                    ACHYLIC СО1ОЙ

• 12 Hit, bueccot Wicker White IXittr cirri?, imlt Fecugc Second circle, flteen feteer Pupa, licorice «2 Scr« IMc inky Wicker Whitt DMMttb Script liner & WkUf While »2 Serif* Uocr. Inly Licorice avund eye 3ft' Flit Ucoricv Side уотг Ret Bruch • '> Я& ;. ' : мел: »2 Serif* ks«t, Inky Licorice CBHtl eflje licorice Flint licence, then jtrole for Itnni Pick cp Komi Under «1 Yellow Ocbtt pjIHnX pilot !rcm uiiajflit o! brush. Chlxl Fbl of tn.it. wtt pilot lknn«c 3/4-JW. button vrith witter White. Stude with Mxucc ofYelkrw CXhtcA Ь10м Red Л12НН, Ucoritc *2 Script ttocr. inky Wicker White SM<S»nx edieof Btvch bxk A forth to Sttthbiook 2

PARROTS WORKSHEET i/Л’ Hit, EngM 3rd *12 FUt Witter White Suit End Sbaildcr of W.njtJ Scbxd Suit Yettew Uye: Willi ted & Darn' Carmlrw Rip 4 Chtwt Ntthi Sky edge fin: >2 Script liner, inky tkcckc. <M wi'h Wktet White • I2iiox«<l 4 a touch of Witter Wtu» Snide ircund eye • 12 Lkoikc. i wxh <* Witter While -------- 3/4’ rUt. Niyi-. Sky 5 VActer Wtftc fttot eye. LKoric». high- lighted with Witter White Wicker White Short Ch bet edge fC4lh« lew. «ехлег with enttet 3/4" Flit, Engac Red л Burnt Cirmiac ChUel edge, Witter White flnt While Eye Arci 3/4* R*r, E’.gr>r ted i Saint Carmine On chisel edge, always lead with lighter colors 5
T ROPICAL FISH WQRKSHEE T bcubiekod 3/4* Put W<»rf Whirr, hlntof Urortor



Quintal Hook >Kil Hi. I'm io glad you dec ideA to try my Our Stroke ' painting technique! In tbit kit you have the imtruc- tiotu and supplies yon need to paint the project I taught in Episode Я106: tt Birdhouse. Bird, Hummingbird and Flower Vine painted on an artist's cantm. I suggest you gel started by twitching the video of the show again while practicing oter my strokes an the laminated Rcitseable Teaching Guides. I've also included my Attitiitils booklet to inspire you to paint other ani- mals after you have mattered these feathered friends, Don't just practice, paint on something you can be prowl oft Look around your home —I'm sure •,ou can find lots ofplain objects that will look beautiful after you're added your atm handprinted touch. Happy Painting! How to Double Load A Flat Brush Kit Contents: ♦ Nature’s Critter* Rcuublt Teaching Guide • Birdhouse Ron Reusable Teaching Guide • Episode *106 Video JU minutes • Animals booklet by Donna Dewberry • 7 bottles EolkArt* 2 oz. paint colors: Wicket White. Berry Wine. YcHow Ochre. !аймке. Rt»’ Umber, Green FbrcM. .Midnight • One Stroke Brush Set: ,1/4* Fiti, *12 Hit. »2 Scrip: Liner • Oik Stroke * 8 Rat Brush • One Stroke *10 Hat Brush • 2 П. or. Floating Medium • Clear Plastic Practice Sheet pfSto b«bkj tobrstceetica > =•» CK.MOaireXaa ВаасоаэлЛСТМ Ou UM dое-rsx to: sat у. «ерша О»Э1 Eerrrprtses. Inc, Norcross. CA 3009b 76« USA • 12/01 • CONT IOS How to Load A Liner Brush I Thin pen with sntrr to an ’mk bke coiuittcncy.
