 Deathshroud Terminators. It can include up to 4 additional Deathshroud (Power Rating +9) or up to 8 additional Deathshroud (Power Rating +19). • Each model is armed with a power scythe, hand flamer and chem-munitions. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Hand flamer with chem-munitions Power scythe - Scythe 12” ABILITIES 3 AP 0 D ABILITIES 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Each time an attack is made with a poisoned weapon against a unit (excluding Vehicle or Titanic units), an unmodified wound roll of 3+ is always successful. However, if the dice roll to determine the number of shots the weapon makes is a 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after all the weapon’s shot have been resolved. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Cleave UNIT OPTIONS Pistol D6 S Melee Melee User -1 1 Make 2 hit rolls for each attack with this weapon, instead of 1. Melee Melee +3 -3 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon profile, subtract 1 from that attack's hit roll. • Deathshroud Terminators can take Cataphractii Armour. If it does its Move Characteristic is reduced to 4” (Power Rating +1). Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Favoured of Mortarion: While a friendly Death Guard Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. Cataphractii Armour: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this unit Advances. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Terminator Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Death Guard Infantry, Core, Astartes, Terminator, Melta grenades, Deathshroud 127
Mortus Poisoner Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Poisoner Poison-master 6” 6” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 2 7 8 3+ 3+ 6 Power This unit consists of 1 Poison-master and 4 Poisoner. It can include up to 5 additional Poisoner (+5 Power rating) or up to 10 additional Poisoner (+11 Power rating) . • Each model is armed with a chainsword, boltgun, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON Bolt pistol Boltgun Chainsword Frag grenade Krak grenade Heavy flamer with chem-munitions RANGE TYPE 12” 24” Melee 6” 6” 12” Pistol 1 Rapid Fire 1 Melee Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Heavy D6 S AP D ABILITIES 4 4 User 3 6 0 0 -1 0 -1 1 1 1 1 D3 - 5 -1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Blast weapon - 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Each time an attack is made with a poisoned weapon against a unit (excluding Vehicle or Titanic units), an unmodified wound roll of 3+ is always successful. However, if the dice roll to determine the number of shots the weapon makes is a 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after all the weapon’s shot have been resolved. Flamer with chemmunitions 12” Assault D6 4 0 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Each time an attack is made with a poisoned weapon against a unit (excluding Vehicle or Titanic units), an unmodified wound roll of 3+ is always successful. However, if the dice roll to determine the number of shots the weapon makes is a 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after all the weapon’s shot have been resolved. Phosphex bomb 6” Grenade 2D6 5 -1 1 Blast weapon. Power scythe - Scythe - Cleave WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. Melee Melee User -1 1 Make 2 hit rolls for each attack with this weapon, instead of 1. Melee Melee +3 -3 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon profile, subtract 1 from that attack's hit roll. • Any model in the unit can replace its boltgun with a flamer with chem-munitions. • For every five models in the unit, one Poisoner can replace its boltgun with a heavy flamer with chem-munitionss. • The Poison-master can replace his chainsword with an item from the Power Weapons list or power scythe. • The Poison-master can take up to three phosphex bombs. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Hardened Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Mortus: Any model of this unit can make Heroic Intervention moves. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Death Guard Infantry, Core, Elite, Mortus Poisoner Squad, Melta grenades, Astartes 128
Section Leader Crysos Morturg 5 Power Loyalist blackshield, former Librarian of the Death Guard NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Crysos Morturg 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 8 3+ Crysos Morturg is a single model armed with a combi-flamer, power sword, bolt pistol, frag grenade and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol Combi-flamer - Boltgun - Flamer Frag grenade Krak grenade Master-crafted power sword ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” Melee S AP D ABILITIES 4 0 1 - When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls for this weapon. 24” 12” 6” 6” Melee Rapid Fire 1 Assault D6 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 4 4 3 6 0 0 0 -1 1 1 1 D3 - Melee +1 -3 2 - This weapon automatically hits its target. Blast weapon. - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Hardened Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save and gains the Void Hardened keyword. WARLORD TRAIT PSYKER FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Concealed Position: When you set up Morturg during deployment, he can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models. Master of Ambush: If this model is the Warlord, 3 Death Guard Infantry units in the same detachment may be given the Concealed Position ability (as well as Morturg himself ). Crysos Morturg can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. He knows the Smite and Endurance powers. Endurance Warp charge 5 If manifest, select one Death Guard unit within 18" of this Psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, each time an attack is made against that unit, subtract 1 from that attack hit roll. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Death Guard Infantry, Character, Astartes, Consul, Librarian, Psyker, Void Hardened, Rad grenades, Melta grenades, Crysos Morturg 129
Marshal Durak Rask 6 Power Siegemaster of the Death Guard NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Durak Rask 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ Durak Rask is a single model armed with a thunder hammer, volkite serpenta, frag grenades, krak grenades and a phosphex bomb, and carrying a nuncio vox. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Frag grenade Krak grenade Phosphex bomb Thunder hammer Volkite serpenta ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 6” 6” 6” Melee 10” S AP D ABILITIES Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Grenade 2D6 Melee 3 6 5 x2 0 -1 -1 -2 1 D3 1 3 Blast weapon. Pistol 1 5 0 2 Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Art of Destruction: At the start of the Shooting phase, you can choose one Death Guard unit which is within 3” of this model. For the duration of that Shooting phase, the chosen unit may add 1 to the Strength of its weapons when targetting Vehicles or Buildings. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Nuncio-vox: You may re-roll any hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Death Guard Basilisks, Medusas, Whirlwinds or Rapiers with Quad Launchers when they target enemy units at least 36” away in the Shooting phase, if the enemy unit is within sight of this model. Target Priority: If this model is the Warlord, friendly Death Guard units within 12” may re-roll results of 1 to Hit in the Shooting phase, as long as they are targettting enemy units within 3” of an objective. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Death Guard Infantry, Character, Astartes, Consul, Siege Breaker, Master of the Legion, Durak Rask 130
Calas Typhon 8 Power First captain of the Death Guard NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Calas Typhon 4” 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+ Calas Typhon is a single model armed with a master-crafted power scythe, a hand flamer with chem-munitions, and a grenade harness, and carries a nuncio vox with which he can call in a chem-bombardment. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES This weapon can only be fired once per battle, and cannot be used if the bearer moved. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer. Units targeted by this weapon do not gain any bonus to their saving throw for being in cover. This weapon always wounds on a 4+, unless the target is a Vehicle. Chem-bombarment 100” Heavy 2D6 1 -1 D3 Grenade harness 12” Assault D6 4 -1 1 Blast weapon. 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Each time an attack is made with a poisoned weapon against a unit (excluding Vehicle or Titanic units), an unmodified wound roll of 3+ is always successful. However, if the dice roll to determine the number of shots the weapon makes is a 1, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after all the weapon’s shot have been resolved. Hand flamer with chem-munitions Master-crafted power scythe - Scythe - Cleave ABILITIES 12” Pistol D6 3 0 When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. Melee Melee User -1 1 Make 2 hit rolls for each attack with this weapon, instead of 1. Melee Melee +3 -3 3 Each time an attack is made with this weapon profile, subtract 1 from that attack's hit roll. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Cataphractii Armour: A model equipped with Cataphractii Armour has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. Steadfast: Each time an attack is allocated to a model in this unit, subtract 1 from the Damage Characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of 1). Nuncio-vox: You may re-roll any hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Death Guard Basilisks, Medusas, Whirlwinds or Rapiers with Quad Launchers when they target enemy units at least 36” away in the Shooting phase, if the enemy unit is within sight of this model. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Death Guard Core units within 6” WARLORD TRAIT PSYKER FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Warlord’s Pride: Typhon must always be your army’s Warlord, unless Mortarion is also included. Comes the Reaper: If this model is the Warlord, enemy units within 3” of him cannot hold objectives for any reason. This unit can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and one power from the Librarius discipline. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Death Guard Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Terminator, Cataphractii terminator armour, Rad grenades, Psyker, Master of the Legion, Typhon 131
Mortarion the Reaper 17 Power Primarch of the Death Guard NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Mortarion 7” 2+ 2+ 7 7 9 6 10 2+ Mortarion is a single model armed with Silence, the Lantern, frag grenades and phosphex bombs. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Frag grenade Phosphex bomb Silence - Reaping scythe - Eviscerating blow The Lantern ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 6” 12” Grenade D6 Grenade 2D6 S AP D ABILITIES 3 5 0 -1 1 1 Blast weapon. Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. Melee Melee 12” Melee Melee Pistol 1 User x2 8 -2 -4 1 4 -3 3 Make 3 hit rolls for each attack with this weapon, instead of 1. Each time an attack is made with this weapon, if a hit is scored, draw a straight line between the closest point of this model’s base (or hull) and that ofthe closest model in the target unit. Make one wound roll against the target unit, and each other unit this line passes over. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Barbaran Plate: Mortarion has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, weapons that wound on a fixed value require a 6 to wound Mortarion. Sire of the XIV Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Death Guard Core or Death Guard Character unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Death Guard (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Death Guard Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. While Mortarion is on the table, Death Guard Core units may re-roll failed Morale tests. Preternatural Resilience: Roll a D6 at the start of each friendly turn; on a 4+ Mortarion regains 1 lost wound. In addition, roll a dice for each wound Mortarion suffers; on a 5, that wound is ignored. Witch-spite: Mortarion may attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Shadow of the Reaper: Units within 6” of Mortarion suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership. At the end of any Movement phase in which Mortarion is not engaged, he may be redeployed. Place him anywhere on the board that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. In addition, Mortation is never slowed by and never takes damage from battlefield terrain. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Death Guard CInfantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Mortarion 132
Legion XV - Thousand Sons The Thousand Sons are a Space Marine Legion bound up with occult lore, mysticism and the otherworldly powers of the psyker. It was these esoteric arts of war that made them one of the most formidable Legions, but would eventually see them subject to the Emperor’s judgement against them. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Thousand Sons Infantry units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Prosperine Lore: If a Thousand Sons Character is selected to be the Warlord, they must be a Psyker (or take the Psyker upgrade, detailed below in ‘Legion Wargear’). In this case, the Warlord must be the Thousand Sons Character with the highest Leadership Characteristic in the detachment. Thousand Sons Praetors must always take the Psyker upgrade. • Cult Arcana: Units with this ability gain the <Cult> keyword. With the exception of HQ choices, compulsory choices in a Thousand Sons Detachment must choose the same <Cult> as the Warlord (if possible). The five cults and their respective abilities are listed here: • Athanean: Enemy Psykers suffer -1 to attempts to manifest psychic powers within 24” of models from the Athenaean cult. If an enemy unit lost a wound from the attacks of a unit of this cult, it receives a -1 modifier on the Attrition test. • Corvidae: Models from the Corvidae cult can re-roll hit rolls of 1 in Shooting phase, if they were stationary in the Movement phase. If they moved this turn, they are counted as receiving the benefits of Light cover until the next Movement phase. • Pavoni: Models from the Pavoni cult can re-roll failed charge rolls. Roll a D6 at the start of each Infantry friendly turn; on a 6+ one model in the unit regains 1 lost wound. • Pyrae: Models from the Pyrae cult gain a bonus of +1 Strength to all Attacks made with ‘Flame’ or ‘Melta’ weapons and reduce the Strength of any Hits inflicted upon them by ‘Flame’ or ‘Melta’ weapons. • Raptora: Models from the Raptora cult have a 6+ invulnerable save, or add 1 to their existing invulnerable save (maximum to the 4+ invulnerable save). • Signs & Portents: Each time a unit with this trait suffers a wound as a result of Perils of the Warp, all friendly Thousand Sons Astartes suffer -1 to their Leadership when taking Morale tests for the rest of that battle round. In addition, if all Thousand Sons Characters in the army are slain, all friendly Thousand Sons Astartes suffer -1 to their Leadership when taking Morale tests for the rest of the game. Legion Wargear Thousand Sons models have access to the following wargear: • A Character (without the Psyker keyword), Legion Veteran Tactical Squads and Legion Terminator Squads can take the Psyker upgrade. • Any Psyker Character, one model from Legion Veteran Tactical Squads or Legion Terminator Squads with Psyker update can replace their chainsword or power weapon with a force sword, force axe or force stave. • Any Psyker Character can take arcane litanies. • Any Character, Veteran Tactcal Squad, Legion Terminator Squad or Tactical Support Squad can take Asphyx shells. • Any Contemptor Dreadnought can take the Osirion upgrade. • Any model can replace it’s Plasma cannon with an Æther-fire cannon, plasma pistol with an Æther-fire pistol; a plasma gun or plasma blaster with an Æther-fire blaster; combi-plasma with combi-Æther-fire, or a Heavy plasma cannon for an Æther-fire magna-cannon. • In addition, a model in a Thousand Sons detachment can choose the Luminiferous Resonator instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. Legion Warlord Trait A Thousand Sons Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Psychic Exemplar: The Warlord may add 1 to any Psychic tests made to manifest powers from their Cult Discipline. Any rolls of 12+ count as Perils of the Warp. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Arcane litanies Once per game, this model may re-roll one of the dice when attempting to cast a Psychic power. Asphyx shells Bolt pistols, boltguns, combi-bolters, the boltgun profile of combi-weapons, mauler pattern bolt cannons and rotor cannons can re-roll failed wounds against Infantry models with this special rule. Osirion This model gains the Psyker keyword. They may attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. They know the Smite power and one other psychic powers chosen from their Cult Discipline. This model can replace any Dreadnought close combat weapon and a combi-bolter with Dreadnought force blade and a combi-bolter. In addition, this model has the Psychic Hood ability. • Psychic Hood: You can add 1 to Deny the Witch tests you take for this model against enemy Psykers within 12”. +1 Power Psyker (Praetor) +2 Power Psyker (other Characters) +2 Power Psyker (other units) +1 Power This model gains the Psyker keyword. They may attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase and attempt to Deny two psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase. They know the Smite power and two other psychic powers chosen from their Cult Discipline This model gains the Psyker keyword. They may attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. They know the Smite power and one other psychic power chosen from their Cult Discipline. This unit gains the Psyker keyword. They may attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. They know the Smite power and one other psychic power chosen from their Cult Discipline. When manifesting or Denying a psychic power, first select a model in the unit - measure range, visibility etc from this model. If this unit suffers Perils of the Warp, it suffers D3 mortal wounds as described in the core rules, but units within 6” will only suffer damage if the Perils of the Warp cause the last model in the manifesting unit to be slain. 133
WEAPON Æther-fire blaster - Standard RANGE TYPE 18” Assault D3, 7 -3 D3 Blast weapon. 18” Assault D3, 8 -3 D3 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Blast weapon. 24” Heavy D3 7 -3 D3 Blast weapon. 24” Heavy D3 8 -3 D3 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Blast weapon. 36” Heavy D6 7 -3 D3 Blast weapon. 36” Heavy D6 8 -3 D3 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls for this weapon. 24” Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge Æther-fire pistol - Standard ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge Combi-Æther-fire - Boltgun - Æther-fire blaster - Standard D When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge Æther-fire magnacannon - Standard AP When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge Æther-fire cannon - Standard S 18” Assault D3, 7 -3 D3 Blast weapon. 18” Assault D3, 8 -3 D3 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge Dreadnought force blade Luminiferous resonator 10” Pistol D3 7 -3 D3 Blast weapon. 10” Pistol D3 8 -3 D3 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Blast weapon. Melee +4 -4 3 - Rapid Fire 3 4 -3 1 Relic This weapon always wounds on a 4+, unless the target is a Vehicle. Melee 24” Legion Rites of War The Axis of Dissolution This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. Advantages: • The Alembic of Adamant: Thousand Sons units in this detachment ignore Morale tests when they are within 6” of an objective. • The Caustic of Grace: The army gains access to the Caustic of Grace stratagem. Thousand Sons units in this detachment hit on 5+ when firing overwatch. • The Transition of Vitriol: Thousand Sons units in this detachment may re-roll failed hit and wound rolls against enemy units which Fell Back in their previous turn. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol, Battalion or Brigade detachment. • All Troops choices in this detachment must be at the maximum possible unit size. • This detachment may not have more units with the Vehicle keyword (except Dreadnoughts) than it has with the Infantry keyword. The Guard of the Crimson King This rite may only be taken by a Vanguard detachment. Advantages: • Wreathed in Lightning, They Rend the Veil: Thousand Sons Terminator and Character units gain the Fear and Teleport Assault ability and, when they are set up on the board, can re-roll failed invulnerable saves of 1 until their next turn. Teleport Assault: During deployment, you can set up this unit in the teleportarium chamber instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can perform a teleport assault - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. • The Initiates of the Scarab: Sekhmet Cabals must be the compulsory Elites choices in this detachment and gain the Objective Secured ability.. • The Bidding of the Crimson King: Magnus the Red may be selected as a HQ choice in this detachment. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Vanguard detachment. • The Warlord must be in this detachment, and that Warlord must either be Magnus the Red, Ahzek Ahriman or a Thousand Sons Praetor. • This detachment may not have more units with the Vehicle keyword than it has with the Astartes keyword. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. 134
Cult Disciplines Before the battle, generate the psychic powers for Psykers that can use powers from the Cult disciplines using the appropriate table below. You can either roll a D3 to generate their powers randomly (re-roll any duplicate results), or you can select the psychic powers you wish the psyker to have. <Cult> Thousand Sons Psykers have access to the psychic powers corresponding to their <Cult>. Athanean Discipline D3 Roll Power 1 Mind Control Withcfire. Warp charge 6 If manifested, pick an enemy model within 12” of the psyker and roll 3D6. If the score is less than that model’s Leadership nothing happens, but if it is equal to or greater, that model can immediately shoot another enemy unit of your choice, or make a single close combat attack against it, as if it were part of your army. Models cannot attack themselves, but they can attack other members of their unit. 2 Horrify Withcfire. Warp charge 5 Choose an enemy unit within 18” of the psyker – your opponent must subtract 1 from the Leadership of that unit until your next Psychic phase. 3 Mass Hypnosis Withcfire. Warp charge 7 If manifested, select a visible enemy unit within 18” of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, the target cannot fire Overwatch, fights last in the Fight phase even if it charged, and must subtract 1 from its hit rolls. Corvidae Discipline D3 Roll Power 1 Prescience Blessing. Warp Charge 7 If manifested, select a Thousand Sons Core or Character unit within 18” of the psyker. You can add 1 to all hit rolls made for that unit until the start of your next Psychic phase. 2 Forewarning Warp charge 7 Blessing. If manifested, select a Thousand Sons Core or Character unit within 18” of the pskyer. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, you can add 1 to any invulnerable saves taken for the unit (maximum to the 4+ invulnerable save). Models that do not have an invulnerable save instead gain a 5+ invulnerable save. 3 Reveal Withcfire. Warp charge 6 If manifested, choose an enemy unit within 18” of the psyker – this unit does not gain any bonus to its saving throws for being in Light Cover until your next Psychic phase. Pavoni Discipline D3 Roll Power 1 Blood Boil Withcfire. Warp charge 6 If manifested, select a visible enemy unit within 18” of the psyker and roll three dice. The target suffers a mortal wound for each result that equals or exceeds its Toughness Characteristic. 2 Iron Arm Blessing. Warp charge 6 If manifested, select a friendly Thousand Sons Core or Character unit within 18” of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, each time that unit loses a wound, roll a D6; on a 6+, the damage is ignored and the unit does not lose that wound. 3 Renewal Blessing. Warp charge 5 If manifested, select a friendly non-Vehicle Thousand Sons Core or Character unit within 18” of the psyker. That unit recovers D3 wounds lost earlier in the battle. 135
