Author: Henry Cornelius Agrippa  

Tags: philosophy  

Year: 1651

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_ Gizaf»‘;€;;i§;'i;%”,3,,;;§i%?‘»§?l2¢;;;'f***°f'@__j_;; ;l Ex?   ‘
' lblaxprcs Apajllz, and htr`Chbu:c Hgh Prn°H, _ _
Hui &§!_¢/15:43, and lirlghc Ev-vfirlift. _ T _
How am! rap: uhm! comem xc7‘ba',f
'Add rilndé fE”.2b0'¢ Ali in Igfrcl “  l
-Tlic_s';>iri:: Zydmy Iiminfufc a Tire _  _  ` :_ _ _
~ Lib: :he :mul sud, which  mc ghlzxafffeg ~
I am urbaffd by tfzfcdks, and T!:br,.'   "'  ' "' '
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Thylilmerzls do xkrfm my Saul ln.   ~‘“   '~'~ T   1     QT
' ~   Jindnf; my Sdfby ilzy brig: GI-10, `   ' _/it 'QF
- Alid_!I1ExiTr/Tzbzl da' Inuln/uw, 23 I was- _ i"V ~ Q ._ 52
~ ~ Now! am Emb, and now; sus; zrxdzhcn   A ~
~ A syiriz : now a star, and Emb agen; _
Or lf! will buz ramp; allxlm be, _ _ _ _ a   _j ;§_;é,:_¢§;3
in the lea!! moment I’in-pun all Iibrcc. F, Q;
l ' [1 fpzn :hc Hamm ana limb, and thing: above,   "
_ _ _ And wlllgh is more, j oyn Nature: with xhclrlfave.  i»_;?§£§§j_;§§~,7_';
‘“ iI¢Ci5ns my Saqlsvixh Fire, and thcr: clonbjbiaz _ ‘ ¢£§ ;;
1     lik; the Rain-Mar In 2 Cloud ofmlnc. » Q   5
‘ *fflég xhcrcka uw by which I di aampafé _ _ g 3; Kjjlt   if
; _ 5 f§5¢dfb::, and ¢hc.FirzIt fd ¢£fda_[?, »     'jf    "._ LQ
~; j{BurIn his Emddiiill H: doth appear; _ _ _,_' ~ 2; _ =  ~<' _   __f,
I   Tfhzym bu: Gravwlqrbex ulxlchhc Inna; ham,   '   ff ‘ l   “.l'“ ¥f;§'
am f>~¥Wio fedt5f!,§fi'¢_Uf!11UIIt   2}L:.t{',` .Hit Et*-iff' 'Y ' > V _ 1%   - f:,;_.,
` _;Mu& MHS B=f¥&??~'5"45Y=ih¢nf 9     _f   _   11232
_ ~,- Tl::f¢arctheU!!_;§]?:riex for wlill 'Lpf' f   »   _
_ {‘(;lorious Agipfa, where xhyllanguqgéipz,       ij; ;;f§
»   _svvlfigcrliy dl)'§i§¢3llI7'f f;l§_dC m¢r(:zndcr_fzr, _ _ _ 1'<'=:'.'§a‘i§;
_ _' cs :_ Ar ar rh s Ni :‘~IlEti¢'d”ih¢ ~ ~ ~
"* “But 1' hzvcofglgnd rhggllfy icsféo; which ` /lp”   ;  rl;
Thy 93-Ml; W” m°r¢,§&ix t ié-pz1'u’o’re wld: Piub:   _ , ,_l, l   Q  5   _ fi;
New anew Ea/2 beyéhd the @1141 fre
£Vbcrebr¢zksthcIi§icfKI1yDi11i1zitiz: V ii
~ l  . S' 'fl ~ .'-ky; -
‘H:;z1bzihr¢saC0v:rzz:rccbcrcwidxMn7,h1¢{H¢ ‘~ _ f $3 “J » 1;£fr%I;'§ff&*F»‘{i‘='%T2;"Q
 ~‘ ~   .»~' ' ' 1 "f"°,lf:;$4¢"?,~:{*1-5--1'-'°
'Bl!£§'ll`¢fI!uH17l';f!!0 and Eynrofée. __ 1; =l-»'»;r{.¢>f;>'»¢;'.~.;¢: waz?
' , » . 1 ., ,QA ' v ‘~»y,'-_.U-‘<-~.5~~n ~"!-">’5_i
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'_ _  ox; :bac dum; al! bu: wh1tyou;f’cIvcs43Tv‘ai§
:~1ii?AI1cll yt:-_ Egd nozhlng by
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<v5L~.._ . ¢Q,";Q~- _ _ _,: J '< _¢/;k-;. ' _ - - - '_= ' _V Y »ry-4~;-f».<~i;,_.. .L ~ '_ »-mb _ _ 1 .-1-71" THREEBOOKS ; OF` Occult Philofophw Hemy C0f'7zak1w'Agn]1p:f, 2 o F ~ * Counfcller to C H AJR L E s Vthe Fifih ~ . .. ,EMP raRonofGermany~: __ AND ‘ ' Iudgé ofthe Prerogative Court;¢1,1~ 23 YL "; TranfIated out ofthc’I§§ifn into tl1'é.~ Q A By 1 -4 ' ' " @@ » ¢ , ~»-rman Prima by za. nc :bgaf¢g»f,31¢q2g;;§§iar§%¥é`- ‘ _ b’c fbld at :hc Sign ofnhc Lhrcg~B;I;I;; nxt; fffjilf Wd*-==§4 ¢ff»7»~1lff: 1 €5~ ‘> -‘ ._ '_‘,~“<|i'r ;f‘t~.~ 4 "2 _ A7Jx;1:f#-;,;1¢-§>_7.°': 'uf -~ ,.~“ - -. '";,,,- .~*r.» , ~._~ -~ -» ~ J ~~ . U >. _ V ,_ . , _ :?:~ ' ~ ,. `~ '<» »,'-"»~.'~ ~ r.» ~ ~ J ‘ ».‘7‘ ;~- ` ‘ " ~ ~é'-fv;fi'~, '.~Pi, - MQ Ji; .)-`:‘: x~;~ U; Jkff-'.*" -' 1 ~.‘ r _ .» '<- ;.». -3; ,1 :4 ,."~ ‘.' -' ‘ v ,_ ~:--..1 a¢..l.U _-. ' .ur .$"~ . ~ f:_ "Lu-.1-.,.1n~,~.'.‘;"‘=‘,;Sc- 'na.lh¢.L...-4; A.;- / 7 7
4 ` ,f.'$`,~f$.i7~~ ""'T‘4. -~f~f ~ . », J, 7 ' v t "1 7° ' K' * " ~ __ . . ¢ learned orations, which manifeli to all the excellency of his; witgbut efpeciully ten; the Hrli on Tiaras: han quet, uttered §mexe~1¢»>; ofTr:2tiim containing the pratfe of Love; the `{cco`nd'on HWU?€ITfg-67Egq1f!!,?LUd ofthe power and wnfdom l *Sf God? thc third for one who was to receive his degree of ‘Do£iori;',.the'~fonrth for the Lords of Metz., whenlxe was irhofcn their Advocate, Syndioe and Grator; the tiftlfoo the i 5Senate'of‘Lnx¢$fbf:t , 'forthe Lords of Mere; The liath to falute the Prince und( Bifhop thereof, written for the Lo_tds of Jima; the feventh tofilutel a noble man,written likew1fefo:‘ ` the Lords of Mere ; the eighth for a certain kinfman ol"‘iis, 5; q'gg{;;/{;:,mad¢ Bachelor of Divinitymvhen he receiyed his .fgggncyhtf PIi3*if‘°§”`théninthfo;thc_ fort_o£»Ci*7Hcrn l§ing of fD:iz§r:41'!<_,Nor1vit], and Sweden, déli€ered=:.t=~the coming of thelirnperor; the tenth at the Funcrallof. the Lady timer- s-gm, Princcfs of Afgflria-and~B:nI§1md] ; he wrote alfo a Di. glogue concerning Aman, una.; eclamatioqpf a difputable opinion¥;oti§¢rni ngotiginall`GMO the Bifhogoffijzfegze ; an Epiltle toi'Mi:line2dc Hmnda Bifhop off -Saint Fm! ; "it tom- plaint upon a calumny not proved,Printe‘d "t .S‘trm6fzrg »I 5; 9. and therefore by theft: monuments publifhed, thename of Cvffféliw For hisvariety of Learnin was famous, not only a... motnglbthe G‘n?f}mizgr,,but alfoi otger Nations; for Mamfzt hinglelheergetlx at all amonglt the gods ; amongl'ft`hE`l'-Te1*o£:f, Htf¢f1&ilii;i1teth after Moniicrs; amon It the divels Plgm the Ring ofshell isangry with all the gholgs 3 amongll:‘Phi1o- f0Ql'!§II§,Q;mQ¢‘rit;;: ,liugheth at all things, on the contrary eral! things ; ~Pirr!si¢¢:_ is? norannof all ¥hltlgS,_?iI§If`2fig§2z;§e;t13lti§r§th helftiowcthi alltéings ;.~Dinge. r>'r.f_cont¢mn'eth“all' thihgs; this -gigrippfa fpareth hone, he _'€¢UL¢ri1DCIf1, knows, is ignorant; weeps, sldughs, is angry, 'l5U{{l1¢§f1o}<_ §= HS’,=1C all‘thio,gs. beingl~himfelE»atllhilofopher,a D¢§I}0n,4nHe19:s,a godtand gl! things, 5715: g _, " ¢~, ,.; ; ' * V . ` 6 .¢ _ Tc ~ 1 --_ _ M;
_ _ ' 2».;@<“ ' 5, v .u<-»aa»'<aCw ~ ~ ‘To my mofl: honorable, and no lefs learned 1’riend,Rq&cf;(T`/Jildc, Do&or of Plzylicfff PQ ~ { ‘IR'! Crea.: men dccli1;e,migl1¢ _ *Q ry men _may Fall, but an ho~ . -1 4. i "‘ »’°~ neil Philolophcr keeps his 3 és' "5 @ > gg” Station forever. To younfelf » ~‘ 0 ~cheref`oreICrav~ veto r - aww, clea p c ”"`m ‘ag fem, what I know you are a- ;b1coto =pro1:e6k;no,|: _With fWQrd,buQ=by-;1<;@.fQn; i A ngrthate ox11y,bu: whac by~.yQur¢§iceepfr;§i1ee' youoarcéblefozgive aolufheoto. I fee is ispet in vain that you have _compaffed Sea and Land, for _:hcreby,y.o11. a-ProfE:- 0 Iyrc; not ;of;anocher, but of`your_felf}by;bc- ing convened from vulgar, and eirrggioqgl increduliries co the raciona1 embrai:ipg ofmhe I`ublime,:Hcrmetica11,' panda Ike# -omagicall truths. You ,are ;Sl§;i1l¢5éI5TQin the one ,ras zif' Hermes :hachbeetf yullt mor; have inlighnia the»_orl1er§2;§ Qfdggqyifr ~ = A
~ ery, and youriobfervationnot little. I n your _ ;»,g;-».- A - ¢ ' , your Ma(ier.M211¥, §1f8l1f¥U§fi¥!¢1ihiI°f9Ph¢f5 3751 h‘W°"¢°¥“""&d .;Wi¢{fE=.§~H§n§1 'Cotint;ies,ta1°ities,and antiqui- itiegjtivhi¢u-welnéeiénly héfafd 08 and ad- ffifi1re,Y¢5i1 h=iv<f@¢@ Pixar Yea lw{¢;11QF‘ e°91>' heardof, but i`een,not in Maps, but in ‘Rome it fel? the manners of Gqmze; There you have fecn nrtxchfleremoeng/, and little Religion ; ~ andfin tiieiiiiriitiem 's°o£.Ne§yM_ @5314/ztl, you ~ have Rfeniamongfi fomegnuch Religion,anid little Ceremony; and amongfiz others, I mean the Natives' thereof, neither Cere- unony, nor Religion , but what naturedi- ' étates to them. In thisthere is no f`maH'vari- paifage thither by Seayyou have feenrthe ~ ‘W6nders>ofGod inthe Deep; and by Land, Q you have feenrhe affonifhing Works of God ° inthe unacceiiiblc Mountains;Y ou have left ~ 'no ;fQi1¢;nfu;n¢a, thaterhe turning thereof might eonduce to. the difcovery of what was Occuigand worthy to be known. It is part of my ambitionto let the World know thatl honor fueltas`your.iEIf51& rny learned friend; & your experienced feilowxraveller, Boétor Charlet, who have, liketrue Bhilofo- _ ;` -r 1: f» _ff -e~g¢-1 I U g.».»Jf(_}~. t ,- 1 » rv § ..~~.-.M ». »-. TY! 32 ~ §_ Z; i i s 2 i i Q Q i 3 f Y i + e VE' vi 2 it . _» x "E f. J 4' ‘ hersf |‘ _ ~ ’ ' _ _ _ 7 fi Y'~~_ " ._ _ 1 ~ _ __ Y ff" ._ _l ,|_._ Lf; _ t if ,.,
I ff _ ph ers neglected your world ly advantages to become mailers of that which hath now rendred you both truly honorable. If I had as many languages as your felves , the rhe- toricall and Pntheticall exprelsions thereof would fail to Egnihc my ellimation oliand aifeétions towards you both. Now Sir! as in referenceto"th'is¢my tranflation; if your* judgement [hall Hnde 'a dehcieneyetlferéin; let your candor make a fupply thereof; ~ Let this Treatife of Occult Phiiofophy-‘coming as a Rranger amongfl the Eng1i{h, be'patro~ nized by you , remembring that you your felfwas once a ftrangerin the Country of its Nativity. This flranger I have drelfed in. an Engliih garb; but if it be not according to the falhion, and therefore ungrateful to any,let your approbation make it the mode; you knowllrangers mofl: commonly induce a fafhion,el`pecially if any once begin to ap- prove of their habit. Your appro ation'is» that which it will Rand in need of; and which will render me, ’ l S I R, . Moll: obligedly yours, yo Fo ` l ¢.'
, . ` , » °@1?agrrzQ:fqI: Sfhdd/!?kI#,'113;£#87l!df{lP afpridb, ' ' Jnitjnjlfng /!;§f1m¢nt.f, who tmté dcrldc, H171 carb '}1`H,g”l ifiiiffaf 'ii i ¢Zfq¢;&g{;;__z4i c W Q , Anzébiplc fb: ¢`bi§l1-lldfifgl? TEH( 1065 Fféier; A Do not ffylmt, -u/ilc{mit;6~bdHnwed~b4r1d , To tam'/1 éaqksfsv/Jograitlz tbewarld/B4/!_{}.¢wd; T116 azf:.i.vd;qd4rsy _efia:.¢.s, :axe .~t1J3dff5b1 ;§ ~ Amifar ¥ra/#Fen :be ordinary pin,-6. . L ` ‘J ' ' » » _ - `¢, . I, ` Io. Béolzér »
’_, ~x;a1;¢_ A ' ~f: ~ .@ »-=~ =f~ :Q Aw = . ,m _,g;;~=‘* §I;_e5%'§ » -§_ ~_ »“;,~,`~ 9" ~ "‘#~§§13'% m<5"°* =§f2’f- 'Q wig sg? _ . ’4 _~ nag u ` L ' _ __ To the Reader. ---_ ` Da nn dosérbm the Wil: of dur Eoaf<_of< ; , Own Philofophy,ar of magma, my 5, "" ;"5'£&j A) 1 the Ydfifj of itadrxrrmanj to rmdit, a» _ » ,-a, many# xrlaicb,/Emcaf acrafejf/dgrmcnt, 1 ard /Bm: that are ytrvtrfé Wiliam: to- 'J » ‘ _3 ` . Ima' XX*/Jdf1¢rv=_@], who ;/:tif ia,/b ig-» _r ~. _, » ">` ' , _ normrc ma] tak; tba mwah Magick in ' ` ` ; T" ` tbezrazjipn/i,a»:.'l ibuizgb carte having /Em :be rirle, cr] out rbst I teacbfarlviddrn /1rx:,fm~ flu/ltd of Hrrcjfu, offend piom mr: , and /2'a::daliz.c rxcr/lm! win; A that Im afar-carer, axzdjizprrfhriaux, and die/e.W/b, wb; indeed am x Magician : to zrbom I an/ivzr, fhilfd /Magician datbnut- dlfidligff Irarnrd men fgmfe n fvrczrrr, cr one tlmt 12| fxprrjfitif- ow, ar dia/¢'IIx]71; bn: 4 wx# man, a pridi, aprapbet ; axddxrt . tB¢.S` bil: m'r:A/In icinzr md' tbrrrfvrc apb: rd mi# clrrrl af C&m]};¢md rb.zfg/I/!.1_g£am , »¢nvWmZ,I1 tg -svoninfal cnt: qfrbe world, lqmv Chr# :be author aft£c n-arid fd`l'P iam? and, camcjfr/1 of¢t&‘ ra n-or/Zip bins ; andrkat we rmmrwf 1014-' _giclgc :mx rcczif/cd 6] ‘I°h}7a_/épbcrx, rammrsdzd 5 Diviiie:,¢zr:a' ng: umzqcepméle to tk: Gqgvrl. I ~£'¢-lim: tba: fuprrqiliozzp ccnfrr: WM oijrfl agaiq/}_ r!:c`S]6i1: ; ~ Lab ,27$1_(fci4nx, ard- lbs( A 9% ' ` ff., _ ` » - _
< 'F G of y el iffrlffboner than rfceifvc fb: mmf: Uf/Ifdgifk intofawr; fb canjiienciam ne rbq, :lm nmbrr Apollo,::ar 411 the /I4¢¢~,,, nor an Hngelfom Heaven mn redraw me #om I/mr cxzrfm Wham ibergfbre I advffc, that tbq] read not am' Writing; na,- nnc{:r_/P.1nz{tbrm,t1arf:mzm5¢r rb:m.For rbe] ar-epfrniciouland _fill qfpy,/Im; tht gat: af Achcrou is in' tbxlf book; it Qu-,1§_; _/farm, let tlaemnkg heed tba: it beat nor out t5eir 6r¢zi::.r. Bu: _yah tb;1t came zvithantprqndict to read it, jbzs /Law /6 mm/, djfrretim of prudmcf, at Ben IJQ47/C iu 34:50-ing bag, fgad/,}_ mn! ,and ézlie-ve tl::1t]mf54H receive so little pro]?r,¢m1 mgpb pleajfrrg hz: _yan _[bad find arg t/Jing: tlmt my not plmfé jv/I, /riiétma qmr, dddhfdff no :¢I:af ibm; or I do frat ap- yfvvt ¥l1tm; 53? d:cI»cre xl:cnz rayon ; but agua: rr rip- ¢¢[,,,- tl1ir;7g:,jBr tbg that laalginto the 6ool<;,af ‘Ph ftiawjfro ¢;},,,- n=it ¢wtia'at:: and madztinex, Yfdd 41% pq*/{,,_ 1 canfi I 1, t Jfffgffé #IFJ teach.-tb many fixprrflnow :l,if;g:¢_,,,,,,{ m,.;UwP,';_ dgfrf #Ir q/fzfstaffokg, !e¢;'t1E¢5erri4:j empty £].7;l7g,}; ‘j¢}45;}m' u;>;!/1fn:c.a¢ji::¢ »Bf!r_rlzaf}L fliirrgrw ?Z'5hifz fb€flf7‘I!|!!g'AY;yj`f~1/;[ mfg), ay . l f¢X¢'¢ri:.r§ for tbr cmjing of _ Wah: , far 11178 rxI;'r£§:r:.é;;'g:;J Plw411taf1I=r.fer tbegrf. [,f 5, , » , _ clog: Wirbaurrffence rg :L ¢0'¢, nJ}”'0fifn Ir./5 n:rr[v'_y. $113 I have ¢f¢615'm.9%td jan,1£13g- 12 L51/£W7Tf[fi1df9 Ybinggfatbn nmvgffgf] ' ' , ` _- _» .. V. . ]th¢‘ft7]j§`)-ig; 1; ° {; s!r_£f{Z1:J¢f ¢f¥¢dj}1l tba; ncféaxl./dpzj awrfmer ¢hi;;_f;££; iimti gggtjitr vf~PIatomR‘S, gm! uxbrr (fenrile ‘Tl:ilof1pb¢f_¢ ,1,ef¢f.»f'fff` 5'“"? “" ";""”””’ “f-“”""<f "° ~=fr>2fpm= hm/him 41; cjggrl/.zzz/z #gn mvzmxttcd, br an] thing /11:5 . - ~”' ' "D PF' “J 513'f/1;1‘5frIrmrnb'5'° _gnccijgg MM,” tb# I ¢;rc°u_/Z my and/fy’ wlziigg-f, aaa I ,!_/}3alga:ac5:deglrmder/?,.M é _ hcamea man, .I reiraatd ibn/2 t/Jifg; which .ldj:{6» _ ut 5211! °...¢ n' me/} par: rctfnff ¢}1;k45° ~_ B _ ‘ . ,_ _ , » élawfmc »g¢f»,fg»>= , Bclvald 5¢i,~,‘;",,l;';,‘;i'l"%;’f”{‘9‘ andhviv écmg a/db¢gr:tra&cdir; §kt,b",€fb_e bhp ”;';;£ ~ _ ’ J mg ‘ 1 H 4 A ' 41Y._...»~*r1'°°-.t'1’._:“”*~_ "rv-».4;---.-.'
` »....‘-._,_ . ~:. . A ` 4 .` if '55/io l$0vfQQ "£}¢: Iiopfqg obo: I jaonldhz :l1riroforkl¢§v§g,.,§,,§_ Z`¢§hon.r_a:id wlnrgmfrsrr, mi! for tba: rm# J gave wrbgm 43, Trxtcrmusa Neapoliranian Abbot, jizrmerg a Spanhemcnfun, :umm fl/D7 indxijirious njhrférrzr rbingx. Bm ig /mppaqzfigfl lvnv-wardx, tba: the workbeing inrzrcrprrd, 6¢n-e I fnyzffdif, QW!! Crtrrjrd about imprgrif, md impolijbrd, anddi ji] 451-o,;,{ In Italy , in France, in cnnany tbrou_gbmanj_r1!m: bm:d.r,4n2{ form' mon,'/:rtber more impatientfy, or impndmrl ,I know not, Woxfldbave put ,ir rkw »impr»f¢& to :be pr:/3, wir! which WUI. Yfbrgf 1 661| _g ajf}é?cd, dctefminrd tok: it or;b ffl] thinking 1651! rlzm: might 5: ldi daqgrr of tb: cooéfq cameout ofmj hand: with [Brno amendmmu, :lam zo corn: forth ¢orn,¢;¢d1¢;; fragment: ont #other 1136711 bandt. Manwtr I crimr Qf I/Lould no:/`uf}?r :bo ufiimonj ofm] Jando 'ro foggy; 44% We addedjmfe C lmprer.r,a.rxd We irxfrrtcd 1317? didhrm nuff to puff 6), which the curious Rcadn°fba!l»$%l15!g_xi£r nude(/Yand lg rbeinequolig of the -my phra/E; for 1${¢,§_9t?t.‘;§i: viding to login the work anew, and to um71z:;{lLzIlrl:4bzq. done, éllf to carrot? it, and put /omejlourij7.~ 1:poir it. .J¥'l1¢1'{f`n1% nowlprnj :lu-e,Car¢eou: Rader, again, weigh on tb# rbiggs according to rbeprmnr time of /Ewing them forrb,' lmipor fx ws] curiomjoxftb, tbonjbaltffndc my tkirg in Ibn# that :mg d%Ir.1/Z' thttf. ` ' Az
'VNU 1.1 fr* -’ ' 'f ' ' , , ' ° r *@:f¢i;? ( 1 i 'Flf;£_réi? -§”fg " algae! ‘fi 34 , ` Jiffy" fl i t ja 2 ,gg _ Q. f bi i . T - ~4 ‘ ig i YV V _ ‘ _ , ‘ . PLD, Iobn '1'i~ircmim,an Abbot of Saint V §»‘ameQr in thc Suburbs ofHerl»;]>ol12»',Her1fy Carne- ~ ` in /im e/rfgrippa of Nm:/bqvi endcth greeting. r V. He`n1Pwas~~of late (mofi reverend ‘ W7 . Father)'for axvhile convcrfant _ y » _W ‘with you in your Monaliery of , *ff I q _ Her6;}>olzL<,w'c conferred together ° i' ; ofdrvcrs things concerning L_/ . sv ry ~ ° _ * Lychy, , gl 46 QLii§£niiRry,Magick, and Cabalie, and '~ " 55-2 l" of other things, which asyetrlye hidin fccret Sciences' and Arts; and then there _was one great qucfiion amongil the refl, why Ma- giclr,,whereas it was accounted by all ancientlPhi- lofophcrs the chiefell Sciencc,&by the ancient wife men, & Priells was always had in great veneration, came at lafi after the beginning _of the Catholike Church to be alwaies odious to, and fufpeéicd by the holy Fathers,-arrdihen exploded byDivines,ancl' condemned by facred Canons, and moreover by all Iaws,and ordinances f`orbiddcn.Now the caufe, as I conceive is no other then this,'vi{beca~ule by a cer- tain fatall dcpravationoftimes, and men man falfc e y l°i Phi-
*Philofophers crcp in, and thefcunder thc_ name of Magicians, heaping together through various Hurts of errors and fa6tionsol`fall`e Religions, many cur(-» cd Iiipcrliitions and dangerous Rites , and many wicked Sacriledgcs,out of O rthodox Religion,evcn to the perfection of nature, and dciiruélion of men, and injury of God, fet forth very many wicked ,and unlarvfull books, fuch as we' fee carrycd about in thefe dayes, to which they have by Health prefixed the tnoft honeil name, and title of Magick. They therefore by this facred title of Magick, hoped to gain credit to their cuffed and detcllablc fooleriesi Hence it is that this name of Magick, ‘formerly ho» norable, is now in thefc dayes become moft odious to good and honeik men, and accounted a Capital crime, if any one dare profefs himfclf to be a Magician, either in Doé`trine or works, unlefé haply foine certain old doting woman, dwelling in the Country, would be believed to be skilful, and have a Divinepower,that(as faith /Ipuleiw ,fhe can throw down the Heaven, lifrup the earth, harden foun- tains, walh away mountains, raife up Ghoiis, cafiz down the Gods, extinguiih the Stars, iilurnnate hcl, or 3.5 Virgil fingsr S»ive’l ami e ber charm; to ca feat cam' Or £45166 fxjzjdx of mm, and nfl; abc Star; For Iago hack, and rivers tojlimd _/Pi/I, , And raxfé the nightly gbzylr cfvcn at ber mia, f , Tb make the earth to gram, and tree: tofa/I , Frm the mo:mtain.r.____. e ~ ' t 4 ' he V-A3 ~_I-Ienciq ~~ na. l
, ’*"*'“,V _r_§_._: , 3 ,:,__-v»~_ - ~ v-1; E 5:14--w`?»1~~ <4 'l»<¢:.:.f';c‘~:';- _'-” T:;;~"a" _ 1 ' - E-~ » " " ' i 1 ~ ~=~ -;=~ 5~‘ - _ f;",,,-~:~.~»'f " " ' ~ ~_ »¢..; 5 t .V T y i y ..`i` . l `i"_` Hence thofe things, which Lf/54" i¢13f¢§0f 7/3‘”“l“ that¢Magicianefs, and Homer of _the omnxpoteney of “Cm-ey whereof many leo nfcfs are as well of a Fal- laeious opinion,as fuperfiitious diligence,8c perniCi< ous labor,as_ when theycannot come under a wicked Att, yet they prefumctheymay bt abic K0~C1P11k themfclves under that venerable title of Magick. Sincethenthcfe things are fo, I wondered much, and was not lefs angry, that as yet there hath been no man, who did challenge this fublime and fa_cl;cd dil`eiplinetiith'~thex:rimefotfimpiety, or had deliver- ed it pnrcly,and iincerely to us, aliince I have feenof ourimodern writers Roger Bacon, Rohm an Engllfh man, Pmr e/Ippomu, Ailzerms the Teurafzicb, Amal- dfz: de ¢vi[la'Nof;za, Anplrhe the Parmezglian, pPf§4f7'/N arhefspaniard, Cicrlm Apulus of Florence, and many others, but writers of an obfcure name, when they tpromifcd to treatof Magick, todo nothing but irra- rionall toies, and fuperiiirions unworthy ofhoneilt men. Hence my fpirit was moved, and by reafon partly ofadmiration, and partly of indignation, I was willing to play the Philofophcr, fuppohng that Ifhohld doeno difcommendable work, who have been always from my youth a curious,and undaunt- ed fearcher of' wonderfull effeéts,and operations full of myficrics; if Ifhould recover that ancient Ma- gick the difcipline of all wife men from the errors of impiety, purine and adorn itwith its pro- per lulire , and vindicateie fromvthe injuries of calumniators ; which thing though.Il~1`ong‘ delibera- ted of it in my mind, yetnev_erdi1rI’tasyet under- take , but after fome conference betivixt us of a _ _ p thefe , ~ ‘a if H - -_ `.'_~..;a.,»».€~~.¢f . , _
thefc things at Hcrdipolrk, your tranfccnding know- ledge, and learning, and your ardent adhortation put courage, and boldnefs into me. There feleéiing the opinionsrof Philofophers of known credit, and purfng the introduétion of the wicked (who dill fcm lingly, with a countcrfcitcd knowledge did teach, that traditions of Magicians muii he learned from very reprobate books of darkncfs, as from in- Iiitutions of wonderfull operations) and removing all darknefs, have at laft compofed Tthred`¢oiiiper1- ,diousbooks of Magick, and titled them of octal: Pbilofopby, being a title lcis oH"en(ive;-“Which b0OlcS I fubmit (you excclling in the knowledge of tiieic things) to your correéiion and ceni`ure,that if I have wrote any thing which may rcnd either to the cone tumely ofnature,off`ending God,orinjury of Religi; on,you maycondcmn theerror; but if the fcandal ofimpiety be diifolved and purgcd,you may defend the tradition oftruth; and that you would do fo 'with thcfc books, and Magick it fclf; that nothing 'may be concealed which may be profizablc,and no- thing approved of which cannot but do hurt, by which means thefe three books having -puffed your examination with approbation, may at lengthgbe thought worthy to come forth with good fucecfs in publike, an may not be afraid to come under the cenfure ofpofic my. . r _¢ r _ R.»u‘tivcY{,h azizfpfzfdq/1 the/21217 dzild/13/dcrtaf'§n_{ii;L` - 1 . _ f _ w `_` ,_ , ,, ,Z . _ . ,_ w _ , r , .,, v. . , f . ' 4 "` ~_ ~_ Mn
,¢¢11ui1 ieffid , The nvearyed Ox tread: bard, W/urea: no man, to I/fe jddgement oft/Je rv{fe,~ ran Ire eral; learned, may 13 jivorn zo :be rudirrzeriu if one oniyfaculey ; Bn; you 114;/1 God _ #ted rvitba large, and P1 ,o me wit, A Néfafédf you /Bouljir/iime 0xen,¢'1ue bird: 5 e mir/:rg rbjufe ie pf/igg, ef!! tba# you [la] abofft“p.vtieular.v Ténzomef jp§f~J/1fi7I1d` W., ‘_ :fm 'fi ,»`\ ‘ ' ` ~ V `. ~ “J ` " 7' " * , 'ua 'R ‘_ . "' »’ ‘ , ' confidemlyta nnzv;r[a!1_;‘;{ff{}é§r@(2f§§Q;?y’£r{1€4r¢:¢ ;;;» » ' ` " `> "1 naram qi Moreofver _your mit ek fu//7 apt to all thongs, good to be wiorrellj qmployedlnog in aferv, or [ony fhilfgi, but maui; fablirrferf Tet tbé one rule I adfz/MJ-pu fp oéprfue, tba: ‘]'b!I¢'0f7Il71UlIfIdQ£ -wxlgarperets to UIIQQY friends, but bxgber and #fret to llfgélf, anelfecree friend; ony. Give He] to an Ox, St:garto`zz~1’arref on- ly g under/Zandmy meaning, leaf? you be trod under elf; Dbeensfeet, a:o]?em}mes irfaleoue. Farnvel! my bgp. py friend and for he inrnyyomer ¢o_{b-fveyoue gm- mam! me: and aecorefingfo your plea ‘ure itjba/Iéfitbout delay be done 5 'alp let our friend i ' ineregekliily 5 zvrixe oj?en to me, andfud me pm: ofiyour Ia on I ear-a nqllj praygon.; gajrnforenvell, » ;___ ` _ _ V V " ~ e. £5 L e i» From our Monaflcqgvf Peapol’,. :he 81 day‘ofApril;§z2]1,M}D2- . A :‘.,~» 5 ,Q - f~~v;,- ~ _ v _. ii) 'PU ed any one ek }LEIlgbf #13 hr# more _-!f¢f§'!f’ &‘.r}==_g;§g_'g ‘_ 1
_ __ _, _, _,_ _ ., ,.f-f‘-- -f "F "fF';”?§5"‘¢ 2§§`f§,f5e »` ~ §`7'~,~; .","-.‘..7< ‘ ‘ ‘ f f ., , L _ . . , ' W “Im 5 ~ . _ » ' I I ’ A “" , e e _ » e ' ‘ Ye- ~ 115,¢/ ,_ _~s,===~q f, e, we 55" f 5' -e “ff ;~,-4% ‘ ,““"' § ~ e M ~e e -111 - mme,H5f¢f11¢2z>£fff,TE=1rl.°f~Ww» by V .QF §Qd Ar€hl;fHop Aof the holy . _Churdwf Cqlfliiffff J’.fiF‘°° El°4a°’ °f ‘h° lwlg ' - RRvm4fz<@1iHJPif?é4£d Chi'=fCh="1¢€1l°f £hff?"S e ¢.‘ZfA}]‘$.Q.*~!3$9°fT§7W{?.F5‘?zi“e and fffi€‘<fff’» “mf <*¢° w - ‘l»fc¢nd¢f%Q§ swift# ,==§_°f fb? *‘°‘Y CWC" Of F , emmg, §onc¢1Qfgth¢gC;1r.Gcncr;ils Court, Henry f ' ¢'orf1¢]iu.f4gz1}f4 bff N634 beymi fmdffh gfCCe ," _ ' . f - _ V ' _ ; 1 Q1 _~ l . A _ , "%N.£lng"`:>1; `iX'.f;f `'¥ Wu ‘ ' _ { :» V __ ‘ ,` ,__ <.,".1 ‘ _ ‘I ‘gh 'l‘“~c ' " . . / , l A1 . h ) UCH 1§itf§e ;gfea;the{§ ef`yoUr fi t. Qf _gQyned fgmc (mefiz re crencl § » ll P {` ` ‘ ? ` _ f11§1_ rg<qu§ nncc) uc :S ~
'_ :he greatnefe of your venues m e W" . ’ _ and fplendor of learnmg, and frequent exercife of the befflearnivng, and 'iave oranion Wichlblid rudence and ele- ' g P P 1 I : gant readines oFIf>eaking,knowledge ofma- ' ny rhings)conHan|: Religioxgand commend-5 54 ‘ _ able e 1 1
able conditionsgvirh which you are endow.. cd,bcyond~thc common cuflom of others. [ f`;;.y nothing of thofe ancient monuments ,of your eminent nobility, the treafures ofyour riclfeS,both old,and new,the largncll of your dominion, the ornaments ofthe facrecl dig-. nities, with the exccllency whereof you' end., cel, together, with €h.c comely fform ,w rand Hirength ofthe-body.Thoughall thefe things be very greagyet I elleem you far greater :hen all thefc, for thofe your Heroick, and Kiper- illuflriousvcrtues, by vvhichiyou trulyhaye caufed, that byhow much the more any one is 1earned,& loves vertue, fo much the more he may dciireto iniinuate himlelf into your f"a.vor,_ Whencciltalfo amrrcfolyecl that your favor fhall, be obtained bi me , but after the manner ofthe people og@ar¢bia, i._e. not without a prelent, which cuflom offaluting Princes, is indeed derived from fthe Ages of the Ancients, unto thele very times, and Hill We fee itobferved. And when I fee certain other vcry ,learned men to furnilh you with,,and greatprefents of their ,learninggleafl I only Ihould be a neglefter ofyourworihig ~ I _ V30 _
~¢.¢»--»~A~<_i~' ~.~v-J -'Y » " "' ' ` andreverencej durllz not apply my fell' with (empty hands to your greatnc s. Now being thoughtfull ,- and looking about in my ftudy to ice What prcfent I lhould bellow upon fuch an Illullrious Prince, behold ! a-= mongfl fuch things are were clolely laid up, the books 0f0ccult Tbilcfnplygor ryfMacgicI<,prc- Iently of&red th emfelves, fuch as I attempted to Write wbilellula-wasvcry. yyong, and now many yeers being paft,: as it were forgetting them,have neglcétecl to perfeet them ; I pre== Iéndyinade ha{l:,aS it wereto pay my vows, toiprcfent them toyour honor to ¢0mfs1¢a= them; Truly I was perfwaded that I could give nothingmote acceptable to you5 then a new, work of rnoll' aneient and abflrufe learning# Iiaya Work of my curious youth I-but a doétrine of antiquity, by none I dard faykiuthcrto attetnpted to he rellored. Ye: my Workéy are not wrote to you,becauf`e they are woxthyt of you; butfthat they might make a way open for me to gain your favor. I bcfeech you,ifit may he, let them be excu= fedvby you.I llwall be devoteclly yours,if theft: &UCli¢S of my youth fhall by the authori- V fy
ty of your grcatne{§ come into knowledge, envy ing chafed away by the power of your worthinele, there remain the memg.. ry of them to me , as the frttitofagood confcience, lecing many thin s in them feemecl to me,heing olcler,as molllllprofltablc, fo mofl neceffary to be known. You have therefore the work, not only of my youth, but of my prcfcnt Age, for l have corrcétcd many Errataes of the work of my youth, I have inlertcd many things in many laces, and have added many things to manyléha _ ters, which may cafily be perceived by tge inequality of the llile; and l`o fhall you know that I Ihall all my life be devoted to your pleafure. Farewell mofl happy Prince of happy Colonia. Pram Mcchlinia,Anno M. D. X X X I. If: the mane/I1 ofjanuary.
Qfmdl] dgffufed. I cannot defy hut in thif 'Jil Warl; there ek nm:/1/itper/Iizxon, and zmnig. Bm remember :lm the he Q`aldmee_/P have the greateff etllomfnee;con_h`e!er the time of dm -l rrdi, and of half jamh, Wlzefe, the place where, and the thing: which he hath dafrzrvered and wrote, and than wilt rather admire hsk/oliditjjhen eafzdemn Ins mmiq. gold bath mud; blackrxeji edhettrin to it Amd” at it 13 when one q/ the e.zr1l:.JW7_Htrio't1t eruxb; eg not prefmty /Line like rape: ofthe Sttr: qfaen as thy are recom-ered from 4 long d.¢rk,ne/E , but are clouded meh _/owe o/:faerie . Na] I ni/I not fq hut tba? Agrippn mi ht olafeure theff rvjfieriex HQ an Hermetiead ‘7’bi/ofvpljzer, 0)1PflfPW,fl7»‘!f oygly the jim: ofmfn might under/land them. He perhapt mght mix chaff? with bfi: wheat, that qxficlgfghted lairdx ony might find it om, and not f wine trample it emderfoot. from _Crying muchm eouehirog the excujfng, or cammezzdiftg :hh ¢/{uthar,1 am alread] prevented; For at the heqimzirzg and emhng aft/:tk lroolq there arefeveral E`p{#le.r of ht) mn to other-:Q ¥'berein_ he excr¢th what ma] he excepted again/I him ; and of other: to himj}1j'z`cin:t! commending what i; pmm- \‘¢r;],] in him;ta tvhieh ma] he aeéfed that honorable te/limonjgiveet ta him 5] the grttlmgofrbfn mg? n-£xg,c5-fu6limeThc-amhropofophiz Theo-magign, late/ fer fhnb. 4/M that I/13410,/»i_} roprayh-.m'¢ thee to read tht? éaoézk hut to dqire thee to ea/1* tHrre eye upon the Index ofthe Chapter: eontaiuedtberein. which 1:5 df the end thereof: and thou/halt therein _/ee _/itch 'wxrieq afrronderfnl /uh- je{!.r,rImt at :height :hereofrbou wil: be impatient ri/I thou be/2 reudthem. I /ha!! mn/e leave nm toj.'eak_ me word for ua) _{2$' Ifthtk tn] tr.:n/lation &.:[l neither anfwer the worth mf the ,{;nbor-,or expeflation ofthe re.zder;canfdrr that the rxxqgorbxefr of the /Int/Jar: /Pile eh man] ploreet, the maztfald Erram':, ou md Iiterallfw tho# in r#ef! vfG`ra1nmariealoonj1rn£?{on,nt.¢] luppilp ocmjionjbme r:xU}nlq_e: in tink nz] enxnp.»rtion.Tet non'itht~ figndiublbope I h-1‘ve,tlJou_gl: without march ele_gar.q (pbk-1, ;,,. deed the matter zsvoetlduat 6ear) pert it into ax intellngihle ¢z1'.E;:. _glijh lxrafe at the orginal would aford. Aefen the temtfofart, ‘ which are warg, divert of than would not éeeqvzoxj 15:31:15 ex-~ ;re0?on,tI:erg‘2rre I have exp re _[1?d them irJLntir.sf§t.r orqreeyrse, ' - ~.» -.
dgfbrdingiafffaféz/ef?2flf12ltl:eh1. I hope an-Any? will 6: fzbfe I0 };;;,};f]}4;1d than ;° 4: or lx'rrnm`r, a: I mr/`oril read 01/0' me 53515 I abhrvrd the e ax nuke menxianrd. I thoujbal: meer Wfgf, my man, dl it if po 151: than rmgfi, 6: than cundidnwd im- jwfé them to tht Printcr: mgiaky; ff/‘f W/Jil-'/7,4-' dl/5Qf5I‘ M/Qing in ¢],g29¢{}_[infé, what bm' I pr$'nt flare 'wit/mll,tl1af;/halt for efvrr bwgttlj j?ima', ~“ F . , Y , Errata. A .limx.l=o1o at wordéttutail n.l.;.r.‘H¢5¢d. »;~o.l. 6 -.vt lille. :+L 'g- P_1¥s£nnmam p14.l g missy. pq. l. 3,}.ke.P.4x~L M9 1.31. vur!p~8;. Lrg.:- 1Lh.pJ$6.| ]1.¥.f!¢Xl‘l- p.; mb;-Lw;l Q1 r.9dErs.F :gs l.u.t,p!;¢r,p,|46_ I.; ;,gw¢¢,g rm; y.hl.1.!.x.]uw~s;xl;-L||.r. hcunpn Lu. r. uhmgand szlmg. p.x9|.| am¢.M:rr.xi_0ob¢,g1xb¢g. ¢<lnx=dna!sxnh¢ mp.:-o. l.&rV aria-d.;~»»-.I ;7.f.mry. ng, I, |. r. ofzhvfusr pad. gm; |§l‘l’lh¢1»P.i§l,'.f.l-ff$1'|Y-2Q7- _:_ for 48~r-4; r»241»|‘ i- an -l'~9l.P~147|.6.f¢!§B.L'.§g, T. xy-L;-fa41 r- 48-}»a4&-4»1cf;u.r ;y.T;4y- .4»|a:s r IX-p :url 415. N,-,_ .u. a¢7¢.r.18.y. xp. . 1. 214' 54 p-ap. »LE¢§§»¥»§l. !]l.l.&§»'f_Qf¢f.4g.}~2fl~| ;.|¢¢ el. r- df. p. xp- I»6~fcfn.f~ s .ap l»1»{oc;f.r1s~x> 1&¢- as-Rx Gum3rim,¢u|_ p urn . »;.1.A|e. p :u!.¢_.r. y;;u4,l.:6 r. f nf. gs ;o¢:l;7.5. fn.; 3:5 1. ; nal, rqfrixrzll- nyil. L 14 r-¢grrnpub!¢.p. gg. |o.y;¢on££c. pgyu 1. 11, r. mgnam, 5:93. I. 4, g sm, giant. nine. . |o~ 1. gfmn.p.;!o.L:!.|cxpo¢1x1x;;»a;cv:u I ngnljqr. peumarmgcven sash: wqyqwm ,P !’9~ '_9-'- ¢`4¥'UU‘- i- ¢°4» |~ '. r. World. |>. .L l‘.l~ marcus. p 417. l.»7. blggqg us. ,'4;1_ |_ gl? ;.He. I. BL r. ml; rg. Lv. nlby ¢h¢rr&p.41s'. l.J*;»|15; QB, N; T 1° *i."|‘17 0° Wm yr;°r .mp i __.`. . |,,,‘,,|, ,_ . ..,_. _' __‘ -la-|Z§u$;r;.r:;s:ki»g. ~ » , 1 .~ V fr H , _ -v,- S Y
5 0 V Q v <§&u;"% ' _ =~' gltgw ' _` >" _ .t~ _ `-i§;7=»} 3. gi? *QQ ~, I 9»{ . , t . ,_ _ _ _ V Q ’ g *ff* *Q* /' r‘ ' Three Books of Occult Philofophy , Q; gf Magick; Written bythat Famous Man A e e Hef17j» C`orneli1¢s QigI'lPfd,K1lighC, And Doéior of both Laws , Counfellor no Cteffrs Sacred Majefly, and Judge ofthe ' Prerogative Court. , e BooxL ‘ F `7 ' CHAP_i° ' Haw A£a_gici.1m C aL/rf? ':fr~'z'me:j3-am :hr rbrer-hid Wm-1a', 13 declared ir: tb# three Book; , ' _ 9? ctmtq; »~Eeing there is a three fuld World, Ele- , , ~` , ‘ ~ mentarv_ (`cle0:iaI,and IntclIcé`it1a|I,and f `=~ .- . _ . e _,_ §f ~ , 6; every mfenor xs governed by tts fuperw 23' ’* or and rcceivcth the 1nHuence ofethce gf "1 'f> 5. » _ . A . - `; If venues thereof, fo that the very orxgtnal, ,_' Q » ’ and chiefWorkcr of all doth by,t§t1gclS. " * ' ' the Heavens, Stars, EIement.¢;~Ai1zmals,5 *mg* W* '®%` Flants, Mctals,and Stoneseohvcy fromf f his Omnipoteriéy UPU” 1155 f0I Wh°7¢i i Y If h~ 'ertucso - ~ . hme t ut A_B ferylgqi `»-§.t ° 4 ` ' , , _ , .W » ~ V
.f..~ r~-._»~..A.,___,_ .. _ , -pr-‘§ ‘ Aa-.a_;»<» -.34-;.., ,[`:--- t'~fv i<»~'»f.¢:~:5r»7.»..f..5,` -_ _J ’ up __ ‘ L v, ,» _ _-an i , ` _,,_;` ri-_,____ .f 7- i. Y . --,___ ,_ .1 ¢.,.;»._»(~f ~ i i ' r, * 'ti ° ~ ~ iofonztzr railway. Book 1. ° A ,and created all rhefe things : Wife men con- iteiirltiiriiriomvialye irrationall that it fhould be poffible for us to afeendby the fame degrees through each World) to the fame ,Ery~o,i,,;‘n3|| wmldir (elf, the Maker ofall things, and _nrft (§au(¢,{`f?;m whence all things arc, and proceed ; and allo to mrjgy not only thefc vcrtues, which are already in the more ex- cellent kind of things, but alfo behdes thefe,to draw new ver- tues from above. Hence it is that they fcck atrer the vcrtues of the Elementary world, through the help of Phylick, and_>la~ turall Philolophy in the various maxtions of lhlaturall things, then ofthe Cclefliall world in the Rayes, and influences _there-_ of; according to the rules offlllrologc rs, and the doeirtncs ol Mathematicians, ioyning the Celelhall vcrtues to the Former : Moreover, they ratilie and confirm allthefe with the powers of divers Intelligencies, through the facred Ceremonies of Keli- iona. The order and procefs of all thele I fhall endeavor to §eliver in thefe three'Books : Whereof the (itll: contains natu- nll Magick, the fecond (Zeleltiall, and the third Cerenroniall. But I know not whether it be 'an unpardonable prefnrnptlon in me, that I, a`man offo little judgement and learningjlionld in my very youth fo conhdently fet upon a buhncls fo dilficult, fo hard,and intricate as this is; Wherefore, whatfoevcr things have _here already, and lliall afterward be [aid by me, Iwonld not have any one allen: to them, nor (hall I my feli any fur- ther thcn they (hall be approved of by the Univerfall Church, and the Congregation of the Faithlull. i A _ . .i i Cl-IAP. II. If/bat /T/Iqgickjk, Wim are the Tart: thereof and bow the Tre- fefor: I/Jcreofrmyf lf: qfmlgicd. J Agick isa faculty of wondcrliill vertue ,c'full of molt high mylleries, containing the moltprofound Con- templation of moll fecret things, together with the nature, powcnqualéty, hrbllancc, and vcrtues thereof, as alfo me = _ l know-
Book I. Of Occult Tlniliyn/iby. knowledge of whole nature , ‘land it doth infiruel us concern- ' 9 ing the differing, and agreement of things amongft`elves, ` roduceth its wonderfull effcéis by uniting the ver- whenceit pl ‘ . _ . tuesof things through the application ofthem one ro the o_ . _ . . _ . d k _t ther, and to their inferior futable fulnefis, Jo; ning an 'ni - ting them together throughly by the powers, and vertues of the fuperior Bodies. This is the mofl perl"c€t,and chief Science, that facred,and fublimcr kind of Phylofophy, andlafllyethe fl bf I erfeélion ofallmoft excellent Philofophy. For mo a o ure p » fccing that all regularive Philofophy is.divided‘ into Narurall, . _ . h h_ Mathemaricall,and Theologicall:(NaturalI Philol`op_ ytcac cth the nature of thofc things which are in the world, fcarching and enquiring into their Caul'cs,Ef%c&s,Times,Places, Palhions, Eicnrs, their 'w‘.`hole,:md Pqrts, alfo T/ac Number and the Nature ofrliofc thingy, [41 'cl E/cmfntx, rrlmt Fire, Earth, edirefbrt/1 bring! : from Wbsncc the Hear/cm I/Jcir beginning: had ; W/zmre Tide, whence Rainéow inga] colamuzclad. What 7)7fl&f! the Gland: that _g at/:ered arc, and Mac/<_, Tofendfbrtb Li gbtning: , and 4 Tbxzndrizgnack; Tffbat dot/1 I/Je 2Q;gl::l I-`l.1meJ, m1dC'amct.r milky; What make: the Ear!!! to f we/I, and :bm tq qrmke : W/mt :Qs tbrferd QI./ilffdll, and of Gold 11'/mf Iermer, lVmltb, datb Ndfllftv! Coflrr he/rl. ' All rhefc things doth natural! Philofophy, the viewer ofna- ture contain , :caching us according to Wrgil .v Mufe. ---_ ---~ Wbmfz all tbin_q.f_f1on~, Ifbefrre /l{¢mi;i»:d,I>’m_#, Wlmxce Fire, nfbmrc R,:in,rmd Snow, IV/:mer Ear:/;»q:::rl@.r are, W/L1 fb: Whole 0c’e.m hat: ., 01/rr Ink £'.wl;:, and then again retreat: : , lVl1mc'e_[}rnigrb of Hcarlupvlagncc C aura c, rage qfIa'rx}ir:, All kind: q".S`ranr, ¢-fC`reepin_g things, a:uigFr/fini; , But MathematicallrPhilofophy teachethiiisi to know the _ _ Y A ‘Y ` , quanutyv éinsiqur-Q,
Book 1, of omni niizi/Opry. thefc three principall faculties-£'~.’*.::;a=il» Magick comprehend; unites, and a&uates ; defervcdly therefore was it by the And: ents clteemcd as the highell, and mol`t facred Philofophy. Ii; was, as we lind, brought to light by moll fage Anthonts , and moft famous Writers ; amongll which principally Z.»zmnL~.-:Ji and Z cra.a_[I¢r were fo famous, that many believed they were the inventcrs of this Science. Their track Aééamthc I-yffrs éareim, C /Jizrmondu, Damigeranlfudaxm, Hermippur Follow. ed : there were alfo other eminent, choice men, as /14mm-irq Trefmegyhu,‘Porplyriru,WInm£»Hciu, ‘Tfutim/4, ‘Proclw, D."-. dimw, Orp/.rms the Thracian,G`a_g the Grecian, Go-mn the Bi- bilonian, Apu/Ianixu ofTyan:i, 0_#bam'.r alfo wrote excellently in this Art; whofc Books being as it were loft. Demarririu of Abdera recovered, and fer forth with his own Commentaries. Befides Pjlhagorau, Emprriec/cr, Dmmrrirmr, Pham, and many other renowned Philofophers travelled far by§e:i to learn this Art : and being returned, publillied it with wonderfull dc- voutncfs, ellceming of it as a great fecret. A lfo i r is well known thatI’jrha_garar,and ‘Plato went to the Prophets of Memphis to learn it, and travelled through almoll all Syria, Egypt, j ii- dca, and the Schools of the Caldcans, that they might notbe ignorant of the mofl facred Memorials, and Records of Ma- gick, as alfo that they might be furnilhed witli Divine things. Whofocvcr therefore is dclirous to Rudy in this Faculty, if he be not skilled in naturall Fhilofophy, wherein are difcovercd the qualities of things , and in which are found thc occult pro- perties ofevcry Being, and ifhc be not skilfull in the Mathc. magick; , and in rheAfpc€ls, and Figures ofthe Stars, upon which depends the fublimc vertue, and property of everyx thing; and if he be not learned in Thcologie, wherein arc manifclicd thofe immateriall fubliances, which difpence, and minilier all things , hc cannot be poflibly able to undcrlland the rationality of Magick. For there is no work thatis done by meer Magick, nor any work that is meerly Magicajl, that dothhotcomprehend thcfe three Faculties. ‘ ' “" y _ _l;gf't:`ia1ti>_ 53,_~~- l _ .
~ .~f“- -fr -,g .' ~;~.~i~_.-Ll- , ~ -=---'-w--..f:»e~»r-, -~»:;;~ .»--rw ~~ _. ,__,,_..,_...r ,‘,_ .-_ f rv i ~';_'_,," ‘. ' -, ,..., , -<» '_ ,.-., _ _,..., Y ,V ,. - A *_ ..-+ce,.,~ ,, , -_»-»»~c~ _ ,v Y o'f’o¢¢r¢Ifi@1>;1¢>Pby. ` Book I. -.rd r C H A P. I II. of the fora- Elements, their qfmlrriex, and rmvruad mixriam. "B"Here are four Elements, and originall grounds of all cor- poreall things, Fire, Earth, V ater, Aire, of which all elementatcd inferiour bodies are compounded; not by way ofhcaping them up tc;_gether,but by tranfmutatiomand union ; and when they are de royed,they are refolved into Elements. For there is none of the fenlible Elements that is pure,but they are more or lefs mixed. and apt to be changed one into the other : Even as'Earth,beeorning dirty, and being diifolved, becomes Water, and the fame being rnadethick and hard, be- come Earth again ; but being evaporated through heat,pa(l`cth into Aire, and that being kindled. palleth into Fire , and this being extinguilhcd , returns back agalninto Aire , buebeing cooled again after its burning, becomes Earth, or Stone.ide Sulphur, and this is manifelled by Lightening : Plm alfo was ol’ that opinion,that Earth was ivhollychangcablgand that the fell ofthe Elements arechanged, as into this,fo into one :mo~ ther fucceffively. But it is the opinion ofthe fubtiller fore of Philofophers, that Earth is not changed, but rclented and mix- cd withpther Elements, which do diliolve it , and thatit re- turnsback into it (elf a ain. Now every one of the Elements hath two fpecilicall qu:5ities, the former whereof it retains as proper to it (elf, in the other, as a mean, it agrees with that which comes next afterit. For Fire is hot anddry, the Earth dry and cold, the VVater cold and moill, the Aire moili and hot. And fo after this manner the Elementsnocording to two contrary qualities, are contrary one to the other, as Fire to / Varcr, and Earth to Aire. Moreoventhe Elements areupon another account oppolire one to the other : For foine are heayy, as Earth an VVatcr, and others are light, as Aire and Fire. V/'hereforc the Stoiclrscalled the former pallives , but the latter aéiives. And yet once again Plato diltinguilheth them after another manner, and alligns to every one ol them three ¢_y¢__ A i i l ~|-rwy_4--
c ' ofo¢¢f¢z¢@1if1mpr,». e Book L becaule they can do all thin s upon all things. He which is ig- norant ofthefe,(hall new/eric able to bring to paG any won. derfull matter. Ofthe (ccond Order are Elements that are compounderhchangeable,and impurtgyct lizch as may by art be reduced to their pure fimplicity, whole vertue, when they are thus reduced to thcirhmplicity, doth aboveall things perfect all occult, and common operations of nature = and thcfc are thelfdundation of the whole naturall Magick. Of the third Order are thoi`e Elements, which originally and ofthemfelvcs are not Elements, but are twice compounded, various, and changeable one into the other. They are the infallible Medi- um, and therefore are called the middle nature, or Soul ofthe lmiddlenatnrezi Very fcwthete are that tinderliand the deep myileristhereof; ~1n thcmis, bymeans of certain numbers, degrees, and orders, the pcrfeéiion of every cffefiin what thing foever, whether Naturall, CeleIliall,tor Supetceleltiall ; they are full ofewonders, and mylteties, and are operative, as in~M.agiclcNa£utall , fo Divine : For from thefc ,. through -thcm,proceed the bindings, loohngs, and tranfmutations‘o£~all things, the knowing and foretelling of things to come, alfo thc riving forth ofcvill, and the gaining of good fpirits. Let no man therefore, without thcfc three forts of Elements, and the knowledge thereof, be conlidcnt that he is able to work any thing in the occult Sciences of Magicluand Nature. But whol`ocvcr;l`hallknow how to reduce thofe of one Order, into thofe of another, impure into pure, compounded into limple, and (hall know how to underliand di[lin€tly the nature, ver_ tue, and power of them in number, degrees, and order, with- out drvrdxng the fubflance, he fhall eahly attain to the know- |¢_fl§¢sf’-nd pcrfeéloperation ¢rsi1Nmra1|tungs, and Cele. fltalfecrcts. i 3, , leur; -r ~ / r ag _._ .~.`......-_. _..._ .--v- r~»..w .» <+-»-- ua. ~f~¢~»~. , ‘FYR I " ‘ _ ' »> .- .’¢~ (u -' - /'I' ~ .»°‘ iii, J- 4 jx I st 4
l Book I. Oljlofflllf73l1il'0j0}1b}'. .i..__._1 -1 CH A P. V. 0 fd); 1110y1;1l¢’I;f'l:l"!J`'»l!l{r'!5 cf } J’°l°', »If~’.ll £.»7‘.'/ll. Hgfc 3fQ (w_,_'0 [lli‘lQj filth I»l’¢7'l7I('fl 'llllr FlI'C Lllltl E1f{ll,\`l`l(`l arf’ l4.llllClCl1{ furthe opurariun of all ‘nun- dcrfull things; thc ll,»rmt'r at létivc, thc latter pllllve. llft (as fgith Il¢`mr1 el'.'f;~ mall things. arid thmtagh all thing; fumes and pm-< 'J~,»j lglligllf, it rs ln all tlxlztgc bright, :md :lt tlll time time octuli, mtl ur1Rnov.'z1; /''l1t`Y1 If isluy if (LH fm; ntlwtr mxttcr (<''lTlIIg to it, in whlth it llwuld ]]'|1[]1f[‘V&l[i proper ;1€tlon_J it is lmundl<-fs, and invatlblc, of it i't~lHhtiiclcnt for every a6’ti0n that is pray: tw it, m~»>lc, ~} wld-gf, ,ffL~}f';f¢pf ; 1;- ,g; :lx all llm tl;.vtt»lm_ 11vt§~.t tw st, r<rtt\.l|‘Qj :>y|.l:__l;u;3 l`._ZM""»`> <"1l§l-ffflw, ll“ff'¥“llP’l“`l‘°nd' tdl»~1¥¢h¢<tlz;; Ql2"'`l1l`&l ~»‘.‘;r l¢,e", plrtclj, lizlpxrlg lwltk, {),`1nd,,qg up‘.'.11:l~, <1ultl.|n 11'l»_ltl~.'», I‘x‘§',l, ;ll~\.|t‘LS Yllllllg mtv- [§.y.n<, qqnxprcllumlzllg ;;1l<>Zl:|‘, lwt _t<»;"l}`:`;l2t;1dt’l li {cllQ nut li.tmling nccd of 11Y`»lflL`f, fcctttlg Illl'lL`L1'll`Q ul' if fklfx and mzmlftllingits grcatncis tuthings tlut rcccivclt, :`~.ff}ivc, l’u\'crlull, lm=|lllly F1L`lt`Y1Z in all thing; at ()I`»fC; it will not by ;=fY,~»r1tzd<“»r<»ppt»1;<tl_l»t1t as t were ln mvay ull revenge, it vtmll tcducc on al.r<$<.lu1 lllif‘f*'!'(O<'l¥t’
Yt`I1C€[Ol[ 1`t‘lf;1nc~n14 p -_l1tl1ulll>lc,ix1‘lp;l;ulrlt',m»t_ltllcnctl, mvll rich in all di"pcnllt~ tl-~~:1; olxt ltlf. Hts ,las iaith I’/Sm l is the lm»»~,:.i,t , rl:..l 1.fQl~, ‘<t~‘.1< p;H'(0f thu I?L1iLlZC4`)l‘ tlllnfs, lt lv; tl; L til: it on \‘l`lL'Tl'L£`l' ut dcllnow, orpr_~dL1C<.':lm~»ll thm;;=. l :rc at itll is gpg , and prrlcttav < through all tlmlgs 1.5 |_;jy :lui I;».'=Utg»o- rigm) al1o1pr¢,ld llmwj an thc l'lt’.1'~_'n>=, lllldlllllllllgl butin thelnffrmllpL.c~:lu~`1g;l1:~n~,l,d.u}. tvll i(|Yfl`CD[l|1g, inthe midway it pmrraltts of buth. l me tl1w_lmr<~ in it ltltis ont, but in that which rttcivrs l[.lIl1Illl_~rl.l, ;1:zdmdlffcrlngllllJ° icétg it i§ dillrnbuttd in J d|!’r`ct'cf‘1t manner, as Cl¢.mrl1r: wit- ncllctlx in C'im‘o. Tharlirc then which wc talk is fetched out of other thingg lr is in ltoncmnd is fcuhed out by the ftrokc of the Reels; it is in Earth, and mlkcsrhar, after digging up,to fmoakc : it is in Water, and heats fprings, and wclls f it is m the dcpth
f ofo¢¢i¢z¢a>nmf>/fr F nook r,f U . » _ dgprh ofthe Sea, and makes tl1at,being toiled with winds, warmb itisin the Aire, and makesit (as we oftentimes fee) to burn. And all Animals, and living things whatl`oever,_ as alfo all Vegetables are prcferved by hear : and every thing .that lives, lives by reafon of the inelofed heat. The proper. ties ofthe Fircthar is above, are heat, making all things Fruit- full, aiid light, giving life to all things. The _properties of the infemall Fire are a arching heat, confuming all things, and darknefs, making all things barren. The Cclelliall, and bri t Fire drives away livirirs ofdarknels; alfo this our Fire mag; with VVood drives away the fame, in as much as it hath an Analogy with, and is the fucbiculum of that Superior light; as alfo of him. who faith, Iam the Light ofthe Warld,which is true Fire, the Father of lights ,e from whom every good thing that is given,Comes ; lending forth the light of his Fire, and communicating it firlt to the Sun, andthe reli of the Ce- lefliall bodies, and by thefe, as by mediating inllrurnents,con- veying that light into our Fire. As therefore the fpirits of darknels are llronger in the dark z fo good fpirits, whiehare Angels oflight, are augmented, not only by that light, which is Divine,ofrhc Sun,and Celcliziall, but alfo by the light ofour common Fire. Hence it was that the firll, and moli wife initi- tutors of Religions, and Ceremonies ordained, that Prayers, Singings, and all manner of Divine Worfhips whatfoever lhoguld not be performed without lighted Cand|es,or Torches. (Hence alfo was that iignihcant laying of Pjtbngoras. Do rio; f eak o£§od without aI.i ht) and they commanded that for the driving away of wickedg fpirirs, Lights and Fires fhould be kindled by'theCorpl`es of the dead, and that they lhonld not be removed, untill the expiations were aftera Holy manner periormedmnd they buried, Andthe great §1chéz/1:11 himfelf in the old Law Commgnded that all his Saerihces lhould be offer- ed with' Fire; and that Fireihould always be burning upon #IC Altar, Wllifll Cl1ll9l}1C the ~Pri§ll&QftheAAltar did always rl’f§F"¢`- and k¢CP,=1m0ngl’c the Hammer, Now iuesnsns, and Eluudarion of allthciiile e t 'e F , ‘_ _ in Us iss s._=rrh» Qi., .ht .°bJ§§i fUl>J¢&, 2115 {C€Cptacle,of §lCele{liafl?r;y§;g:s_-QQ; _ . ,i ' Q' in,
-- ' L Boolt I. Ol' Occult Tbiliybpby. ingugmi gg ; in it are contained the &cds,and Seminall vemics of all things; and thcreforeitis litid to be Animall, Vege. table, and Minerall. It being made fruithtll by the other EI¢. ments, and the Heavens, brings Earth all things of it l`elf} It re. eeiyeg ghg abundance of all things, and is, as it were the Hifi fountainftom whfnfs all lhir1gS fpring. it is the Centerfoun- clarion, and mother of all things. Take as much of it as you yleafe, feperatcdrwalhed, dcpurated,fubtilized, if you legit ye in the open Aire a little while, it will,being full, and a- bounding with Heavenly vertues, of it fklfbring forth p|;m5,' Worms, and other living things, alfo Stones, and bright fparks o£.}Nl£tals. In it are great fecrcts, ifat any time it lhall be purified by the help of Fire, and reduced unto its limplicity by a convenient wafhing, It is the firll matter of our Creation, and the truelt Medicine that can rcltore, and pre- fcrve us. W” csrnp. vt.. Oftbt wmlc{f`uH N atnrre: qflfarer,/fire, an:lW'im{1'. ' ' THe ogier two Elcmentsmiz.. Water,and Airearenot lcfs e caciousthen the former ; neither is nature want- ing to worltwondcrfull things in them. There is fo great a neceflity ofWater, that without it no living thing can live. No Hearb, nor Plant whatfocver, without the moiliening of Water can branch forth. In it is the Seminary vertue of all things,cfpeciall of Animals , whole feed is manifcltly wate- rilh. The feed! :illo of Trees, and Plants, althou h theyare earthy, myuft notwithlhpding of neceility be rotteg in Water, before they can be frititfull; whether the beimbibed with the rrroillure ofthe E;u£h;;or with Dew, or liizrin, or anyothtr Water that is on purpofegir to them. For 1!4’¢&r_ivrit¢iih2C only Earth, and Wate?"b' ng forth a living fouli ;Bizt he all tribes at twofold produfiionofthings,to`Water,riiiél~ of things Qfwimming inthe 1/Vatcrgfand ofthings llymg in th=;bA1r¢ " ¢ i - ore _ U, _ _ ‘ I ~ _,L_ I ». _ , ‘_ _ V _ __ `_ _ i x.. ` V _ ‘ __ ` » ,V
Y "'__¢ _-1: n,:.'~'r¢'1-~~*Y'Ti7*.‘n`»1, “ i _~ ;Of0¢¢aI¢@biI¢y5pby." ll l Bodksl; abo?e~theEartl1. And that thofe produéiions that are made in, and upon the Earth, are partly attributed to the very Water, the fame Scripture telliliesnvhere it faith that the Plants, and the l-lcarbs did not growbecaufe God had notcaufed it to rain upon the Earth. Such is the efficacy 0fthiS E|€'m¢f€ Of W3fCf» that Spiriruall regeneration cannot be done without irf as Chrill himfelfrcllified ro Nicodermu. Veg great alfo is the vertue ofitin the Religious Worlhip of od, in expiations; and purifications; yea,the necelliry of it is no lels then that of Fire. Infinite are the benefits, and divers arethe ufes thereof, as being that by vcrrue of which all things fublill , are gene- rated,nourilhed,and increafcd. Thence it was that Tbalefof Alilrtwg and He/bd concluded than Water was the beginning ofall things, and faid it was the Hrlh of allsthe Elements, and the moll potent, and that becaufe ithath the mallery over all the fell. Eor, as Flin] faith, Waters fwallow up the Earth, extinguilh flames, afcend on high, and by the flrerching forth of the clouds,challcngc the Heaven For their own : t the, Came falling down become the Caufc of all things that grow in the Earth. Very many are the wonders that arc done by Waters, according to the Writings of Plify, Salimu,~ and many other Hillorians, of thc wonderfull vcrtue whereof, Ovid alfo makes mention in thefc Vcrfcs. 4 t i --Hofnd Hammons Water: at bégb nam f Arc cold ; but at Sun- rye, and/Eating Sun. Wood, purin 6:46/ing Athemas 12: Fir-‘d, ~ The Mann tbmfartbqlf-om the Sun r:tir’d, CiC0nian_/Prmmr cangeal bi: gut: to .S`tam' That t/ferrofdrmlg ; and rvlmt therein 13 thrown, Crathis; and Sybarié Tom t/:c /lfdlffffdi/XJ fold) Color the hair lik; Am cr, 01' pm-c Gald. Somefoxznrainx, ofa more ffadi io:ffEinde, " 2 .Nor any cbmige the bud_],6ut ri: minde. ' 1:77/10 /:at/1 notlyr/:rd of 06/time S3lfl13Ci§?, » f i . it _(of:/svzrhsopian /an ffarwbaaftbzlc ;~ V A ` Que
Book I. e Of Occult @bil¢Wpl>y. i Qii;-191' But cal raji, their Wit: na [anger Imp, Or fortizvitb fall into a dead# jlnp. Who at Clitoriusflumrain rbirfi remove, Luth Wim, and ab/Iinent, men' Water In/c.e lffirbjlrcamx oppafd rv rbrh LinCcHuS_flmv¢'r : Ting reel, as drunk, who drinlgt oo mu:/J of dxf. e/1 Lalq infair ArCadia_/lmzdx, of old Ca/l'd Phcncus; frg@>r£l¢d, ¢u twofold : Fear, andforl/mr to drinlgberroféj might : B) night flfl`I`|’fJ0%f77!,T`|’b04"'bl71f /1] da] 'light 7a/Epbw alfo makes relation ofthe wonderfull nature of a ter-_ tain river bctwixt /ircetpand 1€.1pL».1»e.:,Citics of Sjrin : which runs with a full Channell all the Sabboth Da , and then on a fuddcn ccafcth, as if the fpringswcre floppecli and all the (ix dayes you may pafs over it dry-fliod : but again on the fea. vcnth day (no man knowing the reafon of it) the Waters re- turn-again in abundance, as before. Wherefore the inhabi- tants thereabout called it thc Sabbothday river, hecaufc of the Sgaventh day, which was holy to the ]ews. The Gofpel alfo teflilies ofa (hcep-poole, into which whofoever Repped lirll, after the Water was troubled by the Angel, was made whole ofwhatfoevcr difcafc he had. The fame vertue,and effi- caty we read was in a fpring of the fanfan Nympln, which was in the territories belonging to the Town of E!u,at a Village called Hi-nu-I¢».1,neerthc river Cir/rerrmzwhich whofoever Hep- ped into,bcing difeafed ,came forth whole,and cured of allhis difeafcs. Pdifliifd! alfo reports, that in Ljreur, a mountain Of/lrt/!did,ihCt'C WSS 3 fpring cis llrd Ylgria, [0 which, 35 offgg as the drynefs of the Region tnreatned the deflruftioni of fruits, fnpitcrr Priell of Ljmu went, and after the offering of Sacrifiees,devoutly praying to thes/Vsters ofthe Spring,hold- inga Bough of an Ok: in his hand, put it down to !llC;l76l'é tome ofthe hallowed Spring; Then the waters beingftrou~ bled, a Vapour alccnding from thence into the Airguhis hlown into Clouds, with which being joyned togethengthe whole *Heaven was overfpreadr which lheinggalitleitfter dilfolvcd e QIIQ
1 -»-rw,-ef ‘ J¢~_»»m~~» V- ‘:~- _ ?¥’17'f’f€TTi*"".,"§”f"""’» t, "¢-Fish-f.-1 i.‘-4,-.-~<-»~¢-__¢~e.., , W ,_ '~; , - g i ;,-.A , Hg., :,v»,_f U;._`» _` 1_». gi A -if. ___<__< j ‘_ , » 7 . r ,-_:-.QA .’~~ _ :' . ~ ~, > f* ,_ . _~._. af, ~~-rv' ,; 4 _ v Of"beci¢lt,@hil¢j6pby. i Book I; into rain,watered all_the Country moll: wholfomly. Moreover Ruffin a Phyiitian of Ephehis , belides many other Authours, wrote ,Rrange things concerning the wonders of VVaters, which, for ought I know/,are found in no other Authour. It remains that I (peak of the Aire. This is avitall fpmt, pulling through all Beings , giving life, end fublifleuce to all things, binding, moving, and hlling all things. Hence it is that the H€bl`CV Doérors reckon it not :imongl`tthe'Elements, but count it as a /Iledium or glcw, joyning things together , and as the refounding lpirit of the worlds inflrument. It immedi- atly receives into itklfthe influencies ofall Cclelliall bodies, and then communicates them to the other Elements, as alfo to all mixt b0dies:Alfo it-receives into it felths if it _were a divine I.ooking-glafs, the fpecies of all things, as well nztturall, as ar- tificiall, as alfo ofallmanner of fpeeches, and retains them; And carrying them with it, and entering into the bodies of Men, and other Animals, through their pores, rnakesan Im- prellion upon them, as well when they fleep, as whentheybe awake, and affords matter for divers Ilrange Dreams and Di- vinations. Hence they fay it is, that a man palling by :i place where a man was {lain,or the Carkafe newly hid,is moved with fear and dread; becaufe the Aire in that place being fullof the dreadfullfpecies of I*/an-flaughter, doth, being breathed in, move and trouble the fpirit ofthe man with the like fpeci- es , whence it is that he comes to be afraid. For every thing ,that makes a fudden imprcflion, allonilheth nature. Whence it is, that many Philofophers were of opinion that Aire is the caufe of dreams, and of many other impreffions of the mind, through the prolonging of Images, orlimilitudes, or fpecies (which are fallen from things, and fpeeghes, rnultiplyed in the very Aire)untill they come to the fenfesfind then to the phan- ta@',and foul of him that receives them,which being freed from cares, and no way hindred, expeéfing to meet ,filth kind of lpecies, is informed by them. For the fpecies of things , al- though of their own proper nature , they are carrved to the fenfesof men , and other animals in general! may notwith- _ilanding get fome impreflion from the Heaven, whilell: they . be
» ' t ‘:t'~~"" " ‘ ~-- , i. _ - . i _ .~ :_-.` , r _ ,~ . ‘ " 3-' e ~oeo¢erz¢@1»fr@iy. J Booléf; . » kintothemfelves, andwithout life. Anditiswellknowmif in adark place where there is no light but by the coming in of abeamof the Sun fomewherc ihrough alitle hole. a white paper,or plain Looking-glah be fet up againft thtt light, that there may be feen upon them, whatfoever things are done _without, being lhined upon by the Sun. And there is another fleight, or triek yet mote wonderfull. If any one (hall take images artificially painted, or written letters, and in aelear night fer them again!! the beams ofthe fullMoon,whoIe refem- blances being multiplyed in the Aire, and caught upward, and refleéied back together with the beams ofthe Moon,any other man that is privy to thcthing, at a long dillance fees, reads, and knows theminthe very comp1&,and Circle of the Moon, which Art of declaring fecrets is indeed every profitable for Towns, and Cities that are belieged, beingia. thing which P )~ rbagvr-ru long fince did often do, and which is not unknown tolome in thefedayes, lwillnotexcept my felf. _And all thefe, and many more, and greater then thefe are grounded inthe very nature of the Aire, and havctl1eirreal`Uh`§§'ind caufes declared in Mathematickshmd Optieks. And as thele rc- (emblances are rcflefled back to the (ight, fo alfo fometimes to the hearing, as is manifell: in the Echo. But there aremore (Ecret arts then thefe, and fuch whereby any one may ata vcrypremote diilancc hear, and underliand what another fpealts, or whilpers folily. There are alfo from the airy Element VVinds. For they are nothing elfe, but Air moved, and ltirred up, Of theft: there are four thatare prineipall, blowing from the four-mr. ners ofthe Heaven, viz.. News from the South, Bari.-.u from the North,Ze,vL-jruk from the WeR,Eurm from the Eaihwhich Pozatamu comprehending in thefe verfes, faith, [old Boreasfram tb: top of 'l mpus Mawr, /l»:1_6'om the éonam cloud] bilotus flawr. from yérting Fhozbus §':rit_f}zllZcph`rusf1ie:, ~ .And énrrm linrusfrom tb: .Yzmr l1P~7'é/£'. N atm'
Book 1.1 s d Of0ccuIt nbfzopgby, ‘ Nam: is :hc Southcm Wind, clou¢;y,moiIE, warm, and lick- ly,which Himmimm cals the burler o the rains. 01/iddcfcribcg ir thus. - r l ` 1 » Oxnjlia .S`outh-Wind, ziixh drappiqg wing:, n=hvp$;-md, Hi: feurj?:! 4/fri? in the pitchi: clamlr, 3, H13 White Hair: _/Ireamu, hz? Beard hig-fwoln with/harrre: ; Mgr: hind: his Z'Brom, rain fiom hz) Bohm: pawy=¢;_ But Barca is Contrary to 2{gtxu,and is thc Northern Winch fierce, and roaring. and difcuifing clouds, mlakcs r,h¢ Aim fcrcnci and binds the Watcr with Prollr. , Him doth Ovidghug bringinfpcaking ofhimfclli Force me hrfr; : with :hh thiclgclaudr I drivq ; ’ Tcfr the h/nv Bi/lawx, kung Okn np-rif/B; [`en_gc4l/kj? Snow, mad heat the Earth with hail: : l lifhrn I ng hrethrm in the ¢A'rc ajaile, -Q-f¢»:b4:: our Field) Wd meer with /ifch 4 /l‘0¢»‘/(_. 7714! fhflvrlrifrg Slifer nfiih our cncamztnv rod( vfnd cloxdfrurk /ig/1rnin_g_f1a/hc.r_fi'arrx on high, Whgn through the Cnmniu o :he Edffb ljiir, Andfirce her in har hal./mv az/rr, I rmk; l The §/Jqfhr ta tumble, and thrgraundrvqrrukc. And Zeplgrfmwhich is the VVc&crn Wind,is moik fofgblow- ing from :hc Wcfi with a plcalant gale, it is cold and moill, removing the effcéls of Winrcr, bringing forth Branches, and Flowers. To this Earn: is contrary , which is thc r Eaflem wind, and is called Apeliorcs, in is warcrilh, cloudy,and raven: ous. Ofthefe two 01/idfmgs thus; _ To Pcrfis, andsabea, Eurusjliu ; r Hfblwgflfikf perjhmr the blujhing Marne: up-r# : YQ 2Q~Lrt<to the Evmiqg, and the Cox;/Z that _glows ff 4 T-3 rlfirlfkrxing Phcebus, jbmy Zcplynns (flaw: :;~»¢f¢~{~¥f" sl - _- C _" 'Q ' _In »
"c oiio;¢gi§'@1$}z¢»P»jQ'oe Book If Lv; Scythiz, barrizf Borcas bald: his rain, ` _ _Beneath Boiteé, kmd tbefiouv Wait: r The land to thi; opfrard dark /Inferjhep Wi!b]9'uit_fu!lp}mrru, and clazldf which wer weep. ' .__i;l` Oftlze kind! vffiimpormdx, what relation the] /land in to the E. . [¢mmg;, and W/mt relation :here £5 éetwixr the Element: jl1¢n5(g£1¢::,and r/Jchul,_k;»]?:, and dqjroftianx of mm. Niki: after the four limple Elemcntsofollow the four kinds of perfcéi Bodies compoqndcdof them, imd they arc Sgones, Metals, Plants, and Animals :l and although unto. the generation of eagh oi theft: all the Elements meet together inthe compolition. YCE CY€ry one of them follows, and te- fcmbles one olfthc Elementgwbich is moll pred0minane»~¥5or all Stones are eatthyior theytaremturally hcavy,and defccnd, and fo hardened withLdryn§fS»¥hat they cannotbe melted. But Metals are watet_il'h, and may be melted, whith Naturalills confel'§,and Chymiflshnde to he true,»viz,. that they are gene- rated ofa vifcous Water, or watetifh atgent vivo, Plants have fuehan affinity with the Aire, that unlefs they beiabroad in the op£;n`_B;iS€: they-do neithcrbud, nor incteafe. So alfoall Animals e t J l. " H41/¢ ifhfbfil” Na;/mga mid? jlqéjfqrcr i .4/fd 4({i2 _élring f}'0l?1@ fel;/}j¢;(Y_{Imrcc. ; ~ And Fire is fo naturall to them, thit that beingextinguiflucd they prcfently dye. And again every one of" thofe kinds is dtfhnguifhed within it felf by tcafon of degrees ofthe Ele- ments. For amonglk the Stonesthey cfpecially are called earthy that are dark. and more heavy ;; and thofe waterilh, Whldl are tranqwarent , and are compacted of water, its gy- ‘ , ll, l' I 1 t 1 I I | l l I ¢
hook I. Ql`0eml¢ Q°bi1¢%>]f7>Jv-._ s y Rall, Bcryll, and Pearlsin the Shel: of Fifhes : and they am called airy, which fwiru upon the ¢Vater, and are fpongiggg’ as the Stones of a Sponge, the pumilh Stdnfs Ind _the Stone Sophus: and they are called fiery, out of which tire rs' extract- ed or which are refolved into Fire; or which are produced of Fire: asThundcrbolts, Fire Bones, and the Sr0I1¢_ Asbelhxs. Alfo :'.moug’1 Metals,Lead,and Silver are earthy;@reltlilveris ` ' - G ld d Iron are waterrfh: Copper, and Tin are airy. and o ,an fiery. In Plants a|fo,the roots refernble the Ectrth,by reafon of their thicknefs f and the leaves,Warer, becaufe of their juice : Flowers, the Aire,beeaufe of their fubtility , and tI1¢rSeeds<the Pir¢,by reafon of their multiplying fpirir. ~ Belides, they are called fomc hot fome cold, fome moilr, fome dry. b0rr0Wing their names from the qualities of the Elements. Amonglt Animals alfo, lbme arein comparifon of other; earthy, and ' ' M l d dwell in the bowels of the Earth , as Worms an o es, an many other fmall creeping Vermine: others are watery, as Eilhes ;_ others airy, which cannot live out of the Aire : others all?) :ire fiery, living in the Fire, as Salatnanders, and Crickets, fuch as are of aliery heat, as Pigeons, Eliriches, Lions, and fuch as the wife man calsbealis breathing Fire. Belides, inA¢ nimals the Bones refemblc the Earth, Flclh the Atrefthe vital fpirit theliire, and the humors the Water. And thefeshumors ` ‘ ` 'h ll` isinfieadof allo partake ofthe Elements, for yellow; o er Fire , blood inliead of Aire , Plegme inllcad of Water, and black cholle r, or melancholy inlread of Earth. And lalily, inthe Soul ic fclf, according to e/R1/Hn, the uudcrfianding rcfembles Fire, reafon the Aire, imaginationrrhe Water, and theTenl'es the Earth. And there fenfes allo :re dividedamonglk themfelves by reafon of the Elements, for the light is 6ery,nei- ther can it perceive without Fire, and Light : the hearing rss . nl A airy, for a found is made by the [hiking of thelhire; e fmelli and raft refemble the`Warer, without the moillurgof which there is neither fmellyhor tall ; and laflly thefcclihg is wllolly-earthy , and taketh-groik bodies ~foriténhje6l*,"'lplv.e adions aIl`o; andthe operations of rnariare,goverued’bythe lalernentsv _The ‘Earth hgnilieé” ‘a~ flow 5-;'faud?¥iirm~ motiprg; -,<~ 2 f . C _.Y Y - ~; ’ to
'1J"‘ ...vt-_ 1 rm, v., ,-_- V _ ---'__' __§. ¢......»,-.` ..»~j _ r ---»-.._,___n:n-,,.,.-./-t.....-»»~» _ V - V, _ r "`~-*~,.'.: .--- ,; ,.~ ‘~ f ~' _ _ W , , f »h A l OfOcculc‘Pbil¢p7qy. Q B°°k ‘i`h¢Water I' nifie; fearfulncfs, 8tl1uggilhncfs, anti remilfencls in working Ehire liénihes chearfulnefs, and an_:;_m|‘n_b_lc dilgz- (ition I but Fires. eree, giik, and QHSYY dhP‘;l“§l?"' ° Elements therefore are the of all thmgS» *U F ‘ ”3‘d‘f;° of, and according to them,and they are in allthlD§’> and ‘ 1 full: their vertues through all things. v »»-;___ ~_ y CHAP. vm, lH¢nv the E/:menu are in the H ravenr, in Staff, in ‘Di1’¢‘lf, if# f!n_g¢l.r, nndlnffj ff# GM /Ifmftf IT is the unanimous confent of nil Platonifls, chart 1SlU¢hC originall, and exemplary World. all things are in all; fo alfoin this corporcal world, all things are in all: fo allb the Elements are not only in thefe inferiour bodies. but alfo in the Hcztvcm, inStars, in Divels, in An els, and latltly inGod, th; maker; and orginall example of alttlzthings. Now in tlielc fn# feriour bodies, the Elements are accompanied with much grofé matter; but in the Heavens theElcments are withtheir natures, and vcrtues, vfz. :theta CelelH1ll,_and more excel- lcnt manner, then in fublunary things. For thc firmnefsiof the Cclefliall Earth is there without thc grofsnch of Water : :md the agility of the Airc without running over its bounds; the heat ofliirc without burning, only fhining,and givinf; life to all things by its heat. Amonglt the Stztrsalfo, fome are fiery , as Afmt, cmd Sol : airy, :ts Qupirrr, gud IQ»i;n;:‘tv;1§5y,A :ts Smxra, and Afcrcxrrj : and earthy, fuch ash inhabit thi: eighth 0rbc,and the Moon (which notwithftanding by many is accounted watery ) fceing,Vasit' it werc,E;ijth,_ it attraristo it Mt” the Cclelliall waters, with which being imhibed,it doth' by reafon of its neemeli to us &01V§l'_ out ,' and commqnimggi to us. There are alfo among the lignes, fume fiery, (dine i and <. ¢mhY, fvme liry. foms watequ the Elements rulc them ali fo in the_Heavcns, dilltibuting to them thcfe four threefoltl` confidcntionsolcvery Element;/iz.. the beginning, middle,
,_ »vr‘7s?:w~w= - _ , . _ -_ , ---~+...,___,____ ' - "-*f`_'~' ‘z";Li *Ii-._-§: §Z.`ff:_»§gf;_- ':_,_` _. -_ _- Y _ 3 _ " ‘L . " i~ » . » ,_ ,.r< _ l V iOf0cer¢lt Wailqkplqy. _i Book L the fame according to Map: , and Paul.: tellimony , A can- fimzing Fire Q That Elements therefore are to be found ever y where, and in all thingsafter their manner, no man can denye: Pirltin thefe inferriour bodies fcculent, and grolk, and in Cel - Ilials more pure, and clear ; but in fupercelellzials living, and in all refpeéls ble(l`ed. Elements therefore in the exemplary world are Idm'.r of things to be produced, in Intelligencics aredillributed powers,in Heavens are vertues,and in inferioue bodies grofs forms. _ »_1_i 4__.__ __,_i_i,,i1._....--._._l. ~ CHAIZIX. i l Of the rierrncr of rbing: Narfmill, depending immediarfr upon » Elemenrr. _l i i ~ j QP thelnaturall vertues ofthings, fome arelilementary, V A asv to heat, to cool, to moillen, to dry; and they are cealledoperations, or firft qualities, and the fecond a&-ffoe thefe qualities only do wholly change the whole fnbflance, which none of the other qualities can do. And fome are in things compounded of Elements, and thefe are more then lirllz pnalities, and fuch are rhofe that are marurating, digcllzing, rc- olving, mollifying, hardening, reltringing, abllerging, cor- fdfllhgfllurning, opening, evaporating, firengthening, _miti-» gltiilg, conglutinating, ohliruéiing, expelling,-retaining, at- ¥l’3&lDg.rcpercu&ing, ilupifying, belizowing, luhrifying , and many more. Elementary qualities do many things in arnixt hotly, which theyeannot do in the Elements themfelvesf And the e operations are called feconda qualities, becaufe the follow the nature, and proportion olythe mixtion ofthe lirll vertues, as largely it is treated of in Phyfick Books. As matu- ration, which is the operation ofnaturall heat, according to 1 certain proportion in the fubllanee of the matter. Indnration is the operation of cold; fo all`o is congelation, and fo ofthe tell. And thefc operations fometimes ati upona eerraitl mem.. bers ‘as,l°uch which provoke Urine, Milk, the,lv§lenllnia,and i Q '_¥l1¢Y
5-.-7,7---._ _ _ hook I. of Occult Tbilopply. 1-iiliiui ghey are called third qualities, which follow thelfecond, 35 thc fecond do the firli. According therefore to thefe firti, feeond, and third qualities many difeafee are both cured, andcaufed. Many things all`o there are artificially made, which men much wonder at; asis Fire, which burns Water, which they call the Greek Fire, of which Arffiarle teacheth many compohtions in his articular Treatife of this fubiefi. In like manner there is mad): a Fire that is exringnilhed with Oyl, and is kindled with cold Water, when it is fprinkled upon it ; and a Eire which is kindled either with Rain, Wind, or the Sun; and there if madea Fire, which is called burning Water, the Confeéiion whereof is well known, and it confumes nothing but icifelf: and alfo there are made Fires that cannot be quenched, and in- combuftible Oyles, and perpetuall Lamps, which can be extin- guiihed neither with Wind, not Water, not any other way; which fecms uttc rly incredible, but that there hadbecn fuch a mol! famous Lamp , which once did lhine in the Temple of Wnw, in which the (ione Axbgfim did burn, which being once “fired eannever be exrin uilhcd. Alfo on the contrary, Wood, or any other cornbuliil§e matter may be fo ordered, that it can receive no harm from the Fire ; and there are made eer- tain Confe&ions , with which the hands being anointed, we ma carry red hoc Iron in them, or put them into ‘melted Meg tall; or go with our whole bodies, being lirll anointed there. with, into the Fire without any manner of harm, and fuch like things as thel`e may be doneffherc is alfo a kind of H:tx,whith Plin] cals /Ixérfium, the Greeks Call ézfecov, which is not conliimed by Fire, of which Amxxilaus faith, that a Tree cpm- palfed about with it, may be cut down with infenlible blows, that cannot be heard. F _ '_ ‘i , *Tc ` ‘ .» _ v c it " '“'emii=; . ., - ,.l.Z.
Boolt I. . of Occult Tbilqhply. Long Iince Maven brought a very great wonclerment upon the Greeks, and Romans concerning himfelli He faid that he nourilhed, and bred a beali that did devour it felh Hence ma- ny to this day are f`olieitous,whati this beali of Mazren lhould bc. Who would not wonder that Filhes ihould be digged out ofthe Bargr, of which Arylorle, Theapbrajim, and Pobbiru the l-liliorian makes mention ? And thefe things which Pm- fiznifu wrote concerning the lir§{ng Stones P All thefe are ef- feéts of occult vertucs. So the rich concorfis coldgand mafia hard Iron, and digelis it into nourifhmenr for this body 3 whofe Stomack they alfo report, cannot be hurt with redhogv Iron. So that little Fifh called Ecbmeir doth fo curb the viog lence ofthe Winds and appeafe the ra e ofthe Sea, that, let_ the Tempelis be netier io imperious, auf raging? the Sails alfo bearing a full Gale, it doth notwithltanding by its meer touch, fray the Ships, and makes them fiend liill, that by no means they can be moved. So Salumtmdm, and Crickets live in the Fire - although they feem fometimcs to burn, yet they are not hurffkfliclilce is laid ofa kind of Bitnmcn ,' with which the weapons ofthe e/Imaam: were (aid to bel`mearedlover,_,i1y which means they could bc fporled neither with Sword noel Fire ; with which alfo the Gates ofCqQ$ia, made of Braii, are reported, to be fmcated over by /!lexamltrtthe‘ great. we read alfo that Noalf: Ark was ioyned together with this Bitué men , and that endured fome thoufands of years upon the Mountains of/Irmmitz. There are many fuch kind of wonder. full things, Rarce credible, which‘notwithl`tanding are known by experience. Amongfi which Antiquity makes mentionof Satyrs, which were Animals, in (hope half men,and half bI`l1i[55 yetcapable of Qaeech, and reafon; one whereof S. Ehgrqmg reporteth, fpalte once unto holy Anronim the l-lermite, and condemned the errour of the Gentiles, in worlhippingfuth poor creatures as they were , and delired him that he'wo_uld pray untotthc true God for him; :tlfo he affirms ~th;1;;il1CI¢ was one of them lhewed openly alive, and aftcnvardéfcrltto Canjltumize the Emperour. . _ 4 .r;}§@§7£¢ ' e , .. _ ,; t , y --
_ ,~ ;.e »--1-.Y , ;_.,.~___ ,_ :fy-.___ r ~,, ‘» _ V | < ,;,,~__l . Ex .. ,. r -_< ,__._'. _1__y-'_},_{»;<,, 4 ,__ o'rio£¢{¢zr@>bf1W»,. Book' IQ _ fQ_.‘ 1- ' XI. _ How Occult Verma are i:r,‘?¢dintu rbefwvd/1/dvi' vf I/Jing: 6] Idea's, :branch rlrebel of the Sorrfafrbe World, and my.: of the Star? : and what ching: aivomzd mg# Wirb the Verma. '_ ' I.»m>nM: hw that all inferiour bodies are exemplified by the ZH? fuperiour Ydr-au. Now they define an Idea to be a form; a- bove bodics,l'ouls,minds,and to be but one,limple,pure,imrnu- table, indivilible, incorporeal, and eternall : and that the na- ture of all Idedr-is the fame. Nowythey place Jd¢~.»¢'f in the firfk place in very goodnefsit fell`(i.e.) God, by way ofcaufe ; and that they are diltinguilhed amongl`t themfelves by fome rcla~ tive conliderations only , lealt whatfocvcr is in the world, fhould be but one thing without any variety , and that they 3. grcc in clfencc, leaft God lhould be a compound fnbltancc. In the lecond placc,thc place them in the very intelligible Tcifelf (Le. ) inthe Soul olythe world, differing the one from the o- ther by abfolute forms, fo that all the Idea? in God indeed are butone Form : but in the Soul of the world they are many. They are placed in the minds of all other things, whether they beioyned to the body, or feparated from the body, by a cer. stain particip:ttion,aud now by degrees are dillinguxlhed more, and more. They place them in nature, ascertain fmall feed of forms infufed by the 1de.n,~and lalily they place them in mat- ter,as Lhadows. l-lercunto may be added, that _in the_Soul of the world there beas many Seminalforms ofthings, as Idmv in the mind of God , by which forms (he did in the Heavens above the Stars frame to her felf lhapes alfo, and ltamped up. on all thefe fome properties ; on thefe Stars thereforejhapes, and properties, all vertues of inferiour fpecies, as alfo their properties do depend; fo that every fpccies hath itsCeIeftiall fha pe, or figure that is liltable to it, from which alfo proceeds awonderfull power of operating, which proper gift itrc- cewcs from its own Idea, through the Seminal forms of the _ Soul !7_ _‘.r
Book I. Of'0ccuIt 4°/Jilq/01:73, V Soul ofthe world, For Idea? are not only elfentiall caufes of every fpecies, but are alfo the caufes of every venue, whirgh is in the f cies : and this is that which many Philofopherg fay, that £ pro crtics, which. are in the nature of thing; (which vettues indeed are the operarionsof the Idea?) at-¢ moved by certain vertues,»r/iz.. fuch ashavea certain, and furc foundation , not fortuitous, nor cafuall , but eliicacious, powerfull, and futiicient, doing nothingin vain. Now thefe Vertues do not crr in their aélings, but by accidentyviz.. by reafon of the impurity, or ineguality of the matter `: For upon this account there are foun things of thcfameibecies, morc,or lefs power5a|,according to the purity,or indif olition of thcimatter ; for all Celeilial infiuencies may he hindi-ed by the indifpolitionpnd infufficiency ofthe matter-.Whence it was a Proverb amongii the Platonilis, That Celeliial Vcrtues were infufed according to the defert of the matter :V Which alfo Wrgil makes mention of, when he lings, ' ` 4 1°l=¢ir_gmture.¢jier] are, and from aéow, e/fndjiram _gap laadierjiteed, di-uinrb move; Wherefore thofe things, in which there is lel3 of the Ia':.¢e of the matter (i.e.~) fuch things which have a teatcr rc&rn- blance of things fcparated, have more poweréull vcrtues in cratiornheing like to the operation ofa feparated Id". We OP ' , fee then that thefiruation, and figurc of Celeliials is the caufe of allthofe excellent Vertues, that are in inleriour fpecies. Cl-IAP. XII. Haw it :B that parriclrmr V :rum are inf(/Fzd into pxrticular Inf die/idunlr, rum ofthe/‘amz Species. a A "I’Hcrc are alfo in many Individuals ,' or particular thiugé, peculiar gifts,aswonderfull, as in tht( ecies, and thcfe alfo are from the figure and lituation of.y§e@a1l Stars. For ’
» "28 ’l‘§!l o Offlceiilt Wiilqfrjzlyr 1 Book ill, I “ll-1* everyindividuall, whenit begins to be undera determined Horofcope. and Cele{liall‘Con[lellation, Contrafis together with its elfence a certain wonderfull vertue both of doing,;ind fuffering fomething that is remarkable ,_ even behdes that which it receives from its fpeeies, and this it doth partly by the influence of the Heaven, and partly through that obedienri- alneh ofthe matter of things to be generated, to the Soul of the World, which obedientialnels' indeed is fuch as that of ourbodies to our fouls. Forwe perceive that there isthis in its, that according to our conceptions of things, ourbodies are moved, and that cheerfully, has when we are afraid 05 or Hy from any thing, So many timeswhen the Celelliall fouls conceive feveralthings, then the matter is moved obedienti. ally edit : r1°ill`o‘in Nature' there appear divers prodigies, by reafon of the imagination of fuperiourrnotions. So alfo they conceive,& imagine divers vertues,not only things naturall,but alfo fometimesthings artificial, and thisefpecially if the Soul ofthebperator be inclined towards the fame. Whence Avicm iaith; that whatfoever things are done here, mull: have been before in the motions,and conceptions of the Stars,andOrbes. So in things, various cffcfls , inclinations, and difpolitions are occalioned not only from the matter varioully di( ofed, as many fuppofe,but from a various iniluence, and diverfgz form - not truly with a Qaecifical difiercnce, but peculiar, and pfopq-T And the degrees ol rhefe are varioufly dillributed by the iirli Caufe of all things, God hin1fel£ who being unchzingeablg diilributes to every one as he pleaferh , with whom notwithf flanding fecond Caufes,Angelical, and Celeilial cooperate, dit? pofing of the Corporcal matter, and other things tha; are committed to them. All vertues therefore are infixfed by God, through the Soul of the World, yet by a particular power of reI°emblances,and intelligenees over-ruling them,and eoneoni-fe °f 'UC “WCS , and afpefts ofthe Stars ina certain peculiar har- rnonious confenr. ' ` , f,.,. ' ‘Y
-Y , . _'1»¢~~v-v-nw. . _, ., .._f~ ...»~_ ~ - _ , - 1 _ t ._. _ _uf ~ Ol`0ceiili enmity. Boats tu vertues are, none of all thefe have lheived , who have (et forth hugeyolumes of the properties of things, not Ha-mu, not BOCl1I£J,Il0[ Aaron, not Orpheus, not Thea;/:ra_#l¢ls U05 7'/1=6if/1. not Zmatl:emxI¢,notZara.1jler, not E 1/ux,n0t Dit#oridr:, not L/Prairie the ]ew,not Zurlmriu the Babiloniane, not Alérmu, notvfrmldw; and yet all thefe have confelfed the fame,th:t Z aebzrizr writes to Mirbriditu, that great powct,and humane deliinies are couched in the vertues of Stones, and l-leatbs. But to know from wheneethefe come, a higher fpecplztion is required. Alexander the Peripatcticke not going any further then his fenfes, and qualities, is ofthe opinion that thele pro- ceedfrom Elements, and their qualities, which haply might be fuppofed to be true, ifrhofe were of the fauie fpeeies; but many of the operations of the Stones agree neither if; mere, nor _/_iecit-. Therefore Plata, and his Sclrollers at- ttihgute thefe vertues to .Ide.s’:, the formers of things. But Avi- an reduceth thefe kinds of operations to Intelligencies, Hcrrims to the Stats, t/Illfrmu to the fpecificall forms of things. And although thefe Authors feem to thwart one the o-i ther, yet none of them, if they be rightly underliood,goes be- fide the truth: lince all their fayings are the farne in elfeéi in rnoli things. For Godin the lirftplace is the end, and begin- ingiol all Vertues, he gives the (cal ofthe ldmtr to his fetvants Fnelntelligencies; who as faithfull officers lign all things in- trulied to them with an ldeall Vertne, the Heavens, and Stars, as inllrumentsdifpoling the matter in the meauwhilefor the reccivingofthofe forms which relide inDivine~Mai;ffy'(as faith Plata in Timm) and to be conveyed by Stars; ‘and the Gini: of forms dilitibutes them by 'the Minifiery of his lntelligem cies, which he hathfet asliulers, :md Controllers over his Works, to whom fuch a power is intrulied in things commit- ted to them, that fo all Vettue of Stones, Hearbs, Metals, and all other things may come from the Intelli encies,the Gover- nouts. The Form therefore, and Vertue ofg things comes (itll: froth the Ideuv, then from the ruling anchfgovettiing Intelli- genctes, then fiom the afpeéts ofthe Heavensl difpoling, and lztlily from the tempers of the Elements 'di@ofe‘d;1aulivering _ ,_§:v¢}_;`E<_ A - . the `fx'*"*ff,f- Y f ~
Book I. , Of Occult Tbilcyinpby. l the inllueneies ofthe Heavens, by which the Elements them. fclvea are ordered, or difpofed. Thcfe kinds of operations thcreforeare performed in thefe inferiour things by exptdg forms, and in the Heavens by difpoiing vertues, in Intelli en- cies by mediating rules, in the originiill Caufe by ldm’x,an§ex- emplary forms, all which muli of neceility agree in the exem- tion ofthe effect, and vertue of every thing. There is therefore a wonderfull vettue, and operation in every Hearb, and Stone, but greater in a Star, beyond which, even from the governing I ntelligencies every thing receiveth, and obtains many things for it felt; efpecially from theSu- pream Caufe, with whom all things do mutually, and exafily correfpond, agreeing in an harmonious confent, as it were in I-lymnes,alw:|ies prailing the higheft Maker of all things,as by the three(ihild ren in the fiery furnace were all things called up. on to praife God with lingings. Blefs ye the Lord all things that growu on the Earth, and all things which move in the Waters, all &wls ofthe Heavens, Beafls, and Cattle, together mtlrthe fons of men. There is therefore no other eaufe ofthe neceility of effeéls , then the Connexion of all things with the firfi Canfe, and their correfpondcncy with thofe Divinepat~ tems, and eternall /di-.¢'.f, whence every thing hath= its deter- minate , and particular place in the exemglary world, from whence itlives, and receives its original! eing ; And every vertue oFHearbs,Stones,Metalr,Anirn:ils,Words,a nd Speeches, and all things that are of God, is placed there. Now the Hill: Caufe, which is God, although he doth by Intelligcncies , and the Heavens work upon thefeinferiour things,doth fomctimes (thcfe Medium: being laid afide, or their officiating being iirfpended) works thofc things immediatly by himfelf, which works then are called Miracles : But whereas fecondary caufes; which Plato, and others call handmaids, do by the Command, and appointment ofthe firlt Caufe, neccifarily a&, and are ne- tcilitated to produce their effefis, if God [hall notwitbfiand- ing according to his pleafurc fo dilkharge, and fugpend them, that they (hall wholly defili from the necefsity o that Conv mznd, and ,appointment ; then they are called the grealtsllt ` r ' v V .
..r -_ , ,.an_,- , ' "‘_ ;`_ _ OE0ccirl: (Pbilfybply. 300k I- Miracles ofGod. So the fire in the Chaldeans furnace did not burn the Children : So alfo the Sun at thc Command of fojbfm went back from its courfe the fpace of one whole day ; fo alfo at the prayer of Hezekiah it went back ten degrees, or hours. So when Cbrill was Crucihcd the Sun was darkened, though at full Moon : And the rcafons of thefe operations can by no rational! difcourfe, no Magick, or occult,or profound Science whatfoever befound out, or underliood, but are to bc learn- ed, and inquired into by Divine Oracles only. Y Cl-lAP.XlV. A Ofrlie Spiri:fa_f'rhe~Werlr1§ what-it :Land hm Q Wa] of medium it unite: areal: Virtue: to tbeirfubjzih. l')Enm»-irm, and Orpbeza, and many Pythagorians having rnoli -diligently fcarched into the vcrtucs ofCeleIliall thinfgs, and natures of inferiour things, faid, That allahings are ull ofCod, and not without caufc ; For there is nothing offuch tranfiending vertues, which being deliitutc of Divine ailifiancc, is content with the nature of it felf. Alfo they called thole Divine powers which are difhlfed in things, Gods: gwhxch Zaraujier called Divine allutcments, S]/zqim Symboli- eall inticements, others called them I.ives,and tome alfo Souls; faymg, that the vertues of things did depend upon thefe ; be. caufeitts theipropertyc of the Soul to be from one matter ex: tended into Wiersthings, about which it o crates 5,89 is 3 rnarggwho extends his intelloéi unto intelligxile thingshndhis imagination unto imaginable things; and this is that which they underflood, when they (aid, viz. That the Soul ofonc thing iyent out, and “tent into another thing, altering it, and hindering the operations of it : As a Dianiond hinders the operation of' the Loadlione. that it cannot attra& Iron. Now `&?l{’E fl" 50U| is the firft thing that is moveable,and as they faysw {1l0vCd of it fclh but the body,or the matter is of it felf I}1bl?s and unfit for motion, and dothmuch degenerate from _ ' ' _ ‘ the
Book 1. ofomzt ¢z>/rzonpby. the Soul, therefore they lhy there is need of a more excellent Ulledium, -vie. Such a one that may be as it were no b_ody,bur as it were a Soul, oras it were no Soul, but as it were a body, viz. by which the foul may be ioyned to the body. Now they conceive fuch amfdim to be the lpirit of the World. viz. that which we call the quinteffencc : becaufe itis not from the Four Elements, but acertain lirll: thing, having its be- ing above, and befidcs them. There is therefore (uch akind of fpirit required to be, as it were the medium, whereby Celelb'7 all Souls are ioyned to guolh bodies, and bellow upon them wonderfull gifts. This lpirit is after the fame manner in the body oftheworld, as ours is in the body of man. Fords the Eowers ofour foul atecommunicated to the members ofthe ody by the l'pirir,l'o allo the Vertue ofthe Soul of the World is diffufed through all things by the quintclfencc : For there is nothing found in the whole world, that hath nota lbarlt of the Vertue thercoll Yet it is more,nay mol! of all infufed into tbofe things which have received,or taken in molizof this fpirit: `NKn7“this fpirit is received or taken in by the rayes ofthe Stars, fo far forth as things render thcrnfelves eonformzble to 4 them. By this fpirir therefore every occult property ts convey- ed into I-lcarbs, Stones,Metals, and Animals, through the Sun, Moon, Planets, and through Stars higher' then the Planets., Nowthis fpititirnay be more advantagious to us,sif any one knew how to feparareit from the Elements = or at leall to ufi: thofe things chiefiy,whieh do mol! abound with this fpirit. For thefethlngs, in which this fpiritis lefé drowned in a body,andi lciia »checked by matter. do more powerfully, and perfcéil ' 16%, and allo more readily generate their like : for in it are ah gcnerativmér ferninary Verrucs.For which caufe the /!1c@»g{/}.g cndezwounto feparate this fpirit from Gold,and Silver; _
hl¢t heingrighrly fcparatcd, and extrafied,if thou (halt aftenyurd projcél upon any matter of the fame kind (Le): any Mqqll, preliently will turn it into Gold, or Silver. 'And ygeglinoxv how togidothsr, and have 03611 itfdone tgbut rgecould mrikt iw, more Gold-i ¢11cntheeWtigbf;9£ ;hn;v£1¥»,915E9fsvhith we exf l 'm~§l¢d¢'ll1¢{P'iril» F9tr'f¢¢i1!§5l?§§ isianexrwfvrmani QPQ _ i 4 ,_ _ y xntenlic, In V, 5 ally., Y ~ ‘ sl ,~,- , :.}
_ ,, , i I _ ii _ _ _ " L_ . _ ~ :_ 0Fi(jc¢z¢lt@bilu/épbyf' 5 i Book; FL intenfe, it cannot beyond itslown bounds change an imper-A fe& body into apcrfe& : which I deny not, but may be done. by another way. e y _ `, ~ y C H A P. X V. i 1fa1'?*e ‘muf find ont# and examine the Verma: gft/Jing: 6] may offmi//tr/dr. V _ ~ II is now manifclt that the occult properties in things ' are not from the nature ofthe Elements, but infufcd from aboye, hid'from~onrifcnfes ,undjfcarce at lall known by our reafon, which indeed come from the`e,1'.n'd the Spirit ofthe Worid, through the raycs ofthe Stars: and can no otherwife but by experience, and cohietiure be enquired intorbyn us. Wherefore, he that dclircs to enter upon this Rudy, mnik con-e lider, that everything moves, and tnrns it felf toitslike,,_ar;d. znthnesthate to it fell’ jmth all nts might, as well in property," mr.. Qccult vertue,as in qnahty, viz.. ‘ Elementary vcttue. Sometimes alfo in fubllance it ftlf, as we fee in Salt, for wharf foever hzath lonhg fiogd with Sag: Eéeeomes Salt : for every a- gent, w en at at e un to a , oth not attem tto k thinginferiour to it felg but as much as maybe, Ilike, 311:21 (gui tabIe_t0 it felf; ’3iVhich yalfo we manifeflly fee in fenlible Ani- rnais.; inr¢hichfth‘e nutritive Verrue doth noteclrangc thc meat into an _Hearb, or a Plant, but turns it intofenhblg; fldhr Irr what things therefore there is an excefsofany qualityiorggq. petty; QS h€1€`,e colde,eboldnefs;ffe:xr, fadnefé, anger, love, hértred, or any other paliion, or Vertue ;1~whether`it herein hex? bi ;?~3t|ur€"0;f{?mcl§imcs 3% `bY 411: ~0l"Ch111C¢,<aS bold- fl ar 0 ~ -r_c e r n°s to fveryfimnclrrnove Ya d, r _ v9k¢ C0 fllfh 1 <;ual1ty,phlIi8n, orVertnc. So Firegrnxdveg so ylirre, and »/Vatcrmovca to Water, and he that isbold moves go holelnefs. Andrit is ywell known amongft Phyfiriagg, ghqg; thralqérelga the -brain, and lr1ng5~;}y¢§1lmgs_y, 55; aufo; itfig ,faidf “Ft V 'fflghf °Yf»' of 2 Frog helps the foreneléioféa mane righc A _ 'V ` _ eye:
Book I. Of Occitlt 'Pbilrjapby eye,`:md the left eyethereofi helps the forenels of his lofi eye; if they be hanged about his neck in a Cloth of its naturqll Colour: The like is reported of the eyes ol a Crab. S0 rhg fodt of a Tortoifc helps them that have the Gout in their being apftslyed thus , as foot to foot, hand to hand, right to right, le to left; After this manner they’fay, that any Animal] that igbmrm eaufeth another to be barrcngand of the Animallefpeeially the Tellicles, Matrix, or Urin. So they report that :t woman [hall not conceive, if (he drink every tnoneth ofthe Urin of a Mule;or any thing fleepedin it. If therefore we would obtain anyproperty or‘Vertue, let us feek for (och Animals, otlixch other things whntfoevcr, in which futh a propertyis in a more eminent manner then in any otherthing, nndin thefe let us take that part in which fucha property, or Vertueismoft vigorous : asif at any time we would promote love; let ps feekforne Animal] which is molt loving, of which lgindari: ’Pige<ms,'Turtles,~ Spatrows, Swallows, Wngtailes : and in thefe letnstakethofe members, or parts, in which the Vene- tall appetiteis mon vigorous, and fuch are thelheargteliicles, matrix, yardfpermc, and menftrues. And it mullhe doncat that time when thel'c»Anintals_h:n,'e this alfcéiio_n moli intCnfs:= for then they do much provoke. and draw love. In like man- ner to increafe boldnefs,lec us look for a Lyon, or a Cock, and of thefe let us takethe heart, eyes, or forehead. And fo we malt underlland that which Ifkllm the 7’1tztanHff:1lth,1n'3r.. that Dogs, Crows. and Cocks eonduce murh to watchl`uIne& : alto the Nightingale, and Bat, and horn Owle, and in theft :he heart,head,and eyes efpccially. Therefore it is l'ai_d,if;ny thell carry the hem of a Crow, or n Bat about him, he [hall not ‘Heep till he cali it away from him. Thefimcdqthdthe head of a Bat dryed, and bound to the right :trmeof hlirfthat tigatvake, for if itibeput upon him when he fi{1e¢§P§§¢`i$“f§id» 'thirthc [hall notrhe :xwaked till it betakeno front 1‘fECf the lime. manner doth aFro€i andan DXf£‘iIl1kC'UU¢ l1Ui§' tive, and ofrthefe fpecially ~t e~tongoe;tandTheart; to the = tongue alfo of a Warepfrogilaid uifdei*'thehead,makes a mah »
Book I. of Uccult @1511/oplay. in boldnefs, and impudcncc doth infc& all that are neer her, by this property, whereby they are made like her fe lil There. fore they Tay that ifany one (hall pure on the inward garment of an l-larlot, or (hall have about him that looking glzh, which h [hall thereby become bold, conhdent, fhe daily looksinto. e h f that acloth that impudent,and wanton.ln like manert cy ay, was about a dead Corpes hath received from thence the pro- perty of fadnefs, and melancholy : and thatthe halter where- withaman was hanged hath certainwonderfull~ properties. The like Rory tels I’/in), if any (hall put a green Lizard made blind,together with Iron, or Gold Rings into a glah-veflel, putting under them fomc earth, and thenfhutting the vel'l`el¢ and when it appears that the Lizard hath received his light, (hall put him out ofthe glaii, that thofe Rings (hall help orc eyes. The fame may be done with Rings, and aWeefel,whol'c eyes after they are with any kind of prick put our, it iseertairr are rcliored to light again. Upon the fame account Rings are put fqracertain time in the ncli of Sparrows, or Swallows,i which alieritiards are'ufed’_t'o procure love, and favor, e ' 1 » _ r cumxxvitr. i Haw 6j;nm1itf}zrxd to [ze tij- ' rfbandfvutrdiaxzr. 7 f'* V P ` En the next place it is requifite that we conlider that all ‘_ things have a friendlinefs, and enmity amongft thcmfelves, and every thing hath fomething that it fearsa dreadsgthat is an cnen1y,and dcliruélive to it; and on the conttarylotncthing that it _reioycethxand dclighteth in, and is (ircngthened Byk So in the‘Elemcnts,' Fire is an enemy to W atcr, and Airc LK0 'Earth ,L hut get they agree amongff themfelvesr Andfagaxrr, IU CCl§‘lli;tll‘ Odiés, Jfercrgry, ?npir¢r, the Frlnrand-Mqbxfiigét i r , , , _ _ _A _ _. Ig C f'riend"§;o Sfirnme; flfarr, and P mm enemies to html <1 ' Plamcté' hchfdcs Alera are friends to Yupiter, alféfitll btfideslfr- f7 (li fc Mart; ?:rpim-, and I/tl1!¢1;l0VC_(1¥§fr§?li§1,/lfdff,/lfffv. Y If 3 *A p _ V , .‘ 9 ' .0017 x »1-_
, “_ -_...vm-~<_4>,-utp; . ,¢~ »»-_~,,r.~, 1 4`_..._: _~; ~_ __. , A .;' V ' ' r 'of o¢¢¢¢1¢_y~r>if1<yz»pb,. Book Is e;n],"&1id the Mann are enemies t0 him, _ali befidcs .Samrne lovzffmxa; fupirir, Venus, and Sarurne friends to Mercxizy, the .S’wr,Maon, and /lflarrhis enemies. fupirer, Vm:u,J’a:x{rn¢- are friends to the Mann, Marr, and /110-mr] her enemies. There is . another kind of enmity amongiiz the Stars, z/ie, when they have oppolite houfcs ; as Samme to the_Sun and Moon, 7fIPif8)' to /1’f0‘C!If]?lil47‘I to Venus. A And their enmity is fironger, whofrexaltauons are oppoiite p:V asof Sfzxnrnr, and the Sun ; of fupirer, and Marx; of Venus, and Ilfin-cm), But their friendfhip is the firongeii, who agree in natnre,qua- lity, fubflance, and power ; as Mar: with thc Sun, and ,Venus with the Moon, as fupirer with I/fmfs, as allb their friendihip whofeexaltationis in the houfe of anorhc r, as that of .s“nrw~».~_ with Venn: , offupirer with the Moon, of Uifnrr with .$`¢m¢m,, oi' the Sun with Mars, of Vemu with upirrr, of the Moon with I/mu. And ot what fort the frien lhips,and enmitics of the fuperiours be, futh are the inclinations of things fubieéied tqxhem in thefe inferiour. Thcfe difpofitious _therefore of ii'icnd[hip,and enmity are nothin§ elfc but certain inclination; of things of the one to another, efiring fuch, and fuch a thin if it be abhrnt, and to move towards it, unleié it be hindrmii and to at uielizin it when it is obtainedihunning the contrary, and drearing the approach ofit, and not reiiing in, or being contented with it.H¢mcliru: therefore being guided by this o- piniomprofeifed that all thin s were made _by enmi Sciriend. fhip.Now the inclinations ofgfriendlhip are fuch inaycgctables and Minerals,as is that attrafiive inclination, which the Load- fione hath upon Iron,and the Emrald upon riches, and favour; thejafper upon the birth qfang thing, and the Stone Achatcs upon Eloquence; Inlike manner there is a kind of'Bituminous Clay that draws Fire, and leaps into i_t,wherci`oever it fees it : Even fo doth the root of the Heath, Aproxis draw Fire from afar off Alfo the famejnciination there is betwixt the male ,palme,and female:whereol"when'the hough of one (hall touch the bough of thc other, they Foldthernfelvesfirito mutbal cm. Braces, neither doth the female bring forthfruieawithoiitathe male.;aAnd the Almond tree, when (he is alone isleiéiinitfull. . ' r ' ' V I A The ...__ _ - l '
Book 1. e of offrrzrebfziyopn. _l_, The Vines love the Elme, and the Olive-tree, and myrtle love one the other : alfo thc 01ivC-UCC, and Fig-tree. Now in A ` als there is amity betwixt the Blnekbird, and Thrufh, nun betwixtthc Crow, and I-Ieron, betwrxt Peacocks , and Pigeons, Turtles, and Parrats. Whcncc Sappba writes to ‘P/Mon. To 'Birdr mrlib ajiirrur jgnrd are whit: Dove: ; e/I M1 :be Bird tl:ar'.r_gre:n, bla/e Turtle lover. Again, theWhale, and the little Fifh his guidearc friendly. Neither is this amity in Animals :irnongft themfelves, but al o with other things, :rs with Metals, Stones, and Vegetables, fo the Cat delights in the Hearb Nip , by rubbing her fclf upon which (he is faid to conceive without amale; and there bc Mares in Cnppadaein, that cxpofe themfelves to the blsftof the wind, and by the attraéiion thereof conceive. So Frogs, Toads' Snakes, and allmanner of creeping poifonous things Jgllghrimhe Plant called Palfflower, of whom, :isthe Phy. Gtians fay , if any one eat, he (hall dye with laughing. The Tortoife allb when he is hunted by the Adder, eats Origanum , and is thereby lircngthencd : and the Stork , when he hath eat Snakes, feelts for a remedy in Ori- ganum : andthe Weefell, when he goes to fight with the Bali; lislr, eats Rue, whence we come to know that Orgiannin, and Rue are cffcélnallugainlipoifon. So in fomc Animals there is :tn imbred skil, and medicinal] art; for when the Toad is wounded with a bite or poifon of another Animallrhc is wont to go to Rue,or Safge,and Rub the place wounded, andifo ef~ capesthesdanger o the poifon. So men have learned many ex. cellent remedies of difeafes,& vcrtues of things from bruits;So; Swallows have ihcwed us that Sallendine is ver medieinablgj for the (ight , with which they cure the eyes oly their yonng, and the pye when fhe is lick. puts a Bay-leafe into her nclhand is recovered.In like m:mcr,Crancs,Daws Partriges,Bl;¢kbirds purge theirrnzufeous Ilomacksswiththe lime, ivgtlggvhirh alfo ' Crows allay thcpoifon of the Chargleonsr;,and;thC.Lyon,_}i£ 4 e ii . ‘ V! ' , _ ;~ v ,- .
,,ofa'o¢¢,,z¢~a°i»i1<¢1pw:~ ,Bi-50l<‘.I he be feavorifh, is recovered by eating of an Ape._ The Lap. wing being fnrferted with eating of Grapcs,C11r¢S lllmfffifwith Sourhernwood; fothe Hartshave caught ns that the l-learb Ditany is very goodro draw our Darts; forithey being wounded with an Arrow, cali it out by eating of this Hcarb : the fame do Goats in Candy. So_ Hinds, a little before they bring forrh, urge rhemfelves with a certain I-iearb called Mountain Oliier. Alfo they that are hurt with Spld€fS,feek a remedy by eating of Crabs: .Swine alfo being lint: by Snakes cure rhemfelves by eating of them ; and Crows when they perceive they are poifoned with a kinde of French poifon, feek fbrenre inthe Oake; Elephants, when they have fwallowed aQmeleon help tliemfelveswith the wild olive. Bears be~ inghnrt with Nlandrakes, efqapbthedanger by eating of Pili tnires. Geefe, Ducks, and Iixchlilre watery fowle, cure them- felves with the l-learb called ‘wx|&fage. Pigeons, Turtles, Hens, with _thee Heath called Pellitory of the wall. Cranes with Bull-rulhes. Leopards cure themfelves, being htirgwith °th_e Hearb called Wolfcabane. by. mans dung) Boats with Ivy, Hinds with the Hearb called (Linnara. n y ' CHAP. XVIII. i A i ‘ l ' Oftlae Ir:rlin.1tIon:of€nmitir:. y V ®Nthe eontrary :hero are inclinations<olTEnmities, and ltheyrarcasit were the odiurn, and ianger, indignation, and acertain kind of obllinate contrariery of nature, fo that any thing fhuns' its contrary, and drives ir away out of its pre. fence. Such kind ofinelinations hath Ilbuéfvb againll Choller, Tn-arle againft poifonnthé Saphir Stone againli hot bi|es,and fcavoriih heats, and difeafes ,of-the dyesgé the 'Amcthyft a~ gainft drunkenneG, the Jafper againllt Fluxof blood , and offeniivc imaginations, the Emrald, and Agnus 'Callus againli Lnfi, Achates againfi poifon , Piony again[i~thc'Falling(`xck~ nefS,'QQrall againfi the cbullition of black Choller, and pains » i ~ of
f Book I. of of¢~1¢Q>i,;1¢,,,;,,Q oftheliomack. The To aze a ainltf irituallheats f ` covcteoul`nel§,lu{l, andpall minner gt' exceffes of’ld;1d.$'13{;§ likeintlination is there alfo of Pifmires againli the Hgafb ()_ riganuxgw and the wingfof a Bat, and the heart of a Lapwing from the prefencc of which they flie. Alfo Origanum ie Contrary to a certain poifonous Hy, hich cannot gndrmg tbl: Sun, and relills Salamandefs, and loaths Cabbage with fum; deadly hatred, that they dellrroy one the other; fo Cucum; bers hate oile, and will run themfelves into a ring lealtthey fhould touch it. Anditisfaid that~the‘Gallof¥;itCmw mkgg men afraid, and drives them away where it ik, its tilfo certain other things ; fun Diamond doth difagree with the Load- Ilone, that being fet byit, it will not fuffcrlron tohedrawn toit; and lhccp (lv from Frogparfley :ts from fomc deadly thing: and that which is more wonderfull, naturcimh p@u- red the lign of this death in the livers of ilieep, in whiehrhr; very figure of Frog-patfly beinédefcribedjoth naturally lap- pgat - So Goats do fo hate arden balil, asif there were nothignglmoreitcrnicious. And again, amongfl Animals, Mice, and Weefels do diih ree ; whence it is laid that Micewillnot: touch Cheefe, if theirains of at Weefcl be purinto thc renrfet, and beli that the Checfe will not be corrupt with age. Sora Lizard is Q contrary to Scorpions, that it makes them afraid with itsvcty iight, asealfo it puts them into a cold l`wezt,there- fore they are killed with the oile of them, which oile alfo cures the wounds made by Scorpions. There is alfo an enmity betwixt Scorpions, :md Mice : wherefore if a Monfe be ap- plycd to a prick or wound made by a Ycorpion, it curcsit, 'as it is reported. There is alio an enmity betwixt Scorpions, and Stalahors, Afpes, and Wafpes. lt is reported :tlfo that no- rhine is lo much an cncmy to Snakes asffrabmnd that ifSr§'inc be hhrt therewith they eat them, and are cured. The Sun alfo being inC»mm»,Scrpents are tormented.All`o the Scorpibnmnd Crocodile kil one the other; and if the Bird Ibis f oth but toutha crocodile withone ol his feathers, he makes himim- moveablc; the Bird called Bullardtlieslawaf at the light of_a hotfe; and a Hart runs away atthe light ofa Ram, =1S=llf¢{ 0f= 4 e V y‘P¢F° ~__»““r.1‘ 2
vnu _-.,,_;-1, -.~~.-, ~ V ,Y , __ is _ , _ , y .._, _ ` , ._, . _ ' 1 x _ ` Q i `0eCulc’Pbil¢pl:y. ' `l300l< Ik Vipers An Elephant trembles at thehearing °f ‘lm grunting 'ofa Hog, fo doth a Lyon S! the light °f ?C°‘k ‘ And Pan' thers' will not touch them 'that are annomted all over with the broth of a Hen, efpecially if Garluck hath been bwled in it; There is alfo enmity bctwixt FOX¢S» and 5W3”’» BUF, 304 Daws. Amongli Birds alfo fome are at a perpetual! ltrufe one with another, as alfo with other An1mals.aS D3WS,=
1d Qwles, theKite,and Crows, the Turtle, and Ring-taile, BgcplS,_ and Eagles, I-iarts, and Dragons. Allo amongli Vllatcr Animals there is an enrniry,as betwixt Dolphins, and Whirpools, Mui. lets,and Pikes, Lampre °s, and Congers : Alfo the hfh called Pourcontrel makes the lioblier fo much airaid,that the Loblier feeing the other but neerhim,is (truck dead. The Loblte r, and Coriger tear one the other.'I`he CivetCat is faid to (land fo in awe of the Panther, that he hath no power to relill: him, or touch his skin: and they fay that ifthe skins oihoth of them be changed up one againii the othcr,the haircs of the Panthers skin fall off. And Om.: ¢/fpalls faith in his Hiereglyphicks, if any one be girt about with the skin of the Civct Cat, that he may palb fafely through the middle of his enemies . and not at all be afraid. Alfo the Lamb is very much afraid ofthe Wolijand llies Rom him. And they lay that if the tailc, orskin, or head of a Wolf be hanged upon the fhecp coatc, the fheep are much troubled, and cannot eat their meat for fear. And ‘Plinj makes mention of a Bird called Marlin , that breaks Crows Eggs; whole oung are annoyed by thc Fox that (he alfo will pinch, anclipull the Foxes whelps, and the Fox her fell' al- fo fi which when the Crows fee, they help the Fox againli her, as agamliz a common enemy. The litle Bird called a Linnet living in Thililes, hatcsAll'es, becaufc thcy eat the Flowers of Thdiles. Alfo there islnrh a bitter enmity betwixt the litle Bird called Efalon, and the Alle, that their blood will not mix together, and that at the braying of the Alle both the Cgg$D young ofthe Efalon perilh. There is alfo lixch fl dila- ,8f€¢U2¢U§ betwnrt the Olive- tree and a Harlot, thazsil the Planting it will either be alwayes unfruieliill, _or altogether withergg itinbyon fears nothing fo mutha; Qrqdlffdfghgg, and e _ s l ` i ` will
7,y':~.° , ` i B<>§»1< 1. Of0cculf t>1,zz0pp@_ ` in-11.1-1 will be tamed b nothin fo much asby thefe : an fears neidier fwiird, noripeaghut a (lone, EJ' the 'gg which a wound being made, worms bree in thc Wdfg A Horfe fearsa Camell, fo that he cannot endure to fee fo auch sshis piéinre. An Elcghant when hc rageth, is quieted by fec- ing of: Cock. A Sna e is afraid of a man that is nakgd but purfues a man that is clothed. A mad Bull is tamed byhein t ed to a Fig-tree. Amber draws all things to it bdidcé Gag lien Baiill, and thofc things, which are lineared with oile betwixt which there is a kinde of a natural! VAmiPat},yf " can. xxx. How the Verma afihingx are to 5: trjedandfimnd out , 'wL;¢5 are in tbenxjarcxlficad/],or an) one Individxmll 6) Way af”>¢-f,-i4/,I gzip. _ - ' W" reover thou muiltconlidecthat theVertues of things are in fome things according to the fpecies,as holdnefs, and courage in a Lyon,& Cock : fearfulnefs in a Hare,or Lamb, ravenoufneh in a Wolf, treachery, and deocitfulrfeE in a Fox, flattery in a Dog,covetcoul`nc£s in z Crow,and Daw;pride in 3 I-lorl`c,1nger in a.‘I'ygrc,and Bo:ir,&dne(s, and melancholy in a Cat,lu{`t in a Sp;trrow,and fo of the rcl¥.For the greateit part of naturull Vertues doth follow the l°p:cies.Yet lome are in things individually ; as there be fome men which do fo wonderfully ahhor the light ofa Cat,th1t they cannot look upon her with- out quzliing; which fear it is manifcli is not in them as they are men. And Avian ,tels of a man that lived in his, timt‘,7 whom all poifonous things did lhun, all of them dying, which did by chance bite him, the himfelf not being hurt, and 5/Il-‘ bifffli reports that in a City of the Ubianf he faw 3 wtnch which would catch Spiders to eat them; :md beingi much pleaftd with fuch a kind of meat, was wonderful? nourilhcdf therewith. So is boldnelsinti ~l-l:irlot,‘ fearfillne s in ia Thief. And upon this account it is that Philpfophers l'ay,Kl1=I “HY - i i » i t , pac- _- 4 ` , _ _ , ` n,
v~»-,<,-- , "1 ' ' ` of Occult @bilof>pby, F Bookli lpartieitlar tiiixignthit never was Gck,is good iglinff Shy manner; i Of(;¢kg¢fgo: therefore they lay that a bone of a fiend man; whicli ncvcrhad a feavor, being laid upon the patient, frees himlofi his quartane. There axe allo mtmy lingolar venue5“ in- fulkd intopatticufar things by Cclclhall bodies, as we have [hewcd before. i ' ‘ cmaxx. _ Tbttt m1tura1lI’ert1m' are infémc thing: tbraxtgbarlt tbrir Wéale fxxbjhtnfe and in other thing: in rmwzin frm and , _ _ y , memo 6371, _gl _ fe J. Q- ~- ~ e Coin thou mul! conGdcr, _ that the vertues of 'things are -4 e in fome things inthowhole( i.e. )ithc wholcfubihncc of them, 'or in all thcirparts, asthat little H61 Ecbencit, whichis fgid go Hop a [hip by its meer touch, this it doth not dooc- ¢;prding‘_to any plarticulaimpart, but according to the whole fubliancc. So the Civet Can hath this in its whole fub- Iiancc, that Dogs lay thelvcry touch of his. lhadoxv hold; their peace. So Salcn ineis good forthe light., not atcordingf gqgpyoiie. butall its parts, not more in the root thehijothei I¢‘§Y£${§QQlAfCCd$;A anglefo ofthe rcli. But fume VCII`ll¢S§fICziX1f thiqgeficcordingtto (omc parts of it,T/iZ»~ only in the tongilgorf cyqs, o_r_fo;ne otheremembcrs, and parts; fo inothe'i:ycs_oE :t Balilisk; is ;t moli violent power .to kill meigzhlloon :ts they feet them tothe like power is there in tlimizycsfbf the Civce Cat, which omakesdaoy Animal! that it hath- looked upon, tofiand Hill, ,to bcamazed, and not .able to move it fel£ The like vcrtuc is ttlx¢te'iu'thc cyqsof fomc Wolfes, which ifthcy~ fee a man Erik, make hiummazed ind fo hoarlé, that if he would cry out,;h¢$ hath notetheulbof hisvoic :Of ` ‘ - 'i ` ' e . this I frgil maltes mention, whcnhelings, ~ » Mczris fa df/mé, /mf/1 /ty# to v@;},§o,;,,;;vm » ~ '_ ; l' QL: The Hfoffan Mazrisfirfi /mb ng/} bzliqe. V . e f 2 _ e _V _ Y So
Book I. Of Occult Pbiltfzplgy. 454 _ Q, :~ Soalfo there were fome certain women in .S'q:b;¢, wh. mongfl the Mjrwxf, and Triéxdtkru, who as often “they looked angrily upon any rnanvwere fxid to Hay him. Alfowe read ofa certain peopleof Rlzrdu. called Trlcbim, who cor. rupted all things with their lighmvherefore fu in-r drowned them. Therefore Witehes,when they would agerthis manner work by witchcraft, ule the eyes of fuch kind ofllnimglsin their waters for the eyesforthe like eifefls. In like manner do Pifmires fly from the heartof a Lafwing. not from the head, foonoreyes. So the Fallof Lizat sbeing bruifed in Water is faid to gather Wee els together, not the taile ortbehead of it; and the gall of Goats put intothe Earth in a brazen Vel'el,i §athers Frogs together; and a Goats liver is an enemy to uttetflies and all Maggots, and Dofs fhun them that have the heart of a Dog about them, an Foxes will hoetoucb thofe oultry that have eaten the liver of aFox.So divers things' have divers vertues difperfed vzrioully through fevcralpmm, :ith ret from above infufed into them actording tothe divergyqof thin? to be received; as in a mans body the bones receive nothing ut life, the eyes (tilt, the'iE'Andi theteisin mansbndy :certain little ne, _wifch the ' rews call LVZ, of the bigneh of a pulfe th:1:ia_huslted,vvhich is l'ub~ ieéitono corruption, Aneithpt is it _overcome with Fire, but ié alwaies prcfarvedunhurnout of whieh,:u they fay, as :i Plant out of the l`eed,our Animal! bodies lhull in the Refurreéiioo of the dead fpring up And thefe venues are not cleared by reafon, but by experience. y . _* y C H A P. X x 1. 1 of the Vertuu of thing: which are in them any time, nndfncbru remain in them et/en ajier their durb, ~ M Oreover we mull know that there are fome roperties in things only ,whilell they live, and fame nga: remain after their death, Sothe litIQ!i01`Brb:r:¢:?Iiops thealipméd ' e , _ ';~ rg jf / ' ..," -' ~ V , _ , _ A. V' ` et* ,V _ ,tif 14 : ~- /‘ --
_ ___ _ , __ _; . ,,_ 11~»:~7:.:--_-_`__( ~ H , I ‘~ V _ e -~____ , ` ` ` i ` ly ,io§‘ae¢2,zz¢e>a=»iz¢i,>/fy. seek rsh ¢néjB§G1i§i£;a5'd oafnsiepa killwirh mea-fngm, whctitheyl ara :ilive;bi1ifw'hen‘they are gledd do nb Inch ehing,So they: fay: than in" |:be'Coliel§,` ilTe1livcfDnck be applyed ‘ro :hebelly,ir cakes gliay eh¢'pain,an5ll1er felfdies :like to this is cha; whieh Am elgfaxfayeg. If you rake a heart _newlyf rglien our of an Ani< mil, amd `wliile'l`r ic* isye:'v.<1rm', andiiangirupon one that Hiieh aquiftcanel"eav`or1,'Aii'di'i’esit T.l'g”.l§Y. So ifany one (wah: Igywfglie heirclof if Laiavvlngf or an Swallow, dr»a.~Weefel, 'orw Mole whilell is is ye: warm wich naturall heat , it (hall bc (mlpfull eo him for remcmbring, underlhnding, and foretel- ling : Hence is this general! rule,z/ie. Tha: wharfoeverqrhinge :xre't:=il<én oLit1ofAniinals,`nvhe|:her :hey be Stones, any=Mem¢ heir;ExCrei1ien:§,~asfHaire;fDnng,~Naileé, they mall be taken; Roni Ehofé Animals, while[l*chcy~bc yefiliving; :and-ifi: be ollible, that fo they maybe alive afterwards. f~Whence they Ezy, when you rake ghc reongue of alirog; you mullpu: the Frog inEo§¢f1e'wizter~ again; ond’ il'= you eakckhe worli of a; 'W‘oll1`y`oirmul}_t1ot` killkhe Wolf ; and-fo ofthe rel`l:."So write# I)Pma¢riii¢J;’»‘ifényLone takeout the tongue of rx water-Frog; ye: living; no orherpm ofthe body flicking so ir, and (hc be lee go info :he *W arerf=ignin,8c lay if upon che place where the hem bears,ofe. woman, the (hall anhvcr emly lwharfoéver you :£skl1el'.` Allo they fayycliqr if :hc eyes of .1 FrogfbeibeforcSun* riliifg Iiountho :heb liek pany, and che Frog be let go again blind intothe Waremhey will drive away a rerrian agua ; as alfothat they will;being bound with the Hella of`aNighting:1le in the skin ofa l-Iart,keep one alwaies watchfhll wizhonm ' Heep; Alfo the ray of :he fork lifh being _bpnnd go ;he‘l§Iav_ijlis laid to make a woman have an ealie travel, if in be taken from it alive, and that put inzo the Sea again. So they lay the righ: eye of; Serpent being applyed, doth help rhewacering of the cves, if :he Serpenrbe let gonlive. Anil-1thctel`is§l‘Ccijtaixi lfifh; qi: great Sei-pen: called i 1157:-w, 'wh0fe`eye;i£it1be`=pdlled~onr,and bound co the forehead’ of the patient; is laid no cure Lhc in- Himation of :hd eyes, and :hilt r.hl!Veye§»of1the'L¥i(hig¢o § 3- gairiwand :har he is taken blind¥ than did not ilezfiheflillx go. Alfotheteezh of all Serpents, being taken oilclxibilell they " V UC
Book L 'ofogaia <z>/,vz¢¢0;,ay,= _..._ _.._.~ 71 s ¢i_-ilu#-'f are alive, and hanged about the patient, are faid to cure thg tanc ' So doth the tooth ofa Mole taken out whrlelt the ig quar I ` b an afterwards let go,cute the tooth-aeh: and Dogs allvr, C 8 , will not bark at thofe that have the :axle of aWeefel that ts h n ue ofa Chame efcaped. And Dmoz-firm relates :hart e to g - leon, if it be taken from her alive, doth conduce to agood fuccefs in trials, and is profitable for women thatarc in travel, if it be about the outlidc ofthe houle, for you mnlltake heed thatit be notbrought into the houfe,abceaul'e than would be moli dan erous ~ Moreovertherebefomc' properties thaere. 3 » main after death : and of thcle the Plarmyhr l`ay,»_ that they are things in which the Idea of the matter islcfs l1vallo eg up, - - ~ rr n in thefc. even after death that which is rmmortall in t cm, or not ccafe to work wonderfull things. So in the. Hcurbspnd Planta pulled afunder. and d rycd,‘that vcreue asquiaaauaapo rative which was infufcd at hrlt into them bythe IdeAJ*'I'hchte 't 's that as the Eagle all her life time doth overcome all other 1 1 bird; fo alfo her feathers after her death deftroy, and con- fume the feathers of all othcrbirds. Upon the fame account doth a Lyons skin dellroy all other skins : and the skin ofithc Civet Cat dcllroyes the skin of thePanther: and the skinofzx Wolf corrodes the skin ofa Lamb : And fome of thcfc donor do it by way ofa eorporealicontra&,1but.a1fo fomctimes by their very fonnd.So tt drum made ofthe skin ofa Wolf, makes :drum made Ofli-n2Ulbf$kiB‘f10lZ to found. ~Alfo a drum made oftheskin of the fifh ealleii tlotchet, drives away allereeping things, at what diftance foevermhz: l°onnd'ol itisheard : and the rings of an inltrumcnt made of the guts of a,Wolf§and being i (trained. upon al-iarp, or Lute with ltrings made of lheepia gutél, will make taohatmony. 1., i , ,r 5 » ¢.,f .!1¢EIk1f ` '.,, fl , , __; Q ~_] f__;' -*argl* r- Em.-» 4 ‘ ~» r an ‘f-- i - :U -...i`L;. l _.7;j','I"_,`_;A,_" 1' ` `;_r_t " ‘-31 “iqu Val -a ‘_ li"e~ e =o»xEy::ra.` ._='?f ' , i" Inf £1 f>‘}i'Iil"E'P 1"`°"3 0»ll`.V .1~1:;1=‘=fr7 ' J
Book I1 , 'Of`0eCuIt@biIo@p/gy, brealhbotvels, blood, arms, and the right hand, and left ear, andthe powersnatural . And fome (et Mar: over the blood, andvcins, and kidniesthe bag ofthe gall, the buttocks, the back, and motion ofthe fperm, and the iraleiblc power; Again they fet'I/'emu over the kidnies,thc tt{licles,the priviticsa the womb, the feed, and concupifcuble power ; as all`o the flefh, fat, belly, brealt, navill, and all fuch parts as fetve to ventral! a6is,a|fo the Orpzrrum, the back bone, and loins ; as alfo the head, mouth, with which they given kil§, as a token 05 love. Now the Moon, although (he may challenge the whole' body, and every member thereof according to the variety ofthe Signes : yet more particularly they afcribe to herthe brain, lungs, marrow of the back bone, the ftomack , the menllrues, and all other extreme-nts, and the left eye, asalfof the power‘ of increaling. But Hmm-: faith, Thatthereare, [even holes in the head of an Animall,d‘ifltibuted. to the ferent Planets,oi<,. the right ear to Sfzmrne, the left to ?upinr, the' ,fi htnollrell to Marx, the left to Wma, the right eye tothe .Séiilirlefttoethe Mean, and the .mouth to Jklr-rear). The feverall Signes al|`o`of the Zodiarfgtake care of theirmembers, So /Irie: governs thehead, and face, Tam-nr the neelr,Gqvxi::i: the arms, and flmonldcrs, Cancer the brcallz, lungsylftomatk, and armes, Leo heart, llomaclt, liver, and back, Pirgae the bowels. and bottome ofthe llomack,Li5r¢: the kidnits, thighs, and burtocks,.S`m;piw the genitals, the priviries, and womb, Sagittarius thc thigh, and groit1s,,[`aprirarma the knees,Agus- rin: the legsand lhins, Prkei the feet. And as the triplicaties of thefe Signes anfwer one the other, and agree in Celeflials, fo allothey agree in the membcrs,whieh is lixlhciently manifell by experience, 'bceaufe with the coldnefs of the feet,the belly, and breall are afft&ed,whicb members anfwer the fame trip|i~ i city ; wheneeit is, if 1 medicine be a plyed to the nnejthelps' the orherras by the warming ofthe lget, the pain of thebelly ceafcth. A Remember therefore this order, and knoll/,;thatl thingé which are under any one of the Planet§, havcga terrain. partieqlar afpeel, or inclination to tlrofe members lthar are,ar~ rribiatcd to»tl1atmPlanet; mid efpegially AIOKIILC, hou@s{°Ud_.¢:=-. f B ' ~,l ' altatxons _' ~ _;
vv-~»,- , -,. . ¢~<`--,.-»~»¢¢-¢-5~¢-yv»~w`.‘~-uv-7-».-¢.~.,;.;L`,rx;;a> ur >v~._,_~ (~ A r A -~,. ,` _~,-. ~ - ~ i » ,- 1 - an , .. :_ V_.:./#~, » » _ __4,` ‘ _ Octuft ‘PHFJ/5pf§1.i y Booltf- , °__`i_°“'7_ altations thereoii For the rcli of the dignltiei. Sf lhofe ttipli.. cities, and markes, and face are of lxtlc account rn thxsienpoq thisnocount therefore Piony,Balme,C1°V¢°g1|1lH9WCfS»C1tron- ils, fwcet Maioram,Cynnamon , Saffron, Ligmlm Aloes, ¥fm}¢;n¢¢n&, Ambn- , Musk , and Myrrh, help thehead, and heart; by neafon of Sal, Aria , and Lea = fo doth Rib~wort,the Hearb of M.zr:,help thehead, and tellieles by reafon ofr-/Iriei, and Scorpio: and fo ofthe rc{¥.All`o all things under S.»u~.m1: conduce to fadneis, and melanchollyg thofe un- der ynpim- to mirth, and honour; thofe undetiklerx IO hold.- nelé, contention, and anger ; thofe under the Sm to glory; viéiory, and courage; thole under Vmfu to love,luR,an C0n~ enpifcence; thofeundcr .Mm-my toliloquence; thofe under the/may toacommon life Alfo -allthe aélions, and difgo- litions ol men are diiiributed aecording tothe Planets. or Smmze governes oldmen, Monkesuuelancholly men,and hid treafures; and thofc things which are obtained with long inurnies,_and difiirulty; but j7upirer,thofe that arekeligous, Prelzteg, Kings, and Dukes, and fuch kind of gains this are got lawfully z Aafgrrrules over Barbers, Chirurgcons, Phyli. tians, Sergentsmlixecudoners, Butchers, all that rnake fires, BaJters,Souldici‘s§%vhoeare every where called Marial men.Alfo do the other stars lignifie their office, as they are dekribed in the hooks ofAlh'o1ogers. > » l_ Cl-lAP.XXIII. i ye i _, Haw Wefba/I lqraw whxt Staj; smturgldthinlgs are izfxirr, amid -‘wbrrr tbxbgrm under tlzrSrm, which are cn led So/ary. NOwitisvery hard to know. what Srar,_on$igne every _ thing is under: yetlinis known _through the imitation of their rayes, or motion, or Egure ofthe fuperiours. Alfo fomc of them are known by their colours and odours, :tlfo fome by the,c&"e&s of their operations, anfwering to fome Stars.~ So then~»§`olary things, or things -under the power o£ theSnnr ' Q ‘ ‘ ~ am,
Booktl. oFo¢¢u1¢Q>1,f1¢y0,»by_f is e u .. »f» -;-+---- ---- §;te, amonglb Elements, the lucid flame; in the humours, the purerbloo' , and fpirit of life; amon lt tail ha; W ' ° quiclnrnixed with fweetnels; Amougll: tgctals, séhld by eéglgolti oftts l'plendor,and its reoeivin that from the Sun which make; xt cordiall. And amonglt Ifones, they which f¢f¢mb|¢ thg rayes ofthe Sun by their golden fparlclings , :tsdoth the glig. terlng Hone Aetites which hathfowcr againfl the Falling. ficknelb, and poifons : fo alfo the lone, which is called the eye of the Sun, being of s. figure like to thc Appleof the eye, from the middle whereof lhincs forth :t ray , it comforts the brain, and ltrengthens the light; So the Czrbunclc which fhines by night, hatha veftue againll: all aiery, and vaporous poifon: fo the Chryfolite ltone is of a light green colour,in which, when it is held :tgainlt the Sun,there lhines forth a golden Star; and this comforts thofe parts that fervc for breathing, & helps thofe that be Althmaticall, and il it be bored through, and the hole Gllcd with the Mane of an Alle, and bound to thelcft: grme, it drives away idle imaginations, and melancholy fears, ihdpnts awdy foolilhnefs : So the fione called Iris , whichis like Crylhll in colour; being often found withlix corners, when under fome roof part of it is held againlk the rayeseof the Sun , and the other part is held in the fhadolv , it (fathers the rayesof theSun into it felf, which, whilelt it fin s them ~forth, -, by wa of reflection, makes attain-bow appear on the oplgofite Wall Alfo the Stone Heliotropion green like the ]a per, or Bmrald,bcfet with red lpecks,makes a man conltant, renowned, and famous, alfo it conduceth to long life : And the vettue ofit indeed is mol’c wonderfull upon the beamsof the'Sun, which it is faid to turn into blood ( ei.) to appearof the colour ofblood, as if the Sun were eclypfcdmi-z.. When it is Ioyned to the juice of an l-learb of the fame name, and be put intoa velfcll full of_W ater ¢ There is allo another vertue of it more wonderfull,and that is upon the eyesoofmenhuhofe light it doth fo dim,and dazel,t_hat it dothno: Jlufiieel him that carries-it to fee it,8.: this iedoth not dowithoht.i_..te heliof the Heath ofthe (aid name , which alfo is ycglledngdehotroplum, (e.i.)follox-ting the Sun,1'hefe vcrtges dvtlygflhrtur Mngnmg f - 2 an ¢ , 1 _.__; .... ' L_ 3 I
Book I. Of0ccult Tbilrja/Jhy. A i A ;; Libanotis, which Orpheus cals the fweet perfume of the Sun. Amonglt Animals thofe are Solary which are magnanimous, couragious, ambitious of vxéiory, and renown : as the Lyon, King ofbeafis, the Crocodile, the fpotccd Wolf, the Ram, th¢ Bnar,the Bull,King of the hetd,which was by the Egyptians at Heliopolis dedicated to the Sumwhieh they callveritegand an Ox was confeeratcd to Apzk in Memphi, and in Hcrminthnsg Bull by the name ofParh:3. The Wolf alfo was eonfecrated to A alla, and Lawn. V Alfo the bezii called Baboon is Salary, which twelve times in a day,'uir.. every hour barks, and in time ol`Equino&ium pilfeth twelve times every hour = the fame alfo it doth in the night, whence the Eggptians did Engfave him npontlreirlliountains. Alfo among birds thcfe are Solary, the Phoenix, being but one of that kind, and the Eagle, the Qeen of birds, alfo the Uultut, the Swan , and thofe which Gllg at the riling Sun, and as it were calling upon it to rife, as the Cock, Crow, alfo the Hawk, which becaufe in the Divinity of the Egyptians is an emblem of the fpirit, and light, is by `Porfphyrius_ reckoned amongft the Solary birds. Moreover, all uchthingsas have fome refemblence of the works of the Sun, as Worms lhining inthe night, and the Betlenvhichisa. creature that lies under Cow- dung, ”alfo according to Appiou; inrerpretgtion, futh whofc eyes are changcdaecording tothe eourfe of the Sun, are accounted Solary, and thofe things which come of them. And amongli frlh, the Sea Calf is chiefi Solar , who doth reliii lightning, alfo [hell filh, and the 61% calleJPulmo, both which [hine in the night, and the lilh called Stella for his patching hear, and the Hfh called Strombi.-that followtheir King, and Margari, which alfo have a King, and being dryed,ate hardened into a [ione ofa golden colour. A 1 r E 3 'Ci-IAP
ir _ Ji Book I._ ofomilfiab/=1z<3n,,»,, e if c 1 " crealing into a ronndnefs, and having horns that bend inwards, Cats alfo are Lunary, whole eyes become greater or lefs, ae- cording tothe courfe of the Moon = and thofe things which are of like nature, as Menliruous blood, of which are made wonderfnllllrange things by Magicians; The Civet-Cat alfo changing her fex, being obnoxious to divers Sorceries, and all Animals that live in water aswell as on land : asOtters, and fuch as prey upon fifh. Alfo all Monlirous bealls, fuch as with- out an manifell: feed are e uivocally generated , as Mice, which lyometimes are generated by Coition,gfon1etimts ofthe gtrefaéiion of the Earth. Amonfgli fowle, Geeleg Ducks, idoppcrs,and all kind of watery o_wl as p upon filh, as the Heron, and thofe that are equivocally proyuced, as Wafps of the Carkafes of hotles : Bees of the putrefafiion of Cows, fmall Flies of putrelied wine, and Berles of the Hcfh of Ailes; but moll: Luxury ofall is the two-horned Betlc, horned alter the manner ofa Bull : which digs under Cow-dung,and there rcmaines for the (pace of twenty ei ht daies, in which time th Moon meafures the whole Z¢di.rc£,and in the twen ninth ¢lay,wh'En it thinks there will be a conjunfiion of rheirthvright- nets , it opens the dung and calisic into Watenfromwhencc then come BetIes.Amonglt fifh thefe are I.nnary,Ii.Zlurus,whol`e eyes are changed according to the courfe of the Moon, and whatfoever o ferve the motion of the Moon, as the Tottoife, the Echcneis, _the Crab,Oi[lers, Cocldes, and Frogs. ' ~_ ...__i.-..__...._ C H A P. X X V. - , W'/Mt thing: are .S`amrnim',ar undef tbepallrer ofSat;n-rrz. Aturnine things, amongll Elements,areEarrh , and alfo Water: amongll humors, black Choller that is moill; 'as well narural,asadventirious,aduilCholler is cxccptcd,¢3mongl% tails, foure, tart, and dead. Amongll: Metals, Lead, ind Gold, realon ofitsweightxand the golden Matcafitq ezlrnonglt Runes; the Onix, the Ziazaa, the Camonius, the Saphir, the brown Jalber, the Chalcedon, the Loadllonc; and all dark, ' . E 4 l weighty, V ~ 'W .