General One Stroke Instructions Using the Ccllulotc Sponge for Pointing G'-Uuk iw-get иг my c&etne fee pucceg laap and ihipec л:-,... dampen the ip: op. and «огстс <м «жен *к« before loading лхаа. S; «tae HZ pen и j da|Cab!r paper plate fee foadir^ I'aintiog Shapes: Lnid <рч>5С»сЬЛ<3?тгмг>1 иХк.АспКгок-1 th; >p:*se in At dudit^c«cr. IWd she .dje ci die tpxijr firmly widi гои risers and f<ca 0Л the «Лес «rftbe JfOftie. Urine lire edge 0? the tprcje lie i рСОД draw ihcduMofi^irou arc naaothg. ГНсеС..ич Ли irutlxd uhtn paaarinf crcno in clethiw or luU» « teadr m aerxJ IkJJx Cot the rpongc wilt.o'Mlrr par.-m ifjuu fedyco arr.iamme«unseeable «'< rr «ш рхцеа Back^oend Fa us Hrriibo: [>i-p.- ;K «<.кс. »p«tw .«м ши ..jttr Poon.. Ulf cf rhe fj^F ‘r-le c<*x' ‘':™' i*v <t^‘l “** "n£‘ 4x«ct се» <urt»re of рейх:. rr-^ri-f yuo land in drfwrrm dirssin» to TOU 4> re: «vat.-a pxterr. rd an. uxt. Do tfeecrter povuc re >M «Я loir the <1 Xn .arunre Transferring Patterns i.Sty loaderpifsrr 1к;»<лпpxtrrrrJtuhcrfKC(dak. lit ry -.de an. p,- i«vsl Tr.e. patientwitha ajyhn •: inCpOsx pm tftu » ..«.fill. (Xa rvr pMt Wob-irf. on wool lUltfeo M yru r^y L'l-v И trnpnnr. Ir n net assCs- tary rn tras. stay fine Arrad. Tramfa the mi r.. .«1 i.... < the pxiem ami whatever die »«i k«i >ru nut htw. Cleaning & Garc of Brushes IVnpcr donsa^ and C1W rtf FeiMKiwiJI r x.ek miltilr.nilul kegerhe: 14. make ист perfoem -r tky wee.Jrrijn.-J >< pctform. t Tln.xw)-Jl cJrSibrujferwiA waSCt. 2. Brtri baton xm* ars cld bv of «.up and «I X1Л rr'-h мчи tiigyn. uufc- rtg certain и ir dnuibutol a’l rhe to tbf ferrule Rime will «ata. Rarcat, if «Kenan* iky bntJn »«h a dear. ogee papa iwrit, rlupiajthem uynsdry. I onaj a .nut агад; cf rtaim\ h ike brixlei will nx ktnn iboa -I. Bruih the fentin atrtn. a irotrp^f.-пггЛ n.-n .UJoreni biref icip. Tfrir wifi keep IwrtJa iu thar comm -lap.-. Sinpir nate them Itfoet priniiitf 1£^C. Bruih Care Tipi • Уо r>-< »H. w p;«t w dry m tbe brudi. • .•.r'-.-i::...rjc*caioauUy«rr Finiih (optional) 'Xiioi printing о ilniioajjrl. dry, »;p!y two «мм of 1 ewn.ydkw^ mkr rzritiH.- in pu4 Jcpinmer.it Helpful Hinn • Yea cae Uy iW Jca c<m:x rieei on> Ac JU-ei*; Wo+ikwr» m ikn I....I ;»J [write Ле спХпмЛ. • 'i«r our'cb. Oat-Strcie геЛп-ркеоас^йг. Lltrile. It 11 mctnirA ll ;l iiadooceail жмегм ir.iKiokc. Illi» wji m»ify up th.- peckct. • when K .-.f lie i- ft. «: •-».« 1" it.de the purl hr. »- inly v: oi.- Itrcy. RlU tilt kner «Mr. tbl rariu CO rbt yoc aaly ItuJ i|. • bx left •rUU.-J Mmcss- WSrt mytk Ratable fadbf Mfan G J« ЧСсАЗкес- rnri« the riarelcr.1 oreennm. .Vv-tyi w. -Ur: I uy toer.i. nd n-i roar ruder war* I uy 10 ruti. • jt-.rin; ly.rr. мп усш рота АяИ M «edahccu » you »rr tir<Ai»j ihc tip cf the foif n~i>J nui bedy. Safari Tiger Headboard Additional Supplies: STooJ cut fee tire ot bcaahiard Jewed fpimm rtuy need lo be ct;rni.