Pyrae Discipline D3 Roll Power 1 Inferno Withcfire. Warp Charge 56 If manifested, select a visible enemy unit within 18” of the psyker. Roll one dice for each model in that unit – the unit suffers a mortal wound for each roll of 6. 2 Burning Blades Blessing. Warp charge 7 If manifested, pick a friendly Thousand Sons Core or Character unit within 12” of the psyker. Add 1 to any wound rolls you make for that unit’s Melee weapons until the start of your next Psychic phase. 3 Sunburst Withcfire (Aura). Warp charge 8 If manifested, a vortex opens above the nearest visible enemy model within 12” of the psyker. That model’s unit, and every other unit within 3” of that model suffers D3 mortal wounds. The number of mortal wounds inflicted is increased to D6 if the power is manifested with a Psychic test of 12+. Raptora Discipline D3 Roll Power 1 Levitate Blessing. Warp charge 6 If manifested, this Psyker can make a Normal Move or Fall Back as if it were your Movement phase. In addition, until the end of the phase, this Psyker has a Move characteristic of 12" and the Fly keyword. 2 Psychic Barrier Blessing. Warp charge 7 If manifested, choose a friendlyThousand Sons Core or Character unit within 12” of the psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, add 1 to that unit’s saving throws (not invulnerable saves). 3 Nightshroud Blessing. Warp charge 7 If manifested, choose a friendly Thousand Sons Core or Character unit within 12” of the psyker. Until the start of your next turn, any enemy unit that targets the chosen unit with a ranged weapon suffers a -1 penalty to its hit rolls. Legion Points Costs Unit * Wargear/Weapon Models per Unit Æther-fire blaster 10 Castellax-Achea Battle-automata Maniple 1-5 62* Æther-fire cannon 15 Sekhmet Terminator Cabal in Terminator armour 5-10 40* Æther-fire magna-cannon 15 10 Sekhmet Terminator Cabal in Cataphractii armour 5-10 43* Æther-fire pistol Khenetai Occult Blade Cabal 5-10 26* Arcane litanies 10 Ammitara Occult Intercession Cabal 5-10 19* Asphyx shells 2 Ahzek Ahriman 1 160 Dreadnought force blade 30 Magistus Amon 1 188 Khenetai force blades 0 The Primarch Magnus the Red 1 370 Osiron 25 Psyker (Praetor) 35 Psyker (Character) 25 Psyker (Other units) 20 Does not include wargear 136
Legion Stratagem FORTRESS OF THE MIND Thousand Sons Stratagem COVENANT OF SORCERERS 0 Thousand Sons Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem in the Enemy Shooting phase. Select one friendly Thousand Sons unit, that was attacked by enemy unit, before any To Hit rolls are made. This model has a 4+ invulnerable save until the end of this phase. You can only use this Stratagem once. THE CAUSTIC OF GRACE The Axis of Dissolution Stratagem Raptora Cult Stratagem TUTELARIES 1 Thousand Sons Stratagem Pyrae Cult Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem at the start of your Psychic phase. Select a Thousand Sons Psyker from your army. That model can replace a single psychic power with a power of your choice from the Cult Disciplines. ARCANA SCROLL Thousand Sons Stratagem 1 CP Use this Stratagem in your Psychic phase, when a Traitor Thousand Sons Psyker unit from your army (excluding Magnus The Red) manifests the Smite psychic power. That manifestation inflicts 3 mortal wounds instead of D3 or D6 (no dice roll is made). 2 CP REGENERATION Pavoni Cult Stratagem 1 CP Use this Stratagem in your Psychic phase, after manifesting a psychic power with a Pavoni Cult Infantry unit from your army with an unmodified Psychic test of 9 or more. If that unit contains a model that has lost any wounds, that model is healed and regains up to D3 lost wounds (each model can only be healed once per turn). Otherwise, if any models in that unit have been destroyed, you can return one of those models to the battlefield with all of its wounds remaining, placing it in unit coherency. 1 CP Use this Stratagem in your Psychic phase, after manifesting a psychic power with a Pyrae Cult unit from your army with an unmodified Psychic test of 7 or more. Until the next Psychic phase models from unit have a 6+ invulnerable save, or add 1 to their existing invulnerable save (maximum to the 4+ invulnerable save). INESCAPABLE FOREWARNING 1 CP Use this Stratagem in your Psychic phase, after manifesting a psychic power with a Raptore Cult unit from your army with an unmodified Psychic test of 7 or more. Until the next Psychic phase each time a wound or mortal wound inflicted by a melee o shooting attack is negated by the 6+ save (incliding 6+ invulnerable save), the attacking unit suffers 1 mortal wound. FIRE SHIELD CP Use this Stratagem at the start of a Psychic phase if a Thousand Sons Psyker is within 6” of at least 2 other friendly <Cult> units. The psyker can immeidately attempt to manifest one additional psychic power this turn and you can add 2 to the psychic test. Use this Stratagem after an Thousand Sons unit from your army is chosen as a target of a charge. Select up to three other friendly Thousand Sons units that are within 6" of the targeted unit and are not within Engagement Range of any enemy models. The selected units fire Overwatch at the charging unit as if they were the targets of the charge. Until the end of the phase, the selected units cannot fire Overwatch again. TELEKINETIC STRIKE 1 MIND TERROR Athanean Cult Stratagem 3 CP Use this Stratagem in your Command phase. Select one Athanean Cult unit from your army. That unit gains the following ability: Mind Terror (Aura): • Until the start of your next Command phase, while an enemy unit is within 3" of that unit, it loses the Objective Secured ability and any similar abilities that allow them to control an objective marker regardless of the number of enemy models within range of that objective marker. • Until the end of the turn, each time that Athanean Cult unit ends a Normal Move, an Advance or a charge move within 3" of an enemy unit that is performing an action, roll 2D6: if the total exceeds that enemy unit's Leadership characteristic, the action the unit is attempting to perform immediately fails. 2 CP Corvidae Cult Stratagem Use this Stratagem at the end of the Reinforcements step of your opponent’s Movement phase, if an enemy unit was set up as Reinforcements within 18" of an Corvidae Cult Psyker unit from your army. Select one Thousand Sons Core unit from your army that is within 6" of that Corvidae Cult Psyker unit and not within Engagement Range of any enemy units. That Thousand Sons Core unit can shoot as if it were your Shooting phase, but its models can only target a single eligible enemy unit that was set up as Reinforcements this turn within 18" of their unit and thatCorvidae Cult Psyker unit when doing so. 137
Castellax-Achea Battle-automata Maniple 7 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Castellax-Achea 7” 4+ 3+ 6 7 6 2 6 3+ A Castellax-Achea Battle-automata Maniple consists of 1 Castellax-Achea. It can include up to 4 additional Castellax-Achea (Power Rating +7 per model). • Each model is armed with a mauler bolt cannon, two boltguns, achea force claws and asphyx shells. WEAPON Æther-fire cannon - Standard RANGE TYPE AP D ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge Boltgun with asphyx shells Mauler bolt cannon with asphyx shells Achea force claws WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES S 24” Heavy D3 7 -3 D3 Blast weapon. 24” Heavy D3 8 -3 D3 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Blast weapon. 24” Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 You can re-roll failed wounds against Infantry models. 24” Heavy 3 6 -2 1 You can re-roll failed wounds against Infantry models. User -3 D3 Melee • Melee - Any Castellax-Achea can reeplace its mauler pattern bolt cannon with an Æther-fire cannon. Psi-Control Matrix: Each time a Combat Attrition test is taken for that unit, it is automatically passed. Additionally, unless a friendly Thousand Sons Psyker Character unit is within 12”; this model can only target the nearest visible enemy unit if it shoots, and if it charges it can only declare a charge against the nearest visible enemy unit. Psy-locus: Once per turn, a friendly Thousand Sons Psyker within 12” of this unit can use any model from it as the origin point of power, drawing line of sight and range from it rather than themselves. However, if any Psyker suffers Perils of the Warp within 12” of this unit, the unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. Any model destroyed by this is assumed to roll a 6 for the Reactor Blast ablity, below. Refractor Field: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Battle automata: Each time an attack is allocated to this model, unless that attack has a Strength Characteristic of 8 or more, subtract 1 from the Damage Characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of 1). FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Reactor Blast: When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wound. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Thousand Sons Monster, Castellax-Achea, Support 138
Sekhmet Terminator Cabal Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Sekhmet Terminator Sekhmet Inceptor 5” 5” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 7 8 2+ 2+ 15 Power This unit consists of 1 Sekhmet Inceptor and 4 Sekhmet Terminators. It can include up to 5 additional Sekhmet Terminators (Power Rating +14). • Each model is armed with a combi-bolter, force weapon and asphyx shells. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES x2 4 +2 +2 +3 +1 -4 0 -2 -1 -1 -3 D3 1 D3 D3 D3 D3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Chainfist Combi-bolter Force axe Force lance Force stave Force sword Melee 24” Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Rapid Fire 2 Melee Melee Melee Melee Lightning claw Melee Melee User -2 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Power fist Melee Melee x2 -3 2 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. UNIT OPTIONS WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES • • • • - A Sekhmet Terminator Cabal can take Cataphractii Armour. If it does its Move Characteristic is reduced to 4” (Power Rating +1). OR A Sekhmet Terminator Cabal can take Tartaros Armour. If it does its Move Characteristic is increased to 6”. Any model can replace its force weapon with a power fist, chainfist or lightning claw. Any model can can replace its combi-bolter with an item from the Combi-Weapons list. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Bodyguard: While a friendly Thousand Sons Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. Terminator Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. PSYKER FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Cataphractii Armour: A model equipped with Cataphractii Armour has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. This unit can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and one psychic power from the relevant Cult Discipline. When manifesting or Denying a psychic power, first select a model in the unit - measure range, visibility etc from this model. If this unit suffers Perils of the Warp, it suffers D3 mortal wounds as described in the core rules, but units within 6” will only suffer damage if the Perils of the Warp cause the last model in the manifesting unit to be slain. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Thousand Sons Infantry, Core, Terminator, Sekhmet, Astartes, Psyker, <Cult> 139
Khenetai Occult Blade Cabal 7 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Khenetai Blade Khenetai Blademaster 6” 2+ 3+ 4 4 2 3 7 3+ 6” 2+ 3+ 4 4 2 4 8 3+ This unit consists of 1 Khenetai Blademaster and 4 Khenetai Blades. It can include up to 5 additional Khenetai Blades (Power Rating +6). • Each model is armed with a bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and khenetai force blades. WEAPON Bolt pistol Khenetai force blades Frag grenade Hand flamer Krak grenade Plasma pistol - Standard RANGE TYPE 12” Melee 6” 12” 6” PSYKER FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS AP D ABILITIES 4 +1 3 3 6 0 -3 0 0 -1 1 D3 1 1 D3 Blast weapon. This weapon automatically hits its target. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES Pistol 1 Melee Grenade D6 Pistol D6 Grenade 1 S • 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. For every five models in the unit, one model can replace its bolt pistol with a plasma pistol or hand flamer. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Mindsong of Blades: Depending on the number of models in the squad, each model gains a bonus in the Fight phase. If the squad numbers 4-10 models, every model may re-roll hit rolls of 1 in the Fight phase. If the squad numbers 7-10 models, every model adds 1 to its Attacks Characteristic. This unit can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and one psychic power from the relevant Cult Discipline. When manifesting or Denying a psychic power, first select a model in the unit - measure range, visibility etc from this model. If this unit suffers Perils of the Warp, it suffers D3 mortal wounds as described in the core rules, but units within 6” will only suffer damage if the Perils of the Warp cause the last model in the manifesting unit to be slain. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Thousand Sons Infantry, Elite, Astartes, Psyker, Khenetai Blades, Melta grenades, <Cult> 140
Ammitara Occult Intercession Cabal NAME Ammitara Intercessor Ammitara Fate 7 Power M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 1 8 4+ 6” 3+ 3+ 4 4 2 2 9 4+ This unit consists of 1 Ammitara Fate and 4 Ammitara Intercessors. It can include up to 5 additional Ammitara Intercessors (Power Rating +6). • Each model is armed with a bolt pistol, chainsword, nemesis bolter, frag grenades, krak grenades and shroud bombs. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol Chainsword Frag grenade Krak grenade 12” Melee 6” 6” Meltagun Plasma gun - Standard 12” Pistol 1 Melee Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Assault 1 S AP D ABILITIES 4 User 3 6 0 -1 0 -1 1 1 1 D3 - 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Blast weapon. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 24” Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 - - Supercharge 24” Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Nemesis bolter 72” Heavy 1 5 0 1 Each time you select a target for this weapon, you can ignore the Look Out, Sir rule. If you roll a wound roll of an unmodified 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage. WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES • For every five models in this unit, one Ammitara Intercessor can replace its nemesis bolter with a meltagun or plasmagun. • The entire unit can take cameleoline. • The Ammitara Fate may take a nuncio-vox Angels of Death, Legion Traits Recon Armour: When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models. Cameleoline: Each time a ranged attack is allocated to this model while it is receiving the benefits of cover, add an additional 1 to any armour saving throw made against that attack. Scout: At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit (or its dedicated transport) as in Movement phase. It cannot end this move within 9” of any enemt models. If both players have units that can do this, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. PSYKER FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Shroud bombs: Once per battle, instead of shooting in your Shooting phase, this unit can use its smoke grenades. Until the start of your next Shooting phase, when resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against this unit, subtract 1 from the hit roll. This unit can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite and Mind Killer powers. When manifesting or Denying a psychic power, first select a model in the unit - measure range, visibility etc from this model. If this unit suffers Perils of the Warp, it suffers D3 mortal wounds as described in the core rules, but units within 6” will only suffer damage if the Perils of the Warp cause the last model in the manifesting unit to be slain. Mind Killer Warp charge 6 If manifested, pick a friendly Thousand Sons Ammitara Intercessors unit within 3” of the psyker. That unit can re-roll failed hit or wound rolls made for shooting attacks until the start of the next Psychic phase. Additionally, until the start of the next Psychic phase units targeted by this unit’s ranged attacks do not gain the benefits of being in cover to their saving throw. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Thousand Sons Infantry, Ammitara Intercessors, Astartes, Psyker, Melta grenades, <Cult> 141
Ahzek Ahriman 8 Power Chief Librarian of the Thousand Sons NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Ahzek Ahriman 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ Ahzek Ahriman is a single model armed with a master-crafted force axe, a master-crafted bolt pistol, asphyx shells, frag grenades and krak grenades and equipped with an iron halo and arcane litanies. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Frag grenade Krak grenade Master-crafted bolt pistol with asphyx shells Master-crafted force staff ABILITIES RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Blast weapon. 6” 6” Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 12” Pistol 1 4 0 2 Melee Melee +3 -2 You can re-roll failed wounds against Infantry models. D3+1 - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Arcane Litanies: Once per game, this model may re-roll one of the dice when attempting to cast a Psychic power. Iron Halo: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save. Ahriman’s Cabal: If a Legion Command Squad is taken because of Ahriman’s Master of the Legion rule, the squad must take the Psyker upgrade as listed in Legion Wargear section. Their Cult Arcana is always Corvidae. WARLORD TRAIT PSYKER FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Thousand Sons Core units within 6”. Pattern of Fates: If this model is the Warlord, pick up to three Thousand Sons Astartes units in the same detachment. These units gain the Scout ability: Scout: At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit up to 9”. It cannot end this move within 9” of any enemy models. If both players have units that can do this, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. Ahriman may attempt to manifest three psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase and attempt to Deny two psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase. He knows the Smite power and all three psychic powers in the Corvidae discipline. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Thousand Sons Infantry, Character, Astartes, Consul, Librarian, Praetor, Psyker, Master of the Legion, Ahzek Ahriman, Corvidae 142
Magistus Amon 8 Power Captain of the Ninth Fellowship NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Magistus Amon 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ Magistus Amon is a single model armed with a master-crafted force sword, archaeotech pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades and carrying the dust of the devourers and arcane litanies. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Archaeotech Pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade RANGE TYPE 12” 6” 6” Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 S AP D ABILITIES 6 3 6 -2 0 -1 2 1 D3 - Dust of the Devourers Melee Melee * -2 Master-crafted force staff Melee Melee +3 -2 ABILITIES 1 Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, a model may only ever make a single attack, however this attack does D6 automatic hits, or 2D6 automatic hits if the target unit comprises 6 or more models. This weapon always wounds on a 4+, unless the target model is a Vehicle. This weapon can only be used once per battle. D3+1 - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Arcane Litanies: Once per game, this model may re-roll one of the dice when attempting to cast a Psychic power. Armour of Shades: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. In addition, enemy models shooting at this model or friendly Core units within 3” of this model from more than 12” away have -1 to their Hit rolls. Concealed Positions: When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models. Hidden Servants & Secret Scryings: If this model is in your army you can select one unit from your army to be placed in Strategic Reserves free. In addition, enemy models arriving from reinforcements may not arrive within 12” of Amon, or 18” if they are using the Flanking Manouevres ability. WARLORD TRAIT PSYKER FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Thousand Sons Core units within 6”. Lord of the Hidden Paths: If this model is the Warlord, pick one Thousand Sons unit in the same detachment (without the Fly or Titanic keywords). This unit gains the Flanking Manoeuvres ability: Flanking Manoeuvres: During deployment, you can set up this unit moving around the flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the unit can join the battle - set it up so that all models in the unit are within 7” of a battlefield edge of your choice and more than 9” from enemy models. Amon may attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase and attempt to Deny two psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase. He knows the Smite power and two psychic powers in the Corvidae or Athanean disciplines. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Thousand Sons Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Psyker, Amon, Corvidae, Athanean 143
Magnus the Red 19 Power Primarch of the Thousand Sons NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Magnus 8” 2+ 2+ 6 6 9 6 10 2+ Magnus is a single model armed with the Blade of Ahn-nunurta and the Psyfire serpenta and carries arcane litanies. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Blade of Ahn-nunurta Psyfire serpenta ABILITIES RANGE TYPE Melee 15” S AP D ABILITIES Melee +3 -4 3 - Assault 3 5 -3 D3 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Horned Raiment: Magnus the Red has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, all damage suffered by Magnus the Red is reduced by 2 (to a minimum of 1 and don't stuck with Lord of War special rule). Arcane Litanies: Once per game, this model may re-roll one of the dice when attempting to cast a Psychic power. Sire of the XV Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Thousand Sons Core and Thousand Sons Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Thousand Sons (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Thousand Sons Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. While Magnus is on the table friendly Thousand Sons Core units may use his Leadership. Arch Sorceror: Magnus the Red is a member of all of the Cults of Prospero and can thus choose psychic power from any of them, and compulsory choices in an army where he is Warlord can be from any of the Cults. Additionally he adds 1 to the total dice roll when he attempts to manifest or Deny psychic powers. Gaze of Magnus: When Magnus the Red manifests the Smite power, he inflicts D6 mortal wounds instead of D3, or 2D6 mortal wounds instead of D6 if the result of the Psychic test is more than 11. PSYKER FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Phantasmal Aura (Aura): Enemy models shooting at this model or friendly Core units within 3” of this model from more than 12” away have -1 to their Hit rolls. Magnus the Red can attempt to manifest three psychic powers in each Psychic phase, and attempt to Deny three psychic powers in the enemy Psychic phase. Magnus knows the Smite psychic power and all powers from Cult Disciplines. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Thousand Sons Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Psyker, Magnus 144
Legion XVI - Sons of Horus One of the most aggressive Legions, the combat doctrines of the Sons of Horus were those of the application of overwhelming force directed to where the foe was weakest. These shattering blows were used to utterly destroy enemy command cadres, vital strategic support structures and wreak terrible slaughter on the pride of an enemy’s forces, often turning the tide of a conflict with a single, well-placed attack. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Sons of Horus Infantry, Biker, Land Speeder and Dreadnought units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Merciless Fighters: Models with this ability who roll Hit rolls of an unmodified 6+ in the Fight phase generate an additional attack (additional attacks do not generate further attacks). • Death Dealer: Models with this ability get a +1 bonus to hit rolls when making attacks with Rapid Fire or Assault type weapons within 9” of the target unit. • Bitter Pride: Models with this ability can only benefit from special abilities or psychic powers that are provided by Sons of Horus models. • The Edge of the Spear: Friendly Strategic Reserve units that arrive can be set up wholly within 6" of any battlefield edge other than the enemy's battlefield edge starting from the second turn. Legion Wargear Sons of Horus models have access to the following wargear: • Any Character, Legion Veteran Tactical Squad, Legion Seeker Squad or Legion Terminator Squad unit can take Banestrike rounds. • An Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod can be taken as a Dedicated Transport for Sons of Horus units. • In addition, a model in a Sons of Horus detachment can choose the Cataphractii Primus instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. • Any model in the unit can take items the Power Weapons list, can take a Cthonic power axe. • Any Centurion without a current Consul upgrade can be upgraded to a Dark Emissary. Legion Warlord Trait A Sons of Horus Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Choleric (Aura): The Choleric trait generates additional attacks on an unmodified 5+, instead of on an unmodified 6+ for models in friendly Sons of Horus units that are within 6” of your Warlord. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Banestrike rounds Bolt pistols, boltguns, combi-bolters, the boltgun profile of combi-weapons and heavy bolters have their AP value increased to -2. Special issue boltguns increase the AP value of their standard rounds to -2. Cataphractii primus Relic. The bearer of this armour has adds 1 to its Toughness. This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances and reduce its Movement Characteristic to 4”. Dark Emissary • • +0 Power WEAPON This model loses the Centurion keyword and gains the Dark Emissary and Consul keywords and Fear special rule. Spiritual Leader (Aura): Friendly <Legion> Core or Character units can use this model’s Leadership Characteristic instead of their own whilst they are within 6” of this model. Staff of Dark Authority: All Traitor models within 6” of this model increases its Leadership to 10. May not take a Jump Pack, Jetbike or Bike • • RANGE TYPE AP D ABILITIES Power Cthonic power axe Melee Melee +2 -2 1 If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon, that hit is resolved at AP-4. Chainaxe Melee Melee +1 -1 1 - Legion Points Models per Unit Points per Model Justaerin Terminator Squad 5-12 42* Reaver Attack Squad 5-15 19* Banestrike rounds 3 Reaver Attack Squad with Jump Packs 5-15 21* Cthonic power axe 5 Dark Emissary n/a 0 Chainaxe 0 Maloghurst the Twisted 1 89 Ezekyle Abaddon 1 140 Garviel Loken 1 100 Tybalt Marr 1 95 Horus the Warmaster 1 380 Horus the Warmaster - Ascended 1 480 Unit * S +0 Wargear/Weapon Does not include wargear 145 Points per Item