' i i y,BooklI. weighty; earthy things. Amongli Plants, and Trees the Dalfo. dill, Dragon-wort, Roe, Cummin, Helleborfthe tree from whence Benzoine comes, Mandrake, Opium, and thofe thing; which llupiliqand thoh: things which are never l'own,andnever bear fruit,and thofe which bring forth berries ofa dark colour, and black fruit, as the black Fig-tree, the Pino-tree, the Cy- prcli-trec, and a certain tree ufed at burials, which never l' 'rings :rfrelh with berries, rough, of a bitter taft, ofa llrrong flitell, ofa black lhadow, yielding a moll lharp pitch, beating a mol! unprofitable fruit,never dies with age,deadly,dedicated to Pima, as is the Hcarb aFflower, with which they were wont Anciently to ftrow tliie graves before they put the dead bodies into them, wherefore it was lawful! to make their Garland: at fealis with alllflearbs, and Flowers beiides psf- Howcr , bwufe it was moumlirll, and not conducing to mirth. Alfo all creeping Animals, living apart, and folitary, nightly , Eid, contemplative, dull, covetous, fe::rfull,rnelan- cholly, that take much pains, flow, that feed grol1y,fand Qich asest their young. Of thefe kinds therefore are the Mole, he Affek, the Woll`,the Hare, the Mule, the Cat, the Camel, the Bear, the Hog. the Ape, the Dragon, the Balilisk, the Toad, all Serpcnts, and creeping things,Scorpious,Pifmires,and fuch things as proceed from purrefaftion in the Earth, in Water, or inthe ruines of honfes, as Mice, and many forts of Vernrin. Amongfl birds thofe arc Saturnine, which have .l0l1gl`Il¢£iL9, and hatfh voices, as Cranes, E{iriches,and Pea- cocks, which are dedicated to .S'arm-iz, and fum. Alfo the fcrich-Owle, the horn~Owle, the Bat, the Lapwing, the Crow, the <&aile,`which is the moli; envious birdof all; fhmougii fifhes, theEel,1ivingapattli'omallotherfifh; the Lamprey, the Dog-lifh, which devouts her young, ialfo the Tortoife,‘ Oiliers, Cockles, to which may be added Sea-fpunges, and all fuch thingsascomcofthem. CHAR.
'?"f" ' ` "f -3;*-y'»-v1f!'v7rf~_f7v":f'~;1'rx?_'r 'Q_v§-.--. ~ .---,.v_,__'-3- _ _ V _,,rl i .A, W `. _.uw ll e.of<~o£¢}fz¢=a>b;npp@y;e fBookI`~V 11li-_ can. xx~v1r. ` yylmf thing: an nada- the pamr afAMarS,nnd¢¢re caded Martial, ' I-lefe things are Mzrtiall, amongll Elements, Fire, toge- Tther with all adult, and (harp things: Amongli humours; Choller; alfobitter tails, tart, and burning the tongue , and cauling tears : Amongll: Metals, Iron, and red Bralfs; and all fiery, red, and fulphureous things : Amonfzll Stones the Dia-. mond, Loadftone, the Blood-Itone, the ja per, the lionc that eonfiisof divers kinds, thc Amethili. Amon It Plants, and ’1'rces,~l-lellcbor,Garlick,Euphorbium, Cartaiana, Atmoni- ai:k,Radifh, the Laurell, Wolfs- bane, Scammony, and all fuch as are poyl'onous,by reafon of too much‘heat,and thofe which are bclet round about with prickles, _or by touching the skin, burn it, prick it, or make it livell, as Cardis, the Nettle, Crow; foot, and fuch as being eaten caufe tears, as Onyons, Afcolo- nia;Leeks, Muliardfeed, and all thorny Trees, and the Dog# tree; which is dedicated to Mm-1. And all fuch Animalsasarc warlike, ravenous, bold,ancl of clear fancy,as the l»lorl'e,Mule, Goat, Kid, Wolf, Libard, the wild Afs ; Serpents alfo, and Dragons full ofdilisleafure, and poyfon ;' alfo all fuchtas are offeniive to men, as Gnats, Flies, Baboon, by reafon of his anger, All Birds that are ravcnons, devour Helh, breakbones, as théiiagle, thesPaJ_11lrwn, the Hawk, the Valenti and thofe whiclfare mlledelfe :tall Birds, as the Horn-Owl,ech¢: Sctich- 0nil,VQa{itEl;, Kites, and fuch as are htlngrygnd ravenous,and fuch as makea noifc in their fwallowying, astCrows; Dawg the Pie, which above all; tlieireii is dedicated to Ulfarr. And a-- mongil Filhes, the Pike, the Barbell, tbc__~Fork-Elh, the - Filh that hath horns like a Ram, the Sturgeon, thcGlaucus, all which are great dcvouters, and ravennus, ‘ _ A _ A CHA PL
,f~- ` ‘ _ Book I. Of Occult T/nilzwpby. CHA P. XXVIII. What rbi-r_g.¢ ure under the power of Venus, and are ea/led I/‘ima reall. THefe things are under I/mm, amongli Elements,Aire,and W - amon flhumours,Flegm, with Blood, Spirit ater , g and Seed ; amongil talks, thofe which are fwect, un&uous,and ' ' l deleéiable; amonglt Metals,eS1lver, and Br=§._ b0Il1 YC l0W. and red - amongll Stones, the Benll, Chryfolite, Emrald, Sa- phir green ]afper, the Corneola, the flone hetites, the Lazull Hon; Corall, and all of a fair, various, whitc,_and green Co- lour ;’amongllPlants and Treesthc Vervin, Vtolet, Maiden- haire, Valerian, which by the Arabian is called Phu ; allo h h um Ladanum Amber grife Musk, Sanders, Cori- 'I' yme,r e g , - , ander and all fwect perfumes,and delightfulhand fweet fruits, as fweet Pears, Figs, Pomegtanats, which the Poets fay as,in Cyprus, firll [own by Vemx. Alfo the Role of lncftfwas dedicated to her, alfo the Myrtle tree of Hqymu. Moreover all l@'ioh$, delicious Animals. and ofa (hong love, as Dogs, Conies, liinking Sheep, and Coats, both female, and male, which generates fooner then any other Anitnall, for theyffay that he couples after the fcventh day of his being brought: ` d h Calffor his wan forth ; alfo the Bull For his difdam, an t c , 1 - tonnei3. Amongll birdsthe Swan, the.Wagtail,rhcSwallow, the Pellican, the Burgander, which' are very loving to their yong. Alfo the Crow, and Pigeon, which is dedicated to V:- mu, and the Turrle,one whereof was Commanded to be offer- ed at the purification, after bringing forth. The Sparrow-alfo was dedicated to Fenw, which was Commanded in.§he'1'.3W to be ufed in the purification, after the leprolie, amztrtiall difc:1fe,then which nothing was of more force to rclilt it. Alfdi the Egyptians called the lzagle Vemu, becaufe Gmc is prone to Venery, for after the hath been trod thirteen tirnesinaday,iif the Male call her, (he runs to him again. Among!! lifhcs; thefe are Venereall. the lulliull Pilchardas, the letcherous Giitheadg the Whiting for her love to her yang, the Crab fighting for his I‘4ate,and Iithymallus for its fragrant, andsfweet fmell. ~ e e C H A P. f Q , , A _ Y , n ' ` Y i ~ Y v , _ f.“1Q_fl, ii;-in-.-__
-»¢¢»~w Q-;~;"f" I ----.'.;._?;z.- _ T j:,~_ _fri-`..>-_i_:_».i _ ,M :_..`.. __..;:,_, , _,, V ' Y Cfiflccnlt@biMzpby. Book L r CHAP.'XX1x Wbae thing: are under thrpawcr of MC1’G1’Y»d:zd are mllfd Mer. _i ¢=uri¢/»’- ,l e . . P'I‘l-iings under Almug are Lhefqamongll Elcmenrs , wa. _ o_ ter, alrho li ir moves all rhings indillinfily; amongll liumors, thofe géecially which are mixed, as alfo the Animal! fpirit; amongil calls rhofc :har are various, llrangc, and mix. ed : amongfi Merals, (Qxjck-lilvcr,Tin, :hc Silver Marcalitc; amongfl iiones, the Emrald, Achares, red Marble, Top.1zc,and thofe which are of divers colours,and various Egures narurally, 8: rho`l`e that are artiliciall,as gl:£s,& :hole which have a colour mixed with yellow, and green. Amongll Planrs,and Trces,rhe Hazle , Five-leaved-grafs, rhe Hear Mercury, Pumirary, Pimpernelll, Majoram, Parily,e:md fuch as have lborter and lcl§ leaves, being compounded of mixed natures, and divgi Cplptm. Animals alfo, that are of uick fence, ingenious, (hong, inconllant, livifr, and fuch astgwecome cafily acquain. red with men, as Dogs,oApes, Foxes,Weefels. the Hart, and Mule; and all Animals that are of both fexes, and thofc which can change their Sex, as the Hare, Civcr- Car, and fueh likohmoggfl birds,rhofe which are naturally witry,mclodious, :mdiinco ant, as rhc Liner, Nighrin§ale,Blackbird, fhrullz, Llrk, gh; Gnu:-fappcr, the bird Calan ra, the Parrer, :hc Pie, xhc Birdlbis, :he bird Porphyrio, che black Bcrle with one horn;And amongll liflmhe liih called ‘l‘rocblus,which goes into himfel£ alfo Pougcontrcll for dcccirfulnefs, and changeable-, nelé, and the Fork lilh for irs indullry; the Muller alfo tha: (hikes olfzhc hainon the hook wixh hi; mile. ‘ , -.Y 1 -CHAP- 4_` _ .4 , J l .F A
Bbol<~Ir;5 0f"0cciiIifPl1ilqhplqy. ,_ That the Whale/irblftnarj World, and they/2 thing: whirl; are inlit, are dylrilumd ta ‘Planrm Oreoverwhatfoeveris found in thewhole world is made according to the governments of the Planets , and ae. cordingly receives itsvcrtue. So in Fire the cnlivening light thereof is under the government of the Stm,the heat ofinundcr Marr, in the Earth , the various hipcrlieies thereofunderthc Moon, and Afermg; and the Harry Heaven, the whole Trials ol it under Sarurne, but in the middle Elements,Aire is under yupim-, and Water the /llama, but being mixed are under Ulfercnrj, and Ve-nzu. In like manner natural! :tfiivc eaufeg obferve the Sun , the matter the Moon , the fnxitfulnels of aflive caufes fupiter , the fruitfullnelk of the matter, lfggtu, the fudden ei¥e&ing of any thing, Mar, and Mir. ¢-u5jf`fh'it'for hisiirehemeney, this forhis dexterity, and mani- fold vertue: Bur the permanent continuation of all things is aikrib ed to .S`anmi¢_ Alfo amongfi Vegetables, every thing that bears fruit is from fupim-,and every thingthat bears, Flowers is from P'en1u,allSeed,andBarlt is from Afqcmjpnd all roots from .$ann~ne, and all Wood fromkllarr, and leaves from the Mean. Whereforeall tliarbring, forth fruit, and not Flowers, are of Snmrnr and fupirefg but they that bring forth Flowers, and Seed, and not Fruit, are of I/mm, and /‘l»1rrrur_y ; Thgflg which are brought forth of their own aceord without' Seed,ar¢ of the Moon, and Snmrfie; All beauty is from I/bam, all ltrength from Marr, and every Planet rules, and diipofeth; that which is like ro it.Alfo in Gones,their weight,L larnminelsy Slipticltnels is oF.S`¢iturne, their ufe,and temperament of fupi-` ter, their hardnch from /Marr, their life from the;S`un,,theit beauty andfairnels from I/emu, their occult vertut; from Zier.. tm-jg theircommonufefromtheillaau..1' - ‘- .ice-E;§;3f,= ; ” 1' ~~» r - » are _mia ~ f r r J "'»’CL";'§¥9`3’f""‘*CHA 2°
--»-<»~-,.~,.,.;.c' .,<» l _ , . v,-,.,~ -_-.~...-|,-.,;_;-__;_, - _ ‘ _ ,, _,_ HU ,_ __:-»-r»»»¢g-..,, V __i.,, f-r~._.¢ ._..» 4 .~ -~~ y .V .. . .V i_o£§o¢¢r1z»fPbzl¢n'>pby. Br>b1£ii,i;§` i CHAP. XXXL Haw Pravinccr, and K ingdamc: are di/friéuted to Planta. MOreover the whole Orb of the Earth is diirributed by Kingdoms, and Provinces to the Planets, and Signes : For Macedonia, Thracia, lllyria, India, Arriana, Gordianzr, (many of which countries are in the leffct Alia), are under .Ya-_ mrné with Caaricarn; but with Aquarizu, under him are thc Saurornatizm Lountry, Oxiana, Sogdiana, Arabia , Phazania, Media, Ethiopia, which Countries for the moll part belong to thcmorcinward Alia. Under fupirer with Sugirrarim are 'fufcanag Ccltica, Spaine, and happy Arabia : under him with Ti/i'r.r, are Lycia , Lydia, Cilicia, Pamphylia, Paphlagonia, Naliunonia, and Lybia. Ulldr: with Arie: governs Britang, France, Germany,Bal‘tarnia,the lower parts o£Syria,Idumea, and Judea : with Scarpio, the rules Syria, Comagcna,Cappado- cii.Mctngoniuu1,Mauritania,andGetulia.'l`lie Sun with Lea go~ VcrQ$It1llT5:Apulia,Sicilia,Phcnicia,Chaldca,8c the Orchenians, Hmm with Trzxmu governs the llles C yrlades,the Seas of litle AIia.Cy£n1s, Pztrthia, Media, Pcriia : but with Libra (hc com- mands t epeople ofthe lfland Braflia, of Cafpia, ofScrcs, of Thebais, of Oafs, and of Troglodys. /Mercury with §emini, rules Hrrcania, Armcnia,Mantiana, Cyrcnaica , Marmztrica, tindvthélower :Egypt : but with Pirgo, Grcecc ,e Achaia, Greta, Babylon, Mefopotamia, Alfyria , and lilac, whence they ofthe: place are in Scripture called Elarnitcs; Ihr; Mann with 6`d7'»&'tI’g0YCIIl$ Bithivia, Phrygia,Co'lbhica,Numidia, ,Ar- ftica, Carthage, and all Carchedonia- Theft: we have inthis manner gathered 1-from Ptalmir-.f opinion, to_ which ac- cording co thc writings of other Altrologers many more may be added. But he which knows how to compare thcfe diviIi~ ons of Provinces according to the divilidns of the Stars, with the Miniliery ofthe ruling Intelligencics, and bleflings of the Tribes of Ifrael, the lots ofthe Apolilcs, gud typical) fealesoif the facred Scripturelhall be able to obtain great and prophe- tlcdlliofaclcs concerning every Region, of things to come; Y ‘ °‘ V ‘ C H A P | .Q ` iw ,_ v1';._,_» _, `§. ‘ ‘ ,‘ ' , " . ;__-,.~ 1 .4....._-,»,- ~ ~» -gn Af, ‘ _ , -
Book L ofoffufobfoppn. 6 » CHAP. XXXIL who rbingr are under tb: Signer. tb: fixed Starr, #nd their Imager. . E-le like eonlidemion is ro be had in all rhings comm# Ting (he figures of the Bred Stars: to they will have the Terreltiall Ram ro be under the rule of the Celelliall Aria: and :he Tcrreltiall Bull, and Ox ro be under the Celeflrall Turmn. So alfo that Cam-fr llxould mlé: over Crabs, and ‘ka over' Lyons ;‘ I/ir oover Virgins, and Scorpio over $c0rpi6n$» Cnp-i¢-am over iioars. ,~1l`s¢_gi:rariu: over Horfes, and Pfrex Ov!! Filhgs. Alfoehe Celelliall Uqflz over Bears, Hjdr-A over Serpenrs, :md :he Dog-Ihr over Dogs, and lfo ofthe fell. Now dpnleiw dilhibures cerrain and peculiar lzlearbs to the Signes, and Planers,niz._ to Arie: the Hearb Sange , to Tara: Ver- vine that grows llraiglxnto Gemini Vervine that grower bend- irfg trr6’¢a:rrr.Comlrcy,. eo Leo Sowbread, ro Prrgv Calaminr, to Lilw Mug-wort, to Sm»pi¢Scorpion-grafs, to Snfirrariar Pimpcrnell, to Capricorn the Dock . to Aqxaridr Dngonf wort, to Pi/iw Hare-wore. And ro the Planets dxcfqvizz to Satxr:geSer1~green, eofupirrr /;§rimony, eo _#fm-1~Sulpluu> wort. to the Sun Marygold, to em: Woundaworr, to Mfr. mr] Mulleinc,t0 tht: Mven,lPc0ny.. But HU$!!, whom/fl- bmm f'ollows,dillribnres tothe Planer: rhcl`e,vir,. rosarnraé the Daffodill ro Ynpitrr Henbane, eo /Mm Rib-wort, toxlxe Sun Knorgmfs, ro'V¢nu: Vervinq to /Hrrmrj Cinquefoile, to the Mean, Goof four. We alfo know b experieneetllzxt Afparagus is under e/ff-in, and Garden-baglyl un‘ddr1S¢'arpio; For of che fluvings of Rarnf hom (owed, comes foreh Afparir- gus, and Garden lialill rubbed benvixe :wo llonegprodrzeeelr seorpions. Moreover I will according ro rhe doéhineof Hmner, and Tbebir reckon up fume of the rnorejexninent Stars, whereof :he (irll is called therhead of rv!! Manda. mongft lloncs. .rules over :heDiamond,earno;1g{Hi1nrs, black I-lelleborgand lglugworz. Ike feeondenge theBlr:i.1des,or fevcn _ 1 r ~ 5 nf §Ul5» 1 r “ le V ->)'_ , ' , » ‘f ~ °‘ ._ _ ._ .. .__» u. ...--
lI"""*""“"' ""~~',<"."°"' '_»~r.7" ' ‘ W ~-»-; " _ r ,;§.|g _- ._` ,e 1:._' _ , l , OF0cculcIG’b:l¢y6ply. Bookfll Stars,which amongst llones, rule over Qryflall, and the (lone Diodncuspzmongl -PlL1I1l§,ffxCHC:1rl> Dtacedon, and Frankun- cenfe , and Pennill .- andhmongft Metals, (Luck-Giver. The tl1lt'cl°isthe 'Sthr ¥¢;YId¢B°¢>r¢m‘, which hath under it; amongll [lones,thc Carbuncle, and Ruby: amongft Plants. the Mrlky Thillzle, and Matty-ltlvg. The fourth is called the Go:at:Star, whichrrnlesfrimongll lloncs; the Saphir, smuugft Plants, I-lore. -hound;lMint;h/lugwott; and Mandrake. The fifrhtiscalled thc great~Dbg-llir, which amongll llones; rules over&he'Bcnll_: 1; lmongft Plants, Sevin, Mugwort, and Dragonwott ': and z- mbngll Animals the tongue of a Snake. The lixth is called the Alelfer Dog~{lar, and zlmongll llones, rules over Achates : 3- fmqnglilllanxsxhe Flowerseof Mn? 'qld, and Penyroial. The fcventh islralledthe Hem dhtheffylnnl whichhmongll llones, rules overtheGrar1:~.te ; arhongft Plants;SallCf1`dl!1C.Mllgwvrf, and Mallick. The eighth is the Taile ofthelelfer Bear, which amongfk llonesxules over the I:oad&one,;mongfl,Hesrhs,Suc. cory, whofejlcaves, :md Flowers turnttowards the~Notth, aj fo »Mngwprt,~and'the Bowers of Perwinckle; and amdngll Ant. ‘mstlsthc tooth of:rW~olf. The ninth’is called thg:.Wing of the -Crow; undeewhielgamongff &0Il€5,“3l'¢;»l'llCfl5 ftones as ayesof -1he=€IQlour of the black Onyx Home : qmonglh -Plants the Bur, ~Qu:tdraginus, Henb:xnc,and Comfrcy; and amongll Animals ~the'tongue.of a Prog. The tcrgthfisealled Spina. which hath ‘-iindeniégamongli Ih>nes,r.he Emrald = amongll Plants, Sage, ~=Tril`oile;fPcxwinkld,Mngwnrt; and tMandrake.- The eleventh is calledhlchamecb, which amongllt Ronesgrulcé idver. thc Jaf- .per: atnongllz Plants the Plantain; 'The twclfthjsfcalled El- pheia, under this, umonglbfloncs, is»thc2"Iopazc ;" amangn _.Pl;mts’,R6l`emany,‘Trifoilé,£1hdivy; . ~’Ihe*thirteenth is culled thel-leart of the scorpion, under whiehgmongftnltones, is the :Sardonius, and Amythill ;° amonglk Plhnts long Arillznlochy, land balfron. The fourteenth lis. the' Falling Vultur, Qunder 'whichnamongll lloncs,is the Chryfolite : arnongll: Plints Succo. sry,:md humitary. The tifteentbis the T ailcrof C:|pticorn_utr~ :der§whien,among& Ronegisthc-Chalcedone : amongllz Plants, fM=}¢Jr1¥!1,Mvg=vorr., and Nip, and the root ofllylandkakc. A . More-
Ecol( I. 'Of Occult '13/:il¢jopl;y.i . ii .Moreover this we mall know,that every llone,or Plant, or A; nimall, or any other thing is not governed by one Star alone, but many of them receive influence, not feparated, but con. joyned, from mimy Stars. So amongll &ones,the Chalcedony is under Sararrnr; and <./‘14ercur],togethcr with the Taile of .S`carpion,:md Capricorn. The Saphir under fupirer, Samrnr, andthe Star Alhaioth ; Tutia is under fupirer, and the Sm; and Moon, the Emrald under fupiter, Vemxx, and (Zinc , and the Star Spica. 'I`hesAmethy , as faith Hamm, is urfzr Mmr, fupirer, and the Htart of the Scorpion, The ];
p¢r which is of divers kinds is under Marr, fupim-,and the Star Alchamech. the Chry folite is under the Sun, Venus, and Mn- cm-), as alfo under the Star which is called the falling Vulrur ; the Topazeundcr the .S`1m,and the *tar Elphcia ¢ the Diamond under /l!.ir.¢,and the Head ofAlgol. In like manner amongll: Vcgctables,thc Hearb Dragon is under S»zmru¢~, :md the Ce- lclhall Dragon , Mallick, and Mints, are under fnpirer , and the Sam; but Maltirkis alfo undcrrhe Heart ofthe Lyon, and the Goat (lar: Hellebor is dedicated to Marr, and the Head of Algol, Molfe, and Sanders, to the Sun, and I/'mm ; Coriander to Vfmu, and Sarurne. Amonglt Anirnzls, the Sea Calf is under the Sun, and ?upim-; The Fox, and Ape under Samrne, and /llmmg : and Domellicall Dogs under »/llercfrrj, and the rjfaan And thus we hive lhewed more things in thefe_infcriours,by their fuperiours. I s ___1__ -- CHAP. XXXlII. V 4 Of the Sm/1, and C'barak7¢r.r af]’Qz!1n'.1.¢f/Jfngr. V if , _ v 4 L Ll Stars have their peculiar Natures, properties, andcfjrif i dirions, the Seals and Charafters whereof they produce _through their rayes evenyin thefe inferiour thingsl;zgf:;.,in,Elc-5 rhrinrs, inirones, in Plants, in Animals,_;tnd;theirrnembers, lrvlmcnce every, thing receives froru. Ni l11lr§!9i3fQL1S,dl@0l§£iQIs and from its Star fhining upon ir,»lfo51e3pq@gql;r» $ca1,,q; A J ' ~ > Charaéler _ rl '_ p ., _ `
“' _.js-"~‘1:<;».:¢';".:';._:;'r{f=" " ""'”’*’**'?f~:=- ' A ` l Offjccult Wniltwpby. B°0k Qmaer lhmptinpon it, whichis the lignihcatoeofthzt Star, ‘ot luttnony, contcining in it a peculiar vctmf: dtllcnng from other vertuesof the hme matter, bvlh g¢"¢f'¢="Y, fl? cilieally, and numerically. Every thing thereforehath IU Character relfed upon rt by its Star for fome peculiar efFe6, efpecially l?y that Star which doth principally govern |t_: And ghefe Characters comin, and retain rnthem the peculxarna- tures, venues, and roots of their Stats. and produce the like operations upon other things,on which they arclrefic&ed, and fhrup, and help the influencies ofthcir Stars, whether they be Pl;tners,ur fixed Stars, and figures, and Celcftiall lignes,‘t/iz. as oftus thcyrlliill be made in a lit matter, and in their due, and gcmlto 'ed tim s. Which ancient wife men conhdcring, fuch aslabogied moat in the finding out of the occult properties of things, didTet down in writing theimzges ofthe Stars,theit Egungg, Seals, Marks, Characters, fuch asnature her fell' did defcribe by the tayes of the Stars, in thcfe inferiour bodies, 'fume in ltoncsforne in Plants. and ioynts,and knots of boughs, _ and fotnein divers members of Animals. For the Bay-cree, the Lote-tree, the Marygold are Solary Plants,and in their roots, and knots bei cut ofF,fhew the Charaftets ofthe Sun, fo alfo in the bone, a:§ lhoulderblades in Animals : whence there as role a lpatulary kind of divining (i.¢~.) by the lhouldcr-blades, 'and in (tones, and llony things the Charavflcrs, and images of Celclliallthingsare often found. But feeing that in fo greata divetfty of things there is not a traditionall knowledge , only in a few things, which humane nnderllanding is able to teach : Therefore leaving thofe things which are to befound out in Plants, and Stones, and other things, as alfo, in the members of divers Animals, we (hall limit our (elves to mans nature ou- ly, which feeing it is the compleatelt image ofthe whole uni- verfc, containing in it felfthe wholoheavenly harmony, will without all doubt abundantly afford us the Seals, and Cha- nfiers ofall the Stats, and Celelkiall inlluencies, and thofe as themote efficacious, whichzxre leib differing from the Cele{li~ all nature. But as the number of the Stars is known |:o,God alone, fo alfo their effeéls , and Seals upon thellz inferiour i i i ~ tbihsw i‘ ~:. _sg _‘~ . ____;_*__~~ - ' '*
Bock I. Of Occult Q’/ulofvjdhy. V thins : wherefore no humane intellcéi is able to attain to the knowledge of them. Whcnce very few of rhofe thin gs became .known tous,whieh the ancient Philol`ofhers,& Chyromanoexs attained to, partly by reafon, andtgart y by exgerience, and there be many things yet ly hid in e trealixry o nature. We Gull herein this place note fome levy Seals, and Clut';&ers of ehePlznets,fnch as the ancient Qxyromancers knew in the hands gf men. Thefe doth fulimx call fxcred, and divine letters, fee- xng that by themnecording to theholy Scripture is the life of men Writ in their hands. And there are in all Nations, and Languagegalwaies the fame, and like to them,and permanent; to which were added, ind found out afierwatds many more. itsby the ancient,i`f’o’l>y latter Chyrommeers. And they that would know them mul! have reeourle to their Volumes. It is fuiiieient here to (hew from whence the Qmmfkers of Nature have their originall, and in what things they ue to be cn- quited after. ' . H; F z There
K , _, ` v 3 ‘Eff 68 OF Uccult Tbilcfnply. Book I. W 'I'/rerefbllozv the Figures of Divine Letters. ' The Lmm, ar Char.zHm ffSarurn c. i ,jg »§~ ¢,g/“A`I X9 °
 T he Lmm, or Clmmmn afjupircr. L-f,/.>=£I'a :|:HVi=2H;> sm 1 V 7'1:iLémr:, ar C`L»»¢%aE?er.¢ Mars. I u= f:-f"’3 ‘U 521% A The Lmfrx, crg/:araE?rr: qfrlne Sun. U7 EH IE"9"S?C E,R?#I[Ov<-f'./D 1 7'/Je Lmerx, or [`h¢!7‘»1f§!)’l af Venus. °s'T'J"a»& The Lcmrx, or Charafkrx cy' Mcm|ry_ Q36 Q0 i5 6 3-rw gp. gl Tb: Lfttrn, or Cbam£Ier: ofthe Moon. 6}CQ¢,%S=">-.,;.Q-;,-°;;>)
Book I. OF Occult ‘Pbilrjizply ' i kCIjlAP. xxlxiv. ~ Howé Natlrm/I thin 1, and their 'vermrt we ma draw forth, anlifxtzrnél the inflfmciex, and ‘l/071161 af Cel%all éodin. N0w if thou dclitelt to receive vertue from an part ofthe World, or from anyStar, thou (halt cgtholi; things b,e~ ing ufed which belong to this Stargcome un er its peertlmrin- Hixencc, as Wood is fit to receive lame, by reafon of Sulphur, Pitch, and Oile. Neverthelefs when thou doli to any one l1J¢Cicsol"things,or individualgightly :ipplymany thi@s,whieh are things of the fame fubjcéi fcattered amongll thcmfelves, conformable tothe fame ldm, and Star, prefentl by this mat- ter fo oppottunely fitted, a lingular gift is infufecl, by the Idea, by meansiof the foul of the world. I lay opportunely fitted, vie.; gnder a harmony like to the harmony, which did infufe a eert:iin'i/ettue into the matter. Por although thingshave fome vertues,l`uch as we fpeak of, yet thofe vertues do fo fly hidxhat there is feldom any cffcér produced by them : but :fin z grain of Mullartlfeed bruifed, the fharpnc!§ which lay hidirislltitreii up: and asthe heat of the lircidoth _malie letters apparently feen, which helorecuuld notibeétead, thztwere writwith the juice ofanOnion or milk: and letters wrote upon alionc with the fat ofa Goat, and altogether unperceived , when the [lone is put into Vineger, appear -and lhew theml'eives.i And,asa blow with :t liick licirs up the madncfs of a Dog, which before lay alleep, fo doth the Celcliiall harmony difclofe vertucs ly- ing in the water, (tits them up, llrengtheneth them, :md makes them manifell, and :tsl may fo (ay, produceth that into AH, which before was only in power, when things :ire»_rightl,ié;. pofed to it in a Celelliall feafon. As lorexample§, Ifthou doll defirc to zittriéi vertuc fromthe Sun, aitd, toletltthole thlnggrtliate are 2$olary, amonglb Vegetahlmi Plihtlrghletais, Stones, :md =Anim:i~ls,, thcfe things arerrobe ulediandtalten chiefly, whith' in a Solam order titehigheti 7' for thele are - i 5 E3 . _i more et; i r _'_,_Q.t
_ ` . . '-'-,_ s Of 0ccult7Pbil¢Wpby. Book I . moreavailable = So thou (halt draw afingular gift fromthe Sun through the beams thereoi being feafonably received to. gcther, and through the fpirit of the world. ' e i » I p cane, xxxv. p Mixripnfnf' y,-ammll thing: one with nixdtlarr, andtbrir dmrfir. “ l 'I' is moll evident,that in the inferiournature all the powers Inf fupctiour bodies are not found comprehended inany one thing, but are difperfed through many kinds of things a- mongli us ; as there are many Solary things, whereof every one doth not contain all the vertues of the Sun: hut fome have fame properties from the Sun, and othersotherfome. Where- fotcitis fometimes neceifary that there be mixtions in npe. rations, that if a hundred or a thoufand verrues ofthe Sun were difperfed through fo many Plants,Anima|s,& the like,wc may gather all thefe together, and bring them into one form, in which we lhall lee all the (aid vertuer, being united, con- tained. Now there is a twofold vcrtue in commixtion,one,~vi.e, _which was firlt planted in its parts, and is Celefiiall, the o. ther is obtained by a certain, and artiriciall mixtion of things mixt amonglt themfelves, and ofthe mixtions of them accor- ding to certain proportions, fueh as agree with the heaven ,under a certain Lionliellation ; And this vertue defeends by a certain likenefs, and aptnefs that is in things amongft them- felves towards their fuperiours, and as much as the following do by degrees eorrefpond with them that go before, where the patient is Htly a plyed to its a ent. So from a certain compoljtion of Heargs. vapours, ang fuch like, made accord- ing to naturall Philofophy, and Aitronomy, there refultsa certain common form,endowed withmany gifts of the Stars ; as in the honey of Bees, that which is gathered out of the iuicc of innumerable Flowers, and brought: into one form, con- “, Q p tatl'1$ me ‘_ , ~ .n- _eg ,_ 1;~ J , __ $4l1:¢._..;- '_ __ A __2`i:1_s._,>,_
7-Q-gf' Hook 1. * ofo¢¢¢a¢fPbfz<¢, 1 i ming ghg vgnugbf all, by a kind of divine, and admirable are of the Bees. Yet this is not e¢0_b¢: lefs wondred at which Eu. daxur Giudim reports of an ettiliciall kind of honey, ytvlrieiyaw certain Notion of Gyants an Lyhia kneyvé ytotmahc ont of' Flowers, and that very good, and not far inferiout to that of the Beer. Forever mixtion. whichconlifls ofmanyfeverall things,is then moll erfeéi, when it 'is fo firmly compaéled on all parts, thzt it Becomes one; is every where firm toil: (elf, and can hardly be diflipated : as we fometimes fee (tones, and divers bodies to be by acertain natural! power congluti-_ nared, and united, that they feem to be wholly oncthtng: as we fee two trees by gra ng to become one,yaIl`o Oillgers with liones by a certain occult vertne ol naturcntndthere have been foen fome Animals which have been turned intoliones, and fo united with the fubfianee of the ftonc, that they feem to make one body , and that alfo homogeneous. So the tree Ebeny is one while wood, and another while Hone. When therefore any one makes a mixtion of many matters .under the Celeiiiall inlluencies, then the variety of Celeiiiall a&i6if§ on one hand, and of naturallypowers on the other hand, being ioyned together doth indeed caufe wondetixll things,by ointments,by collyries,by fumes,and fneh likenvhéclm wie. are read in the book of (`/fimmlr , ¢/Irelyu, Dem# ¢-rims, and Hema, who is named vflcbamg, and ofmany others. . 1; ~' 1 F 4 V _ _C ,.»- -
_ ~ »J .r". » ,, _,._...,.... ---,.-_......._......-»-»--»~~.,-_---»->-.-..» _._ - - ~. ~.~ » ., . __ , ' i »' ~ - ‘ N __.--.` ;4.'»_»,.,,|-71/ ‘. if fB0¢1< If gy .f A. ‘ '~ vcuav. XXXVL . dfrbé ofmixk ibirxgr. arrd the {n:rqdr:&ian ofa more nadle ‘*}`a%éiié!rb: S¢Uff! Wx L r i ' V Greover ive inu[`t know, that by how much the more 'lxioblethe form of anything is, bypfo much themore prone , *find* apiit is fdrereivt; , :md powerfull toa&. Then tlieiileiiiiieéiiftliirigr dothen become wonderfull, vii.. when tHéy£t`R§‘ptit'toii1atrers that are mixed ;and prepared in hr l`ez~ foixsytoireitlrc them alive, by procuring life for them from the Stiré, as :ilfo a fenfible ioul,_ :is a more noble form. For there ignibr t _H Qbuver in ptepcircd matters which we fee do then urhiiir li rhirtion ofquzilitics fecms tobrealr tliiifdfrher cohrraiitry. ' For,fo’iriuch thcrnorc perfeét life thing§receiv‘e, by how much their temper is more remote from eontriiiety; Now the Heaven , as g_ prevalent caufe doth froipithebgginnihg oFe3/'ery thing to be generated by the con- eo§ioir;f;hd digeftinn fbi' the matter, ‘together with’ IiFq5‘eliows Céelliill |nHtien“ce§,:1`nd1vondetfull gifts, ZICCOT- ding toithe'Capxeiry thzit is in ther life, and fenlible foul to re~ ceive more noble, and fublime vertues. For the Celefliall ver# tue ‘doth otherwife lye alleep , as Sulphur kept from Flame, but in living bodies irdoth altvaies bum; as kindled Sulphur, then by its vapour it Els all the places that are next to it ; lb certain wonderfull works are wroughtfuch as are read in the book of Ncmirh,which is rituled a Book of the Laws of Pluto, beeaufe fuch kind of monllrous generations are not produced according to the Laws of Nature. For we know that of Worms are generated Gnats,of`a I-lorfc Waf es,of a Calf,and Ox Bees , ol a Crab, his legs being taken offjand he buried in the ground , a Scorpion ; of a Duck dryed into powder, and put into Water, are generated Frogs; but if it be baked in a Pic, and cut into pieces,and put into amoili place under the ground, Toads are generated of it : of the Hearb Garden Bafill bruifed berwixt two Bones, are generated Scorpions, and ofthe hairs ofa menltruous Woman put under dung, are bred 1
...._...,_vV___ Book I- Of Occult 'P/nilyopby. i bred Scrpents; and the hair of a l-lorfe taile put into Water, rccelvethlifc, and is turned into :x pernicious Worm. And there ts an art wherewith by a I-len fitting upon Eggs may bg generated :t form like to a man,which I have feen,&knew how T0 m3k¢`» which Magicians fmy hath in it wonderfnllvertucs, and this they callthe true Mandrake. You muil therefore know which,md what kind of matters are either of nature, or :xtt,begun, or perfeéied, or compounded ofmorc things, and what Celeliiall infiuencies they are able "to receive. Fora Qongruity ol naturall thingsis fuliicient for the rcceivingof infiucenreftom Celeiliall ; hecaufe when nothing dothhindcr the Celeltials to fend forth their oiights upon inferiours, they fnffer nomatter to be deliitiire of their vertue. Wherefore as much tnatter as is petfefi, and pure, is not unfit to receive the Celelhall intilucnce. For that is the binding and continuity of the matter to the foul of the world,which doth daily How in upon things naturall, and all things which naturehath pre- pared. thatit is impofiible that a prepared matter ihould not: t`E`ceive life, or a more noble form. ~ l_` >_i ‘ ' ' CHAP. XXXVII. ' Han# 6) Fume certain nmzrallwud tzrrqieitzllpreparnrianr we maf fxttmé? crrrtzifi Cr/g/Iiall, and fuimll gwr. PL.»1nmUlf,together with Hman, lay, and farclfw Brack- ~ mmm, :md the Mecubals of the Hebrews confefs,th:ttall fublunarv things are fubjeéi to generation, and corruption, and that'all`o there are the fame things in the Celelliall world, but after a Celeftiall manner, as alfo in the intelleéiuall world, but in a far more perffefi, and better fafhion, and manner, but ` ` l . A dfafrcr inthe moit perfeft manner of all in the examp ary n V_ thiseourfe, that every inferiour lhould in its kind-ainliver its fuperiour and through this the fupream itfelf, and rc- eeive from heaven that Celeliiall power which they call the A e e p quinteil
ifarean acapacity to receive certain Celeiliall gifts from above. _ ofo¢rzf»q>/>fz<y;>,,/U. Book 1. 1_1u1» ° he irit of the w0rld,0rthe middle_nature, §::1nl;¢?>‘;lTlle°fnl:ell3!uall world a fpirituall and enlivening yqtuc tranlcending all qualities whatfoever, and lallly from the exemplary or originall wotld,through the mediation of the other, according to their degree receive the originall power of the whole perfeéliorm H¢“C¢ "CW thing ‘WY bc aptly ¢¢du¢¢d from thefe inferiours to the Starsjrom the Stars to their Intelligeneies, and from thence to the firii caufeit (df. from the feries, and order whereof whole Magick, andlrll occult Philofophy Howes :_ For every day fome naturall ghingis drawn by art, and fome divine thing drawn by nature, whgduhg Egyptians feeing, called Nature a Magit|anef§f(i.r.) the very Magicall power it (elf, in the attracling of likeby like; and offurable things by futable. Now furh kind of at- traéiions by the mutual] correlpondency of things amongll thcmfelves, of fuperiours with mferiours,the Grecians called ¢»W¢v¢£9au - So the earth agrees with cold water, the water with ‘moan Aire, the Aire with Fire, the Fire with the Hea- yen in water; neither is Fire mixedwith water, but by Aire; nor the Aire with the Earth, but by water. So neither is the foul united to the body, but byfhe fpirit , nor the undéftand- ing to the fpirit but by thefoul. So we lee when nature hath framed the body of the infant, by this very preparative (he prefently fetcheth the fpirir from the Univerfe. This fpiritis thcinltrument to obtain of God the underllandin .and mind inthefoul,and body, as in wood the dryuefs isgtted to re- ecive oile, and the oile being imbibed is food for the Fire,thc Pirciistlie vthieulum of light. By rhefe examples you fee ligowhy fomepcertain uaturall, and artifieiall preparations, we Forlloncs, and Metals have a correfpondency with Hearbs I-learbs with Animals, Animal: with the Heavens, the Hea- vens with Intelligencies, and thofe with divine properties, and attributes, and with God himfelf, after whofeimalge, and lilcnels all things are created. Now the firll lmageof God is the world, of the world, man , of marybealls ofbcalb,thc Zegphyton {i.¢.) half Aniamll,and`balfPlant; of Zeophy- V ron és. ‘ . l | 1
Book I. Of Occult Tbilyopby. _ » c i_ -_'Ii' ton,plants,ofplants, metals, of metals, lloncs. And again in things fpiriruall, the Plant agrees with a bruit in Vegetation, a bmit with at man in fenfc, man with an Angel in undcrlland. ing an Angell with God in immortality. Divinity isannex- ed to the mind, the mind to the intellcél, the intelleft tothe intention, the intention to thc imagination, the imagination to the fenfes, the fenfts at laft to things. For this is the band, andcontinuity of nature, that all litperiour vertucdotb flow through every inferiour with a long. and continued 1'eries,dil3 pcrling its rayeseven to the very lafl thingy; and inferiours through their fuperiours, come to the veryfupream of ali. For fo inferiours are fucecllively ioyned to their fuperionrs, that there proceeds an influence from their head,thc hilt caufc, :isa certain firing llreiched oug, to the lowermolt things of all, of which Thing if one end be touched, the whole doth prefcntly fhake, and fuch a touch doth found to the other end, and at the motion of the inferiour, the fupcriour alfo is mo- ved, lg which the other dotbanfwcr, as ltrings in a .Lute well tuned. _ , ' ‘ G Cl-lAP. XXXVIII. Haw we mit) dnm not ang C e1qZr11.0, and 'uitaH, but alfa ctr- f¢&fll_[fSf¢£!f?f¥d/1,471.4 "r1inr_g$:j}am above. M Agicians teach that Celellial gifts may through inferior: bein conformable to fuperiors be drawn down by op- portune infiiencies ol the Heaven; and fo alfo by"thel`e Celclli- al the Ccleltial Angels,as they are fervants ofthe Stars,may be procuted,and conveyed to us. famlwlicbw, Praclua, and .S`_p::~ _/Iiu,with the wholeSchooliof7>l.mnqli confirm ,that not only Celelliall, and vitall, but alfo certain lntelle&uall, Angelicall, and divine gifts may be received from above by forne eer- tain mattcrs,having :t naturall power of divinity (i. e.) vvihich i_ vc
, . ft _v , """V Q . . "’ ‘Of0ccult'?l1iIqhplgy. t ‘ Book I. have anaturall eorrefpondeney with the fuperiorsbeiniright. ly received; and opportunely gathered together accor mg gg the rules ofNaturall Philofophy, and Alironomy r And Mer. ¢-prim Trjmrgygiu writes,thar an Image rightly made of cef. Again' Pm f wings, appropriated to any one certain Angel, tvillprclkebtly beanimated by that Angel. Of the fame allb _wngfiin makes mention in his eighth book De Cir/irm Dei. For thisis the harmony of the world,that things fupercclelliall be drawn down by the Celclliall, and fuper-natural! by na- tural! , becaufe there is one operative vertue that is dilfufed through all kinds of things, by which vertue indeed, asm. inifeli things are produced out of occult caufcs; fo a Magician doth make ufe of things manifelhto draw forth things that are occult,'vie,through the raysol}he Stars,through li1mes,lights, founds, and naturall things,which are agreeable to Celeiliall : in whieh,belides eorporeall qualities, there is akind of reafort, fenfe, andharmony, and incorporeall, and divine meafures, and orders. So we read that the Ancients were wont often to receive fome divine, and wonderfull thing by certain naturall things : fo the [lone that is bred in the Apple of the eye of a Civet Cat, held under the tongue of aman, is faid to make him to divine, or prophelie : The fameis Selenites, the Moon Rome reported to do, fo they fay that the Images of Gods may be called up by the [lone called Anchitis, and that the Gholls of the dead may be, being called up, kept up by thc lione Synochitis. The like doth the Hearb Aglauphotis do, which is called Marmorites, growing upon the Marbles of Arabia, as faith Pliny, and the which Magicians ufe. Alfo there is an Heath called Rheangelida, which Magicians drink- ingof, can prophclie. Moreover there are fome Hearhs by which the dead are raifed to life ; whence Xfmrbur the Hillc- rian tels,that with acertain Hrarb called Balus, a young Dra- gon being killed, ,was made alive again, :tlfo that by the Etme a certain man of Ti6’um,whomia Dragon killed, was reliored to life : and 21164 reports,th.-at in Arabia accrtain man was by aeettatn Hearb reliored to life. But whether or noany fuch things can be done indeed upon man by the vertuc of I-lcarbs, ' r i i or ;
Book I; Of Occult T/zilqhp/y. _ or any other natural! thing, tv: lhall difcourfe in the l`ol|ow~ mg Chapter. Now it is certain, land mznifeli that fuch things can be done upon other animals. Soif flies, that are drown- Cds be put into warm afhes, they revive And Bees being drowned,do inlike manner recover life in the iuice ofthe hearb Nip;:rnd Eels being dead for want oi`w:tter,if with their whole bodies they be put under mud in vineger, and the blood ofa Vultur being put to them, will :rllof them in a few dayes recover life. They fry that if the filh Echeneisbe cdr into peices, and caiiz into the (ea, the parts will withinailittle time come together, and live- Alfo we know that thehclliain _doth reltore her yong to life, being klled, with her own blood; ,_ r - _ Q .;,e_.“ CH AP. XXXIX That we ma] bjfbmc refrain mrmrr: of :be uw-Id #ir np the i qoduftbe nivr/d, and their mindfringv/]1zri!.r. NO man is ignorant that evill f`pirits,:_ycvil|, and prc~ phane Arts may be railed up as Pkkru :ith Sorcerers :irc wont to do. whom rnolt deteftable, andabominable lilthincls did follow, and accompany, fuch as werein times pali in the faerifices ofZPr?npu,i and inthe worlhipfnfthe Ida/I which was called’ Planar, to whorritthey did fztrificc rwirhlcheir privy members uncovered. Neither to thefeisthatunlike( ifitbe true, and not a fable ) which is, read concerning the dete- flable hercfy of old L hurch~mcn, and like to rhefc are manifcll: in Witches and mifcheivous women, which wickcdnelfcs the foolifh dotage of women is fubjcél to fall into. Bythcfgatndc fueh as thefe evill fpirits are railed. Asnwicked fpirinfpalti: once to lalm,of one Cjnapra Sorcerer ; all the power,Eiithhe, ofsatan dwells there, and he iscctred into a confedericy withall the .principalitics together, and likewiI`c'wes‘ with him, and (fpmpr obeys us,_ and z;ng1ixr=obejr‘l1imkbgil§n.. one the contrary fide, no man i§rig_nof:tn`c' thkii .filpcrttldllrlll Angels or fpiri_ts may .bg gained, byr us: throughgoode }vAorks,5 Q " " ° ` Y- ~ '~»` ' - - W >. e Y., . . {». * ‘ - ,_.' H _ i _ »~ 1 r. ,~,~` f
9~..q-,~.,-»~_-1--._-_qv-._. _ , » ..~...,.,..Y~_,»-. -... . ? ___,_ V _ _ . Y, Y , v V A , ` "‘ ' - ' f ,_ ' ‘ , “_ }0f`0c6:zl¢'@’biM:pby. Book I. ________ apnret minde,fceret prayers. devout humiliation, and the like, Letno man therefore doubt that in like manner by fome cet. tain matters ofthe world, the Gods ofthe world may be rain fed by us,or:1t leali the mimliring Ipirits, or fervants ofrhefg Gods, andasfwrrcuriwfairh, the airy fpirits, notfuptrcele. (Hall, much lefs higher; So we read that the annenr Prielh made Iiatucs, and images, forctelling things to come, andin. fufed into them the fpirits ofthe liars, which were not kept there by eonllraint in fome certain matters, but reiogcing in them,-vin. as acknowledging fuch kinds of matter to cfu- t:|bletothem,they do alwaies, and willingly abide in them, _and fpcak, and do wonderiiill things by them :no othetwife then evill fpitits :irc wont to do, when they poffefs -nitns bodies. . CHAP. XI.. V 0f6i'niiing:,Wl:4tfvrr thc] ae of andin what zraje: :bg are Wan: za be dave. wVE E have fpoken concerning the vertues, and won:- derfiall efiicaqf of natural! things. It remains now thztwcunderllzanda thing of great wondcrgenm and itisz binding of men into love, oc hatred, fiekne or health, and iitrhlike. Alfo the binding of thieves, and robbers, thatthey cannot lleale in any place ; the binding of Merchants, that they cannot buy, or fell in any place ; the bindin ofan army, that they cannot paik over any hound ; the binlding of (hips, that no winds, thoughneverfo [Iron ,ihall be able to carry them out of the Ha.ven-All`o the biming ofa mill, that itean by no force whzefoever be turned round : The bindingofa Ciiicrne. or fountain, thaethe water cannot be drawn up out oftheiru The bindin of the ground, that it cannot bring forth fruit : The bining of any plxcc,th: nothing can be hmleuponit : The binding of fire, that thbngb itbenever fo [h'ong,enn burn no combuliible thing thzt. is puttoit. Ago
7_-_,Q-V ~ . ` "li Book L of Offfllf fpbilflflfj. i -n-u gh: bindings of li htnin s, and tempt-Ils, that they Hull do no hurt. Alfothe bingin o§dogs, that they cannot bark. Alfo th; binding gf birds, :mg wild buffs, that they [hall not bc ablg to Hy, or run away. And filth likc as thcfc, which are fcnrc¢ qgdiblg, yn 0&¢n known by cxgericncc. _Now thcrc are fad; kind ofbindings as tbefc mad: y Sorccncs, Collyrics, Un. gucnts,lovc po¢ions,by binding to,and banging ug of thinggby rings, by chzrmes, by Rrong imaginations, an pamons, by irnagcs, and charaékrs, by inchantmcnts, and imprccations,by lights, by found, b nnmbcmby words, and namrs,-invogv tions, fzcri6ces,by fxtivndng, conjnringconfccrations, devo- tions, and by divers fnperftitions, and oblervations, and fuch like ' CHAP. xu. V -_ - , 0f.S`¢rc¢rie.r_ mdtbrir pnnr. THc force of Sorceries is reported to be fo grtlt, that thcy are bclicvcd to bc able to fnbvcrt, connnnc, and change all infcriour thingmccording to Virgil: Mali.-“ Mmrisfar me tb# lznzrér in Pannu cbajé, e/lndnzrimx druggfrr tberrgrut ph-nt DWI; I may rimu, with the/P, bn: !v`ris Clw1_q'J to A wvlf}, arxdin tbt Wdddf to hide 2 Frurn Sepulcbre: wauldfiulr dfpzrrrdclw-m, .dui Com bear fading ffm anatkrr: Farm. Again an other place, concerning the companions of Ufyprj w om A Tb: mul! Gadd:/ff qc: tlsrrrinwjlx V " ‘ Wi:l»fi:rce4§>¢£2:,4r:dtb»u1‘g-'d rafnfvage 5:4/ix. f Andaiitlcafttr, ° t ~ ~
;.~-._Yf¢ _4 __ I V ~1~_- lr: q , } ._: Y, ,,,___:': `,_, . L- , » - t ` , 4 it Ol' Occult ‘Pl:il@pby. ' Book I, A i“" , on/ben lax/cfirom Picus Circecanld fwtgaine ' f -Himlvitb hmchfzrming wand, mdk#/1115 fm” 6‘l1(l]Ig’d to A éird, and /Pon l1i.¢[]1r¢U“4 “’”’.§," ‘ Witbjimdrj colonr: »----"‘-*" ' *'f" » ‘Now there are fomc kind of thefe forceries mentioned by Luc/an concerning that Sorcercfs Thejfala, calling up gholls, where he faith, V Here AL’ future: pradufb unflvrtfmatc ; Fame ofnmd Dag, which mzterrfcar and hate; A gut: gftlae Lynx; I-@enfz`: lqrar imbrrd ; The marrow ofa Hart with Serpentxfed Were nat mwting; no not :Iuka Lampre] ' W/:ich/lop: the /big: ; na:-_yet the Dragan: qc. And fueh as Apnlcixu tells of concerning Pamphila that Sorcerefs,cndeavo_uring to ‘procure love ; 'to whom Fgnka certain maid brought tlie haires ofa goat ( cout oil’ from a bag -or botle made with the skin thereof ) inflead of Bevtiiua young mans hnires: Now (he (faith he ) being out ofbct wits for the young man, goeth up to thetyled rough,and in the upper part thereof makes a great hole open toall the oricntall, and other albcéis, and moll fit for thefehcr arts, and there privately worihips, having before furniflicd her moumhall houfc withfutgble furniture, with all kinds offpices, with plates of Iron, with llrangc words engraven upon them, with llerues oifilii is thqt_wcre*ca{l awayeand much la- mented, andfgith<lly€et;‘1tnembers of buryed carkailes call abroad :~ here nol'es,` :ind lingers, there the fltlhy miles of thofe thatiwete hanged, and in another place the bloodof them that were murdered; and their ékulls mangled with the teeth of wild bealls ; then [he olliers facrilices( their inthantcd entralls lying panting Qgncl <fprinltles~thcm~ tvielydivqfg kind; of liquors; fometimeswuhx foun`tain[`;vatee, .lfdrflegimfg with cowes millnlbmetimes with mountain ll6ney',hhd`mead : Tlrtn lherties thofc haires into knots , andlayes themlong l;h¢fir¢, , W' - 1 l by Will! _ , A* __ .._L` ` A , v *.:-i- _
""vi r 'r__ V Q L, :r»~' ,lv “_ .....v.~. f ,'r~ .‘ ‘. Book I. Of Occult Tlailohpby. with divers odours to be burnt. then refcnrl V wi; ' ' , lillablc power oflviagick, and blind fgree oftlhe Glbzdltrfhcg bodies of thofe whole haires did (make, and cralh, a!l`ume'the fpirit of a man, and feel, and hear, and walk, and comewhis “ICF thc Rink Oflhfil' haire led them, and inlleed oFB¢arira“ fm YOUUQ man. COIUU Skipping,and leaping with joy, and |0y¢ into the houle. Arjfin alfo reports, that he heardeof fqmg* women Sorccreffts, that were fo vcrfed in theft: kinds of am, that by giving eheefe to men, they could preléntly tumthem into working cattell,and the work being done, reltored them into men again- _ i. C H A P. X L I I. 0 f the ivazzdafull 'venues of /Bm: Qui: ofSarceriu.s NOivI ill fhevv you what fome ofthe Sorceries are,that by the example of theft: there may bca way opened for the eoniideration of the whole fubie& of them. Of thele' therefore the firlt is menfiruous blond, which, how much power it hath in Sorecry,we will now confidet; for, asthey Kay, if it comes over new wtne,it makes it fourc, and if it doth but touch the Vine it f oyles it for ever, and by its very touth it makes all Plants, anrl)Trtcs barren, and they that be newly fer. to dye; it bums up all the hearbs in the garden, and makes fruit fall off from the Trees, it darken; the brightnefi ofa looking glats, dulls the edges of knives, and razors, dxms. the beauty of Ivory,and it makes Iron prefently n1{iy, makes _ brafs ruft, and (mellvery llrong: it makes does mad, ifrhejr do`but tall of it, :md if they being thus mad (hall bite any ONE; that wound is incurable : it kils whole hives of drives them from the hives that are but touched ivithvitwfrv makeslinnen black that are boyled, it makcs'=Mares§allftlxqr foal if they do but touch it, and makes W0IIiC`£l»'m!fCl4¥f)' if they be but [meared with it : it makes Alfes barren 'as long as theyeat ofthe corn that hath bran touched witlnt. The alll; .- ', - wk,
7 7bfiOccult fPl:ilqi>pby. Book I. ofmenllruous clothes, if they be call upon purple garments that are to be walhed, change the colour of them, and take; away colours from flowers. They fay that it drives away ter. tian, and quartane Agues, if it be put into theiwooll ofa black Ram, and tycd up in a lilver bracelet,as all'o if the folcs ofthe atients feet be noynted rherewith,and efpecially ifrt be done Ky the woman her (elifthe patients not knowing of it; more- over it cures the Hts of the falling lieknelé. But mol! elpe- cially it cures them that are affraid of water, or drink a ter they are bitten with atmd dog. if onely at menllruuos cloth be put under the cup. Belidcs, they report, that if menllruous women (hall walk naked about the (landing corn , they make all"E?inka'rs,` Worme, beetles, flyes, and all hu rtfnll things fall ol? from the corn : but theymull take heed that they do it before Sun riling,or elle they will make the corn to wither. Alfo they lay they are able to expel! hail, tempefis, and light. nings, more of which Plrn] makes mention ol. Know this,that they atcagreater poyfon if they happen infthe deereale of the Moon, andyet much greater, il they happen betwixt the decreafe, andchange of thc_Moon : But if they had pen in the Eelypfe ofthe Moon or Sun , they are-an incurabiie poyfon, But they are of grearell force of all, when theyhappen in the firll years, even in the years of virginity, for if theyrdo but tpuchrhe polls ofthe houfe there can no mifcheiftakc el}'cé’rjn itrhlto theyifay that the threads olany garment touched there- with, eatmot be burnt, and if they be eall into the Ere, it will fprcadnofurther. ,Alfo it is laid that the root of Peony being given with §Ia&or, and fmearcd over with at menliruous cloth, curethrthe falling licknefs. Moreover if the nomreir ofa Hart be buiutloi rolled, and to it be put a pcrfuming made witha menllruous cloth, it will make crals-bows ufeleh for the kil- ling of any game = The haircs of a_ menflruouswoman put under dung, bteed,Serpents,: and if they be bumt, will drive tlwrly §Grp€n[$ Vlfifil tiltlr fmell. So glfczltga-ppyfqnggg fgfee ts in them, that they arepoyfon to poyfonousggearurgg, Ifhere israllo Hippomanes, which amongtt soreeries iagnot the leali taken notree o£ and it is a little yEnemouspi`éee.oEHelI1<as . ‘ `_ g ‘Veg-»Q i.. V ;..; r ,, ,_ __ _ __. ,..., ..‘», _. ___ _,¢w_4_ , _ __ ~ _, .,,. tr, r v r < ,- 4 ~,4.€* ~ V, _.L f 3 . ‘ _ ~ ‘ rf -<- '“ ~ ,;x:~~ ,_ V, ‘_, .__,,. _~ A i, I * = a _-,___t,,,_ _
»»" Book I. Ol"0ccult Tbilcjbpby. bigas a fig, and black, which is in the forehead of; Cog; newly fo;led,which unlefs the Mare her felf doth prefentlyeat, [he will never after love her foals, or let it fuclt. _And for qu, caufe they fay there is a molt wonderful power in it to procure love, if it be powdered, and drank in a cup with the blood gf him that is in love. There is alfo :mother Sorcery, which ig called by the fame name, vie. Hippomanes, -viz.. a venemou; humour, ilfuin out ofthe (hare of a Marc what time (he de. Gres a horfe, og which Pirgi/lmakes mention, when he ling; Hence camurbar psfrn wI,i¢b fb: Shepherd: call Hippumanrr, and from Alrxreiirainzex dorlafa/1, The wfhll bane of cruel]/Icp me: uk ¢/Ind with a cbxrmr ‘mon_g[} powerfull dru_g: infr#. Of this doth fuvma/I the Satytilk make mention. Hipyammsu, pa]/Em: that lvqyled are, and charms: xfregir/en to Som in law, évitbfuc/1 like harmer. “éfpollevim alfo in his Argonanticks makes mention of the hear of Tromerbrw, which he faith Igroweth from corrupt blood dropping upon the edrrh, while the Vultur was gnaw. ing upon the liver of Proms:/mu upon the hill Caueafus. 'Iheliowrc of this hearb, he faith, is |ikcSaffom, having a doublellalk hanging out, one further then another the length ofa cubir, the toot under the c:|rth,as flefh newly cut, fends forthablaclrilh juice as it were ofa beech; with which, faith he, if any one fhall after he hath performed his devotion ro Tnferpimr, fmear over his body, he cannot be hurt either with hvord, or lite. Alfo Sara gmmaricru writes,tlutthcre wasa certain man called Fratarz, who had a garment, which when he had put on he could not be hurt with the point or edge ofany weapon. The civet Cat alfo abounds withSor- ce ries : for, as ‘Play reports, the polls of a dore being touched with her blood, the Arts of Iuglers. and Sorcercrs are fo in- vallidghat the Gods cannot be called u , and willby no meansbepcrhvaded to talk with them. Ala that they that are noynted withthe alhes of the anlgle bone ofherleft foot, C? ‘L ' 83 1 he to ‘z»P_§.` t < .4 _,_ _ Q. `.",}’sI 1 -n-v.,_¢_. .4~~,.' .,,,.,,.~ "I,< -4. _» , »-- A.
, ~ __ , w -qv-nu-W -_ """""""" 'l'-A'- »",,_» ,» ,_ ‘ ‘ _ ` ` .v , , ‘ .»-¢~°~-'-v~ _ -,...-~~, _` _ 84 1)//'VMI / 6-> rt’ " WW 4 *_ a s ofofzfrzrirfbizripipby. ,Book 1. -~+_ ' sd ‘El d 'th the blood ofa W ecfell [hull become od'. glint?) a§0`l`he alfo is done with the eye, being dcco&cd. lfo it is laid that the Hraight gut isadminiflrcd againllehg einingim, andcorruption of Princes, and great men in power- `:tnd for fuecefs of Petitions, and to conducc to ending of fuitgf nndxontroverlics, ifany one hath never fo little ofir abou; him, and that if it bc bound unto the left arm, rtts fuch; prcfent charm, that ilany man do bot look upona woman, it wmrmakg hu follow him prciently; and that the slim ofhér forehead doth withfland bewxtchings. They (ay alto thatrhe blood of 1 Bafilisk, which they call the blood of.§’nmm, huh fuch great force in Sorcery, that it procnreslor him that car. ryesrt :rbout_him, good fuccefs of his Pctitronsfrom great men in power, hand of his prnyerifrom God, and alfo remediesof difeafes, and grant of any prive-ledge. They (ay alfo that: ryke,ifit be pulled our ofthe left care ofa dog, and ifbe it al- together black, hath great verruc in the prognoliick of lifc,fnr if theiick party [hall anfwer him that brought it in, who (hm. ding gr his feet, Bt ihall ask of him concerning his difeafe, there is certain hope of hfe, and that he (hall di e, ifhc make no anfwer. They fay alfa, that allone that is bit with 3 m1d dog hash power to cqufc difcord. ifitbe put in drink, and thgthc ihrril not be bnked at by dogs, that puts the tongue ofxdng in his Ahooe under his great toe, efpecially if the hearb g£1l>e~h:mr: name, viz. hounditonguc he.ioyned‘withir; And tli'i!q~rUcrtil»rme` ofthe li.-condinesofa dog dotlithr: lime; and that dorm will (hun him that hath cr dogs heart. And Ting _reports that there is a red .toad thmt lives in bryers, and brarnbles,;; d,is fullrcf horceries, and doth wonderfull things: for rhcslrrtlc tone whrchisiti his lcftlidc, beingmlt intvscold water. makes it prelbntly veryhot, by which alfo the rage of dogs is rellrained, and their love is procured, ifit be put in drink; andifit-he bound to any one, it frirrcth up lull. On the contrary. the _litlc bone which is on the right (ide, Jnskcs hot water cold, :ml that it eanherer tbehota- gqimunlelk thu be taken out;all`o ids fiidrtoseure; uartarxes iflt be I hound to the lick in a fnikes slriugisilfd allgthcr lea; » ' ‘i `TfsY°f‘: ' ;'~':,’~-.` ;,~.,;~,~;.{.> -».;-~~~»~rr' , .,,_- ,, _ r, 4- ~.~ -.1 vom 7 L'~‘f.~ 1'1"-'T-l~>”~,' "
,--.PR Book l. Of Occult ’Pbilryapb_y,f ,i vorsémd “Rrain love,and lull. And that the f lecn l iganelfeéiuall remedy againlr the poifons ofpthe Thus much Flin] writes. Alfo it is faid that the (word, wid; whirha man is (lain, hath wonderfull power in S0r¢¢;i¢§; For ifthc [name of the bridle, or fpurs be made of it, they fry that with thcfe any horfe, though never fo wild, may be tamed, and gentlcd : and that if a Horfe (hould bcfhod with fhooes made with it, he would be moft fwift and fleet, and never , though never fo hard rod,tire. But yet they will that fome Ch:u'aélers,and names lhould be written upon it.They fay alfo, if any man (hall dip a (word, wherewith men were be- headed, in wine;and theflick drink thereof, he (hall be aired of his quartane.They lay alfo that a cup of liquor being made with the brains of a Bear, and drank out of the sk11ll,l`hal1 make him that drinks it, be as tierce, and as raging asa Bear, andrhink himfelfto be changed into a Bear, and yudgc all things he fees to be Bears, and fo to continue in that rnadnefs, untill the fgrgeof rhar draught [hall be dillolved, no other diftemper being all 'this while perceived in him. 4 V *fi _Y__, ,. ~ _ ,_;-i can. xtm. ` . 4, d Of Pnfumer, or Sufumigatian.r,tb:ir1n.znlrttg»1HdP°’~°¢’f- S0rne Suffumigarions all`o,or perfurnings,that are proper to L the Stars, are of great force forthe opportune receiving o{Cele{riall gifts under the rayes of the Stars,,iu as mutha; they do llrongly work upon the Aire, and breath. For our breath is very much changed by fuch kind of vapours , ifbothf vxpourshc of another like f The Aire alfo being through the* faid vapours ealily nioved, or alfeficd with the quzlitiespfglv feriours. or_Cele{hall, dai! , and quickly penetrating'_0'l11" brealhand vxtals,doth wonderfully reduce us to the ~lilte_q?|i* ries; Wherefore Suffumi ations are wont to hauled Iq_Ih§U1' that are about toaSooth-f§y,for to affe&thei§fa§1LY.Wh1Ch me deed being appropriated to :tg certainlkitiesgdo fit US 1255;
T OfiOrczzlt lfP11il¢;p»p1@y. Book L , ccivedivineinfpirationf So they fay that fumes made wiifj Lin-feed; land Plea-henc feed , and _roots of Violet; 354 P&r{ly,doth make onevro fore-fee :lungs ro come, and dogh condnce ro prophecying. Lee no men wonder how great things lfulfumigations can do In the Aire, cfpecxally whenhc (hill wirh ‘7’orpb]fiw¢0f15d€’» “Wt bl' F€F“'" V3P°Uf5 Gha- ling from proper l°uH`umig:ztrons,a1ry fpxrrts arcprefcnlly mill yedglasalfo Thundrings, and Lighrnrngs, and fuch lrkerhings; Asethc Liver of s. Cbamclion being burnt on the top ol"e;§¢§ houfe, doth, as iris manifcli, raife fhowcrs, and Lighrqingi In like manner :hc head, and throat, if they be burnt wirh Gkenwood, caufc Storms, and Lighrnings. There`arc alfo fdlfumigations undcropporrune influencies ol`Srars, :har make the imageseof fpirirs forrhwirh appear in :hc Airc,or elfwhcrel So they fay, rhar if of Coriander, Smallagc, Henbane, and Hemlock be madea fume, that fpirirs will prefenrly come to- geihec; hence xheyarecalled :he fpirirs l-lcarbs. Alfo in is faid thagsfume made ofthe roonyofche rcedyl-Iearb Sagapeigwirh :heiuicc of Hemlock, and l-lcnbanc , and the Hearb Tapfue Barbaxus, red Sanders, and black Poppy, makes fpirits and Iirange fhapcs appear : and if Smallage be added to them cha- Rch away fpirirs from an place, and dclizroyes theirvifions. In like manner la fume macii: of Calamine, Peony, Mines) end ~Palm3. drivcsaxvay all evil fpirils, and vain imagrniti- onsf Moreover it is faid that by certain fumes ceregin Animals are gzgbercd togerhenand purrro Highzps Plifg menrions con. cemihgthc Hone Lipnris, :har vdrhxhe fume :hereof all bealls are called oue;,&.»~.rhelinnes in the upper pare-ofthe rhroac Of; Harrbeinghuknr, garherall the Scrpmrs nogerheqbur the h0m Uftht l'lartbeix1g;iix1rm:dorh wirhits fumecliafe chem all away. The fame doi:lLa,fume.-of'zhc fearhers io? Peaoocksl Alfo :he lung; of an Affe beingburnxgpurs all poifonous rhings ¢0_5'gl1f; Ih¢ fm¢.of=thr: hurnthoofol’ al-iorfe drives away Mice, thC 131116 doth tht hoof-o£ n~Mule,»_ rviprluirhich alfo if ity bathe hoof of the lefe four, ‘Plicsarési riven-'épggyg 3 ; and thcyo pf1Y».!f 3 houfc. or any placebo fn1oakc¢L§¢lth?ihegiIl'dfv. Cillldillymade into aconfcéiion with rcd5i'9iairjRoie$~, and V /4 p ;;,_?»;fYLignum' , -. .~.,~- ,,_‘.»). , f ,,~ T ‘ .~ ,z ;.if~'3{-3~n’ _ _ ~, _ r ._..;1.:,~z'.: » ` ¥ ,l 1 € ,qc
»<» Booble I. Of Occult Tbilofaplqj. l 'Li tiurnaloes, and if then there be forne Sea Water,or blood all into that place, thewholc houfe will fcem to belixlluf »‘Vater, or blood; and if fome Earth of lowed ground be callthere, the Earth will fecm to uake. blbw fuch kinds of vgpours we mnfl conceive do in?e6 any body, and infufe a vcrtuc into it, which doth continue long, even as any contagi- out,or poifonous vapour ofthe Pcllilenotgbcing kept for tivo yeers in the Wall ofa houfe, infefi the inhabitants, and asthg contzgiod of Pellilenee, or Leprolie lyingthid ina garment, doth long zlier infeéihim that wears it. Therefore were cet. min lufumigations ufed toimages, rings, andfueh like lrilrnq merit? ol’ Magick, and hid trmfures, and as Perpbjrim faith, Very elfoéluxlly. So they Ery, if any one fh:illhide'Gold, or Silver, 'orany other pretious thing, the Moon being in con~ jundion with the Sun,and lhall fume the plane withfloriantler, Saffron, Hcnbane, Smallage , and black Poppy, ofeach it like uantity, bruifed together, and tempered with the juice of giemloek, that which is fo hidfhall never be found, or taken atiiiy, anti that lbirit; flnlleontinually keep it : and if any one. [hall endeavour to take it away, he (hall be hurt bytffcm, and lhztllfzll into a frenlie. And Hmm: E-xitl1,th“atifienc isnothinéi like the Fume of Sperrnh Ceti for the riiling of @ritr5¢'¢h5re= fore if .1 fume he made ,of thztt, and Lignum-aloes, Pepper# wort, Musk. S'if1~`i€oii»,¥- iézl 7SttJt“dx7¢crhp8r’ed*ta§6ther, witlrthc Blbbil wilN;hic1lly? “ :ther aiiry pirirs together, :inirf if'ié‘Be in ed~hboétille~§rivc¢o¥the dead, it gathers toge~ ther fpirits, and the Gholts of the dead- So, as often as we dit-eff any work to the Sttn,we mulls mike fuffumigarions with Sfiiftiiy things, if to the Moon, with Lunary things , ctndffotof tliértflf; And we mufl know that as there B51 contriritifind enmity in Stars, and fpirits, fb ialfo in fuffulnigtitions Unto tho fntirex So there it aeontrarietyi betwixt Li' nt!m.zloés;~:ii1cl Suiphur, Frunkineenfe, and Quick-(Elven an%f`l;pifits'rthaE::1f gal ed by the fume of`Lignutn~a!oes, are allryreduby theihnttpi itjg 'ofSii?l1f1 r. _ its Prodi# giyesémicimrtiplé ir§rl1JZri§§ntHch Cqargtion to tipgkir inflfeffohii Gf 6. liililiflbpn by tirzftftiing oI":x‘Cbck before it,vau,iIhcd atvzgibeaufc there is 2. contraric- l 4 fi' ’, _ ‘lvl »J . _t .r ut~¢v-an-.-4-rrr'1~':-1"%°*'Y’*' "5 ~~ ._.:nwv- A ,» , , ,,,¢~,¢ _:T ._. ;u_..j ~ ~.f~~ _ ` `;}»¥i]§¢Q2; ~‘_,»~'i-». ;,;.;v~ ., J11f;_ - - e -f f?‘L’_j§1<".'»='?f7l "::'Ei»‘§"? i_~.__, `__.,¢j` . ‘_ :»§~ 1 ` :L_/"f »-=f .H R, _
-» ,~4 Home 1; OF 0ccz¢It@°biIzf>}:lgy. ' i ll:-inni orare them all with the brain of a Fox, or Weefel, and the Blood ofa Pie. _ ‘ _ _ Be(ides,toSamrne are appropnated for firmer all odoriferoug ;0ots,as Ileppenwort r0ot,d-c. and the Fraokrncenfc tree :ro fnpim- odoriferous fruits, asNutmegs, Cloves : to Merrall odoriferouswood, as Sanders,C reié, Lignum-balfaim, and Lignurn-aloesz to the Sun, all |§1ms,Franlrincentfe,hla§iiek, Ben}:rmin,Storax, Laudarxqmy, Amber-gryfe, and Musk; to Yam; Flowers, asllofes, Violets,SaH`ron,, rrndfueh : to C/‘Hercrnj all the Pils of Wood andrfruit, as Cinn;unon»,Li - num Caliia, Mace, Citron pill, and Bayberrics, ~:md_what1%- ever feeds arc odoriferous; to the Mann the leayes_qf all Vegetzbles,s.s the leaflndum, the leaves ofthe Myrtle, and B'gy-tree. Know alfa, that according to the opiuon ofttlrc Magiciansjn every §oodmatter,as lovc,goodwill,:mclthclike, there mull be agoo fume, odoriferous, and retious; :mtl in every evill matter, as h:ttred,anger,mifery, :ng the like, there mull be allinking fume, thatis of no worth. The twelve Signes alfqéof the Zodiark bqve their proper fumeg, ag qfpfqr h=¢hMYrfi1» T»w~»P¢Pr>=r=w°fr» Gwifm M=Ili§I<», Carnphir,Lea,Prankinr:enf`e, P'ir_ga_Sanders, Li.6m_,Ga_ Sea;-Pia, Opoponax, Sngimzrim, Lignuri1~alQes,;WC¢:}fiem°:;rk:, Benyxmin, Aqmeriw, Euphorbium, ‘Pi/Eu, red Storax. But Hmm: defcribes the mol! powerfulL; bqxgz/L;.» that which is compouudedof tIii:I`even,2.rorn21riel;s, aéeording to the powers of the fGVfll Planets, for it receives from glkrsognr, Pepper-wort, from iypira-.~ Nutmeg, from Mar:,vLigngm- gloes, from _the Sun, Mallick, from Venn: SaEron.,,;from Jmrrurj, Cinnamon , and from the Mann, the Myrtle. , , _ y I -_v , ~ , ,J ._ .. r ,J _-_ ‘~1d’z,»;‘ " ‘ H 1 -».1i1U`JUJ ;u¥f$7f` Q f1.::, swf ,Q ,A , NJ.. ~f..4¢.. A.-V - , il. ,,,,,;.. . '10 ,4»~5L`2 < .< in ~ , , :E-.flrrzliw LCHAPJ' ,rl .flétfli ‘lf_'. T-4
_ _ -h* v".'~__‘_ . ,_ Y ___ < 1 ' _.i'- » ` y _Cyl-lAVP.'XliV. _< i » w wi e » 40 _fC¢[{{rie.f,iUriZh`af11§ I/6ve~.WI¢diox'f:eJ3 and tiki? vertufj. A; , 'gggnvef Collyriesgahil Unguents fonveying the venues : Q oftliihgs Naturali, End Ifelefiifalleto 0i1r‘l`pi’§il*§ pliifiiiiil. Hwy?r¢a§f§im¢,.i;¢;ggfigqib, qndfttarigfofm it Rféiorfllhgly, fa; fzlfo frd'nl'f56l'c rhofc verwegivhieh are in themeinto rt,-tliatfo it, e:mhoE E8 only own body, but all'ofnpo'mh;f which is neer it, and a eéiyt dt by vilible rayegcharniesiand by toucIii’ngYit,witb~fome likequality, Porbecaufe our fpirit is the Rivtitétpurerutiwmcyg-@ua_1m&a¢p3»vapour ofthe blood ; R$;§e=¢;,g¢£ld`iefHc’€o‘riakEféiollyiiéslofthe like vapoursi wlllch are mere fuzibie to wr- rpifif an fuswaine, -for risen sy fearqn of their likenefs, they do theimofeiltiir QQ atiraff; #intl traI1f~ form the fpirit.'_The1lii<é1{ertd€s»ltg%'eentertain toiriinachts, arid ofherledasfeaianev -Her1ce'by1tre»;du;h lfometimef. o{ic}rgg,[§§ §o`iTOQf!§g‘S§§fi516Y€f$‘~fl§¢ill6fd g ` ‘fame things, 2; :He handseor gaitiicntsflieing- anoiij1tcil;1WlTo~by iriifee, fome ttyingqlnéing helcf in tlie inourli, love-is‘Mduted,_i1°.§ii1~Virgi!weoteadiliat Vmm' PISYCS 6`},P;d ..1_ `L i, Y ‘ 31 fxrhifgffbeéglad Diary/Jffprfffii .if fm gp ' “5 Ti “ f " a"lZ§§(m]}r; ‘i->35ii$h*d%ir{}{ij£~Aqb2g>4b:gt}’{'a}1&_ f ‘ ” @`i"‘}YEf7ljZl'ffl'7h"¢¢!.‘;!2g*, /bzzl/]`»=¢¢r'lQ_[1`qr_§i‘ve,_ gf 'f jf' ' o V Jirjjiirwiifl Fffane, >>iri;dr.1dgf_l/aff: deb§»igz;',; ,j '_ if ‘ =_ r ~;_~__, , ,HJ ‘_ I _ yr' t.-(.... ,. ,;l."...(?£t _T-_:jg .~.i5.:Zs ;~s».‘.T_ :=:;; I.1`Q1`Il?T£' Ifomzrrzal ,vga-=~:;t.. Now the (ight, Biecanfe it perceivesmore purely, and clearly then the other iénfcs, and faltenin in us the marks of things more acutely, and deeply, dothmogl of~all,~?md4l;efdre others agree with the Phantaflick fpirit, as is apparent in dreixms, when things [een do more often prefent themfelvesi to usthen things heard, or any thing coming under the other fenfcs. Tlicréfdrc when Collyries transform Vifuall fiairits, thatifpi- tiI;fdotlrQ'€a(iIy affcéi the imagination, _Whl€b-ixid§€dJi;iB` . i , ‘_ _ 5 , A ,.‘;"lf.f_;',ii:"';%~1;i', i ` ' `~ ,. - ‘ “ '. i.: ,-;£~,‘»..:,¢~LfZ¢-¢}:/» » - _ - _; . » . . _',-g,--_§`.¢;z < , _ ,. ° fl 1‘-`».-~7-V é.; ‘:-nf/é.»*§°~13§~,V“ _. 1 f ~f - 1 _ ._. -._¢.,;~_~,-_~~__._.-e `~_~ <¢ , .-i.~;»,;~...;:»-~- - '
.-»~-H Y vi", book I. Of°0ccnIr Tlnilffilily. * <1-_in-1' ;B`e&ed with divers fhecies, and“f'orms, tranfmits the fame by the fame fpirit unto~the outward fenfe of light , bfy which 0c~ calion there is caufed in it ir perception of fueh pecies. and forms in that manner, as if it were moved by externallobieéig, that there feeme to be lien terrible images, and- fpirits, and fuch like 5 fo there are made Collyries,making us forthwith to fee theirnages of fpirits in the Aire,or ell`where,asIknowI10W to make of the galloifa manfande the eyes of a black Cat, and offomc other things. The like is lilldg alfqof thtblood ofa Lapwing, ofa Bat, and of 3 Goat,_qnd they fay, if a fmooth fhining piece of Sreel 'be fmeered over with the juice of"Mu§- wort, and made tofume, it will make invocztted fpirits to e [een in ir. So allb there are fome fulfnmigntions, or unéiions, which make men fpeak in their flccp, to walk, and to do thofc thingswhith are done by men that are aivake, andjbmetirnes to do rhofc things, which men that are at-vakecannot,or dare not do. Some there are that make us to hearhorrid,or dele&4 zblcfounds, and fuch like. And thisis the caufe wh Maniaf call, ah? Melancholy men believeethey fee, ami gear thofc things without, which their imagination doth” ohT}9j*'Eri¢;§‘ within, hence they fear thin s not ttifbe Fe¢tted;`2ind~Hllii|t<i wondcrfulhand rnoli falfc fu `ciqn§;:ind1Hynt9&Iierfrio¥ie “ur-4' Eicth them, are angry; 'and eontenilg ricbéifjebeing “p;ell;nt, gnkif'e1t;1.vl1e£eir§rft§irr;is: 'Snclflmcjmiliimfsidlfo exrfmzlgicall ¢onf¢&i<>mi»idlf;=i~"by=Sumimiggéimnj hy Goliyrtrs, oy‘tm;» guents, by potions; byVgoi{on§;~by‘lmips; iziId`{ig$ts,_ big loolef ing glaffes, by mingef; enrhantments, charms , oun ,V grid* Iilufick. Alfo by divers rites, obfervzitions, ceremoniesj reli-f gl0D§¢ end fiiperllitiens yall which lhall be handiediu their ‘ QTUIJ places. Andnot onlybyrhefekindof arts,p:riIion5‘3p{:1r§_r-. ons, aindimages are inrlricedf, bnealfo things themfelqegj jrhrriif _drereally changmfr Eindtransliguned into divers f'orrns;‘13~thie§ PARP »l‘€}.1tCsi ofPréreiu, Prrielrxmmr, /irkdafut, ‘iiritf/Yffrgiriiitf =heqing1f¢¢e0r»5¢y¢1,f@h, f some efff¢_¢i1;@ge4§r5&eom=;~ Plflf0r§‘6i3UQ'H'er.Bc~0iol&*ln the facrilice qlf?§2Irqé';§1ezy.f{j Chtnlerithinrgllcd oftheinwhrdéof the? ‘ __,¢ifieretum¢/ _into - Wolves; l which If/ig ;jf§2§feiI“a*certain =man:‘ i °‘“F¢i.‘ ' ‘, lv R. I
n ; for 0;¢fiz¢`a51;fz¢P»y. Book ir; called Demarclim, the fame opinion was Aujlin of: for he lfaith,whileR he was in Iml},he heard offome women thatuby giving Sorceries in cheeie to travcllors, turned them into Worr kingéiatle, and when they had done fuch work as they would have them, turned ‘them into men again, and that this befell 1 certain Father called Prqfianrim. The Scriptures themfelvcs tcliify that ‘': Sorcerers turned their rods into Serpent; and waterinro blood, and did fuch like things. V . N __ 'CI-lAP.XLVI.' ` 4 i n i ' »_0ffl4¢`¥?‘d1}¢{”-ig»1fi0)J.f,“Hd/;lff£Uf0#!¢ i 1 X/VH¢a theloulof the mia, by irmfme ,dggh ,mkg _ all things that are naturally generated, or artilicially made, fruitfull, bty inlufing into them Ccleiliall propgyrigg forrthelworking o fome wonderfull cEcé‘ls, then things them. felvis not only fuffumligatgiwl lor Collyrics,ooe. oyn ments or potions, or any or er i , b lf tube; they lacing S:nvenie|1tlyt:'hraptup,are bot;:r;d;i:!b,orul::i‘n; ¢ out t e ne , orany o er way appl ed, lh by never fo eafy a conta&, do im reE theirjircrmean;;n(i1ui§;& bypzefq allgations éhe$forc,li1‘fcnliJons,wraEping5 up, gppli-_ cgtioixs, an conta s e Aeci ents of the d , d ' 4 arP_¢ha(1;,;é;d §§`to{i_c1l4hnel3, health, boldnclb, fc2r,yl'a¢§rriel§inai:g) IDYJU C ‘c= ic rcnderthemthatca h ‘ , ‘ l or terrible; atcegatablcf or reieéled, honoured?bb£l?;l§>:gd?b$iA hatchrll, and a ominable. Now theft; kind of pzffione gm eoncciyed to beiby thelaboveliid, infufed no otherwife, theni lsminlfdf 10 ii1€_gt=1f’lin oftrees; where the vitall vertue ` 4. fcnr, and Cornmunicate§ from the trunk ro the twi :aff-ig; into if, by WHY ofconta&anda1ligation; fo in gh? §'¢m§]¢ Pilmf Um when ihecomes acer to themale,her boughs bend to Iie,nulc. and are bowed: which the gardnera feein ,bind Igggrfrouf the male to_ the female? which becomes ligraight °¢§3§-'lslifi had by th|s.con;muation of the rope rggqivgd " ’ ’,<` . _
ff Brick Ir. of ofmzf ?l:ilqf;ply_ the vertue ofthe male, In like manner we l`ee,thatthe cramp- fifh being touched afar of? with a long pole, doth prefenrly [hrpify the hand of him that toucheth it. And if any (hm touch the (ea Hare with his hand ot Rick, doth prefcntly run out ofhis wits. Alfo ifthc fifh called Stella, as they {;,y.b¢;,, fallned with the blood of a Fox and a brafs nail to a gate, C1115 medicines can do no hurt. Alfo it is faid, that if a womgn takca needle, and beray it with dung. and then wrap it up in earth, in which the carltali of a man was buryed, ,and [hallcar_ yy it about her in acloth which was ufcd at the funerall, that no man (lmallbe able to ly with her as longaslhe hath it a. bout her. blow by thefe examples we fee, how hy certain al- ligations ofccrtainthings. as alfo ltrfpenGons, or by alim lc conta&, or the continuation of any thread, Awe may he aglc to receive fome vc rtues thereby. lt is nccelfary thaewc know theccrtain rule ofalligation, and fufpenlion, and the manner which the Art requires, ciiz. that they be done under a certain, and liitable conlicllation, and that they be done with wyer, oflilken threads, with hair, or lincws of certain animals. And thinés that are to be wrapped up mull he done in thcleaves ol hi-aihs, or the skins of amnials, or hnc cloths, and the Me, accordin to the liitshlenels of things: as if youwouldpro- cure the §olary vertuc of any thing, this being wrapped upin bay leaves, or the skin ofa Lion, hang it about thy neck with at golden thread, ot alilken thread of ayallow colour, whilcll the Sun rules in the heaven : fo_ thou (halt be cndued with the Solary vcrtuc of that thing. But if thou doll dclirc the vertue ofany =a:urn.n: tlxi:1g,thoul`h1ltin like mane: take that thing whiltlt .$.;mm raignes. and wrap it up in the shin ofan A&,or in a cloth med at a t`un».rall, elpecially ifthou dchtclt it for fadncfs, and with a black thread hang it about thy neck.. In like manner we mall conceive of the tell. r , i V' a ` ~ , ,lr 'Q ,iq ev* "N: . `_¢ ..- l
V- ~ - ' V u ,rt _a~..;;» ' 1 » . _, _ -p . ~»-f-':n.¢..'_',:l_, Y ' ~ _ V, ; ' f --v'.;.~. » . i ` , . ‘ i ' 94 ' _Of dc ult ifbilrfpby. A Book Cl-IAP. XLVII. 0_fRing:,¢mdr1:rir cmrpafrianr. ~ Ings alfo, which were alwaies much elleemed of by the R Ancients, when they are opportuncly made, do in like manner imprels their verrue upon uc, in as muchas they do af- fe& the fpirir of him that carries themwith gladnefs or fad- neF;, and render him courteous, or rerrible,bold, orfearfull, amiable, or hatetiill ; in as much alfo as they do fortifie usa- gainlk licknels, poifons, enemies, evill fpirits, and all manner .of hunfullthings, or at leal`r will not fuffer ns to be kept under them. Now the manner of making rhefe kinds of Rings, is this, viz. when any Star afcends fortunately, with the fortunate albeéi, or eonil1&ion of the Mm, we mull: takeaflone, and Heath that is under that Star, and ,make a Ring ofthe Metal! that is fucable to this Star, andin ir fallen the Prone, putting the Hearb , or root under ir; not 0- mitting the infcrigtions of images, names, and Charaélers, as alfo the proper utfumigations, but we (hall fpeak more of thcfe in another place, where we (hall treat of Images, and Charaéiers. So we read in Phila/Irma far-chu.: , tharawife Prince of the Indians bellowed (even Rings made afterthis manner, marked with the venues, and names ofthe (even Pla- nets to ApaL'anin:,oF which he wore every day one,di[i:ingni[h- ing them according to the names of the dayes, by the benefit of which he lived above one hu ndred and thirty years, as alfo alwaies retained the beauty, of his youth( In like manner GMM: the Law- giver, 'and ruler of the Hebrews, being skill- ed inthe Egyptian Magicli, is faidby ?cWph:u to have made Rings of love, and oblivion; Therc~wasa|lo,as faith /Iri/Ia:/c, amongfl the Cirmcan: a Ring oflirrzrns, which could procure love and honour. We read alfo that Eudamru a certain Philo- fbpher made Rings again!! the bites of Scrpenrs, bewitchings, and evil fpirits. The fame doth ?<Wpbw relate of .S`a!aman. fllfo we read in Plaza that glgm, King of Lydia had :citing i » i s -_ ,;_.ot`
Boolt 1. bf omni Qbiztyopby. f t _____... ofwonderfull, and (hangs vertues, the fcal of whieh,when he tU''1¢<1 wward the palm of his hand, "0 body could feehirn, bu! hr C0016 fee all things = by the opportunity of wbiehkin he ravilhed the Ogeen, and flew the King his Maller, an§ killed whomfoever he thought lkood in his way, and in theft: villanies no body could fee him , and at length by the beneiitof this Ring he became King of Lydia. ~; fe CHM. xtymp i e Ofxtlae wertue of plxcu, andiwlmr place: are firtablera ever] mr. , THerc be wonderfull vertues of places accompanying them, either from things there placed, or the influences ofthe Stars, or any other way- For as Flin] relatesofa Cuzkow, in what plate any one doth firlt hear him, if his right foot be marked about, and that foot-llcp di ged up,thrr¢ will no Pleas bc bred in that plaeewhere it is §cattered,i_Sd they fa that the dnli of the track of a Snake being gathered upgtndlleattered amongft Bees, makes them return to their hives. So alfo that the dulk, in whith:rMule hath rolled him- felf, being cali upon the Body,dorh mitigate the heats of love, and that the dull wherein a Hawk hath rolled her felt] if it be bound to the body in a bright red cloth, cures thc quartzne.So doth the Gone taken out of the nclt ofa Swallow, as they Yay, prcfcntly relieve tbofc that have the falling lrcknels, and being bound to the party, continuaZ ly preferve them, efpeeially ifit be rolled in the blood, or heart of :i Swallow. And it is re~ ported, That if any one having cut a veine, and being falling, (hall go over a place where any one lately fell with the fitofz Falling ficltnefs, that he fhall fall into the fame difealev And Plmy reports, that to faftcn an iron naile in that place where hc that fell with a ht of the Falling (ickocls firilpitehed his head, will free him from his difeafe. So_they-faystlm I-'fl Hfilfb t in u on the head of any imige, being gathered. and gun g p» ~ J. ‘ bonnd- A - _ < , '- . ., .Q yy; 1 ', _ ,eo f , ~ - _ , _» , -'_-,_ j -~ _.__ rv -; .‘_. _, i i ` »?._.*i
,,,-._ __ _ :_ _ -,___. _ ,»¢ > i `* K _'if , " "` _ "` ,‘_1;,i_'<} -'fri ;’*,L;,¢».>-l `-. '~ ii G5liid?»l>l~J' e Book I ul . ° ,bound upin fome part of ones garment with a red thread, 8 ' ° [h;ll,prelentl) allay the headach , and that any Hearb gather- edoucof the brooks or rivers before Sun filing, that no body . feehirn that gathers ic, (hall cure the Tertian,il:`it be bound go _thc left arm, the lick party not knowing what is done. But 3, _ mongli places that are appropriatedrothe Stars, alllllnk. _ ing places, dark, underground, religious., and mournful! . places,as Church-yards, tombes, and houfcs not inhabited by ~ men, and old,rortering, obfeure, dreadful! houfes, and folitary . dens, caves, and pits, alfo Efh-ponds, (landing pools, fennes, . and (itch like are appropriated to Saturne. Unto Yrrpiter are afcribed all priviledged places,Confillories of noble men, Tri- . bunas,Chaires, places for Exercifes, Sclools,and all beautifull, .and clean places, fcattercd, or fprinkled with divers odours. ~'l'o Marr, fiery, and bloody places, furnaces, bake-houfes, - Ihambles, places of execution, and plates where (here lim; -been great batrailes fought, andllaughters made, and the like, -To thc Smnligllt places, the; Serene Aire, Kings Pallaces, and -Princes Courts, Pulpits, Theators, Thrones, and all king|y,and -Magnificent places. To Pkmu, pleafant fountains, green Mea~ . dows,6owrilhing Gardens, garnilhed beds, flews (and ac- . cording to Orplmu) the fea,the fea (ho re,baths,danting-places, .and all places belonging to women. To e/"mrcnrg, fhopsg -fchools, ware-houfes, an Exchange for Merchants, and the .likes 'forthe Mann, wildernelles, woods, rocks, hils, moun- . rains, forreils, fountains, waters, rivers,li:as, fea-lhores,fhips, .groves, l1igh.waies, and granaries for Corn, and fuchlilte. .Upon this account they that endeavor to procure love, are ~wont to bury for afeertain time the infiruments of their art, .whether they bc rings, images, i lookingglaffes, oguny other, fro hide nhcminaflew houle, betaufc in that place they will contraél fome venerall faculty, no otherwifc then things that (land in [linking places, become (linking, and thofe inan Aromaricztll place,become A‘romaticall,and ,ofa fwcet favour. Thefour corners of the Earth alfolpertaimtoichis matter. Hence they that are to gather a Saturnall, Mattiall, orjoviall Heath; mulllook towards the Ball, or South; partly bccaufe t. "_ l ' ` A __ l. ,
Book 1. ofo¢¢~z¢f1>/,iz0@L,.“ l they dcftre to be orieutall from the Sun, and partly, b¢¢;q@. their principallhoufegviz. Aqmzrixa, Smpim, Sd frm-im are Southern Ggnes, fo alfo are fapricomxu, and Pjgu. Bu; the rthat will gather a Vmzmll, lllercuria/I,orLmw7 Hearb, mulit look towards the‘~Nei`t,becaul`e they delight to be wellern, or elfe they mul! look Northward, becaulc their principal! lxoufcsfviz.. Taurru, Gmini, Cancer, Wrga are Northern Ggnes, fo in any Solar] work we mull look towards the Ball, pr South , but rather towards the Snag body, and ight. V ~ 4_1 l1 ~ Cl-IAP. XLIX. of Light, folaurr, Cqnd/er, and Lampr, and ro what Swv, Tfdiiv, and Elmuuufet/mall colanr: are afcriéed. Llght alfo is a quality that partakes much of form , and is at ~ unplc~a&,and a reprcfentation of the uuderllanding : it i§¥ir{l diffnfcd from the Mind of God into all things, but in God the Pather,the Father ofligheje is the fitll true lightgthen in the Son a beautifull ovetllowl ng brightnclk, and in the Holy Gholk a burning brightnel3, exceeding all Intclligencies; yea, :tg Dymwur, faith, of Seraphim, In Angels therefore it is aa [hining intelligence dilfufed , an abundant ioy beyond all boundsof reafon yet received in divcrsdcgrccs, according to~ the Nature of the intelligence that receives it; '1'henitde=- fccnds into Ccleltiallbodies, whercit becomesallorcofhfef and an elFc&uall propagation, even a viliblc fplendor. In the fireacenain haturall livelincfsinful"cd into it by theheavens. .And hilly in men, it is a clear difcourfc ofreafon, ind know-f" ledge oidivine things, auththc whole rationallé buethis ‘ 3 ._ ' mamg s ~ V ' __ r i. ~ ` ,f _ > »_. vc, r_ n . - ' _ .
_,_7 . ,,,~-w l ___1_ _ 1 ,. .-_~- ,, _ , » V 5 »° of0¢¢~1te>1»il0jap/»y. Book I. xnanifold,eithet by reafon of the difpolition ofthe body,:ts the Peripatetickswill have it,or which is more true,by reafonof the gobdilplcafurc of him that bcftows it, who gives it to every Qneias he plealeth. From thence it paffeth tothe fancy, ye; above the fcnfe, but only imaginable, and thence to the fence, but efpecially to that of the eyes; In them it be- comes avilible clearncls, and is extended to other perfpi. cuous bodies, in whichit becomes acolour, and lhining beau. cyibucin dark bodies it is a certain bencficiall and generative vcrtue, and penetrates, :o the very center, where th¢ beamcs of it being collefled into a narrow place, itbe- comes a dark heamtormcnting, and fcorching, fo that all things perceive the vigour ofthe light according to their capacity, all which ioyning to it fell withan enlivening heat, and pafling through all things, doth convey its qualities, and vertucs through all things. Therefore Magicians forbid thcUrin of afick man to be fprinkled in the (hadow of a lick man, or to bcsuncovercd .againftf the Sun or the Moon, bccaufcthe rgyes of the lightpcnetrating, bringing fuddcnly with it the nhkious ualities ofthe lick bodies, convey them into the oppofite bo- gy,and affect that with a quality ofthe fame kind. This is the realbn why Enchanters have a care to cover their Enchant- ments with their fhadow. So the Civet Cat makes allDogs dumb with the very touch of her fhadow. Alfo, there are made; qttiliciallyg fome Lights, by Lamps, Torches, Candles, and inch* like,ofl`ome certain things, and liquors opportuncly cho{cn,ac.' cordingtocthe rule ofthe Stars, and compofcd :tmon ll them-, felves according to their congruity, which when theyie light- ed, and (htne alone, _are ,wont toproduce, fome wonderl'ull,~ and Celelhall effefls, which men many times wonder at, as P/rn] reports out of/Ifnaqi/am, of a poifon of Mares after co~ pulation, which being lighted in Torches, doth monllronlly re- prefcnt ti light ofhorfe hegdsmhe like maybe done of All`es,and lllC5,WhlCll being tempered with wax,8£ lightcd,make allrange iight of flies : and the skin of a Serpent lightcdin a Lamp, lI¥}§1l§¢S§¢rpcnts appear. And thcylixy when G,rapesare_in their ~.=+ s 1 ` / ' Bower,
4 ,ff Book I. Of' Occult Pbilrybpbyi ~ flower, if any one (hallbind a Viall to them full of Oile, and Hull let it alone till they be ripe, and then the Oil: be llglmd in a lamp,it makes Grapes to be l'een.And fo in other fruits. If Centory be mixed with Honey, and the blood of a l.apwiug_ and bc put ina Lamp, they that (land about will fcem a great dealbigger then they are wont : and if it be lighted in :clear night, the Stars will leem to be featteted the one from the other. Such force allb is in the inke ofthe Cuttle fifh, that it being put into a Lamp,makesiBlaek.mores appea_r.It is alfo rc- ported,that a Candle made of fome certain Satumine things, if being lighted,it be cxtinguilhed in the mouth of 1 man new- ly dead, will afterwards, as oft as it [hines alone, bring great fadncfs, and fear upon them that (land about it. Of fueh like Torches, Lamps, doth Herne; (peak more of, alfo Tiara, and Cbjriwnidrr, and of the latter writers e/41- éerrru in a ccrtainTreatife of this particular thing. Colours alfo are a kind of lights, which being mixed with things, arc wont to expofe them to thofe Stars, to which they are agreeable., And welhall afterwards fpeak of forne coloun, which are the lights of the Planets, by which even thang. tures of fixed Stars thetnfelvcs are undeiftood, which :ilfo maybe applyed to the flames of Lamps, and Candles. But in this place we (hall relate how the colours of infcriou_r mixtfthings are dilirihutcd, to divers Planets. For all eo- loun, black, "lucid, earthy, leadcn, brown, have relation to Samrnr. Saphire, and airy colours, and thofe which are alwaies green, clear. purple, darkifh, golden , mixed with Silver, belong to fapirrr. Red. colours , and buming , fiery, flaming , violet, Purple , bloody, and iron colours. re- fernble Lilian, Golden, Saffron, purple, and bright colours, fcfemblc the Sun. lint all white, fair, curious, green, ruddy, betwixt faffron, and purplqrefembl: Vemu. /ldrrrmy, and the Maru. Moreover amongii the houfcs of the heaven, the Etfi, and ieventh hath white colour : the fecond, :inditwellih green: the third, and eleventh falfron: the fourtlnand the tenth red : the £ift,and ninth honey colour; the fixt,and e§hth(, z r ‘ ac . g H - *' ,_ r
_,_ .,~'r~ * loo v n;...___ _ _H _ _ _ f -‘~"-iZ';rQ-¢~f-r:~»,.-,_ Q _,v .. v, -T` __ ` 4 _ .., _, , J, _ ~' ' _ ?*1i.] , <_. ~_ ,, ,_ v i Book I. black. The Elements alfo have their colours, by which Na. ,turall Philofophers iudge of the complexion and property of ;},¢;,- nature; For an earthycolour,caufed of coldnel§, and drynefsis brown, and black, and manifelis black cho|lcr,and :t Saturnine nature; the blew tending towards whitencl§,doth dmom flfgmc f for cold `malrcswhitc, moillurc anddrynefs makes black : reddifh colour (hews blood, butfiery , firming, burning hotlhew chollcr, which by reafon of its fubtilty, and 3P;g¢f§ to mix with others. doth caufe divers colours more: for if it be mixed with bIood,and blood be moll predominant, it makes :i florid red; if choller predominate, it makrs :1 redilh colour; if there be an equall mixtion,it makes ax fad red. Bnzif adull :holler be mixed with blood, it makes a Hemgcn colour, und red,if hlood~pre`dominate,and lomewhat re if choller prcvaile; bur if it be mixed with a melancholy humour, it makes a black colour, hu: with Vmalancholy, and Hegme to- gether, in an equallproportion, ir makesa Hempencolour ; If flegme »aboun'd, a mud colour, if melancholy, i iblewilli; butii it 'be ruixcd iwith ficgme alone, in an equal! pro- portion, it makes acirrine colour; if unequally, apale, or Falifh. [flow all colours are more prevalent, when they be in ilk, or in metals, or in perfpicuons liibflances, or prcttous 3066; and in thofc things which relemble Celelliall bodies in. Qolomefpecially in living things. i i CHAP. f
Book I. OF Occult Tbiloizpby. r o i CHAP. L. g of Fafcixaxim, and the Ar: rlurnfl E'-‘lfcination is at binding, which comes from the fpirit ofthe )N ttch,through the eyes ofhim that is be itched,enteting to his heart. Now the inltrnment of Fafcinationis the fpirit, we.. a certain pure, lucid. fubtile vapour, generated ofthe purer blood,by the heat of the heart. This doth alwaies fend forth through the eyesxayes like to it felf ; Thnfe rayes being fent forth. do carry with them a fpirituall vapour, and that vapour :t blood , asit appears in bleer, and red eyes, whofe' rates being (ent forth to the eyes of him that is oppolite, and looks upon them,c:irtiesthe vapour of the corrupt blood, to- gether with it fclf. by thecnntagion of which, it dothinfeei the eyes ofthe btholder with the like difeafe. So the eye being. opened, and intent upon any one with a llrong imagination, doth dart its beams, which are the Vehiculum ol the lpirit into the eyes of him that is oppolite to him, which tender fpirie Ilrikes the eyes ol him that is Bewitched, being iiirredup from the heart olhim that (hikes, and polfefleth the breall: of him that is Itrickenwvounds his heart, and infei3s fpirit. Whentc ¢/Ipuleius faith, Thy eyes Hiding down through my cyes,int0 mine inward breaft, Ftirii up 1 mioll vehement burning in m Marrow. Know therefore that men are then mol! bewitched; when with often bcholding they direfi the edge of their light to the edg of their Hgh: that bewiteh them, and when their eyes are reciprocally inzent one upon the other, and when raies are io;-ned to raits, and lights to lights, for then the (pi-~ rit of the one is ioyned to thc lpirit ofthe other, and tixcth its, fparhs : So are (hong ligations made, and fo mol! vehement loves are inflamed with the only tales of the eyes, CVCDWilb3 certain fudden looking on, as if it were with a darn otfitvko penetrating the whole body, whence then the fpirit, and uno- rous blood being thus wounded, arecarried fortlilvpvhfltll lover, and enchanter, no othcryvig then the blood; 2114 fP“;§ . 3 1 . _ ' _ '__ ' ,W /' 4 . ' , ‘-.111 I 1 ,.__,( tp f"" I,
Book I. oF0¢¢ir1¢lEP1,;z¢,pry.l` IQ , neck, and by this means will the difeafe be removed. They Eiy that by Wood ftricken with lightning, and cali behind the back with ones h:inds,any difeafe may becured, and in aiartanes a piece of a naile from a Gibbet, wrap: up in ooll, and hanged about the-neck, cures them; alfo aRo e doth the like. that is taken from a Gzrllows, and hid undlzr ground, that the un cannot reach it. Alfo the throat ofhim that hath a hard fwelling, or impoiibumebeingtouchcd with the hand of him that dyed by an i.nm:iture death, iscured thereby. Alfo they {1y,that a woman isprefcntly eafed ofhet hard travel, if any one lhall put into the bed, where thewo- man in travel is, :r Hone. or dart, with which eithcrof thefc Animalsyuic. a Man, a Boar, or a Hear were at one blow killed. The fame alfo, as they f1y,doth :r fpearrhat is pulled out ofthe body ofa min, ifrt fhzrllnotfirilc touch the ground; alfo they fay that Arrows pulled out of the body ofrn:rn,i if they have not touched the Earth, and be put under any one lying down, will procure love; Alfo they fzy that thefal- ling iickneh is cured by meat made ofthe iieih of a wild bait, flgin in thefame manner as aman isiliin. Alfo they fay tlura mans eyesthat are waihed three times with the water wherein he hath wafhed his feet, (hall never be fore or bleer. It isfiid that fomc do cure diaries of the groin withthrccd taken out ofthe Weavers Loom, being eyed in nine. or feven knots, the name of fome Widow being named at every knot. e Alfo the Spleen of Calle extended upon pained Spleens, cures them, if he that applies it, faith that he isapplying amedzcinetothe' Spleen to cure, and safe it : After this, they fay, the patient muli be (hut into :i (leaping room, the dore being fealed up with a Ring, and fome verfe be repeated over nineteen times, The Urine of a green Lizard cures the fame difeafe, ifit he hanged up in a pot before the parientsbed~ch:imher, fo thru: he ma .as be comes in and our,touch it with hisehand. Alfoz Limtdvkilled in the Urine of a Calf, as they fay, reikairshis hail: that put it in .- but he that fhallput his own_Uring'into at Dogs Urine,is faid to be made thereby dull to vcnerous a&s, and to feclabenummcdneikinhisloins, They iiy,thitif ones Jiri . own < r _.Y-¢ ~ . J --f '.`, _ , Y r ' .~-f~-ew ,~,;_ 1 V _-‘. :'>¢~ V- r
_ M _ __,,_;t_f_-.'L:.:.1::_.:::¥.l,`_?:,TL,._.,,,,.| I* V -,..:Y_~‘..- ~ 1-~-. - ` L ,`YT?YI!_ § r* »'~i:~¢-v re .IO " ` i(5fOccizIr‘PbiIMi[5l:y. Book I. own Ueinebe dropped upon the foot in the morning, it is; remedy aainll all evil medicines. _And 2 llCIlC Fr0g Climbing upatree, if any one lhall fpit in his_m011tb. and ¥h¢U_ let him ekzipe, is faid to cure the Cough. It isa wonderfull thing, bu; eafy to experience, what Plinj fpC2l§S OE ll any one fhallb¢ forry for any blow that he huh given another afaroff, or nigh 3; hand, if he (hall prcfently (pit into the middle of that hand with which he gave the blow, the pcirty that was fmitten fhallprefcntly be freed from pam. This hath been approved of in a founfooted beali that hath been forely hurc.Some there are that aggravate the blow before they give it. In like maner efpitlccarriedin the hand, or to fpit in thelhooe of the right foot before it be put on, is good when any one paffeth -through a dangerous place. They fay that Wolves will not come to a lield,ifone ofthem. be taken, and the blood let by little and little out of his legs, being unbroken, with a knife, and fprinkled abouttheoutlides ofthe field,:tnd he himfelf be buried in that place, from which he was firll dmvn. The Mg- '1th:nenl`es, Citizens of 'l`rezenium,accot:nted it as a prélerit re- medy for prcferving of Vines from the wrong of the Southern wind, havingalwaies found it by moll certain experience; if whilefl the wind blows, rt white Cock lhould be pulled to fpiecesin the middle by two men, bothwhieh keeping their ;p:trt,mull walk round the Vineyard, and both meeting in the place from whence they began their Circuit, muft in that place bury the pieces of the Cock. They fay alfo that if any one [hall hold a Viper over a vapour with 2 l}al¥e,he_fhall pro- phecy , and that the liaflfc wherewirha Snake was beaten is ‘goo ngzinll difeafes of breeding women. Thule- thingsflinj recites. It isfaid allb in gatheringof roots and hcarbs,we muli draw three circles round aboutttiem, lirll: with a~ hvord, then dig them t;p,taking heed inthe mesh time of arcontrary wind. Alfo they ay, that ifany. one (hall mealiire a dead man with a rope, lirfi from the Elbow to the biggell linger, then from the (boulder to the fame hnger, and afterwards fromthe head. F0 UIC f¢¢f» marking thrice thofc rnenfur:icions,if any one alter- word (lull be mealiired with the fame rope,in thefame manez. . ,_~,h¢ v A .~i _‘ ` 7-. ~ va.. , -1 1 ,- ' ` _ -_ ~¢ _ _V ' _ 'Y-,r_ ` 4.
Book I. Of Occult ‘PbiI¢>pl:y. ‘ _ to he (hall not profper, but be unfortunate, and fall into mifery, and fadnefs. And Alécrru: out of Cbjmnmk faith, thatif any woman hath enchanted thee to love her, take the fheet fhc lies in, and pifs through her hood, and her rightffleevqout of 1100! S, and the enchantment will be quittcd And P/in] faith, that to Gt by women great with child, or when a mcdicineis given to any one of them, the fingers being joyned together like the teeth ofa K cmb , is a charm. This was known by ex- perience in Alcumnm breeding Hercule: : and fo much the wor{c» if that bc done about one,,‘or both knees. Alfo to lit croh legged, is Sorcery, therefore it .was forbideni to be done in the Counfels of Princes, and Rulers,:tsathing which hindred all aéis. And it is (aid, if any one {`tand» ing before the door call the' :mn by his name , that is lying witha woman, :ind he anfwec , if then he faflzcn 3 knife, or needle on the door, and break it, the edge being downward, he that is in the bed with the wornancannot cou- ple with her as long as tbofc things [hall be there. e C!-lAP.I.Il. A _ ofrbf Cowrtemzr:cc,¢znJ qejhrre, the Habit, t!7!dP;g!d7i£ ith: Baify, and what Star: 431] vftb# do mxfwer; whence Pbjjiog- 77977-'Yr and Lilfriopa/cap), ami Clgrammnydrtx ofdwimr tion, brrvc their grcfwdx. l THe countenance, gefhirc, the motion, fetting, and figure of the body, being accidentall to us, con- duce to the receiving ot Celelkiall gifts, and expofe us to the fuperiour bodics,and produce certain effeflsin us.n0 other- wife thcn in Hellebor. which when thou gachcrctl, ifthou pulleft the leaf upward, it draws the humors upivatdggind eanfethvomiting; ifdownward,it eanfeth purging, hydraiving ghehumour doivnward. How much :ill'o.thc countenance, g¢{lure,doe:il¥e& the Iighgimzginationgr and Niinulklinirit, no man isignorant. So.they~,that;~coupleitbc:gcuet°atiou, fig; A ~ e , l. t c . 1 _ 9- ' _ _ .' ,L , V ' ‘ ~:,",- **"'f TL- '5 ;2‘ < _ 4. _‘N U; _.,
.,.....,,,....,,,..,,......~....~;.c,...,,~..;w~..-- r~<-,~~~-= fr , l ~, . l-u-., -¢-~ 5 _~.4 ‘. V <- - » - . ,, , ,~ .... -~ A;:, ._ ,»f~~-,:“‘f¢-.- :S ` - -E"5» " »‘ f:,.'.”" ' V' '¢w~ » - %__i_ halve ,A:!r:__.(.,?1». V _ ,V , . ,QEO¢¢}lléf~@Iffl<n»pby. , Book rl ghemoll pare are wontto make an imprcllion on the children that arethen begotten, ofthat countenance which they them. felves then form, or imagine : So:¢mild,and cheerfull conn, ienance ofa Prince in the Ciry,makes the people ioyfull = but fierce, and fad, certifies them f fo the geflure,and countenance ofany one lamentingdothcafily move co pirty : So the lhape ol~`an_amiable perfon,dorh ealily excite to love. Thou mnll Vlmow that fuch like geftures, and Hgures, a§ harmonics of the body do expofc it no orhorwile to the Celeliials, then odours, and the fpirit of at Medicine , and intecnall pzilions do the foul. For as Medicincsnnd pmflions of the mind are bylcertmin diqxolirions ofthe Heaven increafed fo alfothe geilure, and motion ofthe body do get an efhcacy by certain influences of the heavens.. For there are gellurcs rcfembling .Samrmgwhich are melancholy. and fad, as are beating of the breall, llriking of the head r alI°o fuch as are Religious. as the bowing ofthe knee, and a Ext looks downward,as of one pmdyingpllo weep~ ing, and fuch like,zs are uied by an Aullerqan Snturnine man, fuch an one as the Sagrql defcribes, lhying, ` With bang! down brad, With qerfixed to the round, I H13 raging ward: éirn in, and muttering/5.¢1n¢§ He doth expr;/2 with palwing lip: ---- ' s Aeheerfull, and honeft countenance, a worlhipfull gellure, .clapping ofthe hands,as of one rejoyeing,and pcaifinggalfu the bending ofthe knee , with the head lifted up,as of one that is worfhipping, are alcribed to }upirer A fowre, fierce, eruell, angry, rough countenance, and gelince,are afcxibed to Jmm. Sala) are honourable, and contagious, geilutes, and cotmre- nanccs : alfo wzlkings abroad, bending of the knec,as of one honoring :Ming wich one knee.Vmrrml.arc dances,embru.ees, |aughtcrs.arniable,:ncl cheetfull countcnanees. Mneurs?t0 arc inconftanr, quick, variable, and fuch like gclluregznd counte.. aanccs. Lum-J are ifuch as are moveable, poifonfull, and ehildifh, and the like, And as we have fpoke of gelltxres,l`o xlfo ere the lhzpes of men di[hn&. For Saturn: befpealig a man to ~ ' be Y -' ."‘V» ,_ *_ -s UC-‘ ..~ . . i 4. 1 _. _..,_, -,;_ W ,.,;..`»1- ;..».¢:.».,_ .__
Book 1. ofotaarebfuppby. e IU be ofa black, and yellowifhcolour, leat1.crookcd,of a;rou%h skin, great vcines,~h1iry all over his body, little eyes, 0 3 frowning forehead,of a thin be:trd,great lips, eyes intent upon the ground , of a heavy gate, (hiking htsfeet to thcrashe walks crafty,witty,'a feducer, and murderous. ipiro (ig. nifies lt man to be of a pale colour, darkilh red, ahandfome body, good (lature, bold, of great eyes, not black altoéeiher, ' ‘ ‘ h large pupill, fhort noflrils, not equall, great teet e ore, cnrld hair, of good difpo(ition,and manners. ejlffarn makes a man red. of a red hair, round faee,yellowil`h cyes,of a. tcr~ rible, and iharplooks, b ld,iocund, proud, crafty. The Sun makes aman of a tatiny colour, bettvixt yellow and black, dalht with red , of a fhort flature, yet of a handfome body, without much hair, and curld,of yellow eyes , wife, faithfull, delirous ofpraife Vmw lignifies a man to he tending towards blacknefs but more white. with mixture of red,of a handfome body, a fair, and round face, fair hair, fair eyes. theblackncli whereof is more intenfc, ol good manners, andhonell lnve,al- f6"kihd, patient, and jocund : /Mercury lignilies a man not much white, or block, of a long,f:1ce,high forehead, fair eyes, not black, to have -a (height, and long nofe, thinibeardylong lingers. to be ingenious, alhbtile inquilitor,turn=cpar,ind~fub- ieétfto many fortunes.; The Mwnlignifies aim1n:to=beih~ eo~ lour whitc,mixed with a litlc red,»o£a fair {`t.;ture;‘ronnd$aee, with fomematks in it, eyesfnot fully black, frawning forehead, alfo kind, gentle, fociable. The Signes alfo, :md fates of Signes have their figures , and fhzpes, which hethat would know, muft feek them out in books offthlhology. La[lly,nponthc{e figures, and gellurcs, Phyliognomy, and Meropofcopyprtsof divination doidrgend: Alfo Chyromxncy, foretellingftuure bventmnot as can es, but as fgnes through like e£¥eRs,caufed;by the fame caufe. ‘and although thefe divers kinds of divination: may feem toe be done by inferiour, andwcaltligues; retire iudgenients ofthemarc not robe l`lighted,or condetnncdlwhcn ' rognollicationis madeby them, not out of fupetliidon, but Ey reafon ofthe harmonineall.correfpondentyof all theparts ofthe body. A Whofoever therefore ldorhétligkrnorc iexaélly f e f ,r imitate _r U 1 .
'v wr 9 5 0fDi1/Imation, and its lgndf. r.v. -.¢4. 3__»i. - wi V - ;~ _ _ ..,,-. d _ » i OF 0cc1~¢‘ltlU?l:iMJply. Book I, imi[Qfcr1thc» Cglelliall bodice, either _rn nature, lludy, aéhon, motionggelture. countenance, pallions of the_m|nd, and op. portunity ofthe feafon, is fo much the morelike to the hea. venly bodies, and can receive larger gifts from them. ,¢1- ` Cl-IAP. LIU. ’ 'IW-lere are fome other kinds of divinations depending up. ` on naturall caufes, which are knownoto every one in hi; attfand experiencexo be in divers things; by which Phyfrti. ans, husbandmen, Ihepheards,M.1riners,and every one of thefe out of probable ligne; do Prognollicate. Many ofthefe kinds e/Iriparle made mention of in his Book of Timer. Amonglt yhich.Arr_g:gfi¢,~at1d~¢/fu/jaieia are the chicfelhwhich were in`formet.trmein`l`uch eflcem amongllz the Romanes, thzfnh would do nothing that did belong to private or publique bug neil, without the counfcll of the /!n_gur¢;:Ciccro allb in his Book of Divinations largely declaregzhat the people of7'ufrr1¢ would do nothing without this art. Now there are divers 'kinds of Au/ivicilfn - for fome are called Peddlria (i. e.) which are taken from four footed bealls : Some are called Arrganh, which are taken from birds : Some are Celelliall, which are taken from thundrings , and lightnings ; fome are called fadueafizf. ji when any fell in the temple, or clfwhere ;V Some were facredpvhich wetetakenlrom facriliccs. Some ofthcfe were called!a,»and fad /Ingigrig, 4; when ia faerilice ef' caped from the Altar, or being lmitten made a bcllowing, or fell upon another partof his body then hc fhould. To thefei; Hddfd E-w#_gr1r4tivfx,'viz.. when the rod fell our of the hand of the Augure, withewliichit was the cultorne to yiew, and take notice ofthe Au/piebzm. ~fLIirb.u-I Seam: maltep. mention of twelve kinds of /!:(gur£.¢’r,‘viz,. Six on the right hand , the names of which he faith are Fmww, Fervmu, fonfm, " . ` .Em- , $3151.34 we » ~:-; f..,¢' -1, , Q
is V"" Book I. Of Occult Enrpanenrbm, Sonnafarnorm, Samz;/Prrurtm : and the other Gx on the left hand, the names of which ate, Canfernmz, [`onfer'ver:u , Vim-am, Hzrrmam, $`c.f[.rrf:ot/a. Scajivvrtfn. Then expounding their namcs,he faith, Frrnotm is anvffr- gurixm; when thou god! out of thy houfe for to do any _buh- nch, and iogning thou fcefl :4 man, or :t bird going, or flying, fo that either of them fer himfclf before thee upon thy Ielir hand, that isa good fignirication, in rcfrencc to thy bniincfs. Pefvmu is an vhgnrinm; whcn thou [halt go outoflhy houfc for to do any bufinefs, and in going thou findellzor fcell a bird , or a man refhng himfelf bcforcthcc onthe left (ide of thee, that is an ill iign in reference to thy buiinefsr iirrugnis an Au urixmxywhen a man or :t bird in his iourney,or flying paffeth begun: thee, coming from the right fide ofnbct, :ind bending towtrdthc left, goeth out of thy (ight, thitiu goodlign concerning th bnhnefs. Canfmre-va is :tn e/fu ll' rium; when thou doft Htl! find ay man, or :third going, orgy- ihgund then he refls himfelfbtzforc thee on thy right hde, thou fecing of it, thiris: good [ign concerning thy bulinelég Cm- j}rr/erw is an e/fu Arrinm ;“whcn fit{’c'thou findcfhi ogfedta nun, or-abirdbcnéing from thy right fide , :tts an -ill fign tontctningthy bttfincfs. Sc-ima_£1mu.v.xisan /lqxrhrm; lwhm 1 an, orabtrdromes behind ‘thcc,,androatgoeththee, but begore he comtsat thee, he tells, than fecingof htm on thy tight tide , it is to thee a good Ggn. .S`cim.¢f¢rmu.r is :tn Au m-fum; when thou feeft a man, or abitd behind thec,but befgrc he comes to thee he rc{sin tlut place, thou feeing of it,‘i:sis a good hgn. Sc.zj]`.rrz'¢rm is when thou (cell aman, or a bird paffing by thee, and rcfiing in 1 phce on thy icft fide, it`is an eviillign to thee. Empanmrbem is whcnst man, or! bird comin from thy left (ide, and paiiing to thy rnhngocbh out ofthy fiéght without rcfting, it is a good Ggn. Hmmzxs an Augurimn; ifa man or a bird coming fromrthy right hand, p1I'Gng_behindy thy bztk to thy left , and thou Gul; fecyhxm reiking any where, this is no evtll (ign. Thus much Sefmu. The Ancients did alfo prognoiticate fro ¢r:{'mgS.0f Wh1Cf1H°"1f" zin the feventccnthbook ofhis 0 _rnaiscs mention, becéagxfe 'Y I0
¢._._,.,; " _¢_. -}..-. ' ~ -. Ll 'l ` . " ;i1 -V <* off " _ofio¢¢~l¢ifP1,;zW@». Boat if they thought they procéedcd from a facted plzrcc,-uiz..thc head in which the intcllcfi is vigotolw, and 0pcratwc._ Whencggqf fofwhatfocver fpcech came into th; brcafi, or mind ofa mm tiling in the morning unawatcs, is (aid to be fomc prcfagq, and an Axtgtvixtnx. t QHAP. um. of diver: m-min /Ininmlf, and other thing: which have ¢.ijg,,;_ _firatinn in Al1glll'|3’S. ` _ ` LLthc_/In/iiiciavshich Grit happen in the beginningnf » any cntctprife :ire to bt taken noticé, of .: as if 'in the hé- ginning of thy work thou (halt perceive that Rats have gnawn thy garments, dclill: from, thy undertakings; If going forth _thou (halt Rumble at the thrclhold, or in the way thou ,lhilg thy foot agninlt Andy thing, forbcar thy ijonmtgy ,Jr iffy tll oxncn happeni in thcrbcginmng of thy bulinclé, put ali thy undertakings , leaf! thy intentions be wholly ftuliratcd, ni- accomplifhed to no purnofe; but`cxpc& and wait fora form# nate hour for thc difpatching of thy affairs with a better otntnl We fccthat many Animals arc, liy a naturall power imbrcdjn them; gropheticall. Doth not the Cock by his crowing Qiiligéntfyl tcllfyou rhchouts of the night, and morning, ,and with hiiswings fprcad forth chztlc awayithe Lion; and many birds with their linging, and chattering, and Ries by th¢ir limp prickingfotrtéll rain, and Dolphinsiby their often lciapinga- liovc the watotiottfrnn tcmpélté. It would bé too. long to rt. |47-férauinlf P-‘m7?~§¢$. ‘fvhich th¢5Pbfj`gi»v:xi CL`i/1'cifr1i)~,.4rt;fzi.z:u 'U”15f=4w, 7"%i#¢ff, ind Orhff people ; hith“foll<n-1 tliéfzuf _gurift',r, learngdoby birds. Thtfc they hzwé proved by rmny can periments,and §x:tm£I¢s.Porin all thingé thcOriclcs of things to Comg age hid :. nt_t1iql'cfare[thqinIiiEQ€[{ which Onginalf htrds lhallr orctcllk Llxcfg ;1i¢,_;hQf§ §¢g»L;cf,;§t{¢"p5§t§2r§|m5 '?Y_¢E“-§fP¥¥“¢d ff°‘** mf? 5‘?§°ihifliifT*Tf;5FQf§T§bi=‘fthé;f53Y ¢fQ§l%f§§§if1f3fk¢"»8Ud miflwbkrving hCli'fCf(lIig. a§ ff:5lxr§,inci- ‘ " l ' 'i her r sr t- t ' ' _ -`§ ‘ . _ _ f _ ` ~.f,i,;¢'_ ' ~ ,_ ‘i -‘ ' _ ‘ ' |~_»X¥1'~.“§-, 'j j " ., i ' _ i _- ' f, ‘ , V ,`E"~~'~e~ ~£_f.‘~J' ' ~ » f 5~ ,Z ‘, ,L ` ,' ' 4'..€L_1n, -1 _ , :__ x.._:;|_u;L_J».-_ -...t1___ v V, »~ ,. A
" -, ,» 5. ,_ ;__ Book 1. oFo¢efiz¢@>1,f1.¢,,,1,y.iv I v ¢l-1-1 her manner of flying, whether on the right hand, orleft, whef ther elamorous, or iilent, whether [he goes before, or follows after, whether (he waits for the approach ol' him that paifeth by, or flies from him.and_which way fhe goes ; all thcfe thingé muff be diligently obfervcd. Orw Apollo faith in his Hyeroi glyphieks , Daws that are twins (ignilie marriage, bccanfc this Animall brings forth t o eggs, out of which male, and fc, male mufl bcbroughr forth : But if (which feldom happens) two males be generated, or two females, the rnaleg will not touple with any other females, nor females with any other males, but will ealwaies live without a mate‘;.a'nd,folifr{ry@ 'therefore they that meet alingle Daw, divinethereby that they fhall live 21.* lingle life. The fame alfo doth ablack Hen Pigeon hetolten ; for after the death of her mate,l1ge alwaies lives lingle. Thou (halt as carefully ohferve Crows, which are as lignilicant as Daws, yea, and in greater matters. It was _Epifirmx the Stoicks Philofophers judgement , who was a Sa e Author, that ifa Crow did evoke ovcragainll any one, it di§`5§6lte‘zffome evill, .either to his body, fortune, honour, wife,ot children."Thcn'thzm (halt take heed toaSwans. who fort-know the fccrets ofthe waters, for their eheerfulueié doth prefage happy events not only to Matrinets, butallof ther travellers, nnleE they be overcome by the coming oveeof allronger, as of an Eagle, who by the moi! potent Mzjeltyof her foveraign-ty rnakesnhllthe predirEtions` of alfotherbirds, iffhe (peaks to the contrary ; for (hc Hits higher then all other birds, and is of more acute (ight, and is never excluded from the fecrcts oljugirer ¢ She portends advaneement,and victory, but by bloo ; ecaufe (he drirfks no water but blood. An Ea le ll in over the Locrenlians, lighting againli the Croto- E Y 8 nienlians gave them vielory. An Eagle letting her feaf una-i _ . W wares upon the Target of Hm-a,gomg forth to the fir ar, betokened that he fhould be King. Two Eagles fitting allclay. upon the houfe at the birth of Alexmzdcr of Mfwedanié, did portend to him an omen of twq Kingdomesg 1/iZ~,,,af/54,7386 ffrra e. An Eagle alfo taking ofi’ the hat ofLuciiu 11' izrquinim ‘1’r§/£155 on to Dmmraxbnk the [brintbiavz ( ll yin g fiom honlze i ‘ Y ' ' ' , , _ "` _
_ _ - . ` A V' Vw” _ K by reafon of fome difcord, and being come into Hetrariagqd ° ' Rome and thcnfl in hi h with it, and afterward ggggrgt upoxg his head zg:':lin,gdi§portend to him the Kingf dome ofthe llvnian:.Vultnrs alfo n§ma¢ difliplty, hardnel§, 3, venoulhelk, which was verified int e beginning olbtiildmg of Cigieg, Alfo they fotetell the places offlaughtencoming fevcn dayes before hand; and becaufe they have malt tclpcfi to th" place where the greatell (laughter (hall bc, as tfthcy gaped af. ter the grcatell number of the _[hin; therefore the anctm; Kings were wont to fend out fpnes to take notice tvhat‘?1lac¢ the Vultnrs had moll_refpe_& to. The Phmnix prornilkth gg, hr good fuccefs, which being feen anew, Rome was builtvcry aufpicionilyt The Pellrcan, becaufe [hc hazards her felf for hg- ygurig, lignxlicsthat at man fhould out of the zeal of his love undergo much hardlbip. The glzinted birdgaye the name to the City of Pittawn, and fore ewed the lenity of thatpco. ple by its colour, and voice. flhe Heron is an Augarium of hard things. The Stork is a bird of concord; and rnelieg gpg. cord. Cranes ives us notice of the trechery ol enemies. '[|1¢ bird Cacuphz Ectokens gratitude, for [he alone doth cxprelk love to her Dam, being (nent with old age. On thecontraty, Hippopotamus that kils his,doth betoken mgratltude for good turn, alfo inhillice. The bird Origis is moft CDVIODS, and :tokens env . 1 4 , t Amongll: the linallcr birds, the Pie is talkative, and foretels guefls. The bird Albanellus flying by any one, ifftom thc left tothe ri ht, betoken cheerfulnch of entertainment, ifcontra~ rywife ,Ebetokcns the contrary. The fcrich Owl is alwaics unlucky, fo alfo is the horn Owl , who bccaufe [he goes to her yonn by ni ht unawares, as death comes unawares, is there- fore Eid toémrctelldeath : yet fometimea , becaufe lheisnot blind in the dark of the night, doth bctoken diligence. and watchfulnclh, which lhe nude good, when (hc Rite upon the fpcarof Hia-a. Dido, when (he fees the unlucky Owl, pitticd vfnm, whence thcPoetf1ng. f 4 i ni ivié ""` "V
_ _ .., __ , . , V _ - . .V ~ ‘ e fsofiocmzrehfznspzy. Book I. 4 ` ';°¢ friends. A Bat meeting any one running gwaydignifies an eva. [Ion = for although the have no wings, i yet fhe flies. _Align-_ ww is a had omen to one that runs away,l`oci}1e flies rom thg l-I;wk,arrd makeshall to the Owl,where flue is in asgrcac danger: et in love fhc is fortunate, for being Rirred up with lulheonplves feven times in an hour._ Bees are a good omen to Kings, for they fgniiic an obfeqnxons people. e Flies iii-,niiie importunity, and irnpudency, beeaufe being oftentimes riven :wvay,they do yet continually rernm.All'o domelhck birds are not without fume Angrnrirr, for Cocks by their crowing pro- motehopcand the ioumey of him that is undertaking it.More- over Lit/in the mother ol Tiberius, when fhe was great with himgtnokn l-lemligg andhatchcd it in her bofome, and at Iqngth came forth is Cock chick with: great comb, which the Jayne: interpreted that the child that fhnuld be horn of her fhould be King. And Cicero writes that at Tbeéaé Cocks, by their crowing allxnjlglu, did prefage that the Bzotians would obtain viflory ag ° the Lzcedxmoniansz and the reahin is according to the Au um interpretations, beeaufe that bird when he isbeaten is iflgennbut when he bimfelf hath overcome, crows. In like manner alfo omens of events are taken from bealis. For the meeting ofa Weefelis ominous, alfo meeting oilsu Hate isnnillomen toa traveller, unlefs (he be taken. A NDI; xlib it bztdsbtcaufc barren. A Hog is pernicious, for fixch LS l§iS,l11t11x¢,“ agli,tbe¥eforeGgnifies~pcrnicious men. A Horfc betokeus qnarrellings, and fightings : ivhcncednchi/ir: facing of _white Hotfcsprics out in Virgil, e ~ ; ‘ Wirb War nz-E Horfc.t¢tm'd,;e4 threaten Wm-Q But when they are Ioyned together ini a Chariot , bccaufe they draw with an cquallyokqtheylignilie that peace is to be hoped for. An Aifeisan unprofitable creature, yet did M41 nu; good, who when he was pronounced enemy to his coun- §§y, nw an Aglfc dafdaming provender xhatwas ofered to hf@xV5lUd nxnmng to the water, byewhich ;r!11gm7,he fuppoling l=¢.(4w ?§Y1¥ of laiety Ibewed to himjntgeatcd the ai? of Gris ' ' is - ricn s, ,_ ': _..;..:`i' ‘L .;r,‘5 , `
Book I- _ Of Occult Tlailfyéply, ' fricndS» *haf ‘HCV woulci conve him ro rhcS . - - granted, he was fee into alittle ¥hip,and fo dcighaihtizgrifg of :S'illa the Conqueror. If the Foal of an Mic meet any one g0ll1S £0 3” Aflwjjie tignifics labor,p1ticnce,and hinderanccs A Wolf m¢¢r1ug any one is a good Iign, the c&`c& whereof un; fccnm Hirfv of Sicilia, from whom a Woli fnarching away abookwhnleli he was at Schooi ,confirmed eohim the iifcceié of the Kmgdom : buryee the Wolf makes himi fpccchlefs whom he fees hxfc. A Wolf rent in peice; awagchmn of p_. Ajiimrnr, and C._Fulviu: at Mmm, when the Romana ! my_was overcome by the fugirives in $icili:1.Alfo he (ignifiés PCf5d1°}*‘ "TCU, ifuch as you can give no credit to : which was known in the progeny of Romanes. For the fairh which they long lince iinckcd from rhcir morhcrthc Wolf, and kept to themfclvcs from the bc inning, asby ascertain law of nature, puffed over to their poi§eriry. To meer a Lion, feeing (he is amongfi Animais the firongcii, and (hikingeerrour into all thefciivisegood. Bur for a woman to meer aLioncii`c, is bad, becaufe [he hinders conception, for ya Lionclfc brings forth but once. -To meer Shecg, and Goats is good. Iris read aifoini the e0]lmmri.w of r e Tfgéim, if this Anirhall (halliwcar any unufuall colour, ir porrends roche Exgscrour plenty of all rhings, :ogezhcr wish much happiueii. hence Virgilro Po/IioGngs»:hus, , A ' A ‘But in the Qlffestda fe: lLm1;¢jb4llSlqzrl:t burr. ‘ ’ And changing, famerimu _golden Flute: Wear. It is good aifo to mee: Oxen :reading our Corn, but bcrrer tofmcct them plowing , which although breaking the wa( hinder :hy journey, yceby the favour of rhcir /Iujfvrium wi I rccompcnee :hee :igain.ADog in a journey is forrunaLc,hcca;§fc{ Cyrus being cafl into thc woods was nounfhed by a Dog :Ili he came eo che Kingdom, which alfo che Angel, companion Of Tbbi: didlnot fiom as a companion( The G:iiior,jb'cc§ufc he hires oiiihis Tciiicles, and lcavcszhert}`I¢'{ll}¢ `HU}1_f¢"» 151° 'V orden, ands portends thatcaymanwiilll IIIJUIC h‘mf°l£ Am’ or _ _e,i -lzm -e w amongfii _ ~ ' ' i Y s , ‘Y ‘ - ' ` ‘ _< _ .-
, . »....,,¢_f _ _», _ , '‘_n""i*l . .:..';:-~;_ 4 i ' ,‘ e i Occulridibihpplny. W Idoole IQ among!! fmall Animals,Mice (igniiie danger. For the fame dx? that they did gnaw Gold in the Capitoll , both the Conlh ; were intercepted by Hannibal by way of ambufh neer Taren- tum. The Locult making aiiand in any place, or burning the place, hinders one from their wilhes, and is an ill omen; on the contrary the Grafx-hopper: promote a iourney, and fore- tell a good event of things. The Spider weaving a line down~ wards,is faid to lignihe hope of money toieome. Alfo the Pill miregbeeaufe they know how-totprovide for themfclvcs, and to repare £afe neflsfoe themf ves, portcnd fecurity, and riches, 2 great Arm i. I-1ence,tvhen the Pifmires had devoured a tame Dragon ofyTi6eri.w Czfzr, it was advifed, that he (hould take heed ofthe turnult ofa multitude. If a Snake meet thee, take heed of an ill tongued enemy; For this Animall hath no other power but in his mouth. A Snake creeping into Tién-iw his pallace, portended his fall. 'Iwo Snakes were found in the hed ofiemproniur Gmeebur, wherefore a Sooth- ‘fayer told him, ifhe would let the male, or the female efeape; eitherhe or his wife would fhortly dye; he preferring the life of his wife, killed the male, and lee the female efcape, and within a few dayes he dyed; Soa Viger Iignfies lewd women, and wicked child rcn;and an Eel Ego' esa man dilpleafed with every bod! : For the lives a art from all other fifhes, noris ever foun in the company ogany. But amongll all .dupichrx and.omens,therc is none more effeéluall, and potent then man, _none thar. doth lignifie the truth more cleerly. Thou (halt therefore diligently note, and obferve they condition of the man that meeteth thee, his age, ptofeIlion,&ation,gelhxre, motion, exereife, complexion, habit, name, words, l`peeeh,:1nd all fueh like things. For feeingi there are in all other Animals fo many dilcoveries of prei`ages,withoue all ueliion thefe are more etiicatious, and deer, which are infuléd into mans foul; which T ll h' l' If Ili ` ` ° fl } rm e te (ies, fa in , tharthere isaeertam Anpieiifm naturally in mens foul 0% theireternity, for the knowing of all the eourfes, and caulesof things. In.the foun- dgtgon of the City of Rome the head oEa_m1n was found with his whole face, which did preiige the greitneli oftl1¢Empire, and gave the name to theggountain of the Capitollt The ` _ _ _ . ~ 'S _ - '» _ ._ - _ sl . , _ » uk » __ '_ I ' v--,L - . . __;_&__:,_,,__ _ `, __._,__., __ __ _ _ . _ _.. __ _ i .__
Book I. Of Occult ‘Pl>il¢yYJp/51. ' 1 f _ Bmtian ouldiers fighting againlt Uthzviru, and M. Amenity, found an :Ethiopian in the gate of their Callle; whom though they did llayar a prcfage ofill'l°uccel§, yet they were unfortu- nate in the batlc,:ind Brxeur, and {‘a_U?m both Generals, were Hain. Meeting of Monks is commonly accounted :mill omen, and foniuchrhc rather, if it betarly in the morning, becaufe thefekindof men live for the molk by the fudden death of men, as Vulturs do by fhughrers. _ can P. Lv. ‘p a How AufplCla’$ are *verified 5] the light of Natural] injlinfhand ' vffémc ruler qffinding of ir our. Ugdcia, and Augurin, which foretell thin s to come by Animals,& birds,0rpbmr the divine himfel§(as we read) did teach and (haw Erik of all, which afterwards werehad in gr&Aellecm withallblations. Now they are verified by the light of naturallinflinff, as if from this, ome lightsofdivina- tion may defccnd upon four-foored bealts, wingcd,and other Animals,by which they are able to pref?e to us ofthe events ofithings : which Virgil leemr to be enlible of; when he (ings, e ` A V 1 ‘ ‘ Nor think! Heaven an them/incl; knowledge /Fate: , .Nor that Iheirprndmcc 1:1 4501/e r/Jefarer. Now this inllinfi ofnature, as faith William of Parxlv, is more' fublime then all humane apprehenliongmd very neer, and mollc like to prophecy. By this inlliné-`t there is a certain wonderfull light of divination in fome Animals naturally , asit matufell- ly appears in fomc Dogs, who know by this in[lin& thceves. and men that are hid. unknown both to theml`elves,> and men, and linde them out, and apprehend them, fallinfgnpon them with a fullrnouth. By the like inllinfi Vulturs orefce future Daughters in batles,and gatheii together inroplaces where c 3 , ~ _ i ~ , Y _ . i it , ‘ve Q' :.::.“f ._‘,... J _ - 4 .
