Tikhonov and Arsenin . Solutions of lll-Posed Problems, 1977
Rozanov · Innovation Processes, 1977
Moscow State University
Moscow Institute of Engineering Physics
Translation Editor
New York University-Courant
Institute of Mathematical Sciences

Copyright @ 1977, by V. H. Winston & Sons, a Division of Scripta Technica, Inc. CONTENTS All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of Americ. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publisher. TRANSLATION EDITOR'S PREFACE ix PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION xi V. H. Winston & Sons, a Division of Scripta Technica, Inc., Publishers 1511 K Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005 INTRODUCTION 1  1. Remarks on the formulation of mathematical problems 1  2. The concepts of well-posed and ill-posed problems ... 7 3. Examples of ill-posed problems ............... 9 Distributed solely by Halsted Press, a Division of John Wiley & Sons, Inc. library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data CHAPTER 1 THE SELECTION METHOD. QUASISOLUTIONS 27  1. The selection method of solving ill-posed problems . .. 28  2. Quasisolutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32  3. Approximate determination of quasisolutions 37 4. Replacement of the question Az = u with an equation close to it ............................. 40 5. The method of quasiinversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42 Tikhonov, AndreI Nikolaevich, 1906- Solutions of ill-posed problems. (Scripta series in mathematics) An English-language translation of MerOJI,bl pemeHMSI HeKOp peKTHblX 3aJI,aQ, published by HaYKa in the USSR. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. N1ll11ericl al1a.lyi-Improperly posed problems. I. Arsenfn, Vasilir IAkovlevich, joint author. II. Title. III. Series. QA297.T5413 1977 519.4 77-3422 ISBN 0-470-99124-0 CHAPTER II. THE REGULARIZATION METHOD 45  1. The concept of a regularizing operator ........... 45  2. Methods of constructing regularizing operators ..... 50 3. The construction of regularizing operators by minimization of a smoothing funcational ......... 63 4. Application of the regularization method to the ap- proximate solution of integral equations of the first kind ................................. 73  5. Examples of application of the regularization method. 78 6. Determination of the regularization parameter 87 Composition by Marie A. Maddalena, Scripta Technica, Inc. v 
CHAPTER III. SOLUTION OF SINGULAR AND ILL-CONDI- TIONED SYSTEMS OF LINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS  1. The regularization method of finding the normal solution ...............................  2. Supplementary remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER VII. STABLE METHODS OF MINIMIZING FUNCTIONALS AND SOLVING OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS  1. A stable method of minimizing functionals ....... 2. A stable method of solving optimal-control problems . 95 99 107 CHAPTER IV. APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS OF INTEGRAL EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST KIND OF TI/IE CONVOLUTION TYPE  1. Classes of regularizing operators for equations of t4e convolution type .........................  2. Deviation of the regularized solution from the exact one .................................  3. Asymptotic estimates of the deviation of a regularized solution from the exact solution for an equation of the convolution type as a --+ 0 ................ CHAPTER VIII. STABLE METHODS OF SOLVING OPTIMAL- PLANNING (LINEAR-PROGRAMMING) PROBLEMS  1. The formulation of optimal-planning and mathemati- cal-programming problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Optimal-planning problems. Existence and uniqueness of solutions. ............................  3. The regularization method of solving optimal- planning problems ........................ 109 110 124 BIBLIOGRAPHY 129 SUBJECT INDEX CHAPTER V. CERTAIN OPTIMAL REGULARIZING OPERATORS FOR INTEGRAL EQUATIONS OF THE CONVOLUTION TYPE 147  1. The optimal regularized solution. The connection between the regularization method and optimal Wiener filtering. ............................... 149 2. Properties of the function 1/J(P) for equations with kernels of types I-IV. ..................... 155 3. Determination of the high-frequency characteristics of a signal and noise and of the optimal value of the regularization parameter. ................... 164 CHAPTER VI. STABLE METHODS OF SUMMING FOURIER SERIES WITH COEFFICIENTS THAT ARE APPROXIMATE IN THE 1 2 METRIC 175  1. Classes of stable methods of summing Fourier series 177  2. Optimal methods of summing Fourier series ....... 187 vii vi 191 194 202 211 212 216 222 236 256 
TRANSLATION EDITOR'S PREFACE The notion of a well-posed ("correctly set") mathematical problem makes its debut with the discussions in Chapter I of J. Hadamard's Lectures on Cauchy's Problem in Linear Partial Differential Equations (Yale University Press, 1923). It represented a significant step forward in the classification of the multitude of problems associated with differential equations, singling out those with sufficiently general properties of existence, uniqueness and (by implication) stability of solutions. Hadamard observes: "But it is remarkable, on the other hand, that a sure guide is found in physical interpretation: an analytic problem always being correctly set, in our use of the phrase, when it is the translation of some mechanical or physical question." From the point of view of the present volume, Hadamard's notion of a mechanical or physical question appears as too narrow. It applies when the problem is that of determining the effects ("solutions") of a complete set of independent causes ("data"). But in many applied problems we have to get along without a precise knowledge of the causes, and in others we are really trying to find "causes" that will produce a desired effect. We are then led to "ill-posed" problems. One might say that the majority of applied problems are, and always have been, ill-posed, particularly when they require numerical answers. ix 
The general methods of mathematical analysis were best adapted to the solution of well-posed problems; moreover, it was not clear in what sense ill-posed problems could have solutions that would be meaningful in applications. A. N. Tikhonov was one of the earliest workers in the field of ill-posed problems who succeeded in giving a precise mathematical definition of "approximate solutions" for general classes of such problems, and in constructing "optimal" solutions. The book by A. N. Tikhonov and V. Ya. Arsenin gives a general theory of ill-posed problems and introduces the reader to a wide variety of applications ranging from heat flow to the design of optical systems and the utomatic processing of observational data. The present translationhould be of special interest to mathematicians and scientists concerned with the numerical solution of applied problems, but are unfamiliar with Russian language literature on the subject. But not only to those. Past experience suggests that the concepts and methods used in the discussion of ill-posed problems will in turn stimulate advances in "pure" mathematical analysis. PREFACE TO ENGLISH EDITION Fritz John The advent of the computer had forced the application of mathematics to all branches of human endeavor. This broadening of the range of influence of mathematics is one of the most import signs of scientific and technological progress, and has produced a need to take a new look at the potential applications of this science. One important property of mathematical problems is the stability of their solutions to small changes in the initial data. Problems that fail to satisfy this stability condition are called, following Hadamard, ill-posed. * For a long time mathematicians felt that ill-posed problems cannot describe real phenomena and objects. However, we shall show in the present book that the class of ill-posed problems includes many classical mathematical problems and, most significantly, that such problems have important applications. If the initial data in such problems are known only approximately and contain a random error, then the above- mentioned instability of their solutions leads to nonuniqueness of the classically-derived approximate solutions and to serious difficulties in their physical interpretation. Also, in many cases *Also called improperly posed or incorrectly posed by some authors (Editor). xi x 
there simply is no classical solution of problems with approximate initial data. In solving such problems, one must first define the concept of an approximate solution that is stable to small changes in the initial data, and to use special methods for deriving this solution. Ill-posed problems include such classical problems of analysis and algebra as differentiation of functions known only approxi- mately, solution of integral equations of the first kind, summation of Fourier series with approximate coefficients, analytical continuation of functions, finding the inverse Laplace trnsform, the Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation, solution off singular or ill-conditioned systems of linear algebraic equations, af? many others, some of which are of great practical significance... We can divide all such problems into two subclasses, namely, those of recognition and those of design. The first subclass includes, among others, problems of mathematical processing and interpretation of data, as in nuclear-, plasma-, or radiophysics, electronics, interpretation of geophysical observations, mineral (including petroleum) prospecting, rocketry, nuclear reactor engineering, etc. The second subclass includes many optimization problems, for example, design of antenna or optical systems, optimal control, and optimal economic planning. Our book deals with solutions of problems of this nature. It defines the concept of an approximate solution of such problems that is stable to small changes in the initial data and it examines in detail methods of constructing solutions that are easily processed on a computer. As we have already said, the initial data underlying ill-posed problems (generally measurements) contain random errors. De- pending on the nature of this initial information, one can take either a deterministic or a probabilistic approach to derivation of the approximate solutions or in evaluating the error of the data. We have generally (except for Chapters IV and V) confined ourselves to the deterministic approach. The interested reader will find the probabilistic approach discussed, among others, in references 63, 64, 87, 100, 105, 124, 128, 129, 179-181, 184 and 217. One feature of the book is the development of the regularization method in construction of approximate solutions of ill-posed problems that was first expounded in [156-161]. We have not attempted a survey of the literature on ill-posed problems. Therefore, the bibliography at the end does not pretend to be complete. However, one recommended survey of the literature is that of Morozov [122].* The book is designed for a broad range of scientists, teachers, engineers and students interested in mathematical processing of information and prediction of experiments. We thank A. V. Lukshin for many valuable comments. A. N. Tikhonov and V. Ya. Arsenin *See also L. Payne: Improperly Posed Problems (to appear shortly) [Editor] . xii xiii 
INTRODUCTION  1. Remarks on the formulation of mathematical problems. 1. The rapidly increasing use of computational technology requires the development of computational algorithms for solving broad classes of problems. But just what do we mean by the "solution" of a problem? What requirements must the algorithms for finding a "solution" satisfy? Many features of problems encountered in practice are not reflected by the classical conceptions and formulation of problems. Let us illustrate this with some examples. 2. Example 1. Consider the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind with kernel K(x, s): b  K (x, s) z (s) ds = u (x). c <: x  d, a (1.1.1 ) where z(s) is the unknown function in a space F and u(x) is a known function in a space U. Let us assume that the kernel K(x, s) is continuous with respect to the variable x and that it has a continuous partial derivative aKjax. For brevity, we shall denote by A the operator defined by 
b AZ=S K(x,s)z(s)ds a This means that we cannot take for the "solution" of equation (1.1.1) approximating Z1(S) the exact solution of that equation with the approximately known right-hand member u(x) =1= U1 (x) since such a solution may not exist. The fundamental question then arises as to what we should mean by an approximate solution of equation (1.1.1) with approximately known right-hand member. Obviously, equation (1.1.1) has a solution (in the classical sense) only for right-hand members u(x) that belong to the image AF of the set F of functions z(s) under the mapping .. We shall seek a solution z(s) in the class C of functions that are continuous on the interval [a, b] . We shall measure changes in the right-hand member of the equation with the L 2 -metric defined by f } 1/ 2 Pu (llu u 2 )= l [U l (x) - U 2 (X)J2 dx while we measure changes in the solution z(s) in defined by C-metric b U = Az ==  K (x, s) 2 (s) ds, 2 (s) E F. a P F (2 1 , 2 2 ) = max 121 (S) - 2 2 (s) I sE[a,b] 4. Furthermore, the solution of equation (1.1.1), understood in the classical sense, that is, obtained according to the rule 3. Suppose that for some u = U1 (x) the function Z1 (s) is a solution of equation (1.1.1): 2 = A-lu, b  K (x, s) 2ds) ds == ud x ). a where A -1 is the inverse of the operator A, does not possess the property of stability under small changes in the "initial data" (the right-hand member u(x». To see this, note that the function Z2(S) = Z1(S) + Nsin ws is a solution of equation (1.1.1) with right-hand member If instead of the function U1 (x) we know only an approximation u(x) that differs slightly (in the Lrmetric) from U1 (x), we can speak only of finding an approximate solution of equation (1.1.1), that is, a function close to Z1 (s). Here, the right-hand member u(x) can be obtained experi- mentally, for example, with the aid of a recording device, and it may have "corners" at which the function u(x) does not have a derivative. With such a right-hand member, equation (1.1.1) does not have a solution (in the classical sense) since the kernel K(x, s) has a continuous derivative with respect to x and hence the right-hand member must also have a continuous derivative with respect to x. b u 2 (x) -= udx) + N  K (x, s) sin (Os ds. a Obviously, for any number N, if the values of ware sufficiently great, we can make the change fd [ b ] 2 } t/2 fJ U (U h u,) = I N It}  K (x, s) sin (0 s ds dx 2 3 
P F (Z1' zz) = max I Z2 (S) - Z1 (s) 1= max I N sin (Us I = I N I sEra b] sE[a,b] (1.1.2) Thus, we need not only to answer the question as to what is meant by an approximate solution of equation (1.1.1) but also to give an algorithm for constructing one that will be stable under small changes in the initial data u(x). The situation encountered in this example is typical of ill-posed problems. 5. We have considered a case in which it is known in advance that equation (1.1.1) has an exact solution (in the classical sense) zr(s) corresponding to the right-hand member ur(x) and we are required to find an approximation for it if, instead of the function ur(x), we know only an approximation u(x) of it such that pu(u r , u) 8. If we have no information regarding the existence of an exact solution of equation (1.1.1) but do have information regarding the class of possible right-hand members U, we can also pose the problem of finding an approximate solution of equation (1.1.1). To do this, we define the concept of a generalized solution (quasisolution) of equation (1.1.1) on the set F as an element z of F at which the distance pu(Az, u) attains its greatest lower bound [71, 72]; that is, arbitrarily small without preventing the change in the correspond- ing solutions Zl (s) and Z2(S), namely, from ..the- being arbitrarily great. Here, we measured the difference between the functions Zl (s}>and Z2 (s) in the C-metric. If the difference between the solutions is estimatt1!d in the L 2 -metric, the solution of equation (1.1.1) is again unstble under small changes in u(x). Specifically, P F (z., z,) = {  I z.(s) - z, (s) I' <is} 'I, = I N I { si n' ros ds f" = IN 1"1 J b - a -  sin (0 (b - a) cos (0 (b + a). (1.1.3) V 2 2(0 One can easily see that the numbers wand N can be chosen in such a way that, for arbitrarily small discrepancies between Ul (x) and U2 (x), the discrepancy between the corresponding solutions as calculated according to formula (1.1.3) can be arbitrary. However, the requirement of stability of the solution of equation (1.1.1) has to be satisfied since it is associated with the physical determinacy of the phenomenon (relationship) described by that equation. The problem of solving the integral equation (1.1.1) is not completely settled by taking as an approximate solution a function z(s) for which Pu (Az, u) = inf Pu(Az, u), ZEF Az = S K (x, s)z(s)ds. a Obviously, if equation (1.1.1) has a solution zr EF in the usual sense for u = ur, it coincides with the generalized solution of the equation Az = Ur. The problem then arises of finding algorithms for constructing generalized solutions that are stable under small changes in the right-hapd member u(x). Example 2. Consider the system of linear algebraic equations Pu (Az, u)  6, Az -= u, (1.1 .4) where u approximates the right-hand member of the equation with accuracy 8: pu(u, u 1 ) 8. 4 where Z is an unknown vector, u is a known vector, and A = {a ij } is a square matrix with elements aij. 5 
If the system (1.1.4) is nonsingular, that is, if det A*,O, it has a unique solution, which we can find by Cramer's rule or by some other method. * If the system (1.1.4) is singular, it will have a solution (not unique) only when the condition for existence of a solution (vanishing of the relevant determinants) is satisfied. Thus, before solving the system (1.1.4), we need to check whether it is singular or not. To do this, we need to evaluate the determinant of the system det A. If n is the order of the system, evaluation of det A !requires approximately n 3 operations. No matter how accurtely we perform the calculations, the value that we obtain for dt A will differ from the true value as a result of the accumulation of computational errors, and this discrepancy will be arbitrarily great for sufficiently large n. This circumstance necessitates construction of algorithms for solving the system (1.1.4) that do not involve preliminary determination as to whether the system is singular or not. Furthermore, in practical problems, we often know only approximately the right-hand member U and the elements of the matrix A, that is, the coefficients in the system (1.1.4). In such cases, we are ",dealing not with the system (1.1.4) but with some other system Az = u such that II A -A II  0 and II u-u II  0, where the meaning of the norm is usually determined by the nature of the problem. Having the matrix A instead of the matrix A, we are even less able than before to draw a definite conclusion as to whether the system (1.1.4) is singular or not. In such a case, all we know regarding the exact system Az = u is that IIA-AIIo and Ilu-ull6. But there are infinitely many systems with such initial data (A, u), and we cannot distinguish between them within the framework of the level of error known to us. Such possible exact systems may include singular ones. Since we have the approximate system k = u rather than the exact one (1.1.4), we can speak only of finding an approximate solution. But the approximate system may be unsolvable. The question then arises as to what we are to understand by an approximate solution of the system (1.1.4). It must also be stable under small changes in the initial data (A, u).  2. The concepts of well-posed and ill-posed problems. 1. Well-posed and ill-posed problems are distinguished. The con- cept of a well-posed problem of mathematical physics was introduced by J. Hadamard [201, 202] in the attempt to clarify what types of boundary conditions are most natural for various types of differential equation (for example, the Dirichlet and analogous problems for elliptic equations and the Cauchy problem for hyperbolic equations). The solution of any quantitative problem usually ends in finding the "solution" z from given "initial data" u: z = R(u). We shall consider u z as elements of metric spaces U and F with metrics Pu(Ul, U2) for Ul, U2 E U and Pp(Zl, Z2) for Zl, Z2 E F. The metric is usually determined by the formulation of the problem. 2. Suppose that 'the concept of solution is defined and that to every element u E U there corresponds a unique solution z = R(u) in the space F. The problem of determining the solution z = R(u) in the space F from the initial data u E U is said to be stable on the spaces (F, U) if, for every positive number E, there exists a positive number O(E) such that the inequality PU(Ul, U2)  O(E) implies Pp(Zl, Z2)  E, where Zl = R(ud and Z2 = R(U2) with Ul and U2 in U and Zl and Z2 in F. The problem of determining the solution Z in the space F from the "initial data" u in the space U is said to be well-posed on the pair of metric spaces (F, U) if the following three conditions are satisfied: 1) for every element u E U there exists a solution Z in the space *Kurosh, A. G., Kurs vysshey algebry (Course of higher algebra), 10th ed., Moscow, Nauka, 1971. F; 2) the solution is unique; 7 6 
3) the problem is stable on the spaces (F, U). For a long time, it was the accepted point of view in mathematical literature that every mathematical problem has to satisfy these conditions [93]. Problems that do not satisfy them are said to be ill-posed. It should be pointed out that the definition of an ill-posed problem is with respect to a given pair of metric spaces (F, U) since the same problem may 'be well-posed in other metrics (see examples 2 and 3 of 3 of this introduction). Remark. The fact that the spaces F and U are metric paces is used here to express the closeness of elements as a tbeans of describing neighborhoods in the spaces F and U. The bas'iC results to be given below remain valid for topological spaces F and U (see [73] ). If the class U of initial data is chosen in a "natural" manner for the problem in question, conditions 1) and 2) characterize its mathematical determinacy. Condition 3) is connected with the physical determinacy of the problem and also with the possibility of applying numerical methods to solve it on the basis of approximate initial data. When we get right down to it, what physical interpretation can we give to the solution of a problem if arbitrarily small disturbances in the initial data can cause great changes in the solution? 3. That a problem be well-posed has often been treated as a condition that any mathematical problem corresponding to any physical or technological problem must satisfy. This generated doubt as to the usefulness of studying ill-posed problems. However, this point of view, while perfectly natural as applied to certain phenomena that have been studied over the years, is not valid for all problems. In 3, we shall give some examples of ill-posed problems relating both to the basic mathematical apparatus and also to a broad class of applied problems. 4. The problem of finding an approximate solution of an ill-posed problem in a natural class F is in practice ambiguous. Thus, suppose that the problem of solving the equation Az=u (1.2.1) in the class F is ill-posed. * Let us suppose that the right-hand member of equation (1.2.1) is known to us with accuracy 0; that is, we know not its exact value UT but an element 'it such that PU(UT, u) <; 0. It is natural to seek an approximate solution of equation (1.2.1) in the class Q{j of elements z for which Pu{Az, 'if) <; O. However, in a number of cases, this class of elements is too broad. As was shown in example 1 of  1, these elements (functions z(s)) include elements that can differ greatly from each other (in the metric of the space F). Therefore, not every element of the class Q{j can be taken as an approximate solution of equation (1.2.1). A rule for selecting possible solutions is necessary. For this, we need to use supplementary information (generally available) concerning the solution. Such information may be of a quantitative or qualitative nature. The attempt to use supplemen- tary information of a quantitative nature leads to the concept of a quasisolution [71, 72], of which we shall speak in greater detail in Chapter I. The use of supplementary information of a qualitative nature (for example, smoothness of the solution) necessitates a different approach to the construction of approximate solutions of equation (1.2.1). This approach is followed in [156-161] and will be described in Chapter II. 3. Examples of ill-posed problems. 1. Example 1. The problem of solving an integral equation of the first kind b S K (x, s) z (s) ds = u (x). a *This will be the case, for example, if A is a completely continuous operator. Then, the inverse operator A -1 will not in general be continuous on U and the solution of equation (1.2.1) will not be stable under small changes in the right-hand member u (in the metric of the space U). 8 9 
We looked at this example in detail in  1, where it was pointed out that its solution is unstable under small changes in the right-member u(x). Example 2. The problem of differentiating a function u(t) that is known only approximately. Suppose that Z1 (t) is the derivative of the function U1 (t). The function U2 (t) = U1 (t) + N sin wt differs from U1 (t) in the metric of C by an amount Pe(U1, U2) = INI for arbitrary values of w. However, the derivative Z2tt) = U2 '(t) differs from Z1 (t) in the C-metric by an amount INw I, which can be arbitrarily great for sufficiently large values of Iw I. We note that the problem of finding the nth derivatiy of the function u(t) reduces to solving the integral equation o{the firs kind However, in practical problems, these requirements on the functions u(t) often cannot be verified. Therefore, the metric used above for estimating the difference between functions u(t) in U is not a natural one for the differentiation problem. Example 3. Numerical summation of Fourier series when the coefficients are known approximately in the metric of 1 2 . 00 Suppose that !I (t) =  an cos nt. If instead of an we take n=o the coefficients c n = an + €In for n  1 and Co = ao, we obtain 00 the series 12 (t) -= 2j C n cos nt. The coefficients in these series n=o differ (in the metric of 1 2 ) by an amount t r 1 (t - t)n-lz (t) dt -_= II (t). J (n -1)1 o { 00 J ilt { 00 1 J ilt '1 j3t2 € 1 = !lo (C n - an)?' = € 1 -;;; = € r  , Thus, this problem does not possess the property of stability, a fact that leads to great difficulties in approximate evaluation of derivatives. Remark 1. If we take other metrics on the sets F and U (or on one of them), then the problem of differentiating u(t), which is known only approximately, may be well-posed on the pair of metric spaces (F, U). Thus, if U is the set of continuously differentiable functions on the interval [a, b] and the distance between two functions U1 (t) and U2 (t) in U is measured in the metric defined by which we can make arbitrarily small by choosing € sufficiently small. At the same time, the difference 00 12 (t) - 11 (t)= € 2j  cos nt n=l Pu (U h U 2 ) = sup { I U 1 (t) - U 2 (t) I + I U; (t) -- U; (t) I}, tE[a.b] may be arbitrarily large (for t = 0, the last series diverges). Thus, if we take the deviation of the sum of the series in the metric of C, summation of the Fourier series is not stable. Remark 2. If the difference between functions I(t) in F is estimated in the metric of L 2 , the problem of summation of Fourier series with coefficients given approximately (in the metric of 1 2 ) will be well-posed on such a pair of metric spaces (F, U). Specifically, from Parseval's theorem, we have but the distance between two functions Z1 (t) and Z2 (t) in F is measured in the C-metric, then the problem of differentiation obviously is well posed in that pair of metric spaces (F, U). 10 11 
1t 1/ 00 1/ '11 rn is [f,(I) - f,(I)J'dl} , = {  (en - an)'} , =', V % . o n-l u (x, 0) = f (x), au I = 'P (x), - 00 < x < a y y=o can be made arbitrarily large for sufficiently large values of a. Thus, this problem is not stable and hence is ill-posed. However, the Cauchy problem for Laplace's equation is encountered in applications [68-70, 75, 84, 94, 96, 209, 211, 212]. As an example, we may cite the problem of continuation of the gravitational potential observed on the surface of the earth (y = 0) in the direction away from the gravitational field sources. * Example 5. The problem of analytic continuation of a function known on part of a region to the entire region. Let D denote a bounded region and let E denote an arc of a curve contained in D. Then, the problem of analytic continuation of the function represented by the arc E to the entire region D is unstable. To see this, let Zo denote a point on the boundary of the region D at a positive distance d from E and let 11 (z) denote a function that is analytic in D. The function 12 (z) = 11 (z) + €/(z - zo), where € is a given positive number, is also analytic in D. On the curve E, these functions differ by €/(z - zo), which does not exceed in absolute value the ratio €/d; that is, lf2 (z) - 11 (z)1  €/d everywhere) on E. The ratio €/d can be made arbitrarily small by choosing .(3.. sufficiently great. However, the difference 12 (z) - 11 (z) = €/(z - zo) is unbounded in absolute value on the region D as a whole (see also [78, 192, 194, 196]). Example 6. The inverse gravimetry problem. Suppose that the density of a body is different from that of the surrounding medium. The problem is to determine the shape of the body from the anomalies in the gravitational field strength caused by it on the surface of the earth (see [36-38,40,41, 148, 165]). Let us suppose that the medium under the surface of the earth (z = 0) consists of masses with known densities PI and P2 separated by a boundary z(x) (see Fig. 1). Suppose that z(x) = -H everywhere except on an interval a  x  b, on which z(x) = -H + z(x). Example 4. The Cauchy problem for the two-dimensional Laplace's equation (Hadamard's example [202]). This problem consists in finding a solution of the equation b.u(x, y) = 0 from the initial data, that is, in finding a solution satisfying the conditions where I(x) and 'P(x) are given functions. If we set 11 (x) == 0 and 'PI (x) = a-I sin ax, then the solution of the Cauchy problem will be the function Ul (x, y) = a- 2 sin ax sinh ay, where a > O. If we set 12 (x) = 'P2 (x) == 0, then the solution of this Cauchy problem is U2(X, y) == O. If we estimate the differences in initial data and solutions in the metric of C, we have PC(fl' '2) = sup I II (x) - 12 (x) 1=0, x 1 Pc ('P 1J 'P 2 ) -= sup I 'Pd x ) - 'P:.l (x) I =-= -. x a The second of these can be made arbitrarily small by taking a sufficiently large. However, for any fixed y > 0, the difference between the solutions Pc(U 1 , u 2 ) -= sup I u 1 (x, y) - u 2 (x, U) I == x / 1. . h \ 1' h = sup -stnaxsm ay = -Sill ay x   *The potential of the gravitational field of the earth satisfies Laplace's equa- tion 6u = O. 12 13 
Thus, the problem of determining the function z{x) reduces to solving the nonlinear integral equation of the first kind :'J. X b Az = \; in (x - £)2 + H2 ds = u ( x)  (x-£)2+(H-z())2 ' a C!. b X where u(x) = (21T/p). Here, A is a nonlinear integral operator. It is easy to show that the solution of this equation is unstable under small changes in the right-hand member u(x). A vast literature [42,95, 125, 126, 131-140] has been written on questions of uniqueness of the solution of the inverse gravimetry problem. Let us mention some other classes of mathematical problems that include ill-posed problems: the solution of systems of linear algebraic equations with vanishing determinant (see Chapter III), certain problems in linear programming (see Chapter VIII), problems of minimizing functionals such that convergence of a sequence of values of the functional being minimized to its smallest value does not imply convergence of the minimizing sequence (see Chapter VII), certain optimal control problems (see Chapter VII), and many others [104]. 2. An important class of ill-posed problems of great practical value is constituted by problems of planning optimal systems and constructions. We present one of these problems below. Let us look at a problem of designing physical systems. This class includes problems of designing optical systems with given transmittances (or reflectances). Such systems can be obtained, for example, with the aid of laminated coatings deposited in the form of thin fIlms on the surface of the "backing". Consider a flat nonhomogeneous plate of infinite extent and thickness H. Let us set up a z-axis perpendicular to the plate with zero point chosen so that, within the plate, O<z<H. Let n(z) denote the index of refraction at the point z. Suppose that a monochromatic plane light wave of length A = 21TC/W is incident normally to the plate. Let us suppose FIG. 1. Such a configuration of masses causes on the surface of the earth an anomaly in the gravitational field strength I1g = -- oV I ' OZ 2=0 where V is the potential due to masses of density p = P 2 - Pi filling the region S shown in Figure 1. Since v = j ;: In ( : ) ds d11, where r = V (x - S)2 + (z - '11)2, S we have b -H+Z(£) 6.g = - L S r -  in.!. ds d'l1l - -= 2n J 011 r 2-0 a -H b =  r in (x - £)2 + H2 ds 2n J (x - £)2 + (H - z (;))2 a . An anomaly in the gravitational field strength on the surface of the earth can be measured. 14 15 
a) that the half-spaces {z<O} and {z>H} outside the plate are each homogeneous with indices of refraction no and nH' b) that there is no absorption in the plate or in the half-spaces outside it. Suppose that the electric field of the incident wave in the half-space {z < O} has the form Ein = 0 0 (z) i rot , where -l.!!!..noz (go(z) = Eoe C is the amplitude of the wave. Under these conditions, the amplitude o{ the electric field (g (z) the equation (see [35]) 2 (g" -+ n5(g =0. c 2 In this half-space {z < O}, the total electric field is the resultant of the fields of the incident and reflected waves. The amplitude (&-:0 (2) of the total field in this half-space is .W  l cnoz (go (z) = (go () +c1e The amplitude of the electric field of the wave passing through the plate is 0H (z)=c 2 (g0(z). Inside the plate, the amplitude of the field [ff (z) is a solution of the boundary-value problem (see [35]) (E" (02 -n 2 (z) <8 =0, O<z< H, c 2 (1.3.1 ) 0' (0) -- i.!!!.. no [(8 (0) -2Eo] = 0, c (g' (H) + i no  (H) =0. c (1.3.2) (1.3.3) If n(z) is piecewise-continuous on the interval (0, H), we have, at points of discontinuity Zi, (S (Zi -0) = (S (Zi + 0), (S' (Zi - 0) = (S' (Zi + 0). 16 The transmission capacity of such a system (the plate) is characterized by the transmittance J T = n (H) I <jfj (H) 1 2 . no <jfj 0 (0) (1.3 .4 ) Obviously, for such a system, this quantity is a function of the length A of the wave incident to the plate*: T =: T(A). The direct problem consists in finding the transmittance T(A) from given 00, n(z), and H, and it reduces to solving the boundary-value problem (1.3.1)-(1.3.3) for [ff (z). Frequently, we need to solve the problem inverse to this one. It consists in determining from a given function T(A) the system (n(z), H), that is, in finding the index of refraction n(z) of points in the plate and the thickness H of the plate. This problem is called the synthesis problem. It is not well-posed because .there may not exist a system (n(z), H) (a plate of thickness H with index of refraction n(z)) having the prescribed transmittance T(A). It is also possible that more than one system will have' that transmittance. In addition, not every system is realizable in practice. It is of interest to consider the synthesis problem for laminated systems in which the unknown function n(z) is piecewise-constant. In this case, the index of refraction n(z) has a constant value nj in the jth layer (for j = 1, 2, . . . , N), the thicknesses of the layers dj are arbitrary, and the number of layers N is not given. A problem of this kind that is important in practice is that of designing laminated coatings. Let us look in greater detail at the mathematical formulation of this problem, which is the discrete analogue of the problem examined above of designing optical systems. We shall describe a system consisting of N layers by a 2N-dimensional vector x = {d 1 , d 2 , . . . , d N ; nl, n2, . . . , nN}, the components of which are the thicknesses dj and the indices of *In some cases, one deals not with T("A) but with the reflectance R ("A) = 1 - T("A). 17 
. . f the layers. The solution of problem (1.3.1 )-(1.3.3) refraction nJ 0 ) 2N dimensional vector x a assigns, by formula (1.3.4, to any - unique transmittance T(A). Thus, a nonlinear operator A (x, A) If (A) (1.3.6) A (x, A) = T (A), Al -< A <: A 2 (1.3.5) N minimizing N and d =  d l such that" A (x, A) - T (A) ilL! < 0, 1=1 where 8 is a given number at least equal to 8 0 . This problem can be solved in the following way: By increasing successively by one the number of layers N, we find the smallest value N = No for which D 2 N o includes a vector XN for which  0 1/ A (XN o ' A) -- T (A) /lL! < o. When we have thus determined the number No, we seek, in the class of vectors x in D 2No satisfying the condition No 11.4 (x, A) - T (A) IL  6, a vector x minimizing d =  d 1' . A 1'=1 solution of this problem obviously exists since D 2No is a closed convex set contained in a finite-dimensional Euclidean space. Examples for the numerical solution of such problems are given in [35J. 3. The problem of designing optical systems that we have just considered is the problem of determining the coefficients n(z) in equation (1.3.1) from a known fURctional T(A) of the solution of that equation. It is one of the inverse problems of mathematical physics. Many other physical problems lead to problems of determining the coefficients in differential equations (ordinary or partial) from certain known functionals of their solutions. An example is the inverse kinematic problem of seismology. Its physical formulation is the following: Let D denote a region bounded by a surface S. A wave process (that is, a process described by the wave equation) generated by Sources acting at points of the surface S is considered in D. At points of S different from the wave Source points, the time of passage of waves through that region is recorded. We are required to find from these data the speed a = a(M) of propagation of waves within the region as a function of the point M. One can exhibit yet other physical problems leading to inverse problems of this kind. An examination of such problems may be found in [20,101-103,111, 141-143J. . t f 2N-dimensional vectors x. is defmed on some se 0 f 2N-dimensional vectors Let R 2N denote the Euclidean spae .0 d t th e closed region m It defined by and let D 2 N eno e D 2N = {xER2N; d 1' :> 0, nmin  n1' n max ; j= 1, 2, t ., N}. We shall estimate the diffrence between funtion.s T(A) in the . "\"\ ) * Le t T('A ) denote a function m L 2 (AI, A2) metnc L 2 (/\1, 1\2 . \ defined on the interval [AI, A2] . Let us find 6 N = inf 1\ A (x, A) n -- T (Iv) \lL.' XED 2 N ......... () ......... ... :> O. We shall call the Obviously, ()1:> ()2:> ... ?" m?".  - 11 ' m  t he limiting attamable accuracy. number Uo - Urn m-+oo . fi d' N-layer system with The design problep consists m In mg an. ed to find a system 'tt e 'Fi C A) Here we are requlf given transmi anc . , N and with smallest overall with the smallest number of layers 0 N  d 1 entary requirements are thickness d = LJ j. These supp em 1=1 . t of stability under external dT ed by the requlfemen ) con I Ion '1' 1 t d hen the number of layers is large , disturbances (easl y VlO a e w be dusty when the by the possibility that the apparatus may coatings are deposited, etc. . bl consists in The mathematical formulation of thIS. pro em finding an approximate solution of the equation *Instead of the Lrmetric, we could take the C-metric. 18 19 