-J to <:i year bof.i. line u»J pepct Painting Instructions I. ЦЛгК sisd »nd dan rutfxe. wxcnit «»!. twooaci of f.u -f.-rc Ir.. рйт.’йиху.cuipned rprr-p-. dip i«0 ВСЯ foliijr. Wukt» 'Х1Й1С x>d 1 s:wk ofSur.l1 -Ate- bul-;ir>™l ares, .'ike- to diy “rxr arj irano (a pwetn. ' Tiem L’rinf cUupcoed spoa>-'. d:p »<' huecl'».-: х-я YA-е» Cklv.-. brd:- ИГ pt-йСП. P>in< b ely of ticct Л1А .pre I a Jly. Л. Ma YtlwOehn and fiarpu: Red e« pbrr ni mal. a :u.;. seem ct-’-.r L.od yvx .1'1’ flat httali with иахгЛт ddc-lud ic» йе oev яелп> cnlrv fc< JudSns. fx’t dtuJr i»J o.-aio on tijre и» Л»А.- Im |r.-Jf. i. hut: in em aed detail r«can foOcariajertu wxfobNL Ги’С al'K'ldur ’SYh» t.-’wd urn on Iter. Then bttuS for fo-«i ’JFhtc anas a> Jrotn. 1. Black ttripn: laud i.' r' btuihcoparie f»J< .tiipo er.i al ’ bn?h t,. prir.i I’xnal wipe» *iuS Isevcec and pain all clack ипртрсЯт; tia uicaki fecen Ktipet ww» tie Ha: trflcuth m iho-on <• r»inl.J»xt. ft. fri : MO 01 Лтап or. c.<e wukaJuec—«се Кер и a ire-c. ЛНгм paiu tc diybe<»«»_r:cpt RuiiliejetinJrx.S ad^upitJo «ideawfinrжмЬЛ< xlipi liter for -arntlxn. • Follagn li.td JM’ fbl ЬшЛ -««h Gkmi Fmot aod$спМп»тг.гга,.-,ги| Jy pxko.yup a touch cf r.-rih Rliipx ЙЙИ banaoi k лгч ar J pale, froirj. Refer » «lot неА-Нп. Alkw к dry. Parrots Rug Additional Supplied Orrcartnft..: 0jeecriz.litJ5c.no; rrmnlni 2S".< X>‘ Painting Inttructiont NOTFa II cm rar no; i«;j«J. }WI er-, pre: n ux.tJ lime. '.-.-«7. It:. > «J pset » pto.:& a insferih rairiiof mJac iiKspertr.ee f «Л. .a V,^| fleer Ortinnf rule, an caiy JfecdaKc toy ib.a: x rax rniy a Jjsibn*: .feczari.c MCMOay. bet! ^axk »» ma'.r rod ears 10 ei.-jri Vutji aneh a Ljht u-J.tcd tuk- menpitfaml. Rau.uuahxHcc:wiraicv<n:rira<tnfaiLa fewtpnr.1 topn• riJ; а гцисЛ pnr.tln; tuifac. ’ I. Uiiagdixpeeed rp-ep-. Лрг-мо %kU.- Whitt аяЗ Fmh Frfcgt Низе ЬккртпЗсссмйлЗ:-. pxkiCT.cpascveliertGjrcM R«..i lo-uirbeo-m -* tanr'zu Trxc acj axrifci pxitre 2. Cfaible load .W tai biioli ei Д Book Vrab-rt and Wicker й Есе. On Лк <1 trip.- a»l kxlcx: тЛ Wteker White, рля: Ь:т!к1. Refer го Hur «otk- Jlrrt. r. Load -V4' Bit bw>. with G.-.xn Rrcu and ScbxJ B® YAm. Wiih Giecu Revo i»MKt vice, pain: larger karc-- Sunngaa the cap of Ле Ur pub. •rg;k :rj follow tS. patieru lo; fu« leaf ю I’f'rf leal, then крем the other 4, Load-12 R» ««ft Gicca borne «eJ Scb<«J Всл Ydfoar. la-re One <«t4c Iraw. Клр prianr; nrxuii pkl::;.-. up paaM. rhrit miir^ faded back- M.