Author: MacMahon P.A.  

Tags: mathematics  

Year: 1916

                    COMBINATORY ANALYSIS
(late royal artillery)
of st john's college, Cambridge
Cambridge :
at the University Press

INTRODUCTION Τ 70LUME I of this work will not be found to overlap Netto's Combi- * natorik to any considerable extent. The latter excellent treatise treats for the most part of combinations of objects which are all different, and deals with many special investigations of interest concerning them. It is particularly good in the historical treatment, and the reader who desires a comprehensive account of combinatory analysis should read the Combinatorik, as well as the present book. Investigations by, amongst other writers, Weyrauch, Longchamp, Tait, Cantor, Terquem, Weiss, Metzler, Sprague, Scheck, Schroder, Steiner, Reiss, Moore, De Vries, Heffter, Kirkman, Lucas, are given by Netto, which are valuable, but are not within the scope of the task undertaken here. This has in view the presentation of processes of great generality, and of new ideas, which have not up to the present time found a place in any book in any language. This second volume commences with a detailed account of what is known concerning the algebra of the Theory of Partitions of Numbers, the point of view being that of Euler, and the first Section overlaps the Combinatorik to some extent. It does not include the investigations of Sylvester and Cayley in regard to expressions for the general coefficients in the enumerating generating functions. These are omitted as being arithmetical rather than algebraical. The reader is recommended to consult the original memoirs, and also a short account in the work of Netto. New ideas will be found in Section VII in regard to: (i) the transformation of certain series by a graphical method ; (ii) the discussion of Ramanujan's important identities; (iii) the transformation of certain generating functions by means of symmetric functions; (iv) the connexion of the theory of partitions with other combinatory theories. The most important part of the volume, Sections VIII et seq., arises from basing the theory of partitions upon the theory of Diophantine inequalities. This method is more fundamental than that of Euler, and leads directly to a high degree of generalization of the theory of partitions, and to several
VI INTRODUCTION investigations which are grouped together under the title of "Partition Analysis." A partition of a number consists essentially of an assemblage of integers whose sum is equal to the number partitioned. There is a priori no definite order amongst the integers (parts of the partition), and it therefore becomes possible to import a new idea into the definition of a partition by regarding a descending order of magnitude amongst the parts as essential. A partition thus becomes a series of integers in descending order of magnitude, and the problem of enumeration is transformed into the enumeration of the solutions of a set of Diophantine inequalities. In fact, a part of a partition is considered to have the attribute of position as well as of magnitude, the position being determined by relative magnitude. The ordinary partitions of Section VII are regarded, from this point of view, as essentially belonging to space of one dimension with a graphical representation in two dimensions. One generalization, taken up in Sections IX and X, considers partitions which appertain essentially to space of two dimensions, with a graphical representation in three dimensions. The complete solution of this problem is given. After fruitless researches extending over many years it finally yielded before the invention of the lattice function and its derivatives. This function, which is otherwise of much intrinsic interest, is formed from the lattice permutations of a given assemblage of letters through the medium of the index of a permutation. The assemblage of letters spoken of arises from the Ferrers graph, which involves the points or nodes at which the parts of a partition, subject to Diophantine inequalities, are placed. The lattice permutations, and the theory of the indices, were studied in Section III of Vol. I. The subject of partitions in space of three dimensions is also broached, and the complete solution in regard to the summits of a cube is reached. There is here no convenient graphical representation, and the general question appears to bristle with difficulties. In Section XI an account is given of the Theory of the Symmetric Functions of several systems of quantities. A knowledge of this subject must be of service in further researches in Combinatoiy Analysis. It is here shewn to yield a second brief and elegant solution of the question of the Latin Square and its generalizations. In conclusion, I would say that I am aware that the reader will probably find imperfections in these volumes, but I shall be satisfied if they arc found to contain ideas which are new and fresh, and such as are likely to prove starting-points for further investigations in an exceedingly interesting field of pure mathematics. I wish to express my thanks to the Cambridge University Press for the care they have taken in producing the work, and to Mr H. В. С Darling, of the Standards Department of the Board of Trade, for his kindness in reading the proofs of both volumes.
INTRODUCTION Vll Note on Waking's Formula for the Sum of the Powers of the Roots of an Equation In the work Grundzuge der Antiken und Modemen Algebra von Ludwig Matthiessen, Leipzig, 1878, there appears, p. 62, the following statement: "Der niederlandische Mathematiker Albert Girard hat in einer 1629 verfassten Schrift fur die Potenzsumme die Forme! angegeben. Sie wird zumeist Waring zugeschrieben, der sie erst 1782 und zwar ohne Beweis mittheilt"; with a foot-note: "Girard, Invention nouvelle en VAlgebre, Amsterdam, 1629." This statement is absolutely incorrect, as I will now shew. I was unfortunately misled by it to ascribe the formula in Vol. I of this work to Girard. Girard, in the pamphlet quoted by Matthiessen, gives the formula* Aq-B2 АсиЪ-АВЗ + СЗ A(jq - AqBk + ACk + Bq2 - i)4 for the sums of the first, second, third and fourth powers of the roots. He gives no formula for the general coefficient, and there is no sign whatever that he knew of the existence of such a formula. So much for Matthiessen's first statement. In regard to Waring, the theorem in question forms the subject of the first problem in Chapter τ of the Meditationes Algebraicce, which was published at Cambridge in 1770, and therein is given a complete proof by mathematical induction. Compare Matthiessen's second statement to the effect that Waring first gave the formula in 1782, and then without proof. It appears, therefore, that the theorem is due to Waring, and I much regret having failed to verify Matthiessen's references before adopting his view. I am indebted to Dr R F. Muirhead for drawing my attention to this subject, and for giving me the reference to his paper, " A proof of Waring's Expression for £ar in terms of the Coefficients of an Equation/' Broc. Edin. Math. Soc. Vol. xxiii., wherein the matter is discussed.
Vlll INTRODUCTION Note on the Greater Index of a Permutation and the Number of Inversions of a Permutation It is shewn in Vol. II, Sect. IX, p. 206 that, in regard to any assemblage of letters, if ρ be the greater index of a permutation and we take %xp, the summation being in regard to every permutation of the assemblage, Sr, (l)(2)...(i + j + k+...) Ш -(l)(2)...(i).(l)(2)...(j)(l)(2)...(k)....' where the assemblage of letters is taken to be 01*^7*.... Netto and other investigators have on the other hand considered the number of inversions of a permutation, say v. I have recently shewn in Proc. L· M. S. 1916 that while ρ and ν are different numbers for the same permutation, the assemblage of numbers ρ is identical with the assemblage of numbers v. Hence and the properties of the numbers ν are comprised in the algebraic expression of Ί,αοΡ given above. Compare Netto's Combinatorik, p. 92, and this work, Vol. I, p. 135. To the original papers reference is made in regard to: Section VII. Sylvester, Collected Mathematical Papers, Vol. in.: pp. 249-51, " Note on continuants" ; pp. 653-S, " On Crocchi's theorem "; pp. 658-60, "On the fundamental theorem...5'; pp. 661-3, "Note on the paper by Mr Durfec..."; pp. 664-6, " Note on Dr Franklin's proof...5'; pp. 667-71, " On the use of cross gratings..."; pp. 677-9, " Proof of a well-known development..."; pp. 680-2, " On a new theorem in partitions "; pp. 683-4, " Note on the graphical method in partitions"; pp. 685-6, "An instantaneous graphical proof..."; and in Vol. iv.: pp. 1-83, "A constructive theory of partitions... ." Cayley, Collected Mathematical Papers, Vol. IT. pp. 235-49, 506-12, " Researches in the partition of numbers." The Author, Phil. Tram. Pi. S. 1896, a, " Memoir on the theory of the partition of numbers —Part i." S. Ramanujan.
INTRODUCTION ix Section VIII. Phil. Trans. R. S. 1899, a, " Memoir on the theory of the partition of numbers—Part и." and 1905, a,—Part Ш. Camb. Phil. Trans. Vol. xyin. " Application of the partition analysis to the study of the properties of any system of consecutive integers." Camh. Phil. Trans. Vol. xix. Part i. " The Diophantine inequality \x ^ /u#." Section IX. Phil. Trans. R. S. 1911, a, "Memoir on the theory of the partition of numbers—Part v. Partitions in two-dimensional space." Section X. Phil. Trans. R. S. 1911, a, "Memoir on the theory of the partition of numbers—Part vi." Camh. Phil. Trans. Vol. xvn. Part ii. "Partitions of numbers whose graphs possess symmetry." Section XL Phil. Trans. R. S. 1890, a, " Memoir on symmetric functions of roots of systems of equations." P. A. M. April 1916. a 5
TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION VII THE PARTITION OF NUMBERS CHAPTER I THE THEORY OF EULER ART. PAGE 238—240. The intuitive basis of the theory. Partitions into a given number of parts. Algebraic identities 1 241. Partitions whose parts are limited both in number and magnitude . 5 242, 243. Interpretation of the generating function #*/(1)(2) ...(j) ... 5 244, 245. Interpretation of algebraic identities. A formula of transformation . 7 246. Expansion of a finite product 9 247. Partitions into uneven parts and connexion with partitions into unequal parts . 10 248, 249. Algebraical and graphical proofs of the correspondence after Glaisher and Sylvester 11 250. Sylvester's more refined correspondence 14 CHAPTER II GEOMETRICAL AND OTHER TRANSFORMATIONS 251. Durfee's dissection of a graph and its applications . . . . 15 252, 253. Sylvester's dissection into angles of nodes, and its applications to the enumeration of symmetrical and other graphs . . . . 16 254, 255. Another investigation of the generating function of symmetrical graphs 18 256. Euler's expansion of (1) (2) (3)... ad inf. Franklin's proof. . . 21 257—262. An identity of Jacobi and its particular cases 23 263—265. Expansions of the reciprocals of certain continued products . . 24 266—275. The transformation of certain series. Examples from the Funda- menta Nova of Jacobi 26
TABLE OF CONTENTS XI CHAPTER III ramantjjan's identities ART. PAGE 276. Statement of Theorem I. Connexion with partitions which involve neither repetitions nor sequences of parts. Connexion with other partitions 33 277. Second statement of Theorem I 34 278. Statement of Theorem II. Connexion with partitions which have no part less than 2, and which involve neither repetitions nor sequences of parts 35 279. Connexion of Theorem II with other partitions 36 280. Second statement of Theorem II 36 281—285. Connexion of the theorems with certain groups of partitions . . 36 286—293. The two Ramanujan series when the magnitudes of the parts occurring in the partitions are restricted 40 294. Two complementary theorems 45 295. Connexion with the Theory of Continuants 46 296. Connexion with the Theory of Compositions 47 CHAPTER IV PARTITIONS WITHOUT SEQUENCES 297. The difference equations satisfied by the generating functions . . 40 298. Investigation when the number of parts is given .... 52 299, 300. Determination of the enumerating generating functions ... 52 301, 302. The partitions of multipartite numbers 54 303. Connexion between the partitions and divisions of numbers . . 57 CHAPTER V PARTICULAR STUDY OF THE FUNCTION (i-*0(i-**)...(i-*0 304—306. Cay ley's transformation 59 307—310. Transformation by symmetric functions 61 311—319. Generalization of the foregoing 65 320, 321. Ettect of the relations between the quantities «;, hi . . . . 70 322, 323. Connexion with a limited double product after Sylvester . . . 71 324—326. Further examination of the limited double product .... 75 327—333. The methods and processes of Gauss 78
Xll TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER VI CONNEXION OF THE THEORY OF PARTITIONS WITH OTHER COMBINATORY THEORIES ART. PAGE 334. The graphical representation of two partitions in the cells of a complete rectangular lattice . 84 335. Connexion with the compositions of bipartite numbers ; with the compositions of unipartite numbers; with permutations involving two different letters 85 336, 337. Particular theorems arising from the correspondences ... 86 338. The "line of route" and the "zig-zag graph" 89 SECTION VIII A NEW BASIS OF THE THEORY OE PARTITIONS. PARTITION ANALYSIS IN SEVEN CHAPTERS CHAPTER I THE METHOD OF DIOPHANTINE INEQUALITIES 339. New definition of a partition. The symbol β 91 340. "Stepping back" from the intuitive generating function of Eulcr. Numerical examples 93 341. Further applications to enumerating functions 95 342. Application to real generating functions. Connexion with the graphical representation of Ferrers. Crude and ultra-crude forma of functions 97 343, 344. Euler's intuitive form of generating function when the parts are restricted both in number and magnitude. Extension of Euler's result 98 345. The case in which the two highest parts are separately restricted in magnitude 100 346. The partitioning of a number into j or fewer uneven parts . . 101 347—354. Study of the Ω operations. The relations between Diophantine equalities and inequalities 101 CHAPTER II A SYZYGETIC THEORY 355. The fundamental solutions of a system of Diophantine inequalities or equalities after Hubert. The syzygetic theory of the solutions . 107 356, 357. Examples of syzygetic theories 109 358, 359. Linear homogeneous Diophantine Analysis after Ε. Β. Elliott. Examples Ill
TABLE OF CONTENTS xiii CHAPTER III THE DIOPHANTINE INEQUALITY Μ^Ιβ ART. PAGE 360—362. Two lemmas which yield a process of reduction 115 363—365. The fundamental solutions as depending upon the ascending series of intermediate convergents to the fraction ajb 118 366, 367. Expression of every solution of the inequality in terms of a consecutive pair of intermediate convergent numbers 121 368—373. Examples of the foregoing 121 374. Derivation of a syzygetic theory 125 CHAPTER IV THE SIMULTANEOUS DIOPHANTINE INEQUALITIES 375—377. Reduction of the given inequalities to a standard form . . .126 378. Numerical example of the reduction 131 379. The complete solution of the inequalities 131 380. A numerical example 132 381. The allied theory of two simultaneous equalities . . . .133 CHAPTER V ON THE FORM OF ENUMERATING FUNCTIONS 382, 383. Form of the factor of a generating function. Formulation of the problem presenting itself for solution 136 384, 385. Determination of the Diophantine conditions 138 386—388. The cases of orders two, three and four. The generating functions and the syxygics 139 389. Simplification of the work by the imposition of a new condition . 141 390 -396. The solutions as far as the order eight inclusive . . . .141 397, 398. Proof that a particular standard form of generating function of great generality is always Unite and integral when expanded in ascending powers of its argument ......... 145 CHAPTER VI ON ΤΓίΕ ALGEBRAIC FORMS OF INTEGERS 399. Formulation of a problem which is a generalization of the fact that the product of any m consecutive integers is divisible by factorial m. Connexion of the problem with that discussed in the previous chapter 131 400, 401. Formation of the Diophantine conditions. Solutions for the orders two and three 132 402. Solution for the order four. Appearance for the first time of un- symmetrical solutions 153 403. Discussion of the order five. The thirteen fundamental solutions. The unsymmctrical fundamental forms of orders six ;md eiglit . 134
xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER VII THE THEOEY OF MAGIC SQUARES ART. 404. 405. 406—409. PAGE 410—412. 413-415. 416-419. The application of the method of Partition Analysis to the study of magic squares and other configurations of integers in piano and m solido. Definition of a "general magic square" . . .157 General magic squares of order two 158 The syzygetic theory of general magic squares of order three. The Diophantine equalities. The squares when the two diagonal properties are not in evidence. The six fundamental squares connected by one simple syzygy. Derivation of the enumerating function from the real generating function. Squares in which the principal diagonal alone shares the properties of the rows and columns. The five fundamental squares connected by one simple syzygy. The theory when the secondary and not the principal diagonal is in evidence. The five fundamental squares connected by one simple syzygy. The enumerating functions. Theory of the general magic square. The five fundamental squares connected by two first syzygies and one second syzygy. The enumerating function. Derivation of eight ordinary magic squares The enumeration of general magic squares from another point of view. Connexion of the theory with the squares enumerated in Section V. Derivation of a new function AWt8 from the homogeneous product sum of degree m, km. Formal solution of the problem of enumeration. Some particularly simple examples by way of elucidation . The solutions for the general even order and for the general uneven order . Some verifications. The simplification of the necessary calculations . 159 164 166 169 SECTION IX PARTITIONS IN TWO DIMENSIONS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY NOTIONS 420. Partitions on a line. Representation of the generating function by algebraic fractions placed at points on a line . . . .171 421—423. Definition of "partitions in two dimensions" or "partitions in a plane." The unit Ferrers graph as a partition in a plane. Anticipation of a particular result, and representation of a generating function by algebraic fractions placed at the points of a two-dimensional lattice. A solid graph of nodes or of units 172 424. A general observation which connects graphs with successive orders of figurate numbers 175
TABLE OF CONTENTS XV ART. PAGE 425—428. The interpretation of solid graphs. The six ways of reading. Identity of enumeration. Cases in which the six readings degenerate to one, two or three readings. The graphs of thirteen nodes which have two readings. Really distinct graphs of a given number of nodes . 176 CHAPTER II THE METHOD OF DIOPHANTINE INEQUALITIES 429. The enumeration of solid graphs regarded as a question of unipartite partition in two dimensions. Anticipation of a general result. The symmetry of the generating function. The different ways of exhibiting it 182 430—433. Investigation of the simplest cases of partitions in a plane . . 183 434, 435. Formation of the crude generating function for the general case. Six representations of the anticipated pure generating function by means of algebraic fractions placed at the points of a two-dimensional lattice. Particular example of the system (3 ; 2 ; 1) . . 186 CHAPTER III THE METHOD OF LATTICE FUNCTIONS 436, 437. Permutation functions and lattice functions. Derivation of the lattice function from the lattice permutations. Connexion between lattice functions and generating functions of plane partitions . . .189 438, 439. Study of simple cases leading up to the general theory of the connexion spoken of in the previous article 192 440—442. The sub-lattice function of given order. Utilization of the sub-lattice function in denning the lattice function for a restricted part magnitude. Theory of the lattice function for a restricted part magnitude 194 443, 444. Generalization of a well-known formula in line partitions . . .197 445, 446. Study of sub-lattice functions. Determination of the highest order of such a function. Algebraic expression of the sub-lattice function of highest order 198 447—450. Proof that in La for every term xv there is a corresponding term λλ>μ"Ρ. Result of writing l/д? for χ in Ze. Theorems concerning the lowest and highest exponents of χ that occur in L8. Proof that ZM-8 ai^ L8 only differ by a factor which is a j.K)wer of ./.*. Proof that sub- lattice functions do not alter when we pass from a lattice to its conjugate 199 451. Relations between generating functions and sub-lattice functions. Algebraic expression of L\ 203 452. Expression of Lx in the form of a series 204
XVI TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER IV EXCURSUS ON PERMUTATION FUNCTIONS ART. PAGE 453—455. Expression of the function. The sub-permutation functions of different orders. A restriction placed upon the part magnitude. Algebraic expressions of the sub-permutation functions .... 206 456—461. A remarkable expression of the permutation function. Results for a complete lattice. Some examples. A remarkable simplification in a particular case. Elegant properties of the sub-permutation functions 208 462, 463. A certain summation to infinity which involves the permutation functions. Some identities 211 SECTION X COMPLETION OF THE THEORY OF SECTION IX CHAPTER I PLANE PARTITIONS WITH UNRESTRICTED PART MAGNITUDE 464—466. The difference equation for L{pu p»; oo). Its algebraic expression established by induction 213 467, 468. Factors of the lattice function termed the Outer and Inner lattice functions respectively. The factors not unchanged when tlic lattice is changed to its conjugate .216 469, 470. The functional equations satisfied by the generating function, the lattice function and the inner lattice function respectively. Derivation of a new functional equation satisfied by the generating function 217 471—473. Symbolic expression of the functional equation 220 474. The corresponding relation between lattice functions . . . .221 475, 476. The corresponding relation between inner lattice functions . . 222 477—483. Algebraic expressions of the inner lattice functions for the cases of two and three rows. The fundamental solutions of the functional equations in these simple cases. Expressions of the inner lattice functions in terms of fundamental solutions and in determinant form 223 484, 485. The twenty-four fundamental solutions in the case of the fourth order. Expression of the inner lattice function as a determinant of the fourth order 230 486, 487. Verification of the expression in particular cases . 232 488, 489. The expression of the inner lattice function in the case of the general- order m. Summary of results 233
TABLE OF CONTENTS XV11 CHAPTER II PLANE PARTITIONS WITH RESTRICTED PART MAGNITUDE ART. . ... PAGE 490, 491. The factorization of the lattice function into outer and inner lattice functions. The functional equation satisfied by the generating function. The functional equation for the lattice function. Its symbolic expression. The functional equation for the inner lattice function. Its symbolic expression 235 492. The fundamental solutions for the order two. Expression of the inner lattice function in terms of them 236 493. The six fundamental solutions for the order three. Expression of the inner lattice function in terms of them and in determinant form 238 494, 495. The complete solution in the case of the order four. The general case and the final resulting expression. Summary of results . . 239 496. The identities derived from conjugating the lattice. General remarks upon this subject 243 497, 498. Application of the foregoing results to line or one-dimensional partitions 245 CHAPTER III PARTITIONS IN SOLIDO 499. Definitions. Partitions in three dimensions. Solid lattices and lattice functions. Coincidence of partitions in solido, the part magnitude being restricted to unity, with partitions in piano . . . 247 500—505. Solid lattices in which not more than two nodes appear in the direction of either axis. Study of the particular cases leading up to the lattice specified by the summits of a cube . . . .· 248 506, 507. The one-to-one correspondence between the solid lattice permutations and the arrangements of different integers placed at the nodes of the lattice. Detail of the correspondence in the case of the eight summits of a cube. The complete solution of the problem of the cube 252 508. Some remarks upon the further theory of these partitions, and some particular results 256* CHAPTER IV THE SYMMETRY APPERTAINING TO PARTITIONS 509, 510. The graphs which have only one reading. Enumeration of the graphs which have i nodes along each axis and every node upon one of the coordinate planes. In particular when /=oo 258 511, 512. Another method of enumeration leading to an identity . . , 259 513. Representation by solid angles of nodes. Derivation from any one graph of an infinite number of others which possess symmetry of the same kind 261
xviii TABLE OF CONTENTS ART. PAGE 514—519. Graphs which possess symmetry in relation to the axes of χ and y. Investigation by the method of Diophantine inequalities. Formation of the crude generating function. The complete syzygetic theory in some simple cases 262 520—526. The probable form of the generating function in the general case. The deduction of some interesting consequences and some verifications in particular cases. Some correspondences with line partitions . 267 527. The graphical representation of the generating function upon the major half of a plane lattice 270 528—533. The graphs which possess two readings. The fundamental property of the derived partitions. The enumerating generating function in certain cases. The construction by solid angles .... 271 534. Remarks upon the aspects of solid graphs 277 SECTION XI SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL SYSTEMS OF QUANTITIES, WITH SOME APPLICATIONS TO DISTRIBUTION THEORY CHAPTER I ELEMENTARY THEORY 535, 536. Preliminary notions and the, notation employed 280 537. The partitions with one bipart. Relations between these partitions and the elementary functions 282 538, 538 bis. The definitions of hm and kpq. Reciprocal relation between km and aM. Relation between кш and spq 283 CHAPTER II THE THEORY OF SEPARATIONS AND THE ALLIED THEORY OF DISTRIBUTIONS 539. Study of the theory of separations by means of three identities connected by one relation 285 540. A new theory of distributions. Objects and parcels of given types. A distribution function. Type of a distribution. Interchange of parcels and objects. Effect of this upon the type of the distribution 286 541. Method of ascertaining the number of distributions of given type when the types of the objects and parcels are given .... 288 542. Intuitive proof of a law of symmetry 290 543. Theorem of expressibility 291 543 015—546. Resumed discussion of the three identities. Generalization of the formula of Girard and Waring. Its dual character. Its statement for multipartite symmetric functions. Particular example. A convenient notation for expressing the general result . . . 292
TABLE OP CONTENTS XIX CHAPTER III THE DIFFERENTIAL OPERATIONS PAGE ART. 547—549. Extension of the idea and notation of the linear operator gv of Section I. Notation for successive and symbolic multiplication of operators. The obliterating operator Gm. Correspondence of Gpu) gm with am, spq respectively. Mode of operation of Gw. Replacement of symbolic products by products which denote successive operations . 297 550—555. The operators which correspond to other symmetric functions. An operator invariant of the transformation denoted by the Three Identities. Substitution of operators for symbols of quantity. Various laws of symmetry 302 CHAPTER IV THE LiNEAR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS OF THE THEORY OF SEPARATIONS AND THE PARTITION OBLITERATING OPERATORS 556, 557. The separates as independent variables. Definition of the linear partition operator. Expression of the linear part operators in terms of linear partition operators 311 558, 559. Properties of linear partition operators. Their importance in the calculation of symmetric function tables 313 560, 561. Definition of the partition obliterating operators. Their connexion with part obliterating operators 315 562—564. Connexion of linear partition operators with partition obliterating operators. Formula analogous to Waring's 316 565. The inverse relations 319 566. Replacement of multiplications of operators which denote successive operations by multiplications which are symbolic .... 320 567. Use of the operators in the multiplication of symmetric functions . 321 568. The construction of symmetrical tables 322 CHAPTER V FURTHER THEORY OF THE LATIN SQUARE 569. The choice of operator and operand so as to produce diagrams of the desired character. Examples of diagrams. The law of symmetry or reciprocity that arises by rotating the diagrams . . . 323 570. The condition for the diagrams to be free from empty compartments. The complete solution of the problem of the Latin Square . . 325 571. New solution of the generalized Latin Square previously investigated in Vol. I, Section V 325 TABLES Symmetric Functions of two systems of quantities . . . 327—331 Enumeration of Solid Graphs 332 Index to the Two Volumes 333
SECTION VII THE PAKTITION OF NUMBERS CHAPTEE I THE THEORY OF EULER 238. We have now to consider in interesting detail the division of an integer into other integers of which it is the sum. The integers last mentioned are the parts of the partition of the first mentioned integer. These parts may be drawn from the whole series of natural numbers or they may be drawn from a system of integers which is duly specified; thus the system may be that which involves the uneven integers or the even integers exclusively, or the actual numbers which may appear as parts may be particularly specified as being any integers agreed upon. Further the number of times which each integer or the whole of the integers may appear as parts may be fixed and also the whole number of the parts of the partition. The part magnitude may also be fixed and a host of other conditions may be imposed upon the partitions. Euler's theory proceeds from the fact that algebraical multiplication of integral powers of the same numerical magnitude is equivalent to the arithmetical addition of the powers; thus x91. xP2. xVz.... = xPl+:P2+Ps + ···. It thence follows at once that the whole number of partitions of an integer η is equal to the coefficient of x11 in the expansion of the function 1 (1-#)(1 -ж2) (1-я3) inf.* Ex. gr. expanding each factor into an infinite series and then multiplying them together we find that the term 7#5 arises made up in the multiplication in the manner дД+1+l+l+l _|_ #1+1+1+2 + #1+2+2 + #1+1+3 + #2+3 + #1+4 + #5 due to the expansion (1 -xr)~l = 1 + xr + x* + a?r + ..., where r has all values not exceeding in this instance 5. Μ.Δ. II. 1
2 PARTITIONS INTO A GIVEN NUMBER OF PARTS [SECT. VII The above written algebraic fraction we call the enumerating generating function (G.F. for brevity) of the partitions of n. It is also clear that if the part magnitude be restricted to not exceed j, the enumerating generating function will be 1 (1 _ x) (1 -a?) (1 - a?) ... (1 - ^) * If the condition of partition be that there are to be exactly i parts the number of partitions of η will be equal to the coefficient of а1хп in the expanded fraction 1 (1 - ax) (1 - ax*) (1 - aa?) ... ad inf. * This fraction may be expanded in ascending powers of a in many ways; one of the simplest is to write it as a function F(a) of α and to put F(a) = 1 + афг (χ) + α*φ2(χ) + α*φζ(χ)4-..., from which we derive F(ax) = 1-f αχφχ (χ) + α?χ*φ2 (χ) 4- α?χ*φζ (χ)+ .... Now, from the g.f., F(ax) = (l-ax)F(a), so that 1 + αχφχ (χ) + α2χ-φ2 (χ) 4- ... = (1 - αχ) {1 4- αφΎ (χ) + α2φ2 (#)+...}. Herein equating coefficients of like powers of a we find χφχ (χ) = фг (χ) — χ, χ2φ2 (χ) = φ2 (χ) - χφλ (χ), α?φζ (χ) = φ3 (χ) - χφ2 (χ), etc. from which φλ (χ) = φ20) = and in general leading to the algebraical identity 1 (1 -x' x* -*)(i -хГ X1 Φι («) - (ί _^у(1-_-^у;-(1 _ χί). 1 (ϊ — αχ) (1 — см;2) (1 — αχ3) ... ad in£ _ Ί αχ ей»2 сЛв* " +Γ^ + (1-Λ!)(1-^)+·'· + (1-Λ!)(1-^)...(1-Λ;ί) + *'*'
сн. ι] CONJUGATE GRAPHS 3 and to the conclusion that the enumerating g.f. for partitions into exactly i parts is #* (1-#)(1-#2)...(1-а;У the number required being given by the coefficient therein of xn. 239. Moreover this coefficient is equal to the coefficient of xn"1 in the expanded fraction 1 (l-aO(l-#2)...(l-#V· a fact which demonstrates that η has as many partitions which involve exactly i parts as η — i has partitions in which the part magnitude is limited so as not to exceed i. This theorem is not obvious immediately a priori but becomes so on further consideration. Ferrers (and after him notably Sylvester) denoted a partition of a number graphically. The parts being arranged in descending order of magnitude from left to right, corresponding rows of dots or nodes are placed in succession, each row starting from the same line parallel to the long edge of the page; thus the graph of a partition 7521 will be wherein it will be noticed that, in general, the number of rows is equal to the number of parts in the partition while the number of columns is equal to the highest part. If we now rotate this graph so that the rows become columns wc find the graph which now denotes the partition 4322211 of the same number 15. The two partitions are said to be conjugate; and so also the two graphs. It is clear that if a graph denote a partition having a highest part j and exactly г parts, the conjugate graph will denote one which has a highest part i and exactly j parts. Hence these two sets of partitions are equi- numerous. Moreover if we have a set of partitions in which the highest part is limited not to exceed j, the conjugate set of partitions will be such that the number of parts is limited not to .exceed j. We thus see clearly 1—2
4 EXPANSION OF AN ALGEBRAIC FRACTION [SECT. VII that the partitions having a highest part not exceeding j have the same enumerating g.f. as the partitions in which the number of parts does not exceed^'. The theorem which gave rise to this discussion may therefore be stated in the form: " A number η has as many partitions involving exactly г parts as the number n — г has partitions which do not involve more than г parts/' In this form its truth is seen at once, for if we diminish each of the parts of the former partitions by unity we obtain each of the latter partitions., n=ll, г = 3. The sets of partitions are 911 821 731 722 641 632 551 542 533 443 8 71 62 611 53 521 44 431 422 332 Conversely reasoning in this manner leads at once to the expansion of the reciprocal of (1 — ax) (1 — ax2) (1 — aa?)... ad inf. in ascending powers of a. 240. We can obtain a different expansion of the same fraction from the following consideration. The G.F. of the partitions which have exactly г parts and a highest part precisely equal to j is clearly αχί (1 - ax) (1 - ax2) ... (1 - art)' the number of partitions being given by the coefficient of aV*. Hence giving j all values (1 — ax) (1 — ax2) (1 — ax3) ... ad inf. " +1-ая +(1 - ax)(l - ax*) + (1 - ax) (1 - ax2)(\ - ал·3) The partitions which involve not more than г parts are given by the coefficient of alxn in the G.F. 1 (1 — a) (1 — ax) (1 - ax2) ... ad inf. ~ +Г^+(1-ж)(1~^ + (1~^)(1-^)(1-^) This series is obtained as before from the consideration that writing ax for a is equivalent to multiplication by 1 — a. The number in question is the coefficient of xn in 1 (1-*)(1-0»)...(1-^' verifying a previous conclusion.
CH. I] THE HIGHEST PART AND THE NUMBER OF PARTS BOTH LIMITED 5 241. We now come to the important G.F. which enumerates the partitions in which the number of parts and the highest part are limited by the numbers i, j respectively. The number is clearly given by the coefficient of afx71 in the fraction 1 (1 - a) (1 - шс)(1 -ая2)... (1 - aaf)m Writing ax for a is equivalent to multiplication by 1-q hence as before we are at once led to the expanded form !-*>** , (l-**')(l-g*") <(1-^)(1-^...(1^ + ..., establishing that the enumerating G.F. is (1-^)(1 -a?***)... (l-afo) (1-я) (1-я2)...(I-**) '* which may be also written (l-aQ(l-a?)...(l--a^) (1 -a?) (1 - я8)... (1 -a*). (1 -a?)(l -л»)... (1 -xj)' This is symmetrical in i and j, as should be the case from the consideration of conjugate graphs*. Cayley, in his researches on partitions, adopted a very convenient notation. He wrote 1 - χ™ a (m), thus the above generating function would be written (j+l)(j + 2)...(i + j) (1) (2)... (i) 242. It is important at this stage to examine the G.F. x* <l)(2)...(j) in some detail so as to become familiar with a method of interpretation in the theory of partitions. We take the particular case x9 <1)<2)<3)· The highest part of a partition exceeds the next highest part by one of the numbers 0, 1, 2,... n. This will be called the "first excess"; similarly the * An arithmetical proof of this theorem has been given by Franklin, Amer. Journ. of Math, Vol. iv. p. 18.
6 INTERPRETATION OF AN ALGEBRAIC FRACTION [SECT. VII second highest part (which may be equal to the highest part) exceeds the next occurring part by some number which we shall call the "second excess/' and so on. Take any partition of 9 into three or fewer parts and express it graphically; thus suppose we take the partition 333 • ••ooooo • · · о о • · · о and continue it by any graph of three rows represented by hollow dots or nodes. We may suppose the g.f. to represent such graphs where the filled nodes are fixed and the hollow nodes can be written down at pleasure so as to constitute the regular graph of a partition. The partitions represented by the combined graph are specified, by the statement that " there are exactly three parts and no part is less than three." If instead of 333 we take the partition 531 we find • ••••ooooo • · · о о • о and the hollow nodes must be regarded as moved to the left as far as possible so as to form the combined regular graph • · · о о • о We look upon the filled-in nodes as fixed and the hollow ones to be assigned at pleasure. We have here exactly three parts with the conditions (i) the first excess must be at least 2, (ii) the second excess must be at least 2. These partitions are therefore also enumerated by the G.F. The conditions in regard to the first two excesses shew that the partitions under view are those in which there are no repetitions or sequences of parts. In fact consecutive parts such as ρ, ρ; ρ + 1, ρ; are clearly ruled out. Bringing under view the successive partitions 1, 31, 531, 7531, 97531,..., we see that the partitions of numbers which involve neither repetitions nor sequences are enumerated by the series χ x4 x° x1(i + {T) + (ΪΓ(2) + (1) <2) (3) + (1) (2) (3) (4) + ··' the powers of χ involved in the numerators being the successive square numbers.
CH. i] PARTITIONS WITHOUT REPETITIONS OF PARTS 7 Again if we take the partition 72 of 9 the partitions enumerated will be those into not less than two nor more than three parts subject to the condition that the first and second excesses must be at least 5 and 2 respectively. Generally, in respect of the fraction at (l)(2)(3)...(j)' considering the partition pip2p$ ...p8 of i the partitions enumerated will be those which involve not less than s nor more than j parts subject to the condition that the μύι excess must be at least ρμ—ρμ-ι, μ having all values from 2 to 6*. 243. Another interesting series is obtained by consideration of the successive partitions 1, 21, 821, 4321, etc This is # я? я? x10 + (Ϊ) + ЩЩ + (1) (2) (3) + (1) (2) (3) (4) + -' the exponents that occur in the numerators being the triangular numbers. The series clearly enumerates the partitions in which no part is repeated; in other words partitions into unequal numbers. Moreover such partitions are obviously enumerated by the infinite product (1 + x) (1 + л·2) (1 H- Xs) (1 + an) ... ad inf. Hence the identity (1 + x) (1 + x') (1 + a?) (1+ tf4)... ~1 + Ш + (1И2) + (1)(2)(3) + (1)(2)(3)(4)+··· 244. An important identity is -i- = (1+ x) (1 + 0(1 + «0(1 +*a) (1 + °°w) ■■■■ χ —~ Χ This is obvious as soon as we multiply up by 1 — x. On interpretation it establishes that every integer can be partitioned in one and only in one way into parts which are different powers of 2. There is thus one partition uniquely connected with every integer. The parts are different powers of 2. The reader will have no difficulty in establishing that a particular power of 2, say 2a, will or will not be a part in this special partition of an integer η according as the greatest integer in η/2Λ is uneven or even.
8 A FORMULA OF TRANSFORMATION [SECT. VII For example, since the greatest integer in 73/8 is 9, an uneven number, 23 will be one part in the special partition of 73. The partition in question is in fact 64 +8-fl. Stated in another way we may say that 22* = ?г, where the summation is for every integer α such that En/2a is uneven. Writing xm for χ we find —!-^ = (1 + am)(l + хш)(1 + atm) (1 + x*m) ..., X -~* ОС a formula of use in the transformation of generating functions. Thus 1 (1)(3)(5)(7)... = (1 + χ ) (1 + tf ) (1 + я?4) (1 + a?)... χ (1 +#3)(1 +а?) (14-0 (1 +Я24)... χ (1 +afi)(l + x10)(l +0(1 +Я40)... χ (1 + x7) (1 + xu) (1 +#28)(1 +Я56)... »(1+л)(1+^)(1+д?)(1+«*)... because every integer is uniquely expressible as the product of an uneven number and a power of 2. If we apply the transformation to the G.F. 1 <1)<2)<3)<4)...* it becomes (1 + χ ) (1 -f a? ) (1 + x4 ) (1 + x8 ) (1 -k#16)... х(1 + ^)(1+я*)(1+а?)(1 + я16) ... χ (I + x*)(l + x«)(I + x1*) ... x(l + x*)(l + a*)(l+x™) ... х(1+я5)(1-Ь#10)... χ ... and in this infinite product 1 -f xm occurs with an exponent 1 + ρ where 2^ is the highest power of 2 which is a factor of m. We may therefore write the G.F. (1+ «?)(!+ Λ^)·(1+β^(1+^)·(1 + ^)(1+^)β(1+«»)(!+л·)*...,
сн. ι] EXPANSION OF A FINITE PRODUCT 9 and interpret it to mean that the whole number of partitions of η is equal to the number of partitions into the parts 1, 2U 22, 3, 41? 42, 43, 5, 6l9 62, 7, 8b 82, 83, 84, ... where 4>l9 42, 43, for example, denote the number 4 in three different colours and the partitions are such that no number occurs twice as a part with the same colour. The seven partitions of the number 5 are 5, 4Д, 4,1, 433, 32b 322, 2^1. 245. The identity _L_=: (1 + я) (1 + af)(l+al·) (1 +a?) + ... ad inf. X *~ X may be put into the form 1 _!_* (1 + χ) (1 + χ2) (1 + я4) (1+ a?) ... ad inf. ' from which expansion of the left-hand side shews that every number greater than unity when partitioned into repeatable parts which are powers of 2 has as many partitions involving an even number of parts as partitions involving an uneven number. As an example, the number 12 has the partitions Even number of parts Uneven number of parts 84, 8212, 4222, 4214, 42312, 822, 814, 43 , 42212, 424, 4216, 26 , 2414, 2218, l12 , 42214, 418, 2612, 231\ 2110, the number being ten in each case. 246. The expansion of the finite product (1 - ax) (1 - oaf) ... (1 - ax1) can bo derived from the expansion of its reciprocal by the following considerations. The coefficient of a^x11 in the former is equal to the number of partitions of η into exactly j unequal parts, none greater than г; the same coefficient in the latter is equal to the number of partitions of η into exactly j parts, equal or unequal, the part magnitude as before being limited so as not to exceed i. Now if one of the latter partitions written in ascending order of part magnitude be Pi>p*,p*> —Pj, where jft + ft +ft + ... + |ty = Щ it is clear that Pi + 0, ft + 1, jft + 2, ...jft+j'-l is a partition of w+(o) into exactly j unequal parts, the limit to the part magnitude being i +J — 1.
10 PARTITIONS INTO A GIVEN NUMBER OF UNEQUAL PARTS [SECT. VII Conversely from any partition of ^ + (0) ^nto exactty j unequal parts, ho part being greater than г +j — 1, we can by subtracting the numbers 0,1, 2, ... j — 1 from the successive parts reach a partition of η into exactly j equal or unequal parts, no part greater than i. There is thus a one-to-one correspondence between the system of partitions of η into exactly j equal or unequal parts, no part greater than i, and the system of partitions of η + Κ j into exactly j unequal parts, no part greater than г +j — 1. Therefore we pass to the coefficient of a? in the expansion of (1 - ax) (1 - ax2)... (1 - ax1) from the coefficient of ai in the expansion of 1 (1 - ax)(l - ax*)... (1 - oaf) (J) by changing i into г — j + 1 and multiplying by xK2\ Since therefore (1- ow?)(l- ax2) ... (1- oaf') a(l-d*)a? a2(l-^)(l-^+1)^ + 1-я + (1-я)(1-0 + ·" о*' (1 - of) (1 - #*+1)... (1 - a?i+bi) agi + (i-tf)(i-#2)...(i-^') + **" we find that (1 - ax) (1 — ал?2)... (1 - а#{) 1-я + (1-#)(1-я2) + ( } (1-д?)(1->)...(1-^) "" +·*·· The generating function for partitions into exactly j unequal parts none greater than г is therefore (i-j + l) (i-J + 2)·.. (i) №) (if® ... (j) X ' or as it may be also written (j+l)(i + 2)...(i) (*?) (l)(2)...(i-j) 247. Let us next consider partitions into uneven parts. The αι. is clearly ^^_l____ .
CH. i] PARTITIONS INTO UNEVEN PARTS 11 Multiplying numerator and denominator by (2) (4) (6) (8) (10)..., we obtain (2) (4) (6) (8) (10) ... (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)... ' which is (1 + x) (1+ я2) (1 4- хг) (1 +0 (1 + я5) ..., which is none other than the a. P. for partitions into unequal parts. We thus find the theorem: " Any number can be partitioned into uneven parts in the same number of ways as it can be partitioned into unequal parts/' Cf. Art. 243. Again, putting ^^"(l-oo?) (1 -ax*)(l - ax6)(l -ax1) ... ad inf.' we find that F (a#2) = (1 - ax) F (a), and we are led to the expansion This shews that the g.f. which enumerates the partitions into exactly i uneven integers is xl (2)14Γ(6)ΓΠ(2Ϊ) ' a result which might have been predicted, because considering г nodes placed in a column if we place to the right of it the graph of any partition which involves г even parts and no uneven parts we find that the combined graph exhibits a partition composed of exactly i uneven parts. 248. In a precisely similar manner we are led to the expansion 1 (1 - ax) (1 - aa?)... (1 - ао^"л) -1 + αββ» + α.β.^Μ4+2), ^(2j)(2j + 2)...(2i + 2j-2) -l + a*(2)+a* (2)(4) +...+aw (2) (4) ... (2i) +* ' establishing that the g.f. for partitions into uneven numbers such that the highest part does not exceed 2j — 1 while there are exactly г parts is (2j)(2j + 2)...<2i+2j-2) (2)(4)...(2i)
12 ALGEBBAICAL PROOF OF ONE-TO-ONE CORRESPONDENCE [SECT. VI The fact that the partitions into uneven parts are equi-numerous witl those into unequal parts has been shewn by Glaisher in an ingenious manner He establishes a one-to-one correspondence between the two sets of partitions Writing a partition into uneven numbers in the form <*υ <*3> «5, α7ί ·.. denoting repetitions of parts, he expresses these numbers α ir the binary scale; thus сь+1~2Ая + 2АЧ-2АЧ-...> and thence proceeds to the partition 1 χ (2^ + 2*°+ ...) + 3 x (2Al + 2β21 +...)+ 5 x (2fe + 2fe + ...) + ..., the parts being gfto 2&0, ... 3.2й1, 3.2*1, ... 5.2βι\ 5.2fe, ..., and asserts that these parts are all different because any integer is onb expressible in one way as the product of an uneven integer and a power of 2 The correspondence in the case of the number 9 is 9 7l2 531 514 З3 3213 31е l9 parts uneven, 9 72 531 54 63 621 432 81 parts unequal. In this connexion it should be observed that the function which enumerate, partitions into uneven parts, viz.: (1)(3)(5)(7)...' may be put into the form (by Art. 244) (l + #)(l + #2 )(l+a?) (1 + a* )... χ (1 + Λ·)(1 +#*·2) (1 + я3'22) (1 + a»·*)... χ (ΐ+^)(ΐ +^-«χι + ^-'χι+ «··*)... χ (1 + χ7) (1 + #7·2) (1 + a?·*) (1 + a?-*)... χ wherein the 5th row of factors is equal to ,~ ■■ . . Considering now the partition into uneven parts 12>13*з5Рб ...(25~1)г?28-1..., it is clear that the factor хы~г {2s"1] of the term ял.1+л.8+л.б+...+А|.1(2.-1) + ... is obtained from the 5th row of factors in the form (2s-1) (2*42*42*4...)
CH. I] GRAPHICAL EXHIBITION OF ONE-TO-ONE CORRESPONDENCE 13 and that we thus arrive at a partition of i>2s-i(2s— 1) into unequal parts Moreover varying 5 so as to obtain similarly a partition of ίι.1+^.3 + ρβ.6+··.+1^ι(2*-1)+... into parts we see that no two parts can be equal since we know otherwise thai the enumerating function is identically the same as (1 + x) (1 + x*) (l-h^)(l -Ьл?4).... Hence the form of enumerating function written above involves necessarilj the one-to-one correspondence under discussion. It is also the analytical expression of the fact that a number is only expressible in one way as the product of an uneven number and a power of 2. 249. Another method of exhibiting a one-to-one correspondence is due to Sylvester. It is valuable as shewing the power of the graphical representation. The correspondence differs from that obtained by Glaisher. In the discussion of self-conjugate partitions (Art. 252) it will be shewn that the graph may be composed by means of angles of nodes, each angle containing an uneven number of nodes, and it will thus appear that the number of self-conjugate partitions of a number η is equal to the number of ways of composing η with unequal uneven numbers. In the present case we are given a partition of η into repeatable uneven numbers and we may form an angle graph, but it will not be regular. Thus let the partition into uneven numbers be 13 13 7 5 5 5 1 1 of the partible number 50 and form the angle graph by making the angles BAT, FDX, IGO, LKP, NMU, SQY, W, Ζ to contain 13, 13, 7, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1 nodes respectively.
14 THEOREM IN REGARD TO SEQUENCES [SECT. VII The graph is now to be read in the manner ZAB, VCT, REF, YJX, SHI} 0, yielding the partition into unequal numbers 14, 11, 10, 9, 5, 1 of the partible number 50. Slight consideration shews that the process must produce a partition into unequal numbers. The correspondence in the case of the number 9 yields 9 712 531 514 3s 32ls 316 1· 54 63 531 72 432 621 81 9 which should be contrasted with that reached by the method of Glaisher. 250. There is also a more refined correspondence arising from this point of view. A partition into unequal parts may involve s consecutive numbers. This is termed a sequence of order s. If a number is not accompanied by the next highest or the next lowest number this would be called a sequence of order one. This is obviously the same as no sequence at all, but in what follows it counts as a sequence. A partition into s unequal parts may therefore involve 1, 2, 3,... or s sequences. For example the partition 14, 11, 10, 9, 5, 1 involves four sequences, viz.: 14; 11, 10, 9; 5; 1. This partition was derived, by Sylvester's graphical method, from the partition 13, 13, 7, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1 which is composed of four distinct uneven numbers. The correspondence to be noticed here is that between the partitions which are composed of s distinct uneven numbers and the partitions into unequal parts which involve s sequences. Thus for the number 9 we have for s = l, 9, 33, l9 uneven parts, 54, 432, 9 unequal „ 5 = 2, 712, 514, 3313, 31* uneven „ 63, 72, 621, 81 unequal „ 5 = 3, 531 uneven 531 unequal „ The proof of the theorem, too long to be given here, will be found in Sylvester's Collected Mathematical Papers, Vol. iv. p. 45.
CHAPTER II GEOMETRICAL AND OTHER TRANSFORMATIONS 251. One of the most important methods of studying the graph of a partition is due to Durfee*. He fixed attention upon the square of nodes that appertains to every graph. Consider the graphs of the partitions 32, 662, 4431, viz.: о о · о о · · · · о о о · оо о о · · · · о о о · • · о о о • where the square of nodes is specified in each case. The reader will observe that if the mth part of the partition is at least equal to m, and the (m -f- l)th part less than m +1, the graph involves a square of nodes having m nodes in the side. It follows at once that every graph of i rows and j columns can be dissected into three pieces: (i) a square containing m2 nodes, (ii) a lateral graph of m rows (at most) and j — m columns, (iii) a subjacent graph of г — m rows and m columns (at most). The number m may be as large as the least of the numbers i, jy and may have any lesser value. If the content of the graph be n, and there is a square of m2 nodes, we may distribute η — m3 nodes into two groups, one of which involves m or fewer rows and exactly j — m columns, and the other exactly i — m rows and rn or fewer columns. The corresponding partitions will have in the one case m or fewer parts and a highest part equal to j — m, and in the other exactly г - rn parts and a highest part not greater than m. * Johns Hopkins University Circulars, n. (1883); Sylvester's Collected Mathematical Papers, Vol. in· p. G61.
16 dubfee's dissection of a graph [sect, vii Many applications may be made of the dissection above described. Consider in the first place a self-conjugate partition; that is to say, one whose graph reads the same by columns as by rows. в о о о о · о до о о ·2) о о jgro о %q О 0 О OJ • F· Ι· Obviously we can dissect it into a Durfee square and two perfectly similar appended graphs, lateral and subjacent respectively. If the square involve m3 nodes, the lateral graph may have any number of columns but not more than m rows; similarly the similar subjacent graph may have any number of rows but not more than m columns. The lateral graph may be appended in as many ways as the number £ (n — m2) possesses partitions into not more than m parts. We are therefore concerned with the coefficient of JHn-щв) in the development of the fraction or of xn in the development of (l-#2)(l-ar%..(l-#2™)· It follows, giving m all possible values, that the function which enumerates self-conjugate partitions can be expressed by the series - x_ a? a? :+.. n (l-#2)(l-^)...(l-#2m) 252. Another expression is obtainable from the circumstance that the symmetrical graphs which appertain to these partitions can be dissected in another manner, viz. into a succession of angles of nodes fitting into one another. Each such angle involves an uneven number of nodes, and no two angles involve the same number. Thus in the graph depicted which denotes the self-conjugate partition 85543111 of the number 28, the successive angles are ABO, DEF, GHI and J, involving 15, 7, 5, 1 nodes respectively.
сн. и] SELF-CONJUGATE PARTITIONS 17 We find in fact that every symmetrical graph denotes a partition into unequal uneven numbers, and we are led to the identity (1 +x) (1 + я8) (1 + x5) ... ad inf. _ χ x4 x9 + T^~x~* + (l-a*)(l-a«) + (l-x2)(l-x*)(l-x«) + "· because the left-hand side infinite product enumerates the partitions into unequal uneven parts. Moreover, if there be a square of m2 nodes, the partition involves exactly m unequal uneven numbers; it follows that the coefficient of amxn i infinite product (1 + ax) (1 + ax2) (1 + ax5)... is equal to the coefficient of xn in the development of (1 -x2) (1-х4) ...(1- x™)' a fact which establishes the identity (l + ax)(l + ax*)(l +aa?) ... (1 + ax2m"1) inf. χ о #4 ^ xm2 = 1 + а ч 9 -f a2 jz -r-7z - + ... + cT 1-х2 (1-я2)(1-0 (1-а?)(1-я«) ...(1-я2™)^ "" This is a well-known result, but it was obtained in the above manner by Sylvester. It is a good example of the application of graph dissection to obtain results in algebraic series. 253. In a similar manner the reader will have no difficulty in dealing with the finite continued product and in establishing the formula (1 + сив)(1 + ax3) (1 + ax5) ... (1 + ax2*"1) 1-х21 n (I - of*4*) (I - aF) t 1-х2 (1 — x2)(l — x4) (1 - x*~2™+2) (1 -«*-*»+*) ... (1 -a*') (1-^)(1-#<)... (1-я;1™) The number of self-conjugate partitions which involve exactly i parts may be similarly discussed. If a symmetrical graph involve a square of m2 nodes the subjacent graph will involve exactly г — m rows and not more than m columns; it will denote a partition of the number \ (n — m2) into exactly i—m parts, no part exceeding m in magnitude. The subjacent graphs will therefore be enumerated by the coefficient of аг~т x*^l~m~' in the expansion of (1 - ax) (1 - ax2)... (1 - axm)' M.A. II.
18 SELF-CONJUGATE PARTITIONS [SECT. VII or by the coefficient of ar *7l~w ' in ^(i-^)(i-^I)---a-*<-1) (1-л?)(1-^)...(1-д^*-т) ' or by the coefficient of xn~m% in (1-л;2)(1-л;4)...(1-^-2^) ' or by the coefficient of xn in +**** (i-Q(i-^).--(i-**-'). (1-х~)(1-а?)...(1-х*-™) ' and now giving m the values 1, 2, 3, ... in succession the enumerating function is found to be „· , ы 1 - я2*""2 „-4., (1 - x*~4) (1 - #2i~2) x +x 1_^ + * (1-^(1.^) (1-д^)(1-я^)(1-д^) Corresponding to these parti fcions we find from the dissection of the graphs into angles that we have partitions into unequal uneven parts which involve a highest part exactly equal to 2г — 1. The number of these partitions is equal to the coefficient of xn in the finite product a?-1 (l+a')(l+ic3)(lH-^)...(l+ x^-% that is to say, in „. , ,, 1 - #2i-2 (1 - я8*-4) (1 - а!*-*) л 1-х2 (1 — #2)(1 — яг1) a verification. (1 - а^-6) (1 - д^4) (1 - а*-») ^ | 4 (1-#2)(1-χ4)(1--^) * }' 254. There is another way of investigating the generating function of conjugate partitions which leads to its expression by another series. • o· Consider this graph of a self-conjugate partition 664322.
CH. II] INVESTIGATION BY GRAPHS 19 It is symmetrical about the diagonal ABC, to the right of which we find an irregular graph of three rows, viz.: If there are s nodes in the diagonal the irregular graph under view must have either s — 1 or 5 rows. If we transform the irregular graph by shifting the second, third, etc. rows to the left, so as to bring the left-hand nodes of those rows underneath the left-hand node of the first row, we obtain a regular graph which has the property that no two rows can be of the same length. Now the function which enumerates such graphs is either the product (1+я)(1 + <)(1+&·») + ..., or the series (which is algebraically equal to it) χ a? #° /Η-ι\ (1Γ(1) (2) <1)(2)(3) "'-'-<1)<2)...<β)ΊΓ·'·· In the series the term аЛ 2 / (T)(2)...(s) enumerates the partitions into exactly s parts. Suppose now that the irregular graph, and therefore the derived regular graph also, has s rows exactly. Then the diagonal of nodes ABC... may have s or s +1 nodes. There is a corresponding graph consisting of s columns below the diagonal of nodes. These are also enumerated by (l)(2)...(s)* Hence considering the combined contents of the graphs to the right of and below the diagonal of nodes we see that the enumerating function is found by writing #2 for χ in the above function. It is X*(s+1) (2) (4) ...(2s) That is to say that the number w of nodes can be arranged in a pair of irregular graphs, competent to be the right-hand and lower graphs of 2-2
20 INVESTIGATION BY GRAPHS [SECT. VII a self-conjugate partition, in a number of ways given by the coefficient of xw in (2) (4) ...<2s)' the right-hand graph having s rows. Containing only the two graphs the self-conjugate graph is so far invertebrate. It has no diagonal of nodes. Since this diagonal may have $ or $ + 1 nodes, we must multiply by afi + af+^af^, to make the graph complete. Hence as regards exactly $ rows in the right-hand irregular graph, we have the enumerating function * (?) „ ^1 * (1) (2) (4)7.. (2s) Hence the generating function for self-conjugate partitions is Г (1) (2) (4) ...(2s) а? а? ж15 д,(«+р»-1 " + X + (lj+ (1) (4)+ (1) (4R6) + · · + (1) (4) (6) .T7(2s) + · ·' and the term (l)(4)(6)...(2s) enumerates those of them which have s rows in that portion of the graph which lies to the right of the diagonal of nodes. The series obtained is therefore equal to the product previously found (1 + x) (1 + a?) (1 + x") ... ad inf. and to the scries χ x4 x° xs* 1 + Й+Щ + «1Щ + "'+12|(4)...(Й) + "'' 255. We are also led to the identity (by dividing each side of the identity which involves the old product and the new series by 1 -f x) (1 + Xs)(1 + я8) (1 + χ7) ... ad inf. 0* Xs X15 x(s+D*-i + (2) + (2)14) + (2И4И6) + * + (2) (4) (27) + "" The truth of this result can be seen from a priori considerations. For since ($+ l)2 —1 is equal to $ terms of the series 3 + 5 + 7 + 9+ ...
CH. II] AN IDENTITY OF EULER 21 we can write down the graph of the partition (25+1,25-1, ... 5,3) and join it to the graph which denotes a partition into 5 or fewer even numbers and thus obtain a graph which denotes a partition into $ uneven unequal parts, no one of which is less than three. Such partitions are therefore enumerated by the (s 4- l)th term of the above series. The whole series is therefore equal to the product concerned . which obviously enumerates all partitions into uneven unequal parts, no one of which is less than three. 256. The general term in the expansion of the infinite continued product (1 - x) (1 - of) (1 - of) ... ad inf. was obtained by Euler and is a celebrated result. He shewed that the expansion is 2 (-)'V2 . The coefficient of xn in the expansion denotes the excess of the number of partitions of η into an even number of unequal parts over the number into an uneven number of unequal parts. Many proofs of the theorem exist. One of the most interesting is that given by Franklin in the Comptes Rendus of the Institut (1880). Suppose a partition into unequal parts written in ascending order of magnitude. Its graph consists of rows of nodes which continually increase in length. Consider the particular graph л в о υ ε of the partition 23567. In particular fix the attention upon the nodes A, B at the summit (of the graph) and upon the nodes С, D, Ε which form a slope line at the base (of the graph). We can remove the nodes A, B from the summit and place them so as to form a new slope line at the base in the manner ·λ в This is also the graph of a partition into unequal parts. The process, which has been termed " contraction," can be applied, with exceptions to be
22 AN IDENTITY OF EULER [SECT. VII specified later, whenever the nodes in the summit are equal to or less than the number of nodes in the slope line. When this is not the case we can reverse the process, viz. remove the nodes in the base line and place them so as to form a new summit. For example, take the graph ABC which now becomes the process being termed " protraction." This also produces a partition into unequal parts. Subject to exceptional cases, when neither contraction nor protraction can be applied, contraction or protraction can be applied and the number of parts in the partition (always into unequal parts) is thereby changed from an even to an uneven number or vice versa. Hence, subject to elimination of the exceptional cases, there is a one-to- one correspondence between the partitions into an even number of parts and those into an uneven number. The exceptional cases arise when the summit meets the slope line and contains either the same number or one more than the number of nodes in that line, for then neither contraction nor protraction is feasible. To explain this statement observe that to the graph in which the summit meets the slope line and contains the same number of nodes, neither contraction nor protraction can be applied. Also that to the graph contraction cannot be applied, for it produces the graph of a partition with two parts equal; protraction is obviously out of the question.
CH. II] JACOBl'S IDENTITY 23 The exceptional cases therefore arise when the graphs correspond to one or other of the partitions j, j + 1, j + 2, ...2j-l, j + 1, j + 2, j + 3, ... 2j, where j may he unity or any larger numher. The contents of the two partitions are H%*2-i)> i(3j2+j) respectively, and each involves j parts; when j is even in each case there is no corresponding partition into an uneven number of parts obtainable by contraction or protraction, and therefore the number of partitions of \ (3j2 — j) or \ (3j2 + j) into an even number of unequal parts must exceed the number into an uneven number of unequal parts by unity. Further if j be uneven the number of partitions of £(3j2 — j) or of ?(3j2+j) into an uneven number of parts must be in excess by unity. These facts are all summed up in the identity (l-#)(l-#2)(l-#3)...adinf.= X {-Ух 2 , /я-00 the numbers J(3j2 — j) and £(3f+j) being the direct and retrograde pentagonal numbers. Jacobi's Identity. 257. An important theorem in this subject is derived by Jacobi from his researches in elliptic functions*, viz. it has the two statements (1 + xn~m) (1 + xn+m) (1 - x271). (1 + x*n~m) (1 + ajsn+m) (1 - x4n) χ (I + xfm~m) (1 + a^+m) (1 - xm)... + 00 -00 (1 - a*»-*) (I - a*»+») (I - a;»1) . (1 - x*n-™) (1 - a»*'») (1 - x*n) χ (1 - a^-») (1 - я**+») (1 - л·™)... +α> = Σ (-)* 0nii+wi, - 30 wherein n and m arc not necessarily integers. 258. The important particular cases are: (i) In the second formula put ?ь = §, m = £, deriving Euler's formula discussed in the last Article. * Crelle, Vol. xxxii. p. 1G6.
24 JACOBl's IDENTITY [SECT. VII 259. (ii) In the first formula put η = £, m = |, deriving a series given by- Gauss*, viz.: (lH-ic)(H-^)(H-^)...x(l-a?2)(l-^)(l-^)... the left-hand side of which may be also written (l-fljP)(l-a*)(l-fl?)... 260. (iii) In the second formula put w= f, m = §, obtaining (1 -ж)(1-^)(1-^). (1-<*)(1-<*)(1 -л;10).(1-^)(1-#14)(l-#15).... ~l-(* + afi) + (a? + aP)-(aP + c^+...(-)*(***-** + the exponents on the left-hand side being numbers of the form 0, 1, 4 mod 5. 261. (iv) In the second formula put η = f, m — \> obtaining (1 -я»)(1 -я3)(1 - x5). (1 -л?*)(1 -00- -#10). (1 -#12) (1 -#13) (1 -^1S).... the exponents on the left-hand side being numbers of the form 0, 2, 3 mod 5. 262. (v) It has been shewn by Sylvesterf that, taking the second formula and making n = ^> m — \-\-e where e is an infinitesimal, another formula of Jacobi may be deduced, viz.: (1-х)Ц1-а?У(1-х*)К..=1-Зх+5х*-7а?> + ...(-У(21 + 1)хУ 2 '.... This celebrated result is justly considered to be one of the most remarkable in the whole range of pure mathematics. 263. There is an important expansion of 1 (1 - ax) (1 - a?x) (1 - άΛχ) ... ad inf.' for if we suppose that it can be expanded in the form Ί Λ Τ) *^ Π \ — ax (1 — ax) (1 — a?x) (1 — ax) (1 — α8&·)(1 — α3л;) '"' where Л, Д (7, ... etc. do not involve x, we substitute ax for x. This has the effect of multiplying the algebraic fraction by 1 — ax while the series becomes .ax д а2з? ~ α*χ* + T^tfx* (l-a;2x)(l-a*x) (1 - a*x)(1 - a*x)(1 -a4x)+ "*' * Gottingen Commentaries for the years 1808-11. t Collected Mathematical Papers, Vol. iv. p. 60.
CH. II] EXPANSION OF AN INFINITE PRODUCT 25 Hence this series must be equal to (1 - ax) jl + A T^- +Bt. ^= -. ' { 1 - ax (1 — ax) (1 — a?x) + o — + I ^ (l-ax)(l-a*x)(l-aax)^ J ' Comparing these two series in regard to powers of χ we find without difficulty а A = JB = C = 1-a' a* (1-α) (1-α3) 0 a? (Ι-αχί-α^χΐ-α·)' and thence the formula = 1 + (1 - ax)(l - a2x) (1 - a?x) ... ad inf. χ a4 я2 1-a'I-ax (1 - a) (1 - a2)' (1 - ax) (1 - аЯя) а9 я3 (1 - а) (1 - а2) (1 - а3) * (1 - ах) (1 - а*я?) (1 - а3#) 264. Putting herein χ = 1 and а = ж we have + . (1 _ я) (i _ дв) (χ _ ^3)(ΐ _ я*) ... ad inf. (1 - xf + ("l - xf (1 - я2)3 + (1 - x)2 (Y^~aff\l - χ*)* + '"' a new form of the function which enumerates the unrestricted partitions of numbers. The expansion can be at once interpreted by means of the Durfee square of nodes. The (i + l)th term of the series enumerates all the partitions whose graphs involve a Durfee square of i2 nodes. For the lateral appendage to the square may be the graph of any partition of any number into not more than г parts, the part magnitude being unrestricted; and the subjacent appendage may be the graph of any partition of any number where the part magnitude is restricted not to exceed i, and the number of parts is unrestricted. Each appendage may involve partitions enumerated by (l)(2)...(i)
26 TRANSFORMATION OF SERIES [SECT. VII Hence the whole of the partitions which involve a Durfee square of i2 nodes when graphically considered are enumerated by {(l)(2)(3)...(i)r and therefore the whole of the partitions of all numbers by ?{(l)(2)(3)...(i)p' which is the theorem in question. 265. Similarly it is easy to find the corresponding theorem when the number of denominator factors is limited. Thus (1 - ax) (1 -a2#)(l - a?x) ... (1 - alx) 1 - α* χ A (1 - a*"1) (1 - of) = 1 + a - . ζ + a4 Ц= Γ7Γ 5Γ- · Xй l-a'1-ая (l-a)(l-a2) л (l-ax)(l-a*x) ' a series possessing i +1 terms. Putting herein χ — 1, a — x, we find 1 (1-я?) (1 -x2)(l -a?)... (1-я*) а?(1-а?) ^(l-fl^1)^-^) #°(1 -a?~*) (1 -&*-1)(1 -x{) "" (1 - .г·)2 + (1 - a)8 (1 - a?)* + (1 - xf (1 - &)* (1 - ж3)9 + * * *' and the reader will have no difficulty in observing that the (,s4-l)th term enumerates partitions whose graphs involve a Durfee square of .v2 nodes, and whose part magnitude is limited by the number i. The Transformation of certain Series. 266. We consider a square lattice of nodes where there is no limit to the number of nodes in the side of the square. At these nodes suppose numbers to be placed in such wise that they are in arithmetical progression alike in each row and in each column. Such an arrangement involves in general four parameters, and has the representation r r + s r + 2s r + 3s r+ t r + s+t+w r + 2s + t + 2u r + 3.9H- t + 3u ... r + 2t r + s + 2t + 2u rH-2.9 + 2i + 4u r-|-3s + 2£ + 6w ... г + Ы r + $+3t + 3u r + 2s + 3t + 6u r + %s + 3t + 9u ... the common differences being s, s + u9 s + 2u, $ 4- Згг, ...
сн. π] FOUR METHODS OF SUMMATION 27 in the successive rows, and t, t + щ t + 2u, t + 3u, ... in the successive columns respectively. Let Xpq be a function of χ and μρα a numerical coefficient; we then construct the tableau μ^Χψ μ*Χ#***« /^ХЙГ2^2* /^Й""4*"11 ... /faXS* /^Χ^+2ί+2" μ*Χ$*+"*** μνΆΐ*8™*6" ··. /%^ίί3ί Μ42^2+δ+3ί+3Μ μ„Χ^+η+6η μαΣϋ****** ··· The transformation which we consider is concerned with the sum of this infinite number of functions and depends upon the circumstance that in certain cases the summation may be performed in a variety of different ways. This arises because the exponents in each row and in each column are in arithmetical progression, and in consequence the functions Xpq" in each row and in each column are in geometrical progression. 267. There are four methods of summation which are principally effective: (i) We may be able to sum the functions in each row of the tableau. (ii) We may be able to sum the functions in each column. (iii) We may be able to sura, firstly, the functions in the first row; secondly, the remainder of the functions in the first column; thirdly, the rcmaindor of those in the second row; fourthly, the remainder of those in the second column, and so forth. (iv) We may sum, firstly, the functions in the first column; secondly, the remainder of those in the first row; thirdly, the remainder of those in the second column; fourthly, the remainder of those in the second row, and so forth. Denote these modes of summation by Д G, BO and CR respectively, so that geometrically •—·- • f • i • < 1 < RC t—· · < ь— ■· · ■ < ■ ϊ ~ ' > i t < > < CR > < • ι As one of the simplest cases put (r, s, t, u) = (1, 1, 2, 2),
28 APPLICATION TO JACOBl'S FORMULA [SECT. VII the tableau is X Xs x6 X7 X2 X6 x" χ14 я3 χ9 χ15 χ* χ4 χ™ χ20 χ™ and the summations R, С, RC, OR lead to the identically equal series + ..., 1-х \-a? 1-oP 1-аР χ Xй x* x1 X Xs X6 X10 T^x +Ь^+Ь^ + Г^* Χ Χ2 Xе . Χ9 1-х2 '1-х 1-я4 1-я3 '"' or, as they may be written, /»M-l\ X*™~1 __ ^ X™ _ ^ дЛ 2 / T' 1 _ aP-i "71-i«»"il. x™ g>m{-2m—ι) ^(w-Ы) (2wi—ι) = il- a*3*1 + ι 1 - л^-1 ' 268. The identity between the first and third of these scries is interesting in the theory of partitions. The first clearly enumerates the number of ways of partitioning a number into parts which arc repetitions of a single uneven number. The general term of the third may be written дД+2+...+Wl ι Д.2+3+...+7П+1 _j_ дЛ+4+...+МЦ-2 -L . # and we gather that the series enumerates the ways of partitioning a number into parts which form a single sequence. We have thus the simplest case of the theorem which states that a number may be partitioned into parts which are repetitions of г distinct uneven numbers in as many ways as it may be partitioned into parts which form г distinct sequences. We have proved the theorem for i = l. It will be observed that the first series also enumerates the uneven divisors of numbers. 269. In a similar manner it is easy to establish Jacobi's formula χ x3 x5 x7 1 4- x 1 + x? 1 + χ5 1 + x7 X Xs Xе X10 ' TTx ~" 1 + X2 + Г+яГ3 ~ l+x4' + ..
