Author: Harmuth H.F.  

Tags: mathematics  

Year: 1970


Transmission of Information by Orthogonal Functions Henning F. Harmuth With 110 Figures 2nd Printing Corrected Springer-Ver!ag New York· Heidelberg· Berlin 1970
OR HtN .. ING F. HAR'IU"ll Consullong Engineer 0·7!>01 Loopoldshalen I Wos1crn Geomany l h;ltl wmk Is 1n1bjocl lo copv11g111 All ' l!J h15 <HO rose1vea, wethor !!iv whOIO or pnfl of 11\Q f"lntQdal Is conceu1ed 11p1,cih-.;1.l lly lhO$• ot ttnns1n110•1. H,:i>rlnllno, 10•1.110 ot lllustrat!on!. l)tOSOtllStmg, 1t'r11oduc1lon b)' p hOl Ocop.,1n9 ·1mchinu or i;lmllur moan&. l'ln<I 111orage 1n d.11.11 bat'lk• w"'"''' Ul'ICIOr §Sot. al the Gcrnal"I Copyright l.4w ccipf.os are made lor 01no1 lhn" prl'llllO uoo. a ku l'l pri)l'bl o lo lhe p 1.1bl.S""-'· 1>·.11 t1moun.t of the toe to :ie d eto1111\ne<l b7 i.~'tOR"Ont witrt ttte riuti 1SMt try Spfll'l'!J:Cr·Vo1:aig:. Betl•n. u ..dolb"10 1U anc: 1910 QUl'U Cata•o; Cato H.:..mbec• n-111'81 TttlO·NO 1590 Pn.nted 1n Qo,,111any LlbtatY of CO't·
To my Teacher Eugen Skudrzyk

Preface The 01"\.l101Joulllity or functions ltna been ex;iloi.ted in co:n:nunic(ltJ.oJu;5 :.>iuce i t.s very Uep;in.niJlt~ . Co11scious aJ1d ext.enoiv<' u~e was made of H by KOTEJ,''HKO\' i ll tl1eoretical work in 1< 1•'.7 . ~en year~ later· a consitle1·al lo nur.1l er of people were wo ..·iti11;.: in tLis fi~lU indcp~ndcnt!y . Ho..,ever, liule ex~ erimem;al u:-;e conl<l lie 11ode of the tl:eoretical renu1-:i before 1:he nrrival of :;olid st.nLe operational am1 li fier~ and integra•r.d c~rcuit~ . 1 1 A thnory o~ co.truaunicaCioc.. batie<l on 01·l.bOf'.Onn1 f11!'lct1on!: could hnve been pub:lahed m~ll.'f y~ttr:-: Ht!.:O . llowe•tr.l', t!:e on:y useful exii1r.ples of orthogonal f11nc~ionn .it tllnt time were sino- coo111e 1' and bloc!-:. pulue ... , n11d t.lus made cl1e thoory a 1met11' to be a coopJ.icnted wny Lo tlci·ive known re sults . It: wns ne;nin advanc•~ o.f ar~1nicc11 1duct.01"' t~chno­ logy 1,huL Pt'Oducetl tlle firsc i'eall;y n""'• unoJ'ul cxmiple of ortbogonlll f1.u1cL ons : the liotlc - r.nowr. •fol i::i: fw:.ctions . In this Uook cmphanis in placct orJ ::h~ 1•.;!'l.1..1Jh functions, n.mplo 1 itcravurc .:.s avai_a:.. 1c or: !line-cosiL.~ functions us well an on bloc~ pulge~ a::d pttls<' J.e1•iveC !'roe the:n . There are t.t:o s.ejor reaso~s ithy so re-...· ortr.ogona!. !'u.nctions arc of p1·acticsl Lnter'3"t in <'Oo;~1tr1 ic ac i on" . Fi r"t , a number Of m9the;i;atical i'eature.: Othnr l.~./ln o:-tboe;om:Jl~~y are requi!'ed, .uuch as completeness. oi.• 'good' :nul tipl:.cnt.ion and shi!L tltoo!·emG . One quietly leaL·n~ Lo ttppI·ec.wt" Lhe uacfulnooo of mlJl tiplication and !lltift Luoorein: ol' slnecoaine func Uona for multi plexing on/I mo bi lo rndio transniisaion , whonover one tries to duplicatP thene UJ pl icaHon~
VI ty ot:heL~ !\met ions . T"ne second rca.zon is that t!le :'wictions mu st be easy to produce . !I'h.e sevc!"ity of' this Gfl'cond requirement .::s r·cadily com1lrehe11dcd if or:e trl.e5 to think or syst~ms o f .='.'unctions or whicJ1 a mi .... 1 ion O?'" r.iore can be actually p~oduced . P=io.r· to 1 960 is wa n mainly the o=-thogona.Lii;y feature attracted attcn"tion in conneotion wit11 the t:ranGmission of di5it.a.l sigrwls in the p!'escncc o.r no;i se . But sooner o!" laLer ti:e question hod to ·oe raised of why t r.e ortbc 5onal 6"'Stem oJ si!le and cosine !"unctions should be treated di1'I erentl;y .:·rorr. otneI· systems of orthogonal funct ion s . This questlon led to the e;eneraliza~ioc o:' r.Z1e concep~ o.f frequency and of suc!'l co.:1cep'ts der~ived £roi:r. i::; as :·requen<:y power spect"rLuo or f.req uer1c.y rcspor:se of at"Ccauation and phase sl1ifi; . T11e Wnlsh l"w1ctions :oade i t possiolc to design pr·actical J il Le:ri; and multiplex. equip:nr;m; based on this gen.ertlizat;ion of frequency . !my theol."J' in engineer tng ILUSt; offe!." not; 01~ly some uew lllld.?rstf!.nding, bui:i"G lead t o net·.· e<1uiprnent ruld thi~:; equipment must be econoaica.14.y competitive . A considerable variet,y of equipment using orthogonal funct:-ionn has been developed , but there is stil l muc:_ controversy about the economic rotential . This is due to some e xtend to problems of compatibili;;y, which always tend to favor previ.ousl;y introduced equipment met;hods . 1l.t ~he paL·~iculaL' case of 1.'lalsh functions, tha r:cono:nic competitivenes~ is; intimately coru:ected to the stat.; of th!' art i!l bL"1ary digital circuits . I-t is 1 e . i:, ., diri'icul-i: vo coe •,.1hy Waln!: functions should uot be as in:.portaut 1'or die;ital filters as einecosine ruuct.ions are for linear.· , t ia:e-in·. .·a.:-iant net\,•orks . 'l'lae autltoL"S work in tbe area of orthogonal funccions haR been sponso1'etl for many :yell!'s by Lhe Bu.'ldes1oi!llsle1'itun der Verteitligun5 de1~ Reµublik De1.icsc!:la.nd ; lle \\1an'ts to take thi$ opportunity to thank ProL•' . A. f!'tsCllER, Dr . E . SCllW..ZE and Dr . M. SCHOLZ for their continued suppoJ·t . D1'. TI . SCHl.lCKE of Allel"l-Br·adle:y Co . was among the Jil'sc i.;o encourage and !3t.imulate work 011 the enginee:ring applica -
V.'. ( tio11s of :fall'h !'um:Lions ; ;;he au;;hor ir i:;rcntly L.del>ted to him . Hr-1 r hns beeu reni!.ered furtncr i:a -cieutific as well&:: adr.Lni!'t:ative vro:.leo:s by tho follo·~tr.g e;et.tle:i.en: FroL ? . H. L/.1: ;E o! Rostoclc ;Jni••ers!ty , !'ror . G. LCCliS of fonelrucr. UniYern ty , Lipl. !ng . II. ::11:;w,u Md Dr . H . HC1l!~ ot tt.e Deutnche Eu.r.Jespcs;; O'T7. - r'. D!>.rll:':;odt) , Ci~: . Pt.y2 . Jf . bIL?:h~· of bo,·ch Gml>ll , the laLe llr . r. • Kl·:r•1•;:1 , or /iliG- 'fele funke 11 t.:i , I r·. f. K. VOrl SAliDJ::N and f !•oI. ,1 • ." ! ticm:n o!' Karlsruhe L1·1 LV<l':<Hy, 1-rof. G. ULJnc.m of •rechni~cl:e Uocbschule llmenwi, C'wir . H. LUbv o.f 'l'echUische 'ioc lr achulc Aacl•en and Prof. J . l\A!l1 o r t:t·.e Llr:_versi~y of SoutheL·n Cntifornia . ThWlk" nr" J"llrticu:a=ly due to Pro!". K. KUPl'MOl,J,ER of Technischc Hocilac1Jule Darmstadt wl:;.o ~11oweU g.i:eat. Wld encournred Lhf" stut.!y o~ the applicatio:1s duscribetl in ti-hls book . Dr . F . ?IC!lLE:R or Lirr•· U~vers.!.:y , :>1 . l. . Tl!IK::iC:U,El'l' or Mannheim l:uiversi>;" and Dr . P . \.:E_S!::of -«:'lsbruck U::iversi;;y were o! gi·esc h"ll in improving n,e rr.eth<Htntic&l scctiom: ol'thcbook . lrnr.~ . OLSON or St . Ol ar L:ollcg" , !'\rs . J . OLSC!; and Mr . J . Ll::L or Ir.tcrn?..tiona.l 'I'nlophonf'o nnd J1.:1..,f"'r, Co . devoted much ti:rJC' to the ed i tinc or t.11f\ manu!lcrl ;rt , e thankleS.!'l ur. well ae indispe!lSoblt' Lu8k . f':nny of t he pictux·os iu r~hic lJook We.l·e Ji t"Sl publisf1ed 1J1 Lh1;.; .itrchiv Je; elekt1•inchC ll vuertragung ; Nr . l" . Rtl!IJ·lAI\~; Of S . iitr•.r l-V cro l ag coui'teo1J.1ly 111J?rniit"ted ti ei1" use . l.c~t l,Jt not 11'.'ar.t , ;-~1!Jr:~s 1 arc due 1.o J-lr . . ii' . HAASE ~·or th<' tn•ir.~ nnt't to my ·11iT~ D:- . E .!!AAMUTH-!10.;;:1;; ror ~he ro:-oo:-:-•·~clir:rr . January 1969; F . l!:u·cutlt
Table of Contents IN1'ROJJ UC'J 10:1. • • • . • . . . . . . • • . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 1 " . J-! A'l'liEr1ATlCAL FOUlf"ATIONS 1 • 1 ORTHOGON/o.L Fm:c::-1m:s 1 . 11 Or~hogonalicy ou1d,: In<l<'p<:r.d"n;:e . . . . . • 5 1 . 1;> Series Expansion by Ortl:ogonnl l'unct~ons ... 10 1 . 1~ Znvnri~ceofOrtho~onallt.y to fr..urinr- 1rran!!- fomation ................ . .. ..... . ............. 13 1 . 111 \.lnln l''u nc1;ions .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . ·1•:• 1 . 2 TfiE POURIER 'l'llAl'1$.FORl"l ,~o n·s ; ; 1::1u m.H. lf.A'r:o n l•'ou:r.·ieJ• SerJ.e~ l;o Fouric:•rranaform ....•.•...•.........•..........•.. Gel.le.t· Fourie1" ·Prau.sfor·m .. ............. InYuri..ance o~ Ort:~og;ona lvy r.o t,111.:;t Geuer~liz.e<l. .Fouri e::- Transfor.1. . . . . .. ... .. ....•.... ;:Xampl~s of the Ger.oral i zc•d .~ou.riei· i:"·=;:!"o21l: F~-1zt ···als!:- Fou!"icr Tra.n!"';·o:'ll . .. . . ............. Gcne~·aliLed La;>lnce ~rnn~;·orn .. •• • • .... .. .. 'l . 21 '11ransition Trom 1 . 22 1 . 23 1 . 2•• 1 . 25 1 . 26 1 •3 26 5.3 37 3S :.;. "-') ci::r>.m .u oa;:1 r'REQ;Jfil;cy 1 . 31 !'hyncal ln.ce.rpr' J'req u~nc;y . or tliP G"n"ralized . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 32 Powor .Spectrum , A:upli1.u<le Sµec~1·wr. , FU tc ring L~9 of S i gnals . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 1 . 3'3 ExuruJ>les 01' \,'alsh .h'o urie L' '111.•n11 aJ'oJ:m~ lllld l'owe1~ Spec t r u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '5'1
;x 2 . DlRECT 'l'llAHSMI!;SlOI\ OF SIGl>Al.S 2 . 1 (JRTHOGO!;AL 7li.t:~UEM'Y orns:oi: AS GEl:EJi.!.LJ'.'.A~"O:l 01' Tl~::E At;r; DIVISION i! . 11 !lepL·e~euL,.vioL of Sogn~J ~ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;;{) +,4 2 . 12 E~ci;cpl~tS c.ii' Si gnal~ - ....................... 2 . ·1z. Am i 1 it..:.J.c.:e Sat!!pling ;ind Oecon.;loio1.1. 'ior. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? . 1:1 1Ji1·cu lt~ Lor Ort;.hogonaJ Diviul<;n ........ .. . ('; ?. . 1J 1'ra11f:ninnior: 01' Digi l. al S i e;t•n!u b;-y· Sino vnO Conino l\J.l :;es ....... ...................... . 81 0 'i1 2 . 2 t.:!!ARA ;•rL.~IZArION Ol" COJ-D·iUN!GATJON Clli\:lllELS 2 . 21 1-'re-qUl'LCY Re-spon~e of .4ttenuction an<1 F"nast: !:lbi!'t; o!' n Co:nriur.ica-ton CiJHl-:•el ........... 2 . 22 Charactcr.:zation a~ ~s Cono-.:nica.:..ion Chu.nne_ by Cro~~talk Farame,ers ...... .... ........ .. .tlE-. 91 2 . 3 SZQl.:C:tlt.:¥ r' IL'rtR.:i BAS.ED o:: iolAr.s:r FmlCTlOllS 2 . 7 ,1 Ocq ueocy Lo·;tpnss Fil t C'!'::l • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • t:i• 2 . 32 Seque11cy bu.uui:;us::i :F'i lcerc ..... ............. t:.:7 2 . 33 1Ji1;Hul Sequenc.1 F.llte~·" ................... 1 04 3 . CARRlE!l 'l'RAJ<SMISSION Q;;• SIGJ;.o\l.£ 3 . 1 Ai'1Pl.IT~DE 110DULA1'ION(.:..:'i 3 . 11 i1o<lulacton !md s:incL!-ouou~ :J~:nodul:J.tion ... . ;: . 12 iiu lt 1 pl ex Systeas . ................ ........ . 3 . 13 ::>icit.U MuJ.tiplexir.g •.....••............... ;, . 1'1 Mr.:hods of Single Sideband Hodul ntiou . . . . . . 13·· 3 . 15 Correction of Tiaw Differenc·~" 1.;.. Syuchrn nous Deoodulat i on . ................. .. ...... 1 1 ~7 3 . 2 Til'!E SASE, TINE POS1'1'10H lilffi CODE NODUL/L'l'lOlf : .. ?1 'l'i lflt'• Bnso 11odula tion (TBM) •••....•.•.•••••• 1 _._. 0~ ;s . 22 'l'ime Position J'iodulution ( 1'1 t'I) ••••••.•••••• ·157 3. 2;; C'ldO ModulaLion ( CN) ••.••••••.•••.• • •••••.• 159
x T !c.llLE OF CONT Em's 3 . 3 NONSlNUSOIDAJ, ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES ;\ . 31 Radi.ation of Walsh Waves by a Jler•t;ziwi. Dii,-ole 160 j . 52 Propagation , Antennas, Dopplel' Effect .. .. .. 167 .5.35 tnterferomei;r:y, Shape Recognition .......... 173 4- . S'!' AT ISTICAL VAR! l\Jll,ES 4 . 1 SDIGLE VA!ll.AllLES 11. 11 Dco'irlition~ . .. .......... ... ... . . .. ......... 151 Density Function , b'\mction of a Random Variable , ~~atbematical E.>:pero~at;ion . ...........• 188 4 . 13 Moments and Cllarac ~eristlc FWlC~ion ... .. ... 191 11.12 4 . 2 COi'IBINt.TION OF VitRJ.ABLES ~ . 21 Addition of !ndependenc VariabJ eo .......... 19q Inde~,cndont V;:u:-i.=::1b J. es 198 4 . 22 .Joint Di st:ributions of I~ . ?• STAT lSTICAL DEPEh'DEKCE 1. 31 Covu.riance and Correlation . . .. . . .. . ... . ... . 21Cl 52 Cross- and;ion J•'unctj.on . . . .... . 214 1 ~ . 5 . APPL:CATION OF ORTHOUO.NAL FUNCT roNS TO STATIS'rICAL PROBLEMS 5 . 1 SERIES EXl'AllSION OF STOCHASTIC FinfCTIONS 5 . 11 Thei'mal Noise ... . . . ... . ... . .... ............ ?17 '.;> . 12 Statistical. ln<ieuendence of the Cocr.:-ionents of 8l1 O:rthogo:r:u.i.l- Expan$ion . .. . . ... . . ~ ... ... 22~1 S . 21 Le.i:1st Mcac Sq11a.!""c Devint; Lo1.1 of s Signal from Sao:ple fw;cdonn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . 22 Eimmples of Ci.rcllits . . .. .... . .. ..... ..... . . '.> . 2;, 1'18.tched Jo'il.i;ern .. . ..... . ... .. .. ..... . . .. .. . ;. . 24 Compan<iors for Scquency Signals ... ... ...... 5.3 ~'.UM' ll?LlCA'!'I\IE 223 227 230 233 DISTURBAJ!CES 5 . 31 Inte1·ference !",,ding ... . ... • . . .... .. •.•..... 2:55 .5 . 32 Di '!Orsi ty Transmiof:lion Usinp; Many Copj es . . . 2113
e. 1 fiAr;s.':1~·:s . .o:: Cl..f:.. :;111 € . 11 Me:.mires of Ba..'lu~:.:.Ct~ ...................... ?J•'> 6 . 1.'.'.? •r-r:i nr-tti s~_on C:ipac: ty 'l ~ Co:r,m~.1.uli.:n:..ior.. t.:h~-- nel:i ..... • •........ . . .. .................... 25': 6 . 1,3Zir:;n.~1 Uclay :i::C s:gnn! !Jir't:nrti.r>Ol' •••••••• 2F1{i 6 . 2 ERllOR I'ROLl\ll I l"'Y O~ SitH;AJ .$ 6 . ?.1 i::.l'J'Or J•1·oharility or Simplo Sic:nnl11 dur-> to TJier·mcil ~oise .. ... . .. .......... ..... • ...... 262 6 . 22 I'~uk t'ower L.bited S1i!irnl!l .....•..........• ;::r..a 6 . 23 Pulse-'l'ype l.ii~tu.rbancn,; ..... .............. . .~71 6 . 3 CODilfG 6 . 31 Coduig nith Bin•u-y ~-..l!~r.te ................ 275 6 . ;;2 Orthogona I , rl:t.og-ona l &.~d tlior~rogor.a: Alplwbets . .... ·- ................. .......... 280 6 . 33 Coding for Error- lr'ree 'Ir.:utaL·11 ... iora •....•..• 2.55 6 . 3.1. Tc1·nnr,v Comliination Ali lt~betu ...... .. ... . .. 2t:/~• 6 . 35 Combinatior:. A1rhat-ctn of Ori!er• 21"'•1 •...•... 29') llE~"EnENCES ORDERED BY SECTIOKS ... .. .. ......... ...... ?05 ADDITIOI<AL REJ>'ERE;Jc;J,S FOR TliE :>::corm rn J:1'!' Tl~G . • • • • • • 320 IlIDEX . . . . . • • . . • • . . . . . • • . . • . . • • • • . . • . . . • . . . . . • . . • . • . . 323 Equations ere co!l~ecut.:.vel;: w1tl::1n P.::ic::. or..,,. of 1the 6 chaptc1·s . Rcre-:~ence to an ~quat.1uu of u diffe=e11t chapter .i.:l mude by n·r-:..-:ing the n:unbe.:.· or t.he ch.z.ti. te= iu i·ront Of tho nwr.ber of t!lr: cquat;ion, e . t-; . (4 . ~~) for• (;:~) in chap~er 4 .

Introduction Sine and cosine :u."lc-i.ons play " uniqu., i-ol,; in coc:~u.nications . The concei:- of frequancy, buSf!tl on t~ei , i£ defined by tl::e uarwtet~::: f ~the fmcttons 1 sin (2-rf~•c) and II cos ( 2-r r<:~cr.) . "!'here nrc muny i-easons for this •miqu'l i·ole . 1t was hardly po11siblc L~ prodttce other funcL loll:- in th"' earl;days of comcuuicatious . f.lectron cube~ und cransisto:-s made i t po.osible co produce s uch simple non-sin1111o i.dal wave formo aa block p•t"l se,; or- :r-a:np vo ItAi;oc.. Hut i- i<as not be.fore tne prrivaJ of th~ intPp;l'AtP.d drcuits tha;; alm-oet furtbe-.r 1'1llY fi.Jnctionz cou:.J.d be p1.'t:·tluc1.:d econ.01:1.lca.l_y . A f&CtOr favoring ~i?:l.:fJOida.l fU!JC!:iODS ·,;3.;J tl:e fact that linear tioe il:.7arit!n:: ci=cuit.s oi;.ly attenuate and delny thca, the s.h!l?e- and rcauin. unchtW6ed . Hence , tle a;ystett. o~ sine and co.sir:e .f~cl !.ons e. :remendou~ advantage over ci:her cooplure ::yncn:ns or ortho- gonal functi.ona , as as r(Hli.:;cor,- , N1pnci to ro =d coils were the moot desi rable circui,; dcocnLS . The theory or linnnt-, ti>le i.uvarian.L netwol'kr ~cmonst.1·<1L<Js the advantngea of ninusoidal .ru.nctions . Tllc ndvcnt or somiconductors hns brought a r.adic"l clHrnp;e . 'f'hei·c la uo particular reason why a digital filLer-, e . p; ., ·utuly,;.i11i:; the £ine structure Of ll radar signal , nhoul d \,e Lt<Ol'd OJl si11e and cosinn runctionc . :': turn" out tb•t. dil':itttl fll;ei-~ based on tbe socalled l·h;lsh fw:ctior.n ere er a...'"l.d faster . Sinusoidal .runctior.:3 ai.·e :es$ :.Oportn.n1 tor t;I:~ propagation of electrccagr.c,cic -...•aves 111 fr·e~ a1>aee or alo:if conductors . ~·he solutioc of the wave C1U,.t1oi: t:r d ' fu..Er-lBERT o.nd the gcnoral :ooluti on of tl:o to} Legro' r, equation show , Lhnt n 1.arge class or fw:c11ion:: c:nn be t;r-an:;miti;cd fu.etortion- .free or can be r egenerated . Gimilnrly , a Hcrtzinn dipole can l.'adiatc non - sinuool r1<il waves . The dominance of ainusoidal waves in radio co1nmw:dcation can be purtin!ly O:>rJ lained by the invariancn of th~l 1' o:-~ho-
-l'l'l'RO:JUC':':Otl 2 gona.lii;y under varying time- delays . Ou:oles or open wire lines t!:at could not , nor need net 1 tran:?-n.ii L sinusbj dal fw1ction" have aJ.ways existed . The telegraph liJ.leS of be 19th cen-cury 1 using elect;romechanlcal r·eln,YS as ampli .:'ie:r·s, were sucJ1 lin-e s , and chey have recer1tly c. Ct'tleback £,s digital ca ·o 1es . One of the mor;t impoJ.·t;a.nt features o:- sine ar10 co::iine functions iB almoE:t al J tirnc rw:ctions used in con.muoicatl.ons can to repre$ented by a superpo::;ltio11 cf sine and cosine .functions 1 for wlli,cr .Fourier a.nal:ysis is tbe tr:wsition ~·=-·oru L:ae t.o frequency funcl;i.ono i.s ;.) re-nult of thia n.nal;ysl.s . This is rnathcr.iat~ca! too1 . 'It~e often tar-e11 so muct foL' gL·u.nted b.y Lhe corr.munications pnginr•or , that he ln::;tir~ct.i-..:el~f sees ~:i ::.uperposi tioD o:f sine cor:)ioe ru.r1ctior:.s in tile otttput voltage oi· a microphone 01~ a i:.e:et.ype l;.ra.ns:ni tr; er . Actually, t!:n rcpre- aentation Or a tiu.e function by sine- and ~osin0 functions is only one among man~~ possible ones . CompleLe systems of or1:hogona1 functions goncral ly aer·ie1:i rd.:.:.pc-1nsions that correspo:id to l;b.e foui·ler_• seri e::; . For inr-'>tP. nc Q, oxpansions into se.ries of Ec:::isel fw:tct:i ons :1rr- r.iuch used in communications . The1•e a.r·e also trans.:·oT"ms cor 1·e.::ipon<liug to ~he Fow:'ier i;ra.n.sform Cor many sy~tema of l\mc·tions . Bence , one may see a sur,crposit;iou of JJegendre po1:5'llOmiels , _parabolic cylinder .fu.ncLions , ecc . in the: out1)ut vol tege of a microphone . Gene-rel complete syst9mS of o.rt:togonal funcv~ons inAte£-H1 of vhi;i special system of slue ro1U co:;j no Iunc-cions will be used in this book .ror che repJ~esenta1;ion of si g nals and £01· the C}).a!·act:eriza.tion of lines and net.•11orks . A con sis~en ~ cheery must i nc l ude the application of orthogonal fu.:icticns as carriers, zince sine and a .re not only used for theoret>cal analysis, but also as c<>.!'riers ; n a:ul ;;iplcx and i'a< systems . .Li; wil- be ehown that ?no(lultttion mct}iods exist for them, which cOr!·espond to nmplitude , frequency and pbase modulu~ion . l\utl1ermore, it wi 11 be sho·1rn that a.rrtenoas can be designed that
INTRODOCTJON 3 radiate noc-sinusoidal win-es efficiently . Tbe i:rWlsitiou froo the system of si1.e-cosine !'unctions to gentH'&l syneos o!· orthogonal fur:c~:ior.~ brings simplificotio:>s as well as co:ir;>lications to t!::.e :natne1111tical theOl',Y of co:nnu.Tticatior: . One may . c . e; . , avoid. the tr•ou1:>le1101I1e facL that; any signal occu~leii <.>.n infinice section ol' the timo-freQuency- docaln by sulJ~tit1iting a time-funct;fon-domain . .lw:y i;:ime - lioited "ignlil compoGecl of a liwHecl nLUlbor of orthogonal .rw1cLio11s occupies a finite soc~J.o n o.r this time- .CUJlc',ion-dome.i11 . The genereli:r.ation oi' ;;he conceµL of .!'r·equency """ been so fa1· the most LLeo1·eUcal result of the tbeoi•y of COll'-'llunication oased on O!'t!.IOgor;l.ll !'unctions . Frequenc:t is a paramete:.· or sine and coai11e functions which can be 1ntc!"preted as nui':>cr 01· cycles rer unit. oi' t:ime . !'!Ah'N (1), STUiiPE!lS (2] "'·-"'' '!OE!..CY.ER (3) )'IOint:ed out , &hat frequency may also b~ i.nterpretr.1 a" "one l:alf t!:e number of 7.ero crossint;S peL' .lllit of time" . A aiue fwic tion with 100 cycles per second l:1'o "OO 7.nro cro:ictngs or sign cbangee per second . One ho.lf tho numnor· o~ z,1,n•o CL'oseing'3 ls 100 cycleG per second numc1·icnlly nncl dimensionally . Zero crossi.n6S ar e tlBfi:led .to1· £uncti ons in which the torm cycle has no obvj ous :ueaulug . It is usefuJ to introduce the more ge!.leral concep tc "ou u llalf l'.le i;verage numbeL· 01' ~ero crossing.9 per w1i t ot " J..n order t"O covei· non-periodic :ounct.ious . Tne new :cr1n 11 <.;>eq...teucy 11 is int;roduced for this generalizal;ion o!' frcquei~c.:_.r . sequency and frequency are ic.en- icA! Ior sint... and cooine funct;ions . The term sequency a::ake!'l it ;>o,.siblc to replace such important concepts as .:-requency J.I0'.'\·1·r SJ ectruo or .frequency response of attenuation by l'OWe<' spectrum e.nd sequcncy response of a&ter. uation . The concepL" o.!' perioii 01' oocilla~lon T • 1/f anti waveleng'Lh X v/ r are c-0nnected with f.-uqueucy . Zubsti lrution ol ' sequ oncy q> for froguency .r l~ttda ~o Lile Iollowing oroi·e gel10l'IJ.l uefinitions : ,.
IN::'llODUCT ~ON 4 uveru;;;e >er•iod of oscill1>tion T • 1/;;> (averai;e sepo.ratioc in lilr.e of the zero crossint:s aultivlied b.Y 2) average wavelengt~ X v/'I> (average r.craration in n1><1cc of the zero cros,,ings r:iul t1pl \ed by 2, wher-e v io :he velocity of propagutiou of a zero crossin!>) 'l'he ncid tost o~ any theory in eu1:)ineer1 n!l. arc its prnctioal app l icntions . Several suc11 llp]ll ti on:; arc k:nawt: and I-hey nre all intimately tie<.l ~o oe:oi conductor tochnolOL:>Y • 'ri10 little known liJ'S~ell' of f/i;luh func;t .i.ons ap1 ears to be as ideal for l~nea.t· 1 tic1t1-variabl e ci1'0.u 1 t" , iI bo.ooc on binary digital comroncnt:i, as the systen; of sin~ and cosine fULctions i~ fOT' l 1near, ttia-.e- inva:'"i&.r:t. circuits 1 based on resistor!l > co.racitors coils . 1lery siliple seqaenc.r fil~ers ba,,ed on Lhese Walsl:. funcciocs have beer: cieve:oped .. Ftu-therl!>.01·~, M exµeriae:i~al ne quency 111".ltiplex sys~e= using Wdst: fwictions as ca.:-::-iers hi..s be"u ueveloped ;;hat has a<lv&lLi<i:;es over rrcquency or tiJae :nuHiplex systoett1> .:.r: cer~ain nr p.lica"ions . Digita.:. f.Llle1·0 and digital a:ulLiplt>X <'lUi1.:nen~ arc li!llong tte moot promising upplica Lions for coo ycuro "head . TLey !Ira nimplor and f a steI· wheu ba~ed on \falnh funct.i.o n s i·athc•r than on sine and cosine l'uncr;ioau . Their pi·acticnl npplicntion , however , will reqt1t1·c> con,,i<lerable progreno in tbe <levelopJ:ient of largo scale intei:;«aced circru1'" . Applic~t.ions of non- n.inuzoidal clec:..rotJagnetic ·.;aves are strictly in tlle i;heo::-cc~cal scai:;e . Only vary recent1.Y ha\'e active ar:i;e=as been found LO te practical for t.:~.. e 1•adiation of "°." Junctio::.s . Host prob ecs cor:cerning Wal!'lh waves can bo nnnwcrod .:.:i terD$ a:" £OO:r1otric o_ptics only . since wavo opticu it:J a sine wave optics . Ou the ocher hand, tLcirc is liLUe doubt that elect::.--om.ognc"tOic wuvea ui·e a challengi.n5 l'ii.!lJ !'01· basic research . '!'he e:cut11'f.ltiion or non-sL"lusoidol l."&oio waves impl l es a ncli w.o.vo:J can be genel\ated 1 n trhe rei;;ion of visil1le liglit: , and Chiu leuds ul ti.roetely to ~h~ queo.tion of why white l.Lgl L ohould be decomposed =
1 . 11 Ol!'l'llO:;oHA11'1'Y 5 uto !l!.! Ltnctions . TLt.; 'Nalsh rur.. ctior.s , C:l'JT!10J5iZ'J:C in this liook , are presently t!:e :oos:. importa::1; exar.:ple of non-sir.usoidt>.l func- tions le communications . rLese fur.. c:.lons are hnrdly Y-..r:oifn by cc:r..:nun1cnt1on Angineers al ~hcu~::1 they have been used for rr.ort r-han bO .vea1~s f or t:..ti LL'tl.!lspo:::itior. of conduc torr inopon 11irl'! l ines . Rademacher ft.l.nCt.ions r11J , whicl:. are n t>ub.;,yo l;cm or che 11/al s l1 func LJ.011 ~ , Wf l. 'e l.ltted l'or this pu~· pono t owor·an the ena or Lhe 1)Lh century . The complei;c syut<•Jll of '1ii;J <>h CRnctio11s se1Jrus ~o !;ave been f ound aro 11 nr1 1 90G by J . A. l:\P.J!HB'rT' . Tt:e trano>posit iou of conduct"orP l t"Cor:iin~ to ..BA:RBE:'·r ' :-- ~che:i1r. w~r :.tanJC:i.r~a practic<J iu 1'12:; (l] ,[l], wlleu ." . L . WA1.3H [9) int roduced the.m into ni~th{'matics . c-!.e-incr !":J and mothematic1o.nn ..-erl! no~ ah·are o! '!;hi~ .:o:r.:nou usagf': ll!'o!.i 1 very rt!cently (8~ . 1. Mathematical Foundations U Orthogonal Functions 1.11 Orthogonalily and Linear Independence A nyatcm ( f( j 1 x)} of i·eal and "1la:.ont <'Vrtry·,;h~re nonvanisbing functions r,O , x; , f(1,x), .. . i" called oF.;hogonel in the interval >: 0 ~ :x ~ x 1 if Ll.c 1·0110-.ti:.g ::ondition holds ~rue: ., S .C( j , x )i'( k, x)U.X ( 1) •• 0 for j I J k. . JOH!~ A. BARm:'rT is me ntioned by FOWLE ( ~] 1 n 190« as ~nven~or of ~he trani;pooi ti on of conductorll occoi·dlug to nleh f1U1cLioJ1u ; oee particularly page 67~' of [>J .
1 . :t.;·rHEMA'l'lt;AL FOU1'!DA':'IONS 6 nre cal led 01~t11ogona1 and noroalizcu i.:· the consLanL X J is equal 1. The two tcrcis nre usLtnlly reduced to the single term orthonor·ma.L or 0J~thonormali2. ed . A non- noI·.malized system of orthogo 11a.l functiorLs may 1 al.ways be normalized . For instance, ·t;he system {xj f(j 1 x)} is normalized , i f X; of ( 1 ) is not equal 1 . Systems o:· ortl1ogonal i'unctioos are special ca:::;e.s of system.s of linea.1:ly independent tu nctions . A system (I (j , x)) of m functions is called linearly dependent, if the equai;ion The ~unctions I'll- I 2: c (j)f(j ,:x ) ,. o (2) j dl is sa"tisfieC. i'Ol" all values or ;.: wit!1out all constants c(j) being zero . I'he i'ullctions f(j , x) iire C'alloC. linearly independenc, i .i: (2) is nou satisfied . Functions of ru1 orthogona I system are alwa~ys linearly -'independent , :;i nce mu.1.tiplicai;ion of (2) ty f(j ,x) and im:;egration o f t!>e pi·oducus in the intcrv!ll x 0 :i x :i ;: 1 yields c(j) = 0 for eacb conste;~t c(j) . A system fg(j , x ) ) of ir. linearly inde,;?enuent; funci;iona can always be trans1·oz:mecl i:1co n system { f(j , x) ~ of m Orthogonal functions . One may wri be the J'o Uo'.·tfr1g eqtw.- tions : f(O,x) f(1,x) .r (2 , :x) C 00 g(C,x) g(O,:x) + c (3) c 10 11 g(1,x) c,.. g(O , x) + c ,, g('i ,x) ,, c 22 g(2 , x) etc . Su bstitution of the :'(j , x) into ( 1) yields just enough equations for de l;ermination of the constaJ1ts c•• Xt J f 2 (0 , x )dx = Xo J f 2 ( 1 , x)tx = X, , ••x, '•x, f (4) x, Ji'(O , x }.i(1 , x ) cLx Xo f 2 (2,x)dx 'o etc . =0, x, =X 2 , f i'(O,x) f (2 ,x}dx =0 , •• x, f f(1 , x)f(2,x)dx=0 ••
1 • 11 OR"cli OGONAI.! 'l'Y '/ The coefficie!lts X0 , x,, .. . "re arbitrai•;y . Tl:e;nu·e 1 for noi'l!lalized sy,.,tea.s . le Iollow,-, ;'roa (2) thbt (4) ac~ually yields values Ior t!ie coet"ficieuts c •• as only " system fg(J ,x )} or li!learly indcpenQellt Cu.uctio~e coulc satisry {4) i~entically . l'igs . 1 to 3 :;how c xerr.;;>l e" of or·Ll:ogonal fw.:ct<.ions . The indcrcnJl"nt i s the normalize..: 1.ime e ~ 1./: . The runctionr. of' i"ig . 1 O!'thOllOL'nlt.ll lll ~l.e in~er..;al -t ~ & lll ~; they will be referred co as sine ;.u1d cosi ne ele111ent!'I . OnL' mn;y div i de t hem im;o even runc~ions r c(i,9) , ortd functioJL" r,(i , 8 ) ar.ct t he constant 1 or W(<l(O , 6) : r{ j ,a ) fc(i . ~• 't2 c.os 2 nie fs (i ,9 ' 1 El!: 2ni5 •WS~0 , 9• = 1 r2 (5) e • < -~. P > . ~ • d),61 ull 1.61! 0 llJ;ll 1- I QClll Ek.\1,81-=l=L..= s.!lil 81~ u1u.a 1 ~ ial ll,81~ l 001! 30)11 1 a100 5 CIDI "IO,OI ~ 6 0110 •'l•.lll ~ 7 1)111 "114,81 ~ 8 lOilil ..111,SJcrt.......f"lJL 3 '1;.')1 "'1~e1 =FlSLJLA:j=t ·o ·n ........ A=Fl::ft:A::R:f CJlii,B' 1.ILfUl.R:=R:F 0 ·- 112 11 11·1 11 llJI ui17.8ll:fl:F=l:fl.llJ 'J l'V. <,17,8, ~ I( 1110 >ollE,8) fl::Fl:fl:Fl::F 15 1111 - 112 0 6-i/f- 1/2 Fig .1 (loft) Orthogonal sine and conin~ clomnnts . J.'ig . 2 (right) Orthogo nal e l eme ntn . •rh" I1um1.iel'$ on the right 15Jvc. j in decimal and bi.nni'Y f orm , i£ the notab.l,on w~l(J,8) iR used . wal(2i,0)=caJ(i,9), wul(2i- 1 , e) =aal (i , a ) .
8 The term elornent ' i a: used "t"O em;>hasi ze i;-h at a funct.iou is tle:"ined i11 a finite interval only c:ind in undefined de . The terJI1 'pulse • ir.: u~ea to em_phasiz.e tl1at a !'w1cti ou l s i dent i cal zero outsi\~C e finite inc:erval . Continuation o i' the sine and. cosine eleojenva of l•'i15 . 1 ~utside Of the interval -f ~ 9 ~ ~ by f(j , 9) : Q yiel ds the sine and cosine p11J aes ; pe1"'iodic continuat;ion, on t11e other band , yields the periodic sine and cosine runci:ions . Ii; is easy no soe , tnat t he condii;ion 1 ·1) for ortho gonality is .satis.fi0Q. for sine arLd cosir..e elements : 1 112 J -1 117 1\f2 sin 2niS d0 s tZ J 1'{2 c<is 2ni 9 aa = o - 1/ Z l/ Z I/ ? J '{2 sin 2niB.>[2 sin 2nk0 de= Ji? cos 2ni8 ·lf:? cos 2Pk0 ae ~&;• •112 - 11 ? J'" 1{2 sin 2rri0 ·\f2 cos 2nk9 dB = 0 .111 I"' 1 . ,, ae = 1 - l/2 Fig . 2 shows th-0 orvhonol"Olal systeu of Walsh t. iou.s or - Jnore cxacLly - Walsn clements , consist int:> of Cl constant wal(O , S ) , even l'unctiono c.el( i , e ) a11d odd .ruuctions sal(i ,a) . ~'hese fuuctior:s jwnr bric!< a.oci ~ortll bor.ween +1 and - 1 . Conside1· tti_c product o f the first t\lio runctionn . It i~ equal - 1 in tbe int.erval -~ ,; 8 < O ru.iti -1 in L!:e inte1·val 0 ~ 0 < +~ . The i u t:eg:r·al of ·t:Ite~ (~ product..s he..s the follo wing ·v alue : 0 f 112 I < "1 )\ -'\ )d8 + • - II 1 c+1)(+1)aa ~ , : ~ o k 'I1te product of the sccor:.d and third elf"1nent in the t.:lle -t ~ 9 < -~ -t ;; 0 < 0 and int.erv~alZJ i.!.lt3l' Yalti and yields 11 0 -:; :J < ~~ ) and -1 in +t ;: e < ~t. Tht: iu1,,egral of these prod.nets yields ze r·o : -i1r. ! · 112 o 111. in (-1)(-1)ae + f( -1 )( +1 )ae + J( +1)(+1)ca + £(~1 )( -1)0& ~o -l!f. -0 llt
1 . 11 Ull'fllOc;;;11ALITY One :oay e~sily veri~y :>hat :;he in~cgral of ~he rraduct of iw;v two Junctions is equal zero . A fur.ctior. cul t:iplied dtb itself yield.: t:no product:< (•1)( -'1 ) or ( - 1)(-1j . F.cnce . tl:e~c ?!'oducts hnve ;he V9luc 1 in ;he whole intervnl -t ~ & ~ -~ ar.d ;neir integral in 1 . The Waleh fu.nctionz nrc tnus orttonormal . Fig . 3 partic11larly !limp le nyr tom of orthogonal func Lion a . hvidently , .:;he product botwoon a.ny two i"unctiouc vw1ishes and the integ:·alr 01' th(' rn·oducta m1Lst vnuiah too . E'or noi·malization Ll:e ampli tudca of tl.o fun<;tionc rr.ur-t t n '{1;; . s).OW'1 a iB(x) •• I fill.81 fll,61 1(1.61 ffJ,91 I fiO,vJ n 'll.v) 1(1,vl I I t r3....> t 1 u n _ r = I _ H4.vl fXl9)~ rxM --· ••• • -~- ! ·I " P.O<J 9"1/1 V-•fl 1''ig. 3 Ortbogona1 ulock pulses !(j,9) and f(j,v) . Pig.'+ Bernoulli polyno:r.ia:s ---"''-'-*---T-...;;;._,__H...,...;l(top right) . E'if? . 5 Legendre polyno1<iale P.()() (right) . ' .., P,W1 An ex=ple of a linearly independent. 1ut. nal syotem of functions arc Bernoulli's B 1 (x) (11), ll 0 ( x) c.1·Lllogopolynomial" 110 t. ( r; ): 1 1 B 1 (x) • x - t1 B 1 (x) B,(x) • x' - tx' + h, B,(x) = a x' - x x' - 2x' + I f xl - To
1. 10 m L:; cCUH J(xl = f':.oijll:IBMA!PIC.~L FOUNDAT rot;s o jsO ce.n be ;;a~isfiea for all vtllue~ cf x ::>nly :if c·~:nJ xm is zero . L1hi.s implies c (m) = O. !'low c(m- '1 )jj •~·..1 ( x ) i s tte highes t. ter m in the stuo and the :;8.f!!.e rcacci:.1n_g can :JC it . Thia pr-oves t;lte linear l nder:endencc of appli ed to the Bernoulli polynomials . On e m:i;y see Fig . 11 3c-=noul l l \~·ithout ca lc.1~la t:i po l ;v nomials a!."'e not 01~t11op;on al . ?or on the~ tl!e or tlro1~oua­ liza:t i or. i.n ti:e i T'. -ccr·v·al -1 :5 .x ~ _,.4 :ine a:ny .sul:·tstit uL.e them for g(j ,x ) in (}) : 1· 0 (x) = B 0 (x) = 1 P 1 (x) = c , 0 i:. 0 (x) + c 11 B 1 ( x ) , e:;c . Using the cor.r;t;nnts XJ = 2/{2J+1 ) one o°Ol;t1 infi i'r·om (4) : I f 1cb: x. r' [ c ,. + _, ·I = 2 ' 10 +c 11 (x- 1/ ) ] dx = 0 J[c 2 _, c ,, (x- i ) ] clx The coefficie!lt:s c , 0 = I, c 1 , = 1 , et:c. a re z·ec.dily obtai.necL P1Je orthogonal PO-j'1lOmi1Jl6 Pi ( x ) ;:i"sw;ie the fol lo wing form : ?o ( x ) 1 , F 1 ( ::-:. ) = x_, ? 1 (-x } t (5x ' - ;ix ) , I- 1 - 1) P 2 ( XJ' = - \;.X P, (x) = ii(3'.:>x' - jCx' + 3) These are tbe Legendre pol~;nominl!:! . P j ( ;..:) must be mul t i112 pl i ed wit h x·'n = (j + § ) f or normali7.ei;ion . Fig . 5 I shows the fi.r·::;t r1 ...: e pol yno n:i als . 1.12 Series Expansion by Orthogonal Functions Lei; a function !'(x) bo expanded i!l a series of the orthonormal syst..em {!'(j 1 x ) } : F(x) ~ == L, "<nrcj ,x J J= 0 (6)
1.12 SEFU:.S tXJA:JSlO!; 11 '!'he val t.<" o! ih.; coe~·sici9:;i:;~ a( J) :na:1 be obtained by n.ultiply!ug (· ) 't>y f (k , x) &rod ir.toe~rntinc: tho rroduc;;" in the i~~e?"Val J••F(x)f(~,x,dx •• How we l c: orttogor.ality x 1 1 x I x 1 : = (7) a(Y.) i>' l'\x: represenLe<l, lf ~:.e coo!!icienLn a(J) are d<>L•• n.Ln,..rJ IJy (7)': .L<!t ua ''sswr1e" Hei• i <>a Lb(.) )f(j , x) m t<'t L'lll tl ,y..t eltls a beLLe.r r·e pi·esent~1Uion . terio n •'01" ' b<'~ter ' ehall be th£: le!.-Jat. m&u.11 a.tion Q oJ' F(x1 from Hs !"~Pl'eeer:catior" X1 L - >r:o •f X1 F 1 C.evi- D\j):\j ,x ,J'ax ,., *"~ ( aqu.a1~e m•1 r [l'(x ) • Q = 'f'be cri- x )dx - X'1 Xt "Lt-( j)[!'(:<) : , j, x )ex + .' 0 x 11 i•C ic 0 l -1 ( L;u<. }1'(J , x ): dx J•I Using (?) and ;;he or~hoi;or:;;!~ty o!· t:1e l'w:cLious f(j,x ) yields ~ in the :~o:!..!.Ol.\°l.llfS ~or1 ; .. f Q •• F 1 (x)u.x - m-1 2:;a 1 {j) + j ~o ~ L,['o(j1 - e(j)1 1 Tho lant t:e"m vani sheo for ·o( j) = n( j) devintion n"11umQ3 it o minim= . .. '.. (8) i tO ., Mid t.lie miH•Jl square 'rtie vocnlled Bac,;"l i11equal.ity follow11 from lHJ : ~ a 1 (~) ~ f r'i(x)dx •• T~e upper limit of 5lll!l!lation =.P..y hP.: x since the intet;ral doee: .::iot; 1nztood of ~ - 1 1 depen~ on t: tL:.ld J.l.. St t'r:s bold for any volue o! o . Tho syst.em (!(j,x)J i s called orthoi:;oni..l , and cor.iplet.e , if the mean square deviation Q conv.:::-gcs to zero with increasing m :for> any function ;,•( >r) ~h"t i• quadraticnll;y integrnble i.n the inl. ervol x 0 ~ x ;:; x 1 : x, .tim m-oo J [ f•'(x) •• m•I - I; j.iO a(j)l'(j ,x))'dx = 0 (10)
12 1 . NA'1''1X:f·lA'IICil.L FOUN-:JATIONS Tho equ ulitiy sign t1olds in equcllLy (9) : t.his case i!l ~ 1 I;o (j) ~ J:-0 f"F 1 (x)dx ~Ce Eesael in- ( 11) i',J Equation (11 ) is known as comple~eness Lbeor ea: or Parscval ' s t!1eo1·of.!!. . lr;:-; ph~,vsica.l meaning is as f o llows : Let F( x ) reprcnent n voltage as funct.ion. o.r t i me acro.s!1 a tmi:.. 1·eaiu-t;L11ce . The inr;ee;rsl of F 2 (x) r epresent:: Lbe11 tt".G' cncrr:y diss:i.pated in the i_·esi s t.or . Tt:is ene-rgy cqu-:i Lu 1 according tc ( 11 ) , the swn cf che energy of the tc.rms in the san:L;o(j)i'(j )x) . Futi;ing it di.f.fe reot.;ly , the e!l<?rgy it> the came wt:ethcr the vol tat;e is described b-y t 11e t i1ue f unction F(x) or it,.; seri.e• expansion . 1 Tbe s ,ystorr.. f 1'(j , x) ) i s sai d to be clo se6 , if t!:crc is no quafu·ati cally '"tcgratle functio n f(x) , ., J Jo" (x )dx < •• wllic~ for ~ , t ho ( 12) ~quality ., f '• F(x)f(j ,x)dx c 0 (1 3 ) ; s sat i sfied for· a.11 values of j . l ncomp!ete s~1ster:ts of Ol"thogonnl f•.1.llct.ions do not pe.rmi·t a convergent serie s e x pans ion of :ill quadrntically inLe5.r·able functions . r\evertheless, they a .L·e oI great r,>r~ctical interest . l;'oT· inst:mce, 1.. he o utput vo ltage of an i deal frequency lo••pass f i.1 i;er may be r·epresented exac tly by ru1 expr.i.nnion in ~ serie s of che incompl ete orthogonal ay,, tem of sin x functions . .·. • A Co3lpletc orthonormal s:,rs tem i s always closed . 'l'he in- verse of this statement hole! s true, if tl:1e integr.als of section are J.e be sgue rathei· t han Rielllann integrals . '.l'he Ri eman n ititegral suffices for t;he Jnaj or· of this boolt . H.ence , ' integrable ' wi.11 mean Riemaru1 intee;<·able unless otlie-rwise s-cateJ_ .
1:; Whet:her a ce;:tail: functior- F(x) cen f.(' c:xpa..'lded in c se:ries of a fArticula:- ortbogor:o: s~·ate:L {J (j ,k )) cam.:.ot be cold froa cuch Fiople !esturee of F(x) us its conLinuity oi· boundedness' ['.>] - UJ . 1.13 Invariance of Orthogonality to Fourier Transformation A tioe function f(j , Ii ) may be t'epi·esonled u.ucier cercain cond1 Lion:;i b;y two fUllctions a(.) , \I) 1.uid b(J , \I ) by metllla of Lbe fourieL' t 1'ans.!.'01·m : f (j ,S ) • Jfl'> (atj ,v )cos2nv a r .. -- + ·o(j , v) sin2n"9 ]d v ( 111) "' a(j,v) • f(j,6) cos 2 in1S d9 ' ) ' 2 r.v 9 b (j , v ) • •' ...~c' "' ;e dC"J (15) a • t/T, v • fT It i~ ndvll.Dtogeou~ !'or ce.rta.iL Bt-·~llc·•tionPl Lo replace tile Lwo .ruoc~lon.s u(j ,v) and h(j,v } bya ainslo fun~tion2: g(j , v ) • u(J , v) + b(j , v) V l<o) Ic follows fi•om (15) thn L a( ,j , v) h •JJl even and b(j, 'J ) an ocld :ftmction or v : b(j , v) = -·o{j ,-v) E:quntionn ( 1 6) 9nd (17) yield ror g(j , -v) : g(j, - v) • n(J ,-v) + b(j,- v ) = a(j , v) - b(J ,v ) a(j,v) and b(j ,v ) a:ay be regained rrorn e (j , v) by Of (16) and (18) : a(j,v) • 2[g(j,v) ~ g(j ,-v)J b(j,v) • 6[g(j , v) - g(j , - v)J llsing•t.e;ior. g(j ,v ) on,- otay wrHt' (1'-) ~ml in a more nymmotric for:r: : a(j,v) • a(j ,-v ) , ( 1'1) ( 18) (19) (1<.) ' ?or i.n.3tance, the .Pou.rier series of a. co:.. tluuou~ func- ·tion doos not; llave to c onverge in ovcry point . A theor901 due to BANACH stnte':', i;hat; there nre ~u·bit<·nri1:1 man:; orthogonal cyutems wit h the feature , that Luo orthof! toei;ies of a continuous ly diff erontiablo function dlve!'~es o.lmoet; everywhere . Real notaHon in u sed for the Fourie1· tl'DJ''o1•111 to facilitate comparison with the fo r:nulaG of tlte e;enerall;,ed Fourier trDJlaform derived 1ater on.
1 . l'!ATEEl'IA1'ICJ\L FOUI'iDA: IO~lS 111 r t'(j ,8 ) sin?n v6)cv (20) cos :?nve + sin 2nv9 )d.O l21) g(j,'J)( cos 2n ve • -oo ""f f(j ,e g(j, v) = _., )( 'l'he integr-al;:; of a\j 1 \l ) cos2'lv9 a:ld b(~ 1 v)sin2rv9 ir1 (20) V<1nisii sinc•i a(j,v) isandveL Md ·a(j,v) i.o an odd Junct ion oJ v . J.e" {f(j ,9 )j be a systan. ori;honorrn9l in the in~er·val -~S ~ 0 l! +~8 anc zero ou;;side . '3 ma:; be l'inii;e or infinitr . The ±'unctions r(~ , 9) are i'O\ll~ier• tr•EIJ1Sforma.1Jle 1 • Their orthc>gonnlity ini;egral ~ J"" i'(j ,e )n.k , e )as = ~,, {22) , - oo ""Jr(.j,S)[f5(k,v)(cos2,vS "" - oo 1 sin2r.v9)dv]d8 6·• 1 sin crv~ Ae;a,, = c;, -oo J g( I<,,,)[ f "" 00 ·' (j ,9 )(cos 2nvg "" f g( ,j , v)g(~ , \IJdv ::- 5ili (23) -~ l-ie?1c~ , ( f( j the Jo'ou..l'ie:· t.1·ansfor·:u of 'e l l 01•t.liono1·ma: 01·~honorn1a: .~:y,;t ""' ( 15\ ;j, \I )1 :;i eld>J w: S1io~titution g(j , v) = a1.1 :::;,y1:;:.L~w . of ~c~ , v) • t(J,v) , K(k , 'J) • •(k ,v ) - L(M,v) into (23) :;..telas i.t in terrcs or tt.e notation a(j ,v ) , 1'(j,v) : ., .r..:<- .:i , v )e;{ k, v Ja" <XI _'[a(,j,v) • -·~ b(j,'J,][n{k,vJ + b(k,v))dv -00 = "".s"fl (j,v)u{k,\i) + b(j ,v) b(k,v) ] dv _.., b1k I OrttolJOL'ma li ty ioplies ~he existea.ce or the F'OU!'ier t2·ansi'o1·m and tLe inve.rse Li:ansform (Pluncherel tL.eo1·en.) . ''l he i!1'tegrat1ons may be interchanged i since the integrand!."i are abnolutcly intcgr.:ible . 1
15 1 . 1 ;:i 11'/VAh IA.ll CJ:; OJ-' OR':HO;;o;r;.i..!.T'i d • \ \ x. /-! ·v ! \ \ '/I of ~in f1:J~ coninc nulF'-g . 1 . a) wa:(o,e ) , iJ) f? "'-n "rr3, ;J) '[2sinu-,B, e) ·;2coai,r-e . Fig . (> Fou1:iOP tra..."1£fo::'DS ,;s(j , v) 3eo c) occordini; '{2cos~"l3, to Fig . r, sine w1J elemnntn eide th.o shews as 9Jl exa:nple t.he .7ourier t.1·a.r..sfo.r:t.E' of co ... iuc t-JUlces . These pule':i~::J flt·e det·.t·1~d !'.tom. the or rit:; . • l;v concinuin.- thPI i lentt,~ai ,·e:·o 011;; in Lo rval -t ~ e ;,; ~ : g(O,v) • J 1( enc Pnv9 112 ein rr" r-" + sin 2n v9 )<JO · Hl Sc(i ,v) [' 'f2 coG 2rr i9{ cos :?rrve d11 (24) :>nva 1 10 • 111 Ill g«i,v) • f '{2sin2r-i3(cos2-Tv~ .. eir_;.,vd/d3 -Ill - !""ii. '1 V+ I r \\l•i) \ I Ii'ig . 'l ohowa the Fourie::- crar.sfo1~ccs o! 1l!ilsJ1 pUlee-3 J.erived by contlm<; the element" of Hg; . 2 lolcn •.i<:ol zero outside thn in Lorval -t ti e ,,; •t : g(O,v) • rwal(0 , 9)( cos 2rrv9 ,. ain2nv0)d9 • ... \/J sin rr" ""
6s(' ,v • - "'j ~al(1.9 - 11 l One n:ay rf'ttdily see f1•om tbese ex Amp I C!'t:l tho. I; t:1ver. ti:11r" J'LWct.illrlS t.J'a:l.n 1'nr:n into even functionn t. r~111r::foi·JJ fJ.~aquenCJ' •· Jnct.ion~ :..tLd otl<l into Odil fl•rqucncy J:.utc Lior.. .s . ,.•alu.eo Of t..l1e frequenc~• h&VO Ii ! r> •.•:JliJ ph:;si-:!al mear:!.ng . 1he oscilla~ior~ of fr<'qt:cncy v is u t:c- (.e-u~iVe 0 . ii Fig . 7 .?ourie.l' t.!':.U1Sf<,,rr·1~ £~~)" nr w, -"h ~" Hg . 2 . ~ 1 .,,,, i <o ,a l , b ~,,_(1,e 1, r.i) - s..1(2 , 9J, o) cnl\2 . 0 ) . l~e F~~rie~ t'lllae~ c) according - c.:il(' , a), .,. :•ig . 8 Fo=·ier tr&nc. orme g( ~' ") or thf> block Plll!1CS .:( 1 r(2,8) nod f(;l,e) o.I' Fig . 3 . 'a ),
1.1' H:VAJUJulCZ OF ORTHO!;CN AL:TY ~!"aD!1fOrT. r.•,:.; oscilla~iC"'J, lute VOl~lC' 17 ~hr; ~:a.2..ue f0.1' -v ri1.d -vi t!"rui~!ora if Vhf; ?'ou.:"'ie.r b lt orr-c~i;;t' Sit;:-:& .:'O!~ it LU!" ttc i~q g !"91H: .aint"­ -t-V Dl.i -v. Fi!!; . B she-•·~ tte Yourier tr:ir.<:fo=::: g(j, v) o;· t:.ree tloc" putsa:: of Fif . ;'>. 1ltey nr-., no lcngcr nithcr ov-:o o~· ot!J 1 • '\f,tl. >'1(0.)·:c 113-- r..~l 1 a-1/f- ! Fig . q Ot•thogonv :-.,y~t:em of' si:ie ':t.i.u.1 :.:oh ....!!f· pL:lt:ies hav..:.:1g: jumps or aquol. n i.€;!,i; aL e = n.nd a -t •t . li.. ig . 9 nhowu n oyr:te m of 0.1.'t.h.or.··onal tiln c: nJ1d coB .tne _p ulses . The;y tune :or.if ted compared wH lt Ll1o<>e or Fie;.<, eo that all fwict;iorrn ba·<e ~Ulll]).9 or ~q u al Mlfl..lL ude '1L a = -i 'llld 9 • +i . Tl::.eir Fo·" rier tra.n~fOl'ID• g(j , v) are f>hown in iig . 10: k =-tj for ir = t(~ +1l for od<l j . e~en j (2';) The lo ourier tra.nsfora:s of the ~:ariou::~ "h ock i. tll.aoc are di.fferent but ~heir frequency power:- npeCC!"' a:ro equal. The Powe:r spectrum is the E'ourier trnnnror-cn of Cho a·.iLocorrelution fu.nction of a function 1 >tnd rLOt the Pourier trn.nnrorm of t:he function itself (W1ener-Chin·tchin t heo rem) . ~'he connectior1 between Pou1•ier tro.n::ifot·in , power 8peotrum nnd wn~litude spect-rum is diecuneetl in nection 1 1 1. 32. See also [q) .
1r; 1. ~iA1'lll.~·JAI ICAl. FOUlDATIOHS ;~x)1{2.0) I I . \ 5 l"i i; . 10 fou.l'itH' t r11:>sfoo•ms pulidC~ of Fic; . l; . o.r the slr.e ~nd cc siJ1e •;( ,j , v ) Tli~ function:; b; ( S } of the parubolic ~y-irnie:· .show11 in li'ig . 11 and thel r li'ourier trru1nfo.rn:.s i;( j, \I ) htP:e l.b~ same i;uapo [SJ : (2~) f(j,S) • t (ll) , 1 ,1 • 0, 21' 2i.A.1 ; i = ... r'ig . 11 The function,-; ~ r.!il.>ol ic cylindei'. ~I (x) • X • 9 2 , .... 1 1 • t 1 (9) or -•x' e • . ~de I ( 1vJIV2n 01" 4"'f\I j j t1• >,cl :ie 1 (x) • •'' X) j ::. Q ! 2i t 2i r1, i a q ("nv ) o:'the pa- d I - ,\xi ( - -dx ) o • 11 2I • • • • ~ (a) decrease.G for large absolu~e valur·~ of e proportion•i1 l y to e 1 exp( -ie 2 ) untl t 1 (Lfnv) clocreases fo.r: large 1 a.lrnol uL !! values of v proportiom>l t:y to ( '"'") 1 exp( -! ( 4nv ) ] • J'ulnoc: with the shape of para.bol ic cyl inder f unctions re1 quix·c " pa.t·ticulai•ly smal 1 pure 01' tho frequency-
1.14 W;.J,SH l'\JllCTIOliS 1.14 Walsh Functions The Wai~· fur.ctio:ic •·a.:.(O,B ; , :-Rl(i,& l u.nd ctl(i,S ) are of connide1·a.OJ e iC!t:erest ir: corr..zu~icatiQ.OSJ . fh.ere is 8 elono connoctio:1 bct-•..:eon S8l and ~ir.e runc:tiior.v, nc wr:ll as between cal function.- . Tltt i .. ~~,_,.., " and c in sal W'ld ell .. woro cho!ien to i.ndicul;a t..hlt:J COLJ1rction, t.h~ • !:11 • f!T13. aor•i. ved f"i·om while tbo I otbo.i:·a nu.m'!I \,1n l. sh . For eo1:ipu11ationa_ p urposes it. is aomet.imetJ moz•e con- venient to u.:.o oinc and cosine ftwct:ior1t1, while at otn~r times tJ,o exponential fu.."lct:i.on fr more co11veoie11t . J\ si!:ri.ler duality of r.or-~tiQn i?X1Sts fo:- 'n'ttleh .rw.ict.iont:: . A single !'unction wal(j,~) :i:n;; t,. 1cfiM~ in. tead of tte &hree functions wal ( O,e), sal 1 i,3) and c~l( i,S ) : wal(2i,9) • cal(i,ij), wal(2i- 1 , 8) = sal(i . a) ( 27) i= 1 , 2 , .... The functions >;nl( j , g) nay be defined \.l,v t11e follc:o.n!; di.f.t'ercnce equaLion ' · ' : wal (2j+:p , a) • (-1 J P : 0 0~' 1 j j D 0 (i 11j •p{ I 1 wal(O,e) • o ro1· e < > , wal [ j , ?~9+t)J +(-1 J 2I -1, ... e > +t· I I' > wu [j ,2(9 - tJ J} for -1·-e< t; ( 28) 1 Pulses of tho 3hape of pai·abolic cylindor f•mctions use the ti!lle-frequoncy- ti::eorctically '\.lest'. l"LiE i;ooC. ~e hes not been of much p=aci;ical 11t.t.l ue so fai.· , .:inc:e pulses and pulses derived t1·o :'j :iinc-co.:;inc PUl.sec aro al.Dost as good , but. !!lu;;:_ e aisir:- to genera-;e and detect . ~'2'!ie pt·obably olcest use of Wal!;_>i i·U-.,ccion G in co~.ciunica ­ '~ons is !or the transp<>siti.o!l of conducto1·s [1d] . Walsh functions are usually defined by p«oductc of Rade- ~ache>r fWlctions . ThiG definiLior1 has oony ndvantsges but aoes. not :yield the Walsh funct ion" ordnred li.Y Li.e nun.lie~ ~f sign changes a s does the di.fferenco oq 110L.Loo . oraer is lmportnnt for the generalization 0£ frequency io. sec1;:1.on 1 . 31. lludemachor :functions ot'b tlii> J unctions +sa1(1,e), aal(2 ,e), sal( 'f,9), .. in l'ig . 2 . Walch functions ~ 8:? also be> defined by Radanoard matriceo [ 1 •·1] . (j/2) the largest integ13r smaller· or· oqual ~j . ,.
20 ·1 . i'.ATJIEl"AT ! CAL FOlfKDJC IOliS For explanation oi' r:l1is dirfercnco equat i or1 cun.::;i c.ier tr.e runc~ion wal (j , &) . 'i'..'ie function •·iaJ.(j , 2~ } has the sruJ1.e inco the interval - t ~ a < +t. 1<111[j , 2(0 ·ri)) is ot-tained by sh~ .f';;i ng wa l (j , 2 B) t o the left inco t he im;erval -~ ;; a < CJ , a."ld wal[i , 2( 3 - * )J is :ibtDi ned by shi l'LiJlg 1~al(j , 2~) to the right i nto tho :cnshape ) -out in s~ueczed tervril 0 ~ 0 <•I t. As: !ll! example , conside.r.' r;he cases j j O, p - 1 end [0/2) = 0 and [ 2/2 J = 1 = 2 , p ~ 1 . Using the values o o!1e obt.l?i.!!S : wal.(1 , e) - {- ·1) 0 •1 [wal[0 , 2(9+ t ) l 7 ( - 1)'•' ><al [ 0 , 2(3-t ) J} wal(5 ,9 ) = (-1 ) 1 ' 1 l1·Jal[2 , 2(9+ t ) ] + ( - 1)" 1 ...-al [ 2 , 2(9 +t) l) It D!11ybe verifi ed from Fi g . 2 tllat wa1(1 , e ) = ~al( 1, e) .i.s obcained rrom wal (O , e ) 0:1 sqlieezing it to half i t s wi dth , muleipl .ying the function tlia.t i~ s!>iftod to the left by - 1 , and the 1'tmction tha1; is shifi:;e<i to the r i ellt. by +1 . ;;al(5 , o) = sal(~ ,a) is obtnincd by sqiieedne; ..rnl(2 , 6) = cal(1 ,e) to halr i ·t" widtn , :uU:.ti;ll,y iJl;; che functiol1 that i!: !.1bi ftcd to the le.:'t b;r 1-1 ~a._ Lhe .function that is shifted to the i·i;:;h~ by - 1 . •r!1e pr·oducL. Of t;.~·.'O l-.'nl £.'h funci;iOC$ runclion : ~tields- rt:iothor \·lal Sb. wal(t , e)wal(k , e) • wal(r , a) Thi ,; i·elutiou may readily be ;i~'aVed by w::-i ting bhe dif.i'e- r ence equo.tior; for we.l ( h , 6) ~.nd wal ( k, 0) , ru:ui uul Ciplyizlg i;he:n wi;;J1 e?-c~ other . l t t urns out that ~he prod uct '(1al(t , 9)wal(k , 6) satisfies a cl.iffereuce equ"'tion o.r the. S"'1Cle .form fis (28) . The dete rmination oJ.' the val~1e of r f=on: the d.ifJ.'ere nce equation is somewl1a.t cwnbersoue . The .r esul t is that r equals the 2 !'1um o.f h o.nd k : wal(h , S)wal(k , 9) = ' "tl(hlBk , 0) (29) 1'hc sign !!l stands for an addition modulo 2 . k a.nd h are written as binary numbers and added according to tho rules ~ o = 1 , c e o = 1 <D 1 ~ O (no carry) . Adcli tion o e 1 = 1
1 . 14 WALSll i"U!JC.!'r!OJ;s 21 n:odulo 2 is •hat i. lblf ad.:er does~ bica!',Y digital cocnutel'!' . As an exa:npl<? , consider the reul :!plication of ~al(6 ,9 ) s~.d wal(12,9 ) . !:sing lin!!.!'y mrnbe1·a !or u and 12 one obtnin:l 10 for e t~.e su::i ·~ $ 12 : 0110 ..... 6 1100 ••• .. 12 15'm ..... 10 It may be vei•i.fiod f::-om Fig . 2 t!:.nt Ll:e producL wal(o, e)x waJ.( 1 2, G) oqua.1 11 wn 1( 1 0 , a ) . Tlle pl'oduct of a Walsb fU!1cvion W!~h Hself yields wal (O,a), since only the f:r>:id'.lcts (+1)(+1) =d ( - 1){ - 1) occur . wal(J,9)wal( ~ ,9 ) = wal(O ,a J j e j • (30) o The product of wul(j ,o ) · wtil(O , o) leave;; wnl(j , 9) unchanged: wal (j , a )wal (O , e ) j eo • w::tl(j ,e) (31 ) j Since the addi Lion modulo 2 .i. !> n~uocintivo , tho a:ultiplicat;ion of ~lalGh !unctions musL be aaaociat;lve too : ... [wal.(h , 9 )wol( j ,a ) ] wal( k , e )=wal(b , a)( """l ( J , 9 )·• ~l(k , e )J(32) Walsh functionG forrr. a group wit!" resroci; to multiplication . Equation (29) shows tha- i;JH> product o!" two functions yiolde again " Halsb i'unci;ion ; the inverse element J.s defined by (30) and i s e<p•' to th<' ele:11ent itsel!'; •he unit element is waJ.(O ,o ) 11ccordi::g Lo (31); :te associative law is nhown ;;o hole by (;;2) . The gl'oup o!" Walsh .f~ctions is an Abelian or comiutative gi-oup , since the .factors in (29) , (30) and (31) aay be commuted . 1-Jat!tcmatically epeakiJlg , the group of Walsh !unction:; io isomorPhic to the dyadic g roup . To d1rtermlne the number oi elements 1.n u e;roup and its Sube:roups 1 consideX' what nwnbers can occur, if two munbers ~ e.tld h, tho~ aJ.'e both· 01· equal 2• - 1, are added 11todulo 2 . It and. h are written ao binary n\llnbera :
1 . MA'i'rtl!1AT ICAI. Y.'OUNDA'l'IOHS 22 h Ps- 1 k - Q.s.I 2i;· I 2"'·i The modulo 2 e b j ; + P:.. 1 -:.~· 1 ~ () ,., 2 T SUJl (p,_, !!' or q.)• I s-2 ...... + ... -.. + > 1 p,2 + 0 ·O t --: .....o ~... q ,2 ' - q 0C 2' - 1 ,... c -1 03) h and k y:i~lds : )2"' + ... .. . -> °(p0 e qo )2" ( 3'~) The smallest J1umber occurs , i.f all ti he .f act..oi"S in ~~ro n t of the power.:; of 2 ar.e zero . This num"oer is obtil.ined f or h -:; j anci equals o. 'J1he larges-& nwnber i s obtain.:?d, if all tt:ese .factors are 1; the resulting number, i s obtaine<l for 11 = (2' -1 ) e j . This a:""""'• tl:at i n binary natat.ion j .has zeros where l1 has ones and vice v~rsu . A group ·t hus contain s t he Walsh functions wal ( O,S ) to wa1(2 ~-1,e ) , a total of 2:. fu.nct i ons . Subgrottpr:\ contain l;he .l'unctio.r1s wal(0,0 ) to wal(2 ' - 1,0 ) 1 O tE t' < s . 'I·hese are all the subgroups . Sinco a .subgroup contains 2 ' elemont.s i-c has 2' /2 ' = 2"· 1 cose·t;s . Evidently, powers of 2 play an irr.portant role f or Walsh funccions . Using (27) one may rewri~e the mul ciplicat i o:i tlteor·em ( 29) of the Wal st functions as follows : cal (i ,e )cal{~ , a) cal(iek , a) 05) sal( i, e)cal.(k , a) = Aal [ [ke(i -1 ) )1.1 ,e J cal(i , 6 )sal(k , e) • aal ([i&(k- 1 ))+1 , 9) sal( i,9 )sal(k , 9) cal[ {i-1)~(k-1) , e] cal(O,a) "wal(0 , 9) 'l'he s i ne e..nd cosine .rur1cvio1'1$ sin 2 n ia as1C. cos 2ni0 are oi'thogonal in the interval -; ,; e ~ +t . This is tile s;; sterr. reguired for a Fcux·ie.r series expansi on . The .Fourier transi:orm requires the s:r-item [ sin 2 nv9, cos 2 n v0 ) which is Ol'thogonal. in tile wbole intel'Val - o:> < 9 < +co . No te that i i s o.n integer and thus denumorablc , \;hile v is a real number and thus non- denwnerable. The system of Walah functiona orthogonal and complete in the whole interval - CO < 8 < <X> is denoted by {Sal (u , 0), 1
?3 1 .14 WAJ Zl l FlfliCTIOHS cal(µ 1 ti JI , where u i s a :real :mmbe::-. !t "'111 be shewn lai;er on, thie syscem lll8Y te obtarnccl l.>y ' &Lretcl·ing ' sal(i, e) ar.d en l ( i, 3 i jus:; c.s •he "Y"t"a {sic:;.,, vo , cos 2nv9 l cnn te obtained I y strPtC!1ing sin 2r.ia nr.:1 cos ?ri.e . nn1 other defi,,itior. rt·1r: to PICHL.E!! st•rt:· :·::-oc t~e periodicallyconti:iued functions sal 1,9 ) a.n<l ~ol(1 , 6) . Fi-::>:nthem one may aof"ino tne G"bo" L oi: Che Walal1 Lllnc:t.i.o:.u known as 0 •' C9l : Ra<iemnchor rw1ctioos [ 8 ], cal (;:t k 10) • col(1 , 2 'e ) , sa.l (2 ', B) a l$lll(1, .: '9 ) (3&) k • ±1 , ,1;2 , .. . ; - m < B < +cc . .. Let now µ bo written as bi:oai·y cwllicr ; 1.1 :.. "L..J u.., 2·• • . . . u 2 2 2 +..i , ';:! _ -uo 2° - ••• 1-u . 1 c:,, +u 1 .1 2· ·~-Clll) u, is either 1 or O. u is called dyadic rai;ional , if the sun ho.s a .finit~ nWlbe1~ of t(!'~c . i:-!'---ia .1neans , there a;:ust be st most 11 finite nWtbcr o i l:inary digit>' to the righ;; or &he bin11ry poin• . cal(u , S ) and Pat(u , e) ai·e then de- fined bS .. tol~ow~ : cnl ( u, 9) • Ti cal(u.,?-',e J , ••·Oo a.el( u ,e ) ( -cuJ.(u,e ) , • +cnl(µ ,e ) , - <0 < -=< a < 0 < oal (µ , 8 ) . cal(g2· M,e)i;at(2-" s. eve;J e a< ( ;:7) ,co 0 I' - uyrn.lic irrational < ""' ,aJ , - co< a < co , nu.:tber ; u :: ( ~·1 )/~w • u~,adic ::'&\iio:al.! ca l(u ,9 ) and t:al(u , 8 1 are s :,o>m ir. r'i:.s .1 .C and 1~ for i::-,c 'The non- denumerable syster. o: ;:9ld. rw.ction~ required for the Walsh-Fourier transro= i~ d·1e to FJ:n; [12] , ·.;ho also pointed out first the eY...lsteucc or nuch n transform . The correct mnthrur.aticnl theory of Lhe Wol sh-fol.l!'ier trau:>torm unir\g sol and cat .fu;nctione, which nre ~o:newht:J:t <1i.f:"cl'ent l"rom tho ay.stem !lsed :Oy FINE , fr due Lo ?IC:i.LE!l [ 9 ]. A term liko Fine or Pichler transform nppont·n f ulr a~ well ;" eho:i:ter than the cumber.some term W11l~lt-J<'ou1·i ,..,, t r ruuiom.: Mnthematiciana use th_i.s l,erm , bcct1u oo t he \.Jnl!:lh~ouh ar LL·unuform i s a special caee of tho e;o nor n I 1''01,1ricr rnnsforme on topologic groups , JlUbl iahed by VIJ,EllY.IN zwc Y&nr• aner FIHE • n paper ( 22) .
1 . MA'::EU'.kl'lC.G FOillDU·IQNS 211 < 9 < • 3 . 3la~k ore as in:iica Le B!'t~O.J. c 1C1 value -1. By drav:i::-:g a line l>"r"llel to tu<> 0 -·U<l s on" obtain• cnl\1.L,bJ or sal(..1,0) a!::i .funct.ion Of 9 J.'Of' ft <':f"rt&in V8l Ue Of j..! . 'lice \rersa) O line p;u:allel to enr u-l'Xi& shown r.1·,e vli:ues of cal(u , \j') or snl( µ.I fl '1 < !J functior or u for.. a cer· V.s.l;.tt: of e. intervals -'I <: µ < •'1 '-'"Slue 11 1 whitti llJl<l -,; Fig . 12 (loi..L) Tll o rlUlc~lons CAl(µ , 0) in the interval - 3 < 0 < +5t -'~ < u < +~ . A £unction, e . g . cal(1 . _5 ,e ) , ~c obt~i ned by d t'JlWi llf-'' u llnc FJV µ =- 1 . 5 pF)T'.:1llel i;o the 0-axis . cn.L(1 . '.';> , 0) io +1 wl1e<·e ~hl,; l inn runs Llu•ough Ii black :iriln and -1 wlle'"!"O 'l 1, J.'una through a whi li~ area . At bordor!l 1.HJ Lween b und w~.i tc a1.. 1::a.::i use the '\~etlue holding Ior Lhc abooluLdy ll' r ger u . 'Iho j'unction cal(µ ,1 . 5) i s obLain"d by drawing 11 line tiL 9 " 1 . ';> para2.lel to the u - axio and pt·oc~r.d ing accordingly . Fig . 1;; (l'if'.ht) 'l''1e l'u.nction,; ~"l(u , 9) in the interval -3 < e < ... ,, _u_ < IJ < •'• . f hf· v.slues .. 1 and - 1 of the ftmcLlon& nre ob~oino<i by <!r1<wing lin~" as explained ill 1'be Capcior. Of l'ig . 12 . ;,t bot·der>i between bl8.Ck and white ar·ens uz;o the vnluo holding for the absoluce:y small er µ or a . Tt.e!·e :<r~ no runction:: a!ll(0 ,6 ) or sal(1-,0) . 1 1 Yne !'ollowiJ'l> addHionol for:rn!.a~ n:?:e iapori:ant for cocaputationn WJ. th t.:&1 :'ih function!".: (38) wal(., ,e ) • toal(0,9 ), cal(u,9) cal(i,9), Eal(u,9) • eal(i,9), 1-1 < u ~ i
1 . 14 WAJ,SH .FUNC'.nOJIS cal(u,94r8') • cnl( i;,c )cal( i.: ,a• ) sal(µ ,e,; e• } • sal(i.. ,b ) n,.l(u , a ' ) (.39) Since 9 ll!ld 9 ' may be positive or negative one has to ext end the defit.'-tioc of addition !llodnlo 2 to nega;:;ive numbers. - a o.nd - b : (-a) e (-b) • n • b b o ~ ( - b) - (- a) e (40) -(a 0 b) is oqunl co one half the averare numbe:- o f si15n <>hangee of col( u , 9) OL' s"1(µ , a ) in a ~ im e intuvttl of tlu.t'ation 1 . •rnia ma,y eas ; ty be veryfied for t:he J)eriodic ;"unctions col (i ,9 ) and na l (i ,a ) oy counting thP. $j(;n cl1ange<1 in Fig . 2 . cal(u ,9 ) oi.d oal(u,e) aro cot por~odic , U' u is not dyadic r&:tionnl , but the i.c:terpretnt.ion of u as one ta!.:t tile average DWllber of sign cban(l;eS pe:· ·.ime inter1'al of duratioc 1 still holds true . l i an arbitrarily szall section of a sir<e func;ion is µ kno""'!'.1 1 the t"unctioz: i:.:; L~Oh"l: e·1eryA~.~ra . '!'hi !! rca-art:! iz. frequently cxpresced by ~a.ying t:hnt !>l.nuno1dRl functio:::s transmiL·cotion at the ra-cc z1... ro . 11/n. Loh .:.·unctiont: n.i·e quite di!!'o.c·cu.t; in this =cspec"i: . thot n mcn.:;urement has yielded tlle value +1 f or a Wa l"~- function in t h e int e:-val -; :! 9 < 1 ~. It follo ws .from FigH . 1 2 and 1,:1 tt:at t his must be a function cal (u ,a ) «ith µ iH 1,l1e iuLN·v,,;. O :; u < 1. Lot an additiona l moa:;ur eme:nt in Ll.Je !ll' oi·vul ~ :; g < 1 Yield - 1; the valu e of u is thus restric• •.>d to the n:oel ler interval i 10 u < 1 according to Fig . 12. A ft.<rther :n<>a31.U'eMent yield8 1 e . 6 • -1 fo:r-C1lf:\ ir.t:~rVEl.1 1 ·;a< 1 . ~ .flnd •1 ~or the interval 1.s ~a < 2 ; t~in rcetri c ~s u to tee Still 11maller tnte-val 0. 5 ~ 1- < O. 75 . ;. daub -ng of t:::e t:ime interval 69 required t:or measure:t.ent. ti.•" <;etit:iivel~; halfs t >e interval 6u 1<ithii> whicn the M.iqu~uc.;· u !emailis undeterinined . 1'he product 6. 96µ L'el!lnin:i con:itan t and may be iutet•prE>ted o.s the uncertai.nty relation !01· Walsh !'u:-,ctiona . '!'bo tranamission rate o.r infox•mCltion ia not ~ero , 0ince more in.Iox·mntion about th<: exact value o.C u i$ obtained with increasine; observation intorval AG .
26 1 . 11ATIIE!1A1'ICAL l'OUl'fDNl'lONS A few wor·ds may be addeo for i:;he mathe:nai:;j,cally inc lined reader about: the connection between the sysi;err.s [ wal(O,a), Cal(i , 6), sal(i ,9 )] and (1,'(2sin2n i6,V'2cos 2niD} . 3otil are orthono1'1llul systens i n Hilbert s;.i«ce L , (0,1) and one :.nay base on both of them ver;; s imilar t!..eo::ies of the Fouriel' series and the Fourier transfor·Ul . The reason fo;r i;his is that both may be derived fr'om eha.rac·ter groups. 'l'hc system of circular .functions {cos Jr..x , sin kx) is derived fro:n the group [ e'"Y ) , which is the character p·oup or i;he topologic group of real numbers . The eyr;tea of Walsh fWlctions may be derived frorr. tile character &I'oup of the dyadic group ; tho dyadic group is the toµolog ic g<·<>up derived from the set oi' binary reprei;entations of the real number•;; . The most striking difference between the f=ct ions - continuity of circular functions and discontinuity of 'Walsh fUnct io11~ - is caused by the different topology of the real numbers and the dyadic group (8,11, 12, 20] . 1. 2 The Fourier Transform and its Generali zation I. 21 Transition from Fourier Series to Fourier Trans form The }'ourier transforrr. belougs to the basi c knowledge of every communication engineer . ! t s derivation from 'Che F'ouriel" series ls shovm here in a special wa,y c-11at will facilitate Wldersta.nding o.f the more general transi i;ion f'roru o~tbogonal aer-ies to orthogonal trann.i'Ol"ms, . Consider che orthonormal system (f( j ,9) ] of sine and cosj,ne elements , the firHt few a.: which sho•1m in Fig.1. 1!he elemem;s f ( j ' a) are div ided into even elements fc ( i) a)' odd elements f•(i,0 ) and the conscant f(D , S): 1 The transition from the Fourier series to the Pourier transform has mainly tutorial value . A mathematical correct transition without an additio nal assu.urption is not possible, since the Fourier series uses a system of denwnerable fw1ccions bu·t blle Fourier tt·t1.0sform one of nondenwnerable .functions . ft corresponding remo..rk applies to the transition from O!"thogonal series to t l1e general ized Fourier transforms in section 1 . 22 .
1. 21 FOIJ!ln:R TRAl\SFORN wal(O,~ ) .C(0 , 9) rc<i ,a) : f(j,9) • r.(i ,a ) 9 = 27 '(2 CO<: 2ni6 '{2 sin 2m.e undefined tJT; 1 • 1, 2 , ... -i 1 s < ,. e < -i'. a > ·~ {41) +t sine nod elemen ts may be con r.tnucd periodically outside tho l ntorval -i lS & < +t to o'bt.1i n cho periodic sine and cosine functions : f(O , b) = 1 -oo < e < +co .r( j , 9) • .Cc(i,6) \ f.(i,9) = '{2cos2ni9 '{2si n2nia Periodic continuation of a function i~ o finite interval is a special Wa:J to extend the intorvnl of definit.:.on . Consider a !unction ?(a) de:'ined ; n the i.Ltervul - t ~ 6 < i. An example i:i the trinngclar !'unctiou shown on top oi· Pig.1 4e . U conditions requ.iredfor couveq,;ence are sat i s fied, ono mny expand F(S) into a set'ie" OJ' Lhe ort !:o normal system {f(j ,e )] being defined in chc same interval as F(6 ) . The h•iOJJgular func~ion of Fig . 1 1~0 in Cl<J>unded inGo a ae1•ies of sine rultl cosine element s . J J' the t <·i3.'1gule.r !unction is con~inued outside i;;c interval of ,\efini ticn , OI!e muGt continue the sine and coaino elot11eut;H in the same way; two 0£ tho possible ways are pa.rticulw:l;v importaz,;; : Periodic continuation of ;;he ;:;rianr;ulnr fu.nceiou requires P-eriodic cont1nuation of t~c sine n.nd cosine eleu.enLs . Hence, the peoriodic triangul:u· function or Fig . 14a is exJlanded in a series o!: che periodic sL"le and cosine functions . Ir , on tile other hand , che i;ri911gular fll11ction is coni:inued by F(e) " O outside the interval - i :< e < t, i t has co be expanded in a serie~ of' cine And cozir1e pLLlses , which .nra zou·o outside that interval . Let t~( 6) be expa.ilded in a aeries or a.Lue and cosine eleman·~ s :
28 1. ~·LATI<;;.,r, E'OlJHDAT:O!IS .. ...,,, F(a) = a(O)r(O,a) • '!2 2::rac<i)cos2ni8' n,(i)sin2 nie] 111 f1"Ca ;f(0 , 9 )dP alO) ~ • If] Jl!'(e )de •112 In [2 JF(B) con 2nie de 1 ac<i) ( 43) . ii 1 Os ('1. J\ = ··-'I" "' j'F(3 ) Gfr. ,m.s ue - ti: The coefficients a(o; Cl.Cd a c tiJ are plotted for tr.e "r~­ nngular fui:cciou of Hg . 1"" it! Eg . 1)a . Al! coefficient~ n,(i) a.r~ , .;inco tne L1·iangu.L.n1.. f1Jnction .is ac even l'uncti on . J,ec the vurioblo G on tlie i·.ight huncl oide of (43) be rep laced. b:y 1he now vs.r'io.tle a • : 81 F 9/S., s > 'i . This substitution 11 stretcr_es 11 the '{2 sin 2'~9 , '{2 con 2ni9 =d f(O , a ) b, a !"actcr ; . Th'l r.ew interval of orthogonality is -H lli 9 < H . 'The orthoi;onal sy>Stem of the stretched elemcntn '{2 sjn2m a ' , '{2 co~ 2ni e' &:id f (O , e ' ) is uot normalized , eince thcc;c ftl.Jlc Lions have the same ampliLude a.; th<> orie::Lnal e ler.icnt.o but '11'" ~-tin.~;i as l·lide . Phe ir..tegr a.l over thu uqun,re of che stJ:eL<~hed l'unctions yield.s ~ ratl::.crtha::i 1 . Hence , c!le sL1·etclled functions nave to be "ltllciplied by ~ •n to retain !lor!ll•lh... tion . F(6 is not stretched, hit:'..:; ::ontinued ini;o :;he intervnl -;; ~ e < -i an<l i "5 < i~ l:y F(a) • O. Tiiis conti1.untion m· F(9\ nnd th~ cn::1'etciling of £(0 , 6),•f2cos 2ni6 n.nd \f2 :.:in 2 ni0 l a eho',ffl for ; = 2 o.nd ~ a 1~ in Fig!3 . 111b 1 r.wd c . The expan.,ion ol' i;>(a) ir. a ser'ie~ or the sLret ched elementn has the following form : P(e) - ~(ac~. '"(o,e•) 00 T 1[2 2;Ca,Cs,i) coa 2niS' ~ "1 + a 5 (~ 1 i ) sin2ni9'J) (45)
1 • 21 l''O JR l .'::h 'l'RJtJIEFO RI·: "tubo6' 17 ... '"'8' 1'1u18n9' b -:_j======i:~;~~====;·:_:• - FIO! wal (0.0) wol (0.0') :. V1 Mn 2n!T .,_.-·-=~====--~...;=--::o--""-="::i-:---:=="""-...... ii/"• 8i7 YI"'' 2n6' =:-r===~. . ==!=====:f----=~=:::::=ci__ V2"u G/l ''""'"o· ::.,,-"""':::::=::......._~~.;;;---"':::::=::::,-=:::-~ ,'2.... b l?c .. i.O" -- -- i':laln~ne' -. • ..........,...,...---...,,~ ~ ,,..---..,, ,_ l')c,.6n9' ._c;:> i?=•a l'z,.,Jna'Z c=:>.......__,,. .c=>.G~ l'la.3n9i1 - i"l~nz,a l'icln6n9' Fig.14 Expansion 01' a funct:ic:: F(~) ~n a series of Sillt conino ele"1ents bavinr various intervals of 01 th::>f,OUltl1 ~:: . a~ -i - a< i, o,e) '{2cos2ni6, 1{2sin~·,,1QJ b -1 ~ e < 1, 1<nl O, t 9~ , \'2cos2n(ti}e,1{2sin2dfi)5} c -2 a 9 < 2 , >ml 0, t e ~ , 1{2 cos 2"( * i )e ,•[2 sin 21" (ti )SJ l"al
1 . r·:A1'HE11Al:LCAL FOU:fDA'flO:m i; · ' contBir.ed ~ ll ' 'l'h" factor Ila,:' ·:.e ~o:nbine.l .:ith t~.e :.n the llrg'Jl>Cnt 2ni8 ' . rhi,- lG trivitil for zine and cosine func~i o;.:i \>ut it may be urcd a,1 n roi"i:; of deput·Lu.:·e ro!" the 1.teut::1·~1l lz.ation of the fu~i·j ~!' ,..ra!'lsfor•o : fflCtOl' i co"2ni0' ~ cos2n i(9/~) c o s2n(i/i;)a sin 2n i 0 ' = sin 2n1(9/0 : nin 2n(i/i; )fJ .!'(o ,e · ) = r{o , e/~) • '(o/i;,e) The nozation f(O/~ ,e) is !!-;rictly on<'I in o: no con- !01~:\l :-Pquer.:.c~ . Ti:e seriez e>-::>a."1~ior. of F( 9) assun. .. s tl:e ~·ol lowin.; .:'om:: 1/2 IT ~ll .. SF(9) cin ?-.7a ., •(It n(i; , o) : ~ dS :i in f F(6)Ll9 -!,11 lrtLL'O<.luctio:n o"" 'lCW COH~tnnt::; , 1 "cl --,· ... 1 ='I!! ' .. a (: ( •";) ' 1' J D~ <"> s (i ( • 1 .!.') ,n ':" y , a ·'{;&s.; , ld~ i ""' °"' . . . . I/' 11( -:- ':t -' .- t•'(3) • }[3(!;. 'f1~ 1 9);•,i;. " i:; :i l:;[sc<i •coo 2nja 1 a,(~·)~LJ: 2:i~9]) (49) ~c( ~ .i r1ro plo l.t;erl for ~ ~ 2 and ~ • 11 ifl Fii;; . 15b ' s nnd c ; che;)r hold f"o'r l. I e expansion of 1'(8 J iu a .se.ries of 0 ( T) and 1 t.h~ ~int;. anrJ .::ot!inc clcml'Jn"'ts of Fig .. 111-- 0 9n<1 c .. 4 Lee ; inc.rease to - oo l/~ = i/S ti~l rn:nnin constant: (50) li:r. •.t 1nt" ; v : £T
1.21 FOLIRllR J:h.i.:lS5'0R.'1 OS I ~:1 I 01 ~ 01 - 02 'j 0, ·~ • O> ~ ~CJ 0 0 1 i- t/4- D.& OS l 01 I 502 -s- OJ DI O• Q) J O.l "j 0.t O.• a tn- l d • o·o L~...1.....L-£ , ,.........,:;::;;~.- v- Fig . 15 Cooi·fi cients of che expansion of c!:e Lrlsngular f unctior. i•'(a) in a. serien or siue ana cosine t-lemen~G ncoor<.l.Lng to l"ii;. 1 4 . oc(v' <!"•notes the l imit CUl'V& Ior tho elc1nonta ott·etcl1ea by n l'nc~oJ: ~ - oo. i may be any integeT' nUl'lbc~· . i as wel; a" i/~ u1·~ dem1- merable. v t on i;J:e ot_jcr ha.n<l , m" ·oc allo·.1eO t.o b~ any non-negati vc real nU!!lber 1-1.n1:S ttus be non-denumcrg'!;)l ro, or some ot the follo,.ing integTnls ·doulJ be zero . Hence, the Fourier seriee: contain!" c!cnua:.crably :nany orthogonal functions, but; the Fourier trone.fo1·m contains non-J.enumero.bly mony . 'Phe limits a,(v) and (47) : ac(v) • n:,( v ) foll ow !'eAdily t1·out (4&) ( 11 i lia: (2 .' F(:l) cos 2rts9 d9 , 1{2 ~-oo -l/2 ~ 11 a,(v) • and li;n '(2 ~-~ f ·(ll ()(I J F(&)cos 2'1v9 cd -oo . .. (~1) F( 9) sin 2n~9 d9 ~ V2 J• F( 9 ) $ill 2nv9 d9 0 _.., In order t o find an integral repL·eaencati.on £01· F( 9 ) , Co11 side1• 11 certain value e • 9 0 • Equation (11Ci) ,yieltlE Jl'(g o) ae a SUJ:l of denwnerallly many t erms , w11i ch be Plotted along the numbern aJ<is at t;he points i/~ a3 :;t;o;m in Pig .16. The disi;ance between the plotted ter210 is equal to 1/~ . Bence, tte sw:i of the terms multiplied by 1/~ as given by ('•9) is equal to the area under the st.. p fu;ictior.
