BETWEEN GRADES PreK & K Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources SUMMER EXPRESS NEW YoRK ∫ ToRo NTo ∫ LoNDoN ∫ AUcKLAND ∫ SYDNEY EXico ciTY ∫ NEW D ELhi ∫ hoNG KoNG ∫ BUENoS AiR
Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Scholastic Inc. grants teachers permission to photocopy the designated reproducible pages from this book for classroom use. No other part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. For information regarding permission, write to Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012. Cover design by Brian LaRossa Cover photo by Ariel Skelley/Getty Images Interior illustrations by Robert Alley, Abbey Carter, Maxie Chambliss, Sue Dennen, Shelley Dieterichs, Jane Dippold, Julie Durrell, Rusty Fletcher, James Hale, Mike Moran, Sherry Neidigh, Cary Pillo, Carol Tiernon, and Lynn Vineyard ISBN-13 978-0-545-22689-9 / ISBN-10 0-545-22689-9 Copyright © 2010 by Scholastic Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 16 15 14 13 12 11 10
Table of Contents Dear Parent Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Terrific Tips for Using This Book . . . . . . . . . 5 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Week–by–Week Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Week 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Week 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Week 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Week 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Week 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Week 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Week 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 Week 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7 Week 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 8 Week 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 9 Certificate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2
Dear Parent: Inside this book, you’ll find one hundred practice pages that will help your child review and learn the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, sorting, letters and sounds, and so much more! Summer Express is divided into 10 weeks, with two practice pages for each day of the week, Monday through Friday. However, feel free to use the pages in any order that your child would like. Here are other features you’ll find inside: • A weekly incentive chart and certificate to motivate and reward your child for his or her efforts. • Suggestions for fun, creative learning activities you can do with your child each week. • A recommended reading list (on page 8) of age-appropriate books that you and your child can read together throughout the summer. • A certificate of completion to celebrate your child’s accomplishments. We hope you and your child will have a lot of fun as you work together to complete this workbook. Enjoy! The editors Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Congratulations! You hold in your hands an exceptional educational tool that will give your child a head start into the coming school year.
Terrific Tips for Using This Book Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 1 5 Pick a good time for your child to work on the activities. You may want to do it around mid-morning after play, or early afternoon when your child is not too tired. Encourage your child 3 to complete the worksheets, but don’t force the issue. While you may want to ensure that your child succeeds, it’s also important that he or she maintains a positive and relaxed attitude toward school and learning. ht Size Just the Rig This butterfly e ly is larg h petal This butter re on eac large pictu Ci cle the D aw Name two Trace is Color 3 logs and w each on ea Three ite barge Week Tiny Tu gboa ts 2 • Day y 2 3 wi h 3 objec ts ch ba rge th ngs that 44 25 2 Make sure your child has all the supplies he or she needs, such as pencils and crayons. Set aside a special place for your child to work. 3 At the beginning ’s lncentiv e Chart: We ek 1 of each week, discuss with your child how many minutes a day he or she would like to read. Write the Congratulatio ns! 1 goal at the top of the incentive chart for the week. (We recommend reading 5 to 10 minutes a day with your child who is entering kindergarten.) N me Here This week l plan to read CHART YOUR P ROG ESS HERE Week 1 l read for Day 1 minutes Day 2 minutes minutes eac h day Day 3 minutes Day 4 minutes Put a s icke r to show you comple ed each day’s wor k # Wow! You did a great j ob th s Day 5 minutes week! P ace st c er here Parent or Caregiver’s Signature 6 After you’ve given your child a few minutes to look over the practice pages he or she will be working on, ask your child to tell you his or her plan of action: “Tell me about what we’re doing on these pages.” Hearing the explanation aloud can provide you with insights into your child’s thinking processes. Can he or she complete the work independently? With guidance? If your child needs support, try offering a choice about which family member might help. Giving your child a choice can help boost confidence and help him or her feel more ownership of the work to be done. This certi fies th at _______ _______ 4 To celebrate your child’s accomplishments, let him or her affix stickers on the incentive chart for completing the activities each day. Reward your child’s reading efforts with a bonus sticker at the end of the week as well. 7 When your child has finished the congratu lations! workbook, present him or her with the certificate of completion on page 143. Feel free to frame or laminate the certificate and display it on the wall for everyone to see. Your child will be so proud! is now rea dy for Grad e ___ ________ _______ 5
Week–by–Week Activities Try these quick and easy activities to enhance learning and fun! Help your child write the letters of his or her first name. Together, count the number of letters in the name. In the park or in your backyard, lie down on the ground with your child and watch the clouds pass by. Call out shapes or figures that you see in the clouds. While reading the newspaper or a magazine, encourage your child to look for words that begin with the same letter as his or her name. Read the words together aloud. When eating colored candy, such as M&Ms, have your child count how many of each color there are in a bag. Week 2 While strolling through the neighborhood or running errands with your child, play “I Spy,” calling out letters that you see. For example, “I spy a big, red letter M.” Using gumdrops or marshmallows and toothpicks, encourage your child to build different shapes, such as triangles, squares, or rectangles. As your child plays jump rope, encourage him or her to chant the alphabet, one letter for each jump. Buy a set of magnetic letters so your child can form words on the refrigerator while you cook. Week 3 Invite your child to help you bake cookies and let him or her help measure the different ingredients using measuring cups and spoons. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Week 1 While reading a magazine with your child, challenge him or her to find a particular letter, such as the letter C, on the page and circle it. Help your child memorize important numbers, such as your home phone number, 911, your address, and so on. Let your child sit with you while you write out your grocery list or your list of things to do. This will allow your child to see authentic reasons for writing. Week 4 At the beach, collect seashells with your child. Later, encourage him or her to sort the shells any way he or she wants. Then ask your child to explain how he or she sorted the shells. Finger-trace letters on your child’s palm or back and have him or her guess what letter you formed. Make pasta or cereal necklaces with your child to help build fine-motor skills. Provide your child with a length of yarn or lanyard and pasta or cereal with holes in the middle. Write each letter of your child’s name (first and/or last) on a small square piece of paper, then put the pieces of paper inside an 6