~_-1. `- -»~-1-‘-.», ‘f ` "-‘.' .. , e e sf<ol£eof¢;zz¢u>b;1qppiy. Book 1; >' *-; lhall betas il' they l`ore» faw the Hella of dead Carltafés. By thc ifameinliinfi Partridges know their Dam, whlrb they never ifaw andleave the Partridge which Role away her Dams Egg; 8: fate upon them.By the lixme inikinél alfo certain hurtful and terrible things are perceived (thc foul of the men being alto. gether ignorant of them) whence terror , and horror ceafeth much upon men when they think nothing of thcfe things. S0 .a thief lying hid in any houfe, although no body knows , or thinks ofhisbcin rherellrikes fear, and terror, and a trouble. fomcnels of mindg into the inhabitants of that houfe; although haply not of all,beeaule the brighrnels of this inftinei is not in all men; yetoffomc ofthem. Soa harlot being hid in fome very large houfe, is fometimes perceived to be there by Tome one thatis altogether ignorant of her being there. It is men- tioned in Hiliories that Hmufur acertain Egyptian,a man ofa divine nature, could diftem unclean women, not only by his eyes,but by their voice,beingheard afar off, and thereupon did fall into a molk grievous headach. William of ‘Zum alfo makes mention of a certain woman in his time, that by the famcinilinéi perceiveda man whom (he loved, coming two miles ofi Alfo herelatcs that in his time was a certain Stork conviéied of inchaftiry by the fmellof the male, who being judged guilty by a multitude of Storks whom the male ga~ thered togethegdikovering to them the fault of his mate, was, her feathers being firii pulled ofi; torn in pieces by theml He alfo makes mention ofa certain horfe, who not ltnowinghis dam, and leaping of her, when afterwards he underflood what he had done, bit oil’ his own Stones by way of revenge upon himfelf for his intefi. The famedoth Vmo; An;/hzle, and Plmj rclatcconcerning horfes. , And Pfizg makes menti- on of a certain Serpent, called the Ajp, that did fuch a like thing, for (he coming to a certain mans tablein Egypt, was there daily fed, and [he having brought forth fome young, by one of which a fon of her hulls was killed, after (he ltnew of ir, killed that young one, and would never: return tothat ;h0Uf¢ any more.Now by thefe examplcsyou fee,how the lights vfprefage may dekend upon fome Animals, as ligns, or marks " of y, ., ," » ,- ',. - . 1.1 r;‘ -~»u....»<.
Book 1. ofo¢¢¢i1rr>1,;1,y;,p»,». l i of thing¢.8c are tier in their gelhirc.m0ri0D.v0i¢¢,flyiHg,going. meat, C0l011r, and (uch like.” For according to the doctrine of the Plrztonylx, there is a certain power put into inferiour things, by which for the moft part they agree with the fuperi- ours; whence alfo the tacid eonfents of Animals feem to agree with divine bodies, and their hodies, and affeéiions to bcaf- f<&edwith their powers, by the name of which theyareafl crihed to thcDieties.We mult conlider therefore whatbnimals are Sarurnall, what are Ioviall, and wha: Martiall, and fo of the reli, and according to their properties to draw forth their prefages : fothofe birds which refemble Scum, and wwf, are all ofthcm called terrible, and deadly, as the Scritch Owl, the Hawler, and others which we have mentioned before, allo thchom Owl, becaufe flue is rr Sacurnall Solitary bird, alfo nightly, and is reputed to be moll :unfortunately ominous, of w ich the Poet faith, __ T/at r¢_g0 Oral, which fra birdlwll fefeutr, TFUf¢f¢'1-K migfartunrr, and nzdifrd tvmfl. Bur the Swan is a delicious bird, Vencreall, and Dedicated to ‘7’h¢25ur, and is (aid co be molk happy in her preliges, eljac. cially in the dufjvidfr of Marinergbecaufellieisnevcrdrowné cdinwatcr, itvhcncc Ovid (ingt,- e ' Ulafoff bafp A ilu cbmjfull, jiuging Swv: In ber pr¢j'»{ger-- ------ , There are :tlfo fome birds that prefage with their mouth. -and hnging, as the Crow, Pic, Daw, whence Virgil, ._---._---Tb!! ¢5¢/fora'-flvonv , , 0j}f¥*orn the hollow balm that ominaru frm. " - Now the birds that orrend future things by their fiying are,'viz. `Buzzards, the Eone-Breakers; Eagl¢!,Yulturs,Cranes, Swans, and the like ; fofthey are to bcconlidcred in their ‘ ` I 4 so flying, ~
Book I. Of Occult 'P/Jill/op/ny. -wax-_-:_-"" wasa Swallow : for it was certain, beeaufc every voir-ggi any Animall is fignificative offome pafiion of its foul, asmy, fadncfs, or anger. or the like, which voices it is not fo wonder. fulla rhing lhould be undcrilood by men converl':mt about them. But Diimeerimr himfelf declared rhis art, as faith ‘7’Iie], by naming the birds, ofwhofe blood mixed together was pro. duced aScroent, of which whofoever did eat, lhould under- Rand the voices of birds. And Hrmm faith, if anyone (lull go forth to earch birds on a certain day of the Kalends of Na- vember, and fhallboil the firft bird which he carcheth, withrhe heart of aFox. that allrhatfhall eat ofthisbird,|'h1ll under. (land the voices of birds , and all orher Animals. Alfo the /Imbianx fay, that they can underlhnd the meaning of bruirs, whoihall eat the heart, and liver of Dragons. ‘Proelm alfo rhePlatonifl believed ,and wrote,rhar the htart ofa Mole con- ducerh to prefages. There were alfo divinations, and /If-yjzh cial which were taken from the inwards uf facrihccs, the in- ventor 3vhCrC0fw;l$ Tngex, of whom Luarn fang, And the Intiurrdx have na credit gained, And rbi! /In 5] 'fages mu but feigned. A V The Ifomane Religion rhou hr that the liver was the head of ` the inwardsirlcnce theSooth~ Eryers enquiringaiierfixturc things in the inwards, did firli lookinto thelwer, in which were two heads, whereof the one was called the head forthe City, the other for the enemy;and che head of this,or another part being compared together, they pronounced Vifiory. as we read ` L .ez that the inwards did lignifie rhc [laughter of ln IIC I _ *Pampqx rhen , and the Vidory of C`!fi|7'I, according to rhefc rcrfes, 1'tb` inward: all defeéh are eminem Ofgparr and lmmeh afrb' mimi: dnb incre.;0', e/lrzatbirpart 1.4 weak, andj1ng_gm_g her, £7 Bean, and mow: with quiclgp:¢M :hc arnrier. l i ' _ Then
7 -~.~ 5 _ v~- 4 v-za ‘ ¢~ i ,-¢»,;1-_.¢,.~,-3_,q7~ppw»~-v.7v.,y::.¢.-<Y,,.~._.q_-vw~,wy ¢._ --~~ ‘_A M _ ' =-' .- ~- i - ' i.-‘ ,.~;: if/1~'» ~ _‘rs-i ' ;f,~ i e -..,, , , it , , ‘ f f '<`j _ v. f,_‘, _ :..~ ’ ~~f, _ i _~ _, u , ofok¢f¢1e”fi>l1i1<n»pIy. Book I; b'I`henithe bowels being linilhed, they (earth the heart. Now if there were a facriiice found without an heart, or a head wg; wanting in the Liver, thefe were deadly prefages, and were called piucnlru-ia. Alfo if a faerihee fled rom the Altar, or be. ing fmitten,madea lowing, or fell upon_any pair of his body then he ought to do.. it was the like ominous. We read rim when fulim [`¢f¢r uporra day went forth to ptoeeliion with higpuyph; Robe, and fitting in a golden chair, and facrifiee. ing,therewas twice al-Icart wanting; And when C. illrn-ix; Urimwas faerilicini, there was wanting a Liver. Alfo when [kim the rincc,an M. /l{¢¢r¢'eHn.r, C. [`/andim, and L. Tg- k:1Iiu.rC¢y`.E: were offering facrilices, that the Liver was con. fumed away fuddenly : and not long after, one of them dyed ofadifeale, another was (lain by men of Lyguria, the entrals foretellin Io much : which was thou ht to be done bythe power ofgthe Gods, or help of the Ewell: l-leneeitwas ae- eounted a. thing of gteateoncernment amongft the Ancients as oft as any thing unufuall was found in the inwards :ras when Sjlla was Eicrificing at Laurentum, the figure of at Crown ap. pearcd in the head ofthe Liver : which ‘To/limmiw the Sooth- fayer interpreted to poitend a Viétory with a Kingdome, and therefore advifed that S1114 lhould eat thofe entrals him- fclf. The colour alfo of the inwards is to be conlidercd. Of rghefe L:.»c¢w made mention. -sff¢‘!Ck_ at the colour Prop/art: Were Wi!/1 fear, For wir/Jfiulnrm pn/e mrralx ringed were. e , 30111 Hack, and Hem, witbjjaecks qffprinelezl eélaad , ' T/Jefwere ----‘----5 Y _ , A There was in times pall fueh a venerable efleern ofthefe arts, that the mol! potent,a.nd wife men (ought after them,yea the 5€"afC» and Kings did nothing without the Counfell-of the A/-guru. But all thcfe in thefeduyegpartly by the negligence of men, and partly by the authority of the Fathers, areabo- lxfhed. ~ :Q ; _ ,_ CH A P.‘_ Q ~< _
___.¢-**"~u -~-~~-» _ _..._ _ _ _ __ ___ __ ____ r , 1-ii- ;;_1,,1, I Book I. Of 0CCllI¢ Tlzilohpby. i -a-1-1-1' , h CHA?.LVl. l Of the Saarb /fxjiqgx of I-`l.r,Ciu, and Liqlirmingc. ard éaw /lgnfrrazzr ,`dHx{[Y0.1/gin!!! rbirzgr are rn [fr im'rr[rc° re . Ow the Sooth~faying,sofllaihev=, and Liglirenings, and of wonders, and how moullrous, and piodigioustliings arcto bemterprctcd, the Prophets, and Pri<Il~:ot` Pier;-¢¢°n: havctaught the Art. For they have ordained lixtecu Regions ol the Heavens, and have afcribed Gods to every oneof them; and bclides eleven kinds of lighrenings . and ninc Gods, which fhould dart them forth, hy |'hc'.ving rules for the un- dcriianding the ligniiicazinn of them. liut as olrenas Mon- Iltous, prodigious, and wondrous things happen, they do pre- fagc,:ts is moll certain, fome great mmer. Now their inter- pfcter mul! be fomc excellent conieélurcr oflimilitudes, as al- loTcTnie curious (catcher . and of them who at that time arc employed about the affairs of Princes, and Provinces, FQ; thc Cclcllials take liich care only for Princes, peoples, and pro- vinccsnhatbcforcthc rcllrhe ' mightbc prciigurcd, and ad- monilhcd, by Sr:r=, by Conlicllations, by wonders, :ind by prodigies. Now if the f:rm_c thing. _or the like hath bccrifecn in former Ages, wc muli coniidcr that very thing, and what happcncd after that, andnccording to thefe, to forczell thc famc,or the likcibecaufc the famclignszrrc for the fame things, and thc like for like. So prodigics have come before the birth, and death of many emicnr men and Kings; as Cierra makes mention of/llidmaboy, into ».~.ho£h mouth, whilcfi he was ilecping, thc Pifmirc put corns of Whcur, whirh was an omcn of great riches. So Br-ei fare upon the mouth oi Plfuo when he was fleeping in thc Cradle, by which was forctoldpthc iivcctncfr of his fpecch. I{f¢`ll5J,VhCD (he was bringing forth Pm-:Maw :i burning Torch, which ihould ict on fire Troy, and all AGa.Therc appeared unto the mother ofPL~a!nm the image of Mercmy pouring forth blood upon the earth, with wiupxh t c z"
'T-vw-_ _.M V; V ‘1 1 j J. ii? . vi 'E 'a 5 < » Book I. Of: Occult Tbilofnpby. F 2, CI-IAP. LVII. i ofgmyunq. Pédromnq, e/Rrarmviq, ‘T}rmz4nq,f5m- Dig vimriaur qfE!em:rrt.r. Y A ' M0reover the Elements themfelves teachus fatal! events; ' wherace rhofe fourf`amon§ kinda of Divinatiorésgv Geo- rmncy, Hy romaney, Aeromancy, an Pyromancy, Ae_got their names, of which that Sorcereik in Lm-an feems tdihqrdf her feli when fhe faith, I ~f The Barb, tlu /aff, the Chau, and :he Shir, The Sea, the Firldf, the Roclq, 6#dM0llHfd;HJ /nigh Form!! :br m:rb-- _ The firii eherefore is Geomanfz, which l'ore{hew¢;h fumn; `£hTngrby¢he motions ofthe ear , as alfo the noife, chefwelb ling, the tremhfmg, the chops, the pits, and exhalation , and other imprellions, the are of which ¢/Ilmadelzhe Arahian fees fonhi) But :here is another iglréd ofhgteomancy , which Qi; vines oints written u 0n~ ear! ,~; acertiin wer-in the gliriiie, which iitnogofprefenr _fpe¥niatibn;#bi1):`ofrl1ac we' xg a.kherea eny ° o o Now I-afcdromancyidodx sei-form its prefzges by the im- prefiions of water, :heir eh ing and flowing, rheirincreafes, and depreffions, theirtempelis, and colours, and the like; to which alfo are added viiionx, which are made in che waters. A kind of Divination found by the Per/iam, as Varro reports, a boy faw in thewarerthe efiigies of Aim.-my, which lbretoid in an hundred and Efry verfes all the event of Mérhiidqcrx hi! War. We read alfo chat Numa 'Pompiliw praéiifcd Hydro- mguey ; for in :he water he called in? :he gods, and learned of themrhings oo come. Which are al o P_;rha_gor.a,~:x longtime :1fcerNuma praéiifed. There was of old a kind ofl-Iydroman- ey, had in greaeeliecrn amonglk che f1j]‘7ri.w:, ‘and iewas cal- led Lennomancy, from a skin full of water, upon which :hey i ' - - i P“§ ""- »..
?"1'T'T"€` - _ . , r, . _ .-, ~ - -»§ rin.. " V` “~'v,f~$§vv" 'lr - '»»<~»..s-p-¢.~:»»-.,»..`¢»~°:.r.~¢~.. -f_ .yt _ .I _ ¢< x7-7».__ »~-_ 3 _, _ y ;'f'_';(_.;-.;V,..4» .»,f-j-,»';-~.r;;»,~ r- -‘, __ ._ - __ ._ 1 , _ ,. - r Q ofo¢fm>1fi1<y»rf»t- B°°1<=I,t , _.c ,, Y _ ' 'put plates of Gold, and Silver, and prCtl0I1S SIOIICS, written »upon with certain images, names. and characters. To this ma .bg referred that art, by which Lead, and Wax being melted; .andqff in[0fh¢V;1{g|"d0cCXPIC£$ manifcll: marksrof irnrrgq, evhatlive dcGre to`know. There were alfo rn former years -Fountains that did forctell things to come, as the Faibm. - Fountain at /lcbaia, and that which W3.$ Called the water of .feng in Epidmrrurig but olthele more in the following Chap. .rers, where we Hull qaeak of 0r=¢IcS» ' _ _ - Hither alfo may be referred the divination of Filhes , of which kind there was ufc made by the Ljeiniu in a certain place, which was called Qimgncer the Sea, in a Wood dedi- catcdto Apollqmadc hullqwin the dry find, into which , hc that vrenttor.r>'rifu1F6Ff§t;Te`ili`ng§TIet`do7c>vn roufted mm, and prefently that plate as'fillcdiizItliw2(tEr§, and :t greg; multitude of Pifh, and of(krauge|'hapes,unknown‘to men, did 9 peat, by the forms of which the Prophcrforetold what fllioqldcome to pair, Thefc things doth Arhmm more :rt laufge relate out of‘7’a@cb.rm1m,in the Hillary ofthe Lxyeimu, After the lime mane: doth Aerornancy divine by iatryim. prtflions, by the blowing of the Winds; by Rainbows, by Circles about the Moon and Stars, by Mills, :ind Clouds , and by imaginations in Clouds, and vifions in the~Airc. ‘~ i V o So alfo Pyromrncy divines by fiery imprellions, and by §t:rrs with lung Ta.iles,~by fiery Colours, by~vHiQns,and imagr- ngtions inthe Ere. So the wife of Cxlfera foretold that he would be Conful the next yciibceddfewhcnlccrtain man after the Szicrificc was ended r would lookin thekilhes , theré fuddenly broke forth hihme. Uf%i§ékTn'd'até _thofc that Pli. sg Ilgeaks of, that1tcrtene;pale,`:thd buzzing fires _prefage tem. pe _ , Circles aboutthe fnulifaof Candles betoken rain _; if mg flame Hy turning,and winding, it portcnds wind.Alfo Torches when they llrike the Ere before them , andQat<:, not kindled f ,Alto when a Coal flicks td Potsthketiioff f}0'ti1`tl1e Ere , and MICH ihs MC GHS Ofhhc afhes. y anclfparklcsi ,df when tribes gre hard yirown together on the,hearth.§,,'.i£1id,ivhen_a Cpdlis -verybng t.y , i ‘ ” “ ‘_ _jj fjt ~ to c _ I0 y _ Ns' 4 Q" Y i 4 | _ ,
~~.-v pr-nv-r~<f' ~--. -, , Bgqk I; Of Occult ‘Pl:ilMpl;j. z To rhefe is added Capnomancy, fo called from fmomk, beeaufeir fcarehethinto the flame, and linoak, and thin co. laura, founds, and motions, when they are carrycd upright, or on one (ide , or round, which we read in thefe Ycrfes in sflffifflt » _ Let Pietj he édflxd, and an tl:‘e/.flmr 7¢i¢§ ‘ , Ln ui implare the Gvdrfor ¢h‘vim)}5}!;_.- ~~ _ v » Sb: nuly: acute, red, mvrin jlamuyafid '61-nfgbx; ' » r Incrmfd 6) tlfairr, :be mké/e hing white ;' s And :bm /be make: tba (Zum: 'mit/mr: al! 601/Ula ~ f s For rowiudin and am; and fb mn rarmd. " Lil; :azz AYWPIH2-é' Alfo in the Erhnean Caves, and Fields of the Nymphs in Qdpnllania, Augurie: were taken from fires, and flames; ioyful, if they did receive what was cali into them , and fad, if they did~reje&-them. But of thefe we (hall fpeak in the following Chapters, amongll; the anlivers ofthe Oracles. A _ _ A nr~1Ar». r.vm.= Qfiée reviving ofthe Jul, awdof_/leepi}1g,»and~rif4n(Fn_g viéiualr mar] yur: ragcrbna < f » 3 ~ THE e/fraéian Philofophers agree; that fome men may elevate themfelves above the powers of their body , and above their fenlitive powers ; and rhofc being furmounrcd,re- eeive into themfelves by the perfefiion of the Heavens , and Intelligencies, a divine vigour. Seeing therefore all the fouls* of men are perpetuall, and alfo all thc fpirirs obey the perhI&’ fouls; Magicians think that perfe& men may by the power? of their foul repair their dying bodies with ~otherinfezio‘ur’ fouls newly feparared, and infpirc them again ; As a»Weefell that is killed, remade alive again by the breath, oridiery of his Dam - .e And Lions make alivotheir dead Whelps by breathing 3 v
,any ~ .L jr*-:rw-::>~,~a_.. »- - .__.~ ~ »~»f "°'- Y' w _ *J __ _ ,-_ _‘..»¢...,, _,__,..~t_, ,_ .~».,»~~-.~--, »_-., .,. il __- _. . _,_, -w '- ‘ 1 'Q,,._»_,r;~,*'-.' »-ggi'-_-`._-_':’,;Q;; ,.-,S J, , .." “'-‘- _ ‘- . ».- f'~~~~~ ~ , 4 _ _. _ H5 a ' V ofoeam a>1>zzWy. A Book 1, uponethcm.;And betau|'c,as they (ay, alllike thingsvbcing ap. plyed. toitheir like, are made ofthe fame natdtes; and ever-93 patient , and thing that receives into it fell' the aflof any agent , is endowedwith the nature of that agent , and m;d¢ con-naturalL Hence they think, that to this vivigmign ; 9, making alive , forne Heatbs , and Magical! confeéiiong, furh as they fay are made of the lfbts of the lflfa-nix, and (hc talk skin ofa Snake do much conducc, which indeed 'to many fcems fabulous, and to fomeiinpofiible, nnlefs it could be ac. wanted approved by an I-ldtoneall faith. For we read of fomc that have been drowned in water, others eal`t into the 5;-¢,;md Pugupon the fire, others (lain in war, others othcnvilb tt ed,and after a few dayes were alive again, as Plin] rdljfieg 0211/iol4,a man pertaining t0 Riu! COD ul|,0f L. Larmh, [`¢- li¢u,‘T::5rr~o, farfidim, gabitlmr, and many others. Alfo wc read that e/£/bp the Tale-maker, Tindcrmr, Htrculn, and Tal' , the ions offupfnr, and Thalia being dead, crc raifcd. to liz: aiu; aifo that many were by Phy ztians, and‘Magici; an; raidezd from death again, as the Hiiiorians relate of ¢/Lfulapizu; and we have above mentioned out offuéa, and aiimrbm, and ‘7’l.»iJq/imma coneeming T7/1a,and a certain Ara. bian, and /Ipvlltmiur the Yjfwrn,-z.A|fo we read that Q/¢v¢e:¢;,a, certain man that wasdead,whom they fay,bey0nd all expcéla. tion, the Phyhrians coming to fee it,v the hcarb Dragon-wore ttftortd I0 life. Some fay that he revived by the puting into his bodya medicine made of Honey, whence the proverb, (ila.-mu was raifed from death by _taking in Honeyinto his body, i.4;r1lrimalR> relating the manner of thefekinds of rellorings t0`1ifc,faithgoi` Zac/11,1 the Egyptian pro het: Thc prophet beini thus favourable, Iaycs a certain Heatgnpon the mouth ofthe ody ofa young man being dead , and another upon his brcfi, then turning; towards the Eafi, or rifin ofthe propitious Sun, praying ii cntly (a great affembl oigpeople tim/ing to fee it) in the firfi place hcavcd up his blrcli, ghm makes a beatin in his vcines, then his body to be filled wigh breath,afccrw-lgicb the Carkafc ariiéth, and the young inan fgitaks. If thefe things arc rruc,the dying fouls rnul',[o_me;im¢g I r- _lying 'inf i I`. i ' _t ‘..»,~ wp ,a
Book I. Ol`0cc1zlt (Philo/épbj. _ ~ ` -f- _ lying hid in their bodies, be otzgreffed with vehement extalies, and be freed from allbodilya ion : So that the life, fenfe, HIOUOU. forfakc the body, bntfo, thatthe man is notyet truly dead , but lies alionied, and as it were dead for a certain time. And this is often found, that in times of Peflilenco U)2¥1y that are carried for dead to the graves to be buryed, re- VWCB again. The fame alfo hath often befaln wotnen,by reg- for: of his ofthe Mother. And Rabbi ¢l»{v%r out of the bool: oiGt¢!¢», which Patriarch.: tranllated, makes mentionof a man. _who was fuifocated for lixdayes, and did neithereat, not drink. and his arteries became hard. And ir: is faid in the fame book , that a. certain man bybeing filled with Water, loft thc pulfe of his whole body, fo that his heart was not perceived to move, and he lay like a dead man. Allo it is (aid that a man by reafon ofa ful lrom an high place,or great noife, or long llaying under the Water, may fall into a livoun, which may continue fourty eight hours, and fo helyeas if hewere deadrtvith his face beingvery green. And in the fame place there is mention made of a man that buried a man that feemed to he dead feventy two hours after his feemin deceafe, and fo killed him,bccaufe he buried him alive, andthercaregiven fignsswheteb it may be known who are alive; although they feem to be dlcad, and indeed willdye, unlels there befdme means ufed to recovcrrhem, as Phlebotomy, or forne other cure. And thefe are fncb as vcry`l`eldom happen. This is the manner, by which we undetliand Magicians, and Phylitians do raife dead men to lifc,as they that were tryed bythe (ling- ing of Serpents, were by the Nation of the .1145/Y, andthe P/Mi rcllzored to life. Now we may conceive that inch loind of extafies may continue a long time, although a man be not truly dead , asit is in Dor~miee, and Crocodiles , and many other Serpcnts, which Heep all Winter, and are in fucb adead fleep,that.they fearce be awakened with hrc. And Ihavc often (een a t%ot<‘inqu_fe dilfefied , and continue immovable, as if fhe werd Ei1d,f_l1D{l'llf1'V1S boyled, andthen preF.:ntIy ` b lin the water the differéied members did. l}i'euflil`e.Alfo, in oy g y _ , although itibehard to be believed, we read rnfomc approved _ ~ K - f “ Hillto- "1-29
._ ._.._.._...,....,._._._.i_` , V __ _W _ _ __ it -;w.§~s»w=a~ae».s;Ju',-?as»_,..i-'_,i,L,--¢-¢,»~¢~q-¢»~_,~,Y fi-¢§s....,£‘ .,A. i .,~_,.3.__ 4__,. V V . Y _ I D Ofi0cqalt7'2"Iai@6ply. i ` Book I, ,,..--s-¢""""'i I-li[orians,that fome men hvae llept for many yecrs together, ‘and in the time ol fleep , untill they awaked , there wt; no alteration in them,as to maltethem feem older : :Ihe fame doth qvlilg teltilie of a certain boy, whom he fllllkbgigg, wearied with heat, and his journey. llept My feven veers in a Cave. We readalfo that Epimmidu gnrfui llept fifty (even yeers inaCave. Hence the proverb arofe, To ourflecp Epi- ,,,¢,,i¢{¢_¢_ M Damnjimu tels, thmt in his time acerrain coun- try man being wcaried in Germany, ilept forthe fpace of rt whole Autumn , andthe Winter following, under 3 heap of hgy, untill the Summer, when the hay began to be eaten up, then he was found awakened as a man halfe dead,and out of l1iSfwiLS.Eclc(ia(licallHiliories confirm this opinion concerning the feven lleepers,whom they fay llept |96,}'CCfS.ThCl'C was in Ngwggia 3 C ave in a high Sea {h0re,wh::re,a.sPa.¢¢l¢u Diaromu, and /lnrbudiiu the Martyr writcfeven men lay fleeping along time without any corruption , and the people that went in to dillurb them were contra&ed,or drawn together, fothgt after zt while being forewarned by that punifhmenr, they durli not hurt them. Now Xenamrrfna man of no mem rcpute amongfl: Philofophers was of opinion , that this long llecping mg :tppointed by God asapunilhrnent for fome certain (ins. But Marrw Dam#-mfr: proves it by many reafons to be pollible, and,naturall , neither doth he think it irrationall, that (ome llxnuld _without meat, and drink, and avoyding excrements, without confuming,oreorrn tion, fleep many moneths.~ And this ma befall a man b reafgn of fome poifonous potion. or flcepy tbleale, or fuch like caufes, for certain dayes, moncths, or yeamaccurding to the intention,,or remiflion of the power ofthe medicine, or ofthe pailions of their mind. And Phyfi. tians lay that there are fome Antidotes, of _which they that take too grease potion, (hall be able to endure hunger a long time, as €li.u in former time being fed with a certain food by an Angellnvallted. and failed, in thQli¥§pgtl1 of that meat, fourty dayes. And Yabn Racntiru m1ke§,meU56Il Qf ,a :nan in his;tirne,in Vmice, who would every yeerfali four da es with. Qnganyemcat. Butcher wasa greater wonder, than Acre was _r 5 l 9 Q awQ‘
J B ook l. OF Occult Tbilojopby. a woman in lower Germany at the fame time, who took ng food till the thirteenth yeer of her agewhich to us mayfeem in- efedible, butrthat he lately confirmed it; as alfo hetels of 3 Miracle of our-Age,rhzt.l1is brother Nicolam Same, an Helve. tian by Nation, who lived twenty yeers in the wildernefs without me:tr,till he dyed.Th:tt alfo is wonderfull whie 7'/nn. pbrajlur mentions conccming a eerrainiman,c:tlIcd P ilinur, who ufed no meat, or drinlt,befidcs Milk. And there are grave Authors who defcribe a certain hearb of S artz, with which they fry the Scyrhians can endure twelve cgyes hungcigwith- out meat or drink, if they do but tallir, or holditin their mouth. »~- _-+i._ cr-ini>.L1x, A _ Of Divination [1] ‘Drmmn 'Tl-lere is alfo acertain kind of Divination by Dreams, con. firmed by the traditions of Philofophets, the authorities of Divines, the examples of I-Iiliories, and daily experience. DA DreamIcallhere,not vain Dreams, or idle imaginations: for thofe are vain, and have no Divination in them, but arife from the remains of watchin s, and diliurbancc of the body. For asthe mind is taken up aiour, and wearied with cares, it fug- gefts itfelfro him that is alleep. I call that :t Dream here,which is cauled by the Cclelliall influences in the phantafiick fpirit, mind, or body, being all well difpofed. The rule of interpre- ting this is found amonglt Allrologers, in that part whichis wrote concerning quellions; but yet that is not lilfficient, be-- caufe thefe kind of Dreams come by ufe to divers men afrcrn divers manner, according to the divers quality, and dilpohti- ons of the phantaliiclt fpirit e wherefore there cannotbegiven onecommon rule to all lor the interpretation of Dreams. But according to the opinion (Sf-S]9l€/fill, feeing thereiarc the fame accidents to thin s, and like befall like; fo he which hath often fallen upon rhelime vilible thing, hathgtfligned to bim- felfthc fame opiniompallion, fortune,a&ion ,a event, and as _ F ` 1 ~ K 2 'A . _ y .drgffatlrt
Z., ,¢¢;»,~¢ 0fD;¢;ims. Whence Sjnjm commands that every one -.J . V »___,_,,.,~__,,,_,,,. -v-.A w:»~»‘...¢¢1»--»~»~,v~;_1x?é,. y i ‘Of Occult Wliilijipby. ‘ Bo ok I _/1;-U}orl:,l`aith,hc memory is confirmed by l‘ence,:ind by keep- _ingin memory the fame thing knowledge is obtained, as alfo ' by the knowledge ol’ many experiences,by little, & little,arts, and fciences are obtained. After the fame account you muff con- fhould obl'erveh1s~Drcams, and their events, and fuch .like gulesgviz. to commit to memory all things that are feen, and accidents that befall, as well in flfep, as watching, and with-a dili ent obfervation conlider with himfclf the rules by which thei are to be examined, for by this means lhall a Divincr be able by little, and littlcto interpret his Dreams, if fo be no- ghirigflip out ofhis memory. Now Dreams are more efficati- ous,” when thc~Moon over-runsthat Sign, whichwas inthe ninth number oftheblativiry, or revolution of rhatycer, or in the ninth Sign from the Sign of perfeftion. For ir is a moil true, and certain divination, neither doth irprocecd from na- ture or humane Arts, but from purified minds, by divine infpi- ration. Now we (hall difcufs, and examine that ivhidrbelongs toprophecyings, 'and oratles. , _*___l____i€ __;, CHAD. LX. Q Offlladnqfr , and iDi-urhtzriom which are'm4z1cn~b¢'nmr}r`are ` 'f}i\iaI;;, and af thepazrer if a /xfffldlffhlib humor _, la] which ‘ 1 Spirit: mekmetimcr induced into mm; éodier. T happens alfu fometimes,that not only they,that;1re~a[leep, but alfo they thitexire watchfull do with aikind of inlliggri- on ofminde, Divine , which Divination Ari/Iorle cals r:ivilh° mcnt,or a kind ofmadncl's,and teacheth that it proceeds from a melancholy humor, fa ing in his Treatife of divination: Melancholy men, by ,renin of_ their earnelinefs, do far better conieéturqand quickly conccivca habit, and moll ealily receive an impreflion of the Celcliials. Andin his Problcmcsfaith, that _the 5] bi/i,and the Bnccbidegand Nicrmtm thc Afymcffrn, 1'-115' edman, were by their natural! Melincholy complexion __ _ p _ prophets,"
Book I. Ol: Occult Wnilqbply. , Prophets. and Poctg. The caufe therefore of this madnelk, if it be any thing within the body,is a melancholy humor, not ghge which they call black choller, which is fo obllinatc` and terrible a thing, that the violence of itisfaid by Phylitians, and Natural! Phylofophers, belidcs rnandnelé, which it doth in. duce, alfo to entice evill fpirits to_feize upon mens bodies. Therefore we nnderltand a melancholy humor here, to be a na- turall, and white eholler. For this,whcn it is llirred up,burns, and llirs up a madnefs conducing to knowled e, and divina- tion, efpecially if it be helped by any Celelliall influx, efpeci- ally of Snrrrm , who feeing he is cold, and dry, ae is 1 melan- choly humor, hath his influence upon it, increaE:th,and pre- ferveth it. Belides, feeing he is the Author of fecret contem- plation, and cllranged from all publike affairs, and the high- elt of all the planets, doth alwaies as with call his mind from outward bulineffes, fo alfo makes it afccnd higher, and bef- ftows upon him the knowledge, and alfages of future things. And this is Argdozler meaning in his hook of Problemes. By Melzmtholy, faithhe, fome men are made as it were divine, foretelling things to come,and foine men are made Poets. He faith all'o,that all men that were excellent in any Science. were forthe molk part melancholy. D¢meriru:,and~7~'I.zra atteft the fame,faying, that there were fome melancholy men, that had fuch excellent wits, that they were thought, and feemed to be rather divine then humane.So alfo there have been many melancholy men at firll rude, ignorant, and untra&able, as they fay,H4iod, fan, 7jmnicl.1nr,[`¢lcimnj'.r, Hommand Lucre- riru were, who on a fuddain were taken with a madnefs ,p and became Poets, and prophecled wonderfull, and divine things, which they themfelvcs fcarce underllood. Whencc d|vrn_c Pluto in fan faith, many Prophets, after the violeneeof their madnefs was abated, do not well underlland what they wrote, et treated acnratcly of each Art in their madnefs,as Till Artrlls ‘ ` “ ver hy readrn of them judge. So greatallo they fayvt epot of melanéroly is o£ that by its force, Celelliallafprnts-1lf0 HFC fomctimes drawninto mens bodies, by whol?:_prel`cnce. ang inllin&,antiqnrty telhlies men have been madedrunlt, an A ; jp y K 3 lpaltc
A ‘ ` -< `_-,'L;t~, 3 0l`lOecultlPbilqopby. Book I_ l;pakerno& wonderful things. And that they think happens un. er a threefoold differenemeeording to :t threefold apprehen. Gonofthé foul,'viz.. imaginative.ration:tll,:tnd mcntall. They (ny therefore , when the mind is forced with 2 melancholy humor , nothing moderating the power Oli the body, and Pilmng beyond the bonds of the members , is wholly carried into imagination, and doth fuddenly become a fcatforin- fcrior fpigiu , by whom it oftentimes receives wonderfull waycs, and forms of manual! Arts. Sowe fee that any moft ignorant man doth prefently become an excellent painter, or contrivers of buildin ,and to become a mailer in anylixth Art. Bur when thefe kinda of fpirirs portend to us future things, then they (hcw thofc things which belong to the dillurbing of thc Elements, :tndehvzngcs of times, :ts tain, tempelis, innudz- tions, earthquakes, great mortality, famine,ll:ughter, andthe like. As we read in /Julux gf/illgfhll Cornelius Primm: his Prieft did at that timc.when Ce/ltr, and Pumps] were to fight in Tlse_{]`»zlia. beiuigecztken witha madncfs, foretcllthc timc,or- ¢l¢r. and ilfuc o the battell. But when the mind is-turned wholly into rcafon, it beeomcsn receptacle for rnidle fpirits. Hence it obtains the knowledgepnd underllandingofnatural, and humane things. So we fee that amen fomctimes doth on :t Iuddain become a Philofopher, Phyfitian, or an excellent Qtatomnd foretels mutations of Kingdomes, and rcliitntions of Ages, and fuch things as belong to them. usthe Sjéilldid to the Romana; but when the mind is wholly elevated into the undcrlianding. then it becomes a receptacle of fublime fpirits, and learns olthcmthc Qcrets of divine rhings,asrhc Lays of God , the orders of Angcls,and fuch things as belong ro the knowledge ofthings cternall,and falvation offouls. lt forclees things which arc appointed by Gods fpeciall predc[lin:ttion,1s future prodigies, or miracles, the prophet to come, the chang- ing ofthe law. So the Sjbi//.f Prophccyed of Chrill a long time before his coming, So [fir il undctflgnding that Chrilt WPS at hand, and rcmcmbring wlgat the .S`}!:iH C/:mm had faid, img thus to Pvzllia. ~ sl. , f i re ...~ _tv_iV),`_` A _-* iv ._ 1:-,____;,: __ i i .. ,, _ X '_ iq _» L _,,-- `
.,.._...._;_,---f _f»_- V - --Y --V-._-Y,.-,_--Y V Book I. ofo¢¢u1¢Q>15z1¢,p1@¢.'i ` Lqfi time: are comr, Cum2a's prapbg/Ii Nvnjfvm bxgb l;:a~r/rnpriagx 4 nm progmic, l Q/H timugrcat ordzr mm again if hm, 5 5/Mflfdrgeumi, Satumian Rmlm! retifm. V h U a lt: e a r intimztin that ori ina] fin h d&éU_mh,t g g llnll he of no Ifafg print.: nfoirr aid 'vice rmxairfd 3_7 thu' thg'r 110111, amlfmr ,Full [mm the Land; ` ' He is God: /fe /ballta&c,.witb Gadi/lvaHf:¢ E A Mix: Heroes, and him_k{frb¢~ir alfjrél be, " 4 Rule with yfzrrrrm./lpawrr tb' aypmfcdrm-rb ' ` l ' He [bn/I-_ _.---- ‘ Then hc :dds,tIn: thence the fall ofthe Serpent, andthe poi. (on ofthe :rec ofdcath, or of thc knowledge of good, and cvilI` [ball be nullcd, faying, -~ »-‘Tlx Scrpmr/ba# And the dcccitfhll lncarb gfvenomeflsd. Ycqghe intimates that fomc parks of originall [in (lull remain, whcH'fx.c faith, , Samn/hp: ancient and/ball n 6: mud. ' And at lall: wg nmoltjzrcat hybébolefrycs our tothis child; as thcoff-fpring of Godndoring of him in thcfctwords, _ Dnrr fkctofffadr. rmt juplttrg » ' Behold ! tba xrnré/bake: an it: paudzrmr axe; A Sc: rank, nzullamwru irnmcnfigmd tb' Orem rraéh, Hom all :Magi at tb' appraarbing Age Titjycrl i Ol; ! that my life n'oufdla_/1,5 lang, an vqce, ¢}I: wlmldfisjirr th] afliom to rrbmrk. A _ ` _ There ax: alfo fomc pxognofticks. which are in thc midlc, bc- twigc naturnll, hnd fupctnamrall divination, as in tholk who are ncer to dcath,and being wcakcncd with old Age, do fomcf times forcfcc things to come, bccauf: :ts Gxith Pl.uo, byhow much the more men arc lcfs hind rcd by thcir fcncngfo muchtfzc more acurately they tmdcrlhnd_ and bt-cnufc they arg _ncgror to the place whither they muft go , and their bonds being as it -tvem a little loofed , iiaeing the are no more lixbicéi to thc bony, calily perceive thiiliiht olgiiivinc rcvclition. C H A P'
< _¢¢p»_1~ _i _ ` V ` `_4 l , , . _ V-~_. ~ .,~-<;g» "-" " = " ' {:V,,._. 7 _ ;_4_~_ , , - , _ ,_ _. , ` ,~~-,f,.~_,_,~ f';=,' ' __._, _ F- ¢~_f,-_. t.. - it -r oriiorrlllrfe/amply. Book IJ g ' _ ' C H A P. LX I. " g ' ' M rl r external Ser.;/P! ¢rnJaU2» the I ~ Oidifafzgdgfeaf/7£;,2;o£k ik: tlrrrrfo/J afpdfife if the 5015, andpnjiom ofthe Wid. g Iierhg opinion of fome Divines, That God did not im! Hmediately creat the body ofman, but by the aflillanoe of the heavenly Spirits compound. and frame him; which opi- nion ¢/lrineur, and Plato favour; thinking that God isthg chief Creator ofthe whole world,ol` the fpirits both good and bad, and therefore immortalized them : but that allkindsof rnortallanimals were mddc at thc command of God 5 for ifhe lhonld have created them, they mull: have been immortall. The fpirits therefore mixing Earth, Fire , Aire, and Water to. gether, made of them all, put together, one body ,which they fubjtéled tothe fervice ofthe foul, afiigning in ir .lhygmll Provinces to each power thereof, to the meaner of them ~ mean and low places : as to Anger the Midrifif, to Lnlf the Womb, butto_the more noble fenfes the Head, as thg Tower of the whole body, and then the manifold Organs of Speech. They divide the Senfc into Externahand Internnlli The external! are divided into hvr, known to every one ; to whichthctearc allotted live Organs, or fubieéts, as it were Foundations; being fo ordered , that they which are placed in themoreeminent part of the body , haven greater degree of purity. For the Eyes placed in the uppermollplaee, arethe molt pure , and have an afinity with theNature of Hre,:md Light; then the,Bar5 hare the fecond order ofplzce , and pn~ rity, and are compared to the Aire : the Noltrilshzvc the third order,and.have a middle nature betwixt the Aire,and the Water; then the Organ of talling,whieh is groffer and moll like to the nature of Water : Lall of all,tl1e touching is diffu- fed through the whole bod ;and is compared to the fl' l’ of Earth. The more pure lgnfes are thofc wh' h gm nc’s objeékfmh R E _ _ _ ir percervc their V c o ,as §ce|ng,and ljlearmg,then the§me1|mg,l .,tt_,, rhw
_,V A Y _ Book r.e ofofnilr ebszmpin. then the Tafi, which doth not perceive but thofc that are ni hi But the touch petceivesbotb wayes , for it perceives boiéeg nigh; and as Sight difcerns bythe medium of the Aire , fothe touch perceives by the medium of a flick or pole, bodies Hard, Soft,and Moi{i:.Now the touch only is common to all animals. For it is moii certain that man hath this fence. and in this, and nil he excels all other animals, but in the other three h: is ex- celled byfome animals,as by a Dog,who Hcars,Sees,and Smels more acutely then Man , and the Linx, and Eagles fee more acutely then all other Animals,& Man;Now the interior enfes are, according to .41/error) ,divided into four , whereof the iirfi is called Common fence, bccaufe it doth fir!! colle8', and perfeél all the rcprefentations which are drawn in by the ont- ward fenfes. The fecond is the imaginative power, whofe of~ fire is, feeing it reprefenrs nothing , to retain thofe reprefen. tations which are received by the former fenfes, and to pfefent them to the third faculty of inward fenfe , which is the pluntaiic, or ower of judging , whofe work is alfo to pet- ccivermd judge by the rcprefentations received, what or what kind of thin that is of which the reprefentations are , and to commit thoii things which are thus difcemed,and‘ad|'udged;to the memory to be kept. For the verrnes thereof in gcnerall, are difirourfe, difpolitions, perfecutions , and flights, and fiir- rings up to aeiion: but in particular, theunderliauding of in- tellefiuals, vertues, the manner ofDifcipline, Counfel,EIe&i- on. And this is that which lhews us future things by dreams = whence the Fancy is fomerimes named the Phanraliicall Intel- lefi. For it is the lalt i mprefiion of the underfianding ; which, as faith Iamblicnr, is belonging to all the powers of thc mind, and forms all figures , rcfemblances of fpecics, and operations, and things feen , and fends forth the imprefiions ofothec powers unto others: And cliofe things which appear by fence, it fiirs up into an opinion, but thofc things which appear by the Inteileéi , in the fccond place it offers to opinion , ~bur~of it felfitreceivcsimagcsfrom all , and by its property,idoth properly afiign chem,according to their aifmilatiqn; forms all_the aéiions of the foul, and accommodates the extemall ro i the
~ e<...,., _i V, V 4 -_V.,, l- ., ,.~, .i..»......~- “_., ‘ _ , *Y Y f-~iF7:'~‘*t~1".’;; Tf, ' 'i' _'w _ ~' ‘M Y - f"f"'-.., ltr ` N., l_ .Yi e_4__‘¢j_._L:_.j_.,;,_ i . _ ~' VV / o£o¢¢¢iz¢rlt?1»f1¢npby. Book 1_b the imggmll, and impreffesi the body with its imprcilion. N0w,;h¢{¢ fgnfes-have their Organs in the head , for the Com- mnn fqnee , and imagination ulte up the two former Celsof tgbfgindlthongh Aryhrle placeth the_0rgan1 of the Com- mgifgmgig rhg heart , but the cogitatxve power pollclleth the higheft, and middle pert of the head; and l1Rly,the memo- ry dig hm motkpqrx ghercof. Moreover, the Organs of Voter, and 5P¢¢¢~h arg m;r1y,:s.LhCin :1rd mulcles ofthe brenlr l>e~ mixmjlmibg, the brenlls, the lungs, the arteries , the wind~ pipe, the bowing ofthe Tongue , and all thofe parts andmuF clcs that ferve for breathing. But the proper 0r§an»of Speech' ig the Mouth, in which are framed words, and peechcs, the Tongue, the Teeth. the Lips,the Palatc,6:c. Above the fenlible fnnhvghithrexprelicthitspowere by tlteiOrgans of the body, thqiocorpoteall mindlpolI`elI`eth thchighefi: place, and it hath :double nature, the onqwhichinquireth into the caufes, pro- pct-ties,and progreis ofthofe things which atc contained in the order of nature.; and is content in the oontem lari-~, ottlofthc tnllb , which is therefore called the C0_U;Cl-l?iJ§)2[iVC intcllc&. The other is a power ofthe mind , which difcem. ing by confulting whattliingsare to be done, and what things to be ihunned is wholly takennp in conlhltation , 1Dd'3&i0B, and is therefore called the Afiive lntclleft. This Order-of powers therefore nature ordained in man, that bythe exter- nal! fences we might know corporeall things; bg the internal? the reprefcntations of_bodirs, as allb things ab raéicd by the mind and intcllofi. which are neither bodies ,-nor any thing like them. And according to this threefold ordetohthepow- ers of the foul,th;re ate three appetites in th¢:‘{onl‘r The iirf` is naturall, whichjszan incliuationofnatnreintojtsendr, as of :t (lone downward, which isin all iiones i another is animal, which the fcnie follows, and it is dibided into irafcible, and concupiicible- the third is intelleflive, which is called the will, Cliihcring tromthe len(itive,iu this, che fcnfitive is ofit feii,of thcfc things, which may be prcftntcd to the fenfes, de- liringmorhing unlcfi in fume manner comprehended. Hut the will, although it bc of it fclf, of all things that are pofiible, _ _ yet fx i _fl .-
?--14, -..». *_* 5 Book I. e ~ Of Occult Q°biIM1pby. - 'iiu-41-.Q-~v-1 'CHAR LXIII. How :be pajam' a rk: mind_cb,wge rbeprapcr 504), lf] changing ch: p/Iccidznrr, and mwmg FLC*/P!l‘lf» THe Phantalie, orimaginntive power harha ruling power over the paflions of the foul, when tbcypfollow the Yen-_ fuall apprehenlion. Por this doth ofirs own poivelgfaeeording to the diverlity of the Paliions, Firll of all changetheiproperf body with a fenlible rranfmutation, by changing the Rtddents in the body, and by moving the fpirit upward ordownward, inward, or outward, and by producing divers qualities in the members. So in icy, the f irits are driven outward, in fear, drawn back, in ballifulmlg, are moved to the brain. So in joy,tbe heart is dilated outward, by little, and little, in fad- nels,is conllringed by little, and little inward. After the fame manncringggct or fear, but fuddenly. A :in anger, or de- [ire of revenge produceth hear, rednefs, agbitter tall anda loofnefs. Pear indueezhcold, trembling ofthe heart, baeech; lefneb, and pzlenefs. Sadnels cauleth fweats, ande':1'blctvill1 whitcnc&. Pirty,whith is a kind of fzdnc8,dothioftcn ill affefi the body ofhim that takes pitty, that it feems to be the body of another man :ifi`c&ed.- Alfo it is <manifell,thatamong_lk fome lovers there isfuch allrongtyeof love, that what the one fuffers,the other fuffers. Anxiety induccth dtynefs, and blacknefs. And bow great heats love llirs up in the Liver, and pulfe, Phylitiansknow,difrerning by that kind of judgement the name of her that is beloved , in an Heroick l’a[li0n.~S0 7QxuFrarm knew that Anricchu: was taken with the love of Scratonica. It is alfo manifell that fuch like Pallions, when they are mol! vehement, may caufe death. And this is manilell to all men,that with too much joy, ladnels, love, hatred men ma# ny times dye, and are fometirnes freed from a dilealbr Sow/vc read, that Sapbaclu, and Dianyfur the Sicilian Tyrant, did both fuddenly dye at the ncwsof a Tragieall viéibry. So a cer- tain woman feeing hc: fon returning from ihc Cfm¢»f.w V _ p " i battle, ,_ ` . 1
FJ-17"‘¥‘f-.;E~§~ " '"" ""`° :sv--ist l .k_, 141' < ~ ,`.<__._, '~'--va-_.~_ 54. ,. »..-~~f.V~~ _‘ “ ‘>_-i ~-1-_'»__ _ #Q-*_ A " ` " ’Q.~._'5»2j¢;<.¢¢.-4».|--»»»»JA~4~Yf 'hge-~-~I»--A >~ T'~J~>f»~:_~f:¢v|g~_ _ _ ,_ , _ '__ ,l,___ _ _... l »_» » ~ 1 _; ,l_,. ~ - -',~~ n ' _ , 0f"0rtizlt Wnilcfzplgy. l e Book It bittltgdycd fuddenly. Now what fadnelk can do, is known to all. We know that Dogs oftentimes dye with lhdncfs forthe death of their mailers. Sometimes alfo by reafon ofthefe like Pafiions, long difeafes fo1low,and are fometimes cured. So alfa fome men looking from an high place , by reafon of great fear, tremble, are dim-lighted, an weakened, and fometimes loofe theirfenfcs. So fears, and falliniig-licknefs, fometimes follow fobbing. Sometimes wonderful eifeéls are produced, as in the fon of Cr.¢/Eu, whom his mother brou ht forth dumb, ycta vehement fear, and ardent affeéiion mage him fpeak, which naturally he could never do. So with :t fuddain Fall oftentimes life,l'enfe, motion onafuddain leave the members, and pre- fently again are fomctimes returned. And how much vehe- ment angeryioyned with g¥C3! audacity,can do, Alexander the great fhews, who being circumvented with a battle in Indtlr, was fecn to fend forth from himfelf lightening and fire. The Father of Tbndoricu: is faid to have feat forth out of his body, (parks of fire; fo that fparkling flames did leap ontwitha noyfe. And furh like things fometimcs appearin beafls, asin g`?br>-im his horfe, which is laid to fend fortba flame out of is mouth. p c H A P. L XIV. l Huw the Pajiom ofrbe mind cbrvzgr :bf bad; 6] Wa) of imitati- on from pm: re#-mlalanre; /I(/In of tb: tranffrmzhg, and mmjlatbrg ofmen,and\'b.1t _fbrcr :bc imngimnive powzr hath not cal] over tba' éa¢y,t9ut :br/bul. _ e ~ TH: forefaid Paflions fomctimes' alter the body by way of imitation,by reafon of the verrue which the liknefs ofthe thing hath to change it, which power the vehement imaginati- on moves,as in farting the teeth on edgeat the Gght or hearing Of f0m¢thing, or beeaufc we fcc or 'imagine another to eat (harp or foure things: So be l{?hichjl'e§s";tnother~gape, gapes alfo; and fome when they hear any onenanie foure things ,theittonguetvaxethtare Alfo thefeeingof any lilthythiné _ ~ eauftth
/____,.¢-»"'”' , J "“"°" " Book I, A Of Occult Tbilcjzpby. eaufcth naufeoufnel`s.Many at the (ight of mans blood fall into afwoun. Some when theyiie bitter meat given to any, per- ¢¢ive a bitter fpitle in their mouth. And ndlliam ofI’.n-ik iaith, that he faw a man , that attheiightof amedicinc, went to [kool as oft as he pleafed; whenas neither the fublhnee of the medicine, nor the odour, nor the tallzof it eameto him .» but only a kind of refemblance was apprehended by him. Upon this account fome that are in a dream think they burn, and are in afire, and are fearfully tormented, as if they did truly burn, when as the fubilance of the fire is not neer them, but onlyarcfemblanee apprehended by their imagination. And fometimes mens bodies are transformed , and transfigured, and alfo tranfported, and this oft times when they arc in a dream , and fometimes when they are awake. So Cjprux after he was chofen King of Italy, did very much wonder at, and meditate upon the light, and vi&ory of Buls, and in the thought thereof did lleepa whole night , but in themotning was found horned, no otherwifc then by the ve~ getarive power beinglhrred up by a vehement imagination, elevating cornifcrous humors into his head, and producing horns. For a vehement cogitation, whilefi it vehemently moves the fpccics, pi&ures out the figure of the thing thought on, which they reprefent in their blood, and theblood im. ptelleth from it {elf.on the members that are nourifhed by it,as upon thofe of the fame body, fo upon thofe of anothers. As the imagination of a woman with child imprelleth the mark of the thing longed for upon her infant, and the imagination ofa mm bit with a mad Dog, impreifeth upon his Urine the image oi D0gs.So men may grow grey on a fuddain.And fome by the dream Ofone night, have grown up from boics into perfrfl men. Hithcrto may be referred thofe many (carts of King D.:- _geimnnand Marks of Ffdkfyéllf , which they received. the one whileil he was afraid ofeorteéiion, the other whilcfhhe did wonderfully meditate ulpon the wounds of Chrili. So,ma- ny are ttanfporcd from p ace to place, palling over rivers, fires, and unpalfable places, vie. when the fpccies of any ve- htmcnt de(ire,ot fear, or boldncls are imprelfed upon their Spirits, u
,-,,_ p; ,U ¢..~--_,_, ,__ - < _ _ -. . >-~»-»---.,.~-_..,.» .l - , _ _v,...- ..‘. _,_ ..,-._-.-..,,»...~ i ' v-,,~ , 144 ,___ ye... i ». ,._-.¢, ...__ ___ "‘ =a“f, _ ,x .rgp-vm.. Y mi .;)_-,._.‘ . .:_ ,F ..-_ ,»»,: A ; . gi _. _ . W.,-, ,, , ‘ ,- . . »`-‘ ` _ . _ < . _ Of Qeezzlt?/ailrjaply. Book rl. fpirits, and being mixed with vapors,_ do move the Qrgan of thc touch in their original,together with pha,nrali¢.‘vh1chis the ori inal of locall motion. W hence they [hr up the members, and? Organs of motion to motion, and are moved without any millake unto the imagined placc,not out ofiighr, but from the interiour Fautafy. So great a power is there of the foul u pon the body,that which way foever that imaginespnd dreams the; it goes, thither doth it lead the body. We read many other ex- amples by which the power of the _foul upon the body is won. derlially explancd, as is that which Az/icm defcribes of acer. tain m.m,who when he pleafed could affc& his body with the pallie. They report of Grzllm Wlzixfr , that he did fall into madnels not eal`ually,hut on purpofc r for whilell he didimi. tate mad men,he allimilated their maduefs to hirnfelf, and became mad indeed. And Jig/Hn makes mention of fome men who would move their cars attheiepleafure , and fomcthat would move the crown of their head to their forehead , and could draw it back again when they pleafed = andof an.. other that could fweat at his plcaliire. And it is well known,thatl`omeean weep attheir plcafure, and pour forth abundance of tears : and that there are fome that can brin up what they have fwallowed, when they pleafe, as out of aiag, by degrees. And we fee that in theft: daycs there arermany _whocan l°o imitate, and exprefs the voices ol Birds,*Cattle, Dogs, and fome men, that they can fcarce at all be difcerncd. Alfo Plin] relates by divers examples,th:it women have been turned into men.‘P¢m¢fmu: tcl’tifieth,that in his time a certain women called Caieraw, and another called /Iemilirgwho after many years, 'after they were marriedgwcrethanged .in,tosmev. Now how much imagination can do upon the foul, no maniis ignorant : for it is neerer to the fublraneeof the foul thenthe fc-nfe is; wherefore it :Els more upon thelfoul then theefenfe doth. sowomenby ccrtainllrongimaginations, dreams,and fuggeiliom brought iniby certain Magicall Arts do oftentimes bind them into mol! [irong loving oF any one. So they lay that Made 1 only by a dream liurnr in love towards Q4/im So the foul fomecimes is by a vehement imagination, or fpccula- ~ ti , p _Oli Y ;Y__ ,jf/1‘:‘-_,__?_AL “_ l
'” ~ 'r i Bogk I, Of Occult Tlailrjipby. t ¢1> tion altogether ablirariied from the body , as [emu relates of 3 certain Presbyter, who as of? as he pleafed, could make himfglffcnlelelé, and lie like adead man , that when any one Pfi¢ked,or burned him, be felt no pain, but lay without any motion or breathing, yet he could, as he faid, hear mens voices QS it were afar otli, if they cryed out aloud. But' of thele ab- fh-;&ions we (hall difcourfe more fully in the following Chapters. . _.l.._-i ' CHAP. LXV. How the Pnjiun: of the Mind cm wvrlgonr af thmhlvr: upon another: Bury. ~»~¢.. TH E Paflions ofthe Soul which follow the phantalie,wl1en they are moll vehement, cannot only change their own body, but alfo can tranfcend fo, as to work upon another bo- dy, fo that fome wonderfull impreliions are thence prodticed in Elements, and extrinfccall things, and alfo can fo take away, or bring fome difeafes ofthe min or body. For the Pallions ofthe Soul are the ehiefell caule of the tem crament ot' its proper body. So the Soul being llrongly eijcvatcd, andin- flamed with a [hong imaginationjends forth health or ficknel?, not only in itspropcr body, but alfo in other bodies. So ek!- 'mbmigofthe opinion. that a (lamell may fill by the imagi- nation of any one. So he which is bitten with a mad l)og,pre. fcntly falsinto a madneh, and there appsar in his Urinetbc fhapes of Dogs. So the longing ofa woman with ChiId,doth a& upon mothers body, when it Signs the infant in the wombx with the mark ofthe thing longed for. So,mainy monllrous generations proceed from rnonltrous imaginationsol-‘ women t L with .'
_,,~i."""'~ Book I; of Occult @bilof>pbyi A I ilgiu- ned . for their foulbeing full of noxious raycs, infcéis than rhatare near with a hurtful! Contagion. On the contrary, they advife that the focicty ofgood, and fortunate men be Q17 deavoured after, becaufc by their nearneis they do us much good. Poras the fmellof Affa-fetida, or Musk, fo of bad fomething of bad, of good fomcthing of»good, is dctived ppon them that are nigh, and fomctimescontinucs along time. Now then if the foxcfaid Paiiionsrhnvc ,fo great: a power in the Phanrnlie, they have certainly agreatcr power in the reafon, in as much as the rcafon is more excellent then the Phantalie; and luiily, they have much greater p¢yver‘in_!he mind; for this, when ir is fix: upon God for any good with its whole intention, doth oftentimes af¥e& :mothers bodyns tv/:ii as its own with fome divine gift. By this means we read thatmany miracles were done by ¢/fpat/wha, Pjtlugg. ra, Empedvcln, Philoliuu, and many Pr0phCt8, and holy mm of our Religion. ____Bgt_pf :hcfeanore fully inthe following Chaptcrgwhere we Hull difcourfeiof'Rcligion.i _ - - -vi , 1 t . _ ° - ~ I CHAP. LXQVI. Tbzttlze Pnfriom of the mind .irc helped./= a,CeLe/U43 jérpm, and bam nerefary :be Can/franc; a/xlfe mirxdzlt ilwver] work. - ., _,,Y "I7H,¢P%fr§°D55€i)|K mind orc, much helpcd,aud;,Il:I1ejpful|; i . .¢n<1bs$ui1iéH1,,`§pé>irr¢r€uIil`i>_2iiémébftficxieiveri, as r ` L 2 they ,_-s , Ada, ,‘,- _);L r.; o
-aa ‘~ ‘-~‘ ~ - 1- lZ'."T5:"'jj"1jg ..,.._.....¢- W of0r§¢i1rfI>L;1q/any. Book I, -________ .__.._.__ _ they agree with the heaven, either by any naturallagreement, orvoluntary Elefiion. Paras faith Prolameur, he which chool- eththat whichit the better, feems to differ nothing from him who hath this of nature. It conductth therefore very mnch for the receiving the benefit of the Heavens, in anyswork, if we (lull by the Heaven make' our (clvesfurable to it in our ghgughrs, affefhons, imaginations, elcQtons, deliberations, egntemplationsnnd theliltc. _ for fucb like pmllions do vehe. mentlyllir up our fpmt to their lrkenefs,and fuddenly expofs ug, and ours to the uperior lijnificators of fuch like pamgng. and alfa by reafon of their igniry, and neernelk to the fup¢: fiors, do much more partake of the Celeiiials, then any tm, teriall things. For our mind can through imaginations, or reafon by a kind of imitation, be fo conformed to any Star, as fnddenly to be filled with the vertnes of that Star, as if it were a proper receptacle ofthe influence thereo£ Now the contemplating mind, as it withdraws it felf from all lenfe, imagination, nature, and deliberation , and eals it ,felf bad: to things fepmted, unlefs as it expofeth it felf to Saturn, is not of prefent conlideration, or enquiry. For our mind doth effcél divers things by faithfwhich is afirm adhelion, a fixt intention, and vehement application of the worker, or re. eeiver, to him that co-operates in any thing , and gives powgf to the work which we intend to do. So that there isrnade as it were in us the image of the vertue to be received, and th¢ thing to be done in us, or by us. We mnll therefore in every work, and application of things, aH”e& vehemently, imagine, hope. and believe lirongly, for that will be a great hcl . And iris verifiedamcngli Phylitianslhata ftrong belief] andlitn nn- doubted hope; and loveikbwatds the Phylittan; and medicine, conduee much to health, yea more fornetimes than the medicine it fc|£ For the famethat the efficacy, and vertut: ofthe medi-_ eine works, the fame doth the [hong imagination ofthe Phyli- liw W0trk»_being abletoehhngethe ualities in the_bod ofthe fdh Cfpectally when the patient cptizfeth tt1ueh'eonfid`enee,in the PhyG=»=m. by nm mm, °rp°nng mmreif- rar an i ‘ receiving . ~ »~.~...-...s-. L -
Book I. ~ 0f`0cculr 'Pbilzjy/gb). V 4' 1 _ receiving che venue ofrhe Phylirian. and Phylick. 'Therefore he that works in Mngiclnmull be of' a conlfanr belief; be ere. dulous, and not at all doubt of the obtainin rhe elf`e&. Por as a firm, and llrong belief doth work wondirfull things, 41. rhnugh ir be in falfe works, fo dillrull and doubring dorh difiiparqand break the verru ofthe mind of`theworker,whirh is rhe medium berwixr borh exrreams, whence ir happens, that he is frullrared of the defired influence ofthe fuperiorywhielx could not be ioyned,and unired ro ourlabours wirhonr a firm, and folid venue of our mind. ~ Cl-IAP. LXVI I. Haw :mm mind frm] In jqncd wish fb: mind, and 1nreHi_genciu gf fb: [ell-_/Iielf, and to uber wirb :hem imprej' certain mm- derjhll -urmm upon infgriour rbingr. THelPhilofophen,e%ecially the e/fraéiam, fay, that mans mind,whenir is mo inren: upon any work, rhrough ics pailion, and effcffs, is joined wirh the mind ofrhe Stars, and Inrelligencles, and bein o ioyned is the eaufe due fomewon- derfull vertue be infufcf into our works, and things gand rhis, as hecaufe rhcre is in ic an apprehenlion, and power of all things, fo beeaufe all rhings have anarurzll obedience to ir, and of necefliry an efficacy, and more IQ char which delires them wich a llrong delire. And according ro rhis is verihed rhe Arr ofChara&ers, images, inchanrmenrs, and fume fpccches, and many orher wonderfull experiments to every ching which the rrrind affcfls. By this means wharfoever :he mind of him that is in vehemenr love aff; 61s, harh an efficacy ro czufe love, Sc wlmfoever the mind of' him char llron3lyh:|res,di&nr5£ha;h :meflicacy eo hurr , and dellory. The luke isin other thingy, which rhe mind alfe&s wich a ilrong de{ire.For all rhohéhmgs which the mind 163, :md diélares by Charaders ,e Figliffifa Words, Speeches,Gellures, and che like, help rhe apémeutc of the foul, and acquire certain wondcrlull venues, 35 IOM IHC _ L 3 ` l-Olll
, ~,_,,;_.._,,-...___.-`_f~_ -W ~ t- ef- ~ - _~-,» ,.-,_-,__,~~¢,_ *"['f"'Z"'§’*Y""f"”1fX7‘v" T"'77`fTf7"» ‘~'» ’ i ) *W > __ _ ._ _' , A4 ' I or ~ ofiofmfiinbfzwpby. Bookr. ___,__,_. foul of the operator,in that hour when fuch a like eppetite doth invide it, fo from thc opportunity, and Celefhall influence, moving the mind in that manner. For our mind, when it is mffied upon the great excefs ofany Paliion, or vertue, often. timcsprefently takes of it felf a (hong, better, and more con. venient hour, or opportunity. Which Thema Aquimu in his third book againii the Gentiles, confeffeth, So many won. dcrfull vertues both caufe, and follow certain admirable opera. gignsby great affeéiions, in thofe things which the foul doth di&ate in that hour co them. But know,that fuch kind of thing; confer nothing, or ve? little but to the Author of them, and to him which is incline co them, as if he were the Authorof them : And this is the manner by which their eiiicacy is found out. And it isagenerall rule in them, that every mind that is more cireellent in its de{ire,and af£e&ion,makes fuch like things more fit for it felf, asalfo efficacious to that which it dclires. Every one therefore that is willing to work in Magick, muli know the vertne,tne;=.l`urc, order,and degree of his ownIouLin thepowcr-of the univerfc. `i_,_,.,-<..i,- 1-.- CHAP. LXVIII. How our mind can c/mage , and bind inferiaur rising: rarlme s~ > Wh;/ib it defrer. “ "1"i-iere is alfo accrtain vertue in the minds of men,ofchang- ing,attra&ing, hindring, and binding to that which they dclire, and all things obcy them, when they are carried into a great exeeli ofany Paliionor vertu,fQas to exceed thofe things which they bind. For the fuperior binds that which isinferior, and converts it to it felg and thcinferior ish the fame reafon converted to the fuperior , or is othcrwil; aifeéied , and wrought upon. By this regifon things that receive a fuperior degree of any St:tr§l>ind,ot‘ at_tr;&5or hinder chingswivhich have an inferior ,e according as they I!gl'CC,`Of, difzi ree 3 (if rlicoifelves, whence a Lion is afraid of a§ocl§ heeaglgziliie i _ r prefence , __~~"»» `_:f..-:_ __ 2 -"ut;.i ' im;-2;-` fr;-.ij i
....- _.,_. ' ‘ ' ' _.-gvfsuse, ..,,,,:;,x;.y; ..~ .Q _;~‘,;,5 Lt]-IJ _._-"_-~» t A;a,`}`:,`. A ;__.,; L _`,.;f; : 1. Ligier? y ~ _ "‘---»` g Ol`e0ceult fpbiwply. Book }JhichGaI:n faith, is alfo common to bruits, although in rr lcfg degree; but we are called rationall, from that reafon which is accordin to the voice underllood in words,:rnd fpecch,whi¢f, is called geclarzttive rcafon, by which part we do chiefly excell all other Animals.For Myer in Greek lignifies, reafon, |'pe¢¢|,_ and a word. Now a word is twofold, -viz. internall, and uttered; An internal] word isa conception of the mind, and motion of the foul, which is made without st voice. As in dreams we feem to fpcak, and difpure with our (elves, and whilefl we are awake we run over a wholcofpecch Glently. But an uttered word hath a certain nfl: in the voice, and propertiu of locution , and is brought forth with the breath of a mm, with opening of his mouth, and with the fpeech of his tongug; in which nature hath coupled the corporcall voice. and fpeech to the mind,and underlhndingmaking thata dcclarcgand iq. terpreter of the conception of our intellect to che he:trers,Am1 of this we now (peak. Words therefore are ‘the iittell medium cbetwixt the fpealter and the hearegearrying with them notch; lyfthe conception of the mind , but alfo the vt-rtue of (hc pealtcr with a certain efficacy unto the henrers, and this often- times with fo great :t power, that oftentimes they changenog only the hearers,but alfo other bodies, and things that have no life. Now thofc words are of greater efficacy then others which reprcient greater things. as intelleéluall, Celeliiall, limi fupematuralhas more expreflydb more mi{terioufly.Alfo rhofe that come from a more worthy tongue, or from any of a more holy order: For thel`e,as it were certain Signs, and rcprelcn- t:ttions,t'cceivc a power of CeIefiiall,and fuperceleliiall thin s asfrom the vertuc of things explained, of which they are vchicula, fofrom z ' ' fpcalter. i i i Pqwcripvt IMO them by the vertue of the ~ CHAP. , L ~ f_;.ij;>_._,~__.f' ,,<"
Book I. ofofnizr oifzmpiy. e t ci-IAP. Lxx. g ofthe 1/erm: ofproyrr rramrx; . 'T l-latptopcr names of things are very necelfary in Magical! operations, almoil all men reilifie : For the natu- ral! power of things proceeds lirlk from the obfeéls to the -fenfes, and then from thefe to the imagination, and from thii to the mind, in which it is Erik conneived,sand then is exprcll fed by voices, and words. The Plaranws therefore fay, that in this very voiee,or ord,ornamc framed,with its Articles, that the power ofthe thing as it were fome kind of life, lies under thc form ofthe lignilieation. Firll conceived in the mind as it were through certain feeds of things, then by voices otwords, as a birth brought forth, and laltly kept in writings. Hence Magicians fay, that proper names ol things are certain rayes of things, every where prefent at all times, keeping the power of things, as the effence of the thing hgnified, rules , andis dikerned in them, and know thethings by them, as by pro- per, and living Images. For as the great operator doth pro- duce divers fpecies, and particular things by theinflueneiesof the Heavens, and by the Elements , together with the vertucs of Planets;fo ancotdingto the properties ofthe inliuencics pro~ per names tefult to things, and are put upon them by him who numbers the multitude ofthe Stars; calling them all by their names,ofwhieh names Chrill in another place fpeaks,fay- ing , Tcur name: are written in Heaven. vfdam therefore that gave the firli names to things, knowing the infiuencres of the Heavens, and properties of all things,gave them all names according to their natures, asit is written in (`en¢`J . where God brought all things that he had created befére Adam, that the fhould name them, and as he named any thing, fo the name of it was, which names indeed contain in them wonderfull powers of the things lignitied. Every voice thercfiare that is lignificativc, titll of alllignifies by the infiuenee of the Cele- lltall harmony = Secondly, by the impolition of man, although ~ ~ often,-
r. ,of omit ¢1>b;1<¢,,,b,». t " _ ` -l CHARLXXI. _ Ofmny nwdf jqned together, minjintmcrf, and *ver/lv, ,ml ef, bg -W,-;,q¢.r, and ajlrifiiaur qfcbarmx. A ;BE{{d¢5' the vertues ol: worde, and names, thercis~all`oa greater vertue found in fentcnccs, from the truth contain- gd in ghgm , which hath a very great power ofim tellin , changing, binding, and eftablilhing, fo that being ujzgr icdogr lbine the rnbre, and being refifized is more confirmedgnd con~ folidated ;which vcrtue is not in fimplc words, but in fenten- ccs,by which :my thing is afHrmed.or denycd,of which fort are verfes, iuchantments,imprecations, deprecations, orarions, in. iiocations, obtcliations, adiurations, conjurations, and fuchl like. Therefore in compoling verl'es,and orations, for the at- trafiing the venue of any Star, or Deiry,you mall diligently eonfxdcmvhac vertues any Star contains, as alfo what cf- f'e&s, and operations, and toinfer them in verfes, by praifing, extolling, amplifying, and farting forth thofe thing; which fuch akindofbtar is wont to caufe by way of its influencehud by vilifying. and difprailing thofc things which it is wont to ilellroy, and hinder, and by fupplicating , ,and begging for that whichwe defire to gct. :md by condemninggtnd dctclling’ _that which We would have defiroyed, Be bindred.-and after the lime manner to mike an elegant oration, and duly diflinéi by Articles, with competent numberspnd proportions. More- over Ma icians command that we call upon, and pray by the nim‘cs,ol§the fame Star, or name,to thcmto whom fuch a verfc bclongsyby their wonderfull things, or miracles, by their courfes, and waies in their fphear, by their light, by thc dig. nity of their Kingdoms, by the beauty, and brighmeli that is in rr, by their Ilronggxnd powerfull venues, and by fuch like asthefe. Aslwclie in ¢/fpnlcinr prayes to Crm; laying, I beleechthecby thy fruitfullri ht hand,I intreatvthccby the 1oyf`ulliCercmonics ofharveli, by the quiet filence of thy chdls by thcwingcd,Ch;iriots of Dragons thykrvanrs, by the ._ -, ` -‘ ~ ~- .. 535.3 , _ V . A y _ furrows ‘ s.
,.,._._._._.,-,,,n_ »~~.~~,._“"’~~"r,¢-s~.,__ - - -_ ~-~- . _ _ ~ f»,-, , '2L:s;;-;_-=- , ` I _ `_ , *_ '»' --<.'___'.;,,_ 'vj~ii___ - V Y V ,iN . ~",,'_;_. ;;j---L,-.;;-¢.;:.--M -.._ ~ ‘ .. .;, V, ,, - ._ ii I , i ._ 5-`.'~" "4"'5 ,T§f‘1‘§;1-f4¥ff~fr<+;-~;';f":i:‘A "f4""""f"7~i'v , ` ._,;,;_v_.», , of ozraftebrrfnpn. B<>oI<» I; ilné- ;__, furrows ofthe .Sir-ili.m earth, the devouring Wagon, the clam. my earth, by the place of going down into cellars at‘rh¢ light Nuptials of PrWrpin.r,and returns at the light inventions of her daughter, and other things which are concealed in her temple in the City Elmir in Africa. Belides,wrth the divers forts ofthe names of the Stars, they command us to call upon them bythe names of the Intelligencics, ruling over the Star; thernlelves, of which we [hall (peak more at large mtheir proper plate. They that dchre further examples of thefe, let them fcarch into the hymns of Orpbmr , then which nothing is more efficacious in naturall Magick, if they togetherwirh theircircurnliances, which wife men know, be ufc according to adue harmony, with all attention. But to return to our pnzlpofe. Such like verfes being aptly,and duly made according to e rule ofthe Stars,and being ihll of ligntiication, 8: mem. ing, and opportunely pronounced with vehement affeéiion, as according tothe nnmbenproportion of their Articlcs,fo ac. cording to the form refulting from the' Articles, and-by rin; violence of imagination, do confer a very great power in the inchanter, and lomerirues transfer it upon the thing inchant. ed,to bind. and dire&it to the fame purpofe for which theafl fefiions, and fpeeches of the inchanter are intended. Now the inlirumentof the inrhanters is amoii pure harmoniacall fpirir,warm,breathing.|iving,bringing with it motiongffbfiion and Ggnification , compofed ol its parts, endued with fence, and conceived by rcafon. By the quality therefore of this fpi- rit, and by the Celcltiall limilrtude thereof,” bchdes tlrofe things which have already been fpoken of, verfes alfo from the optportunity of time,receive from above moft excellent venues, an indeed more fublimc,and elhcationsrhen fpirits,& vapors exhaling out of the Vegetable life, out of hearhs, roots, gums, aromaticall things, and fumes, and fuch like. And therefore Magicians inchanring things,are wont to blow, and breath ups on them the words of the verfe, or to breath in the vcrtucwith the fpirit, that fo the whole vertue ofthe _foul be direéicdro the thing inchanted, being difpofed for the receiving the Enid vertue. And here it is to be noted,that every orationnvritting. ' t y and
_ . Book I. OF Occult ¥’biI¢ybpby. " * r 157 and words, as they induce zxrcullomed motions by their amu- ` - Horned numbers, agd proportions, and form, fo alfobelides “ their ufuall order,be1ng pronounced,or wrote backwardsmore unto unulua1lc&`c&s. _ F C H A P. L X X I I. Ofrbe wanderjw parm- affnrlawtmmu. THey [ay that the power ofincbmtments, and vcrfesis fo great, that it is bclicmtdrrhey are able to fubvcrt almoll all_naturc, as £1itl/Ipulrim, that with a Magicall whifpcrin§, {w1& Rivers are turned,the flow Sea is bound, the Win s are breathed our with one accord, the Sun is Hopf, thc Moon isclarificd, the Stars are pulled out, thc d_ay is kept back, thc. night is prolonged, andofthefe lings Lumn, TEE ¢’a?ir]E: ofaHtl:i:r_g: did cup; the night Prolonged u'a¢f,'¢Wd£ lang brfor: 'Ima light; _ Afionied mu tba bmdlong World, all rbi: Was Q] the bearing qfa mr,/Z'--~ f And a little before. 7'bef¢li.¢n -utr/2 $11 slvto ‘J /:eaftF_fivw, T/mr it did awk; 4 greater bm: Jima. And xlfcwhcre. No ¢fre_g:¢Z_poM1n king 6] /aim drunk, H3 wit: a1`d incbamrd +- Alfo Virgil in Damam ~ 4 l Charm: nm command :br Moon dawn fhm tb# Circcs Cbmm cb.1n_g'd Ulilfes camjwg. QA ‘ - f Q . ~ . 'A A
Book I. Of Occult ’Pl:iM>pby. i ilhinz-L11 Moreover all Poetsling, and Philofophers do notdeny, that bym-fe; many wonderfull things may be done, as Com to bg removed, I ightenings to be commanded, difcafes be cured, and Rich like. For Cm himlelf in Country ai¥.zirs uled fomc in- chzmtmcnts ugznnft the dilcafesof bezlts, which as yrtm; rx, tant in his wrrting=. Allb fplmr ttlbiies thu _Sblamcn was skilled in thofe k=nd of irthtrttments. fillb C:M:: ,y5»;¢-_,,,,,, rcportmrcording tothe Egvptizm dofirine. that mms body, according to the number of the faces ofthe Zcdi.:ck_S:gr;;, was taken cate of by £'omzny,vi:,. thirty fix |'pi1irs,whcrc0f carb. undertake , and defend their proper part, whofetiarncskhey call withapetulinr voite, which bting called upon, rcllore to health with their inchantuzents the drieafcd parts of the body. .____..i______,-4 __, ~ -_--,_;.i1_... Cl-IAP. LXXHI. ofrbr zfcrxur of zrrittiug, am( af WL1Ql:g izrxprtcaticur, rvfdin. frriptiorzx. r - , V H E ufe ofwords, and l'p:ech,is to cxprcl3 the in\v‘3f&`OT the mind, and from thence to dmv forth the fecrctsof the thonghts,and to declare the will of thc fpealter. Now writ- ing is the init exprdiion of the mind, andisihe number of fpecch and voice, :ts alfothe colleftion, (hte, end,continuing, and iteration, making ahabit, whiehis notperfe&ed withthc aft of ones voice. And whatfoevet is in the mind, in voice, in word. in otation, and in fpeech, the whole, and all of this is in writing allo. And as nothing whichisconeeivcd in thcmind is not cxpteffed by voice , fo nothing which is etprelfcd is n0t alfo written. And therefore Ma l(i33SCOmm1I1d,lh1l in every work, there hcirnprcczxtions, ang inlkriptions made, by which the operator may cxprefs his atfefiion : that if he gatheran Heath, or n Stone, he declare for what ufc he doth it ; til he mnkci 1 pi&urc,hc (ay, and write to what end he maketh it; which imptecations, and infcriptions, /1!{1rrtmall`o in his bac; ea e
-...`.¢~-<~ ;'.<<»' ;=~¢--M ,»_. `, ., ' _ .,._,.. ,_.. _.M-_..... _ _ <- ¢ 04 4'~~_ < » »~A_A ¢-» v, . V 17" -vv. -°'7, _ _ ,,-_ _ _ _ ~ _ r,,_,.4 ~_ '_ ,_ ,_ ‘___ _ ._ ,,.A._,,_ » p _,_ . ,_v_;,__~»T_,,.;J ,_ ~l _,L ~,.1:-, ` ' -_ i - l tt 'vi ‘ »_.',x.~ ~_'~fi .., -_ ‘_~";~~<r.~.; .» -~ ' ~ Y ~~-' wc,-_,_, , _ , Vi. _.-,.-__r_. _ _ ,_ .N _ .»~; ..., .,-'..'V. ' ‘ . . 160 v i ~ oeo0¢¢f¢z¢a>i;W;,. Book 1. V _ -<» ea1ledSprmlmr:doth not dilixllownvirhollr Whkh all Our works 'would never be brought into e&'c&: §¢¢i”g ldifpolition doth not eaufe an e&`:&,bur the aél ofthe d{fP°5U°“~ WC 534 allo that the fame kind of precepts was in ul`e amongfk UIC Anfi- ents, as Virgil teIhfies,when hepfings, --* I 41 #J Fi,” MZ, ,;;;r:;f¢,¢d;,in :number which time ere, 'Bury rl; Altar: thrice 1/7140 I/gy Image Gen. And a little after. A Knau, Amaryllis ge ! o_fCaImr: three, q7,¢,,jIg, r!;$ band: I k_nir,for Venus ir. rr And in the fame place. Y A: with anefire #lair clq doll: barrier prwf. c. The wax maref'/fr; /3 Daphnis with our law. CHAP. LXXIV. gftliefraparrian, ¢°arr¢]]>md:fu7,reds&im of Lerur:ro:I1:Ce- IJHAII Si nr, and Plamrx, according to 'various tongurr, ’vitl1AT4ileEe1¥in_g' tluh - GOD gave to man a mind,:rnd l`peech,which(as faith Mfr- enrim 7‘rij'meg{/fur) are thought to be a gift of the fame vertue, powcr,and irnrnorrality.The omnipotent God hath by his providence divided the fpcech of men into divers languages; which languages have according to their d iverlity received “ divers,and proper Charafiers of writing, eonfdling in their ter. .tain order, nurnber,and ligure, not fo difpoleil, and formed hy hap, or chance, nor by the weak judgement of man, but from above, whereby they agree with the Celelliall, and divine bodies, and vertues. But before all notes of languages,the i , o 'writing r .''~»"-‘ `V ' ~r ..‘`l~`{;4.1_:_ .'~ .1 » _~ 4-
Bvok I. Of Occult Q)/Jilryoplay. ' writing of the Hebrews is of allthe moi! facredin the figm-gs of (`h3f2ffCfS» points of vowels, and tops of accents, as mn. lifting in matter, form,and fpirit. _ The poiition ofthe Stars being firét made in the feat of Cod, which is heaven , after the figure, of them (as the mafiersof the Hebrews teltifie) are rnofi fully formed the letters of the CC|CRi2|| U1yff¢ri¢Ss as by their figure, form, and ligniiication, fo by the numbers lignified by them, as alfo by their various harmony of their (0fl|UD&l0D. Whente the more curious Me. cubals of the Hebrews do undertake by the figure of theirlet- ters, the forms of Characters, and their Ggnaturc, (°implcnc(s’, compolition, feparation, erookednefs, diredneis, deftfi, a- bounding, greatnefs,litlene6, crowningopening, fhutting,or~ der, tranfmutation, joyning together, revolution of letters, and of points, and tops, and by the fupputation of numbersby the letters of thin s hgniticd to explain allthings, how they proceed from the lift eaufe, and are again to be reduced into theliigie. Moreover they divide the letters of their Hebrew Alphabetyvic. into twelve (imple, fevcn double, and three mothers, which they fay (igniiie as Charaéicrs of things, the twelve Signs, fcvcn Planets, and three Elcmcnts,vir,. Firq Water,and Earth,for they account Aire no Blement,but as the glew, and fpirit ofthe Elements. To thefe alfo they appoint points, and tops; As therefore by the afpeéis of Planets, and Signs, together with the Elements, the working fpirit, and truth all thin s have been, and are brought forth, fo by thefe Charafiers o§ letters, and pointslignifyingthofe things that arebronght forth, the names of allthings are appointed, as Certain Signs, and vehicula’s of things explained carrying with them every where their eifente, and vcrruts. The profound meanings, and Signs are inherent in thofe Chara&trs,_and.e. ligures of them, as alfo numbers, place, order, and revolution; fo that 0ri_gem»: therefore thought that thofe names being tranilated into another ldiome, do not retain their proper vertue. For only originallnames, whiehare rightiyimpofeds betaufe they (ignify naturally, .have anatnrall.'a&ivity :i It is not fo with them which fignifie at .pleafurq which have no g a M aéiivity, _ . "iw 161
*_ ._, V-._A-»-~' ,t_. ,`_,_-;.' "L"~"""*.£ ~ Tl. , f.--.,-».._..._-<».._,_* ,rf-¢--:,_ , -_*gf 'Lea ,-1. _ _ _ -~ - #ka is 1 ._,-.;:."°. '.r' ' ~' - __.»-t...~;<", ,__ __ _,.,e.,w .I-¢‘,»‘ ?~,_ ,t-,_`..,_,,.._` ‘ '.j_'_:_,.' t_-_‘~_~:_;,_g;° -~;__,,..L~ " :rf .§;s¢/t........ - ' ,_ ,__, _,_ _ ., 4 .i_ 1, _,,_, t ~. t. ,..-f` ,_ _~ -,__7,.,,; Hi O -.~_ .- f _ _- ,.-V, , ., J Y -, ‘rx »--r:.~,.».»"-¢ _-f_.., _.fir--~ ~-f '~ » ' ` ~ 'I T"~‘P`f..,'7 ~`»1` 'J ,.,.,~ i. e -» A t- ,;¢<»t~»..~ » ,.~_ _ - _ Y ,_ ...-,,__»`,,._ ,_,_ ,. ,_ -.- ,. . _,_ »-. .V . ,,,A;<._v[»_V.;,_'__- . . 1,i~1_», Y--.»’ “ ,._.. _ ._ »» _ »- ~ - ,~_. -,___, t 3`?iofdc§a1fG>l»i1¢5pby;l Book re |,.--_--vw-"""* t<~, ir ;&ivi£y,eeehey arefignifying, but as they areeertain natural! things' in themlelves, Now if there he any_ orlgmall, whole words have at natural! Egnification, it is mamfeltrhst this is the Hehrcwetheorderofwhieh he that fl1allprol'oundly,and mil. Qllyobfqrve, and 'lhall know to relolve proportionablythg lettersthereohllaall have a rule exaétly to find out any ldiome. There are therefore two and twenty Letters, which are the foundation of the world. and of creatures that are, and arg named in it, and every faying, and eve ry creature are of them, and by their revolutions tettive their Name , Being , :md Venue. » He therefore ‘that will find them out, malt by each joyning together of the Letters fo long examine them, untill the voice of Godrs manifell, and the framing of the molt facred letters be openednnd difcovered. For hence voices, and words hzvc efficacy in Nlagicallwotks: becaule that in which nature firlk exercifeth Magicalle5itacy,is the voice of God. But thefcare ofmoredeep fpceulation,then to be handled in this hook. Bee tosretntnto thodivilion ol' the Letters. Of thcfgzmongll the Hebtews,arc three mothersfviz.. * 1 N. feven d uble, vig, D `l D D 'I J J.Theother1z.z1iz~ ID P ¥)!DJD§ El?) I71; arefirnple. The fame rule is amonglt the Clialdeans; And by ,theimrtation of thcfe allo the letters of other tongues are dr- (tributed to Signs. Planets, :md Elements, after theirorder. Eor;thcVowels intheGrcektongue,1/iz. A B H 1 o 'r Q' anfvveero the fcven Planets. B r A z it A M Nfn P 2 T are attrilidtcdtoi the twelve Signs ofthe Z adiaelgthe otherfive 9 st¢;5i ~1f repre{ent thefour Elementsgmdthefpirieof the `wotlcl» ,Arnongilrthe Latine there is the fame iignilication of themforthé live Vowelss A EPO U; and ~] and V Confo, names are. afcribed- to the feven Planets; butthe Coofonmts B C D F G LM NPR STnrc anhverable to the twelve Signs. '1'hetelt,viz,. K (LX Z make four Elements. H the :tfpi¢ ratron reprefents the Spirit of the World. Y beczmfe itisa Greek, and not az Larineifihnrarlicrgand ferving only-to Greek word`s,follows the nature ofits Jdiome. ~ ” i Bgghieyou muft not be iguoraneoli that it is EH; _ _ i J' _ Y` ' " . »4 , `- ‘ e ‘ ' . <~_» V1 .i ' ‘ i' » , __ ~, Al. _ - ; '~ " "‘l2.;...Lfr_»u.:,- . .-~ ‘
L! _ ) ~» > _ ,W Af Gr V ' " ’ ",]C' fxpus , _q C ._ A ¢ J; EH IE PE N’I`ACf 1; rt” "iffgi "E 8 22 'AL D Q’ ®&EF QEWKG W A L" |&§ %fm M °” »<1@@‘*N|Na +> ‘;*?f§`§|1'HlP{ 2%-¢§ R“T Q’<vS ®o- S 'X @v;> "1°‘ 'T ik Q % A A W Qwléf, E Q”’“f”~>@H |@@ fvalf $3 % © V iw Q W €3w“”~ E Aff _ Ignis wi QQ Z 5 Qspasgl _ H
1-111-1-_-_ £i&i$i?5iii2€_= 2ii2i?&%Sfi§’€§<25: To the B/lofi Honoralilc Lord,M0& llluffrious Prince, H2’fmd7D1!l5 of Bfyda, Prince Elc&or,Dukc ofWq1plmli4,and An/ggi-i4,, Lord and Archprclarc of Colonia, and Pazlrr- e 6omi4,his mo!! gracious Ma[kcr,Henr7 cg,-_ ne-lim Agrippa ofNem-jf hgm widmh healzh. . 1.¢:-axxl Ebald new (mo/F Illufiriaw Prince, and my? ba. l EQ 45| ‘ norable Prelate ! ) the ref! of the (mob ¢y"Ocml; E FPR Phriofophy, vr Al.xgicl;, wbieb I promi/Ed Tgur 1 #Vert/ain$ tba I would pntfonb when lpn6I»]Z,- é ' ` - ldfbl of :been : but the fuddain, mndalmaji anexpefbddeezth oflnaz Margarctdf Auflria rn] /I ii Prim'¢ cumin upon it, hindpjed me t enfram :be 111417.11/sri:/_g eo Put iefmh. Tien :be 1:-iel<;dn¢' ofpme ‘Pulpie-fjenpbmee, .md offime .S`cL~ooL .S`apIJMer: incejfuzty raging aiainfi mefar a de. clamatim liutfvrtb concerni? the I/evxiq oft ings, and the ex- eeelmr of x :ward afGvd, an contending againji me contuzxmdj With liner hatred, em/], malice, and calumniex, lniqdred mefrem putting qfiefarrb; whereof/em: 2/er] proua'b,'i¢bafufl mouth, and land 'voice njper/ed me wifi) impiez] in the Temple man Il 4 promfrfeam people. Other: with corner.‘v!:i/}>ering: from liuje to lmfe, _/}reer[:] /Ireet, didfll the can ef :he ignaraxk Wit/:fry inf/my ; other: inpnlvlilee, and private affemlz/ie: did in/ligne Prelluee, ‘Priuce:, ¢wJ(xfarl1im#q‘ag4in/If mr. Hence I 6: ev; ea be at afhwd, mvberber I jlwuld pen fmb :he re/laf tbeéale arm, WbiI¢ I déi doubt elm: I /beuld by rink; mega: ex;¢ mg fefra greaeer vezluniniex, and .ze it were cy? mj aue af the fr.-.w& into the fire, a cemuh mdefear/E%d ufen me,1mj1‘ lr) pne- ting tlzemjivreb I/bauld/Em mareo_H'}z1_/Ive :bm ojicione ra jeu, ` e_M3 _ and
-1 ,F F I, _..._-_..1. »-r..._»_, _ _ ___ _ .;,_,.,,f
,;Y. m_;_` _i _._,;, , ‘_ 4, ; - ‘:_,f“;,.""_ ,_.' _ ` ` ` .--.V,- 1-1- and cxpoflr jour bighuq/fc to the cm/_] of mnliciom Carprrx, and tongue: of detraltrrt. Whilf/I tb# thing: trouéled me zvitba 'variou.t‘de,’fmration, tliequicknrffr of jour undrrflnnding, fxdg ¢lU`orctisn, upri_g/:toe/.F offudgemmt, Religion rvitlaoutfnper/liti- ou, and other maj? known 7/¢’7‘f!I!.ff)1]0I!,]0!f7' fmtborig, and in- tegrity bqand eruption, which can ea_/ig chrtb and bridle the tongue: of/lnnderfrx, rrmn/ed fn] doubtinti, 4}1d;Qfb)’£`ld me to for #pon that again more lmldlj, wbitb I ndalmo/l left offlf] rm/on q'¢!€{]mire.T/Jrrnforc (muff I//1:/lrio!/1 Prince) tak; ingood part t/113 #cond lwoolgqf Octulr |‘hi|ofuphy,in which We /bm tb: vyflrrirt of tht ['cldlinH Mdgfr/Q. all tbitiq: beirig opened, and rv.-mife/led, which zxpcrionrcd antiquity nuke: relation of and trbiclo onine fo nt) lQxo\‘ld¢l_ge,¢lmt tlzrhrrctt 0f[`f1¢_”ld/I Magic/Q (lzitlurro no_glc£`l¢‘d , and 7710! f}lH} npprthtndrdéj mm qflatter timer) mfg witbjonr port:&ion be Q1 mr, after thojéewiixg ofxa- tnmll wertxm ,L ~ ropwd to :hom thot are lIdfCll!J‘1{U2J mriou; :lie/Ef.'crct.¢ : which let /Jiri: that [ba/l` e pro_fii}d,¢nd~r¢:¢=ify; lizétclfiggivejolt 'tho tbmzb, who /mzfo éoen the ~ omjiaaz of -tbzk .Editior1,and_Rttin_gof it dt liéerq to brken abroad. Farewell. I , Ihe A ,; . '- .. ' _' , _ ,~ -, * ._1...-_., i -
:Q ~ ' ' A ~ ._ _ :v rl J "’ @~P7“?7$afWf@§Q¢," [' " _ - V ' --4* 2" "wi . " "' ' 1| , =q“w@&@ M».f».,°$¢ 1 Y. »,: , ` ' ` _ ,_ -" @j; §.§a§§§3¢&},@¢§i?%w{ The Second Book of Ucéulc Phi- I lofophy, or Magick; written by 5 1 -H _ _ emgv orne/uw QA rz fa. § C 3 PP ~»» ‘ BOOK II. .._~.._._ -_,_ -< -;.__..i..__... . -CHAP. I. ' Of the nsrffq of /Iflatbmxarica/l lem-ning, and of :be man] wandzvjhll wark; which are dam: Q] 11Ia{l:¢mnticall Art: any, g, MQ. H E Doéinncs of Mazhcmmcks are o nc». A U: :_ :ck :har they :har do profdfs xr wuhoutf _ .» 1 -'}`§6 mm, arc qunc our of :he way, :md labour » i’ um and Gm li an no wxfc obramthcn' e-I ` ` I ‘J . ¢ f _ -_ f. ~ ceffzgy to, and have fuch an affiniry_ with 1 .3 ., , ‘ _. z :fs ,_ 3 _ Y d I , ‘ - , hred_cf}c&. Porwha:focver1h|ng$_arc5 and are done in rh°'~{`: inferior imurall vcr;ucs,are4 1 11| dpnc, and gfavcrncd by numb`c:, cighr,im¢afn%é§ harmony, A monon,and ligh:._ And all zhings which wg fécin :hcfc inferi- A L1 4 ~ ours, I 1 16% Q
--------~. gr- W, __ .__ _ --7:"", i '».,i_,._~--- ._ t ~°~ 1. 158 _ * ‘ Of0ccr¢lt @bil¢Wpb_y. Book I I. _._-_1-:ul ours, have root; and foundationin them : yet ne§'Crth¢lCfS without naturall vcrtues, of Mathematicall Do&nncs only works like to naturals can be produced, as ‘Plata Raith. a thing not partalting of tru;h or divinity, butccrtain Images kin to rhem,as bodies going,orQ>eaking, which yet want the Animal] facnlt , fuch as were thofe which amongll: the Ancients were calledyD¢-daltu his Images, and nr/rips-re, of which /If-Mori: makes mention, fuiz.. the threefoored Images of Vulcan. ind Dcdaluf, moving themfelves, which Hamer faiih came outof their own accord to the exercife, and which we read,moved themfelvcs at the fcall of Hiarlm the Philofophicall Exerciler = As alfo thargolden Statues erlormed the oliices of Cup bear~ crs,and Carvers to the guell; Alfo we read of the Statues of Almmy, which did fpealt, :md the wooden Dove of /Irxbim, which did Hy, and the miracles of Baetlriumvhich Crrjlibdaruf made mention of, -vie Diaimdrr in Bralifouuding a Trum- pet, and a brazen Snake hiliing. and piéiturcs of birds linging moi! fweetly. Of this kind are thofe miracles of Images which ‘proceed from Geometry , and Opticks, of which we made ome mention inthe fiilibook, where we fpoke of thc lilemcnt ol' Aire. So there are made glalfcs, fome Concave, others of the form of a Columne, making the rcprclentations of things in the Aire feem like lhadows at a diftance : of which fort Apvyarriur, and Fitrdiru in their Books De Prrgwflir/4, and Specnlrgtaught the making, and the ufc. And we read that ciifngnur Pomprirubroughtaccrtain glafs amongli the fpoils from the,Eali,to Ram, in which were feen Armies of Armed men. Andtherc are made certain tranfpatent glxlfes, which being dippedin fome certain juices of Hearbs,and irradiated with an artiliciall light, fill the whole Aire round about with vilions. And Iknow how to make reciprocall glaffcs, in which the Sun [hining,all things which wereillullrated by the raiestthcreof are apparently fcen many miles off. Hence a Ma- gician expert in naturallPhilofoplty, and Mathemacickggmd knowing the middle lciences conliliing of both tlicfc, Arirh. Ziatick, Muick, Geometry, Optieks, Aflronomie, and fnch lenccsthat are of weights, meafures, proportions, articles, A e f and i - ~
book II, ` Of0ccult@/Jilcfrpbhv. l ~ so ff , and ioynts, knowing alfo Mechanicall arts refulting 5-Qin thefe, may without any wonder, if he exec other men in Ar; and wir, do many wonderfull things, which the mofl prudent, and wife men may much admire. Aretherc not fomc relique; extant of the Ancients works,-viz. Hn-mln, and Alexmidpr; Eillars, the gate of cn{}>i.1 made of brah, and llrut withlron cams, that it could by no Wit or Art, be broken .P And the Pyramis of Yulin Cejsr erefled at Rome neer the hill Vati-e canus, and Mountains built by Art in the middle of thcSez, and Towers, and heafs of Stones, filth :tsl fiw in E@1,¢,,;4[§mt._ together by an inerc rble Art. And we read in faithful! Hi o- tians, that in former times Rocks have been cut off, and Val-° lies made, and Mountains madeinto a Plain, Rocks have been digged thfough. Promontories have been opened in the Sea, the bowels of the Earth made hollow, Rivers divided, Seas ioyned to Seas , the Seas rclirained, the b0;¢0m¢0£¢h¢ gn been fgarthed, Pools exhanficd, Pens dryed up,new Jflmdg made, and again reliored to the continent, all which,although they may feern to be niiainll nature. yet we read have been don_e,and we fee fome re iques of them remaining till this day, which the vulgar fay were the works of the divell, fceingthc Arts, and Attificcrs thereof have been dead out of all memory, neither are there any that care to underfland, or fcarch into them. Therefore they fceing any wonderfull (ight, do impure it to the divell, as his work, or think it is a miracle, which indeed is a work of naturall, or Mathe~ maticallPhi1ofophy. As if any one fhould be ignorant ofthe vertuc of the Loadiione, and fhould fee heavy Tr- i rw drawn np- wztrds, or hanged in the Aire (as we read the l.n Image of Mercury did long (inte as Trczfms hang ng in the middle ofthe Temple by Loadflones, this verfe attcl ing the fame. Tb: Iron while 70.4-éfdfff _#fu i`th` Aire. The like to which we read was done connerning the image of the Sun at Rome,in the Temple of Semprk) would not fueh anignorant man, I fay, prefently Fay it is the work of the di- 'relli Butif hcihall know the vcttue of the Loadftone to the Iron, 1
‘».', ire 1 -¢~"~ ~~,»r ""~' _ ,... -...... . _ , ,.. r _ _ 4 . .,__ r _ ,_ r 1 ». _ _ _. J., r ' r g or»o2¢f¢1¢rfi>ii1iy,pi3~;e Boéleihf. Iron;<and'[liall-maketriallofit, he prefently cealeth to wooi- <lCl'» and doth no more fcruple it to be theworlc ofnature. Buthereitisconvenient that you know, that at by natural! vertues we collefi natural] vcrtues, fo by ab[lra&cd, m=1=h¢~ maticall, and celeltiall, we receive celcitiall vertues» 35m°‘ tion, life, fenfe. fpecch, fouthfaying, and divination,'even in matter lehdifpofed, as that which is not made by natuteibm only by art. And fo images that fpeak, and Foretellthmgsto come, are faitl to be made, as William oFl’.mkrelatcs ofa brazen head made under the tiling of Sawrn, which they fay fpalre with a mans voice. But he that willehoofe rt difpofcd matter, and mofl Et to receive, and a mofl powerfull agent, (lull undoubtedly produce more powerfull effefis. For itisa gencrall opinion of the Pythagoreans, that asMathe- maticall things are more formal! then Naturall,fo alfo they are more efficacious: as they have lefs dependence in their being, fo alfo in their operation. But amongll all Mathemati- callthmgs, numbers, asthey have more of fortnin them, Fo alfo are more efhcacious, to which not only Heathen Philofo- phcrs, but alfo l-Iebrew, and Chrillian Divines do attribute vegme, and cRicaey,as well to effect what is good, aswhat is ad. _ Q `~; Cl-IAP. II. we 0 f Nnmbm, and o f their power, and vrrmr. E1/erimu Banbius faith, that all thingsrwhich-were fir-ll made by the nature of things in it; fixit Age , feem to be formed hy the proportion ol"nunibers,‘ for this was the princi+ pallpatternin the mind ofthe Creator. l-lenccis borrowed the number ofthe Elements, hence the courles of times, hem; the motion of the Sears, and the revolution of the heaven, and the Rate of all things fubfill by the unitingtogether of Lnumhets. Numbers therefore are endowed with great, and ~ fuhlime 1 F
3-1¢p--1-Q---v--vv . Boolelil. ofom¢z¢r>b;1.y;,,,i,)., ~ e fublime vertues. For it is no wonder, feeing there are fo many and fo great occult venues in naturall things, although of mg: nifeit operations, that there lhould be in numbers much greater, and more occult, and :ilfo more wonderfullf and etiicatrous, for :rs much as they nrt: more forrmll, more pg;-- fed, and mturally in the eelellialls, not mixt tvith.f¢Pn-ated fubllanees ;and lalllyghsving the greatrlt, and mofl-limple commixtion with the&ldea’s rn the mind ol" God. fromwhrrh they receive their proprr, and moll efiiraciousverrues z where- fore :rlfo they are of moii force, and conduce moli to the ob. taining of fpirituall, and divine gifts, as in naturdllthings, elementary qualities are powerfull inthe tranfmnting ol any elementary thing. Again, allthinge tharare, and are made, fublili' by, and rece-ive their vcrtue from numbers. Fortime comms of number. and all mricion, and adion, and all things which are lbbjeei to time, and motion, Harmony alfo, and voices have their power by, and tonfillz oifnumbets, and their proportions, and the proportion a.- riling from numbers, do by lines, and points malt: Char- raflersj and figures : And thefe are proper to Magicallope- rations, the middle which is betwixt both being approlpriatcd by declining to the extrc;ms,as in the ufe ofletters- An lalily, all fpeeies of natural! things, and of thofc things which atc above nature, are ioyned together by certain numbers : which 1’}rh¢_gmu feeing, faith , that number is that by which all things coniift , and dillzributes each vertue to each number. And Proclw faith, Number hath alwaies a being : Yet there 15 one in voyce, another in the proportion of them, another inthe foul, and reafou, and :mother in dit-ine things. But Tbemgiim, and Bartbizu , and /lvrrrork the liabilanian, to- gether with ‘Tlaro,do fo extoll numbers, that they thinlrno man can be a true Philofopher without them. Now they (peak ofa rationall, and formal! number, not of a materizll; fcn- lible, or voeall, the number ofhderchants buying, and fcllmgi of which the Pyrlm ariam, and P1»rronMr, an our e/{u[?»f¢ make no reckoningfbut apply it to thc proportion refultrng Romit, _which number they callnaturall, -rationall, andnfgpf - ' Y 1
fi __ ,- r _', ~ ~"~' -" ' " ' » . _ _.N me »».e_,.. -T'-wi? - ` ' » ' " N 172. >.»- OF Occult Tbilefipby. 4 Book I I rnallfrom which greztmylleries flow,as well in naturall, as divine, and heavenly things. B it is there a way made for the fearching our,and undetilanding of all things knowable. By it the next accefsto natutall propheeying is had : andthe Alvbat faecbim roeeeded no other way in his Prophecies,but by forrnallnumgetv. yCI-IAP. rm A Iilvlvgrrar vrrmn Nrmhm' ba'v¢_»u well in Natural! tbingr, dl in Suycrmmwll. THe: there lyes wonderfull eihcacy, and vertuc in num- hers,as well to good asto bad, not only malt eminent Philofephets do unaninrronily teach , but alfo Catholike DOGOB, and efpecially Himmu, Aujiin, Origen, Amérafé, Crzgvr] of Nazianzen , Albhwfld , 1>’¢x_p`li1u, PKlari1u, Rn. lvhnus, Beds. and many more confirm. Hence PHl4rifu in his Commentaries upon the Pfalms, teftihesthat the feventy Elders,aceording tothe efficacy of numbers, brought the Pfalms into order. Rabanm alfo,a .famous Dofior, compo- fedan excellent book of the vertuesofnumbers: Bntnow how great vettues numbers have in nature, is manilefl inthe heath which is called Ciuquefoil, (fe. five leavcd Gralh; For this rtiiils poyfons by vertue of the number of five ;al|'o drives away divclls, conduceth to expiation ; and one lexfe of it taken twice in :day in wine, cures the Peavet of one _daye three the tertian Fewer : foure the quattane. In like manner four grains of the feed of Tumifole being durnk, cures thequartane. but three the tcrtian. In like manner Vervin is faid to cure Feavers , being durnk in wine, ifintertiansitbe cut from the third ioynt, inquartans fromthe fourth. ASer- pcnt,ifhe be once (truck with aSpe:tt,‘dieth, if twice, reco~ vers lirxngth. 'Ihefe and many fneh ag rhefi: are read, and telliiied in divers Authors. We multknow nnwwhencethefe are done, which certainly have a caufc, which is a various ‘ proportion
»<»...... ‘ se.. 1~. _ , "T *F fl of ~W**‘ A‘ = ‘t“S:#*%®j¥fgi§~~ ;.ss¢a¢5§, , __ *of 0cc:dcc?l:i!¢`5}5@. Book ir; "il Cano tv V4 d ofvniqmd I/Je Saad: thereof let us firlt conlider Unity it felf. For Unity doth mol! [imply go thtou h every number, and is the common meafute, foun. Ow let us treat particularly ofnumbets themfelves : and becaufe number is nothing elf but a repetition ol" Unity, rain, and original! of all numbers, contains every number joyned together init felf intirely, the beginner ofevety mul- titude, alwayes the fame, and unchangable : whence alfo be. in rnultiplyed into it felf, produceth nothing but it fell' : itis indivilible, void ofallpa_rts= But if it ,feem at any time tobe divided, it is not cut, but indeed Multiplied into Unitiest yet none of thefe Unities is reatet or leffer then the _whole Unity , as at part is leg then the' whole: _It is not gthereforerlsdultiplyed into parts, but into it (elf : There. _fore _ fume called it concord , fome piety , and forne friendlhip, which is fo knit, that it cannot becut into parts. But Merriairxu, according to the opinion of Arybzie laith,it is named Cupid, becaufe it is made one alone, andwillal. waies bewailit, felf, and beyond it fell' it hath nothing, but cbcing void of all haughtinels, or coupling, turns its proper ihegtsintoitfelf. It is therefore the one beginning, and end OE all thin s, neither hath it any beginning, or enditfelf: Nothingisiefore one, nothing is after one, and beyond it is nothing, and all things which are, delire that one, beeaufe ,all things, proceeded from one, and that all things may be the fame, it is nccelfary that they partake of that one : And asall things proceeded of one into many things, fo allthingsen- deavour to retum to that one. from which they proceeded ; it is necclfary that they fhould put off multitude. One therefore is referred to the high God, who feeirig he is one, andinnu- merable,yetereatcs innumerable thin s olhimfellland contains them within hirnlelli There istheregore one God, one world of the one God, one Sun ofthe one world, allfo one Phoenix inthe World, one King amoug{l:s8ees , one Leader amongli 3 .i L3 " F1063 l _ _ _ 4 4; a i » U l ,j ,E '1 I, I 1 . Y, 5. . sf V r l i), sl .1 rl '57 _ _ l 1 ,, s 4 . . . ', ,~. ilff ,; -s
‘,`_,_,,,. ¢.-v-».7,7. ...: _ i’__ _ 2" L_, _ ` ' __ ' » f _ _ _ Book! I; QF 0cc1¢7t`@l1il¢`;pb)i_ _ me ,N I 1-ui-_Li-_ ~ Plocks ofCatel,one Ruler zimongfl heards of Bea V follow one,a,nd many other Animalls honour Un§:,°.§§;;nc[f the Members of the body there is one Principle bi; Hfhifhgu the relt are guided, VhC[hCI;'iI be the head, or ( as foéme will) theheart. There is one Element overcoming, and pcnmw ting all things, 1/iz.. ~Fire. There is one thing creared»ol" Godl the fubiefi ofall wondringnvhich is on Earth,or in Heaven ici; zélnally Anirnal,Ve etable,and Minnerall,every where fodnd i known by few/,ealleg by none by its proper name, but ¢0q¢,-ui with figures,andRiddles,without which neither Aki, mic more Natural! Magick, can attain to their eompleat eng °,q'I§¢,, fe&ion. From one man, ¢/Idam, all men roceed, from that one all become mortall, from that one #iffy [‘;,,y;¢h¢y atc regenerated 1 and as faith ‘7’.1ul, one LQ;-(1, om Faith we Baptifm, oneGod, and Father ofall, one m¢diawr5~c€W;it God and man, one molk high Creator, who is over all by all, and in us all. For there is one Father,God, ffgm Whénce .rillfgrnrtwe in him ; one Lordérha Cbr§{},r by whom an, and ,ivebyhim fone God Holy hollz, into whom dll, rind vw into him. _ A i Thr Q e it i, J . L»‘ T: #Til ,_T,_, ~ ,ak _ , ‘ ;?.’="iff‘ V , A _ v";‘i_v>z F e l' ' ' qi, ' ‘~1 , 4 ‘ . Y ,, it, ,_;,*.,_., ,,., iw,
Bololc <ofo¢¢u1¢ Q"l>il¢pby. p li 1 7 C H A P. V . ' p ' Oftbe Nmlxéeraf Two, the Scale tberetfl ~ l p He firfl Number is of two, becaufe it isthe lirli Multitude, Tit can be meafured by no number belidesunity along, , the common meafure ofallbluinbers: Iris notcompounded' ofNumbers,but of one unity only ; neither is it called a num# ber uncompoundcd, but more properly notfcoropoundedfr The Number of three is called the litfl uncompotitid- ed : Buethc Number of two is the lirllbranth ofuniry, and the lirli procreation: Hence it is called generation, and Slum, and an imaginable Corporation. the proof ofthe firlk moti- on, the lirlt form of parity : the number ofthe fitltequali- ty , extremity, and dillance betwixt, and therefore of pecu- liar equity, andthe proper a€i thereof, beeaufe it conlilts of two equally poyfed: and it is called the Number of Science, and Memory, and of light. and the number ofman, whois called another, and the lelfer World: itis alfo called the number ofcharity, and mutuall love, ofmarriage, and facie# ty, asir is faid by the Lord, Twolhall be onelleih; And Salomon faith : lt is better that two be together then one, for they have a beneht by their mutual] focietyl: If one lhall l'all,he [hall be fupported by the other. Wotohim that is alone, btcaule when he falls he hath not another to help him : and if two (lt-ep together, they (hall warm one the other; how (hall one be hot alone P and if any prevaile againll: him, two refill him. And it is called the number of Wedloclt and Seat; for there are two faxes, Malculine, and Feminine : and two Doves bring forth two Eggs, out of the litfl ofwhith is hatched thc Malc,out ofthe fecond the Female. It is alfo called the midltgthat is capable, that is good , and bad, partalting, andthe beginning of divihon, ofhllultitude, and diRin&ion. and lignilies matter. This is alfo fometimesthe number ofdif. cord, and confufion, of misfortune, and uncleannefs, whence S1iritHin'orn againll favifaeuu faith, that thereforcit was not ` A N fpoken » l. .M
1 fools Ill. fpoken in the fecond day of the creation of the world, and God faid,'Ihar it was good, becaufe the number of two is evill. Henoe all'o it wasthat God commanded that all unclean Animals - ihould ~ go into the Ark by couples : gbecaufe as oI faid, the number of two, is a number of unclean- ixeftfanditismollunhappy in their Soothlayings, elpccihlly if thofe things, from whence the Soothfaying is taken, be Sa. 1/smell, or Mmi4ll,for thefe two are accounted by the Alito- logcrs unfortunate. It is alfo rcported,that the nu ber of two doth cauTe appsritions of Gholls, and fearful! (globlins, and bring mikhiefs of evill fpirits to them that travcll by night. Pjtbugares (as Eu/1-din: reports ) faid, that Unity was God, andn good intelleéi; and that Duality was a Divell, and an evill intelle&, in whichis amarcriall multitude: where. fore (h¢tP]!bdg0f;d#J fay, that two is notanuml.ier,bur :tcer» tain confixlion of unitics. Aud.Pl»mrlq; writes, that the Pjrbas. geriam called unity /!paL'a.and two; llrife, and'boldne& ; and three,]u[Hce, whichis the highelk perfcflion, and isnotwith- out many mylteries. Hence there were two Tables ofthe Law in Sims, two Cherubins looking to thc Propiriatory in M¢:, two Olives dropping oyle, in Zechariah , two nature; in Chrilk, Divine, and Humane; Hence UMW: faw two _appearances of God,~z/iz.. hisface, and back-parts, alfo two ffeliamcnts, two commands of Love, two Eff! dignitics, gwofirit cople, two kindsof Spirits, good, and bad, two in- tcllc§uaH cteatures, an Angell , and foul, two great lights, two.Solllitiz, two cquinoéiials, two poles, two Elements, prodociggaliving l'oul,»z/is.; Barth, and Water. , _Tbf -1;
., ,. , __ _ ` _ _ _ -i."#__._..,_____ _.::.u;.a.2..;:».~¢..:f:_-»_ ;,,,_..,..;_.;,,_f::.!;if.,»"11l»+»'-»_..-P-,_,-...,._ , _ - f . U , , Q e he * ~e‘oeFOQm12cPbzm,Ly Bhokll Odd nxmbcr: to the §qd dtfigflffll/1d7’E» t And the Pjzhagvtinnf ufc ir in their fanélifications, and purifi. eatieus, whence in Hrgil, pt fmm did rl¢m$', und rm/b with Wntrr panic h Thrice bzk companion: »-- hh _ Ahd it is mofl: Et Vinbiudings, or ligations, hence that of TYrgiI,t _._-g I ¢{l1§./1 rouni A Fir# with :be/2' t/:re/zd:,l*hicb three, and f cpemll are, _ ' e'B¢;4r fb' ¢/Iltar thrice 1/1145 th] image burr. And alittle after ; ‘ -_Kf;pt:,-Amaryllis, t]c,ofco1al{H !lJfP¢| - 1 t ‘Q 'TL¢}i_Fz], r/:ffl-bond: I knit, _far Venus éc. A ,, I And we read of Alcclm. _ ‘V Q.. 5 3 ' - ~ ,.S`b:@~»zlg~ three X*/ardr,wlgicb ¢'~m:`d/iiwiflecp nt Will, The zraulzlcd .S`m, the raging Hffn/:.r ffandfill. And in Flin] it was the cu[iome in every medicine to fpi: with three deprccatsons, andhcnce to be cured, The number of three is perfedcd with zhyce Augment;tighs,long, bgoad, and deep, bc§rond"\?hit{1 “th‘cte’i§*&0"‘prb§feiTiUn of dimenfion, whence the Erik npmber is called fguarc,e_1-lence it is fajd that to a body that hath three`n1eaG1r§s,f :iqd tqh 3 ‘fquare number,no- thing can bc added. e Whetefdrc ff:-x]Eo:l;`fh”`thc‘ bcginningtof his fpcechcs coneerningl-Ieatrengealk it asit jvcere a Law, accor- dingtwwhith rilljthingijileedifiiofcd. Fnr_4c9rpor¢a1y;uid. fpirieuall :hings'con6& o'frhreé'thihgs,»vii.. Vbegitmin g;m1ddje, andend. By three(TasTrbfme_g§/?ui- fgith)the wbrld is# per¥'c&ed= Hemarmenc, nccciiity, and order (ei.r. ) concurrence of cahfcs. i _ _ which » ~ iw; f ;T"1,3;__...,_._._|"55
Book II. OF0ec:¢It ‘P/Jilqéplyiz i ~-me ‘° -_...__ which many call fate, and the execution of rheni tothe fruit, or inereafe, and a due dillribution of the inereafe. The whol¢ meafure of time is concluded in threepiz lfall,pr¢[¢n¢_ 5° come; All magnitude isconrained in three;line,l'uperEcies,arrd body. every body conlifls of thrcelntervals, length, bredrh, thickrrefs. Harmony contains three coni? nrs in time, Diapafom Hem|`olion‘;, Diatcllaron. 'lhere are alfo tlxtecakindsof fouls, VCgCllIiY¢,,{¢ll°1£lVC, and inrelleéiuall.. And as faith tI1ElI’i0- phet, God orders the world by number, weighrg and meafure, and the number of three is deputed ro the ldeall forms there.. of, asthe number of two is to the procrearing matter, and unity to God the makerof ir. Magicians do conflirute three Princes of LHC world, Orarna/ir, /1/!irrrLv,e/frnmrnxlv (inn) Cod, the Mind,:md the Spirit. By the three fquare or folid, the three numbers of nine of things produced are dillributed,vi-e.. ofthe fupercclelliall into nine orders of Intelligencies : of Celelliall intonine Orbs : of inferiours into nine kinds of generable, ani!`corruptib]e_things. Lallly in rhistemallOrb,»wz.. twen- ryleven, all Mulieallproportions are included, as 1’lara,anli Proclzu, do at large difcourfe. And the number of three harhiuz harmony oflive Q the grace of the lirll voyce.f Alfa inlntelligencics there are three Hierarchies of Angclieallliii- rits. There are three powers of Intellefluall creatures, me- mory,mind,and will. There are three orders of the bleffed, r/iz.. of Martyrs, Confelfors, and Innocents. There are three quaternions of Celelliall Signsguiz. Of Ext, moveable, and common, asalfo of houfespiz. centers, fucceedinggmd falling. There are alfo three faces, and heads in every Sign, and three Lords ol' each triplieityl Thereare three forrunes amongll the Planets. Three graces. amongll the Coddefles. Three Ladies of defliny amonglt the infcrnall crcw.Thrce ]udges.1hrec furies. Threehcaded Cerberus. Vc read alfo ol athrice double Hc- ¢;;¢_Three ,rnonethg ofthe Virgin Dum. Three perlbnain the fuperlirbllantiall Divinirye Three times, of N3[l1lé,;A!AV, and Grace.f=Three`Thcolo§icall verrfes, Faith, Hope, and Ch:;riry,~ §‘m,a was three ays in th Whales belly; and fo many was Chrillzin the grave, ‘ " T ` ' 3 _ d The
1 =~~»»;-; - -m_.~.,.,,-.-.,~_ 4 . . A _ _ _ __ . __ _,,.. _.;~ -,<»A,~ ...»~- -;'».4_,~.,.._..,_, ,~. _: . ~ ,_¢J , ,;` ,, .. . V » .`, miie d _ _ V __~_»-,_- _ _ ~-_,._>¢;;j.‘__~,;¢~.-~ <.»,_.,. --<- l l OF Occult Wlilofépby. Book T/ae Sctdlc of the Numbrr oftbrcc. H1 Ho! ‘Hhs mme o l ° d `. ° Y ° God lil! ‘L UIC F-1!|¢f lzfhgnn. Ghofi. lrhgcclcucxz. Thrzelikrar- In LhcIa:¢l~ s°Pf°i'°° Mldlc. Lowell of all ci: °f A” lc&1nl 'aoxld Ifm°¢¢“U- Martyrs- C0l
¢ll°fS. 'I-hm degrm A fxhc blcifzd , Three qsnzer- icns of ' , Ct Movcablc. Fixx. Common. igns. in fl” IJ' Comm. Succtcdinv. Falling. |Th1’¢£1U1¥Cf~ l=0==| W" -omc day. Noamuh, waking. im;so UU CS. lm: Lords Intlxe Els- Simple, Compound» Thrice com- mcxmry cd. pounded. world. _q1___-in1l‘**il*’ 4 The html, in rl” bfnb- _ '_ ‘ "hkh |h¢ flue bfllnu Wl!¢l'C (IIC fa In du: |m¢1|¢Q , here is xhcculry ofgcn: 1 of :hc Tripli- circa, Thru: degrees ---4.-_ ‘Tiara pam, ‘of Elcmcnn, mc e Apnflaxes. _ || 4 _ infidels. "i‘=h,iu,{é;_-¢, .m{`w¢rin" she world. gm, gm. cm,rhc fczlaraxionla, an tbl? , 1 E,¢,|,,g ¢° flifc,anI`w¢: ‘she cniull qgld, ~ ' gn (m¢||¢. ina to :hc Ccnmenicrs, an- &u;11m,|d_ c iall world. wcringxhc E' , ' lemcmal world. _.___ i__.. Thrrc infur- Imhcln. llc&a. Mcgcra. Czelip-hone. ull (aria, fcrml world. Aracvt- Rhadaznm- {'|'||f¢¢ infcx' of xlf.: d3m%1Cd_
Book I I. Of 0ccultpQ’l>ila/opby. _ "'- 1i" b can P. vu. _ o of tb: Numérr o_fFaur, and tb: Scale tbrreufl l T He Pythagorians call the Number offonr Tetraélia, and prefer it before all the vertues of-`N:mbera,br;e;uf;i;i; the foundation, and rootofallother numbers;-whence alfo all Foundations, as well in artilieiallthings, asnaturnll, and di- vine,:tre four fquare, as we (hall (hew afterwards: andit Ggnilies folidity, which alfo is demonliratcd byafourfquare figure. r For the number four is the iirlt four fquare plain, which eonlills of two proportions, whereof the hrltisofone to two, the latter of two to four, and it proceeds by a double proccflion and proportion, 1/ie. ofone to one, :md ol two to two, beginning at a unity, and ending at a quarernity: which proportions diEer in this, that according to Arithmatitk, thwarc unequall to one the other = butaecordin to Geome- tryare equall. Therefore a four f uare is al`cribe§ to God the Father, and alfo contains the myllterie ofthe whole Trinity: for hy its Engle proportion, viz.. by the firli ofoneto one, the unity of the paternall lhblianee is lignilied. from*whieh proceeds one Son , cquall to him ; by the next proeefiion, :lfo Gmple, viz.. of two to two, ir lignilied by_thelfecond preeefiion the Hol Ghoft from both, that the Son be e§kuall to the Father by the firll procefiion ; and the Holy Gb be equal! to both by the fetond proeeiiion. Hence that fuper- exeellent, and great name of the .divine Trinity in Gods: written with four letters, -viz.. lad, Hr, and Van; He, where 'it is the afpiration He, lignilies the proceeding ofthe fpirit from both: For He being duplicated, terminates both fylla- bles, and the whole name, but is pronounced for/ra, asfome will, whenecthat Qotfp ofthe heathen, which thenneients did piéiurewith four eargvtvlienee the number fouris thefouu- ltain, and head‘0l’thi: Xvholif divinity. “_/‘ind the Pythagorilns tall it the opetpetuall ‘fountain of nature: for therearefour degreesin theneale of nature, viz. to be,to1ive,to be fen- i,. ` N 4 ` Gbie,
. ->_~ -, .<~ -,-+,..»~, -~'_-~~¢.~-<"f'1~‘ "‘- '~‘ fr' "` '~ " ‘ * f.. ~-v H c' <~ . . , '- ~ 'e ei<;ro¢¢.r1¢.q~ff,;zn,,.1,te. ' ' ,stack n. Gblcs to underiiand. There ere four morions in nature. viz. afcendent, defccndent, going forward ,crrcular. There are four Corners in the heaven, vie. tiling, falling, the midle ofthe heaven, and the bottom: of ir. There are four Elements un. der Heaven,~r/iz.. Fire, Aire, Water, and Earth ; according to thefe rhcre are four triplicitics in Heaven : There are four Hrll qualities under the Heavcnywk. Cold, Heat, Drinels, and M¢yIlhef§,fro`m thefe are the four Humours,Blood_ Flegm, Choller Melancholy. Alfo thc year is dividedlinto four pmsftvhich arethe Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Wintcrg alfo the wind is divided into Exllcrn, Wellcrn,-Northern, arrd,Sourhcrn_ There are alfo four rivers of Paradife, andlb mlqny infernalL Alfo thc number four makes up all know. lledgmhril; it fills up every Gmple progrels of numbers with four rermes, viz. with one , two, three _, and four conlli. turing the number ten. It lllls up every rlilfcrencc of num- bers, the . Hrft even, and contcimng the Erft odd in ir__It ‘beth in Muhck Diatellaron , the grace ofthe fourth voice. ,ll'll'o_`jic ,coynteins"the inllrument of fourflrings, anda Pythagorean Diagram , whereby are foundout Hull of :ill mullcall tunes, and all harmony of Mulick. For Double, Treble, fourtimes double, one and halfe, one and arhird .PMB a concord of all , :». double concord of all, of f§vc,of _gutjg and all confonancy is limited within the .boundsyof llthefjrtuinher four.. It doth alfo conrein the whole ofhrlatheé 'fflilcsirrfour terms, viz.. point , line, fuperlicies, and pro- ¥'nndityL Itcoinprehends all nature in four terms, vie., fubv Hinge, 1qu:r1ity quintity, and motion, Alfpall n;turallPhy, .lo{oFhy,-infwlyich :ire thefeminacy vectues ofnature” the na; turn l rprirrgin _fthe §growing for-rn ,good `tb.§compol'itum. All'o Metaphylik iscomprchended in Your boun s; viz.. being. effence, vertue, and action. Morall Phylofophy is compre- ,hended withfour, venues; :pi-r., ,prudence , iuliice, fortitude, $¢f!1P¢f2!