32 1. l•~ig . 16 _f~; Tr·ar_sitloc frorr. Fouri e1~ series Lo !+'ourier. t~an$':;:"'orrn. : ~Vil i \ L Jo<J/f) ><41!) )((2/J) \ r· -~ \ ·1 \ L _J • - •• X(O) • A(gJr(g,e., J .;. s ' X(i/s) iva c( ~ .i,1 r.: + 0 !~i<THEf·'.P.TJC.U, FOll'WA'l':O~IS lif 21! 3/j COS ~ i 0 r.n;u a,(~)>[2 sin 2r ~e 4/j of Fig . 1&. Using (49) , one Illa;)• aprro>=imnto ;;ilis 1;1.rea lU'bitrarily close :'or sutficient:l;y lu1·e;e vFJlu<:r; of i hy the followine; integral : ~ ;•( s ) • \1'2 j[a, ('1>) coo ?l!vO + a 5 ('1>) sin 2nv8]dv • (52) ':'he l ower l:relL c.f the intcgPal is z.eJ.~o , because the lo «er limii; o.r ·che sun: in (L9) .ap:;iroaches zer·o . '!'he ii!·st term of ~he swi. (1iQ) m:i~t be , :;ince it contr·i·~utes arbit<'arily litt le .for large valuos or ; . [he va~·i ­ able v in (52) must the values o:' al I rea:.. poGitive ntunbe.r·::; and nor, o.f' de-11ume1~ably mar:y o.f thorn, ox· i;tbe integral could :iot i;1e i.-nt~rµrec;:ed i.!S t;quat i on ( 51) shows tl.c ( v) i>i Riernan..'1 ini;cgral . a 5 ( v ) is an oda rune tion of v. Renee , .( '.>2) rne.y be i'ew.l"it ~en Into c"he following lo.rm : ;;1. = evon a.'>d ~ 1"(0) • i"[A(") coi; ~'.Tv9 ; f:l('V) oin 2nv9)cv _;;., (53) as(v} io identically zero -=-or "ti'le t"ri.a.'"lgular function oi' ro·i~ . 14; ac<v) is plotted in Fig . 1 5d accordini; to the following formula : )/ !I ac( v ) • 2'{2 J' 0 (1 - 8 ~)cos2nv9 d8 ,1r2 ( sin 3n v/8 ) ' B' .3n\J/8
1.22 GE:ef'ulJ.lZJ:.IJ FCL1UER 3AIISFOH/''. 35 1.22 Generafized Fourier Transform' ;onsi der a syntc:o or functions [ r(o ,a J ,r, ( i,0 >, r~( 1,e )l -~li:l l! 9 < ~EL l'h,. nubscript c il)dicaten on even function anrl the •ubacript ::> e.n odd function . 9 r.iay be ~ini te or i n!'ini te . He nett , t!"•c results will be applicable to fw:cUous ilaving ~n infir.ite interval or or·Ll ..ogonal ivy' such !lt~ Lt..e r·:..."lc,.; i Or:.6 Qf t,he parabolic cylinder . all funct ior11! f cC i , e) be non-ner,ati ve ror e = O, n:id let al- fu!'.ct::iou!J r 5 ( i , e ) cro"s fro:n n ogative to po s il ive val11es '1t e • o. 'J•he funct ions do not have to be cor.tinuoue or nir:arcnti ~bl~ . A func,i on F( S ) d"fined i!l 7 l:e inte:'.'Val -;e> l! 9 < i3 i'1 C>rpr1nd1'd in 8 serie s : o.rthOOOL'l!ISli 7-Cd ir. ~be i nterva1 -,., F(B)•a(O).r(o ,a ) 1L:(at(i ) fr.(i,9 ) 1 u,(i)::, (i ,a1] ~12 S/2 J F( 3 ) ~c(i,9 )tl9 n,(i ) -9/2 3 n(O) ·= [ ;;. 5 (i) • J, F(3 )f 5 (i (~4 ) ,a )c!9 -'31:! < Y< S f(O,&)d~ -<9/2 0 fr replaced' by S ' in thr rur.c~ .Lorcs r (O , e), tc<i , 0 ) and r 5 (i ,0 ) : B' ~ 9 /y , y • y( ~) > 1 , J.i.rn y( 0 i-~ • cc The expm:isior_ of F(9) ir. a :::e=·iei: of the tions is oboair:.etl in analogy cc ('I' ) : v? a( s ,o) r(o, e • ) + ~ [ ac( ~ , ~ F( B) • + ( ;!>) s~rctc!-.l!d i) r 0 (i , a •) , f:.tnc- ( S6) "s<s,i)r5 u,a ' l :l ;For other generalizations see (1,2] . Thtl method used BFPlien to " lnrge closs of ~y::i~c:ns of f unct;ions . E.xact muthernacica- car. be obtained with01.1t; excessive mnthomnt::ical requirnmc-nts ~or .Lmli vidun.L syot;ems or runct'Lona only . 1'' or instance , the l'e~uH n of tihis nection soom to upply .for dynclic rational v cd ues of I~ - 1.1 only in c l10 cnse or Walsh functions; in !-CWlHy they apply to all rnal values of i/~ . 3 ~""'· f'**"'$fotOll of tn~ Oft
'I:he sti·eLcLed funcLions arc o.r-thonormnJ in the interval -b'EI ~ e < ~ye . F(9 ) is contbued by F(a) " 0 into the intervals -tye ~ e < -~<a a.'ld t e " a < ~ye . I:he f()ctor 1/y is combined w;i t b i so that a i nstea,d or e ' mnybe written on the right hand l)f {7b) . 2 ni ( 0/s ) hr;d been 1'Cp ta ced trivi ally by 2 n ( i/S)0 i n ('~6) ; since i and 9 are not nece~!ia.r:ily connected as proauct in fc (i ,a ) a11d f s { i 1 e ) tl 1e follo\'1ing f$UbstitutioJ1s munt Oe con rii Oered plll'el:.r f o:rmal until proved otho rwi~e . Jn particule...r i i / S sl1ould be c.:ouside1·ed a symbol l" than a fraction : c< i / g, a ) rc< i ,e •) r ,Ci ,e · ) fc (i,9/y) f r , (i ,e/y) r 5 (i/~ , e ) f(0 , 9') J (i , 0 /y) f{O/; ,& ) (57) Tr_c seri es e xpansion of F( 9) assumes the i'ollowine:i; :'orm: ( 58) l rry ' yS/2. f " - ·y~/2 ·1 F(9 )f 5 ( ,, 6) tl9 '- ~.-S/2 ;f-- f F\6Jci9 • y - yS/2 :<Iew coefficie11t.s c..!.'e int.r·o<luced : ac<~> = ~·yac U,,i ), n 5 lJ1 (!) = '[yn 5 (; , iJ, ;i(~) = YY"( s ,0)(59) cede r to uake (58) artd (59) "'""'e tlu.w " .fu1·me.1 no t edon , one munt demrui.d t h at t he coefficients ac( ~ ) or a 5 ( ~ ) have either the same \r-':il tte foi' all or i and ; , ag long as i/i; = µ is corlstant , or tllal; t hey coni.rerge 1 towal"'d a ror I a:re;e valu.-s oi i and ~: The lef t hand limit hand linit d iffer . 1 shall bo token, if laf·t and riglrt
35 1 . 22 GENEP.A.:..iZED FOURIER TRA1'1SFOR.'1 ,\ge.i.L , or:n !ms to pos:ulate tl'.:a~ .,: i" " non-noga~ive real numbe:- e.nd t.hun ir ::on--dcn·.ui.cratle , \<·cilc i or i/ ~ •~ de - numernbl<' . The limiLs (uOJ exist , L' lilllit funcUo:i:• fcl µ , ·l J and .rol lo•,. ,• n 1 lin 1,1. - >11t<l 's(f , 9) approact tl'IE:t t .:-11"1"' dc rinr.d az : yS/2 . -:ra12 , r F(S)f;(i,e)Je y • y( ~) Tlie func:ioi::.s fc(~ , a) o.::.d. !' 5 ( ~,S J com••,:.-ge in ;ne intc::-,.al - be ;11 e < t ys to -1.e 1 i!!:it r·mctlon:: f c< µ , e) :>-=:a -f 5 (µ, e ) . 'rht.o typn nf co:r~·,...rgt:"ncc: !.!l c 1ll~d ' weak conve.r·gonce' (;) . It follo ws f:·oa: (:i 1 ) t o (61) : 'j~/2 . t-"' - yr'::! I 2 s l iw S J(0)fcl ~ . a )d9 Y'3/2 . J F(a)r~r~ . a)ae 1-00 -yf'j/2 s 11% Let J-'(9) be n funct~o:i tl:s'.: v=i"hcs out.side a fii.ite l.nte1'Val. Equutione ·2) reduce to he followin"' siit;•li !ied form : ..I -oo F(e )!"c(µ , s )de, ..J F(9)fs\u , 9)d8 (65) -~ In order to find a.n integral ropranontAtion !'or l'( e) , ~~he inLogl'Lllu sboll represenL Cmteh.Y ' s pJ·i 11ulpal value . 1'(:).mus~ 3· hold for all quadratically i Hte!';J"»blo rwicLions
1 . r·:Nf'iii:J'!A'P J(;AJ, f'O\JliDP.'.: IOt;s 36 consider a F(6 0 ) n.:o. a cel'tnir: value a= .Equfttion (58) yields eLun o.r rlenwoe1-ebl.y many terms ;;hic!1 :oay be 00 • plottec tlong che nw:1be1·s axis ai; the poini;s i/y " i./.y( i;) instead o.:- i/S ae ir1 Fig . 16 . The tlistaJl<;e 0etween tJle pJottcd tr:::ms is 1/y. Hence,. 1..he eum of. l..}te ter·ms mul'tiplie<l by 1/y es giver. by (.)8) is equal to L!.te a!'ea under a step function . This arc:;:i may be rep.rese.nt..ecl by an lnteg r al , if ~ und L!tus ;;( ;; ) t;row ·oeyana ell botmds : 00 j' F(e ) - • [ac( u )fc(µ , e); "s(u)fs(µ,a) ) da nnd a,( ;. ) are cal:.ed bhe ~ener«liZ>Jd ••ou:•ier ~i·ar1sform o.r F(9) .for che fwictions fc(µ,e; a.nd rs(µ , 6) . Equallon {64) is 0.c integral rep,..esentation :.f F(B) or its gene:ra.Li7..ed tnv~rse Fou:.. ier tran!::fO!"l:!. 11!:-:othe:.· ";;hese integrals e.c"tual ly e.>:ist ca.."Ulot- be stated w.:_t.lLottt.. specifying the f u.:ict i o11s fc{u )e) ancl f 5 (u , 9) JJt<:re :::lcsE:l y . Tne va:•i1.;tble µ plt-i,ys the same role a~ the vari able v in the u:-;ue1 Fourier t-ran~form . P..o:lco ~ u is culled u fJt:Le1··alized - and :!orn:a.Lizc-d - frr:qu~ncy . ft<i , 8) r,na f 5 (i,S) a r e defi ned f Ol' posit;ive integers i only . Hen ce , :',(u,a ) and 1' 5 (u , ~ ) are 6.e;-inQll for nonOt?gatiVE;' J..·eal nwol.leJ.·s v onl:i - Or~e may extend thQ definii;iOn$ to negative real nurr.ber~ : o.c(u) (65) !' r. (µ , 6) ie a.n even £wict io!1 of 9 1:1.s ...,.ell as well at1 Equations (•~2) Md (ro;.) !'!how that a c ( ;.. ~ a 5 (µ) io rill odd f·.wcLion of '- · llence , (64.; into Lhe form o;.. ( 5 3) : : 9 {µ,0 ) F(a) ic an odd ftul.ctiou of .. _S"' [A(u lf c(µ,e) e + B(µ)~s (u , a ) ]d;.. -9~ of u , and of µ . is aJ'J. even and may ::.e brought (66)
1.23 INVARIAHCE Of ORTHOGONAl!'I'Y t.23 Invariance of Orthogonality to Jhe Generalized Fourier Transform V<>nAider the function G(u ) : s ince A(µ) ts even anc ~(u) is odd , one obtair.s for G\ - u; : G( - µ) • '{2[Ai-u) > B(-u) ] = \f?[!,(u ) - B( u )] A( u ) and B(µ) m~.Y b'.! r<.i f rom G( u ) : A( µ ) a ~1{2[<i(u) + G( - u ) ] , B(u) = * \[2( <0( u ) - G( - u) ] (b8) U9il1Jl: G( u) ono may r~wri te ( r;3) •n~ ( f>~ ) i nt"o ;hc> r or:n O! (20) Md (?1 ): F(B) • t'f2 ..f -oo •(l c u, a J Gu - i·, (u ,a ))du (6~·) ~ (70) 00 G(µ) - • ;y2 J F(o )~fc(., , 9 Use is mudu iu (70J of i ·,,J , 0))d6 lle f3cl , lhat ~hu inl"l'r'-'ls of A(µ )f5 (µ,6) nn1 B(u)f 0 (µ , 6) vani~h . Coneid.ot' a ~yntcm ( r ( j , e) l of orthonormal fu:ictione tha t vanish outi;ldc n rinite i nt<::-vnl : ..s f(j , 9)f(k , 9)d6 ( 71 ) -00 Lot g(j ,u) danoto the generalizeJ ....f i<'ourier L1•ann.form of .f(j , 6) . It "ollows froc (70) : g(~,u) • if2 oO f(j,9)[~,c~ , e) .. _l .f(j,9)(t1{2 ;g(k. , u)[fc< u . a ) r g(k, u )! t f2_..,Jf(j,9)[fc( u , a) oO 6 :,(u,a l]d3 (72) ~ <5 ( µ ,a ]c!uJd& • 6,. .. + fs( u, 9) ] d9)du. b,, ~ J e;(k ,µ )g(,j,µ)du • 6;, -~ (/3)
1 58 MATf!EM .4~' I CAL FOJJH),'.TICl'/S A-n o~thogonal !ij•stc-;a {f(j ,e )1 tha~ vanishes ouLs~dt a fi 11ite i nt ervf.!1 i r.: t-ransformeC b;i the tsone:·~lized Fouriel;' t .ransfo.rm into a n ortnogonel sy!lcca: ( g(j ,u ) l. 1.24 Examples of the Generalized Fourier Transform t h e ~ene.l'al i zeC. Jo'ouri er 1~\raru; forrr. of -che vri=gula.r ti on of Fig . 1? ror Legend l'C !'O L;ynominls [ 1 ) : Conside1~ J- 0 (xj = 1 , T,(x) = x , P 2 {x) = -(3x' - 1) , ecc . The interval of OL·t hop;o11al ity 1s - 1 t< x < +1 . x = 29 is sub!::it. i LuCer! an d tile 1'ol.Lo-.·1i ng c r ansl'or:oai::i cn.s are rnode : i = ( - 1}' (4i • 1 j"p ' ' (2 9 ) ( - 1); ("-i - 1 )"P,,_, (25 ) 1, 2 i ~'he syst en (f (O,a) , F c (i ,a ) , P5 ( i,G ) ) is or·t hono.rmal i.n the interv:il -~ " e ;; +i . ;.:11 l'uuctions Pc(i , E) are positive ror 9 = O, ar:d all func·t ion s P 5 (i , 0) have a po- s itive d ifrereutial <;1.<0 ~ient . explicitely, '.-i~·: tten the l'irst l' e" polyrwlllials rea<l as .follows : P(0 , 9)=1 , ? 5 (1 ,0 ) = 2'{~8, P,(1 , 6)= - { '.[5( 1 2e' - 1) Fs(2 , 0) = (75) - '{'/(20&l _ 3a, , Pt (2 , 9 ) =Wt\(5609'- 1 209 1 + 3) The co.,l"f i cients acCl.J and a ;Ci ) f or Fie; .17a may be 1·ea.tlil;; computed : ncZi) '" J P(;J )Pc(i , 6)d9 • Ill ~s(i) = "' J P(S}P5 (i , 9 )da - !I' a c~ '" J (1 • - ~9)Fc(i,8)d6 0 , a(O) = 2 ,,.J • (1 (76) - 83e )d0 ac(i) a.nd OL(O) are plotted ir> ?ig . 18u . r.e~ a 1 n (75)be replaced by 9 ' = 9/y , where ya y(~)= a g - :> . I'r.<i ,0 ) and P (i,a; are stretcl>ed<:Prerdo uble ~b.e 5 inteI·•:al as sbo•,m i.n Pig . 1 7b . The functions (?5) nre rsplE;ced by the e creched functions Pc(i/2 , 0) and F 5 (i/2 ,9 ) :
1. 211 £Xl.:1P!,::s Ol" 1'RAt<Sl"OR~'.S ~ --<:::-t.--- --L-=- ---<lt.--~ -----.... -+--_..-... _ . - - - - - - -... - - · f(9) P (20)-::.:.-:-- ------ ~ 0 P1 {28) -P1 (Z9) ----..:;.,...-- - --:_;:----- wal(0.8) --:.---- P, (1,9) 'J/----.;::;-= P, "<::V- (1.0) ,., lzel -:----~-- -- -·~ - -~ P, (2.91 r~ ~~ -t C ' .. I'\. 9 -.,,........ ____ _ _ _ _ . - - - - . _ _____,,.,,... .... F(8) :c------ wal(O,Bl Po (29') _____ r1 (£8') .....-,,.---L j----.. ~------ P5(11Wl ~-- · - - - P0 !VWl -P2 (29') - - - - - ... -J.?> - 0 -=--r---...;'· I "' ·------ ,.("2,9) _fol p, (28">------~'-PcWl.B> ----- '"'...;t>.. -.......__-J P (28°) -3 Ps (2e') - - - -P&(ZS")o w P,M.9> - -- --~------ - Pcll'l.9) -P7 (28"/----.---+,-. b ...J........";, ·- ·"p . 1 -1 G ., -1h c - l=""'',.....-- •->: Ps14'Z.Bl . I t 9 - ~ >ii ·a· · - ;- ·-=::===E-----.... ---==~~1~:::::::::===1··r· 11oi wal (O.el Po (ZB'J ~L P1 (ta') :.:1f====~~---=9f===---=[: P5(V4.Bl -P2 (20') ·P1 (28") • P0(1/4,8) f>-- -._J...: Ps!Zl4.0l __.-1' PefZi4,8) P, (28') 1'._... Ps (28') • ·Ps (29") . "' Ps(J/4.0l r- P0 (l>,9) -P7 (29') ""'.J'~----=--==-~~--..------.J~ P.!4A.Ol ~ (29") A=-='"'-~=l---~~=_..,=--..-;../A:·- Pc(4ABl - . P5{~!.9) ·P1o(ZO'J '•/... = ==~ P,(5/;,91 -: -1 o , c •112 -1/4 0 ii:9'· .:..: .- ,;1 li'ig . 17 ~pt11\eion of a. !unction F(0) iu n uo!'l1-u of L"gcndl>n P1lyno111J.cils J.iuviL1g various inLervaJ. s o.J' o1'thogonulity . Ps (29") / = a b c -i '<" e -- : ""9 < !, { wul (O ,e ) , Pc(i , 9), Pq(l~8) 1 -1 ~ 9 < 1 , (wal(O ,e ) , Pc(i/2 ,0 ) , I's i/? , O)J -2 s e < 2 , (wal(O ,e ) , Po(i/11,a) , I's i/~ , a)J
1 . NATliEf·IATICAL FOUNDAr lO:JS "-0 (77) P 5 ( 1/2 ,0) = Ps(1 , 0/2) <\f 3(i d) 1\ ( 1 /2 ' O') = Pe(1 , 9/2) -+,15r1 2ael - 13 P 5 (2/2 ,0 ) P 5 (2 , 9/2) - >{7[20( te }' - 3( ta)J Fc(2/2 , 0) Pc (2 , 9/2) ~'he ::ito \ ! e)' = i\1'9(c·o'· ~Ile ''c ( i /?) have coeffic i ents ~Je ·I acC i /2)=j'F(8)Pc (i/2 ,9 )d9 _, =2 f - 1 20'' \ '! e ') ' ~ 5] follo wing value : 8 (1 - 3e)?c<112, a}d8 (78) 0 Values 01' ac(i/2) are plotted in Fi~ . 1 8b . Tl'.!ey do not i.lave oxactly the same value:o as the coefficients a.c (i) of Fig . 1 8a since , e . g . , Pc (2/2, e ) .i s not eq_ual Pc(1,9) . func~ion:o Let che ;:;~1e i nte rval 'try -che = y( ~ ) 5 = = 4 as (75) be st.I.'etched ever four times $-ubst.:i t.u t.io11 9 ' = 0 /y 1 shown i n Fi g . 17c : (79) ?,(1/4 , 9) P 5 (1 , 0/~ ) Pc (1/4 ,8 ) Pc (1 ,0 /i<) -lt\f5[12Cte l' - 1J i's ( 2/4 , ij) l\(2 , 0 /4) = -\'"7( 20cte )' - 3( ta ) l P, {2 ,0 /'·) l;•f<J [ 5C.C (t9 Pc<21~ ,a ) where y = = 2'f 3( ta) J'· - '1 20(~9 ) ' + 31 Some coefficient~ a,(i/4) are plotted in Fi5. 1oc : ·2 1:11 ·l 0 e 0 (i/4JgJ F(e)Pc(i/4,6)d0 = 2 J (1 8 - )'9) l' 0 (i/"- ,0 )d 9 (80) In orde1' to comput;e the l a c ( i/~) J'or lai'ge values of i and ;;, one needs .f' 0 (i/s , O Pc< i, 9/$) ::or large val ue s of i .an.:i soall valuns of e/; . 11.n as:ymi;i;o-.;ic series for :.ei;;onci r e polynomials F 1 (x) is k nown <;hat hol(ls fol.' la1'ge = values of j n...'ld .fo r Small values of x : ,'; 2 ~"J tj1-x' U,;~ae; ((1 - ,;'Jsin[(j•t)cos· 1 x + x /1- x2 8j 1 cos ( 711) one obtains : re j +Pcos ·' ~r ]+ x ; ~· ) ) (81)
1 . 24 i:.Y.Al1.:w.hS 0}' T!UJ:SFO?J".S I I"' n' OJ - O.l .:!, ~01 0 "'. Ol ~:)1 . -:: 0 l = • c 0 I c" - 2 J t,p - • b 0 2 {f:,p - I {I) " ~OJ- -t. ==;; 0.' • 0 I I (/•.µ- < Fig.18 Coefiic -~n ts of t!:e expSlH:1<"P, or the t:riang·..1-nr functl.Oll r(8) in ~ !led e:i ot• l~f'•lldr0 polyno:niuls !lCCOrclin~; to Fig . 1'/ . l'\c(IJi is ~ue t1nit, ~u1";"' J:or tt" polynomials strctcllad b,y a factor ~ -· o: . (%) .. ~ ac<1.1) • J F(0 )Pc ~u ,9 )d8 -4- l/41 '° R J (1 0 - S.e) cos 11µa ue ;i (83) ac"u' is the t.~1. 0 1rali::ed ?o:zrier t1~a::.::form "f tho !;:-iangular funclion of Fi,; . 17 for J.egcndrc !='olyno:r.ial:c . It io plotted in }'is . '18:i to c . One n•Y ~e,,dily see >.ow tl.~ coc.C!icients a,(i.), nc(i/2/ and a,(i/io) converg~ to "c'u '· n,(v) in li'i g . 1;i and a c(µ) fo :!'.tf. 1'3 at•e cqunl ~xcept for <'Cale :·actors . One may see from the d:LJ'ferent_nl ecpaiion of Legend~c polynoir.ials er, gt tl:in is gc10e:·al ly r.o: (1 - X 1=" - 2xz' + j(j ~ 'l)z a O; J = 0 , ~ . 2 ,. .. (81-) Thi.a equatio!l reduces .for small value~ oI x antl 1n!'go valuo11 of j to thl1 dlfferential equ$tionol' sine and cosine functions : 2" j'z o (e5)
--.......__ __ __ F(9) =sal (1i'.,9 l ~= sal( l/2.8l - sal (3/4,fJ\ : sal (l,ill ·: sal (5/4 .8) ....---i_., Sul ('.J/2,8) ·: sal (7/4 .8) Fit:; -1' E-,rpa.osion o[ a function F(9) i.n a series or Walsh elerne!1CS- havinF" '-'arious int.erval s of orthogonality . ai -ti;~< i, {wal(O ,e) , cal~i,9), snl(i 9) ] o) -1,; e < 1, ( "1al(O,e), ca~ i/2,e), sa1/~/2 ,e ) J c) - 2 ~ 8 < 2 , [wal(0,9) , ca- 1/4,a) , sa1(1/4,e)
1 . 2'1- EXA!i1-:.ES ct· RAN~CR!'IS Hence 1 t;!'le r,eueral ir.atior1 of the Fo-:.iric-r trn.nsfortl i::: moiuly or i nteret1l for syat(lmd or ortlioi:;on(ll rum.:~ion:: ) t h nt are not by :;uch Uif.ferential ~<]uatioc.s , ·11liic:.n reduced by etrieo:.clling t:o t:ne one o.: sine and cosir.t• fur..ctions . Sinct' "A'nlsL fur.ctioc.u ll'e defined by a di~'fcrc::ce rather tilan a c!if!"erec:tial equnt i oL , tr.ey CLay be ex1 l)c:tcc'. to yield !< tr.oro t·e« tu'i:ii.nG 1·c-uu. t than J.ep;e 11or·c poly:iom 1 al ti . Tb«> gen er• lioo Uou of th" l'o·Jrie:: t.r·Br."J'o!":a to lh.-, I.Jn I chPo~icr tran~!'n.:i:i is t!»P r:o Fl13 . Ho·.-1evor, FI~~E ~id uot disnnguinn b!:t'lfeer. even r:.nd odd func-,or;.:s . T! !~::tinc­ tion is importnnt fo1' th~ npp:icat on .. of Walsh-rOUt'ie1· 1.malysi.s to COCL!llUJ1.1.catio 1u,, . The u1nt,he:unt.ica.ll;y ri("ot·ous tbeor.·.y for ·,.,'nlsl... runctior.a separau~d into even ru:.d. odd function~ that is cal a.'"ld sal Lmctlons - is due :o PICHLEP. [ 2} • Let tne functions f(0 , 9) , rc(i .~) tind f s(i , A) r"f-""- ncnt Wal sh func~ .i. ons : !(0 , 9) • i<&l(O , a ) fc(j,9 ·-·~<1Hi,BJ, r,(i,e) =Se.1.(1,0) (l\C) J~,a u2 a(O) = f l'(9Jwnl(O,o)d6 • ::· J o -m "" ac(i) = 2 J' 1 " 1 - ~e)cal(i,e )r!~, 0 0 Pig . 20.s. show!'I ooae vultter. ot: n(O; an<l ~c(i) . Wit:~ y(~) • ; one olltninB ca.l(i/s , O) = c~:i.(i , 0/0 =d ial(i/S,a) ~ t.1al(i , 9/~) - li1speccior:of?ie; . 19a to c clio•···~ tl11.+- ca1{2i/2,9) a?Od ctl( ·li/n,a) "r" equal to th<' func tion co.l(i , il) couLnued periodic ...lly over dou.u!e or fou« t.i:te• the original inte::-valofdei"in1tior:. . Thi rezu.l: :r.o,y ul.!'o be ini·e1'red roudil:y from the dilruence oo.uatio" ( 2tl) . Hence , it liolcl;:; in the inie,.val -~ '"' O < ~ : co.l(i,e) = ""l(~i,a/~). c .. ir;:.;~,3
!n;;pcc•io,-, of ; ig . 19n to c sh0'4S furL!le1· L!:nt the fol:owing relations ho!d in Lhc j m;erval -t :i 9 < f: cn l li ,o ) = cal(2i/? , e • calf(2i+1)/2 , B] (87) 1 = cal("-i/'+,B) • cnl(('li+i)/1+,3] • cul.(( 1i"2)/a,3] • C<tl[{'li +))/11 ,~J n csl((~i111)/~,9] u, ••llu ,0 ) 'l'f i ~ I:; 0 , 1 1···~ -1;; = 2 '. u < 1+1, or.(" o.ttai!'l:":;: ca:.(i,9), C· ~l u, 6; = wa l(0 ,9 ) , -I < o < t <.:orl'0$pOndi Ill!, ; ·elui,ion!J ll.l'" obi;a i ne'l fol' Su l ( J, g): s.g_(i,e), aul(µ , 0) -1 < u ~ l, l • ·1, 21 .. (89) -c ~S< t '!nc liElit ~wictions cal(1- , 3) and !191(u,9) h~ve ceea (!C>r veC. here in an nourisvic JllUUler for ~he :nteI"\fal -i ~ a < ! . PICilLER l1n!I obtained cal( µ ,e) ~nd cal(., , e) in e II.ttthernat ically l·igo!'Ou3 wo:; :·or the .-11tola iLtei•val -co< a <co, bu" hi~ pi·ool'n requii'e " vex·y r;ood command o J' tnli Lhe c1at ic a . fig . 1 2 !ind 13 Mhow a vr-ry i n,;enious re;ir<>senl.atio n 01' the rune Lions cal( 1- , a) •nd rnl(u ,e) fou."'ld by ici (2] , hL'lct.ior.e thnc are ident:icfil i.c the intterva! -; ~ 8 < t :;ield c!::e s=e expan!liO!l -,oefricie::cs fo;- F(5 ) . licr.ce , one ohtnin~ for sc(u) lllld n~( ... J : Ill a,(i) = JF(e )cni(; ,a )de i ~ u < 1+1 -111 I (1 Jr'(& )s:il(~ ,a )de i-1 < u ~ i -Ill '"jl'( 3 )de -111. -f <3< i; " 1, 2, 0"µ<1 (90)
.,. 0 ,. j I Ol OJ _01 - ~01 • t 0 n fl· -01 0 O• 0 ,_ ! ~ c oL I Ol 0.1 .fj=o.2 3 0.2 -=-0,1 tS 0 I .. b 0 0 . l ' 121'\l/l - ) 4 00 d µ- Fig . 20 Cceffic .. e.nt~ of rhe expAn~ion of .. J1~ trinn&"ular !'unction ?(e) i11t.c a .6t>:"'ies of \,'r:1lof, clnntf>r;t!: 'lCco::-dir:c; to ?ig . 1 ' · Ac\u) i.:.tbe licit cm:·ve !"01•tl1e ele:Zler.ts stretched by a foct~1· ; - :o. Gc({2i•11)/:-), nc(( 11i~!]J/"• ) c.!id the liait a,(u, z!lolm in .:'ig . 2Qb to <l fOl' tt t? <;ri8flEr'll'lt'" function Of fig . -1'-" . Tl1e con.~utucio:.i of t;1e :qnc:t::.o!'l!: n~(µ.;1 rtnJ r1~{u) is very Sim{.lt! .f o:• V.1UlfiL. fur..c;;ions , ;;i!'F""I"' Or.-:! !t'1 t<J COJ:.q_:ut,e the coo1't'ic11.. ~(CJ , Rt(1) A..Tld ;-~ 5 (i) onl,Y u1H.. plot thc::e valuer ft'Om Ci to 1 , fr om 1 to i+1, ul' from i to i. - 1 tc ob'tai.n nc(u) and n 5 t µ ) i u the irltOl',lf• r 0 ~ u < 1, i ~ u < 1 11 or 1 -1 < 11 ~ i . 1.25 Fasl W alsh·Fourier Transform ~f' ti:r:,.. f""'quir~d ::o ob:.!li.:l t~o:: fo•..:.rir-t::" :.rAr~!.ifor:o aa.:~· be dr&svically =educec b:: =ca;:s of a aethod kl.own a:? f9~t Fow:·!.cr tl·anr!'ora . A co!"ree_;:o!!ding l"neL '111'olsi~- F:iu.rier tra."ls!"orm war found oy GREZ!: (1} and g~nl!!"Alu"d \:y •.;;;:.Cii (2,3] . KANE , ANDREWS ,-..nd P?_l.T·r :-.Rvr u~1'd n cwo-JL:i~usional fast ~·inlP.h-.Fourier t.t·ansl'or~ for tne CO!:lp:-e~tiiCr.;. O! iJ:;.for- lllation or pic~urea ( 4) . "•TIELGBEL and rnntrn have use d i t fo r signal ctansiLi.cai;ion (5) . The form 1 i ·esent~..1 t ere d1stingulslle>s b<'t1<een evon and odd functionn nnt1 liati: the:n aocortl.lng ~o tbe nwnbex· or sign chanp;ea "" Jt1 F'ig . 2 . Coneid<?r o function F( a ) in come interval. L<'t chis
ir.tor\·'ll be tii\'i~ed into 2n P-<;~a.lly i11•1r:~r:-tc::_on 1 t;he siiecia\ case 2 l'he t: 1·Jerage: vn~ues ot 1 w_c!e subictryr·:a~:: . 3ox- =-a. will be Cir.c:i::s.:-d . F(tJ j in ~t:.e B ir.tervt.il11 src rler:.c"t;ed \l,y A, 1• , ... , fl. F(0) l.s th1.10>J ·u,y a cter '"-"·C- Liuu Lhat is a J ~~st ttil'ttiJ.I s quar e ;... i-c O!' F( a I !OJ.' t;bi s n:unbcJ.• o~ int&rval .s: . 1l'l1e- '.-.'ulol:.- l•' t!·ruiw .to.L'e1r a , Cu ) and n)(u of tr.(?~1' !JtCJ.• fu.Hct.ion:3 may be oblal.ut:d f ro:n t:JJe nvera~e ·;alt:c= A, B , .. . -.A-I:+...;• D-1-E-1-F- :i- tt •J\. 1f_ - ; _ r .. £+1''- !.i- H & a, ( 1) D ac(1) • '1!j ( ~) a,, i.J. J , as(µ), nc (2) •c(u) , . ·•c0) a,( u ) , I • • ll•C- D+E- F- G+ H . "sD > . a , ( i.. ) , • A-ll- C+ D+E- F- G+H -/11 ac{µ), a, (,J) , a(O) .. A. Et~i.t-E-i.?-;; I H -A-H-C-t -E+~·G•~ H xi th -;be t -At fi- t:+ I:·+.:.- F+G-H • ,·,_ p +t:-D+J:i- P+<;- H • ~,<Al e a 5 ( u ), ~elp c ~ 0 < oJ Fi.g . 2 : u < 1 1 1 u < ;; ·1 < u ~ ;: , 2 u < , 2 < u 1 ,, l. i ' ' u < ;· < u ::;: ?• I ~ " T?".,,.re ~'('"'>- 1) • '-6 or ger.···:-1)~ly 2"{;:" - 1} :l.C.di~lona ne"essa~·:· to obtain t!':<? ?' coeffi"i··r.ts "c (a.:) and '!l( .,. ) . rt.~ fas· Wal !th- fouri0:- ~:r·o.r:s for· 1·e p1irr:.-; 2nn ndtlit.lono on:..y . Note thnt: ~h~ ~·,',qlsh-Fou1:ier Lr.:Anr-foro does fJOt 1•eql;irc mu4- tiplicnbiou.:;; 1 •11h i ch art:- r tme r.nnsuming i n LLo c:ano of thr: i'11nt Fourie.r· t x·ansf o r m 1. .li'nr :in e x plrin:iL_oJI OJ.' th9 f!:lst 'r,'91 :;t-Fou:·icl: L;ra.nsfo.!l!l rt:frP to ~n!°:lle ,. . ColtuW 0 lists l;hc'. 8 runpli~ude sa..irples A, B, ... , 1:: ::oget! wl~L a niore gcnc-rql :-:otntl.on s!:: . Colu.:w: 1 list:: !::'..J!J:? l.Ul..c! difference~ of two eac:.. o;- t;he ~:i.mples , again t.ot:"'th~!''AitC. 9 mo:-e gt~?:r-rnl !l.O~ut.ion .! difference:~ of C·:l I umn 1 arf!' s.:iO\\'L. in col ~1rr.r. 2 , \-Jh.ile .-..:L l u.:n1:~ : sho·1:s :.111r.i nntl <l iJl'"! reuceP Jf i~O I lu:i.n 2 . The gentn~t.1 l notation n l. n t$hows --11 e~ch caoo , which -corms of r:h,., rircvi::uo col:11!U1 t"-J:e iu.i.i.l9d :>r :;uttJ:•a.ct.ed . 1Phe third colUJIW y i e l <is LJ>e Wd~n -bouricr coe:'ficien;;r n(O) , ac(i) ""' fu~t; Eaar- Fourior t.ra..u3form Ci.a~· be d~rivcd for the COJDorth.ogo""~ systl!m llaa:_onn [&) . '!'tis cransfom 1:1:iy te ~~·~n !lait;ed f<!r digi col coaputa-;io~s L.han the : ast ~:alet'.-Fourior tran3..1oro (perno!"'.al cotut.un1cution .:."rom H . C . ~1Dl!EWS USCLA) . '.k. plete or r=ct
47 2 1 0 0,t>) o,c • .,.(Dc,otso.oj -o,e 8 1,0 9 a, 1 e, ~ 1.1 50,D-=A ._~ D .O -=+ (er 0,0 . ••• ··c,1 • = tA · 3 -•.• -- - ( .,•.• - e•·•) s~:! ;3 .:;0.l '"'tO 1,() : - r'. ..-!l 9 11.1 0.1 .. - 0 · =C !!i.•.•s 0z.o lP - + ( s'-" 1,3 I • so.o =-D 1.0 +.._· •.• 1.0 ) 1.0 CJ = - ..!t:l SIJ,tl t,O =-"P .,..CJ! _ -... _. ?,1 - • i.( .,.:t.o . _ ... o.u) "o.o .... , ,0 .... li.O ;! s.o - - ,,. !1,1 .:.:Z,I : 00 • -- G s 6,0 = s 6, 0 - ~,.1• • t"l,O 't .2 • • r r,;1 Ii 00 • -H :::0, 1=-( 6 0,0 7,0- l, l , ,,1 1 - E-1 F .0,0 -= i.( f,0,0 .... ..,o. o ·1 e l,1 6,0 "' 1,0 • 0.1 "11,: Q J.J .:>~•' "'·· - ="') ) ··1,1 ~o.~ _ n o, o) ~'·' 1, <I 1,2 - Ci+li · ( 1.1 <I ,l ) • 11,l ) ._!;i 1.1 J, l .1 ; +A - H - G ~ V~E - f - G+ E . 2 ,I a ~O,l " 1 l, I 1 ( , 1,0 I, 0 ) uli,1 - !:JI , 1 ~ - A+ H+ C- D+E- F -G+H I • l,O t·o,, =- ( J::ll ,1 0.2 ~·' •I \ - ~ ,. 2 ~ -A~ k- ~+D+E-F+u-H - E+l"+G-11 • - ( 0 n. 1 1 UO,I ) 1.1 J'\ --1 1 1 u~ ·' =- (:.:>' .o J.- 'l;J' .r:) .,e.a _ ..o.o ) +.( 6 0 ,1 - ~0, 1 ) 2 ,1 J ,I ..... t- A+ ;-i - <..:. - 1.L--J:. t-~·-G - !-: - -l::- i" 1 G~·H .yo.z ,• .O.J A- lhC- lJ l .I Gt.!.J ., 1, 1 .. _., _.,... Eo.i .,. _ .. 0 0.1 ~r.: .,. l••G+H _, l'-4-_E., 1''1 c - A- ;,...c~ rµ~ :- G -.:' ( eo.1 +a~:~ ) 4• I 'o) :~ --·--~ = - A-~ - ~ - ~+ L• ~~ ~ +~ ,;;;so.0 uJ,o) I ,' 1 J ,1 • ~ -( ~"···~'·" 1., 0 .., ~ .o } !':IJ.I _ " t,O} ~3-'·- ( l'0.0-"0,0) ·•ltt:Bt ""'l,l • ._ • = + r.+!· so,o - ( ~+ D - A.. S.-C- D 0,l · - '-'1 .1 A• S1 ( <1'!'1:1. 1 _ -e-o.o ) s'-' ... l,O ._ .. o.o t •T • +t:.D "'0,1 __ 1 & ,o ... ,) - "' 2 2.t c 0,) _._. ( ,oO/J 0 ,> 0,2 • - A- &oc ";4-t 6 .' - ,_.J,1 c -t (!J l,I 1,,;_-,1 ! ) .... II, ) • •E- F •G- 11 O,Z ""'. 2 ••Ji..-H•C-D+E-F +G-H and",(!. ) . The Su~t Wul ~h - Fou•·i<:!' L1•w1 .' lfOJ:ia cun ll e r epre s ent eC. 1.;y a r ecurrer1ce .fOJ':tul:. or f ro:t t r.Rt di~fer1:ncc equr;.Uon Lbat 1'o::ows Of tbP '.-/"' Cl i C (.".') : (91) (.1/2) = larges:: ini;eger s11ulle1· or· eqaal , ,l JC = 0 ;--or j • ever .. , x • 1 fo1.. J • old k_ .C 0 , 1 1 ... , 2"·• - 1 ; C l • 0 1 1, .. 1 llj p D 0 0!" 1 ; j a 0 .... C: \ 2" = nuzber or a::iplii;•.1de samples -~ " ru: exn:r.ple conaid<'r the term for j • 5 , p • 1, l< = O ,
w • 3 . JI; l'ollow" with ( J/2) = [3/2 ] • 1 and x = 1 : l,1 "•.• ( -1 J 2( 1 I s 0·, ' ( -1 )' 1, l "•., J '1'his i!: .idvntical With the tr: rm in vhc lower Pit:,;l~~ corno1• of ra.0 1 0 1 . _:_:.e qu ui:"ltics [,1/C:] nnd x n!l~~ be "rod-.1ced in a ·cinary coinrnter 01:1 fol Law ... : Le~ / ::i•.: rcpr"!'seutnd by '1t1nnr7; nUJ:Lbi•J.~ - DivirilOn b)' 2 .shi.f t s t.ho !1oint li,y nno . :One nl.;.l!Jbet' tn t;.... lt. r~ a :' me o:.nru:;v 11<>ir.t i~ [j/?], thi> rn1iber :;:o t ~e r:.-~4t. le;): . .Exa:.nrle: ,j ·23 =10111 , ' '!' ,· (j/2J = 11 >: - 1 The computatior. tttartz \\'i 11 tt..:- 2 " t.e1~ZI:s s ~ :: , ~: = 0 .. . . 2• - 1. !t !allows !re::: [j/2) • [0/2) • o o:.:1t 'h" cer o $~'. i 1 \.: = 0 .... 2 11 • 1 -1 , can 'n~ corr,µur:nct . 1'11i?l'lf"I n...!'e tho Liarmn- in LJ1c ni::>coud cr:lU!llll of 1J''lble 1 . Fu1·th1'l"' te:'t:lS with [ j/2) = [ 1 'J = O (:111wo.: be :O!LpUte~, ~i;.ce .,.hi. w<>.1lj requir~ ten ... ti~:~ w:1ile only cct'il.Q •,fi;r. x - O arc cvuilab.Le . ~le t0:'W6 gO.P reJ..'Oit t:-.e i:!Omp11t at...iOl1 Of tht:." t,;.n- I terms k, I s~:~ and tue 2""' 1..t:.:.'Jt;"; :.~:~ , Gince x mny b~ '."',oro or 1 , ar.d j :r.ny t.l&us ;-,., 0 01· 1, tot1'i va:.u-,e yi P~<L!l,. ~ j/2) = 0 . '11t:.e f u.e r inve!"'Sl" vinl sL-r··our _er tra.n:::fo.:.· o t ... otit;aint:d by computi11g the co.,t'1'icienc:; A, B , ... , E !1•oni the co<>fficieat~ q( 0), a, 1 ', .. .. . As l ~) . l'hi~ :oa;; :.~ dot.e by in. Or.e obta1ne vcrtiL~ "the =ecur~io:... fo1--:L·:1n frott. Lhe f':tLi1 u.nd rli!'l'er'encc o.f :;11e fol; -wo recur-!1ion forr.tula.;;: (11 '··. II•', mo! "''"]· .,,,,-1 ' • i{ - 'IJ' · {111J f\ • H - 1>i10J ~ 1.0 - It,"' j '·' ) ' lic,m (,,iO_ ,,I.• ) >,m >,m (CJ2) p. o or 1i x = O ~01 j =even, x = 1 for j (J/2] = 1 "''''est in~eger smt11le1• 01· equsl ~j . •odd;
1.26 Generalized Laplace Transform l'he arm ~I L1c• ~ra.ucJ<>r"' :<t:o,•,) '" ' ti:nc fuuctic:. F(oJ 1 "t !: inV~l'tle m.a.Y be \o:rl. &L:e!l a:- :·o ~-Ott."~: 00 7.{c ,v ) Ff 8 ) J F(e Jc·•• .t ' 1 '' ..r xc .. • 1 ••• de (95) o t v Jt·i z:r~~de H in t•J')lllt'Cll~ t hriL Gue J,ui.·lr.tce tran~ 1'01•:n OJ' E'( 9) may be coIJ!JldOt'Ocl l,o Le a Fouz·lcr tra:1Sfor10 o!' J•(G )o''' . The f act.01· c· 0 1 tt.nketi;io.!l:"; 1•'(~) Jo11ri~P t.:·tUJcl'ori:1a~le that ~r" not qu:idr:itica:l-;y i11ti:" r . l hr- gi"'ur.:--n!.i.:.ed Laplace trnnr..:.'orc J.L .:'t:al no'tai;ic~· fol low~ .1'1-0U1 t.his !"a!f.!ll'k froa. ( 9}) and (';<.'l) : 1 1 a 5 {o,v) • ac<a,v) • r F(6)e· •":' lo( e •e ..' • 111 • J f~{v 1 B)C5 (95) re< v ,a: )cte 00 r(e) • ! -oo n• • r nc(o , ~)r,c~ . e) - n,Ca ,v ; , e))dv(9h) Th0·o.1.t1 (95) do not have Ll':e lo i<e1• limit -co as \io the;n1lr o r Si!lCO t:i1r1 rflCtOr r.o• al th" genen1li2ed f?ouz·ie1• cronsform , Et'( Q) l!lil~t Wig}Jt.. LJake thnm C. iV Ol'j''Ct:. l. . vanish su!"!.. l.cieuLl;y ! for lal,"'bl'"' =-nent.i•1t! v~luc~ or a . = O for d < 0 is used hc:-n . '!'he usual oasu:i.p~J.OJJ f(ll) 1.3 Generalized Frequency 1.31 Physical Interpretation of the Generalized Frequency Frequency is a pa=aaete= that dintingu1:: .. r u t.l~ ir.di viaual fULlctiona o! tt'.e c;yste!f:!:i ( co~ ~nft.. l o.z:· { sin C'nf-:;~. Its usual ~ilysical tr1terp:::-etation i.: "nwi;b<ii· of cycle• pe1• unit; o r ti mo'' . 'L'hc normalized !"r~qu0nc;y v • l''r i c. 1nterpr·ot o(I nri 1'numbe1· of cycles in a t..11111..• ln ~ t:J.'Vts.l o.!' riuvation 1" . 'fhe ge ue.rali,ad .rrcquency may be l m:erpJ'ete1l a" "t<Ve- .-·
50 1 . i·IA'i'Ht::;·JA'.fICAL FOU:r:lATIONS r~ge nu:r.~er by 2 '' or as of zero crossings pe r LU1it of titr.e di Vi:iea '' aveT·;:1ge nu:nber of ::J i gn chnn,gea µer tuli time diviaec: by 2 " . ':'11e normali::ed , u is in~er1.;.retea Lim~ in Le:-val of e;ener·ali~ed t ol' frequency as "averago num"nor of zero ssins;::: per C:u.r· a~ i.on 1 Civid~d by 2" . Tl~e gen~l'al i zea fL"equenc:1 tne o;Lmonsi on ( s "] : (97) 1 Pt.e defir:it i or: of the e;en e:'al i eed .fl'.'e-quency ! been ct'.o- se:i >io tha~ H coincide@ with that of :':-cqu,,.i:cy, i f applie,;i t<> sine o_"lC. cosine fun-ctionz . Fc-r inst£:.!1Ce ~ a sir:e oscillaUon witil t'requency 100 R" ha" 100 cycles pei' second or 200 crossings por !lecond . One halI tne n\JJ:1ber of zero c:•ossings per second e qua I s i OO , wl1ict-. iB l. h.e sa.:oe ntunber and d:in.en sior. as that o:: ::he fr·equei:1cy' . 'l'!le zero c ror;sin~s cf sine and cos ine f lmctio!!:::. equall,y spac ed bu"& ·enc Ccf'inii;icn ol the genflr.nlizeu fx·eq Ltency tl&kes l \; a;>l)li- cab"' e t o t'nr~ct-i·:1ns who.Sf' zero c:i:·ossine;:s are no\:' equally spaced a:ld which need nc l: ever: be pe:::-iodic . 1-;; is :ise:·ui to .:.Stt .t·~luce LLe new t:e r:?r~ ' 00·111oncy ' f or tb-e g~neraliz ed i·r.,sq~enc:1 ;i . One rea~o n i:: :;nat r.lle te.l"'m e;~r1errrliz.eC._ !'t·~que::c:y i.s aJ Pea.C:y ue.ed in co1wect.ion with damped oscillavions • a.r..ot'her is that there ar·e r;rar.s\~er­ sal waY9.G i n thT'P•'"" dimensional space which h(lVf: .a fre q_uency as .,•eJ l 1 an a ::iequcncy. ";i :r.imbcr a .:· z e r v for 1·:nic:l one may i.::~e ':~e a::eat:iul'e c~ossi.:!5s of :::equ ency i s pe r s eco::id d ivitled ·oy 2 11 , l.11e ab·c.eeviati on • 1 • Co=ider Ute Walsh fWlCtio'1s cal(i,9 ) and sal(i , 0) in Fig . 2 . 1 c~1e half th~ nllllber of Gi gn cl1anges in tl1e bt.e1:val ~ ~ 8 < § and ::;> = i /T is. th.:: seq uency 01" ;:;j1e periodical lj" conti nued funcl ionz . If Ll1e f1u1cti ons are scr2t:cr.;ic ~ya ~actor ; they 't!i1 1 hnve 2i sign changes L'1 "thc inticrval -~S =: e < ~S i i/S = µ will be one hell' 1 The !1Uiljbe1• o : sig r.. chtLt1t;e2 per unit of t i:oe 11as been used t o define an in::stant;a.neous frequency o.r fl"equenc:v 11odula~ed sinu so idal oscillations [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] .
1 . 32 FOWER ;;J '}.(;'II/Un 1 ~ :LT!:R um the . nu.:rit:er· sv~f'!lf;e I ~.1"" 51 ' • ar: i n-:orvri1 o f d:.zs1fn c t ~ri::gce 1-:l rst1on 1 . Coneid~r .,, a .:.·urt:!".er extt:J:?le ~nc pcrio:11crill;; e:c.::ti- nued r.egenrt::-e pclyno:n.:s:.s ;;, (i , 9) "nd !s0 , 9 , •. :ig. 17a . Tbe,7 lH1Ve 2~ llit;;u c!1a.n;.;es in i:he ir;:;crval -ii < i < ., . S-eretchir.i:; ;-t.f'ID t::: a l'nl:l..or· s fil:J..~~ the Ji;r~tl ""U or thiE intervfll E>'l'll'll ~ nnd i/s = µ becoa:e<" one hn ( the 'lve:-.~ge nwnbe1~ o! r i1:t. chani:;e~ pe r· tir.1e inC ·..:'rvnl or "1ur:-i.tic!l 1 . LeL Lhe nnrrnn.lizcd v~riables v a."'ld 9 j 11 r.ln 2nvtl be repl.~ceu 1.Jy tLo uon-Jl•)t'Jllal i ZE<d ya-,.i"b I •rn f v/r cm<l t a 0']': (95) The tir'Je bl"l ... o '1 d!."VJ..S ... u - . s~nc and coeir.e .fw.ct..lo;.s co:: - taiu tho three pa:-ar.iet,,~·s a!!lr · i tuie, f :-~qJency !illd pha"e angle . 'fhla is no-; so !'or coarlete ~yet-au or ort::o;:;or:"1 .functions, wn1 ch do r.ot h~·:e sequer1e;. ti.!ld t ico bar.f' con- nected l:y :iml tiplic'lticu . ' :''-'."lC;;io:w :-9 I ( 1-, a or Le- gendre poLY!J.oa:.inlu P&(µ . 9) !10.vt= a co:ri:na bt?tW('·ru u 9.U:..i. e . Hence, th.c-: aubntitutioJl,;j co = u/'":. and r • sr yiP.ld : altl(u,e) • nul\<1>'1' , t/Tj , ThnAe fu.nctionki ConL.ain l u tl1ei1' 1.renL:r1.;11 l'o!lm the .fo ur1 para.meter~ 'Ullplit.;Ude V 1 sequeuCy cp , C.elay to V sal ( t-t.o :J.' m c+I • , 1 l'nd lil:I"" b:i.;:;e 'i1: J ' 1.32 Power Spectrum, Amplitude Spectrum. Filtering of Signals OriP tl .y deri v• ._he frequency 1-'.lllCt-Oli c~ \I I ,_ 9; ( v f:t-oo the l·ouri<'r tran~fon1:; ac(v) t<s(v) or (<1) F.n<! inte:i-pret it. u.s f1·e::quency power· !:JJ.;e:cc::wn . le hn·11ou , one may interpret the neqtte=>cy funct~ori n!(u) + 11~(1-; ccriveC. from the geueL·a.l.izcd· t:·r,n".lorcic nc (µ) um! a 5 ( 1- • 0 "":! ------- 1 The ser1uency o.r n peri odic i·unction "'ll.lDlo one ltnlf Lhc o.t sign changes pel' period . Tho· noquC'nc;; of a non- Periodic £unction equals one half th" nwnbor of oie;:> changes per wU.t or time, if this·limi~ exis~a . ••
1 . 11A'l1l l E:'lf\'r WAL FOLHllJA'l' i.ONS 52 of (62) ·and (63) a~ ·a scquenc;y po•...•er spectrU£l . {53) be squnred and integrated of. (59) for the coe1·1'icient~ : T!le o.r t!1e c:t•oss- p:-oducts of integ1~a1s Ul:.i.lng Lr!:e notation difJ.'eren~ t't.t~ci:;iocs vru:iislt <lLte Lo Lile orcbogonali ty of the rw1ccions . 'i'he i11be- srols or r' {O/; , 6) , r~ C:./s ;B) l.l.lld. fiCi/i; , e) mulGJ.plied 1iy ;1 · J y i eld 1 : The stllll !!as ~r~e SaJfle f orm as thl~t cf ( ~8) . Hence , ii; may be interpr-eted. as the area u nc1D:r· a :JVCP swn rn.a:y ·oe re pl ~cetl funct~o11 and tbe by an i;re 1 :'or I argP. va-1 ucs of i;. ano :; = y(O : 00 ¢(1 J F ' {6)d9 -r..o 00 I) Using "" J ') =; [ri~(µ) ~ i:; ~ ( u ) ]du =~ j' [a~(uJ ~ a~( µ , J rlr; {100) -(JO non -no~mali7.ed F 2 (L/'.i')dL = T -~ 'l'[ a~(\.I) 1 notation one ~b~uin~~ ~ J [ "'(oi'l') c . • .a~( u )]C.u ~ is th~ a 2 ( cpI)]<i(cp'!') (101 ) ' ~ne:rgy c l' l.he components a , Cr.. ):'c(µ , ;i) to "-c(u+du .lfc(u- dµ ,a ) nnd a,(µ ) f;(u,e ) i;o a 5 (lL+du)fs(u+du >e ) 1 i:· the i!ttet;ral of ii' 1 ( C/'f') i.s inter- P''eteii ""the energy oo· ti'.c si;:;nal F(O) . flence , a~(u) • + B ~(µ) ·... an tho dir:io-n!;ian o.f rowei· and may be inl;erpreted a!"'; r.>equcncy power ~pectriirr. .c:: seq uenc ,y po 1t1er den sit~; s_pecl;riln: . Li sing the G( 'J ) ~ G( v ) : A~v) 'i1(vj: t'{2[acCv) + n 5 (v)] , one may re~·rri Je the i' r•eqt.i.enc:y J)awer spect-I·u:n a~ ( v ) into the following -form: .a. a~ (")
a~(v) + e{(v). 2CA'(v• + B 2 '\i)] = :;'(v) c'( - v) I (1C2) use hs!". t.~cr. :nnc!e of ''lE), 19) aLd (!,.2) . TlH? se1u<?nc:: po,,.er !"pdc:ru.c oay be i~e\\'.!"it Le~ fo!.lowa : el (u) + u~\µ 1 • '•~A (!-') • 3 ~.e ~Q..J~J;e .!'OOt [ ~' ( 'J ) .... 1 ( ..ll: = G'(~) • G (-.;J 8..s' ( V) J''' 1 n~:,~ be (1C?:) . l.nLe!'p.r~l..ed i:I.~ frequc .ry 'J.!r.>d i't\l(! C" G.pcct.t'a:n . Such u.:J iace.rpretation iE not posnibll.' .rortLc square roo~ [a~ ( µ ) 1 u~( µ ) 1111 , .. th(" sequcncy power Gpcct J"u:n , s i nce n specific reat•tl'e or si.r.e and cosine r'wJct.i.o::.s i s i ·eqLLire<i for- i. t 1 • IJ:;ing thr r C'le.tion A sin x + 9 cos x • (A 1 + a ' ) coo (x - t1;;"' ~) 117 (10") one may 1·e•ritc (;..2) as follows: .. F(9 ) •'f2f(ef(v)- a~\v)J'"co>"[21'Tv3 - cg·' ~;~~~]dv(105) 0 The !actor (n~(v) quency runplit..ude spectr·wc. , since it rr:f'r'4•Ct.r.tu t.he wr.;.1litude ot t.-he o.ecill1;1Lion h'ii;h frccr.lcncy v J.'E±bard to the ph11.Se "I.i-;le Li-;·1 ,. 5 ( -v )/a , (v) . Syntctr." of !'1.<.nctiono tl\a.t do noc 11.n <1ddi~ion tbcoriom lik1: ( 10'·) 110 :iot pern1it; thi:i ir.torprot·ation of t11e .SCUtll.'e J"OOt ra.~(u ) • + n~(u)J"' . ll o>:cvor, ac< u > ::u::d ·,$(u) .i·e J•.:i1; lil<c :ic(v) and n 5( v) che o.:nrliLucie .;r:ec ~~·" of tie ev~n OJ1,.; odu p:u't or the !unction ?(a) . l'iltoro or , mor., generally , sy~i;c::~ oliwwe ar. in - ir.-o ar: outpu;: ei-:_u~ F 1 (9) mny =·" deby . :r.:ie coZ1. ... ept. o~ 11ncsr orcrat..ors descr_-ibi. ng linear .:ij'Gte-G is Of r~r!"ticulnr i;upa.:.•:Oa;..1-'.:e in connection "•ith complete !iy~ter:t:;. of or:!.loe;ounl fw1ct.!.ons ~ Let n d~notc a.n opero.to1· and [l'(j , B ) ) o con.;.,le;e z,yotf':t pur; signal F(8) scribed ''l'he addHlon theorem!J of sine ar.d conino n:-o •·cquil:·e;l .for tbe do1•1vation of cbe Wtener- Clli ncch in theorem i n ~i"l nato.~ion . fie nce , other "ystiomo o! runntiono ~""'c n:> f l:'ect auol0(5UG to the Wiencr-Chintchin thoorom . Wolsh .unctions havo a.11 abstract analogue bnaad on the dyadic correlation t'unci;ion J E'( 6 )G( aer )de .
5u_ 1 . f·!A'l't!EMA'l1:CA.L FOUKDA'!'IOlfS :Jf orthogonal f unctions . Appl icstior. of n to ~ t ic1.2-ar· f\u:tction or input sie;nal f( 5 , 8 ) gcnern Les (ill cutpu·~ signal 5(,) , e) : = g(j,e) nf (J ,S J 1'he Off"ratol." 0 l s called li!1f::C1T' if -:;hr,- :p:topo:·t.ior..alit;t law a.nd t;he supe r . µositicn law i1old for 0-ll fttc.c~lons of 1 the syst om ( f (j >8 )J : pro;.ortio:-;a:;. i ty l aw ( 1 07) = a(j)nf(j,e ) na(j)f{j , 9 ) 00 I: ·:10.( j )£( j 00 ii L:a(j ) f(j , 8 ) = , ,o 1,0 n fil<.;.Y be 1 SJ ~u:perpae.=. t: icr. law ( 108 J function of ,j a."'tt.l 3 . l f D <leff!nd!i on 0 , the opeJ'ator n::id the !::iJ"S tom it descri Oes ar.e i. ineAr a:H!. t ime vari;;.bl9 ; otherwise they are l inen:.- and t:l.:oe-i.D.VB.l."'ianl:. . P.J1 oxaople o.r a linea!' , vime -vari ablc .s;v·st:e1n is the a.:.'llpliLude moclulator . Let an L'>put sie:nal P'( 6 ) 1Je repJ' 0 s en~ed byi;be SUIJl lj(j)f(j,8) &'1d the cai:i'ier b.Y h(k , O) ~ n . h(k , e) may be , e . g ., ;:. sin<-> cru·1·ie~ '{2 si.~1 2r kB or n Halsb carrier •·: al (Jc , e } . /._'ll;>li ~ ttde ttoclular.J er. ·.·1i tl: supp1'essea '1 carrier yielas : ¢0 ~ !"(9)h(k , B) = nF(S) = 0 IaC')f(j , 6) = L:;a<j )g(j , S ) 1sO (109) pO g(j , B) = r.(1< , e) r(j , D) Ir. is oest to use ', .'al sh functions wal(j , 0 ) for :- (j , 9 ) is a Walsi:J carrier ·.-ml(k , 0) . O:ue obtciir:s fo r i:' h(k , 9) e;( j ' e) ' g(j , 8 ) ~ wa l(k , 9 ) wa'l(j ,S ; = 1·1a l (k.J,.j , 6) If h( k , a ) is a .sine ca1"'rier 1t2 sin 2ttk0 or:e shot.tld use tl1e func~ ions f ( O,S ) , '{? sin2ni0 and 1{2co<; 2111S for the sys- te:i: { f( j , 0 ) ! . 'l'l'.e f 1mctio i:t; g( J 'e ) P..r<· then g(0 , 9) : ·t[2 s in 2n k0 g(2i,B) = cos2n(:.t- i)9 - cos2:n (k+ i)9 g(2i-1 , 9) = sin2n ( k-i)9 • sin2n(k+j.)9 j =0, 2i' 2i- 1 j i ::: 1 , 2) ...
The d"fiuHlou of lineacit~· lia< cilwi;~t!d du.:·ing developitent of cowmnica;;ion ;;heor:; . H:-s; i t ·•~:i restricted i;o di.!':·e::-em.ial o;>e:·ators with conr.canc coe!Jicien;<; , chen to time i1w~i·iable but co;; nec.a~,oarily Jil'fere~-ial ope rators . The p::-e~e.:.l defi.!litio.a clots noi ~<tqui:-e n to be a dif!·e:-<'!n• .io.l o .t· l..iu;.e invaL~i.s.t!.o cµero.tvr . t b:eerr us eti by mn f or· a :oc.g C.l!rHE' ; i I..$ •,,•10.e~;r:·end introduceio11 into co.nw:.u..'1.icaL.:011~ l ..; ofl..l':t Cl'e<.lit~d t;o a bQok by WIJlfSCH ( 1 J . if u nyotor.i is de.icrlt>ed by a lltH:lH' ?pei·!:<~ Ol' (l ~.r.d i i one is frno to cltoo,;e ~lte s;;st:am of £ 1;r1ccton~ ( l' (j , 0 )l, one- may cl101,,;::o the syote:a o f eire1u"tu;r~Llon.t1 or n . EquaTiort (1Cc) ar.cumc~ tue l'ollow' foro. fr, thin c•1r": nf(J.~). l:\.l)l'(j,e) (110) is conven1.-.n: :o- ca .. l .:"(~,a) :i11 ~igt-u..fucctlon of n even ,e) on ~:.e :i;;ht ,;i·~ .. or (1~:>) uas to be replaced 'cy n." ti:ne oLir'te~ :'WJCl;iO<. f( j , 8-~1 j )J . !ti i ! f(j In the l'1·eqJ.~nc;:; tlLeor;; of cor.trr.ur.i·~a-:icn ::h(" elect.ri...:al t;haractel'liPtics of l'ilters are r!.e::c!":.Ccd by bhe 1'.l'equt!ncy response of otcenuar.ion and pl:;:isr sr.i t' t . '::1.i..'!i deacri;Jtinn assumea t hnt. n volvage V cos ~~ft. is ap;.1lied 1; 0 the i.:tpu t. of n fill..el' . The s t eudy voltt1.i;e '•/c{f)c<'lr.(iJ, f t ~o. c(f;j apJ>< are at ~It~ outpu; . 'rhe r'requoncy ftwctioHe -2!ogVc(r )/V • -21og Vt<v)/V aJ>cl ac (J') n ct civi 1>re C!>. lf:d f1·oq ucney !·esponae Of ottenuati on and pr.ase "nl!'L . le~ "" input <lign al Y( 8) hnvo tbc ...ourier i;ransforms n, ( v) n.ud o, ( v . Ti.e output signal F 0 (0) :'ollo~s froi.. , <.~ : ~. (e) • i2 ..J l•,'v'Kc v'cos[2T'.vS + "c'" ]- 0 + s Kc(v ) • v,(v)/'1 ; v . 5( rr, v)K,(vj~in(2T"v~ - ac<' l] ]d• e • t/r . The dosei·ipLion o r filters by IDC'1ll0 of !'roquency =~­ sponee or at ~enitation and phase shift i a eminently ~·.• i~~J f or telephony filters . l''.ntched filters, 0 11 t;he othr.r hond , arQ ueua.lly deeorlbed by roeanr; of the pul ~c i·e:;pou~e . A
5G 1. r•'.AT!.l~!ArICAL FOUNDA'.UONS vo l pulse o;" tl;e shape of t he ll i r9 c functton ~ { 9) appl i ed to 1.; he lnput. and tLe of Lhe v:)lt.nge o ut. µt~ t. i.s D(0) l s detei·miu e<.l . No !.'"e f e r euee to sine atld cosine l' n s i s .r e . \.1!1loh tiy::;teci of ..:.'~c Lions is ~petl f er rlesc1·iption o:' a .filLe.r i s sci•ict-l y a mutte.!' o f cor:v-enience . Let the volt~ges Vfc \ u , a ) ~nd Vf 5 (u ,B ) ·be applied to t~.e i npuL of U filte~· insGead of 'f cos er ft . The f•.lllctious: Jc ( u, 0) and fs(i.: , B} are t he same ;;hat occu:r i n the ge:ieralized Fourie:· transf o r m ( (,~} . rlle s t. ea<ly stati> •ml teges Vc(u;fc ( u , e- ac( ;; )] ana '1 5 ( µ )is(·~ , e - a 5 ( µ)J sne lJ nccur at the filte:- outp·.>~ . Lei:; -2logV, ( u )/V =d-?1og1/~(u)/V be c.alled attenuation . s,(µ ) an:! &, ( µ ) arc cal!e(l oelay, 5 i.ncP. the term ' phtisP. shift; ' canno:; 1',le .;:ipp l ied to f u nction13 othe::- tha~ oir.e .;nd, cosine . 'Ihe~e si.:n:plo ro.la1;io11s bc:twocn i r.pu:: and o utput vol tagr: ex i ;:;t f o r i'.:.1 tors consi~ting of coils a nd capa c i(;ors if i'c (1.1 , a} a!1C i' 5 ( u, 9) n r c: sine and co sine funct:.ons . :iowr:vr-:r ~ o ne; may desi gn fi lters that cor. t a in mu_ tlpliers , intee;roto!"s , s·l;or~es , i~e!·s b.!lci S\\'it;ches 1 •1.1hic~ '" Jill a LL enuate and C.elay :.'alsh f"!.UtcLious , but. \,·111 d:sLo.rL sine a :ie c or.ine .functions . Suell f iHers are better de~cri'>ec by '1ial;o;h .runc - ciorts . •et- c~a11 8 ·D-;; sin~-cosine ;""'uncvion:; . i;.i_gnal I•'{ 0) have tl:o gene"!'alir:oC Fou rier t.:eansand a. 5 (µ ) . Lot ·t-~e s·l;e.'ld:y stat..e at~enue.t i on 1'01-:r.;:-; ,1,(µ) P.ncdelP.ybe -? l og'lc\u }/V , -?logV;{µ )/V aud er~ µ ) , :!.(u ). T:ic nut put signal fo:..lo NS .f.r·ca (6L.) : F0 ( a ) = '~ J( "/u )Kc< u )r,( u, e-acC u )J ~as< u )K 5( u ) r, [µ , e- o, ( u)) J<lu ' ( 112) Gou:p;;~·ison or ( '11 ) '1lld (1"2) shows cl:a~ only K ,(v) o.c<">occursiu and (1 11 ) , ::>ui;r.ot Ks(u ) and n s(") . SLtch terms ';·1 ou Lt! occur i f frequenc:;~ filtei'S NOUld distinguish ·bet·w een nine and !'unctions o l' the Gamo frequency . The input voltage V sin 2nf t woulc! then produce the o u tput voltage V5 ( o') $in [CllJ't+a 5 (f)] rather thun Yc(f) sin ( 2rr.rt "o..<rll ·
1. ;P £X1'J'lf'I SUch :;s OJ' l·OWER SPEC'l'RA diu;,..inct..:oo ':>etwee:: :;i?:C F.nd COSine !'t!QUi:.""eB ti -ti?te·varinl 1,... c1rcuii e l)Jilent: a!ld ctu.: t.!1us not occt:.r i- f!'r-~uency fil te:·s •hicb a~e :1r.ea1· ru.d ti:te-i.J1;r:;:·iant . filters bssed on sine a.."lC cosir.e p~~es t•nt? than c:: the periorti.c Gine and cos~n !'uncr.ionn ttiztine;uish ·~e­ t;wcen sine anl'I co~ine . An exa:nple o~ !'n.tch ~. !iltf!r 111il l be given nLet· on . 1.33 Examples o f Walsh Fourier Transforms and Power Spectra Ji'ig ..'!1 .;ho'dG ~:c1~ .r1ulotioJ1~ f(6 ) , tllei!· Wnh:..-rou.:-ie1· transl'O!'Ul:il G( u ) 1 at<u) , spectr1.t ~i( u } • b.i(u) : as(u) am! Lr.ei1· ij•qu.. cc:r po>ier .., i {2; G(u\ ... r(ll)~•'lll(u , B) ; sb.:(i.; , c· ]dil ac<1-1> • f \';?('i{u) • ~(-u)) , 9slJ af(u) • ,.~(ul • G 1 (u) , Gt( - .o, fl9) l I w•(qQ> 2 z..:tll.m 3 6(D) 'CJ CJ 1 l 1 I i::=:r=i- --d"-5 tal(l,6) c::Fb ----i¥- 4 &Al(l,9) ---'1....J1._ -9...JL..r 5 031(1,9) . nw,.,,_a 1..-J 1m1118) 8Ml(~l a:r.uJ .. a!<µJ ' CJ .,11'1 a,11'1 '{j,G(p.) iflA:::fl- .w-9o-"Vi .l - -L4A- u a I ' 0 p- ___n...n__ n ~ U'n a --.J:]_ .JL....J1... n u ~ D p- 0 Jl n 4 ·4 0 ' ' 0 µ- n ' ... a 0 "- 4 Fig . 21 Sou.e t.ia.t. !unctior:s F(9), their ~''n I !'l -Zou ... er t::'~nz­ forrr.a Cl(µ), o,(µ), n 5 (µ) and -;;heir ol'quoncy rower ~:-<:>cT.ra a~(µ)• o;C 1a) • G2 (µ) • G 1 ( - µ) . One lllfj,y see t hnt compl:·ession 01' the l'i1·r.t 11lock ;lulse by a PO>Hlr 0 f 2 in the time -domi;ai!> jll'Oducco !I pro~ot·~ioual
1 . l·lATE.EftA'I' ' CAL POID4DATIOHS stt·etcilingo: ;;he transforo G( .1 ) . The ci:lta fu.ur.:t ion .s (e) is obtained in L.he limit; . Lt!=: -crans~·orrn G(u) ht\S a COJlSt;ant va_ue in t.b.e w_hol!.1 inte:-val - oo< u <co. One may further ~ee , tllat tihC transfo:"c1 G(u) of -chc Wulsh pulses in lines 1 >4 1 5>•• )8 aL"e 'lronis i s ir~ 'sequeucy- limi-ced ' . cont:·ast; t,;o Gl'.1.e \·:e ll known r·csul t o.f :E'ou1.. ier analysis > t!1a t a :ime:- lirnited. ru.nction cannot; have a fre - quency- l imited Fourier "tX'flnsforn: . ':i;.c Fni.;,r.te.r· ~ransforms shown i.n Pig . Er for t:-.e sirJe Ct.lld co9:I n(~ pu_se.:s acco1~ding to 5'ig .1 ,;o on co i::ifinity. WaLsh-f'our·ier crru:sform avoids the .;roublesome iru'inite wictlt p·adt..c~s of ~he a11al~1sis ; btind\..•idt<n reiers or co1.trse to scq-..iency band1.·:ldtl1 in c:'1e case of '1/a-l~lL-FouL·ie!" -crans.rorm . o-rdinar.y Fourie1 A class of time J'u.nctions. that a:r·e t.imi:= anC. s equencyliui tetl may be c:il(i ,e ) a nd inTerred frare F:.g . 21 . 'rhe sal ( i , 9 J var1ish 'tlbl~h p1,1.l.sen oi.:tside cLe t ime iJl~erYal -~ § e ~ ' · Thei, r' '1i;;ll5h -F·ourier.~ t..rr-1.n s;~.. Ol ..Q:!'.> VP.!""~sb outside -1;he seque:1cy intervals - { i-r~I ) t:? u ~ +( j +1 ) or -i ~ u ~ 1·i . !ienc1J , any timr:- .ru.ncG i on f.( 8 ) con~iating o.:' a finite !1UJ!t- ber o:..- \·/alsh. pulses is tirnCT ar.O sequc1i<;;y-li1:Lited : I l•' (D): a(O)wal(O,&)+ 2:; [u,( i ) c al( i ,S ) + as(i)>ml(i,9)] (1111.) i* I weJ!0 , 8) • c'1l(i ,9 ) a sal( i , 9) - 0 1'nr 10 1 Let F( ;J J t<'>e 'f" I = >; - Fou:·ier Lc.·ane.fcrM G( u ) . It holds: (115) P( 8J • 0 for 191 > • G(u) • 0 f or 1u1 > 1+1 The 01·\ihogonnlity o ~ Ci ::!:ysten al' .:·IJ.llct.ionn is invariant i;o r.hc 13enerullzed FourieJ" tran~l'oL':JJ and tt-,a~ che 'v,'elsh- Fourier t.r·a11sf orm . l-l er.ce , one mu;,· t·:""i-c !'! G( µ. ) e~'-:"pli­ citly , i.t: Lne 1~oef'Ji.ciem;" a(O) , a.c(i) and o. 5(i) o f the cxpimsio11 (11'+) arc know:i . Let e;(O ,u ) , &c (i ,µ ) filld g5(i ,µ ) denot.e tne W&ls;i - Yourier tr.·auofo.L·ms of wa.: ( o , e) , cal ( i . EI) and oaJ(i , 0) . One obtaiu s tlle tran~foL'm G( µ ) ol' F(S) : I G(µ ) : a(O)g(O ,u ) I: [ ac(ile;c(i ,µ )+ a 5 (i)g 5 ( i,u ) ] i:.O (116)
1 . 33 EXAMPLES OF rC',JER S?EC'IRA The J°un<.:Uon~ i;(C , uJ, g,(1 ,L ) , e:cC1 ,u ) , ...... gs(»,u) 3::-c sho'dn lr.o ~j~ . 21 , rrconc co~:1i:t.1., 1!.ue ... 1 , 4 , ; , ... ~=> . O::f? !!.tJY ren<lil.V infer ttr. ,-1rnpe of E'cCi,u) und ~,(i,J) :or larger v~.i.1e of \ . "" 11'1 _._~,_._._~...__..-! oi•'19 - , ' 1 ~-~r _,, . . ~~~._._~. '. _.l~j.T_._ .. 1 11 _,_··.._ .' .. _ __,_ ..,,I ' • I -:.,...--.=..--..• --.~-~,--,~ . -~.. JJ- - - tf.totft4Jf ".g.-- :o.ijr--:. t-t--t· -·· s , lb l- - Fig . 22 (lal't) Walch- Fourier trar.sfo1·:t1'< C( µ ) or c;i;:e W:ld co~,ina pulr;es de:J.~ived from P~.o ol ett-enl.s or iiig . 1 . Fig . 2j (r1 ~ ht ) corJ:'!.icient~ 01' t he expnncion ol' t lte pe riodically co 11 Lluued '1i.n e and cos1'1e el e:n'lntr. oJ' fl5 . 1 ir> a series of 1-eL'iodic Wa:sh ~unctions c01 l (i,B l ""rt ;.;nl(i , e, . Fig . 22 :"l10"r.'!1 tho ~..1·.:d11 t.cannfO?"D!l o!.' diJJ~ anc cosine p,ulnr.n 4;hnt vanisl out.s!de che intcrvn- -1 ~ 0 < ,- . One may read.i:)· se~ bo.: the or:;hogonn~ity o ..~ t.h ~r~..!)s­ !ormed tunction!:" i:; rrcserved . ~ig . ~; ehO'An the coefficients 11( 0) , e cO) ;ind a 5 I i or the expo.n61<>n o;· rc1·.io<li.z sinf' and cosine !'unctions in a se.r!es cf i crtorlic 1.1a: :i~1 func ... ions . The ba.nd .::>pecti·a of Fl g . 22 ,1;1rt:o 1'Cl 1aced t~· line "J>ectre . The analogy to E'ottrier t.rano rorci of a puls<o anc Four.iar seriea of t he cor rospond i nt; pnt'ioclic fWJc Li"" i s evident . l'ig . 211 allows the frequency power epec~1·a u~(v) 1 a~ (v) = G1 ( v) + G1 ( -v ) for the .fj rst i"ivo sino and cos in" pulses
? . DIREC'I' 'l'll/\NSMISSIOtl 60 of l<'ig . 9 anC. tbe block ;iulses of l"i g . 3 . Tt:e 9J.'Ca unc.leL· t lte CUL'Ves mulciplied by T represents cl-.e energy oI the s i glla~s . The cui~ves i!l t.lte 11Jhole ince .rval - co < C <co a:r·e obtained ·u}· co11cinui ng t.nem a.s even inco t;!le cont i nua:..iori is of much less :t_t.erest funct ior~s inte=vnl v < 0 . '!'hi~ for powe r spect:·a c!::ia.c. for the Fou.r:ie r· t.~ar:u:fcrt1 G( v } or the Wa Lsh-Fouri e= t r il:lsl'orw G( u ) , since 1;:,ey a2·e alNayA e ven ru.nctio:1s . 2. Direct Transmission of Signals 2.1 Orthogonal Division as Generalization of Time and Frequency Division 2. 11 Representation of Signals Gon::1ide1· u L"e:ee;L·a_µb;v r"l,lµhtibet containine-~ ·~ er e fini. te num- of cha.raci;;ers . Im examp:e is che r.e; <?t~To alphabet having chara<;tcr::o . It i!i a l j2 se-c-s o:.. 5 r;oeffici~nt!"l ~o :-opr~sent theo by with V:":tJ ue +1 or- - 1 : character 1: <-1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 character ? : ~1 +1 ~1 ~1 +1 - 1 etc . [n e;:e!lernl , tne cLlll'UCt..ers lllU.j' CO!lSist Of Gets Of m coef - a ....,,r,,\ b f,.,\c z· ·I ~-\ ':: { t I -:. ~· ~ '· : I,,' "• JI ( v ·, :.\ .d : ''\ ·,., :' ~ ·"'t '"'-' to j 0 £6 ........ ", ···.:~:?"-'j.!....·r - · -- · - • s 6.,_ 7tt3 w ;ti J3j 1.0 f[Hl)-~ t :?"15 . 211 r10~·1c~ spcctrn nf{'V).t.a!('V ) ~ G1 ( v ) 1·G 2 (-") of the sine and cosine puJ.seo o;' Fir; . 9 . a) J:(0 , 0) ; b) !'('< , 6),f(2 , e) ; c) r(3 , e) , f(4 , 0) . Curved is ~he frequency pow~r spectrua:. of t.l1e block pulsen of Fig . 3 if the;y· ! Sive ;:;in:c!i t;he ece:r·gy of Lhe block puloe a~· Fig . 9 . The fT'f'!q_ucncy scale i!1 He::-t:z .holds i'o= T = 150 :us .
2 . 11 ~r:f•RESE:~TATION OJ'' S I GNA.J,S ficicut.~ >:1;&v1 r.~ ar!.litrar:r l'Lil.t@r than just the ~ta1ues +1 or -1 . Tho; follO'-•ir.g is appropri'1tc in -;his casd: (1) rr.he T'C-_?!"t!:.icntnt i on of c:iaractcrB by ti:ne !'unctions .:.s a.ootheT' import;nnc r· icr~ . Con!"liclcr m time 1'urlc tious t( j , 9) . Let the l' unct;.ions be muli;ipllerl by the coe£i'iCi•··11tr, "x (j) 'lnd the products b~ •Hl<loc'.l . Cnr. obtains tJ1c rcprci;r.lnLu LioJJ o! the cbaracter x by Lile tlme J wiction Px(e) : 111~1 Fx(B )• 2: •x(J)l'(j , e) ••• (2; ~e eoef!'icients ax(J) na_y be !'~gained 1r,dividually froo Fx(9), 1: •he sysi.e:n of fm:c~ions (f(J ,e J) is li::early independen~ . he ;>roce~s if'> particularly dn:rte l: the funetionr :"Ir" ortnoi:;onat. Let i;nen: be ort~.ogon-.l and ::iormalized in the intcr•ral -! ;; e < ' . T~r. coafficieHL a..,(kj i s obLai!'lcd ty mult:ipl;;-L"!> Fx(B) with f(l. , 9) and intc gra"t;ing the p1·odui.:t i the shortor c-xp!'<J:J3iOll 'co:-:i."'r.lnt ing F.\' (e) wi~h .C(l. , 9) ' ie e;ener ull y usod f oi· ~ :,i~ p:·oceca; : "'J Fx(a)f(k,9)<10 -112 m -1 • i •:I Lot !I> lf2 L; "x<J) J f(J , a lf(k ,a ),10 ax'k) (~) ·1 11 equ11l ) ; let a,.(OJ , "xCc), i;x<3} equal ~1 =d Bx( 1), a,,. ( •1) e<;u"-'. - 1 . F x( e ) hn" thcr: tho !l:i~re :.n Fig . 3, i!" the !"unctions f(j ,ii ' axe the block pul10ee of Fib · 3 · F..,(e) represents vo2.ta._i:;e or Cll.!'I"ent or t~e asli.:L. teletype signalo s:- f·mction or tirte . ~e values of tne coef.:~icicnt!'.1 ax< J / :.rr:t..r.scai~ ted. by tt..i-: signal Fx(B) of ?i15 . 3 =Y also be nttain<:<.1 L,Y «lll>!H1.t<le snmpline; nt proper times . lier1ce , t;hn cc r:r1n t ran:;rninsion by time multiplox or by time Ill'•' u •ed . The block pulues of Fig . 3 moy ~• l!lo l>e frtai·pr·eted as frequency functions f(j ,v ) . The cha1·11ctor x in then represented by Lhe f!' f unction P x(v) . Ir Jlx(v) is nppliad
I ? :o 2 . D!REC'I' 'i'l!ANSJ-JISSION 5 ~uita.ble ~he coeffic~errLs ba...."'ldpass .:il te!"s t one lil~.v recover by Sl!Jllpli'lB the ou:pul volL"t;;e.> of these ri ltcrs . f:-equenc;1 tLultiplex or frcgue!l..:;; lllvision are usual ;;arms J'ot· i;hlo; Ly~e oI trani:md :'lnion . llecovery oJ' the 'l. nw~mitte<l cOEd' Ucionli; 1i;y Sillllplillg in Lime or J'roqu"l ncy domuill without fUJ'1;hcr com1,.,t a t i on i . not po:::siblc 1'01· Ol08t syscems of orthogonnl funct i ons 1 . Recovery !:>:; ~cnns o! ~JJei.r or~tbogonAlit;y i.::- gl"·a:,·~ :pos3ible 3CCO!'Cing :o ~) . The Le~s orthogon~l civ~sio~ or ort!:ogonal !!ult~p:e:x /il'e upprop::i!n;e in tl.i~ c:;::e . 'fi:u: 1:1dv.9.l'lt9;>e of or;;;hogonal division ic ~t.flt the r:·=1eo' of u.r.cru..1. systiett.s of i\Ln.Ct. ion a is much lnrgct· t.hw1 for t1in.r:: or t'1"·cq11 cncy divi~l(H1 . Hence , t'"iet'e is ·no:•o fL·eedoru of choice f or the be ti~ ~.YG~Oin for e par t icul w: upµli~at ion . 'l'hcoreti ca..l ir1vest..igstion s irequc::c!y t·etµl.\eoent cbarnc'ter~ oy vecc;o.r·:i iu ~ :;ignal npnce . Hot~· .i ... vec~or reprei::ei:tatio!! relEtted to the re_rresentttt..ion ~y ortr.ogo- nul fu.nctions·. Con:1idcr ca-dicensio::a:, r. ::-az.E. • a!'" carLesian coordinatf·n ha·1:.n6 the, ..-.; v ·~·ec:.ors- e , . ... t1P. lcnglih. o.f chese vector:: C'qunl. the ictegral of tt.(! .· of the or-i:--honorr.ial :'unctiontJ f{ ti ,a) : '" J' r'(j ,9 )d9 = e,e , (4) • 1 ..117 Ihe seal~ rro1uct o~· ~·o 'lectc:·:: e ; •1.nd e "' j # k, sir.ce i;hey nr,.. rer;ie.: :dicul·~r t.o et1c· othe!" . Tt. ..,, colUlect!..on '::>e;;•e"'~ sen:;ntion iiay -chu~ orthocoual funct!on a.ntl vocto:- :'."eprcbe cXJ:1''.!s8etl ':.Jy che or:t-.oe:on'1li~y re- ll,ticr : 'II J. C(j , 9)f(k , 8JdS • e , eK c l>Jk (5) • II ~ A c!l~Jr;"lcter x is roproccnted by t!.e vectcr Ft' i n s i gnal 1 1"i0re tn3.L one F<l!lrlitude sumule is .,hen needed to cozpute r.::.·oCess is , howcvc.r , a Jnnthod t.o ColOpute the integrRl (.?) a.nd thls in not what is generally 1.Lnd.erttood as cimc or .t"t·equency division . ~Ile cocfficier~i;!i . -Such u
qpnce : .... " f' ~ /~ I 0 . & ,,.f ") e (6) Itl~tcad of" orthoi;onal vector::: one mny nlso uttr.- c til:early independent vectors . '!'his :-ep:-e5entation l~ obtL'll'd, tr cne runction,; f(: ,3 ) 11ne11-r:!.~t,eoUt'.!n L . Aa " µr~ct lcal example con,;i.,10r q t:olr.ty-pe charac ter F.,(IJ) oou.:.. oswd of 5 o;ine and co:;ine clcmont., nccordine; t o .Fig . 1: ~/Olf(0 , 0) + ax("'{2si.a4ne t "x(2)'{2coa 1+r0 + (7 ~ tu;,:.i.,:e "' .,, .:r.R :..r tts- dura\;i0n cf a t"let;tpe i~ 1.50 ac , w-~ich in 9 lH.i.C:t-u~~c ~tP-~d~rd . Th~ charact~!· coe.t"fic!l:!"nts a,.(J) ar:u +1 or -1 for" balanced •;:~~""• unJ >1 or O for an on- oft" ~yotcm . Let F,.'3) be :,.v~l1el at tic r"ceive= simuli;nnr,-oualy to ~ whic:1.11lllt:i!'l:; 1''v(E J wit!: oh~ · val -i .func~ •Outl f(v,S) to \{2 cos c•n9 . '!~.<' ou LJ'••'· vol~u.,:,es of the !i mul t. .i.?1.ieL'S are tnr:egra.ted ct•.J"'i:"IC' ";;h~ Clu.e interti 9 < 0. '!'lie ouvput voltngos of t..hi.: five tors roprr1no11L l;he valuaG of t ho coc!~!'i1.;iut.Lu LnCee_:J •a~.ix (J) of {7) at tho cio.c> ~ = t . Fii:; . 25 ,;how• cscillo1.rrou.r of t:-.e output voltngc-:: of the 5 in~egraL01·s <lul'1n~ t.he i ntcrval -i ~ 3 < i . Tb~re are 32 a::rfe!'enl ~l'aC~S :o:" egch of t:.e 5 output voltoges Cue to tt~e 32 c~sr'lcr.ern or th(! tale!;;~-pe alp?:sbets . 16 truce<> t'each a fO:"itiva valt:o ( •1) t"<>:· 3 = ! and. 16 n nognti-:.~c- val:ic \ -1 ) . Tr.:!.n ir:~t:.c:'ltos o balanced -Cele~yµe £iyotc.:u . In ru: on- o f±· .;:-;,·::;tf:'c., '1', ~t."nc.: c .-.::>v.lJ. ~s­ SU!le the value 0 instead o.r " value i.;; a - t . '.!!he apparent 1ack or syff.mec:ry ·oe t;ween lhe Ll''..lces '?ndi.r,g al +1 those at - 1 in cn~!:nd by ;-in t1r..;i-1or:.P.L signal \('2 sin 2ri 0 addeu to the chaJ~"c L"~·e f.CI!' '1;11u:l t.::oui;ou~l.on . The elomontu '{2 nin 2n9 and >[2 co" l'n9 dn not arrear in ( 7) for LIU.a l'ea<ion.
2 . DIRECT TR/C:lS!HSSIOt; "'ig . 2;, Detection of the coefl'i cionts +·I and -1 by cross-correl ation of 52 d i ffer ent relet,v1~e sit";nals composed of sine a:iC. cosine pU:i:len . Duration o: the tracer; T ;: 1~ ros . A.11 three O.iscussed represem;ation~ of s i.g na l s contain t Jle coefficients ax( j) . ~~he vec-cors e ; permi t -che raprese11tat ion of m coefficients Dy one vocto :r Fx, th1; time :·unctio:1s I (j , a) the repres;cr:tetion o;:r ct:;;;? 1;i:oe func tion F e ) . !>ome s i gnals ' s•.icb as the output •:ol'tae;e o r " miCl'O- x< usuall,y uva.ilable us tirne funct i ons . 1J'heir 1·e:presentaci on by coa.fficient.s 1...1111 be discussed i n 2 . 13 . )J~'10lle, 2.12 Examp les of Signals I•'tg . 26.9 shot..lS ti... 0 c'.:1aractern F0 = e 0 and F1 = - e 0 in sign.::i.1 .:;pac~ . ~1hn ~a.rr.-c cbar act-e.i·s are shot·t n bel o w as time :"1mctioi:.s ro::- the 'olock pul!Je f (D , S) Ol' the Wa l sh pu1se 1 sal(1 , a ) : Fa( 9 ) = •f(0 , 0) , £" 1 (0) ~ - r ( 0 ,0 ) or -so.1 ( 1 ,0 ) , To',(a +sal( 1 ' e)
2 . 12 r;xAMJ J,J·.8 01· SIGNAl·S .. :j~ ,,·f·.. J , -9:r _ CJ. <> -9:r iJ1 LJ' c .b .~ Cl 0 •.);:> i=i- 2 -i:P- l•+Oo Go 3' d CJ. 0 .-=.. ·'I. -9:r ' ""1::r ~ ' -d"" L:T J i:P (! e, ·---=r,r-'o 1• )o 60 S 0 24 1So \lo '11, lo .cc:io.D_ ~ • .D._ .c:ci o"°- rn.•~ J : : ] _ ,.r::=::t i::P 2~ -9=r ,_D. LL.J ..c:i.!.!!!! 1 ~ rl=.1 Cb. G...:,-2..-0. Jo- -~ 3-'=b- -9=r>-° - , __ .=CL,Cb, ~ wal{C,0) ~sal(l,S) 4tr"°Hi.vr-o.Ti Fig . ?.t L!hnrac ~e1·s represen;; c·d t:1 poin:..::1 ill ow an'1 dicnnniono l !'" i~nol sr-nce+-5 and by ti~rio fu.nct:lous . Figt: tors e 0 the en r ~ ..ud r silo~~ c~ar-ac- cr~ con ... t.:,•l..i.ctit:i .f1"'om vec I e ,, or fro=i: t•no :·~c'tic!'. ~ . ' i'!ld~t~ilt ... r .... er l-ig . 26d have the .:'""o:l.,, 1111' ··o ...·1:. : d, l!" hi~­ Fa= e 1 + e 1 , F, • e0 - e , F 2 =- -e 0 • 01 , F or Fo (e) . !(O , e) + :(1,a, , F, (e) = :(o ,e) - f(1 ,e J J.', (9) ·-l'(O,O) + f(1 , e) , F,(e) =-f~0.9) - f(1 ,i! ) or f'o (e) • wnl(O,eJ - oa.1( 1,e), F 1 (S) • wnJ.(O,e) • uoJ.(1 , 0 ) 1' 1 (9) - wa l (0 , 9) - sul(1,a ) . F,(9)= -w al(0 , 9) • au1(1 ,9 )
2 . !JD\ECT TF.AllSMISSICN '!'ho fut:c&ioc.s i'{O , ~) , f(1 , B), wal(O,i!) und sa1(1 ,8 J =~ ~hown belo·• F'ig. 26d ; t>ie charact.:-rn t" 0(e) to F , (e) coopose<!. o: Zhese func:;iocs ~re .... !,own above the:o . .. ,/ 2'1"" - - \. -s>Q ' , \ \ \ I /'o 3 , b c ,~, 1 \ 0 0 1 oO • '• ... I u-rsu ~e>.D_ wal/0.6) f~ % -6-- -sal(l,0) -11r6V"z .;;;--tlii :'ig . 2'/ Gl1a!"~cters represen ted ·uy p0l nto io a two- di..vJensionnl nign~l ~pace nnd by ;;ime f11nct1.ons . Th,. te:.·raz pLe.i to the lJin~y , tern9ry and q_uru·teruu.ry aay be apof Fig . 2»>, aince the individua~ '.lector. or .!"1G1c-:ionG arc mul::iplied Uy coe:r:.cients that fltl!1Ul':'\C' 2 , j or 4 :'lifi"r.-rent v·alues . Flg . 27 shows that terms like 11 bin!11"y cnnrac~er" .s.r·t ,...en.ers.1 . . . y not appl i cable , if n c:1n1•ncter cousist:s c :.. more t;hnn o ne vector or f 1.u1ction . F'ie; . ."'7t1 <>hows tlte ch"t'eo c hnroctartJ <Jf u ~ocal 1 ed trans01•L hogonnl nlphabet; . The c h aractor·s 1·ond in vector repreaentu~jon ai; follows : c!l3i'ac~er.:;
~ -·12 ElW1J'I,J:S OJF0 = !'f3eo 80 te 1 , F1 Oe 0 -- is mult f • i d by one or-!(;, e , .~ 6'/ SIG:Hi.LS - ::.r 1 e ,,. F2 -=' -i•l'!e 3 ..._ tt:J·· -:nrf"-. <"OC'.rf ~' e· j:e 1 ~ f {', 0 1 or - 1 . ! :" tbe vect:or~ e 11 ruid e 1 arr:- rotated rol&.tiv<; t;O the sif".Jlal points, r<';>!"6:"Cnt~raonn are obtained tl'st have tt.ree J.if- <>nc cf "he '"'" coefficient ferent coc.f.!'J.cieute for ea..c~ vecrJo.t·, o:· t.\·,·o c.:.iffei•enL coefficients fo L' 0 0 anu three fo:;, e , . Signals compor;ed. of tha .runctiooa f(O ,e) and f( 1, o)orwal(0,9) uw.: - "al( 1 ,a) a1•e shown below t:he veccor rnodel: F 0 (e) • !iv,rco,a) + !:'.\1,>) , F , (e} - -r(1,a), F,(a) - -1•t'.if(O,a} • t f( 1,S J F0 (a) • tlf3w11l(O,e , - 1sal(1,9), F,(e) • •sul(1,9) P 1 (9) • -11::Swe.(O,e) - !:ial(1,~) Fig. 27b shows the fou:thogonnl alphab •t : char9c~e:;,s o: a socAlleO bio~­ These clwracter" look very sioi_n.r• to tl:OSf' oi: r'ig . 26tl. The similari l:y dlsappenrs, il' the chru'act d!'l< llL'e cou1,oser.:. o!' more than two vectot•i; or· fW'.lccious . The d11oho<l I inoG i.n 1''ig . 27 show dist9ncon betwocr. certain signRl pointG . All signal pointa of the;;or~ho­ gonal alphabet (f'ig . ?.7a) have tho < distnnc<> J'rom e<ich other. The vectors froo signal points 0 to 1, 1 to 2 and 2 to O are F 1 - F0 , F1 - F 1 =d Fo - F1 • ih<> square o!' •heir length equals 3: I F, - F, )' • ( -f'{::S eo ( F, - F, )' • ( o'f3e. + i e' ) ( Fo - F, )' • ('f"5 e o)' :; - t e , )' . 1 . ;, t. i. - ~. 4 ~. :; 4 Ir th~ charcicters are represented by funct iona rather i;h!Ul by vectors one must replace scal ar products by ·~he integi•aln of tile products of the re11peci1vc fLlllctiono as shown by (5) . It; follows : ••
2. llJ "'Jl - i1[3:'{C ,3 ) Pe ( e ) 12 dfl ) F1 (B) - • 112 prru;•"'r rRAKSJ'i!SSION - .:i'·''1 .-. \ ,. 31J' , ~ r.:.·a ·' i.r(1 ,ajJ' ae 3 2 -111 !'[F,(e) F,(e'] 1 de .. ;[ tv:'r(0 ,9) llZ -111 • t(J !.'2 ,. II 2 j(F 0 (9) '" 2 (9 ) j ' cl0 . 1/2 i)f(0 , 9)J' d 9 [ 1 3 · 112 F 1 (a J - £' 0 (8) i s ~Ile on that muse bi=•ied to tna character F 0 (0) ; n order i;o obi;ain ~he chru:·ucter F 1 (0) . 1/2 J [F . t r1 I 1 (e) - F 0 {0 )}'as is tho cncre;y required to transform c:1ara.cte1' }' 0 (a) !..nto char ac ~'"' F , (a) , 1-:. the integral 112 J1;i;(a )de iE; 1::-ie ez:ergyof t:he cnara.c7;eL' Fx(e ) . The squnre - l/2 of t;!1e Ui!;taLce of a signal _point :·ron- t::ie ;)rigir represcncs the onerg;'l of tl1!:! t ch!:l!·a.ctei· . fo'ie; . 28 -rcpresentod Oy poi11ts in a. th.reedimensional s i g:1a: spt-1.ce . • i '- 4 0 7 J'-.. c '- < F:i:; . 28 shc'.'H:I chara.ctcr!J composed of t hl~ee vectors . The sphe.r'el:i .represont the signP.1 ;>oin-c;s . ~ 1l1e rods bevween ·them represent cbe distances betwcet? adjacont po i nts . ]fo unit vectors e 6 , e 1 and e z are shown . Norm ali~ atio n is dlffe!' ent from Fi ti;s . 2& and 27 . It io chosen so that ·the d i s t..nces between adjacent ei51.11;l points iJ.L Fii:;s . 28a , b and c are ec1ual . 'J'he values of the coefficient" in vector space depend on the oi•iencation of the Wlit vec·l;ors e I . F'o r in:;tance, the f our c l1aract ers o f the transorthogon a1 a l.pha-
2 .1 2 EXAJ·IPJ,EO 01· SIGtlA.LS .. ·:-r .:. e +i e, t !.,r e , - .!.ir 'l' ;:;.. ' ... l e oe, - i\" e, - l.Jr-..":; •z\ ~' _, ~ F, ,,,.: e - i..'-i.'' e F, --t e • • .~ I rz' ,,, 2 oe, oe F, • + t 1rc{; e 2 0 Fo ; 'The energy o I" nll !°Oil!' char"c Le~·s .i.; oqua l: " 1J 'I'be di1ltnncel' between Lhe .'.'our d ionsl po.i.nta n:-.-· sl~o equal : 1 F0 - F, ' 1' ( F, - Fl • .. c b r--...... oA .Lo_.__ o.C:=::t 1 CF" • 1 ri.-. 'L? i=R=-20 r::-i c::::J LLL1 0 ~ CCJCJ '.JJ--.= --~Cl~ z OL_JO 9=P2==-=° --.-o-. 3 9=:cJ-3~ CJ ,..., w w LJ 4i:=P 0 CCJ • 9c:J=" ~LJ~- Si::==:J" -r::Fbs=A=o -.,..u-.-31t:P- i:::c:P-6....,__,i=' ..c===i. wol (0,81 I I I • 7 cr-.. . . r=:-iL::J ... ar(t.iJ. I (Z.gj 0 0 Cl -col c:::I (~8) Fig. 29 Charnc te1·u of Fi.,; . 28 Fig . 29n show~ e representation of Lr.enc four •·hor:i" tcr., b:rth.ree block pulGe:; f(O , e), .f(1 , 8) and ~(2,a) nt ;;cl. asby threeWalshpuloe" wal(O,a), - sal(1 , e) nn11 - col(1,D ) . In the coee of tho biortbogonal alpl\fJbeL 01· J!'l,; . 28b , it is i·easonuble to orient tho coordinate nyntem tio that t'1o opposed aigrial points are located on eoch llxir, . 'rl:w roll owing simple vector reprGsentation resultn:
2 . lJ!H:.CT l'J'.A:ISJHSSIOJ; 'Iv r. ulses or t::r ee The ae characte-r!' compo!::ietl cf three blo..::Y.: Wnloh functionc nr" iiltown i n 1"i.g . 29b . The charactern or the a l phabec of Fig . :'8c ••ay "b G wriL ~on ii_ a purcicu I nr·l:y s l mpl e fo~·t:1 , i r thr- :>:<c s of the coordinate s:,,ste:n lntnrnnct the Slll'f ~ce~ or tr.c cuoe at. t~eir conter.s : Fo - e, ' e, F, - e0 eo - e , - e, F, - e o .. e, - e' - e, + e l F, - eo - o, F, = eo - e I - e, F, eo F, -=- F, =- e -0 ~ i e - e0 - e , • e, I o, - 02 .F it; . 2<:.Jc s!'loo.;s tLAHe CLfil"octers conposed Of three block ;. ulr;e5 anc t!:u·et- ·.·.'•tls~ ru1 ses . 'rhc i:erspicuit::;· or :he vecto1· .r e;;renn:-lt:1tio:: iti :ost, ir tt~c cll:s!.·act-:rs conr.l.zt of :!lCI't :;tlc...91 t.t.r~c vect.ors . 'rhe charac~eL'S o.:.. 90??~ alfh3te:..s may -r~nC.ily be sveci;-ied !'O!' L'ou.r· 01· more vectorc or ftui.;vion!'i . ·rni: .i.s t.ctle 1 e . g . , fol' Lhe cr.aractct"I of Lhe biortnogon nl WlO t he bin=y alphube Ls o f J"ir;11 . ?9b nntl c . Tr ansoro hoe;o nul £1lph'1l1ets al 1·ead;y req"llir0 conside1~a1>le computnt i on . o~·.o rna;y cor.ipose .:t111 cl~aractors of !1 t.ra.n:;ortJiogo!lr1:. blJ llnhct !.":-ou. :n f!J.nCt.ion~ . The!;o :o+1 are s?eciflcd by :n{c+"1) coe:"f1cicntz ~x(j ) ; ~. o..... ~-1, x - o .. .. a . :he ~c ::owin6 ccndivior:s are available for t:iei:· co:r.:.iutatiou : a :'he encr.t.y or n LL u.•1 utul. ettent: ~tiol character~ is eq·,1a.l . This ctn m cond i t.ions . b) 1l'he dint!l!!.cen Uetween t he mt-1 qual . Thc::-c :.u:e u. 1 ar e e- (rr.- 1 '.• + (m-2) ' .... < 1 = }m(m-1 ) distRr:C('Z betwcf">r. rr.-t1 c!"la::-acters . t. totli o:!" i:n(D-3 ) "'qu&tions '!!'<> nvailoblo ~or the detera.ina-;.ior: or t~e ::n(m+1) coef!icie::ts . ;,, consitlerab~e nW!lbor o:· coef:'icicntz co.n be chosen freely or fixed ':>y addi t.lonat cond.i t;ions .
2 . 13 AJ1PI 17'tJ!JE SANPLI'.'IG 71 2.13 Amplitude Sampling and Orthogonal Decomposition The nWDpl Lheorex of Fot;rier P-'181 :;sis :;ta;e~, thn"t: a signnl consisting of a saperpoEition or p~rioc!ic sine a.aci conioe fllOCC"ions sin en rt anC. cos 2nft .,,lLL Irei:tuencies iu the interval C ;: f ~ t.f :.s complete:y dete1'11'.iinec l:>y 2llf lll!l]llHud& samples per second i f t:.t h meusuL·ed in Hertz (1 .. GJ. 'Pl1io srunµl i ng i;lteorem l1i;a be: en t(eueralizecc by XLU 1/AN.EC ror other compl ece sys~ems of o rL ho1~o nal functions [7J. In essence , KLUVA n,,.c ' s swnplln.,; LLeo.ce:n sta Les that II Sign&.J. conzioting o;- a m1perpoc.i t (On Of funci;ions fc(<;>T,t/T) 8nd f,(;n;,t/~J with neque11des in t~.e incerval O 2 cp i llcp is co~.; [P~,.1~· dete=in~<l hy 2ll:p · itudn !'arr.plea per second i;· 6:P i,; o:casi:rcd in Zf'" · It "ill be "ho>.-,: in this section, ti".e!; a:lp!.itt.:d(' ::-ampl i.r.g or n frequi?ncy limited signul i" 1Latt:.ecr:atic..-.lly cquivnlt!r.t ;o its dccon:position into the incoi:q:i~ete ort!.ogonnl ~ysLcu r~:-l;~;~·i '· I j • 0 1 %1 , ~2 , .... The co.rrespor:.ding retsul t fo1· sequenc:..r limitod nii;ncile coLtposed of Wald:. functioris will be discussed lnter on . It turns oui:; tc ·u e so ain.ple ihal; it is evident without cal c ul nt i on . A i'roqu ency limited signnl F(O) with no lrn ving a normn 11.zod I1•equ ency v = IT > ~ <!Ill~; b<' "Xplllilcd in a series or orthogonal functions t.l:ut vw'i' h out~lde the intenral -1 ~ v ~ i . Sine- cosine pulses , ·1..'ultL ;;•ulses, Legendra polynottlals , etc . are suit&b!e f;rnct.io113 . The following ayotea of sin~ -cosi~c rul :-:;on \o::.11 be used , vhe ph~se flllgle tn being introduced to sicipli;'y t.l·n ::-e:;nlt : e;(O,v) : 1 1; g(j,v } ~ '{2cos {criv+*n) g(2i , v) [ (5) g(2i- 1 ,v ) = y2sin(2rilain) S(J,v J • 0 for v > j - 0' 2i ' 2i-1 ; i t and v < -!'; 1' 2 ' ~'he J• tL·ansform G( v ) of a signal F( O) io e:qianded J.n a serioo of these pulses :
'?2 .. Lr G( 'J ) =a ( 0 )- ll ( 2i - 1)\f2sin{ ?.n i v..1.* n )·!--0. ( 2:. )'/"~·co::;( 2n:. v+~T" )] i• I a (C) - '" J G(v)dv , a. (2i) = "'J G( -1 I \I' )\i2co:1( 2r: i v.:.:\-n )r.1v c "' o.(2i - 1) = ~- G(v)>[2sin(2niv+tn)c1 v (9) -~n 'J.1l1e inverse Fourier t.:ransform yields 1•'( fl) : 1"(9) = "' J (G(v){ cos 2n ve + sin 2n vo)a v •r11e surn (9) i s substivutecl for G( v ) . Kee;>i::ginmind chat G( v ) is zero out!;iOe t!:lc interval F(S)=a(C) -t :!! o.; a , onr. obtai-!lr;; : sinrr6 +~[ ("i- 1 )sinrr(9 - ij ( 2 i)sin n (a,+i) ] ( 1 0) n6 ,~ "- ~ n l8 - 1) +<I n(o +i) o: I A :'r·v:quf!ncy li:niteC: s l B!tal F (0) n:l~l t} ·o~ .r·epresent~ci by e series of tbe incompl ete or~"Of'IOHal system o.[ si~ x fu nctions . 11; follows fro:n section 1 . 4:; thtu; ~hese function:;; are ori;hogona 1 . One '.ll!!Y pr ove i1; :lirect LY oy ev<J.lua'(;:i ng t!1e integraJ ~ J s ix.n (9·1·k) _.,. n( e+kJ k, j ol sin'T(o~.J) d~ n(e~j; = 6,, (11) ±1 , :1:2 , ... ~'lie coefficicni;n a(O), a(2j - 1 ) anc a (2i) or (10) may be obtaineO -07/ n.a11rpl ing tile amrlitud~ o.: the aignal .F{&) nt ~hn times El ~ t/T =- 0 1 ±1 , ±2 , .. . Fo1· i , all sin19n(9•\- i} ~•-';, pn-" stn n~il+l.) !ll'"" 9 = o l ·un. ........ t-->on~" . ; .a.--"-' l l iJ ,,;; ,,e~o fo.,.. ~ and sl n ne . r' - i ~ 4 n + 1 . Ee:icc , ~t holcls Jl'(O) , . .._ rre i s = a (O; . 11' follows from ( 11 ) t!iat tlce coefficient s a (O) , o. (2i) ru:cd o. (2i-1 ) :nay also be obtainecl by ortJ1ogonal decomposi- tion of F(B) by s~:-x functions . ~ ';' F(S'/ sin rr( 9+1)d0 J n{G+J -~ -! cr.(O) a{2i) a (2i - 1) Q ll'(O) fo.r j • 0 l"( - i) fO!' j ~ i F(i) for = -i j (12)
-·14 CIRCUITS }OR OH'J'IIOGOl;AJ '.> 75 DIV lSIO:l '!'he equlv1dcncc o~ ncpl.C ~u<lt swi:plill• a.r.d o::-tnot;onal decompooition i:J not rrstricte.i ~o frequency li:nlL~d :;ignals . Let B finite nuober of <!i'1crcto oscillations A•oin211v.e una 11.cos.?T"v.3 >.-ir;h "•'>I hoeddcdto ?(a) . An idenl lol»JluSS filter witt. cnt- off freqn~ncy v s ;. would suppress the::c ndtli t i ona: ot:cl llut..i1:it:s, u.bplituC.e san;plinp: would ogni_n ,vielC. Lhe C<.l~f!it.:ient.r a( 0), a.{ 2i) and n (2i-1) . OrthOGDn'll :l.,cartpodLio11 of Lh•· 11ew c it':I•"- F(e) ., ~lso A,, ai112nv ha ·• Bh..:o.s?n 'V 11 9 t n (?i-1) , ainco the yi~ld !' io1J~ ;yl1"ld1.• a.~C) , J1 . i;iil2nv 0 6 ;i , a.(2iJ 1:1.nd <;oi;2nvha no contributloa: m - • l(F(G)+A,,sin21v e-1;,cosc; v,9J v-' jij:L' s iz:.n (" • ~ ) . "l?F( .,;u" ( a I nto-J iJ " ' ~.j; OD (1; It rel\nin~ to be s!:·:i~-= Jhr;.t ~.:aLtl::•.:ou. Cw1ds cf o.scil- lations do not ;field 'lil;: <:onL=il:·.i~fo::. cl c~ r . Let: 9 :-=ct ion 0(9) be <•lcl~d Lo J.'fS ~. >;).0.,:i. c· n••,iri; no". i.Lat.i.c:: witih frequency I"' < ~ - 'l'te i''o:·co .. ~(3, uu.::t. t henbllzcrointltc interval -t ~ v " t · Cn the 0L,,c1• Laud , t h e Fourior · t.ronntcrrn · 1 • · rirt(:J+J r: "' ( h.1) 1t;. · o r t.1c :1.1.!l~::io::!:! zero ou~aidc thia intr.:"Va. .. • The tl-:o ?ou r- ic1·'tl!~ms -c>hus ot'thogonul ~o eai.;h otllet· and t:.u<~ :Jwu<~ •1111.· 1 lio J d for- the t ime functiono: m J -oO D(9 ~ llin" ( 9 .,J ' d9 ; 0 ,, , ( 111, I&+ ' ' 2.14 Circuits for Orthogonal Division' ?ti''" . ;r 1 •"low1:1 u b.lock,:ra?n _f or t.?':c;:~ion of 5 coefficientR e.t(J) by orcho;:;o:oa~ 1iv1Gic-n. ;, !'unct: o:c generator FG gnnerate•; ftmction• f(O , e) ... f('•,e • "~ t',>!! ~rans0tiLLe1-, which are ori;ho~;onnl in tile int.erv<i: - ; - ~ t ~ i L The rive coefi'icinm:::s a,(0) . . . 11~('1) 're rerres.,nted by volt1.1gon , which h•Ve a constnnt vol·~a d Ltring ch"' 'See [1] - ( 5] fol' a more detailed dincu:•::iion or ci:rcuits .