Legion Rites of War The Black Reaving As the Heresy burned on, the XVI Legion’s tactics became ever more callous and predatory. This formation represents one of those highly co-ordinated strike forces which encricled and tore its victims apart like a pack of nightmarish predators. Advantages: • The Eye of the Warmaster: Justaerin Terminator units gain the Teleport Assault ability Teleport Assault: During deployment, you can set up this unit in the teleportarium chamber instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can perform a teleport assault - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. • Reaver Onslaught: Reaver Attack Squads can be taken as Troops choices. • Encirclement: Sons of Horus Infantry units in this detachment that arrive on the board by using the Flanking Manoeuvres ability can re-roll charge rolls in the following Charge phase. • Cut them Down: Any unit in this detachment that charge in the Charge phase can re-roll wound rolls of 1 in the following Fight phase. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. • This detachment must take an additional compulsory Troops choices. • This detachment must take more Fast Attack choices than Heavy Support choices. • This detachment must take a Master of Signals as a compulsory HQ choice. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. The Long March Even before the Heresy, the XVI Legion was considered the first amongst equals. They later formed the main body fo the long march towards Terra, a relentless, all-conquering host that swept all before it and against which no world could stand. Advantages: • The Warmasters Eyes: Legion Terminator Squads can be taken as non-compulsory Troops choices. • Relentless March: Sons of Horus Infantry in their own deployment zone may ignore the -1 hit modifier for moving and firing heavy weapons. Sons of Horus Infantry in neither deployment zone may re-roll Advance rolls. Sons of Horus Infantry in the enemy deployment zone may re-roll Charge rolls. • The Warmaster’s Portion: On the first turn of the game, models in this detachment may re-roll hit rolls of 1. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol, Battalion or Brigade detachment. It may not be taken by Shattered Legions armies. • All units in this detachment must be Traitors. • Any models with Cataphractii Terminator Armour must be deployed inside a transport vehicle or deploy via the Teleport Assault ability (this Rite does not grant the ability). • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include any units without the Sons of Horus keyword. Legion Stratagems SPEARTIP STRIKE Sons of Horus Stratagem CRUSADE VETERANS 2 Sons of Horus Stratagem Use this Stratagem when a Sons of Horus unit arrives from reinforcements. You can set up this unit D3” closer to the enemy. DEATH DEALERS Sons of Horus Stratagem 1 CP Use this Stratagem when a Sons of Horus Infantry or Biker unit is selected to attack in a Shooting or Fight phase. You can add 1 to all wound rolls made for the unit until the end of the phase. 1 MERCILESS FIGHTERS CP Sons of Horus Stratagem Use this Stratagem in the Enemy Shooting phase. Select one Sons of Horus friendly unit, that was attacked by enemy unit, before any casualties are removed, but Armour Saves are made. This selected frendly unit may make a Shooting Attack, targeting the unit that attacked him and following all the usual rules for Shooting Attacks. A unit that makes a Shooting Attack as part of a Death Dealers add +1 to the Hit rolls, but may not make any attacks indirectly (without line of sight). Units making a Shooting Attack as part of this Stratagem are considered to be Stationary, and may fire weapons of any type as though they had not moved. You can only use this Stratagem once. 1 CP Use this Stratagem at the start of the Fight phase. Pick a Sons of Horus unit from your army. If that unit has more models than there are enemy models within 3" of it, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of models in that unit until the end of the phase. 146
Justaerin Terminator Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Justaerin Terminator 4” 2+ 3+ 4 4 4 3 9 2+ 9 Power This unit consists of 3 Justaerin Terminators. It can include up to 7 additional Justaerin Terminators (Power Rating +19). • Each model is armed with a combi-bolter and power weapon. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Chainfist Combi-bolter Heavy flamer Melee 24” 12” Melee Rapid Fire 2 Heavy D6 Lightning claw Melee Melee Multi-melta Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword Reaper autocannon WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES S AP D ABILITIES x2 4 5 -4 0 -1 D3 1 1 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. User -2 1 24” Heavy 2 8 -4 D6 Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee 36” Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Heavy 4 +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 7 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 -2 1 2 1 1 1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - • • • • Any model can replace its power weapon with a power fist, chainfist or lightning claw. Any model can replace its combi-bolter with an item from the Combi-Weapons list. Any model can replacr its combi-bolter and power weapon with two lightning claws. For every five models in the unit, one model can replace its combi-bolter with a heavy flamer, reaper autocannon or multi-melta. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Cataphractii Armour: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. Favoured of Horus: While a friendly Sons of Horus Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Furious Charge: This unit adds 1 to their Attacks Characteristic in the Fight phase if they charged in the preceding Charge phase. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Sons of Horus Infantry, Core, Terminator, Justaerin, Astartes 147
Reaver Attack Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Reaver Reaver Chieftian 6” 6” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 7 8 3+ 3+ 8 Power This unit consists of 1 Reaver Chieftian and 4 Reavers. It can include up to 5 additional Reavers (Power Rating +7) or up to 10 additional Reavers (Power Rating +15). • Each model is armed with a bolt pistol, chainsword, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol Boltgun Chainaxe Chainsword Flamer Frag grenade Krak grenade 12” 24” Melee Melee 12” 6” 6” Meltagun Plasma gun - Standard 12” Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword Volkite charger WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES D ABILITIES 4 4 +1 User 4 3 6 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 D3 - 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. This weapon automatically hits its target. Blast weapon. - 24” Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 - 24” Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge UNIT OPTIONS Assault 1 AP When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge Plasma pistol - Standard Pistol 1 Rapid Fire 1 Melee Melee Assault D6 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 S 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 1 2 1 1 1 - Heavy 2 5 0 2 When resolving an attack made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage. 20” When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - The entire unit can be equipped with jump packs, gaining the Jump Pack and Fly keywords (+1 Power rating). • The entire unit can take banestrike rounds. • Any model can replace its chainsword with a chainaxe, power weapon or power fist. • Any model can take a boltgun, volkite charger or an item from the Combi-Weapons list. • For every five models in the unit, one model can replace its bolter with a flamer, meltagun, plasma gun or plasma pistol. • The Reaver Chieftian can take a hand flamer. Angels of Death, Legion Traits • Assassins Eye: Enemy Character models within 12” can be targeted even if they are not the nearest visible enemy unit. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Flanking Manoeuvres: During deployment, you can set up this unit moving around the flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the unit can join the battle - set it up so that all models in the unit are within 7” of a battlefield edge of your choice and more than 9” from enemy models. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Sons of Horus Infantry, Core, Elite, Astartes, Melta grenades, Reavers 148
Maloghurst the Twisted 5 Power Equerry of the Warmaster NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Maloghurst 5” 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 9 3+ Maloghurst is a single model armed with a power sword, bolter, boltpistol, banestrike shells, frag grenades and krak grenades and equipped with a refractor field and a legion banner. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol with banestrike rounds Boltgun with banestrike rounds Frag grenade Krak grenade Power sword ABILITIES RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES 12” Pistol 1 4 -2 1 - 24” Rapid Fire 1 4 -2 1 - 6” 6” Melee Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee 3 6 +1 0 -1 -3 1 D3 1 Blast weapon. - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Refractor Field: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Bearer of the Eye: If this model is included in a detachment, you may take Legion Veteran Tactical Squads and Reaver Attack Squads as Troops choices in that detachment. Broken in Body: This model may not Advance or make consolidation moves. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Legion Banner (Aura): Sons of Horus units within 6” of any friendly this model add 1 to their Leadership. In addition, roll a D6 each time a Sons of Horus Infantry model is destroyed within 6” of this model before removing the model as a casualty. On a 4+ that model musters one last surge of strength before succumbing to its wounds; it can either shoot with one of its weapons as though it were the Shooting phase, or make a single attacks if it were the Fight phase. Battle Standard of the Rebellion: If this model is the Warlord, he gains the Objective Secured ability. All damage suffered by your Warlord is halved, rounding up. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Sons of Horus Infantry, Character, Astartes, Consul, Herald, Master of the Legion, Maloghurst 149
Ezekyle Abaddon 7 Power First Captain of the Sons of Horus NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Ezekyle Abaddon 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 5 9 2+ Ezekyle Abaddon is a single model armed with a master-crafted power fist, a grenade harness and either a combi-bolter or a master-crafted power sword. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Combi-bolter Grenade harness RANGE TYPE 24” 12” S AP D ABILITIES Rapid Fire 2 Assault D6 4 4 0 -1 1 1 Blast weapon. Cthonic power claw Melee Melee x2 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Paragon blade Melee Melee +2 -3 3 - ABILITIES Angels of Death, Legion Traits Cataphractii Armour: A model equipped with Cataphractii Armour has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Sons of Horus Core units within 6”. Steadfast: Each time an attack is allocated to a model in this unit, subtract 1 from the Damage Characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of 1). WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Teleport Assault: This model and one other Sons of Horus Terminator unit in the same detachment gain the Teleport Assault ability. • Teleport Assault: During deployment, you can set up this unit in the teleportarium chamber instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can perform a teleport assault - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Intimidating Presence (Aura): If this model is the Warlord, enemy units within 6” of this model suffer -1 Leadership. Each time a Sons of Horus Core model within 6" of your Warlord, makes a melee attack, a hit roll of 6+ scores one additional hit. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Sons of Horus Infantry, Character, Astartes, Pretor, Terminator, Master of the Legion, Abaddon 150
Garviel Loken 5 Power Last Captain of the Luna Wolves NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Garviel Loken 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 5 9 3+ Garviel Loken is a single model armed with a paragon blade, bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and equipped with an iron halo. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Paragon blade ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” 6” 6” Melee Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee S AP D ABILITIES 4 3 6 +2 0 0 -1 -3 1 1 D3 3 Blast weapon. - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Born Survivor: The first time this model is slain, roll a D6; on a result of 2+ the model stays on the battlefield with 1+D3 wound remaining. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Sons of Horus Core units within 6”. Inspiring Presence (Aura): If this model is the Warlord, friendly Sons of Horus units within 12” may use his Leadership Characteristic when taking Morale tests; friendly Sons of Horus units within 6” gain +1 Attack on any turn in which they successfully Charge. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Sons of Horus Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Garviel Loken 151
Tybalt Marr 5 Power Captain of the 18th Company NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Tybalt Marr 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 5 9 2+ Tybalt Marr is a single model armed with a cthonian culling blade, master-crafted bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades and equipped with an iron halo and banestrike rounds. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Master-crafed bolt pistol with banestrike rounds Cthonian culling blade Frag grenade Krak grenade ABILITIES RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES 12” Pistol 1 4 -2 2 - Melee Melee +1 -2 2 If you roll a wound roll of an unmodified 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage. If targeting Characters, you may reroll failed hit rolls with this weapon. Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 6” 6” Blast weapon. - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Sons of Horus Core units within 6”. By the Hunter’s Moon: If this model is the Warlord, enemy models within 24” of this model at end of deployment may not Advance on their first turn. While they are within 6" of your Warlord, friendly Sons of Horus Core units can declare a charge even if they Fell Back in the same turn. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Sons of Horus Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Tybalt Marr 152
Horus the Warmaster 19 Power Primarch of the Sons of Horus NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Horus Lupercal 8” 2+ 2+ 7 7 9 7 10 2+ Horus Lupercal is a single model armed with Worldbreaker, the Warmaster’s talon, a bombardment, cognis-signum and frag grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bombardment 100” Frag grenade 6” The Warmaster’s Talon - Melee - Ranged Worldbreaker UNIT OPTIONS ABILITIES S AP D ABILITIES This weapon can only be fired once per battle, and cannot be used if the bearer moved. This weapon can target units that are not visible to the bearer (when doing so, subtract 1 from the hit rolls). You may only use one Bombardment per turn, regardless of how many Masters of Signals you have in your army. Heavy D6 8 -2 D3 Grenade D6 3 0 1 Blast weapon. This weapon has both a melee and a ranged profile. The melee profile is used during the Fight phase, the ranged profile is used during the Shooting phase and for Overwatch. Melee Melee x2 -4 2 24” Melee Assault 2 Melee 4 +3 -1 -3 2 5 You can re-roll failed wound rolls with this weapon. Any model wounded by this weapon suffers a -1 to hit rolls until the start of the next Fight phase. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Horus Ascended (Power Rating +5): You can use additional rules for additional unit cost. • Each time this model would lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 4+, that wound is not lost. • Dark Fate: The first time in any battle that Horus Ascended loses his last wound, or is otherwise removed from play as a casualty, the model is instead placed into Reserve with D3 wounds remaining. Horus Ascended may choose to re-enter play from Reserves. If the Slay the Warlord objective, or any other objective that requires the enemy Warlord be removed as a casualty to score Victory points, is in effect then it is still triggered when Horus Ascended is moved into Reserves due to this special rule - and may be triggered a second time if Horus Ascended returns to play and is removed as a casualty again. • The Power of Chaos Eternal: Once per battle, at the start of any Fight phase Horus Ascended controlling player may choose to activate the power of Chaos Eternal. Horus Ascended add +1 to Hit roll and increases his Strength and Toughness Characteristics to 10 until the start of the nest Fight phase. But at the start of the next Fight phase he suffers D3 mortal wounds. • The Spreading Corruption: Infantry, Biker or Dreadnought units within 6" of this model gain the Fear special rule and ignore all morale checks. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Serpent’s Scales: Horus Lupercal has a 3+ invulnerable save, and may ignore the effects of any enemy psychic power targetting him on a 3+. Sire of the XVI Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Sons of Horus Core and Sons of Horus Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Sons of Horus (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Sons of Horus Core and Sons of Horus Characters units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for attacks made by models in friendly Sons of Horus Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. While Horus Lupercal is on the table, friendly Sons of Horus Core units add 1 to their Leadership Characteristic. Units of Justaerin Terminators and Legion Veteran Tactic al Squads gain the Objective Secured ability. Weapon Mastery: If all enemy models in combat with Horus Lupercal at the start of the Fight phase have a worse Weapon Skill Characteristic than he does, he gains D3 additional attacks, in all other cases he gains 1 additional attack. In addition, Hit roll an unmodified 6+ in the Fight phase generate an additional attack (additional attacks do not generate further attacks). Cognis-signum (Aura): At the start of the Shooting phase, you can choose one <Legion> Core Infantry unit which is within 3” of a model with the cognis-signum. You can add 1 to hit rolls made for your chosen unit’s weapons this phase. Additionaly enemy units that are set up on the battlefield as reinforcements cannot be set up within 12” of this unit., unless those models are ser up within his own deployment zone. The Point of the Spear: During deployment, you can set up Horus Lupercal and/or one friendly Sons of Horus Terminator unit in a teleportarium chamber instead of deploying it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this/ these unit(s) can perform a teleport strike - set it/them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. God of Battle: Any unit in an army containing Horus may be set up using the Flanking Manoeuvres ability: Flanking Manoeuvres: During deployment, you can set up this unit moving around the flanks instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the unit can join the battle - set it up so that all models in the unit are within 7” of a battlefield edge of your choice and more than 9” from enemy models. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Sons of Horus Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Horus 153
Legion XVII - Word Bearers Where once the XVII legion brought the light of the Emperor to benighted humanity, now the Word Bearers bring the darkness of Old Night. No longer driven by duty and honour, but by the thirst for forbidden lore and undeserved power, they seek to Warp itself and enslave its denizens to their will. When the Word Bearers march to war, the fabric of reality is distorted and dread things from the abyss march at their side. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Word Bearers units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • True Believers: Models with this ability can re-roll failed Morale tests and add 1 to their Leadership Characteristic.Each time a model with this trait would lose a wound as the result of a mortal wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, that wound is not lost. • nfernal Knowledge: Traitor Psykers and Diabolists with this ability can make use of Daemonic Rituals. • Charismatic Leadership: If your army includes any Legiones Astartes Detachments with the Word Bearers keyword, the largest one must fill all available HQ slots, and one of it’s HQ choices must be a model with either the Centurion or Chaplain keywords. If no qualifying detachment exists in your army, ignore this rule. Legion Wargear Word Bearers models have access to the following wargear: • Any Traitor Centurion without a current Consul upgrade can be upgraded to a Diabolist Consul. • Any Traitor Praetor, Centurion, Diabolist or Chaplain can take Burning Lore. • Any Character model with access to the Melee Weapons list can take a Tainted blade, Tained axe or Tained maul as it’s choice from the list. • If the detachment includes a Diabolist, any Tactical Squad, Assault Squad, Breacher Squad, Veteran Tactical Squad or Legion Terminator Squad can take Dark Channelling. • Traitor Word Bearers model may exchange a plasma pistol for a Warpfire pistol; a plasma gun or plasma blaster for a Warpfire • blaster; or a plasma cannon or heavy plasma cannon for a Warpfire cannon, a heavy bolter fir a heavy boltspitter. • In addition, a model in a Word Bearers detachment can choose the Conversion Dissonator instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. Legion Warlord Trait A Word Bearers Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Voice of Lorgar: Increase the range of any aura abilities on your Warlord’s datasheet by 3”. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Burning Lore This model gains a 5+ invulnerable save and the Psyker keyword, knows Smite and one other psychic power from the Harbinger of Chaos discipline. They may attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. Conversion dissonator Relic. Enemy units within 6” suffer a -1 penalty to invulnerable save. Dark Channelling +1 Power Diabolist Consul +1 Power WEAPON Axe-rake At the start of the game, roll D3 on the following table: 1. The unit may re-roll failed hit rolls in the first round of combat. 2. The models in the unit have +1 Strength. 3. The unit has +1 to invulnerable save (6+ if before that did not have it and to the maximum of 4+). • • • • This model loses the Centurion keyword and gains the Diabolist, Consul and Daemon keywords, and Fear special rule. Daemonic: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Boundless Rage: This model can re-roll failed to hit rolls during the Fight phase when targeting models with the Loyalist keyword. May not take a power fist, chainfist, thunder hammer, Bike, Jetbike or Terminator armour. RANGE TYPE Melee +1 Power +1 Power S AP D ABILITIES Melee +1 -1 1 Enemy units within 1” of a model with this weapon cannot Fall Back unles they have the Vehicle or Titanic keyword, or have a minimum Move Characteristic. Boltspitter Heavy boltspitter Greater boltspitter 24” 36” 48” Assault 2 Heavy 4 Heavy 12 4 5 5 -1 -1 -1 1 2 1 - Digi flamer 6” Pistol D3 3 0 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. This weapon can only be used once per battle. Melee Melee Melee Melee 10 +1 +2 +3 -3 -3 -2 -2 3 2 2 2 Invulnerable saves cannot be made against this weapon. 36” Heavy D3 8 -3 2 For each unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers one mortal wound after all this weapon’s shots have been resolved. Blast weapon. Warpfire blaster 24” Assault 2 8 -3 2 For each unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers one mortal wound after all this weapon’s shots have been resolved. Blast weapon. Warpfire pistol 12” Pistol 8 -3 2 For each unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers one mortal wound after all this weapon’s shots have been resolved. Blast weapon. Tainted powerclaw Tainted blade Tainted axe Tainted maul Warpfire plasma cannon Melee Melee Melee Melee 154 -