envelope. Give the letters to your child and have him or her use the letters to create different words. Bath time is a great time to learn about things that sink or float. Let your child bring some waterproof toys in the bath. Then ask him or her to guess whether each toy will sink or float before putting it in the water. Week 5 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources At the beach, use a stick to print out your child’s name on the sand before the waves come in and wash it away. Then challenge your child to write a letter as many times as possible before the waves return. Challenge your child to guess how many steps it takes to go from the front door to your kitchen or from the bedroom to the bathroom. Then have your child walk heelto-toe and count the number of steps. Ask your child: Do you think it would take more or fewer steps if I (or another grown-up) measured the distance the same way? Create riddles with your child in order to practice beginning consonant sounds. For example, “It’s round and fun to play with. It begins with the b sound.” (Ball) Next time your child wants to paint, offer only the three primary colors (red, blue, and yellow) and encourage your child to experiment with mixing the colors to create new ones. Week 6 Turn exercise time into learning time. Challenge your child to form letters with his or her body, either lying down or standing up. Some letters he or she can form are T, L, X, and Y. Go on a “shape hunt” with your child. Encourage him or her to look for circles, rectangles, squares, and triangles around your house or when you go for a walk. Provide your child with old newspapers, safety scissors, paper, and glue. Encourage him or her to cut out letters in his or her name and paste them on a sheet of paper. Week 7 Let your child look out the window and count how many cars or people pass by in 3 to 5 minutes. Fill a shallow cake pan with sand or salt. Invite your child to practice tracing a letter in the sand with his or her finger. Play a clapping game with your child to hone his or her listening skills. Clap a simple pattern, such as clap-rest-clap, and ask your child to repeat the pattern back to you. Gradually increase the complexity of the pattern as you continue the game. Encourage your child to button his or her own shirt, zip his or her own zippers, and tie his or her own shoelaces to build fine-motor skills. Week 8 Provide your child with toothpicks or plastic straws and play dough and encourage your child to use these materials to “build” letters. Gather a collection of buttons and invite your child to sort the buttons by different attributes. For example, your child can sort the buttons by color, by the number of holes, and so on. Make a list of high-frequency words—words that appear frequently in the English language—such as, the, to, and, a, he, I, you, it, of, in, was, said, that, she, for, and so on. Pick a word of the day and have your child point out that word every time he or she sees it that day. Enlist your child’s help in creating a healthy fruit kebob snack—and practice patterns. Using small wooden skewers and 7
Week 9 Play “Simon Says” with your child to introduce the names of different body parts. For example, “Simon says, ‘Pat your stomach’” or “Simon says, ‘Touch your knees.’” Go on a measuring expedition with your child. Pick a nonstandard tool of measurement (such as a spoon or shoe) and measure different things at home, such as the rug, dining table, or bed. Give your child chalk to write letters on the sidewalk. Encourage him or her to make the letters as big as possible. Next time you go to the park with your child, bring some paper and crayons or pencils, and make rubbings of tree trunks, leaves, and so on. Barn Dance by Bill Martin, Jr. Dance Away by George Shannon Ben’s Trumpet by Rachel Isadora Goodnight, Gorilla by Peggy Rathmann Changes, Changes by Pat Hutchins Growing Colors by Bruce McMillan Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type by Doreen Cronin Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson A Color of His Own by Leo Lionni How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? by Jane Yolen Week 10 Give your child coins to sort. Help him or her identify each coin and how much it is worth. Have your child write letters using glue and glitter. Your child can squirt glue on paper to form a letter, then sprinkle glitter on the glue. When the glue dries, your child can trace the letters he or she has formed with her finger. Play dice with your child to help teach or reinforce the concept of “greater than” or “less than.” Each of you take a die and toss it in turn. Whoever tosses the higher number gets a point. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources different fruits, have your child make ABAB patterns (like banana, strawberry, banana, strawberry) or even ABCABC patterns (grape, banana, blueberry, grape, banana, blueberry). While riding in a car, challenge your child to call out letters and numbers on license plates. To make the mini-book on pages 127–128, tear the sheet out along the perforation and cut along the dashed line. Place the two sections so the mini-book pages are in order, then staple and fold to form a book. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff Jennie’s Hat by Ezra Jack Keats Love You Forever by Robert Munsch Lunch by Denise Fleming Market Day: A Story Told With Folk Art by Lois Ehlert Max Found Two Sticks by Brian Pinkney Of Colors and Things by Tana Hoban Olivia by Ian Falconer Piggies by Don Wood Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert 8
Skills Review and Practice Educators have established learning standards for math and language arts. Listed below are some of the important skills covered in Summer Express that will help your child review and prepare for the coming school year so that he or she is better prepared to meet these learning standards. Math Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Skills Your Child Will Review Skills Your Child Will Practice to Prepare for Kindergarten ◆ identifying numerals 0–9 ◆ identifying numerals 1–10 ◆ counting quantities from 1–10 ◆ sequencing events (three steps) ◆ indicating more than/less than ◆ ordering numerals from 1–10 ◆ sequencing two-step events ◆ ◆ recognizing shapes indicating opposites (e.g., short/long, small/big, happy/sad, up/down, boy/girl, fast/slow, in/out, hot/cold, full/empty) ◆ identifying colors ◆ identifying relationships (items that go together) ◆ identifying patterns (e.g., ab, abc, aab, abb) ◆ classifying objects (items that do not belong Language Arts Skills Your Child Will Review Skills Your Child Will Practice to Prepare for Kindergarten ◆ using writing tools and materials ◆ tracing and writing upper- and lowercase alphabet letters ◆ tracing and writing lines (e.g., diagonals, curves, circles, and basic shapes) ◆ tracing and writing the numeral and number words 1–10 ◆ writing upper- and lowercase letters in manuscript print ◆ writing the numerals 1–10 in manuscript print ◆ identifying some familiar words in print (e.g., colors, shapes) ◆ using meaning clues (e.g., pictures) and phonetic analysis to decode unfamiliar words ◆ following visual, multi-step directions to draw familiar items ◆ identifying rhyming words and rhyming sounds ◆ ◆ ◆ making distinctions between letters and numbers sequencing events (e.g., beginning, middle, and end) in a story identifying rhyming sounds in spoken language 9
’s฀lncentive฀Chart:฀Week฀1 This week, l plan to read minutes each day. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Name Here S HERE. CHART YOUR PROGRES Week฀1 Day 1 l฀read฀for... minutes Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 minutes minutes minutes minutes Put a sticker to show you completed each day’s work. Congratulations! # 1 Wow! You did a great job this week! Place sticker฀here. Parent฀or฀Caregiver’s฀Signature 10
Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Week฀1฀•฀Day฀1 Pre-Writing Down Trace the arrows with your finger. 11
Week฀1฀•฀Day฀1 Pre-Writing Diagonals Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace the diagonal lines with your finger. 12
Week฀1฀•฀Day฀2 Identifying 1 One Old Octopus Trace and write. 1 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Color each shape with 1 fish. 13
Week฀1฀•฀Day฀2 Counting 1 An Underwater Home Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Count each group of things found in the sea. Color one from each group. How many objects did you color? __________ 14
Week฀1฀•฀Day฀3 Recognizing Shapes Shape Match-Up Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace each shape. Draw a line to match each object to its shape. Color the shapes. square triangle circle rectangle 15
Week฀1฀•฀Day฀3 Identifying Colors Clowning Around Color the picture below. red yellow blue green purple Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources black orange purple red orange green black orange yellow yellow blue red yellow red purple purple purple green blue orange green purple orange blue 16
Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Week฀1฀•฀Day฀4 Pre-Writing Curves Trace the arrows with your finger. 17
Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Week฀1฀•฀Day฀4 Pre-Writing Circles Trace the arrows with your finger. 18
Week฀1฀•฀Day฀5 Identifying 2 Two Talking Turtles Trace and write. 2 Can you come over? Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Color each circle with 2 dots. I’ll be there at 2:00. Count how many telephones you have at home. How many did you count? __________ 19