2 . DIRECl' ':"n;.:1sr·tISSIOt• intcr~~a ... ~;v - i'T ~ t < ; T. the cceffici.-ntr. .'l:e f.mctions f(.' ,e ) are O'.!C.:.L ip~i~ ax j, iI: the cult.iplier-~. M. '11he five products axlJ ) f(j . ~) &.re added c1;1 '.h, ~-eei>1to rs ll !Ind the ope ra ~iona I •iniplifier T.1,. 'fi1e l'<!~ul tint'. si gn~l is transmit: Ced and cntO'rA tLti reco ivar tJ1rOUt::ll nrr.p L:i..fier ll A. It is then "PPlied to 5 multipli.ers ~I . Tl1e ~ i i s mu tiplied s:.mul~flnOOllAly ~-:itf1 ench •'.'Jn(? Oft~~ r :'unctiono f(J , e) useC ia tr.... ;runnoi!..terns- carri.or.1 !ct' the coefl'icient:: . F'..mct:.on gc-ner41t.ors PG in the tru.c. :t.!.t=c:- anC. :.·eCl'iver a:us: l:e s;rr.chroni~~<l . Tte '.: procuct:-of tte ::-eceived •11it.l.t !:l::e fu11ction:J !(j,€) :.ntegruted in the T during tlic i t'i:!i·vo.l -t · < 1. < ~ 'r . ':iie •101tr.gon a t &He iut;egr!ltor outputs r eprcnr-nt. Llte coc:ffici e11i;s intr·cr~i:-or.r;i !',(0) t o ~,,. (L) ut ~h<" l,i.ine t = ~T . Another set or Jive coe ffi cien t s drnotcl! by a , (O) t o ux;'1) i~ transmitt"d d. trir,g;;tte ~!'.1Ce1·vnl t r~ t; < }T. The Cunct.ione f (O , e) to £(11-- , S of the ;_"w1ction g('ner&to1.. PG in thf' t !"m:soittcr wid rece:.~,-er are rect~ircJ. cc_'1in . Hence , -~#0!"0 !"1.tnct..ionE Rrc periodic ·oiith reriotl T . T!Jf' ~.:-ol-tages -~T ao; t < i T io th(\ :rw1s1:i it tcr .nro chci 1 l·"ttd SL< at T • t~ »n d 1'epre~c>nt che coeffici"n~o a x ( j) <iu!'ing the intei:vnl t '£ ~ ;; < f'!' . rhc ir.te!!;!'<eCOrS in l.h(' receiver R~ctlYtr ng. 7 v .5lock dio ·.:-IUl rcr ~ignal -rans i~"iOfi by oi·tbogonol runctions !°(j ,a) . ;,x; func-cion generator, t! cu.!.tiplier, I iLt:egrator, T.ii trnr.:-mit.te:• a.mylifior, RA r~cciver a.:aplifiel' .
2 . 14 CIRCllITS 5'0R CRT!iOGC',.U ll!'.'lSIO:I i r· 6.:'ld start i.nte~·rat1n~ the ~:o:!.ta~o:; de!_ivei·ed !rom LLe muJ tirliers Jt.riaf t o interval ~ r ~ ~ < fr . E'or practicol ui;e the block cli~ir,t'W:t of Fig . 30 has to be augmented by o ~:yncltroni:rntioa <!ii'cui i; . F11r~lJCH'llOre , 1>odems ai·e r.;q~rcd to trruisforn. tLe coerfici cnt!l "x< j J delivered ~o t!1e t:--r.n.; in;o t!':.,.. requi!'et1 Core a;:..d also to t:-ansi"ortt ttc coef~icients otta..:...:ie<.i ac ~he receivn1· at tne time ! T into the clesir"d fo~'Cl . reset at -:. = •- w.,l(q£11 o•Jt1.e> ~---;...--- - ttH1.&I '==-h---1 t r - - - ,..u.11 H-tfr- - u1111E) 1-t-li+i---~.,113.m J1'ig. 31 - coltJ,!ti ;--=='-'--+t+t-1 1- {,,91 Gener<l'~Ol' l'or pe i'icdic Walsh fu.'1ctioJ>s . B bin"- ry counter, x oultipller ball' adde:- , " i:i1 ut ror trit::ger pulses, __. in::'ut fur ::.-eeec pulses . 1 :l!.}t11 !' 'fl) Fig . ;1 shows u circui·t for LllO grneration of roriodicully t• Wnlsh func~iono wn 1 ( j , 9 .l :>r c. I~ i , e) und Dal(i,8) . This circuit is ba~ed rm tlte n.u1r11 l i ·a~io:; thaoroc of tLe fWlCtions wal ( ~, 9) as p:ive:i ':>y ( 1 . 29) . ''ino.ry counter!! E1 to P,A :;::-oduc;, the func~~c::" wnl(1 . ~) = snl(1,8), wal(3,6 ) • eal(2,8) 1 wa.J.(7 . 8) = •rnl(tl,'l) :;nd wal.(15 , 9) = sal(S , 9) . The multipliers shoM1 in Fii,; . 31 Prod uoo from tho so Rademacher functions ·tho complo~e system or Halal· functions se.1(1,A), cu1(1 , 8), .. , nnl(l:l,3 ) . 1he fU!lction wnl(O,e) is a constnnt ~·osi;;ivc voltut:;e . rte
2. u1HF.1''i' TF~~!fSErssrou :tulc1i.;lie=s: a=c gates hnving e '!.rut:~ tal.:!.c n= sbo~11 i~ TriblE' ;:. , since ',iglsU functions aSSWL~ t:.;:i1:a. values ..... -; ()!"' - 1 only . ':on:pa=:.sor: of thin trui:ll Labl" -.:!tl.i tl!~t 01' t :::e half addel' shows tl:at the 0111 I i:ipl iers in l"ig . ;;1 -nay be nal.f adders , ii' an output 0 si:ands fol' a po altiYn voltage •V 1..\l'ld a.:.J output. 1 l'or a negative vol vage -'v' . Tho gener alizar.1on of the circuit i·or functions with l.L.ighor values. of i poses no d.i:ficultic~ . a b +1 -1 +1 •1 -1 0 -1 -1 +1 1 0 0 1 -able 2 . '!rut!:: 1 1 tin~ier t~bles for a llUl- fo:..· t\\·o ·~,'nl ::!.J fu::::-.;ior..s (a) anc: :'o:r a 1,~1! enae:- (b) . 0 i.:onsider a \Valsh J'unci:ion genor:itor h&'Jlng 20 uinary count:C'rs rather ~httn 11 as !ihOt·; n in lo'ig . 31 . A total of 2 20 1<1 • 1 C40 :>76 d:._f'reren!. '"A L!lh fu.:ic:;io!".!l C3J! be obr-a.inei.l. . hal.:' "c!ders ai·e required to proJ.uce nny one of c~.e t' ;>0:-:!lible functions . The accuracy of their nc!}uency 'Ali!.l dept'nd on the •-ii<e;e1· rul !'le 1·e::erator dri,irig the binary .:oW1tors . T!:ero are no dri.ft or ngini;; pr•oblcm,-; . It is «orthwhile to comp1u'e tt.o Gi mplic i ty 01· su~h n generator to ~!lat of " .fr·equ0ncy syntt1osi2.ei· deliv1):rinv, a mllll on 1tiacrotf' sioe i·uncti ors . On the other hnnrt, !'•)Jli'e~enta.tive ::wi tchl.!lg times ol' the fast.est digi-;>.U ci.t·cuic~ are pre,;en".:y betweer; 100 pa nnd 10 '1S . This restricts i; e highest tS~quqncy o~ Walsh fu..Ylctions f=oo 10 1 zps • "i VJ :".izps to 10 10 ~J.tS =- 1U Gz1•s at -:!le p::-esent ti!TI(!: . Sit.e waves t;ith fi·equcncies of 100 Mliz to 10 Gliz were produccu dccadeo ago . .Fig . 32 shows a fwwLion generaLol:· for· ;·:enoru t ior1 of phuee !ltable sine nni! cosine oscillatiou" J'o~ the pulses or Fig . 1 and 9 . The binui·y COU.'lters B1 wid l:!2 rroduce Ra<le11ucher :!':mctiona, froo' whlch <:he filLe1·s extt'c.ct the fundaoental sinuso.i.d:il !unci;ior:s. The first hn!'llonic has ~hrce ci11es the frequency of ~he ;'u.nda.nental oscillation. ln practical 1<pplicationo ii: is betrer to leave out ehe
2 .1q c:hCUl'l'!J l'CI', o:'lTJIOGO}IA.1 LIHS:o:1 Fig . :32 Ger.nrntol' Soi· pilaSe lockeU siuo t.t.Ud cor:inc funcliions . B bina-r:t cowJter . F s _:te.r , .z. lHJ ,Jt. !01~ trigge:pulsos . x and y are cott_;.lerte:Jt.ary out~~Jt:!: of the coWJters . f ilters and to prod'..lce a bei.\.er arproxiriac1on of the .::;:ice .functions by a superpos:!::ior: of E:adennc::.~r .:.'1.1.nctiou.s . ~ m------,..-~,_ ,.1 (1,e1 t-:::-----~«I U91 P.J-i'-+--'<!tr "1(1,9) r-=-1- ... Ml -~ ... •.Gl _, coll),91 --~<1111.111 f-j.~Q:t--<•lllJI) ".ig . 33 Mult.lplioro ~or "Cite ctul~.:. plicat_on of a.u n"'·bitrary ~un ) ctJ.o n by Watah funct i ons . a) eir.gln a;ultiplicl'ltion , mulul.ple rr.ul ~ipl lcat ion (e . g . filt.-r bnnk) . Thex·e t ltreo basic types or multi)> . rho fi1·i; ~ lllUltipllee two voltages tha t Clill asewoe ~wo vu.lucH only.
2 . _, wc:c·r '/l:l say 1.1 V and - 1 'v' . Th ::.s t~·;rpe f'R~J:s:;:ss1m1 of mtL.tiplicr· i::1 i:uple:tented ·uy lor,ic circui ts . The sec o!ld Lyp~ cr.c.l~i;:dies a voltage V, J1a11ir:g zirbitr·u.:..·;y values •..:iLt a ··lOltetKB- V2 that can assume o few values only . Fig . 33a .:;towG a.n ~>:aJ?:fl 3 of t!lis type . Voltage '1 2 assumes the val.uen +1 o r - 1 onl;y . ':'he output vole.age cqua.1!.'l c j ther+V 1 or - V, , wl1ere './ 1 Jia;y t:tl:v-e any v-a1 ue wit hin the vol 1;age range of the ope1\:;.c;:ionul run- plii'icr· J.. . '!11"1e ~i:rcnit ~:orl~s as follc\-.'S: \'f1he no:J.- i.nve.r· input terminal ( -r) of t:he aDilllifier is 15t•otmt.led > if the fie1d effect transistor FET i s conduc;;i q; . V, ll!us1; equal -v~ to bring_ the in-veri;i?)g inpu~ 'termin~l ( - ) also to e;r-otL'1d potentia_ . Le~ F'E'l' be non- conCucttng . rrhe nouinverting terminul is teen at V 1 and the i'.t: terminttl must tilso be at v, . T!:is rcquirc:.:J 't'J to eque.J 1.'1 • A variation of this multiplier is s.::ioNn i!l Fig. 3)b . T.'le ~!li£-d baSi<.! t;>~pe o.: mu:tiplier mu_tiplio:; ~~·iQ <.1.rbiL.'.rar y iroltages. In p.r•inciple , ·t.l:is type ca11 be i:nple mem;ec by Hall effect -nu:~i.plie1·s , fiel ti ~cnissio:.i L!'Wls iolrors nnd logax·it-r.rn1c 0-!.en:ont~1 . l'h.ese C..evi.ce::i GJ'.'C usually .uJsatisfactory ~or pract i cal appl ication5 rlue to low irupedance , te:nper atu:·e d.rii'~ , price: , c'tc . Ji'·Jy ~ui table is- the C.iode quad :i:ultipl i er . F:.~ . 3l• show:J n .:·.zr,r esentalitve ci.ecuiL . Jt; deviates fr.•oJJ tbe u:::~n.1 one by J1ot using tro:1nsformers . E'ig . j4 The voltage '.'luJ. ti plier using diode quad . v, in Fig . 5)a assumes the values +1 or -1
2 . 14 CIRGUlTS !'OH OR::HOGOJ>h.L ;,:vrs101; and :i.ay be coni;idt1red to op re;>rcnented by on" ·uina- ry digit . Four binary digit,; =-~~:-n. e::t 9 v:il;;ege i;h~t ca;:. asSUlllO 16 values . A cort' oultiplicr requires .!'ou.r f ield emiseion tranci1;.;to=-s ratr.c:- than the one in 1''ig . ;3a and a D1ore coJDplica\;cd res1si:;or nei:;~·ork . Such b. multiplie.r· is due ;;o P . SCl!M!D . r, yield<' excellerit 1·esults , but the ono voltage wust be a •rail ab1.e ir dip;Hul ro1·u . li'ig . ,;, shown an integrator . 'fl:e capacitive J'et> of tlle operatlona amplif i er :1ieldo an ou~ ;ut vol t«1 ;e tha~ is proportional to iche integral o!' ;;ho i nput vol tage with great accu1'ucy . 1'he swi;;cr '" resets i;ne im•et;":t'UtOL' b ,y uischarging ~he capacitor . r.l'hP. J)!'t;Ct i this switch ill uoually O"J ~ R "?Ui•· ~ [ fi~Jd I Y. ~!il 1 n11 1 e·uent.u Lio11 of effect trandntor . :r :!' Multiplier, lr;.tcgrn.tor :1.nd :· mcT.inn 1~r,n1 .r·,~o:· r:uCfice in principle l'or' the detecLior. of ·my L'un~L.Lo::i . Surnrior· circuits are avail(,bl e fot · specfo: .f•.Jn= ~ iano . L"ie; . 'it. "haws a detecto1• l'or n1 ne and cosj.n" pul ;;e, ~coJoJ ·uilJµ; Lo f"lfl; . 1 . This circui L mu.Jt;:os u:-...c o f the fa.c't , r.l1t1t ni r.r u nc co~ir1e pul ses sin 2nH/T m:d co~ 2 ni T/l' "re · •ip:orr•;nct i on~ or the i'ollowing di!!erect.i a:. egua:_on: 1 1 Y" + 4n 1 1 T·'y • O, T4e output vJ Yl - H)=y0', y ' ( -t T)·~: · ( ~ 'I) t) of an:r·! _i"icr h 1 or Pig . ;t (15) i.~ v,(t ) • -(R,c, )"' j. The output voltage v,(t) = - v 1 (c) of A, "qunlc : V.(t ) • - CR, C1 )" J v 2 (b)dc ( 17) ~ <n,c, H,c,r' JJv,Ct · Jd;;dt ' q:t,c ,R,c,r' fJ-,,cc · )<JLdt.' r -v, ( t )
2 . OJJ i{.f:C'I' 1'JlAt;Si1LSSIOH 80 Diffe~'em;iai;ing ~wice v{(t) ~ (H 2 c1 1,,c, ) 1 .,,(I) In and reordering ~he terms ,;tielcis : v 2 (t) = - (R 1 C1 H, c , )" 1 v 1 (t) 8 r:~ • ~ (18) ,. ~ ~§ 11.,~~"1 I , Az 11 QR R ~ .Fig . 36 Dctec-i:or fo!"' ~ine and cosil1e ;>ulses sin 2nit/:r and cos 2ni·~/'!' according to l'ig . 1 . R2 C, = 1'/21'i, R, C 2 = T/2ni, H1 = niR 2 ; s 1 and s 2 are closed 2 Choosing R2G1 .R4 C2 = (?/2ni) a~ t ma..tte:J = ±T/2. the I eJ'\f t.and side of (15) and (18) idem;ical . The .in.l;omoge.noouo tera v 1 (t) is equal to V, cos 2nh/T or "I ~ s i ti 2 nkt/T Sor -F ~ t " ! ·r . the stape of v 1 (t:) outsid~ of l;}il i= inte.'!-' .r-al is of no in1 Le.t'et;t , civ.c~ tbe swi"tches s 1 t~..nd s 2 a re closed a-c t = '1<~T'. v 3 (T/2) and v, {1'/2) "ero for i of k and R1 = niRl; v , ('L·/2) = and v , (·r/2) = 1. Fig . ;;7 shows o!lcillograms of v 3 (t) rutd v, (~)for i = k ~ 'l; sin 2nit/T yiel<ls = ' . o c-1Yv Fig . ;58 i;hows oscillogramo of v 3 (t) for i = 128 and in:!)UC \rol tages Vk COS 2 nkt/'I' WiVh 1 30 ; &his uerllli:l that tho c i rcu;it 1:; equal to 128 , 129 and ir-. tu.n ed 1'or de1;ec.tion of a cosine pulse of 128 cycles a..11d tJ1.::1t pul ses dith 125, 129 OL' ~1 30 cycl0s arc !'ad to i1;o i!-1pu1; . 1 'l'he loS:ses o.f the circu.i t o.:' Pig . }F. arc comparable to t!"lo~a of mechanicu: L'esonul; . Q-£uctors of several"ld at ..:i I::equenc:y of '1 00 3z- z'ecdll y obl>ailled without uso of regeneration . The fi·eqi>ency i·an1:5e 1'or its applicat. l on lles between fractions of 1 Hz and about 100 kHz . 'l'he lo><e1• limit is determi.ued by leakage , the upper by the i'requency response of operational Amplii':i..ers (6) .
2 . -15 SUJI·, Al.) Gl.S!J!r; J-·UJ,5ES 81 " Fig . 37 (le!'~) Tnicd volla,:·e,; or Ll.•.· clrclll~ 'JI° .• i J!. . :·o . A: i::put voltnt;o ·.r 1 \t 1 - 'i/ ::: in :)ttr/T ; B ru~.J. 1 ~: l'~S:.tlt;_,ng vo ltage~ v 3 (t) =tl v1, \ l ; ; D: inl-•.ll V~ l tni;:c v 1 (tJ ~ V coe 2nt;/'r ; J· '1:1d I•: rec.ult iq; •101 LnC"'' '' 3 ( L) w..J v ,, ( L) . Horizontal scole : 1 5 1:is/div . Fig. 38 (t·it;JiL) f;v~ lc ,,l ·:oH:;ee<. OJ' Lil" ·1 ···.lito'· ;"i ,, . .;'F . Circu it is tuned for t!;c dctccl.ion of !:iur h.l.1,: CoQiJJ.t- IJUl.. aes witJ1 i • 128 c;i/cle::: . O·;.uL·~tJ .· 3 ~ "'+ 8'.0"··n -:iro caused by i.Ur·ut volt;Jf_;c: v, (t) wi-:;J, 1 ,, ..c rc_e.,.; ~A . . , 1?l· cycle~ (ll) "nd "1~0 c:1cl~< (C; . tu1'~ticm o·· :1.0 t:rocr:: i" T :' 78 •·~ · (Cou:-~e<:; P . S:::H!·'.!l• , !i._•t1d.::' I .,,,~ ::J ••• ihlJ.:,: of ,.._ - -~1·ucllP.: -.n- . ' 2.15 Transmission of Digital Signals by Sine and Cosine Pulses' ca I er u~...:ou:l and tert:: th.rough an f.:·eq_:.i · lo\\· pas:: filt.eL~ . Thia ia the ror cte-;ecc1on o:· th" ~loc. pul;;es ~:'! lll!Jplii:uae swnplin& wittou<: correcrio11 of lnLe1·,~:rm·ool influence . 1.L'he awui.: t.;1•a..nsinl~si on rntc l1nl,la J'or r,,,, 11 :.~· 0 -i bloc:· f i.tlQt= o.t fit . 7 C:l.!"I.. Lt ... 1 ...01.. .:i.l Ge~ [1) - [11) for more r,x=ples of t1·ru10mi.ioior l.lSl ng ortnogo11•1l !'unctions . 1 "Y"L""'~
82 cosine µulses 11 in tirne domain . Some of tLeti a.r·e shC \-.'!l in Pig . 39 . 'l'hose pulses are not: ort:-1ogonal but ll11ear:;y i:ide;>endent . Thej~ may be detec~ed bJ' ampl::tude ::-;ampliI1~ . De-r;ectiiou b,y· c.r osscorrelution t-:ith sru:nple funci;ions rcquir~s c ircuit.s L.o CO!'l."'ect the intersy:n·o ol in.f _ucr:ce . . ~. ~ r 1r ,_ F i g . )9 Haised cosine puls.;s i n tioe do:nai u : 1 + cos 2 r-t/T , 1 + cos 2 n(t - T)/T ar,d 1 ' cos 2n(t-2·r)/'.P . Tt~e pulser; sinn (~ !j·)) pex'IT.i t or:e to tr·nntool·t 2 pulses per second and nertz . Howc.,.rer , t hese p tLl::es c~ot be used i n pract i ce . .t_1"oiti r a.~·ily lnrge ampl l tudel:i c a.:_ occtu~ , i -r sequence of' such pulses is tr&...Smi LbeC ; ~-:,· de·viation .frorn ideal .::;:yncl-'..i·oni :i\.i.L l on i.:ta,y lead to· large ;i cross Li.Uk bet:wee.u the .lJUl:;es . There Qoes not :;eem "to be any w:.:.;.,y t.o i.;.i·ans1ait. Ja.ste.r• Chan at nal.!.' ~he ~yquirrr. ra:l:ie if a11plitude sam)lling is u.sed 1 at le;Jst not '.\'i th out paying a P0'1!6.t' J)enal '!;~; • Sine and cosine pul::us of Fie; . 1 o.r· 'SI pe r·1:1.:.L L.: -ansmis!Jion ra'tjcs r_ighe!" cnan one pulzc per :;eco::d :u1l lle-rl:iz. [12,13 : . 'I'he !·lyqt.::ist limi t of tc>O pulses per seco nd and Hertz c an be app.:·oached ai·biti'tu•il.y ~lose by more LJ.!lti moi·e comµ : ex egtti~ment . 2lil s -x.u.;r be i'1~om Pig . 40 \,•ti ch sl:ows r;;.;ree syster:1s o.f function:_:; . 1l'ho t'irs-t coJ:tsists oi' A hl oC':k pu L:;e Of dUT'ation r only . Itn f re<luenc:,y poweI.' .:;pectru.m is :;bo•;-m on the rig}"_;; . The .frequenc~r l>Hn<l requi- red f'or;;mir;:::ion r;hal~ be de.fined - somewC.s:t arbitrary - ao 0 ti J' " r g = 1/'r . 0::.e block pulse C.9ll t!:O!l be l;raC!.Smivt:ed _per seco11d and H~l"tz. . It is recsso:1a·o1 e to it!ent-ii',y tlie block. ptLlse as ruoct:..o;;, o·;a!( o , e ) oi .J:c'ig . 1 a."ld to ;:;ransmit a block })µlse , a s:..:::lc pul se ru:d a c-osine 1.:ulse of duration 3'L' instead of 3 block Jlulse~ o! duration T each . The power spec•ra oJ:
2 .15 SINE All:• GOfH>r•. tr..,SES . ~e pulser- u.1·e zt.o·,.;n +.., ~ 8j fiJ:: . -£1 . _!Je ·uundwidtl.. reii;::-ed: for tran:i:nissior... is .reJ.u::ed t;o 0 1! f : !"; /?J • -1;; I . ller.ce , " pulses brc tz.·ru.Js::.!.ttetl per .Jecon:t n...rtc: Her;:- . 1 . .... 0 T 0 a D JT b~ ·~ •-!===============:::;;i, o b .............. ___.. c ~=======----=~~ =---. d ...c:::.=-.......__,,..., Pig . 40 l!ompa..t~isou of aystems ot .functions . 0 l1's th.E bru:.dwidth rc1uirt'!o '; ':I:; ·.~n:-1ou:­ Consider a rurtlier· Sliep . Instead. o!"' "Cr·nn:;mit·l;ing a. !>Cries of 5 block pulses of ,1u raL ion T e11cl 1, ou<> nw:; Li·atlsmi• simuHMoously one blo clr pulse , 2 i; 1 ~l:ie :' •Lau 2 cosine pulses of duration 5T . The l' r.-eque::c:y bend is .reduced to O " f ;; 3 fg /5 = 5hT •Cco1·dint'" 1.o Fii;. 4.V . This means that 1 . 67 pu-ses ere transnitied second and Hertz . The required .frequeccybacd for tt:r ~iis••ltancous .,rar.~­ m.i!lsion of one block pulse , :_ t>ine :u:id _ co~ine pulzc£ oi duration (21+1 )T equals O ~ f ;; (i+'I J/(21 11 )? . The trar.s~i ssion rate oqu<lls (2i+1 )/(i+1 ) µulcle• p~r ~econd n..~d liert?.'. Th1.e rate appr oaches 2 for hu·i;a V"1Ut!O! of i . 'See [14) ror a detailed diSCUSSiOJ1 or the .l: J'nc tion o l' ~errr1 outaide this band . This paper ul:io di.!lcun.1013 'l;h., a. P 1 J.cation or KRETZSCHJ1l':R ' s principle 01· po..rLinl re~pon­ se to 'lignals consisting of sw;i" of sine an~ cosi11a pulses . 9 ••
2. f_\1.1 urn.Ee~· 'i'lllJ,Sr: rss1mr •ra1·le ~ ~ho1·1s values i'or t~. e nwnb<>r ?.i+1 c>f <lifferent pulse .:hapes nnd .ro:· the nwn·oer ( 2i.+1 )/(i+1) o.t pulses r.;1~t1usr:i i tted secoud per anU lit!l'tz . One ir.a:r !;CC! t!:1at l.;.he .:1tu1:oer of dtf:·erent pul~e shape:: a:1tl thu~;; tt~e complcxitY" o.r U~e equir:r.eni; ir:croaaea :·apidly ;is (2i+1 }/{ i+1 ) approaches 2 . Tnble 3 - Nu1nber 2 .i +'1 of dif.fcreut _pU.:se sh3.:pen and rr-ui:1 ber (2i •1 )/(i+1) of p1: l <;cs tnurnmiHed µeL' ,;eco11d ei:d ::-1e1·tz. 1:or a trru1~J1:.ssio?: ~y;:;Lea: using !;:in!? and cosine pulses . 2i + 2i + ·J 1 1 1 " 1 1 3c 1 -5 'l • <) 1 . 75 ..,1 1 .83 -1. 07 1 .8 'Pa.Ole 4 . Utilizatlor. of u 12v I:z wid~ ·~f~ J e-:;ype cLan.nel . T1..ansmissio:-i T' i~; 6 . L;'? cl1ar·ac ... t:l.'$ ;:.el'.' secorrd ;. duration of n· is 1:.>:'.."!- ms . l•'ir:;:: cclt:.rn.n l i:.ot.:; t!1e tulse, :;ccond vhe fI·eqnency of Lhe f1mc~i.or: from \';l·.ic:.. l t i!:i gaLed ~ Ltird th.e ~ul'~ch~nnt?l ( 5u . ) and dic;i t (di . ) for which t:-ie pulnc is ut.'ed . c:.!.!.'.L' . st.ands £or ca:eJ::•icr· :.:·tnch:-oniza- tiou , !.IJ11C . ror c:1arn.c-trer s;;•11ehJ." i on. . .r[Hz] Stl . di. 1 f.U~SP. f[HzJ µulse r• 1 8 1 9 u .•• wal(O , a ) C'a1'1" . si11 0 CCJG 1 8TiO ::;l11 CQ;'.$ .;,j 2 n0 2 ne n u_ne coc- 4n9 !:lill 6nq COf' · -irta si11 8ne cos sna ;;:in 11;119 cos 10n€1 sin "'I 2 n'3 cot· 1?ne !;i.Jt 14ne coo 1Lne .SiH 1~nfl cos 16n0 G . G7 6 .&7 13 . 3;. 1~ . 33 20 2<) 26 .;,7 26 .f7 s.v11c . 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 "15 33. 33 c 2 JjQ 2 2 3 )) . 33 40 46 . 67 4b .6? ~? . 33 53- 33 ~ ...-. j ) ;; 3 "5 1 2 ,, 5 si11 .?Ona coe 20r.a sin 22113 co~ 22-na sin 24 n B L'.Of:i 2';na ci11 ?6na co~ 26n9 SiJJ 28ne c os 2s n0 sin 30n6 cos 30n9 :-3ln ;>2 n0 cos 32na sin 34n9 cos )'I ;r9 $U . 3 ~(J 1. 0G . <:.>7 L 1, L L f6 .•6'7 /3 . ;.3 7;: . 33 q(, Or1 '-''·· 8G . i:// 86 . <:i7 ')3 . 33 ~3 . :;;. 100 '100 100 . (.:.7 "'iOb . 6'7 1'13 -33 113 . 33 di. 5 1 2 3 1+ 5 5 1 2 5 11 6 6 6 G 6 1 2 5 ~ 5 3 5 3 I~ 5
2 _1 5 SINE ;,ND CClSllb. I l1LS3S Table u li!"C:: ~i:le n.::d c::sinc p4l!"o. 1 of lihC po1-iodic "'-'Ave!" fr:Jc ·...·h.:.:;n tl.ey 8re use in a i:tul t lcnru..:tc _ t-,-. - et)Tc :-.y. t.en. . no&: •star:--nt.op' but ving nsyncht"<H.O\.ir-l y -,,bich chey 01·~ fe<I ~~.' :~ . m·Jrrt be !"ed .-i, ... .rr~qU.eIJcie: :.sto..U , wid t.hei:_· rw.sai..;siou is l'e let:;ve si !it.1.lo ti.l"ri- tt:rQ'lf:h a ·ourrH' 11-o:n trltnsc:itter o:: Fig. ;o. sc~rt u.uc. : ~ 01 rul se~ 1:1u.:.:t Le utld1 .I to t.hti .:irn3l.e at the reco.Lver , !10 l:i.~1t they m.'~ Y be l'r.1d 1:1to t.he USL..ol ,,~1chror:3u<ly to ~he telel:ypc oqu.Lptuent• • rt.e d u:·«-bz. of L ·" ~11lflt.;ype clrnz·ac - ca.rG is ~oouued ~ o lie -.;,o rr.i; . A ce:·loJic ru ncL toll ni n2r:t/1' T • 150 :o.:-s a.rn;. 1 ::: = O.•::it1 H~ l.o.<:J ~ "u:.•o ..;,1·tJds~.:ii·5 : 1 Cl'f a!: ~cgj r:-:iing r1:-.: rr. I or I he rnrFJcter~ a.nd is ueed :.s .;io" :;i;;nal . A telet~'pe s:,•. tr·n. ~tcco'!"d.:.::g -;.o l't:.l" lo ..,. or. OJ ('":rAZc sc::ic 100 to 200 telet;r,+- ::ha=<' ls in -, I•'. ·phony • ""nel , d<·_pending on the quoli~y 01~ :.!le te.!ep!.0:1:,· i;;ha!U1'1l . ;.:ith .'='.uc:: a large number the que:::.t:on of oo-.-=-:· .!oc<l.LUt; b"'cO:nes b portBn t . Tel!~s have sho'.<::. 1 t:.;,~ er·~-or· r· cf 1C ru'd less cnn be obtllir.ed 1<ii;hout ~xc,,,,t.l ln L.1e I'" I"' in:-i t I -; with wit;h n~gnti.,Je po~er londinb . This fi;~u.!'e ILOl"s f er· ,r·ccn i::i. -oio n betweer. n mucL. mo:-e sever? i:•.r•n .• 1r1()11 !"'." 'lll t1··~n.5mi.Geion between two ~olcphone ~xch ani;:es . r,o cooing- or othe r 1~r1·or- ·octuciL.v I.lie ~Lot::: h•ere u :;c1l . .FuJ · .... rn1 ..,r:.oac , the ',•: idoly ua~d 'J'!::Lt>: s;vs ten: o.c.;::ot1oanLe!;l 2l1 ljcli:;L:r' J e c:.annelr: in ono telephony cl...aru...e: , ':Jul .:xc•:e•Jc ti:o _p'l1..:r.i!".sibl c power loading oy auouL a r act o:- ~ - J:;xcor-1Hng the ;>ower -Oading is quit.e t.:.~ual :'or ~~~ei1 lb-tJ rr~n.-ll1~1Jiou aynteas . Iherc is ~t l~!lst 0!10 ..;:;r:~c:J, -s.n:t. :-c1u _::-e:; ~he baedwidth Of one t(•leph.on. Ci.a~.ue! ~~~ tho pCAl'l' loaC. O! e .. ght channel:; to L!'ansai ~ 2-00 bits/ . I~ ~.. o~l~ le PDinted out that synct:ronou~ t::r~?:!;r.Li ~'!aiou t ve:·:: een.~ i tive to ph11150 jumpn •,.b.lch occ·~r in ,;wi tche<: L"l<.1 t. ••.e uel wo ' ove1· lonf,' dic.tanci=s . Error ri:itf n ll'l'1s increase 1.0 '10 nnd moro , depend ins on how fust.. lo.;t; ~:,~r •• ~~.1·oni£.;.;tio1J COL b0 reao~obliahed . t~o ®bnc1·iber~ , :r- On~ .t.'OHAOll 1 whynj n~&.nd.cosine pule.its ;vJ.n l d ver•::t reli- abl+, trllno:niooion , is that t;e:Cephony clle:rnel:i design<><)
2 . DIREc: 86 '.I'RP.1·1s:nssrmr foi" disi;ortion i'ree tra.nsmission of poriodic s i n.: and cosine 1't.~.ncti ons . Sine and cosine pulses contai ning 11ery1.1a.n:y cycles come close to the periodic ['unctions and suf- fer litt;le delay er attenuation di storti.ons. J~1o t he r rea- son is "t!1at err o1\s in telephone cilru-inels oa :i nly c.aui;ed. by pi.:.lse-l;ype i!ller.::erence rathei' thru: t hermal no i se . It will be silowr\ in ~ll;;.pi;er 5 ,;hat cr.erma.l noise a f fects all or l hogonal pulse shapes equa:ly . ?ulse- l ype interference , ~'owever , ei.ffects block pu-ses more l;hw~ otter s , particulsi•ly i f run;.>litude se.m;ilin;; is used I or· dei;ection. 2.2 Characterization of Communication Channels 2.2r Frequency Response of Attenuation and Phase Shift of a Communication Channel Co1;ununicatiol.'I chei.nnels ai~e u.sual:y specified by bhe attG-nuati.on and _phct:::e shifi; of harmon ic o5cil l atiorLS as run ctio.n or vhc i r l'r·equency . ;\ voltage 'J cos. wt i s appl ied co the input arLd t!lc stoad::t· state vo-tagc at chc o utput V,( u. ) cos w[t-tc( JJ)] i s rns~1 sured . 'Jhc quancitic;; lg V/Vc(w) ~ a c ( u, ) and .ll'tr. ( w) ~ b , (w) a::e a t ten-;atior: and :;mase shut the t r eq'..lerLcy w . Ttc Pf.l=1.tmcter c may be omitted , i f attenuatio~ and phase z.'lift of V cos 1.1t and V s.Lrt wt C:U~e equ~~ l . Sir1cc :._t i s weli kntH·n1 that: periodic .:;ine a nd cc~inr. .:'tL'1ctio::i.e: l:.E:ausll!il.. illi'orm.:.u ;ion a t rate zero otly , i t i!'! L'tteres<ting; t o invesi;igat e why -chose functions tire used i'or c.:1aracverizat1.on of cna.nnels . Let the commun i cation cl:.ennel be divided into t;!le t.ransi.l>iSBio1L l i n e a...:d t he c i rcuitr y at it-a euds . Tte line is descr·ibetl by a part i al tli~feren b ial equat i on or e p9-rt:io.l Cifference- Ci .ffe l.'e n tial equ.a:V i o11 . Tte ter:ninal c;i rcuitry i~ del:IC_f·i ·ueC. by 01'd.iiJaL ;l differ:ent..ial Or dif' f'~renCe-dli­ J' erenr;ia J equati.or1s ) ii' its dimenaion~ aro not too large . in :>a:roi.c11l ,,r , it will b\'l doscribed by a diffe:rontial equat.:orL with COJ)f:it.~t; coefficients , if the circ1.ti·t component B .s1~e suci: t j me in~...-nz·iant items. as coils , c-a.pacins .C LWL:tio.r1 o.f 1
87 2.21 FREQUENCY RESFO:JSE tors 8Jld resistors . A ,;ir.u~oida~ volL:.,;e n111 li"d to the input of :iuch o circt..i;; appear:: in tLe :itcudy st"te as an attenuated und ~hase sbi.f1;ea vo~ ;;,,ge at the outrut; ;;he sinusoidal ~hare a::d the frequenc:; a ro prcuerved . llet:ce , the circuit oa~r be cha.rac-:;erizea by tte f:·equenc:,- res_ponse of attenuation !ln<i phaEe s!:ift . A chnr-r1cte1·~~ation by other funCtionS - for iLscance ".iRl:;r functlOU3 - j S fe r £ecl;ly possible , ouc 1Doi·e complicoterl cince the Sltape of' these func1;ioHs i.r. chrutgec . Consider a tr·ansiussi oll l ine descri heel Lty Lh<' L"1legr~.­ pber ' s equatioJl [ 1 j - [3: . ~~~ - LC~ - (LA + RC)~'.' - RAw = 0 ( 19) L, C, R and A the ~Cucrivity 1 cqracit.:,-, :·esist.ivity and conductivity ~er u."li;; lengtr. . -~e liuti is clntor~io~ free, i1" LA is e<;.uu.l RC . J:t:s gene:-?-!. eol;J-...10r:. iz :..:i ~h:. s case ae .follows : ( 20) a = (LA 1 RC)/2LC , c 1/ 1/T]', LA - flC • O. J:(x-ct ) m1d l:)(x- ct ) a1·e iu·b H o•o..r;y Cu nctio". .: de Lel'mined by the initial and boundary conditio n•'- 'l'he o.uls change suffered by th"'OO !'unctions C.urir:g tra"51uaalv.u i. an a<:tenuation and a a clay . 'l'Jois :';;ature al•<.> t,olU.: l°or :-:ot distortion- free liues , ii' t1ie;t :oi·e • tl,,ci;'iCiu I y ~ho rt ' . According to K. ~i . ·..:AG!IER [ 1 J a l.2_e of leJJ6iU x I a c. ect:!'ically short, if ~he .followin~ condition holdn fo= x :2~ : x < ii/F • ¥, z = VF ,21) Ar. o:n exo:nple consider sn open ~. t::-e lirct: . The two conductors sre copper wires 3 diru:ic tcr llt: a tli ctn."lce or = of 18 cw . The following typic"l value!l npply : L • 2 . 01x1o·l Ht:tnry/l<m , ll • 4 .95 Otun/km, A c = 5 . 9 x1 0· • l"ornrl/l<tn *0 One• obtulna ~ • 540 Ohm and 2Z/R • 225 ~.m . '!'his J ine is
88 :i. ci~i;ort10.:i-!1·ee !.ir.e :·or ! :::r.Q.l . . er t!:an 225 lt.!U . In~e:-;in5 i·eoer.r-=a.tivc 3...'l] li;-ie.1.· .. ut c:Jort;er dist.;n--:ccs, o:Je :ns.,y t1•tu1t:oit :.!i;nals d!·t:iou-frcc o,.rer au;y !.ike distance . As a ftu•vilei· o.x.WJ~j,le , consider u ~clnJ>hone C(:lbl e betwee!l cxcha:ig:e. and ~u·~scribc:... . •rhe cor:.du;-•;o!'t1 arc p.apcrinsu!atcC. COfl.;E:IJ.' wi1·0:.i of C.8 mm c.ll,w~tc?t' . 1he fo::.:JwinB t;Tical values :.iprl;; : L = 7 •10-' :ienry/IUI., C • } . 5x1:i·• l', P. • 70 Ch!!:/kll, Z • 11.~ Oi;;r. , .:ZIF Thls l .:.!le •·:il_ bo o1 ~ct.1·:.cally = '' k.:11 .snort "''Ol"' SOL1t: ~uoscri'::> \mi:; not for· al_ . 'rhe uBual co.sixi.a I cub l ~::; i.u1v,.,. a WHVO in.;.eUwic.e Z between :,o and. 100 Oh:n . !,et t;be L'esi,;tlvity bo 10 OLm/k11:. 2Z/R will theu bo bnh·ocn 10 li!ld 20 kD: . L't,i.s i.:; clle :n·d.e. of !Dngnitude of the usun! rlis-cances l;~l.t-:t!>f'n amr-i.:'ie.r.•s. Ho·..,tvt:!'." , one ou~t kettp ; .... :nind. -hat t.he ~e!.cgrapher's e<;,uatior. .:l~c:.: !lo:. a I lO'n' for !:.he st.:n ,11!"feC1,; . >~ i.r:vc!ltigation of tte eiii.LJ i:?l.foct fo1• f·.wctionr nt-~el' tLwi s!.:le and cosi!"le l.o 'Le lH<"-lri ng 1 • Desrite --C:!'tese .L·e::ulti:i, 3ine aud \:O.~i:-..n funct i ons do play n d i sti!"<gutehad rolo in t r..i thtior·y of' trnr:•mission line~ . One iopo1•·t;r:1rjt t·eason is l::!.BHNOUtf ' o: L'letltod for tho ~olutio11_ of partiut dlf.:'ez·entiP.l e111nt<1on w~t.!i t.ime invn:-ia.n;; coeffic.:.cnt:'I. t.ssll.'!le :>h<lt '" x, r in (19) oay be r~;-i!"esente:i at: t!lc prod'.lct of a n tine varial.:le "(:;) : w(x , t) = u\x v(t) :;..?nee ,,aria-Ole u(.x) and (22) 1 A ~ractical di~tortion- fL·ee line ucing ~ci:ticonductor.s wns rtcr.cribeG. "J.Y K:EkCH~ [3] . Supc:-cond'.Jc:.ivc en bl es at~t. al:r.:.osc C.istortion-l'rcc and transmit r:·it1i tching cransientfi in the nano,.econd region [ t;, 5: . Such uupe1·conrtuc,;ive ca- bles ~oul.:!ba•1e 1-;:.·ett':. ;!·act.icttl potential, if organic cocii:ounds can be developed ~hat axe sttpe:-conducting at 1'0olll tea.perature , a.s ::ome phyDicist.s believe t.o be possible .
1J(XJY(~) i:: to ~1:) yi.i;ltic Sutstii;1Ji;ion ur d~f!ercntial ~~ + 2 LC (1. - !lA)n - d V dfY" - (L' 0 two 01~;.i:i.n~.r:-1 eq11at1on;c : 1 ('2:;) i.; c.o R")-ct· .v I ·; The il' e1f;oiu'w1ctlon<> <>1·e coc V \ i.-P..~ )>. , 1 , where y iu tlt!fined a.!l Lollo·.-.1 s : 1 0 'i.t _ LA+IW , [ - ( ,A+RC)t- 1 ]'" Y - - -ZW • • LG lZ V i,-l!A ) x n.nd ~· 1,_..-:11 ' I JlEHJfOULL l ' ,. >iet.;od _s o:' g1·oat 01·tw•c~ !'01· .'.'ind.i:g solutionw. or the :c!er,-:-··_.,1.11e-.:_· ' ... i.-4r_._tftlo1 .. -:?.d cf ot.JJer J:.~L~­ tial di.!"!erential equa:;ior.s tr. at s~t;i; :"':1 cert:-.u1 :llit.iti..!. and bo=d:i..ry cona1-b.:is . Eo-.;-=~~!' , i~ i. tile aet110J or .>o- lut.ion tb.=i.t :f.' .:;1ne a..'!c: cotl!.!le fl.U\C"t:.iO!"'•.::: . :.:.n.e ~::;;.­ .riable lineo t:ou ..._.. of i..:.uLL:·sr: uot rer..11it !J s:e, ··...:.·ae-ion or' the :JOlution lnto n t i:ci.e 011u a Sf.~1cc 1er-enu.t.1.ut; .!.' actor . Tne propngnt:ion ol' d-=ctr·~r.i~i;::c.ct Le '""Jlv ·.-1:w~~ i;; de scribed by t;b.o ~'t'UV(1 equat;ion . Lt i!': o~ t a1 11 eo :'or oue - dilncne:lonUl propui;:;i; ton a" a :or cdn l pher ' o equrttion with B a: '"'~" o.r t ho :;o l ct;i ·:t- A -=- 0 . :1..s i;e11crH r-olut. i o..:J is : ( 2'··) This solutiou bu& L..e .; form no (" ! , 1>xco;•l "h91: the 'ltter.uation zer:r. ,~-• t :..!: :r.i!'."t:.:_"ig . toe::~e , ~ i·ao:o _ir_!.: l:e!:nY')B liko a di=T.o:--::ior:.-::·1·ee t:..rie . R• dio \'.'&vc.- do no!: have to be sine wa\·es o.r be Ucoc!·~t r:·l c:f· nir." runct;ion!:; . D1.1J.'ercnt tt•ansaitte!'~ d~ .:.ot ll'-'~'" to Ol'G!'llto ir. c.ii'i'erenr; l'requonoy bo.nds; they rr.ay in~teatl ope:'et0 -:.n Cl.:---.:-e rent sequency bnnd,, . The:-e ariJ cxc.-,llr.nL prrn.: Lical L't!Ctsone i'or alloc:.:t ing radio channe ls nccor·olnc; to frequ .. , but tneao t'Gaaons ru:e m'1iill,y cue simJi1 1c1 ty of fop l cmcntill 1.- oceivoro uncl transm:ltterG rat~.0·1· Ll:,.n lrtwu of n:ii'Ur~. I t will be aho\-in later on Lhu~ mobi' e x·u.uio couw;un:lcat ion is indeed theoret ically po!lrdbl o •,iith Wralch ;iuvcr; .
90 2 . Dl '1£CT l'TI AhS~llSSION lcr; u:a co!l::.i 1er cl::a:-~cte=izatioL of coru:iunicatior_ cbon:-:els .f.::or.i ano;,,hr r ~l,. . It i r: =~ea.scr:nh e to co:-c.ribc the r'eaturo. of a chrcme l 1Jy r'unct..Lonn t lw l• u1'e di st;li.shect b~· t ht! 2i..,;r.£;l~ . . ... ap.~:: ?ro_i:-:::i:._ed &ntl ti.:>cd I'C.crt: lit>enr:o'.11.tu\y;n,;.lse :o:: c.ig!ta~ t:T'&.Jl~:r.:.:;a:'\.ou rhat .i.t would ho hu.rd t.o claim a pari:icul= one as tll<1 only ure.rul o ur l'O.t' c'..nract.erl7i..Lf ri l . ,..,ll is dOE':- ~ot hold tor tt. e .hon:.· • · ., . ..-t. .:.:. bt'l.c!"a:l J-~1·nctice t.o r-et;n.t•d ~e}:.:~Ur-ny sienr: ls ut: n suµerj,0'3 itio:; or ~ino W!d co sine ftu:ction:i . :!en~e, ~hcne"" ltpp~nr ;;»eemir:cn".i !'or -he c:_::.r,cteri:":.At::oL of r,e:e;u.on.1 CJ:.annel~ . 'l't.e tl.i::... icu1- T:; i:; ttnl"A is no over~-;h rl 1:1i.!lg r 1JHt1Jn •,.,ihy l.<:-epllony uigr:ult: r houltl t)0 regarried u1:1 ::n1l.)e.::·r o!! I tion~ oJ' e~e w1d cor: ine l'unctionc . Con~i,le!" Yo ice s.:.t;r: 0 1~ rcr-resel!"tcd by tl.c O...\ .. •u& volt..n~o of u :rn.c1"0tlJor.e . ;... lont!, 5untl::'i.!Jed vo'.'l cl will ~roduco a voHnt:e co:;:.;i,;ting wi t:h t:;ood ><p;n·o1"1!!1!lc- i ou ! ~ su.o or: a f~w t-:r.:-iusoidDl C.6c-l la-ciouc . ,..·he ..-yst.e=i rroaucing t. e VC\\v- i:; r-i e -ir:varit11l:. iinJ _s activut.etl b:'l 1,r..~ ··.:oct•l cordE '''ith .Cl :.~inc· .!'unc t.ion . S uch a sy!"ten ir. describod b:: n r'u·Lln- "4il'Ser~nt..lnl C((~ut.ion rif!.-e ... r.~e]'.:i:t:Iicnt co-ef!.1Cien-c~ 8.JIC a .5)'"· 120:.Cal excitation ;'ur.ctior. . 711is i!l not. 110 !'o::" voj ¢€oles.:; corusonan t.s , par~ i­ cula.,...l,v e:i unt::.s li1-re p , t o.:· k . 'l1he !:::.-rect p:.·ot111cing tho .:s:ound.~ !.s des<..:.ri:·,cd L ·.· n parli9~ 1.:.!"J"c-,..e:::.\..iaJ equat"\.on ,·.il!:. .&.~n.":' vnri HL:P- coeftlcientl ar:o tJ1c1·0 is sinusoif1 :tl excl.c:: aLio11 f'LL!1cti :'In . Thel"i.! ls no ;.. n!-'t;J culn.r· .r.·easo11 ~!:yon~ . !:ou.ld :-uc=.. zour._dl:i tc .con~ide1· cons i~ '!; o.,. a sup&t'- i:o::;it..:.on c;"' siun cori ue f~mct.i.onn nnU not of _..wlctiun.::: of ~01:11'! otl1l'J' com1lt: I,\ . r:i;op·oL..:r.i of or·l.l1oi;onal functions . E;qeL'io,,!H,lll worK 1y k.U-.IJi, !:!Oli'=OSWl:-r'.!Sll , 7ASTO , ::.ltKE, t:A:::..: "c. at!:er. ~;F.!.!i ;.t.own i;r1:1 .. voice r-iignal.:. ma~· indeed ·oe conci <.lerco oO b" a s upoTpcsicion of' Wal sh 1'1mctiona · [,01:.E ~l"ld "ll!.TI.,r; kove ':;:lu ... t. a .... elr:-phony !fll.~lt i µlcx syste~ to!"'illt; .!1l:i!.!.'Z" .. hat; •..;al~h functions :ir t a sequancy of 11 ouo .:.p. to 1.1auu th1·out!;h ra-r;llr:r than oine- cosino !'ttnctic;uJ ll!J ~o u !'r-equency o r 4000 H7. . ·r11ere .io no dir.1
91 acrniblo difi'~-r-enl~I;!. of re:-fc rmAnct" . .BOESS'.·.'E?.r:·=:R -.lttts ·:..uil t an a.rwlyzer U!ld n ";' for o vocoder usi:ii:; 1•~ fil tero that fiHel· e.ccordin5 Lo ~llfl r,pq•.iency o.f \.lnluh fWlc tion• rather than 9<"cordini::; Lo t.l•<J freque::cy oi" nine fWlc tiOnL · JU,EI.:i hO!: S)lO;;r. for '3 few "XaJ:l~les , ;;hnt 'IOice C.t composcd by "A'Al!':!:. !'unc;:1or.~ contalus ··~ec;uency rorm:..nts" Just e.s voic*= dccocii:csec bys i:ie-cosine .!"u.nctionr- co::.talc.s ri•equc-ncy formnnttl-; tbe~e invc!lt.i1:~ut.:ions arc conLi:.rJirt.'£_ . A theoretical ar(!WU<mt: cxplnin ini; ~llese resu I er lt1 g iver. in ~ectio!I S .11 . SJ.;JJlY 11~;; ~sed W:dsb fw1ction~ ill Liieo- retical •,;oi-1-: on t!re~cll a.raly-~i!l .:1u c:a:.~:y a5 1 C:-•;;:> (1 ) . 2.22 Characterization of a Communication Channel by O oostalk Parameters Uuving shown t:1et cocw:.unici;Lion chru:L:lels do not have bO lJt> characteri~.ed by si,;e- co::in" .fWlc cions r9i.r.os the question , how l..l:.e;y maybe c!'-.nt"Llcl..~.r'i.;.ed . A consititer:t theory of co:r.:mUii.icat:ion Oasea or.. ort.lioi.:onal i·urict.iout! re- method o.:: cha!'acte-!".!.zst.1on -=.hat wi:l arr.1y to all or a;; least 11>any :-;ysteir.s of 01·tl:ogonal fw1ccionr-. !.s f'j, eide et'fect th-i.r. mnre e;ene:_·al chE•ract;cri::..u.t.iou wi t.l aimplify the discusslo" of chamie' CElJH>cihy in :;eci:ion 6 . 1 . Consider a cow1let<:> aystr>n: of orthogonal fwlclions [£( J, 9, I . Let them be di viced into "ven fi.::octiori" f c< l , & ) , odd functions r,(1,e) and t!:l" couutunt 1'(,,~J . :'he vol tage Vfc (i, &) in:-;tc-ad o:... Ve cos iJJt.. i:: ai::p~icd t.O the inr\~; or u channel . l•'or t.he tine bein..-; , l~t; the chru!.t:el l;e suc:i Lhut the steady stute vol ta;;e 'I, ( t )f, [i , 8- oc< i; J I. 01:t&illod at t he ouL put . This will ho l<l for a la.i·i:;" cl~~" of 3 Y'3Vomg of fw1ctiOllA { f j , B)) in tho cnse of a dist. ··t ionfreo transnis,;ion line . Vc(iJ/V • K,(i) or 1 1- V/'.'c{i ) = • ac(1J is the atten\!"ltiioc. 0£ t:.:e CO:rlllt:.nicn.tion chanr1el. e,(i) = b , (i.) is the ['.eneo·"1ize I !Ir.lay , nlnce the ter1n phc;~e Blliit in r,n l icoble to sica rwd coeinr, tunci;ions on t:y . quirds a AJ1 input vol~llt;e l'f• (i , B) p.roduco" the outrut voltnge
92 i J] . Ae~cnt-at.iou .ind deluy a:·~ deL:nec1 1,y V,(i )/V • K, (iJ , -15 V/Vs (i) • n,l i ) and 9 1 (iJ = b,(J ) . ':be· coc~t=t \If( O, J J yields 'i(O) r[ o, o-n (OJ; 1 , 11( ;;i=f;( o), 15 V/w u - a(-1 .r.J •(O) = b(O) . Let; t1e ~i;nctl..ons of t!lc ~ystes:i { !(C , t:) ,i'c \ .. 1 9 ) , ~ 5 \i , O 1 be i:;trotc!.Jed 1:y tho r.;ubstitut ioJJ l - l./g ~ i.. . 1·et l an~ 5 illcron:ie be.Vo'1d 11 l I bounds . 'l'IW fl,'/ lit mn ( .Cc ( µ , J ) , f s ( 1.- , 9 ) 1 i2obtoin°c.sccordin·Lo•ectio'11 . 22 . Kc(i.', K,<i) , ac(i), a.:·i 1 , b,{i) and o,(l) beco:te KcC.1) •.• 0,1.1) . Jn ~ic·tic:i­ la;.· 1 one> obt'1i.n:c !'O- t ..e qeci1.l :11nct10:;~ ='c ' ", ~, V 5 ( i )J: s [ i , ;J - 6 5 ( t2 cos ?.'r.u9 • '[2 cos wt' aud fs ( µ., i;) c: [ 2 sin 21µ.J =\t; s i oUJt the f.t·eq~oncy .rur..ct1nn& K, (w) ... b,,( w) . ·rhc in<ltces c a11d .. 1 s muy be 01::iit ted, J...t' nine a.nC.. canine .funcl.i-=>nr. of t!i~ name rrequen<.:.:t n.:-e eq>.J.'~l ly '!.'J...._ten'\.oc<l and de:n.v~i.l; tt".e funccions KCi.J , ,,(..,) w::.d :>(.11J a.;.•e ohtnined . !Jene., , i;!:.e drnL·act~ ri:-at.:. or:. oJ' com.c·..uUca'tioi:. C;J'1Jlr.Cl!1 ·':>~" tl1e frcquenc:; i•espon•c o f "tt cnuatior1 a:-.d p shi.'.'o i:· i Hc J uded a~ spec.Lal cR.!>e . rn 15enernl , i'unctiOOS V::,(i,9) ~tI'e nnt 0l'2:J at;tc- nuated w..d d<!laye<.:. 1o.1ut: f.:istoi~t..!d . -he ce·11 outJ ·.iv f·.mction Vgc{i , e) is obtained ins:;cad o! Vc\i)f, -i , 9-0,{i)) . Let g 0 (i , e) 1;e e :-.'])m1ded i JJ to a serie .. o f <: lie :;yt<L<>m [ f[0 , 9- 3 c ( i) , !', [k , e -9c (i) J, .r, [ k , e - a c(i)) ]. 'rbe ""-- ~" o:· LLe ci.e lay 9c( i ) l<i 11 be de "ined :ntC!' 011 . ·r!:<' '"ari ·o~l!: i~ no" k 1 ~L: :e 1 i~ a constnn~ ( k = 1, ~, ... i l .. . ) : K(ci,O)r[0,9 -o c{i)J ~ .. L; "' (K (ci , c k)f0 [k ,9-ac< i )J• .. K(ci , CkJ • """i;;,\i , &)l'c 'k , r1 -~,(i )Jda K(ci,sk) _,..:"gc \ i,e )r,c~ . • -ec(i )]do (26)
'H c:onside:r tl1e inL &p:ra! K{ci , ck) fo~· i • J<. It a vulue depends Oll 9c (i) . ~~t e,(i) t>r· C!JOse:; ~O th~t K(d,ci) assut1es it abso:".Jt.:.·;.::: . Th~ _-;e:.el'!:il c-.eC de~n:; 9c(i) • bcCi) end e,(i) t,(i; is then deffotJ ,-,o , c;hnL it a~­ proacne s the value 1'01· the dintortion- 1'1\ee I i ne wiLh <lecreasinl< distoi't ion,· . The co~fficie~~,. K<ci,C·l, t:(ri , ck) wid l'.(ci , ak) ar·e generalizations 01 tl.L atrennntion Ec(i ) 'ora d -'. .i:.01·tin;; commu.nicu~ion c!..rumnl. Kc(j_J Lon the one v;;riable i and may be represem;ed t:.· ll. vector . K(ci,O), K(ci,cll) ror.d K(ci, sk) have !;he two "~·i 11>ler i "'"' k , and o";; be represented by a K(ci1 : K~c1 ,O) K(c1 , c1) K(c1,.,1; ?.( c1, c2~ K ( C1 1 s,>~ . · ~(c~ 1 a1) i<(c~e , o'°' K(c2 , n? .. K c} , O) K(c3 , c 1 ) K(c,. , ::01, Z(c;:,c, K(c3,s2 .. K c2, 0) K{c2 , c1) K(ci ) 1 (27) !!:he output volt ai:rc~ Vg,(i,0) instead ot Uc (i , 3) i~ np;>~ied K(si, O), K(si , ck) nnd K(si ,~ k) (26 ) . The matrix K(si) h".s tho but ci io replaced by ci . "re ob t ained , i f Vl',(i ,& ) i!l~~t. . Coc:-.ficieu;;G n:·e o·oGain"d in ru.aloc;y !;o Io x·u. of th<' mnldx (2?) , to t:..c Transoission 01' Vf( 1,3) 7.!.elds '.'g(ll,~J und t:.c co!'fficients K(O , O) , K(O , ck) and K(O , sk) whic:: 1ta;1 ce writle:.. as line matrix : K(O) a (K(O , O) K(O , c1) K{C , 51 ) K(O , c2) i<{O , u2) ... ) The tlu·ee ""'"rices K( ci), K( ai bined. into one : X!O, K a1 O) ,O K ~ s2:0~ K~O , s1) K( O, c1) K s1 , s·1 ~ K( s1 , c1 ~ K C1 0 K c"i, n1 t: c' , c1 ;; K s2, s1 K c2, 0) K(c2 , n1, ;:( c2, c1 K~s2 , c1 :u:d K( K~O ,s?) lLrJY te co:r:- K(O ,c2 ), .. K s1, s2) K~c1 1 c2~ -· K c1 , s2 ' c"i , c.') .. K(s2 , ~2/ :• ~2 , c2 .. K(c2 , ~2) K c2 , c2) .. (28) The t"rma outi>iuo of the ctoin diagona l oJ: K vnnil!l11 , iJ' the fucctions f(j,6) 111'6 not distoroed , he tcr:i:z iJ:i tle
94 ·:>ccoa.e t!"tc onc-di11e:1~io!".al tion coafficinnts X(O) = K(O , OJ , Kc1.J) a:'Ji- di~go:i!tl ~c"' of ~tteni.10K(Cl,c.:.j nnd K; (i) • K(ni,si) . Ttc delC:&:,· • i~i.?s 9 c, i) o! ~2'__, nnC. the corr·e!1rOLd .nr, del:.iy ti.r.1e~ 9 s ( i) nnC. 9 ( 0) ::or the> tr~n:1mi.s.sioll of tte r·uncLions VJ' 5 (i , e) ~r.l Vf(0 , 3) ma~· <il<"O ·"e "'!"' CLen aR ll~tri 'X: e<o J e 0 () 0 ... ec ( ~) u c () t) ~,('!, 0 0 'I 0 (29) ~ c (2 J . 1'he t.wo u.nt:rice-....:- K an::i 9 cLa.r:icteri;:n c!ie co:rununicacior. e :.uxc fol-· ... '~ sy~~._m .:J! !"·.L'l'\ct:o:J:- {r(~,9 l · Dl ~~ tortior~t.1 ir: u r.hc-0...ucl cau!-5'' croei;;t~i k in n"t:.ltiplex trnn ..aui.::.;:;:.on . One 'f -ic-.:t ior: of the ru: t.r~x K i: for ._ 1e I a: f, :111-:;ri.x corrt"Ction of thin Cl'OS!;t 11-t. Hp•ice , c··o, tin a.rp1•op1·in l;~ ter•11 l'o .t· K, i·;Lil o 9 m.:.:.;v ~'~' cal led tltf! d~­ _;._y CJ'ltrix . 2.3 Sequency Filters Based on Walsh Functions 2.31 Sequency Lowpass Filters ... t h('len s:10t·.1:1 c~ o~ c!::nr 'c -ri·:.t... '1 -=Y ir. ~ sect ion S=/fi- C'Jl 1 . 5c.. !low e .:"ilter -=-1.i.!) L i~nc ( r, ( t... e)' of t f, lu , a )j "-""1.0t<d a·· •in<> a•1J co<ii no f unrl lons [1) - [ '/) • t·:qu~tic:1 ("i . 11~ .} hr11.:. bef:r. 1)J.t thfll .:·eprc '-h?nts the _.i,,,al F 0 (~) llt thr filt"r ·1u~f,., i:· tnc .'it:;!lul ?(9) sp~·liod t. o tr.a i.J1f,~Jt . SubP>tit. ution of t~H~ nyf.:tem oi" Wolrh funcclm:s (c-.(µ , e',:;l .i,d 1into'1 . 1·1"') yiel<ls : .., • ..·{ .J )}:c{µ 1 cn1:.J,tt - a{ (i..J] ~ (50) 0 ~ u,(u lK 5 .,).~<U.'1 '.I'bf fo!_lol-:i!•~ relation. derive l'ilL!l>"" l'rou; (30J: ,:-e,(., ])di..; of' St!t.:.tion 1 . ;'4 ai~e r'!oeded to
• • • .:111 (µ, a) csl (il, 9' nnl(u . 3J -t ti e < i i 1, = "" " .' ~ ~j gc.a~ G(O) b r. div.i<lci.! i nto tim~ o~ct i::ln:" L et s 9 < ; , ~ 1.,, 81 - •_(i,~ ~. ( .51 ) 0 ;; u < 1 < i.+i !. - 1 < ~ i wnl(O:J) cnl(i , 9) f , ..... f(B} 2 B < -t : =J ati•iction.:1 un <lc:o·~~ < : . S.lch u Ui- - ""ion :.loe!" !";Ol J.lacc I he n1 £ G-(0 j -! ~ Lhe i:ectiouL"1~11' in- ri!"l:,· .l'e- ~ut. ~ c;.r:-.c~1.L'Oni:.ation oi- t KDa.l is rcq ulretl l'ror.i i'Hilc;-i 1ihn bt-!r.i;i nri n11; WJC l end nJ' t. Le intervals can be de-ive<l . l'hc- co~ff ir.iente 3.:\. ..1 / tL"'ld Ni.( ~ ) of (30) mny be ec:qu:cd for F(3, •it; tl.e hel:;:. of (~1) : .,, o, (u ) u(O) 5 = j°l"( 8 ) Wtl( 0 , ~ )do 0 ~ ()2) u < 1 -1/l I/) o,(i, lie ( '..! ) = _F<a><:s1(i ,· )dil i - fl l •• <1o.1 ) = !). .< i) = J-'F(e)n1l( i , ~1do :.- 1 "! " < i-4 " < :: .l µ - Ill l'he specific cf' l°'"A•·ure~ "':l•C ~,1~ 1 SiJ !'unctio112 .:11a.;;c ;:oss..ible to tran!;for:n t!J.e .: :eprt-.a<.·nts-:ion n1 c ted l'.Wlction 1·'( 3 ) by Hn in;o5rnl i uto ~ " it ti:r.~ L1~i ­ t ..{·r· t· ":':;;e nr. nciou ·oy 91.ur. : F(n = 1 (:ic<u)caJ.(u 1 ~) • ~(O)wal(O, e) 1 "' 2:: id - a,(..ih~l(LC , 9)]>1>1 [a ,(:t)c~ J (i , O ) 1 i.,( i ;on l(i , 01 ) 1'"ne attenuati on co~ffieient~ K,(u) (30 .. drtr-J.:ai1u:: r. ·1e fi tor . The;y m11y b e cboset. f re el,v wit l1in \;h~ lii::1its OJ' !· ·~:t'­ OS the del11,yo 8c{uJ <JJld li s ( Ll !I Ol~al renli ~r~tion . The f oll O'-"in1 ct:r>:_co is i:i::i..Ji:- to be able to reprencnt ;;he outr ut S~f7!"-.:il b.: tnru; au int;egr al : r:, (µ ) K(O) , ae(u ) • B( 0) 0 ;;u < 1 K, (u) c K,(i) , 9, ( u ) • µ < +1 1:$ ' '-i ) ; K,(i) , a , (~ ) • -1 < " .J ir orr.rr· S'_tn rat-ier
~ F,c~,-q(\) K{O)\<C•.L'.l,S-•l 0 1~r1~,.11K,li)c&l,i,o-6,~i,] .. ht ~(O) • 1, 9(0) • 1 : Kc(i• • K, i) • 0 F0 L9) follow" fro~ \?0) to L35 J~c(l-,~-1 ;Jµ F 0 (9; - (}<) • '<( ;wal(u, d-'lj (37) 0 fl.e forll of t.l.e int~l l'!il $'..l'! ,-.; ts call-nr Ll...!~ ~ low _pao- !."'llt~r Ol' - JJ~r,.., 1•1'1.Ci::.el7y - .., Cf,..q_...lcncy .. 0;·1:i.1 ··s::; filLoJ· jn OL·Ue J' l:JWfir·:~!" !l.hd o l:o dist.lHf:llj fc::- fil'-P-r . t~oe ·~·lock !'.~!.. i L .!' :-r,11, Llt ueunl frequency ~Lc-.-111 1:bi-;ru ir in Fig . 410 1 Jil!ern.!rl. in f'i ..· . t11:> . /J.1!"' I de-:eI· FIOloFl</l) ~ ,__ :,':...._~ ~~(01 ~,.~ " 1 ~!!> GIB) ____ ............. / ~~ • i;1J' -----It.== :rF ·- l'Jc; . '-1 Seque;i·oy lowpn"" r'i I ~er . n) I tock .linr;rarR, b) time -1i ·1 l'{·UU , CJ r1· 1 1ctical cit".! llli; . .... ll1l.eb~btO..L' , H holding circ•tit. , A ouc-r"lt.!.onul ~'"''r-i!'le_c· .
!l(O) according to d2J . n(O) e::ul c;, r-a:nplea at =ne em.:. of the inCei~rnl _, ;; a < t ot t:::.c ir.Lt.'f'rt<I 01' OU tput by awi tcil 8 I • The integruLor in th"n r eseL 1.:,y 3Witc h s 1. u(O) fo 1• tllo aection of C( ~) in the inL e!:"val ; z> 9 < t i=> o'L Lui:•"d b.)' integrating G(e; d11rir:g tLut ~i:1.e .nterval , ecc . a(O) aust be 11ultipiieJ by wal ( O, 3 - ~) '1CC:>:-a1r:g to (::;7\ (O, 9) is" cor..otnnL ..-i;h 'rn!u" 1 . !.euce, a(OJ\"•I (0, ~-1) is the voltage e(O) obtsined. in Lh., inter•·al -~ ;l: q < i , sampled at 8=+~ nnd s Lored rturini;; Ll.e incerva l lt £1 n :l 1. A holding circuit 11 ls r>llown it. f.!.e; . 111a , and " p1·acUc.ul version of this sequ~ncy lowpns:o .fllt,er is ;;nown in F~p; . "-1c . For numerical valGcc consider !1 rr~quc::cy :a·,..,i.:u . :i1 ter with L ~:;:= cut-off !".:-e-1u.enc:.· - :... :it t~e: outp·Jt o! tru& <'ilter has; 8( J() indepclrld~r.t =rl: t.tdes :per ::econtl naoording to the "lllt;>ling i:heorcm o.r l!'ourier '1nnl:;~is . Ttie output signal ol' tlle "'"quency to>ipnss i"ilte!' oC Fig . 4 1 will J.lave tl1e same;io n rat.e , if :it a_ea h:u~ 8GGO indepe.oden1; a.:op!i tudes per secoutl. . Hence , t!.o:: Stit:;>r. of Go(9) in Fig . '11":> aunt be ~ = 1/b e 'lc5 J.S :ong; ;he cut-on· sequency oqunls ; j = 1/2'!' 4 1 q;:; = '• k7:pr . l,;se is made here Of tl'le 8rutpl in(o; t!.l'Ot"C:n of \hl~tl-~'Ourier analysis , which heppeu~ to b e triviolly sirr.:ple i'or soq~ten­ cy l owpass filte r s [ti) - [1 0 ] . 2.32 Sequency Bandpass Filters us derive 1>imp~~ seqaency bo11dp1"s filterr . fhe mult pl:ca;;ion ;;hcorcms of',:nl>il I mctions d.erived in ::.oction 1.14 a~e needed : r t col (i , a)cal(k , ~) • cal(i <:!k, B) (38) Bal(i,9)cal(k,B) • aoll [ke{ i - 1 ))+1 , •1) sal{i,9)sal(k,ll). cal:(i- 1)e{%-1),9] [C'1 l(0 , 8) = t:al(0 , 9)) 'l'hr: multiplication cheorects (381 are 'lery sictilnr co LLrrne OJ' ainc and cosine !unct;ions, except Lhllt one • e1·1:1 only Qtnndo on the rii;:ht hnnd side in"to·•d or cwo tor!tll for the ) kt1" th. T~tSS.01' ol tr.torftlehOl'I
'.)8 r;.u:n and th~ diZ'ferDnce of" the ..:·reC!_:iencies . .A consequence is tnat: tr.c modulavion uf a 1.,'al~n ca!':·ie r ·'Jy u !3igna1 yiel ds A singlP. (seque:ic;';) s iJeband modulation . ':'his ic posnible to imµleme!lt. oeque111,;y bandy,..·;ss fi I cers b;i1 a principle well k:io\·1n ':JuL l i ttle .i:;ed for bnud- pass filte.t·s . Let the s i gnal F(e) of (33) h" " sequenc;y ol1i.Jted " by muHiplication witll cul ( >: , s) . U,;ing (38) one obtains : i'( e)Ctil(k 1 9) = ll{0,1Cfil (f; > e; + .,.,f ( i!c (i '" • a s ( i )i;al[[k9(i - 1)J.,.1 ,6J ) 1 )Cel( i9k , a} I ( 39) a,(k)wa1(0 , e) + l:'az!;ir.g thj s sigrl.:.i.l ~1:.z.•o u;.i;h ~ lo•·•pati:.-> desci:·:lbed by 06) yields in "nalogy to (57) tLe o u ~put sign., ;l :F 01 (0) : F 0 ,(a) =a,( k )wal(0 , ~ -1)= c al (lt , 13 - 1 ) ~ c al(k 1 t1 ) .., J a , ( µ )cal( u, 6)c'Jl(;i , 5- 1)du (40 ) ' Mu~ tlpli<.;ation o.r F ., 1 { e ) by en L( k. 1 e - 1 ) ~hif t5 the fi1-i:;er·c:d oignf.11 to i cs original yc.1:..:;i t;~ou i n lihE" sequenc;t doaain ; I>!· ~ F 0 ( 9 )=F 01 (9 ) cul(k , &- 1 )=n.( k ) CF• l(k , 8 - 1 )1 j' a,(µ ;cal( µ , a )dµ ' wal(O , u- 1, CalC:<,9 - 'i ) =cul (k ,S - 1 ) , cd ( k , S- 1 )a1 (t11) -:.'.'l1e last intebral sugF7es·1;s 1;he name seq_uency .:il tier. J''oJ' its p:-ac\;ical i!1:plementation OJ1 f' must put a :r.ult::iplier i n front of r.lle sequency lowpass filter of :Fi5. 'l1 ;;o T erf'orm t l1e multiplication (;<)) . A seconci multiplier after -che f:;equency lo~·l))ass f i l t:.·:::r pe.rl'o:rn:s the mult.i plic:it i o 11 (lJ1 ) . 2i g . l~ ? sho~·.·::; !;Uch a bruJdµass £ill;er . 1'he san1e .runccion ca.l(k ,9 ) is fed to bot h multipliers , sinc12 eal(k , '3 ) has ti:le i:eriod 1 a.nd is ·t;nus identi cal with oal{~ , '3 -1 ) . Suitable multiplie1~sare.shown inii'ig . 33 . Note
. 2 SEQUENCY BAJ<Ji'ASS ;'IJ,'l'l:JiS 2 3 Fi!; . 42 Scquei.ey bti.!Jd) :1:\n fi l tcr . j·l 11ult# .:.plier :or ·,,•at~!l :·, LP se~uency low~ass filter . coat multi plication hy " Wa::sL funct' on ~.cnn~ mul Li;>li ca~ion by +1 or -1 only ; !IlulttpUc~tion l!y 11 leuves a signal unchru:1ged , mul bi plic::ation by - 1 rcve1·,;o" i Ls ampli t11de . Fig.43 ahow!.l 1.<ttenuat i on lil'U C.ela,y '11' f\ll1cLiOJ 1 of BBquenc;y l"ox· a cequency lo•.-:paos fil~e1' wir.l1 K(O) = 1 , and aevera.l bandpua& fit tcrs . The coe:"ficfonco Ke (i) Md K, (i axe zero, l)XCept Jor tl:c val ..e,; of i for wtich Lhe:y are shown to be 1 . Tue hlltched areas at i;hc r:ind limits IJ. • i indicate thot tl:.e run""" ion cal( i, s) or snl ( i, 9 ) pa:rnc~ ~ou gh the !ilter i they do not pas~ . 0 0 cro~e -!;cJ·1eC µ- I r- iudtca;c, t!:.~t l ~8000s'"' 7· 12Sp1 ~?"~4le 0 .:.:XO '·'llp~ 1- 1:1:-i) ~ lX t ' 0 "1.i)):' f•'-31n ~:-:Of" 1- F1g . '~3 .1\tt.enuation and delay of r;err1nncy i'll~e1·cr. Ti.,. normali;;od bnndwidth v 7 - µ 1 ~i, - i 1 •Aµ equols 1 ror nu tilt era or b'ig .J.>3. Let u s denote Lhc quo Lien L 1.1an<l1tjdU11/(lowu bnnd limiL ) = C>µ/µ 1 aa t'<'lntive brmd>J.i.dth . The followios relations may be seen to hold for A\l/µ 1 ,.
100 2 . JHP.ECT TRAliSNISS I O!i from Fig . 1+3 : 4µ/µ ' 1 6u/u 1 = 1/2 .!'or K, ( 1 ) :·01• 1 or K 0 ( 1 ) " 1 K0 l2) = 1 o r K,(?.) = 1 6u/µ 1 = 1/k for K, (.<) = 1 or K5 (k) = 1 The fu.ncLions cal(k , 0 ) oz· snl(k , 0) fed .i.nto the seqttency bartdpas!$ .:'iltor of Fig .. 1.~2 determine the ~"e 91;j,,re ban.d- 1nidtt. . Relutive b.::wdwidths sntallcr or equa I. 1 onl.:y can be nc~tievecl wi t!:l tl:liB ci!·cu.i t . The nOr!llulized sequenc~t µ. ns well i;is the r...nn- normalize-d sequenc,y qo = µ/T .!'or T = 125 ps a.r e plotted in E"ig . 1~.3 . rl1e values of G' show l;he channels. l;bnt on{' -i,·:ould use in 1 :ti\ll~ipJ exing telephon:)' si~na.J.s , if e:iiC!J eig.nal oay assume BOO<: ind epena.em; amJili1;uuee per second. ~~e sec:_uency response of a tr;cnuat ion an<l. delay shown, CH'e idealize<'! . In p:·acr.ical filters the root mear... ::1quai.·e deviat i on o.r ;:;he .:"iljer output vo I t;age- lies .i.n Fig . 43 between 0 . 01 Md 0 . 00'1 at the present . rhe a:ean squal'I~ deviation is thus beLNeen 10·4 and 10 -6 1 \..·hich means the· attenuation i.n t he stop- bands of Fig . 43 is bet•...1 een - J.1Q and - 60 cU3 . The infir.itely ~ti Rep fi lto1., cdge!l ni"io•1m i n Ei'i ,g . 43 also hold for practical fil tcr-s . 'l~h t s resul ~ i s startling lio an ent<;lneer use<l l;o think ir: t~rms oi' frequency filters . T10•1,1 eve.r·, seqttency .fi~ 1..ers use a·.·1itc!1es t!:tn t- i..11t.t·oducc a quantizacion of t:l:e ~ie;cal . Keeplr:.e; tftis iil mind, the <Hscom;:Lnu.ous chru1t,e of "~ ~enua~ioJJ is iio ~ SU!'prising. l'hc di.sconi;inui;;y would disappear, if i;lle Walsh functions of t!.le -w hole in-erva l -w -~ .a < +QO were used rather tban vhc s0cti.0~1s in ~he il1ter~1a.J -~ ~ e < .; . At-ccnuation and de!a~rof r; 1;;qucnc;y· filters a.t'e constant 2n the -pa;:;s -band -:;o F'ig . ll3 . Hc11ce , tl1er e are in.liez'ently l!O :iLLeuuaLion or del:iy distortions . Deley ill olie sLoµ-b~.nds is not de£inec1 .for ideal fil.ters , since no .!?Oet"'gy i::: :passed . Rcfll i'ilterr.i. pass energy in the sto_p ... bru1us . 'l'his delay is s]lown by <lashed lines in Pig . 1f3 .
1 01 Fig. 44 (left) Approxi:r.ation of •ir.tW<Hdt<l 1 unctiou~ by Walsh functions . A: sinusoid~ - wnve , i'rcqucnc:.Y 2~C' f.7.. ; ll: a(O)wal(O , o> ; C : a.(1)sal~1 ,i< ) ; : a,( 1 )cu:.(1, 9 , ; E: a,(2)3111(2 , a ) ; F is t!le "um ~:· B ond " ; c; is tl.e £Wll or B, t: and D; Ii is t.J1e ~u;r. of 3~ C, J -i:__j E. ' ·~ar.e :=: • ~, os; ho1·izootol scale o . ~ :n"/div . Pig . 45 (rit)lt) w,,1,,t- ? t~·"-.'lSfo:rm: of S.lll~oO-<i~l >18ve.: A: ainusoid3l t:nves , 1'reqt=enc:: 1 k!I:-. , vnrio•J. .... i.;ha:s~s; -horizol!tal ecnle O. "i ms/div . "E and C eho\, 11:t1 .. s - J!t1urir-r ;,rllllsl"orms n,(<;fl') and a,(<11I) o!: _<. ; Liae b '"" ! • 1 . . ~ "i '-' 0 r:t.zontal scu.l.e 625 zp=>/div . (lio- h o,;cil l ot;t"O:t.; courle~y C. BOESSWETn:R a nd W. KLEm of Techni:Jct.e llocbochu.le Da..-m91;adL) • .Fig . i11+ ahowo a sine wave (A) ac ~ he wpu~ uf "everal •equency .filtero nnd the resulting ou1;put. ~J.gnalH . ll t8 th~ ou~puc of a sequency lo1·ipass fili:er wl.tlt Kc(O) = 1 .
102 2 . DIREC'r ·rRANSMISS!ON C, :> 3£d E :u·e the outputs of baucipass f i ltoers '.'iiLh K, {1) - 1 , K, (1) = 1 and K, (2) = 1 . F , G anc H are tl:e o utputs obCaj ncd _from several bandpass i'ilte.L·s c onnected in parall o I: Kc(O) = K,(1 ) = 1 (!') ; Ke(O) = K,( 1 ) = Ke ( 1 ) ='i ( G) ; Kc( C) = K, ( 1 ) = K c (1) = K 5 ( 2) = 1 (II) . f!'ig . '+~ ~how~ ~equ enCJ' 8.J;lplitude $>pectr.a o f si:-i;,isoidal_ funct;io ns (A) of equal frequency olld. l i tude but various phAse!i . The aarr>litude opectra a.Cu)= a<(q>T) ar.eshownby ii.< 1:1 , the nn:p li;;ud;: npcctra a, ( ~ ) = :p'r) are zho;m by c . Thr. oscillogr;ims E a nd C were obt;;dnon by samp l ing the o~t:put voltages of a b r,ink of i6 s.cqucncy fi l ters . Squru•ing ai1d addlng the traces B and C y i elds t f'.e sr::-( _power sp-ec ~ra . . ,6 .6 b6,. 6 c f0(0)~ 0 S 10 O•t/T- IS l•'ig . 41:,:; Sequenc;y wide bru~dpass .fllter . 1,p sequoncy low_pnss .fil tf!r , H holdine; cirr.:LL.t .
103 3ondpass filtc-re accor<l:ur: to Fil'" . -< fe;•mit rcl<ot;v(; baJ'.1WidthD "4J/U1 a ~ , 112, 1 ' , • • • Only . fLf . 4· . •O\ff o bandP ss 1'iltur fo1· :·e:at.i·.·~ bar.:l.\•i<!th LJl-.J.,. -- , ~ , : , .. This circuit Utit!"$ n laxpn!:e r:.:.:e:· L?1 :.i.ccordin :.o i"ie ~ ~... , which iatcgrnLes the i:irut ric,nnl.:i over ti1t:1 int.;rvoJ!= of durat ion T . A !"u.rtl1e ..... _0~1:;ias!: _:'il:;cr :_p: .inL'~fJ.'utes •Jver ticle intcrvn In 01 du:-r:"";ion T 12 , D!.' T/3 , or T1:.1 t • • • 'l't-.e output voltogot: or r'·io t wo lowpas~ fllt.1·1·n · 1·1.••• hnwn -:.n Fi g . 4bt• w.1d b j tlrn integr~tion period of .,J.·1 !llld LP2 in T/2 . 'the dif;'eren~ rieluy QJ' I i'1 ';I 1,.P2 ar~ cornnc1;ua t e<l by tlce holdin l:' cl~·cuit Sl . The difference oJ tho vol I ai;oo 0 1 Fi i:; •.1+6LJ "n'l t· ,y iol".s :>hu ou tpui; signal p (9) or ti·"' 'didc bru:dpnse .!'ilt· r- . chosen oqual ~o Tht;re ia a.oot11e:- irt.porta.nt d i fft-=.·t::lCt: bor:·,.;crr tte bL~C­ ;nss !liters of Fig . 46 ~d '•2 be£iJ0;.-s tliP. t11frnr-ent. :_--e~a­ :ive b1Wdwicth . T~.e func~io::.s snl(i.;,3 e:-woll si:;cqJ(u , g) may pa:;:; the fille.r o: ?ig . 4&in !:!'".<" rae-s-tnr.u 1 while only s&l(u , a) or cul(i.l ,5 ) a:,.y Fa~:: :; l'ilt1n· 1ccor<1i"•5 to F'i>; . 4l. f 0 (0) ~ l•J.g . ~7 Ser;uHHl!.'/ lli 1 and :-f"r,ur·Hc:r· ,,,~r:;1tJL":' !'ilce1· Lu J•• r-;-,f ~·::.ter (b ' . r,1 ;;~~-.1f· 11 cY to\\'11a:i ::t .::i1:.e.r·, ET ::;equenc~; tq· :IJ 'J.- .. !-l.t •.;':. , I:· d elay circt:i ~ . A grea.c vru.•iety of filters may ce ae:-.i.·:ud !.:."Ua. t.Lt.' ba.- flic !:ypee discusaed. Fi,e; . .(·7 shows a ... equcnc:r"h;iuss ar.d " sequency bandatop filter derived from lo~. pa~" and band - pass filters . Parallel conne ction of novorn l hnndpn:;r 1ilte:r~ accordiJJe; to Fig . 112 yields fi1Le1·s ~l 1u~ le~ pas s sal (u ,9 ) os well os cal(µ , 9 ) and have rr•l& bandwidtils Au/u 1 • 1, 1/2 , 1/}, ... ; on t he otl1eL· h:.u1d , one may ol-
ta_!! 4<icle bandi:tts: i"'.il:;.1:-:-s cal u,9 ' or. :; a.:;. 1 :;.Lat -!:t pn!"'r- 5s,'(t.o. , B) or t ")\\"n Ly tz...e osc!.l:og:-ncn cf Fig . t-1.;_f- H. 2. 33 Digital Sequency Filters t1 o~d.. One of! pr•nmi?.i:jg a pplicat.ior.n o f' .sequtncy fil - t-ors based ou '.·uJ .. rh t'unctio.ris. nre nig1r~1l :"ilLers . Th'l rf"O!iOD ts thliL t.l.i..Cll"C·i.C&1 \..'nlsh.-F:iu:-iP I' trw1sfo.:·m.:atioo of requires a.dd it !O!'t~ ar.:.d :::ubt ?"~ct i. O!'lS Q[_ly i while !J:.Ietr.rical ?'ourie1· t:-M:"':"'o : :i:.fitic::_ :-~1uJr,... s n:.ult~i:;:ica-;ions . ~~;!@]-§14~~~91 p '"ig . 48 Block dingt'nm of" ilie:i tal nriJU'-':ic:1 !'ll~cr . l·P!lCS l ot\'ffl:l:l l'i 1' u! F.ig. 41 ; JUI a.r~r. lo£;/ l i@:il.ul con"l~rt:e!' ~ ST ciit l t~~ :,:,t.oi·ngr:· , AIJ ~r·it..:w-.,..l.:.c Jn i L ~~r~ornin.g \.il.lU.L.t.:.onz e:nd .o·..41.:t.rnct"!.ons , JA Ci£:iZ::ll/ar.~:.J;:- conver.' . ?oi.· ~ ci--i lanollou c:· a dii;..:t~l ... f.! concii.-·r vbe ·~:ocr~ dingr:_,11 of Fig . --:S . A;;! F(e. ispa.s ·ed t.11rot;gf a sequcnc;v · lor: F , ( 6 ) ~t 11...~ }<)~'! 4:;::-: ti_ t,.r ou::r,i.r. ltr:t'./e l . .... ~·I. ":nC' r;':".cp .;"unc- E:.P;•.:1 ("If Gll!'0.1ior. :;16 . rne x1·11 l lt.udc~ !"!~· the ~tCJ.·~ r,tre c9UV'C'rtr.d hy the t.utul og/dlgi- l;ill .::onve:-~cr l~~l ~v=.t:e~ Afl i11t.o I innry Ci f:.:tul c:hnJ·•·1r•t:p1·t1 , whicl. are nt tt.. 2·•1Lt..~ or 1 1~. ~';.-1ar:.1ct>;;!rl:i P"r Lim~-. unit ':' to t?1E <lit-~ital ~';;,..t'L,i.~·.·· S'I'" . .... er s set v!' 11J i;;onr:ecu~ive chsr6.""tll;"r$ l:e 1.-·!'lotc-0 ty A., l-, •. _ ~ ~ , ••• 1 .f. . 'l'l-e -~9;Si; f:als1".- 1'0l4rie.r OC ·eCt.iou 1 . ?- ;r,ny tf": 1:~-ec. 1=0 obtain lro~ -:r;o~~ 1 1 c .... r-ractJ<":"'rf th~ 1 L• t.:o~f.fJ.clc:uls a('J) , a 5 {1) , 1-1,(-:) , .•• , a._(01 . Ar.oi 11on~ b:llC. su::>t..i·uut.:""ou:: o!:ily have to t.:'·onr. l>e J.•e!·fortr.n:i l1~· t.i."" r 1•il:.r.i.-·tic unit AU Lo uLLai;_ one , se- vei"lul ci· eilJ c.t' t li O$f• <.:OC'-l'J'icienr.;s . J°lSS1.Hno 1,,he coefficient ,(le(!;.) ul o!ll": in ~on:;.1•.~f. Hd c.::; shown in 1"1g . 1~8 . 'l'he 1 5 coefficients -ac(~) 1 +nc (~J , -rac(5) . -Dc(5J, .. with the oigns .;ar:-~!ipon.Jiul". to th~ ai gr.s or cal(~ , 6) in t·ig . ? are trana- Jerr'><I in1':> ti.~ digH 11 s~or:;ge 5'1'2 . P.enuin;:; &nese 16 co •:ffic:.c;::::;" o"c cnr1&lly t!lroup 3 dir,itel/i;malog convert.-·r D.h yi~ld:- ti,e nr~~lot) ou~put signal ~" 0 (9) . The connec-
105 tion bet;wenn inp:.i~ ,;igntl F( e) and o"t»ut cii:;na l F 0 ( a ) foll ows from (;2) ""d \~', : rn 'F(S }c~l'5.~ )de = ' • 1/l (it?} !• ac\~Jc•l(u,O)da s Let f' 0(G) 1.>e obtaine<lroy:f,.eain,. cql('.,a) int;o Lite se1 q-uency .rill.:er of Fig . l.!2 . Let 11 0 (9~· df""vin~·.p f1·o:ri lta val u~ accorJiu~~ l,oaG~ussian Ci rtrib11L io11wiLl1 .u.ea.:J aqual'P. dcviacion 10 · • i'efeJ.'red t o n u:iH vuH;;i,i-te . 'l'rie crosstttlk tto nu'1tioL of ohe coeffi cirnt!I "c ( l J, l f. :> , lll!d n5(i) iP. n.on _,·,o dE . A wucll 11ir;hrt' cr-os~tulk "+.temiation cnn 1.>e o bt; 1::; a c i £(it~ l :'i lL er . l·t! t F 1 (ii l in Pig . US have ~hn cenn ~qaare Ce,:in~ion "1L ~• 1~f~!':>~d to 3 uni• voltage . If 2n sa:i.yles of F 1 (3) uee~ to "<' ·~~te ac<5J. and i t the :;<.o:o;<;/d.ig2 ta. =or:•:er-.ion introduc~z " negligibl~ et'ro1·, ou~ oO."tainz :::. oe:1n SQU9:t"e ~Q\.. :.a!:ic:? o~~ ae(5 ) o! 10" 6 ;2n 1·eferrcd to ~ "'11it voH· i;c . 'I"H:> c=·osstalk nt:ten11ation ir: d:I is L!.:.11~ 10 log 10 ';~·" = - : uO ' -'- 10n log 2) . l•'o r ;:in -= ,,,_ as ~!'ted in Fig . 110 one o'tit~ i n::: • cro sstnlk nttenuat .i.or. ur - (bO - 40 !<>c; :' J : - 72 <11' . The u~uul rurnlog l'll~ers are caJ>nbl<: L1> !"il ter f·J nctions or one v11__riable s ucl1 as th~ out;puL volt.:u('.:l;c or a llicro_phone, which in a j''i..~ction of t.itl;fJ . 'l'ho g r ny:1c~s of 8 black-nnd-•..JhitO picture i.s :l ~WlC~iOlA Of tWO :O!'O.-.:e V8.riablcs . Colow· pict.ui~e:; or vel cvi~ion pi.:t.lL.!·ea a.!'9 fur:rtion s ot two space Vhl..ja0.l"f!~ ~"";j n t"?"-Jird vu.l~i~:ole "&taj standn !or the -;h.ree ba.Eic colo~=~ or tho ;in:,~ . Digi"":n.l tilt rs can be proe-rBl:iDed to .fil~er ~ttch fttnc";io~u o.:· two or t:irce variables even t!.touf!;t. the ~nnction~ qr.-• l'ej in-:;o tile !ilter iserinl ly like !unction" o:· or:e v:u·.'-:il.le . '!'he C:O!r!J'luting effort bccorr.cs cnoroou!l nJ1d tl:.e lrWe1·enL :--elativ<) simpl icic;y of digito.1 sequency f illct'S com":ired ;;i tr. frequency !ilter~ becomes an ir&por~a.nL t\uvori l op·e . PllA'l"l', KAl{L W1(1 ANDREWS hove proi;rrunmecl n digi t nl f il t01· ;·or functions of two variables and used it for Lite reduction or in.fo1•mntion of still pictures , as was point I'd out in 1 . ?;, .
3. Carrier Transmission of Signals 3. 1 Amplitude Modulation (AM) 3.11 Modulation and Synchronous Demodulation TLe t.r aL~oission of cons~ant~ ax l ,; ) by o .:.y!;te:o of ort!' f w1ctlou:, I I'( ..1, :]) I t as b een <li8CJdee d i n the previ ou s chap Le1· . Tl •O t r1m~mission of Ll31t' [ unc tion s F(9 ) or F x( e ) by mea n:• oJ' <• :;ys t e:n or ti me r us 11•(k , e) J ~·:ill h e d i.SC1lSStH.i. HOW . Thi"! !IC furi.Ction~ 1~ (k ,a ) wil l be Cal- len carriers . F(9) denote ~ a ny ciao~ fu11ctio n, e . g . the ouLput voltage or a a.icropl:c::e . l't.e nOLb.tion F.( ~ ) ~ s usP.d -o f:-JJIJ!;.as-i ze ~i.JJ.o a •net.ions t!lat con:ain n J'.inite number o f coefficieut.:-;; tt.--(~ ) , .1 uch .e.!:i t..eletyr.o : m-1 F,(oJ = .L:a/,i.1f(.1 , aJ i:O rh ~ ~(" , &J are ;n·ed.omir.n:>tly ~ i ue and cosine a - -:..11~ ;:. t"('(if'?: r . r h e =e ir , hawove r' ne it her n!U3t l ceii. no;· u ptiy:::ica..... t·eason il.'t-,y ot:her functions carr ierc fll..!lct lon ~ 1 Ct1UlJ :iot; be used . TCi.:: hc·lds !'01· t.rrulfitli~~ion via '"ire llnr.= , ~f!J.·.re £"Ji:j.ES: , rnd.!.o links , etc . I~rio.1tc r;rai ns o f ?t.:.l!Se~ arr uti. d t.o soa:e ext.l:!nt. tsS cu:·:·icrs in c a bles . :•\1nc t. io11:J t:-1at ffJl'ID n f!ro up •...• 1~h reap1.::ct;. to !Du l tipl;:.- block cntion ai·e va r ticuJ '1r• .Y we-1~ s u:.4>cd an cArl'id !'S from the mn Lf:-. e m.:jtical p oint: o f' vi e w. Ampl :Ltuoo modul a:cion oi' s uch l\.uu.:. Lion::: yield:-; .i!lhl'r~n't l.Y a s l1tgl e t-i ld r- 1 And ood ul !it i on . r·1u:t.;l plcx r:ysteai- ucing riu ch carr~ierti do not need Sinble . tJe1and filtPJ'. • fhe te~Cl sir.g!e sideLn:ic.l ILOdulati on i S uGc.i h.a1·e 'l'fith n 111ore gene-rat r::.eaning then usual . Tne exuct cear:ine: of t':l1. ana o't!!er t;.:;ed in a genernli~Fd 5{'DSC' 1.r; be~t ' xpln..i!:ed by OD OXW:1 J le .