Legion Rites of War The Dark Brethren As the Legion came to the worship of old and nightmarish gods, certain warbands took to enacting horrific rites on the eve of battle to curry favour from the Warp. Such warbands became shadowed with the foulest and most unnatural evil. Advantages: • Arch-Traitors: Characters in this detachment can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 against Loyalist Astartes. • Signs & Portents: At the start of the game, select one of the Troops choices from this detachment and roll a dice. On a roll of 1-3, that unit can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1. On a roll of 4-6, enemy units can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1 when targeting this unit. • Hell follows with Them: Enemy Psykers who suffer Perils of the Warp take one more mortal wound than normal. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Battalion detachment. • This detachment must include a Diabolist. • This detachment cannot include more than one Heavy Support choice. • Your army may include a Patrol detachment made up of Warhammer 40,000 units with the Chaos and Daemon keywords (but without the Renegade Astartes or Renegades and Heretics keywords). • Your army may not include a Fortification detachment. • Your army may not include any units with a different <Legion> keyword than the units in this detachment. Last of the Serrated Suns The Serrated Sun were the first chapter to walk the path of the Ruinous Powers, and many fell during the Isstvan massacre. For a time, the survivors formed a dedicated elite within the Legion, and maintined the drop assault doctrines at which it had been unequalled. Advantages: • Company of Monsters: Gal Vorbak must be taken as the compulsory Elites choices in this detachment, and gain the Objective Secured ability. They must be deployed inside a Drop Pod or Dreadclaw Drop Pod. • Drop Elite: Drop Pods are available as Dedicated Transports. • Burning Sun: Enemy units within 12” of the landing point of a Drop Pod or Dreadclaw Drop Pod count their Leadership as one less than normal until the end of the battle round. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Vanguard detachment. • Infantry units in this detachment must be deployed inside a Drop Pod or Dreadclaw Drop Pod, deployed via Teleport Assault, or transported inside a Flyer. • This detachment cannot include any Artillery units. • Your army may not include a Fortification detachment. • Your army may not include any units without the Word Bearers keyword. Legion Stratagem DARK PACT Word Bearers Stratagem HEXAGRAMMATIC WARD 2 Word Bearers Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem at the end of your Movement phase, when a Traitor Word Bearers Psykers or Diabolists model from your army attempts to summon a unit of Daemons to the battlefield using a Daemonic Ritual. When making the summoning roll for that attempt, you can re-roll the dice and this Character model will not suffer any mortal wounds for rolling doubles or triples. GLORIOUS MARTYRDOM Word Bearers Stratagem 1 CP Use this Stratagem in any phase, after making a saving throw for a Word Bearers Character model from your army. Treat the result of that saving throw as 6. Each Word Bearers Character model from your army can only be the target of this Stratagem once per battle. REVERED HOSTS Word Bearers Stratagem 0 2 CP Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase when a Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren unit from your army is chosen to fight with. Until the end of that phase, rending claws weapons models in that unit are equipped with have a Damagec haracteristic of 2. CP Use this Stratagem in the Enemy Shooting phase. Select one friendly unit, that was attacked by enemy unit, after all shots have been resolved, but before any models are removed from play. A single model in the your Word Bearers unit is removed as a casualty immediately, after that until the end of this phase a model in that unit would lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, that wound is not lost. You can only use this CUT THEM DOWN! Word Bearers Stratagem 1 CP Use this Stratagem when a Word Bearers Infantry unit wipes out it’s enemy in the Fight phase. It can consolidate 6” instead of the usual 3”. 155
Legion Points Costs Points per Item Models per Unit Points per Model 1 115* Axe-Rake 4 Gal Vorbak Dark Bretheren 5-10 37* Burning Lore 20 The Ashen Circle 5-10 20* Boltspitter 3 Procurator squad 5-15 19 Heavy boltspitter 10 Procurator ** +21 Greater boltspitter 25 Diabolist Consul n/a +10 Dark Channeling 20 High Chaplain Erebus 1 100 Digi flamer 0 Kor Phaeron 1 100 Rending Claws 0 Hol Beloth 1 95 Tainted powerclaw 35 10 Unit Mhara Gal Tainted Dreadnought Wargear/Weapon Zardu Layak 1 138 Tainted blade Anakati Kul Blade-slaves 2 68 Tainted axe 10 Argel Tal 1 165 Tainted maul 10 270 Warpfire plasma cannon 20 300 Warpfire blaster 10 Warpfire pistol 5 Lorgar Lorgar Transfigured * ** 1 Does not include wargear Each Procurator squad must be accompanied by one Procurator. A Procurator squad that includes ten models may upgrade one Procurant to an additional Procurator, and a Procurator squad that includes fifteen models may upgrade two Procurants to Procurators. Harbinger of Chaos Before the battle, generate the psychic powers for Psykers that must choose powers from the Harbinger of Chaos discipline using the table below. You can either roll a D6 to generate their powers randomly (re-roll any duplicate results), or you can select the psychic powers you wish the psyker to have. Harbinger of Chaos D6 Roll Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 WARP MARK Warp charge 7. If manifested, select one enemy unit within 18" of this Psyker. Until the start of ypur next Psychic phase, each time a friendly Word Bearers Core models makes an attack against that unit, add 1 to that atack's wound roll. PACT OF FLESH Warp charge 5. If manifested, select one friendly Word Bearers Infantry or Character unit within 18" of this Psyker. One model in this unit regains up to D3 lost wounds. If you selected a Core or Daemon unit and that unit is not at its Starting Strength, one destroyed model is added back to that unit with its full wound remaining. CURSED EARTH Warp charge 7. If manifested, then until the start of your next Psychic phase, while a friendly Word Bearers Daemon unit is within 6" of this Psyker. Daemon models in that unit have a 4+ invulnerable save. Each time an enemy unit finishes a charge ove within Engagement Range of that unit, roll one D6; on a 2-4, that enemy unit suffers 1 mortal wound; on a 5+, that enemy unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. POSSESSION Warp charge 6. If manifested, select one enemy unit within 9" of and visible to this Psyker. Roll one D6, adding 1 to the result if the result of the Psychic test was an unmodified 10+. If the result is greater than that units's Thoughness characteristic, one model in that unit (selected by your opponent) is destroyed. Then, if that unit has not been destroyed, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. INFERNAL POWER Warp charge 6. If manifested, select one friendly Word Bearers Core unit within 18" of this Psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, each time a melee attack is made by a Word Bearers Core models in this unit, an unmodified hit roll of 6 automatically wounds the target (this attack is considered to have been made with an unmodified wound roll of 6). MUTATED INVIGORATION Warp charge 6. If manifested, select one friendly Word Bearers unit within 18" of this Psyker. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, add 1 to either Strength or Toughness characteristic of models in this unit (if the result of the Psychic test was 10+ and you selected a Daemon unit, add 1 to both of these characteristics instead). 156
Mhara Gal Tainted Dreadnought 9 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Mhara Gal Tainted Dreadnought 8” 3+ 3+ 7 7 9 4 8 3+ A Mhara Gal Tainted Dreadnought is a single model equipped with a tainted power claw, boltspitter and warpfire plasma cannon. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES - Boltspitter Greater boltspitter 24” 48” Assault 2 Heavy 12 4 5 -1 -1 1 1 Multi-melta 24” Heavy 2 8 -4 D6 Melee 48” 48” Melee Heavy 4 Heavy 2 10 7 9 -3 -1 -3 Heavy D3 8 -3 Tainted powerclaw Twin autocannon Twin lascannon Warpfire plasma cannon WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES 36” When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Invulnerable saves cannot be made against this weapon. 3 2 D6+2 - 2 For each unmodified hit roll of 1, the bearer suffers one mortal wound after all this weapon’s shots have been resolved. Blast weapon. • • This model can replace its warpfire plasma cannnon with a tainted power claw and boltspitter. This model can replace its tainted power claw and boltspitter with a multi-melta, twin autocannon, twin lascannon, greater boltspitter or warpfire plasma cannon. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Dark Fury: If this model is equipped with two melee weapons, it gains +1 Attack. Howling Death: If a unit has any models slain by a Mhara Gal, the unit subtracts 2 from its Leadership for the rest of the turn. This modifier is not cumulative. Accursed: Enemy units within 6” of the Mhara Gal suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership. At the start of each friendly Psychic phase Psyker and/or Daemon units within 6” of the Mhara Gal (not including the Mhara Gal) must roll a D6, on a 4+ they suffer a mortal wound. Shroud of Dark Fire: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. The Earth Recoils: This unit may move through ruins as if it had the Infantry keyword. However, it may still not move above the ground floor. Duty Eternal: Each time an attack is allocated to this model subtrat 1 from the Damage Characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of 1). Warp Strike: During deployment, you may set this unit up in the warp instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the unit may use a warp rift to arrive on the battlefield - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from enemy models. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Explodes: When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 3" suffers 1 mortal wound. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Word Bearers Vehicle, Dreadnought, Mhara Gal, Daemon 157
Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren 11 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Dark Brethren Dark Martyr 9” 9” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 5 5 5 5 3 4 5 6 9 9 3+ 3+ This unit consists of 1 Dark Martyr and 4 Dark Brethren. It can include up to 5 additional Dark Brethren (Power Rating +10). • Each model is armed with a boltspitter, rending claws, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Boltspitter Flamer Frag grenade Krak grenade 24” 8” 6” 6” Lightning claw Melee Meltagun Plasma gun - Standard 12” Assault 2 Assault D6 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee Assault 1 S AP D ABILITIES 4 4 3 6 -1 0 0 -1 1 1 1 D3 - User -2 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. This weapon automatically hits its target. Blast weapon. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 24” Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 - - Supercharge 24” Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Power axe Power maul Power sword Rending claws Melee Melee Melee Melee +2 +3 +1 User -2 -1 -3 -2 1 1 1 2 - WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES Melee Melee Melee Melee • For every five models in the unit, one model can replace its boltspitter with a flamer, meltagun, plasma gun or warpfire blaster. • For every five models in the unit, one model can replace its rending claws with an item from the Melee Weapons list. • The Dark Martyr can replace its rending claw with an item from the Melee Weapons list. • The Dark Martyr can replace its rending claw and boltspitter with two lightning claws. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Daemonic: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Warp Strike: During deployment, you may set this unit up in the warp instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the unit may use a warp rift to arrive on the battlefield - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from enemy models. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Word Bearers Infantry, Daemon, Melta grenades, Gal Vorbak 158
Procurator squad 8 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Procurant Procurator 6” 6” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 3 2 3 7 8 3+ 2+ This unit consists of 1 Procurator and 4 Procurants. It can include up to 5 additional Procurants (+7 Power rating) or up to 10 additional Procurants (+13 Power rating). A Procurator squad that includes ten models may upgrade 1 Procurant to an additional Procurator (+1 Power rating), and a Procurator squad that includes fifteen models may upgrade two Procurants to Procurators (+2 Power rating). • Each procurant model is armed with a chainsword, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. Procurator is armed with a narthecium, chainsword, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol Boltgun Chainsword Frag grenade Heavy bolter with suspensor web Krak grenade 12” 24” Melee 6” Lightning claw Melee Missile launcher with suspensor web Pistol 1 Rapid Fire 1 Melee Grenade D6 S AP D ABILITIES 4 4 User 3 0 0 -1 0 1 1 1 1 - A weapon with a suspensor web does not suffer the penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons. 18” Heavy 3 5 -1 2 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 User -2 1 Melee Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Blast weapon Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Frag missile 24” Heavy D6 4 0 1 Blast weapon. A weapon with a suspensor web does not suffer the penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons. - Krak missile 24” Heavy 1 8 -2 D6 A weapon with a suspensor web does not suffer the penalty for moving and firing Heavy weapons. Volkite serpenta 10” Pistol 1 5 0 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. WARGEAR OPTIONS • • • • ABILITIES The unit can take jump packs (+1 Power Rating). If it does, its Move Characteristic is increased to 12”, and it gains the Fly and Jump Pack keywords. Any Procurator in the unit can replace its chainsword with an item from the Power Weapons list or with a heavy chainsword. For every five models in the unit, one Procurant can replace its chainsword with a power fist. For every five models in the unit, one Procurant can replace its bolt pistol with a hand flamer or a plasma pistol. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Combat Restoratives: At the end of your Movement phase, one Procurator in this unit can heal one friendly <Legion> Infantry or <Legion> Biker model whose unit is within 3” of this Procurator. That model regains up to D3 lost wounds. Each model can only be healed once per turn. One one Procurator from this unit can use this ability. Narthecium (Aura): While a friendly <Legion> Infantry or <Legion> Biker unit is within 3” of a Procurator each time a model in that unit would lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 6, that wound is not lost. Grim Purpose: This unit is not affected by any friendly auras or special rules. Flesh Harvesters: Friendly models with Psyker or Diabolist keyword within 3” of this unit may add 1 to any Psychic tests made to manifest powers from Harbinger of Chaos discipline and add +1 to any Daemonic Rituals roll. Additionally, player gains an additional +1 Victory point for every enemy unit that is destroyed as a result of Melee atacks made by a unit made up of models with this special rule. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Word Bearers Infantry, Elite, Astartes, Procurators 159
The Ashen Circle Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Incendiary Iconoclast 11” 11” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 8 9 3+ 3+ 7 Power This unit consists of 1 Iconoclast and 4 Incendiaries. It can include up to 5 additional Incendiaries (Power Rating +6). • Each model is armed with a hand flamer, axe-rake, hardened armour, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON Axe-rake RANGE TYPE Melee S AP D ABILITIES Melee +1 -1 1 Enemy units within 1” of a model with this weapon cannot Fall Back unles they have the Vehicle or Titanic keyword, or have a minimum Move Characteristic. Frag grenade Hand flamer 6” 12” Grenade D6 Pistol D6 3 3 0 0 1 1 Inferno pistol 6” Pistol 1 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Krak grenade Phosphex bomb Plasma pistol - Standard 6” 6” Grenade 1 Grenade 2D6 6 5 -1 -1 D3 1 - - Supercharge Power axe WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES Blast weapon. This weapon automatically hits its target. Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee +2 -2 1 - • Any model can replace its axe-rake with a power axe. • The Iconoclast can replace his hand flamer with a plasma pistol or inferno pistol. • The Iconoclast can take up to three phosphex bombs. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Jump Pack Assault: During deployment you can set the unit up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Burning Descent: Immediately after deploying this unit via the Jump Pack Assault ability, select 1 unit within 12”. That unit suffers 2D6 Strength 3, AP -1, Damage 1 hits. Scorched Earth: Roll a D6 for each model that finishes a charge move within 1” of an enemy. On a 6 it takes a mortal wound. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Hardened Armour: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Word Bearers Infantry, Core, Elite, Jump Pack, Fly, Astartes, Void Hardened, Destroyer, Melta grenades, Ashen Circle 160
High Chaplain Erebus 5 The Dark Apostle Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Erebus 6” 2+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ Erebus is a single model armed with a master-crafted power maul, plasma pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades and knows burning lore. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Frag grenade Krak grenade Crux Malifica Plasma pistol - Standard RANGE TYPE 6” 6” Melee AP D ABILITIES 3 6 +3 0 -1 -1 1 D3 2 Blast weapon. - - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge ABILITIES Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee S 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Burning Lore, Daemonic Rituals, Fear Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Litanies of Hate (Aura): You can re-roll failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for friendly Word Bearers Core or Character units within 6” of this model. Spiritual Leader (Aura):Friendly Word Bearers Core or Character units can use this model’s Leadership Characteristic instead of their own whilst they are within 6” of this model. WARLORD TRAITS FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Litanies of Battle: This model knows the Litany of Hate and two litanies from the Litanies of Battle. At the start of the battle round, this model can recite one litany it knows that has not already been recited by a friendly model that battle round. Roll one D6; on a 3+ the recited litany is inspiring and takes effect until the end of that battle round Intimidating Presence (Aura): If this model is this Warlord, enemy units within 12” of this model suffer -1 to their Leadership Characteristic. In addition, if this model is the Warlord, your army may include a Patrol detachment made up of Warhammer 40,000 units with the Chaos and Daemon keywords (but without the Renegade Astartes or Renegades and Heretics keywords). Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Word Bearers Infantry, Character, Astartes, Consul, Chaplain, Diabolist, Master of the Legion, Erebus DAEMONIC RITUAL Through dark pacts and blasphemous rituals, a champion of Chaos can weaken the fabric of reality to create a gateway to the warp. From this rent pour forth the Daemons of that realm, ready to rend and tear those who stand against the Ruinous Powers. Instead of moving in their Movement phase, any Character can, at the end of their Movement phase, attempt to summon a Daemon unit with this ability by performing a Daemonic Ritual (the character cannot do so if they arrived as reinforcements this turn, or if they were themselves summoned to the battlefield this turn). If they do so, first choose one of the four Chaos Gods – Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle or Slaanesh. A Character who owes allegiance to one of the Dark Gods can only attempt to summon the units of their patron – for example, a Khorne Character could only attempt to summon Khorne Daemons. Roll up to 3 dice – this is your summoning roll. You can summon one new unit with the Daemonic Ritual ability to the battlefield that has a Power Rating equal to or less than the total result so long as it has the same Chaos God keyword you chose at the start (in the case of units that have a choice of allegiance, such as Furies, the unit when summoned will have this keyword). This unit is treated as reinforcements for your army and can be placed anywhere on the battlefield that is wholly within 12" of the character and more than 9" from any enemy model. If the total rolled is insufficient to summon any unit, the ritual fails and no new unit is summoned. If your summoning roll included any doubles, your character then suffers a mortal wound. If it contained any triples, it instead suffers D3 mortal wounds. 161
Kor Phaeron 5 Power First Captain of the Word Bearers NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Kor Phaeron 4” 2+ 2+ 4 3 5 4 9 2+ Kor Phaeron is a single model armed with two lightning claws and a digi-flamer and knows burning lore. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Digi-flamer Patriarch’s Claws ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 6” Melee Pistol D3 Melee S AP D ABILITIES 3 0 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. This weapon may only be used once per battle. User -2 2 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Burning Lore, Daemonic Rituals Jealous Command: Kor Phaeson must always be your army’s Warlord, unless Lorgar is also included. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Word Bearers Core units within 6”. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS The Terminus Consolaris: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a D6 at the start of each friendly turn; on a 6+ Kor Phaeron regains 1 lost wound. Dark Oratory: If this model is the Warlord, all Word Bearers Astartes units in the same detachment add 1 to their Leadership Characteristic. In addition, if this model is the Warlord, your army may include a Patrol detachment made up of Warhammer 40,000 units with the Chaos and Daemon keywords (but without the Renegade Astartes or Renegades and Heretics keywords). Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Word Bearers Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Diabolist, Master of the Legion, Kor Phaeron 162
Hol Beloth 5 Captain of the Graven star Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Hol Beloth 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ Hol Beloth is a single model armed with a master-crafted power fist, a tainted weapon, a plasma pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Frag grenade Krak grenade Master-crafted power fist Plasma pistol - Standard RANGE TYPE 6” 6” Melee S AP D ABILITIES Grenade D6 Grenade 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 Blast weapon. Melee x2 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - - Supercharge 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Tainted weapon Melee Melee User -1 D6 ABILITIES - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Exhortation of Battle: Once per game, at the start of your Fight phase, Hol Beloth may use this ability. For the duration of that Fight phase, all friendly Word Bearers Astartes and Dreadnought units may add 1 to their Hit rolls. Hexaglyphic Ward: This model ignores the first failed saving throw of the battle. Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Word Bearers Core units within 6”. Bloody-handed: Add 1 to your Warlord’s Attacks Characteristic and it gain Fear special rule. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Word Bearers Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Hol Beloth 163
Zardu Layak 7 The Crimson Apostle Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Zardu Layak 6” 3+ 3+ 4 5 4 3 9 2+ Zardu Layak is a single model armed with a bolt pistol, the panoply of flame, the azurda char’is, frag grenades and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Azurda char’is Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Panoply of flame ABILITIES RANGE TYPE Melee 12” 6” 6” 12” S AP D ABILITIES Melee Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 +2 4 3 6 -1 0 0 -1 D3 1 1 D3 - Heavy D6 5 -1 1 Blast weapon. This weapon automatically hits its target. This weapon may only be used once per battle. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Daemonic Rituals Binder of Souls: Units in an army containing this model who roll on the Dark Channelling table may add 1 to their roll. In addition, once per game, this model may re-roll a single Psychic test. Daemonic: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Litanies of Hate: You can re-roll failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for friendly Word Bearers Core or Character units within 6” of this model. WARLORD TRAIT PSYKER FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Panoply of Flame: Enemy models in combat with Word Bearers units within 6” of this model count their Leadership Characteristic as one less than normal. Reign of Fire: If this model is the Warlord, Ashen Circle units in the same detachment may be takes as Troops choices, but must purchase Dark Channelling. In addition, if this model is the Warlord, your army may include a Patrol detachment made up of Warhammer 40,000 units with the Chaos and Daemon keywords (but without the Renegade Astartes or Renegades and Heretics keywords). This model can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Smite power and two psychic powers from the Librarius discipline. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Word Bearers Infantry, Character, Astartes, Psyker, Consul, Diabolist, Daemon, Master of the Legion, Zardu Layak 164