4. One important problem is the construction of systems. of automatic mathematical processing of the results of a physIcal eXDeriment. One stage in the processing is the solution of inverse prblems of the form Az = u for z. .., Many modern experimental devices for investlgatm. g physIcal phenomena and objects of various kinds are complIcated and expensive complexes (accelerators of elementary particles, evices for obtaining and investigating high-temperature plasma, devIces for investigating the properties of.matter at very low temperatures, etc.). The desire for reliable information regarding the pheomenon under investigation or the study of "rare" and "weak'l' effects frequently necessitates many repetitions of a sinle exeriment. Automation of the performance of an expenment", and of registration of its results enables us to obtain in a short time a large volume of necessary information (tens and hundreds of thousands of photographs, oscillograms, readings of detec.tos, etc.). To obtain from this information the necessary charactenstlcs of the phenomenon or object being studied, we subsequently hae to process the results of its observations. In many caes, thIS processing must be done almost simultaneously wIt ,the performance of the experiment or with nly a sall permIssIble lag. In such a case, the processing necessItates gomg over a large amount of information and can be done only with a computer. For a large class of experimental set-ups, we can single out the following steps in the processing of observational resuts [66]: First step. Information is taken from the recordmg d.evice or from a constant carrier (for example, a photographIc cell), converted to a numerical code, and entered in the memory of the computer. . . Second step. The results of observation are statlstlIlY processed with an estimate of the degree of relia?ility: NormalIzmg measurements (background, calibrational, dosunetnc, etc.) are allowed for. Third step. The results obtained at the second step of the processing are interpreted. Usually, this interpretation consists in estimating the sought characteristics of the model of the phenomenon or object being studied. What is usually recorded in a physical experiment is not the parameters z of interest to us but certain of their manifestations u = Az. Therefore, the interpretation problem usually reduces to solving an equation Az = u. In many cases, this problem is ill-posed. A program for carrying out the entire processing complex (from the first through the third step) is usually called a complete system of mathematical processing of observational results or, more briefly, a processing system. A processing system can operate both in a "dialogue regime" and automatically, without the intervention of a human being in the intermediate stages. This procedure for automatic mathematical processing of observational results requires the use, in the processing system, of algorithms for solving the equation Az = u (including ill-posed problems) that are easily realized on a computer. A description is given in [33, 176] of a system of automatic mathematical processing of the results of a physical experiment on the interaction of r-quanta with neutrons and protons. 5. Inverse problems constitute a broad class of ill-posed problems arising in physics, technology, and other branches of learning. Suppose that the object or phenomenon in question is characterized by an element ZT (a function or vector) belonging to a set F. Frequently, ZT does not lend itself to direct study and some manifestation of it AZ T = uT is investigated (here, UTEAF, where AF is the image of the set F under the mapping executed by the operator A). Obviously, the equation Az= u (1.3.7) has a solution on F only for those elements u that belong to the set AF. The element uT is usually obtained from measurements and hence we know it only approximately. Let u denote its approximate value. In such cases, we can speak only of finding an approximate solution (that is, close to ZT) of the equation Az = u. (1.3.8) 20 21 
Here, u generally does not belong to the set AF. Frequently, the operator A is such that the inverse operator A -1 is not continuous (for example, when A is a completely continuous operator, in particular, the integral operator of Example 1). Under these conditions, we cannot take for the approximate solution the exact solution of equation (1.3.7) with approximate right-hand member; that is, we cannot take for the approximate solution the element z=A -1ff for two reasons: First, such a solution may not exist on the set F since u may not belong to the set AF, so that requirement 1) of a well-posed problem is not satisfied. ,Second, even if such a solution does exist, it will not possess the property of stability since the inverse operator A -1 is not cntinuous whereas stability of a solution of the problem (1.3.7) is usually a consequence of its physical determinacy and hence an approximate solution must possess this property. Thus, requirement 3) of a well-posed problem is not satisfied. Consequently, the problem (1.3.7) is ill-posed. In many cases, the absence of stability makes difficult a physical interpretation of the measurement results. Satisfying this condition is also necessary 'for the use of numerical methods of solution on the basis of approximate initial data. Thus, in the case of inverse problems we are confronted with the basic question: what do we mean by "approximate solution" of such problems? If an answer is given to this question, the problem then arises of finding algorithms for constructing approximate solutions that will possess the property of stability with respect to small changes in the initial data. 6. In what follows, our basic attention will be given to methods of solving ill-posed problems of the form (1.3.7). These include systems of linear algebraic equations and Fredholm integral equations of the first kind. In the first case, the operator A is a matrix whose elements are the coefficients in the system; in the second, the operator A is the integral operator 7. Suppose that the elements z and u in equation (1.3.7) are functions (scalar or vector) of the point M and the time t and that the operator A is a linear operator determined by the nature of the transformation from z to u. If we know the reaction (response) of the transformer to the Dirac delta function, which becomes infinite when M P and t = T, that is, the function A8(M, P; t, T) = K(M, P; t, T), then, for an arbitrary function z(M, t) in F, we have Az =  K (M, P; t, t) Z (P, t) dVpdt, where the integral is over the entire domain of definition of the function z(P, t). The function K(M, P; t, T) is called the impulse transfer function or, more briefly, the impulse function of the transformer (system). It is also often called the apparatus function of the system. In this case, equation (1.3.7) reduces to an integral equation of the first kind. Let us consider, for example, the problem of studying the spectral composition of a beam of light (the spectroscopy problem). Suppose that the observed radiation is nonhomogeneous and that the distribution of the energy density over the spectrum is characterized by a function z(s), where s is the frequency (or energy). If we pass the beam through a measuring apparatus, we obtain an experimental spectrum u(x). Here, x may be the frequency and it may also be expressed in terms of voltage or current of the measuring device. If the measuring device is linear, then the functional relationship between z(s) and u(x) is given by b 1z =  K (x, s) z (s) ds = u (x), a b Az ;:::::  K (x, s) Z (5) cis. a where K(x, s) is the apparatus function, assumed to be known. It represents the experimental spectrum (as a function of x) when a monochromatic beam of frequency s and unit intensity (this is the 22 23 
delta function 8(s - x)) hits the device. The numbers a and bare the ends of the spectrum. 8. .If z depends only on the time and if the transformer (apparatus) is homogeneous with respect to time, then the function K(M, P; t, 7) depends only on the difference t - 7: t S K (t - -r) z ('r) d,; = u (t), o K (M, P; t, -r) == K (t -- -r). where K(t) is the impulse function of the cable (see Chapter II). c) Calculation of the derivatives of a function that is known only approximately. For the nth derivative z(x) of a function u(x) we have the equation In this case, the operator Az has the form 00 Az = S K (t - -r) z (-r) d-r, -00 x S (x -- t(-lZ (t) Lit = u (x). (n 1)1 Xo and equation (1.3.7) becomes d) Automatic control problems, for example, the determination of the transfer functions k(t) of linear transformers from the input and output signals x(t) and yet): 00 S K (t - -r) z (-r) d-r = u (t). (1.3.9) t Ak = S x (t - ,;) k (-r) d-r = y (t). o -00 This is an integral equation of the first kind of the convolution type. Examples of problems leading to equation (1.3.9) are the following: a) the problem of determining the form of a radio impulse z(t) emitted by a source from the results of its reception at great distances from the source u(t) when we know the impulse function of the trace of the distribution K(t). The equation for z(t) has the form There are also many others (see [148, 164]). t Az =  K (t - -r) z (-r) d-r = u (t). o b) the problem of determining the form of an electrical impulse at the input of a cable z(t) from measurements of it at the output of the cable u(t): 24 2S 
CHAPTER I THE SELECTION METHOD. QUASISOLUTIONS The possibility of determining approximate solutions of ill-posed problems that are stable under small changes in the initial data is based on the use of supplementary information regarding the solution. Various kinds of supplementary information are possible. In the first category of cases, the supplementary information, which is of a quantitative nature, enables us to narrow the class of possible solutions, for example, to a compact set, and the problem becomes stable under small changes in the initial data. In the second category of cases, to fmd approximate solutions that are stable under small changes in the initial data, we use only qualitative information regarding the solution (for example, information regarding its smoothness (see [156-161,175]). In the present chapter, we shall look at the selection method, which has broad practical application, the quasisolution method, the method of replacement of the original equation with an equation close to it, and the quasiinversion method. As an ill-posed problem, we shall consider the problem of solving the equation Az= u (1.0.1) 27 
for z, where u belongs to a metric space U and z belongs to a metric space F. The operator A maps F onto U. It is assumed that A has an inverse operator A -1 though the latter is not in general continuous. When the operator A possesses these properties, we shall call equation (1.0.1) an operator equation of the first kind or, more briefly, an equation of the first kind. eu (Azo, u) = inf eu(Az, u). ZEM the class M of possible solutions for which the selection method is stable and zn -+ zT [155]. These requirements consist in compactness of the set M and are based on the following topological lemma: Lemma. Suppose that a compact (in itself) subset F of a metric space Fo is mapped onto a subset U of a metric space U o . If the mapping F -+ U is continuous and one-to-one, the inverse mapping U -+ F is also continuous. Proof. Let <(J denote the function that maps any element z of F into an element u of U and let 1/; denote the inverse mapping from U onto F. Let us take an arbitrary element Uo of U. Let us show that the function 1/;(u) is continuous at Uo. Suppose that this is not the case. Then, there exists a positive number €1 such that, for every position number 0, there exists an element u of U such that PuUl, uo) < 0 though pp(z, zo)  €1 . Here, z = 1/;(u) and Zo = ljJ(uo). Let us take a sequence {on} of values of 0 that converges to 0 as n -+ 00. For every On, there exists an element Un such that  1. The selection method of solving ill-posed problems. 1. A method of solving equation (1.0.1) approximately that is widely used in computational work is the selection mthod. It consists in calculating the operator Az for elements z bel@nging to some given subclass Me F of possible solutions; that is, ''We solve the direct problem. As an approximate solution, we, take an element Zo belonging to the set M for which the difference Pu(Az, u) attains its minimum: Suppose that we know the right-hand member of equation (1.0.1) exactly: u = u T, and that we are required to find its solution ZT. Usually, we take for M a set of elements z depending a finite number of parameters varying within finite limits in such a way that M is a closed set contained in a finite-dimensional space. If the desired exact solution ZT of equation (1.0.1) belongs to the set M, then inf Pu(Az, u) =0 and this infimum is ZEM attained with the exact solution ZT. If equation (1.0.1) has a unique solution, the element Zo minimizing Pu(Az, u) is uniquely defined. In practice, minimization of pu(Az, u) is done only approximately, and our first fundamental question about the selection method is as follows: If {zn} is a sequence of elements of M such that Pu(Azn, u) --+ 0 as n -+ 00, can we assert that pp(zn, Z T) -+ 0 as n -+ 00, that is, that {z n} converges to z T? 2. The attempt to find a basis for the success of the selection method has led to some general functional requirements restricting Pu (un, u o ) < 6n and Pp(in, zo) > €It where Zn = 1/; (Un). Obviously, the sequence {un} converges to the element uo. Since all the elements zn belong to the compact set F, the sequence {zn} has a subsequence that converges to an element Zo of F: - - {znk}  ZOo Here, Zo =1= Zo since PP(znk' zo)  €1' Corresponding to this subsequence is a sequence of elements u nk <{J (Znk) of U that converges (in the sense of continuity of the mapping «J) to the element iio = «J(zo) and is a subsequence of the sequence {un}. Since this last sequence converges to Uo = «J(zo), we have U o = <{J (20) = U o = <{J (zo). 28 29 
Since the mapping F --+ U is one-to-one, it follows that Zo = zo. Since we showed above that Zo =1= Zo, we have reached a contradiction. This completes the proof of the lemma. Thus, the minimizing sequence {zn} in the selection method converges to zT as n --+ 00 if zT belongs to a compact class M of possible solutions. Suppose that, instead of the exact right-hand member UT, we have an element U o such that pu(u o ' u T )  o. If ufj belongs to the set AM (the image of the set M under the operator A) a.nd M is compact, we can use the selection method to find an apP¥oximate solution z of the equation Az = u o ' It will als\f> be an approximation of the solution ZT of the equation Az =v.1T since the inverse operator A -1 is continuous on AM. In finding z as an approximation of zT, we I1eed to keep in mind the level of error in the right-hand member since can be used successfully to solve the problem. Thus, we have given a definitive answer to the first question. Let us look at the problem of solving the Fredholm integral equation of the first kind b Alz = J l( (x, s) z (s) d8 = U (x), U (x) E La a (1.1.1) on a set M 1 of decreasing (or increasing) uniformly bounded functions; that is, for some B, we have Iz(s) I  B. This problem is well-posed in the sence of Tikhonov since the set M 1 is compact in the space L 2 [43]. To see this, let us take an arbitrary sequence E = {ZI (s), Z2(S), . . ., zn(s),.. .} of functions in MI. According to Helly's choice theorem, * there exists a subseqence Pu (Az, u T ) < Pu (Az, u{j) + Pu (u{j, uTJ. El = {zn 1 (8), zna (8), ..., znk (8), ...} 3. On the basis of what has been said, M. M. Lavrent'yev formulated [99] the concept of a well-posed problem in the sense of Tikhonov. As applied to equation (1.0.1), a proplem is said to be well-posed in the sense of Tikhonov if we know that, corresponding to the exact solution U = uT, there exists a unique solution zT of equation (1.0.1) (so that AZT = UT) belonging to a given compact set M. In this case, the operator A -1 is continuous on the set N = AM and, if we know not the element UT but an element Ufj such that PU(UT, Ufj)  0 and U o EN, then for an approximate solution of equation (1.0.1) with right-hand member U = U o we can take the element Zo = A-I u o ' Since U o EN, this Zo approaches ZT as 0 --+ O. A set F 1 (contained in F) on which the problem of finding a solution of equation (1.0.1) is well posed is called a well-posedness class. Thus, if the operator A is continuous and one-to-one, the compact set M to which zT is restricted is a well-posedness class for equation (1.0.1). Hence, if the problem (1.0.1) is well-posed in the sense of Tikhonov and the right-hand member U belongs to AM, then the selection method of the sequence E and a function z(s) in M 1 C L 2 such that lirn znk (8) = Z (8) nk except possibly at a denumerable set of points of discontinuity of the function z(s). As we know, ** pointwise convergence of the subsequence E 1 to the function z(s) everywhere except possibly at a denumerable set of points implies convergence of the subsequence E 1 to the function z(s) in the metric of L 2 . Thus, as an approximate solution of equation (1.1.1) on the set M 1 with only approximately known right-hand member uEAM 1 , *E. C. Titchmarch, Eigenfunction Expansions Associated with Second- Order Differential Equations, Oxford University Press, part 2, 1958. **M. A. Krasnosel'skiy, P. P. Zabreyko, Ye. I. Pustyl'nik, and P. Ye. Sobolevskiy, Integral'nyye operatory v prostranstvakh summiruyemykh funktsiy (Integral operators in spaces of summable functions), Moscow, Nauka, 1966. 30 31 
we can take the exact solution of that equation with right-hand member U = U. As we know, this last -pr.oblem is equivalent to the problem of finding on the set M 1 the function minimizing the functional z = A-1u (1.2.1) 1\ A 1 z 6 - U II!  6 2 . ! (1.1.2) to construct a solution of equation (1.0.1) that is stable with respect to small changes in the right-hand member u of the approximate equation. Most of the time, we do not have an effective criterion for determining whether the element u belongs to the set N or not. This needs to be assumed known in advance. In practical problems, we often know not the exact value of the right-hand member UT but an approximate value of it 'ii, which may not belong to the set N = AM. In these cases, we cannot use formula (1.2.1) to construct an approximate solution of equation (1.0.1) since the symbol A -1 U may be meaningless. 2. The attempt to avoid the difficulties associated with the absence of a solution of equation (1.0.1) in the case of an inexact right-hand member u led V. K. Ivanov [71, 72] to the concept of a quasi solution of equation (1.0.1), which is a generalization of the concept of a solution of that equation. An element of z EM minimizing, for given u, the functional Pu(Az, u) on the set M is called a quasisolution of equation (1.0.1) on M: '-' -2 N [Z u} = 1\ Alz - U IILa' Suppose that PU(UT, u)  o. Then, as approximate solution 'of equation (1.1.1), we can take 'the function z 0 for which If we replace the integral operator A 1 with an operator representing summation over a fixed grid with n nodes and if we denote by Zi the values of the unknown function at the nodes, the problem of constructing an approximate solution of equation (1.1.1) reduces to the problem of finding a finite-dimensional vector minimizing the functional N[z, u] and satisfying equation (1.1.2). This is a linear programming problem. In certain cases, we can actually exhibit compact well-posedness classes. This makes it possible to construct stable approximate solutions. 4. Because of error in the initial data, the element U may fail to belong to the set AM. Under these conditions, equation (1.0.1) does not have a (classical) solution and the question arises as to what we mean by an approximate solution of equation (1.0.1). In this case, we introduce the concept of a quasisolution. If the set M is compact, the selection method enables us to find an approximation to the quasisolution. In the following section, we shall treat quasisolutions in detail. Pu (Az, u) = inf Pu (Az, u). ZEM  2. Quasisolutions. 1. Suppose that the operator A in equation (1.0.1) is completely continuous. In those cases, mentioned in  1, in which we are seeking a solution on a compact subset M of F and the right-handed member u of the equation belongs to the set N = AM, it is possible to use the formula If M is a compact set, a quasisolution obviously exists for every u E U. If in addition u EAM, then the quasisolution z coincides with the usual (exact) solution of equation (1.0.1). There may be more than one quasisolution. In such a case, by a quasisolution we shall mean any element of the set D of quasisolutions. It is possible to exhibit sufficient conditions for a quasisolution to be unique and to depend continuously on the right-hand member u. Let us recall the definition. Let y denote an element and Q a subset of the space U. An element q of the set Q is called a projection of the element y onto the set Q (and we write q = Py) if 32 33 
Pu (y, q) = Pu (y, Q), concepts and we shall not stop' for thts. For the case in which equation (1.0.1) is linear, we can easily obtain more general results contained in the following theorem [72]: Theorem 2. Suppose that equation (1.0.1) is linear, that the homogeneous equation Az = 0 has only the zero solution, that the set M is convex, and that every sphere in the space U is strictly convex. Then, a quasisolution of equation (1.0.1) on the compact set M is unique and it depends continuously on the right-hand member u. Proof. Let z denote a quasisolution and suppose that u = Az. Since the set M is convex, the set N = AM is also convex by virtue of the linearity of the operator A. Obviously, 'it is the projection of the element u onto the set N. Since every sphere in the space U is assumed to be strictly convex, the projection u is unique. The remainder of the proof is the same as for Theorem 1. 3. Suppose that F and U are Hilbert spaces, that M == S R is the ball (11 z II  R) in the space F, and that A is a completely continuous operator. In this case, a quasisolution of equation (1.0.1) can be represented in the form of a series of eigenfunctions or eigenvectors <{In of the operator A * A, where the asterisk denotes the adjoint operator. We know that A *A is a self-adjoint positive completely continuous operator from F into F. Let q  A2  . . . An  . . . denote the complete system of its eigenvalues and let <{Jl , <{J2, . . . , <{In, . .. denote the corresponding complete orthonormalized system of its eigenfunctions or eigenvectors. The element A *u can be represented by a series of the form where Pu (y, Q) = inf Pu (y, h). hEQ Theorem 1. If the equation Az = u can have more than one solution on a compact set M '(lnd if the projection of each element u of U onto the set N = AM is unique, then the quasisoltion of equation (2.0.1) is unique and depends continuously! on the right-hand member u. Proof. Suppose that z is a quasisolution and that li = Az. Obviously, u is a projection of the element u onto the set N = AM. By the hypothesis of the theorem, it is unique. This fact and the fact that the mapping of the set M onto the set N is one-to-one imply uniqueness of the quasisolution z. Obviously, z = A-I U = A-I Pu. By virtue of the lemma on the continuity of the inverse mapping of a compact set (see  1), the operator A-I) is continuous on N. The projection operator P is continuous* on U. Therefore, A-I P is a continuous operator on U and hence the quasisolution z depends continuously on the right-hand member u. Thus, all the conditions for well-posedness are restored when we shift to the quasisolution; that is, the problem of finding the quasisolution of equation (1.0.1) on the compact set M is well-posed. If the solution of equation (1.0.1) is not unique, then the quasisolutions constitute a set D of elements of the compact set M. In this case, without the restrictions listed in Theorem 1 on the set N, we have continuous dependence of the set of quasisolutions D on u in the sense of continuity of multiple-valued mappings. It is not difficult to prove this assertion (see [72, 106]) though its proof would require the introduction of a number of new 00 A*u = 2] bn<{Jn. n=l (1.2.2) *L. A. Lyusternik and V. I. Sobolev, Elements of Functional Analysis, Ungar, New York, 1961 (translation of Elementy funktsional'nogo analiza). Under these conditions, we have [72]: Theorem 3. The quasisolution of equation (1.0.1) on the set SR is expressed by 34 35 
 00 h n z =  T:" <{In n=l n (1.2.3) We seek the solution of this equation in the form of a series of the <{In: if 00 z = 2i Cn<{Jn. n=l (1.2.9) 00 bZ )1 .!:- < R 2 ,,--J 'A Z n=l n (1.2.4) Substituting this series into equation (1.2.8) and using the expansion (1.2.2), we find C n = bn/An. Consequently, inequality (1.2.4) means that IIzll <R and it is a question of finding the unconditional extremum of the functional (1.2.7). The series (1.2.3) is then the solution of the problem. On the other hand, if inequality (1.2.5) holds, this means that IIzll R and we need to solve the problem for a conditional extremum of the functional (1.2.7) under the condition that IlzIl2=R 2 . By using the method of undetermined Lagrangian multipliers, we can reduce the problem to that of finding the unconditional extremum of the functional but by DO Z - - J n=l b n <{In  + 'An zf 00 bZ  .-!!:..:> R 2 . n=l 'A (1.2.5) (Az-u, Az-u) + a(z, z). 00 b2 :3 n = R 2 . ('An + )2 n=l (1.2.6) and we can then reduce this problem to that of finding the corresponding solution of the Euler equation A * Az + az = A *u. Substituting for z the expression given by (1.2.9) and using the expansion (1.2.2), we find Here, {3 is a root of the equation Proof. The quasisolution minimizes the functional b n c n = -. a+An p (Az, u) (Az - u, Az -- u), (1.2.7) We determine the parameter a from the condition IIzllz=Rz, which is equivalent to (1.2.6). for which the Euler equation has the form* A*Az = A*u. (1.2.8)  3. Approximate determination of quasisolutions. In the preceding section, we saw that finding a quasi solution involves finding an element in an infinite-dimensional space. For approximate determination of a quasisolution, it is natural to shift *V. I. Smirnov, Course of Higher Mathematics, Vol. V, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1964 (translation of Kurs vysshey matematiki). 36 37 
to a finite-dimensional space. There is a fairly general approach to approximate determination of quasisolutions of equations (1.0.1) [60, 72], in which A is a completely continuous operator. We shall assume that the sufficient conditions listed in section 2 for existence of a unique quasi solution on a given set M are satisfied; that is, we shall assume that the set M is convex and compact and that a sphere in the space U is strictly convex. Let M 1 , M 2 , . . . denote a sequence of closed compact sets M n such that Hrn Pu (u, N n) = Pu (u, N). noo (1.3.3) Since Pu(u, N n ) = Pu(u, Bn), we have M 1 C M 2 C CMnC Hrn Pu (u, Bn) = Pu (u, Az). nco (1.3.4) 00 and the closure of their union U M n coincides with M. A n=l quasisolution of equation (1.0.1) exists on each set M n , but it may not be unique. We denote by Tn the set of all quasisolutions on the set M n . Let us show that we can take for an approximation of the quasisolution z on the set M any element 'in in Tn. Here, Each set Bn is compact since it is a closed subset of the compact set N n . Therefore, there exists in Bn an element Yn such that Pu(Yn, u) = inf Pu(Y, u). YEB n Hrn P F (Zn, z) = O. n-+oo The sequence {Yn} has at least one cluster point belonging to N since N is a compact set. Let Yo denote a cluster point of the set {Yn} and let {Ynk} denote a subsequence that converges to Yo; that is, Define N n = AM n and let Bn denote the set of projections of the element u onto the set Nn' Obviously, Bn = ATn and N 1 £N a £ . . . c. N n' Then, tirn Pu (Ynk' Yo) = O. n k-'>OO It follows from (1.3.3) and (1.3.4) that Pu(u, N 1 ) '> ... '> Pu(u, N n ) '> ... '> Pu(u, N) = = Pu (u, AZ). (1.3.1) Pu (u, Yo) = Hrn P u u, Ynk) =. n kOO = lirn Pu (u, B nk ) = Pu (u, .42) = Pu (u, N). nkoo 00 Since the set U N n is everywhere dense in N, for every positive n=l e there exists a number no (e) such that, for every n > no (e), Thus, Pu (u, N n) < P u (u, N) + e. (1.3.2) Pu (u, Yo) = Pu (u, N). It follows from (1.3.1) and (1.3.2) that This fact and the uniqueness of the quasisolution on the set M imply that 38 39 
Yo = AZ. Since Yo is an arbitrary cluster point of the set {y n}, the sequence {Yn} converges to Az. This means that we can take as approximation of the quasisolution any element zn in the set Tn since, by virtue of the lemma of  1, zn -+ Z as n -+ 00. If we take for M n an n-dimensional set, the problem of finding an approximate quasisolution on the compact set M reduces to minimizing the functional Pb(Az, u) on the set M n , is, to finding the minimum of a function of n variables. Quasisolutions have also been studied in [52, 53, 74, 106, 109]. 4. Replacement of the equation Az = u with an equation close to it. Equations of the form (1.0.1) in which the right-hand member u does not belong to the set N = AM have been studied by M. M. Lavrent'yev [97-99]. To him belongs the idea of replacing the original equation (1.0.1) with an equation that in some sense is close to it and for which the problem of finding the solution is stable under small changes in the right-hand member and solvable for an aribtrary right-hand member u belonging to U. In the simplest case, this is done in the following way: Suppose that F = U = H are Hilbert spaces, that A is a bounded, positive, self-adjoint linear operator, that SR == {x, !I xII R, xEF} is the ball of radius R in the space F, and that B is a completely continuous operator defined, for every R > 0, on SR. As well-posedness class M, we take the set DR = BS R , that is, the image of the sphere SR under the operator B. It is assumed that the sought exact solution ZT of equation (1.0.1) with right-hand member u = u T exists and belongs to the set DR. Equation (1.0.1) is replaced with the equation (A + aE) Z = Az + az = u, (1.4.1 ) where a is a positive numerical parameter. With appropriate choice 40 of the parameter a, the solution of equation (1.4.1) Za = (A + aE) -lU, (1.4.2) is taken for the approximate solution of equation (1.0.1). Here, E is the identity operator. Remark. To estimate the deviation PF(zT' zs) of the approximate solution from the exact one, we can use the modulus of continuity w of the inverse operator on N. Suppose that U1 and U2 belong to N and that PU(U1, U2)  o. Then, oo(, N) = sup PP(A-1U 1 , A- 1 U 2 ). u 1 ,ua EN Obviously, if PU(UT, us)  0 and Zs = A -1 Us, then Pp (z T' Z6) < ro (6, N). Let us return to equation (1.4.1). If IIAzll  and 00(6, DR)=sup IIzlI, we can easily obtain an estimate of the DR deviation of Zev. from zT' Obviously, IJza -z'TIIIIZa-ZTII + II za -iall, (1.4.3) where Za = (A + aErlur. Consequently, /3 !!Za - zT11  00 (0, DR) + - . a (1.4.4) If we know the modulus of continuity w(o, DR) or a majorant of it, we can use (1.4.4) to find the value of the parameter a as a function of 0 that will minimize the right-hand member of inequality (1.4.4). 41 
 5. The method of quasiinversion. 1. We know that the Cauchy problem for the heat flow equation with negative values of the time is unstale nder smll changes in the initial values. The instability remams m cas m which the solution is subject to certain extra boundary condItIOns. The method of quasiinversion [104] has been developed for a stable solution of such problems. Let us describe the essential features of that method for a very simple heat-flow equation without justifying our steps. A detailed treatment, applicale to a broader class of problems, is contained in [104]. 2. Let us look at the direct problem. Let D denote ja finite region in n-dimensional Euclidean space Rn of points »< = (Xl, X2, . . . , x n ). Suppose that D is bounded by a piecewise-smooth surface S. Let SO(x) denote a given continuous function defined on D. With t denoting the time, the direct problem consists in finding a solution u = u(x, t), in the region G = {XED, t> O}, of the equation au __ /J.u = 0 at (1.5.1) that satisfies the boundary condition U lX, t) = 0 for XES (1.5.2) and the initial condition u (x, 0) = SO (x). (1.5.3) Here, n t::.u = '" a 2 u . LJ ax 2 k==l k We know that this problem has a solution. To every function 42 'P(x)EC there corresponds a solution of the problem (1.5.1)-(1.5.3). Let us denote it by u(x, t; SO). The inverse problem consists in finding the function I?(x) when we know the function u(x, t; SO). In actual problems, the function u(x, t; SO) is usually found empirically and hence known only approximately. Let us assume that uEL 2 . Such a function may fail to correspond to any "initial" function SO(x). Thus, there may not be a solution of the inverse problem in the class of functions C. Therefore, let us look at the problem of finding a generalized solution of the inverse problem. Suppose that we are given a positive number T and a function 1/; (x) belonging to L 2 and defined on D. The functional f (SO) = S I u (x, T; SO) -1/; (x) 1 2 dx D is defined on the set of functions SO (x) in the class C. We shall refer to a function SO(x) for which f 0 = i nf f ( SO) If) EC as a generalized solution of the inverse problem. Remark. A "natural" approach to solution of this problem is to choose the function SO(x) in such a way that [(SO) = O. To do this, it is sufficient to find the solution of the direct problem au _ t::.u = O. at ' u (x, t) = 0 for XES, 0 < t < T; u (x, T) = 1/; (x) and then set SO' (x) = u (x, 0). But this problem is not in general solvable for a given function 1/; (x) in L 2 . Furthermore, it is unstable under small changes in the function I/J (x). 43 
On a certain class of generalized functions SO(x), we have fo = 0 (see [104]). Therefore, we shall examine the problem of finding an approximate value of fo with a given error level: For given e > 0, find a function SOe(x) for which f(soe)  e. This problem is solved by the method of quasiinversion. The idea of the method of quasiinversion consists in finding an operator BOt. close to the heat-flow operator a/at - such that, when it is substituted for the heat-flow operator, the problem is stable for t < T: Baua = 0, XE D, t< T, a >0; U a (x, T) = 1/; (x); U a (x, t) = 0 for XES, t < T When we solve this problem, we get so (x) = U a (x, 0). Usually, for the operator BOt. we take the operator !... -i -- af),2 at and solve the direct problem aU a lit - Ua - o.f), 2u a = 0, XED, t < T, a > 0; u a (x, T) = 1/; (x); u a (x, t) = 0 for XES, 0 < t  T, !J.U a = 0 for XES, ° < t < T. We then set so (x) = U a (x, 0). It should be pointed out that UOt. does not converge in the usual sense as a -+ O. This quasiinversion method can be applied to a broader class of problems dealing with evolution equations (see [104]). 44 CHAPTER II THE REGULARIZATION METHOD In Chapter I, we examined the situation in which the class of possible solutions of equation (1.0.1) is a compact set. However, for a number of applied problems, this class F is not compact and the changes in the right-hand member of the equation Az=u (2.0.1) that are associated with its approximate nature can take u outside the set AF. We shall call such problems genuinely ill-posed problems. A new approach to the solution of ill-posed problems that was developed in [156-161] enables us, in the case of genuinely ill-posed problems, to construct approximate solutions of equation (2.0.1) that are stable under small changes in the initial data. This approach is based on the fundamental concept of a regularizing operator [157].  1. The concept of a regularizing operator. 1. Suppose that the operator A in equation (2.0.1) is such that its inverse A -1 is not continuous on the set AF and the set F of possible solutions is not compact. 45 