Week฀1฀•฀Day฀5 Counting 2 Mrs. Tacky Turtle 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Circle the number that tells how many objects Mrs. Turtle is wearing. What else could Mrs. Turtle wear? Draw 2 of them. 20
’s฀lncentive฀Chart:฀Week฀2 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Name Here This week, l plan to read minutes each day. S HERE. CHART YOUR PROGRES Week฀1 Day 1 l฀read฀for... minutes Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 minutes minutes minutes minutes Put a sticker to show you completed each day’s work. Congratulations! # 1 Wow! You did a great job this week! Place sticker฀here. Parent฀or฀Caregiver’s฀Signature 21
Week฀2฀•฀Day฀1 Pre-Writing Lines and Shapes Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Copy each shape in the space provided. 22
Week฀2฀•฀Day฀1 Pre-Writing More Lines and Shapes Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Copy each shape in the space provided. 23
Week฀2฀•฀Day฀2 Identifying 3 Three Tiny Tugboats Trace and write. 3 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Color each barge with 3 objects. Draw 3 logs on each barge. 24
Week฀2฀•฀Day฀2 Counting 3 Tugboat Tow Use the code to color the picture. blue 2 brown 3 red Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 1 Which color did you use to color the most spaces? __________ 25
Week฀2฀•฀Day฀3 Identifying Colors Color Train ue bl w llo ye Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Draw a line to match each train car to the correct object. Color the objects with the correct color. bl ac k red 26
Week฀2฀•฀Day฀3 Identifying Colors Color Train Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Draw a line to match each train car to the correct object. Color the objects with the correct color. n or an ge w hi te e gre n w o br purple 27
Week฀2฀•฀Day฀4 Identifying 4 Four Fine Firefighters Trace and write. 4 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Color each dog with 4 spots. 28
Week฀2฀•฀Day฀4 Counting 4 Climb to the Top Count the objects on each step. Circle the matching number. 2 3 4 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 3 4 5 3 4 5 2 3 4 3 4 5 How many steps have 4 objects? __________ 29
Week฀2฀•฀Day฀5 Recognizing Shapes Sorting Shapes This is a circle . This is a square sides that are the same length. This is a . A square has four rectangle . A rectangle also has four sides. The opposite sides of a rectangle are the same length. This is a triangle . Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources A triangle has three sides. Color the circles yellow. Color the squares Color the triangles Color the rectangles red. green. blue. 30
Week฀2฀•฀Day฀5 Vocabulary Going to School Find and color these things in the picture. scissors book paper glue eraser Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources pencil Put an X on one thing in the picture that does not belong. 31
’s฀lncentive฀Chart:฀Week฀3 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Name Here This week, l plan to read minutes each day. S HERE. CHART YOUR PROGRES Week฀1 Day 1 l฀read฀for... minutes Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 minutes minutes minutes minutes Put a sticker to show you completed each day’s work. Congratulations! # 1 Wow! You did a great job this week! Place sticker฀here. Parent฀or฀Caregiver’s฀Signature 32
Week฀3฀•฀Day฀1 Alphabet Letter A Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace and write. Circle every A and every a. A E A O A O A o e a o a a o I found A’s and a’s. Add a’s and then read the words. pple lligator rm 33
Week฀3฀•฀Day฀1 Alphabet Letter B Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace and write. Circle every B and every b. E H B B P D B b p b d e b b I found B’s and b’s. Add b’s and then read the words. ed ag ird 34
Week฀3฀•฀Day฀2 Identifying 5 Five Friendly Frogs Trace and write. 5 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Color each lily pad with 5 flies. 35
Week฀3฀•฀Day฀2 Counting 5 Fast Frogs Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Circle each rock with 5 bugs to find which frog finishes first. How many rocks have 5 bugs? __________ 36
Week฀3฀•฀Day฀3 Recognizing Shapes A Shapely Castle Color the shapes in the picture below using the code. purple blue green orange red Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources yellow 37
Week฀3฀•฀Day฀3 Recognizing Shapes Shape Teasers Color each shape using the code. = blue = green = yellow Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources = red Name something else with each shape. 38
Week฀3฀•฀Day฀4 Identifying 6 Six Smelly Shoes Trace and write. 6 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Circle 6 shoes in each box. Draw more shoes to make 6. Count the socks. Circle the right number. 5 6 7 39
Week฀3฀•฀Day฀4 Counting 6 Two Make a Pair Count the shapes on each shoe. Draw a line to the matching number. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 4 5 6 5 4 6 Count the shoes in your closet. How many did you count? __________ 40
Week฀3฀•฀Day฀5 More Than/Less Than Tricks for Treats Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Count the bones each dog has. In each box, circle the dog with less bones. 41
Week฀3฀•฀Day฀1 Opposites Just the Right Size This butterfly is large. This butterfly is small. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Circle the large picture on each petal. Name two things that are larger than you. 42
’s฀lncentive฀Chart:฀Week฀4 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Name Here This week, l plan to read minutes each day. S HERE. CHART YOUR PROGRES Week฀1 Day 1 l฀read฀for... minutes Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 minutes minutes minutes minutes Put a sticker to show you completed each day’s work. Congratulations! # 1 Wow! You did a great job this week! Place sticker฀here. Parent฀or฀Caregiver’s฀Signature 43
Week฀4฀•฀Day฀1 Alphabet Letter C Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace and write. Circle every C and every c. C C U C C D E u c o o e c e C’s and I found c’s. Add c’s and then read the words. at ar ow 44
Week฀4฀•฀Day฀1 Alphabet Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Letter D Trace and write. Circle every D and every d. D D O B D O D B d p q d b d D’s and I found d b d’s. Add d’s and then read the words. uck ollar oor 45
Week฀4฀•฀Day฀2 Identifying 7 Seven Seashells Trace and write. 7 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Color 7 shells in each box. 46
Week฀4฀•฀Day฀2 Counting 7 Seashells by the Seashore Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Count each kind of shell in the picture. Write the total number next to the correct shell. Circle the shells that total 7. Circle the number that tells how many. 6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7 47
Week฀4฀•฀Day฀3 Alphabet Letter E Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace and write. Circle every E and every e. T E E F T F F E e a o e c e a e E’s and I found e’s. Add e’s and then read the words. lbow ye gg 48
Week฀4฀•฀Day฀3 Alphabet Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Letter F Trace and write. Circle every F and every f. F E T F E E F T f t t f l f k f F’s and I found f’s. Add f’s and then read the words. eather ish ork 49
Week฀4฀•฀Day฀4 Identifying 8 Eight Electric Eels Trace and write. 8 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Draw more eels to make 8. Count the eels. Color the animal with the matching number. 7 8 9 50
Week฀4฀•฀Day฀4 Counting 8 Eddie Eel Is Lost Help Eddie Eel find his way back to the cave. Trace the path that goes in order from 1 to 8. 3 2 4 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 1 5 2 4 3 3 6 5 6 7 4 7 6 8 5 7 6 7 On a sheet of paper, draw a picture of 8 different sea creatures. 51
Week฀4฀•฀Day฀5 Identifying Numerals A Sea of Numbers Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Color the picture using the color code. 1 yellow 2 green 3 blue 4 black 5 red 6 brown 7 purple 8 orange 4 7 7 4 5 3 7 7 3 4 5 4 5 8 3 1 1 1 8 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 6 2 1 6 6 2 7 2 7 6 2 8 2 7 2 1 6 6 6 5 8 1 6 52
Week฀4฀•฀Day฀5 Following Directions You Can Draw an Apple! Draw a circle with two bumps on top. 2 Draw a rectangle for the stem. 3 Draw a pointed leaf. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 1 53
’s฀lncentive฀Chart:฀Week฀5 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Name Here This week, l plan to read minutes each day. S HERE. CHART YOUR PROGRES Week฀1 Day 1 l฀read฀for... minutes Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 minutes minutes minutes minutes Put a sticker to show you completed each day’s work. Congratulations! # 1 Wow! You did a great job this week! Place sticker฀here. Parent฀or฀Caregiver’s฀Signature 54
Week฀5฀•฀Day฀1 Alphabet Letter G Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace and write. Circle every G and every g. Q G O G Q O G G g b g q g q G’s and I found p g g’s. Add g’s and then read the words. ame uitar ate 55
