                    © Heldermann Verlag
ISSN 0940-5151

Economic Quality Control
Vol 24 (2009), No. 1, 101 – 116

A Novel Markov System Dynamics Framework
for Reliability Analysis of Systems
Meesala Srinivasa Rao and V.N. Achuta Naikan

Abstract: System reliability is considered as an important performance index. Performance of
engineering systems can be assessed by various techniques. The traditional analytical approach
consists of developing a mathematical model that represents the system and to evaluate its
reliability indices. There have been attempts in the literature to derive more realistic approaches
for the reliability analysis of systems, for example, based on simulations. This paper proposes a
hybrid approach called Markov System Dynamics (MSD) approach which combines the Markov
approach with system dynamics simulation approach for performing a reliability analysis and for
studying the dynamic behavior of systems. This approach will have the advantages of both the
methodologies that of Markov processes as well as system dynamics. The proposed framework
is illustrated by a numerical example for a single component system with increasing failure rates.
The results of the simulation when compared with those obtained by the traditional Markov
analysis clearly validate the Markov System Dynamics (MSD) approach as an alternative for
reliability analysis.
Keywords: Simulation approach, dynamic implications of systems, Markov analysis, Markov
system dynamics.



Many reliability analysis procedures are based on a large number of unrealistic assumptions leading to over simplification of the systems and resulting in errors of evaluation.
Traditional analytical techniques represent the system by a mathematical model and evaluate the reliability indices from this model using analytic mathematical solutions. These
techniques become very complicated and are often rather unrealistic especially for modern complex systems. The disadvantage with the analytical approach is that the model
used in the analysis is usually a over-simplification of the system; sometimes to an extent it becomes totally unrealistic. In addition, the output of the analytical methods is
usually limited to the values of first moments (expectations) only. The complexity of the
modern engineering systems besides the need for realistic considerations when modeling
their availability/reliability renders analytical methods very difficult to be used. Many
researchers have been searching for alternative methodologies for a more practical and
realistic reliability analysis. Simulation has been used as a powerful tool for modeling and
analysis of system reliability. It fact, it can be used to represent more realistically the
dynamic behavior of systems.

102 Meesala Srinivasa Rao and V.N. Achuta Naikan A system dynamics representation of Markov models opens up the possibility of a numerical solution and does not make an attempt of finding an analytical solution. Another advantage of system dynamics modeling is that a large number of experiments with varying values of the input parameters can be done. Hence, sensitivity analysis can be performed easily during reliability estimation and prediction. Finally, the steady state solutions for these problems can be obtained by visual inspection of the flow diagrams and by making use of the fact that in the steady state the net flow into a level is zero. This paper is divided in to five sections. Section 2 presents the modeling aims and the approach. Section 3 gives the proposed methodology followed by a system description and the made assumptions for a single component manufacturing system. Section 4 describes the model experimentation; Section 5 gives the validation of the proposed model and, finally, Section 6 contains some conclusions. 