If the right-hand member of the equation is an element U(j E U that differs from the exact right-hand member UT by no more than 0, that is, if pu(u(j, UT)  0, it is obvious that the approximate solution Z(j of equation (2.0.1) cannot be defined as the exact solution of this equation with approximate right-hand member U = U(j, that is, according to the formula Z{) = A- 1 u{). The numerical parameter 0 characterizes the error In the right-hand member of equation (2.0.1). Therefore, it is nailural to define Z(j with the aid of an operator depending on a p*ameter having a value chosen in accordance with the error 0 in the initial data U(j. Specifically, as 0 -+ 0, that is, as the right-hand member U(j of equation (2.0.1) approaches (in the metric of the space U) the exact value UT, the approximate solution Z(j must approach (in the metric of the space F) the exact solution ZT that we are seeking for the equation Az = u T . Suppose that the elements ZT EF and uTE U are connected by AZ T = uT' Definition 1. An operator R(u, 0) is said to be a regularizing operator for the equation Az = U in a neighborhood of U = UT if 1) there exists a positive number 01 such that the operator R(u, 0) is defined for every 0 in 0  0  oland every U(j E U such that Pu (U T , u)  6; and 2) for every e>O, there exists a 00 = oo(e, UT)Ol such that the ineq uality Pu(U{), UT)  6  6 0 46 implies the inequality Pp (z{), ZT)  e, where Z(j = R(u(j , 0). Remark 1. This definition does not assume uniqueness of the operator R, and Z(j denotes any element in the set {R(u(j, o)}. In many cases, it is more convenient to use another definition of a regularizing operator, one that subsumes the definition just given. Definition 2. An operator R(u, a) depending on a parameter a is called a regularizing operator for the equation Az = U in a neighborhood of u = UT if 1) there exists a positive number 01 such that the operator R(u, a) is defined for every a> 0 and every U in U for which Pu (u, u T )  6  6 1 and 2) there exists a function a = a(o) of 0 such that, for every e > 0, there exists a number o(e)  01 such that the inclusion U(j E U and the inequality PU(U T , u{»  6 (e) imply Pp(ZT' za) e, where Zex = R(u(j, a(o». Again, there is no assumption of uniqueness of the operator R(u(j, a(o». We should point out that here the function a = a(o) also depends on U(j. * *Dependence of the parameter ex on U(j implies that it is also dependent on UT and hence on zT since AZT = uT. 47 
2. If Pu(UT, Ub)<:O, we know from [156, 157] that we can take for an approximate solution of equation (2.0.1) with approximately known right-hand member Ub the element Za = R(Ub, a) obtained with the aid of the regularizing operator R(u, a), where a = a(o, Ub) in accordance with the error in the initial data Ub. This solution is called a regularized solution of equation (2.0.1). The numerical parameter a is called the regularization parameter. Obviously, every regularizing operator defines a stable method of approximate contruction of the solution of equations (2.0.1) provided the choice for a is consistent with th acturacy 0 of the initial data (a = a(o)). If we know that PU(UT, ubj<:O, we can, by the definition of a regularizing operator, * chpose the value of the regularization parameter a = a(o) in such a way that, as 0 --+ 0, the regularized solution Za = R(Ub, a(o)) approaches (in the metric of F) the sought exact solution ZT, that is, PF(ZT, Za(6») --+ O. This justifies taking as approximate solution of equation (2.0.1) the regularized solution. Thus, the problem of finding an approximate solution of equation (2.0.1) that is stable under small changes in the right-hand member reduces a) to finding regularizing operators, b) to determining the regularization parameter a from supplementary information pertaining to the problem, for example, pertaining to the size of the error in the right-hand member Ub. This method of constructing approximate solutions is called the regularization method. 3. Out of all the operators R(u, a) from U into F that depend on the parameter a and that are defined for every U E U and every positive a, we need to single out the operators that are continuous *In this definition, U T is assumed to be fixed and for this reason the dependence of R on uT is not explicitly emphasized. The only information assumed regarding uT appears in the definition of b. When we have supplementary information regarding uT, we naturally use other definitions of a regularizing operator that take this information into account. 48 with respect to u. For these, we can give sufficient conditions for belonging to the set of regularizing operators of equation (2.0.1). This is an immediate consequence of the _ Theorem. Let A denote an operator from F into U and let R(u, a) denote an operator from U into F that is defined for every element U of U and every positive a and that is continuous with respect to u. If lim R. (Az, a) = Z a-lO for every element Z of F, then the operator R(u, a) is a regularizing operator for the equation Az=u. Proof. It will be sufficient to show that the operator R(u, a) possesses property 2) of definition 2 (see p. 46). Let ZT and U T denote fixed elements of F and U respectively such that AZ T = UT. Let 0 denote a fixed positive number. Then, for every element Ub of U such that Pu (u, U T)  6, we have PF (T< (u{), a)'ZT)  P F (R (u{), a), R CUT, a)) f- P F (R (UT, a), ZT)' (2.1.1) Since the operator R(u, a) is continuous with respect to U at the "point" uT, it follows that, for sufficiently small positive 0 <: 0 the inequality 1 , Pu (u, UT)  6 (2.1.2) implies the inequality PF(R (u, a), R (UT ,a))  (0 (6), (2.1.3) 49 
where w(o) --+ 0 as 0 -+ O. Since lirnR(AzT,a) = lirn R(uT,a) = Z'!', a-.O a->o - (0 Z ) such that, for there exists for every positive 0 an al - a l , T a :::;;;;al, P F (& (UT' a), zT)  ro (6). It follows from inequalities (2.1.1)" (2.1.3), and (2.1 for every 0 :::;;;; 0 I and a :::;;;; al , (2.1.4) that, (2.1.5) PF (R (U6, a)'ZT)2ro(6). o -+ 0 there exists for every e > 0 a o(e) such Since w(o) --+ 0 as , _ ( 0 z ) the inequalities (2.1.2) that, for o:::;;;;o(e):::;;;;ol and a - al , T, and (2.1.5) imply PF (R (U6, a), ZT)  e. h f f the theorem. This completes t e proo 0 (u a) which depend on the numericl Remark 2. Operators R '" d " mathematical literature m have been examme m parameter a f C' solutl " o ns of various problems . "th "stence proo s lor connectlOn WI eXl ) d 1 in generalizations of conver- (i;:dgse:;;hep::'toras :e continuous with respect o 6 u hey define, with a suitable correspndence between a an , methods for finding approximate solutlOns.  2. Methods of constructing regularizing operators. d" [156-161] for constructing A method is presente l hich is based on a " " erators for equatlOns (2.0.1), w regulanzmg op d " b " t l " n th e P resent section (see " "1 We shall escn e I variational pnnclp e. h t the equation Az = UT has a also [211 D. We shall assume t a unique solution ZT' 50 1. Let n [z] denote a continuous nonnegative functional defined on a subset FI of F that is everywhere dense in F. Suppose that a) ZT belongs to the domain of definition of n [z] , b) for every positive number d, the set of elements z of FI for which n [z] :::;;;; d is a compact subset of FI . We shall refer to functionals n[z] possessing these properties as stabilizing functionals. Suppose that we know that the deviation of the right-hand member U a from the exact value UT does not exceed 0, that is, P u( U a , uT):::;;;; o. It then is natural to seek an approximate solution in the class Qa of elements z such that pu(Az, u a ):::;;;; O. This Qa is the set of possible solutions. However, we cannot take an arbitrary element Za of Qa as the approximate solution of equation (2.0.1) with approximate right-hand member U = U a because such a "solu tion" will not in general be continuous with respect to O. Thus, the set Qa is too broad. We need a principle for selecting the possible solutions that ensures that we obtain as approximate solution an element (or possibly more than one element) of Qa that depends continuously on O. For such a principle we may take the above-mentioned variational principle, which is also applicable to the construction of approximations to a quasisolution if one exists. Suppose that n [z] is a stabilizing functional defined on a subset (proper or otherwise) FI of the set F. We shall consider only" those elements of Qa on which the functional n [z] is defined; that is, we shall consider only elements of the set FI 0 = QonFi" Among the elements of this set, let us find the one (or' ones) that will minimize the functional n[z] on Fi,o. Let Za denote such an element. * It can be regarded as the result of applying to the right-hand member U = U a of equation (2.0.1) an operator if. depending on the parameter 0: Z = R (u, 6). *The existence of such an element will be proven below. 51 
2. We shall show that the operator R(u, 0) is a regularizing operator for equation (2.0.1) and hence that the element Zr, = R (U6, 6) can be taken as approximate solution of equation (2.0.1). Let us show first of all that the operator R(u, 0) is defined for every 0 > 0 and every U o E U such that Pu (ur" u r ) < 6. Since n[z] is a nonnegative functional, there exists inf Q [zl = Qo' zeF l.r, Let {zn} denote a minimizing sequence for n [z] , that is, one such that lirn Q [znl = Qo. n-foOO We may assume without loss of generality that, for every n> 1, Q[Zn]<Q[Zn-I]< ... Q[ZI]' Thus, the sequence {zn} belongs to the compact (in itself) set of elements z of F 1 such that Q [z}  Q [zII. Consequently, this sequence has a convergent subsequence {Zn,J. Let us define Hrn Znk = Zr,. nk-foOO The compactness of the sequence {Zn,J on F I implies that Zo 52 belongs to the set F I , so that the functional n [z J i defined on it. * The continuity of the functional n [z] at the element z implies that 0 Pu (AZr,nk' U6nk) < 6nk' But since lirn Q [Znk] = Qo' n k-+OO we have Q [Z6] = Qo = inf Q [z]. ZEF 1 ,6 Thus, propeE.,ty 1) of the definition of a regularizing operator is proven for R(u, 0). Let us now show that it possesses property 2) of the definition. Since the element Zo minimizes the functional n [z] on the set F 1,0 and ZT EF 1,11, it is obvious that Q [z]  Q [Z'T ]. Thus, the element Zo belongs to the set Fr = {z; Q [z] < Q [ZT]}' which is compact on Fl' Suppose that we are given a sequence { u } such that () ( u U )  0 h { } . n vU r, n "'" n, were 0 n IS a sequence of positive numbers that converges to 0; that is on -+ 0 as n --+ 00. For every On, the set QOn is defined. Let us now define F1,r,n = Qr,n n Fl' *One can easily see that zijEFi,o. 53 
Each of the sets F I,t)n has, by virtue of what we have just proven, an element Zr, minimizing the functional n [z] on that set. Thus, corresponding nto the sequence of numbers {on} is a sequence of elements {zon} belonging to the set F T , which is compact on Fl' Consequently, the sequence {zr,n} has a convergent (in the metric of F) subsequence {ZOnk}' Remark. If the equation Az = UT has more than one solution, this method can still be used to construct a regularizing operator. In this case, every convergent subsequence {Zi\n} converges to some solution of equation (2.0.1) with right-hand member U = UT although different subsequences may converge to different solutions. 3. Thus, with this approach, the problem of finding an approximate solution of equation (2.0.1) with approximate right-hand member consists in minimizing the functional n [z] on the set Let us define z = lirn ZOIl . nk->oo k F I . o = Qo nFl, Since zr,n E F I.On C Qf:J n , it follows that, for every element zOnk of this subsequence, Pu (Az onk , uo nk )  onk" Taking the limit as nk --+ 00 and using the continuity of the operator A, we obtain where Qr, = {z; Pu(Az, uo)  o}. It should be pointed out that numerical solution of this last problem on a computer is often difficult. Define Pu (Ai; u T ) = O. Qo = inf Q {Z] :lEFt Consequently, Ai = uT' The uniqueness of the solution of equation (2.0.1) with right-hand member U = uT implies that z = zT' Thus, lim zOn = ZT. n k->OO k and let Mo denote the set of all elements z of FI such that n [z] = no. Let us assume for simplicity that M 0 consists of a single element Zo. * There are two possibilities: 1) The sets Mo and Ft,i\ have one or more members in common; 2) the sets Mo and Ft,i\ are disjoint. In the first case, we take the element Zo as the solution of the variational problem of minimizing the functional n [z] on the set This will be the case for every convergent subsequence of the sequence {Zi\n}' It follows that, for every squence {on} of positive numbers On that converges to zero, the corresponding sequence {Zi\ } converges (in the metric of the space F) to the element ZT' This proves that R(u, 0) possesses pro]?erty 2) of the definition of a regularizing operator, so that it is a regularizing operator for equation (2.0.1). *If the set M has more than one element, stability of the solution should be understood in the sense of continuity of multiple-valued mappings. 54 55 
F 1 O' This solution is stable under small changes in u o ' To see thi, note that, for every e > 0, the solution, belongs to the set De (compact on Fd of elements z such that n[z]  no + e. The operator A is continuous and one-to-one. The lemma of  1 of chapter I then tells us that the inverse mapping is also continuous. In the second case, Pu(u o , AMo) > 0 and, for a broad class of cases, we can reduce the problem of minimizing the functional n [z] on the set F i , 0 to the classical problem of finding a conditional extremum of the functional n [z]. This problem is much more amenable to numerical solution on a compuFer. The reduction can be made with the aid of the lemma to pe given below. We shall say that the functional n [z] is quasimonotonib* if, for every element Zo of F I that does not belong to the set Mo, every neighborhood of it includes an element z I of F I such that n[zd <n[zo]' Lemma. The greatest lower bound of a quasimonotonic functional n[z] on a set F i ,o for which MonF1,0 is empty is attained for an element Zo for which Pu(Azo, u o ) = O. Proof. Let us suppose that For every z in that neighborhood, we have Pu (Az, ur,) < (), since Pu (Az, ur,)  Pu (Az, Az 6 ) + Pu (AZ6, ur,) < <  2  +  =  t  < 6. Consequently, o (z, Zr,) C Qr,. The quasimonotonicity of the stabilizing functional n [z] implies that the neighborhood O(z, zo) includes an element ZO,1 of F I such that Q [Zr"l] < Q [zr,]. (2.2.1) inf Q [z] ZEF1.lJ Since the element ZO,1 belongs to the sets Qo and F I and hence to the set F 1,0, inequality (2.2.1) is in contradiction with the assumption that the functional n [z] attains its greatest lower bound on the set F 1 ,0 at Zo' This completes the proof of the lemma. We can use this lemma to solve the problem of minimizing the functional n [z] not on the set F 1 . 0 but on the set F I under the condition that the element z that we are seeking satisfies the equation is attained at an element Zo of F 1,0 for which Pu(Az lJ , ur,) =  < 6. By virtue of the restriction imposed on the size of the error 0, we have zo$Mo. The continuity of the operator A on F implies the existence of a neighborhood O(z, zo) of the element Zo all elements of which satisfy the inequality Pu (Az, u() = 6. - Pu (Az, Azr,) < -. 2 This is a conditional extremum problem. Let us solve it by the method of undetermined Lagrange multipliers; that is, let us minimize the functional *M. M. Lavrent'yev and other authors have used this term but with a different meaning.  (Z" U6] = P (Az. Ur,) + aQ (Z], (2.2.2) 56 57 
where the numerical parameter a is determined from the condition pu(Azex.' u o ) = &, where Zex. is an element at which the functional M'" [z, Ui\] attains its greatest lower bound. If Lagrange's method is realizable, that is, if there exists an a such that Pu(Azex., u a ) = &, then the original variational problem is equivalent to the problem of minimizing the functional M'"[z, uo]. Specifically, if a is chosen in such a way that Pu(Azex., u o ) = &, then the solution Zo of the original variational problem also minimizes th functional Me.\;. [z, us], Conversely, if z ex. minimizes the functional Mex. [z, us] under the condition P u(Az, uk) = &, then the minimum of the functional n [z] is attained at #he same element Zex.' The question of sufficient conditions for reaizability of Lagrange's method is examined in greater detail in section 6 of the present chapter. * The element Zex. can be regarded as the result of applying to the right-hand member u = Us of equation (2.0.1) some operator R I depending.. on the parameter a: Za = Rl (u, a (6)), Za = Rl (U6, a), will be a regularizing operator for equation (2.0.1). Under certain conditions, such a function exists and can be found, for example, from the relationship Pu(Azex., us) = &. We shall see in 3 that a set of such functions a(&) exists. The possibility of using different functions a(&) in the regularizing operator R I (u, a(&)) is connected with the nonuniqueness of regularizing operators for equation (2.0.1). We shall look in greater detail in   3 and 6 at ways of determining the regularization parameter. In connection with what has been said, the problem of finding the optimal value (in a sense determined in advance) of the regularization parameter a = a(&) is a natural one. For certain operators A of the convolution type, this problem will be examined in Chapter V. 5. It should be pointed out that, whereas the original problem (2.0.1) does not have the property of stability, we shall show in 3 that the problem of minimizing the functional Mex. [z, u] is stable under small changes in the right-hand member u. This stability has been attained by narrowing the class of possible solutions through the introduction of the functional n [z] with the properties described above. Thus, n plays a stabilizing role. For this reason, it is called the stabilizing functional for the problem (2.0.1) or simply the stabilizer. The choice of stabilizing functional n [z] is often prompted by the nature of the problem. However, in a number of cases, more than one choice is possible. We shan call the functional Mex. [z, u] a smoothing functional. 6. We have described a method for constructing regularizing operators that is based on a variational principle. In what follows, we shall call it the variational method of constructing regularizing operators. There are other ways of doing this. A method based on the use of the spectrum of the operator A is described, for example, in [16, 18, 19] (see also [104, 185-187]). For operators A of convolution type, a method is given in Chapter IV for constructing a regularizing operator by using Fourier, Laplace, Mellin, and other integral transformations. Regularizing operators where a = a(&) depends on the discrepancy (see section 6). Thus, as approximate solution of equation (2.0.1), we take the solution of a different problem (the problem of minimizing the functional Mex. [z, u]) that is close to the original one for small values of the error in the right-hand member U o . ** 4. It should be mentioned that it is possible to consider the functional Mex. [z, u] without connecting it with the question of a conditional extremum of the functional n [z] and to seek an element Zex. minimizing it on the set Fl' The problem then arises of finding the regularization parameter a in the form of a function depending on & and on the other parameters of the problem (a = a(&)) such that the operation R I (u, a(&») defining the element *It is possible to construct an example in which Lagrange's method for solving conditional extremum problems is not realizable; that is, ex. may not be defined by the condition PV(Azex., us) = s. **See Theorem 2 of g 3 of the present chapter. 58 59 
are also examined in [5-7] and [149] for equations of convolution type. 7. Approximate solutions of the equation Az = u that are stable under small changes in the initial data can also be constructed by the method of iterations (see [17, 91, 92, 99, 112, 117,151,153]), taking zn =R(u,zn_l,...,Zn_k),where k<n. For these solutions to be stable under small changes in the initial data, the iteration number n = n(o) yielding Zn (taken as the approximate solution) must.. be compatible with the size of the error in the initial data. Sometimes, we can obtain an a priori estimate of the of Zn from zT (see [99, 117]) Let n [z] denote a quasimonotonic stabilizing functional defined on a subset F 1 of F. Let us suppose that the numbers 0 and h characterize the approximate nature of the initial data {Ah, Ub} in the following sense: pu(Az, Ahz) PU(u T , U)  6, h = sup 1/ ' h < 00. { ZEFt {Q [z)} 2 Q[z]¥=o Let us suppose that, for arbitrary h  0, the operator Ah maps F continuously and one-to-one onto U and that A 0 = A. Following the idea of the method of regularization expounded in  2, we can formulate the above-mentioned problem of finding an approximate solution of equation (2.2.3) that is stable under small changes in the initial information as follows: Out of all elements z belonging to F I such that PF (zn, ZT) B (6, n) and then, by minimizing B(o, n), find n(o). In some cases, n(o) can be found from the discrepancy. 8. We have examined in detail methods for constructing approximate solutions of ill-posed problems of the form (2.0.1) that are stable under small changes in the initial information when the right-hand member of (2.0.1) is inexactly given but the operator A is assumed to be known exactly. Let us look at the problem of constructing a solution of equation (2.0.1) in cases in which both the right-hand member of the equation and the operator A are given approximately [46, 47] . Let ZT denote the exact solution of the ill-posed problem (2.0.1) with right-hand member U = UT. Suppose that zTEF and uT E U. Let A denote a continuous one-to-one operator from F into U. Suppose that we are given not the exact initial data {A, UT} of the problem (2.0.1) but a two-parameter family of approximate initial data {Ah, Ub}, the closeness of which to the exact data is characterized by a pair 'Y = (h, 0) of nonnegative numbers h and o. Then, it is only a question of finding an approximate solution (Le., one close to ZT) of the equation P (Ahz, u)  6 z +h2Q[Z], find an element z'Y giving the functional n [z] its greatest lower bound on the set F 1 . Lemma. The greatest lower bound of the functional n[z] is attained with an element z'Y of F I for which p- (AhZ'Y' (6) = 2 + h 2 Q [z'Y J. Proof. We proceed in the same manner as in 2. Let us suppose that inf Q [z] is attained with an element Zo of F I for which ZEFt Ahz = U6. (2.2.3) p (Ahz o , u) = 6 < 6 2 + h 2 Q [zo] = t.\. The continuity of the operator Ah (from F into U) implies that, for every number 01 such that 00 < 0 I < £\0, there exists a neighborhood 0 1 (z, zo) of the element Zo any element z in which satisfies the inequality Pu(AhZ, Ub) < 01' Since the functional n [z] is continuous, there exists a neighborhood O 2 (z, zo) of the element Zo in which every element z satisfies the inequality 60 61 
or <0 2 + h 2 n[z]. Consequently, for all elements z belonging to the intersection of the neighborhoods 0 1 (z, zo) and O 2 (z, zo), we have P (Ahz, u{)) < 0 2 + h 2 Q [z]. (2.2.4) Since the functional n [z] is quasimonotonic, every neighbor- hood 03(Z, zo) of the element Zo that is contained in the intersection Odz, zo) noz (z, zo) includes an element jZl for which n[zd < n[zo]. Since inequality (2.2.4) is satisfied/for the element ZI, this means that inf Q[z] is not attained \fith the ZEFt element Zo. This contradiction with the assumption proves the lemma. According to this lemma, the problem of minimizing the functional n[z] on the set F 1 under the condition Pi, (Ah Z , Ub)02 + h 2 n[z} reduv's to the problem of minimizing n[z] under the condition P (AhZ, uo) =6 2 +h2Q[Z] and is solved in accordance with the method described in  2 by minimizing the corresponding smoothing functional M' [z, u{), A h ] = P (Ahz, U6) + (a - h 2 ) Q [z]. Here, the parameter a can be determined from the discrepancy by the condition P (Ahz, u{)) - h 2 Q [z] = 0 2 . The operator R 2 (Ub, Ah' h, 0) which assigns to the initial data of the problem {Ah, Ub} an element z'Y' where 'Y = (h, 0), minimizing the functional n [z] on the set of elements of F 1 for which p (Ahz, uo) = 6 2 +h2Q[Z] is a regularizing operator for the problem (2.2.3). It should be pointed out that the element z'Y is not necessarily unique. 62 3. The construction of regularizing operators by minimization of a smoothing functional. We can construct the regularizing operator for equation (2.0.1) by minimizing the smoothing functional MOi. [z, u]. The para- meter a is then determined from the discrepancy by the condi- tion Pu (Az a , u{)) = o. This method of constructing the regularizing operator is, as we saw in  2, equivalent to the method of constructing it by minimizing the functional n [z] on the set of elements z for which Pu (Az, U6)  o. As we noted in 2, the smoothing functional MOi. [z, u] can be defined formally without connecting it with the variational problem of finding a conditional extremum of the functional n [z] and the regularizing operator can be constructed by solving the problem of minimizing the functional MOi. [z, u]. Here, we need to take for a the corresponding function of 0 in accordance with definition 2 of a regularizing operator. In the present section, we shall show that it is possible to obtain in this way a broad class of regularizing operators. We point out here that the regularization method described below for finding an approximate solution of equation (2.0.1) and its justification can be applied without any change to the approximate determination of a quasisolution of the same equation. 1. Suppose that the set F of possible solutions of equation (2.0.1) is a metric space and that n [z] is a stabilizing functional defined on a set F 1 C F. Then, we have Theorem 1. Let A denote a continuous operator from F into U. For every element u of U and every positive parameter a, there exists an element ZOi. E F 1 for which the functional M a [z, u] = P (Az, u) + aQ [2] 63 
attains its greatest lower bound: inf M a [z, u] = M a [Za, U]. ZEFt Proof. Since Mcx  0 for every ZE F I , the quantity inf Mcx = M 0 cx exists, the infimum being over all admissible elements of Fl' There exists a minimizing sequence {zn cx } of elements of FI such that lim JYf,; = Mg, where M = M a [z, u]. Obviously, we may n->-oo assume that, for every n, M+l  M  1\1. Then, for every n and every fixed a> 0, Q [z] M = Q. a Thus, the sequence {z} belongs to the set of elements Z of F I for which n [z ]  Q. Since this set is a com pact sub set 0 f F I' the sequence {z} has a subsequence {Zk} that converges (with respect to the metric of F) to some element Za of F I . The continuity of the operator A implies inf  [z, u] = lim M a [z, u] = lim M a [Zk' u] = ZEF 1 n-+::xJ n k->-OO = lim {P (Azk' u) + aQ [Zk]} = p (Aza, U) + aQ [Za]. n k->-OQ This completes the proof of the theorem. Thus, an operator RI (u, a) into F I is defined on the set of pairs (u, a), where u E U and a> 0, so that the element Za = Rl (u, a) minimizes the functional Mcx [z, u]. Sufficient conditions for uniqueness of the element Za can be exhibited. This will be the case, for example, if the operator A is 64 linear, the set F is a Hilbert space, and n [z] is a quadratic stabilizing functional. To see this, let us suppose that there exist two elements zg) and z) for which the functional MCX [z, u] attains its greatest lower bound. Consider elements of the space FI located on the line segment (in the space F) connecting z) and z) : Z = Zl) +  (Z2) __ Zl»). On the elements of this line, the functional Mcx [z, u] is a nonnegative quadratic function of 13. Consequently, it cannot attain its least value at two distinct values of 13. For a nonlinear operator A, the element Za may not be unique. 2. We need to show that the operator R I (u, a) is a regularizing operator for equation (2.0.1). Let us denote by T ill the class of functions that are nonnegative, nondecreasing, and continuous on an interval [0, 0 I] . Theorem 2. Let zT denote a solution of equation (2.0.1) with right-hand member u = uT; that is, AZ T = UT' Then, for any positive number e and any functions 131 (0) and 132 (0) in the class Till such that 132(0) = 0 and 02/131(0)132(0), there exists a number 00 = oo(e, 131, 132)01 such that for tiE U and 0 oo the inequality p u(u, uT)  0 implies the inequality P F(ZT, za)  e, where za = R I (ii, a) for all a satisfying the inequalities 6 2 1 (0)  a 2 (6). Proof. Since the functional Ma [z, 'il] attains its minimum when Z = zcx, we have a --   M [Za, U]  M a [ZT'U], Therefore, -- a a  aQ[Za] < M [Za, U]  M [ZT' U] = 2 -- 2-- = Pu (Az T , U) + aQ [2 T ] = Pu (U T , U) + aQ [ZT]  62 + aQ[zT] = a{  + Q(ZT]}. 65 
The inequality 0 2 /{31 (0)  a implies that  <l ()<l«\) and 0 2 a - + Q [ZT] < 1 (l) + Q [ z T l = Ho. Thus, a Q [ZaJ < Ho and Q I Z T l  Ho. Consequently, the elements zT and zQ belong to the set F Ho of elements Z of FI such that Q[Z] < Ho. This set is compact in Fl, Let U Ho denote the image of \the set F Ho under the mapping u = Az. Since the operator A is continuous, the mapping F HoU Ho is continuous and hence the solution of the equation Az = u is unique for every UE U Ho and the set F Ho is compact. Therefore, by the lemma of Chapter I, the inverse mapping U HoF Ho is also continuous (in the metric of F). This means that for arbitrary e > 0 there exists a number 'Y(e) > 0 such that the inequality Pu (u 1 , u 2 ) < 'Y(e), u 1 , U 2 E UHo implies the inequality P F(Zl' Z2)  e if UI = AZ 1 and U2 = Az 2 . Furthermore, for u and u a = A, we have 2-- 2 -- -- a - Pu (U a , U) = Pu (Az a , U) < 1\;1 2 [Za, U]  M [ZT' U] = 2 "" = PU (NT' U) + aQ [zTJ= = P(lIT'U) + aQ [ZT]  0 2 + aQ [Zr]' Using the inequality a  {32 (0), we obtain - "" 1/ Pu (u a , U) < {2 + 2 () Q [ZT]} J = tp (), (2.3.1) 66 where tp(o) is a continuous monotonically increasing function on [0, 0 I] and tp(0) = O. Obviously, Pu (u a , u T )  Pu (U a , u) + Pu (u, U T ). Using inequality (2.3.1) and the inequality (2.3.2) Pu (il, u T ) < 0, we obtain P u (U'a, U T )   + tp (0) = 1/; (0), (2.3.3) where 1/;(0) is a continuous monotonically increasing function on [O,od for which 1/;(0) = O. Setting 00 = 1/;-1 ('Y(e), where 1/;-I(y) is the inverse of the function y = 1/;(0), and using the continuity of the mapping U Ho-'?-F Ho, we see that, for all a in the closed interval 0 2  <a2(0), 1 (0) the inequality Pu (U,tty) <   o implies the inequality P F (ZT' Za)  e. This completes the proof of the theorem. Estimates of the errors in the approximate solutions are examined in [26, 27, 77, 80, 85, 86, 117]. This theorem shows that, when we construct regularizing operators by minimizing the smoothing functional Ma [z" u], the regularization parameter a is a multiple-valued function of the error in the right-hand member o. This function can be defined 67 
not only in terms of the discrepancy, that is, from the condition Pu(Az, Ul) = D, as was done in 2, but also in other ways (see 6). Remark 1. Frequently, restrictions of the form 'PI (x)  ZT(X)'P2(X), where 'PI (x) and 'P2(X) are given functions, are imposed by the nature of the problem on the solution zT(X) that we are seeking. For example, the solution must be nonnegative ('PI (x) == 0). In such cases, we need to take as the space of possible solutions F .the space of functions z(x) satisfying those inequalities. Theorems 1 and 2 of the present section} remain valid in these cases. 3. Suppose that a subset CP of a metric space F apmits a metrization P <t> (z 1, Z 2) that maj orizes the metric P F( Z 1 , Z 2) 0 f the space F; that is, for every pair of elements ZI and Z2 in CP, P F(Zl, Z2) < P<c> (Zl, Z2)' If the sphere P<c> (z, Zo) -< d (with center at Z 0) is compact in F (in the metric of F), then Theorem 1 is valid; that is, there exists an element Zo: E CP minimizing the functional M a [z, u] = pf; (Az, it) + aQ [z], (2.3.4) where Q [z] = P (z; 0). If the exact solution zT of equation (2.0.1) that we are seeking belongs to the set CP, then the operator R 2 (li, a) which provides, for every a> 0 and U E U, an element 20: minimizing the functional (2.3.4) is a regularizing element. The proofs of these assertions are analogous to those given in sections 1 and 2. Thus if F is the set of continuous functions z(x) on the , 68 interval [a, b] with metric P F (Zl, Z2) = sup I Zl (x) - Z2 (x) I, xE[a,b] then we can take for the set CP the set C I of continuously differentiable functions on that interval with metric P<c> (Zh Z2) = sup {I Z1 (x) - Z2 (x) I + I z; (x) - z (x) I}. a::;;;;xb By Arzela's theorem, any sequence {zn(x)} of continuous func- tions zn(x) that satisfy the inequality P<c> (zn, zo) < d contains a subsequence {znk (x)} that converges uniformly to a continuous function zo(x)EF, that is, that converges to zo(x) in the sense of the metric of F. Consequently, the sphere {z; P<t>(z, Z 0)  d} is compact in C. As a second example,- consider the case in which F is the space of continuous functions z(x) on the interval [a, b] with the C-metric P F (Zh Z2) = sup I Zd X ) - Z2 (x) I, ax<b and CP is the space of functions that have square-integrable generalized derivatives up to pth order; that is, CP is the Sobolev space W. The metric in W is defined by { b p ( d r z ) 2 } t/2 P." (z" Z2) = f o q, (x) dx' dx , Z = Z1 - Z2' where qo(x), qI (x), . . . , qp -1 (x) are given nonnegative continuous functions and qp(x) is a given positive continuous function. It is well known that, for every p, the space W is a Hilbert space and 69 
that a closed ball in it is compact in C. Consequently, if we seek regularized solutions of equation (2.0.1) in the space W  , Theorems 1 and 2 are also valid for them. Remark 2. Since in this case a regularized solution za(x) minimizes the stabilizing functional S b p ( dr ) 2 Q [z] =  q, (x) -;- dx a '=0 dx (2.3.5) (under the condition pu{u, Az) = 8), it will obviouslt be a "smoothest" function (up to order p) for which Pu(Az, ) = 8. Thus, in this case, we approximate the sought solution zT with the aid of the "smoothest" functions (up to order p). Stabilizers of the form (2.3.5), where qr(x)  0 for r = 0, 1, . . . , p - 1 and qp(x) > 0 will be called stabilizers of pth order. If all the functions qr(x) are constants, they will be called stabilizers of pth order with constant coefficients. * Conditions under which regularizing operators exist are examined in [25]. Remark 3. The results of  1-3 were obtained for equations (2.0.1), in which the operator A is continuous. However, these results can be carried over to equations in which the operator A is closed (see [61, 106-108, 114]). Remark 4. The regularization method that we have described can also be used to solve well-posed problems of the form Az = u, for example, to solve Fredholm integral equations of the' second kind. Various questions associated with ill-posed problems are examined in the following papers [1,4,8,21,22,54,81,88,89, 110, 113, 123, 147, 150, 152, 154, 163, 169, 174, 191, 193, 197-200,204-206,208,213,215,216,218,219] . 4. The concepts of quasisolutions and of regularized solutions of the equation Az = u were defined in Chapters I and II. We shall *In mathematical literature, they are sometimes called Tikhonov stabilizers (see, for example, [144-146]). 70 now show the connection (established in [74]) between these two concepts. Suppose that Az = u, (2.3.6) where z and u belong to Banach spaces F and U respectively and A is a linear operator from F into U, and suppose that the range R(A) of the operator A is everywhere dense in U and that the inverse A -1 of A exists but it is not continuous. Let n [z] denote a continuous nonnegative convex functional defined on a linear manifold F I that is everywhere dense in F. Suppose that n [z ] satisfies the following conditions: a) n[O] = 0; b) for every fixed nonzero element z of F I , the function 'PC(3) = n [{3z] is a strictly increasing function of the variable {3 such that Iirn 'P () = + 00; (3-++00 c) for every d  0, the set FJ == {z, zEFt, Q [z] d} is compact. Obviously, n[z] is a stabilizing functional for equation (2.3.6) and F 1 = U F. d>o We note that pth-order stabilizing functionals (see subsection 3) have the three properties listed. Suppose that zd is a quasisolution of equation (2.3.6) on a compact set F ; that is, zd is an element minimizing the functional II Az - u 11 2 on the compact set F. It is shown in [79] that n[Zd] = d. Consequently, for given d > 0, the problem of finding the quasisolution Zd on the compact set F"j reduces to minimizing the functional 71 
pt (Azt u) =11 Az - u 11 2 under the condition n [z] = d, that is, to the problem of finding the unconditional minimum of the functional M a [Zt uJ = pt (Az, u) aQ [.2] on the set FJ. Suppose that an element Zc1 minimizes the functional Mcx [z, u]. By 3, the element Zcx is a regularized solution of equation fl.3.6) on the set F . Thus, a quasisolution of equation (2.3.6) ion the compact set F J is a regularized solution of that equation (When we substitute the element Zcx into equation (2.3.6), we obtain the discrepancy pu(Azcx, u) = Scx. The three conditional parameters d, a, and Scx are connected by two relationships: Q [za] = d, Pu (Az a , u)= 0" (2.3.7) If we know one of them, we can find the other two by using (2.3.7). With the regularization method, we are usually given the parameter Scx, that is, the value of the error in the right-hand member of equation (2.3.6). Since FJ. C Fi1 z for d 1 < d 2 , a regularized solution of equation (2.3.6) on the set F 1,6 = Fl. n Q() (see 2, Chapter II) belongs to the set FI -= U FJ. d;?;o Thus, the family of regularized approximate solutions of equation (2.3.6) consists of quasisolutions on the family of extended compact sets F J. 5. A regularized solution of the equation Az = u can also be constructed in the form of a series. Suppose that F and U are Hilbert spaces and that A is a completely continuous operator from F into U. Let F 1 denote a Hilbert subspace of the space F with a majorant norm such that, for every d> 0, the set of elements z of F 1 for which II z II  d is compact in F. Then, we can take for the stabilizer the functional n [z] = 11 z W. In this case 72 Euler's equatiop for the smoothing functional Mcx [z, u] has the form A*Az + az = A*u. (2.3.8) Here, A * A is a self-adjoint operator. Let {'P n} denote the complete system of its eigenfunctions and let {An} denote the corresponding eigenvalues. As we know, A *u can be represented in the form of a series 00 A*u = :zj cn'Pn. n=l If we seek a solution in the form 00 z= 2j bn'Pn, n=l we obtain for its coefficients the formula C n b n = - . 'An + a The parameter a is determined from the discrepancy (cf. Theorem 3 of section 2 of Chapter I). Variational methods of solving ill-posed problems are also examined in [23]. 4. Application of the regularization method to the approximate solution of integral equations of the first kind. 1. As was shown in 3, to find an approximate (regularized) solution of equation (2.0.1), it is sufficient to find an element Zcx EF minimizing the functional Mcx [z, u]. This last problem can be solved either by direct methods for minimizing the functional 73 