-uodlcerrt Sed irime ГХ-сЫ; bad JT hnadt »atk blfAc Red aes! fwrri Cannae гчСГсиЛ-. p.ckl>; up a rail of Wfcfctr whin. On Jcxl edge mi pfeJ^oaeaer-r U.h nt partoe. paint nJ Iwthcu. ЬсДоя fra-het erftx 6 Uod VC Ьгггл wiu\ Ni^u Sky ar4 a i<«*h <4 Wklxi Wlitc On rdje and fdirt Wxxi r KUr of pallet. paiM ЛГМ rr« of foalr.lt which «dap the fed Iruibat. Rcpex al>.M. мер »»Л SrVr.1 Bs. JUkrw. Ydlcxr O.-hrr .'.I гтз. erdi. гки««Р atcwicf WuJ*r While. Pratecit nm of fcackti. S. Load l'i be»-X »-:Л Ln;i»e KeJ and a tt-sch cf Scree Carmim. With burr QinriC to osier oljc. paiul head ar J r.ccl r* painz. Urocg мае L.-uded bn»K pkk up Buioc Cumin Icadmg wiui SUM Grre e. asj •r.-r; iliiu.1 cdjc. paint Ir.ulr;:' v.cui.y fan K'rh rnwx-Ji th,.- ncd. O.alajpM-i; the ttUuw fentat. Refer ro <r4« wviUSta Io: eyr dmik. rder >a «Ax rczrrbrr: 9. Yelfow Parrot: Usd 3' brink with hky ssd а ихЬ .rf Wkkc Whitt. On chwl crip ad pclo; tomdi b«dr of par»:c. pant tail and Irmrr wwrj fcathm
111. Doth!: iad ,V4* :ht with Gocn Rzni «rd Trrte (У сце. iA> s'liicl cdfc srd rvUir< nm-infc c.ri,-. p* at Mt лп disiat. 11 U>1.V4 writSchccl Bu> YcFjw. YdlwMre and •xcihc<uUs fkL»^ u|>« Иж1> of Wicker White. With Steed tel Ydfeae ui c-c«r edge. prev held uA neck cf puree. Ciin< ura 1-sriJ hn-.te, pri ср Writs Wkks I ojK'f with Wickes Wr>:- i’ i Jtetr.iite; • irfi Ys*«• (Xhrr. uiut; chu- d edjV psur.i featecn Ccainf Ir.m tedy vywtdi the neck. everbpp^*r ffvm feahrrt Refer to coke wodubccc. 11 Usd *1’ 1ииЛ -r.h I«oric. tar K-ri fede-bri мяк bcute with a «•Jr ofWriee Й rtisc. Frit thaiow aid «rune. Refer о- о ia wwkteeet. 13 Feecycd.-oLv .-.-.« ooai-r «vetcSca. AJIowrncsy Fine!сюLc lunjas J wall Funpsji If project riSbcuxd а а оф it гем be walad »s-fe inoo- I da w ir e vi-t-.te Mallard Mailbox AddilionJ Supplies: Or.r rural rr.nfroi • met id Ipic-pahtodl Painting Instructions 1 Oe« wafxr. Trx< and trmrir pxtetn. ' Deride lewd J.4” tie. Inudi «Л Wi.ut Where «nd a te-seb U Beret Utnb.-. him body Fw Wlreon; octet (Luc ot’pcusra. tbeu meh ter odr ofboate. KtoLc to £1 ia th: cciatu. L'ung f,'i‘ liar rie ofbrute iri wvtk- ia.;fr«r. ri I • t.a-L, flint Iraihrrsmrlrno; «rdpxfonj. -. dikruiiud- cel teditfereai feahaen. Refer wcw'-i «wwcit, 5. LujTldheitihw-Kh Ye'AwtMre hue talk Atei nag «rood nri. Reek detail ire co woAteca. i i । .d >'i’ tiic w.in Green Icc-at Fast Lad ..--1 eri. To add rye dtutli refer to vA« woiWxa. InaJ .Vf brute with Wirier White and Burnt Unbar On tetri edse mJ leaning break a Lid; u> rex eJc. paint pin bbds «Cuureulh priioj *? « tt-ecli =f YrEiw Ochee. Aloe » dry. Rooster & Hen Plates Additional Supplies: ..о 14* »ivJ pbuv fine чг»1 paper Painting Instructions for Rooster LthtJy’sind usd (lean turfece. tescc-at rib t»o <nu> ui drured nirt- ;-.xrrdcc4>l- Alios to dll betv.eo alia. Wales ibw hnr beer, pumol with . г них <4 rnnpi'ti Wieirt Wb^ itattd urj. [Рцщ Unfcn. Trxi «nl innc w rartetx Л«Ыс b»d 3M‘ bet-ib nitt. Wu’«r Whce >»d a toad» d IdnnnwsL Puint r-uintwdyof r.v-er.