1 0? _; . 11 SYllCilRO:JOUS DEMOJW..JcTIOtJ Consider ltJll }i tuc" 2JOdcil at ion O!" 6 co:;ino !'uc.ction cy i:;ignal .i'(li) . uet !'~ 'l / be eXpUlde<l illl:O A !'°ourier .;erie'°' in tne inter·:!ll _, ~ o < ~ : El - r (e) • n(O) + 1{2 /. [acCi) cos 2irr& • '.l,(i) cin 2i-ril] (1) i:.I Let F(9) rusr. ~tu·out;h u lowpas" l'ilter tb1L s uppre3,;es all terms 0£ t!-.e sum with index i > k . Suc!l l'ilteJ:S can be implemcnLcd voi·y ltlttch lilr<> t he seq u e11c,y l'iltern i n c;oc- tian ? . 31, bu~ 1 mp leweutai;ion iG oJ' no .i.ropo1·Lt1JlC~ be.r:e , 'J'lle rilroreu signal F 7 ( e ) has i • I< ::-nth er L!Hui i • ~ ;;s upp"r limi~ or the ,;um ( 1 ) . Ar.1~'ituJ<' mo<.lu-~cioll or 10::ie carri• r 1{2 cos 11 0 1 b;1 F · ta l yie-do : F• (9)(2co,,.0 1 • 9=L:[a«i1cos(:1, -?.,i;~-a,(i)dn(.1 i•I +a(J)1{2 coe 0 0 9- (2) 0 -21i)3] • [o.«i}co~((l0 4?..,i)~+u.(i)cin(n,+--, i :s ; 2: ,,, The first llUJ:I rcr resent" t;:,., :owr,,• d,lebuutl . [t ~ol­ lows tho term tne f.:·equenc;; i.1 0 ot' tile cw:rier i ·w hich is p!'oduocd by the DC compouent of F ' (~) . Tlie second mm reprecente tbe upper sideba.nct Lot 1•'(6) be exptt..tldecl i !.lto a \falv!1 . "l'ie. : F(e ) • a(O) + .. 2; [a,(i)cac.(i,» 1 .. • ~,(l)o,.1(i , 91J (5) "I • n(O) + L, [acCi)w"1(2i , 3) .. + ns(i),..:iJ.(21 -1 , ~)] Let F(e) pass Lh.t·out:;h a sequcc,cy L-•r•:u.•S .filter that suppr.. all terms witl1 index i > /. . !'Lt l'iHeroct sisnai E"(o) ha~ i = It as upper limit of tl.o ou:n (~) . Tile serJo s ~x:pa.nsiou o.r F 1 (9) an(l F 11 (SJ hovo thus Lile sa1:1e nll!nboi· ol' t;ormn . Amplitude modulation of o W0lno carrier wal (j , a) by Ftt(a) yields :
108 f • a(o) .,.\·a1( ;; , ") r: + £.. t ~< r,) + , i) •1· ' \ J''>•-· \ '--irt. t ~ r:1 ;Jomnari son of (4) rued (2) shows Lh«L L'•<" DC con.ponent u(U) i ;; ~ranswi1..tcJ in boLL c~6es by u.nchan~e,.:._ car- c·ier. rhere is , !10•11f'vrr, o!le su:n only iu {'~ ~ . liependh • on t.=.e value of J, this ~wr. ts&y de!lcr1be ~;upper ', ' ...o1 o:- 'part!.s U!lper, partl:; loner nide°:Jb.!l<!' . Cor..s:._der, !"O!) ex!l!!r>la , h. u\1.'.tbc-r 2k l:avict: 11 C.igi~. l:; binary r:ctatio1J . j be ~8l',i5<"'r :;nan 2k a.r..d .... P.t ~i )1!ive- Z~I":>S at the "' lowe!:it bi:i~ry pluc1.1s . J•he _.. ollo•.-.•ing f'('1 nt.icns hold : w~1· ' e 21 j = j { 2i - 1) i ;o e + 2, J , j j I 11 1 j • • • • 1, J + -i 2 1t > j 3, .... . I<~ - (5) 1 > J 1 , 2 ' . . . . 2r. < J All !JJU.ices 2i9j! (~'i-1 :e~ J.· t.t,c s~a 1 1- .~·e larger ;:hn:: "t":Je iu<!ex j o.:- t:1e c:'!rri .., •. •,;1Jl( .~ , ; J for tr c Cl!oice o:' j . Thls corr!'~ponUs -!;n .'!.!I u;•;, r ,"'.-idebnnd a:odul~t.lor:. . As u f urt her exUJ:1plc , j !111vF binary pl uccz . 2i I e J 2,. - ~ j 0Ju.~ oh~nir:s - 2, 1) 6 j , - 4 1 - J - 1, j • • • • - j , ~ - ~nnl' 1>1; ?k < .1 . •. . Lile 'l 101·1est ca~ri : in -clti::: j (!:.) - 2l( < j . .;o-..· i;t.e icdice3 219j cwC {?:. - 1)1:tj in t.=.a su=:i (4) all smaller than tLe ind<>;: of tl:e c:u·:·icr wn (j , 3) . This corr-espo1:ds ~o a .owt-!~ Hi::ic:band . 'file nun:b~rn 21El,; u.r~d \?i- 1 )aj wil: be Co!~ CIC3.cte:in vaLucc of i l tu·i:;c1· c'oo n j !l.nrl ::or other va J ue~ :imaller than has nei tlir.-r ;1,01'0.s only nor on or. only on -che fl lo\..'r;;::st t: i r.a.ry plucet: . Thin corr· e~pond.::i to n :partly upper, psrtly lower sidel>iud <1odut,,•ior.. W'_y does =1·lit:ide l!lodulation or ~ico nnd co~ine carriers y!.e:d two sic!eba."1tls , but a:uplitude rnortulation o~ 1 1/nl:;b carriers ouly one? sideband? For the rul£','/E!' consider ,j 1 if j
~ . 11 SYNCJIROliOUS DEJ-JODU:.AT IOii &he i:iul¥1J'll1Catiou t.!:.eore:os Of sine ttr.1 cosine : . -cor. 1. i-r. }3 T .:oe(iT.<.)3 (7) 2 cos 19 co:i ite •Sin( i ltj9 T ~rn( i~k); ..:e = 2 sin 18 cos cin(i•t:H 2 COP e sin ;. = - sin~i-i-!)9 ;. s •COS(i-%)~ co,-;(iTk)9 = 2 sin i8 sin There is a tiWL of two sir.P or cosL"le !'u.ncttor.s on <::he r i ght hand siues of these e qunc i om; . Le L Cu~ ke 01 sill M be cuJ.·.t'iO.L'a and cof:) ie or ein i9 Fourl er compoJ1ents of a ai snal t hE1L :u·e amplitude modulated o nLo ~J1ose carriers . . An upper wul n l o wer side-oscilloLioH l " p1·o<luced . He nce , the double nidebancl modu-ation of si11e Wld cosir.e ca:-riers 1 s a consoqueuce of tt:c mul ".:iplicati•>n th~or<'tw (7) . !.et us consider once I:lO:'.'e tne t1t!- ti f ! J.Cntion t.Leo1:eos of \lalsh J'unctlons : cal(i, 9 )cal (i< , 9) e cal"r ,9 ) sal(i, 8 )cul(k ,e) • 5:-;l(r,a) cal(i, 9)sal(;. ,9 ) sal(r , 9) eal(i, e)sal(;. , 9) cal(:- ,• ) :.' r r r i e c-o,\ It - 1) J ~ 1 ~i6 (k - 1:) • 1 " l i - 1) e (~ - 1 ) (ke ( i There is only one Walsh fuu ctlon on tht: rif;hL r.and sides ol (8) . Lot cnl(k , 9) or sal (k , 8) 'or. or.i.n·iers anc e al(i,e ) or ~al(i , 9) Walsl" con:poncnts of (1 signal chaL are ruopli tude module1ted onto ~ha cnr1•i.el'tJ . r·t~a ro i s no L one upper and one:- lowc-r 1 side-fw1ctiou • l.:·ut one fll!Jct.lon only. This ia the reason ·1;l!y .ampl ituUe :r10llJlr.1tion of ··~'o.lst f unctioi::i ;yields a •~gle sideband rr.od.1.•>tiou . A circuit for a:nplitude eod\:la":tion of 11 Wo.: .. b is &hown in Pig ."9a. T>ie co nine cnrrier '{2 co" r.,e l!:odula Le.I t::• f '( e) iL (2' =>ay be demodulated by multi;;licntion wHI. 'f2 cvo r:0 e : (F 1 Ce ) '{2 cos o 0 aJ 'f2 cos 0 0 e = P 1 (e)(1 +coo 2r. 0 ~) (9) The Ure~ term on Lhe right nand side 1·op:t•N1cnt:' tr.o dclltO<;l1Llat ed signa l. 'I'he second t;erm mua l, be aurµr·esscd b;y ~ . .fil ter . Halt the power is lost on tho nvornge by ~liis l;eJ:'ing . Thio poweJ:> loss is unimportant, if \.lie produce
; • <.:APJlIER 'l'llAr:s:nssrmr ·110 :··(u )1{2 cos n 0 a can be a.:nplifi<'.I before mu: ':.iplication with '{2 cos (l0 3 . I.el a Big,.-"', Dt ( e ) be -::ran:n:ai tt~~l l;y a Ch.rl~ie= \r2 CO!! a, 3 . Syru.:bi·o:Jou~ demodulation by -,f-2 cos 0 0 8 v.:.~:d!'· : [!>'(a )•[2 cos n , a :•r2 cos 0 0 e=JJ '(e )[ ooaC n 0 -11 1 )a• co"( n0 +o, )eJ (10) LC1t t he oJgnals 1" ' (9) aud D'(e) cont~in oscillatio::os wlLh 1·,·cq uoncicn in ti1e in:Le1·vu.1 0 ~ v "' v, only and le1; ~lw <lemodulated signal r, pass ~tu·ouf:!i a Jrornency !'il te:c '.<lLh cut-off frequency "• . F '( D) wL l be rl'.>co' ved l<ithoLLt i11t.111•rere nc.:e l'rom n+(e ~ 1 if f..L·e11u~r1cies c:- tr.c carriers '{2 co" n 0 e nr:d l{2 ccz 111 e saLi>.r.v oh< !'o I ?win;;; condicionG : l<n, - n,;/2rrl -v ;,; v, , C t!vliv 0 • L<-t the d;;na~ 1' 1 (e )f2 coa n0e be fir,ci; (11) rtultiplied b;; ~ nu.xi~i:iry carrier f -2 cos Gl'la !'l.JlC lc-t: tt.e ;..rc:l..ict. lio J>odu~ ated b;.• au:t=.p~icat1011 wi t..n 2 cot! (n 0 -n,, )e : t...,.~n (12) = F'(a)L1~ CO!'l 2(n. - n ,)6 I coc ?n. a+ CO!'l ?(106) ~Le c!csireC term li' t(a) i::; obtaino<1 . 'l lio t:~11~ee oot desired ~ e.:.·1ni:J on the right hand side 10u?:Jt bl"' J'i. Lt cl"t:-d . Let n !ligna l D 1 ( e }l[~ cos ( n 0 -?n. )9 1-~ l"Cccivcd . Direct r-yncl.1'0noua n:cdu.Cation 'lCCOl'dint; Lo (9) yield>:: (D'(e~{2cos (n 0 - 2r..J&]1{2cos n 0 e • = (13) D '(•)[cos 2n.a • coz 2(0 0 - 0.)e] The ~igmtl (15) =;; be filtered , i f tho :rccpeney bandwil!th or D'"(e) i.-; Eu1~~=.cient1y s:&til!. . Henc!" , tbe.?'"e is no int~rforenco Uetwee11 F-( ~) and this int"l "'f' sig::.a: . 'Phi s is uot !lo , i:' •he sit-'.n"1 D' (e )'{2 cos (0 0 -20 . )S i,; first n ulti plio<l by an auxil i <i0'Y e~Tier '{2 cos n. S and l '1en delllodulriled by :nultiplication with 2 coo (n 0 -n. )0: ( [ D1(A )1[2 co~ ( 0 0 - 20.)0]1[2 c os 0.0 12 con (n 0 - n. )a (11t) • JJ' (e ){cos 2r.,e +cos 2(0 0 - 2n 1,)a .1+co"2(00 - 0.)aJ
3 . 11 SYNCllllOHOuS Dlli':ODULJ1T IO:l 11 1 The tcr!ll !J 1 (S) <>Fpear,; o:i tlio !'!giJL hnnd slde of ( 11;\ irt ( e ) i .. rr ctcJ b;,· LILe i :oace sig!.'1! D•(e) . Oae :11ay see rroo (7) am! ( 1.:.) ~hnt t!:e ~·ecepL io:.. o!· ic:ai:;e c i .,;nG.l::: is !l consequ~uce or thr. mul :. i pl..:c:ilio:>:... theorcu. .... of sit... e nr..d cos ir..e . 'rhc-!·e 1,oul<l b~ nc· :.? rfer·cn~c hy .i;nne;c· 8 i &nllls , LC c-here w<!'t:t! or.o- tcr::n rntt-.e r thn..:: two on ~he .r ic;ht hwid side of (7) · F1aiJ-:-:-l F"!~;r~-11''(0lt•l(j,al -a--~~ a cal(j,Ol r" tm,.1~~:e1 b l <al(j.9) Fig . "o .:Jnplitude cioculo.:;or "') a~.d .1~~.octu.nlc1 ('u) :·or '!l carrieru . LP sequeney lo·n;•ass f1l ccr ; f1 a.ultirlie= : or Walt:h fur1ction" . Let us 0011~.i.;Je.:.· Lhe 1::1 !:11ll.e ;.. .cvct: .JSf:r 1 i 1 \\'hl:Jlt t;\J..r'.r ie!.'S uoed inttlieacl or sine- co s ine cerJ"·i r.r:i . _.t~~ th.,... tJ.J.t;uul Fff(e )«nl(1 , e) oJ' ( 4 ) be mul,;i pl ic(l b;y wi il(j , O) : si~e [P•( e)wnl(j , 9) ]wnl(j , 9 J - F'' ( BJwa1:u , a) • & • ,~, J (ll ( 1 5; J • 0 ?he:rc is no hish .-eque-r:cy tc-rn =a 3,.~ i"i l t~!· ..... d , coi ~r91..y to s ynch1-onous dcmoculatior: 0 1· si:_c-co~i!l~ ca.!·riers . ~oi-;­ •ver , thin diffet·ence o.~!ll.S ve:·y , oinc<" r~l:;ering in required axrp:ay in 11ul~icha11nct ::y. t.r.nE i:: Order to Separate froct di.;'ferel\1; Ch;nnelr . fo ;;i'.!o" thar;, let: a signal L·"( e ) be rra~!:ciittr.- .1 b:r t~ :-:econd. ce:.rl'ier ""1(1 , e ) : u( e ) + 2k 2::• ( ilt ( i )co.l ( i , e ) + "' ~~ c(r)wa J ( :r, a ) ~ b,(i)nal (!. , fll ] ( 1 6)
:5 . CAh!ilI:.ll 1'P.Al'lc:1ISStotr 112 S;rr.c:.roncus ccnocul ai:ion of yielito : 0 " le J>tal\ 1 , R ) by we.: ( j, 9) (17) " c(r)~·al(-Eijar , a) , ;?:: "' i.~"'r ~"· tt{e) and n~r-{ e ) coutaiJ1 i''ulSJ1 i'unct: i o ns \·•a!(0 , 9 ) , cotlt.l . ~) "''d sal(i , e) 1-1itl i 'I< only , oi• '.·l ah;Ll func tions 1·w:(·· 1e) wi th r ~ 2lc only . funller Lhe dea:odulated .Sifl"mtl>! b" f ll te r·ed by a i:;<>qucncy OWJ)S99 f:'..l t~r wit h cut ol'I' ~equency u•k . i;o «al >Jh fw;.ceion waJ(Jlll.;er ,s Jo f (17) d ! l ra"~· -:;hro'"t;:h tu.~ .filter-, l.f t!IP i'ol Lowing condition 1.r. sn:i~:· : ~ ;::: , l tZI j if r r = O, ' , .... 2·. (18) ~~o of tL~ ccar.y ~o~s~l:lc ~·"'1'5 ~o ca;;is:'y (~8) will be di.::cun5e:-d . Lei; ~!Je nuaUe.:.· .2k huvd' 'l t:._nnry digit~ ~ Let ,1 !lnd l t" lart;er ~har. Ck let. t.Lem h~ve =r:ros only at t.!1e 11 lo·,;e~t Lincir;f placer . One obL.:.aiJld : l a; l'. l rr .:i '!.1 1 , l + 1, 1 ,.. = i E; j , i i 2, l I : ,J + 1 , . . . . ;u. ( 19) l a- ,i , 2k condi~ion 'f'he l ai .I -. "?. ttll. t ·1;e S&.t;L;.!'~eil , ir, order fo:- ( 18) (20) co ~.old . Aci.C.i.n15 j mod1Jlo 2 o:o bctt. sides o:' (20J yi.,ld.; : The l~::t ~rc...a~£o.::astic~ u~f!S tl.Ju !·elttlion j a; j = 0 and t!.(1 Jnct: tl.f.r. 2; ':ac ~ Unary place~ cnl:1, wl:il e j has ;.:,,l·o: nt iT,:: , lo•.,·e~t binary i l 1co~ . AC:dir.g l '1mC:ulo ? in (20) :yicld.o " :>econd possibi~it1 LIJ a:•Ll •. f;v \18\ : J "' ;'>k S' l = :'.'k + 1 (22) con<it rio 1rn I 1ke (21) qr.rl (?2) divi-lc the seq uency spec-
11 5 ~ ini;o 5equency c1'a=el6 just a!! the frcqufncy :-; ecie dividud into f1•equency c!:amnels by •he req'1ire trull' ment of certair: fL'equcncy 11m.lw1dtr_s f or the chwin< .c . A l!lO:te general incthou f or nlloci.tint; sequency c"ruinel c for \la.leb ce rricl's baseci on f!it'O llJ theory wil l be given I nter . It isposDible :;o multiply,; signal F " (B) wal(,j , 9) firs;, with an nu.:xiliary carrir::r· wul (t , e n.r:d l.hPr: de11c.•ll1tlti-,,. i t i>Y mult:iplication wich n ouJ:rirr :ml< j E!l, B) : ((F"(8)wal(j,9))wlL.(h,5 hal(jet,SJ = (25) 'l'herc is no inter.f crel'lco b:r lmnge signnl t lt \,.'q_!;.t--.. cal'rit.>rs are useu . 'l'o ohow tlti~ , let B 1•cc:o1ve<l >.<is;ua l D"(e )wal.f l, 0) be multipli"1tl l'iruL b;y wa-(h , 0) and Lhou by wal (jilh, 8) : (2l•) " c(r )wal ( l6JS'" L; .., e, D•(e )wol(l ej, 0) contail1r 110 •oOn>ponont Lhat: could peas throui;h n aequency 1 owµns;i fil tcr wi tb cu L-oJ'f ::>cquency µ • k, ea loni; as the condition (18) is sotisi'iec. . rhe absence or i:nage signals ca.n be traced to t.?...e occurr~nc~ Of only one \./a::.r.!: function on tLe righ:; hnnd side or the mul tiplication theore~e (8) and (1 . 29) . J;'ig. 49b shows a block lliae;r·am :or the synchl.'onou" demo dulntion of Walsh carriero . Amplitude modulation of i'1mco ions of o Lh~r co:op:ete , Ol'thogonul oyste= tlluy be <liGcu scoci in ve"'Y '"""h tile same '<ay . Ko other systems hav& nhown pL·act i cel 9dvnntui;er- ,;o tar, l>ut this may well bo du" to .u:: in,-.,,fi'icio!I~ er:-~rt . '1oat Of the better known fUnctiorrn have !OUlt;i~ lic~tion theorems that produce no~ ooe or two a" in t!:.r cuse Of '.laleh or sine - cosine functions , but an in.finite series 9 Hn'"l'llf'», Tu1ntm•it.f1an oJ Worm-at10t1
3 . CAR.ill £R :i'RM!SIH.Ssroi'f ol' tcr:.m!;i . Cal.'ri crs of pex·i odic block pulses !'oI·m an orthogonitl sys:cem but not; a compJ et.e one . l'h.ei1.. amp.i-; tutle rnoduJ.ntion dif_f err; str•ongl:J~ il:-OD• that of si11e- <:ot:>i:1C or \·I alah ru.nct1ons . 3.12 Mu ltiplex Systems One of the most iwpor~ant nppl ication!l of' ampl itude modul.ation is in multi1:.lexing . Cons idr.r a fr equency mul t;iplex sys.t ern for telepho ny . m tel ephony signa J s are pas- sed tl)~ough frequency lowpass fil te rs a:>c! e nplitude mo - dula-ced onto m s ine or c.o s i ne CaL·r iers . In ?r:.:iciple 1 the ;nodulated ca.rrier.s a.:re ed.ded and may Lhen be t ransmitted comm.~n l ink . Single sideband filter,; are inserted after tlle modulators to suppress one aideband . '!.'here a.1.. e method.fl to separave frequenc:y multiplex signals et i;be receiver . S;:irnchror:ous d emodulat ion is one such method i:Ul C it ca11 b-e applied to non-sinusoidal ca..c1·ie~s as well . '!:h e received m11l t.lplex signal is multipl ied in u 1nodulators b:.'t' t he saJne m carr•iers t!lat were u sect for r.iultiplexinr:; at the t ransmitter. The carriers in vi.a a the :receiver must ·ue synch.ronizeC to thor;e in the t te r . '!'hi s me;,ins -che frequency :nust be and the phase d l .:'fer ence ·v ery s.:nci.11 . TLe tleruodulatea s pass thrcu~h m l o-.· fil terh which Bup~ress the contrl.butions I.t·orn .signal s of wrong ctannels . A practical I"L·eq11ency mul- t;iplex system differs al' co11r:>e from this principle , since specific fea t ures of sine and c o sine functions-a r c utilized in practical syotems . Here the emphasis is on those feitture::., i.·.ihir~ll s ine and cosi ne func t i on s share with other corupl e !;e s ,y sLem" of orthogonal functions . 'f'he t;•., 0 me"t"bodB of quadr"ature r:Iodulation and single 1 sicleband modulation ere k.uown in frequency l!lul tiplexiJ;l.g. Two carrier s of equal frequency but 90 • phase di!'fer enM a r--e itude modulated by two independent signals 01e4uel frequency band width i n !;he c ase of quadrat ure mod\Jlat ion . Two signals are produced ) each o f which bas twiC.t!
'!> . 12 MULTIPLEX SH»1El1S 11 5 the bandwidth or tile original signal;; . t:o aore bar.~widtt: ,ban in the baseband is occupied per nignal, since bot!:. signal s occupy a colllllon frequency ba.~d . On'y one carrier of 8 certain is =plit·>de !!lodu loced by a signa!. an<L one of the generated sidebar.<!~ i:< :>U?J're<':;cd in single sideband modulation . :he:e are several method:; available for this supprosuioo . Corresponding atodulaLion methods ex i .st: ('01• Aeque ncy mull;iplexing (11 ) . Lacking better termn, ono may denote; them by quedrnture ana sint;le sideband modulation too . 'Ihere are cwo Wal~ll fwlCtions cal(i ,S ) and,B) fo::each sequency i . Quadrature :nodulation monnn thnt col (i , 3) as well as Gol(i,B) are amplitude modulated by two independent signo.le . Sir:gle sideband modul~tion means that either cel(i,e) or cal(i ,9 ) on_y nre :nodulaLed . One sequency sideband i<> gene::-aeed ir: eitb•r case , but tt.e carrier sequcncie:i have to be s-paced twice us \11.itlti uparz. for quaclraturo moduluti ou ns fo= single sideband modulatio~ . For explanation of tnc prir-eiple of sec:urncy ttult.iplexing by moe.naof Walsh ca::-riers r efer to Pig . SC . TL.: o utput voltages of two mic1•ophones are applied ~o pointn a and a,'. They are p«ssi ng through two soquo11cy towpaGo fi lterij LP . Step voltagcn appear at theii' o.1t1men b an d b '. These are fed to the multipliers M ond arr.p l ieudr> modulate two periodic Walsh carriers applied to pointr. c •nd c '. The c odulated carriers d and d ' are Bdd~d in S und i;h<' output voltogn e i s . ~hi~ voleage is a~ltirlied a.t the receiver in two multip!iers M by th'-= na:n~ ~als!: fll!lctione used at ti.e t<'ansmi t ter . T'ne two voitagry:o appearing at the outputs g anci g • o~ the l!lul t 1.plier are i'eci th1'0ugh eequency lowpass .filters LP , that arc coual ea those used in the transmitter . The sti>p volt~gNi -at che OUt"pu~a b and b. ' a r e "'lual to those aL b o.nd b '. :hey may be l'ea diroctly into a ~elephone beadse~ . ~·no 101~rar.s rubera of Lho ti'ansmitter produce a d e ! r:>y of 1 2~ u s =d those; oJ: the receiver produce another 125 u o delay . The ••
3. 11 fi CPJ!RI£R 'l'RA)lSt-;ISS!ON dnchc<l ~t-ci;ior.s of che time din;:;rn.:n of Fig . ;c indicate the::-" !lclAys . :'ig . 51 st:o·6s a 1mli;ir;lex Sj'Stem '1iL!! 1024 <:ha:-.nels fol' trr:n~:rJisniar. in ore C~ec~ic-L . f~ulti?lcxing of ar.a.:.og signAlB will bt> <li.;cussed . 'l here i .c. no problem in codifying inpue and outpu~ ci:-cuits for other -y;ies of si,;nals . For J.u:.:.~ru1cP., r.!1e '.'oltaF;es +V 01· -V only :"JT'n applied to the iopuL::: oJ' t.he ch..nnels for CJ·nnsmiaoi on of biuary digital. $ignn Ln . Se\ren channel~ requi1·ca fo1~ the &ransmisslon of 11 •11:\lln I l'Cf-1 teleplloh:; e.i5nlll . Suci-1 rleca i l.s ar·e on:ibted frori the J'ttt'l..t:ier· discussion , .oince che:y a.r~ no !llo:re importru1t ··0r tl:e princil'le of S"fJUNIC:f '!Hll ti.~1le.xing i;han for thnt oJ' time or frequency mul t~;>l P,xing . Tbe tn·o-wire l coming !'-om e s:.ibsc!"ib<"r is spliz b;y a hyb:·id e~rcU.:.i; im;o a tr:umni :ting and a receiving ·~:-1.lllch . A sig.nal on the trana:Utc,ng !>rl<JlcL ~s app_ied to OL.f• of the 1C24 input!': of t!1e t.:nne!titter . It passes a aequeucy lowpass filter 1.1' .,,, th cut-o!"f rnquency of 4 kzps . ':he $\'. itcllen of' cl1e low-pnss fil t.eJ.'S nre driven l)y pulses 1 oJ' :he liULini:; goneratoi· SG . ~ho input Si£"lllll F(e) is i;ransfcm:iM tni:;o a step funct i on F " (O) ; P(e) and F"( a ) are ubo«n 1 n Fig . ;i? but wi.Lhou~ tlrn d<' I ~j' of 1 25 ..,s between ' I"( 9 ) 11nd I• tt ( 8 l . After .fllte1·ln5 , t .h e si15nnl is nr.ipl-Ltudf' codulnted on+,;o O:lC ~ •· 32 1.v'alsh Car.ciei·s I1 to 'r;2 i.1.1 one of the [tUl ti j liers :·1 . 'rite first: four ca.r:·i~H'S wal(::!, 9) to wal(3,e} BT'C ::ho'1n i.r. Fi,:; . 52 . Juratiou r b.DI! position of their orChogo""- ny ir.t<:rval coinc1dcn with t:h<i steps of the sigGli! F " (a) . 32. mo<'lulai:ed carriers arc ~ocbie"d by t:he ad!Oers S1 to S52 in~o oee gr·oup . A• a :et>ul t, 32 groups with 32 chanr.t'lr r•ach are ol>cained ss showr. iii Fig . 51 . The :t:igure ;12 is cl10!1en as exacrple only ; r·i·incii:- l es for judiciouslJ' chooni ng ai ze of grou pi; and 11upo·rt 1~oups will be discussed lo tor . Tr.e ou Lput voltages oI' th<> neldors cu:e arupli tude 111odu-
117 ' -- -- -- Fig . 50 Principle of u seoueI1cy mu:~i;.>lex .71s•~m . LF sequenoy lowposn filtrr , rt :riu.:.tip l :_Qr, S (11!\"!1 r . Ft~2 51 Sequoncy multiplex system with 102'> telephony ~""""eln tor tl';ion in one diroction . ~· J se9uency ..::;.,"Paos tilter; 11 multiplier; S addar; 'l'G , 1''G, fiC trie;ger , 0 t1on and timing generator . -
~. 118 CMR [El\ TRAJIS!USS!O!; T:i"ole 5. Gener:ltion o~· cnrrie::-s 1'1 to T3<' oy t:!.e multJ.('1ic1>;ioi: wal(;:,~)wa~(l,6) • wnl(,j,6) ttt;:lOJ t:.•' Ca.!-:-iere T 55 to 'f-6.!. b;,· the rtulti~licaHOU w:;l (k' 9'"~1( l 'e )wal ( 3~ '9) • wnl{~.~) . <.u· I 1i e 1 I , TI T' 0 ., ' ' •' •' ' ' ••' ,. 1' • '' T T I T i 'I' II ' I ,,..,,. • " ''' '' '' "" u "' "" """ T" •• ,. "" ,rn " """ ,"' •• " T:l '~ ,,. ""' """ ,,. "" I " "" ,., " " " " "" " "" "' ""' rn """ """ T" 111 T I! Ito I • •• ' •" ' ' "' "' c:ar.1 r 11r 1 0 l 'H 'JlU ,,, 'I ~!) flt ·1 :111 '• :tt• 'l'tll 'J 1 1 ·r 12 'Ill TH •' " ' ' "' '" •' "' n:lf'( ) I ".." • I ' " •' "'" " " ,., '"' \lll(i "''" '" '"' ' 'l-011 "'" '" ""n3:: '"r.11 '"'1:,. "' '" '" '" "" '", '" ,_," '" ... •;• '"" 1;r '!I.Ii !Ut .. 1:::1 lb. !l.'1! ..... .. .. .. .."" ,,.... ... .... ...... .. . ,...".• ..."' ......'""' .....'"'"""'"... ....,. '" "'.• ' .. ... •' "' ... '• "' " ' T" Tll T" ll T"' rn TW H• 41'! 1w::i uo !-..~ T:.f t•;J U1:t n TU 111:1 '"' "' •'• '" " "' H•:I l'l•fl 11 0:.11 1111! "' '" 111~· !ll:S 1111!1 111;.l 8'•: .... u. 4 l'I " lai:ed oni:o 1;he carric::-n 'l'5;i t:o 'L'6" in t he multiplie::-n M. Adder $~5 aclds the r-csulting j2 voltP.ges . A seep voli:age in obi;ained at c"ic oucput of s33 . The widch of the ntep~ i:; equal co (52)- ~125 '"' ~ '-22 ns . The amplitude of tl:is o'"tput signal !losw:aes 8000><(32)' = 8 192 000 indej.iendent runp:!.itude" pe1 second . ':he "ignal occupies the sequer:cy bane O :: q; :; '' . 096 . This n:ul tiplex sign• l rnay be t!'lills:Ut~ed directly to the receiver or it moy bo used to noc ulate " sine 01· Wa.lsll carrier . . d =· "2 At the receiver the Bi131wl ia rirnt multiplie ,. mul LiJJliel'S M wit;h the carri era 'l'3j to TGll- and then in j2 muli:ipl iern with tl1e carriet·s T1 t;o ~· 32 . The demodulated ~ignnls pass ·t hen Lh1·ough the sequ cncy lowpass filters LP , which ere equal to Lllose in t:he t:ransait·~er. 1
3· 1 2 119 11tfLTlPLEY. SYSTEI·tS Fllll-- - f'1Gl---===L=:_---;-=== (ll~hrO I I • il!0,81 I l I ----- 1i.2" a ~ *'"•8 "-~ 0 ,__ m lSG - . ,. !(I) Fi;;. 52 Time diagram for the :nult1rlex I'sble or tem &. The 2x;2 c~=iers Fig . 51 . r;y~tcm of the nequency aul t 11 lo3 aye,'wnt 1I11" l1.11\cl 1on c:olll,tl •lllli 01 . ' T l Tl 1 ' 1 1 • T O .• 1 ' • • • •• "" "' ru tu ru ... ...... ......'" ........'", r" ru Tll' ru Toi T10 Tb • • • • • • • • • . ' •• • • • .• • •• • 4 et. I b1nA1y .,,,. .. '·. -,. I I I rtJollll to.lllll.• ""'" .,,., •• ...,., •t ..... .,, '• • ..... ' llltlllll 11011 . Mll• 001111 ..... • .." " ..... ..... •' IS 11 m1no " "It " II .."" 111100 111 IC(l 1\11111 llllfll 111110 111110 1111 11 ti n u """" ettot e1•1~ . . . .1 111111) D14lll (l;l ll IHtlt etlli) 0111• 11 l Iii Tto Ql)llll .." ··....• ..... ...."'" " •111 I Tn QlllllU WO ii •' 1 ll l OOlllll ::: "" " ""e!I :0\ •• II nn r .. T" T" Tn TU T~ ·-·-· ,.T••.. eun UlllO Tti T" r" 1otn 1· ~= HUCO T~!I 10101 10110 1111 n T:.1 T6' llto» 1·r.; 11001 1't>ll 1'!\li 111110 no I IO U 11100 T°' 111(11 'l'd~ 11 llD 111 11 r" 1'o!I T .. ' •' ' '' • .-' < • '< < '< • •• < •< ' 61 I ' b ll'IA rj df.t. tlec. bHhHf ...." '"" .. "' .."'. ."''".. ,,.._ .*I.. . . . ,.,"" ... ..... ...,'.. . '" ........... . "'.. ,_.,, . " """"' I •. """ ' I ...... '" ' I " I '' """ "' •' " " ""'" ' ' '' ' "' • ""' I I woli 1 colt+, I), "" 111. II! ; 0 ,., "' •'• " " ~ ,.,,111r,,n1 j dee.I bln•r1 of Yig . :;11 . •ll)lll• •~·-·· (• 1 1111_111 \1•11~• llV<•.v.•WllU ll(•'(llilOOtlll _ _ Iii:. · ~•111(,o)ljQll !o,;iJllllollli,1!0 ·~·011•~11111 tlt•)l\00000 ll(llf•:u•lll 1:-~ •l!fJf.. 11111!1(1 lll•!•ll0\111\j \11111\A>lll>O 111111111111111 h'! WlOIOWOO Wth.00000 MHltlllllOO lll'J••'llflll ~n 1tp1ioo OtJ"'""i..111 .1!• n• OU1l~ ~11-.(,y ott-.CO "' ~.., •111-.. •1111 .... IJtlt..:q l< • .fll . . ,, !'t: ......•• ... ~!'4 J~b"~··· ,,, tl•r>'ott )C>ll#I•"' 1l lll l •>'l(>J li..>1100000 ...."'~,., ..... .. .,,..... OIM>I_. ll)ll l lo:.h! 111!111111(•~· llt•tll{o'Vl HllllKIClh(l 1111110(1(•) . Miii-..» "' "' u ...... .:v 6111 IOIW!\1(-..) Ill:: lll l lllf•XOO ~Ill lll ll (l(o(o O'\() l<fl 11•1 ~.o\."9 tillllUlOCO> '!\,II 111111((""-lO lllfl '" !111111 \o'U'lll} 1111100::(:(1) I Iii I HICtOOO lllU(ll!\)00 "' 111111\IOOO 1111110(...(1 ,., H lll illil~I '" 11111 llb!\ 11::11 I 111111).00)) l l lll(l(y.(O ' ' 1(1100»> 1111000000 111110()»)
.3 . CARRIER TRANSIHSS!ON 120 '!'he ~otock dia151·a..:r1 of Fig . 51 holds fot' qu~orature modu .. lation as well as for sin~le sd.eband modu.I at ion . The t wo methods d.i.ffe1• otly in Ghe ca:rrierz usec . :t:c Walnh ft;nction::o t,•e l{0 1 6) to 11.1al(31 1 e; are best used for the carriers 'P1 i;o ·r52 . Thell· generaGior. by means ot <.he mul tipl1c"tion i;heorem ( 1 . 29) from the Rademacher functions -wa l. l 1 , a) , wal( ; , 9) , wal('/ ,a ,l, ... wal(2°-1, a) .. ~~ shoNn by 'l\a"ole 5 . Hade1:iacher funci;ions can be generabFd by bina'!'~/ count1;c!"!i ~r. !lhot·.'TI i.n f?ig . :;1 . Tee :::nro·iers T?>;) ~., Tt4 musi; l:le ci1osen !'lO t!:et no crosstalk is prorluoerl tu1d no r.;equenc:y ·0R:1u;-;idth iE> wHsted . Table G sllO\\'$ a possil)le C1\oi.ce or ~hc~c C~.trriers . WEilah !unci;ions are shown in th:.s i;able in the !1otntion Nal{j iS) as '''el• a.c calli ,9 ) , E-al(i,9 }. One ctay ""e LLat the last ri-.:e d i gi-c.:J c> .:· the normalized sequ.ency- written as a bina- ry t:.W!lbcr is al•t1ays zero . The 32 ua.rrie::·s T1 to T.32 may be :·:_t1;c:d betNean an~· two of the Ci1r•ri-ers rr33 VO 1'6l~ . ~he av(lilable sequenc.y band is cor.rpletely used , there are no lo at sequency bands be'~Neen a.djL-1.cent channe.Ls . G~ncepts oi gr·.:>U}) t;heory may be used -co ·p rogress beyond t he pu~'ely empirical wayo~ ·hosing the carriers. !!!he 11lalsh !'unctions wal(O,O) t::o wal( 1 023 , 9J formagroup wii;h ?' 0 c:lcmcn.ts . The functionn wal(O , e ) to 11~al(;)1, 9) ar{! e s·~bgr:oup «ioh 2 5 eleaenLs . There are 2 '' /2 5 = 32 coset;s of SLtbgroup . This is just che nur:ibe:.- oi: ca1'riers T37 to TEA . ·r he functions generated by the modulai;ion of the carriers T55 i;o T64 by vhe J'imcti ons «al(O ,a ) .... . . .ial(;i1 ,e ) are i;he elements o~ the 32 <:osets . All possible .'."unctions wal{j , e ) usable as carriers •r33 to T64 a~·e. obtoi:iec by ruul ti1)lyi11g eact or1e of the functions wal(O~s) , wal(;-.2,e ) , ... , wal (992 ,e ) of Table 6 with ru:iy one .runc:;ion wal{ O, a) , wal(1 , 9 ) , ... , wal.(31,e ) . Sucll,a mult_i.pli cnti.on mean~ onl;y a reorctering of the elements of each coseL . One c"n mllltiply wa.l(O , a) with one o.r the .?2 fu,dCtions •.·ial(O,e), wal( 1 ,9) , ... , wal.(31 ,9 ) . Onemayfurtbel multiply wal.(32 , 9) wii;h these 32 func tions , then wal(64,e) ,
~ .12 MULTIPLE"A SYS_S.~S 'i21 etC· There atol;a.!_ of 3-2 12 .., ~ 1 •• Sllch ;,:1"0duct;s, "·hich ~eant1 there are 2 110 possible choices o! carrier!! r3;: to T64 , none of which wou ti wust" sequency bb.!l<lwirtth or pro- auce c!'osstalk . ll'ig. 52 s hows sine and carrier s beside~ Che Welsh cai-riern wal(O , S ) Lo ws!(},>) . Cue may u"e Lher~ sn carl'iere T1 to T.32 in ?ig . 51 . 'I'be mult:::plierc would :.ave to be of a more co:i:plicated LYJ•e in this cn!le . :he ;)2 ir.odulated carriers could be ndded wi.thout r.avinR to pnss " !tingle sideband ~ilter . ~hie type of quedrntu..:·e :nortulntion shows the close connec~ion lJetween e.r•. t cequency multiplexing. One may readily seo from Fit: . 52 that any ayctcm of functions that is ortllogonol in a finite int("rvnl (!filj be uaed l'or the carrir;r!l '!'1 to ~32 of Fig - 51 i!' the iuput signals F(e) are f:iltcr1'd by sequency lo'Opnss filters . 'l'bis does not hold for th" cn~·riers 1'35 to T61L They n:u"t have c:iul tiplication !.;heoremr si:r.i lar to :.h0.$4! ol nine coeine or \lalGb functio:.s . shows an e>xtra ~ynchronizat ion line> beLwecn tronsmitter and receiver'. Actunlly , O"<:! o= rr."r" of ;h(" 102'1 channels can be u~eeJ f'or t..L~an~mission ol & ~ynchI·o­ nization signal. A Walsl· !'unction w.01(2° - 1 , q), wl ich is a Rademacher fU!Jction , iu ti"ansTiitted if a conr·tant voltage is appried eo tho ct.o.nnel 2" . :be or;hogonsl it;; of tne Rede111ncher function" is iovarim:t ~o ;;c.i.l"t$ . Tracking !ilters that lock on1'o lhel\ can be buil; w.LLh relative ease. The modulated Waleh functions iorn: n utatiGtico.l background and ca.n be suppressed by long nvi;nq:;ir.g tim<'s Of tho track:Wg fil t e :ra . Fig.!>1 llequirements for synchronizat.i.on and ri"c may be info r1·cd fi-om Fig . 5;>. Let the signal v.(t) re,·1·1;aent the ou1oput voltage of n telephony multiplex sy~<:nm with 102"" Channels . The width of the steps is 122 ns . The ir..for1A tion o! the signal is compietely contained in its niL?l~­ tudoa . If the signal v . (t) is translritted, it sufi'iccs
1?2 - in Lb.e ~b,.e11ce of noleo - to $O!ople the uden 0£ thtJ E'teps , iri order to ohtain ull the in.fa ·mstion . The 1rny be none at1:f"'nere :.n t~.e 122 n:- I ong intervu.~e , ::ind. t.l:is i ~ r,.be Lo-f\rlillce i .n .t."rval for t..lle eynchronizuoion . Con:: id er tile ri:ie Lillie . Let tbe r.i se L.lme be so slow tnat; it. t1f~e~ 122 nr- to ct-ange I.roa: -...-e{T.l to v~(2T) , f~·oa: v.(~1) to v.(:;'IJ, etc . "" ::i.1own by v~(;; 1 i:: Fig . 53 , Ihc nt p vo. toi;:e mny b~ 1·egained by :>wnpling Va (t.) exact..Lynt clie poJnt=s o, T , 2'1' , 3T , ... rue- maximum n~c time l.; tl111" 122 n~, H ther-J ls no :;yncl1ronization ~i·z·or. Ir. ~eocral, rise cl:ne pli..;.:..: synehro:":.izution error 11u.--;t to less t;.,,r:n '22 u~1 . Arr.plitude rnmriliut; .i.!'I ~ i;oor dr.itection met.hod in the p1·eoeuce of noir,o . Uowevcr, one rr.ny "'f?Sdil:r ::;oe l;hat Va (t) car: be recon•·t!"rt~C to v,(i;' >.;,:; intc~!"'&~io;;., ~1.1Ce the iatogral over v.(t) ta:.Ce.u !"!"O~ : ~ - 6 · , ~o ?T is proportion"1 to ., • ( .,T \ - v.(r) . 'L'he c.i.rcui~ show:i in (i'ig . ::;3 will tr-nnsfon1 v.(i;) into v.(t) , :;heor~tically wiLhou~ ar.y t•lflging . rL isa classics! proble:n OJ' :'r-9qUC:lCY t~eo_r:;- tO U??=OXillttt.e 6 .filter ·.-1J11..C•J c~ do t.Hi:: . -.ine ... ir.:t-.licity wi"";h •...•hich this problem cen be l:iolved with i n -cha ~\· irtcr Ii-rur.rwnrk ef uoq 11 orLCY tbeor',"I l<';! dt...e to th~ usf' of n ci;r,µ vt1!'inh e el~a:irnt - tbc fio!-.1 e:nission :;rn~ci:-1t.o: F - tr tt.e :"~lte1· . Co?:!1itle.::' Ji'ig . ... ,. !'or a di::::cu~r ior:. of nl n1-t,l~ sideband uiociulnt ioJJ oJ' W11i"11 rune Lions . Tne origina rignaJ. F(0) onJ th£'l si~:nttl !•' n( 9 · !'i l :e1·ed by a ~eqt.;.ency ... owpass orr- slio . .;1. on r.ov; r:he ticae ::::C-.1r't tetwrf"n F(e) snd i-" C5 J ~" omittel . 'Pile ',-hl!!ll .;arri.. i·~ wal(O , e), wal(2,0) , 1.\·~i\4,13) , W~~l\•~ 1 9) , ••••• •• f'JJ'e ;3.0C.•Wrl . rhei.r ~i'D.e base l8 "'.>() u•, <;i':ich is tidce ~h., duration o.r the ntopu of F" (a) . ·:M 'ic'ter-ed. uig:i'.11 i"•(e) fr r-crresented by the following expression i"· t. .e interval 0 ~ t < 2r.10 µs : (25) r•(G) • c(OJwallO,eJ + u(1)wal(1,e) e • (t- t 0 )/T; t = 125 ~s, Ta 250 µs; -! ~ ~ < i
12} i=:=== ====== .. 1~ei ~•11,61 ===i=il:===:f==t:==.Jr= " · •1 14,91 =!:=F:t--:-f= l==F=!:=F ...t.110,01 r==-=== ====:--= it - -.. .,,,,g -=,,,...==-=::;.-_.,.,=,,._ • : - Fig . 53 (left) FinHe rise ol' & ctep f uncoion nnd fil t er for t;be convei·sion o .r v. (I:) into v,(1;) . rho filter also reconverto v 8 (L) into v,(t) . Fir; . 5'~ (right) Time diai;ra.:n of" rl.ngle sideband ~cquency multiplex sysvem . Time base for tho lo:.1pass filters is µs; time bao~ for t!:e carriet's is 'I' - 2~ JS . T • 125 Amplit:ude modulation o f one or L~e carrier:; wul (2J ,e o! Fig.54 by F~(9) yields : F"(e )wal(2j , 9) • c(O)wal(2j , 9) + c(1 )wal(2j;1 , q) ) (20) HodUl.ation produces just those lfalsh carriers m.tll2j•1,e) that are left out in Fig . 54. !!ence , the aodul&~ed functions occupy the whole :ivailuble zcqt.:ency tnnd . Pig . 51f <llso chows sine functions wi~h a t;irto buse of 250 µa . Their amplHude modulation by F" (e) ctoc1;1 not yi<>lci a (frequency) singlCl aideb:ind modulation . The COl'l"r>npoudenne between llalsl; and sine .functions in th" eac.(' of quadrature modulation is based on the face, t!:at wal(O,G ) ii; the first .function o.f a '.ialsh aa wel~ as of a FoUL·ier aeries. The signal I'"( e) of (25) , however , the fu.notion wal { 1, 9) , which does not belong t.o a b'ourier aerie a . Let i;he time base o.r the carriers in Fig . 51; be increa-
; . C~~"lR~ 1 HA:lSc'.ISSlON Ged fi'om 250 µs to :;oo µs O L' 100C µs wHlout. ch'.l?Jging the sig,11al F rt( e, . 1L1wo more nxam1 les o.f ~equency Dir.Fle side .. band system;- are obt'1iz:cd . Tte cnrri••rs wal l;J, 8} are permi i Led only for T ~ 500 µs, and wa1(6j,6J cr.l;v !or T _ 1000 µs ; j • 0 , 1, 2 , .. . ... Advantages and dL'liwbacks ot tbese many pOtH;Ji':>le sin~~le sideband eysl;err.s :.uve not y&t been investi 0 ate<i . Q-•<1d-acw.'e cio<!ulDtioi:. appea~·" as the SJ ecill! <:a~e of "he class of !llllgle sideband systc1Us , wnare Lhe tii:ie base of the carri"l'S i.s equn I co chc time base of tho ~oqueccy towpaas 1ilte>'s . A c!:lar·nctcristic feature of ~requency :1:ultiplex systems co.,,par9d ·,.itb tice ;nul~i;>l9X :;ystcn::; is tl:t> ease ..-ith wtich signal:s in cotuwnication n~tworks Ol' radio signals cw1 be combined Md eeporated. Tltc reason la oha~ 1'roquency aml&i1>lex •J.gnals n=-e inLerently 1tarkc<i by theii:' {r~quei:cy, ~ta ch is :independe::i-:o of delay - irees . Ti::ie multiplex signals, O!l the ot.Ler l1and, lluving vaJ·ioue unknown doln.Y c.imes need sowe fiddiLion nl murkiL1g io order' to be separable . Since sequcncy multiplex signaln ure also inhe!"'C!'n ... ly aarkcd by t.hc~r nequ~ncy, one will cxpec~ them to laa6 to comr.iunicatior. net~o:.·kn that aJ.'e vo~y similar Do those for rrequen~y o\ 6\ f-ZS011< Fig . ~? U1l mu l "iµlex si;;nals . ~! 1!6 Jl'J ,_ Ml 1,1,11 ozpllll Oc:::upe•irm of <.equ•mcy banJ11 by multiplexing 4 wide base banda . fig . ?.? r.bows s. possible sequency ulloca&ion for groups
;. 12 J1ULTIPJ,EY. SYS'rl:.MS 125 and supergroup' liJ a coll'Jl'.unication nE>twork . 'l'hia allocation is chosen so that group , surergro11p A or supergroup B are cosete or the oai;benatical subgrourt of Walffh functions wal(j,9) with ,j sn:a1ler t,:e.n 32, 121' or 256 . Single sideband modulation 11nci a tae base of 2~11 u .. !Ire assumed . The individual c~.arucels occupy besebands 'rom 0 to It kzps . Sixteen b11eebEtnds wnke a 15~·oup that occupies tho> neque ncy blllld f i·om 611 to 128 ,tzps . The carriers ore wu1(32+2j ,a) ; j = 0 , 1 , .... ' 1 5 . Amplitude modulat i on of Lhe can·ier Wf:ll (')6 , a) l' Y a group shii'tr tho oequeucy lland i nto c~.e intl)rvnl from 128 to 192 kzpa; the carrier wal(64, S) "hift~ o grour into the bnnd from 1q2 to 2"1t. kzps . Tiles~ 52 chn!'l..'lt!ls "re carked super~roup A in Fig . 55. Moduletion of 11 carrier wal ( 192 , a) by " su1, eri;;'C'..lf A shi!t:s it into cbe band :·rocr. 256 to 38'• kzpF; the carrinr wa.J. (128,e) shlfts a supergr-oup ;. ~n:o t . .e bend :·roci 38L to 512 lczps . 'rhe resulting e=11 cLnnnele Are drr.ote<i by supergroup B in Hg . 55 . :'.able 7 sl'..ows to wh,ch position of the soqucncy bon d tte c.l.iannel s arc nhifted . 'Ihe 16 <lh'1Jlllels of n group nr e shifted by che carr·il'rs wal(J , 9 ) , j = 32 , :;If , ,,., 62 , from t b.ebaseband . }'or ins Lance, ul1 e signal in chnnnel 10 is modulated o n Lo tile c9rrie:r wal( 50 , e) . 1ha sequ (}ncy o!: •ral (50 , a) iu equal te> 2x5C ~ 100 kzpn and the sigual occupies the b9ncl from 100 ~o 104 kzps . The carrier wa.1(50,9) becot.1eP wal(82 , e) hyu;ul tiplication with ·.;a1(96 , e), or wA1(114,9) by mi.;ltiplicatioo with wal(6ll , & ) in suferg:roup A. Chnnncl 1 rJ occur ics the band from 2 x82 = 181 co 168 kzps or ~!:.e ba."ld f:-oa 2x'l14 • 228 to 232 kzps . Finally , the carrier ....-~ t ( c.1 •, g becomes one Of t;he carri ers wW.(11•6,8), wat(4?8 ,9 ) , Wel( 210,9) or wst(244 , e) in supergroup ~ . Chsnn<'l 1" occupies one of tho It kzps wido bandt> with lower liait 2 X1l~G 292 kzps , 2 x178 = :;56 kzps , 2•2'10 • 1120 ki~+ or 2x21111 • '188 kzps . Consider t:he cnse of a supei'group B, a s upergi·o up P. !llld s group being transmitted . The oignn.l. occ11pio s the
126 ; • CARRIER TRAJISlUSS!ON .;equency bond from 61• to 51 2 .<zps accorclim; to Fig . 55. O::e u;ay extract ct:.; £l"OUP by u;oA.ns of 11 1;equoncy lowpass filte1· wiLh cur.-off noouen cy o! 128 ln~ps . A lowpnss filter with 250 kzps cut-off scquency wi 1 extract the group t1-'ld ;be su;iergro"p ;, . :1us silple kind of filcering is possillle o'1ly if the cut - o ff sequenc;y in equ•l to 2 1 xtf ~ 2'~ 2 kzpa ; r • 0 1 1 , 2 , .. .. Consider as o ex&11ple •be trar.sai,.sion of 8 supargi·oup B. Either ~lie 32 chun.nel s ln the band from 256 to 384 kzps or ti.e 32 ~o clrnru:.('l~ iu Lhe bwd rrom ~84" 512 k,;pe nhall ·3e ext::-acted . Su;iergroi.p Bis a:ultiplied by th<' car·rier wal(128 , S) . 1'a1>1e 7 :;;ho·,1;; th9L the band 2>6 < 38'1 (j • 128, ... , 190) is tranaµosed into the bnnd o < "' < 128 (j 0, ... , u2) ; the band 384 < 9 < 51:> ;.czvs (j = 19?, . . . , ?54) is trsnspo~~d into tho ba'1d 128 < qi < 256 kllJ'S (j = C,I• , • •• , 1 26) . A sequency lm.'}'aad filtet !rnvinl( " cu-;;- o.rr ,-;equency of 128 i<zps can ext>racc &he bar.d 0 <'I' < 128 ·<,,rs. A :i:ulolplication by wal\64, 6) co.n sli:Ll't it to the ·o=d 12il < 256 kzps , which. .i.r the bnnd 1"'or ~ suµer·t:;!"oui::· .A . supe:.-t,-rou;> B be irultiplied by wal(1C:2 , 6 J inst.sad ot: by wnl(428 , 0) . The band 256 < q:> < 384 kzpo (j = 128, , 1 1)0) is t:-nns:Jo,rnd into t< o band 128 < iii < 256 kzps (j = <>' , •• • , 1~" J, tbe b1lr:<! W• < "' < '12 l<zps (j = 192, ... , d'''•)i'1tothe ·oand 0<qi<128kzps(j co, .. . , 62) . A seq1.umcy lowp1>ss !"I.Her can extracL t;be 11!1.lld 0 < rp < .. 28 kzpA, h"t.ich c.o·.1 cont.!li:ls. the other Cl:a!l.llcls of super- <"' <"' ... ~~rour fi . Ar.y Individual chatll'IPl i n ~ho band 2j < q> " 2j+4 k:r,ps by D'lltiplicacion wit" wal(j ,e), and fi.leerin;; b;; a ~equency lowpase filter )JuviI:g 4 kzps cutoff Sequonc:y . Tr,o fil tcred sigllal mey then be ohifted f)O ""Y po::i~ior. .i.n t!le sequer:cy spectrun by u:ultiplying it ,..,:!..t:: ·bf' proper ~al:;b carrier . The extraction of indiv1tlunl clrnnnel" Ol' f!;.COu1 r of cllo.nnel s wi ~hout need to demo 1.ulaLe nn<i. l·emodulate all cL.o.nnels is very .!.limilax' to ~ha• ccu: be done i..n ticn ~ul~iplexing. It may be used to •'.an br. eoc~:-acr.ed
;. 1 2 111JLTIPLU SYSTE:'lS 1 27 I ble 'i! Tran!lpoaieion of the corriers 1rnl(3 , 0) .. wal(62, 9) ~ a group to ~Ile carrier.:;,9) .. >1al(1~>,9) o~ a 0supergroup A and the cai•riers wal<128 , e) .. w-11(2?0,9) of supergroup B. The sc~~cncy ~j kzps for T • 2<.o us . a= t~c carrier~ is equal to SW?uqro-.1p A· 11;'1\tOS tn1op· 16cPl.a.nMIS C.lltr•tt wa\($5,ll I (&tflff 1111-1 I •l•"f cti•11n•I I •'• I 'T •• I ' ....•• .. • ".." .. ...... ...... " .." . .... II " I , '011·1~1)' I '" """" "'""_..,, "..... "" " ll"•J(llU 100100 11(1H~ JO' coo 1Qt(.llf> 101 U» JQI U(I UOC'O .." UOCU(I 110100 llttUU .." nto;.. ~ IH4't.0 Ill¥-» UIUO •• , I tnn1uy lc.l1i ll11il l t •~l lllll I i ..!11 llMI l•l1W ll\I Wq li64,!I J ..... . fl.llflllllO I l~n.&.r'f ""' 11\JIJlllli Iii ~ I 1•111 1110 11\llfllil I llill llhll 110 I llJI OOU 1 "4!1 lllU '"' I U)I 11111 I IOI Hiii lWllll! I llll !Miil I 100 OOll 1110 I toll llii! 11111 I 001 IHI '1111100!• IHI 11:: l'>lll l+l (i I (I.Ill 11111 II I I 110 0 10 1 IH.!Ulll '" '" I Oll+th• tf>llf•11• I IUI l l t I Hl OUll 1 111 cut '"' "' t:• ... ' " ' ' tjl• I Ott 1• IOU U• 11111 . . I 11111• t•Jlt'tQ10ll, B : 1 !;tr,H•-·groups 4 w• c., ""' 1t:-H111Mtll00 ' ..."" I ' ,..,..,., I Ill lliMJON 11l 1100 0IO ... Ill 01.1111(1) Ill 000 111> 1&'l "'"' 111001 CO> "' '" ....... .... ......... lfl! t b1~.a ry ' I ID 100 flOO 10: II> 1'~'1)1 0 1(11 II> 100 100 '" '" :oo ,., 1011I1(1 IUIOllllJll HI 11411 4il0 ltt• 11) 101 fll fl lill.IUI 100 "' '" II> 10111111 II> IOI 1111 I n!I 1110010 'l'.11' 11111 l 'IQ 11 1l> '1.1~ !\Ill )IQ till (IOO •:,11 11111110 ~flZ ):fl! 11111 11 ~ 11 0011110 11 •llU l!lh :1111 II 0111 11!• :111 1111111 •+11.1 111111111•~ l lo•t 10 11011111 ~l! ll 0111 11111 111010110 "' l!OOUIOI toOll 111 ... >OUOllll :u HMll 1111 l"IUOOO e111 II Gii ll'lO 191UOlU 11111 ?1.IO t111 HOit •'Ill = II OU l!U ltlll 11• = b'""''Y JI 111111111!1 11 •, 11101m "' "' '"' J ll •1111! 1!11• ll 111111 11!1 ~II~ 10011 ll(lll tOOll Olf I llMU(l(l JQltO(l(lli 10HO11111 1111 ., i:·: • ll 011•! 111111 1111 Ill OllllOJ lll 01il1110 I "'' '" '" I . ..,,. w•ll2fJN ·~-..-.~ IM Iii 1.1111 ll(.I , "' ' (.11 . . . , UOH ICIO route individual channels t;hrougi: a tion network [14 ) . :::1e 1111 JOO 1111 llr\ "' : 10 "' :u 111111.•J I lbbll.I 111110) :•• ; 1.. ...'""" 111• 110 I 111 tKrJ ll 111 llJt I 11111 IYt II 111 Ill m<i tcho<l cot=UIL.c:i- lt has boon asawned so~= that the cbnnnel~ nnd groups combined into supere;roup A or B are aynchi·onlzed - Thi s assumption hold" t r·uc iJ' all ehi:uincl" ava comt)iruld i n che s!Uile e:icchunge into groups and $Upergrou pa . Now cons ider the cnse 1;hat channels are combined int.a g~'oups 11t rJ iffe1'-
128 3 . CARR I ER :'RAKS!-USS1ou ent. e ):ct.anges group~ these that a.nd tLesc c:::.·01.lf!: a!'e co1:>.t.Jir:nd into supel'- at a bit";LOr level e:xcha.!;_[e . O:..e cu1.:1ot aS.::;tll:ie , that e:. .rour:s a:.'e :::yncnronized . One tJa:y, :r,011ever, assume cLe~e> groups llfl'.re i;lle ~rutiC" tin.t: IJnun 'I = 250 u a . w1Hll.8) ..111),6) ~ .__11?1,SI •1 1".8.~ -~1...9'~ ,._, • I ' I z f v,·t..,,i. i .l".\f1 • ~ ~ I • 1 1 1'1'f'41 , 1 • ........ ·~~~~~~~ cri 'I t t I ' I 1. e·o~p' rnT r·rrrr ~.___ I 2 f§f;f..·i. ~j ~ I k 1 1 f§lffi.\.:4 s I t. 1~~11' · 1"0-PI r&.~1 1 I 1. t.::t"l;."'4: fTJT ~rou~ 1 , t:>.,'§1 t 1 2 t§J}'t>... ,,..1 5 1 , pr ~1tn,oi l ~ • pn>a+ ssss,sso,,"u ssss I s. e rm u• o N» t11 0 ltQf tUi5 V•m ;-1 it~ r.. no,, :F:.g . 5f; :·ox· tht co:no~nation o!' rwo non- syncnronized groupl.i lr.eo a supe,-grou;:i A ~ccordir.g ~o ~ig . 55 . The combinl.iLlon of wisyncln·onioed i;p•oups wi th equal ~illle base will be dtAcussea wion t·eJ:oronce Lo Flg . 56. Thie figure sllowo Oll ~Op ~he ::tade:nachlH' .CuncoionG wa.J.(31, 9) .. na wal(127,e) ln ~he inLerva l 0 · & " ;. The cultipli- cacions wal(12? , 31'.<al( 3 , 9) • •al(&; , ~ wa_r127 , 9)Ka1(!1 , &) • wqJ(;b,B; :1ie~d the functionn w!il(G11 ,a ) and '1al(CJ6 , e) . These are the ca rriers req uit·od ror trai1sposition of two groups inco one s upcrgroup .I. ncco r<lillg Lo Fig . ,5.5 . 1'hey are the reference for 1tizati o L. Lines a of Fig . '.16 "how eyobolically the signals of two non- s:;nchronous groups . !hese signals consist of sums or che functions ~al(32,9), wal(33 , 6) , ... , ~n1(6? ,6 ) acco~­ ding to ;.•1gs . 54 and 55; ohe amplitude of these fUJlctions
• 1 2 HUJ.'l lfl,J:;X SYS:'ENS 7• depend~ on t.t.C rn:-t.:'-=.ula!.• Si~.fl8l trar.~r..1 t tcd . f ~g . ~? S~O'tiS chat 8 contti_:nlr..:~ ::!..9 _:-e,nc - ior.s j-;a l ( 3 , ~ 1, .,,..,1 { 33 , 9 1 , i"" ste; funccion "'=h st~rs 1/(4 .:i:le . '.:'he odd runctiou~ ·,·a~(.?~ .~ ), ..-a.:.{;S,8), ... , wbl( ;'.,9) He no• shown iu fig . S7 , du!e tLe:y oi:-1·~r or.l;; \Jy ra .r,.cto1 -1 in ••• t wal(6j,6) ;he intervul -i ~ e < 0 ~ro!ll i:;ho even !"u.:~ct. ior.~ ... ~l ( 32 ' e ~ , W"$.l{}LJ,e) , •.. 1 wnll1::.2 , aJ . l i·ie :1:lgnal!S iu t.~~t! lir1en a of Fig . 5b Qre dtvide<i i nto i i; terval9 1 /"'' witle . 'PJ,,.i.1· "myli1iudea tu•c conntnnt.. iu these inte1.. v;:i.l .;; . Tllo .i.nclivid.ual in11 ure dcnoLe<l li.Y 1 , 2 , , . . On" u.o.y i'ui•ther· nee i'rom Fig. 57 ~l:lat l'I o;ign"l cont9 ng the f uuc~ion:i wal ( 52 , a), tervals , ,a) will hoving r;hr a:I:i!•l-t..iUf:' v ir1 t.h(' ir:tc~rval -f ~ ~ tiUSt t:~v~ the runplit,;U<l.Y -'./ in chc invc r·- ... , wal(t: -i ~ 9 < l: val -t + ~ 0 < -t - ~' . '!'"niE :-es:.ilt. t.old:: gr.r.<>:-<>l L~- : Che amplitudes lltWe - c" s:me a':>So~:.ite Value 1'1-1°! OJ'f.O:l.Cle sign in nny two inter:als 2l:,. e<2~ 1 bii" • ;;ii bL - 90d of b'ig . 5t ::::ho\" s· in;-cr~rnl :::! of equul ~t~o ·.;::c value of the Gi"£;n9l altAT'rin ti~,.;~)y Lt:1lCU1:>1J "Hd r.ot JuJtcJ1eC . The a.t1plHudos buve equal ab,;o.J.ute .,,.lu~ &.:Jd OpJ'on1to t:i~L in the inlte.r·valrt 1 anO ? , ; iil1d '- , ~ aud "' , C"'ec . Line s s Piig. 5? WaJ.ab fwiot l ous j wal (j ,9 ) wal (?i,9) • cr.J(.,9) . 2 , 4, .. ., 62 .
Saot-!..lng -he 3ignaln of 1 lne~ a ~~ tt-.c t111t::s indica.t.ed l):V tlce triggM' pulse of linL' 11 ruld .::o J d lll'; Lit.: sampled volLagPi; il11 1•i.•1v ou1 intr r VHl of· a u1·o t- jo n 1/1_,, y .:.elds t.he signalt; of line:: c . The.y }1.L'e ~:vncht·or.i~t:"d wlt,.h the carr·ie.-:-s wal(1.,.11 , e) P.:-nd w~l( H , e J . I his i;;:ru.;hro:11Za tion ie no=- yec GJ.ff 1..:ie::c . \i-t'Ot..I 2 .!..!'.. J i~e C ";.1e("iu~ n- tioe 8 • 0 ;;ith ~he i.1.i;~rvals 1 und ? "' :;hie" the narl i i;udes have equal nb~olat.e •;nluro . :;r~l.i.J 1 "ncgin~ t-.•itL L1...•o interval~ for 1,.,1J1ich t!1 l ~ is not no . S!Jlfting t l1e 1."1·0 111ls by a samp~ in!5 ru1U ho! c! i n~; c ircuit: yi~ld;;: tl:r· ~,i ~11Atlts 01' lineJJ f . G!'OUp 1 i:. now :.;,yr:c !::iront:-.ed co.:.·rcct L~· buL ,... r·<>up 2 i s not . G:::oo~p " n.ri:; t:o be taken t'roc 1 ~ !!e- 1' ;i.:: -l bi·o~p ? f'roz line c ~·or a.o<.lt.:l7tlia:iof tte carri,_r.: wa~{~ , 9J ancl .-;al(96,9) . :~ate ~iJ.'.1t..: t.l.r:· prot:eJJ o~ :.;J'lll":t.ojr~1ni~a-;ior.. •tfft;_·s _f'rorn tbat of;; i :me .tJvlsfon , sine" e:ii·ou;>n 1 "nd ? :nay 1JC rhifted with r<:f 1;:1:ence i.;c f'~ch c-c;l1a1· b)' nr.y mul.L.:.ple of 1/:'t2 • .Such en :.1 .:·li-'; r·:-1r·,v ::i ll l..f:.. .,.~oulct .. ~H rie on .!.ntercLl;l,_u;1;t! ~: che <.;.i-.;.L. on . .. ~ t,..n !~y·:r.bolicull;; , tl.r .- lt;Ltl t rhannels in or c 1p..:rrroup A hris fcl~o-,;ing for-:i : (&=o·.ir- _,,. !'IJ•Jl~c.: 1 1 , 8 Vemodul~Litt.Ll :;i~li.;. ~ht • '"'J\·.'~l fgrou 1 ..L. to;' :--:u pe;:gr·oup A by c:..#1 , 9) .,.,ul 011 1 9) O!' wal(96 , 0 ) £olLc.wing t • .... irn'll .c:;: : :(t;rou1 1 )hnl\•-11,e) + (!'l'OU? .?).;~! (9E ,a) :ltnl(6'• , 9) = (i:;ro:.ap 1) + ( •'1-o:.ip ? ),.,al ( 32, ~) [, fl-OUf' ~ 1".i«l \ d , e. ~ = Oae t Lt1 ('If \ gl"" ·~ le;r ou1 Lr:·!"f:l.~ ·~:-- ">wa_ ( ;>- >@ ) )Wal ( ';•o , a) "-') "' (p'O'JP '< JwoJ ( j;> , 9 ) ~.Ju: !'lr·h L t:..Rnd .:;1d':.1::'1 1:1ust be nup- µr·~:::1).J 1 ir~ r·rdf'r co o"t.1t•1ln e-!.·oup 1 or ~--ro11p 2 ncparate- 1:; . :t e&:8i€'r~ to i. G'.lfl'l"t?!iS :;he- te.t'.llS (group "') or ) ·1,ar:. the a::hcr~ . 1'his is er no ~:·:ictical conse~ue::~e . t!:e te:·o• (Group ?)wal(32 , 8J "nrl (group 1)• (..-::·o·~r .rir• ·,,r\32 , 9J ol tai.::J~d , wb l ch 1!1..2.Y bo '.Vf.ll\ ;2 , 0 J : ((group h:.JIC2 ,9 J]\·;al(;2,e) • (grour 2) [(f"r'<lu;• 1 wnll' , e1 wa1(32,9))= (grour 1) • d d~mod ul ave 1'",'''
"lfl J,.,,,J~,,.1.::, :E'Y '""""'l"-1"''" "7i.1 2MUL,J, 151 ' The i;erm~ \rl'ou;• 1) !lr.d (i;:-:-o·J.r 2) c9n 'Oe su;i;:.:-e~r:Prt ty a sequcncy low1 ·1:-;t: filt.e:· ";h<::.t·~·~tc::i ovu1· t.t:e ir.ter-:alS 0 < 8 < 1/)2, 1/52 < 0 < 2/;2 , e:.c . •hQ •. .;! ir.t<'gr~­ t:!.OO i.n"tervnlr. are ~Lo1:n i..:_ tle l<::.St l i l l l ' Of ?'if. ·-'J· f:-1.eir . • nu , .ro1t.ion . . eql..a_- co '/ . u• ,~ _, µn .or .. .... non-norm al i:te•l _:_s n 1 t1c:4 cha.Mel ~ele:mony "Y"~e:n . '.:'hese intep"ttion inLt:'rvgJ::; ex,,,~ tend oVC!' two l tltr :-•.rn.:._,::; o.f g:·o~~ 2 i.r !. itt':! C (1nd Of t::;roup 1 in line f , ln which Lt:e t1.ilijJlitttUes of tllO ri..Gn&lt' !'lav.-: equal ~bsoluL•.• va lu e and OIJf!OSite sif•lL 1!;,nc~ , rho inte - gration yie lun zi:ro n11d ~JJe .si(';n~l :'l are mipprc:10r.d . J1ulLipllcucio 1 of gi·oui: 2 i.:1 line c ttnd (,;1'0UJl 1 in .ine 1• by waJ.(;2,9 J mo«es Llie si~-;z;s in t.!:D int<'rvdn 1 a.nd 2, 3 and '" e~c . t?qunl. There .is .;.,o ClinCclla.t1on h,j irctq::rlltion and the sii;r:nla (frou;; 2)•al (;:.?,a) '~rouF 1 )t or w•l02,Q) J'>8Gll th!-0°..t.;h L!Je -O'<J'""n !'il~c~· . Fi£ - 56 Osci~!Jtrra=S of :;eq· a.ulciplex.!.!"i,,. oi a lt.:lf•J h)•-1y S1b1Lal . ,·l : ir.r1:t; ::1ltt1F'I P(SI ·' i b : ou-l t-:ul F"(e) of El C• qu(Jn.:y .... o·"'::;:i..::;s r"il~c-r ; C : i.:nr·:·J.tljt' ••.,.t1l "' ,e J ; L : -~irs.t mod'-1-11L-OH [ "''~1 ( •.: motl.ul.:.-d.. ion J•' 1~~s )wtd E: :::arrioT' 11 ',0J\'.',-~L , EIJ ; ,o , i .F : :::eeo::d (t-,e )•,1al ';! , "! / =Fn {e Jwa:{1 2 , a i ; llor.;.i.onte.- .:;ctle 50 µs /:liv . ; ~COU-L'l.•.•!:l,V :1 . 1.01.:.:.: H!lC R. l•:.& .ll.E al A..3G-1'•-·lL!lU:1k1:in A1. ; ; . Fig. ~6 ohowi:s eome oscillograms 01' n sequoncy rnulti1>lex sys~em dovt1loped by LUKE aud NA CLJ,: . •rhe "" r1·1. e" ••t• ll ~ , e) ie shown f"or cllil'i t:y instead of one oJ: LLo cw.Tier,; •·
152 wa I { ;2 , a>. . .. 1 ;,;al ( t-2 , 5 ) in Fig- . 55 . ?er tr.e :;arae reason I the Cal.'"l'ier ·..,al ( 9, '3 ) i !'l .;f,oT,m fo1· :-t-conc modulation r'lt l1er thru: Ll1e c11rri1~r wal(So , a ) or "nl(1.1+ , e) o::: Fig.55. !'he crosstulz<. nt.t0nurition obtal.ned i 11 t.ris equi p:oe11t wae About - ;,;; dB i f nn cx t: r" r;yncliro nir.nt·I on was U'ile<\ ond rtropperl Lo obo u t - 53 dB if Lhe synchroni zaiion signal wnc trans:uitLl'tl with '!11> te:ephony d1-nril ~· a1id extracted t.y ~ '.-ial~U .functinn r:rqcAifit.; filter . '!his attenuation >:o, c be hh-,1! ~nough to 1:1eet i:e:ephony :.t,.,"l<la~-tls i1' signal co.,ri;11Q.o:> '> ~1:e used . llnweve:::-, sequcr.cJ t1•1l ti!'~exi:!g is of iz,t"'"'""t for rea/. po>:er :imted di...-Hd signals nr. t:t":(: p:-es~11t., aud - ,:, an cr.osstu::.k nttrr:uation is more tHAn enough in t.bis cann . An advanced t.nq 11(') nc:y .:nul"Cipl eJt; system is beint-'!; <l<~velopod fost Of.rice by HltBln::R of t: h(" We st German Gepul~trneat. . 3.13 Digital Multiplexing :t. been p l :l""t:<l ot,;,~ t~for" .... hat sequency fi!.tera brt!'H?:C or~ ~-ial.:.;L fur..ctior:s can Le'!O easily as digi t:1 .... fl 1 ~e1's . 81uc(~ tanJ);aec fil L~rr rC'-ql1jre sequency sl1C"ting o{ ,iunr. ~n rnul LiJ;lex ts;i,·r.t.~r.i.n do 1 one "''ill ,..xper:t that !'lecp.1en~y r.iu:: tiplex system:'j cnn no i:npleccented i~ttsily by cilgi ~(lJ. oou L:ime11t . ConfiiOer Lliu u.ul Li plexing of l:Wf) - -:ile_pi.100;1 uler.A l ~1 ACCO!•di.:i5 to 1''i €' . 5~ fOl' illus~ra ­ !:ior.. . 'I';,:; si;;r.&.l<i f,(e) "''~ Jc,,e) ~o be 1tultiplexed. Tl"".,.!'!c- 51.f:nsls rcpro!;cnceC. by < curver a and a• in F!.g· . r-0 . _.!;!" neif 11 t. .. odes .L:.: a\91" inter val , sa;-; t.he i1:tc:rval 12:1 un ·:; t < 2~.:' 11s ) are trannfor·11 ed into digital J'Ol'JI' by aL nnnlog/<i lei Lal cor..vex·t~r . 'J'oblo 8 lists tbc rl t;:!:ital £·~pL·eccnt1 ,ti<>1: ~·101 1 0 fo r .F ~(O) a nd - 011010 !'or I•' f (6 ) . :·Iul tiplmd.r.<: or cileee Lwo value" ·•ill be diecu"co<1 •-:ic:n <'dfe.-cncc to ':ob le & . tt it< asmur.ed tha<: J!'z( 9l nr.1 It' 1 e) {;l.1.'~ £i(J~:.i1:1 o.:" gr.. e - cha.tJ'..1.el inul t::i!'lex system · 'rte~ ·(~-~1=:-. fur~ct1or.~ .,;al(O ,tJ )to .rnl(4,8) are used as ~ar­ riers . Only ~-..-o ol' &he cha:aiels carry signals . '::bis c\>r!'"6~-or::i!' <:O an Ac tivity factor o:: 0 . 2;, , "IJicll is reprcsent .. as ,.,.e
- 1" DIGl'IAL liU!.'l' n ; " . Table 8. Digi<:a l 1.i:;x:;:c. segueccy "'"-: t.iFlP.~ing of two sii.;nnli; Ff(9 ) nnd Ff(6' •1ccoi·<lil'f5 to Hi-;.'·u . c , c ',. ·· b ' refer to tlle L'cspect i ve lin~ in Fig . 50 . !'(a) stw1ds f o r l;ho :own of .F;i'(O lsal(1 , B) + 1" :'(3 )sal( :;. , ) . c c' J' <l - ~·rt +1 +1 +1 +1 .•1 -1 -1 ..1 - 1 -1 - 1 ..1 - 1 ..1 - 1 -1 (' a ., -F:(a)x • 1 atl.1(1 1 0 ) nnl\3 , 3) - l't" 1110110 - C1 1010 1.0011100 +11011 0 1011 010, +1010000 +110110 -~1101(1 +1('40000 +110110 - 1101(; +OC1110J -110110 t'.)11111 -OC11100 -110110 -,11 ·1· _,. 1· - 110110 - 11010 - 1G100u<. - 110110 I 011011.} -(;0111 ~ •f( ~ Jx ::nt(1 , b, •0011100 ~1(•10 ti00 •H ~ )• set:\3 ·I a) 0041100 -1~•10000 +101GOC{1 -1 •.o1 ::000 +001 1100 +0'>111(){, +1• •1 1(,.• . . J 1101'.JOJO +O<J11100 ,..__..J111C~ +00111 _-;.:.1 - 101 r Xl1110:. 1111111oooc - u11 J1000cl -110110 -01101 tativ& for telephony !"ic. chnr_nel~ .J ~rr ir.g pn:ik crtt..!'- 'l'bo two carriers -s'1l('>,5) a:id --nlP-,~l ~!tltbO Mprnsented by 8 digit., 11 o•: - 1 a~ cho•,m i:. ~ne col11urn <: •nd c' of c'able 8 . The oega Li•1c nigr: of t~.e ~ard1 "~ is C>l' no importance here . Tlte ca2•:.•iern - .oru(1 , 3) and - cnl (~.,e) 1llllphtude modulaLed liy F ~(9) ~nd F~(~) :•~elc C, tb.r, th~ number• +110110 and -01101C "1ulLir>l.1• <l lJ;: +~ or -1 "" holtll i.. the columno d unc d' . TLe ai:.lLi;..:e:.: .cip: 11 -1'(6) or column e is ob~ni!..e<l. b:.· aC.<ling chn t~-10 nu.cb€'r."' ()J' the snrne in colurcn c and c 1 • Th" 111.ulti1 i c·.:-: ! ic represented by numbers i1aving one mot·~ tliti;lt thr1n ~~~ o; 01· F·~ (e) . The 8x8 digi ta - incluQL:}F r..l.Jc :ii~" - of l .. " riit•Jiol -F(e) 'lla;;~ be tl...8.L.BJDittc:d in many 'lr:a:1!1 . For iLSt911c~, or~e could use 6" block pulses ;:i=h =pli~udes +'I or -1 . ::. this cnae , sequency divif>ion would ht' us<?c :·or :tullirleXinc, en(! tin:e divinion for trnnsmis.,ion . Th., C,L pulses llOUld be bhe sumo number es in timt' multi:riloxine; of 8 if one parity ch<?ck digH were added to U.e 7 eacl:: channel. Such a chock digit would pori:u.t
1;4 si nEle er.:-or rler;ection l>ul no e=-ror COl'.t.'ectJ on . De1:1oc.ulaciou or -Hell~ don~ b:f rulLip:yir.s - f(e) '"'ith -sal(~,=; 9rJ -dil(;,~,. '!he ::-es'.Jlt1"'..; 3:.".1.1r:vn=ters.u.•• 1 sllO'IJ!l in col u:urs g a:lrl Intr!gr~· ior_ of J (!'! '~I'll 1_ 1 , e) nnd • ~·(e )s"'-C~ , 9) meows ~ddini:; Lhe 6 mu:rbern 111 colwms g Wld g •, \•;hie:-; yie!ds +11 0110000 and 8 yields &!".e O!· values or~ !:ici;.l ·.1ay 8j pl;( t;bc 1 . c:i le~~ to obcain r: 11ese fa.:~L -.""l11•J"'i"~:"~_c• . F; e !lll!Lbt.:: 1in:!.sh-f<~ou 1:ir.r Divisiou by n:;c f~ { FI) . . he pr c1J'.lul;: , •. trcirtd£or:nariou ...:ourse be to OJ' section Lo che rnulL i plox s1.,-,nlil -b'(O \. I!'.clriol•Jr. of this ti! oe·hoJ woul1 ob~cu:::-{' tl".e ~x;>tauat- ...on of tt.e princirl • . 'l'he Sif'"U'1l -1"( 6 ) COil t •ins Ouly <:llf.1he:·,; w1 tt absoluLe voluti !l011100 nnct 1010000 ; two of .,net have uep;ntiv<'! aigna and t:wo of ~ocL _ro::it._v,,. s:gns . rh.i= is t_ypic:tl for two ac:.,ivE c:-i.anr:ul::: . Ee!"J.CE;!, ~r c::e nu.:r.bcr i~ <,,;lu:in£'eC due to ir.t1"ll"fb .l'enc~ it Ca.I: bt• r !'l'ectcd 1.y coir.pari.uon witl1 tho tihI'f'" lUlchwigcd numbe:·u . I:J most r.1;2es i-c i:; Also possiPlo t...o ccrre<:::t Lwo e:....;;·oL·o, rn ...1 in tLo.u:~y "":ase!:i more then vwo can be correc-:..ed . ..;ere i:. ti ~ s 3 defini1;e 3.d•tmttt~e 0•1cr "CiD.l: di vi :;io.u. t•:-:.e under:yir:g: re:aaon is chat no uoatul informt1Llon ir. ~r·(lrtsaitted chree four~hi; of che l;!;.:ror!" i!' -che ~ct.lvie}· fuctor is 0 . 2"" and r;icle <livision is u::n(l . A condd.erabl<' nu:nl.rer of variaUon" or thtt digital se- qu~ncy uultipl~xi:1g r,choure o: 'l't1ble 8 have been investii:;nted . Howcvor , the roesible nm:il~1· o.f vari atl.ons is ao g1·er:c , that no rt~fi.nitc cor.c:usionr. t.ave bee:1 reached yet abOUL' ::heir 1·elr:rive c.icrit!i . 3.14 Methods of Single Sideband Modulation Amp: itude :t1odU.:atinn of sine or r:osine cai.·riers yields a dou>:>le sideband oodulo~inr, due to the 11ultiplicat:iOD Ll..Clore:us o.f these i'un•!tioi:n . 'l'hei·e ~re a nur.ibcr of :net:liod• me el .unlnatian o f' one sidG~und ~ha~ eWI be analyzed £01· vei:y we~- by ox·LLogona l runctiont:i . Conside.i• two t"rans31.itters 1 both rndiat:ine .ninusoJ.dal
135 '·, 14 m;1•uODS Ot ss..1 functions o! frt.:11u~nc~: !int ':tut !~~1-..·ir.r,- '.J ;.h3!l:& <1!.fl'C?rc:i~e of ; n. 'J'he ca..rrif'rS l !t:t~L!--uj-e- nodulated Ly t.1.rr.e :• (e) and c•(e 1 , £~.all t.a•:e ::::= ror::i i''(e)'[2co~o 0 e =d n'(e) '{2sinr. 0 e. I~ is '>l'sunec! th~t the frc111.-ncy '.l 0 can be rer1"oduced r.->:r:.c_.l:·' a:: ~J-;.;: rec-.=iv~1, bi.;t. t.het t:he.:.-e iB 9 phase ~if.1."ur<"n<.:e 0- \f2 cos Oo0, \r2 :-ir. O~B Lt~ tet"',;;:..-..n ..1.·~ceJVr•d and i:nc: loco... ...... ;; cnr:.·ie1~s ! ·l'O<;.UC,...11 cnr:-ie1·.::> '{2co a (o 09+C1) , 1[? sin (n 0a+a) . Multiplica t ion or.~ r·ecei·;"<l signal s( a) , (27) 5(8 ) f2co1' (r. 0 8K>) = ''loJ c·~sa 1 • t- : .. (3)cos'2G B~ 5(8 ) '{2 sin (r.,e+o ) = o•(e) ~ir.a... (2BJ ~ IJ .. eJtsinft1;9+:. J - i<'{a; sino. ... :>'(a cos o. + :: ·J • F'(S) i;in (2n,il ><1 J - Ii'\~• cos \2!'l 0a,.,. ) I'he t.e1'tll8 on vt..e rigtit ha..":IC slde:J o"" (c.tJ J ·u.:J (? t1 mul - tipli ed by cos(2n 0 6+Cl ) or El11 (2n 0 e •Cl l co 111.nill v<=iy nigh !requoncy componl'nts only; they sh0l l ho .a.pfi·esse<l by filters. 'rho right bllld s ides contain tho u F 1 (0) or u•(e) onl;y i f tba plwee uif!erence a vunislt,.~ . ll!'11C• , rwo cu=·riero or oqunl frequency but a. di fferrnce ;11 may tra.tJSllli~ ~wo in<l"Jl<'ndent si"""l~ F' (e) 1u I .1'~6 "'Hltou:; mutual interfe1·ence . P.Jct.irog it <iif~crcntl;; , eucli I:re11<ency Chtw.ncl Caii be subdivided into t_.o ph:izc (:t~OA!.oe~F w:.iich ~11 be denoted t.t-rt: as sine and cosine chb.Ar~el . Syr:c!l.1'0r.oUE demodulation pe!"ci"t;s u::ili::at!.ou 0£ bo!-11 pr.qsn c!:!Wl- nel s . A certain Cime fw1ction a.a., alwa.,yo tc •rruie:nitted through the nine cna."lneJ , but nc·v er t!:l1·ougb t.ue costr:e channel in order to make t h.em disUn~--;ui S\habl e . One ID'-Y , fo:r ineto11ce , r·epluce F'(e) in (29) l.i,y 1 1 '"(6) And :ro qui,,.0 Lhat F ' (a) a n<l D ' ( e ) hnve pL'aOtically no ene r gy be low ~ oertoio froqucacy . The s i gnal 8(8) miy r.h~n by tile circuit of Fig . 59 . TJ1e uignal t 1+Ml' 1 (9 ))x
( 1 +cos 20 , a) 1.n obi:ainorl at; ouLp:it 'I , a.nd i .. oLtai:iec. ar ouLput: ., _ v• ( s )( 1 ~ cos n0 e) s.:.i.t:"le ;:i~elib..UC :nodulat.!on i5 6.!l i:xcell·-,:-.: practical. cei...• for t l :uismi t~ir.t· ch.rough ,.11.e tu::l cor,11.1> channel. To i;how i:Jli:; , lot a r-ii:,t.v.l F( 8 ) bij c;xpanded luto a serioe o! r.:inc aud co~ine!: accorainc to r•'l t; . 1 : f(gl at:)f\ , S)+.'~ ~ l: [1.c(i)cos2riS+" 5 ~i}sin ~ni8] (30} "' :o·it"te:- ::r3L..:forlls g(O,v), ..-,(i, ... ,, t:.!JC £s i,v) of thE-se pU- ·c~ ~...!.'E:! t.i.VCn by {1 . 24; . 'he fir. t five t.rnn:;.foros. arc .:.l:cwn in F!.o ..·1 • :.,t:-L us · aenot.e the ji.roduct.i::i .!'(0 , 5Y[2 cos flo•3 , f{O,a)x \+'C. ols1nc.t• 1 ~'co~ 2r i i3 conn 0 8, 2 coe 2ni:i s i r: n 0 e, 2oin 2tiiax c ~1 11 a.r.J ;'=~nC.Tii1 tiln :l 0 S by U 1 c(~•, , j 1 !>(.JJ, a.clc ), . . . dc 1.~" J 1 dsi,< {tll ?..Ild tl~i.• (';') . 'Jlle t-·unstora.s th~;r p.roC.uct~ ;ire C.t!HOtflld Oy ."1n,clv ) , •• • , "il,s Cv) ; ~--·.. {,\'(J ~\·~ h c1,c , ' J-'IJG i• ,.:, g(O,v1v 0 )] (;1) 4 ~(gc i . v-v 0 , .~ gc~:,v+V 0 )) \I H ~v· f ~; 5 \i,v-v 0 .' + g 5 (i , v+v 0 v0 o.f )] 0o/2n ... t ~ ... ·.gns in >tL!'enthesis: !".old :or th& Fou=i~r trans.forms
137 - 14 11E1'HODS Or SSI'/ • • (v). t..,, (v) • wi<l . ,,_, (v) . . Tho Fo\;.ri~r trar..sfOrJ)S Ge~ v) :-1n·:1 ~s( v) of the rw~czi- _j..00' ons ?(e )'{2 co:i 0 0 a =C. }'\c j 1,'2 si::i ~1,B "·~ obtiuned fro:r ( :'0) snd (31 ): Gc(v l = n(O)i.o . .< v ) -f: ~'1 , ( i )!,,," {v) - n,(i.Jh.,, ( v ;}\~·2) i :I G, ( v ) • u(O)ll 0 _.(v) ~ ~ l; [a, (i)h,,_, ( v ) + IJ,(i)L., ,, ( v )j j: ' Considc-r the '::9Bl' u,(1) ~ a,(1) - 'nncl all oLlt.,£· co- efficient:o eq ua 7.~:-o to ge t an w..de1·~t,,;ndir:e; o.C LLe of Gclv) and G,( v ) . The i•esult'ng F:inriPt' ~•·an.Jforn.;; ol' tile funct;ions '{2 cos 2n9 •,r2 cos n 0 e, '{2 c~s 2n6 '[2 sir. r: 0g , '{2 sin 2rr9 '/2 cor o 0 e, 1r2 s~n 2rS '.'2 d'° il 0 S , lil'e :;hown in L!,e first fo = :it'"~ of Hg . & . 1:ote ~h% '{2 cos 2n9 and '{2 nin 2r 8 are .cosir.e ancl :an.- r u~~e., . that equal 2oro outnide the i.nle~val -~ ~ d a t · The fol lowing ain5l e s ide'ba11d si~nnl~ n~u.v 1.:e r!.crJ.vetl !rom the t:x·o.n'-l!orn.~ in t he f ro u t' llt~t':'.l o r f ii:;. •50 : • coca 2rnJ al u Dr.a " sir: 21a cos n{la fee ( B) • cos 2n B COG o.a sin .?na sir. it 0 9 fsc ( 9) • cos 2re .. in 0 0 e - sin 2ni: co!l ~ 0 0 fcs ( 9) (53) - fss (9) • cos 2nB cos 0 0 ;; - 2.,.a si.!J :1 0 9 The Fourier transfor.r.s o.f t fwlct.~ona .csrc rt-:.o,.:c i.:i hn~s 5 to 8 or Fig . 60 . !n« :u...,::,;~01.s f cs ( s ) anJ r cc, 9 ) ~.ave almout oll oi cheir e?:e:.·g;,· in tl~P ur 1 er s::.dPo.:;:..uC. Oo/2n . I 5 c(e) and 1'ss(6) Lave mo~r;ortheir energ;; in th~ lower ai<lebuad " < o. 1 2n . l>otll phone channels !il'e t.tsed , Ginco nll four signAls (33) contain ~It~ ait.e c..rrier BLn 0 06 U.nd the cosine caL'L'ier C05 0 0 9 . !le ;•racti <:al implomentation 01' singl.e sideband mo-iul ncion <>ccordinl' to (33) is uauolly called second met.hod or l'h~n., :;hi ft method of SSS modulation [ 2 ]: A signal F(B) ic modulaeed ">
F8 / . C:O.:<R:EFI 'l'l!iJJSi'ilSSlQJl onvo the r.:ari·ier sin n0 e ~ u;Jtl the n:irr:c s1gnal wit h all osci:lation~ 90° ;;t:.e.s~· 5ti..fted l.~ rr.oc'l ·-"la.i;etl on Loche car- rier cos f/0 6 ; sw.n or -dift"erence of the riodula~ed car·rie.r~ :,riel:iB ~inglt: ;;irieband S i gr~s . f'!',e fi::.,s: :nett":od Of SSB ucoUulution ot:tai.cs Li!e ~u:r.t: resuJ "t. U;r si<l.eba.r:d by m11an.3 o.r a Ji_ tr;~. one CV\ . . --t--- . . - \)J · -- -1-- - - ty\ J-.J' -- - - 1 - -- - v /\ I ; ' v 2cos 21fllT ./\ - - -+-----~ 5 \) ----r---- (\ 6 A -- - -1--- - (\ COSUot 2 C'Ol 1 ITU f · lin u 0 f 2 sin 2 Tr t! T · cruGJ0 t 2 s in 2 'ff I/ T· Sin c.Jol c os 2 T ti T. 5tfl CJol • Sin 2Tr111 . COj Uo - -- - ! - - -· A CO.S 2fft l f sin c.>0 t · Sin 2"t/ f· COSCJQI / \ ----1-- -- A CO$ 27TL/1 COSCJol ., 5in2Yt!T · 5jn ~t 7 v 4 I ( \ - -- -+--· ·- - 9 ~·~ppressing - fq i 0 IT - (\ r,r cos 2 Trt lf cos (..)0 f - s in.2/ltll ·co:. GJ0t Fih - t;(} Fou:.ler tran::::·orrnr of s it.Lt>ru'idccz inc a-n rl i.tude u.odu:ntcd t:.y sine and. cos.:.!l~ _r-ul ne . Line :J lr: ?ig . 1:::0 show:~ wh,y n~1-;a t.i f'rcq_u~ncies- cannot l\O: !l..l~regar•ded . TLi:;; tI•nnr.r oT'O looks like Lhe Li·t1.11sio:rm~ ·~f lines 5 cu1d G fo!· po sitive v·alues of v =- IT 1 neve;rt;helc!ls , this i s ;iot a single o i deciand signal. Single l>ideuand ar:d double sideband modulat ion pe:J:'<ni'ii the S8DD llUJ!'lber Of Cb.rui.nels in a cert9in f'requcn cy band ~ lf tl:e c•,·.10 phase c.::if!nnels oi- <1aeh 1'requency channel are nsecl . The explo it ation ol' double sideband modulat ion i n t.hj s ..n:iy - u~ually re!"errea to as quadre..ture modu1ation- is handic,,pped by hig;h Cl'asstalk in t he case of telephollY
; • 1.ll METriOilS CF SS~l tra.naraissivn . $1r.slc rr.<' , or: t.!1e other hand causes morP. dirtortions in dii:;it.ul sip;c.:cl t.r·~lllnrr.i:-­ sion i f SSl3 filter,,"'"' used . A d,.,11.ole i;idebaml ~t.,LJlnmH ­ ter transmits all <1 11nr£~~ rit:hPr 1.'.:·ougb tite siJH~ ().:."' the cosine chan::c- c! :.1 certair.. frflqucncy bane; n sing I e ::!i<lebnnd trans:ni:::;:e1· li~~s.ait:.$ "G..: l on~r~· chroi;r:- t.l . .i... ~::_e as well n.s \;he cot..L.Ut: chaa"-...""te~ o !' ... frequency Can·J ,,:,s} !" as wldc . 'l'hermal nolHt.< .i.:.l'lucr:c.-.:: ~oth tttt.'..J.ods equr.lll.1· , ~·ro­ vidod of course ~L~ l ~hase-:ocnnl ~ivr filter'.iu':': is 1rned !or double sidi!land nigr.!!J.~; -ti-,,..rwi::e oce wouLl rnce•v~ the signal fr•oa ono 1;han<> on--re_ 1'ul ~Le noi~P frore toth phase ""llllllels . Tb1 investigot 1on o!" lillplir 1Ce :noC:ul at:~or: oy et.cans o.:: sint o.nd cosine pu._$es su.:fe!'!'! froc1 the fa.ct thuL t!1ese !'unctio ns not.. .CJ.•equency limitnd and are i;tun'L-1:1t•! to plot. i'h" resulLl! UL'e simpler to obr.iir. witl. ":oli:;l. fLU1CtionL. ConsiC.eJ.' the 1,.1aiGh f•.Jnctiona o.;"' ?ig . 2 u.F f'r'~quer~­ cy J"unctions ~al(O,v)t c11lf..i , v) • wai{2i,v) Ct.I1C ::;t,l( i ,v = wal (2i- 1 , v} i1lf'.'9;eAdOf•1 .... e .:unction~ . :Lilt .!'o:lo-..:i.r,J: tice functions are ottninP.-d ti:,· a Fcuritti· l !"!:tL.S!'oro.nti on : w(2.k ,9 ) ""J wnl{ ?k -oo s - w(2k+1 ,9 ) = 1 v) cos 2Tf'J0dv ( 7;-11 j \•:nll2k+1,V.1EiT1L-v9j'.I ' The functior.!l •11(:,e)coe ft~!J U!ld 'lf(,1,G) si:. :lcO, j or 2k+1 , have tl°'." f() LLotiin.g .?ouri _.1· t:r.·a.n;::fo:·r:t! : ... -. c:. .. ... 2fw(2k , 8)coso 0qoos2nv9d0 = wal\ ·'l<,v -~ 0 1 - w·11 1."k , v+v .• . 0 2rw<2k.,e)sin0 1 9sin2r.vod9 ; w·l(2k,v- v, 1 _, ~wl?~+1, 6 )cosn 0 esin2nv9Li:: ..~ = ·,.,al(2k•1,v-'!, ~al(2k,v•v 0 ) +•·a1(2k+'1,v•~J W\21{ 1·1 , 9 )sin() 08cof.12!TV9d0 =-Wt1l ( 2>t·l 1 , v-v0) >"ILtl{ ?k • 1 , v 1V,,) (;i5)
3 . CARRITR 'll<A!l5;·lISSION '!!le follo,;ir.g !:i g:oale 1:,..,; ng nll <:<.•' rgy iu the u;iper or lo\\er :::ideban Is on!:t rna;,· be ae1·ived froa:. tr.e time t i.O!JS ( jll) : •'O,a conn0 s ~ ,..(1 , 0)son:l 0~ , ·~(O,O)cosn 0& - <:i.1 , 0)sinr. 9 1 +,,•(C , S J~u.C. 0 e - w( 1,C:jco:sn 0 e , h'(2 , 0 Jconn 0 a -..:(2 , a)t:ir.n~s 1-- w(0 , 0):; ln n ~ 0 .,.- •...•(1 , C)cosn a 0 \>:(?t ,'> ls:in:i 0 9 ".-(~ , O)sinn 0 a, W'~2 ,0 )cosn 0 & - - ~<; ~ ·J)co:i0~9 , ·.~· (2 . ::l:)~ir:U.:'3 , ,·.1 {~ , o)cattn 0 9 (36) i>o= • 1tu·ier r;r:ms:·o1:i.s o:· Ul• !'=cUon:; (5&, &!'e shown in Fig . •'1 . Tt" ~rrows ir.dic:itc in ><hiclJ JirecLi.on the nb- aoluoe vnlue of the fr·•" of N>il(2% , v) w 1d wd(2k+1, v) ir:-::rea.aet! . l1!'.e o!.rection o!' t-!:n 91·.:..·ow; r~ar=in:; 1.u:chan d .fo- ~lie UT'fer dir.c·~8..!lds Ant.i ie rcve1:se1 fo.:- the lo,,.,cr ones . wa\QO)Q)'IS}cg• ...·~ 0.6l$1rtl0 9 ...F=i ____ ._F3_ Fiy . t·•'i Poui·i c':" • rn.::sJ"or:ns of solte 1=Cc:.uen.c:r _j:i;i1,..ed .si.r..g!e sideband ~ i;nal::;i v 0 = Oc/2, . w1"t?ls111011Q.. ·,.·i:.P)co• Ot.tB , _ r = t ____~ 0 •!' ;\ ~lock ~iaJ.,.i' :l!C ::· fo.r tf.O ~econ<l =nei;nod single 01• Sit;.8- v~Jr:.d rno\;,.ulq-ioi;. .i.:-: sho""" ir: ~·ii; . 11?A . 'l'h.e frc:q~enc:y limit~d rii~·nal f•'( 6) is fed ~hrouf•'ll t;\o.•O pbtroe :>!lifting no,;work& · rwo zigr.ul!:! ~pp~·1r a~ l!..~i r out.puts , ;those oscilla- ~on 0 C0)1!JO!lcnt . ..:iav,.. pha~•C dlffercnce of CJu buc are Qth• r - wise equA .• I 1hc r.&l"l'i e .c·:; rt icuci.e cos 2 rv 0 0 and t.:Jit~ 2rrv 0 9 are ani- !Q()ct.Uletl,~d. . 1'!'.e SU.Ill of t" e prodUC"'°'":S ) ieldB eicc:>a~c.i s~gy:al , t.!~e tliffere!lce a 0 !lll upper iower ~ideband signal ·
- 1'f i'!:ETl!OilS Of•' mm ,. Fie; .G2 (left) OuL,Lac-:ing act-t:od (aJ "DC SA.ll.\GA ' ~ tour~h method o.f sine;Lc e.!.'1eban<.l mo:lulatioc (b) of & r•~r:i.Pr wit!. frequency v 0 by a :·rc~ue2cy l!.ai ted !>1t;nnl 7( A: • FS f.h9~r: shi.fting network, r-; !f.u1":..~1 , S adccr , !!? bOL<lP•~s fil ter, F' ( 8) i:ingl e si<iebsnd "ienal. Fig . 63 (right) '1iEAVE!l '" t!lir'<i :netnod of : 1:1,., ~ ,;.:.cebiuui .modul«tion of a cnrrie.:· ·,;it=: freq1.4~nc:; v 0 +~ li.)' .u freque:1c,;· J.i;nited signnl ~·(o) . CS oscillator , M riultirhe,· , Ll lowpass filter . A very slnrl 1 lil.. a:ntr.od is due to SA.HAGA L3 ) . ...,he car- r iora cos 2 rrv& ,;iJ:1 2nv8 ai•e adoerl to Ll:e f h t<$., stif ted sisn£Lla nccordlnt to F'ig . 62b . 'l'ho t wo aurnii a1"0 rr.ultiplied togetller . An Ltpper side'01mrl ::iic-uul is ~;enM·•t~d ; i!! addi tion , eignal:; are produced in Lhe uur;<;btond nnd nrow1<i double the carrier i'rcquoncy 2-..: 0 . A sim~ 1 e li~n 1!'' il tE- r !::!J.l. - presses those undesirable . ;. further :i.J:gle siC.euanti. modula-.:ion cict.t.oJ Lo .l"e to '.,'E&'.'::.ll (4) . l"ig . 6.! l'l:o>1~ a l-_oc;: diAgt'alli for it:- implel:lentntion . A :<igm1l F(e) :-:ith r:o cneri:;y oui;side the ::ru..d 0 li .f i 1/'.r or -1 ,; v = o·T :: ;.A i" modulnt.oJ onto tr.c ca1·- i or riero sin ne O..'ld cos nS t·ri ~b ! .reqUc!.lC;,· v I • f, i 1 = 1 /2T . The fr·equency of the cru·i•iel' is in t:-.e midd _e of the bl.Ind uned . 1'he 1>0dulated carricr!l ps~:i tl1rougl1 lo•;JPasa filters 1'ith cut-off i'requencies \lg• i 9 T • ~ - The filtered aii:;nill.e moduJ.ated on~o t h o high rreq\lency carriers sin :?"( v +1)e and cos 2 n(v 0 +t)e . 'l'l:e a um ,yields 0
; . .,;AP.R!E:ll 'rRJ>J;s :-;:ssroN rt~ ..l.J.:f'e-: · s1Celwu..t nlgnul , ~he rll.ffe.r~ncf" a ! ... h'•::- .sideband ~ 1f.!t:l- . Hi:; . •_II Fouri •er t:r3.1Ulf orcu o: tl.e t:::..ra :r.e- or ~hod single sidel:,and uoi.'!ul;iOL . E'or an e.xµlu..:.nt l :):. n :' ·. .'E.~:•rv'3. 1 ~ :r.e t : ..o(.:. le:.. tr.<' lreque.ncy l:oit::t:j ill,? tsi.Cne.- F(iJ be f:A}'.ar:rled 1.!J,t.o a .series O.f -11= :'unc-t:io:is i,.:(;,k , 9) and w(2k+1, ~) jcrlvdd by tfhe Fou.::1~r t!'an~f:,;;_"C: (;11) !°:.'ca· t~.e '•htl!i!": funclion!1 . ~ L: r,. c~r.;..(-·k , 9) l"(8} ~ !\(z,;•.1 ).,(?1,+1,o )J (37) ~ ~a fi; ~u!'fic c!'l t o L t·ac~ one> cv~n and one odd funct i o n of t he •ei· ' "" ~?7 tcirou1•h ~he ci ~ of Fit; . .,3 rnthcr t hrui ~·( 9) · ~·he si1q:les!: ;·11n:t!ons, "'(0 , 9) _.,, (1 ,P.), ai·e ·rned . Ihei:r Fou::-1e1• L:-.s.n<!'om:l wsl(O , v) =<l - zo!(1,v) Are zhown :iJl "":! F.ig . i., line 1 . ~h~ nr:ro .... ~- roint. in tr.c di!·octiun o~ in- creCte:i:..& !lbEol~t<" V8llJ• 8 0£ 'J . !':odula~iOD OC COS n0 SJJ.i:'tS
.? •14 f·!h"!l!OD:J OJ• SS!'l tile Fourier t.:·anr:·o:-ns of line 1 ·o:; t to 1.11~ t!le loft (l i:Ju 2) . 'J• e t:-anE:':o= shl~t~u s)loW!l bntch••d for cl~r1t;; . i·igi,t. gnd to ti.e -c~t i<' The two sl!:.fted ~ran ~·omc are t.o shOW:: superiz:tf.O~~d. k!J.e-J."8 they 0'.~crl a;• "..!.d l.::t\'C <:quol signr,; . NodulnLion of s.:.u - q s:O.ifi;:; rr.c trnn~fo:-r. by ' to -nc right '1!1\! the ;r·nr..!:ifo1·rr. in.·..;:tiplied tiy -1 ~:; t t ... t.he l~f7 (line ~) . LowpR"'"'·s su_ p1-'rer-.:; a.1.1 comront:~.L.J vu~side bhe b!Llld -$ ~ ' :i ~ i liuee 4 $.I'ld;,, . 'l'l1r 1·e~ii-L.Lt.v •. i~ nal:; So ( B) and t. 1( 0) o.ovc odd ~r'~JlSforo~:i ( l in "" II ·ind 1. LineG 6 to J :ihow ~he q>.•cn L1·u.uefor1:is o" t: 0,(a J, e;02(~ 11ml L11 (q) , ii.,( 6 ) which O.E•:V llc rn;>eria:posed tc ;r c 10 also showu 'ire 'the odd trM:;fc.,...m!l ..:if er .., a) ' 11.j L I ( B) ; 9) iJ ( I)) ru~rl ,{ 0 1 02 g 11 (8 ), t;11 (9) Which ;ne:d Lile tra:;::;fol·l::J OJ: ll;(q) t•Ld g 1 ~9) superil>poncd . '.!'he cran!'fo1us of li::.c:; 5 to 9 :.&v.. the cnap' of !1 wal( O, v) Md -ssl(1, v J . :ien;;e, :me 'lOC&1r.r. tl>e 1.1·:wGf;):·a:i of t;he follow ng !'un;;tio;iS Nit.. ;h(' t'Cl f OJ' (} 3 : g 0 (9)cot2ri(v0 +rla. [g0 /S) ... ;;:01,o:Jcor""'"•~' H (~o) [ n,,( e ) + 11,,(~ 1j •in ·•\ v 0 .. u~ OJ) to h 1 (e ) s i n 2 n (v 0 ·~ )q a shown in l. i.non 10 and 11. Tl:e trar. ">fO""-· :'> f liue:3 L and ;, ui-e uhl!te<i b,y v 0 +t to t11e ::-ign t am: l"!L ; Lhe r-loi.!'ted trans.Corms B.J.'e m>.tHi;>lieil ·:iy +1 °1· - 1 1.1ccurdiw· r.o &$ the four µOB'liblo ;.roouct::: or nvcn or- odd LI'WlAI on1r 1-1it:1 Sine or co3ir.e carrior as zhc\-.1!:. :..n ( )r-) . The Sllll! of lino:i 1() =d 11 yield~ ~:.c Fuud er tr-11J1~­ ot 11.D UHe= sideband s~i:nal (lii.e 1 ) . :"'" c!ii'fer-encc yields the tra.nsfo.z.!:l o~ :i ~011.·fJ.t ... J..Jclw J ai ual . ~e genernlly uned .oe~hod of :i1'1gle :11i!c\>r.::c :i;:>:LllaHon is the supprcnnion of one ::;ideo•n·j l.:V ·1 fl. l tcr· . Tl:is ~ilter causee disto L·tionz ·h· a-r<"' p.nrticul o .r l;v o·o.lecti::i nable for the t.ransmisdo::i of digita l di:;niiU:: . Fit . t.>)a a.hows the J.'roqLtenc,y uower specL1·w:1 of u r i1-~Hal "·1 lt!1 i:racCically no <?norgy ou~n idc cbo band CJ ~ v v 0 • .It ; .; c.onocesntU:y J:o:r the .follo'1ing investtgacion Lh~ ~ ~h" e>o'•e r· SJ>eo tr·um octuall.y he rectangule.l' in ~he bw;d 0 ~ ,; '- v0 fo r::s
1 J• .u 3 . CAllP. lEH 'rJUl!iSMISsro11 a:3 shown . Fie; . 65b to :1 show~ b~n shift of 'Lhree such si gl1Bls iut.o ndj;.ic~nt; bantlti by mAan:- of i::-ion cf carriers ~, frequencios v 1 01 awpll't nde u:od1tla'J , +2\1 0 .nnrl v c+'+v ~and -filLers i:avir:g; "Gransmissicr. t'onctic.1ut> , <1S 0 • shown b:f the dctslle<l l l r:e~ , :;u:ppress t ile lower sideb=d s . Fig . S5c shows the sua of tbe uppnr sirleband:o . The osci I .Lations in G11e hatcJ1r:O f1"equency aL·er:s a:-e partly ntl.enuated and their µbase si:ift :Joes riot vnri; 1 in early •,, ·ith ~rBquenc,y . This c~n1ses si~;nfil d.:.stortion:; . ;\t -Che J. ec.ei\:er , che signals 1 ere separaeed t;y crvJ<lpaH fil tr.rn , and udui ~iO!l<ll diSWI'~ion$ a r·e intrnclaced ( ?ig . 65f-h ) . 'l'he po 1..: ez· specLra of ~hjl nemoclulatect sign< :::Lows .Fii;.o~i t o !:": . The hatched areas i.nC.lcat..e whe re osclllac-ion.s ar~ im;.iropel-·ly a.t tenu- al rt ''ii :110 +----[Tl----...., , * ____ ._fTI,,."'.,. 0 l"i; j vc-Zvo L c ___ __,_ ] / -f-- -------.. 7 ~ L ___ _ _ ,m __,_,''~---·,,,r_--'-rn'--.._J-....-_• L_ _____ rL__ g _I __ "L t ,, "'- -"-"-'-"'t....,-~.-1-.~,-g ,_,.'~-· ,:....,.3""'<1 0CJ:::::r_ \..• .I h l , k .._.-:.,.~ ~~ o 2~0 ~-;-,"T"" v..,-V. .. ~,.~.-. ~~G.,.~ ~ .., g L h I_ ___ d l -1--------..... f$a»J ,________ ,, ... '~L~"I Z ~~~~~·~·l\u I _,_1_,1~~LL.1- /1--,-.&<~m;i__ .... I Yf: ..7~ __Jl.....!.,_ 1 .L l 1§1$f -,3--~I Ii>..~~! J I _ v, ·1·l·11 'i*~"o "c:'61JO 6£W>J ..LI_ _ kti1.1 .J -·'-~-~ z,., ~'ii €·~ p,.,.o Fi5 . f.5 (lC"i't) Po·...1 r:r, r.:pcct:-a for tno :noctuJ.ntion ru:lcl d~mo­ rlu Lation oi' t l1reo sii;,.,a.s oy singlo sideb(Uld r:iodulat:i.on . E.!lndwidth ol' tti_.=. slc;nals ls ? v 0 ; lowest frequeucy 0£ the sigr.i:t l :-.: is 0 . J:i,t; . oo trii;t;i;;.) l'o•,,•01" ,;pectra for ;;he OJociuJ a~ion and delll<>Liul"l.ion o~ tlu·ee si;;nals by transpose<! sideband modul"':" rion . bandwidth of the signals is 2v 0 ; lowest frequency of the sie;nal!i i!; 2V0 •
• 4 ~'TllODS OF SSl'l 3 1 ated and pha"e ehl!"ted , a::d thus cause Hi..:u1sl diatortionn . There ere :;·"o ""-Y>l to keep ;;nc d:s;ortions sr.1!111 . One ~ shap~ tl.e r-ig" , so t"ha- ~os:t c! their ene:-g:,-- is .:ocated i.n !":cquency bar:ds , wt.ere the singl~ sidebar.:!. filters cause littl•• distortion . Or c".<' :nny loc:i.te the ,,dges of i;he si.Jlglc ,,ideband filt.ers fa: away l'rott tte f:equcncy b!llldS which con•~ir:moet of che s"ign~ l ;.nrt·F,;v . 'fh"' l"ic-s t method is used i n vestigial sidebrind r.iodnlat. . 'Phis method iB particularly useful , if digi tnl c..Le11c1la a.L"e t o be transml.tted by time division v'1roug~1 exist in1< telephony channl'!lll [ 6) . A detu:. ed account o l' LLu; )Jt!tl1od is given by BE!I'.<h'! ar.d :JAVLX ('/) . -'he second me:;Jio l ic used in trnnspooed si<lcband :nodulation [8] . :t!I vi·inciple wil~ be diRcuseed •11ith :.·efei.•ence t: o Pie; . €::& . '" .. e :;ig:ials :.~ve practically all their energy in the fr~qu<> ey hnnd 2 v 0 " v ;!i '·"o (Fig . l:><?n) . The wic.t!: of tLe e:i:rty bnnd 0 < " < 2v 0 is neicher zet·o DO.l sma-1 co!':!.1=.a.rea co r.r.,.-. bnc.Jwidt.!... 6V = • 2v 0 of cr.e signal. It is :l<>t importnct thu~ 2" 0 equal:o. ~'II · Ii; is only necessary that i;h,o "<tply bnn<.l 0 < ' < :?v, be W.l.dor thnn the fi·equency oand , l!. wnic~ <:he s ini;le aid eband £11 te1·a cat1se distortions . J.'igs . bbb Lo d show the nhi:'t of three " " ch i;igrwl,; into adjacent J'rc(Jucncy band:; by an:ri1it;:ido modulatjon of carriers with the I.t·equeucies v ! - 2v 0 1 \le and v c + 2"'Jo · Bandp1rns rilte1·s L1'ving the <:rans:tission f;rnct~ons zho'•ill b:y l:he 085hed 1 ines c.upprcss t!le l ower sidebar.ds ' ref" ~u:r. C>f the tllreo upper s~:ieb=ds el~ws Fi;; . v.•e . '!'he zi., not diutorted , since there is no (lo:lflrgy i11 t.t~ frequency area& , wLere t!.e b<Cld;>ass 1"i l i:e-A di::to1·L. At the rece!.ver , -:he &ignals 8re separa-eci ':ly tncdpnse ! i l te:-;:; . Dis'tortionr are introdltced in t11e frequency nreus aho•.,'!1 hatched (Fir . b61'- h) . The power spec trn of tt... de:noautat'!d signals show Fig . 66l to k . 'Phe non- dintortod power spectra or tli(: demodulated si;yials ru'e i;~;si n loc11ted in ..,,,e band 2v 0 IE v:; 4 v 0 as in Fig .. 66a . ·rho diato1·ted and fol - 1 V""t lgia.l eideba.nd codulai;ion goes buck to NYQUIST (5 ]. 1 0 H -.....1111'1. Ttal\1-"'lll••Ol'I (If lnfQ1-,'i~l•Oll
le..J - ov.:;:· 0 ~ '- o~,.;.:._lationr: a1~e I ocat.ed ir th~ uuu.;.ed bonae :! c:Vo ar::i v ,. h"'o . fit; · ' i't !:no~. :; u : 1 ;nal \' 1 lt1 tha.._ c;:u.: he '.J.Y t.rnns11oucd eidt-"tJnnd. :oorlu I 1-.J ~io:l : TLi-· biu·1ry r:httr:lct1 1. :·rJnsm.tted +1-1 i·• t-an!' ':Jy -.,i..;. signol . tiin 30n-t/J ;JBS 1 o:::i.:il_atlunn i n i.-Ul J.!1Le1~VDI or duration r nn1~ si.... 3hor;/T A.:?. 17 o. ci.l_;:r':i...,tJ."' . !I. fo lows f1·om Fi.: . ol L!".r;- t:.P ~n~rr:y :Jf I "'t .:.:.. c:>ncer:t:.=o.~ed in tho 'Laud {1 -1) s v • f'l' ~ (17+' ) . 'l'ne lowro:' :'r·e~11i:o11cy li-nit 18 cq_11,.1l t.o ~ ..... c. • 11. i ~he- lJUJldw.:ct-h lp A'; = 1 . Tl:~ •11itlth 1•C lhf' '3-J..~t;,- ban:J. () ~ v ~ ... dt'r t. 9.!J l "'I iLCd fJ.'Om 111t>'.-tnz c•· i 'JU •.. c"' 1l A i r.. }'if"' . v 0 is ... L6" ·- e;._n~ i . . hu.s LUch . It.r .;;.ffi ~j ,..., !" -1 - 1 C9U be re1 i;t~iu ::tl-t.Ul FtC'.CO!'di~:1· f:in~L.Lon .•'i.l~·:;;; . 1-?H uncl 111 by ·leL=-·=t "' :is :i o·...·n in 1"lg . .)b . It is t.<J nnt:n1 or"t"c.::t~ ~t .~l· ... i511.!;1 ... ._ tl!"C? ou~sidc t!::.-e band 1 . ~'it.!,;S · 7i:: , 1 ~ c:--,d .; !" 1 i()t-. t.hat u ·,.'ror;g eiH- -!!: 'J ; /ie; . '/ Dct"c ... io:. f"t lifi'=nl .. tt~ril6. A: ·; .,. i!. y,g - £in :2j.1.r.-&); ou-zpuc r.'I -a:;e:.: "Jl :..1~e ::· ~ ...... t:.o!l d• 1,t-ctoI.'s .!'or ~;.>~ ?• 1 b) , :-i11 3~ ·t(.; \C) , co~ 32n9 (D) , .. 1 ..n.:tl 8 ,r-. slr. 32•& ( l:.J , cos ?i•n~ (F) 9nd sin 3'fn8 1 1 i .• . Du.L·ri I nn o:~ t.h1 LL·::t.cen: 1r = 150 1:1a ( :",''t·c·,, c r . .:::~ .. n, • . r:owAK :ind 11 ...,·· .\__ ,-- - r j_e:1 >· ) .. D E F G F 1 1 • l:·8 .i!'t·~~uenc:v ;.iowc;r spec ~l't< of thC l'o I I o• i:: I·~ l ses' ticco!"ning to fi'ig. 1 '10d " : ~·::wnl(O,R] (A), sin 2.,e b)coe .,: :-'in ·Jn6 (c: 11 C'<•.: 4,9 \e1~ S.1""' ,., 1 .... , .::::-:;_ t nr. \.f:! ' i sin BnO ~h), cos )ne , 1 l . a = t 1, v = rl', -t :: e ~ i ; r 1 ~ WJ... i ir· flert-~ for •r = 1 2:> µa .