(for example, by the method of steepest descent) or by solving the Euler equation corresponding to the functional Mcx [z, u]. This equation has the form A*Az aQ' [z] = A*u, where A * is the adjoint of the operator A and [2' [z] is the Frechet derivative of the functional [2[z]. 2. Suppose that we are retjuired to find a regularized solution of a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind on finite interval [a, b] (see [156]) b S K (x, s) z (s) ds = u (x), a (2.4.1 ) where e X d and u(x)EL2 [e, d]. Let us use a first-order stabilizer. Thus, we seek a regularized solution zcx(s) in the space W . It minimizes the functional d { b 2 Marz, u] = f J K(x, S)Z(S)dS-U(X)} dx+ b a S {% (s) Z2 (s) - ql (s) ( :: r} ds. a (2.4.2) A condition for a minimum of this functional is vanishing of its first variation. This last condition is written in the form  (-a { :, [q, (5) :: ] - qo (5) Z (5) } + + J K. (5, f) z (f) df - b (5)) V (5) ds + aq, (5) z' (5) V (5) i: (2.4.3) 74 Here, v(s) is an arbitrary variation of the function z(s) such that both z(s) and z(s) + v(s) belong to the class of admissible functions, and d R (s, t) = J K n;, s) K (, t) d, c d b (s) = S I( (, s) u (G) d£. c Condition (2.4.3) will be satisfied if b 5 R (s, t) z (t) dt -- a { d [ql (s) ; ] -- qo (s) z} = b (s) a (2.4.4) and ql (s) z' (s) v (s) I = o. (2.4.5) Thus, if we know the values of the desired solution z(s) of equation (2.4.1) at both ends of the interval [a, b], then we can take as admissible functions in minimizing the functional (2.4.2) only functions z(s) in. W that assume the prescribed values at those end-points. In this case, the functions v(s) must vanish at s = a and s = b and condition (2.4.5) will be satisfied. In the case that we have described, the problem of finding a regularized solution zcx(s) thus reduces to finding a solution of the integrodifferential equation (2.4.4) satisfying the conditions z (a) = z;., z (b) = 2;, (2.4.6) where Zt and Z2 are known numbers. If the values of the solution z(s) that we are seeking are not known at the end-points s = a and s = b, we can satisfy condition (2.4.5) by taking 7S 
z' (a) = z' ( b) = 0. (2.4.7) In this case, we need to take as regularized solution of equation (2.0.1) a solution of equation (2.4.4) satisfying conditions (2.4.7). Other boundary conditions that the solution of equation (2.4.4) must satisfy are obviously possible. For example, there might b'e conditions of the form z (a) = ii, z' (b) = ° (2.4.8) or z' (a) = 0, z (b) = 2;. (2.4.9) Remark 1. When we do not know the values of the sought solution at the end-points of the interval, we set z' (a) = 0, z' (b) = 0. But the solution of (2.4.1) that we are seeking may not satisfy these conditions. If, for example, we know that the derivative of the solution that we are seeking has the value g at s = a, then, by setting z(s) = z(s) + g.s in equation (2.4.1), we obtain an equation of the same form (with the same kernel) but with a different right-hand member for the function z(s). The solution that we are seeking will satisfy the condition z'(a) = O. 3. If in solving equation (2.4.1), we use pth-order stabilizers, then Euler's equation for the functional Mcx [z, u] will have the form [157] b P d r [ drz ] S R (s, I) z (I) dl + a o (-I)' ds' q, (s) ds' = b (s). a We can easily write boundary conditions that are possible for the solution sought for this equation. For example, 76 z (a) = z' (a) = z (b) = z' (b) = = Z(P-l) (a) = 0; = Z(P-l) (b) = 0. We shall not write other possible boundary conditions. 4. The problem (2.4.4), (2.4.6) or the problem (2.4.4), (2.4.7) and others can be solved numerically on a computer. In such a case, equation (2.4.4) is replaced with its finite-difference approximation on a given grid. If we take a uniform grid with step h, equation (2.4.4) is replaced with a system of finite-difference equations of the form -  { q i k-l . Zk-l + Ql.k . Zk+1 -- (Ql.k + Ql.k-l) . Zk- h 2 ' n - h 2 qo.k . Zk} + 2j Kk.r . zr . h = b k ; k = 1,2, . . . , n - 1- r=o (2.4.10) Here, Ql,lt=ql(S,J, qo,It=QO(Sh)' Zft=z(Sft), bk=b(Sk)' 8ft = kh + a, sn  b, and the K ft . r are the coefficients in the quadrature formula used to replace the integral in (2.4.4) with a finite sum. If the solution of equation (2.4.4) that we are seeking must satisfy the boundary conditions (2.4.6), then, in the system (2.4.10), we set Zo = Zh Zn = Z2' On the other hand, if this solution satisfies conditions (2.4.7), the number k in the system (2.4.10) must assume the values k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n. We then take Z-1 = zo' zn+1 == Zn. 77 
Sometimes, it is more expedient to seek a solution on a nonuniform grid with mesh points sit not necessarily equally spaced: h k = Sku - Sk, h k =F h k +1. In these cases, equation (2.4.4) is approximated by a system of linear algebraic equations of the form { 1 1 -- a - QI,kZk+1 +  ql,k-lzk-I - hkh k _ I hk_I ( ) n qI k qt> k-l - - hh + h2 Zk ) + aqo,kzk +  Kk,r' zr . k k-I k-l r=O =b k . (2.4.11) The boundary conditions for the solution of this system are written just as in the case of a uniform grid (see also [48, 182, 183, 188,210]). Remark 2. An approximate solution of the integral equation (2.4.1) can also be constructed by replacing the integral with the corresponding approximating sum on the grid and replacing equation (2.4.1) with a system of linear algebraic equations. The system obtained is then solved by the regularization method described in Chapter III.  5. Examples of application of the regularization method. We next give some examples of the application of the regularization method to the solution of integral equations of the first kind. Example 1. Consider the problem of numerical differentiation (see also [24, 51, 56, 57]). The nth derivative z(t) of the function u(t) is a solution of the integral equation t S 1 (t - 1')n-I Z (1') d1' = u (t). (n -1)1 o (2.5.1) 78 If the right-hand member (u = u(t» is given only approxi- mately, we can speak only of an approximate expression for the derivative. t Suppose that u(t) = S exp(-y4)dy. Then, u'(t) = exp(-t 4 ) o and u"'(t) = -12t 2 exp (_t 4 ) + 16t 6 exp (_t 4 ). The graphs of the functions u'(t) and u"'(t) are shown by the solid curves in Figures 2 and 3. Suppose that, instead of u(t), we have U(ti) = u(t)(1 + ()i€), where the () i are random numbers in the interval [-1, 1]. Calculation of the first and third derivatives of the function u(t) for one of the sequences of random numbers {() i} by the regularization method yields the results shown by the dashed curves in Figures 2 and 3. Here, with u'(t) we took h = 0.1, € = 0.1, and a = 0.0055; with u'''(t), we took h = 0.05, € = 0.01, and a = 0.55.10- 6 . The parameter a was determined from the discrepancy. Let us look at two more examples, which are typical of problems associated with the processing of experimental observa- tions. f/r i) 1,0 0,5 o 1 2 FIG. 2. 3 If t 79 
u"'(t} o -1.0 -2,0- -3.0 - FIG. 3. ... ,. I , I I , I I I Example 2. Let us look at the problem of determining the spectral composition of radiation (electromagnetic radiation of the gamma ray type, X-rays, or corpuscular radiation) [162, 164, 175] . Suppose that the radiation that we are concerned with is nonhomogeneous and that the distribution of the density of the particles (photons) is characterized by a function z(s), where s is either frequency or energy. When we test this radiation through a measuring device, we obtain an experimental spectrum u(x) (where x may be frequency or energy). If the measuring device is linear, the connection between z(s) and u(x) is given by 80 , b Az = J K (x, s)z(s)ds = u(x), a (2.5.2) where a and b are the ends of the spectrum and K(x, s) reflects a property of the device (assumed to be known) and is an experimental spectrum (with respect to x) if monochromatic radiation of frequency (or energy) s and of unit intensity falls on the device. This function can also be regarded as the response of the measuring device to the delta function z = S(x - s). The problem consists in determining the true spectrum of the radiation z(s) from the experimental spectrum u(x) and it reduces to solving equation (2.5.2) for z(s). Let us look at a mathematical model, taking z(s) close to the function zT(s) and a device function K(x, s) close to the device function in the corresponding practical problems. Solving the direct problem, let us calculate the experimental spectrum b u(x)c =  K(x, s)z(s)ds a on a grid with respect to x: {Xl, X2, . . . , x n }. Simulating the process of bringing out random errors in the measurement of the experimental spectrum u(x), we replace u(xa with U(Xi) according to the formulas U (Xl) -= U (Xl) ( 1 + 6, V 3 (b - a) 0 ) , b 3  as where the () i are random numbers in the interval (-1, 1) with uniform distribution law. Obviously, the mean value of u(xa is U(Xi) and the variance of U(Xi) is a 2 . The mean square deviation 11[7 (x) - u (x) II = b 1/ = {S [u(x) - U (x) J2 dx} 2  [ 3a2  2} 8; J l/2 = (J ani 81 
is a characteristic of the accuracy of the initial data. Let us take for z(s) the function shown by the solid curve in Figure 4 and let us take K(x, s) =( 1- ;) 'f)(x-s), where 'f)(x -s) is a unit function. Let us take a = 0 and b = 11. We calculate 11 ii (x) = S K (x, s) z (s) ds. o  Then we solve the equation 2,96 2,83 2,48 2.20 3,24 2,36 2,28 I I I I I I ! " I . . . _  'I ,I II " II " 'I "I 'I 1\ ,I '1 ,I ,I 'I 1\ " , I ,I ,I 'I 'I ,I " ,I " 'I ,I I II I' ,I I II I I I ,I ", I I I I ,I I I I I \I, 'I , , I ,I' I I I I, I' I I ,I I I I I , 1/ I' I I I I I , , I , II I' I' I , I I I II I , I , II I' I I I I I, I I , , " II I' ,I I , I' II I , "" ' I I' I I I I'  II I, I , II II I i II I 1/ I, " II , I II II I, II I' :' I: I: :  : i I' I' I' I II I' I' I' I' II  j:: II I I'  ! for z(s). I(S) 2,0 1,5 1,0 0,5 11 S K (x, s) z (s) ds = it (x) o 1 2 J 'f 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 s FIG. 4. 82 Z(S) 60 30 s 50 40 20 10 1 J it , I , I 5 Ii 7 8 FIG. 5. 2 3 We replace the last equation with the system of linear algebraic equations n 2j KijZjdsj = U (Xi), j=l approximating the integral with a sum by means of Simpson's formula. The results are shown by the dashed broken line in Figure 4. The saw-toothed broken line has nothing in common with z(s). The circles in the same drawing show the values of Zj obtained by applying the regularization method. Here, the calculations were performed with machine accuracy. Figure 5 shows the results of applying the regularization method to the solution of the equation with right-hand member U(Xi) with relative errors at the nodal points xi equal to 5% and 10% of the measured value of U(Xi) (curves 2 and 3, curve 1 being the graph of z(x». 83 
This example is a model for the problem of reproducing the true spectrum of a flow of fast neutrons caused by a polonium-berillium source. This spectrum is similar to the curve z(s). As recording device, we use a scintillation sensor [162]. For different levels of error in the right-hand member u(x), we can, by solving the problem under consideration, estimate the corresponding errors in the function z(s). In this way, we can predict the outcome of the experiment by determining z(s) and thus plan the experiment. This is a typical problem of mathematical planning! of an experiment. Example 3. Let us look at the problem of reproducng the shape of a time-dependent electrical impulse signal zT(t) applied at the input of a coaxial cable of length 1 from the output signal u(t). The connection between ZT(t) and u(t) is given by z(t) 1,5 1,0 0,5 i J K (t - 't') ZT('t') d't' = II (t), o o 2 4- 5 8 15 22 t FIG. 6. in which K(t) is a known impulse function u 0,1 t K (t) = 11 (t) III exp ( _ 1l 2 J2 ) , 11 41£t 3 4t (2.5.3) o where J1 is a constant characterizing the type of cable and rj(t) is a unit function. For zT(t) we choose the function represented by the solid curve in Figure 6 and we take its convolution with the kernel (2.5.3), in which J1 = 3.05.10- 4 and 1= 10 4 . We obtain the function u(t) shown in Figure 7. At the nodal points of the grid il {ti}, we introduce into the values of U(ti) = J K (t iT) ZT(-t) d't () disturbances according to the formulas u(ta = u(ta(1 + ()i€), where the ()i are random numbers in [-1, 1]. If we set € = O.OI.p, then FIG. 7. the relative error of U(ti) in comparison with u(ta does not exceed p%. We took p = 5. From the given values of u(ta, we are required to find a solution of the equation t J K (t - t) z ('t') dt = u (t) o that approximates ZT(t). 84 8S 
This problem was solved by the regularization method on a grid of step h = 0.4 for 0  T  23. For the stabilizing functional n[z] we took 23 Q[z] = S {(Z')2+ Z 2}dt. o The inverse heat-flow problem consists in finding the temperature vet) on the boundary x = 0 from the results of measuring the temperature u(xo, t) at a distance Xo > 0 from the boundary. This problem reduces to solving the integral equation For the boundary conditions we took z(O) = z(23) = O. With a = 0.00156, we obtained the results shown by the dashed curve in Figure 6. The parameter a was determined from the discrpancy. Let us look at some inverse heat-flow problems. THere are several kinds of these. We shall confine ourselves to two f them. The inverse heat-flow problem of solving the Cauchy prot)1em for the heat-flow equation for negative time is well known. For example, we are required to solve the equation t r Xo v(-t) eXD [ - Xo J d-r = U (x o ' t) J -V 4Jta 2 (I _ t)3 i 4a 2 (1- t) o for VeT), that is, to solving the equation examined in Example 3. The heat-flow problem for negative time values are examined in [104, 203]. Similar questions are examined in [20, 34, 39, 55, 65] .  6. Determination of the regularization parameter. a 2 u XX = Ut 1. The question of determination of the regularization parameter will be treated here only for regularizing operators Rl (u, a) obtained by the variational method (see   1-3). In the study of particular problems, it is usually difficult to actually find the regularization parameter a as a function a(o) (where 0 is the error in the initial data) for which the operator Rl (u, a(o» is a regularizing operator. In many cases, we know a number 0 characterizing the inaccuracy of the initial information. The problem consists in finding the corresponding value of the regularization parameter a out of all admissible values, that is, values that are equal to the value of one of the functions a = a(o) for which the operator Rl (u, a(o» is a regularizing operator. The choice of the admissible value of the regularization parameter depends essentially on the information available regarding the approximate initial information. Various ways of finding such a val ue a are described in the Ii tera ture. Below, we shall look at some of these. First method. Suppose that the right-hand member Us of equation (2.0.1) is known with an error 0; that is, Pu(us, uT)o. Then, under certain restrictions, the regularization parameter a can be determined from the discrepancy, that is, from for t < T if u(x, T) is a known function [(x). This problem is un- stable under small changes in the function [(x). Besides the above- described regularization method, another stable method of solving such problems is the method of quasireversibility (see [104 D. A representative of the other kind of inverse heat-flow problem is the following, which is of great practical importance and leads to the integral equation examined in example 3: Consider a homogeneous half-space x > 0 bounded by the plae x = O. Suppose that the initial temperature is zero throughout this half-space and that the temperature on its boundary is a function vet) of time alone. In this case, the direct heat-flow problem consists in solving the equation a 2 u xx = Ut in the region (x> 0, t> 0) subject to the initial conditions u(x, 0) = 0, u(O, t) = vet). Its solution is t u(x, t) = S xv (t) exp [ - Xl ] d'C. V 4Jta 2 (t - t)3 4a 2 (/- t) o 86 87 
Pu (Aza' UO) = 6. (2.6.1) Let us show that the functions mea), 'P(a), and 1/1(a) are lower- and upper-semicontinuous. In the following lemmas, {an} will denote a sequence of positive numbers that converges to a positive number ao and {za} will denote the sequence of the n an corresponding elements za n of the sets F . Lemma 2. If the sequence {zu n } converges, then Let us denote Ma [Za, U], P  (Aza, u), and Q [Za] by mea), l,O(a), and 1/1(a) respectively. If the set of elements fiti :::::{za} for which inf Ma [z, u] is attained consists of more than a single element, then l,O(a) and 1/1(a) will be multiple-valued functions. Let us look at certain properties of the functions mea), 'P(a), and 1/1(a). Lemma 1. The functions mea) and 'P(a) are nondecreasing functions; 1/1(a) is a nonincresing function. Proof. Suppose that al < a2 and 1 . - c::: F ao 1m Za = Z I:.::.:; . n n-oo (2.6.3) 2 ) - a. I{J I = Pu (Az ai , tl , 1/1 i = Q [ZaJ, mi = Ai t [Zai' u] Proof. Obviously, (i 1, 2), an M a [ - ] lim .M [Zan' U] = 0 Z, U n-><:JO m 2 = 'P2 + a 2 1/1/2:> 'P2 + a 1 1/.l1 2 :> 'PI + a l 1/1 1 = ml' (2.6F.2) since the terms of the functional Ma [z, u] are continuous with respect to Z and a. Let us suppose that the element z does not belong to the set Fao, that is, that it does not minimize the functional Mao Iz, u]. Then, there exists zQ E Fao such that a. where the zal are arbitrary elements in the set F '. We have from which the mono tonicity of mea) follows. Also, l\1 aO [zo' u] = Mao If, u] -, where  > O. 'PI + al'I/J l -< 'P2 -+ all/.l'J, and 'P 2 + a 2 1/1 2 -< 'PI + azl/.l I . This leads to a contradiction since F rom this we get Hm Man {Zao' U] = Mao {Zao' U] = Mao {z, U] -  , n-oo (a l - a 2 ) 1/1 I -< (a l - a 2 ) 1/.1'2' so that, beginning with some n(I3), we have for all n ;?; n(l3) Since al < a 2 , we have 1/.11 ;?; 1/12' It follows from this result and the second of inequalities (2.6.2) that 'P2 ;?; 'Pl. This completes the proof of the lemma. Remark. By its definition, the function mea) is single-valued. In contrast, if the set fiti::::: {za} consists of more than element, the functions l,O(a) and 1/1(a) may be multiple-valued since these may have different values for different elements Za of fiti although the sum l,O(a) + a 1/1 (a) is the single-valued function mea). The monotonicity proven in the lemma applies to any choice of values of l,O(a) and 1/1(a). an ] < M ao [ - ]  .M {zao'u Z'u -"2' On the other hand,   -  M [Zan' U] > M [Z, U] - 2" . Consequently, 88 89 
an an M [Zan' U] >M [Zao' U], the corresponding subsequence {l(J (an)} converges to 'P. This means that the entire sequence {l(J (an)} converges to \p. This proves the lower-semi continuity . Remembering that which contradicts the definition of the element za n . This completes the proof of the lemma. Lemma 3. The functions mea), l(J(a), and 1/1(a) are 10wer- and upper-semicontinuous at every a> O. We shall confine ourselves to proving that l(J(a) is lower-semi- continuous since the proofs for the other two functions and for upper-semicontinuity are the s,ame. Proof. Suppose that {an} is an increasing sequence of positive numbers that converges to a positive number ao. Correspoqding to it is the sequence {pan} of sets of elements za n that minupize the functional Man [z, u]. Let {la n } denote an arbitrary sequence of elements za n of pan,. Beginning with some n, the terms of this sequence belong to the compact set m (a) = A-1 a [Za, u] is, by its definition, a single-valued function of a, we immediately obtain the Corollary. The function mea) is a continuous nondecreasing function of a. We note that, if the set AF is everywhere dense in U, then m( a) --+ 0 as a --+ 0 (and m(O) = 0). This follows from the fact that, for every e > 0, there exists an element Zl and an a = aCe) such that {Z; Q [z] -< Q [zao-e, e > O}. Af1 [z1, u] = pb (Azl, u) + aQ [z1] < e Consequently, it has a convergent subsequence. Without loss of generality, we may assume that {Zan} is that subsequence. We write lim za n = Z. It follows frm Lemma 2 that Z E pa o . Then, n-+'X> the sequence of values of for a = aCe). For this, we need to choose ZI so that p (AzI, u) < !... and a (e) < e . 2 2Q[Zl] Pu (AZa n , u) The possibility of doing this follows from the fact that AF is everywhere dense in U. We note also that l(J(0) ,; O. This is true because converges to Pu (Az ao ' u), l(J(a)+a1/1(a)=m(a)O as aO. By Lemma 1, the sequence {l(J (an)} is nondecreasing and thus converges to a number l(J, which is the greatest lower bound of the set of values of {l(J (ao) }. If this were not the case, there would exist a' value  a o ) less than \p. Then, for sufficiently large n, there would exist elements Za of pan for which l(J(a n ) is also less than _ n l(J, which violates the mono tonicity of the function l(J( a). It follows that, for an arbitrary subsequence of the original sequence {za n }, From these lemmas, we immediately get the Theorem. If l(J(a) is a single-valued function, then, for every positive number 0< Pu (Azo, u), where Zo E {z; Q [z] = inf Q [Y]}, YEF t there exists an a(S) such that 90 91 
Pu (AZ a (6h u) = {,.  which differs from Euler's equation (2.6.4) only in the right-hand member. The problem [120] of finding, out of all elements of the set FI that satisfy the condition Q[z] R2, an element that provides inf p U 2 (Az, U8) also leads to the problem of minimizing the functional MO'. [z, U8]. Therefore, if we know the number R, we can determine the regularization parameter a from the condition Q[zO'.] = R 2 . This is the second method of determining a. In a manner analogous to the proof of the solvability of the equation Pu(AzO'., u) = 0, we can show that the equation Q[zO'.] = R 2 is solvable. In computational practice, this value of a can be found approximately either by a sorting from a given set of values aI, a2,"', an or by Newton's method [115,116], which (as is shown in the two articles mentioned) converges for an arbitrary initial approximation ao > O. We note that the derivative YO'. = dzO'.lda, which is involved here, is a solution of equation (2.6.5). The third method consists in finding a quasioptimal value of the regularization parameter a = a q o' Let us assume the space F to be equipped with a norm. By definition (see [67]), Remark. The function Ip(a) is single-valued, for example, if the element ZO'. is unique (see p. 63). In computational practice, one way of determining a from the discrepancy is as follows: Let 0 denote the error in the right-hand member U8 of equation (2.0.1). We take a finite section of the monotonic sequence ao, aI, a2, ., , an. For example, the a's may constitute a geometric progression: ak = aoqk for k = 0, It 2, . . . , n, where q > O. For every value of ak, one finds an !element (function) zUk minimizing the functional ak M [z, Ul)] and one calculates the discrepancy Pu (Azak' Ul»). One chooses for a a number f1k for which, with the required accuracy, o Pu (AZako' uo) = 6. An approximate solution of the equation l(J (a) = P u(Aza, U6) = 6 for a can also be found by Newton's method. We need only note that the function l(J1 (r) = l(J(1 h) is a decreasing convex function [115, 120]. Therefore, for an arbitrary initial approxi- mation ro = l/a o > 0, Newton's method converges. The deri- vative of l(J1 (r), which we need when using this method, will be expressed in terms of the derivative YO'. = dzO'.lda of the regularized solution ZO'. with respect to a. The element ZO'. is a solution of Euler's equation for the functional MO'. [z, U8] : . II dZa II a qo = mf sup a - a P U (uf:"uT)<,6 da F' (A*A + aB) Z = A*U6, (2.6.4) where the supremum is over all the right-hand members U8 of equation (2.0.1) that satisfy the inequality Pu(U8, UT)O. To find a qO approximately, we need to find the regularized solutions ZO'. corresponding to a large number of possible right-hand members U8. Frequently, we have only one specific right-hand member U8. In such cases, we can find only where B = Q'[z]. When we differentiate the identity (A * A respect to a, we find that yO'. = dzO'.lda equation + aB)zO'. == A *U8 with is a solution of the (A*A -t- aB) y = - aBz a , (2.6.5) inf II a dZ a I I . a da IF 92 93 
The efficiency of this method of determining the parmeter a for certain classes of problems has been shown with representative examples (see [67, 160, 165]). We note that the function Ya = adza/da is a solution of the equation (A*A + aB) y = A*Az a - A*u, which differs from Euler's equation for the functional Ma [z, U8] only in the right-hand membet. The fourth method consists in taking, as a suitable valu of the regularization parameter, a value a = ao that maximizes the ratio CHAPTER III Pu (A (a :za )t AZa - u) V (a) = a Pu (Az a , uo) SOLUTION OF SINGULAR AND ILL-CONDITIONED SYSTEMS OF LINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS The efficiency of this method of choosing a has been shown [67] for sample problems with the aid of computational experiments. Depending on the supplementary information that we may have regarding the right-hand member, there are yet other methods of choosing the parameter a. For example, in Chapter IV, 2 we shall give a method of finding a (c, f)-optimal value of the regularization parameter, which makes use of similar information. The efficiency of the different methods of determining the parameter a for different classes of problems is established by performing a computational experiment. Analogous questions are examined in [28, 49, 50] . 1. We know the difficulties involved in solving so-called ill-conditioned * systems of linear algebraic equations. Large changes (beyond what is acceptable) in the solution may result from small changes in the right-hand members of such systems. Consider the system of equations Az = u, (3.0.1) where A = {aij} is a matrix with elements aij, z = {Zj} is the unknow vector :vith coordinates Zj, and u = {Ui} is a known vector wIth coordmates ui. In these definitions, i, j = 1, 2, . . . , n. The system (3.0.1) is said to be singular if the determinant of A is zero. In this case, the matrix A has zero eigenvalues. If we consider systems with fixed norming of the elements of the matrix A, then the determinant det A is close to zero for ill-conditioned systems of this kind. *It should be pointed out that this term does not have a fully established definition. 94 95 
If the calculations are only approximate, it is impossible in some cases to determine whether a given system of equations is singular or ill-conditioned. Thus, ill-conditioned and singular systems can be indistinguishable within the framework of a given accuracy. Obviously, such a situation may arise when the matrix A has eigenvalues sufficiently close to zero. In practical problems, we often know only approximately the right-hand member u of the system and the elements of the matrix A, that is, the coefficients in the system (3.0.1). In such cases, we are dealing not with the system (3.0.1) but with somel other system Az = 11 such that IIX - A II 6 and lifi - ull  6 J where the particular norm chosen usually depends on the nature( of the problem. Since we have the matrix A rather than the matrix' A, we cannot make a definite judgment as to the singularity or nonsingularity of the system (3.0.1). In such cases, all we know about the exact system Az = u whose solution we need to find is that II X - A II and II fi u II are each no greater than O. But there are infinitely many systems with such initial data (A, u), and, within the framework of the error level known to us, they are indistinguishable. Since we have the approximate system Az = ii instead of the exact system (3.0.1), we can speak only of finding an approximate solution. But the approximate system Az = u may not be solvable. The question then arises as to what we should understand by an approximate solution of the system (3.0.1). Among the "possible exact systems" there may be singular systems. If a singular system has any solution at all, it has infinitely many. In such a case, when we speak of an approximation of the solution, which solution do we mean? Thus, we often have to consider a whole class of systems of equations that are indistinguishable from each other (on the basis of a given error level) that may include both singular and unsolvable systems. The methods of constructing approximate solutions of systems of this class must be generally applicable. These solutions must be stable under small changes in the initial data in (3.0.1). The construction of such methods is based on the idea of "selection" expounded in Chapter II in the discussion of the regularization method. 2. Thus, suppose that the system (3.0.1) is singular and that the vector u constituting the right-hand member satisfies the conditions of solvability of the system. The solution of such a system is not unique. Let FA denote the set of its solutions. We then pose the problem of finding a normal solution of the system. Following [166, 167], we define the normal solution of the system (3.0.1) for the vector ZI as the solution ZO for which II ZO - ZI II = inf II z - zlll, ZEFA where ZI is a fixed element (vector) determined by the formulation of the problem and II z II, the norm of the vector z, is defined by n 1/. Ilzll = {zi} . }=1 In what follows, we shall assume for simplicity that Zl = o. Obviously, the normal solution is unique. Remark 1. The normal solution ZO of the system (3.0.1) can be defined as the solution minimizing a given positive-definite quadratic form in the coordinates of the vector z - ZI. All the results to be given below remain valid with this definition. Remark 2. Suppose that the rank of the matrix A of a singular system (3.0.1) is r < n. Let Zr+h Zr+2, . . . , zn constitute a basis of the vector space N A consisting of elements z for which Az = 0; that is, N A ={z;Az = O}."The solutionzO of the system (3.0.1) that satisfies the n - r orthogonality conditions (2 0 -Z1, zs) = 0, .5 = r + 1, r + 2, ... ,n, (3.0.2) is unique and, as one can easily see, it coincides with the normal solution. 96 97 
Remark 3. In linear algebra, a vector z mInImIzmg the discrepancy IIAz - ull 2 is called a pseudo solution of the system (3.0.1). A normal pseudo solution is defined analogously to our definition of a normal solution. The method described below for constructing approximate normal solutions of the system (3.0.1) can also be used to find approximate normal pseudo solutions (see [121]). 3. One can easily see that the problem of finding the normal solution of the system (3.0,,"1) is ill-posed. Suppose that A is a symmetric matrix. If it is nonsingular, an orthogonal traqsforma- tion !lAII = { Lj aij } l/\ Ilull = { Li U7l1/2. . . i J t,] (3.0.3) Suppose that i are the eigenvalues of the matrix A. We know that they depend continuously on A in the norm (3.0.3). Consequently, the eigenvalues X r + b r+2"'" X n can be made arbitrarily small for sufficiently small O. If they are not equal to zero, then  tI 1 I\< Zi = -:::::- Ui . Ai Z = V z*, U = V u* 'Aiz; = U; (i 1,2, . . . ,n), Thus, there exist disturbances of the system within the limits of any sufficiently small tolerance 0 for which certain Zi* will assume arbitrary prenamed values. This means that the problem of finding the normal solution of the system (3.0.1) is unstable. Below, we shall describe a method, developed in [166, 167], for finding the normal solution of the system (3.0.1) that is stable under small disturbances (in the norm (3.0.3» of the right-hand member u and of the matrix A. It is based on the regularization method. will put it in diagonal form, and the resulting system will have the form where the 'Iv are the eigenvalues of the matrix A. If the symmetric matrix A is singular of rank r, then n - r of its eigenvalues will be equal to zero. Suppose that 'Ai =!= 0 for i c= 1, 2, . . . , r 1. The regularization method of finding the normal solution. and 'Ai = 0 for i = r + 1, r + 2" . . . , n. 1. Suppose that, instead of the exact singular system Az = 'ii, we have the system with approximate right-hand member Suppose that the "initial data" (A and u) of the system are given with an error; that is, instead of A and u we are given o-approximations A and 11 of them: Az=u, (3.1.1) IIA-AII<6, Ilu -ul/<o. where II fi - u II  {) and the vector 11 may fail to satisfy the solvability condition. It is natural to seek an approximate normal solution of the system (3.1.1) among the vectors z such that IIA z - fi II  {). By the definition of normal solution, this solution will minimize the functional Q [ z] = II Z_Z1 II 2 . Here 98 99 
Thus, the problem reduces to mlmmlzmg the functional II Z_Z1 II 2 on the set of vectors satisfying the inequality IIAz-uli<5. Since the functional Q[z] =llz-z 1 11 2 is obvious- ly a stabilizing and quasimon9tonic functional (see Chapter II, 2), the latter problem is equivalent to the problem of minimizing that functional on the set of vectors z satisfying the condition IIAz- u II = <5. It reduces to finding the vector za minimizing the smoothing functional With an eye to broadening the field of applicability of the regularization method later on, let us again prove some theorems on the asymptotic behavior of za() as 0 --+ 0. We denote by U A the vector subspace of the vectors z (for z ERn): VA = {U; U = Az, ZE R n }. M a [z, u A] = II Az -- ul1 2 + a II z - z1112, Let VA denote the projection of the vector it onto VA' Obviously, The value of the parameter a is then determined the condition IIAza - U II = <5, that is, from the discrepancy. Obviously, there exists only one such vector za. It can be determined from the system of linear equations Ilu - vA 1\ -< Ilu- Azil. n az + Lj ak,jzj = 6;, j=1 k = 1, 2,.. . , n Theorem 1. As a --+ 0, the vectors za minimizing the functional Ma [z, ii, A] converge to the normal solution 20 of the system Az =vA'  Proof. Let FA denote the set of all solutions of the system Az = vA' As we know, the vector v = it - vA is orthogonal to the subspace VA. Consequently, where IIAz -u11 2 = IIAz - VA \\2 +\\u - 1[2 n n and ak,j = Lj aikalj and b k = Lj aikUi, 1=1 i=1 a  ,....,  M [z, u, A] =  Az - VA 112+ II U - v A 11 2 + aQ [z] = = M a [z,, A] + II ii-VA 1\2. (3.1.2) or with the aid of some other algorithm for minimizing the functional (form)  [z, u, A]. Since VA E U A , the system The vector za can be regarded as the result of applying to u some operator za = R(u, a) depending on the parameter a. Since the conditions for applicability of the regularization method hold in the present case, it follows from what was said in Chapter II. 2 that the operator R(fi, a) is a regularizing operator. Hence, the vector za = R(u, a) can be used as approximate normal solution of the system (3.1.1). Az= (3.1.3) is solvable. The vector za minimizing the functional Ma [z, U, A] also minimizes the functional Ma[z, VA, A] since, by (3.1.2), these func!ionals differ by lIu-v A 11 2 , which is independent of z. Since Az 0 = VA, we have aQ[za] <M a [za,VA' A] -< M a [2O,, A] = aQ [201 100 101 
or Q [za] -< Q [iOI = d. (3.1.4) At the end of 2 of Chapter II, we proved the applicability of the variational principle to the construction of regularized approximate solutions of such problems. This principle reduces to minimization of the corresponding smoothing functional MO'. [z, 'ii, 1]. The regularization parameter can be determined with the use of this method from the generalized discrepancy [47]. Below, we shall give a theorem on the asymptotic behavior of the regularized solution za(6) as 0 --+ O. The possibility of determining the regularization parameter by other methods follows. Thus, instead of looking at this problem, we shall follow [166, 167] and look at the problem of minimizing the functional (form) Since Rn is an n-dimensional Euclidean space and zE Rn, the set of vectors z such that Q [z] = II Z 11 2 -< d is compact for arbitrary d> O. Thus, zO'. belongs to a compact set. From this set it is possible to construct a sequence {za k } that converges to some eletitent z as ak --+ O. The vector z? minimizes the functional IIAz VA 11 2 . Since the minimum of this functional is 0, we have M a [z, u, A] = II Az - ull 2 aQ [z], where o  Az 1 = VA; that is, the vector z is a solution of equation (3.1.3). It follows from (3.1.4) that Q l z] = II z If. II z II < 1/ Zo II. (3.1.5) There exists a unique element zO'. minimizing the functional MO'. [z, 11, 1'J. Let us suppose that the vector u satisfies the conditions for solvability and that ZO is the normal solution of the equation Az = u. Theorem 2. Suppose that i and 'ii are o-approximations of the matrix A and the vector u. Let (3(o) and ao(o) denote continuous positive functions that approach 0 monotonically as 0 --+ 0 and that satisfy the inequality o " Q [Zl] -< Q [Zo] or Since the normal solution 2° of equation (3.1.3) minimizes the norm 112'°1\, it follows from (3.1.5) that z = zO. This completes the proof of the theorem. 2. Let us now look at the case in which both the right-hand member of the equation and the matrix A are inexactly given; that is, let us look at an equation of the form 0 2 -<ao(o).  (0) Az = u, Then, for every e > 0, there exists a oo(e, II ZO II) > 0 such that the inequality where (3.1.6) II;a -- ZO 11-< e II;; - u II -< 0, II A - A 11< o. holds for every a satisfying the inequalities 102 103 
0 2 -<a<aO()' f3 (0) (3.1. 7) Then, using inequality (3.1.7) and the equation Az o = u, we find where 0 < 0  00' Proof. Define U X = {u; u = Az, z ERn} md let v A denote the projection of the vector u onto the subspace U;. Then, the vector v = u - vi" is orthogonal to UA'. We know that IIAzO- ;AII = Ilu- ;AIIllu-ull+ lIu- vA 11<llu - I+ + Ilu-Azoll<llu - iill + Ilu --ull+ Ilu-AzOI\ = 21Iu- u ll+ + II Az°--.. AzOll < 21I u -- ull + II A - A II 1\ ZO II -< () (2 + 11 ZO II). II u     II ii - Az II Thus, and 11 AzO - vAil -< () (2 + Ilzo ID. (3.1.10) a....,     M [z, u, A] = Ilu - V ;11 2 + M a [z, VA' A]. Inequality (3.1.8) then follows from (3.1.9) and (3.1.10). Furthermore, Consequently, the vector za minimizing the functional aQ [za]-<M a [za, vi' AJ-<M a [ZO, vA' A1 = II A z o-;A:11 2 +aQ [ZO]. a   M [z,u, A] Using inequality (3.1.8), we obtain also minimizes the functional a  - M [z, vx' A].  a - -  aQ [za]'<M [za, vA' AJ  < C2{)2 + aQ [ZO] [ C 2 0 2 1 (3.1.11) a  + \\zOI12 J' Obviously, or  iZa'A' A] <Ma[zO, ;;, A] = lI.4zo--I; A I1 2 + aQ[zO]. II'2a112 < C 2 02 + l\z O I12. a (3.1.12) One can easily see that For arbitrary a satisfying conditions (3.1.7), we find from (3.1.12) IIAzo - I;A 11-<11 Az()- Azoll + II Azo-A II  C6, (3.1.8) 112 a 11'< II ZO 1\ + €1 (6), (3.1.13) where C = 2 (I + II ZO II). where €1 (0) --+ 0 as 0 --+ O. Let {on}, {an}, {An}, and {un} denote sequences, respectively, of positive numbers, positive numbers, matrices, and right-hand members of equation (3.1.1) such that Specifically, II Azo -- Azo II -< II A -- A II . II ZO II -< 611 ZO II. (3.1.9) o n --+ 0 as n --+ 00 , 104 105 