CH. II] EXAMPLES OF TRANSFORMATION 29 For this purpose we put as before (r,s,t,u) = (1,1, 2, 2), Xvq = x, but аьм = (-)*+3; the tableau is then χ — x2 Xs — x4 ... -ж* x£ -я9 x12... #* — я10 #16 —я20 ... -л?7 л?14 -л?21 х^ ... and we find that the summation R gives 1+я 1+я3 1-far5 1 + #7 and the summation i?(7 yields χ χ* χ6 χ10 establishing the formula. Observe that the summations G and (722 give respectively X X2 X* X4 l+#2 l+#4 1+&л 1 + я8 ί(/ Χ" Χ/ Χ 1+я8 1+д? l+я4 1+а? 270. If in the general tableau we put **- pq == ^> f^pq == ■* wc find that the modes of summation give respectively the series af ivr+t xr+2t я?+и "*"* Ί ~j(-!-m "«"···> 1 _ лл τ ι _#«+<* l - aJri-w 1 _ #»+»» a^ af*· жг+2* #г+3* 1 -^ + Γ- #i+w + 1 - #i+2W + 1 - x*+**" 1 - #* i - a;' 1 - af14* 1 - #i+w : + η . + ^ 7X„ + · 1-х1 1-х8 1-^+" T l-^+w /gH-2ff+2t+4tt ^r+3SH-2t+6t6
30 CERTAIN TRANSFORMATIONS [SECT. VII so that they are equal to one another. If we take pm = (—)#+я the first series becomes xr xr+b xr+2t л?г+зе l + a?~~ ί + x*+u + 1 +л^+ш ~ 1 4 0·+**+'"' and the other three are similarly altered as to signs. 271. If we take (r, s, t, u) = (1, 1, 2, 1) Xn = x and μΜ=ί>#, we find the tableau ж 2л?2 Зл·3 4л?4 ... 2л?3 4л?5 6л·7 8л·9 ... Зл?5 6л8 9л11 12л;14... 4л;7 8л;11 12л?15 16л;19... and the R and G summations give us the relation χ 2x* Зл·5 4л·7 (l^xf + (1 -л?2)2 + (1 -л?)2 + (1 -л?4)2"4" "·· л? 2л?2 Зл?3 4л4 _| ^ J. -, Г" +~, Г 4" ... ~(1-л*)2 (1-л?3)2 (1-л?4)2 (1-л?5)2 Similarly, when fim = ίΡ 9 ) ί « ) ' we reach ^e identity л; Зл?3 6л;6 Юл?7 ι _^ ^ _L . J. -, h .. . » · /t . ο\·ι · /τ .«A«t ' /ι ..^\·ί ' ··· (1-л?)3 (1-л;2)3 (1-л?3)3 (1-л?4)3 χ Зл,·3 6л3 Юл·4 ~ (1-л;3)3 + (1 -л3)3 + (1 - л;4)3 + (1-л;5)3 +'"' and in general when _/p + m-lWg + ro--l\ ^A ™ А ш /' we obtain л? /m +1\ л?3 /m-+2\ a? (b^)^1 4\ 1 / (1 - л2)ш~' + V 2 J (1 - л-0ш+1 га -Ь 3\ л?7 /ra + 3\ л?7 A 3 / (1 - л?4)ш+1 Η- ... л? /m 4-1\ л?2 /m + 2\ л?3 i + lN\ Д?2 /m + 2\ л^_ ' + ' 1 / (1 - л,·3)™*1 + { 2 У (1-дг*у*+1 (l-#-)w+1 V 1 /(Ι-λ·3)™*1 V 2 /(1-л·4)'' + (т + 8\ ^_ + v з д1-^5)^1 men ^-(-^(^ГОГГ1). the signs in all the denominators are changed and also the signs of alternate fractions on both sides.
СЫ. II] EXAMPLES FROM THE FUNBAMENTA NOVA 31 272. Other identities given by Jacobi in the Fundamenta Nova Theoriae Functionum Ellipticarum are as follows: (г,М,м)-(1э2,2,4) gives by the summations R and G χ a? x? x7 i + i -7л-^ -T.+ ... 1-a? 1-я? 1-х10 1-х14 χ a? a? x7 1 + #2 1+#β 1 + #10 1 + #14 This is the identity of Jacobi, but if we take the summations RG and CR we obtain two other forms of the series χ a·3 xQ x15 a?25 x?5 , + T-T—« + : 1-я2 1+a? 1-я6 ' 1+#« 1-я10 1+ж10 # я3 #° #15 я26 я85 : + : l-h#2 1-я2 1 + я6 1-я6 1+#10 1-х10 "" 273. Again if (r, 5, i, и) = (1, 1, 1,1) •^ PQ == *^> and yLtpg numerically equal to ρ but with the negative sign, if both ρ and q are even, we find by the R and G summations χ 2л,·2 За? 4л·4 1-я; 1 + ж2 1 — &3 1 4- x* χ //j2 /ι.·8 (1 - ;/;)2 + (1 + off + (1 - (x?f + (1 + #4)2 + '' (see Zoc. cit § 40). 274. Again if (r, s, i, w) = (1, 2, 2, 4) Xpq = л?, /^ = 2p — 1, the R and 0 summations give χ Зхл 5я? 7x7 ■ + ϊ r« + ς—л + n~-τ, + ··· 1-я2 1-я* 1-я10 1-я* д?(1 + р д?»(1+^) яб(1+^10) Д7 (1 + ^,14) (1-я2)2 + (1-я6)2 + (1-я;10)2 + (1 -х·14)2 + '" (see loc, cit § 40).
32 EXAMPLES FROM THE FUNDAMENTA NOVA [SECT. VII 275. Similarly (r, s, t, u) = (1, 1, 2, 2) ΙΛ = ^ ^ = (-^(2ρ-1)» л? 9л?3 . 25л?5 49л·7 &уе* 1 + л? 1+#3 + ϊ+#5 1+λ?7''" _ д?(1 - 6а2 + а?4) х2(1 -№ + а?) л*Ч1-6ав + #12) (14-л;3)3 (1+а?4)3 + (1 + ару and (r, 5, *,м) = (1, 2, 1,2) A jp^r — Л', ^£од ==ί? л? 8л?2 27л?3 64л?4 gives _ + _ + _ + _+... = #(1 + 40 + 0») ж3(1+4л?3 + л?6) л?5 (1 + 4а8 4- л;10) (1 -л?)4 (1 - л?3)4 + (1 - а*)* + '
CHAPTER III RAMAN UJAN'S IDENTITIES 276. Mr Ramanujan of Trinity College, Cambridge, has suggested a large number of formulae which have applications to the partition of numbers. Two of the most interesting of these concern partitions whose parts have a definite relation to the modulus five. Theorem I gives the relation + I^+(l-#)(l-a;y) + (1-я)(1-я?) (1-я8) + *** ""^"(l -x){i -of') ...(1- а**)+ '" __ 1 ~" (T- x) (1 - of) (1 - a?11) ... (1 - a*»+1)... 1 X (T-0(L -лл)(1-я?14)... (1 -iCBW+4)... ' where on the right-hand side the exponents of χ are the numbers given by the congruences == 1 mod 5, ξ 4 mod 5. This most remarkable theorem has been verified as far as the coefficient of ;l*° by actual expansion so that there is practically no reason to doubt its truth; but it has not yet been established. The series on the left-hand side can be interpreted in the theory of partitions. In fact it has been discussed in a previous article (Art. 242). The circumstance that i2 is equal to the sum of the first i uneven numbers shews that the algebraic fraction which has xi2 for numerator enumerates the partitions of all numbers into exactly г parts between which there are neither repetitions nor sequences. Hence the whole series enumerates all partitions of any given number which involve neither repetitions nor sequences of parts. The theorem asserts that the partitions, whose parts are limited to be of the forms 5m+1, 5m + 4, are equi-numerous with those which involve neither repetitions nor sequences. M. А, И, 3
34 INTERPRETATION OF FIRST THEOREM [SECT. VII Thus the six-to-six correspondence for the partitions of ten is Parts of the forms 5m ±1 No repetitions or sequences 91 10 64 91 614 82 4212 73 41е 64 l10 631 By a previous article the fraction aPfcl — x) (1 -#s) ... (1 — χ1) also enumerates the partitions into exactly i parts, no part being less than i, so that the series enumerates partitions such that the smallest part is not less than the number of parts. These six partitions of the number ten are 10, 82, 73, 64, 55, 433. 277. The right-hand side of the identity can be put into the form of the product of two series because, starting with the known expansion 1 (l-a)(l-ax)(l-ax2) inf. -1+Λ + . w, * + ■ * 1-я? (1-аО(1-яО (!-*)(!-^)(1-^) "' we put a = x and x=af simultaneously and find 1 (1-я?) (1-х6) (1 - x11) (l-o?16)... a? x2 a?3 " +(l-tfV (1-я5) (1-я10)4 (1-#δ)(Ί -#10)(1-#15)+ "" Similarly if we put a = x\ x~x* simultaneously we find 1 (1 - of) (1 - a?) (1 - xu) (1 - x1Q) .V. (1 -^) + (1 -<)(1 - a?°) + (Г- ^)(1 -x10)0.-x") + **' ' We can see almost intuitively that these results are true; take for instance the fraction xz/(l - a?) (I —x10) (1 —x15). We can realise the partitions which it enumerates by taking a vertical column of three nodes and placing to the right of it the nodal graph of any partition into three or fewer parts of the form 5m. Hence the partitions enumerated have exactly three parts, each part of the form 5m -f 1. Similarly the fraction #13/(1 — a^)(l — л?10)(1-я;15) enumerates the partitions having exactly three parts, each part of the form 5m 4- 4.
CH. Ill] INTERPRETATION OF SECOND THEOREM 35 Another statement of Ramanujan's First Theorem is therefore χ x4 я? 1 - x + (1 - x) (1 -tf)+ (1 -x) (1 -я?) (1 -я*)+ ·" ~ 1 + 1 - x"+ (1 - я»)(1 - x") + ''e J \ * 1 - a? (1 - я5) (1 - л;10) j ' 278. Theorem II gives the relation a? x6 x12 + Т^Ъ + (1 - x) (1 - ¥) + (1 - β) (1 - я») (1 -a?) + 'e' 1 (1 - #2)(1 ~ж7)(1 -ж12)... (1- #™+2)... 1 (1~^)(1-^)(1 -a?*)...(l -я6"**3) ...' the exponents of χ on the right-hand side being of the form 5m + 2 and 5m + 3. This relation has also been verified by actual expansion to a high power of x} but it has not been established. To interpret the series on the left-hand side we observe that the number i2· 4- i is the sum of the first i even numbers. In particular when г = 3, since 12 = 6 + 4 4- 2 we form the graph of the partition 642 of the number twelve and find that if we place to the right of it the graph of any partition which has three parts the combined graph clearly denotes a partition which has exactly three parts, no part less than two, and which involves neither repetitions nor sequences of parts. Hence we at once infer that the whole series enumerates partitions of all numbers which are such that no part is less than two and which involve neither sequences nor repetitions of parts. Ramanujan's Second Theorem thus states that of any given number such partitions arc equi-numcrous with those whose parts are all of the forms 5m + 2, 5m + 3. Thus for the number ten the four-to-four correspondence is Parts of the forms 5»4±2 82 73 3*23 25 No repetitions or sequences and no part < 2 10 82 73 64 3-2
36 ANOTHER INTERPRETATION [SECT. VII 279. The series on the left-hand side has another interpretation due to the circumstance that i2 4- i is the product of the numbers i + 1, i. Thus when i = 3, since 12 = 4 4- 4 + 4 we take the graph of the partition 444 of the number twelve. and place to the right of it the graph of any partition which has three parts; the combined graph denotes a partition into exactly three parts and no part less than four. In general the combined graph denotes a partition into exactly i parts and no part less than г + 1. Thus the whole series enumerates partitions such that no part is less than the number which exceeds the number of parts by unity. For the number ten these partitions are 10, 73, 64, 55. 280. We may also obviously write Ramanujan's Second Theorem in the form x2 x{i -12 1 + Л ч +74 w^ on + (l-x)^(l-x)(l-a?y (l-x)(l-x*)(l-a?) '" _ L x2 xA яР__ _ I (l-^) (1-я5) (1-я?15) + (1 - x5) (1 - χ^ΰϊ~-χιτ) ( 0$ Xе Я? X J + (1 - of) +(1 - a*) (1 - aF) + (1 -<)(1 -a10) (1 - я") + '" Ramanujan himself deduces other results, of great interest and beauty, from these, but they are not given here as they are not directly connected with the combinatory analysis. The circumstance that the two theoi-cms given still await demonstration adds greatly to their interest for the student and stamps them as being very remarkable. 281. There is a correspondence between the whole of the partitions of a number and those particular partitions which involve neither repetitions nor sequences of parts. If we consider the graph of any partition of any number, say the graph A в • · ιι· ·σ • F· С·
CH. Ill] A PARTICULAR CORRESPONDENCE 37 of the partition 64'221 of the number seventeen, and read the graph by- enumerating the nodes in the angles ABC, DEF, GH, we obtain the partition 10, 5, 2 of the same number which necessarily has neither sequences nor repetitions. But this is not a one-to-one correspondence because several other partitions are made up of angles which, looking only to the numbers of nodes which they contain, are precisely the same and lead to the same partition 10, 5, 2. Ex. gr. the partition 34213 having the graph leads by angle-reading to the same partition 10, 5, 2. There is thus a group of partitions each member of which leads to the same partition which possesses neither repetitions nor sequences. Further, corresponding to every partition which possesses neither repetitions nor sequences, there will be a group of partitions and there is a one-to-one correspondence between the groups and the special partitions. The problem of enumerating the special partitions is the same as that of enumerating the groups, of the nature considered, into which the whole of the partitions may be separated. For the number six there arc three groups, the correspondence being groups (6, 51, 412, 3P, 214, Iе), (42, 321, 2-P), (33, 2a), special partitions 6 , 51 , 42 . It is, in fact, evident that of the number m the; group which belongs to the special partition (m) comprises the m members s\m-\ where s has values 0, 2, 3,... m. It is not difficult also to establish that corresponding to the sjjecial partition (т^щ) the group has (m1—'m.2 — l)7n.2 members.
38 PROOF OF THE CORRESPONDENCE [SECT. VII 282. It will now be proved that corresponding to the special partition (mxm2... m8) the group has (m! - m2 -1) (ma - m8 -1)... (тм - ms -1) m8 members. This will be accomplished by comparing the series a; a? a? 1 + (Ϊ) + (ΪΗ2) + (1)(2)(3)+··' the first series of Ramanujan which enumerates the partitions without both repetitions and sequences, hereafter termed special partitions, with the series i+ (l)l+(1)42)" (1)42)43)*+ "''' which is one form of the function which enumerates the whole of the partitions. The whole of the partitions, whose graphs involve precisely $ angles, are enumerated by (l)»tSy...(B)« = S (?1 + 1) (?2 + 1)...(q8 +1)rf.^+...+«.+* where under the sign of summation the numerical magnitudes Si, ?2, ...& may, each of them, have all values from zero, to infinity. If we write herein wiM = qs^ + q8 + 3, ms_2 = qs-2 + gM + J« + 6, then m! + m2+ ... + ms = qi + 2q2 + 3q3 + ... + *g> +A and (mlm2m3 is a special partition involving precisely s parts. Also q8 + l =ms, gV-i + l=Wi-i-me-l, gs_2 +1 = me-t - wig-! -1, 52 + l =7?г2 — ra3-l, <fr + 1 = Wx - wi2 — 1. Hence (1)42)* (s)2 = ^mi"'m2""1)(?w2"W3"1)···(т*->""m*- x)m*^^+Wl^-+Ms
CH. Ill] THE SAME FOR THE SECOND THEOREM 39 the summation being for every special partition which involves exactly $ parts. But from the first series of Ramanujan a** Hence to every special partition corresponds a group of (m1-m2-l)(?n2~m3 — l)...( ?ηδ_! — mn - 1) ms partitions drawn from the whole of the partitions. 283. It is thus seen that the number of partitions of η is 2 (Щ - w2 -1) (m2 - ra3 - 1) ... (ms-! — ms -1) m*, the summation being for every special partition (га1иг2...т5) of the number n. 284. If we realise the number mY physically by a chain of щ beads connected at equal intervals by threads, and so also the other numbers why '»h> · ·· m«> tbe s chains can be placed in angles in (wT — m2 — 1) (m2 — m3 — 1)... (m^ — ms — 1) m8 different ways to form different regular graphs of the number n. 285. The special partitions enumerated by the second theorem of Hainanujan are included in those enumerated by the first theorem. The same group of partitions is in correspondence with the same special partition in each case. In the case of the second theorem, however, the whole of the unrestricted partitions are not involved because those partitions which give rise by angle reading to a part 1 are necessarily omitted. If a graph involves a square of s2 nodes an angle will consist of a single node if the lateral graph has at most s — 1 rows and the subjacent graph at most s -1 columns. The graphs to be omitted are therefore enumerated by of (l)42)*...(s--l)s Hence giving $ all values not less than unity the whole of the omitted graphs are enumerated by &A #9 cf_
40 RESTRICTION OP THE PART MAGNITUDE [SECT. VII and subtracting this function from that which enumerates the unrestricted graphs, viz. χ & χ9 ffi2+ WW + iiwW+ we reach the function S=co С д& (8+1) /ρβ(β+1) | as that which enumerates the partitions which compose the groups associated with the special partitions of the second theorem. 286. The left-hand side of the identity which constitutes Ramanujan's First Theorem has been shewn to be the function which enumerates the partitions which are without repetitions and sequences of parts. If we wish to restrict the part magnitude we may proceed in the following manner:—Consider the partition into three parts When the part magnitude is unrestricted we construct the graph of the partition 531 of the number 9 and join to it any partition into three parts. If however the part magnitude is restricted not to exceed m, the partitions so added must be such that the part magnitude does not exceed m — 5. These are enumerated by the function (m - 4) (m - 3) (m - 2) (1)(2)(3) and give rise to the term (m-4)(m-3)(m-2) a>(2)(3) in the sought function. When the partitions have i parts, the part magnitude of the added partitions must have a part magnitude not exceeding 2г —1 and we are similarly led to the term .,(m-2i + 2) (m-2i + 3) ...(m- i+ 1) * (l)(2)...(i) Hence the function required is 1 + г И . ,,(m-2)(m-l) (m - 4) (m - 3) (m- 2) Η- ... to μ terms. The series evidently does not extend to infinity because when the part magnitude is restricted there is a limit to the content of the partitions, and
CH. Ill] A CONDITIONED INFINITE PRODUCT 41 also to the number of parts. When m is even the partition, of the nature considered, which involves the greatest number of parts is m, m —2, m — 4, ... 2, and this has \m parts. When m is uneven the partition in question is m, yn — 2, rn — 4, ... 1 and this has J (m 4-1) parts. Hence г has the limit \m} or % (rn -f 1) according as m is even or uneven, and therefore μ the number of terms to be taken of the series has the value Hm + 2), °* i(«* + 8) according as τη is even or uneven. 287. We may expand the general term of the series i2 (m - 2i + 2) (m - 2i + 3)... (m - i + 1) (l)(2)...(i) by means of the theorem (1 - xP) (1 - x"+1)... (1 - «*+«->) (1-*·) (l-«)(l-<*) (1-в?)(1-а?)(1-в») + ... to q + 1 terms, and wo arc led to the identity (m) ,(т-2)(т-1), ,(т-4) (т-3) (m-2) 1+вШ+*■ —1#) +ж (Wi + "t0 μ terms " 1+(f) + (W+(I)|n3)+---t0/iterms /g.m+1 IT {г г*4 #9 ) l + ci) + (T^^i)W(3)+-t0/A-ltermsi ,/;»№+l Г д. дЛ /р» +WWi1+^+um + (iM2)l3)+-t0^-2terras +<->s (im^s)!1 +щ+(ΪΜ2)+oT(2ji3j+-to^-sterms + , a scries which involves μ rows of terms. 288. The same function is also that part of the expansion of the product (1 + x) (1 + я?) (1 + ж3). ·. (1 + xm) which presents itself when from the product of consecutive factors (l + **)(l+«»«) the term λ·μ+ι is deleted.
42 THE SAME FOR THE SECOND THEOREM [SECT· VII This deletion insures that the partitions, which necessarily involve no repetitions, do not contain any sequence of parts. We denote such a product by Jf (1 +«) (1 + 0(1 +o»)... (I +#m). 289. In Ramanujan's Second Theorem regarded in connexion with the enumeration of partitions which possess no repetitions, no sequences and no part less than two, we similarly restrict the part magnitude. For partitions into three parts we take the graph of the partition (642) of the number twelve, viz. and add to it the graph of a partition which has three parts and no part greater than m — 6. We thus obtain the graph of a partition of the desired character and a term (m-5)<m-4)(m-3) (1) (2) (3) of the enumerating function. In general when there are i parts the term of the function is Mi+1) (m-2i+l)(m-2i + 2)...(m-i) (l)(2)...(i) leading to the enumerating function 1|дД(ш-1), ^(ш-3)(ш-2) (m-5)(m-4)(m-3) 1+Л (1) +X (1)(2) +X (1)(2)(3) + ... to v terms, where ν has the value J (m ■+- 2) or £ (m +1) according as m is even or uneven. This series can be put into the form дЛП+1 С rjfi дЛ дЛ2 ] - ИГ t1 + Щ + <T)T2) + ЩЩЩ + - *«» - 1 terms} +йщ{1+й) + (1Ш + ам2йз) + ···t0 v~2 termsl + , a series which involves ν rows of terms.
СЯ. 1П] A GENERALIZATION 43 The same function is also that part of the expansion of the product (l+#2)(l+^)...(l-b#m) which presents itself when, from the product of consecutive factors, (l + a»)(l+a·**), the term a?2**1 is deleted. 290. Let V8fm denote the function which enumerates partitions without repetitions and sequences and having no part less than s nor greater than m. Then ■4«-l + * (1)+* (1)(2) +x (1)(2)(3) +-' V -1 ι r«(m~l) ,^(m-3)(m-2) (m-5) (m-4) (m - 3) V2,m-i + * (1) + * (1)(2) +<* (i)(2)(3) H"···, S'M"~1+^ (1) +^ (1)(2) + * (1)(2)(3) + ···' etc., and considering the expressions M(l+x)(l+x*)...(l+x™)} M(l +a?)(l +a?) ... (1 + xm)} if (1 +^)(1+ж4) ... (1 Ч-л·™), we see that Μ (I + x) (I + x*) ... (I + x™) = if (1 + .г·2) (1 + .г·3)... (1 + д?'л) + л?Л/(1 + .га) (1 + я3) ... (1 + ят), and moreover хМ{\ -Ь ,г*2)(1 + яг*) ... (1 -t-#m) is effectively equivalent to that is Vh ш = T7^, μ + # ^ m and in general V8t m = VB+lt w + я" V*+* m, relations readily verified from the series expressions. 291. From this result it is manifest that we can express F4>m as a linear function of Vhm, V2tm. We obtain the series of results л '4,m==~~ ^1,т"Ь(1 "b^O '2,m> a*VGfm= (1 +#4J) Г1|Я1-(1 + β + я2) F2,w, etc., and observing that the last written equation may be written
44 GENEEAL FOEMUL^l [SECT. VII it is natural to assume that, as far as the integer $, with the object of proving that the formula holds when s +1 is written for s. We require the theorem v s,m — * gjUir-i τ^ «^ K a,m—2· Writing Fs<m in the form of the conditioned product if (1 +cc8)(l + xs+1) ... (1 +Я™-1) (1 4- xm) = M(l+a?)(l + #*+1)·.· (1 + ^nv"1) + ^m-3f(l + О (1 + ^+1) ··· (1 + xm~l) =if(i + ^)(i +^+i)...(i+^m-o+^w^(i + ^0(1+^H"1)--(i + ^m-2)> we see that ^m^ "^,т-1 + #т^5, m-2- Now я*-1 l^+i,w = V8-1)7)l - Fe>m, and substituting for V8-hmi VSym the assumed expressions linear in Vhm, V2jm we find on reduction or *Q F,+1>m = (-)·+> (FM_2Flim - FM_2F2,W). Hence if the theorem be true for the integer s and lower integers it is equally true for the integer s + 1. It is thus established by induction. 292. The theorem is better written in the form /*VW, m = (-nV^V^n- FMF2,,„), and in particular, when m = <x>, In utilizing the formulae the particular cases ^ wi,m— χ τ* л , r m-f-i, m — A> must be noted and it further appears that in the formula we must suppose that V = Λ-Υ71 V , —О The particular case is interesting since the left-hand side has a very simple expression. It may be verified in the simplest cases. It will be noticed that the two Ramanujan series when modified so as to shew a maximum part magnitude are the only fundamental series in this branch of the theozy of partitions.
СЫ. Ill] ARITHMETICAL INTERPRETATIONS 45 293. The Generating Function V3)O0 which enumerates partitions without repetitions or sequences which have no part less than three has, by Ramanujan's results, the simple expression и. 1 l :.b χ ((1) (4) (6) (9) (11) (14)... (2) (3) (7) (8) (12) (13) which, by previous theorems, can be thrown into the form (1) (2) - x« (2) (4) + ж17 (3) (6) - x* (4) (8) 4- Xs* (5) (10) - ... (1) (2) (3) inf. where the general numerator term is (_)· + ! ^<"l>(*+2)W(ae)> 294. The two theorems .1/1) ,m—ι "Ь* &т У e,m—2> are complementary and ariso from reasoning in regard to the beginning and end of the conditioned product respectively. From them we derive the two series Vhm = V%m + ^4,m + ^V{]y7n + tf>V8>m + ... + «*TVhM» + ... , + ..., and we can interpret each term in both series. The partitions enumerated by the 5th term in the first series arc those which, while involving no repetitions or sequences, have (i) no part equal to 2s - 1; (ii) the parts 1, 3, 5,... 2s - 3; (iii) other parts equal to or greater than 2s and not greater than m. Those enumerated by the 5th term in the second scries are those which, while involving neither repetitions nor sequences, have (i) no part equal to m — 2s -I- 2; (ii) the parts m — 2s -h 4, m — 2s 4- 6,... m; (iii) other parts equal to or less than m — 2s-f 1. Complementary to the formula /s+2\ *< 2 ^m,m = (-)4^,sFliW- Vh8V2ym)} we establish in the same manner the formula l(*-l)(2m-.« + 2)-pr _/ γ/ττ V V V \ л r itm-s — \ ) iKw-s+3,m-i^i,m"" У w-s+3tw v iym—v-
46 CONNEXION WITH " CONTINUANTS" [SECT. VII We can also obtain formulae by reasoning in regard to a factor of the conditioned product which is not the first or last factor. Thus since Ff>w«Jf(l + of)... (l+a?-l)(l H-^+1) ... (1 + аГ) + Jf(l +я») ... (1 + rf-1) я* (1 + «*+»)... (1 +#w), we have V8>m = FM_a Fi+1>w+^Fs,^2Fi+2im, an inclusive formula; for if (l) t=S, Г8>т~ Ч+],»» "Ь * u+2,m> (ii) t = m, Vs>m = Fs>m_! + #M Ks,w_2. 295. It is a remarkable circumstance that the present theory is connected with the theory of continuants in the subject of determinants. Sylvester shewed in 1879, "Note on Continuants," Messenger of Mathematics, Vol. vni., that the number of terms in a continuant (a^ ... an) is 1+( 1 Μ 2 Μ 3 )+- and that this series has the value Now recalling the result ^»-i+*w+«· (1)(2) +^ (1)(2)(3) + "·' we find, by putting χ equal to unity, that the whole number of partitions of all numbers which have no repetitions, no sequences and no part greater than m, is 1 + fm\ /m — l\ , /7>i-2\ (l) + ( 2 ) + ( 3 ) + -· which is equal to the number of terms in a continuant of the order m -+· 1, and has therefore the value 1_ V5 [δΨ»Π-(Η"Π· Similarly, from the expression for VStm> we find that the whole number of partitions of all numbers which have no repetitions, no sequences, and no part less than s or greater than m, is i+CTVCiX"".·"1)*·-
CH. Ill] CONNEXION WITH " COMPOSITIONS " 47 which is equal to the number of terms in a continuant of the order m - s + 2, and has therefore the value 1 f/1 1 ,Λ™-*+* /1 1 /tf\1tl-*+8l V5{(2 + 2Vo) -(l-2V5) }· In this enumeration the absolute term unity which commences the series is always included, so that the true enumeration is obtained by subtracting unity from the above expression. When s = m, the only partition satisfying the conditions is m, and we find that the expression has the value 2 on development. So also when m = 2, s = l, the expression has the value 3 corresponding to the two partitions 1, 2. However, when 5=1 it is, exceptionally, correct to regard the absolute partition of zero content as included, and then the expression given above is exact. 296. There is another correspondence with the enumeration of the compositions (partitions in which account is taken of the order of the parts) of numbers into parts from which unity is excluded. The function which enumerates such compositions which have exactly $ parts is x*8 (<* + & + <*+.„Y ОГ —p, and the coefficient of xw in x2 x4, x* , , fw-3\ , /w-4\ , (w-b\ , which is identical with the series 1+(lH 2 ) + ( 3 ) + -' when w = m H- 3. Hence we may say that the partitions of all numbers which have no part greater than m} and no repetitions and no sequences, are equi-numerous with the non-unitary compositions of the number m -f 3. For m = 3, the fivc-to-five correspondence is 0 1 2 3 31 partitions, 6 42 24 33 222 compositions. There is, in fact, a more intimate correspondence still, because the number of the partitions above defined which have t parts is cr1).
48 CONNEXION WITH " COMPOSITIONS" [SECT. VII while the number of the compositions above defined which have s parts and a content m -h 3 is fm - s + 2\ V «-1 J' Hence the partitions without repetitions or sequences, ajbdghest part not greater than m and exactly $ parts, are equi-numerous with the non-unitary compositions of the number m-f 3 which have exactly s +1 parts. Thus for m — 7, $ = 2 the correspondence is 31 41 42 51 52 53 61 62 63 partitions, 532 523 352 325 253 235 622 262 226 compositions, 64 71 72 73 74 75 partitions. 442 424 244 433 343 334 compositions. (Compare Cayley, Messenger of Mathematics, Vol v. (1876), pp. 166, 167.)
CHAPTER IV PARTITIONS WITHOUT SEQUENCES 297. Just as we represented the enumerating functions of partitions without repetitions or sequences by the conditioned product $, m being the lower and upper limits of the part magnitude, so in the case where repetitions are allowed but not sequences we can represent the enumerating function by τ —Μ - *>w (1 - af) (1 - #*+1) ... (1 - xmY the condition of the product being that in the multiplication of any two consecutive factors 1 - a' · 1 - xl+l' ЛТЛ7 1 J- 1 -1 1 1-е» 1-^+1 *(1-««)(1- χ2ΐ+1 tnc last term (1 - **) (1 - «"«) is to be deleted. It is best to write τ -м(л , * Wi , **+1 \ ( ■ «*+»)' ι , *m and it will be observed that the conditioned multiplication permits repetitions but forbids sequences. Wo find T„m = Μ (l + fi£-) ... (l + ^) + Γ^^(1 + ΓΓϊ«)···(1+ϊ^=)' or Μ. A. II. & J- 8, m — ■* e-f-i,m + . л ■* β+2,
50 GENERAL FORMULAE [SECT. VII v,m X Similarly TSitn = Т8уШ^ + τ^τ Т8>1П^У the two complementary formulae. In particular Tly7n = T^m + -τγτ Т3>т, (т) 1 and m being now the lower and upper limits of the part magnitude. An inclusive formula is obtained by writing when we find We can express Т8)Ш as a linear function of Т1)Ш and Т2,т- л? ^ Τ - X 7» (3) φ - (1)(2)(3)^*- (2)-1·"1 (1)(2) and noticing that the last result may be written ™ rp __ rp rp ψ Τ (1\ (Q\ /31 *»ш — 2»2 xi»w ""* -*1»2 J-2,mt it is natural to assume the formula with the object of establishing it by induction. We assume it to be true for the first s integers. Then X Τ Χ (Τ -Τ Ϊ and substituting for Ts~ltm and T8t.m from the assumed formula we readily find that (J) completing the proof.
CH. IV] GENEBAL FOBMULjE AND INTERPBETATIONS 51 Similarly we can obtain the complementary result; that is, we can express Thm^8 as a linear function of T1%m and Thm^. Thus in succession fp>Yl ^_ rp rp rp /mv -*■ ι,in—2 — * i,m ""* ■* l, m—ι > (m - 1) (m) '>™-3" ^ш + (m) i 1'm~1' 77 _ 1 m (230U " 1) rp (m- 2) (m - 1) (m) 1>т~4 (m- 1) 1M (m - 1) (m) and noticing that the last formula may be written лЛт—3 ~ φ rp rp rp rp (m - 2) (m - 1) (m) hm^ " *»-*.«-ι·4ι* " ^«-i,»·2 l* it is natural to assume a formula д.4(*-1)(2»1-* + 2) -*1,Я (m- s + 2) (m - s + 3)... (m) ",'m-s == v / С* »л—*+3,»»—1 * 1,«г *m—e+з, ?иД iym—i/> with the object of proving it by induction. There is no difficulty in thus establishing it. of From the formula l\m = TWtm + rr Ts+^m, there is no difficulty in establishing the result i'.»-J«.« + (8)i·^^+(β)(β + 2)lf^m + (в)(в + 2)(β + 4)if47·яl + , and from the formula the result Τ = 7T -1- _ T7 *stm — ■* #,иг— ι π # * -*■ s,m—2 7Т — Τ -4- Τ 4- Τ ■*■ s, m—7 τ · · · · (m - 4) (m - 3) (m) In the first series the pth term enumerates partitions which contain the parts $3 $ + 2, ... 5 -t- 2p — 4, but not the part s H- 2p — 2. In the second series the £)th term enumerates partitions which contain the parts m, г/г — 2, ... m — 2p -f 4, but not the part ?>г — 2p + 2. 4—2
52 RESTRICTION ON THE NUMBER OF PARTS [SECT. VII 298. If we put the number of parts in the partition in evidence we introduce the symbol g and consider the coefficient of gp in the function Such coefficients enumerate the partitions which have exactly ρ parts. Putting 5=1 and m = χ , it is easy to calculate the coefficients of the earlier powers of g. These are found to be χ x* 1+x3 ЩЩГ+~х' a? 1+x3 1 + ofi (1)(2)(3)1 + ж Ί+χ*' я? 1+я? 1+я? 1 +о? (1) (2) (3) (4) Ί + χ Ί+ο?Ί+α?' suggesting that the coefficient of gp is in all probability x* 1 + af 1+g? l+x*-* (1)(2)...(р)1 + ж Ί+ο?"Ί + χΡ~1' an expression which may be put into the form ж* (6) (12) (18)...(6p- 6) (p) (2) (4) (6)... (2p - 2). (3) (6) (9):.. (3p - 3)' This shews that the function which enumerates partitions without sequences may probably be represented by the series χ | ω | .^ (6) t β» (6) (12) (1)τ(2)(2) (3)Ί(3)(2)(4).(3)(6) In general + «L (6) (12) (18) + (4) "(2) (4) (6). (3) (6) (9) *(-τ^)(^τ^.)-(1+τ^)--ιω χ8 ., χ** (6) ч я?8 (в) (12) + ΰ (1) +g (2) (2). (3) + 9 (3) · (2) (4). (3) (6)+ ·· · 299. Partitions without sequences may be looked at from another point of view. Suppose {A1A<iAi... Αρ-χΑρ) be a partition in which the parts are arranged in ascending order of magnitude. Denote the differences between successive parts by <x0> u1}..., 0f0 Α χ <Χλ A 2 #2 A 3 . . . Ap—i Op_! Ap.
CH. IV] THE THEORY PROM ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW 53 If there are to be no sequences, oc0 which is equal to Аг may be any integer but aly ag,...^-! may each of them be zero or any integer except unity. We have ■^2 = a0 + «i, A3 = «o + «1 + «2, Ap = ao + «i + . -. 4- Op-i, and 1Л =pa0 + (jp - 1) e^ + ... + 2otp_a + V-i. The enumerating function is the summation being in regard to the values of ct0, a1} «2j ... αν^χ above specified. Now ~1 + (1) (2) (2)(3)' 71 + (2) (4) (4) (β)' ?>-D«i = 1 . ^ _l+a^^ (6p-6) (p-1) (2p-2) (2p-2)(3p-3)' ^ "Ίρ) (ρ)' so that the function is (6) (12) (6p-6) J_ (2) (3) (4) (6) - (2p - 2) (3p - 3) · (p) In this summation the smallest part may be zero. If zero be excluded as one of its values we have exactly ρ parts and -<P)· Hence the function which enumerates partitions without sequences and exactly ρ parts is «* (6) (12) (6p - 6) (p) (2) (3) * (4) (6) · (2p - 2) (3p - 3)' confirming the result of the previous article. 300. If the smallest part is not to be less than two, if it be not zero, у-imp -ι , «P (6P) -1+(p)-(2p)(3p)' so that the summation gives (6) (12) (6p) (2)(3)·(4)(6)··(2ρ)(3ρ)'
54 PARTITIONS OF MULTIPARTITE NUMBERS [SECT. VII which enumerates partitions of the nature under consideration which have ρ or fewer parts. Putting ρ equal to oo we find now the noteworthy result that the partitions, without restriction as to the number of parts, are enumerated by the function (1) (7) (13) ...x (5) (11) (17)... (1)(2)(3)... Also those which involve precisely ρ parts are enumerated by *lL @L (12) (6p - 6) (p) · (2f (3) * (4) (6) · · · (2p - 2) (3p - 3)' for this is equal to the expression (6) (12) (6p) {6)_ (12)^ _<6p-6)_ (2) (3) (4) (6) · ·· (2p) <3p) (2) (3) * (4) (6) " (2p - 2) (3p - 3)' and we reach the algebraic identity ,.£.«£ J6)_ , * J6)_ (12χ *_ (6)_ (12^ (18) + (1)+ (2) (2) (3) + (3) (2) (3) (4) (6) + (4) (2) (3) (4) (6) <6)~ (9) +"" (1) (7) (13) ...x (5) (11) (17)... (1)(2)(3)... 1 " (2) (3) (4) (6). (8) (9) (10) (12) (14) (15) (16) (18).... The Partitions of Multipartite Numbers. 301. In regard to the function which enumerates the partitions of multipartite numbers in general there is not very much to be said. For the bipartite number щщ if we wish to find the number of partitions which possess i or fewer parts we seek the coefficient of αϊχ'^χζ* in the expansion of 1 (1 — a) (1 — ахг) (1 — ax2) (1 — axf) (1 — ахгх2) (1 — α#1) · · ·' wherein 1 — αχψχψ- is a factor of the denominator, plt p2 being given all integer (including zero) values. More generally for the multipartite number щщ...пш the enumerating function is 1 (1 — a)(l —αχχ) ...(1 —ахш)(1 — аа%) (1 — α#!#2)... (1 — ас^1Ь)...' wherein 1 - αχ^χψ ... χ*™ is a factor of the denominator, pl9 p2> ...рш being given all integer (including, zero) values.
CH. IV] PARTICULAR CASE OP BIPARTITE NUMBERS 55 In order to expand it in ascending powers of a we write it F(a; xlf x2, ... xm), and also 1 4 афщ1 + а2фЩ2 + а*фщз + ..., where фшл> фт>2> etc. do not involve a. If we write axm for a we find at once the relation F(axm; xlt x2, ... xm)F(a; xlf x2> ... xm^) = F(a; xu x2, ...xm\ leading to (1 + ахтфщ1 + а2а?тфт>2 + a*xz^m%2 + ...) Χ (1 + афт-ι,ι + <*>2фтг-1,2 + а8фт-1,з + ...) == 1 + афЩ1 + а2фт,2 + а?фЩъ + .... Comparison of coefficients of like powers of a then yields the relations %тфт,1 + фт-ι,ι = фюг,1> %in Фт, 2 + #т фт—ι, ι фт, ι Η" фт—ι, 2 = фт, 2 > #тфт,з + хтфт-\у\фт,2 + хтфт-1,2фт,1 + фт~1,з = фга,з> etc., and we deduce the relations (1 d?™) фт>1 = фт—i,i, (1 - #m) (1 - л&) фт,2 = av»^.lfl + (1 - ж») ψ^-ι,2, (1 - л») (1 - a&) (1 - xl) фШ|3 = я&ф^ы + От + a& - 2x*m) фт-мфт-1,2 + (1-я?»,)(1-л4)фя|-1,3, etc., and thence *"M=(ΐ-^χι-βο-α-^)> __ 1 + Sa?!^ + %χλχ2χ^χ4 + Σ#ι^μ8^#β&<ι + ... ^а~(1-^)(1-^).(1-^)(1-^....(1-Жи|)(1-л?ш)' where in the last fraction the elementary symmetric functions of even order Df the magnitudes x1} лл», ... xm appear. The functions фт,:{, etc. are very complex and lead to no interesting results. The result in the case of фтл is of a trivial character. 302. The case of фт>2 is however worth a moment's consideration. It enumerates the partitions of all multipartite numbers into two or fewer parts. Its form is such that the enumeration is made to depend upon the enumeration of the partitions of unipartite numbers into two or fewer parts.
56 A VERIFICATION [SECT. VII 1^ Βηχ-Пъ...Пт, denote the number of partitions, into two or fewer parts, of the multipartite number щп2... nm. Then the form of фт,2 shews that ^ni%...nm ~ &ПХ&Щ, · · · -&П + Σ-Β^-ι Вщ-ι Вщ-1 Вщ-i B<ns · · · 5П))1 + , the symmetric function in the .9th line involving f 9 9 J terms. We shall verify this result for the case щ = щ = ... = nm = n. This particular case is convenient because we can predict the result with ease. If a partition into two parts be (ιίι>2... yw)(i/iW ... i/m), the constituent ^. may be any one of the numbers 0, 1, 2, ...я and z/.9 4- v8' = ?&. The case in which ^ = v2 = ... = *>w = 0 is included, because then in fact we have a partition into one part included in the enumeration. Hence vs may have η + 1 different values and the value of vH determines the value of v8\ It follows that may have (n +· l)m different values and this fact leads to or £(n-|-l)m + £ partitions into two parts according as η is uneven or even. The reader will notice that when η is uneven every partition occurs twice in the above process, but that when η is even one of the partitions occurs only once. This happens when v& = Vb = hl for all values of $. We now observe that according as s is uneven or even.
CEL IV] RELATION BETWEEN PARTITIONS AND DIVISORS 57 The formula therefore gives Case I. η uneven: υ(» + ΐ))-+(™)ΐ4(«+ΐ))·"(Η«+ι)),+(ΐ)(Κ'·+ΐ))"-,[Η«+ΐ))'+··· -^<-И1+(™)+(:)Ч =40 + 1)™, which is correct. Case II. η even: the number is Й (n 4- 2)}« + Q H (я + 2)}— {*η}» + (™) {* (n + 2)}«~ Цп}* + .... Herein we write (£){i(» + 2)i«~ftnl· -(&){*(« + 2)^»}{i(» + 2)--lj* and it is now an easy task to shew that the expression is equal to i |(я + 2)'» - Q (n + 2)^ + (™) (л+ 2)·" - ... (-)*» 1 + ll, or to £{(n + 2-l)m+l}, or to £(л + 1)»л + £. For consider the identity put successively л? equal to +1 and to — 1 and add, obtaining (2p - l)« + l _ 2 |j>» + (™) p-2(i> - 1У + (^У*-Ч*> - I)4 + ···} , and now putting ρ = £ (д + 2) we have proved as required. 303. The connexion between the partitions and divisors of numbers was established by Euler*. He proceeds from his formula (1-я) (1-^)0- -л^)... = 1-ж-л? + жв+яд-л;12-ж1в+.... Differentiating logarithmically and multiplying throughout by — x we find χ 0 хй 0 я3 # + 2#2 - 5л·5 - 7л·7 + 12л12 Η-15я?15 - ... + Δ ^ ■ -f Ο j +... = ■ 1-я? 1-я2 1-#»τ*" (1-я?) (1-я2) (1-я8)... * "Observatio de summis divisorum," Opera Minora Collecta, Vol. i. pp. 141—154.
58 PABTITIONS AND DIVISORS [SECT. VII On the left-hand side the coefficient of xn is equal to the sum of the divisors of n. Denoting it by σ (η) and the number of partitions of η by Ρ (n) we have σ(1)χ + <τ(2)α?+σ(3)χζ+... = (χ + 2αβ - эя5 - 7x7 +12#12 + 15#1δ + ...) х(1 + Р(1)я + Р(2)я2 + Р(3)^+...), and by equating coefficients of like powers of χ σ(η)«Ρ(Λ-1) + 2Ρ(η-2)-δΡ(η-5)-7Ρ(η-7) + 12P(n-12) + 16P(n-15) + ..., the two general terms on the right-hand side being (-y+i £r (8r + l) Ρ {η - £r (8r 4-1)}. Writing the intermediate formula in the form {σ(1)0+σ(2)^ + σ(3)Λ?+...}(1 - л? - ^ + л?6 + л?7 ~ ж12 - #» + ...) = л? + 2#2 - 5я? - 7л?7 -I- 12#12 + Ιδχ15 + ... we obtain another of Euler's results σ (η)- σ (n -I)- <r (n -2) + <r (n - 5) + σ (n — 7) - ... =0 or (-)r+1??, according as η is not or is a pentagonal number £r(3r±l).
CHAPTER V PARTICULAR STUDY OF THE FUNCTION (1 -& + 1) (1 -#'+2)... (1 -x>'+i) (1-я)(1-я8) ...(!-«*) 304. The study upon which we now enter has for its object the transformation of the enumerating generating function of partitions limited both as to number of parts and as to part magnitude, so that it may be conveniently expanded. We first have to note the method of Cayley, whose purpose was to transform it so that it might be dealt with by breaking it up into partial fractions. Cayley*s Transformation*, We take the equation (1 + ал?)(1 + а^)...(1 + ax{) (1-е*) t ,(1 - x1'1) (1 - of) = l + o«S J + a2x*K— r-^f ir + ..., 1 — χ (1 — x) (1 — χη where the general term is „. ,a «с+1) (L-1^) (i-^g+2)-(i-^) (l-x){l-x*)...{\-a?) rfhe series is finite, having i + 1 terms, the last term being We now write — x> for a and obtain the identity (1 - жЯ-i) (l _ χί+η ... (1 - χ}**) (1— &·) (1— λ·)(1 — л·2) - *S ( У,и-^'^1) (1 -^-8+1) (1 ~ **-*) - (1 ~ «0 ,V ' ' (1-*)(1-Λ»)...(1-«·) ' * PMt Ггапл Й. S. London, Vol. oxlv. 1855.
60 cayley's transformation [sect, vii Dividing both sides by (1 ~ x) (1 — a?) ... (1 — xl) we find (1 - x^) (1 - x^) ... (1 - a№) st0K } (1-х){1-я*)...(1-х*).(1-х)(1-а?)...(1-я*-°)' The function under examination is thus presented in the form of a sum of i H-1 fractions each of which can be dealt with by the method of partial fractions. 305. For full particulars of the way in which Cayley employs partial fractions the reader may consult the paper quoted. It is convenient here to explain the notation in which he exhibits his results. The function jz r-r= r-4 (1 - x) (1 - x2) is in the ordinary manner thrown into the form 1_L_+1JL + 1JL· 2(l-#)2^4 1-# 4 1+#' and supposing that the coefficient of xw in the function is required, he denotes this coefficient by Ρ (1, 2) w. He then expands each of the three fractions and finds that the coefficients of xw in the first and second fractions are \ (w -f-1) and I respectively. To expand the third fraction he writes it 1 1-х 4 Ϊ - я *' and denotes the coefficient of xw by the notation i (1, - 1) per 2W, wherein the portion (1, — 1) has reference to the numerator coefficient, per means "prime circulator," and the combined expression (1,-1) per 2* indicates the way in which the coefficient of xw is actually obtained by expansion. He thus gives the formula о,, оч If 2^ + 3 } ^>2)- = 4J+(l,-l)pcr2J> and in a precisely similar manner he obtains the formula derived from 1 (1-я) (1-я*) (1-я·)'
CH. V] TRANSFORMATION BY SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS 61 This is ί 6м2 + 36w + 47 Ρ (1, 2, 3) w = ^ + 9 (1, - 1) per 2W " 1+8(2, -1,-1) per 3* wherein (2,-1,-1) per Sw 2 + χ 2 — x — %2 is derived from 1+я + я2 1-я3 306. The notation is convenient, but a very slight consideration will convince the reader that the method does not always exhibit results in the simplest form. For example, Cayley applies the method to the simple fraction 1 1-я2' and finds Ρ (2) w (viz. the number of ways of partitioning w into parts when 2 is the only part allowed) to have the expression 2 |+(1,-1) per 2»}· Now wc know that with the notation explained Р(2)ш = (1,0)рсг2ад, so that clearly the ordinary method of partial fractions cannot be relied upon to give the result invariably in the simplest (and therefore the best) form. Transformatio'ib by Symmetric Functions. 307. We commence by observing the two identities 1 1 1 1 1 (1 _д.)(1 _^) 2 (1 -#)2 + 2 (1 -a;2)' (1-л-)(1-л»)(1 -О 6(1-л?)8 2(1-я)(1-д;а) 31-ж3' which we will also write in the illuminating notation so often employed: 1 1 1 1JL_ (1) (2) 2 (1)* 2 (2) 11 11 .11 . + ; (1) (2) (3) 6 (Ι)* 2 (2) (1) 3 (3) The observation leads to the conjecture that we are in the presence of partial fractions of a new and special kind. We note that in the first identity we have a fraction corresponding to each of the partitions (l)2, (2) of the
62 A GENERAL FORMULA [SECT. VII number 2 and in the second fractions corresponding to and derived from each of the partitions· (l)s, (21), (3) of the number 3. The coefficients of the fractions also remind us of numbers which arise in symmetric function formulae, and we are led easily to the symmetric function view of the matter which is now given. Consider symmetric functions of the powers of x, infinite in number, viz. 1, x9 x\ x\ .... Let Si denote the sum of the ith powers of these quantities. Then clearly Now if hi be the homogeneous product sum of weight i of the quantities а, Д γ, ..., we have (1-α*)(1-£*)(1-7*)... Putting herein 1, χ, χ*, ... instead of α, β, у, ... we have 1 ζ ζ* ζ1 (1-5)(1-«)(1-^)..."XT(1)T(1)(2)T-T(1)(2)...(I) Hence if hi denote the homogeneous product sum of order г of the quantities Χ, X, X j X у ... We&et **■(!) СТ...Ц' Having obtained expressions for $i and A* we recall that we can express hi in terms of sl9 s2, s3> ... (see Vol. I, Section I, Chapter I, Art. 6). The formula is (i) k = t *fl8f*8f» ... where (1*»2**3A...) is a partition of г and the summation is in regard to all partitions of г. Substituting herein (1) (2). ..<i)' (1)' (2)' (3) ·- for hi, sly 6\2, 6'3, ... respectively we find 1 :-S (1)(2) ... (i) 1л.2л.3*»...#!^!;рь!... (1)*>. (2)^ (3)^ where (1*»2*»3*» ...) is a partition of i and the summation is in regard to all partitions of г.
CH. V] PARTICULAR CASES 63 308. This remarkable result shews the decomposition of the generating function into as many fractions as the number г possesses partitions. The denominator of each fraction is directly derived from one of the partitions and is of degree г in x. The· numerator does not involve χ and the coefficient is the easily calculable number 1 1Λ.2Λ.3Λ ...^l^!#,!...' The general formula, on proceeding to the coefficient of xw, takes the form in Cayley's Notation Ρ(1,2,3,...^ = Σ1Ρι 2Д3,з _pilp>ps[ mmm. We have used the two symmetric functions Si, hi. For г = 2 we get 1 1111 (1) (2) 2 (1)= 2 (2) and we are led, in Cayley's notation, to the result P(l)2)W=-li W + 1 Also for i = 3 we have 1 2 (+(1,0) per 2 J 1 1 1 ; + ; + o 1 1 or making use of the decomposition of (1)(2)(3) 6(1)» 2 (2) (1)^3(3)' 1 (1)(2)' 11 11 + 777П+; leading to (1)(2)(3) 6(1)3 4<1)*T4(2)^3(3)> P(l,2,3)w-jg (w + 1) (w + 5) + 3 (1, 0) per 220 [ + 4 (1, 0, 0) per 3, expressions which are simpler than those given by Cayley. Of the order 4 similarly 1!+l -.+ ; ι ι \2 + ;i 1 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) 24 (1)* 4 (2) (1)^ 8 (2)* 3 (3) (1) 4 (4)' As is well known the sum of the coefficients on the right-hand side is unity. This serves as a verification. Of these fractions jj^, -т^гт, j^r are immediately dealt with.
64 A SECOND FORMULA [SECT. VII Moreover, —Lj-, = щ \\± + \ ^ (2) 1J_ 1111 : 2 (l)3 + 4 (l)2 + 4 (2)' 1+* + a;S = (l,l,l)pcr3?t (3) (1) (3)> and the expression of P(l, 2, 3, 4) w is readily written down. It thus appears that the Transformation by Symmetric Functions is a valuable first step towards the expansion of the function. Particular fractions that thence arise may require breaking up by the same or some other process as a second step. 309. The fraction 1 (I -«)(1 -a?)... (1 -of). (1 -a?)(l -<*) ... (1 -eh*)' which presents itself in Cayley's Transformation, is seen to be and is therefore expressible in terms of J_ J_ Jl <1>' (2)' (3) " by the above formula. Each fraction thus obtained will have a denominator of weight i 310. The function ai} that is to say, the sum of the quantities г and i together of the quantities 1, x, #2,..., is obtained from the formula (1+^(1+«)(1+<)а+^...-1+^+^ + (ТГ^+.... yielding αί= ____.., and now the three functions give rise to six formulae, of which one has already been given. The five others are : (ii) Si = Σ (-)2*-1 ί*£ζΐϊ1!± Ар ι AfAp..., w ч У ^1!р2!р3!.·· which, if we denote for brevity by (l)(2)-(i) "'Ή' leads to X -Sf y^^P-1)" * 1 I leads to w -Σ(-) ^,^, ___ [1]Λ ρ]Λ [J}]
CH. V] SIX FORMULAE OF TRANSFORMATION 65 where (1*» 2** 3Рз...) is a partition of i, and the summation is for all partitions of г; leading to (1) (2) ... (i) 1л. 2л. 3»з... Pl\p2\p3\... · (1)г>. (2)?= (3)*>* (iv) Si = ^ (-)*+* V?1)1' арфа*..., leading to i = sr-v+* (^p-1)'» JJLV"ijlI2''/_£.Γ3 . (i) ^ ' ihlp.!p,!...|[l]i Ш Ш '"" (v) A, - S (_)«* pi,^·,^ φφφ..., leading to [i] ^ ; ftlftlftl... l[l]f 1M) l[3]J "·' (vi) at = 2 <-)<+* ι-**; др. A№..., (Sp)' leading to = 2 (—)*+2*' These all involve noteworthy theorems in partitions. The formula in (iii) above may be expressed in the form P(l,2,8,...i){«-i<(i-l)}-2(-^ *0* ****->« 311. We have next to extend these results by considering the symmetric functions of the finite number of powers of x, 1, x, я2, ...aA w « j 1 - ^+i W±i) We find "-T3? -IT· Ί The formula (1-*)(1-λ*)(1-λ?*)...(1--0Ϊ*) -i + * (1) +. (1)(a) + ... shews that A< = ^ '" " ; M.A. II.
66 EXTENSION OF PREVIOUS RESULTS [SECT- VII and the formula (1 +z)(l +жг)(1 + x*z)... (1 +a&) -1+* (1) + *л (1)(2) +^ (1)<2)<3) +"·' that α _^(f-i)(j-i + 2)<j-i + 3)...(j + l) №at Ul X (l)(2)...(i) We are accordingly led to the formulae 312· (1) (l)(2).(i) ...ftiftip»!...! (i) I 1 (2) \ \ (3)" I -■ Here the left-hand side enumerates partitions which are limited to involve not more than j parts, and no part greater than i. The product i(J + i)I* J(?)+?)]ft i(3j + 3)^3 I (i) i I (2) J 1 (3) J "" which is typical of those on the right-hand side, enumerates partitions whose parts may be ones of рг different kinds twos „ jo2 threes „ p2 but in which no part of a particular kind occurs more than j times. The simplest cases of the formula are (j + l)(j+2) l(j+l)* 1β] + 2) (1)(2) 2 (1)* +2 (2) ' (j + 1) (J + 2) (j 4- 3) 1 (j + l)> l(2j + 2)(j + l) 1 (3J + 3) (1)(2)(3) ■ "β (1)> +2 ~(2)(1) +3 (3) ' and if, extending Cayley's notation, we denote the coefficient of xm in (j + l)(j + 2)...(j+i) (if(2)...(i) by P(l,2,3,...»;j)w, and the coefficient of xw in (1+ΐ)Γ f(2j + 2)]g* ;(3j + 3))^ (1) I t (2) j \ (3) } - by •^(1"'. 2л, 3» ...)«;, we have the relation _ PiCli"' 2^ 3"' . W P(l,2,3,-i;i)№ = S1^3^;^;>J in itself a noteworthy theoreman partitions.
CH. V] SIX NEW FORMULA If in the formula we put χ = 1, we obtain the arithmetical relation (j H- 1)pi+p*+p»+ - 67 V i J 1ft.2*.3ft...ρι!^!^!...' a theorem which expresses the binomial coefficient en as a linear function of powers of the integer j + 1. The simplest cases are (j^2)=i(i+i)2 + *0'+i), (J33)=Hi + i>3+iO'+imO'+D· 313. (ii) Writing for brevity (j + l)(j + 2)...(j + i) П_+Л (l)(2)...(i) L * J* we obtain w+*) _ « /_v^_x _<&»_rj)!* П_±11л Г1±2?а Γί±? "w" ^; &p,w... L ι J L 2 J L a The product (4 + 1> П + 2> [j + 3>> L i"J L a J L 3 J - ΠΰΊ 'ΙΊ2ΓΙ ΐΊ3Γί ·- If we put χ equal to unity we have the arithmetical relation •which expresses the integer j + 1 as a linear function of certain definite products of binomial coefficients. The simplest cases are 314. (iii) *i (i -1) (j-i + 2)(j-i + 3)...(j + l) (l)(2)...(i) №±2№ Ιί?Γ±ΜΛ f(3j + 3)|ft = £ (-V+iP I CI·) it (2) И (3) f - Λν > 1л.2й.ЗР»...^!р8!^!... 5—2
68 THE SIX FOKMULJE [SECT. VII The factor (j-i + 2)(j-i + 3)...(j + l) (l)(2)...(i) may also be written in the form (l)(2)...(j + l) (l)(2)...(i).(l)(2)...(j-i+l)· It is obvious that, since аг· refers to the quantities 1, x} a?y...xi, i must be equal to or less than j 4- 1. The factor enumerates partitions into parts limited in number to j - г + 1 and in magnitude to г or partitions limited in number to i and in magnitude to j — г-f 1. We may therefore write P(l,2,3,..,t;j-t+l){fi;-ii(i-l)} ш У (-Y+*p Pj(l»,2»,8y..)t0 w^ > lPi.2P*.3P°....p1\p2\p.i\...' involving a noteworthy theorem. The simplest cases are „. U)(j+1) _ 1 (j + l)1 _ 1 (2j+2) (1)(2) 2 W' 2 (2) ' (1)(2)(3) " 6 (1> 2 (2) ' (1) 3 (3)" Putting χ equal to unity we have the arithmetical relation of which the simplest cases are fg^^O' + D'-iO' + i^ + ^u + i)· 315. (iv) We have ιιϊγι 1(2)1 ι (3) i -· Рз
CH. V] THE SIX FORMULAE 69 Putting x equal to unity we have the arithmetical theorem J K ' Px\W-Pb\..\ 1 ) \ 2 ) \ Ζ ) -' with the simplest cases Putting χ equal to unity we have the arithmetical result with the simplest cases 317. (vi) We have Putting ж equal to unity we have the arithmetical result with the simplest cases 318. It is to be observed that these several transformations are not only intermediate steps but are in themselves noteworthy theorems in partitions. Each of the partial fractions that is obtained is in itself an enumerating generating function in the theory. This is not the case in the ordinary
70 FORMULA OF TRANSFORMATION [SECT. VII method of partial fractions that has been developed in this connexion by Cayley and Sylvester. The breaking up into partial fractions of the fraction (j + l)(j + 2)...(j+i) (l)(2)...<i) has one important property that must not be overlooked. The function as it stands is not visibly a finite integral function and in order to express it as a product of finite integral functions it is necessary to know the actual values of i and j so as to find the irreducible factor of the various numerator and denominator factors. In the transformations before us in this chapter the partial fractions which present themselves are such that each is visibly a product of finite integral functions and consequently itself a finite integral function. 319. Speaking in general we may in any relation which connects the quantities Si, ai} hi substitute either (i) &i = (i)' «,,· = Шг-1) X1 v ' or (ii) Si = (l)(2)...(i) 1 (l)(2)...(i)' (ij+i) (i) „ _ JJ (i-D <j-i + 2) (j-i + 3) .. (j + 1) (l)(2)...(ij ' h _(J+l)(j+2)...(J+i) . (l)(2)...(i) and since each of these expressions is an enumerating generating function in partition theory it follows that every such relation involves a theorem in partitions. 320. In particular the relations between the quantities ait hi are interesting because in any such relation, as we have seen in an earlier section of this work, we may interchange the symbols a, h. Moreover there is an infinite number of functions of the quantities a such that each function remains unaltered when h is written for a. In fact %+i when expressed in terms of аг> а.>, a3, ... has this property and sw merely changes sign.
CH. V] INTERCHANGE OF SYMBOLS 71 In order therefore to form such functions we may take any product $^s%*s§*sf*...y such that p2 ■+- p4 +p6 +... is even. Every linear function of such products has the desired property. As one of the simplest examples we have έ(βί-*8) = θιθ2-«ί, leading us to the relation аг a2 — a3 = hlh2 — h3j and thence to x__ a? _ 1 1 (1)^(2) " (1) (2) (3) " Щ^Щ - ОШШ ' which we may write in Cayley's Notation Ρ (1,1, 2) (w - 1) - Ρ (1, 2, 3) (w- 3) = P(1, 1, 2)w-P(l, 2,3)w, or in another form P(l, 2, 8)ur- Ρ(1,2, 8) (w-8) = P(1, 1, 2)w-P(l, 1, 2)(w-l), a relation which, in this simple case, is obviously true because each side is equal to Ρ (1, 2) w. 321. Again taking the second set of expressions for «;,«$, hi we have r (J)(i + i)8 _ ,* (i-i)(j)(3 + i) *" (1) (2) (1)(2)(3) _ Q + l)'Q+2) _ 0 + 1)0 + 2)0 + 3) (1)42) (1)(2)(3) a relation which is not immediately obvious. It leads us to 2P(l;i)(W-S)P(l,2;i-l)(S-l)-P(l,2,3;i-l)(W-3) = SP(1; j) («/-*) Ρ (1, 2; j)*-P(l, 2, 3; j)w. 322. The method of partial fractions and other methods have been applied to the actual evaluation of the coefficients in the expansions of enumerating functions in the theory of partitions. The reader is referred to the original researches of Cay ley* and Sylvester f, and to a very good short summary in Netto's Combinatorik%. * Coll. Math. Papers, Vol. п., pp. 235, 506. + Math. Papers, Vol. п., p. 90. .t Lehrbuch der Combinatorik, Leipzig, 1901, p. 146 et seq.
72 A LIMITED DOUBLE PRQDUCT [SECT. VII 323. The function (j+l)(j + 2)...(j+i) (l)(2)...(i) is intimately connected with the limited double product (1 + ax) (1 + ax*) ... (1 + ax*-1) Mathematicians have almost invariably considered the case of the double product in which j = i and have thus not directly connected it with the function which we are studying. Sylvester only considers the special case, but his quasi-geometrical method of demonstration is equally available for the general case and is the one to which attention will now be drawn. The coefficient amxw in the first part of the product denotes the number of ways of composing w with m unrepeated uneven numbers none of which is greater than 2i— 1. Similarly in the second part the coefficient of a"mxw gives the number of ways of composing w with m unrepeated uneven numbers none of which is greater than 2/ — 1. The product is not symmetrical in a and - unless j is equal to i, but observe that it is unchanged by the simul- taneous substitution of - for a and interchange of i and j. It results from this remark that the coefficients of am and a"™ in the double product are derivable the one from the other by merely interchanging i and j. The coefficient of am in the double product is obtained by multiplying the coefficient of am+e in the first part of the product by the coefficient of α~θ in the second part, giving θ all values from zero to j (so long as m + θ does not exceed i) and adding the results. The coefficient of am+9 in the first part is a function of χ which enumerates the partitions of numbers into m + θ unrepeated uneven parts none of which is greater than 2г — 1. In this function of χ the power of x, viz. #M\ occurs with a coefficient GWl indicating that there are 0Щ such partitions of the number wx. Let one of these partitions be the parts being, as usual, written in descending order of magnitude. Also, in the second part the coefficient of a~"exw* gives the number of ways of partitioning the number w2 into θ unrepeated uneven parts none of which is greater than 2j — 1. Let one of these partitions be (λχ, λ2, ... λβ), the parts being written in descending order of magnitude.
CEL V] CONSIDERED GRAPHICALLY 73 We now form a graph from the two sets of numbers in the following manner. Calling г the major half of the uneven number 2% — 1, we form an angle of nodes where the number of nodes in the line A^ is the major half of lm+l and the number of nodes in the line A& is the major half of λ^ The number of nodes in the angle is thus \ (w-i + W Similarly we form angles of nodes Β2Α202) В3АйС3) ... ΒθΑθΟθ involving numbers of nodes equal to 4 V"m+2 + λ.ο), φ (^w+ίί + \t)t · · · 4" (lm+θ Η" λβ) respectively, and then fit the angles together in the manner A, -в* so as to form a regular graph of content \ \hn+i + iwn-a + ... + Ι,η+θ + λ-ι + λ* -f ... + λθ). The number of nodes in the first row of the graph is and the number in the first column is H^ + i). Since k :f> 2% - 1, L $ 2г- 3, ... lw+1 :\> 2i- 2m -1, λ**2/-1, it is clear that the first row and the first column are limited to contain not more than г — m and j nodes respectively.
74 A LIMITED DOUBLE PRODUCT [SECT. .VII Now form a second graph of m rows containing i \<"m—ι "~ 3), i(/m-i) nodes respectively. The content of this graph is H7i + Z2 + ... + C~'m2), and the rows are limited to contain not more than i — m nodes. If we now superpose this graph to the former (as we may, because i^m —i>iWi + i) we obtain a graph of content J (Zi + k + ... + lm+β + λ1 + λ8+...+λβ- m2), which is % (Wi +· w2 — m2) or £ (w — m2) where w = w1 + w2. The number of nodes in the first row is i(Zi-2m + l), and in the first column «w+ 4(^ + 1), numbers which are limited not to exceed г — m, j + m respectively. The graph that has been constructed is specified by the content £ (& — m3) and by the two limiting numbers г — w,^ + m. The number 0 does not enter into the specification. By varying θ and the two sets of numbers &!, 62, ... 69714.4 J Αχ, Λ2, ... Лд we arrive at all graphs which have the defined specification. This is so because from any graph so specified the numbers ό \ l1} Iqj ... lm+Q J Αχ, A2, ... л>0 can be recovered for a given value of the integer m. It follows that the coefficient of amxw in the double product is equal to the coefficient of the function which enumerates partitions limited by the two numbers г — m, j -f w.
CH. V] CONSIDERED GRAPHICALLY 75 This function is (l)(2).„(i + j) (l)(2)...(i-m).(l)(2)...(j+m)· The coefficient herein ofx^b0-™*) js equal to the coefficient of xw in (2)(4)...(2i + 2j) (2) (4)... (2i-2m). (2) (4)... (2j + 2m) Hence the coefficients of am and a-™· in the double product are (2)(4)...(2i-2m).(2)(4)... (2)(4)...<2i + 2j) (2)<4)...<2i + 2m).(2)(4).. respectively. We have thus the identity (1 + ax) (1 + сит3) ... (1 + ал?1'-1) *ЮЮ-(1+?) (2)(4)...(2i + 2j) (2j + 2m) * ■«1- ywtf -2т)Ж (2)(4)...(2i).<2)<4)...(2j) + Σα« (2)(4>...(2i + 2j) » (2) (4)... (2i - 2m). (2) (4)... (2j + 2m) * - (2)(4)...(2i + 2j) + t (2)(4)...(21 + 2т).(2)(4)...(25-2т)ж ' 324. We now make an important transformation. Observing that if we write ax for a, each side of the identity becomes a function of xa, we so write and subsequently write χ for x-. Wc thus obtain the identity (1 + ax) (1+ ax*) (1 + ax3)... (1+ ax1) *K)K)K)-(1+i?) = (l)(2)...(i+j) (l)(2)...(i).(l)(2)...(j) + Se» (l)(2)...(i+j) _i»(* + i (l)(2)...(i-m).(l)(2)...(j + m) + * a-m (l)(2)...(i+j) im{m- 1) (1)(2)..а + т).(1)(2)...(]-т)Ж
76 VARIOUS FORMULAE [SECT. VII (l)(2)...(i+j) (l)(2)...(i).<l)(2)...(j) I (J + l) (ι + 1)α + (j + l)(j + 2)*a+(i + l)(i + 2)a* (i-2)(i-l)(i) (j-2)(j-i)(j) «» + (j + 1) (J + 2) (j + 3) Xa+ (i+ 1) (i + 2) (i + 3) a» + }'■ 325. The limited double product may be dealt with in another manner which will lead to an important identity. For (1 + αβ)(1 + ω»)... (1+α^-1) * (l +£) (l + f) ··· (l +^) - 1 | ar'2i> | aV<2i-2)<2i) ι aV(2i-4)(2i-2)(2i) 1 + β*(2)+βί? (2) (4) +ttx (2) (4) (6) +···' into 1 , * (2j) a* (2j - 2) (2j) tf (2j - 4) (2j - 2) (2j) α (2) a2 (2) (4) α3 (2) (4) (6) + "' and by simple multiplication _ι + „ьШШ , rJ2i-2)(2i).(2j-2)(2j) "1 + Α"ΐ27~+Λ5 (2Й4> +- + ν α» L-. (2i-2m + 2)...(2i) 1)2+l2 (2i-2m)...(2i) (2j) -a Г (2) (4)... (2m) +* (2) (4)... (2m + 2) (2) , r^1+t,<21-2m-2)...(gl) (2j-2)(2j) (2) (4)... (2m+ 4) · (2) (4) + a*****+ (2i-2m-4)...(2i) (2j -4) (2j - 2) (2j) + (2)(4)...(2m + 6) · (2) (4) (6) 1 + S a-™ L»* <gJ-g» + g)-(gJ) , ж ,**■,).+,. (2j-2m)-(2j) (2i) + Λα Γ (2) (4) ...(2m) -+X (2) (4) ...(2m+ 2) (2) ,m4,^(2j-2m-2)...(2j) (2i-2)(2i) (2) (4) ...(2m+ 4) · (2) (4) + * See Sylvester, Coitected Matliematieal Papers, Vol. iv., "A Constructive Theory of Partitions," where the particular case j=i is considered.