-b'c'drgcokni.ivid.i ui edwot« ntcr „ему Mice or> tbebedr. Stttilcd.-ttiGof dup« .i-bedy >odfU inmehdx 'АсчЯлгйы! tire uil ОоЛслхк- <4i- -hoc itepl i hoi iiv fci hnren md» xd WhU Wbw; Oc cW rift «nd leaiejniA U'kkct 'Male. «»мaMy tn® ludy. ptiej пй £nd> os. Plant Itpitci fexihoi lint thea diAcr qm ra :<? in oida ю ска; Л p:h «-.I vrroron Refer to (>::: «odubet. L'-xbk bad V4* £x »ёЬСой» Freot i»JS_-!’.>.er. Eiux jt«a f.idicn where p«item сЛ rec them (ТЫ fexrxtr and isi; wuie feabcex} ‘ DoibSc bid Vi* tel krndr wkb. Y«*.« Ckhte ina SuMhv>tro«i$b>u&> f«tinj чр Wrier Waite, м Д lifter sub. Есы lib «f. s^Frn «г,г ilpf-hts- ficco c i:ij fuch.n cut r.-i fathers. i. Uid .<»* lie httuh with Wrier WF<e. SuUkwct ird « tuout nl Bnntt Cetec. Elint deaJi on toil, ihac ad fume «.; .-.vttjpy r; niton; kxbm. UJ.V4‘ tet b.-udt nub ==pr.-Red ж-d Bctr.t Qnmne, liradl Uc t;d drt»Ji eer flor ird For ixu.1 rllvrhYdbwOcFn. Рим Wk Vnnj uroebidwbtud:. «id. liuJ xith Iktr.t UraW add tluLr.-.;. ". HtcuUriuwliicul sed <}»&rik refer »cevor irirhce. X. I cud .Vi't-;uih viik ; ixaJ i.-ruont Л-»мсг «.berpin »-d vdebid with &ЛЖ Lrziia Pare <4>iir.: axend trotter led«:«cd.yc >< ;'«:«. ЛГ«»» ее dry Piiiiting Inctruaiotu for Hen !. (bier ur bed? of .Un к kF. wicU: While. .Ub« u- tlty. 2. Uid Vi'tet nick 'Г.;мгГ: к «е.‘.GtnAiw Onch-te!edfc xd •«r-h Wrirr WniM> pi-ctr bxlpxnd feabets f'ri во i wcri of' icenice and rair. addeainil tenhen Stier i.i ctic worisdseeCMrfelthcn 3.1ль-1 j/4* tet bcith nith Licorice ui Wxkc: Wlit f-erf chivl d-t >rA KKtii«fh«i ioinei U)i'.j.•«' Miatwi«jWa:SueechcwibJ.d.p-i’j •nun iick end nr МГ ir-i tc-’ixixr; fottera. pxxt ud. Rdee n adnr wrri ’ vet • uud 3F4*Ibt FuiaF мкЬ .<ч»-'.«тг «nd 'е.’Ь.т Ochre. О» cUcI alp; «»J kadine “rd" San-iwte p«ia biy at Ьсоин tf Ьсл 5 lint COec co her. wnlt • 12 tet 1иыЬ Jr«bk •ured »m!i Ea;irw Red od Barm Cjrrew. TFen loid ПК bicrh with Wrier Kn’tr ie.1 йгАже: fuct Jure cf b<aJ encthpriw the r»J luad freer Ibra pji.it •J.; t.ni of tlx к-d dir11лm fxe. Purr trft и per pittctn. Нм fecaldnailt, erfer w coke w-OlktlrCCL <c L-'w ; 34* hnnli ibrfenej »wk t irvli neoat« us:«. tide bid «nh Ram; Ihrher. J‘ik.t thifiuf, ио-жА let a-4 osier ulyc of rbre final Slept for Both Rooster and Hen (Optionii) Ciao; dwpnr.nl »;с*у. ч RJ. rait in araKydnf rredaurr. -e « dilpiuhle cine Mrt R rre IJrrSer wxbalter. Siat "•.:h 1 Ь>Х« il-uja. A n nil pairs W diikci Uc <•• .Vi" hntdi to piinr rrnture cow tee crfjc of ilu plar, then n <ff ncesi “Lie |эс1аив b wen wirlr a clan ileri Surrzj X ctex - pLah. «X « lieeulL" rveira to xSctv At dewoi teid.