II An - A 11-< 6n, II Un - U 11-< 6n , II Alan - Azo II = 1\ Azan - u II -< b n , and we obtain 6 2  <- an  a o (6n). f3 (On) --- (3.1.14) Az = u. Corresponding to these sequences is a sequence of vectors za n minimizing respectively the furtctionals Thus, z? is a solution of the equation Az = u. It coincides with the normal solution ZO by virtue of the normal solution's minimality and the inequality an - M [z, Un, An]. II z II < 1\ ZO II, Since the numbers an satisfy inequalities (3.1.14), they also satisfy inequalities (3.1.13); that is, for every n, IIzan II -< II ZO II + €l (6n). (3.1.15) which is obtained by taking the limit in inequality (3.1.15). This completes the proof of the theorem. This theorem justifies our taking za as approximate normal solution of the system. Remark 1. Theorem 2 holds for a broad class of equations of the form Az = 11 with disturbed initial data (1: 11). Its proof remains virtually unchanged. Remark 2. If the matrix A is ill-conditioned and its o-neighborhood contains a singular matrix A, the conditions are then equivalent to the conditions of Theorem 2 and, in this case, it is natural to solve the system by the regularization method as described above. Questions of stable methods of solving systems of algebraic equations have also been examined in [29, 30, 62-64, 118, 121]. This means that the sequence {za n } is bounded (with respect to the norm) and hence compact. Therefore, it has a convergent subsequence. Without changing the notation, we obtain lim za n = z. n-OQ For vectors in this subsequence, we have IIA;a n '- Azoll-< -< 11 AZan - An 2a nll +-11 An zan - vA' 11 + II i- Azoll-< -< 6n Ilz an 11-+ V.,t n [z an,  An' An] + 6n (2 -t- 112° II) -< -< 6n {2 211 ZO II + € 1 (6n)} + V C6; + a O (6n) II ZO 11 2 = b n .  2. Supplementary remarks. Remark 1. Since the exposition of  1 is not essentially connected with the finite dimensionality of the spaces F and U to which the elements z and u belong, that exposition remains valid for arbitrary continuous linear operators Az (the proofs are repeated word for word) if U is a Hilbert space and F belongs to a normed space in which F is s-compactly embedded [161]. This enables us to use the regularization method for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind (see [2, 3]). Here, we used the following inequalities: (3.1.10) for an estimate of the norm II vi - AzO II, (3.1.15) for an estimate of IIzan II, and 11 . an ....a n"" "" (3.1.11) for an estImate of 1'\1 [2 , V An' An]' Obviously, b n --+ 0 as n --+ 00. Taking the limit in 106 107 
Remark 2. The method described is also suitable for solving ill-posed linear programming problems (see Chapter VIII) in which one seeks a solution of a system that satisfies supplementary constraints (the solution must belong to a closed convex set). Remark 3. The stabilizer n [z] can also be taken in the form n Q [z] =  PdZi - Zli)2, i,.l CHAPTER IV where Pi>O and Zl =(ZI h Z12, ..., ZI n)' This change of stbilizr does ot change formulations of the theorems of  1 or their proofs. the APPROXIMATE SOLUTIONS OF INTEGRAL EQUATIONS OF THE FIRST KIND OF THE CONVOLUTION TYPE Among integral equations of the first kind, one often encounters equations of the convolution type K(t)*z(t) = u(t), for example, an equation of the form 00 J K (t - 't) Z ('t) d't = u (t). -00 (4.0.1) Obviously, the regularization method can be applied to the construction of approximate solutions of. equations of the convolution type. For this it is sufficient to indicate methods of constructing regularizing operators. In Chapter II, we examined a variational method for constructing such operators. In the present chapter, we shall, following [11, 14, 15], use integral transforma- tions for equations of the convolution type to construct a broad family of regularizing operators that are easily realized on a computer. For one subclass of this class, we shall indicate the connection with the regularizing operators obtained by the variational method. 108 109 
II An - All < On, lIun-ull <On, 1\ Alan - AzO II = \1 Azan - u" -< b n , and we obtain fJ2 --!!:- <. an -< a o (an). f3 (fJ n ) (3.1.14) Az = u. Corresponding to these sequences is a sequence of vectors za n minimizing respectively the furfctionals Thus, z? is a solution of the equation Az = u. It coincides with the normal solution ZO by virtue of the normal solution's minimality and the inequality an ---- M [Z, Un, An]. \\z11 -< IIZOII, Since the numbers an satisfy inequalities (3.1.14), they also satisfy inequalities (3.1.13); that is, for every n, II'za n 11-< II ZO II + €1 (On). (3.1.15) which is obtained by taking the limit in inequality (3.1.15). This completes the proof of the theorem. This theorem justifies our taking zCY. as approximate normal solution of the system. Remark 1. Theorem 2 holds for a broad class of equations of the form Az = u with disturbed initial data (1: u). Its proof remains virtually unchanged. Remark 2. If the matrix A is ill-conditioned and its a-neighborhood contains a singular matrix A, the conditions are then equivalent to the conditions of Theorem 2 and, in this case, it is natural to solve the system by the regularization method as described above. Questions of stable methods of solving systems of algebraic equations have also been examined in [29, 30, 62-64, 118, 121]. This means that the sequence {z\I n } is bounded (with respect to the norm) and hence compact. Therefore, it has a convergent subsequence. Without changing the notation, we obtain lirn za n = z. n-..oo For vectors in this subsequence, we have II Azan -- Azoll <: <: IIAza n - An za nll +-IIAn zan -V Al! + I!A- Azoll <: < 6n l!za n I\-t V.J\1a n (za,\ VAn' An] + an (2 -t-II ZO[() -< < an {2 + 21I z 0\\ + €1 (on)} + V C6 + a o (6n}lIz0112= b n .  2. Supplementary remarks. Remark 1. Since the exposition of  1 is not essentially connected with the finite dimensionality of the spaces F and U to which the elements z and u belong, that exposition remains valid for arbitrary continuous linear operators Az (the proofs are repeated word for word) if U is a Hilbert space and F belongs to a normed space in which F is s-compactly embedded [161]. This enables us to use the regularization method for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind (see [2, 3]). Here, we used the following inequalities: (3.1.10) for an estimate of the norm \1 VA - AzO /I, (3.1.15) for an estimate of II'za n /I, and n . an ",a n '" ..... (3.1.11) for an estImate of iV1 [z ,vAn' An]' Obviously, bn--+O as n --+ 00. Taking the limit in 106 107 
 We shall- look in detail at the construction of a regularizing operator for equation (4.0.1) with the use of the Fourier transformation. However, all the results obtained (and their proofs) will be analogous for equations of the convolution type that require use of the Laplace transformation, Mellin's transfor- mation, and others. Therefore, we shall not give the reasoning or the calculations here for the corresponding equations. It is shown in  1 that the error vet) in the right-hand member u(t) is additive; that is, u(t) = lJT(t) + vet). The class of regularizing operators mentioned above qan be constructed under very weak requirements on the riglit-hand member u(t) of the equation and on the error vet) (u and vlbelong to L 2 ) and without allowance for the random nature*of the function v (t). In examining the deviation (see 2) of the regularized solution from the exact one, we assume in addition that the error vet) (interference, noise) is the sample function of a stationary random process that is uncorrelated with the solution zT(t) that we are see king. This devi ation is estimated in the probabilistic metric SUp[za (t) - Zr(t)]2, where the vinculum denotes the mathe- t matical expectation. Below, we shall examine regularized solutions obtained with the aid of very simple pth-order stabilizers. According to the nature of the asymptotic behavior (as w --+ 00) of the Fourier transform of the kernel of the equation, we can distinguish four classes of integral equations of the convolution type encountered in practice for which, under supplementary assumptions regarding the asymptotic behavior (as w --+ 00) of the spectral density of the error v (t), asymptotic estimates with respect to a (as a --+ 0) for the deviation of the regularized solution from the exact one [9-11, 13] are given both for the part due to the influence of the regularization method and for the part due to the error in the right-hand member.  1. Classes of regularizing operators for equations of the convolution type. 1. Consider an equation of the convolution type 110 Z (t) * K (t) = u (t), (4.1.1) in which K(t) and u(t) are given functions and z(t) is the unknown function. Here, Z belongs to a metric space F and u belongs to a metric space U. Let us suppose that, for u(t) = uT(t), this equation has a unique solution zT(t) belonging to F, that is, ZT(t) * K (t) = llT(t). The problem consists in finding the function zT(t). If the right-hand member is known with an error, that is, if, instead of uT(t), we have a function u(t) such that Pu (u T , u) -< 0, then, instead of finding zT, we can pose only the problem of finding an approximate solution. As approximate solution, let us take the regularized solution Za (t) -= R (u, a), where R(u, a) is a regularizing operator. 2. Let us look at the broad class of regularizing operators obtained with the aid of classical integral transformations. We shall describe this class. Suppose that F is a set of functions belonging to L 1 and that U is a set of functions belonging to L 2 . Let A denote a continuous linear operator with domain of definition D A containing F. Consider the equation Az = u, U E U. (4.1.2) Let us suppose that this equation has a unique solution on F. Let 1" denote a linear integral transformation, for example, the Fourier transformation (or it could be the Laplace or Mellin transforma- tion). Application of 1" to (4.1.2) yields 111 
:/ [Az] -= :/ [u] = u (ro). (4.1.3) if we use the Mellin transformation. 3. For definiteness, let us look at an equation of the form Suppose that the operator A is such that we can use (4.1.3) to determine :/ [z] = z( w) in the form 2 (ro) = 1/1 (U (ro), ro). 00 Az == S 1( (t -- 1:) 2 (1:) dt = u (t) -00 (4.1.5) If Az is the convolution z(t)*K(t) of the function z(t) with some given function K(t) (the kernl) and if the convolution formula and let us apply the Fourier transformation. Here, :/[2 * 1(] -= :/ [z] . :/ [K] u(t)EL 2 (-00,00), 1((t)E:Jtc L d- oo ,oo), holds for the transformation :/, then and 1/1 (u (ro), ro) =  () ' (4.1.4) 2 (t) E F C L 1 ( - 00, (0). where K(w) is the JI-transform of the function K(t). Formula (4.1.4) is valid as applied, for example, to convolutions of the form If the right-hand member of equation (4.1.5) is known only approximately, that is, if u(t) = ur(t) + vet), where vet) is an interference (noise), then a) cd 2 (t) * 1( (t) = S 1( (t - 1:) 2 (1:) d-r -00 2 (ro) = U (w) = Ur(w) + v (w) . K. (w) K. (w) K (w) if we use the Fourier transformation or of the form Since uT(w) = K(w)zr{w), we have b) t 2 (t) * 1( (t) = J 1( (t - -r) 2 (1:) d-r o 2 (ro) ZV(ro) + v(w) . r K. (w) c) r f ( t ) d't z (t) * 1( (t) = J 1(  2 (1:) "7 o This formula gives us the Fourier transform of the exact solution of equation (4.1.5) with approximate right-hand member u(t). As approximate solution of equation (4.1.5) with approximate right-hand member u(t), it would seem natural to take the function obtained with the aid of the inverse Fourier transfor- mation, that is, the function (here K(t) == z(t) == 0 for t < 0) if we use the one-sided Laplace transformation or of the form 112 113 
00 Z (t) =  5 Z (co) exp (- icot) dco = 21& -00 by a suitable multiplier f(w, a) (depending on the parameter a in accordance with  1 of Chapter II) [11, 14, 15]. 4. Returning to equation (4.1.2), let us look at an operator of the form 00 00 =  5 Zr(CO) exp (+ icot) dco +  5 v (ro) eXD (+icot) dco = 2 1& 21& K. (ro) · I -00 -00 00 Rf(u, a) :/-1 [1/1 (u (co), co) . f (co, a)], = z,r(t) +  r v (ro) exp 21& J K. (ro) -00 icot) dco. where 71- 1 is the inverse of the transformation 71 and few, a) is a given function defined for all nonnegative values of the parameter a and arbitrary w that occur in forming the operator :/-1. Under suitable conditions on the function f(w, a), the operator Rlu, a) is a regularizing operator for equation (4.l.2). For definiteness, we shall examine in what follows an equation of convolution type of the form (4.1.5) and shall take for :/ the Fourier transformation. In this case, However, this function may not exist since the last integrl may diverge. Specifically, by the properties of the Fourier tranMorma- tion, the functions K(w) and v(w) approach 0 as w --+ 00, ut this approach to zero is not coordinated since the function vet) (hence v(w)) is usually of a random nature. Therefore, the ratio v (co)! K (co) 00 Rf(u, a) =  r f(ro,a) u(co)eXp(-iwt)dco. (4.1.6) 2n J K (ro ) -00 may, as a result of the influence of high frequencies w of the random function v( w), fail to have an inverse Fourier transform. But even if this ratio has an inverse Fourier transform wet), the deviation of the function wet) from zero (in the C- or L 2 -metric) can be arbitrarily large. Thus, we cannot take the exact solution of equation (4.1.5) as approximate solution of that equation with approximate right- hand member. Such a solution may not exist and, even if it does, it may not be stable under small deviations in the right-hand member u(t). The reason for the instability' of such an algorithm for constructing the "solutions" is the influence of high frequencies w of the Fourier transform v( w) of the interference vet). Therefore, if we wish to construct approximate solutions of equation (4.1.5) that are stable under small deviations in the right-hand member u(t) with the aid of the inverse Fourier transformation, we need to "suppress" the influence of the high frequencies w, multiplying, for example, the function Suppose that the function few, a) satisfies the following conditions: u (co) / K (co) If) f(w, a) is defined on the region (a  0, _00 < w < 00); 2f) 0 f(w, a)  1 for all a  0 and w; 3f) f(w, 0)= 1; 4f) for every a> 0, the function few, a) is an even function with respect to wand it belongs to L 2 (_00, 00); Sf) for every a> 0, we have f( w, a) --+ 0 as w --+ :too; 6f) few, a) --+ 1 nondecreasingly as a -+ 0 and this convergence is uniform on every interval Iwl  WI; 7f) few, a)/K(w)EL 2 (-00, 00) for every a>O; 8f) for every w =1= 0, we have f(w, a) -+ 0 as a --+ 00, and this convergence is uniform on every interval of the form [WI, W2], where 0 < WI < W2 . Thus, a function f( w, a) satisfying these eight conditions defines a one-parameter operator Rj{u, a) of the form (4.1.6). 114 115 
r- 5. If the deviation of the right-hand member of equation (4.1.5) is estimated in the metric of L 2 (_00, 00) but the deviation of the solution z(t) is estimated in the C-metric and if we assume that Z(W)ELt (_00,00), then we have the Theorem. If the function few, a) satisfies conditions 1 r8f, the corresponding operator Rlu, a) of the form (4.1.6) is a regulariz- ing operator for equation (4.1.5) that is continuous with respect to u. Proof. Let us show that the operator Rj{u, a) is continuous with respect to u. We estimate the difference l:1Rf = Rfj,l' a) - R/(u 2 , a) = 00 =  5 f{w, a) [U l (ro) - U 2 (ro)] exp (- irot) dro. 2Jt K (w) We have 00 \l:1Rfl  r , f(w, a) l lu l (ro)-ll2(ro)ldro. 2Jt J l K (w) -00 Applying the Cauchy-Bunyakovskiy inequality, we obtain I Mil <; 2: {II : j' dCiJ i 'I. (I u. (CiJ) - U. (CiJ) l'dlO r- · By property 7 f, the integral 1,0 (a) = 5 00 , f(w, a) t 2drol l K(w) -00 exists and hence the value of Ip(a) is finite. The deviation of Ut (t) from U2(t) in the L 2 -metric, that is, PL 2 (Ut, U2) is, by 116 Plancherel's theorem, * equal to 1 foo ) '/2 2Jt l S I U 1 (ro) -u 2 (ro) 121ro . -00 If PL 2 (Ut, U2) o, then IMfl o Vl{J(a). The continuity of the operator' Rj{u, a) follows. If the operator R(u, a) is continuous with respect to u and if lim R (Az, ex) =z for every zEF, then this operator is, by the a-+o theorem of Chapter II,  l, a regularizing operator. Therefore, to prove the theorem, it will be sufficient to show that, for every function z(t) in F such that z( W)E L t , we have lirn Rf(Az, a) z (t), ao where 00 Az = S l( (t -- 1') Z ('r) d1'. -00 Since u( w) = K( W )z( w), we have I L\zl = I Rf(u, a) - z (t) 1= 1 2Jt 00 .r z(ro){f(ro,a)---l}exp(-irot)dro . Consequently, *For every function u(t) in L 2 , 00 00 S I u (w) \2 dw=2Jt S I u (I) 1 2 dt. -00 -00 117 
00 I L\zl < 5 1 z(ro) 11/(ro, a) -- II dro = 2n I L\z I == I Rf(Az, a) - z (t) I <e. -00 This means that 1 -  ffi 1 1 j o:; = - 1 z (ro)ll/(ro, a) --lldro+ - Iz (ro)ll/(ro, a)-II dro + 2n 2n ffi 1 lirn Rf(Az, a) = z (t). a-o ffi 1 + 5 Iz{ro)ll/(ro,a)-I/dro.  2n -ffi 1 This completes the proof of the theorem. Thus, the function zQ(t) = Rj{u, a) obtained with the aid of the operator (4.1.6) is a regularized solution of equation (4.1.5). If the function of two variables j( w, a) of the operator (4.1.6) possesses properties If-8f, we shall refer to it as a stabilizing factor. Remark 1. In the article [75] on solution of the Cauchy problem for Laplace's equation in a strip, a stabilizing factor of the form Since 0 /(w, a)  l, it follows that 1 - j <?l 1 00 5 / L\z I < - I z (ro) I dro + - I z (ro) / dro + 2n 2n -00 ffi 1 ffi 1 +  5 Iz(ro)ll/(ro,a) -lldw. 2n -ffi 1 1 (ro, a) = e- a 2 ffi2 is used. Remark 2. If we take Sinc z(w)EL I (_00, 00), for every € > 0 there exists an WI(€»O such that the inequality 1 (ro, a) ( 1, 0, I ro I -< l/h; I ro I > l/h; (a = h), -WI 00  5 I z (ro) I dro +  S I z (ro) I dro <  2n 2n 2 -00 ffi 1 where h is the step of the grid on which we are seeking a solution of equation (4.1.5), we obtain the familiar method of constructing an approximate solution of that equation. 6. Suppose that M( w) is a given even function with the following properties: holds for every WI  WI (€). By property 6f of the function j(w, a), there exists an ao(€) such that the inequality 1 ffi S 1 (€) € - / z (ro) II I(ro, a) - 1/ dro < - . 2n 2 -ffi 1 (F) a) It is piecewise-continuous on every finite interval; b) it is nonnegative and M(w) > 0 for w *- 0; c) M(w)C>O for sufficiently large Iwl; d) for every a>O, the ratio K(-w)/[L(w) + a:JI.1(w)] belongs to L 2 (_00,00), where L(w) =K(w)K(-w) = IKwI 2 . holds for every a  ao(€). Thus, for given € > 0, there exists an a o (€) such that, for a  ao(€), 118 119 
L (ro) [(ro, a) = L (ro) + aM (ro) 00 <1>" (a) =;- 5 -00 aL (ro) M2 (ro) I u (ro) 1 2 dw >0. {L (w) + aM (ro)}3 If we set we obtain classes of regularizing operators for equation (4.1.5). Each such class is determined by the function M( w). 7. For a particular function M(w), the regularization parameter a can be found from the resulting discrepancy. If the discrepancy in the right-hand member u(t) is estimated in the L 2 -metric, the square of the discrepancy for the regularized solution 4cx(t) is calculated from the formula Thus, the discrepancy resulting from the regularized solution is a strictly increasing function of the variable a and it ranges from 0 to lIu(t) ilL 2' Consequently, if the error () in the right-hand. membe: U o of equation (4.1.5) is less than lIu o (t) ilL 2' then there eXIsts a umque solution a for which <I>(a) = ()2 . On the other hand, if ()  lIu o (t) ilL 2' the equation <I>(a) = ()2 does not have a solution. 8. Obviously, <I>(a) depends on the choice of the function M( w); that is, <I> (a) = <I> M (a). 00 PI. (Az a , u) = S [Az a - u (t)]2 dt = 00 = -.!. r I K (ro) Za (ro) - u (ro) 1 2 dro = <I> (a). 2n J -00 For small values of a, the basic contribution to <l>M(a) is made by large frequencies. Therefore, if M I (w)  M 2 (w) for sufficiently large w, then, for sufficiently small a, -00 <I> M 1 (a) > <I> .'11 2 (a). Since In particular, if we take MI(w) = ro 2P1 and M2(w) = ro 2pt , then, for PI > P2, K (- w) u (w) Za (ro) = L (ro) + aM (ro) <I> PI (a) > <I> P2 (a). we have 1 <I> (a) = - 2n 00 5 a2M2 (ro) I u (ro) 1 2 dro {L (ro) + aM (ro)}2 The solution a of the equation <l>p(a) = ()2 obviously depends on p: a = a(p). Also, for PI > P2, we have -a(pd < a(P2)' Thus, with increase in the order of regularization P, the value of a(p) decreases. What was said in 6 of Chapter II applies here to the determining of a from the discrepancy. 9. One easily sees that the regularized solution of equation (4.1.5) defined by -'00 Obviously, <1>(0) = 0 and 00 <I> (a) -< -.!. (' I u (ro) 1 2 dro = II u (I) I. 2n J -00 00 Za (t) :::=  5 K (- ro) u (ro) exp (- irot) dro 2n L(w)+aM(ro) -00 (4.1.7) Also, <I>(a) approaches Ilu(t)/lt as a --+ 00. In addition, 121 120 
minimizes the functional 00 M a [z,u] = J (AZ-U)2dt + aQ[z] -00 with stabilizing functional of the form 00 Q {z] = S M (0)) / Z (0)) 1 2d O). -00 Here, 00 Az = S K (t - T) Z (T) dT. -00 If we take p M (0)) 2j qn0)2n, n=o  .8) where the qn are given nonnegative constants and, in particular, qp > 0, we obtain from formula (4.1.8) pth-order stabilizers. If we take M( w) = w 2r , where r is any positive number, we obtain stabilizers of the form 00 Q {z] = B J I z(r) (t) /2 dt, -()O where z(r) (t) = r (m + 1) r(m+ 1-r) t 5 d m+t (t - T)m-r  dT . d't m +1 -00 122 (The function z(r)(t) can be regarded as the derivative of nonintegral order r.) Here, m is an integer at least equal to the integral part of r (that is, m  [r]) and B is a positive number. We may take for M( w) a function with arbitrary rate of growth as w --+ 00. Obviously, proceeding as we did with the examples given, we can obtain other stabilizers n [z] on the basis of formula (4.1.8). 10. The reason for considering different families of regularizing operators is that we might choose for each particular problem (or class of problems) the best operator. This might be, for example, an operator minimizing the discrepancy (in the sense defined above) between the regularized solution za(t) and the exact solution zr(t) that we are seeking, or it might be n operator that is more convenient for machine realization. Let <I>(z 1, Z2) denote a given nonnegative functional defined on a set of the form S X S, where S is a set of functions to which both the regularized solutions zaJt) of equation (4.1.5) and the exact solution zr(t) belong. (For example, <I>(Zl' Z2) might be the norm of the difference between Z2 and zd. Whatever the functional <I>(z 1, Z2) might be, let us look at the following problems: Problem 1. For a fixed stabilizing factor few, a), find a value a o of the regularization parameter a such that <I> (za o ' zr) = inf <I> (za, z r)' a Problem 2. Let g:- f= {f( 0), ex)} denote a given family of stabilizing factors. From this family, find a functionfo(w, a) and a value of the regularization parameter a = a op that minimizes the functional <I>(zco zr): <I> (Zop, ZT) = inf <I> (Za, Z7'). { FE$' f a>o 123 
Here, 00 U (00) Za (I) - Z, T (t) =  S {[(w, a) - I} -L- exp (- iwt) dw + 2n K (00) -00 Zop= RIo (u, aop). We shall say that the regularizing operator RIo (u, a op ) corresponding to the function [o(w, a) and to the value of the regularization parameter a = a op is optimal on the family, f!F j and that a op is the optimal value of the regularization parameter on that family. The regularized solution of equation (4.1.5) obtained with the aid of the optimal regularizing operator will be called the optimal regularized solution., Sometimes, it is impossible to find the optimal stabilizin factor (algorithm) in the family f!F j but possible to find a factorplose to it (in some specified sense). For this reason, we are interested in Problem 3. Estimate <I> ( za j Za j ) under the condition J, I' 2, 2 Pg-(f't. [2) o, where Zal.fl=Rf1(u, ad, za2.f2=Rf2(u, (2)' and p$ (It, [2) is a metric for f!Fj' These problems and modifications of them will be examined in the present and later chapters. 00 +  5 [(00, a) v(w) exp (-iwt) dw. 2n K (00) -OCI (4.2.1) The first term in the right-hand member of this equation characterizes the influence of the regularization (when the right-hand member is exact); the second characterizes the influence of the noise in the right-hand member of equation (4.1.5). Let us define 1 5 00 UT(W) I:1 r (t, a) = - {[(w, a) - I} - exp (-- iwt)dw = 2Jt' K (00) -00 00 =  5 {[(w, a) - I} ZT(w) exp ( - iwt) dw, (4.2.2) 2n -00  2. Deviation of the regularized solution from the exact one. 00 !J. n (t, a) = -.!.. S [(00, a) v (w) exp (- iwt) dw, (4.2.3) 2n K (00) -00 1. Let us return to equation (4.1.5). Suppose that u(t) = uT(t) + vet), where vet) is an interference (noise). Let us suppose that vet) is a random function uncorrelated with the solution ZT(t) that wee seeking and that its mathematical expectation is equal to 0: vet) = O. The regularized solution can be written in the form so that (4.2.1) becomes Za (t) - ZT(t) = !J. r (t, a) + !J. n (t, a). 00 + J... 5 [(00, a) v (w) exp (-iwt) dw. 2n K (00) -00 It was shown in  1 (see theorem in subsection 5) that t:,.r(t, a) approaches zero as a --+ 0 and that the convergence is uniform with respect to t. Since vet) is a random fun'ction, t:,.n(t, a) is a lso a random function and its mathematical expectation is zero: t:,.n(t, a) = O. Remark. If j(t) is a random function (a random process), then the function 00 za (t) =  5 [(00, a) UT(W) exp (- iwt) dw-t- 2n K (00) -00 Consequently, R (t h t 2 ) = [(t 1 ) [(t 2 ) 124 125 
is called the autocorrelation function of the process f(t). For stationary random processes, the autocorrelation function depends only on the difference t 2 -t 1 , so that we may write then a 2 (0:) -+ 00 as 0: -+ O. It immediately follows from the properties of the function few, 0:) that a 2 (0:) -+ 0 as 0: -+ 00. 3. The metric in which we estimate the deviation of z(t) from zT(t) is chosen on the basis of the nature of the information available regarding the noise in the right-hand member of the equation. If vet) is a random function, it is natural to use a probabilistic metric. Let us estimate the deviation between z(t) and zT(t) from the formula R(t) = f(7)f(t + 7). The Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function of a stationary random process f(t) is called its spectral density S( w). It is well known * that, for  real w, the function S( w) is a nonnegative even function such that Sew) S(O) and Sew) -+ 0 as W --+ 00. p (za, zT)= sup [Za (t) - zT(t)F. t 2. In what follows, we shall assume that vet) is thet sample function of a stationary random process with spectral ['"density S( w). Under these assumptions, the variance of the random function 6. n (t, a) (the variance of the influence of the noise) is Suppose that 00 , (f, a) = a 2 (a) =  S f 2 (w, a) S (00) dw, (4.2.4) 431 2 L (w) -00  (a) = sup  (t, a). t Then where Tf (a) = sup [Za (I) - ZT(t)]2 =  (a) + a 2 (a). (4.2. 'i) t L (00) = K (00) K (- (0). S(w) ( ) - $. L 1 - 00, 00 , L (w) As 0: -+ 0, 6.;(0:) -+ 0 (see p. 116) and a 2 (0:) increases monotoni- cally. Consequently, Tj{o:) attains its smallest value at some value 0: 0 of 0:. (If this value is not unique, let us take the smallest such value.) We shall call 0: 0 the (C, f)-optimal value of the regularization parameter. The regularized solution obtained for 0: = 0: 0 is the asymptotically (as 0: -+ 0) best in the s.ense of min Tj{o:)  in the class of regularized solutions corresponding to a given function few, 0:). It will be of interest to ascertain the classes of equations of the form (4.1.5) for which we can, by using the corresponding information regarding the solution sought and the noise, determine the (c, f)-optimal value of the regularization parameter 0: or a value close to it. The very definition of 0:0 indicates that, to find it, we need to calculate 6.;(0:) and a 2 (0:) for small values of a; that is, we need to find asymptotic representations of the functions It is obvious from property 6f of the function few, 0:) that a 2 (a) increases as a -+ 00. If S (w)  ELI (- OC, (0), L(w) then a 2 (a) approaches a finite value a 2 (0) as a --+ O. On the other hand, if * A. A. Sveshnikov, Prikladnyye metody teorU sluchaynykh funktsiy (Ap- plied methods in the theory of random functions), Moscow, Nauka press, 1968. 126 127 
!Ji(t, a), b,.;(a), and a 2 (a) as a -+ O. Thus, the problem arises of asymptotic estimation, as a -+ 0, of f1; (t, a), f1; (a), and a 2 (a). Such estimates will be given in  3 for certain classes of equations. 4. At first glance, we might expect to have to find these estimates for each stabilizing factor I(w, a). However, it is possible to exhibit classes of stabilizing factors (see [14, 15]) such that the asymptotic estimates for f1;(t, a), f1;(a), and a 2 (a) as a -+ 0 will be the same for stabilizing factors in the same class. Therefore, it will be sufficient to obtain. these estimates for the simplest stabilizing factors in the class in question. Definition. We shall say that two stabilizing factors 11 al ) and 12 (w, a2) are asymptotically €-c1ose if, for some € > there exists an a o (€) such that the inequality* M 1 (ro) = ro 2P , M 2 (ro) = ro 2p -t qp_l ro2P - 2 + . . . + qo, (4.2.6) (4.2.7) where qo, qlP ... , qp-l> 0, are asymptotically €-close for every € > O. 5. Let us estimate the difference between the regularized solutions of equation (4.1.5) obtained with the aid of asymptot- ically €-close stabilizing factors 11 (w, ad and 12 (w, (2)' Obviously, 1 1 /1 (w, al) _ 12(W, (2 ) II  € l( (w) l( (W) La Za lo f. (I) - Zalda (I) I  holds for all a1 and a2 less than ao(€) such that I  -- 1 [ < min {a, a:}. If we take a 2 00 ...!- S I Idw, al) - h (w, cx 2 ) I I u (ro) I dw  2n l( (w) l( (w) -00   II 11 (w, al) _ /2 (w, (2) II . 1\ u (t) 1/  € II u (I) II . 2n l( (w) l( (W) La La La L(w) I ( w , a) = L (w) + aM (w) , Since the stabilizing factors defined by the functions (4.2.6) and (4.2.7) are asymptotically €-close for every € > 0, it will be sufficient, in the examination, for example, of regularized solutions obtained with the aid of pth-order stabilizers with constant coefficients, to obtain asymptotic estimates of the functions f1;(t, a), f1;(a), and a 2 (a) as a -+ 0 for regularized solutions obtained with the simplest pth order stabilizers, that is, for M(w) = w 2P . then the stabilizing factors L(w) 11 (ro,a l ) = L (00) + aIM! (w) , L (w) 1,(0), a 2 ) = L (w) + a2M2 (w) defined by the functions  3. Asymptotic estimates of the deviation of a regularized solution from the exact solution for an equation of the convolution type as a --+ O. *\\'Pl (w) -'P2 (w) IlL! is the distance between the functions 'PI (w) and 1.{J2 (w) in the metric for L 2 (- 00, (0). 1. Following [9, 10], we shall obtain below asymptotic formulas for f1,(t, a) and a 2 (a) for various types of equation of 128 129 
A -. w n 2. Various problems reduce to equations with kernels of these types. As examples, the problem of calculating the nth derivative, the problem of automatic control, and the problem of restoring electromagnetic signals distorted by a filter with concentrated parameters (capacitance, inductance, resistance) lead to kernels of the first type; problems of restoring electromagnetic signals distorted by a long line with losses (a cable or a conducting medium) lead to the second type (with m = 2); problems of restoring electromagnetic signals propagated over a spherical surface received in a region of geometric shadow also lead to the second type; problems of restoring acoustic signals propagated through a viscous medium lead to the third type. There are many others. 3. We shall assume that the spectral density of the noise Sew), for real w, is such that, as Iwl -+ 00, the form (4.1.5). These types are determined by the asymptotic nature of the Fourier transform of the kernel K(w) as Iwl--+ 00. Here, we shall look at four types of equation. Type I. K( w) is a rational function that has no zeros on the real axis but that approaches zero as w -+ 00 at the same rate as where n is a positive integer. . Type II. All finite singular points of the function Kqw) are located in a bounded region. For every positive number{ B, the integral B S dw L (w) o S(ro)=, w a converges. As w -+ 00, !.. K(ro)  H exp[-(iAw)m], where a is a nonnegative and So a positive constant. If a = 0 and Sew) = So, we have a "white" noise. Here, So is a characteristic of the noise level. In what follows, we shall examine the asymptotic behavior of the functions f1y(t, 0:) and a 2 (0:) only for stabilizers with constant coefficients: qi(S) = qi = const. In this case, where m> 1 and A> o. Type III. As w -+ 00, K (ro)  If exp (- Aro 2 ). K (ro)  A , w n (In In . . . In I w I)k  s times M (ro) = ro 2p -1-- qp_ 1 w 2P - 2 + . . . + qo (for a pth-order stabilizer). Since the stabilizing factors L(w)j[L(w) + aM(w)] defined by the functions M 1 (w) = ro 2P + qp_l ro2P - 2 + . . . -t- qo, M 2 (ro) = ro 2P , are asymptotically €-c1ose for every € > 0, it will, by virtue of 2 of the present chapter, be sufficient to get asymptotic estimates of the functions tJ.,(t, 0:) and a 2 (0:) for the functionsM(w) = w 2P . where H and A are positive. Type IV. As Iwl-+ 00, where A is a positive number, and nand S are nonnegative integers. If n > 0, there is no restriction on k except that it be an integer, but if n = 0, both k and S are positive. 130 131 
4. Estimation of f1 r (t, ex) for equations with kernel of the first type. For a pth-order stabilizer for which M( w) = (()2 p , the regularized solution of equation (4.1.5) with exact right-hand member UT(t) has the form For zeros of the first kind, (()ta-+(()t as ex -+ O. If WI is a simple zero of the function L( w), we have ex:: 00 za (t) = J La (t - 1') ZT(1') d1' = S La (s) . ZT(t - -00 - res{ L(w)exp(-irot) } = L(rota)exp(-iwlat) = L (ro) + aro 2P 00=00 ( dL ) Ia 2pa.W2P-I + _ ta dw OO=OOla (w la - rol) . ( ) ( dL ) 00=001 exp (- iwi) + 0 [(Wla - (()1)21 = 2pa,ro;P-l + - dw 00=00 t = «(()Ia - ro 1 ) exp (- i(()l t )[ 1 + 0 (a)] + 0 [(rola - ro 1 )2]. 00 1 5 L (ro) ZT (w) Za (t) = - . exp (- irot) d(() 2n L (w) + a,w 2P -00 or (4.3.1) Since 00 La(t) =  S L (w) exp (- iwt) d(() 231 L (w) + a,w'!.p -00 (4.3.2) [(ro) = L (ro) + aro 2p = = [«(()1) + «(() -- (()1) (-L:!:.) + 0 [«(()l - (())2J, 00=001 [(rota) = ° and L «(()1) = 0, where is an even function. Therefore, it follows that 00 Za (t) = S La (s) {ZT(t - s) -t- ZT(t + s)} ds. (4.3.3) o o = aro: P + [(  Lw, + 2p a ro :P-' ] (ro a- ro.) + + 0 [«(()w - (()1)2]. The integral in (4.3.2) is equal to the sum of the residues of the integrand at its poles (multiplied by 21Ti) located in the upper half-plane for t < 0 and in the lower half-plane for t > O. The poles of the integrand are the zeros of the denominator L(w) + (X,(()2 P , which are of one or the other of two kinds: 1) zeros rota that approach the zeros of the function L( w) as ex --+ 0, 2) zeros (()2a that become infinite as ex -+ O. Let us look at the contribution of each of these to Lcx(t). Therefore, roUt - ro 1 = - aro;P (  Lw, {I + 0 (a) + 0 [(ro la - rot)']}. Consequently, 132 133 
Wta - WI = - aroP {I -t- 0 (a)}, (  Loo, L 2a (t) = _ 2J I A /2 iro 2a exp (- iro 2a t) , 2qaroZ res { L (ro) exp (- irot) } L (ro) + aro 2P ro=h>la - aro i P x where the summation is over all roots of the second kind of the equation L( w) + a; w 2p = 0 that lie in the upper half-plane. For small ex, these roots can be replaced with the roots w) of the equation so that ( Loo. X exp (- iw 1 t) [1 + 0 (a)} = 0 (a) exp t!- iw 1 t). 1 +  w 2 q = 0 I A 1 2 · (4.3.4) If WI is a zero of multiplicity 'Y, we find by analogous reasoning (under the assumption that L(w) is 'Y - 1 times differentiable) that Therefore, iro) exp (-irok) t) L 2a (t) = - 2J 2q k (4.3.5) res { L (co) exp (- lrot) } = 0 (alII') exp (- iw 1 t). L (ro) + aro 2p ro=ro 1a for t  O. Analogously, The number of zeros of the first kind is finite and independent of a. Therefore, the contribution of poles of the first kind Wta to the function Lcx(t) is O( a;i/'Y o ), where 'Yo is the highest multiplicity of any of the zeros of the function L( w). 5. Let us now look at the contribution of poles of the second kind W2a. Since W2aoo as ex --+ 0, we can, for sufficiently small ex, use the asymptotic representation of the function L( w); that is, we can set L(w) = IA 12/W 2n . Therefore, L 2a (t) =  k irok) exp (- irok)t) 2q (4.3.6) for t  O. Here, the summations are over all roots of equation (4.3.4) that are located in the upper (resp . lower) half-plane for t  0 (resp. t  0). As ex -+ 0, the roots 00 k) approach infinity along the rays { L (ro) exp (-irot) } I A 1 2 exp (- iro 2a t) . ro 2a res = , L (ro) + aro 2P ro=ro 2a 2qaro:Z q = n + p. arg r.... = 2k + 1 "'" (k ../ ) UI 0111  n . 2q Also, Thus, the contribution L 2a (t) of poles of the second kind to Lcx(t) is, for t  0, k) (L A 1 2 ) 2Q . I w I = \ a 134 135 
We note that n + p roots of equation (4.3.4) lie in the upper half-plane and n + p in the lower. If in formula (4.3.3) we replace Lcx(t) with L za (t), we obtain from formula (4.3.6), for t  0, we have * 00 ' q + iw(k)exp( -iw(k)£) Za (t) = Lj a a {Zr(t + 6) + ZT(t - 6)} d '0 k=o 2q -1 Za (t) = zT(I)+ J.- ( '  iT Z( [1 + 0 (a )]. q sin ( 2q ) Here, we used the relationships (4.3.7) or q ( 2k + 1 ) 1T eoCOS  n = __0 cos 2Q'  . ( 2k + 1 ..... ) cos2(rq) L.J SIn - _II = . k=o 2q sin (i 1T q ) Q 00 za (t) = -1-  r {- i(J)k)exp (- i(J)k)£)[ZT(t +6)+ZT(t -6)]}d6. q k=O.t (43.8) Thus, we have the asymptotic (as ex -+ 0) formula 00  t (t :t )  exp (- ) d = t (t) + + t' (I) + 0 ( ;, ) . 1 /),; (I, a) = .i.- sin- 2 ( ..::. ) (  ) q I dZT I 2[ 1 + 0 (a ; ) ]. q2 2q" A 1 2 dt (4.3.9) To estimate these integrals, we use the asymptotic formula 1 q 2' za (t) = -  {2z T (t) +  z(t)}+ 0 ([(J)k)]-2). 2q i::o w k) Therefore, we have Theorem 1. The asymptotic (as ex --+ 0) formula (4.3.9) is valid in the use of pth-order regularization for equation (4.1.5) with a kernel of the first kind [10]. In particular, this formula is valid for stabilizers of zeroth order, that is, for p = o. , We know [185] that, in the use of zeroth-order stabilizers, the regularized solution zcx(t) of an equation with right-hand member uT(t) will not in general approximate the exact solution zT(t) uniformly on (_00, 00) as ex -+ O. From formula (4.3.9) with p = 0, we obtain the Corollary. If the derivative of the solution zT(t) of equation (4.1.5) with a kernel of the first kind and with right-hand member which is valid for large values of Re {3 > 0, as can be established by twice integrating by parts. Let us set (3 = iw k). Since the summation in formula (4.3.7) is over only those Toots of equation (4.3.4) in the lower half-plane, we have Re (iw») > O. If we set f(t) = ZT(t), we obtain Since 1 (J)k) = ( I  12 ) 2q e I zk+1 -j'( 2q *We assume that 'Yo < 2q. 136 137 