CH. V] DERIVED FROM THE DOUBLE PRODUCT 77 Now put ax for x, and subsequently write χ for a?, obtaining (1 + ax) (1 + a«?)... (1 + aw*) χ (l + ^ (l + ^ ... (l + ^ -lixWW ^<i-D(i) <3-l)(J) , -i + * (1)3 + * (1)2(2)2 +... .«-« Li* (m+i)(i-m+ 1) · (i) *{я»+8»+8) (i-m)(i-m + l)...(i) (j) + Xa Г -йЙЙй15)" + · (i)(2)...(m+i) (ϊ) i(w*+5»+8) (i - m - 1) (i - m)... (i) (j - 1) (j) (1)(2)... (m + 2) * (1)(2) *(m^7»t+i8) (i -m - 2) (1 -m - 1) ... (i) (j - 2) (j - 1) (j) (l)(2)...(m + 3) ' (1)(2)(3) + } * («»+8»»+8) (j-m-l)(j-m)...(j) (i - 1) (i) ~(l)(2)...(m + 2) (1)(2) 4K+s»'+i8) (j-m-2)(j-m-l)...(j) (i - 2) (i - 1) (i) + (1)(2). (m + 3) · "(1)(2)(3) + . 326. Now looking to the prior result and equating coefficients of like powers of α we find, after striking out common factors, the identities (i) ι + ,ЙЙ, «-(i-D(i).(j-D(j) ^(i-2)...(i).(j-2)...(j) W Α+*(1)3^* (1)2(2)3 + * (l)*(2)*(3)· +"· . (l)(2).(i + j) (l)(2)...(i).(l)(2)...(j)' which is hereafter reached from a consideration of Permutation Functions; W *+* (m+l)(l)+ib (m+l)(m + 2) · (1) (2) (i-m-2)(i-m-l)(i-m) (j -2) (j - 1) (j) + г (m+l)(m + 2)(m + 3) (1) (2) (3) + _(j + m+l)(j+m + 2) ...(j + i) (m+l)(m + 2)...(i) derived by comparison of the coefficients of am.
78 THE METHODS OF GAUSS [SECT. VII Comparison of the coefficients of a~m gives the same formula with the mere interchange of i and j. 327. In the concluding articles of this chapter it is proposed to give some of the methods and processes of Gauss in the study of partition series. They are highly ingenious and no student would find his equipment complete without them. The notation is to a large extent altered to be in accordance with that used in this work. Consider the product of two infinite products (1 + ax)(1 + ax>)(1 + ож5) ... and suppose multiplication to produce R.Q • ~z Η— a2 a Writing ax2 for a has the effect of multiplying the product by ax 1 1 + ax ax' hence (i+«.)(i+^)...(i + l)(i+i)(i+i)(i+g... = · · · + -π+—.+F + Q^ + в***4 + · · · a* or aw- aix a2x αχ χ χ the last line but one being derived by writing ax2 for a, and the last line by multiplication by —. Comparison gives ... = R = Qx? = Px4 = ..., and thence the right-hand side ...+-s + ^ + P + Qa + i2a2+... ай а ^ of the above assumed identity may be written and it only remains to calculate Ρ which is the term independent of a in the given product.
СЫ. V] THE METHODS OF GAUSS 79 328. He shews by precisely the same method that if the square of the last considered product be written ... + ^ + P+Qa + ..., then (1 + axni + crtYQ. +aa,*y ... (l +£f (l +£)*(l + ^f ... + Q|(e+I)+^(* + i)+^(rf+i)+^(tf+i)+...}, the exponents of χ in the Ρ series being the doubles of the square numbers and in the Q series the quadruples of the figurate numbers of the third order. 329. Write D - xn I-#2n+1 хш l-#2?l+2 l-xn+1 1+0**1 +a*»+;L ι + лл · ι + дл+1 · ι + хп+* дЯП 1 _ дувИ·» 1 _ дЛ1+1 1 _ ^П+2 + 1 + л?» ' 1 + #η+1 Ч+#n+2'l+#,г+3"l"''', У - 1"5Г5»+ i + лл · rqr^n+i+ 1 + ^'1 + ял+1 · Г+ЖП+2 + ···» ρ = ρ~ρ. We first of all calculate R by subtracting the terms of Q from those of Ρ in order. We find n = 1_ xn (1 - a?n) ^»(l-a»)(l-a?*+1) , . ""l+^ + (l +a»)(l+^H-i)+(1 + ^)(l+an+i)(i+a^+i)+ — - 9(*>л> But if we find R by adding the first term of P, the difference between the second term of Ρ and the first of Q, between the third term of Ρ and the second of Q and so forth, we find R - ι _ ^2η+1 _ ^+ί(1-^+ι) #*η+* (1 - ^n+1) (1 ~ а,?г+2) 1 + αη+1 (1 + ^+1) (1 + лл+2) "" (1 + α^+i) (1 + χη+*) (1 +"*»+») ~~ "' = 1-^*+ΐφ(^Η + 1), or φ (л?, η) = 1 - л*14"1 φ (ж, η + 1), true when τι is an integer greater than unity; and with this restriction we are led to the identity φ {χ, η) = 1 - x2n+1 + χ411** —л*»+» + a*n+M _ # #
80 THE METHODS OF GAUSS [SECT. VII When η = 0, the last term of Q must be taken into account. Calling it Q' the second series for R is greater than the first series for R by ty. Thus ι-*Φ(*,ΐ)-Φ(*,ο) + ρ/, leading to φ(χ,0) = 1-χφ{χ,1)-$=\-χ + αϊ·-χ» + χ™-...-$. Now φ (xy 0) = -£ by putting η = 0 in the first series for R, and from the series for Q ff_l (!-*)(!-*)(!-<*)... v 2(1 + «)(1+^)(1 + ^)...' Hence (1-а?)(1-д?)(1-д?)... = 1 - 2# + 2#4 - 2л9 + 2л;16 - ..., (1+л?)(1 + ^)(1+л?)- an important result first obtained from elliptic function theory. The left-hand side of the identity may be written (1)^(2)(3)44)(5)M6)..., so that writing 1 - 2# + 2л4 - 2л9 4- ... -F{x\ we find FQc) F(-x) = [F(x2)\K 330. In a similar manner by considering the two series 1 - x™+* xn(l -а^+4)(1 - xn+*) x2n (1 - я2^6) (1 - #п+3) (1 - #*+*) Γ-^+ϊ" +"" (1 - χη+1) (Ι -Ί^Τβ)" + (1 - a«+i) (1 - χη+2) (1 - ^*+·)~+ ·"' а?п(1-а^) ^(l-a^XJ -a>>n+4) я?" (1 - χη+2) (1 - зЯ+4)(1 - a*+«) 1 - #η+1 (1 - λ*»+1) (1 - α?**) + (1 - л^+0 (1 - #η+3) (1 - «»*+»)" +''' it is shewn that (1 — ж) (1 — ж3) (1 - л·5)... and thence by changing the sign of χ (1-а?)(1-а?«)(1--0«).., (Ι+λΧΙ+^ΧΙ+λ·)... Putting 1 — a? - a? + x6 + &ло — ... = φ (χ), and as before 1 - 2a? + 2x* - 2x» + ... =F(ai), it is easy to shew that ψ (л) φ (- χ) = φ (л?) ί7 (л?4). = 1 — л? — χ3 + я6 4- χ10 —
CH. V] THE METHODS OF GAUSS 81 331. In the result of Art. 327 if we put a«l, comparison with the expression that has been obtained for 1 ~2# + 2#4-2#9 + ... shews that (l+«)(l + o^(l+a^)...(l + ^(l+^)(l+|)... _ 1 + (a + a-1) a: + (a2 + ατ*)αή 4- (α3 + or3) я° + ... ~ (1-Λ·2)(1-.^)(1-^β)(1-^)... If herein we write x* for χ and — χ for a we find (4) (10) (16)...(2) (8) (14)... 1 - a? - x* + xw + xH - at» - Xй + ... (6) (12) (18) (24)... or multiplying up and writing χ for x2 we get (1)(2)(3)(4) ... = l-x-x* + x5 + x'7-x12-xl5+..., an interesting way of arriving at this celebrated identity. If on the other hand we write x* for χ and «f x for a we find (3) (6) (9) (12) (15) (18)... 1 + χ + a? + Xs + x1 + x12 + xK +... = (1) (5) (7) (11) (13) (17) (19)...· 332. Following Gauss wc denote the function —1(1<)(У).:(1)а+- ьу «+^> °r o,+^> Since (i +j, г + 1) = (г Ч- j - 1, г 4- 1) Ч- л?·7'"*1 (г + j - 1, г), (г'+j-l, г + 1)=(гЧ.?'-2, t41) + ^(t4i-2,i), (г + 2, г + 1) = 1 + χ (г + 1, г), it is easy to shew that (i+j, i+l)= 1 +я?(г+ 1, г)-Ь я2 (г* + 2, г) + ... + χ^λ(гЧj -1, г). Now consider the series η* *=ι 1"a?y+11 д-*од-**+1) а-^-г)(1-^)(1-^+1), J\*>3) l-w + (l-x)(L-x*) (1-л?)(1-а?)(1-а?») *' j being of course a positive integer. The series has j 4- 2 terms, the last term being + 1 according as j is uneven or even. m. а. и. 6
82 THE METHODS OF GAUSS [SECT. VII Writing /(«i#«l-(j + l,l) + (.7 + l,2)-0-+l,3)+... we have 1 = 1) -04i,i) —(j,iW, + 0 + 1, 2) = + 0*. 2) + a-* (j, 1), -0 + 1,3) = -0,3)-^0,2), etc., leading to /(*, j) = (1 - xi) - (1 - *>-) (j, 1) + (1 - ^-2) 0*. 2) - · · ·, but (1 - of-*) (j, s) = (1 - «0 0 ~ 1. «). so that f(x, j) = (1 - «9/(«, j - 2). Now Д*,0)-0, Дя,1) = 1-Ж, Д«,2)=0, and we find f(x, 1) = 1 — x, f(x,3) = (l-x)(l-x>), /(^δ)-(ΐ-*)(ΐ-«·)(ΐ-βθ, etc., and when j is uneven /(χ,ί) = (1-χ){1-3?)(1-χ*)...(1-χη. Clearly, when j is even, /(ж, j) = 0, and it is manifest that the terms destroy one another in pairs. 333. Next consider the series ^ (ΐ-^)(ΐ-Λ·2)(ΐ-Λ·3) "*■"·' or 1+«*0Ч1, l) + «(j+l,2)+a*(j + l, 3) + .... Reversing the series, it may be written F(xJ)^xi^+1)^x^ (j^l>l) + xi^-l)(j + l>2) + x^^^(j + l1S)^.... Multiply this series by x^ ^ + 2) and add it, terra to term, to the first series, obtaining =»l+«*(j + l, l) + *0' + l, 2) + ^0'+l,8) + ^(j + l,4) + ... + л?*.^+1 + л?.я^0' + 1, l) + «*.a^-1(j + l, 2) + #2.^-2(j + l, 3) + ....
сн. ν] THE METHODS OF GAUSS Now by the last article so that Moreover so that and in general (j + 1, l)+^+» = (j + 2, 1), (j +1, 2) + ^(j +1,1) = 04-2,2), (j + 1,3) + a»-"1 (j + 1, 2) = (j + 2, 3), etc., {1 + x\ (i+2)j ρ (ж> j) = ^(a!> j + χ). J?>,-1) = 0, ^(ж, 0) = 1+^, .Ffo 1)=(1+я*)(1 + я), ^ (a;, 2) = (1 + ж*) (1 + x) (1 + a#), 83 F(x,j) = (1 +я*)(1 + ж)(1 + al)... (1 + аЭ'+*). Writing a? for χ we have 1 | a.(2J + 2) , ^(2J)(2J + 2) , ^(2j-2)(2j)(2j + 2) 1+* (2Γ +Я" (2) (4) +^ (2) (4) (6) + = (1 + x) (1 + a*)(l +a?)... (1 +Ж-Н-1).
CHAPTER VI CONNEXION OF THE THEORY OP PARTITIONS WITH OTHER COMBINATORY THEORIES 334. It has been shewn that the partitions of unipartite numbers into parts limited as to magnitude by ρ and as to number by q can be graphically represented by nodes or units placed in the cells of a rectangular lattice formed by cutting ρ +1 vertical lines by q +1 horizontal lines. d ___ в + + + 1 ь + + о + с + + - о о о + О О о О о о о о о о о о о о о о о о о о о о о о О о о о о А As a particular and representative case take ρ = 7, q = 6 and construct the lattice. On it depict by crosses the unipartite partition 32211 of the number 9. If the unoccupied cells be filled by noughts we obtain a complementary partition 766554 of the number 33, where 9 + 33 = 42 = 7x6 =pq. Now separate these two partitions by the path marked in black. The whole lattice denotes, by Sect. IV, Ch. H, the graph of the bipartite number pq and the blackened path is a line of route through it. This line of
SECT. VII, СЯ. Vl] CONNEXION WITH COMPOSITIONS 85 route denotes a principal composition of the bipartite pq and also by Sect. IV, Ch. I, it is the zig-zag graph of a composition of the unipartite number p + q + 1. The line of route also denotes a permutation of the letters 335. It follows that partitions of unipartite numbers are closely connected with (i) the compositions of bipartite numbers; (ii) the compositions of unipartite numbers; (iii) permutations involving two different letters. In the above diagram we have (i) the composition (θϊ Ϊ2 Ϊ2 Π 4θ) of the bipartite Тб, (ii) the composition 23321111 of the unipartite 14, (iii) the permutation βχββαββαβαααα of α7/3β. The compositions of the bipartite number pq which are under examination are those in which consecutive figures of successive biparts are both greater than zero. There is one such defined by each line of route and they are called principal compositions. Their enumeration therefore coincides with that of the lines of route. To each unipartite partition which has no part greater than ρ and not more than q parts corresponds a line of route. It has been shewn in Sect. IV, Ch. II, that the number of lines of route through the lattice is ΓΛ Ρ Hence the correspondence gives the theorem: " The number of partitions, of all numbers, into parts limited in magnitude to ρ and in number to q is This number is also by Euler's intuitive theory given by the coefficient of aqaPq or of {aaP)q in the expansion of 1 (1 _ a) (1 - x) (1 - ax) (1 - aa?) .'.'. (1 - aa?)' Hence that portion of this expansion which involves powers of axp is or (1 - ae*)-*-».
86 DERIVED THEOREMS [SECT. VII The number of different parts in the unipartite partition (denoted by- crosses) is equal to the number of left-bends J in the line of route, and the number of lines of route which possess s left-bends (or $ right-bends ~~|) has been shewn in Sect. IV, Ch. II, Art. 145, to be ш· Hence the theorem is: " The number of partitions of all numbers into $ different parts limited in magnitude to ρ and in number to q is This number is the coefficient of μ8ΌΡβ^ in the product (α + μβ)Ρ(ζ+β)<1, and therefore also by the Master Theorem of Sec. Ill, Ch. n in the expansion of 1-α-/3 + (1-μ)α/3' which may be written ^ <*& , * (1-α)Η-ΐ(ΐ_ βγ+ιμ' Hence the function ο?β8 (1_α)*+1(1 _£)*+! enumerates the lines of route, which possess s left-bends or s right-bends, *n all bipartite reticulations. When the lattice is of the bipartite pq we merely seek the coefficient of α?β«. It also enumerates all unipartite partitions into s different parts limited in any desired manner in number and magnitude. 336. If we form the product ('♦£-.№+£>)-('♦£..)' we find that the general term in the development is bx^.hx2c\...bxV(T», σ1} σ2,... σρ having any integer values from 0 to oo. If s of these magnitudes be greater than zero this is equal to and consequently the coefficient of b8xn in the product denotes the number of ways of partitioning η into parts limited in magnitude to ρ and of exactly $ different magnitudes, the number of parts being otherwise unrestricted.
CH. VI] DERIVED THEOREMS 87 If we modify the product in the manner /, abx \ /, abx2 \ /, abac* \ and take the coefficient of аЯЪ9хпу the partitions possess the further property that the total number of parts is exactly q. If we add the additional factor - the partitions enumerated by the coefficient of аЯЪ*хп possess the property that the total number of parts is q or fewer. Again if we also multiply the product by the factor - , the coefficient JL — X of aqb8xn enumerates the partitions of all numbers equal to or less than n9 where the part magnitude is restricted so as not to exceed p, exactly $ of the parts are different and the total number of parts is q or less. Hence the partitions of all unipartite numbers into exactly s different parts, limited in magnitude to ρ and in number to q, are enumerated by the coefficient of a*b8xpv in the development of the product abx \ л abx2 λ Λ abxv 1-х' 1 —α 1 + l-ax) VI- aW '" \ 1 - a*) ' This may be regarded as the intuitive solution of the problem after Euler. This coefficient is equal to that of {axvy in (1 _ x) (i _ a) (1 - uaT1) (1 - ax4) ... (1 - ааГ<) where klf Ly ... Z?.s. are any s different numbers drawn from the series 1, 2, Ζ,.,.ρ, and the summation is in respect of all such selections. Inasmuch as we know from the reticulation theory that the coefficient is equal to ш· we find that the effective portion of the above generating function is 00<·->·+(ϊ)(*ί1)<-^"+-·άΜ \$J (1 - ax?)8+1
88 THEOREMS DERIVED FROM [SECT. VII Here we have regarded ρ and s as constant and q as variable; but if we take ρ and q to be constant and $ variable we know that the coefficient of {ace*)* in the product 1 / dbx \f abx2 \ / aba? \ (1 -a?)(l -a) V + 1 -ax) { 1 - ax*) '" { 1 - aW Ш+©е>+"+©(Р* A line of route with $ left-bends has either $— 1, s or $ + 1 right-bends. If it commences by tracing an α-segment and ends by tracing a /3-segment the number is s — 1. If it commences by tracing an α-segment and ends by tracing an α-segment or if it commences and ends by tracing ^-segments the number is s. If a β-segment begins and an α-segment ends the line of route the number is $ -h 1. To obtain the correspondence with partitions we remark that if an α-segment begins the line, the partition (marked with crosses) has exactly q parts; if an α-segment ends, the highest part is less than ρ; if a /3-segment begins, the number of parts is less than q; if a /3-segment ends, the highest part is equal to p. It can moreover be readily shewn by the method pursued in Sect. IV, Ch. II, Art. 144, that the enumeration of the lines of route possessing $ left-bends and $ — 1, $, 5 + 1 right-bends respectively is given by the numbers 6:ϊ)0*:ί)· the sum of these numbers being of course rj Ρ ]. 337. Hence the following theorems : " The number of partitions of all numbers which have exactly q parts, a highest part equal to ρ and s different parts, is j - 1 )\s - 1) * " The number of partitions of all numbers which have exactly q parts, a highest part less than_p and s different parts, or which have less than q parts, a highest part equal to ρ and s different parts, is r.X-lW-W;1
CH. VI] THE LINE OF ROUTE 89 " The number of partitions of all numbers which have less than q parts, a highest part less than p, and s different parts, is ГЛГЛ Ex. gr. If ρ = q = 3, s = 2, the partitions enumerated by these three theorems are (311), (331), (322), (332); (31), (211), (32), (221); (21); respectively. It is clear that identical relations between binomial coefficients yield results in the theory of partitions. Thus the relations admit of immediate interpretation. By Euler's intuitive theory the enumerations in the three cases are given by (i) the coefficient of a*-1^-1^-^ in 1 -χ γ + ι -αχ] Iх + ϊ -ααή - \ι + ι -αβΗ" \ + 1 -αχ») ' (ii) the coefficient of a^b8x^"1)q in ί- «( +l-4l !" α^ '""fl- α^1] ' plus the coefficient of αΡ^Ι^ω*®"1* in 1_ f aba? ) J aba? ) L o*?^1 I fi ^ (1-я?)(1-"а) Г + 1-ал?[ ( l-o^J '" \ 1-ах^]\ + 1 - ax? (iii) the coefficient of afl-tyx (р-1) ίί"""1) in (1 1 ( аЬ* | [ _oftg Ϊ L abx^ ] - a?)(l - а) Г + 1 - ад?! Г + 1 - o^J "'" Г + 1 - ая^1] * 338. When the line of route is regarded as the zig-zag graph of a composition of the unipartite number ρ 4- q -Ы, it is convenient to rotate the figure clockwise through a right angle. The reading of the graph then shews ρ +1 parts, no part being greater than q + 1.
90 COMPOSITIONS OF UNIPARTITE NUMBERS [SECT. VII, CH. VI The number of the compositions so defined we know by the correspondence This is verified because the number is given by the Coefficient of ^+«+1 in {% + я2 4- ... + ^+1)^+1, or of afl in (1 - %)-p-\ and this is (P + q). In order from a composition of the unipartite to proceed to the uni- partite partition, we write down the composition, say, 2 3 3 2 1111 as in the diagram, 2 2 ] 1 2 3 and form a second row by subtracting unity from every part except the first, and then a third row of the natural numbers in order underneath the numbers in the second row; then the partition is formed by taking a number in the third row, repeated a number of times shewn by the number in the second row immediately above it; thus in the above case the partition is 31 2212. Generally if the composition be ττχ тг2... тгр+1 we form the scheme 77*! 7Г2 7Гз 7Г4 ... 7Γρ—ι 7Γρ Tfp+l 7Г2 — 1 7Г3 — 1 7Г4 — 1 ... 7Гр—ι .— 1 ТТр — 1 ТГр^ — 1 1 2 3 ... р-2 р-1 ρ and the corresponding partition is рЯуи-i ю —1**""* г) — 21Гр_1~1 .. зт4-1 21Гз~'1 1х2""1 Omitting the first part of the composition, if of the remainder there be s parts greater than unity, the partition will have s different parts. The total number of parts is Σ·7τ — irl — ρ or q 4- 1 - тгг.
SECTION VIII A NEW BASIS OF THE THEORY OF PARTITIONS. PARTITION ANALYSIS IN SEVEN CHAPTERS CHAPTER I THE METHOD OF DIOPHANTINE INEQUALITIES 339. In this Section we no longer rest upon the intuitive observation of Euler, but penetrate deeper into the Theory of Partitions. A partition of a number may be regarded as any collection of positive integers whose sum is equal to the number. There is no specification of order amongst the numbers which are the parts of the partition, and that being so, we may import into the definition any particular order or arrangement that is convenient. There are only two arrangements that are universally applicable. We may in all cases arrange the parts either in descending or in ascending order of numerical magnitude. We choose the former of these and make a new definition of a partition of a number, viz.: " A partition of a number is any collection of positive integers arranged in descending order of magnitude whose sum is equal to the number." The problem now is to find successions of numbers in descending order of magnitude where the numbers enjoy some other property which may be that their sum is to be equal to a given number. This is, in fact, the question immediately before us, but it is clearly not the only one that may present itself. Consider i numbers in descending order of magnitude alta»t α:ι?.·.α/. The order is defined by the Diophantine relations αϊ ^ α2, a2 > «3, Οί_! ^ 0Lit
92 EXPLANATION OF THE OPERATIVE SYMBOL [SECT. VIII and subject to them we consider the sum V rai + <*2+a3 + · · · + ai Now observe that the algebraic fraction 1 (i-M(i-£.)(i-*.)...(i-£.)' when expanded in ascending powers of x, has the general term or A^l ~ «2 ^a2 ~ α3 φ φ Χ?ί-1 ~ αίX** #ai + «2 + a3+ ··· + аг and that if the Diophantine relations are to be satisfied this must be free from negative powers of Xb λ2, λ3, — It is thus evident that we have only to expand the fraction 1 <l-»*)(l-£.)(l-£.)...(l-£.)' reject all the terms involving negative powers of λ^ λ2, Хз, ..., and subsequently put Aj = Aq = A3 = ... = A$ = 1 to obtain the desired sum V „,al + a2 + а3 + · · · + аг The performance of these operations upon the fraction we shall denote by prefixing the symbol ίϊ, so that »<i-»*>(i-£.)(i-£.)...(i-£.) It will be noted that \ is retained although it may be immediately put equal to unity. In regard to the operation of Ω we have the easily established result > > (1 - λ, A^) (l - ^) ^ - A^ & ~ ^A^^j' leading to fl« > (1 - \A^) (l - ^*A (l - £«*) (1 - Λ^ΧΙ - A1A2x^+^-) (1 - АгА2Агх^+^+^)'
CH. I] STEPPING BACK PROM EULER'S FUNCTION 93 and to the similar general result involving any number of denominator factors. In reaching this it will be observed that the auxiliaries λ are successively eliminated. We thus find that У./Л + α2 + a3 + · · · + ai ~(l-#)(l~^)(l-<)...(l--#ί), the generating function which with Euler was intuitive. The investigation above shews how the Theory of Partitions may be enlarged because we may vary the Diophantine relations, and also the linear function of the parts which above was taken to be the simple sura. 340. It has been shewn that we can step back from the generating function of Euler 1 (l)<2)<3)...(i) to the crude generating function 1 ft. M-*..)(i-£.)(i-£.)...(i_£.)· and it will become evident that we can step back further still to a more crude generating function. This arises from the circumstance that δ· Χ l ><,-,m>(i-*)(i-*)...(i-£) (1-*>" because Ω >(,-„*)(,-&) й х ' >0-л.>(1- £)(>- S) (1-я)2(1-ум?У and so on by successive elimination of μΐ9 μ2, ... . With two sets of auxiliaries we have therefore for the sum λ μ Ί an . > > (ί -λ^*) (ι - Jf-2) (ι - ¥±£) (i - x^)... (ι - ^ht*\ μ Eliminating μχ> μ2,... μι bv the operation of il this becomes > λ 1 Vv.)(,-b.)(,_£.)... (!_£.)■ the function already considered.
94 INTERPRETATION OF CRUDE GENERATING FUNCTIONS [SECT. VIII To interpret the ultra-crude generating function above we form the general term which is ^αχ -2θ2 4- α3^«2 - 2α3 + α4^α3 ~2α4 + α5 \*ί-2 ~ 2αι-ι + αΐ\?ΐ-ι " ^4-χ^ί „αι ~ α2„α2 ~ α3 φ. a^j-a^ α^ αχ and since the exponents must be non-negative we have the Diophantine relations «1 + «3 > %<*2 \ a.2 + a4^ 2a3 [ I cti-2 + <*·%> 2а^г сц-i ^ 2o^ in connexion with the sum %хак If then aly a2, ... cti be any г integers, which satisfy the above set of relations, 2#as the sum being in respect of each set of integers, is equal to 1 (l)(2)(3)...(i)· This shews that the number of ways of choosing the integers, the number ax being fixed, is equal to the number of partitions of ax into г or fewer parts. Ex. gr. take <хг = 4, г = 4, the sets of integers are «ι α, σΆ α4 4 4 4 4 4 0 1 2 2 3 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 in each of which the Diophantine relations are satisfied. They are five in number, because the number four has five partitions into four or fewer parts. In fact, to make the one-to-one correspondence between the sets and the partitions of four we have merely to take the numbers In general we may bake a set of integers enumerated by the ultra-crude form to be A + &+...+A, & + A+...+&, &+...+&,...£*.! + &, ft,
CH. I] EXAMPLES OF CRUDE FORMS 95 which plainly satisfies the Diophantine relations, and then the corresponding partition of ax is βι> Aj> β3>··Ά· 341. As another example the generating function 1 of the partitions composed of uneven parts not exceeding 2i — 1 in magnitude may be exhibited in the crude form XI ►<i-M)(i-£,)(i-£.,)...(i-£,)' which is equal to the sum ^ αϊ + 2<X2 + 2<x3+... + 2α$ subject to the Diophantine conditions «i > a2 ^ «з^ ··· > «г-ι ^ a*. Ex. gr. for i = 3, «i + 2a2 + 2a3 = 6, it enumerates the partitions 22, 211, 41, 6, equi-numerous with the partitions of 6 into uneven parts. We further proceed to the ultra-crude form λ μ пи. since the elimination of the auxiliaries μ leads to the crude form. This is the sum 2a?ttl + ea, for sets of integers au ct2, a,,... ai} which are subject to the Diophantine relations *i 4- *, > 2*2 er3 + α4 ^ 2a3 <*г-2 + «г > 20Гг_! «{-ι ^ 2аг· αϊ > «2 ^ «з > ··· >«i-i ^ «{· The number of such sets of integers for which аг + cx2 has a given value is equal to the number of partitions of <χΎ + a2 into uneven parts, no part exceeding 2г — 1 in magnitude.
96 EXAMPLES OF CRUDE FORMS [SECT. VIII Similarly the function (1 - x) (1 - xs) (1 - a?u)... (l - я*-<) has the crude form λ 1 Ω- >(1->.-)(ΐ-^)(ΐ-^)...(ΐ-^)' which denotes the sum subject to the conditions and the ultra-crude form λ μ 1 ?Vw>(i-^«0(i-^)(i-*£)...(i-5^)' which denotes the sum 2#*ι+**2 for sets of integers al} a2) a3, ... аг·, which obey the conditions «! -h а3 ^ 2*2, ff2 + a4^ 2«3> аг-_2-Ьаг^2аг-.1, аг·-! ^ 2аг·, The number of such sets of integers for which аг + 4а2 has a given value is equal to the number of partitions of аг 4- 4a2 into parts of the form 5m + l, no part exceeding 5г — 4 in magnitude. In general we find the crude form of the sum where θ1} θ2, ... #$ are positive or negative integers, subject to the Diophantine relation σ^ 4- σ2α2 4- ... 4- <τ%&% ^ 0, where σΎ} σ2, ... σι are positive or negative integers, to be n I ^ (1 -Л^лЛ) (l-\*»a*) ... (1 - Xf<^<)' If we have an additional Diophantine condition tj «! + T2or2 + ... + τ< α< > 0,
CH. I] PASSAGE TO EEAL GENERATING FUNCTIONS 97 we intercalate another auxiliary λ2, making the function 1 Λ: > (1 - XfiXia*)(I - λ**λ^) ... (1 - λ^λ^*) ' and so forth, a new auxiliary appearing for each additional Diophantine relation. 342. The generating functions which have been considered above enumerate the partitions specified. They are enumerating generating functions. We can form real generating functions which put in evidence the partitions enumerated in the following manner. The general term in the expansion of the fraction 1 <ι-»Λ>(ι-**.)(ι-**.)...(ι-£*~)(ι-£*) ^■*£*·Γ£*·Γ···(&*»Γ(ά*Γ· is or x?1 - α2λ2α2 -аз... xtii1 - ^χρχρχ?... 2гйда. If the numbers al9 a2) ... o^ are subject to the Diophantine relations «i ^ Oa > «3 > ··· > «i-i > «г, it is clear that the product x?x?x?...x? indicates a partition (а^а^... а$) of the number αΎ 4- а2 + <Ч + · · · 4· α*, and гх?х?х?...х? can be represented in the crude form λ 1 ?(1-«(1-^-)(1-^')-(1-&л'-)(1-хЬл)' which by a previous Article has the expression 1 (1 - Xx) (1 - XA) (1 - J^Z,*,)... (1 - ХгХ*Х%... Z<)' We observe herein that Xti"a*(XlX2)aa"as(XlX2X9)^"ai... (XjX* ...Xi-y-i-'i&X,... Xi)ai = X?X?X?...Xt\ and that the denominator factors establish that the partitions under consideration are uniquely composable by means of the partitions 1, 11, 111, .,.111...г units. M. A. II. 7
98 PAETS LIMITED IN MAGNITUDE [SECT. VIII Ex. gr. To obtain the partition a^ocs... aiy we take 1, αλ — a^ times; 11, a2 — a3 times, and so on. We have thus the algebraic indication of the Ferrers' graphical representation of a partition in which the nodes are replaced by units, and we further learn that the partitions 1,11, 111,... are the fundamental or ground partitions from which all others of the nature considered may be derived by addition. These remarks may appear, in the present instance, to be of a trivial character, but they involve an idea which will be found to be of great importance as the theory advances. We can also proceed to an ultra-crude form \ μ. ι the first of an infinite series of ultra-crude forms. The next one is λ μ ν l and succeeding ones are written down without difficulty. Each one is interpretable in terms of Diophantine inequalities by constructing the general term. 343. We pass on to the consideration of the partition of numbers into parts limited not to exceed j in magnitude. It is merely necessary to restrict the highest part and we are led to the crude enumerating function a ι - (λ^ν+1 ►α-»..>(ι-*.)...(ι-£)' the partitions possessing at most i parts. Instead of at once evaluating this expression we notice the identity ι j%" , ι - (λ^ν*1 (1 - g) (1 - g\x) уГ0 9 1 - \x ' and observe that the crude function is equal to the coefficient of gi in о i ·α-#-Μ(ι-^)(ι-^)...(ι-^' 1 orm (l-g)\i-g*)(i -sO ...(i -~g£y the well-known intuitive result of Euler.
сн. ι] a generalization 99 We apply the same method to reach results which are generalizations of the foregoing. Let us restrict the magnitudes of the successive parts, written in descending order, by the numbers We are led to the crude enumerating function /-<^Ч-й'Н-4-£Г ? (1-Х,-) (l-£.) -. {!-£) ' which we notice is the coefficient of in the function > (1 -<*)(! -Л) - (1 ~9i)a Si\«) (l -*£*) - (l ~^хУ ' and this function is 1 (l-0i)(l-#a)...(l-#)(l-^ We have therefore to expand this function and take the coefficient of 9\ xffi2 · · · ΰΐi- There are two remarks to be made here. 344. Firstly the function lends itself to intuitive interpretation after Euler. For clearly the factor g-J* of g^gij2... g{1 points out that parts not less than $ in magnitude occur in the partitions j8 or fewer times. This is seen at once by merely looking at the denominator factors which involve g8. Hence by the intuitive interpretation the partitions enumerated are those in which the part magnitude in the whole partition is restricted not to exceed i and parts not less than s in magnitude occur js or fewer times, where $ has any of the values 1, 2, 3, ... i. The same function also enumerates, by this investigation, partitions into i or fewer parts, any part s occurring at most js times, where s has any of the values· 1, 2, 3, ... i. We have thus a theorem of reciprocity the generalization of that in regard to partitions restricted as to part magnitude and as to number of parts. The reader will notice that this generalized reciprocity is made evident by the graph of a partition. It simply depends upon the circumstance that the graph may be read either by rows or by columns. 7—2
100 SPECIAL CASE OF THE TWO HIGHEST PARTS [SECT. VIII Secondly the function, in the form to which it has been brought, is still crude because the numbers^, j2} ...# are necessarily in descending order and we require therefore only those products of powers of glf g2i ... gi which arise in the expansion for which this descending order is in evidence. Taking a new set of auxiliaries vl9 v2, ... v^i the true generating function may be written Ω 7 r г-1 · > (1 -Mi) (l -^flr.) ... (l -^(1-Mi«)(l-Mift^)..-.(1-M«···^^ Eliminating νΎ we find and we can continue to eliminate v2, ν$, ... in succession. By doing this, however, we rapidly arrive at very complicated expressions. We can, however, eliminate vz now without difficulty. The function becomes (l - Уг&дъх) [l - ^ g^gig^j V^<l-^4l-©(l->)(l-^)...(l-;g;) x (1 - gxx) (1 - рфдлх) (1 - v2gxg2&) (1 - дгд2д^) (1 - vtgxg2gzg±x%) (1 - v^gxg2gzg^x) and z/6, v7, ... can be eliminated without trouble. The even suffixed auxiliaries however introduce complexity. 345. The case in which the two highest parts are the only ones restricted is worth a moment's attention. The true generating function is then i-gig*x (1 - 9i) (1 - 9ιχ) (1 - 0ιΛ) (l - ΰιΰ*00) С1 - 9Ф&) . -. (1 - д&а?)' The coefficient of g{xgb in the part 1 (i -gig*) (i - 9ιθ*χ) ..·(!- 9ig*rf)' (i + l)(i + 2)...(i + j2) (1) (2)...(j2) and thence the coefficient of the product gtgt in the whole fraction is (i+l)(i + 2)...(i+JJ(J,-J. + l) r(l+l)(H-2)...(l+J>>l)(J1-JJ (I)2 (2)... (« (1)42).. (J,- 1) -fi+1)(i)t^;;;^J,"1)№+3J«'-j»+i)-«(Ma-jjb IS
CH. I] THE XI OPERATIONS 101 a function which reduces when j2—ji =j to the well-known enumerator (i+l)(i + 2)...(i + j) (l)(2).(j) 346. The function which enumerates the number of ways of partitioning a number into j or fewer uneven parts, no part being greater than 2i — 1, is by intuition 1 {l-g){l-gx){\-ga?)...(l-gx*-y in which we have to seek the coefficient of gK This function is il ί ►0-й(1-М(>-^)(1-^)...(1-а' and herein the coefficient of gi is »<ι-Μ,(ι-^)(ι-^)...(ι-£)- This denotes the sum 5* αϊ + 2tt2 + 2a3 + ... + 2<ц subject to the Diophantine relations This summation, in consequence, depends upon partitions into uneven parts limited both in number and magnitude. The Ώ operations. 347. The operations that are of chief use in connexion with the Diophantine equalities and inequalities which present themselves in many of the ensuing chapters of this book are il, XI, XI; but to these wo may add as > = > occasion arises Ώ, XI, XI. < < $ The operation XI has been already defined as cancelling all terms of > expansions which involve negative powers of certain auxiliary quantities and in the remaining terms, which involve positive or zero powers of such quantities, putting each of the quantities equal to unity. The operation XI retains only terms which involve zero powers of such quantities. The operation XI retains only positive powers and then puts each quantity > equal to unity and so forth. A short study of these operations is essential.
102 FORMULA [SECT. VIII The operation Ώ. > In connexion with the inequality we have already found that the sum 1 1 depends upon il >(ι_λ*)(ι_£) (ΐ-·)(ΐ-«*)' 348. We may add conveniently the easily verifiable results >(1_хж)(1_|)(1_£) <ι—)(ΐ-«*)<ι-~>· a I \^уа >(i-x,)(i-xy)(i-|) a—)(i-y)d-«)(i-y)' n 1 - 1 (i-x*)(i-g) 1 Ω * ί+Ж ii 1 + xyz — а? у ζ — Λ'ί/2£ >(ΐ-λ.)(ΐ-^)(ι-§) 0-)(i-y)(i-^)d-^)' η >a-x.)(i-g) α—>α—■*>· 1 - w"-1 0 1 1 + #?/ + л?-2г + xyz > (1_χ.β)(ι-|)(ι-ί) α—)(1-чГ)(1-«V ~ 1 \+xz — xyz — xyz2 ><i-v.)(i_xy)(i-£) d—Xi-yXi-yXi—O·
CH. I] SOME USEFUL PRINCIPLES 103 Ω 1 >α-λ*)(ΐ-λ0)(ΐ-λ*)(ι-ΐ?) __ 1 — xyw — xzw — yzw H- xyzw 4- xyzvP ~ (1 — x) (1 — y) (1 — #) (1 — xw) (Ϊ — yw)(l — zw) ' ?(i-x«)(i-xy)(i-i)(i-f) _ 1 — xyz — #yw — xyzw -f xy2zw + a? yzw ~ (1 - a) (1 - 2/) (1 - a?*) (1 - aw) (1 - y*) (1 - yw)' 349. A very useful principle is that of adding an inequality which is ά fortiori true. Thus considering the inequality «ι > 2θ2, which leads to il , »a-»-)(i-i) we may add the inequality ατ ^ a2, which is ά fortiori true if the former be true, and thence we are led to о 1 . ><1-^>(1-jfc) Eliminating μ this is . ?c-4-f)' and now eliminating λ this is 1 <l-«0(l-aty)' obtained by two applications of the simplest theorem of the subject. Similarly any number of inequalities which are ά fortiori true may be added with the object of reducing the problem to one of greater simplicity. Other useful principles present themselves as the subject advances. 350. Every Diophantine inequality is expressible as a Diophantine equality. For it is clear that is equivalent to Лаг + Ba2 = Ca3 ■+- a4, it being postulated that a1} c^, a8, a4 are positive integers or zero. Moreover every Diophantine equality is expressible in the form of two simultaneous Diophantine inequalities. For Ааг -+- Ba2 = Colz -f Dct4
104 EQUALITIES AND INEQUALITIES [SECT. VIII is clearly equivalent to the pair of inequalities Λαλ -hBot^ Ca3 + Da4> Cas + Da^A^ + Baz. Thus X^xpxp for the inequality is il - , and %%*1Х$*я%*яр for the equality Аъ + Въ^Сссз + ъ 1 is . Ω (1-λ^)(1-λ^)(ΐ-§.)(ΐ-ξ)' which is the same as the former with the additional factor in each term gyd&i+Itau—Ca3 Also il · (ΐ-λ^κι-λ^ι-^ι-^) = Ω· 351. In general, if the operand be F(\), it is easily seen that > > νλ/ Q.F(\) = Q.f(\\, < > \Л7 F(l) = ilF(\) + D, F(\) - il F(\), > < and thence il F(\) = Π F(\) + Ω ί7 (~) - .F(t), a result of much service. Also ilF(X) = ilF(^Y il F(\) = il F(K)-a F(X) = F(l) -QF(l), > > > \λ/ Ω^(λ) = ί1^(λ).
CH. I] FOEMULS 105 Making use of these theorems we obtain, the formulae 1 1 Ω- (i-x*)(i-Q Ω У\ У-иву' 1 (1-лж)(1-|)(1-£) a-4f)(i-«)· 1 1 ω (»-M(i-J) '-^' 1 н-яу* -(l-X^-i^l-.*) (1-ЧГ)(1--0· Ω (1-λ·)(1-λ*)(1-λ,)(ΐ-ϊ) (1-^)(1-^)(1-^)' 0 1 1 — xyzw -(ΐτλ*)(ΐ-λ^)(ι-ί)(ι-ξ)~(1-β»><1—ιβ>(1-»,)(1-^>" 352. Also in connexion with ^ + a2 > а.л 1 Σίβαι2/α,^α3 = ί1 > (l-7u)(l-Xy)(l-i) = Ω· 1 λ 363. Ω >(l_jUB)(l_Xy)(l_0 _ x + y — xy — xyz {l-x){\-y){l-xz){\-yzy 1 ж >(ΐ-λ^)(ι-|)(ι-?) (i-*)(i-*y)(i-«*)· Ω > 1 л· (1 — 2/*) ^i-x^i-lp1-^1-^1-^)' О 1 х(1 Л-у + z + xyz)
106 FORMULiE [SECT. VIII 354. To these results may be added il 1_ X8 of >(1_x.)(i_g a—)d--y)· >(1_^)(l_Q"(1-^)(1-2/)(l-^)' corresponding to ax ^ or2 + 5, «i + 5 > or2, respectively.
CHAPTER II A SYZYGETIC THEORY 355. The simple theory of unipartite partitions has been made to depend upon $ Diophantine inequalities s being an arbitrary integer. We enlarge the theory by making the integers al9 o^, Og,... depend upon a number of inequalities Афа1 + АРал + ...+АЫа9>о, Афъ + Αψα, + ...+ Αφα, > О, which involve at most rs numerical magnitudes A> each of which may be positive, zero, or negative; but in each inequality it is clear that one at least must be positive. For all sets of numbers α1} α2> ··· a$ which satisfy the inequalities we seek the sum By a theorem of Hubert it appears that there is in every case a finite number of ground or fundamental solutions of the inequalities, viz.: φ 4!) <4υ ...α?», αψ «<?> αψ ...α<2>, a{m) a(m) e4m)...aim), such that every solution alt c^, a3,... <x8 is of the form «i = erf* + св?> + ... + ста(Г>, a* = Ci41, + C242,+ ...H-Cmaiw,> Си ^2, c3, being positive integers.
108 EXPLANATION OF "A SYZYGETIC THEORY" [SECT. VIII This arises from the circumstance that every term of the summation is found to be expressible as a product {xfxfxf...xfb x{xfxfxf...xfY> X х\Х? Χ? Χ? ...if* / m. Denoting this product by the sum (or generating function of solutions) takes the form i-{QP + QP + W + .■■} + №»+W+W + ...}-№) + Qg» + Qg> + ...} + ... and we have what is termed a syzygetic theory. When a number of algebraic expressions which involve the same numerical magnitudes are not linearly independent, but are connected by a linear relation, they are said (borrowing a word from Astronomy) to be in syzygy. In the above sum the expressions ■* 11 Ρ2) -*3j · · · *m are all different, but it might happen that This would be termed a syzygy, and clearly the sum we are seeking cannot have the form 1 (l-P1)(l-l\)(l-Ps)...(l~Pmy for this would sum the term (or expression) РгРц twice over. The syzygy before us shews that 1 — РгР9 must be a portion of the numerator of the sum, so that the term ΡλΡζ may be only accounted for once in the sum. The syzygy is called further a first syzygy. There may be more than one, and they account for the numerator terms — «I11 —Q?1 —Q^ —.... Moreover, these first syzygies may themselves not be independent. Writing a first (or simple) syzygy as 8X = 0,
CH. II] FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTIONS AND SYZYGIES 109 and other simple syzygies &«0, £3 = 0,..., it may happen that P\S1 = P2'S2, where P/, P2' are any products of the members of the set P1} P2,... Pm. This is termed a second syzygy, and necessitates a term + Р/ЛР» in the numerator of the generating function; if we did not get this the term Р^РгРг would be omitted from the summation. In the same manner we may have third, fourth, etc., syzygies. It follows that when the sum is presented in the form i-[W + W + ...} + № + <№+■·.}-№+<№ + · ·.} + ■■■ (ΐ-ροσ-ΛΗΐ-ι^.-.α-Λ») Рь Р2,... Pm denote the m ground or fundamental solutions, Q{i\ Q¥\... „ first syzygies, Qi\ Q{i\... y> second syzygies, QP> QS\... „ third syzygies, and we have what is termed a complete syzygetic theory of the solution of the proposed Diophantine inequalities. 356. Some examples will now be given of simple syzygetic theories. Consider the system of inequalities «1 >«2, «! > «3. We find 1 tx*lx?xlz=& >(i-V^)(i-^.)(i-^,J = Ω >(1-μΧ1)(1^μΧ1Χ2)(ΐ^^Χ3) which for the inequality <χλ + α2 ^ as denotes the sum = {\-xl)(i-xlx^{\l-xX)(i-xxx,xy a result which shews that there are four fundamental solutions, viz. «i = 1, «2 = 0, o3 = 0, «i = l, «2=1, «* = 0, «1 = 1, «2 = 0, «8=1, «χ = 1, «2=1, «3=1·
110 EXAMPLES [SECT. VIII The numerator term — X\X2XZ indicates the single first syzygy JLi. Jii-Л.2-Л-3 — JLjJiz, л^з12 О. In fact the solution «1 = 2, 02 = 1, а3=1, can be formed either by adding the first and fourth or the second and third fundamental solutions. The general solution may be written ax = Ci + c2H-o34-C4, a2 = c2 + c4, a* = c3 + c4, ία, c2, Сз, с4 being arbitrary positive integers. The enumerating generating function is, by putting Xx = Z2 = Z3 = %} l + cc2 (4) (1-ш)(1-л?)(1-^)-(1)(2)МЗ)· 357. Next consider the system Using three auxiliaries λ, μ, ν we find 1 %χ*ιχ?χΐζχ?=ςι >(ι4ι1)(ΐ.νΐ2)(ι^ΐ3)(ι^ι4)' We may eliminate λ, μ, ν in any order we please, and consideration will in most cases indicate the best order to select. In the present instance the order makes little difference. Eliminating λ we find Ω ! Γ-, > (1 - μΧ,Ζύ (1 - μΧ*) (l " Ι Χ)) (l " \ Χ) /which for the inequalities o^ +■ α2 > ая, α3 > α4 denotes the sum Now, eliminating v, we find > (1 - μΖ,Σύ (1 - Μ (1 -1 X3) (1 - i X3X4) ' ^which for the inequality «i + or2 > a3 + ff4 denotes the sum\ Finally eliminating μ by a formula given ante Art. 348 we find ι - xxx*xt - ххх\хгхА - χ,χίχιχ, + ζ,ζ?ziZq + дг?α:;ζ;дг4 (1 - Х,Х2) (1 - Ζ2) (1 - ХгХ2Хл) (1 - ΖβΧ8) (1 - Ζ2Ζ3Ζ4)(l - ^Ζ,Ζ,Ζ,)' the real generating function of the solution of the inequalities.
СН. П] THE METHOD OF ELLIOTT 111 We have thus six fundamental solutions, viz. «1 = 1, «1 = 0, «1 = 1, «1 = 0, «1 = 0, «1 = 1, «2 = 1, «2=1, a2= 1, a2=l, «2 = 1, a2=l, «3=0, «3=0, «3=1, a3=l, a3=l, «8 = 1, «4 = 0, «4=0, «4 = 0, «4 = 0, a4=l, «4=1, shewn by the denominator factors; also three first syzygies given by Jl2 · -S-i ^2^3 ~ Xl Λ'2 . 2L22L'% =s ^1 = 0, Jl2 · -3li-3l2^3-^4 ~" -^1-^2 · -^2^3^4 = £>2 = 0, 2L%2L<b. -Л-!JL2X.^2L^ — Х.\&22±.ъ · ^2-^3-^4 = &з = 0, and two second syzygies given by -л2А3-д4 . JLi-ZI-X^j — -5l2X3 . Αχ ^£2-5Γ3.Χ4 = 0, JL1-3l2-3l3 . X\ JC2J£32C4 — Χ12ί2 · -^1-Λ-2·^-3-^·4 == 0. The general solution of the inequalities is OLx = Cx + C:i + C6, a2 = Cj + c2 ■+ c3 4- c4 -1- c5 + c6, a3= c34-c4+c6 + Ce, «4 = 05 + C6. 358. The reader who is interested in the subject of linear homogeneous Diophantine analysis should, as regards equalities, study a valuable paper by Ε. Β. Elliott*. It has been shewn in Art. 350 that every Diophantine Inequality is a particular case of a Diophantine Equality, so that there is necessarily much that is common to the two theories. They are not however quite parallel because the Inequality, being a particular case, lends itself to particular treatment which is not available for the Equality in general. Thus although Elliott gives a discussion of the Equality αα = 1β + су, he does not make the solution depend upon the ordinary theory of continued fractions because this dependence only arises, for the particular case c= 1, when the Equality merges into the Inequality aa ^ Ъβi which is fully discussed in a subsequent chapter of this work. * " On Linear Homogeneous Diophantine Equations," Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, No. 136, 1903.
112 THE METHOD OF ELLIOTT [SECT. VIII Some examples of his method are now given in the notation employed in this book. Taking the Equality to be A& + A2ct2 + ... + AiOi -ДА + ДД^.-. + ад, where the numerical magnitudes A, B are integers which have no common divisor and the magnitudes α, β are integers to be determined. He shews that is expressible in the form Ω I = (1 -λ^)(1 - ХА*яъ) ... (1 - \А<аь). (1 - λ--%+1) ... (1 -\-Bixi+j)' with an auxiliary quantity λ. To reduce this expression he makes use of the equation I . ι ( ! .+ _J Λ (1 - xs\A°) (1 - xt\-Bt) 1 - x8xt\A°~Bt Vl - Ха\Аш 1 - аь\-в* J ' choosing A8 and Д to be the greatest of the quantities At В respectively. The generating function is thus expressed as the sum of three fractions, each with either ± 1 for numerator. Each of the three fractions is on the whole simpler than the original. The process is continued with each fraction but it cannot be indefinitely applied. Eventually the original fraction will be replaced by a sum of fractions each with either ± 1 for numerator, in none of which is there in the denominator both positive and negative powers of λ. The factors of a denominator will either involve both factors without λ and with positive powers of λ or both factors without λ and with negative powers of λ. No single denominator will involve both positive and negative powers of λ. Putting all factors, which involve positive or negative powers of λ, equal to unity in these fractions gives the completion of the operation Λ and the remaining denominator factors indicate the fundamental solution of the equality. As an example consider the Equality За! = Д + 5Д. The crude generating function a ι β (1 - λ3^) (1 - λ"1^) (1 - λ~5^) is reduced by the method to the expression 1 (1 - хго$) (1 - ^2#з) (1 - а\(%) (1 - #?#sA) 1 - х\хгх.6'
CH. II] THE METHOD OP ELLIOTT 113 indicating the fundamental solutions («i,A,&)« О, 3,0), (5,0, 8), (2, 1, 1). The Equality considered is in fact equivalent to the Inequality 3(4 >5&, and is fully considered in the subsequent chapter to which reference has been made above. 359. In particular consider the Equality Αα=Β1βχ + Β*βί + ...+Β&, for which the crude function is a = (L-XAx1)(l-\~Blx2)(l-\-B2x3)...(l-\'-:B>'xj+1)' First when A = 1, suppose that <?(*) = J0 + J1* + ia*i+..., a power series free from negative powers of z. We take G (z) to be the series itself or the function of which it is the formal expansion. Write the function under the operation Ω which is (1 4- 7щ + Х2я? + ...) (b0 + Ъ^-1 + δ3λ~2 +...), shewing that Ώ -—— G (λ"1) = G (^)> = J. — A.CCj and that the generating function is 1 (1 - «*'aO (1 - afrab) ... (1 - *?Ч'«) ' Secondly when A > 1, the terms free from λ in are 1 +#1δΑ + <«ϊδ2λ+ ···> which has the expression where pA = 1 and the summation is for each root ρ of this equation. This however is not a convenient solution. It is better to multiply numerator and denominator of G^"1) by such factors that the denominator becomes an integral function of \-A. For we can then write λ for λ^ and the case can be dealt with in the same manner as when .4 = 1. M. A. II. 8
114 EXAMPLES OF ELLIOTT'S METHOD [SECT. VIII For example—for the Equality 6а.=:2/31 + 3/32 + 12/Зз - have Ω„ >6 W1 , . * ,_, ,,, λ „ v = (1 - λ6^) (1 - X -x2) (1 - λ 3#3) (1 - λ"12^) -which we may write (1 + λ-2#2 + λ-^j) (1 + \-»ccs) " (1 - Х6хг) (1 - λ-«<4) (L - λ"64) (1 - λ-12#4) ' wherein we may put the numerator function equal to unity because the remaining terms plainly contribute nothing to the terms of the whole expression that are free from λ. Doing this and then putting λ for λ6 we find 1 Ω (1 - λ^) (1 - X~l4) (1 - λ-1^) (1 - \~2χ4) 1 (1 - α^αξ) (1 - α^αξ) (1 - φ4)' indicating the fundamental solutions (α, A, A, A) = (1, 3, 0, 0), (1, 0, 2, 0), (2, 0, 0, 1). In the above process after multiplication of numerator and denominator by certain factors we retain in the numerator only terms which involve integral powers of λ""6. One particular case is for the Equality Α<χ1 = ηιΑβι + Ρβ2, where Ρ is prime to A. Elliott gives the generating function 1 (1-*Глз)(1-^) and the reader will find that it is at once established by applying the above principle to the crude function 1 Ω (1 - \ла?,) (L - \~mAx2) (1 - λ-ρΟ '
CHAPTER III THE DIOPHANTINE INEQUALITY αα^Ββ 360. The Inequality is equivalent to the Equality αα = 6/3 + 7. The problem is to obtain the fundamental solutions by forming the sums 'Zaf-yP, Xaflyfi^aa""bfi for every pair of numerical magnitudes α, β which satisfy the inequality. > If Ε denotes the smallest integer which ^ the quantity which follows it, we may >b carry out the summation by first summing α from В - to 00 and then summing β from 0 to 00. The result of this procedure is 1 + a? *у + л? а у2 + ...+a? а y*"1 (l-*)(l-aV) which certainly proves that the fundamental solutions are included in the exponents of the x, у products in numerator and denominator; but it does not specify them. The true method leads to a sum of algebraic fractions and is essentially connected with the Theory of Continued Fractions. Wc have %xayp = Ω , ><l_X«*)(l-iy) and we suppose a, b to be relatively prime positive integers. We require two lemmas. 361. Lemma I. " The relation aoL^Ъβ may be made to depend upon a similar relation in which a is unchanged and а>Ы 8-2
116 TWO LEMMAS [SECT. VIII For suppose a :|> b; if jp be the greatest integer in - the given relation implies the relation α>ρβ> and introducing a second auxiliary we may write 1 Sa-y = β - Eliminating /г we find taf-y* = il - »<i-x-)(i-^)· which denotes the sum ttf (xPyf = l^+Myt, where α, β are connected by the inequality αα^(δ—_pa)j8. We have therefore reduced the sum 2лл/. for the relation cm ^ 6y3 to the sum 1хл+№у(* „ „ αα ^ (δ —ρα) /3. This proves the lemma. 362. Lemma IL "The relation αα ^ &/3, where a > b} may be made to depend upon a similar relation in which b is unchanged and a < b." The relation aa ^ bβ) in which a > b} may be broken up into the two simultaneous sets of relations aa > bβ} aa ^ bfi, β^α, α > /3, and the second simultaneous set aa > 6/3, a>/3, may be replaced by the single relation a>/3 because, a being > 6, the relation aa > Ъβ is implied thereby.
CH. Ill] TWO LEMMAS 117 We therefore separate a portion of the sum corresponding to α > /3, viz. 12 or >(i-.3UB)(i_g a—xi-y)· and consider the remaining portion due to the first set This portion is Ω τ—τ = il >(i-b-6*y)(i-jpy)' which gives the sum Σ (яуУу1* or 1af-ya+p for the relation (a — 6) a ^ δ/3. If a — b< b we have done what was required, but if a — b > b we may- repeat the process; and just as we have found Ω 1 — = -- £- 4 + ί1· Ί ><i-x'*)(i-£y) ^-Х1-*) >(l-^)(l-iy), we shall find that Л - г-т-я & * + <*■ >(i-*·>*) (i-£y) α-^Χΐ-^ >(i-x~V)(i-£y)' . α Moreover if g be the greatest integer in γ we obtain finally >(l-V*)(l-±y) Ж1/ жг/f-1 + л χ-л τ? + ··· + (1-х) (I-coy) (l-xy)(\-anf) (1 - ху^) (1 - хуЯ) 1 + Ω >(l-X-*ey«)(l-^y)'
118 REDUCTION OF THE CRUDE FUNCTION [SECT. VIII where the last written portion of the sum represents the sum 2(а#9аз/э or 2#а2/*а+э for the relation (a - gb) О 6/3. This proves the second lemma. 363. The two lemmas evidently yield a process of reduction which can be pushed to the last extent. In what follows a will be considered > 6. If b > a it wi}l merely be necessary to write b — pa for b and x*y for у where ρ is the greatest integer . b in -. a The reduction depends upon the convergents of the continued fraction to r· τ , α 1 1 1 1 b (ι* + a3 + a4 + ... 4- an where η is uneven; this is always possible because an may be written (α^-1)+-. Take as the first two convergents 1 g-i* 0 ge' and write down the convergents of uneven order P^i Pi Ps Pn q-iy gi1 q*''" qn' Now form the ascending series of intermediate convergents, viz. д./ g-,+ίο' g-1 + 2g0, '" g_! + (^ - 1) g0' Pi Ρι±ρ* Ρΐ±?Ρΐ Pi + fa-l)Pa g,' gi + g,>' gi + 2g,' *** gx 4 fa- 1)g2' ff/>-2 f>n-2 + pn-1 Pn-2+2j)n^ Ρη-2 + (αη-1)ρη-ι gn_a' qn-2 + qn-i' gn_8 + 2gn_1' "' gn_2 + (an - 1) gn_x' where of course ~ = r . g^ t>
СЫ. Ill] REDUCTION OF THE CRUDE FUNCTION U9 Applying now the second lemma to the crude generator 1 Ω. 1 \ * we obtain Ω 1 =—- + 2 Oy X^"1 > (i - х»-м*Г.) (i - Ιή » <x - "***> <l - «*-> * where in the expression last written the summation is in regard to a^. Now xy**-1 (i - a?^-1) (i - #гл) ' (1 - л?1 у0) (1 - #1+y+1) (1 - &·1+<γ+1) (1 - #ι+2.<γ+2.ι) дЛ+2.0^0+2.1 (1 - ^+2·γ+2.1) (1 - ^1+3.0^0+8.1) ^1+ {βγ—ΐ). ο ^ο+(αϊ—ι). ι "*" {1 — aji+№i-i)oy)+{«i-i)i| Π — д-ι+Λι.««/>+■«! -11 (1 -**-^-*)(1 -**-*+^~1+Л) <7-ι + <?ο,„ί>-ι+2>ο +-- ^—— (1 _ #ff-i+ ffo^l>-i +Po\ ft _ αί-ι + 2q0yP-i + 2ρ0\ Η - h . (1 _ a.flf-i + 2ϊο.Μ + 2i>0) (ι _ χ4-ι + 3?ο 2>-ι + 8ρ<^ #<M + («ι -1) ЯоуР-1 + f«i " 1)Λ> + {1 - а*-1 + (Λι" Х) ^V"1 + К ~1)Ро}{1~ xqxyVl]' wherein the exponents are derived from the intermediate convergents to —-, -- inclusive of these principal convergents. 364. The remaining part must now be subjected to the process of the first lemma and we find that а. г >a-x-%v«y)(i-^ -Ω Χ >(1-λ^^)(ΐ-^-;)
120 COMPLETION OF THE REDUCTION [SECT. VIII Now the second lemma yields il- > {1 — \а-а1Ь-аз№*ъ~4*а)х$1+азЯ*ур1+азР«\ Μ X "У ' \ Яз ФуР\ (#&уЛу*з-1 + χ {1 ~ Фур* (а&у**уь-1\ {1 - Фу* (я&уА)«ь} -Ω. 1 Х^\уР\ <jc<2i+byP\+Pz (1 -aflxyv.) (i _#ii+fcyft+ft) + (Γ- авН-ЛуЛ+л) (i - Λ4.+«δ^ϊι+ν.) + * · * ^ffi+ (o»-i) fry 2>i+ («3-D ft {1 — Ж^+^з-1)?^^4-^-!)^} (1 — хЯ*уРз) ' and we have before us a new portion of the generating function corresponding to the intermediate convergents to the principal convergents — , —, the latter both included. 365. The portion remaining, Ί > (1 - λ^-^yft) (ι _ ^Щ ' is now subjected to Lemma i", and the lemmas operate alternately until the final result is reached. The last remaining portion must be Ω 1 , > τ / Λ-lJn-l \ ' (i - λ*·Λ-Α**ν·) ι - -^-/— which since qna — pnb = 0 is 1 1 - xqnyVn' or 1 Η 2 1 — xqnyVn Hence the complete generating function is (1 - a·) (I - xy) '" (1 - xrhfl) (1 - /y*) "" 1 - дг^уР»' wherein there is a term corresponding to every pair of consecutive members of the ascending intermediate series of convergents to γ, viz. fi £2 Г л ' Го '
CH. Ill] SOLUTIONS OF THE CORRESPONDING EQUALITY 121 From well-known properties of the convergents every xy product that appears in the function yields a ground or fundamental solution of the relation ad ^ Ιβ. Hence the ground solutions are α = r, β = s, where - is in its lowest terms and is, at pleasure, any member of the ascending intermediate series of convergents to r . 366. Moreover every solution of the inequality is expressible in terms of a consecutive pair of intermediate convergent numbers. Thus the general solution may be written α = ολτλ + c2r2, β = c1sl + c2s2> where cb <% are arbitrary positive integers. 367. If we have before us the Equality au = 6/3 + 7, the sum ΣοΡί/ζύ for the whole of the solutions is formed by multiplying each xy product xry* by zar"bsy and the general solution is a = c^! + c2r2, β = c^ + c2$2i 7 == α {ρχτλ -l· c2r2) — Ъ (с^ + c2s2). Observe that we may also write 7 = cx (m\ — foj) + c2 (ar3 — bs2). 368. As an example take the inequality 779a > 2()7y8, , 779 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 where _.8 + T + 5+i + 2 + i + i. The principal convergents are 0 1 3 4 15 64 143 636 779 1 ' 0' 1' 1' "4 ' 17' 38 ' 169' 207' and the ascending intermediate series 0 1 2 3 7 11 15 79 143 779 1' 1' 1 ' 1 ' 2 ' "3 ' 4 ' 21 ' 38 ' 207" If the principal convergents are 2m + 3 in number, the number in the intermediate series is 1 + θ! + α3 + a5 + ... + a2w+1.
122 PABTICULAR EXAMPLES [SECT. VIII Here 2,0? y& χ xy_ xy2 + (l-x)(l-xy) + (l-xy)(l-xf) + (l-xy>)(l-xy*) xyz x2y* x?y11 + (l-xy*)(l-x2f) + (\-x*y7)(\-xAyu) + (1 -а?уи)(1-а*&*) any16 ^y79 x®y™ ^7^ ,779 Г(1-#20У79)' and the fundamental solutions of the relation are α 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 21 38 207 γ having reference to the equality 71 β 0 1 2 8 7 11 15 79 143 779 7 779 572 365 158 109 60 11 6 1 0 79α =207/9+γ. The successive pairs of values of α, β are gradually increasing approxi- raations to the simplest solution of the equality 779< χ = 207/3. 369. It appears that the ordinary theory of numerical continued fractions is coincident with the simplest case of Partition Analysis. It is a theory concerned with, in the first instance, two relative prime integers. It is clear that the fundamental solutions of simultaneous Dio- phantine Inequalities involving many unknowns will give properties of л set of numbers and constitute л generalization of the Theory of Continued Fractions. 370. As another example, take 77a > 104/9. The operation of Lemma I shews that we have to sum to? (xyf for the relation 77α > 27β.
СН. Ш] PARTICULAR EXAMPLES 123 α· 77 0 1 1 1 1 Since 27 = 2 + ϊ + 5 + ϊ + 3' the principal convergents are 0 1 2 3 17 20 77 1' 0' 1' 1' 6 ' 7 ' 27' and the ascending intermediate series 1' 1' 1' 2' 3' 4 ' 5 ' 6 ' 13' 20' 27 ' leading to the result Σ#* (xyf = 1, # х.ху_ a^Jjcyf ■ + (1 -a?) (1 -я.яу) (ΐ -л?.л?у)"(1 -х.я?у*) + ··* ^ 1-^7 (^)ττ · The operation of Lemma I is however not necessary, for we have merely to form the ascending intermediate series of convergents to 77/104 in connexion with the sum 1xayfi. пч. 77 Λι111111 lhus _=0 + ϊ + 2 + ϊ+5 + ϊ + 3. The principal convergents are 0 1 2 3 17 20 77 1' 1' 3' 4' 23' 27' 104' and the intermediate series 0 12 5 8 11 14 17 37 57 77 1* 2' 3' 7' 1] * 153 19* 23' 50' 77' 104* The generating function is now at once written down. 371. For the Equality 77a = 104β + у we have merely to multiply each product хлу& by гПа~ш^ and then 1*хау*гУ xf[ tfysP (1 - ivz11) (1 - xHjzm) + (1 - a*ysP) (1 - aty9 s») xsyizt^ x7yr,z™ + (I - a?tfz*) (I - x'tfz") + (1 - x4fz™) (1 - a;11?/8*15) а?" у8*» x™ynzn + (I - &JY*«) (1 - a:lByuzn) + (1 -^^(l-a-'yV) + (1 - a*y V) (1 -лу7) + (1 - ж2У V) (1 - aPy*&) алоу2722 al"tf*z хшу17 (1 - aPy"z*) (1 - x^y^z) (1 - а:7у7г) (1 - a;loy7) 1 - #10У7 '
124 PROPERTY OF CONSECUTIVE SOLUTIONS [SECT. VIII establishing the fundamental solutions a. 1 2 3 7 11 15 19 23 50 77 104 β 0 1 2 5 8 11 14 17 37 57 77 7 77 50 23 19 15 11 7 3 2 1 0 372. The reader will notice a peculiarity in this example because if we omit the highest value of α and the lowest value of 7, the α numbers read downwards are the same as the 7 numbers read upwards. He will find it interesting to investigate this coincidence. 373. It appears from the form of the generating function that every solution (α, β, у) of the Equality must be derivable from at most two of the fundamental solutions, say (α<'·>, βν, 7W), (α*»*1», /3<r+1\ 7<r+1>), and these must be consecutive solutions, viz. we must have a = craw+<V4-i«(r+1), β = ^+ον+1β^, 7 = cr7i"+cr+i7tr+l), where cr and cr+1 are positive integers. Eliminating these magnitudes we find α /β 7 aW β(Τ) γ (Г) a(r+i) β(Η-ΐ) (r+i) = 0, a linear relation between η, β, у which must be identical with αοί — Ιβ - у = 0; hence β(τ) β(ν+ΐ) с = a, I (r) a(r+i) 1 (r) β(Η-ΐ) гу(Г) л/(Н-1) I «и a(f4-i) \ = 1 )
CH. Ill] THE SYZYGETIC THEORY 125 the latter verifying an elementary property of intermediate convergents. The two former may be verified from the examples given. Thus in connexion with the Equality 77a = 104/3 4- γ we find 50 1 23 2 = 77, 23 3 19 7 = 104. 374. To arrive at the syzygetic theory it is necessary to express the generating function as a single algebraic fraction. Thus in the case of the Equality 7α = 3β + 7, „ Ί ^ a „ 1 — x2y-z8 — x4y7z7 — x^y^z4, 4- x*y8zn -f х*у*2р we find ЪРуРзР- -/Γ" 7V7i—^νΓΓ .wi—^л" > ** (1 — χζ7)(1 —осуг*){1— xy2z)(l — x*y7) where, the fundamental solutions being indicated by the denominator factors, the first syzygies are #i = (*у*У - (ooz7) {xifz) = 0, S2 = (xz7) (x*y7) - (xyz*) (anfzf = 0, S* « fay*4) (aY) - (xtf-zy = 0, and the second syzygies (atfzf & + (я?уж*) £2 - (**») & = 0, («Y) $ + (xfz) S2 - (лу^) 8t = 0. Denoting a solution by (a; /3, 7) the first syzygies shew the relations (1; 0, 7)-2(l; 1,4) + (1; 2,1) = 0, (1; 0, 7)-(l; 1,4)-3(1; 2,l) + (3; 7,0) = 0, (1; 1,4)-4(1; 2, 1) + (3 ; 7,0) = 0, from which are deduced the relations (1; 2,1) = -(1; 0,7)+2(1; 1,4), (3; 7,0) = -4(l; 0,7) + 7(l; 1,4). It will be observed that fundamental solutions are such that every solution is expressible in terms of them by means of a linear function in which the coefficients are positive integers. If negative integers be admissible a certain number of the fundamental solutions cease to be fundamental. In the above example the fundamental solutions (1; 2, 1) and (3; 7, 0) are linear functions (negative coefficients being admissible) of the solutions (1;0,7), (1; 1,4).