Anakatis Kul Blade-slaves 5 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Blade-slave 7” 2+ 3+ 6 5 4 4 8 3+ This unit consists of 2 Blade-slaves, each armed with an anakatis blade and a plasma pistol. Only one of this unit may be included in your army, and only if the army includes Zardu Layak. WEAPON Anakatis blade Plasma pistol - Standard - Supercharge ABILITIES RANGE TYPE Melee Melee S User AP -3 D ABILITIES 2 Each time you make a wound roll of an unmodified 6+ for this weapon, the weapon scores an additional automatic hit at the weapon’s normal profile which is resolved after the initial attacks for the weapon on the same unit. These additional hits do not themselves generate more additional hits When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Zardu Layak Bodyguard: This unit does not fill any Battlefield Role Slots when choosing an army. Instead, you can only take this unit if Zardu Layak is present in the army. Should an effect be related to the unit’s battlefield role, this unit counts as a HQ choice. While a friendly Zardu Layak unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, enemy models cannot target that Zardu Layak unit with ranged attacks. Daemonic: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. Mindless Killers: If Zardu Layak is slain, this unit devolve into midless killers. Unless they are within 1” of a unit at the start of the turn, they will attempt to move towards the closest Infantry or Monster unit (friend or foe) and charge it, fighting normally againt wichever unit has the most models within Engagement range with it. They will always consolidate the full distance towards the closest unit. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Unnatural Vigour: Roll a D6 at the start of each friendly turn for each blade slave; on a 6+ that model regains 1 lost wound. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Word Bearers Infantry, Astartes, Daemon, Blade Slaves 165
Argel Tal - Possessed Form 8 The Crimson Lord, Commander of the Serrated Sun Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Argel Tal 12” 2+ 2+ 5 5 7 6 9 2+ Merir Argel Tal is a single model armed with a daemonic claws, frag grenades, krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Daemonic Claws Frag grenade Krak grenade ABILITIES RANGE TYPE Melee 6” 6” Melee Grenade D6 Grenade 1 S AP D ABILITIES +1 3 6 -3 0 -1 2 1 D3 You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Blast weapon. - Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Daemonic: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Word Bearers Astartes units within 6”. Superlative Duellist: When resolving an attack made with a melee weapon by this model against a Character unit, you can re-roll the hit roll and you can re-roll the wound roll. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Warp Strike: During deployment, you may set this unit up in the warp instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the unit may use a warp rift to arrive on the battlefield - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from enemy models. Master of the Vakrah Jal: An army whose Warlord has this Trait may select Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren units as Troops choices. In addition, roll a D6 at the start of each friendly turn for each friendly Daemon units within 6” of Argel Tal, on a 6+ that model regains 1 lost wound. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Word Bearers Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Daemon, Argel Tal 166
Lorgar Aurelian 14 Power Primarch of the Word Bearers NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Lorgar 8” 2+ 2+ 6 6 7 5 10 2+ Lorgar is a single model armed with Illuminarum, an archaeotech pistol and frag grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Devotion Frag grenade Illuminarum UNIT OPTIONS ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” 6” Melee S AP D ABILITIES Pistol 1 8 -2 2 Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to a model with a Save characteristic of 3+ or better, that attack has a Damage characteristic of 3. Grenade D6 Melee 3 +3 0 -3 1 4 - Lorgar Transfigured (Power Rating +1): If this upgrade is selected, Lorgar may attempt to manifest or Deny an extra psychic power per Psychic phase, and knows the Smite psychic power and three powers from the Librarius discipline. When attempting to manifest psychic powers, Lorgar reduces the warp charge cost by 1. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, , Daemonic Rituals, Fear The Armour of the Word: Lorgar has a 4+ invulnerable save, and may ignore the effects of any enemy psychic power targetting him on a 3+. Sire of the XVII Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Word Bearers Core and Word Bearers Characters unit within 9" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Word Bearer (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Word Bearers Core units whilst their unit is within 9” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. While Lorgar Aurelian is on the table, Word Bearer Core units may use his Leadership. Dark Fortune: Once per game, at the start of any turn, you may choose a single enemy unit. That unit has -1 to its hit and wound rolls against Lorgar for the rest of the battle round. Living Icon (Aura): All Word Bearers units with a line of sight to Lorgar add 1 to their charge distance and Advance rolls. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Psyker: This model can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each Psychic phase, and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. He may re-roll attempts to Deny psychic powers. Lorgar knows the Smite psychic power and two powers from the Librarius discipline. In addition, this model may make use of Daemonic Rituals. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Word Bearers Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Psyker, Lorgar 167
Legion XVIII - Salamanders The Salamanders are the exemplars of forge-wrought duty, masters of artifice and possessed of a fearsome and uncompromising sense of honour. They stand for toil and sacrifice, bearing arms and armour forged to the highest possible standards and often by the hands of the Legionnaires who bear them in battle. The Legion wields the tools of the smith as a weapon of war, bringing heat, iron and raw strength of arms to those who would deny the Imperial Truth. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Salamanders Infantry, Biker and Dreadnought units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Strength of Will: Units with this ability ignore any negative modifiers to their Leadership Characteristic. • Promethean Cult: All hand flamers, flamers and heavy flamers used by models with this special rule gain +1 Strength to their listed profile. This special rule also extends to all Vehicles used by a detachment containing units with this rule. In addition, all enemy flamer, melta, plasma or volkite-type attacks are at -I Strength when used against models with this rule. • Nocturne Born: When Advancing, models with this ability reduce the dice roll by 1. Each time a unit with this tactic is selected to shoot or fight, you can re-roll one wound roll when resolving that units attacks. Each time an attack is made against a unit with this rule, that attack’s wound roll cannot be re-rolled. Legion Wargear Salamanders models have access to the following wargear: • Any Character can make one of their weapons Master-crafted. • Any model can replace its Heavy bolter/Twin heavy bolter with a Heavy flamer/Twin heavy flamer. • Any model can replace its Plasma pistol with an Inferno pistol. • A Praetor can take a Mantle of the Elder Drake. • Any Terminator model can replace its combi-bolter with a Dragonscale storm shield. • In addition, a model in a Salamanders detachment can choose the Zeroth Conductor Shield instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. Legion Warlord Trait A Salamanders Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Anvil of Strength: Add 2 to the Strength Characteristic of your Warlord. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Dragonscale storm shield Mantle of the Elder Drake Master-crafted Zeroth conductor shield The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. Each time a melee attack is made against this model, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. WEAPON Pyroclast flame projector - Flamer All damage suffered by a model with a Mantle of the Elder Drake is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1). A weapon that has been Master-crafted increases its Damage by 1. Relic. This Relic grants the bearer a 3+ invulnerable save. If the bearer succeeds on the save throw, then the attacker suffers one mortal wound for each successful saving throw. RANGE TYPE AP D ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Melta Legion Points Costs 12” Assault D6 6 -1 1 12” Assault 1 8 -4 D6 Models per Unit Points per Model Pyroclast Squad 5-10 19* Firedrake Terminator Squad 5-10 38* Unit Cassian Dracos Cassian Dracos Reborn * S 1 170 This weapon automatically hits its target. Wargear/Weapon 1 106 Xiaphas Jurr 1 98 Vulkan 1 330 Points per Item Dragonscale storm shield 5 Mantle of the Elder Drake 10 Master-crafted 3 Pyroclast flame projector 10 180 Lord Chaplain Nomus Rhy’tan When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Does not include wargear 168
Legion Rites of War The Covenant of Fire Under the tutelage of Vulkan, the Salamanders were slow to anger. But when their fury was unleashed, it was a terrible thing to behold, and carried out with all the arts and artifice of warfare at their disposal. Advantages: • Familiar Formation: This detachment generates 1 more Command Point in first Command phase. • Obsidian Forged: Vehicles in this detachment gain a 5+ invulnerable save against weapons with the words melta, flamer, volkite or plasma in their name. • Veneration of Wrath: Units in this detachment can re-roll hit rolls of 1 when using meltaguns, multi-meltas, inferno pistols. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol, Battalion or Brigade detachment. • Units in this detachment cannot use the Teleport Assault ability to arrive from reinforcements. • This detachment cannot take more combined Heavy Support and Fast Attack choices than Troops choices. • With the exception of Champions, this detachment may only include one Consul. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. The Awakening Fire When Lord Vulkan was lost to his sons on the killing fields of Isstvan, many of them turned to the Promethean Cult for succour, plumbing it’s hidden depths for some guidance on how they should overcome their unfathomable loss. Advantages: • Devils from the Dark: Enemy models in combat with Salamanders Infantry units in this detachment count their Leadership Characteristic as one less than normal. Salamanders Infantry units gain Fear special rule. • Unto the Fires: In last battle round roll a D6 each time a Salamanders Infantrymodel is destroyed, before removing the model as a casualty. On a 4+ that model musters one last surge of strength before succumbing to its wounds; it can either shoot with one of its weapons as though it were the Shooting phase, or make a single attacks if it were the Fight phase. • Fury of the Salamander: Librarians in this detachment may choose Fury of the Salamander as one of their chosen psychic powers. Fury of the Salamander Warp Charge 7 If manifested, pick an enemy unit within 18” of the psyker. The unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. For the purposes of Morale tests, each of these wounds counts as two wounds. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. • This detachment must include a Chaplain. • This detachment may only one unit with each of the following keywords: Jump Pack, Fly. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include any units without the Salamanders keyword. Legion Stratagem PROMETHEAN GIFT Salamanders Stratagem DUTY IS SACRIFICE 1 Salamanders Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem just before a Salamander unit attacks in the Shooting phase. Add 1 to the wound rolls made for all that unit’s flame weapons. For the purposes of this Stratagem, a flame weapon is any weapon whose name includes the word ’flame’ (e.g. flamer, heavy flamer, flamestorm cannon). RISE FROM THE ASHES Salamanders Stratagem 0 CP Use this Stratagem at the start of your opponent’s Shooting phase. Select one Salamander Infantry unit that contains 5 or more models from your army that is not within 1" of any enemy units, and then select one other Infantry unit from your army that is wholly within 6" of the selected unit. Until the end of the phase, your opponent cannot target the second unit you selected unless that unit is the closest enemy unit to the firing model and visible to it, or it is no longer wholly within 6" of the first unit you selected. In addition, until the end of the phase, the first unit you selected is always an eligible target for enemy shooting attacks provided it is within range and is visible to the firing model (i.e. it can be targeted even whilst under the effects of any rules that would prevent it from being targeted, such as the Shrouding psychic power). You can only use this Stratagem once. 2 CP Use this Stratagem in any phase, when Salamander Character model from your army is destroyed. At the end of that phase , roll one D6; on a 4+ return that model to play with 1 wound remaining, placing it as close as posssible to its previous position and more that 1" away from any enemt models. This Stratagem cannot be used on the same model more that once per battle. 169
Pyroclast Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Pyroclast Pyroclast Warden 6” 6” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 8 8 2+ 2+ 9 Power This unit consists of 1 Pyroclast Warden and 4 Pyroclasts. It can include up to 5 additional Pyroclasts (Power Rating +8). • Each model is armed with a pyroclast flame projector, chainsword, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Chainsword Frag grenade Krak grenade Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword Pyroclast flame projector - Flamer Melee 6” 6” Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee AP D ABILITIES User 3 6 +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 0 0 -1 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 1 1 D3 1 2 1 1 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Melta WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES Melee Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee S • 12” Assault D6 6 -1 1 12” Assault 1 8 -4 D6 This weapon automatically hits its target. When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. The Pyroclast Warden can replace its combat blade with a power weapon or power fist. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Mantle of Ash: This unit has a 5+ invulnerable save. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Salamanders Infantry, Core, Elite, Melta grenades, Astartes, Melta grenades, Pyroclasts THE FIRES OF BATTLE Salamanders Stratagem 1 CP Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase or in your opponent’s Charge phase, when a Pyroclasts model from your army shoots with a flame weapon or melta weapon. Until the end of that phase, when resolving an attack made with that weapon, on an unmodified wound roll of 4+ the target suffers 1 mortal wound in addition to any normal damage (a maximum of 3 mortal wounds can be inflicted per phase via this Stratagem). 170
Firedrake Terminator Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Firedrake Firedrake Master 4” 4” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 8 8 2+ 2+ 15 Power This unit consists of 1 Firedrake Master and 4 Firedrakes. It can include up to 5 additional Firedrakes (Power Rating +14). • Each Firedrake is armed with a combi-bolter and power weapon. • The Firedrake Master is armed with a combi-bolter and master-crafted power weapon. WEAPON Chainfist Combi-bolter Combi-flamer - Boltgun - Flamer Combi-melta - Boltgun - Meltagun Heavy flamer Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword Thunder hammer WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES RANGE TYPE Melee 24” Melee Rapid Fire 2 S AP D ABILITIES x2 4 -4 0 D3 1 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls for this weapon. 24” 12” Rapid Fire 1 Assault D6 4 4 0 0 1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls for this weapon. 24” Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 12” Assault 1 8 -4 D6 12” Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Heavy D6 Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee 5 +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 x2 -1 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 -2 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. This weapon automatically hits its target. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. • Any model can replace its power weapon with a power fist, chainfist or thunder hammer. • Any model can replace its combi-bolter with a combi-flamer, combi-melta or dragonscale storm shield. • One Firedrake can replace its combi-bolter with a heavy flamer. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Cataphractii Armour: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Favoured of Vulkan: While a friendly Salamanders Character unit that has a Wounds Characteristic of 9 or less is within 3” of this unit, that Character unit can use the Look Out, Sir rule even if this unit contains fewer than 3 models. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Salamanders Infantry, Core, Terminator, Firedrakes, Astartes 171
Cassian Dracos 9 Power First Commander of the XVIII Legion NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Cassian Dracos 6” 2+ 2+ 6 8 9 6 9 3+ Cassian Dracos is a single model armed with two dreadnought close combat weapons and two dreadfire heavy flamers. Only one Cassian Dracos may be included in your army. WEAPON Dreadnought close combat weapon Dreadfire heavy flamer - Heavy flamer RANGE TYPE Melee ABILITIES AP D ABILITIES x2 -3 3 - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. Both dreadfire heavy flamers must use the same option. - Meltagun UNIT OPTIONS Melee S 12” Heavy D6 5 -1 1 12” Assault 1 8 -4 D6 This weapon automatically hits its target. When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Cassian Dracos can be upgraded to Cassian Dracos Reborn, in which case he changes his Warlord trait as described below, and gains the Voice of the Machine ability. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear • Frag Assault Launchers: Roll a D6 each time this model finishes a charge move within 1” of an enemy unit; on a 4+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. Nuncio-vox: You may re-roll any hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Salamanders Basilisks, Medusas, Whirlwinds or Rapiers with Quad Launchers when they target enemy units at least 36” away in the Shooting phase, if the enemy unit is within sight of this model. The Last Warlord: Though this model is a Character, they may not be selected as the Warlord unless they are the only Character in your army. Wrought by Vulkan: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Each time this model would lose a wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, that wound is not lost. Voice of the Machine: You may use this ability once per friendly turn during the shooting phase. Choose a Friendly CYBERNETICA CORTEX Unit within 12” on a 3+ that unit can immediately move as if it were the movement phase, Shoot an additional time during the shooting phase or fight immediately as though it were the fight phase. If a 1 or 2 is rolled the unit takes D3 mortal wounds. Duty Eternal: Each time an attack is allocated to this model subtrat 1 from the Damage Characteristic of that attack (to a minimum of 1). WARLORD TRAIT (Standard) WARLORD TRAIT (Reborn) FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Explodes: When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 3" suffers 1 mortal wound. Fires of Martyrdom: If this model is the Warlord, the enemy may not score any victory points for any secondary objective. In addition, Salamanders models within 3” of this model may roll a D6 whenever they suffer a wound; on a 6, that wound is ignored. Bloody Handed: If this model is the Warlord, increase it’s Attacks Characteristic by 1. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Salamanders Vehicle, Smokescreen, Dreadnought, Character, Cassian Dracos 172
Lord Chaplain Nomus Rhy’tan 6 Power Keeper of the Keys of Prometheus NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Nomus Rhy’tan 6” 2+ 3+ 4 4 5 4 9 2+ Nomus Rhy’tan is a single model armed with darkstar falling, a combi-flamer, a bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades and wearing a mantle fo the elder drake. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol Combi-flamer - Boltgun - Flamer Darkstar falling Frag grenade Krak grenade ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” Pistol 1 S AP D ABILITIES 4 0 1 - When attacking with this weapon, choose one or both of the profiles below. If you choose both, subtract 1 from all hit rolls for this weapon. 24” 12” Melee 6” 6” Rapid Fire 1 Assault D6 Melee Grenade D6 Grenade 1 4 4 +3 3 6 0 0 -3 0 -1 1 1 2 1 D3 This weapon automatically hits its target. Blast weapon. - Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Keeper of the Keys: An army containing this model may take a single Contemptor Dreadnought Talon as a HQ choice. Litanies of Hate (Aura): You can re-roll failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for friendly Salamanders Core or Character units within 6” of this model. Spiritual Leader (Aura):Friendly Salamanders Core or Character units can use this model’s Leadership Characteristic instead of their own whilst they are within 6” of this model. Litanies of Battle: This model knows the Litany of Hate and two litanies from the Litanies of Battle. At the start of the battle round, this model can recite two litanies it knows that has not already been recited by a friendly model that battle round. Roll one D6; on a 3+ the recited litany is inspiring and takes effect until the end of that battle round WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Mantle of the Elder Drake: All damage suffered by a model with a Mantle of the Elder Drake is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1) Inspiring Presence: If this model if the Warlord, Salamanders units within 12” may use Nomus Rhy’tan’s Leadership Characteristic when taking Morale tests. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Salamanders Infantry, Astartes, Character, Consul, Chaplain, Master of the Legion, Nomus Rhy’tan 173
Xiaphas Jurr 5 Power The Prophet of Fire NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Xiaphas Jurr 6” 2+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 9 2+ Xiaphas Jurr is a single model armed with a master-crafted power maul, bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and carrying a dragonscale storm shield . Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Master-crafted power maul ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” 6” 6” Melee S AP D ABILITIES Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 4 3 6 0 0 -1 1 1 D3 - Melee +3 -1 2 - Blast weapon. - Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Burning Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, if the bearer makes this invulnerable save in the Fight phase, all models (friend or foe) within Engagement range with this model suffer a single hit at S4, AP 0, Damage 1 Dragonscale Storm Shield: The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, add 1 to armour saving throws made for the bearer. Each time a melee attack is made against this model, subtract 1 from that attack’s hit roll. Litanies of Hate (Aura): You can re-roll failed hit rolls in the Fight phase for friendly Salamanders Core or Character units within 6” of this model. Spiritual Leader (Aura):Friendly Salamanders Core or Character units can use this model’s Leadership Characteristic instead of their own whilst they are within 6” of this model. WARLORD TRAIT PSYKER Litanies of Battle: This model knows the Litany of Hate and one litany from the Litanies of Battle. At the start of the battle round, this model can recite one litany it knows that has not already been recited by a friendly model that battle round. Roll one D6; on a 3+ the recited litany is inspiring and takes effect until the end of that battle round Beacon of Hope: If this model is the Warlord and on the battlefield, you may ignore the first failed Morale test in each Morale phase. This unit can attempt to manifest one psychic power in each friendly Psychic phase and attempt to Deny one psychic power in each enemy Psychic phase. It knows the Precognition and Prescience powers. Prescience Warp charge 8 If manifested, select a Salamanders unit within 18” of the psyker. You can add 1 to all hit rolls made for that unit until the start of your next Psychic phase. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Precognition Warp charge 7 If manifested, select a Salamanders unit within 18” of the pskyer. Until the start of your next Psychic phase, you can re-roll charge rolls and Advance rolls for that unit and they always fight first in the Fight phase, even if they didn’t charge. If the enemy also has units that have charged, or that have a similar ability, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Salamanders Infantry, Astartes, Character, Consul, Chaplain, Psyker, Xiaphas Jurr 174