2 Modelling Aims and Approach Traditional Markov methods have several limitations when applied for reliability modeling and analysis of systems. Many researchers (Andrea Bobbio et al. [1], Dimitris Logothetis et al. [9], Gerard Collas [3], Sandra V. Howell [7], Zoran Pavlovic [11] and Pratap K.J. Mohapatra and Rahul Kumar Roy [10]) have pinpointed the limitations of this approach. In addition, several authors have criticized that the assumption of exponential distribution used for Markov processes is unrealistic for modelling the failure process of many systems. Further, there is much difficulty in solving the Kolmogorov system of differential equations in Markov models used for reliability and availability analysis (Aldo Cumani [4] M.H.J. Bollen [2], Endrenyi [5], Islamov [13], and Johnson [8]). The present work proposes a hybrid approach called Markov System Dynamics (MSD) approach that combines the Markov approach with the system dynamics simulation approach to overcome some of the limitations of a Markov process. The aim is to arrive at a simple and efficient way to perform a reliability analysis and to study the dynamic behavior of systems. Following Mohapatra and Roy [10], it is shown that stationary, continuous time Markov models are algebraically equivalent to linear system dynamics models. 2.1 The Continuous Time Markov Process A continuous time Markov process is completely described by its transition probability function pi,j (t) which is the probability that the system is in state j at time t if it started in state i at time t = 0. Hence, setting i = x(0), we obtain: px(0),j (t + ∆t) = PX(t+∆t)|{x(0)} ({j}) s X = P(X(t),X(t+∆t))|{x(0)} ({(x(t), j)}) x(t)=1 where s is the total number of states that the system can occupy at any time. (1)
A Novel Markov System Dynamics Framework for Reliability Analysis of Systems 103 By the law of total probability (1) can be expressed as follows: s X px(0),j (t + ∆t) = PX(t+∆t))|{(x(0),x(t))} ({j})PX(t)|{x(0)} ({x(t)}) (2) x(t)=1 The Markov property of forgetfulness yields: s X px(0),j (t + ∆t) = PX(t+∆t))|{x(t)} ({j})PX(t)|{x(0)=i} ({x(t)}) (3) x(t)=1 Defining: PX(t+∆t)|{x(t)} ({j}) ∆t→0 ∆t λx(t),j (t) = lim (4) and noting that: PX(t)|{x(0)} ({x(t)}) = px(0),x(t) (t) (5) we obtain: px(0),j (t) = s X px(0),x(t) (t)λx(t),j (t) (6) x(t)=1 This equation is known as the “Chapman Kolmogorov equation”. The quantity λk,j (t) is called transfer or transition rate from state k to state j at time t. Theoretically, the transfer rates can be time varying or even state dependent, but in general, they are assumed to be constant. This is the stationarity assumption. Most of the literature on Markov process makes this stationarity assumption and such models are termed as homogeneous (or stationary) Markov models. According to (6), a stationary, continuous time Markov model is then given by: ( s X pi,j (t + ∆t) = pi,k (t)λk,j (t) (7) k=1 The transition probabilities pi,j (t) are continuous functions of the time t with the following properties for all i, j and t: 0 ≤ pi,j (t) ≤ 1 s X pi,j (t) = 1 (8) (9) j=1 The transfer rates λk,j have the following properties: λk,j ≥ 0 for k 6= j λk,j ≤ 0 for k = j s X λk,j (t) = 0 for k = 1, . . . , s j=1 (10) (11) (12)
104 Meesala Srinivasa Rao and V.N. Achuta Naikan • Let P(t) be the square matrix of the transition probabilities pi,j (t), then rate of change of P(t) the can be written in the form of the following differential equation: d P(t) = P(t)R dt (13) where, R is the square matrix of the transfer rates. • It can be shown that for such a Markov process, the time spent in state i before making a transition to state j is exponentially distributed with λ1i,j being the value of the first moment. • It may be noted that the exponential distribution has the same forgetfulness as the Markov process. • A system with s possible states will have s2 differential equations which is too large a number to solve easily. One therefore works with state probabilities. • A state probability Pj (t) is defined as the probability that the system is in state j at time t (no matter in what state it started at time t = 0). Thus it is the sum of the probabilities of transition from state i to j: Pj (t) = s X pi,j (t) (14) i=1 The instantaneous rate of change of state probabilities can be derived as: s X d Pj (t) = Pi (t)λi,j dt i=1 (15) Defining P (t) as the row vector of state probabilities Pj (t), j = 1, . . . , s, the state equations can be expressed in the following vector matrix form: d P (t) = P (t)R (16) dt Taking the transpose of both sides of equation (16), defining Z(t) = P T (t) and noting that R = RT , we obtain: Ż = RZ(t) (17) This is a vector matrix state differential equation of an autonomous linear system. Thus, it can be concluded that the stationary, continuous time Markov processes are special cases of autonomous linear systems.