.¢-.If |' Ih73|'f0 the ofiuRicef: henceea. four¢ ,fold law., o}`providencc frqm§'3qd¢.latall }`romtheTouI.of ,thc world : of nature from Heéveh :l ofnrndence, from man, 'Ihercarc :alfo four iudiciary powers in allthitrgsbcing, ‘Z/if. ' ` the I .4,_, _
Book I I. Of Occult Tbiliyopby. ` i the intelIc&,dilEi line.opinioo, and fenfe. It hathalfogteae power in allmylgeries; Hence the Pythzgorians did ratilic the number four with an oath; :xiii itfwere the cheifcli ground whercon their faith was grounded, and their, belief might bg confirmed. Hence it was called thq‘7’}1h.1_qarian: oath, which is exprelfed in thefe veries. < ~ i i i , I . ' I with pure mind: lzjtb' xgmégrfqnr afofmar li AV, ' 7'bat`.r bob, zvidtbefauntain Qfmiture ` i .Etmm/1, parm: ofthe mindf--“ i Alfo thereiars: fonrrivers of Paradifc ; four Gofpeis received from four Evan§,eliRsV throughout the whole Lhurrh, The Hebrews receive H the cheifcfiz name of God written with font letters. Alfothc Egjpmznf, /Imbiam, '7’rrfam, /I/lngiciivu, Mahumiinm, Grmam, Tukam , Lminenwrite the name of God with only four letters, 1/ix.. thus, 7'b£'r, Alla, Sire, Uri, Alfdi , ‘3sa¢,Bfzr, Dew. Hence the Lacedemoniztns were wont to paint fufim' with four wings. Hence alfo in Orpbnq his divinity, it xi faid thtt Neptmm Chariots are drawn with fourhorfes, There are alfo four kinds of divine Exries, -iirocdcding from fevcrall deities, vie. , from the Mujir, Di0!1{_”¥N, H ella, and Vmw. ixlfo the_Pi-ophee Ezekiel faw our bealg hyithei river Cbalwf, and four'Cherubim§ in four wheels; Alfo~in~D¢miel, font great *beafis did afeengi from the Sea, and four winds did fight. And in the Revelati- im: four bealls were full iofeyes, before, and behind : Ilanding round about the Ihrone of God, and four Angcls,to whom yigqgiigeripowertio hurt the Earth. and the~Sca, did_§t;inclupon ihe our corners of the Ezifth, holding the four winds, that hey lhotildnot blow upon the Earth, not upon the Sea, riot* npon my Tree: ' A t A ¥ J' -i, ` 'li I ‘ - . - V . v i ~ - .»..._,.` y _ fb: Scale af`tin 2‘{_¢titJ"drr faur, anfviering tb: fbfirr faldfilillfig 5 i ‘ ' , V e f or A i The 0 _ _ ‘ I
5-v.‘~N, ,..,. _, ,__i_~--..._ ».1.- ~ »- , ,__:7,.....¢o-o-~;"f-»..-_,,.......,._~,,.....~.- `»<~ ~ » 'gy _~»..-.'_A, , Y;,,.__,-, .; ..».-,~-f -" ~ - ~ » Y _ _ _ ` ,.- V, - _ %__., ..__.__.._.,___ -_ ..., V '-~_---..~ “_ - .,...__-_~-» f_.r wu- `Y`,,.-a,._, ~' .» _ 3186 Of Uccult fPb1lq]5pf;y. . Book I I, » ` 'I'/:e Sale. -3:1 mix: ° 1 In Id on W . lrlrtm ~ n 1 < $;;La:v:~fpm- ' _hi Yl HCC. . . _ _ Sm lim. Dovnhurions. Prixwipalirin. Imocenu. n d,,¢`_]'T f°S"""P““°“ cu.»£n:in. Povrqrs- Ardungcln Mm wg- ncczmx woulzig oruxrelh fbi: Y ~ ,) mcmd_§n_ hmng, vcnuu. f g¢l». Lon ciion. wtf? [gg {‘_ “_ _*___ __l __ _Q u w. , Fo* An x , ` ' ' = ,i,,l;;,",§§,,;°i;', ',,¢,.,_, ‘mm V_5s»~o: ‘mme » ng" ofghg “Mud _ ;R;ph»cl- uabnd. U, ng. warld. | Four ;uX¢:s ol B119 :na mn?-“1 N1‘1N nh: Blcmmm _mph aCh::u!». ftgffiy Ariel. =»~»» ‘"== f=1='° “-~ A out up M- E A Maqaag. fébeu. au ¢>t':h¢ mba Ann, nuchu. Bmyaqun. Snacon. ofléad- Ncphralin. llbfllw- ioh lm- G14- "Y » 1 , Y"-‘__ ' D‘ vw fm fz;?°.f.°n.m.. 'MLQP' I:;‘&,’s“- ua °E Apomu' 525° me `d°‘““h%"` ggingcgc Thema; mul: “ng H’-fi" j°”~ Manhcw. I-»k:. ' ""_`°" ....;____ 1.11.1 *-li .__-_._`Q Fw ~rn;~|iq.Afi¢». ‘G_====i»~i- ‘_`=w=<'- ‘“““~ Indie c¢1¢nu11 nitxof sigm. _ Uliabrlf ;?;;_“S- 'gzmm woqd, ;/_hath manux- V |ll'1"i» ,________ T :wa BLU!!! '!h2`Sr§f1, ‘“"'*"'§ _ _, = ' and Plmnx, rr; ` 5 ,, ,, "“*"’» -"5 Thr Rxriafs; ` ~ ` < and w fm s»-§f,‘,,‘f’ ‘Pd ‘”‘,ff'l§I..f “' _ >*¢=<s=¥- ‘=»a=h¢ u°b. , i= '-` E1`rT¢`n "‘ ""“"" _ '_ "N ' ”_-`_` °?:‘f,§c¢;cm5n Light. Dqp~}uznuuP Agdnry, -Solbdiry. ' ‘ , l§llh¢m>-‘ - -.`_‘ `M“’ 4 ' .4 5 ’ ~~~5 jj _._ - 4 U M mm I W » nw ~ =»f= » ww ,M ` ,I . ' "fl JAWS ' - _ Wl(U» 1 nanh' - an ’ 7 |~’Fxre. ~ ‘ ;~' <-rr; _ ,whngglx Fwrquziiziem ;f¢§f. `n&»yim‘;;+_ b<.¢4._ *_ brymr; Four @§fc3s._ summer. §|~;ig, wimn. Auzumne. lm W Four comes uf 1 ' 1 tht Vo:l:{- ‘The Lafl. Th: WTR. nm Huw' Th; S°':'h'_ _l__.______ l_____ ----- um !Anixna1=- Pllnrv “"'“"` 5°°"“-' Four mai of waxing. Hrins- ‘“"‘“‘“‘“'5- ‘~‘°'i’i"S' ` Animals. I P' Tv Ar- '_ 'Q
".¢,,‘7;2-§¢I'¢,Z.§,.,_¢¢_';¢-»~,, ~,§..~;-~¢.~u»4Lm~.~.i,Y';-j-»- nw -'ff . ,,, » 't _l _. gf; ' -..», _ H-.. ' ' ' , orq¢¢;,z¢fz>/,fr0p,,r,».= » i scott 1. C H A P. VII I. ofrbr- Nmnberfive, and the Scale thereof: U A e number fiveis ol' no fmall force, for it conlifls ofthe il fifll cvcn, andthe lillt odd, as ofa Female, and Male ~; For an odd number is the4 M;rle, and the even the Female. Whence /!n'rbmriri¢zm call that the Father, and this the Mo. ther. Therefore the number live is ol' no fmall perfcélion, or vertue, which rocecds from the mixtion of :hclk number; ; It is all`o thc iulgmidle off the univerlal number,-vie. ten. For if ydu divide the number ten.there will be nineand onc,or eight and two,or (even andthree,0r,l`xx and four, and every colleéli. on makes the number ten, and the exafl' midle alwaies is the number five, and its equadiltant; and therefore it is called by the Pythagorean: the number of Wledlodt, aa al fo of iuliice, becaufe rt divides the number ten in an even Seal _ .There bb live fenfes in man, light, hearing, Imelling, taliinéiilli/e pow; ers in the foul, Vegetative , Senlitive , Concupifcible, lr;~ fcible, Rational] : live fingers on the hand f live wandering Planets in the heavens, according to which there arelive-fold terms in every hgn. In Elements there are live kinds of mixtbodiesfvir.. ` btones, Mr:tals,Plants, Plant#Animals, Ani- mals, ,and fo many kinds of Animals , asmen, four-footed bealls, creeping, hvimming,llying. And there are five kinds by which all things arc made of bod, 1/Le.. Elfence, the fame, anothcrhlchle, motion. The Swallow :brings forth butfive younkg,§h1thllxel'ceds whit cqbity, beginning with the eldcfl, and o the relhaccordingi to their age. Allo this number hath great power in cxpiations : Por in holy things it drives away Divcls. In natural] things,it ek els poyl` is alfo called the number of lortun:|tcneI's7 and fgvour, and it is the feale ofthe Holy Gholl, and a bond.that binds all things; and the number ofthe cro1§,yca erninenewith the principall wounds of Chnjf, whercofbe vouthfafcd to keepthc lcars in his glorifyed body. The heathen Tbilahphcrx did dcdicateit as licred to /Ifernoy, cllceming
Book I I. Of Occult ‘Pbiiq/bfibj. i 1 u efieemin thevettue ofitto befo much more excellent then the nnmier four, by how mutha living thing is moreexeeI_ lent thenatbing without life. For in this number the Father Ngabfonnd favour with God, and was preferved in the (loud of waters. In the vertue ofthis number ¢A6mb.:m, being an hundred years old, begat a Son of.S`ar4l:, being ninety years old, and a barren Woman, and pait child bearingf and grew up to be a great people. Hence in time ofégracethe name of divine omnipotency is called upon with velettcrs. Forin time of nature the name ofGod was called upon with three letters. *nw Sadai : in time of the Law, the ineffable name of God was expreffed with four letters £'117'l* inlicfri of which the Hebrew: cxprci3 *DN /Idamti ; in time of race the ineffable name of God was with five letters 71'lw7'l'* JQIIH, whichis called upon with no lets rnylietie then that of three Letters nw. ,-__ F’ Tb: i o s i
Book I`I._ l Of Occult VP/Jifzyoply. CHAP. IX. s of the Numénfx, andthe Scale thereof. SI: isa number of pcrfcélion, becaufeir isrhe mol? pert'¢& in nature , inthe whole courfeofnumbcrs, from onero ten, and it alone is focpcrfeéi, that in the collediion ofitsé ~ parts it refulrs the fanie, neither wanting, not abounding.. For if the parts thereof; -viz. thc midle, the third, gndhgg- pamwhich are three, two,one,be gathered together, they per.- fe&ly fill up the whole body oflut, which perfcfrion hllthe other nurnberswant: Hence by the Pybagarimf it isfaid to be altogether applycd to generation, and Marriage, and iso called the Scale ofthe world. For the world is made ofthe number lix,noithcr doth ic abound, or is dcfeéiive. Hence th1tis,bccaul`e the world was finilhed by God the lixr dry. For thelixtday God few all the rhings which he md mgdg, and they were very good. Therefore the heaven, and the earth, and all the Holt thereof were linilhcdjr is alfo called the num- ber`ofman,becaul'e the lixt day man was created : and it is alfo the number ofour redemptionforthe lixt day [hifi fuffered for our redetnftionr whence there is agreat afiinity betwixt the number if and the Crols , labour . and fervitudeg: hence it is commanded in the Law, that inhxitflgysyiherr work isto be donc,fix days Muna is to be gatherhd, tx yezirs lhe ground was to be fown,and that the Hebrew fervantfhonld fetvc his Maller Gx years; (ix days the glory ofthe Lord appea- red upon Mawr Simgcovcring it with :cloud : the Chetubins had fix wings,6 circles in the Firmamcnt,Artick,Antarrick,two Tropicks,Equino&iall, 8; Eclipticall, fix wandring Planets,Sa5 rum,Slupirrr,/llur:,Vmm,M¢rmr],thc Moon, running through the latitude ofthe Z adbirlq, on both lides the Eclypticll. There arelixfubllantihcall qualirics in the Elcmentswiz.. Sharpnelé, 'I'hinncl`s,Motion,and che contrary to thefe Dulne{s,Ifhickne£s,, Rcli. There are fur differences of polition, Upwards; Down- wards Before Behind, on the tight (ide, one the leli {ide.'!'h¢tC_ c ` are firhaturall ofiiccsovithom which nothing can be;uiz..Mag. nitudc, Colour,Figurqlnrervall,Stauding,l/lotion: Alfo 2. folid Figure ol any four fquxre thing hath (ix fapcrhctesffhere ere Ex Tones ofall harmony, -viz. 5.,’l.fones, 84?-;h1lf tones which m1ke_onetoue,whichis:the £ixt.i i t er Tb# l , {.f5»v?.' ' ' ‘ ‘ ` ` . < f.j{'I 91 X 4
.,_. “'». .,(` A cC“l' 'q°”"<J6p1&. 2 1” 92 iz?- ...;_ §.. 2-... 5' `_T___ 92. '5 =’ d______ Q E-5 EE' 1 -- 0° > G E1 4-if §1S' $5 _fq in F55- 9 sv 5% és' a -" &= :f ' 5*-_ .5 ' P 5' a ,_ -3 :ZR 9 EZ g 5 31 P ____ _ g .E 2 ~= ? 3 Q an Q 7 `§. Q U ri g H » a' §` O , ig' E i& _ " 0 § 1; F P ~ Q : '.:. 3 s ‘é °°~ rv 2 ‘” `|" § 9” E 2 ~ 2 __ 51 ____ 92 O-“__ hi -` QW l g E 2.7: Rr 5 2-5 3 E* :.'?..;‘g.--~ ° 9 a 352 `% Ebg 5? :- E* 573 5l§°§”° 5555? 3 f~ E5 ° ‘;.‘ gg g`=rc E & rn 3 ; _Q 3_ "_;- -wg n 2 5 §§§ 5_2 .1 ' "3"f§__§°§, 3.5
Book I I. of Oecult ¥’biI¢Wp/ny; » , carte; X. V Oftbe Nrrhlber Seavtif, dizdtée Scale thereof; THe number feaveu is ofvarious, and rnarlifold power, for it eonlills of one, and fix, or of two, and five, or tjfthrgg and four, and it hath a Unity, as it were the coupling ;<>g¢n,’¢5 of two threes f whence if we confider the feverall partsthere. 05 and the joyning together of them, without doubt we [hill eonfels that iris as well by the joyning together of the parts thrreofjas byits fulncé apart rnoft full of all Majeliy. And the Pyrbagarimr call it the Vehieulum ofmanslifc, which it doth not receive from its parts fo, as it perfeéis by its proper right of its whole, for it contains body, and fo,ul, for the body conlills of four Elements, and is endowed with four qunlities: Alfo the number three rel`pe&s the foul, by reafon ofirs threefold power, r/iz.. rarionall, iraleible, and con- cupifcible. The number feaven therefore, becaufc it conlills of three, and four, ioyns the 'foul to the body, and thevertue ofthis number relates to the generation of men, and itcaiileth man tobc received, formed, brought forth, nourilhed,]iye, and indeed altogether to fublili. For when the genitéillfeed is received in the womb of the woman, if it remétin there feavcn hours after the eH"ulion of it, itis certain that it will abide there for good ; Then the firll feaven dayesit is coagu- lared, and isfit to receive the fhape of a man: then it produ-A ccth mzture infants, which are called infints of the feavcnth mouetlmli. e. becaufc they are born the feaventh moneth. After thebirth, the leavcnth hour tryes whether it will live orno: lor that which (hall bear the breath ofthe aire after; that houris conceived will live. Alter feaven daycs it calls off the reliques of the Navell; _ 1 Aftertwiee feaven dayes itslight begins`tomoveafteij‘tf1¢l light .f in thc* third leaventh' it turns its eyes; ‘and whole fate; freely; lAftegll`eaven 'moneths it breeds ' teethfi After the fecoudifezventh ' moneth it fig without f'eai"offa.lling : Affher i y s _ C , _ - i u '
-~ ..=-f,;~"r#f""'<~" f; -if '"‘~ i i __,_)..`, . _ __ i-»-», ~. ` ~.~.~,»~- ..~'; ' ,- _M -...~.~.. i OFOrcrtlt‘Pl1il¢yZ>pl,y. Book II. 'thethird feavcntb' rnonetb it begins to fpcakf After the fourth feaventhmonetbit (lands llrongly, and walks : after the fifth leaventh rnoneth it begins to refrain fucking its Nurfe: After feaven years its firfl tecrh fall. and new are bred,litter for hardcrmeat, and its fpeechis perFe&ed: hfter the fecond feaventh year boys wax ripe, and then is a beginning ofggnc, ration : At the third feaventh year they grow t.e.b¢ main Ihture, and begin to be hairy, and become able, and llrong for generation : At the fourth fcaventh year they begin to barnifh, and ceafe to grow taller : ln the Efth feaventh year rheyattain to the perle&i~n of their ftrength: The (ixt Heaven year they keep their fircngth; 'lhe feaventh feaventh 'ear they attain ro their utmoll: defcretion, and wil'dome,<and the perfeflt age of men. But whenthey come to the tenth feaventh year,wherc the number feaiien is taken foracompleat number, then they come to the common tcarm oflife, the Prophet fa v- ing, Our a e is leaventy years. The utmoli hight of mans body is feaven Ext. There are alfo fcavcn degrees in the body, which compleat the dimenhon of its altitude from the bot. tome to the top , vie. marrow , bone, nerve, vein, artery, Hella, skin. There are leavcn,whith by the Greek; are called black members, the Tongue, the Heart, the Lunges,»the Liver, the Spleen, and two Kidnies. There are alfo feavcn principle parts ofthe body, the head, the breali the hands, the feet, and the privy members. It is manifeft concerning breath, ttndrneat, that without drawing ofthe breath thelile doth doth not endure above feaven hours : and they that arefizr- ved with famine,livenotabove feaven dayes. The Veins alfo, and arteries( as Phylitians (ay ) are moved by the leaventh number. Alfo judgements in difeafes are made with greater manifelhtion upon the' feavenrh dayes, which Phylitians call criticall, i. e. iudiciall. Alfo offeaven portions God Creates the foul, asdivine PLero witneffeth in Timaru. The foulalfo receives the body by fcaven degrees. All difference ofvoices proceeds to the feavenrh degree, after which there is the fame revolution. Again, there are feaven modulations ofthe voyces, Ditonus,Semi itonus,DiuteITaron,Diapente with a touc,Dia~ _` ,A ' ' PCUIC 1
, ' ' ~‘ ;- ` ~» ~;j`¢.71-»fL;i_`.;_ W , ‘ ` ;__;¢ ‘ . , _vt _ "L*‘i¥'---- Book 11. oflo¢¢riz¢af>tfzgp,;s»ye_ t l e Q pentc with a half time. and Diapafon. There isalfo in Ce# leltialsa rnoll potent powcrofi thenumber feven. For fccing there are four corners' of the Heaven Diametricallyi looking one towards the other, which indeed is' accounted a moll lull, and powerfull afpeft, and conlills of the number fevcn. For it is made from the feventh Sign , and makes a Crnh, the mgfk powerfull figure ofa|l,of which we (hall fpeak in its due place, But thisyou muft not be ignorant ol; that the number fevgn hath a greatCommunion with the Crols. By the fame radiation, and number the folllice is dillant from Wir:ter,and the Winrigp cquinoélium from the Summer, all which are done by fever; Signs. There are alfo feven Circles in the l-leavemattording to the Iongitudes ofthe Axel tree.There are (even hrars aboutrhi; Articlte Pole,greater, and le|Ter,cal|ed C/mr/1 Warn. alfo ieven Stars called the P/eiudu, and feve n Planets, according to thofe fcven dayesconflituting a wetk.The Moon is the fevcnth ofthe Planets 8: next to us oblerving this number more then the rell, thisnumbcr difpenling the motion, and light thereof. For in twenty eight dayes it runs round the Lompals of thc whole Zodiaclr, which number of dayes. the number feven, with its fcvcn tcarms;/ie. from one to feven, doth makc,and El] up,:ts much as the icveral numbcrs,by adding tothe r tecedcnts,and makes four times rfven dayes,in which the Noon runs through, and about all the longitude, and latitude of the Zadiaclrby meafuring, and meaiuring again: with the like ieven ofdayes it difpenfeth its light,b5-changing it;For the Firlt feven dayes unto the middle as it were ofthe divided world, it increaieth ; the fecond leven daycs it Els its whole Orb with light ; the third by dcctealing is again contracted into ct divided Orb ; but af- tcrthefourth feven dayes, it is renewed withthe lalt diminu- tionof its light, and by the fame feven of dayes it difpofcth theinereafe, and decreafe of the "ea, for in the firii [even of the increale of the Moon,it is by little lelfenud ; in the fccond by degreesincrcafed : but the third is like the firlt, and the fourth doth the fame as thcifceond. It is alfo applycd to Sa- turn; which afcendrng frornthe lower. is theileventh Planet, which betokcns tell, to which the feventh day is afcribed, _ s s O 2 _ which . , 4 _ be ii;
_Y J; »-e ~¢ _ ‘__ fi ._ _ . , ~'- ‘ Ca~LJ ‘L.,,. ~- ,¢¢&_N` i ' v. Y , _ < ..., . ` Book It 1,1 p OE0eculr (Pbi1¢y@[,@,,l '“'V Q i‘ if ' _ . _ "` ..;. pentanee. and remiflion : Hence was ordcmed the feavenrh years repentance for every Gn,aoeording to the opinion ofthe wifi: man, faying, And upon every (inner feaven fold : Alfo the fcaventh year there were granted nemifii-sm, gnd ,ga fu" fcaven years there was giving a full remiilioryasis rqrfig Lwiricru. And Chr(/l with feaven petitions finrlhed his ipeeeh_ , of our fittisfzflion a hence alfo it is called the number of liber- ty, becaufe the feaventh year the Heémr fervent did challenged' liberty for himfelf. It is alfo moft fumbled to divine praifes; Whence the Prophet faith, Seaven times 1d:ry` ag Ippraik thee, bccanfe of thy righteous, iudgemcnts. It isrnoreover' called the number of reven c, as Crith the Scripture, _and Cain (hall be reven ed feaven End. And thePfalmiR faith, Ren- deréunto our biighbonrs feavcn fold into their bofome, their reproach. Hence there are feavcn wiekednelfes, :ts faith Sola. man, and fertven wickeder fpirits taken, are read of in the Gall pell. It 6 nihes alfo the time of the prefent circle, becanfe ierisfinifhed inthe fpace of Qaven days. Alfo it is confecrated to the Holy Choli, which the Prophet Ikiab deferibcs to be feaven fold, according to his gifts, vie. the fpirit ofwifdom, and undctflanding, the fpirit ot eounfcll, and Grength, the fpirit of knowledge, and holinefs, and the fpirit ofthe fear ofthel-ord, which we read in Zaelm-fab to be the fcaven eyes 0fGod. There are alfo feaven Angells fpiritsflanding in the prefenee of God, as is read in 7' abitu, and in the Rruelruim; feaven Lamps did bum before the Throne of God, and fcaven golden (Iandlellicks, and in the midle thereof was one like to the fon of mm, and he had in his right hand feaven Stars. Alfo there were feavcn fpirits be fore the Throne of God,and fcaven Angellsllood before the lhrone,and there were given to them feavcn Trumpets. And he ftw a Lamb having leaven horns, and fcaven eyes,and he (aw the book fealed with feaven Seeles, and when the lcavcnth ft al was opened, there was made fi- lcncein heaven. Now by all what hath been faid, itis appz- rent that the number feavcn. amongll the other numbers, miy defervedlv he [aid to be molt full of alleliieacy. Moreover, the number leztven hath great conformity with the number O ;‘_ ' twelve;
7.1. -.Y._,- ~ J¢'2";;"ZT "' " N.- l- _ ~.,<._. e _r- -~<. - - ,-,,, __, 1-1-71-sau..-»~.’1-~ ~»‘Ev'j7p-1--,»~4451g-hifi-»f~';*'~~-ff"--, mr » " :.’. .r A _ . Y- , _ .t ,,...~- > ~ - ~ ’ > ' ""‘ ‘.¢_r,,.1. .‘ - ` '~__ __ _ -.-. ne, _.. l l t @=f¢¢¢@,,¢»W,. l`B5§51;“l1.1.r 1 ~tf§elve;fPotaS~three, and four make leaven, fo _thrice four _nuke twelve, which are the numbersof the celelhall Planets, and ligne, refultxng from the fame root, and by the number thrceypartaking ofthe divinity, and by the num er four 0f;h¢ natuteofinleriourthings. There is in fafrcd writaverygreat dbfcrvance of this number, before allothers, and many; ami very great are the mylteries thereof ; many we have de- creed to reckon up here,rcpcating them ,out of holy writ,b which it will ealily appear,that the number fcavcn doth lignifig 'acertain fulnefls of faered mylleties.For we ready in q`rn¢.¢,that the feaventh was the day ofthe rcll ofthe Lord; 8: Ena¢°b,a pi. ous, holy man,was the feaventh from ddxm, and thatthcre was another feaventh man from Adam, awieked man , by name Lazmteb, that had two wives ; and that the lin oFCain fhould be abolilhcd the feaventh generation : As it is written; Cain lhallbe punilhed feaven fold 5 and he that lhall llay Caiaz; (hall be y revenged ‘feaven fold, to which the Maller of theltliilory colleéls, that there were feaven (ins of Cadre. Alfa of ill clean beafis feaven , and feaven were bronghe intothc Ark, as alfo of llowles: ' And after feaven days thc Lord rained upon the Earth, and upon the feavcnthday the fountains ol the de were broken up, and the waters cove;- rcd the Earth. Alfo Aeyrabam gave to e/bimelrcb feaven Ewe Lambs: and jacob ferved feaven years for Leah, and feaven Spore for Rachel: and feaven dayesrhe people of Muelbe-_ Walledrhe death offacab. N10rC0'Cr,wC read in the fame place, offcaien Kine, and (raven Ears of Corn, feaven years oi blentygandfeaven yearsof frarcity. And in Exadur, the Sah. both ofSabboths, the holy reli to the Lord, is commanded ro be on the 'feaventh day. Alfo on the leaventh day Mak: ccaftd to pray. On the feaventhday there (hall be a folemnity of the Lord, the feaventhyear the fervant [hall go out free: fear/en dayes let the Calf, and the Lamb be withxts damm ; the fe:- venth year let the groundrthat hath been (own fx years, be at refhthe feaventh day (hall bca holy Sabbuthrand a rellathc fea» izenth day, becaufe _it is the Sabboth,e(`h1llbe called holy. In Iéoitfew the feaventh day alfo lhallbc more obferved, Iliad e ` ‘ C _¢.. Y . ,-t;e._.;J
_ilv--w- s . Book II. of Occult 'Pbilq/Ep/ay. l _ ll A 1 bermnre holy z andthe iirll day of thefearenth mpneth [hall §bc,a Sabbath of mcrnoriall- Seaven dayes (hall the facriliees be oFFered ro the Lord, fcaven dayes (hall the holydaycsof the Lord be celebrated, feaven dayes in a year everlallingly in the generations. In the feavcnth moneth you fhallcele- brate fealis, and [hill dwell in Tabernaclcs (cavern pdaycgs feaven times hclhall fprinkle himfclf before the Lord, that bath dipped his finger in blood; he that is clcanled from thc Le- prol°y,lhal| dip feaven timesin the blood ofa fparraw; feaven days [hall (he be waihed with running water, that is menfiru- ons : feavcn times helhall dip his finger in the blood ofabul- lock : feaven times I will [mite you for your fms :i Ini‘D¢r¢4 manova] feaven people poifcfled the Land of promife. There is alfo read ofa feaventh year of remifiinn, and feaven Candles fct up on the South fide of the Candlefiicks. And in Numérrr it is read, that the fons ofl_/Pnl offered up feaven Ewe Lambs without f e, and that feaven dayes they did eat unleavened bread, andlibat (in was expiated with feaven L:1mbs,& a Goat, :md that the leaventh day was celebrated, and holy, and the iirii day ofthe feaventh monethwas obferved , and kept holy, and the feaventh montth ofthe (call oi`Tabcrnacles. 8: fcaven Calves were, offered on the feavcnth day, and E4¢3l¢m7 c- reéied fcavcn Altnrqfeaveo dayes /Mary thee5ll;ct of/fare# went forth leprous our of the C amp, feaven daycs he that tou- ched a dead (Larkafs was unclean. And in fa/ina feayen prielrs tean-ied the Ark of the Covenant before the,l-loll, and feaven dayes they went round the Cities, and (elven trum- pets were carried by the feavcnPrielks,and on the feaventhday the feaien Prieils fonndedthc Tmnipcts. Andfin the book QE ?lldg¢!,%6?d raigned in Ikarl feaven years, Sgmppnekept hisnnprialls eaven d:yes,and the feavcnrh day he put forth; Riddle to his wife, he was bound with feaven green wirhs. feaven locksiof his head were fhnved off, feaven ycarswttc theithildten nflfizel opprdled by theliing oft/7f:1¢'fF1!._~,§gd in the booksof the hings. Elia prayed feavenlirnt-€a.3!1i3! the fcavcnth time, behold .a little eloudifeavcn ndaycS;th¢ qhildren ofUi-url pitched over thg:9S`]ri.1nr,».1K1diDf&l¢ 4 ea.
lun enemy, feaven overfeers, feavcn eyes beholding. ljaiab '§. ~ -1--51m ..;£.-;...,.r,,1.§.»~»; ...g,;;>.".,_..~,,,___ - - - Y V' ' '_ ~i »: , ., . . , f I-.U v---~_ , .Y "‘-~5..____ 209 _ i V Of0AccultfPkil<ji>pEy. _ Book II, feaventh day the battell was ioyned: feaven years _famine was threatened to David for the peoples murmuring; and feaven times the child neefcd, that was raifed bv 155154, and feaven men were crucified together in the daycsi of the Erlk harveil. Numan was made clean with feaventvafhing; by flifba, the feaventh moneth Q`ali.u wasflain. And in H¢,,. we read, that the King of Pa-ji.: had three Exmucluf and in Taéiiu feaven men were coupled with Sam the duughtcrof llriguel: And in Daniel N¢£wcadne:,z.¢zn Furnace was heated feaven times hotter then it wasufcd to be, and feavcn Lion, were in the den, and the feaventh day came I’c6xradnez.z4»_ In the book offab there is made mention of fcaven fonsofyab, and feavcn dayes and nights fob: friends fate with him on the Barth ; and in the fame place, In fcaven troubles no cvrll (lull touch thee. In Eva we read ,of Armxerxu his fcaven coun- fellers : :md in the fame place thettumpet founded : the lea. venth moneth ofthe fealt oftabernitcles werein ‘Barnes time, swhilefl the children of Ihwel were inthe Citieé : and onthe hilt day ofthe feaventh moneth E/‘dna read the`t6ih¢ people. And in the Plztlmes David praifed the Lord feaven times in aday; Giver is tryed feaven times; and he render; to our neighbours feaven fold into their bofomes. And Sola- ` -man faith, that wiidom hath hewen her (elf feavcn Pillars; -feaven men that can render a reafon, feavcn abominztions whiththe Lord ahhors, feaven abominarions in the heart of numbers up feaven iifts of the Holy Ghofi, and feaven wo. *qmen ilialltalte hol on a man, And info-amish. iltethat ihatltfbom fezxven, langnifhethg- lhehuth given uprhe gholtr In -Ezekiel; the Prophettcontinued fad for feavendayes. InZ4- féariab feaven' htnps, and feaven pipes to thofe fcaven lamps, and feaven eyes running to and fro throughout the tuhole Earth, and feaveneyes upon one Hone, and the fall ofthe feaventltdsxii is ~turned:into ioy.'f And in Mah, .feaven (hep- herds are raifed ngaioftthe A{I`yriaus;. ‘Alfointheigolpei we read of feaven bleIl'edne(I'es,` audlfeitven vertues ,sto which Raven vices are oppofed ; feaven petitions of the Isords pray~ - _ ....;_L;§ - ;:__ l
Book I I. Occult Tlzilojoplgy. ` 29 er, feaven words of Clary! upon the erols, feaven wordsof the bleifed Wrgin Ulfny. feayen loaves diflributcd by gh; Lord, feaven baskets of fragments . feaven brothers having one wife, feaven difciples ofthe Lord that were lifhers, feaven water pots in Cana, of Galile, feaven woes which the Lord threatensto the Hypoerires, feaven divels call: out ofthe un- clean woman, and. fcaven wiekeder divells taken in after that whith was cali out. Alfo feaven years [liryl was lledfinto Egypt; andthe feaventh hour the Fevourleft the Governors fon. And in the Canonicall Epiltles, func: dcferibesfeaven degrees of wifdom, and Peter feaven degrees of Venues, And in the Aff: are reckoned feaven Deacons,and feaventdifci- ples chofen by the /Ipq/ilu. Alfointhe Rwelfrridm there are many mylleries of this number : for there we read offeaven Candleflicks, feaven Stars, feavcn Lrowns, feaven Churches, feaven Spirits before the fhrone, (eaven Rivers of E jpr, feaven Seales, feaven Markes, feaven roms, feaven éres, feaven Spirits of God. feaven Angels with feaven Trumpets. feaven horns of the Dragon, feaven heads of the Dragon, which had fcavcn Diadems : allb feaven plagues, and feaven Vials, which were given to one ofthe leaven Angells, leavcn heads of the fcarlet Beall, feaven Mountains , and (raven Kings fitting upon them, and feaven rhunders utteredtheir voyces. Moreover this number hath much power, as in natu- rall , fo in facred, Cerernoniall, and alfo in other things: therefore the feaven days are related hither, alfo the fcaven ¢Planets, the feaven Stars mlled Pleiades, the feaven Agesof thc World the feaven changes of man, the leaven liberall Arts, and fo many methanitk, and fo many forbidden . fcaven Colours, feaven Metalls. feaven holes in the head ofa man, feaven pair of nerves, feavcn Mountains in the City of Rune, feaven Roman: Kings, feaven Civil] Wars, fcaven wife men in the time of ffremiab the °Prapber, and feaven wife men of Qrrrce. All`uRarm' did burn leaven days by Nero. By fcaven Kings were (lain ten thoufand Martyrs. There were fcavcn (lfepers, feaven principal! bhurches of Rome, and fo many Monalleries did Gregory build; Somany l°ons5a1ntF¢l»ug- brought
_;..,-..a,.;.;....r;.m...»-~- .'- l ‘ ~ ,-f., ---V ‘ ¢.» _ _ .-.... -..._ _..._-l.-~---¢¢¢¢-»~ v .,--~»4_'c;.»-. -~f - . V _ ..~ . . l ,_ '--3~~;»L.. m '"forooe;az¢'eia>1;zz@;,P»j. Booklllr brougheforth: rherc 'were feaven Eleétors of the Empiu; gppoxnrgdgnd feaven folerun A&s 1n_crowniqg ehelim g, ¢qnrf;_ the Laws in the Tclkamene reqmre feaven wirnclgeg, fhctc are feaven civill punifhmenrs. and feaven canonicall; and fcaven canonicall hours, the prick makes feavcn obey- (megs in ghg Mqfg- feaven Saeramenes, and feaven orders of tlxcClergy, andalnoy of [raven years may be ordained by ghg l¢(I`¢r order, and may obreina beneflce/ine Cum. Them gn: feaveupenirenriall Pfalmes,and fcaven commands of :he fecondeable, and fezvcn hours were eldmz, and Em in P;- radife, and rhere were feaven men foretold by an Angell be- fore they were hom, -viz.. Ifrxml, I_F¢acl<_S4mp/Im, ?ercmi4b, fabn ‘2Y4pr[¥I, func: :he brorhrr ofthe Lord, and Clmyi yqfa. La ly, this number is rnoft potent ofall,asin good, fo evill ;ofrhis Liv/},rhe mol! ancient Poe: (ang, The/241/:nth li hr rkcome, and :ben 48 xbiqg; Taéjrqlue the fiber of all light [v¢_gis.r Tl;¢#.r‘vcntb°.f afaH tb-ing: uri in48, ZZ"be» ji havmth, Ravmrbfgwm we :ak P c&, with Wmdring Star: the lzeam-n`: 1/olrfd, And zvitba ww] rrirclu if round ra/fd. _ne
202. O_f0cciiltG’loil¢y5pl:y. ' Book ‘ ` C H A P. X I. Of the number af€igl:t, and the Scale thereof He ‘T rim arinm call eight the number ofjiiflice, and _ fulne|{: flgll, bccanfe it is iirii of all divided into num- bers equally even, nie, into four, and thatdivilion is by the fame reafon made into twice two, viz.. by twice two twice; and by reafon ofthis equality ofdivifion, it tooktoitfelithe name ofiuitice, but the other received the name,z'iz,. offul- neQ, by reafon of the coutexture ofthe corporeallfolidity, lincctheliriit makes a lolid body. Hence thatcullome of0r- pl:ew,{ivc;1ring bycight dieties, if at any time he would be- feech divine jufttce, whofe names are there. llire , Water, Earth, the Heaven, Moon, Sun, Phanes, the Night There are alfo only eight vilible Spheres ofthe heavens: alfo by it the property of corporeall nature is [ignified which Or- plmu comprehends in eight ofhis Sea fongs. This is alfo called the covenant or circumcilion, which was commanded to be done by the faire: the eight day. There were alfo in the old Law eight ornaments of the Priefi ci; Z1 breaft-pl:ite,a coat, a girldle. a mytet,a robe,:1n Ephod, :t girdle oi the Ephod, a golden plste; hither belongs the number to eternity, and the end of the world, becauleit follows the number (even, whichisrhe myilerie of time: hence allo the number ofhltlicdnelis; for Lhriii tea- cheth fo many degrees ol bltfTednefl`cs,as you may fee in /1/liz- r/mv; lt is :xlib called the number offatety. and coniervation, for there were fo many liiuls ofthe fons ofyejfe, from which D.1z/idwasthe eighth Alfo Z¢icl;.»¢ri.u. the father offvhn, re- ceived his (beech the eighth day. il hey fay this number de- dicated to I)io»;v,Gm, bccauie he was born the eighth moneth, in eiferldling memory whereol,N¢x.:: the llmd was dcdicited to him h'ch obtained this pttiogative, that only thcwo. men <>f»/.r_x-as iii uld liifelybringforthintl‘:t'i;;l1th munerh, andiheir children liiould live, whefets the children of the eighth iT1.PflC(l in o:her Nirions di, and their mothersrhen bringing forth are in numitll dinger. TM
-vi .L__.,, ,_ - ' ' < ` " "*1f1~..,--un-.- ,~.x,a-_~f'. ,vs_ ,.,,."‘- r , -, .- , _ _ e ~ A., .s-f- , _ y “’ rv ...-.»-»|~.,»-L, ,a-.....~~,-v*- i _ i . ~ _, _ ~,_,__.i ».. .vw r » » J ,~ ~ » " ‘ _,.,a~1»»< ,»-. ,- ,, -` ;;.=, rx; ’ . wt ‘. IQ l <5§?J2&i'fi>'i1Yi<@i>jf " i Book I I. ` C H A P. X I I. _e O rb; Number afNir1c, andthe Scale tbercofl A He number nine is dedicated to the Mufes, by the help of T the order of the Celclliall Spheres, and divine fpirits r Hence there are nine movable Spheres, and according to thofe there are nine Mufcs, 'via Calliope. Ufiniils Polymnia. '1'et_ p[;¢hg¢¢,C|i0,M¢lpomene,Erato,Enterpc, Thalia, which nine Mules indeed are appropriated to the nine Spheres, fo that the firll refemblcs the upreme Sphere,which they call Primum ma. bile , and fo defcendin by degrees, according ro the written order,nnto the lalt,whit;i refembles the Sphere ofthe Moon,l'o, viz.. Calliope is appropriated to the Primum malai/r;Urania to the Starry I-leaven,Polymnia toS¢rrm:,Terplichore,eo fupirer, Clio to Marr, Melpomene to the Sme, Erato to Pemu, Eu. terpe to Mnernj, Thalia to the Moon. ~ There are allo nine orders of blelfcd Angelsmk. Sera. phitn, Cherubim, Thrones, Domination, Powers , Venues, Principallities, Archangcls, Angels, which Eezlgel figures out by nine Stones, which are the Saphir, Emrald,Carbuncle, Berill,Onyx, Chryfolirc. jafper. f0P=ZC. Sardis: This number hath alib a great, and Occult myfterie of theCroIs : Pot the ninth hour our Lord jefus Chrili breathed out his Spirit., Andiin nine daycs the Ancients burycd their dead, and in lo many ycers they lay /lflinm received Laws from fu- filer in a Cave; whence this number was moli efpecially taken notice of by Hamer, when Laws were to be given, or an. fwers were to be given , or the (word was like to rage. The Alirologers allb take notice of the number nineinthe Ages of men, no othcrwife then they do of feven, which they cal1,Clima&ericall years, whch are eminent for lome remarkable change. , Yet fometimes it ligniiies imperfedneli, and incompleatncfsbecaufe it doth not attain to the `perlc£'li- on of the number ten, but is lcfs by one, 'without which it is deficient,as Arqfin inrerpretsgit ofthe ten=Leapers : Neither is the longitude ofnine Cubirs ofog King of Balarnwhoisatype ofthe divcl, without a myllerie. ' e ‘e i y _ The , . . _ ,»~.¢-»c;» _ ,1__, . ,;,, V ~ _ ., '_ neu _ _ , A
_"`~i-M., _` _ . l ¢L' ‘ ., f _ ~»~ nz..- ~,-Y-: .»--.¢--»- ...W _ , v~--~ ,_n _ --- _,__/~ ,V __ ._-v,-:_ -_ »,_,‘,; ,< ' ~ . ~~ ~~‘- .~--'_' -z , ""“ ‘.‘.-»-».,_ - - --_, ~».-.~_~..» A _",_.¢;~.; .'.¢_.,-v-' " - 2. 0 7 ii of0¢¢ia¢;,q>bz1qp5pby; i e "Bobk II. C H A P. X III. i Of rhe Bfymhrr Tm, :md the Scale rlfereafl H E number ren is called every number, or an univerfall number, compicarjgnifyingthc finllcourfe of life : for beyond elm; w¢ anno: number, burlby replication; and it either implies :llnumbers wirhin ir felt; or explains them by it fell; and its own, by multiplying them : wherefore it is accounted to be of :rmmifold Religion, and puwer, and is :ipplyed to the purgingLof fouls. Hence the Ancients called Ceremonies Dena ', beciufc they than were to be expefied, and to offer faeriiioes, were to ahlhin from fomc certain things for ten da cs. whence amongll the Egvprianseir was the culiomefyor him that would faerifice ro 70. tofali ten daycs before, which Qfyn/riwtellilies of himlelf; faying, »Jt was commanded that I mould for the fpace of ten dayes refrain all meat, and be fiftmg. There are ten fanguine parts of man, the Menilrues . rhe Sperm , the Plafmaticlr fpirit, the Mais, the Humours, the Organieallbody, the vegcrzrivc Fart, the lcnfirivc part, Areafon, and the mind. Thcrczre al- o ten limple integral! pzrrs conilituting man, the bone, cartilage, nerve, fibre,ligament, arrer , vein, membrane, fiefh, skin; There are alloten parts ogwhieh :immconlills intrinfecally; The fpirir, the brain,th¢:lun°s. thehearr, the liver, the g:ill,4he fplecn, the kidnies. the tefiiiclemhe Matrix. There were ten Curtains in the Temple, ten lirings in thi; Plirltery ; ten muficall inlirurnents with which Pfalms were fang , the names whereof were, Nczx, on which their Ode; were (ang. Nablum, the fame as0rgans, Mizmor, on which the Pfalms, Sir, on whichthe Canrirles, Tehila, on which O. rations, Berachm, on which Bencdiélions- , I-ialel, on whit-h _ Praifes,
;,,1`~,-,».»_=__' ' gy; *,_.____~,_; <,1._T y, M *“‘“..~.‘-L ,"`<~ ' W A »4 N l Bogkl I ~ fs -'~.s;hee5agav¢n=°him, whbisrhc b¢ginn1ng,an<1¢na ofall r .~¥11if1s# . The Scale of the Namézr ten. /` / Té: »
E;,..;..,,....~..‘ ~ c, ..._ _ av- -.,~»z---».._._.--...Y »-~-i .f ` ,,.,_. ..-____-,-a... 1':€.___,~¥~L..$~~ aft a ., . ‘»a~_"~f"' "" " Y" ':" ` ‘ ' ~ 2.16 , 4Qf0c¢rrlt ?I;ilq/Bpby. Boolel I. Lord, received the [gmc reward as thofc who had born the ;-1-1-_ C rér A P. xrrr. Ofxhc 2Qrm5rr elwm, and!/ff nf-'v15ff Wffvf; V515 4 dmhle Scale oflbe Nnmlwr twelve [` rxbifi/lk¢¢1»’. »wd0rpbic.11l. THE number eleven as it exceeds the number ten , which is lth'e§number of the commandements, fo ;it fals (hott of the number twelve, which is of gran: and perfeflion, the;-g. fore it is called the number of (ins, and the enitent.' Hence in the tabernacle there were commanded toqwe made eleven Coats of hair which is the habit of thofc that are penitent, and lament fortheir (ins, whence this number hath no Com. munion with Divine or Ccleiliall things, nor any attra&ion, or (calc tending to things above : neither hath it any reward; but yet fometimcs it receives a gratuitous favor from God, ag he which was ealled_the eleventh hour to the vineyard of the burden , and heat of the day. Now the number twelve is divine, and that whereby the Celcftials are meafured ; it is al. fo the number of the Si ns in the Z odiucle over which there are twelve aréels as chief, Elpported by the irrigation ofthe gr-ea; name of od. In twelve yeers alfo fupiter perfeéts his courfe .e. #and thehloon d rrily runs throu htwelve d egrees.'I`here are alll; twelve chief roynts rn the bodg of man,r/iz.. in hands,eIbones, [houldcrsf thighs, knees , andyvertebrz of the feet. There is alfo :r great power ofthe nurnbeiiivelve in divine myller-ies, God chofe twelve families of (Gul, and fe: over them twe]v¢ Princes; fo many [tones were placed in the midi! of fardrw, and God commanded that fo many fhould be fer on the breaft ofthe Prieft; twelve Lyons did bear` the brazen Sea tha; wg; made by Solemn : there were fo many fountains in Helim. and fo many (pies fent to the land of promife , and fo many Apslllcs of Chrill fct over the twelve tribes, and twelve thou- frnd people were fet apart and chofen ; the queen of Heaven crowned with twelve Stars, and in the Gohnel twelve barkets of
v¢L-»§-n»~g~ , 55k 1 1. of omni @1,f1¢»p@. ofthe fragments were taken up , and twelve Angels are fee over the twelve gates of the City, and twelve Rones of the hem/eng/jerufalem. In inferior things many breeding things procec after this number; fo the Hare and Coney being moli fruitfnll, bring forth twelve times in the Ayecr, and the Cammelis fo many moneths in breeding,'an the Pea-cock brings forth twelve Eggs. The U 7
__.._- .rvf:_;_;_;. , __ _.__ -~ _- -»--- ~::-':;+- 5 _ '__ --* "1 e e l 112% ‘OE'0md¢Q>bz1¢»p1y. e Bo<>k` V - The Scale oFeheNuxnbee ewclvc. ` ll l 7 nm name: of G A sm 11 nv-1'>'1 l l melrelcnm, 0 W Hal; l3‘lcHEli Elle' The gremlame eeem-:le , 'gn' 1371* 711' '7'1'|T'1 :mn 1’7'IT¥ back into eudve banners. » Twelve order: of Seexphlmllghtm. ‘1‘h¢¢n¢;_ Dornlxu# Pmrerr. VMI!!!- bleHkd Spirits. |,[m_ dons. ` rua” Angmmxmp Mzlchl- m,°d,1_ A,,,;,,¢,| Mmm Vexehlel. H=m=1irL verdze Egan, dlrl. I Twelve Tribes; Dan. 'Ruben udah. “mi-lm* AUM- nmmn’ l 1l 1 'r,,¢1,¢p,,,p§¢¢,, |_ 'ihggan Zadmy. l=1°=- Hara. Lawn, . l 1 Tw-¢!~»Ap°n1¢=. am, inaam. Simon- 1°‘“‘° Pm- Andn- -rmln Gsm hf_¢g,¢z°_ A;{¢,_ Taurus. Gemini. C'~°¢¢f» Leo. Virgo. dI1ck‘ ' r. l fi - i ; .rmlvm ,L fm mpfu. Mn. Ima. Iulr» Aggna. ll- -_ &; ; ' Be C , ~ Twelve Planes. 3133. lwfgg. tvglesllig. gil.” Cdmnm' 5 Twelve Ilona. zrdcnIus.'AC;m¢¢lVTcpue Caleedo- lafper. Eumld. ____ ny. § f “L * '* * » gwelve yxiaclpall mem-'The head-,The neck, Tlxearmx Ur beef! Thehem. nzebelly. Q; en. l e l j, ., T 1 4 r la lr lf a r al Kf"°"?’°" __ 2 eve :guess re ze oslyin° i.Ve s 0 hid. o A 535 dnvrluxed, andof Dh'el!.| 8 lim.” P linlqxlizygo ge; C UAH" :yn , ;`§~§ >_
_, > _, ..,- ,4~F‘-2¢..a.;.2`1..-...._~~ ,,, ~., ,_ _----._i_i_ . m.».-.m_;,~- ~f1*%v*t,` - I,-'|_.~; wr-$5 .~ _~ ~c 1' < »~‘ > . s, - ’ ._ . _ . '*" ~ ', ;;¢° of oafa¢i¢d>1;iz¢»pby. B¢0k>1 ~1 1 Thc Orphical Scale ofthe .i-1 ;;t:l;c_D:i-;P.1llaa, Venus. Phxbus. Mercury. aplrez. fri? Zrfiirxlmu' T=”f“*~ G°‘°l°f° C=°°?'- o; Virgo. C. V -1-2 myiljjc mv-‘Mmhg ;_]°lY- 'A“8“9~ flilfi °°<*~ 'Q rc bccggéhu Goalie Gc1t.]_;,,u_ Dog _A ... _;_ b .l <&'=°fI§¢,‘¢‘llf`A°"'°""i.'f1¥"" '-="=”» wma liig-@_P‘” 2~::1;:.;rf,.==~f-1-»J=»=~=<»=f»= @b:;f&w| , I *Armen , :B :e&'1'h:H;:r= h=B¢I1 ,1_;~ . .A M
-L. ,_:. “ _ _ _ 1 ~ Iiéélgl 1. Of0ccule a>1,;z<f4»by. Number tsvelfvc. ..._--¢~-. l-1-» `,`--- niéff 1_1-_i-L-11-_r" '______ _ 1 'ln :he In- Vukm- Man, mlm' wuz' UW- N'P“m'° :2:a§,le _l__,,._»--» *i-T1 '°-1- '- _'-lv 'i*"**' ""*l"" IntheCe. Libra. SCMPEUL-fS;gi¢uf{. C3PrI¢gggAq!1|f1U» Pifctx. ltaflu gg, world. - _ bm: In rho E4 5 _ 08950. Novem- Dmm WWW- P' VY- 1 ¢,,,;1| °"‘“" ” ba. ‘>=f~ Sha. ook' P It 13 "_ Heron. ‘ Peacock. ‘Sum Aga Wolfl l Hind. Lyon. Sheep, H°x{¢‘ ,trccl Dogma. Palm-use Plnc.:r¢c.:R,,m.d,°m :Eln“?e' --_1 .-1__i____,_ mb: l¢f» Kldnles. Gcninls. amncs. Knccx. Tlzggsl Feet. fa mn-ld_ _ CH A P. Q
,~e:a-v.~r _,,f:;..,_ -7. - :__ < . ‘_ . _ ,ri _i .*‘ V r Y _ at f ~‘f-¢Y_~=QP`_;!:-‘Q _ _ 1~_,"»<_ _'_ _ ~"’1‘ ‘ -~_ _‘ V , i _ " - ""‘--“:f"-"_,‘~;.j =._~" `-,"~~'f .- ' _ . ,_ i ._ i _-» -f' Y ‘ zzz e 'Off0rcioZltifPbil0]o]»bjQ'»~ ~ “ Bbolell. ' ` CH A P. X V. ofrbr Number: which are aéavr twelve, and tfrbrir pom'r.r,4m! , wrtuer. H E other numbers alfo which are above twelve, are en- T dowcd with many, and various ef¥e&s,the vertues where- of you muff underfland by their original] and patts,as they are made ofa various gathering together of (inpale numbers, or maner ofmultiplication. Sometimes as their tgnifications arif: from theleffening, or exceeding of another going before, e~ fpeeially more perfeét, fo theycontain of themlelves the (igns iof certain divine myfieries. So you fee the third number :t- bove ten,{hews the myflcries of Chrills appearing to the Gen- tiles,for the thirteenth day after his birth a Sur was a guide to the wife men. The fourteenth day doth typifie Chi-i0,who the fourteenth day of the firfl moneth was facrificed for us; a-upon which day the children of /Feel were commanded by the Lord to celebrate the Paifeovtr. This number e/'ltarhrrr dothfo carefully obferve, that hc paffed over fome gcncrations,th:tt he might every where obfcrve this number in the generations of Chrift. The fifteenth number isatolten of fpiritumll afeen-_ Gong, therefore the fong of ' degrees is appl ed to that in fifteen Pfltlmrr. Allb fifteen yeers were added’ to the life of King Heiiiqeb: and the fifteenth day of the feventh moneth was obfervcd, and kept hol . The number fxteen, the Pytha- gorians call the number offglicity. Italfo éomptehendsall the; Prophets ofthe old 17eflament,and the Apofiles,:tnd Ev:inge~ lifts of the neu/.The number eighteen, and twenty,Divines in- terpret to be unhappy, for in the former, M-.ul ferved E lan King of /Moab; in the other fm-ai: fetved, and }q’Ppb was fgld. A And lrliit-,amongft creatures that have many feet,there is none that hath abovetwenty feet. The twenty twofignihes the ful- nefs ofwi 1dom,and fo marv are the Chataders ol the Hebrew letters, and fo many Boolts doth the old feftfment contain. To the number twenty eight, thefavour ofthe Moon§;d¢. ' Iigned, ’ `L;"3"t"' t *_ , `-nl, '/,il ¢ .- , , ;.;_;,_:_,', ,QA _ go
'l.` A Book I l. Of Occult 'Philo/op/gy. 22 ligned, forthe motion thereof is diltant from the courfe of-‘ae ther Stars,& as it were alone is complegted the twenty eighgh day, when it returns tothe fame point of the Zadi¢&_e from whence iteame. Hence twenty eighchlanhons of the Moon, h1vingling.ular»vertue. and influence. are numb red in the hea. vens. The number thirty is memorable for many myfieries, Our Lord jefus Chrillwzis baptized (he thirticth yeer of hi; Age, and began to do miracles, and toteaeh the Kingdom of God. Alfo }plm'B4pzi/1' wztsthirty yeersold when hebpl gan to preach inthe wilderneE, and to prepare thewayes of the Lord. Alfo Ezekiel at the fame Age began to propheey§:ifid yup-pb was brought outof Prifon on the thirtieth yeer of his Age, and received the government of Egypt from P/mranlf. The number thirty two, the Hebrew Dorftors :ifcribe to will dom,and fo many paths ofwifdom are dcleribed by Abfabarp. But the Pythagomnscall thisthe number ofjultice, becaufe it is alwaies divilible into two ptrts, even unto nunity. The number lburty, the Ancients did honour with great oblervati- ou,concerning which they did celebrate the (cali Telfarollenr It is laid that it doth conduce to the account ofbirth, forin fo many daies the feedislitted, and transformed in the womb, untill it be by its due , and harmoniacall proportions brought unto a perfeél organicall body,being difpoled to receive rx ra- tionall foul. And fo manycdayes they lay women be,. after they have brought forth, fore all things are letled within them, and they purilied, and fo many dayes infants refrain from liniling, are iniirme, and live with zz great deal of hazard. This alfo is in Religion 1 number of expution, and penitency, and ligniiying great myiltries. lor in the time of the deluge the Lord rained foirty dayes, and nights npon the Girth : The Children of hire/ lived fourty ycers in the wildtf- ne&; fourty dnyes the deUtru&ron of Ninn/fb was put off. The fame number was accounted as holy in thc lalls ofthe mints : For Mo#:, Elitzr, and Chrili Failed fourry dayes. Chrilhvas earried foorty weeks in the womb of a Virgin, Lhrift tarryed fourty dayes after his birth at Bnbelrm before he was prefer# ted in thcI`emplc: He preached fourty months publicltlyfhe lay e g 4 ‘ l fourty ' ff 4g;’__ _, Y 4 » »' - -rr" - . f . A. , , V ,_ _ in
Book! I. Of own fpbfzmpzy. ' y 22 feventy feven times. Alfo the number feventy two was famous for fo many languages, for fo many Elders of the Synagogue, for fo many interprers ofthe old l'ellamenr,for fo many Dilki- ples of Chrilt s It hath alfo a great Communion with the number twelve;henee in the heavens, every lign being divided into fix parts,there refult ftventy two fives, over which fo mx- ny angels bearrule; and fo many are the names of God; end every five is fer over one idiom with fuch efiicicy, that the Afirologers, and Phyliognomills can know from thence from what Idiom every one arifeth. Anfwerable to thefe are fo many manifeftjoyntsin mans body, whereof in every linger and toe there are three, which together with the twelve Prin~ cipzl reckoned before in the number twelve make up fevcnty two. The number a hundred in which the fhcep that was found, was placed, which alfo palfeth from the left hand to the righr,is found holy ; and beuufe it conlills of tens it (hews aconipleat perfection. But the Complement of all numbers iS ;| thoufand which is the four fquare meafure of the number ten, lignifying acomplear, and abfolute perfedion. There are al~ fo two numbers efpecxally celebrated by Plato in his Rcpub, and not dilallowed by Mfrylarle in his Politicks, by which great mutations in Cities are foretold : 'l`lxel`e-; e,the§{`quare of ten, and the four fqnare mcafure thereohvix-.e~the~}`ourty four above a hundred, and feven hundred twenty eight above z_thoufmd,whieh number is latall s to which when any City,or Common Wealth hath attained, it [ball afterward with aeom- plezt four fquare meafure decline : but in fquares it undergoetlx gt thange, but for the better, nl' itbe governed with prudent difci HUC, and then it (hall not with fate, but imprudmry fall.PA‘nd let thus much fullice for numbers in putitue lar. A _ y_ Q yQHAP
_-.,.Tr-1':~'-r5"T“"*3*"”"-"""~` `”""""` " /- c w. _.Y ,_ ~, V, ,nag 11:6 ' » , t»~._ --_ i ' -"< -fb-uv...---at ,_:__-,~.~.,v»w_-_.__Vr_~.,.-,_ A _ , i~p,- -H- ~ '___ A--._..._.,_,_;,;. L }_,,. _ :c.T;__._,_,___4;_;f `, V, b e Thilrfzplgy. ° Book 1' I; c H A P. Xl v. of the nate: of numlwrx, placrdin terrain 8-q}urin_g.n ‘ Have often read in books of Magicians, and their works, I and experiments certain; wonderful, Be as they fecmed to me ridiculous geflurin s and l did think th were ` , ey certain occult agreements of the §ivels,by reafon of which I did refeft them - b af I d`d ' ` ut ter 1 more ferroully examine the matter, then I did preléntly underfland that they were not the comgaéis of divels ; but that there lay in them the reafon of num ers, by which the ancients did by the various bending forward, and backward, their hands, and fin ers rcprefent numbers, by whole gelturings the Magicians déd lilenrly fignilie words un- known by found, various with numbers, yet of great vcrtue, by their fingcrsj ned together, and fo ` ch i rnetuncs anged,and dtd wtth facred cgience worfhip the Gods that rule orc: the world. The rite h' ' ` cs w ereofcillrmumu :tlfo makes mention of in his Arithmeticlrfaying, The fingers ofthe Virgin were mo. ved all manner of wa cs, who after [he wentm, did by ex- prtfiing (even hundredhnd feventeen numbers withher bend ~ red fingers call upon fu inf. But, that thelh things may be the betterunderftood, l lhallbring fomethin outof the fa ings of5B¢da who iltith, When thou fayell onefbend in the lirlb fin. get on thy left hand, and fer it inthe middlcof the Palme; when thou fafeit twofplaee the next finger to ‘the litlefinget in the fameg ace; when three, themiddle linger after the fame manner; w en four, thou (halt lift up thy littlefinger; when tive, the next to it after the func manner; when (ix, the middle, that finger alone which is called the ring finger, being fixt on the mddle of the Palme : when thou Etyeit (even, thou (halt put onl thy little finger above the root of thy Palm, the refb in the meantime being lifted up; and by it when thou Etycft eighr,th ring finger; when thou fayeli nine, thou (halt fer thy middle gnger contra to them - when thou faycfi ton, thou lhall fer the nzile o?thyfore-Ebger, or tha midd
.- ' . ‘Book I I. » Of Occult ‘PlziI¢yopby. ~ middle ioynt of thy thumb. When thou fayeft twenty, [hw (halt put the top of thy middle finger clofe etwixt the ioynn of thy thumb, and forefingcr. When thou faycft thirty, (hon (halt yoyn the naile of thy thumb, and fore-linger lightly tog¢. ther, When thou fayeli fourty, thou (halt bring the inlide of thy thumb tothe outlide of thy fore~£nger, both being lifted up. When thou fayefl fifty, thou (halt bend thy thumb with the outward ioynt, nke to the Greek Gammz, to the Palm, When thou fayeit tixty,eompa[s about thy thumb being beuded asbefore,with th fore~finger bowed over it-When thou fayeli: fevcnty, thou (hah: fupply thy fore-En er being bowed about as before, with thy thumb ilretthed ajength, the mile there. of being lifted up beyond the middle io 'nt of thy fore-finger. When thou faytft eighty, thou (halt lhpply th fore-finger bowed about as before, with thy thumb lirerehed for-gh at length, the naile thereof beinig (et upon the middle io ntof the fore-finger. When thou ayelt ninty, thou (lull gg tbg nxile of thy fore-linger bent into the root of thy thumb ltretchedout. 'Ifhusmuth for the left hand. Now thou [halt make too. on thy tight hand, as thou didllz ten on thy left;and uoo. on thy right, as thou didlt twenty on thy left; zooo. on thy right,as thou didli two on thy left, and fo to 9o0o_ M076- ovet when thou fayelt toooo. thou (halt put thy left hzndup. ward on thy brellx. thy fingers only being lifted towards Hea- ven. When thou fayeft zoooo. thou (halt put the fame fpread forth upon thy breaft. When thou ftyelt goood. thou [halt put thy thum on the fame hand downards, onthe cartilzge of the middle of thy brell. When thou fayeli qoooo. thou (halt lay the fame upright, and ltrctched forth on thy navell. When thou fayeit goooo. thou (halt lay thy thumb of the fame hand downard on thy mvell. When thou fa 'tit 60000; thou [halt hold thy left thigh with the f:tme,being downards. When thou fayell: 70000. the fame thou (halt put upon thythumb upright. When thou fayeft Soooo. thou (halt put the lime downward on thy thigh. When thou fuycll goooo. thou (halt hold thy loyns with the fame, thy thumb being turned down- wards. But when thou glhyelt xcoooyo. or aooooo. and fo un~ _ » e e QD: ' e ‘ . to '?J~». r Q 227
- .Y _ , L ___ i- >-..._.._,- _-_._,____'_..-, . wt. . _ . _Y " ‘_ g; #117 ,-` t"*. , 531--7~»-»-7--..~.1 »-».»..-. -ei..--....»,_;..-. a,;,¢_. v.»--`,._, ., .. ~ r Y-_rV..'~ »_~_ _.. . V, _~ . _. V. ;4A,_», -- V.. _ ; .. i mf t.of0en¢Ifa>bf1qp,pLy._ Book u§ ‘i to gooooo. thou [hzlcjn the lime order aswchave fpoken, » ,hllthemup on the right part of thy body. But when thou fayclt tvooooo. thou (lull ioyn both thy hands together, and clalp thy fin 'ers one within the other. Let thefe futlicc which hnve been oihferved our ol' Bam; Thou (halt find: more of thcfc in Brother Lark; of Saint Sepulchers, in his great Afilh' xucticlr. he ` C l-I A P- X V I. Oftbc mrionr noir! afnumém aéfrrvrd among/I the Romans. ‘TH E note ofnumhers are made diverfe wayes in divers nations. The Romans did figure them by thek following notes, which Vxlrrim Praha defcribcs concerning the ancient . letters, and which arc Gill in ul`c,r:ix.. ~ Ont. Five. Ten. Fifi). Abrmdrd- 7'wolm'm!red. Five hundred. 1, V. X. I.. C. V, . CC. D. r A tbnlfcxd. Fivr tboufuzd. l M s.7."Cx;>; 133. ICC.""°v. Tm tbaufwd. Fsfg tboufzmi A CCIQQ. CMQ. QMC. IMI.""'x. 1333. D33.`iT i ex! bwubvd than/Rnd. Tm Lwrfdred tboufwd. A rw: G-. ._ Five huntbted tbanfwd. ‘Azhar-rjixnd tbaffznd. DM. qg. D. CM3. Cqj- 'if sf There are alfo other notes of numbers now a days ufed af? mongll Arithmcticians, and Calculators, which according to " the order of numbers are made after this manner. 1.2. . 4. 5.6. 7. 8.9. to whichisaddedanotc ofprivation ligncg with the mark 9 which although it lignilie nonnm- bcr. _ .. . .,,`. ,-‘i._,,4 ,V ,`_ _` ,`_.¢»~
~ __,;»_..,.,--v-q¢._... _-_ __ __` --q.,,¢ _ , ' ' _.,, ._,<-1-»~~ ,, _ _`~.¥.i,._.,~¢.-‘__ -r--,...V~.. i _ ~ ,___ _ i" ;~~'- ‘if ` 2 o ' ' ` Of'0Yceult ‘?liiI<%pf>y. Book I If ` , CH A P. X VI I I. Oftbe nur: orfigwt: af :ln Graianx. I-I E Grzeians uf: the Alphabctieall letters for their notes Toi numbers, and that three wayes; EIR by every Element according to the feries of the Alphabet lignifying the number of iisnplnre. For in the order of which any number doth poll' e the place of the Alphabet, it reprefents the number thereof, as here you may ke. 1.3,3,4,f,6. 1.‘»9. 10.11.12-. xg. 14, rg. x6_ 17. 18. a.C'7J‘|<n9|rr.Ap|€¢a'g,|’ 3. § , I . :|9,~13o:`a.|.';zQ£a§I ai' L ‘A N “ A°V_Z Z 'V 5 if v ¢ 2 -I 4 ' 1 e 'f' . t ‘U uc ,L " ¢ .And this is firff order of numbers among? the Greeks, Seoondly,rhc Greeks divide the whole Alpha et into three Clalfts, whereofthe iirll beginning from Al hs, is of unites. The fecond beginning from Iota is oftensffgcthird b ° ' eginxn from Rho is of hundreds ; and this order by the latter ofrhi Greeks is inlkituted after the imitation of the Hebrews. Now beeauf th ` Al ‘ ' e err énhzbet wantsby that rule, three letters, rrrs necelfary to a d to them three figures, and to intetlzce them yaith theletters, by whichmiz. they lain the lirt,the mnctieth, and the nine hundrcrh,as is mani§ in the following Claffes. x. :. 3. 4~ S- 6. 7. 3. 9- 10. iso. go. qc, go. 6o. zo. 8o. 90. Anrnefznel KAMN :=' 0 1'I§ mo. mo. ;co. 4oo. yoo. Geo. 700. Soo. goo. P S. T rr o x if o 2; , Now if to any of thcfe letters there be fubferibed the flrokg r iof V Y_ ,,...,.,.", ‘__ - -< .t-~-.-g~¢-vr-f'_'v" » ' ‘ i " v--erv~--~s..ra...;..»-¢..._.»-f‘»~""*"*°’°' "
§fB061<'Ihr. OF o¢¢~z¢Q>1,f1q@1,,. 2 ;»_-._-_ ofan acute tone, then it liguifics fo many thoufands, as in th¢{¢ examples. _ moo, xoooo. mama; V A I P ' ' ' After the third manner,the Greeks nie only Ex letters in (ig. nifying their numberspiz.. I, for an Unite, rr for tht; gum. bar five, becaufe it is the head of the word aim (5.4-_ )Evc. A, for the number tcn,from Jvu. I-lfor :hundred from Krew. Xe for :r thonfand,fi'om thc word Zim. M for ten thoufand ftom ' 6,»¢. From which fix Icttcts io ned in number after their man- F _ r K _ fr udtofour, or to other num ers, they make other numbers, hcfiidé rr which is not mulripéyed. nor ioyncd to “it (elf, but alwaycs Ggnihcs the tives o others, as appears in the ful; lowing examples. . ;r,, r ‘ x ‘ so `3 `4 5 6 7 3 9 1° u u x5 :r xr ur nu YI Ux HU flux ‘Hun A A1 Au Aug I4 ; .35 ` '16 1.6 at ' Arun AH ATI: 'AAA AA: t } yo 60 :ou ;:oo~= §Od0.`T31Q¢@' ' ;de6"=il:5¢o‘ rodeo; Vi UAI11HH.F_X My GR » L . < ,» I ,Y _ ¢,¢ x. at ,C: . _ -Y? * 'C' r Q L' Q4 e CHIAP. - e ,Y ,N 4* '-' Q ff" (__~v _ ._ 1. _,-~_ _ ~ -<- _ Q 3 4 - A 4
,, `f `c§§o;¢§§i§§5§sz}j0p»5 Book 1 1 CHAP. XIX. of the note: of tl;e;He6rew:, 4ndC»zIde»wr,4nd certain otfzri soteJqf`Ma_qicia:u. i A I-I E Hebrew letnzfsalfo have marks of numbers, but far Tmorc excellently then any other languageé , efnee the greateik mylleries lie in Hebrew letters,:1sishandled~concern- ing thefein that part of [4640 which they cali Notariaeon. Now the principal! Hebrew letters are in number twenty iwog whereof (ive have divers other certain figures in the endeofi word , which therefore they call the five ending ietren; which bein' added to them afotefaid nuke twetmty feven, 'whieliheg ing ties: dividedinto three degrees, Txgniiie the unites, 'wliidx are in the Erff degree ; tens which are in the f¢e0nd, and hun- dredsvrhich areln the third degree. Now every oneofthem if they be marked with a grew.; Cn1¥2~&§r, 5_gl1ifi¢S fo muy thi>uI`ands,asherc "‘ ” ' ' ‘ ‘ f ‘ .,' :;, _ 111 ii ; : i . 3600. sooo. toon. e za :A-in N_QE-§hCQ13u_C50f{h§HCbI&’lUl1mb€!S3!¢(h8fC, an f» ..-N 1 , Y - ~¢. '- * , 1' " 'r , Q 93 i 3- "7. 6. "'5. qt " §£ ` 2. 1. I9 Tl I 71 '1 3 3 N go. 80: 70: 60. go. 40, go. zo. xc r a y , n ga n 1: :a r 9c°. Boo. 790. Goo. 5°°. qoo. goo. zoo. too; F ‘I I D 'i U W 'i i’ Plow
UfQc¢:}41fffP7:il¢Wpl»_y.4 4BookI_Ir < “ .Novi by rhefe mark rurrred to thc lcf: hand are made tens,a&cr rhirmanncr. xo 20,30 40 so 60 7o~ 80 90 'MVK 'I'l‘1“l1 ` And by rhofe markes which arc turned downwards gn ghg ghe right hand,:rc made huadrcds; on zhc left Lhoufands, viz; rzhus. ‘ goo =2oo_ goo 4oor goo o6oo 7oo Soorgoov roooi oooo'r§pooT i§ooo sooo 6ooo 7ooo 48ooo” thcoompofiriongnd nrixrurc of rhqfc markcs orhcr uuxr and compounded nuknberéalfo ani moi? clcgarirlymzdc, °‘¥‘?P““1§l?=‘°¢fY=J‘Y ‘%9f°&§`?: Rf 4 f » r L. _,Q ; rig 3 =; ; 1510- ‘ ;5n. ‘ i47l,; 214353 -‘ z4:_;. I I ' Acco rdin ro the examplcoof which we mufi proceed in other mm£9nn§ numbers; And fo much fufficc for the marks of num ers. CH AP, _._-,J Y; .¢:1‘_;..._..;_
»-1-».... _¢-"%».< -A e } _ ‘_ _ A ~v Book I I. Of Occult ‘Pbi!Wply. all 3 Cl-IAP. XX. Wba number: are attributed to letterr; andqfdivininz 6] ;l,} flmfs V ~ T HE Pythagorians lay (vi:-s)?arIe, and Ptalmg mg gf opinion) that the very Elements ofletters have fome' attain divine numbers,by which eollefkd from proper names’ of things, we may draw eonieéiures concerning occult things. to eoine. Whence they call this kind of divination Arithé mancy, becaul'e,vie. it is done by numbers, as Tere»m1wu', hath made mention of it in tbefe verfes. i Name: are, tbq/Ig, made of dnt letter: flu# ‘Uqf2rrr:n:xtr, qfmagj, dafare/Lm Succrh; fn He&or id Patroclus [14], he Sa Hcaofm Achilles “nu aprg, AHB Play faith, That there wasedddd to what Pjtlmgqrven invented, an uneven number of vowels of impofed names, which did betoken |zmenel?, or want of eyes,<md l'uchllikc- misfortunes, if they be aliigned to the ri ht lidc parts; but an even number to them of the left. Angekflexmzdzfnfu the Philofopher taught#-Iow that by the number of letters we may find out the ruling Stats ofany one that is born, and whether the husband or mfe (hall dye Hrfi, :md know the profpcrous, or unhappy events of the felt of out works. I-listtaditions which were not difallowed by Ptolemy the Allrologer we [hall here add,' and put under. But thofe numbers, which are de- puted to each letter, we have above lhewed in the Greek, and; Hebrew letters, the Alphabet being divided into three Clalfes, whereof the lirltis of unites, the lecond of tens, the third of hund reds. And feeing in the Roman Alphabet ehereare wantf ing four to make up the number of twenty feuen Cbarztzflers, their places are fupplyed with I, and V, limple confonv.nta,, asin the names of falm, and Valentine, anedfhi; and' hu afpitate eonfonants as in Mcrwz, and Huilbqlzze, although the » ` Germxvu i - Q
._ ,»~‘._»~. .mg-2 ' ` ~'~ . . . ,. on he . o nf@.;.;1.»a>nnn;. h we If Y _-uw-~.;,__._ German: for bn the afpemc uf: a double v v; :hc ekue l{.¢l»‘mu, and Frm,-b in :heir vulgar fpccch pu: G ioyncd wah U mRcad` Lheroohxvriring chns, Vai/br/fwfr. Iwd GH#//fr/mm. 4 M .‘;:»`. . < ,_ ;_ 3, 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. xo. zo. go. 4o._ A. B. C. D. E.. F. G. H. I. K. L. M. N. fd. 60. 70. 8o.§o. lou. zon. goo. goo. $00. 600»700-800. o; P. Qu. 5.1. v. x. ff. z. 1. V. HI.. 9oo. ‘ HV. ‘ Bur iflhou defirclho know the ruIingStar of an one thif is] born _compute his name, and olfboth his Qarents, through each Icner according ro che number above wmtcn, and divndc :ha fum ol :he whole bein gathered together By nii1`c.`fi45flra&in5 it is ofrcn as :hon eanii and if there rcmiine ahunir:;*,~ oriimr, both fignihe ehe.S'un;if two or fcven,borh figilnihe :hc /1»{}};;;3 bu;¢I1r¢c,3:¢pit:r; 5'f.‘,1l{rr¢‘;n° gfix, Phru; cig l,.$`4!l/rntglline, M¢¢1;nn zhereafonsthcrcofare fhcwed elk where. Elikig manner if :hon ddirdl ro know the horofcope ofany ohetha is born, compute his name, and ofhis Mother, and'Fn¢[1¢;~Awi digide the whole collceicd coigerhcr bg xwclve; iftheré témgiri dunity,it fignifles the Lyafqi 7/0101 ‘ cWCe,')Y hnaiirag I/Pjfallthreb, Cnprirarn; if four, Sa_gf!t¢ri:u3 i¥ Hy_€§'m;¢¢; if Venus (ix, rwma' P4//ad!/m Even, &i¢:; ifhflniiu eight, Liém; if Auf: his mne, Jrorpia; if teti ,` Virgo gif eleven, Fwy; if‘1>l;¢5=u,uvcIvc, :hey repncfcurymixu; and the :ei-. fone ofchcm are given cliivhcrc, And lc: honian wonder (hae. by the numbers ol' names mzmy things maybe Prognolhcatcd, fecin (che Pyzhzgorhn Philofophers, and Hebrew Cabalifh. rghiteing che fame) in chofc numbers Iye certain occult myfic- n¢¢us»dcrI%ood byfew. forthe mo£!Hgh creased all :hinge by number, meafurc, and weight, from whence the muh of lcgcers, and namcshzd its origmall, which were nm inflimrcd c9.1u;l]y, but by a eerrain rule (3mUgf&lZ1k!10WIl.CD us) _ , Hem'
Book I I. Of Occult ‘PI:il<y6pby. rg 7 Hence felon in the Revelation faith,Let him which hath under- Ihnding compute the number ofthe name of the bealt, which isrhe number of a man. Yet theft: are not to be underltood of thofe names, which a difagreeing ditiiercnce of Nation; and diners rites of Nations according to the eaufes ofplaces,or education have put upon men ; but thofe which were infpircd into every one at his birth, by the very Heaven with the con. iun&ion of Stars,and thofe whichthe Hebrew Mecubzlhand wife men of Egff long (inte taught to draw from the genera- tion of every one. _ i s CHAP. XXI. What numécrr are canpcmred to the Gadr, and which are afviéé cJ,andfa what Elements. ' IR Oreover the Pythatgorims have dedicated to the Eleé ruent,and dieties o Heaven facred numbers; for tothe Aire they have aiiigned the number eight, and to fire _five,ro' the earth (ix, to the water twelve. Belidesnlnuty ts afcribcd to the Sun, which is the only King ofthe Stars, in which God put his Tabernacle ; and that this alfo is of}1?itrr,doth the_Cau- fative nwer of his ideal and intellcéhzall pecies tcllifie, who is the grad, and the father ofthe Gods, as unity is the beéin- ning, and parent of numbers :The numhertwo is afcribe to the Moon, which is the fecond rear light, and figures out the foul of the world, and is called guna, becaufe betwixt that _and unity there is the firft conjunction. and necr fellowfhip ; itis alfo afctibed to .S`m:rn,and wins, two unfortunate Planets with the Alirologcrs; fo the number three is afcribed tofn- pinr, the Sun, and Vrnw,-viz. three fortunate planets, an is depnted to V¢ff¢,H¢cm,and Diem; hence they fay, y ` 7'br¢¢`o!d£r I-lccate, three mouth: Diana » ; y The V`sr_gin /mth ---- _e ' t In Vi
,_-_ ,.,»,.,,_e_,_-,,,_;,.._ ‘ _“_ > V _, 1, .__-.. 1, -_...._,_......._,,, , __ , ,~e,¢ _ en: f A ,-,Jn _ 7. ' __A , y .,, ,ee - ~~» _, _,Y,A_..__.f_ _ s s me i e5yofio¢mz¢a>bf1q;,pb,. Bookll. ,1 The number three therefore is dedicated to this Wrgin .whom they fay to be powerfull in Heaven, and in l-lell. The numberfour is of theSun,whieh by that number eonliitutes the gomers of the he:tvenx,and dillinguilheth feafons : it is allo :- feribed to Cjllmiw, becaufe be alone is called the four fquate God. The number five eonfrlling ofthe Erll even, and ghg {i|{} odd, as offemale, and m:tle,botb feats, is aliigned to Aferz-xg; it is alfo attributed to the Celelliztllwotld, which beyond the four Elements is itifelf under another form, the lift. The num. ber (ix, which conlills of two threes, as a Commixtion of both fexes, is by the Yythagorians aferibed to generation. and mar. ti: e, and belongs to Vemu, and from. The number feven is of reé and belongs to Saturn; the fame alfo doth difpenee thg motion, and light ofthe Moon. and therefore is called by thi; name of Tritonias the Virgin, becaufeit begetsnothing. Iii; affigned to t.}1'Iinn~ua,becaufcil£'oceedsofn0thing gi alfo to i1’¢.’I¢u the Viv-.¢g,beeaufc it con of numbets,as of malcssnd femztles. This alfo ‘7’l:m¢rel;_al'eribes to Ayuda. The number eight, by;reafon it container the myllerie of fuliiee, is rr- fcnbed to fupiier; it is alfo dedicated to Vulcan, for of the Hifi motion, and number two, which is funn drawn twice~in~ to it (elf) it confilis; It is alfo attributed to Cjbele the mother of the Gods,_to whom every four fquarc isattributed. »Pln' fuel; Vafligns it to Baccbu.r,or Dianjjisr, who is [aid to be hom theeighth moueth : others,beeaufe lnfantsoftbe eightmoneth do not live, have attributed it to Saturn, and thgtm-¢¢ Lgdig ofdtllinv. The number nine belongs to the l1f00l!,IhC ntmoli receptacle of all Celeftiall influences , and -vertues, asalfoit is dedicated to the nineihlufes, as alfo to A/In-:,from whom is the end of allthings. The number ten is Circular, and belongs to the .5`un,:tfter the fame manner as unity; alfo it is attributed to funn: , becaufe it is the end of the fitll order, and from whence begins the fecond unity ; it is alfo akribed to the world. ln like manner the number twelve, becaufe the Sun going round twelve lignes, dilhibutes the yecr into twelve monetlu, isattributed to the world, the Heavemaud the Sun. The number eleven, beeaufe it is femicietular, isattribntcd to the !‘doon,and alfo deputed to Ngpune. ` s ‘ ' _ CI-IAP
, __..~-~_ Book 1 1. Of omni ebfzwfy. 2 CH AP. XXII of rbe table: of tb: Plum, their -ver-frm, j%nm, ad rum Divine nmrx, lnrrdxlqrnzirx, amd Spirit: :re _kr wr;- rbm. IU: affirmed by Magicians, that there are certain tables of numbers dillributed to the (even planets, which thc call the faered tables ofthe planets, endowed with many, ancfvcry mt vertues ofthe Heavens,in as much as they rcprcfent tha; givine order of Cclclliall numbers, impreffed upon Celefliali by the Idrirof the divine mind, by means of the foul of the world,aud the fweet harmony of rhofe Celciiiall reyes, (igni- fying according to the proportion of efiigies,{'upcrtelel`tiall In- telligencies, which can no other way be exprelfed, then by the marks of numbers,and Charzeicrs. For materiall numbers; :rnd'ligures can do nothing in the mylieries of hid things, but reprefentatively by formal! numbersy and' figures , as they are governed, and informed by inrelligencies, and divine numerarions, which unite the cxtreams ofthe matter, and fpi- rit to the will of the elevated foul , receiving through great nfifeéiion, by the Ccleliiall power of the operator; power from God, applycd through the foul ofthe univerfc,and obfervations of Celcikiall conliellationa, to smarter fit for a form, the mediums being difpofed by the skill, andindultry of Ma icians; But let ns haften to explain the tables feverallyz The fits of them is afiigncd ro Snrnrn, andconlills of a fquarc ofithrcqcontaining the particular numbers of nine, andin every line three every wa , and through each Diametcrmu king fifteen. Now the whole fum of numbenis lourty five. Over this are of Divine names fet fuch names as fill up the num# bers with 'an Inrclligency toiwhat is good with: fpirit-td what is bad, and ont df the famenumbcrs isdrawnthe !'e1ll,*`bt‘ Charaéler of Sqmm, and of 1 the fpirits-thereof] fueh nswei (hall beneath- afcribc to its table. l They liy rhsrthis table be-- ingkwith a fortun:te6‘4xum engraven ona,pl1te;o£lead, dhotlh~ i ` e . A tp v W-
Q,--~f - - ~-- V 1,,‘_»~~._ .......-. -0-av~> ~1.__e, ~; ...¢_,_ ,,.,.~-..i,-, ,_ _M f--»--»-»,.».~,..».,¢<-~.._.._.,-..--~1-~----_ , 4.-¢- ,__,,>~~ '~`f ‘ 1.3 -» .;»-~¢-'.-_,J ~>~~~» l- _w "F"“`-` 2 9 of omirtnébin/opfy. ‘Book xr. helpto bringforih, or birth, and to mzlte at man fafe , and powerlull, and to caufe l'ucce& of petitions with princes, and powers : but if it be done with an unfortunate Snrum, that it hinders bnildin s, plantings, and the likc,and calls a man from honours, and tggnities, and canfes difeords. and uartellings, 'and difperfes an Army. The fccond is called the tallzle offupi- rrr, which conlifts of a Oggternian drawn into it felf, con- ttting fntteen particular num ers, and in every line, and Dizrrne. ter four, making thirty four. Now the Sum ofallis r 36. And then: are over it divine names with :tn Intelligence to good, with afpirit to bad, land out of it is drawn the Charaéter df fu im, and the fpirits thercoli They lay that il it be im ref. [eil upon a Silver plate with Yxpircr being powerfull, andp ml. ing,it conduccth to gain, and riches, favor, and love, peacqmd concord, and to appeafe enemies, to contitm honors, dignl, ties, and counfels, and dilfolve enrhantmeuts if it be engrzven pnaeorall. 'Ihethird table belongs co Marr, which is mrde of; fquare of four containing twenty five numberé, iiuiof thefe in every lide and Diameter live, which makelixtylire, and thefumofallis 325. And there areoverit Divine names with an Intelligence to good, with a fpirit to bad,and outof iris drawn the Charade: ,of Mm: , and of his fpirits. Thefe with Ala: being fortunate, being engraven on an Iron plrrg, orfword, mrltes a man potent in war, andjudgrnents, and p¢~ titions, and terrible to his enemies, ang! viéiorious ainll thernraudifengraven upon the Stone Corteolgitllopsllilood, and the melirnexbnt ifit be engrzwen with Mm- being unfor. ninate, one plate of red Brafsxt hi_n:lersb;1ild§ug=,i;aIl,s ,down the powcrl'ull from digniries, honors, and riches, andcnufeth difcord, flcife, end hatred of men; and b¢alis,»chafetLh away Bees, Pigeons,:rndeEilh, and hinders Mils, and renders them unlorrunarethac goforthto hunting, or fighting , ,andcauferh bar-tenets in men a_nd.women,;.nd other Animals, ,and litikesa (error in all enemies ¢ And. ¢9mpC,l$~Ll1CmI(>' fllbmib The fourth cable is ofthe Sun, and ismadeof 4 fquzre of lint, and contains thirqglit numbers, whereof lixin every (ide, andiDi- gmeter,pro&§ég .1 1 1 . and the fum of allis §§6. There are over f. Y 2` ` ll K7 _, , .f ' - ‘ W _ V
;flll:l~l-'l”'fI"`,' 2' ~ :-av ~ »‘~|’f»¢""“1"?""1*=‘fP‘2r;,v r_;T"f~_;i- -13.-» v .c , -. as r ~ ~.._ .ai - 3 ~ f -. _ _.. ,.._.- .V~ *Y v v ' W ’ 'Book 1 I. Of omni ‘PI>iI¢%;pl5y, "2 it divine names with an lntelligency to what isgood, and f i. tit to what is evil, and out of it are drawn Charaéters of the Sun, and of the f irits thereof. This being engraven on 3 Golden plate with the Sun being fortunate , renders him that wears it to be renowned, amiable, acceptable, potentin all his works, and equals a man to Kings, and Princcsglevating him to high fortunes, inabling to do whatfoever he plea- feth : but with an unfortunate Sun, it makes a tyrant, and; man to be proud, ambitious, unfatisiiable, andto have an ill ending. The lifth table is of Venus, eonlilting of afquareof feven drawn into it felf,~viz.. of fourty nine numbers, whereof feven on eachlide and Diamctermakc 115. and the furrfof all is nz 5, And there are over it divine names with an Intell- ligency ttfgood, and fpirit to evil; And there is drawn outof it the Chara&cr of Vmuf, and of the (pirits thereof. This being engraven on aSilvcr plate, Venn: being fortunate, pro- cuteth concord, cndeth i ife,ptoc11tetb the love of women, econduccth to conccption,is good againll barrencfs,caukth‘ abi- lity for generation, dillolves enchantments, and caufeth peace between man, andwoman, and maketh all kind of Animals and%Cattlc fruitfulgand being put into a Dove houl'c,caui`eth an ‘inereafe of Pi ` eons It conduceth to the cute of all melancholy diliemperganéicaufeth ioyfulnelénnds being curved aiibut tgp.- vellers makes them fortunate. But if it be formed upon Brafs with an unfortunate Vzn;u,it caufeth contrary things to all that hath bin above laid- The futt table is of /Mercury rclulting from the fquare of eight drawn into it (elf, containing lixty four numbers, whereof eight on every lide and by both Diameters 'rniktfa6o. andthe fum of all 1080. and over ir are fer di- vine names with an Intclligency to what is good, with a fpirit to what isevil, and from it is drawn a Charaéicr of Ulfrrrury, and of the fpirits thereof; and it' it he with Mercer] being fortunate engraven upon Silver, or Tin, or yellow llrals, or be writ upon Virgin Parchment , it renders the bearer thereof gtatefull, and fortunate to do what he pleafcth : it btingeth, gain,and prevents poverty, conduceth to mc,mory,undcr{`tan§;§ ing, and divination, and to theitéudcrllanding of occult 'thmtgs ` '__ _ . _ i ,;"» i _-
C; :_..,,.»_,_ 1i:.".-"’ ---'~YY'y-¢.»~-s-sv.. -,t~,,.;,_`L. " “"°# """"- ‘~» l' ;»- i' ~ ‘ ‘ . ,.,.... ,... _.,*»¢-»_.--A..-_-.nxzlavvf--Y ~ *'_"'°’*'-~;" * , vf-;.4;__. .;~:',.;-f>_ __,_h_, ,_;-,»_°.z~,___¢,. . - f ~- - -..i ;,_,;;,_ _, ,_ _ __ , v-, -A,_..,<..:1;__';:f~1:f fl-‘ ~ "1 ,_,...`_.=~¢~ -~ ~ _».`. z42,,~ _ _f 4-' i "_€F6}¢f§l}E§i§;1Qa};1@ Boolcll bytclttqnth nrldif it bc an unfortunattr /llrrcnrj, doth all _things contrgry to thc fe. The fcvemh table is of the Moon of . 3 afquarc ofmnc multiplcd into it fclf, having eighty one nnm~ bars, in cvct Gdc and Diameter nine, producing 369. and thc fumof all' is 3321. And thctc are ovcr it divine namcsb 'wlthzn Intclligcncy to what is good, and a fpirit to what is bad. And ofit are drawn the (lhnraélcrs of thc Moon,and of thc fpiritsthereo£ This fortunate Moon being cngravcn on Silvcgrcndcrsthe bearer thereof grateful, aimiabloplcafant, cl1eetlnlI,honorcd, rcmovingallmalice, and ill will. It can(- cth fccurity in a journey, incrcafcof riches, :md health of b d O Y, drives away cncmics and othcr evil things from whnt place thou plcafclh :md if it bc an unfortunate Moon cngtaven in; plztc of Lead, where ever it [hall bc buried , it makcs that place unfortunate, and thc inhabitants thcrcabouts, as alfo Ships,Rivers,Pountains,Mills, and it makes cvcry man un- fortunate, againlt which it [h;llbc dircélly donc,m:tlting him Byfromhis Country,and that (place oll1isabodc'whcrcirfl1:tll; beburicd, and it hinders Phy itians, and Ontors, and all mm whatfocvcr in their ofhce, againfi whom it (hall be rnadc, Now how the fcals, and Charaéiers of the Stars, and Ipirigg are drawn from thcfc tables, thcwifc (catcher, and hcwhich [hall undcriland thc vctifying of theft: tables [hall cafil ~ .V `,@dout. . , A Q ` Divine
_. . _ ,_ ‘ , ` rf é _ ' J 1; }i~3f»` ‘CI . 1 ‘f ‘ ,W ,- , _ _V _ '_ B¢§,1;.1I. “0f0ccx1l¢@1;yIof5pby. 545 __ 9.111-365 #Mars fa bj,¢-g,;7y4_f}, In Htlvmf MWF. U |_2 4 | 30"-‘L 112.0-5 ' 3 3 m~l3|2S-'B ‘6 'jim n _------- PM _lt J’ ND U 'V ‘_§_.|l?..‘ "1" 9 ."T| rv 1 ae '1' 33 'xo 118| x t_}_g_ “ 55-7 A, My |'E;":-xv `§§"|'¢T`x I9 1 = I 15 ` _ The Sea!.rcrCIz4ra£¥n': _ Of Mars. of tive Irf¢rf5£‘”"‘ °fM““° 0f‘L"’ sFi’i"fMm ° '~ Q A . _ 0' “ V/qi) _ R 3 J '_' , vw. . ,~! ¥§$`* 1
:?l;i€“f%*€~*,l -'~-. ;..w-,,_~ - ~--:,~»?..--». ` ` “ " =5`# §; _2.¥l, ;_ ~ » _ T ‘F146 Of Occult Tbzlcwfby. _»B00kII, ‘ *fbafdlzafiba Suninbifccmfxff. ` In H¢5"5¥‘"°"-U _ , _ _"_ 6| 3= 3 34 as 1 Ji' ';"'rr-;°“;§**'§";: L_' =;=;._.'= L L_" .__" * ----i-----...--- |50 `-p|1YT'|JD 73| .l&_E.‘L£____’5 ___=2 “___ ,T -gn? fra rv T ~ I8 20 28 Sl I1 Lg- ,U|1: 39| 35 19 xo 9 16 I2 . ~1 ~ 3 rh- 35 5 33 4 1 3¥ , - Tlx Sul: ¢rCbanL?:r: - 0ftbeSi1n. Of :b¢ix:rllgm:nfzb¢Snn. - Ofrbq Sfffff 01% Sm' ~ _ ` V -4 A A r R O 1 V A E _r _* _A * V ;~`f=` ‘ 5 Y Q Tb: 1: _ 3 `.,. ~ 721; ‘ ` ;._ "i{‘?‘§1°l".: "7 if ' ‘
4 t 33.48 ` ', f0f0cc;¢lc f1?BIaj5pby.» , ,Book LI; Q # . :r1f=2'¢s1~fv¢m»=;.¢H¢sf¢»~¢»¢f. " " if '32 in uv gn f . '1 ' ' fl IJ UU I’ DD N’ CD » ° 'T' =»=>VFf_m_ =‘ ‘ Il l! H2 15 .EL .‘ liil lil 13 'lv => IE E! 21 ;_=_='° an nf n u '1 Jin: Oftbc Spirit of V¢uuS§ Of the B1t¢H{gcrxe: af Vcnm. » X ` , Q; a -E r Tb: ~ 1 3 T l :Z A 'QE ,,: , |_,_Yi
5 o£;0¢qfJ¢ @1»il@'>pby BO 5kII‘ io ‘é - _l__ Ibffablg of Mercury in Hfbiew mfr. B) T8|',2D JDR JJ N"l) l I1 TU 0° 71' _El ...___ ani? na _'1g_rD _=g;_§;§ Q41 "7 _"}lL‘?3. "91_"l_i'°2.’I3.. 9_|‘D £-Jil. `*" Q_£__9_"_ " "3 7'°l,_-2. N3 _3£E!L‘.1l E’ |I‘_LJ_.2l_.§i‘_l_ W’ _"ggi: J‘4ND’D ~»~rQ_ Of :hc Spirit of Mercury. _ gf Tire
,__f i ‘_ _*_ _ ____,....~. -if- 2 hébk I I. ' OF Occult ’Pl:iIqhp/ny; ---nail" Tbc Tablr qft£z¢_Moox; in bn- Cmpép, 37 75' | 39 V703 U 6: 'T " 9 301 11 z'z 49|9 HIM; 33 54 l-Q $7 171 16 ss|_§_¥_|sos_i_|4=74 67 27|l2_|l0|_lL_|'3 ‘ 16_ 4s{8 |40°r lla 36 68|I9|60|lIf$3 6 ;s|7| ____ 47 7‘39|8°33f 72 =3 |iS 8 z A43 77 iw 69 I zo 6K f_l3 » Tb: Sul: or Cbaraflen 3 53 |q4$ 63!t4 [T 2 44 S. E , ii l` ?S _aeifl _Z§__ ss il 4_§§_| Q]fxl:v Moon. Ofxkv .Spb-is qfrhe Moon. M ~ ~ , ,~ .;_;Z»,.~LiQ. L-;~._ 7%
Book I ; Of Occult ‘Philo/bpby. u t n iJCHgAiP. xxrrr. V of gcomen-ical Figure: and Bodies, 6] :vim 'z/crm: the] mr; powerful in~Ma_gi:l;, and which are agreeable to :4;b.£1¢. ment, and :bb H eleven. e . < _:I GEometticall Figures alfo ariling from- numbers, arc con. ccived to be of no lefs power. OF thefc Erik ofTall,a Circle doth anfwcr to Unity, and the number ten; for`Unit isthc Center, and circumference of all things; and the nnrngcrrcn being hcapedtogether returns into a Unity fromiwhcncc ir, had itsbeginning, being thc end_ and complement of allr numbers. A circle is called an infinite line in which there is no Tcrmimu 4 quo, not Termimu nd quam, whofe beginning and end is inevery point, whence alfo a circular motion is called infinite,not according to time, but according to place ; hence :circular being thc largeh and perfcfielk of all is iudged. tg_b;q°mo[i_~`fitg for _bindings and conjnrations i, Whencei they who adjnrc evil fpirits. are wont ro cnviron rhernfelvcsi about with a circle. A Pcntanglc alfo, as with the vertue ofthe number live hatha very great command over evilifpirits, fo by' itslineatixrc, by which it hath within five obtufc angles, and, withoutl five acu_tc;,; live double triangles by which it is furcoundcd.Thc interior penranglccontaines init great mylie-_ ries,whichalfois fo to be enquired after,andundcrl`tood; oi the other figures ,'viz,. triangle, quadranglelexanglc, feptangle, oéhn ie,and the re[`t,of which many,as they are made of many. andi‘,£t'crs'inlc&ions, obtain divers lignifications and rver~ tires according to the divers manner of drawing, and proior-, tions of lines, and numbers. The Egjpxirnu, and Am ails' confirmed that thehgure of the Crofs hath very great power, andthac is the nioft firm receptacle of all Celelhalpgwcrqfand intelligencicgbecanfe it is the righteli Egutevofallxiiontaihlngr fonrc right angles; in ith is the Brit defcrjpriop;<&the‘{uper- li;ies,having lon 'tude and»latitud_e~And thcy1'aid'i§i$inl`nired with the fortitude of i the .,Ce1e{il=1i5s ib¢€€_l1f¢;Eb¢ir f0rll;“;i<=j~ ` 'Y ~ A ' ' . ' _ IC U [5 ,» ' 4 ., ‘ , - I in 2 _ 1,_~ CA ' ` ' Y -:'._ v~.~Y _ .- _ -1- - i_ r _*MV `;;‘;;~,fii _ Y_x_¢._._ ._ HLA-;-r -~ _L .__-_ V il ______; .~,i.,._,.,'»».
2 r C5PU&5¢1zEiaf>1;iI<u'»1>h’ Booklie ;-¢-¢-,_-¢1-1-- 'refults by the [lraitnelfs of angles and rayes : And (hrs are then mofk potent when they poffefs four corners in the figure of the heaven, and make a crofs, by the projcéiion of their rayes mutually. It hath moreover (as we fhewed before); -very great eorrcfpondency with the numbers 5. 7. 9. mol! po, tent numbers. It was alfo reckoned by the E jprim Priefis, from 'the be inning of Religion amongft fitted letters, (igni- fying amonll them allegorically the life offuturc falvation. It was alfo imprefled on the Pi&ure of Srrapir, and was had in great veneration amongft the Greeks. But what here belon s to Religion we (hall difcufselfewhere. This is to be obferveé, whztfoever wonderfull thing figures work when we write them in Papers, Plates, or Images, they do not do it butb the vcrtue acquired from fublimer figures, by a certain afi`e&Z on which :i natural apitudc or refcm lance procutes, in as much as they are exa&ly configured tothcm; as from an eoppolite wall the Eccho is caufed, and in a hollow glafsthe eolleéiion ofthe lolarie rayes, which afterward refleéhng upon an oppo- fite body, either wood, or any eombultible thing, doth forth; with hum: it: or as an Harpe cauleth a refounding in ana. ther Hzrpe, which is no othcrwife but becaufe :i futable and ~a like figure is fet before it, or astwo flrings on :i Harpelbeing touched with an equall diftancc of time, and modulated tothe fame intention, when one is touthedthe otherlliakesalfoq Alfogthe figutes,of which we have fpolten,&whatehara&ers1`oé everconcern the vertues ofthe Celefiial figures as they fhallbé opportunely irnpreffed upontbings, rhofc ruling, ot‘he~rightly framed,as one figure is of' affin-ty with, and doth exurelsair other. And as thefe are fpokeo offigures, fo alfo they~'ai‘e be underfiood of Geomerricalboclies,-which areal-Sphear, ia’ Tetraccdron, I-|_exaeedron,gO&ocedron, flcocedron, Dodeca- cedron, and fuch like. Neither mult we ~paffs overwhatl figures ‘Plgnlfagnu andihis followers, Timcw, Locrur, and Plato alligncd tothe Elements and Heavens: for>fir&.,oF :ill folid angles, and oftwentv tourplainsp and fixlbéifes inivforrn ofalpiceato the fire,a Pryatnis ofa fuurtriangular balis;and§5_£ , ‘ ' ‘L ;. lr _j= _., --.__ . they afligned to the earth a f'our¢lquare,`and-a fquaré»of`eight~
.l.__.... ,l,`,l,.,_,_,. -*'-*H* , _ _ . .» .-__ V.-,__ - -ff "‘ ~ :~e~;,»,_. " . _ >; i __ ___ Book I I. Of Oceult 7”/ailzjéplgy. f fo many folid angles,and of twelve pl1ines;to the aire Ofiote. dron,ofcight triangular bales, and (ix fohd angles, and twenty four plains : andlallly, to Water they have alligned Icoee. dron twenty bales, twelve folid angles: To the Heaven they have alligned Dodeeacedron of twelve five cornered bales, and twenty folid angles, and lixty plaines. ‘Now he whigh knows the powers, relations, and proprieties ol' thefe figures, and hodies,{}ull be able to work many wonderfulthingsin Natural and Mathematical Magick, ,efpeeially in Glalles. And Iltnew how to make by them wonderful things, in which any one might fee whatfoever he plcafed at along dilhnce. ~i;;i___i_ s C H A P. X X I V. i0f<3[1¢`raH Harmorg, ofrk eforce mxdpmwr tbrreafl MUGul Harmony allb is not dellitute of the gifts ofthe g A g Stars - foritis :t moll powerful imaginer of allthings, which whillfit follows opportunely the Ceiellial bodies. doth wonderfully allure the Celellial influence, and doth; ethe ktlfeéions, intentions, gellures, motions, a&ions andnsifpolitions of all the heaters . and doth quietlygiallure themto its otyn proferties. asf to gladneh, larnentatipn, to holdnels, or tell, an the like ; alfo it allurcs liealls, Serpents, Birds, Dolphins to the hearing of its pleafznt tunes. So Birds are allured with Pipes, and Harts are caught bythe fame. Filh in the lake of Alexrmdriu are delighted with anoife. Mufztk hath cauled friendlhip betwixt Men and Dolphins. The found ofthe Harp doth lead up and down the l-lyperhorean Swans. Melodious voyces tame the Indian Elephants : and the ver Elements delight in Mulick. The Hulejian fountain otherwiliyz calm, and quiet, if the Tmmpet found, rifeth up reioycing; and (wells over its banks. There are in Ljdm, thofewhigh they call the Nymphs Ilands, which at the found ofa Trumpet forthwith come into the middle of the lea, _and turning round lead a dance,:md then are returned to the fhores; Ya-ra tcliilies ‘that he law them. Andthere are moregtvonderlul g - .things l;"‘ ' . , _. (,- 1 , ~...> ,»__',.», 2 ~;» 1
5.2.11 ,‘ .~ - -V ~:." ~' ;...._ .. ,, ii56i 4 *"1»<~;;,`_ ~; ~~-.-~ .::,,-,q-:,_ 5; -»":» ..:=4»2$;TTTf'j~§-*__&,_ _ -........__....-... ' ._» *ww-»:~-»-g____‘°“'°'7» "----. f -_...___ ,___ . _,_,______ ;¢».f~-:c:.:._..' ;;f#.._.._,..f_ _ ‘ " »¢~;_3;>-»>~> -~»>~'~~~*“"*"j1,_ ‘ 3:1-‘_;,,;1_f .1,. _ ~ _ - A ._ » , 1 _ »~, -f ~ ll; Ocezrlrfkilryoyilni. it i Boolt _ i .l _.,- things thenthefe. For in the fhorc of e/Irrim the (ca Pounds like adlarpc. A certain lione of/I/Irgnrir makes 2 found like a Harpc everytime the llring ofa Harpe is llruek ; fo great is the power of Muliek, that it appeafeth the mindc, raifeth the fpirir, llirrethup fouldiers to light, and rcfrelheth thewcary, inns bad; them that are dcfperatc, refrefheth travellers. And the ¢/Imbiax: (ay, that Camels carrying burdens are refrelhed by ghgfinging of their leaders. In like manner, they that carry great burdens, ling, and are thereby lirengrhened and refreih- ed :for linging caufeth delight and llrength, paciiieth the an- gry,clieareth up thofe that are fad and heavy, paciheth enc- mies, moderates the rage of mad men, chafeth away vain ima- ginations: Hence it is~ that Demarrimr and_ Theop/Jrafur all hrm that fume difeafes of the body, and minde may thus be cured, or eaulcd. So we read that Yfherpmder, and Arim of Labor cured the Lerbirmgand fanianr by Muhtlt; andffmenirr ol Tlaeber cured divers of very great difcafes by Mulitky; Mom. Over, Orphcxu, Amp/Jivn, Da'vid,l Pbjtbagvrrrf, V.?:'rrip{dq¢§l¢;,, A/Elrpi¢zde:,`Timarhew, were wont to do manye-wohdezfiil things by founds: Sometimes they did llir up dull fpirirsby familiar founds; fometimes they did rellrain wanrori, furious, angry fpirits by more grave tones. So Dmaid with a Harp mo- derated Saul in a rage. So Tlyrlmgarm recalleda luxurious yong man from immoderate lull.So Timarbrw [lifted ugKing Alexander to a rage, and again rcprelled him..S`4xa the ram- marian, in his Hillory of the Drum, tells of a certan Mulician, who boalled thatlxe could by his Muhck make everyone that heard it to bc mad ; and when he was conllrained by the Kings command to perform the fame, he eudeavouredto work (eye- rall wayes upon the afftftions ;and firll, by aronee ofhiuficall gravity filled the heaters with a kinde offadnefs and unhrnli- blcnelé; then by a more lively found he made them rejoyce,and dance ; and lallly, heby arnorc earnell Mufick, reduced them to fury and madneli. We read a.lfo,thar theyin ».~/rpg-liathat were touched with a kindeofdangerous Spider, were alionilh- eds unrillrhey heard a certain found, ar the hearingofwhich ' V every one rifeth up and danceth. And it is believed (ge/lim _ ~ 4 being
,.¢¢""" ,_,....._f-4--~._.-;..-----.-..,_,,,_-:-__...._,,, Book I l. e Of Otcult Qbbjlo/apby. 2 being wirnels) that they that are pained with the <ciatiea,qf¢ caf _ at the found ofa Pipe. Allo Tbrapbrqifu reports, that the Iound of a Flute cures the biting of Spidm, And 1),,,,,,_-rj. rm himfclf confizlfeth that the Confort of Pipers, hath beena cure for very many difeafes. Cl-IAP. XXV. of -5`v¢1»¢f» and Harmarg, and whence their wandnjiflneff in operation. MOrcover we (hall not deny, that there is in Sounds a vertvc to receive the heavenly gifts ; if with ‘7’]rb4_gvr,u and Plato we thought the heavens to coniifi by an Harmonial compofition, and to rule and caufc all things by Harmonial tones and motions ; Singing can do more then the found of an Infhumcnt, in as much asit ariiing by an Harmonial confent, fiom the conceit ofthe minde, and imperious afftfiion ofthe phantatic and heart, ealily penatrateth by motion, with the refraéled and well tempered Air, the :rcrious fpirit of the bearer, which is the bond of foul and body ;and transferring the affeéiion and minde of the Singer with it , It movcth the affcfiion of the heater by his affcélion, and the bearers phanta- (ic by his phantalie, and mindc by his rnindc, and Ih-iketh the mindc, and Rriketh the heart, and pierecth even to the in- wards ofthe foul, and by little and little, infufeth even difpo. (itions: moreover it mowth and ltoppeth the members and the humors of the body. From hence in moving the at¥cdions har- mony confcrteth fo much, that not ont-ly natural, but alfo ar- tificial and vocal Harmony doth yield a certain po wer both to the fouls and bodies : but it is neceffary that all Conl'ortspro» cecd from fit foundations, both in (hinged iniiruments, in pipesgndvocall Hngings, if you would have themeagrecwell together : for no man can make the roaring of Lions, the lowing of0xen, the neighing oft-lorfes, the buying of Aifes. the grunting of Hogs to be harmonious: neither ?{1_IhC S t l rings
__ _ ,__ ._--¢gq,;f:z-rx;-‘ f -' I ; V* _ ltr., ..>.§,_,__.;._ _ _ 2 l e li Of0ccult @>z5sz0p}§1yQ 'Book tl. ftrings made of Sheep: and Wolves guts, he hronghtto any agreement, hetaufe their foundations are diffonaut; but the tnhny and divers voyces ofmen agree together, becaufe they have one foundation in the fpecues or ltinde : fo many birds agree. bcctufe they have one nigh genus or kinde, andarg. 'femhlznce from above ;a|fo artiiitiall inliruments agree with natural voyces. becaufe the Gmilrtude that is hetwixt them, ig either true and manifefi, or hath a certain analogy. But every. harmony is either of founds or voyces. Sound is .1 breath, voyce is a found and animate breath ; Speech is a breath pro. nounccd with found,and :t voyce fignifying fomething : the lpi. tit of which protecdcth out of the mouth with found and voyce; Clmludiw faith: that a voyce is fent forth out of the in. ward cavity of the brealt and heart, by the affiflance ofthe fpitit. By which , together with the tongue, forming, and [hiking the narrow paifages of the mouth, and by the other vocall organs, are delivered forth articulate founds; the elements of fpcech, by which Interpreter the ferret motiohsof therninde are laid open : but Laélmzixu faith, that the nature ofthe voyce is very ohfcurc, and cannot be comprehended how it is made, or what it is. To conclude, All Mufick con. fifierh in voice, in found, andhearing: found without Aircan- not be Audible , which though it he neceffary for hearing, yet, asAirc, it is not of it felfaudible, nor to be perceived by any fenl`e,unlefs by aeeident;for the Sight feeth ir not, unlefsit he coloured, nor the Eats unleh founding, nor the Smell unleli odorifetous, nor the Tafle unleh it be (lipid, nortlic Touch unlcfs it be cold or hor, and fo forth: Therefore though found cannot be made without Air, yet is notfound of the ua- ture of Air, not air of the nature of found, but air is the body ofthe life of our feniitive fpitit, and is not ofthe nature of any fenfible objeéi, but ofa more ftmple and higher vertue ; but it is meet that the fenlitive foul fhould vivihe the air ioyned to it ; and in the vivificated air, which isioyned to the fpiriepereeive the f pccies of ohie&s put forth into aft, and this is done inthe living air,hut in a fuhtile and Diaphanous the vilible f eciesgihi anlotdinary air the audible, in a more grofs air the fgecics of oghcr lenfes are perceived. C H A 2. -.,
Book I I, Of Occult ‘P/JfIf%Plzy_ i 2 i y`_i__ _ Cl-IAP. XXVI. Ceara-ningrkragrecmenr rlmrx with rl; C! '41 6 J’ ~ what harming .mrpunjri fmqpuwffofilj _g,;f” “J Ut underilan ding now, that ofthe feven Planets, .Skim-,y Marx, and the Maw have more of the voice then of ch; Harmony:.S`arum hath fad,ho1rfe,hcavy, and nm., wo,-ds, and founds,as ir were preffcd to theCenter;but /1»1,¢,»,,¢0ugh,[}u,p thrcatning great and wrathful words: the Mn), 0b{¢n,¢¢h§ mean betwixt thcfc two ; but fupitcr, Sal, Venn: and /Mercury do poifcfs Harmonies ; yet fu ircr hath grave, confhnr, fixed; fwccr, merry, and pleafant éonforts; Sal vencrablc,fettIed, pure and fwcct,with a certain gracqbut Venn: lafcivious, Ium- rious, delicate, volupruous, diffolure and flumt , ,1,[¢,-¢-,,,7 hath Harmonies more remifs, and various, merry and plq. fmt, with a certain boldnefs; but the Tone of particulars, and proportionatcd Conforts obeyeth the nine Mupr. fry. ur hath the grace of the o&ave, and alfo the quintc, viz. the Diapafon with the Diapente : .Salohtains the melody ofthe oéhve voice, -vie.. Diapafon ; in like manner by fifteen Tones, a Difdiapafon ; Venn: lteepeth the grace of the quinte or Di. apente. /14ff¢`£07 hath Diareffaron ; -viz.. the grace ofthe auartc f Moreover the ancients being content with four rings, as with the number of Elements, accounted MZVUHU the Author of them, as Niranmrbur reports, and by their Bafe fixings would refcmblc the earth, by their Parhypas or middle the water;by their note Di£'&£llgf!1¢’7l0If, or l~’ypcrboleon the fire; by theParanete or Synemmenon, or treble, the Air ;but afterwards Trrpaxdrr the Lerbian finding out the feventh firing, equalled them to the number ofthe Planets. Moreover, they thatfollowed the number ol the Elements, did affirm, that the four kinds of Mulirk do agree to thcm,,and alfo to the four hurnors,'and did think thc Darien _muiickro be confo~ nant tothe water and phlcgrn, thé: Phz}_gi¢vx,t,o ehbler End ty y 5 Aw’ 1 f-~ ' ` Y ' »4 * -' . '~-_x,~__,.,, ,_
, _ ,.__` f»', r r . V,-_.,... 2.652 ‘ l > _"¢f».r. ,_~ ‘_ '-e ~:_ ,__ v _,__. 4~"..,.,. -_V .,, -' _ W.. V ~-f» _ _ e _ of'rfoéé¢;Y;‘§>L5@:qf>p'1,y.' r gooli II. ;_1 . r fire, :he Ljdianio blood and air: the mix: Ljdim to melan- cho!y and earth a Orhers refpeering the number and vertue of rig; Heavens, hue arrriburedrhc Dqrirm eo the .S‘un,rhe ‘Thy- _Qian to /Min, the Ljdnw no ?!lPff¢'f, the mixr Ijdifm ro Sa. turn, thc fbpop/zfjgkrn to /lflrrcmy, the PQWQ ian I0 p}l1Il{, the Hjpaderifm rorhe /Moon, :he I-Upo mrxcd Ljdian ro :he *mixed Sur: : Moreover :hey refer rhcfe modes of Muiick to rho MulI:s,and :hc Brings ro rhe l-Ieavens,bur not inrhar order as we have declared concerning the nine Mufes, am0r|gf our numbers and celcfhal fouls; for they fay 7'/,alia huh no Har. rnony, therefore aferibe her to Silence, and rhe Earth; bu; (Yin wish the UT~Ioan move afrcr the Hjpadarwz manner; thc firing' ‘Projlaméurznnrnox Or Air. C a/lioloc :md Alfffllfj poII`eIs` che I-@popbr]_qi¢m rnaner, and the Chard, I1yp»m»-hyp4. mr, or 8. /Ili. Trrpjic/mf: with I/mu: the I@pvgdi¢m manner, dndfmwbj ate, I-bpnrorx 5 and for Mrlpamrzfe and the Darian niqiiner wji Limm, Hypnran, or D..S’al.Rr. are applied ro the Sqié, f&`»fata wich _/Har: keep the Thrygian faihion, and thc I-Qpnreqrifi, or E.14.mi. Eurerpe, and Lhe Ljdim Mufick, and Przebjgn-efyrgfbn agree with fupirer; Palyrmnlz and Satsm keep r e mix: Ljdian manner, and Licbnra: Mwn D.Snl.R¢, To 'Ur-:mia and ehe fixr Srars rhe fypa mix: Ljdifw MuGck,and LI1;,Rring c/‘ll¢,or A.1¢.mi.f¢.arc afcribed, as we readc them e§§‘Qr§ITed in thefe Vcrfes. Silmr Thalia we ro tb' Emh cvrnpure, _ For/be? Mr¢`cl;_ nn/rr dotb £21/;1d`J'¢| .dfkef r e I-lypodorian Clio "gr,-~ Pcrfcphoneji datb ° L-:Le Bu/Ejfrirggr; 1 ‘Calliope 41% 2:12 Chorcffmmd nm-lf, 'Ufng the Phrygian ; Mercury 4: mach : Terpticho re firilqer :be rbird, md fbaf! nm, The Lydiau Alu/ick_m.1k_n/B Venus fu?-. Mel pornene, and Titan do wir/J ag-are The Dorian M‘?€cf;r1/Ein tbcfourtb place, The akrih :Q to Mars tb: god r A . 0fWar, and Erato aj?er flu rare mad: . 01' _ _, ,, Q.,
-¢-,.»- _ _ ` -V .».-._, .».,..___ ,,_, ,_.¢...,, _ ,_--,._...,, _ ;, , f.~ <,_ _ Book I I. Of Occult 'PB)'lMJpb_y. 2 Ofrlz' Pbryg;l§E#ter;e¢{4:l:a{(2z»[ew I l ' ‘_ The I-ydi o ` ` rjirin -i»dhd¢zl1Iori:._ , ‘ Sammrbz/gvmlntkdwhufgrbb Polymuy, e/fnrfexnfrtb the mix! Lydian mrfvdjr Urania 41/5 darb tbcei bzarare, t .4nJmxjicl;_Hypo-Lydian elevate. e i Moreover there are fome who find outthc harmony of the Heavens by their diflance one from another. ,For that Hua: which is betwixt the Earth and the Moonwie an hundred and twentyfrxrhoufand lmlitm Miles, maketh the lntervall of: Tone; But from the Moon to Mercury being half that fpzrq rn1kctlihalFeTone; And fo much from Mercury to Venus maketh another half Tone- But from thence to the Sun, as it wcrea threefold Tone and a half, and makes 'Diapi-nrt; But from the Moon to the 5un,makerh a twofold Drlzrejfa-im with 2 h:lf;Again from the Sun ro Mor: is the fame fpzee as from thc Earth to the Moommaking afone; from thence to Qlupirer half of the fame making half: (fone ;So much lrlrewife from7x- pirrr to_S»u§¢m, confliruting an half' Tone , from whence to thelhrrg Ermament is :xlfolthe fpaceofanhalffone. There- fore there is from; the, Sun to the fixed Sun a.DiareB'.uon dilhnce of two :ones andgtnhalfl but from the Earth aper- Feei Diapafoo of Gr perfcéi' tones; moreozeralfo from the proportion of the motions ofthe planets among! thernfelrer. and with the eight Sphere, refulteth the fwcetei Harmony of all; for the proportion ofthe morfons of Sarrurn to fupirerr motion, is two fold and an half; offupirer to /Lian, :fix fold proportion; ofA1arr ro the Sun, Vrma and /llemwj, which ina manner finifh rhcircourfe in the fame time , is a double proportion; their motions to the Moon havearwelve-fold p roporrion; but Sluurru proportion to rh: (terry Sphere isa a thoufand and two hundrt d, it ir be true which Pralmy fairh,z/ie. that, that Heaven is moved contrary to the primmn mobile in an hundred yeers, one de ree. Therefore the proper motion ol the Moon being more (graft, maketh 1 more acute found then the [larry lirmzmcnr, which is the Uoweli of all; , S 3 i an " ' wi.; ~ _._..;r.t4¢ _.._.._
___ _ 4 -_-..__ _-- .,_ »__ ,, , ,. 51 A ~.._ ,;_:‘ 1" ' “' ' -v--~`*‘..*_ ~, . ',:r"--~ ,~---~- ,~.~'_z.._,»,,~=~.-...-........,....-f-¢>-eg--"" ,.'w V". __~;_. , -<‘- - ~ t __ , ,, ,- ~_.,a-~-E. ”f“._',__ ‘.., ,I .; ,A,_,_ , i ;;,§;__ ,~;;,t|;.- f- , '~ ~ .,f_ ,‘< &....»¢_-<,1,~.. ,-~ ‘- 1 it , - 1. f »-~ ,- .;,:=;;~;,¢.J;u- ` » _ _, .. ,, » a .~ :."..l A Q ¢g§g§¢¢r1¢a{b,1Q@>1;y. e B<;¢>1;,l I. 1'“ Er `iitti"t1ierefore'eanleil' the;i11o{i:bali: found ;` Bixtbythe violent .¢ motion of the’ "gum maéilr, is the mall Gvift, and acute found_of all; the violent motion of the Moon is mol! flow and beavy,lwliich xoportion and reeiproeation of moti- ons yeeldta mol! pleafgnt Harmony; from hence there are not any fongs, founds, or mufieallinflruments more powerfullin moving mans affceiions, orinttoducing magtczll itnpnllions, then thofe which are compofed of numbers, meafutt-s,and pro portions,al`rer the example ofthe Heat-ent. Alfo the Harmo- ny of the Elements is drawn forth from their Bafes, and An- gles, of the which we have fpoken before; for between Fire and Aire, there is a double proportion in the Bafes. :tnd one and an half in folid Anglesgagain in Pl:.nes,a double; there :trif- eth hence an Harmony ofa double Diapafon, and a Diapen te. Betwixt the Aire and Water, 'the proportion in their Bafes is double, and one and an half ; hence Diapalon,and Diapente; but in their Angles double; Hence again Di:p;ifon;. but be-i tineen Water and Earth the roportionin the Bzfes, is three- fold anda third part more; fgom hence arifeth Dizpafon, Dia? pthtt, Diztelfarotis but in the Angles one and an half; a aiu eonllituting Dizpente. To conclude, betwixt Earth and gre, in the Bafes the proportion is one and anhall] making Dia. pente; but in the Angles, double, eaufng Dlapzfon ; bu; be, tween Fire, and Water, Aireand Earth,” there is learceiny eonfonanvy, becaufe they have apetfeft eontrarietytin their qualities, but they are united by the intermediate Element. » a cmifr.
_ p»p|».¢-p-»ff'~.»- ‘avih _ __§V_H _,,,- 5° `~,¢----~-»~ , ..,1-ug., ggwr- .__ ~f~_.~,..~~, , --,‘. ' _f ,», _o Book Il. Of Occult Tbileybpby. l - ' “ V Bu: ifzhe hands b¢ lifzedoup gs high as cgn be, above xhe head; :hen :he elbow will bc equal go zlmc crown of the head, audit’ »*" than :he feet bqing pu: :ogerhcna man (land thus, hey may BE' ` puginroan c uilarcrall fquarc brought l;yzhe eirrcmiriesof thc hands ang fcct; :hc ccntcr of this quart: is thc navcl, whichis :hc middle bcnwixr ;hc cop of :hc had and :hc knccs. 'u RSM ,NF 4 3 G R9 ¢.¢ 8 l o o $2 a# ` ‘ l S ‘ s .V , _, v -V ! ; 2 , ` L LN°Vl>:<; , ~ ».~ ~ 4 - : *~'v v.. -' ~~;~ -__ ~ if »_,-fr 'gg - -1'._~ T.: < *Y '_ ' ‘l 1 ' A r"~"_.~2v~»?§3 4, §2~r:1.`-.§k'~ L‘1"'f`-"'ff“`¢**‘¢,,! r ~ r - ~ ~_ ..' ~ --.»;.-.l.-»¢...._..~..¢~
s _ it ,_. P- ' ¢¢gf:;;=~~~ w f,.-.f..1{`_ l g-~-»’;;; . ~ _ e _ ~~ - ° ~ ~ 270 As p ~ Of Occult ‘Pl5il<y6pl;7"”'°" Book II li?" Now let us proceed to particular meafures. The- compali of; man under the armpits contains the middle of his length, whole middle is the bottom of his brealt : and from thence up- wltd to the middle of his breali betwixt both dugges,and from Ihtmiddleofhis breafi unto the crown of his head, on eycty fide the fourth part ; allo from the bottom of his breall to the bottom of the knees, and from thence to the bottom of the lflklesthe fourth part of man. The fame is the latitude of blslhoulder-blades from one extrexm to the other : The fame “the length from the elbow to the end of the longefl linger, lhrftherefotc this is called tt cuhit. Hence four cubits make lhe length of man, and one cubit the bredth which isin the fhouldet-blades, but that which is in the compa&,one foot ; Dow fm hand-bredths make a cubir, four a foot, and four fin. gets bredths make a hand-bredth, and the whole length ofman Bolt' twenty four hand brcdths. offix foot,ofninty fx lingers Ffcdths. From the bottom of his breailto the top olhis brehlt, lSthe ftxthpatr of his length, from the top of his brexft to the Wpof hisforchcad, and lowermoli root of his hairs, the fe# Ywth :ut of his length; of at (trong, and well let body,.a foot L1 the (ith part ofthe length, but of :x tall the fevcnth. Neithef C1r1(as Yarra, and Gekim tcllific) the tal lneG o_f_m3Qs body ex. Red [even feet. Lallly, the Diameter of his compels is the flme meafureas is from the hand , being flint unto the inward binding ofthe elbow, :md as that which is from the breall: to both dugs , upward to the upward lip, or downward to the navel ; and as that which is from the ends of the bones of the Uppermoll part of the brealt compxf{iog.`the gullet; and as Chat’ which is from the fole of the foot to the end of the calf of the lcgg, and from thence tothe middle whirle bone ofthe knee. All thele meztfures are ctrequall, end make the feventh Pm ofthe whole height. The head of: man from the bottom Of the chin tothe crown of hishead isthe eighth part of his |¢Ugrh. as all-» lmm the elbow to the end of the fhouldcrf blade : So great is the Diameter of the compah ofa tall man. The compels of the head drawn by the top of thc forehead,and thebottom ot' the hinder part of the head, make the fill part of his l
i isa 1 i _ t i JN Book I IQ Of Occult 'Philo/op/aj. 2 I his whole length ;So much alfo doth .the brcdth of the breali. Nine faeesbtedths make a fquarc well fet man, and ten tt tall man. The length of man therefore being divided into nine parts. the face Rom the top of the forehead to the bottome of the chin is one; then from the bottom of the throat, or the top ol' the breqlt unto the top ofthe (lomatk is another; from thence to the nzvell isa third; from thence to the bottom of the thigh, a fourth; from thence the hipp. to the top of the calfof the leg,makes two; from thence to the ioynt ofthe foot the leggt make two more; allwhich are eight parts. More- ovér the fptce fromthe top of the forehead to the crown ofthe head & that which is from the chin to the top of the brea[i,and that which is from the ioynt ofthe foot to the l`o|e of the footi I fav thefethrce ibzces ioyncd together make the ninth part. In hredth the brcall hath twognrts, and both Arms feven. But that body which ten face- bre ths makeis the mofl cxatflly pro- portioned. Therefore the lirlt part of this is from the crown of the head to the bottom: of the nofe; from thence to the top of therbrealhthle fecoadpnd then to the top ofthe llomack the third§f&nd'fromothence`to the navel, the fourth; from thence to the privy members, the fifth; whereis the middle of the length ofman; from whence to the folesof his feet arefiveotliet' Qirts, which being ioyned to the forrner,m;ke ten s~.ghole,¥lJy which every body ts‘trrehl`u“redby a tholf broporcioiiéd rneiifiirer For the face of athim frotritheihottornofhisehinkltothe top ofhis forehead, and bottom of the hairis the tenth pert. The hand ofa man from the fhutting, to the end of the longcll lin- ger is alfo one part ;all'o betwixt the middle of both dugs is one part, and from both to the top ofthe gullet is an equilate- rall triangle. The latitude of the lower part of the forehead from one care to the other is another part ; the latitude of the whole brcalhuiz.. from the top of the breali to the joynts of the fhoulder- blades, is on both (ides one part,wl1ich make tivo. The compals of the head croCs~wife from the dillzncc of the eye- brows by the top of the lorehead unto the bottomof the hinder :tt of the head, where the hair ends hath :xlfo two parts; fgomfhe (boulders on the outlide unto the coupling Ixo- s ' t get er r s. _,_,;;:-' ,___ _ _,__ .. . , _ t _ _ ph. . Q qr |¢Ja ~ ~-. Y- .fs-
v.~°-‘. l.- » _ ___ l ?,_:,_,__,_ ,_,,,,_ `~- ,`,.,____‘, .-<,_../;~.,§.» ._ . , _ ___ ' - _ , ,-q~4'°-§»r~f,.§r¢‘i~¢r;v~-_ "1"-:_-_~'**i*;;.r *sf `}§_j ~.;..1- V 77:5 , l 4 w 1 .._(, e *Bookll 1. A , _,-_,_ 1~ .fgether of thejoyntsi of the hand. and on the from the gpm-pits unto the beginning of the palm of theh:nd,and of thehngcrsgtrc three parts. The tompah of the head bythe middle of the forehead hath three parts; the compalk ofthe irdling place hath four parts an a well fet man, but in a thin Eody three parts and a half,or as much as is from the top ofghg bteafl to the bottom ofthe belly.The compafs ofthe brealt by the arm-pit tothe back hath Eye partsfz/ie. as much as half the whole length. From the crown ofthe head; to the knurles of the gullet is the thirteenth part ofthe whole altitL?de.Th¢ gym; b¢_ ing Ilretehcd npwnrfi, lhe elbow is even to the crown of the head. But now,let us fee how equal the other comrncnfurations are to one the other. As much as the dillance is from the chintq the top ofthe hreall, fo great is the latitude ofthe mouth ; 33 much as is the dillance betwixt tbetop of the breall, tothe mvell, fo rear is the eompah o£`thc mouth ; as much as the diihtnce is from the chin to the cronin of the head, fo great ig the latitude; of thqgirdlingt place; as is the‘fdt{l:ancc from thg top gfthcnofe tothe bottom, fuch is th¢;_d1Itance bctwiitthe chin, and r the throat. Alfo the cavity of the eyes. from thi place betwixt the eye»brows unto the inward corners, and the extention of the bottom ofthe nofe, and the difhnce from the bottom ofthe nofe to the end: ofthe upper lip;l (ay theft: th;-¢¢ ate equals amongfi themfelves; and as much as from the top of ofthe forefinger to the lowerrnoft foynt thereof, i .Q ~ » , ,,. l, . 1 ‘A A _ii J , |
V V-...`1" '- ._ - ‘_ 40... ..._ ,,v______ "Li t .. ~<,..,,,` ~y.» ~. ~y_ ` _ ___ rc _ "I , #<0m_ ., , _'i¢,¢-q-_W Na-_~_¢.-..?_;i;:;: ;Ae_i_,,_,__` f ‘_ _V __ ` ~ -~ ~ jf. ` ,,~~ _._L_:£,, -,'~ ' _ if “'»;' 1.133-Y 11 t:~;`;;}1=c » 1' _ ‘- 24:1 w_:. i` '~ 4 f;f»f` " ”"Y. .. ,V-ve" f~ L ' ' Q' "'L'i r-v“:' :~~ """""‘ ' " " ‘ ,. ._ , , _._ .' - ~»~" - ‘r ' ~ P274 i fPbilq]hpl;y. t l d Book II. ioynt of the middle finger equals that fpace whiehis betwixt the end of the nofe to the end of thcchin; and the kcond iovncof the middle linger is as much as the dillance from the bottom of the chin to the top ofthe lower lip: but the third as from the mouth to the end of the nofe. hut the whole hand armurh :tsthe whole face. The greater joynt of the thumb is as much as the widnels of the mouth , and as the diflance be- twixt the bottom of the chin, and the top of the lower lip; but the leffer ioy nt is as much as the djftanee betwixt the top of the lower and the end of the nofe; the miles are hmlfas much as thofe ioynts which they call the nailesjoynts. The dilhnce betwixt the middle ofthe eye brows to the outward corners of the eyes is :ts mutlms bettvixt thofc comets and the ears. The high: of the forehead! thclength of the nofe, and the widnefs of the mouth are equall. Alfo the btedth of the hand, and foot are the fame. The dillancehetwixt the lower part of the ankle to the top of the foot is the fame as that he- twixt the top of the foot and the end ofthe nailes. The dilianceifrom the'top ofthe forehead to the place betwixt the eyes, and from that to the end ol the nofe, and from thence to the end ofthe chin is the fame. The eye- brows joyned toge- ther are as much as the circle ofthe eyes, and the half circle of the eats equals the widnefs of the mouth : Whence the circles oltheeyes, cars, and mouth opened are equall. The bredth of the nofe is as much as the length of the eye; Hence the eyes have two parts ofthar fparc which is betwixt both extre- mities of the eyes ; a third pmrtthc nofe that is betwixt takes up. From theerown of the head to the knees the navel is the middle; from the top of the breall to the end ofthe nofc the knutle of the throat makes the middle ; from the crown of the head to the bottom of the chin, the eyes are the middle; fromthe fpace betwixt the eyes to the bottomof the chin, the end of the noll: is the middle : from the end of the nofe to the bottom of the chin, the end ofthe lower lip is the middle; a third part ofthe fame diflanre is the upper lip. Moreover all rhele meztfures are through manifold proportions, and harmo. maeall confents confonant oneto the other ; for the thumb is I0
u. - -v5 i H$W2 4i`r"';:~.;Q'k 1* ‘ 11" - = FM`1'_iy4f§‘4g; ‘¥4'~“;jif it ‘U ` EQ; I; f 7% Hz AW w” iN _-Wy i W7 '~§& `zi"r‘4` i rr! if ,Ii r ‘gli "fair [ig ` "3 ,i al 4 u f{ ,-; *‘ fi ,V /' ° O -3 § w § L* E* §` W O o w _ I"‘ "' _ @§§§§°i€§s§§§£§§S§§§§ o.,§r:>. aa _,. - s-' =-"g}5'5?-8B$’."2`ré"f"§`g` go. ZP"=¢§&P&§§S§:§2°g§=g _ --n -~ gg rp 4 :1 ""-va < o -- =€i§~@E§§~§?§§&?aS§§1 ng. '...~n _ gsa55S§°&§~€zs59i»=3? '.:. = "~" --N .s=~=§==§22~E2»&:ga;:3 ~'E.'T=’.§-.,.`§;.-219-5’.';3a~:~~°=-:ro 5"gg';_-,‘5'_':|’:|"'DU1:3n»:C?SB`°-va gm :5@:E2§a§_~=g=gg;-2@5 3~"'5':r “S-05°'~E`°'°" °°3'3"'° pnunffgnn U'°°:--:r:!'u"‘-rg,°. °--=’°'= -nf: =‘~°"‘o""""’“°5.-~<:~< 2°°a a=@a»=~a=aa°~<~- °' ¢-' »‘l| °“9::>§°°R< T’.°'5-;~¢T;,.<2=-P-==’ =°5"° ,.":a2. :::`f=,'..°nU'°~J“" a-»ci2=3-egtrvnzao' 3--J ~<~;-|n:r=.°_ U“’ S- nr' "Rn nnfh ‘<:'¢1 g 0 fu ,-, ,-;,-ran. n.:'v»g-1°-~nu:_° °=_n2 =€>’R28'-°~5'°a°»”§3f»Y»~59.:.‘2-~i=‘ .__ __ Ev _g_ __ ___ p °§,x°=f'»u"'-°":".=F2==5=2'=’ &§o ?:5"'1:§°2§U"'~ :l‘Z°"' ;|~BnB"*a w~a"-'="§a=~2°§~3°=; 1--5'*¢>-g-9-,¢*f‘h5..s-»="""""»-S""‘°'8»» gn 33'-'QDHQ rw €S’5'-°~ ,., -rg WC... ..,p_>:° O'ny~¢O--U' U' R°_.qiaf,5_~ as-22_,_,`cL2:=g_,’§"3_3 f n * §§s.aa“§~;2£2@€&?§m~§ ~@as»~=~=,<.aQ=-S Qs# .-. S gg- -» , :""~ 0 RS_|-in *Nc-» =-D U°S'g"f`|~.-=,`.... ¢D5'~7'°°2n° n"`<°Ovr"‘,‘7°"“' ,ou-. '< 3"-.41 ,__`3¢rE~a¥3f|gg-ofl a~<55"a Q,< 0. won... UGG-n..,Q.n....n ..-,~, »,.._ ._...._ .of Q/frlmpiu, which were governed by the wifd om of Gym",- , _/bpbyh, QS Ar-f]?ar/¢ wirneffeth, did makqrhem Kings, ng; gf Lho_e_which were mofk (hong. and yvealrhy, bu: rhofe onely which were moft proper and hcauruful ; for they conceived` dm the gallanrry o-f the mindc did depend upon the excellen- cie of the body. _Which many Philotbphers, as well ancient u m odemqeonfidcring. fuch as fearcbsd into rhe fecrces ofcau- [es hid in the very Majefly ofNarure, were boid to affcre, :har :here was no fault oi, and no difproporrion in the body,which the vice and inremperanec of the mind: did not follow, be. caufc in is certain :har they do incrcafe, thrive, and operate by the help one of the other. ,CHAR
f ~ -V _ - ., ffiff 5_Q,f-n l y ‘ l f` ’ e Bdbltlll Of Occult Y’/zilrybply. 2 7 O s can. xxvm. ~ y Ofrbe frmpafrian and Harman] of tb: /:1¢1=w1ef5fIl. S the Confonancy ofthe bodgwonhfls gg a d;1_e mealhre ' ' - n onan f andpropornon of the mem ers . for co cyq thernlndeoladuc temperament, and proportion of its ver. tue: and operationswhich are concupifcible, iraliiible, and reafon , which are Io proportioned together. For Reafon to Concupifeence huh the proportion Diapahng but to D' [arm and lrafeiblc to Coneupifcible hath Anger we : the proportion ‘Diapfnm When therefore the bellpropor~ ' ` `onared body it is rlonated foulis royned to the bell prnporu , xnanifefl that fucha man alto hath received a mol! happy loc inthe dillribution of (gifts. lor as much as the foul agrees with the body in the difpontion of Naturals. which agreement in. deedis molhid.yct after fomc mane: lhadowcd to mb the wife. Bur tohaftento the Harmony of the foul, we mullin- ` ° ° b hofe Median: by which it paflcth to us.(i.a)_» qgnrerntott yt by Celcflial Bodiemnd Sphears; Knowing thetrelure what are ` 011| b thcipowcrs ofthe foul to which the Planets an wer, we y tho :things which have been fpoltcn of before, the more calily know thesr agreements amongll: themfelves. For thc Mean: governs the powers of incrcaliog and decrealing: the Phantzlie and Wits depends on Mercury , the Concupifoble vertue on Verna - the w/itall on the Swv; the lfafcible on Marr; the Nx- turalolm Yupizen the Receptive on Snmrn :but the Wall as the ' ` ‘ ` ll h f Powers at plcafurc, Prmwm Mobrle, andthe gusde ora t t e being joyned tyithpthe luperior intelleél, is always rend- ing to good;wh1ch mrclleéi xndecd dmh alwayes lbew :x path- wa! to the Will, as a Candle to the eye ; but it movcsnotiit fel but is the Mlllrifs of her own operanon, whence igit ciI~ led }"ree Will; and although xt alwayes ‘tends to good, as an objeé! futable to it (elf ; yet fometnmcs bexng blxnded wtth error, the animal power forcing ir, lc chooleth evil; believingit ‘ l ` 1 f h ln# ro be_good.`Ihtrek'orc Wxll ts dclincd to he a faeul y o t eu ~ 'r 3 e mute, ‘ I V T 1 - 1 -~". Lf z
l‘. _,_-;-a-- _ __, _ _._.,,¢vM-,»~f.--`.f....¢,._.-.--v ‘_ 1- A_~ is.; _r.. .: _ _ ,___ __;-,wtf --5;~.,»-»,-¢,-. __ _ _Ja ;_,T::_,__<.~ ' ~ _ ` ./., `___ _ Z l' "i_\ Jill Odk lil. Of0cculc 'Pl»ilM>_pby.. n l ; afpefllof the Stars, and Planets, in Signs and Degrees, and how all thcfc [land in refqrrncq;0=rtlc'jlcngth and latitude of the Climate ; for by this are varycd the qumliticsol the anglgg, whrch the rgyg of Celelklal bodies upon the figure of the thin dcfcribc, according to which Cclclhal vertues are infufrdg bo when thou aft fxvorklng anything whichbelongs t6 any Planet, thou mull place it in icpdrgnities, furtunate,.:tnnj ponmrhd,andruhnginrheday,hougandinthcQigureofthe Heaven. Neither (halt thou cxptél che llgnillcation ofthe work to be powerful. but alfo thou mul! obfetvc tlxcfllqvfl opporcuncly dircélcd to this; f0l'_Kll0llfllI do nothihgwith, out thealfillance ofthe /Mean : And if thou hall more patterns of thy worlt,obl'crve them all being :null power ful, and look. ing upon one the other with a friendly afpcéi: and ifthoucanll not have fnch afpefis, it wall be convenlcnt at leaf! that than take them angular. But thou Gul: take the Ulloan, either when fhc looks upon both, or is joyncd to one, and looks u on the other ;~or when [he paflcth from thc conjundion, or al£rQ ofonc t04li¢~conju&ion or alpcél of the other; lor that I conceive muffin no wife be omitted; alforhou fhalt in csjcry work vbfcrve /Mrrcray; for he is a rnellenget bctwixt; the higher godsland infernal gods; when he goeth to thc good he incteaikthc their goodneh; when to thc~bacl,l1ath lirlluenec ‘upon their cvrckednch We call it an ;;nfonunatce5ign,ot Pla- net, when it is by the afpcél ol Sammot /L!/rn, efpceially op- pohtc, or quzdrangfor thefe are afpc8s of enmity; but neon. iun€tion,or a trme,or fexule afpcél are of fricndllzip; bctwixx. lhcfc lhctc is a grcatcrrconillnflion-; but yct if thou doll 21111- dy beholdit rhrough a trinc, and the Planet be received, itia accounted as already eonjoyncd. Now all Planetsnre afnisi ofthe coniunéhon of the .S`m,te;oycing in the ctinc,and futtlle afpr&thcreo£ T4 c Cl~lAP. -f ici'
~.-v v<¢.;.~,»:~..»~-_..~ _ ,' _ _ ___ A _,.-v--~vi
-g.-e-A-_ , .. _ r r "`v"'-""*~"‘1<T"f""*"r""»T"' F' i“f7 ' ?T"i`1"7"'7`; J , ._ N, v , .:_, V, 2 , __, ,, _r;.,_v___lj.,` ,__ ___ -_ _ ., i - Y ~< _ - I r r -x i ~ ~v |-. if " C' = e .~»ff5f1.; ‘~~ e ' Wifi 2 g ' ,OfOccuI¢ fPbxl¢pl;y. i Book Il' ' ~‘.i;_`Qj§ e --__ fi ` ’ CH AP. XX X - ~e When Planer: as ofrrufi pamrfid infnrnee. ' ‘I ‘0wwe lhallhave the Planets powerfull when they arg i » t ruling in a Houfe, or in Exzltation or Triplieiry, or Qi term, or fare without eombullion of what is dire& in the 5. §'V gure ofthe h¢1YClS,‘£/it. when they are in Angles, efpeeially of ‘1 the rihn , or Tenth, or in houfes prefently fucceeding, or ii in their delights. But we mull take heed that they bono: in 3 the bounds or under the dominion of Serum or t/'Wm-.r, leall e they be in dark Degreesjn pits or vacuityes., Thou (halt oc. ferve thatthe Angles of the Afcendent, and Tenth and Sc- vegth be fortunate. as alfo the Lord of the Afcendent and plzccoftheSun and Moon, and the glue ofpart of the for. tune. andthe Lord thereof ,the Lor of the loregoing Con. funéiion 8: prevention = But that they of the malignant Planet fall unfortunate, unlefs haply they be lignificators of thy work, or can be any way advantagious to thee ; or if in thy revolugi. on or birth, they had the predominaney; for then they arg not at all to be dcprelled. Now we [hall have the Alam; grwerful if (he bein her houfc, or cxzltation, tor triplieity, ore ce,and in degree convenient for the defired work, and if irhatha manlion of thefc twenty and eight fumble gg it fglf and the work ; Let her not be in the way burnt up,nor flow in oourfc;let her not be in the Eeelipl'e,or burnt by the Sun, unlefs [hc be ineunity with the Sun; let her no: dekend in the Sonthern|atitude,whcn (hegoeth out of the burning, neither i let her be oppolite to the Sun,nor deprived oflighglee hq no; .be hindred by Mar, or Sarrrm I will not here difcourfe any longer ofthefe, feemg ehele, :md many more nccelfary things are fufficicntly handled in the Volums 0fAIh’0l0gcrs. l cane. -~" ¢~._s-A-|»l4"' "`LL1»1 ' '
,-W _ - , _,,~.,.r- nv.- ~.....~ .__ ...~.~.." ' ~ -,vu <.»¢- ‘_`__`__, _Te .,_,,,_¢~.t»:...g;<Y_.,u~»-».._._~` t...., _ _ v ,J , . / Book I 1. i Of Occult ‘Pliilo/Eply, 3 CH A P. X XX I. Ofrbe Olrferwtrkm of the fx: Starz, und qfrl-eir Natura. 'I'*l-Iereis the like confideration to be had in all things con. ceming the fixt llars.Know this thu all the fixt (hrs areiof the lignilication and nature ofthe feven Planets ; but fomeare ofthe nature of one Pliner, and fomeof two: Hence at often as any Planet is ioyned with any of the lixtihrs of itsown na: ture, the lignilication of that [hr is made more powerful. and' the nature of the Planet augmented : but if it be a lhroftwo rutures, the nature of that which (hall be theltron er with itlhallovereome in fignilieation; as for example. ifethe of the nature of Marr, and I/emu ; if /lfm' (lull be the llronger with it, the nature of /l{.m (ball overcome; but if Vmw, the nature of Vemu (hall overcome. Now the natures of Ext (hrs are difcovered by their colours. as they a ree with certain Planets, stud are afcribed to them. Now tie colours of the Planets are thefe : of Serum, ble ,and leadcn, and lhining with this: of Yupirer citrine neer to a palcnefs, and cleat with this; of Ullare, red, and fiery; ofthe Sun. yellow, and when it rifeth red, afrerwtrd glittering : of Venus, white and lhining; white with the morning. and reddifh in the eve- ning .- of /l1ercw7,glittering;ofthe /lIaen,fair. Know slfo that ofthe fixed liars by how much the greater, and the brighter and apparent they are, fo much” the reater and llrongcr is the lignihcztion ; fueh are thcfe Rats which are called by the Alirologers of the lirfl, and fecond Magnitude. I will tell thee fomc of thefc which are more potent to this fx. culty.asare -viz the Navel of Andromeda in two and twen- tieth degree of Arier, ofthe nature ol I 'enru,8c /liere/rg; fome callit for/ial, & .l`erru-mim-. The head of Afgal tn the eighteenth degree of Tmrm, ofthe nature of Sfrzrern and fuyirer. The P/:fader are alfo in the two and twentieth degree,a Lwwg Ihr by Nature and by complexion Mmrtial./ll`o in the third degree of Gemini is ¢A1debaram, ofthe nature of dfarr, and com- lexion of Venue - but Hermes platceth thisin the twenty P A ` r” ' r fifth é _ f 1 '> .r _ _ _ `_ Y I ¢Yv_.¢:, _LA ' _ 1<~» ~‘»~ '»' ' - _
2 .._l... __ 1'-, ;~;--»----~, _. e 1 eff: i ..._ ._ » , A, _ :;~»~.4-_ ~ "‘- *L ' ¢ wiei.50¢m1fq>1iz1¢,piy. y Biodltlff fifth degree of Af-in. The Goat liar is in the thirteenth degree of the faid Qemini, of the nature of fupitrr, and 54- rrtm; thegreztter Dog-ltaris in the leventh degree ofC'4ncrr, and Venereal: the leffrr Dog-liar is in the fcventeenth degree ofthe {ame.tmd is ofthe nature of/lffrrnny, and complexion ofzllarr. The Kings lhrr, which is called the Heart ofthe Lion, is in the one and twentieth degree ol Lt-¢>,and ofthe nature of fnpirrr and /Him; the tail ofthe greater Bear is in the nine. tecnth degree of Vn-go, and is Venercal, and Lunary. The Star which is called the rightwing ofthe Crow is in the fevcnth de- gree of Libra, and in the thirteenth degree ofthe fameis the left wing of the Grmc, and both of the nature of Saznm and Ullrm. The Star called Spim rsin the Hxteenth degree of tlte fame, and is Venereal and Mercurial. In the fevcntecnth de- gree ofthe fame is r-/fleamnb, ofthe nature of tj!/Ian, and fupiterj; but of this when the Sum rxfpeel is fhll towards it ; of that when onthe contrary. €I¢pbri»= inthe fourth degree of Scvfpio, OFCIICITIKUIC Ol Vemu, and M»o'::The Heart ofthe Scvrpiov is in the third degree of5a_gir14ri.w, ol the nature of J!/!af.r,1ndfupi;rr : theifalling Vulture is in the feventh de- gree ol’Capricafn, Temperate, Mercurial, and Venereal = The mile ot"C¢rp»-it-amis in the lixteenth degree of /fqfmrim, ofthe nature of Sarfzm, and /}ft7'!`t¥7] : The Star called the Shoulder ofthe Horlis, is in the third de"ree of Pi czlf, of the nature of ` _ b fupster and t2~2’.:r:. And it lhrll be a general rule for thee to expeéhhé proper gifts of the ars whzlell they rule,to be pre- vented of them, they being unfortunate, and oppofite, as ts a~ hove lhewed- PorCelellial bodies, in as much as they are alt`:e~ fled fortunately. or unfortunately, fo much do they afflcfl us, ourworks. and thofe things which we ule, fortunately, or uni hsppily.1 d although manyeffeéls proeced from the Ext 506| yet they are attributed to the Planets, as beeaufe being more necr to us, and more diliinfi and known, lb becauft: they ex- ecute wharloevcr the fuperior Stars communicate to them. CHAP.
._ ~ un-rv-°'-‘ '_' ' ' ‘ ., ___-, if-~--¢ ~~ ' ~ lioolc II; Of Occult Tbiloflplpv. A , _ CHAP. XXXII. of rée Sun, anal Moon, md their Mngicdlcanjdvatianr. _ 1 THQ Sun, and Moon have obtained the admlxtiflratinlxot ruling ofthe Heavens, and all bodies under :he heavens The Sun is the Lord ofall Eli-mentary venues- and the lwiocm bv vcrtue of the Sun is the miflrcfs ofgenerarion, inercaiei Df decrcafe. Hence /11/::¢mq£zrlE¢itlx, that by the Sun and' hlqqn life islnfufcd into nllthings, which therefore Or;/:em cali tht! cnlivening eyes of the heaven. The Sun-giveth lighttoall things ofit felf, and givc~ it plcntifully to all things no tonly in the Heaven.Aire,but Earth and lieqp- whachmvcr good we h1vc,as?»:rnb1ir::: lbith, wc luve it from the Sun alone. or from irerhroughothcr thingy Hfmclizw cals the Sun the fountain of Cclclliall light; and mmy of thc P/nranyh placed the foul ofthe world chielly in the Sun, asthmt which hlling the whole Globe of the Sun d~vth fend forth ire rmyes on all lidcs as it were :xfpiritthroughall chings,dl`tnburtng life, funle and motlonco the very Univerfe. Hence the ancient Nztumlills called the Sun :he very heart: of heaven ; and the C'a1a':¢vz: put is as the middle ofthe Planets, The Egprianx alfo laced it: in the middle of the 1vorld,v/iz. hccwix: :hc two Heres of the wotld,e.i. above the Yun they place t'ivePlaUl:t5, and under the Sun,the Moon and four Elements. For irisamongll the other Stars thcima e and llatue of the grear Yrinccok both worlds;/i:,. Terreéiall, :md Celclliall; thc true light, and thc moflexaél: image of Gnd himllli v. hole Ellencc rcfembles the Father, Light the Son. Heat: the 1-!ol1,'Ghol`t. So that the Pla- tonifts have nothing to hold Forchthe Divin: Etfefrc more manifellly by,thcn this. So great is the conlmnnqt ofirto God , that ‘Plaza cals ic the conlpieuous on ufGod,and lam- élicm cals ir the divine image of divine intelligence. And our Df0H)fU! cmls itthc perfpicunus lhcuc of God. lt Hts as ning inthe middle of other 1'l; e:s, enclling all in lighggreatnels, faimeli, enlighrning all, dillriburing vertue to them to difpolc inferior bodies, and rcgularingand difpofing of rhcir morrow, , no Avi. n;_.n;-fy. .........,... _ `.~.,.,` 2283 ' S »Yi:f'_€q<.j`;g 5-2 __ _ __,_ _........._..