- of inrej»irrp. Carousel Horse Additional Supplies: One.«al wool pb^ue ipptorcuok In' a 16*. Kn.m«J (wet Painting Imtruvliont I. Lvl |'л la rd a rd clan «Jlnv. 1 RlvroirrnehnincoittofaIKaWleofSaAcnav; ad 'AkUe'Alrnnblav eguJxn a refer Uifee» irki ptottl ynilw AB.«-»odiybcna«n<c4U ' Ina isd uusfet pxiero. bid Им brute with Wrier White .n: i »«h ed’LiwrU ml riot felly of banc ibfeiwiaf tec йерсоС* (4ixrti, then mtn Wicker White, ru is ‘ Lbik Ired VI* Bit bred-, with Wria Wbte teed i rowh tf.Sijk Sky firm udir ir-i >brt Refer » pictem fee detiib. • • Lo»l *2 taipt tinci «iilt inks N%ltt Sky. Pint da Ji on uiie *nd rkitt Paul usndc. . laid Я.’. brute mte Green F«nr «М ’A'ric; White teaot laics гл per eoJjr ишЫксе Я l«u« s^’yabi »al Uctri Wm: ted WkUi U"Fkc. lading with Wrier White, pant snr hede Stier to ewor когЪЬкс. L'ckj anpt '-.-«с p nr hjrr.ris iol ail lire 4ik dujA к. hunt» with inky рлн, misc tonic loud: x-d cobev > bud with Da hi L'rixr. i'lini Icsnci. 10. l>,i«-l;ri? } site wtte Wrier Wh^e inis ccucb <4 bunat. On ch<> el cdfeori fading ««te Wrier White, jiaitt hie л» юр of bopvo 11, bud A"«" br« A writ Wrier WLte cil a etecii of tueuire. ?nr: mise ttd uiL Rite Ы u>ke wutktem 12. For deeifc. refer to cefex mritenct. I|. Uud r2wtpt tineewnh inky K$bc Sky. I_i.-nst.pef brute udyaur Utile fisger it 1 brxe. wxt lo:da sword fb^x. laud rd brute snih a irmi asouc d «rjur to rale is dw-np and Nr^t Sky. hint leno o.n top and bottom of ^4c<. Refer to color ««kiliccn. 11. toil •'> biute wite Writs Wbitc ;td hofhr So- ?«ct p>!e. Refer cc riot wtuWrco. Load el 2 brute with « imill J my u.nt efwxei w uric it diesp ind Berry Wee Flint Ьс-w acd пЪЫге- Л!Ьх to dry
Tropical Fish Waste Basket & Clock Additional Supplier W.-wd wane ha-icr. w.tod dock fine ai>1 paper Painting Initeuctiont fnr Womc Baiket I. Lastly unJ ard dean mrface. lax; duopoxd tpewje. Ap into Wicket Й« and a tooth of.\rd"ijh>. Start by rsibxaoa Uf <* ware kin ere- atiej а b^w Hw warn effect With xax loaded fnojr. p-cfc V? а оллА of ttargMtic uii paint ned Ji-. WM ieerv eg a link 4ui<r water ;:! linaly. pxl. j> Mida^u for darker water loco- Rxta u. pKc-.x I п dry race x*J rrantfo; paacn 1 Load V4" tiat brudc «ith Wicker ’A'Ssir xad a umm <Л I u-.-oe- Wkh LxconcetooaKtcdjc. tumi >-r.,li mh .-r | no malion ч . ti-.'- All .» м dry Rrtrt 10 o.-lot Wttbbctt. 5. Load .V4‘ kteA nnh Sehcnl fci Ydk« ad aid. I v.l font. Fnpnc Rod. Stroke korr toffr ibdiru and line For r-nre f-.nt tcexe add а loach a W«L= Wlnfc ?a« lid, 4. laud HI liar bevdi »-xk Lfootkc. Mai игра, re inh thu cal 5м bUi iiiipa. 