u = ur(t) is bounded on (_00, 00), then the regularized solution zcx(t) of equation (4.1.5) obtained with the aid of a pth-order stabilizer (where p = 0, 1, 2, . . .) approximates uniformly on (_00, 00) the exact solution zr(t) as ex -+ O. 6. An estimate of A,(t, ex) for equations with kernels of types II-IV. Theorem 2. In the use of pth-order stabilizers with constant coefficients for otaining a regularized solution of equation (4.1.5) with type-II kernel, the follo.wing asymptotic (as ex --+ 0) formulas are valid [10]: where [ 2 P APH2 ] 3 = In . a Theorem 4. In the use of pth-order stabilizers with constant coefficients for obtaining a regularized solution of equation (4.1.5) with type IV kerrzel, the following asymptotic (as ex -+ 0) formulas are valid [1 0] : 1'>, (t, a)= V  A( : r z(t) [Ii- 0 (1, )). (4.3.10) 1 1 ( ) 2i dz [ ( 1 )1 !!:J.ta- 2k -II 0- , (, ) - q sin (  ) A'' d/ + . · (4.3.14) A 2 ptl  ( Cm ) (zPt!>m d2p+1 zr [ ( 1 )] !!:J. ( ta ) -- -- - 1+0- r, - 2p + 1 :rt 2 dt2P+1 2' (4.3.11) 1 2; 1 d 2p +1 z r ( 1 )] 1'>, (t. a) = . (2 P + 1 ) ( ;, :k) d/,p+1 T L I + 0 Ii: ' qsm -:rt 2q where ( :rt ) ( H2A2P ) C m = 2 cos 2m '2 = In  . (4.3.15) where Theorem 3. In the use of pth-order stabilizers with constant coefficients for obtaining a regularized solution of equation (4.1.5) with type-III kernel, the following asymptotic (as ex -+ 0) formulas are valid [10]: 1 4 = ln[( 2 rq]. s times ... 12 ( 2A ) 1/2 dZr [ ( 1 ) ] r (t, a) = V -;- (3; di 1 + 0 (3; ,(4.3.12) The formulas for t!.,-(t, a) in Theorems II-IV are proven, in a manner analogous to the proof of Theorem 1, by evaluating the corresponding integrals with the aid of residues though the calculations are more laborious (see [10, 13]), and for this reason we shall not give the proofs here. 7. An estimate of a 2 (ex) for equations with kernels of types 1- IV. For  1 ( 2A ) 2P;1 d2P+1 zr [ ( 1 )]  t a - -- - - 1 O- r (, ) - n 2p + 1 3 dtZp+1 + 3  4.3.13) 138 139 
f (00, a) = L (wt+ aM (w) Here, Sas(w) and Las(w) are the values of the functions Sew) and L(w) calculated from their asymptotic formulas. Consequently, formula (4.2.4) takes the form 0'2 (a) = So . 0 (1) + 11 (4.3.17) 00 0'2 (a) =  s L (w) S (w) dw 2n 2 {L (w) + aM (w)}2 o (4.3.16) and the problem reduces to estimating the limit (as a -+ 0) of the integral It follows immediately from this formula that a 2 (a) -+ 00 s a -+ 0 for equations with kernels of types I-N (for types I anQ N, we set n > max (a, )). On the other hand, for any fixed a i > 0, the integral (4.3.16) converges. Consequently, for sufficiently small values of the parameter a, the basic contribution to the integral (4.3.16) is provided by large frequencies w. Keeping this in mind, let us represent the integral (4.3.16) as the sum of two integrals: 1 C Las' 5:as dw 11 = 2n 2  (L as +W2P)2 . (4.3.18) For equations with type-I kernels, the integral II has the form 1 S ro o 1 oo J ' 0'2 (a) = - .., + - .... 2n 2 2n 2 o roo, 1 J <x; Soww-2adw 11 == - 2n 2 a \ o I A 12 ( 1 + - w 2Q ) 2 I A 1 2 and, when we make the change of variable x = (alIA 21)002 q , it can be evaluated exactly. We obtain Let us take Wo sufficiently large that, for w  wo, the functions L( w) and S( w) can be replaced with their asymptotic representa- tions. Then, for M( w) = W 2p , we have 11 _  ( I A 1 2 ) 4qn 2 I A 1 2 a 2fl-2a t-1 2q 2p + 2a - 1 . ( 2 P + 2a - 1 ) . 2q Sin --n 2q (4.3.19) roo 2 () 1 51 L.S (1 a-- - 2n 2 (L + aw 2P )2 o L as S as ) \dw + (Las + aw 2p )2 J 1 r Lar,,' Sas dw +-\ 2n 2 J (L L aw 2P ) 2 o as 1- Thus, we have Theorem 5. For equations with type-I kernel, the variance of the influence of the noise in a regularized solution a 2 (a) is calculated from formulas (4.3.17) and (4.3.19) and it approaches infinity as a -+ O. 8. For equations with type-II kernels, we have Taking S(O) = D. So, where D > 0, and remembering that S( w)  S(O) for every w, we immediately find that, as a -+ 0, 1 S w o 1 L . S LasS as ) - --'- doo = so' 0(1). 2n 2 0 (L + aw 2P )2 (L as + aw 2P )2 roo 00 (12 (a) =  {" L. S dw +  \ Las . Sasdw 2n 2 j (L + aw 2P )2 2n2.) (Las + aw 2P )2 ' o (Uo 140 141 
where Wo is chosen as in subsection 1. Obviously, as ex  0, Wo { L.Sdw -::=So.()(l). J (L+a(I)2 P )2 Thus, (}'2 (a) So .0 (1) + /2' where 00 /2 ::::  \ . Las Sas LIlt) . 2:rt 2 ,-, (L + aCJ)'?P ) 2 w as o We can write the integrand in the expression for 1 2 in the form m- 2a P(m, ex). The function F(w, ex) has a sharply expressed maximum whose position Wi approaches infinity as ex  O. We can use the method of steepest descent to estimate 1 2 , We find Wi from the equation aF(w, ex)/aw = 0, which can be written in the form am2PK (m) -l( (m) K (m) -- 2pm'2 P -IK t (m) 0, (4.3.21) where I Kt (m) H exp [-- 0.5 C m (Am )m J {L (m)P/2. Since, for large values of w, mKi (fi)) Kt_ (m), we can replace equation (4.3.21) with the equation 142 L (m) := am?p. (4.3.22) One can easily see that the formula mt =  ( h.. ) m [ 1 -t- 0 (  ) l A C m 2 J (4.3.23) holds when equation (4.3.22) has a unique positive root Wi' Applying the method of steepest descent to evaluate the integral 1 2 , we obtain /2 = 1-2p-2a mS o . WI I ' 411 :rt 3 C m a(ACUI)m which, together with formula (4.3.23), yields /2 1 'lpf-za-1+ - mSo _ A 2 ptza-l ( Cm ) m [ 1 -t- 0 (  )] . (4.3.24) 4C m -V:rt 3 rx 2 2 Thus, we have Theorem 6. For equations of the form (4.1.5) with type-II kernel, the variance of the influence of the noise a 2 (ex) in a regularized solution obtained with the aid of the simplest pth-order stabilizer (M( w) = w 2 p) is calculated from formulas (4.3.20) and (4.3.24) and it approaches infinity at the same rate as 1 2 as a  O. 9. In an analogous manner, we can establish the following theorems: Theorem 7. For equations of the form (4.1.5) with type-III kernel, the variance of the influence of the noise a 2 (ex) in a regularized solution obtained by means of the simplest pth-order stabilizer is calculated according to the formula (}'2 (a) = So . 0 (1) + /3' (4.3.25) where 143 
/3 So (22P+2a ;2P-2a-l r 1 + 0 (  )J . BV n 3 . a l 3 (4.3.26) Remark 1. If we have in advance some information regarding the least upper bound of the absolute value of the first derivative of the exact solution IZy(t)l, then, to determine a,ao, we should use formulas (4.3.9), (4.3.10), (4.3.12), and (4.3.14) and accordingly formulas (4.3.19), (4.3.24), (4.3.26), and (4.3.28). If we have some information regarding the absolute value of the (2po + 1 )st derivative, to solve the problem we need to use a Po th-order stabilizer, and to determine aao, we need to use relationships obtained from the formula Theorem 8. For equations of the form (4.1.5) with type-IV kernel, the variance of the influence of the noise a 2 (a) in a regularized solution obtained with the aid of the simplest pth-order stabilizer is calculated according to the formula (}'2(a) o.O(1) /4' (4.3.27) where a (1 - 21q ) SoA Q 2n-2aH k 2p+2a-l ( : ) 2q 2q [1+0( : )J /4 = (2 P - 1 )  4 2q sin :rc (4.3.28) (}'2(a) _= ;(cx) 10. Using formulas (4.3.9)-(4.3.15), (4.3.17), (4.3.19), (4.3.20), (4.3.24)-(4.3.28), we can find from the condition by using the relationships (4.3.9), (4.3.11), (4.3.13), and (4.3.15) and accordingly (4.3.19), (4.3.24), (4.3.26), and (4.3.28). Remark 2. For some of the cases examined in this chapter, other estimates of the deviation of the regularized solution from the exact one when M( w) = w 2 are given in [4]. An examination is made in [79] of the asymptotic estimates of the deviation of the regularized solution from the exact one for a one-dimensional integral equation of the form (1.1.1) that is not of the convolution type. L\ (a) = (}'2 (a) a value of a that is close to the (c, f)-optimal value. We shall call this value almost optimal and shall denote it b y a To find a ao' ao' we need to know the least upper bound of IZ r '(t)1 or IcP P +1zr/ dt 'l,P+1I. Suppose, for example that sup Izr(t)1 = Bo. Then, from t formulas (4.3.9) and (4.3.19), we find aao= I A 1 2 1  2p+2a-1 4:rc 2 B 2 I A 1 2 o sin 2 (fq) . ( 2p + 2a - 1 510 2q  n) r.... 144 145 
CHAPTER V CERTAIN OPTIMAL REGULARIZING OPERATORS FOR INTEGRAL EQUATIONS OF THE CONVOLUTION TYPE 1. Suppose that the right-hand member u(t) of the equation 00 Az = S K (t - 1:) Z (1:) d1: = u (t) -00 (5.0.1 ) contains a random interference (noise) vet) and hence is a random function. The regularized solutions of equation (5.0.1) Za (t) = Rf(ll, a) are also random functions. Just as in Chapter N, we shall estimate their deviations from the exact solution zr(t) (or each other) in a probabilistic metric: Pp(Za,Zr) = (za -zr)2, (5.0.2) where the vinculum denotes the mathematical expectation. 147 
Having thus defined a metric in F, let us look at the regularized solutions obtained with the aid of stabilizing factors of the form In the present chapter, the above-mentioned optimal regularized solution and the estimates of the deviation of a nonoptimal regularized solution from the optimal one will be treated as applied to the second formulation of the problem in the use of a priori information of type a). This will be done under the assumption that vet) and the solution sought are sample functions of two uncorrelated random processes. We shall denote by S( w) and N( w) respectively the spectral densities of these processes. We shall indicate a method of finding approximate asymptotic representations of S( w) and N( w) as w --+ 00. Considerations associated with the use of a priori information of type b) may be found in [179-181]. L (00) f(ro, a) = L «(I) + aM (ffi) . 2. In the present chapter, we shall find, out of all such regularized solutions, the one that is optimal in the sense of the metric (5.0.2). It. will be sl10wn that the <?£I!()r represeIlUng !i!na.!Wiel11!!!E!l1B- is a reg l,E!iIlg<?pr tor of tihe class described in Chapter IV. For equations with kernels of tyqes I and II (see Chapter IV, 3), we shall find the optimal reularized solution in the class of solutions obtained with the aid of the simplest pth-order stabilizers (M( w) = w ZP ) and we shall study the deviations of nonoptimal solutions from the optimal one [11, 14]. 3. It should be mentioned that in the examination of equations of the form Az = u, where z is the unknown function depending on the variable t, two formulations of the problem are possible. With the first formulation, the function U = ur(t) is deterministic and we are required to find a deterministic solution zr(t). If instead of the functi0n ur(t); we know only a a-approximation u(t) = ur(t) + vet) of it such that Pu(u, ur)  a, we can speak only of finding a solution that approximates zr(t). The interferellce vet) is usually a random varIable. With the seCQfld formulation, ur(t) is the sample function of a random process and we, need to find the sample function of another random process zr(t) connected with the first by AZ r = ur. If instead of ur(t), we have u(t) = ur(t) + vet), where vet) is an interference (noise) in the form of a random process, then we seek a "solution" close to zr(t). In solving this problem, the use of supplementary information regarding the solution sought and the noise is significant. Cases are possible in which a) we know the spectral densities of the solution and of the noise, b) we know the probability distributions of the solution and of the noise.  1. The optimal regularized solution. The connection between the regularization method and optimal Wiener filtering. 1. Suppose that zr(t) is the exact solution of equation (5.0.1) with right-hand member U =: ur(t); that is, Az r == ur(t). Let us suppose that u(t) = ur(t) + vet). Let us look at regularized solutions of equation (5.0.1) of the form 00 Za (t) = ..!.. S K (- (0) U (ffi) exp (- irot) dro = RM (u, a), 2n L (00) + aM (00) -00 (5.1.1) K(-oo) where the function belongs to L 2 (_00, (0) for L (00) + aM (00) every a> O. The operator RM(U, a) is defined in terms of the function M( w). It can be written in the form of a convolution 00 RM(u, a) = J La(t-T:)uCr)dT:, -00 where 148 149 
00 La (t) =  \ K (- w) exp (- irot) dro. 2n J L (w) + aM (w) -00 since v(w) = v(w') = O. For stationary random processes, ZT( ro) . zr( ro ') = N ( ro ) 8 ( (I) + ro 1 ) 2. Among operators of this kind, o ne can find an operator RM 0 (u, a) minimizing [Za (t) - ZT(t»)2. Obviously, and v «u) v (ro / ) =8(ro)6(ro+ro / ), 00 za ( t)-Z T( t)  \ { K(-cp)u(w) -zT(ro»)exp(--irot)dro= 2n J L «(t) + aM (w) J -00 1 OO s { K (- w) [uT(w) + v(w» } = _ 2 ""' -ZT(ro) exp(- JO L (w) + aM (w) where o(w + w") is Dirac's delta function. Performing the integration in the expression on the right with respect to w' and using the properties of the delta function and the fact that M( w) and L( w) are even functions, we obtain the value of the deviation -00 IZa (t) - ZT(t)]2 = T (aM) 00 =  S { L (ro) zT( ro) + K (- w) v ( ro ) 2n L (w) + aM (w) -00 ZT(ro)} exp(-irot)dro= 00 T (aM) = ..!. S a2M2 (co) N (w) + L (ro) S (w) dro. (5.1.2) 4n 2 [L (w) + aM (W)]2 -00 00 1 ) { -aM (00) zT(ro) K (- ro) v (ro) } ( . t) d _= - + exp - tro w 2n t L (ro) + aM (ro) L (w).+ wM (ro). -00 From the condition that this functional be minimized on 'the set of functions M( w), we find by eiementary calculations that the minimum is attained with the function since uTe w) = K( W )ZT( w). Therefore, (Za (I) '- ZT(t)]2 = 1 S (ro) M(ro) = Mo(ro) =-- a N (w) and 00 1 j ' - aM (w) zT(w) + K(- w) v (w) ( . t) d = - exp - tro ro x 2n L (ro) + aM (w) -00 00 . [ (I) (/)] 2- 1 S S2(w)+L(w)N(w)S(w) d mm za -ZT - - (R). {M(ro)} 4n 2 N (w) [L (w) + aM o (W)]2 -00 1 S OO - aM (w') zT(w') + K (- w') v (w') ( . ' t) d ' x - exp - ero ro- 2n L (d) + aM (ro') -00   5 °O\ a2M (w) M (w') zT(ro) zT(w')+K (-w) K (-w')v (w)v(ro') X 4n 2 J [L (w) + aM (w)] [L (w') + aM (ro')] -00 x exp [- i (ro -+- ro') t] dro dro' Thus, an operator RM(u, a) of the form (5.1.1) minimizing the deviation (5.0.2) of the regularized solution za(t) from the exact one zT(t) and corresponding to the function /W (ro) = Mo «0) =  S (w) a N (w) 150 151 
is independent of a and has the form 00 RM ( u) =  S K (- (0) U (w) exp (- ioot) doo. (5.1.3 ) o 2n S (00) -00 L (00) + N (00) The approximate (regularized) solution zop(t) of equation (5.0.1) obtained with the aid of this bperator is independent of para meter a and it is represented by the formula 00 zop (t) =  S K (- w) U (00) exp ( - iwt) doo. (5.1.4) 2n S «(t) -00 L (w) + -- N «(0) We shall call it the optimal regularized solution of equation (5.0.1). It coincides with the result of applying the optimal Wiener filtering to find z(t) from u(t) = uT(t) + vet). [220] . Therefore, we shall also call the operator RM 0 (u) the optimal Wiener filtering operator. Remark. To obtain the optimal regularized solution, we need to know the spectral densities of the noise and the solution that we are seeking. In practical problems leading to equation (5.0.1), we often have information enabling us to find S( 61 ) (at least approximately). We usually make some sort of assumptions regarding the spectral density of the solution N( 61) and then check to see if they are valid. In  3 of the present chapter, we shall give a method for determining approximately the asymptotic behavior of the functions S( 61) and N( 61) as 61 --+ 00 under the supplementary assumption that the random processes in question are ergodic. 3. Formula (5.1.1) defines one-parameter families (classes) of linear regularizing operators. Each such family is defined in terms of the function M(w) satisfying conditions a)-d) of Chapter IV,  1. Thus, we have proven 152 Theorem 1. Among the functions M( 61) possessing properties a)-d) of Chapter IV,  1, there exists a function Mo( 61) such that the one-parameter family of regularizing operators RMo (u, a) includes the optimal Wiener filtering operator. The significance of Theorem 1 lies, first of all, in the fact that the optimal filtering operator belongs to the family of stable operators that depend continuously on the right-hand member u(t) of equation (5.0.1). Consequently, the optimal filtering operator is stable, that is, continuous with respect to u at every fixed exact right-hand member. Second, it follows from this theorem and  3 of Chapter IV that small deviations of the function M( 61) from S(w)/N(w) (in the sense of asymptotic €-closeness of the corresponding factors I( 61, a)) cause small deviations in the regularized solution from the optimal one. This reveals the possibility of obtaining approximate solutions of equation (5.0.1) that are close to the optimal one by using simpler algorithms for constructing the regularized solution. In many cases, it is possible to calculate (most often approximately) the spectral density of the noise S( 61) by using information regarding the noise but the spectral density of the solution N( 61) that we are seeking is unknown. Therefore, it is usually impossible to use the optimal filtration operator to construct an approximate solution. In this connection, the possibility of replacing the optimal regularizing operator (the optimal filtering operator) with an operator close to it, one using less a priori information for its construction, is of interest. In  3 of the present chapter, we shall, for equations of types I and II, demonstrate the possibility of finding, to any desired degree of accuracy, the asymptotic behaviors of Sew) and N(w) from the family of regularized solutions under the assumption that the stationary random processes in question are ergodic. Here, we shall use the simplest pth-order regularizing operators (M( 61) = w 2P ). 4. If M(w) = w 2p , where p is a nonnegative number, not necessarily an integer, then T(aM) is a function of the parameters a and p. Let us denote it by T(a, p). If we take M(w) = w 2p in formula (5.1.2), we obtain 153 
00 00 a,2ro4P N . dw T (a, ) =  5 L. S . dw +  S . ' (5.1.5) P 21'[2 (L + aw2p)2 2n z (L + aw 2P )Z o 0 For any p > 0, when we let a approach zero, the second integral in (5.1.5), namely, 1 CIIO s a,2W4P . N. dw !J.2 a - - ( ) -- 2n'2 (L + aw 2P )Z o approaches zero monotonically* and the integral 00 cr' (a) cc 2:'  ( :;o';' o decreases monotonically. Furthermore, 2(00) = 00 and a 2 (00) = O. Therefore, for every fixed value of p, the function T (a, p) = 0 2 (a) + !J.2 (a) has a mlllllltUm at some** value a = a p ' We shall call this value the p-optimal value of the regularization parameter a. It is determined from the condtion aTjaa = 0, which has the form 00 00 S a. L . N . w 4P d 5 S. L . w 2P d(t) (L + aw 2P )S (0 = (L + aw2Pp o 0 (5.1.6) Obviously, a p is a function of p. Consequently, T (ap, p) = 1/1 (p). (5.1.7) *This can be proven just as for !1 r (t, a) in Chapter IV. **If this value is not unique, let us take the smallest possible value. 154 5. Let us examine some of the properties of the function tfJ(P). We shall do this for equations with kernels K(t) whose Fourier transforms on the real axis have an asymptotic behavior, as w --+ 00, of one of the following types: 1) K «(0) =  , n > 0 (On (type I); 2) K (w) ::::: Hw" exp [-(iwA)f11], A>O, v>O, ff ;>0, m>O (type II); 3) K «(0) H exp (- A( 2 ), A> 0, H > 0 (type III); A 4) K «(0) , Il :> 0, k > 0, n -1-k=l=O wI! (Ill If! . . . In (1)/' '-------- s times (type N). We shall also assume that the spectral densities of N( w) and S( w) have asymptotic representations as w --+ 00 on the real axis of the form N ((0) = No , b > 0; (!)2b s «(0) = , a> O. (U2a Let us look at asymptotic estimates of the integrals 00 00 !J.2 (a) =  S a2w4PN dw and (12 (a) =  5 S. L dw . 2n 2 (L + aw 2P )2 2n 2 (L +- aw 2P p o 0  2. Properties of the function tfJ(P) for equations with kernels of types I-N. 1. Kernels of type I. Repeating the reasoning of Chapter N, 3, we fmd 155 
('0 fJ, 2 W 4fJ N as dw {).2 (a) 22 5 \- 0 (a), (Las + fJ,W 2fJ )2 0 00 SasLas dw 1 '. o (So), (}'2 (a) 2n 2 j (Las + fJ,W 2P )2 0 where, as before, the symbol fas means that f( w) is calculated for all values of w from the asymptotic formula. Thus, 1 5 00 fJ,2W4PNas 2n 2 (Las + fJ,W 2p )2 o 00 No S 2n 2 1 A4\ ( fJ, ) o 1 + _ W 2q 2 \ I A \2 a2w1P-2b dw , q==p+n. This integral can be evaluated * by making the change of variable x = (a/IAI 2 )w 2Q . Proceeding in this way, we obtain N 1 ( a ) 'Y {).2 (a) -= --!L- (l -- ')') -:-- - + 0 (a 2 ), 4Jtq sm ')'n I A \2 (5.2.1) where')' = (2b - 1 )/2q. In an analogous manner, we calculate a 2 (a): 1 ) -t (}'2 ( a) So (1-- 1-1) -:-- (  -1- 0 (So), = 4Jtq 1 A 1 2 SIn!ln 1 A \2 (5.2.2) *1. S. Gradshteyn and I. M. Ryzhik, Table of Integrals, Series and Products, New York and London, Academic Press, 1965, 4th ed. (translation of TabUtsy integralov, summ, ryadov i proizvedeniy), p. 293. 156 where 1-1= 2n -2£1 2q Consequently, for type I kernels, we have T (a, p) C , ( I: l C. c  [, r So 1- 0 (a')+ 0 (So) (5.2.3) as a --+ 0, where C - No 1- ')' . 1 -- , 4nq sin ')'n 1 1- /l C 2 = 4Jtq I A 1 2 sin /In Let us suppose that nonnegative numbers p, n, b, and a satisfy the conditions o < ')' < 1, 0 < 1-1 < Land u > 2a, (5.2.4) from which it follows that 1) 2b> 1; 2b < 2n --1-2p -1-1; 2) 2a< 2n + 1; 2p> 1--2a. It follows from these requirements, in particular, that, in the case of a white noise (a = 0), we need to use a regularizing algorithm of order p > . The numbers b and n characterize the order of smoothness of the solution sought and of the kernel K(t). The inequality 2b < 2n + 2p + 1 indicates that, when n < b, the order p of the regularization cannot be chosen arbitrarily. We mention that the numbers p, n, b, and a are not necessarily integers. 157 
Using formula (5.2.3) and keeping only the principal terms, we fmd from the condition aTjaex = 0 the p-optimal value* of ex: 1 a p IAI2(  : So)1t (5.2.5) or a p 1 ( S 1 . )  + t A 2 0 1: -  sin ')'n . I I No 111. 1 2 ')' 1- ')' sin n (5.2.6) Substituting this value of a p into formula (5.2.3), we obtain  (  C ) t!-t ( ')' ) t/J (p) == T (a p , p) -= -::; c: So . 1 t- -; C 1 (5.2.7) or  = ( 1 _ 2.. ) No 1- ')' {  (1- It) sin')'n So } +!-t. t/J{p) -\  4qn sin')'n ')'(1-')') sinn N o IAI2 (5.2.8) Of course, ')' and J..L are functions of p. Here, t/J(p) is the smallest of the possible mean values (for different values of the regularization parameter a) of the square of the deviation of the regularized solution za(t) from the exact solution zT(t) in the use of the simplest pth-order regularization. How will this minimum deviation vary with change in p? The answer is given by *We can obtain the same value of a from equation (5.1.6) by evaluating the integrals in it with the same change of variable x = (alIA 1 2 )w 2Q . 158 Theorem 2. For type- I kernels, the function following properties: 1) it has a unique minimum at p = Po = b - a; 2) it increases monotonically in the interval p --+ 00, it approaches a finite limit t/J(p) has the p >Po and, as ( ) _ .,. ( ) sin (')'on) . 1/1 00 - If' Po , 11:1'0 (1- 'Yo) (5.2.9) 3) t/J"(po) = y(1-y) { n2y2 -1- y2 } , (5.2.10) t/J (Po) (2b -1)2 sin 2 (ny) (1- y)2 where y = ')' 0 ')' 0 = ')' (Po), 1-10 = 1-1 (Po)' f10 Proof. Taking the logarithmic derivative of t/J(p), we find t/J' (p) = 1/1 (p) q (')''': f1) . 'P (')', l1), where 'fJ ')' L -=  - .!. +  - .!. -l- n sin [n (r + f1») . ( ,) 1- ')' ')' 1- f1 f1 sin (')'n). sin (f1n) Since 0 < ')' < 1 and 0 < J..L < 1, the function 1/1(p) is positive for all values of p. Under the restrictions on ')' and J..L mentioned, the function 'P(,)" J..L) vanishes only when ')'(P) + J..L(P) = 1, that is, when p = Po = b - a. This proves property 1). The function 'f}{')', J..L) remains positive in the interval p > Po. Consequently, in this interval, t/J(p) increases monotonically. Using formula (5.2.8) and taking the limit directly, we find 1 No { So } O t/J (00) = f10 2n 2 (2b -1) No I A pi . 159 
J 'Yo (1- 'Yo) { So } 'Yt! No t/J(p = 2nsin(n'Y o ) N o IAI2 l-to(2b-1) We shall call the simplest stabilizer of order Po the best simplest stabilizer. Consequently, for a strongly smoothing operator Az, one can in computational work use the simplest stabilizer of any sufficiently large order P > Po, not necessarily the best. Remark 1. The ratio t/J (p) - 1/1 (Po) can also be estimated by t/J (Po) using property ) of the function 1/1(P) in Theorem 2. We obtain On the other hand, Equation (5.2.9) follows from these formulas. Property 3) is established by a straightforward calculation beginning with formula (5.2.8), Corollary 1. For arbitrary p. > Po , o <: t/J(p) -1/1 (Po) < 2L tJ; (Po) 1- 'Yo 1/1 (p) -1/1 (Po) ____ (p - PO)2 Y (1- y) { n2y2 -1-- yo, } . t/Jo (Po) ---- 2 (2b -1)2 sin 2 (ny) (1- y)2 We shall call the value cx.p(P) of cx. corresponding to regularization of order P = Po the optimal value of the regularization parameter and we shall denote it by a opt : Thus, the smallest square deviation t/J(P), corresponding to regularization of arbitrary order P > Po, differs only slightly from the smallest square deviation 1/1(Po) corresponding to regularization of optimal order Po. Consequently, for sufficiently small values of 'Yo, we can use a regularization of arbitrary sufficiently large order P > Po. We note that we then need to take the regularization parameter a equal to a p . We shall say that the operator a opt = a p (Po)' Obviously, for equations with type I kernels, a'oPt = Sol No. GO Az = .f K (t --1') z (1') d1' -00 The regularized solution z opt (t) obtained by regularization of order P = Po with a = a opt coincides with the function zo.f. (t) obtained by optimal Wiener filtering; that is, is strongly smoothing [10, 11] if n is considerably greater than b and a, that is, if n » max {b, a}. Corollary 2. For a strongly smoothing operator Az, the minimum of the mean value of the square deviation of the regularized solution from the exact one, that is, the function t/J(P), is weakly dependent on the order p of the regularization. This is true because, in such a case, the number .z:opt (I) = zo.f. (t). Remark 2. It follows from formulas (5.2.1) and (5.2.2) that, for p = Po and a = a opt ' (J2 (Pt) 6,2 (aopi') 2b -1 = y. 2n -2a +1 2h -1 'Yo = 2n +2b -2a Consequently, for strongly smoothing operators (n  a, b), when one is using regularization of optimal order Po with the optimal value of the regularization parameter (a ::: cx.opt), the chief is small. 160 161 
contribution to the size of the deviation T( a opt , Po) is that of the regularization, not that of the noise. 2. Kernels of types II and III. By virtue of what was shown at the beginning of subsection 1, we can replace equation (5.1.6) for determining a p with the equation 00 W4p-2bL (0) dO) aN (' ,as o o {Las(w) + aw 2p }3 00 = So 5 W2P-2aLa (w) dw { Las ( w) + aoo 2p p (5.2.11) The integral 00 W 2P - 2a L I 5 as 1 = dO) (L + aoo 2P ) 3 o as is evaluated by the method of steepest descent and is equal to (!)p-'1aLas (u)d /1 = {L as (W1) + awPp [ 3 _ n + 0 (a 2) t V 1(.(001. 0 ) I J where U)2p-2aLas (w) f 1 (rot a) --= a In {l. as «(!) + aoo 2P }3 and the double prime denotes the second derivative with respect to w. Here, WI is a root of the equation ( -2L + aro2P ) dLas _ 4p +2a a. ro 2P . L as + 2p -2a L 2 as =O. as doo 00 00 Obviously, WI is a function of a and it approaches 00 as a --+ O. Since oo 4p - 2b L as (w) [ 1 ] = ro 2P-2b+2Q exp -; f 1 (rot a) t {L (u) + aw 2P }3 as 162 t the integral co (1)4p-2b L dw I, = S (L +o;:P)' o as is also evaluated by the method of steepest descent and is equal to /2 = oop-2aLas (WI) [ 1 / i" n rop-2b+2a -1-_ 0 (a+) ] . {L as ((Ul) + awiPp V If 1 (w1' a)\ Substituting the values found for /1 and /2 into formula (5.2.11) and keeping only the principal terms, we obtain the following equation for determining a p : a =  {ro l (an -2 P -2b+2a. No For P = Po, we obtain a opt = So/No. In subsection 1, we saw that the greater n is, that is, the higher the order of decrease in K( w) as W --+ 00, the smaller will the difference 1/1(P) - 1/1 (Po ) be for P > Po, that is, the weaker will the influence of the order of regularization P on the function tfJ(P) be. Consequently, we can quite justifiably replace the optimal order of regularization Po with an arbitrary order P > Po. In the case of equations with kernels of types II and III, the order of decrease of the function K( w) as W --+ 00 is greater than that of any power with negative exponent w- n . Therefore, we can regard an operator Az with kernel of type II or III as strongly smoothing. Consequently, Corollary 2 of Theorem 2 of the present section is applicable to it. In the case of an equation with type-IV kernel, everything is determined by the value of the exponent n rather than by the numbers s and k. We shall not carry out the corresponding calcuations [13]. 163 
Remark 3. Results analogous to those of  1 and 2 remain valid for multidimensional integral equations of the first kind of the convolution type (see [144, 145]). 3. Let us define -:an 00 F (a)--: aMP J {A* ia (t) -- AZa (t)]}2 dt, -00  3. Determination of the high-frequency characteristics of a signal and noise and of the optimal value of the regularization parameter. where A * is the adjoint of the operator A in L 2 . Obviously, F(a) > 0 for all a> O. Let us look at equations with type-I kernels. Theorem. For small noises (that is, for small So), the function F( a) has a local minimum at a P oint a = a ' and a local mm maximum at a point a = a max ' Here, a m < a . ax mm' Proof: Using Planche reI's theorem and the expression for the spectral density U(w) of the right-hand member of equation (5.0.1) 1. Let us return to the question of finding the pptimal regularization order Po and the optimal value of the regulrization parameter aopt. As was shown for type-I equations, Po (= b - a and a opt = So/No. Thus, to find Po and aopt (and also the p-optimal value a p of a), we need to know the high-frequency characteristics of the signal and noise, namely, No, b, So, and a. In many practical problems, the characteristics of the noise So and a can be determined (approximately) from observational results. This is not true of the high-frequey characteristics of the signal No and b. Our assumption regarding the nature of the dependence of the spectral density of the signal on the frequency, that is, N( w), is valid for a broad class of problems. However, the numbers No and b, which determine this dependence for large values of w, are usually unknown and it is not possible to determine them directly from observational results. 2. In the present section, we shall show that these parameters can be uniquely determined from the family of regularized solutions {za(t)} corresponding to different values of a and constructed with the aid of the simplest regularizing operator M(w) = w 2p , the order p of which can be chosen rather arbitrarily. This can be done in an especially simple manner for ergodic processes [11]. Thus, application of the regularization method to ergodic processes enables us to find the optimal approximate solution of equation (5.0.1) (or one close to it), using much less a priori information regarding the solution sought and the noise than with the method of optimal filtering. U (00) c-_-= L (00) N (00) + S (00), we find F (a) 2p , r -= a. q ) -00 L (LN + S) w 4P dw (L + aw 2P )2 or F (a) =2 a 2; J,_O L (LN + S) w 4P doo + 5 00 L (LN + S) w 4P doo l ' lJ (L + aw 2P )2 (L + aw 2P )2 o ffio We choose Wo so that, for w > wo, the function L( w), N( w), and S( w) can be calculated from asymptotic formulas. For small a, j ffi_O L2Nw4P dw ffio =B1 (' Nw 4P dm=O(1), where 0.25<8 1 < I' (L + aw 2P )2  ' o 0 ffio ffio 5 Lsu)4{J Litt) j - 4 = 8 2 S. L -1 00 P dm =0 (1), where O.25<B g < 1; (L + aw 2P p o 164 165 
00 L2 N(t)'tp d(t) 00 (U-l p - 2b d(t) II =  No I (L + aw 2P )2 (11  w2Qr W o W O TIA 12 4P-2bu -4P+2b-l CO --1 zq = ; J1 X 2q dx . C :1 2 ) (1 + X)2 Xo no I - S LSW4P dw 2 -- (L _L aW2p ) 2 W o I :--= C 2 (a) (  ) I A 1 2 -4p+2n-2a+1 2q So 'TA\2' where C 2 (a) ---+ C1.0 Jt 2p -2a +1 (2q)2 sin ( 2 P - +1 n) as a -+ O. where a 2q Xo = - 000 . 1 A 1 2 Consequently, for small a, As a -+ 0, the last integral approaches the value of the same integral with lower end-point 0, which is easily evaluated and is found to be equal to ( a ) 'Y ( ) -J.L S 2p F (a) = 0 3 (a) 1 A 1 2 + C 4 (a) I  1 2 . I A  1 -t- 0 (a 11), (5.3.1) where 2p .-2n -2b + 1 J't 2q 1 sin ( 4n +b -1 n) :!.E. C s (a) =2Cd a ) I AI q , C 4 (a)  2C 2 (a) I A I q . Thus, Since 'Y and J1 are positive, it follows that F( a) -+ 00 as a -+ O. For a  1, the integral II = C 1 ( a) (  ) 1 AI2 -4p+2b-l 2q S W4P L . U dw "'. (L +u'u'p), where lies between the integrals nN 2p -2n -2b +1 C 1 (a) -- C 10 = ---.!!.. (2q)2 sin ( 4n + :: -1 n) as a --7 O. S (LU)maxw4Pdw S "'. (Lm;n + am 'P)' and "'. o 0 (LU)minw4Pdw (L max + aw 2P )2 In an analogous manner, we find But 166 167 
w r (i) 4p d(i) .J ' (+ aw'P)' o l 2p 1 awo l+ 1 -2- -- f 2p d _ . a 2p x x 2p . ( + X)2 ' o ( :> 0). 2P 00 -2n q  L2 N(i) 4P d(i) a = 0 (a q ). (L + a(i)2 P )2 W. As a -+ 00, the last integral approaches infinity at the same rate as a 1 / 2 p. Consequently, In an analogous manner, we find j (J)  -= 0 (a -2) ( -I- a(i)2 P )2 (i) 4p dw 2p 00 all  W. LS (i) 4p d (i) - 0 ( a q ) (L + (}(i)2P)2 -. . -2n o Thus, as a -+ 00, and '-2n 2P w. - 5 (i)4p. L. U d(i) a q --=O(a (L + a(i)2 P )2 o 2ft F(a) = O(a q). q ). Let us estimate the derivative F'(a) for small values of a. Obviously, Let us look at the integrals over the interval (wo, 00): 00 r L2N (i) 4P d(i) J (L+a(i)2P)2 W o 00 r (i)4P-2b d(i) = No.J ( 1 + a (i)2 q ) 2 w. JAi2  [In F (a)] .::  .  [ill F i (a)], da aq da where 00 -4P+2b-l 5 No 2q =-a 2q 2q awo 4P-2b + 1 --1 X 2q dx (1 + X)2 00 FI (a) = 5 o L (LN -I- S) (u 4P d(j) (L + a(i)2 P )2 As a --+ 00, the last integral approaches zero at the same rate as -4n-2b+ 1 a 2q . Consequently, The condition F'(a) = 0 is equivalent to the condition , 2p aFda) + -Fda) = 0 q 00 5 L2Nro4Pdro = 0 (a- 2 ) (L + aro 2P )2 w. or and 2p q+l, 2p a FI (a) + - F (a) = O. q (5.3.2) 168 169 
Repeating the reasoning followed in the estimation of F(a) for large values of a, we find that, for small values of a, the left-hand member of equation (5.3.1) has the form  ( a ) 'Y  ( a ) -J.L S 2p Cda.)-y IAI2 - C 2 (a)  IAI2 /Ai 2 + ° (aq), (5.3.3) where C 1 (a)  21 A 1-4 P / Q C IO ' C 2 (a) -+ 2IAI-4 P / Q C 20 as a o. We can write the sum (5.3.3) in the form ( - 2p } C ( a ) 'Ya-J.L a'Y+J.L + L 2(a)  + O ( a q+J.L ) a I 1 1 'Y C 1 (a) IAI2 1 , 1 a IAI2 Since the numbers 'Y and fJ., the sum 2pjq + fJ., and the ratio (;2 JC I are all positive, it follows that, for small values of So, the function  2p + f ( ) 'Y+JA. fl So C 2 q J.L ) 2 a 1 =a l ----=-+0(a 1 'Y IA/2 C 1 vanishes at a point al = a l , min such that amin = ai, min . IA 1 2 lies in the region of applicability of the representation (5.3.1) for the function F(a) (see Fig. 8). The point a = amin can only be a local minimum of the function F(a). Obviously, am in = amin (So) and lim aml n (So) = O. SO -» 0 From the estimate of the function F(a) for large a, we see that, 170 F(cc) ctmin a max a FIG. 8. in an interval of values of a much greater than 1, the function F(a) approaches 0 monotonically as a -+ 00. This fact and the fact that a = amin F( a) has a local minimum imply the existence of a point a = 0' max > a min at which F( a) has a local maximum. Obviously, a max is a function of So. This completes the proof of the theorem. 4. It should be pointed out that the ratio amin ja max approaches 0 as So --+ O. The condition ct . <1 ct max may be regarded as a criterion of smallness of the noise and hence as a criterion of applicability of the above-obtained results to the analysis of experimental curves u(t). For values of p satisfying the inequality 4p > 2b - 1, the first term in the formula for f2(al) can be neglected. In this case, we find from the condition f2 (ad = 0 1 a = (   ) 'Y+I' . min C 1 'Y IAI2 171 
In the case of ergodic processes, the function F(a) is determined without a priori knowledge of the high-frequency characteristics of the solution sought and the noise from the formula -2n T F (a) = a q lim  5 {A* (Aza - U)}2 dt. ->00 T o We can then determine unambiguously the values of the parameters No, b, So, and a. Specifically, on the interval (0, amin) the curve y F(a) is determined only by the parameters a, So, p, and n since term C 4 (a) I ( IA2 r is the predominant term in the formula for F(a) for small values of a, where  C 4 (a) = 2C 2 (a) I A I q and n C (a)->- 2 (2q)2 2p - 2a + 1 . ( 2 p  2a + 1 ) sm n 2q as a  O. On the interval (amin, a max ), the curve y = F( a) is determined only by the parameters No, b, p, and n since on this interval the predominant term in the formula for F(a) is C a (a) (\;\2 ) , where -4P C:} (a) = 2 I A I q C 1 (a) 172 and C ( ) nN 0 2{J -- 2n -- 21J -1- 'I as a - O. 1 a- (2q)2 . ( 2 P - 2n - 2b + 1 ) sIn n 2q Since, for ergodic processes, F(a) is determined without a priori information regarding the high-frequency characteristics of the signal and noise, we can in these cases determine the parameters So, a, No, and b from the regularized solutions. For arbitrary stationary processes, these parameters are determined (for example, by the method of least squares) from the family of regularized solutions {za(t)}, which contains a rather large number of functions za(t). 5. We have examined in detail the question of determination of the high-frequency characteristics of the signal and noise in the case of equations of type-I kernels. If the kernel is strongly smoothing (n '5J> b, a), we can also take n '5J> p. Then, the factor a- 2n /(n+p) in the function F(a) can be written in the form -z( 1-  + : -...) -2( 1-  ) a a, where pin 4:.. 1. Keeping in mind both this fact and the fact that kernels of types II and III are strongly smoothing, we can determine the function F(a) for them: 00 F (a) = a- 2 + e - p S {A* [Az a - U]}2 dt, -00 where € . P 4:.. 1. With the function F( a) determined in this way, if we repeat the reasoning followed for kernels of type I, we get the same results regarding the possibility of determining the high-frequency characteristics of the signal and noise. Estimates of the convergence of regularized solutions are also contained in [44, 45, 130]. Conditions under which equations of the convolution type are well posed are examined in [83]. 173 
CHAPTER VI STABLE METHODS OF SUMMING FOURIER SERIES WITH COEFFICIENTS THAT ARE APPROXIMATE IN THE /2 METRIC 1. The problem of summing a Fourier series with respect to a given orthonormal system of functions {n(t)} consists in finding a function f(t) from its Fourier coefficients. In practice, one sometimes determines a function f(t) characterizing a process or phenomenon being studied by measuring the coefficients an in its Fourier expansion with respect to an orthonormal system of functions {n(t)}. Such measure- ments are always approximate. Thus, instead of the true values an, we obtain approximate values C n of the Fourier coefficients. The problem arises of summing the Fourier series with approximate coefficients. It was mentioned in the introduction (see Example 3) that the problem of summing Fourier series does not have the property of stability under small changes (in the 1 2 -metric) in the Fourier coefficients if the deviation of the sum of the series is estimated in the C-metric. Hence, this is an ill-posed problem. A method of summing Fourier series with approximate coefficients that has been used for a long time consists in taking for the approximate value of the sum f(t) of such a series the SUIT, 175 