} . a it A ;_6fibccrtlp'T}qilo/oplfj ' Book II. .+ .», . fothatFrornthenmtheirmotions are called daily. or nightly, Southern, or Nortbrcn, Orientall, or Oeeidentiall, direei, or retrograde; and as it doth by irs light drive away all the darltnels of the night, lo alfo all powers of darknefs, which we read ofinffeé; Alfoon as morning appearnthey think of the lhadowo death = And the Pfalmil lpealring of the Lyons whelps licking leave of God -to devour, faith , The Sun is rifen, and they are gathered together, and lhall be placed in their dens; which being put to Bight, it followes, Man (hall go forth to his labor. The Sun therefore asit pofl`cl'l`eth the middle Region ol the world , and as the heart is in Animals to the whole body, So the Sun is over the heaven, and the world, ruling over the whole Univetfe, and thofe things which are in it, the very author of feafons, from whence day and year, cold and heat, and all other qualities of fea- fons ; and as faith Tralmg, when it comesnnto the place of any Star, it (hrs up the power thereof which it hath in the Aire. Soaswith Mars, hear; with Saturn, cold; and it di- ifpofeth even the very fpirit and mind of man; from hence iris aid by Homer, and approved by Anjiar/e, that there arein the mind fuch like motions, as the Sun the Prince and mode- rator ofthe Planets every day bringerh to us; but the Moon, the nighell to the Earth, the receptacle of all the heavenly In- Huenr:es,by thehviftnefs of her eourle is jovned to the Sun, and the other Planets and Stars, every month, and being made as it were the wife of all the Stars,is the moll fruitful ofthe Stars, and receiving the beams and influences of all the other planets and Stars as a conception, bringing them forth to the inferior world as being next to it fel? ; For all the Stars have influence on it being the lall: receiver, which afterwards communicateth the influences ol all the fnperiors to thefc interiors, and pours them forth on the Earth; and it more manifelily difpoteth thefe infcriors then the others, and its motion is more fenfi- ble by the fam:liariry and propinquiry which it hath with us; and asa medium bctwixr both. fuperiors and infcrrors,cort‘- rnuniearerhthcm to them all; Therefore her motion is to he obfcrvcd before the others, as the parent of all conceptions, e which
._., , ,._,: ;7__.~_-f,..... , > :J__:_7_¢;@;;, t>4",;_ I _ -_-Q - --.. 1 -<- ------.--- ' ' ---4-~ ` :___:_,__,_`,_,_ , ,Tia __»,;,,. Q e.,-_.....,.......:.:¢‘»_ ' A 0 J > °e B ook I I. OF Occult TbiR:]Bpl>y. 2 _-3;-__-_-1-_ which it diverfely iffueth forth in thefe Inferiors, according to the diverfe complexion, motion,Iirtution,and different afpeds to the planets and others Stamand though it rcteivetb powers from all the Stars. yet efpecially from the Sun; as oft as it is in conjunflion Wilh the f2me,it is replenifhed with vivilying vct~ tue, ‘and according to the :fped thereof .it horrowcth its com- plexion; foein the Hill quarter, as the *eripatctickes deliver, it is hot and rnoill; in the l'econd,hor and dry; in the third,eold and dry; in the fourth cold and moift; and although it is the Iowell of the (hrs, yet it bringeth forth all the conceptions ol the fupcriors; for from it in the heavenly bodies beginncth that feries of things which Plqtocalleth the Golden Cham, by the which every thing and canle being linked one to an other, do depend on the luperior, even untillit may be brought to the fuptcme caule of all, from which zllthingsdcpcnd; from hence is ir, that without the Moon inrcrmediaring, we cannot at any time attr1& the power of the fuperiors. Therefore Tlubir advifeth vs, for the taking of the vertu: of any sumo take the (tone and herb of thatplanr, when the Moon doth either fortunately get under or hath a good afpcft on that Star. i__j_l._ CHAP. XXXIII. Of tb: IFIXU egbt Ulzfarrjfarrf ry' I/rc llfcan, and their vcr- filth Nd feeing thc Moon mcafurcth the whole Z adiaclg in the f :cc ofrwenty eight dayes; hence isit, that the wife: men ogthc Indian: and ancicntell Allrologians have rmted twenty eight vanhons to the Moon, which bemglixug in the eight fphere, do enjoy (as A/plurur faith) diverlc names and proprictics from the diverfc signs andsurs which are conuin~ ed in them, through which while the Moon zndretb,tt ob~ taincrh other and other powers and venues ; but every one of thefe Manlions according to the opinion of .dh-4b.»u:x, eon~ tainth twelve degrees, and one and fifty minutes, and alrnoll: e twenty l v
-~7,-¢-¢-¢-wv-- r _ -f - - -- -'v...¢.i.-»rv; ~~ ‘ - _ “" “ ‘ _ _ ,___ -_..._-: , ,, _'_ . _ tb _ gf ;_~~;. ,;¢_ - ., .,__,- ._ g < < .‘,,__r- ._ _ , ___:» . ri , 2 '86 _ ' _ Of Occult Gilnlq/oplg. Book II. twenty (i:l'eeonds,whofe names and alfo their beginnings in the Zacfiaelgof the eight fpbere,are tlxele. The firii is calle AI- mrrh, that is the horns of Q/rin; his beginning is from the held of Arie: of the eighth fphere; it caufeth difcords, and journics; the fecond is called Allnrbaim or Albaclwgthat is the belly of Aries, and his beginning is from the twelftlrdegrec ofthe fame ti n, fifty one minutes, twenty two feconds com- pleat; ie conguceth to the finding of trcafures, and tothe re- taining of captives ; The third is called .lelmcmaun or vi- thmg, that is, (howring or Pleiades;his beginning is from the twenty five degrees of Arie: compleat fourty two rninutes,and fifty one feconds;it isvprofitable to Saylers, Huntfmen, and Al- ehyrniils ; Thefourth Maniion is called Aldrfmram or Alde- /.wun that is the eye or head of Tmfzmhisbeginning is from the eight degree of Taurus, thirty four-minutes, and feventeen Ietonds of the fame Taurus being excluded; it eaufeth the de- lirudion and hindrances of buildings, fountains, wels, ofgold- mines,the (light of creeping things,and begettcth difcord. The fiftiseczlled e/flelw or Albarlng; the beginning of it is af*- tcr the twenty one agree of T awrur , twenty five minutes; fourry feconds; it helpeth to the return from a journey, tothe inflruflionol fch lars, it confirmeth cdifices, it giveth health and good will,th&xth is called /I/brown or Alcbqlgthat is the little Star of great light; his beginning is aHer the fourth de- grct ofGemini, feventeen minutes, and nine feconds ;< it con- dureth to Hunting, and beheging of Towns, and revenge of princes, it delitoyeth l-larvefls and fruits and hindreth the ope- ration of the Phyiiti:tn.The feventh is called Aldintiaelz or AI- azaels, that is the Arm of Gmini. and beginneth from the feventeencth~degree'of gemini, eight minutes and rhirt four fecnnds, and lalletheven ro the end of the Ggn; it conlgrreth gain and friendlhip, its profitable to iLovers_it fcarcth Eyes, dc- llroyeth Magilierics. And fo is one quarter of the hem/enlcom~ pleated in thefe (even M.:rn[ions;and in the like order and num- ber of degrees, minutes and feconds, theremaining Manlions inevvry quarter have their fcverzllbcgitrnings; namely ligtlut inthe tirfi hgne of this quarter three Mztnhonsetalte their bc- ; s _ ginnings A ,`_,,g,' .¢_,,__ I ?79 ,.-:,~_,< -..ea &¢~,._.,,.._._,_- ,f
if V' ` ` LL ` ~ _ _ Y.. __,_w_,.~. -~ v --. ..~....,.~»""'*"" "1¥' _ . _ ,,,.;..h,-:,v-7-’-~. »¢.1~,¢~‘~»,~__..|fzf=--.._.,..--»-¢v.v1-wvz».----- ..,., r - ~ -»,,. , . B ook I I. Of Occult ‘PbiIo[Jpb_y. gfginnings, in the other two ligns two Mmfionsin each; There. ore the (even following Manlions begin from Ctweer. whnfe names are /Ilnnas or A»:.¢rr.a-ly.: that is mifly or tloudy,'viz,, the eighth l:|nliou;~iLc:mfeth love, fricndllzip, and fociery ol fellow travellers, itdrivethaway mice and afllifieth Captives, confirming their imprifonnicnt. After this is the ninth called Arrbrmm or Af-c.¢pl~,that is the eye oftheLyon;iehindrethI-lar- vel’ts and travellers, and putteth difcord between men. The tenth is called Al eliaebr or Allgebh, that is-the netk or fore. head of Lea; it llgrengtheneth buildings, yeeldeth love, bencf volencc and help againft enemies ; ‘ th: eleventh is called Aeo- bra or /ffddf that is. the hair of the Lyons head; rt ts good for. voyages, and gain by merehandwe, and for redemptron of Captives; the twelfth is called /Jlearpbs or Awpha, that is the tayle of Leo; it giveth profperity to l-larvelts, and Planta- tions, but hind rcth Seamen, but it is good for the bettering of ferr/ants, Captives and companions. The thirteenth is named Albxire, that is Dogllars, or the wings of Virdo; it is pravalent for Benevolencmgain, voya§es, Harvelis, and” freedom of cap# tives; the fourteenth is ealle Acbimrb or Arirmt, by others Azimexb or Allmmnb or Alcbgr.m:b,that is the fpilte of 7irga,'_ or flying fpikqir eauleth the love of marryed folk, it cureththe liek, its profitable to Saylors,but it hindrcthiournies by land; and in thefe the fecond narter of Heaven iscompleated. The other [even follow, thetlirllc of which beginneth in the head off Li/frame. the fifteenth Manlion, and his name is Agmpba or e/Ilgarplm, that is. eovered,or covered flying; its prontablelor the extra&ing of treafurcs. for di ging of pits, it helpeth fot- tvard divorce, difcord, and the geftruflion of honfes and ene- mies,and hindreth travellers.yThe (ixteenth is ealled /lwéme or Ahubmr, that is, the Horns of Scsrpiv, it hindereth journyes and Wcdlock,Harvclls and Merehmdi-Le, it prevaileth for rt-f demption of captives. The feventeenth is called /1lchil,th.atis=, the Crown of .§‘carpia,it betteretlm bad fortune, rnakerhlove durable ftrengthencth buildingstét helpctl1Seamen; Thecigh- teenth iscallcd /Ilclw or /llrolr, that as the Heart oFScarpxd; tt ' ' ° init. ' inoes and mighty caukth d=fcotd,fed1tlon,conl'piraey nga pr _ V ` V » ones, - -Y--.;.-Y , _ ,,._,,,.,..»~n,..-s.-._.,. E287 C3 _.T -1 f~°1 _ ° f»<_:> ‘_
- .- :¢~~ -~~~~ -....~-....f-»-, _- .-. t. ` -~»..@-;V»-,»-,,¢. ,, Bank I et. of o¢¢f.1¢q>bfz0p,}r§. ' 1 helpeth to infer mifthiefa on whom youflull pleafe; th; twenty eight and lall iscallcd ¢-/fléazlmm or Alebaley, tha; is ‘7°%e:; it cneteafeth I-larvciis and Merchandize, it fccumb travellers through dangeroufplaoes; it maketh foi' the jo -of mmiyed couples,but it llrengtheuth pri fons,and caufeth lol); of ttea ores; and in thefe twentyeight Manlions do lye hid many ftcrets of the wifdom of thc Ancients, by the which they wrought wonders on all thingiswhieh are qndrt the circleof the Moon; and the attribute to every Manlion his rcfern- blances, Images,anIl`eals, and his rtlident intell@ences,;u|d they did work by the vertue of them after diverfe mm. nets. i CH AP. XXXIV. of the mu- mation af the hrawmlj India to be ob_/En/ed in the :Qin _@berr,_a::d qftbregrawzd afPlanemr_7 hexrx. ,Vi-lofotver will work according to the Celclliall op# portunity, ought to obfcrvc both or one of rhcin, namely the motion of the Stars, or their times ; lfaytheir motions, when they are in their dignities or dejeflions, either elfential or accidtntall ; but l call their times,dayes and hours dilinbuted to their Dominionx. Concerning all thefe. it is a- bundantly taught in the books of Altrologers; but in this plate two things efpecially are to be conlidcred and obfetved by us. One that we obfervc the motions and alcenlions and windings of Stars, even as they are in truth in the eight fphertgthrough the neglect of which it happcneth that many err in fabricating the Celdliall Images, and are dcfraudcd ofthcir dclircd effe&; the other thing we ought to obfetvc, is about the timesof chooling the planetary hours; fo: almoll all Alirologegs di- vide all that fpatc ofxime from the Sun-tiling to letting into twelve eq-.ull pat ts, and call them the twelve hours of the day; then the time which followeth from the l`etring_ toe-the tiling, in like manner being divided imovtwelve cquallpatl-fi Ibm ' Cl _ . . ‘ u ..i
~4~i' -'_~' -1~i?-»¢....___ _ »-;~-,...:;.;;f '>-»-Y ~i.,,,, V , f e_ _*_ , _ -~- _ .,_., , -, f , __ ,__ .....,., r,, H i - .-._ .i . ,. ,-».¢,r.,,,-,________,` ,,,i”__,`_1__‘ .-...._.~,_*,_>§-..»_‘_,. -' _ __.__.,,, ~ - -», ,-~-~',._.i,,-.... _-e..-4... V .-, _V _ _ _ -"..'~-f.`~ 1,_,___.e__,-,...».,i ,» _,TV,_:_;; ¢-r~~,___ ,_~_, _:._ ,,___ _, , ___ _ , r_~,____ , ,.__, ._ ~ _ ,, ___?;,Y .¢~ -r » ~f'~ y-, ,.,., ...»»~"'r-~,.,.-,__~-Y.__, f ., .e _ V ~ rw- i `~,~- - »_~ '_ ` ».--, .e. ,, _ , V Y * -» i ._ gl, .1- ,_ r .1 __`_, Y ,¢~--.,»- ._ ., »- ~ fy; »» _ -. ,- ._ . _ . . ._i . ._ ,,. V V _ _ ` , _ _ 4 » ! __.-~»; »__ .., ,_ ~,~__e. _ ., _,nf .Y .-4., , ., _ -Y °» ., ;., lf , 1--"~v- , ;~» _ _ ~-»~_- e of o¢¢f¢1¢fP1§;1W>y. i Book 1 I.” Call the twelvehburs ol' the night and then diliribute eatb of §thol`ehours to every one ofthe Planets according to the order oftheir l`ueceHions,givrng alwayes the firil hour of the day lito the Lord of that day, then to every one by order,even to the end oftwcnty four hours; and in thi, ilrllribution the Ma. gicians agree with them; but in the partition of the hours fume do diffenr. faying, that the fpacc of thc rilingand ferting is not to be divided into equall parts, and that thofehours are not therefore called unequalbecaufe the diurnal are unequal to the no8urnall,but btcaule both the diurnal and nofturnal are even iinequall amongh themfelves ; therefore the partition ofuu- equall or Planetary hours hath a different rcafon of their mea- furc obferved by Magicians, which is of this fort ; for as in artiiieiallhours. which are alrvayes cquall to rhemfelvcs, the afcenhons of fifteen degrees inthe cquinoEliall, conllitut- eth an artificial hour : fo alfo in planetary hours the af. rcnliong oi fifteen degrees in' the Bclipticke conliiturethi an un- equall or planetary bour,whol'e meafure we ou ht to enquire and (ind out by the tables of the oblique aftenlions 'of every region. . CI-lAP.XXXV. H019 firm: artificial/ rbingr ar Imager, Smit, andfucla likf, ma) 0 admin fam: 1/trtuefrorrx flue Qtlqiial lrodicr, SOgreat is theextent, power and efficacy of the Celelliall bodies, that not only natural! things. but alfo artifieiall when they are rightly expofed to thole above, do prefently fulfer by that mol! potent agent, and obtain a wondetfull'lift,. which oftentimes gives them an admirable Celeiiiall vertuc ;, which thing Saiut.7'11am.a: Aquimu that holy Doélor, thus coniirmeth in his book de fm, when he faith, that even gar- ments, buildings and other artihciall workswhatfoevcr, do receive a certain qualification from thc Stars; fo the Magicians aiiirm, that not only by the mixture and application of naturi a ,
.r,_ __ i -‘ _ f., --.., M _-,.. ,»,-,- ' »A_ `;_'_iJ:_;¢:_' Y i ~ -..¢ ,,_,____ ,_ __,_...--....~.~.. _,;__G _n *___ '-Y"’ . -_,_ -A, _ . e- ' f~.,»~r - n _ ._~.¢--.~ ......,,......~f1- -_-...¢n~_..__,. ,--sw...-¢¢<»~»-v1~ »»-_ _ » ‘__ _V __ _ .',,;..,-_.Y -._-...-`,,¢.._ `._- »,,,:_Y,., ..,,f MQ, _ < ` ~ v ~ ,_ Boolcl I.” l 0fOecuir t5bil@ppb5. b iv "H '7"` i Q i-l111 allthings, but alfo in Images,$eals§ Rings, Glaffes, and form: other Inlhuments, beirlgoyponunely framed under z certain eonllellation, fome Cel in l llluliration maybe taken, and fome wonderfull thing may be received; for the beamsof the Celeliizill bodies being animated,living,fenfuall,1nd bring- ing along with them admirable gifts, and amofi violent pow-f er, do, even in a moment, and at the lirft touch, imprint swong derfull powers in the Images, though their matter beleik ta- pable. Yet they bellow more powerfull venues on thelm- ages,if they be framed not of any,but ofa certain mztter,n:tme- ly whofc natorall, and alfo fpecificall vertue is agreeable with the worlt,and the figure ofthe image is like to the CelelliaI;i'ot fueh an Image, both in regard of the matter naturally congru- ousto the operation and Celeliiall influence, and :rlfo for its figure being like to the Heavenly one, is bell prepared to re- ceive the operations and powers of the Celeiliall bodies and figures, and inllantly receiveth the Heavenly gift into it felf; then it eonlhntly worketh on another thinlg, and other things do yeeld obedience to it. Hence faith ‘Pro my in cmilagmb, that inferior things do obey the Celefiiall , and not only them, but alfo even their Images ; Even as earthly Scorpions obey not only the Celefiiall Scorpion, but alfo his Image, if it (hall be opportunely figured under his afeent and Domi1 nion. V 2 CHAP. A.-':.~ ss _ ~4.‘f’, .<_- .»_ __,>, NYM. ~|-¢|l1¢d_¢~¢¢-. _ -.'L- ` J-avi-` _ _ -.‘ ‘
~'--~ --.»»1`__ _ _ ,_ 2.;_;,.;_ rvv<~v~‘~'<*?'fF'f~fv'rr‘T'*r»t"fi1~1"f'Tff'f”TT`*"T"", fl* _ , 5 ~ » *T “-" ~ ‘ ’ . " ' ._ . ;;_~L.1~Z»_-'1;#,~.,, ‘_-<f;;» : _»_-~, :~;_;<1; -. “ ~ , V ' 1 kr ;_"' ` for,--‘, ~_" u ,g..,: _ i 2 Z oifo¢¢arrca>r§r¢y,pray. Q Book rr. 1 CHAP. XXXVI. Of :Ee Image: of tb: Z adiarlr, Wim: 'vermu rbq éeing in_gr.1r/en, rtctioefram theffarra U; rhe Celellial Images, according to whole likeneé Images of this kinde are framed, are very many inthe hea- vens : Some vilible and confpieuous, others onely imaginable, conceived anl fer down by E£‘1Ffi§l7!,I)fdir1)!.| and [baldennr ; andtheir arts are fo ordered, that eventhe fignretol fomeof them are dhlingtrillaed from others : for this reafon they place in the Zodiack circle twelve general images, according to thc number of the ligns : ofthefe they conllituting Arin,Lro, and Sagifrary for the fiery and oriental triplicity, do report that its rofitable againll Feavors, Pallie, Droplie,Gout, and all coldiand phlegmatiek inlirmities, and that it makes him who carrieth it to be acceptable, eloqnenr, ingenious and ho- norable, becaufe they arc thx: Houles of /Htrrr, Sul, and frrpi- rer. They madealfo the image of a Lion againll melancholy phintafies, the Drophe, Plague-,Feavors, and to expel difeafes, at the hour of the Sun, the firll degree of the fign of Lea a- fcendingavhich isthe face and Decanate of frrpirzr; but againfi: the Stone, and dileaies of the Reins, and agarnll the hurts ol’ bealls , they made the fame image when So/ in the heart of tht: Lion obtained thc midll of heaven: and again, hecaufe U:- mini,Li6r4, and /Jqurrrim do conftitute the Aerial and Occi- dental Tri pliciry,and are the houfes of /l4ercrrr},Vemu,and Sa- na-n,they are faid to put to Bight dil`eal`es,to conduct: to friend- flnp and concord, to prevail againft melancholy,and to caufe health; 64 they report that Aqua:-iur efpecially freeth from the (Qarrane. Alfo, that C`mrcer,Scorpio, and Pyiw, becaule th conllitute the warry Bc Northern Triplieity, do prevail agairfdl hot and dry Favors; alfo againll the Hectick, and all chole~ rick paflions; but Scorpio, hecaufe amongll the members it re- fpcéieth rhe privy parts, doth provoke to lulb: butthefe did frame it for this purpofe, his third face afccnding, which bc, .c longeth ‘ -_ e;<__~' ", Y »4,, " _..___;._..._».»--@.._.»-
.»¥~;4 ;_-.-~'»¢ --»--f .--,w-._~.__, ,-av-_._ , .;;;-__;____T___` _*__* _1J___"‘_ *M -» ;.,. ` _ W W ‘ _ if ,»,__7,V_,j_,9.¢:.f__,......;;-»--...,_..._.__._-_ _ ,T -»- ~» ...v, -_ _, t_. ~: -w-.-»..>;;A-_ ef »' ~~ » iii of Occultwoilfjbplgy. Book all l. white man,pale, with reddilh hair, and cloathed with a red garment, who carrying on the one hand a golden Bracelct,and holdingafgnh aww gn {l;ff,= is reiilel`s,and like one in wrath, heeaufehe cannot perform that good he would. This image bclloweth wir, mceknc[?,1oy and beauty f in the hill face of Taurzu afcenderh anal-ted man, an Archer, Harvciier or Hgsbandmanmnd goeth forth to fow, plough, build,peoplc, ,and divide the earth, according to the rules of Geometry ; in the fecond face afcendeth a naked man, holding in his hand a k¢y;ir giveth power.nobiliry,and dominion over people# in the third face, aftcndeth :tman in whofe hand is a Serpent, and a dart,and is the image of neceifiry and profit, and alfo of rnifcry 8: flavery. In the fitfi face of Qcmini afccndeth a man in whofe hand is a rod, and he is, as it were, ferving another ; it granteth wifdom , and the knowledge of numbers and arts in which there is no profit : inthe fecondiace afccndetha man in whofe hand isa Pipe, and another being bowed down, digging the earth.and they hgnifie infamous and difhonefl agility,asthat ofjclicrs and Iuglers; it alfo (ignifics labour: and painful fearchings: In the third, afccndeth a man fccking for Arms, and at fool holding in thc right hand a Bird, andini his left a pipe, and they are the (ignifications of forgerfnlneh, wratlnboldnels, ieafis, larrriliries, and unprofitable words : In the Erik face of Cancer afccnderh the form of a young Virgin, adorned with hm: cloathes, and having a Crown on her head; it giveth acutencfs of fenfes. fubrrlry of wir, and the love of men : inthe fccond face afccndeth a man cloathed in comely apparrel,or a man and woman (irting at the table and playing; is beftoweth riches, mirth. gladncfs. and the love of women : in the third fare afcendcrh a man a Hunter with his lance and horne, bringing out dogs for to hunt; the (igniiicarion of this is the contention of men, the pnrfning of thofc who ily, the hunting and poffeiiing ofrhings by arms and braw- imgs. in the firft face of Leo nfccndeth ll man riding dna Lion;it{inifi hb d ' ' g et ol ncfs, violence, cruel , wicked- fs ‘X inc _,hifi and labours to be fuliaincd. In theeliecou afxrrdeth an image with hands lifted up, and a man on'i-ihofc head isnt ‘ f e s .Crotvn5 r Z C1
» ' O i' c i " v 3C)f0&éfHE3Tbii<M5}>I5~ i i Boolell CHAP. XXXVIII. V of tb: Image: afsaturn. l Ut now, whar Images they did attribute to the Planets, although of thefe things very large volumes have been written by the ancient wife men, lo that there is no need to declare them herqnotwithllanding I will recite a few of them ; for they made , from the operations of Sarm-n , Smurf; alkcnding inalione,which is called the Loadllone , the Image ofa man, having the eountenanfe of an Hart, and Camels feet and (itting upon a Chayr or Dragon, holding in his right hand, qfitlie, in his left hand a dart; which image they did hope would be profitable for prolongation of life ; for vil- bmmzftr in his book Sarizr, proveth that .hmm conduccth to the prolongation of life : where alfo he telleth that certain rc- giousof M54 being fubieei to Slum-n, there men are of a very 1<sngel==<¢¢h'd dye ‘not nnleli by exrream old Age : They Hide alfo a _ ¢**r Image of.S‘amrn lbr length ofdayes, in a faphire, :ri the ltoiur oF.S’izruf?h, Sahara afccnding or fortunately cori- Clituted, wbofe figure was an old man fetting upon an high chayre, having his hands lifting up above his head, and in them holding a fifli or Sickle. and under his feet a bunch of Grapes, hTs;head covered with a black or duslty coloured cloth, and allbisigarmcnts black or dark coloured : Thcv alfo maltethis (awe Image againlt the Stone and dileafes of the kidnyeispie. inthe bouroli Sriram. Saruriz afcending with the third fare ol' e/!qmn“i:¢:: they made alfo from the operations of Samfn, an Iuiage for the cnerealing inppoiéer . gfarrfmhfcending in [4- ffffdftf; The fdrfn ofvvhich waszln old man leaning (affajifgff having in his hindi crooked licltltgurfd cloarlied in bl:tck.TliEy alfo made an I mage of melted copper, S4zk:fn_a&en'din`g`in his tiling, viz. in the firll degree of Aria, or which is more truc in the piirii degree of Capricorn, which l mage they afbrm to, (peak with a mans voyce; They made alfo out of theoperati- ons of Saturn, and allb Alrrcriry, an Image of cull merall, like a beautifull man, which they promifed would loretcll things l to ‘ - 0 4" , Qi.. , » 1 `l_"_
oo i » "Ofi"0cdHti@‘hiloj5pI9' 'V Bookll > 0 I ,___i;_-_-D ' » C H A P- X L: i Offbc Image: afhiars. Ellom the operations of Marx they made an Imagein the hour of dlfan, Mar: afccnding in the fecond face of Ariu, in a Martiall 0:one,cfpecinlly in a Diamond ; The form of which wasa man armed, riding upon a Lyon,h;ving in his right hand a naked (word erected, carrying in his left handthe head of a man; they report , that an Image of this kind ren- drcth a man powerfull in good and evill, fo that he (hall be feared of all ; and whofoevcr carrycth it they give himthe power of enchantment, fo that he [hall terrific men by his looks when he is angry, and liupilie them ; they made another Image of Mar: for the obtaining of boldnefsmourage, and good fortune in wars. and contentions, theiorniof which was a fouldier armed and crowned, gift with a (word, carrying in his right hand a long Lance ; and they made this at the hour of Mxrx, the Eff! face of.S`cvrpia afeending with it. _ C H A P. x L 1. Of the Imdgu :fthe Sun. i Pilomthc operations ofthe Sun, they made an Image at the hour of the Sun, thefirft face of Leu :Ieending with the Sun, the forma of which wzs at king crowned, fitting in at chair, having a Raven in his bol`om,3nd under his let t a. Globe; he is ciouhcd in Saffron coloured cloathes; They report that this Image rcndreth men invincible, and honorable, and helps to bring their bnlineffes to :good end,and to drive away vain drc;ims;al|o_to_bc prevalent ngainii feaversgnd the plz ue;:md they made it in ‘a Balanite ritonc or a Rubimntjtne Eour of the Sun, when it in his cxaltation fortunately afcendeth; They made anothcrlmage of the Swain a Diamond, at the houté ‘ o
-..._ -. ‘ '~ 'i '»-v "Zur ,--, ,j_ '~'*' _ hw » .fp-_.~, _,_,, _ ~A --»-' ,v. ~; , . ~ ` _ Bopk I I. . OF Occult Wbilrfnlihy, ‘ ofrhe Sun, ir aleending in his exalcarion ; the figure ofwhigh was 3 woman crowned wich the gellureof one dancing and lau hirigllanding in an Chariot drawn with four horfes, having in Ee: right hand a looking glaé. or buckler, in the lefra lhfhgleaning on her brealhcarryin ‘a flame offirc on her head- They report char :his lmageremgerh a mm FQ;-gumgg gmf rich, and beloved of all ; and :hey made this Image, on 3 Cor. neoll (lone ar the hour of rhe San afcending in the Erll' face ofL:a. againlk Lunarick pallions which proceed from [he combullion ofrhc Moon, ~ C H A P. X L I I. offln lmagr: afVenus. Ellom :he operations of F'?nw :hey made an Image. which was available for favor, and benevolence, ac :he ve ry hour ir aiiending into 7»'%e:, the form of which was the Image ofa woman having Lhe head ol abird,and fee: of an Eagle,hold- ing a dm: in her hand. They made another Image of`l’e/mr for ro get the love of women, in :he Lapis Lewlxr, at the hour of Vmm, I/:mu aiending in Tfzxmu, rhe figure of whifh was a naked maide with her haire fpread abroad,having a look-7 ing glafs in her hand, and a chain ryed about her neek, and nigh her a handfome young mane, holding her with his left hand by the chain, but with his right hand making up her hair, and they borh look lovingly on one another, and about them isa lirrle winged boy holding a (word or a dart. They made another Image ofhmu, :he tirli face of Taurw or Li ~ 5:-.1 or I’x]¢'e1a!'¢cndnng with I/Zma, thc figure of which was a little maide with her hair lbread abroad, cloarhed in long and whirc garments, holding a Laurell Apple , orflowersin hfr righr h1nd_ in her lcfr a Comte. Ire reported to mikt mm pleafanr, ioeand,llrong, chcarfull and_ro give heahcy. ` mann. ..¢.§.,?, if-.__ , ..`,, , -~..¢`;‘ -* -Y ' L.&f.»:
»~_»¢-in sm . ,..¥- 31
¢,f_.,;:.";...¢., _ ..-.:° a._... ,- ... ---._....___..-...--. _ U __,.....__ . ._ _ .-....`___ ___ _ _ _;, < .,,..,~~, »..e-»f,~.-- -...z_...~.... :aaa-_ ,_,,,_-'rg-¢--f'--¢»--, -_;_- _, , Tv-».,.. . ,-. _, r.~. - -< l . .._,-.V-.» _.; , v ;; , ;.~ .;_ ;~1 ‘I V, , r, _ _f;__.,,, .. |41 ~ ,, ._» . ` -n, ,._» ~-.“ _goz J t » ; f’0Ecuit.lPbiIM>ply. Book I ft C H A P. X LII I. of the Image: afhdcrcury. Rom the gperations of Mnrxzrj, they made an Image at the houro eflfereug, Merrxny afcending in mini, the form of which was an handfome young man, bear d, having in his left handa rod in which aferpent is twyned about, in his right carrying a dart, having his feet winged; They fg- port that this Image conferreth knowledge, eloquence, dili. gence in tnerchandizing and gain; moreover to beget peace and concord,and to cure feavers; They made another Image of Mercmy, LZ»fm:m-‘J afccnding in Wrga, for good will, wit and memory ; The orm of which was a man fitting upon a chaire, or riding on a Peacock, havingEagles Fcef, and on his head a crcll, and in his left hand holdings cock or fire. ° ' ofthe Im.1_ge.try"tl1e-Moana Rom the operations ofthe /man, they made an Image for travellers againli: wearinels, at the hour of the Mean, the Moon afccnding in its exaltation ; the figure of which wasa man leaning ona fhffe, having ahird on his head, and at flou- rifhing tree before him; They made another image ofthe Moon forthe increafe of the fruits of the earth, and againii poyfons , and inlirmities of children, at the hour of the /Ma.m,i t afcending in the firll face ol`C4ncrr,the figure of which was a woman cornnted, riding on a Bull, ora Dragon with feven heads, or a Crab; and [he hath in her right hand :t dart, in her left a looking glaff, clothed in white or green, and ha- vindg on her head two Serpents with horns twined together, an to each arm a Serpent ttyincd about, and to each foot one F 19
o if “ UEEitlfyiPiziltj`oPly~ Book Hifi rue fixed in the girdle, for thiscaufe he forfook his wife. A ;aboiit wi`tha»$erpcnr; and 3fQ¢l'W3l’d$ Hndingthe Mhgieallyif. . _ _ Q ' C H A P. X L V I. gfgln Imgefqtbe Jllanfom' (fthe MOOIIQ l ` ' 'IW-ley made alfo Images for every Mtnlion ofthe ./man; in thcfirlk for the deltrueiion of fomc one, they made in an Iron ri the Image of a black man in a garmentmadc of haire, and gir:1ll!edround,calling a fmall lance with his right hand;they fealed this in black wax, and perfumed it with liquid Storax, and wifhed fomeevil to tome.In the fecond, againll dm wmh of the Prince, and for reco_ncilatio“n with him, they fealcd in white wait and mafrick, the lmage`ol" aking crowncd,and per- fumed it with Lignum Alocs;In the third, they made an Image lifted up on her head ; they fealed it and per umed it with: muakc Camphire and Calamm /Iramaricur They affirmed that 5 inalilver-ring, whofc table wa; fquare, the figure of which was a woman well clothednlitting in a‘ chair, her ri§ht hand being ij ,_ _ $2 L [J » . ll ` .A ~» L .,_ lin las ic, pf# 2: -.+A 11| .,. its .- ,, ff” .,~ 1 vi .. ..1 ‘; this giyeth happy fortune and every good thing. In the fourth, for revenge, ft-paration, enmity and ill will, they fealed in5ff§Q§»l` a~Serptnt in his right hand; they perliimcd it with red my-rrhe,§i and Storait ; tn the fifth, for the favor of .Kings and oliicers, and gond entertainment, they fealed in Silver the head ofa man, and perfumed it with nders; inethelixrh, for to proiif cure lovebetwtxt two, theyifealedi in white wax t oii_;§l:t~ -red wax the Image of a fonldier litring on an hotle, holding ~,! ,{? “I” I Images imbraeingone another. and perfumed them with Lig-§§~Q;;, num Aloes and Amifer; inthe feventh, for to obtain every_;Qf‘ good thing, they fealcd in &iLm the Image of :t maui! 'g ’1 .~. ,1 wellclothed , holding up his hands to heaven as it praying and mpplatattng, and perfumed it with good odcrs~;'§§‘1i'-‘ii in fhlf fléhfv f°f f"'&*’fY iff W1¥,th£'y made :t fculot' lin, hetngi “-'I ’""’{§° Oh" f12gl¢J1=1
1Dg!h¢ f1C§0faman.and perfumed itfif with Bnmflune. ln the ninth, to czule mfirmittcs, they made: e e _ y _ . f¢¢1l»>, . t 1 ,_ | ,Y , _ . ., » yi." 5, "fix 1 §."~ t. vi ~ ,, ,J xi fy' » ,i ‘if 1
':'* .-,..¢»»,i ‘_ ,_ ,gl `_`,;-rp, __ _.ii - -v . _ _,_- "Bookil I. of omni eiiiqppiy. l ‘ fcal of Lead, being the image ofa man wanting his privy pm; [hurting his eyes with his hands; and they perfumed it with A Rofin ofthe Pine. In the tenth, to facilitate child-bearing, and to cure_thc lick, they made a feal ofgold, beingthehezd of rtLyon, and perfumediit with Amber: In the eleventh, for fear, reverence and woifhip, they made a feal of aplate of gold, being the image of a man riding on a Lion, holding the eat thereof in his le t hand, and in' his right. holding fortha bracelet of gold, and they perfumed it with good odonrsand Saffronjn the twelth,for the fepzration of Lovers,they made at feal ofblack |ead,beingtbeimageofa Dragon fighting with: man, and they perfumed it with the hairs ofa Lion, and e/Iifs jhridii. In thc thirteenth, lor the agreement of married coup cs, and for the dilfolving of -£& charms againli copularion, they made afedl ofthe images of both, ofthe man in red W:tx,of the woman in white,:ind caufed them to imbtate one another, pcrfumin it with Lhqrmm vi/ae: and Amber. In the four- teenth, fir divorce and fcparation ofthe man from the wo- man, they made a feal of red Copper, being the image of a Dog biting his tail, and they perfumed it with the hair of a black Dog, and black Cari ln the fifteenth. for to obtain friendihip and good wilhthey made the image of :t mln Iitting, and inditing oflettersi, :in perfumed it with Frankincenfc and Nutmeg; ln the [`nrteenth,1or to gain much Me‘l’chandizing they made a feel of Silver, being theimadge ofamzm fitting upon :1 Chair, holding a ballanct: in his han , and they perh1m~ edit with well fmelling fpices. ln the (cventeenth, againit Thceves and Robbers, they fealed with :tn Iron fcal the Image of an Ape, and perfumed it with the hairof an Ape. In thc eighteenth, againft Feavors and pains of the belly ,they made a feal ofCoppe.r,being the image of :i Snake, holding his tail :- bovc his head, and they perfumed it with Hartshorn, and re-_ ported the fame fcai to put to Bight Scrpenrs, and all venemous creatures from the place where it is buried.1n the nineteenthfor facilitating birth,8zprovokin‘g themenltruegthey mzdca fczilof eoppeigheingthe image of; wom:n,holding her hands nponher fieggndthcy perhxmed it with L»yuid§`ror.zx.In the twentii;th. ‘ l » l » ' ' or __ » r _ I. ' 3. .....»---.. 0 * _ o
.1-»,~.}_,~;_<,...<_;-, .‘;_ :~t.,':’~ , _ _g " ' _` "", ~ " ' ' -'~' .‘ .er ‘ =.~ . .~. .‘~"“ ' ‘ » ~">»»~;;.< _v-Y - i, ` A , , ' V1 ' _;'_:¢-=;i~' Y ~ -_ . ,V f af _ ' . » ~ r 3° " Ofl Decal: ‘Plnilifipby Book I I » for hunting, they made a feal of Tin, being the image of 34. i§itm7,hall"a Man, 'and half an Hotfe, and they perfumed it with the head of a Wolf. In the twentie one forthe de- gmgion offomg bgdy, they made the image of a man with a dgublg gountenanee, before and behinde, an they perfumed it with Bfimflong and jet, and did put it in a box ol brah, and with it Brimllonc and jet, and the hairof him whom they would hurt. In the two and twentieth,for the lectiritytofliuna- ways, they made a feal oflron, being the image ofa man with wings on hisfeet, bearing an helmet on his head, and they per- famed it with Argent 1/iw. In the three and twentieth, for deltruélion and waiting, they made a fealoflton, being the image ofa C-t,having a Doffs head, and they perhtmcd it with the hairs ol a Dogs head,and buried it in the place where they did pretend to hurt. In the four and twentieth, for the multi- plying of Heards of Catfle, they took the horn of a Ram, Bull, or Goat; or of that fort ofcattle which they would in- crealb, and fealed in it burning with an Iron feal, the image of :x woman giving fuck to her fun, and they hanged it on the neck of that cattle who was the leader of the Bock, or they Qaled it in his horn. In the five and twentieth, for the prefer- vation of Trees and Harveiis, they fealed in the wood ofa Figf tree, the inmge ofa man planting. and they perfumed it with the flowers ot the Fig-tree, and did hang it onthe tree. In the (ix and twentieth for love and favor, they] fealed in white Wax and Maliick the image of a woman wa ing and combing her haires, and they perlirmed it with things fmelling very well. In the feven and twentieth for to defirofy Fountains, Pits, Medi- cinal Waters and Baths, they madeo ted Earth the image of a man winged, holding in his hand an empty veffel, and perfo- rated, and the image being bixrnt, they did put in the veffel /1172: jhida, and liquid Sramx, and they did overwhelm and bury it in the Pond orliountain which they would deliroy. In the eight and twentieth, for to gather Fifhes together, they madea feal of Copper, being the image of a Fifh, and they perfumed it with the skin of a fea filh, and did cali it into the water, whercfoever they would have the filhto gathcftogea ’ _ ,thcr.j. . ` , i
07 ihookll. ofomizfoizznipby. ,ll ther. Moreover together with the for-¢f;id tmggeg, thqrdfd write down all'o the names ofthe Spirits and their Charade", and did invoeate and pray for thofe things which they pre: tended to obtain. , CHAP. XLVII. Ofrbe Irmger ofthe fixed Behenian Stax. Ut now for the operations of the fixed liars. according to Hermes opinion, under the head of/Iggal, the made an image whole Figure was the head of a man with a gloody neck ; they report that it heiioweth good lueeeis to Petitions, and maketh hirn who carrieth it bold and magnanimous, and prcferveth the members of the body lbund : alfu it helpeth 2- gainfl Witchrralt, and rcfiecleth evil indeavors and wicked incantations upon our advetlaries. Under the conllcllttion of *Tl;i¢d::,e they mzde the image of a little Virgin, or the Figure of a Lamp ; its reported to increafe the Iightof the eyes, toailemble Spirits, to raife Winds, to l'CV£31,lCC!¢! and hidden thin s : Under Adlebam. they made an image after the likeneli of éod, or of afl ing man; it giveth richesandhonorr Under the Goat they made an image, the Figure of which was, :sit were, a man willing to make hi* fel? merry with mulical, ini7truments;ir maketh him who earriexiis it aeceptablqhonored and exalted before Kings and Printes; and helpeth the pain ofthe teeth : Under the greater Dag-_/Far, they made the image ofan Hound and a little Virgin; it beitowcth honor and. good will, and the favor ofmen, and Aerial fpirirs, and giveth power to pacific and reconcile Kings, Princes, and other men : Under the lelfer €Dvy-/in they made the image of a Cock, or of three little maidcs; it eonferreththe favor of the gods, of fpirits, and men; it giveth power againlt Witchcralts, and prefervcth health: under the Heart of Lea, they made the image ofa Lion or Car, or the Figure of an honorable Perfon fitting in a Chair ;_ it rendrcth a man temperate, appeafeth 1 ` - ` -Xa e wrath ~`~' V ' . <,_ -_ , _,__ , . 'e ~u‘- ' ., ,#_'__¢. 'f e<.._,,.'1 L_ _ _,,,,_¢-»:,,f ,i _ _ N_,_..t,__,,. ,. i , _Y .fw _ v ~§ ' _ _ E., V "';, -'f v "~ fi-";, _ _,J _' ¢‘ '~h...a._f .» .... » - l i.. .,...;..- _ ..»..t....
' ' ~-- - --~',. . , _ _ _Y _ _ , _ v i ' »»-~~»~ ,».»' :-» < » '_' ~t-_.L.._,.g,;.`f,: ~ B90k~I. V ' Off Oecnlt lPbil¢f>ply.. `l Q c1~1AP. XLVIlI. e Of ffecmmrtien/1I~`i_gxIre:, which tar: :br ufidzllr lvrtlvixt Irndgu e #Nl Clzarnflrtr. _ ' . ' » THetc are moreover certain other 'Elgures , framed by the number and lituation of the fhtrs, and alixibrduboth to the Elements, and alfo to the Planets and Signs, whicharc called Gcomantical, bcczufc that Geomnntical Divinegs do reduce the poinrs of their lot projeéled, by the exeel§ of pariry or impurity into thofe eiigures ; and they alfo being engraver: or imprinted under the ominion of their Planets and Signs, do conceive the vertue and power of images ; and thefe Figures are as a middle betwixt Images and Charaélers ; But whofoe- ver dciircth exaélly to know the natures, qualities, propricries, conditions, tignilications, and Nativities of Lhcfe Figures, let him read the Volums of Geomztncy ; but they arc in nrunbct Gxtcen, whole names :md figures are thefe. X 2 ' *laik l - . , .399 _ . -1 -_w._.,-_ _~-, "~.¢~»» ` '~ , Y ¢‘,.», »`»~-f r' .....~._.. V-~» -~- --- 4. Y » _ ._¢-¢.,.f.~ ......» ._ " '
` ,.,.......-.-_--_*_ ,,`; -» ‘ 'L ~ ~~,.-->.».'»~ V _,,~_- . -»,j‘ 0* Of`0c;f{lt @bilfj>p§y. Book II, _jlglrrh NMC- _qncnz I’ cz, Sign. fray Wazék 1 ` `; if Inu __ _ Sl' Papa Wmr q ` vp I 2' ongrrgfrtiva. ~_i_ 11 e V ~~ i `*** "'fT"&"' CU¢’!]lM'ffl|7H AIM me f _ ` Q. dfwlflfkg --' ' mms* °` . ' , A pn/an ‘ 3; i * 5 BQKJY _ A ___ 2 ; Great fbY‘fH71C » Y ; f7rr.1ur aid The Bmh . ° ; Suk-gundmrgzg | l uyér femme Q = l UK# did Fin 6 " ' Safagwdgdng out ` '_'7»` Gfltairfirrg - Ai” ‘ -I *_ » qgpgamdfawfann . T ` *",,_"* Acquiixiazz #_ ,; Gmprrbmieduitbasz Fire » ‘ Q Q ' -li; ,, buying Aire 2 Q calzlq 35 * ’* Bfmdtd ¢ » S-:Imp : , 3 ar/mtd ` 53313 U1 Cm/3 * * . }f GUS!! 9 ; B“f4“’f’in Wane: 5 .= . "" "~ g 'v frbitc W-- *-_ _* w '! Fair aa' S’ <5 * 9 ' RHUIQ ____, V 1 :___ 'd_ Fire " » * 7r1l;bf¢.;bo ? L U Ibn' /dam-', *" L* gbwpyqfbn/1,¢§ff am” f nf _ i _ - rm , Tbnbr: d ‘ ~ 23 -1- ‘ 1 : ,, 1‘bc(dkvrrtbr§{2I§E1m‘ Fm' ‘P - _ ., ` _:_ ,;.»-~»,.,.
-,___ ____,._v.--~,__-_-,._..__` _ _ __ ;3‘¢0i<1rQ* ofo¢¢,,i¢@1>;1¢,pbyQ" 'l f C H A ¥;;f X L I X. 0 Ima er, the figure wber :liner er :bc 17; /‘ i C!/Ffalugglff, but after 1be1ilQr:J?j` that zviyijz #rise war erdqirer. . - THere remains as yer an orher manner oflniiges nor aceor; ding co che limilicude of Cclelliill li rcs, hue according co che limilicude of char which che mind o§uche worker defircs, of whofe chey are che cfiigies, and reprefenracion : So to pro. cure love we make images embracing one chc ochcrzco difeord, (hiking one che ochergto bring cnifery, or delirufiion as dam. mage to a mzn,or houFc,or Cicy or any ching elfewe make imJ ages dillorrcd, broken in members. and Kms after the Iikenefs and figure of that ching which we woul dcflroy or damnilic; And Magicians advife us char in caiiing or engraving images we would wrice upon ic the name of che el¥e&; and this on the back when evill, as dellruélion ; on the belly when good, as love. Moreover in che forehead of rhei e lcc be wrirren che nameof che fpceies or Individuurn [bx§m the image re-A Erelencspr for whom or again!! whom ic is ihade. Alfoori the reall lec che name of the ligne or face afcending, ilndlord :hereof be wriccen ; alfo che names and Chnradersof ics An. gles. Moreover in making the ima e ch advifc chat pra ee for the effcél for which ic is made, Ee ufgi Allwhich Align ru: /llrrgnm in his Speculo aiiirrm: New chey ufe the images being made dir-erlly according to che venues chereofg Soma# times chcy hang chem or bindc chem co che body ; Some- times they bury chem under che Earth, or a River ; fomerimcs they hang chem in a Chirnny over che fmoak, or upon a tree that cheybe moved by che wind; fomccime wich the head ugii ward, 8: fometirnes downward; fomerirncs they put chem,into~ hot warer.or into the Ere. For chey (ay as che workcrsofrhe images do a£¥c& the image ir felf, fo dochic bring rheikeipall- lions upon rhofc ro whom ir was afcrihed, asv clicimind o che oi' mor lmh diéheed ic As we read char N¢l‘l*&mi5u? the Ma- gizianmadeimages of [hips wichwu affcrchzc manner, and ` ir V a X 4 ‘ e_ art 'Jn f» ..._ ..»-v _ U
__`_..f ,W , »~*: ~' " . ,_ Book II. of omni Tbilappliy. e .-|--n-1; wouldlt chafe away, and after the likenefs thereof; asifthon wouldelt chafc away Scorpion: ftomanyuplate , let an image of the Sm- 'an be made, the Ggn of Srorpia alrending with um Moon, and” thou [halt make unfortunate the afccndent, and lord thereol;iand the Lord of the~houl'e_of Marr ; and thou lhall make unfortunate the lord ofthe afcendent in the eighth houfc , and let them he ioyncd with an afpeéi malignant, op~ polite, or quadrant : and let there he writ upon the image the name of the afcendcnt, of the Lord thereof, and ofthe Moon, and of the lord ofthe day” and ol the Lord of the hour. _;A,i1d; let there be at pit made in the middle of the place, from which, thou wouldlt drive them; and let there be catryed intoitt fome of the earth taken out of the four corners of the lhmei place, and let the image be hurusld there with the head down- ward,with faying, this is the ryingof thc Srorpiam, that [hey may not come into this pl.tcc,:md fo of the tell. So for gain lct there be made animage under the alcendent ofthe nativity of the m:m,or under thc afcenfion of that place to which thou wouldefk appoint the gain; and thou (hall make the lord of the lecond houfe, which isin thehoufe of fubllance to he ioyned with the Lord ofthe :tfcendent in the trinc or &x- til, and let there be a reception amonglt them; thou [hill make fortunate the eleventh and the Lord thereorl andthe ci hth;` and if thou canlt, put part of the fortune in the afgendent, or fecond ; and let the image be buryedin that place, or carryed from that place, towhieh thou wouldelt ap- point the gain. Alfo for concord, and love, let there bean tmagemade in the day ofjrrpiur under the afcendent ofthe na- tivity of him whom thou wouldll have be beloved, make for- tunatethe ztlcendcnt, and the tenth, and hide the evil from the_ afcendent; and thou mull have the Lord of the tenth, and planets of the elevcneth fortune,ioyned tothe Lord of the afcendent, from the trine or fextil with reception ; then make an other image for him whom thou wouldtfl (lit upto love; confide: if he beafricnd, or com anion of him whom thou' wouldlt have bcbclovcd; and if fojet there be animage made undcrthe afccnhon of the eleventh hptrfgftorzi the afcendcn§_ ' o _ ' 5 4 i » _ 4* . I - . ..._ f , Y ,__,__.........._._a..¢,*~ ;_,e , ;.,... " ~`
T-~'>. 1KH -~-.-.~¢-`.... ' ~-__-.__ , _ , i -f-v-_ ,.,§»~`¢s-u<;v- gn I ' ' ' at-ef.-1; ._ ,.,. he “:'°v""?'?"”Z‘,“"',___;f'iff-*"f_,j<:"1g.»3_g»-4-4;-..` _'_ i !,`. »w A <__ vi' i_.`_.:f__:v;1v V _, i__`,,L_ 1 A ‘Z m ,~ -V ‘_ _._i_i,:r._, i fCE`0ccult 'PliiM,_gl§}~. Book I I. of the firlt image ; btit il theparty be a wife, or a hushand,1¢¢ W ‘itbe made under the afcenlion ofthe fcventh ; if a brother, or nliller, ‘or a couiin, let it be teide under the afcenlion of the ghifdagnd fg ofthe like ; and put the (ignificator of°the afceu- dent of the fccond image. joyned to the lignificator of the afcendent ofthe iirfi image ; and let there be betwixt them a reception, andlet the reft be fortunate, as in the firft image; afterwards ioyn both imaiges together into a mutual embrace~ ing 0; pn; the face ofthe econd image to the bark ‘of the (itll image, and let them be wrapt up in (ilk, and cali away or Ipoiled. Alfo for furcefs ofpetitions, and forthe obtaining of a thing denyed, or taken, or polfelfed by an other, let there be an image made under the afrcndent of him who peti. tions for the thing ; and caufe that the Lord of the fctond be ioyned with the lord of the afeendcnt from a trine, or fertile, and leethere be a reeegtion betwixt them, and if it can be, let the Lord of the feton be in the obeying ligns; and the Lord of the afeendent inithe ruling, make fortunate the altendent, and the Lord thereof, and take heed that the lord of the afccndene be not retrograde or combull, or falling, or in the houfe of oppofition the feventh from his OWU h0l1f¢;|Cf him not be hindred by the malignant,let him be lhong,& in an angle;Th0n (halt make fortunate the afccndent, and the Lord of the lecond and the Moon ; and make another image for him that isfpeti- tloned to, and begin it under the afcendent belonging to him, as if he bea King or a Prince, begin it under the afeendent of the tenth houfcfrom the afcendent of the lirll image; lfhe be a. father under the fourth; if :t lon under fifth,and fo ofthe like; and put the lignifieator ofthe fecond image, ioyned with the lord ofthe afcendent of the firlt imagefrom a trine,ot fex-r tile , and lethim receive it, and put them both (hong, and fortunate without any let ; make all evill fall from them. Thou ihall make fortunate the tenth, and the fourth if thou canlhor any of them; and when the lerond image [hall be per- feétcd, io; n it with the firlllare to face,and wrap them in clean linnrn, and bury them in the middle of his houfe who is the petitioner under a fortunate fignificator, the fortune being Grong -‘~:;. __
..f_o___,,¢ , , .‘-_f,_ J __i .. ~ii i_‘»_ --. '.i _‘i ,_ i -1 'T ' i &£'lL:l s 1 fig. 1_‘iY;'rl‘ if gs if” iQ; /-V ‘i ;_. ,_ i - ~4 . "fr »` iiff ' ` , I' 7 "_j' xi; »’»-pin ~ Y"‘ ~ ~ - i ' ~=;~“.~~;1~-, - “ - , i,.`(`A_hv__g iBoolc Ir. i 4 Ol"0cmIt’ Qf>nz¢,,,1U_~ "f gli; il'rong,and let the face ofthe firll image be toward the North, or rather towariithzt place where the thing petitioned for dorh abidei or if irha pen that thepetitioner goeth forward towards hitn with whlomthe thing |;etitionedtbrin.Iet him bringthe images with him as farar e goes. And legghm, be made an image of dreams, which being put under the head of him that fleeps, makes him dream true dreams concerning any thing that he hath formerly deliberated of; and let t1-ig figure of that be the figure of a man lleeping in the bofome of an Angel, which thou (hall malte in the Lyon al2‘ending,¢h¢ Sun keepin the nineth houfe in Aria; thou [halt wrignp. on the brealé of the man the name of the eifefl delired, and in the hand of the Angel the name ofthe intelligence ofthe Sun. Let the fame image be madoin Virgo aftcnding, /Wercrrr] be- ing fortunate in Arie: in the ninth honfe, or Qrmini :tfcending in Aim-ur] being fortunate, and keeping the ninth houfe ine Aqruriw ; and let it be received from Snmrn with a forrunggg afpeei, and let the name of the fpirit of Mercmxy be writ np. omit. Let alfo the fame he made in Lilrrn afcendrngfmu be; ing received from Mneury in Gemini in the ninth houfe, by Writtin upon it the Angel of Wmu. Belides alfo let the fame imange ée magic in Aquarizu attending, .S’.¢rum.fortunately po efiing the ninth houfe in his exaltation, which is in Lib:-.¢, and let there be writ upon it thc Angel of Serum. Moreover let it be made in fanccr afcending the Moon being received hy fupirer and Venn: in 7’U2'u, and being fortunately placed in the ninth home, and let there be Writ upon it the fpirit of the Moon. There are allo made rings of drcamsof wonderfull cilicacr; and there are rings of the Sun, and .i.¢zurn,and the conlle lation of them is when the Suu or Snmm afeendin their cxaltations in the ninth houfe, and when the Moon is joyf- ned to Smrrn in the ninth houfe, and in that Ggne, ,which was the ninth houfe of Nativity; and let rhere`be writ upon the rings the name of the f irit of the Sun, or Samryr. lfet this which hath been fpoken iuiilice concerning imagesfoegnowthorl mayll; had out more of this nature of thy_felf, But know Skis " i " ~ t at ._ `_' » _,__ ,_,-» ,Z M. ‘ ig A U: _'ii '_ ;‘.,.‘:>7i¥-;. Q ~ s lk _ i Ii ' _e.. ‘A
- 3, _ _ v-. ~. ...» , ,_ lfolnk I`I.‘ lOf Occult fPbilc%Jpby.l gig: and Ggns of which they WUC made, thc making of which dm '" following table willlhcwv- ' ~ ` O The ClfK2'dff{}'1 api” hiocnl Ymmthcway S ` - _ o YA Fromthc pc0pl¢ Q l < The Cbmfékrx of Mcfwry. From_Coni1m&ion m M E 3 in V E ® Ftbm ' I . " l A ‘"““* E Q Zi 3 of`;’¢:xxu. .;. _ I l V ' l  V Piomloofing V l °“ l Ju l°?{Xf%; ® ll B from girls i l fo . ' 'N l Q ` " ' l,j`..`»7_1 VN; . f~~‘; ,;_,¢, ..
u.r'* . , , V - ~»x.»»;, ,;~,`-,,,_;<_ 0 ~ - .A, _,_,¢_,...... '-» - ~ .,..,,<,`,,.‘ ag., -.~~ ;-~; v < A ~._. _ ~_ _ 4 ’ W V The Cbamflm qfSaturn. §BdokI I. Of Occult ‘Pbilo]6pby. p9;: ., ,_ i @ © I-if ww § €Pf0mf'adnefsA ,¢“ ‘ 'i 7l:c Cbkrraiiarx ofthe head qftbe‘Dr:|g0n; i EXYVVY ` "Q:-' . Th: Gbamflzrx aftbe tfyfe aftb: Dragwl ix_MA/A ~.. - ¢,_~_ f . ‘,_.=,,¢ - J 14 M. . < _ .~§*- ill? 1 ,< , Av ‘ , Q Q 2 ft :. K , . ‘* ‘L 1' ` in _ » '~‘ CHMZQ . _ _N V " ' » ~ ~..A%_,f. 5.3.1 Izzy X ‘ =- »»»¢=~ A _.,f.,~».1 __-
{_~~ ._ "T _,_*"”, __ ~'. -.' 'ef-vl. _,__ '.T_ . .' _ "*"', ""*‘;f‘ A _ V "1 ‘ =T~ ‘ _ » ., .,f~:;r;~_;;:,. ,L - " "~" '~ . ft 4_. - J_]__. ,»,_< ` ou.; 4 ,- , ‘ i A ,-,_ , , A . .-_ , _ , i _ ..- z . < I ' fl. - f - _ _ _ Y ¢ . _Y __ ,.~A _ , _ » ~ . .» .. - i - o ' ` A Booklfa i °' QCHAP. LII; 4 of Clurnéierx wbicbar: air-mm from thing: them/Uv!! 57 4 4 certain lilqgnjr. » E have fpoken above of aeertain manner of Imzges Wvmde not afterthe likenefs of Celeflial Imaes, but :recording to the crhulation of that which the min cofthc Operator doth delire. In like manner alfo it isto be under- ftood of Charafiers; for fuch like Charafiers are nothiili elfc then images ill dearticulated ; yeehaviug a certain prob le fi- militudc with the Celcflial images,or with that which the mind of the Operator ldelires, whether that be from the whole: image. or from certain markes thereof expreiling the whole-3 image. Asthe Charaéiers of Arie: and Tama we mike (5115 frorn theie horns 'Y‘ U, Of imbraeing II _ of Cahir' froixt;2!progtc1§ and regrcfg sa ,oi`L¢a,.S‘carpia,and 0:- prirahglrotiiilieir tziil SL |11 my ofV`fr_pa,ftom Spike fn; '52 of Lib-4 from a ballance .en of sdgiffdfilll from a dart 2' mf Aquurim from Waters :== and of ‘PM°¢: from Filhcs ;£.In lik¢ manner the Charaéler of Snmm is made from at Sickle of fupirrr, Rom a Sceptcr q. Th of .Men from; bolt a' ofthe Sun fromroundneliand :golden brightneibe; of Venn: from a Lookinglalk ia? of .Mercury froma Wand of the Mann from her horns of inereaiing and`decreaI`rng cr . Belides, ofthefe, ae- cording tothe mixtions of Signs and Stars, and Natures, arc made alfo mixed Charaflcrs, as ofa fiery triplicity I of Earthly of Aiery A of A » . A A Watcry A 4 , 1 V , i s -A ,J 1, > ` A 4 ~Y_` _ , . "rf---- .
,_-~ ,..__ ¢~-~ _ - w r». ,»;~¢.»y»~.¢ ¢ Q. el Y .f-_.,,...,_-f_,.... -.- -'_ ‘ -=,.Y, ;Book Ill. OfUccnIf’Pbi1'¢y5ply. 1 __l__`_ Wmry tnlfo according to the hundred md twentic coniun8ions of PIanets,rel'nl§ fo many compound Ch;- xtiflers of various Figures ; asof.S`¢mm and ?u;i:rr,e/ie. thus, 2521) or thus or thus of .Swnmand Arm, l or thus of fupixer, and Zi!!/a-fr °f *fm* of .5‘.m:rn,}¢fpiur and Main or thus And as thefc are exemplified by two and three, fo alfo Oflthe rell, and of more may they be framed : after the fame manner may the Charaéicrs ofotherCeleItial images afcending in any face or degree of fxgns, be eompcndioully drawn after thelikenefs ofthe images, as in thefe which are made accord- ing to the way of imitation of that which the minde of the Operator dclires, as to love, the figures be mixed cn- gether imbracing and obeying one the other, but to hatred, on the contrary,turniixg away the one from the other; con- ter-ding unequal loofed. Bn: now we will here fee down thofc I tClxnrz&ers which Hirfizck alligned to the fixrdftars, and Behenii, and they are thefe, e _ ` ` ` The head of /lgoél. _M VW . Tl1e7°leia¢{er. Jflrfaiivrqrrzy _-,..-(,_ _'_ __" V` `V -. _,__-,', ~-` ___ __ _ ‘_ ,Y Aa., ffl' lv'-‘_-r-;__ _ __ __ Y;-,;£___, , __ , ._
v W :_*:’;`,..-.,...-.71--_?> ‘ .._..,=%:E?¢.fjrwgiff-~fl'f[-‘“'~f"‘j"j€f '_,Q'777ff`.`}`,f Yifii; ji; ff ‘»»_4_- f` ' ‘ ’ , ` ;. af; ` '- "v.-, ',._» .1 f"»*~ iw;-' ‘LQ-“`3*’~ " ` ,. ,Y-_,'. ' ’ ` ‘ V1 . .`_,__. _ _ _Q L..-N.; , ¢,~ og»o¢zf¢r¢“@>»Wy.e _ BookIIJ ' The Goat §tar. fI`he greater Dog-/lar, The leffcr Dog-Har. ' 1 `fI°heheart of:heLion: The Tail of tire Beai. M '!!1s.z°f".S W# CW? 5fff4§ 1 t' _ `_, ,-< _ FQEWUB: ' ' V 1 ,. _ * I, 7 V-- _
.-, rw ~.._,_,___....»-,_,.~ i___.._ OF Occult ‘PbiI¢Wp!y. ° Bookll. ;;_~ v' f; Q » ~ Alcametb, Elpbeia. The /:cart of the ScvrpianQ `o The P?4Iture failing. . The rail of Cayricom. C HAP. LII L Tlmt no ‘Divimzxian Without Afrolagj 13 fD'f;&» `/VE have fpokcn in the forcgoingChaprcrs of the di- vcrskindss of Divinations: Bu: this is co bcnotcd that all thcfc require thc ufc and rules of Allrology, is :key mofk ncceifary for the knowledge of ail fccrcts ; :mddut : I kinds of Divinarions wharfocvcr have thzir root and founda- cion in Aftrologic fo, asrharxvirhout inhcy are oF 'lin!c or no uk; yct Mlrological Divination,in ai mxzgh as thc Célciiials are ufcs and Ggusof allrhofc :hidgs which arc, anti arc doqc ' m ca ' Ya, _ " ' "` , -< v ` ~»-..~5Ae~ / , .P -:.»gL _ .i~~~_<:¢`_~-1 -- »- _ , A `
'v ._¢-._ f ._,-, ._ _ » r- .» . _ ff' Book UQ' ll ` d nlla ` b h ’ efe inferior: doth ive mo certain emo tions yt e gltutgtion, and mdtion oiely of Cclellial bodies, ofthofe things whirl; are occult or future; of which we [hall in this plate fpeak no filrther, fxnce of this Science huge Volume have been wrote by the Ancients, and are everywhere extant. Therefore whetherthePhyGognomilis lookupon the body,or countenance of fo;-ehead,or hand,or the S00thfayer,fearcheth by dreams or Aufpicia, that the iudgmenrrnitzybe right, the figure of heaven is alfo to be enquired into. rom the judgements whereoll together with conie&ures of limilitudes an ligns, are produ- ced true opinions of the Iignificarors. Alfo if any prodigie fhallqppext, the Figure ofthe heaven is to be erefted; alfo fueh things are to be enquired after, which have gone before in the revolutions of years from great coniundions, and Eclipfes= then alfo the Nativitiegbeginnings, introniutions, foundati- ons, and revolutions, pexfedions, direélions ol"Princes, Nati- ons, Kinggoms. Cities, when thefe (hall appear, and upon what place of the Celellial figure thefe fell ; that by all thefe at length we may come toa rational and probable Ggnilica. tion ofthefe things. After the fame manner, but with leha la. bour, we mttl’c proceed in the Expotition of dreams. Moreo- ver, they that being dillempered foretell future things, doit not but as they are inltigated by the Rats, or inferior inltru. xrjgxggofthefe, whence their Prediéhions muli: at length be imputedto the Celelhals, as we read in Lum: the old Prophet Tnféxu, .Tbe Lfgl:t‘rriag.r P!0!f0Id, and rhewine: which rtre ~ I`i5raux,Aird Warm, and mation tfafair i Phan: iiwrdring i'tl: airs, king mr:_gbr---- - ' After the City was viewed, the Sacrifice (lain, the infpeflion into the intralst did atlength by the ditpofitions ofthe Cele- Ihalllars pronounce judgement. Alfo Geomancy it fclf the melt accurate of Divinattnns, which divines by points of the f=!1'I{1. vt any other fnpetfices, or by a Rall. or an other power rnferthed, doth firil reduce them to Celcllial figures, viz. to - A t t i a ' Khofe ate__...rv JS*
, , _. W- i ., Vw- ~,_,__,i_.,__~,,._-_..,,, v_‘__ Bbookl 1. Of ofrfrzrebznpfry. , #111-_i_` thofe Gxteen which we above named, making fudgement aliq- an Aiirological manner, by the properties and obfervationa thereof : and hither are referred all natural Divinations by lot; whxtfoever,the power whereof can be from no where elfe then from the bcavcn,:md from the mindc ofthtm that work them. Por whatfoever is moved,canfed or produced in theft: inferiors, mul! of neceffity imitate the motions,and influences of thefupe- riours, to which, asto its roots, cau&s,andEgns it is reduced, the judgement whereof is (hewed by Alirologieal Rules. Hence Dice, Tctraeedron,Exzcedron, 0&oeedron, Dodge;- cedron, Icooedron being mzdeby certain Numb ers, Signs,_and Stars atopportune times,under the inflnencics ofthe Ocleiiiils, :md being infcribcd, obtain a worderful vertucof Divining, and foretelling by their caftin s, fuch as thofe Dice Trmdic had, in which we read the Deiginics of the Rama: were conf tained. ' " ` t Cl-lAP.LIV. Qflioxrerj, when, and whence tb: rfertue qf'Div£g¢ing xi igeidme to it. ‘ _ W&tfower Diyiuations and Pmdi&ions of humane events are made by Lottery. midi of neceliity, hefides the lot, have fome fublime occult eaufe; which indeed [hzllnoe betacaufe by accident, fuch as Arijhrle deferibes Fortune to bc. For in the feries of Caufes, feeing according to the Plura- nij};,;; ,caufe by accident cznnever be the prime and fufiicient c2.ul`e,wg: mai! look higher, and findc out a caufe which ogy; know andintcnd the cffeéi. Now this we mall not plree in corporeal Nature, but in immaterial, and incorporcal fub-~ [ianocs which indeed adminifter the Lot, and diibcncetbc iig- niiication of the truth, as in mens fouls, or fepmtedfpieits, or an Celdiial Intelligencer, or in God him!fel£.7No(v`,that there is in mans 'foul' rr fnfiicieriti poweru and vertue to direQ lixthkinde of lots, iris heriée`r?_;inifcI!, becauk there is , - . ~ Wi* 5, ' gn ,,. 4 ` v f `» -_»
*;»¢». V v__,.;~y ,_ ,,~.- , ',i.;-, __,_N.`Ak, __ __ _ ` .4‘,.._,,._..;.,,,...---.-..~=-»,~,»¢~<_~»~`.;~:r'~~'*"f'»¢:-¢.q-»-g~_. ..-,___-_,,,,_, .,.~..,.-7-~.}, _.> _ _ »»~. .,, ~-~t .~' ,_-- ,,; ¢_‘ up _, _ ~, , `».,,__,.4r ~, ` , - _- z, ‘ V .‘»;<V';v'_. - , ‘-- ,Y . _ ‘ *. < .~ . 4, fo 5F'ffU¢?€¥¥?1@’>if¢%>z>f»i-*~` Book I I- » _inour `fou1‘a divinevertue, and limiiitude, and appreheniion, and powcrofallrhings; And as we §1id inthe firii: Book, Ali thingsehuveunaturaiobedienaf: toit, and of neceliiry have a :notion :ind éfhcacy to that which the fouideiircs with :t (hong defire; and ali the vertues und operations of natural :ind :trtifical things, obey it when ic is carried forth into the cxcefs of dciire, and then oil lors oF what kinde foever are af- Iiiiing ro the appetite of fuch a rninde,aud acquire co chem- ielvcs wonderful vertues oFp'.tif:1ges~,as fromthzr, fo from the Cciefiial opportunity in that hour in which the excclk of fuch a like appetite dothcmoil' of aliexeeed in ir. And thisisthat ground and Foundation of ai! Aiirological (Qdiions, where~ fore the minde being elevated into the excefs ofany defire, taketh ofic felf :tn hour and opportunity muff convenient and efiiczrcious, on which the'?igurc'ofche heaven being made, the Aiirologer may then fudge in it, and plainlyknow concerning thauvhichany one deiites, and is inquiiitive to know. But now bccaufe Lots strc not direéicd alwaycs by mans minde, but alfo, as we fztid before, by the-help of other Spirits ; nor is the minde ofa Prouhet alwayes di§€ofed to that cxceh of paf. Goins we (poke oi :hence among the Ancients, it wasz~€u. flume to premife before the calling ofthe Lot, fome facred performances, in which they called upon divine Intelligeneics aifthfpieitsfurm direéli the 'Lot arighr. Whatfoever kinde of grriigf therefore Hiefekinde of’ [iota portend, muihof necef~ xty~not‘iieiiy‘ch1nceor fortune, but from aifpiritual caufe, by venue whereof the Phanrahe, or hand of him that caIE the Louis moved; whetheuthxt powerproeeed from the foul of the Operator through the great cxocfifof his aiiiftion, or from a Gelciiialinhuenoeg mdbgportuniry, or from a cercain<Diety or Iiairie afiiiiiu Q or moving frorrr one high , whether thcfe Lots are placj in callin of Cockalls, or throwing of DWG or in rhcrueecingofgerfes, ibcH‘as were formerly the got of Pgdiirr :rnd'Vif_git{,'of which we read ini~v£rH:u of- pyrra, ima lon mee mode i en i 1 and which- we readhefell'Tmj;vrua th?:eEmperour. qu W' ~ ` Wiurtr V-MT ~¢11_:. ,....,4‘i ‘ .if v_..-»
_v _ _ ._....-......--Y-f ,-», , ,_|,,.._ _`.,,,_,_._,, Boolel 1. i ‘6f0¢¢fQz¢ ii’biMzyfoy: Whatir l1ef.v°of_grac'J1rirb :br Oléve Laugh ‘Pre/2n!in4g`éff`a'i:g: H1121 Wbireclois We lqmv, y y A Komen, Ki:i_g;Wbof: lawxjifpgled Rome, y zfndjivmfriml [arm A poor gl,_/Zvaflmzze _ To greet command-- " ` By which Verfes he did not in vain become to have hopei of enjoying the Empire. Alfo amongll Heifrzwq even a- mongli us Chriliians(fomeDivincs not difzpyroying`oIfit)L0ts are taken out of Verfes of Pf11ms.’l`here are allo mote,8c other lsindes of Lots, as are humane Lots, which had no Divination in them amongli: the Ancients, and are obferved by ns in choo- Fng ofhlagiltrates, to prevent envy, of whidralfo Cicero :- gamft Vern: makes mention: but thvéy are not of out pur- pofe : But thofe which are divine, and acted Lots; re[pe&ing Oracles, and Religion, ofuihich we (hall difeonrfe in the fol- lowing Book : Onely thus far I would ndvife you, that how much prefaging, diviningpr Soothfaying l'oever_Lots ore found to hzvc,they have them not as they are I;ots,bot by realon of at vettoe ofa higher operation joyned to them. r-, 7 .Q Q 'emma Li/Q7 fe A ` “ of rbejiml ofthe World, add eb: C¢I¢]}ial:,la¢car:1ingyro :be tradifims of the Pom, and ‘7’l:ilxf:pber.r. IT is necefimry that the heaven and Celefiial bodies, . feeing they have a power, infiucnec, and manifeii operation upon thcfe inferiors, (hould be animated : feeiog an opeutioneanl not proceedfrom a meer body. All famous Poets,and Philo~ fophsrs aiiitm therefore that the world and all.Celclh1ll bo- dies muli have at foul,and that alfo intelligent z Hence .Martin .film/illim in his Afkronorny to ¢Azx_g¢g{bu ,l`mg§,i _ ` _ A T i . i i V » Y' 4 i 711: r)- .¢.».-, ..-~..>.... .. "7 Z ` 4; .' -,: :V ' . : yi.
s~ ' - ` ’ 0f.0tcz:itV~‘PbiIM:pIgy 'h Book II' h 1, ‘ »c ¢.¢J1mf1a,=»1,:¢1, dnl, .=;»p}»' , §;,25;; /life, Earth, Sm, ¢ndFbr5 ¢/(di-vfncpnldaxb rulr, 4 Dieg Dub mpygwrw-1 ` Alfb Lawn T/1: Emb téaw W:{gb’d` bw aire,':jiv_/hind Bygrm love:-3 And Baffin: Tim; daffjqn ra :be mr-IH a]5r¢!, glut mam: e/!1l fbi# I ?`tbrnfBI¢fmxt1?rr,/nd amp It zbraugi t e mrpxéen ofrbefsxrxr, Mdtlvi: » Into two Orb: zfmatian rounded lk ‘ ’ ' " h ~ 'Beiagdividéi mdfm-ta rmxm ‘ Inxoir/i»U`ma£;.r I:4_#¢- ° And 143-_g»1’moI¥: full of all Philofophy, (ings thus, And the Huwn, Emb, and liqtr5dpl#f'1» The (Bloom érglat Qloh, and Star: Titania” udf iritfid within, #read :bran In tb: whole Arzfwitb the hu :brag mixdin hdafwl; _ ° Hence m4n,»o:d5€'a/}.r,aml6ird: :rim zkeirjirain, And man#rr:j?aarin_g in tb: rmréfrd main ; Tb¢§rg{: [147/cfizr] vignr, und; 61:-tb _ Of Ecaimlf rare, 611: ¢lu_g’dwfrl:{mrry earth. For what do thefis verfis fccm to mean, thcn that the world lhould nor only have *a fpizi: foul, hu: alfo to partake of the divine mind : and :har thc originalkvcrruc, and 'vigqurofall infcxionr things do depend on the foul ofthe world P This do hal1‘2’la:vm]f.r, °P]f!)4g0f!;¥!!!, Orpbuu, Tnfmrgygr, /lrfflarlr; Inv* _ ` _L ‘ ' ._ : 1` _.AQ u>-Y-J '-
_ r t .M - .5 Book I I. Of Occult Tbxlofoply, *- 'Tbeapbra ut, Aviem, /f(g4i¢[¢i» and all Peripatetitka confcli, "' and conliprnt. -~ .e A - C H A P. L V L Tbrfaz: rltcanfimrrd @ rufau. THe world, the heavens, the Stars, and the Elements have a foul, with which they eaufe a foul in thefe inferiorand mixed bodies. They lmcal o aswe laid in the former book ,a (lPirit, which by thcraodiating of the foul is united to the bo. y: For as the woald is a certain whole body, the pm, whereof arethe bodiesof all living creatures, and by hotv mush the whole ismorefeefefi and noble then the parts, by fo much more pet&B, an noble is the body of the world then the bodies of each living thingie would be abfurd, that all im- perfetibodiea and partsof the world, and every bafe Ani- mal, as Flies, and Worms lhould be worthy of a life, and have alife and foul, and the whole entire world amoll perfeér, whole, and moll: noble body, (hould have neither life,nor foul; It is no lei? abfnrd, that Heavens. Stars, Elements, which give to all things life, and foul mol! large! , [hould thernfelves be without lile,and foul; and that every plvant , or tree fhguld be of a more noble condition then therl-leaven, Stars, and Ele- ments, which are naturally the caufe ol' them ; And what living. man can deny that earth. and water live, which of thetufelves, generate, vivilie, nourilh , and increafc innumerable trees, plmts, and livin creatures ? as moll manifclily aplpeats in th' that breeg of their own accord. and in tho e which mg* have nocorporeall l'cecl._ Neither could Elements generate and. noutilh fueh kind of ltvnn creatures, if they themfelves were without life or foul. But%ome haply may lay, that (nth kind ofliving creatures are not generated b the foul ofthe earth. or water, butby the influeuties ofCelef{iallfouIs; Thef: the Platamjlranlwer, that an Accident cannot begat a fublhnce, unlefshaply :san inlltumentit be fubyeéled to the next lub-_ flante, becaufe an inlltumcnt removed lroman artifiter is no; » ‘ r < ~ n i move
,,.,,___.,_,._,.` , Y -v»- _ _ .l ,___ -e-=-¢¢;51_,r -f':f:~ff~' -T;§w"""". -A-_,$Yf.' ‘-A,»_.-4; ; -, - ~~ ~ _ ._ 'g .- ~' ._. ,_ r_, ,M .,.-~ _,_. _ - _, .,.. _ _ , 0 -,- ~~~ ` 4. , ’__~» ___, __~~- .`- - _ c l ,~;_of§oE¢1i1feQ>},fz<pp1»y. -' `*; Y » Book 1 1. ' frnoved to thecffe& ofthe art; fo alfo thofe Cclelliall influerzl cies, feeing they are certain accidcnts bcfng removed far from vital fublianccs, or from the l1fC li mf] Cannot generate a viral Glhilance in thefe inferiors. And Aferwrinr in his book which he ml, D, g~,,,,,,,,,,,;, faith, All that is in the world is moved ei- ther byincreafe,or der:re:.fe,Now what movcmnull needs have life ; and feein that all thingr move, even the e:1rth,efpecially with 3 generative and alterative motioruthey mull: themfeivcs live. And if :my doubt thzrthe heavens live, faith Tbeophra- _(fur, heis not to be accounted a Philofophcr; and he which deriyes the heaven to be animated, fo that the mover . thereof is not the form thereof; dcltmyes the foundation of all Philo~ fophy ; The world therefore lives, hath a foul, and feni'c;for it gives life to plants, which arc notprndutcd of feed; and it gives fenfe to Animals, which are not generated by ¢oition." ' ._ ,_ V. ;,.». _ _§_.i_ . f .» _ ' _ '~ ;; ` ».,'_ ~ cram. tvii. That tbeféul ofthe world, mdrbr (`dqf}r1c1l hal: are rarianlll, andpfrrtalg gf Dir/im' fmdzrjfandirrg. ']["H:tt the above named fouls have real`on,is apparent hcnrc; For whereas the univerfall works of the forefrid fouls do with: certain perpetuall order confpirc amongli thernfclves,it is neceffary that they be governed not by chance but by rcafon; by which rezfon they do dire&,& bringall their op: rations to :r certainty. For-it is necelfary that the earth fhould have the rezfon of terrene thinggand water of watery things; and lo in the reli; by which reafon each in theirtime. place, and ordtr' are generated, and being lxnrt are repaired. Therefore Philo- fophers do not think the foul of the earth to be as it were the foulof fome contemptible body, but to he rationall and alfo intelligent, yea and to be at diety. Belidcs it would he abfurd, feeing we have rcafons of our works, that Lcltliiafl fouls, and the fool of the univeigfc lhould not have reafons ol' theirs. But if (ar faith ‘2’l»m») the world be made by very. c ' b Y goodneis t '.’J`1L..- " -}Li .' Y _ ;-.»-.4.-1, .;e..4
'il ...(» »-- , ~-'v"'.'.' ~, ,N _ , . . ‘ V ‘ i If -0/90ccr¢lr&"hi!o[:pby. M W Sgr yr oodnehic lelh aswellasit could be made. it isgerrainly cn-A éowed with' not only life, fenfe, and reafon, but alfo under. gzmding. Por the perfeflion of 1 body is its foul and tha: ody is more perfe& which h`§hamore perfcél foul; lei; neccffarythcrefore, feeingCclclii;ll bodies are moll: perfclci, Ithat they have alfo mall pcrfeéf minds. They partake there- f0rt0Fanihtelle& and: minde; which the ‘P/ntanyfnlfo prove by the perfeverancc of their order, undtenor, becaufe motion is of its nature Free, itmay ealily livarveg and wander now one way, now anothergunlcfs it were ruled by anintelleff ” and a mind, and that alfol by: perfeéi' mind forelceing from lthe beginning the bel! way, and chief end. Which per&& Vmintfindtcdg beczufe it is mol? powerfull in the foul, as is the l'oul;and as are the fouls of Celelliall bodies, and of Elements, without all doubt doth mol! orderly,and perfefily govern the work allotted to it. For bodies do not refill a molt powerfull foul, and a rfeél mind d‘oth not change its counfel. The foul A of thtivnrlrf thttcforc is a Certain only thingfilling :ll things, J beil°0c-vingullthin ,bindingnndknitting together all things, *? that it :night mirage frame of the world , and that it might he as it were one inllrument making ofrnany (lungs, ` but one founddounding from threckind$'ofcreatnrCS.l§1tclIe&- all; Celefriall; andincorruprible, rvitlroncjonlif bread? and .4 life. e t W 4 CHAP. Lvnr. y l Ofrbeuprn a_ftbe_§'¢l4}ial:, and their ruleo-ver rbzlr ir§f}riwqf wafld,v1z. y 4 A' e 'T I-le namesfo£;§é!e{iiall fouls are very many. anddivetk- aecordingyro théir manifold power( and vetngej upon thefe inferior things; from whence theyltxlfc rtCt;y`§d§d1V¢¥’ names, which theaneients in»their"Hyrnnelyantl9pr§yexS made ufe of. Concerning which you muff obferycl thatever‘yf2>n¢ Of thefefouls according to 0fpb¢wj.»‘epxvmity,'$ fmxd to have a u - y 1 l r <_ . _ dqyublee Y ’ l H l , 1 4 , _,J _4__,` s-l.~¢_. V t- '¢, _ _ .V '.,‘,» , . '377151 5|
T* *»~; »~;rf _ ;, ‘ ~ ,1 2 Of Orcitlt Tbiltyoply. i Book I I; double vertue;thc one laced in knotvingthe other in vivifying_ aid govgming its bggfy. Upon this account in the Celefliall fpheres, Orplcur cals the former vettue Barcbur, the other; Mule. Hence he is not inebnatcd by any Buclmr, who hath not grff btw muplcd to his Mule. Therefore nine Ba. ¢},,,,-, am dgfigngd about the nine Mules. Hence in the ninth fphere Orp/mu puts Biitfblll Criéoniur , and the Mufc [`4[1;. off; in the liarry heaven Pioirmiw, and 'Ur¢mi.¢; in the f hero of sawn, Amp/rirtux, and Tagplymnhz; in the fphere ofgrtp. f(7‘,.S’1$6|l/ilkf’ and ‘I'¢rpfrbar¢;in the fpherc of./l4.¢r.r, B,¢[.¢fig,, and Clio; in the fpherc ofthe .S`un,Tri:trricu:, and M¢/ ,,,,¢,,,; inthe fphere of I/emu, Ljfur, and Emra; in the fpgere ofi Memrg, Silcuur, and Eutrrpe; in the fpherecf the Mann, fBacchx:.r, L]m.r, and the Mufc Thulin. Alfo in the fphcrcs of the Elements, he names the fouls after this manner. In the fire he puts thetplanee, and the morning ; in the air lightening ?upir¢r, and funn; in water theOccan, and Tbrgr; in ;h¢ earth Plnra, and ‘Pi-o,('er;im¢; but the foul of the world or univerfe Magicians call the inpim- of the world, and elm mind ofthe world Apodmnd the nature ofthe world, /1/liner. w. Belides in the fire they put Vnlcan, in the water Nepum, and they did narne them by divers names Alfo in the Star; of lhCZOdl}16k[hC Pjrlmgarinm did put twelve partieulu- Gad; or fouls placed in the hearts of thofe Stars, and thence govern. ing the whole Star;/iz.. in the heart of Arie: is placeda par- ticular-PaHa:, in the heart of Troma a particular Vcmu, of Gemini a particular Pbrbmyof Cancrr M¢rcf:5y,ol Ll-0 §1,,P;;¢,-, of Virgo Carer, of Libra Vulcan, of Scorpio tjlfurf, gf _9,,_z;,_ rarin.roDiAm:, of Cnpricom Vijla, .of Aquarius apmigulg funn, in the heart of Pike: a articular Nrprfrxe: This did L/Mwiliur ling forth in thefe ver§s. s P11115 dat): rule the Ram, Venus iff: Biz); i Phebus the Tzvim, and Mertnry darb rule The Cancer, and the Lyon guide: dnb ]ovc, Qetes dark Yirgo, yulcan libra mm-3 For 5 gf fi 1 1 l ! l $2 v v i
.»¢- - -_,vi V.; V, 'i 1 . I' f‘__;g€ I 5 ~ ,1 t= 5 . lt, _..Y.,._. 1; ___ -+w- Book I I. V Ol`0cc‘ult T/zilcjoply; ' .__ _ . Per Scorpion Mars 5 fvr53gi¥t2¥lU8 faire Diana mregfar Capricorn dv!/1 ¢'»v'¢ Vella ; Aquarius _[uno dnrbprorrtl ; Jfndbleprunc Pifces -- _ And moll ancient Orphan: writing to Ma;/Z-:r:,reekons up mom Diaries of the heavens then thefe, Ggni yingtheir nal-ner, rg. geeks, and duties, calling them all in proper fongs, L¢; no out ercfore think that they are the names of evill deceiving (pi. rits; but of naturall, and divine vettues, dillmbted to ¢1;¢ world by the true God, for the fervice, and profit of manmho knew how eo ufethem : and antiquity it fclfhath afcribed (0 cachofrhefc Dictics the fcvcrall members of man; um ng to memory , which Virgil alfo dedicates to Pbrbm, frying, [`]nrl:i:u puls my car, and admonilherh me- So the tight hind being 1 token offortirnde, 8: by which an oath is made,Ngm, Pampilixu, as iaith Li-ny, hath dedicated ro faith : The Engng are undetthc tuition of A’fi&’!f1/4| :md the knees given to Mer- eift1llnc&;Hence they that beg pardon bend them. Some dcdi. cate the Navell to Venn: as the glare of luxury ; fome who re'- fer all the members to it as the cenrer, hy iris dedicaredto fupirrr. Hence in the Temple of fupim- Hmmm the efiigies ofa navel is celebrated. Many other things thc ancients did ohfetve, aferibing every little member and Ioynt to their Di- cries, which if they he rightly underllood,and the true Dieties ruling over them known, would not at all fwerve from their duty, fceing :tlfo facred wrir tellihcs that all our members arc governed by .the fuperior vcrtues, of which we llull fpcak morelargely in the following book; and not members only, butevery exereife of men is dill rilmtcd ro its Dlecle, as hunt,- ings to Dina, wars to Pd/1¢I!,l’ll§lJ3DdI§' to Cerex. of which 'thus fptalss Apollo in his Oraeles in I’orpLgri:. Pallas law: men, wood: ra Diana fair Afvihd mv, to Iuno humid /Jirr, l To CUSS Corn, andfiwirq ; ta Olytis The warn; 4% Immun mrrrifé. - C H A P
A '~ sg ‘i ‘ ` ‘fifx v 0f0ccrrltQ°bil¢piy. BookIl~ _ - ri’ -CH A r>. LI X. if Ofrbefeom get/muff gf' tb: world, the Plrvzm, and of tbrir ‘varioru nnmerjrruixg ta Mqgicall Hfrcrbrn Oreovcr they did call thofe fevcn governors of thc .M world (as Hemre: cals them ) Saturn, j7upitcr,1l»!»¢r.r, the Sun. ihrm, Mm-my, and the Maas, by many names, and epithites; via. calling .Sbzrurn faliur, fithe-bearer, the father ofthe Gods,tbe Lord ofthe time, the high Lord, the gte&t,the wife, the intelligent, ingenious revolutor, ofa long 1pace,~ari old man of great profundity, the author of ftcret contemplation, irnprclfrng, or deprefling great thoughts in the hearts of men, defltoying andnyxrefcrving all things, over- turning force and power, and co itutingpt ke?et of fccrct things,and alhewer ofthcnncauliug the lo <,and nding ol the author of life and death. So iupirrriscalled as it wetcahelp- ing Father,the King of heaven, Magnanimous, thundering, lightning, unconquered, high and mighty, great and mighty, | » J r ~ I i » good, fortunate, fweet, mild, of good will, honeli , purc, t walking well, and in honor, the Lordofjoy, and ofiudge-‘ l ~m¢r!S. wife, true, the fhewer of truth, the judge of allthmg.s,~ excelling all in goodncfs, the Lord of riches, and wifdomen 'Marr isnlled /!{4'UF7’.|‘, powerfull in war, bloody, powerfull, in arms, :t fwordbcarcr, magnanirnous, bold, untamed,gcne-1 1005. lightuing,ofgrc:rt power and furious hafhagainll whom none can defend himfelf if hc rtlilt him , who dcliroycsthe (hong, and<powcrfull,and dcpofcth Kings from their throncs, the Lordof heat ,and power, the Lord of fiery heat, and of the planerof blood ; who inihmes the hearts of contenders, and gives them boldnefs. The Sun is called 7,/J»¢5l!J‘,Difffif!7`,, /lp//0, Tir.w,Pr.w Pfmrrr, Hmu,0fri.r,as it is in that Oracle,§ 9 Tl¢¢'Sun , Ofyris, Dionylius ga , s i 1 Apollo,Horus,It'ir§qruIinf t/£d¢¥f s ' f ` !'i _ e r t W/2 S a ` 4‘:'r‘:..~ ~» *fi .r- _ ...;..¢.- c., _ . _.4,. <
:'f ,_ , Book II. i Of Occult ‘Pbil¢y6pby. Who cbaixfnb rirner, trbo _giveth Wind: and min, The King vf.S`r4r.r, andtl:¢1`mm‘rra!ljlame. A He is called alfo e/!r¢'it:»mx:,liutning l`iery,goldcn lliming. ra. diating,ofa fiery hair, ofa golden hair, the eye ofthe world, Lucifer, feeing all things, ruling all ghings,rhe creator oflighr, the King of Stars, the great Lord, good, fortunate, honell, pure, prudentjnrelligent, wife, [inning over thc.sfhole world, governing, and vivifying all bodies that have a l'ouI,xhc prince of the world keeping :ill the Stars under himfelf, the light of all the Srats,darkcning,burning.overcoming their vertue byhiy approach, yet by his light and fplendor giving light and fplen. dot to all things 1 in the night he is called Diqyfui, but in the day /Iprilo, as if driving away evill things, Therefore they Athenian: called him A/exiwran, and Homer I '1m»i_i,e. the driver away of evil things. He is :ilfocmlled Pbelfur from his beauty and bri htnefs, and l"ulc¢n from his hery violence, be- ¢ii1TEithe'force Siereofconlifls of many Gres. He is alio called _the .S'un,becanl`c he contains the light of all the Stars 1 hence he is called by the e/I 15:-iam 'l!s‘“lN Adad, which Hgmhcs any, and by the Hebrews UDL? Schemefch, which lignities prapir. Venn: is called the Lady, nourifhing, beautifull, white, ilxlr, pleafing, powerfull, the fruitlull Lady oflove and beauty, the progeny of Ages, the firll arcntofrnrn, who in the beginning ol all things juyned divcrfllv of lexes together with a growing love, and with an eternall off-fpring propagates kinds of men and Animals, the queen ofall delights, the Lady of rcioyong, friendly,l'oeiahle. pittifull, taking all things in good pm, al. waics bountifullto mortals, affording the tender atfcéiionof :i mother to the conditions ofthem in miiery, the ihfegard of mankind , letting no moment of time pil; without doing good, overcoming all things by her power, humbling thchigh to the low, the [hong to the weak, the noble tothe vilcaerfii- fygtfguand equalling all things : and lhe iseztllcd g!;bn~.2iu,bo. ca cm every fexe,(he is found to be of every mindqand the is , , , ¢=1l°d lf' 4 ‘ A,
.___ - . .~ ,-v_. , '7"”'¢?’ . V _ .,_.,_.,,..._.. nf... .,..,,,...___ e -_¢_..,_,~.. ;'.-°.;*<.<'~ H ‘- _ .i * > it ' ~ ‘,,~~ " '. ~.¥"~' ¢ ;.‘ ‘» _ f l 5o£vo¢¢¢lz¢ewbizyopbjr “ t Book 11- ‘called Lueifmz. i.e. bringing light; bringing the yeers of the S"”.w“gh;; and lhe is called H@nu, when (he follows the_ .S`m1;and Pbef erugbecauii: (he lea through ull things though ngvgr fo hui <_Z{¢rmr] is called (IIC fon of fnpittr, (IIC eryer ofthe gotl;,rh¢ interpreter ofgods, .S`till1rm,thc Serpent- be:1rer,the rod-be:rrer,winged on his foet,eloquent,b ringer of gain, wife, rational] rohulk, llout, powerfull in good and evil, the notary ofthe Sun, the tneflen get offuyircr, the melfenget betwixt the fupernall and infernal! gods, male with males, female with females, moli fruitfnll in both fexes; And Luca cals him the Arbitrator of the gods. Heis :rll'o called Hermes ,j.e.interpreter,hringing to light all obfcurity, and opening tlrofe things which atemoll fecret. The Mean is called Pbrée, £Di¢vur, Lnefm, Trqferpina , Hrcnre, Mmjfrrwur, of at half form, givingliglit in the night, wandting (ilent, having two horns,aprefetvcr, arright-walker, hom-l>e:rrer,rhe queen of heaven, thethieiicli of the Dicties, the fitli of the heavenly gods and goddelfes, the queen of fpirits, themilirisof all the Elemens,whom the (hrs anliver, feafons retum, Elements ferve; at whofe nod lightnings breath forth,l`eeds bud,pl1neg increafe, the iniriallpareneof fruit, the (ilier of Pluéru, light, and ing lighefrom one planet to anothtnenlight ning all powersrhyirs light, teflraining the various paflinwf theStars, difpenfng various lights by the circuits of the San, the Lad ofgreatbeaury, the millris of rain and waters, the giver olytichetgthe nurfe of matnlrindthe governor ofall States, loud, mercifull, proteétin men by Sea tndland, mitigzring all tempells of fortune, ifpenling with fate, nouriihrn all things grorvingon the eanlgwmdering into diverswoo 1 re lining the rage of Goblingfhutting the openings of the earth, difpenling the li he of the Heaven, the wholfome riversof the Sea, and the cploted lilencc of the infemnls, by its nods ruling the world,treading hellander her feet;of whole majcliy the birds haliingin the Arte zxreailitaid , the wild”lJe:t[ks fttag ling in the mountains, Serpentsl ing hid inthe groizndflifhes fwiming inthe Sea; But of the eandfthevlikemmes ofStars and planets,aud_their Epithitcgiimames, and tailings upon,he l ' ‘ that 5 fif S 5 ‘Y _
` f ` i ,¢.._..-.7 w _..-V ,--,- ..-4---».-p-_ ' ‘ ;L.._n._, ; ' , _ . ‘ g g 0fUcc1dt4’Iail¢>plg». Bookll, ghabgeanfe the partsof the worldmutually draw one the 04 ther, therefore it Magician invocatxug by words , works by powers fitted to nature,by leading fome by the love of one to the other,or drawing others by realon ofthe following of one after the other, or b repelling by reafon ofthe enmity of one to the other, from the contrariety, and differenoeof things, and multitude ofvcrtues; which although they are contrary, and diflfercnt, yet perthfi one partgfomctimes alfo he compel; things by way of authority, by the Celeliiallverrue, becauh he is not alhanger to the heaven. A man therefore, if he re- ceives the impreflion of any ligation, or fafcination, doth not receive it according to the rationall foul, but fenfnall, and il he fulfers in any part, fuffers according to the Animal! Eau. For they cannot draw a knowing and intelligent man y reafon, hut hy receiving that impreilion and force by fenfe,in as much asthehnimal fpirit ofman is bythe influence ofthe Celeltials, and cooperation of the things of the world, ai¥o&ed beyond hisformer ixndnaturallldifpohtion. As the (on movesthe fa. ther to labor, although unwilling, forto keep and maintain him. altho h he be wearied ; and the defire to rule is moved to anger ax? other labors, for to get the dominion. And the indigeney of nature, andfear of poverty, moves a man to de- Iire riches. And the ornaments, and beauty of women isan in. eitement to concupifcence. And the harmony of a wife Mufi. tian moves his hearers with various pailions, whereof forne do voluntary follow the confonancy of art,others conform them. felves byh elhlre, although unwillingly, becanfc their fenfe is captivated, their reafon not being intent to thefe things. But thcfekinds of fafcinatious 8: lhgacions the vul ar dothneithec admire, nor dctc{l:,by reafcn o their ufualnelg : but thiylad- mire other naturall things, becaufe they are ignorant of em, and are not acculiomed to them. Hence they fall into errors, thinking thofe things to be above nature, or con- trary to nature , which indeed areas? nature , and ac§ cording to naturei We mul! knowth ore that every fupe- rior moves its next inferior, in its degree, and order, not only inhodieabut alfo in (pirits, §o the uuiverfall foul rnoresthe _ putt; e 1' , ` 7 .__ _,..,. _ ‘J -guna' < ¢<»»,--._ r »J-‘v.d_¢4
,__ _._ , _ f ,__,--‘AL , ,_ ff; LA;--. . _r,¢v-..__.. »:~‘.~;.:..`»~ " ‘- ' ~;,_;_;' ~ ' ~ _ . Y, 1» 11- »~ .._.` *_ `_ _ , _ r -T.,-, __»<v7,~-7..,`, Y _ -- ¢`+Y- `_ . ._ _, ‘.,4 lr. V_< ` TOE Occult ‘PbiI¢MJpby. Book I L ""Tq;;ld,theu the Celcflial corporcall, becaufe that is more noble, atlhough alfo this be excelIenr,:md the wav t_o that; and with. out wblth mrdiumthe influence of the fupcrrour cannot be at. ninedteo. As for example, the Sun ts the King of Se:rrs,mo[k full gf light, but reeeives rt from the rntellrgrble world above 31| og,” sms, be-eaufc the foul thereof ts more capable of in. gelligiblc fplendor. Wherefore he that dcfires to at|:ra& th; influence ofthe Sun, mullz contemplate upon the Sun, not only by the fpeculation ofthe exterior lighe,but alfo ofthe interior. And this no men can do unleh he return to the foul ofthe Suu, and become luke to it, and comprehend theintelligiblelight thereof with an rnrellefluall hght, as the fenlible light with; eorporeal eye.For thts marn fhzloe filled with the light thereot} an hthfgggt thereof whxth is ignfunrler type imprelfed by the fu a r rt recaves into in c ,withthe illullration whereof h$elle& beingendosyedktmeaf like to it,& bei:-1E afiilled lgtt (hall at length attatn to that premo brrghrn , :mdro lforms that partake thereof. And when he hath received the light of the fupremedegree, then hisfoul (hall come eotpgt. fe&ion, and be made like tothe fpirits ofthe Sun,and fhallag. tain tothe irertues, and illuitrations of the fupernatnrallver- tue, and (hall enioy the power of them, if he hath obtained faith in the firll author. In the firfl plate therefore we rnu!l:im. ploie :Erlangen fam? the fir[l£xthor,da1:_d praying not onlly wrt mont uta c rgrous e re an n licane foul 3 :1bund§ntly,unce!l':xntly,:tnd llmeerely, that lgepwould enliéhreg ou:rmmd§ andbreanove darknefs growing upon our fouls by re Ono our 0 tes. To _, , ,_4....¢¢_¢»¢s
_ _ __ ,& ,Y.-v..,,_,-~,-.-- -_-_W - v _,_ _‘v_,_._ . 3423 _ > l ‘ - ,|_.,__.l--- gfktb 5: drreived 6] wi!!/jviritx; But the under_f?4nding of Di. _.v;?,¢ ¢Lg;,,£;, furgetlz the mind fiom errr1n,ar:drrzzdre!b it Di- e ‘ ` erb in 41561: me ta our Warlg, anddrivetb .rr the 05/Paige: ofa; evil Qriritx. and rqqerber/hlrjefg them to our comm.vm'.<; 7m it amp:/1 wen govd/1n_gs/.feudal eh; Fmqr; ppb: wer!! :mea our /twice v|z. rl:r 'cfirmc qfonr Work; [ning dfgyvp pam :be ¢/In /utjpe lzimff To Whom when we ej/i‘rn.'/_JE creamrex nerejlzrifj aégv fn, 45141 all tbr quire 3 hm.. mn ,fpfbl/aww; For ( as Homcrfdir/1) mm: of they du(/f rrmahiin their _/Eau, jove éeing moved; and :ben pw-Jersey £14- ruletb (aa kirb Arifiophanes) by one af 1be_god.¢, B~b% rigbr ie :lf ed execute Ink cvmmmdr, Who :hers our af/fu due] dnl; emxnagr our petitiam affording to our djire. Seeing tbrrdbre (map 11. lnj}rioue Prirrre) you have A Dir/in and immnrmfx' _/2ml_gi'uen jeu, Wbirbfeeing the goadmji af the Diwine providence, a wel! d|]y¢&d fine, and the balmy of naxurr have in fuck mfumer _g‘ifil'J,` tba: 5] the acumrefr afjcxfr underjlamling, and perf2t?. nejiwffmfer ormr: 461: to vim, fem-eb, mmmplare, dxé-em audpirrte rf/grow tb: p/mfimr t/zeateruf rmzxzrall :bin 1, :hp firélizm- baxgfé af the LW-z/enx, undrbr mg/I digicule pwigef of Divine tluirgx : J king éound to you 6] the andqf t 1%]n;;r eat 'zfertuee Amfafdfd drétnr at to communicate Witbcxg nr;/I ig the true acrexmr gh# apiniam, Tboje mjfirrirx afDi~L/inearzd. Ggnmnnizll Mag if l;_ 'which I have erxbr leo-uri and not to bid: thzhzawledgt grbaji-tl1i»:gr,\‘I1nd§:r1:er concerning tb# nur. rm tb: lGaci 1 fe old Priejh ofthe Egyptians , and Caldcans, 'rife mica: prapbeu qfrba Babyloniansphe Cabalifis, :L-e Divine Magician ofrlz: He6rew,¢lh :be 0rphcans,Pyzhagoreans4nJ Phxonilis. :be frofmndg# ‘2PI.:ila/épberx afG rcccc,furr!m- u-her :lie Bragmanm afxbe Indi¢n.r, :be Gymuofophills gf Ethiopia, and the xwcvrrxfled Thcologfans ofour-Rel@im have delrvrred, andlfj what farce af mfdr, pmer q".S`ta1.r Q what charm: of $medié7ian: nxdimprrcatianr, nm! éf W/:xt 1'/erm: of oéfrrvx- time 1/:cj in all time W1-m_gb: /3 _{|‘1r;mJio:u and Wonderful! pro' drgiu, wrbmxin rays in :hu :bird lwolgof Ocrulr Phxlofophy n1:de.r}:qf»{g eo :ie /ight eb# :binge which /:we hm émjed in the diy! afamiquig and involved in :be a¢%1.'rigvf~ oélrviézz, ar ~ ` ' ' vt 4. ____. _ _ _z.n.»1
L-_:__-_-|-.1§vv¢--..._. , V , -1- _ TT - A, n ` “ffm f»* Q o » ,,` _ Z I 'I' - K 1 __ ` GI f giazfiigf J _ 3 ‘dn The thirdvand la& Book 'of' ~ or Qdcu]tPhiIoI`ophy; written by l A Hezzzy Cornelius Q/fcgrqajm. . Y ` Q i 1z wx<~o1II.o _" iff of tb: nrcrjig, pa1 r,pxdpraj?t oflféhgibn ' ' v .9 Q e# mmcrs and no that par: of Magick _ whuch tcachcrh us to know and per&8I§ ` ‘o undcrfhnd ¢h¢ rules of Religion _:ind , `~._,_ » how we ounhr to obtain the tmrhby K __ Divine Religionpnd how rightly to pre? , o _` o _ o fparc our mind and lpirir, by which only / ' o * “""*‘ wc can comprehend rhcrtuth; f`Q{iLis a common opinion of the Magicians,ntha:‘lxnIéI§ tlucmnnd ind fpirizbcin good cafe, the bodycannotbc inogood fxcalch : Bu: V ` _ I(-_`.:E._." . . ' o rw: - 33?-' w ,ir is :iméronirn our pen rohighcr a. ` ,Qil 'N ' , "' `* 2 fi ` rin I L, ' / Ig. 9 » ` _ ~ f lhCl1 ,Y , ‘ ~_1- I»f . , _ .i _ , _,_,~,_, 1~7fe5<' ;Q; ":"`f';`:Y"`:".lf‘, T '.;.,_- 4, V , .,».
` l @F6ccuft‘PhiIM>p/1i.l l W3 fe ¢ which a ccmin terrible authocxrg ofllehgloh drd cxaéiau carl; of Gleuce; from |iho&i hc du! xnxtmte to ;he Ceremonies of ho] things .- whence in the vcrfcs :oncoming the holy lvoxd f¢f¥ngg’-. '_ 1' ._ , c' ~ 1' on, :Im /Iafrzgfrerr are afvzrmr, ly, < ~ ' Can_/Mer wcll\'b.¢r I H7103/5611 .gr f 3 ` '_ ' But you, t!:a1farredlmvrcan!nnn,! - » Ama] from haste. return nn mvrcagaifz Bu: :ban 0 Mu fens w/Jn/2 mindzkbigb, e 0 bfervc nl] mrrdf. lmdrmdt/mr: with :Hire gr; l And than within tb/Hrrrd érmfi lrrpmt, Andin th] jaume] _ think of God alan: ' The Allfbvf of all tbiqgf, that cannot z{'}r, Ofwbam we /ball mm rrmre lf $9 in Pifgilwc read of the 516511 The ad.1gG¢rmu,l:m::,bnxr,¢ll e a L rl The ‘grapbzr :rim amljimx bvgogczfiddi ' Hencealfu in celeb rarixzig the hcgiy myflcrlcs ofgfzrl-:'1E‘I¢u]7§:¢, they only were admiztc ro bei , riakcd; checryccproclaiming zhgprophzne vulgzreto deem; and in E/‘dna we read :his precepr concerning :hc Ca allllieall fcerc: of che I-lcbreivs, declared in rhefc vcrfcs, Thonlhal: deliver chofe books roche wife men ofthe people, whole hearts :hon koowclk can com- ` . volumes of the Egypnans &‘Lhofe belonging no :hc fccrcns of their cerci'nonies,w¢rc u1ade'ofconl'ccra¢ed papeqin :helc they' did write down leters which might nor ealily be known,which they call holy. Mizcraéiux Marc:/linux and others fay, they wcrc callcd Hicroglyohicks, ical! pcrchzmoe rhcilvrirings of :hiskind lhouldlbe known to rhc prophancg whlclfzlfo Apu- leiux ccllifics in thefewords, fzying,lIh‘c farrificebcmg er¥icd, __ c _ ___mm. prchend thmr, and kccp ghufefecrces. Therefore che Religions;
, ..>.-. ~~ ~ ,-N-»~¢. ,_ _ ' t V ` M "Of lonnit 3Pliil¢ybpl5y. l M ` Book III- frotnafecret retyted clofet he bringeth forth certain hooks tinted withobfcnre lcttctsaifordtng cotnpendions words of the conceived i1:eech,p:trtly by the figures ot bealls of this kind, partly by figures Full of knots, _and _crooked tn manner of at wheelhcfet thick,twining about like vane tendrels,the reading thereh being defended from the curioliry of the prophine; Thereiyorc we (hall be worthy ieholars of this fcienee, if we be lilent, and hide thofe things which are lecret in religion,for the pt-omife ofnlencc (as fatth Tmullien) is due to Religion; but they which do otherwife, are in verv great danger, whence Apulriw faith concerning fecrcts of holy Writs ; I would tell it you, if it were lawful] to tell it; you fhould know ir, if it were lawfull to hear it ; but both ears and tongue would con- rraélthc fame guilt of ralh curiolity. So wetead Tbzvdaruy the tragick pocnwhenhe would hzve referred fomethings of themyllerics ofthe jews Scripture to , a certain fable, was de~ prived of (ight. T/fnpompur :tifo who began to tranlltte fomethings one ofthe Divine law into the Greek tongue, wash prefently troubled in mind and fpirit, whence afterward ear; neilly defiring God, wherefore this had happened to him, rg. ccived an anfwcrin a dream , bccauie he had bafely polluted Divine things, by fetting them forth in pub like.One Nnmenin; e t. 7 t 4 l z i lr v. E4 I alfo being very curious of hidden rhings,inenrred the di@lca-; fure of the Divine powers, becau fe he interpreted the holy mylietics ofthe goddc-[fe Eleufna andéaublifhed them for he 1 dreamed that the goddelles of Elmjir ood in :whores habit ' before the Btothell houfe, which when he wondred at, they wrarhfully aniivered, that the were hyhim violently drawn fiom their modeliy and proliittited everywhere to all com~ mcrs,byu/hithhewas admdniihed, that the Ceremonies of. the godsought not to be divnIged`.i"I`l1et‘efore it hath alwaies' been the greatcare of the Ancients to wrapnp the my(icries_ of God and nature, and hide them with diverfe Aenigtnzcs, which law the Ir:diun:,Braclmmru, &rbiopi¢v11,‘7’rrp`nn.t, and Egprmnf alfo ob fervcd;henrc 1l4rrmriu:,0rpbr:/1, and all the 'Z ancient Poets and Philofophers, P_]zlJ.war.u, Scemter, Plato tt i 1 l 1 jlrifiaxenur,/!mmaniu:,kcpt them invioiitbly. Hence Platinruh i i i` and `t S _ :e i =.j
Book I II. Of Occult (P/Jilcybpbyl and Ori ent: and the other difciples 0f:&!f)3l7!072ilI! (15 Pm.. pbjq rfiates in his book of the education and Difciplineof Plnimu) (ware, never to fet forth the Decreesof their malier. And becaufc Plninur, brake his oath made to Ammnim, grid pubhfhed his myi`ieries,for the pun ilhment of his tranlgrellion, he was eonfumed (as they fay) by the Horrible difeafe of Lim, Chrili: alfo himfeli§ while he lived on earth, fpoke after that manner and fafhion thtt only the more intimate difciplei ihould underliand the mylicry of the word of God,bntthe o- ther [hould perceive the parables only : commanding more- over that holy things fhould not be given to Dogs, nor pearles cafl to Swine : Therefore the Prophet faith. I have hid thy words in my heart,th:|t I might not lin againli thee.There- fore it is not fit that thofe fecrets which are tmongfi a few tj/ife men, and communicated by mouth only, [hould be pub- lrltly written. Wherefore you will pardon me , ll' I pals over in (ilenee many and the chiefcfi feeret my(ierics of Ceremonial Magiclel fuppofe I (hal do enoughnf I open thofc things which' areneceifary to be ltnown,and you by the reading of this book go not away altogether empty ofthefe myi`tcrieS; but onithat condition let thele things becomrnunicatedto you, onwhich Diegpua bound Email? , that they which perceiye jthefe Secrets, would not exgo ethem to the unwotthyl, hut gather them together among wife rnen,=1nd keep thertfwith that re- ijerence that is due to themiiurthermore I would alfo warne you in this beginning, that evenas the divine powers dettll publike things and profane, and lore fecrecy : So every_Ma.- gical experiment Bceth the publike,feeks to be hid,is lirenigth- ened by Glenee, but is defiroyed by publication, neither oth any cotupleate effeé! follow after; all thefe things fuffet lolTe,j whenthey are poured into grating :mdincredulous minds; therefore it behoveth a Magical! operator, if he would get fruit from this art, to be fecret, and to rna.nife{i'to none; nei- ther hxsworknor place,nor time, neither his defire notwill, unleli either to 2 mailer. or partner, or tompaniohgwhp alfo ought to be Faithfull, believing, lilent, and dignified bynature an V education; §geing that egg; the ptatingpfa icompanxg ‘J 342 ~ ` ~ J V; _' Q11
of" "‘~v ~ ‘'v*` " " '. ";£};-. Xnvw <--'- . . .; . _~ »., iv.-v-,-v -if ~,~-* ,Y» ,.; -. »; .~ _ _ 3 i 0fOcc1¢lc~Q’bil¢japb}. ~ 'Book I II, hisincredulity andunworthinefs hindreth and diliurheth the ie&`e&in every operation. can. ru. ' What digmyfraxim :lr req/fired, that am- ma] 6: a true Magidm and a Worker afmimr/rx. 4 ABout the beginning ol' the firll: book of this work, we have fpoken what manner of pcrfoh a Magician ought to* bqbutnow we will declare a myliicall and fecrct matter, ne# eeffary for every one who delireth to praéiizc this art, which is both the beginning, perfcéiion and key of all Magieill opera- tions, and it is the dignifyingof men to this fo fublirnererrne and power; for thisfuul? requircthin manawonderfull dig. niHeatiQn,for that the uri erfianding which is in usthe highelt bfthefoul, isthe only worker ofwondcrs, which when it is overwhelmed by too mush commerce with the Beth, and bnfed about the fenliblc fonlof the body, is not worthy of the command of Divine fuhilanees; therefore many profecutc this art in vain; Thercforeit is meet that we who endeavorto attain to fo great a heightlhould elpeeially meditate oftivo things_;Hrl1 how we fhonld leave camall aEe€!ions, frail: fenfe,` 3.Dd_[1i1IC1'i1I]P1Hi0l'1S» Secondly, by what way and rneanswc may aleendfto an intellc& pure 8: conioyncd with the powers of the gods; without which we [hall never happily afcend to- _thc 1 fcrtztiny gf fc¢ret_things,and to the power ofwondetr- full .yéo_rl§rngse,oryii1irétlc$; for thefe dignilication ¢<inI`1l}s` wh<>1Iy.wh»¢n,s3=:uea,;1¢r¢r;,ma’=,p=mzuyfeligious art domakca np; natural] Qihggiqi is the Heli; dil°pol`rtionQ ofthe bnrfy ami) rts_0rg§ns, nofo Ruring vtheffonii with `~any groffeneli , and bong without al ditcmpfqrdndrhis. roeeederh f!0§T1fb¢G{l]3’5 UCD, Ii10I16I,Iighr,4ai}d !'l’Hll§l’1C¢,-Ofg the Cclelhall bodigsandj fpi_rEswhich.arc convergnt in the genrmtion of everyone, as; a}'c'thQfe ivhol‘e ninth houfc is fortunate S}t!lfé’)i;,-fdfgv and y tflirrczny ; Ulfzrr alfom the ninth ho ecomnundeth the ~ _ fpirirs
f *_ __ Book 1 IL Of omni oiznppry. fpirits; but concerning rhefe things we have largely rr¢;;¢d in the books ofthe Stars a But who o is not fuch :r one, it is ne. celfary that he recompenfc the defeéi of nature by education, and the br-Ii ordering and profpcrons nfe of natural! thing; untill he become compleat in a l intrinfeealland cxtrinfeeall perfe&ions. Hence fo great care is taken in thelaiv of flfajh concerning the prielhthar he be not polluted by a dead ear. cafe,or by a woman a widow. or menlhuous, that hcbc free from leprolie, Hn! of blood, burilneis, and be petfeéiin all his members.not blind, nor lame, nor crook-backed, or wrthan§ f illfavorel nofc. And ¢~/Ipnla-in: faith inghis Apology; that the auth tobe initiated to divination by magick fpels, on hr to chofcnfound without licknel§,ingenious,eorneIy, perli& in his memberspfa quickfpirit .eloquent in fpeechthzrt in himthe divine power might be convcrlant as in the good houfes; That the mind of the youth having quickly attained: erience,may1 be reflored to its divinity. But the meritoriousxdignity isper- fe&cd_,by_two things; namely learning and przrdice. The end oflearning is to know the truth ; it is meet therefore, as is fpbkeninlthefbeginningolithe (itll book, that he be learned and`skilliil‘in thofe three faculties; then all irnpedimenrgbeiyig removed. wholly to apply his foul to contemplation Beta conf vert it felf into it l`elF; or there is even in our own (elves the :rp - prehenlion and power ofall things;bnt we tire proln`bited,!`o as thaiive little enjoy theft things, by pzflions oppoiing us even from ont birth , and vain imaginations and imrnoderarc af- fe&ions,which bein eipelledihe divine knowledge :md pows ct prelenrly takes place; but the Rcli ious operation obtains no Iefs efiiczty which ofttimes of it Elf alone is fufiicicntly powerfull for us to obtain this deifying vcrtue, fo great is the vertne of holy duties rightly exhibited and performed, thi: than htbybc not uuderliood , yet piouil and pcrfe&ly”Db€ ferveg, an with alirmfaith believed, they have no le&e£c2- cy then to adorn us with a divine power ; But,whit,digniry_ is :required by the att of Religion, is perfnried bynfrtain Reg ligious Ceremonies, expiations,conl'ncrations, anriholyi tir.cs,, “ ‘e~e i ePf°3‘
,---1-»»i.,,,.;¢ - ~ _ A A - _ ~....-,""°~¢;`~ » ' 4 _ of Occult Tbilryfoply. Book III. proceeding from him whole fpirit the pnlalike Religi. onhathconfecrated, who hathpower ol' impolition of hands, and of-initiatin with Sacramentallpowcr, ytvhichthc Liu. raéler of the rivine vertue and power islhrnpt onus which ‘they call the divine con(ent,l>y which a man fupported with the divine nature, and made as it were a companion of the An el; beareth thcingrafted power of God ; 8: this rite is relcrreé to the Ecrlefiallical myiieriesdf therefore now thon (halt be a m perfeéi in the Hatred underfianding of Religion,and pioufly :nag mol! conflantl di ‘ ` ` y me tatell on it, and without doubting beg lieveft, and art (nth an one on whom the authority of holy rites and nature hath conferred dignity above others, and one, whom the divine powers contemn not, thou [halt be able by pgping, eonfecrating, fzcriliccing, invoc:tting,to attra& fpiri. _ and Celeliial pot-vers,and to imprint them on thofe things thou pleafelhand y it to vivilic every magicallwotk;But who- foever beyond the authority ofhis office, without the merit of Saneiity and Learning, beyond the dignity of natixre and edu- c:ttion,lIhallprel`ume to work any thing in Mhgick, [hall work in vain , and 'deceive both himfelf and thofe that believe on him, and with -danger incur the diqalealixrc of the Divine powers. ‘A e CHAP. un. - of ik: two BW.: r.fC¢rmzo»iall Magick, Religion and Safer; c uian. 'I`Here are two thingmvhich rule every operation of Cere- monizll Magick, namely Religion and Supcrilition. This Religion is a continual! contemplation of Divine tlxingmnd by good works an uniting onerfizlf with God and the Divine powers,by which in a reverent family; fervice,and :t fanéiiliczth on of worlhi worth f th ° p y o ern xspctformedpnd alfo the Cere- emonicr r D' ‘ ° ‘ ~ ' ‘ 0 _ ivine worfhip are rightly cxcrcifed; Religion therefore is a certain dileiplinc of external! holy thingsand , t Q Cert' -. 3
--i__»-a-in;-~..-_ Blétikt ii. 0f0cculr ebiloppby. 'i Ceremonies by the whith :sit were bycertainlignswe are admoniihcd ofintemalland Qnirituall things, which is fo deep. ly implanted in its by nature, that we more differ from othee creatures by this then Rationality; whofoevee theref0r¢ ng . lefis Religion (as we hzve fpoken before) and confides ooiy inthe lircngth of natural) things, are very often deceived by the evil fpints; therefore they who are more religionlly and holily inlirueled, neither fct a tree nor plant their vineyud; not undertake any mean work without divine invocation, is the Doéior of the Nations commands the [B/a,M'.mr, Bying; whatfoever you (hall do in word or deed, do all in the nimc of the Lord _[el'us~Chrifl giving thanks to him, and to God the Fatherby him. Therefoteto fuperaddc the powers of Religik on corhylieal and Mathematieall venues is to far from a fault, that not to ioyn thetn, is an hainous fin. Hence in Iibrofizuta. rim faith Ra./:H Hrmimi, he that enjoyeth any ofthe creatures without Divine benediflion, is fuppofcd both by God and the Church tohzveufed it as taken by theftund rohbery,ofwhom it is.vrriteenhy~S‘e{amon, hc thxttakcs :way any things violent- ly from father zndniother,-isa deftroyer; Bat God is ourfz. ther, and the Chiireh our mother, :uit is written, Is not he thy father who potfelfeth thee? and elf:whcre,l-icar my lim the dilciolinc of th fathemrid defpife not the lzwoftb! mother; no thin more t§fple;fethGod, then to be negle&c and con- eemneiinothing plezfcth him more, thenrohc renowned had adored. Hence he hath permitted no creature of the world to be without Religion. All do worfhip God,pray( :rs Prada: faith) frame hymncs to the leaders of their order; but fame things truly after a naturalhothers after a fertiihlc, others a n ~ tion1l1,others;an intelleehnll mmner, and all things in their manner. .according to the long of the threeehildren,hIeI3thc Lord: But the tires and Ceremonies of Religion, in rehaedl of thediverlity of times and pl1ces,arc diverfc. Evcryfleligion hath fotnething of good, hecaufc it is dircéled tot God hiscre- atorgandixlthough God allows A the Chrilliut Religionzonly, yet other worlhips which are undertzltenfothir lilneohtzdoth not altogether rcjeéi, and Ieaveih them not unrewztdedt if , , _ ‘ 1 ‘_ not
-~-f..-1, -.v~~,.-,_--v-v---f-.7--p--+-' ` ' ' t fJ'f5°2f?¢`l£i'7l§3fYT>15`Y1}'f"_"%*l3`60k'Ill§l i V _ ____ __ ,___ , _ -'Qi-ini; nggygighanetetnal, get with 1 temporal fewatd , or at lealh ~dothpunilhJl1¢In MS; but he hateth,thundereth;:1gainl`tand uggqly dclltoysaprophane perfons md altogether xtteligiou; ashis enernies;[or their impicty is greater then the others whn fallow a falfe and erroneoti Religion : For there is no Re- ligign (faith Lnfianriiu) fo erroneous. which hath not (ome~ whucfwifdqgn in it, by which they may obtain pardon, who have kept thechiefefl duty, ofman, if not indeed., yet ininten- tion : But no man can of himfelf attain to the true~Religion, unlefs he be taught it of God. All worlhip therefore, which is different from the true Religion, is lhperllition ; In like mm. ner alfo that which giveth Divine worfhip, either to whom ie ought not, or in that manner which it ought not. Therefore ivemull. ef ecially take heed lealk at any? time, hy fome per~ vetfe wot-Igip of fuFerl`lition, we he envious to the Almighty God, and to the ho y povietsundeti him;for this would he not only wicked, but an :t&. xnollzunsvortliy. of Philolbphets ; fu. getllitiortthexefote although it be ‘fard iffereneftom the ttue Re.ligion,;yet: it is not all and whnlly,reic&ed,beeant'e in man; thingsie is even toleratedn and ob feared bythe chief rulers of Religion ; But I call that fuperflfitionefpceiallynvhlch isneu.; tain refemhlance of Religion, tvhiehforas muehas it imitates svhatfoever is in Religion, as miracles, Sacraments, tites, oh, fervations and fueh like, from wheoceit gets; no.fmall owen; and hlfofohtains noilefs lircngth hy the cretlulity' ofthe ope+ tzttor; fox. how math 'a conllant etedulity em do, we have .fp.oke11inthelitl1 book,sand is mtnifellly known to the vul. gat. .Therefore fuperllition tequireth eredulity, as Religion faith, feeing eonlhnr. crednlity em do fo great. things, as even to vgoxkmitalzles hm ` ions andf:lfc.opentions;whol'ot ever therefore in: his Relgqn, though fztlfe, yet heleeveth rnolllltongly that it=is true, andielevztes his fpitit by reafon of this hisieredulity, tmtillithe aliimilned to thofe fpirits who are the thief leaders of that Religion, may work thofe things which natueeand reafondilhernnnt; hut i ineredulity and dif. Edenccdoth weaken eve work not.only.inl°uper{1ition, hut hlfointrue geligion, angenervatesthe dciired :IRQ even Loi 5 / C _ » fi z i i 1 x r i i ! l is » »» 1 ;» i H ~- , il. fs ;
W, Booklll, of 0¢m1foG>1,f1¢;p1g> l the malt llrowcxperirncntsq BH! how fuperllitibn irnitmgf, Religion, chefs; examplesderlarca Mmrlylvhen wonmlmi loculks are cxcommllnicatedlllat they hurt npr the fruits; when bell and lmagcsiire bapriléd and‘fntlrlikc;‘ but becault rheold Magicians and thofe who were the autliorr of this art amongll the llndtllli, MVC BCE!! Caldrmr, Efjffizffhf, .d_[Dri4n.r, Prrji; aruand tffdfilllf, all wholelieligion ‘‘23Kg[1’d(f¢.;nd pop lured idolury,wc mul! verylrruch rake hee , lcill wi: lhonld permit thcirerrors to war a a nfl :hc grounds of the Catholid; Religion ; for this were Elafphcxnous , and fubicél to. the curfe; and I allo llzould be a blzfphcmer, if l Ihonld not ad+ monilh you ol`rhelethings, in this fclcncepvhcrefoevcr therc~ fore you [hall finde thefe things written by us, know that thofe thin s are only related out Of orhcr -‘~llh0rS» and not our downiy ur for 1:rurh,but for a probable conicdure wludt is allyed to :mth and an Inflruétion for imitation in tho@ things which are true; Therefore wc ought from their Errors to collcéi lhCIIllIl, which work rrnly rcquircth a profound Vnd¢,{}w¢_}ig ’p¢yf¢~&Pi¢;y,;,pdp1lDfU|l1Ild|1|J0l'i0US Dili- gence, and ails Wildorn which knovycth one of everylivill ro exrra& Good, and to fir oblique things unto thcright ilk of thofe things which ii: governcrlms concerning this e>{#_¢=i}Lva gives usan Exxmplrofa Czrpenrei 'to iwhonr»Qliliqu¢'eln¢ Complicare things are no léfs UCCQKIIY wnwlenienf thru rhesrraightf .e ” “ ' ' ffl 'P CHAnP2'”Y°` _ _Z ` Y _ _ 1, '-r» ' » b;frl>rr£'reeG’niJr:o_f xf1qgf»»,w£»i¢r, 'mfg fu rv the pldkff' Trntb. e e e ~ . l , l ,'V_ fi’ .i. 'flfhere are three Guides which bring us even to théjlqrhii df ‘truth and whiclr.rule;1ll dnrleeliglan , ilfwhirli ig'iv`l;2ll@ ronliflcth, n:mcly‘Love,Hopéllnd~F1yt1i =‘fforI.ové§` HE dw r§9_;o§gh;§og',rhe molk excellent of all mi WE§ from the Intelligencer abovecyci1't6therll6& inferior things. “Aa 2 4' It
~=r=’-=} i t iofofriirfebfzifipsy. Book rtr, -Itcongtegatesand converts our mind into the Divine berrrgy, prefervtsns alfo in all our works, gives us Events according to ourwilhes, adminiltreth Sewer to our fnpplications: arm reatiin Hamer,/lpn!/o hear C517/iw: prayers beeaufc he vu! hisvery great friend : and fomc read of Ulla] /Magda/cnc in ¥tl1eGofpell, many fins were forgiven her,becau& fhe loved F muh; But hope immoveably hanging on thofe things ir d¢. [ir¢rh,tvhen iris certain and'notwavering,noueilheth the mind and perfceierh it; But Faith the (opcrior vertue of allnor grounded on humane fiétions, but Divine revelations wholly, peirteth all things through the whole world , for feeing it de. (tends from above from the firll light, and remains neercll to it,is far morenoble andexeellent than the arts. kiences and belitfes ariling from inferior things : this being darted into our intelle& by reflexion from thelirfk light; To eonclud¢,by faith man is made fomzwhat the fame wirh.the Iixpcrior pow. ers nndieoioyeth tlrefrme power with them 1:»- Hence °7’ml1a 'Eith;Asbelie£ which. is aoredulitz. is belowfeience sfo be~ lleftvhiehis a-true faith, is iiiperfn [iantially above all ifcienqg and onderlianding conjoyning nseimmednntely to»God; for Faith is the robtofallmirarlcs, by which alone (astheP{4t somyh teilifie) we approach to God, and ohtainthe Divine power and proteéiiont So we head that Drorirlefca d the _ qroutbsof the Lyons , beeznfeihe believed on his Got? Soto- flltwoman with the bloody ilfue faith (.hrifl,thyEairh huh made thee whole ;and of the blind man defiring light, he requi. xedfiithg flylllg, Do ye believe. that I can open your eyes? fo Pda in Hmm- comforteth_.1!ebiH5r with thefe words, Iam tome to pacific your wrath, if you will believe. Therefore Limsrtheyoethngs all things are tobe beleeved; beeaufe all thingsare cali: to Godinorhing is impoiiible to him, therefore nothing incredible ;_ therefore we believing thofe things which belongto-Religion,_dqpbrain the svertue of them; but when we (hall faile in dqt3,Eai,th» Wclllnlldo ndthingnrnrthy admiration, but of puiiifhrnent ;. as we have anexample of this in LuL~¢,in ehefe words,Therefore certain of the vagabood '_f;:ws, exorcills, took upon them to call, over them whichluwril ._A Y - ¢ '
Y _---_-no-v ._ ~. 1 ~._._....__ ,..._ .v........_._,... _:- Book I I el. Of0ccnlt @’l:il<Wpk_y. v ** evil lhirits in the name ofthe Lord jefus, fa in we ad ' re by Icliis whom ‘Paulpreaeheth; and the ei’/il %pirit anxiweigg and {aid,]efusI kiiow,:nd Ten! I know,hut who art thou? and the man in whom the evil fpirit was, lept on them, and over came them, fo that they fled out of the houfe naked ané wounded. _ 1 i CHAP. vi. e, p Haw éj fkffhidtl fb: /Zvulof man ajiwzdztb up into the Diririrxe mlfttrt, an i: rgadru Wofkgr qfzldiracln. THereFore Uur mind being pure and divine, inflamed with a religious love, adorned with hope, diredcd by faith, placed in the hight and top ofthe humane foul, doth attraél the trurh_and tixdainly comprehend it,& beholdeth all the lia- tionslgtouudncaufes and fcicnccs of things both natural and irfimortitl inthe divine truth it fell' as it were in a certain glzfs of Eternity. Hcnceit comes to pth that we,thou~h Natural, know rho e things which are above nature, and undaerlhnd-‘all things below, andas it were by divine Omelet receive the knowledg not only of rhofe things which :'.te,but alfo ofrhofe tht; are pin and to come, prefently, :uid many “years hence; Moreover not only in Sciences; Arts and Oracles the U nder. [handing challengeth to it felf this divine vertue, but alfo re- eeiveih this miraculous power in certain things by command to _be changed : Hence it comes to pals that though we are fru- rixcd 1 natural body, yet we fometimes pnrdominatc over tia- rure, and canfe fuch wonderfull, fndain and dithcult operati- ons, as that the evil fpirits obey us.the (hrs are drlotdered, the- heavenly poiverscompellcduhe Elements made obedient; fo devoutémen andthofe elevated by thefe Theological! vertueé, command the Elements , drive away Fogs, raife the winds, caufe rain, :Sure difeal'es.tail’e the dead, all which thingsto have been done amongli diverli: Nations; Poets and Hillorians do r . hc ling and relate : atadethar thefe things maybe done, al t ~ r ' Ag 3 o _ A lamoulelt _r.LL4|.;¢Q`;_r; e _ _ _x - `, 3
__ ,_ ,.,.,. , -A- »--.....,._':,.,.:,.~...,.»-re.,,......,~._- . I ofo¢¢,¢r¢fP1,a¢,pby. ` hawk 1 11. iamoulili Philofophers, and Theologians do confirms; fothg prophets, A ollles, and the rell, were famous by the wonder- tirllpowcr og God ; therefore we mul! know,thatas by the influx of the lirll agent, is produced oftentimes fomething without the cooperation of the middle caufes, fo alfo bythe work of Reli 'on alone, may fomerhing be done without thc application ogiaturall and Celelliall vertues; but no man can wmk by pure Religion alone, unlefs he bc made totally intel. Ieétuall; But whofoever, without the mixture of other pow- ers, workerb by Rcli ion alone,il he fhall pcrfevere longin rhework, is (swallowed up by the Divine power and cannot live long : But whofoever (lull attempt this and notbe puri- fied, doth bring upon hirnfelf judgement, and is delivered to the evil fpiric, to be devoured. l Cl-IAP. VIIQ . flu: the Qrrmlerlge of the true gwiilzf nerrfrvyfiir 4 /Va kim, and mba tb: old Arfngkiaw and ‘Phila/apbrr: have tioug/rt ramvrufng Gad. Slicing that the being and operation of all thingndepend on the moli high God Creator of all thin s , rom thence alfo on the other divine powers, to whom ali is gran- ted a power of fafhioning and creacing,not principzllyindeed, but inilrumentally by vertue of the liril Creator (for the be- ginning of every thing isthe Exit caufe, but what islproduad by the fecond caufer, is much more produced by the rlhwhieh is the producer of the fecond caufes; which therefore we call feeondary gods) It is neeeifary therefore that every Magician know that very God, whichisthe fitil caufe, and Creator of all things ; And alfo the other gods, or divine powers ( which we call the fecond caufes) and not to be ignorant, with what adotation,reve renee, holy rites conformable to the condition of every one,they are to be wori11ipped;WhofocverHtereforc inrorates the gods,and doth not confer on them their due ho- UO!
`Y. " } . t [1 `u$4»`¢_s V fo-_-.7-» ~ ___ V Bookl I I. ' Of Occult ‘PbiI<y5ply, D hor, rightly dillribute to them what belongs to them, [Inu neither enjoy their refcnee, nor an fuoceifgfidl gf them. As in Hatmgny, if one Kunz; be b»oken, rhcgfhga mufiek jars, and fomctimes incurs the hazard of Apunifh- ment, as iris wntten of the vfyrhzm, whom Sdmwfw planted in Samaria, beeau fc they knew not the mllomes of the God of the Land, the Lord did tend Lyons amongfk them, whollew them,” becaufe they were ignorant ofthe rights ofthe and of the Land; Now therefore let us fee,wh:t the old agieians and Philofophers thought concerning God; for we; read thx: 7{ieo:r¢m:¢, a tyrant of (jpnu, long (inte asking, who was the greateik God, the Sfrapirw Oracle anhvered. him, That he was to be accounted the greatell God, whofe head was the Heavens, the Seas his Belly, the Earth his feeqhi; 'cars placed in the sky, his eyes the light of the glorious Suu; not much unlike to this,0r;b¢m (ang in thefc verfes, Tb; Heavnf: joves Rajad Pa!.m,be': King, I-‘orrnfnirx venue .usd Gnd of ever] rbing ; H: 1:5 Omnipamrt, .ad ix his 6ru{I~ ' Efzrrlv, znzterylire and .rin do Mig their rtff. fm), ,,;g1,¢,¢,, ig, (ffl rrgilom witbfxmr Love, Arr adccntnirfdix tbxk tmj? hrlhufj OVC. , d Hi: uni and zlariom br»fd _7n¢ »axldfrr5 ` Bebald the Hen/err! high. and Uidjffff; Tbegloriaru v-.yu of.5`rn.r d:zr:pr¢°::t H124 goldm heb, ard? brad! ddvfH»1'r71fHf» And elfewhere, Bfigbr Phebus und abr Moon, an :br :wa qu of :bu rn Ieve £7 which 4/I thing: lxfjwiu ; H13 },¢.¢§r»bicb yrediélr e/1/1, :J pl»w’d i'1b :QQ 12,-amrgbipb my nom' can wlrxffrr panty. It pizrrztb all; br? 6nd -uaj} extmdr, ~ ~ . Brrbfar ma' n'idr,m.]<_uo`¢wna éonedx #¢ftfFl»'~ ,Aa4 d The ». `.f. *~ ._ Y -; _ _ ' _` ‘_-.<_v` 0
----~,...-.-v.-.-~--1,..,v_,.,.----.-.--.__-~»f_-~- ~ ----I __ vv~~,1f'..__;_.-~Y ,_-V . , . _ ‘_'. Y e » iii; o .OfUccaltl~‘Pbil¢j5plgy. ` Book ul- Air ls bi: érmjl, In? wing.: tb: Win'd» Z3 1513) which be flier farfwwer tba #bc rixirxd. lt Ht? étflj ix our mubrr ¢2¢r!lf»Wb"f”"” ' Into bug: moxutainr, xvlurn tbl Oftdv J i Jlndtircler; l:i¢f?n an tberoclv’ ‘md W” » » lVb:2°b oft/:tk Glade are t/aejivnmdviunl. Thzkjovcyndrr tb: :mb cancml: nl/ rbingr, Andfrmnlfe drprb into r/.ie light rbcm érbsgr. t Therefore they thonghtthc whole world to bc fupim-, md truly he hath produced the foul ofthis world, which contain? ethtbe world in it fcl£ Hence Saplmlu faith, in truth thcfg is but one oncly God, who hath made this hcavcn and this fp:- cions earth; and Euripidcr faith, Behold the molk hi h, who every where embracetb in his Arms thc immcufurailc hc;- ven and earth; believe that he isfupirer, aeconttt himAG0d;;ng Ennim the Poet (ings, lBebal¢! rbi: bright ]3t6lim: _&xMn_g, Whom Ng fa!! Yo've-------- , Thercfo re the whole world is 7upinr,as ‘Pvrplfjr l'aitb_; “ag rurc made of all creatures, and :a God conilltuted of 31| gqdxburfupim i s. fo far gs we can undcrRand,from wh¢n¢¢ an things arc produced, creating all things by his wifdom. Hgmc Orpberu (ings concerning thc Holy word; There :Is air: God, who 45 rbingx barb C7’!»¥N‘d, q Prd`zrve.r, amd over :H :lf elevated, He an() 6] cxr mind ik carnprebmdzd, e/fad to paw' mortal: H: ne'r iUixtmded. ‘ Brjider Wham, :here :ro atbcri: --- And tl Iittl C aft: r, I-le himfcll' is the beginning. middle and end, as the ancient Prophets harvc taught US. to whom God long Gnce delivered theft things m two tables; and he calleth him in thc fame vcrfe only great Creator, andimmorcall. Zmnjlu likcwifein 4. ht; .. 'Qi' “ ' ‘P i L i *gi* Zzyy.,
-,.._».1-»..» -_ Y ' `--nit.-_1..-~ ,1 ;-;_` 1 ‘~ "~"~»-~"w~~.~ . _ - / ' '“"'f-**¢»-§`JL7".Y.1 'Book II r. Ol`Occult 4°/Jflmply. 'i his facred Hillary ol the Perlians definerh God thus, Godis thc firft of all rhofe things which fuffcr neirher decay nord". ruprion, unbegormever dying, wirhour parts, and mall like himfelli The author and promoter of all good things, :he fa- ther ofall, mol! bounrifull and wife, rhe facrcd lighr oflullice the abfolurell pcrfcéiion of n:uurc,rhe conrrivcmnd wifcdog; thereohdyulrim alfo dcfcribs him to bc aKmg,rhe caul`c,l'oun. darion and origimllbeginnin g of all narure,the fupreme beggg. ter ol fpirirs,c:ernal,rhe prefcrvcr of liringcrcarures, a Father wirh props ation, no: to be comfprchendcd by |:imc,pI;e¢igg any other ciicumllanee, and there orc imaginable toe: few, 'ur-_ terable ro none; from hence therefore Enripider commandgd the higheliGod to be c:1l’d fupirmrhrough whole head Orpiw . ya ling all things came inro this lighr, bur the orher powers he fuppofeth to be fUblC[VlCU[,1'i-B. which are wirhour God, :md feparared from him,:md are by :hc Philofophers called the Mi. nillers or Angels of God,and lepararcd inrclligcncesphereforg the fay Religious worfhip to be due to rhis moll high Qupigff dridvtb him only, but to the other Divine powers nor ro b¢ due unlefkfor his fake. ' _ W A .-. " CI-lAP.VIII. WE1Yrlie 'Ancient ‘Phila/izpbm' bdvetbougbt roncemin! fb: Di; 'vim' Triniq. I 'U_/Hn: and Przfbyj rellifiqrhar the Plaraniflr held three perfons in Go , the lirll of whiclmhey call the father of the world; :he fccond :hey call rhe Son and the firllr mind,and; fo he is named by /mxcrabifu. The rhird, the fpirir or foul of the world. which Virgil allo from Plato? opinion czllerh am fpirir, when helings, , V Wirbin :br Spirit naurxjbrrb, sb: mind o DiU`u:'d tbraug/J tb' whole dnl: bl it: kind. . A , The lump barb a&, and agimte i _te i” Plarfan¢ ‘ . “J -.L;..'j I
r-w¢|.,-_-"1 p--.7-yy, 5 ,,.,¢ »,, Of Occult Tbilzyoply. Book I I l, Florian: and1’bi!odeliver. that the Son of God,<viz,. the Erfk ‘mind or Divine intelleéi floweth from God the Father, evm as a word from the fpealter or as light from light; from hence it is that he is called both the word and fpeech, and fplgndgg of God the Father ; forthe Divine mind by it felh with one only and uninterrupted af! underftandeth the chiefell good wilhaut my vigillitnde , or mediate knowledge ; he generat. eth in himfelf an lffue and Son, whoisthe full Intelligence, com leat image of himfelf, and the pecfeéi pattern of the world, whom our falm and /lfrrcuriru name the word or fpeech; Plaza the Son of God the Fath¢r;0rp/mu,Pa/lu bam from fuyitm brain, that is, wildom : 'Ihis is the mol! ablof luteimagc of God the Father, yet by a certain relation, ot fome intrinfecallabfolnte thing, as it were begot and dilliné guilhed from the Father,who faith in Eccl:{iaj?icfu,l have pro- ceeded from the month of the moft high,| am the fixlt begot before all creatures : jhvnéliehur tcliilieth this Son to be One and the lime God with the Fatherin Effencc, namely calling God, both the Father and Son of himfclf. Alfo /ilrrmrim Trgfmrgi/luxin e/I/2/:pina rnentioneth the Son of God indi- verfe places; for he faith my God and Father begat a Mind a work diverfe from himfelf; And clfewhere, unity begets uni ; and refledeth his flagrant love on himfelf ; and in Pimaniir (Whitt he Qemeth to prophefie of the Covenant of grace to come, and ofthe myliery of regeneration ) faith,the author of Regeneration is the Son of God, the man by the will of the one only God, and alfo that God is moflz replenilhed with the fruitlnlncfs ofboth faxes. In like manner the l»=.»li.m Philofo- phers World to be an Animal, mly Ma#u!br:,and partly Frrzsitxirttqand Orylmu all'o callethxlilature orthe fan: of this world, both the male and female thereoh and that the gods partake of both Sexes. Hence is it, that in his Hymnes he thus falutes /Minerva, You are indeed both man and wo- man; and Apu/ein: in hisbonkofthe orld,out of the Divini- ty oforplmu produccth this verfe of ?::;irer, l 0¥¢ nk énb rmrlr arfdfcma/e, immortal d All
@4l; %-nn*-.,..,, Book 1 1 1. of omni Q‘=/fzI¢»,,1y.ii And W,-_gil (peaking of Wmu faith, I d¢mL ad the Godguiding---1 ‘ And elfewherepnderllanding fxxrio orflleffv, he faith - 2QZrlm~ mu gd 4L_/Poefforn Iierprigiug. 7 _ _ 3 And 77511111/.r GDg$, . I wha propbxxrd have the ‘Dirriu 0f’Venu|g¢.ze --_......._._- 1 _ And it is reported that the people of Cami; wonderfully ad. orcd the God Abou. From this complex: intelligence off fn. prcam fecundity his love is ptoducedbinding the intelligence with the mind,-And by fo much the morcby how much ir is in. Enirewirnoreintimate to ic (elf. chan other ol?-fpringsto their arents. ~f1'higir the third PCtfon, viz. the holy fpirir, fm. gm-!.»;gpaIfo bein srhe omelesof the (`b.ddwu placing afi; theriy power in éod, and an Emanation ofthe inrelloél from me Father, and a fiery love proceeding fromfliuher :md Son, and the fame to he God. Hencewelread in Phancb, that the Gentiles deferibcd God to 'bean intelleélnztll andefiery fpirit, havingno form, but transforming himfelf into wbarfoever hc pleafethxqnzlizing himfelf to all things; and we read in ‘Dux- ggronamj, Our God is a confnming fire; of whom alfoZora~ njkr faith, all things were begot of fire alone; fo alfo Hn-.felis ru: the h.§£b9?m teaeheth ; Hence Divine Plato hath planed Gods ization in Ere namely undcrllandiug the unlpezkx able fplendot of Goal in himfelf, and love about him- ielf; and we read in Hamrr, The Heavens to beth; Kingdom of fxpixrr when he tinge, ' ]0vc derkgxing cloud! andreilgrzing in tb:/kfgfo e - And M _ ;f____..___...._._-l
_ _V_v., -_.-_..Yy»-v-'-~ ~- of'0qm1¢ @’biI¢y5p/ay. Book I Il. And the fame ellewhcre. i i < T/:e lot afjove tb: Heaven 13' i'!l1' dirt, Hejitr- ---- ` . Bug 9950- is derived according tothe Greek Gratmimgf, from <47/w, whichlignilies to Bum, and e/fer/` iv-im: qua; ¢/£rb.1rr. thxt is, a burning lpirit ; And therefore Orpém; ealleth the Heaven Pjri,-men, that is a fiery breathing place; therefore the Father. the Son, and the aimable fpirit, which it alfo fiery,are by the Divines called three Performs; Whom Or- pbm: alfo in his adjurations im/ocareth with thefe words, Heaven I admire thee, thou wife work of the great God; I tfdjure thee; 0 thottword ofthe Father, which he litfi lpakg when he elhblilhcd the whole world hy his wihiom. Hefode alfo confeileth. the lime things underethe namesof ,fu im- Jllinerézmand Bale in his'1'heogony,declaring the twofo d girth offupirerih thefe words : The full: daughter called Trirmk with gray cyes,having e ual power with the Father,& prudgng Bn/t-,that is'counfel,whi§10rpbrm in the forenamedverfegpro. nounceth lurally, becaule of his twofold Emanation, fqr mg roceedethl both from fupirer and Alabama And-ffnjwf him; alfiuhis fourth BookDeC‘i1/!t;Drid0'th tciiific that Pbrplgg the 1?l¢rav@¥ placed three Pe rfons in God; the Etft he cals the father of the uuiverl`e,the fccond, the fitll: mind,and Maerabix: thc Son, r thethird the foul ofthe world, which IG:-gi/ aero;-. ding to I’/ard: opinion, callcthagzirit, laying, W tbegvirit wiib. inmainrmhri e,TIherel'ore it is Go .as Pm! faith, from whom, in whom. bvsvhomhareall things é for from the Farber as from a fountaineflow all things, but in the Son as in a pool all things are placed in their liar. and by the Holy Gholl are all things rnanifeiled, and every thing diftributcd tohis propetdcgrccs. 4 can.