Week฀5฀•฀Day฀1 Alphabet Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Letter H Trace and write. Circle every H and every h. T H H T L H L H b h l p h l h b I found H’s and h’s. Add h’s and then read the words. air at ouse 56
Week฀5฀•฀Day฀2 Identifying 9 Nine Nice Nectarines Trace and write. 9 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Color each basket that has 9 pieces of fruit. 57
Week฀5฀•฀Day฀2 Counting 9 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Going to the Market Count the fruits. Write how many. Color each fruit that has 9. On a sheet of paper, draw 9 pieces of your favorite fruit. 58
Week฀5฀•฀Day฀3 Alphabet Letter I Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace and write. Circle every I and every i. L I F L I J I I i l f i i l f i I found I’s and i’s. Add i’s and then read the words. ce cream cicle ron 59
Week฀5฀•฀Day฀3 Alphabet Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Letter J Trace and write. Circle every J and every j. I T J J T J K J j g i g j p j q J’s and I found j’s. Add j’s and then read the words. ar ump eans 60
Week฀5฀•฀Day฀4 Identifying 10 Ten Railroad Ties Trace and write. 10 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Help Tina Train find the right track. Count each railroad tie. Color the track with 10 railroad ties red. 61
Week฀5฀•฀Day฀4 Counting 10 All Aboard Color each train car with 8 barrels red. Color each train car with 9 barrels blue. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Color each train car with 10 barrels green. On a sheet of paper, draw a train with 10 train cars. 62
Week฀5฀•฀Day฀5 Identifying Patterns What Comes Next? Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Circle the shape that comes next. 63
Week฀5฀•฀Day฀5 Identifying Patterns Decorate a Headband Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Draw the shapes that finish the patterns. Then color and cut out. Attach lengths of yarn to both ends of the patterns to form headbands. 64
’s฀lncentive฀Chart:฀Week฀6 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Name Here This week, l plan to read minutes each day. S HERE. CHART YOUR PROGRES Week฀1 Day 1 l฀read฀for... minutes Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 minutes minutes minutes minutes Put a sticker to show you completed each day’s work. Congratulations! # 1 Wow! You did a great job this week! Place sticker฀here. Parent฀or฀Caregiver’s฀Signature 65
Week฀6฀•฀Day฀1 Alphabet Letter K Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace and write. Circle every K and every k. S K X S K X S X k f f k x k k t K’s and I found k’s. Add k’s and then read the words. ing ite angaroo 66
Week฀6฀•฀Day฀1 Alphabet Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Letter L Trace and write. Circle every L and every l. L H I L L I L H l i l l i l t h I found L’s and l’s. Add l’s and then read the words. emon eaf ion 67
Week฀6฀•฀Day฀2 Reviewing 1 Number Practice: 1 Trace the number. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Write the number. Trace the word. Write the word. 5 6 3 onei one one Number Hunt Circle every number 1. 1 20 2 4 5 22 6 1 23 8 8 9 22 8 30 6 1 5 9 1 7 8 1 27 0 1 29 0 4 7 0 1 27 5 26 3 3 4 1 9 3 1 68
Week฀6฀•฀Day฀2 Reviewing 2 Number Practice: 2 Trace the number. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Trace the word. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Write the number. two two two Write the word. 5 5 13 0 4 Number Hunt Circle every number 2 2 17 19 9 3 2 3 2 18 6 14 6 9 19 0 16 5 2 2 8 4 30 11 10 2 2 5 7 0 0 6 9 1 17 15 2 16 69
Week฀6฀•฀Day฀3 Alphabet Letter M Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace and write. Circle every M and every m. M N V N N M W M m n v w m m n M’s and I found m m’s. Add m’s and then read the words. ouse ap onkey 70
Week฀6฀•฀Day฀3 Alphabet Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Letter N Trace and write. Circle every N and every n. N M N V N W N N n m n u u m m n N’s and I found n’s. Add n’s and then read the words. est ewspaper ut 71
Week฀6฀•฀Day฀4 Opposites Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Size It Up Draw a around the picture that is short. Draw a around the picture that is long. 72
Week฀6฀•฀Day฀4 Opposites Draw a around the picture that is big. Draw a around the picture that is small. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Transportation Station 73
Week฀6฀•฀Day฀5 Recognizing Same A Perfect Match and are the same. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Connect the cars that are the same. Name one way you and a friend are the same. 74
Week฀6฀•฀Day฀5 Following Directions You Can Draw a Balloon! Draw an oval. 2 Draw a small triangle on the bottom. 3 Add a curved line for the string. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 1 75
’s฀lncentive฀Chart:฀Week฀7 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Name Here This week, l plan to read minutes each day. S HERE. CHART YOUR PROGRES Week฀1 Day 1 l฀read฀for... minutes Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 minutes minutes minutes minutes Put a sticker to show you completed each day’s work. Congratulations! # 1 Wow! You did a great job this week! Place sticker฀here. Parent฀or฀Caregiver’s฀Signature 76
Week฀7฀•฀Day฀1 Alphabet Letter O Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace and write. Circle every O and every o. O Q O C C O C O o c c a o o O’s and I found c a o’s. Add o’s and then read the words. wl ctopus ven 77
Week฀7฀•฀Day฀1 Alphabet Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Letter P Trace and write. Circle every P and every p. P R P B R B P R p q b d p b q p P’s and I found p’s. Add p’s and then read the words. ail encil an 78
Week฀7฀•฀Day฀2 Reviewing 3 Number Practice: 3 Trace the number. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Write the number. Trace the word. Write the word. 5 5 fthree e three Number Hunt Circle every number 3. 0 21 8 3 3 1 8 5 7 12 16 24 3 0 29 1 13 3 0 3 9 25 5 7 25 3 4 19 2 9 3 8 4 26 8 1 20 0 10 14 79
Week฀7฀•฀Day฀2 Reviewing 4 Number Practice: 4 Trace the number. 4 4 4 4 4i 4 4 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Write the number. Trace the word. four four four Write the word. 5 30 16 Number Hunt Circle every number 4. 25 1 10 20 5 18 21 7 26 4 4 1 4 6 6 5 13 3 3 18 0 10 4 6 5 28 4 7 22 7 9 9 9 8 27 6 0 9 29 22 11 29 80
Week฀7฀•฀Day฀3 Alphabet Letter Q Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace and write. Circle every Q and every q. Q C O C Q O Q C q g g p g b Q’s and I found d q q’s. Add q’s and then read the words. ueen uilt uiet 81
Week฀7฀•฀Day฀3 Alphabet Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Letter R Trace and write. Circle every R and every r. R B P R R R B P r n i r r n t t R’s and I found r’s. Add r’s and then read the words. abbit ope ocket 82
Week฀7฀•฀Day฀4 Opposites Searching for Opposites An elephant is big. A mouse is little. Big and little are opposites. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Circle the picture that shows the opposite. happy sad up down boy girl fast slow Name something you can do fast. Name something you can do slow. 83
Week฀7฀•฀Day฀4 Opposites Searching for More Opposites opposite. big little in out hot cold full empty Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Circle the picture that shows the On a sheet of paper, draw a picture of a something that might be larger than an elephant. 84
Week฀7฀•฀Day฀5 Sequencing Everything in Order The sequence is the order in which things happen. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Write 1 under the picture that happens first. Write 2 under the picture that happens second. What do you do first when you wake up? 85
Week฀7฀•฀Day฀5 Sequencing Perfect Order Write 1 by what happened first. Write 2 by what happened second. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Write 3 by what happened third. 86
’s฀lncentive฀Chart:฀Week฀8 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Name Here This week, l plan to read minutes each day. S HERE. CHART YOUR PROGRES Week฀1 Day 1 l฀read฀for... minutes Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 minutes minutes minutes minutes Put a sticker to show you completed each day’s work. Congratulations! # 1 Wow! You did a great job this week! Place sticker฀here. Parent฀or฀Caregiver’s฀Signature 87
Week฀8฀•฀Day฀1 Alphabet Letter S Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace and write. Circle every S and every s. S R S D S R S S s e s s e c s c I found S’s and s’s. Add s’s and then read the words. andwich ock oap 88
Week฀8฀•฀Day฀1 Alphabet Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Letter T Trace and write. Circle every T and every t. T I F L T F T L t f l t i t l t T’s and I found t’s. Add t’s and then read the words. ent oothbrush ub 89