nal produces vc=-y liri;lc ou.t;puL vol r.rtP'i'' at. t.=.e samrlir~t:; tillle . 5 Correction of Time Differences in Synchronous Demodulation 31 Consider a rreql.'ency :11.!.nd 1- ni1'ed >1i~nel F(3 )'{2 co~ .. 0 •J . lt aball -o o sync!.i-011ouo:'..:y <lemoaulatec by mu Lt:iflicacior_ with a l ou"l <:1<rrier >{2 con (0 06+o. ) Which boa the rhni;e dit!erence whh refet·ellcc to a ~!'" l'ec"ived ca1• 1•ior '{2 cos Oo9 [ 1} : ?(& )1"2 cos o 9 a1r2 cos (nss .cl) E'(e J[ co,, a - "o~ (2o 0 a~a •) 'IO) Let the signul be !'T.'cquency- st:i1 te<.I Ly an nuxil l ory l ocal carrier '{2 cos (n.a >o.., ) 1md t li e r, \JP <le:codula~o~ :i:mchronously by tlie locol c'u'L"i r :cos [ <n 0 -!l, )a 10., J: ·r2 ( [F{e 1'{2 cos 0 0 aJf2 cos r..9 •o.,. }2 cos [ cn 0 -a. >a+a, : ( n1) F(e ) (cos a +coe(2( n 0 - n. ) d-o. 0 J •cos(;:>"~ •" 1 o., 1- cos(20 0 9 •a •J O. • a.h .:. a., , CL 0 • O.n - as . Equations {110) tmd ("", ~untidn ;he <le: 1 rr.d si~:nsl He) nul tiplied by cos a and hit·• rreque::cy tc=.s ...r.ic:h can be suppressed by l'ilters . hrre ~e " nu.m'ter of :r.ecnod." t or tbe rernovn.1 o!" co s a . One :nay derive , e . g . , r. . ino oscillation \1'2 ain ( n 0 a +a) r r'O:o Lhe I ocul codne ca 1'l'i<'r V'2 co s (0 0 0+<>. ) . I'.ultiplicntJ. •L of tJie =·tc~'vcc s:i1.n~I bj' this sine oocillation yie:ds: F(e N'2 cos 0 0 6\1'2 sl..ll { 0 0 9+a '•"' (a J~ sin a + "iu (2n 0 6+a. ! ] • 4 LeL ua assume F(B) may l>o written as cun. F(0 )=1+M.F ' e ) Whore F 1 ( a ) ie n sii:;nal thnt contains 11i·nc~ica.ll y no c•uerl!Y bi,low a certain frequency arni :1 io the 1•odul<tti " index . The right :and side of \4-2 asmneo the for:t.: oina. • Nli' ' (e) ein CL + (1 + rJ" ( S )} s i r (2;i 0 0•CL ) (113) 'fhe second and thi rd tet'm c:an be BUPIJl'OGGr.><l by u f1~e­ quoncy lowpaas fili;er . Tho terlll sin a rc.1>11ins . H ••'•Y be: uaea. ..Lil a feedbncit loop to shift Ui 1 ocal cnr:-ier \1'2cos(Oa6+<>.) and thus \(2ain(n 0 9-a ) ,,n :::ucn" wny, th&t eln a. vanishes . a then equa.l.a ~era or 'ln integer mu.Hit,le 10·
of rr imc coe a. equnl s +1 or - 1 . Let t:r.e f<'ecl1:Dc ..c loop be st.nble .for a. • C, Z?n, : 11rr, anJ lnst ab le for a. :rr ' 1;1 t . . . rae \'n:ue~ cot:a. = - 1 nre 1.t:en ur.!1't::sb 1c . .Fig .59 .l:lhO'.·;s- f.1 bl ocl\ dlW.f3'l'El.!!l (')f a J·c ce:.vnt\ tC-.rd.. c or1·ect a the fh&Se ~if !ercnce in wz;.;; . Cl :_.::; !l:SSU:3Cd to b~ zero ex-ce~t i.ll t ile feed"oack 1 oor. , wi..&!'e vai.ues; for Cl - 0 nre sho.,..·n . A very detni leU. treatoent. o.: .-y::c~roLous d~ .;od1;.lstion of ninus,,1dal c•trriera i s 1'1vc :i 1.>y '/l 'l'lmBI (2) . Conr i.je1· t be correctior.: 01' A rii:.!! U2.f!'r·""e ncc , it Walsh cat"rie,..sare, .. !'"ed . 'Ihe !" .. \ 9 )w>.Al( j 1 j) o=- ~15) shall mulLi;•licati.on Nitli Lr.•" loc!ll carrier w!l'~j,1-Bvl . rhe carri~r~ WD fj , ~ "W:l ,,al(~ , - 9 v ) ire P":-iod l" f aucr.ion., nnd do not vcmi slt out<"id<' Lil" i nbe1·va1 -~ ,; 1 a 1. Thr de:r.oc\ulotrd slgnal hne tLo ."ollo·,;ir,g form : b '' d.ecnodul"L "'l by r,,.(" )'1101 (j , s )w<L:(j ,o-e. J (44) '!'!..e prc:.luct. of \>;a_I {0: , 9 9.Ild "tlal{j , :! ) i 1'..r:o~:r , bu- not t:l1at or Nnl ( ,1,6 ) i:Uld 'tH.<l ( j , :J-9..,) . Tho _problem ls similar t that of ou~ti;>ly1r..r 1/'2. cos :"l0 ~ "'i~h ·,t2 co~ (Oa9~ in( tiO) . 'Illis cul t iJJlicai;ior~ cannot Ue per.formed Hi th the :uult i i; l icntion theorcir.G (?) alone , one need,; ill ~drli.,;on -ur shift \:heorer.1:- o~ "O.i:.e and cor:i11e fu1:. ction~ : "o~('.1.-al : ~o~ a. con ~ + ninu uin s "tc . (45) be tle~o:npor;ed ':ry tbl.~ shlft theo1·om , !'1H<l t hP :nul tiol i c'lLion l '·.~orcme ~ 7 t!l'lY rnen_ On 1lpplicd. •[2 co:;(0 0 &+a , !T:U ~t '· . . . _ti;tlication ur:d i:?hi!"t tr.cor~1~ a:-e ~dS<?lit.ia.lly the sime fnr •in o and co si ne .funct;iom1, s .i.nco ( 7 ) ore multi:;ilicetior: t:ieoret:Jfl' if rPati frO?ll :_ej't to right l!1d :-bift t ~0 l"CmG if read f1•on. r11{ht t o l".ft . W ata h ftwctiono ltave ve1',V ziuf-" binnry ~hi!'i; ~ .• eore:n~ (1 . >,QJ , i<al(j , e•l>0 vJ • wal(,i , ~)i<al(j , B v ) , bu~ ,i.11, coot:>1ic.s -he 01'<iinary subtractioi: sigl' end col; :nodulo ?. «<lditior. or subtract ion a i g n . Cert.tain sr ecia.. cascn o~ tbe ehiJ·r theore;w of Wn ~sh fur.ctior.,. "'ny be d"ri ved :readily. Fig . ? <lhowa ~hat the :< l 1•1·io dicall;v coocinuod f!,lon" snl(1,S ) and ca1(1 , 8 )
- 1"' coR.REC"10:1 01' ::II-3 ,. / DIFFEREH~ES 149 axe tr(.Uls!or:u~d cue:: othe:- by a shift of ±i o!· -::i ! <o unnomalizcd ooLuLou ; t!:e s:...:.r:; cq'1u!s tA f"- ,al 2 , ~) ~d cal (2 , a) , t ! for :;~l\~ , a; a."1<1 cnl(3,S) , c~c . ~e! i be a power of 2; tile ro:lowiog gc~eral ;'omula. hold~ : cal(2',9-2"'"' ) • sal(2', n) : ~: = o , ' , 2 , . . consider· Ll1c er.ore ger.,...ral ·:!ns:e h:J Ldlug 1'o.t· ger value of i : cal(i 1 6.;9 0 ) onl(i , 0 ) • (11&1 ~-U./.' inte (47) Table 9 s hows vulu~a of 0 0 for i - 1 , ... , 3'"' . 0, i.; detertninod by ( 11 c,) for i = 2 ' . 'C'1<>so v1>-':los ui·e in1.n·kea b y a star in Tuble Q , Onr ma-y t;e;=. th~t 9 0 • t fJL .l : 'l: iF equal 9 0 • - t for i = 1 'Dit!_ tl..e .'3i1~n """"V~r~~d . 60 i'or :. • ~ may thus be c a !ll!d the • ~~i:e" of o 0 for i = 1 ·~itlt re!'erence to line i = 2 = 2 1 • C.•ne :r.a.y rr.-1'.j,dily sec t;:iat 30 !or i • 5 , G, 7 in the ir:a:gc of B0 _f..,r - • 3, 2, 1 ~i~h reference to line i a: L ::J 2 2 . '!:hi7 1..-·,; o!" i:r.n;es :r.a.v be ~'l'it ten as J:ollo«s : cal(2'tj , a+90 ) • c(ll(2 • +j , 8 ) oal( 2'-j,9-9 0 ) • sul(? '-j ,9 ) k = 1, 2 , .. ; j • 1 , 2 , . . . . " 2 11 -1 . Equat ions (46) wid ('18) are the •reci· I Lld.n u ..,oi·e:u of tne W(!lsb tun ct.ions . It co1·respond1? to t 'J"' !'' l 11..i " r~ill _x = cos (x-;n ) for nine ~JlJ cosi:..e fwicLio11 . . 'l'he following;ior.s llolJ fol' i!.· :;fl} .!'.wet ~oar l:l••ead or (40 ) an<! (1.8) : : ..... ) sn1(2•, e - 2· • ·') • - c&.1(2 ', s) oal (2••j,9+9 0 ) • -cul(2 '~j , e) - cal(2 ' - j , g) I:. =- 1 , 2 ,~ .. j j-= 1, 2 , ... , 2 •-1 . Equa tione (48) ~ o (50) yiald : Cal(i, a r9 0 ) • - cttl (i , 9-9 0 ) aa:C(i, 9+9o) • - onl ( i , d- 9 0 ) , ( -
;; . 1' , Cl.Hit] .·:h TRA~lS~:1ss101; T11t1te () . Somr V't. ' lt0$ of Uo and S1 ror t:·.a r:pr·<'! tal nhitt of '"'i:€' pe rio l iC ':/ rt~~h flUl<.:: ... iCL; c·1l(1 1 9) and s111(l , e •. ~ hCOl'e!l: -. u~c . i t;.ina .i.~1~· .. Bo . - OOOC01 • -1 OOOC10 - 1/:: 11/i; ' ccoo1·1 •• 0001~·() · - 1/1, OOC10~ -1 /L ( 000110 I I/& "( C00111 I ,1/1 I'; :·;;· OC100C - 1 ... 001C() J 1 001C1C. - 1 11 001011 11/~ 12 001100 +1/1 G -1 /~ 1Jjf1101 11 00~11( t1.B 1';. C01'1'1 11 /4 1 C1CCQO • _, /0·1 1 . ~ .- " 9I dee . --,, -1 -1 " -1 /:' " -1 /t -1/:'. -1 /1. -·1 1< - 1/1· - 11;: -1 11• -1/2 I -1 /d -1/? -1 IL. -1 - 11 ·-o - 1& 1 ' 20 ?1 22 -~ ~ .1 :=·;.!_ ;>• 2.( ?7 2<' 2') ~·) ;1 :·2 1J.1.11"ryl 0100C1 C1C01C 0%C'I 1 0101co 010101 0 1 011C 01011.-: 0110C-O (;1'001 c 11o~c 01 1011 01·11 00 01'1() 1 0·111 ~c 01111' eo 91 -1,<1 - 1. '! - i/2 - 1/11 - 1/;_ - 1/li - 1 /2 - i;1. -1 /1 -1 /il ... 1/~ -1 /'• ~1/' -1/? - "i/1G - 1/'"1 - 1 /q -1 /2 - 1/E - 1r - 1/4 11/~2 -1/·• - 1/" • "i /l. ,1;1. -'I/'• ,1/b ·1/11 1ti00CO · -1112e -1/2 - 1/64 Of' c•tl(i ,6"~ 1 3 - col(i , :IJ , sul ( :.: ~ a .. e,) -rnHl , a ) (?2) - "'e,1 . i/·-ilU,.,~, 1 vn. .. o"" 9 1 UJ.'IJ !1!~01•r-" 1.H Tnble <) . L 1.vo:..ild Ue 1.:umb""r:-.01ne to obtn l n tla lil.ld ~es cf i a.u1.:. f9~1:':'!. l:y w1 t:):tAnric.a o! ty -..:rit..-=-1 1 ~qi n. for l lll·go e J . Or:r· c nin Ob\;ain 81 as ·c·l.t:ti..l.'V nUJJber . e, ~quals -;, lf t.l.c lO\\'c:Jt b .. ne..r;$ d 1e-ii; is a 1 . A.u lnt!pec t ion. of Tn<;:+ reailll~l nllch'!:i !>l1n1 · 8 1 i s -i .fo1 all odd v~luec oJ' i . 8, is -~ , i.!' ~hQ lOWe-t bin:;P''.Y .!ip;it is · C lft.lld the SC- 1.:l~ COr.U;t. D 1 . fie-nt.~:·nlly- !:.O .. C.r: 9 1 equalr - ?· lc·l 1 i f tnc k lo"""" bi1.u1·y 1ii;it~ •i·e =cro . 'rho a1Jnu lH Lfl v:i lue ot €1 0 i :J dot." i vetl i.u the same wny frOJl the Mn:Jl'Y rep:-r·"~~tc,t ion or J, . I 0ol equals 2··-~ if tto k lc>:P.~L t-inar:; ~fH!' ' =ero . a0 equ:lls - f90 f, if 1hc d.t;j< ' · . " i s CJ ; Cle ·'~'..lals +IBo l i:f th 1· ligit k • <' ic 1 . Co11 s i1fo1· o::; exu "ll•lF t he mcubors i n 20 nnd i 28 ir1 'P•-ible g . r .•e two lowE·: t. bin~ry die: its (.t: • 2) are zex·o i thi£ yields le 1 1 = 2" 2 ' • ~/16 . Tl:«• tou=-eh bir.ary d-1 it
(k_.2 = ~) i:; 0 !'or l r 20 1:tci .,~ eq 1;;~l. 1/1• ; tor :_ = 28 the fourth. tllgil ... :i "i ..!11C. r. 0 ~qu~l!i 1--1/'& • ~ proa:· ,..r -h.-• ruJ.ct: ro1· de:.erc1nn:;io:l o.: 1) 0 ?J.Hd '3 1 tia given Ly ?I...:Ji- LER [}] . A ci!•culc £<>1: t e corrcc~ion :;~ n t.i:ue ni.!"fcrcnco b1-· - t;ween received'l"iJ?!' ~nd locnJ L'.at·1·lt!r Wt.'i.'( v~ bu.<.?ed ut:. Ghe npecial ell lft 1; <'Or<>a: o f ;.1a1"" !uw.:t ior.s ( l"if· . U:) . Let u u nuaun:<· Lb'l ;;ii:.n~- [ 1 +M3' " '9}jcal(i , ~) in l"C'coivo··d . f lf(0 ) ia H t>.LJ:J;Jlal &nni; n al::i _pa.1:tsr;;d t.11..1.·o u1.t1 !J .ie'i.ilency lowpass .ru~c.t· . A local ct1.rri e r eol(l , ~ - 9.) ii; f l'Odnce<l in o;he fw1c't.io11 rcn~!'at:or Fu . Tb.e l oc :.1 1 Corri "l" pnsse~ u vu.rial. c clulay ci[·cui- R'l . c:irri~r 1.~nl{t 1 1)i~ol:tai ­ ned ut the outp 1~ of ?.1,t once t he cit·cu.i t ls !.oc~ed or:. to t.he received ccrt•it:-:· . lt. fu::-~i-~rr d'"' .. ay ...:ircul.t. ·.,•ir..h fixed de~ay produc"s Le C'il'rier cal ( o, 3- •. ·;, • £"1 (: . 3-9v ) . lhe received Sil'.O!<l. i~ l>Uli:iplied ty sa!(i , 6-l,) end r. c product is int -:rAted tt~e ort!'.oi..ohality in-FcrvP._ -i + 9v ~ e .ii ~ + ~v of ::Sal( i, ~ - 3"' .1 • TL0: ou1.11ut vol r.nge of t.he integrator i!1 erin:plecl al. t;Ilf! ~iID• ':'" ~ ; -9\. , ~ +- 3v , f + Gv, ••• U;v Che .sample.:· AT :) tciLl ir l'od t;o rut r·•.rc.u: ar.:.11r, circuit Tl' . This cir·culL aveL'a!{e'' over mr.Lll:V ... our-~<l or.1plitudan . The .1'ollot\'i1ij.i; ci.veroi;e i ~ o·otninr:d •1t t~1c ou l put: oI 1'P d u e ~o Lllo f><C& l;hat C.l\e ' 11~r;gr·11r.0 1· J '1vrt·nu:e: ov1:<r the in1.erv111 r. -tk + av 'i e " ~" • a, : Pi~. r9 Co:t'reccio11 ol' a t. ime dir re.t·enco ":.;ct. 11)<Jnn received "" local corrl.c" cal(i , d) «Dd c<il(i , d+9 v ; i " """''~r o r ~:i. ,11 ~1ultipl.ier , l'G f unccion genel"n t or , RV vu t•itil.lle deH.,y .l'CUJ.t: , D fixed tlelay by 9 0 ., I illter;rator , A1! 1 Am 1'll cud.c 6~8.IQ}:t Ar , 'e~db11c1< l 1P ~Ve.rage r· . loop . 9 \, is pUt eq_LtaJ. 0 , t!'XCC-f•ti · th - / 11?
7. 1,2 ;J . ,, (!l.~I - - \HIM/ I o ~111.~1 - - - -1il~ # Vv-v'H VV'JIA,J C1Hti DI lv~Wo{ - -- c:11fS,lf) - - - O{V\,./Y.t """" - -- .JWvvv <OllL})) - c ~.o/J) - -- ~lt3,0I - -- "'·~ V'V'J'.I• .;'V'l"\~ v-Jv.rt• 'Vlf.J'iojJ ~f \1..1yvJ .J!.M/\- ~ "'{vJv ' \tvy.-J vl..At ~ .........,,. ...,.,.,,..., .,,,.,,,.._ ...,,._,,..,, ra10;tl - - '"1H2,-0J ....,.,....... ~illfol -- oloC!ll'1,&] - "'f'i'.,,./"""f> -- !i:tf.;.,e1 - - - cc TRAlfSC'J!SS!O!i W*IW./ (flll7)J1 - wt£_~, w..R!l.I.m F,.,AiJ:.! ,,.,.,.;- -- ,,......../•v./J W'"V/"' </"'v.A ..~rtel .,.__,_, ---- ..--.,. mi:t,\l: '® .Jv+ 'VF~w ~ -- ~'°.~' -- e~U6-,(iit ~.:II ~jlll <);d,&l "-"'""' ~ ~$~5))1 ~~!j); ]'ig . '?O r:orrelotion funct io ns l 'oi-· pe1·iodic \.,'alst f\ULCtions . (C1 'M~""(e)Jcei(.L,G)s,;l (i ,a-J.)) Le:: 11s "ESU!nt;.· t!:at tlte nv·erage of tl.e sc-conc tern:., (MF"(e )<,,>l(i ,S ) s,,1(1 ,e-a, J), ('A-) increa ...~e:..; :r.or'2' sluw~ y with increa;;in!'.': svcragine; t!.oe than the avnt'af;e (;>5 ) (cqJ(i , e);;al(i ,B-9.,J) n f e:i~ ·'ir" t r.ero. . ':'1e ~e::-e ( '.>?) uo:nL'lates then in "he 012t;>ut voltail,'e o~ ;!Jo: av":r-ager . :t 1:1HJ" be u;;ed to .sl 1i't ~ he locnl c!l!ri or cal(i ,9 - 9v ) n.nd thus oal(i ,e - e,), so ",;) ~hnt ( / ) and {",a) ".'ar.isl1 . :'l-.e vslue" o;' e. fo = wllich , w1d ()4) voni Bl1 1.4'0 obtainod f rom ~J1 e fol towing i ntegral : (cal (::. , ~ )sal \ i , e-e. 1/1 )) = Jcnl(i ,a) sal (i , e-a. )dB • r;,,.;\e..J t,6) .,,, !'i>,. 70 shows so:ne f=~cion s F,,.~,(9 v ) Wld ?, 1,.1( 9.) in the miin dl."i':"""l. Pc1,,.(e v) i.a show11 ji~st b<'lO" i;hem11in dio;;;on~l ruiJ ~; ••, (Av) just nbove . The in~ervru. 0 l! 9 v l! 1 is
; .15 COJiREt;1'ION Ot 'l'll'!E DITFER3JWJ::S -- &Ol($,6j Mv..y./"' -- ~ - - - C(lll'J,01 --..,.,., .,.,-.._ - - - 'IUll7.Q! 1 - - - m 1 1iDI -- a.ollfi&l """"""' '"""""" - - " ' 1\.9! - - - '.lll lt.,01 ~ ~ - - 1•l lJ,GI ~ ~ - - - lolliJ,11 --••lfl - - - 'll':'.11 - - - <!llllJJI lll:ll!'QI ohOWUi --be Iunctior.s have to be continued i.,erio~ical:y out 1dethisi.nte!'Y6 . Fu.s•(ev)is:"hown er..largedi:if-£ . ,·1 . The do shed line.< r.i1all i:;i ve some ir night i11to tho~r "~i·uc­ bu.-r;o; a mor~e detai tc<1 diccussion of the coi~relat:ion £unct i ons of Walsh funetious <-IOUld land ~oo ciee;Ly into llilstr1.1ct :nathe:netice . One n.•Y see , !:o'.·1ev .. r , from !:'ig . 71 u,,,-:; F'c1>Aev ) ''"anishes!or i-= 1 1 2, L l 8, .. . , 2<r , if &v ttqualr.. .ero or an i.:otege1· multiple o:· ,,z~. ,,1 ;2 ~ . r1.:s re~u_t ma;y nlso be obtained from ( "6 1 and \ '>2 J . ;·i:e feeJbac .< loop in k'ig . 69 may bo mnde stable £01• 6v 0 , ±2/2i , ±1./2!. , .. and unstable for Ov • ;:1/2i , ,,,3;21 , .. .. Consider the w.~lsh l"unction!'lo:· ;.•ig . ? conlinuE>d J f'rlo- - dica.lly to the left and right . A ohift. of sal( i, a), 1.2 • , by e, : O, :=2/2i, z4/2i, . . . yields again ~he fl!r-ioaic function sal(i,S) . Thlni:;s are more coa.pLO.caleJ i!' i i;o not ' power or 2 . !•',;.,Ca.) vanishes ror certai~ vn l u<n av • e ~, but sal(i , e-e ~) is in general not l tlentlcul wHll Gal(l, 9) . tlence, thi:> functions cal(2' , 0) and sal( 2 ' , e) nrc tl1c most suitable for synchronizution . This r•esuH has
; . t:A.R.Rlrn TRA~rs~:rssror. Firr . /1 Cros!'COl'l'e .Rt ion £unction.- ~d,si ( 0, J cf some Walsb !' tior..s . nlready been -"~ 1 ln tt.c rtit1cu.ssio~ or the •elephone au1tlp1 -·x z-y~t:~:r.c!· ... 1.T . 1 . :.. ~.f!:tlsh runcLion t:-acking--fil~er llCC" r·:ling 1:0 Fi!; . ~ 0 lin:: t Ct"!: C:evol ored 'oy LUK;; Hnd r.AILE t)f JJ..:- -e: e.:u.nkt,;O Jor i>~CJJ ;i cultiplcx :;y91,e:n . to t,cn0rul l.~e , improve or .l:l i:nr1l:l f..Y L::in <ii~cuu . .·od mel:l..od for tJJe coJ ·rection o.f time dlf£<>!'Onces . E'or im1Lnuco , LLe signal lcnl\r , B) +l1Ftt(e)Jx c1.1 i,& ) lll1;.y bo tni.n~uW.Ltod inst e ad of [1+1·tF•(e)Jcal(2k,e) i! r~ '""qu.:L.c: ~ fO\o,.f;!t' of 2 . ':'lie ch.reP L ocjg I, ])!] and 1!P ln Fce; . ··9 ""Yb<> co:sbl:.ed one . T~.e feedback voltage .n a rn Fi;; . "9 n.'l~ (col(i , 6Jsal(i,9- 9v)) in Fig . 69 oey t' ft:d i.ct:o Tit:e oscl.llotor or ~·unctj on generntor rather ~!1ru. _nto a pbaee ohifter PS or deh:v circui r; RV . -!ie.i·c- n:re CJ nu:t.:;.tf't' ~ ways
~ . 21 '"'" B'h~,. E L'··o-"ll ' · •-o.... TII·...:. ..... " 3.2 Time Base, Time Position and Code Modulation 3.21 Time Base Modulation (TBM) Any cart·ler :.;an \'l,.. aJnJ,J:itul(! modulnt<'..i ... f it h<' wri tt:enas l;imc func~.1.un ·.,.·~{r.:,01 8 0 ) = V~·(?. , t;/'l+t; 0 /T) . One wil- expec't t.hat t;.l"e"' 11101 i= ..:. r:divldual :r.ndiJ.luliio11 J.el.r100~ cun be defined , s.1..nce t . ..iis cnrri• coni;n...:..ns :;J c !lO!'IJ&' 1. r:<l 1 .:.· sequency k , tr.c Li " t"~" '1' nM t..1~ d"lny t. 0 bce _J~• t:.c wl\plitudc V. C".od Ltle. ~ >O ll of '1' in c"l l cd u Lime oast> i.~dJ­ lation . Tue be sic ioee. is to replace • l·.Y a fm:c .ion i;( ~) . 1'ncre are severt1l ~..·aye t:o r.lo f;ni~ .. ::.,, t lt'\3J ·oe 'the signal a11d M a mod<JloLion i nJex . One mi.y 11 nc the dnf.i.nition: ~(k,e) - ( :;7) ~ [k , g'9' l g(S) = J[1tMF(S)]d~ = ~;[11~lF(t./TJ:dt (~8) This is ~he appi-oacl. take•: ln f:·eq;icncy tLOllt:l.'lt l on or sinusoidal car.:·ier!"! . ho-,;e'V~l , the aC.var..t.u~t•. of t.tiis !lp- proach are ntrongly connec~e:~ to tne t::.ct l.?.a::· o.nd -cime combinl!d a.ti product. , (59) O(k,8) = Gin k9, for sinusoidal f\t.."lctioos . The co1m.a Cet."1ee:-. k n!IC 1.3 in tl:e ganc-ral case cake:; the fo l'-o"'ini; de.f ti or. of ;:;( 9) :to<·e advantegeour. : g( 8) = il!FCeJI< 8 [ 1 +i'l.F( 9) ] - t 1 +MF( & ) • 1 '!'he modulated· is no.i clearly tho ~in:e ·""~' I . Fig.72 allows , how " sine func tion and · 1 \falsh .rw1crl.ou are changed i£ the ti:no base 'l' is cnaiweo i::to '·f/~ <u.d !l/2 . The modulation index I·\ :nay Le positive Larger vnluea of P( O) reduce the l;ime blloo increase the time bsse for r. < 0 . This i s 111 o frequency modulation, where an increased or '"'gnLiv~ . for I'! > o ano close 'UlOlogy voltage ot tl'.e
, . c;..PJlIER ·1•1<1..:1s:·1rss1c* ·111 "' -- --- -- ----~= • 1-1"!===!--l e_ p o d ..1(],8'~ -111 o s-e:(~r. 9 _ 1n ;7 •., o 8. _ 1, 2 1 Ti.r.c!' ba~~ c d • .-'-'---.;..;_;...-'' ----'-.:.....;'----'-;..;..;.:..:..::.:..:.: -~ ?ie . 72 { le:'t b modulatior. of :. Dine ~nd ~ \ia.l sb i'Gnction . Fi g . '/3: (t•igh4oo I B.ock diagratl tor t_rie ~P$e :s.o1ulntion of /.'el:;h carl"ie!'"!"" . A. a:Dj l it.ude !;ll)tiplr-r , l :.:itl3gL·ncor, SV vol -zac;e compn1·ator·, SP ::;torugr, Z counte.r • fo'G f'uncti.on gen~:-a~o.1: . n:od:J atir.1_.1 :Jl L:J:ial :nny i.11c:-easc o.r ¢er.;.rcase t:·1e frequency of the c"lt~_riC't' . r··1g . 72 snows tr.e.t tlll'.! required baudwid~!1 increases with t:hi:>: ~odu~Y.Lion in.lex .1 . Ibo st:or~e...;t ti.a.e bu.!:e aho·,..,n is l1alf as wide as the longo.ot . 'l'he .frequ.,ncy or eequeucy bantl~idt.- occupied :.\y tne sllort functior.s sin 2 :18" or !Jal(, , a" } is ti·;ico as tn.rn;e as Lh::lt occu1-1 i ed by the long fur ... \.~or. sin 2-19 o:· sal(~ 1 5l . A netniled nnalysis of enei•gy H'1 t ributi1Jn a3 func.:Lion of sequency for various v3lllt!! , f H aLd n1gnels F(GJ i~ still lucking . ;. p:rnslb l e circuit foz- Lill:<:> base modulni;ion of Wnlsb. fur1ct~on . i!i s~owu ir Fig . 73 . ~et the signA.l llni/e &he slnpe shown oy thP firr-t line of ch~ pu-se d.u1gra&1 . I t :a M.:i;pl ~ci •t ti:n~ 6 = O by Lhe lunplivude sarupler AT (a) i tr.~ ca:i:plec vol;:;ar;e in stored (b) . An in Lei;;rator r it: producc>1:i " the holding circuit SP L'llll' P vol oage . A voltage
3 . 22 TVIE POSr'l'IOrl t".OUUL:,rro1; 1'.'/l coc>pniator SV CO!lpnr~s thi" racir vol toc;e with th• one h<'ld in SP and resct3 :nt.e6.:.·ato= l •,.,,·fie!1 both ve l tn~cn bcco:nc equal · ;.. nnwtoott voltage lc1 .re;.ult:: . The nmpi.itudc G.::.d duration of tho =:f!wteet!J is _propo_ r t;ional to the Y01 tngc storca in SP · The puloes (d) 1'1'o:n the co"'f·fil·aLoi· S'i wl!ich re!le;; ir-tegratoi' I IH'e slno fed into the coULLe1· 7, . /.. pulnc (cj is geni:>ra1;nd l>:Y t'. if A. certain c.1.JJt1beL' o! pul:1e:'l ha.n Occ11 r ecelved from SV ; c;hi!l nU!C:be I' i s S l r. I•'lf; . '/ £ . 'r'he pulse (e) el earo SP and Gt orcr. a nei< anr l Hude sample of the signal vi.a ti"Ullplor A'r . Hate that the J i st<wce lJetween sanpl ine; point; a dep<'ndn on i:he stw!pled a;aplHu:le . Counter Z is reset, wben t~.c puls<' (e) is ge:'le<·aLed . 'l'f lr i-enPtti?lg happens nL i;he rimes 0 , 9, 33 , an<l. "!! . '!1.e Alllpl'cudc of the signal llt tir.o" € is t..-ice a,; lbi·ge as st tioe 0 . He-:c<? , t he sawteeth :nrc-> -,.ice a.s lons ~s be!o.:~e . The 8 pulse~ (d) generated by 1'he voltage COJJfiH'1<tor S'i ill tl:f' t:Cc!" i ntervo.l e .-:; e ~ 33 }:ave twice i;he di:-tnnce ~8 int.he interval 0 ll e .. 3 . Feeding chePe rul~N• ir.rn ., funcl.'..on generator for Walsh funct ion,; gonorn.tfla time 1.;;1ee r::od•.llsbed Walsh runcti.on::; at its out;>ut; Fi['. . 7'?1 aLo>«> ~lte mod:.lated carrier ~ol(3 , B ) . 3.22 Time Position Modulation (TPM) The varinb l e 9 ol' th<' carrier 1:qk , 9 .. e,) "us 1'ec>laced by a .function g( S) in the c<ese of Lime bi.Se 'J;Odlllacion . I'he parru:1eter 9 0 l<> replaced by !! .!'un ... tion h(O) ir. •he case o.r tiJ1e position 11odulation . Le~ F(9) asair. t1.;note the modulating signal and~ a coduln-10~ index . Tte following definitions nre in"roduced : J (k,B+9 0 nCa ) • 0 +(k,S•h(S)) ) 0 , (01) MF(a) Tile moduJ.nt;ion J.noex M .m.(ly b e 11osit;ivo or nei;ei; i ve . i[ k,8+9 0 +M.1'(0)] wil l be shifted tow<1.!'dl.'I l<.11·p:er vnluos of 8 fnr luL·gor vnl.ueo of ]'(a) i f l1 is !lep;e.tivo ; the OJJposir,e holclo if M io pooi i;ivc . 'i' corresponds to pnoao coauta-
3. CARRIER TRMrs:nss101; tlon , ~..1hore the J)hase or t!:e ca:-;-:i er may be adv·a.uced or reta:«;! ed by a 11-u·i:;er tunplitude o1 r,Jte :>ig.:>al. Fig . /'l shows a sinusoidal carrie1· t(1 , a) - oin 2179 f OI' ~::a l; ln·ce s.1ifts MF·(e) ~ 0 , - t and - t . Belo·..; is shoh·r1 the 1:ial sh carrier i( 3 , e) = sal (3 , ~) ~or the same tm:e" ,,:iifLa . Mote that the seetion of a funct l or.: •,,r~:i ch projeCt.::i b eyond o:'1e liDics +i or -~ rlue to .fU!.1c1.i iOYl . a shif1; in adcle<i aL Llt<> or.hor end of •he , .} -~1 1 Vl 111 J ~] --,.. -1/l 0 Q·lf l - V1 I' ~ 111 ~ 1TTTITT 1111111 111 '"TTTl"- IJI I I I II 9 fht.9 ~- li9a;-8 0 ee ~- .ii'i e; . 7 11 (l r.·ft/ l'ime ?Osi·r.lo11 n:odt;lation of" a cine and a '. ·ial.!:i!_ iunct ior: . r'ig . 75 (L'ir:;Lt) Block Md Lime diav·aru for t:oe tim1> posit lor.: moc:iula-cion of ~o/ul.tJlt car.r iex·.;; . A'l' amplituC.e sarnple-r, I i.nLeg1·aLOL' , SP !Jto r age , $V voltage compar•al:or·, TG trig;.~encrator\ ~TA gate , U divide.r , FG fLLnction e;enera.tol".: .. 1;:e1· Fig . 75 sho>.'s a bloek d .iagr""' and a pulse diagram for time position mod11 lai;ion of Wu.lsb carriers . 'fhe ampliouda swnple:i: AT Brumles periodicnlly 1'hc araplitude of the i.r>put SiS!lttl ~-~ ~he Lirues O, e, 29 , and ~he reoul~ing voltae;es arc held for a certain ciwe (b) in a hold:ing
1 ,,c-.0. circt:it S? . AI. integ:r9t-;:r - pro<:1lcr•!l " rar:ip vol t'>g<' ( c) . A voltage conparato- SY gene::-atca n p1ll~c (r.) n~ ~oon as the ral:IP v~ltsgc rcncbe5 ~he value of Lhc voltage stored in s . . '!'hi!· pulse clea.:-es SP and re~e-i;:; 1ntograto::- : . Posit"vc pu Lsee (b) are ob;;ai...::led at tt_e outpi:t o:· SJ-, '.·:ho;;c .;uration is propor~ional to cLe a:r.pli tuJe o t' tho simpled voltage . Tdi;gor pulses (e) mn;y µass fN1:i tbn trigGC,. generator TG throtq:;h flUCe GA1 as lon;:- a~ pul r~ (o) is present (I') . A dividal' U1 produces vi:i g;ger pul!'le~ (g) fror.1·bhe trigger pulses (o) , Lilat have a much largrr rer·iod . Tl.e;; pass th.rough go 1;<' GA.? t.o the ftuici:ion gonnrnt.01· FG , ·,1llicb produces poriodic Walsl1 :nncti""" , c . g . , ~nl ( ~ , 9} . TJ,e trigger pul~cs (f) are !<dded tr.rou;;!: t''"'e GA?. to th<' ::rie:Ger pulses (g) ia:.:Lediately a~tcr the ti:J:e_ O, 8 , ?:;, • .. T!:P ou~ put o! the functi.on gc:ierator F~ :..!:! u ti:te ror-it:.on nodulated Welsl: runccion, i.f the periorl nr tr.n p1lr"" (e) is small corr.pared with tt:at o..:· the ~·ulse:- (gJ .! div.: U2 producon (hi .f=-om ·he µ111 ec~ (g \ tnat Lurn on the ~amr t ing Cir·culti il at r;J1e tir.iG:"': . , 9, 2®, ... D&modulntion circuit.::; .ro.c· timi:i bane tind t.i.:ac position madulate<l >lalsh cu,'t'iers have been dcviced . They ·o aoe<i on the sun1e 111·lnciJiles used f'or thr inoduJ.,1Ll1w Ci J'cuits , but depend sti•ongly on t;hr trans:nl s>liou l ii1k rrvi :a god . 8.23 Code Modulation (CM) J1odul'ltion of ~..ue nOr<!:s.lize~ sequenc:-,· ,c o:: !J cnrrie:-'" VH ;r, 9+9 0 ) is called code modulation for Lt.P followir.,; :!'eason : k di:itingt1i,;hen the i:mction~ o1 " Eyste1:1 , whic!l !.s evident if a rarticul.g.:- :::y::trom o! ;·1L"lct.ion.. is substi tut<>d .ror t (k ,e ), e . f: . , "nl(l< , S; wiL!: ic • o , ·t, 2 , . ... . Tlte 128 signals Lnat o:ay be coneLr·uct1'<.l fro« 7 bir:ary block pulne!l 1"orm such a system with k • 0 , I, ... , 127 . These Aif.)Onls nro used for nanr,misnion o f' t o•lPphou;y Bir; by menuij o.r pulse code modul "~io11 . Il1 i.i :;uggests a connideration or modulation of Lhe uo1.,nall:i:"d i;cqucncy an ,. generfllizntion of pulse code modulation .
3 . -.:AH!H SR TRAHS'.':I SS!Oli CoC.e oodulaeion Of fw:cvior..z S'UCh !.l~ sol i 1 ij) and cal(i,o) :neans a discontinuoc1s o r the fur.ct~ons aince i can aaaw::1"' lr i;ep;er va:ue~ only . Thls .:r: in con-' to amp I j tude , tl:ne baso end t iue l)O~i t i on !hodula tion , which permit continuous chan~;es . Ho wr>vo:r., the functions sal(u ,e ) twd cnl( µ , a) are d.,Jinn-1 f'<H' i.l : real va- lues o f u 1<i;;h the excertion of Sal ( 0 ' a ) . Hence ' code l!lOtlulti.t i on rr.ay be cont.lnuo~~ , ac least in th. ory . Ther-e is .:io es~en:inl t'!il:-e::-ence uctncr-n code o.odula- Lion and t:i:re tase mOd!.!lr.tion :'.>r si:.ucoi1t.1 f\bctions, si~ca i a.~d a are conn~ctod as µroduct and no~ separated by a comICa as ror sin ts = si n ulsh ll11d 1 ·1.. o~her f~wct.ion~ . ;}.t A Cl00\11 ation of J-c- ho ld s; (62 ) l lllAY bo i n-;;erpi'eted 00 fl l:IOCLtla~ion or 1/':.' and v:..ce ·vernl:l. . -::e re are r:any i.;os.slb!e .:noc:::.i_atc-s and for code ciorlulation . Uning 1-n"&ef;er oJ' i:he nor.:nali~ed sequenc;; i only , ou~mo:r produce all f..wction~ Hi ,a) and connect t!ie proper oue though a ~witch. t.o o cotLmon line . ·;·he den.cdulator n.~y be ba.:sed on c:rossl!OJ.'.L'el ncio!'.l of the t'cceived fu..r1ction ri wiLh ~ll possib l e on~s . /~wore ingeni o~s doo:odulato r f or· W11l11t i°WlCLions :nay uso tne fast WaJ.shFou ·d cr tl'Wloform or ~ec~icL 1 . 2;; av won done by GREEN WJd col Laboracon5 . 3_3 Nonsinusoidal Electromagnetic Waves 3.31 Radiation of Walsh Waves by a Hertzian Dipole 'Jlhe so:ution or Me.:x-we:l 1 s equ ation:J :·or- the He:r:·tzian dipo l e ma:y be wrHtron by !<vector po A ( r , ,,) and a ?O-centia.:. cp ( r 1 t:) 1,,•it;hout reference 1..0 un,v :par·biculn.r nystell ol' .:~unct1o:ito ;.11ch :i.s sine o.t· izosine : A\ r, t p\ t - r/c L,l" _ 1_ ( rp (t-:"/c ! i~l :;>' r , +- J - ~ !£-;i 1 rp ( t - r/c)) rl (64)
; .;;1 "•JJIA~ IO~I nr. O? WAI.SH \.lb.V3S r is the Yccto1· .from t he di role to Ll1e obse:·va.tion p0i.nt alld , . the di<> . p ( t) ia chc dipole momenti : p(t ) : Ill t ) s ' d p'•) -:t - P. (t ~ (•) s CG!>) is the dipole vceto.t• , which !It.IS r.he di.t'f ction 1 6 o~ Lhe dipole and i sprapo1•i; i onnl to ic:i length . <J(t) is ·t he vuriable charge o.: r;hP Ji po le ant1 i( t) t?"1c cu..r·1~e nt in L!Je dipole . lt' is ansUJ..ed a ... us'.Jal , t.~t. s 1"" uo "- t .... nt q(t ) and i( L J do rcot dopewl or. s. 'i'he l·et;n1·ded arguri~uLa t-r/c of p and P indica~c th" L ·,,,.., d<!l ay letwcQn a chMtJ;e or p at the di.pole and a change of A and '1' uL th~ obs.,~·­ vation point . c 0 is the dielectric cons"?;:int oI e:r._p~.: space. Electric and magnc~.Lc force.-" E1 r, t; • =<! H ( r ,' J :t~y be computed J"roru A and '!' b,y mean• CJ! the rollowi ng f ot'inuln" : E r , t) -u.~As~ · · 1 H(r,t ) rot A( r , c) \lo - (66) s;Md '!' Cr, v is the mugnotic permoobility ol' empty "fince. The followicg solutions for· E nnd H holului:; in the >H•ve zone are obtniLed i"ro1:1 (.:,:;) to (C•.J 4~~1rx[ r x p(t-r/c E( r , t ) 1 H( r , t) "• = ~ EF' * U. 1 }= ~ 5) : 4 "~~.J :Ji(:;,-:;,11 \ x.r x s 1 cl i( t-~/c/sx r 4n cri ot 1 c • -~Cc -j..Jor.,; • 'x10 • ·o•/• -• P(t-r/c)x r "577 Olu , Th.e wave ;i; is dc!.i.ned ar: n .t'et)ion , Wht-L't. (l·l.l) r is "du!" - t:!.eiently" 19.l'ge . A more rostL<lCted defiJ1i hon will be e;iven below . 'rhe usulil dc!"i.n:i.tion , th"t. ,. must ll e l ;u·e;e compared with i,,he wavif lcn&tL , H!'"uu..:oes rent i{t) . & The neru.· ione is dc-!ined an o rce;lon 1 Whf'lre ~ur­ i.~ in 11 ..;u.f. ficiently" s:nell. The followir:g .foJ• fo1• E and H "'" be derived for th: near zoi:e fl"O (63) to (< >) (5] : (6J) Hrr 1 t ) = P(t - r/c) xr • i(t- r/c } 9xr 4nrl •1anriw~ T~""llatOnol fnf«IN;t;OI' '~nrJ (70)
3 . ~AZ!H rt:R 'l'R!..CISViISSIOll :he t:ave lt>n~ .:ooy now be d.efined bj" the requirement .hat E and H oI (t>7) nnd (&a) a:::e a.uch lnrgcr tlan E and H o:' (1'9) and (IO; . !!:Jo OPJJOSite requir.,rnont defi!les the 1.ear zone . J'fJe follo\-:lng co~di tion8 w'P. 01>1; al ned : !' » W9V'e zone f or E( r tL ) ( 71) wave 7,one fo1.~ H ( r , ~) (72) Consider a sinusoical c·1rrent l( t) - 1 cos 2;ft . The i ntegral equal:; siu 2n:'t rmd tile diff~:-om;itl - 2nfix 2nf~ . 1'l:ie cor.uiLlonu for tile •.-ni'I~ "orH> for E and H boc:on.e identicn1 in ~1 1 Li; cose : ;4J' r 1 ~ c ' /(2rrf) 2 • >. 7 /(.?n ) ', r »c/2r ~ - ~/2n :t is np:parenL f<·oo • 67) to (7;1) ~hat a r.inuso i dcl. current i1c) 1d.ll produce a dnusoidal v•1riati.or of E and H \l,'itil ci..::ue in thn n-&.vc i.o::i::- as well as ir:. the- r..ear zone . Thi3 is due to tho J.iOC:ulia.r _:"en.turf} or Rinusoidal !"unctior.s 1;0 reoa.ln uinu:ioitla.1 if ir.tcgrrtted or uif!erentiate.i . 'l' i snot&ofor or;her J::uictioms i(t) . E ru:d H will \Jol.h ·, ary in the wuvc propo1·tion nl co according Lo ( 67) and ( 68) . Io the near &one , nowovor , E will be rro;;ortioIW.l to j'l(L)clt nnd H proportional to i(t) . The time lependence of E e.nd H is a flwctio::; of the disLZL"'lc~ bet:weec dipo c and otservation point or bet.ween Lr•ansa:i'°"er a::d receiver in engineering ter,.s . One may Coreeec a:-. "¥Plication of r;his effect to aircraft coll.inior. warning: . J;ote tl:,;t i(t) nous;; hovo a :l:nall di!ferent' quot i cni: 1 iJ t.:lle t;ransition i'rorr. near zone t o wave i s to be r nr [' 1:oa1 the t r ans:aitte1·. 1'he po•• er nowinf" iL1 Llce wave zone th.t·ough ·the surface nf a !'pher·e witl:. rndiun r is obtained by int.egrating Poin&1115 ' s vector over t ':c <urface of the sphere : * F(r,t) :<t:i£tr , t)xH r, &1dO" b~~l p~t-:/c) _ Zo (dHt-r/c))' s> - 6, c l dt 81 (7?) • ( 9 9)
163 tntroduc-c;ior. of chc r:ns-currcnt, yiold~ the radintiou rcnietance II s f ation power P : p. (P(r,t>) = ( </>Ji' \-ct• >- ;6~~' (P(r,t'1 , Za 1 Rs • P/l rms= 6~cl 1·0>1 ,t L' the avernge 1·a.di- ':? (75) ';) (t •> )' > <(<.litit• ( i' (t , )) As an ex ample , cor.::iidei· ;;!.._e rndlation c.:' 'hal~h wnvPi:: . There are two ca~e:" tuat. !J13vc to be dist'ngui,.hed . Ont:msy recd currencn i(i ) • I l · Tl'l sal(k , e ' /T)tlL ' , i(t) ,t I I .! cal(k , i; ' /T )dt' , /61 • 11: into the Bertz.ian dipole . E and H will Ll!en vory at a cor ;aJ..n point in t!:e wave .:oce ;>royorti.o:i~l co sal(k,t/':') o~· cal(k>•/T) according to (67} and (68) . One :nay ..1110 feed Walsh-shaped currents in~o the dipole: ;l\t ) k Isal (k ,t/T), i(t) , Ictl(k , .,/'r) C'i'l) H will then va:ry proportionally to "ol(k , t/r) 01' cal( k , t/T) ~ certain point in 1;he near "on•: «ccardini:; Lo l7C) . E and H rill vary proportion9J.l;y to tile di:· !'ered ~ 9tr:l ·..:.,1 ·;, funct1ons in the .far zone ; a?: iI:Leg:nt1o:J o.r c:.c :-cceive:i.nput voltage will yield Walsh-s!:."'>ed volt.age~ . . hi> ~e­ Cond case requires thllt deviatione f1·ot1 tte ide·1l ~; 'P" or the Walsh function~ tll'e taken in Lo ttccount . Fig . 76 showE integral !'unct i ons of the Wal s!: fus:ctlons according to (76) . Table 10 sbowr, rraJr current I, r11- CtlrY.en\. Irms and r,;a;dintion ..resi~tance Rs fo:.· ~ 'SertZlilll d il'Ole into which currents according to «ie; . 76 .fed . at For comparison , thG values holding for sinusoidal cur ·ent.; nre also shown . It ia assumed thut ~ ho aver age rntliuLeLl POwDr is the same in all cases . One may see that I, I ,ms ,,.''1.ld R, are about ehe same for sine and Walsh fwictlo ns of
164 CA<rn IER 3. ~=:::::::::::::::::--- jf..i(l.81 ~ ~/ulll.9\ .. ~ 1-J 1(1.a> ~ t/ai{!.9) "'7 Fig. 7(; Integral ::'u::lctions ot l!:e ·.,'al :.h fWlC!.ior.s . J1 cal(i , x)dx Jcal(i , .) .. 112 J' aal(i , x)dx /':..<>.. ~ !Jso1(;r,e> J.sul( i , e) ............. "'7 ."' ,.......,_..c-,. JfceliJ.Ol ~ +f"'Ml ~ f<>l!Ul ~ f,.r:sm ~ f..1f5,9) ~ J1al(6,8l TI!A.) JSJiISSIO!i 9 = C/T ~ftnl(~&) ~ f..1(7.91 ~fa11(7,0) ~J..i1451 .i''1"--~o~ eTnbl r· 10 . Pea..t.. cw."rnn'I" I , l.'1s-c:irr1?nt '"'' nnd radiation rcr:iGtance 3 5 !'o;- ~ Hertz iun dipo_o . l'. 0 ~ 377 , c velocHy of light , n leut:,th of the C.i;>ole, - period of the 1.'a•llaLed f1mctior..a (Fig . 76), ? &V~'1't1ge J'r1<liAtcd power . ~' ~.,,,,. " c'fl .::;j.n ;:•n ~ Jc.,1(1 , B) , f !;a1(2, 0) nin 2rr:I J [cn1 (2 , d ) . . sal('- , B) Jcc~\ 4 . 0 ) • • sin f sal(S, < 6:rc2 I 2 n s1 "'• Rs ¥n=o . 22;, i:co .2; (~ 0 .112 m-0 . 11111 1 -i;:;:rO . 079 16n 2 =156 .J,;0 . 072 6iix5=192 0 . 056 -1-o.O' •O o- .,,_,.,, =631 ,f1;;--o .063 ~0 . 034 1 256x3=768 ~0 . 035 1 :r-0. 020 256r. 1 •2520 1 F' 0 .1'2>- ~~ Din SnB br. l "'" I ci: o.2s9 !:o.c " J°sal(' ,3 ) vz·1 ~ .. ~n 0 . 1' C) ':.J "" i.x;:.:=12 'in 2 =39 . <; 16<3=4B
165 equa). sequency . One may further see Lilut I , I •ms 9nd Rs are exactly eqiw.l for •,/alsh r·unctions cal(2',e), stl("'+1,o) , ca1C2'~1,o), ... , sal(2.. 1 ,'l ) . (78) r, lrms and Rs on Lbe frequency in the ca~c of sine function~ . While tho l!e•·L~ian dipol o i8 no~ a CT'n<' (frequency) wideband onteJJJia for simrnoidul currents, H io a true (sequency) widela.11d antcnnn £01• current" huv.we; the abape of inti:>grated •'1>l31J :u::ci;ioLS . ~e !':Cqu"nc;v de~end blllldWidth is detcrmir.ed by the ctoice of k. 1~tP ~Cl ·I; L-J L-J L1111 ~- A-. 141-zr\..J \..J '- JfE O n d1 00 D.M Jf -Vi Hg . ?7 ihciacion of a Wal.;!: :... vc ~ert~ian dipole . by a T/i D t- <:onsider now the case thllt a Walsh-shaped CUJ'rent is fed into a Hertziac dipole . Fig . 77 sho·.,,, the ideslL:ed current Ica1(3,t/T) end beloh a currcr.t i(L) with finit.e switching time At . 'Che difi'er·ent;ial it. ulso sho•,m . Con01der the general case of a Wslah curreu~ Ical(l<,t/'r) or lasl(k,t/T ); the same approtl1:1atioc as for i{t) ir: Fi~:77 Shall be used . One obtainc the !"ollot1ing averages iJt ((a-f-)"> and (i' Ct>) : AU\~) ; <\iITJ (i' (t )) (2I'? kt.t r;t; T = ! 1 - • """I'.!L Lit ~ '" [ ( !: J 2 dt ( '19) • a 1 1 (1 - ~l (Bo) Radiated powor and radiation resistanoc follow f'ro1> ( 75) : p • 2l' k ~ • 21 1.!L ~ fil 5nc1 (1;11) <!.t jnC' 2~1 - <plltr• ~·"! llt b lTC (82)
166 GA.'lR:illR j . TRPJISMIS!;!Q~ The sinusoidal current I cos ?-tlct/'l' or [sin 2rrkt/T yields tl1e following values fol' ""'diated powe::o and radia-. tion resistance : p = d5= TT? ! 1 ""' k' 7.o e.2 = n 2 I 2 i'' z, s' ~1 .3ncl 3nC' r k/Z 1 ;c• Z o s 1 1 1 z s 1J'T' ;incl = ?n r 3~cl (83) (84) 'Pile relal;ions (83 ) and (8'1) fo,, the sine current depend on its frequency f alone, while ~be relntions (81 ) and (82) :!'or the• cu~·rent tlepend on sequency q:i and switching timo At . 'rheoreticslly, ? and R5 may ·oe r.iade arbitrarily large ror a gi.ven seriuency and nntenna by decreasing 8t . 'l'aole 11 shows the quobie:;L of (81 ) and. (83) denoted by P,.1/P., 0 and the quotient of (82) and (81J) d.enoted by Rs;;al fRs;;in fo1· a frequency J • 1 Gllz and a sequency q> = 1 . Radiated power ::ind radiation 1-'esi stunce are about; eq ual for a switcning t;tme G.c = 100 p.s . A reduction of the swibchini;; t i:ne to 10 ps - whict is aboui; the technical lin~it at l:he pi·eseut - makes radievcd power and radiatioJ1 resistance foo· Walsh function" one order of magnitude higher l;Jl~~ for sinusoidal ,:'Wlction~ . Table 11 . Power rat io Ps;iii /1's1r1 and radiation resistance r atjo Rs,., /Hs,.,. for a lieri;zian dipo l e . f = 1Gllz , q> = 1Gzps . A~ [ ps ) 100 10 1 ... P ) AI p- = 2 n' fllt 2 20 200 ~S.1J1 I c = r;2 1 f6t{1-<;>t76) 1 . 03 10. 0 100 . 0 Let -che switcf!ir:& timo ~ t in Fig . '?'l be very small compared with the average oscil.Lation period T = 1/<p . Consider a gate that: permits t .he _pulses g~ to pass, but suppresses any pulses the.1J arrive at o~het· times . A large nwnber of independent v:ransmi t t:ers ma.y radiate 11/alsh waves , n.ll having the same time base but <1i.i'!erent noI'malized di not seque11cies i = q:i'l' . Ar; tl1e receiver , the pulses (it
; .;2 OF ',.,'J°J..iSll '1>.'Ji,\."ES J'R O•VAGA"'ION • 167 arriving at tte correct ti:De will i;e SU)'Ji1·~ssed by the gate. Tho ti.lli:ig of the gate cuEt be correct jusL l 1ke ;he phuse o! t!".e local carrie::- oust be correc~ in r:ynchronaus de:todulot ior. o;· sine ca.!'rier,; . ".'t.!' desiL·eu tl·w.s:ai t ter is recognized , ho>cever , by -i;hc patte«H of the :; and negntiV<' pulses, ,1usL like "~-" trll!le:<ittt!L' in syochronoue domodula;;ion of sine carrio"" i e t•ecoy,nized by t}le proper f l.. equeucy . :'he r·ecei v~r fo.r· t\1ul eh ca.rricrc cannot d i:iltinguish 1Jct1<een a s a l and a cul fu.nction o.r: tllc s!lllle sequency any a:OL'e i;ha.n the rocc i ver !or a foe carrier• can distinguish between a sine and n ~o•.i.L:e !unction unless a timinb :.aigual. is provided . Hence,. W&lih functioni:; can be usod at least in t~cor;~f" as ca.r1·ie1·. for mobile radio communication. ·~·his is tl.:e fir'lt new oxiu.ple o!'. µossible radio carric:-s fo:· ao":>ile co:111:11.rnicatioi; - in cont-rast to point-to-poinL t.ransmissior.. ae or. cic:-owuve links since the i11tl'Oduction or sinusoidal CnL't'iere some 70 years ngo . It ie much to ear:..y to speculato 0:1 any {'racticel applicationa of non-sinusoidal ehct1•01:1agn"tic •·a ves in mobile communication . Ho\,•eve.r , Utt.Cot·u di.nclaimi:ig the possibility of any s uch applici;tion one mny well :·emember th11t 20 yenr" elupsed betwee11 tl10 thoor~ticnl pre diction of electro:nai:,'lletic waves by ;·JAX>;i::LL n nd tilelL· exJie,,imental verification by JiER'l'7.. , whil•' domr 11r :fetu·" had passed when tho development of thr- clectrouic '"'ube r.iaC.e sinueoidal waves useful for large .seal~ I r:.cticiol cocmunication . 3.32 Propagation, Antennas, Doppler Effect One o! the '!lOGt important ad\•nt:tnge• of ><a~es ia the invariance of their orthogonali~y to ti.n.e sid..fts . Pol' explanation consider a sine carrier '[2 sin 2nne aciJ>litude modulaccd by a signal F 0 ( a) . The signal. }' 0 ( 9) is Practically constant during c.ny period of 11 cycles of the CO!'l'iel" '{2 sin 2nn9 . Syncbronouo demodu lation o1' tho a:o dUlat ad onrrie1· may be repres ented b:y the !ollowing integ,,al:
1G8 3 . 1JARRIER 'l'RPJ~Sl'\ISSJ;QN 11'-'fl J Fn(0 )\i2 sin 2nne 1/2 sin 2ni:t9 dg (85) il'• l/2 O'•l/2 • F 0 (0') J 6' - 1/ '{2sin2nn9 {2sir.2-,ma 0.0 • F 0 (3')6 0 10 l Il: ~he case of mo.Pile radi6 co=u.nication a Stun or many modulai;eC. carriers wit~ va:'"ious t ii:1e shift.:; is rec.ei\red . Hence, 1• 0 (0)1[2sin2nna is replaced by tF11(-l) {2 Sin 2 nn ( 8 - 90 ) n:! and (8:;) assumes i:;he following :'o=m : j I 2:;F 0 (9 )'{2 sin 2rrn( 8-e n) 1{2 sin 2nma dB = (86) "•' = F n<a ' )con 2rtn€1 a:im :'!1e tillle shif ts e. introcluce at;t;enuation but not . J'he orthogonality or sine and cosine fl.1.tictions of i;he s1me freq:.iency is tles~:::-oyed by the time shifts but the ortnoe;onality co functions o:r different frequency is r>r"se1•ved . T!:e subsets o.f functions (lf2 sin k(9 - 0 k ) ] or [\i2cosk(e-ek)) are orthogon>ll for n:ly ··ralucs of ak. The x·ea.sons i"or thin are the sbif L theorems of sine and cosine Jur.ictions : sin k(9+9 k ) s i n k;J cos kSk llOS k( 9+9k) cos i<e cos ke, - s i n k e sin k ei, 1 ~' al3t. (87) + cos k9 si.n k9k fu.ucLions have ''cry sj,mjJar shi f "t t heorems : s~,l(k , Nlek) = oal(i< , 5)Gal(k,ak) (88) en .I (k ,eeak ) = cal(k , e)cal(k ,ek) The essontial difference is that ordinary addition is replace,-; by modulo 2 addit i on. Consider now the one- di.mensional wove oquation , • , o2 u c ax ' 'uid i ts general solucion (89)
(')O) The ortl'logonnli ty of Wal~l1 rtrnct; l ons is i,1en<'rally not preserved be~aune ordrnary a<ldinon ru:d o;•~llr-raction Sii£ns occur ...u the argw:e_-:·. t + x/c Wld t - x/c . :o,.cver, t .c system [r,a.l(k , O+Ek), cul(k ,S -t9 k) l is inca1'1:1 tndepen<lent oxcopt for "ilw;ul ar easer- . Sopnration o f li111H1rly inde pendent '"lc:c~ivns is pos:;iblo , l>ut "1ore dF .. icult thar. separa.Lion of orthogonal fur:c~ions . 'Ihe sy~tf'm~ of tl;c di.£.fei•ont iat otl sal 01• cal .fw1c tionn , Oll t h e other liwu l , remain orttogonal if tl.ll:e .:W.ft1'd . The W'alsh !u.:1cu ior1~ o~ ?i g . ~ msy oe cocsiocreC. to t"C- present linearly polarh.ed Walnh wave9 . 'l'ho f.i.i·~~ 5 nt·e sho"n again in '.:he firct col aM o: Fi . ;e. T~-" circulu.rl;,• j)Olarized w-ave~ of tt'.~ secon<i co~~ arc ottu.ineC. !'1-om them by nol ding fast the "ler·L onds" or the fua<!tions ti.lid giving their "right end~" a twiat of ~1.,0° ir thet sense oi e ri1·nt hru:d scr<n<. Tl'e :nird co lucn 1 obtaine\l by turoine; t il e functions of the e;ecou<l colu.-r..r ';0° to tLc rie;l.t . The 1'ourLh colWllll is obtained by Lwisti11£ tl11 funcL ions of t!le first colwm 2~ ,:11 .;0 i.: :ne sen~e of a ri&J::t l1ar.d screw . Pig .. 78 Circu.arly polarized ~alsh waves .
3 . CA'!RUH 1'RA:1Sr-i1ssro11 :cr-,e func;;ions of ~ ho fl:·~;; .r igh"t- ;•olari"t.eC. W!i'I\:::, 11ne of fig . '/!' w·1· I.he U<1tllll , ..,1:1.& .. i'~e c.. r" :ll.:. .... ~d .fr lUencieR ( turr:s r c-r w1lt timfl!'t i O, 1 , 1 w:ld 2 . Thr:;" •1;::r·,,-1 s r,ippol:ll:' !'.ore a!:: the Sff!Ci8l Ct-1~'? of l'i(ht ~oln::-ized 111alG!: ~aves ·,.;it~ t!eque!lcy O. The in t.lie :;econri line ?:ave all ~he no1·mn ize:l ccquefJC:;y 1 wid .:·r.iqurm"i~" 0 , 1, 1 2; c::iz- ~e 1o:C.!.'. ""o!'" tr.c- .fur.c--::oL. - n l!n;. ,!I . 'l'lie ne- guency Of thC fLU;.ct l.Or!S in 1:.JJt>!'l .:'OU I' ai1rl .five 1•qualo the ar·r- 9gair. 0 . fr~quencil'~ , 1 a£.. 1 2, 2. Tt:e J!Htzi!U! djrole :.n tLe l;n,,ls of ztnusoidb: waves . le is w,.. l tL .. r qu~·-r.r w 1~ve-lenf :n. 01" r..alf ;...-avel 1·nf-:'"tJJ ji_polc:- .i·ad;i e.'tc ::ine i'o'nvcs of proper .frequency much mo.~:e 1;f!'icicr:tly . Ec11ca, onE: i·.·ill look tor better rr.::liat :-~ fo1· ·,;gJ.;;t. f=ct.-ons L":ied O!l t .. e l!ertzinn 1.lir·ole . L!on9ldcr ,. dl.pole or I cmgLh 1,. Let Lhe wave sl.n 2r.f( t-x/c be .!'ed l; it . ;.. r~r ec't:ed ~;;ve si:i 2nf'x ( t. 1 x/c) odll \)9 pro<lucec and thr• swr. of l>o LI• wav oM ;yiol.ds a ntandin~ \>.'ave i..I n..,l loD!!'2!S r\!'C"lcctetl: sin 2nf( t.-x/c c/f • ~ i + sin 2nft ( t+x/c I ~ ? sin 2,J'i; co s 2rr,f x/c • LL ( "1) This d:!.p.ole m.ny Ue considcrl'\tl too conB i .:..t oI a:ur.y Ut'.!rtziar: d~,oles , but only onE> po·,, r hl:lJ if1e1·i~required to fceci th!"m all l;ecmrne of tl!e Lra.nsformation ,,r che wave sin 2r1J(t-x/c\ in~'"' stan<line wnve . n Io.low~ ft'oo (Q1) <>nd {87 ~hat chi< -1•an:ifor;nat~on iu due oo tne shift Lht'o1·em~ o f i:sine !ind cosir.o fun cc-ions . :'he follcw ng eq~'l-iuu fo ...... ·,;o_sh f:J.Dctions is obtained im1tcad of ('•1) rJ'om (88) : saltm'l',t "!'ex ~rJ - !!Hl\'!''l',•/I9ic cc) • rnl(cp'l' , t/'!'<;>'., x/c'I) (92) ,"tga:n 9 s-t~ tJCiLf~ •"1 f1VE- ie ~roduced . Jlo\';evcr, 11ialSh •..ia•1es propagal.l,lg n Long o r.1etul l i.c conduc l, oL' ru•n dnGcribed 'hY ~a o:, -/"r- x/c"":' or sal{c;; , t/'!'... x/cT J ra•il• r t::.un by &he e:xpr·e,,:;1 oHs co' (:;;T, t/1'ex/cl') or sal (<,>i', t/Tei</c'r) . It is kno~on how co make n t,;alsh wave p:-op1gate eccording to tt:e
' . ;2 PROPAGATIO:r OF ·.-,u,s:-: ;;A'.'ES 171 argument t/1'aJx/cT , bu·t bhe required ciJ.•cui tt·y is :uuch !Dr>l'e colllplicated tl!an o :netallic COlJductor. He>nce, antf':mas based on the standing -..ave princirle do not ar;c·ear attracbive . Sin<:o a pow~!" amplifier ror i,,·aisL wriv0s is a nwitc!:i tbat .f,'eeds oithi;r a ponit i ve or 11 ne;!;ativo curr e::.t to i:he antenna, it is mor e ti.t~racti ve. Lo use rna.ny He!"t2ian diooles tbot; m·e indivic!ually ~ed by s1.:c!: a:nfli!'iers . A hir.dred Hertzill.ll <iipoleb r.rre~ perfectly prnct~eal , i f LLe switches are l mplementod by tranniBtoi•a , whi_e a cllo11 ~=tl and more ore not t.iLI'Ofll iet i c i f in~egrat~d circuit Lecltoiques arc usec . '..lalsh waves land to accive ante:-...:Jaa 8!1 as sine waves lead to re<>oi:l)Jlce an-;cr-=iue . !hr man;; i.ndividuully fed H"rtzian ol.ii-oles <lo not need to be ar1•anged alon15 £< l ine but can be arre,.,ged in a square a l'C'n . Hence , a lons or.c- dllenoional en r-.-.nna .JJ&j' be i•eplac~d b;',' a small two-<iimensio!.lal ar:teru:a . The radiation pl.iCtCrn of somA simple Wnlch wav~ nm;ennas has been calculatnd . Co11s1clct" , e . g ., o p"rabolic rer :ector. Its bew:iwidtt depenc:: on tbe rotio >./D in the cose o!' sinusoidal waves, "'here l. is i=he wavclen5th nnd D t he diwnet;er of the 1•efleccot'. "he two 1·atio~ l./D er.d Mt/D o ccur in the case o f Wulsh "'av es , where ). 1r. ni;iw the average waveleng~l1 v/rp , ,(IL is the s.-Hcliint: cimC' def ined in Fig . 77 and e i" the velocity 01' llght . T11e l•eU>Jw:!.dth decreases to zero with decrnasing l''~i tchin1> riir.c lie whil e the ratio ;./O may remain constant . A na.i.·rowor bNur. l!lay thus be obtained for a :f'ixcd 1·atio >./D or a Dmuller diqeter D may suifice for a fixec l:>can;••idtr• . Ac .u •l' .,,. the parabolic reflector can be ~ovlaced b.Y circu~Sl' c!i:;c o !: diameter D which is cov ered by cany !!ertzian <lipn I us all radiating t he nam1> Wal@ function. Let sueb an am;cnno be used to radiatto from s "l nee Probe to "arth . The almost: eopr.y space >JOuld :.ave :;o dc' ·l'ilneni;al effect on the waves . Upon hitting tbe atmonpt\<'rc the pulses would be widened and the width of. the boou. woulcl bo increased . This o!:!:ect is not important since it occur" 0 :. t:!le lant, re lati vely short section of tho tran,,.,iesion
' . cAFm !:ER TRA..'ISIUSS!O!! 172 path . On che ot her hand , the widenin;i: of -hr beu;n occul's at the bcgl.nnini; of tLe tranurnission path when radiating rrom the eart h to n space probe und tbi!l is very ha..~ul. Sinu~oida.> waves woul<I na·rn co r.nve n very t•i1,;b frequency to obcsi u clle ,;nme narrow bca.:nwidth with a given diamctel' ll of ~l:.e re:'."lectoi nnd woul d thu s be absorbed comple l,ol;r by douci.s . Hen ce , eloctromegneLic i-lnlsh i.:aves <ippenr quite "ron.l ~ing in certain applicauons, but once more one must caut ion thnt; no Mcperimen~al Vt «ificntio11 is available yec . A si:luno ida el octr:>•111gneti;: «nve E ni n 2nf ( L-x/c ) is tr<inofo r mod by the Dopp!l'r effect into the wave .E sin 2'1f 'x (t ' -x'/c) . Tl:.e shifted Iroquoncy hos 1; lte vHlue f 1 - -.; c ~ t a l"i - v•/c' (93) ' where v i. t::io relat:ve ·;elocit:y of t..rw1swit"t"er and rec~ivCl" . A .is.: sh wave E(x , ~) e (94) x/c'rJ Esal (qiT,t/1 Ls transformed b.Y the Li·o nstormat.Lon e qun tlons •1ist1c ot relati- x • x • + vt ' (97) ·1 1 1~ fi - into the £ollowing !'o :-m: E(x 1 , : ' ) •EPd(:)'' t ' - x ' /c '[' ~ - - v 1 /c 2 V/C ) (96) in order to bring \ 9v) into tho !om of (9'~ ) one must do!'ine t.Ue tra.r1~Jor·oed !'lequl!!1CJ' cp ' and time bane T• as .follows : <;; • : qi T' • ·r 1 '1 - v/c (97) - v 1 /c' ~ 1 - - v vt~cz c (98)
173 3•73 INI'ElU':sROi'IETRY !t follows: E(X', t ' ) . Esal ( :i>' 1 ',t' /'!''. x'/cT') (':)9) Eque.tions ((97) enc ( J~J Bho>• thar scquency <i> t.1>d frcciuenc,y f lil'O chro1gcd equ~ll.Y by thF. Doprler effect . The additiona l cha.nge of the ~ime base T ;;<;carding to (')S) gene1•o.tei. an invai•iar.t of' Lile Dopple1· e ffect 01• of t.or,1n-c" transformation : (1 00) A sine \oi'aVe wi-cl-_ f ,rerp. cnc:;; f rlid:.a.~tJ ty S tl'OJltunitte!" wit"b relative vel ocity v Cf\nno~ be d.:.s....,i11gut:; t-.rr. !:.·oc: o!4e 1<ith frequency f ' :-a..iilltM b;y o LL'!iliW.itter ••itll ~·.,l~tive velocity o . 'Phi s is r.i;enernl 1;,· nob so for Waln. ruuct.ious . One mny readily Bee J'~otu J.'l,g . 2 L r.ti~ a 1•0ductio1> o f the t" sequency '!' s 8/T of !Jal ( l:i , 9) to "' ' = yi<' c B 'll ' • :•/'J', but; tha resulting :valsli >WV!' wou:c. diffr·!' J'roo. si.l(( ,B ) . l'h&re have been m:~e:nptE Lo de-f'c't :. ntel:ii::<·nt rigoals nanamitted from oth,..r _plane La . 'lhe~fl ~tteC!p:t:s werP 'based on the assumptioi:_ tl:at such nignala "ioul<l be !"l.n;i. ""·nve .- . Tb~ Doppler ottect of W'als:i. wa.·,,· ec l·ai se:: tt:r. quae.tion '!llbtlter these waves arc no< more like!.y to be 1lced . -~ tranmnH ter located on o J>• Clliet and tranami ~ ~ 1 ng Eine wa.ve1 would be rec-e ived wltl1 A. freq11~t1,~y !J.·Oti; any direction ill space ar.d this frequency would ul:;o ,;epend on tho position of the ;>lwiet in ii;<: or':>il . ;.. •,;,.1~:­ wavi", on the ot!:e:.-- har.:d , CO\.l.16 alw9ys be id-=-...z..:i!'icC. as ~ha same wave, regai-dlesa o: di rec- ior: of pl·opagntio::. Purt:heratore , a •,.' wAvo n&.n twice Lt.e evi::-ragc ro•1re.r of a sine 1<ave with equttl nn11i.Hude , an il.'portant 111lv1rntat!e !01• 1<eak signals . 3.33 Interferometry, Shape Recogn ition 1'iE: . ?9c sllows the principle or ini;crf ero:nntric wi:;el t.uaauremcnt . '1'"'110 receivers at the point::; J't nnd B .:-ece i ve ><aveo fl'Oll a far away tranSlDiCter which cravol J'l'OCtic~l ly paro!lel along the rayr. 8 and b . J. a:easure:nen. or t"e p:-oPagntion time dit=:ercnce i:.·r p AC/c yields t h e angle
174 (\ f\ f\!\ 1 :.~. , t.i,,.,.,.011 • .,' fq\7\TV J ~(\ (\ (\ 12. -vpyv- • . s. "/ • ?ig . !" l en .nte1·feron~t.ric inea:;ur~Jlt!'nr of - a11gles . •) J:esoi.aLlon and rf'l.i;.>lution x·o.ngt: of' ei 11 e 'tTaves i b) resolution ~u1d reoo I ut l o:i 1"(utge of Wnl:-tL WrJVC>.S; c) 1-~eo:netric ?-claLiorir fo!· -wo r~ceivtir~ A an.J E no. ir..ioncd on t!:c stu P :'l.e.:·iCia..... . ... Fig . BC (rii;!:ltJ :tetlectl'ln of si!le ~nd 't.'Als!.. 1~·ov~n by two point.-l ike tar~:e~s . ; .=. s!rr 1 ctTi A- . :he sa.u.l l~st: Xt''l!'!urab .. ,.. tice difference. A-m!l't de; 1i<nd.s - ror wel- n;; for 't/.'11811 runcciona on a-rAdicnt of t.:-ielt• zero cror.:.siug& . Y!enct:', ~'I'mi,. ia proportionAl tn 1/f fo:- eicc fu.n<;t:..ons "lnd p:ropol'l;ional !JiJ-1e IJB t:n 1/(? fO!' ~,]nl:<!'"J f'w:c~iO?:.t;i lihe fI"'Oporti"lnality £actor i ,1enoted hy z in l"ig . ?':Jn w:id L> . The ri>so l ution , tba·t i'1 t.he Sit"illc!.r'; meaf".nrat:c t G.:in.1 ::>:-- tht smallest measu:•nt le 8!l•:l ~ Cd! ~ cc T~,/iJi, is ap"roxUia., ly equttl !or sine r:u~t1 \-.'Al.~i.i l"'unct..1.ons . Jfowovor , t;be rosol u1.;ion range is c:omi leLely d1ff erenL . Th~ lUL·gect rer'llli.'1$ible value of t.'I '"·"- lie lo<>tw.. en -T/2 TT/2, i f T is the period 0£ tne ..iave , ainco a wavo deluyed by a Liul tiple or T io equal to the unrlt•layed wave . Heinee, c Tm., equals 'I'. Since T 1/f iu the case of sin" Cunccions, 6T.,.. equal• 6T,,../C •
17'.i Certain 1.rJnl~h fu.uctions sa.:( i, €t) Lave tt S!JOrl.~st ,;.-.criod ? = i/'I' and o?~.. equalo then ic.TM·• /c . Such a lialsh funct ion !s sho-..rr. fol' i = 3 in J•ig . '/C:.b . O:;h"r u~abl~ val:ies are 1 • 2k - 'i accoi«ling to Iail:e " on pago 1SQ . ;,. larg" value o! i i.:lc:.·euses ;.,he i~eso: :..rti~!":. l"Snge GT"''c v:ic:-1out inc:rensiog the ett.alles"t meas-u.rab~e timi:;. 1i rreronc~ ll'J,Trir . The l'o llo «iDtJ: i·epi•ese:itati'le values miiy be computed from Fig . 7'Jc . ;..;,L /, a;id B be t1<0 poi nc1 At :i 52° northern and t:iout.he.rn la.tit:utlt3 and H~nume O'l1,,.1n to be 10·• s , The distw1ce ,\B is abOLlt 10 000 ~m "'nrl Lt n usable observation 1.tngle 180° - 2a = '/6 '. TI~c ro11otution equals A~ s ~x10·• or A~ = O. OC," . 'l'he V<ol\H• o r j in 01' l.rdn0d from t lle follo\fing relnhon : ( 1 01) An angle of 0 . 05" co~1,,s;>onds to a di~cwice or 11 "' on the llurfllCE< of the l!OO!l ar:d of about j "bout le:& on the surface of :·Ju•n ~r.~n :-=arr. is cl05l" to £nrth . For- corx.parison, the sinallest reso-vaOle an~lr of 0 . 05" itS ubout one 01·de1• of mllgnitude ~maller Lh= th" \J~aL LaaL can oe done with astronomical te~escopeci . Thia method or wigle meaStU·ea.tlnt ttpu\la "'' nttracti v" !or apaco probe tracking . AD Bccurat~ knowtodgc oJ' t he distance li!i would frequently not be roqui!'ed . Suet. " case i8 guidance or a oroc<> probe ~o tho .,; nd ni I ;v n!' wio LLe1• or to a boaCOJl transa:itter . .I. CO!!Sidernnle IUlOUUL of daL« processing equJ pment is 1•equi«ed . ':!"' p1·-·1 ioualy 8Ssu.:ned. Value i • 106 two Wals:i fucctior~s t.:::>.nsisting or a periodic sequence or 10• bloc?: ~uls". t.a•te to be cor.iPBred . t.. 1Dinim11.11 storage capacity of 2x1 C.' bi;c would be r equired for tile comparison . Ad1icionnl stornge cnracity wou ld be needed to improve the signal - ~o-noioc :-;iti.o ty a ve:raging over· many mult i ples of 10' pu!ses . Avera[;i"e; over , e . g ., 1000 multiples would require D ~oLal of some 12x10• bits otorage capacity. li'ig . 80 shows a radar R and two poil1t-l ike l,ai:get>1 1:11 and B2 that are close together . Linoa a and b ahow sine
::; • GAHJUEH 'l'RAriS:nsstmr waver. ref I ccted from B1 tL"ld B2 . Line c show::: thB ot tllese t;WO sine waves whi ch is r9ceived b:y tile radar . A periodic sine wave would l ook ·tl: e .;ame whetner ref lected by twc \;a.rgets or by a single , tr.ore refl ecting t:at'goi; . The pulsed ~ine ~·.rave of line c shows deviacions at; anci. end compared ;·1ith lines a and b . There at·e 1000 cycles and only t;wo of them discor·ted , i l i;ne oulse durat>ioh is 1 µ s and the carrier frequency ie 1 (;n, . :Je.n1.>e , the energy indicating two targe;;s is in tile ord<H' o!: 0 . 1% of the total enersy of -cl1e l''-'lse a.l.Jd is insi5<1ificaut . Lei; us consici.e.t Ghe i~eflecCio11 l)f \.Jalsn waves . Lines d ano o show the waveo reflec·teLl from B1 an<l 32 , F.llld line f' show::: \iheir !>Um . ·r11e difference be ~ween '''aves retlec·t-ed i':rom ono or ;;wo toarg;eto i.s no loni;er rest1'icteo.l l;o beginning und end oJ" a :pulse . A :;:ieriodic Wals!i wave waulci_ still tell h.ow a:any targets there a.J;'e and what the <liiference o.f their.· distance~ nre , ulthougn the Qbsolute di svance could not be ill.fe;•red .from the sfiapo o!' che reJ:lected signal . Since lines d ~o f in Fii;; . 80 show thao the sum of se·..reral ~,ralsb \,•aves of equal stnpe bu-c va.!."ious i:;.irne sbifts may be a a.i:i'c1.,~ntly shaµed i,..rave , one must investigate the reflec;;ion on the radar dish . '!'he p~·oper approach would be to solve t!:le \·:a•1e equation for the pui'ticular boundary and illi ti al condit.i.ons . 'Vhis has no L been done yet . Wave opt ice has been dominai;ed b:y sine and cosine .functions as much as communications . 'l'bere is no theory fo:r· Wa lsh \·r aves or complete sysl;ems oi' orthogonal waves . It would be '.'II'O!'lg to treat 'W.:ilsb waves as a superposition of sine cosine waves and apply tlle known resul.l:s oI wave optics to chese sine art(l cosine waves . Sequency fil i;ers , sequenc:y multiplexing and ~be l'esults for Walsh \>lave ani;e11nas would never have been fom1d, if t he i~alsh func tions had been treated as a superposition of sine a.nd co- nine !'unc"tions . Li;tcking a 1,.;aye theory 1 oue m.ny use geo1netrical optics as a first approximation . Fig . 81 shows a cut of a parabll lic dish . 'rhe distances r 2 and .r 1 +· d equal . Hence , (I
1'i7 ' . 1_,,,!__ • cos• l•i1~ - b1 • 11e:'lec1;ion of ·~ave:3 acc-::."dinG to geonctricul o~ ­ t.1cs <>;,· a fBL'auol l c 1tir:·or a) tu>d ;;>::> j:er~·en<!icular nirrors (b) . • '.lal eh wevr. radiated f:-on th(' focal poir:;; D wi:: be dcl9ycc equelly whether reflected nt :3 or ~ •..:id w.:.1: ad~ •ithout i;ime sb.1.Ct . Vice versa, a >it1:ull1 re:'locted by ~ r•racolic dish bo tho tocal point D •.,.ill no:; be d.istori;ed even thougL ;it is uot sinusoidal . Anothe1· e:;./JJJlple o.r a d1r.cortior;.-fr·ee i-efl<>ctoi· is recL11J"1gular r.lirror $hewn in ?it', . l:l1b . Jc t'ollo·d: fl'O• che geometric re•ations sho·.m iu that figure th'1t ti1e two propagatio11 pattls ~ and b !:L!'t- 1 411al ~y locg ., thcr" will be no time sh.!.ft ba ...wee~ •..,'ttlGh ilttves re~lectE:d froo va- rious points of the reflccto:-, and t!... e ~..falt'h t·:.'"l.·1~ wi:.l b·J "efl octed without ch'Ulg<' o.C ~hnpe . [L csn nc slcown t~.a;; tlhis reouH also !:olds for '• i;Jtre<;- tli.monsionnC. rector.gular ro.CJ.octor . Ln general , a Walsh w1<ve ranoct<'d by a L'<!'1·et o f finitu dimenoion will no lon;>;i:>r be u Wal~L wa·.re . 'l'he sJmye o!' tho reflec;;ed wave will yield in.formation nbouL tLe Eeonetric size and shape of the target . Cor.sidtr ~le re~, t. -- ec·ion of a step, li;.e the one oo sal(1 , &) nt 9 • O in Pig. 2, from.a spher e as shown in Fig . 82a. A corracL t,reat 1' "'•'1'tlum, Tr11nani1u 1on ot l11lormu.hon
1'//j ~. (.;/Jl'UEP. rRAllSIHSSION 'j • Rf••.!.••~) R s<•~• • e • " - Jl'J.g . 8:' Shapes o r otep waves rorl ecced b:y perfect scatter- ern oJ' various shapes . a) spl1ere ; b) x·od of l eng t h L llJld d.J. ·une~e f' d «:.. ; c) cylinder ; d) CiL'culcu;· disc of d;lameLcL' :?R; o) r11d11r reflector (3 pe1•pendicular otlxrars) .
~-'' 179 INTERr'SliOMETRY ment would agair: reqlt' re a solut-'.o!! oI tte wave equal.ion . A fit·nt approxil!lation may, howevei' , be 0·3tainc<l by ussUJ!ling t llat a sphcricr;l wave io i-t1dl.i1ted from eac~ point on the surface of tl1c nphere , that ia .ulu:oinated by tho incident wave . :;:e re fl ccted ster computeC. under t!Us assUJ!lption is sbo11r. on the rigllt of ?ig . S2a . Ini t ia.i. ly the wave is reflecteu by the points on the surface or the sp.hore close to Che plane S only . Aftei· che ti1m L = mic1- sin ~ ) hns eh11ood , the wave will be reflected by all p~i.l'lts on the spllere having a disi;ance ~irnller thnn ltc ~ rro:n plane S and :nucli me>rc power ••i 11 be reflecr,f!d . A':. ~be time t = 2R/c al I poincs on the illu.:ninsted n~lf of the cphere ref lee-., P.nd th.ere •'>'ill be no increann of r·eflocted powe r for l'l.rgeL' val uec of t . Since a~l w..1sl. functions may be coosidei·ed r,o br superpooitionB 01· st;ep functions with positive or ncguLive ampl itude, one mny conat1'Uct tho shape or reflecLed Wr,J !'lb f=ci;ionn from 1'1g. 82a . 'l'he co:nputstion of the s!:l!lpe ol' the reflected •t<'? ·.•~ve is ns follows . The ru:ipli~ude dirn to .Ile reflectio:J frol!I an annular area with disCance ~ct !'row plane S in f"i..,; . 82n is proportional to Ha a:rea 2nR coa 6 lld l' , bul. only the l'rnction sin~ of thi~ area reflec~o baci< in to tlrn dlw,ct.Lon o! incidence . The voltage u diap'ayrd on an osc1lloacope as f·i.nction of the angle 5 is thu:i giveu by r n/1·fJ ' cos ~I ein S' di3 ' • KTI'R2 (1 - si11 1 S) ~ 102 j W!l"re K is a facto1· chnt correct!': tbe dir.lension o!ld ·• lle>ws ~ ampli!'ication , refloc~ivity, etc . Since u is displo.yed on an oscilloscope a~ a func~ion Of ti.Jne and not of ~ one may subeticute .or ot ~ttenuation, 2R(1 - !'rem ~'ig.82a into (102) : ,,.
180 '-l(Ct : ErR'[~-(1 ct.}'] ,c:; ,; :OR; "" u{c;.) • ::nr<, ct > 2R u(ctJ is tl:c curve ploLced in Fig.!321t. Fie; . 82b shows Lbe shape o: a step "11'"' NJ' l ected by a r·ocl OJ.' lengLh L nnd d << 1 fo1· various angles o. Of !ncidonce, . F i g . 82c aL01·1s th~ reflec•ion 'o.v a cy.Linder , it L!le incicenc~ i i; pl'rp,..r.dicular t o th~ nxi: . Fig . '!2d shows r;!le r·eflection by El circula::- di!:'C of duirr.c t'°'l' 2R for variouz angles o. of .ncid~~cc , and fig . 82Q ;naL or a rade.I' r~:·1ec;;or consill~ir.g of tl:rce perpeudicnlllr :r.irrors. The .queotion arises of w!".ich 'rJalGh fanct..!.onn •11ould be b .. st ro= sLupe reco,.;r:itlon . Conside1· n11l(ll,0) in Jo'ig . 2 . Thi" f'llncti on ia oan:y Lo l'ilter and J 'J'OCO~G . However , ib hus a sho rtes L period of e = fl or ~ • t\'I.' w1c:l thj e caunea ru.1l>l£;uities , if a t11rt;f:'t. has a large1· llimonriion than fcT , or if Lhe"!'c sevcrnl t"a1•r;et.s i...-ith distanct'n larger tC1 . 'l'he ounction ~al(?,6 is'Of'r to filtf'!' e.nd p!'OC<'C:'.' t!lan siL 8,e), bui; its sho=~.,,-t vu·~oc! fr a 1 or t ~ T and n.mbigu1 tlt:S will occur• !or tlil'S.l:'t:~ witl: dim~n­ sion larger thnn c: . The function nal(1 , 0) is uiu.p!~ to filter and Ju·oce,;!l as sul (A , a) aud aloio ha~ ti•~ shortont period T . However , sa1(1,0) har. 2 nteps only, whtlc i:al(7 , S)haa 14 •t<'fO, and iL io th" 11Leps that provide inrori:ietion about th" ~!'\ape of the ta,-.,:eL, !Oot tee coneLur.t; er.ct ions of i;he !'unctions . Hence, thu collplicatec! Wolsh i·unctions s;·e- bctl;er f ::""Oc et-.e t.heoretical :poir.t o! view . ln-te.z-.fcro::net.ric :crnci:ing o!' .:::pace rrche~ ~tnd -radar tari;ot ailalysis can be are dcne by sillu:ioi<!!ll >iaves too . Th~ :point !:err in, Lhti L \.,'n 1 !ih ,..·aves beltuve inJ1erently very difr'crent from Dino waves and thus offer a µromising alLeirnA.tive f oi· a more d1'\ta.ile:.l study of r,..nolution and u seful signal - to - llolae i·otios that :night be obtained . The di01cussioi:.tas been restr·icocd to ; wa•H!2 although the dilferC"!ltiat.eC ~.;uleh wa\1 es of Fig . 77 ap11ear much superioi· . l!owevcr, tl.ese ""avee ~.,ould in~roduce tho nddi::io??al•)r switchir.g ti:ne w1d thus complicaLe the discussion.