A Novel Markov System Dynamics Framework for Reliability Analysis of Systems 2.2 105 Development of an Equivalent System Dynamics Model In this section, a system dynamics model is developed that is equivalent to a continuous time Markov process. From (15) we see that the instantaneous rate of change of the j th state probability is: s X d Pj (t) = Pi (t)λi,j (18) dt i=1 which can be written as: s X d Pj (t) = Pj (t)λj,j + Pi (t)λi,j dt i=1 (19) i6=j Making use of (12), the relation (19) can be written as follows:   s s d  X  X Pi (t)λi,j λj,k  + Pj (t) = Pj (t) − dt i=1 k=1 i6=j k6=j = s X i=1 i6=j Pi (t)λi,j − (20) s X Pj (t)λj,k (21) k=1 k6=j The relation (21) constitutes a a level equation with Pj being the level variable, while s X Pi (t)λi,j (22) i=1 i6=j represents the total inflow into the level during the time t and s X Pj (t)λj,k (23) k=1 k6=j is the total flow out of the level. The inflow increases the probability Pj (t) due to transitions to state j, while the outflow reduces Pj (t) due to transitions out of the state j. Thus, the transfer rates λi,j and λj,k are the constants associated with the input and output rates. It can be observed that the rates are linearly dependent on the level variables from which they emerge. Thus stationary, continuous time Markov models are algebraically equivalent to linear system dynamics models as already noted in Mohapatra and Roy [10]. In the above sense the stationary Markov models are equivalent to a class of system dynamics models. The state probabilities of the Markov model are equivalent to the state variables in the system dynamics model, and the single step transition probabilities constitute the parameters of the system. Both methodologies view the system as a collection
106 Meesala Srinivasa Rao and V.N. Achuta Naikan of states, and are based on the forgetfulness property. The methodologies take resource to disaggregating in an attempt to capture past data analysis. Application of the system dynamics framework on Markov processes and their variants has various advantages. The system dynamics model for a Markov process facilitates incorporation of additional realistic features. In the system dynamics framework, the transient analysis and the steady state analysis of the Markov process becomes easier. It should be stressed that there is a great gap in the relevant literature as only a few attempts have been made in the direction of developing appropriate frameworks and models for system reliability analysis. Furthermore, the vast majority of the already published works are dedicated to traditional research models and conclude by pointing out the need to propose more sophisticated and efficient system reliability analysis frameworks. Acknowledging the contribution of system reliability modelling and analysis, our work, proposes a modelling framework that is a combination of the Markov process and the systems dynamics approaches. The proposed model aims at contributeing to a more realistic system reliability analysis. 3 The Proposed Methodology The approach of system dynamics was initiated and developed in the late 1950s by a group of researchers led by Forrester at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA (Forrester [6]). It is a methodology for modeling and redesigning manufacturing, business, and similar systems that are involve man and machine (Towill [14], Richardson, [12]). It is base on the information feedback theory that provides symbols for mapping systems in terms of diagrams and equations, and a programming language for conducting computer simulations. Hence, in this paper, system dynamics (SD) is selected as the simulation analysis method for a single component system in a manufacturing company. For the development of the model and the simulations, a C-language based iThink software was used. iThink is a software tool for use in SD and in the methodology for modeling, simulating, and redesigning manufacturing businesses. It is a continuous flow oriented simulation software with the capability to visualize the interrelationships that constitute a process, strategy, or issue. It facilitates quantitative simulation modeling and analysis for the design of system structures and control, and provides a multi level, hierarchical environment for constituting and interacting with models. The environment consists of two major layers: the high level mapping layer and the model construction layer. Moreover, within the model construction layer, it is possible to create another level of details containing sub models. An equation view is provided to view the entities on the model construction layer in a list format, and the exporting of equations from the model. It also provides a graphical user interface for the model design that supports both expert and less skilled practitioners of the modeling process. In this paper, an SD model is derived for a single component system and its reliability analysis aiming at studying its dynamic behavior. The resulting system is subsequently