Week฀8฀•฀Day฀2 Reviewing 5 Number Practice: 5 Trace the number. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Write the number. Trace the word. five five i five f Write the word. 5 5 2 5 3 0 Number Hunt Circle every number 5. 6 4 7 3 11 4 18 5 8 1 5 9 1 2 9 21 4 1 5 3 5 7 16 9 8 5 7 2 9 0 0 1 6 9 1 10 10 5 4 8 90
Week฀8฀•฀Day฀2 Reviewing 6 Number Practice: 6 Trace the number. 6 f 6 6 6 6 6 6 f Trace the word. Write the word. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Write the number. six vsix six i iv six 5 5 0 2 1 8 Number Hunt Circle every number 6. 28 6 7 6 17 2 0 29 1 12 6 3 13 9 25 2 9 25 3 6 3 0 5 6 7 19 8 10 6 20 5 8 1 9 3 20 0 1 6 8 91
Week฀8฀•฀Day฀3 Alphabet Letter U Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace and write. Circle every U and every u. C U V C O V U O u c n u y u y U’s and I found u u’s. Add u’s and then read the words. mbrella nicorn p 92
Week฀8฀•฀Day฀3 Alphabet Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Letter V Trace and write. Circle every V and every v. V W U V U V W V v v u w u v w V’s and I found v v’s. Add v’s and then read the words. est ase an 93
Week฀8฀•฀Day฀4 Identifying Patterns Picking Flowers Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Circle what comes next. 94
Week฀8฀•฀Day฀4 Relationships Side by Side Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Draw a line to match the pictures that go together. 95
Week฀8฀•฀Day฀5 Classifying Objects Out of Place X on the picture that does not belong. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Put an 96
Week฀8฀•฀Day฀5 Following Directions You Can Draw a Kite! Draw a diamond. 2 Draw a line from the top to the bottom. 3 4 Draw a curvy line for the string. 5 Draw 2 small triangles on the left side of the string. 6 Draw a line from left to right. Draw 2 small triangles on the right side of the string. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 1 97
’s฀lncentive฀Chart:฀Week฀9 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Name Here This week, l plan to read minutes each day. S HERE. CHART YOUR PROGRES Week฀1 Day 1 l฀read฀for... minutes Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 minutes minutes minutes minutes Put a sticker to show you completed each day’s work. Congratulations! # 1 Wow! You did a great job this week! Place sticker฀here. Parent฀or฀Caregiver’s฀Signature 98
Week฀9฀•฀Day฀1 Alphabet Letter W Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace and write. Circle every W and every w. W V M V U W V w v u m w w m w W’s and I found M w’s. Add w’s and then read the words. eb orm indow 99
Week฀9฀•฀Day฀1 Alphabet Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Letter X Trace and write. Circle every X and every x. Y X K X K X X Y x y k y g k k I found x X’s and x’s. Add x’s and then read the words. fo ylophone -ray 100
Week฀9฀•฀Day฀2 Reviewing 7 Number Practice: 7 Trace the number. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Write the number. Trace the word. Write the word. 5 5 seven seven v f Number Hunt Circle every number 7. 5 11 2 8 7 1 8 5 7 12 16 24 3 7 29 1 13 3 7 3 9 25 5 7 25 3 4 19 7 9 3 8 4 26 8 1 20 0 10 14 101
Week฀9฀•฀Day฀2 Reviewing 8 Number Practice: 8 Trace the number. 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Trace the word. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Write the number. eight eight Write the word. 5 9 25 Number Hunt Circle every number 8. 2 4 12 3 25 3 24 8 0 5 1 8 7 19 26 9 4 8 8 21 3 10 13 5 20 14 4 7 0 9 0 8 5 3 8 1 8 0 102
Week฀9฀•฀Day฀3 Alphabet Letter Y Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Trace and write. Circle every Y and every y. U Y U y x g V Y j y Y’s and I found V Y U j g j y’s. Add y’s and then read the words. arn ard o-yo 103
Week฀9฀•฀Day฀3 Alphabet Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Letter Z Trace and write. Circle every Z and every z. Z X Y S Z S X Z z x k z c s z s Z’s and I found z’s. Add z’s and then read the words. ebra ero ipper 104
Week฀9฀•฀Day฀4 Relationships Together Is Better Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Circle the picture that goes with the first picture in each row. 105
Week฀9฀•฀Day฀4 Opposites Different as Can Be Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Follow the maze to match the pictures that show the opposite. 106
Week฀9฀•฀Day฀5 Rhyming Words Time for Rhymes Rhyming words have the same ending sound. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Say the name of each picture. Circle the two pictures that rhyme in each group. 107
Week฀9฀•฀Day฀5 Following Directions You Can Draw a Dinosaur! 4 Draw a small circle for the head. Draw a curved triangle for the tail. 2 5 Draw a large oval for the body. Draw four rectangles for legs. 3 6 Connect the head and body with two lines. Add facial features, spots, and toes. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 1 108
’s฀lncentive฀Chart:฀Week฀10 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Name Here This week, l plan to read minutes each day. S HERE. CHART YOUR PROGRES Week฀1 Day 1 l฀read฀for... minutes Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 minutes minutes minutes minutes Put a sticker to show you completed each day’s work. Congratulations! # 1 Wow! You did a great job this week! Place sticker฀here. Parent฀or฀Caregiver’s฀Signature 109
Week฀10฀•฀Day฀1 Reviewing 9 Number Practice: 9 Trace the number. 9 9 9 9 9i 9 9 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Write the number. Trace the word. nine nine nine Write the word. Number Hunt Circle every number 9. 9 8 0 1 3 1 1 2 9 4 7 20 8 21 3 8 13 5 20 10 9 7 0 3 25 12 9 0 2 3 8 2 4 26 25 3 16 24 9 14 110
Week฀10฀•฀Day฀1 Reviewing 10 Number Practice: 10 Trace the number. 10 v 10 10 10 10 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Write the number. Trace the word. Write the word. 5 2 4 ten e ten ten teni Number Hunt Circle every number 10. 26 40 10 25 3 9 3 0 5 4 7 10 8 10 3 8 3 14 1 1 10 9 8 2 0 3 10 21 5 0 9 25 5 7 8 10 29 1 111
Week฀10฀•฀Day฀2 Ordering Numerals Crawl Before You Fly Write the missing numbers. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 1 4 2 7 Connect the dots from 10 8 1 to 10. 10 1 9 2 5 6 8 3 4 7 112
Week฀10฀•฀Day฀2 Alphabet Sequence ABC Picture Connect the dots in ABC order to find the hidden picture. Tell a story about the picture. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources B G H C A F D E K Z L I Y N J V M X U O P T Q R W S 113
Week฀10฀•฀Day฀3 Rhyming Words Rhyme Time Rhyming words have the same ending sound. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Say the name of each picture. Circle the two pictures that rhyme in each row. 114
Week฀10฀•฀Day฀฀3 Rhyming Words Check the Signs Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Say the name of each picture. Circle the animal with the picture that rhymes with the first picture in each row. 115
Week฀10฀•฀Day฀4 Reviewing Letters Matching Letters Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Read the letter of the alphabet next to the number in each row. Find a letter that is just the same in that row. Fill in the circle in front of that letter. 1. A o฀ C o฀ A o฀ B o฀ H 2. D o฀ D o฀ L o฀ P o฀ U 3. K o฀ F o฀ C o฀ H o฀ K 4. M o฀ N o฀ G o฀ M o฀ A 5. T o฀ E o฀ T o฀ O o฀ I 6. s o฀ i o฀ s o฀ r o฀ c 7. e o฀ u o฀ t o฀ e o฀ s 8. b o฀ t o฀ b o฀ c o฀ p 9. n o฀ h o฀ m o฀ o o฀ n 10. z o฀ z o฀ h o฀ s o฀ a 116
Week฀10฀•฀Day฀4 Review Show What You Know o฀ o฀ o o฀ o Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 1. Which one is the same? 2. Which one is different? o฀ 3. Which animal name begins with the same sound? o฀ o฀ o 4. Which animal name rhymes? o฀ o฀ o 117
Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Picking Letters Oh no! There they go! 8 1 I have Q, R, S, and T. I have E, F, G, and H. 6 3
I have U, V, W, and X, Y, Z. 2 7 I have I, J, K, and L. I have M, N, O, and P. 4 5 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources I have A, B, C, and D.