CHAPTEE IV THE SIMULTANEOUS DIOPHANTINE INEQUALITIES 375. We assume au bx to be relatively prime integers and also a2> b2. If the given relations can be satisfied by other than zero values of the magnitudes α, β we must have αϊ α, Ι Oi 02 \ Assume that ^>αλ. The first step is to prove that the relations may be reduced to other relations in which simultaneously ax > hu b2 > a2. The crude expression for 2#ау, the sum being for every solution of the simultaneous inequalities, is n. l > ^ be d( h first step is to write If the fraction — be developed in the form of a continued fraction, the Οχ Οχ where cY = аг and c2 < Ci and then α^πι1β. The crude expression may then be written 1 which by elimination of ν is (ι-^ή(ι-^'ή '('-S-X1-^*)
SECT. VIII, CH. IV] BEDUCTION OF THE CRUDE FUNCTION 12 7 Herein if i>2 — тга2< 0, the whole expression is equal to unity, indicating that the only solution is the singular one α = β = 0. If Z>2 — m^o = 0, we must have a.2 = 1, b2 = mb and the whole expression is il i , which is unity, except when Ьг — w^Oi = 0; in this case αΎ = 1 the Inequalities become α > f>i& bi>S ^ or, equivalent to α = Ιχβ, and the generating function is Assume therefore ba — m1a2>0 and put α2 = с/, f>2 — w?a<x2 = &/ so that the expression is Ί ^-S-N'-S"·') If now c2' > c/ we have effected the reduction because d > a2 and we have the two relations connected with the sum %яа+т^уР. If c2' = c/ or 62 = (т!-1-l)a2, we must take Oo = l because 02, &2 &re relatively prime and i>2 > aa. The expression then becomes, by elimination of c/, connected with a single inequality. Putting this aside as a case already dealt with when the single inequality was under discussion, we are left with η l Ч1-£·)('-S~»)' μ* in which d > c2, cJ < c/ and the expression must be further reduced. Since h> — тгсил > 0 and a! < c/ or h> — mva>> < a2, it is clear that mx is the greatest integer in—·, and C£2 — =ш + -,. Write now — = тг Η , —,, α2 tw3 -l· Co where т?^ н is the second convergent to — and of course c3' < c2'· ??i2 ^2
128 REDUCTION OF THE CRUDE FUNCTION [SECT. VIII Since %==Ш2^.\) c3 c2 we may take for the expression Ί V μ^ν™* )\ λ°* V from which eliminating ν we obtain Ω. Χ b α Since — = mx + — where c2< C! we may write C\ , C3 C2 ^2 whenever Cj —m^ is positive, and then δι 1 c3 — =01!+-- -, aj 7иа + Cg where c3 is no£ necessarily < c2. If c3 be zero, c3' must be zero also and the generator is simply 1 corresponding to the Equality m2cc = (m^z + 1) /3. If c3 be not zero we must have Сз > as ОГ < C2. If C3 ^ Co the reduction is complete because also a/ > c3'. In this case πιλ + — is the second convergent to ~ but is not the second 7/ϊ2 &2 convergent to —. #1 If c3 = Co we can at once eliminate λ and obtain an expression that has been already dealt with. In such a case it is clear also that m2 simply becomes w2 + 1. If c3 < c2, w^ Λ is the second convergent to both — and — and a further m2 & ax a2 process of reduction is necessary.
CH. IV] REDUCTION OF THE CRUDE FUNCTION 129 376. To sum up the results so far reached : (i) If ax > blt a2> b2} the inequalities are already in the desired form. (ii) If Z>2 -m1a2> a2t ax > Ьг - тгс^, C2 > C\ у С\ > C2) the final reduced form is •(■-S-X1-^)' wherein — = rax + - , ρλ = щ, qx = 1, and m1 = — is the first convergent to —; also - = jwi + -, and чщ is not the first convergent to — . (l\ Ct2 C\ &2 h h (iii) If m1 is the first convergent to both ~ and — , Qj\ СЬ2 C$ > C2, C2 > C3 , and the final form is 1 >(i-£*pv)(i-^**trf' where — = mj Λ— - , αλ m2 4- c2 b2 1 c3' — = mY + — — , a2 m2 4- c2 and mi Η is the second convergent to -- but is not the second convergent m2 ь а,2 ° to К Ί h h When mY Η is the second convergent to both ~ and 2 we write m2 ° di Oq b, 1 1 c4 a! ra2 + m3 + c3 b, 1 1 c/ си m2 -t- m:l 4- c3 wherein, if c3 > c4, c/ > c/, 1 1 P* w2 4- ra3 j3 is the third convergent to — but is not the third convergent to — . M. A. II. 9
130 COMPLETION OF THE REDUCTION [SECT. VIII The final reduced form is then Ω . 1 __, which denotes the sum for the relations c3cc ^ c4/3, c//3 ^ с3'сс 7 λ But if —, — have the same third convergents, a further reduction is necessary. 377. We proceed in this manner to establish the following general results: 7 Λ We develop —, — to the point where they fail to have the same con- vergents. We have then two cases. Case I. If аг пц + Щ ■+- ... + тп 4- сп α2 д т2 + тй + ... + яги + сп' ' wnere с<п > c?i+i, c^, < с п+д, so that — is the nth convergent to - but not to — ; the final reduced form is V£-*V~)(i-g-V)' which represents the sum for the inequalities cna ^ cn+1/3, С 71+1P ^ ^tt а) wherein cn > cn+1, c',i+1 > cn'. Case II. If cn < cn+1> cn' > cfn+u then — is the nth convergent to — but not to —; the final reduced form is qn a2 a-! Ω : 1 „ 4ι-%ί+ή(}-ι&-'~) μ
CH, l.V] THE FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTIONS 131 which represents the sum 2(a?*y*)*(^-y»-% for the inequalities Cn+i«^cn/8, wherein cn+1 > cn> cn' > c'w+1. We have thus shewn how in every case to reduce the given inequalities to a standard form 12β>α*α, wherein аг > Ъг, b» > a2. 378. As an example take the simultaneous inequalities 64a ^275/3, 142/3:* 33a. We find that У = 4+| + 1 + ?> 142 114 33 +3 + 2 + 3· This falls under Case I and we observe that 4 ,13 ϊ and Τ 30 are the first and second convergents to both fractions, but that -y is the 275 142 third convergent to -τητ but not to -^ . The problem thus presents itself in the form of finding the sum for the relations 7α ^ 5/3, 4/3 ^ 3a. 379. We are now able to give a complete solution of the problem of finding the fundamental solutions of the Diophantine system Oia^ib/3, Ья/8 ^ ад wherein аг > Ъх, h>> α2. For we can break up the system into the three systems I II III аха^Ьф а^а^Ьф αΎα^^β 63/3 ^ α2α 62/3 ^ α2α Κβ ^ α3α /3^α α^/3 α = β 9—2
132 EXAMPLES [SECT. VIII in such wise that if FY (x, y), F2 (x, y), F2 (x, y) be the generating functions concerned with the three systems respectively, the sum that we seek is Fl (x, y) + F2(x, y) - Fs (x, y\ for clearly when we add the systems* I and II we count the system III twice over, and since α may be > = or < /3 so long as the other conditions are satisfied the sum must be as stated. We can now reject as superfluous the second relation of I (because b2 > Og), the first relation of II (because ax > Ъг) and the first and second relations of III. They thus become I II III с^а^/З 62/3>α2α α = /3 β>α *>β Hence FY {χ, у) + F2 (x, у) - Fz {x, у) = Ω- } + Q. Ύ 1 *{>-*·)(*-&) *(·-£■)('-?») λ£ \ 1-ху = Ώ · + Ώ >(1-λ^^)(ΐ-^) >(1-λ^^)(ΐ-^;) 1-ху We have now only to apply the theorem of the single inequality to the two β expressions by forming the ascending intermediate series of con- , , Oj — i>! , b2 — a2 vergents to —;— and . We can thus determine the complete generating function and by inspection ascertain the fundamental solutions of the inequalities. 380. As an example we will continue the case of the system 64a > 275/3, 142/3 ^33a, which has been reduced to finding the sum Ъ{оРу*У(а?*уУ for the system 7 a > 5/3, 4/3 ^ 3a. The sum Σ&Λ^ for the system is Ω - - + Ω. * λ >(l-V4f)(l-i) >(l-X^)(l-g) X-»
CH. IV] THE ALLIED SIMULTANEOUS EQUALITIES 133 2 The ascending intermediate series to ■= is 0 12 1* 3' 5' andto§ j, 3. Hence ZXy ~ (1 - xy) (1 - attf) + (1 - a*y*) (1 - a»jf) + L - tff + 1+,-, ^—^+,^ (1 - ay) (1 -#Y) 1 - #y 1 - «у _ 1 xy_ xAyz xzy* ору1 + (1 - жу)~(1 - я-у) + (1 - xy) (1 - я4*/3) + (1 - a?if) (1 - x4f) + 1 - #y This shews that of the system 7a ^ 5/3, 4/3 ^ 3a, the fundamental solutions are (a,/3) = (l, 1), (4, 3),(3,4), (5,7). Also writing xl3y3 for χ and aPy1 for у the sum ЧяГу? for the system 64a ^275/3, 142/8» 33a &i4V° л·142-?/38 (1 - x™y10) (1 - юшу") (I - a*yo) (1 - xl*y*>) + (Γ^^^ίΙ-Λ*5^) + 1-^5^04 > establishing the fundamental solutions α I /3 43 159 142 275 10 37 33 64 381. Allied to this theory is that of the simultaneous equalities α1α=&1)8 + 7, Ь2/3 = α2α + δ. In the sum just obtained it is merely necessary to multiply each хлу& term by ярхь-ъ^уЪьР-*** in order to obtain the sum ^xay^zyus for all solutions of the simultaneous equalities.
134 PROPERTY OF CONSECUTIVE SOLUTIONS [SECT. VIII It will be observed that every solution is composed of at most two fundamental solutions. The latter present themselves in two sets which are derived from two series of ascending intermediate convergents and every solution is derived from two consecutive fundamental solutions of one or other of the sets. Denoting consecutive solutions by eW, £(>·>, 7W, £('·> ; aH-1)^ 0(г+1)? 7(r-fi)> gir+1)^ and by cry cr+1 undetermined positive integers we have u^CraM + c^aW, (H-i) whence 7 = cr7w + c,.+i7 B^CrB^ + c^B^, α β a(r+l) β(Η-ΐι tfM Jr+l) = 0, /3 βϋτ+ΐ) jW АГ+l) в g(r+i) = 0, and also two other relations, which are not linearly independent of these, γ И β βΜ В gc> = 0, α γ δ α(Η-ΐ) 7(r+i) g(r+i) = 0. а(Г+1) β(Τ+1) g(r+l) These must be practically identical with the four relations axa = bi/3 + 7, («ib2- <^2ί>ι) β = <vy + аД Ьо/8 = а2а + δ, (α2 62 — α2&ι) α = ^>7 + ^δ, so that on comparison we find a(r+\) βρ+ΐ) β* /И }(Г+1) у(Г+1) = ±1, = + а,, α(/·> а(Г+1) /3(г+1) у(Г+1) ξ (г) g(?'+l) = + δι, = ± α2, a(r) α(τ+ΐ) γ И γ(»·+υ g И g(H-i) δ(^ gir+D = ±δ,, г±(«1&а —«Л)> the upper or lower sign being taken according as the consecutive solutions arise from the first or the second of the given equalities. For the equalities 64a = 275)8 + у; 142/3 = 33а + В the solutions are а 43 159 142 275 . β 10 37 33 64 У 2 1 13 О δ 1 7 0 13
CH. IV] PROPERTY OF CONSECUTIVE SOLUTIONS 135 of which the second and fourth arise from the first equality and the first and third from the second. Hence the results shew that 1 43 j 159 1 43 1 159 1 43 159 10 37 1 10 37 2 1 10 37 2 1 1 7 2 1 1 7 1 7 159 37 275 64 159 1 275 0 159 7 275 13 37 1 ! 64 0 1 37 7 1 64 13 | 1 1 7 | 1 о is I = 1; = -275; = 142; = -64; = 33; = 13; 43 10 142 33 43 142 43 142 10 2 13 1 0 2 33" 13 10 33 2 13 1 0 1 0 = -i; = 275; = - 142; = 64; = -33; = -13; the value of αΑ-α-Λ here being 64.142-33.275 = 13. These are properties of consecutive solutions analogous to the property of successive convergents in the theory of simple continued fractions. The next step -would be apparently to work out the theory of the inequality ал > Ιβ + су This has not yet been accomplished.
CHAPTEE V ON THE FORM OF ENUMERATING FUNCTIONS 382. The problem we take up in this chapter is one of considerable interest. The enumerating generating functions that are met with at the outset in the theory of the Partition of Numbers are such as are formed by factors of the form -, — written for brevity , '. 1 — or (s) If such a function, involving a finite number of factors, appears as an enumerating generating function it necessarily follows that it is expressible in a finite integral form. The reasoning is precisely the same as that which may be employed to shew that n! si (ft -s)\ is an integer. This follows as a matter of course directly it is shewn that the numerical magnitude in question enumerates certain combinations. In many difficult cases of enumeration of partitions it is natural, after some calculations, to attempt to conjecture the form of the generating function. In one research the function (n+1) f(n + 2)V (n + 3) (1) I (2) J (3) appeared as the enumerating function. It is therefore necessarily expressible in a finite integral form whatever be the magnitude of the positive integer я. As the research proceeded certain calculations in a more general problem might have led the investigator to conjecture, guided by analogy, that the form he was seeking was (n+1) f(n + 2)V Γ(η + 3)γ (n + 4) (1) I (2) И (3) J (4) ' but it had to be rejected forthwith because .it does not happen to be expressible, for all values of ft, in a finite integral form.
SECT. VIII, CH. V] FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM 137 It is therefore natural, as well as important and interesting, to seek the general expression of functions, formed by factors such as those here considered, which possess the property of expressibility in a finite integral form It is moreover conceivable that the study will indicate promising paths of future research. It will be seen that there is a syzygetic theory of such expressions. 383. Consider the function /<n+ill"1 ί(η + 2)Γ ί&±9\°* /<ϋ±±>Γ 1(1) J I (2) J I (3) / I (s) J ' and write it, for short, ΧΐιΧ?Χ?...ΧΪ. We investigate the sum ъх?х?х?...х? for every set of numerical magnitudes «1> a2> °k> ··· a8> which renders the expression under the sign of summation expressible in a finite integral form/or all values of the integer n. Let ξt be that factor of 1 — xl which, when equated to zero, yields all the primitive roots of the equation 1-^ = 0. Then if 1, di, d2, ... t be all the divisors of t, l-0i=*fi&1&i...ft, as shewn in works on Higher Algebra. If the product X?1 XT X?3... X? be now expressed in terms of ζΐ> ?2> ζ'Λ) ··· ζη+8> there will be a numerator and a denominator, and if the function be integral the whole of the denominator will divide out into the numerator, leaving a finite integral algebraic expression. We have therefore to ascertain the circumstances under which every expression ξι will occur at least as often in the numerator as in the denominator. For example (5)(6)M?) ШЩ,6,)»6& (1)(2)M3) MfcWffc is in this manner seen to be finite and integral. In general we pay no attention to ξι because, at sight, it occurs with equal frequency in numerator and denominator.
188 THE DIOPHANTINE CONDITIONS [SECT. VIII With regard to ξ2 it cancels out in the case of every factor of the form (n + 2m) (2m) if η be even, and does not occur at all in the factor (n+2m + l) ~(2m+l) if η be even. But if ?i be uneven, it occurs a2m+i times in the numerator for every numerator factor (n + 2m+l)a'2m+1 and аш times in the denominator for every denominator factor (2m)a2m. Hence we have the single condition expressed by the Diophantine inequality (Χι + α3 + «s + · ·. > «2 + «4 + ас 4- · ·· · For |n if m = 0 mod. 3 there is no condition; if m = 2 mod. 3 we must have α1 + α4 + α7+ ... ^ α3 + αΰ + α9 + ···, and if m = 1 mod. 3 «2+«5 + α8+...^«3 + «6 + θ9+···. 384. Proceeding in this manner we have the conditions: for fa αχ + α3 4- α, + ... > «a + *4 + «в + ··· [α, + 0Г4 + a7 + -.·> «a + <*<; + Of» + ... l«2 + «8 + «8 + . . . > Я.1 + вГв + «9 + · · · fo + α6+ or» + ... ><*+ + «8 + ^i2+ ·- for f4 job+ «в+а1в+ ... >«*+ a8 + a13+ ... U:{ + a7 + au + ... > a4 + «я + «i2 + · · · for & for fs-2 i«i + a.v a*-2 for fM f'j in number. a*-i
ОН. V] TFIE SECOND AND THIRD ORDERS 139 385. All the conditions are included in the inequality a<r 4* 0L2ff+r + вщг+2г + · · · ^ ^σ+τ + &&σ+2τ + 0^ Дог Η" · · ·, σ and τ being any positive integers. In the case of the gth inequality arising from ξρ the values of σ, τ are q and ρ — ^ + 1 respectively. The next step is to construct an fl function which shall expreo conditions and lead practically to the desired summation. 386. First take 5 = 2; there is but one condition «i > ct2, and the function is Ώ > (1-^^0(1-^2:.) 1 -(1-*0(1-*!*,)' We may call Хг> ХгХ2 the fundamental forms, the general form being There are no syzygies. 387. For 5=3 the conditions are αϊ + «a > a2> leading to the summation formula Ω Ϊ , »(ΐ-νΛ)(ι-£*.)(ι-,£*,) \lt λ-j, Хл being the auxiliaries connected with the inequalities respectively. Eliminating Xg we find η i . , > (1 - λ,λ,Ζ,) (l - £ Z.) (1 - i Za X;() which denotes the sum Slf'i^IJ,)*8 for the inequalities a, > a2, ai > a,. Writing А'гА'з for Xs in the sum is equivalent to writing a2 + a3 for a2 in the inequalities.
140 THE FOURTH ORDER [SECT. VIII We now eliminate λ2 and proceed to 1 П- > (1 - λ,Χ.) (l -1X2) (1 - λ,Χ,Ζ,Ζ,)' which denotes the sum for the inequality а! + а$>а2, so that clearly writing ΧλΧζ for X3 in the previous sum is equivalent to writing ^4- or3 for a3 in the connected inequality. On the whole so far we have substituted ΧτΧ2Χζ for Хг in the sum and have changed the original three inequalities by writing o^ -f a, for аг and α2 + α3 for a2, thus reducing them to the single inequality a1 + α3 ^ α2· Making use now of a formula on a previous page we obtain finally (i - хг) (i - x,x2) ci -Vlzll^i^fх"2да' the complete solution. The denominator factors yield the fundamental forms in addition to those previously met with, and the general integral form is ν% + w2 + m3+m4 хгм2+Щ + 2w4 vmz + w4 The numerator term — Χ\Χ\ΧΆ indicates the simple syzygy X!. Х-^Х^Хъ — -STi A 2. -3Γ ι X^X-i = 0. The form ХгХ2Х^ occurs in simple partition theory, whilst AlA* *{== (i-^)(i-^)2(I-^) is connected with another kind of partition which is dealt with in this volume. 388. Passing to the case $ = 4, the conditions are «2 ><*4> of which we neglect the fifth as it is implied by the third and sixth. These lead to a ! . >(1-^a,)(i-^,)(i-gi,)(i-^i,)
CH. V] MODIFICATION OF THE PROBLEM 141 Eliminating λ5, λ4, λ3 and \ in order, this becomes > (1 -λ,ΖΟ (1 - Х^Х2) (l - ±Z2X3) (1 -λ,Χ^Ζ,Ζ,) ' and, making use of a formula on a previous page, this is ι - x?xjx3- x^xjx4- x\x\x\x,+z;zsz; jj+z*z42z33z4 (1-Ζ1)(1-Ζ1Ζ2)(1-Ζ1Ζ2Ζ3)(1-Ζ1Ζ1Ζ3)(1-Ζ1Ζ2Ζ3Ζ4)(1-Ζ1Ζ22Ζ23Ζ4)' indicating the new ground forms ΧΎΧ^ΧζΧΑι ΧΧΧ\ΧΙΧ^ both of which are known in the theory of partitions. We have the first syzygies (-л) = JC12l2· X1X^XZ — Χι, ΧτΧ2Χ$= 0, (Β) = ΧτΧ2Χζ · ΧχΧ^ΧζΧ^ — Χ\ · ZiZ2Z|Z4 = 0, (G) = X1X2Z3 . X1X2Z3Z4 — ZJZ2.ZJZJJZ3Z4 = 0, and the second syzygies X1(G)^X1X2(B) = 0> ΧΎΧ2ΧΖ (С) - X,X\XZ (В) - 0. 389. There is no difficulty in continuing the series. The obtaining however of the reduced forms soon becomes laborious. Moreover there is obviously a waste of energy because in each case we not only determine the new forms but also all of those that have previously presented themselves. It will be advantageous to adopt some method that for each order only causes the forms of that order to emerge. The whole of the fundamental forms so far met with, as well as all of those that have so far presented themselves in the theory of partitions, are such that if Χΐ*Χ?...Χΐ° be the form, then am = «e+i-m· We will therefore for any order impose this condition which clearly eliminates all forms of lower order. It is possible that by this method some fundamental forms will escape notice, but those that are most likely to occur in the theory cannot escape detection. For use with the added condition we put XiihX»+i-m = Yni, but Xm = Fw when 2m = e + l, and examine the sum X Y?1 F2a2I?3.... 390. For s = 2 we have simply
142 THE THIRD, FOURTH, AND FIFTH ORDERS [SECT. VIII 391. For s = 3 the conditions become 2a1>a2^or1, and lead to Ω - 'i^-b^-M which on reduction is 1 392. For s = 4 we have the same conditions as for 5 = 3, viz. and we produce the same Υ function, viz. (г-вда-таг but since now ΥΊ = ΧΎΧ4> F2 = X^Xt this is 1 (1 - XiXzXzX*) (1 - X.XIXIXd' and we have thus found the fundamental forms that have already been found by the first method. · Observe that no syzygies have so far presented themselves. 393. For 5 = 5 the conditions are αλ + a2 > a3 > a2, 2a1^a2>a1, leading to l wherein 7,-Ζ,Χ., Fa = Z2Z4, F3 = Z3. Eliminating 7ц, λ4 and λι in order, this becomes ΠΓ Ρ 1 » (1 - λ, F, F2F3) (l - I F2F3) (1 - λ, F, F2Fj)' l-F!F!Fi (1 - F,F3F3) (1 - YWi) (I - Υ,γ-iYl) (I - FF^l) (l~2ί1X2ZзX4XΓ))(l-Z1Z2Z|Z4Z5)(l-X1Z:i^^U^)(l-A^Z^·ЗZ42Z5), indicating the new fundamental forms Χ1Χ2ΧζΧ4Χ6, ХгХъХъХ^Хъ, XiX\X\X\Xs, Х1Х\Х1Х\ХЪу
CH. V] THE SIXTH AND SEVENTH ORDERS 143 connected by the simple syzygy ХгХлХ9Х4Хй. X, X\X\X\X, - ΧΎΧ2Χ\Χ,Χ,. ХХХ\Х\Х\ХЬ = 0. The new forms either have been or will be met with in this work with the exception of X1-5-2 X\ X±Xb · This is associated with partitions whose parts are placed at the points of the incomplete and dislocated lattice Ά . ^ V ' w > > the magnitudes of the parts being governed by the symbols > placed upon the lines between the points. The reader who has understood this chapter will have no difficulty in proving this by forming the Diophantine inequalities and examining the associated Ω sum. 394. For s — 6, the conditions are 2*3 ^ «! 4- as, 2oCj > a2, a, >a„ leading to ν^Κ1-^1-^)' which quickly reduces to 1 (l - Y, Y,Y:) (l - WiYl) (l - YrYiYl)' yielding the fundamental forms : X j X 2 Χχ X 4 X 5 X (J) А Дз-лзА jA^A,;, X^lXlXiXlXa, unconnected by any syzygy. The reader will notice that the results are more simple for the even orders. 395. For s = 7 the independent conditions are 2^ η- 2a3 > 2cc.> + o4, 2α2^α4>α3^α2^ al9 2*i > cx2)
144 THE EIGHTH ORDER [SECT. VIII which finally lead to the function of which the numerator is (l-7lYlYtYi)0-Y\YlYin), and the denominator (1 - YJ-J-,Υϊ (l - ГгВДП) (1 - YJ*Y%Yb χ (l - Y,Y\Y\YX) (l - YJ-WIYX) (I - YWYIYi), establishing the fundamental forms Χ ιX%X 3X* X 5 Χ β X7, Χ ι X2 X 3 X 4 X 5 ^ б Χ γ, ХУ "Г2 V2 V2 V у ХгХ 2Х^Χ^Χ^Χ^Χ7ί ΧιΧ$ΧζΧ\Χ'δΧ6Χ7} у уз уз у4 уз У2 у connected by the simple syzygies {A)=YXY%Y%YA. YJ\Y\Y\- YiY*YlY\. Y*YIYIYI = 09 (Β) = ΥΧΥ*Υ9Υ<. Υ,ΥΙΥΙΥί - YlY2YiYlY1YlYlYl^0y and the second or compound syzygy (вдга. ΓχΠΡ,Γΐ) <ii) - (y,y*yiy\. YiYiYtYb (B)=о. 396. For $ = 8 the conditions are «2 + «3 ^ «1 + «4> «1 + ^2^ a3> a4 > аз > «a, and the reader will have no difficulty in establishing the fundamental forms X ^ъХъХ^ХьХвХтХы Χλ Χ 2 Χ ζ Xl Χ 5X^X7 Χ 8 > XlX^XzXlXbX(iX1Xii XjX2X ^Χ^Χ^Χ^ΧηΧξ, ΧΧΙ\Χ\Σ\Χ\Ι\Χ\Χ» Ύ Υ'2 V3 У4 у4 уз γι у connected by three simple and two compound syzygies. We may now conveniently take stock of the results so far obtained. We have not so far met with any fundamental form which is not exponentially symmetrical, and the second method of investigation has effectually eliminated such from consideration. This must not be forgotten.
CH. V] EECTANGULAR SYSTEM OF FORMS 145 All the forms that have emerged have the property that the exponent of Xl9 viz. otj, is unity. Assuming that no fundamental form exists in which Ъ = 0 it is clear that every form, satisfying the conditions, that has αλ = 1 is a fundamental form. 397. A large number of the forms are seen to be such that the factors X1} X2, ... can be arranged in the form of a rectangle such as ΧΎ X% X-6 X4 ...Χι, X2 Хг X4 Xs ...-ij+1, in which tableau the suffix of any X exceeds by unity the suffix of the X immediately above it or immediately to the left of it. Ira factors X are involved and the product of them all appears, from the results hitherto reached, to be a fundamental form. The product for m ^ I is ХгХ2Хз.. · X{Zi (Α χΧι+ι... Xm) Xm+iXw+z... Aw+j_2 Ат+г_1, and we can establish that it is a fundamental form by simply proving that it is finite and integral for all values of the integers m, L This will be the next step. Comparing the form with ХрХ?...Х?*, *«m + i-l, it will be seen that oip^p for I >p, ap=l for ρ > I and < m 4-1, amH_p = l — p for I — 1 ^ p. It has been already remarked that all the Diophantine conditions may be resumed in the single formula «<r 4- α2α+τ 4- aa<r+2r 4- ... > «σ+τ + α2σ+2τ 4- flW+w 4- ..., σ and τ being any integers. We must first find how many terms of the series Of or + #2σ-|-τ 4* 0£.4σ+2τ 4* · · · appear in the first portion Z72 уз γι-ι of the form. If the first к terms appear, then к + (Ы)т<г-1, τ Ι+τ-Ι or Μ. Α. II. 10
146 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE [SECT. VIII we may therefore take к to be the greatest integer contained in the numerical fraction Ζ + τ-1 σ + τ ' ' and write it Ix or 1г for brevity. Again if the first к terms appear in the first two portions ΧχΧ2 ··· «^l-l (XlXl+i ··· X-m) у then ka + (k - 1) τ < m, or & is the greatest integer in uLzLr σ + τ ' and we write it J2 or /2 for brevity. с + τ Again for the whole form &σ Η- (A? - 1) τ = m + Ζ - 1, and к may be written I3 or 7"3 for brevity. σ + τ We can now sum the series «σ + «8σ+τ Η" «3σ+2τ + · ·· for the given product. We first take Ix terms, remembering that each α is here numerically equal to its suffix. The sum is ΚιΟ^+Ιισ + ΙχΤ-τ), or *Л(«т+τ)+ϋ"ι(σ-τ). We now take the next /2 — Ix terms, remembering that here each α is numerically equal to I. This is clearly Finally we take the next ΙΆ —12 terms, remembering that each a, viz. ap} is equal to l + m — p. The series to be summed is «(/2+1)σ+/.ι· + α(/2+2)σ+(/ί+1)τ + · · · + «/3σ+(/3-1)τ, or (7,-Ι,)(Ζ + ίη)-{(7,+ 1)σ + Λτ^^ or (/3-72)(/ + т)-4(/3~/2){(/2 + /з + 1)^ + (/2 + /3-1)т}. Assembling the three portions of the sum and simplifying we find = ^(7? + /1-/Ι)(σ + τ) - £/ц (2ί - σ + τ) - £/2 (2иг - <τ + τ) + J /3 (2ί + 2m - <r + τ).
CH. V] RECTANGULAR SYSTEM 147 Next in regard to the series Яг+т + #2<г+2т Н" а3<г+3т 4" · · · we have, analogous to Il9 T2J Ja, Jx = Ji = greatest integer contained in , σ + τ σ + τ r Ζ + m — 1 _ r l + w-1 σ+τ σ + τ and we find for the sum of the series α<τ+τ + α2σ+2τ Η" α3σ+3τ + · · · > the three portions \J\ (σ + τ) + ^ Jx (σ + τ), (Л -Л) г, (/.-/,)(ϊ + ι»)-1(/3-Λ)(Λ + Λ + 1)(σ + τ). Adding and simplifying we find Н</! + Л-Л)(<г + т) -£Λ(2Ζ-σ-τ)-£^2^-σ-τ) + £/3(2ί + 2^-σ-τ). The general Diophantine inequality therefore assumes the form *α!+/5-/»(«τ+τ) - \ Ιλ (21 - σ + τ) - £ /2 (2m - σ + τ) + \I3 (21 + 2m - σ + τ) ^(J* + j;j- J») (σ + τ) -iJΓ1(2г-.σ-τ)-iJ2(2ш-σ-τ) + JΛ(2г + 2m-σ-τ), and we must shew that it is satisfied by the values of IXl I2l J3, Ju J2, J& given above in terms of Z, m, σ, τ. Since ΙΎ is the greatest integer in and Jx the greatest integer in it is clear that Ιλ is either equal to Jx or to Jx +1. σ+τ χ Similarly L2 must be either equal to X2 or to J2 +1 and /3 to e/"3 or to Λ+1. Also Д + I2 = Ii h Z> must be either equal to σ + τ - σ + τ Tl+т+т-1 г - /s . or to i3 +1, σ + τ 10—2
148 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE [SECT. VIII and Ji 4- J2 =5 Jx h J2 —— must be either equal to σ + τ σ + τ ^ rZ+m —1 Γ Ί j3 or to J3 — 1. σ + t We have therefore the relations Ix = Jj or Ji + 1, Д + I2 = J3 or J3 H-1, /2 = ^2 ОГ «^2 +1, Jl 4" J2 = J» 0Г e/3 — 1, /3 — ^s ОГ J"3 + 1. All of these alternatives are not simultaneously possible; for instance if I\ = J\> I* = «^2, £> = Λ) we cannot have Λ 4-12 = /3 4- 1 because that would., lead to Jx 4- J2 = Jz 4- 1, a relation which is barred. There are just ten possible sets of alternatives, viz.: Case I 1χ = ϋ1> 12 = J2} Jt3 = t/3J li 4* 12 — i3, t/j 4" e/2 = «/3. Substituting in the inequality we find /з^Л + Л, which is satisfied because Ix 4- J2 = /3. Case /J Jti = t/i + 1, ·Χ2==«/2> ■*3=S<^3J ·*1 4" -*2 == ^3> wi + W'2 = W3 — 1 leads to J^ > , <T 4" Τ and Ji being the greatest integer in , where σ 4- τ is at least unity, the relation is satisfied. Cose III ii = Ji 4-1, 12 = J2, i3 = t/85 ij 4- J-2s=: *з 4- 1, t/i + t/г = «/» leads to Jx > , σ + τ satisfied because σ ^ 1. Cow /F J-l β t/i, Jt2 == «A 4" lj -*3~<^3? A 4" Jt2 = Jt3, «/1 4" «^2 == *^3— 1 leads to Ja ^ 1, *r 4- τ which is true by the definition of /2-
CH. Vj RECTANGULAR SVSTEM Case V I\ = J\y 12 = «/2 "Ь 1> *8 = t/3 J -Μ + Ζ2 = 13 + 1? «/χ + t/2 = t/s leads to Λ > > which is obviously satisfied. Case VI 1г = ^ +1, /2=/2 +1, i*3 = /3; /i +12 = /3 +1, j; + j"2 = js ι л 4. r -. l + m-σ leads to J3 ^ , *r -t- τ which is clearly satisfied. Case VII Ii = Ji + 1, /2 = f/2, ί} β J-i + 15 Λ H- /2= *з, «m 4-1/2 = «/й leads to «72 ^ —■— , σ + τ which is right. Case VIII II = */i, i2 = t/2 + 1, /3 = t/3 + 1 j ij ·+- i2 = i 3, Ji + «/2 = «/3 leads to J^ ^ , σ* + τ which is satisfied. Case IX /^./i + i, /2 = /2 + ι, /3»·7"3 + ΐ; λ + ι^/*, j; + /2 = j3-i leads to a relation of equality between the two sides. Case X /,β-Λ + 1, Ι2 = Λη-1, Ι,—Τ, + ΐ; Λ+Ζβ-Λ + ΐ, J^J^Js leads to σ + τ^Ο, which is correct. Hence the inequality is in every case satisfied. 398. This proves that the form X\X\X\ ··· -3-zll (-3Γг-ЗГг-bi ··· -^m) -^w+i-^»7+2 ··· Щ-^л-^Хг-ил-х is finite and integral and also a fundamental form. This form plays an important role in a later section of this work. It may be regarded as a First Standard Form.
150 FORMS WHICH ARE OUTSIDE THE SYSTEM [SECT. VIII The fundamental forms, that have emerged so far, not included in the tandard are u£\ Л 2 Л s Л 4 2l 5 A e Ji 7 , γ γ γζγζγζγ γ Χι Χ2 Χ ζ Х-Ь Χ$ Χ β Χ7 Χ* у XV2 Υ2 ]Γ3 V3 Υ2 V2 Υ and it may be desired to obtain information concerning them. In the standard form if Op = Op+1 no exponent Op+q is greater than ctp. We may therefore eliminate the standard forms from consideration by imposing other Diophantine relations such as ctp = Op+i < а^+2 upon the conditions to which the exponents are subject. In this way there is no doubt that other Standard Forms can be obtained, but for the purpose of this work it is not necessary to carry the investigation any further.
CHAPTER VI ON THE ALGEBRAIC FORMS OF INTEGERS 399. We may apply the method of the preceding chapter to another question which is not directly connected with the subject of partitions. In the binomial and multinomial expansions, the exponent being a positive integer, every coefficient is an integer. This fact depends analytically upon the circumstance that the product of any m consecutive integers is divisible by factorial m; we have n-f 1 n + 2 n + m 1 * 2 ■■* m an integer for all values of n. The present question is the determination of all values of alt cr2, ... aw for which the expression (n + 1 \αι /n + 2 \a* in + m\am { 1 ) { 2 J '"[ m ) is an integer for all values of n. In particular the discovery of the finite number of fundamental products of this nature, for a given value of m, from which all the forms may be generated by multiplication; and the complete syzygetic theory. We write the expression in the notation and observe that it is derived from the product Ttix?...xtr discussed in the previous chapter by putting χ equal to unity. All the algebraic products which are finite and integral give rise in this manner to arithmetical products which are integers. This however is as much as can be said, for beyond this the two theories proceed upon widely divergent lines. As might be expected, the arithmetical products form a more extended system than the algebraical.
152 FORMS OF ORDERS TWO AND THREE [SECT. VIII 400. To commence with the Order Two or (η + l\e» (n -f 2\a* (Ч-ЧТ-г?-^· the product is an integer when η is even, but when η is uneven we must have oti > ot2. Hence S Ν? 2V> = Ω - r >(l-XiT1)(l-iJyi shewing the trivial result that ¥x and ΝΊ¥2 are fundamental forms. 401. For the Order Three, where we have to consider the divisibility of the numerator numbers by powers of 2 and 3, and since if η be uneven one of the numbers η -Ь1, w + 3 must be divisible by 4 it is necessary to investigate the conditions according as η is of the forms 4m +1, 4m + 3, 3m + 1, 3m 4- 2, the forms 4w, 4m + 2, 3m yielding no conditions. When η is of the form condition is auxiliary 4m +1 oil 4- 2as ^ α2 λ·ι 4??г + 3 2α2 -f α3 ^ α2 3m -h 1 α2 ^ α3 Хз 3??ι +2 ^ ^ α:ι λΛ It will be noted that these inequalities are not independent since addition of the first and fourth produces the second. We therefore omit the second as superfluous and assign auxiliaries \1} λ2, λ^ as shewn. We have therefore 1 1Νΐ>ΝρΝρ = Ω· Eliminating \ this is 1 a- (1 -λ^ΛΓ,)(l-i jyt) (l-hN2N3) and eliminating λ, ι a. > (1 - XXN,) (1 - £ 2Vt) (1 - WiN.K)' and this by a formula on a previous page is (1 -#,)(! -JMW -Ν,Ν,Ν,)^ - ^ЩЩ'(1 - ΝΧ№Ν3)'
CH. VlJ FORMS OF ORDER FOUR 153 establishing the new fundamental products -МЛГ,, ΉΛ№ ЯгЩ^, connected by syzygies as shewn by the numerator terms. We observe one form NiNlNs which is not derivable from the algebraic theory of the previous chapter. 402. The forms are exponentially symmetrical. On proceeding to the Fourth Order unsymmetrical forms appear for the first time. A few experiments shew that the unsymmetrical forms are of the form so that we may divide the investigation into two cases. Case I. The form ΝρΝ&ΙΓρΝ?. Case II. The form NpNpNp. The conditions for the general form JSFpNpiTpNi*, obtained by discussing η in the forms 4m -f 1, 4w Η- 2, 4m + 3, 3m -f 1, 3m + % are αϊ + 2α, ^ α2 4- 2α4, α2 ^ α4, 2αχ -f α.Λ ^ α2 + 2α4, α2 ^ α», «ι 4- α4 ^ α8. For Case I these become «2 > «11 2α! ^ α2, leading to Ω >(1-^ад)(1-^ад) -Ω. * * (1 - \N,KzWi) (1 - ^-ВД>) 1 " (i - лГхУ.-ад) (i - л^маг,)' and we have merely the fundamental forms derivable from the algebraic theory. For Case II the conditions become αχ > Oj + 2a4> otj ^a4,
164 FORMS OF ORDER FIVE [sect, лап leading to η I >(i-W(i-^)(i-^) = Ω > (i -χ,лто (ι - £ж) (l- ^-ВД) 1 - (i - no (i - iw (i - ж?^2ж4) · establishing the new fundamental form Forms of this species occur in the case of every even order but never present themselves for an uneven order. The general form is NpN?M?N?>... Л>. 403. For the case of the Order Five there is a very complicated system of fundamental forms. They appear to be, by an investigation which is too long to reproduce here, thirteen in number, viz. N.NlNlNiNr,, four which are derivable from the previous algebraic theory; two which are symmetrical but do not appertain to the algebraic theory; NlNlNtN\Nt, and seven which are unsymmetrical. It will be useful to verify these forms a posteriori. With the first four we need not deal. As regards the next two which are symmetrical we note that the conditions that MpN^NfsN^Nf* may be an integer, obtainable by discussing w in the
Cfl. VI] FORMS OF ORDER FIVE 155 forms 4ra +1, 4m 4- 2, 4nn + 3, 3m 4-1, 3m, + 2, 5m + 1, 5m + 2, 5m + 3, 5m + 4 are αχ + 2a3 + a6 > «2 + 2a4, 2a! 4- a3 + 2a5^a24- 2a4, aa + a6^a3, ai + a4 ^ и»> «4 > «б> a3 > «б> that corresponding to 5m + 3 being implied by the remainder. Putting herein a5 ~аг> α4 = α2 and further Oj = olx -f a2 in order to find the form N\N\N\N\N\ and to exclude some of the others, we find 4αι>α2, 5α1>2α2, a2 ^ аг for the form and we are led to η 1 >(1-^^ад)(1-^вд^) = il > (1 - λ?λ^ К2Щ^Щ (l-^| ЛГ.*,^) 1 + Х^ЩЩЩЯ, + ± ЪЩЩЯИГ. = il _±L > (1 - λΙΝ,Ν,ΝΙ^Ν,) (l - ^i-^Al-W») _ (i - ν,νΜ^ν,) (ι - mmNiNim) · establishing the form ЩЩЩЩЩ. If we take the special condition «3 = c^ instead of a, = at + a.2 the conditions become and we are led to 1 = Ω (l-^iMT^l-bA^) > (i -х^щя^щ (ι - 2j #2i\r4) 1 " (1 - Ν,Ν,Ν,Ν,Ν,) (1 - ЩЩЩЩЩ)' establishing the form ЩЛГ1ЩЩЩ.
156 SOME HIGHER FUNDAMENTAL FORMS [SECT. VIII For the unsymmetrical forms, it will be observed that as regards the first five of them «5 = 0^, <x2>ct4; and in the last two a1>a6} α2 = α4. Making use of these special conditions the forms are readily established. For the Order Six we will examine the form = (n + * V1 (n + 2 V8 {ό^±*Υ4 (n+Jiy* The conditions are easily seen to be «! > a2 + 2a4 4- ae, «2 + «6 ^«4, η being of the forms 4m + 1, 4m H- 2, 3m 4-1, 3m + 2 respectively. Obviously the fourth condition is superfluous. We find »α-χΛ)(ι-^.)(,-^Α)(ι-^.Λ) -β- » (i - if,) (ι - λ,λ,ϋτ,Λ·,) (ι - J- дгглг.) (ι - ~ jv.jv.) = ίϊ » (ΐ - лт.) (ΐ - мда (ι - £<ВД) (i - >№.ВД) establishing the fundamental forms H\NtirtN„ Similarly for the Order Eight it is easy to find the fundamental forms
CHAPTER VII THE THEORY OF MAGIC SQUARES 404. The method of Partition Analysis is applicable to all arrangements of integers which are defined by homogeneous linear 'Diophantine Equalities or Inequalities; and when the properties which result from the definition persist after addition of corresponding numbers a syzygetic theory results. Many instances of configurations of integers in piano or in solido will occur to the mind as having been subjects of contemplation by mathematicians and others from the earliest times. Amongst these are those of the nature of the magic square. The properties of such squares are usually stated in terms of the sums of the numbers which appear in the rows, columns and diagonals. In an ordinary magic square of order n} the square is divided up into n2 compartments; the n2 compartment numbers are all different, being usually the first n2 natural numbers, and the arrangement is such that every row, every column and each diagonal contain numbers which have the same sum. As distinct from an ordinary magic square a "general magic square" is defined to consist of ri1 integers arranged in the compartments in such wise that the numbers in the rows, columns and diagonals add to the same number, zeros and repetitions of the same number being permissible among the integers. We may regard general magic squares of the same order η as numerical magnitudes. To add two such magnitudes we add together the numbers in corresponding positions or compartments to form a new magnitude which obviously is also a " general magic square." We can form a linear function of such magnitudes, of the same order, the coefficients being positive integers, and it also will be a general magic square. An ordinary magic square is a particular case of a general magic square, but the particular property of an ordinary magic square that it must involve different integers in the compartments prevents the formation of new squares by addition, so that within the group of such squares there is no syzygetic theory.
158 THE SYZYGETIC THEORY [SECT. VIII 405. We proceed to investigate the syzygetic theory of general magic squares of the Third Order. Such squares do not exist in the case of the Second Order except in the trivial case a a a a but there are squares in which the row and column but not the diagonal properties are in evidence. For let such a square be "1 «3 This must clearly have the form where if a5 be some integer and we find %xpxpx%s = Ω α3 + c*2 = α5, (ΐ-λΛοα-λ^ι-^)' wherein we recall that'the symbol fl denotes that in the ascending expansion of the function to which it is prefixed we are to retain only those terms which are free from the auxiliary λ. The expression clearly has the value 1 {l-xYxb){l-x2xb)' the denominator factors denoting the fundamental solutions αϊ 1 0 «2 0 1 αδ 1 1 Thus we have the fundamental squares 10 0 0 1 1 and the most general square of the type I1 ° 0 1 + «s 0 1 ι o: «1 a, a trivial result.
a СН. VII] THE THIRD ORDER 159 406. Passing to the third order let the square he ax a2 «3 «4 α5 «β Oj <x8 Og and let the number associated alike with the sura of each row, each and each diagonal be aI0; we then have the eight equalities Λΐ + «2 + «3 = «4 + «5 + <*6 = «7 + «8 + «9 = «10, <*1 + «4 + «7 = «2 + «6 + «8 = ЛЗ + «6 + «9 = «10» а! + аБ + а9 = «s + аБ 4- а7 = а10. We require the sum for all sets of integers satisfying the equalities. Associate with the equalities the auxiliaries Aj Λ»2 λ^ λ4 λ»5 Лб λ? \8 respectively, each equality having а10 on the dexter, so that λ^ is associated with α4 + α5 + α6 = α10. The sum is 1 (1—λ1\4\α;ι)(1-\1Χ6χ2)(1—\1\β\8χ3)(1—λ2\χ4)(1—λ2Χ5λ7\8χ6) j # (1-\2\χ6)(1-\ζ\4\8χ7)(1-ΧΛ\5χ8)(1-\,\ΰ\7χ^ ( 1 - —;-_-__._- χΛί \ Л,1Л2Л3Л4ЛбЛ6Л7Л8 /J Eliminating \l9 λ2, Хз, λ4, λ5, λ6 in any convenient order, this is found to have the expression Ω _J - 1(1 - Х^/ад,^) f 1 - z-XoXbXvXho) ( i - ^-oc^x4x8xlo\\ (1 — \§χ-όχ6χ7χϊ()) II — — x2x4x^x^ J + Ω j (1 - Х\хххьхъх^) (1 - — akWtuCjXn j ( 1 - - а?8я4я?8л?10 j Ι ί 1 - г- #2#·Α#ιο JΙ 1 - Г2 Х1%гХ4ХвХ6Х»х(0) \ "~ Л?jXqХ8d?jQ ^± Х^Х^Х^Х^Х^Х^Х7X8XqXjq) (1 - Χ?χΎχ5χ9χ1ύ) ί 1 - — x»x6x7xl0) ί 1 - — χ^χ&χΛ Λ Γ Ι (1 - \lx3Xsx7XlQ) ( 1 - — Я?1Й?вА%Я?ю) ί 1 ~ д2 #ι#*#Λ#8#9#ιο) j and we may pause to draw some deductions. + ft
160 SQUARE WITHOUT DIAGONAL CONDITIONS [SECT. VIII 407. If the general magic squares we are considering are deprived of the properties of the two diagonals we have merely now to put \ = λ8 = 1. The real generating function then reduces to Jl "~" ΧγΧ%Χ§Χ4Χ§Χ§ΧγΰΟ%Χ$Χ]β ((1 - a\x6x9x1Q) (1 - %iX6xQx10) (1 — #2#Λ#ιο)| ' ((1 - #2#6#7#io) (1 ~ #3#4#8#1θ) (1 — X^u^h^lQJ ) indicating the fundamental products #1#5#9#10 #l#e#8#10 %2X4XS%10 connected by the simple syzygy XjX^XqXiq . ^2*^6^7*^10 · %3^4*^8*^10 — *% 1^6*^8*^10 · ^^^^lO · ^Z^b^7^l4 = "> corresponding to the fundamental squares ^аздЯю 10 0 0 10 0 0 1 XiXqX^Xjq 10 0 0 0 1 0 10 я^хцянх^ 0 10 0 0 1 10 0 XqX^XqXiq 0 10 10 0 0 0 1 Χ$Χ±Χ$Χ\§ 0 0 1 10 0 0 10 X% Χ$ΧηΧ\§ 0 0 1 0 10 10 0 (the exponent of x10 being unity shewing that the number associated with the rows and columns is unity) connected by the simple syzygy 10 0 0 1 0 10 + 00 0 0 1 10 0 0 1 + 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 1 = 001 + 100 + 010 0 10 each side being equal to 111 1 1 1 0 0 1 10 0 — X\ #2 X% X4 X5 Xq X7 Xq Xq X\q · 1 1 1 This is the complete syzygetic theory of these squares.
CH. VII] THE PRINCIPAL DIAGONAL ALONE INVOLVED 161 + Ω To obtain the enumerating generating function we put ос1==%2 = а}8 = х4 = хб==осв==(1с7 = хв = а;9~а} and #ιο = 2Λ when we find τ- -^-. (1 - a?y)« In this the coefficient of a?nyn represents the number of squares such that in each column and in each row the sum of the numbers is n. It has the -"-'Civet1)· 408. Resuming the discussion of Art. 406 we' eliminate Xy and find (1 - XixsXsXtXio) 11 - — x2x^9x10 j j -— ΧιΧ6Χ$Χ10 ул. — Х^Х^ЩХ^ЩХ^Х^ЩХ^Хх^) Л>8 (1 - ΧχχΙχΙχ^Ιχ^) (1 - ΧχχΙχ^χ^χΙο) \ ' 1(1 - Χ&όχ6χ7%10) ί 1 -— ΧχΧβΧβΧχο) ί 1 — --2 x^oX^XqXs^xIojI and the reader should observe that the second fraction of Art. 406 has the value zero and contributes nothing to this result. But if we wish to discuss the squares which have the principal diagonal property but not that associated with the secondary diagonal, we do not omit the second fraction referred to but add it to the two just obtained and then put λ8= 1. We then get on simplification ί —~ ΧγΧ^Χ^Χ^Χξ^Χ^Χ^X^XqX·^ f(l - ^aVVlo) (1 - #2#Α#1θ) (1 - #3#5#7«1θ)1 ' ( (1 - x^x^xlx^x^) (1 - х^^х^х»^) j establishing the five fundamental products X\ Xq X% Xiq, X2 X± Xq Χι ο, №ц 00ъ ^7 &ιο > ΧιΧ\χ*> x\ x\ Χϋ #ιο, Χι x\ x\ #6 Щ, xv #ϊο > connected by the simple syzygy (χιΧ6χ8χ1())2 (%>>x4Xi}Xiof (%#5#7#ιο)2 = {χ^χ^χΐχ^χ^) (χΛ xi%iXbXlxdx%)} corresponding to the fundamental squares 10 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 2 0 I 1 0 0 ΰ 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 Μ. Α. II. 3 1
162 THE SECONDARY DIAGONAL ALONE INVOLVED [SECT. VIII connected by the simple syzygy 1 0 0 0 0 1+2 0 1 0 = 0 1 0 1 0 0 + 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 12 + 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 10 10 0 10 2 2 10 0 2 1 squares, all of them, such that the principal diagonal is associated with the same number as the rows and columns. Similarly if it is the secondary diagonal that is to be associated with the rows and columns we arrive at the real generating function JL —~ X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X·^ f (1 - Я^вЯоЯю) (1 ~ #2#β#7#ιο) (1 - #3#4#8«%))) ' ( \Д — ^^s^B^^V'k'a^ao/ ν Ι — ^г^'з^^5*^7*^9^10) ) from which the fundamental squares and the syzygy connecting them can be written down. In both cases of the one diagonal theory the enumerating function is 1 - x^y6 (1-а?уУ(1-х»у*)2) in which the coefficient of иРъуп must be sought in order to enumerate the squares such that each row, each column and one selected diagonal are to be associated with the number w. 409. Resuming the discussion we finally eliminate λ8 and arrive at the real generating function 1 - 2xi 2 li 4 /)X& 7**"8 9 10 ·* Х\ХчХ'1Х^Х^ХяХ'7Х^Х[)Х\{) |(1 - х^х^х^х^) (1 — х^а^х^я^) (1 - а?1а^х^х7о^с^{М [ \L Х^ХцХ^Х^Х^Х^ХЦ)) \L XiU'sXxXiXuXqCCjXuXhXiq) j indicating the fundamental products X\ Xo X5 Xq X4 Xq Хщ , ι .j 4Χ§ΧκΧ$Χ\{)) Χ ι Χ$ Χ5 *&β &h Я 8 *^ιυ » Χ 2 & у Χ ι Χζ Χγ Χ§ Χ\ο j Χ γ ff О Χ·£ Χ^ it g itftXy XqX^ X^Q j connected by the first syzygies Хл ОСуХщ/ЬцХуХдХц) . Х^Х^Х^Х^Х^ХуХцу = ΧιΧ^ΧζΧβΧγΧχΧι^. Χ^Χ^Χ^Χ6Χ7Χ^Χ'ι^ ~ {^XiX^X^X^XqXqXjX^X^Xi^) ,
CH. VII] PROPERTIES OF BOTH DIAGONALS IN EVIDENCE and writing these AB=CD = E\ we have the second order syzygy E* (AB - Я2) + AB (CD - E*) = 0, corresponding to the fundamental squares 163 1 2 0 1 2 0 0 2 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 1 2 0 0 2 1 2 10 10 2 111 111 = 111 2 0 1 0 12 + 12 0 0 2 1 2 10 10 2 in which both diagonals share in the property of the rows and columns. The first syzygies connecting them may be written 12 0 110 2 0 12+210=2 2 0 1 I 0 2 1 The enumerating function is (l-#18yff)2 (l-afitff ' in which the coefficient of xmyn must be sought. Moreover η must be of the form 3m so that we have to seek the coefficient oia?mymin (1-*У)2(1-Л/)-5, and this is in fact ma H- (m + l)2. The ordinary magic squares, the component integers being 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, i), arc eight in number. Calling the fundamental squares as written above А В С D Ε these are + 30 + 2? = + W + E = 8 1 6 2 7 6 3 5 7 9 5 1 4 9, 2 4 3, 8 SA+C+E = , 34+D + 2?- 6 1 8 4 3 8 7 5 3 9 5 1 2 9 4 2 7 6 11—2
164 ANOTHER VIEW OF GENERAL MAGIC SQUARES [SECT. VIII B + BC + E = B + SB + E = 8 3 4 2 9 4 1 5 9 7 5 3 6 Ϊ, 2 6 1, 8 3B + C + E = 8B + I) + E = 6 7 2 4 9 2 1 5 9 3 5 7 8 3 4 8 1 6 There is no theoretical difficulty in dealing with the squares of higher orders, but even in the case η = 4 there is practical difficulty in handling the Ω, generating function. 410. Apart from the syzygetic theory the enumeration of general magic squares of given order and given number associated with the rows, columns and diagonals may be viewed in the following manner· If we are not concerned with diagonal properties the squares have already been enumerated in Section V. If hm denotes the sum of the homogeneous products of degree m of the η magnitudes αι> a2> ··· an> and hm be raised to the power η and be developed so as to be a linear function of monomial symmetric functions, the coefficient of is the number of squares of order η which have the property that the sum of the numbers in each row and in each column is m. (See Section V, Art. 199.) Thus if τη = 3, η = 2, Ц = («ϊ + «S + οία, + αιαϊ)»= ... + 4ю?«5 + ..., the coefficient 4 enumerating the four squares 30 03 21 12 0 3 3 0 12 2 1 411. To introduce the diagonal properties, let кт>ы denote hm when in it <xs, orn_s+1 are replaced by \ccSi μοίη_8+1 respectively. Form the product and it will be found that the coefficient herein, after development, of is the number of general magic squares of order n, associated with the number m
CH. VII] PARTICULAR EXAMPLES 165 To see how this arises take η = 4, m = 1 and form a product (λ^ + eta + a3 4- μα4) χ ( аг + λα2 -f μα3 + a4) χ ( αλ + μα2 + λα3 4- α4) χ (/*«! 4- я2 + «3 + λα4)· When we multiply out in order to obtain the term involving λ,μ»α1α2α3α4, we must take one portion of the term from each of the four factors and regarding the elements of the four factors as corresponding to the compartments of a square of order 4, this means that in picking out the product X/ta^OgGt* we take an element from each row of the square. Again since аь «2, аз> a4 only occur in the first, second, third and fourth columns of the square respectively we must also take an element from each column of the square. Finally in order to obtain λμ, we must choose elements from each diagonal of the square. Ex. gr. If we were to select in the multiplication o^, μα3, ctlf λα4 from the first, second, third and fourth factors respectively, the selection would correspond to the square 10 10 0 0 0 10 10 0 0 Ι ο ο ο ι 412. Again take η = 4, m = 2. We form the product [λ2α2 + Χμα^ + /Λ| 4- (каг + μαΑ) (α2 4- α,) + α%+ α^ + <*з} χ {λ2α! + λμα»03 4- μ2α! + (λα2 + μα*) («ι + «*) 4- α'ϊ 4- α^ 4- α*} Χ {λ2α| 4- λμα2α3 4- μ*ά% 4- (λα3 4- μα2) («ι + α*) + «? + «ι«ι 4- α4} χ {\*aj 4- λμα, α4 4- μ2α? 4- (λα4 4- //tfi) (α2 4- α3) 4- οξ + «2«з + «з}· In forming the term which involves the product λ η η О ·> О f> 2μ,2α{α2α3α!, we regard the successive factors as corresponding to the successive rows of the square; the suffix of the a as denoting the column, and λ, μ as corresponding to the diagonals. The exponent of the α represents the number which is to be entered in the compartment of the square, this compartment being specified by the suffix of the a and the factor in which the a occurs. Thus if in performing the multiplication we select the terms λ-α'ί, μα&9 μ<ζ2<χ4, α2α3,
166 ENUMERATION OF CERTAIN SQUARES [SECT. VIII from the four factors respectively, we have the corresponding square 2 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 10 1 0 110 In whatever manner we select the factor elements we have in correspondence a general magic square. These examples suffice to establish that the number which enumerates the magic squares is identical with the coefficient of λ>Λ(βΛ...Οη)«, which arises from the product If we wish to make any restriction in regard to the numbers that appear in the 5th row of the square we have merely to strike out certain terms from the function For example if no number is to exceed t we have merely to strike out all terms which involve exponents which exceed t. If the 5th row is to involve numbers which collectively are included in certain specified partitions of m we merely strike out from hmy8 all terms whose exponents do not collectively correspond to one of such partitions. If the 5th column of the square is not to include the number t we must in each factor strike out every term which involves aj. In fact each and all of the n2 numbers in the square can be restricted in any desired manner. If ordinary magic squares are under consideration we must from hm)S (for all values of s), m having now a fixed value in relation to n, strike out all terms which involve a repetition of exponent. Also in picking out the η elements which form \ηημηι<χψοξι... α™ we must take care that ct8 (for all values of s) never appears twice with the same exponent. In both cases zero counts as an exponent. Also neither λ nor μ in the elements must occur twice with the same exponent, zero being counted as an exponent. 413. To resume the general subject we will now consider the enumeration of the squares which are such that the sum of the numbers in each row and in each column is unity, the sums of the numbers in the λ and μ diagonals being any given numbers. Observe first that if the numbers occurring in the diagonals are immaterial the number of the squares is η ! because К
CH. VII] CONNECTED WITH UNITY 167 Consider an even order 2n and form the product (λα! + <X2 + Os + ... + «2n-2 + a«i-i + M«2n) X ( <*! + XOs + O3 + ... + «271-2 + ^271-1 + «31») χ ( θ! + «a + λα3 + ... Η- μα2η-2 + «sn-i + ctm) Χ ( «ι + «2 + μ<*3 + · · · + λα^-β + «2λ-ι + am) Χ ( «1 + /&«£ + 03 + ... + 0С2П-2 + λ*2»1-1 + «2η) χ (μαΎ + α2 + αη Η- ... 4- о^-г Η- ««λ-ι + Xam). When the multiplication has been performed we require the complete coefficient of а1 «Л · · · ^271—2 а2П—1 **2Я· Writing 2o = A, the £th factor of the product is h + (λ - 1) at + (μ - 1) α2η-ί+ι, and since we only require the quantities a with unit exponents the product of the complementary factors h + (λ - 1) «ί + (μ - 1) Ojn-i+b h + (λ - 1) α2η_ί+1 Η- (/α -1) αί? the second of these being the (2n — £ Η- l)th factor of the product, is effectively Α2 + (λ + μ - 2) (at + α2η_ί+1) Α + {(λ - Ι)2 + 0* - I)2} ъ<ь^+19 and the complete product may now be written П* [A» + α + Μ - 2) (α, Η- a2n_t+1) A + {(λ - Ι)2 + (μ - 1)а} *t *2n_t+1]. Consider these я factors of degree 2. Each one of them involves explicitly two of the quantities a, say at and or2n_i+1, neither of which occurs explicitly in any of the other η — 1 factors. In the product of the η factors therefore each of the quantities α occurs explicitly to the power unity. Hence if we write the product in the form hm + AJi™-1 + ЛаА3*-» +...+Am, Am is a linear function of products of the quantities a, each of which contains m different quantities a, each with the exponent unity. In particular the reader will readily observe that 4i = (\ + /a-2)So, Λ2η « {(λ - Ι)8 + (μ - Ι)8}* «!«,... α2η-ι«2η. Now Am = ...+m!Saia2... «m-iOre + ···> as is evident by operating with the differential operator Д of Section I m times successively.
168 THE SYMBOLIC SOLUTION [SECT. VIII This is the only portion of the development of hm in which the exponents of the a's do not rise above unity. Hence for the present purpose hm = m 1 Xsj a.2... ofm_! a,n effectively. The co-factor of hm in the product is A.2ii—m which is a sum of products of the quantities a, each of which contains Ъг — m different quantities a (each with exponent unity) and has a certain function of λ and μ as a coefficient. Each of the α products which occurs in Am^n can be multiplied into one of the members of the sum %αχα2... (V.!^ to form the product αλα2... o^n-i^n because for this purpose we associate an a product occurring in Am-.m with that member of Σα^... аш^ат which does not contain any α which occurs in the α product. That particular a product will not be multiplied into any other member of Sa^... вт-Лп because that would produce an a with an exponent 2. The result of the multiplication Л hm •П-271—т'1' is to produce as many effective terms as Am^.m contains a products. 414. We may therefore, to obtain the desired coefficient, put in each quantity a, that occurs explicitly in -4зл-»л> equal to unity and hm equal to m !. Hence therefore in h?n + A^-1 + Ash*»4* + ... + Am, we may put each a, occurring explicitly in the quantities A} equal to unity and km = m ! where m ranges from 2n to unity. It is thus established that in the product Π [Λ2 + (λ + μ - 2) (at + α2η_ί+1) h + {(λ - Ι)2 + (μ - Ι)2} ί = 1 we may put each explicitly occurring α equal to unity and regard h as a symbol such that on completing the multiplication any power of h, say hm, is to denote m !. Thus the desired coefficient is expressed by {}1/> + 2(\ + μ-2)}ι + (\-1)* + (μ-1)% or by {A2-4A + 2 + 2 (λ + μ) (A -1) 4-λ2 Η-μ/2}η, where, after development, A™ is to be put equal torn!. The coefficient is by this means represented symbolically as an 72th power.
CH. VII] VERIFICATION OF RESULTS 169 415. Putting A2 — 4Д H- 2 = η2, h - 1 = ηγ it is more conveniently written [η* + 2(Κ + μ)ηι + \* + μ*}η. For an even order 2n the coefficient herein of \ιμ™ enumerates the squares which have one unit in each row and in each column, I units in the λ diagonal and m units in the μ diagonal. For an uneven order 2/i-fl, the (n + l)fch factor corresponding to the (n -b l)th row of the square is Ιι+(Χμ-1)οίη+1} and thus the product of the 2n + 1 factors may be written if [Α2 Η- (λ + μ - 2)(at Η- α2η_ί+2) h + {(λ - Ι)2 + (μ - Ι)2} a^n-t+J *=ι χ{Α + (λ^~1)αΛ+1}, and now the coefficient of α^... ^ma2n+i is, by the same argument, represented by the symbolic form [η2 Η- 2 (λ 4- /г) ^ + λ'2 Η- μ2}η Oh Η- λμ), the complete solution in respect of the uneven order 2w + 1. 416. We may test the truth of these results in two ways. (i) If we put λ = μ = 1 the coefficient is (2n)! for even order and (2n + 1)! for uneven order. This is verified because our symbolic expressions become in this case hm and hm+1 respectively. (ii) If we put λ = 0, μ = 1, the coefficient is equal to the number of permutations of e^oto ...a^ or of ахай... α2η+1 such that every quantity <xs is displaced. Our symbolic expressions become (h - l)m and (h - l)m+1 respectively, equivalent to (2n)!-(2n)(2»-l)! + (^)(2n-2)!-..., (2η + 1)!-(271)(2,0!+(271)(2η-1)!-...) which agree with the results of Section III, Chapter Ш, Art. 69. 417. To find the number of general magic squares corresponding to the sum unity we require the coefficient of \μ and this is found to be for even order 2n for uneven order 2?г Ч-1 8 L·
170 FORMULA FOB CALCULATION [SECT. VIII, CH. VII Those squares which have only zeros in the diagonals are enumerated by rfl and rfivi according as the order is even or uneven, while those which involve the maximum number of units in the diagonals depend merely upon the expressions (λ*+/*)η, (λ2 + μψ\μ. 418. The calculation of products of powers of щ and ητ is simplified by the consideration that since η2 = h* - 4th + 2, щ = h - 1, we have η2 = η\ — 2ηχ — 1 and η*ήξ= η***η*-1 - 2η^1ηΓ1 - V\vV, a convenient formula because the numerical values of powers of ηΎ are known. L19. Vi vl vi vi v\ vl vl vl The V2 V\V2 v\v* ViV* V1V2 V1V2 V1V2 following table 2 vi ViVl 2 *> v\v\ v\v\ vl ViVl vivl vi gives the values of simple η 0 1 2 9 44 265 1854 14833 0 0 4 24 1C8 1280 10860 4 16 116 920 8132 products: 80 672 6176 < 4752 Each column is derived from the column to its left. Thus by the formula Vivl = v\v* - 2η\ν* - ViV*> 920 = 1280-2 χ 168-24.
SECTION IX PARTITIONS IN TWO DIMENSIONS CHAPTEE I INTRODUCTORY NOTIONS 420. In this Section we take up a particular generalization of the Theory of Partitions which arises directly from the improved definition of a partition of a unipartite number due to the importation of an assigned order, viz. the descending order, among the parts and the consequent basing of the theory upon that of linear Diophantine Inequalities. The Definition regards the parts of the partition as being placed at points of a line and the symbol > as regulating the magnitudes of the parts at any two adjacent points. It is important to realise that the partitions may be regarded as partitions on a line or in one dimension of space. Moreover the enumerating generating function (i + l)(i + 2)...(i + j) (l)(2).(j) when the number of parts is limited by the number . and the part magnitude by the number \, can also be associated with either i or j points upon the line. For example we take i points in a line (j+l) (J+2) (j+3) (j + i) (1) (2) (3) (i) '
172 DEFINITION OF PARTITIONS IN TWO DIMENSIONS [SECT. IX and place the algebraic fractions (j + l) (3 + 2) (3+3) (j+i) (1) ' (2) ' (3) ' (i) at the successive points from left to right, and we observe that the continued product of such fractions is in fact the generating function. Instead of so proceeding we may take j points in a line and again we find the generating function as the product of j algebraic fractions each of which is placed at one of the j points, viz. (i + l) (i + 2) (i+3) (i+j) (1) "(2) (3) - (j) · 421. We are about to see that we may have partitions in two dimensions of space and it is interesting to observe that the Ferrers-Sylvester graph of a partition of a unipartite number is in reality a partition in two dimensions. Such a graph of the partition 4311 is and we have already seen that for many purposes it is advantageous to replace the nodes by units, leading to the unit graph 1111 111 1 1 which as we shall see is a two-dimensional partition of the number 9 in agreement with the definition which is now given. Consider the points of a two-dimensional lattice 0 · ^ · ^ · > · > · χ V V V V V V V V V V ν ν ν ν ν У and let the first row and first column be axes of χ and у respectively. Suppose the parts of the partition to be placed at these points so that a descending order of magnitude is in evidence in each row in direction of the #-axis and also in each column in direction of the y-axis.
CH. I] PRELIMINARY CONJECTURE 173 The arrangement of numbers thus reached is defined to be a two- dimensional partition of the number partitioned. Clearly the unit graph of a partition is a two-dimensional partition in which the part magnitude is limited not to exceed unity. 422. In the case of a partition in two dimensions we are concerned with three limiting numbers, for we may limit (i) the number of rows, (ii) the number of columns, (iii) the part magnitude. Suppose for a moment that there is no restriction upon the rows and columns but that the part magnitude is limited by the number I. Guided by the results reached in the case of partitions on a line we may conjecture that the form of the enumerating generating function of the partitions will be (1+1^ (t + 2)** (f + 3^ (1)4 (2)** ' (3)*> "" If this be a right conjecture the function, on putting £= 1, is 1 (ϊ)«ι (2)**-*i (3)s~s* (4)*-* ... ad inf. * But if I = 1, the two-dimensional partitions enumerated are those of the nature 1111 1 1 1 1 1 where there is no restriction upon the rows and columns. These are the unit graphs of the one-dimensional partitions of all numbers and therefore are enumerated by 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) inf.* Comparison now gives *i = l, *з=2, *8 = 3, ... sp = p, ..., establishing that, on the assumption as to form, the generating function which enumerates two-dimensional partitions, with the single restriction that the part magnitude is not to exceed I, is (t + l) (t+2)a (1+ЗИ (i + 4)' (1) · <2)* · (3)' · (4)* •ааш1· This is, in fact, the result which will be rigidly established later.