KS( .1 ».. »~ ~ ' ~ .""”l...~»,.~"‘.. - *"'*',. r > ~_ ~- A-~~-» ....f-.L1.L`; Book iii. §)F0ccultQ'°£'il¢M>[1b;'. 355; ' ‘ fCHAP;IX. _ Wim: :és true .ard mg/i Orfboikx fvitbrlr coxreming Gldimdggy md) be() Trinig. 4 - THe Catholik Doftors and faithful] people oF God. have ~ decreed, that we ought thus to believe and profcfs that there is one only trueGod,in:reate,in5nitc,omnipo'tént.ttem. al Father, Son and Holy Ghoii, three erfons, coererriall and coequall,of one mol! (imple EI1”énce,fuEllanceiand natuteffhis is the Catholikc fmitlnthis isthc Orthodox ReIigion,thi¢isVt`he ChtiIliaritrutb,thzt>we worlhip one God in Trinity, and Tri. nity in Unity , neither confounding the perf°ons,nor dividing the fiblhnce The Father begat the Son from all eternity and gave him his fub{hnce,and neverrhcleli retained it himfelF,The Son alfo by being begot , received the fublhnce ofthe Ftthcr, but affirmed not the proper Perfonofthe Fatheqfor thc Fav ther-trgrxlhted imot into the Son; for they are both of one and the Gmc fubihuoc, but of diverfe perfons. This Son :lfo ilthough he be toeternall with the Father; and' begorof the fnhfianee ofethe Father before the world; yernotivithiizhda ing was born intothe world out of' the'l1xbllihce 'ofa Virgin; and hismme was called fwfr, gerfe&“Go:!,j|§erfc&h1in;' of: rcafonable foul and humane Erik; who in all things was man, Gu excejated. Therefore it is ueceffiry, thu we belecvc, that our Lor YW: Cbnji the Soir of God; isGod :ind'r11.-in, one perfon, two natures; God begot before the world _with- out a moth:r,man born into the worid; without 1 fzthér,'l`tom apure irgin, both before zmdsafter his birch; he fufferedon the Croé, and dved, but on the Crofs rellorcd life, ztnidei- Hroytd death by his death; he was burired and defcendtd iutd heil, but brought forth the louis of the Trahers from hell, 'amd role again bly his own po er;the thirdday »he'aitéoql'édj`t?:o3thc Heavens,8t ent his`(pir‘it the (5omfofter,& (hall tiinié to}u'¢ig,c the quick and the dead ; and at his corninglallmeo [hall rife a- gain in their£1¢l`h,and ihallygve an atcoupt pftlieiiivorlts; this e vig; -4 > - ' , , V V . ,._-. , Y ‘_ ,_ _ __ .-.;1'. ._..;:¢.;.Z`i__,. ¢‘, ' i
,_ >~. _'_ ,L,..,,_,¢.<~`1_.~.,~ _ V ~-' `~»_i` _...--v ~.,. _ t A~~__, . ._ , < of Uccult Tbilq/opby. Book I II, he f 'th, concemingwhich if 3112 fD2°d0UbI. and not hrnfegycbsiieve, he is far from the hope of etcrnallhfe and falvation. _ CHAP. x. 0f Divifu mamsiafu, Wlsitb tb: H¢5r¢Ws ml! N/zmtrsrriam, arbrr: dffrf6Il!I!;Tl)f.g£Hfi1£J god: nnd‘1)ietic:; andof :bg rm Sepbirnhs and ten maj!/and name: qf Gad whirl: ml: rbm, end :be inm-premim qfxbrm. G O D himfelf, thoggh he be Trinity in perfons, yet is bp; one only fimplc E ence; notwithfianding we doubt not but that there are in him many Divine powers, which as beams flow Rom him,whieh thePhilofophers oftheGentiI¢s Cal gods, the Hebrew mailers numerations,we name Attributes; as wif- doliwihidx Orpheus cals P»sI.¢s;» nnderfhndinggvhich he Mn- tmy ; The conception ofthe Form, which he Smrm; The Produrflive power, which he Ngprunc ; the fccret nature of thingsnvhich he Inna ; Love which he Venus; pure life, which he the Sun or Apalla. The matter of thc whole world, hg Cllltth Pan; the foul, as it ingendcterh things below, con. iei1ip}a§eth things above, and retraéleth its felf into it &lF,he' honored with three namespiz.. t;1f4n;¢, Nfpmn and Ocean, and more of this kind,of which he [ings elfewhcrc, _ _ Pldto }zsn{]'u1iiter, »ts:dPh¢buo,¢r: mu; ' _ Hurwlya do we@ealgrz1iée$_god;ra1r:a!mt. e And ofthe Esme'K¢lrrius Sormsn: fang, A h; J Omnipamzr love :be Kings, i V . ` Tl# Fafbrf of rbggadx, 01:e,;r¢ all xbs‘n_g.r. i ` Therefore the rnoii prudent Theoiogizms of theGentiIesdid QYUTQIIP the One God, under diver c names and powers, yea _ _ ‘ diserfc _¢-\ _____A
, 'Y 'A T '“ ` ""':;.;_. Book l l l. Of Orculr Tlzilofgplyg diverfe fexes ; whom as Plinj faith, Fraile and weak mortali- ty hath digelicd unto more, being mindlnll of his one frailty, that every man might worfhip that portion which he efpeeial- ly wzir-iteth ; fo thofe who had need of faith invocated Jupixrr. they that wanted providence, April/a;wil'dom, tjlfincrw; and fo as they wanted other things, they invocatcd other primers. Hence arofe that great variety ol Dieties, by reafon ol the mg. ny and divcrfe dxliribution of graces; but God is 0nC,fr0m whom all thing; Therefore Apulfiur in his book D: numdn to Fa:¢J?i»i lY.1l(l1,lVl€¥CZl5 there is but one God and one power, yet he is named by diverle names for the multitude of lpecies, by whole variety he is made of many lhapcs; and /limes: Vnrro ln his book ofthe worllliip ol God, lairh,AS all fouls GTC reduced to the one foul ofthe world or univcrie, fo ue all the gods referred to Ii/pizrr, who is the fame God, woilli ppcd under diverfe names. 'lhertiore it is meet to linow the lenhble proprietics, and pcrfeftly to intcllt&n_ilize them by the way of more fecret Analogy; whofoever underlhndcth truly the Hymncs of Orphnu and the old Magicians, [lull End th.1t they diiiier not from the Cabalillicall lccrets and Orthodoxtraditi- ons; for hom0rplm/seals Curetsand unpolluted gncls,Dir5- rgyfrrr names Powers; the (labalifts appropriate them to the numeration Pr1lmd,th;it is to the Divine fear; fo that which is Enfoph in the C;m,0rpbuu ealleth Mighqand Yjpbon is the fame with 0f‘D[‘!lU, as Zrmml in the Cabala; but the dilem- dale: of the Hebrews, the mol! learned ln Divine things, have received the ten principal names of God, as certain Divine powers,or as it were members of God, which by ten numera- tions which they call Sephlrnb as it were ve[iiments,ln£tri.- ments or rxzxmplars ofthe Archerype,have an inliuence on qll things crcated,through the high things, even to the lowclf, yet by a certain order; for lirft and immediately the; haveinHi{» ence on the nine orders of Angels, and quire of lelfedfouli, and by them into the Celelhall Spheres, Planets and mdk bY the which .Siepbirab every thing then rcceiveth P0
V¢f 1114 ‘QUT tue;Thc lirll: ofthefe is the name Elieimlhé P““?°.°F‘h°D“'1i"e Eflenecghis nnrncrstion is called,C`¢r}::r»l"l“‘h,¥?l95°‘%;§_m“ _ I > ,11_ 357
. .41~.-~..- -,.,» _Y.T"‘°?"n I of Occidt Tbilijfnply. _ ll hook I I I. Crown orDiadcm, and Ggniheth th_c molt Gmple Elfenee of the Divinity, and iris called that which the eye fecth not, and iszttributed to God the Father, and hath his influence bythe order of Sersfbimu, or as the Hebrews call them Hrriorh Ha. cxdakb, that is cresrtures of hollnelé, and then by the pri. mx:r>ma5iIe,be{lows the gift of being to all things, filling the whole Univerfc both through the circumference and center, whofe particular intelligence is ‘called Merazrran, that-is, the prince of faces, whofedury it is to bring others to the face of the prince; and by him the Lord fpake to Ma/Er. The fccond name is Iod or Terragramfmrran joy ned with Iod;hir numerati. on is Herbma, that is wifdom, and G nilieth the Divinity full ofldeir , and the lirltbcgottcnpnf is attributed to the Son, and hath his influence by the order of Cbmxbifu, or that the Hebrews call Orphcxirv, thzt is, forms or wheels; and from thence into the liarry Heaven, where he fahricateth fo may Egntes as he hath Idwin himfelfl and dillinguilheth the very Umar of the creatures, by a particular Intelligence called Rr zirll, who was the ruler of e/dam. The thid name is called Tnrggrammatan Eia/Jim; hisnumeration is named Prim, vii, providence and underfhnding, and (ignifies remiflion, quier- ,neI§,thc jlubilee , penitcntizll converlion, :r great Trumpet, ‘redemption ofthe world, and the life of the world to come; rit isertributcd to the Holy Spirit, and harh his influence by the 'ordcrnfthc thrones,qr which the Hebrews call Aralimthat is great Angels mighty and (irong,and from thence by the fpherc of Snrnrrradminilrrcth form to rhe unfertlcd matter, wiznfe 'psrticulzu-intelligence isZ»rpbcbiel, the ruler of Nach, and a- nother intelligence named irfbirl the ruler of Sem; and thefe _arc three fuprcarnnnd highel numcrxtions :sit were feats of 'the Divine perfons, by whole commands all things are made, but are executed by the other feven,whirh are therefore called the numerations framing. Therefore the fourth nameis El whofc numcration is H¢»d, which is Clemente or goodncli, fond frgniheth grace, mcrey,piety, magnificence, the foeptrr candrighrband, and hath lnsiniluxby the order of the D5mi» jnatrgms, which the ljlebrcws call Hicfmlim, and fn throudgilzr
F 'I -f ' _r.f' J l'. ,~_' » ‘tl ‘ f ' _LIL i~ _~~_ ,, 1 Elf? 7' <3 Tr g. , ffl L F I i i _ W I tl' ll gg Book I l I . Of Occult Tbilcfnplgy. 5 the fphereoflnpiur l'z!hion§n(€ the 1Ul2g¢lf)fb0d)'G.b¢&9'»?‘ ing clemency an¢lp1cil`yin?|u ice on all; his partiaihr intel. Qgence is Z»rd@l! the ru cr of e/f6nr.b.rm ;_Tlxe (itll: name lx .Elalgifa Gilvr. that is,the mighty God, puuifhmg the fins ofthe 1.vieked;and his numeration is called Gréxiueb, which is to [arg power, gravity, fortitude. fecuriry, judgement, pumlbiig by Ilaughrcr and war = and it is applyed to the Tribunal! of od, The girdle, the fword and left hand of Godrit isalfotalkd P¢cb¢d.wluch is fear and hath his influence throw the order# ol powers which the Hebrews call Serepbiagand from thence through the fphere of Alan, to whombelaugs fortitudemaig afH1éiion,it draweth forth the Elementspnd his pertieulsrin- tclligenceis Cmuel, the ruler ol` Stem/au; The Hxrnameis 21461, or: name of four letters, ioyncd with Pivrdalzanhis numetation is Tipbrmh, that is apparel, beauty, glory, plc:- fure, and Ggnifieth the tree of life, and hath his influence through the order of vcrtuet. which the Hebrews call Alai.:- cL~jgq,tlutis Angelsinto the fperc of the Sun, giving b=i$ht~ ne5 and life to ir, and from thence produeiniimecrxls; his particular intelligence is Raphael, who was the uler of Ulu; and 7146) the younger, and the Angel ‘Pzlir/, rulerof Jarab. The feventhname is 7' err¢_;r¢mm.:m: Jabaarb, or r/1-iuud Sas £w:b,tlut isthe God of hofls ;1nd his numeration isNmb,rhxe is triumph and vifiory; the right Columne it applyed to ir, and ic Ggnifies the eternity and iullice of: rcvenging God; it hath his influence through the order of yrincipzlities, whom the Hebrews call Elalfim, th1tisGods,|ntothefphere of Vmu, gives 'teal and love of righteoufnefs. and produthgh vege- tables; his Intelligence is Hnnirl and the Angel Crrrfirl, thc ruler of D41/id ; The eighth is called alfo Elolfim Snbufb, whichis alfointerprcred the God of Ho:JIs,not of war and fullice, but of piety and agreement; for this n1mceE§ni5- cth both, and precedegh this Army ; the numerxtionio ig culled Had, which isinter reted both praifemnl`el1'ion;l1o- nor and famoufnefs- The Iefg column is attributed to iqithztlx hisinllue tire through the order of _the Archzngels, wltichthc Flehrescall29rn.Elvlrim, thu, is the Ions of Qod, into the 4, li b » fphete
9 oFo¢e,a¢f1=1,zz¢>,,»,. Book -1 1 It ;f h¢¢¢i._>f ,Mgr-mg, and gives eleganey and confonaney of fgeeclr and pfoducerh living creatures; his intelligence is Mi. duel, who was the ruler of Salomon ; The ninth* mme is call. ed .S`ud.ti, that is Omnipotent, fatislying all, and,which ig- the living God; his numeration is Ief6d,that is foundation, and Ggniheth a good underlhnding, a Covenant, redemption :nil felt, and hath his inlluence through the order of Angels,wh0m the Hebrews mme Chfruéinginro the fphere ofthe Moon,e;g. (ing the increafe and dccreafe of all things. and taketh care of the genui, and keepers ofmen, and di ributeth them; his in- zelligence is Gabrid, who was the keeper of fi;/cph, fapub, and Duaiel; The tenth name is vfdmzi Melerb, that is~Lord and King; his numeration is Alalcburb, that is, Kingdom and Empirc,8c Ggnifierh a Chu rch,'l°emple of God,and a Gate,znd hath his influence through the ordcrof/1nim]?icl;;efie.of bl:E* ed fouls, which by thel-Icbtews iscallcd Ijm, that is Nobles, Lords and Princes ;, they are inferior *to the Hirrxfcbief, and hm: theirlinliucncuon the fons of men, and give knowledge and the wonderfull rmderflanding of things. alfo indmdtryanil prophelie; and the foul of /llrjhb is prefident amongft them, or (as others lay) the intelligence Merarnon, which is called the Edt Creature, or the foul ofthe world,~and was the ruler fofMUkf» ` ’ A v l , l cam. x I. 2; :he Divinermmer, axdrbrirpumrnndp venue. ' f = `O D ~hirnl'ell though he be only one in ElTence,nyet hath sdiverfcnarnes, which expound not his diverle E ences ot Dieties, hutcertain proprietres (lowing fromhim , sb 'which ,names he dorh pour down, :sie were by certain Conduats on us and all his creatures many béochts sind divetfe gifts; ten ef thele Nameswe have above deferihed, which alfo Hfermx reel-f koneth up zo A fucella. Dion)/im reckoncth up fourty five names of G od cmd thrill. lhc Meméslcs of the Hebirews .. ‘ ' rom ‘I ,
, I . ' ` Book I I li Of Occult ‘P/filo/oply. from acertain text of Ea-a.:l»::,derive feventy two names ,both of the Angels and of God, which they call the name of fcven. ty two letters, and Sclrnnlsrmpbarer, that is, the ex olitory; but othcrfrptocecding further, out of sallplaces of tg: Scrip. ture do in er lb many narnesof' God as, the number of thofe names is :butwhat they Ggnifie is altogether unknown to use From thefe therefore, behdes thofe ivhichwe have reckoned up before, is the name of the Divine Effcntc Ebrin ning, which Plata tranllatesefir, from hence. theyczll God 'fl Sn of ther; 3 or that is the beingliu N171 is anothcrnamc revealed to Eff), fignifying the Abyffe of the Godhead, which rim Greeks tranllrtc 1=w‘r5v,th¢ l.atins,himfelf the fame. E/2-is wg is another name teceivcdfrom Mak: which foundeth Fire,:md the nam: 05005 Na 3] is to be invovaecdrin perturbations :mtl rroublesffhere is alfo the name hdsfl’ and the name Elifm (971) and the name /Mrrcom DFID, the name [npbu DDJ, the name Iuaanln’ 8: the name Elm:/1 HDR which is interpreted Tenth, and is the feal ofGod; and there are two other names Zur'1Y'andA6nr [JR both of them lrgnifie a lblid work,and one of them eagpre& the Either -with the Son ; and many more names have we placed above in the fcale ofnumhersprid many names of God and the Angels are extraélcd out of ~rh¢ holy S criptures by the Cabalilheall calculation, 'Noutian and Gimetrian arts, where many swords retrafled . by certain of their letters make up~one name, or one name difperfed by each of its letters Ggnilieth orrendreth more. ‘ Somtimes they are gathetcdltom the heads of words, as the name A514 3513 lrom this verfe of the Holy Scripture ~;';~z dvwy 5 131.1 hm; that is the mighty God for ever; in like mmner the name lain RN’ from tlns vcrfe 1728 7113* 1J*n7 re mfr that is ood gn; God is oneGod;in likg manner the name [aw NIR’ fr0m this verlc 178 ’Fl'1i'N ':'3’,that is kr there be a lghl,6C lbere was lighqin like mance th: name Amrim xnwaewx from thixvverfc T1z~¢11:'l'mJn'»'11r|" U81 wrmns vm 'Ines :hath one prineiple ofhis unity. one beginning of his Individvauty his y B,b,rz_ _ , .- vxcnlte
Qf Occult @lJl[l_%J[JI{)'E BOQk I I. lg " cifiitude is one thing,and this name Ifacaba NDPTY is ex:ra&e¢} from thisverfe NTI T`1°l3I:‘»’ ."lpn° the holy and blelfcd one;m like mane: this namefq/7: tw' isfonnd in the heads ofthek: :wg ,crf¢5_ if,-,1-,_, »,-;;-355 gygsgi that ts, untill the till://7.16 £11311 edme, :andthe other verfe If>*§'f§22 (QP thi! 15.1113 nrmnea. bidcg tm thg md, Thusallo is the name Amen [BN trtmdgd from this verfe [DN] T]'7lJ 'TIN 1111! 15 tht I-Ufd fhCfHi!hfUU Bing; fomctimcs thcfc names are cxtraéied from the end of words,as the K-:me name Afrimfrotn this vcrfe D’_UlD‘1Tl 1:28) that is, the wicked not fo; but the letters are tranfpofed; fo by thelinall letters of this verfe nmnw new [h1IiS,l0 mg what P or what is his name? is found the nam¢ Tftrngrmt rm:ran,in all thefc a lctret Ls put fora word, and a letter cx~ trailed from a word, either from the beginning, end. or where yonspleafe; anti fornetimesthefe 'names :tc extra&cd from all the letters, onebcyone; even as thofe fcventy two namcsof God are cxttaéle from thofe three verfes of Eggdg; bl-gin. ningfrom thcfethree words, t:mt~‘3"g2D1' the Erik and lzfi verlesbeingwritten from the right to t e left, but the middle conrrarywife from-the lclt to the right, as we [lull (haw herc~ after; and fo fomctimesa word is extraéied from a word, ora name from a name, by the tranliaolition of letters. as o'l[?`a :PUD from Umbrlbwl and Michael '7NJ‘Dfrom :Dx D Malachi. But fometimcs by changing of the Alphabeth,which the€;aliIlscall Z|}'!lPb =}°°11g fo from the name 7'¢tm_gmrri- enaraar mnv are drawn forth SBYD Maz P44-.:p;; Kun; [ometimesalfo by rcafon ofthe cqualin y ofnumbers,narnes are :hangcd,as A!¢tartrmt1'1tStQD for Saddi *tv for both of [hem make three hundred and fourteen, fo hai aww and EI “ne are eqnzll-in number, for both make thirty one. And thefe are the hiddetrfecrets concerning which it is mofi dif- Emlt to judge , and todelivera perfeél fcience; neither can they be underftood and taught in any other Ianguxge except the Hebrew, but feeing the names of God ( as Haro faith in Crm]/u¢)are highly cftcemcdofthc Barbariztns, who h d th m o a e from God , without t-he which we can by no means perceive th qetruc words and names by which God is ealled, there- A _ 4 , fore
59231 I- 0f()cci¢lt obfzfyapiy. f°'¢'¢°“¥Cl‘“iHg thcfe we can fa ' _ .l _ _ l y no more but (hole thing; V-l}ld1 God our ofhirgoodneii hath revealed to wt for :hey Mc the mlf`n¢flCS and conveyance; of Gods ornnipoteney, gm; f{E’bU§ UlU’1'»a U0‘y'¢;t from Angels, but inllitured and firmly e. . _ hnwd bl' ‘hC'lTl0ll high God; after a certain mannenwirh °°“nm°'1bl° Humber and ure 0fCh;;-gfters, and breath gimme harmonyofrhe Go head being confecrared by the ine allillan ; h f ' f ,hm “fm f° bC|0W trgcmble xctlxm r:1?c(?;;¢`¢ia§l1e dc: “B “C “ffflghffdl Cvcry crearnre dorh honor and every Rc: “QW” 1d°f¢¥¢m:Il1¢ religious obfervarion vgzhercof, anclde. von: invocation with fear and trembling doth yeeld usgreae V¢f¥°¢'» md "FD dcifies the union, and gives a power rdworlt wonderfull things' above nature : Therefore wee may noe f°' “Y Eflglnhsvhgfoeger. change chem; therefore Origrn ¥0mm3U Ct c at ey c kept without corruption in their own Ch"3&¢'5% and Z oronjler alfo f0rblodC_th the Changi!! 0fib§!bll0US Ind old Y0rds;f0t as ‘Pina faith in C rirtjlru, Al Divine wordsor names, have proceeded eirher from the gods ?rl¥,ox;]frc%m Enuquity, gvhofe beginning is bardlyélrnown, or rom I e ar arianr 1 snzéliezu in like manner a viferh, rhzr: they may not be tranllmred out ol their own language into a- nother; for, faith he, they keep not the farm: force being tran- (lated into anothcrtongue : fhereforethcfe names of (rod arc the mo!! fécéndi powerfull means of reconciling an? uni- ting man wit o asweread in Ex dur, in cvery p ace in svlléich mentiog is made of my name, lgwill be wicl}thee, and fsrhee; an in the book of1'uml-era, the Lord nth, l will put my name Upon the Ions of [mul andl will blel3 chem = Therefore Diirihe ‘Plaza in Curr)/ia 6: in ‘I’l¢i1ebm command-» eth to reverence the names of Lrod more than che lmxges or Ilatues ol" the gods : for rherc is a more exprefs Image and power ofGod._refervcd in the faculty of the rnind,efpceixlly rf itibeinfpired from above, than in the works of mens hands; Therefore facred wordshave not their power in Maficallo- peraeions, from rhemfelves, as they are sjvordé. but wm rho occult Divine powers working gybrhem in the minds ofthgfc ' 3 W 0 ~_iy-ig;
nl.; _ Of Occult Tlnilfjzpby. 30014 UI. .who by Faith adhere to them; by whieh w_ords_ the ferret poyv- er of God as it were through C0HdU‘f¢_P‘P"»S U1U5T1'!Cdlo& tothem, gghg ba” ¢_,n purged by forth, and by moll pure converfation and invocation ofthe divine names are made the habitation of God,:nd capable ofthqfedtvine tnfluences;who, foevet therefore uleth rightly thefe wpfdsor names of God with dm purity of mind, in that manner and order, as they were delivered, (hall both obtain and do many wonderfull things, :ts we read of Medea. gl Maj? plmjiwt Qc wu’d, ¥'ar¢£r rbrirejie/fmkg, , The Sm: aypciu , andhan tbrirfxr] lvrab. Which the Ancient Do&ors of the Hebrews have efpecially obferved, who were wont to do many wonderfull things by words; the Pytbfrgarimu alfo have lhewed, howto cure very wonderfully the difeztfes both of body and rnind,withcer- tain titords; we read all'o,tlut Orpbmgbcing one of the Argo- muts diverted amoft fierce [lorm by certain words ; in like manner thu ¢/fpa/(anim, by certain words whifpered, railed up :t dead tnzide at Rome; and ‘7’l:ila/}r¢xtu: te ortqh that lbme did by certain words call up At-bills: Gholg ; and ?.wf»m»i¢.< relates, that in Lydia in the Cities of Hi¢ro~[`e/Io-¢..¢ and Hjfepu, were two tem les confccrated to the boddellr whom they calledl’¢rp`ca,in both of which when divine len/ice was ended,a certain Mzgitian, after he hxd laid dry wood up- on the Altar, and in his native language had (ang Hymnes,and pronounced certain barbarous words, out of a book which he held in hishandptefently the dry wood,no Ere being put to ir, was feen to be k|ndled,s.nd hum moli clearly.All'o Serena: .Ye- mmim: deliveteth amonglt the precepts of Phylick, that if this name Abmead-:bm be written, as is here exprelfed, viz. dimi~ nilhing letter alter letter bzclttvard, from the lall: to the firll, it will cure the l-lemitritean Feaver or any other, if the lheet of paper or parchment behanged about the neek,and the dif, cafe will by little and little decline and pals away. _-I
»» 14_,// r/ V 1 "9‘)¢~- -h»r ,_.._z_W,,» f ~ _.A ‘ .Q ,_ V- A Y w BODIC I I I. Of Occult fPbiIq/oply; 375 = f E13 ;1__L____5 s__.:__l ;'“5“"§`°”‘”"¢ I""a 1 b f frf~fff;pEV r-:“"".?'°;"a-u -H zT"?"""?";§_`;"' frf‘;J 1__*7`C`_;"S__| a T_L____l A T'i>_`r fi'- ‘ I -. -B b 4 But
1. _ 'Book I I I. QF Ocmlt Tbilwpby. 7 Thr; lliildff Parg, 1” ”; r wr
’`T%b¢ ff #lx r + Ji' r _ _.__ . PL'1’3._.;...._ 4 . . ..,. ., _g 1;‘4w~‘wm §'@f~~»»~F~ But :dl muI bc dun; in mol! purg gold; or Virigig Pmhmgnr, purc,clcan and unfpottcd. alfo wxrh _Inkq ma, nfforthis pur- ofc, ofthe fruoak of confccratgdwag ljghis, gl' _ ihccafdg and gdly warer; The a&or mail he purifi`¢d aDiitIcnnfcd by facri» ‘ .écc, :md hav: an infill}bIc hopé, rfoxifhut Faith and h|s_minfi lnfrgd up to rhc mofk hugh God , nfhc would furdy obraxn Lhss Diving owcr. In like manner ag ainft the affrighrmrnts and `mifchi¢¥o£cvil fpirimnd men, and wha: dangers focvcr, ei; rhcr of joumra, warers, enemies, arms, in thc manner ar ir :r- bovc f1id,rh: (lharaélcrs on :hc one fidcvmg and thcfeugi :hc b1ckGdc71;'1$ which arc the bcginnings aqd cndsofihc EW: firir vcrfcs o£Gmjif,a nd rcprcfeurarion of rhncregriqn of ¢h¢.world; wdgtylcrhis Ligprurc thcyvfay thatryrrizn fh;g§c ff¢¢fmm~=11ms fcs,it’fo bc that hr:,Q;;nlZ-h;!q:y: _xn. §pd the crcarorof allxhings.. A _ ~ ' ' Int
of Occult Pbilifipby. Book I I If Inthe fore part. In the hinder part. _,.__._;>1 l UTIDY I o 77113 Neitherlcr any diflruft or wondetythat facred words,apply¢d outward] can do very much, fecing -by them the Almighty God mall: the 'heavens and the earth; and further, by expgri. ence it is found as faith Ralf C414 Bef: Lum, that many thing; not having Phylicall vcrtues do very much, As for example, the finger of an abottivc childhangcd on the neck ofa woman hindreth eonecptionfo long as it remaineth there ; Moreover that in diverfe faered words and narnerof God, there is great and Divine power, which worketh miracles, Zmujiu, 0r- pbem, ?¢mHica:, .S`]m-fur, /Ilclviudxrx, and all the famous Phi. lofophers tellifie; and eAr-zeplaiuf both a Magician and PhiIo~ fopher hath writtena peculiar book concerning the vcrtuc of words and Charaéiers. Ongm not inferior to the latnoufeft Philofophers, doth maintain againil Ceyu, that there doth ly hid wonderfull vertue in certain Divine names , and in the book of fudge: the Lord faith, my name whichis‘7°¢I¢ 873, fxgnilicth with us, a workerof miracles, or eaufing wonders; but the true name of God is known neither to men nor to An?» gels, but to God alone, neither (hall it be manifellcd (as the holy Stripturestellifie) before the Will of God he fitllilled ; Notwithlianding God hath other names among!! the Angelsj others amongflt nsimergfor there is no name of God amongll us (as eZt¢; the Egyptian faith ) which is not taken from his works, and Egniiieth with participation, belides the name Tr- vagrmmran , which is holy, (ignifying the fubllante of the Creator in a pure (ignification, in which, no other thing is parraker with God the Creator; therefore it is calls( the fe- paratcd n1m:,whieh is written and not read,neither it itex¢ prclfed by us, but named, and [ignifieth the fccond fupdiegnall ' I ` me, Y, ..._.a.ia-i
l » l “ =<’v-'_,_,r _ ,_ . EX Book ll l. Of Occult Tbilohply, l Idiomenvhich is ol`God.and perhaps of Angels. In like man. ner the Angels have their name amongll thernfelves, and in their Idiome, which Paulcalleth the tongue of Angels, con. ceming which we have very little knowledge with ns, but all their other names are taken from their offices and operations, which have not fo great eilicaey, and therefore the Magicians call them by their true nameenarnely the heavenly ones, hich are contained in the holy Bible. can. xtr. _ Of the injlurnre of the divine mme: through all tb: midi!/I cafe: into tb# inferior things. T H E rnoll high Creator and hrll eau6:,although he tnleth and difpofeth all things, yet dilltibuteth the scare of ex~ eeution to divetfe Minifiers, both good, and bad, which fab.-1 in the Rn/elatiomczls allifling, and defiroying Angels : of which the prophet (ings elfwhere ; The Angel ofthe Lord rc# mains in the prefence of them ‘that fear him, that he ms preferve them : and ellivhere he defcrihes immillions by evil; Angels. Now whntfoever God doth by Angels, as by mini- llcts, the fame doth he by heavens, Stars, hut-és ir were by in- lhurnenrs, that after this manner all things might work roge- ther to ferve him, that as every part o Heaven, and every Star doth difcern every corner or place ofthe earth. and time, fpeeies and lndividuall: fo iris Et that the Angelieal vertue ol* that part and Scar fhould he applyed ro them,-vi; plaee,time, and Ilaecies. Whence Aupin in his book of queliiongfaith, E- very vilible thing in this world , hath an Angelicall pow- er appointed for ir : Hence Origm on the book of 1’umbm‘~ faith,the world hath need of Ange!s,that may rule the Armies of the earth, Kingdoms, provinces, men, bealis, thenativity, and progrelfs of living creatures, fhrubs, plants, and oth: r things; giving them that venue which is :aid to bein them, from an occult propriety; much more need is there of Angls ' ae
i , 6 Us Otcttlr ?bilq/aplgy. Book I Il. thatimiay rule A holy works, vertues and meri, 35 they who al. waies fee the face ofthe mol! high f1tl1Cr._ and canvguide men in rhe ri hr path, and alfo even the leaf! thing to this place, as lit memgets of this world in which God as the chief pre. fxdent, d elleth,molE hvcetly difpoling all things, not being contained,or cireurnfcribed, but containing all things. as fabir in the Rn/r-/nriam defcribeth that heavenly City,whole twelve gates are guarded with twelve Angels. infuling on them what they receive from the Divine name,twelve times revolved;and in the foundations of that City the names of the twelve Apo. (Hes, andthe Lamb ; for as in the Law , in the ltones of the Ephod and foundations of the Holy City defcribed by £<,¢. Hel, were written the names of the tribes of Maul, and the name of four letters did predominate over them; fo in the Gofpel, the names of thethpofllcs are written in the (tones of the foundation of the heavenly City, which (tones Hand for thetribes of U5-ad in the Church, over which the name of the I.am1>hathin¢Huenee,tliat is, the name of fr/in , in which isall the vertue ofthe four lettered name ; feeing that febwa/J the Father hath given him all things : Therefore the Heavens re' ceivefrom the Angels,that which they dart down;hut the An- gels from the great name of God and YJ# , the vertue where- ofis Grit in God, afterward diffufed into thefe twelve and fe, vcn Angels, by whom it is extended into the twelve Iigns,and into the (even planets, and confequently into all the other Miniliersandinltruments of God,pourtraitingeven infinitely. Hence Chrill: faith, What foever you (hall ask the Father in my name, he willgive you; and after his refurreélion faith, In my name they tfhall cal! out devils,and do as followeth ; fo that the name of four letters is no further necell`ary,the whole ver- tue thereof being ttanflated into the name feyiu, in which on- ly miraeles are done;neither is there any other (as Peter faith) under heaven given unto men, by which they can he f;rvcd,but that; but let us not think, that by naming 7421: ptophanely, asthe name of a certain man,we can do miracles by vettue of it : but we mall invocate it in the holy Spirit, with 'a pure mind and a fervent fpirir, that we may obtain thofe things r which,
_ *__ ____,_,,. Boolc liltl. i QF Omilt (l°l:iio[>lJ7gy,“ .3 ni' which are promifcd us in him; efpccially knowledge going before. without which thertris no heating of us, according to that of thc Prophet , I will hear him bccaufe he hath known my name; Hence at thistime |10 f1Y°('C1l1 be drawn from the heavens, unleli the authority, favor and eonfentof the mme 2:/3: intervene; Hence the Hebrews and Cztbalills mol! skillhll in the Divine names, can work nothing after Chrilt by thofe old names, as their fatherrhavedone long Gnec; and now it is by experience conhrmedglm ng devil nog power of Hell, which vez and trouble men, can refilt this nune,but will they , nillthcy, bow the knee and obey. when the nameifdh by a due pronunqixtion is wpgfgd go [hem rg be worlhippcd, and they fear not only thetnamebut alfa the Croh, the (cal thereof ; and not only the knees of earthly, hcxvcnl , and hcllilh crcaturcsarc bowed, but alfb Infenliblg things go reverence it, and all tremble at his beck, when from at Faithfull heart and atrue mouth the name ftfvu ispto- nonnced, and pure hznds imprint thefztlutiferous lign ol thc Croi§: neithertruly doth Chnl! (ay in vain to his Ditciplcs. in my name they (hall cult out,Devils,@c. unleh there were: certain vcrtue expttffed in that name over divels ancliick fo1k,ferpents,znd pctfonsgnd tongu es,:md fri fortb, fcelngthc power which this name hath , is both from thevertue of God the inllitutonand alfo from the vertue,ofhin1who is expreffcd b this name, and from :power implanctd in the very word. I-lenec is it that fecing every creature feareth and reverenccth the mme of him who hath made it, fometimes even wicked andnngodly men, iffo be they believe the invocation of Di- vinenzmcsof tlnsltind, do bind devils , and operateceuzifl other great things. t 5 . ")- _ ir; i ¢=H4P=
-vf».,. i ¢ ~ . ,~ <. -?4,'T""-1 ze, of QCcrilf"Pbiliyopliy. t Book“I~I 4 l I L__ ~ ' V I ‘ - _ . Ci-IAP. XIII. Q ofgbg m;m§¢f;¢!f7 gud, fbfif il!fz!I!!¢¢ 07| Ullf hrs; ' E read in diverfe places ofthe holy Scripture, ol'di¢ verfe members of God, and ornaments; but by thb members oftiod, are underllood manifold powers, molilimg ply abiding in God himlell'Q dillinguilhed :tmongli tbemfelves bythe fzcred namesof God; but the garments of Godanri Ornaments, are as ic were certain wayes andrelations, or Emanations or conduit pipes, by the which he dilfufetb him. fell; the hemmes of which as oft asour mind Ihalltouch fo often the Divinepowerof fome member goeth forth, even':1si ?q{`w tryed ounconcemingithewomin with thebloody llfuq Some body hath touched rne, for Ipereeivevertueto go forth >frorn'me:Thel`e members therefore tnGod~ are like to ours-but the Ide:i's and exemplars of our members , to the whichifgvti rightly conform our numbers, then beinétranllated into the fame Irn:ige,we are made the true forts of 0d,& like to God, doing and working the works of God = therefore concerning the members of God, many things are drawn Forth out of the Seri tures; for we read of his head in the Canticles; Thy headbast Carmel , and the locks of thy bead V as the purple of :iKing~; but this Carmel Iignifieth not that mountain -inthe Sea eoalIo£.S’ rin, but a little creature; which ingendreth the purple. Allb of his eyes, eyelids and ears, we read inthe 1’/alma, the eyes ofthe Lord on the Juli, and his ears to theii prayers, his eyes look towards the poor,»and his eyelids en; quite after the fonsof men : :ilfo ol his mourh,ta[i, throat,lips, and teeth, we read in Efq, Thou halt not enquired at my mouth ; and in the [’.oixIelu, Thy throat as thebelt wine for my beloved,that goeth down l'wcetly,cauling thelips ofthole. that are allccp to fpealqthere are alfoNolirils,by the whzch(as we often find in the Law) he fmelleththe faerilices for a Iiveet odour: he hath lhoulders, armes, hands, and lingers, of ‘ the , t _,. i which
*_ __ Book 'I li. Of Occult Tbilo/épby. 'i 11.1.-l which we read in E/-JJ; the govemmm 5, hid upon his fhozildets; to whom isthe Armof the Lord revealed? and the hinély Prophet (ingeth. thy hands O Lord have made mg and fa toned me, .and I will behold the heavens, the work of thy lingers; he hath alto a righr and lefr bmi. hence the P/almifl mm, nm Lord faith ro my Lord, ri; :it myirighrhand = and of :he left we read,in ¢|-|¢ Ggfpgl’ on which the damned (hsllbc placed at the laik d; ¢ fugghgfwg read of the heargbreali, back, and back parts ofyGod;as>in the" book of Kings, that God found David a mm wording to hi; own heart; we have alfo in the Gofpel his breall upon whigh the Difciple lleeping conceived divine mylleries; and :he ‘Pfdmi/T defcriberh his back, in the palenefs of gold ; and he himfclffaieh in Ymmiab, Iwill (hew my bark and not my face in the day ofrheir perdition, and he faith ro MqG:,Thou fhalr foe my back parts ; of his feet the ‘Pfalmifi :xlfo faith, Dzrkneh under his fee: , and inGenrp`.¢ heig [aid ¢°-“lk w the South. lo like manner alfo we read of the garments , and omamcnts of God, as withthc Pplmi/l, the Lord hath reign- ed,heh:nh put on beauty, cloathed with light as wizhagar- ment; and elfwhere , Thonhafl pnton ,comline& audbegutygr The Abylfe as a gzrrneht and his eloarhing; and in .E;:l@:!,`the Lord fpeaketh,(ayu1g,~I fpread my garment over thee ind eo- vered thy nakedneh; moreover alfo we read ofthe rod,Srai¥e, Sword and BurklerofGod_, zsiin the P[¢lm§[¥, Thy rod and thy lhffc, theyhnve comforted me; his truth bath compmlfed thee about as with a lhield;and in Ttntreanamj we read ofthe ftvord of his glory ; and very many of this fort the facred word declares ro us; from which members and Divine orna-»' ments; :here B no doubt, but :har our members and all things* about us, and all our works,are both ruled direfled, prcl°erred,’ governed, and alfa eenfured, as the prophet faith, He hath put my foo: upon a rock, :md dnrefled my goings; and elfwhtre he faiih, 'blelfcd hetheiord my God,who reatherh mVh1i»d_ to War, :uul my lingers to lighr; and ofhis mopth he r(`iitIi;ih¢ Lord hash put a new fong into my mouth ;» and Cll`¢Whé!¢ 0117 Saviour lau.h,I will give you a mouth and wifdom ; and ogehe - , ~ - ~ nt ye .. ,, , _,__l_h.;1_..*..,__-_
,_ , _.__ ».__-1.1-,~ -. -.l .-_ t ._. - , _ -~_'-»¢¢¢...».»,..¢v~»--_,-vv<~-»`--‘---_ ` '¢~ ` ¢ Bgok I I I. Ol"0CCult Qbilrjrp/nj. -__- facrificesto them, and difl W0'fh'P them with Divine wor- fhip, and thefe are the gods to the which all pgopk 3,-¢ ami. burcds ¢0“¢¢miU8 ‘Vhlfh ~’mJ2'-‘ commmdtd in Druxeronamj, faying, leallz perchance your eyes being lilted up to Heg. ven, thou ihouldeil: fee the Sun, the Moon,;nd all the Stars nf Hezveryand bein? turned back ihouldefk gdgfg and wotfhip them, eowhitha l the Nations are fubieéled, which are un- der the Heaven; but the Lordffzbovah hath taken and brought you forth-from the furnace o Eéypgthat thou lhouldefk be an Hereditary people to himfelfgn in the fame book dup. 17.116 ealleththe Sun,Nloon,& SrarsGods;and theDo&ors of the He- brewwpon that ‘plane ofGm¢.r where ie is l`zid,that Alvrrrbmr gave gifts tothe ons ofthe eonmbines,»y;¢,,5;,,,,,¢¢f,,5¢¢1m,¢.¢, that isiirznge rumes,but left Hu: heir of all that he poifeifed, fay,that the fons of the concubines werenot in the bleifing of sxbmlwnl given to fc/swab the moft highcreatonbnt to Grange gods and dieties,but that Hue :md his feed were given to the omnipotent febor/ab , and in no part to any firing: Di. eticgthereforc they are nsbraided in Dmromnmhbecauie they ferved Rrnnge gods, an worfhipped them they knew not. and to tvhggn they were not given ; and alfo fo/bm: Narvr, atfq ter that t people were brought intothelzndof promife. their enemies overcome, and the lots of the polfeliions of .M mel diiirihuted, gave the people leave tothoofe that God whom they woul worfhip, laying. leaveis given you this day to ehoofe whom you will cfpecially ferve, whether the gods whieh your fathers fervedin Me/2='por¢mi.¢, or the gods of the exmnrim, whofe land you inhabite; but the peopleanfwered, we will fervc the Lord felm/4b,:nd he (hall be 'our God; }`*ojbu¢ fsid to them,ye cannot do ir, forthe lord Irbbzlmb is holy, firong, and jealous; but the people perlkvering to ferve If/:at/ab, he faith to them . ye arc witneifes your lelves, that ye have chofen for your-e.l'elvei the Lord, tolerve him ; take may therefore lhnnge E249 out ofthe midi! ofyou, and incline your hearts to the td God of Mari; and hcert-tied a great [tone frying; thisfione lhzlbc for a itnel§,leaI`t perhaps afterwards ye will deny rtild C c ‘ YI! , -- * ~ ,. _ . .~» .¢@__-.¢`l »~».~.¢-1, >- » ‘lb r , t »~ ,-~ {.._ .,`_., 4 , IA. ry » .
_ ¢ ~Bo<>ki Ifrl. of omu Tbflq/5 1, i P J- `The fnrrbxginiau and Lrumdiax: did wcrfhi p Saturn ;C»-mf, Wjrem, Hawk, Ida, 515: and L}£°g»¢,_Iupirer, where was his Oratle: Epir:u,L4riur:¢, Gnidux, Ljru. PUB, A!x:rdenia,Ma|;; The Th!YU23d0l1f#)U» Sgtbbtwn and Tin-ache, the Sun; the Sqrbiqvu did tvorlhip onely out God. fatrifieing an borfe to him ; the fame alfo the Heliapalimu. and uQ]§rri¢m° did wor-~ (hip ; and under the name of Apollo, the Rbedivu, P9 era (forma and Milfjinupnd the mountains 7>¢vr,-u_f1'u:, Pheffim, Cynhux, iS`m:&e, were holy t0h1l'P, and the lilmds Ddu, Clkrax, Tmcdafand /11»¢!l¢»k.;£;ar¢ IU the me Le/Zin! , and che Grymm Grove or Town, b es _the Cities, P¢r»r4,Cb7fz, T¢mpw,C bw, D:!;L~a:,.4frr}>l1#{14»E#trq/'i, Tcgra; Alfo Thebcsghe {5;nd,Naxo:, Nile 3 Cary of Arabin, Cdficbarcx ariver of P¢;hl¢g¢;i¢,wer;:_ cofllgvriritecl tl? him Ender; the name f Barehxu an Dian mx; 0 »¢m¢ na, an Cy rra: nfoungins of Barrie, in wbicb every fecond yeer by courfe, thefcafts Baecbmzlin were kept; 1|f° ¥h¢ Tb-wwifmra pw' ple neighbors to the Hirnozianx did worfhip Bacchus with rbeirown Cerenionies. The Ajbriuu iixft of all introduced ;h¢ word-ii ofYen.w;then the‘ in Cjprm, andf7'lm airing, an§5i¢b:rev;:éévti;1|;:m Qdgnze ICP?/fU)_[f1C ska: o ow :anno - ¢ Wwmwvn ~¢1=&=r/fU5¢1‘ i was worlhipped; at D¢<.?»boi;V¢% Epigflikhél £1;e;rc=S¢:£112r1° doredofthe a.w.v;an in nw :ani or gm: 9ca,andin Agmybi a. City of £_g)';xz,§nd;in gmhband Sigilfm andthe ide./we Grove, and the Cxrylirpepa and Bm: 2 mountain of Sicilig, and in C]ftf!!3Dd..¢§`477$d!i and no ‘Dieg of theold Gods (Anyiaxle being w|tnefs} is re- ported to have been worfhipped with greater ceremon1es,and in more places; the French did cfpccially worlhip Afcrcury, calling him Tmarer; fo alfo the Arwrdiam, H°f#1°F°l5f¢»f,-'ff prim: and Alempbitex. The Sqxbimf about xnounr aurun iid worfhip the Moon under the name of Diem; 3-Hd 'U Fifi# fm, (he had amoli (lately Temple; and in Mjcenfx _after the deathof Thwrru Kingof Tauriu, her Imiige being liollen away by Ipl;i_gmi4 and On-fic: , [he was wo lqged nigh A- ricizz. The Rite of Ceremonie; being changed, C V;1}ii c a e
,:....,...7:,, ::~,~~7,--,-,.i,.:-<f-.,=.~.Rv,-..;-.V,,,-_ _~1__--_ 7 -..,_,,_,~V..__..,_-_ Y ¢.,,,, ,o t _ H , oofomaf ozlfzqppby. Book ur.; ‘ fhippgd Iikgwife by the MdgH¢fd3!,3 people of Tln}]`alia,_ and in q>;12|);.Cigy Ofglfhlfd, and in Tjlwr. and the C/!'lfHI!lU8Ui allmun hill, and in Tnga a Cnty ofP4mphflM» and in Agra in the Kingdom of Arm-.¢; and the Cazenwu people are re. mud to hgvg wgrfhipped the Moon under the A145-ulifu ¥exc ~ there were alfo other places confeerated to other Dig. tics '35 (0 ip4y,_¢, who is called /llinerw, were eonfecrattd ,1;[;¢f¢;, the mountains Qéfyrrxu , Aragutbm, the River Tri. ¢.m¢,¢, and Alemmmm a 'ity of Benin, and Neo one of the lfhnds ofthe Cjehzdu ; The holy places ofC¢re: arc, Elmfx Africa, Elma, and [`amm,C ities ol Sicilm and mount Q/ima; The chicfworfhip to I/Eflms was in the Ifland of Lenmar, and in Imbru, an Illand of Tbracia and Tbrmfa, an Illand confe. crazed to Vulctrmand alfo .Sirilia : Ve/I4 was the goddefs ofthe Trojan, whom runaway Minn: carrved into Img, and to herarc given the Pbaggimu, [dm and €Z)wd_yrmu, mountains of Ifb»7_giz,and Rumen a City ol Umbria; alfo the mountain Bef utlxzu, and Prfmfmtiuma City of Plvygia ; The Cities Cmtige, ‘7’rofenmz, Arbor, and Ulymza, worfhipped fam; alfo the |Hand‘Sarm: and the people of Plmlfcia , Orcbejixr a City of Benin, and Teruzxxu a Promontory of Lacania, were confecrated to Nrptxne, and the Trrzenien Nation and Ciry were under the prote&ion of Neptune : of this fort therefore were the gods ofthe Nationsyahxth did rule and govern them, which/Hqferhimfell' inDn:w-qnaug calleth Gods ofthe earth, to-the which all Nations were attributed, not lignifying o. thertthen the heavenly Stars,and their fouls. C H NP;
vv--“ °f"j *T .',, .__. , __~.--.....»-1 » ~-- ,. __, ____-.- . i.._- » ». J.",' ` s _ Bbbkr 11. ofomizi-P/iiziyapby. .4 » l CHAP. XV. <4 ii V 1 -'|. ,5 i l wbru am' Tbnlogirrnx think conceming tb: Celqliidpgh, _ 7 Hatrhe heavens and rlie heavenly bodies are animxrcd withoertain Divine fouls, is nor only the opinion oFPo. ets. and Philofophersdfur alfo rhe afferrion of che facred Scrip- |:u`res,and of the Carholicks, for I:`ceIif.i#u alfo defcriberh the foul of heaven, and Yrram upon the lhrnc rxpreily confclfeth ir: In like manner Organ in his book of Princi ples, feemerh ro think that Ccleliiall bodies are inimaredtbcraullz they are [aid ro receive commands from God; which is only agreeable ro a reafonable nature; for it is wrizren , I have enioyned a com~ rnmnd on all rhe Sars ; Moreover fab fecmezh ro have fully granted, rhn: the Srars arc nor free from che [lain ol Go ; for rherc we read , rhe Stars alfo are nor clean in his Gghr; which cinno: verily be referred ro the brighrnefs of their bodies; moreover that the Celelliall bodies are animated, even Ea/252:41 the Pampb¢li4:1.thoughr.and alfo Au_/lin in his Each# ridion; _ but of the lzrcer wrircrs Albmw Alrrgnar in his book offoufeo rcquals, s and Tfiamu Aqurlw in his book ol`Spiriru.-il Cmrures. and 71151: Sm upon rlic second of the fcntenees; ro rhefe rlic mol! lesmed Cardinal! 2Qcb. Cu/frm may be added; Moreover vfurnlru himfelf in a lziong dilpurarion dorh con- vince lhCfC(hll1g!;Wh0 moreover rhinkcrhir norllnnge, :har ghe Heavenly bodies are worlhipped with rhc worllvp of Daulin, and that their fufffagcs and helps are implored; to whom allo Thema himfeliconlenrcrh, unlels the oocalion of ldolzrry. lhould hinder rhisrire; moreovcr ‘Pluriiw rmin~ zxinerh that rhcy mow our wi1hes,and hear :hem ; bn: if any one would conrradrél rhefe , and aceounr rhem licrilegious mnégg, |¢; him hgu ¢/iujiin ru his Encbiridion, and sin_l}1s boqkoflicrraéhrions, and Thema in :hc fccond vook agunlf ghe Genules, and rn his _£@adli`!:.-rr, and imnu uponorhc fknrenees, and Gnlirfmar Piriyenjir rn his fum ofrhe univcrfe, rvhounanimoully aniwcr, than ro faychchcavenly bodies are r' '_' V _ l Cc 3 ant:
_ Y _ , .-:» 4.-- _ A _ o Ocenlt @’biIqbp}gy.e . Book I lI_ gniinatcd or inanimated,nothing bclongeth tothe Catholick high. Therefore although it fcemeth to many ridiculous, thu the fouls themfclves be placed in the fphcrci and Stars, and as it were the Gods of the Nations, every one doth govern his Regions, Citi¢s,Tribe;, People, Nations end Tongues, ygg it will ng; [mn (lunge to thofe who rightly underlland it, i .__1__. CHAP. XVI. of Inredigmu and/iii:-fu, md of :be rbreqbld fginj aftbm, .wdaftbrirdir/r¢' rz.<¢me:,»md of lnfaenad and _hrérn-rrrirmll Hiritr. ° i' ` Ow confcquently wemuft difcourfc oflntelligences, fpf. ~ ritsznd-Angels. An Intelligcnoe *ish an’ intelligible [uh- fhncc, frecfrom allgcol§ and putrifying rnafsof 3 body, im: mortall; infenlible, :Killing all, having Influence over call; andthe nature of allfntelligencies, fpirirs and Angels is th; lime. But I call Angels here, not thofe whom we ulually call Devils, but fpiritsfocalled from the propriety of the word, as it were, knowing, underiiandingand wife Butofthefe ac. eording to the tradition of the Magicians, there arethrce kinds, the Exit of which they call fnpetcclelhall, and minds Qlcogqgher feparated from a body, and as it were intellefiuall fphcrcs, wotlhipying the one only God, :ts it were their mol! htm andlhble unity or center; wherefore they even call thtm gods; by reafon ofa certain participation of the divinity; for they are alwayslullof God, and overwhelmed with the Di- vine Ntéiac. Theft: ite only about God, and rule not the bodies of the world. neither are they fitted for the govern- ment of inferior things_bntinl`ufe the light received from God unto the interior otders,1nd-dillrihuteevcry ones duty to all ofthcm; The Celelhall intclligences do next follow theft in the lecond order, which they eallwlorldly Angels vie. being appointed behdcs the Divine YIOTHDP orthe l'_ohercso£the~ _ _ world _ _ _ _,-
_, -~f-t-_;q_;__ __ . Block I 11. ~ ofomrzr Qbzzrpply. wor|d,;nd for the government ofeveqf heaven 6: Stmwheneg they are divided into »fo many orders; as there are heavensln the world,& as there are Stars inthe Hearengnnd they dllm thofc .S`4runri.~rr,é'l10 rule the Heaven .0f'.S`uurn 8: lfatam him. fclf;others ?U'7/¥3a,Wh0 rule the hearerrof fupirer and in im- himlielfhnd in like maner they name diverfe .nngels,as wea for the name,as the venue of the other Stzrsgand beeaufe the old Allrologcrs did maintain fifty five motiohsythcreforc-they in. vented fo many Intelligencer or Ange1s;rheyplxtcd`1ll'o in the Starry he: cn,Angels,who might rule the ligns, triplicitieade- c:ns.quinaries,degrccs and Stars; for although the lchool ofthe Feripttericlu afligne one onely intelligence to eaeh of thc Orbs of the Stars : yet (icing every Star and fmalllpm: of the heaven hath its proper and different power and inllucnoe, itis necelfary that it also have his ruling intelligence, which miy confer power and operate ; therefore they have cflablrfhed twelve Princes of the Angcls,wh|th rule the twelve lignrof the Zodiack, and thirty fix which may rule the fo many De- mmand fcvenrytwo, which may rule the fo many ,%mzrir: Qfheaven. and the tongues of men and the N:rtions,and fone which may role the eriplieiries and Elements, and fevenegti- _...__._._.._, vernorsof the whole world, according to thclleven plmetrf and they have given to all of them names, and feels, which they call Charaliers, and ufed themvin>cheir?inroc:rtion$,‘irr canrationsgnd carving, dcfcrxhing theri1‘i11thefrn('lrumcr ts of their operations, images, plates, glaffes, rin Q, papers, what lights and fuch like; and afar any time they didgoperzre for the hun, they dad invocate by rhe name of the Sun,and by the names 0f.S`c1;zre Angelg :md fo ofxhe rdf. Thirdlytbey dll' blifhedrhngelsarmrnéfters for thcdifpniing ol rhnfe things which are bclow,wh&ch Origm cal lush certain invilible potiiers to the whichthofc things whlchare on earth. are committcli to be drfpdfed o£r For lnmetimes they being vihhle torione dodircét oufeoumiesendallonr bufinellcs. are oFr”prei‘cnr':r battels, and by fcefct helges do givethe defired Gicccfies to their friends, for they arer:ricl‘,th1t:1|:th€irPk:!G|rér they can procure profperity, and in£lr& advexf£y.*‘ln like manner they C c 4 dillributt ‘ ~,»
1 oforfrrzrtotmpb,-. Boolt tt r. l tlilltibute thefc into more orders, fo agfome are fiery,{0m¢ §y¢atery,l'ome aerialfome terreflial ; which four fpecies of Ag. __g¢1; arg enmpueed according tothe four powers of the Cg. lpfliallfoulswiz. are mind, feafon. Im=a'°=§i°f=, md the vivi fying and moving nature ; Hence the fiery follow the mind gf the Celeiltall fouls, whence they concur to the contemplarim ge of more fubltme things. but the Acnall follow the reafon, and ,fawf ghg fgtionall faculty, and after a certain manner feparate A jg from the fenlitive and vegetative; therefore it fctveth for an aéhve life. as the fiery lor :t contemplative , but the watery following the imagtnation, ferve for avoluptuous ltfc; Th; earthly following nature, favor vegetable nature; moreottt they diflinguhh alfo this kind ol Angels into Snrurniaamd fa-uiad, according to the names ofthe Stars, and the Heavens; further fume are Orientall, lome Oecidentall, fame Meridin- enal, fome Septentrionall; Moreover there is no partof the _ world delhtute of the proper aflillance of thefe Angels, not _ becaufe they are there alone,hut beeaufe thev reign there eqx. cially, for they are everywhere , although fomc clipecially ,operate,and have thetr mlluenee tn this placc,(orne ellwlxete; netther truly are thele things to be undetllood, as though thty were fubjcél to the influences of tl1cStars, but as they have correfpondemve with the Heaven above the world, from ,whence cipeciallv all things are dire&cd , and to the which all thtngsought to beconformable; whence as theh: Angels arc appotnted for divcrfe ars,fo alfo for diverfe places and timer, not that they are ltmited by time or place, neither by thebo- dies which they are appointed to govern, but becaufe theor- der of wildorn hath fo decreed, therefore they favor more, andpatronize thofe bodies, places, ttmes,{lars; fo they have called fome Dmmall, Iotne Nofiumall, other Mcridtonall; in like manner fome are called Woodtnen, fotne Mountianecrr. (om: Pieldmen, Tome Domelheks. Hence the godsof the Woods, Country gods, Satyrs.Fatniliars, Fairies ofthe foun~ rains, Fairies ofthe Woods,Nymphsof the Sea,the Naiades, Nerrades, Dryades, Pierides,l-lantadryades, Potumides, Hin- ntdes, Agapte, Pales, Pareades, Dodonzy F¢1'1l1l2, Lavern..~; Parte, ~¢
Book I I I. of omit f1>1,;1.y,,,i,. W Parent, Mufet, Aonides, Callalides, Heliconidg-5 p Meonides, Phebiades, Camenz, the Graces, the éeniilgihé goblins, and fnch like ; whence they call them vulgar iuperiorg, ome the demi~gods and goddeifesg fome of thefe are fo fa. miliar and acquainted with men, that they are even aff¢&¢d withvhurnane perturbations, by whole inlhuétion 7'/are think- eth that men do ottentimes wonderfull things, even as bythe ,inllrn&ion ol men,fQme beails which are moll nigh unto us,as Apes. Dogs,Elephants, do often llrange things above their fpecies;and they who have writren the Chronicles ofthe Danes and Norwegians, do rellitie, that fpirits of diverle kinds in thofe regions are fubleet to mcns commands ; moreover fome of thefe to be corporeall and mortall, whofe bodies are be- gotten and dy,yct to belong lived is the opinion ofthe Egyp. Iians,and Platnnills, and efpecially approved by Proc/ur; Plu- tarcb alfo and Drmrrria: the lrhilofopher, and timilwmf the Rheroritian affirm the fame ; Thereforcof thefe fpirirs ofthe third kind, :tsthe opinion of the Platoniltsis; they report; that there are fu many Legions, as there are Stars in the Hea- ven, and fo many fpirits in every Legion , as in heaven it felt' Stars, but there are (as Arban,-rin: delivereth) who think, that the true number of the good fpirits, is according tothe number of men ninetv nine parts. according to the arable of thehundred fhrey gathers think onlynine parrgaccording to the parable ofthe ten gtoats;othcrs fuppofe the number ofthe An- gcl> equal with men, becaufe it is written, He hath appointed the bounds of the people according to the number of thc An- gels of nod; and concerning thei r number many have written many things, but the latter 'I heologians following the mafter ofthe fentences, Aujiin and Gregory calily refolve chemfelves, faying,rhae the number of the good Angels tranfcendeth hu- mane capacity; to the which on the contrary, innumerable un- clean fpirits do correfpond,there being fo many in the inferi- or world,as pure fpiritsin the fuperior, and fome Divinefaf- firm that they have received this by revelations; under thefi: they placeakind of fpirits, fubterrany or obfcure,whieh the Platoniits call Angels that failed, revengers of wickedneg, an
?,`.¢<--f,-y.~1%,,~-@,@_¢T. _ _w ~, , __ _,_ _ ` ; - ' " ' 1 e ' _. =: F - U fl 4 _ _V . 4 ll Of Occult Tlailrjoplgy. Book I Il_ ghd ungodlinels, according to the decree of the l?ivineJu{1ie¢, and they callrhem evill Angels andwlfkfd fP'fifS, ecaufc they olr annoy and hurt even of their own accords; ofthefe alfo they reckon more legions, and in like manner dillinguifh. ing them 3m~,,-ding ro :he names ofthe Stars and Elements, and parts ofthe world , they do place over them Kings, Princes and Rulers and the names of them ; of theI`e,fou¢ rnoll mifcheivous Kings do rule over the other, according to the four parts of the world; under thefe many more Prince; of Legions govern, and alfo many of private offices. Hence thc Gar‘qorzr:,6`r.¢!enoé?r,thc furics. Hence 7'M`pl1on:, A/dh, L2Ie_g¢r¢, Cerizerm = They of Lhis kind of fpxrits, Praphj ' faith. inhabite a place nigh to the earth, yea. within che eng it fclf ; there is no mifthieh which uheydare not commit; they have altogether a violent and hurtfull culiome. their-_ fore they very much plot and endeavor violent and (ndden mifchie s; and when they nuke incnrflonsfometimes they are xvonttolie hide, but fometimes to offer open violence, and are very much delighted in all things done wickedly and Cou- tentioufly. caan 3 ,l I l l r l r l L l it E, . - S , D-'_ 9;
_ _ f.~_~~-1rv~°~ , A ~ -_ _ .l,n.. ,; _ Book I I I. Of Occult @bilo/Eplgy. C H A P. X V I I. Ofrhejl- act-ording ra the opinion rfrbe fbrafagimg, Ut our Thrologians, together with Dian]/?n:,maintain the y , three diltinéiions of Angels; every one of which they di. vide into three orders.they call the-fe Hrerzxrchies, thofe quireg, whom Produ: alfo drllinguifheth by the number nine. They place therefore in the luperior Hierarchies, Ser:|phim,` Chern~ him, aud Thrones, sm it were fupercelelirall Angels eontem- plating the order of the Divine brovidence; the firfi in the goodneh of God; the fecond in the Effence of God. as the form-; the third in the wifdom. In the middle Hierarchy they place the Dominations, Vertuesl and Powers, as it were worldly Angels concurring to the government of the world ; the Erli of thefe command that which the other execute ; the fecond are Mimllers to the Hetvens and fometimes eonfpire to the working of miracles; the third drive away thofc things which feern to be able to dtliurbe the Divine Law; but in the inferiour Hierarchy they plaeethe Principalities, Archengels, whom alfo famblicw rcekonerh up, thefc as minillring lizirits defeend to take care of inferior things; the firitof thefe take cire of publike things. princes and magilirates, provinces and kingdoms, every one thofe that belong to rhemfelves; when lwe read in Daniel, But the prince of the Kingdom of Pe:-fn withfiood me twenty one dayes; and fiyur the ion of Sjmeb tcllifieth, that for every Nation :t ruling Angel is appointed ; which alfo Map; by his long in Damn-enum] feemeth to iheiv forth, faying, when the moll l-hgh divided the Nations.he spy pointed thernbounds according to the number ofthe Angels. of God. The fecond are prefent .tt (acted dnries, anddircf! the Divine worlhip about every man, and offer up the praryers _ and facrificcs of men Ecforerhe gods. fhe third dilpofe eve-» ryfmallcr matter, and to cachxhmg each oneis aprefetverf 'Ihcre are alfo ofthcfe, who afford vertue- to the lealhplzrnts ~ andltones and to allin£crior.things;;o’ homt_m.mythrng=j I are _ . ` A -. ,.,`
Of Occult Tlzrlqkpby. _ Book I I I. ;re common with God, many with men, and they are media. ting Miniflers; but Af[71!!df.Il<f¢b¢Gd¢5 Thrones. _Cherttbins, and Seraphins, who are next to God. and magmfie hrm.un- celfantly with hymns and continual! prarfts, praying for our falvation,nameth the other orders, which by :common name he ealleth thc milirin of heaven. The lirll of thefe is th; Doéiriuallorder, of the which he was, who fpalre to D.<mi¢l_ fiyirr , Come, rharlmay reach thrc what (halleomero thy Peopi' in the laik dayes; Then there is the tutelarorder, of the which we read alfo in Drrzzirl. Behold,/Michael one of the Princes cometh to my help; and there, lnrhat time (hall rife up /1/Iiebulagreat Prince, who llanderh for the font of thy people ; of this ordeewas that Rapbar! allo, who carrycd forth and brought batltToI1iab the younger; after this isthe Procuratory 0rder, of the which mention is made in fab, where we read, it the Angelfhall fpcak lorhim, he will in~ treat the Lord, and the Lord will he pleafed with him; and of the time order is expounded alfo that which is written in the lixteenth Chapter of €cely7¢j2ieur,about the end. The works ofthe Lord have been ma e by his appointment from the be- ginning,:md he hath drllributed their portions from rhe time they have been made, he hath adorned their works for ever, they have not hungred, nor been wearied, and have not de- Eftedftom their works, none of them [hall o prefs his neigh- bor evenfor ever. The Minilieriall order tpolloweth, ofthe which ‘Pnrlto the Hebrews faith, Are they not all Minilirirrg fpirits, fent forth lor them who lhallbe heirs of falvarionr Alter thefe is the Auxiliary order, of the which we readin Efaj, The Angels of the Lord went forth and flew inthe tent of the Allvrians 185. rhouiands. The lieccptory order of foul# fnlloweth this, of the which we read in Lab, the Dol of Lazam was crrryed by Angelsinrothe bulorn of Aémbanr, and there we are taught, that we (hould make to our :L ive, friends or the urtrightcous trlamrnon, that we may he received into rternall I abernaeles. Moreover, there isthe order oi the Arhlhnrsof the which we readeinZ.=rb¢o7.Theli: src the two fons ot the Uyl or iplendor, who allillzrhe ruler -L of
__ ,_,_ . tuui1 "__: _V , ..,___| ___ ~...._...- V, __” -L-__ Book l I»,I1. Of Occult 7’bilafJPhy_ ‘- _ ol the whole earth,but the Theolo ians of [bg Hghrgwg dg On therwifc number and call thefe orders; lor in ;h¢ lgighgff Phu, are thofe which they call w'1Pn IWT1 that is, crcgxurgs of l`auEiiIy.orb the which God nina: giveth the giftof being. In the fcconclyplace fucoced Ophanim 01551; rhar ig fgrmg ug “’h¢Cl‘»l’Y ll¢ which God Tim' dillinguilheth the Chao: r In the third place are Amlim D"7N” ~¢ great, flrong, and mighiy Angels, by the which frlm/4 .E/shim pronounced or ?ebo-vu joyned with He H771 '71 adminillrcth form to the liquid, mat.- ggr :-In the fourth place are Hafnr.zlimQ~‘mw;'1 by which _EI 58 God frameth the efiigiesofbodies. The Efth orderis Se, rap/:imD’B"ll9 by thc which God Elabim Cifwr 'Dil ‘MYR draweth forth the Elementsflhe fixt is/ldalaebiun g;;»;E13 that is of Angels, by the which God Elvin: mS;~;,producrth metals. Tlw leventh Bivlvim D‘T1l7N that is she gods by the which God fella:/ab Sabmb Dirt? Tim' produccthr vegetables; The eighth Bwi Elalzim gin 3 ug than is the (ons of God,by (lit which G0d Eldbil/15454011 P71822 DvnL7N proqrgarcth Animals; The ninth & loweli Gbrruéim Dinan: by :hc which God .S`4J1i1'wcrcatethamankind; under thefe is the order Anim.:/lieu: called [Him wtvlx that is nobles, [ltoug men, or ble{l`ed,by the whithGod Admzi U18 belioiyetlrptophtlie. ' C HA`P. X V'I I IT ` of the ardrr: ufrvilfpiritr, a:m'aft]1tirf4K,Y uarddie/er: m¢mrc.c¢ THerc are forne of the School of the Thcologians, who dilhibute the cvill fpirits into nine degtecs,a$ contrary to the nine orders of the Angels; Therefore the firfl of thefo are thoft: which are called talfe gods. who ufurpingtho nyme of God, would be worfhippcd for gods, and require facciflfe cos and adorations, as that Devil, who faith to Chrifl, tithou wilt fa] down and worlhi me,I will give thee all thefethingég lhewin him all th‘é` kingdoms of thewotld.; and;the Prince of thefé ishe who faid, I will afcend above the height of the > ,Y t_ clouds r nt, ‘I _»;Q.i
I t OF omits Tliilqaply. Book i 1.1. clouds, and willbe like to the rnofi High; who is therefore called Beel1,ebub,that is,an old god. In the fecood plate fol- low the fpiritsof lies, ol which fort was he who went forth, and wasa lying f irit in the mouth ofthe Prophets of Afhd; and the Prince ofthefe is the Serpent Pjibo; from whence 4. pe/lais called Pjtbim, and that woman a witch in Sammi, and the other in the Gofpcl, who had 77:50 in their belly. There. fore this kind of Devilsloynetlt himfelf to the Oracles, and' deludcth men by divinarions, and prediflions, fo that he may 4¢¢¢i;~¢, In the third order are the veifels of iniquity, whidl are alfo called the veffels of wrath, thefe are the inventors of evil things and of all wicked arts, asin Tina, that devill Timm” who taught Cards and Dice; for all wirkednelk, malice and deformity ptoceedeth from thefe; of the which in Gengflr, in the Benedi&ions~of Simon and Levi, Yecab faith, trelfels of iuiquityare in their hzhitatiottginto their counfel let not my foul come; whom the Pfelmzflealleth vcffels ofdeath, Epi] veifels offury, and ?¢rm7 velfels of wrath, Ezekiel mf. fels of deilroying and (laying, and their prince is 8:15:15 which is interpreted without a yoak or difobedient, a prgvgi. eator and an ApoIlaoe,of whom ‘Paul ro the Cerintbim; fairly, what agreement hath Chrilk with Bdindf Fourthly follow the revengers of evil, and their Prince is ¢A[mdm.r,-ak. canfing fudgement; After thef: in the fifth place come the delnders, wholrnitate miracles, and ferve wicked eonjurers and witches, and feducc the geople by their miracles, as the fetpent fedneed E-ve, and their rinoe is Satan, of whomis written in the Re- velarions.that he fedueeth the whole world, doing great (igns, and cauftng Ere todcfoend from heaven in the fight of men,fe- ducing the inhabitants ofthe earth,by reafon ofthe [igngwhirh are givcnhim to do. Sixthly the Aeriall powers offer them- ielves ; they ipyn thernfelves to thundering and lightnings, corrupting the aire , culling pefiilences and other evils; in the number of ~ which , are the four Angels . of whom the Revelation fpeakcth, to whom it is given to hurt the ` Earth and Sea , holding the four windes, from the four cornersof the earth; and their prinee is called /lirririm; t he 1 3 =f IE 1 1
Book I 1 i; Ol oinizf @>l»i1@pp/U. he is the xlferidian Devill , Q laoyling Ipirit a devill raging in the South, whom “Paul (0 the Igphe/Iirrrx icallgrh (h¢ Prince ofthe power ofthis air,and the fpirit txhich workerh in the children ofdilbbcdience. The feventli manlion the fum, poffets, which are powers of evil, difcords, war and devafla tions. whofe Prince inthe Revelations iscallcd in Greek =/(_ pi/gan, in Hebrew e/fb-addon, that is deltroying and wail- ing. In the eighth place are the acenfers,ot the inquifitors, whofc Prince is %?J7’i1!lJ, that is, a (catcher ont = in the Creek language he is called I)i.i.6a.'ar, that is an accufer, or ca. lumniator, which in the Revelations is called the accufcr, ofthe brethren ecculing them nightécday before the face of our God. Moreover the Tempters and Enfnarets have the lali place, one of which is prcfent with every m:in.which ive therefore call the evill Gmini, and their Prince is ,11.¢mm¢», which is interpreted Covctoufncfs : But all unanimoufly maintain that evil fpirits do wander up écdown in this inferioiir world,cnragcd againft all, whom they therefore call Devils, of whom Aujlifie in his hrlk bool: of the incarnation of the word to }'.wrmfiiu,faith : Concerning the devils and his Angels contrary to Vertues,thc Ecclchaliicall preaching hath taught,that therearc fueh things; but what they are and how they are, he hath not clear enough expounded : yet there is this opinion amongli mall: , that this Devill was an Angel, and being made an Apolhtc, pethvad- ed very many of the Angels to cclinc with hirnfelf, who even unto this day are called his Angels: Greece notwithltanding thinketh not that all theft: are damned , nor that they are all purpofely cvil , but that from the Creation of the world, the difpenfation of things is ordained by this means,that the tor- menting of linfiill louis is made over to them : the other Thea/agirwr fav that not any Devill was created evill, but that they were driven and call forth of Heaven , from the or- ders of good Angels for their pride, whole fall not only our and the Hebrew Tliea1a_qi.wr, but alfo the /1j)ri.1m, /Iralriivv, Egyptian: and Greeks do confirm by their tcnents; Pbcreqydrr [Ee 5 ravi defcribeth the fall of the Devils and that_0pLu.<,that I is,the Devililh ferpent, was the head ofthatrebc'll;t;};mrt;?;;
4 ~'~-, <- ~- ._,f,,,.,,_.,_,,,____ '__' oo ,_ -. .. _ 5 . _ - ',.,,-...-,_,-,___:,:?€_ . s i Of omni obizqopiy. Book 1 1 1. Y'r‘§fa!egfff!!J 50 5 (ht fame fall in his Pinmnder ,und Homer nn. det the name of Aram, in his verfes ; and Plurm/1 in hi; fpeeth of~ufnry , lignilierh, dm Emped/:flu knew that the fallof the devils was after this manner : the devils alfo them. felves often confelk their fall : they therefore being QQ forthinto this valley of mifery, forne that are nigh to us wan. der up and down in this ohfcure air , others inhabit lakes, ri. vers and fear, others the earth, and terrific earthly things, gnd invade thofe who dig Wells and Metals , caufe the gaping; of the earth ,lirike togetherthe foundation of mountains, and ve: not only men , but alfo other creatures; fome being mn. tent with laughter and deluiion only , do contrive rather to weary men , then to hurt them, fome heighrning themfelrq to the length of a Giants body,and again ihrinking themfelvq upto the frnalnefs ofthe Pigmies, and changing thernfelvq into divers forms , do dilhirb men with vain fear = other; lludy lies and blafphemies, as we read of 'one in the third hook of King: , faying , Iwillrgo fdrth and be alying fpirir in the mouth of all the Prophetsnf Acbré : but the worilforr of devils are thofc , who lay wait and overthrow palfengers in their ioumeys, and reioycein wars and efifufion of blood, and afiiiéi men with moli crucll ilripes: we read of futh in Marr/fm, for fear of whom no man durli pafs that way; moreover the Scripture reekoneth up no&nrna||, diurnall, and meridionalldevilspnd dcfcribeth other fpirits of wickednefs by divers names, aswe read in E/ig of Satyrs , Scrichowls, Syrenes. liorkes, Owls; and in the P_/;![l)7J of Mines, lsaliliskes, I.ions.Dragons; and in the Gofpel we read of :corpions and Mammon and the princcof this world and rulers of darknels, of all which Beelzebub is the prince, whom the Scripture cal- Ieth the prince of wiekednels. [fa-rpbyrie faith, their prince is Seraprk, who is alfo called Pluto hy the Gretlu, and allo frrberrrr is thief amongfk thern,that three-headed dog = viz.. Beranfe he is converfant in three elements, air, watcr,and earth, a moll pernicious devill ; whence allb ‘7’ra/Erpimgwho can do my much in thefe th=ee elements , is their Princeh, which (hc tefiiiies of her fcif in her anfwers,in theft: verfes. f 0 - ill
., .3 _~.‘ |_ -i_,_ ,»~;_,- _ > ’ ....~....---.--~» _ _ _ ~---.__-..v_.....~-_-..-¢.....--... B 00k I I I. Of0c'c‘frlt'fP/Ji[MJpb_y, ,~ i4Q1; Of rbrrnfvldnaxrr I Ltzcinafrzir, A The dzgbrer m,pm»_;9.>,,, ,¢_4,1,,,;,, 45. g Tlrrga en Phazbc nmywd with be-ui: trine, ' lVl:em mznjfvrmr do cbmgegnd the himjign - Which 16:0 with fmm of mr:/:,Fre,a.vd air, lf” 61” i1.f114_/li ve: q' tb: mr-tb do care. _ , 0’i¢f"’1 Opinion concerning the devils, is = The fpirits who n& of their own free will, lelt the ferviee of God withvtheic Prinocythe deviI;if they began to repent a little, are clothed with humane Hcfh; That further by this repentance, after the rcfurreékion, by the fame means by the which they came into tlrcllellm, they might at the lall retnm tothe vifion of God , being then alfo freed from ethcriall and aerial! bodies, and then all knees are to be bowed to God, of Celeftiall, Tcrrelirial, and Infernall things, that God may be all in all : Moreover Saint Ircnexu approvcth the opinion of fujline Mm r, who hath faid, Satan never durll fpeak blafphemy againh God_,bcforc that thc Lord came on the earth , beczufe that he knew not as ye; his condemnation; but there are rnanjr of the devils who are fallen, who hope for lflCil.‘_fIV3!i0#€‘ Very many think by the Hiliory ol"P¢::l the Hrfrnire-,written by fr-rome, 8: revereneed by the Church with Canonical hours, alfo by the Legend of Brandan, they are fo taught ; and even by this Argument theyirnzintnin that their praycrsarc heard; that we read in the Gofpels , that Chrifi heard the prayers of the devils , and granted that they lhould enter into the Herd ol Swine ; to thefe alfo agreeth the 7r.‘P_5alm,accord1ng to our fupputation , but according to the fupputation of the Hebrews the 73, where we reid, the Ethiopians (lull fall fore him,and his enemieselick the dull ;thcre it is read accord- ing to the Hebrew text , they that inhabit the defert, (hall bend their knees before him,that is,the aiery fpitits lhalladotq him, as the Calmlyh affirm, and his enemies [hall‘Iick the dull, which they undetlhnd of Zn.;/I, and rili5e5¥UiY = of ?Yil‘¢i} WC ttad in Q`en4i1,Du[t lhnl! thoiggitlll thcediyck bf thy llfei an » "»1~-7* ~ ~ e £_.‘l TN ¢ , ,fi af' .i H? r r;.a..J1"-
~,,_ , 3 O2 I Of0ccrrlt Tbilzfipbn Book I il. and ellizvvhttc the Prophet faith,beeauI`e the dull ofthe earth is his`bre:rd;hencc the (July): think,that even (ome devils (hall be faved, which opinion alfo it is mantfcii that Origm was oil l C H A P. X IX. of the badier of the Devils. Onceming the bodies ol°`Angels, there is 5 great dilfcn. C tion betwixt the late Divines , and Philofophers 5 fm- Téanm af§rms tha: all angels are incorp ireallyea evil angels, yer that they do :flume bodies fometimes, which alter awhile they put off again; Di.-mjfm in Divine mme: lironglv atiirms thatjngels are ineorporeal. Yet Arqifn upon Gmef: deli. vets his oginionjhar Angels are faid to be Aery , and Fiery Animals : ecaufe they have the nature of iieriall bodics,nei- ther-can theybedilfolved by death, becaulie the elernentwhieh is more aéiive then pziiive rs predominant in them ; the fam; fcem to 3f§l’(l'l,¥l[ all Angels in the beginning of their ere-3. tion had Aeriall bodies , being formed of the more pure, and fupcriour pare of the air, being more fit to a6l.then to fudier; and that thofe bodies were alter the confirmation preferved ig_good Angels, but changed in the evil in their fall,into the guality of more thick air, that they might be tormented in the re : Moreover /11,1 mu Bef/im doth attribute bodies not only to Dcvils,but :lib to pure angels, as certain thin, Aeriall, pore fpirits; towhlth Gregoq Naziaxun doth agree. Ayn- teiw was nfopinion,that all angels had not bodies ; for in the book ofthe 'Dnmmof Svcrater, he faith, that there is a more propitiouskind ‘offpiritsnvhich being alwayes free from ect- pnreal bonds,arc procured by certain prayers. Bot P,9L/eu the Plfrrrmykand [7iry'?ia:::a do think that the nature of fpii-its is not without a hodtqbut yet not that the body of angels,& de- vilsarc the famqfor that is tvithoutall matter; but the bodizr. of devils are in a manner matetiall, as llmadows, and lixbfcélro Q paflion,
Bonkbl I i. Of Uccult 7°/nilrjzplgy. c E 403 pailion , that they being Ilruck are pained , :md may be burnt inthe fite,into conlpicuous aihes, which as is recorded, was done in Tajria- And although it be a fpitittnll body, yce it is mofl fenfiblc. and being touchedfuffcts ; and although it be cut afunder, yet comes together again » as air fwd “`3l¢'f¢ but yet in the mean time is much gained. Hehcc ll is that they feat the edge of thc hvotd, and ny weapon. Hence in Virg _gil the Sjbi/[faith to ¢/fnctu, Da zbougo on :lg nm) and dmv tlyfiwrd. U‘pon which Swain: faith that [he would have ¢/fum: have his word confecrated. Orpbmr alfo dcfcribes the kinds of Drmamfira/lhodics;thete is indeed one body, which onely abides gh: fire, but being fecn,doth not fuffer , which Orpbrm' calls fiery, and Celeliiall ‘Dmum : thc other is contemperated, with the mixtion of Ere , and air , whence they are called Ethetiallt and Aetiall; to which if any watetilh thin was added, there atofe a third kinde, whence they are Callei wa- teiéy, which fotnctimesate feen : towhich if any eulihincfs be :Ld ed, thisisnoei/ery thick; they atc called Terrene Dqrsenn and they are more oonfpicuous, and fenlible, Now thebodics of fublime Danna: are nourifhed of themollz pure Etherinll elemcnt,:~.nd are not rafhly to be feenohn , unlehs they be iientfrom God ; being wcstved of frrth bti tthtcads, and fu fm:ll,tha: they tranfmit all the tayes ofcur gh: by their Buck, and teverbctatc them with fplcndor, 81:idoceivc byithcir fub- tlety ; of which Ca/cidbu faith, E(hCfi8",1.Ud Aetiall Dcmanf, betaufc thci: bodies have not fo much Etc as that they are con- fpicuous nor yet l1> muth earth that the folidity of them rcfilis the touch, and their whole compohire ben.; made up of the cleatnels of the skie,:tnd mozliurc of the :ir,h,»:h joyned toge- ther an indiffoluble fuperhcies. The c :ht r'D¢~w¢n: are neither fu ajnpcarablc , not imilible , being fumetimesconfpieuous atetumed into divers figures, and put upon themfelves bodies Iikefhadows, of blood-lefsimages, drawing the lilfltincfs of algtofs body, and they hive too much communion with the D (1 3 0911 '*Z'Lt‘I`:~ ` . 'fa-.;:
404 A Cf Occult Tbilwpbu Book I I I, Wood ( which the Ancients did callthe wicked foul ) and by realon of their affinity with earth . and water, are alfo taken with Trrrme pleafures,:md lulh of whlrh fort nrehobgoblins, and Iucuhi , and Suecubi, of which number it is no abfurd conje&ure to think that ;4I¢lu[m» was: yet there is none of the Demon: ( as Alarm: fuppofeth ) is to be fuppofed male or female, feeing this difference of feat belongs to compounds, but the bodies of Daman: are fimple , neither can any of the Demw tum themfelves into :ill fhazpes at their pleafure; but to the fiery, and aiery it is ealie o to do, vie: to change themfelves into what fhapes their ima ination coneeives: now fubterranealland dark Demons , Eecaufe their nature being concluded in the (heights of a thick and una&ive body , cannot make the diverlity of (hapes, as others can. But the waterie , and fuch as dwell upon the moill fuperfiecs ofthe earth, are by reafon of the moiftuefs of thu element, fot'the moft part like to women; of fuch kinde are the fairies of theRivers, and Njmplu of the Woods: but thofewhith inhahitc dry places, being of dryer bodiesjhetv themfelves in form of men, as Saryrs, or Unqkrli, with Affes legs, or Fawn; and Ineuéi, of which he l'.zirh,he learned by experience there were many,and that fome of them oftentimes did deiirc, and made compx&s with women to lie with them: and that there were fome Demons, which the French call Digi? , than :Hd continually attempt this way of lull. - <§ ` v i.;,,§!v ‘ yi. 7 camp. .___,-.. ._ _ ____,_ _._ »~-__.....i..
~'- -V V ___ _"_ v __.._ 4 ,_ nooiti i r. Of own @bil¢p7Jy. °, i 'il f d' ers An els,and are brought to any dt- :,l;”ev‘;:1tie,Ei?fe(;ts,:i;I1d di'gn§ty,who behave themfelves wo§t`E; f hem but they which carry themfelvcs unworthy of them t ; . _ . _ gre depofed, and thrufi down,as well by fP'lf*¢S. 2; good fpirits,unto the loweft degree of mrl`ery,as their eval merits [hall require = but they that are attributed to the fublimer Angels, are preferred before other men, for Angels having the care of eral hem and fubicft others to them by a certain oc. h . » _ Zuffiaoweig which although neither of them perceive, yet he that is fubieéied, feels a certain yoke of prehdency, of d which he cannot eaiily acquit himfclf, yea he ears an reve- renceth that power, which the fuperiour Angels make to How upon fnperiours , and with a certain terrour bring the inferi- ours into a fear of prefidenty. This did Homer feem to be fen- (iblc of, when he l`aith,th:t the Alu/2: beiot of fupitrr, did alwayes as inf arable companions aliift t e Kin: begot of fupfrer , whotgy them were made venerable , and magni- ficent. So we read that M. Anraniru being formerly joyntd in fingular friendIhi% with Offer/ua edugu/Ixxmere wont al. tvayes to play roger er. But when as alwayes Augujiw went away eonquerour, that a certain Magxkim Counfellcd M. An- mziru thus.0 Annu), what doii thou do with that yong man P (hun, and avoid him, for although thou art elder then he, and art more skilful! then he, and art better defcended then he, and bali endured the Wars of more Emperours , yet thy Gr- ain: doth much dread the (jrniu: of this yong man , and thy Fortune flatter his Fortune ; unlcfs thou (halt [hun him , it feemeth wholly to decline to him. Is not the Prince like other men , how (hould other men fear, and reverence him, unlcfs a Divine terrour lhould exalt him , and (hiking a fear inroo~ thers,depreI§ them,that they ihould reverence him as a Prince? Wherefore we mult endeavour, that being purified by doing well, and following fublime thin s, and chooilng opportune times, and feal`ons,we be enrnillcd orcommitred to a de ree nffublirner, and more potent Angels, who taking care of us, we may defcrvedly be preferred before others. i D d 4 C H A P;
»~., »-._.., .-_-~ ,,_._ _ _ “'.~» _ - »‘ >" » ; _ g. , __ _ ._ ` _ *fr , ' ' ' < ""`?'-» _ ---¢ ~. .v...¢.. an 0 "i i"`” 6? 0`&¢;¢lf&”bilo]6ply,. Book III, _-11; ' CI-IAP. XXI- rof qi/gin 4 _mpr Gwinn. “J vf 15' F4'¥bi”£ Ulf* *br vwurf tbnrcoé _ ~ 5 M _ ion in rho Celcikialslmh a certain Sm- ind A Qlrgigléfnagc which buh infinenze upon ir bcforc o, ;h¢r$ : Io alfa in [upcmeldlials doth it obtain a ccrmin Inrcl, ligennc faovcr ir. and guarding ir. wirh infinirc orhcr mini. Bring fpirirs of irs order , all which arc called by a com. mon nemo, thc Sons of Elnhim Sabactb mggg Qi;-l~;R_u3 i.;-.Sons of thc God of hoirs. Hcncc,as ofrcn as rhc mol! high doth deliberate of War , orilmghrcr , or the dcfolarion of any Kingdom , nr (ubdning of any proplc in Lhcfc infcri° ours, rhcn no oLhcrwiI`c,wh:n dick llxallcomc upon :hc earth. rhsrcproccédg-aconHi& of rhcfc fpirics abovggxs ir is wrirrcn in Ifriqb; The Lord of halls [hall viii: :hc Army of rho high, in dig hnygns ; and thx: Kings of the earth , in rhe earth ; of which copFl§& of fpirits and prclidcnrs , wc rcad alfo in D.:- ai¢l,-uiz- ofthe Prince of the Kingdom of the Prrfmnof rhv; Prince of the Gncifvu, of rhc Prince of :hc pcoplc ol’ 1194;-1; and of rhcir confliEi amon%!rhr:mf:lvcs,of which alfo Hmm- fccmcd formerly ro be fcnli lc of, whcnhc ling. ` Graz! mu tb: russcxr In :Le Court above, Wim that tb: _gods War manual) dh! mow: when Phcxbusdid ra Neprunc lmuh iw, Pallas with Mars tba god of War didérive, Digna did with/I~4xd in !:o{?iIe my , ]uno,4»dI.:1:oua¢!idfor rofhg Mcrcgxry 4rrmpo.,._._-- Ncverrhelcfs fceinglrhcrc be in-every region fpirirsof all fora, yer. rhcy arc more powerfull rhcrc which are of rhe fame order wi nb rhcprclidenr of than rogioo. Soin':hc_S¢1.»q region, rhe: Sain] fpirirs arc rnolk porcnr ; in rhc Lsmq. Lwmj, , l
I Lt.-...~ -..__ -¢-fr <- 1_____Y___ . ., ____ _,____,___ ,___-_-.---._~..-*___-_-- ..,._- ~ _ -..--.._._._.......--..-.---.........f-.-».gjs;...-.__."1 Bookill I. _ Of Occult Wnilfyopfyf. it 4_p9 V _ Ln , and fo of lhilfdl. And hence it is dur vari ur i ofggyaffnirs offer themfclves, 8r follow us in plxmsnndvgrng vinees, lacing more Fortunate in one place more then another, where we. the Damn our gnrira fhall receive more power, or we [hall there obtain amore oweifiili Dem” of the (img order.8o.Sivl¢g rnen,if they (Imax tnveli into 1 Snug rr-gina, or province , all be mule thcrefzr more fortuntte, hcmxfe there thu/ [hall have more powerfull, and morcndvumgions ¢~0fdl!&Ef5 or Gnrii, by the ptefent aid of whom theydnll be brought beyond expeéiation , and their own poweryto happy events. Hence it is that the choice of a laeqregion, or time doth much conduce to the happinefs ofplifc where a ` / ‘,' one (hall dwcll,& frcquengaccording to the narurebeiniiinlgi of his own Gmini. Sometimes nlfo th: eharigeof the name doth conduce to the farnefor whereas the pro crtiesof mme; being the lignihcatotr of thi -sthetnfelvcs. so as it wereina ghli declare the_ condition; gg their forms;thenee it comes to Q3§,Ll12!H.“.r.‘E€s ueing ch1ngcd,the things oftentimes are chan- ged. Hence the fxeted writ doth not without caufe bring in Godmhilellhe was blefling,and ?¢:ob,th:.nging their names, calling the one Alrrabmx, and the other Muzi. _Noiv the ancient Phylofophers tenth us to know the nature of the gmiw of every ru:n,by Stars,their influx, and af`pe&r;;whieh are potmtin the Nativity of arg one ; bn: with in&ru&icns fodivers, and diFFering amon thernfelres, that it is much difficult to rmderlland the aeries of the heavens by their dh-eftions. For ‘Parpl,9ri:r?celts the Gmini of the Scar, which is the lady of the Nativity : but Mizremw either from thence, or from the Phnets, which had then rnol’t dignines, or from that into whofe houfe the Moon was to enter aftertlnt, which at the birth of the man it doth retain. B112 the faldeou enquire after the Qmiur, either from tl1e5'xm above , or from the Moon. But others , and rn1nyH¢lfim ehinlcit is tohe enquired after from forne comet of illihti* ven,ot from zllof them. Oti1ersl'eebalfood‘q‘rxi#(ftUn1tl'1e eleventh houfe, which therefore theyre: 'wgood-‘Btwn r’ bw an evil gmim from the§:.xix,tvhich=tBezcforetlxeyf;x¥n Nil :mm L""*' @7165 we o ~' ` /"”"?'/13 ey 1 _;; ‘Q _`<.1""f~'
,¢__...¢-¢-"~ * ____ -ff-' cv--` _` 1° ;Of0ccuI¢‘PbiI¢y3plgy.. Book I l I. Dmaen. But feeing the inquilition of ehefe is laborious.6c mofl ocmlr, we fhallfar moreeafily enquire mio the nature_of our qmim from our felves ob emng thofe things yglucb the inpgmgof future dorh diéhtc to, and theheaveninclmesug to from our infancy, being dxflraded with no contagmn, Of thofg thin which theaninde, the foul being freed from ruin mugnd Iguiilier aifeélions, and impediments being removed, doth fuggelk ro us: Thefe without all doubt are the perfwg, G°neofaG¢»i»a which is given to every one from their birth, kadmg, and perfwadingus to that whither the Star :hereof inclines ns ro. CHAP. XXII. Tw :km ik is r£<reefI1!dl<;¢}n'qfnun, end jim: whence wb of , zbeanprmed. iEVery man hath a threefold good Demon , as a proper s keeper, or preferver, the one whereof is holy, mother of the nativity, and the other ofprofeflion. ‘Phe holy Demon is one, according to the Do&rine ofthe Egyptians, ailigned to the rationall loul, not from the Stars or Planets , but from a fnperrurutall caufe, from God hirnfelfl the prelident of De- mons, being univerfalhabove naturc:This doth direé! the life ofthe foul, 8: doth :tlwaies put good thoughts into the minde, being alwaics :Rive in illuminating of ns, althou h we do not alwaxes taltc notice ofit; but when we are puriéed; and live peaccably, theni: is perceived by ns, :hen it dothgs it were gzeakwith ns,and communicates its voyee to us, being before lent, and Rudyeth daily to bringus to a facred perfeclion. Alfo by the :yd of this Demon we may avoid the malignity of a Fate, which being religioully worlhrpped by ns in honefiy, and fzn&iry, as we know was done by Socram ; the P}rlm_g»» rim think we may be much helped by ir , asby dreams , and ligmsby diverting evill things , and carefully procuring good things. Wherefore che Pybagarism were won: with one cg;
év--** ~- ___ _ - , 1-¢__¢@¢ ` » '>- _ Book I II. Of' Occult @"bi!o/aplgy. fem to pri? '° 7"Ff'"'» that he would eiiher preferve them from erill, orfhewthemby what Demon iirlhonld be done. Howe the Demon of nativlry, which is alled :he Genius, doth here defetnd from the dilpo6tion ofthe world, and from the circuits oli the Seats. which werepowerfnllinhis nzrivizy. Hence there be fome that think, when the foul is oomingdowninzo the body, it doth out of the quire ofthe, Demons naturally choofe a prefervet' to it (elf, nor only. choofe this guide to it felf,lbut hath that willin to defendf ir. This being the exeeutor,;nd keeper of the life, goth he? ic' to the body, and takes care of it, being Communicate to the body, and helps: nun to that very ofhee, to whiehithei Celellials _luve deputod him, being bom. Whofocver there-~ fore have rcmived a fortunate Gmiw, are made thereby ver- tuous in their workgefiicaeious , Ilrong , and profperous. Wherefore they are called by the Plqb/Bpbm fortunate. oth luckily born. Now the Demon of profeflion is given by tho, Stars, to which [itch agrofcilion, or fe&, which any mn huh- profelfed. is fubjefle , which the foul, when it heya: to» tmkcehoyce in thisbody. and to take upon it (elf di politi-. ons, doth fetretly deiire. This Demon'is ehzniged, the pro- fefiionbeingehangedr then according to the ignity ofthe: proFeIlion,we have Demons of our profeilion more excellent and fuhlirne, which fuoceilively take care ofrmn, which pro- cuntsa kc er of profellion, as hc proceeds from venue to» vertue. Wchen therefore a profeflion agrees with our nature, . there is prefent with us at Demon of our profellion like unto i ur, and (unable to our Gmiw, and our life ian made more peaceable, luppy,1nd prohaerous: but when weurxdertakee g profellion unlike, or contrary to our Gmiw, our life is; made laborious, and troubled wirhdifigreeing parrons. So: it lxlh our that fome profit more in any fcience, or art; or: office, inalittlc time, and with little print, when another; takes much pains, and (ludies hard, and all inniner :mb although no feienoe, art, or vertue be to he cont:moed,ytt¢ that thou mzill live profperoully,earxy on th affairs happily; in thc itll plum: know thy good Qadwi and, thy nature, H _ .al » t 1 .¢..----ff` »»5»» .. m,¢ 1 _rl / al 5 I 1 li ,Y r < U ""`=` _,al J1 i
,-ff 1 6 gh OF ocmzeebfoppln. Bnoklktl what goodthe celclkiall difpolitiotfpromifeth thee, and God the dilktibutorofallthefr, wb° diffiibums I0 Hifi 35 htfpleu (uh, and f0|10W ghg beginnings ofthefe, profeli the e, be converfzmt, in that venue towhiClh¢ H109 hgh difh'§>U‘0t doth ¢]¢y3;¢, gud lead thee, who made Q/f6fd!JdlTXC'XC¢llil. iulliee, and clemency, Him: with fear, Shrub with llrcngrh, Mejé: with meekneh, and Miracles, fa/Zan in war. ‘2’£in.i.u, in mtl, 'Duval in religion, and vx&ory, Salmon in know. ledge, and fame, Peter in faith, ?Ub73 in Charity, facaéinde. votion, Tbmn in prudence, Magdslen in contemplation, Maru in ofiicioufneh. Therefore in what vcrtue thou think- cil thou canil: molh ealily be a proficient in,nfe diligence to ;;.r tain to theheight thereof; that thou mail! excel! in one, when innuny thou cami! not: but inthe tell endeavour tobcas great a proficient an thou cznllr: hueif thou fhzlthzvethc overfeexs of nature, and religionageeahle, thou lhaltlinde zdouhleptognefs of thy nature, an profeflionr but ihhey flnlllm ` reeiug, fo low thchettzrg l`or~thoufl`halt beuee petceizenr me time uptefcrver cfm excellent ptofcfiion, then Ufnativity. CH AP. XXlI I.¢ ofxbe tongue of/fngeh, med of their _gvrrdeing an:vn_g§¥ them- Rlvex, and wif/J H1- wvli might doubt whether Angels, or Demons, liuoe '_ A they be pure fpirits,ufe any vocal (perch, or tongue amongll themfelves,or tous; but that Piwlin fome plume faith, If I fpeak with the tongue ofmen, or angels : but what their fpeeeh or tongue is, is much doubted by nuny. For many think that ifthey ufe any ldiome,it is Hebrew, be- caufethat was the Erliof all, and came from heaven, andmg before the cnnfulion of languages in Bn@lan, in which the Latvx-was given by God the Father, and the Gollrell wash preached by Chrill the §on, and fo many Qracles were given _ to ' .`¢ n E 41 J i 1 -I i . l
-.,._,;..__..¢.-»-14 _ _ _ ~ Y ..__-, _ . .__ .._,..._a-»»-~-.1-:...`_».. , ~ . , . ..-... - ,____ * _ < 13°01<r11.i yyo£of¢f¢z¢n>1,;z¢,pi,§. tothe Prophets by the Holy Gholi r and feeing all tongugg have, and do un ergo various mutations, and corruptiom; this alone dothalwaies continue inviolatcd. Moreover an evident lign of this opinion is, that though each Demon, and Intelligence do ufe the fpeeeh ofthofe nations, with whom they do-inhabit, yet to them that underiiand it, they never ilpeak in any ldiome, but inthisalone. Butnowhow Angels peak it is hid from us,as they thetnfelves are. Now to us that we may (peak, a tongue is netell' ary with otherinlirumcnts, as are the faws, palate, lips, teeth, throat, lungs, the afpera n;-te. ria, and mufcles of the breali, whith have the beginningof motion-from the foul. But' if any (peak at adiliance to an# other,he mul! ufe a_ louder voice;but ifneer,he whif ers in his ear: audif he could be coupled to the heater, afofixer breath ' would fuliice ; for he would ilide into the heater without any noife. aslan' image in the eye, or glafs. Sofouls going out of the body, fo Angell, fo Demons fpeak: and what mm doth with a feniihle voyce, they do by impreiling the con- ception-of the fpccch in thofc to whom the fpeak, alter: better manner than if they thould. qrprcfs ithy an audible voyce.So the ‘Pbfrani/if (hy that Sdn-are: perceived his Demon by fenfeindoed, butnot of thisbody, but by thefenfe ofthe etheriall body concealed in this ; after which manner Avian helievesthe Angels were wojlgto beyfeen, and heard by the Prophets: That inlirument, whatfoever the vertuc_ be, by which onelpirit makes known to another fpirit what things are inhis-mxude, is cal|ed_by the Apollle ‘Pmlithe tongueof Angels. Yet oftentimes alfo they fend forth an audible voyce, as they that cryed at the alcention ofthe Lord, Ye men of galilr, why Rand ye here gazing into the heaveni » And in the told law they fpalte with divers of the Pathetswithn a fenlible voycc, but this never but when they alfumed bodien' But with what fenfcs rhofe fpirits and Demons hienour invocations, and prayes, and fee out ceretuonienwe arc alto- a gether ignorant. i , ._ Por there is afpirituall body ofDemons everywhere fenlible by nature, fo thatit tontheth, fceth, hearethmithout anyq y A ~ ii » 'dium;:€~<3‘ _ ;_ t~ ~ » V .¢.»_ if
-v-`., _,___ __ ""'*‘*""°""'_ ""'_' _ ~, ~ - ~. . *"". >-*A ` '- '» i n -_ I ¥‘ rad ~i.1 l i oflo¢m1¢d51>z1.y0p1U. i Book I IL §;lium,,and nothing cgmbe an impediment toit 1 _Yet neither do (hey ceive after that manner :is we do with diffcreng organs, gghgply 33 fponges drink in water, fo do they 31| fenliblc things with their body,or fome other way unknown gg U5 5 ngighgrgrcall animals endowed with thole orgami for wc know that runny want cars, yet we know they perceive; found, but after what manner we know not. - _ .il-;-in-¢ V T Cl-IAP. XXIIII. ` A ~ ofrbf mme: of.S`pirir:, and their wriau: impq/Zziai; adaf :be Spirit: rw m-:fer wer the Starr, Sign, Cammgf the Hréwar, and tb: .E Icmrxtr. I - Anyend diverk are theiprmesofgoodfpirizs, and had Y: ' . burdieir proper, andtrue names, zs`thol'e“ofthe Sem, :unknown to God nlonqwho only numbers the multirudeqf Stars, and calls them all by their names, whereof noneeaq be known by us but by divine revelarion,and very fcware expreffed tous in the {acrcd.writ.‘ Bur the mal't¢:rsofthe»He,- brews think that the names of Angels were imnqfed upqfi thernby e/Idam, according td that which is written, The Lord brought all things which he had made unto Adam, that helhould name them, :md as he called any thing, fo the nanié ofitiwas. .Hence me Hebrew Merubrfll- think, rogerherwitlx (.¢%ngic¢1¢m, that it is in the power ofman to impofenames upon Spirits, but ofifuch hmm cnlywhois dignitied, and elevated tothisvertue by fome divine gift; or fzcrcd authori- ty : but bccaufen name that may cxprelk the mwrc ofdivini. ry, or the whole vertueoiangelical ellenccscannot hembitle by any humane voyqe, therefore names forthe-mol`t-pare are put upon chem from their works, Ggnifyiug mme cérraiii office, or elfcfi, which -is required by the _quire of`Spiri:s: which mines then no orherwi!e then oblarions, and facriticcs offered to the Gods, obtain efficacy and evcrtnc to draw any ffpiratuzil fubiianrc from above or bcnearhffbr to maxe any ' e ' r delircd
--»._. ,.._,~ - 1'7v-F. _,.,-_...vo-1-vi ' ' '~ ._-. - _....-,,,-- <T"~ 5 ..~....7»;.»i-V . / _ " rf I-~----»-,»~. Book I Il- _ _ Qf Occult ‘P/ailoinp/>_y. dchrfd ¢5°C&- ivhlvé f¢Cll,'!Ild known lfome writing gin parchment the nine and Ea! offome fpirit in che houmf the Moon z l rvhichwhen afterward he gave to be devoured by a a;Q:r¢frog, and had muttered _over fpme verfe, the frog being lefgo into the water, rains, and [hours prefently fol-_ lowcd. Ifaxvalfo the fame man infcribing'thefn2me oFzno= ther Qpirit with the feal thereof in the hoursof Mar, which WIS grvm I0 ILUOW, who being let go. after; verfe mutte- red over. prefently there followed froiiwlrharfcomctofthc heaven, whither he ,HeY, lightnings, Khakihgéf and horrible thundcrs,with thick cloiids : Neither were thofe“names'offpi. rits of an unknown tongue, neither did they hgnilie any thing elfc but their ofiices. Ofrliit kind: are the names olirhofe ah- gqls, _R¢¢2sf¢l, `Galvfiel, /Mir/wel, Raphael, Haxiel, whibfl is 35 much as the vilion of God, the verrue of God, the Rccrlgth of God. the medicine of God, the glory of God. In like manner in the oliices ofevill Demons are read their names, a player, deceiver, a dreamer, fornicator, and manylnqh like. So we recieve from many ofthe ancient Fathers of the He., brews themmcs of Angels* fer over the planets, and Ggnsl; over Saturn Zdfbicl : Wqiitci' 'Zddkjéi ¢-overll(!{43f§ K 415 mae! : over the sill! Raphael : over Versa Hemel: over W!n¢f§ 'f crazy /‘Michael ; OVC! the /‘Haan Gelfriel. The(e‘:1ré§li‘0l'c1fi:vén Spirits which alwaies llaud before the face of God; iowhdni is enrrnlled the drfpoflng ofthé_§vh‘olel7ele{li3l;»anil tcrrent: Kingdoms, which is under the Moon. For thefe (as fav the more curious Theologians) govern all things by a certain vi- ciflitude of hours, daies, and years, as the Allrologers reach concerning the planets which they are let over 5 which iherof fore LZ!ercuri:a Trifmrgqrm calls the (even governers ofthe world who by the heavens, as by inilruments, diflriburelln: inHuen,ces of all the Stars and Ggns npon thefe ingccxotrgc. Now there are fome that do afcribe them to rhe.-` tags; 'i' nhmcs fomewhar differing, faying; that over Saturn i§!Er;rarr intelligence called Oriphiel; over jupiter _Za¢!urirI’; over Mars Zamnel -` over the Snn`Mirb..rl;xover"ll_er}ns:;!rw:l~';s over Mertnry ’IL1ffmcl ; over the Moon §?46ri:I.'Ann every ' one v mi . 1. ’ <11-°»L..¢¢~
'i»-w 'Q ~~ li, ~t_ ~,- .. _ _ _ > _ - .- _..-.-.,.- - i “`.. i Of 0ccttltQfPl:ilofJJz_fy. if BgQl;i1_1.r; one of thefe governsi the o,rlJ‘§54year§, fgugmqmlu , 'and the government begins from the Ingelligenee <sFs¢;,,,,,§ afterward in order,the Intelligence: ol Venus, Qnpipéi-:4{{,,},_ ry, dllarf, the Alam, the Sun mgn, and thenithegovggg ment returnsto the Spirit of Stimm. e/fébiu Trirmma M55 to Maximilian C¢ftr a fpeciall Treatile concerning thefe, which he that will throughly examine, may from thence dmv rent knowledge of future times. Over the twelve rsigmljft &e thefe, via. over vfriu Malzhidarl; over Img #12 model; 'over Gemini Ambriel ;,ovct Canter u"l{nrj¢'l; om Leo Vrrcbiel; over Virgo Ham;/id; over Li£¢r2x' mid. over Scorpio Bizrcbirl ; over Sngirrn-rin: Adrmrbiei “qv-gi [apricam Hamel; over vfqsurim Caméiel ; over 'Pi m Ba:-chiel. Ofthefe Spirits fet over the planets,and Si ns, il,” made mentjonin the Revehtion, fpeaking ofthe gormerin the beginning; And ofthe (even Spirits which ‘are in thepre-Q fence of ths Throne of God, which I linde]ii'e`fe't o'ver the' feven planets, in the end of thebook, where hcrlcferiber the platform ofthe heavenly City,l'aying that in the twelve gn; thereof were twelve Angels, There are again twenty eight Angels, which rule in thetwenty eight manlions of the Moon, whofe names in order are thefe, Gmiel, Efrrdigl, Amirkl, /knriel, Gidvizl. Diracbirl, Sebeliel, Amnn5:l, Bar5ieL /Irie- fid, Nrcirl, Ahdizxtl, faurirl, Ergedizl, /ftaliel, A-urtlel, v.vfdrie1,Egi6ieI, Amurirl, Itjrirl, Bttbrmel, §eli:l,§Rtquir!,' Alvrinad, Azicl, Tagriel, Alhmizl, Amnixirl. There are alfo four Princes of the Angels, which are fer over thc four winds, and over the four parts ofthe world, whereol/lliclmlisfet ovetthe Ealkern wind ; Ra /ml over the Wellern; Giihid overthe Northern ; Nqielf who by iome is called Uri¢l,is over thc Southem. There are :rlfo afiigned to the Elements thefe, vie. to the air Cbmté; to the ivatcrf/1.1¢/Qqtothe Earth /Irie/ ; tothe Fire Sm:pb,or according to? bilan, TQ- rbnnir/. Now every _one of thefc Spirits isa great Prince, and hath much power and frecdome in the dominion ofhis own planets, and ligne, and in their times, years, months, dzies, andghours, and in their Elements, and parts ofjthf ~ ' world A.__..1..i
_,,.-1-¢- _.,- ..- _ .,._--~.-.-.~._.,__.»....:.;--_-~';;t_'~;;:;;:=. Book I I I. Of Occult G”bilqi>plgy. world , and winds. And every one ofchem rules over many legions ; and alter the ikme manner zmongfl evil lbirieg, :here are four which asmoll potenr Kings are fer over the rellz, according ro rhe four parrs of the world , whole n;m¢¢ are rhefe, wk.. Uriem, Kin§_ofthe Erik; .4rru_ymon,Kingof the South; Pajmn, King o the Weflg .Egix,lKing ofrhe Norrh, which the Hebrew Do&orx perhaps call more rightly thus; Smrael, Amari, Az4el,e/Tfabaravel, under whom mg. ny orhcr rule as princes oflegions, and rulers; alfa there are innumerable Demons of privare ofHces.Moreovec the :mciene Theelagiane of :he Greeks reckon up lirDemons, which they call Ielchiner, others Alafiores; which heagxrzg ill willro men, raking up ware: our of rhe river Sqx ' their hand, ibrinkle it upon the earth, whence follow C:x1:uniries,plagues, and fnmincs ; and rhefe are faid ro be Aflexee, Ale rzlezim, Or- memu, L ¢fu,Niea», Miman. Bur he which deéresro know exaélly elle dillina names, otiices, pieces, and times ofhnf els, .andrvll Demons, let him enquire into :he hoolrof R45- fi Simon ofrhe flfemplesr Andinlhis book olflighrs, and inhis rrearife of the grcarnefsoflhrure, and in rhcrrezrifeolfrhe Temples ol`R4H¢i I{bm.¢eI,and in almoll: all rhc Qonrmenrgnes of his book offormarion, and he (halliindeir wrirrenae lnrgv: ¢Q1=°¢wi=!s¢11==1» » ~ ;e r. ,. ._ ' ' , “ l eh XP." *xxvQ ' i Hm the Hebrew 'Meeubalr drawfmb téefwcdpame: of/ln. gel; one if tbefrrred mir, and of :be frveaeie :Wo Angele, Wbicbierrrt/ee mme of (jad, with the Table: qfZirupl:, ard! the Commutatioxu afletrerx, and memferx. 3 ji, » I THe;e are alfo other frcrcd names ofgood, ;ndevil5piJ rits depured to each others, of much grcatgg' IPQH rhc former, whichrhe l~lebrew_ Mecubnlsrirnrfe. _ ‘nh our of flrrefiwrirr according ro than arr.which,rh;y_t5=;f; FQMCY- uing rheru; as alio cerraingnrrnesof Goal d;=~1WI!n5°flh ` ' ¢ , DI!! » ,...,~i~. .Y__ -..._..f..-I ._ 4 __A,.v 17h , , __-.Y ,4 -> _ ‘- fl . - '-- ‘,‘-iw" Y: _'J' ~ _A__‘A_;_. V 1, ;`_.,., ,,,,__. ,Ai
4 - l 13 _OfOccu1;Q"I>il1y5plgy. Book 1 1 it our ofcettain places : the generall rule of thefe is,_that where- fggvcr, any ,thing of divine offence is exPf¢ffed in the Scrip- (pre, from that place the name of God mry rightly he gathe- fcd ; bu; in what place foever in the Scripture lhC_D2mC of. Ggd is found exptdfed, there mark what othee hesundee gbig mme. Whetcfoever therefore the Scripture fpeakg gf: the office or worleofany fpirit,gotni, or bad, from thence thg mme of that fpiritnvhether good. orbad, may be gather.. ed;this unaltcrahle rule being ohferved,th:tt of good fpirits we receive the names of good fpitits,ofevill the nnmesof evill:& let us not confound hleck with white, not day with nighe, nor 'light with darknefs : whith by thefe verfes, ashy an ct.. nrnplejs manifeih Let them he :ts dull heforethe face ofthe windc, and 1CIfl;!C Angelof the Lord lhtter them : Let their tvztiesbedittltuels, Anclflippery, ancl lee the angel ofthe Lord petfuethem. . A 7 s r i t l n e , _. .i . ,i'lZlf'L'31»'‘ rlsbetnme tm ‘ann rin: 'vm »~t:a'1~if{=im}» what en:p‘>‘p‘v:n :tim o:>~i' *fir Tr; i1ie§§.f>ia¥mg'wi¢h the Hfbkttl/$,bD! with us tho 34.0utof whichftqhe ithtnes ofthofe angels ctrcdrawn. °°7, 1vp 1l!id4eI,e& Hgntn Jl1irael,of the order ofwarriersf So out of that verfe, Thou fhaft fee overhim the wickedgand Satan (hall (had at his right hand. Out ofthe Pfalm 109-with the Hebrews, btftwith the Latinesthe to8= u~z:» 'vs 'mat' mwiywn my 'lpilfl isexrraéiedthe name of the evill fpitit Schii tywp which (ig. nifies a fpirit that is a work of engines. There is a certain text in _.E_xodm cqntcinetl Z-q three vetfes, whereof eve one it writ with feventytwo letters, beginning thas = Thefirl-K, Vajijia Qtjtn the feegn`d,~ Vgjahb gegmthe third, Vujar un : which are 'extei‘ide`d into one line" 'trier the fitflt, and third from the left hand to the right; but tftemiddlein aeontrary order,be- ginning _ from the right to the left , is terminated on the left hand : :heh e:icIi`oi'° thelthree letters being fnbordi. nate the one to Ythéotherirnalteonefmrne, which are feijenty tivo names, which the Hebrews cal! Jebembémjbefe r to which ifihe divine, name £1 ‘mor-fab n°=hc_ada`ed§ they pro- rltzce fébélenty two ttiifyuable names offangelawhcteofevery n ‘ ~ e one
Book III. Of0ccult @1,fz@@p1,y_ one carries the great nameofGod, as it is written 2My An. gel (hall go before thee ; obfcrvc him, for my name is ln him_ And thefe are thofe that are fet over the feventy two Celt-mal qninaries, and fo many Nations; and tongues, andjoyngsof mans body, :md cooperate with the feventyl two feniorsof the Synagogue, and fo many difciples of Cfirili : and their nanies according to the extraction which the Cabalilts make, are manifell in this following table, according tppnc manner which we have (poke of. Now there are many other manner or waies of making Schemhmpbcre out ofthofeverfes, as when all three are in a right order written one alter the other from the right to the left, beiides rhofe whichare extracted bythe tables of Zimpb, and the tables ofcommntations, of which we made mention above. And becaufe thefe tables ferve for all names, as well divine, as zingelical, we [hall therefore fnbjoyn them to this Chapter. or ' Thefe arcéthe fevcnty two Angels, bearing the nameof God,;S`cb¢mb4mfbcr»c. e i » ' ‘ Et: , ,;. ;¢,_ - ,...~-.. *L_ 'J 'V l 4 e Q ;,; . rm;
_.._.._-'_-_...__ ___ ,~ ~'»~." _ »‘~ n.. 1 _ _ Q 41,9 “ OF0ccultT°bxlq[5p7gy. Book UL _ I ' ' u* 4 .n .-_-§ I fg 'S "-3!’33.-`-5.5 §§E§§§s§§2§§§§§§§@ -i,=A::_»7,.»;_r.__<g';3=§§i»fl&i=<¢ ;=>;s~‘;s "7T'fI|_gL_§_§ fi__Q_$_';’ 043; E `Ja_¢:a_§_9_ ~_‘:‘_9 _ _E_’S£__~ ‘55c_g_)_;0.§ `___L-fl-__}_~_Q U- e _ _ _§§§%§€§E=§2§§€§J5 N _»T>§e§& §§_'_ ~=>y;==~§|i=_f*iéiQ ’ _l;=¥U_§_=_-_;.£-5 ‘JE 33.3 ' ’_J~_iN¢2_£J£ i "§;_ -|___51_; Q ;g___Q£_ L L‘_S___l__ i l_ g, » ._ .-- V E 7' -‘~ 'zz "“5 » 331' f5»f=§§Eé§=3-f§§;§%§~==§§§`§ Q 5 Ejaiégig “ 5 "5 §.%&&E@£&g&&:wr“§“ , L ‘A A Hu__s__l7£_L__l_--l "1"¢__|E|E"'T;L;4 LCm'uu l r "T_ ~__; 35 ” 2 Ufo I- .5 ci M u ¢_mT"'_`T! T, __ _ ___ '5 3 Z! L. an UE' _.SZ -S ’§-~s!Z<,, )-E-E_"~= ‘-1:11 "‘“'a=a~"3 ~§.§~’_2 ,@;§1i§§f;;@=§§@§§ `=T»E¢sW;1=§ i=l~=~=»§iq=§~=_s=5| 7"_ ~__;1 #J-J__1 ‘__~ 073; 1`€! §_;-I___f_._§ ___‘___|;»‘ "1. o5wcuu°§uuuu~;C~ aa; 4 T f fza
416 , .‘¢cn3oamuamuyq@» " , ~~.1,:-r-`..»»~__.;1 <;.»~@~» 'r'u»~,¢. .__ ,..,, - , ,, , ,i .._ _- - .__ _ ` . --, V ,__`, . _ * . M -'L°T‘y» »_; ‘ `<L~,'~' . Y - ,,». ',. ¢ Bunk i 1 .__lz~T uw If an T |33 N T,” .__-LL F *an rm IT _ , "3 U3 vu :f` ff' "1 413 IN F ___71' ‘1 WJ FIN If hi " 1 IDN 1 E: &1Ix‘ *- aT 3 |L_¢2_ 9~ _ l1_I2_ Q ‘ an 12; " » 7:1 lcv Z E- _-m on JY 3 - D‘7 JJ D* 5 _av cn *Q i ... "@'*vf9‘-_-1; , IW In o auf? p_ § _ 6' 1, % iv; D "3P_‘l ’ @I|1:P1_1 @ Vw fD_E_° |___;u_ `D__EP._f__. nw JW ;Q‘ in 29... L ;?_!L(T »=f~ va, W* N2 1%
.,_ _i__._,A__“ ,_ __/_ - -I-__ ..- - Y - --- Boolil I I. ,-» , , ___ _ _ ,,..A,__ _ ~ ».-_ ,¢_,;,,,,,,,,_;...1- Of Occult Tbxlcfaply. ` -1 .1_ H Jw. an T_rn Lu E" "`1L`ll__’T B; __" |lL_l~2l_ rn rg w Q`P EV f ‘ii £21 m"T:_y: sm ‘__ __ on §Q_139 *H _E_ o9___ 59 I_l1J__ "7 @_Q2_ ,Q- Q 1 __ ii.. D FL3!_‘§1_I @“_'¥’-L j§_§w ___9; n .;.il.i....i_ f !o ,lb I0 1° 7| H1 U1 Il g xo; zoo xoo 9 H* o ! xoo ’ ‘EL 2- _Z fob [woo |xooo :ooo xooo ] ‘L3r\{¥D lj* 'gp __ 27 W5 . -": _.ff . ._1' ...u..-J..`a.=¢..
,.,_ - .. i__1__1,__ - .-~»4a&¢-»:_1 , - - -4 ,i . ,< r .:, L-» -5‘,L?, , ,, ex- ` "-“ " '~.-‘»: * Bo‘ok'I r rr. ofofenn r>/rzonpfy. d according to the ruler of the Hebrew tongue. make the name of a Geninr r to whidnadeoiding to the cullome, fome /um. jjdnblf name of Divine omnipotency;/iz.. El, cr 1,15 ig (gb. ioyned. Bn: if the talking o the letters be made from'-gn angle of the falling , and againlt the fnccellion ol ligne* uid the letters which (hallfall in the ( that is the oppolire poinn io? the aforelIiid'Star§ , beta etthat order' as we faid, Joyned together , [hall make the name of an evil Grniw. But the Cbaldeuu proceed another way ; for they take rio; the r/Ylrrrafrez. of the corners, but the Almurez, of the elevemh honfe , and do in all things as hathlbeen faid. Now they finde out an evilG¢r:ix.¢ from the Alrarxnz, of the angle ofthe twelfth houfe, which they call an evil fpirir , cafiing from the degree of the falling againil the progrefs of the ligns. There are alfo the e/frabiluu, and many others, and forue Hebrews, who finde out the name of a Gnrinu by the places of the five P?le_gi¢uu,and making proiceiion alwayes from the beginning 0 Aries , and the letters being found out according to the order of H lcgimr with the Afirolagm, being reduced into a known order, and bein ioyned together,make the name gf a good Gmirm but they dgraw the name of an evil Cjmimfronr the oppohte Hylegian placegproiceiion being made from the lafl degree of1’i/in again!! the order of (igns. But other-fome do not take the laces of Hjlegim, but thecglaces of Al.. mrs: upon the Eve Hylegianr making, prof ion from an Hmyi-vpr,as abovefaid z and thefe names being thus dillribut- ed according to the proportioned numbers to the Starry :te- eount,compa&ed of ioyned and changed letters , although unknown in found , and Ggnificative , we muit of neceliityr eonfel3 may do more by the fecret of the chiefeft Philofophy. irta ma ickworlt , then {` nificative names, while!! the mind being nionifhed at the obiurity of them , and deeply intent; firmly believing that fomethinibivine is under it , doth ref verently pronounce thefe wo , and namegalthtgéh not un' deritood, to the glory of God , captivating bi_ If with a fgirituall affeéiion of piety, in the obedience oflum. r r ‘ Qnan z9~ fee? i/153% ¢14fz; an Ti# °n# ~ . s’ ~‘~.
____,;.---<r~'°_"-' ~ ""~:1$:,-v ,_ _¢_.v.J ,.~a r r A, .wi t r , . < ""'f'~:‘--_-1-»----_----~¢--,. ._...i.-_....¢.»._»_ Bookr 11. Of0ccu1t ‘Pbiloppby, the vertueof 8l,God. But we muli know that common angle; of the fame Star and Sign are to bc taken, unlefs¢n;;;m¢¢ bc made with a mixt name,as are the names of Q`n5i,tnd thqfg gf which it hath bin fpoken in the preceding Ch. which are made ofthe difpolitions of the heaven, according to the hxrmg. ny ofdivers Stars.For as often as the table isto bcentred with thefe,thc commonvangle is to 'be taken under the 5tar,or Sign of him that enters. There are moreover fame thatdozfo ex. tend thoic tables , that they think alfo if there he an entrants made with the name of :t Star , or other , or any deiired effeél , z Demon whether good, or bard;-ferving to that of; fice,ot effe&,may be drawn 0112. Upon the fame account they that enter with theipropcr name of any perfon, beleevc that they can extra& the names of the (jmii, under that Star which (hall appear to bc over (ueh a perfon, as they [hall by his Phy- ,Go nomy , or by the Paliions and inclinations of his mind, ang by his profeilion, and fortune,know him to he Martial, or Sururnine, or Solari: , or of the nature of any other Star. And although futh kindc of primary names have none or little power by theirG$;nification, yet fuch kind ofextraéied names, and fuch as are erivcd from them,are of very greatelhcaey; as the rayes of the Sun col|e&cd in a hollow glals, doindeed mol! (trongly burn, the Sun it felf being fcarce warm. Now there isan order of letters in thofe tables under the Stars, and Signs, almoli like that which is with the Alltologers. of gens , elevens , twelves. Of this ealculatory Art Afonju Cjp-im once wrote, and I know who elG,and alfo fitted it to Latinc Charafiers ; But becanfe the letters of every tongue, as we (hewed in the Brit book, have in their number,otdet‘, and Ggure 3 Celefiiall and Divine originall , I (hall eahly grant this calculation concerning the names of fpirits to be made not only by Hebrew letters,but alfo Cb.<ldmn,and Ara- bg-}<_,¢/£g7prian,Greek{Latine,and any other, the tables being rightly made alter the imitation of the prelidents. Buthererta is obje&ed by many , that it falls OIR, that in thcfc table: men of a differing nature, and Fortune. do oftentimes by reafon of thcfamenefs of name obtain thefame gfmim of the fame . 0311151 _
‘~.¢-¢~,,,__..._.._..---»._... ....- - ..‘ Qu ’< ._ __ ____i_, _ -~ '.',,. ' v i of omit: Qbizmply. Book 1 1 1. IXIIJDC. We mule know therefore that it mulr not be though; abfurd that the fame Demon may be fepmted from any ogg foul, and rhe fame be fer over more. Beiidegas divers mm have many times the fame name, f° =|f0 fpirits of divers of. Bees ;md natures may be noted or marked byonc nung, by one and the fame feal, or Chara&er , yer in a divers refpe&; for asthe ferpenr doth fomerimes rypihe Chriit , and (omg. times thc devill; fo the fame names, and the fame feels mzyb¢ applied fomctimes to the order ofa good Demon, fomerimu of a bad. LaRly,rhe very ardent intenlion ol the invoc1tor,by which our intellcii is ioyned to the Eijnntedlinrelligencigs, caufeth that we have fomerimes one fpirit , fometimcs ann. ther , although called upon under the ame name , 1mdeohQ feqigaous to us. ere follow the tables of the calmlarion of the names of fpitits, good and bad, undcrthe Qrelidency of the 7. Planets, audundcr the order of the iz. ggilimut Signs. A"
}3ES61{f'I 1 1, QfoE¢;i;¢>5f2@pp@,; gels; The entrance of :he evil An ~.._.,. F1 U ;. 5 3;‘EL‘_€ _E °f=5i‘~1€ err 'e:.11';;D_L§"& `T|7'J _Q__Z_§_|L_lQ_1|1[_ I l|l§;¥€L'!L°` _3'_e “D ’L'‘Il|l_`Ln_:I-?_`. ~1%'f;;i;;v;;-f S E_'19_L2_=sL1;= 'Tix 1 fl ;;_;1§=1;_J__`»a °__&__; ;L;If;I;_ L :'__"‘ 1 '»;§_;sL~=;|;a._;1§ T':_§_;_1‘=a_L ‘ *3 Tu ;a
;Ll; FIM Tig !LEL!1=CLL 7 |5- ”T' L lL bi 1151; lik? e fLl;;1f;;;_'g- T79 ¢L&!_.’D!7_l£__°- "T""f'§_Q!F1'TL¥.__Q_i1> 'T 'L L|l_'F'_v`L_ L _l§..‘d°3 T §Q_`L 9_aT[2_L.§_lgs _;1__,N fl!‘L|l_'P_¥_9....l`§°‘ 1 n LL_11= s;_= Q. Ta' L|9_`z_ 5‘¢;_. 2. ;">TF;‘LLE_Q&& _L l;}`§f‘i11,_v a@ me-:», Ef 4 ,, .il
v-_`...__..__..i-- -. ___ ..._ ___ _ ___ ` _ i"‘;~ ,, ,_,.,;,l__._. ...,- i m __ , , __ r...,,_,-_.*.--,_A _,_-.,_41¢¢_. -~- -~~- ----.Y v, e-_-W ..~‘, V ’ ` _ _ , Book I I I. Of Occult Tbilcjnpbj. r ° can. xxvur. ' Phwfomerfmn mime: afSpiri¢.r are taken fiom :bop thing: or/er which :bg wept. ` _ B’Fmdc yet another kinde ol names given to the fpirits from _ tholi: things, which ,they are fet over, their names lieingas te were borrowed from the Stars, or men, or l:tces,ortin1es, or lneh like things, the divine namebeing acfded attheend, thus. The Siirit of Serum is c:tlledSa!wbieI: the Spirit -of YI/P5103 Z: :kjr/1 the Spirit of Alan, Madimirl ri the Spi- rit of the Sun, Srmeliel, or Semwbia; the Spirit ofVm:u-Q Nogahel; the fpirit of Alercury, faebnbiab, or [`o:b¢z5ir! ; the Spirit ofthe Mann, §‘4r¢ah¢I,or Lruanrul. In like manner alfo they call the Spirits which are fet over the Ggnes by the names of lignes in order ; from ¢-/rin Tflnifg Swirl, To. mimie1,".S`¢rttamirl, Ariel, 'Bctuliel, /llajixiel, Aeml1iel,C` la#- rirl,G¢diel, Deliel, ‘1)4_gmiel. And if we call them from the latin words,/frirl, Tarsriel, Gminirl, Cmrriel, Leonid, Vr‘gi~ rsirl, Lilrriel, Scorpiel, Sagittniel, [`apriel,/1qu.¢rI¢l,1’Wiel; and from the Planets, Suufnifl, In/iel, <Jl~fmi¢~!, éfolfab, Ve- nerirl,/lirrmriel, Lmmel, or Lxmaiab. Now bttxufe( as we faid before all fpirits, as well good asb1d,l`eelt for a union with man, which oftentimesin l`ome fort they obtain, we read that fome men are called Gods, and angels,and Divels. S0 the names of them which are endowed with :my flI1§1|§lI?q1“' eellcney of vertue, or with fome defpernte i.viekedn&ih§vi; ‘departed this life, have obtained z place nmongll thej§~uqt§, of good and bad Demons, and are reckoned amonlkilitrn; whether we lhallthink that the fouls of thole men oe theQGe- nii whether good or bad are ligniiied. Sowere:¢d1n;£/Zbiar that the name ofthe Archangel Immiflewasfrom f0'6`#7i4I-V the Prophet. So Zaclmriel from Z;u-hertz; and Urff! from ‘Uriah thc Prophet, whom Joachim llue.iIn lilge manner Samu- 11, Eukirl, Daniel, were the names of Angelsastvcll as Pro- _ ~-~_§f;e t . phcts . _Y ,-j , A '4Y<tf*;;"'~` dr' » _r_-¥
v~----._-..... .. 1¢._-..#.,_-_,_---f ,`> ~1 ff hy. _,n_43.6 _, i»~, _-L. ' `- "ef H Cf Occ1¢lcfI’l>i!¢yopb;. Book Iii. phcts. Plunizl is the name_ of an Angel, and ofthe phq; whm; Yami: wrcfllsd all naglxr. Zr‘1rfl9[hC narne ofan ang gel, and is che fame as :hc Lnon of God ;_ {0mC'Fl'I1CSZllf0 ic ig all; name of an evil Dcmon, aud_of aCxty whlchis :hencé dlltd /1riopaY1}, »'ll!1CI_C thc Idol Arne! was W°{(h'PP¢d»A WC find¢ ;|||'o in facrcd wn_r than many namcs ofcvnl Dgmon; had ghd; nfctrom moilwrckcd men, or fronm :l}c habxrauonsqf .éligicd mrn; as ch? nam? /ffm-orb svlpcéx grthe x;_.1rn¢ gan ' Dgmon, was ormer yr .e name o I c xry o 0 m ;;j2?.Qn,A in whlch dwelt gninrs; inlike manncfr Ajfngrb wi Qrpqly [llc City ofthe Mmorrbzv; Ruphmm avallcy, ana ffgnqnl dw counrrv qfrhc /Maplgh; and alfo they were nbc qlziqgcsg gngffvxll VI%cmons aiadR;m*{n;/Ixvgs :ge [king 0 1 c 0 0 Ama cm; Cmmon C 0 0 aa ; Irlc im lkfoll Oxf £116 dménkd ~ Br! ffm Iilol 0fBa5]lniam; Adm? ifféltil-`;hc Ida; df of ul; ¢;1ym,;,1D¢g¢f;a»¢1dQ|0fin& iflfogfnlli. ?f;2j[Q`m;lkC$ gxcntion of liven goldcnliitatucs yglgg .1l;gJ¢fq;ifrbg{4[1;5,wh1ch dicycallcd ;hc holy N]m;b;, §vh5c5 be|ng,c:|lle5 upon (lla fhcxv so :he Amr-rhri every hour thu: wogki; and the namrsfo; :hem WE tsl the namcs of wo- mtn, w ic wcrcrhc wives o cvcn wic c mcn, which ton- Rcrafcd :lem afccrrhc floud, viz.. C`Immz.m, Thur. .Yr/mb, izérnb, _/fbirion, E/ab, D¢m:, and thcrc were pu: upon ghgxqgrctuous lloncs cngraven,and éonfccratsd, one of which bag! gvcyrnc to 'rcfigrc Iighr co thc blind; ncirhcr could any Ercbnrng.h_cl'c_Rones; andthe books were COD|EC¥3lCdVllh Evhlch like rlnlgnncr caaolcl go: bc bum: avigh fire, 110% _ _'J vmp, nor o nom: _wx water? mm L_ c ang; o {_hc %xl gook Ll1cnil&)and [Guang chirm rg; liofiomc ofthb ca, orcovcrl we ow I vu 4_ im az » d nomar Ba- fi;fJ_.t;1rr;‘ar'fcb,namcs of Kingigffinavqtcimbzinjnclri ;I;_c order ofcvill 1 o rants arc ca c wn we tc: acomm n mme £'l1¢1§77| g’PJy l{g¢3qfc§l1.g'y Bid not pnrtgkc ofiht imagt: gfGod f f.zhcy have no: rcpcavcd ghcfplcnglpgofnfmc fphjinlil xngellxilbut chcnr _reafon hath mU|l'lQllCa cvxllunds oflrands 8; lfhcrcfore :hey are not reckoncd ofahé fpccks ofman(as (nth Rabbi /14°/2°.¢ _thc Egyptian ) but oftlic fi>Et1éS ofbw an _:__-1-,;`,:,.,._,,.. ,,¢,.`-; _ ----A, V-=-;_-;g§.:;,§.;l-> ,. ~f_; '~_-.___r- . _
___ _ry __ . léloolcl II. Of (iccuit J » , ,__ 437 and divclS.only that they have the Ihape of a man, and fuel; (hc faith ) were the fons of Aims, which were predecelfors tb .Serb akec /15:1 ; of which the wife men of the Hebrews faid.that Ad.z.‘n begat l Tuba: h1J1Di.¢. divels. Butnfcgj- that he had found favor in the eyes ofGod,he begot .fab qf. ter his own image, and`Iikne£¢,i.e. who according to the i4 mage ol’God‘ o tained a humahpcr&&ion,1vhich he that hath not, isnot reckoned of the fpecresof min, by rcalfon ofthe pravities which are the caufe of all evils and mifcliiclf Iris alfa (as faith Porpbjr})the opinion of MzJgici:ms,that evill fouls are turned into then:1tut¢UFDiveIs, an become as pernicious as they ; which Chrili edniirnledgwhen he fpake eorroerningfu- d.a UE-.o“iar = Han: not I choren -twelve, and one ofyou ie 4 divcl? which divelsrtlierefore they call adventitious, becaufe of mensfouls, they are become Divcls. Whence the names of wicked' men anddivels are the fame, whether by theft: wef call thelrfouls, :m~e‘vilG¢n?i, whicliiizrve taken upon them the' namcwif 1VfCf££d`4I!CTl§‘£!$ if it wcttthcir perfons. Alfo Babc- mab, Lwinréahe fignifiebezrilzs, and divels. By thffef examples he thi: is inquiI`rtivc~ihilI"fin`de'ioht'tI1E ifimeiirl” good, ag wellas of evilfpirics. ~ , , nie f 5 -~ 3 , , * ‘w ' : .=. Q ', _ ,`~ ;~_2 ' ‘ " 1 1 _ ‘ V ' V 2. » * , _ >_ ~ ,;, ~.. ,F f`T.? ' ' can., Xxrx. I A Uftlve fbafttfferz and Seal: of _/iriritr. ‘_ A , f ~-_ :€`*“; WE malt noxifpieak of the (`hara§Ici‘s and Sealo off ‘ . fpirirq. Klhuraéicrg therefore are nothing elfc then certain unkixowable letters and writings , refervin the fe, ctets of the Gq'ds, :tid names of fpirirs grom the; uf: and reading ofproplune men, which the Ancients called!!-Iycto~‘_ glyphicall, or faéred letters; bccanfe d_e_vo|;?:d to the'fc§_ crets ol the Gods ohlyf Enr they did iccoungi unl:fQgf`u1l’Fd write the myfleries of the Godgviththofet haraéiers with which profane and ‘ivulggr things lnjcre wrote. _whence Poe, r»s;'~ Q ~!`i `P’ZIf7
, ,V ~-» ----Q-u-~ _ ` """' , _( , ' r. ofof¢,¢z¢i>|,fzW,y. Book 111, Plgq faith, thatthe Ancients were willing to conceal God;- 'aind divine vertucs by fcnlxble_hg9r¢§» md by lhofe thing; Rlvhich were vilible. yet 5ifgfY'"5 lU'~"5bl° dung! . as being willing to deliver great my ries rn faered lcttergand qplgjn ghefnin certain Symbolical figures; as whenethey dedicated allr round things to thc World, the Sun, the Moon,hope, and for. dmc, :circle to the heaven, and gms ofa circle to the hlo0n,_ pyfmide and Obclisks to thc hte, and Olympian Gods ; ; Cylinder to the Sun and Earth; a mans Yard to generation and june, to whom alfo by reafon ofthe feminine fcx the tri- angular Egure. Wherefore this kind of Ch:u'a&ers hath ano~ ther root belide the pleafure, and authority ofthe inllimtoz; of him I Ey,who received power ofinllituting, and con[¢m;.V ing thefc kind of lctters,fuch as were many Prelztcs amongll divers Nation§, and So&s of Religions, whole inllitutionx. came not to us, by reafonehaefet-gtg’ thcmtwere delivcreclby. glue Authors fcatoeringly, and by fpgrnents. Of this kind of therefore are thofc which Tmr Appamu notes, as A dglivtrcd by Hanarixu of Tlnérx, the figures whereof are fU.CI!,_ (ming related to our Alphabet- x ' ~% ‘il.WL”1°3l,"7( VU ll’ lf ABCDEFGH1 lil `Z"95Vln"l’§2/IW htwhlhd Y, r 3 'x 3 X 1” Zh" Qserl
. .,_V - , _ _,- V v 4 ‘ , Book I I If of Utfult (Pl»il¢y6ply. 439' (._ e ACHAP.XXX.e e ' Auathzr manner ofmal¢n_g"Gb;rra£1¢}:,` deli:/mdbj Caéfzlgir; ' )§oAqg[Eerhe¥~1ebre s,I fixide more Exfhiorifof Chzra&ers, _wvhereoirone isf molr encienrfviz.. gan Ancient ,writing hie§rMv#:, inrhhd Prophets ufed, che formfoftvhieh isnoef ‘~ 1 raihly to bg dikovéred to mir; efoejhofeleuert whfeh ghey . L , ufe an rhis day, were inilirured by E/`dr.u. There isalfoz- mongfk them a writing whidx they call Celeiliall,beezufe they » ‘ Ihewirplaced and figured amongfi the Stars, no orherwife ehen the other Aflrologers produce images of Ggns from the A liueaments of Stars. There isalfo awrieing which they call Ullalacbim, or Melacbim i.e. of Angels,or Regal ; there is alfo another, which eh call the patling rhrough the River, 1 and the Charaflers and ures of all rhefe are fueh. Cel lllwriring. v Zak# Vazf, -He 4.5; -.Daletb Gimrl Barb J _‘ er 1 rw 4",___ ` Q i'= »,__; :J 6; " C‘ VN 7 ev; v mm Mg; 1 j Inf Tbetb cbt!!! Tw# sig” ; R6 nf "za: Pc ¢/fin Smrcb ?lW°"h°'P.X 93 U 1 ___ ff 4 e r Th?.f7»€ ;, ¢__)' r, »~ <1 .` .~‘,i~;- v».-V r f l”
,,__/>_¢`;.,,: - _V Behold I I I. Of Occult ‘Pbilqfnply 441 ' The writing Called the pafging gf the River. Znin » fa# He Daletlz `Gizhel` imp), _ ,g,Py, Sanmb Nm: Meng Lgmed cgi, s 1,,4i_` ¢`f7-gg, f' (_~;,,,1, _,A _ e I ' ' ;§` i f I A D '11 'il Q! -,Q if e.~..Q _A. , _. __ _ ______`________“m`;_“ L 4 T414 Srlain L Ru Ku I: w`,1d,;w_’m]?"m““2" .14 _ .. f e. ,' _. "‘ ' " ’ wx- - . -~.i "11".§rt 2 :If;.3'»1. Z‘ finial , 1,71 ' , ' 'fhexe is moreover another f1Ihion`:1monglhhcCabalifl§, 4 “ formcrlgahzd in gm: dkecm, but now is is fo common,thae1e is pl ` `¥no"` ' xdpni er!§i‘!i§§, li in . hcmen v' fcvcn rages `f (hC§CH¥CW dit( de innfnhr' ‘ li Chtfcs; whereof cry :contain i :rice £813 n=.~.=5 viz.. U71 I1 T1 ‘ J 3 N which are :hc fcafs or marks offimplc numbers, and of imcilc&ua\ nhings, diilriburcd into ning: iff" oxdcrsofAn;§cls.Thc fccond huh 's 9yp31;H3» Lhc'm;rfn§ of tcns,and_o Cele0ia :hings,in xhc nincOrbs of thc héifcns. '3§_lmetBir8*h1c1:rxhé.4p':her=!'dxrr Alizrzfs) 1'If[h}H2§1’CafiU£»7HY D ` n U17 whidiazzixizrkxxif hundmdsmdn qrY!€i€‘&‘f=5-lV"|T "Y ‘ = f . inferior things, vie.. four(irnpIc Elements, and df Qagnds oi perfgék compounds. They do now and :hen n hi; r ' ' eI'f:;; ,~., _ V ,_ . , , V 1142.1 - ,»|.-:.»~_ ..._,». - ,_._. __5__¢_,;_ I I
r 9 fi 2 1 C » .J . _,.;. ,~.». '~ . -,_-,_- »,_`_ __ ._ , __ ` _ »~".i. -._.~» . - _. _» gf" A-'1- 442' - -, , "7 Q'E 0cmf¢‘I’bilojrpY¢y. W Back I1 1; l , .Z ‘ gh fe» gcc Cl ¢$into.nin Clgmmbcrnwhcxcof the Erik? " V' ` 'l " ii§€é§-é/Iz.ih§§f¢HmF,ccl§Ha1 and bkmcncil : The fecondf of ’I'W0s.'I11c;hitd offhrccsmd fo of thc rc{1:Thcfc Chun. bers are ffamcd by the inrc|jfc&ion of foug paralcll ling, im xcrfcéiing zhemfclvcs inwffghl = £|¢S» 35 ls cprcffcd in chi Au.~ ‘r -.~ f,T»l{;°lo€6iii§;Egurc,; _ . v S “X ip.; ' r: Q _'Qi M " ,q ij" "?’ 3% ‘wg 'iv 5 & M . ¢ {, ‘ “ A 5 _ . _ ; A ‘-° * .‘ " ‘ _ » ’¢§l °‘@"% W T)<3`<¥ WE‘§}‘ pu an @i , ‘M $1 ._’H_ _ ,.`.Y~_<& an __` _' I { ‘=8"§@., mn ~§>> 3 2, » Q @‘ f‘ "2 5, (V "U - / " ‘ X #1 . éut 6fiFEI`£HBefng diffcfi frti lar Egurcs,-viz, ’ P cu' V LM;=f1 ,i»1ff'la=n=n ,, . f V ' Which arc ofrhc ninc`Ch;fx#b§ts,(i1§§;;£i ‘~ ; [1 ’ .I A by the above wrircsn Norariacomwhich , _ . _ Q ~ ,|`hcws' ` ‘ u _ , V_» ' ¢ U $13. ..» LLL
y. _ - 1 V , ~ 2 ¢*i gg; fn; ofoL}»¢i¢Q>/,z1<>f»},@. ¢ 443 __1_11-» Hicivs :hc Gxiklcrrcrpf kharCham§>er; ifofzwcmbc Tscund; if of xhrcc_, :hc¢hird'I¢ucr;' as 11 LhouwoudcI¥B'1mc ;h¢ Charaéicr Michael ‘7RJ‘D. . that cams fonhihus, exrcndcd ~.;.,;1 ~s 1 Q' % wirh fivz:Hgurcs,4viz- ,‘~:T"‘*-~.¢,~ ‘ 1 ` i, “_ m;;?3`;f$ , Whichlhcnare f -W _ _ contr:;&cd to» ° _ 4 .» 5 three figur;s,,_ ' Eifrer thismzn-` ` "" 'ncr. ~' V, CQ » Ao ,yy 127 Whi¢h *hw » I . .. m.&cd»in:oone;y;:;~,, #_ ~ rhcpoinrs Nouriacon J' | arg wont to bc 0-» I mx;rcd,and;hcn rhcxc » oogms ford; (ugh a _ X ',Gx1xa§cr of J»!icb&¢2[. all ;"¢ l. 1" _ »s,"` ., “ ,_§ ~ , l H2 f ', ~ .`¢{~ _ _ ,, , . f., ',.».-` , J 0 /' , ,F M;;.=. A`1§¢. » .il H # v l ; . >: % ' ‘ i -7 ' _:Q f; _'ES .~ _, , 4 Q ‘L .;»:f1.;§-`.'J`l,"f “vi iff There isyc: another faIhionoEChm&crS, C0%I1f>Pl0 !=49§§111s;==f‘»=~Q¢=99a°=S» #24 W ¢=§=»i*“ £‘u§§§,,-,°g Hi .~ -;1'.»1' ' _ '
F” ` ‘__ ' ‘ "‘ ‘.;,-- '~‘:~"‘~l :J _*_* __ ,_ . » ~ . ».» - `-| ~ -.. . of Occult Wilqaply. Book I I I. gathering together of lctters;:s if thc name ofthe Angelim. elm! be givien,the Ch1ra&ers thcreoffhzll be ihmgd dm, In Hrlvrw. v _ L3 Grnk, In Latbz. , er ; _ .,f ‘ ,‘ , ~ ""‘“'§ I i U it 3" ' i `;4 5; 3 P ? -1 at »r zi¢::u;. :LQ ;£‘,,._-3 mr; . ~ a/-»l)»;11' ¢ it I - Q A - 1'f .2 `1» ...Y i- > N F J "V =!,,..¢....| ._...3.'2¢x1:;,T~ _ ; _ixfia do fimogggpgagn the Arabians imma received; ma. which is readily, and elegantly ioyncd tort c . as :Km ick. Now you mull know that Angeli. all fpirits, fceing they are of a pure intelleel, and altoge- thcrincorporealharc not marked with an marks or Char:- Rers, and pingiblaffigiyes, or-any other immune Ggns; but we nor knowing'tixgifé(IT:nce,or qinli; ,dofrom their names, or works, otétbgrivifcnecording too ,fancies devote and tonfecrate t6 them figures, and marks , w‘hich we cannot any way coriiptl :bein ‘to ns; bxit by which we rife upto them; asnot to be kizfown by fucb Cbara&crs , and figures, and Erft oi all we £16 fer our fenfcslbothiinward and putward, upon thcni tlmkn by a terrain admiration /éflgiur rezfonwc are indueeriro “Rcligious veneration of them; and then are wraptvritb dqridbolc xninde into an qrgriqll adomtiongnd then wi th a wondéx‘full`belic£ an undonbtcd hopqquickening love we calling u`pqnYlxel!rin{piriq'ind tfurh, by true names and Chanflers do &>hi2LfrQm.them'tbzt vcttue, or power which we delire. ` - --,f?1..¢)a;; i2_;5‘.; .mtivm ,_ ' » ` ~_‘ or QQ? i"
Bbbk I I I. Of' Occult f1>bi1¢,,,1D._ 111.- -Q.. c H A P. X x x 1. ` Time lil yet migtbrrfafbian qf`[`lg;¢r¢x£1gz7.(, and cancernihg mi-ifif; qffaifits xvbiilx are received only é]f;‘a!Id}f0fh _ _ Hen: is another kind of Charaéiet rcdeigedéby; Rcvélation . onlsgwhich can be found out iio othigr gig ygmicgf which Charaéicrs is from the diety revealing , dfiiifibmthen: are 1'orn'e feerct works, brezfthing out ti harmony of'T6`§1; Divinity: or they :nc as it wete foiné certain agrcex?1;€ni§'6“i' compaéis of a league betwixt us and them. Of this kind mm; was a mork orifign (hcwcd to Canjiamine, which many did call the Croifc write upon in Latin letters, Mlm: fz/inn 5.2. in this overcome ; and there was another revcaied to /Irzribt-bm by Sirniiine Sorerik in the figure of a psntanglc ,' vihirh iigni- fiééihtaith; for being refolvcd into letters it fpeahrs the iwfofd gfyim i.c, I-halrb 2 in the faith , and vertne of which iigne; ibioth King: bbtaitfd a great viHoric againfhheir enemies. So Quia, who by rcafon of than wgs afterward litnamtd vl!¢¢],3- ,6¢m,heing to fight with ihe Yqxifmgninit A;:fiq¢£1w‘1“E'ij.&:b>5, téceiveii from an Angel that ndtsbie Gghisjgiggiitf j1,‘$§'y5f{¢fc of which they fir!! new xziooo with an fnAiidit2é;‘ntfnih’er"df `EIepha“nt¢,th£n again gmoo, of theit et1ektiies;i‘Eoith:it figh djd reizreifent the name fchot/ab and was 3 mqqiorahle emblem of the name of 71. Iettcrs by ‘thc equalityof number, and [IIC CZPOGIIOII lhffcéf ish, hYf1`&%N.j1Dj 1,3 i.¢. `Wh0}fg there amongli "thc (hong as Ycbo-mb? The Hgurti of théfc nif- morablc ligns are to bc framcdvthus. 7 _» i htéfkivff 5. __
gn " ‘Q 00 5 ` 4 h r OF 0ccu{rfI’bilybpb_y. Book III nv- " I 3 ` Moreover of rhofc Ggns and Charaflerg Pnrplgrie fpcnks in his book ‘Dc Rqfpaq/YJ, fayingi that rhcy drd Ggnrfie the gods thcmfelvcs, by whom rhcy idhcmoy rhwgs. and by-YfUfh _they were céllcd fonh,mnd whichivtrcxo Bc olfcrcd ro chem : "And did (hcw thciigrires of the image what rhqffhould bc; and that he pcruzivcd rhcfe things concerning che Oraclcok' ‘Pre/Erpima. He fairhmorcovcr that Ha-are commanded how images fhould bcconllirurcd ro her, and :har they wcrc robe cirroundcd wirh wormwooiand char domdlick mice wcrc to bc painrcd,&xhc find! omamemsllzch as were mo!! plcaling to hr-r,_ and fo many micc nsihcr forms were ro be rakcn ; than blood, myrrhe , flora: , and orhcr rhings were to bc burnr: Xvhidithings if they were donc, fhc would appear, :md Bvcr :hc worker thcrcof by dreams. Bur wc (hall hcrc under- wrirc rhc Oracle of Hzcmgfor thus Ihr; ipézrksr ` h - Ulfarhg I tri# ttarb l}’bliI ,Mxué tL1ailY6aR make ' For mqéaugbx qfrbc ~nd,¢v:J mrrmwood mkg, Tbmgvnxfy it, arf: paint dcm¢§irl;_mire; [ff ornamruu 6: air, and o _great price. TL~n1f'ftn}<j::cm/£m]rrl1.¢0{rn.‘ mix? mkb Hood Ofmirr, than fri( :Ima nvrd:/`¢r.‘rr! axdgood; /Yr 15011/P(/I /Lnpu qfminf, A mir ln), Af m.m_y rm!! mice; :bm mlgr l/JB bg, , 'e/In! Q `
Book I I L Of Occult ‘Philo/bpby. _/ And our oftb' trnnltbtftrg 4 WI' P"P“"" To pu: it in frbenpe tim: .we 4 care, That to the Statue than df!/Ullfly pray, 1-/IUE1 tb] debtr. and -um: nk: care :hm pry ; If that 111% thing: that hm: requixcdrbe, Than jimi; pn-fb;-m, in dream: xlzaxe/'bait fflCf2’(a, 3 o " Such were in old time the fecret myllcries of the gods and Demons of the Gentils, by whiehthey did Eerfwa e them- felves to he compelled, detained, and bound y men. Fienec ?ambliem , and ‘Tarpbjrie tenth that he that cals upon (acted Demons mufi obfctvc them,with their proper hononmnd to diflributc to each what is convenient to every one, as thanks, oblations gifts, facrifices, with words, Charafiers futable to their conditions , and moll like unto them ; or el% he fhould never obtain the prefence of the Dieties, nnd Demons , and tht: dehred ef¥e& ; Moreover if they were called upon, et they [hall be conftrained to hurt them efpeeially who did’ it neglegcntly. y _ »<=H*1P-e Haw gaud jjviritr m.1]l5e called `up'6} us ,_ o my 5£i0Z'Bfl`0f»V£6) ru. V ` f L ` BY_the efEcaev of Religion the prefenee of fpirits doth dtfpofe the effeéi, neither can any work of wonderfull efiicacy in Religion be done, nnlel? fome good lpirit the ruiéi €l.Ud‘fi11llllCt` of the work be there frcfent. Now good fpirits, if thcymay be divers \v'2gfCS calle ,up , yet can by no bonds, orvery hnrdly_be allaye by us, but we mull by fume fatter! things befeeththem, as we read in Apulzifu , by the Ccléf Hull Stars, by thelinfernztllditties, by the nzlturallckriichtég by thehlente the Qghr, by the inereafe of the Connt`ry`f6f Nilw, by the feereté ot Mrmpfab and elfexvhere in Peiqibjririi Thou y.'ho_art r_1fen out of the mud, who littéilzin thyplrée, who fzxleli an lh1ps, ho every hour dvi! change thy fhzpe, and'- - l are 44 7
" i Olirilc-‘PIriI%[;;9s, Book I I I. =¢f¢w»g=di~¢=¢@Hzhror fh¢'2=w~=/Q Bi" ¢h=f°» =“d,f“=f‘ 1i!<E§Symbolicallorations andhymnor, bccaufcthcy are rgncs of Divine vcrrues, fpirirs did fomeumcs applyf rbcmftlvci t0 humane ufes : not as being compcllcd by any kind 0fpCC¢f§f5'» but of their own accord , and by a kind of culkom did, b¢‘°8 overcome by :hc prayers of them that Qalied on rhcm. m0fC ¢g_(ily yccld: whcncc in Parpbjrie in his book D: Rcgrvrrjfx Hmm faith, I 6] fly prajm bring wmramr g Cam: rizitlm'--»~ i ‘ And io aooghérplacc in :bg fame book he faith. Canqurfd 6] prafr tb: 'Dinier above , me damr on tb’ mrrb andfmfzfrc rbingr_f?ffMr¥§’- *Alfa thc; divinirgg of ifxiablc chin? worlgs fo with rpm; mio'd,1};gg good_?ir|£s dQ lffxll us wil inglynnd corrgmrfnrcmw nlmcifpoxvcr in 'vérruero us , dayly helping us with illumi- mtions, infgirggons oraclcs,prophc¢-yings, drc:ms,mir:4clcs. prodigics, ivinariobd, and auguries, and working upon and :xékinggipon our fpirirs, as images like ro them , by framing :hem y xhgir inflgxcmrs and malgingxhcm mol? like to them- fclvcs even fo far. ag rh;t ofrcmimcs op; fpirit doth as furcly work woriderfqll rhmgs as :hc Cclcfliall fpirirs arc wont to d§,But cénl forrrrg :He ovgrconac by us through th: afliilzncc 0; I ¢°0_ » vpem w cn r e pccicjoncr is very pious an devour, fllldffwgs fbrrb facrcd words, and ahorrlblc lbsech, ésvby C;)_I;‘.lfllg thc Dmni: power by tho vcncr;bl¢ n, n¢s,zfzd éuga; qpcrrmurall powcrs,by mzracics, by Sgcramcnts, by Cf myfictflgs, Std fuch like; which eonruzamons, or Milli' "‘“°“?i» _‘mls ml! _as they are done by :hc mme and power °f R¢l'gI0r>, 3¥1§¥l?>l$'ln`trvf§lf(!~l¢! Vthoftpvil fpiritsarc afraid of; wirhence alfo ofrenumrs prophxoc msn do bind or :my by fuck Linde offacred conguranors dvi! fvirirs no d ` h. G h _ 4_», :_ = g . : cn unng Iizch I mo§~_“ cms Cfffffm IU hi! book, ‘QM ]:f.»~/.1 Dii 1191: fm, i.uch~ h 4 . _ :_ ' : , - b » ‘ If P‘f‘~‘-'°‘"S1¢-',"I§iby thcrruc God do prt» [Cui-iy
Book I I I. Of Occult @’bilof>pb)'. ftntly vecld to us , and confelfe , and areliorced to go outof, poli'tl`l`ed bodies, and either prefently leap out,or by degregg vanilh , according as the faith of the Patient is helping , or grace of the fivearerafpircs. And/trfwmfnrin his book_D¢ Var-ii: Qafianiéus faith that there is no word more terrible and more eliruétive to the power of Devils then thc begin. ning of the 68. Pfglm, Ar# 0 God, nudist thin: enemies 6: pmered; For alfoon as that word is l'poken,the devill vanilla- eth away howling. And Ortfm againll Cel/in filth 5 that the naming the name ?¢u hath oftentimes call: many devils as well out of the fouls of men as their bodies, and hath ex# creifed much power in them out of whom the devils were cali. Alfo wc do oftentimes with threatsaud revilings bind or rcpellevil fpirirs, efpccially the lelfer, asl-laggs, Inméi, and futh like,as we read in Lama concerning that witch laying, I will new ralljau up lv] A trac name, Tbefijgian dag: I in the /ig/:tfupreme Wi# Ima/r, Andfbllow jan 4//o tbrorrgbgrnve, Frm 45 the 'Uma' in dutl: I arid jon/at/r, 7I1r:0 Haute, mira rhegad: widjbew, ( To whom t' ¢u&lr¢_Ui' tb] _#K in atbrr btw, i Than Wit/I Want )in max, fbrm and Witbaxtgrxtr, ' , Z e/(nd tbecjbriid to change Errbxu laxlsfastt. c i And in ‘7’l:ila/Iratu: we read , when Apulloniur, and his companions were travelling in abright Moon-fhining night, that the Plwmifm of a I-lagge met them, and fome times changed it (elf into this [hape,& fome times intothat,andl`ome times vanilhed out of their liht. Now alfoon as Apollrmisu knew what it was , grievoully reviling it advifedhis compani- ons to do the like : for he knew that that was the bell remedy againlt fuch invallpns. His companions did as he advifed., and the Phrmmfme prcfently with a noife vaniihed away likca Hu? dow:For lo fcarfull is this kind of fpirits,tlnt thcyarc moved, tremble,and are compelled by a feigned terrourrandfalle and impollible threats. Whence Clscrarx the libliy fciibe faith G g that ~.. _- ..__, _C . , ;,"A _ .,, - _ A ,._V.,. ,s , _,Ji _,E
450 - Of Uccult Tbiliybp/ay. Book I I 1, ' i-; h¢ fpirits are compelled. There is moreover os barb bC¢U above faid, a certain kind of fpirits not fo noxxous,hut mofl necr to men,fn that they are even affcfied with humane P3m0US»lIlq many of thcfc dclightin mans focicty, Gnd Wllllngly dwell with them ¢ Sqmg .of them dote upon women,liome izpon children, (omg ai-¢ delighted in the company of divers omcihclt and wild gnimgls , fome inhabit Woods and Parks , fome dwell about fountains and meadows. So the Fairies , and hobgohlinsin. habit Champian fields ; the Naiafln fountains : the Pnamidn Rivers ; the Njmphs marfhes, and ponds : the Orudu mmm. tains ; the Humrdex Meadows; the Dqade: and Ham . adn the Woods, which alfo Sa rx and .S`]l-vani inhabirTig¢ fame alfo take delight in trees and]brakcs,as do the N¢pr¢,md Agapra in flowers : thc Dodame in Acoms; the ‘Tala and Fenilie in fodder and the Country. _I-lc therefore that will call upon them , may eafily doe it in the plwcs where their abode is , by alluring thcmwithviiveet iixmes. with pleafant founds,:ind byfneh iniiruments as are made of the guts of certain animals _and peculiar wood , adding fongs , vgrfg, inchantments futable to it , and that which is efpecially to 'be obferved in this, the linglene6 of the wit , innocency ofthe mind , a firm crednlity, and conliant lilenee ; wherefore they do often meet children , women , and or and mean men. They are afraid of and flie from men o?d’conIiant,bold, and undannted mind , being no way offenhve to good and pure men, but to wicked and impure, noxious. Of this kind are hobgoblins , fxmiliars , and ghoils of defd men. Hence 7%. 1im::faith,thzr the fouls of men are fomerimesmade fpiritsf and.of men well dcfening are nude familiar: which the Greeks cal1Eudemons,i.e. blclfcd fpirits : but of ill deferving men, hugs , and hobgohlins, which the Greeks call Cacode- mons. if. Evil fpirits; But they may be called ghofis when it is uncertain whether they have deferred well or ill. Ofthcie apparitions there are divers examples; fueh was thmt which ‘Pliny the junior makes mention of concerning the houfc of e/!1l:cn:dam.r the Philofophcr of Tbarf: in which there ap. vwsd
~ i.. _ - Q, .l Book I I I. Of Occult Q’biI¢Jpky. 4? peered with a fuddenhorrible nqifc the gholl oF_an old mon; ` And Thilfpraftfx tcls of the like of a hag of Memypur Lzcmf the Philo ophcc turned into abeautifull woman of Cermzh, whom Yjfmrw Apallmim took to be ahobgoblin ; the fame at Eph;/?u,the like in the [hapc of 311 Old §¢g8¢f ‘1'h° W” U25 eaufe of the pelkilence , who therefore being by his comrnmii floned, there appeared a mafiive dog, and prefcntly thcpdlr, lence ceafed. We mulk know this that whofoeverihallincel. leéhully work in evil fpitits, [hall by the power of good fp# rits bind them; but he that (hall work only worldltlydhall work to himfelf judgement and damnation. ` _ t 4 i CHAP. XXXIIL it » of gb; bmi; ¢_f])iri¢;,.md nf their adjnraziam, md taffingx NIL' I WTI-le bonds by which fpirits ate bound , befought, or call - outgrfethree; Some of them are taken from_the_cle, mentall world , as when we adjute afpiric by any mfctiour andmtunll things of nfiinity with or ndverfc to,-chemnnu muchas we would call upon or cali them.our` bye Howes, and herbs, by animals , by fnow, b_y~icn, byhell; by Ere, and-fich like, as thefe alfo ;u’e,o{ctmi::s miiede with Divine ?raifcs , and blcllings and eonfccfations, asappeats in the ong of the three Children , :md in the Thlm, Praife ye the Lord from the heavens, and in the confecratiou and blcf~ ting of the ‘Pakbel mpn. This bond doth work upon the (pi- rits-by an apprehenlive vertuc under the. account of love, or hatred , in as much as the fpirits are prcfent with or fn/out,0r :tbhor any thing that is oarurall or :tgainll nature , as thefe things themfelves love or hate one the other. Hence that of Pracliu, As the Lion fears a coclhefpccially a white cocké fo dotha fpirit appearing in the form of a lion vanifh away at the light of a cock. The fecond bond is taken from the Cele- lkial world,vi<,:whcn we adjute them by the he: cn,by Scars, » GQ 3 by:
,, ofoffflzlobfzwby. i Book 1 1 r.~ by their motions, rayes, light, beauty,clesme&, exccllenry, fortitude, inHuenee,and wonders,and fueh like : and this bond works upon Eairirs by way of admonition ,- and example. It hathalfofome Command, efpecially upon the minilirin fpitits, and thofe who are ofthe lowefi orders. The thirs bond isfrom the Intellcéiualand divine tvorld,whirhis per- feéled by religion, that is to Fay, when we livear by the fa- cratnents, bythe miracles, by the divine names, by the faered Seals and other myiieries of Religion ; wherefore this bond is the highell of all and the firongelt, working upon the fpirits by Command andpower; But this is to be obferved, that as after the univerfzl rovidenee, there isapartieular one; and after the univerfalpfoul, particular foules ;= fo in the firlf plaeetve Invoeatehy the fuperior bonds, and by the names and powers which rule the things, then bytheinferior, and the things themfelves ; We muftltuow further, that by theft: bonds not only Spirits, but alfa all creatures are bound, as Tempelb, bumings,Houds, plagues, difeafes, force ofannes, IRd`CYCl'Y°Ill1l1!i3]>,' by afhiming them ,-either by the manner of Adnzration, or by the way of deprecation or be~ nediéiion, asin the charming of Scrpents, hefidesthenatu- tall and celeltial, by rehearfing out ofthe tnylleries and Reli, gion, the curfe of the Serpentin terrcilial Paradile, the'lift¢` ing up of the Serpent in the wilderne&;moreovetby alfuniing that verfc of the Pfalm 91. Thou (halt walltupon the Afpe and the Baliliske, and (halt tread upon the Lion and Dragon: Superliition alfo very much prevaileth in thcfe, by the tranfls- ting offotne Sacramental rites to that which we Intend td" bmd_or hmder,as,of Excommunicntiombutiil onexequieslfot' the driving away of difeafes, Serpents, Mice or Wormes, which thing wexead tohavebin thus done in dwexfe places, and it is wuutto be doneeven as yet. Cl-IAP.