Week 1 • Day 1 Week 1 • Day 2 Week 1 • Day 1 Pre Wr ting Identifying 1 Pre Wr ting One Old Octopus Diagonals Down k. Trace and write. Trace the diagonal lines w th your finger. Trace the arrows with your finger. 1 our ck y Che or ’s w child Color each shape with 1 fish. k. your eck or ’s w child k. Ch ur k yo hec or ’s w child S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K Summer Ex re s Be we n G ades PreK & K S ho st c nc 13 12 page 11 page 13 page 12 Week 1 • Day 3 Week 1 • Day 3 Week 1 • Day 2 Ident fy ng Colors Recognizing Shapes Count ng 1 An Underwater Home Clowning Around Shape Match-Up Count each group of things found in the sea. Color one from each group. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 11 Scho a t c nc Scho a t c nc S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K C Color the picture below. Trace each shape. Draw a line to match each object to its shape. Color the shapes. red yellow blue green black purple orange 14 S mmer E pr ss Be w en G ad s Pr K & K S ho as c nc S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K Scho a t c nc Ch S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K or ’s w child Scho a t c nc k. your eck How many objects did you color? __________ 16 15 page 14 page 16 page 15 Week 1 • Day 4 Week 1 • Day 4 Pre Wr ting Pre Wr ting Curves Week 1 • Day 5 Identifying 2 Circles Trace the arrows with your finger. Two Talking Turtles Trace and write. Trace the arrows w th your finger. 2 your eck k. or ’s w child Can you come over? Ch Color each circle with 2 dots. I’ll be there at 2:00. k. your eck or ’s w child k. Ch ur k yo hec or ’s w child Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gra es P eK & K c Scho a t c nc Scho a t c Scho a t c c Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K C 17 page 17 Count how many telephones you have at home. How many did you count? __________ 18 page 18 page 19 120
Week 2 • Day 1 Week 1 • Day 5 Week 2 • Day 1 Pre Writ ng Count ng 2 Pre Writ ng Lines and Shapes Mrs. Tacky Turtle Copy each shape in the space provided. Circle the number that tells how many objects Mrs. Turtle is wearing. 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 More Lines and Shapes Copy each shape in the space provided. k. Summer Ex re s Be we n G ades PreK & K Summer Ex re s Be we n G ades PreK & K S ho st c nc 23 page 23 Tugboat Tow Color Train Use the code to color the picture. k. or ’s w ck Identifying Colors Counting 3 Identifying 3 Che Week 2 • Day 3 Week 2 • Day 2 Week 2 • Day 2 Three Tiny Tugboats 3 24 page 22 page 20 Trace and write. or ’s w child our ck y Che 20 1 child your blue 2 brown 3 Draw a line to match each train car to the correct object. Color the objects with the correct color. red Color each barge with 3 objects. ue bl S mmer E pr ss Be w en G ad s Pr K & K S ho as c nc blue Which color did you use to color the most spaces? __________ S mmer E pr ss Be w en G ad s Pr K & K Check your child’s work. S ho as c nc Draw 3 logs on each barge. Scho a t c nc bl ac k red 27 26 25 page 25 page 24 page 26 Week 2 • Day 4 Week 2 • Day 3 e Identifying Colors y Week 2 • Day 4 4 Counting 4 Climb to the Top Four Fine Firefighters Color Train Trace and write. Draw a line to match each train car to the correct object. Color the objects with the correct color. 4 Count the objects on each step. Circle the matching number. k. or ’s w ck Che child your 2 3 4 Color each dog with 4 spots. 3 4 5 en gre w hi te 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 How many steps have 4 objects? __________ 29 page 27 Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gra es P eK & K Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gra es P eK & K Scho a t c nc Scho a t c purple Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K wn o br c or an ge 2 3 4 page 28 Scho a t c nc S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K w llo ye Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources k. or ’s w child S ho st c nc S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K What else could Mrs. Turtle wear? Draw 2 of them. Scho a t c nc our ck y Che 30 page 29 121
This is a circle . This is a square Week 3 • Day 1 Week 2 • Day 5 Week 2 • Day 5 Alphabet Vocabulary Recogn zing Shapes Letter A Going to School Sorting Shapes sides that are the same length. This is a rectangle Trace and write. Find and color these things in the picture. . A square has four . pencil scissors book paper glue eraser A rectangle also has four sides. The opposite sides of a rectangle are the same length. This is a triangle . k. or ’s w child your eck A triangle has three sides. Ch Circle every A and every a. A E o e red. green. Color the rectangles blue. Put an X on one th ng in the picture that does not belong. o a pple page 31 page 30 3 O A a a o a’s. lligator a rm a Week 3 • Day 2 e Alphabet y Week 3 • Day 2 5 Count ng 5 Five Friendly Frogs Trace and write. Trace and write. 5 k. wor ild’s ck Che 35 page 33 Week 3 • Day 1 Letter B our ck y a A’s and A Add a’s and then read the words. 32 31 4 O Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Scho a t c nc Color the triangles Summer Ex re s Be we n G ades PreK & K Color the squares S ho st c nc yellow. Summer Ex re s Be we n G ades PreK & K Color the circles S ho st c nc S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K I found A Fast Frogs Circle each rock with 5 bugs to find which frog finishes first. k. or ’s w child your Color each l ly pad with 5 flies. ch Che Circle every B and every b. d 4 B e b b b’s. Add b’s and then read the words. b 36 ed b ag b ird Summer Exp e s Be we n G ades P eK & K b B’s and D 14 How many rocks have 5 bugs? __________ 37 page 34 38 page 35 page 36 Week 3 • Day 3 Week 3 • Day 3 Recognizing Shapes Recognizing Shapes A Shapely Castle Week 3 • Day 4 Identifying 6 Shape Teasers Six Smelly Shoes Color the shapes in the picture below using the code. Trace and write. Color each shape using the code. yellow purple blue green orange red Sc o st c nc 3 P Summer Exp e s Be we n G ades P eK & K p I found B Sc o st c nc b B Summer Exp e s Be we n G ades P eK & K H Sc o st c nc E = red = blue = green 6 = yellow our ck y Che k. or ’s w child Circle 6 shoes in each box. Draw more shoes to make 6. k. or ’s w ck Che page 37 Summer Ex re s Be we n G ades PreK & K Summer Ex re s Be we n G ades PreK & K S ho ast c nc Name something else with each shape. 39 S ho ast c nc S ho ast c nc Summer Ex re s Be we n G ades PreK & K Count the socks. Circle the right number. 5 child your 6 7 40 page 38 page 39 122
Week 3 • Day 4 Week 3 • Day 5 Counting 6 More Than/Less Than Two Make a Pair Week 3 • Day 1 Opposites Just the Right Size Tricks for Treats Count the shapes on each shoe. Draw a ine to the matching number. Count the bones each dog has. In each box, circle the dog with less bones. This butterfly is large. This butterfly is small. Circle the large picture on each petal. 4 5 6 5 S mmer Expr ss Be w en Gra es Pr K & K Name two things that are larger than you. 43 page 40 Trace and write. ck page 42 Week 4 • Day 1 Week 4 • Day 1 Alphabet Alphabet Week 4 • Day 2 Identifying 7 Letter D Trace and write. Seven Seashells k. Trace and write. 7 k. Che 44 page 41 or ’s w k. or ’s w child your ck or ’s w child C Color 7 shells in each box. child your Che ur k yo hec k. or ’s w o 2 E D D O B e c e d p c’s. I found Add c’s and then read the words. c at c b 4 B q d d D’s and Che D O D 4 d b d’s. Add d’s and then read the words. ar ow c d 47 uck ollar d oor d 49 48 page 44 page 46 page 45 7 7 Letter E Trace and write. Count each kind of she l in the picture. Write the total number next to the correct shell. Circle the shells that total 7. 5 Alphabet Alphabet Counting 7 4 Letter F Trace and write. k. k. our ck y Che or ’s w child ur k yo hec T E e a 7 6 7 6 7 Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K 6 c 7 Scho a t c 6 c Circle the number that tells how many. Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K I found 3 Circle every F and every f. E F T F F E F E o e c e a e f t E’s and 4 I found e’s. lbow e T F E E F T t f l f k f 3 F’s and 4 f’s. Add f’s and then read the words. Add e’s and then read the words. e or ’s w child C Circle every E and every e. ye e f gg 51 page 47 Week 4 • Day 3 Week 4 • Day 3 Week 4 • Day 2 Seashells by the Seashore page 48 eather f S mmer E pr ss Be w en Grad s Pr K & K o C’s and D Scho a t c Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K 4 ck C child your ish f ork Scho as c nc c I found C Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gra es Pr K & K u Circle every D and every d. U Scho a t c nc C Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K C Scho a t c nc Circle every C and every c. Scho a t c nc Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 42 Letter C Scho as c nc S mmer Expr ss Be w en Gra es Pr K & K Scho as c nc Count the shoes in your closet. How many did you count? __________ S mmer Expr ss Be w en Gra es Pr K & K 6 Scho as c nc 4 52 page 49 123