Vulkan 17 Power Primarch of the Salamanders NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Vulkan 7” 2+ 2+ 7 7 9 6 10 2+ Vulkan is a single model armed with Dawnbringer, the Furnace’s heart and a heavy flamer. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Dawnbringer RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Standard Melee Melee +3 -4 5 Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to an Vehicle model, that attack has a Damage Characteristic of D3+5. If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its usual damage. - Earthshatter Melee Melee +1 -2 2 Make 2 hit rolls for each attack with this weapon, instead of 1. Units hit with this weapon halve their Move Characteristic during their next turn. Heavy D6 6 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Heavy flamer The Furnace’s heart ABILITIES 12” 18” Pistol 1 7 -3 D3+3 Draw a line 18” long from this model; each unit (friend or enemy) that gets passed over/through by the line suffers D3 shots. If the line passes through/over a Vehicle unit it is terminated at that unit. The Vehicle unit suffers a mortal wounds in addition to the D3 shots. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Draken Scale: Vulkan has a 3+ invulnerable save. In addition, weapons with the words flamer, fusion, melta, volkite or plasma in their name half their Strength when targeting Vulkan. Sire of the XVIII Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Salamanders Core and Salamanders Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Salamanders (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Salamanders Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. While Vulkan is on the table, friendly Salamanders Core units add 1 to their Leadership Characteristic and may re-roll attempts to Deny psychic powers. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Blood of Fire: Roll a D6 at the start of each friendly turn; on a 4+ Vulkan regains 1 lost wound. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Salamanders Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Vulkan 175
Legion XIX - Raven Guard The Raven Guard are equal parts light and dark, quick to exact justice and retribution upon the tyrant and the oppressor by striking from the shadows with lightning speed and shocking strength. Though they master the full spectrum of war, the Raven Guard Legion favours the tactics of patience, guile and subtlety. It is adept at reconnaissance and infiltration, of identifying its foe’s weakest point and then rapidly striking at that point with precisely applied force. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Raven Guard units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • By Wing and Talon: Each time a ranged attack is made against a Raven Guard Infantry or Fly unit (except those with the Terminator keywords), if the attacker is more than 18" away, then the unit with this tactic is treated as having the benefits of light cover against that attack. Infantry units (except those with the Biker, Jump Pack and Terminator keywords) gain the Concealed Positions ability. • Concealed Positions: When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models. • Furious Assault: Biker, Jump Pack and Terminator units get +1 Strength during the Fight phase of the turn they charge. • Acute senses: Friendly Strategic Reserve units that arrive can be set up wholly within 6" of any battlefield edge other than the enemy's battlefield edge starting from the second turn. • Flesh over Steel: A Raven Guard detachment cannot have more units with the Tank keyword than units with the Astartes keyword. Legion Wargear Raven Guard models have access to the following wargear: • Any Infantry unit can take Cameleoline. • Any Infantry unit whose size does not exceed ten models can take Whispercutter • Any model with access to a Power fist can instead take a Raven's Talon. • Any model with access to a pair of Lightning claws can instead take a pair of Raven's Talons. • In addition, a model in a Raven Guard detachment can choose the Fractal Harrowblade instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. Legion Warlord Trait A Raven Guard Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Silent Stalker: Enemy units cannot fire Overwatch at your Warlord. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Cameleoline Each time a ranged attack is allocated to a model in this unit while it is receiving the benefits of cover, add an additional 1 to any armour saving throw made against that attack. Whispercutter During deployment, you can set up this unit, if it is equipped with grav-chutes, in high orbit instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can descend – set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from any enemy models. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Eclipse missiles Fractal harrowblade Raven’s talon 48” Melee Melee Legion Points Costs AP D ABILITIES Heavy 2D6 4 - 1 This weapon does not inflict any damage. Your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls made for Infantry units that have suffered any hits from eclipse missiles, until the end of the turn. Blast weapon. Melee +2 -2 2 Relic If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon, that hit is resolved at AP-3. 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 2 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon, that hit is resolved at AP-4. Melee User -3 Models Unit Points per Model Mor Deythan Strike Squad 5-10 19* Dark Fury Assault Squad 5-10 21* 1 200* 5-15 30* Strike Captain Alvarex Maun 1 93 Moritat Prime Kaedes Nex 1 81 Unit Darkwing Pattern Storm Eagle Gunship Deliverer Squad Corvus Corax Corvus Corax (Deadly Prey) * S per 1 330 Wargear/Weapon Points per Item Cameleoline (Characters) 10 Cameleoline (everything else) 2 Eclipse missiles 25 Raven’s talon Whispercutter * 300 Does not include wargear 176 Price per pair 5/10* 25
Legion Rites of War Decapitation Strike Where possible, the Raven Guard favoured the clinical effectiveness of a decapitation stike over armoured assault. Launched with complete surprise, this was a higly organised and finely targetted attack whose force was contained and directed with precision. Advantages: • For Whom the Bell Tolls: When targeting enemy Characters, Astartes units in this detachment may re-roll dice rolls of 1 to hit and to wound. • Predatory Strike: You can select one unit from your army to be placed in Strategic Reserves free. • Fury from Above: Drop Pods may be taken as Dedicated Transports. However, they may only carry Legion Tactical Squads, Legion Veteran Tactical Squads, Legion Seeker Squads or Legion Heavy Support Squads, additionaly, during the turn after they are deployed, they count as receiving the benefits of Light Cover. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. • This detachment may only include a single Consul. • This detachment may only include a single Heavy Support choice. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include any units with a different <Legion> keyword than the units in this detachment. Liberation Force After the escape from Isstvan, Corax led his forces on a campaign to liberate the peoples of numerous worlds whose leaders had declared for the Warmaster. With each world freed another Loyalist army was raised. Advantages: • Freedom Fighters: This army has access to the Freedom Fighters stratagem. • Slayer of Tyrants: When targeting enemy units, Astartes units in this detachment may re-roll dice rolls of 1 to hit and to wound. • Lead by Example: Friendly Miltia models within 6” of a Raven Guard Astartes model from this detachment may re-roll Morale tests. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. It may not be taken by Shattered Legions armies. • Your army must be entirely composed of Loyalists. • Your army may not include a Fortification Network detachment. • Your army may not include any Artillery units or models equipped with Cataphractii Terminator Armour. FREEDOM FIGHTERS Liberation Force Stratagem 3 CP Use this Stratagem at the start of your turn. Until your next turn, all models in your army ignore any Morale tests they are called to make and may re-roll hit rolls of 1 in the Fight phase. Legion Stratagem SHADOW STRIKE Raven Guard Stratagem SEE, BUT REMAIN UNSEEN 1 CP Raven Guard Stratagem Use this Stratagem before a Raven Guard Infantry unit makes a charge roll in the Charge phase. If the unit is entirely within Area Terrain, you may add 1” to the charge roll and ignore any terrain penalties from charging through terrain. FALSE FLIGHT Raven Guard Stratagem 1 STRIKE FROM THE SKIES CP Use this Stratagem when a Raven Guard unit from your army Falls Back. That unit can shoot and charge in this turn. Raven Guard Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem at the and end of your turn. Select one Raven Guard Infantry from your army that did not make any attacks during that turn. Until the start of your next turn, when resolving an attack made with ranged wepon against that unit, subtract 1 from the hit roll. Raven Guard Stratagem FADE TO BLACK 1 1 CP Use this Stratagem at the start of your Charge phase. Select one Raven GuardJump Pack unit. Until the end of that phase, that unit can be chosen to charge with even if it Advanced this turn, and when a charge roll is made for that unit, add 1 to the result. 0 CP Use this Stratagem in the Enemy Shooting phase, when enemy player declares a Shooting Attack targeting a friendly unit. Your unit may a normal Move and count as receiving the benefits of Light Cover. You can only use this Stratagem once. 177
Mor Deythan Strike Squad 7 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Mor Deythan Mor Deythan Shade 6” 6” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 7 8 3+ 3+ This unit consists of 1 Mor Deythan Shade and 4 Mor Deythan. It can inclued up to 5 additional More Deythan (Power Rating +6). • Each model is armed with a bolt pistol, chainsword, frag grenades, krak grenades and shroud bombs. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol Chainsword Flamer Frag grenade Krak grenade 12” Melee 12” 6” 6” Meltagun Missile launcher - Frag missile - Krak missile Plasma gun - Standard 12” Assault 1 AP D ABILITIES 4 User 4 3 6 0 -1 0 0 -1 1 1 1 1 D3 - 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. This weapon automatically hits its target. Blast weapon. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 48” 48” Heavy D6 Heavy 1 4 8 0 -2 1 D6 Blast weapon. - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge Plasma pistol - Standard Pistol 1 Melee Assault D6 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 S 24” Rapid Fire 1 7 -3 1 - 24” Rapid Fire 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - - Supercharge 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Nemesis bolter 72” Heavy 1 5 0 1 Each time you select a target for this weapon, you can ignore the Look Out, Sir rule. If you roll a wound roll of an unmodified 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage. Space marine shotgun 12” Assault 2 4 0 1 If the target is within half range, add 1 to this weapon’s Strength. Volkite charger 20” Heavy 2 5 0 2 When resolving an attack made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage. UNIT OPTIONS WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES • • Each model must take a space marine shotgun, nemesis bolter or an item from the Combi-Weapons list. For every three models in this unit, one can take a volkite charger, flamer, meltagun, plasma gun, plasma pistol or missile launcher with suspensor web instead of one of the above options. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Stealth: Each time a ranged attack is allocated to this model while it is receiving the benefits of cover, add an additional 1 to any armour saving throw made against that attack. Shroud bombs: Once per battle, instead of shooting in your Shooting phase, this unit can use its smoke grenades. Until the start of your next Shooting phase, when resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against this unit, subtract 1 from the hit roll. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Fatal Strike: Once per game, at the start of the Shooting phase, you may declare that the unit is using this ability. For the duration of that Shooting phase, this unit can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Raven Guard Infantry, Astartes, Seeker Squad, Melta grenades, Mor Deythan 178
Raven Guard Deliverer Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Deliverer Deliverer Chieftain 4” 4” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 3 8 8 2+ 2+ 10 Power This unit consists of 1 Deliverer Chieftain and 4 Deliverer. It can include up to 5 additional Deliverer (Power Rating +9), or up to 10 additional Deliverer (Power Rating +18). • Each model is armed with a combi-bolter and power weapon. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Combi-bolter Heavy flamer 24” 12” Lightning claw Melee Multi-melta Power axe Power lance Power maul Power sword Reaper autocannon WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES Rapid Fire 2 Heavy D6 Melee S AP D ABILITIES 4 5 0 -1 1 1 - User -2 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. 24” Heavy 2 8 -4 D6 Melee Melee Melee Melee 36” Melee Melee Melee Melee Heavy 4 +2 +2 +3 +1 7 -2 -1 -1 -3 -2 1 1 1 1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. - • • • Any model can replace its power weapon and combi-bolter with two lightning claws. Any model can replace its combi-bolter with an item from the Combi-Weapons list. For every five models in this unit, one can replace its v combi-bolter with a reaper autocannon, heavy flamer or multi-melta. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Cataphractii Armour: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. Teleport Assault: During deployment, you can set up this unit in the teleportarium chamber instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can perform a teleport assault - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Corax’s Shame: If selected as part of a Loyalist army, an attack is made againts that unit, subtract 1 from, that attack’s hit roll. A unit with this special rule that is instead selected as part of a Traitor army can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made against Corvus Corax. If Corvus Corax is part of the same army as a unit with this special rule, then no unit that includes any models with this special rule may be deployed within 18" of Corvus Corax (including when this unit enters play from Reserves) and can never benefit from Corvus Corax aura abilities. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Raven Guard Infantry, Core, Terminator, Deliverer Squad, Astartes 179
Dark Fury Assault Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Dark Fury Chooser of the Slain 12” 12” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 7 8 3+ 3+ 7 Power This unit consists of 1 Chooser of the Slain and 4 Dark Furies. It can include up to 5 additional Dark Furies (Power Rating +6). • Each model is armed with two raven’s talons, frag grenades and krak grenades. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Frag grenade Krak grenade 6” 6” Raven’s talon Melee ABILITIES Grenade D6 Grenade 1 Melee S AP D ABILITIES 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 Blast weapon. User -3 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 2 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon, that hit is resolved at AP-4. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Jump Pack Assault: During deployment you can set the unit up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Sudden Strike: Models killed by Overwatch can attack as normal when this unit is activated during the following Fight phase. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Fateful Descent: When deploying via Jump Pack Assault this unit counts as receiving the benefits of Light Cover until the start of your next movement phase. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Raven Guard Infantry, Core, Elite, Astartes, Jump Pack, Fly, Melta grenades, Dark Furies 180
Darkwing Pattern Storm Eagle Gunship NAME M 20-45” Darkwing Pattern 20-30” Storm Eagle Gunship 20” WS BS 6+ 3+ 4+ 5+ S 8 18 Power T W A Ld Sv 7 9-16 5-8 1-4 3 D3 1 9 3+ A Darkwing Pattern Storm Eagle Gunship is a single model equipped with a twin heavy bolter, eclipse missiles and two twin lascannons. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES 1 This weapon does not inflict any damage. Your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls made for Infantry units that have suffered any hits from eclipse missiles, until the end of the turn. Blast weapon. Eclipse missiles 48” Heavy 2D6 4 - Twin heavy bolter Twin lascannon 36” 48” Heavy 6 Heavy 2 5 9 -1 -3 ABILITIES 2 D6+2 - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Airborne: This model cannot charge, can only be charged by units that can Fly, and can only attack or be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can Fly. Supersonic: Each time this model moves first pivot it on the spot up to 90° (this does not contribute to how far the model moves), and then move the model straight forwards. Note that it cannot pivot again after the initial pivot. When this model Advances increase its Move Characteristic by 20” until the end of the phase - do not roll a dice. Hard to Hit: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase. Hover Jet: Before this model moves in your Movement phase, you can declare it will hover. Its Move Characteristic becomes 20” until the end of the phase and it loses the Airborne, Supersonic and Hard to Hit abilities until the beginning of your next Movement phase. Power of the Machine Spirit: This model does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for moving and firing Heavy weapons. TRANSPORT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Crash and Burn: When this model is destroyed, roll one D6 before removing it from play. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6" suffers D6 mortal wound. This model can transport 16 <Legion> Infantry models (each Jump Pack, Terminator or Primarch model takes up the space of two other models). <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Raven Guard Vehicle, Aircraft, Machine Spirit, Transport, Fly, Darkwing 181
Strike Captain Alvarex Maun 5 Power Master of Descent NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Alvarex Maun 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 5 9 2+ Alvarex Maun is a single model armed with a bolt pistol, power sword, frag grenades, krak grenades and carrying in nightfall-pattern stratovox. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Master-crafted power sword ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” 6” 6” Melee S AP D ABILITIES Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 4 3 6 0 0 -1 1 1 D3 - Melee +1 -3 2 - Blast weapon. - Angels of Death, Legion Traits The Bleeding Edge: You can select one unit from your army to be placed in Strategic Reserves free. However, if this model is set up as reinforcements, he must arrive on the battlefield at the end of your first movement phase. Nightfall-pattern Strato-Vox (Aura): If Alvarex Maun is on the table at the start of the turn, any Raven Guard Astartes units that arrive from reinforcements and are deployed within 12” of him add 1 to their Attacks Characteristic in the fight if they are charged by the enemy in the following enemy turn. In addition, you may re-roll any hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Raven Guard Basilisks, Medusas, Whirlwinds or Rapiers with Quad Launchers when they target enemy units at least 36” away in the Shooting phase, if the enemy unit is within sight of this model. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Raven Guard Core units within 6”. Co-ordinated Planetstrike: If this model is the Warlord and on the battlefield at the start of the turn, Raven Guard units in the same detachment arriving using the Drop Pod Assault ability may be deployed 1” closer to the enemy than usual. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Raven Guard Infantry, Character, Astartes, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Alvarex Maun 182
Moritat-Prime Kaedes Nex 4 Power Attached to the 14th Interdiction Company NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Kaedes Nex 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 4 4 8 3+ Kaedes Nex is a single model armed with two fulcrum hand cannon, frag grenades, krak grenades and shroud bombs. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Frag grenade Fulcrum hand cannon Krak grenade ABILITIES RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 Blast weapon. 18” Pistol 2 4 -1 2 If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon, that hit is resolved at AP-3. 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Cameleoline: Each time a ranged attack is allocated to this model while it is receiving the benefits of cover, add an additional 1 to any armour saving throw made against that attack. Chain Fire: This model can add 3D3 to the Shots Characteristic of its Pistol weapons in the Shooting phase (roll separately for each weapon). If it does, this model cannot charge this turn or make any ranged attacks during the next turn. Gunfighter: Kaedes Nex may use his fulcrum hand cannon in the Fight phase, in which case their range and type are replaces with Melee. Ill-omened: This model has the Support keyword and may never be chosen as the army’s Warlord. Refractor field: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Relentless Stalker: After all other units have been deployed, select one enemy Elites or HQ choice as Nex’s chosen prey. You may then deploy this model. He may be deployed in your deployment zone as usual, or alternatively he may be deployed anywhere on the battlefield more than 9” away from his chosen prey, as long as no enemy model can trace a line of sight to him. Shroud bombs: Once per battle, instead of shooting in your Shooting phase, this unit can use its smoke grenades. Until the start of your next Shooting phase, when resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against this unit, subtract 1 from the hit roll. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS The Raven’s Vengeance: If Nex targets his chosen prey during the Fight phase, he may re-roll failed Hit rolls. In addition, if the chosen play is slain during a Fight phase in which Nex is involved in the combat, or during a Shooting phase in which Nex inflicted at least one wound on the prey, you score an additional victory point. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Raven Guard Infantry, Character, Astartes, Moritat, Consul, Support, Melta grenades, Kaedes Nex 183
Corvus Corax 17 Power Primarch of the Raven Guard NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Corvus Corax 14” 2+ 2+ 6 6 9 9 10 2+ Corvus Corax is a single model armed with the Panoply of the raven lord, two archaeotech pistols and shroud bombs. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Wrath & Justice 12” Pistol 2 6 -2 2 Each time an attack is made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wounds on the target in addition to any normal damage. Heavy bolter Panoply of the raven lord 36” Assault 3 5 -1 2 - User -3 3 You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Any attacks which roll an unmodified 6+ to wound cause +1 Damage. UNIT OPTIONS ABILITIES Melee Melee Deadly Prey: Corax replaces his 2 Archaeotech pistols with an Assault 3 Heavy bolter, gets +1 Damage when targeting Traitor units. Reduce his Move to 8”, his Wounds to 8 and his Attacks to 6, he also loses the Jump Pack and Fly keywords. This version of Corax is Power Rating 15. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Sable Armour: Corvus Corax has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, if he finishes a charge within 1” of an enemy unit, roll a D6; on a unmodified 4+ that unit suffers 1 mortal wounds; on a unmodified 6+ that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. Sire of the XIX Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Raven Guard Core and Raven Guard Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Raven Guard (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Raven Guard Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. While Corax is on the table, friendly Raven Guard Core units add 6” to their move when they Advance instead of rolling a dice. The Shadowed Lord: Unless this model is the closest eligible target enemy models, excluding Primarch, Psykers and Daemon, cannot target it with ranged attacks. Enemy units cannot be set up within 12” of Corax. Corax can Fall Back and charge in the same turn. At the end of any Movement phase in which Corax is not engaged, he may be redeployed. Place him anywhere on the board that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Shroud bombs: Once per battle, instead of shooting in your Shooting phase, this unit can use its smoke grenades. Until the start of your next Shooting phase, when resolving an attack made with a ranged weapon against this unit, subtract 1 from the hit roll. Fighting Style: At the begining of the Fight phase pick one of the following - +D3 Attacks (does not stack with and used instead of Shock Assault rule); +1 to wound rolls; -1 to hit rolls that target Corax this phase. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Jump Pack Assault: During deployment you can set the unit up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 8” away from any enemy models. Loyalist, Legiones Astartes, Raven Guard Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Jump Pack, Fly, Corvus Corax 184