4. Statistical Variables 4.1 Single Variables 4.11 Definitions C)oneidct• u SClriee; tr>.Xpbnsion o f n str:nA I F( 8)' 00 l'(S ) • )' a(J)f(j,9) j.D There are three basic orcrat i o;;s that ~,.r: b•· distingui nhed witl: the help of tl:is expansion : !'~l,er~c , :-hifti.n;;; and signal design . A fii.te:-ed signal F 1 (a • is o'Qtein"'1 by :r.ll1.tiplying e( j) with o.n atten:rn1'icn funccion K( ,') anc by time sllifting f(j , 9) by B(j)o F1 (B) r 2'.K(j)o(j)f[j,9 - S(j)] l•O Shifting F(9) iA done by substi t utin15 u function k( j) for th e vorioblo j; the inverse iuoctiou J[k(j)J = j must exist: .F, (e) ~ ~ a(j).f[k(j) ,B ) l•O k(j) equal.11 kelj for sequency sr.i.fti::E; by aean" or =r~i ­ tude modulation or a Walsh carriez- wal ( k, 9) i i ~ e<;:.t!lls 1'+j or k-j for frequency shiil: ins- by Cle6..'18 0 r ~in&le sideband amplitude modulat;ionof a sinttsoidsl carrier ::ii!l 2 '!k9 . The system (f(j,S)J inust , of course, be i:he syatcwo! ifalsh functiooa in tho one case and tbac of the r<i n<'! - cosinA functions in the other case . Signal design ls t he wost genert1.l pr·ocenr> . 1'he coeffiCiento e(j) are replaced by new cocfficien~e c(a(j) ] = C(j ); again ~he inverse !unction a[c(j)J e(j) muat exist .
Fu.rthe=ore, -he syl'Leo [f(~,&J) ;,- re~lscecl ·o;r n new ,-;yn:;ea. [ g( j, e / J : Oo Fd(a) = L:c(j)f((j,&) J•O The transfo::coaLiou o( j) - c(,:) a l one it1 en lied coding . Exan:ples of coding lrnvc been given in l'igs . (26) co (28) . :iote tha;; ote coe.!'ficienc a{j) ,-,ay be t.rnn eforn:ed into a set of coef:icient~ c(j) . F:.1. ;;ering and shifting have been Jiacu11sed in chapters 2 find 5 . Tl:e cxt:.,nsion of t.he tl:eory of in.Coi•r.iation transnirr.ion by orthogonal runccions into tt;o area of signal design requires Lbo m0thOd$ o.r mathcmo.t1 cal statistics. A short discussion 01' these methods wH 1 faci l itate an understanding o.C Lheir applications in tnc lase two chapt.e1·s . An up to date ciathel!latical discussion would have to sta::ct wit!: the concept of o-- algebra . ;, ao.. ei.:h.nt less up to da"t"e approo.ct. i!" used !Jere, in order to :lvoid excensive i::atl:en:atical 11bstractior: . 'Pile der,ree of abstraction required should µrove satisfactory to mont . ?:robe.bilHy Wll!l defined by ei ghteentil com;ury mathema;;icians as tho quot 1.ent o.r the numbr>r of favorable ree ul ca and che nwtbor of possible i·esulLn , if all retml~s «1·e equally probub!., . 'l'hin definition a:ny be applied to a g=e o!' cards .-ithout dlific:ilty . Tb.e probability of 11!-a"i::g a certain card rron " deck of '>2 eq:.1als 1/52, i f each c:!XC i:;! once iI: 1;be deck . The condition "if all resul;;G are equa:l;r prol>ab' e" .A explained by the stet.ea:e.:ot "if on ch Cal'd is i·epree;entod once" . This deJ:initio11 of probubilicy does not suffice .for communication a , aince Gb~ 111eaning of the condition "11' o.11 resuLts ate equally PL'Obuble " cnn often no;; be explained . KOLMOGOil.OFF founded axiomatic ~hcory of probability vased on the :;heory o~ nets ~ 1, 2) . Consider a large number of "-easuxe:nente yielding the resul tG C • C1, t ,, - · · ExsJnpl e~ o:· mien are the observation bow oftell heads 01· tails occur wnon flipping coins, or the counting of =
4 183 . 11 J)£F1NJ'::ONS iottors in t;he woNln of a te:<t. . t t ., t,, ... is called 8 stt1tiatical vn.dsblo or a i'andom variDble . . C. C was " one-dimen sional variable i n t ile exrunples juat given . Consider aa a ~w::·the:r example " ball that is dropped onto an irregular surf ace . !.et C and r deuote tho coordinates of the ;>Oines where tl:.e ball coa:es co re:;t . Each measurea:er:t yieldc t.:o vo.luus, and t t (C , 'l) i:; a two-dimensional v1u·iable . t i s t)enerally a k- cli<Lensional val'io.ble , i f H is defined by 1< values . 0 Let S denote the set of nll poaaible rcaulUs ~ of a 111eesurement . s i an~ s. clenoi;e outsets ~f s. ·~nc sua s, 'sk is defined as thn set of a_l el.,aents belonging to S, end/or s, . ':'"ne product or im;r.!"SeL t.ior. S; S k is the set o~ e.ll elements belonging LO S , a" •1ell ao to Sk . '.'.'he d.rrer8llce S 1-Sk is the 10eL of all e l ement.;. belonging t.o S , but not to sk . Consider ao example wtocre the lengt t· of wo1· inn text ia monsured by the number of lectCL'" . The shorte1;1t. vcssib~e word bas ;;h.e lengtb 1 , the lorui;est, e . g . , tho length 25 . The set of all lengths 1 to 2: ls $. Let: 81 be the subset with lengths ) , 10 , 11 arid 12; let Sk be the ouboet wi l:h lengths 11 , 1 2 , 13 , 1 11 •Uld 1 !;> . T;:ie sum S , ~s k i s tho set with l engths 9 , 10 , ... ' 15 . '!'lie product s, sk is tl:e set with lengtl111 11 and 12. Lil" difference S, -S, sk ia tbe set with lengths 9 and 10. Sets may be mos• easily defined by inte=vals . ~or instance , the set of rcnl nun:be~·s ' between 1 and 2 ia defined by !;he interval 1 ~ ' ;1; 2 . A oct of c ompl ex number·s t u+iv may be defined b y two i11tc1·vals a ::; u ~ b and 0 a v it d . Sets "'"Y be defined by k iuLei•vals in ar. EuklidiW'.l Gpacc Rk of lt di:ncnsions . Addition , subi;;rnci;ion and CiUlt iplica•ion of these sets yield further sc•s . Lrt these opei-stions be performed a fini•e or a denwnerable iu.finite number of times . Tbe 1·esulting class of sets i s ce.llod the 0leoo ot Borel seto in Rk. Sor el 30t~ are always u~ed i n thu following analyals . A net function aedigns a number to each el1>oent t o~
'' · :; • .;TIS:ICAI. VfJ!!AflLts t e S snows tM t tl:te "' c·ment t bolonl!;" ~o LLe ~0t S , while Sc S 8howr. thar.. l:i ir. a !lUbset of S. Let us rte•~ne a ,;et function ~(Si = ?ctES, ;;ic;, the addHional .'.'; p,S).: C and o(S ) = 1 . ;:>(S) i!l Called thG probabilHy that C belon gs i;o Li.le se,; S . )!( S ) c 1 denotes certainL,y 1 1:1ince :r-csul t. C o.f a m.easurf'.lment mur;;t; oelong to the stt S o;· ell cir;ast...:'<.'lll~i:ts . Le. t b be the r~ . u t of mea<1uring tile length of wore,-; and 11>1' S, denote r..lJ~ sci; with l.:ngths 9 , 1~ , 11 1?. ~(S ; ) p(CES 1 ) • p(9:::,:::12) i s t;hr probability of : hwinp; or:e of th~ values <-t, 'IC, 11or12 . ;>(SJ i:1 ~ai'1 to ·J~fir,eadis•ribu;:;ionof tlit: rnnCom vaz:i1blc ~ . Cor:sider " ::ubnet S o.'.' S Joowing no value of ' smaller tl.w> k or 11u·i::;<>t· chrui x : a ser.. S . The n" L" tion ?~;. p{S ~ ~ Y' ( ~rol:ability :Lhc ~ 1) of a t .'10-r:!imeL.6:..onfJl va.riab r.- C= C(C ,n) ia definoa as J'o 11 ows : p(S) p(k 1 ~ C • r, k1 ~ ~ ~ y) (2) An ~x~2le ir t~e proU&bitity ~na~ u ~ord ~ith 10. 11 or 12 l~ttera is :o~d in~ r.entenc~ witL 100 , 101 , .. , 125 l etters : .,cs) • ,.,c10 ~ ; :; 12 , 100 ~ 11 • 12~J A ftu1ct.ion W( x) cau be Cefined , in \ 1) :.s - oo : W(x ) ;:>\ -.., < ' j r i;i1<: lowe!" limit k " x) (3 ) TJ1e ii:rr-t uiom nu·1y :iow be stated: ~1~-~~-:~do~_!!!'!: ~2!~-~-f~-~ti-~~£££_£2££~~eon~~-~-~2~ -f~£~!£E_Ei§2_~!: S~~l~-~~~!~~~-~~£-~!!-~2~~!-~et~-~-!~-~~ 2 -~~~-~~-E.(~2 ~£~E!=~~E~-~~!-2!~~~?!!!!~ __o_r__ ~;~-!~~;~~E-~~~~~- ~~!: !:!~!..~~r-~2_§~ The .f'eotur·(}S o.r p(S) are defined by o socond rociom : ~~~-~~2 ~~~~-~~22_1~-~-g~~=~~g~~!Y£_~~-£~~E!!~!~Z-!~~~: ~=~~-~~£~~2~-!~ -~~-~~£~-~~~-E~B.&2_:_2:.
~ .11 DEFIIET IO~lS 185 'l'tiese sxio:n" may be exrre;;~ert by thn fol towing !'orm:.llas : p{S) ;; O c p(S1+S2+ · · · ) 0 . W(x) ;; 1 .I(+ .. ) • o ll(-oo ) ~ 0, S1sk • 0 meBllS t .. uL the ~ubs~t!: s, and. sk have no C()D'JJ:O.:. elomenl;; putting it UJ.f!"erent ly , thr> reoul c of fl moouu 1·1'!ment muat no t bcl ou1; to s, as woll !HI Lo Sk . Consider several series of :-1C!'lleu1·~oent.3 . 1PlJe yi~lds the results C, the second Lbe re~ult~ ~. eoc . Le~ Lit. postulate th!it wiy ct t'"n rruodoa: va1·1olJleG Ct "fl, ••• shall al no be n statistict1 Vf'rio.ble . T.1i.; tt.:ird axiom micy be forrnuloLcd us J:ollown: -~--CJi_.:..:..:. _~L '.!!:!:_!"::!-11= ~2!!1_:'.~!!~!~~i-~..Y-!:2!!1~~;!~~-::.~!:!~~!£_~~i-.:..:..:..:._h 2 _ !~-~!!2 !..£~~2!!1..Y~!~~1:.:. Fo1· example consider one series of r.ina.;ure:ne:u;p yioldinf! tho length <; or word:> in a cext, tue second "<'rif'B j'ieldin;:; the length 'l ot nentencc!: . I. coo.·~ined varinble is obtained by combiu log the fol Low.!.ng pairs : Len gt 1 or the ru·ac word and the t sent ence , lenp;th of tne "econd word e.nd the second sentence , etc . AJ.10ther cxamplt.> J1a11 been given in tbe e>:w:iple following \2), wnere Ll1" longtt. of each word o~ the eenteace wa!l combined wit!: die length or the sentence . According to axioet 3 t!lerr sll11ll be :>o di!!erence between s combina;ion 01' t'r:o or:e-di~1cn~i or:nl random variablos and one ti'lo-di!Den~iouul r'andon. vnriuble . Consider n combination or joint dlstl'ibut t or. ( t, 'IJ ) of th~ two variable• C !U1d 'IJ. The di~Lribution of ~ •lLllout regard to ~ is called a margi.nnl <!l stril>ution re:ut~ve to t or the joil:t distribution ( L 11 ) . It is i dectici.l ,;ith the distribution or C. Sia:.ilar·ly, che narginel d~c:ri bution relative Lo ~ Ls idencicnl with. cbe clistributioc: of 'L 'l'wo variables C Wld lJ have two probability funcL.1.oru; P(S ). p( CES) and p(Q) = p( 11EQ) . The probability function
p(( ES,11 EQ) :epresenLa tilt> probaoilitj' chat "' aeasurement yie set c~ ~. ;;te re,,ult t o! tho seo:; S and th() resclt 11 or •he Two new runct.ions can be defir.~d: )'l( ll EQ ltES ) p( ( ES) > O, (5) p( 11 EQ) > The function r( 11 Elt ltes is called tbe condit~onnl pro- l;abilit:y o;; obtaining 11 of the sei; Q, i f t belongs to the "ec S . The distribution define d b;; p{'ll EQI ( ES) is called bho conditional die~i·ibution of 11 rclati ve to r.he condi- tion t E S . fo'or l::lll. exaniple 1 l\1L ~ rep1"esent the lent;lh o! l-tords, 1'I the length of tne se:>ccnces contao.nini; these words and let. us consider th~ ~airs C, ~ - ktong nll possible words those with lengt.h ' > 1 are chosen . 1his set co,,i;ains all pairs C > l , ~ . Consider now the pairs for the length of che sentences lies be~wci:m L, and I.1 , L 1 :I '1 ~ L 2 • The froquenc:y of occurr~nce of seoi;ences witn this length in a text depends on 1, sin~e a very lon~ word can only occu1· in a sufficiently long Henteocc . Tbe cond it ional probability of '1 having 11 value between L 1 and L 1 , i f ' is lari:;er t!:an 1 , wlll usual~y d.iffe:::- l"ro:n the uncondii;ional probability of 11 J1aving e value bet..-cen L1 and L 1 • Lee, on tl:e othe1· l:.nnd , the p6.i1· ; , '1 dcno•e the length cf cu"' word ir aud of the sontence " iu a texi; . 'l'l:e conditional probabilJ ty or u ceri:;ain length o.f a sentence l..1 ~ 1 ~ r.,, if ' > 1 , will usually be eQuul t.o the uncondii:ional p r obubUit..v of a certain lonsr.h 1 1 '.! 1J ~ L ,, !lince the lengtl" of woi·d le bas usually no 'bearing on l:he length o r sentence k . '!hl< exrui:ple leiuln to an importa::t special case of co:r.binntion of statistical variables : statietical independence . Let the :ro~lowi.Dg product bold for the sets S and :<: p( ( ES ,'ll EQ) = p( ~ ES)p( 'lEQ) (iOJ
167 4 .11 DEF::H:'.'Ior:s one obtains from (5) and (6) : p(11 EQI CES) J'l( 'IJ E::J.), p(CES) > O p(CESl 11EQ) - r( CES), p(, €~) > 0 (7) The conditional distz-ibut;ior. of ~ is in t;his case independent of 11 and vice versa . C and 'I called •~atis ­ tically independent varieblea wia t he: rrobubilities r(t ES) o.nd p(11EQ) nre cnlled "i;atio:..ically independent . Let us assw.e that (7) rather tbar. (r,) is ~rue . Subs~i ­ tution of (?J into (5) yit>lds (G) . H"nce , the cqui.~ions (7), or more JJl'"Ocisely each cue of tne L•,.,io cquationn , are noceosary nnd nuffic i ent condit ions 101' acat ist ical l nilopendence . Let us substitute the distribu~icn func'tion '.; fo: the probability function~ accordlng to(~ ) : W1(X ) p(,~x) w,(y) . p(11~;v) W(x, y) (8) = p(,:r.x , ~~y) Equation (6) nesumes W(:ii.,y } = w , (x)W ,(y ) i;~e follow~ng for:n: (')) This equation is necesr;n-ry wid ~ui'fic! ~nt for 8totiut.lcal independence of •he variables C wld ~ . if &he sets 2 flJld Q are defined by interva l:J accoreing to ( 1) . However , it can be shown that •nia res Lric•ion is wmcce•stirily narro•,, a.nd chot S und Q rr.ny be Borel ~ete . Agai.n let the leng•h ol' wordn be meusured by the nu:ober C or letters . Instead or c consider 11 • ~(0 • '' . rt.c function '1~(;) in ca2.led a functio!l of th<> rando1t variable c. Lot a gencr•ul func•ion 'll( t ) be B- t>easurable 1 , real , finite and uniquely defined for all real t. 'l'hc .runccion 1 .. ~ functior:. g(x) defined for 1111 ele:nnnts ;; of n set S ~n uurel- or B- meaaurable in S, if tbe subset s of all c'etient a x, for which holds g(x) ~ K, is a Borel set r· r nll ~enl K . Bence , the values or the variable ~ muot be the alements of a llorel set .
+. 1 88 1 'II \ ~ :J~'A'l'ISHCAL ·~;JHABLES :~ then a rw:idom •:ar;able haviui>a ci,.tr;butior. funct, ioH dci'iued by Ll:c raudom var·in 'o le C. l,,.nt: ~ :lr•note ri t::ec: cr-r~aining "' 11:nd S A set conta1~ne; ' . Tho random variubl e 11 shall be>long to Q l,ben , Md cdy ther.. , E C b"lon.:;s co S . Le't ,,, ($) d~no-i;e t:he probabilHy of ri belonging to s, nr.d p 1 ,>V the proi>a1iility or <l. 11 bolonginG co r, Jt bo>lr!s : i ) = ~' Q, or Subdit utlon yieldu '1i(y,I ~hP~e p s 2 ( (1J) the dio:;r i1Jution .runc Lion accordi ng !'llEY) • p 1 (Sy), to (11 ) Sy i. ~Ce r.e~ of all ' !or wUich hold£ ~(=) ~ y . 4.12 Density Function, Function of a Random Variable, Malhematical Expectaloon "he He' r·ibutior: r11nction 11/(x) lUtS been defined in(:?) by W(x) = p(,~x ) . ~hot :;111;: ctcriva-:;ive '"'' ' \.X J t;xini;r:: tor all _points >: . Thr~ de1·i \tat;i._ v,.. is cul Lee Ji.s-:r·i·uut.ion density or dencit 1 f·.inct.;lon : Aseu.:ne, (12) w(x) = W' lx) ' i ... c~:..:le:l o c ... 1,_lr.1:...,~~ ::-and.o:r. variab~"' 1-n t::U.e case . A1·undom vliriaole 'with d i stribut ion f unct i.on W, (x) ~t·n:i"for'l!<•d i:.!to ~ is ·.el< r'!r.iou. C"Ariable 11 - u( - b . ihe diE - rribur' ou !'t:nction \., 1 (:;) o.f " i s obt.._L,,ed as follows . 1'be coucHtio!l • " ;1 correspond~ l.o ~ '1 (y-·~)/~ foi· a> 0 nnd -o ' \'! .Y-b /a !or a < O. '!'r.e distribt:tiou fwictior. w,(y) i:; obtained froa1 ( 11) : y-h), •,I 3 > 0 ( 1:?) a '1!2 (:1) { 1 - •,; I ('l'-Q b) t 'I'! .fo:rmula is correc~ "< 0 for a < 0 1 only if W1 (x) is con-
4 . 12 DJ-:NSITY .i't.rliC'I' 1011 tinUOU9 st x • (y- b)/a . shall be dcteroined -ohat <'-O ci3conti!.",OUS l·Oir.La, W,(x) At ~'"' function is continuous to the right; . The den<>ity !"unction 1< ,(y ) in o':>tnine:l !roll ( :5), i!" r; (x) is diircrentia':ile for all vnluell of x: 1 ( '14) W' (x) w1 (x) ' Consider further tho function 'l = ' 1 ' ; i • 1 , 2 . Ther e are no Jlegative values of 11 and 'W 1 (y ) cquuls zei·o f or 71 < O. The relation - ;; y yiel<l~ .!"or y ll 0: -st - yllli 'Ihe Iii +y''21 distribu~ion f;mction ',.' 2 (y • for 11 ottoiIJed: J.' must be contin'-lous at x = - y'" . Tit<' deu. lty ~unct:.on w2 (y) io obtninud lf w, (xj is 1oif~,.renLi1JbJ,c ror al! va- 'tf1 (x) lues of x: w1 (y) = Wj(:y) C y yields C J!i y 11 <»·1 > for Hence it hold 3 : ~ \lz(y) D ,.,(~) a • \II(;! 1112• •II ), - '00< J 1 21 - .,.J,JH>o-11 0 1~ . '1 = , ... , ; i <= 1, 2 , ( 17) (-llt>:- 11 ~ Let 'n'(x) be the distributior: fw1c~ion of ' =d F>( ; ) a certain function . The follo>:ir.F. Lebr"gu" intee;r"-1 sha:l etist : E(g(,)) • ..J g(x)dW(x) ( 18) E(g(,)) ls the mathematical expectacion of tlto 1·:llluo1:1 v11r iablc g(,) . Equntion (18) ·oecomc:i a IH~1n~nn int,,i;ral i f W(x) is difforonl;;inble for all x, W' (x) • w(x) , and i f
~. 190 S!ATISTI~AL VA:lIJ,BLES g(x) has at 1.1ost a fininc numbe-r of discontinuit.ies : Mg(C)J = "" j'g(x)w(x)d..'< (19) - oo Fig . 83 nho•·s the Bernoulli Jis::rib:.ition a~ ru1 exai:iple for di"crctc di!lcri":.ueior.s . 'l'he pro·:>t;.bility of ' being equal to x • 0 , 1, ... , 1 i R giver: by t!:o equs:;ion (20) &'or any set S noc contain.inf". on!' o.f the flO.i.llt!l x 0 , 1, .. , 1 ltolda : ':'he ~stribuUon The Bathemot'lc1>l expectati<ln t...-r• E:g1,C)] - (~·} : functioi:.. ',,'(xJ follo•rn from ln repre~cr.tod by x)q• (1- qj"' (!) the awn (22) g(:x) hos -co ":lo defined nt tJJa points x ~ O, 1 , .. , 1 only . a 1J -J I I -1 0 -1 I .. I 1x- 3 I ';< ~ 3 & I ·- 1 a Ill -3 -2 OS 0 lx- J Fig .83 (lo.rt) Pl'ObabilH.Y riwc~ion and distdbutlon func tion of n llornoulli distribu~ed variable; q • 1 = ~1 · Fig . 81' (right) Density func~ion and distribution function of the product o! ;;wo Gauss dis~ributed variables . *,
191 ?is.84 sl.0"" on ex:mple or a conlbaou~ di:.tributO.on defined by the ~odified HU!ll<el function K.(x) : W{ic ) • p(C~ic) = tf K , (y)dy (23) -~ lt will bo s hown l<itor th .. ~ ~hio cistri!:>ution is obtained for the pl'oduct of v,10 V!lrl a\:>lno with Go.'~SBi91" rliwLribuLion. W(x) is diffe:-enLi1<"rle MC yields ihe dcr.nity func- tion w(x ) • ~K 0 (x). {21•) X,(x) 1.1pproachcs +~for x U, ::ance Lne truiirrnt of W(x) ia perpandlculnr to ~be x-axi r in thi s point . Tllo probability of C 11ov i ng n ceL'Ltlin valuo rqunli< "'"'o for cootlnuous di•tribuLioJI. : p(,~x) - 0 The matheaatica! expectatior. EC e;(' ) follo·•s from 1 .. E[g(C)] • - f r; -oo g( x )K 0 (x)dx (1':) : (25) 4.13 Moments and Characteristic Fun ction Let g(O in (18) be" powei· oJ C, g(O = ~k. l1n mathematica.l. O>."Jlcetation E(' k / 1 ~ called tl:.e :nonent '1f o:·der· k : (26) One obtnins f'or the Bernoulli li."crt:>utior: (22) : E(,k) ... ±xkqX(1 - q)'-• (;) (2'?) The moa1ent1> for continuouo di<J~r·ibu~ions f oll ow rrom ( 1'l): E(ck ) • °} xkw(x)dx - (28) The moment o.f fi -st order is ca!!ed aenn vo.lue "' : E( O • m ( 2';J)
'I'nc cioa:~r.t l:[(;-c)'] a = -- 'j(x-c/dW(x) (30) nrc c:il l•:d no,-,.e:-.r!: a':)oi;.:- ;;t,c roirt nr"" t.hrt '?IO:tn:n-:s is ue~d ~·nout i;hf' po:.nt::. ~ ~ 'l' ,e ce,;~ral mo:nents - :rJ -;nC t~e notation~ !'or t!le:r. : :;((,-n.)kJ • f(x- :11) k(l\-:{xl (31) _.., i-l o • "I lq • ~> • (32 } E( C1 ) - ;,' E{;'> - ;~(~') - 2~ 1 lhc =econ' or:lcr ::;oneni; al;ouL a 1>0iut c, l.((;-c)') = E"C -:rn::-c) 1 (33) ] 00 00 00 j'(:r.-:n~2 c'I\ • 2(JJ- c lf(>:- 1:1;dW + (,,- c/ ,'d.W -oa c j.: 2 oo i 0 I· ( ;ri-C ) .bus :. tr• mi nj ~au:,- Jn r c 2 7 ~ U -oo 2 1 1:1 . co_'1t.uir:ir1e- Letie~~guo intee-.rals are writ!.en C-XfliC~tr::ly ror· J.:_SCL'tLe <.li.: ....L'.i.lH.lCJ.OU!'i . !iet Px denote tl.e lll'U\.•abEiL;. of ; ;;ssW:1h1,;r. Lilt! value x . '~he :follow1ng TLe ~qu.::itio::.~ gcnc-ral t•cla;io::n are obtained ln:itc~d o!' (20; , (2") , (22) nn<! \c ~•: (~) 00 l::[E(C1l = L g{x;r,, )( ::: 00 lc;·1•1t.iona (7')) nnd (3'1) yield : (35)
4 • 1 ~ i10i1Ell TS 19; The mo1nents are f1•equcncly "'ell suited Cor the di scussion of a Ciistribul ion . 'ihi,; holJs ; rue ;articular)y l f the distribution is obt1~ned cy :i:easurenents rat!.:er ttr<n defined by a. Sil:lple 'lfl,l,nical di~tribu~ion f'>mction . 'ihe moment of first ordeL', m, cbarr.cter·lzes the location of the dist-ribution, sine~ t..te tto:ncnt of second ordi'.'r hus i~s minimum about tLe poi!lt 3.1 accordi.Lt.:; co ( :.;3 l . :he moa.ent of second o.t'dcr , .J. 1 , ..:!u.r!1cte1"izc5 t!.:.e conccnzra.t:.on of the statisl;;lcal va.ri<1l. l n. a r ou.'ld the mean m. •rnc uccou<l order ooment ill also cal l ed va:riance or mean oqu1u·e deviation and the not~~ion io used . o is callod eto.ndard devla.~ion . All moments of odd order va.'liSll if i;hc \li.,~rlbui:ion is syma.etrica.l sbouu t!.e ccan :r... . Btnce , u 1 chttru.ct,erize~ the deviation !rot1 sy=e~ry. Tl:e coefficie:H; Y1 u, /o 2 (3'/) in called coefficient of sr.ewr:es:'. The mathematical '!>Xf'eCtation o!' the special ,-.._.,!l cxp(i v' ) is Called ch.,ro.c, eri !lt ic function or the ra.nJom variable'; v iB rea l : .. ,..., cp(v) ~ E[exp(iv,)J • _Jex;•(ivx.)dli(x) (~) Let W(:-:) be difforentinblc . <;>( v) le then the ?ou.l'iH trnr.s !orin of Vl(x): 00 ;>(v , ~ Jexp(;;.vx)l,•(x )dx -- (5<J' There ie a one- to-one correspor.J.ence between a di<.L. l - bution func~ion W(x) Wld its chru•nctel'istic CWlc tion o( v ) . Two identical distrib1ltion function:; yield ~wo fdenticoJ Characteristic .functions and ~... ice versa. C&lCUla;:ion!: tt.n-v bo done with characteristic functiocs rnt?:ler thw: >.iL~. the distribution functions; this is sometimes eeAlor . '!4cre is a complete BlHl.l.ogy to Lue use of the Fourier 'r lnsform in communications . IJ ~... Trantn'lflelOn of fnfonnat:M
4 . STA".'IS!'ICAL, VPJiI!dJLES 194 4. 2 Combination of Variables 4. 21 Addition of Independent Variables Consider two random varia.bles ' an:i ~. having the di.ffe- rentiable dist~ibutio!l t"Q..11ctions i,..i , {x) a.nC. W 2 (y) ~ ':'he ma ... themai;ical cxpecr.sti.ons of the function,; g , ( O and g 2 ( '1) are definerl by tihe fo.ilot·: ing inreg;rals : = J g 1 l :< )t< 1 ( x )dx ( 'l-0) "'J g,(y)w , (:;·)Cy (41) -= E(g , ( n)] = -~ j,et from C !l.lld n be ~tetistically indeyender.t . Lt l°ollo»•s (9) crn(x , y) - w(x , ,' ') axdy " w 1 (x)w 1 (y) The ftmction g(C , ~) = s 1CCJ - g,lnl (43) yields the uiaLheme Li cal expectai;ion E[;.;(', n ) ) : E[t;(C,T])] = __""J ..f.. (4.fl) g(x , y)w(x , y)dxdy J J ~g , \J<) -oo - co ~~ + g , (;·)Jw,(x)"',(y)dxdy 1)(1 (IQ 00 (:II) -"'° -.:~ -co -oo J;;,( x }.> ,( x )dxf w2 (y)dy + ,\:: , (y )w, ( y )ayf w (x )<be 1 Tbe expectation ol' the :-ium of the r·sntlom vai•iables g 1(') and g,(11) equrr:s the s= of the cxi1ectai;ions of g 1 (i:) and g 2 ( n) . '!'his re,,ult st ill holds if the asswnption of .statisc-ical i ndepenQence made lte?.~e is no;: satisfied . Tle fur:cti o:: yields the expectuuioc E[h{, 1 n)] :
1 AJ)DI1'ION 01" VAI<!AllLES 4. 2 19;; coco ff u(x , y)1<{x ,:; )axd:: --oo .... ( 41'.;) E[h{,,fl)) • • J J g 1(x)g 1(yiw 1(x)r.1 (y)dx<!y -00-00 ... ~ • J g,(x)w 1\ x }dxJ' i; 1(yj1.- 1(;vJd;v -oo -oo • E[g 1(C)]E[g 1 (11)] The e:iniectr.1L ion oJ: the pi·od uct o f t;iie .C'tJJldom V<l!'i3bles g 1(c) and g 2(n ) equal~ ~he p1'oduct oJ tl1e expec1iaHonr of g 1(C ) and g,(11) . The results :ibout sw.ns and J-·rocurts or l'AnOom vnriablc" derived here 1"01· t.wo co!lr;inuo\.\r-' vari9bl~n nl!lo 'li'T•l;; to .more than two va.riab~es and to non- continuou3 distributions. . The expectat4on;:-; for di~crcto r!i.stt"ibutio11s htive to be calculated according to (;~J . Let q>, ( v), q> 1( v ) aJ>d <0\ v} dcnot<> the ci:a..::uc Le~·istic function a of ' , - and C+TJ . Substitution o!' g 1{ C)•expl iv\; and 61('1) • exp(iv111 into (46) yield8 : q>(v ) • E{eicp(iv(,+ri)J] ~ E[exI>(iv- )exp(i \I, )) • E[ exp(iv11) ] E[ eT-p(i v, )] = q> 1 ( v )w 1 ( v) The charactcristlc 1'uncti on oo· th~ sun of "tnti:;Licall;v irul.ependont r·undom \'ariables equal,; Lbe pJ'oducl 'Jf ~lrn charactaristic functions of the va:l'.'<•:;. It is koown from Fouriel' anal_y~ls t:Jlit tl10 invcrnr: o :(39 ) is t~e following integraJ : 1t(x) = .. ~ S exp(-ivx 1<0( v1a,, -.. (11a) Deno'te tho distx·ibution function of '+n , ' wod Tl Ly 'ti( z) , 'il,(x ) and W1 (y) and tho densi•y J:unctionr: 1;y ..-{zJ , w,(x) and w,(y) . The in~egrals in (38) , 09) lllld ('18) may br. integratea fo!' oimpl o r unctioni:; and yield t.he density !'unction w( z) . 'l' ret;ransl'orma·tion of tho cl1oractori stic fw:rction ('1;7) into the diatri bu ti on function 1;an ulLlo b<> done in a genero.l form nnd y i e l ds : ...
.. I ... ~ . W1 (z -y )dW 1 (y) W( 7.) • S'l'A'J' I SrICA:. Vft.R:ABU;s I+ . l ( z- x )d ... I ( x ) One obi;ain!" !rc·o (L'S4) -the !"ollowir.g Rir::nn...'ln i-:rteg:rn.J. 8 :or ~i~forcntiable func~io&JJ: 00 00 • _..,J w, (z-y ):, , (;; )cy : J w2 ( ~-x )w 1 (x)dx W( z) (50) - oo J w,(e - ;; )•,i, (y)dy: r w,(z- xJw , (x)dx .. w(:1, \ • 00 Denote mo111s 1 1'11.'iances und 1:1CoU1<ll.~ U of tb ir·d order or Ll1e dist.:ri~ui io!~ func tio11s \..'(z) , 'r.' 1 (x)w1J 111' 2(y)bym , m1 , m2 , n 2 , o; , r.r I , UJ , u' ~> !:llltl ,J' ~ 1 • Ec'..lo t.1011 (1111) ;:fields for g ,(, J a ' ar.d g 2 (n) ~ n = (51) Equatio1'S (52) . (;£) =d ('•7) ;;ield : c: • c: = Z(t 1 ) - ~f - E(n') - • E' C' > - E'(CJ m~ + ~(~' ) - • E[(~+n)'J - 2~ ({ q) (52) ~ 1 (q) E'( , ) - E'(n) - • E[(C •n >'J - E'(C•n). o' '!'ho following relation is obtnlnrid in n simllru· way : (53) Cont$idec• as Gnu~~inn rut exa.;nple t.wu \n...1.r:·iub!eH ' and Ti baving a dlBtrl buLion: (54) ·•,(y, '.¥ 1 (x}. •~1 • el'f(~)) ;c \!Co, ei-I(u) is the t"b:llateC. ~ri'( 11 ) 1 r f ( -11 ) 2 1 W1 ( •,, 1 1.i'l'Ol' • '" [1 + errq:i::o7 '"'>J li IWlction: • (55) yr f • - orI( u ) , erf (co) : 1 'l'ho cnnrn.cte>ristic Iunc~ ion <I> I ( \I ) 0 r wI ( l<) .follo'•S
..-. 21 from. 197 ADD!'l'lOh OF Vi.111AJ.IJ.J:;$ 1 ~Q \: ifuo (!UbstiLution v <;> ,( v ) • v?Jna = ( io: t:n )/\[2o 1 yields " ;:p(ivm,-+i:v 1 )jexp[ - (x/1{20, - y/]dx . -oo I llsin., (55) and &J1e s·~lsti tutioo (x/'{2o 1 - y / • ~ yields The chru:acteristic function <1>( v) of ~- c follo>is from ('17) : Compariaon of (5'7) and ( c,,J) nho>is Lhat -:hr> .!JWll ' I - :nust have a Gaussian Oi5tr:.but.ion,. nince tt.ere is n o.:Je:-t.o- ono rel ationship bet~een dintribution "'u.nction and chornc~t:?r­ isi:ic runction. De!!Si i;y !unction "'' X) and die tr! !:>u:;ion function W(x equal v,(x) end w,,x) oJ' (511J i f ~., i" re pl aced by m = m1 +mz- ana a: oy o 1 c o ~-a~ . Su:r.r.ii ng l .tu<le panden~ Gaussian vsrif!ble~ L'litl1r<r zhuc two , ~gqin .vield!i e variable with Gau ssitUl di.ncribuc i on hav ing th1> mean m = I ...Lm, and tbe variance a' • I l: ••• 02• ' \58) It can further be Hhown t•tmt th" sum o! L i nd•;r•rnclenL va 1•iablea approaches a Gm1n!lirm distri bui;ion J'or l<u'@:e Valuos Ol' 1 i.r the varinlilr:i do not have a Gauasinu distribution . '.i'his i s the centru.l. limi;; t!::eo!'em Of St11.ti'1t i cs . It holds under very goneral assumption-a. l'l~iin and '' &riance of l:he distribution arl' equal to the sums of the "-<inns and variances of the variables according to ( 51) onu (52).
198 ' I • S'.IA'!'IST:CAl, If fa_qIABLEs 4. 22 Join! Distributions of Independent Variables tlce As " more <:(lmplica.Led exru:1pl<' of dis ta· ibt~tion of the sum of two ralldorn variables conside!' the followin$' problcffi tf·.at Nill be encoun\;ereO in chupter 6 . A variable ~ hcis a Go.u.;;~iru:i distribution wi~.:i a:ean rr. = 1 and variance :-rz , $ second variable Tl has also Gr~u:Jnien distribution \,·i th :neao OJ = 0 ar~ct variance oz . The Ointr:i but ion function oJ' {; - ITJI is «anted . Thedensit;y f1.tncbions w,(x) Md .,,,(y) o!· ;;he variables C a.mi 1'11 are .,, , (x) V2Vrro 1 exp [- ( x- 1 ) ' /2cr ' ) = ') w, (y) = .~exp (-v 2/2o yc•/Tl'O ' - ·:.X:: < 2) (59) ;.:<;.00 O~y<oo y < () x-y ,;hall yield z . Hence, r.he following rcli:niioo must l1old i'o1· all values ol' y : x =z (60) + y rL'he C.ensicy lu.ncti()n w(z) and distribution function \\r(z) C- ITl I ai·e given by th" f o I l o.ii ng ;iqua.tion s : of toe v"riabl e w( z) : 'f exp r - ( z + Tl~ ' y-1 ) ,, /2c 2 J exr ( - y ' /2o ' )dy ( &1) 0 .: W(z) 1 ~ exp [- ( z-1 ) ' /4o 'J ( 1 - erf,rZ - 1)] : f·. 1(7. ' }uz 20 l 1 r(1 n • t = - CO< z < c;o ' - erf( u ) ]e - u du , U a -ro -i» z '-1 20 i [1 + er f(z)] + t[1 - erf 2 (z) ] :.nt u!1 fi:rtlle1· calculs~e Lhe <iensit;y function of ' - ITJ I ~ O :oust be satis!'ietl . w,(:x) is def:i,lled i~ t:,e eonoitio.!'l ' as fo:lo~,·s : 1 w, (x) "/ 2'lr.Ca exp [- (x-1 ) /?o 2 ] x " 0 w, ( x ) 0 x < 0 8. v;Jr.o (62) 2 jexp{-(x-1) /2o 7 ]cb: = t[1 .. erf( 1/'{2<1) ] 0 {. canuot: be smaller• cl1an·o for non-llegativo values of
199 4 . 22 JOJN1' IJlSTFWurIOl\n , _ 1r,1; henca, (61) holds fo=· z," o , \Jut one l:ae tor.iulti - f~Y by 1/C . The nmal le:l:: p~ra.issib : c ,_,.a.:_ue of y for z < 0 l!"' r.o-: ~ero but -z ,J·:e to x - O, as ctay be ~een from {60} : y ~ -z • I z I fo1· i ~ 0 one obcoin.i int1Lead of (1;1 ) : w(z ) • = ~.{ox:p(-(uy-1 )'l2a~] e1<y1( -y'/?al)c1;y ~ o)(Jl[-(z -1 ) ' /4 o'J[ 1 - ei•rc-t~ 1 ) (G;\) z ~ o The diffet·encc betwc<'n (6'1) and (63) is ~ho difr~:-ent aifYl of z in the nrgumer.t of Lhe error :unction . JJakes it exceedingly difficult to co:1JpGte th" <!i :otributior. fun~­ :ion W(z) . As n coz:sequence, tee ;;robnlnlny of C - hi~ c ;, o, being si:io.!le:· ;;nae zero ·•ii l be calcul1oted only . This requires integratio:. o:: •:(z) free: _.. ~o O. It ,,ufrices to integrate (63) , since (61) holu!? !'or·,; • 0 only : W( O) = ~ Jexp(-(z- 1)'/411 2 )[1 t:.y - oo - arf( - '· - ·1\ld:: II IJO • 1 t 2erf(1N?o{ - 2erf f 1/o) 2 1 + er:l 1 V2o ) ] r.0 err' (1/2o) The integral.ion (6'•) i s very cwnber!Joma . It ed by KASACK by pa1'a..'11eter (6i:) w111:1 accomp l ish- intei;,ration . O:>e 0ubstitutes first W(O) • W(O , s) , s = 1/2-; , t:Oen u • -(~.-1)s . :t. follows the differentiazion dW(O,s)/:ln, tt.e oubsiit•~t:ion w e f2(u-a) and an integration av~r s . Consider next the d~stribuc;ior: of l~.e product ; -, o!"' t:wo stacistically inderende::t cont.i!luous vu.t'lal:l~s !.aviq; density functions w1 (x) and w1 {yJ . The density ~=ction or the joint dis\.ri bu \.iou follows rrom '42) : w(x, y) • w1 (x)w 1 (y) The probability of a po int with coordinates ' and '1 in ~he F.1.Coo o l omcnt llxdy e quals w<x,y)dxdy w 1 (x)w 1 (y)dxdy . (i>~)
200 The product ~n wL l xy equtt la z : hav~ a certni n valuo ~ if Lh" product (66) t. certllin \'nlue of : anj' be obtnl.neC in t.,.n ·,a:rs due t.o t ho relacian xy (-x){-y) - c z,. (67) 'ru~ Lrnn•foraati ou o<' r.tie di.t:fcron~ial dy oecoitos ambi5U""" . In order ~o o::ilcc i : ~que , one :my distinguish che t;·,10 x ~ 0 U.."ld. :x < 0 . Giv<!'n a. cer1':t"J.ilJ ._,alue of z , x r.iny assume any value becwef!;n 0 and or - oo and o , providoil y ha" tha vul ue l')IO :; = t x, x ~ o: x < (', (68) ~~e diffe1·cctial dy i.s tra::isforli.ed into dz d:r ._ dxz , x ~ o; dy a - -;r, x II 0 (69) The probabil ity or ,,, lying be Lween z and " 1dz i.i' C lies between x ~d xf...dx onJ :t Tl lie.a between y • !: o.nd y+dy• x z+d.v . ---;::- .l" gi vel! by the followi!lg ~ rod·~cts : w1 (x)dx w,(:)az x x "• (x)<lx "' i<i>~: (70) x " 0 x < Q H 8.,C!ll!> l'e><SOnubln 1:0 integr1U;e the firHt product .from 0 to ""'00 and -r;he second fro211 - oo to O, since x m.o.y asswcc all value a ·~c~wee:.. -oo a.."ld = · Jlo1'<>Vcr , the i11~eg1·als mny not conve:·ge ai; x • 0 d ue to the fnctors :'. . A oe rt ain interval of widtt 2• C>.L·ound x - O ii; le.rt out nml the limH of '-"·~7~,, for ~ .... O ic invest~gate<l in each case : (71) Eque.t iou ( 71 ) may be replaced .for L>ven r unctlons by (72) m, Let. C nnd Tl !l9V 61 Gaussiau distribution wit:b meanu :n, • O and v ariance a of and Equat ion ( 72) yi.elll.S : = o: .
201 4 .22 JOINT U!STRIB;Jnor;s s ( ~ ' )"-"T - '= ) '; 2ii 20,01 .. exp - x l l<o, -· x' 2~,l )1-xdJ< ~ ~(· ) ~ .. ., The sub~.itu~ion ~ ·•( z) = .,..1 , .. a, =x 1 {73) /~f is ~ad~ : a .,'I'exp.r -•• ( z 'I--cr,' o,1 z r!loz •S _•~cs ~ I 'l'be ;Lntegnl .v1. cu'e + . 11111, . ) 8 )) 1 36n = in • ,iu 0 is tabulat;ed . il~ll(ill) iz: a Elinkel flrnctton 11111.l K 0(1.1) 1 r: a modified llnnl<el runctio=i . L quut .ior.n \'/I< i nnd (75) ,yield for c - 0: W( ··) • --1.....K ( - "- no,a 1 ,&,,, ( 76) ° :J,01 J It followa fro:n ( 711) tha'.; w(:z) i~ "ven : (77) w( - z) • w(z) w(z ) is thus defined for a:l real z . Tbe distribution l'unc~iou W( z ) a 1- - TTC 1 0 1 fK ( - u- -oo 0 01az (78) )du cannoi; be rodu cod to tabu l1rce<i functioJJe. . W(z ) and w(z) if one sub•tii;ut~s l•'ig . R~ shows (79) and w(o, -L ) 0'7 01 o1 ·•(x) , W(- o, 2 - 02 ) = W(x) . ( 80) The Rayleigh distributio"" is iiaportan; Co:· ;>:·01::.,:ns involving .fading or narrot-.: bane noi!1e . Dcn~ity f1..;.::ctio.n !llld distribution function of a vo.rinblo ' >:ieh R;,.:;-leign distribution at·e defined as f ollow" : ff exp(-x 1 /6~ WI (X) ) x !; 0 I \.(I ( X) r 0 W, (x) • 1 - axp(-x2/6 I ) x < 0 x ~ 0 ( 81 )
202 ..J '1'he "1eru: '?quala E(CJ = ~ r.i. °" 1(x}d.x ' 1 orde :· ..J oncl -che x !:iecorj<:nt (82) ectuetls ;! . x 1 ·d 1 (x)cx - • = o'{n~ ,, (83) TL('> vai--iw.H.:•" o ~ !~ollo~·.s .fro:u (29) , (32) &ud (3L>J : a: E((.') - E'(') = 6 ~ (1 - = tn) (84) Let a vnri•ble ~ be indeµemi.e". t of < anrl a Rayle igh disti·i 'ou~iO!.. >1ith d•m:;il.v func;;ioc w , rv) : y if 0 (85 ) The Cc:-n~ity !w1ction w(z) v:f tile o:rctluct , ... .;Lttll be cc-tl cul,,ted . l::qut1 Uo n (71) i·a~bei· thnn ( '?2 ) mu st oo u•ed , since the den"i ty fur.ctior. of ~he Rnyl eigh di2tr i hut ion is not syn~etrical ntou~ x = 0 . ~$il:6 (91) and (8~) one obtains : ~ L l 1 l:: 6; ;;ind 2a ~ = l );:. :; , (I'his equntior 2o; 1 . x exp( - :-: /; 1 = E.'b ' 1 l l 1 1 -x ~Jr.>( -z /x ll ) - C.X h • (86 ) identical wi:h ('i'.::) i f one cubst:itutce = 8: into ( 7;) nnd uuH iplie~1 by liz 6r ~ :no, cr2 T!.e Ci:!'".!li;;,- !unction o : o! (76) ~ ',., ,, .. _) = /j z 6fli!" I Thr • .. l.i\Z 2 = 2• ) function (88) ' :r.e:i be rc-juc"d < (87) 4 6i'"2 1 Y. froa (86) \'lit~ the help K o,' ~ I '.} 2 d i~tri bu L io n ) ~-. !'olloK~ 2u/6 2z1~1 0, f • to t;.;.bulated funct.ioi:." . The ~ubstitution J1Cl<1:'1 : &1 1'h, (x )dx 2, 1c,o, - t in f a (ix)H~ 1 ( ix )d(i x ) (89)
The inte;rnl fy[ J,(y) • rn.(;1)Ju..- = J\n'~'<:ua:: .. yH',"<:v) is y_nown . "' 0 (,yj and t: 0 (:r) a--e Beese! fu:1ctions o: fir!>t end secon~ o:· (;;euoann Lu1ction"). Equation (99) ·oe - comes: bc F', 11 (lo) ] (':)1 ) Let c oppr·oncl1 zero . Us:;ing tne equat.lou H 111 (ic) • -2/no I 0 < £ (92) << 1 one obi:ains u,,, u',' '< t. > • ·-· (93) -2/·• and (94j ·rhe tex·m in Lhe l;rackets is non- !°"legotive fot• 1·e~1l po:;itivc values of 7. . Let us i nvestigat e whctne:r (94) "qunl>S 0 !'o•· i • o ·,w.: 1 Ior z • oo . With t ho h"l.I' oI (92) one o!.>~"'111.1 ror 1. = O: lim ..l!L(- 11" '(;>i' )1 t- 0 b1 b? 1 61 61 _, ....!!..L ti 1 6 2 !:0 hl.z.. • c:Z 1 The QSyi:lptottc nrproxi:r.ntion -l!: 11 (ix) ii \~nx e-x holde for large valuer of x . Fne ;;econ<l te1-:t in (co11) ·:anishes thus ror large •m_.ies of z rutd or.•· obLuius 'i(oo) • 1 . Fig . 85 ahows the functions or (87) rud (':I'•) fo1· ;, ~ 61 "1: 1. The dietribution .funct i.on of th" eu.m : »1 o!' two iniellendent Hu;;leigh d i stributed var.iabl~s J.'ollo>Hj J.'1·01a ( 50) : W(z) • ~( (1 - exp[- (z -x ) 2 /-6~]}xexp(-x 2 /6~)clx ~i'OO ('J)) '.ilhe lo\o/or lJ.mJ.~ Of the integral cqueln ZOl'O , Since t;he
4 . STJC lS'l' ll:AL V i\.IHJ..J!LES 1 densii:y runctioL w(xl = x "XJ' -x /;! ) has to be replaced by w(x) = li !or x < 0 . Tile upper li:ui t i ~ ?, , since the distribution £w 1ct i on W(z-x) n 1 - exp[ - (7. -X J' /6: ] has to be replaced by O,l(z- x) 0 !oi· z - x < 0 . Sub:;t!.tution ot (96) yields ·,;i th the i,e:p of the integral n.f ~r:r len,.~t.t.y t ransfo=t!ationr : ,,. ll(z.) z2 (97) • - rXJ'.>l-b'°, l z' ~· - i[n ll:.1[erf(#J-) - exp(-~) + eri'(~ 51 1<0, .<6, }.~ , l<' o: o roi· ~ < o; k' = z;, o o'I + o•I A sinple!' formula is obtain<JJ tor 6, 'il(z) = 1 - )JJ ..-z' ~ 61 • 1: (98' Consider ti.e distribution of the quotieut 'l/C or two independeLL coc.r.inuou.s var1nb1.oo C and ~ 11aving density fllllctiona "" (x) n.nd w2(y) . ~h" density £unction (68) multiplied by dx iutd dy is used again . The t·elatior: l x = z hold i.f -;, j ::- to :nay be obtisined in two product ~' : i hav~ a cc ....~ain value z . :'!:int value juct: P.s in the case of the w~yo ~ (99) ::lt = z -x x Lei; us cor.9i .J or the :;a.see x ~ 0 and x < 0 Geparately • i:: orecr to 1tW:" t1'e c!iffereutial una.nbiguous . x rr:a:y aosu:oe a:.1 ·yaluc.oa between o ru1<l ,. oo or -oo and O for a certain Vt'<lue of z , provided y has tl10 following vaJ.uo: y ~ zx , x ~ O; y = - zx, x < 0 The diffei·entilll i,; transformed im;o
4 . 22 J0lii1' DIST!i IDtlT~O~IS dY x ·- ? ; xdz, p 2C~ a;; = -:x.1.i., x < 0 . (100) The probabillt.v o r n/' lyiiw; bet ween, un<l <.+dz , i f ' li cc. between x nlll1 x+dx lilld i r - lies between , = x z ru:cl :1+d;; • x(z+dz), i" giver: by t~ll :·nl~owbg ~roducts ; w1 (it)d=< w,(zx)x dz •,; 1 (x)d.lC w,(zx)(-x)dz ~ O x x < CJ Thu probabillty w(z )d z of 11/' lyin;; ilat1>eeJJ z ~ml ~+d~ ror arbitrary values of " is obtained h;y intet>:radng f1'0:n X • -oo to w(z)dz • . X +N : -J« 1 (x)w,(zx):x (lXc1z -~ . ~ 1 j w ,(x)w 1 (zx)x dx<l•. (101 ) For syo.t!etric !'ur.c-io::s one! aay w.rite lnr-itead : w( zJd~ 0 I -• (102) 2fw,(x;w 2 (zx)x dxcl: z 2 3 16,li>t- z61t6 / - 1 ~ , -3 -l -L --'--~~,-i'--1• -l 0 •o;AS,-- Hg.85 (left) Density .functiol'.l and d-<>li'.Lblltion fmction or the produce of two Rayloigtt distL·iullCO<i variable:'\ . Fig . 86 (ri ght) Density fullction and dist1·lbution fu 11ctlon or tho quotient of two Gauss distributed vi.u·iai:>le r. . As a f'ir,;t exrunple lot ' a.nd 1 have Gaussian distribution with density !unctions w 1 (x) and •,(y) = w1 (x) or (511 ) a.nci with me-ans m 1 = m2 • 0 . One o'btnins :
20'5 w(z) .. = ~-~ o, 4 . jcxp( -x'/2o:Jcxp(-z'x 1;2~:)x dx 1 1,01 0 1 .. 1 I I = ~x'C OT 1 ; , ) The sub st H ucion u eq w(::1 = J'+~'"' J1noz l ~ .:.... I ~?.:-, , C-z srATIS'i'lC':..t 'IARI/JltEs 1 yfolcir : (103) J e - utlu 0 o' )l .. 1 :'he <'listd but Jon d.ef:L:c~a 'by r;llis dcn"it.Y .£unction is Jr.Jlo wn an c.: ..u1:hy dirtributioJO o~ '"" S tudeuL di:itl'i bution vii th one def~r·r.a ~f fN•adoo. . 'l'he :E "tr ibu:.lcrn funct i on is fill inverne tb.llgec~ functlou : . ~ '.>'( z) = (104) Fig . Bi:> snowe LIHl f u.acti.oirn or (1 03) and ( 1 04) . A" a fu:.'tL"''' cxruuple 1.:onr i •~er I.he di::: t,r•ibullon o f t h e quo Li em; -ri/' of cwo Rayle ii:;:-, <!i !"lc:ributed •:ariu oles ' and 11· Equation~ (811 , (SS) an<l (1•)1) yi~ld: I •h.z, = L °:'x exp ( - x 1 /!1 ' ) zx 1 ~ .. ' 1 0 ( 1 0.c;) ·1·t.e uist:itutlon !'=::,;ion .i;ti; ne2-p of tr.o i11Legr!Jl I II(~) is ot~a~ed ft-o:n (105) with 1 - i xr+'f (106) F~g . a7 ;;nows the func-.:ion:; w(:t) and ii(;,) of (105) and ( 1CC J . Sewn·"l Joir1t distribution.\< oJ' a Hay!oiglo vo.ri able ' and a <Jau:.i~ viu·inble ~ " 1 t l be c alculated . The densi ty funcL .:.o!l& o.r• n::: folloi;3 :
207 4 .22 JOIN'.r i'ISTRIEUTIONS ' x ( 10'/) il' 0 : ,,., (x) • 0 4 w 2 (y) • (2n)"'"c ciq( - y 2 /2c'} , - .. < x <oo For tile computation of tile dizi;ribui;ion or the quotient Rayleigh ;·c·!!J.l>le/<.iauss variable conai.d<!l' tt:I! :le:isit:y .runct:ion ol' t:oe Go.<.«'S variable i;o oquol :;01·0 for· y < 1:0 . 'l'ha density fu nctiot. of ·Lhe quotient C/11 r.or.ipu l,od for truncat:ea diatribuLiou holds fo!" !•11 por.i t;ivr value;; x/y = z > o . The donsity funllLiou for negativo v~lue~ is its image about tho orclin•t~ . One oll!;ains: .., ~ zn;&l J cxp(-x w(z) - • The substitution ;r _ .L l{:>c w( z ) - 2 6 ~ 2 /2~')ix exy ~ -z'x x• ,,. zZ 201 T FT' 111 :.•ielf!s : '[2a~/; (c>o'z '16' + 'Ii 1 )x dx z > .., n-: ( 108) I :;s- 10s OD~ "5'" .0 0 1 -\ 7 -3 -1 -1 116,0,,- 0 1 0 I ' l l ' 1 3 I ll'idii>-- :2-~ >g ~ ' --1 0 z •16,0,- J -\ -J -I ~ t'fi.d/6- fJg . 87 (lel"t) llenGity funct ion and distl'ibutiou funcciou 0 the quo L.LonL of two Rayleigh dintl'ibutod vnrial, ei:; . . 1' (right;) Denulty and distribuoion runction of the quo~ient Royleigh distributed varioblc/Gnuoc 1li.otributed Vnriable .
11 . ~'he conr:et~ der.sity . (2clzl/f>2 ..1)ll1 n(z) • +\'::>· funcl~ou '{2 lz c ib .., W(O) :nust equal t du'!> to 'ti(' l ia defi:ied by : STA'r!G'IICJtL v.~JlIABI,ES is defi:.ed by tte fo=mula: -:::0< ~ < x {'109) ~he 8;)'lllllet:-y c!' w(z) . Hence , (110) 1 2otz • 1<6-,- 2 + 1 ; -11l z < 0 :!'ig. 88 nhow:; the f1mci;ions of (1 9J ruid ('10) . Tllo den~ity =o d.isi:ri!>ution fu:icUou o!' tile quotient v;...riable "Ra:.-lcigh variHLle shown in F:.g . 89 is ob~a1ned i~ a correspondi~g ~ay : - d'l~o > w(z • ~ fx ex;>(-x'/6 2 )exp( - z'x'/Zc')x • i» ::. 1 ).,,, l b (' 2 V2o I + 2 o > dx { 111) l( ~ z/\i2o ) \~ ( ~! • 2: 1 + (6 ' -,,1 / 20• ~1 )1/l C•'o1· 1. L.t! con:.pul..E:tt i oz::. of ( 112) the d<1nsity function of the pro<luci of a G1;.uss varial;le a.ud 11 Rriyleigli VtU'iable let tlJ1 d 'n~i ty :-unctio!l o f t!:.~ Ga'.lss variable equa"i z ero for v < • l'l.<i densii;y function col!lpUL<>d " itll tLis truncated d.1.&L:· ... but1on a'1d itz ittage sbout the ordino.te yielo i;be der.Blt;t :·u.-:c~~on for posi~ive and n'lgat1ve •1aluos of the 1·n.11do:n \."nri£itlo:i : ~ , 6 \I •rtw <t( 7.) ~a sub~~i t ~ .'.' .,l "' exp(-/?x 1a2 )x oxp(-x 1/6 I .I • LtLions v = "' . 1 +v' J exp(2ov ) Vv \o.= ro1 '12E'o/5z · nbo <lv )~<ix
209 1;.22 JOWT JJJS'!Rilli.ITIONS ·I I 1 ~ .J ·l ~1 3 16111~- I 1 3 I 1'~ l t 1f!i6 0- 1t?.i6aFig. 89 (left) Denl5J.t.Y .;-1:.;:ct ::c :__ ru:C d:!'-:;ribut.i n tu... r-]o::i or the quotient GauEs dis't_r:.bu~ed varinblc/Rb.;;,.~ Cir. i;ribu~ed variable . Plg.90 (right) Density runci;ion ru:J d!st:-i\Jution Lwdion of the product of a Gauss d.:.s;;ributcd ""'t u libyleign d~s­ tributed vari&blo . Using the tabulated integ1·al j exp(-" '+v 2 ) 00 2CiV 0 one obtaina l<{z J = y2~6o-'{2z/6o ::: ~ 0 ':'he densii;y function holding !"01· ;..o~i i; 1ve ru.;I Ler;a;; iv" Values of ~ t'ollowa froa the .:..equir·ec~nt of r.y:ni:ic-rj obolf.t t: = C: W(i ) =~e-'f2io l /6a v ~CJ6 -oo< z <oo '!'ho cl.iatribuLion .function i s aetineti by: (11~)
210 '- S·l'J<'l'ISTIC..U. VARlilLES Fig . <)O Ghow~ ":h,. fW1ctionl! of (~1;) nr:d ('1•1) . The tleusi~:; function of the !iUJ:'I o:· a llncl a Rayleigh vartnb\P is given az t!:o variable P:>:az:iple : Gu.u::H: la~~ l( 2 (IO 1 1 '/ ~t1 6 , Joxp(-(x- .:) /2a ']-:< cxp{-x 1/0 )<1.x ( 115) • u-2 r. 2 z' 62 z. 2Vz{no oxi\-rr)[1 • exp( - 2o!Cjf',J • Vilei·f(,1 2~p) pl =- 02 .. 20', q'· !»l-,Z-:; l 4.3 Statistical Dependence 4.3 1 Covariance and Correlation :t bas been assuu;ed so far that tile i·f<Udoo variables wer" st:atist:ically indeµendem; . Son<' of tue defini tions of section 4 . 1 >11usi be genoralizod ic oi'<ler t;O be ai>le to drop the con,1icion of statistical i.mlepeudence . Gou.sider a din;riOution function W(x,y) of the ~~10 va.t·ia"oles C and T1• 'I'hc exµectntion of a funo- .... f .' ~ion g(~ , n) is <lcfinod by the i ntegi·al E(g(C , ri) J = (116) g(x,y)rli'(x , y) -00-00 2 d W(x :v) Let W(x , ~,) be <liffer,.,ntiable for all x nnd •J , dXdy ' ' and Jo;t; g( :-: ,:; ) be co:itinuou" cxcert, nt 11.ost, at a fi,.,ii;e nu:nber of pointn . ;;qua~ion (116) oay cher: be 1·eplaced by a Rienann integ:-nl : E[g(, , '1) ] = J' J g(x,y)w(x , y)d:xdy 00 - (117) -oo- Let g( ' ' Tl) be the product of integer powers of ~ !llld n: (118) E( 'k '11 J is call od 11 :noaent of order k i I . The moments E( 'k ,,• ) and E( 'll ) nre ide,;tical with tho 110C1ei:ts o~ thC one-dittensionnl oarginal <lisi;ribucioc of C and '1 · One defines on analogy co (29) : c•
4.; 1 COVAHIAHCE AND comu;J ATION 211 (119) i!le point with t he coordi.nates' = 21,, Tl • m1 i:- C'al_ed the !!!Billi of the t·..o- dimei::s::.onal u:. <1tri b•1t ion . 'l'lo<J :Looent.o about the meo.n a.i·e callc::J l>Y µ., : >'>1 • E((,- m, )" (,.-tt,) cc!!t:.~a..l 1 ] r "" "" J O.C:!llents and o,rr der.oLeJ (x-:n ,J'(y-<' ,J' d'•(x , y)(120) -oo - oa Exp!lllSiOn Of LU.a factors ( x - at 1 ) ' {y-m 2 ) I lnLo µOWCJ'n oi· x and y yields with the irnlp or ( 116) , ( 110) wid ( 119) : 0 ? and- o ~ ere tbe variances of t!Je rJa.l"l:.!ir..rJ.l distribu~ior..s !or ' Wld fl · The i:soment µ 11 ie o!' int.ere:-t. h~re; i!; is called mixed mo;r;ent or- cov=:'..ance of ' and 'l · It fo:lcwa !rom the multiplication theore= ( 4&) and (121) that His zero for statistically independer.c vnr-inblen: u 11 • E(,)E(q) - m,m , • o ( 122) The mathematical cxpcctntion E[[c, (,-m,) 1 c , (.,-m,)J'J • u 20 cl +2u 11 c 1 c 2 + 1J 0 2 cj ( 1 2;,) i s the integral of a !unction ;;hnt .ia 11ounew1ti.vo und musL thuo be nonnegative too . Hence 1 the right h<1nd cide of (123 ) must be nonnegative . Let at least ono mottenl µ 20 or µ•• or be unequal zero . One "'eJ rewri~e the richt h:..JJd ~ide (123): ~(u,1c 1 ... l..L.,cz >' .-(i;,,1.1o2-i;~ 1 )c: ~ ~(u 01c, + µ 11 c 1 ~ 01 ) 2 .. (1..L,.;.t02-1J,', ( 12- , )c:] and i..Lo 1 a1:e nonnegative .ro r the SllJlle reaoon as (12)) . The eerma in brackets in ( 124) will be nonneo:ati·~e foi· f1I'bitral."y vlllLLea of c 1 and c ,. if the following condiLion holds : 1'10 u,...., - ... 1Jl1 ii 0 (125)
212 •• . STATlSTICAL 'IARL'<BLlls A cor:-elation coeffic!.et1t p is d4"'fjnt:c1 0.1· tlJd i'o.:..: 0 _ 'Jfine; equation : - l -:;::=' "'=·=·= V1.1,. µ,,, ~ =z a, T!.e ralntion:; : ' ;l 1 or - 1 ~ o ' +1 fOl l ow froc (12;.) . For . ta.c1st:.c.~lly i..lldepend~r..t:;les 'and n :'ol lows p • 0 fro:u ( 1 22) snd ( 12•J J . :he inv1~ruf1 re I atio:.. does not ho U ~--;t:•.tlernl l y; s tatistic al i Hdr-ponconoe 1.!ilJU1ot be infered fl'OUI p • 0 . A~·~i.;.me n I 1nca.r reli.Lt:ion.:;~_.:.f b0twr on ' • ~ + 3a \X. 3 - c ( T'l - rr 7 ; -.. ·c ;.u ;.d n: p Cr.\ nltair.:.: ..i10 µ 11 • E[(,-n, ) 1 ] • a1 "' 01 • l:[(C -i, )( - - :n, auo1 "E[a'(r,- <1 1 )'•2n(;-:o, )(- - c 1 •-(6 - m,) 1 . t.,,- * 2o. if - 1, i: "': [a l 1 n u 01 1 (~ -u , )' l\- ll . • a.lµ: oz ... (~ -:i ,)Z ,'•\~-:I. 1 l( - - o,)] nµo1 t- ( p - i:. • )u o1 0. ~....:..:. 01 _ _ _ _ __ S-tt,,'µ.oo ] ~ 1 (127) r' oqu11l~ 1 j'or 6 • r.1 1 • 'l'h~ r"•Bul L may be irivorted . Consic!r>r l' irat the case Lhnt noth µ 02 And µ 20 equul zero . 'l'hiS a.cnm1 tli~ L Lli" mru:·gimu dist:riliution~ of Lhe variables ' n.nU Ti :..arc coucent-.i~ated in tl:c pointr m , anO rn 1 • Hence 1 'Che- t.:No - di.cnn:-ional dist.1·il.uti o1J is concl'ntratr.C in the point .X • !I.1 &nC ''S -=- ~ ; . T}-_e COV61·i:u~Ci" u, , • o/2 must \tanish us a c ,.._..... quf"':lCc; . Uri the 't!:-,t:;J" hand , t.he 1·el t:a.Vion L. oz • • u, 0 - ..111 v follo•" for a distribution concentrated in th< 1 H.•~ x = a:, nn<! :; = "i · ~·tic dcrtni;ior. (126) for ~ Caru:lot be appl.:ec in tti!t cnnc . I.t le••iOL one <Jf LLe equoL_onH (1;>11) oust hold i l at l ~J 1 rL oao o.f the mornen Gs µ 01 o.r· µ~ 0 a.t.•e uneq\.la.l zero . Let \.I.<• nqunlity sign '1old i n (12':>) . '.l'l:e !'ight hand side oi (1?' l wlll equal zero i ! on(' of tho condi·UouB (128)
x1 COVAllIANL:E Af;D 4.;, 213 CORRELA'l:o;~ is satisfie<l 11ccordiiw ~o ( 12;;) . I et =uo right i19r.d 'ad~ of (123) equal :.cro . IL rust l old : ( 12'-)) .:ti.nee tho expecr;al;ior: or n coru1.,gat.:ive 1\tnct'iio n can only be zero if t:he :~tA.....,ction Vr'lr.iehe.!5 *'Ver·y·..f.... e1·e . :t followr l'ror1 (128' ami (12')) : ' • lilJl-( T)-ln') ~ 111, (130) >' 10 • 0 \l II ' • l!J..L{ 11-ID 1) \102 .._ ID I ':'hese oquatioou i lcncical !"or u 20 I 0 un<.l to t he relntion ' \J 11 o.J. 01 -'- 0 1 due • F."nce , the lin,.ni· r<'lation (15:;) :io-·•rc:: c nr:a 'l iu;-;ay" Iollown from oz • 1 . ?:-or:. a linear rel~lion, on ~tc othe:.h.o.nd , rollows ir.. gcn.,ra~ otly p 2 ,i 0 r.ot c' • 1, according to ( 12'/). One may in.fer coef.ficient p is 1'1·0:0 ~his ~· .liscui;aion t:.~t the ~01·!•e:atio11 meaeure of th<' . ir:Q1u· lHuaper.dence of two variable:.. . One sayo t wo variableo u.J:e ¢0.t."r·ela~cd f o r P f. 0 and uncorl'Olatod t"or p = C. Ae an exwuple consider the densiLy f'u 1 to~ r. io11 of a Lwo dimenaional Gnuas dl~tributioll : lf(x, y) • 1 2no 1 o1 V1 - ol - "(1-p') On~ obtains for o = O a.nd v 1 w(:x ,) 1 ( ' • • V2Vna, oxp - 1 ex:.i [ , r,.' £nll o; - '" o, ~ ~] Cl ( 1 ~·1) o, ~ 0: '"') 1 v') 2;;~ V2•ha, ex-p( - ~ ( 132) 't'he statiotic.'ll independence of the variabl,;n fo11 ow~ i:: thi ; B case from c • O, because of (9) and tha r<'latic:i d [ll ,(:x)W1 (y))/dxely = w1 (x)w 2 (y) . This roeulc bolds for 011 two- dimenrs.Lonal density functions which i'actor out into a Pl'oduc L ol' t wo one - di.roensional d<moity June Lions for 0 = 0 . l•or instance , of(x , y) could stw>d instead of 2oxy
;:>111 4 . S'l'A'rISTICA:. '/AllIABLts in (131) c.nd ;:hr. whole expr·ession could te multiplied 1 + :e;(x,;;) . b~ 4.32 Cross· and Autocorrelation Function T!::e ir.dice!l of the • ,., , ri,, ... were so iudividur.d !'esul.ts of p1·e. senL eon:e ordered ·;ariatl~s ' • ' ' , ' ' , .• .. and n • far used OJtl;y l:o d i!lo ingui sh the t;he 1oeasure1:1e.HL1:1 . Thoy did not resequence . l'oi· ir.utnoco , tbe res ult ' ' wiis lloL necessari ly meanured al'tbi· Llie reflult C1 • Let us now ass=e the ind ice<> indicaLe u s&quenc<0 . Let a meazurtirr.etLL at time t 1 yield C1 , 1 1 i £ a:.eaaur·e:nenc at tioe t 1 > t 1 shall yield ~»"li;ctc . 'l'l'le sequence :.loesnothave to be a tioe seque!!ce . C, , ', , .•.. aay be win; er levels 3long tnc course o~ a rivei· or enc tcas;crat"ure at cert:ain ilacen . l t 11Akes no diffe=ence for tr.o com1 ute.tion of i;he mean (') C"f H results ' 1 (') • R A 2:; C1 1 , • • • , ' •, ( 1;;;) lo I •~bother i;he index i indica Lea a Ga1.iue11ce or not , since the Lai·mli of the sum ma:y bo co:n:nucc<l . '!'lie swne holds for the moan !'t'}Ua!•e deviation {134) Giv~n ;-...o Vb.l'iat:es ~ and fl, o:le may cor:s&ruct the ex- rr<!s•uon Ic is ir.irortant 1·or the value of (135) that C; is mult ipli~d wi~li '11 ar:d not "1itl1 111.1 or '11·• • ":quutions ( 1 .53) and t 1 34-) 'll'C idontical "1it;h (35) fol' R .. , iJ: this limit exists . Lot , 1 equul x in r measureroeut; ouL of a Lolel of R mea~ur·~wenLs . It holds :
u . ;2 COR.'1ELATI011 ?UKCTro:;s 215 lim p1 • r1 R-CJO the pau· C sllI'ements ;md leL che P., = lim 11 , R- co li~it ~xist q/R . one may tllen write ( 1 35) :!.n the for:n of (3;,) .. l; (x - :n,)'(y - c,)' r ,, . 't Js--CIO I.Pt the time seque nce C1 , C1 , •• • be t·epli• by u ttmc !unction f(0;) which assurues tJle ·v alues C1 rit ·t he t i.or·~ e1 ; j . 0 1 1 , 2 , .. !(9) i s written instead or r(e;) for a continuous sequence . Lee all values of tbi:- ""quer:.ce bt> located in the interval -te '- 9 " ~!! , wi"ern S a.a.y be finite OI' in.finite . Ono may i·ewrite ( 1 33) antl (1:;;11) as fo l lows (all i.nt egrala 1·un f rom -tel ~o •t 6 hut Lha limits nro no t writtan t o simplify t he formula:;) : .,, • (r(e)). e·•Jne ;da o: •(t.rce>- q<e>)J') Rep.acing further the sequence ~ • • ~,, tion m, g(8) by a t iac fW!c- one obtains : •(g(e)). e·• Je;Ce)ue a; · (Cg(9)-(g(a))J') • e-• f(g(e ) - m,J ' ae = a·• fs'<e )da - I 111, o,~ • ( rs< a )- (e;Ce ))J(!(e )-(r(e ))l ) • e .. J[.r(e)- m,J[g(e)-111,)de = a ·' Jt(e)s(e)ae - ,,,m,
T!1e inr.egral in L:..~ numerstol" ut p ±-s calle<l c=-·o:;scorre1 Rtion !w1c1;ion K1g \S vl f o r av • 0 if Gi a 1 f'!'o11c:hes;v : Jim s · s-~ 1 3/2 J ~an f(e~g(sJ._e"' :1r.e (1~9) 'Ihe &U ·.oeorre I lt ior. '.° .il.~ ti on • I ' t ~ ~) J'o:lOWS :-01· f( 9) f{3}; <912 lio a -~ Th~ a·' I !'(a)tte•'J"Jdn (140) ..917 .;;t:.ort.-t.ime cro.onco::!·elotion or short- time autoco1..relat ion :f unction are unoC. 1.!' e i s .fin:l Le . To abow wtat mny be done wirh tlte corrc ~tion fw.icL.Lonn , l et ue terms thni; f(9) and p:( 5) ai•e cot consi;anL; tho indeterfor:n 0/0 is c:::u~ avoided for o 1n (1~8) . Let ue .:'""urtller af:sume tl1a.t. at lca5t one of th.:- moans n: 1 and m1 equol~ "ei•o . K1 9 (0) • 0 yields p • 0 and K19 (0) :K 11 (0 ) yieldo Io I : 1 . Hor\C<1 , the cro!l!lCO.L'l'elution function in a tr.F"anur~ o~ l.f"_""!l of Lwo fur.ctionti . o ceasurea t!:i• correlatioiofor the functions !(6) and g(B)otly , but oinat~ K 19 (~, ) and K• r ~3v ~·itld 1.he coi•rels:&i cn for the runct i o:H:i sJ1l fted •sy an a.rbi 1;r8-""")' wuoUJlt S v . Exwuplee o f cross- and nutof'.!orr~la.tio11 .functi ouo JJ.J.•c u:io,,•n in 1"iga . ~10 and 71 · 't'he lilnic" of iaLei;r~tion in those f~gure• not - - and -roo, si~cn cal(i,9) nn·:! sP.l\i,U) ore periodic f:.inctions .
5. Application of Orthogonal Functions to Statistical Problems 5.1 Series Expansion of Stochastic Functions 5.11 Thermal Noise 00n:iidor u root o!' tim..: .ru.iction" g ~ f e} , ~ • 1, 2 , .. , which do not !Jave to be ortnoe;oni;l . ::ach ru nctaon sh:;ll be expanded iuLO a ::icrie:; of the CO!:o]J] oi.c ni·tt:onormal system { f( j 1 9) l iu <oh~ i!leerva.l - is :; ~ 2 Q3 : 00 g, (e) =I;a,(j)~(j ,9 ) (1) I•• e12 a 1(j) • J. g, (S )r\~ , 9 )d, -an '.!'he coef:l:ic t onta n , ( j) hnve ce::.-cein value" l'or a l'ixed J • j 0 Md vai·iabl e va.lues of >. . ' J'UJ11;Lious !:!>( 9 ) yield l coefficients a, (,I ) . Lee q, o.r t,hom bCl in the interv&J. 0 < A < t.A, q 1 in the interval A/I. < ,; < 2flA , etc . '!'be fractions q 1 /1 , q 1 /1 , . . . . "hull be plott<1d over the value of 6A , 6A to 20A, 2tc . fhe rnnult is a ~l;e;o !unction . Asswne that i& can be aprroxir.intcd .rot· s:u.11 valuea of AA by o continuous densi;~ .::u::.ction . Ttia density !unction can be differen:. t:o:.- each VRluc of i . One int ervals O ~o Calls a,(j) equally diutributed w:th t·td·ercncc to j , i f the density functions are id1mtical ror '11 l vnlu"• o:' .j • .Furthermore lot tile coeffic ient~ a,(j) and n.(k) b• sta tistically independont for ~ F '< - The •eL o.C ~illle .::Lwc~ions gA(e) is cnll ed n sample o.r whit:e nolae wit!J rer e rettce to 1:110 orthogonal system ( r( j, 0 )] • >,(Jo) in cnllod Gnussian distribut ed , lf iLs density !'unction is Ll1e derival;ive of the error fWlction . Tho c~t
~ . 218 s:,','l' fST!CAl FROBLEfts of fui:ctiom; g,(e) is c3lled •.i!lite Gaussinn noise or thermal :.oise · , i r :;he '>A ( j are ec;.ually di .;tri buted wicb reference to j , !ltatisticnlly independent u.nd Gaussian dist1'1buced for a ce1:taln j a j 0 . Fo r the practicul monr.urement of t he coef.Cicients aA(j) con"idcr a generutor ro1' t he f:mcti.onr. .C(J, e) . 'rhe index J c~ot run from zcz·o to i n_:'lnity ao in ( 1 ) ; j can only assume a fini~e ntm.bor m of values O... . n-1 . Tioe is di- vide<! L<t~O con- ~verl!lpping of du~·ation funct~or. £~,&) in t~c !'ir~t t !.oe intPrval s. T:'le is denoted by ~ 1 ( 0), thC' fur.ctioc. in <t:e tll!e i nt:t>rvnl ~ b,y g, ( 9) . A finite O\l.'r.ber L o l in t ervnls is posoible or:ly ; \ runs from 1 to L. Let the m ru uctions f ( j,B ) ue uvoi loble simul.te.neously an(l l et t here be m mul tip liers wtd i ntegrators . The r.i coeffi<>icnt a 11 1(j) , : = O..... m-1, <:u.c be measured in Lhe r'i r.s\i in.tervol . Tt·ese coeffic•ents are .represented by Lhe integrator outpu- voltase>< at the end of the :i.rat ticie interval o: duration a. Repet: ti or. of' these ceasure1.em;s for all ' ti:ne in~<'r'lals yields the Ill< coefficients i j = o... . ffi-1 , l • 1 .... • . Assume t he :.;et of l'unccior.s i:>A ( 0) in thormal noise . • 1 (J' us p l ot tile fl'ac L ~on q 1 / t of meas u1·ementn yielding a of e 1 (j ) in Lht i nterva! (r- 1 )AA < A < re.A . nie m stcr t'n.nctions omy be ayprox.ute.Led by continuou!l densit:1 f•.incti.on~ ~·.(~,A) a~ ohown in Fig . 91, if A.:.. i~ s:.l!':':. cient y scte.11 anC t. sul·ticient y l arge . The equol rlistribution with reference to j causes the :ollowinIT relation to hold for· a certain A • A 0 : value r~n· (2) Tb~ cliat ri"uuti o '1 of t'lc coefficients a,1(.1) general l.y c;lepenc.l~ not only Oll the ijet o:!: runctionn e A(a) , but also on 1 Jse of ;;;hese teri>n is not unilorci in the . Tbr!'mal !lOise i:: !'1-eque'-L~y cal led Johnson noise [ 12]. or re1ns:or noi«e . ·rue noise generated by thermal ngitai;i'?~ of elecvrons iu 8lJ ohlr.ic resistor is thontel noise,_ J. tho f1leci;rons are descri!>ed by Boltzmann otati"1;ic :-atber than J'ermi statistic .
219 Fig. 91 DenaHy fu.nctiohn w0 ( j 1 A) o:!' tllermFil noi;;11L J = 0 •.• • m-1; A denotes thtl nor·m11l.Lzed output volcati;en of t he :n integ1•ators . the :Jystem (f(j,3)} . llowt'ver , it is ~ndependcnt of the oystcm (f(j ,9 )) under very g<'nerul assu.'!lptior.s ro1· thermal noise. ~·or a proof of this eL11.tement let us reµlsco the completo orthonormal systew ( r( j , a)} "oy ano thcr c;ystem [h(j , e ) 1 that i s also cornplotc nnd 01·thonomol in the intenal -oe;:; 9 ~ 1e. Tl1e f'unc:tions f(J ,9 ) and h(j , 5) snsll be bounded . the function.a h(J , 9 ) l:>e m::pnnJed into a series h(j , 9) •~CJ (k)f(k,9) , ••• CJ (i<) 612 f h(j , e)r(~,i)ae -£/2 'l'he awn L;c J (k) shall. converge abnol •ltely . ".'he ':le.des ( 3) then converges uni.formly . SA(9) is eJC])anded into a sorieso:!"the S,YBLeru (h (J , 5)\ : &,(e ) • .. L;b,(j)b(j,e), b,(j) - I•• Uaing (1) and (3) one ob~&iClS : 612 j g,(9)h(J,3)d9 -en (4)
220 en b. (J) • I -LC ~ ,(B ) -0/2 (5) I (k) f (>: , 0) ' •I - ci (k) en • l: J g 1 ~6;f(k , a)cg ,,, -8/2 • - c (k)u.(i<:) 2.; 1 k -0 The l 11ut sum r;onvergon absol uLtJ. y , i f all a,1(1<) nre bounded . Thf ~11c of .:;~ati:iticall:,· iLdepcndent. , Ga::c:-ian distribul;ed vw.·inb-c;; ir- s G~~ssian dist1·ib.:.J'tCd "'"o..:·i•Jhlc . Eence , &be \J•l.I) have "G•U!:!lisn clistr ioution , J.J.' Lno a . ( k ) are !l'C&t i s 1.icolly i nd evendent . '!'he u:eWJ o f t h e> u.1 ( I<) and of t he l.>A(.I) is zero . 'I'--.e de"sity function •·c(k , A) or LbP a,(k) reaes for cter~al noise aa follows : (6 ) Integration o ver A yields 1/ a: , w0 (~) • T~0 (k,A)dA -- The variance a~ in { • >/ ~ , ie defi'-o~ by : (7) The den• it;; funccior. of c 1 (%)a.(k) equa!s: w, [k , c 1 (;.)A] = i/2',rJ«'\o <·:q{ -c~(k)A 1 /20: 0 ] (6) The den~icy :'unctiori of the variable o,(j) follows frOl!l {5) , (?) nnc\ (8) :
7. 11 T!iERJ'IA.L HOJ SJ:: ,.~(j,A) • 221 Vcrilc:ab ex~( -A'/2~ ) (9) ( 10) 'rhe last atep in ( 10J l!Wk~s .tse of t',e initinl !lr.,uortio:i that tho distrlblltion of 3., (;c) ru:d o~ doce r.ot de - peJld on k . I f Parseval ' " Lheor'"lil ( 1 . 11 ) is sat is r i.ed 01· , rurti:::c it diff et•ertLl:I', ll' t!Je functions h ( ,J, 0 J mo:1 be rcr,r~i;<'r.­ ted with a1·bi1'rary nc c;uracy ::.n Lile sense O( a vadnhi:ii; i:iean squnre aov1 ntion by '.;he s:1stem { f(j , a )1 , one ol' vab~ from (~) : 8/2 r !l I2 (J,9)d9 • 13/Z • 1 • 4$12 S ( 2; -sn ... c (k )f(E.,a)) d9 • 2'.;::~ ( i< ) (';1 ) 1 I ••• !i; :follows fl'Om {10) a!'ld {'l1 ), tnr,;; '.;he cond.!.tion a~ • o~(1 + c) ( ~2j is sstisfie<l '\n<I chat c app1-oaches "t!'O tor .; 1f.::ic ie:-.t l :: large values or ru . '!'ho vnrinble,; o A ( j) ru1d u .< ,: ) Lt.en t:ave the ssma vu.riauc<: . The density !unctiona or 1 1.g . 91 r nm.~i n unchanged , if Lhe srunples g, ( 6) of thermal noi!Oe oi·e expanded in a oorioa o:C tr.o ay5toa { r.(J , S)l iusLeud of 11 (f(j, 9)) . Thermal nolse is usual l y de.f~ned l'l lht1 literature by a Pourier series rather than ":>y i;he i;eneral orthoGc:on~l series ( 1) . One may substitute in ( 1; i;he nine an<! co!1ine JlUlses that vanish outside the inccr•.'al -t8 a 6 a t'> for tbe system {!(j,9)) . .t.ccordini:; ~o t!«1 rc:1".Jltn of t;hi,; section, tbero is no difference whet~er t=er;i.ul noise is defined by a .Fourier series or by a series o! fu.r.ctions {h(j,9)) t1u1t co.nbeexpanded in a Fourier ~eri.;s "" i:;hown by t>) . tt hatt been s t ated in section 2 . 2'1 LhoL uudici sie,na J.I' wa:i-e found to have <Joquency formante , i r" docomposed b;v functions, just as they have fr equen cy l'ormnnto , i f decom.POsod by sine - cosine .functions . Furthornioro , atttlio
222 signuls n: te.!."ec ":>y :;equency fiHen cou!d hn?f.l:; be distinguiahed from si.:;::ia:s 1·i1tered by frequency filters, i t t..he inJ.'ormncio:: flow ·•as ~he su:r.e . If nu1'!io ~ig::a:s had tla~ distribG"t;iO!'". o.f l; r..oise, 11.!Jd if ~he ear could d~co::r.]1oso t~e~e sittnals ur.. .:-.~r ini te ::·:r.iber of coapoce11ts ncco:-ding to (1) or c~) o~e uhoul<l exrect rnch re- eulta . '.!ho e:xp;rir.iental i-esulh sr:ow tlint a'>dio signals ~ufficieot:y similar to ~Lu11o"l r.oiac and -chut the eu.x· UacompoBon thorn into su.fficienLly ~1nny cor.iponents to muke the resuH s a:· ;;ni;; eec~iou t.Lpullc• nc . The l'e!lul t::: r.mGt also '-'IJPlY to noi!l<' r0r1resented by elt:iC L!'Ol:tngLJetic r'ldiat:;ior. , sucl. ae l.L~;1d.. . '!hC!r0 is at prer.ent no device k.t:own ttat coi.4ld deCOtllpose light i!lto ftlalsh f®Ctions nnd produce a seq'Cleccy spectrwn . Devices that ,1cco11pose lig!lt icto sinu~oirtal fU..' and froduce !~e­ ~uency s~ecL::-3 , s~c:i a~ a diffr:ictiou grotir:g or a priSJ:l , nrc ;i:ro - 1nva:.·iant; .!ust like the :-:-equ1.::..C.Y filters o.f cocitt.ur.icationa . :lence , a dcvi er: for· lt;Con.}Joeir:.J;: light into 1\'nl nh runcr-iorJs must ~1ave an ox-trn-i1ely fast. t..ia:e depender..CI"! , "'X'!ll sini~1g w!::.,v no p1~nctic:-il ~~ur;t•·0ntio1 .. for such a device hnn 'become kr~o 1•.,in ~rev . 5. 12 Statistical Independence of the Componon1s of an Orthogonal Expansron Lt; hr.u bN>:l as~urned coeffici;,ri~a ir. the preceding "ect;ion , that the n,(h} =<i a,~t) a:-e rtt1tfrtic~lly indeperuienc It rerr::ii.!lS: to be ..;uown tt:nt thi..: L"1Cependence olsc; l:o-c!. for tr..:- c:>ef.ficient .. lJ, ( j) nnc! b 1(1) w!J.en j 1 1 . These t;Oc~f-cicn-::; have a G,u.'1aian distritution and t:heY are .stati~t:.~all;" ir.dependent, i;" tiHl correlation coefficier.1 i> Ol' t:..e cov:iriance af1 ·:ani ~h . U~ing t!:e 3bS:)lute convu;leui.!i= oft.he se=ic:;: i::i \'') onn ohtnin!!: for 1 i( . :i,, I ·-~ I • llm •-"" ~ '"' 11~0 k O ; 2: [I; c 1 (b)a,(h) 2:; e 1(k)n 1 (k)] ,t._1
] . 21 LEAST MEAN SQUARE DEVIATIOll • ..... L: L: c :1»c 1 <k> ,,o k•O 1 litt , ~ £ox· auy pair Denote by c the largent b,k and ll £ln1tc 223 vnl.ue ( 1lf) ... "' (h)c1 (k) LLC 1 lie 1uO tr.0 1"hc double num conve1·ges c 1( h) and c 1(k) converge .... L L; c 1( h )c1 ( k) a tibsolu~ely. the; of a~solu"ely : K (16) hrO Irr() Equations (15) nnd (16) yield : oj1 ii cK (17) c appl'oo.chea zero for lo.rge values of ' b;y cl<>£ inil ion and the covariance o j1 v-anisbes . 5.2 Additive Disturbances 5.21Least Mean Square Deviation of a Signal from Sample Functions Lr,t e ti.lne function Fx<a) be compo~nd or th<' :·i:-~~ !unctions of the orthogonal sy:n;e:n ! r( j, 6) I : Fx (S ) .... • L; llx(.1).t:(J , 9) l•O i ( 18) l!';r( e ) :Ls called chnr ucteL' o.t: an al.phabet . 'i'hE>l'b is only a finit e nwnbol' o r Guch ctiaracters, if the coefficients a..-(J ) !lre not arbiti·a.ry but; can asswoe n finite number of
-;.. s·rA'.L'ISTICA:. PROBLE!-1s valu<"::: only . ?he ~el~tYre .tl1-J1a:iet , r.o:c~er~; iL equaln !i and the c . e; . 1 cont~i!ls 32 cha- co~_f~:._ci("r.ts O.c(t,) :nay- two values . .Fx(0 ) be trbJl:'u;iLoed . A dil'tU!'l.>u.ucc g , (a) is added (luring t .r•a.nsa:iZlnion ancJ L!1e f=ii gnal F( 9 J = F x ( a) ~ i;;, (a .l in receive<l . n !:crie!'i : F(5) ... ..L L~t ua ( 19) a:-s-.ur.e t! f('3) ~{.i)!"(~,9) • J :- 0 i.;wL be ~x:.:.icnC.ed in ~ l_'. ,.o [a.,(j) - a,(.!)Jr(.,5) (20) 6 12 •1(J) = f -en F(&)J(j , 8)r.iS ; ,l l'LL"ls rroo 0 ~o iul'inityenc noi:; f.coc1 0 co :i.- 1 . a,(j) i s de!ir-ed by (1) . t caet be rtocitfol at i:he recei vei• 1<hich character o = 1 .... x ... in t•.e one wnich ao:;t rrobnbl7cauced ~he si[11al t"(&) . ·r1:e r-robabili .y of ~ tra..'l!l!omation of F,(S) :.nto ;.•(a' U'lfe!Ode on i:he ;>l' ;;hat F~ (e) ·,·Jri.'i tl"!il1$:n.:ttcd . Lei u;:; assu:ne a1l chC::l..ruct.e1·a ar e t i·nnsniti:;ecl with e qual prObHbll ity . ~'he decision dt>pends bhen i>uly C!l the t.ILoLut•bnnco:· 6 ,(a) . No <Jec.i;lon is possibl e for 1 ~ing"le cl1!J.t:actr-r , if r:ot:hing is .i'.JJown tfhout -che set gl(~) . :!o<:e.,,·ei·, it; is K.00 ..m in ma.ny cazes, that ad_isturb11.0ce g._,(e) 1<ith 1·1rii:r. energy is received l~ss o:'ten than o~e w~~h li;tle en~rl":'' · !~;;i:;ir.£ iL d:.rrerently , the pro' abil:.ty cf rocoi-:i1:i:; a di,;t·.>r!oanco g, (e) with energy bel11Jel'n 1.V and 'r.'+6 1../ tlecr·i:.·Hscff oonotoni cally \,•it.h increasing 'r! . The signal 1''(&) ir· moot lik ely produce<'! bye characte» F.,(SJ, 1 I"• (0) that may te ~L·tl.l',Sfa r!lled odditivol ;v wich the least P.ner1-o:y F(9) . 1l'he r:'lne!~f!':'>' 1 6 ·~·l-~ requi110C. ! '01· t~1is transener~y is u:sed i·or !he defi.u.ite integ!'al of t::e a function . I~s me~ is the saac ns the ~ne used i:i electrical engi.:>eering, if the function r('! re."..:ncs the vol:ase aci-oss or the c11rrent through 8 ' resisto.r . 1 Tbr ·t"nt or ocrJ~re i;<>ncr~lly
.5. 2 1 LEAST r.EAN SQ.TIAHE JSVIAT 1or. 612 J (F(9) - 1',.(S)} 1 -e12 22.5 !!/2 ' d9 • J[f 1 (a •- 2F(9)F,.(9)1F :(S)]dij,(;:-1) 0 -a12 •rM integral of F 2(6) yielrJr. the en ergy or I. lie received signal , the integr a l of 11J( & ) tbe enerr>;i' o: tlic chnracter ~',.(9) with whicl1 tl:o ~ie;u11 is compareu. !i;e integral of F(9 JF.. (9) b tht correlation integral or tl-c correlation of the signul 1''(9) nnd tke character' l',,(e ) . The contribution to L',I., by F ~ ) is ;:;!:c :::ane !or all characters F\1'(9) and may be ig<101·ed . I: ,"t!1er:11ore, t.!le energy of all character" i.n the srur.e , '< w~ 912 = S l"J (a )da = w, (?2) ·812 oneme.yignore F;(e) too . 'l'h!'umalle5i; value 6 W~ in dcterl!lined by the correlation i.!ltee;ral a .o:.:e ; ~ trii::: en::<: : 6 •,; • for 6/2 f l-'( & )F,.( 6 )da ~ mexi!:!un: (25) ~/2 The t rllllsmil;ted character [IK (9) will be detcct;1>d correctly if AW,, has its minimWll for 9 •x . Si p;oal det ect i on by moone 01' (21) ano (23) ir called detection by the criterion or loa~t mean squer" dl'Villtior.. Samples g,(9) of i;hcrmal nOifle :;atisfy tLe CO!'lditious for Which such n detection is proper . ':here are many LYJ..e" of additive disturbances for which t.'.le conditions Arc not satiofied , ouch as pulee type disturCar.ces or nocalled intel li~ent .interference . IJeing adde1•s , n ultipliers o no integratori:; , one o·;y :lctenmino in p rinciple t ho moot p1·obably transmitl.Gd cho.racter f rom (21 ) or (23) . The effort required, however , i s usually too great . Let an alphabet !:.ave n . n enorgies AW., or n correlation integrals havo to be co•1PUt ed according to (21) or (2~) . Tl:ese cocputations ~houlc be done simultaneously. 'lence, n or n/2 ec!ders, tt.ultiPliera and inte5r acors are required .
~26 '.;; . ST/.. 1 Sl'.i.l;AJ, HlOl!L:.1s Less <'l(pensive ml't!°io<lo ~nto tint. (18j nnd (20) "' 1 ,, I '\' L.J a (i' I•• l.\WJ be obtained by substitu- (2" : 1n• - 22: a\;)ia, (,JJ I 0 ~· I;Ca(ji ! - ... (.J)] n •I + ); u;(~) j dl ~ 1~0 L'•'~ :oi!'lb.w:i f or ~f [a(J) - a,(j)] 2 • oini:n\Ul ••• O!' .., Jniniaiua for 2 .. :Z n( ~hi, ( J) ,. 0 ~'he SWlS 2': yieltl ;:he B ~( j = L;a'(JJ ma;v br ignored , !lince bhey ) 01' I• o s=e v.._ue for •'"' !'Ol"·s cqua.~ each < . ur.c otot'1~ na f:!'Om (24) e1.e1·fD" : ,,,., 6'w\. = oini;t1wn l"o:- 2~ n(jJa,..(j) = caxiu.uo (25) I 4 f:q crnti ons (21 ) , (21 1) n:id C-'5) shOw ,hat only the coe.CIic.i.cmtr, n 1 (j), J < :n , of ti':o noUe cnmple f(;(O) affect LI e deci ion over >:1.ict. c!.1u·acc<'".' f,.( 9) ·..1as the most likely to ?1-"oduc~ the :-ecHl YC!d .'iib!l •l I··( a J. oc :nultiplicrs aud .i.ntep·tt Lo i·" rai;lt~1· than n 01· n /2 n.t'll r~q:.rircd fO!' l;~.e p1•ar:t ical .i.u.nleaenta~.i.or:. of ( 2'•) and ( 25) · ':'tiis c enn .. ts red".lcti~:.. I"ror 3~ a~ 16 to 5 :.n the case or the tele-yr ~ :.i:pt.•,1;et . Tet us nubsbitut<' the "'"" axU) 1 ~,(j) from (20) !or :; ( j ) ~.!l p1. j : 6Wv = minirr.ur. ~01· ;> m•1 m-t pQ j :O >.:; [ax(j)+a 1 (j) Ja,. (j)->.:; a.~(j)~maximlllll 'l'he effect of ta~ <liscu.rbo.nces g,(&) on toe signal decinion i" due rn the su:n 2 ~·· 2:;n , (j)a.,,{j) . 'l'be p1·obe.i>ilitY I •t
EJW1Pl•E~ 5. 22 of 227 01• CIRCUITS wrong deci:;ion depends sol dy on tile 8 ~tsti!ltical 912 : g,(e)r(J,9)d& . -S.'2 Let g,(8) be a soo.ple of <:'1er:t• l noise . J'~.o rtPti,;t~ ­ cal. propertieo of t;i.e coe f ficients a,(j) nr-t! thNL - :mde": ver"/ general condi~iona - indepen<l<'nt o:· tho ort!-.OfOtlli! sys tem [ .f(.j ,9 )} uueo . ;!le Lrl.'..nsmici;od s i i;uul ~'x(9) is C'.>mposod o.f ~hose !'uncUuna s ccor a i ng 1;0 (1i') . Honer> , it i" quite unimportant Ior o'.1e prol.:ab i Uty oJ' n wronc; (lecision whicll .runcUons f(.j ,B ) a.1:e us~a t o corr.;•o"c 1.l:c "ie;n11: , i i the di sturbances are :.ud..itive th<:>rn~l"~ · 5.22 Examples of Circuits Iiet u~ diocuss soir.e .... i rcui tf."" signal detection . Fig . J2 s~o•s coe!'ficie~ts a(J) are obtained .!'rom the received :ir..r- ~l F(; ) by mean:; of san:ple r unctionn C(j ,a) . '::-lLi.s e : r·cult is iv:ical ly tne srute as the one of Fig . ;iO , e:<cepc thH th<> clir.turbed co ef.::icienta n(j) ins~ea.d o f tti e imoi!1C'H'b"tl coel'fi ci<iLJ L:; n~( j) aro obtained . (1) l(UI) Fig . 92 Extraction of vl1c cocf!'icie:...ts a(j) ::::-oci the received ~ignal ?(b) . '1 multi~ : it« , I ictegr:itur . ~a(I) I 1(1,9) 'Jibe sumo of the products a(j )e,( j ) occortli ni;; to (2~) are produced. b;y ~be cir uui t of l'ie; . 9::S . '.!'hta ctw1·uctu1·s HJ.'" compose(! or ~ brcc functio no , m = ;; . Hence , throe cooi'fi Qiente a , (O) , 0.,, (1) a nd 0 .,( 2 ) occur that or·e rep1·e,.en t ed ,,.
!l . STl.::ISTICA.l, PROBLEMS 228 by voltn5c~ . The coefficientg n,,(O) , a~(1) &nd ,,.,,(2) , 1 • • 1 1 2 , ... nre represented by r·csistorn . The operational n11pl ifi ~r~ A ha•1e ci.:-fere1elial .input~ . The inverting input lerqinals are denote<! by ( - ), the non- invert illl'" ones by(+) . Vo(I)) 'lo(ll Ya(!) •V Vo(O) V•O) '/eU) R . -~/a.Ol ."· R·· II - n (DI R l'ig . 9; (le!'t Sii;nal detecUon by the lar1;1est sum . Al l characte~s have eqtul2 e~ergy . V0 ·V(n(O)a 0 (0; - a(1)a 0 l1) + - a(2)a 0 (2)~ ; v,. 'lla(O)a.(0)1a(1Ja,(1)-a(2)a 1 (2)]; V, s •V(a(~)a 1 (0)+a(1)a 2 (1)-a(2)a 1 (~) • • Fig . JI> (right) Signal detection by tho """'llest sUJll. TJie chui-11cte1·~ do r:ot have to :Jave equal energy . V0 • V[u~ (O)+a~ ( 1 )+a~ (2) -a(O)a 0 (0) 1 a( 1 )a 0 ( 1 )+a(2)a o(2)] i V, V( u' (0 )..-E• 1 )+a l ( 2) - a( O)ii 1(0)-a(1 )" , ( 1 ) 1·e.(2)e. , (2) ] i ;,• 1 • V[ni (0 )+a: (1 )+ a; (2)-u(O)u (0)-u(1)u,( 1 )+a.(2)a , (2 )] i 1 :< R1 • R/[af(O)+a:(1)+uj(2) ]; j • 0 , 1 , 2 .