5. Ind ell bntth with Ikgirx Red. Km tiripo ,.n fob that cal for rd tllipei. & CJneuot bald tevA. pxk Ц?aluuJi cfWiuUr Whnr aoj pixacecal ” DeuUt on d fida: L.ud tic rnl-.r for b:dr ci fith a»l -id deail effort eoiitd- Uuaj icnfe I act with inkv paixi. <ra»t Ли,!, blrrartg район. S. Sowed: IWfoLal У-f ЬтЛ wth lunjariieaJ W5J.tr WWrr Wee up aid Hint brudi ar top and puU 6»к tulxeoua cdpa.-err Mfoaicgthe partrra. S. UobblcK U intiraprrd rUtrza lUtlt ;s-« abttk '•Xerlr-’A'ine and p:« rnv Julfcircki ooc in Ad np. r« irrntrd down » ojtui a «fade tick. In Corah 1,'tmg «12 bliah. Ьах рада »nh Enpw Red, then f'/j. up • -i: Burtt: Canute So «parainf coral копой and piiiz, dsjeh. like Wirfcer Wlic м pain: :<•; circle foehijtllyliiv ЛЬ™ la dry. Painting Inuruciions for Clock I. lightly uad *ad d«n vafo-c. Bawctui nnb eno coaei cf a batflil peach raniurc croud fom 'Tickr/ ’Shire tinted dih tr-pre Rrd ж i School Bn Vriltac Allow co dxj Ixiwnn oun ЧГкЬ a dampened tp-"fX dipfed into 'Ги1<г ’Khaw ил a couch ce Nr^it Sw. .fnnpr hidrpocad. Ihia Jwald hedoir. -alt a hack and fo-th паю»; cirxing аЛсршеап lok 2. Trace aid traadtr pactcan. i. Black St-ncd HJc О.оУс IxJ УГ Яаг bruah ual. WiArf ЧПапе and Sunfo-лег. piAin-cp aSdbxi Bao Ytb- <m tbeSainfbwc tide. Will Sciaf-cwct i.lc t >п.да ulp. piru fim and taj Keter lu uior «Ad.-|t Load «II dir boas!, wxk lacoiicc. Ра», load xnpt Ijjet xiai O'xkei Wmc nd p«»r wfoK of we. Load cci^x finer «А I «сотке, farm rr<.- oe and atripc cei uik I -ad xripi Ьыг wA Wader Wlriw. Mrti accent tut tyt . WIowKAtUudrtibaJyr £11ЬмЛ ntrh Wxkcr Wltwa»J Swli.wrr. vkl.« •; up aleilr Schrc 1 Bm YcUo»-«t th; Sur.flow «*ic. With StuJovcx udr to oerer edge, ratat telx Ikf-.t a, 4-a rmdnheer. Load «12 llai «««h SclnU lu. Ytftw and S«ef.i-..rt Ox chi.-; edge »JJ Ar ait by paastio? un,-rt on rail mJ fmi. Uud«ld lLu Iwth wirk Wicker ОДЬс aid e кий, of Nf^c Я». Paie.1 4-.- red ipx cn fin. l.ee day LmJ «6 ilu »»h Ifoaore Paint itnrr orcin CO eye 3xi wee. Lard «rip k-.er mm Uickct Whitt, tbini xcctrtc <e лт and tpcc l.wd aaipc Siict «iJi Lianfor. h«u lt;a. With vntr ЬлА pirf.l JrtUa «I fin. tad. ac. Bc«r to «Ьс исиМглС. $. Sxulltr Gila and coral; i md H? bnnh ata Rod x>l Berry Wine. With Berry U rr »de to «КСГ odfic. paint fob a%i coral let dry. Luol <r p: I cer with Wick;: Wbcc. ?;inr unprt rn (м. Lord ictrp bur mA inky tiara». bev«ek«c« SA. WA u»cLuth.<l.<cyeof fob Load icn'pe Васе •till inky Wulcr Wniir Mnr x.-er: cet eye. With um.- brc-X : ScmccJ; Load SM‘ fia Imnh « h T«»yjone x-,‘ Wxka Wbi:. With Wklcr Whtc sei <мягг rdgr. a rd aketnatiny. mdi the Tnnpw, par a t аса- anrJ tn xe ufoi'ird nKCMtl Riding Horse Oval Canvas Additioaxl Supplies: Oval eaavxtOTCMl thared WOcd рЬрх Pzinting Instruction; I IJpsg dam wod сралл- dip ivn Widttf White and Уа1оЬ>:. Genrk mb ud'.: on rarnat by in a tutelar laeoir Male vent iron a'link direct chao «lx-А. afllow tn dry X Tract and rtiwer ржем. I. Load Vi' &> ’i-.nh mtb Wtclet White. P«t bidy nl beete. Utuig uinc laoded bn& xdc kud iam Barm I brier and a w«y mul xitaura ul u::r: EvL/nisi; tbc [urnern, paint detail 00 body by l<J!