Legion XX - Alpha Legion Of all the Legiones Astartes, the least is known for certain about the Alpha Legion. All that is known is that the warriors of the Alpha Legion are the unsurpassed masters of misdirection and guile. Most foes have no inkling they are even fighting before the Legion’s masterful stratagems cause their defense to collapse beneath them, torn apart from within so that when the final overwhelming attack finally comes, the enemy’s defeat is total. Legion Traits If your army is Battle-forged, all Alpha Legion Infantry, Biker and Dreadnought units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. • Mutable Tactics: Before setting up your first unit, pick one ability from the list below. All Alpha Legion Astartes units gain this ability for the rest of the battle. • • • • • • Feigned Deployment: At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit up to 6”. It cannot end this move within 9” of any enemy models. If both players have units that can do this, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. Advance Deployment: When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 18” from any enemy models. Technical Secrets: When targetting enemy Vehicles, this unit adds 1 to the strength of its weapons. Combat Stimulants: If this unit charged or was charged in the Charge phase, it may re-roll Hit rolls of 1 in the following Fight phase. Advance Surveying: This unit ignores any negative effects from Battlefield Terrain. Adamantium Will: Each time a model with this tactic would lose a wound as a result of a mortal wound, roll one D6, on a 5+, that wound is not lost. • Martial Hubris: If an army containing an Alpha Legion Detachment has suffered more destroyed units than the enemy army at the end of the game then it gives the opponent +1 VP. Legion Wargear Alpha Legion models have access to the following wargear: • • • • • • Any model with access to the Melee Weapons list can take a Power dagger in addition to their normal options.. Any Character with Frag grenades can replace them with Venom spheres. Any model with a Grenade harness can replace it with a Venom sphere harness. Any Legion Veteran Tactical Squad, Legion Seeker Squad or Legion Terminator Squad can take Banestrike rounds. Any Centurion without a current Consul upgrade can be upgraded to a Saboteur Consul. In addition, a model in an Alpha Legion detachment can choose the Drakaina instead of a Relic from the Legiones Astartes list. Legion Warlord Trait An Alpha Legion Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • No, I’m Alpharius!: In addition to this Warlord Trait, your Walord has one randomly selected Legion Warlord Trait. If your Warlord is slain, you can immediately select another Alpha Legion Character in your army to take their place and generate a Warlord Trait for them (including this one). If the mission you are playing grants Victory Points for slaying the enemy Warlord, your opponent will only achieve that objective if all of the Alpha Legion Characters in your army have been slain. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Banestrike rounds Bolt pistols, boltguns, combi-bolters, the boltgun profile of combi-weapons and heavy bolters have their AP value increased to -2. Special issue boltguns increase the AP value of their standard rounds to -2. • • Saboteur Consul +0 Power WEAPON • • This model loses the Centurion keyword and gains the Saboteur, Melta grenades and Consul keywords. Cameleoline: Each time a ranged attack is allocated to a model in this unit while it is receiving the benefits of cover, add an additional 1 to any armour saving throw made against that attack. Sabotage!: Once both sides have deployed but before the first player takes their turn, this unit can inflict 3+D6 mortal wounds to any one unit that is deployed on the board. Character units cannot be targeted by this ability. False Colours: This model may not be targeted for a Shooting Attack by an enemy unit as long as the unit with this special rule has not made a Shooting Attack at any point in the game. Once a unit or model with this special rule has made a Shooting Attack then this special rule has no further effect, nor does this special rule restrict the enemy from declaring Charges targeting this model. RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES +0 Power Drakaina 12” Pistol 4 5 -1 2 Relic. This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target model is a Vehicle. Blast weapon. For each model killed by this weapon roll a d6, on a 6 inflict a mortal wound on the target unit. Inferno pistol 6” Pistol 1 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Power dagger Melee Melee +1 -2 1 A model equipped with a power dagger can make one additional attack with it each time it fights. Venom spheres 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target model is a Vehicle. Blast weapon. Venom sphere harness 12” Assault D6 4 -1 1 This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target model is a Vehicle. Blast weapon. 185
Legion Rites of War The Coils of the Hydra The deciet and subterfuge the Alpha Legion were famous for was often a means to an end, placing their foes at a disadvantage on the battlefield and leaving them vulnerable to a sudden surprise attack by rapid moving forces. Advantages: • Signal Corruption: Enemy units deployed as reinforcements must be 1” further away than normal. • Subterfuge: You can select one unit from your army to be placed in Strategic Reserves free. • The Rewards of Treason: This detachment may select a single unit with a different <Legion> keyword as an Elites choice. This may not be a Character or a Primarch, or a unit which armies can only include one of. The chosen unit has the Alpha Legion Traits rather than its usual Legion Traits. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by a Patrol, Battalion or Brigade detachment. It may not be taken by Shattered Legions armies. • Infantry units in this detachment must be deployed transported inside a Vehicle, unless they are deployed as reinforcements or deployed using the Advance Deployment or Concealed Positions abilities. • With the exception of Vigilators, this detachment may only include a single Consul. • This detachment must include an additional compulsory Troops choice. Headhunter Leviathal Few missions were as shrouded in mystery as those of the Legion’s Headhunters. Though no eye withess accounts survive in detail, secondary eveidents points to missions of thise type being carried out across the length fo the Imperium. Advantages: • Headhunter Elite: Headhunter Kill Teams must be the compulsory Fast Attack choices in this detachment, and gain the Objective Secured ability. • Sudden Strike: You can select one unit from your army to be placed in Strategic Reserves free. • False Flags: In the first battle round, when a Alpha Legion units are targeted by a shooting attack originating from more than 12” away, your opponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls that target that unit. from any ranged attack originating from more than 12” away. Drawbacks: • This rite may only be taken by an Outrider detachment. • During deployment, any Vehicle must be set up in the Second Wave instead of being placed on the battlefield. At the end of your second Movement phase these units can join the battle - set them up so that all models in the unit are within 7” of your rearmost battlefield edge and more than 9” from enemy models. Your army may not include any units without the Alpha Legion keyword. Legion Stratagem SUBTERFUGE AMBUSH 1+ Alpha Legion Stratagem Using this Stratagem allows you to re-use a Stratagem that you have already used this phase. This Stratagem costs CP equal to the Stratagem that is re-used +1. FORWARD OPERATIVES CP SABOTAGED ARMOURY Use this Stratagem during deployment, when you set up an Alpha Legion Infantry unit from your army. At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move that unit up to 9". It cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that can move before the first turn begins, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. Each unit can only be selected for this Stratagem once per battle. Legion Points Costs Models Unit Points per Model Headhunter Kill Team 5-10 19* Lernaean Terminator Squad 5-10 28* Saboteur Consul n/a 0 Armillus Dynat 1 120 Exodus 1 100 Autilon Skorr 1 89 Alpharius 1 310 Unit * CP Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Movement phase, after an enemy unit is set up on the battlefield as reinforcements. Select one Alpha Legion unit from your army within 18" of that unit to shoot at that unit as if it were your Shooting phase. You can only use this Stratagem once. 1 Alpha Legion Stratagem 0 Alpha Legion Stratagem CP per 1 Alpha Legion Stratagem CP Use this Stratagem in any phase, before your opponent rolls to see if a Vehicle model from their army explodes. If any Alpha Legion units from your army are on the battlefield, add 3 to one of the D6 rolled. Wargear/Weapon Points per Item Banestrike rounds 3 Inferno pistol 10 Power dagger 5 Venom spheres 0 Venom sphere harness 0 Does not include wargear 186
Headhunter Kill Team 7 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Headhunter Headhunter Prime 6” 6” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 7 8 3+ 3+ This unit consists of 1 Headhunter Prime and 4 Headhunters. It can include up to 5 additional Headhunters (Power Rating +6). • Each model is armed with a combi-bolter, power dagger, bolt pistol, venom spheres, krak grenades and banestrike rounds. WEAPON RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES - Bolt pistol Combi-bolter Heavy bolter 12” 24” 36” Pistol 1 Rapid Fire 2 Heavy 3 4 4 5 0 0 -1 1 1 2 Inferno pistol 6” Pistol 1 8 -4 D6 When an attack made with this weapon hits a target thas is within half range, that attack has a Damage chracteristic of D6+2. Krak grenade Plasma pistol - Standard 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 12” Pistol 1 7 -3 1 - 12” Pistol 1 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Power axe Melee Melee +2 -2 1 - Power dagger Melee Melee +1 -2 1 A model equipped with a power dagger can make one additional attack with it each time it fights. Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee x2 +2 +3 +1 -3 -1 -1 -3 2 1 1 1 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Grenade D6 3 0 1 - Supercharge Venom spheres WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES 6” This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target model is a Vehicle. Blast weapon. • Any model can replace its combi-bolter with an item from the Combi-Weapons list. • One model can replace its combi-bolter with a heavy bolter with suspensor web. • The Headhunter Prime can replace its bolt pistol with a plasma pistol, inferno pistol or power fist. • The Headhunter Prime can replace its power dagger with a power weapon or power fist. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Concealed Positions: When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models. Banestrike rounds: Bolt pistols, boltguns, combi-bolters, the boltgun profile of combi-weapons and heavy bolters have their AP value increased to -2. Assassins Eye: Enemy Character models within 12” can be targeted even if they are not the nearest visible enemy unit. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Marked for Death: This unit can re-roll hit and wound rolls of 1, against Character units. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Alpha Legion Infantry, Elite, Seeker Squad, Astartes, Melta grenades, Headhunters PRECISION STRIKE Alpha Legion Stratagem 2/3 CP Use this Stratagem when a Alpha Legion Headhunters is selected to attack in the Shooting phase. In that phase you can ignore the Look Out, Sir rule. If that unit contains 5 or fewer models, this Stratagem costs 2CP; otherwise, it costs 3CP. 187
Lernaean Terminator Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Lernaean Terminator Harrower 4” 4” 2+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 3 8 8 2+ 2+ 12 Power This unit consists of 1 Harrower and 4 Lernaean Terminators. It can include up to 5 additional Lernaean Terminators (Power Rating +11). • Each model is armed with a volkite charger and power axe. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Chainfist Heavy flamer Light c-beam cannon Plasma blaster - Standard S AP D ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. Melee 12” Melee Heavy D6 x2 5 -4 -1 D3 1 42” Heavy D3 6 0 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. Attacks from a light c-beam cannon that target enemies at over half its range are resolved at Strength 8, AP -1 and Damage 2. Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Supercharge 18” Assault 2 7 -3 1 - 18” Assault 2 8 -3 2 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. Melee Melee +2 x2 -2 -3 1 2 - Power axe Power fist Venom sphere harness Melee Melee 12” Assault D6 4 -1 1 This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target model is a Vehicle. Blast weapon. Volkite charger 20” Heavy 2 5 0 2 When resolving an attack made with this weapon, an unmodified wound roll of 6 inflicts 1 mortal wound on the target in addition to any other damage. WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. • • Any model can replace its power axe with a power fist or chainfist. For every five models in this unit, one can replace its volkite charger with a plasma blaster, heavy flamer or light c-beam cannon. • The Harrower can take a venom sphere harness. Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Fear Cataphractii Armour: This unit has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Alpha Legion Infantry, Core, Terminator, Lernaeans, Astartes 188
Armillus Dynat 6 Power Harrowmaster of the Alpha Legion NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Armillus Dynat 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 5 9 2+ Armillus Dynat is a single model armed with a thunder hammer, power sword, krak grenades, venom spheres and a phosphex bomb, and carrying a cognis-signum. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Krak grenade RANGE TYPE 6” Grenade 1 S AP D ABILITIES 6 -1 D3 Blast weapon. The Prince Melee Melee +1 -3 2 Phosphex bomb The Prophet 6” Melee Grenade 2D6 Melee 5 x2 -1 -2 1 3 Venom spheres 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 ABILITIES If any enemy non-Vehicle unit targeted by attacks from The Prince has suffered one or more Hits (Regardless of whether or not those Hits resulted in Wounds) from The Prince, then Armillus Dynat may make one additional Attack with the Prophet. Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target model is a Vehicle. Blast weapon. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Jealous Command: Dynat must be your Warlord, unless Alpharius is also present in the army. Cognis-signum (Aura): At the start of the Shooting phase, you can choose one <Legion> Core Infantry unit which is within 3” of a model with the cognis-signum. You can add 1 to hit rolls made for your chosen unit’s weapons this phase. Additionaly enemy units that are set up on the battlefield as reinforcements cannot be set up within 12” of this unit., unless those models are ser up within his own deployment zone. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Alpha Legion Core units within 6”. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS The Harrowing: When in the enemy deployment zone, Alpha Legion Astartes and Dreadnought units in the same detachment as Dynat may consolidate 4” and add 1 to any Damage their attacks cause against Vehicles. Hammerstrike Assault: If this model is the Warlord, one Infantry unit in the same detachment can be set up in reserve instead of being set up on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can make it’s entrance - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Alpha Legion Infantry, Astartes, Character, Praetor, Master of the Legion, Armillus Dynat 189
Exodus 5 Power The Assassin NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Exodus 6” 3+ 2+ 4 4 5 3 8 3+ Exodus is a single model armed with The Instrument, a bolt pistol, power dagger, krak grenades and venom spheres, and wearing cameleoline . Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol Krak grenade 12” 6” Power dagger Melee The Instrument - Rapid shot - Execution shot Venom spheres ABILITIES S AP D ABILITIES Pistol 1 Grenade 1 4 6 0 -1 1 D3 - Melee +1 -2 1 Blast weapon. A model equipped with a power dagger can make one additional attack with it each time it fights. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 48” Rapid Fire 2 7 -2 2 Each time you select a target for this weapon, you can ignore the Look Out, Sir rule. Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to an Vehicle model, that attack has a Damage Characteristic of D3+2. 72” Heavy 1 7 -4 3 Each time you select a target for this weapon, you can ignore the Look Out, Sir rule. If you roll a wound roll of an unmodified 6+ for this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal damage. Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to an Vehicle model, that attack has a Damage Characteristic of D3+3. 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target model is a Vehicle. Blast weapon. Angels of Death, Legion Traits Cameleoline: Each time a ranged attack is allocated to this model while it is receiving the benefits of cover, add an additional 1 to any armour saving throw made against that attack. Concealed Position: When you set up this unit during deployment, it can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” from the enemy deployment zone and any enemy models. Lone Killer: This model has the Support keyword and may never be chosen as the army’s Warlord. Master Sniper: Enemy units do not receive the benefit of cover to their saving throws for attacks made with this unit. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Scout: At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit up to 9”. It cannot end this move within 9” of any enemy models. If both players have units that can do this, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Alpha Legion Infantry, Character, Astartes, Consul, Support, Melta grenades Exodus 190
Autilon Skorr 5 Power Consul-delegatus of the Alpha Legion NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Autilon Skorr 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 4 4 9 2+ Autilon Skorr is a single model armed with a bolt pistol, master crafted power axe, frag grenades and krak grenades. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Bolt pistol Frag grenade Krak grenade Master-crafted power axe ABILITIES RANGE TYPE 12” 6” 6” Melee S AP D ABILITIES Pistol 1 Grenade D6 Grenade 1 4 3 6 0 0 -1 1 1 D3 - Melee +2 -2 2 - Blast weapon. - Angels of Death, Legion Traits Refractor field: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly <Legion> Core units within 6” of that model. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Desparate for Glory: During the last turn, roll a dice each time Skorr suffers a wounding hit; on a 3+ you can ignore the wound. Traitor, Legiones Astartes, Alpha Legion Infantry, Character, Astartes, Consul, Delegatus, Master of the Legion, Autillon Skorr 191
Alpharius 16 Power Primarch of the Alpha Legion NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Alpharius 8” 2+ 2+ 6 6 8 7 10 2+ Alpharius is a single model armed with the Pale spear, the Hydra’s spite, cognis-signum, nuncio-vox, cameleoline and venom spheres. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON The Hydra’s Spite - Standard RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. 18” Assault 2 7 -3 2 - - Supercharge 18” Assault 2 8 -3 3 Each time an unmodified hit roll of 1 is made for an attack with this weapon profile, the bearer suffers 1 mortal wound after shooting with this weapon. The Pale Spear Melee User -4 3 If you roll an unmodified 6+ to wound with this weapon, it inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its usual damage. Each time an attack made with this weapon is allocated to an Vehicle model, that attack has a Damage Characteristic of D3+3. Venom spheres 6” 3 0 1 This weapon always wounds on a 2+, unless the target model is a Vehicle. Blast weapon. ABILITIES Melee Grenade D6 Angels of Death, Legion Traits, Lord of War, Fear The Pythian Scales: Alparius has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, weapons that wound on a fixed value require a 6 to wound Alpharius. When resolving an attack made against this model, an unmodified wound roll of 1-3 always fail, irrespective of any abilities that the weapon or the model making that attack may have (excluding Primarch models). Sire of the XX Legion: In your Command phase, select one friendly Alpha Legion Core and Alpha Legion Characters unit within 6" of this model. Until the start of your next Command phase, each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can re-roll the hit roll. Primarch of the Alpha Legion (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls for attacks made by models in friendly Alpha Legion Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for attacks made by models in friendly Alpha Legion Core units whilst their unit is within 6” of this model. If your army is Battle-forged, this model must be your army’s Warlord. If more than one model in your army has a rule to this effect, then one of those models must be your army’s Warlord. While Alpharius is on the table, friendly Alpha Legion Core units may re-roll any hit rolls of 1. One of Many: During deployment, you can set up Alpharius hidden inside another Alpha Legion Astartes Infantry unit instead of deploying him on the battlefield. Note down which unit he is hidden in. At the end of your movement phase, Alpharius can enter battle as reinforcements - set him up within 3” of the noted unit and remove 1 models from that unit. If the noted unit is destroyed, set Alpharius up immediately, anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from an enemy model. Alpharius must be set up on the battlefield no later than 3 turns, otherwise he will be considered destroyed. Insidious Mastermind: An army containing Alpharius can select one unit from your army to be placed in Strategic Reserves free. Heads of the Hydra: If your army is Battle-forged, you recieve an additional 3 Command Points if Alpharius is your Warlord. Cognis-signum (Aura): At the start of the Shooting phase, you can choose one <Legion> Core Infantry unit which is within 3” of a model with the cognis-signum. You can add 1 to hit rolls made for your chosen unit’s weapons this phase. Additionaly enemy units that are set up on the battlefield as reinforcements cannot be set up within 12” of this unit., unless those models are ser up within his own deployment zone. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Alpha Legion Infantry, Character, Monster, Master of the Legion, Primarch, Alpharius 192
Blackshields The term ‘Blackshields’ came to be used during the period of the Horus Heresy known as the Age of Darkness to cover a wide range of Space Marine outcases, marauders and those of uncertain allegiance or origin. Mystery and suspicion attached themselves to auch warriors regardless of their true loyalties or intentions. Of those Blackshields who were truly rogue, many still fought their war with a bitter fervour that matched that of Loyalist or Traitor while others, perhaps starting on their path through a simple desire to survive, became reavers and renegades intent on forging their own destinies through the stars. Blackshield Detachments You may decide that a detachment of Legiones Astartes is a Blackshield detachment. Blackshield detachments have some important exceptions and deviations from the usual detachment rules, as detailed below. • No Fealty: A Legiones Astartes Detachment containing Blackshield units may only contain other Blackshield units, and may not be a Shattered Legion Detachment. All units in a Blackshield detachment change their <Fealty> and <Legion> keywords to Blackshield. • Outcasts: Despite being neither Loyalist nor Traitor, Blackshield detachments may be included in Loyalist or Traitor armies. If your army includes any non-Blackshield detachments, you must still pick between Loyalist or Traitor to apply to those detachments. However, if any non-Blackshield Legiones Astartes units are within 6” of a Blackshield unit at the start of the Morale phase, they suffer a -1 to their Leadership Characteristic until the end of the phase. • Wrought by War: A Blackshield detachment may never select a Rite of War, and models within it may not make use of Legion Traits. However, it may select one of the Wrought by War doctrines opposite. All Blackshield detachments in the army must have the same Wrought by War doctrine (or lack of one). • Limited Resources: A Blackshield detachment can only include one Consul, and cannot include any of the following units: Praetor, Command Squad, Tactical Squad, Drop Pod, Dreadnought Drop Pod, Deathstorm Drop Pod. In addition, a Blackshield detachment may not have more units with the Vehicle keyword than it has units with the Infantry keyword, excluding Dedicated Transports. Blackshield Wargear Blackshield models have access to the following wargear: • Any unit with access to Boltguns can replace them with Pariah boltguns. • Any unit with access to Flamers can replace them with Pariah flamers. • Any unit with a 3+ save may take Pariah power armour. Blackshield Warlord Trait A Blackshield Warlord may choose the following Warlord trait: • Charismatic Presence: This model, and any Blackshields units within 3” of him, may ignore the effects of the ‘Outcasts’ trait on other models - they do not, therefore, inflict the usual -1 Leadership penalty on nearby Legiones Astartes. WARGEAR DESCRIPTION Pariah power armour Models equipped with pariah power has a 3+ save, decreasing to a 4+ against weapons with a Strength Characteristic of 6 or higher. However, models equipped with pariah power armour may fire Pistol or Rapid Fire weapons in the Shooting phase even if they Advanced in the Movement phase, though they do so with a -1 to hit moifier. WEAPON Halo blade Lascarbine Laslock Pariah boltgun Pariah flamer RANGE TYPE Melee 24” 18” 16” Melee Rapid Fire 1 Assault 1 Assault 2 S AP D ABILITIES +3 3 4 4 -3 0 0 0 2 1 2 1 - - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Standard 12” Assault D6 4 0 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. - Overpressure 16” Assault D6 4 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. For each unmodified wound roll of 1, the bearer suffers one mortal wound after all this weapon’s shots have been resolved. Blast weapon. 18” Assault 2 5 -2 1 Enemy models slain by this weapon in the Shooting phase count as two models in the following Morale phase. Xenos Deathlock Blackshield Points Models per Unit Points per Model 5-20 18* Blackshield Reaver Lord 1 74* Blackshield Reaver Lord on Bike 1 88* Blackshield Reaver Lord on Jetbike 1 95* Blackshield Reaver Lord with Jump Pack 1 93* Blackshield Reaver Lord in Cataphractii Armour 1 95* Blackshield Reaver Lord in Tartaros Armour 1 90* The Nemean Reaver 1 92 Unit Blackshield Marauder Squad * Wargear/Weapon Does not include wargear 193 Points per Item Halo Blade 5 Lascarbine -1 Laslock 0 Pariah boltgun 0 Pariah flamer 5 Xenos Deathlock 5