174 CONNEXION OF THE RESULT WITH A GEAPH [SECT.. IX 423. It is to be particularly noted that this result also can be depicted upon the lattice in the manner following: О (Ul) (i + 2) (1 + 3) (1 + 4) χ (1) ~(2) (3) "(4) * * (1 + 2) (1-^3) (£+4) (1 + 5) (2) (3) (4) » * * (ί + 3) (1 + 4) (ί + 5) (l+JJ) (3) (4) (5) (6) • · · · У We place · , . at the origin and give a unit increase whenever we advance a segment in the direction of either axis. In future we shall speak of a plane partition instead of using the combined word two-dimensional. As an example of a plane partition take 3 3 1-х 2 2 1 I у Note that we may replace each part by a pile of nodes in the direction of the s-axis and that we thus arrive at a solid graph analogous to the Ferrers- Sylvester plane graph. The enumeration of plane partitions is the same as the enumeration of the solid graphs. In the graph the three restricting numbers limit the numbers of nodes that may appear along the three axes of the graph and we have a more direct symmetry, which is at once apparent in plane partitions. If Z, 4)i, η be the three restricting numbers we must expect the general generating Junction to remain unaltered when.Z, m, η are subjected to any permutation; just as in line partitions the numbers limiting the number of parts and the part magnitude are interchangeable. In the solid graph we may substitute units for nodes and thus realise a solid partition in which the part magnitude is limited by unity. We may say that there is a one-to-one correspondence between plane partitions and solid partitions in which the part magnitude is limited by unity. The plane partition arises by projection of the solid partition upon one of the coordinate planes, just as the line partition arises by projection of the plane partition (with which it is in correspondence) upon one of the coordinate axes.
сн. ι] further conjectures as to " form " 175 424. The reader will find it interesting at this point to make the following observation. Consider for a moment solid partitions unrestricted in regard to the three axes but such that the magnitude of the part at the origin is limited not to exceed k. The descending order of magnitude is to be in evidence in the direction of each axis, so that it is only necessary to restrict the magnitude of the part at the origin. Assume the form of the enumerating generating function to be (1)'T (2y* (3)r> "" This for к = 1 becomes (l)n (2)'2-n (3)^'*... ad inf.' and enumerates the solid graphs in which the part magnitude does not exceed unity; and these, being equi-numerous with plane partitions which are absolutely unrestricted, are enumerated by J. (l)(2)M3)T(4)4...adinf. Hence by comparison n = l, r2 = 3, r3 = 6, ...r^^J1), and on the assumption as to form the generating function of the solid partitions we are considering must be (k+l) (k + 2)' (k + ЗГ (k + p)^"') . . (1) · <2)> · <3)« -■ (p)("f) ■mim- Moreover, we notice again that this expression can be depicted on the points of the solid graph just as in the plane case. Гц the cases of line, plane and solid partitions the enumerating functions appear to be associated with the series of numbers line 1, 1, 1, 1,... plane 1, 2, ii, 4, ... solid 1, 3, 0, 10, ... viz. with the successive orders of figurate numbers. If we go back a step to point partitions it is clear that the function is (t + i) (1) ' yielding the series of numbers 1, 0, 0, 0,... , This assumption as to form is shewn later not to be justified.
176 INTERPRETATION OF SOLID GRAPHS [SECT. IX which is the series of figurate numbers prior to 1, 1, 1, I,.··· It may be remarked that the function (k + 1) (k + 2)3 (k + 3)6 (k + p)V Д ) ~ (i) * (2Y · (sr -■ (р)('Г) may be also written as the product of ad inf. (l)(2)M3)«...(k) and 1 en (k+l^(i+5l(k+2^(l+5)(k + 3)*'|H7)...adinf.' 425. Before broaching the formal study of the enumeration of plane partitions we must look into the properties of the solid graphs to which they give rise and enquire into their interpretation. The graph of a partition of a unipartite number, say viz. the partition 642 of the number 12, may be also regarded as the graph of the multipartite number 642. For present purposes we will regard it as being such. If we take the successive layers, in the plane ocyt of a solid graph we obtain a succession of multipartite numbers in correspondence. This succession may be regarded as constituting the successive parts of the partition of a multipartite number. Reading the graph by successive layers in either of the three coordinate planes we thus obtain a partition of a multipartite number. Moreover in each of the three coordinate planes the layers may be read in the direction of either of two axes, so that there are altogether six (3!) ways in which the graph may be read and in each case we arrive at a partition of a multipartite number. But conversely it is not true that every partition of a multipartite number may be represented by a regular solid graph. For suppose
сн. ι] six headings of a regular graph 177 to be a multipartite partition. In order to arrive at a regular solid graph the series of numbers <h> (h) &з> ··· Αι» Οι, Cx, ... bit b2) b3, ... a2, b2, c2, ... Cij C'2, C3, ... #3, t>3, C3.. ... must all be in descending order of magnitude. It follows that the multipartite partitions that are in evidence in the greater part of the present investigation are those which are representable by regular solid graphs. Consider now the solid graph Or-r - -r—- ■* 333322 s 3221 321 у the axis of ζ being perpendicular to the plane of the paper. We read as follows: Planes parallel to the plane xy and in direction Ox (643, 632, 4ΪΪ) a partition of (l6, 8, 6). Planes parallel to the plane xy and in direction Oy (333211, 332111, ЗТШО) a partition of (976422). Planes parallel to the plane yz and in direction Oy ("333, 33Ϊ, 32Ϊ, 2ΪΪ, ΪΪΟ, ΪΪ0) a partition of (13, 11, б). Planes parallel to the plane yz and in direction Oz (333, 322, 321, 310, 200, 200) a partition of (16, 8, б). Planes parallel to the plane xz and in direction Oz (333322, 322100, 321000) a partition of (976422). Planes parallel to the plane ooz and in direction Ox (664, 431, 321) a partition of (13, 11, б). The graph is representative of three multipartite numbers and of two partitions of each. The readings that give partitions of the multipartite 16, 8, 6 are those (i) in plane xy and in direction Ox, (ii) in plane у ζ and in direction Oz. It will be noted that in both instances the specification of the plane and the direction in the plane involve the letter у once only. It is for M. A. II. 12
178 PLANE GRAPHS IN THE SAME THEORY [SECT. IX this reason that the two readings are associated with the same multipartite number. So also the readings (i) in the plane xy and in direction Oy, (ii) in the plane xz and in direction Oz, involving in their specifications the letter χ once only, refer to the same multipartite number 976422. The remaining two readings involve the letter ζ once only and refer to 13, 11, 6. In regard to the six partitions, if one of them contains a highest figure equal to p, is r-partite and has q parts and we say that r, p, q are its characteristics, then the other five partitions will have the characteristics Ρ я r Ρ Я г г Я Я Ρ Я Ρ Ρ г г derived from the permutations of ρ, q, r. The two partitions which are r-partite appertain to the same multipartite number; similarly for the pairs which are p-partite and g-partite respectively. Hence the three multipartite numbers involved correspond to the three pairs of permutations so formed that in any pair the commencing symbol of each permutation is the same. 426. The consideration of graphs formed with a given number of nodes now leads to the theorem: " The enumeration of the graphically regularized r-partite partitions into q parts and having ρ for the highest figure gives the same number for each of the six ways in which the numbers p, q, r may be permuted/' The six-fold conjugation of the characteristics may obtain even though there may be equalities between the numbers p, q} r. It is interesting to view the plane graphs of unipartite numbers from the point of view of the solid graph. Take the graph у which in the unipartite theory denotes the partition 3211 when read in direction Ox and 421 when read in direction Oy.
CH. i] A PARTICULAR ILLUSTRATION In the present theory there are six readings: Plane xy Direction Ox (3211) p} q, r = 3, 1, 4 179 ., soy ■ .. yz „ yz , zx » zx Oy Oy Oz Oz Ox (421) (421) (nil noo ϊοοδ) (3211) (m Ш ϊοό Too) » >» » ?» » = 4, 1, 3 = 4, 3, 1 = 1, 3, 4 = 3, 4, 1 -1, 4, 3 The three multipartite numbers (7), (421), (32] 1) appear each in two partitions. In general if the plane graph is of a partition involving a highest part ρ and q parts, we establish a 6-fold correspondence between (i) a unipartite partition having a highest part ρ and q parts. (ii) „ „ „ >, q „ ρ ,. (iii) a ^-partite partition „ ., (iv) (v) a ^-partite partition „ „ V*I/ » » » » 427. It has been shewn that a graph admits in general of six readings. In other words we may say that a graph has six aspects depending upon the position from which it is viewed. Thus, denoting by the integer m a pile of nodes (or units) m nodes high, the graph examined in Art. 425 is denoted by 333322 3221 321 and the other five aspects it can assume arc 1 <1 Ρ 1 » » » »' 9 » 1 part. 1 „ ρ parts. 333211 332111 3111 333 331 321 211 11 11 333 322 321 31 2 2 664 431 321 643 632 411 A graph however does not always admit of six different readings or assume six different aspects. Thus the graph Θ .or 21 1 12—2
180 DIVISION OF GEAPHS INTO FOUR CLASSES [SECT. IX admits of only one distinct reading, viz. (21 10), and has no other aspect. It is in fact completely symmetrical. This is also obviously the property of the graph which consists of a single node, and these two are the earliest of an infinite series of completely symmetrical graphs. Again, the graph • · or 11 admits of three distinct readings, viz. (Щ (2), (11), and of three aspects. This is the first of an infinite series of graphs which have three different readings and three aspects. 428. There is also an infinite series of graphs which have two distinct readings and two aspects. The simplest of these involves thirteen nodes and is 331 211 2 the other aspect is 322 31 11 and the two readings are (33Ϊ 2ΪΪ ilO), (322 3Ϊ0 Ш). Each of the solid graphs therefore belongs to one of four classes according as it has 1, 2, 3 or 6 distinct readings and can assume 1, 2, 3 or 6 aspects. Graphs which are different aspects of the same graph are not essentially different. Ex. gr. of two nodes there are three graphs 11, 1, 2 1 but they are all aspects of any one of them, so that of two nodes there is only one essentially distinct graph. In examining or tabulating the graphs appertaining to a given number of nodes we may or may not take account of the essentially distinct graphs. Thus the thirteen different graphs that can be formed of four nodes may be written down by noting that the really distinct graphs are 1111, 111, 21, 11 1 1 11
CH. I] and we find Graphs Readings - EXAMPLES OF GRAPH-READING Г 1111 | W 1 (1111) (1111) 111 1 (31) (31) (211) (211) (ffi Ш) (Πϊοϊϋ) 21 1 (2ΪΪ0) 11 11 (22) (22) (ϊϊϊϊ) 181 or we may write down the whole of the graphs and interpret each by reading in the plane xy and in the direction Ox. Thus rllll Graphs J Readings (4) / 22 Graphs A ι 111 1 (31) 1 1 1 1 211 (31) 2 1 1 11 1 1 (Ш) 3 1 21 1 (21 10) 2 2 11 31 11 (22) (211) 4 Readings (22) (1111) (111 100) (11 10 10) (11 11) (1111) Some remarks will be made later as to the nature of the symmetry which results in a graph possessing one, two or three aspects. No one, so far, has succeeded in enumerating the number of really distinct graphs that appertain to a given number of nodes. Omitting the trivial graph of unity every plane graph can be read in three or six ways. Those which have three readings may be (i) those which have a single line or a single column of nodes, (ii) those which are self-conjugate. The remainder have six readings.
CHAPTER II THE METHOD OF DIOPHANTINE INEQUALITIES 429. The problem of the enumeration of solid graphs may be regarded as a question of unipartite partition in two dimensions. It may be given the following statement. Integers limited in magnitude to n, zero being included, are arranged in a rectangle of m rows and I columns in such wise that in each row and in each column there is a descending order of magnitude. It is required to find the number of ways in which a given number w can be partitioned into integers which satisfy these conditions. As soon as we import the idea of the descending order of magnitude into ordinary or line partitions this generalization to plane partitions at once comes into view. We denote by GF(Z; ra; n) a function of χ such that the coefficient of xw gives the number of arrangements. It will be convenient to give at once the result that will be established later: QF(l;m;n) (l-a-n+i) (ΐ-α«**γ (1 - χη+ι-iy-i ~ (1-я?) " (1-х2)2 "" {l-x1-1)1-1 f(1 - xn+l) (l-a?"+*+1) (l-xn+m))1 Xj(i-^) * (l-^1) ··" \\-&*)] X "TT^^+iy-^ * (1-хт+2У~2 "" "(l-a^-1) ' wherein m is supposed to be ^ I. This supposition does not affect the generality of the formula because it is symmetrical in the three magnitudes I, m, n. These therefore can be arranged in any desired order. The reader will have no difficulty in establishing the symmetry referred to. The expression a,bove written involves Im factors in numerator and in denominator. It may also be written as a product of mn or of nl factors, by permuting the numbers I, m, n.
SECT. IX, CH. II] PARTITIONS IN TWO DIMENSIONS 183 In the usual notation 1 — Xs = (s) it may also be written j(n+JL) (n + 2fr (n + m + I - 1)) I (1) · (2) ·- (m+l-1) Г f(n + 2) (n + 3) (n + m + I-2» (2) · (3) ·-· (m+l-2)j 3) (n + 4) (n + m + I-3) 1 О) (3) - (4) ·- (ш+1-З) x ... to I factors in brackets { }. 430. To begin with the most simple case. The numbers are placed at the corners of a square V W θ2ΐ · > · a22 subject to the descending orders as shewn. If there is no limit to the magnitude of the numbers this is the case (I; m; n) = (2 ; 2; oo ) and we find, employing the auxiliaries \b Xs, λ3, λ4, β^(*;2;2) = Ω L _- , > (l-V^*,)(l-g<*J wherein subsequently we are to put #! = #2 =#3 = ж4 = χ. Eliminating \λ and λ3 this is Ί χ (1 - λ2λ4Λ;1Λ·3) ί 1 — —- χ2χλ and eliminating \4 and \2 in succession we find (1 - χλ) (1 - χγχ2) (1 — хгх3) (1 — хгх2х9) (1 - χ1χ2χζχ4)* a real generating function shewing the fundamental partitions 10 11 10 11 11 00 00 10 10 11 from which all partitions can be obtained by addition, and the syzygy 10 1 1 _ 1 1 10 00 + 10~0 0 + 10 Putting ^=«2=^ = «4=iKwe obtain the enumerating function 1 GF(2;2;oo) = (1)(2)M3)
184 431. SOLUTION OF THE SIMPLEST CASE Also <НЧ2;2;»)-П 1-(W)"+' [SECT. IX * (i-x,a,*).(i-g«) ι =l η ι - (λ,λ.*)»+» {\—g){\—g\lXsx) о 1—λιλ^Λ ' we require the coefficient of gn in and since a- >(1-9)(1-9Χ1\,χ)(ΐ-^ which is readily seen to reduce to l + дя? (1 -g)(l -gx)(l-gx*)(l - <^)(1 -g*Y Now we know from the Section on line partitions that 1 (1 - g) (1 - gx) (1 - go?) (1 - go?) (1 ->·) -1 „,>+l)fo+2)fr + 3)(n + 4) -f5' (1)(2)(3)(4) Hence the expression becomes * «· ί <*_+ l)(n + g)(a + 3)(a + 4) (n)(n+l)(n+2)(n + 3) fM~ (1)<2)(3)(4) +Ж (1)(2)(3)(4) _ ? an (n+l)(n+2)2(n + 3) 7* (1)(2)M3) and we have the result (n+l)(n+2)2(n + 3) GF(2\2;n)~ (1)(2)M3) 432. We shall now obtain this result in another manner by considering the graphs (oo ; 2 ; 2) and (n; 2 ; 2). In the case of the former we have two rows of infinite length and a part magnitude not exceeding 2. The partitions are such as 2222111.,. 22111...
CH. II] A PARTICULAR GENERALIZATION 185 which have the property that in the first row the number of twos is equal to or greater than the number of twos in the second row, and also that the number of twos added to the number of ones in the first row is equal to or greater than the similar sum in the second row- If λ4 and \a be the auxiliaries appertaining to these inequalities respectively we are led to the crude enumerating function Ω 1 > (1-λ,*)(ΐ-£*) χ (1 - λολ4#2) (l - r-r- oA and this leads by the foregoing article to the same result as before. If the rows are not to contain more than η numbers the crude function on expansion must not involve \ to a higher power than η in the portion 1 of the function. We are therefore led to the function 1 Ω- in which we take the coefficient of gn. This leads to the result already obtained. 433. Instead of dealing with the numbers 2 and 1 in the two rows we may more generally deal with the numbers ρ and q, and if there be no restriction on the length of the rows this leads to the function a l (l-W^l-^) which is readily expressed in the form 1 _ xp+w (1 - xp) (1 - sfi) (1 - λ*ρ) (1 - χρ+t) (1 - 30)' In particular if ρ = q = 1, this becomes (3) (1)42)»' which on development = 1 + 2% + бос2 4- 9л?3 + 18#4 + .... The partitions enumerated involve two rows of units of two different kinds.
186 CRUDE SOLUTION OF THE GENERAL CASE [SECT. IX Ω Let и and ν denote these units, then of the content three the nine partitions given by the formula are uuu uu uuv uu uv uv uvv vvv vv и ν и ν ν the и unit, when it is present, always precedes the ν unit in row and in column. 433ш. Now consider the system of partitions (3; 2; n). An investigation carried out in the same manner as that above results in the generating function (n+l)(n + 2)s(n + 3)2(n + 4) (1)(2)M3)2(4) and also in the formula So> CF(* ■ 2. n) _ Σαη fr + 1) (* + 2)2 fr + 3)2 (a + 4) Ъд Ы!{о,2,п)-Ъд (1) (2)43)2(4) _ 1 4- g (a? -fa;3 -ffl4) + ff2^6 " α-^α-^χι"^2) (i - ^з) (i - 9&) (i - ^5) (i - <p6)' a result which is particularly recommended to the reader's attention for the reason that it is fundamentally connected with much that is given later in the work and is fully generalizable. 434 There is no difficulty in forming a crude generating function for the general case (Ι; τη; η). The denominator is a rectangle of either Zm, ran or nl factors at pleasure. The most convenient course is to choose the rectangle corresponding to the smallest of these three numbers. We choose to take, let us say, Im factors and form the rectangle of I columns and m rows. There will then be (I — 1) m auxiliaries in the crude function if we form it according to the second method employed above. Observe that using the first method there would be (I — 1) m + (m — 1)1 auxiliaries of which {rn —1)1 could be eliminated at sight. The crude function is 1 α-w^)(i-^-v) (i-^A... (i3-^-^-v)(i- _-1—A \ λ1μ1ΐ'ι /\ \2^v2 / \ λ,^μΐ-^νι^ζ /\ Лг_! μΐ-iVi-! J It enumerates the partitions (I; m; oo ).
CH. II] REPBESENTATION AT THE POINTS OF A LATTICE 187 To obtain the enumeration of the partitions (I; τη; n) it is merely necessary to write instead of the first column of factors, the column (1 - g\xx) (l-g\fJh.a?) (1 - дХф^а?) {1-д\ф1...х™\ and also to take the additional factor 1 — g. The generating function is the coefficient of gn in the crude function. Our knowledge of the Ω operation is not sufficient to enable us to establish > the final form of result. This will be accomplished by the aid of new ideas which will be brought forward in the following chapters. 435. In the meantime it is necessary to impress upon the mind the nature of the result by shewing how it is directly connected with complete lattices. It is formed as a product of factors placed at the points of a lattice I nodes in breadth and m nodes in depth in the following manner: (n+1) (n + 2) (n+3) (n + I-1) (n + i) (1) (2) (3) <t-l) (О (n+2) (n+J3) (n + 4) (μ+ί) (n + I+1) (2) (3) (4) (i) (t+1) (n+J) (n + 4) (n+5) (n + l+1) (n + I + 2) (3) (4) (5) (t+1) (i + 2) (n + m-1) (n + m) (n + m+1) (n + m +I- 3) (n + m + I-2) (m-1) ~M~ "(ni+1) (m + l-3) (m + i-2) (n + m) (п + ш+l) (n+m+2) (n + m+t-2) (n + m + ϊ-Ι) (m) "(m+1) (m + 2) (m+I-2) (m+l-1) In this tableau of factors the magnitudes Ι, τη, η may be permuted in any manner so that there are six representations at the points of a complete lattice, two for each of the dimensions Ι χ τη, τη χ η, η χ I. Of these six, only three are essentially different, the remaining three being mere rotations of them. Whenever one of the numbers I, m, η is unity the partitions can be denoted by plane partitions composed entirely of units as well as by two line
188 EXAMPLE OF MANIFOLD REPRESENTATION [SECT. IX partitions. Thus the system (3; 2; 1) has a generating function represent- able in the three ways: (2) (3) (4) (1) · (2) · (3) (ι) ; I = 3, m = 2, η = 1, (3) (4) (5)' (2) · (3) · (4) W (1) · (2) ' (3)' «-e>"*-A.»-4 (Ш) jfj · j||; г-2,да-1,п-8, (4) (51 the resulting product being -. 'y. : in each case.
CHAPTEE III THE METHOD OF LATTICE FUNCTIONS 436. For the further discussion of the subject of the last chapter we introduce ideas derived from Vol. I, Sect. Ill, Chs. ν and VI. Therein we defined Lattice Permutations and shewed their connexion with the different ways of placing different numbers at the nodes of a Lattice, complete or incomplete, in such wise that the descending order of magnitude is in evidence in each row and in each column in the direction of the axes Ox, Oy of the lattice. It was established that the lattice permutations of the assemblage a?1 a?* ...aPm, Pi,p»>··- being in descending order of magnitude, arc enumerated by the number (Pi+Ps+...+ff^ + Ы·1 U(ri „ _, . ,ч (Pl + m-l)l(p2 + m-2)\...(pm_1 + l)ipmrl{P* Pt & + ^ where $< t and the product Γ1 has reference to every pair of numbers pS3 pt that can be selected from the assemblage Pi,p<z, ...J>». In the succeeding chapter the idea of the greater index of a permutation ρ was introduced and it was stated, but not proved, that the sum extended to every permutation of the assemblage, has the expression (l)(2)...(Pl + p2+... + pm) (1) (2)... (Pl). (1) (2) ... <p2) (1) (2) ... (pmj' We may call this the Permutation Function. It will be established presently*. In the meantime we observe that we may form the sum %%?, extending it merely to every Lattice Permutation of the assemblage. We thus obtain a Lattice Permutation Function, or briefly a Lattice Function, which is of fundamental importance. F^om the manner of formation it is a * Post Chapter iv.
190 DEFINITION OF THE LATTICE FUNCTION [SECT. IX finite and integral function of χ with positive terms and integral coefficients. The coefficient of x* denotes the number of lattice permutations which have the same index ρ and the sum of the coefficients must be equal to the number of lattice permutations. The assemblage α^α^2... α^1 gives rise to the incomplete Lattice containing pitjk, ---Pm nodes in the successive rows as well as to the Lattice Permutations and the Lattice Function. Consider the assemblage αδ/32γ and with it the lattice Ол χ I · * * У It was shewn that we can place the first six integers at its nodes so that there is descending order of magnitude in the directions Ox, Oy in just as many ways as the assemblage possesses lattice permutations. Taking any such arrangement of numbers 641 53 2 we form the corresponding lattice permutation by commencing with α because 6 is in the first row, we follow with β because 5 is in the second row; then with a because 4 is in the first row and so on, and finally reach the permutation αβαβγα 2 5 Here the 2nd and 5th letters precede letters which are prior in alphabetical order, so that the greater index is 2 + 5 = 7. The complete calculation for the Lattice Function is as follows: 654 32 1 0ί<χαββ*γ X» 652 43 1 ααββ\<Χ4 χ4 654 31 2 αααβγ\β χ5 652 41 3 αα/3γ|α/3 χΑ 653 42 1 αα/3|α/3γ χ9 651 43 2 αα/3/3γ|α ж5 653 41 2 ααβ\ατ Xs 651 42 3 ααβγ|^ χ9
CH. Ill] ITS CONNEXION WITH THE GENEBATING FUNCTION 191 631 52 4 632 51 4 641 52 3 642 51 3 α/3γ|α/3|α α/3γ|αα/3 α/3|αγ|/3|α α/3|αγ|αβ χ8 χ3 χ11 χ6 641 53 2 643 51 2 642 53 1 643 52 1 αβ\αβ^\α αβ\αα^\β οίβ\οίβ\α^ αβ|αα/3γ χ1 χ7 χ* χ2 For a reason that will appear we write the Lattice Function L (3, 2, 1; oo ) so that Z(3, 2, 1; oo)=l +#- + 2#3+ 2^ + 2#5 + 2a·6 + 2x7 + 2л·8 + л·9 + #n. The contacts which contribute to the index have been indicated, above, by dividing lines. In the present instance we have either 0, 1, 2 or 3 dividing lines, and putting the terms which arise from the same number of lines together we may write X(3, 2, 1; oo) = l + (х°+%ъ* + 2х4 + 2а?) + (2х6 + 2х'7+2а?+х*) + х11. When the lattice is complete with I columns and m rows we will write the lattice function formed in this manner L (I; m; oo ); when the lattice is incomplete with successive rows involving pl9 p2i ...jpm nodes we will write it ZO^o...^™; oo). 437. It is a remarkable fact that the enumerating generating function of the plane partitions of the system (I; m; oo ) has the expression and here we can anticipate the generalization appertaining to the incomplete lattice; for denoting the enumerating generating function of the plane partitions, appertaining to successive rows involving plt p.2) nodes, by GF{plp.1... pm, oo ), the part magnitude being unrestricted, it will be shewn that ^4Ρ^.·.ρ«>,«υ- (i)(2)...(2p) * We establish these results before considering a restriction upon the part magnitude.
192 PROOF IN THE SIMPLEST CASE [SECT. IX 438. In the simplest case take alf a2, βτ> β2 numbers at the corners of a square and subject to descending orders along the rows and columns «! a2 fix A These numbers can be arranged collectively in two descending orders, viz. «i> «2» βι> A, and al9 /3b a2, /32; and we may say that these numbers must satisfy one or other of the conditions These conditions do not overlap, because we must have either <x2 ^ βι or βι>α2. To obtain 2ж*1+м*1+Эв for the first condition we put βι=β*+Α, α2 = β2 + Α+Β, ^«A+^+jB+O, where А, В, С are arbitrary integers, zero not being excluded. Hence ^-нх^+э* = 2^+84+ад+,сг, and since /32, -4, Б, О may each assume any value from 0 to со the result is 1 (1) (2) (3) (4) For the second condition we put ог2 = /32-ьЛ &=& + -* +-В+ 1, α^Α+4+Β + σ+Ι, and thence 2ίϋ*ι+<4+Ρι+0ι β 2^4*ά+8*+ο+2 __ χ1 -(1)(2)(3)(4)· By addition we find that the enumerating function for the system (2 ; 2 ; oo ) is 1 +a? __1 (1)(2)(3)(4) υΓ <1)<2)«(S)' When we compare the conditions Ηι^α^βιΖ A <*ι^βι>«2^β2 with the lattice permutations of the assemblage ααβ/З, viz. ααββ αβαβ we notice a connexion between them and observe also that each condition gives rise to a portion of the enumerating function X» (1) (2) (3) (4)' where ρ is the greater index of the corresponding lattice permutation.
7ι> A, 7i> A, 72> 72, 72, 72, CH. Ill] THE ROLE OP THE LATTICE FUNCTION 193 The whole enumerating function is X(2; 2; oo) (1)(2)(3)(4)· 439. Again consider a case which is not quite so simple, vi «ι α2 A A 7i 7a a plane partition of the system (2; 3; oo ). Here the numbers may be in five descending orders when taken collectively, viz. «i, «2, A, A, «1, «2, A> 7l> αϊ, A» «2, A, «1, A, «2, 7l> «1, A, 7l> ^2, A, 72, corresponding to the five lattice permutations of the assemblage α2β2*γ% viz. ααββη, a<*Ay|Ay> αβ|α/3γ7, oANAy, aAy|<*Ay, and we may say that the numbers must satisfy one or other of the five sets of Diophantine inequalities *l> «2 ^ A ^ A ^ 7l ^ 72, αϊ ^ a2 > A > 7i > A ^ 72, <*1>A> <*2>β*> 71^72, «!^A> «9^ 7l>A>72> <*ι>βι> Ъ> a2 ^ A ^ 72, conditions which do not overlap. Comparing them with the lattice permutations which are lined, as a preparation to finding the index, we notice the correspondence between the places where the symbol > occurs, and the lines in the permutations. If wc now take any one of these sets of inequalities we find that it gives rise to a portion cvp/(l) (2)... (6) of the enumerating function, where ρ is the index of the corresponding permutation. To see how this is observe that if the symbol > occurs between the sth and (s -f l)th letters of the set of inequalities, we put 6-th letter = (s -H l)th letter -f N+ 1 M.A. II. 13
194 THE SUB-LATTICE FUNCTION [SECT. IX to find the corresponding portion of the enumerating function, and this unit necessarily persists in the expressions of each of the first s — 1 letters of the inequalities. When these come to be added together as we added them in the case of the system (2; 2; oo) it is clear that the integer s will be outstanding in the exponent of χ in the numerator of the function. The occurrence of this particular symbol > after the 5th letter thus contributes s to the exponent referred to. On the whole the symbols > in the set of inequalities will contribute a sum of numbers to the exponent of χ in the numerator; and this sum of numbers we have defined to be ρ the greater index of the corresponding permutation. Hence taking all the sets of inequalities the enumerating function is seen to be (1)(2)...(6)' £(2;3;qo) <1)(2)...(6)· Looking at the lattice permutations as lined, it is seen at once that the lattice function is l + (x* + x* + x4) + x*, so that /зет/о о \ l+^+^ + ^ + tf6 1 GF(2; 3; oo) = (1)(2)...(6) (1)(2)43)2(4)' since 1 + #2 + #3 + ^ + #6 = 7o[tJ . The reasoning is quite general and establishes that sy-η,Ί \ L(l: m: со) a very interesting result. Precisely the same argument applies to the incomplete lattice, so that also WiPiftPB-fti, «>) (1)(2)...(Σρ) ' establishing beyond doubt that the method of investigation includes in its purview the subject of plane partitions at the nodes of any incomplete lattice. 440. In obtaining the lattice function the index of a permutation arises as the sum of s numbers when s has values from zero to μ where μ is a number to be determined. To use a phrase employed elsewhere in this work, such a permutation involves s major contacts. If we restrict attention to these permutations we arrive at what is termed a Sub-Lattice Function of Order s.
СН. Ш] THE PART MAGNITUDE RESTRICTED 195 This is written L8(l;m;<x>) or L8(; oo), so that L(l;m; oo) = Z0(Z;m; oo)+ L1(l;m; oo ) + L2(l;m; oo ) + ... + Βμ(1;ιη; oo ). In particular we see that L0(l;m; oo ) or L0(p1p2... pm] oo ) is always unity. Thus we have shewn that i0(3;2; oo) = l, Д(8; 2; оо) = а5»+я? + я*, £2(3;2; 00) = ^. The sub-lattice functions possess elegant properties. One of the most elegant is that which enables us to define a new lattice function L(l;m;n) or L(pYp2 ...рт; n) appertaining to plane partitions in which the part magnitude is limited by the number n. The definition of L (pip2... p<m',n) is given by the relation L(\ n)= (n + 1) (n+ 2)... (η+Σρ)Ζ0(ίΜ>2·..ί>™; <*>) + (η) (n+ 1)... (η + Σρ - 1) 1г(ргрй... рт\ oo ) + (n-l)(n)... [п + Яр-2)Вя(р1р2...рт', 00) + + (n-/i+l) (n-/i + 2) ...{η-μ+Σρ)Σμ(ρ1ρ2...ριΛ; оо). The new sub-lattice function is LtiPiPi —Pml w)« (n-s+ 1) (n-s+2)... (n-s+Σρ) 18{ργρ.2\ 00 ). We are now ready to investigate the expressions of GF(l;m; n) and GF(; n). We have to modify the previous work so as to take account of the circumstance that the part magnitude is now restricted not to exceed n. 441. Recalling the simple case of the plane partition «1 «* A A 7i 72 we had the five distinct parts of the summation: (i) «i ^ ora > A ^ A* ^ 7i > 7a giving 2я5ву.+^+4Я+зс+ич-^ (ϋ) «ι > α« > A > 71 > A > 72 „ 2^+5Л+4*+зС+20+*+4, (Ui) Л! > A > «2 > A > 7l > 72 » ^«У2Н-5Л+4В+ЗС+20+ЬЧ2? (iv) ^ ^ A > *« ^ 71 > A > 7a » 2^^5'1+4fi+3CV+2D+^+(i, (v) «! ^ A > 7i > «2 ^ A > 72 » 2я«уИ-^+4^зсч-2я+№ In dealing with the set of inequalities (i) we put 71=72 + J., A=72 + -4+A А=7а+^+Я + <?, Ъ^Уъ + А+В + С+В, Ъ^ъ + А+В+С + В + Е, 13—2
196 THE ROLE OP THE SUB-LATTICE FUNCTION [SECT. IX and since ax cannot exceed n, so also γ2 + A 4- В Ч- G + D + Ε cannot exceed n. We have therefore where y2> А, Д C, D, Ε may assume any integer values, including zero, subject to the condition that 72+ A+B+ 0 4-D + E^n. This is equivalent to enumerating line partitions composed of η or fewer parts, no part exceeding 6 in magnitude. The set of inequalities (i) therefore leads by a known theorem in line partitions to (n+l)(n + 2)...(n + 6) (1)(2)...(6) For the set of inequalities (ii) similarly we find α!=γ2 + A + B + C + D + E+l, so that y2 + A+B+C + D + E cannot exceed n — 1 in magnitude and the sum 2яву*+54+4в+зс+20+я+4 j[s cieariy (n)(n+l)...(n+5) (1)(2)...(6) V. So also in the case of each set of inequalities that is associated with the sub-lattice function of order 1 y2+A+B + C+D+E cannot exceed η — 1 in magnitude. Therefore sets (ii), (iii) and (v) contribute altogether (1)(2)...(6) M2,3,oo). The remaining set (iv) involves putting a1 = y2 + A+B + C+D + E+2J because the set is associated with the sub-lattice function of order 2, and this leads us to the final portion of the enumerating function <n-l)(n)...<n + 4) (Γ) (2)77(6) A (2' 3' °° * X2 (2; 3; 00) being here а;2+4 = aA Hence GF(2;3;n) (n+l)-(n+6)£0(2;3;oo) + (n)...(n+5)4(2; 8;оо)+(п-1)...(Щ-4)1»(2;3; oo) (1Γ(2)...]6) = X(2;S;n) (1)(2)...(6)
CH. Ill] GENERALIZATION OF A WELL-KNOWN FORMULA 442. The reasoning is quite general and establishes the results GF(l,m,n)-{im (im), 443. From the result GF(;n) (n+l)(n + 2)...(n+6) - —(i)(2)...(sp)— A(ftft-p«; ·> in)(n+l)... (n + 5) _ + (ΐ)(2)...(Σρ) b(plP*...Pm;*>) + ■ , (n-/t+l)(n-/«+2)...(n-/t + Sp) , , + — ЩЩ:~(Щ Up**-*.;*) we can immediately derive a valuable theorem. Multiply each side by gn and then sum each side from η = 0 to η = oo . The term * n(n-s+l)(n-s+2)...(n-s + Sp) r 7 ч which thus arises on the right-hand side, is equivalent to $ n (n-s+l)(n-s + 2)... (n-s + Σρ) r / ч У (1)(2)...(Σρ) ШЬ(Р*-1Ы*>). or to .г, ч d (2p + l) (Σρ+1)(Σρ + 2) 0 ^.(P,ft-Pm;oo)|i + ^ p(1) ;<y + *p (1jj2|—V (Σρ + 1)(Σρ + 2)(Σρ + 3) (1)(2)(3) ^+·· = g*Ls(p,; oo) (1 -flr)(l -^)(1 - ^;... (1 -^) by a well-known summation in connexion with line partitions. OO Hence 2 GF(ргр;n).gn о U{\ QO)+ff£i(piP9...jpw;oo)+... +fl^Q>iP9...;Pm; 00 ) (1 - #) (1 -£*) (1 -^) ... (1 - <^)
198 STUDY OF THE SUB-LATTICE FUNCTION [SECT. IX a noteworthy result which is a generalization of the well-known formula in line partitions 1 % (l)(2)...(m + n) 79 (l)(2)...(m).(l)(2)...(n) It is thus noticeable that the sub-lattice functions play an important role in the Theory of Plane Partitions. 444. It is convenient, when no confusion can arise, to write Ls(PiP*~-Pm\ °° ) = -£»· Then writing χ for g we obtain the result (1)(2) (Σρ+1) -Σ* GF(plPi; η), the generalization of the formula 1 =|^ (l)(2)...(m + n) (1) (2) ... (ш+ 1) 7 (1) (2)...(m).(l) (2)...(n) * 445. We now make a further study of the sub-lattice functions and the first step is to find the value of μ, the highest order of sub-lattice function in the case of a complete lattice. For a lattice of m rows and I columns form the rectangular scheme / «! аг αΎ ... аг a2 α2 α2 ... α2 or, α3 α3.··«8 #m am am · · · ^m where there are I columns. Reading this parallel to the arrow commencing at the origin we obtain the lattice permutation <Χι βφχ α3|α2|«ι ··· α»»|α«&-ι|*«ι-2 «m|««n-i am· This is the permutation which involves the maximum number of major contacts and corresponds to the sub-lattice function of highest order. There is only one such permutation, so that the associated sub-lattice function is a single power of oc. * See ante Art. 343.
CH. Ill] THE SUB-LATTICE FUNCTION OF HIGHEST ORDER 199 We may without loss of generality suppose I ^ m and then the number of major contacts is l + 2 + 3 + ... + m-2 + (Z-m + l)(m-l) + (wi-2) + (m-3) + ... + S + 2 + l -(|-l)(m-l). Hence for the complete lattice the maximum value of μ is (Ι— 1)(τη — 1). The same method is applicable in the case of the incomplete lattice, but no convenient expression for μ is apparently obtainable. 446. The next step is to determine the expression of J/0-u (m_i) (l; ra; oo) as a power of x. The dividing lines which mark the major contacts of the permutation occur (i) Inm-2 groups involving 1, 2, ... m —2 lines respectively. (ii) In I — m +1 groups involving each m — 1 lines. (iii) In m — 2 groups involving m — 2, m - 3, ... 2, 1 lines respectively. Let the sought exponent of χ be πλ + 7г2Ч-7г3; 7Г!, 7г2, 7г3 corresponding respectively to (i), (ii) and (iii). Then 7r1=2 + (4 + 5) + (7H-8-i-9)+... + {i(m2~3m + 4)+...-|-i(m2--m-2)} = Η1·2* + 2.32 + 3.42+... tom-2 terms) = ъ\т(т-1)(т~2)(Вт- 1), 7г2 = £(m- l)m2-f£(m — l)m(m-h 2) + £(m — l)m(m + 4)+ ... to Z — m + 1 terms = \ (m -1) Zm (I — m H-1), 7r3 = (Zm-2) + (Zm-4 -Ияг-5) + (Zra - 7 -f lm — 8 + lm - 9)+ ... tom-2 terms = £Zm(ra- l)(m-2)-^?m(m-l)(m-2)(3m- 1), whence τγί + тт2 + тг3 = \l (I - 1) m (m - 1), and £(,_!> (m_1} (Z; w; oo ) = #*««-« m (m-D. It will be noticed that the exponent of χ may be written \1ηΐμ, ОГ Ιηημ - \ Ιίημ. 447. We next establish that in Ls for every term x* there is a corresponding term ocl™-p. These two terms, as shewn above, coalesce when 8= μ.
200 PROPERTIES OF [SECT. IX If, in the permutation considered above, we fix upon a dividing line and arrange the letters to the right of it in alphabetical order (or in ascending order of suffix), thus obliterating the lines to the right of the one fixed upon, we obtain a lattice permutation involving (suppose) s lines which yields χ to the lowest power that occurs in L8. In fact we thus obtain a maximum condensation of $ lines towards the origin of the permutation. If on the other hand we fix upon a dividing line which is the sth from the end of the permutation and arrange the letters to the left of it in alphabetical order, we obtain a lattice permutation involving $ lines which yields χ to the highest power, that occurs in L$. In iact we thus obtain a maximum condensation of s lines towards the end of the permutation. When the lattice is complete we may in any derived lattice permutation write Om-e+i for a$ and invert the order of the whole of the letters. We thus obtain another lattice permutation, and the latter has the same number of major contacts as the former and thus contributes to the same sub-lattice function. For a succession *iK (р>я) in the former, ap being the Jcth letter from the left of the permutation, becomes «m-№|am-p+i (m-g + l>m-p + l) in the latter, Om-q+ι being the {Ira — k)th letter from the left of the permutation. Hence if in the former the components of the index are in the latter the components of the index are lm — к1у Ira — k2> ... lm — k8. If the index of the former be p, that of the latter must be Ims — p. It is therefore proved that in Ls (I; m; oo) there are corresponding terms x? and xlms~i>, and thence we conclude that Ls is centrically symmetrical both as regards the powers of χ and the coefficients. In fact a* and х1ш~Р occur with the same coefficients. If e be the lowest power of χ in L8 determined as above directed, the highest power will be Iras — €.
CH. Ill] SUB-LATTICE FUNCTIONS 201 Ex. gr. For the system (3; 3; oo) A = l, Lj = x2 + 2a? + 2x4 + 2л6 + 2#β + x\ Z2 = 2 (#б + #7+ 2л8 + № + 2#10 -f #и + я12), X3 = #" + 2л?12 + 2^3 + 2л;14 -f 2л?15 + #1δ, Z4 = #18, verifying the above relations. The permutation connected with L4 is α/3|αγ|/3|αγ|/3γ 2 4 5 7 where the components of the index are entered. It will be noted that 2, 2+4, 2 + 4+5, 2 + 4 + 5+7 give the lowest powers of χ that occur in Ll9 L2, LS,L4, respectively and that the highest powers are given by 7, 7 + 5, 7 + 5 + 4, 7+5 + 4 + 2; in conformity with the above theory. The result of writing - for χ in Ls is to convert it into %-lmsL8. 448. If e8 be the least exponent of χ that occurs in Ls we can find a relation between es and eM_s. In the permutation connected with Σμ, viz. &m\ &m—i I Я?л—2 am\ am—ι &m > e8 is equal to the sum of the components due to the first s major contacts— say 6* = &ι + &2 + ... +&e, βμ-8 is equal to the sum of the whole of the components minus the sum of the last 6' components. Now the last s components are Ion — /»'s, lm — к8-г, ... lm — kj, therefore e^s = #M — Ims + e9, or eM_s — е6. = \ hi ι μ — Ims = \ lm (μ — 2s). Moreover if f8 be the highest exponent of χ that occurs in L8} the symmetry of the permutation shews that Λ~*-/· = ε*™ 0* - 2s), and we deduce that „V* + ^-, = ^™ (A - 2,) (λα + χΐ% a result which foreshadows the theorem which will be presently established.
202 RELATION BETWEEN L* AND ZM_* [SECT. IX Combining the above with the relation we find «*+/,»-* = 4 Jm/*, so that 0S +^*-g does not vary with $. 449. To prove that Ζμ_β and L8 only differ by a factor which is a power of χ we suppose that ^ is a term of Ls derived from any s of the lines appertaining to the permutation connected with Σμ; the remaining μ — $ lines can be obliterated by arranging the letters in alphabetical order between the chosen lines. Thus ρ = ττ + r2+ ... +rs suppose. If instead we retain only those lines which we have just obliterated we obtain a term in Σμ_8 in which the exponent of χ is \1τημ —ρ because the sum of the components due to the whole of the lines is ^Ιπίμ. Hence if Ls = %хр, we have Now it has been shewn (Art. 447) that if L8 — *S,xp, it follows that 1,χ-Ρ=χ-ι™%χΡ, so that Σμ-8 = χ¥7ημ Sx~p = χ¥Μ{μ " 2s) Xxp = x¥m {μ " 2s) is. 450. If a lattice be read by columns instead of by rows its specification changes from a certain partition to its conjugate. It is a trivial remark that the generating function which enumerates the associated plane partitions is not altered by the change. That is to say that if be conjugate unipartite partitions GF(Plp2... ; n) = GF (q,q2... ; n), a relation which we can express in the form L(p1p2...; n) Z(ftg8...; n) (1)(2)...(Σρ) (l)(2)...(2q)' wherein 2p = 2g. Hence L (ргр2...; n) = L (q,q2...; ri), establishing that changing the lattice into its conjugate does not alter the lattice function for any value of n. Moreover the last relation may be written (n + l)(n + 2) ...(η + Σρ)Ζ0(Μ>2-..; oo) + (n)(n + l) ... (n + Sp-lJAiftjp,...; «>) + ... = (n+l)(n + 2) ... (n + Sq)Z0(y1g2...; oo) H-(n)(n+l) ... (n + Sq- l)L1(q1qt...; oo )+....
CH-IIl] EXAMINATION OP A FUNDAMENTAL FORMULA 203 Putting herein η = 1, 2, ... in succession we establish that ItsipiPi—l oo )«£,(£#...; oo ), and thence £*(PiP2···; я) = L8(q1q2..*l n)9 proving that the sub-lattice functions do not alter when we pass from a lattice to its conjugate. 451. The fundamental relation GF{1> m' n) ~ (l)(2)...(Im) exhibits GF (I; m; n) as a linear function of the sub-lattice functions. By giving η the special values 0, 1,2,... in succession we obtain the relations ОР(1;т;0)-£,(1',т;ао) = 1, GF (I; m; 1) = ^^^ + A (i; m; oo ), tri (£, m, .i) = m(2j + —(Ϊ)— г + 2' GF{l,m^)- ^-^ + Щ...^.!) A + -+A., W(i,»»,M + *)- (1)(2)...(/t + s) + (l)(2)..> + s-l) A+- (hn-H)...(Im + s)r (1) (2) ... (s) *" and thence £» = 1, Д-^(«;„;1)-1Ь»^11, Ι,-^(ί;«;2)-^+1>^(ί;«»;1) + .^^1>, X„ = OF (l; m; μ) - ®η^OF (I; m; μ -1) ^{^^OF(l;m^-2)-... (1) ... (К) , Ψ Λ(μ-ΐ)μ(ίια-μ + 2)...{ίιια+1) This series may be continued, the left-hand side becoming zero.
204 STUDY OP THE SUB-LATTICE FUNCTION Ц. [SECT. IX We then get a number of difference equations satisfied by the function GF (I; m; n). From the first series we at once find the general expression of Lx (I I m; oo ), viz. А(г'т)0О) (l)(2)...(m) (ΪΓ~· because we know the expression of the line-partition generating function GF(l;m;l). 452. Another method of investigation leads to another expression forix. Taking the assemblage of letters and observing that the index of the lattice permutation with which we have to deal has only one component, let the index arise from the conjunction. oivOiu, where v>u. The whole permutation will be A)av\au(B> where in the space A there is any succession of letters in ascending order of subscripts to ν and in the space В any succession such that the subscripts are in ascending order from u. The least index is obtained when the permutation is αί«2... «1-ι«ι*««+ι ··· α»-ι) Ыаи (<~4ΐι ·.· а1-\<~Ч+1 ... «L> because no one of the letters al9 α2, ...α^ can be in the space В without introducing another dividing line and the letters au, au+1)... av_x must each occur at least once in the space A to satisfy the lattice condition. This gives the index ν + (l— l)u— l + l, and the term The greatest index is derived from the permutation because no one of the letters av+1, av+2, ... am can be in the space A without introducing another dividing line and the letters au+li ctu+2i... <xv must each occur at least once in the space В to satisfy the lattice condition. This gives the index (I — l)v + u— 1 and the term x(l—i)v+u—ie In regard to the space A and the letter av, to the immediate left of the dividing line, we have to determine all the successions ranging from «гЛ+ι · ·. α*-ι α» to αίτ1 ofcji ... a[z\ «i"2» that can be placed between the succession and the dividing line, in order to form a permutation of the desired nature.
CH. Ill] NEW EXPRESSION FOE Lx 205 Suppose that one such succession is ti, t2, ... to-u+г may be any succession of ν — и + 1 numbers in descending order of magnitude, such that no number is greater than I — 1 or less than unity. Or, subtracting unity from each number we may say that the succession t\ — 1, i2 ~" 1> · · · ^г?~и+1"""" l is a partition at the points of a one row lattice of ν — и + 1 nodes such that no part exceeds I — 2 in magnitude. The generating function enumerating such partitions is (l-l)(I)...(t + v-u-l) (l)(2)...(v-u+l) * Denote by Lhm that portion of Lx which arises from the major contact <xv<xu. Then 4~-* (l)(2)...(v-u+l) ' leading to Put herein # = w + j; then for a constant value of j we have Lx (I; m; <x>)} = {ж>'+1 + жЯ-г+ι + ... + a*»-«-» <·>+■>} (l)(2)...(j + l) _ (im-ij) (f-l)(f)...(I+j-l) (i) · (l)(2)...(j+l) ' and consequently giving j all values from 1 to m— 1, £,(*;«; oo) = rf-^—. (1)(2) „(lm-2l) (I-!)(()({+!) + * (I) · (1)(2)(3) + (J) (f-l)(I)...((+m-2) + a ({)· (l)(2)...(m) a result which, as not depending upon the enumerating function GF(l; m\ oo ), is more interesting than the one reached in the previous Article.
CHAPTEE IV EXCURSUS ON PEEMUTATION FUNCTIONS 453. If we had dealt with the whole of the permutations instead of merely with the lattice permutations, we should have similarly arrived at an enumerating function PF(lhP*Ps — Pm', QQ ) " (1)(2)(3)...(Σρ) ' but what arrangements should we have enumerated ? Taking the last particular case examined above (Art. 441) we should have written down the 90 permutations of αα/3βγγ and the corresponding 90 sets of Diophantine inequalities in which ctlf β1} уг would always precede a2) β2> <y2 respectively, but there would be no further restriction of order between the letters otlt сц, βλ) β2, ylf <y2- Consequently in the plane partitions we should retain the descending order of magnitude in the rows while abolishing it in the columns. We are thus in the general case dealing with arrangements at the nodes of a lattice, complete or incomplete, the only condition being that a descending order of magnitude is to be in evidence in each row. Now in a row containing ps nodes we can place any line partition of any number so long as the number of the parts does not exceed ps. The generating function for these is 1 (l)(2)...(Ps); and, regarding all the rows, we find that the arrangements in view are enumerated by the function (1) (2) ... (Pl). (1) (2) ... (P2) (1) (2) ... (Pm) Honcc PF(PiPi—Pm', °0) (1) (2) (3)... (Σρ) (1) (2)... (Pl). (1) (2) ... (P2) (1) (2)... (Pm) ^^-^■>-(i)»...W.Sg. the result anticipated in Vol. I, Sect. Ill, Ch. vi. or PF(ot> r> -co \- (1) (2)(3) ... (ΣΡ) (i,lP2··^ )_(l)(2)...(Pl).(l)(2)...(P2) |1|W...W'
SECT. IX, CH. IV] LIMITATION OF THE PART MAGNITUDE 207 The expression should be compared with the number which enumerates the permutations of the assemblage α W3. aPm. 12 3 m * The former becomes equal to the latter in the limit when ω approaches unity. 454. When the part magnitude in the partitions is limited by the number η the partitions as defined in the last Article are enumerated by the. expression (П+ 1) ... (n + pj. (n + 1) ... (n + p2) (n + 1) ... (n + Pm). (l)...(Pl).(l)...(P2) (l)...(Pm) but employing the same reasoning as we did in the case of the lattice permutations, if PF8(; oo) be the sub-permutation function derived from the permutations which possess s major contacts, the enumerating function is also (η+1)...(η+Σρ)Ρ^0+(η)...(η^^ " (1)<2)... (Σρ) Hence fp+l)...(n+2p)PF0+(n)...{n+-Sp-l)PF1+... + (ii-p+l)...(n-v+Vp)PFv = {(n + l)... (n + Pl) .(n+ 1)... (n + P2) (n + 1)... (n + pm){ y (1)(2)...(Σρ) (ϊ)...(Ρι).(1)...(Ρ2) (l)...(Pin) = {(n+l)...(n + Pl).(n + l)...(n + P2) (n + l)...(n + Pm)} xPF(; oo); ν is equal to the maximum number of major contacts that can occur in a permutation of the assemblage. This was found in Vol. I to be 2p — 2>ι· When the lattice is complete and has as usual I columns and m rows v=l(m — 1). 455. Equating the two expressions for the generating function and giving η the values 0, 1, 2, 3, ... in succession, wo find PF = i, (Σρ+l) , „„ _ (Px+lKPu+ll-tem+l) (i) ' (l)"· (ΣΡ + 1)(ΣΡ + 2) (ΣΡ+1) (Щ2) +—^~1F1+PF.1 _(Pi+l)(Ps+l)-"(Pm+l) (Pi+2)(P2 + 2)-(Pm + 2) (1)'" (2)m etc., from which the general expression for PF, is readily obtainable.
208 EXPRESSIONS OP THE SUB-PERMUTATION FUNCTIONS [SECT. IX In fact PFt = l, pip « tPi+l)ftM-l)··· (Pm+1> _ (ΣΡ + 1) (i)m (i) ' Pr.=(Pl+1)(p2+l)-(Pm+l) (Pi+2)(p2 + 2)...(pm+2) 2 (l)m * (2)m (ΣΡ+1) (Pi+ 1) (P2+ D - (Pm + 1) , _ (Σρ) (Σρ + 1) (1) * (1Г (1)(2) ' and in the expression of PFS the last term is /-V Λ(s"4s (Σρ-3 + 2)(Σρ-8 + 3) ... (Σρ + 1) ^ ' (D(2)...(s) 456. If now from these formulae we write down PFo + P^-h...+Ρ^ where v^llp-p1 we obtain a remarkable expression of PF(; oo) which we know otherwise has also the expression (1)(2)...(ΣΡ) (1) (2)...(Pl) .<1)<2) ... (P2) (1) (2)... (pm) * 457. Putting, for a complete lattice, рг =p2= ··. =pm— I, we find ffa.,r;0) (l)(2)-(tm). (n+1)... (n + lm) P/'0+(n.)(n+l)...(n + Im-l)PJPJ + ... + (n+ 1 - im +1)... (n + I) PFlm_{ = {(*+ 1) (n+ 2)... (n + I)}-. ^Ш^-^ - I(P+l)(n + 2)-(n + I))" ... m .ш . -{ (l)(2)...(l) J (1И2)-(М, and thence ΡίΌ=ι, pff._j(t+1HM (fo+i) ^"1 (D(2) } ~-(ϊΓ"ΐΊΪΓί + (1X2)"'"' PP - ΐα + 1)(ί+2)(ί + 3)1'" (jm + 1) [(l+l)(l + 2))» ^'"l (1)(2)(3) } " (1) { (1)(2) f I'd)} . (im)(Im+l) \(ί + 1)Γ ,3gm-l)(tm)(tm + l) + * <1) (2) J1ΪΓ) " (1) (2) (3) etc.
CH. IV] INTERESTING ALGEBRAIC IDENTITIES 458. As an example put I = m = 2, so that (1)(2)(3)(4)J3)(4). {(1) (2)}·" (1) (2)' 209 PP(2;2;oo) = i ν is here 2 and рЫМ8_Ф 1 l(i)J (i)' PP2 = leading to the identity (3)(4)) (l)(2)j Г (5)((3)j2. (4)(5) (1)1(1)1 + (1Н2Г ИГ, , i(3)i2, j (3) (4)1* (1) (2)1 J (5) (1)L 1 + i(3H2l+iK(4M5) ml (1)(2)" 469. Again putting I = m = 3, so that (1)(2)...(9) PP(3;3;oo) = we find the identity -1+1(ϊ)}+{(ϊ)(2, , f(6)(7)(8) + 1(1)(2)(3)ί +1(1)(2)(3) {(1)(2)(3)}»' (l)(2)-(9) {(l)(2)(3)j» (4) (5) (6)1» i(5)(6)(7) (1) (2) (3)1 + 1(1) (2) (3) (7) (8) (9) <^Г1 + |Щ3+ ■ ((6>(7>(8)r (1) L (Wi +- + |(l)(2)(3)i. (9) (10) (1) (2) J(8) (9) (10) ' (1)(2)(3) Nlf- + 1 + fl»'--t (5) (6) (7) (1) (2) (3)] J (4) (5) (6) Η (1)(2)(3)ί + (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) + " (1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6) ' indicating clearly that the identities that arise from this theory are noticeable. 460. Then j is a remarkable simplification when m = 2, for then it can be shewn that ^.(i;2;oo)-*-i«<I-1>-«i-+-^ leading to the. identity (1) (2) 1(1) (2) (l)(2)...(s) ·· (20 _ %l - ((O(t-l)-(t ^s + 1)1* ...(ί)}»-.ί,* 1 (l)(2)...(s)" Γ Μ. Λ. II. 14
210 SIMPLIFICATION IN A PARTICULAR CASE [SECT. IX which may be also written In fact, more generally, it will be found that pr./^ . ^ ν ^fa) (Pi - l) - (ft -B+ 1). (p2) (p,- 1) ... (p2-s+ 1) ^.(ЛЛ,оо)-^ {(l)(2)...(s)}* It has been shewn elsewhere (Vol. I, Sect. IV, Art. 146) that the number of permutations of the assemblage α& β** which possess s major contacts is given by the coefficient οΐ\*αν*βν* in the product (α + \β}*(α + β)Λ. From this product we can derive a function of x, viz. (α+\βχ)(α + \βα?) ... (α + \βχ*) .(# + «)(β + αχ) ... (β + axft-% and herein the coefficient of \*aftfi** is **(Pi)(Pi-l) ..(p1-s+l).(p2)(p2-l)...(p2-s + l) {(l)(2)...(s)r For the first рг factors of the function of χ may be written aft + Xaft-^x Щ + X'aft-^1^ , *f* Τ ^ + ... I1) I1) (2) + P (l)(2)...(s) +·"· and the last p.z factors β* + α/Зйг-' Щ + *β*-* χ (Ρ2)(Ρ2" 1} + ... Ρ (1) (2) ... (s) so that the coefficient of αρ,βρ* is seen to bo 1+λΛ κι»2 +λΛ Rim? +- , λΒ./Λ* (Ρι) - (Pi-s+ 1)■ (Ρϋ) - (Ρ2 -s+ 1) . {<1)(2)...(β)}« +··" 461. For the complete lattice the functions PFS possess further elegant properties. Thus starting with the relation (n+l)(n + 2)...(n + I))Ml (l)(2)...(l) (п+1)...(п+1т)Р^0+(п) ...(n+lm-l)PF1 + ... + (n+l-lm+i)...(n+l)PFim..l (l)(2)...(Im)
CH. IV] FURTHER PROPERTIES OF THE SUB-FUNCTIONS 211 if in the left-hand side we substitute — η — I — 1 for η we find that the effect is merely to multiply it by -1тп-%1т(1 + 1) X , whilst on the right-hand side the coefficient of PFS is multiplied by - lmn + J lm (Im - 21 - 2s -1) SO An identity thence arises and, putting therein η = 0,1,2, ... in succession, we find the relations PFlm+s = x*m{m-l^-lmPFs; giving noteworthy algebraic identities. 462. We can find an expression for the sum | „n(n+l)-..(n + I>i)-fo+l)-fr + Pj (n+l)...(n + Pn,) 79 (l)(2)...(pj).(l)(2)...ftg (1) (2) ...&>,„) for this is f я(п + 1)-(п+2р)Р^о+(п)-(п + 2р-1)Р^Н-... + (п-у+1)...(п-У+2р)Р^ ο9 (1)(2)...(Σρ) Now for 5 ,„(n-s+l)(P-B + 2)--(n-s + Sp) pf t9 ' (1Η2)...(Σρ) we have only to sum from η = s to η = <x> and the result is fPF, (1 - g) (1 - gx) (1 - gsfi) ... (1 - go**) ' Hence the sum required is ΐ + gPF, + g*PFt + ...+ g'PF, (1 -g)(\ -gx){\-ga?) ... (1 -</*·-*)' 463. The foregoing investigation establishes the identities (i)Jj) (i+l)(j + l) _ (i + j + 1). (1)" (I)2 (1) ' (i -1) (i). (j -1) (j) (1)42)* _ (i+l)(i + 2).(j+l)(j + 2) _ (i+j + 1) (i+ 1) (} + 1) (Ι)2 (2Υ (1) (1)» (i + j) (i + j + 1). + * (1)(2) 14—2
212 FURTHER IDENTITIES [SECT. IX, CH. IV and (i-2Hi-l)(i).(j-2)(j-l)(j) _(i+l)(i+2)(i+3).(j + l)(j + 2)(j + 3) (1)M2)M3)2 (i+j + l)(i+l)(i + 2).(j+l)(j + 2) (1) (I)2 (2)2 (i + j)(i+j + l) (i+l)-(j + l) (1)(2) (1)· ^ (i + j - 1) (i + J) (i -b J +1> (1) (2) (3) etc.; and thence denoting (i+l)(i + 2)...(i + s).(j+l)(j + 2)-(j + s) (l)M2)2...(s)2 we obtain 0 + 1)0 + 2) ...(j+i) (l)(2)...(i) + Д(1Ч-Л2 + 44+...+Л21,_4) by Л*, where ν is the smallest of the numbers i}j.
SECTION X COMPLETION OF THE THEORY OF SECTION IX CHAPTER I PLANE PARTITIONS WITH UNRESTRICTED PART MAGNITUDE 464. In this Section we determine the actual algebraic form of L{p1p2...pWl\n). We first consider the particular case Lip^.^pmi oo), the lattice derived from the most general incomplete lattice. These determinations will of course lead to the expressions of GF( and GF(p,p2... pm; oo). An incomplete lattice is the graph either of the partition of a unipartite number or of a multipartite number. The partitions we enumerate are such that the parts, limited in magnitude to n, are placed at the nodes in such wise that there is a descending order of magnitude in each row and in each column. It is the most general case of plane partition as defined in this book. As leading up to the method employed we will commence by determining the lattice function derived from two unequal rows, say L(pip2; oo). The first step is to establish the relation L(p№\ oo) =Z(pi,i)2-l;oo) + #^^^ oo) + ...+a^*Z(^,p,-l; oo ).
214 THE FUNCTIONAL EQUATION SATISFIED BY L{pl9p2; oo) [SECT. X Consider the lattice permutations of the assemblage α'Ριβρ* where pi>p2. By reason of the fundamental property of a lattice permutation the letter α cannot occur more than p1 —p2 times repeated at the end of the permutation. Every permutation must terminate in one of the following ways: β; β\α; /3|α2; ...0\α*-**9 the dividing line as usual marking a major contact in the permutation. From these terminations components of the greater index arise, viz. : 0; pi+ik- l; P1+P2-2; ... ty% respectively. These give rise to factors in the power of χ associated with a permutation, viz.: respectively. In particular when the terminating letters are β\α\ the factor xPi+p*.~8 arises; the remaining letters are and they may appear in any lattice permutation and produce a lattice function £(Pi-*,i>a--l; oo). Hence all permutations which terminate with #as(,9 >0) contribute χΡι-Ннг-я I (pi _ ,9) p2 - 1 ; oo ) to the lattice function L (ρι,ρ*; oo ). When $ = 0 the contribution is simply L (pl9 ρ2 — 1\ oo ) since the power of χ which is the factor is x° or 1. We therefore have the relation L(Pi>P*;*>) = l<(PuP*-i;<x>)+ Σ x'^^sL{pl-s>p,-\\<x>). 1 465. Now assume that Ζίρ,,Λ-Ι;·). (l)(2).-(Pl + P2-l) (Pi+^iPA^J) W'P* > ) (2)(3)...<Pl+l).(l)(2)...(P!!-l)· (1) for all values of ρτ.
CH. I] SOLUTION OF THE FUNCTIONAL EQUATION 215 Then the functional equation leads to the relation (l)(2)...(p1 + p2-l) (Pi+l)-*(p2-l) (2)(3)...(p1+l).(l)(2)...(p2-l)· (1) ,„,+„„., (1) (2) ...(^4-ft-2) (Pj-^foi-l) + X - (2){3)...{Ρι).(1)[2)...{ρ2-1)- (1) ,„„.+„-, (l)(2)-(Pl + p2-2) fo-l)-^-!} (2)(3)...(p1-l).(l)(2)...(p2-l)· (1) + (l)(2)...(2p2-l) (р2+1)-Ж(р2-1) + a" (2)(3)...(p2+l).(l)(2)...(p2-l)· (1) The right-hand side has pi — p2 + l terms; assume that the sum of the last к terms may be written ^ (D(2)...(2p2 + k-l) * (l)(2)...(p2 + k).(l)<2)...<p2)<K'' an assumption which it is easy to see is justified when к = 1. The (k + l)th term from the end is the (px —p2 — к -f l)th from the beginning and this is ^м* <1)(Й)...(2рИ-Ь-1) (р2 + к+1)-Ж(р2-1) (T)(2)...(p2 + k-l).(l)(2)...(p2-l)· (1) Adding this to the sum of the last к terms we find on simplification (l)(2)...(2p2 + k) * (l)(2)...(p2 + k+l).(l)(2)...(p2)tK+lb a result which justifies the assumption. Hence putting к=рг — p2 we find (lM2)...(Pl+p2-l) (р1+1)-*(р2-Г) (2)(3)... (p1+l).(l)(2)...(p2-l)· (1) ы,,. (ЧИ-htft-H ( , (l)(2)...(Pl + P2) (Р1+1)-Ж(р2) -(2)(3)...(p1+iy.(l)(2)...(p2)· (1) This result being true when p2 = 0 is established universally. 466. It must reduce when χ is put equal to unity to the number which enumerates the lattice permutations of the assemblage
216 DEFINITION OF OUTER AND INNER LATTICE FUNCTIONS [SECT. X This number is -i*^ (ft-*+!>, (ih + l)Iftl and the resemblance between the algebraic function and the enumerating number at once strikes an observer. 467. We therefore seek in· the general case to always have this resemblance in evidence. This idea leads to a very interesting arrangement of the work. The number which enumerates the lattice permutations of the assemblage «?«?·■·«£· may from Sect. Ill, Ch. ν be written (l)(2)...(lp) (m)...(^14-m-l).(w-l)...(i?2 + m~2) (l)...(pw) H(ps-pt+t-$) wherein t>$ and the continued product has reference to every pair of numbers that can be selected from the first m natural numbers. We now say that we shall express the lattice function Црф%...рт\ oo) in the form (1)(2)...(Σρ) (m)... (pj + m- 1). (m - 1)... (p2 + m - 2) (1)... (pm) xIL{^\ oo), where the algebraic fraction first written is a fixed factor of the lattice function and the remaining factor has to be determined. The fixed factor before us is called the Outer Lattice Function and written OL(; oo). The remaining factor is called the Inner Lattice Function and is written IL(; oo ). The expression of the outer lattice function is in every case known. That of the inner function is unknown and has to be determined. We have LilhPi—Pm', <*>) = 0L(; <x>)xIL(; oo). Above we have arrived at our first result TT / \ (Pi+ l)-«(pj IL{pxpo\ οο)=ΠΏ 1 "ч*.