A Novel Markov System Dynamics Framework for Reliability Analysis of Systems 107 compared with conventional results. The SD modeling is carried out at an aggregate level, which is more appropriate for supporting management decision making than conventional quantitative simulation. The following sections describe the problem, elaborate the SD model, and evaluate the simulation analysis. It is known that Markov analysis looks at a system as being in one of several states. One possible state, for example, is that in which all the components composing the system are operating. Another possible state is that in which one component has failed, but the other components continue to operate. In this work, initially the Markov analysis procedure is presented through the use of the example of a single component system to derive and calculate system reliability. Thereafter, the same system is modeled by the here proposed approach. 3.1 System Analysis and Assumptions The Markov analysis include the assumption that each of n components of a system are in one of two states, i.e., operating or failed. The system state is then defined to be one of the 2n possible combinations of operating and failed components. According to this assumption, for a single component system the following two system states are possible. State Component 1 1 operating 2 Failed 1 λ 2 Figure 1: Transfer rate diagram of a single component system. Moreover, if the system has a constant failure rate λ, then in the Markov analysis, it is possible to represent system by the transfer rate diagram as shown in Figure 1. The nodes in Figure 1 represent the two system states and the branch show the transfer rate λ from one node to the other of the single component system. In the Markov analysis, the system reliability is established from system state probabilities that are evaluated using a rigorous mathematical treatment. However in the proposed model, the system state probabilities are established by observing the dynamic behavior of the system over its entire simulated mission period using the system dynamics approach. This approach is discussed in the following section. 3.2 Markov System Dynamics (MSD) Approach The proposed MSD methodology starts after identification of the system states as mentioned in the previous section. The remaining stages of traditional Markov analysis are highly mathematically intensive, whereas the MSD approach is very simple. Moreover,
108 Meesala Srinivasa Rao and V.N. Achuta Naikan the MSD approach is capable of modeling those systems whose failure rates are decreasing, increasing, or constant in time. It is worth remembering that Markov analysis is possible only if the failure rate remains constant. The proposed MSD approach has the following stages. 3.2.1 Construction of the Causal Loop Diagram We consider a system with linearly increasing failure rate. A causal loop diagram of the system is constructed showing the basic interactions between reliability and its associated parameters and the decline of reliability in case of a single component system that is called the archetype “reliability declining” and is displayed in Figure 2. This archetype consists of one balancing loop, which moves a system in an unintended direction (Figure 1). In such a situation, a symptom of reliability declining is observed. Figure 2: The archetype of “reliability decline” in a single component system. Figure 2 shows a causal loop diagram of the feedback structure of the single component system being studied. The main parameters in this model are reliability of the component, distribution function of the component’s lifetime and the corresponding density function. The diagram indicates the causal interconnections between the involved quantities. We know that the reliability of the component decreases due to various factors like stress, over load, external factors, etc. Such a situation is generally indicated by the increase of the system’s hazard rates. In above scenario the reliability of the component decreases due to increase of the hazard rate during its operating time (i.e., with increase in time), indicated by the first arc in Figure 2 with the respective signs. The second arc indicates the linearly increasing hazard rate of the component resulting in an increase in density function of the system. And the third arc indicates the increase in the density function increases the distribution function of the system. Increase in the distribution function of the component or the system indirectly means that the reliability decreases. This condition is indicated by the forth arc in the Figure 2.
A Novel Markov System Dynamics Framework for Reliability Analysis of Systems 109 The loop displayed in Figure 2 is called a causal loop diagram with positive polarity. In this way, Figure 2 depicts the archetype “reliability decline” in the context of reliability. This is the typical behavior of a single component system during its operating time due to various internal as well as external factors that affect the system directly and indirectly resulting in a decrease of the reliability. This situation can be analyzed using a Markov system dynamics (MSD) model. 3.2.2 Development of the Rate and Level Diagrams The next step in the modeling process is to convert the casual loop diagram to the rate and level diagram. The transfer rate diagram (Figure 1) of the single component system is now converted into a comprehensive system dynamic model by utilizing the information available in the casual loop diagram. This is presented in Figure 3. For labelling purposes in the model the six echelons, i.e. reliability, distribution function, mean time to failures, mean time between inspections, hazard rates, and density function of the single component system are abbreviated to R, C, MTTF, MTBI, Z, and f, respectively. In the model displayed in Figure 3, the two states of the single component system are indicated with level variables R and C and the state transition is indicated with the rate variable f. The initial value of the reliability (indicated by R in Figure 3) of the system is assumed as unity. Figure 3: A comprehensive system dynamics model. The level of reliability decreases by the rate of failures that is measured in terms of the density function (pdf) of the component or the system. The rate variable pdf of the system is influenced by the auxiliary variable, the hazard rate (indicated by Z in Figure 3) of the system during the entire operating time (indicated with T in Figure 3).