<r*i»p tbjcce'bxad. can aid cede: гэкга. Bru Ji back aad forth, bktdeg ccdoa a deseed ra head and neck. 4. Do JJel.nl y r - к br«o «b Wicker Whitt aeJ Mr.r Usbx On chit- ci edge, psiu “:x <ie=c;.-.-»ty ркЬп$ и p crore Wlnee. Barae I I-rbcr and s anull хк'лх nf nxc to crcaac ixiiawn of udan xnd depth. Rcfa и cclor ««r'erheet foe dcuili да «ап. cw. noae and croud. 5. Load JJ4‘ ILi bnnh s-dG«cn facet. Wickci Wrrx aid Svr-.on'cr. ?a»>i I»trc b«kp>ucd lease, load • 11 Ibr brwb. “xh Great Faxu .-J a tm£ аетжх f water. ?xr.c Or.e-J'.tAe k-лш. Utiny ebhel okc. paini nitn ro inul!Into, load Иfor broth wvh Batv W'iaxand WtckecWane, paisa fire [-era' olzKctx Dot uanm with Sasttower rang cad of hush b-as-ae A!k« tody. Bear Chick Adilitioiul Supplier: Wi»d Dak Clock vkb ball fcei. Fine undpapei I'xinting Itutructicint 1.1 icdiaky ord and dean free of бил IcSuc ttaiceaauag. Pa™ raun bed. < the dock with too .u*t of Wklrr Whne ttaced with a nn J ent nf Buim Vmb«. Al?<r« :•> Ay beewttit co». Pain: «roar or rlvk and b£l feet nith two ticte of a darfar dtade of tie бея сааше. Alfow to dry brtween emo. X Trace and trir.Jrr rmtrm J. Load only a :.uJI оло.г <d ihr <p<egr mth Wacker Wlitc »,l ftmc Umber Web rhe Burnt Limber fait la tbc eater edge, pajnee hod and body. Refet co <.4и wxWeet Sw dcratk 4. bud Г2 vnpt hner with Lkorku Pair» п-л- and eyei- lhen paint uwaih a«:d eyefaaav lUto»- to Av 5. bud unpr kscr «rb utkv 'WeJtu While. Paint fophhcht, да tx-к and evrt. 6. Lead scaip finer with itdtj- Bmy Wixe. Wxi .--mj limn .xt beet axd да upjxr wxtice cd clock ai tx, tutitm. Lud e(i Sa: nib Nwjs Sky and WkUr Whin. Paint bw ea fccett ofckuL 3d« to odw пдййхес ’ load Д» tin tuuili with foAy (.form Fceoc Paint iccran aw lenri and cutU- €ik*. t. Of- e.td vi *2 xny : &vr «vc. Ifoery 'Але. Dec Unia a p.-т pxirrn. Let dry
с Teddy Bear Clock TeddybUr Ulir

Duck Mailbox Ente Bricfkasten

One St го

* Animals, AD201BOOK Parrots Floor Cloth Papafein Teppich
Horse on Round Canvas Pferd am runden Gemalete


Tropical Fish Wastebasket Tropenfisch Miilleimer One Stroke Animals. AD201BOOK

One Stroke Animals. AD201BOOK Tiger Head . Tiger В


TEDDY BEAR WORKSHEET Fiw Frsturrt Pounce with small piece tom off of cellulose sponge. Double-load sponge with Burnt Umber lightened with Wicker White, follow pattern of bear with Burnt Umber edge of sponge. Start with ears or whatever is in back 1st. Sec horse work- sheet for how to paint fioral swag.