Week 4 • Day 4 Week 4 • Day 4 Ident fy ng 8 k. Help Eddie Eel find his way back to the cave. Trace the path that goes in order from 1 to 8. Color the picture using the color code. 3 2 Draw more eels to make 8. 4 1 k. ch your 4 6 5 red 6 brown 7 purple 8 orange Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gra es P eK & K 6 Scho a t c nc 8 9 7 On a sheet of paper, draw a picture of 8 different sea creatures. 53 S mmer E pr ss Be w en Grad s Pr K & K 8 5 7 54 55 page 50 page 51 3 page 52 Week 4 • Day 5 Week 5 • Day 1 Fo low ng Directions Alphabet You Can Draw an Apple! Draw a rectangle for the stem blue black 7 6 7 2 3 4 7 4 Scho as c nc Count the eels. Color the animal with the matching number. Draw a c rcle with two bumps on top green 6 5 Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gra es P eK & K 3 3 1 2 2 Scho a t c nc ck yellow 5 wor ild’s Che 1 Week 5 • Day 1 Alphabet Letter G Trace and write. Letter H Trace and write. Draw a pointed leaf k. our ck y Che or ’s w k. child ur k yo hec Circle every H and every h. Q G O G Q O G G g b g 4 g q 4 G’s and p g I found g’s. g ame g uitar g ate h 59 Week 5 • Day 2 L h H b h’s. air at h ouse h 60 page 56 Week 5 • Day 3 Week 5 • Day 2 Identifying 9 Alphabet Counting 9 Nine Nice Nectarines your eck L H h l 3 H’s and page 55 page 53 Trace and write. 4 T p Add h’s and then read the words. Add g’s and then read the words. 56 9 T H H b h l c c Scho a t c Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K c Scho a t c Summer Exp ess Be ween G ades P eK & K I found q Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K k. or ’s w child or ’s w child C Circle every G and every g. our ck y Che Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Ch or ’s w child your A Sea of Numbers Scho a t c eck Identifying Numerals Eddie Eel Is Lost Trace and write. 8 Week 4 • Day 5 Count ng 8 Eight Electric Eels Going to the Market Letter I Trace and write. k. or ’s w child Ch k. Color each basket that has 9 pieces of fruit. your eck or ’s w child Ch Circle every I and every i. 61 page 57 62 I F L I J I I i l f i i l f i 6 9 1 On a sheet of paper, draw 9 pieces of your favorite fruit. page 58 Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K 9 c 2 Scho a t c 3 8 c 7 5 umm r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K I found 4 Scho a t c Scho a t c nc Summer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K Count the fruits. Wr te how many. Color each fruit that has 9. L I’s and 4 i’s. Add i’s and then read the words. i ce cream i cicle i ron 63 page 59 124
Week 5 • Day 3 Week 5 • Day 4 Alphabet Trace and write. Counting 10 All Aboard Ten Railroad Ties Trace and write. 10 k. our ck y Che Week 5 • Day 4 Identifying 10 Letter J wor ild’s ch k. ur k yo hec or ’s w Color each train car with 8 barrels red. child Color each train car with 9 barrels blue. Color each train car with 10 barrels green. C Help Tina Train find the right track. Count each railroad tie. Color the track with 10 railroad ties red. Circle every J and every j. J K J i g j p j q J’s and 3 Add j’s and then read the words. j ar j j ump eans Summer Exp ess Be ween G ades P eK & K j’s. On a sheet of paper, draw a train with 10 train cars. 64 66 page 60 page 61 page 62 Week 6 • Day 1 Week 5 • Day 5 Week 5 • Day 5 Alphabet Identifying Patterns Identifying Patterns Decorate a Headband What Comes Next? Draw the shapes that finish the patterns. Then color and cut out. Attach lengths of yarn to both ends of the patterns to form headbands. Circle the shape that comes next. Letter K Trace and write. k. your eck or ’s w child Ch k. our ck y wor ild’s ch Che Circle every K and every k. S K X S K X S X k f f k x k k t Summer E pre s Be we n G ad s PreK & K Summer E pre s Be we n G ad s PreK & K S ho ast c nc k’s. Add k’s and then read the words. k ing ite k page 64 k angaroo page 66 Week 6 • Day 1 Week 6 • Day 2 Alphabet Reviewing 1 Letter L o Number Practice: 1 Write the number. our ck y ’s child k. wor 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Write the number. k. Che Trace the word. Write the word. R viewing 2 Trace the number. 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 1 k. or ’s w child your ne Week 6 • Day 2 Number Practice: 2 Trace the number. ck K’s and 4 71 page 63 Che 2 68 67 Trace and write. S ho ast c nc S mmer E pr ss Be w en G ad s Pr K & K I found S ho as c nc one fi one f one Trace the word. Write the word. ur k yo hec or ’s w child C two etwo twof Circle every L and every l. H I L L I L H l i l l i l t h Number Hunt Add l’s and then read the words. l emon l eaf l ion 6 20 5 1 3 1 2 4 22 6 23 8 0 1 27 5 26 3 3 4 1 9 3 1 13 2 17 19 73 page 67 50 54 Circle every number 2. 8 9 22 8 30 6 1 5 9 1 7 8 1 27 0 1 29 0 4 7 9 3 2 3 2 18 6 14 6 9 19 0 16 5 2 2 8 4 30 11 10 2 2 5 7 0 0 6 9 1 17 15 2 16 Sc o st c nc l’s. Summer Exp e s Be ween G ades P eK & K L’s and 4 Sc o st c nc 4 Summer Exp e s Be ween G ades P eK & K I found Number Hunt Circle every number 1. Summer Exp e s Be ween G ades P eK & K L Sc o st c nc Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources Scho st c nc 4 T Summer Exp ess Be ween G ades P eK & K g I found J Scho st c nc j J Summer Ex re s Be we n G ades PreK & K T S ho st c nc I page 68 74 page 69 125
Week 6 • Day 3 Alphabet Trace and write. k. your eck ur k yo hec m n n m n u u m m n 3 N’s and n’s. Add n’s and then read the words. m ap m onkey n 75 est ewspaper n n ut 77 76 page 70 page 71 page 72 Week 6 • Day 5 Week 6 • Day 4 Week 6 • Day 5 Recognizing Same Opposites Fo low ng Direct ons You Can Draw a Balloon! A Perfect Match Transportation Station 1 are the same. and around the picture that is big. Draw a S mmer E pr ss Be w en Grad s Pr K & K 5 I found Scho as c nc m m’s. S mmer E pr ss Be w en Grad s Pr K & K 4 Add m’s and then read the words. Scho as c nc S mmer E pr ss Be w en Grad s Pr K & K w m m n ouse around the picture that is long. Circle every N and every n. N m Draw a or ’s w N M N V N W N M’s and around the picture that is short. child M N V N N M W M v Draw a C Circle every M and every m. 3 Size It Up k. or ’s w child Ch I found Opposites 5 Letter N Scho as c nc Trace and wr te. Week 6 • Day 4 Week 6 • Day 3 Alphabet Letter M 2 Draw an oval 3 Draw a sma l triangle on the bottom Add a curved ine for the str ng Connect the cars that are the same. around the picture that is small. Draw a k. Summer Ex re s Be we n G ades PreK & K Summer Ex re s Be we n G ades PreK & K S ho ast c nc Name one way you and a friend are the same. 79 78 page 73 page 75 Week 7 • Day 1 Week 7 • Day 1 Alphabet Alphabet Week 7 • Day 2 Review ng 3 Letter P Trace and write. Number Practice: 3 Trace the number. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 k. k. or ’s w or ’s w ck Che 80 page 74 Letter O Trace and write. child your k k. Write the number. child your c Che 3 Write the word. O P R P B R B P R o c c p q b d p b q p I found o’s. o ctopus P’s and 3 o ven p ail p encil p an 5 5 Circle every number 3. p’s. Add p’s and then read the words. 83 page 77 3 Number Hunt Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K a Add o’s and then read the words. wl fthree ve three v f 0 21 8 3 3 1 8 5 7 12 16 24 3 0 29 1 13 3 0 3 9 25 5 7 25 3 4 19 2 9 3 8 4 26 8 1 20 0 10 14 c O’s and 3 c Scho a t c o Summer Exp e s Be ween G ades P eK & K 4 o Sc o st c nc Sc o st c nc Summer Exp e s Be ween G ades P eK & K I found or ’s w child Circle every P and every p. O Q O C C O C a your eck Ch Trace the word. Circle every O and every o. or ’s w child S ho ast c nc Summer Ex re s Be we n G ades PreK & K S ho ast c nc our ck y Che 84 page 78 page 79 126
Week 7 • Day 2 Week 7 • Day 3 Re ew ng 4 Alphabet Number Practice: 4 34 f 4 4 4 4 4 4 Write the number. 34 Letter R Trace and write. k. or ’s w rk. o ’s w child our ck y Che Alphabet Letter Q Trace and write. Trace the number. Week 7 • Day 3 ck Che child your k. your eck or ’s w child Ch Trace the word. four four four 56 Circle every number 4. 9 9 9 8 27 6 0 9 29 22 11 29 C q g g p 3 I found S mmer E pr ss Be w en G ad s Pr K & K 5 13 3 3 18 0 10 4 6 5 28 4 7 22 7 S ho as c nc 4 1 4 6 Summer Ex re s Be we n G ades PreK & K 25 20 21 4 S ho ast c nc 16 10 18 26 Q C O C Q O Q g b Q’s and 2 d q r ueen uilt q q uiet R B P n i r r n t r’s. r ope ocket r page 82 Week 7 • Day 4 Week 7 • Day 4 Opposites Opposites Week 7 • Day 5 Sequenc ng Everything in Order Searching for More Opposites Circle the picture that shows the opposite. An elephant is big. A mouse is l ttle. Big and ittle are opposites. 3 R’s and abbit r The sequence is the order in which things happen. Write 1 under the picture that happens first. Write 2 under the picture that happens second. Circle the picture that shows the opposite. big little in out hot cold full empty girl fast slow On a sheet of paper, draw a picture of a something that might be larger than an elephant. Name something you can do fast. Name something you can do slow. 89 Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gra es P eK & K boy Scho a t c nc down Summer Exp e s Be ween G ades P eK & K up Sc o st c nc sad happy Summer Exp e s Be ween G ades P eK & K R page 81 Searching for Opposites 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 What do you do first when you wake up? 91 90 page 83 page 85 page 84 Week 8 • Day 1 Week 7 • Day 5 Week 8 • Day 1 Alphabet Sequencing Perfect Order Alphabet Letter S Trace and wr te. Letter T Trace and wr te. Write 1 by what happened first. Write 2 by what happened second. Write 3 by what happened third. k. k. or ’s w child your eck ur k yo hec Ch C 3 Circle every S and every s. S R 3 c I found S mmer Expr ss Be w en Gra es Pr K & K 1 s 3 Scho as c nc 2 Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gra es P eK & K 1 5 Circle every T and every t. S D S R S S e s s e c s S’s and 4 s’s. andwich s ock page 88 t f 3 F L T F T L l t i t l t T’s and 4 t’s. Add t’s and then read the words. s oap t 95 page 86 I I found Add s’s and then read the words. s T ent t oothbrush S mmer Expr ss Be w en Gra es Pr K & K 2 or ’s w child t ub Scho as c nc 1 Scho a t c nc Sc o st c nc R 88 87 page 80 4 P Add r’s and then read the words. Add q’s and then read the words. q t I found q’s. 86 Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources R B Summer E pre s Be we n G ad s PreK & K Number Hunt 30 1 5 7 Circle every R and every r. Circle every Q and every q. 4 S ho ast c nc Write the word. 96 page 89 127