of a finite (and not too large) number of its initial terms; that is, one takes k I (t) z 2} C n l(Jn (t). n=l regularization. The problem of summing the Fourier series of a function f(t) can be regarded as the problem of solving an operator equation in the function f(t). Specificially, if to every function in the set F we assign an element u of the space 1 2 , namely, the sequence {an} of its Fourier coefficients an with respect to the system {l(Jn(t)} with weight pet) (thus, u = {an}), we may write A summation method based on the idea of regularization, one that is stable under small changes in the coefficients in the 1 2 -metric, was proposed in [158]. Following [158], we shall say that a method of summfng the Fourier series of functions f(t)E F with coefficients C n trat are approximate in the 1 2 -metric is stable in the sense of the metric of the space F if, for every positive number E, there exists a positive number a(E) such that the inequality AI = u. (6.0.1 ) Obviously, this operator from CD into 1 2 is continuous on CD' Consequently, the problem of summing a Fourier series, which consists in finding the function f(t) from the given sequence of its Fourier coefficients u = {an}, reduces to solving equation (6.0.1) for f(t). We know from analysis that, in the class CD, this problem has a unique solution. 00 2j (C n - )2  6 2 (E) n=l 00 011  1. Classes of stable methods of summing Fourier series. 1. If we know only approximate values of the Fourier coefficients of the function that we are seeking, that is, of the right-hand member u of equation (6.0.1), we can speak only of finding an approximate solution of the problem. Since this problem is ill-posed, it is natural to use the regularization method to find an approximate solution of it. Following [12], we take as stabilizing functional nlf] a functional of the form implies the inequality PF(f,j)E, where I and 1 are the results of summing the two series  cn"P n (t) and  Cnl(J n (t) n=l n=l 00 Q [I] =  I . Sn, n=l (6.1.1) respectively by the method in question. 2. We denote by CD the space of functions that are contiE.uous (with respect to the C-metric) in a closed bounded region D. We shall examine Fourier series of functions I(t) in CD with respect to a system {l(Jn(t)}. Following [158] and [12], we shall construct in  1 a class of stable methods of summing Fourier series based on the idea of which is defined by the sequence {n}' Here, the In are the Fourier coefficients of the function I(t) with respect to a complete orthonormal system {l(Jn(t)} of functions (with weight pet) > 0) and {n} is a sequence of positive numbers whose order of growth as n -+ 00 is no less than n2+E, where E  O. One can easily see that, 176 177 
for an arbitrary positive number d, the set of functions l(t)E. CD for which n [t]  d is compact in CD' (This remains true even if the sequence {n} has order of growth no less than nUt, where € > 0, as n -+ 00.) Stabilizing functions of this kind constitute a natural generalization of the functionals n [t] that we used in Chapter II. To see this, suppose that {'Pn(t)} is a complete orthonormal sxstem of eigenfunctions of a boundary-value problem of the form function f(t) in the right-hand member of this formula its Fourier 00 series  In . ',On (t) , we obtain n=l !!.. [k (t) lfJ" (t)] - q (t) ',0 (t) + 'A'P (t) -= 0, °  t  dt ',0 (0) -= ° -= ',0 (l), l ( 00 ) 00 Q rfl = f m, 1m '<Pm (I) /n {q<Pn (I) - :1 [k . <P]} dl = 00 I  Inlm 5 ',0 m (t) {q . ',On - d (k'P)} dt. n,m=l 0 where k(t) > 0 and q(t)  0 on the interval [0, 1] and {An} is the set of eigenvalues of that problem. Then, the stabilizing functional d ' ( Since q'Pn - - (k'Pn) = 'An'Pn and since the functions ',On t) and dt 'Pm(t) are orthogonal for n =1= m, we have I Q [11 -= J {k (/)2 1- qf2} dt, o 00 I OJ Q (fl =  Inlm'An S 'Pm'Pn dt -=  1A.n. n=l 0 n=l m=l which we used in Chapter II, 4 for the functions f(t) satisfying the conditions 1(0) = f(1) = 0, can be written in the form 00 2. Let us formulate the problem more precisely. We denote by 9Jl the set of all the above-mentioned sequences {n} corresponding to all nonnegative values of € [12]. Let {',On (t)}, where t = (tl, t 2 . . ., t N ), denote a complete orthonormal system (with weight pet) > 0) of functions defined on a closed bounded region 15 of RN (the N-dimensional Euclidean space), and let l(t) denote a continuous function on 15 that can be represented by its Fourier expansion in the system {'Pn(t)}: Q[f]= 2j fA,n' where the In are the coefficients in the Fourier n=l expansion of f(t) in functions of the system {',On (t)}. Specifically, integrating the first part of the integral expression for n [t] by parts, we get I I I \ k (f')2 dt = if' k I - 5 I  (kf') dt = - 5 1!!:... (kf') dt.  dt dt o 0 0 00 j (t) =  an'Pn (t), n=l I Consequently, Q [f] = 5 f {qf - d (kf')} dt. Substituting for the o where an = S p (t)1 (I) ',On (t) dl. D 178 179 
Suppose that, instead of the Fourier coefficients an, we know only approximate values of them C n = an + "In. Suppose that the errors "In are small (in the 1 2 -metric) and, in particular, 00  "I 6 2 . n=l Thus, instead of the s2quence u = {an}, we have the sequence U8 = {cn} such that P l 2 (u, uo)  o. Consequently, instead of the Fourier series with exact coefficients 00 Lj an'Pn (t), n=l we have the series with approximate coefficients 00 2j Cn'Pn (t). n=l ( 6.1.2) Our aim is to seek, in the class CD' a function /(t) approximating the function let) for which the sequence {cn} of coefficients is close (in the 1 2 -metric) to tl.!.e sequence {an} 0 f the coefficients in the Fourier expansion of f(t), that is, a function with Fourier coefficients C n such that 00 2j (cn--an)202. n=l The approximation must e such that Pc(f, h -+ 0 as 0 --+ O. We cannot take for I(t) the limit Set) of the series (6.1.2) calculated according to the rule 180 k S (t) -= lim  Cn'Pn (t), k->oo n=l .-f because, as was shown in the introduction, this summation is not stable under small changes (in the 1 2 -metric) in the coefficients C n . Obviously, we need to seek the solution in the class Q8 of functions in CD for which Pla (At, U6)  fJ. But this class is not compact. It is too broad. We need to narrow it down. To do this, let us take some fixed functional n 1 [tJ of the form (6.1.1) described in subsection 1: 00 Ql [fl =  fSn, n=l where {£n} E9Jl. Let F denote the set of functions in CD on which the functional n 1 [tJ is defined and let us then write F 6 ,s -= Q6 n F. We shall seek an approximation of At) on the set FO,c:.CD' For definiteness, in what follows we shall examine the one-dimensional problem. In this case, t is the coordinate of a point on the real line and the region D is a finite interval (a, b). Since the problem of finding a function from its Fourier coefficients reduces to solving the operator equation (6.0.1), it is natural to seek an approximation of the function itt) by the regularization method. To do this, let us look at the functional iW a [U6, f] pTs (A.t, U6) + aQl rfl, which contains a numerical parameter a (the regularization 181 
parameter). We can also write it in the form 00 00 00 Ql [f] = 2j f A.n, n=l ,H a [u, 11 =  (fn - C n )2 + a 2} ISn, n=l n=l (6.1.3) where the A. n ,!-re the eigenvalues of the boundary-value problem mentioned and the In are the coefficients in the Fourier expansion of I(t) with respect to the system {'Pn(t)} with weight pet). '" 3. We find the coefficients in the Fourier expansion of la(t) wifh respect to the system {'Pn(t)} from the condition that the partial derivatives of the functional (6.1.3) with respect to the variables In (for n = 1, 2, . . .) vanish. We obtain where the In are the Fourier coefficients of the function I(t) in th expansion with respect to the system {'Pn(t)} with weight pet) > 0, that is, fn = J 1(/) p (t)'Pn (t) dt. D .4) Theorems 1 and 2 of 3 of Chapter II are v"lid for the smoothing functional Ma [f, u{j] . The proof of their validity in this case can be carried out just as in Chapter II. Thus, there exists the function fcx(t) in F M minimizing the functional Ma [f, u{j] on the set F (\ . We shall use this function as approximation of itf). ' We shall call the functional [21 [tJ the stabilizing functional for the problem of stable summation of series of the form (6.1.2). Remark 1. If we take as the system {'Pn(t)} the set of eigenfunctions of the boundary-value problem la.n = 1 + a6n C n Thus the approximation that we are seeking for the function Jtt) can be written in the form 00 fa (t) =  r (n, a) C n ',On (t), n=l (6.1.5) where div (kV 1,0) - q2 (I) 1,0 + A.P (t) 1,0 = 0, tED, 1,0 Is -= ° ( or a'P I -= 0 ) , , an s 1 r (n, a) = -, 1 + a6n where S is the boundary of the region D in which we are seeking the solution, then the functional [21 [tJ can be taken in the form '" and we can calculate la(t) from Ql [f) =  (k (Vf)2 +- q2f2} dt D k --- \ . la (t, -= hm  r (n, a) cn'Pn (t). k.-oo n=l (6.1.6) or in the equivalent form 4. Formulas (6.1.5) and (6.1.6) define a method of summing the series 182 183 
00  Cn\{Jn (t) n=1 that is stable in the sense of the C-metric under small changes (in the lrmetric) in the coefficients c n . In fact, the procedure described for obtaining the function h(t) can be written in the form of an operator R(u, a): j: (t) = R (uo, a). This operator is a regularizing operator for equation (6.0. and hence is stable. We note that the value of the parameter a must be chosen so as to be compatible with the error in the initial data 0; that is, a = a(o). Jt can be found, for example, from the condition P l 2 (/1 fa, Ur,) = l5, which can also be written in the form 00 !l2f: 2 "" 2 ':, n _ 6 2 L.i Cn (1 +!l£ )2 - . n=l n This is justified in exactly the same way as was described in Chapter II. 00 For 6 2 < 2j C , the parameter a is uniquely determined since n=1 the function 00 2 1l2£ If; (a.) -= 2j Cn (1 + ll£n)2 n=1 is a continuous increasing function for a> 0 and its value at a =: 0 is O. To see the monotonicity, note that 184 , ()  2 { 2!l£ !l2£ . 26 n } 1/1 a = ':;:1 C n (1 + <I£n)2 - (1 + !l6n) 3 = = 2a.  C £ > 0 (1 + !l6n)3 . n=1 00 Since 1/1 (a.) < 2j c, the equation 1/1(a) = 0 2 has no solution for 00 n= 1 6 2 >  C. 71=1 Remark 2. The sum of the original series 00  Cn\{Jn (t), 1l= understood as the limit k lim "" Cn\{Jn (t), k-'>oo  n=l cannot serve as an approximation of the sum of the series 00  en \{In (I) n=l because of its instability under small changes (in the 1 2 -metric) in the coefficients Cn. On the other hand, the sum of the series 00 1  cn\{Jn (t), 1 + !l6n n=1 185 
k lirn  k-oo n=l 1 Cn'Pn (t), 1 + aS n Remark 2. If the function l{t) is piecewise-continuous, the method described is a stable summation method at every point of continuity of jet). understood again as the limit 1 r (n, a) -= 1 + CXS n 2. Optimal methods of summing Fourier series. 1. Since there is a large class of stable methods of summing Fourier series, it is natural to consider the problem of finding the one that is optimal in some respect or other. In the present section, we shall solve this problem in various formulations [12]. Approximately known coefficients in a Fourier series can contain uncontrollable random errors. Therefore, we can treat them as random numbers and use probabilistic methods in solving the problem of approximate summation of the series. 2. Let us assume that the errors in the Fourier coefficients, that is, the numbers 'Yn, are random numbers satisfying the following two requirements: 1) {'Yn} is a sequence of pairwise uncorrelated random numbers; 2) the mathematical expectations of these numbers are equal to 0; that is, ;Yn = 0 for all values of n. Under these conditions, the approximate values of the Fourier coefficients C n are also random numbers. The mathematical expectations of the random numbers c and 'Y are connected by is stable under small changes (in the 1 2 -metric) in the coefficients C n , and, for a value aCeS) of a compatible ith the error in the coefficients Cn, it approximat6'S the function fit) uniformly. Thus, the factors playa stabilizing role. We shall call them stabilizing factors. If we set r(k, a)= J 1 for k n, l 0 for k > n, we obtain the commonly used summation method mentioned on page 179. In this case, we need to take the sequence {k} in the form  < 00 for k  n,  = 00 for k > n, -2 2 -2 Cn = an + 'Y n. and then set a = O. Remark 1. If in the classical method of summing a Fourier series by taking the limit as n -* 00 of the sequence of partial sums n The variances of the random variables C n and 'Yn are the same and 2 -2 are equal to an =rn. We shall assume them to be known. The functions faCt) minimizing the functional MCY. for a fixed sequence {n} EIDl is therefore a random function. Let us define  Ck'Pk (t) k=l (fa) = fa (t> - j (t), we take the number n compatible with the error eS in the sequence {cn}, this way of summing will be stable. where 186 187 
00 j (t) =  an'P n (t). n=l For a measure of the deviation of faCt) from f(t), we can take the mathematical expectation of the square of (dfah, that is, the quantity * A) (L\fa)  or the integral B) S P (t ) (L\faH dt. D 3. Thus, suppose that we have a Fourier series with approximate coefficients C n . As we saw in  2, an approximate sum of it that is stable under small changes (in the 1 2 -metric) in the sequence {c n } depends on a and on the choice of sequence {n} in 9)1. Let us pose the problem of finding the approximate sum that deviates least (for fixed a) from ](t) in the sense of inf S (L\fa) P (t) dt and inf (L\fa). {n}Eim D gn}E What supplementary information regarding the coefficients C n and the noise must we have for this? To answer this question, we find the approximate sums that are optimal in the senses indicated. For a deviation of type B), we have *If we know the probability distribution density p(x) of the quantity (Af)! == x, then the mathematical expectation (L\j)!) is ca1culatedfrom the formula (for a<, x <, b) b (f) = S (f)p (x) dx. a 188 - 00 0 2 + a 2 £2 (;2 _ 0 2 ) S (L\fa)P (t) dt =  n n n n = <f> (6h ..., 6n, .. .). D n=l (1 + a£n)2 The deviation will be mInImUm for those values of n =  at which the derivatives a<f>/an vanish. From these conditions, we easily find that , o 6n = a (C - o) Consequently, 1 0 2 " (n, a) = = 1 - -!:!... 1 + a£ c ' Thus, the sum that is optimal in the sense of the minimum of B) has the form _ 00 ( 02 ) f oPt (t) =  1 - _; Cn'Pn (t). n=l C n (6.2.1) Analogously, for a deviation of type A) we find that the sum that is optimal at a fixed point t = to has the form 00 ( 02 ) f opt (to) =  1 - _: Cn'Pn (to)' n=l C n (6.2.2) Thus, to obtain sums of series with approximate coefficients C n that are optimal in the senses indicated, we need to know the values of c and a for all values of n. This means that we need to know the exact Fourier coefficients an since* c = a + a. *Compare with Wiener's optimal filtering in Chapter V,  2. 189 
But only the ratios aMc appear in formulas (6.2.1) and (6.2.2). In a number of specific problems, we can find approximate values of these ratios. How do the sums (6.2.1) and (6.2.2) then change? Suppose that ( a2 ) (12 n = n (1 -I- n), c2 2 n approx C n where 00    €. n=l From these values, we obtain, the sum ToPt, appmx(t) =  [ 1 - ( :: ) ] Cn'Pn (t). n-l n approx If we also know that, for all n, Ip (t)  Q, then 17 0 p!, appmx (t) - fit) I ,;:;; V Q, € . 1 c. Thus, the optimal summation with stabilizing factors " (n, a) = 1 - ()'/c is stable under small changes in the numbers a/c in the sense indicated. Another method of stable summat i 0n of Fourier series is treated in [90]. 190 CHAPTER VII STABLE METHODS OF MINIMIZING FUNCTIONALS AND SOLVING OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS 1. A number of problems that are important in practice lead to mathematical problems of minimizing functionals f[z] . We need to distinguish between two kinds of such problems. The first kind includes problems in which we need to find the minimum (or maximum) value of a functional. Various problems of planning optimal systems or constructions are examples. With them, it is not important which elements z provide the sought minimum. Therefore, as approximate solutions we can take the values of the functional for any minimizing sequence {zn}, that is, a sequence such that f[zn] -* inf f[z] as n -* 00. The other kind includes problems in which we need to find the elements z that minimize the functional f[z]. We shall refer to these as problems of minimization with respect to the argument. Such problems include those in which the minimizing sequences may be divergent. In such cases, it is obvious that we cannot take as approximate solution the elements of the minimizing sequence. It is natural to call such problems unstable or ill-posed. Whole classes of optimal control problems that are important in practice are ill-posed in this sense. Examples are problems in which the functional to be optimized depends only on the phase variables [ 168] . 191 
In the present chapter, we shall look at stable methods of solving problems of the second kind. 2. Suppose that a continuous functional f[z] is defined on a metric space F. The problem of minimizing f[z] on F consists in finding an element z 0 E F that provides f[ z ] with its smallest value fo: inf I[z] = f[zo] = fo. ze.F (7.0.1 ) Let us suppose that this problem has a unique solutio Zo. Let {zn} denote a minimizing sequence, that is, one such that 1 lirn f[zn] = foe n-+oo We shall say that the minimization of the functional f[z] on the set F is stable (see [171]) if every minimizing sequence {zn} converges (in the metric of the space F) to an element Zo of F. We shall say that the problem (7.0.1) of minimizing f[z] on F is well-posed if it has a solution and is stable. Otherwise, we shall say that it is ill-posed. Methods of direct minimization of the functional f[z] are extensively used for finding the element Zo. With these methods, one constructs a minimizing sequence {zn} with the aid of some algorithm. Here, the elements Zn for which f[zn] are sufficiently close to fo are treated as approximate values of the element Zo that one is seeking. In their idea, direct minimization methods have great universality. Suppose, for example, that F is a set of functions z(t) of a single variable t. Taking for the function z(t) its grid approximation zi = Z(ti) for i = 1, 2,. . . , n, we arrive at the problem of minimizing a function of n variables. The methods of solving such a problem are rather universal and not connected with any particular functional f[z] . However, such an approach to the finding of an approximate olution is justifiable only when the minimizing sequence {zn} that IS constructed converges to the element Zo. 192 We pointed out above that some functional-minimization problems do not have this property of stability. There exist minimizing sequences that do not converge to Zo. To obtain approximate ,solutions of unstable problems of minimizing functionals f[ z] , it is sufficient to give algorithms for constructing minimizing sequences {zn} that converge to an element Zo. 3. Let us consider solutions of differential equations of the form dxjdt = F (t, x, u), (7.0.2) that satisfy the initial condition x (to) = x o ' (7.0.3) where x(t) = (Xl (t), x 2 (t), . . ., xn(t)} is an n-dimensional- vector-valued function defined on an interval to  t  T, Xo is a give vetor, and u(t) = {u l (t), u 2 (t), . . ., u m (t)} is an m-dimensional-vector-valued function (the control) with range in an m-dimensional metric space U. Let f[x(t)] denote a given nonnegative functional (the target functional) defined on the set of solutions of the system (7.0.2). Obviously, the solutions of the system (7.0.2) depend on the chosen control u(t); that is, x(t) = xu(t). Therefore, the value of the functional f[x(t)] for each solution of the system (7.0.2) is a functional of the controlling function u(t). It is defined on the set U; that is, f[xu(t)] = <p[u] . The problem of optimal control can be formulated, for example, as the problem of finding, in some class U I of functions in the space U, a controlling function uo(t) that minimizes (or maximizes) the functional <p[u] = f[xu(t)] . Like the problem of minimizing the functional f[z] , which was described in subsection 1, this problem also can be unstable. Consider the case in which the class of admissible controls U I is the space of functions of a single variable t with the uniform metric and f[x(t)] is a continuous functional. Then, for any 193 
€ > 0, there exists a control Ut (t) such that 1) f[x ul (t)] fi[xuo (t)] + €, and 2) the difference Ut (t) - uo(t) may assume arbitrarily large values allowed by membership of the functions Ut (t) and uo(t) in the class U t . Let us take a function Ut (t) that coincides with uo(t) everywhere except in the interval (tt - r, tt + r) in wJ;1ich the difference Ut (t) - uo(t) exceeds a fixed number B allqwed by membership of the functions Ut (t) and uo(t) in the qlass U t . Obviously, for any 8 > 0, there exists a r = r(8) such It,hat the inequality IX ut (t) xuo(t)1 < 8 holds for solutions XUt (t) and xuo(t) of the system (7.0.2), (7.0.3) correspond,ing to the controls Ut (t) and uo(t). By choosing 8 and hence r = r(8) sufficiently small, we can get /[xu(t)] /[xuo (t)] + € whereas syp IUt (t) - uo(t)1 ?i:: B. This establishes the existence of unstable optimal control problems. Remark. As target functional we can take a functional depending both on the phase variables and on the controlling functions. In the present chapter, we shall look at algorithms for constructing minimizing sequences that converge to an element for which the functional in question attains its smallest. value.  1. A stable method of minimizing functionals. 1. Suppose that we are required to find an element Zo of F at which a given functional /[ z] attains its smallest value on the set F: inf I[z] = I (zo] = 10' ZEF (7.1.1 ) In this section, we shall, following [171], examine ways of 194 constructing minimizing sequences {z n} that converge to the element Zo. We shall say that a minimizing sequene {zn} of the functional /[z] is regularized if there exists a set F which is compact in F and to which all the Z n belong [171]. Obviously, a regularized minimizing sequence converges to the element Zo if the problem of minimizing the functional /[z] has a unique solution Zo. If the functional /[ z] is bounded below, then the functional /[ z] attains its greatest lower bound at any limit point z of the regularized minimizing sequence {zn}; that is, I[z] = fo. Having these mlmmlzing sequence {zn}, we can take, as approximate values of the element Zo that we are seeking, elements Zn corresponding to those values of n for which /[zn] coincides with /0 within the prescribed accuracy. Thus, it is sufficient for us to give algorithms for constructing regularized minimizing sequences. This can be done by using the stabilizing functionals n [z] described in Chapter II. Let us give some definitions that we shall need [171]. 2. Let F denote a subset of F and suppose that n [z] is a stabiliing functional. Let us introduce a metric p(z t , Z2) for z t , Z2 EF c F which majorizes the metric of F' (that is, p(Zt, Z2)?i::PF(Zt, Z2) for all Zt and Z2 in F) and for hich the balls s, = {z; Z E F, P (z, 2;;)  r} in the space F with arbitrary center Zo are compact in F (in the metric of the space F). We shall say in this case, that F is s-compactly embedded in F. If the metric p(Zt, Z2) defines an s-compact embedding of Fin F and if I{)( q) is a nonnegative increasing function, then the functional Q [z] = 'P (P (z, 2;;)) is obviously a stabilizing functional. 195 
3. In calculating the functionals f[ z], one often uses approximate values of them. Approximate calculation of a functional f[ z] can be regarded as the calculation of another functional J1z] the norm of whose deviation from f[z] is small. We shall refer to the smallest number 0 for which the inequality 17[z] - [[z] I  6Q [zJ holds for all elements z o( F as the norm of the deviatjon, with respect to the stabilizing functional n [z] , between the Nnctionals [[z] and f[z] defined on the set Ii. ' 4. Let us turn to the construction of regularized I1\linimizing sequences of a functional f[z]. Let us suppose that inf I[z] = l[ z 0 1 = 10' ZEF Suppose that n [z] is a stabilizing functional and that fo [z] is a parametric family of functionals (defined for all 0  0) that approximate the functional f[ z] on the set F in such a way that 116 [z] - I[z] I  6Q [z]. Let us assume that the element Zo minimizing the functional f[z] belongs to the set F. For every a> 0, consider the functional M a [z,/6] =/6[Z] + aQ[z], defined for every zEF. Obviously, if 0 < a, then M<X [z, fo] is bounded below (on F) since M a [z, 16] :> I[z] - 6Q [z] + aQ [z] >= 1 0 - Consequently, it has a greatest lower bound 196 M a ,6 = inf M a [z, 16]. ZEF We shall say that an element za, 1\ almost minimizes the functional M<X [z, fo] if AfX [Za.6, I 0]  M a .6 + a, where  = Ha) and 0  Ha)  o = const. Theorem 1. For every € > 0, there exists an a o = ao(€) such that the inequality P p (Za.6, zo)  € is satisfied for every element za, 1\ that almost minimizes the function1 <Xlz, fo) with parameters a  ao(€) and ofa  q < 1 if the metrzc m F ma]orizes the metric of the space F. Proof. To prove the theorem, it will be sufficient to show that for any two sequences {an} and {on} that converge to 0 and hav the property that, for every n, 6n/an q < 1, the sequence {Za n .6 n } of elements Za n .6n that almost minimize the f . 1 an unctlOna s M [z, 16 n J converges to the element Zo. Obviously, Man I Z a n .6 n ,/6 n ] -= 16n [Za n .6 n J + anQ [Za n .6 n ]   M an ,6n + an£o  16n [zoJ + anQ [zo] an£o. Using the inequalities IOn [z] :> I [z] - 6nQ [z], 16n [z]  I[z] + 6nQ [z], we obtain 197 
fI1afl'fl] - 6n Q [la/P6n] -\- anQ r Z a n .6 n ] <  f[zo] + (an + 6n) Q [101 + afl' (7.1.2) Since f[Za n .6 n ] >= fIz o ]. we obtain from (7.1.2) (an - 6n) Q [Zan.6n]  (an --1- 6n) Q [zo] + ant Since On <.qa n , if we now replace On with qa n , we obtaih 1 + q o d Qlza 6 ]-Qlzo] + - = O' n. n 1  q 1 _ q Thus, all elements of the sequence {Za n ,6,j belong to the compact set F do _ {z; Z E F, 2 [z]  do}. Also, it follows from (7.1.2) that o  f{zan.6n] - f rl01 <- (an -1- 6n) Q [zo] -\- an (7.1.3) because 6n--ananq--an = an(q-l)<O. Since an and On approach 0 as n -* 00, it follows from (7.1.3). that the sequence {zan. 6n} is a minimizing se<I2ence for the functIOnal f[ z]. Since it belongs to the com pact set F do' it is regularized and consequently it converges to Zo. This completes the proof of the theorem. _ 5. Let us look at the case in which F is a Hilbert space. We shall say that F is s-compactly and continuously convexly embedded in F if 198 a) the balls Sr = {z; ZE F, Ilzl\'} are compact in F and b) for any two sequences {11)} and {Z2)} of points in F such that P p (ZAl), Z2» _ 0 as n -* 00, we have Pp (Zl), n)O and \ ( (I) + (2» pp(z2" n) -)0- 0 as n -* 00, where n = 0.5 Zn Zn. If F is s-compactly embedded in F and ",(q) is a nonnegative increasing continuous function, then, as was pointed out in subsection 2, a functional of the form Ql [z] = '" (II Z 112) is a stabilizing functional. Suppose that fo [z] is a 0 -approximation of the functional f[ z] with respect to the stabilizing functional Ql [l] = '" (II 2 112). For 0 < a, the functional M [2, f6] = f6 [z] + aQl [z] has a greatest lower bound M.6 on the set F: M.6 = inf M [z, f,,]. zEF Theorem 2. If F is a Hilbert space s-compactly and continl}gusly convexly embedded in F, there exists an element Za, of F that minimizes the functional M [z, fo} if 0 fa <. q < 1. 199 
Proof. Suppose that {zn} is a sequence minimizing a functional M [z, 16] such that the sequence {M [Zn, f6]} converges to M,6. Without loss of generality, we may assume that it is a decreasing sequence, so that, for every n, M [Z1» 10] > 10 [zn] + aQl [znJ >10 [znl 1- (a -- 0) Ql [zn]. Therefore, QdznJ = Ip (II Zlllj2)  (1 { [ZI' 1 0 ] -- I [Z' _, /]}. a 1 - q) t Since [[zn] [[zo], where Zo is an element minimizing the functional [[ z] , we have Ip (II Zn IF)  (1 {M [ZI' [6] - l[zoD = C 1 , a 1 - q) where the constant C 1 is independent of n. It follows that, for every n, IIZn II  Cz" where C 2 is a constant independent of n. Thus, {Zn} CST for r = C 2 . Since the balls Sr are assumed to be compact in F, the sequence {zn} is also compact in F. Without changing the notation, let us assume that this last sequence converges (in the metric of F) to an element z of F. Let us show that it converges strongly to an element z of F. To do this, let us show that it is fundamental in F that is, that, for every e > 0, there exists an n( e) such that the inequality IIZn+p -znlle holds for n  nee) and p > O. Let us suppose that this is not the case. Then, there exist an eo and numerical sequences {nk} and {mk}, where mk = nk + p, for which 200 II zmk - znk II:> eo. Let us define Sk = 0.5 (zmk - znk). Then, k = 0.5 (zmk + Znk) = ink £k = Zmk - . Since znk and zmk are elements of a minimizing sequence {zn} of the functional M [z, [6] and since the sequence {iY [Zn, J o]} is decreasing, it is obvious that, for sufficiently large k, [dk] + alp (II k 112) - {[6 [Znk] + alp (II Znk \(2)} > - e and [6 [k] + al.{J (II k 1\2) - {[6 [Zmk] + alp (II Zmk \1 2 )} > e;, where t5k and e k approach 0 as k --+ 00. ..... By virtue of the continuous convexity of the embedding of F in F, lirn [6 [Znk] = lirn [6 [Zmk] = lirn [6 [k] k_oo k-'>oo k-oo and Ip (II k 112) - Ip (11 znk 112) > - €, Ip (\\ k 112) - Ip (11 Zmk IF) > €;, (7.1.4) where 'i and € approach 0 as k -* 00. 201 
Since I{J( IIz 11 2 ) is an increasing function that is uniformly continuous in the region IIz II  C 2 , we obtain from (7.1.4) {II Znk 11 2 + 2 (znk' ) II  112} -II Znk 11 2 >= -  with range in a complete m-dimensional metric space U. Let us look at solutions of the system (7.2.1) that satisfy the initial condition and x (to) = x o , (7.2.2) 2\IkI12-2(zmk-Znk' Sk) = -211kIl2>=-( where Xo is a given vector. Below, we shall look at the class of optimal-control problems in which the target functional depends only on the phase variables. Let f[x] denote a given nonnegative continuous functional defined on the solutions of the problem (7.2.1), (7.2.2). Since these solutions depend on u (so that we might write x = xu(t), the functional f[xu(t)] = <p[u] is defined on U. Let us look at the problem (problem U) of finding a control uo(t) minimizing the functional <P [z]. We shall call this control the optimal control. It was pointed out above that this problem is ill-posed. Let us suppose that there is an optimal control uo(t) in the space U. A stable method for determining Uo (t) approximately is described in the present section. Following [172], we shall do this by a regularization method. To obtain such a method, it is, as was mentioned above, sufficient to find an algorithm for constructing minimizing sequences {un(t)} that converge to the function uo(t). 2. Consider the smoothing functional { II Zmk \\2 - 2 (Zmk' ) + \I  112} -II Zmk 11 2 >= - ;, where  and ; approach 0  as k -* 00. It follows that or II Gk W -< 0.5 (; + ;) -- 0 as k  00, which contradicts the assumption according to which II II = 0.511 zm k - znk II > 0.5 . Bo. Thus, {zn} is a fundameEtal sequence in F QIat converges strongly to a.'1 element z of F. Since the metric in F majorizes the metric in F, it follows that z = z. Obviously, the element Za,6 = Z = z is the element that we are seeking, the one that minimizes the functional FI [z, fo] . This completes the proof of te theorem. B a [u] = <P [u] + aQ [u],  2. A stable method of solving optimal-control problems. 1. Suppose that we are given a system of equations where Q[u] is a stabilizing functional. The functional BeY. [u] is nonnegative. Therefore, it has a greatest lower bound B% on U: B = inf B a [u]. UEU dxjdt = F (t, x, u), (7.2.1 ) Let U I denote a subset of U that admits a metrization PI (UI , U2) majorizing the metric of the space U. Let us define Q1[U]=P (u, uo), B{u]=<p [u]+aQ., and Bl -= inf B {u], where Uo is a fixed element of U I . Let {an} UEU where x(t) = {Xl (t), x 2 (t), . . . , xn(t)} is an n-dimensional-vector- valued function defined on an interval to  t  T and u(t) = {u l (t), u 2 (t), . . ., u m (t)} is a controlling vector-valued function 202 203 
denote a decreasing sequence of positive numbers that converges to 0 and let {U ak (t)} denote a sequence of controls in U I . Then we have Theorem 1. If problem U has a unique optimal control uo(t) belonging to the set U I , then the sequence of functions {u a k (t)} satisfying the inequalities ak ak B [u ak (t)]  B 01 + akC, where C is a constant independent of a, converges in the fnetric of U to Uo (t). If U I is a Hilbert space, we have Theorem 2. If U I (with metric pdUI, U2)) is s-compactly and continuously convexly embedded in U, then there exists an element ucx(t) in U I that minimizes the functional B [u]. The proofs of these theorems are completely analogous to the proofs of Theorems 1 and 2 of  1 and for this reason we omit them. Obviously, these theorems lead directly to a stable method for determining the optimal control approximately. Example. Let us look at the problem of the vertical ascent of a sounding rocket in a homogeneous atmosphere to its maximum altitude [31, 32]. For this we know the exact solution [127]. The vertical motion of a body of variable mass met) in a homogeneous atmosphere is described by the system of equations dv 1 2 - = - [au(t) -cv (t)]-g & men · dm - = ._-u(t) dt with initial conditions m(O) = mo, v(O) = Vo. Here, met) is the variable mass of the body (mo ;;;?; met)  j.t, where j.t is the mass of the rocket body), v{t) is the velocity of the rocket, u(t) is the controlling function (equal to the consumption of fuel per second during the time of flight), and a, c, and g are constants; specifically, a = 2500 m/sec is the velocity (relative to the rocket) 204 at which the gases are ejected, c = 0.2 . 10- 7 kg-sec/m is the generalized ballistic coefficient of air resistance and g = 9.81 m/sec 2 is the acceleration due to gravity. Even comparatively crude approximate solutions of this problem have a sharp burst at the initial instant (t = 0); that is, they have a o-form nature. Therefore, it is natural to seek a solution in the form UI = Ao(t) + u(t), where A is a constant and o(t) is Dirac's delta function. The function u(t) that we are seeking is a continuous and sufficiently smooth function. It will be much simpler to find the function u(t) numerically than to find a function with a o-form singularity. Such a representation of the solution means that, to attain the maximum altitude, it is most convenient to burn up a certain amount of fuel instantaneously, and, after a certain velocity vr is attained, to begin a gradual consumption of the fuel. Obviously, the optimal controlling function £let) must be positive on some interval 0 < t < Tf and equal to zero for t> Tf. We need to determine u(t) and the parameters v f and Tf. Thus, we need to examine the two-parameter target functional f[u, VI, T I ] and, to do this, we need (using the condition that it be minimal) to find u(t) and the parameters vf and Tf. According to Tsiolkovsky's formula, the mass m I of the fuel that must be consumed instantaneously to obtain a velocity VI is calculated from the equation V'I = v'o + a 11 n ( 1 - :; ) I. Then, A is determined from mI' For what follows, let us take Vo = 0 and mo = 1. The altitude to which the rocket is lifted H = H[v(u)] is equal T to the integral S V (t) dt, where T is the instant at which the o velocity becomes equal to zero: veT) = O. It can be represented in the form H = HI + Ml, where 205 
T 1 HI c= S v(t)dt, o I1H  In ( 1 + VItC ) , 2c Ilg where in turn TI is the instant of termination of burning of fuel and v J.L is the velocity of the rocket at that instant. As target functional, we take f [ u v r, ] - 1 _ H [v (u)] , l' 1 - Ho' we are solve it where Ho is a number close to the maximum altitude seeking. The problem of minimizing it is unstable. Let by the regularization method. To find an approximate (regularized) solution, we choose a stabilizing functional .Q [u] of the form T Q [u] -= S (U")2 dt. o The problem reduces to minimizing the functional <l>o.{u, Vi' Ttl == flu, Vi' Td -I- aQ[u] T under the supplementary conditions u(t)  0 and S II (I) dt = 1 - J.1. 0 The procedure for finding an approximate solution of this problem for fixed a is as follows: we set up a sequence of pairs of numbers {vi n ), Tin)}. For each such pair we find a function u(t) minimizing the functional <Do. [u, vi n ), rr)J. Then, from the sequence {vi n ), Tin)}, we find a pair vi, Ti that minimizes the functional 206 <l>o. [u (t), V'i n ), Tin)]. For large values of a (of the order of 10 5 ), the minimum of the functional <l>a: [u, VI, T I ] is attained with functions that are nearly constant. For small values of a (less than 0.1), the solution is very unstable under small random computational errors. For a = 10 3 , VI = 9931.721 m/sec, TI = 176 sec, and J.1 = 0.7, we obtain the approximate optimal control shown in Figure 9 by the dashed curve. The solid line represents the exact optimal control. Here, H and HI have the values shown in the table. The functional <l>a: [u, VI, T I ] was minimized by the method of projecting the gradient. 3. Let us look at a problem leading to minimization of functionals that is important in practice. The inverse problem of antenna theory. Consider a linear antenna in the form of a straight rod of length 2/. We direct the z-axis along the rod. Suppose that a current of amplitude j(z) varying with time according to the law e iwt is produced in the rod with the aid of special devices. This current causes an electromagnetic field symmetric about the z-axis in the space surrounding the rod. The electric and magnetic field intensities caused by the current j(z) Ldf), kg/sec 20 18 - r- 15 L  14 I ......L-....  o 50 100 150 175 t, (sec) FIG. 9. 207 