110 Meesala Srinivasa Rao and V.N. Achuta Naikan Additionally, the level of the distribution function (CDF) (indicated by C in Figure 3) increases with the rate variable pdf of the system, leading to the declining reliability of the system as described in Figure 2. The auxiliary variable hazard rate, main measurement variable of the model, is increased by the rate of failures and with the operating times. Figure 3 displays the basic structure of the single component non repairable system reliability model with the corresponding stock/flow diagram. 4 The Model Experimentation The next stage of the proposed approach is to run the comprehensive MSD model of the single component system for the reliability analysis and to study its dynamic behavior. The above mentioned software is used to perform the required simulation runs. The simulation of the proposed model confirms that the results of the archetype reliability decline as shown in Figure 4, reliability of the single component system decreases with the increase of the hazard rate. The simulation result in various values of the density function and the distribution function for the failure times. From these results it is possible to identify minimum and maximum values of the distribution function and the reliability. The simulation analysis shows that the particular approaches to reliability have a different impact on the behavior of the single component system. Based on the simulation of this model, critical aspects can be identified. Considering that reliability is one of the most decisive factors affecting the system’s performance, the simulation study was based on the following scenarios. • Scenario 1: Test simulation run. The system was first simulated by a test simulation run, i.e., the system is run assuming that it has maximum reliability, i.e., unity at the start of operation with the operating state at level variable R. The reliability of the system decreases with increasing operating time. • Scenario 2: Second simulation run. In a second simulation run, the system is run assuming a linearly increasing hazard rate. The reliability approaches its minimum level with increase in time as shown in Figure 4. • Scenario 3: Third simulation run. In a third run, the distribution function is added. In a system with an increase in the distribution function, the reliability will approach its minimum level with increasing hazard rate. In this model, the distribution function is represented by the level variable C which indicates the failed state of the single component system as shown in Figure 4.
A Novel Markov System Dynamics Framework for Reliability Analysis of Systems 111 Figure 4: The reliability decline. • Scenario 4: Forth simulations run. In this run, the mean time to failure is considered. This simulation run shows that even though the mean time to failure is maximum at the initial stage due to the changing condition of the system, it decreases after some time. This is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5: Decline of the mean time to failures. • Scenario 5: Fifth simulation run. In this run, the density function (f) is considered. The simulation run indicates that the density function varies with increasing time. It is shown in Figure 6. Figure 6: Varying density function.
112 Meesala Srinivasa Rao and V.N. Achuta Naikan • Scenario 6: Sixth simulation run. In this run, the hazard rate (Z) is considered. The simulation run indicates that the hazard rate approaches its maximum level with increasing time as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7: Increasing hazard rate. Finally, to analyze the reliability of the system, the model has been simulated till its reliability reaches zero (31 weeks). Figure 8 depicts the dynamic behavior of the single component system for the different scenarios. The simulated values of various parameters are also listed in Table 1 for illustrating the dynamic behavior of the system in more detail. Figure 8: Dynamic behavior of the single component system.