CH.l] RELATION BETWEEN GENERATING AND INNER LATTICE FUNCTIONS 217 468. A principal object of this Section is the determination of the algebraic expression of the inner lattice function for the general incomplete lattice. A particular object is to prove that in the case of the complete lattice the inner lattice function is unity, viz.: IL (I; m; oo )= 1. In that case the outer lattice function is identical with the lattice function. It has been already proved that if we substitute for a lattice the conjugate lattice, the lattice function as well as all of the sub-lattice functions are unchanged. This is only true of the outer and inner lattice functions in special cases. As a general rule they both change when such a change is made in the lattice. The product of the outer and inner lattice functions, being equal to the lattice function, necessarily remains unchanged under the circumstances stated. We have as a consequence of the new arrangements where OL (pxp,... pm; oo ) (1)(2)... (Σρ) (m)...(p1 + m-l).(m-l)...(p2 + m-2) U).(Pm)' so that OF{'px2h · ·· Pm '·> oo ) = IL{p, oo ) (m) ... to + m- 1) .(m- 1)... (p2+m- 2) (1)... (Pm)' The only general fact we at present know about the inner lattice function is that the sum of its coefficients is equal to nP«-pt + t-s ^ When this question has been completely answered, the next step will be to consider the problem when the part magnitude is restricted. 469. So far we have established the formula (Pi+1)-*(P2) <1) (2)(3)... (p1+l).(l)(2)...(p2)5 and its particular case GF(VP;cc) = GF(P;2^) = {1){(2){3) ..1(ρ))2<ρ+1} - by considering the derivation of the lattice function from lattice permutations. We found a functional equation connecting lattice functions and we might have then proceeded to form a functional equation connecting the corresponding inner lattice functions. We might adopt the same procedure
218 FUNCTIONAL EQUATION SATISFIED BY GENERATING FUNCTION [SECT. X in the further study of the subject, but there is an alternative. We may proceed from the solid graph of a plane partition to form a functional equation between the generating functions which enumerate plane partitions and thence deduce equations connecting the lattice and inner lattice functions. This is the more convenient course. Suppose that the lattice, at the nodes of which the parts of the partition are placed, has three unequal rows comprising ρλί p2 and pz nodes respectively, where of course px ^p2 ^p*. For a moment we suppose the part magnitude to be restricted by the number n. Subject to the parts being in descending order of magnitude in each row and in each column, in every plane partition each node is either occupied by zero (that is, is unoccupied) or by some number greater than zero and not greater than n. In certain partitions every node is occupied; such partitions may be constructed by (i) placing a unit at each node, (ii) superposing every partition enumerated by GF(pip2pz; ?i— 1). Such partitions will be termed " full-based " partitions. They are clearly enumerated by ял+л+л GF(p1p2pz) η -1), the factor #л+л-ня» arising from the presence of the base which has every node occupied by a unit. Every lattice that can be formed from a given lattice by obliterating nodes may be said to be " contained" in the given lattice. Among such contained lattices is reckoned the given lattice itself. Now suppose that a lattice having rows containing pi, p2', pz nodes is contained in the given lattice ; it is obvious that some of the plane partitions we seek to enumerate will be full-based upon such contained lattice and will be enumerated by ^Pl'+ft'+p.' QF fa'pjjb' · η - 1). Speaking of lattices contained in a given lattice is equivalent, since a lattice is the graph of a line partition, to speaking of line partitions contained in a given line partition. We thus find that OF(Plp2ps] n^^'+rt+b'QFfa'pfa'; τι-1), the sign of summation indicating every lattice piplpl contained in the lattice pxp2p^
сн. ι] equations satisfied by lattice functions 219 470. This relation shews the derivation of the generating function when the highest part is η from generating functions when the highest part is n— 1. When there is no restriction upon the part magnitude eF(PlpiPs; oo) = %xrt+rt+r* GF (Pl'p*%'; oo), and generally GF(plPi ...Pm; χ )-bP'+»'+-+*'»GF(pl'pa' -pV, oo), leading to Xfofl,—.ft»; oo)_? ^Lfa'pi ...p'm; <*>). (1)(2)...(ΣΡ) ~** <1)(2)...(Σρ') ' JZ(ffiff2---;Pm;oo) (ш)...{р1+ш-1).(ш-1)...(р2 + ш-2) (f)...(Rm) = Syv ILjp/p,' ...p'm; oo) · (m)...(p1' + m-l).(m-l)...(p2' + m-^ (l)..(p'm)' It must not be overlooked that in these relations the lattice ρλρ2 ---Pm is included under the sign of summation on the right-hand side. Also in using the last formula that m may be 1, 2,... m — 1 orm, according to the number of rows in the contained lattice. Also that unity arising from the absence of nodes is included under the sign of summation as usual in all partition formulae. As an example we find that ^l - X) (1) (2)* (3) ~ * (1) (2) (3) + X (1) (2) +X (1) (2) (1) +l' and since IL (21; со ) = 1 + &·'-, IL (11; oo ) = IL (2; oo ) = IL (1; oo ) = 1, we verify that IL(22; oo)=l. In this case the lattices contained in are and the zero lattice counting as unity under the summation sign. If from the plane partitions enumerated by GF(PiP*P*'> n)> we subtract those enumerated by xPi+Pi+p3GF(p1p2p.i;n-l),
220 SYMBOLICAL EXPRESSION OF FUNCTIONAL EQUATION [SECT. X we have remaining, in the case of three unequal rows, partitions whicihinclude those enumerated by each of the three generating functions GF{px -1 p2p3; n\ GF (рг p2 -1 ps; n), GF(p,p2 pz -1; n), and these, by a well-known principle of the combinatory analysis (see Whit- worth's Choice and Chance, Fourth Edition, pp. 73 et seq.), are enumerated by GFfa-1 p2pz\ η) Η- GF(p,p2-1 ps; η) + GF(p,p2pz-l;n) - GF^-l p>-1 jp,; n)-GF(px- 1 #2 #,-1; n) - Gi1^ #2--1 pz-1; л) The reader will see without difficulty that in the functions of the first line of this expression the partitions enumerated by each of the functions in the second line are enumerated twice over. We therefore subtract these functions each once, but in doing so we find that the partitions enumerated by the function in the third line have been omitted altogether. We therefore add once the function in the third line. Hence the functional equation GF(plP2pz; n) - дЛ+А+А GF(p,p2pz) η -1) = GFfa-1 p2p3; n) + GF(Plp2-lpz\ n) + GF(Plp2 p3-l;n) -GF(p1-lp2-lps;n)-GF(p1-lp2pz~l; n)-GF(Plp2-lp3-l;n) + GF(p1-lpu-lp9-l; n). 471. In the general case of m unequal rows we have the functional equation which is elegantly expressed in the following manner: Let θ8 be a symbol such that θ8 GF(pxp2',n)= GF( 1\ n), then (1 -00(1 -θ2) ... (1 - вш)GF(', n) = x» GF( л-1). 472. The formula may be modified in the direction of simplification when the rows are not all different. For suppose pz =_p2 we must see how many nodes may be singly obliterated so as to leave a contained lattice. It is clear that in this case the right-hand nodes of the first and third rows may be detached but no other node. Reasoning as before we are led to the functional equation GF(PM; n) - xPl+2p* GF(Plp2Pi; η -1) = GF(Pl - 1 p2ps; Λ) + GF(ριΡΐ p,-l;n) -GF(Pl-lp2p2-l;n),
сн. ι] corresponding relation between inner lattice functions 221 which may be compared with the equation appertaining to a lattice of two unequal rows: GF(plPl; n) -^l+i,i GF{Plp2- n-1) = GF(Pl - 1 p2; n) + GF(Plp2- l;n)~ GF(Pl-lp2-l; n). Similarly we derive the equations GF(PlplP2; n)-o&i+p* GF(plPlPi; n-l) = GF(px Pl-lpt;n) + GF(plPlpi-l;«)- GF{Pipx-lps-\; n); GF(plPlPl; n) - a?*1 GF (ρ,ρ,ρ,; n-l)=GF (plPl p, - 1; n); and also GF(pf; п)-л"» GF(pT; n-l)= GF(p\*->Pl-1; n). 473. When the part magnitude is unrestricted we have (Px + P2) GF(plP3; <x>) = GF(p1-lp2;co)+GF(Plp,-l;x>) - GF(p,- 1 p2-l; oo); (Pi + P2 + P3) QFfaPtP*, <* ) = GFfa- 1 p2p3; 00 ) + GF(pxp2-1 p3; 00) + GF(plPiPa-l: χ) -GF(pl-lp2-lp3;cc)-GF(Pl-lp,p3-l; <x>)-GF(p1 Pl-lp3-l; 00) + GF(p, -1 p2 -1 ps -1; 00 ); (Σρ) GF(; со ) = {1 -(1 - 0.) (1 - θ3)...(1 - вш)} GF(plPi...pM; 00). In general when a lattice has some equal rows so that pj' appears in the specification of the lattice the symbol Θ, acts in the manner 0sGF(Pl...2?J·... pm; cc) = GF(Pl ...pj'^p,-; χ), s<» that, whatever equalities of rows may exist the symbolic expression is available. 474. The next step is the deduction of the corresponding relation between lattice functions. Substitution from the relation ηιρ, λ L(;cc) GF(Mh...Pni; 00)- (1)(2)...(Σρ) » £ives L(pp; 00 ) =Ζ(£ψ-1; oo ); L(PiP2\ <*>) = L(p1-lp2\ co)+L(p1p2-l: «) ~(Pi + P2-1)i(Pi-1i)^1'oc); L{ppp\<x>) = L(ppp-l; oo); Lip^p^ <x>)=L{plpl-lp<>\ oo) + £(ριί>ιΡ*-1; *>)
222 CORRESPONDING RELATION BETWEEN INNER LATTICE FUNCTIONS [SECT. X £(ftftft>; oo) =£(ft-lftft; χ ) + L(p1p2 ft- 1; oo) ~(Pi + 2p2- l)£(ft-lftft-l; oo); £(ftftft; <x>) = L(pL-lp2p3;oQ) + L(p1p2-lp2') oo) + L(p1p2 ft-1; x) -(Рх + Рг + Рз-1)^^!-1^-!^; oo) + Z(ft-lft jp»— 1; <x>) + L(p1 ft-lft-Γ, oo )} + (Pi + P2 + P3-1)(Pi + P2 + P3-2)i(Pi-1P2-lp3-l;oo). In the case of m unequal rows if 6S be the symbol before defined and X a new symbol such that (Zp)(tp-l)...(tp-s + l) = X*, we have in general (l-X)L(; oo ) = (1-в1Х)(1-в2Х)...(1-втХ)1(р1р2...рт;х>). 475. "We now proceed to the equation satisfied by the inner lattice functions. Substituting from the relation £(ftft...ftn; oo ) β <l)(2)...Ep).f£(ftft..,p«;oo) (m) ... (Pl + m- 1). (m- 1) ... (p2 + m- 2) (1) ... <pm)' we find (2p) IL (pp; oo ) = (p) IL (2> ρ - 1; oo ); (Pi+p2)^(m>2; °°) = (px+ 1) /X (ft - 1 ft; oo ) 4- (p2) /X (ft ft- 1; χ ) - (Pi+1) (P2) Z£ (ft -1 ft -1; χ); <3p) IL {ppp; oo ) = (p) IL (pp ρ - 1; oo ) ; (2p!+pJiX(ftftft;oo) = (px + 1) IL (ft ft - 1 p,; χ ) 4- (p2) /£ (p.ft ft- 1; χ ) - (Pi + i) (p2) ^ (ft Pi -1 ft - ι; χ); (Pi + 2P2)/X(ftftft; oo) = (px + 2) IL (ft - 1 ftft; χ ) 4- (p2) /i (ftft ft - 1; oo ) - (Pi + 2) (P2)IL (ft ~ 1 ft ft2 - 1; oo ); (Pi + P2 + Рз)IL (ftftft i °° ) = (p1 + 2)/X(ft-l ftft; oo)+ (p2+ l)IL(ft ft-1ft; oo ) + (Рз) IL (ftft ft - 1; oo ) - (px + 2) (p2 + 1) IL (ft - 1 ft - 1 ft; χ ) - (Pi + 2)(p3) IL (ft - 1 ftft- 1; oo) - (p2+ 1) (p3) IZ (ft ft- 1ft- 1; oo ) + (Pi + 2) (p2 + 1) (p3) IL (ft - 1 ft - 1 ft -1; χ).
CH. I] INNER LATTICE FUNCTIONS OF THE SECOND AND THIRD ORDERS 223 476. In general, for m unequal rows, if φ8 be a symbol such that falL (ргр; oo )= (ps +m - s) IL(ргр2... ps - 1; oo ), x^IL (\ oo) = (1 - фг) (1 - ф2)... (1 - фт) IL (p,p2;cc). When the specification of the lattice involves repetitions of letters the equations satisfied by the lattice and inner lattice functions are = (1 - Θ,Χ)(1 - ΘΛΣ)... (1 - втХ) L (p?p? ... jp5-; oo), where esLip^K^pl^i^^Lip^pP^.p^Ps-l^.p^l^l and a& IL(pppp... pi» ;ao) - (i - фг) α - Л)... α - Фт) /х (р№ ... pi*; ω), where фа L (pi1 pi2... plm; oo ) = (Ps + ^s+i + ^s+2 + ... + 7rm)JZ(^ The reader should verify the validity of the general formulas in the case of the particular examples m = 1, m = 2 and m = 3 given at length above. He may be reminded also that throughout the investigation we employ the notation 1 - a?= (s), the letters or figures in the bracket being in Clarendon type. 477. The following investigation into the form of the inner lattice function has reference in the first instance to lattices with unequal rows. Later the results will be shewn to be applicable to lattices in general. In the case of the lattice of two unequal rows we have established the theorem JJ (,)i} ■ CQ4-<Pl+1) JP2>. the sum of the coefficients of this integral algebraic function is visibly P\ — Pi + 1 as it should be. Now we know that the sum of the coefficients in IL (prfhps; oo) is (Pi -p-2 + 1) (lh —p* + 2) (p2-2h + 1) аи<1 it might be conjectured that the form of IL (ΡιΡ·>Ρζ; со) is i(Pi+ 1) JP2)! ((Px + 2) (p3)l i(p2+ 1) <Рз)1 but this function is quickly seen neither to satisfy the functional equation nor to be verifiable in simple cases. It must also be noticed that the lattice function L (P1P2 · · · Pm \ °o ) becomes equal to L (pip2 · · · Pm-i; 00) on putting pm = 0, but that we have no reason to conclude that the inner lattice function IL(p\P* ··· Pml °o ) becomes IL (pxp2 · · · Pm-ι; oc ) on putting pm = 0.
224 INNER LATTICE FUNCTION OF THE THIRD ORDER [SECT. X In fact it does not do so, as can be verified at once by comparing (l) x (i) ' the expression of IL (pip2 \ oo), with unity which is the expression of IL (рг; oo ). Now we know also that GF(p1p2... pm; oo ) becomes GF(p!p2... pm-x; oo ) on putting pm = 0 and we find that if we take the formula rF, . ч IL (P1P2P2; °o ) KPlP2l?Zi °° ;""<3) (4) ... (Pi+ 2). (2) (3)... (p2+ l).(l) (2)... (Рз)' and substitute for IL (P1P2P2I 00 ) the product of three factors above written, the putting of рг = 0 does produce the correct expression of GF{pxp2) 00). We gather from this fact that we are justified in concluding that we may put IL (ριρφ; со ) i(Pi+l) r(P2)l j(Pi + 2> хЛъ)} 1(Р2+1> г(Рз)1 , ы F(nnn . „\ ~ \Щ~ " ОТ) ("ТаГ" W) VW " Ш <Рз) {Plplpi' )} because ρΆ = 0 causes (p3) to vanish. F(piP*ps *, 00 ) is a function to be determined. We further conclude, by working out a few particular cases, that a probable result is F (ргрф J CO ) = JL {tflVM (Pl - p2) _ Д.А+. (p, - pj}, and on trial it is found, the work being too tedious to reproduce here, that the expression (Pi+ 1) _ r Ы) j(Pi + 2) _ ДРзИ ((P2 + I) _ r (Pj) (l) KdI {"Тар (2) 11"йГ (i) + ^ {**+» (Pl - p2) - *·*·+2 (p2 - pj)} docs, as a fact, satisfy the functional equation. 478. The actual forms of the inner lattice functions for the cases of two and three rows will prove of much advantage in the investigation to which we now proceed. In the equation (px + p2) IL (ρλρ.>; oo) - (Pi+ 1) d>2)IL(Pl - ift- 1; χ ) put x-^{lL{pxp,\ go)-(Pi+ l)IL{pl-lp9; 00)}= V.ip.p.; 00),
сн. ι] inner lattice function of second order 225 then (Pi + PJ^i(ftft;oo) β (pi+i) Pi (α- ι л; *) + (p2) vi (ftft-1; «>) - (Pi+1) (p2) К (ft-1 p.- ι; oo), an equation of the same form as that satisfied by IL (ftft; oo ). Hence we conclude that if IL (ftft; oo ) is a solution of the equation, #-*>* {IL (ftft; oo ) - (px + 1) Ji (ft - 1ft; oo )} is also a solution. It is convenient to exhibit the new solution by means of an operation performed upon the original solution. We therefore write 0Pl IL (ftft; oo ) = ντ (ftft; oo ). 479. Again put лгл {IL (ftft; oo) - (pg) IL (ft ft -1; oo)} = 7, (ftft; oo), and we find that (P1 + P2) 72(ftft; 00) = (Pi + 1) "^(ft-lft; oo)+(p2) F2(ftft-1; 00). - (Pi+ 1) (P2) ^2(ft- lft- 1; 00 ), again an equation of the same form as that satisfied by 7X(ftft; 00 ). Therefore another solution is V2 (ftft; 00 ) which we may represent by 0PJL(Plp2] со). Further suppose that 0PlP2 is an operation such that Qpift IL (ftft^ °°) = x-p>-p*{IL(plP,; oo)-(Pl + l)JZ(ft-lft; 00) - (P2) JX(ftft-l; 00) + (px + 1) (Рз) IL (ft -1 ft - 1; 00 )}, so that from the functional equation itself °j>u>*IL (ftft; °°)=IL (ftft; °°)» or 6W2=1· Moreover if we operate with On upon Fi (ftft; 00) we reproduce /X (ftft; 00 ), as may be verified in two lines; so that we have the relations We now apply these operators to the known solution of the functional equation which, discarding the non-essential factor щ, we may take to be (Pi+lJ-^Pa) M.A. II. 15
226 TWO FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTIONS [SECT. X We find 0* {(ft +1) - * Wl - <pi + υ - *2 <P2>> giving us another solution (px+ 1) - x2 (р2); we can now operate again, and operating $ - 1 times successively we obtain о8р;г hpx+i) -* w}« o?i+ΐ)-*· w. Similarly operating with 0P2 we find 0P2 {(Pi + 1) - * (Рз)} - (Pi + 1) - (P2>> and operating 5+1 times successively 0;2+1{<Pi+ l)-*(P2>} = <Pi+ l)-«-W· It is therefore abundantly clear that two fundamental solutions of the functional equation are <px+l) and <p2); and we still obtain a solution if we multiply by any function of χ which does not involve рг or p2. Putting the fundamental solution in evidence we find that we have the expression of IL (ргр2 \ °o ) given by the formula IL{P№\ °°) = (Pi + 1) (Pg) (1) ' (1) χ , 1 in determinant form. In the above investigation we have only been concerned with integer values of plt p2 such that p^p2 because only in that case is IL {ρλρ2\ oo) an inner lattice function according to definition; but the investigation is equally valid as regards the functional equation when ρλ)ρ2 are any numerical magnitudes; they need not be integers and there is no necessity for them to be in descending order of magnitude. If in the functional equation (Pi + p2)^Gm>2; *>) = (p1+l)IL(p1-lp2] oo)+(p2)/Zr(pIpa-l; 00) -(pi+i)(pJ/-£(jPi-1a-i;qo) we put p2=pi we find (2pj) IL {plpl; 00 ) - (Pi+ 1) (Pi) ILip^lp, - 1: 00 ),
CH. I] INNER LATTICE FUNCTION OF THIRD ORDER 227 wherein IL {рг — 1 рг; oo) is not an inner lattice function, but still the solution we have obtained is valid. Combining the equation just written with (2px) IL (рхрг; oo ) = (рг) IL (p^ -1; oo), we find IL(Pi-lpi'9 oo) = (p1)7X(p1-lp1-l; oo), which is true as a result of the formula Hence our investigation implies the formula (2pj) IL (ргрг; oo ) = (рг) IL {ρΎρτ - ] ; χ ) and we see that IKjhfr; oo) = щ {(px+ 1) -λ·(Ρι)} = unity. 480. Passing to the Third Order, the functional equation is written in the form IL (ргр2ръ; oo) - (p2 + 1) IL (ргр.2 -1 рй; ос ) - (p3) IL (ргр2ръ - 1; oo ) + (Рг + l) (Рз)IL(PiP* - ii?a-1; oo) = χρ>+ρ*+ρ»Μ(Ριρ2ρ3; <x>) + (v1 + 2)IL(p1-lp2ps;co) -(p2+ 1) !L{pY~ 1 p2-lp3; oo) - (Рз) IL(Pi ~ li>2 Рз - 1; oo ) Η- (p2+ 1) (p3) IL {p, - ljp2 — 1рз -1; oo ). Writing ^ (jPiftft; oo ) = аг^-л [ JZ (pj^; oo ) - (p2 + 1) IL (ft ,p2 - 1 p2; oo ) - (Рз) ^ (pijp* i* - 1; oo) + (p2 + 1) (p3) IL (p,p2 - Ip, -1; oo )}, we derive the relation (P1 + P2 + P3) ViPiPtP*'**) = (Pl + 2) VQh - 1 p,p,) 00 ) + (p2+ 1) V(Plp2 -lp,; со ) + (Рз) V(PiP*P*-l'> *>) -(Pi + 2)(p2 + l) V{p{-lp,-l<p,- co)-(v1 + 2)(pz)V(p1-lp2p,-l; 00) -(Рг + ^Рз) ^Oftib-lpi-l; °°) + (Pi + 2) (p2+l) (p3) Fdh-lft- lph-1; oo). Comparing with the functional equation it is clear that V (рхр2р^\ со ) is a solution if IL (pijhp-a; 00 ) be one. 481. Proceeding similarly we find six solutions which are exhihited as operations performed upon IL (pip2ps; 00) as follows: (i) OpJLuhptpt; 00) = х-* [IL dhjhpt; 00) - {рг + 2) IL (pi - 1 p2p3; 00 ){; 15—2
228 INNER LATTICE FUNCTION OF THIBD ORDEB [SECT. X (ii) 0ftIZr(#tfM>8; °°) = лгл {IL(ptfzps; oo)-(p2 + l)/£(i>ijpa-ljp»; со)}; (iii) OpblLfjMfap^cc) = лг-л {IL (ргр2р,; oo ) - (pg) iX (p^p, -1; oo )}; (iv) 0Pli?2 IX (pip&i; oo ) = Л-Л-*» 17X (ρ^,ρ*; oo ) - (Pl + 2) /Z (Pl - 1 p2p3; oo ) - (p2 + 1)IL(p^-lp*; oo) + (px + 2) <p2 + 1) IL(p, -lp2-lps; oo)}; (v) 0Р1Л1Х(рдр*р*;оо) «βτΛ-^ΙΙΧΟΡχΡ^; oo)-(ft + 2) JZfo-lpift; oo ) - (p3) 77 (^р2 p3- 1; ос) + (Pl + 2) (p3) IL (p, - 1р2рг- 1; oo)}; (vi) Олл IL (ргр2р,; oo) = яг**-*» {7£ (i)ip2p3; oo ) - <p2 + 1) IL {ргр2 -1 рь; со ) - (p3) IL (р^2р3 - 1; со ) + (р2 + 1) (р3) IL (р,р2 - 1 ра - 1; оо )}. То these may be added for the sake of symmetry 0PlP2p3IL(p1p.2pb; oo) = агъ-ъ-ъ {IL (prftps; oo ) - (px + 2) IL (Pl -lp2ps;co) -(PzHLiptfzPs-l] oo)+ {p1+2)fa2 + l)IL(pl-lp2-lp,) oo) + (Pi + 2)(p3)JX(^1-lp2p3-l;oo) + (p2+l)(p3)JrX(pli)2-li9a-l;oo) - (Pl + 2) (p2 + 1) (p3) JXfo- 1л- 1 p3~ 1; oo)}, and it is easy to establish the operator relations Upi Ц»2 ЧР8 = ■* » Opx Up2 = Ц,1Р2, uPl Op3 = Ц>1Рз, Op2 (JPs = Op2i,8, VpxUpzPa = 0ρ2^Ριί>8 = VpsOpiPi = ^ί>ιί>22>3 == *· 482. We now perform these operations upon the known solution of the functional equation. Clearing it of fractions, by multiplying throughout bj (l)2 (2), this may be written : (1) - x^+1 (2) (p2 + 1) - я*-" (pj + 1) + «л+* (p2) + ял+**ы (Pl - P2) - χ {(2) + x*+* (1 + «) (Pa - P2 - 1) ~x^* (2ft - 2P2){ (p3) + *» 1(1) + **+* (Pi - ft)} (ft - 1) (p3) Operating s times successively with 0Pi we obtain the function (1) - #*>>+1 (2) (p2 + 1) - xp^ (Pi + 1) + a?*+* (p2) + **+*»+« (px - Рз) - *« {(2) + «ft+» (1 + a?) (Pl - p2 - 1) - afP^ (2Pl - 2P2)} (p3) + *-+» {(1) + x^ (Pl - P2)) (ft - 1) (Рз),
CH. I] SIX FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTIONS 229 and since s is any integer at pleasure we conclude that the functions P, = (1) - жл+1 (2) (p2 + 1) - жр.+2 (Pj + 1) + tf*>>+* (p^ + «ft·****· (ft - p,), P2 = {(2) + «*+· (1 + ») (Pl - p2 - 1) _ a*P>+* (2^ - 2P2)} (pj), P, - {(1) + **« (Ρα - P2)} (P$ - 1) (P3), are solutions of the functional equation. These results are easily verified by shewing that 0РгР^Ри 0РгР2 = х~*Р2, 0ρ>Ρ9-ατ*Ρ9. We now operate with 0P2 s times successively upon P19 when we obtain (Pi+ 1) (Pi + 2) (P2+ 1)-*-e+1(P2) (P2+ 1) (Pi + 2), leading to the conclusion that the functions (p1+l)(p1+2)(p2+l), (p2)(p2+l)(P! + 2) are solutions of the functional equation, and moreover they are fundamental solutions since no simpler functions can be produced from them by means of the operations. Again operate with 0P2 $ times successively upon P2 and we find *· (Pi + 1) (Pi + 2) (P3) - x-8+> (P2) (P2 + 1) (Рз>> and wc conclude that the functions (Pi + l)(Pi + 2)(Ps), (р2)(Р2 + 1)(Рз> are fundamental solutions. Finally operating with 0P2 upon P3 we obtain - χ (p3 - 1) (Рз) (р2 + 1) +a? (p3 - 1) (p3) (Pl + 2), establishing that the functions (Рз - Μ (Рз) (ft + *)> (Рз - !) (Рз) (ft* 2) arc fundamental solutions. We have thus six fundamental solutions (Pi + l)(Pi + 2)(p2+l), (P2)(P2+1)(Pi + 2), (p3) (p3-1) (Pi+2), (ft +1) (Pi + 2) (p3), (Рг) (Р2 + 1) (p3), (Рз) (Рз - 1) (P2 + 1), and no more are obtainable. 483. The known solution of the functional equation, which is the inner lattice function we require, can now be expressed in terms of these. Since it has been found that O;, (l)2 (2) IL (Plp2pz; oo ) = Л - **-ipf + ar*+*P>, by putting s = 0 we find (1)* (2) IL (plP$Pt; χ ) = P1 - xP2 + a*P*;
230 INNER LATTICE FUNCTION OF FOURTH ORDER [SECT. X also putting s = 0 in the results ОкРг - (Pi + 1) (Pi + 2) (p2 + 1) - x~'» (P2) (p2 + 1) (pa + 2), 0£aP2 = «· (Pi + 1) (Pa + 2) (p3) - ar·* {pj (p2 + 1) (Рз), 0£2P3 ж (pj - 1) (ρ,) (p2 + 1) + *· (p3 - 1) (Рз) (ft + 2), it appears that Pi = (Pi + 1) (Pi + 2) (p2 + 1) - χ Ы (p2 + 1) (ft + 2), P* = (Pi + 1) (Pi + 2) (p3) - з? (P2) (p2 + 1) (p3), P3 χ (p3- l)(p8) (p2+ 1) + (p3- 1) (Рз) (Pl + 2); whence, substituting, (l)M2)/Z(PlAft;oo) = (Pi+ 1) (Pi+ 2) (p2+ 1) -«(Pj) (p2+ 1) (px + 2) -ж(рх+ 1) (Ρχ + 2) (p3) + * (P2) (P2 + 1) (Рз) + ^ (Ps " !) (Рз) (Pi + 2) - «* (P3 - 1) (Рз) (Рг+ 1)» (Рз-1) (Рз) or Ι1(ρφ,ρ3; οο) = (1) (2) (Рз) (Pi+1) (Pi+ 2) (pj (p2+l) (1) (2) (1) (2) r(Pi + 2) (p2+l) (1) (1) (1) X* X 1 an elegant expression of the inner lattice function in determinant form. Reasoning as in the case of the second order it is not difficult to see that this expression of the inner lattice function is valid whatever equalities exist between the numbers p1} p2y p3. It is to be noticed that if it is convenient for any purpose we may take ; and since 1 1 out the factor (1)42) (l)'-(2) = χ χ 1 1 Xs χ 1 we may express the inner lattice function as the quotient of two determinants. 484. Passing now to the Fourth Order IL (Pip2psP4 \ <*> ) and guided by the foregoing results put A=l, 4i = <Pi + 3), ^2=<Ρι+2)(Ρι + 3), Λ = (Ρι+1)(Ρι + 2)(Ρι + 3), Б0 = 1, Д = <р2+2), Я2=(р2+1)(р2+2), ЯзНр2)(р2+1)(р2+2), <70 = 1, С1=(р3+1), С2=(р3)(Рз+1), <?з = (Рз-1)<РзМРз+1)> А> = 1, А=(Р4>> А=(Р4-1)(Р4>, А=(Р4-2)<Р4-1)(Р4)>
TWENTY-FOUR FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTIONS CH. I] and consider the twenty-four products AqBiC2D$ A1BqC2jDs 231 A0BiCsD2 A0B2G1D3 A0BzO1D2 A0B$C2Di AxBqGsDz A.iB20qD$ AiB2(j$±)q AlBscol)2 Α2Β0ΟχΌζ A2BQGsDi A2B1G0DB A2BiCs-L/q A2BbGQDi A2BsGxDq ,AbB$GiD2 A$B0C2Di A$Bi GQD2 A$BiGiDo ASB2G0D1 AAOlD. in which every permutation of the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3 is in evidence. We shall shew that each of these products is a solution of the functional equation X*> IL (ptftPsP* ; 00 ) » (1 - ψ0 (1 - ф2) (1 - ф3) (1 - ф4) IL (ргРъРзР* \ 00 ) where, as above, ф811(р1р2...рт; <x>) = (pa + m-s)IL(p1p2...p8-l; 00), for if i,j, k, I be any permutation of 0, 1, 2, 3 ФИ^АА=ВДА<М*· Now Mi = <Pi + 4-1)(Pi + 2) = (Pi + 2)^i = <Pi-1 + 3)^li> and in general φλΑι = (рг — i + 3) Ait so that φ,ΑίΒ^Βι = {рг - i + 3) AiBjGhDb and similarly φ^ΑιΒ^Ώι = (p2- j + 2) AiBjGkDh φΜΒβ^ = (p3 - к + 1) AtfyCbDu φιΑϊΒ,ΟΑ = (p4 - Ϊ) AiBsCkDi. Hence (1 - φ,) (1 - φ2) (1 - φ,) (1 - φ4) -^ВДЛ, = {l~(Pl-i + 3)}{l--(p2-j + 2)}{l~<P3--k+l)}{l-.(p4-i)|^^i7,A = xPi-i+z+Pf-j+z+Pi-k+i+Pt-l AiBjGjcDi = ***AiBsChDu since i4-j4-A? + Z = 0-bl + 2 + 3 = 6. 485. It is thus established that each of the twenty-four products is a solution of the functional equation. Hence the determinant which is a linear function of these products, viz.: -*3 xA2 x*Ax x« &г в, xBx a? l>3 c2 Ог Χ ±>ъ xD, А 1
232 THE DETERMINANT EXPRESSION [SECT. X is also a solution; and we shall shew that when divided by (l)3 (2)2 (3), which in determinant form is 1 1 a a? ω 1 1 χ Xs χ 1 1 χ6 χ? χ 1 it is the actual expression of IL (ftftftft; oo). The expression is <Pi+l>(Pi+2)(Pi+3> Ы(р2+1>(Р2+2) *(Рз-1)(Рз)(Рз+1) *(ρ4-2)(Ρ4-1)(Ρ«) (1) (2) (3) (1)(2)(3) (1)(2)(3) (1)(2)(3) (1) (2) «*(Pi + 3) (1) (P2+l)(P2+2) (1)(2) ж(р2 + 2) (1) (Рз)(Рз+!) (1) (2) (Ps+1) (1) Ж(Р4-1)(Р4) (1) (2) (рЛ (1) Χ6 Xs 486. We first take the test of the sum of the coefficients. Putting χ as 1 it becomes (ft+lXft + 2Xft+3), ft(ft+l)(ft+2), (ft-l)(ft)(ft + l), (ft-2Xft-l)(ft) (ft + 2Xft+3) , (ft+l)(ft + 2), (ftXft + 1) , (ft-lXft) (ft + 3) , (ft+ 2) , (ft+1) , (ft) 1,1,1, 1 wherein of course (ft + 1) denotes the number ft + 1 and not 1 — x^+l. Now if, herein, we put separately ft-pe + 1, ft-ft+ 2, ft-ft + 3, ft-ft+1, ft-ft+ 2, ft-ft + 1 equal to zero, we find that in each case two columns become identical and the determinant vanishes. Each of these numbers is therefore a factor of the determinant and the expression is easily seen to be TV (Pi - P* +1) (Pi - P* + 2) (Pi - P* + 3) (p2 - ft +1) (ft - ft + 2) (ft - ft +1) which we know otherwise to be the sum of the coefficients in the inner lattice function.
сн. ι] TESTS OF THE RESULT 233 487. Also on putting px = p2 = p3 = jp4 = p} the function ought to become equal to unity. Apart from the factor . . . 2 . the expression becomes (p+l)(p+2)(p+3), <p)(p+l)(p+2), <φ-1)(ρ)(ρ + 1), tf3(p-2)(p-l)<p) я(р-1)<р) (P) 1 *(p + 2)(p + 3) , (p+l)(p + 2), (p)(p + l) , яЧр + 3) , я(р + 2) , (p+1) a? , #8 , χ . Transform this by taking— For New First Row: 1st Row + ^Lx 2nd Row + x^1 jjj χ 3rd Row + л^+3 х 4th Row; For New Second Row: 2nd Row +aP LJ χ 3rd Row + a?»*1 x 4th Row; For New Third Row: and it becomes 3rd Row + vP χ 4th Row; 1 1 χ 1 я3 χ χ a? 1 χ 1 1 x° a? x 1 which is an expression of (1)* (2)2 (3). Hence the value of the determinant expression for IL (pppp; oo) is unity. It can also be shewn that putting pY = p2 =ρΆ =p, p^^p — 1 makes the expression equal to 1 + aP + x2? + x^ and this can be verified in particular cases. 488. All of the above processes are valid when applied to the functional equation of order m and lead to a determinant expression of IL (\ oo ). The constituent of the determinant which is in the rth row and cth column apart from the power of χ which appears explicitly is (Pc+r-e+ 1) (Pc + r-c + 2) ... (pc + m- c) <1)(2)... (m-r) The part which involves χ explicitly presents exponents of χ which are figurate numbers of the third order.
234 THE GENERAL RESULTS It is exhibited in the determinant 1 1 χ xs ...x /m- \ x 1 1 x ... лЛ 2 ' /m-3\ χ* χ 1 1 ...аЛ 2 / [SECT. X ,(V) /m\ /ire—1\ /m-2\ /m-3\ x\2l x\ 2 ) χ\ 2 / a;\ 2 / ... 489. The results obtained for the second and third orders are now set forth: (Pi+1) (Pi IL(p1pi; oo ) = (1) (1) χ 1 L{p№; oo) = GF(plPi; oo) = 7X 0\р,р,; oo ) = L(piPip3; oo ) = (l)(2)...(p1 + P2) (l)(2)...(Pl+l).(l)(2)...(P2) 1 (l)(2)...(p1+l).(l)(2)...(p2) (Px+1) X (Pi+1) (Рг) 1 <P2>| 1 (Pi+1) (Pi+ 2) (P2>(P2+1) г(Рз-1НРз) (1)(2) (1)(2) Ж (1)(2) χ (P! + 2) (p2+l) (1) (1) Xs X (l)(2)...(p1 + p2 + p3) (Pi (1) 1 (1) (2)... (p1+ 2) <1) (2) ... (p2+.l). (1) (2)... (p8) (Pi+l)(Pi + 2) (P2)(P2+1) *(Рз-1)(Рз) « (Pi + 2) (p3 + 1) (Ps) ж3 ж 1 6Jff(2W3; °° } = (1) (2) ... (Pl + 2). (1) (2) ... (p2 + 1).(1)(2)... <p3) (Pi+l)(Pi+2) (P2)(P2+1) ^(Рз-1)(Рз) ^(Pi + 2) (P2+1) (Рз) χ3 χ 1 The results for the fourth order are similarly written down. In particular GF (pm; oo ) 1 ~(m) (m+ 1) ... (p + m- 1). (m- 1) (m)... (p + m~ 2) ... (1) (2) ... (p)' the inner lattice function being unity.
CHAPTER II PLANE PARTITIONS WITH RESTRICTED PART MAGNITUDE 490. When the part magnitude is restricted not to exceed the number η we have the formulae GF(,n) = <1)(2) /(Σρ) , L (ргр; η) = (tl+ 1) (n + 2) ... <η + Σρ)Ζ0 + (n)(n+l) ... (η + Σρ -1)1, + ..., wherein for brevity L8{pxp2... pm; oo ), the sub-lattice function of order $, is written L8. The inner lattice function, for a restricted part magnitude, is defined by the relation (n + m)<n + m+l)...(n + p1 + m-l)(n + m-l)...(n + p2+m--2) (n+ l)...(n + pm) (m) (m+ 1) ... (Pl + m- 1). (m- 1) (m) ... <p2 + m- 2) (1) (2) ... (Pm) (1)(2)...(Σρ) = OL (pYp2; n) .IL (p,p2\ n\ where the outer lattice function, for a restricted part magnitude, is of fixed form, and we have before us the inner lattice for investigation. We are guided in fixing the form of the outer function by analogy with the case η = oo. We have not the sum of the coefficients in L(pxp2\ n) before us. 491. We take as the point of departure the functional equation of Art. 471, (1 - вг) (1 - θ2) ... (1 - θη) GF(PiP*... Рш\ η) = sflp GF(plP2 ...pM', η- 1), where θ8 is a symbol which operates as explained above.
236 THE FUNCTIONAL EQUATIONS [SECT. X Converting this into a functional equation for the lattice function we find for the order two L (ргр2; η) - χΡ****L (ргр2; η - 1) = (Ρι + Ρϋ) iL (Ρι - Ί-Ρ** η) + L(pxp2 - 1; η)} - (Ρι + Ρ2- ЖР1 + Рг) l(pi- 1?2-1; η\ and for the order three L (ΡιΡΦ I n) ~ хрх+м* L {pip2pz; η - 1) = (Pi + P2+ Ps) iL (Ρι-ΊρζΡ*'* n) + L(plp2-lpz; n) + L (p1p2pz-l; n)\ ~(Pi+P2 + p3-i)(p1+P2+P3)i^(pi-ip2-i?>8;^) + i(Pi--ip2i)3--i;w) + £(ί>ι:Ρ2-1^3-1;^)} + (Pi + P2 + Рз " 2) (Pi + Рг + Рз - !) (Pi + Рг + Рз) ^ OPi - χ ί>2 --1 i>s -1; я), and in general for the order m (l-01X)(l-02X)...(l-emX)L(;n) = x*PL(p1p2..^ where symbolically Xs = (Σρ) (Σρ - 1) ... (Σρ - s + 1). Also passing to the inner lattice function we have, for the order two, ар**** (η) (η + 1) IL (pxp2; η - 1) = (η + pj + 1) (η + Pg) IL (рхр2; η) - {рг + 1) (η + р2) IL (ρ, -1 #>; η) - (η + Ρ!+ 1) {p^IL(p1p2- 1; η) + (ρχ + 1) (pj /Ζ^-Ιρ,-Ι; η). For the order three а^-НРз+Рз(n) (n + χ) (n + 2) IL(pip2ps;n-l) = (n + px + 2) (n + p2 + 1) (n + pg) IL (ргр2р.л; η) - (Pi + 2) (η + p2 + 1) (η + ρ3) IL (рг - lptpz; η) - (η + ρχ + 2)(ρ2 + 1)(η + Рз) IL(ргр2-1рз; η) - (n + Pi + 2) (n + p2+ 1) {pz)IL(Plp2p»-l; n) + (Ρι + 2) (ρ2 + 1) (η + ρ3)ΙΧ(ί>ι-1ρ2-1^; η) + (Ρι + 2) (η + ρ2 + 1) (ρ3) IL (ρ,- Ιρ,^- 1; я) + (η + Ρχ + 2) (ρ2+ 1) (ρ3) IL(p1p2-lp,-l; я) - (Ρι + 2) (р2+ 1) (р3) ILipb-lρ,- 1ft- 1; *')· In general, if χ8 be a symbol such that tt / \ (Ρβ + m-s) TT , Ί %s Л (Plp2 ...рш\ η) = —-^—-—J—IL (p,p2«; л), then #2*>(n) (n+ 1) ... (n + m- Ι) ΙΙ(ρλρ2 ...ftw; ?i- 1) = (n + p1 + m-l)(n + p2 + m-2)...(n + pln)Kl--%1)(l-%2)...(l--xw)} xJX(ftp2...^m;n).
CH. II] INNER LATTICE FUNCTION OF SECOND ORDER 237 492. Taking first the order two, it is convenient to examine several particular cases in order to find the probable form of the inner lattice function. Doing this, the conclusion is that the function is probably i + * (l)(n + p1+l)· Observe that this reduces to the right expression when η = oo. Also it is found to satisfy the functional equation. Moreover, it may be written rr, ч 1 [(Pi+1) (P2) wit*> / (l)(n + Pl+l) J Ж(П) (n+i) which, in the light of previous results, is very suggestive of truth. To obtain the fundamental solutions we recall the case of η = oo, and seek solutions of the form (Pi+1) w (P2) ρ (α + Α+1)**' (η + Ρι+1)^' where Fn is a function of η to be determined in each case. and find We substitute 7-^ I— Fn for IL {ΡιΡ2 \ n) in the functional equation (n + pj + 1) Hn + P1+l)(n + PJ(^ which is equivalent to (n) Fn = (n + 1) Fn-U from which we deduce Fn = (n + 1), and we have a fundamental solution (p1 + l)(n+l) (n + Pl+l) Similarly, when we substitute ·. ———-τ Fn in the functional equation, we find (n-l)^n = (n)^b giving us Fn = (n) and the fundamental solution (a + p1+l)' and in terms of these we find lL(Plp2,n)-(1)^ (n + pi+1) V + ft+D
238 THE THIRD ORDER—SIX FUNDAMENTAL SOLUTIONS [SECT. X 493. This simple exposition for the order two points out the path of investigation for the order three; for, guided by the six fundamental solutions when η = oo, it is natural to seek for solutions of the functional equation of the six types: (Pi + l)(Pi + 2)(P2+l) F (Pi+l)(Pi+2)(P3) F (n + Pl+l)(n + Pl + 2)(n + p2+l) n' (n + pj+lMn+p^Hn+p^l) n> (P2)(P2+l)(Pi+2) F (P2HP2+IHP3) rr (n + Pl+l)(n + Pl + 2)(n + p2+l)^ni (n + Pi+lXn+^+^Xn+^+l) n' (Рз"1)(Рз)(Р1+2) (Рз-1)(Рз)(Р2+1) F (n + Pl+l)(n + Pl + 2)(n + p2+l) n' (n + Pl+l)(n+Pl+2)(n+p2+l) n' where Fn is a function of η to be determined in each case. Substituting these successively for IL (piP^Ps; n) in the equation we find for the six cases respectively: F - fo+l)fo + 2> F . F _ fc + 2) (n-1) (n + 2) F , v (n)(n + 2) (n-1) iM' '""(n-aXtt+l)· ρ _ (n)(n+l) » . » _ MJ.) -, n_ (n-1)8 n_1' "~ (5^2) *' The solution of the functional equation is clearly Fn =/„/„-,/„-2..., so that if Λ=(η+ΐ;^ + 2). then j, _(n + l)(n+2) (n)(n + l) (n-l)(n) (n-2)(n-l) _,n+lWn+2> *n (n^ · (n"^TF ' (n-2)^ · (n-3)° - — (4+1) РИ-2) and similarly; so that we have the six results: Fn = (n + 1У (n + 2), Fn - (n) (n + 1) (n + 2), .F» = (n) (n + 1) (n + 2), Jf№ = (n - 1) (n) (n + 2), Fn = (n)* (n + 1), Fn = (n - 1) (n) (n + 1), respectively. We are thus led to the six fundamental solutions: (i) (ft + iltei + gXft+iKa+iPfo + a) (n + p1 + l)(n + p1 + 2)"(n + p2+l) ' (ii) ^l+JL) (Рх + 2)(Рз)И(п+1)(п + 2) w (n + Pi+l)(n + P! + 2)(n + p2+l) '
CH. II] THE DETERMINANT EXPRESSION 239 (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (Ps) (P2+ 1) <Pi + 2) fo) fr + 1) fr+ 2) (n + p1+l)(n + pi + 2)(n + p2+l) ' Ы(Р2+1)(Рз)(п-1)(п)(^ + 2) (n + Pi+1) (n + Pl + 2) (n + p2+ 1)' (Рз-1)(Рз)<Р1 + 2)(п>а(п+1) (n + p1+l)(n + Pl+2) (n + p2+1)' (Рз - 1) (Рз) (Р2 + 1) fr ~ 1) fo) (Ц + 1) (n + p1 + l)(n + p1 + 2)(n + p2+l) Guided by previous work we form ΙΣζριρ^; η) Ъу taking a fraction with numerator (Pi+ 1) (Pi + 2) (P2+ 1) (n+ l)*(n + 2) -«(Рг) (Р2+ 1) (Pi + 2) (n) (n+ 1) (n+2) -*(Pi + 1) (Pi + 2) (Рз) (η) (n + 1) (n + 2) + *» (Рз - 1) (Рз) (Pi + 2) (η)' (η + 1) + я» (Рг) (Р2 + 1) (Рз) (η - 1) (η) (η + 2) - *л (Рз" 1) (Рз) <Р2 + 1) (η - 1) (η) (η + 1), and with denominator (1)« (2) (η + Pl +1) (η + Pl + 2) (η + ρ2 + 1), and we find that we may write (l)2 (2) (n + Pi + 1) (n + P! + 2) (n + p2 + 1) IL (ρ,ρ,ρ,; η) (Ρα +1) (Pi + 2) (Pa) (P2 + 1) * (p3 - 1) <Рз) β (Pi + 2) (η) (ρ2 + 1) (η + 1) (Рз) (η + 2) а? (η- 1) (η) χ (η) (η+ 1) (η + 1) (η + 2) an elegant result which suggests the general formula. 494 We may also take the following view: Recalling a previous notation for the order four A> = (Pi + 1) (Pi + 2) (Pi + 3), etc. and taking a product where i,j, k91 denote some permutation of the numbers 3, 2, 1, 0 and Fn is a function of η to be determined, we substitute AiBjCbDi.F* (η + ρ1+1)(η + ρ1+2)(η + ρι + 3).(η + ρ2+1)(η + ρ2 + 2).(η + ρ3 + ϊ)
240 INVESTIGATION OF THE FOURTH ORDER [SECT. X for IL(p1p2pzpi; w).in the functional equation and find a result which on reduction is (n)(n+l)(n+2)(n + 3) Fn (n + i - 3) (n + j - 2) (n + к - 1) (η +1) so that Fn =fnfn-ifn-z .... Now write fo) (n-l) (n-2) J?n—ι —Jn-^n (n + i-3) (n + i-4) (n + i-5) (n + j-2)> + j-3)> + j-4) (n + 2) (n+1) (n) = Фаг* • = Фъэ, • = фск, • = φαι, (n + k-l)(n + k-2)(n + k-3) (η + 3) (η + 2) (η+1) (η + Ι) (η + Ι-1)(η + ί-2) Fn ~ фаъфуфскфсИ- We then have (^(^(SXn + ^ + lXn + Pi + ^tn + Pi + ^.in + Pjj+lXn + p^^ χ (η + p3 + 1) IL (ргрфр*; η) Ацфаг В-аФы юСьфсъ Χ^Ώζφ^ X Л2фа2 Вафъ2 С2фс2 ® ·Α}φά*2 Λΐιφαι хВгфъ Сгфс1 D^dl ХеЛ0фа0 Я?В0фъо хС0фс0 Ώοφάο where фаз = фы = фея = фаз = 1, фа2=(п), фЬ2=(п + 1), ф<,2 = (п + 2), фф2 = (п + 3), фа1-<п-1)(п), фЬ1=(п)(п+1), фс1 = (п+1)(п + 2), фй1 = (п+2)(п + 3) фа0= (п- 2) (п- 1) (п), фЬ0= (п- 1) (п) (п+ 1), фс0 = (η)(η + 1)(η + 2), фй0 = (п+1)(п + 2)(п + 3), so that the determinant is (Pi+l)(Pi+2)(Pi+3) (p2) (p2+ 1) (p2 + 2) я(р3-1)(р3)(Рз+1) ^(Р^Ир^Ш) x(n) (Pl+ 2) (p!+ 3) (n+l)(p2+l)(p2+2) (n + 2) (Рз) (p3+ 1) *(n+3)(p4- l)(p4) .^(n- 1) (n) (p!+ 3) #(n) (n+ 1) (p2+ 2) (n+l)(n+2)(p3+l) (n+ 2) (n+ 3)(p4) л» (n- 2) (n-1) (n) ^(n- 1) (n) (n+ 1) x(n) (n+1) (n + 2) (n+ l)(n+2)(n + 3)
CH. II] THE FINAL DETERMINANT 241 This is evidently a general process and suffices to establish that a solution of the functional equation of order m is a determinant of order ra in which, to a power of xprh, the constituent in the rth row and cth column is (pc + r-e + l)...(pc + m-c). (n-r + c + 1)... (n + c- 1), the associated power of χ being лЛ 2 / when the constituent is below the principal diagonal and яЛ 2 ' when above; the determinant being divided by (l)™-1 (2)m~*... (m- 1) (n + Px+ 1)... (n + Pi + m - 1) x(n + p2 + l)...(n + p2 + m-2) (n + pm-x + l). This is the expression of IL (ргр2... pm; n). It clearly reduces to IL (ргр2 · · · pm I °°) as previously found when 71= 00. To illustrate the properties of the determinant we will consider either the determinant of order three or that of order four. If we put Pi = p2z=z ··· =Pm = h the expression of IL(; n) should become unity. It is then in fact IL(l; m; n), and is concerned with a lattice in which the nodes in the directions of the axes x7 y, ζ do not exceed I, m, η in number respectively. GF(l; m; n\ L (I; m; n) and IL (I; m; n) are each of them symmetrical as regards the numbers I, m, n. In particular the determinant portion of IL (I; m; n) is symmetrical in the numbers Z, n. In the determinant of order three put px — p2 = p3 = I, and we find I (i+l)(I + 2) (i)(l+l) ^(1-1) (Ϊ) 1 a(n)(l + 2) (η+1)(ί+1) (η + 2)(ί) , I ar» (η- Ι) (η) χ (n) (n+ 1) (n+ 1) (n + 2) J which must be symmetrical in l7 n. The associated denominator is (l)2(2)(n+I+l)2(n+I + 2), and we have to shew that the determinant is equal to it. If we put η = oo , the determinant becomes (l)2 (2); that is to say, η and I disappear together. It follows from this remark that the determinant must be a function of η + I. We therefore put I = 0 in the determinant in order to find it as a function of n. If then we substitute η +1 for n, we must get the expression of the determinant. M. A. II. 16
242 SUMMARY OF RESULTS [SECT. X For example, putting I = 0, the determinant becomes (1) (2) 0 0 β (n) <2) (n+l)(l) 0 ж»(п-1)(п) ж(п)(п+1) (n + l)(n+2) which is (l)a (2) (n + l)2 (n + 2). Thence writing η + I for n, we see that the former determinant is (l)2(2)(n+I+l)2(n + l + 2), and thus IL (I; 3; n) = 1. The reasoning is general, and establishes the result IL(l; m; n) = l. This may be verified in numerous special cases, and suffices to confirm the expression obtained for IL(p,;n). 495. The results that have been established may now be set forth as follows: IL(ргр2; n) = (l)(n + Pl + l) L(plp,;n)=(l)(2)...{p1 + ] (lMn + Pi+l) (Px+1) (P2) a?(n) (n+1) (n + 2)... (n + P!+ 1). (n+ 1)... (η+Ρϋ) (2)...(p1+l).(l)...(p2) (Pi+1) (Рг) χ (η) (η + 1) GF(Plp2,n)- й___.)___ (Pi + 1) (Рг) χ (η) (η + 1) (1)(η + Ρι+1) IL(U;n) = IL(l;2;n) = l; GF(ll;n) = GF{l-2;n)J^V ^^ί)·. (ί)+ ■ V^' Observe that we may also write bJripfr.n) (l)...(p1+l).(i).T(pl) I eW (n+i) a form which has some advantage.
CH. II] CONJUGATE RESULTS We have yet another form, viz.: 243 GF(p1pt;n) = - (l)...(n + Pl) ( (1)... (пч^). (1)... &+I)'(1)... (n). (1)... (Pa) (Pi + 1) Ы ж(п) (n+1) (^-(n + P!) (l)...(n + P2) (1)...(п + Рз) (1)...(п + 2).(1)...(р1 + 2)(1)...(п+1).(1)...(Р1!+1)(1)...(п).(1)...(Рз) (Pi+l)tPi + 2) <Ρ2)(Ρ2 + 1) ^(P3-l)(Ps) ^(11)^ + 2) (n+l)(p2+l) (п + 2)(рз) a»(n-l)(n) ж (η) (n+1) (n+l)(n + 2) ΛΓ.//.ο.,Λ-(η + 3)···<η + ϊ + 2) (η+2)...(η+Ι+1) (η+1)...(η+ί). W^d.nj- (3)..(l+2) · (2)...(l+l) * (1)... (I) ' СМ*(1;»»;п) (n + m)...(n + l + m-l) (n+m-l)...(n+t + m-2) (n + l)...(n+l) " (m)...(I + m-l) * (m-1)... (t + m-2) " (1) ... (I) ; 1 GF(l;m; co)« QF (I; oo;oo) = (m)... (I + m- l).(m- 1)... (I + m-2) (1)... (I)' 1 (1)(2)... (I). (2) (3)... (1+ 1).(3) (4)...(I+ 2) adinf.; (?F(oo;oc;co)=(1)(2).2(3)3(4)4 ^ .^ . 496. The expression of GF{pxp2; n) is not altered by substituting for Pip2---Pm the partition conjugate to it; though the form is changed. Interesting identities therefore present themselves. In general, the solid graphs with which GF{pvp2... pm; n) deals are those contained in the graph 0 χ η η η η η ρλ nodes in breadth η η η η рг „ η η η η ρΆ „ η η ρ4 η η У\ η η рт where η denotes a pile of η nodes in direction of the axis of z. 16—2
244 CONJUGATE RESULTS [SECT. X This graph has six aspects which may be exhibited in the following manner, so as to put in evidence the numbers Z, m, n. Instead of the partition р^.2... рш adopt the notation M2 ··· Zm, and let rn^in^ ...mi be the partition conjugate to it, so that Ζχ = Z, mx = m. If we rotate the above .graph about the axis of у through a right angle we get Zj Zi k lY Ιλ η nodes in breadth V2 *2 '2 *2 ^2 » h h h Z3 lz „ Z4 Z4 Z4 64 64 „ I'm "m "in "m I'm - which is a graph, uniformly η nodes in breadth, parallel to the axis of #, and standing on a plane graph, m nodes long, parallel to the axis of у; the sth row being uniformly of height Z8, parallel to the axis of z. Rotating to obtain the other aspects we find that enumerates plane partitions specified by (i) rows ll} Z2, ... ^ length respectively with a limit of part magnitude η; (ii) rows mlt ηι2)... mi in length respectively with a limit of part magnitude n\ (iii) η columns and m rows, the part magnitudes in the rows being limited by the numbers l1} Z2, ... Zm respectively; (iv) η columns and I rows, the part magnitudes in the rows being limited by the numbers mb rn2,...mi respectively; (v) m columns and η rows, the part magnitudes in the columns being limited by the numbers Zb Z2, ...Zm respectively; (vi) Ζ columns and η rows, the part magnitudes in the columns being limited by the numbers ml9 m2> ...rrii respectively.
CH. II] APPLICATION TO ORDINARY PARTITIONS 245 497. Valuable information concerning line or one-dimensional partitions is furnished by putting η = 1 in the general formula. The partitions which are then enumerated are those in which every part is unity, there being not more than pr units in the rth row: 11111 111 1 1 1 In fact each partition is derived from the graph of a unipartite line partition by substituting units for nodes, and the number of units in each row is limited not to exceed a certain number appertaining to the row. If we add up the units in each row we obtain a line partition (P1P2P3 ...jO» in which Ps'^P*, Pi, p2> ---Pm being given numbers in descending order of magnitude. The partition (pip* ---Pm) may be said to be "containedv in the partition (P1P2... Pm)> and the formula shews how many partitions of given content are contained in the given partition (ρλρ2 .--Pm)- Putting w = 1 in the expression of GF(plp2p^'i n) we find after a slight reduction (Pi+1) (P2)(P2+1) "(m*;!)-^}, and denoting {fj(P2+l) ж (p3 - 1) (Рз) (2M3) Tl) (2) U)(2)...(P) U)(2)...(q).(l)(2)...(p-qr·' * * by Xn ОГ Χρ,ρ-q, we may write QFiw, l) = (f^ ^•OWftiD-fjJ^ -<1)(2)(3)(4) (Pi + 1) (P2) О! Хщ (Pi + 1) (P2) (P2 + 1) * (Рз - 1) (Рз) (p2+l) Хм(Рз) О но Х& QF (ргрфр^, 1) (Pi+1) (P2XP2+1) ^(Рз-1)(Рз)(Рз+1) *!(Р4-2)(р4-1)(Р4)(Р4+1) ее Х21(р2+1) Х»Ы<Рк+1) ^«(р4-1)(Р4МР4+1) (Рз+1) ^г(Р4)(Р4+1) 0 0 « Х«(Р4+1)
246 EXAMPLES [SECT. X In this formula of the order four the factor (p4 + 1) has been entered in the last column of the determinant so that the law may be the more apparent to the reader, χ appears in each constituent in the minor diagonal which lies below the principal diagonal. In the minor diagonals which lie above the principal one the powers of χ are x°, χ, χ О, eG),.. . etc., the figurate numbers of the third order appearing as exponents. Ex. gr. GF(Plp,; 1) = (1.^)(1,^(1 + *p>+1 -*Pi+1 -^+% and we find particularly that &F(42; 1) = 1 + x + 2x* + 2я* + 3x* + 2x* + x*, the partitions enumerated by the coefficients being zero; 1; 11, 2; 21, 3; 22, 31, 4; 32, 41; 42, viz. all those that are contained in 42. 498. To enumerate the partitions contained in (pip2··· Pm) is the same as to find the sum of the coefficients in the expanded expression of W(PiP*-~Pml 1)· We have therefore to put χ = 1 in the above formula. This is done by putting every bracketed number (s) equal to s and Xpq = ( J · Thus for the order two we find the number \{p2 -fl) (2px — p2 + 2). These results are unchanged when for (pip* ---Pm) is substituted the conjugate partition.
OHAPTEE III PARTITIONS IN SOLIDO 499. In this chapter we make a preliminary investigation concerning solid partitions where the parts are placed at the nodes of a solid graph and descending order of magnitude is insisted upon in the directions of the three axes of the graph. The remark may be made that if a unit he placed at each node of a solid graph and the graph be projected upon either of the coordinate planes by addition of units we thus obtain a plane partition in the plane of projection. In fact plane partitions are in theory coincident with solid partitions in which the part magnitude is restricted not to exceed unity. It will be remembered that similarly it was found that plane partitions in which the part magnitude is restricted not to exceed unity are coincident in theory with line partitions. The enumeration of solid partitions is also connected with permutations derived from a solid lattice and with lattice functions. If we consider the three-dimensional system of nodes we regard it as a system of layers of nodes parallel to the ^-plane, each layer being the graph of a unipartite partition. If a particular layer, the 5th from the #y-plane, be the graph of the partition {sxs2... sm) we associate with it the assemblage Thus taking the whole of the layers we get an assemblage of Greek letters involving as many suffixes as layers. Of such an assemblage we form lattice permutations. These are such that (i) looking merely at a particular suffix s the permutation must be a lattice one, (ii) looking merely at a particular Greek letter, say Θ, the permutation must be a lattice one. In forming the lattice functions from these permutations we note (i) a letter which comes immediately before another which is prior to it in alphabetical order, (ii) a suffix which comes immediately before a suffix prior to it in numerical order provided that both suffixes are attached to the same Greek letter.
248 THE LATTICE LAW [SECT. X 500. If we restrict attention to the cases in which not more than two nodes appear in the direction of either axis the distinct solid graphs are ©. ΘΘ ΘΘ ©Θ ΘΘ Θ · Θ Θ otherwise denoted by plane partitions 21 22 22 22 22 1 1 11 21 22 Taking the first of these we have four nodes, shewn in the diagram in perspective, at which numbers are to be placed so as to obey the inequalities indicated. The two layers parallel to the #y-plane have the specification 21 and 1 read parallel to the ж-axis. We associate with the ζ >—.* У solid graph the assemblages <*Ύ<χ.ιβι> α2 for the layers respectively and consider the lattice permutations of the assemblage ад&Яз- The lattice law must be obeyed by each of the triads α1α1β1) a^a^. We find that the permutations are six in number, viz.: Index *i&|«i«2 2 α1α1α2β1 Ο «iAW^i 5 ai^iajA 2 «i«2Al<*i 3 leading to the lattice function 1 + (2#2 4- 2#3) + a*f the sub-lattice functions being indicated. Λ\
СН..Ш] THE LATTICE PERMUTATIONS 249 501. Denote by GLF(21; 1; «) the function which enumerates the partitions when the part magnitude is restricted by the number n. Then the principles established in preceding chapters give the results: 0*421, 1, »)- (1M2)(3M4) . GF (21; 1; n) (η+1)(η+2)(η+3)(η+4) + (2^+2^)(η)(η.+ 1)(η+2)(η+3)+^(η-1)(ηΜη+1)(η+2) (1) (2) (3) (4) ±g Ы(Л, 1>Ю-{1_дП1_9в.)(1„да^{1_9вгП1_дв11у 502. In fact the assemblage of Greek letters must be regarded as connected with the solid lattice in the manner shewn in the figure, and the property of a lattice permutation of the assemblage is that if a line be drawn between any two letters the nodes which correspond to the letters to the left of the line con- aA αχ stitute a complete or incomplete lattice. Thus the permutation cannot commence with β1 or a2 because neither of the nodes corresponding thereto л , constitutes a lattice. The letter αΎ must be at the origin of the lattice. In the present instance every permutation which commences with щ forms progressively a system of nodes which always constitutes a lattice. It is clear that, fixing the attention upon the nodes which lie in any plane parallel to one of the coordinate planes, the corresponding letters must occur in a lattice permutation of those letters. If the nodes lie in ξ planes parallel to the ^г-plane, η planes parallel to the 2#-plane, and ζ planes parallel to the #jr-plane, the whole assemblage of letters must satisfy ξ-\-η + ζ conditions; for that number of collections of letters drawn from the assemblage must be in a lattice permutation. In the above simple case f-2, i? = 2( Г=2, but the six conditions practically reduce to one only, viz. that associated with either of the planes ccy, zx. It is easy to see that in any solid lattice each layer of nodes parallel to a coordinate plane must be a plane lattice and that if, in proceeding from left to right of the permutation of the assemblage, at any moment any such plane lattice be deficient, then the solid lattice will be deficient and cannot be in correspondence with a lattice permutation of the assemblage. The full number of conditions for a lattice permutation, viz. ξ + η 4- ζ, will most frequently suffer some reduction, as those conditions
250 SIMPLE PARTICULAR CASES [SECT.X may be either trivial or not independent. In the above case the planes which contain the single nodes au βΐ9 щ, give three trivial conditions and the planes yz, xy conditions implied by that given by the plane zx. The lattice permutations are then connected, as in the case of plane partitions, with non-overlapping Diophantine inequalities and the investigation proceeds with the results given. 603. Passing now to the solid graph we consider the system A\ Э Θ • α A\ <*1 •2 _ 22 1 > > \ and in forming the lattice permutations of the assemblage α1α^α2α2β1 we have only to take care that the letters in the plane zx are in lattice permutations There are eight lattice permutations: Index 0 2 4 6 «ιβι&αΛ «1«2βΐ«1«2 αι/3ι<*ια2α2 «ιβι^αιΟο Index 3 3 2 5 α1α2α1α2β1 *ι«2«ιΑ«β and the lattice function is 1 + (2x* + 2л?3 4- x4) +X5 + x\ yielding the results 1 + (2&·2 + 2x* + x4) + (x5 + x6) (1)(2)(3)(4)(5) GF (21; 2; oo) = GF (21; 2; n) (n+l)...(n+5)+(2^2+2^+^)(n)...(n+4)+(^+^)(n--l) .. (n + 3) (1)(2)...(5) 1 + g(2x2 + 2х* + х*) + д2(х* + х«) (l-g)(l-g*)(l-ga!)(l-gaV(l-g*)(l-gafi)' tgn GF (21; 2; n) =
CH. Ill] SIMPLE PARTICULAR CASES 504. Next we come to the solid lattice Θ Θ = 22 • · " 11 and consider the system 251 [ndex 4 6 8 7 5 10 7 8 «ιαιΑ«ί<%Α αιβ1α1<^αίβ1 α1α1αίβ1(^β1 βιΑ^α^Α αΐ«2βΐΑα2^1 «lOifta^A «ιβι^β^Α^ α,^^α^,/δι Index 3 2 4 δ 6 3 0 2 The lattice permutations of the assemblage α^ο^^βχβχ must involve the collections «Л АД, a^c^c^ in lattice permutations and we do not attend to other conditions. We have sixteen permutations : αι«ιΑΑ«№ αιβΛ α2/3ιθ2 «ι&ββΟιΑα, and the lattice function 1 H- (2л?3 + 2#3 + 2#* H- я5) + (^ -f 2л·6 + 2л;7 + 2л8) + л?10. When we come to examine these permutations we find that those which terminate with βτ give rise to a portion of the lattice function which is equal to the whole lattice function derived from the permutations of the assemblage α^ο^βι, and necessarily so because no component of the index can arise by the contact of any letter with the terminating &. Also as regards those which terminate with a2 the permutations are of two kinds. Those lattice permutations of the collection α1α1β1β1α2 which terminate with a2 pass on the same index when another Oj is added, but those which terminate with β1 add the number 5 to it when a2 is added. The reader will now have no difficulty in realising the relation which follows from these observations, viz.: £(22; 2; oo) = Z(21; 2; oo)+aftb(21; 1; ос)+л*Х(22; оо ),
252 PARTS Αϊ THE SUMMITS OF A CUBE [SECT. X because those permutations, written out above, which terminate with βιΟ^, are the whole of the lattice permutations of the assemblage ал/З^; and those which terminate with a^ are the whole of the lattice permutations of the assemblage а^Д Д, the factor xi appearing because of the conjunction of β1 with the penultimate a2. The formula for OF (22 ; 2; oo ), QF(22 ; 2; л) and tgnGF (22; 2; n) are written down as in the other cases and need not be particularly given. 505. The remaining cases for consideration are the solid lattices Θ Θ _ 22 © . ~ 21' Θ Θ _ 22 Θ Θ ~ 22 and they are so intimately connected that it is convenient to consider them together. The assemblages of letters are ο^αιΑ&ο^Α and «ιΟ^Α^ο^α^Α respectively. If we write down any lattice permutation of the first of these we can obtain a lattice permutation of the second by the addition of β2 as last letter, and since every lattice permutation of the second must end with /32 it is clear that each assemblage has the same number of lattice permutations. Moreover the addition of β2 to the lattice permutations of the first introduces no new component to the index. Hence the two solid lattices we are considering lead to the same lattice function and we have £(22; 21; oo) = £(22; 22; oc). 506. There is a one-to-one correspondence for a solid lattice of w nodes between the arrangements of w different integers placed at the nodes so as to satisfy the inequalities marked between adjacent nodes and the allied lattice permutations. We will illustrate this in the case of the seven nodes, which form seven out of eight summits of a cube, shewn in the left-hand
CH. Ill] THE LATTICE PERMUTATIONS 253 diagram of the two above given. We will at the same time determine the lattice function. One arrangement of integers is 5^4 where it will be observed that the inequalities are satisfied. We write down the corresponding lattice permutation by writing underneath the numbers, which are arranged in descending order, the corresponding suffixed Greek letters as depicted in the first seven-node diagram. Thus in the present example 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 «1 «1 «2 <*2 βΐ βΐ β* and a lattice permutation of zero index is derived. In the following scheme the lower layer and upper layer of numbers are given on the left and on the right respectively: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 «! «1 «2 «2 Α βΐ A 7 5 6 4 3 2 1 θ! aje, а„ Α βι β., 7 5 4 3 6 2 1 <*ι Α|α. α2α2Α A 7 6 4 3 5 2 1 «iOift|«2«a&& 7 4 6 3 5 2 1 αιαίβ1\αια3β1βί 7 6 5 3 4 2 1 «1«1«аАКАА 7 4 6 2 5 3 1 a,a,Alai&l«sA 7 4 6 2 5 13 «ι α* £ι|αι&|ο.Α 7 5 4 3 6 12 βΐ Α|«1 «2 «2 A|ft 7 5 4 1 6 3 2 «ι АЦвгААК 7 6 4 3 5 12 «ι<*ι ΑΚ«β&|& 7 6 4 1 5 3 2 «ι«! Al«9 A Ah
254 THE LATTICE PERMUTATIONS [SECT. X 7632 7463 5 4 1 5 12 αϊ «ι A A|*i <h A «i«aA|«i«»A|A 7362 7461 5 14 5 3 2 «i «a A Ah «a A Oi«»A|«iAAh 7652 7653 4 3 1 4 12 «ι «ι α2 A Ah Α αϊ α, α, Ah A|A 7652 7631 4 13 5 4 2 <*ι «ι α2 A Ah Α «ι«! A Ah Ah 7654 7361 3 12 5 2 4 α, «J α2 α2 & ΑΙΑ «! «s A AK Ah 7651 7651 4 3 2 4 2 3 αϊ αϊ «2 A A Ah «i«i*aAA|Ah 7453 7452 6 2 1 6 3 1 «ι Ahh α4 Α Α α! Ahh Ah A 7563 7452 4 2 1 6 13 <*i «sh Ah A A «i Ahh Ah A 7532 7453 6 4 1 6 12 «j Ah Ah ог Α αϊ Ahh as ΑΙΑ 7352 74 5 1 6 14 6 3 2 αϊ Ah Ah α2 Α «ι Ahh A Ah 7562 7563 4 3 1 4 12 αϊ ^h A Ah A ai «ah Ah A|A 7562 7531 4 13 6 4 2 αϊ «ah A Ah A «i Ah Ah Ah 7542 7351 6 3 1 6 2 4 ax Ah «2 Ah Α «χ Ah Ah Ah
CH. Ill] GENERAL RESULTS FOR THE CUBE 255 7542 7561 6 13 4 2 3 <h A|«l «2 A|«2 Α βΐ Oj«l A A|A|«2 76 4 2 7541 5 3 1 6 2 3 «ι «ι ft|«2 Ala, & «i A|«i «2 A|A|«2 7642 7641 5 13 5 2 3 «1 Λΐ A|«2 &|«2 A «! «a A CbfiJlA|*2 7564 7461 3 12 5 2 3 «i a2|«i a2 A A|A «i «2 Al«i AlAk 7561 7451 4 3 2 6 2 3 «i «2|«i A A Al«2 «i AW«iAIA|«2 507. There are 48 permutations. The dividing lines shew the order of the associated lattice function. Forming the lattice function in the ordinary way we find that X(22; 22; oo) = 1 +(2л?+ 2л?3 + Зл?4 + 2л?5 + ЪР) 4- (ά5 4- 3α?β + 4л·7 + 8z* + 4#° -f За?10 + л;11) + (2ж10 + 2л?11 Η- 3#12 Η- 2&α3 + 2л?14) + xl(i = Z(22; 21; oo); and thence writing L (22 ; 22 ; oo ) = L0 + L, + L2 +L3 + X4, wc obtain grr22-22-oo-) -Z(22;22;0O)- W(^,22,oo)_ (1)(2) (8) , gJ'(22-21-co'>-£(22;21;00)· W (22, 21, oo)- (1)(2) (7) - /?r./gg.go.1,4_SXt(n-t+l)(n-t + 2)...(n-t + 8). fltf(22,22,ii) (l)(2)...(8) ' Ар/а,. gi .1)v_2Xt(n-t+l)(a-t + 2)...(q-.t + 8). (M (22, 21, и) (1)(2)...(7) ' S>#Fi22 · 22 · «Л - Д + gA + g*Д» + g"£8 + 9*А ш Σ9 ^(22,22,η)-(1_^)(1_^)(1_^) (1_^); Za*GF№· 21- гЛ - А + gA + g* A + g* A + g1 A 2g ^(22,21,re)-(1_^)(1_^)(1_^)^(i_^).