Wrought by War Doctrines If your army is Battle-forged, all Blackshield Infantry, Biker, Land Speeder and Dreadnought units in a detachment gain the following Legion Traits. Note due to their nature, Cybernetica Cortex, Thallax and Servo-automata units are the exception and do not benefit from Legion Traits. Death Seekers These blackshields are motivated by an all-consuimg drive to offer up their lives on the altar of war. Psychologically unstable, either as a result of what they have withessed or endured or through brutally enforced psycho-indoctrination, death has become the centre of their being. • Inured to Pain: Astartes models in this detachment ignore casualties from shooting for the purposes of taking Morale tests. In addition, whenever an Astartes model in this detachment suffers a wound, roll a D6; on a 6, that wound is ignored. • The Lure of Battle: Astartes units in this detachment must pass a Leadership test if they with to end their move further away from any visible enemy model than they were at the start of the Movement phase. If this test is failed, the unit moves D6” towards the nearest enemy unit, stopping 1” away. Units are not subject to thie rule if inside a Fortification or embarked on a building or transport. Orphans of War Having seen betrayal, atrocity and unthinking carnage at the behest of distant and uncaring masters, these warriors are hardened veterans who have survived against the odds and now trust only in the man next to them in the line of battle. For any great cause or primarch they have only scorn. • Brothers Through All: If an Astartes unit in this detachment is within 6” of a friendly Blackshield Astartes unit of at least five models at the start of the Morale phase, it may add 1 to it’s Leadership for the duration of that phase. If an Astartes unit in this detachment is within 6” of a friendly Blackshield Astartes unit of at least five models at the start of the Shooting or Fight phase, it it may re-roll results of 1 to hit for the duration of that phase. Astartes units in this detachment may not claim any other bonus to their Leadership granted by other models. • No Gods, No Masters: No detachment in your army (Blackshield or otherwise) can include Chaplains, Agents of the Imperium or Agents of the Warmaster. Outlanders Seeing the depths to which both sides will sink in order to destroy the other, these blackshields have washed their hands of either side, and are now pursuing their own goals, having turned towards the path of the marauder and void-corsair to determine their fate. • Void Reavers: Up to half of the Infantry units in the army who do not deploy inside a transport vehicle may be given the Unstable Teleportation ability in the deployment phase. Unstable Teleportation: During deployment, you can set up this unit in the teleportarium chamber instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can perform a teleport assault - set it up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. After setting up the unit, roll a D6; on a roll of a 1, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. • Unsanctioned Weaponry: Any model with access to a combi-bolter in the detachment can replace it with a xenos deathlock. Any Character model in the detachment can use Rad grenades Stratagem. • The Shadow of Oblivion: Make a note of the number of Blackshield units in your army and share this with your opponent. Once half of those units have been destroyed, this rule takes effect. At the start of each of your turns, make a Leadership test for each remaining Blackshield unit; if the test is failed, that unit flees the battle and is destroyed. Chymeriae As the age of darkness progressed, there came into being Astartes that simply should not have existed. Some were the by-blows of failed rapid impantation and psycho-indoctrination procedures, others the result of prohibited experimentation on gene-seed stock or the influence of maligh forces from beyond. • Chymeriae Attributes: At the start of the game, before deployment, you must choose one of the following options, which apply to all Blackshield Astartes models in the army for the rest of the battle. • • • • Tough: Add 1 to their Strength and Toughness Characteristics. Models with this ability recude their Advance and Charge moves by 1”. Skilled: Add 1 to their Ballistic and Weapon Skill Characteristics (so, 3+ becomes 2+) and reduce their Leadership Characteristic by 2. Furious: Reduce their Ballistic Skill Characteristic by 1 (so, 3+ becomes 4+). Models with this ability may re-roll Charge rolls and increase their Attacks by 1 on a turn in which they Charged. This unit must always consolidate as far as possible towards the nearest enemy unit. Shunned and Distrusted: You may not include any non-Blackshield detachment in your army, with the exception of Fortifications. Blackshields Stratagem STRIKE ONLY FROM A POSITION OF STRENGTH AMBUSH 1 Blackshield Stratagem CP Blackshield Stratagem 2 CP Use this Stratagem in your opponent’s Movement phase, after an enemy unit is set up on the battlefield as reinforcements. Select one Blackshield unit from your army within 18" of that unit to shoot at that unit as if it were your Shooting phase. Use this Stratagem in your Movement phase, when you Fall Back with an Blackshield unit from your army. That unit can still shoot this turn. 194
Blackshield Marauder Squad Core NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Marauder Marauder Chief 6” 6” 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 2 7 8 3+ 3+ 6 Power This unit consists of 1 Marauder Chief and 4 Marauders. It can include up to 5 additional Marauders (Power Rating +5), up to 10 additional Marauders (Power Rating +9) or up to 15 additional Marauders (Power Rating +14). • Each model is armed with a bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and either a combat blade, chainsword or chainaxe. WEAPON Astartes shotgun Bolt pistol Boltgun Chainaxe Chainsword Frag grenade Grenade launcher RANGE TYPE 12” 12” 24” Melee Melee 6” Assault 2 Pistol 1 Rapid Fire 1 Melee Melee Grenade D6 S AP D ABILITIES 4 4 4 +1 User 3 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 If the target is within half range, add 1 to this weapon’s Strength. Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Blast weapon. When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Frag grenades - Krak grenades 24” 24” Assault D6 Assault 1 3 6 0 -1 1 D3 Blast weapon. Hand flamer Heavy bolter Heavy chainsword Heavy flamer Krak grenade Lascutter 12” 36” Melee 12” 6” Melee Pistol D6 Heavy 3 Melee Heavy D6 Grenade 1 Melee 3 5 +3 5 6 9 0 -1 -3 -1 -1 -3 1 2 2 1 D3 D3 This weapon automatically hits its target. Lightning claw Melee Melee User -2 1 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. You can re-roll failed wounds with this weapon. Pariah boltgun Pariah flamer 16” 4 0 1 - Assault 2 - When resolving an attack made with this weapon, subtract 1 from the hit roll. This weapon automatically hits its target. When attacking with this weapon, a model may only ever make a single attack When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below. - Standard 12” Assault D6 4 0 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. - Overpressure 16” Assault D6 4 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. For each unmodified wound roll of 1, the bearer suffers one mortal wound after all this weapon’s shots have been resolved. Blast weapon. Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee 24” Melee Melee Melee Melee Melee Heavy 4 +2 x2 +2 +3 +1 6 -2 -3 -1 -1 -3 -1 1 2 1 1 1 1 - 18” Assault 2 5 -2 1 Enemy models slain by this weapon in the Shooting phase count as two models in the following Morale phase. Power axe Power fist Power lance Power maul Power sword Rotor cannon Xenos Deathlock WARGEAR OPTIONS ABILITIES When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract 1 from the hit roll. - • Any model can take one of the following options: lascarbine, astartes shotgun, laslock, bolt pistol, bolter, pariah bolter, heavy chainsword, lascutter. • Alternatively, for every five models in the unit, one Marauder can take one of the following options: nemesis bolter, xenos deathlock, flamer, pariah flamer, rotor cannon, grenade launcher (frag & krak), heavy flamer, meltagun, plasma gun, heavy bolter, missile launcher (frag & krak), multi-melta OR replace their bolt pistol with a plasma pistol or hand flamer OR replace their combat blade with a power weapon. • One Marauder can take a nuncio-vox. • The Marauder Chief can replace his chainsword with a power first, lightning claw or thunder hammer. • The Marauder Chief can take a combi-weapon or a plasma pistol. Angels of Death FACTION KEYWORDS <Fealty>, Core, Legiones Astartes, Blackshield KEYWORDS Infantry, Astartes, Melta grenades, Marauder Squad 195
Blackshield Reaver Lord 5 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv Reaver Lord Reaver Lord 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 5 4 9 3+ 14” 2+ 2+ 4 5 6 4 9 3 4” 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+ 6” 2+ 2+ 4 4 6 4 9 2+ on Bike Reaver Lord in Cataphractii Armour Reaver Lord in Tartaros Armour • • • A Reaver Lord is a single model armed with a chainsword, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. A Reaver Lord on Bike is a single model armed with a chainsword, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. His Legion Space Marine Bike is equipped with a twin boltgun. A Reaver Lord in Tartaros/Cataphractii Armour is a single model armed with a power weapon and combi-bolter. WEAPON RANGE TYPE Bolt pistol Chainsword Frag grenade Grenade harness Halo blade Krak grenade UNIT OPTIONS WARGEAR OPTIONS 12” Melee 6” 12” Melee 6” AP D ABILITIES 4 User 3 4 +3 6 0 -1 0 -1 -3 -1 1 1 1 1 2 D3 Each time the bearer fights, it can make 1 additional attack with this weapon. Blast weapon. Blast weapon. - - A Reaver Lordcan take one of the following upgrades: • A Reaver Lord can be upgraded to a Reaver Lord on Bike with twin boltgun (+1 Power Rating). If it does, it replaces its Infantry keyword with Biker. • A Reaver Lord can be upgraded to a Reaver Lord on legion scimitar jetbike with heavy bolter (+2 Power Rating). If it does, its Move Characteristic is increased to 15”, its Save Characteristic is improved to 2+, and it gains the Fly keyword. • A Reaver Lord can be upgraded to a Reaver Lord in Tartaros Armour or in Cataphractii Armour (+1 Power Rating). If it does, it gains the Terminator keyword. • A Reaver Lord can take a jump pack (+1 Power Rating). If it does, its Move Characteristic is increased to 12”, and it gains the Fly and Jump Pack keywords. • This model can replace its chainsword with an item from the Pistols or Melee Weapons lists or for a Halo Blade. • This model can replace its bolt pistol with an item from the Pistols or Melee Weapons lists. • This model can replace take either a bolter, pariah bolter, combi-weapon, volkite charger or xenos deathlock. • This model can take an item from the Protective Wargear list* or an Iron Halo. • This model can take melta grenades*. If it does, this model gains the Melta grenades keyword. • This model can replace its combi-bolter and/or power weapon with items from the Melee Weapons list or for a Halo Blade. • This model can replace its combi-bolter with items from the Ranged Weapons list or for a xenos dealthlock.. • A Reaver Lord in Tartaros/Cataphractii Armour can take a grenade harness. * ABILITIES Pistol 1 Melee Grenade D6 Assault D6 Melee Grenade 1 S Not available to a Reaver Lord in Tartaros/CataphractiiArmour. Angels of Death Iron Halo: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Blackshield Core units within 6”. Turbo-boost: A model on a legion space marine bike or legion scimitar jetbike adds 6” to it’s move Characteristic for that Movement phase, when it Advances, instead of rolling a dice. Cataphractii Armour: A model equipped with Cataphractii Armour has a 4+ invulnerable save, but you must halve the result of the dice rolled when determining how far this model Advances. FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Jump Pack Assault: During deployment, a unit equipped with a jump pack can be set up high in the skies instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. <Fealty>, Legiones Astartes, Blackshield Infantry, Character, Astartes, Reaver Lord 196
The Nemean Reaver 5 Power NAME M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv The Nemean Reaver 6” 2+ 2+ 4 5 5 4 9 2+ The Nemean Reaver is a single model armed with a calibanite flammbard, master-crafted bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades and wearing an iron halo and kitharion warplate. Only one of this model may be included in your army. WEAPON Calibanite Flammbard Frag grenade Master-crafed bolt pistol Krak grenade ABILITIES RANGE TYPE S AP D ABILITIES Melee +2 -4 2 In the Fight phase, enemy models directing their attacks against the bearer of this weapon suffer -1 to their hit rolls. 6” 12” Grenade D6 Pistol 1 3 4 0 0 1 2 Blast weapon. 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 Melee - Angels of Death, Fear Iron Halo & Kitharion Warplate: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, if a weapon would cause a random amount of damage against this model, the dice roll is assumed to be a 1. Rites of Battle (Aura): You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly Blackshield Core units within 6”. Scars of the Xenocide: This model is not affected by any Ability that would lower his Leadership Characteristic. WARLORD TRAIT FACTION KEYWORDS KEYWORDS Wrought by War (Outlanders): The Nemean Reaver, and thus any Blackshields in the same army, use the Outlanders doctrine when deciding their Wrought by War rules. First Lord of the Dark Brotherhood (Aura): Enemy units within 1” of friendly Blackshield units within 12” of this model at the start of the Morale phase suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership Characteristic until the end of the phase. Loyal, Legiones Astartes, Blackshield/Knight-Errant Infantry, Character, Reaver Lord, Void Hardened, Nemean Reaver, Astartes, Knight-Errant 197
Shattered Legions Many Shattered Legion forces tame into existence in the aftermath of extreme trauma, the Isstvan V Dropsiic Mauarro being the most mfamous, but far from the only example of this. The eomposite parts of the different Legions represented in their ranks were held together by strong leaders, but should sueh men fall in battle, the entire fone was wont to shatter onu more. Shattered Legion Detachments • • • • • • • • A Shattered Legions force is chosen from the Space Marine Crusade Army list. Unlike a conventional Legiones Astartes force, the Detachment in a Shattered Legions army may (and in fact must) include units with different versions of Legion Traits. The Detachment must contain elements of at least two different Legions (ie, units with different versions of the Legion Traits). In order to take any choices from a specific Legion, the force must contain a Praetor or Centurion (including any Consul types), or suitable HQ special Character from the same Legion and each such Character taken must be from a different Legion. Even though vehicles and some other units in the Legiones Astartes Crusade Army list do not have the Legion Traits, it should be made obvious from their paint scheme which Legion they belong to. This is particularly important in the case of Transport vehicles. A Shattered Legion army may never include a Primarch or any models with the Blackshields special rule. While most Shattered Legion armies were Loyalists at the beginning of the Age of Darkness, later on, Traitor-aligned forces came into being as well. Therefore, the army should be declared as belonging to the Traitor or the Loyalist faction, and will be subject to the normal limitations and options. So long as the army’s Warlord is alive and on the table, only those units from the same Legion as the Warlord can be scoring units. Units in a Shattered Legion army are never counted as denial units. A Shattered Legion army may use Rites of War in the normal way, having access to all the general Rites of War. The army may use a Legionspecific Rite of War if the Warlord has the required version of the Legion Traits. In this case, any effects described in the Rite of War as applying to models with a specific version of the Legion Traits are applied across the army to all units in it with any version of the Legioncs Astartcs special rule. Legion-specific Rules The following elements of the Legion-specific special rules arc ignored by units taken as part of the Shattered Legions army. • Iron Hands: Rigid Tactics. • Night Lords: Seeds of Dissent. • Word Bearers: Charismatic Leadership. • Raven Guard: Flesh over Steel. • Ultramarines: Rigid Chain of Command. • Blood Angels: Host of Angels. • White Scars: To Laugh in Death’s Face. The following Legion-specific special rules are modified as stated when applied to units in a Shattered Legions army. • The Nights Lords Night Vision special rule applies to all units in the army. • The Iron Warriors The Bitter End is only used if the Warlord has the Legion Traits (Iron Wamors) special rule. • The Alpha Legion Mutable Tactics and Martial Hubris special rules are only used if the Warlord has the Legion Traits (Alpha Legion) special rule. • When using the Ultramarines Interlocking Tactics special rule, the definition of which other units count as Ultramarines units is extended to all Shattered Legion units in the army with the exception of the types stated. Shattered Legions Special Characters When putting together a Shattered Legions army, it should be noted that it is possible to use special Characters so long as they have the requisite version of the Legiones Astartes special rule for the detachment they are to be included in. While it is not possible to take a Primarch in a Shattered Legion army, other special Characters are more or less appropriate to this type of force. For example, Autek Mor of the Iron Hands and Cassian Dracos of the Salamanders are both featured in the stories presented earlier in this book, and players may like to recreate such battles by including these special Characters as their HQs. Other Legiones Astartes special Characters might also be appropriate for operating in such forces, such as Kyr Vhalen of the Iron Warriors, Alvarex Maun of the Raven Guard or even Saul Tarvitz of the Emperor’s Children (representing a ‘speculative’ battle fought in the aftermath of his assumed death on Isstvan III). Other Characters are less appropriate due to the established story arc of the Horus Heresy and while their inclusion in a Shattered Legion force is not specifically limited, players are certainly encouraged to concoct a reasonable explanation for why they are there. Such Characters might include Erebus of the Word Bearers or Eidolon of the Emperor’s Children — each of these examples is closely tied to the Primarch of their Legion in some way and therefore far less likely to be leading the type of army represented by the Shattered Legions Theme. 198
Legion Rites of War After Isstvan (Loyalist only) At Isstvan V, three entire Legions all but ceased to exist. The scattered survivors of each were cast across the northern sectors of the Imperium, and in the weeks that followed, small groups of Iron Hands, Raven Guard and Salamanders coalesced in the darkness. Following the example and vision of Shadrak Meduson, the leader of the Iron Hands Sorrgul Clan, the survivors formed into mixed cells of no more than a thousand Legionaries, each to commit to an all-out campaign of vengeance deep behind the Traitors’ lines, prosecuting a bitter shadow war intended to divert enemy resources away from the advance on Terra and to bleed them dry in the process. Advantages: • Survival of the Fittest: Legion Veteran Tactical Squads may be taken as Troops. • Crucible of Hate: When you resolve an attack made with a melee weapon by a model in that detachment against a Traitor unit, on an unmodified roll of 6 you can make one additional atack against tha same unit using the same weapon. This additional attack cannot generate another attack. • Blood Price: When targeting enemy Characters, Astartes units in this detachment may re-roll dice rolls of 1 to hit and to wound. Drawbacks: • • • • • All models in your army must be Loyalist. This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. The Primary Detachment must contain a Praetor or Centurion from the Iron Hands, Raven Guard and Salamanders Legions. The army may not take an Super-Heavy or Fortifications Detachment, or Detachment with other Legion Traits than Iron Hands, Raven Guard and Salamanders. The army may not contain more Legion Tactical Squads than it has Legion Veteran Tactical Squads. Hunter-Killer Mission (Traitor Only) As loyalist survivor forces scattered across the northern Imperium and beyond, the Warmaster tasked certain elements to hunt them down and slaughter them to a man. Such orders were invariably accompanied by an implicit or explicit threat—return in victory or do not return a! all. Thus, these hunterkiller forces were as isolated from their own chains of command as the Loyalists they tracked, and soon a bitter and bloody war developed between hunter and hunted. While most of the Traitor Legions contributed forces to this effort, the Legion that embraced the task with the most relish was undoubtedly the Emperor's Children, those elements not accompanying their Primarch commanding hunts which scoured the void and inflicted unspeakable atrocities upon those Loyalists they were able to comer. Advantages: • Masters of the Hunt: Legion Reconnaissance Squads lose Support Squad special rule and Legion Seeker squads may be taken as Troops. • Run them Down: When you resolve an attack made with a melee weapon by a model in that detachment against a Loyalist unit, on an unmodified roll of 6 you can make one additional atack against tha same unit using the same weapon. This additional attack cannot generate another attack. • Jaws of the Trap: During deployment, before setting up a <Legion> from your army , you can set the unit in outflank instead of placing them on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can assault from above - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models. Drawbacks: • • • • All models in your army must be Traitor. This rite may only be taken by a Patrol or Battalion detachment. This Rite of War may only be used by a Shattered Legion belonging to the Traitor faction. The army’s Warlord must be from Emperor’s Children legion. 199
Primarch Basic Rules These rules apply to all Primarchs to reflect their special nature and their role in battle beyond the basic rules. LORD OF WAR • All damage suffered by this model always is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1). • Each time an attack with an Armour Penetration Characteristic of -1 is allocated to this model, that attack has an Armour Penetration Characteristic of 0 instead. • Each time a attack is made against this model, subtract 1 from that attacks wound roll (except this attacks are made by other Primarch). • If at least two models with this ability are participating in the same combat during the Fight phase, they must attempt to move within Engagement range of each other and direct attacks against each other, and may not fall back while they are engaged in this fight. Additionally, any abilities which allow re-rolls to hit or to wound in this fight between two or more Primarchs phase may not be used when targeting this model (this does not affect abilities attached to weapon profiles). The last rule does not apply to any fight phases between the Primarch and other non-Primarch models. • After a non-Primarch unit wishes to target the Primarch as the target of an attack, it must take a Leadership test, with a -1 penalty to Leadership and any other penalties it may take in play. If the Leadership test fails, the unit cannot attack the Primarch, that unit cannot select another target for this attack. • If this model is in a battlefield, then the player can use Additional Core Stratagems in one of the phases, ignoring the rules for using one of them (for example, he can use both Advance and Withdraw Stratagems, but no more than two of them per phase). • If this model is in a battlefield, the army receives an additional one command point at the beginning of the Command phase • Roll a D6 at the start of each friendly turn; on an unmodified roll of 6+ Primarch regains 1 lost wound. FEAR If enemy units within 6” of this unit fails the Morale test, additional rules apply: • The enemy unit must subtract 1 from all Hit rolls until the start of your next Morale phase. • If the unit is within Engagement range with other enemy models, it must Fallback on its next Movement phase. 200