A Novel Markov System Dynamics Framework for Reliability Analysis of Systems 113 Table 1: Simulated results describing the dynamic behavior of the single component system. Weeks Reliability CDF 0 1.00 0.00 1 1.00 0.00 2 0.99 0.01 3 0.97 0.03 4 0.95 0.05 5 0.91 0.09 6 0.87 0.13 7 0.82 0.18 8 0.77 0.23 9 0.71 0.29 10 0.65 0.35 11 0.59 0.41 12 0.52 0.48 13 0.46 0.54 14 0.40 0.60 15 0.34 0.66 16 0.29 0.71 17 0.24 0.76 18 0.20 0.80 19 0.16 0.84 20 0.13 0.87 21 0.10 0.90 22 0.08 0.92 23 0.06 0.94 24 0.05 0.95 25 0.04 0.96 26 0.03 0.97 27 0.02 0.98 28 0.01 0.99 29 0.01 0.99 30 0.01 0.99 31 0.00 1.00 5 Pdf MTTF 0.00 99.50 0.01 98.14 0.02 96.77 0.03 95.42 0.03 94.09 0.04 92.80 0.05 91.55 0.05 90.37 0.06 89.24 0.06 88.19 0.06 87.13 0.06 86.34 0.06 85.47 0.06 84.66 0.06 83.94 0.05 83.31 0.05 82.77 0.04 82.32 0.04 81.94 0.03 81.62 0.03 81.37 0.02 81.17 0.02 81.00 0.01 80.88 0.01 80.78 0.01 80.71 0.01 80.65 0.01 80.61 0.00 80.58 0.00 80.56 0.00 80.55 0.00 80.54 Hazard rate(Z) 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.18 0.19 0.20 0.21 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33 Validation of the Proposed Model To validate the proposed model the results of the simulation model are compared with those obtained through the traditional approach. It is known that the case of linearly increasing hazard rate (as considered in the proposed model) can be represented as follows:
114 Meesala Srinivasa Rao and V.N. Achuta Naikan Z(t) = a · t (24) The reliability and the density function of the considered simple system are readily available by (24): t2 R(t) = e−a 2 (25) 2 −a t2 f (t) = ate (26) Let a = 0.010594, then the reliability parameters are computed using (25) and compared with the simulated results. The comparison is presented in Figure 9 and clearly indicates that the simulated results are very close to the computed values. The authors have carried out similar studies for different values of a, and found that the simulations exhibit in all cases a similar close matching as shown in Figure 9. Figure 9: Comparison of reliability values. It is clear from the results that the proposed system dynamics modeling framework can be used as an alternative approach to the Markov methodology to analyze the reliability of systems. It is worth mentioning here that the MSD modelling once a software formulation is available is much easier compared to the traditional approach to study the reliability of complex systems. Conclusively, for analyzing the dynamic behavior of systems, MSD simulation seems to be useful, as it also supports the understanding of the functioning and the interactions of the different facets of system reliability. It can be stated that a switch from conventional methods to simulation seems to be a promising strategy. 6 Summary In this paper, a hybrid approach called Markov System Dynamics (MSD) approach that combines the Markov approach with the system dynamics simulation approach is proposed for reliability analysis and for the study of the dynamic behavior of systems. The proposed
A Novel Markov System Dynamics Framework for Reliability Analysis of Systems 115 framework is illustrated by a single component system and the comparison of the simulated results with those obtained by the conventional approach show a good match. This indicates that the Markov System Dynamics (MSD) approach can be looked at as an alternative approach for reliability analysis. The procedure for the development of the MSD approach for this system is explained and the simulation model is run to observe all of its states. The proposed methodology is applicable for all types of failure rates and it is mathematically much simpler compared to traditional approaches. Further, this methodology can be used for studying various scenarios having managerial implications of system reliability. It is important to note that the reliability decline of a component or a system has to be observed carefully in order to achieve a desired results. Managers must be aware of the existing interdependencies within the components or system. Accordingly, the model can be used as a simulation tool. Based on simulation analyses, managers can learn how to deal with such a comprehensive approach. Moreover, the different involved parties, i.e., managers, engineers, machine operators, can jointly work with the model in order to understand the dynamic behavior of systems. References [1] Bobbio, A. et al. (1980): Multi state homogeneous markov models in reliability analysis. Micro electronics Reliability 20, 875-880. [2] Bollen, M.H.J. (1999): Understanding Power Quality Problems Voltage Sags and Interruptions. IEEE Press: New York. [3] Collas, G., et al (1994): Reliability & Availability estimation for complex systems: a simple concept and tool. Proceedings Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium. [4] Cumani, A. (1982): On the canonical representation of homogeneous markov processes modeling failure time distributions. Micro electronics Reliability 22, 583-602. [5] Endrenyi (1978): Reliability Modeling in Electric Power Systems. Wiley, New York. [6] Forrester, J.W. (1961): Industrial Dynamics. MIT Press: Cambridge, MA. [7] Howell, S.V., Bavuso, S.J., Haley. P.J. (1990): A graphical language for reliability model generation. Proceedings Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, IEEE. [8] Johnson L. (1986): Ensign Eigenvalue eigenvector solutions for two general markov models in reliability. Micro electronics Reliability 26, 917-933. [9] Logothetis, D., et al (1995): Markov Regenerative Models. IEEE, 134-142.
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