256 FURTHER SHORT DISCUSSION [SECT. X 508. This completes the results up to the point where the number of nodes along each axis does not exceed two. It suffices to establish that by the method pursued we have potentially the complete solution of the problem of Solid Partitions. The discovery of the algebraic form of the lattice function in the general case has not been made. It appears to be a complicated and difficult question. A short discussion, however, may be given. When we were speaking of solid lattices it was shewn that such a lattice might be read in either one, two, three, or six different ways, according to the degree of symmetry possessed by the lattice. It follows that the specification of a lattice by layers of nodes may be in one, two, three, or six different forms. Thus the notation GF (21; 1 ; n) is unique ; but the three forms GF(22; 1; n\ GF(21; 2; n), GF(21; 11; n) are equivalent because each is associated with the same graph Θ Θ _ 22 1 ' which has three aspects. In particular the equivalence GF(p^2\qiq2\ n) = GFip^; p2q2; n) should be noted. We have already met with one or two instances of relations between lattice functions of the new kind, so that it is not surprising to find that lattice functions and generating functions are connected by functional equations. By the same reasoning as was employed in a previous chapter we establish equations of the type (Pi + P2 + qi) GF{p,p2\ qx\ oo) « GF(th - 1ft; «ι; χ) + GF(p1p2- 1; ?i; ») + GF(Plp2; ?l - l; «) -GF(p1-lp2-l;q1;n)-GF(p1-lp2,ql-l]cc)-GF(plP2-l;q1-l;tt) + QF(pj-lpt-l; j!-l; oo ), and transforming to lattice functions = X(pi-lft;ii; οο) + £(ρι#,-1; &; *>) + L(plpi;ql-i·, oo) -(Pi + p2+qi-i){£(pi-ift-i;?i; °°) + -£(i>i-ift;?i-i; <») + £(Pil>a-i;?i-i; oo)} + (Pi + P2 + qx - 2) (px + p2 + qx - 1) L fa -1 p2 - 1; q 1 - 1; oo ),
сн. πι] GENERATING FUNCTION IN A PARTICULAR CASE 257 with the usual modifications when there are equalities between the numbers Pn Pt, ?ι· As a particular case i(a;l;oo)=X(Z-ll;l;oo)+2X(il;oo)-(I+l){2i(i-ll;oo) + X(i;oo)} + (i)(I+l)Z(i-l;oo). Since we find that X(il;oo)-l+*»fi^; Z(i;»)-1, L(ll; 1; oc ) = L(l -1 1; 1; oo) + d»(l + «) (-Ш^ - 2^+*, and now it is readily shewn that (l)3 L (11; 1; oo ) = (t + 1) (i + 2) - 2x (1) (I + 2) + *»(1) (2) (1 + 2) (t + 2)-cc(2) M. Л. IIt 17
CHAPTER IV THE SYMMETRY APPERTAINING TO PARTITIONS 509. It has already been observed in Art. 428 that the three-dimensional graphs of plane partitions have either one, two, three, or six aspects, leading to one, two, three, or six different readings. There are thus four classes of graphs and partitions, and although their complete theory has not yet been discovered, the subject may be usefully discussed up to a certain point. Taking an origin and three coordinate axes, the graphs which permit of only one reading are symmetrical about the line through the origin equally inclined to the three coordinate planes (or axes). Upon that line, which may be called the diagonal of the solid graph, there must be one node, at the origin, and there may be any number. First consider the symmetrical graphs which have only the origin node upon the diagonal. Then the whole of the nodes must lie in one or other of the three coordinate planes. For every node upon the axis of χ there must be corresponding nodes upon the axes of у and z. For every node, not upon an axis, that lies in the plane xy there must be corresponding nodes in the planes yz and zx. The nodes that lie in any one of the three coordinate planes constitute a self-conjugate graph in two dimensions. We thus obtain three perfectly similar self-conjugate graphs, but they are not quite distinct, because there is overlapping due to the circumstance that the origin node lies in each of the three planes, while every node which lies upon one of the coordinate axes necessarily lies in each of two of the coordinate planes. We may therefore separate the nodes into three lots: (i) the origin node, (ii) nodes which lie upon the axes, the origin node excepted, (iii) the nodes which do not lie upon an axis. The nodes in (ii) occur in threes. The nodes in (iii) constitute in each coordinate plane the same self-conjugate graph, and therefore these nodes also occur in threes. The whole number of nodes must consequently be of the form 3m + 1.
SECT. X, CH. IV] GRAPHS WITH ONLY ONE READING 259 510. Let us now enumerate the graphs which have i nodes along each axis (the origin node included on each axis). We have then as a minimum Ы — 2 nodes. In the plane xy we may have any self-conjugate graph which involves exactly i nodes in the direction of each of the axes of χ and y, or, if we omit those nodes which lie upon those axes in the plane xy, we have any self-conjugate graph which involves i — 1 or fewer nodes in the direction of the axes of χ and y. These graphs are enumerated by the function (1+л0(1 + ^)(1+^...(1+а^), since we have seen that the nodes may be separated into angles of nodes, symmetrical about their origin, which involve numbers of nodes which are unrepeated uneven numbers. Clearly the external angle of nodes involves a maximum of 2г — 3 nodes. Hence, since, as remarked, the nodes occur in threes, and there are Зг — 2 nodes upon the axes, we find that ^•-2 μ + a») (i + #9) (χ + дл«) ... (l + a!*-*) is the function which enumerates the solid graphs which have only one aspect, i nodes along each axis, and every node upon one of the coordinate planes. This leads us to the function to enumerate the graphs when there are г nodes or fewer upon each axis. Also when г = oo to the function 1 + я + л'(1+лл) + л'(1+^)(1+^)+ ad inf. 511. By viewing the matter in another manner we can obtain another form of the function which gives an interesting identity. Suppose that in the plane xy we have four nodes along the diameter О A. This implies that the square OA is full of nodes, and, by symmetry, also each of the squares OB, 00 must be full of nodes. (For diagram, see p. 260.) Altogether we must have at least 4 χ 32 ■+-1 or 37 nodes, and 37 = 43 — 3s. Without increasing the number of nodes upon the diameter О A, we may add nodes in the plane xy which constitute a plane graph made up of rows which do not exceed four nodes in length, the rows being taken parallel to the axis of у and terminating in the axis of x. But if we do this, symmetry demands that we add a similar graph in the plane xy, the rows being parallel to the axis of χ and terminating in the axis of y; similar graphs also in the plane yz, with rows parallel to the axis of y, and terminating in the axis of ζ; in the plane yz, with rows parallel to the axis of ζ and terminating in the axis of у; 17—2
260 ANOTHEB SOLUTION AND AN IDENTITY [SECT X in the plane zx, with rows parallel to the axis of z, and terminating in the axis of χ; in the plane zx, with rows parallel to the axis of я?, and terminating in the axis of z. These six graphs are not quite distinct; there is overlapping due to the nodes that are added upon the axes. Thus a row of four nodes added in each of the six half-planes adds not 6 χ 4 or 24 nodes, but 24 — 3 = 21 nodes. So rows of three, two and one add 6 χ 3 — 3 = 15, 6 χ 2 — 3 = 9, and 6x1-3=3 nodes respectively. * χ x x 7 χ / x/ в у ν Χ , / / / γ. / / / / /ο 7 / / / / / . / / / с χ χ Λ χ χ Χ Χ χχχ The case of a row of four nodes is indicated by crosses in the diagram. Hence our addition resolves itself into lots of 21 nodes, 15, 9, 3 nodes each any number of times repeated. We see then that if there are exactly four nodes along the diameter OA wc have an enumerating function x^f_ (1 - a?) (1 - x») (1 - x15) (1 - a")' and generally, if we have exactly k — 1 nodes along the diameter О A, we have an enumerating function ж(*-1)3-{*-2)3 (1 - я») (1 _ да) (χ _ χιη ... (1 _ дл*-») · 512. Thence we conclude that the graphs which have one reading only and every node in one of the coordinate planes, are enumerated by the series a? x" 1+- 7,19 + а? (1-аз»)(1-яР) (1-л»)(1-я?)(1-ж») #{*-l)S-(fc-2)S + ... (1-я»)...(1-а?*-*) + ...
CH. IV] ONE GRAPH GIVING RISE TO AN INFINITE NUMBER 261 which, on expansion, must be identically the same as that previously found, viz.: 1 +x + я4(1 +я*) + a?(I +0(1 + #9) + ... + ^-2(1 + a?) ... (1 -f я6*"9) + .... We thus establish an interesting identity. 513. These partitions the nodes of whose graphs lie all upon the coordinate planes are represented by solid angles of nodes which are perfectly symmetrical in respect to the three coordinate planes. All other partitions which possess this #i/#-symmetry are formed by fitting into one another two or more symmetrical solid angles of nodes so as to produce a regular solid graph. So far we have merely enumerated the external solid angles of nodes or boundary partitions. It is not difficult to construct a crude generating function arising from a number of Diophantine inequalities, but effectively the enumeration has not, up to the present time, been earned any further. One further remark however may be made. From any one of these graphs we can immediately derive an infinite number of others of the same symmetrical nature; for if we take a square of nodes having г nodes in a side and form a symmetrical three-dimensional graph in the left-hand top corner, we may conceive the square 2 1 1 completed into a cube of г3 nodes. The graph in the corner if now subtracted from the cube leaves a solid graph which if rotated through· 180° presents a symmetrical graph. The two graphs are in fact supplementary the one of the other qua a cube of г3 nodes. Hence a symmetrical graph of г3 — w nodes in the general case where the graph of weight w has г or fewer nodes along each axis. In the case above the graph of weight 4 gives rise to the graphs whose generating function is л,·4 + з/~* + я*3-4 + a?3-4 + ... + af-A + .... Exceptionally in this case when г — 2, the graph itself is reproduced. Thus from the partition 321 21 1
262 GRAPHS WHICH POSSESS ^-SYMMETRY [SECT. X we produce 332 4444 55555 321 4443 55555 21 4432 55554 etc. ad inf. 4321 55543 55432 514. Certain graphs possess symmetry in relation to the axes of χ and у and do not possess symmetry in regard to the three coordinate planes. If we enumerate all the graphs which possess ^-symmetry we include those which possess ля/г-symmetry. Those which possess #y-symmetry only have three aspects and give rise to plane partitions which read the same by rows as by columns. We therefore attempt the enumeration of plane partitions which have this property and understand that those which are perfectly symmetrical are included. Each layer of nodes parallel to the #2/-plane is a self-conjugate graph. We may regard the whole graph as arising by superposing, when possible, such layers. This would be one method of attacking the problem, but it gives rise to Diophantine inequalities which are not easy to deal with. The method now given is preferable. Every plane partition possessing ^-symmetry naturally has successive rows of numbers of the same lengths as the successive columns of numbers. It is of the form an «i2 au... «21 «22 #23 ... «31 «32 «33 ··· where a8t = au. Consider the portion of the partition «11 «12 «13 ··· «22 «23 · · · «33 ... where the numbers are subject to the inequalities «11 ^ «12 ^ «13 ^ V V 022>«23>..· V «33 ^ · · ·
CH. IV] and seek the sum THE CRUDE GENERATINi Stfn11 *Sa «S1 Χ Λ?22 ^23 X я?зз 263 for all systems of such numbers. We are led to the crude function Ω- >(1-λη^)(ΐ^^^2)(ΐ-^^)... ' \ μιι J \ λ22^12 У V /^22 / wherein the auxiliary Xrc refers to arc > ar.c+i, and /i,rc refers to ar.«+i > «r+i.«+i- Since in the enumeration in order to obtain the content or weight of the partition we have to double the parts which lie above the principal diagonal, to obtain an enumerating function we must put xrr = χ for all values of r and xrc = x2 whenever с > г. We thus find the function a I , 1- ( M22 the crude expression of the sum 2#απ + «22 + a.33 +... + 2 (ai2 + an + ... + a2:i + ...)^ The coefficient of xw in the sum is equal to the number of plane partitions of content w which possess #y-symmctry. Suppose that the first row of the partition involves % numbers. We then have only to consider the first i columns of factors in the denominator of the crude function. For г= 1, we have , which is clearly correct, for the partition consists for each weight of a single number (equal to the weight) at the origin of the graph or partition.
264 INVESTIGATION OF THE SIMPLEST CASE [SECT. X 515. For г = 2, we have ι >(l-X,,«)(l-g«.)(l-i,)' as the crude function which enumerates partitions of the form «11 «12 «21 «22 Eliminating μη it is Ί ^1-ΧΜ1^^){1'1/Ϊ and this is γζ r-rz tt-jz -zr ОГ ,_. iov ,л\ > (1 _ д) (1 _ я*) (1 - д?*) (1) (3) (4) the correct enumerating function. 516. If we had required a real generating function we should have dealt with Ω I - , > (1 - ХцЯп) (l - ^ ΧηχΔ (l хЛ and have found (1 - #ll) (1 - #11#12#2ΐ) (1 - #11#12#21#22) ' shewing that the partitions can all be obtained from the partitions 1 . 11 11 • ·; ι .' ι r by adding A times the first or to В times the second or ^ and С С to С times the third or ~ p', thus producing the partition A+B + C, B + C: B+C , С , Ay В, С being arbitrary positive integers. This is the general form of plane partition of the nature considered and there is no overlapping. There are no syzygies. 517. If we wish to restrict the part magnitude we proceed as on a former page, Art. 431, and write gxn for #n, at the same time introducing the additional denominator factor I — g. The generating function for a part
CH. IV] THE CASE OF г=3 265 magnitude not exceeding η is then equal to the coefficient of gn in the expanded function. We are thus led to the algebraic fraction 1 (l-if)(l-^)(l-^)(l-^)' and herein the coefficient of gn is readily found to be (1 - xn+1) (1 - xn+*) (1 - a?*4) (l_#)(l_tf3)(l_#4) 518. Proceeding to the case i = 3, we find the crude function a г-2 . > (1 -\nxn)(l - -~W) (l - g*i»*fc) \ Mil / \ λ22Α6ΐ2 / (1 χΛ which successively exhibits the forms which follow, in which for brevity and convenience xrcxcr is written xrcr: a 1 . . > (1 - xn) (1 - λ12μη#η#121) (l - *~xmJ 1 -χΔ (1-ς οοοΔ Κ μη у \ λ22^12 / 1 and thence and thence > (1 - xu)(l -Х12а?,1Я?ш) (l ~ — xm) (I — ApjA^^'n^'isi^W I -*· ~~ л -Г~ #131 #232 J \ *Ί2 >Ч>2 / v1 ~~ \7\T>^^^J fl > (1 -.*n)(l -'Х1ажпа?ш) il - £~#т) \J-«^'ji^',ji>i«'2?21i/ \A #11 #121 #22 #131 #23 (J — #п#121#22#ш#232#зз) and finally by the formula given in Art. 348, -l· — #ίι#i2i #22#i:n J(l - #ll) (1 - #ll#l2l) (1 - #11 #121 #22) (1 ~ #ll#121#13l) (1 - #H#l21#22#13l)) ( Χ (1 — Xj! #?l21 #22#131 #23г) (1 -~ #11 #121 #22#131 #232#3з) J
266 GEOUND-FORMS AND SYZYGY WHEN г = 3 [SECT. X This result shews that the fundamental products are ^-i = #m 53 = Λ?ιι ^12^21, CA = #π#ι2#2ΐ#22> A = #n #ΐ2#2ΐ#ΐ3#3ΐ> Д> = Жц^^^^з^з!, F6 = ^ii^2%«22^13^1^23 #32, ^9 = #И #12 #21 #22 #13 #31 #23#32#33, connected by the syzygy The associated fundamental partitions from which all others can be derived by addition are 1 . . 11. 11· 111 Аг = ..., Д = 1.., C4=ll·, A=l·., • · · ··· ··· 1·· 111 111 111 E6=l 1 ., .Ρ8 = 111, (?9 = 1 1 1. 1 · · 11· HI These are connected by the simple syzygy 221 04 + Д = Д + #в=21·. 1 · · The general form of ^-symmetrical plane partition of order 3 is therefore A+B+C+D+E+F+G B+C+D+E+F+G D+E+F+G B+C+D+E+F+G G +E+F+G F+G D+E+F+G F+G G where A, B, C, D, E} F, G are arbitrary positive integers. 519. The derived enumerating function is 1 (1 - x) (1 - я3) (1 - я5) . (1 - О (1 - of) (1 - ar4)' the numerator term disappearing. Proceeding to restrict the part magnitude in the usual manner, we find the algebraic fraction 1 - g2xd in which we have to seek the coefficient of gn. This, with some little trouble, is found to be (1 - xn+1) (1 - xn+s) (1 - χη+δ). (1 - Λώη+4) (1 - хт+6) (1 - я^+8) (1 - χ) (1 - Xs) (1 - χ5) . (Τ^) (1-я*) (1-я8) '
CH. IV] CONJECTURE OF RESULT IN THE GENERAL CASE 267 520. If we were to proceed to the next case, г ~ 4, we should find the work very laborious; too much so to be given here in detail; but the result that would emerge would be (1 -xn+1)(1 -xn+*) (1 -a?"+8)(l-a?"+y). (1 -д*»+«) (1 -#*"+«) (1 -a2"**)^! -#*"+">)(1 -д***») Guided by the circumstance that for the ith order the generating function must reduce for η = 1 to the function which enumerates self- conjugate partitions in the Theory of Line Partitions, we may construct the enumerating function for the order г. It is, written in Cayley's notation 1 - oc8 = (s), an algebraic fraction, of which the numerator is (n+l)(n+3)(n + 5) (n+2i-l) χ (2n + 4) (2n + 6) (2n + 8) (2n + 4i-4) x(2n+8)(2n+10)(2n + 12) (2n + 4i-8) χ χ (2n+4s)(2n + 4s+2) (2n + 4s + 4) (2n + 4i-4s) χ wherein if г be even there are, omitting the first row, \i rows the last of which is (2n + 2i); and if г be uneven there are \{i — 1) rows, the last of which is (2n + 2i - 2) (2n + 2i) (2n + 2i + 2); and the denominator is obtained from the numerator by putting η = 0, viz. it is (1)(3)(5) <2i-l) x(4)(6)(8) (4i-4) χ (8) (10) (12) (4i-8) χ χ (4s) (4s + 2) (4s + 4) (4i - 4s) χ the last row being (2i) or (2i — 2) (2i) (2i + 2) according as i is even or uneven. 521. The reader must be warned that, although there is little doubt that this result is correct, its truth at present rests upon the fact that it represents faithfully every particular case that has been examined, and that some consequences deduced from it also appear to be correct. The result has not been rigorously established. Nor has the expression when multiplied by gn been summed into the form of an algebraic fraction. Further investigations in regard to these matters would be sure to lead to valuable work.
268 DEDUCTION OP SOME CONSEQUENCES [SECT. X 622. We proceed to deduce some consequences from the result. When the number of layers of nodes is unrestricted we put η = oo , and then the numerator becomes equal to unity. The function in that case may also be written (1 + д?)(1+0»)(1 + а») (1+d*-1) (2) (6) (10)... (4i - 2). (4) (6) (8)2 (ΙΟ)2 (12)3 (14)* the last factors in the denominator being determined from the formula. Here the numerator is precisely the enumerating function of self-conjugate line partitions of at most i parts. It is, in fact, precisely what the whole expression, in the general formula, becomes when η is put equal to unity. If is at once seen to be (2)(6)(10)...(4i-2) (l)(3)(5)...(2i-l) ' which is (1 + x) (1 + ж3)... (1 + аР'1). 523. On putting η = 2 we obtain a very interesting result. We find (2i+l> (2i + 4)(2i + 6)...(4i-2)(4i) (1) · (4)(6)...(2i-2)(2i) which may be written (2i + 2) (2i + 4)... (4i - 2) (4i) <2)<4)...(2i-2)(2i) (2i + 4)(2i + 6)...(4i-2)(4i) + X' (2)(4)<6)...<2i-2) This expression enumerates plane partitions which possess the properties: (i) they have ^/-symmetry; (ii) the part magnitude does not exceed 2; (iii) there are not more than i parts in the direction of either axis. For an even weight 2w we have to take the coefficient of x-w in (2i + 2)(2i + 4)...(4i-2)(4i) (2)(4)...(2i-2)(2i) or of *" in <i+l)(i + 2)...(2i-l)(2i) <l)(2)...(i-l)(i) This function, as we have seen, enumerates in the Theory of Line Partitions those partitions of the number w in which both the part magnitude and the number of parts are limited so as not to exceed i.
CH. IV] SOME CORRESPONDENCES 269 524. Hence a correspondence between the plane partitions of 2w, for which there is ^-symmetry, the part magnitude does not exceed two, and there are not more than i parts in the direction of either axis; and the line partitions of w, for which the part magnitude and the number of parts are both limited so as not to exceed i. Or we may state the correspondence in another manner. It is between the at most two layer ^-symmetrical graphs, of weight 2w, restricted as to nodes along the χ and у axes by the number i\ and the graphs in two dimensions of weight w restricted as to nodes along the axes by the number i. Ex. gr. for w = 4, i = 3, the correspondence is 111 1 11 11 11 1 гЧ 221 2 1 22 22 111 111 11 525. For an uneven weight 2w + l we similarly take the coefficient of d*in (i + 2) (i + 3)...(2i-l)(2i) (l)(2)»...(i-2)(i-l) ' and this enumerates partitions of w limited as to part magnitude by i+ 1, and as to number of parts by г — 1. 526. Hence a correspondence between the plane partitions of 2w + ly for which there is #?/-symmetry, the part magnitude does not exceed two, and there are not more than г parts in the direction of either axis; and the line partitions of w, limited as to part magnitude by г ■+-1, and as to number of parts by г — 1. As before, we have the alternative statement of the correspondence. Ex. gr. for w = 5, г = 4, we have the five-to-five correspondence Ш11 1111 111 111 ГЧ 1111 1 2111 111 11 1 the generating 111 11 2211 21 ГЧ I-H 111 1 1 221 211 11 function becomes 1 +cc 11 11 1 222 21 2 (l-^2)(l-^)(l-^)---adinf. This result shews that the whole number of plane partitions of w which possess #y-symmetry and no part greater than two, is equal to the whole number of partitions of \w or \ (w — 1), according as w is even or uneven.
270 GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF GENERATING FUNCTION [SECT. X Ex. gr. Since the number 5 has seven line partitions we must have precisely that number of plane partitions, of the nature considered, of the number fifteen. These are 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11111 111 111 111 1 1 1 2111111 11 111 211111 111 11 1 1 1 11111 1111 1111 1111 in 11 1 I 1111 111 21111 1111 11 11 1 527. There is one circumstance which gives a high probability to the conjectured enumerating function of icy-symmetrical graphs. It will have been remarked in a previous chapter that the function which enumerates plane partitions in which no particular symmetry is in question is composed of factors of the type (n+s)/(s) when the corresponding lattice of nodes is complete. Further it was seen that one such factor being placed in regular order at each node the whole function was the product of such factors. Now in the present case take, not a complete lattice of nodes, but that portion which involves the principal diagonal and all nodes to the right of it. If г is the number which limits the part magnitude and the number of parts, the successive rows of such a triangular lattice involve г, г— 1, i — 2,... 1 nodes. The factors of the enumerating function can be placed at these nodes in the following manner: (n+1) (2n + 4) (2n+6) (2n + 8) (1) (4) (n + 3) (3) (6) (2n + 8) (8) (n+5) (5) (8) (2n+10) (10) (2n+12) (12) * (n+7) (7) ' (2n + 2i) " (2i) (2n+2i + 2) " (2i + 2) (2n + 2i + 4) ' (2i + 4) (2n+2i + 6) (2i + 6) (2n + 4i-4) (4i-4) (n + 2i - 1) (2i-D
CH. IV] GRAPHS WHICH HAVE TWO READINGS 271 Proceeding from the left-hand node always to the right or downwards till we arrive at (say) the 5th node, we place a factor , v or -—^r-r—- 4 J; r (s) (2s) according as the node is on or not on the principal diagonal. In #y-symmetry a node not on the diagonal represents (or may be taken to represent) the two nodes which are symmetrically situated in regard to the diagonal. In this case we see that the letters in the factor are doubled. This property of the enumerating function is of great beauty and mathematical elegance. 528. There is one more nature of symmetry that occurs in solid graphs. We have seen in a previous chapter (Art. 428) that graphs may have two aspects and be therefore capable of supplying two readings. Such occur for the first time at weight 13. They are in plane partition form 322 31 11 331 211 2 the first reading by rows as the second does by columns. We have two distinct plane partitions associated with two solid graphs which are in reality the same graph under different aspects. The graphs are (©) Θ Θ (Θ) (©) · Θ Θ However they be viewed they invariably give one of these two aspects. The fundamental property which is possessed by the corresponding plane partitions is this. The line partitions which constitute the successive rows are the conjugates of the line partitions which constitute the successive columns, and also the line partitions in question are not all self-conjugate, so that the plane partition does not read the same by rows as by columns. The latter condition is necessary, for if it were not complied with the plane partition would possess #y2-symmetry and the associated solid graph would have only one aspect.
272 DERIVATION FROM FIRST ROW OF PARTS [SECT. X Φ We now construct the solid graph of the left hand of the two partitions above written. Projecting perpendicular to the plane xy we obtain the partition. The reader will observe that every node is in one of the coordinate planes. This fact follows as a matter of course from the circumstance that in the partition the second number along the principal diagonal is less than 2. Further make the observation that the plane graphs in each of the three coordinate planes, if suitably read, are graphs of the line partition 322 which is the first row of the plane partition. In the plane xy we read parallel to the axis of #, yz zx z. It thus appears that the whole plane partition is dependent upon the first row of parts. This first "row has a highest part which also designates the number o\ parts in the row. Moreover the first row partition is not self-conjugate. If we treat in this manner a partition having г parts and a highest part equal to г we obtain, so long as the partition is not self-conjugate, a plane partition associated with a solid graph which has precisely two aspects To make this evident take the line partition 4332 and form a solid graph by placing the corresponding plane graph in eacr of the coordinate planes according to the above rule:
CH. IV] THE GENERATING FUNCTION IN A PARTICULAR CASE 273 This solid graph denotes the plane partition 4332 411 311 11 and if we had started with the line partition 4431 we should have arrived at 4431 3111 311 2 It thence appears that we can at once enumerate all plane partitions which are derived from solid graphs which have: (i) two aspects, (ii) every node in one of the coordinate planes. Because we can derive such a plane partition uniquely from every line partition which has the two properties: (i) the highest part is equal to the number of parts, (ii) it is not self-conjugate. 529. Consider the case where the highest part and number of parts arc both equal to i. If the highest part and number of parts are both conditioned not to exceed г the enumerating function is (1) (2) ... (2i) fli) (2) ...(I)}»' Hence the enumerating function we require is (l)(2)...(2i) (l)(2)...(2i-l) (l)(2)...(2i-2) {(1) (2)... (i)}' (1) (2)... (i). (1) (2) ... (i - 1) + {(1) (2) ... (i-1)}2' which reduces to ,*- ^ jg - g^,. We must subtract from this the function which enumerates the partitions which are self-conjugate. This is л3*-1 (1 + x) (1 + tv>) (1 + a5)... (1 + A·2*"3). Hence the required enumerating function is ^~1\^ΐ)%'.'.{'{ί-^γ-{1 + χ)(1 +0(ΐ+*5)·-(ΐ +^"s)j, and summing for i we obtain ДУ" [{(1)((2)'.'.'. fl^ff}'" (1 + X)(1 +Ж3)(1 +XS) - (1 +X*~3)] · M. A. II. 18
274 SIMPLE EXAMPLES [SECT. X 630. The function enumerates for a given weight of first row all the plane partitions derived from solid graphs with two aspects and having every node upon one of the coordinate planes. Thus for г = 2, the enumerator for a given value of i gives zero. For i = 3, we get *ρ#$β-α+.>(ΐ+->] = а?(1 + х + 2сс2 + а? + а?--1-а)--я?--я?) = 2#7, verifying the two line partitions (322), (331). 631. So also for i = 4, we arrive at the expression 2(α? + χ1« + χ1ι+χι*+αϊ* + χ1*) or ^Ш, verifying the partitions 4221 4311 4222 4411 4322 4421 4332 4431 4333 4441 4433 4442- and establishing that each is the first row of a plane partition which enjoys the stated properties. These are in fact 4221 31 11 1 4332 411 311 11 4222 41 11 11 4333 411 411 111 4322 411 21 11 4433 4111 411 211 and the six others formed by taking the columns of these as rows. 632. Similarly for i=5 the function which enumerates the first rows is found to be (1)(2)· It will be clear on consideration that if w be the weight of the first row, the weight of the associated plane partition is 3(w-i) + l.
CH. IV] CONSTRUCTION BY SOLID ANGLES 275 We now derive the function which enumerates the plane partitions of given weight from that which enumerates the first rows of given weight by performing successively the operations: (i) multiply by ar* (ii) write x* for x} (iii) multiply by x} and we obtain and in particular for i = 3, 4>, 5 the functions г#9 A& (3) , ix (3)(6) . 533. These plane partitions which possess the peculiar symmetry we are investigating form, from the graph point of view, solid angles since every node is upon one of the coordinate planes. Every partition must involve one of these solid angles in its graph. In other words these solid angles of nodes constitute the boundaries, so far as the coordinate planes are concerned, of the graphs of all of the partitions under examination. From these boundary partitions we can construct others by fitting into the solid angles, when possible, graphs which have either one or two aspects. Thus from the boundary partition 322 31 11 we can derive the partition 322 32 11 by fitting into the solid angle graph a single node which of course is a one-aspect graph. We of course could not fit in the next most simple graph, viz.: Θ · 21 ,. = of one aspect, because that would make which is not a partition at all. 322 331 12 The general expression appears to be 2#3i+4 L-' . J,L f \ \\ ' · (3) (6) (9)... (31—9) 18—2
276 ONE GRAPH GIVING RISE TO AN INFINITE NUMBER [SECT. X So if we choose, of the order four, the boundary partition 4442 4111 3111 31 we can fit into the solid angle either of the graphs of to the partitions 1 21 311 22 22 321 331 1 ί 21 22 21 211 1 12 thus constructing the partitions 4442 4211 3111 31 4442 4331 3331 31 4442 4321 3211 31 4442 4432 3321 32 4442 4422 3211 32 4442 4442 3322 33 4442 4331 3321 31 4442 4442 3332 33 each of which possesses the symmetry we are examining. We thus see that the enumeration of the solid angle or boundary partitions is only the first step towards the enumeration of the partitions before us. The enumeration has not yet been carried any further. The relation of the graphs to a cube of i:i nodes is the same as that which we found in the case of #?/2-symmetrical graphs. The supplementary graph also has exactly two aspects. Thus from 322 31 11 we immediately deduce 322 4444 32 4433 11 4431 4221 and an infinity of others. This fact must be of importance in an investigation into the form of the complete enumerating function. nodes equivalent 331 221 2
CH. IV] ASPECTS OF REGULAR GRAPHS IN THREE DIMENSIONS 277 534. It is necessary to make some further remarks upon the different aspects of regular graphs in three dimensions. Consider first of all the graph in two dimensions of the partition (31) and construct it in another manner by means of four square plates fastened A together so as to form one piece. Suppose that the two faces of the piece are lettered A and B. Observe that the piece cannot be made to represent the conjugate partition (211) so long as the face A is exposed to view, but that if it be turned over so as to expose the face В we can place it in the required manner, viz.: ω Because we can expose either face of the graph at pleasure the graphs are not essentially different. If we are restricted to the face A of the graph we can only represent the partition (211) by regarding the reflection of the graph last depicted about its left-hand edge as a proper representation. Thus we may agree to so regard the piece with the A face exposed as under: > When we come to graphs in three dimensions we may similarly construct the graph in another manner by means of cubes fastened together. Instead of vertical piles of nodes we have vertical piles of cubes raised upon the plane xy. If the graph be also a graph in two dimensions we may treat the piece, composed of blocks all in one plane, as above, and, by turning it over, cause it to represent one, three, or six multipartite partitions as the case may be. Thus a single cube may be placed in one position; two cubes joined together in three positions, viz., with the greatest length along either of the three axes; the piece above depicted, when composed of four cubes, in six positions, viz., in two positions in each of the planes xy, yz,zx.
278 THE EEFLECTION OF A GEAPH [SECT. X When however the graph is essentially three-dimensional the case is different. Consider the graph of the partition (31, 10) of the bipartite number (41): о Θ where at the origin there is a pile of two nodes in the direction of the axis of z. If we replace the nodes by cubes and fasten them together we can place the piece in a second position: ® which is the graph of the partition (21, 10,10), but we cannot place it in the third remaining position, which is the graph of the partition (211, 100). Turning the piece over is of no service, and we can only realise the missing position by adopting the first position, after rotation clockwise through a right angle, Θ Q Θ as a proper representation of the partition. This graph Q is the reflection of the real graph Ρ in the plane yz. The two graphs Θ Θ when formed of cubes fastened together are essentially different pieces, but they are reflections of one another.
CH. IV] NUMBERED SQUARE PLATES VERSUS CUBES 279 In the theory of partitions discussed in this book they are regarded as being essentially graphs which are convertible the one into the other. We have two alternatives. We must either admit the principle of reflection, or we must denote the graphs by numbers written in space of two dimensions, so that they may be turned over. For example, we may denote the above graph by 211 1 so that we may turn it over and give it'the position 21 1 1 The vertical pile of two nodes at the origin is regarded as a flat number two for the purpose in hand. It ceases to be so when we come to the graph 31 1 In every case the representation by nodes in three dimensions is replaced by a plane partition in two dimensions; this is then regarded as composed of square plates numbered on both faces so as to be reversible. At any moment, however, we may pass back to the representation in solido. Thus the two plane partitions 322 331 31 211 11 2 are not essentially different when constructed of square plates numbered on both faces, but they are so when made up of cubes piled up on the plane xy; they are in that case not convertible the one into the other except by reflection. In fact, in regard to the representation by cubes fastened together, every form, which is essentially three-dimensional, has either one or three aspects; every form, which is really two-dimensional, has one, three, or six aspects. The above two forms, for instance, have each only one aspect when composed of cubes; but when made up of square plates numbered on both faces they are identical, and each has two readings in the theory of partitions.
SECTION XI SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL SYSTEMS OF QUANTITIES, WITH SOME APPLICATIONS TO DISTRIBUTION THEORY CHAPTER I ELEMENTARY THEORY 535. For certain parts of the Theory of Distributions a knowledge required of the Theory of the Symmetric Functions of several systems quantities. It will be sufficiently illustrative of the general theory to consider men two systems of quantities «1, «2> «3,··· > A, /3o, /33,... . For the single system we wrote (1 + <vr) (1 + ol2x) (1 4 a:ix)... = 1 4-2a1.A, + 2a1a2..T2 + 2aiaia3.#3 + ..., = 1 4- агх + α2χ* + α.όχ3 4- ... , = l+(l)<* + (lQ)rf + (lB)tf+..., and considered symmetric functions ta?*a$*ap ...=(№№ ...). So now we write (1 + αΎχ + Ду) (1 + a2x + /3,y) (1 + α,χ 4- β,ν)... = 1 + Σα,. χ + Σ/3ι. у + Σα,«о. χ- 4 Σα,β,. xy 4- Sft/32. у2 4-..., == 1 + а10х + а01у 4- a2Qx2 + аиху 4· а^у* + а30л^ + а21х-у 4- а12#у2 4- а^у* -4 ... , ^14-(Ю)ж+(01)2/+(10 10)#24-(10 01)#у+(01 01)у2+(103)^+(10201)^+...
[SECT. XI, CH. I] DEFINITIONS AND NOTATION 281 The most general symmetric function before us is tcp№*t*№ot*№..., denoted, symbolically, by The summation is in regard to the expressions obtained by permutation of the η suffixes 1, 2, 3,... but as a rule it is not necessary to specify the value of n, and it may be regarded as being as large as may be necessary. The generalization of the nomenclature and notation for three or more systems of quantities is evident. The weight of the symmetric function is bipartite, and depends upon the numbers ίι + ?2 + ?3 +...=% We speak of the biweight (2p, %q) of the symmetric function. The expression (pi#ii>2?si>3?3 ··.) is a partition of the bipartite number %p} ?q. The sum %p 4- %q is the weight of the number w if Xp 4- %q = w. associated with any number w there is a biweight corresponding to every composition of w into two parts, zero counting as a part. Repetitions of biparts are denoted by exponents; thus (Λβί) = ΟΡι?ιΡι?ι). In the relation above aP(? = (10*>01*), and apq is an elementary symmetric function; it is also said to be " single- unitary ," because each bipart of its partition contains but a single unit. The expression "unitary" is reserved for those symmetric functions whose partitions involve only units and zeros, such as the tripartite partition (111 110) for instance. 536. The number of partitions of the bipartite number pq is the coefficient of xvy(i in the ascending expansion of the algebraic fraction 1 m 1 — ,r. 1 — у. 1 — χ1.1 — xy. 1 — y-. 1 — x*. 1 — xly. 1 - xy". 1 — ys...' for the general term of the expansion is which is equal to xvy4 if m10 + 2??г20 + mn 4- 3m:l0 -|- 2?п.л -I- m12 Η-... = p, *Woi + mu + 217*02 + m2i + 2m12 + Зягю + ... = q; and this will be the case if pq possesses the partition (10wi,0Olwo"20^oHinuo2»«o230m^2l^il2w,^03w?''3...).
282 PARTITIONS SYMBOLIZED BY ONE BIPART [SECT. XI The number of times xpyQ appears in the expansion, or in other words the coefficient oix*yq, is equal to the number of partitions oipq. The number of partitions of pq into exactly μ parts is, by similar reasoning, equal to the coefficient of ar-aPy* in the expansion of 1 1—ax. l-ay. I—ax*, l — axy. 1—ay2, l-ax* А — аяРу Л—аху2.1 —ayz...' This function is, when expanded to a few terms and omitting terms which are simple powers of χ or of y, (a+a2)xy + (a 4- 2a2 + as) (afy + xy*) + (a + 3a2 + 2a3 + a4) (x*y -f xys) + (a + 4a2 + 3as + a4)^2y2+..., and the corresponding partitions are Number 11 (11) (10 01) Number 31 (31) (21 10) (30 01) (20 11) (20 10 01) (11 10=) (10301) Number 21 (21) (20 01) (И 10) (10=01) Number 22 (22) (21 01) (12 10) (20 02) (IP) (20 01=) (02 10=) (1110 01) (10= 01=) Number 12 (12) (10 02) (0111) (10 01=) Number 13 (13) (12 01) (03 10) (02 11) (02 10 01) (11 01=) (10 013) 537. The partitions with one bipart correspond to the sums of the powers in the single system or unipartite theory. We will express them in terms of the elementary functions. We will write (p,^) in the form .<?mi, just as with a single system we write (pi) in the form sPl. Taking logarithms of both sides of the relation (1 + alx + fi1y)(l + a2x + /?,y)... = 1 + a10x + aoly +... + apqx*>yq + ..., and remarking that Σ («!# + /3i2/) = sl0x + s01y, Σ {щх + β^)2 = s.J0#2 + 2suxy + s^y2, etc., there results (s10x + «01 y) ~ Ь (*2o#2 + %8цху Η- s02y*) + £ (si0oc? + 3s21x2y + S$12xy2 + s03ys) + .. = log(l +а10# + а01у+ ... + apgxPy* + ...);
GENERALIZATION OF WARING S FORMULA 283 CH. I] leading to 1 4 a^x 4 a01y 4 ... 4- apqxpy* 4 ... = exp {(swx 4 s01y) - \ (saotf2 4 2snxy 4 5o22/a) + ...}; and now expanding the logarithm and exponential functions in these identities, we find by comparison of like powers of χ and у: $ю — Cti0 (Sen = a01 $20 =S #10 """ ^#20 ! == #01 "~ <^#02 $30 = aj0 — За^Ою 4 Зазо $21 =s #10 #01 #20 #01 — #11 #10 "» #21 2 $12 — #01 #10 — #02 #10 — #11 #01 4 #i< \$03 = #01 "" 3^02^01 4 3&03 ί α10=*ί *10 ~ «10 #01 = $01 2θ20 β $10 ~~ $20 #11 β $10 $01 *"~ $11 -^#02 ^ $01 — $02 / бЯзо = $jf0 — 3$20^10 + 2$30 I ^>&21 =s $10 $01 — $20 $01 •«$11 $10 "T* ^$21 j A&12 — $01 $10 — $02$10 ""$11 $01 "·" ^$12 \OC&03 =S $01 — "$02 $01 "T* ^$03 and by an application of the multinomial theorem we find !л! F? 7Г! ! 7Г2 ! - V\ Я\ №г (-)2'-1 Ρι «ι Р-Ч-. the summation, in each formula, being for all partitions (Piiffft??···) of the bipartite number (pq). 538. In the case of the single system we denoted the sum of the monomial symmetric functions of weighty by hp. In the present instance, if hn denote the corresponding sum for the biweight pq, we find that i+*^+*..y+*^+*n^+^i^----(1_^)(1_at<B)...1(1_Ay)(1_J8iy)...; and, since the right-hand side is (1 4 Лю#4 Λοο#2 4 ...)(l + A«y + Aosys+ ···)» it is clear that hpq = h^h^. 538 bis. A more interesting function kpq is defined by the relation 1 4 a10x 4 aoly 4 ... 4 apqxVy* + ... 1 - k10x - k01y 4 ... 4 (-)'p+qkpqx*y<i 4 ...'
284 CONNEXION OF kpq WITH CLpq AND Spq [SECT. XI for then ^-^+^ + -+^^+- = (1_а1Ж_Ау)(11_агЖ-^)...» and ^ = 2f + ^)f + ^...(MlM2...). Moreover, 1 + &10# Η- &0ι2/ + ·. · + кмосРу* Η-... 1 1 - α10# - апу + ... + (-)*+*aw#*y* + ...' so that, ia any relation connecting the functions apq with the functions kpq> we are always at liberty to interchange the symbols a and к. We have the formula and the similar one with a and к interchanged. From Art. 537 *io0 + «oi2/ - h (*2o#2 + 2*ияу + s^y2) + ... = - bg {1 - few* - *toy + ... + (~)p+qkpqx^ + ...}, and this, by the multinomial theorem, leads to and it will be remarked that, if we multiply the left-hand side by (—)^+^-1, we may replace the symbol к by the symbol a on the right-hand side. Thus spq remains unchanged when к is replaced by a, except for a change of sign when ρ + q is even.
CHAPTER II THE THEORY OF SEPARATIONS AND THE ALLIED THEORY OF DISTRIBUTIONS 539. What has been said by way of definition and explanation concerning the separations of a partition applies equally in the general case of multipartite partitions. Thus of a partition (р^р^р&ъ), a separation might be (jPiJiPsiftHpaie) composed of separates (p^prfs) ana (p2?s); its specification is (Pi +Ps> ϊι + ?з> i>2?2), a partition of the same bipartite number as the separated partition. The separation theory must now be connected with a Theory of Multipartite Distribution. Consider three identities 1 + alQx + tt01y + ··· +<hqxPVq+ ··· =(1 + *i *> + &' У) (1 + °* « + &' y)..., 1 + 610л; + 6иу + ... + ЪрдяРу* Η- ... = (1 + «χ'7 л· + βχ" у) (1 + α2"χ + Д"у) ..., 1 4- с10л; + coiy Η- ... + Ср^'у* + ... = (! + α/''я + Д'"у) (1 + сь'"х + fi2"'y) .... Assume the various coefficients of л? and у in the two first identities to be given and those in the third to be connected with them by the relation A' ξ and η being undetermined quantities. Multiplying out the right-hand side and denoting by partitions symmetric functions of the quantities a/, cr2', a/,...; /3/, ДД ДД... we find by comparison of coefficients of like powers of ξ and η the series of relations: Сю = (10) b10, Coi=(01)b01, ο»«(20)δ* + (10*)%, cu = (11) 6„ +(10 01) Ь10Ь01, (?M = (02)bM + (0P)%, cw = (30) ft» + (20 10) ^ b,o + (103) 6?0f ^ = (21)^+ (20 01)M« + (H 10)6ηδ10 + (10201)^0601, ο·12 = (12) Ь18 + (02 10) Ьо2 Ью + (И 01) bn bQ1 + (OP 10) % δ10, Co, = (03) bo, + (02 01) 6ϋ2 Ъп + (OP) 6Jb etc. Cpq= 2 (Piji ftjaftj» ·..) 6Λίι &Α«Α.ί,..., the summation being for every partition of (pq)·
286 A NEW THEORY OF DISTRIBUTIONS [SECT. XI It will be observed that, when the quantities bpq are each of them put equal to unity, cpq becomes hpq and splits up into the product hpohn'} moreover when Ью = boi = 1 and the remaining quantities bpq are put equal to zero, Cpq becomes apq. 540. In order to establish comprehensive laws of symmetry in analogy with those appertaining to the unipartite case we now require a new theory of distributions. Let parcels of type (p^i P2?2i>s?s ···) be denoted by Af* B^ A»* Bp Af· B«*..., that is to say there are px similar parcels each denoted by Aly ?1 >y » » -k>li P2 » >t » A2y *±2 » » » ·&2> jPs }) i> » -&-3> ?3 f> it » -t>2> let objects of type (г^т^^А ···)> where %ν = Σρ = η1, %s=Xq = n2} be denoted by of»bf»of» bpaj» !§».... The number of objects is equal to the number of parcels and we define a distribution of the objects into the parcels, one object into each parcel, in the following manner: "A distribution of objects of type (^A^^A ···) into parcels of type (Р1Я1Р2Я2Р2& ···) is su°b that denoting the objects and parcels by of»if»aj«δ?aj>6f»..., A^B%ΑφΒ&АрΒρ... respectively, the objects of· of* aj>... are to be distributed into the parcels ΑρΑξ*Αξ*... and the objects bp b^bf/ ... into the parcels Б?· В$*Вр ...." The number of these distributions is clearly equal to the product of two numbers, one denoting the number of ways of distributing objects of type OWs...) into parcels of type (ρφ2ρ$ ...)> and the other the number of ways of distributing objects of type (м2$3...) into parcels of type (дчдъф···)· From the unipartite theory the one number is given by the coefficient of OWs ···)· iQ *he expansion of hPi0hPi0ftPa0... and the other by the coefficient of (*A*s··-)* in the expansion of h^h^^.... Hence the number of distributions is given by the coefficient of (η*νν··)«(*ι*Α ·..)*> in the expansion of hPx4y hM% кМз..., since hpq = АрЛ«.
CH. Il] TYPE OP A DISTRIBUTION 287 These distributions are considered to be unrestricted since the condition of the distribution that objects a and b must be placed in parcels A and В respectively is fundamental and does not count as a restriction. We may write the unipartite functions 0ν2τ8...)α, (We···)^ ^п fc^e bipartite forms (rfir20rfi ...), (Os, 0s20s3...)> and, multiplying them together, we see that the enumeration is given by the coefficient of the bipartite function (rl8ir2s2rz$s...) in the development of From the reciprocity that has been established in the unipartite case we see that we may interchange the partitions (r^r^ ...), (pip2ps ·..) and also similarly the partitions ($ιΜθ···)> (ίι?2?»···)· Thus the enumeration is given in either of four forms: (i) as coefficient of (r^ r2$2 rs$b ...) in hPtqihMihMi...y (ii) „ » (PiSi p2s2 Ps$* ···) Ь Kxqx Artft hr3q3 ..., (iii) (iv) „ „ (Pi?iPi?8jPs?3 -О^'Ч·.^^ ···· The last of these is derived at once from the bipartite distribution by a simple interchange of objects and parcels or of capital and small letters in the literal distribution scheme. The development of hPiqi кРйЯйhM3... enumerates the distribution of objects of all types into parcels of type (PiiiPi<hP*4* ···) and is therefore the "Distribution Function," the distributions being unrestricted. As in the unipartite case every distribution has itself a type specified by a partition of the original bipartite number. If, in the distribution, we observe objects <;г£ in parcels АЦВ%, where sl} s2 arc any integers and σ1} σ2 are integers one of which may be zero, we are given one part σΎσ2 of the partition which specifies the type of the distribution. Ex. gr. For the distribution of objects of type (22) into parcels of type (11 10 01) we find only one distribution shewn by <h bi ax Ζ), Here for $г = $2 = 1 we have σχ = 1, cr2 = 1, ^i=l, 52=2 „ ^ = 1, <t2=0, $i = 1, $2 = 3 „ σλ = 0, cr2 = 1, shewing that the distribution is of type (11 10 01).
288 THEOEEM OF ALGEBRAIC SYMMETRY [SECT. XI If we interchange capital and small letters we find Аг Аг A A and we observe that the type of the distribution has not changed; it is still necessarily (11 10 01). In general the interchange of capital and small letters does not alter the type of the distribution. This circumstance is of first-rate importance because it leads directly, as will be seen presently, to a theorem of algebraic symmetry. The interchange of capital and small letters may be denoted by the substitutions (Aa)(Bb). Looking merely to the effect of the substitutions upon the type of the distribution we have (Aa)(Bb) = l. If we merely interchange the symbols A} a the types of both the objects and parcels connected with the distribution are changed and, in general, the type of the distribution is also changed. That this is so is seen at once from the definition; for when objects αζι b*2 occur in parcels A J1 Βζ% giving rise to a part σχσ* in the partition specifying the type, it is clear that if A, a be interchanged the part σλσ2 does not arise unless $г =&>. Similarly also for the interchange of the symbols B, b. We find however that the interchange (Act) produces a distribution of the same type as the interchange (Bb). This is so because if we first make the substitution (Act) and second the substitutions (Aa)(Bb) the latter has no effect upon the type of distribution. Accordingly (Aa) = (Aa). (Act) (Bb) = (Bb), since (Aa)(Aa) = 1. The effect of (Aa) upon the type of the distribution is therefore the same as that of (Bb). 541. The distribution function hPlQi hPi(hhVa<b ... is precisely the same as cP\<hcPiQ2CPiQa ··· when the whole of the quantities bpq arc put equal to unity. If we retain these quantities bpq and use the product оРх<1хс1Ч(нсРзЯ.л ... we are able to single out the distributions which have any given type. For consider the relation c*(fcK21)(01)bta&M + (2001)^ and make the observations: (i) the symmetric function product attached to any 6-product is a separation of the partition which specifies the Ь-product; (ii) the symmetric function product in every term is a separation of specification (21 01), (21 01) being the partition which specifies the c-product.
. II] DISTRIBUTIONS IN A PARTICULAR CASE If we further develop the right-hand side of the relation we find C21C01 = {(22) + (21 01)} M01 + {(21 01) + (20 02) + 2 (20 01 01)} b*> b20l + {(12 10) + 2 (1111) + (1110 01)} ЪцКК + {(11 10 01)+ (10 10 02)+ 2 (1010 01 01)} %%. We will now exhibit the whole of the distributions involved. Parcels of type (21 01). Type of Objects (22) (21 01) (21 01) (20 02) (20 01 01) (20 01 01) (12 10) (11 11) (11 11) (11 10 01) (11 10 01) (10 10 02) (10 10 01 01) (10 10 01 01) The Distribution 4,iA Bt «! Ol 6l &i АгАгВг Д Οχ αχ Ьг b2 АгАгВг B2 Ог ах Ъ2 Ьг АгАгВг Д> аг <Хг b2 Ь2 АгАгВг В2 <h <hb2 bz АгАгВг Д> «ι αΎ bz Ъ2 АгАгВг В2 СЬг СЬ2 Ьг Ьг АгАгВг В2 ах а2 Ьг Ь2 АгАгВг В2 аг Оа Ь2 Ьг АгАгВг В2 «ι С12 Ьг Ъг АгАхВг В2 αλ а2 Ь3 Ьг АгАгВг В.2 ага2 Ь8 Ь3 АгАгВг В2 а>1 а* Ъь ЪА АгАгВг В2 <Хг CCi 64 Ьз Type of Distribution (21 01) (21 01) (20 OP) (20 ΟΙ2) (20 ΟΙ2) (20 ΟΙ2) (11 10 01) (11 10 01) (11 10 01) (11 10 01) (ΙΟ2 ΟΙ2) (ΙΟ2 ΟΙ2) (ΙΟ2 ΟΙ2) (ΙΟ2 ΟΙ2) Μ. Α. II.
290 INTUITIVE PROOF OF A LAW OF SYMMETRY [SECT, XI It will be observed that the type of the distribution is invariably the same as that which specifies the 6-product to which the symmetric function, denoted by the same partition as the type of the objects, is attached. To explain this consider for a moment the terms (2101)6*6^, (2101) 6*6& in the expression of c21c0i, and therewith the second and third distributions set out above. The term (21 01)621601 arises from the development of the term (21) (01) 621601 and thus (21 01) arises from the product (21) (01); therefore it must be possible to distribute the objects of type (21 01) in such wise that the type of the distribution is (21 01). Similarly (21 01) 620 Z>oi arises from the development of (20 01) (01)6206^; (21 01) comes from the product (20 01) (01) and thus it must be possible to distribute objects of type (21 01) in such wise that the type of the distribution is (20 01 01). Hence if CP&CMiCP>q* ... = ». + 0 fa*i Г^ЗД...) 6i|ttl Ькщ bt,uz ... + ... , there are θ ways of distributing objects of type (r^ r2s2rss:i...) into parcels of type {р^р^РзЦз .··) so that the distributions are of type (^щ t2u2 ttiu3...). We have shewn also that we may interchange the types of the objects and parcels without the type of the distribution being affected. Hence also Crltl <V2s2cVih ... = ... + θ(^ρ&ρφ...) btlUi ЪкщЬ(зЩ ... + .... 542. We have therefore an intuitive proof of a law of symmetry. If we write CV\ <i\ CP2<]2 ci>87s ··· = ···+ PbtlUl btiU2 6is?,3 ... 4- ..., Ρ is a linear function of separations of the function {t^ t,it2t<iu-lt...), each of which has a specification (piqiP^Psfy ···)· ^ Ρ be developed so that P= ... +i(?*1e1ra&ir8si...) + ... , we have seen that the number θ remains unchanged when the partitions (i>i?ij9a?2i>»?3 ···)> O'jS, r2s.2i\ds.0...) are interchanged, while the partition (Ъщ t2u2t:ius...) remains constant. Hence the whole of the functions (?"!«! r2s.2rr% ...) that arise by multiplying out the various functions Ρ must be the same as the various specifications of the separations of (^щ £/м.2£3^3...). There is therefore a one-to-one correspondence between the functions Ρ and the functions (r^ r2s2 r.0,% ...), and we may form a table which possesses row and column symmetry, by expressing the different functions Ρ appertaining to the various specifications (pi qi p-^q-i p^ .··) of the separations of (Ъщ 12и2^щ ...) in terms of the equi-numerous functions (г&г.ь·* r:is:}...) which in some order are identical with the functions (ρ& 2WJ*Р»Я* ···)· There is a symmetrical table in connexion with every partition of a given bipartite number. There will also be the inverse tables expressing the
CH. II] THEOREM OF EXPRESSIBTLITY 291 monomial functions whose partitions are specifications of the separations in terms of the members of the system of functions, each member being a definite linear function of the separations which have a particular specification. The inverse tables will also be symmetrical. This may be established by making use of the operators as in a previous chapter, or it may be regarded as necessarily following from the known properties of determinants. In the direct tables the corresponding distributions are all of them of tyPe (Ъщ Ъи2ЪЩ ...)· When in particular the chosen partition is (10# (Ш) we find that the whole of the monomial functions are expressible in terms of the separations. Each separate is an elementary function, and the corresponding distributions are such that into a set of parcels ΛζιΒζ2 are placed objects, no two of which have the same suffix. The combinations atat} atbt are not permissible. As in the unipartite case we have a theorem of expressibility, which may be enunciated as follows : Theorem of Expressibility. 543. "If any partitions of the bipartite numbers p^i, p2q2> p$qz> ... be selected, and all of the parts assembled so as to form another partition of the same biweight as {'PiqiPi^p·^ ···)> the symmetric function {p^p^p^qz...) is expressible as a linear function of the separations of the partition thus formed." There is also the theory of Groups of Separations, and in the inverse tables the sum of the coefficients of the separations of a group is zero, according to the theorem: " In the expression of a symmetric function (ΡιϊΓ'ΑίίΜΐ···) by means of separations of (t^i? fc»wj»fc,wf» ...), the algebraic sum of the coefficients in each group will be zero if the partition possesses no separations of specification (ti^i, тгии т2£.>, T2tt2, т^у, т3щ, ...)." The law may be verified in the ease of the table of separations of (102012) for the symmetric functions (22), (21 01), (12 10), (ll2), (11 10 01), for none of these five functions can be separated with a specification (20 02). On the other hand, the law does not obtain for the functions (20 02), (20 012), (02 102), (102 012), for each of these four functions .can be separated with a specification (20 02). 19—2
292 THEORY OF THREE IDENTITIES LSECT· XI It must be observed that in the unipartite case there is no group theory when the replaced partition is (ln), and the separates are elementary functions. In the bipartite case there is no such exception, because the separated partition (ΙΟ** 01?) does not consist of repetitions of a single bipart. Hence the group theory exists when functions are expressed in terms of the elementary functions. On the other hand, an exception occurs when the separable partition does consist merely of a single bipart repeated. Ex. gr. Exceptions occur for the separated partitions (ll2), (21s), etc. 543 bis. In order to examine more closely the subject of multipartite separation we recall the identities 1 + a^x + a01y + ... + амх*>уя + ... =(1 + α/ χ + /3/ у) (1 + < χ + &' у) ..., 1 + b10x + b01y + ··· +bj*«*y*+ ... = (1 + «ι" χ + β "у) (1 + ai'x + A"y) ···, 1 + с10х + с01у + ... + CpqaPtf Η-... = (1 + al"x + Д'"у) (1 + α2'"# + Д'" у) ..., and the connecting relation The right-hand side of this relation is, from the second of the three identities, if we put therein χ = α8'ξ, у = β8'η in succession for all values of s} equal to Π Π (1+ «/«/'£ +/3//3/Ч), s t so that Π (1+ α/"ξ + β/"η) = Π Π (1 + α/α/'ξ + β.'&"ν), $ s t or taking logarithms X log (1 + α,'" ξ + jS/"^) = Σ Σ log (1 + «,V£ + /З/уЗ/^). S 5' if We now expand each side in ascending powers of ξ and η} and observing that where symmetric functions of quantities α', β*; α", β"; α'", β"', arc denoted by partitions in brackets ( )1} ( )2, ( );{ respectively, we find by comparison of coefficients of £pvq the noteworthy identity This important result may be written in the two forms Λ „\„_\ C»tff. W ^*A Г 7Г,! «-J . .. °Ρι1ι °P РгЯх Patfe 4^17ί ^ тг/i 7Γ2! .. 1>\Я\ PiQ*
CH. Il] EXTENSION OF WARING'S FORMULA 293 In fact, the connecting relation is unaltered when the singly dashed quantities a', /3',... are severally interchanged with the doubly dashed quantities α", β", .... Taking the latter form of the result the next step will be to compare the coefficient of the term Vх Ьщ ..., on the dexter with the coefficient of the same term when the sinister is developed by means of the relation cpq = S (ρι4ι№*Ρ*<1* ···) КЧх ЪМйЬМз of Art. 539. When the left-hand side is multiplied out each symmetric function product which multiplies the term Vх Vе* ... is necessarily a separation of the symmetric function The result of the comparison will be therefore the expression of the function (pq)i in terms of such separations. Let (-P-M^-l)!^, c* ^ be a term of the left-hand side of the identity. Since the coefficient herein of v* v* ... is a linear function of separations of (ftiPftii·—) of specification (r^f» r2$$>...), it is clear that we are only concerned with those terms in the expression of which involve symmetric functions which are separates of separations of (i>iSTlP2?22···)· In other words, we need only to attend to the terms which involve exclusively symmetric functions composed of the parts pxqu p»q2) .... If we do this there is no necessity to attend to the Ь-products at all.
294 EXTENSION OF WARING'S FORMULA [SECT. XI Let us denote then by w,w,...(Jo,(Ja various separates of separations of and suppose that the effective part of cri8l is (Ji) + W + ..., andofcr2S2 0Л') + (<Л')+..., etc. Then the effective part of is (->»-'&>-i)j s-£lL_- w,„(j0ft....^__(/1>(j0.. wherein of course This may be written pu\ pV2\ ...poi! />»! №*» (J*)**... №*№)*" , wherein 2 />1ί? 4- Σ ρ28 + ... = ρ; and the symmetric function product (;>(^»...(Л>№>... is a separation of (PiffiP^q? ···) of specification (r, sf· r2$i*...). From this result, in order to proceed to the effective part of (-)^-4Σττ-1)ί we must consider all terms of the sum which involve a c-product cf" <f* ... , (r^sf"?eas£* ...) being a partition of the bipartite number p</, and also a specification of some separation of (Р1?Г,Л??а·..)· We find that the required effective part is necessarily J У1 · У2 · · · ·
CH. II] DUAL CHARACTER OF THE GENERALIZATION 295 where the summation is in respect of every separation of the partition (p1 qp p2q%*...). Hence the formula 7ΓΧ! 7Γ2 ! ... j Ji \ J2 · · · · where the summation is in regard to a particular symmetric function (ЛЗГРгЗ?3···)» and t° every separation of it. 544. This important result is a generalization of the Waring formula for the expression of the sums of the powers of a single system of quantities in terms of the elementary symmetric functions. The generalization is of a dual character because there are two systems of quantities and the expression is in terms of separations of an arbitrary partition of the bipartite number. The like reasoning at once extends the theorem to any number of systems of quantities, and the reader will have no difficulty in realizing the truth of the formula t£=^W ...>-^--^MW да..., 7Ti! 7Г2! ... j ]Ύ\ J2\ ... where the summation is for every separation WW··.· of the partition {ρ^\ ...7Γι ρ^τ2 ...ν*...) of the multipartite number (pqr...). 545. Ex. gr. To express (31) by means of separations of (20 10 01). Here ^ = ^2 — ^ = 1, Σ·7τ = 3, and we find 2 (31) = (20 10 01) - (20 10)(01) - (20 01)(10) - (10 01) (20)4-2(20) (10) (01). Again to express (333) by means of separations of (311 011 011). Here 7Γι = 1, 7г2 = 2, Σπ = 3, and (333) = (311 011 011)-(311011)(011)-(0112)(311) + (3tl)(011)2. 546. The formula that has been reached may be written in the form Η^-ΗΣ*·-!)! (-)^(Sj-l)! ,γ,Ιιγ,Ι... Λ(Λίι*Λ7."...)"7 filj,]... WW-· the notation being such that
296 NEW STATEMENT OF THE THEOREM [SECT. XI denotes Spq or (pq) when expressed in terms of separations of the symmetric function In this notation, recalling a previous formula, viz.: since aPlQl = (10*1 01^) and the formula expresses Spq as a linear function of separations of the symmetric function (10* 015), the formula is equivalent to <-)-- (J^ffP V..·. -? <-)*-' И' w w ■··■
CHAPTEK III THE DIFFERENTIAL OPERATIONS 547. The elegant properties of these symmetric functions are most easily established by means of the differential operations which we now consider. The theory is completely parallel to that of the single system discussed in Section I. Starting with the identity (1 + «ι# 4- βχν) (1 4- <x2x 4- /32y)... (1 4- 0LnX + βην) = 1 4- a10cc -Ь a01y + α20^ + <hi®y + а^У2 + ... + apqa?y<i + where η may be as large as we please, and multiplying each side by (1+μχ + vy\ the right-hand side becomes 1 + Ою + μ)% + (α01 + ν) у 4- (α» 4- μ,^ο) я? 4 (au + μα0ι 4- уа10) д?у 4- ..., and in general apq becomes converted into ttpq 4" pCbp—i, q 4" Vdpt q—χ. Write now #10 = va10 4- C^oidail 4- ... 4· &p-i,q Vwpq 4* · · ·, #01 = Ъщц + ^ιο9αι14-... 4 <*>ptq-i dapq 4 .... Then any rational integral function of a1Q, a01} O20, αη, ^o2> ···> <fyg, ··· say J\CLio> &оь ^2o> &ib a02, ... <Xpg, ···)—/> becomes /(βίο + μ> αοι + ν, ..., <% 4 /иОр-ι, ? 4- νθρ, ?-ι, · · ·) which is by Taylor's Theorem / + (μ#ιο + ^oi)/+ g-j (a*0u> 4 vg0iYf+ 3-, (W10 + ^oi)3/+ ·.. = ёхр (щи 4- j/#oi) ./, where the bar of exp denotes that the multiplication of operators is symbolic as in Taylor's Theorem. Moreover - (^10 4 vg*Y = 2 -^—] {g% gi) μΡ ν*, the summation being subject to p + q = $ and the placing of gfigfa in a single bracket denotes symbolic multiplication of the operators.
298 THE OPERATOR WHICH OBLITERATES A BIPART [SECT. XI Therefore if we write we obtain = exp(^10 + ^oi)·/ Observe that as regards quantity we may write 1 4- μα10 + ναύ1 + /Лг*, + μνα^ι + Л»ю + ... + μρν^αΡ4 Η-... = exp (jjau + vs01) if we agree that on the right-hand side there is a symbolism according to which — (sf04) = cW This is important from the point of view by which there is throughout this subject an exact correspondence up to a certain point between the algebras of quantities and differential operations. We are about to see that in these algebras correspond to Gpq, gpq respectively. 548. Now suppose that the function / is a symmetric function which when expressed in terms of oclf β1} α2, /3S, α3, /33,... is (i>l3i;P2?2ft?8...)· The introduction of the new quantities μ, ν results in the addition to 0>i?ii*?aft?8···) of the new terms μρ*ρ** (p2q2РъЪ · · ·) + μν*ν<1* (Pi ?i РФ · · ·) + Ζ*****3 (Pi Ь V*b ...) + ··· · Hence (I + μσιο + νθ01 + ... + μ^ Gpq+ ...)f =/+ μ**Φ (p^Pzb ···) + A^MPiffiftffs ···) + ···> and equating coefficients of like products μνν^ we find unless the bipart rs occurs in, the expression of/, врхях CPi?ift?2i>.?. ..·) = (ft?»A?8 .··), 6p,i,(Pl?lJPl?8i>8?8...)=s(Pl?lP8?8.·-)» б!м(рд)-1, ffftf, блл бл«, ··· (PiqiV*bP*b ···)= 1·
CH. Ill] SYMBOLIC PRODUCTS AND SUCCESSIVE OPERATIONS 299 From these relations we gather the important feet that the effect of QPq upon a symmetric function symbolized by a partition is to obliterate one part pq when such part is present and to cause the function to vanish when no part pq appears in it. 549. Returning to the relation of operators, now written without specification of an operand, 1 + μ(?ι0 + vGoi + ... + μΡν*Θρς+ ... = exp fag10 + vg01) we recall that on the right-hand side the multiplications of operators are symbolic. We now seek to replace the right-hand side by an expression which involves products of linear operators which are not symbolic products but on the contrary denote successive operations. To the two linear operators #w = 3al0 + ^io3a2o + <hfiau + · · · #oi = 3a01 + Cl0idaoi + ОиЭв|| + · - - we add a general linear operator including them and defined by the statement ffpq ==r Uapq *+* &io dap+if« ~^~ aoiVap,q+i + · · · + &r$(7ap+r,q+8 + .... We will establish the relation exp (m1Qff10 + m01gQ1 + m^g» + mugu + ... + %уй + ...) = exp (ϋί10#10 + Moi#01 + ^20#20 + Mngu + .. . + Afpgfttf +...), where if £, τ; be undetermined algebraic quantities, the numerical magnitudes Mpq are given in terms of the numerical magnitudes mpq by the relation exp(Jf10f+Jf01i7 + ... +Л/^р^+ ...) = 1 + Μιοξ + 7ηνιη+...+*ηρ9ξΡη*+.... First observe the well-known relation (ft*) (0·*) = (ft* ft··) + ffp+r, q+S where on the left-hand side the multiplication denotes successive operations and the second term on the right-hand side is obtained by operating with gvq upon gr8 where grs is considered to be a function of algebraic quantities only and the differential inverses are not subject to operation. The reader should verify the simple case (#ιο)(#οι) = (#ιο#οι) + #ιι. Put щ = m10g10 + m01#oi + · · · + MpqSlpq + · · · and observe that if 7)ipqgpq be written symbolically mpqg, we obtain ^ = (m10 + m01 + ··· +Щч+ ...)#· Two successive operations of ult written (г^)2, result in two terms, one of which is an operator of the second order, written (и*), and the other a linear operator, formed by simple differentiation as above explained, which we will write щ: (Ujy = (Ul*) + м2.
300 AN IMPORTANT CALCULUS OF OPERATIONS [SECT. XI Also щ = %7пРЯтГ8др+г,д+8, and if we write mPqrnr8gp+rtq+8 in a symbolic form mpqWrsg it is at once seen that Щ = Ow + ^01 + ... + rnpq + .-.fg. Similarly (щ) (щ) = (щщ) Н- г^, where щ = (% + % + ... + mM -ь . ..)*д; leading to ^ = (% + Woi + ... + *Λρβ4· ···)*#> and (ws) (щ) = (г^г) ч- wg+i. Moreover it has been shewn in Volume I that for any series of linear partial differential operators щ, щ, α3,... enjoying the property we have exp (щ) — exp (щ — \и% 4- \иг — ...), the multiplications which arise on the development of the right-hand side being non-symbolic. Hence on substitution for u1} u2> щ,... exp (mio#io + ™oi#oi + ·.. + ЩЯдРЯ + . ·.) = exp {(wim + m01 + ...)g - £(w10 H- m01 + ...)lg + J(m10 + m01 + ...)3# - ...j. If the right-hand side be written in the form exp (M1Qg10 -f- MQ1g01 + ... + Mpqgpq + ...) we must have, for undetermined multipliers ξ, η, exip [(ιη10ξ + m01v + ...)- H*Hio? + Moi*? + ...)2 + ?Ою£ + ™oi*? + ...)- ...} = exp (M10g10 + JfM #oi + ... + ϋί^^,κ/ + ···); and since the left-hand side is exp log(1 + τηιοξ + ukiV + ··· +%Рч, + ...), we have the identity exp(Jf,of+ ATwiy + ...+Jlfw^ + ...) = 1 + 7№ю| + moi*7 + ... + ?/yy f*V + .. . for the determination of the magnitudes Mpq when the magnitudes mvq are given and vice versa. The relation is clearly otherwise written = log (1 -f m10£ + me# + ... + т^фф + ...).