,Y - ,-_ v 'rn Book I I I. Of0ccnIt Tbilriplzy. l '» CHAP. XXXIIII. Of the Anim.-rpicad crdtrytxd rlzc Heron. V Ftct the Quires of the bltffcd fpirits, the Anitnaftic al order is the next, which the Hebrew Tbtolagiton call gm, that is, (hong and mighty men; the Magicians ofthe `cntiles,call Hmm and Drmiggedr, or gods halfmcn: whom Fugmtim, an Author not to be eontemned, fuppoferh w¢|~¢ fo called, either beczufe that for the tneannefs of their defer: they are not judged worthy of Heavcn,nor yet are accounted Tcrtellrical for the reverence of Grace; of this kind in old time were Prhptu, Hippo, Verrnrizmu ; or becaufe they being eminent in this life for divine vcrrues, and benefitsfor man- kindc, after this mortal man put off, are tranflatedinto the quite ofthe bleifcd ods ; alwayes providing for mortal men the fame vcrtucs and; benefits which they long Gnee had in this life: or becaufe they were ptocteatcd from the fecrct feed of _the fnperiots whom they think were begotten by the mixture of Gods ot Angels with men, 8: therefore obtaxnrnga. certain middle nature, fo as they are neither Angels not men : which opinion Laéimrriru :tlfo followeth ; and thereare even at this time who have commerce and conjugill mixture with fpirits; fandall now believe that Afrrlinr, a Btitifh Prophet, was thc fon ofa Spirit,and born ofa virgin : and alfo they imagined, that ‘Plato the Prince of wifdome was born ofa virgin, im. pregnated by at phantafme of ¢/grille. And it is delivered in Hiftories, that certain women ofthe Ga:/on ( which they call fllmmne ) eminent both for beauty and ingenuity, long (inte :ttFiIimire,or ( as others fay ) at ldrmrhnfe, going forth out ofthe tents ofthe King of the gather, w andted in the defzrts 0fSqrl1i.z in vffa beyond the Marlltcs of/Westin, .andthttc being Imprcgnated by I-Zami and sd!]f¢'J’,'b[0Ughf forth thc lirlt Hmmi ; more over P_RIl:u is the Author, th;rt»Spitit| fomctimcs cali ‘forth feed, from the whichccr tain little crea- ii ' X 983 . WIS
_ __ _“V-_-wr-¢;.v __ v; - ,-~ snot 1 1 1, Of amz; Qlyilwply- The ghigd 3 ;tb4¢'vdk‘t/2, this is fame: ther renter. The fourth wygtagpjglgtar whom wccall Pbi!ip.The Eel n‘U' B»=1 racbiabghi; is B4fr}¢alomcW.Thc fir! :'1J:11¥ ?°l""‘“1’»‘°h0m WC name 1a£m.`l"hc fcvenrh is ucn7'h.wmi»Wl10m V" °“"77’°'”“~ -rue eighth is called ‘ITU Mem, forwnom we Bw wwfhfo. 'rut nmu»isn19~?»=1>m»6,thi=i» fm, tn; !cG- TIN mth is Nown Catpim, this is 7'b.zd:m. the eleventh anew Svrlffm, who is Siman the Canaanite. The ttvcllihnmrva f/'7f4*""K§. who iscallcd O!{¢rrhi4.v. After thcfc are the fcventy rwo_d|L ciplcs ofChril}, who alfo rhemfelvrs do rule fo mzny @1113-f ries of Heaven, at Tribes, Peoplc,N.-trions and Tongnes.Af`rcr whom is an lnnnnmerabie multitude of Saxnts, who =1|f0 themfelves haye received divers Offices, Plaecs.N1r10r1S and People into their prorefiion and patronage, whole mol! ap- parent miracles at the faithful! prayers of thofe that Invocate them. we plainly fee and eonfeh. i CI-IAP. XXXV. Ofrbe aamnmdrm/Macao. ‘ NEH after thefc are the mortall Gods, whom in like mam ner alfo we call Heroes, and Terrellrial gods,or Comp:- nions ofthe fuperiour Gods: viz. Kin e, Princes, and Priclis, by whom this world is governed, and difpofed by their Laws, whom thercforeas Gods we remive, worfhip and reverence, beeaufe God himfclf hath fnffcred his name to be communica- ¥¢¢3 I0 Umm, 3115 by a proper denomination hath confirmed it to them,calling them gods,evcn as he fpakc to Ulf;/e:,faying,7 Ivhave made thee a.God to Pb.v-nb; and elfewhcre he hath’ commanded concerning them frying, Thou (half nor dctr;&’ from the gods; anda?;in, if Theft (hall lie hid, the Mglieif ofthe Houfc §`h:xlI`:pp y himfelf to the Gods ; :md=the»l?lilmilE futh, Thepnnrcs ofthe geoplewerc gorlicred together with Ulf! God 0 .*~‘¢4'67'4b»¢7f3f ccanfe thatrhe mighty god# ofthe Barth :re vehemently lifted up; randneliewherc Qod-Road iii n p Qi; 4 ’ the ,_ __ ¢ ‘ 4 ._._
e»,- - ' ' r' -- _l Ab r ' K Ofbccult Book I [Io ‘ ur inthe midll he Judgeth th!! thcdiounflc hli<:El§1t€ce§0ishal;e (aid ye are all gods, and (one of 3° ‘ai gi h. moréwgr he hath commanded concemlng ‘gc nzgfhl giné and reverencing ofthem_dccrccin~ cirhcs and ;ir§c‘yruits (hum and giving them the power ofthe lword, and forbidding any to curfe them, andcommzinding obedi- ence (Q bc yielded tothem, though wiched: Hence all Anri~ quity called their princes g0d5» and Wf’fQ“PPFd ‘htm as d'° vim powers, as Yann: tcflilicth in Or/id, in his Erll book of In/1i&ying~. A When tb' earrb afrb' (fad: ma parent, I Jidrfrign ` /Ind dir-rin rnix’d xref: witbfiau humane. And Divine Pirro in his chird book de Recuélim appointed that princes both alive and dead ihould ecelebraced with divine honors,which Infiirution hath ben received amongll all Nations, even from the firll age, wk.. to deify their princes with divine honours, and to confccrare chem with ctcrnall memory ; Hence they did impofe their never dying names on Cities, pl ovinccs, Mounrains; Rivers, Lakes, Ilands and Seas; And dedicarcd to them with greac pomp, Piramides, Co- lolfcs, rriumphal Arches, Trophies, Sratues,`l'eri1ples, Plays, fealls ; and alfo called the HCM/CIlS,S[3[S, Dyaes and Months by their names. Hence ?K}lI4¢!7’] from fume, fray from frrliw, ./fig#/} from A/rgufiuf; fo dit: /llrrcurii from /ldertnrj Tri/. mfg(/I ,Din Yavzlr from fupirer, which cullome we read was oblervcd not only by thc ¢/Egyptian: Gre¢.Q_:and Romnm but allo by the extrcam barbarous people, as gather, Dane; and Tuna. . H ° ' ’ re: p ence ,Sara Gnrmmancus being wirneik, what day the former call Dir: zlafmfurii, thcfc do call Otlaiucx dayswhat day thc former name from ?upirrr. thefc call Thar: day, from Orbin and Tbor in times pa l Kings of qbrland and Drmrxzrleg neither are :hey for any other reafon eallcd Garber :hen than l;1C}b»`9Jl in their language their cheifeil god gn. Iflence alfo rvliomuftelg are rhliijcal led, becaulc they named the god Marr, Y "'°‘ 'PP¢d» 7'¢H¢»v1; by which namethe Gaul¢s` e allb
i; ¢ I I _ >» ' ~ 1 ie, Book I I I. OF Occult Tbilohpby. alfo caled /|f!TZ`l;77. Therefore are Kings and Priefts( if they be _lull ) companions of the gods, and endowed wirh the like power. Hence they cure difeaies by rheir :ouch and word and fomeeimes command ehe limos and _the k eavens, as Virgil fang ofdngujlm, > ’ It rain: ad night, i'tb’ morn the rain rmmr, Czfar with] ove divided barb zbnlaranr. ~ And the Scripture tellifierh of Yainuh , who 6 bring in Giiwan, commanded the Sun and Mme, frying. .funiéihnd Ffill in Gibran and thou Mvon in the Valley of/Ijnlan; ind .Sun and the Moon Hood Hill at his command, ncuhcr did the Sun fet in the fpzceofone dzy,unti|l he had revengcd himfelifof his Encmicgand thc Lord obeyed the voycc of man ; Alfa 111%-: divided the red Sea, and fo/Ima fardan, and led the people over dry (bod ; The like did A/examdzr the Macedonian, lea- ding forth his Army ; Sometimes alfo they are endowed with a prophetick fpirir, as we read of [baiapbu in the hoiy Scrip- ture, that he prophciied, for that he was High Priell than year : Seeing rhcrcforc it is fo tha: the Lord of the Earth wouldthar Kings and Prieilsbei called gods by communicati- on of name and power, furely we ought alfo to deferve ivcll or rhem,and eo prefer their judgments before oiars, and Gm- ply to obey,fupplicarc and adore, and worfhip with allkinde ofvrorlhip and reverence _thc moik high God in them. ` t ,._ _i-11-111D C H A P. XX X V I. A Q 9fM¢n, bow he waz: treated njrrr the [may of G' iid. A He mole abundant God( as Trifmegylui faith )f>h1tff T d Ima esiike himfclf vi-r. the worldandinan, frame ewo g ,, 5 _ e ' ` h f thimfelf with certain. that in one ofthefe he msg t por V ; _ wonderfull operatioug- but inthe other that he Amighten- ' ' ed`h world joyhisdelighrgwho feizirigheisonc, haihcreatc at und; one, facing tharhc isinhnitc, hath created theivorl ro _ f facing ?f=. 457, if we ` ‘ '- ¢~_.u‘;.;.&
i .6fd¢;ulr'1’hil¢yopb;s Book III. feeing he is etetnsll, he hath created the world incormptible and eirerlallinge fecing he is Immenle, he hath created the ` ld h reatcff of all thinggleeing he is the chicfell life,he :gh adiarixegd the world with vitallleeds, bcietgng alll things . . . _ . I I out of hxmfelfgznd leemg he is0mf"P°f¢°f» Y L5 W' 2 ORC, not b any neeefiity ol`naturc,he hath created the world, not out o?any foregoing rnatter,but out ofnothrngpnd feeing he is the chief goodnelhcmbracing his word,wh1ch is the hill Idea ofallthin s, with his choifeli will, and cll`entiall»love,hi: hath fabricated this extermll world after the example ofthe In- temalhviz. Ideall world, yet (ending forth nothingof the efL fence of the Ida, but created of nothing that which he had from ctemity by the Idea: God :tlfo created man after his I - mage; fotas the worldis the Image of God, fo man is the I- mage of theworld. Hence fume think thatitis fpokeu, that manisnotereztted Gmply the Image of God, but after the Image, or the Image ofthe Im'age;i:f1erel`ore heisealled Ali. meg/`mc,thatis the lcIIi:'r<world; The world is a Rational! em. tiu‘Ef,Iinmdrt=ll’;manin like manner is rationallbut mortal, thatis, difi`olvuble';'for ( as~I-In-mn faith) fcein the world it Elf is immortall,it is Impoliiblc that an part ogtcan perilh. ,Therefore to dye, is a vain name, an! even as Vaewz.-sz is no nihere, fo alfo Death; Therefore we fay a mm dieth, when hl$§0Ul3Ud body are feparated, not that any thing of them penlheth -oris turned into nothing. Notwithlhnding the tmeImagepfGodis his word. The wifdome, life, light and Truth cxnfhngby himfelf, ol' which Image mans foul is the I- mage, in regard of which we are faid to be made after the I. mage qfG_od,not after the Image ofthe world,or ofthg mm. f"f¢$5ff0r as‘God cannotbe touched; abr erccived bythe 35, DOI few with the eyes; fo the foul ol? man can n¢i;h¢¢ bee feen,he:1rd‘nor touched. And' as God himfclfisinlinite and cannot be compelled by any, fo all`o the minde ofman i; ffC¢. and cannot be enforced orbounded Furthg com rehcnd h ‘ ' . .r*”G°ds _ VP Et this whole world, audwhatfocver ’ ’ ° mmde alone - fo mans mind '- nfnumrh” , » e comprehendcth xrevm in thought; and that which is pcoaliar to him alongfgith Gbdng, ,§od
»- ~~-»-_-».` i- ~ Book Ill. ' Of omit erizfhpry, God moveth and governeth all this world by his beck alone, ‘fo mans minde ruleth and govcrneth his body. There fore it was necclfary. that the minde ofrnan thus fealed by the word ofGod, fhould put on allo the corporeall man, after the mall: compleat example ofthe world : Therefore man iscallcd the other world, and the other lmage of God, beeauf¢ lm hath in himfelf All that is contained in the greater world, fo that there remaineth nothing which is not found even truly and really in man himfelf, and all theft thingsdo perform the ‘fame duties in him, as in the great world = There atein him the four Elements, with the mol’t true proprictins of th cir na- ture, and in him an ethereal body. the Chariot ofthe foul in proportion correfponding to the Heaven : There areinhim the vegetative life of Plants, the fenfes ofanimals, of celellial fpirits, the Angelical reafon, andthe Divine underllanding, andthe trueconiunélion, and divine pollcllion of all thcfc 'things flowing together into one. Hence in facrcd Lttttcrs man iscalled every creature, and not onely man being made anotherworld doth comprehend all the parts thereof in him- felhbut alfo doth receive and contain even God himfelf.l-lense Jtfyflw the Pythagorian, faith, that- the foul of rnan,is_ the temple of God : which thing ‘Paul alfo more clcnrlfcxprcffed. faying, e are the Temple of God;8z thefame the at:rcd$¢rip- ture teliilieth in many places z Thereforerman is rhemollz ex- preli Image ofGod,leing man conteineth in himlélf all things which are in God: but God bva certain eminen? contcincth all things through his power, & (imply,as the can c and begin- ~ning olall things; but he hath given this power to man.that ht: lhould in like manner contein all things, but byaeertain ati Bc compolition,as the knot, ryc,and bond of all thing_s{I'here- fore man only rejoycerh inthis honor, that he hatha lirnili- tude withalhoperarion with alland converfation with all; He b l' h ith the matter in a proper fubieéi - with the Sym orzet w _ . _ Elements ina fourfold body; with Plants rn a vegetative werrue; with anirrnlsin a fenlitive faculty ; . with theklcztvcns in an lirherial fpirit, and inlluxoi the fuperiotglrtsonthe inferiourr with the Angelsin underllandingan '-rvxfdomt; f ' wt _ ..*_J~-A ._ -Ll-
0 -e »‘,, , of Occult Tbilqoply- Book I I I- with God,in conteining all things : He is prcferyed with God, and thg 1n¢¢lligenees,by faith and wrfdome : with the heavens l thin s by reafon and dilcourfe : with all Lnfcrr- ‘°°dh°?"° b f %e’and Dominion: and aélerh with all, and ggflftggvgelrosh sill, even on God himfelf, byfknowmg and lo- vin himand as God knoweth all things,l'o al o man can know all §hin ;Intelligible, feeing he hath lor an adequate Qb;e&, ,Em in general, or(as others fay) Truth it (elf ; neither is there any thing found in man, nor any dilpolition. in which lume- thmg of divinity may not (hinc forth;nei:her is there any thing in God,which may not alfo be reprelented in man : \liolb- ever therefore (hall know hitnfelf, (hall know all things in himfelf; efpceially he (ball know God , according to cs hofe Image he was made; he (hall know the world, the refem. blanee of which he beareth; he (hall know all creatures, with which he Syrnholiaeth; and what comfort he can have and ob- tain,from Stones, Plants, Animals, Elements, Heavens, from Spirits, Angels,and every thing, and how all things may be rit- ted for all things, in their time, place, order,meafure, pr oporti~ ~ on and Harmony, and can draw and bring to him&lf, even as a Loadllone Iron;AndG¢6rr in his fnmm of /Ilrbimj teacheth, that no man can come to the perfeélion of this art. who (hall not know the principles of it inhimfelf, but by how much th; more every o,ne (hall know hirnfelf, by fo much he obtainggh the greater power ofattrafiingir, and by fo much operated; greater and more wonderfull things, and will afcend to fo great perfeflion, that he is made the hon of God,and is tranf. formed into that Image which is God, and is united with him, which is not grannted to Angels, the world,or any creature, hut to man only, viz., to have power to be made the Sun of God. and to be united t0 him: but man being united to God, all things which are in man, are united, clpctiallyhn minde, then his fpirits and animal powers, and ,-¢g¢;,_¢,,-¢ fa. culty, and the Elements are to the matter, drawing with ig lelf even the body, whofe formit hath heen, leading iefonh into a better condition, and an heavenly nature even um," at be glorified into Immortality, And ¢hi;,_,.h§ch.c han (Po, ktn
Book i ii. ofo¢¢,i1¢@bi1°p,i,, ken is the peculiar gift of man; to whom thisdignity of the divine image is foroper, and common to noeorhef ¢mmf¢l¢ But theregare ome T/Jzalogixnx, who malcc thofe powers of mans memory, underftanding, will , the image of the Divine rrinity; and there are who going l'nrrh¢r,do place thi; image notfonly in thef: three faculties which they call Hill heb, but :ilfo in the fecond aels; And aethe memory rcprefenteth the father,the underllanding the fon,the will the Holy Gholk; So all'o the word produce from our underllandinggnd love flowing from our will . and the underlhnding it (elf having: prefcnt objcft and producing it . do fct forth the lon,‘ fpiri; and father ; and the more myllerions Tbrolagiani W teach that moreover all our members do reprclcm: fomcthing in God whofe image they bear; and that even in our paflions we re» prefent God, but by :i certain Analogy i for in the holy word we read of ehewrath, fury, repentance, complacency, love, hatred, pleafure , dcleeiation, delight, indi nation of God, and fnchlikc, and we have above fpoken émething of the members of God , which may be congruentherc ; Allo Mer- cru-imwfrifnr $111 eonfclling the divine Trinity, defcribeth ii: underlhnién , life and brightncfs, which elfewhereihc calleth the ivordiithc minde and the fpiri: , and faith that man nude after the image of God,doth reprefcnt the lime Trinity ; for there iairrhim an underllandingmind a.veril§yingtvord, and rljiirit, asit werea Divinerbrightneé ditfuling it felfon. every (ide , replenilhing all things, mow/inf an knitting them together : but this is not to be nn crllood of the natnrall fpirit which is the middle by the which the fonlis united with the Befh and the bo y,_ by the which the body liveth and aéicth, and one member worketh on another, of the which fpirit we have fpoken in the Erik book. But we here fpeak of the naturall fpirit , which yet in fome fort is alfo éorporeall , notwithllanding it hath noe 4 grolfe body , tangible and viiible , but it moftfnbtile body gndgafic to be united with the mind 1/§:i.,thae fupenonr md Divine one which is in us ; neither lee any one wondef, if'we (ay thaethe tationall foul is that fpirit, and a corp_o_rea1l thing, on 4 ~ i i
%..-_~_ ‘ _,_ » ___,,_‘_ _..- ____ - _A-- » Z -¢.'a:....¢ ,1 _ ,,_;7.-_.4_. m.;_ '_ _, . V- ir.-.. »-.,>....~.' . - » » vu; Of Occult Tbilopp7>y.' Book I I I. orthaeit either hath or favooreth fomething ol corpo`r§y whileitfiiain thi bgdydand :ferh it as ant ighménent t/Ili' fo be that ye llun er an , w :rt , among e noni 1, thu Etheriall body of the foul, and chariotof the fame may be; therefore Phriue _and all the If!-iraruyb, titer Trifmigqi, in like rnannctéhplzge thug? tr; man, whitlihthelysml ghisu. erne,low rn m e : e upreme is at wine in gfliieh they call the rnind,or fuperiour portion, or illurninateg intellect M¢.¢ in qeneji: callethit the breath of life, ff breath from God orhis fpirit infpired into us;The loweli is .Ymjizi-ue foul which they alfo call an :Image a Perri! the Apo{l!¢ nameth it the Animall m:m.The mid le is the rea onable fpirit knitting and tying together both exrreamspie. the Aninul foul with the mind favouring of the nature of both extreamsr yet it dififereth from that Snpream which is called the illumi. nate%intellc&, the mind, lightning l`upr'cl;1cmpo$;otr£ ; it difi feret alfo from the Anime l oul romr whi e A file tezeheth ur, that weooghrto lepimte the power ofthe word of God,l'aying,the word of fiirzd is lively end powerfull, more penetrating then a twocdge word perrerng even to the dividin of the foul and f irit : for as ihat fuprezrm or. 8 (P r P apo never linneth, never con enteahfro evil , :rind alwzyfes re- cth errour and exhorterh to the things; o that in erior ortion and Animall foul is alwaycs overwhelmed in evil , in an and conenpifcence, and draweth to the worli things; of the which 'Paul faith, I fee another Law in my members, lead- ing me captive ro the lmw of lin ¢ The minde therefore the fuprearn portion is never damned ; but when its companions are to be punilhed,goeth away unhurt into its Originztll: But the fpirigt, which by Plarimu iscalled the rreafonabgs foul, gee- ing it is y its nature, free and can aeeor in# to ` plea re adhere to either of them ,’ if it conliantly adhere to the fn- periour portion, is at length united and benutilied with ir,un- till it be zrflumcd into God : if it adhere unto the inferior lou), it is depraved, and becomes virions, untill it be made: wicked fpirit. But thus much concerning the mind and fpirit: now usfee concerning the lpeech or ord.Mere::ri:u thinketh thi; » o
____,...» ._ ~- <*_ -, ,_ » Book it 1. of uma obfzwpzy. of the tame value forfimmortality : for fpeech or word is that without which nothing is done or can be done . fo, gr i, the exprellion of the exprefforiand of the thing efpreffcd - and the fpeaking of the fpezker, and that which fpeaketh: is fpeech ot word : and the conoeption , of the conceive: and that which eoneeiveth , is the word s and the writ. ing of~the writer and that which writeth , is the word : and the forming of the former and that which fonneth, isthe word ;and the creation of the Creator, and that which cnczteth is the word: and the doing ofthe dotr , and that which is done is the word: and the hnowlodgcof him that knoweth and the thing knowenis the word; and every thing that can be fpoken is hut 5 word,and its called eguility: for it car.- rieth it (elf equaUy towards all; feeing that tt is not one thing more then anotheqeqnally bellroiving on all , that they may be,th:tt which they are,neither more not leffe ; and it felfheing fenlible, doth make it fell and all things fenlihle, as lightma- keth it felféc all things viiihlqthereforethc word is called by Mcrcrrrira the bri ht Ion of the mind ; for the conception by the which the mingconceivcth iritlf, is the intrinfceall word generated from the mind 1/Le.. the knowledge of it felf: But the cxtrinfecall and voczIlwotd,is the of-fprtng and mini- feilation of that word , and a Ipirit proceeding our ofthe mouth with found and voice , lignifyingfomething :hut eve- ry voice of ours , fpecch xndvvord nnlelfeitbefortned hy the voice of God, is mingled with the air and vanifhethe; but the fpirit and word of the Lord tcrnaineth, life and ancoinf partying it. Therefore allnnr (perch. words, (pint andvnice have no power in Magiekhmlefs theylzc formed hy the divine word: 8: Anflarlz himfell in his Meteomand in the end of his Ethieksnonfe8`eth;that thereis not any itertue either natural or mora.ll.imle£s through God ;& in his ferret tenents,he al§rm~ eth that our underfhmding hem? ggoiihziidtgousld doggy ' m ee e muchonithe fceretsofnntnre tl' 0 _e _ C Divine power beprcfent, otherwifc n'oth1ngiacxll:5o'all'o ourxvotds can do very many miracles, titglhc fvrmqd th? the word of God , in which .lfo our untv lggnggfrgcrgi ,1 ,§=-#fi
Book III. Of own Tbilrwplfy; QI-IAP. xxxvu. ~ » Of man: /Bal and :brat/_gb what ngwg/ it rirjyncd to the 6n4'}. TH: foul of man is a certain divine Li ht,ete;rted after the image of the word, the caule of anis and firll mmple, and the fubfiance ofGod,iigurcd by a foal whofe Char:x& the crernall word;alfo the foul of man is a certain divine (uh. [lance , individuall and wholly prefent in every part of the body, fo produced by an ineorpotcall Author , that it dc- pendeth by the power of the Aient only, not by the bofgrne of the matter: The foul is a fu llantinll number; uniform,” COIWCIHVC lll'l{0 ll (elf, and l‘1tl0n3.l|, vcfy fa; gxgglling 311 bodies and mareriall things ; the partition of whigh is UQ; ae. cording to the matter, nor proceeding from inferiour and -groffer things , but from the etiicient caufc: For it is not a quantitative number, but removed ifromsallcorporeall Laws, whenccitis not divided nor multiplyed by part=. Therefore the foul of man is a certain divine lub anccdlowing from; di- vine fountain., carrying along with it fell number: notrthgt di; vine one by the which the creator hath difpofed :ll rhings,but a rational number by the which feeing‘ir hath a proportion to all things,it can undcrfhnd all things: Therefore mans foul be. ing fuch,:1ccording to the opinion of the Plarafri/igimmediate. ly proceeding fromGod,iSl0yned by competent means ro this groifer body;whence iirli ofall in its de!'cenr,ir;is involved in a Cclefliall and acriall bodynwhich they call the celeftiall vehicle ofthe foul,others the chariot of the fou|:Through this middle thing , by the command of God who is the center of the world; it is (itil infufed into the middle point of the heitt, which is the center of mans body , and from thence it isgdif- fufed through all the parts and members of his body, when it fovneth his chariot tothe naturall heat, beinga ibirit generat- ed from the hem by heat ; by this ieplungeth ir (elf into the humours , by the which it inhereth in all the members, land ro all lhCI`C ismadc equally the nighellf, Qlthoughit be diffufed i ~ ' ”l H h ` throuhg , `11;`I-` '- r _ f-fm _-' A`__,i .. _ n-_-gi-1;-__ -a ...Jig
4 66' ` ' mai of Occult Wnilwpby. Book I II# through one to another ; even as the heat of fire adhercth mofl nigh to the air and water,alrhough ll be transferred by the air to the water ; thus it is manifeil, how the immortal loul , by animmottall body, -viz.. an Etheriall vehicle , is included in a grolie and rnortall body , but when by a difeafe or fome mif- chief, thefe midlc things aredillolved or fail, then the foul it fell' by thefe middle things recollecieth it felf, and Howeth back into the heart which was the firii receptacle of the foul : but the fpirit of the heart failing, and heat being extin&, it leaveth him, and man dieth,and the foul Hieth away with this Celeiiiall vehicle, and the Gmini his keeper and the Demon follow it being gone forth, and carry it to the judge, where fentencc being pronounced , God quietly leadeth forth the good fouls to glory ; the evil the tierce devill draggeth to puniihment. A ct-lap. xxxvm. What Divinrgifn man rereir/nb from 4601/e, from tb: fe1./mr! Order; of tb: Inrzfligenrzr and :be bmvrru. Y the feven Planets as it were by inlhuments. all powers are dillfufed into man from the Supream fountain of good: by Saturn a fublsme contemplation 8: profound under- {l:tnding,folidity of judgement, firm lpeculatiom, liability and an immoveablc refolution : by fupirrr, an unlhakeu prudence, ternperance, benignity, piety, modc[ly,]ufiice,Faith,Grate, Religion, equity, clemency, royalty; by cfliarl , truth; not to be terrified, confhnt courage and fortitude , a fer- vent deftre oFanimo{ity,the power of ailing and the prafiite, and an ineonvertible vehemency of the mind. By the Sun, nobility of mind , perfpeuity of imagination, the nature of knowledge and opinion , maturity, counfell, zeal, light of jnIiice,rcafon and judgement diliinguilhing right from wrong, purging li ht from the darknefs of ignorance, the glory of truth found out,and charity the Qren of all vertueszbyé Vmw at crvcnt
H -ugyggnwf . _ Boom I t. of omni ‘PbiI¢ipl3». a fervent love, molk fweec hope, the motion of defire ofdcf concupifeence , beauty, fweetneG, delire of encrealing mf propagation of it felf; by Mnrxrrjapiercing faith and be- icf, clear reafoning, the vigour of interpreting and pr°_ nouncmg. gravity of fpeech, atutenefs of wit, difeourfe of reafon, and the (wif: motions of the fenfesz by the Aim, a peace making confonaney, fccundity,the power of genera. ting and of growing greater, of increaling and decreafing, an a moderate temperance, and faith which being convey. (ant in maniltll and occult things,yeeldeth dire&ion to all;all°o motion to the tilling of the earth for the manner of life and giving growth to it-fclf and others; but thcfc influences are principally drawn from thofe feven intclligenoes , who [land before the face ol God. who difpofe the foul the feat of thefe vertues : but the planets difpofe the body only giving a traéh. ble complexion proporttonated and tempered for every good thing , and they are as it were the inllruments of the Intelli ences ; but God as the primary eanfe doth yeeld both the inliiienctécincreale to all. lhey therefore who have tough; out the vertues and divcrfe difpolitions of the foul , do judge, that they obtain diverfe natures, by reafon ofthe divcrlit of means , by the which they have a pallage to us, and that tbcfe foulsare not iovned with the bodies thernfelves unleli they be proportioned by thefe Stars ; So in a body brought to a tem- perament by fnpirenthey think that the foul infnfed is tempe- rated by the power and intelligence of fupirer, and fo of thc tell According to which difpolition if the foul workwellin this body . when its purged and expiated, it returncth to that divine power and Manlionfrom whence it delicendedliurthet- more from the Angelicall orders man is ltrengthened with wonderfull»m the angels,that he may be a mell fenger of the divine will and an interpreter of the mind of God; fromthe Archangels, that he may rule ovcrallhcafls of the field, lilli ofthe fea, and fowls of the air , over the which command is given him ; from the Principalitics, that all things ma be fnbdued to him,he comptehendingthe powers of all, and' drawing all powers to hirnfelf by at certain force moll: Hh a fccrec . » L g ' ‘ - »-»i1<~i ¢.~_~: ,‘ 467
Of0ccu1t f1>z,z1¢,,,»,». Book 1 r 1. 'lecret and fuperceleliiall ; From the Vertues, it receivcth power, by t e which it conllanrly fighting is llrcngthen. ed againlt the enemies of truth, for the reward of whieh wc run a race in this life ; from the powers againli the enemies of this earthly Tabernacle : from the Dominati- bns, it hath help by the which we can fubjefi any dome- Rick enemy we carry along with ns, and can obtain our delired end. From the Thrones, wc are knit together, and being colleded into our felves, we fix our memory on rhofe ‘etemall vihons :From the Cherubins, is light of mind, power of vvifdom , very high plantalies and figures,by the which we are able to contemplate even the divine things ; Fromthe Seraphins, thatbythc perfcfiflame of love we may at length inhere in them : Thefe are the degrees, thefe the ladders, by the which men ealily afcend to all kinds of powers by a cer- tain naturall connexion and chariot , according to the diverfe dif ofition of body and‘mind,and by the favour ofthe Stars, in Sredifpoling of the body, and of the Intelligences ruling them , the nature of which the foul in its defcenfe putteth on, even as light the colour of the glalile, through which it paf{i:th; the fupream power of the Creator favouring. from whom is all good, and without which no good nor perfe& thing can bc obtained; Therefore all thofe do labour in vain, whirtnili- ing only on the courfe of nature, andthe power and favourof inleriour things, do think to attain to divine things ; and thofe who faining to have a foot in the heavens , do endeavour to receive thofe things from the favour of the heavens , which ought to be received from God alone; for thefe inferiours have, Ii mean animals, Herbs, Rones, metals, their power fubfervient tothe heaven ; but the heaven from the Intelli- genres ; but chef: from God , in whom all things pre-exiil in the greatefi power ; as in man the little world there is not a member which hath not correfponderce with fomc element,plant, intelligence, and with fome meafure and nume- ration in the Archery pe : as we have fhewen before. 9 _ CHA P.
_,__,,l--v- --- .». .t.»~,>~ . ~ A Book 1 I I. Of own; @biM>pIyQ caan. xxxxx. W Haw the _/ivperiar Iuflzrmcex, /ring tlfq az-:good by naum‘, are depraved in rbi# infer-iar tbingr, andere made cmfer afwil, SEEing every power and vertue is from above, from God, from the Intelligences and Stars, who can neither erre nor do evill, it is neceffary, chat all evill, and whatfoever isfonnd difagrecing and dilionant in thefe inferiouri Lhings, do pro- cced, not from the malice of the Influence, but from the cvill difpolition ofthe receiver; thus Cb;/Fppm rightly fang,§ Thydo lilgefoalu arcufc the Godrfal_/1] Mllkf them tbl caufi' of all their m%r], W/:rn ar rheirfalb burn rlmrgklvrr-- Hence ?upirrr calling to minde :the cafe of¢/Egglibm (lain by Orqfkr, by Hamer in the connfel ofthe Gods, iaith, e ‘U.fGad.fdam:n r:rcr¢_/E(1vl;»¢r viceérbé? ) r ~ 4 To 6: the café, fhrmrain ofwbafs 4n:%; A V when :bg tbrmfelwr 6] their own wicIq_rdd$' . Rlmifrto Jmx_ger---° r - When therefore the pervcrfity ofthe fubieei receiveth the Iniiuenees of the perverfe,or its debility cannot endure the eth- city of the fupcriors, then by the lnlinence of the heavens thus received into a matter full of difcords, doth refult [ome- thing dill`onant,deFormcd and evill; yet the ccleliiall powers 'alwnies remain good, which while they exill in themfelvcs, and from the giver of light have their Influence by theholy Intelligcnces and the heavens, even till they (hall come to the Moon, their Influence is good, as it were inthe firlifdegree ~; but then when it is received in avilcr fnbic&,it alfo is vilified ; then alfo in refpeél of the differmrnature-ofthe recipient it is received after divcrfe manners, and by~ thequalities difagreo. f gh 3 ine
or Of0ccu!t ’PbiIM:pby. Book I I l. ing in the fame (ubieéhmonglt themfelves,it alfo is varied and patient] fulireth in the fubjeft; whence from allcomfprehgn. ded in the l`ubie&, at length fome other thing doth re ult than that the Superiors fend down; therefoic the hnrtfull quality in theft: lnferiors, is far different from the influx ofthe her- vensgand therefore asthc dillempetof the bleareycd, is no; to be imputed to the light, not burnings to the Ere, not wounds eo the 6vord,nor fetters and Priions to thc]udge,bu|; to théevill difpofed and offenders ; fo neither is the fault of wicked ones to be cali on the celellial Influences ; Therefore we being well difpofed,the celtilial influences cooperate all things Forgood; but being evill difpofcd, :md having for our fins, that divine good, which as in us, departed from us, all things work forevill = therefore the caufe of all our evills is linne, which is the diforder and diltemper of our foul ; from the which then, thus evilly governing, or falling down or declining from that which the celeflial infhiences require, all things rebel, and are dillempered for our del`tniEtion : then in mars body otherwife mol! temperate and compo fed with mol! fweet Harmony, the dillemper ofthe Elementsbegin- ncth. evill humors arifer and even the good being difordered and icvrred from one another, by a certain viciiiitudc both ve: and torment the body: then is amolt vehement diifo- nance perceived, either by fuperfluity or diminution. or fome intrinferal accident, or by liiperlltious meat, whence fuperflu- oushumorsare generated, and b ' the time canfe intirmities follow gyea the animal ipirits,the brid lc being broken, do fall to contention. Then the celeftial influences, otherwife of thcmfelves good, are made hurtlull to es. even as tht light of the fun (0 CyCS illdifpoled : Thru Scrrrrn darttth down :Ln- gtrifb, tedioufnes, melancholy, madnes, ladnes, oblhnacy, ri- gidnes, blalphemy, del'pcration,lying, Appar.ations,ai¥right- menrr, walkings ofthe dead, ftirrings of Drvcls r Ynfirrr then fcnacrh down eovetoulhcs, eilloccaGons to get eal;h_and tyranny : A/rm, furious wrath, prophanearroganty,violent holdnelk, fierce llubbornnes: but the Jrmimperious pride, and inlatiablc ambition t Tmrtr, the dcceits ofconcupiftence, _ lafcivious
_...p-..,» Sn.»--1° Book I I I. Of Occult Tlzilofopby, e I lil. lafcivious loves and filthy lulls : A/mm; deceits,confenag¢§ |,~¢,, fuhtile deiires ofcvill, pmpennty to nn ; the view. nt; inconfiant progreh of all things, and whatfocveriscontrary to mans natureand by this means man himfelfby rcafon ofhtg nnlikeneli with the heavenly things receiveth hnrgwhenee hg ought to reap bcneficby reafon of the fainediffonaney with the heavenly things ( as Produ: faith ) men alfo are fubiefkd even to wicked fpirits who as the ofiieers of God do dilizharge themfelves in punilhing them; Then do they fulYer grievances by evill fpirits, even untill they arc againcxpiated b dnepur- gations, and man returneth to a divine nature; therefldre an ex- ¢elle nt Magician can prohibits manymifchifes about to fall on him from the difpolirion ofthe Stars, when he foreknowcth their nature by preventinftaking heed, and defending, legit they fhould meet him, an leall an illdilpofed fubi:&, aswe have faid,lhould receive hurt whence it ought to reap benefit. W cHA|>.xL. Ibis! an man 4 dit/ia: Cl:Ar4&':r xi imprinted, @ fb; mr. rue afwlaicbrmvx can attain the working afmimrlu. ` ' BY no fmallexperiente it is found that a certain power of ruling and prcdominating is implanted in man by nature; for ( Plify tellilieth ) that an Elephant meeting a man wan- dring in a defare, is reported to fhew himfelfgcntlc and cour- teous,and to ihew the way to him; and the fame creature alfo is faid, before he feeth man,to tremble,to (land (till, to look about, to quake at the Reps of man, for fear}of treachery : in like manner the Tiger the mofl fierce of all bealts, at the fight »of man doth remove her yong ones;and more of this kinde wc read in divers authors, who have writ great volumes ofcrea~ tures; but from whence do_ thefe animals know, that nun is to be feared, whom they never law ; and if they have feen and known,whence do they fear.him,lEeing they do excell him in greatness, force and fwiftnes P what is this nature ofman, firilnng this terror on wild beafls 2_iall -the ainoriogta- HP 4 Y l pliers
,_------__--.-_., Z ,, , '- Of Occult 'PbiI¢yopl5~. Book I II. phersof animals do linda our and grin: this bu: have leli eo others co reach and prove rr.Conrei-ning :his eherefore /Ifallg. ,,;,,,, '1j.¢n¢r¢s ( aswc readxn Pliilajhzrrm) feeing achrldg em. ingan huge Elephanz, anfwered D.=m:u asking him, whence eamcthlrobcdienee of fo huge a Crearure ro the lrrrlc child; Thi; ic was from: ecrrain zrfiivererror, implanred rn mm by his ere:rtor,whi¢h irferiour crcarures :md allanrmzls perm. ying do fear :md reverence mm, which is as rt were: terrifi- ing Chméicr, and afcal of God imprinted on man. by mg which every ching is fub;e& eo him, and acknowledgeshim {,p¢;i0r, whirhcr ir be ferunr or animal. Fororherwife nei. :her could 1 chfli rule his herd and Elephants, neither could axingzerrify his people. nor the Iudge che guilry. There- fore this Charafier is imprinted on min from the divine Idm which the Cabalilir of the Hebrew call P»xb.zd-713 and rhe left hand or [word ofGod: furthermore mm lmhnoc only 1 feal by the which he is feared, but alfo by the which heir be lovednhe Iduofwhich inlchcdivine numerariom is called H9’2d 1571 which Ggnirierh Clemency,& rhe :ighr hand and Sceprer of God : from chef: divine numerations, by :he in. cellrgences and Srnrs, Seals and Charafisrs :reimprintcd on cs to every one according to his capacity and purity : whzch figncs the rirfi :run crcared, wirhour doubt did poffefs in all inzegriry and ihincfs, when all crczrurcs bring arzraéicd by feerer gentlenes, and iubjcéicd by terror, came to him asto rheir lord, rhmr he méghr give rhrm names: but afzcr che lin ofprevarxcnion he fell from :har digniry wizh all his peric- ricy ; yer that Ch1r:r8crir no: all together exenfl in us. Bur by how much every one is laden wrrh lin, by fo much heis farcher off from rhefc divine Chzraéiers :md receivcrh lefs of chem; and whence he ought to receive fxendihip and reve- rcnec, he fallelh into rhc fhve ' and terror of others, borh of animals and alfa men :md devils: which Cain percei- ving feared, frying to God, every one who hnderh mc, will lillme; for he feared bealis and devils, no: onlymcn, who yierb #ery few; bu: in che old times, rmny men wivolrved innocently, :very good life, as yer did ea;oy£h1!obed:cnce and
B00kI I I- Of Occult 9"/ailijy/Jig, and power asifttrzzfjén Dazridand D '1 - . _[ba over thi; Bear, .‘P;ul over the Vi;;;§;°;;ld[g1;r?;;o3},f;,: riterflived lD the dcfctts, in Caves and Deus of wild bag; not caring not receiving any hurt - for :tsb f` h ' ' ` ' (handler l;0lJfI1ll’Cd, fo lin being durged ani efpiasdddlxgf gain more and more lhineth forth. ° 1l1_ i -|nl;.,_; ct-1/tP.xL1. or y_ Wim: cazxreming man afier dekth, dir/aj? Opinianr, . IN generall iris appointed for allmen once to dye; death -is fatall to all;but one is natnrall, gnother violent, another voluntarily received,another inlliéied by humaneilawes for offenees, or by God for lin, that they feem not to have reti_ dreda due to nature, but a punilhment for lint; which ( as the Hebrew Mallets faith ) God remitteth to none; Whence thehlfembly delivered to Eurbierb, that :tfterthc houfe of the Sanfluary was pulled down, although there reniainedqor :my order of indiciary execution, yet there lhouldjaeia four. fold kind of punilhmcnt by the which they might cron. demned, that no man guilty of death fhould efcape without retaliation ; for he which had dekrved to be lioned to death, was, God difpenhng. either call down headlong from the houfe, or troddcn in pettes by wild bealls, or overwhelmed by ruine or fall ; but he_ which had delérved to be burned, was either tonfumcd by bumings, or hnilhed his life either by venemous bitings, or flings of a fetpcnt,or by povfon ; but the which lhould dye by the lword,was killed either by the vio- lence ofthe futildifiion, or by the tumult ofthe people or fafiion, or by the treachery of thieves; he that ought to be han ed, was fulfoeated either in the waters, or extinguilhed by l§>me other (irangling punifhment; and by the ground of this doéh-ine , that greet Origen {nppofed{ the ,Gohaclof Chtilt to be decl: ed,He who ufcth the (word [hall petrilh by Vhvotd. Motcovetthc Ethniclt Philofophets pronounced that , 'i l i' retaliation _i *Hu ,v ’-_,
_iii _ Of Uccult ’Pbil¢ji7pb)'. Boomi retaliation of this kinda is Admpm. e-ie. an ina; ofdivinc laws, by the which in courfes ro (gmt, ifilizgloiver fed to every one according to the rcafon and merits ony pfm mer life; fo :as he who uniuftly ruled in the forms, me 'f °f° other life Ihould relapfe into a (mile lhtqhe which hr Ln the lured his hands with blood, (hould be compelled to and POL retaliation; he thatlivcd a brurrih life, {`no.r1¢ bt n .°l'5° ted and revolved into a brutifh body ; ofthefe ghgn p;§°Pl"° wrirczh in his book ofthe proper Gaim gfwt, ‘Bs l“‘”’“ ing, whofoever have kept humane propriqy doy 3:95 f{Y~ men : but whofoever have ukd fenfe only .do ,C “lm mlb animals : yet fo, as thofe who ufe fenfe ef’ qi || fum bm" with wrath. do arife wild beafts ; but '¢hof§e'¢1£f‘?g“h" eoncupifcenee and pleafute, do rctumleathtroru cdcnlcbi' nous bealks = but if they flull live not b { {.~ an gl°‘¥°° them,!'o much as by the degenerzition ollfggfe tfgcdm mm again with thern;for the vitals only or ghicyv 'P a?!l~g'°w "F their carewas that they might be nlrned inrh' in “'°S§&al which have lived being tdo much :rllurcd b ~ P B“"l“'r' depraved in other thin s are born a :rin rl u1‘d"~n°tbw'g they which have raignei ivithout rcatl;on E 'nl mmzlslmd lhty have been tainted with » ~‘ »' :come E1gl“'°°l“ hath liveti civil ly and venuouH):ll‘r¥tl1‘fl;::;i gut hc “hw ggslg Pgfggzlssmcalls man fomctimesla I.ixbll1:s. fometimes a Pifmite, a He? aol? “Q 3 hummg d°"'- 3 CW? $ tgmmm Eagle' I Storlg 3 (ickmg ¢’Pent, a Spnller; (omg. fuch :ts thefe. But the Cab.11d;, »of|'§n§~ other bud, and mmy that fouls an mmcd into hmm _ QC Hebrews do not admit that thc? that han who” I R . _et they do not deny but uf-c be ld-I to 3 bmdfh a&_c¥B§ t’hc1rreafo.1, (lull in :rn other am) that fouls an revolved hixillcmrirnmagrnsrron : th;-y :Alert Cuufe rbi; number fum; M55 l;_t rree,`_and no more ;b:- On of fins, aceordin to th “nfl K0 *Unite forthe pm :ri- fuul that it fhould no? too: 35 ot 7°‘9- He hath delivsreé my :Pd feethClight.Bch0l5l3lltl:1 Fo dum bu: nzouldlivc' md times rhmu h ? " things doth God work thrrc S ¢=¢l» that he mr h - B Ucduce their fouls from eo:- rupriozz, <5 Vi » »
we-... s.. . v-;____-,_.,- Y " ‘ . ,,-,....`.._.».». » 4% ` Of0ccnlc ‘Pbi!¢:pIg». Book I ll, ., ,_ _ ofthe Heron, or reached; heaven. Wh¢f¢ {B_¢0J°y= all its lenfes, :md powers. a perpetual! blellsd f°ll¢'fl'» 1 p:rfe& knowledge ofall things, as alfo the dwrne vrllon, and p0n'¢{1i. gn ol the kingdom of heaven, :md_bClDg`m1d¢ partake: of the divine owe: bellows freely dwcrsgrfrs upon thefein. fgfiors, as ii? it were an immore:xl_God. But rf re huh done ill, ghg fpirieiudgcth ie, and leaves re to tlmepleafure ol the divel, andthe Lrd oul wanders about Hell wxrhoutzrfpme, liken im;|ge:, as Dido complaints in Viqgil; Andnm rkegrezt ifnage afmee _flmllgo 'Under the mrtb--- Wherefore then this foul being voyde of an intelligible ef- fence, and being lell: to the power ol' 2. furious phanrafy, is ever fubie8ed by the torment of corporeall qualities, know- in that ie is by thc iuft iudgement ol God, for ever deprived oéhc divine villon ( to which it was created )for its fins : the abfenoe of which divine villon as the Scripture refhfies i lr , st C ground ofallevils, and the rnoll reivous 'fl , g pum rmentofall, whnch the Scripture calls rhe pouring down ofthe wrath of God. Th` ` ` rsrmage therefore of :hc foul enters mro the holf as an e/ferial bodv, with which being covered doth l%me° tunes advrfe freinds, fomeermes Ri: up enemies, as Did: threat; CHS v£a:e.a in l?r_giI fuying. LH kan! ther, and :bee :crmru I Wiz? give. for when the foul is fepzmcd from rhebody, the pertur- birrons ofeh ~ ' e memory and fenfe remain. The Plmmyix fry, therelxe fonls, elizecially of them thu are flzun, fnrup ene- Ulwfrmansrndxgnatiou not fo much doingofir, as thcdis-ine Qcfffffff and Demon forefeeing, and ermireing of ir. So the (pmt of Nnémb ( as the mailers of :Ee He brews inrerpse: if ) beeaufern the end of its life it wentf h 'th def f Of! W! 3 UCO l'¢’¥Ug¢» was made. to eseeurc revenge, the fpiric ofa lyc, and wenztorrh,God ' ` ' ~' °° ' _ permntmg rr, a lymg (pm: rn _the mouth og
Book I II. ' Of Occult Tbilo/ophy. 77 allthe prophets, untill it made Acbrrb go up unto Rrmmb. Gilead. And Virgil himfelfe together with the ‘7>7xlm_gari¢m.r, and ‘Pla!on{#.¢, to whom alfo our Aujlin alfcnts , confelferh that feparatecl fouls retain the frefh memory of thofc things which they did in this life, and their wil|,whtnte he lings; If/lfut mr: tbq Living lad of h0f/il érfwe e/(ml Arzm, tlaefzmedazl: fo/low Ibm: to tb' gr.-we. And Agua! in his book De Scienria Die/ima, and other Arabian , and Mn/arzmxtylrsvhieh were Philofophers, think that the operations of the foul , being common to the con- foyned b0dy,itnpr¢{fc upon the foul a Ch;rra&cr of ufc and exereifc , whieh it being feparated will ufe,being (lrongly im- reffed to the like operations and paiiions which were not de. &royed in life time. And although the body and organ be corrupted, yet the operation will not ceafe, but like af¥ee`{ions anddifpoiitions will remain. And thefe foulstheancients call with a common name A/timer, whereof thofe that were in this life innocent , and purifyed by rnorall vertues, were very happy ; And of them as Virgil (ings, .__-That didfar their country die, If/ith priqh who W their li?/ex 1/o1v'dtl:.d?it], ¢Andfu'red Porn, who plea/‘d'Ph<1:bS 6¢f}, Or 6 invented art.: man: life aff?/i, V Andbtbrr: in their mmuriu renowned, e--- Although they departed this life without the iuflilication of faith , and grace , :rs may Divines think , yet their fouls were carryed without any fufhering into happy plerfant fields 5 and :Ls faith Virgil, Thy :vent to place: and to pIa¢gQv:t gram, And pl¢.Wn:_k:rr.r tbrplrq/Im: grrver éetmm. Where they enjoy certain wonderf'ull_ pleafutes, as :rlfo A feniitrvc L ~
47 Of Occult Tlrrlryopbj- B00l< l I I. fenlitive, intelle&uaH and revealed knowledge; alto per. haps they may be indoéirxnated concerning faith, and iuliifi. cation , asthofe fpirits longbfiqft ¢0_Vh°m Chnl? preached the Gofpel in prifon.For as it is certain that none can be lived without the iaith of Lhrilh fo mg probable that rhii faith is pmachgd gg many Pagans :md Sxracens after this life, in ghofe receptacles of fouls unto falvation, and that they gm kept in thofc receptacles, as inacommon pnlon, untill gh; time comes when the great judge (hall examine our;3i_ ons. To which opinion Lafhnrixu, Irenrm, Clement, T¢,». mditw , Aufiin , Ambrq/2 , and many more Chnliun writer; do alfcnt. But thofe fouls which are impure, incontincnr, depart wicked, do not enjoy futh happy dreams. but wander fullof mol! hideous Phanrafmes, and in worier paces, en- joying no free knowledge but what is obtained bv eonegfl lion, or mmifelhtion , and with 1 continual] fielhly deiifg are fubicéied by reafon of their corporeall corruption to the fenft: of pain, and fear (words, and knives. Thefe within; doubt Hmm-feemed to be fenhble of, when in the eleventh book of h»s0r§]cr he brings in the mother of 'Z/mfr: being deadftanding neer to him offering f1critice.but neither know- ing him or ipeaking tohim_whilI hc with his (word drawn did keep oft gholls from the blood of the facrifite. Bur after that Yyrrfn the prophetcfs adviling of her, (he hadltafiedof the iatrifice , and had drunk thc blood , [he prefently knew her foo, and crying fpake to him. Bur the loul of 7'}r5’i`.| the prf~phcte[l'c, notwithlizmding the drawn (word, even bc- forc fhc talied thc blond. knew 'L'/1j}r,:xnd fpakc to him, and fhewcd him thc gholk of his mother ltanding neer to him. Whatfoever vices therefore fouls have commirttd in the bo- dicr nnexpiztcd in this lrfe,they are coniirained cam mgrhe habits of them along with thcm,to purge themlclvcs of them "1 hdl, and to undergo pumlhment tor them ; which the Poet exphins in thcfe verfcs ; Him
‘L`Y, V i l E l .l /I1 LL.; Book I I I. OF Occult 'Philo/op/ay. ---ixvhm :bg dir, Thru doth not leave them all their mln). 7710* 51951; nut repented of rbeir crimer. 27345 #OW ¢ pmri/b dfar their mqfmr tbner. Fnras the manners and habits of men are in this life, fueh affefilons for the mofl part follow the foul after death. tvhith then calls to mind thofe things which it did formerly do in ir; life , and then more intently thinks on them , for as much as then the divers offices of life eeafe, as thofe of noutifhrng, gtvwlng. generating, and various occupations of (enfes . and humane :tl¥4irs,and comforts,1nd obflaeles of a groffer body. Then :ite reprefented to the plantmfliek reafon rhole fpeeies, which are fo much the more turbulent and furious. by how much in fueh fouls there lies hid an intelle&uall (park more or leffe covered,ot altogether extinél into which are then by evil fpints conveyed irpfcies either mofl falfe, or terrible : whence ow it is tormented in the concupifeile faculty, by thc cones. pifoenee of an itmginxry good, or of thofe things which it did formerly af’ie&in its life time, being deprived of theepotver of enjoying them, although it may fcem to it felf Iome- times almoll to obtain its delights,but to be driven from them by the evil fpiritsintobitter torments , :ts in the Poets, Tim. ralw lrom :r banquet , .S'.o'd4r=.rp.1l::.r from embraces , /Vid.” from gold, S@@pl;w from power; and they called thefe fouls hobgoblins . whereof if any taking care of houflwld affairs lives and inlubits quietly in the houie , it is called 1 houlhold god , or ftmilitr but they are moll cruelly tortured in the irmfeible faculty with the hatred of an imaginuy evil, into thc perturbations whereof, :ts :tlfo fmlfe fulpitions , and mall lwrriblt Phantafmet the 5' then fall , and :here are reprclenled to them fad reprefentations ; fometimes of the heaven falling upon their head , fornetimes of being confumed by the violence of (limes , lbmrtimet of being drowned in at gulfe. fometimes of being |'iv.tllo'.-.ed up into theea.rth.fome- times of being changed into divers kinds of beallsfometimes of beingtom and devoured by ugly rnonllcrs, fornetirzer of etng 4?
,, ofofcuzfbebfzwby. 'Book 1 1 Ii ' ,_,_,.,..¢s----"- being gmied abroad, through woods feas, Ere,tir,and through fearlull infctnallplaees, 304 f°mf“m°5 Qf html! f1~‘f€0» and wrmcmed by devils. All whithwe eoneexve happens to than after ddagh up orhenvife then in this lrfe to thofe who are taken with a phrenlic, and fome other melancholy dzllemper, or to thofe who are affrighted with horrible things leen in dgggmg , and are thereby tormented , asrf thefe things dig! ,any mppen to them ,dsvhich truely are not reall but only fpeeies of them apprchendedhn irnagmatzon : even fo do hor. fiblc reprefentations of (ins ternhe thofe fouls after deathts ifghey were in a dream andthe guilt of wiekednels drives them headlong through divers plaees;whith therefore Orpbszu calls the people of dreams, faying, the gates of Pluto cannot be unlocked; within isa people ol dreams ; luch wicked fouls therefore enjoying no good places , when wandrxng in an Aerial! bodygthcy reprefent any form to our fight , are called hags,and goblins, inoffenlive to them that are good,but hurt. full to the witked,appean'ng one while in thinner bod ies.anu. ther time in gtolI`er,in the fltape of divers animals, and mon- Ilers , whofe conditions they had in their life time , as Fings the Poet, §L~nx diver: fin-m;,aml _/Zfapu af émrr: .a;;r:r; - cr be defame: 4 1] gn-, _/wine, and lrmr, A :kalie réutgan, ana'/1 1.-cnrfr, Or Jatlaframjire 4 dre.zdjG.».7 noi Q 1x;rr)??; He dark trmafmurr lfingfzyra dirrrx leclqf, Tofi`re,\'5ld bt‘.rf}r,4nd into rmnzing l~n;ei;1. For the impure foul of a man , who in this life contrafled too great a habit toits body doth by a ccrtazn in d F. » WIT 3 feftilon ofthe elemental! body frame another body to it (elf o t - ' _ vapours of the clements,rer're flung as it were from an esfie matter as it were with a fuck, that body whichiscon- tinually vanilluing; to which being moreover eeflaved as me prrlon, and fenhblcinltrument by a certain ditrne La d :ll tv , o in it fuflier cold, and heat, and tshatfocvtr annoys the body. lhirit, ‘ c l
‘ 4 okl l L h Of Occult Tlyilqhply. I fpirit, and fenfe, as flinks, howlings, wai|ing5,gnag1jng°f¢he teeth,{lripes,tearings,and bonds,as P?r_gil Img; A --' And thercfbre for their crime: 791] will 50 P'¢#f/Fd. andfar mxfbent time: Mn/? rarmmfzrl ; fame in the wind: are hung, Oxbm to clmnfe their fpmedjiru nr-¢_fl.m:_g 'Into vafi' gu[fr:,arp::rg`d in f'r¢--- _ And in Homer in his &qomanq Alcinau: makes this rclzi tion to Ulrfu, ' “ ' of Tyixu rbedw- darling of the eertb, lffcfm tlu b0d]_/}f¢!C})'dI1lW¢ furlangx forth ¢/fm] on ea:/1 _/ide of Wham a 1/ulmrgreax Qnawing his [mn/x----~ Thefe fouls fomctimcs do inhabit not thefe kinds of bodies only, but by a too gtcataffciiiion of flefh and blond ttanll mute themfelves into other animals, and feife upon the bo~ dies of creeping things , and bmtcs , entering into them, what kind foeverthely be of, poffellingthem like Demons” 7>]rb.1_g»w is of the amc opinion, and before himlfryint-t $i{}m,a{l'erting that wicked fouls do oftentimes go into creep- ing things, and into btutcs, neither do they as elfcntiall forms vivinc and inform thofc bodies, but :ts an inmate dwell there asin at prifon , or Rand nee: them by a locall indiftanceasan internall mover to the thing moved; or being tyed to them are tormented,ms Ixion to the wheels of fetpents, Syliphus to a llone ;neithcr do they cntcrinto brutes only, but fometitncs into men, as we have fpoken concerning thc foul of Nalzaaxb which went forth; lying fpirit in the mouth of thc Prophets. Hence fomc have alferted that the lives , or fpirits of wicked men going into the bodies of fomc men, have dillntbed them, and fometimes flew them. Which is motcfoxtnnately granted unto blelfed fouls that like good Angclélthey lhould _dwell in us, and enlighten ns,as we read of Elia; , that he being taken _ Ii ' ' ftom
l 'i i ""‘ 'ur ' _ o 481 of Occult Wbilqhply. Book I I I. from men his fpirit fell upon Elijbn : and elfswhere we read that God took of the fpirit which was in MM; , and gave it to 70. men. Here lies a great fetret , and not rafhly to be re- vealed. Sometimes :ilfo ( which yet is very rare ) fouls are driven with fueh z madneb that they do enter the bodies not only of the living, but alfo by a certain hellrlh power wander into dead Caikaffes, and being as it were revived commit horrid rvirkedm-(Ter, as we read in Saxa (jmmmxricm, that Jpitw and Afmundw tivo certain men vowed one to the other , that he that fhould live longell ihoufd be buried with him that was tirft dead : at length Q/if/Xtfllil being fir!! dead, is buried in a great vault wizh his dog , and horfe , with whom :iifo ¢/ffmundm by reafon of his oath of friendlhip , fuf¥ered himfelf to be buried alive ,`(; meat which he [hould fora long time eat,being brought tohim;) in proeelie of time Eri- rm King ofSmri¢i pafiing y xhagéilaee with an army,bteaking up the tomb of Ajvizm ( fupp g that there was treafute) the vauit being opened , brought forth Afmumhu: whom, when he (aw having a hidcoutlook , being [mented over with filth comapt blood which flowed from a green wound ( for uf/gina being revived, in the nights, took off with often {ir~?g!ing his right ear ) he commanded him to tell him the an col' that wound = which he declares in thefe verfes; "-W17?'¢!9!bU7] vMr_ge mmjofv :bm amuse 7 `5`fliz*L* be that live: among# tb! dead, tbegrac: of lremry need: mnj? Ie¢; I bww zotjfr ' What dar-in Stygian _hind uf Afuit 7'[:efiiritin29am bed, who ther: didn; ff lvvfjfti md [,mrd6ein‘g with #bill meat N or ]fI f¥§r't1,1’/rm fer lm eIa\‘: cn me, ‘Pall J c/f rn] cbrekmnwe mr,¢m{ /xtnrejaufee J!-47 l|g0,Tl'd¥(1fd!d,Y!!nUIgl!d Hemi] f are ; 7'l}z& man/from Wight retzrrxed not to b1;l]1I.¢r¢ lffirbmr rccriz/'d rr-ven e; I #mg Hz) L-Aden: ofmd .¢¢/file did I H13 fd# thorough r|:n-- Pau-
Book II I. ofofmlw/5110/apby. ________. 'Paufarzim telsa Rory not unlike to this, taken our of thg intersareters ofthe Delphi ; viz.. that there was a eerrain in. fern: l Demon, which they called Enrinamur, who would eat the Hcfh ofdezd men , and devourit fo that thebonee would fearce be left. We read alfo in the Chronicles of the frmn- jianr, that the gholls which they call feterbme were wont to return back into their bodies, and go in to their wives , and lie with them ;for the avoyding of which, and that they might annoy their wives no more,itw:ts provided in the common lswes that the heart of them that did arife [hould be thrall thorow with at nail , and their whole carcalfe be burnt. Thefc without doubt are wonderfull things, :md ftaree credible, but that thofe lawes , and ancient Hillories make them credible. Neither is it altogether Grange in Chriiiian Religion that ma.- ny fonls were refiored to their bodies,before the univerfall te- furreéion. Moreover we belecve that many by the Gngulztr favour of God are together with their bodies received to glory, and that many went down alive to hell. And we have heard that oftentimes the bodies of the dead were by the de- vils taken from the graves,withour doubt for no other ali: then to be imprifoned, and tormented in their hands. And to thefe prifons and bonds of their bodies there are iztdded alfo the polleiliohs of moll hlthy and abominable plates, where are féfnrm fires , gulfes of water,the (halrings of thunder, and lightening , gapings of the earth , and where the region is void of light , and receives not the rayes of the Sun , an_d knows not the light of the Stars, but is alwayes dark. Whtf ther 'UULM is reported in Hmm to come,when he (ings, Here people are :bar he Cjmrrrrriim nanrd, D,-g;;~,;°¢{ in Pfrpnunll d¢rrl{_r:ej},ir 1] farrfd, yrhm; rifug, var tbejhtiugfun dar/1/cf, _ Bn: wir p¢rprt::.4H night opfrefed br. i Neither are thofe meer fables which many have recorded of the cave of Fnrrieim, of the den of Uzicm of the vfrxrav eaves, and of the den of Nr:r_{i.| , many that have feen and Ii z y known
4- Of Occult Tbilqhpby. Book I ll- know them teltifyiog the fame. Alfo Sun gmmmriria tells of greater things :hen theft: ofthe Pallace ofGm;rbw, and of the cave of 'Uga-rhilmu i Aire ‘1>1i»7, sazim, Pjrbiiu, iClearcbw, of the wonderfull prodigies ofthe Northern fest, ofwhich Taeinu alibin his hiilory ofDn¢u lhcwes that in the German fea there wandred fouldiers by whom divers mi- raculous unheard of things were feen, 1/iz.. the force ofwhirl.. l ole, unheard of kinds of birds, fea rnonllerslikc men and Bogifb; and in his book of german he tells that the Hddufi. mu, and Mxivm, who had the l£ce of mon, but their other parts were equal] to bea[ls,did dwell there. Which without all doubt were the works of gholls and divels. Of theft' alfo C/au. diana: long time (inte lang, In tb' ern-ram hermit afFr.v1t£'1lreft if rr place, _ .Ef:ccf;:p.1H3d élj rbefm, Wim: in l.v.£¢ mee Fam:/Iaitb U ylfes Iuving rajled élaad, ./Ifmferpeaple did deja] , Where loud a, /Ind mormrfzx/I plaint: were lamrdofn-,vrdringjjairirr #With :lid tb: cawrrr] purple rrmrl: njifigbi. /Irghrle relates ofthe e/foliar: Ilands neer (mb, that in Lifw-.1 was a certain tombe, to which no man could go fafe by night, and that there were Cymbals and lhrill voytca with certain abfurd loud laughrers; alio tumults and empty founds the inhabitants did flrongly ave r; and that up- on a timeacertain yong man being drunk went thither, and about night fell alleep neer the cave ol the tombe. and was afterthe third day found by them that fought hirnyand was taken up for dead ; who being brought forth, the folemnities of the funerall being ready,l`uddainly arofe up, and told in order, tothe great admiration of all, many things which he had (een and fuffered, There is alfo in A'w¢-ggi.; acertain mountain moll drcadfullof all, cirrounded by the (ea, which commonly isealled Hnlzeléergim, rcprefenting l-lellfwhenfe there are heard great bewailings, howlings,and fcritthingsa mile round about, and over which great vultcrs and éioalt a
i Of o¢¢;i1iQ'>I»i1¢»;»1>y. i ii 'hloolcl ir. men-') Afrer che like example Q04 _#Gif ““¥h_°lf1¢fS» who plcafed him wcll,and fullfilling his wail were being rranllired ro Paeadifc referved for z kxngdome. Bur of :hole who could not fullhllrhe rule of iufliee, but had fome rehque ofwiclied. nefs in their Hefh, the bod yes indeed arercfolvedéhur Ioul~ar¢ kgpgin gndand pleafanr regions, rhzr inthe relurreciiou of the deuiwhen rhey [hall rccenle their bodics,hemg now purg. cdb rcfolurion, they may enioy an cternall inheritance fo; rhofgxhingswhich they have done well. lrerrrw allo in rlie cud of his bookwhiehhe wror againll the He reficsofrhc lfirlmrini- ,m;,fairhfWhereasrhe Lord wen: in rhe middle ,of che (hg- dow of dearh,wherc the fouls of the dead were, and afrerrolb again corporeallygand after refurreéhon was rakcn up,ir is ma- nifefl than the fouls ofhis difeiples( for whom he work ed did; rhings ) (hould go ro forne inviliblc placenippoynrcd by God, ond rhererarry untill rhe refurrcéhon, .1 rerwards receiving orheir bod es,and rihngagain perfcfilggi e. eorporcally, ard; .Lordarol,fo.fhallrhey come inro rlxc prcfence of God ;fn; cnodifciple is above his mailer; Bur every one (lull be perfefi ashis Mailer. Therefore even as our Malicr did no: prefenr- gyfiy and go away, burexpcelcd che :imc of his refurredion erermined by rhc farher, which is alfo manifefiedh I A Y °"~f'» after rhree daics aiding he is taken up ; So alfo oughr we to che :imc of our refurrrftion derermined by God foie- l ro ythe Prophers; and fo riling again we (hall he rxken np, as imanyias rhe Lord Hull arcouor worthy of :his honor ; Lafhmirrr Pimianur alfo agreerh eo rhis, in rhar bookof Divine infiirurionsyvhofc rirlc is of Divine reward ; Saying, dee no man think, rhar rhe fouls after deaeh are pre fenrly iudg- i ed ; for they are allderained in one common rullody, untill xhc rime eomerh iniwhirh rhe greae judge (hall examine de- ferrs; rhen rhey sehofe righreoufnelé (lull be approved,0uIl receive che rewardofjmmorral' b - _ iry : ut they lishofc fins and -wickednesare derefied, [hall nor rife again, bu: being defii. nared for e ` _ crram punifhment, fha! be (hu: up wich che wicked angels mro rhe lame darlrncs: of che lime opinion are Anpi,-re, and.dwl~ra,&, who fzyrh in his Bnchiridion, fIhe Lime which . ' ig
---wav' ` "' W '-1-°"i " ,» ;~;-queer.: ~~¢*"'~‘*‘ " " ` ‘ - _ ,_,_ ___., _ 7” gntii ‘¢FOt¢iiIte‘PbiI¢>pl,y_ e i is inrerpoleli bctwixr the death oi man and thelafk |»¢fm¢g;_~ on, eontsineth thejfopl in fecrctiteceptaeles; ;3¢v¢,y_°n¢_i, worthy ofrelb otfottowl acenrding t0 thzttshich it obtai.; ned whilfffr 'livcdin fhcHcG1§but‘Am5rqfeinhishookcQn§ ¢¢miUg"fl1C‘”bCI1€lll$ ofliezith, faithir Tilt writing ofifdnu ealleth thehahitatious ofthe fouls, fiore honfes; which hc mtking with the complaints ofm:m(hte:mfe thatthe Jnfkwhq hxvegoncihefote, may fecmpeven to the day;nFJu;lgcmen: wk.. for alon time, to be wonder!-iilly defrandedoftheir” 'full reeotnpcna of reward )dothliken the day offudgmmg to a garland ; for the day of reward is expefled ofall, that in the mean time 'both thct:onqnered_maybe1Ihamed, and ‘the conquetots may tittainthepulme of viéioty ; therefotc while thefulneslof times is expeficd ,the fouls cxpeft dngigdug 'rfcompenl`e; pnnllhmentwcmainiqg for fomepglnryfof gt. there; and in the fame place he calleth Hella; lar:e.whith,is ‘not feen,whieh the fouls goto being ftparztctrfmmthebg. dies; And in his fecond book of [kin and Abel, he faith, thc ~foul is lonledifrom the»body,=>:md after. the endlof this life, ,is 'even as'yet in ifufpence, lbeirig wlotibtlitll of thejudgemimt, gp ‘comeg 'I`o‘thef: allenteth ithio evangelical l`aying,,»cnn¢¢f.. -ning the lalt iudgment,ChriIl: faying in xmatluw, tiling] 132,/1 fu] to mn in that day, Lord, Lord. have :ve unprapbqiri in sh] <1i;1mc¢ ‘audin tb] name em/P om 'Dwilx ? .bind tbenl /6.13 cab- pp to them, :bar Incver I@nv~Zrédm»; by which [peech it fee- mcth to be clear, that even untill this day the were uncertain eoneeming their fentenec, and by the conficllence of miracles which they had performecl in thcinamc of Iefus, whilll the lived,to have bin in fome hope of {alvation;ThcreFore betaué the; iudgemunt of fouls is deferred untill‘the.l;tIl+day, many Theologiana think that fatisfa&ory~intexeeKions may help not only the juililied, but alfo the damned, before the appoyntcd lday ofeiudgmentf Sd Trajan the Emperor was delivityfd from Hell by Saint Grcgdrjy aud,»]uliih:d~to falxratiomlliongll Tome think thdrhc wainonfreed Fxomxhc guilt Qfpunilhmentyhnt the']uIlice`oF»puniIhmcnt»w:1s prorogttednntillitho dayiof itidgrnent ;~ But Thaw: Ageing: .f:iith'itfeemeth more pro- . Li 4 _ bablc t >-wfv.; » ;t . ‘ 1 i
_...v-»-v~»~ - - r,.-»-.- ,. vs. , ,~~;»;_ ,.<f_ ‘ ~,i ~ - V Book I I I.:° f Occult Q5/ailofapby. f iric, being asitwere allured by fornethin that hath an af.. l-rj:-nity with rhem;_thc means being known iy ghg which in times pall they were ioyned to their bodiegrhey mgy amy bg called forth :tllqred bythe like vapourgliquors and favours; certain artiheiall hghtsbeing alfo ulcd, longs, founds and l'i:ch~ like , which do move the imaginative andfpiiituall Harmony of the Iiiul »; alfo faered invocations, and fuchlilte, which be» long to Religiomoright notgco be neglected, by reafonof the portion of the rationall foul, which ia above nature = So the witch is faid to have called up Srmmfl, and the 7' beU`.¢li.m pro. glherclfe in Lucm; to have caufed a carealfe ro llandaiprighe ; ence we read in Poets, and thofe who relate thcfc things, that the fouls of the dead cannot be called u without blood and a carkaffe : but their lludowcs to be ealiliy allured by the fumigations of thefe things ; eggcs being alfo ufed , and milk, honey, oil, wine, water, liowre , asit were yeeldinga lit me- dicine for the fouls to reall ume their bodies, as you may fee in Hamer , where Circ: at large inftrufleth Ulyfn; yet they think, that thcfethings can be done in thofe places only where thefe kinds of fouls are known to be molt eonverfanr , either byreafon of fome aii'rnity; as their dead body alluring them, or by realon of fomé alfeflion imprinted in their life,drawing the foul ir fell' to rfertain laces , or b reafonof (ornehellilh 'nature of the place; anfrhercforc lie for the punilhing or purging of fouls: places of this kind are bell known by the meeting of noélurnall vilions and ineurlions, and fuch like Phantafmes; Some are fnfficicntly known bg' rhemfelves, as buriall places and places of execution , an where publikc llaughtcrs have latelybeen made, or where the`carka{l°es of the (lain , not as yet expizted , nor rightly buried, were l`om_e (ew yeers lince put into the ground; for expiarion and exot- cifarron of any place, and alfo the holy right of buriallibc- ing duely performed to the bodies , oftentimes prohibiteth the fouls rhemlelves to come up, and driveth them farther off theplaces of judgement; Hence Nnmmmgrhathitsname, becaqfe lr worlierh on-the bodies ol tlridegd, ,and giveth an- liirers by the gholis and apparirionsi ofithe dead,eand~ labret- _ -52 " 2,.1_ J; i' filly .» c- ' / -1 _ _ "1 "‘ /‘~ .s_‘
,,-,..-,_.- ‘f'~J\ #4959 e l Q 'OF0ccul}@Lil¢jEapLj1., i inbbklin ¢__...;--ru.- ranyjfplritslalluring them ii1tothe_carlt;lTes of thedeall. ny ecrtaimhellilb charms. and i°f¢f°=l invvcztiom , and by deadly facrificesk, and wi¢k¢d oblariw; fqcb we read in Leek: of.lEricb:£1ane the witch , who called up the dead, who forc» toldto Sexmr ‘Pump all the event of the Pho-[alien Wg; ; There were alfo in Pzlgalia a of vfreadia , certain nngi. ciu1s,prie{ls mol! skilful in fac rites,& raifers up ofthe foul; ofthe dead = and the holy fcriptures telliliehhnt a certain wo. min a witch called up Samueh foul r Even fo truely the foul; of the fziints do love their Bodies, and hear more readily there. where the pled es of their reliques are preferred; but there are two kings of Nectonuncy , the one called Nrqanuuzq, railing the carkallcs, which is not done without blood. The other .S`¢-femme), in which the calling up of the lhzdow only (uflieeth: to concludejt worketh allirs eiperi. ments by the carkafes ofthe llain , and theirbones and mem; bers, and what is from them, becaufc thereis in thefc thi sa f 'rituall power friendly tothem.Tbercfore they cahly alllxrg Se Rowing down of wicked ‘fpiritg being by reafon of the llmilimdc and ropriety very amiliar: by whom the Nga;- nwzcer itrenggiened by their help can do very murh inlhgp ximncand terrellriallthmgs, and kindle unlawfixll Iulls, e:u& dreams,difcafer,batred and fuch like pallions, to the which ilfo fghey an .confer the powers of thefe fouls, which as yet being .inizolvcd in amoift ‘and rurbide fpirit , and wandering 'Mug tbeircallbodies, can do the frm: things that the wiekedpqii- ~ rits commit;l`:cing therfore they experimentally find,ihat the .wicked and impure fouls violently plucked from their bodies, .andol men not excpiared , and wanting buriall, do (hy ghour the1rcareali:s,.ap are drawn to them by ;1f§qfty. ' the witches eafily abulé thempfo r the§clfc£hin§ qi their rfritchcrxftgalluring :Athefe nnhzippy fouls bythe: polirmn Ofetheir bvdy Or bythe -taking of ome pm tlfereoggnd compelling them by-their devillxlh chmnes, by entrcatmg tzem by the deformed car- knfcs difperfedthndugh the wide elds, and the wandering fh1a0WC$ of tbofe that tvantburialsgund bygtlwgholh lfept back from Arbrrm, and the guefls of hell, whom hntiimelg ca 1
fthat body crm he ivgkcned agginind live ; ind t¢hu§ uiziqyjixgi- »-' Book! II- QfQqcu!¢‘PbiIopply, t, death hath precipitated into Hell ; and hy the horrible delires of the damped, andfroud devils revengers of wiek¢dn¢f{'¢g, But he which woul rdtore the foiilstruely to their bodies, mu* 529 !SQ°¥? Wh" i§ thc proper naturc of the ron; from whence it went forth. with how niani and how gieift‘d`t-gt-2&} of perfeélion it is replenilhed. with what inrclligenlféil ig fl<=f1s¥11Fr3.¢d- bf wh# m¢§“Sdiif=sf¢d ww thc body, by what harmony it fhal becompadedwiihiti;' l1; iff-i'nt_ty`it hilh with God. with the intelligericeé, with ¢h¢1i¢=t¢¢;.s,t¢|¢ Enix gnd all other thing; whole image and refernhlanéeritjthjgiihf T° ¢°!=|“d¢ » by wh# inilmfsi the bodfrpiy bc kyiit age; ther ugairifor the railing qf the dead,réqgrteth al1'tli¢t" gIi‘fn"‘ which belong not to men hut to God <>n|y,"=ma‘ t6 ivhnirf lg willcommunicate thcm,as to Elijimi who tailed hp the fohbf thc Sbrrhamifc ; fo alfo Ala-{}t3 it reported to hue been by Hn-ruler , and to hsve lived lon after; (and ){pblla}£i1;§'Z;i~ anznfx rellored at deed maid to lifi. Andhcre is ¢¢‘ue‘ri<i<¢5i that fomctitges it htppeneth to men, that their vivil'ying'l§ll~t; is retntfled anthem , and they appear gs dead end withhgr fenfe, whcnv:uyettheint_ le§!t1;l namrcre;nz.inetl:t§ni5ed'to thr b°4v» and '.*13¥h<¢1?¢;~ imc fjQ@==f~,4vfi,xm11¢=l> fl¢ E1 "= hwy; l=iri»<>=»n> 4?°rl2°'e‘1¢f Qf_vrrifr»=m=ri1=¢~ _riff H Ifglf ihto it :t@;a.lly , but rernrineth retndgd ip the Mignvtvfthfthe intelleéfuil nature ; yetrit eeafeth qottp he; gnd #though thurnmhrzty truly be fgid tohedegdl 'iqaliituchis deithis; want of a vivifying fpirigyet is it notitrtily fepantcd iles; eat in thcfe ;' and of this kind mm haif¢ _v flen ghrouglyghe Gentileé and' Iéviki inforrner aévegin ;hf§n°§ml;¢= oi whichiis that which ‘Plan rccitéth in his tenth book R¢[}:rH.'gr/iz.. that one Pberqxu of Pmriphilia lay Ken amongll the fltin in battle , and after that he had been ‘twen “Wy qnd laid go the fire two d;ycs,he tcvnted tg_ld';,n;t;xy wonderfull tliingsyvlxieh he had (een in the time§?d§:}tl3 ; and concerning theft: thi_ngs_ we havefpolsen partlylr; the Grit hook . and fblllvfi fP=%*‘ nfF1f¥hC¥5‘“°°;"¢l}°!° “'¢;.‘1??4l,*i>¢??" ,off orides tihich come forth jn=;§q>rv;¢, ==;d,m 'thegigbny of dying men.” ' '° h ` ` KP: » , ' ~~~» § rt. _ V ' V .,.;, .r.,, 'r <-~.V_. 5, _,4_ ,;, `, ,»_-
4 L off><f1<z¢f1>/,¢10/OW. Book l ll CHAP. XLIII. of :ln pawn' of m.wf_,"s:1/, in rlw mind , re.v_f2n .md im.1q|`n.1- tion. Ang llml Cf`)Y1(l&2ll of 1 mind, rcalbn and imagnnaréon; :hc mmj illumunmtes rcafon _ rcafon llowcrh into thc imggmmhn: All 15 one foul. Reafon unlclé irbc ulluminarcd by rhc mznd, 15 not frvc from crrour : but rhf; mlnd giveth nut light mrcal`~»n_ unlcfs God Ulllghfnffl, viz.. fha- hrli lxghr; fur thc E{l`[|1gh'fl§ inGfd vcrv flrixcccdmg gli u~1¢ic;ll1ndiv‘; ~ whcrcfor~;l:c1nno:b: clllcd .ln lnrcllgglblm T ghr; lm: tin; whonit is infufcd inrorhr: mlnd, is mnlc l{l(Ll|CC{Ll.1l|` and Lan be undcrfiood f then when it is infullcd by xhf; mznd to the reafon, in is made rariomll. and cannon 0nlybCundCrll<1»<~d but alfo conlidtrcds thcn when ic is infmkd by thu rmlhn into :hc phancalic ofthe foul, iris fT.l`j¢l1<'lI m1l}'mgEr.1§lc, but :lib umlginmblc ; yu: it is nn: 12 xl: ¢.~::p»::.1l1 ; bun uhm from hrncc it gfmurh :nm nh'Cc1,%h,1Iz wlmlc ol ihc Lula lnlsmilm_|dccorp<>rm,:l’, j.le:r1~»c:1u:mf;llly lunnblg I ll ic hath pmibi |l1mth:4_l;:n‘:n:1llbody, uthxr limplu ard Ac- ri;|l_(.»L‘Lm1T»;~ ‘h" tidm thi' xxhlchthc light l9lY1.!dC mm~l'L;3 ly v»_ hblc no th: fn. ; Tlx; (Q»‘».rr'z¢xm l‘h;l;»luphcr< cu:;;1hl; p“r»grc!E'; ol ight, dullrl; 1CL'I(J n 1-w-mlcrrllli plmrr l_
:(,'1lI m ndwiz. that »|: may cum: to P1fl'I.‘,Il1.l{ vu: zmnd hglngfirmly hcl on God_may bc hllcd wmrh thc ~f~'1r:pm';r;1nJ [lung lb rcplcnillzcd muh light. ire buns L-:Ing dlf’r'11$l‘drl ¢»¢.4?x 1 l the m¢.ii,x, cvcn to:h;sgro1lE‘, dark, hu:xvy,m0rull l»~~l;, vc may cndowlc wnzhubundanfc of light, :md mlm li 1 k.; gh.; §(..1I§, and cqually lhéning, :md 1221> bv th: plnry Qt g 5 lv :ms ard hghrnclk lift iron high , as firm; Il: A ,lu by [hw- zlmw hr' mv. and can prcllntly carry :hc bhd; as J fprlr irlw mm 1; pun. m wg read of‘l/’;`.¢1;~|nnh;‘ ,\?lmv»ltl1C.~‘lp__ lllu. '~‘-lvl l»l1‘.1»"P§Zl1B I :1:;fff`}'» in )'P.':1.`.l, ‘.‘.`J< prL'h_‘r‘lt§‘ l°~1`1'J, ln .-1-;»r~ . lit N.: LX 6 H3111 L
}]'Y.l!1."f11,`1Il`l".1711`(l",- (Q) QIE1 1; 7 .1 ~ w;y~ l J f - ' ` gumb Lllrwcl. nh; .l,ur= bun; thc, nmprd blyh :mf Lu-pcrs
/"° Book I I I. Ol: Occult Tlailo/ojfly, kygpers and impriionment; as we read of 'Peter the Apofile and of Peter the laxqrcrii :He may the lcffc wonder at this, wh0l1:1tlICCn thofe famous melancholiclt men, who walk in their flecpts and paiie thfotigh places even unpafiible, and :if- cend even unacceliible places,and excrcife the worlts of thofc that are awake, which they thernfelvcs being awake could not do;<»f the whch things there is no other reafon in nature, than a ftrone and exalted imagination : but this power is in every manlék it is in the iiiul of man from the root ofhis Crea- tion ; but it is varied in diverie men, in iirength and we:iknt*fs, and is encrealird and diminiilrcd according to his txerciie and nie , bythe which itis drawn forth from power into aéi, which thing he that rightly knoweth, can afcend by his know- ledge, even untill his imaginative facility doth tranfcend and is jr);-nqd ivithtlie nniverlall power, which A/¢‘!ii»d:u,I»’.reon, and (jfilgrlfmu Pm-iy?e>i_/it do call the ienfe oi nature; Vir- gil, the lithtriall lenie , and Plato the fenfe oi the vehicle : and his imagination is made mol! llrong , when that Etheriall and Celeitiali power is poured out upon it, by whofe bright- neisit is comforted, untill it apprehend the fpecies, notions and knowledge of true things, fo that that which he thought in his mind , cometh to paile even ashe thought, and it ob- taineth fo great power, that itcanplungqjoyn and infinuate it felf into the minds of men, and make them certain of his thoughts , and of his will and deiirc , even thorow large and remote ipaees , as if they perceived :i prefent objeft by their fenies; anal it can inlittle time do many things , as if they were donewitiitiat time; yet their things are not granted to all, but to thof: whois imaginative and cogitativc power is moii (hong :intihnth arrived to the end of ipeculation ; and he is fitted to apprehend and manifcft all things, by the fplendour of the univeriall power, or intelligence and ipirittrall apprehenhon which is above him : and this is that nf¢¢{{`3fy power , which every one ought to follow and obey, who followcth the truth ; if therefore now_rlC power of thc imagination is fo great, that rt_ can mfi< nuate it felf unto whom it pleafeth, being neither hmdtcd nit;
" Cdfllccult (PbiI¢j5Pb)'° B°°k I I ' time or lace, and canfometimes draw ictggzmybggagfgnofwith it, sshither it imagrncrh and dreams “sh - Yhere is no doubt but that the power of thc: mind is cmrger if at any timeit (hall obtain its proper nature, and Eeing nd way oppreffed by the :llurernenrs of the fenfegfhall perfevere both ineormpted and like it felf ; but now for ex- am |¢ that the fouls abound mth fo plentrfull Light of tht: qgflllll Stars, and hence , a very great a bundance of light rgdoundeth into their bodies; fo [WWI face did lhrnc , that the children of Mar! could not behold him by tcaron of the bfightneli of his countenance; thus .fm-urn was transligurcd, mtveread, that in light he overcame the loeiferous wheels of §;1é§tir}§§9Zuro»y!rr being trans6gured,his body was takcnup. So i°lid/find .Emvebafcendcd to heaven in a certain Grry du. riot; T6 Paul was rapt up into the third heaven : So our bodies alter the judgement of the world,l}ull becalled Glorifiedgrnd in like manner be rapt up, and we may fay by this means, [ball lhineas the Sun and Moon ; which thing that it is poll Hble, and hath formerly been done , /Ieierlvran the M mote, and Awkrn the e/Irabrlw and Hippm-.uct of C`a.<n,and all the fehool of the (Midas: do acknowltdge and conti rm : More. over it is reported in Hillories , that /I/ra-.mdrr the great be- ing circumrentcd and in great danger in lf=a'i.r, did lo burn in rnind,thar he feemed to the Barlvarians to cell forth light ; the 'father' ofTImdf,~rie:a alfo is referred to have cali forth fparks of fire through his whole bo y; the fame thing a wife mm alfo delivered concerning himfclf , fo that fparklinf' Rimes did break forth here and there even with a noifk? ri_either is this power of the foul foundin men only, but lomef times evenin bealh, as in the horfe of Tibtrira , who fcemed to fend forth Games out of his mouth. But the mind is above fate in providence , therefore is not 'affeftcd either with the influences of the heavenly bodies . or the qualities of ng- tnrallrhmgs ; Religion therefore can only atc it; but the fenlirrvenels of the foul isin fate above naru h' h ` ` . » rc. tv re rs rn a cairrarn manner the knot of thebody and (oul,and under fate, th b - ' ‘ ' Orc c ody , thtreforertrschanged by the influences of ' the
_ d "~;f:,F:,q»w-I . _q-. -_-,_,,..A_-Y,-_ _~~- _<-_ Y.- Bookl Il. ~ Of Occult (P/Jilejzp/sgy. _ the heavenly bodies, and aH`c&ed by the qualities of nggumu and corporeall things : now I call the fenlitivencfs ofthe foul, that vivtfying and reélifying power of the body,the original ll of the fenfcgthe foul it felf doth manifclt in this body ig; f¢n(;_ tive powers :md pcrceiveth corporeall thingsby the body,and; local y movcthethc body , and govcrneth it in hi; place, andy nourilhcth it in lt body. In this fcnlitivenefs two mol! ptingi-. pal powers predominate; which ié called the Phantafy, or imaginative or cogitative faculty, of whofe powcrwc have already fpoken , where we have handled the pafiions of the foul: the other which iscalled the fenfe ol nature,of the which alfo we have fpokcn , where we made mention of witch-1 craft. Man therefore by the nature of his hody Lt under fate; the foul of man , by the fenhtivcncfs moveth ruture in Fate, but by the mind is above fatc,in the order of providence ; yet ycafon is free at its own choice ; therefore the foul bv reafon afccndeth into the mind , where it is replcnilhcd with divine light; fometimes it dcfcendeth into fcnhtivenefs and is af-t feélcd by theinllucnces of the heavenly bodies, and qualities ¢f natural] things , and is dillraéled y the paHionsand<thc aicouutring of fenlihle ohie&s :fomctimcs the foul retfolvcth irfelfc wholly into reafonftzarching out othetthxngsclther by difwurfc , or by contemplating it (elf : foritlspoflible, that that parrof the reafon , which the Pt7'ffd!!!f&`k!~C3ll[hC pof~ (ible Intclle& , may bc brought to this , that it may freely difcourfc and operate without converfion to his Phantafmes: for fo grcatit the command of this reafon , that as often as any thing inmtrcth either into the mind,ot into the fenhtnvc- n¢fs,ot into nature , or into the body, it cannot palle into the fonlynnlcfs reafon apply it fclf to it ; by this means the foul pcrceivethit fell' neither to fee, nor hear, not tcel, not that tt fulfcreth any things bythe cxtcrnztll fcnfcs, untill cogitzftlve reafon hrlt apprehend it ; but nt apprehcndethtt whcnvtt is at leafure, not when it carneiily gapcth after another thing, as we manifcllly fee by thefe who het d not tholetlut they m¢Cr. when they more fetioully thinkon (om: thing elfe. Know therefore that neither the fupernourtnllucnces, nor nawrall p v ' _ aifeélions
.4496 of Occult 'Pbilqoplm Book 1 If al¥e&ions,nor fcnfations, nor pailionseitherof the mind oe bod nor any fcnlible thing whatfoever, can work or (pe- we into the foulunlefs by the judgement of reafon tt elf. nt _ . -‘;f§ucf°,¢ by ig; 4&, not by any cxtrrnfceallvtolencc , can ` er :tffcéled or difturbed , which thing even in- iiatdggdglicggnrrrr have proved by their M.1rtyrdom= So ,,g,,,,/2,-fhw :t Philofopher of vfbdms , who . who by the gh; eommznd of 1’im~r¢me: 3 tyrant of CJFVIU s b¢Dg QQ into :concave [lone negleding the pains of his body , while hgwas pounded with iron pellils , is reported to have laid : Pound , pound the (hell of Amyftzrcluu , thou nothing hurtell: Annfmhxu himfelf : The tyrant commanded his tongur: to bc cut ol¥,but he with his own teeth did bite tt off. and did [pit it in the fm: of the Tyrant. Cl-IAP. XLIV. Of tb: degree: of/imlr, and rbrir dr/?mf?ian,cr Immornzlitj. THe minde, becaufe it _is from God for from the intelli- gible world is therefore immortal and eternal ; but rez- on is long- lived by the beneht of its celtlliztl ori mal from the Heaven ; but the fcnliwe becnufe it is from theiofome of the tmtter and dcpcndcth on fublnnary n:tture,is fubicfi to dcflruéiionnnd corruption : therefore the foul by its mind: is itnmortall, by its Rcafon long- livedin its crherial vehztle, but refolvable unlefs it be rellored in the circuit of its new bodyqthereforc it is not irnmort:tl,nn1e{s it bc united to an im- mortal mindzrhercfore the fenfititcnts of the foul or thc lc ali. tive or animal foul, becaufc it is produced out ofthe bofome of: corporcal matter, the body being relolved, peritlicth to- gether with it. or the fhzdow thereof remaineth not lung in the vnpours ofits tel'o1vedbody,p1rta.king nothing ofimmot- tality , unlcfs it be mlfo united to :t more fublimcd power; therefore the foul wltichisunited tothe tninde, is ctllcd the Soul Banding not falling ; but all msn obtain not this minds, . becaufc --*_ |
B°°1<UI~ ° 0f0ccult 6°/,Mp/y. V 7 ¢..1---1_-._ becaufe (as Hmm: iiith God would propound it as it wercaprize and reward of the fouls, which they that (hall Ufglcfi. bring without minde, fpotted with cotporeall fenfes, and made like to irrational eteatures,are allotted to the fame dcltruéiionwith them, as Ere-liyfiajlu faith : thereisthe fame deiirufiion ofman and bealls, and the condition of both is equall; as man dieth, fo alfo they dye, yea-thtyhave allone bfnlb. fo that man hath no prcheminence over a beifi: ; thus far hc. Hence many Theologians think, that the fohfs of men of this ltinde have no immortality after they have Ieii: their body, but an hope oF the rcfurreéiion only, whenallmen [hallbe reiiored. e/ftgiin relateth that this was the heretic ofthe Arabians, who atiitmed that the fouls perifhed toge- ther with their bodies; and in the day of ind gement did atife again with them; whofoevet therefore being upheld by the divine grate have obtained a mind, thefe according to the proportion of their works become immortal(as Hmm: faith ) having comprehended all things by their underftandingyvhich are in the earth, and in the l'ea,and in the Heavens, and if there be any thing befides thefe above heaven, fo that they behold even goodnefs it felff but they who have lived a middle' life, though they have not obtained the divine intelligence, but 2 certain rationall intelligenceof it ; thefemensfou s,when they flzalldcpatr from their bodies, pare bound over to certain fe- rret receptacles, where they are at`fe&ed with fenlitive powers, and are exercifrd in a certain kindofaf! ; and by imagination, and the itafcible 8: concupifcible vertues, do either extreamly rejoyce, or gteivoufly lament. Of which opinion Saint /!f$£n :tlfo was,in his book which he wrote ofthe fpitit and (oul;Thc wife mt;n'oF the l»:d£,w;,P¢»rji4fu,y£g] 8c C lmldrtvrr have delivered, that this foul fupervivrth much longer then itsbo> dy, yet that it is not made altogether immortal, ttnlefs by Tranfmigration. But our Thralrgnnr do philofophxzefaro- therwife concerning rhefe things,_ that although there be the fame common original! and beginning ofallfouls, yer they are difiinguifhed by the creator with divers degrees , not onlyaccidentall, but alfo inttitifecall, foundcdan their very Klt . eifence, _ . _ ’ 143, _i Y -js; ;,' »,; __ _ -_ 1, N., ,ew
p i oforfrarebmrpb,-. Book 1 r 1. ¢{fence,hy the which one foul differeth from another. by that which is proper to it felf; which opinion fain: Seam: allio holdeth,and the Pariiian Tl-ealqgimu have fodecrced in their articles; Hence the wi0: man faith, I was an rngennous thrld. and obtained a good foul, viz.. :x better then many others ; and according to this inequality of fouls, every one is capable in their degree, of their charge; which gift is freely given by God, as we read in the Gofpel , that hegave to one iive Talents, to another two, to another one, to everyone according to his venue. and the Apofile faith. hehath given, fome to e Apoliles, fome Prophets, fonze Evangeirh and Doéicrs, for the confumrnarion ol the Saints in the workof the Minrilry, for the building up ol the body of(hriii ; for there are ( faith Origm) certain inviiible petfcftiorrs, ro the width are committed rhofe things which are ditpenfcd here upon earth, inwhich there is no imallditfrrcncc. :ts alto is re- xauiredin the men ; whetelore fome one attaineth the highcft egree ofwrfdome and dignity; another little d rife reth from heaiisiéc feeding beaiisis made halfa beafhanother aboundeth in vertues and in e:t!rh;another hath even little or nothing# oftenermee that little which he hath is taken away from him, 8: glucn to htm that hath ; and this is the divine iuflice in the di- itrrburron ofgifts, that they may cortefporrd to the vcrtucs of every receiver o rsh If _ , t ~ om :t orcwards are givcnatcordrng, to their works: that what proportion there is, of giltsto gifts, and ofdeierrsro deferrs, there maybe the fame proportion of rewards to rewards ; to conclude, we mufi know this, that every noble foul hath a fourfold operation; Firii dirine. by the Image ofthe divine propriety ; the fecond intellcfiual. by formalttyof Participation with the intelligences th hi d . __ _ _ ; e t r ratronalhy the perfeéhon ofrts proper e|Tenrt:tl efierrte; the fourth :rnrmal . - ~ h f F , °‘_ “=f“1’3l» by communion with the body and Ir C mln errorthrngs; So that there ts no work in this whois ‘}°"“ '°§4m"=b1°»f° fffcllmfo t-¢¢>mr@»rtrrr,rrrra<rr the foul gh “F°_" ‘mg 3{r°U1Ied to his Image of divinity, which the _ 8""”}“2|| 41 ‘WL Banding and not f:tiIing,canrro: accom- Pmh bY"’.°""" P° ¢r without any cxternallhelp : There- fore
-u-,..Y..,-..._-.I uw. -¢.£_-??-sf.-V ...¢,T--,- -_ -7_?'_`; I 4 < ,. ,$ Book I II. ofofLf¢1¢f151§f1¢ya,}l,-. ii i gvrcdthc forau of all _Magical power is from the foul ofmsn an mg an norfallmg. . _ can. xtvg M Uffvvibfqing, msd Pbreufe. SOcthfayingis rhst which the priells or others were llriek- en wtthall, and dtfeerned the eaufes of thinggand foreEtw future things;uiz. when Oracles and Spirits defrend frorn the Gods or from Demons upon Lhem,:|nd are delivered by them; which defrendings the Plztronillseall the falling down offu- perior fouls on our fouls ; and Ulfcrmrius calls them the fen- fes of the Demons, and the fpirits ofDemons. Of which fore of Demons the Ancients culled Eur-idu, and Pjrbame, who, as the Ancients believed, were wont to enter into the bodies ofrnen. and make ufe ofthe voyces, and tongues for the pre- diélion of things to come; of which Pluureb alfo made men- tion in his dialogue of the caules ofdefe& ofOrzcles., But [item following the .$`roic.€;, atiirrns that the foreknowingol' fururethings belongs only tothe Gods; cmd Pulmrietho Allrologer l'airh,thar rhey only that are infiairedwith at diety foretell particular things. To thefe Pem- the Apollle con- fents, laying, Prophccying is normade :recording to the will olrnan, but holy men fpake as they were moved by the holy gholt. Nor that the forerellings of things to come are proper- ly the failings down ofthe Gods. Hainbniiirms, laying, /Im! rr!! rum: us tba# flying: tb# are coming, “Jive will te” tlxm' In-e.¢:¢ye are God: ; But rhefe kinds offallings down, or fcnfes, come not into our fouls when they are more at- ¢¢m|y huhed about any thing elle; but they pafsintothem, whenthey are vacant. Now there are threelrinds oftlnsyx- emcy, vie. phrenlie,exralie, and dreams, Qfthdl oftrluch intheirorder. V I ` Kkgt V CHAP. - 1 J- ` , L-, » Hi, ~,.`
[5 OO L_ of Occult 'PbiIqhpb)'- B°°k I H: C H A P. x L V 1- ofrbr M1 u~d»,'i/»f~v*P°”' ‘bf "”¢°’° l-lrenlie is an illuflrarion of the foul ¢omiD§_ ffm’ ‘hc PGod,_ of Demons. Whence this vcrfe of Oudi r Qui :lv in m, C ammrrru qfrbe throne bfqg J, r/,ur #viz-iff?-am abc vc came dew". ‘Plan defines this by alienation, and binding ; fm' 1” 35' Ilraéis from rhofe b which :he corporal fenlcs arc HIf¢d UF: and beingellrangcdy from an animal man, adheres wadzety from whom it receives thofe Lhings which ir anno: fearch in- to by ins own power; for when :he minde is free. 1124 -li ll' berry, thc reincs of xhe body being loofed, and going ronh 15 out ofa. clofe prifon,mnfeends :he bonds of 'rhc me inbea f»1UFi noihinghindnng ofir, being flirrcd up by in own rnflxgzu- ons, andinlli arcd byadivine |'pirir,con1prchends all things. and forerclls EIIUIC rhings.Now :here are tour kinds ofdavme phrcnhe proceeding from leveral diaries, viz.. from the -'7[-'¢~ _{P:,from Dimjfm, from ¢/fpv/Iv, and from Hume The hxfi phrenfie rheretore proceeding from :hc Mules, lhrs up and ftempcrs :he mind, :md mxkes in divine by drawing fugjenor things to inferior rhings by things natural. Now Mules are the foulsofrhe oelellial fghercs, according to which :here are rfound feveral degrees, y which chereis an arrrafhon of liz- gfriorl rhings to inferior. The inferior ofxhcfe rcffmhling _ ellbhear ofthe /t!ean,pofl'efl`eth rhofe things which arc from wegcrabl/:s,zsdplangs, fruits of trees, roars, and :hole rshzfh are from har erxnatrers. as Srones,Mceals, zhciralligariuns, rand fufpenlions. So it is fxid :hat :hc (lone .Sklmim i r r'X~/.mp _.Ym=¢, and zhellone ofthe Civer-ca: czuie dwmxron ~ alzo Pen-uns, and the Hezrb 7'¢!.¢k eaufc loothfahing, 3§’21J[h been above laid The fccond d f 5 _ ree rcl l' J!! fr , poffeffcxhehofe hi ' eg' 'cm mg U ‘V t ngs whmh arefrom animals, and which arc V _ comgronnded
Book I I I. i Qf`0ccul¢ nbfzwb,-.c C°mP°““Q“d °F the mlgllm of divers natural things tog¢~ *mf* °3,C"P‘= md Mem 5_"P0r? this account the heart of a M°I'» Fwy_°pffl1=l Cl! it whileftitiswarrmand panting, eonduceth,as it is l':}d,!0 the fotjctelling of future events. And K455*/50/51 _ln F119 Commentaries upon Let/iricratells,th1t there is an animal called)h' 1 ;1,d,,,,' having a_humm¢ (Mpc, in the midle ofwhofenuvel come; for-ih 1 {t¢ing,b which in is flflllcd t0 £116 ground |lkC a gourd, and as fatasthe length of that firing f“¢h°‘h, it dcvours and confumes all that is green about it. and dwziving the (ight, cannot be taken, unlelk that ltring be cut offllly t clitoke ofa dart, whichbeingcutoff, it prcfently dies. ow the bones of this animal being after :certain manner laid upon the month, prefenrly he whofe mouth they are laid on, is taken with a phrenlie,:tnd footh- faying. The third degree anfwers tothe lphear ofI"¢m:4;This poflclleth fubtile powders, vapours, and odours, and oyng. ments, fand fuffumigations, which are made ofthefe of which we have fpokc above.Thc fourth degree belongfto the f phear ofthe Sim; this Eolfelieth voyces, words,fingings,ond har- monicalfonnds, ythc fweec confonancy whereof it drives forth ofthe minde any ttcmblefomcnefs therein. and cheats ig op. Whcnce Hermes? l3':b¢_gam:, P/ara, advrfc us to com- pofe at difcontented min e,_and cheat rteup bylingmg :md harmony. So Timarherx is fund to havewrth loundsirirrcd up King Alexander to a phrenlic : fo the Prieit Cfnlame( Aura lim /lu uflm being witnefs ) wns uvont at 1115 P¢°‘(‘}‘° bi’ 3 certain lghrill harmony to call hxmtell forth outofhis body into 3 rapture, :md cxtafie ; ot thcle alfo_we f ken. The Brit degree is anfwerable to_ ‘.M4r.¢: ths_pol- fglcierh vehement imaginations, and afieéhons ofthe mxnde, conceits alfo, and motions thereof, of all which bcforf. [ixth degree anfwers to 7:1/:afar : this poffcflcth the di cour es of reafon, dclibcrauons, confuitauonsy, and moralpurgnti- ons: ofthefe weh1yeyfpolCr> #Q Rm “over atidfqnh" “S nun (Peak afcefmgfig; Itrpofieiieth 1llf0`3dmll'2(l0IlS» 3" vencrations, at the alionifhment *of wh€l1,lh° Pmmanfr “yd _reafon are fometnmcs fo tcii=;;$§;1¢;.4 lb" WY a‘dd‘¥“3;n';: . ~_¢ v‘L ill snr ¢~ ' ;’~;¢f
_e 501. ->.,_»~» - Tk Of 0ccrzltTl1il¢Jply. Book IIIQ pafs alltlzeir own aflions = whence then the mindcit felfbe- mg free, and expofed to 1 diety only, ‘Whether to any God, or Demon, doth receive fupemal, and divine tnflueneies, viz.. thofe concerning which it did deliberate before. So we read than the Sybils, and the Pritlks of ‘7’yl1i.r were wont to re- ceive oracles in the caves of Qnpirrr, and Apollo. The fcventh degree refembles Saturn : this polfelfeth the more fecrct‘ln- tclligencies, and quiet contemplations of the minde. Iczrll here, the contemplation, the free perfpicaciry of the minde, fufpended with admiration upon the beholding ofwil`dom.For that excogitation which is made by riddles,znd im:rges,is :t cer- tain kind of fpeeulation, or difcourfe belonging to rspirer, and not acontemplation. The eighth degree relcm les the Harry heaven 5 this oblerves the lituation, motion, nies, and light ofthe cclellial bodies : it polfeffeth alfo images, rings, and fuch like, which are made after the rule ofcelcllials, as we have above qnokcn. The ninth degree zmlivers to the primmn mo&i!¢,viz.- the ninth fphear, as the very univerfe : this pol1 felfeth things more formal, as Numbers, Figures, Char:r&erx, and obferves the ocrultinfiuencies ofthe intelligenees ofthe heaven, and other mylteries, which becaufe they bear the elii- gies of celellial dieties, :md invocated fpirits, ealily allure; them, and compelleth them being forced by acertaiu neeelii- ty of conformity to come to one, and detains them, that they (hall not calily go back, of which we read in the Otaeles in Pvrp%r- Ceafi mmf at length, #are wardr, to 11:55-uc rf/}, Dwiulve, and Inv: old _/Impex( J thee requgji } DUZ'ape the memberx, andthe zrindingjliret ‘Urxlao/E -_- ...__- And in an other place in the fame book. 7} garland: leap- tb: jhrt, thirly mm-r clam Let :Ima be ,rink/:d,¢nd the Lam-elgrem Be t4Q'n aj;-aw tb` lwrdr, mdcveg lift: /Ind C bar.z£‘¢r be Hattrd am ._-3 Of
Book I II. r of Occult Q’/:iM>}>lgy. Ofthefe we hzveifniiieiently treated already, and (lull afterwards treat further of them. ` CAAP. XLVII. Oftbefecand fiam Diouylitli. NO the fecond phtenlie proceeds f`rom‘2)ia»gj{n.t: this _ doth by expiations exterior, and interior, andby con- turations. by mylieriest by folemnities, rites, temples, and obfetvations divert the foul into thc mind, the fupteam part of it felt; and makes it :tiit and pure temple of the Gods, in which thedivine fpirits may dwell, which the foul then poll ftfiing as the affociate of life, is filled by them with felicity, wifdom. and or:ttles,;not in ftgns, and m:trks,or conieéiures, but in a certain eoneitation of the mind, and free motion: So Btrtrbm did foothfay to the Bzatizm, and Eyimmidu to the people of Cow, and the Sjbil Erirbm to the Tfdjdwa Sometimes this phrenlic happens through: clear viion, fotne- times by an expreh voyce : So .S'acr.¢m was governed by his Demon,whofe counfel he did diligently obcyjwhofe voytc he did often hear with his eats, to whom alfo thefhape ofa De- mon did often appear. Many ptophecying fpirits alfo were wont to fhew themfclves, and be aifoeiats with the fouls of them that were purified ;cx:tmples of which there are many in l'1ered,Writ, as in Abraham, and his bond .mid H.t_gar, in fa- ecb, gidzan, £1i.u,7'abi¢:, Daniel, and many more . ao Aden had familiarity with the Angel Raziel. Shan the fon of Ngttb with fapbicl ; Almibam withiZ.¢dl<jcl : Ifmc and Yarab with ‘7’cH¢! ; Idipb, Io/bun and Dmzirl with Gabriel; /liq/ex with Jlhmrrran; Elia with /llalbiel; Tobias the youger withlld- pbafl ; David with Cerniel ; /'llcnnaab with "I’b.u{¢el; [mes with Cm-:I ~ Badge! with Hufmazl; Efféw with 'Urirl ; Salomon with Miebzd. Sometimes the fpines hy vertne of the fouls enter into and feife upon orgarucal bodice, whether of brutes or menfand ufing the fouls thereofas thebzlis, utter r Kk 4. voyces i . . :w Q
t Wg 0 Of own fPi;z¢yz>pr,y. Book 1 1 1. voyoes through organical inliruments, as is manifefi in Baa. lamrdjix, and in Xml, on whom the fpirit ofthe Lord fell, and Prophecycd. Of thefc Apvda in his aniivers in Purphyy thus ; 4 Plzedmnfnlgar clmrmni didfram on /ugh Cm; jawn, .and rbrmgb pure air zz-.zrf/cnty can-yvgd; [Amt into'/vt!/I Wt” 1;/[fb faflvucrouf (arm: b, 4 ogre nrurai Through a mana! :bromi- CHAP. XLVIII. of :be tl:irdkjrxdvf;l1rv¢`r fiom Apoiio. NOW the third kind of phrcniic (Proceeds from A;aU», viz.. from the mind of thc worl . This doth by certain facrcdm Ile ° ' i' ' ’ ° ' y IlC$_,V0'»S, :cr|fices,ador:mongrnvocanons,8;egg- tain Iicred arts, or certain fccrec confe&ions,by which the (pi- rits of their God did infufe vcrtuc,m:kc :hc foul rife above the mind , by ioyningit with dietics , and Demons : fo we read concerning the Ephodnvhich being appiiedjhcy did preiently prophecie : fo we read in the books of thc Senars in the cha p. ters of Eleazar, chat Rnbéi Mar/ made certain cake ` _ s, writ upon withcernin divine and angehcall names, and fo confe- ar d hi h cr c ,iw c they that didearwirh faith, hope, and charirie, did prcfentiy break forth witha fpiric of prophecie. We read in the fame place that Rabbi fabemx the fon of 7¢¢-bnbed didaf- !¢t‘ 1111! manner enlighten acertain mdc counrryman, called Eleazar, being altogether illiterate, rh" being comprtfcd about wir.I1afudden brighrncB did uncxécéicdl ' rca ‘mf h y p c ur high my Rerics ofthe Law to aniafibmbly of wife men, char he d'd even °ii0n`fh Ii ha . ._ i a t c were nccr him. And ir is reported of acerrain man called Hz-rv%m an <£_g]pi.vr, than he was endowed with (uch a divine nature ,than ac the very iight ot images that hadany diety in thcm,hc was forthwiih ftirrcd _ _ up
‘ 'c ‘ '__'*,‘-,..."4.~¢.w¢a.-Q Book I I I. Of.0cculr Pbiloppbyt ' 5o5 up with a kind of rt divinc phrettlieq We read alfo in thc fcrip~ ture , that when Saul wgsamonglk the Prophets, -the fpirir ofthe Lord came upon him, :tndlhe p'rophetied,md whgn he went forth from the affcmhly of the Prophets, he eesfed to Frophelic ; the fame happened to thofe _officers which San! ent to catch Dm/id t who when they law the company of the Prophets, and Sanur! (landing in rh<;midfl_.of them, received the fpiritof the Lord on them. and rophelicd alfoQ So great is the :tbounding of divine light olgcntitnes in the prophets, taken with a divine phrenfic , that it alfo feifeth on them that are neer them, and makes them have the fame fpirit ofphren- Ge: lt is not therefore incredible,th:tt an ignorant man lliould prelently bc made wife, and again, thuztviifc min become ignortnt ; for there is a certain art( known but to few ) of inf forming,:tdorning,8r illulirsting a ure mind,fo that it lhould prcfently be recovered out of the cFttkneB of ignorance, and brought tothe light of wifdomz and on the contrary,ther¢ is a way by certain hid fecrcts,to make them that have uncleim, and uribelieving minds to become ignorant agtin , althou h for the prcfenr they are learned and wife. Mansrnindglég, efpecially that which is Gmplc. and purc,m:ty ( Apuleiw being tvitnefs ) by fume facrcd, and myfierious recregttion Z. aqdgpi- pe;tIing,bc fo brought inrottflccp, and alionieds, thgiitrpny for-get thingstprefent fo utterly,:rs to hebroughtittto its divine nature, and o be cnlightned with tltedivinc Iight , `and in. [pired with s divine phrenfic thatit may foretcll things to come , and tvithall receive the vertuc of fonte wonderfull cffecis. Whence lrmélirxu faith, when the prophets are in- fpircd with :r diety , they fear nothing, for theypgo through wgygs unpzlfablc , and are carried into the Ere vrttnout any hurt , and palfe over rivers. So we read of certain caves, as gf ¢/!paUa, Traplrsninr , the three footed ilools, densfonti- rains , lakes, and fuch like, that were contecrated to thc gods afggg mi; manner, or mldc by that mylictie, that from thcrtcc the prielis might draw the fpiri: oiptophecytng, asftrméltrnr in pa-Pgjrie : ihc 5_;6i/I ( Frith he ) tu Da/phi was tyont to re- ceive God after two wayes: either by a ftxhttll lblrtt, and fire, ; which
=,»u- " ' Book III. ofomizmiiofqarf. ages. Wouderfull alfo it that which Arijhrle relates ol' :1 eer- t;t1n fountain of the P¢zIJean.r of .Yirilia , to which they that did t:ke_an oath did go, and whatfoever they did aliirm upon oath writ it upon tablesnvhieh they :alt into Lhg f¢u,,,,;,,_ rf; thofe things were true,the tables would livim ;if falfe, (ink - $1151 ETC ¢°m’“8 f“dd¢°|Y f9rth burned him that was periured into afhes. There was alfo in the City Deja” an Oak, which :tlloon as any one entered in to receive an atihver, did forth-' with move. S194 mgke a_found ; there was alfo allatiie holding a w:tnd , which did ftnke a halon , whereby the bafon made anlwer by moderated lhokes. Wheueeit is read in the EpilHe~ of Ars/inn: to Pazflimu, -~ ' Anfverx didgim tb: Dodonem 6ra_/fr, li' IVirb moderatrdflrokgr ; fir docile fmu. C H A P. X Ll X. of tbefizrrrb kind: of Plzrezg/ielfrem Venus. Ow the fourth kind of Phrenfie proceeds from Wm; N and it doth by a fervent love convert, and tranfmuté the mind to God , and makesitaltogetherlike to God,as ie were the proper image of God; Whente Hmner faith, O Afélepim l Man is a great miracle, an animal to be honoured and adored;fot he paileth into the nature of God,whereby he becomes God :He knows the rife of Demons , and he knows himfclf to have his original! with them, def iling the part of his humane nature in himfelf, having a Eire confidence of the divinity of the other ; The foul therefore being con- vmgd, and made like to God , is fo formed of God, that it doth :tbove all intellefi, know all things by :1 certain elfentixl ¢Qntr:1& of Divinity z therefore Orgfexu deferibes love to be without eyes. beeaufe it isahove t intelleéh ‘Now then the foul being fo converted into God by love, and lizhlurizted :tbove the intellectual! (pear, doth beiide that it luthby its in- tcgrity obt;1in'd the fgirit olipropheeie, fometimes uiiork won er~
59.3 o'fof¢ziiba=1»;zWLy. Book ru. _-_,__-il wonderfull rhings,,4_and grearer chen ehe nacure of che wmld can do, which works are called miracles. For as che hcgvcn by ics image . lighc, and hear, doth thofe things, which ;h¢ force of che tirecannor do by ics naturalleqnaliry ( which in ¢Alcb]mie is moll known by experience) fo allo doch God by theimage and lightof himfelf do thofc things, which che world cannon do by ics innace vercnc. Now che image of God is man, ar lcall fnch :i man chat by a phrenlic from Venn; is made like co God,and lives by the mind only, and receives God inco himfelf. Ye: che foul of man according co che Helrrm Do&orsandCabalills is defined to be ch l' h » e lg c of God , and Created after che image of che word , che canle of ea l' h fi ll ` u es, c e r example,andthc fubllance of (,od,6gured by a (cal whole Chara&er is che eremall word. Which MUCHflfII Trifrmgxfnr conlidering,faich,char fuch a man is more excellent then :hey cha: are in heaven, or ac leall equall co chem. `cHAr>. 1. Of repmre, and rxmfé, and hsx!;fgin_g:,R'bi¢'b happen ra than sv/.atb are r.1h_e»z with thrffHin_g j?cl;_n$, crixvirla 4 /war/ne, or , ;taVx};em imxn »1g0l1i£. i _ - I I Rapcure is an abllraelion, and alienacion,and anilln- (lration of che foul proecedmg from God , by which God doch again rerraél che foul being fallen from above co hell, from hcllcoheaven. The caufe of chisis in us a conci-» nualleoncemplation of fublime chin s u.h`ch f _ _ A , i g , ` T 15 ll’ ISI! COIP ioyns with 3 moll profound incenlion of che mind_ch: foul cn‘ inc :ll 'T ' ' orpore wx doimdoch fo far recallnc Iclfmch ics vehement agicauons from chingsfenlible and che body , and (as ‘Pfaru fai:h}in liach a manner fomerimes, rhacic even llfezh out niche body , and leemczh as ic were dillolved : even as A.u»'é.'£;ek ¢/235113-1 rcporccrn concerning :A Priell of Ca.'.w:f.1 ; (of whom we have made mention before) he lay (fgirh he) mol! like un~ co . __<'
_ I . to of Occult Tbiltmpby. Book I I I. f q¢;....¢1-1-1 where , and faileth not any yhtrC » f°¥ 5? if ¢"€fY ivhercsind continually ; and (if.-:ro in his book of Ditnnation faith, nei. ther doth the foul of man at any time divine , whenit is fo loofed that it hath indeed little or nothing to do with the bo- dy ; whgn ;h¢¢¢f0r¢ir`lhall attain to that (late, which is the fupream degree of contemplative perfeélion , then it is rapt from all created fpcciet, and underiiandeth not by acquired' fpecies , but by the infpe&ion of the Idnu, and it knoweth all things by the light of the Idnu: of which light ‘Plan faith few men are pmalters in this life ;but in the hands of the gods , all : alfo they who are troubled with the lyncope and falling ficknelis, do in fomc manner imitate a rapture, and in thefe lickneifes fometimcs as in a rapture do bring forth prophcfie, in which kind of prophefyingwc read that Hermia and manydrabimir were very exccllcnmnd there atc certain kinds of foothllayings, which are :i middle betwixtthc confines ofnaturall predi&ions,and fupematurall 0racIes,~viz.f which declare thin sto come from fome excels of pailion, :is too much love, lémrrow, or amongit frequent lights , or in the agony of de.ath,as in .S`wi:u,of the mother of Acbillrr; -_---Nor /br xrirbaxr pxrmu dar ‘Undcr the _glagyhgrxg the can didfezr. For there is in our minds a certain perfpicuons power, andécapable of all things, bu: encumbrcd and hindred by the darknels of the body and mortality, but after death it having acquired immortality , and being freed from thc body it hath a Fulland perfeéi knowledge. Hence it cometh to pafs , that they who are nigh to death, and weakened b ,~ old age,h:we fomctimes lomewhatof an unacculiomedlight, be- caufe the foulbeing lefs hindred bythe fumes, undertiandeth ve:y acutely, and being now asit were alittle relaxed from its bands , is not altogether fubicfi to the body,and being an it were nigherto the place. to the whichitis about to go, it eafily perceiveth revelations, which being mixed with its agonici, are then offered to it ~ wherce /In-Ltr f ° bl , A I U Q ID 'S book ol the belief ofthe l'CE1l'¥C§l0D,fli{i'l,VhiCh being free ' in if
, -, J M -‘ A ». _ rm.- _ <...,_.- . _ . '_ _g _ -~ _ 3' _ , 4 Bookl II. i oforfiizmfloppby. in the aerial motion, knoweth not whither it goeth,and whence it cometh ; yet we know that it fuperviverh the body, and that it being freed, the chains of its fenfes being mil uf? freely difeerneth thofe things tvhichit faw not before,beiné in the body, which we may efiimate by the example ofthofg rvhofleep, whofe mind bein quiet, their bodiesbeingasig were buried, do elevate themalves to higher things, and do declare to the body the vifions of things abfent, yea even of crltliial things. _,_ i;._,,. ct-IAP. LJ, of 7’rapbr!ie.rl Drefum. N0tvI call that a dream, which proeeedeth either from the fpirit of the phantalie and intellefi united together, or by the illuilration ofthe Agent inrelleéi above ouriouls, or by the true revelation offome divine power in a quiet and purified mind;for by this out fiml receiveth true orae1es,and a- bundantlyyieldetb prophcfies to us: for in dreams we feem both to Ask qutRions,and learn to read and findthem ou¢;all`o many doubtful! things, many Policies. many things unknown, and untvifhed for, nor ever attempted by our minds,are mani- fefled to us in Dreams : alfo the repre entations of unknown places appear, and the Images of men both alive and dead, and of things to come are foretold ; and alfo things which at any times have happened, are revealed, which we knew not by any report; and thefe dreams need not any art of inter- pretation, as thofe of which we have ipoken in the iitil hook, which belong to divination,not fore-knowledge ; and it com- meth to pat? that they who fee theft: dreams, for themoil: part onderliand them not ; for ( as vllwdalu the Arabian hirh ) asto fee dreams, is from theikrength of imagination, fo to nnderiizzmd them, is from the iirength ofunderltanding ; whofeiritelleéi thereforqbeing overwhelmed by,the too moth commerce ofthe ileih, is in a dead ileep, or.its imaginative ot A . , phantailick »~ _ .<,
ll a Of Occult Tbilfjoplyn B00l< 1 II . phatztaliick fpirit is too dull and unpolifhcdahat it cannot re- ¢¢ivethe fpecies and reprefentatrons which l`lo_w from the fu. perior intelltflz, and retain them when rcccrved, this mm is altogether unfit for the foothfayingby dreams. Therefore itis neoelfary, that he who would receive true dreamslhould keep a pure, undillurbed, and an undrfquieted imaginative rfpirir, and fo compofe it, that it may be made worthy of the knowledge and government by the mind andunderfian. ding: for fuch afpirit ismoll lit for prophchiing, and ( KS Sirnjiru faith) is a mofi clear glali of all the Images which flow werywhere from all things : when therefore we are found in body, not diilurbed in mind, not dulled by meat or drink no; fad through poverty, nor provoked by any vice of luli oc wrath, but challly going to ed, fall aflcep. then our pure and divine foul being loofed from all hurtfull thoughts, and now freed by dreaming, is endowed with this divine fpirit as an inlirumenr, and doth receive thofc beams and rcprcltn. tations, which are darted down, and lhine forth lromthe divine mindc into it felf; and as it were in a deifyin glals, it doth far more certainly, clearly, and ctiicztioufly Eehold all thinvs, then by the Vulgar enquiry of the intellcéi, and by the dilisoutfe ofrreafon; the divine power inllruéiing thc foul, being invited to their Giciety by theoportunity ofthe nofhrrnal lolitarincihneithcr further will that deity be wanting to him when he is awakednvhich ruleth all hi.sa5tons : whofo- everthercfore doth, by quiet and tcligiousrneditation, and by a diet temperate and moderated according to nature, pre- ferve his fpirit pure, doth very rnurh prepare himfelfl that by this means he may become divine, and knowing all things; but whofoever, on the contrary, doth languifh with a phantallick fpirit, teeeiveth not perfpicuous and diliinéi vilions, but even as the divine (ight, byreafon of its weaknefs, _Iudgeth confu- lkdly :md indJlin&ly ; andalfo when we are overcome with wine and dfunkcnrxe ,then our fpirit being opptelfed with noxious vapours ( asa troubled water is wont tozppeat in divers forms) is deceit-ed,& wzxeth dull ; for which caule1L~::= péiarnr the frcphct ( as vac read in Tbilqirrzrnr) corntnandé A e uh.