Week 8 • Day 2 Week 8 • Day 2 Review ng 5 Rev ew ng 6 5 v5 f5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6e 6 6 6 6 6 k. Write the number. wor ild’s ck ch your our ck y fivev five iv five Write the word. ’s child k. k. wor your eck or ’s w child Ch Che Trace the word. Trace the word Letter U Trace and write. Trace the number. Trace the number. Che Alphabet Number Practice: 6 Number Practice: 5 Write the number. Week 8 • Day 3 vsix six i e six iv six Write the word. 3 0 1 18 5 2 8 1 9 5 9 21 4 1 5 3 5 7 16 9 8 5 7 2 9 0 0 1 6 9 1 10 10 5 4 8 28 6 7 6 17 2 0 29 1 12 6 3 9 3 7 9 25 2 25 3 6 0 5 6 19 8 10 6 20 5 8 1 9 3 20 0 1 6 8 V C O V U O u c n u y 2 I found u y U’s and 4 u u’s. Add u’s and then read the words. mbrella u nicorn u u p 99 98 97 page 91 page 90 page 92 ten ten ten Week 8 • Day 3 Alphabet Week 8 • Day 4 Week 8 • Day 4 Identifying Pa terns Relat onships Picking Flowers Letter V Trace and write. C U Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 5 4 3 4 S mmer E pr ss Be w en Grad s Pr K & K 2 6 7 11 Scho as c nc Circle every number 6. S mmer E pr ss Be w en Grad s Pr K & K Number Hunt Circle every number 5. Scho as c nc 5 5 5 0 2 1 8 13 Number Hunt Scho a t c nc Summer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K Circle every U and every u. Side by Side Circle what comes next. Draw a ine to match the pictures that go together. k. or ’s w child your eck Ch Circle every V and every v. V W U V U V W V v v u w w 4 v v est v ase v an Summer Exp ess Be ween G ades P eK & K Scho st c nc Add v’s and then read the words. Summer Exp ess Be ween G ades P eK & K v’s. Scho st c nc V’s and Summer E pre s Be w en G ad s PreK & K v 4 S ho ast c nc u I found 101 100 102 page 94 page 93 page 95 Week 9 • Day 1 Week 8 • Day 5 Week 8 • Day 5 Alphabet Following Directions Classifying Objects You Can Draw a Kite! Out of Place Put an X on the picture that does not belong. 1 Draw a diamond 2 Draw a ine rom the top to the bottom 3 4 Draw a curvy ine or the string 5 Draw 2 sma l triangles on the left side of the string 6 Letter W Trace and wr te. Draw a l ne from left to right k. your eck Draw 2 sma l triangles on the right s de of the str ng or ’s w child Ch Circle every W and every w. W V M V U W V w v k. or ’s w page 96 Summer Exp e s Be ween G ades P eK & K Summer Exp e s Be ween G ades P eK & K Sc o st c nc Summer Exp e s Be we n G ades P eK & K Sc o st c nc 103 I found Sc o st c nc ck Che child your 2 M u m w w m w W’s and 4 w’s. Add w’s and then read the words. w eb w orm w indow 107 104 page 97 page 99 128
Week 9 • Day 2 Week 9 • Day 1 Reviewing 8 Number Practice: 7 Number Practice: 8 Trace the number. Trace the number. 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 f8 8 8 8 8 k. or ’s w Write the number. k c Che Trace the word. ur k yo hec 5 5 Circle every X and every x. K X K X X Y x y k y g k -ray x S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K ylophone x Scho a t c nc Add x’s and then read the words. fo x 5 5 525 Number Hunt Circle every number 7. x’s. 5 11 2 8 7 1 8 5 7 12 16 24 3 7 29 1 13 3 7 3 9 25 5 7 25 3 4 19 7 9 3 8 Circle every number 8. 4 26 8 1 20 0 10 14 9 12 24 1 109 108 page 100 26 9 4 8 8 21 3 10 13 5 20 14 4 7 0 9 0 8 5 3 8 1 8 0 110 page 101 page 102 Week 9 • Day 3 Week 9 • Day 4 Week 9 • Day 3 Alphabet Relationsh ps Alphabet Letter Y Trace and wr te. 2 4 3 25 3 8 0 5 8 7 19 Scho a t c nc 2 X’s and Number Hunt S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K 4 I found x Scho a t c nc k eight eighti iv Write the word. Y X child C Trace the word seven fi e seven ve Write the word. k. or ’s w Write the number. child your Letter Z Trace and write. Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources k. or ’s w child our ck y Che S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K Trace and write. Week 9 • Day 2 Rev ewing 7 Alphabet Letter X Together Is Better Circle the picture that goes with the first picture in each row. k. our ck y wor ild’s ch ur k yo Che c Che j Y’s and y 2 Y U Z X Y S j g j z x k Add y’s and then read the words. y ard Z’s and 3 X Z z c s z z’s. Add z’s and then read the words. y o-yo z 111 ebra z ero z ipper 113 112 page 103 page 104 page 105 Week 9 • Day 4 Week 9 • Day 5 Week 9 • Day 5 Opposites Rhyming Words Following D rections Different as Can Be You Can Draw a Dinosaur! Time for Rhymes 1 Rhyming words have the same ending sound. Follow the maze to match the pictures that show the opposite. Draw a sma l c rcle for the head 2 3 Draw a large oval for the body Connect the head and body with two l nes Say the name of each picture. Circle the two pictures that rhyme in each group. 4 Draw a curved t iangle for the tail 5 6 Draw four rectangles for legs Add facial features spots and toes k. or ’s w c Scho a t c 115 page 106 Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K c Scho a t c Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K ck Che child your c arn 3 S Scho a t c y s I found y’s. Z S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K Scho a t c nc x 3 V Scho a t c nc g I found V Y S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K y U Circle every Z and every z. Scho a t c nc Circle every Y and every y. U Y ’s child k. wor page 107 116 page 108 129
Week 10 Day 1 Week 10 • Day 1 Rev ew g 9 Rev ewing 10 Number Practice: 9 Number Practice: 10 Trace the number. Trace the number. 10 10 f 10 10 v 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Wr te the number. ch our ck y Che ck Che Trace the word. nine nine nine Wr te the word. Wr te the word. 5 5 9 3 1 8 54 5 26 40 Circle every number 10. Circle every number 9. 13 5 20 10 25 12 9 0 2 3 8 2 2 10 3 7 4 26 25 3 16 24 9 14 25 3 0 5 10 8 9 4 10 3 8 3 14 1 1 10 9 8 2 0 3 10 21 5 0 9 25 5 7 8 10 29 1 Scho a t c nc 1 2 21 9 4 3 7 20 8 9 7 0 3 Scho a t c nc S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K ten ten ve iv ten iv teni Number Hunt Number Hunt 8 0 1 child your S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K Trace the word. k. or ’s w Wr te the number. k. wor ild’s 120 page 110 page 111 Week 10 • Day 2 Week 10 • Day 3 Week 10 • Day 2 Ordering Numerals Rhyming Words Alphabet Sequence ABC Picture Crawl Before You Fly Rhyme Time Connect the dots in ABC order to find the hidden picture. Write the missing numbers. Rhyming words have the same ending sound. Tell a story about the picture. Say the name of each picture. Circle the two pictures that rhyme in each row. 5 1 6 4 2 7 3 B G H 10 8 C 9 A F D E Connect the dots from 1 to 10. K Z L I Y N J V M P T Q 6 W S R 8 7 121 123 122 page 112 page 113 page 114 Week 10 • Day 3 Week 10 • Day 4 Rhym ng Words Review ng Letters Review Matching Letters Check the Signs Show What You Know Read the letter of the alphabet next to the number in each row. Find a letter that is just the same in that row. Fill in the circle in front of that letter. 1. A o C A o B o H 2. D D o L o P o U 3. K o F o C o H K 4. M o N o G M o A 5. T o E T o O o I 6. s o i s o r o c 7. e o u 8. b o t 9. n o h 10. z z o t e o s o c o p o m o o n o h o s o a b 1. Which one is the same? o o o 3. Which animal name begins with the same sound? o o 4. Which animal name rhymes? o 125 page 116 o 2. Which one is different? o c Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K c Scho a t c Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K Scho a t c c Say the name of each picture. Circle the animal with the picture that rhymes with the first picture in each row. page 115 Week 10 • Day 4 Scho a t c 4 Summ r Exp ess Be ween Gr des P eK & K 3 S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K 5 Scho a t c nc O 9 2 S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K U Scho a t c nc S mmer Expr ss Be ween Gra es Pr K & K X 10 1 Scho a t c nc Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources 119 126 page 117 130
Summer Express (between grades PreK & K) © Scholastic Teaching Resources ___฀___฀___฀____฀__ congratulations! for฀Grade฀___ is฀now฀ready฀฀ ______________ This฀certifies฀that