_ 5 22 EXAJ1PLES OP ClHCUITS 229 !'or the imrleaeutation of ( 2'-') lot un note tho.t; the su;r. t;',1., . This sw:i mo.y be disregarded, i f the smallest A'i.- o;!:a!l be determined 1dthout aIJY need to ltllOI< tl:e val1.e of 6W.,. . '!'hn n\l!t of u(j 1 a.,(j) is produced an before , excep c that the nign must be reversed . Renee , one may u se the c i rcuit of Pig . 93 , but the inverting ntHl non- inverting i.nput terminals of the operational iunpli!foi·s must be incercha.nged as in Fig . 9'•. 'l'be s:um of u~( j) J.s produced by un adili tional !ine with t:OJ1 stant volt;age +V Md res i sto r s of Pl'O]lor vnlue . Circuits are required t o determ; ne wh ich output voltage V0 , V,, v,, .. . in l'ie; . 93 is la1·13est Md which output voltage V0 , V1 , ••• in Fig . 9~ is smallo:1t . One i;ype of circuit that determine5 tr"c :argesi; or "molleat of n ,·oltae;es uses n rl!.lllp voltage t!.at is co,.,p11r1>d via n co:i:parators with the n voltages . The firsi; coa:pnrntor to fire determines the c111al~est voli;age i:-: c<1se of iw incrcnsi:>e; ramp voltage; the largest voltage in cle t.e!·111ined 'by t!le !irst comparator to fire in case of o d.ecl·ean\ng ramf voltage. An advantage of this T.YJln o f circuic is ehaL cne ramp voltage doe a aot ba'le to .,ary linearly with time and t'he.i; voltage fluctuations a r e i'.nirly unimponarnt . The drawbnck io tho non-inst;antaneo us operacion . An insto.nta.neous co;nparator is nnowr. in Fif~ · '}' . 'Jlhc vol t ag(l at ~he coilllllon point of each group of " diodes equal o the largeat applied positive voltar;e . Let: v, be the largest voltage . ibe vol~agc at the nou-;.'eversing L:Jpu; teminal (-) o! amplifier A, is laru;er ::hnn at; the non-reveroing input te=inal (.) . ,;ssumir.g surric:.ent Pl.lticntion the output •toltage B1 will be nt negative sat;urntl.on , which shall be indicated by B1 •-1 . 'l'he runi:;lifiers A, and A, receive a la.:"ger volt.age a~ the non- revers' l.llg input terminal (..) than at th~ rov~rcinc one ( - ) . 80 •h are drivan to positive saturat.ion, <lenote<.l by B = 2 a, • ~1 . The output voltages ll 1 , B, !lnd ll 1 lndicote the largest voltage·V 1 , j =0 . .. 7 , by representing j ao binary lllJ.;uber . 'l'lte diode characteristics must be very similar oi a'C.1) is the n=e for all =-
230 for good results . r at.tpli!'.!.ers are rcqui l'tld tor comparison 01· 2' voltages . Vurietious o~ tbE circ11i:. cw1 deteci; .,,hic.h of ~"veral vo:t.ucon l111s c;he larf_jest or t.h· ~u.allost mag.ni_ tud <• . t•'ig . Y6 shoNr: ~111otbe1· cir·cul t f or <lGLt.:!'!tlinntion of l;be largest vol ,;agi.-- . 'l'llc thr!':'e a..rr.plifie1·.; ;.., , A 1 and A. 1 ctriver: to poEitive or negntive satun1LJ.on by the oii!fei-cnce~ betf'..-ecn th.~ t.tu-e.P volcages Vot 1.', 1'1.J'!<l vl . The 3 !a G possible :;ieruuLn~ion" of &lo.<> out;n:t voltage" fil•e s_0 .,,11 i:: tl':I'.! tab~e of !:i:o l'il!.UI'<: ca,..t:.on . 'fuey denote no;; only thr. l argest b;.it al ro che sec on<'! and Ll.ird largest - that io the !'lmalle"t - voltit,;e . 'H:e voltab"" v,, V , and v, may be posicive or nee.~)civ<-~ . Tl1i s circuit. ia uiuch more sensitive than the onn of Jo'it,: . 95 , sincr> t 1e voltages are fed directly to tile rui:pliJ'iers raLher than tnroui:;h diodes . I ts d.r·awbqck i:; tt.e l~z:gc number o! aa.plifie""s 1•equire-d . A of n voltng~s req,'.li:!'es .ii.eos\.i.rn:r.en~ of (!1-1 .._ ... •1 • in(:.-1) vo:!.~age dil'f<:rcmccs . E:ence, a CO::al Of ~ ll( n-1 ) di ff H!'elloial ru:ipJi ri8l"S '1.l'e "ceded. The c!.rcuit oJ Fi[ . C.:',, ontl1r:ot.he!' !;j=lll·i, rQquire~ for .n =- 2r voltages tg, n <li.Cferom: ; a I ai:.:;ili.fiers only . + (n- 2) • 5. 23 Matched Filters (t l:ae boen a,.aWtl'd so r'n~, ohat the coefficients a(j ) obcaiued by mul tiplicaciou of the eignal l'(S) with !'( J, a ) and ir.tec;ntion o: tLe product . .A 11athematicslly equi•rnlcm; but Lecl!nically very diffe.-er:t 1?1etb.0C. uses rentcl:ec! :iltei·a . Hi" cu:;tocary to usu tbc pulse response l'nLher tha:r: i;he fi·equi>ncy r<>sponse of r.ttenuucion and phase aJ1lft to c har.. c t ei·i~·· matched filters . Consider a nar row block pulze P(0) huving tho amplit ude ·J/c inside the inLervnl -h ,; e :: h and Lhe a:nplitudc O outside . This pulse :ipproc,cne,; ;;lle del La func;;ion ~ ( e) for vanisitlng values of < . Coz:sidcr ~urther s bank of filte<'S . Let cbe pul" 8 6(a •§ } ct api:lied at time 6 = -i to tbe input of &he fil ~cr j . The output function H.j,e ) , -i a e a+!, of (18) twd (20) shul! be produced . ~(j,S) is tho pulse response
251 .5 •2:; J1AT0HED FlL'l'J,iiS :ig . y lictoctio:i of the la:-- gent; poritive voltnse Y0 to R :Le lb.rgest "tol t6t;e is u.~ val:~en of 3 1 , E 2 an:l s, r.ho·..•a . -,:7 • der.c:-c:incd by ,. ' . v. ".' ,, Vz. 'I v-., ¥1 +1 B, - 1 -1 -1 -1 11 -1 +1 I- •• B, -1 -1 •1 11 -1 -1 +1 +1 B, -1 '1 -1 ..1 -1 +1 - 1 +1 ~. }l;Y' BJ 81 e, l ig . 9i:> D~tecti ou o! ::hr!: rcl·ltive vgtues of voltages . 'lo v, 'i 2 Vo v, v, largesr. vol wage Qccood largest vol. cage v, llo 'lz vi v, third lru·gest vol-cage B, ).; Va V1 Vz ' 5, v, v, "'v,• v, I/' I -1 •1 +1 -'i •1 11 - 1 +1 -1 ,1 +1 - 1 -·1 • 1 I lfo -1 -1 -1 or fil ter j . 'l'h<:> ti.Ile function Fx(9) of: (18) can be produced oy arp! the pulsos ax(j •6(9+~ ) -i;o 11 fil"<'rs •i~h pul~e response f(j,6) and suinming the outputs . These filcerr are denoted as transmitter filters . The receiver filters inve::-t the procc::::: . ·rhc !uocLious Fk(Q ) or 1'(9) arc applied to their inputo tl11rlng ".It<' time lntervn l -1 ;1 e ~ 1, and the coefficiento o.~ ( J) or n( j) in (20) are ob·tiU.He<l at the output of l'il te!' J at ~he time 9 • .,. . Let the functions f( j , 9 ) be reprollontod by the orthonoroal system of pulses D(0-kc); k • 0, ±1 , ±2, ... :
a(.j)i(j,9) • n(j; L:;d 1 (k)ll(&-kc) Ill d1 (") = ' J J'(j,8)D(9 - kt)d8 (26) lff;oC/] f f(j,O)d8 • f(j , kc)c lo C• Cf2 .112 k = 0 ' *1' . . . . . ±1/2£ T::e fu.c.etionn _f{ j, a) are g,.nera.11;; r.ot represented exaci;ly by th<' "Ysteru [D(9-kcl1, sir:co tile in (26) rnprenents r st,;p funcLioa . However, if c becomes sufficiently sc1ull the mewi m111are de,1iation bot ween f(J 1 a) and t!le sLi>p function becocic~ a.r·b.i t:-ari I y em all for i;hose f:inction:; thist can oe i-;euernted . Let the receiver filte1· j rro:iuce the ouo:;i;ut h(j ,9 J , -i ~ 9 " i f ~he input 6, 9 • ! J b applied . The input functicn D(9-kc) ll(~ ' +t) produces the output h(j ,9' ) = h(j , e -~-kc) i ..f e is sufficiently •mall . Hence , i;he func~ Lion a(j )f( ,J, a) applied to che i:lput produces Lhe following output s1&nnl : = t, a(j)~ d1{k)h(j ,0_,;-,:c), k • O, =1, .... ±1/2c • a(j) L: d;(<t)h(j ,-kd (28) • nc •im~ e • +t . u~ S".Jt r ci -:>J~e c 1 (i<) in f28 . The S'.llll ;;ie.d:'l che e andh~ie-l1t f(,j , J<t)h(j,-k<) . l'hio Wl intogrnl, iC < is sufl'icieutly "; j l "' J r( j , a Jh ( J , -a }da , 8 • 1 io ke. .in '!'his intec;rnl equals 1 for h(j,a I • f(j,-9) . (27) ·-- ·-· .:'.'( j, kelc frol'! ( 26) ror area of s1.ripes of widcll SUJ:I mu;; be x·eplaced by s mAll: ·-· d6 = li111 c (29) (~O) The coefficie nt a(j) i~ obtuined ot the output of the receiver filcer at the time 8 • ~ . 'rhe output 0 is obta.Uled on the othe:· hnnd, i!" the function a(l)f(l,8), 1 '/- j, is
233 5 . 2'• COl'IFAJfDOJlS npplied to the input. or receiver fi1. car j : vi Ill n(l)fr<1,a)1>.(j,-e)ue •a(,)5f(l,a) r(J ,9 )d9 = O .'t/1 Ji l 0 1) -112: :'be pulse response of t!>e rece~ver filter j :nu~t ":le f(j ,-a) if the pulse responno of the ~r=.s.Utto>;' fil10er j is!( J , a) . Transmitter and receiver filters ident ical for even functions f(j , 9) f"(j ,-8 ) , .snc! rot• odd functions f(j , 8) -f( j ,-9) . Matched filt<>rs do HoL ne~d multiplieril to deta1'minf! tl:e coefficient a(j) in (20) • . Hu ia frequently !ill a<.l v8Jltage over corrElBtor circuits . I.LI ~ene~al , one cannot 0~y whether correlntor- or :natch.-d fllt.ers are su;•criol'.' . Mult ipliers for Wal~h functio~•, " ·•· ·, are ver,Y accur'n~e . Matched filter s , on t he other hC1nd, I.lo not have to ho conntructed fro m coils and ca1oaciL o!'n , but may be d.rcuito like the one sho"m in i"ig . 36 on 1 "go 90 . 0 5.24 Compandors for Sequency Signals It is well known tbot ins-;Rntn.neou~i co:r.;ir-ession o! s fr11quency limited Gignal producor. ~ si1:;nal , tb.a~ L<' not frequenc;y limi ted an;ymo re . The renaon for i;JU. s is that compre osion of sino £unctions al·1vuytt i;;er.crates burrno11ics . fnin ia not so ~or ::ir.qu<!nc;y limi t"d fiwci:;ions componod of Val ah runctions . Fig . ~7a sho~s ns an exn1pl~ ~~o char~c­ ters F,(e) and l"x(&) . P•(e ) • wo.1(0 ,9 )+ ~ j 1 I ~ (e ) = -wal(O,e ) + ·x (-1); aal (i ,0)- -L: ± , cnl(i,9 h j •I .1 ( - 1) sal.(i,9) ,. L: cal(i , 9) ' -s l:, cal(i,a) "I Son.ding these choraceers through a co~p=esso~ int tho Ch&.1'acteristic abown by Fig . ~7b produces the Rignalc •.:Ce ) and F;Ce) of Fie; . 97c . These s.i.e;nalscontain cxnctly tho Bllllle Walsh functions as trhe chnractors F•(9 ) and 1>..,(e) , tbe;y 're only multiplied by different coerficionto . "-o'.sider a compressor characteristic ,, = Eerf(,/1{2o) .
5. S:ATIS?fCAI. 234 PROBL~s Let 'ti 1 ( x) = \.1 1 ( - <>:>< 'l!:x) be the ampll Ln:;lo <1ist1•l hut l on :rune. t;ioa of a .•. ignal bc1'01·e compression . The ftrnction W2(y ) • w,(-o::<rr~:1) follo..:s truo (L . 11): CondJer fu:t hcr a sigi:al courosed or tt.e 16 ',1ulsh func.:iou"' oi' f•'ig . 2 . A11 1G 1·u,,ctioJJs c11ual 1-1 in t;he inte1·val n < ~ < 1 /16 . Aii:ong the 2 14 binar;; charac Lers that can b<' produced !'::-om LLe 16 !.u•ction:; there ; p 1 ~ cha:i c:er 'o'lit!: ...11~'11tude 16\ .. 1) • 10 in t!:riz interval; 11 16 ~ ( hnve Lhe ~:r.plitude 1 '(11)11( -1 ) = 14 ; 0 ) chnracteru 0 ) Charactcrr h<tVe tho arr.plituile 14( 11 )+2( - 1 ) = 12 ; 120 = etc . The oame result holds fo-:- tin.v othr>r ~lmc interval . <;} (-g- Her::ce, bir:n.ry +;l1r-u:~c Cf\ rs componeC of ~,'a.;. sh 1'\lr.cLions have a .:>ernoullia..."l aap:ituje distr·ibutiOll . Let ~ cbarneter be cooF-o:;c-d of r.. ··~alsi.. !'"unctions 'fl'ith rur.plitude +~or - a . T'ne probabilit;v p 0 [ (:r.- 2b)n) of swop~lng; an =rlitude (m-~)a equaln: The dintril'!Ution func:iv:_ i!: W9 (:x), w,. ( x) «hc::-e [ x) denotes ~he !n~e~t i.l.ltee;er s'1al-er or equal x · 1 17 ( X} C't!l be SfiJrOxin:ntc!! -fOl" lRJ."~e -v aluon Of tr. by the 6 e1·ror ~· n: \I ( 'a x. ,'• "• ' ~ (1 + X 1 er 1'l;' c£ c. 1l 1 (x) ; 1 :-ne dc::-ivai;ive w, (x) .i.~ sho~ in Pig . q8b . Cocpressor cnsra.ctet•ii;it;ics Tl= Eer!(CA{2o 1 a1·c shown ioro • 0 . 5E, E ,'!:: iu Fig . 980 . '!'he corr·esponding; denai ~;y functioll
235 'i . 24 COMPANDORS f F~JJI-- ·E a } ·f. « Fig .97 Compresoion of ..Utiplex eignalc . a) origi nal signal b) compressor charact erist:1.c , c) compressed signal. Fig .98 (rigbt) Coutpression 0£ sequenoy multipl~x signals . a) compressor cho.rncteristice , b) density !unction of tho otatisticsJ. va.riablo c) density functions a.rter compression . I 11 ·I :1 ;I ;I 11[ ' b I It -.,_ t /" • ,, I .,, lit " .' I I ,......I?.'::. ' \ '• I: •' ,, • I : c, ~2(y) lll"e v z(:r) • t shown in fig . 98c : z exp((1-o 2 )(er!'-1 ~2 (y) • i(1 • er!'(c er.(1 t>' J f>J Note thnt tbe Gaussian distribu~ion 0£ Fig .98b 1s trans!ormed into an equal diGt:r·ibution £0!' o • E . Figo .98u and c also show linos denoted by "13%" . They bold f or It non-reversible compressor with tho characterist ic T1 • c tor ICI ;!; 1 . 5E and 11 = ±1 . 5:E: fO!' lcl ,; 1 . 5E . '!'his coutpressor clips e.11 amplitudes ubaolutoly larger
23& ;, . STATISTICAL PROBLEMS tha'l 1 . 5E , which are 13% of the runpli-.;udcs in t l:ce case of a Gaussiar. distribU'~ion . T!:is clippe1· will be discussed in more detail l~ s~ction 6 . 21. 5.3 Multiplicative Disturbances 5. 31 Interference Fading [,et a radio signal be trb.llsmitted via several :paths . 'l 'he samples of the sarJc signal intel"fere with one another at the receiver . Consider as example a sine- v:a,re transmitted via two paths . The samples A1 coe 2n'V 0 6 and .4, co~ 2n\1 0 (S - a,) wii;h a delay di~i'erence ~. are received . The sum o! the two;:.les may be written in two fo r :ns : A, cos 2nv 0 0 + A?cos 2rrv 0 ( B-Sv )-= (?2} t AtCOS2itv0 Sv )cos2nv0 0 + A 2 sin 2n\1 0 tl s i n2nv 0 9v + 2P.,A 1 cos2n v 0 9v + A,) 2 llZ co s (2n\1 0 6-a. ) A phase sensitive receiver rccc:ives one o.f tbe two terms of the second l i ne . The ampli tude of the s i g na l received varies between A1+A1 and A1 - A 2 or between A 2 and - Ai. . A phase insensi tive receiver det ermines the amplit ude of the o scillation in the third lin(> of (32) . n varies between A 1 +A 1 and 0 . The mathemat ical reason for this variation of the ampli1,udea is evidently that a t i ne shift Sv o rr of an oscil1atio?1 co::> 2n v 0 8 has the same eff ect us n..n ari:plitude reve-rsal , cos 2nv 0 ( 6 - 11) = - cos 2n"o e. It appears reasonable to use other f\lnotions for which Lhe equivalence bet~1een oime ah..U"t and amplitude reve r'sal does not ho ld 01' does bold for large values 01~ s . . only . A general theoret ical investigation of useful functions is mathematically very cOlllpl i c ated . It- is, however , obvious that a s uperposition o.f time shifted , differentiated \-/al sh functions according to Fig . 77 would not cancel by interference . A sia:ple:r application of orthogonal functions for the transmissi on t;brot1gh c.n interference- rading medium follows
5 . }1 IZV"'l'ElU'E!EJICE r'ADlllG n•olll the Carrow bundWidth of' tl:.P 6j':;telJ! diSCUSSCC in Sec- tion 2 . 15 .ror telot.;vr.o tr:111smis~ion . 'J'he cor!Cept. in ns follow a : Fr equoncy di vcrzity is a wol t lcno>m method for• improving t r anRmission To:i ability mder the inJ'luonce of interference fadiug . Signals are "'10dul ated onto n"v<'rn: carriers rather t~an one . .::-ore t!:o.n 2 or 5 carrier:: can genorall;y not be US< d cue ~O ba."\dwi:!t~ li.nitationn . The na1:row bandwidth !'&quired by Lhe ~y::tcm discussc<l in section 2 . 15 makes iC poonible Lo ut'.~ 1: nnd L1ore cnr1·i~n1 inst ead of 2 or 3 wi~i1out excessive ::cquii-eir.entn t'or ll11ndwidth . The question is, w11etl:er it. 111 worthwhi le to !'!'read 8 r ixed tr:mstsitter power over so r.tan:; Cll'.i~ier!"" . A st.ort digression into k:lot•U re:;ults o! divcrsit-.; :;ran!'tmission ,-.,u. is necessary before an nns,ver can b" !,Ci L et a harmonic osci 1 lnti on with !'reque::lc,y v 0 b<' 1·udinted . Using t he :fadinB modol, one ootaic!l u.~ ~he recaivor input a vo\to~e e(9) : v(9)cos(?nv0 9 • o.(3}) e (e (;:;:) v( 6 ) is a slowly fluctuating env~lope, •·h~ch is µracticn.J.l.y constant duri.!li:; an i.ntcrvul 0 -l!- B, ~ S !! 90 nnd which has a llayleigh dist,-ibution wit:t tl'. e fo LI owing denui.ty £unction : e w( v) 2v (jT exp( - P.> I v • 0 1 6 ?: 0 -.; < iJ .;e, , ( ~4) equals the expectation E(C 2 ) according ~o (4 . 53): 6' •(v') ~(v' (G>) 05) The phase o.ngle o.(9) also flucturi~t>s slowly. 1L ~l\a!l constant density functio1~ : - r.: -= 0 a. .=:: + r (~o) n < -n , a > +n An 11opvovement in transmission l'olinbilH,y rcqui1•00 , that two Oto inore statistlcully ind epcnrlent ' copies ' of tho niannl re receivec! . Hence , t>he rleni;ity function oi' the
5 • S'l'ATiSTI c;.r. ?ROBLf:!1s ,;oL'le di&t:r1 but..iOL of tt.e 8Jl.;>l:'..t..udes shall be a product of den•it;; fnnceions (31+) . r, number of i11et..hotis are known for tho rocepL.Lon of atatisti cally lotl,.pendcnt copies of a oigna1 . Space (liversity U!:;es several '1.!tt<'!: GpaceC. ~t.l.f ficiently i'tu' n.pnr-c . Angle Cive:.~sity obtoins copic5 bj" :r.eans of! antennas with. narrow Le~ . Two ;>olw:i~ed nr.tennas disc:-iminating bet;1eea i·ii:;t.t ·ma left cirr.:ulnrly rolarized provide !'Airl:t inde11emlcmt "O!'iee in the short wave !'cgion . ih'e'lllency divcr·,,Hy l' "C'> :>eve1•r;l ~inunoiaal C()L'l'iar::r 8.l!d time di;."ersity trar.srel ts -the ni.gnal .re~e~tcdlJ' · Sa~.~ing obt ~ined se·v~ral tnUepeuden: copies of a. signal the ?=ble:n of making unc of t:hec nrine" · There are basically throe n"thod~ available . a) Th•' copy is used which 11.:is tho larges"t ave1:ne;o rower dUl"iue; a tj me in-terv~l ak (o~Um11l nc l cctio.u) . b) >Lll copies w.•a added (~ual ga i.n swr.:n-.tion) . c) All cop.Le$ are :rulti;ilied co.fore swn- "'"""$ c.ntion t:1 f.:..c !..o=~ tt'i.a7- dep ··10 C!l the~r nit~t·f..t.~C pol'l·er d.u- nte:·v"l ek { naxinal t'!ll~o sm:mntiou) . For n ·..i:i.ptiriso,,; a:: - he tl ree oe'ohods I et q statistica.Ly ir:dopenclent copies of the signal F(e) 'be available . Let fading tra.nsfor:n copy 1 rrom F( 9 ) into G1(a) . A sample f',(9) or thcrn:~l noise is acldod co G1(e) . Hence , the f ol=~ng an i lowing i~ r"ccivecl as co;y L: (3~) 11,(a) = G (e) • g,(a) G, ~e) i~ :-cpre:ier.eeJ. du:·il15 B short ti:nc a , hy the following equation nccording Lo ('3) : 1; 1 v (&) = v, (9 0 )cos[;:>nv0 9+a ,(S)J, 0 0 - !0• ::! 0 lll 90 o..r::d n 1 &0 -~ s, ::; a"re :J +t e, (:;8) .c;.ssun:i.ed t:o br. constant in the lnterval a •;0 +te, . of v 1 be::ig smaller than B th!'P.~holJ v0 o:· , ;>ut:;i D£ it diffC':-ontly , tho fraction of ti:ne whicl· v 1 iG srr.aller ~}HU. v 0 .fol lo>.:s ft·om (;\4) : T!:e ;>robnhi!it;· r(Y1 <v 9 ) .v v2 2v exp ( - rr v' )d v 0 = 1 - exp ( -v 'I~ 2 ) ( "9) ;/
5 .;1 INTEllFEliENCE FJ~il;G 23') Le1' q stai;isiically indepeu<lent copiC$ oo received , all h!IVing the &11Dl8 :li::tri.bci~ion . p• ( v 1 <'r, 1 le tue probability =11at i;he pplitulle~ v, of all q CO>·i~-- "re &tmllor th= v 0 : l'lle average po,,-er o~ ~nc copy t~ 1 ( 9 ) "in<i tine ir.terval of duration 0• 1 tltut in an integer rrml tip lo OJ' 1/v 0 , fol Lows rrou. 08): ·vr 0.-e,12 A.•Q 1e, /2 G ~ {e)dS· tvf <e 0 J ~P 1 (e q ) tv/~1 ·, (41) Let P, denote the average noise po·.-. er l~~t1 :'> with copy l. The 3ignal - to- noi:;o powl'r ratio , 1 l"Pri.>ived (42) is a quantity lhat llu~;;ua::;e>= due ;;o i;>,e :a~ing only . The probabil ity of P, be~nt belo• a tnr1>!'.1'0~C r. foll01<S fr'Oa: (3'l) and (42): .: I v I /2P, < Pg /P, '.F, ) v ,'/2F, p(P 1/P,< F 9 /P, ) = p( ·;1 <v 0 W(P,) W(P0 = W(·1• ) = ) = 1 - exp(-v, / 61 ) ~ 1 - •3>."Jl( - 2F 0 /6 1 ) Let tho copy wHh the largest vnl ue J' 1 /P , ""' s,.lected !rem the q available copies. ~'Le pi·o lrnbilH,y ~I.a~ P 1 IP, is small er thnn P 0 /l', rov al:. cople-s follows !'ro:i; (1rn), i~ all copies stati5tically inUe;.iendeut. : \l, (P,) • (1 - exp( - 21\/6 2 2P ) <1"I • ooJ ;>~ Tf- dW.(P 1 ) 0 1 = ('•"i );• J (IO 0 qy\'l - e • t •·• ) ~ o'' dy • t_, I "' 2P,/62 1•et ue denote tha overage signd - t;o -noiae pO>HH" :·at io or ~acb copy by I\ /P, :
~· . Si' Al' fSTICfiL FROBLR16 The :iveragr; signal- to- noise power L 11Lio o!' oh<' best copy ' 2 is obt&ined "'it!:.. t!ie he~p o: tne rdetion (P1 ) = t6 = 1\: 0 P,q!Fr • (f ,/!', ) c 1 2:; : (%) I •I 'J'ne ratio (? sq /? r )/(Ps /P, l io r.hown i~..r'ig . 99 by the point a dtmoted b;y ' b '. One tul:f rMdil y ""o that the avertigl'l signal - to- noise ;iowe" rnUo iocx·cnsoo inoignificently if moro thnn th ree or foLt:· ucipie~ Clf'f· 1rncd for optimal so'Iccci.on. • 9 8 ~7 - • o< •• • • I !:" ... 5 ... . •• -~·' • :£ ' • 1 Fig . 99 .tncren~e or the average s i gnal-Lo-noise po,,.er ratio by dive::uity roccption accor ding to PRt;11:11>.r: . q nu.:nber of received copies of L!:.e signal ; (F 5q /P, )/ (?5 /P, • (average signal - to!'!oiso rower r9tio of q copies)/ (average signal- to-noise po;,oer ratio fol' 1 copy) . a) opti.J:ial sel~ction , b) equal gain sUOllation, c) cn:xime>l ratio Gui:u:iation. t. 5 6 1 8 g 10 ·---~--- J q- ltop l aci ng optimal selecUou b;y cqLtul e;aitt swnmation o.r q copies yi<'lds , <1ccording to 11RENNAN , t he followi ng rela~ion : (4-7) P1 q/P, • (P 5 /P 1 ) [1 + trr(q-1 )] Psq/P, etnr:.ds r:ow f or 1'hc ,,.,.,rage :;ignel - to-noise pow"r ratio of i:l:e sttn of all q copies of the sisnal . 1'h~ ratio (F sq /:,)/{?, /P,) ia showc in Fig. 99 by the :poim;s denoi:ed by ' b ' . Ovti:nal selection and equal gain "umm9tion differ on:y slightly if 2 copieo are used (g • 2) . However, equal i:;sin sunmiation yields i.J:lpr overnent of ~ . 5 dh over optimal selection ii' q • 10 copies are "° uoed . for maximal ratio summation th A ampl i.tudes of copy 1 in A t:imf' interval o f dU.l'D ~iOll 8 k il:I :nul tip lied by a
weighting factor which iE propc.,...~ionn~ to -;;::e rmn-vn!ue of copy l und .:.nv~··st!'J.;J prt)po~cionnl ~o the .r•.ns-val11~ n!· tbe noise of ~nat coiw . llR3t:Kft11 der·.Lved Lhe fo ll owing expression replacinr; (tlf>J and (47) : Psq /Pr • (P,/P,)q Psq /Pr now denot~e (48) the nverage signal-to-noise poW"e!' ratio of the weighted surr 01· q coµiel' nf ~h,. ~.Le;r:al . The ratio (Psq/l ,)/(F,IP,) is rhown in Fip; . '.."J by tlle points denoted by ' c '. l'.n.v..imu.l ~'l:ltio mm:maLion is l"lOr.1ewnat bett"r than equal e;:i.ill SUJDJ:li;tio,•. The di.f.::erenco is les!"l t.-han 1 dB for tt.e l"ange v::.... vrclu~a of q shown i'lr.d DF- proacbes 1 . "5 d.5 for inr :uiLe ·.raluA.o of <i . The increaoe of enc o.verage ~igr.n.1-tc -uoise po·..rr:-t· .i:aLio provides a good menns for cornpariniz. Lhe variouo m<"tllods fol' utilizat i on of copies of the oig1w l . The J'rtic~lou or ti:illl dUl:'ing which tr'll.!JSCJission i" possible i!l, ho.,iover , a botter measure foi· rne r<>:'\.:lii;:y or a link . Equot.lons (39) and (43) yield nuch n zeas.Jre . The r£rst g.ives tnc fraction of time during wticl. 3 \'Oltnge v, ia ~olow n thveahol d v 9 , tho uecond t!>e fraci;ion o.C Lice d uring wai<.;h the average signal- co-noi se power ?"ntio P 1 /P r ir. bolow u. thresbolcl P9 /P, . .Lot us now i·owrit,e ("3) by int!'oi.lucin~ the Pg ; ,, for which ~,ilP ) equuls t : 9 i #(PM ) • = 1 - exp(-.<?.,/6 1 (4J) ) It; follows : ln 2 '> 0 . 69} 1 2P,/6 • (P 0 /P,..)ln 2 ("O) + 0 . 693 P0 / J,.. Equation (43) may be rewritten : ll(P, ) ~ 1 - exp(-O . f.93r./P., ) '!'he j)t'Obnbility o! 1-, /!' r being larf:et" ehnn Pg IF, P(F1 fP1 >F 9 /P1 ) = 1 - W(P ) 9 * e:xp( - 0 . b93P,/?,.. ) (;>1) t•CCl:l"C! : ('.;.2) P(F1 /P,>Pg/P, ) is shown in Fig . 100 by tbe CUJ.'Ve Cl • 1 . e Ol'dinate O~ i;hat figure shows ehc: pcrcentaF:e of the 6 : ~ '~4Utt!Dolirlclom.atlQll't Tb
?42 5 . STA'US1'.ICAL PROllLEl'la time duri ng wh i ch F1 is la:'ger than a ch.r·eshola Pg . Here P 1 and P g are dHided by the r.tedian P,.. fo r· normalization, l i q copies are received one ob ~ ains l'rom ("4) the probe'bilit:r that P1 /P, ls l arg<H' chan P 9 /P, for at least one copy : p.(P , /P, >1'9 /P,) ,; 1 - [ 1 - exp( -2?9 /0' )J" Orie may t ·ewrite this equation using {SO) : (.53) p• (P , /P, >? 0 /1',) is shown in .l"ie; .1 00 bythe solid l i nes.for q = 2 , L ana 8 . 'l'hese Cu.rves give the percentage of the time llurin~ to;Liclt divcrsit:•t' traJ1smission is possible Lr1 optimal selection i s used with 2' , 4 or 8 copies and i f a ratio P 1 /P, lai'e;er tl:an P g /P,.. is J'equired . '!'he C.aslled line;; in ?ie; . 1 00 sho·..; the percentage of the time <luring i,..1h P 1 ::>f a sua of 2, 4 or 8 co1>ies is lar;~ei- tltun the thI'es!10ld P,. Hence, cney give the Sr-action of cizr.e duri n g whicn diversity transmission i s possibl e i_f equal gai rr stw::nation i s used with 2 , 4 or 8 copies "(l,.Dd i.f a i-at i o P ,/P, larger titan Pg / ? " is required. These cux~ ves may b~ computed «ith the help o.r (4. 97) for q; 2 'while nume!'ical methods have to be usf'd r or J arge;r. values o! g . 5.32 Diversity Transmission Using Many Copies '11be r.iechod.s discussed i r1 r:.he pL·eviouc section for obtaining statistically indepen(\ent copies oi a s i gnal usu - ally proviC.o only a few co-pies . Polarization ciiversi izy cannot yield more than two copies . Space and u.ngle diveJ;•,... si ty could theoretically yiold many copies . HoweveI' , co.:nsidei·ation of co~t and the space required limit this nUllll>er i:i practice . Foi· instance , antennas have to be spaced several hundred l!leters apart for space di versity in t he shoTt wave rggion . Frequency and time diversity- ~e the only pract ical methods that can provide many copies of the sit!;naJ. . In order t>o apply tb.e curves ot: Fig . 100 i;o frequ.ene;t
!>·-'2 D!vi;:RSITY r~..U:S.'11SSION H~ . 100 Relative time 69 dunng wh1c:i ehe noraali&ed signal po wer of a diversicy l;ransminsion excflcdu a threshold P. IP. (tleri ·:od from f i gures due to BRE;lNAfl ) . q num·oer o!" !"eceivod copies ; $Olid lines : optimal se!oc·Uon ; dashed lin e!l : equal sua:mation;;hod-dotted 1 iue : recept io11 wi tho1it <Ji ver- "it:r . end diversi10y , one '1lU.\lt keep in mind tl:·1L q ' Oqtrnl ' signal" are radiated '1hilo ocly one n1gnal is raa111Led Jor space nnd llllgle dh•ersity . Given a cer:;ain !lve:-ege Lr9n!>::tittcr power, the average power t·adie.oed pe:- sit;na l is S1llall er by a factor 1/q for f «equency and Lime <llvcrsicy than for space and angle dive1•1Jic;r. 'J:·l'.is d~· of fi·equoncy and time diversity mo.y , o.r course , ·u e compousate<i. Instead o.r using q antennas !'or l'eception an in r:puce and englo diversity , one may u~n ono with q-~imoc the gain; this would just compenoote ~he reduced si.rnal powei• or each copy . Lot the transmitter power a.nd the receiver antcn:m be !ilced . Replacing ord.innry transmission 'q = 1) by q-fold frequency diversity will br.i.nt. e.r. impr·o vemen-; only iI ~he average signal-to-noise power ratio a t the receiver i nput is :!.ncroaaed , despite tho dccroaBo of t he aigMl-to-uoirc JlOWcr t•etio of each copy by 1/q. Reduction of the 4Veri;ge signal power per copy by 1/q reduces ,;be media11 P,. in Fig. 1ou to P,../q . Given a ce1·tnin threshold P• the ratio P, ll'., l>ecomea q?, !F.. . Using q- fold frequency di vLr~ity , the traction of t;~e during which the average signal po\fer exceeds qP• IP.. oust be larger than the fraction of .. ,
5 . S1'1..'. LS'PIGAL PaOBLD!s ~ilte durii::;; 'Ahicl. thn avercge si!;Jla l ;>O>fer· exceeds p IP,. 0 for ordinary trar:s11i~"ion. Consider an eX'llLple : Tl:.e curve q 1 iL Fig . 1CV yi,.lds .18: 9'>'!& fo:::- 111logf0 /P~ ~ - 11 d.B , while the cur,•es fol· q : 2 yield for 10 log 21-9 /P,.. = - 8 d!J the values 68 • 9';J% And 99 . ;>%. 3enc() , l;woi'o_d diversity increases tho frac~lon of til!ie durin~ whlch 'the average ::ignal µower ir lari:;ec· t:.. an P, !'rem 'l~;N to -·):!:>or 99 . 3%. On•-1 eta~-- reaCi l:; see thnt nuch a!l i-:x:prove:ncnt is possible ii" the cu.rves q • 1 nnd q " 2 a=e separuLed horizontally by ~t lea~t 10 lo~ q = 10 10£ 2 ~ 5 CB . Thr. poi.z:.ts denoted L,j' :-1 en ' Bbow <ncre this separa~iO~ i!:; just ' dB .,y rwo:·otd di\ler~ity wiLh equal g3Lu nu!lltl&tion is worthw1Ule i.!' uati"ft1c tor;:,.,.. O)'e!'alion occu 1·~ Jo·r more than 1 1 ... '•0% ot i-:hil~ l.h~ the ticio, wh~le opttmel selocU011 will be wor&hor.l,y .:r !iati~r1.1c~or·y ope!-·aiian is µot1t:5ihle for more ;:~~of the"ti:r1e . BaseC. on thr nax:&E> con~idera-;iou.s thf!' oepara:;io= between tt.e CUT':e" q = 1 a:>d q " 'I must be at lenst 10 log 4 ~ 6 dE o.t:d h<'tweeu q = 1 an~ q = 8 at least 10 log 8 ~ 9 d3 in orde:· to :i:ake I •u,.h l 1 or eif!!'lt>fol :l di v~1·sity wori;hwhile . The points in fii:; . 1cl'' denoted by ' b dll ' Md ' 9 dB ' inaicate 1·1here t heGe sepnratio ns fn'e junt b and 9 dB . Optimal snloction i• worthwi il<> unly i.f ea~l1H' actory operation is pos.:;il~le at. lenc- /lJ'fe- or SOJ\, of ~he t.; . ~··oi., equal S".llll!!.ntion o~: Lh..rr.~ points '3 dE. 1 , 'o dB ' and '9 dB ' arc locutc<I on tbe lin<' ll.2 = '-::;!(,. F~equenc:1 diversity using equ~ gain :;mni>sLio:i i,.. worthwlll.J.e if ~nti~fnct:ory tion i~ ;>osd ble a~ !east 40~ of the time l!o~t '.>Jltli large:-j, Jillltiber of coricn . !i; has been ctincur;sec in section 2 . 1~ t.Lat operaand is then a cert~d.Jl fr·oquency bo.ndwldth may be well utillzod by sine and coz .We fU l ses . Six t"1ctype circuits 1·equiro 11bout 120 Hz bn..110wtdtl.L acco.rtlin; tQ 1'able 4, twelve circuits a.bout .:40 Hz . ;, ,;oi;al of 2400 E!:: bandwidth are t· for tenfold !requc;ncy diversity tra!um:issior. Of theM twelve ci.rCU it" . -,.,. spacing or tte ten copies by n;ul tiplos of 24-0 !!: i~ suf.t:icieut in the nhort wave rei::;ion .
6. Signal Design for Improved Reliability 6.1 Transmission Capacity 6, II Meas ures o l Bandwidth Ii; we.a recoe;ni~ed 'tcry e<rrly during Lhc <luvelopmeut of commun;i.cntione that the possi ble tra!lS!lliSuion rate O! Gy:Dbols o! 8 COOllllunication clrnnnel deµemleo 011 its response of attenuation and phase S!Oift . J>'or innt:nncc 1 the !s:ious theorem by NYQUIST [ 1) and r::Jn :·lt:LLE!'! ;: <>, 31 that one independent symbol may be t:-an~:oilte<! per ineerval or duration - throi:gh an :.~c'lli=c<! ::':·c~uenc:1 lowpass f ilter or band1<idth 6:f . ,,·here T : 1/26f . (1) '!'he tre.n$miasion i·ete of "ymbo1':: is Je!i11~,1 in tc.iu caseQy ~he nwnbeL' 1/T o!: independent s:1rcbolfi tran:;;n:itted por unit Lime [ 11, 51 . SH.,1.}fNO!\ t ook i nto ucoo\.lJlt tllat vhc po~eible branswiaaion race or or:r.ation rl'l i ondna on statistical disturb~ces as well as on i;l !e r 1·equt11cy r r:;ponse or attonuation and phase shif;; [6 , 7J . H~ oM:nir,..,d the ce lebrated formula for the JXlSnihlc trqn,,miudo::. rate of information through an idealized .:-requency ! ri: ter ~der the influence of additive t~erc~ ~oise, C • 6 f lg(1 + P/P61 ), (2) \there C is the transmission capacity stated, e . g ., in bits per seoond . 6! is the .f requency bandwidth ol' t:ho ideal 1zect 10 '-'Pas s filter and P/l?61 is the quotier:.t (ave<'oe;e sie;oal Power )/(aversgo nobe po1<er i n the band. O lli r :; o.r) . It i s important .ror the presen L purpose that (1) "" "ell e.e (2) contain the frequency bandwidth or . A consistent t heory of communic11ti on b aaed on complete sya~ems of
6 . S!GH.U. DESIGlj 246 orthogonal functions require~ a defini.t:ion of tra.'ls:nission capacity chat does not need the cor.ceft of frequency . First, frequency is eliainated from the average noise power P., in the frequency band 0 :Ii f ~ Af . To do so let the noise , represented by e vol~ap;e , bt app:'..ied through o.n input resistance R 0 to an integrator t!:1H; integrates tbilS voltage over 11 ~ime i.m,ei·val At . A totnl or , integrritiono i " per.formed. Tho int~e;rotor• output voltage q11 the end cl' the ~-th intee;rabion wlll be dona Led by v,. ll'or <v,) thormnl noise ·the mean vol tae;c is oqunl to zero . '!!he i:ienn square deviation from ;,ero, multiplied by 1/;10 , is an o.verage po•11er and may cha.:.•acte.c·ize the noise just like P4r does: (v}.!Ro) • (3) Ueinf: section 5 .11 tllis result :nay be generalized . g,(9) of (5 . 1) be a '-'Oltai:;e across a resistor Ra which is caused by ~he::-cral noise . -;'h" no~atior. v,(t) will be "Used 1.nscesd of e; , (a) and the Iunccions f(j,9) in the samo cqu&tion a:re replaced by tllo voltages ~. whcro Vis def'in(?-0 as follows : ®p 1 = 'i.'V' Jf(J,9)f(k , 9)d9 011 T' I 'l l J V(j,t)V(k,L)<lt =1; T = e - I'll 'rt1e coefficiem;s of (,? .1 ) are repr'o<lented by normalized volt~i;es using the notation 'r'V,(j) . :Equatioi: (5 . 1) theA ansUBen che .!"ol lo7:ing .:orm: g,(0). •r' v,(i:) " f;a,(j)f(j,e). v"' j:O a,(j). •r' en v,(j) = ~ v,(j)V(j , t) 1 ,.,, J g,(e)r(J,e)ae ·w I - e12 (5) joO v,(t)v(j,t)cit .. 1·12 Lot Lhe voltages V· • 1/, ( t )V( j, t) be applied to an integ:ruco:r and integrated from -tT ' to +t,T' . The output ·?oltage at the time t.'r ' equals -'I ,(j) i.C the time constant
6.1 1 H£ASURES Ol' llAHDWID'IH of the integrato:' ir chorer: equal to tne of The quantity Vi(j )/Tio , witr. dimen~ion or power , derived f rom the 01 rh put volt~p;e . Lot V; ( t) if ( 5) red, divided by !R0 , and then;egrr.Led froo _,T ' m 1 f V~(t)R~ di; = /'V; T .f.11 time T . may be be :<qur;to i'l" : 00 .. , ,.1 . • ;\J )R (6) Since che left b~nd side is the $.V<'I'nge ;iower of the noise sample e:, (e), Che riglch hand oido musL have the suwe moaning. A certain t~rm j )/H 0 lr: the sun represents the ave.rage power of tbe coa:ponent j, or f( j , 9), of cl1e noise eB!:lple g,(e ) . Ave:'at'"inb the terci Y!CD/R 0•1er 1 Slllllples of noise g,(e), Vi< lim ,_.., '.l! <-. L V'(·j)l'r' "' , a' ,\:I (7) yieldo the average power FJ of tho compo11ant j o~ tbe noine s11111ple s or of "tl'l' noise" . The dislri'lJution of V,(j) is the same for any J in the case of t~.em,l noise . Henc<' it makes no difference ~· com_pone~t i r aveL':?.ged . ln this case one inuy repluce 1 the avera5e ovo1: ~ by 1;be nv..,rai:;e over j . Furthermo1'e, the average oJ Ir. componeni;n eqltals :n tiltieo tho avoragc or one componen L: m-1 1 (l:v'lj)R) l•O .l c = m(v'(j)lr') A a = (8) The value o::- P 1 ie quite indepcndeuL of tbe orthoc;onlil syetom [ f( j, 9) l . Multiplication of tho noi"e sOll!ples g, ( o) by the ru.nctiona ot cm or·thogonal $,ystom (h(j , a)], which have the same orthogonality intervalo a• Lhe functiom; f(~, 9) and can be expanded into a :>cries according to (· · 5J, yield voltages v;(j) in,,tead of v,(j) . Ii; i'ollo•·i;, however, ~fro!!! (S . 4) to ( 5 . 12): (V!(d)R~) • (vl'(j)R~) (9) ~·rhig exchange of time and ensemblo average requiree that ha 01·godic hypothesis is sa;;isfied .
>.> . $1GNAL DES!G!{ Tt.:!! fil:.i;:hcs Yl•e in\•e5t~gntio!l -qbo,:t the 1·e;:.lace~ent orf 61 :..n (2, . ~ct uo r.o"N turn to t;.ile ret lnceoent of !lf in l.h~it. ~quation b;i a J.1U!'1Jn:eter th~t i:"" i11\!r•penCent of sino and cosine _fWlctiona . ;:t:+.1 or·c-bogon.!:1.l .fWlct;ion~ l' (V , 9) , fc(1 &) ' :rmy bo tronnmitted through a commtmication c!.:<ur.!'1 during tt-.e oL'L:10-onr.oliLy interval -~ ~ e ~ i . Coi.;.sidcr a~ =-~eci:;i.l C0.8(? t:... ~ :~1Lncti0!1S Of the Fourie!.· Ass1une t:hei:1 r ,(1 , '3) ' .. . !{O ,a J = 1, ~,d,&, -i ~ a , c ,r, (l ,e)' r ,(1 , 0) ~ ?, l = • '[;:,coo2:-1S, fs(J.,0J 1 ... 1 , 9 : t/T . (10 ) ':lleae sin~ an<l oo:'=!ii..c £!£~£!!E2 are O!'t,J1onorr~al in the i.nteJ'Val -! ;,; ~ :l! f nnd widefinec our.mdo . J,et tnoro be stret ched by che sub:cLic1Jti.on 9 ' = 0/~ aG in . ecLion 1 . 21 : !(0,3'): fi0/~,9) •f? cos 2ri(0(~ r,(i,g') = -t ~ e' f2:-inZ':'li(61~' = ~ ~, -~s < s ., t ,·2sir.::>n{11ns • r$(i/~,3; ~ The <\urcotiOJJ ot th<' orthogonal.icy ictcr.vtt l bas been nc!·eased .fro1t 1 •;o ~ . Tit" numbe:r o.f functlorn; transmitl;ei.l 1 er· u:rit of -im£. sl.1ull rCJ:nnin co:' . ~(f:l ... 1) functions r.n.!:1.t b~ tra!<! int.he i.::rt:erv-al ~ - ... as large. The i:ulex i fro:n 1 :.o k, .:l:ere k in defir.ed by the equatio:.i j (2-+1 ;.; - 2k.. ~' k 0 t(l T !- (12) + •J /2~ ) • Let ; app:roacl: j nfinity . The tice limi tcd sine and co31.Yle elements becor.rn tl~i:; periodic slnc o.nd cosine fUllCti ons wi~h tte frl'<!Uonciec i/s ~ v a !'T . 'l'he frequency V r11r.e f1'om v 1 = 1/~ ro v. ~ k/s Gince i runs from 1 to k. Ttl<' difference v, -v, , <ienoted as tlie frequency bandwidth Av, ~~ given by ~v = l~T = :im 1-- (v--v 1 ) :i=: !-«> ~/~. 6(21+1). (1})
MEASURES OF 3._o_!ffi'•'IllTll • 6 11 A!• 21+1 -pr• I 0 2 'i 24-9 (14) lll/T is the nwtber of o!"thoe;onv.l func~ior.s tr·nn51tit~ed per unit time T. The bandwidth t:.v or or is a mca<;urc of t;he !1Ul11ber k of orthogona. n:lno 01· cosine element" t1·011emit ted during the interval of ot'thogonali t.Y , if the UUtUber of eletnonts a11d ;;heir orthogoa11-ity inter'1aJ -H · a :i ts approaches infinity . Accorcing to ( ·1~) one r.iqy use a./"' instead of t:.f wbicl: :_,, tl:e nUDber of s~e !llld co::ine ele- oents tranS11itted per U!llt tllt!' : • The freque11cy bandw~tlth Ar tr. only e measurn of the numbei· o! sine and cosine !'unctions tllat can be t:.;1·w.t1tlit 1;e11. Oil the other lu'.U1d 1 m/' 1 mn;v be int;erpretnd ne. u 1:1eaauro or tlie number of or;;hoi;onnl fwictionn t;1nt CUll be transmitted per =i~ .of ti:n" , wHhout rercrenco to Ginc and cosine funct i ons . r.encc 1 m/T is a i;encrr,li:uclon or the concept of !"reque:::cy bll!l<!"•idtt . The difference b81'WCe0 uf W-.d 1>/T goes beyond t~.C 6=eater generality of u.;': . It is o:·ten cu.aber,;on~ for theoretical investii:;ations thai; cvN·y funci;ior: occu:;iie" e.n ir:!inite section of the time-fi:•equency- c'"o:nnin . ':'!Je hntched section in J!ig .1 01a snows th" S<Jction of the time -froquerto;ydomoin occupied by a i'w1c~1on l;hat diffe1's from ::el'O in tho interval t 1 " i; ~ t, onl ;y . Fie; . 101b sh owe t!Jc ~ection occupied by a i'requency- limi1,e>d f;.uici;ion that is uox:-zero in tho interval f, ,; f j r, . The batcted area.!! can be Dade finite only by truncating Lhea 11.l'bitrari:y at so:&e value or r or t since ther" ai·., no tim" and 1-reque1tcy-liir.ited tunctions . It has been shown in section 1 . 33 that Lhe!''' i.t1 n clu"s ol' ~ime a.nd. sequency-limitod. t'Ltnctions . Tllis makon it tempting to replace the tilnr - l'requency - domaiu by u tin.enequency- domain. But this woul.d unnecessarily dit;tint;uisil the Byl'tem of Walsh l'unctionl . ~t is better o i•·t. roducr. 8 'time-function-domain' . Consider a syste~ of functions (1'{J, 9 )] , which are orthogonal in the fillite interval i;, § ~ ~ t, and zero outside; j • 0 1 1 1 • • • j,. ... j,. ... Let
b . SIGtfftJ, DESIGN sigm1l,; be cooroscd of .l"U;lctions ;;it:-. the index j rlllUliug Croo j· to j 1 • According to Fig . 101c, tlu: cin:e isplottea along the "bscisoa ond the indices j or ,j/! = j/( t 1 -t 1 ) along the ordinate of <> cartes ian coor<linatE.> sys tern . 'l!he signnls considei·ed occupy i;be hate hod sec ~ion of this timerunction-domatn. These s ignals at"e "xactly ~ime <>nd "function" lin:ited . ;.et us investigate the connection betweei: sequency bandwidth t.:p and :r./? . The system of functions (f(0,9),fc(i,9),r 5 (i,&)J , i = " ••• 1; -1 a a !; (15) shall be orthoc;onnl w1d ?i ,;!ca.J.1 equal ~ho nwnbcr or zero C!'ossings in the orthogonality interval . The same co nside!'ations apply as l'or ~he sine and cosit1n olements . :Equations ( 13) and ('ou) are obtained agali1 , buc the normalized sequency u has to be "uos~ itutcd for the normalized :'.'requency v . Purtber:to!"e, 6v is rerlaced by Au: li.Jt i~ = D.~ y = (u.-u I) • . la i~ 2~+r1 • .Ll 'T "' k/s = H21+1) (16) (17) Comparison of (13) and ( 11;) with ( 16) and (17) shows: n) The norma-izcrl Crt!quency bandwidLll ov ir1 a measure of (>{2 cos 2nv0 , the nu..mber of functions of the sysLem '(2 sin 2nv9) ~ha~ cen be crru:slli tted ln a normall-zed time int.erva1 of duratoion 1 . b) ~e nor:nalized sequcncy bandwidth du ill a !!lcasure o! the nw:ibe!" of ~unctiono of i;he more general "yatem { r c<u, 9) • f 5 (u,9)l that can be transmitted in a normalized time in~erval or du.ration 1 . c) The .frequency bnnllwidth Af = Av/T i~ a opocial case of the scquency bandwidth Ore = 6µ/T, but m/2'.l' ia an even more p;eneral measure of bandwidth since it applies to all complete sys~ems of or~hogonal :unctions inclu<ii_ng those to whic!: the concept of aequency in its prenent definition is not applicable . m/2~ equals "one hslf the average nUlllber or functions tro.n~mitted per unit tiloo T" .
• 2 <rRJ,.tiSt:ISSIOi< CAPACITY 6 1 i'i .101 Time-!'.:-equ~ncy-domain and timP- fUI.ction- domain . a )gsection of t!oe timc-frequency-domai:: occupied by a lil:ie limi ted signal; b) r.cction of th~ title- f:-,.queocy- doauin occupied by a frequency liaited nie;rtal ; c) nr.ction of the time- funct ion-domain occupied by a time ur.d runction lirr.i- tod signe.1 . !",-f, = Af ; t , - t , • ·r ; J ,-(J , - 1 ) = m. 6.12 Transmission Capacity of Communication Channels Consider signals l'x(B) i;bet ni·" composed of t;hc ~ya~em or !unctions (1'(0 , 0 , fc(l , s) ,f ,(i ,B ) ] or'thogonal in the interval -1 x. .e 11 2 , :r 9 li ' • ... (18) l.~t Fx(9 ) be tran""'i tt'>d t!lrou...-h a co=unica~ioc channel . Then for the be:lng thnt the fUr.ctiOOS f(0,9 ) , an~ <1elayed by ~he time 9(0) durin g transmission . Using i;be at~enuat ion co ••f!lcients K(O), KcCi ~and K,(i) of section 1 . 32 , one obhi:l~ !~r the signal at the receiver: ! SSSU!l'e cCi, 9 ) lllld 1'$ ( i, 9) at·c only attenuated Fx.<e) = hx(O)I [O , e - a{O)) + f (hex (i)f, (i , 9- 9(0) ] 1 (19) ••• bsx (i1~s [ i,3-9l0,] l b~(O )~K{O)ax(O) , bc x(i)=K,(i)acxCi} , b 5 x(•) K$(i)u 5x(i) !Ilhe recoiver shall determine which one of the noositle Cbe.rac•ers F.,(e) was cransmitted . The lea3t-mea.D~ squ&rP­ c!eviation criterion sho.11 be used for the decision . Sanplc 6' •sna1s F .,M( e) ll!Usi; be produced at the rec6 iv>'r •hic'" 11 8 similar as possible to the rece ived signals Fx.{9) . Jt 18 t hen necessary to decide which intesral T( ~, x) io c:nal•t!st:
''· 5lt.WAL DESIGN 1 .. 112 J° I(Y >Y,J • [Fxr(9) - :; , .. <e>:'r15 (20 ) 1... 111 tt =1 , 2, ... x, . . .... j x.•1 2 , ... 1 Le-"t u:- ~e:sucu tr...:: sa:.111p_e- :·u.~c;.io :_ s : XM\0; could be mnde e:xactly ~• i;o the r~ceived :ii.1n1al1> : .,(e ) Tlic~, eq·~al (21) i"i~gra• • x .r~ ,.1J is tl:cnzei·o . '!'he iJ1 Lc, I(9 , x) tor Liust djffr!:.· from ~.e r o bJI tiL lr:ar:.1.. AI~ 'l'he minimum ~= (..:~.u:o- ct '1....t·bi~r&1~ily ! i& is only ;.•oss.:Yle to a fir..ii:-r:> d fferr:n<"'o . :i; ftjllow·s .rrotn ( 19) trnd (20) due to i-he o:rtho"o,-111alit;1 of the aynt"in {-" O ,:l },fc( i,& ) ,r,L,Sll: di.frert:i<.:c;; so:J,ll "" l(~ , x) ~ [L.,, (OJ-b, ( 0 ) ) 1 •;8{[bH (i)- b 0 .(i) ] '1 (22 ) "I - (bs . i)- bsx iJ] 2 I l 61 Cc::.:.1<ler thor..~ si; Fn(d) that d- f'fer ! ' t·orr. F~,(9) ·In only one cl' t1he coel'ficieuLs q .. (Q\ , cxCiJ oI a,x{il ; or:c of t-" foll >wir:g ... ondi~iou.i::> cus- I o:d : (2;1) fb, .. (.l-'t>cx\i)] 1 ~~I, :u,,.(i'- t sx (lJ)' ;;; 61 "'l,e iir. .. c~l valu•~s 6n(O), oa 0 \.i and Oas (i) by wliicll the coeffi cl e1.>ts of twc signals mu,; t' d ii'fer 11 t tee LrnnsmiL Loi• foll cw fro~ ( 1 ) ~ !l!ld \ ~ 1 : '"·r(O)-n x (O)J ~ ,c,a{O) • (61) I nc~(iJ-ncxCU I ~ I "s .( l - k sx oi I ~ oac( 1) LI a ( i ' 112 /K(O) (td) < (.:, J 111 111 > (211) /lc(i) /Ks { i ) 1nt a,(O 1 , "'cx(i) a :od <>.$,.(i) be r c,,"tricLed to value s be~""en •A nr.d - A- 'rhe r.umbe!' of :>ossiole coel'ricients in tr.~u riv(•t' by l ..o' :-, , ra " .eAl\(0)/(11 )'" +1 teld r51 : Ol5)
253 The ' ones' on i;h.e r1L~Lt hu?;.tl aides ua::e i=to account C!lc pos s i bility that t!.: coef!tcicnts coy l:ov··· the ,·al.ue zero . TM l argest integer s tloett Mt i:::fy the .iLeq;ial t ci.,. (?~) must be ca.Icon fo::- r 0 , i·" an~ r . , . rh.c perntissi ble vnlue s of Lhll coeffi cient a.,. (o) 1.U'e 0 , ±t: a( OJ , ±2Au (O} , •• . iJ' ru is odd ; for even r 0 ~hey are ± tAa(O) , ± i i> a(O) , . .. Le t Kc(i} , fo r i.,. le , und K5 \ i ) , :·or l > 1, , 1,n flO siall thot the fol I owirw re 1 etior.:; !:old : (2&) No information can be trttnr.mi :;te:..l wi t. !i s :~ins:-~ 1'u1tction r«i, 9), for i > l e, rr f5(i , 6) , for i. > ls . ?oI' t1l:ropli f icat ion let us put (?7) 1, w!:lere 1 is calle d tlle hmdlilf.J.t . ai:;t ed beyond the :>anclir.i~c but The coefficients 00 ai:; leas~ I.WO ! 5(i ,S) , i > 1 1 must be ehw...bed 111.rormat :.on cru: l.:!! trwcic tiJe yroce~s is ~lrr ..:·ent . ;unc;ior:.:; f c( '.. , 6) and/o::to obtai116.di.f.fOrl'nc :i;isnal. Thi~ type or trar:><rr. 1,,.si.on i.; irlf·OSSicle if ti .... f1Ltt' nuetiora increases so l'apidly ttie ·oandlir:11t t.t~t• t. tee cond'i t i on .., J.: ((b, ., (i)- bcx ( i )j1 +( b$ ,., (J.) - bsx(i)] 2 l i.1 . 1 <~ I (?8,1 is s atisfied for ar:y pair x ru;d ·i . The number of disti nguil; 1able sigr:a~!: t=t:t. c&.:J l'e LransUtted during e. tiloe int:el'Val of dura-;;io!! '! i: t!.~t. ,,z;i """ 't :: ·;he (Jl'Oduct I ro Tfrci r ,1 1.1 . Tb~ i nroi•mntion transciH~ed per uni-;; o: i;ime , or the trll.l1< miesion capacity of ,;ho cho.nud , is t!.s logaritlt1:1 o: tb1s Product divided by ~ : c - I ;r ig ..2:, (lg .... , +lgr 5 ; )l (2'1)
254 G. srnr;AL DES!Gtj Lee;· us cons ider a special caae of ( ~· ) . Ii; .=:-ol1o"s fro111 (25) for r 0 = r , ; r5 i· : K(O) • Kc(i' = Ks(i), i - 1 ..... l All functions f\O,S), ~c(i,0) w.d 1' 5 (i , 9 ', i ~ 1, areatLN>uatod equally . It follows i'roa. {?.9) : c 21 l 1 1,,. £ 11 0 ( 30) Lt Lb e system of funct ions u sed t ho peri odic sine and coaine functions one n;a,y subsLitu l;o t.f f1•om ( 1 £~) an,d obtainn : C • 26 f 1 g r • 11 I At';> lg r 2 ( ,1) '!hii< fora.uln has the otructm·e of SHAl:?iO!! • s formula (2) alt;housh it was deri\red untle1• dif.fcr~n!: assumptions . It will be show!l in uhe rocsinder of ~his s~ction tha~ r in (30) end (;,1) i s :-eplace<i by (1 • ?/'f61 i f t h e Same 3Ssu.mptio!ls are a:ade as in tho dorivetion of (2) . Conoi<ler signals F,.( 6 ) composed of t' :·unctions .f( j ,a) . >'" 'Tile orthogonality i nterval is -~ lS O :: .. , l•x (O) • i or -aT ;; .. ,L; ax(j)f(j,6) t :: tT . (}2) (L'(j,u)} = (f (O , a ) , fc(i , S),fs(i,9)}; r • 2k 11 . 'fh" iutcgrnl c!' Pi ( &) yields Lhe ave''"!>" power of the sii::nul : •II J r;Cs)•B 1 1/2 - J · Ill Fi(e/T)dt = Px (33) - 1/l 1 l~l 1' , -1 /1 , .• L a~CJf 1 (j,t/T)dt • 1~0 Inotoed o!' representing a signal by 9 time function 1"x(0 ) , ono n:ay 1·eproscnt i t by a point in a r-dimensional c~1 r L esi<Ut signal space , accordi 11g ~o aection 2 . 11 . Let ~ho UllH vecLora e i , J = 0 ... t·-1, point in ·~ho direction o I' 1,110 ,. coo1•d i oete axes . 1'he aqu1u·e of the le ngth of obese vcctor·s equw.s the integr al o! tno aqLLnre or f ( j ,s ).
6. 12 TRANS~Uss:o:1 1n , J fl (j,9Jdo ri 255 CAPACITY • - ei • I s r '< .i, "l , L;T 1a L = ~· • · Tfl .111 ·rer 04 > A ,igna.l is reprenented by t llc r ol 1 owlue; su:n : (35) F,,. F~ r ather than F.., (e) is w:-itten i n vecLO<' represcnLnLion , and Fx represent s El certaiu point in t.lie r - dim1'nsio1tul spaae . Its diotancl" rr•om tlle origiu ls Dx : t•t D~ • (':' "6 -~ a:( j )e,, l/1 1• <· I • [ T L. "' a..,' j i.' I> -· I 1 (l'Px >' ( ;;6) 1=0 A sample of therffial noise , 00 g,(e) . L: a,(j)i'(J,0 ) , O'/) jaO may also be reprcsenLed by a II; • .. 2; j•O ~ec~or: a,(j) e 1 ( :;d) According to ( 5 . 24) and ( 5 . 25) only tho r· cociponents £(.i , a) or e 1 that occur in the signal nre J.O•portant in t37) and (38J . Hence , g , (a) ia divided i.J1~0 two parts f' 4(il) ano S.l( 6 ) ; the part g'.(( 9) 11ay be ignor,.d: e;l(e ) • ••• L: a,<jJr cj ,e J f•O ••• 2: e;(j) e , 9l 00 g~(e ) • 2: a, (j )f(j ,e ) 00 g ~I ju The distance of the poinr D.i•[T~a, (j)] 11 ' 09) I•• 9l = l;o.,(JJe ; ;11 .fro:i: the origin equal~ u·. A • (40) i•O Tha nvorage power of many noise samples 9A i s denoLed by P._ 1 ; the indices r and T indicate the nw:iber of orthogona.l.
256 r, . SIGWJ.. DESrcr. coinponer:'t:z of ort~ogonalit;f !,be !'lOi;;f? 99..1.t:'le and tbe ~u!·atio!J of the intPrval: It has Ueer. sLowr. i.n ~tccion.s ; . 11 ancl 5 .1 c vet'~ general assunrtiotie, t~.e"t Cl.c di.:;trtbuLion or che coe:f!icients :!,t(j; it! tt:c Gtrm.:- for.· all j , if 1..h~ gA{S) ue sw:ples of tb;raa! noi:;e . t:qu:;!;i:>r. (41 ) as Db;t thus l:e re•..-rit-ten £01:~;.:s: (42) '!'Ile a•1e rnge over X for 1'iJ<ed j A.Verage over ~ may bo !'1>plnoed by tho :·ol' .Clxc(! k. : r,,r (43) The subs ti tuvio:.. ]j.m ·~ . P, • ::" yiela.s : .. "' liu. ,_ : 1 t ' ?:n_i(j) Comparison of (110) nn<l ( 44) shc.-s tho t ~he disl:o.nce Dl of ell ;:>oinbs g', rroc. the origin app1·oache" ('rt·, 1 '"'for large valuts <>f r . rte point n repreo;enting ther:nal noise are loca~ed in signal spnce arbi~rarily closo to the sUTface 1 Of a r-<lin,,nsion9J Sphere aith radius l rP .. 1 )V • '11".e ave~·agc po,·1!'.'r of ' si~nalr- Fx follows from (3}) : p • lin l - W 1 - l L:rx \X~l 1 liw \--4>0 t ±.., I °" L.J "'X (j) ('+5) .('"1 j tO This eque.tion m'ly h" ret·:ritLen , if Lhe coorfici cnts e.x{j) have cc.<> ;;ame tli~L•·ibuHm: for all j aud if they ore stA;i~tica:lJ ~nCop~nder.~: I • li:n ·~ ' 7 2;a;(j) • )(: I • lim ,_,. =l I °"a'(j) ,., L.J x (4&1
6· 1 2 TRAli@!:SSlO!l CAFA~ITY The substitution .. liJ!l p = ,_ i;oi;parisor: 1 • :. 25'/ :i'ieljs : ('17) l,_.., im ;:0.1-il C~1 i;r.o;;~ tr.n : ) all J f x b.l'C locaLetl arbi •rarilY clo,;e to LI:" cu.!'~ace of s «-:E!l:ez:sion'll s~l.e:·e l(it'l rndius (TP/' ro:r ~".:-ge val',"" o! r . A signal •1:itn rut uUrlitive ar;i!1C ... ... e g ~ zuperl-:r.i.1ooed is J.~opresenteC by l.. J11) point. ,_ I Fx + gl = Z [ ax(jJ • a , U •] e , 1=-• Tile points F,,+ 9l , x 1 , 2 , ... ~J'e located artitraril;.112 . close t o Lhe 01 a spt.e!'"f' \\J.L h racI i;.i:: ''~(' .., - i - !',,, ) for ll't'ge value~ r.•f « : .. lim ,_ {T '_J.~' . '''!('r1.r,• -. )Vl ( "-~) ' -~ F.\' cau!;ed t;-t-~e u~oturbed ai gnal Fx + 9A i .:" t he rliHtt:u be t wee,.... Any Lwu Bif>1111l point s iv at least. 2( .:.f',, 1 / 11 • fhe r·ossililo nw;i'Lt!r oJ llOints ha'\ring thJ.::f :r.i.rrtm.m di:: t. i l"') 1-"'rom or.c '1J)ol.J1er !.. equd to the posaiblc nu::iber o! ci;:r.als . -O fot·:~'IJ.i::ri this number cocsider the . .;olw:;e '.' or n r-;:;i anul ~ptere b11•1ing the r adiua R (>.>, 7] : Ono may deci de uJ'vunbiguou!:il,;· whirJ v n''l • rtir +1) fti~~o~l r .R The volume Vc between two concentric sp:1r·res wi l' rr1dius R llnd R- c app:ronches for l=·se nWllbors r tJ.e vr-ltmc #: V. r. fll , ' • • r<11r+1)(R - (R- c) J. rr r" r("!"l.'- 1 ) R'( 1 -< 1 -fr" J t ., ('\() Henuo, mo i;t o f t:he volume 01· the :r- dimonsi on a.,. a1,hor"' ic ctoart to i ts surf a co . A good estima co or the po,.,,,ib Ir· m.unbe" o s i gnal points is obtained by dividi.os J,J., vol1rne rl ..... ~ fl"lflW"'iibCWI of lrda.11\11,ot\
t> • SIG~~A:. OES!G!I ~he o!· s;.i!...e.rc 111tl1 airr 1·&ciius .. l 'I r11 p_,._p, 1/'1 ' ·f-1 112 ... 1·adiu~ t>y thl'lt or a sphere )">. P '·' (1 _.. l'/l ' ' r 'I '" (51) Encr. sigr,111 fx(e) hlLS t he duration l . 'i'he limit of the Lr.o..;uaa.L!.!''lOn rste th•ts Ot:coa:c~, : or~or- free c li!L , _.., I11g\.r~ _.. r11 '·' & \l/1 J - - ~i:n ~ le;( 1-J /P, • 1 r - oo CJ. ) (52) Or;.~ mny so<: th&t.: .;· 1 which is c!lt'" r.11uL{..1~r of orthogonal in R n1,.i; Fx(e ) . :nust approQCi! in,'inity . The int~~val of arthotr.or.1.1lit~· -l'!1 6 1.. ~ i'P u~u.y bo finite or i.r1tinite . rt.'lle .r·nl;iri J /P,, t o:: ~he avt11:ngc r;ip.;11al to the uverqge noise roi<.-" meiy be rinit" rir inf.init~ . £quation ('I'•) !:ihowa t.h:1L tnc a:verage noinc pONe!' P,,t is in.rin1 te for fini to T; ncccrrdi. "lE t.o ( 4? J triu au.:ne holds t rur .!'or the a\·erage: :;tg11al po'°'nr ? . The -rn:-.seti!:i.sion ca:pacity g::-ow~ beyond all l>oundn i .. ~ is finite and P/P,. 1 is not; fur.crioc~ Zt'l"O . Co=i~1der t ;-.~ tJf•'ri &l cases o~ ( )2) !'02· whicf. the orl.ihogon~lity interval 1e;; infinH:1 . For tt•o first example le L us use 8;l'lll 0 f m f unctions ( f( j I e)) l.h~LL \runisr ouc1:;1idc t;he i ute!"V9-1 -~k'1' 1 a to~ -!k'111 + 1' 1 , where k =- 1.r /'l' ' le 1n intege1' . Conri<lf'r , .furt;hermore , o "Y"'e:i: o:: er orthogo<::;,l func;i.ons (!'(.i ,<1-1 )] thin; are shilt.~rl C:: - 1 an·j wh1 ch cay !:.nvr: i:he same shape as he .runc"ic~.: f< ,j, a) . Thee~ !'1!lct:.on;, ''anislt outside the interval -;k'l'i ':? t; ~ -tk'1''•2T' . Continue this w"y tmtil vte 1!,Yl!tr:n (fl ;] , 9-k+1)1 i.· reoclled i<hicn vn11irl:c" outside t;he lr-torval ~kT ' - 'r' .i: t ~ l k'P' . rhe totnl number of or t.hogonal fu.nctior.~ produoed i" then : (5J) !'he :actor r/.. r ir. (<;;:>) heccmen rt1</2kT' • m/2T. Tl;e aver<::ee coii::e ro"'·~r P,,r beco!les FS\, 1 • bei:&'.lse m functions or:ly E•re r.on -~«l'O i:. any one of ;;he ): time ini;orveJ.s encl tecause : ' ~n thn ,,urat<ion of th;: orthogonality interval.
t · 25') 12 TRAJiSMISSlON CAJ ACl'lY one obtuin" f ro:n l5?) : 0 0 ~~'! 2~~ I l !'; (1 ;f'/Pmk, XI' ) • ~I c; ( 1+P/Pn:, i·J (~11) The dC;rivation of 1..h1n: for:nula e:how3 one doen not nave to wait inJ';ely :ong to obl...iin t::ie in.fortt:ilion in tbe signal F~(a) . !'~rl of tile in:·o=aLion is avnil:ible a;; ¥. 'im• interva t" . Ar. a second ex,,mple considar m ?l ;1 nnd cosine el ements in the i ntorvnl -~'I' ~ t ~ ~'r . rh;,se 1?lomo11Ls r>T'e stret ched by a factor ~ > 1 . Ac cor.1ini;; to ( 12) ono L'.JS to substitute k = ; (l+t ...1 /2;; ) f or l i:: oi·<!l':' ;o '<C<'F lllo number of .runctior:~ trru~s:li t;t;ed pe!" ~.ui t of tin,. co:1s :.ant . •be number of or:.hngonal ;-11n-.:t:io:HJ in "!;he :.r1~e-rva... -:~T li b :; i~T is given h,v ' the ends or the ( t: r.: ,,1 _,• • J fror.i (1i,) tha• ;;hn f aclo1· 1·/2·r i.z: (~2) i~ r<'placed by :i:s/2~T ~ a;/<.'I' - ~r . T'Le &vorage noise powe1· f',,, i~ replaced by P. ~ 1 1 . -t :·01::.o><s tl:a: InLI' = ?., "ince the !b follows •J.gnala occupy the frequency b'lnd 0 ~ f ~ Af and :..11 rlin.and cosine co:rnponontu of t he noisr 1.1W'Jpl ez: witt. J'r~ q_i..;cncieo in this b=d ul'e received . SITANNO Jf ' s f oi'mula iti chu.o obtainnd from (~2) : O• lb t-oo ;fJr lg ( hl /lm1 . , ":> •)- ) .H l;:;( 11P/f•. ) Some Care l!lUGt bo f!XerCiS.etl in illt(ll"f. rr>t.:.ztg l;ltrJ r n!•ru.t...tU::l (30), (::;1), (52) , (S11) Wld ( 56) . 'L'lll'Y hold fo r tll0 l!'l UIS •bsion of ort;hogooul functions wHiJ the one in<l •'l"'"J~n. Variable time . This corrcsronds to Ll:.e tran~a:i~!lio11 of repr!'sented by voltages or currents . !..r. e!eclrollll!gnetic wave trnvollinr; in free. space in the z-direcr;ior. alao has the independent variable t oul;y , but him t'IO o <'t hogono1 positions rot' the polari?.ation vector, and the tormui a.11 apply to eacb o.r tbern . Rowovei·, in a wavo trnv11l hng ...n., wave guide in direction z , the variables x li!ld y 17.
2(;0 b . S Gt:1.1, DESIG!I i:.c:y appear in adriition to t. as indr·rendunc Va.l·iablea . These nddi t; on al degrP.i:;P of Jr·et::loo nt.ow up Ufl rr.odes t!:.e formu all apply to CHtcb oJ: kerr. . :ieace, SlfJLllNCN 's fora:ula should noL onl;; be vhw~d ns the liuJ.L or what elci.sting colt=L.w1icution cna"lrlels cnr_ t:rans.:oit., =>·~t !iS a guide to '.letter cb.aunels . =:qua-;ic:.s t 301 and ;:2) sho'A tilat the nunbcr of ~rwea:itratJe O"Ll1oronnl f•;.nctious i:; the pririciptl f~ctor doi;el'IL' • 'ng t,.9n:;:ui1rnior. capnc .Cy . A possible way tc incroaae cLis !!Wllbor "lo Lo use channels chat transmit zii:;unls wnich ar•e voriablti~ of time 9nd opacc coordinac-es . Opticnl telescopes nre itsed in thi.t: -...·o.y . 6.13 Signal Delay and Signal Dis!ortions Several siupl i:':ting as~wnpcions !Jave boon rllide for t;ho Jeri vat ion of Lhe transmi ~a Lon cnpacii;y ( 29) . '.::be eliminabon of cl1ese assumptiona wU L be investie;oted in this sect.ion . the t'llr.ctiocs rc<i,ij) and f,{i,a) ln (1\))bedel.aycd by Sc(i) :i.n<! a,{i rath~r ;hiu:. by a co1J11on delay time 3(0) . Tlle funci;:ionsii. i19) are then'"' 101:gll1' ori;bogonal and 9(0) ie no longer Ll:e ce>lny time of tne signal. ?or a more generul derinition or o signal delay t;ima let f(O , 9) , r c< i ,6) !illd f s ( i ,a ) be t1•iwemlt to(i indiviu1.wlly . 'l.'he .funci;ions K(O l.!'[C,&-9(0\], KcUJfc[l,9-9,(i)] and K5 (i)f5 [i , S-e 5(i)] ~~·" ,he:. received . thelL be croascorrela~ed wit:!! sa:oplo functions i·ro,9). fc(i,9/ and f 5 (i,8) . Ttc time tlif.!'crcncc bt::d.. Wt!e11 P • <• a..Y!ci tl:..e ab:.solute ciaxima of i;nG crosscorrdni;ionftu1cUorw yiold the delays e(O), ec(i) and a s( i) . 'foe value~ of the m1.1.xinm yield tno sL tenuotion cocfr1ci.en;,e K(OJ, Kc(iJ anJ Ks(i) . Using those coe.fficients one nay derive a srunfil<' function f ;M<A fro:n Fx(a) in (18) : q,,(8) = K(O)llx(O}l'(0,9) • .. :2:; "' [KcCi)a 0 (i).Cc(i,8) + (57) • l,(i)n 5 x(i)f 5 (i,a)J 'Lile received ::ig!lnl F xc<a ) baa the sain<> shape, but 8 must
:261 be replaced b;; 9-Ho>, nend side . the e - ec<il o!· e-e.(i) on tnc right cro.:;sco rrela~lou function or FX• (e) 9I1d llxe(e), r ~ J r XE ..... (a)"'(~-a')da-rra•) , • X"' yield an aOsolJtc o·.uc.i1rJJ :or 'l ce!"tatn •1alu-:- o:· 0 1 • 3x . Thia value is defined"" the dc-ay time or ttte pro~'lt';t•t:ion tim<! o! the sigr?11l J;'x(0) . Since it ia :~ot imo•,rn o L Che rroe;l.vcr which signnl ls l'Oing to , it is advant-u~;eous to define a pi-opogatio11 t irr.e indepez.tient of x. O!le may , !or instance, a"1ernP"::e che i:alues -Ox , ;;..f 'tl:e=e H ::!if- !eront signals ?,,.(e) Lo defi"-'C " Fl'Oplgai;,on tille 9,: 'l'he propagat ion timo of a sign~l ~ui·rying inl'C1rma~ion is a statistical variable which can 1)e identified ir1 firlit approximation only •'l rh the conc~1 t~ o f g::-our ,J.,lay or "ignal delay origin11l.;,· defined in op~ics r2J . Th~ received sign11l F n (9 J ta< Lh< shap<! a:: (!>'/) i f a is i•eplaced by 9-9(0), 8 - 9c (i) or a-9 5 (:.) on ~ho rit;h L han<! aide . The sample ru.ncti o:t Fx M{G) h~s this nhnpc too , buL 9 must be replaced by 9-BL on tho d hand ~ide . Lei; ~hn f unctions r[O,e-e (O)] , fc(i ,9-9c li)) and:, [i , e-~ 5 (1 ) ] be expanded in a ~eries cf the systcL [f(O,S-il, J , fc(i,0 S.J,!5(i,9-Sl )) . Oae obtains it! anolop;y;;o(2 . 26)tl!e:ol lowi~ equations , iu which v = e - &, , fa = f[0 , 9-o(O)] , r, • tc[i;e-sc(i)J an<! r 5 = ~'s[i,e -e,(i) J is w1·ir~cr !'or abbreviation : 00 fo • K(O,O)f(O,v)• ~ [K(O,c:: )fc (k , v)+l.(O , ~k)f 5 (1c,v)J(1:.0) • I 00 r, • K(ci,O)!(O, v J• l; [K(ci, ck)f cCk , v )tA( ci , :;k1:5 ( k , v )] ••• !s • K(al,O)f(O,v)> 21: [ K(si , ck)fc(k , v)+K(si , sk)I 5 (1< , v)] ,,, J,o b these series bo oubstitutcd il'lto the !ormulu for P~t(9 ) . The firs t torm Fx , (a) hss the following form : or
6 . SIGH AL DES!GN (Y.(0)&,.(C;K(O,O) • + !:••• [Kc(iH•cxCi)Y.(ci,O) • (61) K5 (i)a 5 x (i)K(si,O)))f(0,6-&LJ Tt-.err is r.sutual ir:.terfe:.· ence or cro.l"'n:&l:t let~e-:en t!:e coeffici.-r.t" . Ii; is possi ble in princir.l r. to devise distortion cor:-cci;ing circuits thot co:r.pcn!lbltt: t;lie c ro sstalk "'Hl,iu the nccm'ac:; of ruea.sur<"r.ient, re that K( O)a,. (O)x .C(0 , 9-al i~ ob;;ainedinpl ace ol' (n1) . J•'n(9) ond Fx"(e) tu·c th<'n iclont i cal . Lrtus ru:rther asswne that f (O , e) , fo(i ,9 ) nnd fs(i,9) 1u·e not only attenuat e d nnd delayed dttl'illg transmission but ''IJ.80 e.u.ff-cr a :ir.ea..1', tlco invqriant.. distortion . f(O , e J, f'c(i , e) acd fs(i,e) a:-" ~ra:-:nrorrued g(O ,B), 11:c<i,9) "r.d g5(i ,6 ) acco,-tlillb to !'Ccttou 2 . 22 . ~et the f\llic~ion"' r(O,E), fo(i , a) acd fs(i,a l><' tran!ill!.itted individually . T:,e co:-rela-.:.on f"1l!ction~ oft:':<> received functior.:- g(0,3), gc<:. , 3) and r;s(i,9 ,11tt· a=rle functions ;'(0,9), fc(i , 6) ru:d r,(i,e .a producf'd . The " imo shiSt l>~cwo~n i:heir absol:ite mr.xi:oA and 0 • C yields the deleys 9(0) , 3c(1) anti. s,li) . :'ho valuonofthe maxima. yield t he uLLenuntion coefficiem.s K(O) • K(O , O) , KcCi) = K(c i,ci) ru1d K 5(i) "K(si , s i ) . Sampl e f u.oct;ion:i li',f., ( O) of (57) me;r 'be constnict ed witn -.:iese coo!'ficlents . Equation (58) yielll!l ~x und (59) deSi n esa.rrops1>eLlo11 time 9t- !'low le t chn dincorted .functions e;(O ,e ), gcCi,9) and g , (i ,e) be "xrnnllrll in a series of t!.e systein (l'(0 , 9 - 6 1 ) , .fc(i , 9-9L ) , !\(i , S-9, l} . 1'1e resu1tU!g expressions =e .formally the :-a1:1~ at tho"" in ("' l and th" nair.o conclu~ions apply . 6.2 Error Probability of Signals 6.21 Error Probability of Simple Signals due 10 Thermal Noise t.;on:ittle1· the trans3•ission of Lelotypo cllflractors in th• prr1ncnco ol' the1'ma L noise . ·rhe pro'oal>i 1 ity o! qrror shall bti c:ottnuccd for :;cvc-r•al methorln or tra.nnmisslon a.nC. deleCL lo~ . The ge11erul .form of such choraclers represerJ;ed
t; . 21 ERRORS DUE ·ro TllERJ1AL :io J SE 263 bY t ime functions in : F (e) ~ , 2:' ax<.J)f(j,G ) , x = 1 ... 3?, 0 = t;/T 'l'J!~ [Unctions f(j ,9) 'U'e Ol'ohonom~l " (62) J10 ~ i. T is the duraUon of a i:: the 0.nLerV!tl -S :! cha:acttr ·~hi ch i" i:elc~ype usually 100 , 150 or 1o/ no . TtP. con.t'ficiem;s a,(j) '.ave i;hc vnlueG + 1 and -1 , 01· •a and -o , foi· a · ey~1tecr. ; thooi are +1 an(! 0 for· an o n- o l' :t sys Lem . A samplo g,(e) o.r additive thermal noise tnn d'or oe Lbe character Fr(9) ln~o tlle signal F( e): F(8 ) • Fx(9) ~ g,(~) s, ce) • P(6 ) • ... a,(j)l'(,j , 0), 2:: l•O ~ (63) Ill a,(j) = !.,;,(a )f(j , 8 )dS ·II? a(j).f(j,6), a(J) • "x (.1) • u .4 ( i) 1•0 The energy of all chnracter:> is the ss:ne in n !>111:.nced system . Using the ea:;t-:r.ea:i-~qllce-dcvi<roion criterion !rom sample functions F.,,(B) , Pv(9 ) • ± ••• (64) a,,(j).f(j , 0) , or:e may decide, according to {5. 25), give ~·~ch value o:· 1 wi::.l !; n(j)ny(j) I•~ it s maximum valuo . All coef .ficients a(J) :nust i1P.''O L1'.e aqe sign as the coetcicients ax(.1) i f tl::e o<D:imUJll is -o Cort X· ~e suit (65) then hus the Iollo• ..-alJe: x• Ir, tor example , $ o(O) had tbe opposite sign of ax(O), 8IU'l (65) ><oUld be larger for the characte= F,(a) "Aith the
264 G. SIGH.o\L DEsrou coeffic ients for f'x(9) : a,, (0) a - a x(O) , a , (k) = a x ( k), !r = 1 ... 1.1. tb,!Ul ·' ., (+ l aCO) l +l<1( 'l )l+la(2)l < ia(3)i+ ia(JJ.~ , ~"'1 1 ~ -0 2_,a(JJl'"p(J;~ I•• - la(O) I + ia{ 1)1 ~la.(2)1"1"(3)1 + !a(4)1, i'"X The following two conditions must be sati s fi ed , according to (6j) , in order to have d i ffere nt signs for a(j) Bll<I a x( j ) : a) sig ax ( j ) I. sig a , ( j ) ( 66) b) l• x(j) l<!a,(j)! , equivalent 1 ~;f;B 1 > 1 or ~< -1 Big a x (j) meazui 'sign of s.r(j) ' . ln the case of therma l noise the pr·obability of a , (j) being posii;ive is : a nd tho probabilii;y or bei ng n egative is a l so t. Hence , the p.robubi litj• of condition (a) being satisfied equa l s ! , indepeudenL of the s i gn o f a , (,j) . of Tlie distribution x = a, (j)/ lnx (j) I i s needed for the computation of the prnbability o.r condiLion {b) being setin.fied . Since ax ~j) cnn ~e +a or - a only 1 Ja.x (j) I is a constant . 'fherefor<? , x !:'.as the sa.'lle d:.stributioll as a, (j) . The densii;y functio11 w0 (k ,x ) is obtained from (5 . 6) bY subst.i t u ting :x- fOT' P. . E'rom We (k 1 x:) !'ollows the conditional densii;y funct i on w( x ) .t'or the condition k = j . The probabi.lii;y that k eqttnl s onr of the m = 5 values of j i s "f/m, since i;he coefficient a a, ( j) have the same distribution for all j i :l case of thcrn:al noise . Thun the density ;t;unction i<(x) follows from (5 . 6) and (q . 5) : w(x) w, (k , x) _ .~~1__ r.i-1 - x = a , (jJ/lnx (j)I V 2>/ rro. a 0"11 { -x '/ _,) 2v. (6'i?) a,(j )/a Each coeffic.i~nt ax(j) in (62) is transmitted 1<itb equal er1ergy . Hence, tbe av ·~rage sif!,nal µot·.. er P equals: p = 'i'1 '"s - 11: ' L;a~(j ) j: Ii
".""' ~ fJ!RORS DL'E 'Z:O :JIERJ1AL liOISi. moy be generaliz'.'rl and solved !'or a 2 1'hiS ,•esulL ~ 8 1 • : P/m Squetion 1 4~' yields co~ 1: r • ; (GlJ) The mean squnrr.. devia~io.n l)ecccics ('10> ~ ::il'1 1 IP • where Pm,r in the aver age powe.t· o! m conponr ntn o' • of thermal noiGC in an orthogonality i!'H.. erval of o ~tl'~tt:ion T. Using (56) onr- may i·ewrH" o'• P6 , IP, <>!: ( 71) 6 r • ci/2'1' , where P61 is the average powr>r· of Gheroal noise i:. u !ro quency band or width 6 f. The probability p(:x>1) + p(x<- 1) thut x b l arge,. thau •1 or smaller toan - 1 fo:lows fro:n (<'7) by L"li;cgr1• .1on : p(X>1 )+p(x<-1) ? ~ • ifWno-a f• >Jl<f'(-:<: 2/2cr! • 1 - erf(1/'{20 0 ) = (/2) )(lX 1 - ei•f(VP/21'., ) The probability p., tha~ condit i ons (SJ ns well ot (~)are satisfied becLneP: •~ ( b) (73) The probabili ty thnt the oon~it ions of (66) ar•e not llati" fiP.d is 1- p, ; tbe pr•obabiliLy that th"Y "re .,oe sa~irfied for any of tho m • 5 coefficients a.,(.1) is ( 1-p, )"'; the Pl'Ob11bilicy cbat they are satisfied !'01· at !ea~:; 0?:" of' the m coefficients equals Pm ' ])Ill • 1-(1- p , )"' • 1 - ( ~ )'"[ 1 + er:( VP/2P 6 , )J'" ('/4) '!'he pi:obability of error p., does not depeud on th" ::ystem or functions {£( j , e) used , provided these functions sati nry th~ Conditions of sections 5 . 11 and 5 . 12 . The numerlcnl valuen m • 5 and ll f *• 0 ~ 3 ~ 16 . (., ttz
266 c . SlG!IAJ, DES!GU app l.y to the much used tolotyoe st1mdt1l·J of 150 c1::i pe!' cha. rac l.<' t' . Curve ' • • of Fi - . 1r12 s:.owr Jl,. = ?~ or ( 7" J as .rune. tior. of Pf:G' .for tl:esc J&::.ies of i::d ~! . 1'h& aeasu.ret! poin1s 'a• """" ott,i nnd w.' ar ou.rly ver>1ior. of the cquipmeLt ~11own ln Fig . "',O wl 1:11 t he sy:iccn [ l' (~ ,e )] consiatin~ of sine ~"ltl cos~ne riul!!es ac~o=•: l ing to Fit' . 1 . •' ' L\" . I \ -- ;...__ 't \ ~· ~ . \ - \ \ \ _ .\_ \ n I ' --- :::rro~ l'J'Obobil i.1;y r i"or! r.·r.ceptlon of teletype <>i1>na.l.o !:luperiu1por;od by addir.ive r10loo . l'/P~ 1 • ave1·ogr signul rowe:·/avet•&ge noi"c power· in ~ 1 6 . 67 f[z widr band . a) balanced ny>1tem, detect.ion by c1·osscorreletion; b) ballillced system, !'il•eri:lg by a 120 iiz ·~ide idea~ lo·~p5S5 Cilte1·, :lei;ecLio11 by aJ:Jfliti;de samplir.g; c) Sllll'O as ( b) but; or.-o!! sy,,tcm ; 11) same as ( c) but sta1't- stop synchronization ais• urbed by the 11ol>Jo . Fig . 102 Let ti::c syste:=. [ f(~ ,e )] eonsisl. .f(j,S) _ si;in(m9 - .i) - j • 0, n(oe-j) 1, 2, - "' = -.r 1;he functiocs drn(~·-.11 (75) ,,(a ' -j) 5, a - i;/T, e• = t/('r/m) . Eqaalion l /'l) o;>Jll ies to this syst.em too . lhe energy of tr.eae funci;iowi is concentr81:ed in the froquency oand -li :! v = f'!'/m a 2 with t!:e bandwidth 6f = a /2T • 16 . G ftz . According to sectior 2 . 13 the san:e i:alues obtained l'or tha eocf!i cienta a(~) w!:e;;her F( 9 J ic lllUl eiplied by tia• J'uJ1ctions (75; and t.;;e product is integ!'eled , or whe the1• F'( e) is po~sed th POIJgb an id,,al frequency lowpaell i'ilto1· 16 . 6 Hz wide and the 11t1plitudea nre sampLnd . Hence , ( 7q) nlso hold A for filtering =d 811plii;ude sampling o !
€ . 21 El!P.ORS OU<: TO 'rH~"'li·:~.L 2v7 110 SE thO pulses ( ?'i) . A lowpnss ri.U e r 120 f17, wide incrensea tbe average nolt11' power in (711) by 120/1b .6 ; 7 . 2 . '!'his ::ellllB 8 shift; of ;;he curve ' A' in Pig . 102 ·uy 10 log 7. 2 ? a.58 dB; tl:c !!hlfted curv~ i" Jeno;;ed by ' b '. consider ar, oic- off syscem . The eoe rricient; ax 1 j) aa•y ass ume the v nlues ~ll or O i nsc<:?ad of +a (')r - u . The fo l lowing condi tiono mu s t be satiofl ed i.n ord<'r foi' a co~ffi­ cient nx(j) to be detecto'd as + b icsread of 0 , O!' !JS 0 instead of -b: a) s i g (a,.{j) -1 bl f. s i r; n , (JI ~~ l< Ja , (j) I, equivn l ent ~~"_..4,..~·- .... b) l a., ( J·)-~b ~ , l a x\J - /21 ' 1 I >< -1-1 (76j sx(j) - ib :u.y be •l b or -~b , since ax(~) cay be +b 01• 0 . Tue conditionn ((b' and 167) are thu" ;;t.e nai::e, but •3 and - a have to be replaced by . , b :u:d -th . The av,,rnge power o.r the m eoeffici.c::t:; wit;h valt1e:i +b or 0 cqu«l" p • i mb2 and it rollows : (ib )' • P/2n (77) Colllparison of (68) and ( 77) show,-; thuL P has to be 1·ep!aoad by t P in the equations holding for a balartcetl eystom t o g et t he equati on>; .for an o:i- off s ,y ntero . Thin mea11 u dB . a shii't of curves •a ' and ' b ' l.n b'i;; . 102 by 10 l og ?. Tbo t1b.i.!ted c\ll"ve ' b ' is denoted ·uy ' c • . Tho :i:ea.surnd points ' c ' were obtained by .addi:ig ~beraO.: noise to the blo ck pulses of teletype cht1racters at"te1· •hich t:.e diu tu1·bed signa la wo r e fi l t ereCI b:y u 120 f.z w.Ltle lowpass fil ter nnd then fed to the receiving magnet of a t<>let:n:io recei1fe1 . The measured ;ioints agree Sqil"l:; ·•ell wit!' curve *» 'c' > although the block ;'·ulSeS did not hllV<> t!le Sh8!'" Of the 1>ulses in ( 79) , the lowpuss r i l ter: wa~ not ideA! , 1u1<i tho magnet o .C a t elotY!'e receiver n orks onl:r very rougi1ly 118 Oil amplitudo enmplei'. 'l'llo lllea.sured point" ' d' hold for the same 1'eletype transl!li.ssion, but starc - otop pulser wnre trllllSl:litted throush the noisy channel for syncbronizaeior; . •he r oint s 'c ' and ' d ' depend strongly on the care token Ln nd~usting t h e teletype reeei ver.