Exact s01ution Approximation solution 1 A r . J . 0 S . ( ) -ikz cas e d P ( 0 ) 1 :::::::: SIn \J ! z e z -= \J , -1 (7.2.3) HI =0. 16507.10 7 m H =0.51496.10 7 m H 1 =0.16514.10 7 m H =0.51497.10 7 m where k = w/c is the wave number, c being the speed of light. The direct problem in antenna theory consists in determining the directivity pattern P(O, 'f) from a given current 7(M), that is, in calculating the function P( 0 , 'f) = Am. What is usually meant by the inverse problem in antenna theory is the problem of finding the current distribution J(M) generating a given directivity pattern P(O, 'f). For a linear antenna, this problem consists in solving a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind (7.2.3) for j(z). As we know, this problem is ill-posed. It should be mentioned that equation (7.2.3) has a solution only for a very restricted class of right-hand members P(O), that is, only for realizable directivity patterns. The given patterns usually do not belong to that class. Furthermore, a number of conditions (for example, boundedness of the current and of its derivative, minimum reactive power, etc.) are usually imposed in practice on the current distribution J(M), and it is not possible to allow for these in solving equation (7.2.3). Additional conditions are imposed on the directivity pattern. These include, for example, the requirement that it be close to a given directivity pattern, that it be nonzero in a fixed interval of angles but zero outside that interval (this corresponds to the case of strictly directed radio transmission), that it have its maximum value in the principal lobe, that the energy in the lateral lobes be minimum, etc. Therefore, it is expedient to formulate the inverse problem in a different manner. _ Suppose that 1> i[ P (8, 'f))], for i = 1, 2, . . . , n, are functi0.!lals such that the ith of them is defined on the set of functions P(O, 'f) satisfying the ith condition imposed on the directivity patterns. Suppose that '¥ krf(M)], for k = 1, 2, . . . , m, are functionals defined on the set of functions /(M) satisfying the condition imposed on the current distribution. These functionals characterize the complexity of the construction. and the intensity of the radiation of the antenna are determined by that current; that is, they are functionals A E fj] , AU fj], and AM fj] . ' Let Q denote a plane in which the axis of the rod lis. Let us draw a circle in Q of radius R much greater than both 'the wave length A and the rod length 21 with center at the midpoint of the rod. Then, at every point of that circle the magnetic field vector will be dire cted perpendicularly to the plane Q. Its magnitude will be a function of the radius R and the angle 0 between the z-axis and the direction from the midpoint of the rod to the point of reception. Its relative value (relative, for example, to its value at some point on the circle) is a function only of the angle 0: A[j]=P(8). The function P(O) is called the directivity pattern (with respect to the magnetic field intensity-the directivity pattern with respect to the electric field intensity or radiation flux is defined analogously). In the case of a complicated configuration of the antenna, the directivity pattern A [7] will be in general be a vector-valued function of the two spherical coordinates 0 and 'f) of the reception point: A [71 = P (8, 'f)). In the case of a linear antenna of length 2/, the connection between the current j(z) and the directivity pattern P(O) is expressed by the formula (see [177]) 208 209 
Consider the functionals m -+ n -+ \¥ fiJ =  '¥k\¥k Oi and <P [P] = L1 i'<Pl[P], k=1 1=1 where the "Ik and the (3i are positive weighting coefficients chosen on the basis of the significance and influence of the corresponding conditions imposed on the  current -+ distribution and on the directivity patterns. The functional <P [P] is defined on thel set of functions satisfying all the conditions imposed on the dirpctivity patterns. The functional \¥ [1] is defined on the set of fnctions 7{M) satisfying all the conditions imposed on the current distributions. Therefore, following [177], what we shall consider as an approximate solution of the inverse problem of antenna theory is a current ](M) minimizing the functional <P under the condition \¥  \¥ 0 or the functional CHAPTER VIII STABLE METHODS OF SOLVING OPTIMAL-PLANNING (LINEAR- PROGRAMMING) PROBLEMS <P [A r/n + \¥ U], Numerous optimal-planning and mathematical-programming problems (linear and nonlinear) are unstable: small changes in the initial data can lead to large (sometimes arbitrarily large) changes in the solution. In such problems, we are actually dealing with incomplete determinacy of the solution. This points to incomplete- ness in the formulation of the problem. Precision in formulating a problem is of great applied significance since the application of a mathematical tool to planning questions (to the development of optimal plans) is based on the solution of such problems. Of special importance is the development of methods for finding "solutions" of such problems that are stable under small changes in the initial data. The present chapter is devoted to these questions. In  1, we shall treat the formulation of optimal-planning and mathematical- programming problems (including linear-programming problems) and shall show how they are unstable. We shall introduce the concept of a normal solution. In the remaining sections, we shall look at the questions of existence and uniqueness of a solution and at methods, based on regularization (see Chapter II), for finding approximate solutions that are stable under small changes in the initial data. where 0 is a numerical factor characterizing the influence of the restrictions on the current distribution. Problems of minimizing such functionals have been examined above. The definition of the optimal set of parameters is usually controlled by making a computational experiment. This problem is a typical problem in the planning of optimal solutions (constructions). 210 211 
 1. The formulation of optimal-planning and mathematical- programming problems. 1. Let us give the classical formulation of a typical optimal-planning problem. Let Zj, for 1 j  n, denote the number of objects of the jth kind that are produced, let aj denote the maximum possible number of objects of the jth kind, and let Cj denote the total labor expended on the jth object at all the basic divisions of the plant. Then, the scalar product 'PI (z) = (c, z) of the vectors C = {CI, C2 ..., cn} and Z = {Zl, Z2,' '1" zn} characterizes the load of the plant in the plan for prodcing Z objects. Let bi, for 1  i  m, denote the reserve of time! of the ith division of the plant. Let aU denote the labor expended!1 0n the jth object in the ith division. We denote by G the set of vectors Z (plans) satisfying the conditions b - Az  0 and 0  Z  a, where a and b are the vectors a = {aI' a2, ..., an} and b = {bl, b 2 ,..., b m } and A = {aij} is the matrix with elements aij. The problem of determining the optimal plan z can consist in finding a vector z out of the set of vectors (plans) G for which the load of the plant is maximum, that is, max 1/1 1 (z) = 1/1 1 (z). ZEG The function 'PCz) is called the target function of the problem. The well-known simplex method was used to calculate from the data of one of the factories the optimal quarterly plans corresponding to some set of initial data with varying accuracy [178]. The results of the calculations are shown in Table 1, where the Roman numbers represent the variants of the solutions (corresponding to different initial data) and the Arabic numbers represent the components of the solutions (the vectors z). It is obvious from the table that, for comparatively close optimal values of the target function Ip(z) (for differences of the order of 1%), the number of objects to be produced according to these optimal plans fluctuates from one kind of object to the other over a range of several hundreds. Thus, this problem is unstable. 212 w   f-; x cY;) <oM 0':> 00 t- oo C'\I a 00 00 t- cY':! cY':! t- e- t- cY':! I.1j  C'\I C'\I cY':! C'\I C'\I  0':> C'\I t.O 00 <oM X  '1" I- cY;) 00 <:.0 1- <:.0   C'\I C'\I cY;) C'\I :::i cY':! cY;) 0':> <:.0 I.1j 00  cY;) r- OO l- a I.1j <:.0 I.1j l- ef,) I.1j -.:j1 <oM C'\I cY':! C'\I <:.0 00 0':> <:.0 I.1j ..... 0':> <:.0 :; -.:j1 -.:j1 t- <:.0 a 0':> <:.0 l- -.:j1 I.1j -.:j1 ..... C'\I cY;) C'\I ...... 0':>  I.1j 0':> a l..":) 0':> a :; <:.0 a I.1j  <:.0 0':> I.1j 00 -::t' <:.0 I.1j C'\I cY;) C'\I :; t- .,... <:.0 0':> I.1j cY':! ..... C'1 a .,... ...-::t'  a c. <:.0 00 I.1j <:.0 ''j'I ..... C'\I cY;) C'\I >- 00 ...-::t' C'\I 00 t- l- M ...-::t' ..... 0':>  00 <:.0 <:.0 ...-::t' C'\I cY':! C'\I  I.1j ...-::t' <:.0 <:.0  00 <:.0 00 t- cY:> .,...  t- <:.0 cY:> cY':! C'\I - ...D  C'? <:.0  a a 0':> cY':! C'\I I.1j 0':> I.1j 0':> - I.1j <:.0  C'\I cY;) C'\I a  ...-::t' <:.0 e- O':> a - 0':> cY':! C'\I cY:> 0':>  0':> - I.1j <:.0  C'\I cY:> C'\I  00 00 <:.0 <:.0 a ..... ...... - cY) .,... <:.0 0':> I.1j 0':> <:.0 <:.0  C'\I cY':! C'\I - ,-.. a) :0 ..... ;::3 \"1 ..... C'\I cY;) ...-::t' I.1j <:.0 t- o .'-; C'\I cY;)  "I .... <oM ..... ..,... ..,... ..,... ;:8 a Q 213 
2. Optimal-planning problems constitute a special case of linear-programming problems, which in turn constitute a special case of mathematical-programming problems. Let Rn denote the n-dimensional space of vectors z = (z 1, Z2, . . ., zn) and let g(z) and h(z) denote given vector-valued functions defined on Rn: II 'P6 (z) - 'P (z; II < 6, Ilg (z) - g6 (z) 1\ < b, II h6 (z) - h (z) II < (). The choice of the functions 'P6(Z), g6(Z), and h6(Z) from the set g (z) = {gl (z), g2 (z), ..., gp (z)}, h (z) = {h pH (z), hp+2 (z), ..., h m (z)} (p < m), Q6 ('P, g, h) = {('P6, g6, h 6 ) : II 'P'li - 'P II < 6, \\g6- gll<{), Il h 6- h ll <()} where gi(Z) and hj{z) are scalar functions. We denote by G the set of vectors z in the space Rn g(z)  0 and h(z) = 0: which is usually of a random nature. Thus, we can make a judgment regarding the solution of the original problem (8.1.1) only from the solution of the approximate problem G = {z; g (z) > 0, h (z) =O}. min 'P'lI (z), . , eG 6 (8.1.2) 'P(Z} = min 'P (z). ZEG (8.1.1) where G 6 = {z; g6(Z)  0, h 6 (z) = O}, which is randomly chosen from the class of approximate problems defined by Q6. 4. Let H6 ('P, g, h) denote the set of solutions Z6 of problems of the form (8.1.2) for all ('P6, g6, h6) in Q6' The problem (8.1.1) is said to be stable if Let )O(z) denote a given scalar function. The mathematical-programming problem consists in finding a vector z in Rn that minimizes the function 'P(z) on the set G: The function )O(z) is called the target function of the problem (8.1.1). If in this problem the functions )O(z), g(z), and h(z) are linear, the problem is called a linear-programming problem. As a rule, optimal-planning problems fall in this class. 3. In practice, information regarding the functions )O(z), g(z), and h(z) is approximate. For example, these functions are known with an error; hence, instead of them we can take any functions 'P6 (z), g6 (z), and h6 (z) for which * lI = sup II z - z 11---+ 0 as 6 -)- O. z.zeH6 On the other hand if there exists a number B > 0 such that, for every 0 > 0, there xists two triples ('P, g, h) and ('P, g, h) in Q6 and solutions z& and zs of the problem (8.1.2) corresponding to them such that I\z- z\I>B, *For simplicity of notation, we took 0 to be the same for all three functions. In practice, an estimate of the error is determined by vectors ,  " " , fJ" " " l) = (u I ' 6 2 , ... , 6 p ' 6 ptl ' . . . , 6m) and 6" = ( 1,6 2 ' . . . , 6n) on the basis of an appropriate choice of norms for them. then the problem (8.1.1) is said to be unstable. It is also natural to call unstable optimal-planning and mathematical-programming problems ill-posed. Obviously, the exact solutions z& and Zs of the ill-posed problem (8.1.1) with 214 215 
approximate initial data ('P;, h, g) and ('P, h, g) do not provide sufficient information regarding the solution of the original problem. Thus, finding the exact solutions of problems of this kind cannot serve as a reliable method of solving optimal-planning problems with approximate initial data. Such a situation often arises in computational work when one is using several methods of solving mathematical-programming problems. We mention that!> despite the great differences in the solutions zi> and zi>', the values of the target functions 'P /(z) and 'P (z) may differ only slightly from each other. Wh;t as been said is reflected in the results shown in Table 1. Obviously, this is a linear-programming problem. Here g(z) = z and h( z) = Az - u. 2. If the condition (system of equations) Az = u has linearly dependent rows, the problem (8.2.1)-(8.2.3) is in general ill-posed. One usually assumes that the rows of the given conditions are linearly independent. However, this assumption cannot be checked in practice when the initial data are given approximately. Therefore, we shall not assume linear independence of the given conditions and shall deal with ill-posed problems of the form (8.2.4). Let us prove the existence of a solution to such problems. Theorem 1. If conditions (8.2.1) and (8.2.2) are consistent, the problem (8.2.1 )-(8.2.3) has at least one solution. Proof. Suppose that Cj > 0 for 1 j jo and Cj = 0 for jo <j  n. We denote by Rl the set of vectors in the space Rn for which condition (8.2.2) holds:  2. Optimal-planning problems. Existence and uniqueness of solutions. 1. Suppose that we are given a matrix A = {aij} with elements aij and vectors ii = {Ui}, for i = 1, 2, . . . , m, and C = {Cj}, where Cj  0, for j = 1, 2,..., n. Let us look at the following optimal-planning problem. In the set G of elements (vectors) z = {Zj} in n-dimensional space Rn that satisfy the conditions R1={z; z/>O for j = 1,2, ..., n}. Let R 2 denote the set of vectors in Rn satisfying conditions (8.2.1) and (8.2.2): R 2 = {z; zER 1 , Az = u}. Az = u, zJ> 0 (j 1, 2, ..., n), (8.2.1 ) (8.2.2) The assumed consistency of conditions (8.2.1) and (8.2.2) implies that R 2 is nonempty. Let 'Po denote the greatest lower bound of the set of values assumed on the set R 2 by the target function Ip(z) defined by (8.2.3) and let {Z(k)} denote a minimizing sequence of points in R 2 , that is, a sequence such that 'P(Z(k»---+-'Po as k--+r:x>. Obviously, we can assume that 'P (Z(k» 'P (Z(k":'1» for k> 1. Since find an element (vector) z = {if} minimizing the function n 'P (z) = (c, z) = 2J CjZj, j=1 (8.2.3) that is, an element z such that 'P (Z(k»  'P (Z(k-1»), 'P (Z) = min 'P (z). ZEG (8.2.4) it follows that, for 1  j  j 0, 216 217 
CIZJk)  l{J (Z\(k») l{J (Z(1. Z'={Zj}, ljjo' z"={Zj}, jo<jn, A' = {ail}, 1 jjo, A' = {aij}, io< in, i = 1,2, ..., m. Consequently, for 1 :;;;:.i .jo, the coordinates Zk) of the vector Z(k) are bounded: Since the system i k )  l{J (Z(l» I -..;;:: ci A"z" = it - A;Z(k) For all positive numbers dj, the set of points in the for which Rio is consistent (suppose that zit = Z k) is its solution) and since the vector u = u - A'z(k) satisfies all the linear relationships that the rows of the matrix A" satisfy, the system (8.2.5) is also consistent. It has a nonzero solution for which Zj  0 (where io <in). To see this, suppose that it is not the case. Then, a linear manifold of elements z" for which A" z" = u is at a finite positive distance from the set R;' :::: {zIt; Zj  0, io <i  n}. In this case, the manifolds defined by Oz/dl' 1  j  jo' is compact in Rio. The sequence {Z(h)} of vectors i(k) = {Zk)}, 1  j  jo, k.= 1, 2, in the space Rio j  contained in the parallelepiped with edges A" z" = u - A'z(k) (k = 1, 2, ...) l{J (z(I) ) d l = -'---. Cj for suffiiently large k are also at finite distances from R;'. But this contradicts the membership of Z(h) in Rl' Taking any nonzero solution zit ER; of the system (8.2.5) such that zJ'  0 (for io <i  n), we see that the vector Consequently, it has a subsequence that converges to a vector zERfo Without changing the notation, let us suppose that . (k) - - hm Z = Z = {Zj}, 1  i  io. k......oo z' = (;, , ... , Z/o' Z/o+19 ..., z) A"z" = - A'z' + it, (8.2.5) satisfies conditions (8.2.1) and (8.2.2) and that l{J (z) = l{Jo. This completes the proof of the theorem. The following example shows that the solution of the problem (8.2.1 )-(8.2.3) may fail to be unique. Example 1. Suppose that l{J(z) = Z3 and that condition (8.2.1) has the form Since l{J(z) depends only on the first io coordinates of the vector Z (Cj = 0 for i > i 0)' it follows that l{J(z) = l{Jo. Consider the system of equations in zIt where ZI - Z2 = O. 218 219 
Obviously, the minimum of the function 'P(z) = Z3 on the set Rl = {z; Zj  0; j = 1, 2, 3} is equal to 0 and it is attained at points of the ray Z 1  0 defined by sets 22=21' 2 3 =0. {z; Az = u}, Rl = {z; Z, > 0, j = 1, 2, ..., n}, {z; 'P (z) = 'P o} 3. When we have a set of solutions, to make the problem definite we need to impose supplementary conditions on the solution sought. Suppose that it is a question of optimal-planning problems. Let us suppose that work is being performed in accordance wit a plan z(O) and that it is necessary to modify this plan with change in the initial data. Different optimal plans correspond to the ne\\r initial data. It is natural to choose whichever plan deviates the least from the original plan z(O). A similar choice criterion is connected with the minimum expenditure on organizational readjustments that were not taken into account in the formulation of the problem. We take for measure of deviation between the new and old plans :l(0) and z(O) the weighted square deviation and is hence itself closed. Theorem 2. The normal solution of the problem (8.2.1 )-(8.2.3) is unique. Proof. Let us suppose that there exist two distinct normal solutions Z(1) and Z(2). Then, for any positive number a, the vector z = ail) + Z(2),  = 1- a satisfies condition (8.2.1) (by virtue of its linearity) and (8.2.2). Furthermore, 'P (z) = a'P (z(1)) + 'P (Z(2») = a'Po + 'Po = 'Po. Since z(1) and Z(2) are normal solutions, we have  z(O) - iO)  = {1 pdzjO) - zjOJ). } '/', II Z(l) - i O ) II = II z<2) - z<0) II. On the other hand, for a = 0.5 we have or, in general, some positive-definite quadratic form. With this in mind, we give the Definition. Let z(O) denote a vector in Rn. We shall say that :l(0) is a normal solution of the problem (8.2.1)-(8.2.3) (with respect to z(O» if z = 0.5 (i l ) + Z(2») and II; - z(O) 11 2 \I z(l) - z(o) 11 2 -II 0.5 (z(1) - Z(2) )[[2. II ;(0) - Z<0) [I  II z -- Z(o) II, Thus, where Z is any solution of that problem. If the solution of the problem (8.2.1 )-(8.2.3) is unique, it obviously coincides with the normal solution. If the problem has more than one solution, the existence of a normal solution is obvious since the set H of vectors minimizing the function <p(z) is the intersection of the three closed II z - z(o) 11 2 < II Z(l) - Z<0) 11 2 , which contradicts the fact that Z(1) is a normal solution if Z(1) =l=Z(2). This completes the proof of the theorem. 220 221 
It was mentioned above that the solution of the problem (8.2.1 )-(8.2.3) is in general unstable under small changes in the original information. The following section is devoted to a stable method of solving such problems, namely, the regularization method. present section is devoted to an exposition of a stable method of approximate determination of a normal solution to the exact problem. 2. The optimal-planning problem thus becomes a variational problem: Find the minimum of the function 'P(z) for 'PCz)  0) or, what amounts to the same thing, of the function 'P 2 (z) on the set  3. The regularization method of solving optimal-planning problems. 1. Usually, the initial data in optimal-planning prblems are only approximate. In what follows, we shall distingui$h between the solvable problem (the exact problem) and the problrm actually assigned (given in a form approximating the exact one). The assigned problem does not enable us to draw any conclusion either as to the stability of the solvable problem or as to the uniqueness of its solution even though that problem has these properties. As we saw, the exact solution of the given problem is ineffective for investigating the problem to be solved. From the point of view of the information available to us, any set of initial data {'P, h, g} satisfying the conditions G = {z; Z E R,l' Az = u}. If 'P 2 (z) is a stabilizing functional for that set, that is, if the set Gd of elements z of G for which 'P 2 (z)  d is compact, then the existence of an element Zo minimizing 'P(z) is obvious. However, as the example given above shows, 'P 2 (z) is not always a stabilizing functional. Let us look in greater detail at the definition of the measure of error in prescribing 'PCz). Suppose that a stabilizing functional II'P 0 (z) -- 'P (2) 1\ < <\ 1\ ho (z) - h (z) II  6, II g( (z)- g (z) II  6. (8.3.1) n n[z] (for example, n[z] might be 2i Pi (Zi- z n 2 ) and target 1=1 functions 'PCz) and z) are defined on Rn. We define the measure of deviation between 'P 2 (z) and 2(Z) as the smallest number a such that I 'P 2 (z) - ;2 (z) I   (1 + Q [z]). can serve as initial data of the (exact) problem to be solved. It should be noted that if in addition to the conditions Az = u we add on some linearly dependent equations, this makes the problem unstable (even if it was stable beforehand) although it remains equivalent to that problem in the practical sense. For linear-programming (optimal-planning) problems with a sufficiently great number of conditions Az = u, we cannot as a rule actually test whether the condition of linear independence is satisfied or not. Thus, an approach to the solution of linear-programming (optimal-planning) problems that does not require an assumption of linear independence of the conditions Az = u is necessary. The For linear-programming problems, where 'P 2 (z) and '4'2 (z) are quadratic functionals, such a definition is natural. The presence of the 1 in the right-hand member is necessary since n[zo] can be equal to zero without having 'P 2 (zo) equal to zero. 3. Suppose that, in an optimal-planning problem, we are given not the exact initial data {A, ii, c} but a-approximations of them {A, 'ii, c} such that Ilu-ull6 and 1'P2(z)-2(z)I(1 +Q[z]), where Ip(z) = (c, z), z) = (c: z), and n[z] is a stabilizing functional on Rn (a positive-definite quadratic form). 222 223 
<1> 2 (Z) =  (Z) + A, (1 + Q [z]), (A > 0) <1>2 (z) can be regarded as a correction for the influence of factors not taken into account in the target function 2 (z), and X can be regarded as the value of an expert estimate of their influence. Analogous motivation (see Chapter II, 2, subsection 8, where the problem Az = u with approximately known operator A and right-hand member u is examined) leads to the construction of an approximate solution of the problem of optimal planning with approximate initial data {A', 'ii, c} as the solution of the problem of minimizing the smoothing functional Let us take the auxiliary target function and let us solve approximately the optimal planning problem with target function <1>2 (z). This substitution is admissible from the point of view of accuracy of giving of the target function if X  0, since > I <1>2(Z) _;2 (z) 1= A{l + Q[z])  () (1 + Q[z]).J a ,....,,....,,...., 2 ,...., M;. [z, u, c, A] = II PI + a {'P 2 (z) + A (1 + Q [z])}, Thus, among the vectors z belonging to the set R 1 stich that IlAz - u/l  0, we are required to find the vector Zl) mihimizing the function <1>2 (z). Obviously, the auxiliary target function <1>2(Z) is a quasimonotonic stabilizing functional on the set R 1 (where <1>2 (z) is a quadratic functional). Consequently, the conditions of the lemma of  2 of Chapter II are satisfied. According to that lemma, the greatest lower bound of the functional (function) <1>2(Z) is attained with that vector Zl) in R 1 for which IlAzl) u II = O. This problem is equivalent to the problem of minimizing the quadratic form where a is defined on the basis of the discrepancy by 2 2 """ '"" PI = Pu (Az a , u) - h 2 <1>2 (Z) = (}2. Here, h characterizes the error in assigning the operator A (see 2 of Chapter II). 5. Let us look again at the linear-programming problem of fmding an element 2 0 minimizing the function 'P(z) = (c, z) on the set  [z, u, c: A] = II Az - ul1 2 -1- a [;2 (z) + A (1 + Q [z])] R 2 = {z; Az = ii, Z E R 1 }, with determination of the parameter a from the condition 1lAza ull = 0, where za is a vector minimizing M[z, u, c, A]. Since 1lAza - ull 2 is a quadratic form, the discrepancy 'P(a) = 1lAza - ull 2 is a continuous increasing function, so that the parameter a is uniquely determined from the condition 'P(a) = 0 2 . 4. In the mathematical formulation of optimal-planning prob- lems, one usually does not take into account all the factors in choosing the target function 'PCz) = (c, z). Such factors may include, for example, the requirement of only small deviation of the optimal plan sought, corresponding to new (and only slightly different from the original) initial data, from the preceding plan (the requirement of minimum organizational readjustment). The introduction of the term X(1 + Q [z]) into the new target function where A is a linear operator. Let Zo denote an element relative to which we seek a normal solution. Consider the auxiliary problem hI.: Find an element z . . .. A mmlmIzmg the functional <1> 1 (z) = 'P 2 (z) + AQ [z] on the set R 2 . Here, Q [z] is a positive-definite quadratic form. The existence of an element ZA is obvious if the conditions defining R 2 are compatible. One can easily show that the element ZA i unique. Specifically, for linear-programming problems, the set R 2 IS convex. Suppose that there exist two elements Zl and Z2 minimizing the quadratic functional <1>2(Z). On that segmet of th 224 225 
line Z = zL + (zK-z), - 00 < < 00, belonging to R 2 , the values of the function <I>2(Z) represent a quadratic function of (3 and thus cannot have two minimum values. Above, we examined the optimal-planning problem in which the functional 2(Z) was replaced ith <I>2 (z) = 2 (z) + Iv (1 + Q [z]). Let us show that the solution Z"A of the problem with fuilCtional <I>2(Z) approaches the normal solution of the original problem as A --+ O. Let z(O) denote the normal solution of the problem (8.2.1 )-(8.2.3). Theorem 1. For every € > 0, there exists a AO(€) such that II Zl. -- 2"(0) II  € for A < AO(€); that is, z"A approaches the normal solution of the problem (8.2.1)-(8.2.3) as A --+ O. Proof. Let us suppose that this is not the case. Then, there exists an €o > 0 and a sequence {Ak} converging to zero such that II Z"k - z(O) /I  €o for all k. Since Z"k minimizes the functional 1{J2(Z) + AkQ[Z], we have 1{J2 (Zf) + IvkQ [z"k 1  1{J2 (i(O» + Ivk Q [:2(01. Therefore, 1{J2 fiCO» - 1{J2 (z?) Q [Z"k 1  Q [2<0)] + Ak Since I{J (2"(0»  I{J (z) for all Z in the set R 2 = {z; Az = ii, zE R 1}' 226  it follows that I{J (2(0»  I{J (Z"k)' Consequently, -(0) Q [z"k 1  Q [z 1. Thus, the sequence {Z"'k} belongs to the compact set of elements z for which Q [z]  Q [2(0)]. Consequently, it has a convergence subsequence {Zk}' Let us write z = Hrn Zk' Obviously, II z - :2(0) II'> € o. Since Zk E R 2 , we have k-oo Az = it and :2 E Rl Obviously, I{J (2) = I{J (2(0» and \I z -- ZO 11 2 = Q (z]  Q [z(O)] =  z(O) - zor. These conditions define a unique normal solution of the problem (8.2.1)-(8.2.3). Consequently, z = z(O). But this contradicts the inequality IIz - z(O) II €o. This completes the proof of the theorem. Remark. If conditions (8.2.1) and (8.2.2) are not satisfied (or if their satisfaction is difficult to determine), we can seek a quasisolution of the linear programming problem. To find it, we use the regularization method described above. 6. Suppose that the initial data A, ii, and c of the problem (8.2.4) are known only approximately. Instead of A, ii, and c, we have 1: u, and c such that 11A-AII6, Ilu -ull6, Ilc-cll6. 227 
In this case, we can speak only of finding a .solution that is close to the normal solution of the problem (8.2.4). In this subsection, we shall show that for suitable choice of the parameters a and A compatible with the error 0 in the initial data A, 'ii, and c, a regularized solution of the problem za..'- that minimizes the functional M [z; A, ti, c] approximates with prenamed accuracy the sought normal sotion £(0) of the problem (8.2.4) with exact initial data A, "ii, c and that it is stable under small changes in A, u, and c. We note first of all that the system of equations Az=u is consistent if and only if   A R n } UEU = {u; u= z,zE . A If u f/= U A' then, when we denote by v the orthogonal projection of'ii onto Vi, we have IIAz- ul1 2 = IIAz -v 11 2 + Ill; -u 11 2 . It follows that M [z; A, U, CJ =Mf [z; A,v, c] + II v - u11 2 . (8.3.2) The second term in the right-hand member of (8.3.2) is independent of a and A. Consequently, the element Za/A minimizing the functional M [z; A, li, Cj also minimizes the functional  [z; A,u, '0] and vice versa. Since both these functionals are positive quadratic forms in the Zj for j = 1, 2, . . . , n, the existence of an element za.A minimizing them on R 1 is obvious. 228 7. Let us estimate the deviation of the regularized solution from the exact normal one. Theorem 2. In the problem (8.2.1)-(8.2.3), suppose that, instead of the exact initial data, A, 11 and c, we know approximate data A, 'ii, and c such that II A - AII-< 6, ru-ull6, IIc-cll 6. Suppose that za.,'J.. is an element minimizing the functional a -   M A [z; A, u, c] on the set R 1 and that z(O) is a normal solution of the problem (8.2.1 )-(8.2.3) with exact initial data. Suppose that a o (0) and /30(0) are given nonnegative continuous increasing functions that vanish at 0 = 0 and satisfy the condition 6 2  a o (6) o (6). Then, for any € > 0, there exist AO(€) and oo(€, AO) (depending also on A, 11, c, ao(o), and /30(0» such that the inequality IIza..,.-z(O) II::::;; € holds for all A  AO(€) and all 0  0o(€, AO) and a that satisfy the double inequality 6 2 -a<ao(6). o (l3) Proof. Theorem 1 of 3 tells us that, for every € > 0, there exists a AO( €/2) such that Ilz,- - 2(0) II  €/2 for arbitrary A  Ao(€/2) and any element z"A minimizing the functional 229 
:;;2 (Z) + AQ [Z) = {) (1 + 1/ z(O) 1\) + II u - it II + II AZ"<°) - I1z(O) II <  6 (1 + l/z(O) II) + 6 + II A -- A IIllz(O) II  26 (1 + 112"<°)11). on the set R 2 . Therefore, it will be sufficient for us to show that, under the conditions of Theorem 2 of the present section, for any fixed }...>O there exists a 0o(€,}...) such that, for all ooo(€,}...) and a satisfying the double inequality Thus, II A ;<0) - v II  B 6, (8.3.7) 6 2 -a<ao(6), o (6) (8.3.3) where B = 2(1 + IIz(O) II). Using this estimate, we obtain from (8.3.5) Za.1. - z", U< €/2. (8.3.4) aA.g [za,tJ  aA. { B0 2 + 2 (i(O» + Q (Z(O) ) } . at. t. we have To prove the validity of the estimate (8.3.4), let us first estimate Q[Za,'] and IIAza,,,-Az(O) II. Obviously, Consequently. """ """ """ -- --- a -(0) ,....- -- ,....- aAQ [Za.:;,]  M [Za, A; A, u, c]  M", [z ; A, u, c) = = II Az(O) ,- V 11 2 + a {;2 (2<0») + A.g [z(O)j}. (8.3.5) Here, z) = (c, z). Also, g IZa.A]  80 2 + -:P2 (Z(O» + g [2(0)]. at. t. Using (8.3.3), we obtain g [Za,A)  B . O (6} + -;;;2 reO» + g (Z(O)} = N (6, A.). II Az(O) -v \\   II A2(0) - Az(O) 11-4- 1\ k(O) - u II + II u -; II = = II Az(O) - Az(O) II + Iin - ull + Ilu -vII). Since N(o, }...) is an increasing function of 0, it follows that Q[za,,,]::::;;N (, Iv), where 50 is a fixed number. Let us estimate IIAza,,,-Az(O) II. Obviously, Using the estimates ItA - A II  0 and lIil - Ii II  0, we obtain 1\ 112(0) -v II  611 z(O) 11 + 6 + Ilu -v II. (8.3.6) II AZa.1. - Az(O) II   II A,1. - AZa.A II + IIAza,A -v II + Ilv - Az(O) II   II AZa.A - AZa,A  + {M [za,A; A, u, en tl, + 11-;'- Az(O) II. Since llti vII  lIu - Az II for an arbitrary element z, we obtain from (8.3.6) Using (8.3.5), (8.3.7), and (8.3.3), we obtain II fli(O) -; II < 6 (1 + '1\ zeO) 1\) + II u .- 112(0) II   6 (1 + II z(O) II) + II u - it II + II it - 71;(0) 11 = II AZ a ,1. - Az(O) 1\  61/ za.1.11 + + V B6 2 + a o (6) {;P2 (2<0» + A.g [z(O)]} + Ilv - k(O) II. 230 231 
II V - Az(O)II \\u- vii + Ilu - u\\  Ilu - JiZ<0) II + 6  11ii: -- ull + IIAz(O) - 1fZ<0) II + 6   26 + II A -- A II \\ ;(0) II  6 (2 + 11"2(0) 1\). hence has a convergent subsequence {Zk.J. Let us define z = Hrn Z'k'''' koo Since A:z(O)=u and lIu-vll::;:;;;lIu-Azll for every z, we have Obviously, z E R I . Since Using this estimate, we obtain  AZk'" - Az(O) II < 11 (6k) and Tj(o k)  0 as k --+ 00, passage to the limit yields 1\ AZa, - Az(O) 1\  6 (2 + II ;(0) II + Irza, \1) + + 11 B6 2 + U o (6) {2 (z(O» + AQ [z(O)}} = 11 (6). II Az - &(0) II = 0, Obviously, Tj(o) --+ 00 as 0 --+ O. Let us now show that, for arbitrary € > 0, there exists a 00 = 0o(€, A) such that the inequality so that Az = Az(O) = U. This means that z E R . ,..." _, 2 __ Let JIs estimate 1p2 (zak.,,)+tvQ [zak.l. If we write Ipk(Z) = (Ck, z), we have \1 Za. - z II  € /2 Uk {1p2 (Z'a,,,) + tvQ [Z:k''']}   Uk {lp2 (Zk''') - : (Zk''') + : (Zk''') + AQ lZk''']}   Uk {: (Zk''') + AQ fZk''']} + Uk 111p2 (l;;k''') -: (Zk''') II = --2 ".."..,. -, = Uk {Ip k (Zak''') + AQ [Zak''']} + + U/ IIIp (zd k .,,) - ;k k''') 11 . II <P (Zk''') + k (Zk''') 11 < ""'2 , ,  Uk {Ip k (Zak') + 1.,Q [Zak''']} + + Uk II (, Zk''') - (c, Zk''') II (II (c, Zk') II + \I (Ck' Zk''') II)  -2 , ,..""  Uk {lpk (Zak') + 1.,Q [Zak']} + + Uk liCk - c 1111 Zk' II (II c \\ + II  II) Irzk' 11  --'2 ,.."", ......" <; Uk {lpk (Zak''') + 1.,Q [Zak,A]} + uk6k IIZk'A 11 2 (IICII + !!ckll)  ak "" - .-  MIv [Z", Ak, Uk, Ck] +. 0 (Uk' 6 k ). holds for 0 :< 0o(€, A) and all a satisfying (8.3.3). Let us suppose that no such 0o(€, A) exists. This means that there exist an €o > 0 and sequences {Ak}, {Uk}, {Ck}' and {o k} that converge (with respect to the corresponding norms) to A, li, c, and 0 respectively such that the inequality 1\ Zak,1v - Z)., II >= € 0/ 2 holds for all ak satisfying the conditions 6 2 ukuo(6k). o (6 k ) However, Q [Zak'''}  N (6 0 , tv). ,..." Consequently, the sequence {zak'} belongs to a compact set and Thus, 232 233 
ak {1p,2 (Zk') + ]..,g [Zk.n  a -- -' --  .Mk [Z, Ak' Uk, Ck] + 0 (ak . {)k). (8.3.8) have Zl\. = Zl\.. Consequently, for sufficiently large k, say for k  ko(€o), we have IIZk' i\l -zAII <€o/2, which contradicts the assumption. This completes the proof of the theorem. Remark. We took n[z] = IIz - Zo 11 2 but actually used only the fact that the set of elements z for which n [z]  d is compact for arbitrary d> o. All the results remain valid if we take for n [z] any positive-definite quadratic form Here, Zk is an element minimizing the functional 1,02 (z) + An [z] on the set R 2 . In a completely analogous manner, we obtain 2 ak {lpk (z) + ]..,g [zn  _ ak {1p,2 (z) + ]..,Q [ZA]} -t- ak6k II ZA 11 2 (II ell + III Ck ID. (8.3.9) Q [z] =  Pij (ZI- z1) (Zj - z/), 1,/ Let us estimate modifying appropriately the definition of a normal solution. a k ,.." -' -- , -'2 M [Z,,; Ak' Uk, ckl = II AkZ - Uk 11 2 + ak {lpk (Zi\) + ivQ zn. Since Azl\. = 11 and IIz,JI::::;; II:Z(O) II, we have AkZ" - Uk II  III AkZ - Az 11-+ II Uk - U II   II Ak - A II Ilz \1 + 6k  6k (1 + IlzAII)  6k (1 + II z(OI). Using (8.3.9), we obtain ak ,..",..",.." 2 -(0) 2 M [z, Ak' Uk, ckl  6k (1 + Ilz ll) + + ak {1p2 (z) + ]..,Q [z]} + ak . 6k (\l c 11 + lick ID Ilz 11 2 . It follows from this estimate and (8.3.8) that 1,02 [Zk') + ]..,Q [Zk']  1,0,2 (Z) + ]..,g [zl + 0 (6 k ) + 0 (6:/ak)' Taking the limit as k --+ 00, we obtain 1,02 (Z) + ]..,Q [ZA] <: 1,0,2 (Zi\) + A,Q [Zi\l. Since the element Zl\. minimizes the functional 1,02 (z) + An [z] , we 234 235 
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SUBJECT INDEX almost optimal value, 143 analytic continuation, 13 anomalies in gravitational field strength, 13 antenna theory, inverse problem of, 205 apparatus function, 23 Arzel:i's theorem, 68 asymptotic behavior of regularized solution, 102 asymptotic estimates, 128 asymptotic €-closeness, 127, 151 autocorrelation function, 125 automatic mathematical processing, 20 Banach spaces, 70 best simplest stabilizer, 159 C-metric, 2 compact sets, lemma on, 28 (C, f)-optimality, 126 cable, 24, 83 Cauchy problem, 12, 118 completely continuous operator, 9, :n, 34, 39 computer solution, 76 continuous convex embedding, 196 convolution type, integral equations of, 24,59, 108, 128, 145 delta function, 23, 80, 149, 203 derivatives of approximately known functions, 10, 25 256 differentiation of aproximatelY known function, 10, 25 Dirac delta function, 23, 80, 149, 203 directivity pattern, 206 embedding, 196 ergodic processes, 170 Euler's equation, 35, 72, 73, 75, 91 existence of solution of optimal- planning problems, 214 finite-difference equations, 76 first kind, operator equation of, 27 Fourier series, summation of, 11, 173 Fourier transform(ation), 109-113, 129,153 FHfchet derivative, 73 Fredholm integral equation, 1, 22, 30,69,73,106,207 generalized solution, 5,42 genuinely ill-posed problems, 44 gravitational potential, continuation of, 13 grids, 77 Hadamard, J., 7 heat-flow problems, 41,85 Helly's choice theorem, 30 high-frequency characteristics, 162 ill-conditioned systems, 94 ill-posed problems (definition), 8 impulse (transfer) function, 23 indistinguishable systems, 95 integral equations, 72, 77,86,108 of convolution type, 24, 59, 108, 128,145 integrodifferential equation, 74 inverse gravimetry problem, 13 inverse heat-flow problems, 85 inverse kinematic problem of seis- mology, 19 inverse operators, 29, 40, 44 inverse problems, 21 kernel type, 129 L 2 -metric, 2 Lagrange's method, 57 Laplace's equation, 12, 118 Lavrent'yev, M. M., 39 linear algebraic equations, systems of, 94 linear-programming problems, 209 manifestations of parameters, 21 minimization of functionals, 189, 195 modulus of continuity, 40 nonsingular systems, 6 norm of deviation, 194 normal solution of optimal-planning problem, 218 of system of linear equations, 96 numerical differentiation, 77 operator equation of first kind, 27 optical systems, 15 optimal control problems, 189, 200 optimal methods of summing Fourier series, 185 optimal-planning problems, 209 optimalregularized solution, 123,150 optimal regularizing operators, 145 optimal value of regularizing para- meter, 159 optimal Wiener filtering, 147, 150 optimality on a family, 123 order of a stabilizer, 69 probability distribution, 146 processing of results of experiments, 20 processing systems, 21 projection, 32 pseudo solutions, 97 pth-order stabilizers, 137,138,146 quasiinversion,4l quasimonotonic functionals, 55, 99 quasioptimal values, 92 quasireversibility method, 85 quasisolutions, 5, 9, 31,36 radiation, composition of, 79 radio impulse, 24 reflectances, 15 regularization method, 44, 72 regularization parameter, 47, 86 regularized minimizing sequence, 193 regularized solution, 47 regularizing operator construction, 49 definition, 45, 46 replacement of one equation with another, 39 rocket, 202 s-compactly embedded spaces, 106, 193 seismology, inverse kinematic pro blem of, 19 selection method, 27 self-adjoint operators, 34 semicontinuity, 88, 89 singular sytems, 6, 94 smoothing functionals, 58, 99 minimization of, 61 sounding rocket, 202 spectral density, 125, 146 spectrum, 79 stabilizing factors, 118, 184 stabilizing functionals (stabilizers), 50,58,99,180 order of, 69, 70 stable problems, 7 strongly smoothing operators, 158 synthesis problem, 17 257 
target function, 210, 212 Tikhonov, well-posed problem in the sense of, 29 Tikhonov stabilizers, 69 topological spaces, 8 transfer functions, 25 transformations (Fourier, Laplace, Mellin), 109-113 (see also under Fourier) transmittance, 15, 17 Tsiolkovsky's formula, 203 uniqueness of solution of optimal- planning problem, 214 variational methods, 72 well-posed problems definition, 7 in the sense of Tikhonov, 29 well-posedness class, 29 Wiener filtering 147, 187 258 1"