CH. Ill] RELATIONS BETWEEN gpq AND Gpq 301 Comparing Art. 537 it is evident that mpq and Mpq are connected in the same way as <* .ad (-)>*-&t£zI>J ,! p\ q\ "Spq' Thence the formulae of the same Art. give Mpq = 2(-)2*-1 (ST^t1)! ηΐ* m* . 7Γχ 1 7Γ2 Ι mpg = S . * . Μ* Μ** ..., tf 7Γχ ! 7Γ2 ! ... Λ ft РъЧъ J the summation in each case being for all partitions (Ρι?ΓιΜ?2...) of the bipartite number pq. The particular case of this theorem that we require now is obtained by putting % = μ, mQi = v> mpq = 0 in other cases. Thus exp fag10 + vgn) = exp (M10gl0 + MQ1g01 + ....+ Mpqgpq + ...), where Μ10ξ + MolV + ... + Мтф<ф Η-... = log(l + ^ + ^). We derive the relation j/pg=(-)^-^+g-1)Vyg, so that exp (μ#10 Η- vg01) = exP {0#ю+^#01) -£0*sflto + 2μζ/#η +ϊ>2#02) +^^30+3^^81 + 3^^ + 1^08)+...}. Thence from Art. 547 (дом+vgoi) - i (t*g* + 2aw#h + vVob) + 4 <У#ш + 3/Λ#2ι + 3|«ty12 + ^oa) = log(l + μθ1ϋ + i/ffoi + ...+/^^6>g+..·). Expansion of the right-hand side, and subsequent comparison of like terms in μ, ν, yields the relations: #10 = $10 ^10 = #10 #01=$01 $01=#01 #20 = GJo ~ 20* 20* =^0 - ^ gn = (?10 $0i "" $ii $ii = #io#oi - #n #02 = $01 - 2$02 2$02 = gi - #02 #30 = $?o - 3$20 $io + 3$зо 6$30 = #?o - 3#?0#io + 2#зо #21 = $?0$01 - $20 $01 ~ $11 $10 + $21 26?21 = #?0#01 ~ #20#01 " 2#ц#10 + 2^ #12 = $01 $10 - $02 $10 - $11 $01 + $1* 2#12 = ^^10 - <702#10 " 2#n#01 + 2#12 #03 = $2i - 3$o2$oi + 3$оз 6$оз = #b\ - 3#02#oi + %03 etc. etc. relations to be compared with those of Art. 537.
302 OPERATIONS IN CORRESPONDENCE WITH SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS [SECT. XI The corresponding general formulae are <_.)«-.{P + «-1)lgM = %(-у-г0ρ*1!<?;· g*> ..., the summation being for every partition (ΡιβΡΛβΡ—) of the bipartite number pq. In the second formula the multiplications of linear operators denote their successive performance. 550. By comparison of these relations with the corresponding algebraic ones to which reference has been made, it is found that gvq and Gpq are in co-relation with spq and apq respectively. In other words, these operations correspond to the partitions (pq) and (10p 01?). It is necessary to find the operations which correspond to the remaining partitions which symbolize symmetric functions. We easily derive the relations (ffPiQi) (9P2Q2) * (УР1Я1 9Р2Я2) + 9pi+P2, <7i+9a » (W2 = (&)+#*>> *? > ((ffpiQi) (9p<tte) (#Рз<7з) ~ (9piQi 9p*Q2 9pbQs) + Ч/piQi 9р2+Рй> <?2+<?з) + \ffP2Q* 9pi+Pu> 7i+<73) + \9р$Чз9Р1+Р2> Ql+W + 9Pl+P2+Pu> 7l+02+'/S » (dPiQif (9P2<22) = \9plQi9p2Q2/ "+" ^ (&>i7i 9pi+P2* <h+Q2/ + (/fen. *1ι9Ρ242/ + fel+i>2, 2V1+V2» and comparison with the algebraic formulae (Pi?i)(P*?a)asa(jPiiift?») + 0,i + P*» Ϊι + ί/ti). (PiJi) (Р»?2> (Pa?») = 0>i?iP2(73pS2s) + (pi(/i ^, + jft, </a + (/») + 0>a</a jp, + |>3, ft + </3) + OV/a pi + Pa, У1 + ?3) + (p, + p, + p3, </, + ?3 + ?,), ('Pi<liY(M*) = 2 (# ϊϊ ?λ^Α) + 2 0>i tfi Pi + V*> Ъ + ft) + (2Pi 2?i Paft) + (2pi + p3,2jI+iA), 0>гУ = 6 (F/) + 3 (2p, 22 pff) Η- (ty, Зг), shews that the operators 2~j \5w> 2"] (Λίϊι 9p*q*/> 3] №i) are produced according to the same law as the symmetric functions (Ρϊ1). (ΡιίϊΡΛίΛ (Pi3)·
CH. Ill] PARTICULAR RESULTS 303 In general the operator 1т-(/1 <f2 ..·) 7Гг ! 7Г2 I .. corresponds to the symmetric function (ftff'ftiP —)■ There is thus complete correspondence between quantity and operation, and any formula of quantity may be at once translated into a formula of operations. Observe that a product of symmetric functions (ΑβΓΑί? —) (ri«fir»#—) is in correspondence with the operation = (a** ащ ) - (aPl aPi ) 7Γλ ! 7T2 ! ... Pl ^ №* " pi I />2 -1 · · · ,il 2*2 '' * the notation indicating that the two operations 1 /«-Ι Q** ...) and (qpl qp,i ...) are to be successively performed. Ex. gr. From the formula (31 01) = - £ (21 10) (01) + \ (21 01) (10) + \ (10 01) (21) - \ (21 10 01) we derive (#31 #0ΐ) = - i (921 9ΐθ) (#0l) + i (#21 #0l) (#1θ) + i (#10 #0l) (#2l) - £ (#21 #10 #0ΐ). 551. Since every symmetric function (ΑϊΡΑίϊ1—) is expressible in terms of the elementary functions o^, we may express every operator щ ! 7T2 ! ... ^PiQ^lM* '"' in terms of the operators C?^. The operation therefore may be performed upon a function symbolized by a partition by simply operating independently with the successive G· products and adding together the results. As a particular result observe that since { Г p\q\ &* *l J τγ,Ιτγ,Ι... *'.«■**·''' \a\ we have fe = (-)*+g-i (p*g^1}1 ^ + · · · ,
304 FUBTHEB SYMMETRICAL RELATIONS [SECT. XI and therefore gm svq = (-)*+«?-* ( *' qJ f; and from a theorem of symmetry established in Art. 542, (AffMP .·.) - (-)-+*+< (p.ffi-1), (|r^1: «■»+···. from which we derive the result 552. Referring to the three identities of Art. 543 bis, and the relation we see that in the relation 1+ Сю? + ο01η + ... + CpgpV + ... = Π (1 + а/Ью?+ i8;M + ... + оС*0*Ъ„&1А + ...) we can interchange the singly dashed quantities a/, /3/ with the doubly dashed quantities α/', β8". Let the differential operators 9pq Gpq 9pq Wpa ypq Wpq refer to the sets of quantities with one, two, and three dashes respectively and write the relation 1 + c10? + c01i) + ... + c^ip + ... = Π (1 + «/&„£ + j8;bwi? + ... + οίνβ'^ξνψ + ...) in the abbreviated form U = tt'a^ ^'a2/J2 W'*303 The performance of the operation Яге" = Ча+ ^Ч+ы + 6«Э*л.«+1 + · * * upon both sides of the relation yields 9m ^ = OWu'o.^y) и'а2в2иа3Эз + ...; and since g^ u'a^ = α'νβ'1 ϊ?ψιι'% ^ , it follows that gpq" U = (pq^pv* U. If we now substitute 1 + ο10ξ + c0iv + ... for £f, and compare coefficients, we find that 9pq crs — CP?)i C>—P. «~9 *
CH. Ill] AN OPERATOR INVARIANT 305 We can now connect the operators gpq'ftg^"t for regarding the coefficients bpg as functions of the coefficients Cpq only 9pq = (W Cpq) Ъст + ... + (gVq Cr8) 3Cyg + ... = (Ρϊλ (Зсм + с10ЭСр+17Н- c019Cpa+1 + ... + cr^^9Cre + ...) Similarly, or as a result of the symmetry that has been established, 9pq'=(P<l)2 9pq"> and since (pq% = (pq)2(pq)i, we may write down the relations (Ρϊλ flW = (РЯ% 9m = (Ρίλ ft*'"· If then we regard the relation 1 +Cio? + colV+ ... + cM£^ + ... = Π(1+α/610£ + &Λι *? + ..·) = Π (1+«."ααξ + β*"αΛη + ···) as defining a transformation of the set of quantities clo> Coi> ··· Gpq ··· into ейДег of the sets of quantities ^10i ^Ob ··· Vpq ··· the operation {pq)z9pqn is an invariant of the transformation. Expressing the operators g in terms of the operators О by Art. 549, we obtain the system of relations G10" = (10).GV" (?„," = (01), (?„'" G„" = (20), <?,"' + (10*), <Э»И" 0„" = (11), <?„'" + (10 01), <?,„'"(?„,"' (?„/' = (02), G№r + (OP), <?iV" which should be compared with the relations set forth in Art. 539 between the quantities cm and bvq. 553. In general we may take the following view: We have log(l + £<*," + n&u" + ... + Ρ*Θ„" + ...) = Ы' + 49» ~ * (?0* + 2^.." + *9ηΊ + - = %hg(i +«8'θω"'ξ+β8'σ01"'ν + -+^'iOPq,41,vj + ...); Μ. Α. II. 20
306 OPERATORS AND SYMBOLS OF QUANTITY [SECT. XI by making use of the relations we find log (1 + f GV" + ηθ^" + ... + £*^GW" + · · ·) = &/' + W ~ i (Г <b'" + 2fWu " + 4V« ") + · · · · Hence 1 + #?„" + ч <?и" +... + PV Gpq" + ... = π (i +«; <V"£+β/ вп'" v + ...+α'ρβ'ι бу" *V +···), and comparing this with the relation of Art. 539, viz. s we arrive at the following important theorem : " In any relation connecting the quantities cpq with the quantities bpq we can obtain a relation between operators by substituting Gpq\ Gpq" for cpq, bpq respectively." It is established in the same manner that in any relation connecting the quantities cpq with the quantities apq we can obtain a relation between operators by substituting Gpq, Gpq" for cpq, ap(J respectively. In fact, ξ, τ) being undetermined quantities in the assumed relation which connects the magnitudes in the three identities, we are able to express any product, or sum of products, of the quantities c10, c01, ... cm,... in terms of products of the quantities 610, b01,... bpqi... and of symmetrical functions of the quantities a/, /3/, a2'> A7,...—or in terms of products of the quantities Οίο> «οι» ··· apq> ··· ancl of symmetrical functions of the quantities a/', /3/', a2", /32", The substitutions before us can be carried out in any equation thus formed. It must be borne in mind that in any relation connecting the three sets of quantities «* > β81 α*"> β*"\ as'"> A?"'; we may interchange the two sets я/> fis'l as", fit'- We can now establish various laws of symmetry in regard to symmetric functions of several systems of quantities. 554. In view of the equality (pq)*=(pq)i(pq)2, it is clear that any integral symmetric function of the system
CH. Ill] A LAW OF SYMMETRY 30*7 which is expressible in brackets ( )3, can be expressed as a linear function of products of symmetric functions, each of which is of the form ( ). ( X, and that in that expression we can interchange the brackets ( )19 ( )2. We may therefore suppose an identity (А) (гг^гл8р...\ = ... + J"{fob? α2δ? ...)ι (ΑβΓ Α3Τ· ...)1 + (а1^аа^...)|(А5Г»Адр...)1}, wherein the functions foef raep ...), («Α» α2ί>? ...), (Piq?p2q? ···) are all of the same weight. Moreover, any product of the quantities c10, cw, ... cw,... can be expressed as a linear function of expressions, each of which contains a monomial symmetric function of the quantities α/, β8\ and a product of the quantities ^10> ^0i> ··· Vpq, .... Assume then the relations (0) c«',». «£*, ··· = ···+ Μ(ftif. i>3??...X b>U &£,,... + .... It will be shewn that the numerical coefficients J, L, Μ are equal to one another. For from the relation (B) is derived the operator relation and performing each side upon the opposite side of relation (A) we obtain after cancelling (afy a2b^ ...χ, LG'Z\ &:%- ('·.**·,* ··· W<%, G%k...(Plq?M?...%, no other terms surviving the operations. Hence L = J. In a similar manner from the relations (A) and (C) we prove that M = J. As a particular verification observe the relations (103 01), = ... + 3 {(20 Ιΐχ (103 01>, + (ΙΟ3 Οΐχ (20 11)2} + ..., С2ос;и = ...4-3(10301)Ь?оЬ01н-.,., c?0c01=...+3(2011)b?0b01 + .... We have, therefore, another proof of the Law of Symmetry which was established in Art. 542 by the method of Distributions. 20—2
308 SECOND LAW OF SYMMETRY [SECT. XI Since it has been shewn above that in any relation connecting the quantities cpq with the quantities bn we are at liberty to substitute GPq\ &pq" f°r °Mi> ^P7 respectively, it follows from Art. 550 that in any relation which connects the monomial symmetric function (ΑίΓΆίΡ—λ with a linear function of products of the quantities bvq we are at liberty to substitute Wil 7Г2!... ^ΡιΖι^Μ* ' for (АзГ'лдр·.·) and Gpq'" for Ъм. 555. This fact leads at once to a second law of symmetry, for if we derive, from the three initial identities and the relation assumed to exist between the quantities involved, a relation (й?Г1М? ...)з = ... +PbpiSib*H ... + ..., wherein Ρ is some symmetric function of the first system of quantities ag\ β8\ we are led to an operator relation Now assume a second relation fatf ra«f ...)3=... + Qb£qx b^ ... + ..., and utilise the operator relation in the manner and we find Ρ = Q, since no other terms survive the operation. We thus have before us A Theorem of Symmetry. "If (Α8Γ" Α9Γ·...)ι = ...+-Ρ*?1#1δ?Λ..· + ..., the co-factor symmetric function Ρ is unaltered when the partitions (ρ,ίΓΆ??·.·)* (Vfa*?*···) are interchanged." The function Ρ presents itself; in the first place, as a linear function of separations of the partition appertaining to the 6-product to which it is
CH. Ill] TABULAR REPRESENTATION 309 attached. The theorem furnishes linear functions of separations of any two partitions respectively of the same biweight, which are algebraically equal to one another. To elucidate the matter we can form a table of biweight 21 as follows: b2i O20 h\ ЪпЬ10 ό?0δ0ι (21)8 ! +(21) -(21) -(21) + (21) +(20 01) -(20) (01) -(20 01) -(20) (01) -(2001) +(20) (01) + (2001) +(11 10) -(11) (10) -(1110) + (11) (10) -(11 10) +(U 10) + (102 01) "(ΙΟ2) (01) -(10 01) (10) +(Ю)2 (01) -(102 01) -(ίο2) (oi) + (10 01) (10) -(ΙΟ2 01) + (102) (01) +(102 01) (20 01)3 (11 10)з (Ю201)з which is to be read by rows. The table possesses certain properties : (i) Each term in a column is a separation of the partition of the Ь-product at the head of the column. (ii) The separations in any line of terms as written possess the same specification. (iii) A row of terms possesses at most four lines, because the partitions prefixed to the rows, viz. (21), (20 01), (1110), (10201), are four in number (the same of course as the number of rows). In any row of terms the specifications of the separations in the first, second, third and fourth lines are equal respectively to the partitions (21), (20 01), (1110), (10201). (iv) The separations which appear in the same line are affected by the same coefficients. (v) The Theorem of Symmetry shews that algebraically the table possesses row and column symmetry. The block of terms in the rth row and cth column is algebraically equal to the block of terms in the cth row and rth column.
310 NEW STATEMENT OF A LAW [SECT. XI A block of terms in the rth row and cth column may be briefly and suggestively defined to be " A linear function of separations of the partition of the Ь-product at the head of the cth column formed according to the law of the function prefixed to the rth row." We may then state the Theorem of Symmetry in the form: "The assemblage of separations of formed according to the law of the function is algebraically equal to the assemblage of separations of formed according to the law of the function
CHAPTER IV THE LINEAR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS OF THE THEORY OF SEPARATIONS AND THE PARTITION OBLITERATING OPERATORS 556. We have seen that if the biparts of a monomial symmetric function θ are themselves partitioned in any manner into biparts so that when they are all assembled in a single bracket they are represented by the partition the symmetric function θ is expressible as a linear function of certain assemblages of separations of the symmetric function (г^т,^...). We have moreover actually so expressed the functions whose partitions comprise but a single bipart. For the calculation of other functions in terms of separations of a determined function it is necessary to find the adaptation of the linear operators gWt g01>... gpq>... so that they may be performed on a function when it is expressed in terms of separations. Of any partition (r^nsg2...) separates are formed by taking all possible combinations of its parts one, two, etc. at a time. There are thus (рг + l)(/o2+ 1) ... — 1 distinct separates which must be regarded as independent variables. Let any such separate be ΠΟΊο+Ριο ΟΙ""01 +p°l ... Г$">«+р™ ...), where (10*'· Ol^»'... rsnrs...) is some partition of (pq). Then by a known theorem of transformation in the differential calculus 9vq= Σ {gm (IO'w+^OI'oi+p*! ... rs*"*·'» ...)}d(10*io+9»0i*n+hi_„*„+*»...), where -7- has been written in the notation dx and the summation on the right-hand side is in regard to every distinct separate of the partition (гг8(хгй$^...). Unless however a separate contains some partition of (pq) the operation of gpq will cause it to vanish. We can immediately transform the expression of gpg because (-^fe^-'ft.-a<;C',<8V.1)'«»»-«»·- Ρ · Ч- π·ιο! 7Γ01! ... 7ГГ8\...
312 SEPARATES AS INDEPENDENT VARIABLES [SECT. XI and #н>10 Go?1 ·· · Gr?tra · · · (107Γι°+<)ι« 01π»ι+ρ°ι... rsT"l·**...) — (10p"> 01Po1... r$**...)· Hence (-)P^(PMz^} ,pq Ρ' 4L · = % S : : : " (10p,° 01Po' ... Τ&*· ...) 3/10«·ιβ+Ριο (««Όι+Ροι r$vrt+f>rs ) , „ ρ 7Γ10Ι 7Γ0ι! ... 7ГГЯ\... * the summation being in regard to (i) every partition (ΙΟ7"10ΟΙ*·1 ... г$ж™...) of (pq), (ii) every separate (101Γιθ+Ριο017Γοι+Ρο1... rsv»+fin...) of the partition (r^pr^p...). The right-hand side of this relation may be regarded as the sum of a number of portions in each of which the numbers тгю, 7г01,... тгг89... are constant. In fact writing X (10Pl° 01Pm ... TfPn ...) Э/цую+Рю o^oi+Poi _ j.^rs+Pj-e # \ =#(107Γι0017Γ»1 ... PS*™ ...)> Ρ we have / 4^-,(Ρ + 9-1)ί _^(-)5'-ΜΣτγ-1)! . (_) ρ!3! ^9 -^1о!^1!...^!...^10№010,-и"-)' a formula which should be compared with the two н·***^'*. -*£C'(*',"1)'<»<»-*-; jpi qi η- *лг101 7Γ«ιϊ ··· тгг8\ ··· jP ί 9 ! π 7Γ10 ! 7Γ01 ! ... ττ.η : ... " the summation in each formula being for every partition (lO^Ol""»1... rsVr*...) of the bipartite number (pq). The operator g{10*luQlm „*«...) is of biweight до. It is equal to 2(10^01^ ... Г&» ..ОЗ^ю + Ртох-.п+Ро^^^^+Рг....). Ρ where (10*io+p,001ff°1+Pul ...rsw™+p»·*...) is a separate of the given separable partition. If this separable partition be written in the form (lCK10 010"01... rs°>»...), the expression of #(10*ίο01*-οι ша#гя*«_) wiU involve the term 3/107no01ffol _„»«_] and also a term corresponding to every separate of and thus altogether it will involve (σ10 - 7г10 + 1) (σ0ι — тг01 Η- 1) ... (<rr$ — я>, + 1) ... terms.
CH. IV] PROPERTIES OF PARTITION OPERATORS 313 557. The operator g(pq) is a linear function of the operators 5f(107Γ10017r0l...n·'г,·ί...), and in the general case this linear function may be regarded as involving as many partition operators as the number (pq) possesses partitions (ΙΟ*10 ΟΙ"01... re"*·»...); but for particular operands some of these partition operators will be necessarily absent, for a given separable partition may not contain every partition of {pq). In particular we have in the simplest cases #10 = #(10), #01 = #(01), #20 = #(l02) ~ 2#(20)> #11 = #(1001) —#<n)> #0Э = #(012) — 2#(02)> #30 = #(10») — 3#(2010) + 3#(30)> #21 = #(10*01) —#(2001) —#(1110) + #<2lb etc. Some developed expressions of partition operators are #do) = Э(10, + (10) дт + (01) doom, 4- (20)дто) + (102) Э(103) -ΚΠ)9(ΐιιο)+(Ю01) <7(W201) tfttooi2) -г ··· > #(2001) =9(2001) + (10)3(201001) + (01) 0(2001*) + (20)Э (20'2О1) + (102) 0(2010-01) + (И) 0(201101) + (10 01) θ,,,,,β, + (02) 3 (200201) + (01»)Э (2001а) "Г 558. It will be seen that the operators #/10πιο01τοι Τ8π„ \ are readily performed upon a separation but their importance lies mainly in important properties which they possess, to which we now proceed. Denote any two operators of the same or different weights by #и, 9ip) respectively and #(107Γ111+ρ1„01π01+Ρο1 г^гв+рг, } by glir+p)> we have #(ir) #<P) = iff Μ #(Ρ)) + #(*+P) I because g(V+P) is the result of operating with gM upon the algebraic portion of #(p), the differential inverses being regarded as coefficients. Thence we find #(t)#(p) — #w#(»> =o; establishing that any two partition operators are commutative. The same fact is expressed by saying that the alternant of any two partition operators vanishes.
314 CALCULATION OF TABLES OP SEPABATIONS [SECT. XI We learn therefrom that if φ be an operand such that 9m Φ = 0> then also g(ir) {g^ φ] = 0; in other words if φ be a solution of the equation giir) = 0, then also is #(p) φ a solution. If the right-hand side of the relation 1 ; 2>!?! fe ^тг10!7г01!...7гг,!... 0(io*»oi«*...r·*"...) be performed upon a linear function of separations of the function (lO^Ol0"01... rs°>*...), which satisfies the equation gpq = 0, the effect of the particular partition operator #(107Г1°017г°1...г/г™...) is the production of terms each of which is a separation of the function (10σιο~7Γι0ΟΙ0"01"*01... rs*™-*™ ...) ; and separations of this partition cannot be produced by any other partition operation included under the sign of summation. In consequence the terms in question must vanish identically and the function which satisfies the equation gm = 0 must also satisfy the equation 5Г(107Г10017Г°1... г*"*»...)" ®' 559. We thus obtain the theorem : "If a function, expressed in terms of separations of a given monomial symmetric function, be annihilated by a certain biweight linear operator, it must also be annihilated by every linear partition operator of the same biweight." This is the cardinal theorem for use in the calculation of tables of separations of symmetric functions. Ex. gr. We will calculate the function (31 01) as a linear function of separations of the partition (21 10 01). The law of expressibility shews that this is possible because (21 10) is a partition of (31). Observing that the separation (21) (10) (01) cannot present itself because it is the only separation which on multiplication produces the function (32) we put (31 01) = A (2110) (01) + В (21 01) (10) + С (10 01) (21) + D (2110 01). Now a monomial symmetric function vanishes by the operation of g{pq) if no partition of the weight pq is comprised amongst its parts. Therefore the only operators which do not annihilate (3101) are g01, g31 and д& and the annihilating operators are g10, g-i, .... Hence the partition operators #<10)> #(21), cause the function to vanish and are sufficient for the purpose.
CH. IV] PARTITION OBLITERATING OPERATORS 315 Retaining only significant terms {Эй» + (01) d(mi) + (21) 3(2110) + (2101) V (211001) J (8101) «0, {Эй + (ίο) 3,3Uo) + (oi) э(2Ш> + (ίο oi) a (211001) }(3101) = 0, leading to А+С=0, J? + Z) = 0, C4D = 0, 4+5 = 0, or Z) = -C=-£ = A Hence (3101) = 4{(2110)(01)-(2101)(10)-(1001)(21) + (211001)b and now it is easy to see that A = — |. 2%e Partition Obliterating Operators. 560. In the foregoing a generalization has been made, in the case of the linear operators <7ю,#0ъ ··· 9pq, ·.· from a number to the partition of a number. We proceed pari passu with the theory regarding a single system of quantities and now seek the like generalization in regard to the obliterating operators 6?io > Gr0i,... Gpq, .... Consider a symmetric function J\aw> ^oi» •••Ярд» •••)=/ to be the product of w functions and write Supposing a.m to be changed into am4- μαν-Ύ>4 + ναν>4-λ we have from previous work (Ι +μΟιο + ΐ'6οι + — + PPvqGn+ .·.)/ = (1+Д„ + ^„ + ...+/*¥(?м-|....)/1 χ (1+ μ(?10 + ι/(?οι + ... + /**i* ffw +...)/* X Kxpanding the right-hand side and then equating coefficients of like products of powers of μ and ν we obtain the relations Gwf = S ( Cr Ю./1Х/2/3 '"fm> β20/ = 2 (β»Α){0»/№ + t(0»f1)ft .../„, β„/= 2 «?„/.) (<?»/0/. ···/» + Σ (Gu/i>/« ···/«· G«/ = 2 «?,./,) (0«Д) (<?»/»)/* · · -A + 2 (<?«/,) (£o/2)/3 · · ·/« G„/ = 2 (Cr.o/0 (GWi) (Яа/ЛЛ · · ·/» + 2 (<?„/.) (<?I0/2)/s · · ·/» + 2 ((?„/,) «?„/,)/, · · ./„ + 2 (©и/О/. ···/«. etc.
316 CONNEXION WITH PART OBLITERATING OPERATORS [SECT. XI Herein the summations are in regard to the different terms that may be obtained by permutation of the m functions fif2 ..-fm and there is no diminution in the number of terms arising from any equalities between the m functions. Regarded in another manner we may consider the m functions to be fixed in order and the sum to arise by distributing the operators in all possible ways. Generally in the expression for Gpqf there will occur a summation corresponding to every partition of pq. If such a partition be (piqi, P2<lz>---P$qs) the summation is 561. Thus when performed upon a product of functions the operation Gpq breaks up into as many distinct operations as the weight pq possesses partitions. We write therefore ^ (bpiiiA) (4M2/2) · · · (Gpsqsfs/fs+i · · -fm = G(Piqi ίλ>?2...ρβ<?β)> and call ©(^^^...ρ^) a partition obliterating operator. In this notation we have ©10 = ©do), ©20 ^ ©(20) + ©(102), ©11 — ©(11) + ©(1001), ©30 = ©(:ш) + ©(20Ю) + ©(юз)? ©21 = ©(21) + ©(НЮ) + ©(2001) + ©(102 01), etc. and generally where the summation is in regard to every partition of pq. This is a theorem for operating with Gpq upon a product of functions and is strictly analogous to that obtained for a single system of quantities. The reader will have no difficulty in seeing that when there are more than two systems of quantities 562. The next step is to connect the linear partition operators yipiqiPzQf.Paqs) with the partition obliterating operators ©(a^^,...^^). We have the three relations pi ?1 " 9vq ~ 7 7г10!тг01!...7г,П... W'-oi'" ... *·«...,, p\q\ 9n Г7г10!7г01!...тггв!...1о(Го1 --—' VTpq = Σ©(3 0πι° 01,Γϋ1 ... rs*™ ..)>
CH. IV] CONNEXION WITH LINEAR PARTITION OPERATORS 317 the summation in each case being for every partition (10**>01*η"**...) of pq. From these we can eliminate the two operators gpq, Gpq. Thus the first two relations yield ιγ7Γ101 7Γ01Ι ... 7TrsI ... V ' η 7Γ10ί 7Γ0ιΙ ... 7TrifI ... and with this we have now merely to combine the third relation. The simplest particular cases are ( #(10) = "10 = "'(ΙΟ)» 1 #(01) = "01 = "(01) > ' #(102) — 2^(20) = Сг10 — 2(?20 = {"(10) "" 2ff(l03)} — 2(r(20)> #(1001) ""#(11) = "10 "01 — "11 == {"(10) "(01) — "(1001)} ~ "(11), w #(01-) — %(02) = "01 "" 2(?02 = {"(01) ~" 2(?(oi2)} — 2(?(02)> / #(10») ~~ %(20 10) + %(30) = "10 — 3(?2o "10 + $"30 = l"Uo) ~" 3&(ΐΦ) "(ίο) + 3G(103)} — 3 {&(.Λ) ff(10) — (t(2oio)} + 36г(30), #(ισ·ΐοΐ) ~" #(20 0i) "■ #(u io) + #(21) = "10 "01 "" "20 "01"" "11 "10 + "21 — {"flO) "(01) "" "(102) (?(()i) — (?(10 01) "(10) + "(10201)} "- {"(20) #(01) *~ "(20 01)} — {#(ll) #(10) — #(ц 1С)} + "(21)> and we learn much from their examination. 563. Take the result #(io2) — 2<7(20) = {(?f10) — 2(τ(10·2)} — 2G(ao) into consideration. Suppose that the operand is a linear function of separations of a given partition. Upon it the two sides of the operator relation must produce identically the same function; but the terms produced by gm), Crf10) and Gm are separations of one partition, and the terms produced by gm and 6r(20) are separations of one partition different from the former. Hence for the given operand the relation breaks up into the two relations #(κβ = "(Ίο) — 2Gr(102), #(20) = #(20)· This reasoning is applicable in general and gives us the relations #(10) = "(10)) #(11)2) — G(10) — 2 СГ( ю-.»), w#(20) = #(20) > {;
318 OPERATOR FORMULA ANALOGOUS TO WARING'S [SECT. XI {#(1001) ~ ©(10) ©(01) ~ ©(Ю01)> #(11) = ©(11)> 9m = ©ao)~~ 3(?(io2) ί?(ΐο) + 3(?(10з), #(20 10) = ©(20) ©(10) — ©(2010)> #(30) == ©(30) > #(10*01) = ^(10) ©(01) ~ ©(10*) ©(01) — ©(10 01) ©(10) + ©(10201)» #(20 01) = ©(20) ©(01) ~~ ©(20 01)> #(11 10) — ©(11) ©(10) "~ ©(11 10) > #(21) = ©(21)· 564. The general formula that will be established is (-^-MStt-I)! 7Г101 7Г01 ; ... ik r8; . . . ^ where the summation is for every separation (ΙΟ*10 01πο1... τ$π™ ...). We proceed from the formula WW of the partition 2(-)*-1 фг-1)1 Mo! TToi 1 · ·. 7rrs _ V / \2л—1 V^77" ·*·) · β7™ ft*01 7Γ10!7Γ0ι! ... 7ГГ8\ g: and we have to substitute for ©w, ©0i,... ©rs> ··· tbe sums of the partition operators of weights 10, 01,... rs>... respectively. We have then to collect on the right all the © operator products which are associated with separations of the same partition and to equate them to the corresponding g operators on the left. Suppose (σΟ, (σ2), ... to be the several partitions of (rs); we find that τι rs · ^rs · *"* 7Γσ, ! 7Γ„J... ' leading to the relation where #(ΐοπι° οι"'01. .. Г**" ... - * V-; · . · , "Γ/,η ""/ тл · · · ЗгЫ Vl) № WW*..
CH. IV] THE INVERSE FORMULA 319 is a separation of the symmetric function and the summation is in regard to the whole of such separations. This formula is to be compared with that which expresses spq in terms of separations of any partition (lO^Or^.-.r^™...) of the bipartite number pq, viz. : _λς>-ι_ (-> (Sir-1)1 Διγ„\ 7Г10! 7T01I...7rrS! 1 ^(ю71"10О!""01 ... rs1 .я .«^(-^-iSL^'iJiy^j^.... л» л 565. From the above relations we can express the partition G operators in terms of the partition g operators. Thus £(10) = #(10)> f 2! (?(102) = #fi0) ~ #(102), #(20) = #(20)> #(io oi) — #(ю) #(oi) — #(iooi)> #(ιι) =#(ΐΐ)» ( 3 ! 6τ(10·ΐ) = #(\o) — 3#(102) #(ιο) + 2<7(ltfi), #(20 10) = #(20) #(10) "~ #(20 10)» #(зо) — #(зо) > 2#(io3oi) = #fio) #(oi) ~~ #002) #(oi) — 2#(iooi)#(io) *+· 2#(10201)> #(20 01) = #(20) #(01) -" #(20 01)» #(n ίο) — #(ii) #(io) ~~ #(ii io)» #(21) = #(21)· The general formula that is established follows the law by which any symmetric function is expressed in terms of the one-part symmetric functions. Thus the first of the last batch of formulas is in correspondence with the formula Δ (J 0" 01) = $ΐ0$οι ""* $20^01 "~ ^'ll^lU + ^21, and it will be noted that takes the place oig(PiqiP2q2PBqs...) on the right-hand side. It will be noted that the partitions associated with the right-hand side of the algebraic formula, viz.: (10201), (20 01), (1110), (21),
320 FORMULA INVOLVING SYMBOLIC MULTIPLICATION [SECT. XI are the specifications of the separations (10)2(01), (102)(01), (10 01) (10), (10201), which are associated with the right-hand side of the operator formula. The formula which expresses any monomial symmetric function in terms of functions with a single part in their partitions is (_)27r-l(lQ7r10 01*oi ... rS"rs ...) = <( pi-i fipi-l)!(Sfr-l)!... i, h ^ } ii!js!.../hi!pi.!...p*i!p»! WW"· where (Ji) = (pujfi'ftrfS* ···)> W = (Αιίϊ1 ЛИ1 -λ and (t/i)7*1 (/2У2... is a separation of (lO^Ol1*1... rs*>«...). If (/χ), (/a),... are of weights Piqup2q2,··· respectively, s(Jj, sw> ... are equal to 8Ρι9ι, sMl,... respectively. The corresponding operator formula will be found to be (_)2тг-1 (?(χοπιο017Γοι _ r^r*...) = S( ^'-Ί (Σ/>ι-1)!(2/>2-1)!... j, л k ' Λ!Λ!...ριι!ρι«!...Λι!ρ«! ^^W"' but here of course we are not at liberty to substitute piqi, 2>2?2>··· f°r (Jj), (J2),... respectively in the formula. 566. In these formulae the multiplications of operations denote successive operations. The products of g partition operators are readily transformed, so that the multiplications may be symbolic; for, denoting symbolic multiplication by external brackets as usual, we find 2 ! СГ(102) = (#(Ю))> #(10 01) = \9(Щ9(01))> 3 ! <9(10з) = (#fio))> and in general 7Г10! 7Г()1! ... 7Ггв! ... G^io 0liroi _ 7V«...) = (#U0) 9m · · · ffjrs) · · ·) > and this is to be compared with a previous result p!i!Gj*-(fltofl*). These results are readily generalizable for multipartite symmetric functions in general. Thus (-^φτ-Ι)! Γ— j Z i 9(100..."м-.. 010...""0!0"· rst...*««···) _^(-)^(Σ?·-ΐ)!^·, «a 7 ji!;.!... V,)^-'
CH. IV] THE MULTIPLICATION OF SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS 321 where («Tiy» (JQy*... is a separation of (100..."*»··· 010.. .7Г01°- rst...*«*... ...), and the summation is in regard to the whole of the separations. The reader will have no difficulty in reversing this formula. Also 7i"ioo..J ^οιο.,.ϊ ··· ^rst... * ··· ^(100..71(Ю-"010...7Г°10··· ret...***···...) = (a"100'" <y"m'" cTrst~ ) Vi/noo...) У (Οία j · · * ί/(,·Λ„.) * * * /· These relations are of importance in the studies of combinations on a chess board or lattice, which will be taken up in the next chapter. In that theory it will be found that certain enumerations are determined in the forms (jtu an, Cr\n am, (г1Ш «ЦП, and generally in the form GgJ?^"· affit"*"". In feet these expressions, on evaluation, are integers, and severally enumerate interesting combinations on a chess board. 567. We have above the results that have been, or are likely to be, of the greatest service in Combinatory Analysis. An example may be given of the use of the operators in the multiplication of symmetric functions. Suppose that we require the coefficient of (ll2) in the product (102)(01)2. Put (10s) (0l)2= ... + A (IP) + .... When wc operate with G'ii on the right-hand side the result is A> since every other term is caused to vanish. Hence A «0b (10·) (01)*. Now Gu = G{n) + G{lQoi)> and since the operand involves no part (11) we find A = ^ooi,(1Os)(O1)^ = 20(1OO]) (10) (01)- 2. Again, to find the coefficient of (11 10 01) in the product (10 01) (10) (01), wc have to evaluate <?n #io G«i (10 01) (10) (01) ξ σ,ιβ .1)^0,0^,(10 oi) (ίο) (οι) «^(ιοβι) »(ю) {(10 01) (10) +(ΙΟ)3 (01)} = β(,ο οι) 1(10 01) + (10) (01) + 2 (10) (01)}, and remembering that (ruooD (10 01) = 0, since in operating with G&ooi) the parts (10), (01) must be taken away from separate factors of a product, we find the result Goool). 3(10) (01) = 3. M.A. II. 21
322 CONSTRUCTION OF SYMMETRICAL TABLES [SECT. XI The Construction of Symmetrical Tables. 568. It has been established in Art. 542 that it is possible to form two symmetrical tables in connexion with every partition of every biweight. Certain representative tables are given as far as weight 4 inclusive. Of that weight we neglect the biweights 40, 04 as they are practically the same as the weight 4 for a single system of quantities. Of the remaining biweights 31,22,13, it is only necessary to give the two former, because the biweights 31,13, are practically the same. There are seven partitions of biweight 31, viz.: (10301), (11 102), (2010 01), (2011), (2110), (30 01), (31), and nine of biweight 22, viz.: (1020P), (1110 01), (IP), (20 OP), (20 02), (2101), (22). (02102), (1210), Of these the tables for (20 012), (21 01) give those for (02 102), (12 10) respectively by transposing the elements of the biparts, and the four corresponding to (31) and (22) are mere identities, so that the number is reduced from 32 to 24. The earlier tables which are necessary are those of the partitions (10 01), (20 01), (1110), (103 01). Each table is read horizontally, or as may be said, by rows and not by columns.
CHAPTER V FURTHER THEORY OF THE LATIN SQUARE 569. The question of the Latin Square can be regarded from another point of view. Let us consider the symmetric functions of many systems of quantities and the associated differential operators. Three systems of quantities may be taken as typical of the general case. As operand we may have the product оХлГ1 aW2... aWf = (100λ> 010* 001*0 (100λ* ОКУ» 001"»)·· ·(100Ч>10*001"·) and as operator (\ιμ1ν1\2μ2ν2...\8μ8ν8) and (р^ЛМг^'з ··· Рь&п) being partitions of the same tripartite number. It will be remembered from Chapter ш that "W = ^~j T] f\ \9ioo9ow 9m)> where gm = Sap-i q r <W > ^ooi = ^<%<?r—ι "аде?· Moreover it was proved that if on multiplication Η- Л (ί?ι?ιПjp2^2r2 ...ptqtrt) + . ■., then ^Ριί,»-! Ьр^п ·· · ^fptqtrt ^λιΑΑ, μ, <^\2μ2ν2 - · · α\μ8^ = Λ · We must carry out the operation upon the function (100λ· 010* 001"·) (100λ* 010* 001"*) ... (100λ* 010* OOP*) and then determine the nature of the diagrams enumerated by the number A. Consider first the operation of GPiqirr It operates through the partitions of (ρι?ιΛ) upon the operand. The only effective partition is (100* 010*' 001r«), and its parts must be picked out from the factors of the operand in all possible ways subject to the condition that only one part must be taken from any one factor. The operation breaks up as usual into a number of minor operations and each of these yields a first row of a lattice of s columns, 21—2
324 THE LATIN RECTANGLE PROBLEM [SECT. XI s being the number of factors of the operand, and of t rows, t being the number of factors composing the operator. The first row comprises $ compartments and in ply ql} гг of these will occur the tripartite numbers 100, 010, 001 respectively, px + q1 4- rx compartments being occupied and s —px — qx — rx unoccupied. Read from left to right these tripartite numbers constitute a composition into parts 100, 010, 001 of the tripartite number (pi^ifi). Similarly a minor operation of GMir2 gives in each case a second row involving the numbers 100, 010, 001, p2} ?2> ?\j times respectively, and these numbers read from left to right constitute a composition into parts 100, 010, 001 of the tripartite number (рг^г)· We finally arrive at a diagram such that the tripartite numbers in the successive rows read from left to right constitute compositions into parts 100, 010, 001 of the tripartite numbers (pig^), (р2?Л)> ··· (ptqtn), respectively; and in the successive columns if the reading be from top to bottom, we have compositions into parts 100, 010, 001, of the tripartite numbers (λιμιΐ/ι), (λ2^2^2), ... (\8μ8ν*) respectively. To give the proposition a purely literal form wc write 100, 010, 001 equal to a, b, с respectively, and the diagrams are then such that there are s columns and t rows, the products of letters in the successive rows being a^b^c^, α*·δ«ν»,... a*t¥t<f%9 and in the successive columns a^b^c"1, αλ*№*ον*, ... α뻥-Βθν*. The number of these diagrams is therefore Vfpxqxri bptfin '" ^Xptton αλ,μ,ι/, α\2μ2ν2 ··· Q>kaV*V8m In this distribution not more than one letter occurs in each compartment and there may be empty compartments. Ex. gr. With the operator Gm Gm Gm and the operand a110 От «ою аш we obtain the integer 7 which enumerates diagrams of four columns and three rows such that the products of letters in the successive rows are abc, ac, abc and in the successive columns ab, etc, i>, ac\ The seven diagrams are b 0 a a с 0 0 0 b с a с ! ° 1 a b a 0 с b 0 0 с с a a 0 b 0 с a ■ b ' с 0 0 a с a 0 b 0 a с Ь 0 с с 0 ; a 0 a b с 0 a b 0 0 a с с b a 0 с 0 a 0 0 b a с с b 0 a с a 0 0 0 b a с с and they are the only ones satisfying the conditions.
CH. V] EXAMPLES OF LATIN EECTANGLES 325 If we rotate these diagrams we obtain those derivable from ^"110 ^101 ^010 ^102 &111 #101 &1U> which therefore necessarily has the value 7. In general we thus prove that @pxqxrx Grpuq2r2 ··· ^Ptqtrt αλχμχνχ a\uw2 ··· ^λβ/ιβ^β = ®λχμχνχ ^λβ^νβ ··· ^λβ^β ap^rx ар,&г2 ··· aptqtrtf involving a law of symmetry already established in this Section, Art. 542. 570. If we require diagrams with no empty compartments we must have Pi + ?i + rx = p2 + q2 + r2 = ... =pt + qt + rt = s, and \ + fa + vi = Xg + fc + J>2 =* ... ~ λβ + μβ + νβ = ί. Thus G211 #121 αιιο ^ιοι αοιι °^ю leads to the three diagrams b a a с с b a b a b с a b с a b a b a с с b b a possessing the property that the letters in the successive rows make the products a?bc, ab2c and in the successive columns the products ab} ac, be, ab. These diagrams when rotated correspond to the same integer 3, viz.: ^110 ^"101 ^"011 ^110 ^211 ^121 · Further if the diagrams arc to be squares we must have s = t Moreover if the diagrams are to bo Latin Squares the product connected with each row and each column must be abc and for the third order we find that the Latin Squares arc enumerated by ^111 "ΊΙΙι and for the order η by Cr4 ft4 ^111 ...1 "'111... 1> a very simple expression for the numbers. 571. Again corresponding to QX + fL+μ aP + q + 1* •pqr \μ.ν wc have diagrams such that there are λ + μ 4- ν rows and p + q + r columns with a product d»WcT corresponding to each row and axbllcv to each column. Ex. gr. The expression 0%^ a\n gives diagrams such as a с b b a с a с b с b a с b a b a с
326 SOLUTION OF GENEEALIZED LATIN SQUARE [SECT. XI which have the property that each row gives the product a2b*c2 and each column the product abc. In particular λμν λμν gives square diagrams of order \ + μ + ν such that the product акЪ^ср is given by each row and each column. In general /-γλ+μ + !>+... „λ+μ+ν + ... gives square diagrams of order Х + /л + ^+... such that the product corresponding to each row and each column is a^c".... This is the generalization of the Latin Square previously met with in Section V, Art. 219.
TABLES OF SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS OF TWO SYSTEMS OF QUANTITIES (И) (10 01) BlWEIGHT 11 (10 01) (10) (01) -1 1 1 . Partition (10 01). (И) (10 01) (10) (01) 1 (10 01) 1 1 (21) (20 01) (21) (11 10) Biweight 21. Partition (20 01). (20 01)' (20) (01) (21) (20 01) (20) (01) -1 1 1 Partition (11 10). (U10) (11) (10) (11 10) (11) (10) -1 1 1 Partition (102 01). (20 01) 1 1 1 (21) (11 10) 1 1 1 (21) (20 01) (11 10) (10201) α2ι ι -1 -1 1 «20 #01 -1 -1 1 au αϊ0 -1 1 «ίο "οι 1 (21) (2001)(1110)(10201) «21 «20 «01 an a10 «10 «01 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 (31) (30 01) Biweight 31. Partition (30 01). (30 01) (30) (01) (31) (30 01) (30) (01) -1 1 1 (30 01) 1 1 1
328 TABLES OF SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS (31) (21 10) Partition (21 10). (21 10) (21) (10) (31) (21 10) (21 10)I (21) (10) -1 1 1 1 1 1 (31) (20 11) Partition (20 11). (20 11) (20) (11) (31) (20 11) (20 11)I (20) (11) -1 1 1 1 1 1 Partition (20 10 01). (31) (30 01) (21 10) (20 11) (20 10 01) о о о о о о о о* - -4 -4 1 ■"- | ι -4 -4 4 4 -4 1 -4 4 -4 4 4 -4 1 О о (20 10 01) (20 10) (01) (20 01) (10) (10 01) (20) (20) (10) (01) 'г-Н 00 1 о о 00 1 1 1 г-ч СМ 1 г-1 i 1 ! 1 : 1 I 1 1 1
OF TWO SYSTEMS OF QUANTITIES 329 Partition (11 102). (31) (2011) (2110) (11102) (31) (20 11) (21 10) (11 102) 1-1-1 1 -1-1 1 -11 1 (11 102) (102) (11) (11 10) (10) (11) (10)2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 ' 2 2 Partition (10301). #31 #JJ0#01 #21 #10 #20#11 #20 #10 #01 #11 #10 #10 #01 (31) (3001) (21 10) (20 11) (2010 01) (11 102) (10301) -1 1 1 1 -2 -1 1 1 2 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 0 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 -2 -1 1 -1 1 1 «31 #30 #01 #21 #10 #20 #11 #20 #10 #01 #11 #10 #10 #01 о о со о о 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 2 3 4 6 1 1 1 3 3 3 6 6 21-
330 TABLES OF SYMMETRIC FUNCTIONS Biweight 22. Partition (21 01). (22) (21 01) о ι—I CM ©q -ι | ι 1 (21 01) (21) (01) о I—I CM I 1 1 (22) (20 02) (20 02) -1 1 (20) (02; 1 Partition (20 02). (20 02) (20) (02) 1 ι 1 1 1 (22) (11*) (11*) — 2 1 Partition (ll2). (11)* 1 (11*) (11)* (22) 1 (11») 1 | 2 Partition (20 OP). (22) (20 02) (21 01) (20 012) о о CM ^^^ о CM о о CM о о 1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 -1 Ι ι 1 I 1 !... (20 0l2) (20) (01*) (20 01) (01) (20) (01)2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2
OF TWO SYSTEMS OF QUANTITIES 331 Partition (1110 01). о о о, о* о о о* (22) (21 01) (12 10) (И2) (11 10 01) s~' Ϊ ~ь — 1 — 1 4 1 ч-' 2 -ь ϊ i ^ -ь i -ь ι см -i i ϊ -i s—' 1 05 05 01) 1-4 (Μ о* CM О о Ξ (11 10 01) (11 10) (01) (И 01) (10) 2 (10 01) (11) (11) (10) (01) Partition (ΙΟ2 ΟΙ2). 1 1 2 1 1 0 2 1 2 2 0 2 ι 1 1 1 2 1 (22) (21 01) (hi 10) (20 02) ("*) (20 012) (02 102) (11 10 01) (К)" ОГ-5) «22 — 2 3 2 3 2. 3 2 3 1 3 2 3 _2 3 _ 4 3 1 «21 «01 2 3 1 3 — 2 3 — 2 3 1 3 — 1 3 2 3 1 3 «12 «10 2 3 __ 2 3 1 3 _2 3 _ 1 3 2 3 - 1 3 1 3 «20^02 2 3 2 3 2 3 10 3 _ 1 3 _ 4 3 __ 4 3 4 3 «11 1 3 __ 1 3 _ 1 3 __ 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 - 1 3 «20ifc01 __ 2 3 — 1 3 2 3 _ 4 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 _ 1 3 «02 «10 «11«10«0 __2 3 2. 3 _ 1 3 _ 4 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 _ 1 3 — 1 3 — 1 3 L «10«01 1 1 1 > 8 1 «22 «si«m «12% «a» «02 a «20 «01 «и «io «oi о r-t О О S о о о о ■Μ о 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 1 0 2 0 1 2 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 4 1 2 2 1 4 2 2 4 4
332 ENUMERATION OP SOLID GRAPHS Enumeration of Solid Graphs. Number of Nodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Number of Distinct Graphs having one aspect 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 0 3 Number of Distinct Graphs having two aspects 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 Number of Distinct Graphs having three aspects 0 1 2 2 4 6 6 11 16 20 28 41 51 70 93 122 Number of Distinct Graphs having six aspects 0 0 0 1 2 5 11 21 39 73 129 226 388 659 1100 1821 Total Number of Distinct Graphs 1 1 2 4 6 11 19 33 55 95 158 267 442 731 1193 1947 Total Number of Graphs 1 3 6 13 24 48 86 160 282 500 859 1479 2485 4167 6879 11297 If we add together the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th columns we obtain the 6th column. Also adding the 2nd column, twice the 3rd, three times the 4th, and six times the 5th we obtain the 7th column. The graphs are unrestricted in regard to the numbers of nodes that may be placed along the three axes.
INDEX TO THE TWO VOLUMES [Volumes are indicated by Roman numerals. Pages are indicated by Arabic numerals.] Abbreviation: (s) for !-#*, i, 136; xrw for xrcxWy π, 265 Addition: magic squares and other configurations which may be added, и, 157 Algebra: connexion with Arithmetic, I, Introduction; of operators, I, 30-32, 79-80 Analysis : partition analysis, n, 91-170 Angle: of nodes, n, 13; of nodes in the case of a symmetrical graph, II, 16-18; solid angles of nodes, и, 261-262 Arrangements: Probleme des rencontres, i, 99; of cards, i, 187; upon a chess board, I, 224-241; Latin squares and rectangles, I, 246-260; Probleme des menages, I, 253; magic squares, и, 157-170; in two dimensions, π, 171-246 ; in three dimension, II, 247-257; of functions prior to multiplication, II, 187, 270 Arrays: two-dimensional array of numbers, i, 125 Ascending : ascending specification of permutations of different integers, 1,188 ; arrangement of parts of partition in ascending order, n, 91 Aspect: of a graph, и, 179, 271, 277-279 Assemblages: of letters, i, 87 Auxiliaries: in generating function, и, 183 Average: values of indices of permutations, of greater index, of equal index, of square and higher powers of greater index, I, 141-144; of sums of powers of components of index, i, 145; of class of a permutation, i, 14C; values connected with the equal index, I, 147; of major, equal and minor contacts in random dealing of playing cards, i, 149 Axis: of plane graph, i, 172; of solid graph, i, 176 Binomial Coefficients: calculus of, i, 74-77; certain permutations enumerated by the sum of the ?*th powers of, i, 116 117; application of Master Theorem to sums of powers of, I, 119-122 Binomial Theorem: linear function of squares of binomial coefficients, i, 120 Bipart: the term, I, 264; и, 281 ; partitions with one bipart, и, 282-284 Bipartite: the term, I, 264; enumeration of bipartite numbers, i, 265-276; theory of bipartite partitions, ir, 280 et seq. Biweight: the term, i, 281 Boundary partitions: π, 275 Branch: of a tree, the term, i, 181 Calculus: of finite differences, I, 75; n, 213-231; n, 241-242; of binomial coefficients, I, 74-77
334 INDEX TO THE TWO VOLUMES Cards: random dealing of playing cards, i, 149; Simon Newcomb's game of "patience," i, 187; ascending and descending specifications of a pack of, i, 188, 197 Cayley: writes (s) for 1 — #*, i, 136; I, Introduction; on Latin square, I, 247; transformation of generating function, n, 59-61, 71 Cells: of a lattice, i, 225 Characteristics: of a separation, i, 46 Chess board: arrangements upon, I, 224-245; Latin square, I, 246-260 Circulator: Cayley*» prime circulator, и, 60-63 Clarendon type: the notation (s) for 1 - #*, i, 136 Class: distribution of a series of elements into a series of classes; species of; type of; of unarranged objects; of arranged objects, i, 8; of a permutation qua major contacts, I, 135 ; qua equal contacts, qua minor contacts, I, 136; average value of, I, 146 Column: of a lattice, i, 124; of a chess board, i, 190; of a graph, H, 3; (see also Conjugate and Reciprocation) Combinations: enumeration of, i, 87; restricted combinations, i, 89; identity of enumeration of combinations and permutations in certain cases, I, 90-92; of order к in respect of ρ units and in general, I, 180-186 Compartments (see Cells) Complete lattice (see Lattice) Components: of index, i, 145; average value connected with, ib.; connexion with class of permutation, I, 148; properties of, ib. Compositions: of numbers, the term, I, 9; of unipartite numbers, I, 150-154; graphical representations by black and white nodes, and by zig-zag graph, I, 152-154; conjugate, inverse, self-inverse, ib.; of multipartite numbers, the generating function, I, 155; connexion with the theory of permutations, i, 159; graphical representation of bipartite compositions, I, 165 ; principal compositions, I, 171; inverse bipartite, I, 172 ; of tripartite numbers in particular, i, 178; generalization of the idea and correspondence with " Trees," i, 180; connexion with Simon Newcorab's problem, I, 187 Compound denumeration: the term after Sylvester, i, 264 Conditioned product: the term, n, 41, 49 Configuration: arithmetical, the term, n, 157 Conjugate: graphs and lattices, n, 3; partitions, ib.; compositions, I, 151-154; self- conjugate permutations, i, 118; inverse conjugates, I, 153 Contact: major, equal and minor contacts, the terms, i, 132; in the compositions of multipartite numbers, I, 176; in permutations, i, 177-183; species of, in bipartite compositions, I, 168 Continuants: connected with partitions, n, 46 Continued fractions: in connexion with Diophantinc inequalities, n, 118-125 Contraction: the term, n, 21 Convergents: in connexion with Diophantinc inequalities, n, 118-125 Crelle: π, 23, foot-note Crude generating function: the term, n, 93; ultra-crude, the term, n, 94 Cube: solid graph formed by the summits of, n, 252; partitions in solido, ib.; corresponding lattice permutations, lattice functions and generating functions, n, 252- 257 Degree: of a separation of a partition, the term, i, 46 Denumeration (see Compound denumeration)
INDEX TO THE TWO VOLUMES 335 Descending: descending specification of permutations of different integers, I, 188; arrangement of parts of partition in descending order, n, 91 Determinant: guiding determinant of the Master Theorem in permutations, the term, I, 100; in solutions of problems, n, 213-234 Diagonal properties: of magic squares, n, 157 Diagram: in theory of arrangements on a chess board, and in denoting minor operations into which differential operations may be dissected, I, 224-263 Differential Calculus: applied to theory of distributions on a line, i, 26 et seq.; to arrangements on a chess board, I, 224 et seq.; to theory of permutations and combinations, i, 87 et seq.; to compositions of numbers, i, 160, 174; to enumeration of multipartite partitions, I, 225 et seq. Diophantine: analysis, n, 91; inequalities and equalities, ib. et seq. Discordant permutations: the term, i, 253; with any given permutations, i, 254-255 Displacements : theory of, i, 99 Dissection: of differential operations into minor operations, I, 224-263 Dissimilar: objects, i, 8; parcels, ib.; parts, n, 9-14 Distributions: theory of, i, 8-18; operators in the theory, i, 26-44; restricted, I, 49; derived from partitions with zero parts only, i, 76; concerning more than two sets of objects, I, 83; upon a chess board, i, 224 et seq.; applied to the multipartite partitions which appertain to a given group, I, 264 et seq.; in the theory of separations of multipartite partitions, n, 285-296 Divisors: of numbers connected with partitions, n, 57-58 Dixon: cubes of binomial coefficient, I, 121 Durfee : his square of nodes appertaining to a graph, n, 15; square of г2 nodes, II, 25 Elementary symmetric functions: the term, i, 2 Elliott: on linear homogeneous Diophantine analysis, II, 111-114 Elliptic functions: Jacobi's identity in, n, 23 Equal index (see Index) Equality: Diophantine, connected with Diophantine inequalities, n, 103-104 Essential nodes : upon a line of route, the term, i, 167 Euler: I, Introduction, v; on the Latin square, I, 240; on partitions of numbers, n, 1; his celebrated formula in partitions, n, 21 ; upon divisors of numbers, n, 57 Expressibility: theorem of, i, 53 ; it, 291 Ferrers: his graph of a unipartite partition, it, 3 Figurate numbers: appear as exponents, n, 175 Finite Differences (see Calculus) Fractions: }_>artial, after Cayley, Л, 59 ; partial, derived from symmetric fmiction transformation, n, 61-71 Franklin: n, 5, foot-note : graphical proof of theorem in Comytes Itendus of the Institut, и, 21 Fundamenta Nova of Jacobi, n, 31 Fundamental forms: in various theories derived from partition analysis, n, 91-170 Gauss: a series of, n, 24; methods and processes of, n, 78-83 General magic square: the term, и, 157 Generating function: I, Introduction, and throughout both volumes (see Crude, Real, Redundant, Ultra-crude) Girard: n, Introduction, Note Glaisher: I, Introduction, viii; proof of theorem in partitions, n, 12
336 INDEX TO THE TWO VOLUMES Gbttingen Commentaries, it, 24, foot-note Graeco-Latin square: of Euler, i, 246-248 Graph: line graph of composition, i, 151-153; zig-zag, i, 153-154; representation of compositions of bipartite and multipartite numbers, i, 165 et seq.; of partition, n, 3 et seq.; transformation of, n, 13; square of, after Durfee, n, 15; in transformation of series, n, 26; functions placed at the nodes of a rectangular graph, it, 145, 270; solid graph, n, 258; aspects of, in three dimensions, n, 27*7 Greater index (see Index) Ground forms (see Fundamental forms) Group: in theory of distributions, the term, i, 8; of separations, the term, i, 47 Guiding determinant (see Determinant) Hammond: i, Introduction, ix ; his operators d, D, i, 27 et seq.; proof of laws of symmetry, I, 40-41 Hilbert: solutions of inequalities, и, 107 Homogeneous product sums: expression in terms of other symmetric functions, i, 3-4, 7 ; connexion with the theory of distributions, i, 10-15 ; derivation of the functions t, i, 14; connexion with distribution into groups of type (lm), ι, 17-18 ; connexion with distribution in general through the derived functions By I, 19-22 ; derivation of the operator δ, ι, 36-37 ; in enumeration of permutations and combinations, i, 87- 92 ; connected with Simon Newcomb's problem, I, 197 et seq. ; derivation of a new function haic..., I, 200; connected with arrangements on a chess board, I, 234 ; connected with multipartite partitions, I, 277-287; connected with generating functions of partitions, II, 62 et seq. ; of several systems of quantities, II, 283 ; in multipartite distribution, n, 287; connected with magic squares, n, 166; (see also Tables) Identity: theory of Three Identities, I, 79-86 Incomplete lattice: the term, и, 191 Indeterminate equations: in partition analysis, ir, 91-170 Index: of permutation, I, 135-149 ; in the study of lattice functions, n, 189 et soq. ; in the theory of permutation functions, π, 206-2Ι2; in the study of solid lattice functions, II, 247-257 ; (see also Multiplicity) Inequality (see Diophantine) Inner lattice function (see Lattice) Integer: consecutive integers, properties of algebraic forms of, n, 151-156 Integral: finite and integral character of a standard form of generating function, n, 145-150 Intermediate (see Convergents) Intuitive : generating function of Euler (see Eulcr) Invariant: arising from the theory of Three Identities, i, 79-80 Inverse : compositions, I, 152 ; self-inverse, ib.; inverse conjugates, 153 ; inverse line of route through a graph, the term, 1,172 ; bipartite compositions, ib. ; inverse principal compositions, i, 173 ; of a permutation of different integers, I, 188 Jacobi: elliptic function identity, II, 23-24; Fundamenta Nova, и, 31 Knot: of a tree, the term, I, 181 ; terminal knot, ib. Laplace : i, Introduction, vi Latin square : of Euler, theory of, i, 246 et seq. Lattice : permutation, the term, τ, 124-125 ; correspondence with two-dimensional arrays
INDEX TO THE TWO VOLUMES 337 126 ; enumeration of, 127-134 ; incomplete, the term, n, 213 ; factors at the points of, II, 187 ; lattice function, the term, n, 189 ; sub-lattice function, II, 194 et seq. ; Outer and Inner lattice functions, the terms, n, 216 ; lattice, lattice permutations and lattice functions in solido, II, 247-257 Lemma: in theory of Diophantine inequality, n, 115-116 Lesser index (see Index) Letters: in envelopes, i, Introduction, ix (see Probleme des rencontres) Limited double product: studied by Sylvester, и, 72-77 Line : partitions on a line, the term, n, 171 ; line of route, the term, i, 167 Linear operator (see Operators) London Mathematical Society's Proceedings : Hammond in, I, 27 Lots: grouping of compositions in, i, 188 Lucas: on Probleme dcs mcnages, i, 253 4 (see Modified multiplication) Magic square: theory of, ir, 157 ; general magic square, the term, ib. (see also Chess board) Major: contact (see Contact); index (see Index) Master Theorem : in permutations, i, Introduction, vii; I, 93-98 ; applied to theory of displacements, i, 99-114 ; to powers of binomial coefficients, etc., I, 115-123 Maxima and Minima: in connexion with sub-lattice functions, и, 198-200 Menages: Probleme des, i, 253 Metzler: n, Introduction, ν Minor: contact (нее Contact); index (see Index) Modified multiplication: denoted by J/, u, 42, 49 Modulus: greater index of permutation in respect of a prime modulus, I, 140 Modus operandi: concerned with arrangements on a chess board, i, 228 Monomial symmetric function: the term, i, 7 Muirhead: on Waring*» theorem, n, Introduction, Note Multinomial theorem: applications of, i, 7; symmetric function expression of, I, 231 Multipartite : numbers, ι, L, 155, 204 ; symmetric functions, n, 280; representation by graphs of nodes, n, 170 ; generating function, n, 54 Multiplicity: of a separation, i, 40 Netto: (Joinbinatorik, n, Introduction, 71 Newcomb's problem in patience, ι, 187 Node: of graph or lattice (see Graph, Lattice) Non-unitary: symmetric function or partition, [, 2; n, 28L Notation: (7ay ley's writing (s) for I -& (see Clarendon type, Cay ley); exp (see Operators) Objects: in theory of distributions, I, 8 Obliterating operator: the term, i, 28 ; π, 298-299 Omega: operative symbol Ω, n, 92, 10L Operation: й (see Omega) Operators : Hammond's, i, 27; notation for symbolic multiplication, ib. ; algebra of, I, 28; the notation exp, [, 31 ; upon a product of symmetric functions, I, 32; obliterating, i, 28 ; partition obliterating, i, 33 ; applications of, I, 38; of the theory of separations, i, 62 ; the operator J)0 and its properties, i, 74-77 ; applied to enumerate permutations and combinations, I, 87-90 ; in theory of displacements, I, 99 ; in enumeration of multipartite compositions, I, 160, 206, 213 ; in arrangements upon
338 INDEX TO THE TWO VOLUMES a chess board, i, 224 ; dissection of, ib.; connected with diagrams, I, 225 ; of Calculus of Finite Differences, I, 241 ; in theory of Latin square, i, 248 ; in enumeration of bipartite and multipartite partitions, i, 267 et seq. ; in theory of symmetric functions of several systems of quantities, n, 297; in further theory of Latin square, u, 323-326 Order: of algebraic forms of integers, n, 152 Ordinary magic square: n, 157 Outer lattice function: n, 216 Parcels : in theory of distributions, i, 8 et seq.; type of, ib. Parity: of greater index of a permutation, i, 139 Part: of partition, the term, I, 1 ; partition into different kinds of, II, 1 et seq. Partial fractions (see Fractions) Partitions: definitions connected with, i, 1, 45 ; operators, i, 66 ; of zero, i, 77 ; perfect, the term, I, 217; sub-perfect, the term, ib. ; Ferrers graph of, I, 236 ; of zero leading to distribution, I, 242; bipartite and multipartite, i, 267 et seq.; Euler's theory, n, 1-58 ; Cayley's transformation, ir, 59-60 ; transformation by symmetric functions, n, 61-71; processes of Gauss, n, 78; connexion of theory with other combinatory theories, II, 84-90 ; new basis of, n, 91; partition analysis, n, 91-170 ; in two dimensions, Π, 171 et seq. ; in solido, ir, 247-257 Patience: Simon Newcomb's game of, i, 187 Perfect partition: the term, i, 217 Permutations: as particular case of distributions, i, 9 ; enumeration of, I, 90; Master Theorem in theory of, I, 93 ; displacements, I, 99 ; Theory of Substitutions, I, 112 ; enumeration by powers of binomial coefficients, I, 115 ; lattice permutations, I, 124- 133 ; prime and composite, ib. ; reduudant generating function, I, 128 ; indices of, I, 135-148; index components of. I, 146 ; connexion with compositions of multipartite numbers, i, 157 ; with given number of major contacts, i, 181-186 ; discordant, i, 254; permutation function, n, 189, 206-212 ; derivation of lattice function, II, 189 et seq. Plates: representation of regular graphs by, n, 277 Point: of graph or lattice (see Node) Prime lattice permutation (see Permutations) Prime circulator (see Cayley, Circulator) Principal composition: ι, 171 Probabilities : I, Introduction ; I, 133, 149, 187 Probleme : des rencontres, I, 99, 247 ; des menages, I, 253, 255 Projection: of solid graph, и, 246 Protraction: applied to a graph, the term, n, 22 Quarres magiques: of Euler, i, 246 Ramanujan: identities of, и, 33-48 Reading: of graph, n, 176 Real generating function: the term, и, 97 Reciprocation: method of, ι, 232-233 Rectangle: Latin, ι, 251 Reduced Latin squares: the term, i, 248 Redundant generating function: the term, i, 128 Reflection: of graph, n, 277 Rencontres (see Probleme) Repetitions: partitions without, n, 33 (see Unequal parts)
INDEX TO THE TWO VOLUMES 339 Restricted distribution: i, 49; on a chess board, r, 234 Reticulation (see Lattice) Roots: primitive of unity, и, 137 Rotation: of graph or lattice (see Reciprocation) Rothe: on self-conjugate permutations, i, 118 Route: line of, the term, i, 167 Row: of graph or lattice (see Graph, Lattice) Self-conjugate: permutations, i, 118; partitions, и, 13-18; graphs, и, 18-20, 179-181 Self-inverse compositions: i, 152-153 Separate: of a partition, the term, i, 45 Separations: of a partition, theory of, i, 45-54; characteristics of, I, 46; groups of, i, 47, 58 ; multipartite, n, 285-296; the connected differential operators, i, 62-73 Sequences: of numbers in a partition, ir, 14; partitions without sequences or repetitions, ii, 33; partitions without sequences, n, 49-54 Simultaneous Diophantine inequalities: ir, 126-135, 138 et seq., 152 et seq. Single-unitary: symmetric function and partition, n, 281 Solid graph: the term, n, 177; partitions in solido, и, 247-257 Space: in enlarged idea of composition, I, 181; blank space as a symbol, ib. Specification: of a separation, the term, i, 46; of a bipartite separation, и, 285 ; ascending and d&scending of a permutation or composition, i, 188 Square (see Magic square, Latin square) Standard forms: of generating functions, n, 150 Stepping back: to a crude form of generating function, n, 93 Steps: between points of a graph, the term, I, 164 Sub-lattice function: n, 194 Sub-perfect partitions: the term, i, 217; theory of, i, 223 Sub-permutation function: π, 207 Substitutions: theory of, in the Theory of Displacements, i, 112 Summits: of a cube, certain partitions, n, 252-255 Sums: of homogeneous products, I, 3; of powers of elements, i, 4; of powers of binomial coefficients, I, 119-121 Sylvester: I, Introduction; i, 32; n, 13, 14; in Johns Hopkins University Circulars^ ii, 15; in Collected Papers, ib.; on Jacobi's identity, n, 24; on continuants, II, 46; on expansion of enumerating functions, n, 71; on a limited double product, n, 72, 76 Symbolic form: of an enumerating expression, ι, 273 Symmetric functions: ι, 1-86; π, 280 et seq. Symmetry: laws of, 1,11, 14; Hammond's proof of second law, ι, 40; proofs by operators, I, 42-43; generalization of laws, ι, 51 ; concerning binomial coefficients, r, 76; further laws, ι, 79; и, 290; of arrangements on a chess board, I, 236 Syzygy: syzygetic theory of Diophantine equations, n, 107 et seq. Tables: I, 201-202, 288-300; П, 327-332 Transformation: geometrical of certain series, u, 26-32 ; of generating functions by (Jayley, и, 59-61; by symmetric functions, n, 61-69 Trees: the mathematical forms so called, I, 181-182 Tripartite: numbers and partitions, I, 277-287 Type: of classes, parcels, groups, and objects, i, 8; of a distribution, i, 50
340 INDEX TO THE TWO VOLUMES Ultra-crude generating function: и, 95 Unequal parts: of partition, и, 11-14 Uneven parts: of partition, и, 13-14 Unipartite number: the term, i, 1 Unitary symmetric functions: the term, i, 2 Values: average, connected with indices of permutations, i, 139-147 Waring: n, Note following Introduction; formula of, i, 5; generalization of formula, I, 5, 57; И, 283, 295 Weight: of a symmetric function, the term, i, 3; of a separation, i, 46 Whitworth: GJioice and Chance^ i, Introduction; n, 220 Cambridge: printed by j. b. peace, m.a. at the university press