208 6. 22 Peak Power Limited Signals IL has been tt•WU!l'ed so hr th"t ~he average signa! poncr is the dee f1<Ct<>r in U.e e,-ror probability . However, power amplifiers e;eni;r ally limit t!Je peak powe.1,1 rat 11 e1• t hnn tl1e a ve r a ge po we r . Conslde r an 8.tlpl i fi er that clips = pli t udes '" :< £ IUlC dclivel'8 o peak powet· f , . Average power I and pea>: po1<er PE of a signal consisting or bin~l'Y bloci< rulses , having po5it1vt or r.egative al!IJ>lit udon ,'e t ho sruue . The e1·ro!' probab ility p 1 oJ' ( 7.3) for one ui1i:iL isr l otted i n~'ig . 1 03as f uML .ioi: Qf PIP. , = PE/PAI 1111d Jenoted "fheoretica licit ' . t!:.ese pul~esbe 0:0<11.Uated onto a carrier . Thr cu1·ve ' 'I 'hco1·et i cal limit ' would still apply if L)l, ca1·1·ier is a '"''nlst· carri~1~ . The p~a l~ power ol' u sinusoidal c·1rrier ·~oulJ :iave to be 3 dB larger to yield the s u.e averni;e :;;01<er; •be c..rvo ~eno:;ed b;Y ri./n ~ 1 in Pig .1 03 hold~ :'or " dnusoi da. cnrrie L", ar.i)'>liLude> modulated b;Y b i 11a1•y b l ook pulses . Only a·~out one '}Uarttt1· or tl1e chnnnels in n teleyhony ilul ti;>lex ,;ynte:n :u-a busy ;>eak traH"ic . U:;i'1g lL.oclt pul !les fox I'Cl'i trtmsoj nsiou , -che &JDpli!"iers are u s ed 1/4 o.t" the t i mo o nl ,v 1 while no s i goal3 1 or at leE1St not very uaef11 I signalo , are tra.nmr.l teed 3/4 of the . The peak power must b<' increased by 1C log 4 ~ 6 dB to obtain ·ne same nverage :,ignal power l;llat i;he 1u:ipl Lfier would d eliver i f useful '1ignal s woutd b e amplifi ed all t ho time . Tne i·esu ltini,; curve i s deno t e d by m/u = 0 . 25 in Fig . 103 · The t'atio o/n 1 s tl:e 'let l vi ty factor , 111 bein1> the !lW:lber of busy chaonols and " the nun:ber of available chan.nel 0 • Very l ow activity f actor& occur in ~he gro und s t ations of multi~ le access satell i te syst oms , since the aunt of t)le activicy :actot·s ol' ;;he ground stations is equal to lrh• actl vity factoi· o.O r;he satellite trM:iponder . A repre s entative curve for :n/n = 0 . 05 is shown in Fi g . 103. L:ousi d e r now t h e traruimii.mi on of: bin ary digits by sincconir.<' or Wul"h. pulses . The r esulting s i gnals k'(0) have ve~·:; la.rge peek~ although most amplitude" are auch Sl>Bller
• 2 p.E..itt }'()'N3R I H:l'l'E:l SIGNJ\LS 6 2 ~· ... ~! \ l~ • \ \- \ n.. """-\ .... ' \ 1lh •'f "':;< \ 'O'\ • m l•' i'!i l& J;I J>if.10; (left) Error rrobabiL.ty r an function of Pr1: 0 1 = = peak eigna.l power/overage noise power in ~ ~anC or width I..!• m/2T . Solid lines: time di.visio:t, sine .:-a=:"'ier , ncti - vhy factor~ 1, O. 25 nnd O. 05; dn!lhed lines : 11 sine nnd cosino pulses , pel'centage of clipped ruaplii;udeo shoim . Pig . 1 011 (right ) Propnbility p(F(B )) of the arnrlicuue:i Ol' the 512 signals Fx(0) being in in~e1•v11l" cf t<i<lth 0 .'1. Gnuaaia.n density func tion with equnl mean and u:ean. quore deviation shown for cocpal'ison . qx(O), ax(i) , ·ox(i; • :1; l'x(9 ) • ax(O) + (2l;:cnx(iJcos2nie • bx(iJsi::2.,i&] . 1• than the peaks . Fig . 1()1• shows the rrobrl>ili~;v p[F(a)J of GUCh a Sif:l'llal hnving Wl u.mplituclo '.1lLl:in an intervnl 0 . 1 Wide. Superimposed is a Gau ssi an density functioH I 11viJtg tho same mean and .,eM nquar e dcviacion . AccordillP; ~o tbc X'eSlll ts or sec;;ion ; . 24 this de=ity function aHr->x mates very accurately tho probability funct:ion of the rur.plitudes or Signals consisting ore z= of Walsl pulses . The plot" or ~'ig 104 are symmeerical for nogot:ive values o.r .F( e) . 'l'he nvorage power or the signnln \<o uld be very n111a·11 ir 1lb~ large but raro peaka would be h'ansmittea . 'l'ho large Peaks oust be limi.te<.I. ~o increase the average signal power . 0
270 6 . S:G'.IAL DEs!G!l T::ie aasile<! lin,.s in Fir. . 10' !lhow l;ne result.~ of wnplitu46 clipping !'or eiue-cosinc J. ulses lr. -h e 1n·e.,.1nce of additive the1·mol noise . Tho para.meters 0 .01:% , 11 . u%, 13% !Uld 52% indicacP Lhe percentat"<: of an;plitudl!~ ol ipped . The curves hold for DC transtt.i.csion 01.. for trans~ission by a c1u·1·ier . They also hold a):>proxi>l.a~cly for single sidebaud codulai;ion of sin'3 c~.rriers . Wal nh pulses yield •1ery simil"r curves [1) . Little ene:::f); i::: t.l'ansferred to adjaceJJt f1·oq11 ency bands ·~y clipping oJ: r:um~ of sine alld cosine pulcco (2] , while no energy is t1·ai1s.rerred to adjacent sequcncy ':lands by c1ippine· o:: sun:s of Wahh pulses . T'ne .fol-o>:ing conclusion. rte:1 be a.rmm fl"O!l Fig . 103. Seria: transmission of b ... n11ry block pulsos produces trhe lo;·;esi; error rates, ii' tlu activity .'.'actor is close to 1. Parallel tl'!WSmlssion by sine-co nine or Walsh pulses jdelds l o wer error rutes , if t he uclivity :facto= ls 0 . 5 or less . The ~x~ct percentage of clipped u:r:plituu~a ls not critical. The clipper charnct<>,.i3tic and the l<>nsity functrion or a clcipped Gaussian =Flit:ude distribution is shown in Fig . 98 for 1;,11\ of ;;he em~liLC1dr.01 clipped . 11otc that a decrease or l.lle activity fuCL01· kccpn the energy of unchanged. in t;he case of noris.l trar1.smiasion, while in tho case or !'<ll'Ol Lel traus:ai~nion the ave1-r1r.;e po•<er will be xopt con.ilLllilt anil the enet•gy of a pulse "'ill be increased if an auto:ootic gain cont1·ol n:c;.!ifie;- i3 ..tsed . :!J . ROTll of ':r.ct-~"'lische lloctschulc Aacr.en t &!l shown uhat ~D"'J.f<lldors u .. ing tho e1•ror .function charoctoristi.c discussed :ln socClo11 7 . ?.4 yiold betteL' resuHs thun clipping fol' signn In composed of Wa o il fllllctions , Jll'Ovidcd the error pr:-obnbiliLy is below 10 s . An increase of the required peak pO'der is needed ror equa_ error !"a~es if the block u~scs are reolaced by other puls~ ~hP.pes used i.I1 aerial- tra.oscissioii. - Tabla 12 shows the increase llPE required. for some typical pul 5• nllapes . 'rtte oolid curve s in l" Lg . 103 have ~o be !:lhi.fted to the right by ~P, to apply to those pulses . The 'raised cosine pulBe in frequency domain' i" defl.ned. by the equation
271 T ble 12. I.r:c:r·tas~ A t'e: of jtea.k .:oic:;!".~l p~wer of s block pulse Ioi· equnl pulse nr1·01· 10-.,·er over jlCD.k pra·oabilic;v . t.P, st:.ape [ cHlj 1 DC block pulnc , E for 0 < L < 'l'/n, 0 ot!ler~~iSi? cos~~~ pul~~ in frequenc.)' t.lo11ai:.; roll oft fac~or r ,,. 3 aW11e, r : 0 . 7~ 2 raised 4 SGJJ18 , r = 0 · 5 5 rnioed cosine pulec in &iae domoin, Fi~ . 3~ 6 triangular pulse , £i1•nt/'I) , -1'/11 < ~ < 0 E 1- nt/T) , 0 < L < 'f/n ! ( t /T) ~ 0 1 .8 j ,2. 7 1 .. 1.... 1 .8 E s:i,n n!lt;/T coo nrm;/r n "t/I 1- <2rr"i;;'f;l r i e the socal led roll-of.!" facto1· of the lo'.·1pass fi l ~.,r used !or pulse shit;>'lng [3} , a in ;nc :o•.J.IDbei• of chonnr.11 , end ~·/n is t h e cturi<tloo of e block pul$e i f n of tllr.m to be transmiliiied du.::ill1:5 the t:ime T . 6.23 Pulse-Type Disturbances The error probabilit;y of digiLal Slgna~s is i ndci;enden~ of the pari;icular nyncem of or thogonal func~ion:; •Jned for t!)eir transm.ission if the disturba nc"D a L'e caunod by additive thermal noiee . l'his i<i noi; so 1'01• pu~sc-type li1nturbancea which are ll10re icportant LLau ~w~rILal uoille on te l~phone lines . Let us assU11e 1'l'ac the ru::p~it;ude of a d~st=l:in,, p•Jlsc is much larger than t;he large at woµl Huctc of the u.n<l is- tu:rbed signal . Thon le~ these pul son pnas L L!'ou~;h ""' UlllPlitudo limiter . U ~he t•ise an<l foll times of the pu I.nos ar~ ~U.Cticiently shore , block :pulse" or nu·io'.ls length but equal amplituda will be obtai?:cd at Ha output . Let t~,e~e Jlul oes be observed durint; R ti.Le int<H'V91" o! duration T; there shall be one pulse in r interv&lc . r/R io the probabiU ty tor i;he occurrence or a P••lB'-' d-.II'ing an 'Lnt"rval or rlu1°Qtion T, i£ r on<I R very lo.rgo . W,(T) is •.vrHLen fol:' l'/R as r and R a1,v1·oech inf inity; w, (T) is i;lle ll.intribut ioo function for the occurrence or ~
2'12 ,, . SHillAL DES!GJ; Let chc dur;n:ion 6<, of c:ie ;>ul~c,. be observed and let q oui o: Q have a dU!·ntio;.. A-., ~ ·, . 'rhe l:..oit q/Q !'or ir.finite value~ c; ~ and Q is denot"d by '•' 2 (T, ), the distrib1.:tio1. funct:ion :or tl.e lcui:,-th o;' :he vu~~es . tl:~ cccurrence and ti.e leng;;ll of i;he pul<es be statiJUcully .:.noepen<ieci; . The dist;·ibiition fwcction ·,/(T,-,) of tlie ,jo lct cist:ribution i~ th~n by the product W('l',r,) ~ W1 ('I)W 2 ( ; , ) . <?al W(T , ~ 1 ) can not be deten1iJJed l;ly ;JOp1;n1 t e 1:1e1;L1.1urement or W1(T) and W2(T,) if stntlstical i!lOOpeudence does not hold. A tota!. of RQ rather th= R ' Q m~ti:illl'e:rie:,t,s would then Oe !'eGui.l'Cd . 'fhe dlzt!"ibution fucctioc. W(r ,-, ) s:Hl ies •<hen only one pul~e occur!" in an int.e.;:-vnl of duratior_ ~ . :.:t aore pulsee occ".l.r , coa:.;_)Ut&.tior..s get vrry involved . Hence , it is &.Se~od -:-!.nt; a.ore than one rulnn occur!' very ~re ­ quc nll,y . !Je:iot.e by p t::e protabili;:1 n sigctl of durat_on ·r i .' cbulp:~J beyo!ld rocognitlOJI by ~ pul,;;e of duration b-r • • T, . 'l'te cor!dic.ional ;.1robabi l i -::y of s.n error eq_uals ;i, , undor the condi;;io1. that a pu I :1C of duration 67, l!. 1, .J.$ J.'fJCe-1.YAd : Pn • r\t;i'r 1 6r, ~~, J (79) Tt.« condi <:ional prob9.bilit;r Po moy be ca:culated .for vs1·ious rul ,;e st:apes anc detecLion met!lods . p can be cotnJ•i:t<d if W('!', r,) i~ l:no..-n from meaAcire:nent!: . The knowledge of r. ~uf~icc~ :or a comparison 0£ th~ ausceptibili~y o! va:r1011.~ pulse sha;;,es and detection methods to disi;urbances . Let the transa.inad cl',aracter consist of m block pulses ns •r.own in Fip: . 3 for :u = 5 . Euell p\ilse hai> the duration •r;., , A posi-t;ive or negative amplitudo shall ·oe detected b:V nmp.Hucle sar.i1>ling . A dist1.trbing puloe with duration 61, > ·~;m a au sos an orror with p1·obubil H :y P• ~ lt since t:.nlf of tho dioturbing puli;oo cho.n1>a the Si6J1 of at ieasb one of Lile :n aampled lllllpli t;udee . The probability Pb ui~
27;, u . l!~ pU1S£ Tl'TE DISTIJRBAJ;:ZS ,,. 0(11 •"t •U ·S · 4 OO 02 0.4 06 ,.,. (J lo i I. 111 rnhi.t'a-- 10 6r,1cr1m f-- Pig . 105 (le:'t ) lro·oability p • of"" en·or c~used by a 6i."tiirbing pul"e of dw:•tion 1>;, /(T/r1) . 'I . b lock J•Ulno •. of p 1 g. ~, upl itude ~lll>pli:ig; 2 . cnme bloci< puses, corrcla:ion; ; . '..lalsh pul .10s • cor.c elau io!l . Fig . 106 (rigln) FNbahlity r.{~) ot" tt.e 11.11plitu:les b , or disturbing pulse• ,;£~el' ar.ipl itud~ l i.initici;: ; signl'llG cot•sieting o! a:. = 8 Wnlnh pulses . cz•euson linea.cly •...•i t.h 6 -s i:i 'the into rvn : 0 ~ fi'fs ; T/ru , aa abown by curve 1 in Fi5 . 1oc. . Lot tho s i gc of t.hc a:r.pliwdos o!" ~!:e bloc<. pultoa be dctel'l:U.ned by crosscort"clatior. . ~'hi" ae!ll:s =hat the in=c gral o! the pulro" is c>atl~led . Tr.e LU11pl l. -ucies of tho t""ceived aisnal can ta tl.11i ted. ar, +n ::u1d - a ii' Lhe un<liijwrbod signa l hno the a:np l it udo 1 « or - a . i\ d iAtu rbirtti; J•ul ue with posi tive !J,rnpJ itudc !:LJJ t!'!'ir.1rosetl on n bi1 ~uul pulo o with amplitude .,. will !o.s- ~uppre>· <ed compl~tnl;v . Or the other hand , t a;r.p!itttde o:~ a ntagtttive Ci_;tu1~t.:ing Pulse would be li11ii:od to - 2a •n-2;, is - a, tr.e P:nolleot amplirude the lll:1.He,r \;0 rl nl low . On :;he 1.>verni;r. , onu hali' of the distur1>ing i">Ul !lo~ have an on:? li t ndr ;2u oi~ - 2a , the otter huve ar. a.nplit.u(le .. r!"o . No oi. . l'Or will occu 1· U the duratioi: AT, of ~ile ~1Gturl:ing pt...~ .. ~:- ..__ SC• •!:ort that the .fo~lowizlt; re1.a"io~. l1oltls : 2861, < aT/ro 61, ' (80) T/2m 'l'he couditional probabili •-y Pb depentle !'or ·• c!all7 5 '!1 2aT/m or T/2:n " A1, li T/o (81)
2'/'- 6 . SWNAL l>ESIGll on ~he position in ::Llle of the disi;ur bini:; pulse . p• Jlllllpa fr·om O to 1 at Ar, = ·r/?1:1 'llld increase~ for lu:rgel' values of 1'. ~, linearly to ~ '"' n:iown b,y cw:·,•c 2 i n l"ig .1 05 . There is a ntrong c!Jresho~d effnct aL 6-r ~ T/2:r. . Conside1· ~he transmission of cnaracters co1tposed of It fl,;,!lctio:lf! . lei: eacL l';ior. have Lhe llllJ'."litude ... 8;., ~lie !l1:1alles; amp ... itudes of a sum of :n ouch fwlctior.,; is 1 a nod - a . A.u wnpli.tude limitel' or - a/a. . Tue lnrgcst and may thus cl i f at H• and -a >ii thou;; changios the undisturbed signal. Let :n b~ o power of 2 . At a certain :noment a charactel' has the empliLude n, if m-k ~nlsh ~i;nctions have the BJ::p~itude •a/q UL.d k hav·e 1.: a, = (1 - ;:'k/m)a , ~ = o, P s.:nplitude - a/m : 1, ... , m (82) '.foe proi;>abill~;y o.r a , ocun·ing i s denot od by i·(I<.): (83) Th,. 1111plitud~ 1' , of n di::t~rbi:::;; pulse superimposed on the a.n.pli'Cud11 a }> of t!le uignttl :OCl..,-Y have ooe of -che ~wo fot~owit.g valu.-o af;;er• 11.tlJ litud<J lir.liLing a~ ±a: a-( ·1-2k/m )u -a-{1-2k/m)a : (64) ::>ka /m (8.5 ) -2(1-k/~)a Tl!e probability r , 0:) of; an ""'!' itude b , beto'een -?a and +2a !"ol!.ows from (6~1) : ' l'~\ k I = J...,.,,, 'If "" ( 86) (m) If iu. ex=pln of r.,(k) is >ibowo ror ti>:e as ,...,u '"' nega<:ive ciisr~ibut..~oD nf~er ct: 8 in Pig .106 . ?osi- dieLurbini:; palseu hove a Bernoulli at!!pli.:'.ldtJ limiting . :!:e ci1 oreicorrcla~ion of 9 binary sifinal 1''x (a) co!D.posed of 11ialsl1 pul,,es wol\j,e), .... F ,(a) fr ~>x(j)w«l(j ,0 }, i•O a,,.( j ) :<1 '
275 yields J111 F,,(e)wal(l,9 /dt • arr m , ".... = L/T , 1 • 0 ... m-1 . (l'l7) .111 According to (84) !llld (85), i;he al.isolute value of th Cl amplitude of t;'1e disturbing palse canno: b<" larger th:ui 2a and no error c&n occ·1r i f iLs duration OT, is so m>nll tbet the relation 28.0T, < aT/m hold:; . Hence , p. is ?.rro for Afs < 'C/2m . (81.l) This iG the sa!te value as for bloc.1~ pulses . Tbc calculation of tile conditioual erro::- i::rob.,1.:111 ty p, is very tediou~ for longer distur3ing puJ.:es [(;) . Th,. result of the calculu.ion iz sbow!l by curv,; ~ of ''ig . 10>. '!'he error prooab il Hy iG some•1ha~ lower t!'lan for hlock pulses and has Beveral t hresholds . Batter results obt•ined if tho zi 191al componed or llalsb or sine- co .. ine pu-ses is !llllplitude l:Uni-ed ~. ~l.e t:-anamitter as cE~cussed ir. section . 2? , s-'.:lce the acplitude limiter a:; the receiver ci"y tt.•·n ?:>e set to lo.,,.,,r levels . 6.3 Coding 8.31 Coding with Binary Elements lt has been discu.ssed in section 2 . 11 tha:; a sig.'lul may be represented by a cime :·unction Fx(O) , a vr-cloi· Fx or 8 set or coei'!iciento ax(j) . A set of U di:·rer·eot $1!;nnls ia Called an alphabet . A certain fu nction Fx(9) is n cha racter or the alpbabot . Some problCl:IB of designing tile ctuacters will be discussed h!?re for wtuclJ Loy be used :;o advantage . A disturbance of a character 1:1ay cause it to be "·1 ntnken for a different cbo.racter. at the receiver . A aui t.11ble Choice or tbe R cha.ractors of an alphabot may reduce t h e ):>:t'Obability of this happening 1'or certain types o r diatlll'bances . Some methods for making a suitable choice will ...
276 6 . SIG;JAL DESlGN be investigated . Let the o coe~ficlents : R "x(O), lix (1) , .. .. , ax(o-1); Suen alphabets .fl.UlCt; ions { f ( j )a j) ~ call~d chnra~ters x be represented by ' = 1 ..... R block codes . Using a system o£ orthogonal in the intorva.I -i ~ or:c o'btainf'i the representatior. U;y tiue functicns: 9 ~ i 1 .,., Fx(S) = 2: a,.{j)f(j,6) J •• (90) Ocn eral..:.y 1 'tine signal av cl:.e ln_put of a receiver may b~ a time dependent electric or magnetic field s t rength, in other inst:ances a time dependent voltage or current . It appears reasonable to use the 1'epresenlatian by t ime fu.rictions when; for al.phabecs t·.. ir;h low error probability. However , i t has been showr in section 5 . 12 tbat the functions f( j ,e ) ar e unimportant and the coefficients ax(j) alone deciC.e tbe probability o~· error in case of additive thermal noi se _ Dil'.fer'ent syste:ns or i"unctions {f( j , 9 ) ) require different f:r-equency bandwidths for t~·ans­ missi on and che p:ract1cal difficull:ies for their gene:vation eu:d detect io~ are d ifferent , but t~ey do not ;i.nf11.lence the erL'Ol: t·a t e . One may represent t he characte.ra by the cocfficienls ax( j) in thin <1pccia1 case . _t_ furthe.r silaplif:.cation is nchic\rcd by restricting tho coefficients a..,( j) to t;wo values which usually denoted by +1 and - 1 , or by 1 and O. One often makes the additional nssll!llption th<>t a disturbance leaves a coef.(icient unchanged or changes it co the other permitted valv.e· Th is means a cilru·aeter v1itil coefficients ax(O) : ,.1 8;1ld ax( 1) = +1 , WL'itceu in sh<H't notation as the character +1'1'1, can be changecl by a disturbance into one of the tour forms ~1 +1 , +1 -1, - 1+1 or - i-1 only and not , e . g ., i.ntO +t+t . It has bcon shown in section 5 . 21 chat the coe:tficienl a x( j) is changed by a disturbance into a(j) w1ti"b 1na,y have any value even chough a..,( j) can be only +1 or -1 · ::'ho1"'c are n ntunber of reasons why only the values •1 1Jlld
277 _1 et•e ofLen pe!'lll· "•oC for a( j ) . A;; th~ bog:.n.niug of t'lovelopmcut of codini,; thnoL'y ii, •as unun I. Ly assumed cl\at t:ie ru.nctions f( j, a ) •el'e blo c k pul~er ~nd we1·e decodod by ,.mpli tude ;,amy.Ene; . A positive lill.J lit\ldf"' was iute1'protcd BP +1 and a negative one an - 1 . Thl quantization cn!lngc:; c;be sums in ( =i . 21.) a..~<! (5 . 25) anc g'°n"'1·a11:r i::cread~S the error rate . Di aturbar.ces from ~OUL'Ce!1 othr-!.· t.hur. aOditive t:lo:lrmnl noioo require, i11 pi·.i.Hciplo 1 nn illV(;tGt1gat iou of 1.hoir effects on i;he Lime L'Wldion~ l·x(9 l f ~ x( j }f (j , 9) l'llthcr :l!an on the coefficients ax(jj . It l.:.a been ~ho•nn ln t;he previous section tJ . ?;) tb.a- i;I:!' effr.ct o!' i:ul.>e- ;;yre disturbances depend.•o:. the Ghape of the flmctiorcs f(j , S) =<! on the clipping r.oplitllde . :;esµito these re"''t" , it in ous~omaL'Y- t o considl:l'r• O:i.iJ tne coeJ'1'.iu.LE!ut.s of code ulphabe~.s that are deaignod f o l' resi~cnnct> t:;o 9ulse-t.,ype disturbances, and i;o distin5u.ish on_y b"twocm posii;iv" and r::.egative values o! t..Le coefficient!" . 'l'he :"e8sons for '-ui s are the requireccent.: of :-imp:e imple:nentat..ion a::d comreti.bility with exiscin1o • . l'he theory of coding by ·~inary el~l.+"1-G is based ('JM I.he aasWJlptioo chat tho 1mdist.urbe-.1 cocl'!'lc1enta ax (J) ar. 1·1 011 •c tbe disturbed coef.ricionts a(,J) c1;1n be ~1 ana -1 , 01' 1 and O, only . The coef!'i<'ient!l ax<.1) .~(,1 l ere uJ-uull;; called eleoteni:s in thia ca.:e . A:yliabet:B coni;ist~ngo.!' ci1aracters with equaJ TIWDber of ele:>entc. are cc.l c:! Cinar:; l:lock-e.l.phal:>ets or binory biocE.-cndo" . Since U.e .llldi<'tu,.betl as well ne I.he disturtecl; cofft.ll~U only thn l'le1neuts +1 nnd -1, one way co ndi.ler· t hem to be bina.i·y ~Utnbors . t;u.mber theory i.ppliod to binary mw:°oers rr.ny ;;heG bo used in the inve:;tigal:ion of co4l.in5 rrobleo.> . P.inocy COdine; has been crcnted in a large nWDber of publ~cntione st:il'ti."!l< «ith liAMl'!ING ("'-5] . An excellent sumnoary wns gi ven in 11 book by PE'l'ERSO!' (6, 7 ] . Non-binnry alphabet:; have also boon investigated llaing numbor theory (8 , 9) . 'l'be value of a code alphabet .for coO'.munications der~nds OQ the "rror rate i;llat can be achi1wed . Cooputation of
278 & • SIGH AL DESIGll this error rutc is otten very cii.::-icult. Hence, it is com. mon to use Llie ' Hammin{I, disLn.'lcc' for ,judging che qualit;y or an ..1pllabeL la t h0 tileo1•;v of coding b:y biliary elements . It denotet< thr number of binory elea:enLi. in •.<nich two charac"t.eL:S dif!'"r . ~·or i::.i:sta.nce t the cha..t·u.c-t;ers .:..1+-1+1•1+1 and ..1+1+1•1-1 or 111"1 o.nd 11110 O.alie the 3r-l!llling distance 1 . ~IH' probability of decodii:g 11 11 n;;ll.l'bcd charac~er x into the wrong C!laroctflr t often d~cr-euscs with i ncreasinG lh1mming dist,rnco bocweer. the two charncters . Consider , Jor inatance , characters co.nsistin;i; or a sequence oi· block pu ses . The larger t!.e number OI pulses in which che charoctern ditfec-, tho larger may be ~be nUlllber of disturbed pul~es without; nn er••or occurring . The Hamming diS'C!iliCe J.U pAri;icu:arl;; u::r>ful E the reak power rat;her than the ene>rgy of cl1e LrOJw:nici.ed sle;nnl iG limi ted . The l'ollowing example sbowG i;l:t"t a l'll'{;O t! diseance uoe!> noe r:ccE'"sa.rel:r meon a low ;.irobubility of error. ?.'" charactcz·!l ca?: be cou.st1'Uctcd .!"!'om io elemf'nts +1 or - 1. Tl:e sILallest !Jrut=.i::g C:i&tance c be&wecn two characters is 1 . O!le :r.ay increaze d by coustructing tllO 2m characters frorr. m' ~ m elements . Tho oncrgy of each ~ranumii;ted characte:· ia lnc!'cnsed by the i'ncto!' m'/10 if ~be e nergy pe:r elecaent ia kept constant . The decrease or the error probability ia pa.t·t:y derivocl from eb.e con£truction of t >-,e charac;;crn and pru·tly by their larger energy . It is o!ten re ..socuble to base ~!le comparison of t"o alphabets on egual enert:>.r 01' tho characteru or on equal average energy . A characLeL· with m' > 01 elewenca must thon contai n m/m' i; i mes t:lle ullorgy per eluo1011t . Hen ce , the Hammlng dist ance is increased, but the probabUiL,v of eL'rOl' for one element is also increased, e . g . , if the e1~.rot_•s w:e caused by s ddii;~•;e LLer:tnl noise . J.t csnnoc be decided without calcU_ation •hicJ1 effect doitlnotc::: . AlybabeLa witb one parity ch<lck aigit ore a.a exalllpJ.e of " redu1H ion of the en·or r·u Le under LltO iJ1J.' luence of 11ddit1vc chnt'mal noise by inc1•easing the &mFll lost Ha"1llline: di si;ance . Consider t!:.e 2 m • 32 chnractera of the teletype
279 8 1pllebet: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1- 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 1 1- 1-1 ( 91 ) etc . '!'be smallest Eaaming dista."lce equnls 1 . Lee a pa:-ity check "-igit ;1 be added to oJ.l cl:la:-ac•er·~ having an odd nuu.ber of ele1:1ent;s 1 and n check digit - 1 t;o nll characte1·" with llll oven nUlllber of olemeJ.J ~s 1 : 1. 2. 3. " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1- 1 1 - 1 ~-1 1-1- 1 1 (92) etc . 'r ho smallest !Iucur,J,ng oistance h11~ tnus been increa~ed to 2 . The ener gy JlOr clell1ent atu nt bo i·etluce<l t o 5/6 or ge nerdly to m/(m+1) . The ;'act"or m/(111•1) approacher 1 for l arg" values o~ ''" •hile -;;he H=ing distance i<:i r.till doubled . Tno smallesc distance between the charoc~ers o!' an a.lphabet may bo JLade 5, 4 , . . . or ge::cre lly J , by addi ng s uff i ciently runny chec~ cligit;s . 1'bese alphabets arc; called system~tic nlp!:abet" . Mnl<ing d ~ 21 •1 one mny decode all characters correct Ly, if no more than 1 ~l<'mcnLs have been reversed by dist:>rbance> . <! - 2:!. terai ts the correction of 1- 1 reversals and the detection wit!:out corr ection of l reversals . Eence, one dlst.ingil.i~hes bt=twecn l errors-co~·rectlng (IJld l error a-de; alpnabeto . Thi~ di stinction i s necenoa1'y only :if the <l i nturbed cocffici~n L o a (,j) are limiced i;o the values +1 oi· - 1 . Accordir.i:; to (5 . 2~) and (5 . 25) the relation 6'•'x • 6W, would have to hold in order to make an error de1'ect<iou without correctio" Possible . The probability that t:.Wx and 6W.,. are equ11l is zero if the disturbances are due to thermal no is" . Tltere are , howeve'!' , cllsturbances for which this probabili·cy is not zel:'o . •'he 2m character" const'!'ucted from m binary elomcnts
280 b . S!GNA.L DES!Gf( 1 an<;! o forn: a g r oup under addii:5on moc.u!o 2 . l.Jote that, the Walsh functions have the sarr.e Seal,u:-e ["11] . Ao a.l.phab<)t i.s called a ·oL'>ury group alphabet o:- a o:i.nur;y grou:p code if i-cs cha.rtlctcrs are t:1 ~ubgroup of this group . A sysc:e1tatic g1'oup codo :i.s a s.,yst..erentic code whose chara·c- ters form a group . A special class of binary group cc<ies BL'e the Reedl'luller codes [5, 10] . 'l':'leir churacte:-s contaJL m elements , :n being a power of 2 . The nwr!Qer of en eek eleJJen{;S is m-k and tile numbel' of ci'.nr~cter~ is 2• , k luis clie value k = Z' <i) , r < m . ... o (%) The s:nallest HaJ:irming distance is rl =- 2""'· 1 • Conside.r· an example wbere m = 21. i:. 1b and r -=-1 (Reed'l'luller of first order) . It fol I ows d = 2 ,_, = 6 =d k = 1 +"- = ? . This alphabet contair:s 2 s • 32 chs.racte"" constructed from 16 elementn, 1(1- ) = 11 of lihich are checit elemen~s . This a.lphabec is denoted as ( 1 6 , 5)-<ilphabet a)! genere,ll:y as a (m , k)- alphabet . Table 1 3 shows the cha.J.'acter~ of &his (16 , 5) - alphabet with the elemencs ~epresen­ ted by +1 and - 1 . Compare the signs o.i' the elements oi' the fi!'st 16 charact"rs with the Walsh functions of Fie; . 2 . The signs correspond to the posicive and negative amplitudes o! the Walsh :'unctions . The signs of the elem.,nt,; of characters 1'? chrottgh ?2 arc obi;ained by reversing the signs o:f the characters 16 thro1lgh 1. 011e me.y thus conotruct a Reed-Null er alpha·oet with m cnaraco;ers as follows: The 'lalsh .functions wal( j, 9) , j = 0 .. . m;;/, rep1·esented by im plus 1md minus signs y:i.elc\ one half or the cha.1'8Cters; bhe other half of the cbara.ccers are represented by rho fwictio11s -c;:il( j , e) . Thu::; tile Reed- Muller alphabets rm belong to the class of orthoeonal alphabets . 6.32 Orthogonal, Transorthogonal and Biorthogonal Alphabets To snve space let us consider a("- , 3)- alp!:iabet ins bead of a (16 , 5)-a! phabet . It contains 2' = 8 characters . The
.,. 32 OR'l'HOGOl;.1,1, JGF1!1G::STS 281 Tsble 13 . The coe:'oicier.ts a,(j J o:: ':!le c_aract<-r1' of ~ (16, 5)-u.lpt:abct 'iccordir..g to Jl::;"D-.iULLE!! . x • 1 .... 32, j • o.... 15 . x 0 1 2 3 4 5 I 7 8 - 9 10 11 12 13 1" 1 5 1 .1 +1 1·1 +1 +1 ; 1 11 +1 +1 11 ;.1 .1 ; ' 11 +1 •1 2 -1 -1 3 -1 -1 4 +1 +1 5 +1 ;1 6 -1 -'I ? - 1 -1 B t1 •1 9 .1 -1 10 -1 +1 11 -1 +1 12 +1 -1 1? +1 1'l 15 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 211 25 2G 27 28 -1 -1 +1 -1 +1 +1 -1 -1 •1 •1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 29 -1 ;;o +1 ;;1 .. 1 ;;2 - 1 -1 +1 +1 -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1 +1 11 -1 -1 -1 +1 -1 -1 ...-. -~ - A ,1 t1 -1 t1 -1 -1 +1 -1 +< +1 -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 - 1 _,, - 1 - 1 -1 -1 +1 11 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 - 1 •1 +1 - 1 - 1 - 1 -1 -1 •1 11 +1 •·1 +1 +1 +1 - 1 -1 -1 -1 +< +1 +1 •1 ' ·1 -1 - 1 - 1 +1 +1 -1 .1 _, - 1 +1 • ·1 +1 - 1 - 1 +1 '-1 +1 -1 -1 - 1 +1 ...1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 - 1 -1 ·1 +1 - 1 ~1 -1 - 1 +1 t1 - 1 +1 +' -1 t1 +1 -1 - 1 +1 -1 - 1 +1 - 1 -1 •1 +1 -1 +1 •1 - 1 ~1 +1 - 4! - 1 -· -1 +1 t1 -1 - 1 -1 - 1 - 1 +1 +1 11 - 1 -1 -1 11 +1 +1 -1 11 -1 +1 -1 11 -1 +1 -1 11 - 1 +1 -1 +1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 ·1 - 1 +1 - 1 - 1 -1 11 -1 •1 - 1 -1 t 1 t1 ~1 -1 - 1 -1 +1 +1 -1 -·1 -1 +1 .1 +1 -1 -1 +1 i 1 •1 -1 - 1 -1 ·1 • 1 - 1 -1 -" -" _, •' +1 11 .1 +1 +1 11 +1 +1 '1 +1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 - 1 •1 - 1 - 'I +1 - 1 , - 1 - 1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1 11 - 1 - 1 +1 -1 ~1 - 1 -1 •1 - 1 - 1 ..1 -1 - 1 +1 -1 +1 - 1 +1 +1 - 1 +' -1 , -1 -1 +' +1 - 1 +1 .1 - 1 +1 +1 - 1 11 -1 - 1 - 1 + 1 +1 -1 +1 11 - 1 +1 •1 - 1 +1 · 1 -1 - 1 -1 -1 -1 - 1 -· -- . ..-- 11 -1 -1 -1 - 1 -1 +1 ~' .1 11 +1 - 1 -1 - 1 - 1 •1 - 1 •1 - 1 +1 - 1 +1 +1 -1 11 -1 -1 +1 - 1 ~1 ; 1 -1 •1 - 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 - 1 +1 11 -'• -1 -1 - 1 -1 11 +1 11 +1 +1 +1 +1 •1 - 11 -1 -1 - 1 -1 - ":1 .1 ..... 1 +1 -1 - 1 -1 -1 -1, +1 t1 +' -1 •1 -1 -1 •1 -1 '1 '1 - 1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1 +1 ·1 - 1 .1 -1 -1 .1 -1 +1 -1 .1 -1 11 -1 11 +1 I - ,. -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 ..1 +1 ' - 1 -1 -1 - 1 1 -1 -1 , -1 - "i - 1 - 1 -1 - 1 I -1 -. !irst four arc t::ie .fir~e fow• Wr;lsh f:mccior:s of l•ig . 2 : 1. 2. 4' · • +1 +1 +1 ' 1 ('YI) - 1 -1 +1 •1 - 1 +1 •1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 ~o elements of (94) may be considersd t o l'or:n a tt.ntrix 1 X. lntorcbD.ngi."lg rows and colUJnns yie.1.ds :nati-1.Jc x·: ':l'l. 11s mntrix is " Hadamard mntrix [7-91 - the trun:ipo~cd
282 6 . SI GNAJ DESIGN •1 i1 ( .1 +1 x· -_ -1 -1 +1 +1 ~1) -1 • 1 -1 i1 +1 -1 -1 (9,5) Th(· product XX• yiclcl.::1 Lhc uni' matrix E nult lp!ied (=~ :~ ~~ ~~) (:~ :~ :~ ~~) ~ ('g·~ .~ ~) 4 +1 -~ •1 -1 I 1 •1 -1 - 1 Q Q Q by,,, (96 ) +1 I. ciatrix is calla:! if' ita product •.titb its r"!illtposed matrix yiolds the :mh malrix :null;iplied by a coustru:t: . .:.i:: alptabot is called orthogonal if ics clements cnn be written liQ t.l:ic alemea.ts of an oi'l..bogona.l matrix . 'l~ •e ulphabei; (911) is Oll or~hogonal alphabc>t ; the characCC!rr 1 co 16 nf •ruulc 1 3 form orthoi;onol 1u.phabet, as <lo the c2an1ctcr:; 1'/ to 32Let usomt ~he thiI't! clement o f all chAracters in(94) . An .'.llpna·oet witL i;hree eleoem;s Wld four characters is = ot:taicec: ,, <, .. 4. .1 +1 ~~ - 1 - 1 ~1 -1 ~ 1 - 1 (97) +1 - 1 - 1 !'ho pr·oduct oi' tin muLt·lx Y and Lhe tn1nupo:icd matrix y +1 (1 -1 - •' •') -~ -1 .1 +1 -1 y· r+11, -1 +1 -1'1) -1 -1 +1 - 1 -1 - 1 v· -1 y-iolC.s y y• _ , - ,, +1 -1/5) - '1/3 -11;. - 1/;, >1 -1/5 -1 /3 - 1/3 -1/3 >1 - 1/3 . (-1/3 - 1/3 -1/3 (98) +1 'i'ha d ifference between t;te e lel!lents on chc principal dial)Ot.ttl ar:d - he OLhe:·" .i." L~rge1 fOi' the motrix (98) Chall ror L .e uci1; l9<>) . For \;his reason the alphabet (97) is callee tron~or:;ho,:;o=a_ . T!ie practical meanil'-e; o! tran~ori:;i.o;;c=liey ir. evidenL froJJ the alr·hnbees (94) and (97) . Bat h cor.tain roui· charact ers and elle H6lll!lling distance
6 . ;2 ORTHOGOt:A.L ALPHt.BE'!'S 283 betweenar.y Lwo ch11ractera equals 2 . llowever , the ulphabct (9~) requires t'our eleme11 tn tUld i;l1c n l phnbet ( 97) only three . Let; tbe charec1iers of the alphabet (97) be by vectors : 1. Fo = 2. F1 ~· '" ~eo • e, = -ea - e, F, = -eo . e, F1 = +e o - e, ~·eµrencntetl + e, +e, - e, - e, Tbe end poiGCS of these l'mu· vector~ nre Lile corncr·s of o tetral1edL·on , na ohO\\f:i j n Fie; . 20a , if tlJe 01\i,gin ol the coordinate "yr1."i:t is placed n't Lhe center· of the i;eLr·wiedron and t:ie coordinate r;y!"t<'Jl is rot'1teJ into " J>!'Ooer position . 'ftle ;;erms off tl:e principal diagonal of the matr.Lx. VY' ere close to zot·o .for tranr.o:rt.hogonal nlpha.Oet;s wit.11 tnOJ"'O t hllll four chnJO•ucters . Let tile orthofl;Onal nlrl."l>e t ( 9") ne :<u;>p-e:aem;ed by the chnracters obLained i::y c!:wie;ir.i; =he sigr.~ of the elen ..nts: 5. G. 7. 8. -1 +1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 - 1 •1 - 1 +1 - 1 -1 - 1 -1 (99) The ( 4 , 3 ) - alphabet cousi~~ ing ": tr.e cho.r11cterz l '"') and (99) is called biorthogon<1l . The (16 , 5)-nlphabet of 'r$'ble 1 3 is also biox•tlJogono.1 . AJly chaJoo.ctor ot' o. bi oi ·Lhogonal lllphabet has tho Hp10ming die~ancc d f1•011, any otlie r mccept !or one wbict uas the distw:1ce 2d .. AJ.J. ~xqmple of n bio:'tbogonal alphabet that i~ not a Reed-tluller alp!: ..bct iz the one shown by the o ct o.hed.i:on in Hg . 28t . ~et tho reprcoontntion o.f ch:i.ract.ern by e~emcnte or COeJ'ficienta bo replace(! by the 1'0Pl'OOcntation by tine functions . Consider a system 01· 16 or•:liogonsl functions l'(j, B) . Each function is 111uJ.tiplied by one of the 16 coe::!icients of a character in rable 13 nod the products are ll<l<led . !f the functions f(J ,e) are blook pulses , the firat
264 -o. . SIG HAL DESIGN 16 cnaract;e.t·s O'['C- repz·~!jcn ted by the 'ial~h rw1ctions ot 1''ig . < , the second 10 clluracters by tht' swr.e ~..'a.1.~L !'unctions aultiplied b;1 -1 . lnste"d of rnultip: yi:ig tbe 16 block pul~es by ,, or -1 nud adding the p1•otluctu, 0 11e cm.lld ,just as well llll)l tiply one '"'tlf!h :'·.lI\C ti on :i:;..- +1 o:· - 1 and t;~.c otllt!.t' fil'teen by 0 and ad.d -the fl'Oduc!s . The c!-.aracters :;re then represented 't'~· tle co(!fficie!ltc '1, -1 and 0 ll" ,,;-,own in ~able 111 wl11n•e Lue ~i:rn~ l'OW liGts Lr.o index j of wal (j , 9) and ·t he col= 1 l !JC~ t ho nuciber x ot l:b.c cha1·aci;er . The ~unc-io~s ·•al (j, 9 l 2re 1:1•..1ltiplied 1>y the coefficients ~1, - 1 or C . The SU!lll!atiou of the J:roduci;s i~ ~riviol sinco one pror.uct ouly is unequal ,,ero l'o:r each cheractor . On" hao the curio Lts 1•cnul i; Lhnt the cernary tLlpbabe~ of ' , ble 1" and the binary al;i:-.abet of 'Pab: e 15 yield the smr.e sig=l:; . Both alphabet"' !llUSt hove the SOJJe error rate under the ini',ucmce of i111y kind o f dts~ur:nrnce . :U1rteatl o l' rcpresent inp: Lhe char::.c LeI'a or the ternacy al;•i.nbet of Table i" by 1f. Wsl sh pulses, one may use the constnn~ f(0,9J, 8 si~e and i cosine vu:ses according to F:. B' . 9 . ':'::ie =~:equer:cy power !;pect.ra of i;l:e !'irst 5 _pulae.tJ firGt are aho\\~r. i n Fi6 . 21.1. by the cu1·ve!:i 11 l ·o and c . Tbe six- chru-acLe!' would be F,6(9) •of~ sin (16118 >tn ) . ts power spectnu: 1:ou!c be centered ni; v • 5 .:.n Fi1 . 24 . Choosing ~ = 150 :ic, wtich ~s , "'uch used ni:andard for 1'e1etJPC nignal• , one obtein:i the unnOl'tn'1lizcd froq uencios shown t hei ·e . 'Vhe s i gn(ll l",a(e) would have it s energy centel'ed nbout ' . ~3 Hz and there 1-:ou...d be pt•actical2.y no ene1-gy above " Hz . One should not conclude from tllis narro1·. bandwidth , tl111t the nlr,habei; of Table 14- is better tiHtu I.hat o f Toh le 1;;; . One may multiply pulseo uccording to J"ig . 9 by the coci'fic;.ents i1 and -1 of Table 13 a.nd add the proouc•< . =no roau1ting 32 signals nave al.lil0 8 t no cnore:y above 1 ,o Hz. . Onn may con~ L1•11ct 2 11 cl1ai·acters fi·om 16 b inary c.oefti~ ci•rnLe . '!'he ( 1( , .•)-D.l pl:wbet of Table 13 uses 2' of the:ll· It is u:;ual to sny, ;hat tbis alphabet contains 5 in.foi·t ccr.L!.
?8~ 6 . 32 OIITIJOGO:IA.:.. fiL?HJ.I<ETS rre.ble 14 . _ .he coef~icic::.t:n n.-;(J) o: -i:!""1c c!-.!l.l'UCt:Cl'!; of ii terr.ui·:r bLorthogonal "1photct . \ : ' .. .. 3?, ,1 • c ...• 1' . )( 0 'I ,.. ,; '+ 1 11 0 0 0 0 2 0 ..1 0 0 0 ; 0 0 +1 0 0 ii 0 0 0 +1 0 5 0 u 0 0 +1 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 11 12 0 0 0 0 0 41~ 0 c 15 0 1b 0 17 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 13 19 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 29 30 ;1 0 0 0 32 -1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 c i) 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 () 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 c 0 ;. b ? l:l ) 10 11 1 2 1 , 1'• 1 :. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 c 0 0 0 c 0 0 c (' t' c 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 +1 0 0 v 0 0 n v 0 0 0 0 •1 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 I~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 fl 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1·1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c c 0 l) 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 c 0 c 0 0 n0 0 c -1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 v v c C• 0 -1 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 1 vn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, -·1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -·1 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 .;: 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 11 -1 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ thnt of' infor.·ne,.;ior: ruU 1·1 bite :iation digi 4;s a.-ric 11 c3eck <1tc1:0: OL' - t ..:t~ ... r c 0 0 0 eacl.i. .:.''.)chnrncte1· contains 5 bit~ <IU?tdancy . A to~ul of 3" Cb.ll.L'VCLcr~ <Lay be cor: t rue tcrl trom 16 ternary cor fficir.fl'~ ~ . 'l'he 9lp:rnbec or 'hble 1 1.1 Uses 2' of them ; 00(' rnny L1saii,;n uhc info~mntio:i 5 1 i t.n to each character . One \dl l , however 1 be ,..clucta111. l;o njSign tho redundancy l.; 2 (;1" - 2') t;o ~hr·n . 'Z'tJ· COJICl>J t of redundancy io u;,erul, if alphabets of a certain ordet• ~re cor. •idored . Wili!'.!.out thic restriction ~bere is no reaaon ~hy the characters of tho ( 16 , 5)-alphabet ehould not be conol \erod to be derived from the r'' chnrncte rs or an
28l 6 . SIGt;;J. DESIGI/ R~pl::abet of ordor r rather t:hnn froa. tne 2" c1w1:acters of an a.lp!iabct of Ol"der 2 . The oonceµt of distance uus also prove11 11neful in the general t;heo:·y of coding , no longer resLri ·ted to biua.ry elements. For a ger.eralizat1on o.r tl:e fiaru:iing distance consider t;.:o cherac:;ers =eprcnented b:,' tile !'uc.ctions Fx(8) and Ff'(B) int .e incerval -1 !! a,; t · The energy required to crans!"orm F,, (a) into i',, ( a) ia Wx, : llt fUx(9)-.i!'~ (a)i d9 Wn= 1 (100) -1/Z The energy o:· the character ~·.. c8) . i" u ~~- ., J Fi(G)d8 Wx = (101) -112 The average energy of all ll cltflr:llcters of un olphabe't is W, 'Ii -= • ....L: PxWx, (102) where Px ia the rrobabiliLy of tr1u1s:nission of character X· ·rce cn<>"!:"Y dist=co' d,,., of the cnaracters Fx(8) and. F.,( e ) is dl'!J'ined i.i:y normalizliltion of "Oho eneJ,gy Wu: Let Fx(a) and f'.,.(9)becom•:rucced froaaorthogonal functions f(j,9 ) : ,,.. , L: m.J qx(Jlf(j , e), r\,(D) 2: a,,(j)f(j , e) i :0 jrO One ob~ain"' l"or Wx'I' and Wx: m-1 Wx.- ; Z [ax(.:J) j: 0 m-l - ;;..,(j)]' 'n x = 2:; ol' j) {105) jJD Let nll ch11rActers !lave th~ energy W• w, . It follows : 1'.l'he te.ri:1 'normalized non-aimilarity ' has been used for , _,,_;te energy at.ito.nce if the inLogration ill'tervul ii> ........ ~ [10] .
287 ,, . ;2 ORTUOGOilA.L ALFllAJJETS ~· L; "x ( j 1 112 1 - Ti) fl"x(B )F,,(9 ) d9 • 1 - Ja., ( j) ,. ( 106) m- I 2: · 111 ai(j) pO .. , 2::a/ j)a,.(j ) = ~ J•O J•C Ax( j )a./j) I = '!'Ile !olloi< e::iergy ui~tar:ces n:·e charactez.•s of ~al'!-e 1'-1: dx" . ,, for x • 0 !or • 2 for 32 1· x )( ¥ i" - • 32 - The characters of Tablr m·I L a~(j) x -1 L'or =t •1 for x 0 f'Ol., it.u~ 32-·1·+1 X ~ ~, 52-•t+1 obtai!Jed for 1:"' ( 107) 1 ·I 1 "1,+ ;yiel1: 15 = l•O 2:;a~(j) • 1b ~ax(J)a'l'( j ) I"' dx., • 4 .for (108) i•O )( : .. " ,L nx<.i )a'I'( j) . ;2 - ~ ·I -1 \.> ror 11h fo1· 0 fo1· x :i2-H1 x '( I 'I ~! 1 32-i• . 1 .. 1 • 0 for )( t (109) • 2 for x I ' 32 - ~ • '1 'he distances dx" or the charo.ctern of •ral;le 13 >1ould havo the values 16, O or a , if Wx., i!. ( 10~,) wnre dlvic:le<i by W/lg,:u - '1/4 rather ~ ban ·o;y W. :tiH ia ju~t eni. uurul"•r of ~lements in which tte cha:-acters U.i.!f"'r , i . e . , their Hn.:i.t1ing distance . The energy dist;.o.nce dx.., of two characters is equ:i.l co tho square of the vector connecti ng their signal poinco :!.n a:Lgnul space . •r1tose vectors are 1'9P!'esented by the rode betwoen the signal points in Fig . 28 . The term distance l1as an OViclent meaning in the vector representation . Due to
288 6 . SIGNAL DESIGN tbe normalj.zatioc. of dx\1-' one munt r-0-qt1 i1'e* fo .r th.e vect-0-l:I' representation, tha;; the signa: points have tl'.o ave:rage dis~ru1ce 1 from t.heit· com.aon center oJ gravity . Let the E c!:l:u·acters or a ':li.ortl1ogon0l alphabet be listed in sucl1 a sequer:ce that the T'ela""Cion ( 110) is $atisfied . it follow!:i : t f'" { Fx (e)Y.,,(e)aa ~ ·ll1 1 for - 1 for 0 for x ~ ~ - ·t • ·1 x ~ xL i' , R - ~ ( 111) -1 It fol LO'.<S r:-or.i (106) that Lhe cha1'acter x o:· a biortllogonn: alp:-:iabct has an energy Jistance 11- f rom the cha.ra:_C.t.i:.r R-x+1 and r:...'1 energy- distar:.ce 2 from all o tlter cllarf1tote~5 i x = 1 .. . . R. 6.33 Coding for Error-Free Transmission SiiAill'!Ol'I ' s fo:'lnula for the transmissior: capacity ot a comrnunication channel proves l;ht;,.c an e1~.ror·-1'ree transmission is possiblP as a limtc;i11l> case . Fr•oru ~he derivat.i,on. of that i'ormul.:1 in secti.on 6 «"12 it is evident bo''' alpha':iets rr.ny be obt.:iiner.1 whicll aµ_µr·oacL t.he t.r·ansc1issi on ca- µacit..y o~· the· channel a:l<l which have vanishing error rates J.t r::,e p!"esence a:· a.ddi tivr~ thermril. . Con::;itle:i· a o;,·::;te:a of Fourier expundable orthogonal runecioi;s f( j, 9) ir:c the inte!·val -! " 0 ;; ~ . Random numbers a 0 ( j; '"'i tl:. a Gaussiau tlist1:ibtttiou ~.i·~ taken from a table And ti:e character F 0 (9) is constructed [1 - ?J : ""' (jJf~j,a) F 0 (91 =L:a 0 (112) j :O Or:e :rny agsuoe tLat t,he nwnbex·s a 0 (j) represent voltages • F 0 (9J is chen a time variable voltage . F 0 (0) cannot be distinci.:ished. rrom a sample of thermal :noine i.f 1a gro·~S beyond all bou.nds . Usins a.nor,ber set: of m random nwnbers a 1 (j) , one 111aY constt'LLct a secoud chat'ac~et' F 1(e) . The general ona:racta1 •
6 • ~ T£RJL'.RY COfolR lilAT1011 il?l!AHJ:.'l'S 289 Fx( 9) can be constructed by moans oi r.i G11uzsirui ciscr'lb11tcd r!ll1dom numben; ax{ j) . The u."Jnormalized dur& t i on of these character:> equals •r . fhe tl'ansmirrion capacity of tile channel o! ( :;u) ~ol:o~·a fr":n c, ~ ru1a t~.e m;era.::c rignal-to-r:oise power ratio ?IP.,,.: ( 11 ~) Let n be the largrsl int"gr;,r >imaller than 2ci n characters Fr(e ) be ~ocstructcd : x• 0, 1 , ... ' .n-"° lnt (11:. ) 'J'lleae n cllarnc~ers for" the !i1·ot alphuoec . Now l et J, nlphnbets wi tb u CL<1racters ~acll be eon"' LI ucted ic thll'I way and pick or:c al;1habet at rando:n . If :; ~nd L app,·oach in! inity, tt:c P'·ol;abili-o:; iA arbitra:•i:y close ~o 1 thi s alp!:l,,bet yio ld" Wl error ruLe arr zc:-o . Those ' r amlom ulplla.oer.s • ru.·a very 6nc.J.sfying from the theoretical poiuL of view . l'uore a r e , bowcvci" µrect.icul drawbacks . It in not only int r,rcs~iq,- ~o o;ee how good the alphllbet is in ~he li.l!:iL , but whar. tt.c !'!'Obflbili::y of error is for a finite ELnount of ic.fomation µer charact<'r. EiLIAS found tho .first non- rnndoru alpl".ahct nppx·oacl1ini:; the •1r1•or prcbabili i;y zero for: fi.nii;e energy :per bit of in f oi·ll!&tion [4,5) . ".'he- trans!ll.ission rate of infc=ation ·,,;as, however, much ~:r:a l l er t_an Sl\.Ala;o:; ' e limit . :::ie socnl led co:nbination alphabets also y.~ d vrulishing error probc.bil i ties and come- very close to SHfJ-ITION ' n I imi ~ . 8.34 Ternaiy Combination Alphabets ori;hogonal !"unctions l'(: ,9 can tr!lll!mi:; m coeffic1•nt s a..,(j) . A tocal of R • ,., charactei·e can be cori; t 1,1cted. i f ax (j) moy usswne the thr ee valuon +1 , 0 anQ -1 . '11 ~iting ( 1+2)"' instead of 3"' yi e lds the f ollowing expnnsion : i:. 'itit s deco1nposition divides the IQ I l.t111'11Wi, Tr.in6mleslnn ot lnl0ttni111on set of R ~haracter9 .lnto
2':)0 b . 31GHAL DES!G!l aula:set.~ of cLe:.racters contninint; oqu!!tl ly rta.r:.,y .!unctioila !(J,:J) . There is o = 2'(~) ctaracLcr con~ainiug no !°Unc~i .:>n, bccaune 821 coe!'!'icier.Ls ax{ j) Aro zero . .Furtner- aore, 1;here are 2 1 ( : , J = 2£1 cba:.-acte!"!J, con,isuing of one f1Jnction each , because cn.l;; or.e cocfi"ic; om; ax( j) equals t.he i>iorthO~';Onal alphabctn . In general , ::-he1~e !.il'~ 2"\ chnr··H-:ters , each conL o~ning l1 funct>.ons ax(jJJ"(J,eJ, wllere "x(j; equals +1 or -1 . Si.nee {~;) is the mu:i1e1• oJ: combinoL .. o ns of h out or +'1 or -1 . These cb9.racters .for-ll ct ru.nction~, f:' these elphalJets IH'e cnlleu r.ernar;y combina- Lion nlpt:nbnt::; ,for h i 0, 1 01· " · :rnbl 0 15 shows the number 2 ~~) oi· ct.aracters in such alptu1bets . ~nblc 15 . tlwnber or ctaracters iu lcrr:ory conbination al Accordi.nt- ~o Al.SAC<: (2), th" n•L'tbe,·s above the 1 ine drcwr: tllroug!:.. ~he tabl" b~long to ' good ' alphabets . ?!:nbet~ . • - • ..,. • ~ I ! ' I •• ' . • ,,,• " ' ,• • ID l1 ' " ..." '° "'3! I .:~1 111 :.:•u t.r,1 "" !111tj '""' '"..." u·".. li'll2 ·"1JilJ 1:1-uo ~(iO .. t-i' _,. 11:? :12 ... Iii'<! Oil() 11!!•1 ( 17\12 <14.(1:,! ~:1110 l(jlJ 4 1~ •' l:!I! u 111';1' 41)(1~ U'11.'i• ~l :2/tl\ Zritl.1 115:?<> .'il:.\t ,'II~ - 102·l II) Eq·.iation (1"5J yields, i·or h • :n, clle 2m(~) = 2m cha- :-acLei-s Lhat contain all a: functions nx(j )r( j ,e) with ax(j) equal +1 "' lllfll8b1't'l . - 1 . These ! l l•., the eha.t·octt1·,; of the binary ~or."ider gn alphabet witt. charecterc conta:u:ing h !'unc- tions 1( j, a) . Each charact:cr contaius h coel!"icients ax(j) eqwrtl '.. o .... ri 0 or -a. 0 and JJ-b co~i'L'icie11ts equal to zero . Let thc:Je characters be transmitted . Cros!lcor1'elation of ti"' rcccivod aigru;_ 1·1ith tho functiona .C(;l ,8 ) yields the cocfl'icients ax(,j ) . Let addiLive tllet•inal ooinc be superimposed on tl:e signal. The coefficient A u( j) ab·tained • ,;hi ch have a GaussiaJ\ distribution W'l the moan ei tiler +so•
0 or -o 0 , denoted "oy n'" 0 (j) , ., 1011 j ) ~wl , 0·•1(.j): (!!.'"'~o,j))=(a'·' ') • <a1• •<.1 I) = (a•••) • •1, (t''· ':,\il) •(n'· ") = - 1 0 llo The v ..r1ance ~· of ll.ese di:>"Cribut1on::. follow£ fMn (60), (70) ond (71 ): al • <ala1'j)) = ~>!~ •11-1 • h~1 (11 '7 ) b • nucber· of coe!Iicien;;s s.~(j; '<lith value "'• or - 11 0 ; n • lg,2 n' = inforn.ation per c!·,.;ractcr in bit!l 1 i 1" a!l cho.raci;crs ai~e tre.r.stiLt.ed with ftqual trobabili;y; P 1 • average po.,.,.er o r' n o=tti.ogonBl co~ponents of the1· '· rioisc in an orthoe;onalil.iy intnrvnl of duration T ; P • ha~ = r.igunl po weJ" ; Af • t!./2T ; Pd, average ])O\-.TC!r o! t. J1 ~rmal r.oiJ:Je in a freq ue11cy 119r1d "<"' of ~idtll 6f . The average noiae J>Ot.'Pr F •.- rnt.he:~ '::h:i:i Fh._ 1 or r,.., 1 is used as a reference in order to fact l i :nte co:n_psrivon between binnry and ternary alph.abetn . •rhe s~ ..., 2m(~) SUCIS • 2; a(j Jay(j) (1 18) l•I cuat be produced frOIL ';he m coeff~.:ie:>c:: n(j) !'eCeWcd nnd the larges t; one mu<'t be dc::ermiued for d"cociir.,-: according to (5 . 25) . m- t. of che coeffici cncs n,, ( .1 J U l°oi' any ~ . ConsidOJ' thoec sums for whicl 1 en rt a in cor; ff'i cier.Ls a.( j) are O,forinut=ce tbose for J O ... o.- 11- 1 . Tr.c 1·"lll•ining h coefficients a.,(j cguol +1•o o:r - a 0 ''"d ,;riold 2• different sums s,. . Tt.e largest of theEe 2• st:l:I<' will contain h JlOSitive 1.erms a(j)a,,(j), whi.1e the m-h torms are O. 'rho lnr;;;estol.' all 2"(f,l swns s,. will 1.><> the sum whose non-vMishills term a contain tho !: coe rr l oient6 a(j) with th<'.' largest mse;nHude . The swn will be la.rgoat for the tra.nsmit~ed cnaracter Fx (a) when he ab- ..
2')2 1- • SIGl\PJ, DESIGN r.olut" V!illle of <:he !: coefficients a 1•11 (j) and a•· •l(j) J.e larger than ~hal of the IL- h coer!"ieiec~" nlDl(j) , and i.f in 1 · •-araer a~d a1• 11 J i e. sci:o 11 er than zero . a{ ldi -1 v o:- u · "<J) is c ·) · Jle:;,cc, the fo 1101dr:g cwo cocditions 1>uet be sa;:isfieO. fol:' er1·01·-frc!'o (see Fig . 107): 1 . All coefficients n.l'"C uo:J-nf!{;P-'tive : a'·"= a1· • l(j)/~ 0 nnrt -a•·•• = - a<· ll(j)/a, ( 119) 2 . None of the h eoefJicicm;a •n1" l on<I -a•·1 > is smalle:- thnn the absolui;e v alue of one of ~he m-h coefficients a" 1 • 111"( j l/ti 0 • ~'!lis eonditior. nc~d:l to be satisfied only i f cor.·liti.o" 1 is SHliHfied : ,,,, '""'I "' -a - la' 'I " +a'·"- a 0 ' · 11 ' -o.1·11 < (120) CD 'ii:e ce'"sii;y functions w,(x) of a'· " ll..'ld ... ,(y) of la'°' I W1 (0) oi' arr. p;1·:~n by (.<. . 59) . '.::hi> rrohability l (ul· "<O) cuudHion ( 119) no;; ':leing i.atisffoc! 1'QUO.l s : ~ \1 TiO ~'f J0 e;q{ - (x-1 )'/2o 1 ) ]d.x - (121) H 1 - orf ( 1/1[2o)] Th~ µ1•ounbili ty p( - a1- 11 <0 ) htts the .:ru:•~ vnlue : p(-n' ·"<O J H1 - er~·( 1 /V•?o (122) )j p1." "e"o~<'5 cc.c :;>robability that the condit:ion (119) is not sat.i"J'ic;j J'or a• least one o! the !: coefficients a1' 11 Etnd ~'" 1: r~" • 1 - [1 - ·.•,(01]" = 1 - 2·• [1 • "r1'(1/1[2o)]• (125 Cor.sidC!'r 'ttc dist!'ibi.1tion of a' · 11 -laCO)J1 0 < aC·lJ< co · :ts Cle:ie1ty fWlcLion is given by (4 . 1>1) to (4 . 6:')) . 'i'he N'CJl.,•bllily that the condition (120) ia not satisfied for 0 and - a'·" E• cortnin one of 'Che h(m- b} differences i:a'- "- la' '1 - ln' 'l 1ti 0 ri( a'·"- l1tl••1 <0 ' ;1(0<·•» o) D W(O) -- J w(z)dz . (1 2'~)
29:; A D I • I Fig . 107 Dcu llic,y funct io ns of aloi l , nl- 11, a.IC I , latoq wid a'· " - In oI fo1· a ternary c ol:lbin ation 11lrua\Jct . The h.atched a1•eas 1 ndicate er:-or s . . .~ ' · ' 0 1 .6'• ). 'l'ltis int e£!;rf.11 wan ev;.i. uettod in (ti p~~~-• rleHotea t in! pi·oba·uili t y, that thC" condiL ... ou ( 1 20) is not natisfierl for all h( o;- h) di!"fnrrcce• a 1"11 - 11.1.10 '1 and -a•·U_ lal•t! : P~ •• ~ 1 - (1 - W(O))•<m·hl (125) Equations (123) and (125; yield :;he erro~· probabili;y rl.'! of ternary coabination alphace~s • . biorthoi:;<>ne l !llrhabel,; Slid binary (m , m)-al~habe•s : p•ll 1 (12<') ""~ a 1 _ :!"( 1 • et•f{ 1 A(2o ) Jh ( J. f ~ + erf~1~20 ) 2 " e1•r' 1 ) 2o ~ I )ti!m-nJ a' • hPAl I nl' liquation ( 1 26) yields f or h • m t he error p1•obo.billt y of a binary lllphnbet with m c oe.Cficient s a ,.(j) ond 2 m cha-
294 I . SIGN.AL DES!G!l rnctcrs, \\'hicL iz c:l:c ~a=nc a~ ('l·~) : P~.:.· 1 - (1 - v~" )(1 - .?'.!.~) • 1 - (;)"'(~ •er!'(11't2c)]"' mr., /nJ- o' • = ?"' /F, n = 1g,,.' M("') rt.; • m (127) 1 rhe errox· prc'::>abilit.Y or biortl.Of'Or."l alphabet s f ollows h • 1: ro1~ pO I • M 1) 1 - • 1 - o1 • (1 - H1 p(JI 1 )( 1 - :-ill l •l,m •I • el'f{ 11{20) I l\, /J = F,,, /ill' , ) ( 128) q : :~:f.1 ~>if~n·} m-• jf n = lF. 1 2 (~) 1 • lr; 1 2m Fig . 108 shows the e!"ror probability for sooc biorthogonal alpbabe~e . The e:'.!'<>r prolobilityof the binary(5 ,5)alpba'bet ( CUJ."1e n = ~" m = ;; ) wid Che ( 16, 16 ) -alphabc;; (curve n • 1o , ir. = 16) shown fo!" cortp1<rison. The curve n • .5 , m • .5 i" the sa'lle as curve ' e ' in .!'ig . 102. 1 rhc cho i ce of t~-C average nigne 1- to-noiso power rati o p1o~tcd along; the abscii;sa require-ti oxrlanation . The mea; of t;he average signal power r iti rvid~nt . The average noise po"'e r P 1, r o f o ne ort hor;onnl component of the;rmal noise in an o~·tllogorw.l lt y lLLervul o! duration T is used ae reference . Plot ting P/Pi.r would give a f alse iropreaaion , aince the character~ or the varioun alphabets transr.ii t iHrrerent amounts of informatio1: . l t is better to use F /r. , t!:.e avergge signa: power per bit of info=atioo , ra=hr.r than P . 1'hi" gh•cs P/?,, 1 (P/n)/?,,, c F/n.P,., ~ ?/1~•• • ~·t:ich is used in Fig . 108" Plf., ; 61' = n/2': (1 29) Coneitl.,r the t;rans:niosi on or chnrnceeL·s with n • 5 bi;s ot 1 t ··orrnation wi;;h an e rror pL'Obability or 10· ' . According to Fig . 1 08 1 tlle binary alphabat (n = 5 1 m = 5) requit·"s n i·atio P/P0 , of 1 1 cl!l aM t;ho bioi• alphabet (11 • '.> , m = 16) one of 8 d.ll . llence , ·the biort!logonsl al1 h~bot r equires 1 1 - B = 3 dJJ lees signal power . 'flle price paid for this gain i~ an increnee in the number of
295 -' r \,:JJ-1:1 . r. ' ... ~ ' ' ' ,' 1, ~'' • ~t~,, \ '' --- ' \ \ \ \ \\ \ I '.j. \h\",. .. ;.i \ ,\ \ ",, .. ' . l ~ I • ~ !•t .. ·,, J \ ..:,. \ ,'~\ l"o1 ~ . e..,.U_·\t ,;, . \ \ \ ,. \ \ I ~ ~·'O ""\\"\. tlol ·- ..... t'..,, ~' • ,\ ""' ~·· "" \ \ ·\\ \ \ \\I. .,f. \ ,,~ - :\ . \ ~ \. '" .. .,. \ \ \' '; \\' "' '(,~ \i I • .../ t1 '1 i 1"•10 ! ' "" J-1I • \ 'I •I "\ 1, \ \ II " ,.. ~~'Cl~ - " l'ig. 108 (~eft )Error J ro·oability ~ o~ borthogonal ~lrl•a­ bet s . P average sicna.l powr.r ; F.. average F<>Wer o:· thermal noiGe ir. a :·r,.quency band of wid:h 61' = n/2'1' ; n ic!ormntion of the chru:accers i.n ~it ; T dllra1'ion o! the characters ; C1 number of o rthogonal functions L'l ~ he alpliabet. Solid lines: biorthogonol a.lphnb.,ts ; dashed li1rns : binary alphabet n (~ 1 :;i) w1d ( 16 ,11') . Pig.109 (right ) EJ•rot· pi-obabili.ty Jl of Le rnary co:nbi nC1tion alphabet s ; P , P 0 , , 'r. nnd m d ned in t:.e caption oi: JiifJ: . 108. h nw1f<>er o f orLi1ogona:. funcLiOtll' in a char acr.01-. :lashed lines show the error rro·oel::iliLie~ of the binsry alPbabets (5 , 5) and (16 , 16) . Orthogonal functions required .rrorr. m • ~ to rr. = 1 6 ; a 11,/;,,bimcs la:r-ger section of the or , nomeWhe.~ less precise, a 1( /5-tim.e" wic!ot· l'x·eque ncy bn.11d iu required . Consi der l'w:~IJeL' GlJe trano:i.isoion o f ci'ttl"J!Ct"Ore '1ith n • 16 b i ts of i.:i.for:riation wi;h dn er;·or pro1'nbility Of 10" . '!'he binary alphabet (!! = 16 , 11 ~ 16) rnquir"s >t rntio P/P6 , of 11 . 'l db ; the biorthoi;;onal alphabe; (c • 11j, m • 32 768) one oj' ~ .8 dll . Th1Ls the bio rthogonal alpi.abet requiroa only about one quart or of tho zignal power or ·Lhe binnry nlpbabet (11 . 7 - 5 . 8 = 5 . 9 dB) . The number oJ' functionn required increases , holfever , from 16 to 32 71_.e .
290 G. SIGNAL DESIGN 'l'hn mm 11 er tr.e reqc.lired ~r:-or rroloahi I 1 ~:1 the more Justified is >he use of :i biortt:ot:onal al;>tabet . For ex- aaplc, i!; rcq:iircs a :-at;io P/Fta1 or "i"' .2 rlh for an error !J!'Obabl.lh:; or 10-7 ( CU!'\'e n - ~, m • 1t. iu ~ig . 108), while Lte biliary alphabe~ (r. • '.:> , Ill • ,) i•equires a ratio of 14 . 8 dB , a possible l'educcion of thE> nignal power by 1"- . 8 - 11 . 2 k ;S . 0 dfl . •rtiis same dil'f~rt'ncc nmounts to somewhat moro t h an ? dn for the alpr.t;bot:; n • 1b, m • ?2?68 and n • 16 , 10 • 16 A t an e rror p~·obobility of 1 0· 1 . Fir;. 109 shows t he error probability of t;ernary combinotioll alphabets accordi!lg to ( 1 2.;) . A coa:parison with Fig . 108 shows t;Lat chese pw:Uculu.r ones need a larger r1ttiO ?/Fo1 thau the bioo• 1tluh1tbet uut a smaller one than the binary (a:,m - alphabets . For instance , the uiOl'thogonal alphabet n • ~Cl , a.• 12 yie~ds an error probab1.lity o: 10·• for a ratio ?/F6 , or 8 dB; the cooparaole eo~bir.at1on a~phabet r. - ~ . 9, ~ H, h • ; requires a ratio of about 10 . 5 dB . ?ig . 109 sho•s that t!:crc aro nlrhnbcta which transclt more .ullo1·mntiou n ;·1i th the HOlllc n1.11tbor u of f unctions thw.i tbe binary ( m, m) - nl phnbet cmd neve1•thel ess y i e ld a lowei· en'Ol' p;·obnbil ity . '.J:·he>ie ulpll/lucLs u.o more than ex- chane:a 'lllOJ.'e functions ' for 'lonn nl11nnJ power •. Consider lJ • 8 . 8 , m • 8 , b = ;; • A character of " binary (8,8)-•lp~.abet <:ransr.iits wich m • 8 !'Wlctions the in£o r 1Htio:i n • 8 bits, which is le~n thnn tho :; • 8 . 8 bits oi tit!.' cui•ve t:hc ternary co:nbination nlpbnbet tho.t requires also :n i=: 8 functions . 'Ihc e!'ror probability of the binary (8 ,8)nl~habe~ is rep:·esented by a curve th1<t lies between ;he curves u • 5, :n • 5 and n = 16. o • 16 in Fig . 1 0CJ . This curve ia about 3 6.£ to the right of the curve n • a .8, -- ~ 10-' • m • tl , ~. • ; ror error p!'o b a b l.· 1 l.· t i es between 10" cu= Cor..oi<icr t he error probabiliC;y pl l ) of (126) !or iare;e vnltH'" oJ' ru ruid a . 1Jsi n5 tho 1 .1rr ( x ) - 1 - \l m-:"' one obt1un:o : -x ? , .... ~ppr•oximo.~iona x >> 1 , and 1 - y 1' e ·Y , y << 1 ,
6 . }4 TERll/JlY .... Pill "' CO~ffi!NATIO!f -Ee"' 1 - ~ - r, • Let n snu lim p~~ m- oo • lilll plll 1!1'1-00 Thu~, f'l',h .f.i 1 .for 0 fO!' >> ,. (130) 1, 1n [ h(:o-ll) '1ii fii'ng] 1 a??~'09Ch " ~ ,, 297 ALPUAB:::TS P ~ iiu·in t.y : (131) > 0 < 0 crt•1,1--free -cra:i::Hr..i.e;~1oc. is a.c!\•ed ir.. t.he n • co for '11 < O. Using tbe relation D I!" a >> ;i ' (132) one may ti·rurn for·m Cho con<li cio11 '11 < I) into tno following condition,!' ~oi· a conl51..S::"t value of J.J: P/P61 > 4 ln 2 (15)) A ratio P/F 6 1 lnrger ~l'nn 4 ln 2 ;yieLdu error-f1•ee transrnission f'or infini "tely la-~r :n a!lC r:., ru1d finite h; tlleerro rp;-obatiiit;; is 1 if P/l~ 1 _ss:i:allerthan 4ln2 . The limit func~ion li:n p~3J for :n - o:Q , n .... ..:;o ic ~!..o~·:r. irl Figs . 108 'Ind 1 09 . '!'his limJ t ls tho soJoe for the bio,·thogonal alvhubet" (h s 1) a!1d Ll':e =ombination dplrn.betc (I:. > 1 ) . Hence , the combin!'!vioi:.. are tte su_reri.01 ones from the st.and.point o! f'1mctionr, or baridwitltb rnoui re<i, nince the nurr.bor m of !.·~ctj_o1i.ti .i:equir·~d incr1'!~tfll;!!i cropo:::-tionnl to 2" fa= !1l,;>b9br.l,, but oru;; 1 proportional to ?" hh .for airhnbc·!.r . Let ll not remni n constant no m and ZJ approf.)Ch infinity , bui; let 11; inc1· propol'Lional LO :n" , 0 « o. < 1 . ~he 1:ondition :n >> I:. or (13?) is atill nat:..,fiel fo:-largea . The condHion '1 < O ther: yields "he Iollowi11g condition in place of ( 1 ),) : <-IP., > 4 ~ ., - a ln 2, Errol'-freo tram:miasion is possible il' u ia emu.llor than 1 .
G. sn;r;AL llEsIGll ~ot us i:ivcst!ya.t O' t.ow Shar:~on 's lic.i t of the tr~ ... :nissior: Capacity in tllf! for:n Of (5"J is !iifr<JSCiied by ternary combination alphl.lbets . Ihe ave1·or,n nois.e µower p 41 iiuot be replaced l>y f'.,.r i:_ ( 130} . It J'o llow.a: "'ht" concUtion ri < O ~ ~lt.. [h\:r:-:i;~J < ~ .. T!Je ,pproximat i o::> lg2 2(~) " b lg,~, m >> L , is sub- n • :· ti i;uted on tl1e lel't nide ru:d the tei ·mn lJl n < • "' 4T02 [ ~ h lL ult - ' The term ill the r.(lg,~) j 11f'1• reordered : P ( 137) :',,.,i brncJ..e~i> '::icco:tes 1 ••l:cn :ii cecomcs i!lfini<;e and I: r~~ains ~initr; it bcco:nes (1-a)/(1•n) for h = m• , 0 "" :i < 1 . The infor:11.ntion trane:oi~~ed error-free per unitime is eqcml 1'0 t../~· ,-ince L is the in.for:r.n1'ion of each clwxnc•er crn.r.:;mi t • ed d urinp; a.n ty ini;erval of dur·ntion T : c - n'f < 2 2Tm 1 ,., ..: • 't" Tl:" < 1-o. 'I lLl 2 'Il j !':":' m,1 1 2 ZHi" 2.o. Ti"i7 .oga:-~ ti-~ ti·M.~r.ii,;sion Ii I c onota.rit I r;; I h = IL" I (438) 0 ~ (t < 1. (139) to the bcee 2 must be u::;ed in ( ~) if the cqnrit;; ie t:o be obtained in l>i ts per unit t < rne : c ~ << 1 . (140) "'·' 'L'he !'lght r.and slc.e o I' ( 140) i s larger by a factor 2 or ?.(1•et /(1 - o.) ;;tL;,,.:, th<' ~ight b.antl sides of (1.?81e.nci(~39) . Ecnce, a. com.b.Lnatior:; alphabet with n ~ constant trenal!li ~s ~al:·~~ mucb in!'orlL!ltion error- free ns peraitted t;v St.a...T"ff:on 1 s ~llit 1 J·l'"Ovided t~c signnl-to- noise powe.r !'"'t lo P /Pm,, ! s 31rmll . Tho phy!<ictl r.ieanini;; of the condition
6 . ;)5 ALP!iAtl.i>'l'S 0 I• ORDE!! 2r+1 ~crnary nlphabe~ hav11 on:.y thn tl:u:ee v1>iues +1, 0 and - 1 . An incre!>OC o.Ctbe everage signol-eo - noice ;iower <"<>tio P/Fm, i is 1<01·thP/Pm.r << 1 is evident ; the coof ficlents of 3 1css onne t he cr"l:'or lit;y ha,; roached zoro . Use oo ulcl ~ i ncrcaoed ratio P/!~. 1 onl;/ if ~he coe:-r1 oien1's could assum<' mo=e thon tl:.e -:l:u·ee va lucs .1 , 0 and - 1 . Tbc tern ary comoinatio n W.phab,,La muo. c be :>eplac<:d by alphabets of bie;her order . A more de1'aile4 icvesi;igat.iot: of term•!J' co:nbinaUon alphabet:> war. =ecentl:;• ;mblished by K.AS?.GK [~) . be made or 6.35 Combination Alphabets of Order 2r+1 Let chuac·~err- fx(ij) be <:om;ioncd or m orthoi;onal functions f(J,9) , -! a a i; !, mul~ipiiod b;v coefficie nts llx(j) . These coeff::.cier.ts :nay aSSl.UllC 2r+1 values :rather th8l'I ) as for ternary a .... phbbe"t:!: . /, tota~ o" (~+21~)m characters Fx( e ) can be produced . Let ( 1+? r )m bo oxpendc><l in a blno- mi!l.l. scrie s : (2.r )" (~) is tne nuo'ter or cLaractei·s in the alphlibet'" h of tt.e a :'unctions f j, 6) . ~his 1>ear.s that h of the coeffi cients ax<J, are oon-~ero ; 11. runs from 1 to (2.r)" (~). These character~ form o coiibinn~1.on alpll~l et or order 2r•1 . Lf'.'t al:i thc"e c:-.arncters ·ue t,.ans:ni i:ted with equal probnbility. The in.formation per c_arac- er i~. bits equals : a >> r ~ach o! the ~" coef:r:i cientR ax (.J) O may n::.,ll.!1e 2r values . Tte;y 0.i'e denoted by o, , p ±1 .... u• . The prol (;l'dlity of o coefficient a x(J) assuming the value a, i~ denoted by p( p ) . Let p( p) be independent of j . '!'he averngr. power o! the f unction s f(j , 9) is P 1 :
:)00 The average JJOl<e:- of ~he charocters ~o:r.posed of h functions f(j ,9 ) is P: (144) The following assum?&ions are made : a) The probability Of a coefficienL P-k(J) lue a, is inOcpeLdont o! o: p(o) • 1/2:- . ~eving the va- la,-ap.d is indo;>endent of p. lo, - a,.11 • a 0 • This condition is satisfied lf a, is a mul~iple of a0 : u0 pa 0 , o = ±1 •..•. ~r . Tho average power P1 of a function f(j 1 9 ) rollows from b) Thr difference (1"-3) 0-nd (1h1') : P; .. :l, p 1 a~/?r • • (a~/r) p ••, H a!0 . L;P' ,.1 (r+1)(?r+1 ) 82 • 6 0 P/h 6P/!l(r+1)(2r+1) Lat FJ cha.rncter Fx ( O) be transoi tteci . Crosscorrelation with the fWlctions f( J ,e) yi11lds the coefficients ax(.J) at the receiver . Superi.l:lposed n<lditivc i;bermol noiae changos these coefi'iclents into a( J) . '.!'hey hnve a Gaussian distribution with -ieans ,01a 0 , - 'i>l"o or O; IPI = 1 ... r. Theuft coefSiciento IU'e denoted o;y a<-P>(j), a.l·Pl(,j) and a101(j): <" ,;/ >: I· p)( <"' l·PI( • ) •) (al•P')" 0 I ,.;1 ) • (.a'·'')• -P (146) (a IOI(•)> e:;' = (a'•I) = 0 The variance of ~ties" distributions .follows in analogy eo ( 117) : "2 (a!(j)/<1 0) (147) h'r+1)(2r+1)P1• 1 /GP = h( r+1)( 2r >1 )P•. , /6nP = h(r+1)(2r+1 )P61 /6nP
301 LJ. numbe:- o;· non-:-.ero coefficicnt.t:i Bx{,i) ; n . lg 1 (2r)°(~) - "lnJ'ormation rer· clt~.i:·acter in bits , i f nll cbaractpr·s Ill' <> trw.Jsmittc(J with equal probahiJ.ity ; 2r • r.W11ber of non-?.er·o values whicl the coefficient" nx ( ~) 'IOay assu=:Je; average i:.o"-er o: n oZ"thogonal comror:e::. zs of -:hcraal noise in ru. orthogona_i ty in-erval of du.ratior. . ; p M:(t'+1 )(?.r;'I J/ nverage signa power ; :H n/:>r ; PAI • nverage pow a L' 0 r noine in Ti f _r equenc:y bantl or width 6J . The character~ or co:nbinat ~on al rnobots of hlghor tl1an third b.der '1!·: :,oi; t-'1Jlfill.O~Led wi:b equal energy . One ount detor>.ine the r:r;nlleH energ A!.'. according to l .. . .:4) fo r the detection o!' Lh.e . l"~s :neans th«L the (2r )"(r,) S MS P. •• 1 • s., ..... ;E ta(j, ••• - n~(j)J' (148) be coo.pu;;ed a.'ld the one ••iti. the s"'al l·ost val •e decerr.i....neu. . An error occlo.1'S if s . . :.~ t1o"t annlli:st !.'"or '!" • -x,, OU9t where x 6enotcs t;he t.1•i1n.scitted clla.tactr•!' E'x (a ' . '.l'ho r;m11llcst value or S~ i~ ol.>~al nod if the b nmnl.1.ost terms [a(j) - A ~ (j}J' lil'e adder.I . Tb~ 11 ~ci·:ris , f or wldch e( j) is equal to Bx(j) f 0 in Ll:e noine-L·ree case, >:111 ba the h s:i:al:.est ;ermr. ia the p1·esencr· o!: additive tllerciol noise if the fol lo·,;ing cor:ditior.n are sstisfi"d (~~e Fig .11C): 1 . None Of the h ooo£ficienG '3 a'·PI • 11 1·•1(J J/a 0 nu<l -1;.11 • .,1 • • -n1·•1(j )/a 0 i s ~a.relier fJ•om its cor1·ect ·1.ean ln,,luol a • lei than 1roa. tl:e oLhei' meanc lo ' I• 1 . - .. :r , 1 0 . 2. None of the !:. co..,rricieni;s ;i' · •I a..-,d - a'-F' ~rom one of' the 1 ... .. r li!:nn tt~e ab!io_ute o:· on~ or the !L- h coefficients a 111 • •rhi= condition mur.t be satisfied only i f condition 1 i s soc.Li;fied . These two Condit.ions nre essentially equal to tho condib ions ( 119) and (120) foroernsry combination o.lpllabeta . 'l'!::e caiculation of the err or probability is much more
6 . SIGNAL DESIGN 30? 0~11,y complicated . the r esults wi!J be Gtated t.e r·e . Le Pm. ti denote the err·or· pi•obobility d.u e Lo themai noise of n combination alp!labet or order 2r+1 , using b out of m functions . For large values m, 1... 1 L' arid smal1. t ( .?roll val ues of o 2 , m >> h > > 1 ' r >> 1 , cr l 11 = lg 2 (2r)"(m) h Ol1'2 Ju·' P., /3nP << 1 , ~ 11 le; 2 (rm/h), = :·o lowi ng obl;ains tl:.e fora:Ltla: ~- 1 - e - e"l1 1 e - •"~' r; , = 1 n lr: h - (150) 'P 8Er'll'0 , Lc-c the inf.orm.:ltioll n per lim p~·~i> 1 for 1'1 , >ct 1'11 lil!I 0 f o L' fl . ~~ n-oo pl 2rdl m. h '!'he T] 1 < 0 1 1 n, = [r: ln(m- h) - 2: < c, grow beyond all bounds : arbi t.r·a..r·;,· (151) "1 , < 0 11 1 > 0 i~ not possible because it holds : -p 1 chr~ Poi J + [ 0 ln li - The term in tl1e seooud bracket j s equal >p ( 152) 8li.r' .l'., J to 11 1 It followa • Ii·om '1 1 > 0 th-..t 11 1 must be l arger chan O . Hence, 'li < 0 ,yield8 the error pr·o·oability 0 and 1'1 1 > 0 yi.eJ.dn the erra11 proba"ui:i~y 1 for condi Lion for 4!j 11 - co. !lewriting 11, yielc!s the Iollo\·ling e~ror-f~ee 2 transmission : ·- > ?n r. l n ( :n- u )li Suosti.t11tion e r u ''I ;M (153) S:i:om (1119) yields : ln(m-h~h > i5 -c.2l- 0 2 1L1(rm/h (154) Lee us investigute how Shannoio ' s limit in the J:or)ll. .c;;11·) can be approached by combinaGiou alphabets of order 2r+1 . 1'he average noise power must be l'eplace<i by P.,, 1 in fOL'utUla ( 1.50) fo!' 1'12 :
6 . 3> Jd,i'HABBTS OF OJiDER 21'+1 Pig.11 0 CeneiLy f"LLnc~ions 303 of a10T , nl·'' , 1• · •1 , ...11p1 , al· o• , ·:i(·tl and s1·•> • •r11e h(ltChed areas indi.cato <'T<'OI'" . a n -Cl F~. I One obtain" ft·om (1'.;1) : 1im n-oo 11 p"" f'fl,I\ • 0 J fOL' r. "/P,",r > ~ 1' 2 I r.(m-h Hi ( 15~) Using tho 1·clutluo .!! .r ii 21\/h n. • ><bich followa free " < h l- ~ ~, (1·~Q' fo::- r ""1, one obtnins fL·oc I[''til in,a:.-h)hJ ~... - F.....F } 1 ('l;i~J : l157) One 111ust choose t = tl{ct) so ":hat -:;hr. ri.;.hl tumd r.idc or this inequolity become~ as large us'1 rnr a certain value o.1' m a.nd a fixed rati~ ?/Fm,f . 11'1'\4"! r>..tire~oion is too complico~o(I to find a m~ximwn by du'1'cron~iaUon . One may aoo , however , that tl>o raci;or h tr. l'l'<lr.t or t he loga.ri~hm shou ld bi> aa large as possibln . U iJ becomes too large , tho term in the brackets bocomen .Jm!llltir than 1 .
6 . SIGNAL DESIGl\l l hi::; tc-rm 11o ulc! then becowe arbitr1arj ly small 11 wivh in- crr-,qsicg m. Bence , h 1.s chosen sc th-tit tl1e equation ii = con <tam; 4h' ln(rr.- h)h (158) is savis:"ied . 'I·l1in suggests bbe choice ll = m/qln r.i (159) • It follows ft· om ( 157) : m 1 n < 2 (ln mJ"' (160) lg , (K.P/P,, r) 'l':hc inl'ormat:ion n/'r t..1·ans1n.itt,ed r.;P.r unit timo bacomes : C n m "i = T < 2T (ln 1n)'" [ lg 1(P/Fm,) < lg1K] (1G1) This :formula differs froo Shall.llo!i ' s limit (51f) fot· lru:>ge - 1/} values of P/Fm,; only b;; ~he fo.cccr (ln m) . Tbis small difference is probably accounte<I for by having chosen tul equal C.istribution for p(p) rather than a Gaussian distribution . 1'he pl'lysical meaning o:: the condition P/Pm.i >> K i"' L'eatlily Lwtle!'8tantlable . r > 1 bad been (lssumcd in ( 149) ; many different •ralues for the coef ficier:~s a ,. ( j) will per- mi"t an error- free transmission onl.y i.r the ave rage aigru:tlto - noise po 1·1el" ratio is largo .
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ADJ IT lDllAL REFERENCES 324 18. ?ICHIZR , P. , Walsh- Fourier S~ntLesc ortim•ler Filter , hi·c!.iv de1· elck . ttbertragu..'lg , i!l orint . 19. SC,-:REIBER, H. H., Bandwictl: requlree1ent" for Walsh ;Ur.c~i.onP, J}:J:E Trans . on Info:::'m8tion '!'t,eory, in ?rint . 20 . };EARi.Jo:, !. .ti ., Shape analysis ~y use of\./• <1t !Unctions , hoc . 5th Int . Nach.ine Intelligence Worf.cho;. , Edinburg!: 1969; Edinburgh Uni versi;;y Press . 21 . SirAW , L . ur.d F . CJU:.ot; , An expans ion for ev•il u&t i ng s el'.is itivi~]i too rnn(lom parai:ietcr , Automntica 5(19(•9) , 265- 273 . 22 . SIE~US , K. and R. Y.Ii:'AI , Digital Wnlnh-l•'ourior nnnl;yni;:; of oeriodic ~:aveforins , IE'.El' Tr:ms . on lnst.rument.&tion and Viensurcment D·l-18( ·1959 ), December . 23 . STPJ>l AT , D . 1 Onsupervised lcnrninG of mi>.-tu.J.·ou o.: J_Jro1 \ . , babilit;y .rw1ctions, i n .Pattern Recognition , L. 11 . l<:<nal eel., lfaohir.gton D. C . : Thompsorc Book Co . 1968 . 24 . SZOK , W. C . , Wavaform charncteri"otiou in term,; of 1-lulsh functions, i·bster' s 'J:hesis , De1wrt ment of Electrica l Engineerinr, , Syrucu~e U'1ive::·s i ty 19.,a. ?.5 . TAJU , Y. "nd l': . HATOR:, R:11 Con::nunic~tior, nyc.teo using HadrutA!'d trunrfor1llation , !:lect:ronica ar.d Comnunications in Japan 119(11)(1%6 , 247- 2'?7 ?6 . W.IC!:JL~I , C. , On decouposi-tion 0£ W; lsi:.-Fou.rier series; Mu!tii::lior:: !or Wo:sh- Fourier ~eric!: ; Mcr..n convergence of ~Nals.!1 -Foui"ie: series; Best ap~xi.!'letion by Welsh polyno!tia2.", Tchoi<u ilutl. . J . 17~1965), 76- 8< ; 1.,(1CjGI•) , 2;;0- 2c;1 : 16(19b'>),183-188; 15(1963,,1 - 5 . 27 . 1,10NG , to; . und l:: . f.ISE!iliERG , Iterative ~ynthc:iiooi"tlll·o"­ hol d tunct.ions , J . f'>util. AnaJ.y,.is and l.pplics.tions 11 ( 1965) , 226-2?,'.'; . 28 . '!AHO , s. , On lhl.Gh-l•ourier serioc, To ho\ru MMtb . J . , 3(2) ( 1951) ' 22!-2'•2. S:vmnoaiwr.., on Applications of. Walnh Func1;ion". Jo'or a rerort on tlie first sym;.•os iuJtJ ( ;>O lfoy 19L>8 , J'crnnoldetecll!liaches Zontrnlamt der Deut ncl1on llu.ndeero.ot , Darmst,,dt , Wo:it Gor:rrnny) see li . h"lJBt!ER , Sequenztec!:..uik : Bericht iibor eine Diskussionst~ , !:achriclltcntcci.:.::U:;cLe Zcitscb'i~'t !ITZ (1968) , J<o . 7 , IWO . ~he following papers 1;e~e Pl'e sente<! at tbe i:ocond ~yn~o-iw:; (1l.pril1969 , ?:aval Researc!: :.:;:iorotor;;, Wa~hington D. C. ) : 1 . A::JREWS , 11.C . (:left . of 3"-ectrical Engir.coring , U of Soutt:orn C~J ifornia , Los Angeles) , OrthOt".Onnl .!'unction decott;iosition fol" data i:rocessing . 2 . 11/JU".UTH , II . , Ap;ilications o::: Wr.l;:,t "unctioa" in co=ui:ic&tion!" Crubliohcd in !EEL Spectrum 6( 19· ')) ' r:ov. ,82- 91 ) . ;;. s,;:my , (; . F . ('l'he r·:r-n<E Corp . , act.ean , V.L.t·g1.u1") , Specul ot iona on 1;0,,sible applications . h . VAND.LVJ::ll.b, 1':. F . (Tolcom kc . , :-Ic Lean , Virgin.Lu) , Signal symmet ry o.nd J.ogica.l structure of' Walsh fu.Dct.Lon" . The following ll<>Por s s cheduled Iol' t he thii'Cl sy11po>iium and work ebop (31 Mo.rcl1 to ;; Apl'il 1970 , Naval Reeea:rc!J Lnborato1'y . Washington D. C . ) . Proceedings will be published
ADJITIONAL REFEREt:c:::s 322 fo llo 1Ji ng tl1e meet il1g and will be avail1.:tble f:r·oo Code 51+35 , 1 Naval He search Labora·tol':Y, Wasting ton D. C. 20;;90 . 1 . l[A}fDI'IERE , E . F. , J; flexible \.falsn filter design for sii:;rtal s for moderately 10•.·1 ,;equency . 2 . LEE , ·:!' . , Hard•are approach to Walsl1 functions sequency filters . ;; . RO'l'll, D . , Speci al fil te:r·s blised on. Wal!:ll:: !'Ul':.ctiOn::! . 1, . ?IGEILER , 1i' . , 1,.Jals.11 i'unction!1 and optima l linear system~ . 5 - DAVIDSON , I. A. , '£he u,se of Walsh functions fo::! o;ult;iplexine; s i gnals . G. LEE , J . D. , Revi eh' of i'ece:nt h·ork or:. r;i1)plicutiOn!:: of 1\ra1~11 fwiction.z in communication a . / .. EAGDJ.-8ARJ.U'~Z , P. and l~ . l.OJlliTJi.N , Theo:'etictl >Uld exoerimental studie s of a scquenc;y multiplex uystem . 8 . lrti'lHIER , H ., Ou the tranwnisGion oi' Wabl1 multiploxcd s i . 9 . SCHREIBER , !l.!i. , B~ndwidtll E' . J ., requirements for .functions . \~alell 10. Iif::BER:r , £unction generator i'or a million differ·ent :'un.ct i ocs . 11 . \·llLI.·lCER , J . E . } Parrunetri c amplifier based on hra1s11 ..t'v.J1otion.s . 12 . PERLi1.~J; , J ., Radiation patterns (or antermas >:iti1 1.falsJ1 cui·rent inputs . 13 . HAi·IBL'.:R , lLK., Approxima'Cion ru1d Repre!:ientat i o~i of ,j oint p:-obo.bility dist.t·ibution of bi ~'lary randou: -....ari ablee by h1nlsl1 f'u.nctior:s . 1it- . Al:IDREh'S , H. C. , Degree of .freedom and computa i;ion requirements in mat'i.'C mul ti)'.ll i c&i;ion for liadam11rd and o·l;her t:i:·artsfol:·ms . 15 . i,'Jlli-LCHEL, J .E ., Properties of mixed r:!d~: fnst Po=ier-Frada:nard tr<'msforms . 16. LECffiIBR, R. J.• , Invariant properties of Had..mar<l. transforms wider a ffi ne groups . 17. Sj>AJU,f>, lL il . , A ' logical ' \~alsl1-Fourier transfo1~tt. . 18 . GEBBil , 11 . JL .. , \.,raisr. i"u.nctior:s und the expeximentul Epoct1'o scopi st .. 19 .. DECKER , J .. A. , J!ad!ll!lard spectrometer. 20 . GIBES, J . 8 . 1 Discrete complex Walsh functions . 21 . OH:}TSORG, F . ~ . , Application of Walsh func- t ions to e x sigrutl!l . 22. ITO . T.. , Application of \·lalsh functions to pattern 1~ecognit io11 a.11d switchi11g tbeo1....J . 25 . BHO\·nl , C . G ., Signal processing t;ecLniquei; using Walsll functions . 2 11· . CP...'lli , J . W., An npplicatio:!l oi' Walsh funct ions to image clasoification . 25 - P.APJffif , w. A., Digital image processing aspect s oI t he \·!al sh transform . 26 . K..•_'IE , J . , '."latrix inversionbyilalsh functions. 27 . \\'ELCTI, L . R .. ) !in.damard mo.trices and. llalsh functior1$. 28 . 1./P.T ARI) C. , .i\pproximci-tion of f'unctions by a ~·lalst.-1',ourie1" sei"\ieG . 29 . Flr:B , r·; . , Walsh- Fou:r·ier trans~orm . 30. PlCiiLER , F ., Walsh functior.::.s rw.d linear systea theory . 31 . A.NDRJ~11!S, H. C. , Di gital imago processi:Jg . 32. CASPARI, K . , Generalized Gpect;rwu anal ysi s . ;:;;:; . HARMUTH , IL , Survey of analog sequency filter~ based on 'tlals!l functions . 34-. BOESSHETTER C. , J._11olog sequ.-0ncy :wulysis and synthesi s of \roice s i g n,. ls . 5~ . CAl·l.!'MU:;LLA , S . J. a."ld G. S . ROBilfSON, Digital sequenc,y decomyosition of voice s ig11.als . 35 . HU'BNER , J( . , Ann.log and d i git::tl multi p lexin;; by means ot: W<1lsll functions . 57 . HAR.'lUTH , H. , Electroll!agnetic Walsh waves in commnnications . ;;a. GIBBS , J . E. , Sine 1<aves and 'tlalsil wave" in ph:;· sics .
Index 171 continu«i;ior1 of .f;.mctiom: 27 134 , 268 con~inuous vnrinhlc 188 ndditio:1 ttodulo 2 2C , 25 corrclntion fW>ction 15?, 214 air~raft collision 162 cor!"elation cofl!'f!'icier.t 212 clippin& 270 co set 120 runp:itudo nnmplinK 122 cosin~ che.nriel 135 angl 0 diversit,y 238 covarianc., 211 anr,le men~urcment 173 croornt:il k 120 , 132 nnt.-..nnn , act,ive 17 1 - ai;termu~lOIL 1 05 aAtronomlcul ~ elescorc 175 - oat!'lx ')4 aLLenunLion r.oo r ri cient 9> ouclio nic;n11l s 222 O cl ay mat rix 91+ avo ra t:e oscill1;tlon deneH;y fu.nct l on 188 perl.od 4 , 166 dl!'l'rnction rro ~ 10f•; 2?2 avernc" .,,nv"l rni:;t:n 11 diode quad mul ~ i J,lier· 78 nxion .."' o f "'l'Olial;i:l t.y 18.Lt diJJo:r. ~'10 - mo:nont 161 Bann ell 1 _ '":l11 Orf':u 13 - v<'ctor 161 bn.lnnc~J nyr.te:1 26' ci:::tortion ft'•.•e line 87 5e~noulli cistributioL 19() C.istribuUon ru..uction 18L - 1telhoi.! '38 <iist~·otution den~ity 188 - ro l yno<r. I el n 9 .:>or·nler effect.. 172 Bc!1!':Cl t" :.~ct ions 203 dyadic correlal1on 53 - inequ,.Jlity 11 - p·oup 2b Vinu:::; chru·uctc1· C6 - :_· LJ Activ1• nntl'nne ac~ivity factor .,~ - s!".iJ't hio-rt!-:Ot~On~ l codes Do l LztntUlll .stn ~iBtic ·a1o~k Born! mo"1:-ur;.1bl o Ca'Jcll;y ' .s 148 t~'lCO l'~r.I. prindp~l val tH! ,,7 ' 280 E ig-0n!ur1ct ionn 277 electrical l ,y nhol·t 218 enerc;y dis Lwic c 18'/ er::J:iea:bl e nv0rnec183 cq_ur::. gain nu111mc1t. ion ergo<ii c b :v po t;he :;i., Gauc11y d isii·ibu Lion c ent i·r;J. 11'.H Lheore:o cLw:u1ol routing character group ct.a rae it~ri:l t.ic func::ior. c i'·cu. nr 1:01 ari ::11tion clo~od syste:i.s coaxinJ. cntlc codt oo<!u l nt i o:-. colli!'::on,; combi r10 t.ion companuor· coa.pletcnccn thq11·re111 compl et<" n;y:ltoinn compl'eLif·JO t' er1~oi.· COl.' L'OCl.10 11 35 - de Lf'ctj on - functio n ?06 197 .Euklidiar Ap,.ee 127 ?6 Fcr:ni ~::•t~~1.l c .i·0 !"!I. ;'l!l t;: s 1'?3 - ,, ;:;equeiaC.Y 16<) .fourtl: 12 88 15') 16.? 181: 270 12 11 octt.od or SS." channel ~rcqucr:cy - di ve1·s~ly - divi!'icn - .filter·:: - li:nited - rr:o<'lulaL1on - Pl1 - s ,ynL l1esi:.:1·i· - t heo1·y comp1•oflnion or in.tor- t rac kiHC: J'il1iC!'1.' inution 45 .function detector coJJd i tionC<l p1·obabili t;y 186 Lion l imHe<.l 55 87 :086 2"-'/ 238 2'•7 279 279 1 ')0 183 218 91 ~21 "jl.J.1 ., ; r: 2~~ Oc 5f: 58, 2'•9 155 181 7( ~'.:> 1 1~7 79 250
Q. ~,·~i&h 19,; w.:.i~ber thca:-y 213 t:yquis~ rate p;co1tctr1c optic" 1'/o g!-oup code 2ac. 0 :.-ofr system - delay 2o1 or<'n ;;fr,.. lin" - ~heory 1?.0 oµerulor, J.ifferential - , cie;c:!l'anc~ions Haar- Fourleo· L.:·.:i.ns:"om 4G - , l i nnar !:olf adder ?1 , 76 - , ti!n~ v:u·iable !foll mu~ tiplior 78 optirnl t< l•·ucope Harr.mine; d ist;once 2'/8 opt lrr.ul r•o I cct con Hankel l'\lnction '191 , 201 , 203 oi•tho1;;0 11 t1l di vi:,;io n llc 1·mlte pol:ynomia I s 18 outph11s.Lnl" 1t1eL!il}<.l or SSM <lir.tributio=i fiEll'tr;im 1 Jlp<lle 277 82 265 87 55> 75 54 54 260 238 62 1'1-1 163 Pru·ubolic cylinder 110 l"u:.ictiOJl3 18 inco~p~~tc syoLe~ 12 , /2 y.,1·•'bolic reflector 171 intebr~l, 1r.lali:::h i'u.nct.ion 1G4- l'"r:m.etor incrc;;-ation 1 99 iuter:r,1tor 70 pa.rHy Cl!UC<! digit 278 int.cllig..,:it interference 22~ Pnr~C"V!l~ !I theorea. 12 intar~rction 18~ µartin! r~~pocue 8~ io t. r•tal 183 ?Cl'. 11f. , 159 periodic contin"'-at1on 29 JohntK>11 uoise 21& pne-" cht1.U11el 135 '"·rint. di~-ri':J.utio:i 1i3' - ir.odulation 157 - shift mc~hOd 1}7 Ler ml re 1o 1 ynorr.ia! s 9 , 38 - JUl!lpa 85 liHf:''ll' 1nC.upende:?cc 6 , 2'13 ?1 a.ncht.· !'I;' 1 th eore:n 14 - opei·a~oi· 162 54 Poi!l:ting •ts Vt!c:.or 164 Lorent~ trnnsl'or..matio!l 1'/3 µoltt.ri ~n<'l \..'olt:h wn .res lowei· sideband 108 powe1• loudtni; 85 pI'ism 222 M•T'(!;iMl dit;tri buLi<l:i 18> probabi I ity , uxloma 18Lf , 185 moth~mnt1c11l expectation 189 - , dnfinod 18'< maxin1ul l"Otio nummo.t ion 238 - !UJIC Lion 185 l'lnxwdl ' "' C'QUttlions 1c: prod u c L of i·andom mcnn ~qunr& deviation 19~ vw:ilibles 199 261 mettr \'1:tl Uf' 191 ;.iropa.get i or. t i:oe cixeU nio:r.en; ?11 pol~.ri~~cio' di vor=ity 238 - vector 259 mobil" radio l mnge ~ignal 1 1 corur.unic3.t.:.on 11odifie<1 Hankel f·1nction 11odulet.1on index «ol~-o 2 ~tldition 16/ 19'o,~O" 155 , 1S7 Q .lac! •a-Jrc modulntion n~oticnt. 20 . 2'> - rr.OJll<·nt.. 114 123,138 ol" ra: .. -Jom v•u·iables 204 191 268 RutlemachC"r runc:.lons 19 '121 166 2? r~1d ia 1.. ed pow~r mult.trliorn 77 , /8 rodintior. 1•esi:;::::ancc 163 ' 165 rndio commu1ticotion 1 167 N 1ttlJ' zOJIO 161, 162 mobile 82 , 271 !'unct;ior.!1 203,,ou coolno pttlsc 180 non-ayuc.11.t.•onizod g roups ""t2'1 ra<lar I 111•g1•L 231 r.o r•mnli~i::d ayctcms G receiver fllto 1· :rnl~i1>le ~cceos xul~iplicu~ion theoremc
325 DIDEY. rclabivistic inecha...ajcs random alphabez - ,_,.ariablc deJined 1 '/2 T ar~eu anal ysis 28() tretcking 1 80 1 80 68 , 280 1 83 transol·thogonal 87 201 i;elcgrapher ' s e quation 8-<• 237 teletype Lrans 1..iiss Lion 85 r ectangular refleccor 1 7'/ '!'EL.EX R"er,l-r1ulle1' alphabet 280 t!Jermal noise , clcfinicion 21 8 resoluti.on r e.nge 141 17" t hird metl::oC: of SSM r·eHo: vuble angle 51, 1 55 1 /5 tj,me base rioc time 1 21 - diver :>ity 238 rol l - o .i'.r .factor 6 1•1 '130 271 - division time- frcquoncy-domaiJ1 21.~9 21-19 S aop:inio tlleoi·err.s 71 , 9'/ time- funcr;ion- domain scalar 'Potc nt iaJ 160 t iroe- sequenc~-domai.o 249 '167 Sc.'.:ll:tiu iuul tiJllier 79 ti :ne- sh i ft s second mei;ihod o!' SSl'! 1 37 topolor:;ic i:;1·oup 26 111-'t RBGR 1 83 transposed SS~l Sequer11~,y alloca t ion 1 24 two- dimensioni>l r ilte1·s 1 05 - bnndwidtl1 99 - definit i on ~ Unce:r;;ain cy relation 25' - filters, 2- dimcnsional 105 J.nsyncb1·onized g r·oups 1 28 1 08 - l'o 1:·mant.1:1 91 1 221 UPI'er oidehand - limited 58 , 249 1 9.) - mult iplexing 115 Variance 1 60 - 1'e:>poase 99 vector potent:la: 62 - s'1if Llt<g 1 81 - repr ost:nta tion - Epcc~=·n 1 01 voice 3ign<t l G 90 - trockinf) :'llte:' 151 vocoder 91 si~nal clftssi!'icai;ion 1~5 vol tae;e coc1pai•i son 229 - det~ccion 225 vestigial SSl"l - delay 261 - space 6?. , 63 , 60 Wo.l.i:;h fwic.Lions , ir~tegra! 1oL sbii' t t;t·1eorer.i 1 s 148 ,1oSB - multiplier ~;6 , 77 - , Walsh 27 , 148 ,150 - t:racking filter· 1 !>4 single sineba.nd 107 ~ 1CJ8 - \\·aves , polarized 1 69 t:-l multuneous wa\•e eq11at;ion 89 1168 tr.ansmiss i or. 83 - gtl.ide 250 siue ch•..unel 135 - optics 1'/b skit< efl'ecL 88 - zone 161, 1 62 Rnylelgh disLribuLion space divo!'sity - probe special shi f~ t heo r.,m speech unal ;ysi s stan<llnts w:ive nt~ I, i i nde11e nclcncc - vu_:_·lable Stuacn~ di!:'itribution SWIJ <>1' i·~tloru 1JaJ~ i al1len S\tperconduct.ive ca°Dle s uper1,o;rOltJJ swiL.ched tele1'hone net \.:ork synchr onization systematic co(le 238 weak co.n ver.gence 3) 171 wideba.ntl anl.ennt! 1 65 1L1 ~! i.·! icncr-C!-_inLChin Lheorem 17 )1 1'/0 zps defi:'led 186 183 206 196 88 125 87 121 2'1') , 280 50