*°~'~ '~¢~¢ -».~¢¢. ..~.-I,-.a»~ _,_.,.....,,_.. Book I II. Of Occult Tliilrjiply. ed thofe, who wouldteccive Oracles, to abfkain one`wh0|¢ day from meat, and three d1_ys_from wine that the Ioul could not rightly pro hefie nnie s it were free from wine, and meat; for to foger andgreligious minds, attending on the divine worfhip, the Gods are wont to give Oracles ; whgmg Grpbrfu cryeth our, --Thou irir rw' I: Daj? go to A511 tbitjlegmpqrsgtq, And :bum in irc with knowledge drlar Codr, e/fnd malgcjilqlzrm /2ntl1ji¢]-- Hence it was acuiiomc arnongit the ancients, that the who (hould receive Anfwers, certain facred expiations andyfacri- ficcs being Exit celebrated, and divine worihip ended, did rtligiouily ly down Leven in a eonfecrated chamber,or at leait on the skins ofthe faciifices ; of which Ceremony Vr_giIn1akes mention in thcfe verfea, --"Hence iyfwgbt ` Anfnvrr: to dv rx; when gifi: tb: pri;/I: bdiraugbt, c Herr be rfpakd on :Qin cfflugbtrzd/bee), Andundcrjilznr niglirprrpuru tojlcrp. 1 Andaiittle after he (ingcth, _ q 25 -»--- Bl!! nm Her: Kiny Latinos Oracle: to lqsaw, The] did Is' hundred chojce jbrepfacrijire, #nd on their algina, ¢uzdjPre»zdin_gj1e:c¢: Ut:--° i °And the rulers ofthe Lmdfmaninm ( as Cicm faith ) were wont to lyc down in the Temple at P.¢{7pb.¢:, that they miglie tircam.Thc famewas done in thc Temp e of <£_Hm!4;£w,from vvhom true dreams were thought to be fentforzh. And the nfaériam conliilting Padzyriu: the (on ofuffculayiia, did~ C , n , Vilecp, neer his Sepnlchre in lambesskins; for fodoing they 'Were told in their dreamswhatfocvcr they defted-to know ; ' ii vificnthe fen- f§o§§<;moB1!¥fual1 time for dreanifis the nag r, ' r Lin,
we 514 :lik Of Occult Tbilijbplgy. Book I II. , . fes are freed from wandnng 0b1¢&3» and meridian erronrs, and vain exffefiions; neither doth fear (hike theminde, ng; the thoughts tremble, and the minde being moi! <iuiec,do;h Iiedtafilyndhere eo cheDeiry;for there =re.(=s Kali i-fabmm in his book ofSen.1tonrs faith )fourkinds of true dreams, the firfi Mstutine, which is made betwixt Heep and awskigg , the fccond, which one fccthconccrninganother: the third, whofe interpretation is Ilicwen to thefzme dreamer in the nodurnall viiion : the fourth, which is rerpeated to the famg dre:imer,according to that which f¢pb :ith to Pbmub, Bu; rhzt thou hafi feen the dream belonging to the fame thing the fccond time, it isafign of confirmation; but thatdrcam is moik (ure, whichis concerning thofe things which one did meditate on, and revolve in his minde,when he goeth tohed, zsitiswritteu, 'I'houO King didfi think upon thybcd, what fhould heoome ofthefethings; hot iris Ueocflnry. thrthg whichinterpreteth other mens dreamsnhzth the knowledge hy the which he can difiinguifh and difcern the fmilitudes of allthingi, and know the cuflnmesofall nations, according to thelaws which they have received from God :md his hn- cls; farther this muh: be known, that there is rfizaroe any dream without fome vanity, as no grain ofeornwithouthis ehalfe, which thing even the drelmof fojipb thc‘P»¢rri.zrc£i mmnifcileth; which his father ?J:c6 interpreted , iiying ; what menneth this dream, that thou hail fcen I what Gull I, and thy mother,and thy brethren fall down and worfhip thee P which e&'e& concerning his mother, who fhortlyiafter died, followed not. Alfo Raééi ?vbman in the foretited hook, faith rhefe things ; and alfo Rnébf Levi afiirmcth, that no prophecies! dream can bee kept bod; from his effeéiiongcr than twenty tweoyezrs; fo ?¢pb dreamed in the feventeenth year of his nge, which ~ was aceornplifhed in the thirty ninth year of his age ; therefore whofoever would receive divine dreams. let him be well dilisofed in body, his Briin free from mpoursgnd his mind from perrntbationgandlet him that day abil-:rin from fupper, neither let him drinlg thzt whichwil} inebriate, let him haves deaniand_négt‘ehamU§r§'ilfo as; r < " Ci!! 4' V Y
~< /"' 1 F 4 E Book I I I. Of Uccult Tbiljlp/gy. ' - . " cized and confecrated: in the which,a perfume being m:idc,hi; temples anoynted, things cauling dreams being put on his fingers, and the reprelentation ofthe heavens being pu( under his he:id,and paper being confecr:1ted,his prayersbeingfaid let him go to bed, earnefily meditating or that thing he delireth to know ; So he [hall fee moli: true and certain dreams with the true illumination of his intclleéi : whofoever therefore H1211 know t0 ioyn together thofe things which here and ,there we have delivered concerning this matter in thefe books, he (hall ealily obtain the gift of oracles and dreams. g CHAP. LII. _ 0fLotr rum' mfzrlg po]]`e¢Uin_g rhe/ifreporrrr of0racle:. THere are alfo certain Lots having a divine power of Oracles, aud. as it were Indexes of divine judgement, being beforefought for by earnefl prayer,and fometirnes com~ mended by God himfclf to bcdone, :isis read inLe1/iriew: concerning a goat to be offered to the Lord. and of the fcapc goat ;:md in the book ofNuml1m ofthe rods ofthe Tribes of Jfme/.Now both /`l{¢: and lo/bm: did by Lorain the prcfcnce ol the Lord divide the lands, and inheritances to thestribes of Mae! according to the command of God. The Apolilesof Chrili, pmye ts going before, did by lot choofe Mfmlmu into - the place of Yudu thctraitor. ?w.u the Prophet when hc flying from the prefence of God did fail to Tlmr/in, a datnge.. rous liorrn being rail`ed,was by lot found out bythe Mariners to be the caufc ofthe danger, and being cnft into the lea,th¢» tempefi feafed Cejrtr repo tts of M. Va/:rim Procilbu, bell! ing taken by his enemies, concerning whom it was confultedf» h ther be llrould he prcfently burnt, or rcfecvcd to another w e time, that by lothe :Iiaped fzife. Thercwasformcrly atL’.frr;r, : ' [ii db kxchcfk * 9. Town of,an oracle of Hercule: con _ture y ~ bord, where he that went to confult of any tbinggzfwrhc had 1 prayed,e;rli four dice, the caglof which ti¢ PIQPW °hff”"'13§i-
- -- -_,-- .-- 1 of Occult ’Pbil¢>pb)'. Book I I L did find written in the theiihoard what fhould come to pafp, Now all fuch dine were made ofthebones of fzctifices. Now this you muiilkuow, thu the Ancients were not wont upon every flight eaufe to caik lots, but either upon neceiiity, 0f fgr fome advantagious end, and that not but with great devotion, reverence, expiarions, falling, purity , prayers, invocations, vowes, iitcrifiees, confecrutions, :md fnchlike facred myllcriea ofreligion. For thefe facred ordinances were wont to ob¢. fore our works, cfpcciall to procure the divine good will, and pleafure, and the§re¥ence of the divine fpitits, by whole difpenfxtion the lot eing dire&ed, we may receive a trug judgement ofthe things (ought for. Every one therefore tin; works by lots, mul! o about it with a mind well diqmtbd, not troubled, nor disraéled, and witha itrong defire, 5m deliberation, and coniinnt intention of knowingthattvhith [hall be defired. Moreover he mufkabeiuf qualified with purity, chaliity, and holinefé towards_Go . an the eelcfiials, withan iinidoii ted hope: firm faith, and facrcd orations. invoqrg them, that he may bernade worthy of' receiving the divine f '. rits, and knowin the divine pleafurc; for if thou flult ilu qualified, they wg! dikover to thee rnofi great fecrets by rer- tue of lots. and thou ihalt become :t true Prophet, andable to fpeak truth conoeruingthings paii, prefent,and to come, ofwhich thou [halt be demanded. Now what we have fpoken here conceming lots, is alto to be obferved in the auguries of all difeernings,-uiznwhen with fe.1r,yet with a firm ex echtion we prefix to our fouls for the fake of propliecying Ezine cer- tain works, or require a fign, as Bla/kr Atv-irb.~rm,r country. rrun,& Gideon judge in [F-ar! are read to have done.There was oncetat ‘Pharisia City of Acbzzlz in the rnidleof the market a ftatue ofdllrrcrrry, where he that went to receive any omen, didfrankincenfe being f`urned,:md candles being lighted,whith were fer beforeit, andthat country coin being offered onthe right hand of the fhtue, whifper* into the right ear ofthe: fhtuc whatfoever he would demand , and prefcntly his cats being flopped with both his hands, did rnakehaflznvay from the market place ,which when he was pali, did ptefentg, s
~ ~<;. 1 ~<- Y , Book I I I. ofo¢¢.¢1¢Q>11i1¢»plgy. ~ _ his ears being opened, obferve the firlt voice he did bear from any man for a certain Oracle given to him. Although tbere~ fore thefe kinds of lots fecm to the ignorant to be cafuall, or fortnitous , and to have nothing of reafon in them , yu gh” are difpofed by God , and the higher venues by certain rea- (ons, neither they do fall belide the intention of him that moderates them. Was not the lot 'in drooling Saul to bg Kingof gi-acl, thought to fall upon him cafually, and fm-gn. itoufly P et he was before appointed by the Lord to bc King, and annointed by the Prophet Samuel. And God that :ip- ppintcd him King.difpofcd of the Lot that it lhonld fall upon `m. And thus much of thefe. t _ C H A P. L I I I. Haw be that will reefivr Or-axle: muff digsap bin;/if p ,VHofoher therefore being deiirous to come to the Supreztn (tate of the foul, oeth to receive oracles, muff go to them being chafily and Ecvoutly dilpofed , being pure and clean io to them, fo that his foul be pollutedwirh nohlthinelk, an frccfrom all guilt. I-le multalfo fo purifie his mind and body as muehas he may from all difeafes, and paflions , and allirrationallconditions, which adhere to it as ruli to iron, by rightly compohng and difpoling thofe things which belong to the tranquillity of the mind ; for by this means he [hall rtceive the truer and more efficacious Oracles. Now by what things the mind is purged , and reduced into a divine puritv , we mail leam by leligion , and wifdom. For neither wifdom without Religion ,l nor Religion without wifdom isto be approved off. For wifdom ( as faith Sofmm) is the tree of life to them that lay hold on it. And Lumziur faith tlutit is the intention of God,or the breathxngsAofGod» where he (ings. _ Us i Md*
'Of 0cctilt_ ‘PI1iI¢%>pby. Book I I I. Afqlflnnzvzr Mcmmius !xL»£¢ :bn Gad 19 bf, The prince of IM, who rr.-thu, n-kick ci? are C21/I wM!om,_FrfZfo:.wd aut. and nba @ art The fif`¢fff61D rranélex, n'.zrI;1:¢_,»'rt apart e/25:51 Fad, andrxnxa /i_gbt,an:!pr.1ce r:a’nc’d. He alfo undctihndeth that to he a divine illuiiratinnf tvlienf/~-,wmefrfuthinltfth thacthctc are no men wife but thgy tm; arei nick with omc divine hrenlie :tswas Mm that (1rctcnh:m;whom they report Eumed :ill things of pm, whence hc had frequent convcrfc with God in th¢ mount ld.: : fo alfo the Athenian; report that Afelajifgm .£l::.g’inn: was taught by the Nymphs; fo alfo we read, time H¢`ad when he wins a bhcpixigd in Bruin , and kept his flock nee: the mountain Hriicmf, dfome pens given him by the Jlgqqf, ighzch hm;r_inrg5ec¢;ived,h; pregently léccaltnc adPo¢t, w ic to :come o o :un was oto man, ut a ivine infpiration ;for God convtzfing himfeif into holy {oxi:ls,m:kcs inch Prophets ,i and workers of miracles, being pot;-qfull in work and fpcceh, :|s‘P1nro :md Aim-m-ixu aiiirm, and alfa éyléa thed7’{:lmgorém,gying:{h1t fuch :t mannis the temple of o , an t :ttGo is is gn :ro whom: ents our Punl, cailinf, tnan the temple of God; and in another place (peak. mgo himfeIf,Ic:m do all things in him that Iirengtheneth me; for ht' is our power, without which ( as he faith ) we can do nothing; which alfo Ari/Earle confeifeth in his /‘Umm :md Exbirlq, faying , that there is no venue whether natu- rall or morail but_byGod; and in his fceretshe faiththata good and found |ntelle& can do nochingin the fccrcts of niitiirewithotictheinhuence of divine vertue.Now we receive thismflucnce then oniy, when wcdo acquit our (elves from bnrdenfome impediments, :md from carnall and Terran: °ff“P=rf°=7=, and from all external] agitation; neither can a hlear or impurccye behold things coo light, ngighgg can 11; receive mivzne things who is ignorant of thc purilyin of his mind. how we muli come to this purity of mindby igmcs, _ ’ neither
, _ " I ,~.,,,-~, *_ B9Qi$_U I' l` QW!!! Tbflfffgf - i ' 515; neither can any'one'Lhlt'isinitiared newly unto thofe myfiig; ries prefently comprehend allcle!er<things,buthis mind mulibe acumliomedby degrees, nntillizlie intellefi becomes more en. lightened,:tnd applying it felftp divine light be mixed widfir; A humane foullthcreforekvlien it`{liill`be»iightly puigedymd expia_ted,doth then, being loofcd from allirnpy.1rity,break forth with aliberall ihoiion, `a.ndgaI`cends upwards, receives divine thin s ,' iniirn&sit`tElf. whenhappily it leems to be inliruéled fiom elfswhere ; neither doth it then need qny rc- membrancg, ordemqnliration by rcafon of the induliryhf it felt] asbyits mind}vh,ich` is the head and the pilot of the fonl , itidothgmif.:itin;é6y'irs own nature theamgels, attain to what itidelires, noe cy lizccemon or ii;ne,bixE inamoménr. For ‘Dm/ir! when he ha not lcar‘ning,was of a Shepherd made aProphet , and moli expert of divine things. Salqnm in the dream of one night , was filled with the knowledge of all 'things above :ind below. So J/iriab; iliaelqel. DmrirI,and thc other Propbetyqipd Apoliles were taught. For the foul ( ivhich is thelktominoh opinion of ehe Pjxhagarianx, and PIa:ouU}:)¢einb?wvay ol`purifi¢ation, ithou: any other Rudy, orfearching on by anealie; and adventitious collsting on rthefe intelligiblis received from above; ac _ire 'thc perfe& knowledge of' ill thingklinbwable, 'It f1U1§§bY1ll cxtrinfe- callexpiarion detain to this , :sito underiidnd all things In- vilibly by its fnblhntiall form. For the mind is purged, and cxpiuted by cleanling , by ziblkinencc , by penitcncy , by almcs : and then alfo do thereunto conduce certain facrediu- Iiitutions :is‘_fhdll`aftcx ard be difpovercd. Forsthe foil is tdbeerircd b the Rudy of Religions, and indeed thefe which are commonly called occulr, ihst being reiiored to its found# nelsQ confirmed by truth , and fortified by divine gneespiay not fear any riling fhaklngs. ' ‘ ' , ` , =, _,, ,. fi -,t , _ , . 4 A . .EL4 .f NCHAP
,,_,_. ;;» i ff’ ov” “I Ji. y M fi ~ rf _,v _ 519 0f0CC!ll£ Book I II. _ C H A P. L V. 4 , L/ of elrmxmgfr, nd bm to 6: odfrrved. `_r V E mu!! therefore firfi obfcrve cleanneh in food ,in V works,in aifeéiions, and to put away all Glthinefx, gnd get-tntbations of the mind.:tnd whatfoever fenfe orfpitie that offends, and whatfoever things are in mind unlike tothe heavens , not only if they be in mind and fpirit , but alfo if they bein the bo y , or about the body : for fuch an extetrull cleannefs is beleeved not to help :x little to the purity ofthe mind. For this canfe the Pyba orian Philofophers bein taken with the dclire of Oraclcs, divine praifes being celcirtted, did walhthemfelves inativee as in a bgth, 8: did t on white xayment and linen ;- for they did account tvoom prophzne clothing beingthe cxctemenrs of bemih, and they did inhabit in a pure chamber , and altogether unfputted. In like min- ner the Bm mzmsi the wife men of the Indian: were wontto wafh themfglves naked in a fountain, which is called Dim in Bmigtheir heads being (itil :tnnointed with amber drops, and odours fit for that purpofe ; then after they were accord- ing to mllome furhciently clean, they were to go forth about 'noon ,clothed in white linen , with a white attire having rings on their fingers andyihves in their hands. In like inm- ner amongh the qymna/apkqlr it was acuilorn to waih them- fclves thrice in aday, and twice in the night in cold w:tter,be- efotethey entred into the holy places. They did alfo efct diy nfe' linen garments eve? day newly waibed. We read Jfo of the tnanner of this ltin ,of wtfhing in Hejiad in his books oi wotlts and dzycs, where he Gn,°§, N one dare Mrk bard: unwaprd unrzza-ve Win paw fhrrh , nvrrmro the gud: we ; Far :ben they cdarrfnfifcr ta 6: beard, - Tbangb bring pmjd ;tg¢¢.i.:_-3 Iférv ' A
' ) -f‘» - V ' ' "';.1i.1»s ver- . Book rr r. ofo¢¢ur¢Q°bzl0p»p1,Q. i i c Andelfwhcre _ V When wicked men :lie river: do pay? éf With baud: rrnwa/led , then are tbcgnir angry Will: themfxnd them a_§li&....- Hence in Viv-_gil,i-ineasf thus fpeaks to his fachec, 0 Farber, mkerbe hafijholdgadr, and hold' i Them in rig facred bend: ; to be# bald Ar tlremra handle after f5 great fight: I dare natti/I that Wa_(Z1’div/irearm mqll hriglzt. » I Ic was alfo aeculfome aniongfk che Gentiles , when thefy were wont to perform any holy fervices co the gqds,co clean e their bodies by walhing ; and when they were to contend wich theinfernall gods, fprinkling only did fufhcc. Hence in ¥’irgi!,Dido,;.vhcn (hc did perform any olcmnicics to thc gods, sith, C4sjl>th.zt 1731/;_p¢7‘ ¢_-/mx (mj maj? maj? dear : ) Game, amlmj buf; Wajé with water clear. ~ V And in another place whcrciéQ£nw is lironghcin :irnongli the infcmals bringing a bongb co ‘Pra_Rrpi:x4,l1c iingchns, The psfage dath Eneas 13:p,¢u1Jm1]5 Hz? bad] rvitbfrejb mater-~ Alle when he relates of ./#Mum co bc buricd,h¢~@gS» Higfbinrdx be thrice did wall: nzftlnrater 110% And zriib an Olive branch, Wert in tbedew, _ Heli!! clam! Qffifffdf --"‘ . b _' d thus clean becomes cclciiinll , and {P;t§$:;n;?1d;ufi§c¢?dafd:r che Gghc of and union with God, whileli lie ininilicrs co God wich a clean l}0dY » “Pd P‘:i;° mind, ond delights in the cleanntfi of in ¢h*”S5» a* lnwxinf ' . I ,_,,- ,¥ -. -e e......~.
,,,",,,_,_-- -vs ~ . Z1 ` . 7.l¢»-as-l**' v » , - ,eofo¢m1¢@b;1¢»pty. Bookttr. ° oufes utenfils , oblations, gifts, and (teri- 2‘c‘;'§a$;c:{;l:1nefsdf all which even ptxrifics the air, and attragls the tnoft pure influence of cclefliallvztnd divine things, and allutes theyurc mioillecs of _God, Spd good Dcmvm : although fometxm¢SimP‘"° fP'"“' ‘md 'H °’P°“” “S ‘hc :Pu of [hc ood D¢mons,take upon them this kind of clean- neis, that eiier they may he adored, or mty deceive : there- fore (hit of all we mail obferve thztthe mind be pure, and ,lm hw; pnre,andthen theitnpurepowers cannot afcend. CHAP. LV. 45 ' mfg, fffiingx cbajfiq /Blitzrintf, tl-c tr.z::gr:?l- Ofrijfgapcnxtj' the n;im!. ’ Bllincncealfo doth commonly fortihe. and defend the Aohfemn thereof againll vices , and evil Demons, and mzltes the mindannnpolluted tem le of God , unitingit to God. For nothing doth more conduuce to health. and tetnpg. tance of the complexion, then not to heap together fupgf. iluitits, and not toetceedthe bounds ofncceifary food. Nei. ther is nutriment to he taken thntis too [kong for nature, but rather let nature be flronger then the meat,:ts fume athtm of Chtilhthzt he took ment in that ropottoin thatitfhouid not breed any excrexncot ofthe thirdlconcofiiomhimy others alfo t:tking_me:tfp:tringly. enjoyed thereby health and agi. lityofbody, as Jlfapr, and Elan, who fmfied fortie daycs: whence his face fhined, :tnd he lifted up, could ealily guide his body asil it were a fpirit. For Magicians and Phil I' _ . o o pliers :Hitm that our Qriritis not :ts :t terrene thing , or body nourifhed b ' ` ` _ _g xmtttment received through certain organs by the concoéhon of meat, and dtink,,hut draws in their alimcnz like Qaonges through the wholeliody, -vie.. from the thin in. pours penetrating the body on :tll Gdes. Therefore they that dcftre to have this fpirit pure and potent, let th u!’¢ d -gg meats, andextcnutte this gro& body with f.1Ilin;; and t ty 'IZ make: »
4 Y `," Book I II." Of Occult ‘P/Jiltyéplgyg ' ,e _ _ makeit ealily penetrable , and leall: b the wei i the fpirit Ihould either become rhick,orybe fuffocaggld, preferve the body dean by lotions, friflions, exercifesi rind) clothing; ,and corroborate their fpirits by lights, :md fnmes, and bringit to 2 pure and thinfinefs. We mul! therefore in taking of meats be pure, :md nbliinent, as the Yyxba oriarz Philofophets, who keeping :tholy and fober table; did pm. ora& their life in alltemperanee. The temperanée therefore* of life and compl¢!i0n , becaufe thereby no fupetfiuonezhu. mour is bred , which mayg dull the phtntalie, FDIKQS; our foul oftentimes dreaming, and fomerjmeg tvatehingjg alwjygg fubieéied to the fuperionr inHi1enccs.Morcover the Pjrlmgri, nm, if any one doth by abliinenec moderate prudently cvery_ motion of the mind , and body, promife perpetual! health of both, and long life. So the Bm mi did admitnone to their colledge, but thofe that were zivlliinent from wine, from Refh, and vices, frying that none could ttuderlhnd God, but they thzt emulate him by a divine converfmtion = which alfo » Pbr.1n!:.rin‘Pl1iIqIrarex taught the lower Indians. Moreover we mul! abliain from all thofe things which infcficicherthe mind, or i`pirit,:ts from covetoufnelk, and entry,whieh are hand- mzids to iniuliieefas Hmm: l':ith)cnforeitig the mind and the V hand to evil praélices ; alfo from idlenefs, ond luxury; for the fuulhei fuifoetted with the body ,und lull; cannot forefee e my ¢¢1§{?i;l thing. Wherefore the prielis of the e/ftlmxianr who are called in Greek Hi:raph.c:t.¢ (as Himmz reports ) that; they might live more chtlily in 'their facrcd employmcnv, and might follow their divine affairs without luii , were wont ¢0¢;[1m¢ themfelves by drinking of hemlock. Moreover the duiiiry of :t mind devoted to God doth make our mind (AS ' ., fs nu in thch mneof all the ods) rt cry Alfo vieymuli :tbliain frgm allmgki-» £158 and “fiery oifcnfes,aife&ions,imagin:ttions,0pin1ons,and (nth like pgffions, which hurt chrmind und pervert the Judge- ment of reafon , as we mamfeligy fee in the;laf`cty10u's . _che etiivious and :tmbiIi0US» ‘Vh¢f¢ °f° C“"f° ( ‘° h33T"~{&"°""” i - ’ g' sthetiekneffes of the mind and qnc(1tons)calsthcfe1?a ion, _ _ s thai > ‘-.-A S?-3 3 ¢_,;:..L.l~:iA.;.-.a.... ~¢"f. '» ;» r.
24 - i- W 'vw-ff _ e of omni fpbzziyopliy. i Book 1 t 1. nie pelliferous difeafes thereofl But Hmmealls them fnriet or nudnefs, where he (ings, Girlz: law: 4 rbonfendfnrirr, fo have éqer) 111; fame alfo feems to be of opinion that all men are fools in f°m¢¢1ing. Whence it is read in Ecclqiujiiau, there are aninfinite number of fools. Therefore the Sraick; deny that ,mom are incident to a wife man ;I~&y fnch pallions, which Follow the feniitive app;-¢henIion : for rational, and mental p;_{Iions,tl1ey ycld a wi man may have. This opinion did Bn. rim feetn to be oi; where he (in that fome pailions are to be laid aHde in the inqnilition oamth, in thefe verfes, ~ U muh :ban Ycmlljl dzjio-ver with clrrrjigbr, And #41511 the riglat path, tl-rnfifma the; yt? a In , mr, ` ,la :tx tH; vrwberet e emi , i fL,f»f~i,‘§”'a,'f/Jfnifnif.~. g" a We muff therefore acquit and avert our minds from all multitudes, and fuch like pailions, that we may attain to the limple tmth; which indeed many Philofopherr are laid to have attained to in the folitude ofa long time. Por the mind by folitnde being loofed from all are of humane affairs isa: leihxfefarid prepared to receive the gifts of the eeleliialdie- ties. So L}l{g@_g the latwgiver to the l-lebrews,and the great ell of prophets, and learned in all the knowledge ofthe (`.¢,Id;. mu and ¢/igpzil-mr, when he would ablkrad himlelf from fenies, went into the vall wilderntffes of {?t§gpir, where all humaneifiaircs being laid aI`xde,he appliedhh mind to the (ole contemplation of divine things, in which :lung he fo pleafcd the omnipotent God, that he fulfered him to ice him face to face, an alfo gavehima wondrous power of miracles, asfa. cred writ tellilies of htm. $oZvro¢:jin the father and prince of the Magiciam, is (aid to attain to the knowledge of all na- tntall and divine thingsbythefolitude oftwenty’years,when he wror, and did very ltrange thing: concerning all [he are of - divining
ldoiok iI'I`I. bf g ii divining, and foothfa ing. Thg Iikg tm” da th: ti -n of Orplmu to Ulfrrjgrrr declare him to live d°n¢in“;h2¢§: ferts of7'£rmeLi. ‘So we read that E;qimm?He.r~ofCr¢t¢_,>bt¢:1ufe k3f"¢d bl' 9 VU? |°P§ f|¢¢P."for'they Tay that heileptliftyi years,i. e. to have ayhi fo long; Pyrbagefaralfo in like man. ner to have laycn had ten years, and Hggffffgj, and 1),,,,,¢,;. mr for the fame caulc were delighted with"l'olitarinel§. For by how much thevmore wehzvethe anirnérl' and the humane life, bg fo muehthe more welive like angelr, ~andfGod, tc' which eing eonjoyned, and brought intoahetter condition; we have power over all things, ruling over all. Now how our mind is to be feparated from an animal life, and from all multitude, and to be ere&ed, untillrit afcend to that very one,. good, true, and perfeft, through each degree of things know- able, and knowlcdges, Prorlru teachethin his Commentaries uémon Aleilwirzdzr, lhewing how that firll fenhble things are to efhunned, that we may pals to an incorporeal elfencc, where we mulk exceed the order of foulsyet multiplied by divers rules, habitudes, and various proportions; many bonds, andamanifold variety of forces, and to llrivezftcr an intel-4 le&, and intelligible kingdoms, and to couicrri 'laie‘ifrik§‘ fat better thefearethen fouls. Moreover e`mulE'Eeaf€niri?' telle&ual multitude, although united ‘and individuall, and come to the fuperintelleélual and cliential unity, abfolute from all multitude, and the veryfountiirwfggood, and truth. Inlikc manner we mull avoid alllrnowledge that dothang waies dillrafi, and deceive, that we ma! obtain the mo (imple truth. The multitude therefore o af¥e&ions, fenfes, imaginations, and opinions is to be left, which init feliisas different, as fomc things are contrary to othersin any fnbjc&~ 5 and we muii afcend to lcientes, in which although therebert variousmultitudc, yet there is no contrariety. For all arcknitj one tothe other, and do lerve one the other,under onetime other, untill they come to one, prelnppofed by all, andfup- poling none beyond it; towhieh all~there(lrnnfl»be referf red : yet that is not the highell tdp ofknowledgesrl but a- _ bore itis a pure intellcét. Therefore all couipoliuon, dmfiona an r { , -r 52 /' *_ , H". i1: i
2% o' "AC5f,Q¢r}¢{c_@5lW0P'iI= Bfiéikz Il i : ' ‘ - “ di ggudg 1,59 hidalidc. lczumfccndin no :he ?§i iif£, dm! Giulia iight. bcholdrhc iurclligble ef. (inc: withiudiiliffuil :md Gmflc prrccpiir :lux wc may :train wghq hjghclk lacing of sh: oul,by whrfh Wrlrc one, and nhaaiglvéi our mulrirudc is united. }'hcr¢forc_lc|: os ;;;;in~ to thang unity. fx-gm whom rhcrc xsaumonm allzhings, ghwugb that one which is :uzhc flown: ofour cifcncc : winch than an lcngzh wc main ro, when avogding all mnkjgqqg ,_;,¢ dq uifc loco ou: veg' l1Dl¥Y»,31'¢°U NM, and :El aru- fqnggly. » ll I ; . ' CHAR. Lvl. ‘_ ; l l0_fFmita:f],¢:r.:lz!1mu. ,_ fa,” 1 .0l‘~ll!fl€.gf¢=f¢f§ P151 ofinurgzxionsisavolunmry pcni,-» ggnq fqr;;u'l;;» fop(a;.qf;1gb_.$' TL):/?e)hc whom i.f8l’;S!f¢§&1’?~¢§Qtl1¥h offcmicdnsln alrxanpcr innorcnt. This 5}u}g;;¢u;¢¢ grggggll cxpiuion, vchalcll nr oppofcth :zfi`iE&~ ;0 dglighxsgnj purgcnh our of the foul ,1 [lup|d.joyfu!r:cI§, and gms alccmip peculiar Qowcr. rcdurmgcsro :hc zhings qbovc. _Pcnircucy chcrcforc uno: only a morriéczrion of vi- ¢¢;,_bu|; a fpirizual Mmyrdomz: ofzhg foul; whizh wixh thc i§v _go gfthg fpiriris on all Gdcs mortihcd; Now rn: fworci ofiglpfpixiz -is gh: word of God ; whcncc j’¢rmi.1b thx: Propfcti1§th,andalfo7°4n! wrixin tozhcf I _ , g ; srfmu. C ur- ia be :ka Wig;-kaldrzb luifzrsrdfrrm 6/ocd;and the Plolmifi D s _ A _ _ . _ . . _ , fn-or lu lnlxknr hp. Hxemforc our cognmons, z§§&j_gx;zshgtQu,ur mind, and .lllcvlls duzprocccd fiom our 1133 ,A _ {1§QB§h, homered mth: pxicft in confrilion, gba: ¢ g;a&i,gc;q;gling unch: word of God Sud c zhofc things ; an agrqiding toxhc power zgrzum-d no him gy God, pcmrcmy being ioyncd yi¢.hxc, may puriE¢:, 6; pu: czhcm, Sa Qiqgd :hem roghzgwflirh ifgoeémcizhcris zlzcrcfgzund in rs- |‘&l?fl f°l’ Kilt wpiilivg hzinuusluffcuccs :xilrongeézcrum cnc. Htgcg <hcGods_lh:mIEi'¢&~(0b11£_iz1` Pram: being wiuxcs 2 Da ` _ ,
Bbok I I v _`¢l';;UcL*14ft@/2i!M2}iQ)*.'_ “ ‘ DaJtmfqwr6eZlsI::Jj'rej?o?éYtbc3gl1rx ¢:;;~ uf . ,e _A _ l. _ Q Wbifb wrfrmrg 'r;in>ay.1~ ~1vI>¢»kb.ur=¢f:u11f;=ig1,¢, g , *_ T/:gfP:r:]¢fnfi3rg‘¢ftE¢‘irfiu:-» ` “ _ ` 1 , f, 4 _ Tl1CIC is asyet imoeher Sacramentqofqpisprion, viz. Almffg funn ,of whiclxlas=I remember Lhxl/ef read reply liulcirgilbi-1 cfopiers, burthevery xrurl1ft:xlxgl1t11k¢hat,'=f1ying; Givelye almes, and all things (hallbe clean :k>yon;1and°.in¢.Eeli‘i2rf1¢ rm iris read; as wacercxri 'Gc;h5r§»fO451§l§$ d_or_ lm; and Daniel :aught the King o£gl»i£_}[w, thiit li¢` fg'glcl_'r§¢€cm his (in by almes ; and the Ang] e1C1fF:4;{l,'(elllf1egl§i¢b>*I?:6`{4r; becaufe alms frccsfrom degzh, and is that wl1fc‘l`i‘bdl' ‘exif ms, and m1kekiiEnd`efeYnallifc; He:i@€!1d$li:om1ilzn¢fed usro pray to the Father, Forgive as we forgive or.hcrs,glvr:lus~1sAvg giveco others ; of which Hefaid in anortrerplaceyyeflhnll rtceivcean hundred Fold,and (lull poffcfscternml life; Helhixll when he coxnes tdiudge ' the quick and rliedeadg upbraigtthn wicked abqveall things* for :heir qcglcaof sinus; and works 0f(I1£¥C$'; £'EC1l he fiiillfiy, Iwzs hungry. and :hirllynrx §'e "ave me neitherimeag, ~nor-<lr_£qk»;§gndVin_anod1¢nP!$¢Q_, ue tfpeaks ofthe pony; Ywtueyehavc done to myontmfgbgm ye hzvcldonero me; Which~Hmgq~ alfa Icruutobmfccjilglg 6£ wn£fin¢ biings ina yang* d1§!f1{l.’(f0ll'ig'>¢l@2¥5¢9.5|iq¢§U&1g thelbiifordé; Lffninn how plau(iblKh:fEekoxi‘{lazn~z!poo:ll3Q£ l ar I he (hall delhoy thee nf God c »in_heavr:nan.fQl KM* QQ axemfclves bein likened to Hrarégcrsf and guclls. g0 OU! QQYQ tlicmhulexvorlé, Q@CHllfUlUg ities, andebeho1d1Dg1=tbQP!l' hw, '=nd_wi=k¢an¢n`¢aem¢n. ~ - e -l » e 5 l »¢ l ,~ l b CHAP.LVII.» . lp gf gbjé tEin_Q1'xvMcb king outzvxrdly eadngiml/fred Exfnitioxx. Y ', ` 'A " ` b 'I' ls believed, and in is delivened bynhexntharglrc skilful V lin tiered things, sham .che mini nlfo may beicxpmed wxgl; _ .1 e ' CCIIZIII ,....»-¢` _ 2
lil Of Occult Pbi!¢pby. Book I I I. - ;n[}jwt;°n, gnd heeameneefminillred onewardly , as °mf;m~5 h -mine” andadfuragiqns, benediéiions, con- by C51 m'|"%Pn1¢1i ofholywater? by anoyjntlngh md gumgencug enlsgt £r;nuChn§;nf¢¢r;eed to this, ashagxni a nieurall » e ' in h account fulplmnr at apacc Ykflgciotgsuédlwitgpgrlsddmons with :he fume ehereof. An eg egalfo was wont to be ufed in Purgations ; hence eggs arc aged hoIy,wheacc avid. . l Ln :Et old Wanna come, audfujge the 6:-in 4|-;Jg74::, a1:a'hfin_g]i¢lfb'.lre¢x:: egg: _/Ferre! '_ [gba frepgbling b4#:l-- ' Prabhu alfa writea.that the priefts in purifying: were won: eofuk fnlphnr , and bitumen, or the walhing of (ea ware: : Forifulphur pnrilies bythe (harpnefs of its odour . and &:a imxer b realhn of..its Sexy pm; In like manner the heaxb Ci ' u¢f¥>i!.= ifahetefore byarcafonnf its purity the amen: Idid ul`e<ie in pueificaeions, alfa the boughs of Oliyes. Fortbefelare faid robe of fo great purity . tha: :hey report thatian olive tree planted by an harlot is thereby for ever made unfruitful|,or elle Withers. In like mmnet, frankincenfe, i1iyrrl;e,vervaiia;l vilerian , and the bearb called Phu eondnec. to eYpiztion.}l(o the blelfed Clove flower; and the gall of :z blackdog being-fumed is laid to be very powerfull in well foe expiating of ill (pints , as any bewirchings: alfo :bc feathers of a lapwing being fumed, _drives away °7’l:.mta/bzer. Ieiswonderfullgaan fmeexredible, but that than rave and worthy Auxhor Yifepbxa fC|1lCSll inlgishifloxy of Ygerufdrm, of }J0_0! of Ba4r.u,fo called from a place neer Aféclfrruu ag Town of`}uL1'E3}beirig of a {cllow c6lour,tlr:irin the nigh: ie -did thine, andwasbatd eo_ euken. that ie did ofeeneimes deceive :he bands of :herb that wen: to take ir, and go our of their lighnneverfloqd Kill. till theurine of a menlhous wg. man was fprinkled on it. Neitheryer being thus rczalncdgsie pulled up withou: danger,bur fuddain death falsu on him that drawes in up,un1efs he were fortified with an amultee of the [aid root; whieh they that wangfacribcing about the emi; do bind “ ` i the
;_-__ _ T_e,__ Book I I I. Of Occult '1>biI¢5pl=y. theroottoadog hyacord, and tefentl de ut, a[lC|1 the dog with a great deal of paingdrawcgupgme toot, ang; it were Gipplying the place of his mallerprefently dies, after which any one may handle the root without danger; the power of which is much exeellentin expiations. as is manifefi for the delivery of tho& that are vexed with unclean fpirits; now that thefe kind of waters fhould a& upon lpirituall (ub- ftanceshy putting them to Eight , or by alluring them, or mitigating chem, or by inciting them, they are of no other opinion then that the fire of Sicilm :t&s upon fouls : which ( Widinna of ‘P.a-nk being witnek ) not hurting the bodies, doth mol! intolerztbly torment the fouls of them that are neer. But ol thofetn part we have treated before. CHAP. LVIII. of /ldanttiorzr, mad vawer. Dorations, and vowes, facrifiees, and oblations are cer- tain degrees in Gtcrcd to things find out God, and thofe things which principally provoke the divine plcafnre, and procure afacrcd an iudilfolvible communion of God with fouls; for b prayers which we utter with true and iaered words, fenlibly, and affe€iionately,wc obtain a great power, when by the application of them to any diety we do fo fat move it, that he may dire& his fpeech and anlwcr by at divine my , by which ( as fxith €Di<m]f/rr) God Qleaks with men, but fo ooeultly that very few perceive ir. But often, times that King and Prophet Dfwid perceives it , when he faith, lwill hear what the Lord will fpcak in me. Adoration therefore being a long time continued, and often frequented, perfefis therintcllcft, and mrkes the foul more large forthe receiving of divinelights, inlitmiug divine love, producing fiith, hope , and facred manners, purilieth the foul from all contrariety, :tndwlut is :tnyaway advetfe to it, and doth alfo rcpelldivers egrils, which would otherwilb naturally fall out. Hence Oda’ inns, ` _, ¢ b M U1 ---HY!/; 2 i 4_l_.._.._
Of0cc1¢lt Tlnilefzply. Book I I 1- __...- Iffxbprrgrrx 11301/.tl 1:5 70" 5 _,:~ 1 Qfrcuximrx b»we,’Em zrixnfrcmr »'5¢}‘f `-~ - °' Q _He \‘c:rI.l,Gr:d.1’rm.l{n.f2 liglimir: 'r:,Lvw= rs Er i . _ l.» __ ¢/fpfrnfd !7iI])_Ff.l#lQ!I£`(‘F1J‘f _--_- .Now man is resumed eo God by prayers, by which earning hg ( faith ‘Pima in Pbriihzu ) flops horfcs , :md enters l¥!¥0>ih¢ dmmben of rep»:>i'e,whcr: he feeds upon 1!m!:rg,6¢,and drinks Nffbzr. Therefore :hey :hat delire to enjoy any venue, muff pay, and fupplicazc ofrcnro him who hzzh all venue in him' Q[fN0w [h,1[ ig (hs bgll p1;|,ycr,\ hich is G02 uttered 10 'f'¢0'5»'5U bu: that which wiih a Religious lilcncc and iineexe cogiration is of¥ercd ioGod, and :hu which wixh the voice of :hc mind and words of nh: inrcllcéluull offered zo him. Now 2 vo-.vis an ardent nf¥e&ion of :chalk mind given up no God.. which by vowing wifhezh that which (erm: good. This 25¢&1' on(:1.s ?.w:blifm,ax~.d Trulia Icliific) doth fo ioyn the foul t0 God,th; the operation of the mind and of God is one ;vi:.. of God as an mihccx , of :he mind as :i divine inlirumenc = all an ' nity zcllifies :har by vowcs fomeximes miracles are done,ui?i|ea{es are cured, rempefls aredivezrcd, iandlizch lik:- Hencc we read nba: :he mol`t excellenmnd wile in all nations, tht Bragmaaxmi of thc fxiianx :he Mlgidlni of tht PrrjI.xr:.r, :hc Gjmnqfapqix of :hc Q/fgpximxnthe divmes of the Gxceks, and Caldrdm wh?ch did cxcell in divine ferrets, did agéply zhemfelvcs no divine 'ov.vcs,and praycrsgnd :hereby did c sé many wonderfull zhings.Now zo the perfcéiion of :». vow, md adomionffor a vow cannot be perfcéi sviihouz an :idomion . nor an :idomion wimhoxzz :x vow ) there axcxwo things czbsci- ally r:qnircd,':iz.. Hill the knowledge ofthe thing co be ado:- ed,mi co which we .mall '0\',I.lUd in wha.: nnnncnand ordc r, and by what Mediums it mul! be Worfhi cd - f th pp , or ere axe vanouiicooprmorsand mllxumenrs of God_oi=. The heavens, 5 5 _ Q . , _ . - mr ,J miofiriog fpxms,ehccclcl`li:ll fouls,1nd l-l¢:roes,wl'neh We muli implorc as poncrs,in:erprexcrs,,adminillmzors, mc- d'1=0rS.b=§: mil of all hsmnwho gocih zo :hc Arch ' c God _ *il P .who only is :he uxmollz :crm of adoration ; ithroihcrs diccic; 3.!C-- .- I `,,_ v lv'f" -.».»...
~r Bookl rr. ofo¢f,,1¢r>Lf1¢4>1,y. '_ are as it were palfages to that very God. Know therefore tha t adorations and vowes mul! with a pure and Eious mind be principally made to that one only God, the ughefi father, Kingand Lords of all the god. But when they [hall come be- fore to the inieriour gods, let the intention of the admini. [tration be terminated in them ; therefore to adoration: , and vowes, when they be dirc&cd to the inferiour dieties , Zn. mafia and Qrpfmu thought fitting that fuifurnigations and charaeiicrs ihould be ufed ; But when they are erefted to "the rnaieiiy of the fupream God, they mu not in any wife ; which alfo Hn-mn, and ‘Plan forbid to bc done. Whence Hermes t0‘I1zriw ; This( faithhe) is like to facriledge when thou prayeii to God to be willing to kindle frankineenfe, and fuch like; For (faith ‘Porplgrie ) they are not agreeable to pietyfor there is not any material] thing can be found,which to t e immatcriall God isrtot unclean. Therefore neithetis that prayer whichis uttered by words agreeable ro him, nor that prayer which is mentall, if the mind be polluted with vice; Secondly there is allo required a certain aliirnilation of our life to the divine life. in purity , chaftity and holinefé, with a lawful! deiire of that which we wilh for; for by this means we cfpecially obtain the divine ber:cvolence,and are fnbjeficd to the divine bounty ; for unleIl`e we. having our minds purréed , be worthy to be heard; and alfo thok things which we elite, be worthy to be done, it is maniftli that the gods will not hearken to our prayers; whence divine Plato faithnhat God cannot be bound by our prayer; or giiis to do uniuil things; therefore let us deiirc nothing of God.whieh we thinkuncomely to wilh for: for by this means only,wc fee that very many are ftulirated of their prayers and vo es,bg. caufe that neither they themfelves are Religiouily difpokd, nor are their deiircs and prayers made for rhofe thing; which are well pleaiing to God , neither do they know to difcern in what order they ought to pray , and through what mtdiatours they ought to go to God ; the ignorance of which doth very oft reduce our prayers and (applications to nothing, and caufeth our deiires and wifhes to be denied. , i e hi m 1 C Fl A P. R..a;_.,,e
. _v,_'A' . _ , _ _ ,, ofofmlr Tliiwpby, ' i Bioolgi 'I I If _ iii-1 A f g_ ~. y cr~1A1>.'Lfx‘ 5' _ Offzcrgim anda5lmiaru,¢md¢l;eirlgndramimnnnerf. r Sacrilice is an oblztion which is both holy by offqing and faneiiiieth and maketh Holy the offerer, unlgfl; gither lrrevcrcncc or fome other fin be an impediment to him; therefore tltefe facrifices and oblations do yeld ugmugh hope, and make ns of the family of God, and do repel from us many evils hanging over our heads, which the do&ors of the Hebrews d_o efpccially confirm, frying by this that wc kill our living creatures, and diflipatcour wealth by facrifiee, we turn aw: mifrhiefcs which do hang over us : for as this mor. tall priellvfnctiliceth in this inlcrior world the foul of im. tional creatures to God, by thefeparating ofthe body from the foul : fostjlliclrul the Archangel the priefi ofthe higher world, facriliceth the fouls of men, and this by the feparation of the foul from the body, and not of the body from the foul, unle£s perchance, as it happencth in fury, Rapture,Ext;tfi¢ and Heep, and fueh like vacations of the foul, which the I-le. brews call the death ofthe body. But fatrilices 8coblarions are Hrlb of all and principally to be oliercd up to the 'moll high God;hutwhen they are to be directed to the fecondary divine powers, this ought to he done even as we have fpoken con. ccrning prayers and vows : but there are many kinds_oi'&- crifices : one kind is ealleda burnt offering, when the thing fzcriiiced was confumcd by fire; another, is an offering for the effulion ofblood ; moreover there are lirlutiferous lierifi- ces which are rnggie forthe obtaininlg olhtalth, others pati- f ing for obtaining peaee,oLbers prni mg l or the freeing from ibm: evill, and for the bcliowing of fome good thing; others Gratulatory, for divine worlbip and thznkfgivin g but fomc faerilices are made neither lor the honor of Gai norout of good will, of which fort was tlxdt amonglbthe Hcbrcwgealled the fzcrifice of] ealollliqwhichwzts made onlyfor the de`teéiing_ _ 0 ~ ; fn, ‘ ,. __ .' - s’ _ _v- ._.»
,_- Q f l Book or I I. ofomfa rbfziyapby. of occult adultery. Thcrc wits in timcs pall amongil the Gen. tilcs thc facrifice of cxpiation, by the which cirics were purged from f.1minc,pcllilcnEe,or forne horrible c:1l:miry;whof¢ rice; were to fcarrh our the mall wicked mm in rhar ciry. and fo lead him to rhc place appoinred carrying in his hands a chcefc and wafers and dry Egs ; afterwards ro whip him (even time.: with Rods, and then to burn him to alhcs with the fame rods, and ro cali che allies into the fea; ofrhcfc Lyuafbrm and PHP. fanax make mention; ncirhcr dorh ‘7»‘hil¢J}rarw relate things much dififcrcnr from the fc, concerning CAPU/!0IIiH! of Timm while he chafed away thc Pcliilencc from Epbdm. Morcoycr there were many kind of facrificcs and offcringsas »!_gamxli,r, D.¢p/Is, Farrearianrx,Hrcararudr,Hajlia,H]»:rinr/Ji¢1,drmi/u_fIr»¢, farzfralia, Lrmrlin, Lrrpntalia, /llxugrbia, Novrzrdimzlia, N ]- fli/nca, Talarialia, ‘Pajiillrzrim Pops/rrria, Protrrvia, Samoye- gi.1,5alir.rxrrilia,Sram, Rulufgalia, Fanranalia,0rmin,e7>.p-m. ralia, lnfcria, [ian/iralis, Lumprrrica, Ambnrbia, Ambarvalirr, ViwI;.z,Tl1}i.4, Hrlacruqilamrm, Orgia, Lrui¢li.z, Dirgnrrrurricn, Barcbf.nali,1,1I'ri.»rrrz2'a, Libcralia. faqriq, [`cr:.rlirs, fflsrfrrgg., Pbmg, Admia, Tmzia, Larsrrntclsls, 0p.¢li.r, ‘P.rlil£r, ,‘@i:1iz,4$ lin, l‘}rrnmr:.1li¢r, Gjnuia, P.vw}m:r.r, Qinqurrrfirr, Dizpaliu, D,i,¢]i.:, Harms. Hnrmra, Nrme4,Jl@rr£.z:.1, Palagjgrh. And the offerings of thefe were proper and divcrfc; for a Goat and m Kfs were farrihccd to Bacrlwr , :°. Sow to Crrrr, all horfc ro the Sun, an hart and dogs ro Di.w.x, an Afs ro Priai gpm, a Goofc to Mr, a donghslcork to rhc i’i;gbr, a (lac- Goate to F.umw,a Bull ro Nrpmnc, a (hc-Goatc to Minrrziu, 3 Bull go Hm-ulu, a child ro .S.:mm, a Sow wirh piggs ro Uliajrr, a Cock ro ¢/£/Cflldffflfi moreover they did facrificc ro, Ha-czrla Gnidiu: wich ftoulding and railings ; thcrc were: allo divcrlc orders of Pri&f,1s high priclis,P /nlfiiilllf,/!f€bw,1°: mimi,I’by1.ufr:,.S`nli»mr,Hi¢rap’».v:m & divcrfc U1I'lC$0ffCllgi°_ 0ns,and liiperllitionspnd facriticcs,ccrcmoni¢:s,leafis,conlL‘cra-_ tiongdedicztcions, vowcs, dcvoriongexpiarions, Oathcs, offer.. ings,l':ni.sfa&ory works; bythe which the fcduccd gcnrilcs did 1-ICIIGCC to izrlfc Gods and devils ; but the true fgtqrificc, which, ii crh any man, md unircth him ro God, is twofold ; om; Mm 3 A l Viwhich
of Occult ‘Pl:il¢>pby. Book III . which the high prieik Cbrili offered fqr Khf f¢mifIion offms, pnrifyingall xhings bv :he blood of his crofs; the oehef,by the which 2. man oiiiererh up himfelfclem unfporrcd, for a livm., @¢,.;f;¢,¢0 G¢d_ 1; Chrifk ghg high pricii offered him- fclllgnd raughrus iobeoffercd together wirh him, as he was offered. fayin ofrhe (acumen: ol his body, and blood, Do this in rememgbrance of me; z~i:,. ilu: we lhould ol¥:r our felwzstogezher, being morrified by che pllion ofhis morrul bgdy, and quickned in fpirir; of che which Pcffiwyfy laizhr Lee us labor toofferup holinesoflife for afaerilice ;(or no man cm be a good grieliof God. burhe which bringerh forth himfelf for a facrihee, and buildcrh up his own foul, as it wercfuran Image, and doth conlliruze bozh his mind, :md xmderlianding for 1 Temple in the which he may receive the divine light; but ererml facntiees ( as Hfrgrlirm fxirh ) :re cemin cures ofrhe foul, inliixurcd by :he mol! High Fhyiirim; fortheevill fpiriepolielfccbz mangas Prerlm f.xiih)e~en unzill liebeexeiated by fzcrilices ; there orc fzerilices are required co pacific God and che Heavenly powers; and ru expine 1 mart, who bearerh rhe Imzgc both ol God :md the world; Bu: out Lord Iefus Chrifithe true high pricfi concluded all fatrifitcsixi bread :md wine only, as in the primary fubliance ofmans meat, needing furxher rhe oliisring up of no animals, nor' other things, or :he e&'.:lion of blood, in which we may bc cleanfed, being perfeéily cleanfcd in his blood. There C!'¢' alfo amongfiche ¢/£g;r£.w.rfr:h:1ndredlixty (ix kinds of fzcriv fires; for :hey didappoynr divine honors, and holy fxcririccs co each fiar, :md planet, becnale :hey were divine animals pntzliing of zn imelIe&u.l foul and a divine mind ; whence' :hey (ay chit the (im being humbly prayed unto, do hesu-our prayer, andbeliow oeleilixl gifts; no: fo much by :my natural agreement, asbytheiroxm freewill. And xhisixxharwhieh 1¢m:£»f:¢.u faiih, :har celeflial bodies, and :he dieries of the world have cerrzxin divine and fuperior powers in Lhemfelves, zralfo nawrzhnd inferior, which Urpbfm calls the keys coroner: and lhur; and cha: by rhofc we :rebound ro the' faxal Iinlinencies, but by rhefe co loofecsfrom fate. Whened if
Book 1 oflomrn ‘1’biM:‘ply, ,g-1-"'i'_'-' , , , ,_ ifany misfortune hang over any one from Serum, orfr-gm gum, the Magicirns command that he mulknotfurthwith Hy to 7npiur, or I’¢rm,{xut to Saturn or Mm themfclver. ' f (Cd by Vasu forte. So that Apulmmfgcbe whowu per em nallingher in beauty: Wlsforeed to important for favor, nor dom [`m.r, or Yum, but from I/env: her (elf. Now they did facrifroc to each liar with things belonging to them ; to ehe Sun wixh folary things, and its animals, asa Laurel tn:c,a Cock,a. Swan, :r Bull ; to Vuuu withhcr animals, as a Dover, or turtle, and by her plantsps Vctvaxn ; :sV»rgi1I`rngs, '-*'Wat¢r Ering oat _ Wish garlnndg/5j2.the Jw- rwndcbaur COMPJ];,d#d 5llf5f4f 60512111 Tbaxjlrang and pun --- Moreover the Magicians when they made any eonEe&iou either natural. or artiEcial,h¢lo1;§ng to nay (tar, this did they afterward religioully offer, _ Iatrtfiottothcfzme Ihr, receiving noe fo much :t natural. venue from the influence the reof being oppottunly rcceircd,as by that religions oblati- onrccciving it divinely confirmed aniiilrongerior the oblnti. on ofany thing,when it is of¥ercdtoGo¢l=
£;t:ttigl1tm1nner, that thing is fanéfxiied by Godby the bblztion as is z facriiice, and is made part thereof. Moreover to the oelcftial and ethe- rial Gods white facrificcswcrr offered ; but to the terrtlkial orinfernal, black = ibut to thc tcrrefiial uponthe altm, hut to the infernal in ditches ; to the aerial andwatexy Hying thin s: But to thefe white, to thefe black. Finally, to all the. od; d D ons belides terrellial and infernal, flying G an cm things were offered, but to thofe only four- footed :n1m;Is,_ ' ‘ ' ' f I hich were,ol}`ercd for like rcroyceth in lim Of time e on y vc ' ' ` th exrrcam to thcoelelhal, andcthcml. L1Sl1'#lfUllx0§=1¥»_ ¢ . . l s ‘Nom paresrbcing relfcrveri for God, but ofthe otlrcr not. allthcfethe Oracle of vfpalle h:th¢IP_relI'cdxnthcfevetf¢S» sl Mm# l 'A Axirrré H
Of 0cmIt fI’biI¢f2pby. Book I I I- ,._~` 'e/4 tbrerfbldlfzcrqicp to tb'Godm6a'vc, A White my lvc fvrflvlf” 3 fa’ ‘bm éflm Thrcrjol nik, 6/at black kr than ; xritbafl Wish cpm almr: God: crlcfliall » Are m/gn, 1vl:m{b'inf¢rrra/Gad.: require . o ’ "7’f:: cmérrfd with 6/.wk blood, .mdfilfd with mire; ' And “re nn plrafd but with 3¢_/Itfffftt' 7`lmt`.v buried ; but ofth' Aire tb: dirtier Drlighz in bong, and in wine: mf(/P r/nr, And that on 4/mr: kindled be 1/zcfirc, Rcqziire, wirb fijingfkqnfre, and xvbire z Bn: aftlzr mnl: :be-dierin Jrlxlgbr That czrzbb iadicxjbaftld withfankinpnh And 'zrqfrrx afcrcd 6: in rwcrmn. I Butfcr the G od{ :Lux ml: thefa :korg mufl I "T5j=[frtr2‘1§rL+ln] on fb: co.1]}.r; 'f' ‘ “ " ‘!i§!;fd on I Efiihliikr dj? tb: Whale axinul. ‘ Bur to #be di¢ti¢k¢°fly}i4l ' _ give tb' rxtrnur; p»¢rt:,4nd!I:fm canjrm: itl;_fIf¢; -I W/:at than remain: ilwu may? (bm de/irc ' “ ~ . Q~ .Eat up, and let rbe air-with vkpm tbirlg A ,: I " qfhdfwrrrfmklingdrap---§; , 41 ~ . ; A, A; 'lhcfk doth ‘7’afpb]f7 make mention ofin his book of mf- ogcrs, to whom :hc rcfk affcnri Por xhcyfay thai thcfc farri- Eges arcccrtainonzzuql Mcdiu,ms~bé|;wixt¢hc Gods ind mcn ; vflijdg; Aff/'iqrle‘af§nning fainhnlxat tolfacrifico to God is in :x~inan~‘nziumll _ The n h ef ` °` ' ' ' _ __ y y rel et orezheyfay.Med1ums,shxch f 'r 'f h ‘ .wo 0 t enafnre-oofboxh, and rcprcfcnt divinczhingsanr logncglly, and haycwigh the dicry ‘zokvhom they arc offend, ccrraon convcnienronlpgits, bu: 'fo occult than a mansluhdcr- fk:fnrIx_ng can_ fcarceloohiiéivépi them, which God, and the Dxcngs rcquare in p:i¢`iicuIai‘for our éxpiation Iwithgvhirh thc cclcfhol venucs are_ pleafcd,-and withhold thcmfclvcsfrom cxcnmon of the pumfhmcnr which our finsdcfcrvc. And xhcfe aro (I a; Orpbrmocalls them ).keys which ‘open the gate J 'o f Q ‘ ' i _ o of ‘ ` ;;_Q;.;;»‘..» ‘ .~ »_
Book I I I. Of Occult ‘PbiloppI;y, ok' thc elements andthe heavens, that b um 3 < afceud to the fupetceleftials ; and the inteiligentés ofgihxg VCHS » and the demons of the elements may dcfcend to him Now men that arc pctfe& ,, and truly Religions need then; not , but only they , who ( faith Tri/`mr_g[/Ika ) being f3‘|l¢n into difotdcr, are made the fervants of the heavens and qw- tures ; who beczufe they are fubieéied to the heavens , there- fore think they may be corroborated by the favour nfihg celeiliall vettue, untill they flying higher bc acquitted ftom their pre(idency,and become more fublimlg ghw im-Y; i C H A P. L X. i What impncariam, and riff: the andmr: were Wont to uji in fzcrxficea, and aélatxaru. NOW letnsfee what imprecations they did ioyn to ol>la~ tions, and Etetilices; For he that did oiferany facrifiec to God , did lay thefe , otthc like things : I thy fetvant do oEet and fattilice thcle things to thee ; ~I conftlfc that thou are. the author of all fanékity, and 1 call upon thee to l`an&lie this oblation , that thou wouldll pour upon it the vertue ol' thy high and excellent fpirit, that by it we may obtain whats we ask for. Moreover alfoas this thing prefcnt by any ob» lations is made thine , as to live , or die to thee, fo alfo let mebe made thine who by this oblation , and communion, by this thing which I tome to offer , and facnfice' to thee, prnfefsto be one of thy family, and worlhippers. Bdides in offerings it was (aid, As that animal is in my power to bc min, if I plealed, or to be (wed ¢ foi; is in _thy pnwerto take away in \'[1I!'§ ot to give in love that tvhxclfwc delite. Lam , when for cxpiation I or the avayding of L any eyil, any llictifice was to be made, it was faid, As that animal! dies in my hmd, fo die all vicem mc, alfo all uneleannefs , ot ff, lc; die and be annihilatcd luth or fnch an evil , or dxf# .¢¢mmodity. Alio, As the blood of this animal is ponrsd f0flh ° _ - - out , .t. ,A » _.,.._,_
~ ofo¢&¢1¢°@b;f¢pb,», Book 111 guzpf irgbody , fo lc; all vice :md unclcannrfs Row out from rifilh ficrihcbg laid on rhe qlnrtob: burnt, ic was (aid. as rbi; bhiggloh i5` cd¢i§i§1ed by this prcfcnr Ere , fo :har norhing ng. riiglfns bf it ; ‘fold ill evil bc confumcd in mc, or le: fuch or frich an eyil which wc would rapcll and :voyd he confumcd, I: wis alfo 1 cuilom when imprccmrion was rnadc,rq :ouch um silrirhvlrh thc hands of all rhofc for whom (nah :x facrifioc vm qudcpréf rhcxn who did cldire ro be psrrnkcrs of ir,bcc1uf¢ prayer only cannot prcv:ril,unle[§ he :hu pnycs rouchcrh gh; aim' wich his hzndspvhcnce in Uh-gil, 27'l:v_/2' tba: in tb# nord: pug, 4.-:d almr rmrb Tb' mmi;ot¢r.t datb bfilf-1---1'° _ And clfrvhcrc, I tomb the a!t¢zr:,and tin midrflzfiru, Mild tb: Didier bércb. 1.i;._1--~1-n1-- CHAP. LXI. HZ§t'£%l‘bf”,§f ffifqf 547 f!lfdf7fffd,r¢J to QM, f5:afnfa»i;;;r ‘lf fr" EVCW f}.<lo1:;r;iog therefore, oblniou , or fzcrifice, d,¢. _ lPf¢¢1!°r, 1n
og:auon,arc differenced thus. viz.. ¢i;1~,¢;- b{!$3{f¢ they are made to God only , or :oinfcriour dicrics. ;;§é1§¢§S,v§1rSd; slcrgcs. Innhcfc rhgrgzfqgc fughrulcs mm g 3,_‘YClllXl}fP1’3§'C’l$t0 c o rcd;°`G°;1 “IPM f°U~h¢-0b¥}1I1!¥!{§ of my cffc&, it qmail: be done wirh 3:;;;‘;c‘m‘im°¥“¥i_1°UQfhf0¥¥}§§'or£l_<;_ mirack, facramcnt, or . _ 3 #km °m¢F Heep: o criprurr asif uhm; bg; dFP‘€°w°° m3d¢ f°f rhc dtffruxiliorr of enlunics, lc: ir be °°¥U¥“fm°f=lf¢<1 tbl! God deilro ed the Gianré in the dc|u=c of warnrs, and the builders ofy Bah! in thc confuilgn gf “5“El¢S; Sadsm » #wif Gomprrbs in rainingof Grc, :hc boil; of Tbafaab inthe Red-fed, and thc like 5 :hiding go ;h°{¢ ‘ l fem:
___j we "_p____t ,i ; _ , et ‘ `7T"` _ rl . ,»,t' ¢‘ ` L; _ir ¥=~ ri 54¢;= i sofo¢¢r¢z¢4>1,;z<pp@».p Book~III_' ta-" » CAAP. LXII.` _ 0f{bn[e:r4rimr,and}bcii rrusner. p _ Onfecration is a lifting up of experiments , by which: Cfpirituallfoul, being drawn biy proportion and cou~ iY>rmity,is infufed into the matter o our works according to the tradition of Ma iciall art ri htly and ltwfullytpreparcd, end our woritis siviiged by the iipirtt of underilan ing._ The ggica of confecrations is pcrf`e&ed by two things cipecully, viz. :bc vertue of the perfon himfelf eonfccrattng , and the ivertuc ofthe raycrit felii In the perfon himfelf is required holincffc of iife, and a power to confecratc; the former, nature and defer: perform; the latter is acquired by :mira- tion, and dignification , of which we have fpoken elfewhere. Then it is necelfary that he that facrificeth mul! know this ver- tne and powcrin himfelii with :L firm and undoubted Faith, Now what things un: required in przycr,are rhefc. Thereis aifozcertain powerof fandifying placed in ithy God,as_if it be fo ordained of God for this or that very thing (of which fort we read of many inthe holy writ ) or inflitutcd to this or that thing, bythe vcrtue of the holyghoii , according to the ordination of the Church , of which fort are many every where extent : oi- this holinehis in the prayer ie fclfc ,t not by vertue ofxnfhtuuon , but of the commemoration of fzcred' things, as of fmered letters, hiflories , miracles , works, rf- feéls, favours, prornifes, ihcramenrs and fueh ihcramentall things , which (hail feernto cohere with the thing to he con~ fccrated, either properiy,or im properly or analogically. And of`tlei2:jwe Ihr inow give fume cxampics, by whirha my cahly may berlgid opcn"to the whole coniideration ‘oft it. So in the confccritiug of water there is this commemoration made , wat becanfe Gtodpiaced the hrmumcnt in the midci: rf waters; bcc:tufe_inthe~middlc of the carthiy pzradifc he made a hoiy fountain, from`“w ich through fbur fiv¢r; the svholeearth is watered : becaufe m;<1¢ dm w3m~5»mejn. fkrument of hisjuiiicc , in the deliru 1 fjhc Gijnkgp by ~ » ‘th< ,___,.?.,... _ . * --...___
____-,_.v...._...-`_ __>_V >_ I Y ‘ ~, - ~ V _<'vT'?"°="i-3’°*~j4**‘°‘€QL»-__.,‘-~‘f~:v:;m7;:-5-..~,..... Book I I Ia i0fOcmle Wbilrjzplgv. ` the general! delu hover the wholeeatthr and in the d H &ion of the Arm? of Piwrrob inthe Red fea, andibecaiitferhit; lcd the people dry-fhod through themiddleof the Red fc; and through the middle of Jordan,-andibccaufe he brought water miraculoufly out of rt roekioF,tite_,wildern¢[;, and brought forth a lountain of living water out of the jaw bong of anlafleat the prayers of .S’nmpj?m,and btcaufehc, appoint- ed thewatcrs as an-inllrumentof hispity, andgof fzlmron for rerniflion of lins = and bccaule Chrill being baptized in Iordan , purified and fanéiihcd the waters ; and the like alfo by invocating divine names futable to thefe things, as when God is called aliving fountain , living water , a living river. ln like manner in confctration of fire , let thcn:,he a commemoration that God created the fire to be an inflru. ment of his iuliice for punilhmengrevcnge, putgation of (ins, and when he comes to judge the world he wil command bum- ing to go before; and he appeared to Mofer in at burning bu[h,‘ went bcfotethe children of lpn! in a pillar of fire,and com- manded-that inextinguilhahle fire fhould he kept in the tabgg.. naclc of the Covenant 8: kept fire unextrnguilhedlundcrthe water. Alfo we mu!! uli: fuch divine names as offer thgmfelvcs, . _ _ . d as becaufe God is a eonfuming fire , and a melting rc ~ an fuchas are proper to thefe, as the [hining of God, the light of God, the brightnefs of God,and fuch like. So in the confecra- tion of oil fuch folcmnities muli be commemorated as belong to thcfe,as in Exadza the oil ofundion 8: fwect perfumes and (acted names futahle to thcl'c,futh as is the name [`l1rr]r‘,which f nifies annointed, and fuch as this, and rhatin the Apocalyps ‘E i ' h olive trees dillilling lanfhficd oil into concerning' t e two _ lamps burning in the prcfenee of God. So in the confecration » ‘ Sv 9 ofplaccs let there be commemoration made o mount mar, ofthe Tabernacle of the Coven:mt,of the f fmflum fvwfiarum, the tcmple.of5aIwm;r,and of the fan&ihcation of the hill gal- orl§z through the myltcty of the paflion of Chrili, and of the iéeld which was bought with the price of Chtills blpod;all`o of V T 6 here the transhgutation and afccnt into heaven mount 4 ar,w p was, Sacred names alfo being ufcd as of the plate of Gps, e f - , u' .
af .K .@£0tcult Qlailqopby. 130011 I I I . efthrone of God,d1eCh11ir of God, I-be Klbcmatle of Gods igéaaim of GDC! ;th= all °f 605' s and the habitation of God , and of futb like. Afirer the fame manner we mnQ pm. ¢¢¢¢1 in the benediélion of other tb1ngs,by enquiring into lm- ly write by divine flames, and profeflion of Religion for fuel; things which may feem to be after a manner futable to this or that thing. As for example. if there be a paper, Of 1 book having fome ofthe mylietzes which we lhould eomemof nge , as the tables of the ten commandments given to MQ; on mount Sinai , and the fandificaeion of the law, and °f;h¢ Prophets , and Scriptures promulgated by the holy fpirie; and lee the divine names of the tellament of God, the book of God , the book of life,the knowledge of God , the wig dom of God, and of fueh like be commemorated S ' - otf livord be to be conl'eerated,we may remember out of tbelei e nd f ll! 45 the 0 0 are nr re was a (word fene from God to Qudu Afaeebaérm, tharheihould dellroy the children of $ raelr cnemiesualfo that in the prophets, Take unto you mo edged livords; alfo in the Golpel , coats being (old, Rvorda mall be bon ht; and in the Hillary of David an Angel was feen hiding :bloody @1015 ; md many fnch like we lhall find in the Prophets, and Mpxaypx, as alfo the hcred names ol the hvord of God, the rod of God. the liaii’ of God, ehevengeanee bf God. :md fnth like. And now let theli: things which have been exemplified eoneernin ll 1' rea eonfe. crations, and benediélions ftxtiiee : by which gerlonall con- fecrations . d b dfii ' an cue 1 ons may ealily heun etllood. But thereisyct another powerfull and eliieaeions rite of confe- eratmg , and expianng, which is ofthe kinds of fuperltitiotu; viz : when the nee of any fatrament is tranlfumed to another rhing,whieh is intended to be eonfecrated, or expiated, as the rite of baptifme, eonfirmation,funer:tll. and Inch like. More- over we nailk know, that a vow, oblation, and faeriiice. have aeerrain power of eonfecration , as well reall as perfonall, as the things or pcrlons are vowed or oifeted. san,
544 M ` whos o¢¢»1¢hfPLzify2»p1oi~ Book I I L And Ovid in his Mcmrrierphdf-¢ Gris; d“’~’» l ` ‘ ~ W herein fA'4ci¢l:.¢ ] can? :ith heya: bland did gleafi Pro Him: Pallas, when the rntrg¢Rx'lmd , . * ' On fnmiug alragr; to fb; God: carrwul 4 » »' ,f an table/'r72tE,; d}.ir2‘¢¢J:fr‘d? _ 7 Tffjkrreff uf; 'the $a»w'drh.'ei1/'J tb: ref. J l In like nminer the reprefentations, rcfemhltnces, Idols, Statuefs, Images, 'Pi&urcs;:madc after the Gmilitudes of the Gods or dedicitcdto thefh, are called Inbred, even is Orybrm 'gngeth‘§iihi;l§ymn toeL7a.m nw, ' ' °' i ‘ f irbiefhiinx :h.1rrbefucrc:!tbi3agrprv:e& 'l " 1 ~- 0fa;rr‘ca¢}ibj;¢{idfarf53r1a1v1i!7‘¢5 ’ “5‘°J1,.?fixcfe2~! ;Ynri:;:ef~=%- " ” i * `|‘ "ll`f» '1‘.~ _V Aiid Virgil. ' ~ Hence divine ‘rim in his eleventh hook of Lxwcs, com- manded that the (acted Images :md Statues of the Godé dljoiild he honoured, not for themfclsjcsg but bmufc they fcptefent ' the Gods tous, eveh as thc ancients did worlhip that Image of fnpiter, thus 'interpreting it: for in charlie hares the refeiiibldncc ofa man, waslignified that hcis a mind 'which producerlrall tliinis by his feminqrypowcrghc isfeigm édmlit, thithldlrnimita, leeatidgeonlfant power mighthccx, pzeffed ¢ hc'h1ththc¥ppetparts'batc and naked,becauf'c he is manifefl tothe intelligence; andthe fupetiors; but the lowct pam are covered, bccaufchcis hid from thc infcriorcreaturcs: he holdcth a fceprer in 'his left hand, becaufc in thefcgzm of the body the molt ‘fpiritual habitation of lifcisfouud. Fqt_thc Creator of theintellcfi isthe Kingand thcvivif ing fpmtof thc world ;_ but in his right hand he holdeth fhrth b°‘h “U 5*§|¢ and V1§f0ry; thc one, bccaufc hc ig the Lord if at
_ -- fu- ~_w___ ,- -`__; Q ,_,. A _ .r .,. . _ ,_,_ Book I I I. HOF Occult Tbiltybpby. __________.... all the Gods, as the Engle is of other birds ; the other, be- caufe all things are fub1e& to him ; in like manner we alfo rcverence the Image ofa Lamb, becaufe ir repnelenteth Chrili, and the giéinrc ofa Dove,bee:xul'e it lignifieth the holy Ghofk, andthe otms ofaLion, Oxe, Eagle, and aman, lignifying the Ewtngrlqlr, and fuch like things, which we End exprgf; lcd in the Revelations ofthe P rophets, and in divers places of the holy Scriptnrezmoreover rho e things confer to thelike re- velations and dreams,and therefore are called facred piéiures ;/ there are alfo facrcd rites and holy obfetvations, which arg made for the reverencing of the Gods, and religion, viz.. de. your gellures, gennliexions, uncoverings of the head, wafh- ings, fprinltlings of Holy water, perfumes, exterior ex iati. ons, humble proccllions, and exterior Ornaments fortiivine praiies, as mufical Harmony , burning of wax candles and lights, ringing of bells, the :xdorning of Temples, Altars and Images, in all which there is required afupream and fpecial reverence and eomelinefs Lyyhercfore there are ufed for thefe things, the melt exccllenr,mol1beztxtif`u|l and precious things, as gold,lilver,pretionsRones,and llich like : which revetences and exterior rites are as it were lclfons and invitationsto liairi; tual faered things, for the obtaining the bounty ofthe Gods ; concerning which Praprpifsa beareth witnels in thefe verfes. Who cur did the brazen /}amc.r flight, Tllfjf/10W_g%! ofgald, ar filvcr zrbire, Who would not wander, and notfn] that tkgfc e/fre ofthe Sadr? _--- y, The priclis alfo are called facred, and the tniniliers ofthe divine po'cers,: d Gods,:tnd they themlclves being conlgcrtgp red do both adminilicr all the holy things, and alfoconfci crate them, whence Luauf. A Ter can/érrarrdpritjlr, to m$~am§i°c:1fPfl3‘¢'i' I If ~ . Nu 2 And -:` Y' _, i r- _,lv-~ng’. - -_*~§L.._.
"""‘*" ' ' ' _j-.. Of0rculr @biI¢%iply. Book I I I . And P?r_giI faith of Hr/mu: the prielf ol /Ipsifv, H, P1-4{¢-_| fp- fm-rr afrl' Gait, rvrdrfefb Ill!/603' Tée G'irr!.u:.{1 qfluxjexrred brad - _ Thok holy rires arc as ir were certain agreements be- ewixr the Gods and ns, exhibited wirh prziifc, rererenec or obedience, by :he rnexns ofwhieh we very of: obrain fomc wonderfull veriue from that divine power, on whom fueh rc- eerenee is beflowed; fo there are (med Hymns, Sermons. Exoreifmes, lneanmions, and words, hieh are compounded and dedicared for :hc prmiles, and divine ferviees of :he Gods, ivhcnee,0r;Lff:u in a serie eompofed for rhe fizirglzirh. With Hal] rrcrdr, new an rée 6`¢={:I ca-7. And the primirivc Church did ufc certain holy incanraiions againli difeafcs and rempells , winch ive eirher pronounce, praying eo fern: divine powers, or :ilfo fomezimesearrying :hem along irirh us,wrirren :nd lunged on our neelr, or bound tous, we obrain very oft fornc power from furh :i Saint, which men very much admire; by rhis means :lfo rhrre :irc faered names, figures, Ciuraficrs, :ind feels, which eonremplz- tive men, in puriry ofrnind, for their feezer vows, have de- vored, dedicared and eonfeerared roxhe worlliipof God; which things truly, if any man afreneard (lull pronounce with the fame pririry ofmind, is-irb the which they were Erik inlliruxed, he :lull in like manner do miracles; further alia, :lie manner and rules delivered by the firliinfhruror mall be obferved. for rhey who are ignounr of rhefe things, loofc rheir labor, and work in vain; Thus nor only by baxbarous words, but :ilfo by Hférnv, vfgyyxwi, Qrrfh, Lariur, and the names ofozher lznguag s, being deemed ru Gnd, and gg. tributed :ind dedieared rothihif _ ence, power ororcraxion, we fometimes do wonders ; fueh n>q¢5¢h¢¢¢ gnin j_w,5/;. rm ; Ur.. Qgrxf, f[?err, flvtfk, fhfxr, Egjn’ ,fm-,y,,; (Qin 7’l.rro `Av">"`-»_.___ J' vl J & _*_ _,T 4, ~ - ..1...» »na'.....~>.i.‘ ‘ ‘ ' ,ag _ i¢.(_-- ~ ._.~ -»a..¢.z.-_,M > i-.-an .....¢_. ' ,___ ..- I af, 1 5
» Book I I I. Of`0ccuIt fpbfzmpgy, ~ Pl d [ith G ~’ ~ "Mm 3m°UB ° ¥CfkS»ov #iv 'nu-raw. ftpvrlff Gm 'fi Clif which Ggniffgghgo |iv¢?£;g ca" li e to all thrngginlike manner nie vvhichtignii-ieththr tglmh caufe through him are all things rn:rde,fo ¢=‘vne¢ar,wh;;g£’b?` fieth Immortal; fo amongfi the I-atines he is called 51 . 0505. were an admvant father, and fuch like, and alfa certidlid him are devoted to men, as Emycbrk, Sqirr, Tbeapbilw ,ba’:Ff ptofperous,_ fervent, dear to God. In like manner ,gg 9' matemll things receive no little fanéiity and vcrtuc b ' cdgifn eration, efpeerally ifdone by a priell, as we fee thofgtvax c* feals. in which are imprinted the figure of Lambs to rece'm vertue by the benedifiion of theRom:tne Highprieii a ;i;;‘;€ “&hwi"£’>5 itldtempefis, that they cannot hurt thofe whogczr them,for e dlvxnevertue is inf pired intolmages thus confirm? ed, and 1s_contained in them, as it were rnacertain fm-gd Ixttcr, which hath thc Imac of God; thelikc vetrue thgfg -holy waxed lights receive at Eajirr, and at the feali ofthe n- rilieation oi the virgins ; in like manner bells by confeeraribn end benedi&ion receive vertne, that they drive away and re- lirain lightning: and tempefis, that they hut: not in tholig places where theirfounds are heard ; in like mannerfeltgnd water, by their benediéiions :ind exoici fmes receive pnwgf ;0 ehafe and drive away evill fpirits; and thus in things ofthis kind, there are alfofxcred times alwaies obferved by the nu- tions of every religion with very rextrevercnco, which are either eommande that we fhould fgnéiify by the Gods them- felves, or are dedicated to them by our fore-fathers :u1d»El.f ders, for the commemoration oi fome benegit received ofthe Gods, and for uperpetual Thanlilgiving. Thusthc Hebrews have received their Sabbaths, and the Hcathens their holy- ' h f l n da es of our holy rites, altvaies to dues, and wet e o em K be reverenced withthe Highe folemnity; there arealfo times ' ' i l and 'wc black contrary to thefe, which they call pemtent a , dayes, becanfe that in thofe dzties the commonwealth hath fnf- f d fome notable blow,and eal1miry,of which fort among!! ere the Romans was theday before the fourth nones of Augnfi, l d the fuifered tbatextraordtnary blow at becaufe thneonthat ay y Nu Q
»v---w~v-<-- _ ,, _Y.,._,T_* -l,.~.'» , _ ,-_,i_,_| W, _ _ _ *_ . ,,}, ~ ‘ 1 ofo¢m1¢G>bif¢yf>pby. i Book I I L at the Battle of Camm. ln like manner all Pofiriduan daies _ate called black dayes, becaufe that molt commonly battles fuceeeded ill on thefe dayes: So amongll the ]ews the black dayes are the feventeenth day of frme, becaufc on that day ,tjlfoféx brake the Tables, Alanapre creéled an Idol in the Sanllum Stmfiorum, 8; the walls of §lmJ»:lem are fuppofed to have beetrpulled down by their Enemies ; likewife the ninth of Yay is a black day with them, bccanfe on that day the dc~ ttruftions of both the Temples happened,by thistreafon they are called t/£g]p:i.w dayes, in the old time obferved by the e/fgjptimu, and every Nation by this way may ealily make :t like calculation of days fortunate or unfortunate to them, and the Magicians command that thefe hol and religious daics be obferved no lefs then the planetary cllaies, :md the celeitial difpolitions; for they allitm that they are far more ctiicaci- ous, efpecially to obtain fpititualand divinewertues, becaufc that' their evertuo isffnoe from., the Elements and celeltial lJ0dic9,‘ but defcendcth ftomtlfe intelligible and luperceleltial world,and bein helped bythe common fuflfrages ofthe Saints, is not infringcf by any adverfe difpolition of the heavenly bodies, nor frulhated by the corruptiblc contagion of the Elements, if fo be that firm belief and religious worfhipbe not wanting, that is, joyned withefeatiand trembling ,for re- ligion properly holdeth forth thus much; Hence thofe daies are called religious, which to violate is a lin, which if we carc- fully obfetve, we fear not any great mifchief,wl1ich~we'may do, if wedorotherwife. i V e CHAP- LXLY-._ . e Of certain Religiax!.fo5fe11Mtian:,_ ccremonicf, rift( offer- fumxngx, unéiiamy andfuckli/ep i ' g Q g " R/V l-lofoever therefore thou art, who diiirelltb operate in this faculty, in the firlt Iaceimplote God the Father being one, that thou alfo‘mai£ be one worthy ofhis~ l . . _ favoug ___._l
1 t 1 tit 1 11" I l 3 1 I 4 '.1 E .3 l 1 1 € i I ,.-»-I V ,_ , _ - ._ .- , Y, , L, .' ,_;' A-" ' ‘t_~ ,'~_.‘,*~~ Q V1-1-°~<n-aww-1-ani..-__» _` Y ' ~ i~. _ .» ta' _ Boolt Il I. Of Occult Q5biIy5p@.» I favour. be Cltgm, within and without, in aclcan place be. eaufe it is written in Ln/iricw, Everyman who efhglfap preach thofe thmgswhieh an ‘gp f' d - . ., tmcleanneh, [hall erifh before tgefgggs ;" ~’¥;1;»‘;?`$?,?§&fi{ your (elves oFt,angat the [daies appoinredruoeording to eng, myR¢riCS Ofnumber, put on clchn clothes,and abltain from all t nntleanneii; pollution; and lufi; for the Gods wil » that man (as Paryhyy faith ) who hath not abRai£1:;:zzt;gr 5133 from VCUCYCOIIS Bt ng( thou c°uPIcd tors or mcnllruous woman, neither to her who hath* tlteléie. morhoides,touch not an unclean thing ; not at Carkafs, wh¢n¢¢ Pvfpbjfjfrlith, whofoever (hall touch a dead man, may nge *PP'°“°h 91° O“’~‘!°5»P¢fh1PS, becaufe that by a certain alini-_» z°Ffh==f=1u¢r=l in 050013 the mind is corrupted and made un- » to receive divineiafluences ; Thou (halt walh, and anoynr _ gud perfume they fell; and (halt offer factifices; for God ac: trptcth for amolt fweet odour thofe things which are offered - to himeby :man purified and well difpofcd, and together ‘ with that perfume coudefcendeth to your prayer and oblation, tt* the Pfalmift lingeth ; Let mjprayrif, i 0 iLo>*d;6e direélrd :ali rbfr, einem# intlz]_/glare; Moreover, the foul bcingethc‘bH"f- ~' fpting and Irnageot od himfelg is delightcdinthefe pq. fumes and odours,'recciving them by thofe anolkils, by the~ which it till’ alfo entredl into-Ithiseo omlmatn, iaudbythc which( at fab tcllificth )the-n1olt rgvely fpirits are fome- times (cnt forth; which cannot be retained in mans hcar"t,~ boyling eitherthrough choler, orlabor; whence fome think that the faculty of fmclling is the molt lively amlfpiritual of allthe fenies. Further, perfumes, facrihcc, and unQion pene- trate all' things, and open the gates 05 the Elements and of»1 g. the!-leavcns, that through them a man can fee the fecretsof - ol’God, Heavenly' things, and thofe things which are aboue- the Heavens, and alfo thofe which defcend from the Heavens, as AngeIs,:tnd fpirits of deeppits,and profound places,appara- tions of defartfplaces, and doth make them toicomc to you, to e appexr vifthly, and obey you ; and; they pacify all fpirits, and i attrafk them as thc Loadftone Iron; and. ioynthcm with thei ff ,t f A _ Q Nu 3 _Elemeu':s, it, t .‘, , / nv »¢¢..._; _,. ~f -._T:, =¢_"‘3f _'._, . _*':,~__;; _< , `¢-»_.--.-1 1
DE Of0ccztIt ‘?lzil¢Jpky. Book H IL clcmcnrsgand mule thc fpirirs ro aifumc bodies = for trnly the fP1,i;u;bodyi5»vc.ry much incraffatcd .byxhcm , and made mom groin: for .lt livcthhyw/apzmrs, pcrfumcsandirhcodnurs of ,fatcriliccs : moreover whatfumzr mhguropcmtcll., do rico with an carnoll affcéiion _and hearty dchrcf;-that~che‘good» mfg of the I-.leavcns and hcavcnlybodics may Ewour thee, whof; .fwour ,that thou mail! morc eafrly obtain, the 5m¢¢3~; of thc place , timer, prnfrllioh, cullomci, dicr, fnhirc, exercafc and mm: :xlib do wondcrfully conrlucc : for byrhclétlre power ofmture is not only changed, but alfo 0v¢rct1mC , lor a fortunate place cond uccth much to favour : ncithcr withour caufc did the Lord _fpcak to Abrubarnrthathc (hould comcihto thc land which he would ihcw him; and ¢/Iémb-wa arofciand iourncycd towards the fouth:in‘ like mtnncrrlfrac Went to G'zv:¢m!1,f whcrchcfnrvcd étgrrthcrcd an hundred fold. and waxed vary rich.: hoc what plrccis congruous to caclxronc , mulk he foundcrour byhis arriving whiehthinghc that knots/C111 not . lct him obfcrvc. where his ipiriti are cfpcciallyrecrearcd, where his fcnfns aremorc livnw ly, whcrc the health of his hody and his dlrcngrh ic molk vigorous, where his bu£im:fTes`I°ui:cccd bclhwherc ,mall favonrf him , whrrc his enemies arc overthrown , lcrhirn knowrhzc this region. Shigplzcc is prcordained by God aridrhis Angel# forrhim ; and is alfo wel] difpofod, andcprcparerl bythe Havens, i Ihcrcforc rcvcrcnoc ,this place; and Changi: ir according 10 yourrtimc and bulincfs, but :tlmg€cs;£ltr;,=,m unfortunate plan: ,= fortunate names alfa cmakc -things more fortunate; but unfortunate , “unhahpy ; Hcnm tha Romans in liliing their fouldiers were wa , lull: tlnrithc lirll lbnldicrs nurxcs Ihould bc in any mngrc unfortuoam; and for paying mburarics.and,mnI1rings of their Armicranri Colonies. thcy did chufc Gm/our: with good namea .Llore- ovcr they bcl€cvcd,th:xtiFunfortun1l£c names were changed i=lt0 f0f§v01f¢, that the fortune of things tvonldalfo be chnrgged into bttfof ; Su Epirlamfm. Jcaihha: fczrmrinigoing thu: my lhwld fuifa damage .1 they oounmdcdfrob ll Dytzchiug.; for .tho func_r::mfc thcy:£':aUcd1l1a!z¢:n,Tc;§1 Frei . , "_ ' -'; Y n10llld r ».
T, » _ - ~ ¢ - ,_ ., s.-, ~_.,...4._. -'Bhakti I r. Of omrzf elvlmrpsy; Ifioldld Clllfé l°0dm¢`t¥lll2lllEf Befwutnrrn; but they though; good to ezrll Il¢rrns,Lucrima,i`or ti1egoodnefsoFche name be- -ing the moflhappy plate of all: make ele&ion alfo of hour; and daves for thy operations , for not without mule our Sm. iourf a!ae,Are there not twelve hours in the day,and fo fgnhp fottge Ajiralagm teach that times can give a certain fortune rd our buiinelfes; the Magicians likewife have oblervednrnd to conclude, all the ancient wife men eonfent in tins, that it is of very great concernmenqihat in what moment ol'6me,and'dil'- oliticn of the heavens, every thing,whether naturall or Ani- Eciall hath received its being in this world; for they have deli- vered , that the firfi moment hath fo great power, that all the courfe of fortune dependeth thereon, and may be fbfcmkl thereby , and in like manner , by the fnccelies of the fortune of every thing, theyboth firmly believcd,and expgfignee glib ttiiilieth , that the eginning of any thing may thereby be found out ; even as Sulla the Afirologian foretolcl,that a moii: 'certain definzdion approached Cclignln , who asked his ad- vice concerninghis nature ;JI/Iczbmr the Alirologer forefaw the calamity of thnwars which happened afterward to the Azlfeuirw , making an expeditionagainil the; mrufw: : to the fame about to fail to Sicilia, lm;/Bn the A({rol0gurf¢;¢- told a reat ternpelk. /!»mx.<_gar.u by the knowledge of the times, iiorewarned on what dayes a great Hone fhould fall from the Sun ; as afterwards it happened at vigor, a rivet of Tlrmcis ; on the Contrary, L. Tnruxfeizu Firmizmu by tht 283 and fortune ofRam:flw,found both the time of his conception and nativiry ;the fame man found out alfo the nativity of the City of Rome, by making the fucceifes and fortunes of that City : So /ifdfffltill resorteth , that the beginning and Ctc:~ tion even of this worl was found out by the events of thin s: fotthat times can do very much in natural! things, rnayie rninifefled by many examples ; for there are trees , tvhichaf- ter the Solliicc do invert their leaves , as the Poplar, Elm, Olive, Linetree, tvhitewillow ; and iheliifhes ,~Crabs and Oiliers do increafe, the Moon irctealing, and whenthe Moon decreafeth,dofgrow lean; at the Seas in ebbingand flowing do N n -4 obfervc
2. ) OF 0ccult"Pl1ilq/EPM. Book pl 1 I. ,obfervc the rnotions and times of the Moon ;and Errripu: in Errlum. doth it not fevcn times with wonderfull fwrftnefs ebbe and How ? and three dayes in ever? moneth,vLe.the 7. 8. hndlg, day ol the Moon lt ltandeth iill; and amongll: the (h¢,Tf0g10!;dt! there is a lake. which thrice in a day is made Bigggkahd lalt, and again fweet; moreover in the winter einigwhen all things wither,and dry. Pcnyroyall llourifheth = Lon the fame day, they fay, that blown bladders do break,and that the leaves of Sallows and Pomegranats are turned and forced about; anditsknown to all , that which I have fecn both in France and Iraq, and Iknow alfo the fowing-thereof, -z/iz,.thatanut-tree, which feemeth dry all the year , on thc Even of Saint fobm dayp doth produce both leaves , and Howres,and ripe fruits: and this miracle doth wholly conhit in theobfervation of the time of its fowing ; moreoverthae times can yield fomewonderhillrpower to artificial! things. the Alhologets in their books op cEle&qnsr and Images do _ eoinlhntly afiirrn; 'and by this meansgwe i read in ‘Plum-fb, ;'l'hit'tliere was animzge amongli the Pelmeanr made with fuch att, that what way foever it did look, it did (hike all thin s with terrour and very great perturbation,l`o that noman dutfé through fear behold it ; and we read in the life of A pl. buim , that the Magieiansof Baéylan had tied tothe roofol' theirhoufe, four golden fowls, which they called the tongues ofthe gods;and that they had power to greconcile the minds ofthe multitude tothe love and obedience oftlieil ing, In the lland Chia: there wasthe face of Diana placed on hlghavhofc countenance appeared fad to thofe which carrie ing but to fthofe that went out,it appeared chcarfull :p In 7‘rm:.the faeri- Eccs which were left about the I mage of Minn-va did not pu- ttif-ie ; In the temple of I/emu at Papbonir never rained in the 'court : If any thingwas taken forth from the Tomb of Ambe- ur, [howers were powred down from heaven till that which wasdigged up , was rellorcd into' its place : In the tomb of King Bib:-Az of ‘I’anrm, did arife a Lanrell, from whichlif any one did break a branch and carry it on fhipboard , quarrells would never ceafe untill it was thrown over. In thelland I ` ' p J ' ’ Bari/F/zekei, . e A V I L
_ ~-.__ ,_<_._ e, __ _, .- ,_ " _"'_"_'! _ V Y .-_.~v~,r>gy-- Book IIT. iOE0ccu[t Qibilrjzpbyr "Bari/ibkuef bird did prime the houfe of Aclrrdex : at Rome, _ 3. - , ~ 'neither Elie, not dog did enterrnto the Palace of Hermia in the oxe market- In'0{7hrhm of Tbmcia there wasaplace’ into the which if a Beetlehad fallen; it could not get forth’ but‘wti_thing ictfclii every way itrdied? ~I 'could bring even ,inf nnmerable eztampleshind ffar more "wonderfull then thEfe, ' d b h A ' f iwhich Anti 'nity reporteth' to have been one yet e rt 0 images, aniil by the obfcrvatron of times: but lea& any om; lhould think them long lince,obl`olete, and repute thgm. for fables, I will bring more new things. and fuch as remain evm to this time in fume places,§indI-will ioyn to thcfe fomc arti- `ficiall wonders; Forthey i'ay,A_that by the Art of imagesit cometh to pall`e,that at Byzantine Serpents hurt not, :md that jackdaws file not over within the wals ; that in Crete there are no night Owls ;thar about Naples Grafhoppers are never beard - that at Venice, riolrind-of Bic doth enter the publike fhonaior Barbers, tuatan‘<1~az¢d~ in the pubrakermambreeone onl A leflléfigfeenyallihcyyeat 1ong,of ay notable wlutenefs = and an-Y l »- , we in the lforegoing* bookf bays- declared already both the fafhions and times, by theobfervatton of wlucl1,».thelE things and (nth like may bedoneg moredvcriyouougbtef ciallyxo iob ferve the vertue of fpeeehes and wordsfor; by `thé£:cEthe fool is fpread forth intoinferiour-fubltancesf, intprltbnésnbctals, plants , animals and all natt1rill"tbings,‘ imprimgingvdtvcrs hgures and pzllions on them , iriforcing all creatures, ot lead- ing and drawing themlby a certain al¥e&ion : So Cara teltifictb, that weary Oxen are refrclhcd by words, andeaffofthatby prayers and words , you mayobtain of 7'¢llar,‘:‘xh£n<;it Spur. duce uuufuall trees; trees alfo may by this means be entrcated to pafs over to another place, and to grow in another ground: Rapes grow the renter, if they be cntreatcd when they are fown,to be beneliiciall to them ,their family, and neighbours 5 the Peacock allo being commended , prcfently cxtends~his feathers: but on the contrary , it is found by experience that ,the hcarb Balill , being (own with curlings and railings. is more Hourilhing ; alfo a kind of Lobiier doth cute burnings and fcaldings,if fo be that in the mean titnehis name be nge IIKHIC :e
,___ . _ ,,_,.,,.__.--.v..__ t, g' ‘Ut Of Owl# 'PW<ll°P'>1» BQQK Ll I? named* lzutdlnr , yilxiclikule' rvireherhffe `ftUl°TT&§"6y pt1ifn`gthcm,&'thus o hun 1'own=Com and ehildrcne inbre- ovcr rhey fayrhnr there is fo [green power Inf mans excrrati- ons., that they :lugs and bani even wicked élxirs = Enfebius ded hth r byt is means Semyzk among e¢/E rr' , didgfxgillm (liar: fentences,by' the wlmieh devils tvereggellgd rmdherzughx alfo , how dcvrlshavtng alfumed the forms of brute bealls, do cnfnare mem Toconclude, in all bulinclfes, pn: God before your eyes, for ir is written in Dmréraxamie, When you [hall fcckthe Lord your God, your (hall find`Mrn. Whenee we read fn Ml¢rl<_, Thar wlntfoeirer ye llulldeire and pray fogbelieving than you [hall receive ic,rt (hal come ro pafsfor yomand in Marrbmrlf you llnllhmvesfaitlm as a grain of rnnllard feed, nothing [hail be irnpoilible for you; allo the fervent prayer of arighteousrnzn prevaileth much, for Elilu ( as ?41I7tJf1ilh] was a rnznllikeynnro us, £rbie&.nnrop:Il'i- ons , and heprayelicarncfily,~tl1:3Q_ir4nighr,nnerain canh,znd;in.rain:d,not imthrre years and (ix rnonet ; and again he prayed, andfthc heavens gave rain , and. the earth broughr forrlxits fruit : bu: rake heed in your prayers, lealk rhanypu (horrid dcI`1rcfon1evain,thi4r;g,9r tharwhich is agrinll dxewnllof God ; for God would haveiall thmgs good r ne?- ,thsnlhaltnthou ufc thc 1131136 of thy_G0d inyain, for lliall _nn¢}go}mpnnilhed, who taketh hrs name for a vain thing: bc ab&crnxous'and~ gwe alms, for the Angel fairh ro Tabieb pray- (er is goodwith-faltingsslldalms ; and we read in the back of Yudizb :Know ye. Y-hit the Lord will hear your prayers; iF ye ¢au||p¢rf¢v¢f¢m‘fa1king=andlpf=y¢rs anna; agar. ~ L<:|..~..€l`:: ,_ . '
Bbois I I I. I Qf0ccrkf; Tbilofaphy; l i pg;-Lu!-_u-1' `C'r~rA P. txv. ;» p ‘ 3Tlrtfn2:r‘lcl]fo1in_f3tI:r15fl:clrF7or!¢_ . i _ - . ‘V 'b:vr"l'r` '~ ~~ , A `,'; THefe_3re the-things., which focan fintto_du&ion into r Magick we have collcéhed our of the tradition ofthe meients, and diucriiy compiledin thisboolt , in fhortiwordif yer fufiieient for thofe who are intelligent; (bn-rg Q(-j;"b¢|’¢¢ ghingsare written in order , fume without order, fomgvrhingg' gre delivered by fragments, fomethings are eiren hid , left for the fweh of the intelligent ._ who more :acutely con-i templating thefc things which are written., ,md diligent] i fcarching , may obtain the compleat rndiments-,of ~themag£_ call Armand al o infallible experiments _-for we have delivered this Att in fnch a manner, that it may not be hid from the prudent nndintelligcnr, and yet may not admit wicked and ineredulous men to the myiicries of thefe fccrets, but leave them defiitutc and :rftonifhed , in the (lude of ignorance and defperation : Yon therefore fons of wifdom_ and learning, feareh diligently in this boolngathering together our difpcrfcd intentions , which in divers places we have propounded, and what is hid in one place , we make manifell in another , that it may appear to you wife men ; for,for yon onlyhzvc we writ- ten,whofc mindis not corrupted ,but regulated accordin to the right order ofliving , who in chaiiity, :ind honcilzy, endif; found faith fear and reverence God : whole hands are free from (in and wiclrednefs , whofe manners are gentle , fohcr. and modcihyou only (lull find out this knowledge which is preferved for you, and the ferrets which are hid by many Enigmzrcs cannot be perceived but by a profound inrellefi, which when youilhmil obtain, the whoie fcieneeok~the-in- vincible mztgieall drfciplinc will iniinnatc it fclf into you : and thofc vettues wiil appear to you, which in times pail; Hermes, Zarayiex, Apallanifu, and the others , who wrought miracles, b 'md But ye envious caluminzirors, fons of bafe igno- 0 Ili . 1 1 _ _ _ r:ince,and foohih lcwdnefs, come not nigh our writings , for* WJWY
'_ _,; . ' “f ~ 5 G @%§@”’f@ u » ‘ A » f "; _ guy 5:{w?.,;‘_ ’ v `_(§;Tb_ :_ “_-Q?" 2” "` 1 So; X ' 7 ¢;~1’“. `1 Q dv-~ 9?f@,_.~»§_é-;,g;‘¥¢}’;& ' ¢ r 'S gy# * _ ‘” f ,we ~'~~,; <.»=B~J¢2);”_ » V -» ,V To the Rcvcrcnd Father, and Doélm-of Divinky /Iurcluzs dc Aqrmpcixdcntc, Azqiin Pryar ; Hénry Comelms Agrippa fcndcth~gtcczing._ Qf' » Y zhoii: letters( mol! rcvcrcnd Father ) which {'1 - you fcn: me [incc the fccond of thus monrh. gf ' , Iunderftanri yourcandidncfstowagds mr, and f A grcazvlqqyniqg, zmdindcgd the cgmpus fcarch- @ I ingaftcrthefctl}ingiWh1¢h ‘WI Nd “ d=‘?i° ¢f‘§ * ' mid prefcntly rc|<>v¢¢»_==1d 4° bléf’ my Qlf xhatlhave cnrrcd into acqpzinrzincc mah fucl}a€nilnd» Will whom 1 may imp{0v¢ my glfts; And U0Vé (gli [ming my wirncfs ) Ircckon youamong I CE fl' C dui fxicnds. But oh,whoarcyour lcadcrsthacfyou 0'h0;‘1;is no mg ro cnrcr into :hchoufc of Da#-1lf¢I» ¥°5°X"1rfn to O return; and of mofl drcadfull /llmau ,fcirg the Em” gf Ihf°“Sh ‘hc“'"ch¢$’ mdcommlt your C tgsvcrfancabour deflmy 2 Wbo arc Yqur mailers char glgutiiiéfi wmdmg dm md;&;;Ff§ d;Hi§¢3:;‘a§¢;?uC§§§]?§= f°l`*f=1a==i<;“‘}‘f=:}‘§}‘° ly; ’ ` r :i,1;Ta C CC I Gt Gods 1° b= ‘“P‘°d°§ §l¢;'{av¢d.N¢1¢n¢¢ Q¢an=h¢ ¥°°b° “°‘¢°‘°“'° Y, - a here nncezhvv =f¢*=¥¢=“ gm” wadmg of boo¥S'dlr§arZTl;crc niadc ofrhcifrcfiihblc fiddics. HOW Qfmfuvmmg di ‘ousldxsgcsbf Mho- wcr of :hc Magmx An' ofthe Pm 'g` ' E AI .5 #7: of ??~crs of the mon£’ct0“§ tnnfmumgons 0 ty” ' ` , , » Il c ls :han mic :b§:b1ciIcd&0r1¢>bY Wh‘°h° Abd” xfhew me a :cached x
touched are prefenrly tranfmnted into Gold, or Silver, all which arc found vain, fieiitious, and falfe, asoften as they are pra&ifed according to letter. Yee fuch things are delivered, and writ by great and grave Philofoyhcrs, and holy men, tvhofe traditions, who dare Qty are fa! e P Nay, it were impi. ons to think that they were yes. There is therefore another meaning then what is written in letters,and that is veiled with divers myfieries, and as yet cleafly explained by none ofthe Mailers, and which I believe no man can attain to by readin oibooks onl , without: skillizll, and faichfullmafter, unleg he be divinci illuminated, as very few are. Thereforcit is avanityforan rnanrhat fearcheth into the ferrets of n tu a re, to give hrmfcff to bare reading. For they that thus do, arc, bein cnlharedin Ir ` f ' " " ` g t egrnso the exterior fp1r|ts,to whomrt is iven to rule, made dangerous (lives, not knowing them- §clves, and go batltintothc footileps of their flocks, Decking without themfeives, what they have in rhemftlves. And this is that which I would have you know, becaurk in ur is the ope- rator ofall wonderfnii ef¥e&s, who knows how to di{oern,and elfeft, and that without any fin or oiicncc to God, whatfo- everthe rnonlirons Mnbemrkimr, the prodigiousfifrggirf- ¢rn:,thc envious e/flcbjfmjhand btwirching Necromancer: can do by l'pirits.In tu I fry isthe operator ofMir1cIes. Nor the brgbrjlarr afrb‘ rlgfe, narj1.¢rm.r of HJ, Bu: rlfgvirir :Im #JM darb andy, dnb in sa dire/1. But of thefe I (hall diikomfc more fully,but in your orefente (f h I' hi ~ ' ‘ or t e c r ngs are not to bewr|tten,bur to bemfufed by a few fzered words, and with face to hee ) and that when I [hall imply fee you. Nowas concerning rhofe bookswhieh gnuddirc of me,forne of them were fometime in myeuiiody, ut now( are not. But as for thofehookscvhiehyouhaveof mine tvhreh were mule in my youth, beingiutitu!ed,Of0c- ml: °P£»ilqk;l,7, the two former of them were dificientin many things. the third is whoiy imperfeéi, and ° b contains ut za certain Epirorne of my tvntrngs. Butlwillf God willing ) i` fee'
fat forth the whole work, being mitde entire, and mifcd, “__ ferving thekey thereof for muff intimate friendsonly one whereof you need not at all queflion but that! reckot; you. Farewell and profper. Prom Ljam theXXI V. of Septem- hr, Amzaq; Domizri. M1 D. X X V I I. 'A ‘Uma the,/Zim Mm. BY your courteous letters ( mall reverend Father I ) I have i` in a glafé, your whole mind, which I heartily em- brace & I would have you know that you (hall be welcome to me beyond exprefiion, and that you are listed deeply in my affe&ions, and thatl am fueh an one( I write this out ofthe abundance of my heart ) asam not wont upon any oeeation to forfake my friends. Wherefore that you may obtain the delires, which are no Ielk then mine, I will haflen to come to you. When we (hall come face to face, hear and (peak with one the other. I knoutout 4friendlhipwillbeindtfI‘o_ }able,and endure for ever. But now concerning that ‘P@}l¢'»- pb] which you reguire to know, I would have you know, that it is to know Go hirnfellithe worker of all things, and to pafs into him b at wholeimage oflikeneI§ (as by an effential con» tra&, and hand ) whereb thoumaift be transformed, and made ~s God, as the Lordvfpake concerning Mnpr, faying ; Behold.I have made thee the God ofPb.¢m¢I,~. This isthat true, high Ocmlr ‘Pbjlohybj of wonderfull works. The key thereof is the intelleff: for by how much higher things we undctftand. with fo much the fublimer vertues are we endow- ed, and fo much greater things do work, and that more cali- ly, and efiicaciouiiy. But our intellect being included in the co tible flefh, unlcfs it fhmll exceed the way ofthe Helh, anldndhtain a proper nature, cannot be united to thefe venues (for like to like ) and is in [catching into thefe occult feerets ofGod, and nature,altog¢:ther inetheacious; for it is no eafy thingfot us to afcend to the heavens. For how fhallhe that luthloli hirnfelfin motulduft, and allies, find God ? How . (hall E51/5.
¢...;_»- 1 D / (lull he a prehcnd fpiritual things that is Gvallowed u in llelh and blood? Can man fee God, and live? What gui: [hall a grain of corn bear if it be not hrft dead P For we mullz dye, I fay dye to the world, and to the lielh, and all fcnfes, and to the whole man animal, who would enter into thefe clofets of fecrets, not beeaufe the bodyis feparatcd from the foul, but becaufc the foul leaves the body: of which death Paul wrote to the Callajian: : Te undead, mdjam' ly? :lr hid wi:/1 Chr# = And cllswherc he (peaks more clearl ofhimfelf. 1 /grown man, whether 'in the bad), or-our ofthe Ld] Icannat ull, qadlgnalw, caught up zmtarbe :bird heaven, &c, I fay by this death, pretious inthe light of God, we mall dye, which happens to few , and perhaps not alwaies. For very few whomGod loves, and are vertuous, are made fo happy. And Iirll: thofe that are born,' not of Helhand blood, but ol°God. Secondly thofe that are dignified to itby theblcfiing of nzr- turcz and the heavens ae their birth. The rcll endeavour by ments, .and art, ofwhieli more fully when I fee you. But this Iwilladvife you, that you he not deceived concerning mc, asif I at any time having received fuch divinethings [hould boall of them to you, or lhould :trrogatc any fuch thing to my (elf, or could hope to have them granted to mc,who hither- to have been :~. fouldier,confecrat~cd with mans blood, having been almoll alwaies belonging to the Kings Court,bound to at molkdear wife by thcbon of llcfh, expofcd toull the blaft of inconllane fortune , and *being crolfed in my Helh, in the world, and worldly affairs, and therefore could norobtain the fublime gifts of the immortal God. But Iwould be ac- counted asa dire&or,who waiting alwayes :ir the dores,ll1ews to otherswhich way they rnuft go. But as for my love to you, youzircindeedallttle deceived : I dp notifee how you are my_ debtor, feeinglhavebcllowcd nothing upon you, onlyl am ready when occalion ferves to bellow all things. So farewell .and profper. From LJMJXI X- Ilhr/rmb. CJHHO Dm ‘M ;Q.XXYII. l ' .i l ° 1`f , x " .| ' 4 g V A 'Him-I .‘~“'_,,,,4‘
_ -- ,UV ' » , izu_n1i,,__ ‘ » u_ , , . _ . ‘. ..,_,` _ ,_ n _ _ ` my ornclrus Agrrpp;_f,,,g,,;,g,,mmg”,“mdn ff{i”g; 0ftBr!King.ffrmf;, ` _~ ~ f¢i,_V , _ , ‘j He Ancients were w n V . A ~ Tthis proverb;/iz..To l?ri1:to(;§;d:‘;°3;;m fbléy “filpl nota part of lefr fully, {m0Fmo& eat i W ‘_ “UF” drycls toihe ll. ‘You know what leall ill ,UfnP le)fY~ W Rnd fgrekednflfcs, which with much dlsplgrhrellihhvlt I IIS C0 0ul’S nugqrimfly [hewcd the Conti to be B “Q” “VCI fo ivfl an occalion of w ' ' i °~ -unhfnc Exgeaxag (sow, ifit were lzwfull togeggogghde ?v‘li‘d‘li‘§i1‘l:ii:¢?l? _ 5 "U ,yet lcanuot conrein bu: ` , ' . rt.Now therefore hear :i thingboth fo€l`il§;yq(:~::1igigffaglcnlfeof was fent for o1xtofGermanj with no fmallchr esa een rch mailer of ~pirirs,that is a Necromaneenwho polfjfcth a 02” gr ov" fpififfi Th!! 35 fame: and famlfrcx relilled Ui/10/21 ft.; he {l1ould‘o§*pofe‘Gzfai“;fl'orthey were pe;l’w~;d¢d b fthe, fzrther of lies, that he~could-Sforerel all thrngstdcomeyiiandl dxfclofe all li-eret counfelsg and rn;inife'll evenxherhouéhrs- moreover thzr hewas endowed with fo great power, that hs could bringdback the hings children through the aire even gr; “te read that H.rbwgcQwith‘his pulle was carryed to the den oil hom, and zhatlre could do’:is>£l|j{7m did: bcmg hcfieged ia Dr:xl:.1m}(l1:rf.» mouhtainsifull- oF~ho'rl`emen Rnd liery Chzri-' ore, and a very great Army ; moreover than he could Hndout and fetch up the trcafures of the earth, and compell what ma.- ranges and al¥e&ions he pleafed, to break_them,ofl", and cure all defperate difeafes. by a-Stygian medicine, 1152 conhrmeds 1-le&r¢k, :eradicated Dropfy,Lcprofy inthe homes ;and.l or Who wiféy un tb: Knorr; goatfaan cure, ~ - ._ do And lzmlrbécrmx to tI1ez{:j1rmtepracurr._ ~ ~ 1 , r i ` " 1~'»'.' v ‘2 f. ' ' ‘ ._ ‘ i ‘ 'ni . ..>_ r, B. T V ' See where their faith is placed, whcreethc`ir'hopc`ls'repol'ed, who endeavour to fubieéi the Elcmenr$.Plflex'en,l§are, Nz-;= hliéomrnand oforié ture, Providence; Godyind allthiugs tot » - ‘ ' _t 0 0 ' Mdgitinr; r .. ~ w; l
.__ V ... ---,.,-.,- H- ¢ -f_’,~; 1_, , and leamedin thelatw ofGod, for their faiths fake;and'ivhat- foever they (hall ask theylhall receivixfo the Ravens fedflialv, and at his prayers the earth withheld her f`ruits,the Heaven de. tryed rain,and lhowred down fire upon the tvicked:So the Rz- vens fetved .Eli/M, the Angels fought for him; rivers are pall fcddry-foot; the Lions laying :tlide their fiercenelfs, and not regarding their hunger, fztwn on Dnnifl, and the hotficry fur. nate burneth not the children. Thefe are not the works of Necromancer: :tnd‘$oreerers,nor of Devils, but of faithful! and godly men; for not the Divels, but the tpirit ofGod doth :Gilt them : Ieonfels there are fome, ( perhaps many ) even :tt this time, who are very wife, :tndolwonderfull knowledge, vcrtue and power, and of :t pure converfation, molbprudent, andalfo difpofcd by age :md (lrength, that they can very much profit the Commonwealth hy their counfel and operati. ons ; but your eonrtiers cnntemn thefemen, :ts thofe who are very far from their. pnrpol'e,.t~:`ho»forftvil'dome haremalice, _guiletstnd deceit gi toncounlcl deceit, and craft for know- ledge ;gttrle,nnd_perEdionfnefs for prudcnceéuperllitionis int thc plate of religion, and God is blafphemed in ah'li&ions=: and what faith ( as faith the Apol11e)is perfefied in wealrncli is contcmned : but they run tothe invocations ofevil fpirits. Every good man is mocked at by them, hold hypocrilie is promoted, truth is accounted at crime; praifc and rewardk are referved for foolillmefs and wiekednefs. 0{ools, and witl-ted, who by rhefe arts would elhblilhakingdome, by ,which formerly mol! potent Empires have fallen, and hzvc been utterly overthrown; Of whom it was truly fpoken by rgeremirir, our Crown is fallen, wo tous hccaufe we have mned : whichlsvilh might not he fo truly :ts Etly applyedi toyou. For truly that verfe, the numeral letters beingga. thered together M.C.V. I. cxprclfeth the year M. D. XXI V. wherein according to the account your King was taken at Papia : Did not ye lee thefe thin s,:tnd admire at them,which heforc they were done you iudgged impofliblea And asyet you are proud, and obduratern your atlliéiion. You defpife the prophets, and thethrcatnings of God areastalcs
,_ _ __ _..__;_..l.... _-._.,...__¢~f,__ _ __ K , _ _ , _ .,. Y . ,` ~- V --_ _ ;'" ' ‘ ---~»-¢..~¢,~.t»-.Jl..l.-A_.4..,,.....t,...¢---»-‘ ' " ',,;,..,-=.-»-- A . , ` l§ £:hold _infiforlhmrh f215¢5s;9et»you IhauJee,.andrfeel_the £l"'3¢ *img* Qf G°d<"P°U !fT¢''~‘holc earth, and [hall tremble _brraufc the rnifery whithlyon know not (hall come upon you fuddenly; Whither then will yclly? Stand with your in- thtntets, and with the multitude of your Sorceries, if haply they can proht you, or you can be made thereby Iironger. Will not that Gemma Sorcerer that is Ientfor, fave yon, and. make lying,Prophets, and prevail againll the wrath ofthe lord, and deliveryou from evil P No, yewieked, Na, =unlef= the Lord (lull build, and keep the Cities, and Kingdom, all the krcpers :hereof labor and watch invaio. It is the work i0fQod alone, not ofDerils, notol eilfagirimr to fnfpcnd or rhrngcthe fentenec of the Prophets. Bueif you willwith your whole heart turn unto his merry, and willehange your wirkedneb. then 'ou may be freed from evil, as was 1’¢6ucad- r:::.rr, who by the eotxnfel of lD.rni¢l redeeming hislinsby almes. and his iniquitics by taking piety on the poor, avoi- ded the itnfninentvtrathof God for a time, until in the Court at a5’.:@I¢m he wirhd proud fpeeth recalled it bacleeo himfclf again. rArb4!» molkimpious, with his Ie:.r.4¢I,ro whom the Lord threatned death by Elia, lwas, becaufe he turned to God mxdcfagain theword ofthe: Lord to Elinb. Beeaufc A- eéwévfeared my facelwillinorrbtingthe evillin his daies. The A'§1f¢vim.beeaul'e by the Edi& ofthe King and Princes they rrpcnxrd ar the preaching of jlmu. were totally freed from the imminent pumlhmrnt. £,fl:i.z: brought this fentenee to .E;trIx.u. that he lhould let his houfe in order, becauf: he lhould ds' ; He przicd and wept, and was healed, and fifteen vezrs added to his life, lor thus the Lord fpake to the lillflt rmn by the fame Prophet, I have fren thy tears, and heard thy prayermbehold I will :dd tothy dareséifrecn years; moreover 1 will deliver thee from the hand of :lie King of /!@rin Gttlxia City.and protr& it ; So murh could the converfion and fprayer qfrhlg pious liingdonrho though he prayed for hrnrfel alone, yer obtained not only for himleli, but alfo for the Cigrand pkoplr; It isth: Lord only who prcferveththe K1ng_an who gi~:ethwil`éomc tothe thugs Son; they ought to fly to this A Q0 3 mailer,
'v-r , O mailer , who feel: falvazion, andnoe eo Magicians and’Sor- eerers: ue on righreonfnefs and fear the Lord , you who de. life progzeriry : if :he liability of a Kingdom be fought for; ieiswriuen, rhcjull (hall inherit the land , the juli [lull bg had in everlalling remembrance, he (hall no: be moved for ever; il' feaxriry be fought for ;'l'heff that fear che Lord [lull not be afrmidfor evil eidmgs, bue Ihr I (corn all :heir enemies. If honour, and wcalrh be fought for; In his houfe are glory, and riches. If praife, and favour ; The :aeration of the xighrcouslhallbe blelfed :IF power ; I-le Sul! be powerfull on the eanh,zud his feed alfo. His llrcngth llnll beexalred in glory : If marriage , _:md profperity of wedlock ; I-Hs wif (hall be as a vine Hounlhnng on :hehoulb (ide and his`€lf'|€ 3 l dren as olive branches. lf l1ealLh~of body . and Ilrength; the Lord will not fufiier his holy one to fee corrupcion. L1|i~ ly , blelfed is the man in all things that fears-the Lord; who rs unliaotted in ehegvzy, _ewho'egocs no: inroxhc eounfcll ofthe érickedpwho takes pany on rhepoor, and needy. For in an evifday ihc Lord [lull deliver him, and flulluo; d¢|iv¢¢ hxminro :he hands of his enemies. All the wicked lhzll foe, and be vexed , andlhzll grufh rheireeenh and pine away,rh¢~ir deiirc (hall pcrilh. Leeehisfuiiice foradmonition. For Iwill .noe more curioully profrcuzc :his matter., lcfi haply the evil-~ ncfs of the fubjed lbonld provoke me to write more then.i; expcdiene.Farewe|,from Parr1¢,XlII.ofI`¢!~ru.:ry,Ann0. M_ 19, X X V 1 I 1. alier :he Romana aceoune, |'v I TZ:
r_.r""' “~ '~ ~` ;w_',1j~: -f.i,,._..___._A____, v. ' ‘ ‘ " ""~ V -' R3 Cenfirre, cr: Rerraffnticn Henry Cqmgliug Agtippuan, cmsmg Magick, after [213 dr¢'I»m~..1xian of :be vaniq of Scimcex, and rérexnllmq of t&e1‘crd¢f God. Uf /‘I!a_glck_ £n_g0::r¢r!!, His phcc dorh require that we (peak of Magidnfot it is fo neer ioyned to, and of :Hiniry with Aih-ologiqin fo much :hae he char profcffcrh Magick wirhout Aiirologie, dorh norhing , hu: alrogcrher is in an crrour. Said# is of the opinion char Mzgicirhzd irs name, and origiuall from che Magufeanr. it is the common opinion,rh:r iris a Pfrjimc mme, 10 which ‘7’n';b7r} , and Apuleiur :Kent , and that in rhmr tongue at Ggnifies n prieir, wife man, or Philofopher. Magick rhereforecornprchcnding :il Philofophy, narurailgrnd Marrhcmaricxlhioyns che powers of Religions ro chem. Henoc alfo cheyconraininrhem Gocria, and Theurgia, for which rrufe manydivideldagickinro :wo parts, -vi<..N1rura\, and Ccrcmoniall. Of Narurall Afagick, T isrhoughr char nnrurall Magick is norhing clfe but rhe higheh power of narurall Sciences, which rhcrcforc is cal- led :hc heighr oi mrurmil Phiiofophy , and rh; moi! abfolutc confummarion thereof , and rhar which is :he :relive pm of narurmli Philofophv , which by the help of rururall venues, from a muruail, and opportune :rpplicarion of rherr, brings forth operations even to Admxrarion = which Magrck h ,/Z I' Urn: and Irflia-:J cfpcciily did ufc , whcrt thc K .C ~ 1 mfr , .. .. 0 rcrtue of herbmnd (inner. and orhcr rhings iookmg cowards " ‘ ‘ ' ' - ' f ir iz was fuxrzcrenr. Ir rsmd char H.¢-rem: made mcuuon o to ‘Pm!:»:u , where he fzirh char Apafenizxr :be i1j.1::e.m Wes 1 Mzrgieign , gg PhiIo1'ophcr,:rs alfo che ‘1’_;rl;.1_gari.r::r ; ofrhrs kind were rhofc wife men which came co worfhip Chrrli vrizh .gifrr when he ms hom , which che mrcrprcrcrs of rh: O o 4 C l:.r[dr.m:
, _ *""‘-‘~~».'i-¢~-4 ~ ~»"-wc .~.,~-"‘j ~‘ - »-- ___ 'a _ ‘_ . __ ._,»;.,,_;;;,__A_ Ln 7 ,:; `u..-._.-..¢,.-..,,»; | “‘<--»~.=_.. <._».___|,.¢*‘ ‘ > Cbaldemrx expound the Philofophers of the Cl1.z!d¢im,fueh gg, were Himbetamongh the Breimaxnr, Tiffin; amongli gf? 9`}r::ro_{épI:5{Ir, Budde amongil t e Bagjlqnutnr, .Num¢?¢;;;. piliw amongllfthc Romans. Zamalxi ea amongil the 2'l,m»;.. dm, Aéhzrzlc amongll the !i§p:r6e>-mni, Hman amongli thi; rA"gj_gtimu, Zoran/Per the on of Oromnfst amongll the Per. fnnr. Forthe Indiana, eétlziopianx, C baldemzr, and Prrfnm- ehielifdid .czcell in thisfMagick.` With 'J11iCi1.lhCfCf0IC.~( as ‘Thrairelates in ¢Alei&ind¢:» ) the l`ons‘ of the Peifaii Kings wereinliruiiednhat they might learn to adminiller, and diihibnte their image to, the common wealth of theworld, and the commonwealth toit; and Cicero faith in his books of divination, that there was none atnon the ’7’er_6`¢n~u did enjoy the'Kingdomi, huehe that firlkglu e learned Magick. Naturallf Magick. therefore is than , jvthich contemplates the powers of allmrurall,and .celelliall things, and fearching cnri. oully into their'Symp;tthy, dothptoglgcr; gccultgppiversinna-, tureintopubliqneszi:vr,;fo§0u1Jling$inl`eriour things as allure# fn'ent§`itrthxSgift§oEfnpetiour thing; . that by their mutual! application , that from thence atife wonderfull miracles; not fo much by art as by nature. to which art becomes an allilkant while!! ig works thefe things.For M;gicians,as the mont curious fcarchers ol nature , making ufe of thofe things which arepreparcd by nature , by applying aiiive things to pzffiire , produce oftentimes cffeéisbcforc the time ordained by nature , which thevulgar think are miracles, which ind ted are natnrall works, the prevention of the time only coming hettvixt = :is if any one lhould produce Kofcs in the moneth of-Match, and ripe Gra}>es, or fowed Beans, or make Parfly to grow imma petfefirla ant within few hogrré; my, and cztnfe ‘greater things, as clou s , rains, thunder; ,e and animalsof divers kinds, and veryrman tranfmurazions of things , many of which fort Roger 8f!!0f3%DZlRCd'lh1f he did do by meer na- #turall Magick. Ot' the works thereof wrote Zoroap"u,Ha-mer, Bhtxtbra King of /Imfria, Zat‘lamri.u thc bvlélfbllialll, ,fvfpb the Hcérm, Bama, ¢/Jirran, Z mcremu , Kiramidzr, Almaalal, Tberel, Alclzindm , e/fécl, ‘7’ralsm], Grézr , Zabel, l£Lzz.:;~ .im ,_ 1 ia I -.t..._.». -~| l
- . --....._~,-__t..q-,- . .... &.17l{5, T¢l°i;5,~}}fri!hy tfalcmcn, /1{},,P[,,,,’ mPfmb,,,, y{[,_._ mean, /Ipadoniiil, Tripban, and many others, rn1ny0fwhoI`t: works are yet entire , and many frhgments are 'yet extant, and have come to my hands. Some mgdgm mm f,3,,¢,31|'0 wrote of naturall Magick , but thev_ but a few things. as /Jllfrrrnr, Ifl’7&';1»'{If!dC‘l';”r¢!S9‘V»1; Rtririzuniim Lnllie, Enron, and ZJPPJIII# , and the Author of the book co /Iffonjin, fe: fotthfundet the name of 7’ic.:rri.v , who glfo gognbn whh natural! Magtekmixeth much fvperftition, which indeed the tell have done. » 0f Jllatlatlfmrimg /lLr_gi¢I;, _ Here are moreover other mofi witty emulators of na- ture and moft hold inquifttorse, whichptomifc they can by the influences of the heavens, obtaincdwithont naturall. vcrtues, but only by Mathematicall learning produce works like to thofe of nature, asrwalking, or talkinghodics, which have not animal! vertues : fuch was the wooden dove of Are1;ir.¢, which did (lic, and the flatue of Mercrfay. which diri fpe1k;and the brazen head made by /1l6¢n:u1&!a_gnm, hich they fay did fpeak. Bwim a mm of agreat wit and much learnirrg,e:~;eelled in theft: things, to whom Cnjiadarnr writing concerning fuch like things , faith , to thee it is appointed to know hard things-, and fhew miracles: by the ingenuity of thy art metalr speak , Diomczlu inbtafs ttumpctg, thebrazen Serpent hilfcth, birds arc feigned , and thofe which know no proper found _ are heard (ending forth fweet melody, we relate (mall things of him . who hath power to imitate the hcavcnnconcerning thefe arts I think that is fpoken whrchvee readinI’l.zro inthe eleventh book of Laws. Thereis an art given to mortal! men, by which they fhould geflcritc Certain htm; things, not pattaxing of truth or divinity, but fhould deduce certain rcprcfentazions of aflinity with them = and thus far have Magiciansgone, being men mail bold to do at; ghgngggfpgcially that old ftrong Serp~:nt,the prormferof all ' Sctences
-f-v -,_~-»-.o. . .A ,»».../us.. >...e.'¢“‘» 3 Sciences favoring rhern, that they like apes endeavour to emulat¢God,'md4naturc. x ,_ Of Enchanting Magick Here is moreover a kind of natural! Magick ,rwhiéh they T callbewirehing,medieinarynihich is done by cnps,lov;. pgrions, and divers mediearnenrs of Sorcerer: : Of which fort Dmurritmrisfaidto make fome, whereby good, ha , and fortunate fons may be begotten r and another wherpg we may rifhtly underlland the voyces of birds, as ‘Pbi!»- [Ir-rrrur an Porplgri: relate of Apodmim. Virgilalfo [peak-3 ing of certain Poutick herbgfaith, 11511731 timer, with tldi /:ave Mmris /jridr, Gl:.rzr_g’d to a a1a{f , and in the wood: raffle : Premjipalcéfex :vdtr!J_[5r:(r departed charm, ' ' "find crri}`5k}ar ffnfdingfrom another; And Plinj relates that a certain man, ‘Dus.m-har Tmba. jirur, in a facrilite which the /Ircvdu made I? a humane Cacti. hee to Yrrpirer Ljmrntalied of the cntrals o a boy that was facrificed, and turned himfelf into a Wolfe, b reafon of whith changing of men into awolfe , du in thirrhs that the name was put upon Pan Ljeew, and .epirrr Ljerm. The fame Au/Zin relates , that whileli he was in [ray , there wen; egg. tain women Magicians like Un-e, who by giving eheele to travellers turned them into cattle; and when they had carried what burdens they plea(ed,reftored them into men again; and that the fame happened to a certain Father called Prrjhvrtirre. But leaf! any one [hould think thefethings to be butfoolilh toyes, and things impollible, lee him eallro mhmd what the Scripture mentions concerning &6rrrb.rd::¢=..rr the King, how he was tnrned into an ox, and lived (even yeers with hay, and at length returned throughthe mer of God into a man again, whole body alier his death, his gn .Er/ilmgrerife gave . at ll '
""‘~-°-- -- ,_ ,~,,.__ ‘ >f-~Q¢~ _ .., t ,_,; 'v-4-rl ..¢¢~.¢.»-.¢¢~.»5>-an-.-v_-.‘ ».,_, ~ ' - - ~, .i ,N ._ , . ' Aff. . as a prey to the‘Vulters, lealt he nm - ~ ` dead.who returned from a bra!! into glgaigilgngglgggfféii kind doth E.vrdu: relate of the Magician; Q( q>1,,,,-,,,;, gut Scleman fpealts of the l`ame,whethcr Ma icians, or Soféggfgfg when he faith, Thou hall terrified them 5 God lbecaufe they; have done horrible deeds by inchantments. Moreoventhis I would have you kno ,that thefe Magicians do not fcafch inm naturall things only, but alfo thole things which do accom~ pany nature , and aftera manner put it off, as motions, num. bers, Egvfcs, founds, voyecs, contents, lights alfefiions of the mind.8< words.So the I’_@/Ii,and1l{.=r_6 called together fer- P=°§S ~ 2114 Others by other things deprciling them, put them tolirght. So Orphan reptclfed the tempell of the Argamfrre with ahymn ; and Hanan- relates to 21952: that his blood was rcltraincd with words. And in the law of the twelve ca- bles punifhment was ordained for them who enchanted the com : that without all doubt the Magicians did produce wonderfull ef§e&s by words only, atkéli ons,and fuch like, not upon themfelves, but alfo upon extraneous things; all ss hich things arc thought to put forth their innate vertue upon other things. draw them to them, or expell them from them , or ai-R' othetwile afi°c&ing of them, no otherwife then the Load one draws Iron,,or]eat Chaff. or a Diamond or Garlitlt bind them, fo that by this graduall, and concate- nated Sympathy ol things,not only naturall, and celelliall gifts,but alfo intelleéluall, and divine may, as Yambllrm, Pro-~ elm, and Sjsrfur conhrm by the opinion of Magicians , be received from above, which ‘Prctlur in his book of facrilice, and Magick confel1`eth,w:.:1`hatby the conlent of thefe kinds of things, the Magicians were wont to call up the dieties la mfeltes To fuch a height of rhadnefs fomc ofthem are l ,C | ~ grown, that from divers conliellations ofthe Stars, through intervals of times. and :certain rule of proportions being ‘ ~ ‘ ~ ° d h o. beck obfetvcd , thml. that an imabe of tne go s can wit receive the fpirit of life , andtntelleét . and (6 give an anlwer to them that ask counfell of ir, and reveal the lecretsofotcult truth. Hence it is manifclk that this natural) Magick is fqme. times ':~_» #if 1-av
f.f" "ff" `v F;//‘E 9- -If -~..¢.._ _¥._;__,,._..,.,.» ,....@~e.-.;',, ,'_~,;Y_ L times ‘inclining to G'oefi;1,.~andrTlrr:rrgf¢1 » '¢!ll¥li1gl¢d7iI;ih¢ wyleseand errours of evill Spirits. ‘ e ._~=¢ » 0/'Goeria Necromancy. NOW rhe parts of Ceremonial Magick are Guerin énd Tbwfgrh, gurirx is unforcunacqhy che commerces of nn- 'elean fpirics ma e up ofthe rites ofwickcd curiolitics, unlaw- full charms, and deprecarionmnd is abandoned and execraccd by all laws. Of this kinde are chofe which we now adayes call Nrcrmwzeerr, and Witches. ‘ A praplr mxgfdbj tb: Q`a¢ir,h.w: abil, Be at éf tb' :vid axe, e-um at their will T bravemfur ra 6/m:U5, and :br flying: - IV1:irl1¢a':in befnmz, and on argl: to érirrg .Usrt qfurzlrr, and t/:: polczfar tbfirrcr, Zndoffbe rivrrxfor to mm the rmr/E, The mountain: lr:/cl, :md the Jig: to drive 'Under the e:zrrb----- Thcle therefore are they which call upon the fouls olrhe deid, and thofe which the Ancients called I:’;edi,who enchanc boys, andhringrhem onrinco the fpecch ofthe Oracle and which carry nhou: :hem familiar fpirirs, as we d f.S` ‘ ffl 0 EWR!!! and fuch, asa: xsfaid, they ledin glalfcs, bv which rh'eyfcign lnhemfelvesco prophecy. And all zhefe proceed :wo wzries. Forxforne endeavour co ealland eompellevill fpii-ics, adiured by accrciin power, efpccially of divine names, lor feeing eve- ry creature fears, and revcrcncerh xhemme of him who madeir, no marvel, ifGo:ti¢m.r, Injidrlr, I’fr_g.-:xii-,‘ fewr, Sma- erm, and men of every proplune feét and foeiery do bind Divan by invocacing the divinenarze. Nowcherccarcfome that are mol! impionfly wicked indecd,clm fubmicrhcmfelves to-Pivcls, Eicrince ro, and adore chem, and thereby become W guilry
-" , . guilty of ]ll0l2!{}', :Ula tht Qflftll ablfcmeng ; to whigh qimgg if :he former are not obnoxious, yer they expofg ghemfclves to mamfelldangerf. Foreven compelled divels alwaies de- ceive us whirherfoever we go. Now from che lefi of the Geninuu have proceeded all thofc hooks of darknelk. which lblpianm rhc Lawyer calls books dlfallowed to bewead, and forchwirh appomred rhem ro be dellroyed, of which fore the Hrll lsZn5:¢Iw reported to invent, who ivas giver! td lin- lawfull arcs, then I}.xr::.a.6.u a certain Cjprim; and now in tliefc dayes chere arc earryed abou: hooks wirh feignedcirles, llndtr the naulcsofe/:'z{.1m, Abel, Errezb, /Il1r.1b:zm,.S`alambn, alfo Paul, Hc1:ariu:;C prime, /11&m§=f,'_7/,ww Hiermié, and of a certain man olITar»1r,‘whol'e eoiesyll Leaps: King of Cajiile, Reber: an Englifld man, Bacon, an! /fP|UU!7fU,Ild many other men of a dcplored wir* have Foolifhly followed. Moreover they have not made men only and Sainrs,and Patri- arhcs, and :hc angelsof God,chc anrhorsof hiehexecrable 0§inlorls;<l>i1£=tl1?flJoall, allb cha: :hole books were dilivet- c by Razief, an Rd;b.§r[chcAngels of gidxnzgand Tabizfg Which books openly betray themfelves ro himiliar looks nar- rowly into rhem,eo br: a rule, fire, andeullome Gfrheir re# ccpts. and a kind ofwords, and ehara&ers, anorder olgex- !ru&ion, :rn empty phrafe, and to contain nothing but meer royes, and irnpollures, and to bc maclein larrerfeirnesby men ignorant of all ancient hlagielr, and lorlom areills ofperniti- ous art, ofprophane obfervanons mixed wirh che ceremonies of our religion , wich many unknown names, and feels inrermixed, :har :hereby rhcy may terrific and allonifh the Gmpl:,.:rxdignoranr. Moreover it dorh noryet appear char: rhefe arcsare fables; forunlefs rhere were fueh indeed, and hy them many wonderfull and hurrfnl things done, then: would nor he inch llriel, divine, and humane _laivcs made concerning chem, for rhe urzer czrrerminaring of chem. And why do che 6`eer£.v:r ole rhofc evillfpiries only, but be- caule good Angels will hardly appear, expefimg che com. mand of God, and come nor bu: ro men pure in hearnantl holy in ure; bu: rhc ei-in are erm; called up, favouring; , im- _,_ 575
_vwvi-i ~ _ 4 _ __ » ` 1---.-_.........,,,,,,..--...,.._-~......,;;,;,_.-_ , y 4 ...4 t,~ `.. _;_i....i.i hlrn tlut is falfe, endllohnterfeiting holinefs tre;al~;7§les ready leo 'deceive with §i1¢llC¥3fC,¢h35 lhC}’ my be \’0ffhipped,3and :adored = gud beeaufe women are rnoll ellrous of feereu d an lel§ eautrous,:md prone to fupcrihttonghey are the more ea( l ` 1 deoervednnd therefore gtve up themfelves the more readily td them, and do great pro tes.The poets ling of Cine, Alrdu, and others ofthis fort ; gem, Plin},.S‘mee.1. .drifiimnd many purer; as well Philofophers as Catholilne Dofiorgand Hilto- ¢i;n§, alfo the Seriptues tellihe the like. For in the books ol' the r Kings we read , that a woman who lived .E dar at , called up the foul ofS¢zm:::l the Prophemlthough mmyigm. pgeeit not to be the foul ofthe Prophet, but an evil fpirit, U h, h k C 1 ~ tc too upon him his lhilpe Yeerhe Hebrew mallersfay get Aqflin to Simplieiams ozlx no: deny butitmight he the _true frgrie ofimuei, which might calily betalled npfromits body eforea eomplcat year afteehis departure, :tsalfo the gaqrikqr teach.; _Al[Q_<,él£¢§?€¢'»2Nrcr;fa¢:r¢r::fuppole that _n§ghe be§l_9t;§J»y§;cgrt4in;n:'turale powers dndbonds, zswe have fald in our hooks ol'0e¢-nl: Pbilvppiy. Therefore the ancient Fathers, skilfull offpiritual things, did not wir.ho°a: eaufe ordain that the bodies of the dead lhould be buried in nholy place, andbe accompanied with lights. and fprinkled ,With holyewzzer, and he perfumed with frankinrenfe, and Wineenfe, and be explored by prayers as long astheyfeontinued abovogrovnd. For as the Mallers ofthe Hebrews fzy, All our body and c1rnalAninul,- zndwhztfoeeerinusdependsnpon _the matter ofthe _fklh beingilldifpofed is left fogmeaeto the ySerp¢nt, and as they called into /1=.o=-rl, who is tlteLord of th-:~£lelh and blood, and the Printe nfthisl world, and is called in_I.¢~yi¢i::u the Prince ofdeferts, to whom it is faid in Grmyfx, Tim: /Zzalt mt duff all the dale: ofrb] life. And in g/mb, Diff! :Ig 6r:.1J., i._¢. our body created of the dull of _the earth, folongasitfhzllnoe be f:rn&i5ed, and turned in- to better, that rt be no longer anef¥o&ofthe ferpene, but pf God.»v£i-.. a fpirituxl made of earnalgteording to the word ol"1’arrI,faying, that whith is (owed a carnal, (hall arife a. fp?- tnal; and elsvihere, gl] indeed (hall rife, butvalllhxllnge C.
_ 1 .Q ..A¢»... .,,,_,_.,,¢__`_‘_ i , ---~ -..4u»- » up-|`,,_`___>__ A , - - ...~.4,.,,_”__ be cingcd;Ucc2iifE:'miny lhillfrcmain fofr§e,”mat,ol{»;éf Serpcnr. Tlusfilrhy andlionid-mhrrcrofln = fl » _V ., of :lic Serpent we tlieiefdfclczilbff bydEitI?§¢l§?x} 'nl =¢u¢i~ and lgirituall, which nam se- in ¢u¢?&ru¢§¢§°§§.¢9f,, th: dead ; an is already donef in. zhofé, ivlidlizivf MM? fl sh; fiiflfruits of the icl'urrc&ion‘,'and many llavé' alrcnd 32; £13064 £011 by the vcm1c**oF :liexlivine fpiri: <ifr'rhis*li?e>is'~ Rmb, 21:41, gndfmafe; wlfofé bodies cvervdianggdfigw- a-fpiri:uall~narure,and fceri éorriipr?oh'~f5‘neizli€r} ire; their carkal`{`es leli to ‘thc¢powcr 09 the Supaiig, fghd ‘gggsy was :har difpute oF’the° devil! wirli- Aikbmlfihc A&dung¢; q concerninrg the-body ofzlfqfik; oF' hid
§1:&.JbUiakcsimcniiox;‘ in his Epi lg Bu: of_ Ga;ri.i,anQ2Qrzgm41@g§;l;el`c fumgg, of Thr/n-gig. A Y i _ 'i Oli; rixiliffhihk tlx2ir’I°l1curgia isfnot unlavefulig as Nb: govétiicti IJ# gob¢1‘Atig¢lS;aml tdivihgdié ' ,1fil1.' " ye: ofccmimcs it is undtrAthe'nanits~oPG od'§Va'dil ihggflil of evil Angels obllringcd by :hc wicked fallacics ofilhedc- vils. Forwc do procum and gm-a& norbymrurall owes only, but glfo byllceiuin xircs, and ceremonies , cclcliiiléy and by :hem diviné-'vcriucs tooui frlvcs; OE which togcghbf' wid; many rules- :lie mcicnr M:gician9‘did>"treit¢ii1.uiaH§§ volumes. Bur the grearcll pm of all ccremonics conI`xlls‘iri*‘ obfcrving clcannclir, and purity , -fixll of the mindi thttrof the body , andof rhofé things which are abpufthehody, ns# in ¢h¢~skiu~, in gaarmcngs, _inhabirarionsg iii velfeli, ucenlils‘;} oblariousj factihces, thc pnizy ofvwhich- difpofcth* iq gliefacf qmintancé wid? and bcholcling of Hn/inc_ things i;‘o§ry` much required in fmcrcd things , 3£C0l’dlKg'!0*’[hC“WOl’d of U4i,»;b, axe ye walhcd, and made dean, and'uk¢awzyitlfg" evil of your choughrs. 1Now»impuriry=; bfrdyiikif fofitntiings' iofcfis :he air; and mziii, diilurbcs `zlm'nioll#pi1t22iinB}3gnccjoF; Cislclliall and divinc»things,;nd~ ¢hi1Etlfa'i:?tht pnrcfpigifi of s.iod. Bn: fomcnimcsimpurcfpirit¢,=md~ eceivingpowtiiasrt A ' .<<
vw- ,.-~~ ___ ___,* ,;~_.a~; r¢:=~rnu=o~»hsu- »»». fn. - .~- ~¢;'vq'~,fp. , ;», thaetheybeworihipped, and adored for godsw rcqnircgglfo thi; purity. ‘Therefore here: ist gm: nad of# caution ,gas wr: g?_&¢¢.1;;qyr;1§f;9nr(ed ot,-lzrgcin ,our book; of Occult Philof {0§hy`_ ’Bqenf,ihis Ihcurgiaf, or _Magick of divine things Pgrybjrie -difputing gtlzrgc, at length concludes that by fnilur-gieirll confecrznons the fouioi rnanimay be fitted to reeeivcifpintsi, and Aogelsnandtoc fee God ; but he srltogcr.. gba denies that we can by thrsmrt rreturngto (md. ~;_Of chi# Schooi therefore istthce Ar; aflmadel , the Notary art, thc Quline Art , the art of Revelarxons ,e and mmy fuch like fu- perfiitions. whicharc fo much the more pernicious, by how mgththty fccm themor; divine to the ignorant. _'~; !_Ii‘.i'i~'i.‘. Y.f.;1 e . ~, ~ ' i i i ' ' ""Uf Cahlie, ' HEre thctizords of ‘Pfirij come into my mind , who faith _ :5h§_!;§§o_n‘.g§M:g;ck depends upon Map: and Luraprs,-» bqrjg jews; which words put me in mind of thc _kabalitof thejawx, which the I-Irlfmn arc of opinioniwag dclivércrf tu /ML: by God himfclf on mount Simi, and rhcn byrde- grces of fucccmon without the f¥}0D0mQD_[S of.-letters was un- till 515: times of ,Efnng delivered to others by yyqgqnf month °fi!yf els rim'H;sf>#g¢fi¢»r9Pini<>»1vY¢fs£orm¢_rLvs1=liv¢fe4 hw f1f¢biPPw.;;n§1, Ly£»vif,wh<> had #shook at Thai" in »Gr¢<=¢s. id which the Sthulersfirecping the precepts of t_heir_m1Rers in their memoric ., ,did ufe their wir . and mcmoriefin.[lead of bgoks : So certain jewsAdc_fpi(ing lrteraturc,_placed this in metiiorie, gpd grbfgrvations, Lan‘d,vpcall~ traditigns _"whence Cqhalig }§3§:h mth; if-I¢!1;¢zw:, called gs it ,were the reception of any thing goqiggnpthce onyibyhieqiryg., 'Ihuare ( as it is reported ) is vcrykmciene , burrhepgme wgs known burrof late times arnong(i Chritliansa They deliver a double fcicncc therefor; , ,the one of Brqfirb, which _:hey call Cqfm_ologie,i 'v{§i5 _cxpiainipgtlre povsgcrsof things crewed, nagurnll, and. Cclcliiallmnd expoundrng the fecrersiofithc Law and Bible by Ijhilofoiihicalfrcafons : which truly iipon this account during? , nothing if 'w-,__ , ‘»-,, ) ~ ,i W. < Mu ' | F a ~ea 1 #1 3 - ~ .AY
Qu-;_p-»-v *+<.___,-__ nmhing at all 50111 naturill hdagitkjnxvhith we believe K Su. Z_”’°” :{z°°1lCd- Poritl is readin the feared Hilloyiu gfthc H,- Lf? = h=hwas =1<su¢a in all tongs. even from the cedar of b.‘(i'”°”°‘°.‘ ° Hy [Top that grows upon the wahalfo in cattle, J; ;;;5'¢FP;f;g thtngs, and fiihes; all winch (hem he knew me mi*'5`f3.lf”“"°°’ “ff “F deff” ¢l’S followed after Khls in his exp uonyupomhe 7’{1='f¢¢'"; ilfo many more Talrmedylx. They callthe other §Cl¢°C¢ lh¢’C0f 6f.Z14¢r¢-¢ra.which is concerning the more ful:- '|lm¢ ¢`°U¥¢mfP12ti0ns of divine 8: Angelick venues, 6: of fund Ninth md mls. being :zccrtain Symbolieal divinity, in which Iet&e;s,numhers,Ggt;‘res,things, 8: ngintes, :ggi tops of elvaneuts, “U mUgP°1U¥9.= accents. UC lglli ativc of mo to- f°“Ud lh_
‘l§;&gr§at fecrets; his again they divide inéodgizb- m.wq,-rn-r..t at W ich is call omriacm,tre1tin 0 An cli- ?l ;'¢tt1颧.names, 8cl`eals,all`lc;£>1`€the conditions ol; fpgigfanté ou s,1n ,wh' ezrcheth into them 'ceo divine maidlyns the emiwatiom thereof, ae fzcred ngmes, and Pcnt1cles,wbxch he that knows may excell with wonderful vcr- tues ; asthat when he pleafeth; he my fore-lmow~aI|‘future thmgs,& command whole nature, have power over devnlmnd Angelmnd do miracles. By this they fuppok, that /lisp; dnd [haw fo many Ggnsgmd turned the rod into a Serpent, and the watcrsinto blood,and that he (ent Frogs, Flies, Lice, Loeufls, C: crpill1ts,5rc with hailbotehcs and hoyls on the Egpriqu; and (law every Grit bom ofman and heal! ; and that he open- ¢¢1 mg Sen, and eqnyedhis thorow, and brought fountains out ofthe rock, and quails from Heaven. that he (cnt before his, clouds and lightnmgs by day , at pxllar of fire by mght, :mdczlled down from Heaven the voice of the living Godpta the people , and did flriltc the haughty with fire, and thpfc that murmured with the L<:proGe; and on the all dCf§FY§l1g brought fuddain dcllnzélion; the euth gapingand Rvallovnng them u ; further he fed the people with heavenly food; ;p;eiEedpSe|-pents , cured the envenomed , preferved the nu- merous multitude from inErmity,&their garments from wear- gnn °ut,&mu,dc chem vi&ors over their enexnies.To conclude; bf ‘his an of miracles fofbms commanded the Sun to £11516 _ 1 QP alll, 1' '~’ 77 ii.-1-Q
. " "Tw-'LST- £l:ill, £5.15 calleddovm lite from Heaven agen hieenemies, relioretl adeadfehilde to life; Diwidllopt t e mouths ofthe Lyons; flhethree childtenrfang longs in the fiery Gverx; tnoreoverby this are the inccrdulous ]ews affirm, that even Chrill did do fo many miracles; Salomon alfo very well knew this art, and deliveredeharms againft devils, and their illondsgdnd the manner ofconiuration9,and.againB: difeafes, as fiyip/1 tepotteth, but asldouhtnoe but that God revealed to MM: many feerets,containcd under the bark of the words of the Law, which were not to be revealed to the prophane vulgar. So Iaelmowledge that this Cabaliflieall art,whieh Ilfoil-Iebrews bragof, audi fometimes diligently and.labo- rioufl foughtafrer, is nothing elfe than a meer ragfody of fuperllition, :tnldacertain Theurgiealllwagiclt, bnti it pro- ceeded from God (asthe Jews boall) and conduceth to the tlerfeflion oflife, health ol? men, to thcwotlhip of God, and -to the-trnthofunderfland' ;truly,thaefpirit ofrtuth, which 3hgth;lefethis;Syii1§og_ue;¢L1§toine to teach us all truth,would not have concealed it from his Church even untill thefe laik tiqzes,which indeed knoweth all thin[§s that are ofGod,whoi'e benediélion, baptifm, and other my cries of falvation are re- ~ veqled and perlecied in every tongue , for every tongue hath 'lthc°fame equal! power, if fo be that there be the fame equall ~pie ty, neither is there any natnefeither in heaven or earth,-by the which we muli bk faved; and by which we work miracles. ‘belides this one name fwfr, in whidiallthings are recapitu- lated and contained. Hence it is, that-the Jews, who are ¢in_bIi_sl¢ill`ul in nhng the names of God, Acztnoperate little or -riothingafter Chrillgas their ancient fathersdid-g' but that we lbiyfexberience find,_and Qc, that bythe revolution of this; nrt (astheyl callthem) oftentimes wonderful lentenecs, full of great mylletieliare wrelledftom theholy Scripturegthis is- Qnothingtelfe then ffcertain fplaying upon ‘Alleg0ries, which idle men buqfing rhemfelvcg with all the points, lCI(Clf$,"3Il&; numbers, which this tongue and the cullome of wtitingdov enhly fuller, dofain and difguifdatrlicirplealizrcs ; which ale thonghfometirnes they holdforth great rnylicries, yet they ~ ~ ~ A ran. 1 _ ' '
1/ l S+* . --<,~-r 1” ,_ ~» ... ` »~.»¢» ev x. au.: ¢ z..,.n¢».¢A ..; ufll... , »-|~»- I ‘i i I n 4 J h.3.L..; - .~.v; ,.» ~ ,.,_ l 56.1-ll-r ¢ 4 ¢ e ri ¢;:»f,;‘; 1. in J. _-¢ -P Y , can neither proye not evlnce any thing; but we may (accord.; ing ro the words ofGrega3-1) with the'fame_facility contgmul them, as they are afhrme can Rheem: the Monk, by; the fame artificc hath faincd many things; but in Latin Chanz&ers“ and verfes, with certain pictures inferred, which being read any way by the dclineations of thc fnperficies and pidures, do declare fome facred myilcrie, reprelenting the I-:lillories of the things painted ; which alfo may without doubt be wreiied from propbane writings, as every one may know, who hath' read the (Instant: ot' Vale:-in ‘1?ra64, compofed out of the' verfes of Vir il, concerning Cbriii; All thingsof this kind are the fpeauérions ofidlc brains, but whatbelongeth to the working of roiracles,thcre is none of yon,I fnppofqoffo foo- lilh an underllandingmho believeth that they have any are or fcience ofthem; therefore this Cnlmfa of the jcwsiis nothing clfe than a moll pcrnitious fuperliition, by the which the ga.- ther at their pleafnre,divide, transfer words, names amlvlet- temfcattéringlyipntin the holy Scriptures , and by making one thing onto 'anotlierfthcy diifolvevthc conncélious of the trutb, the {peecbes,indu&ions nncl»p1rables,'and n¢re'aua< there conllrning them by their own fi&ions, would bring the words of God to their follies, defaming the Scriptures, and faying that their 5&ionx have foundation ontbem. They calnmniate the Law of God, and by tbe fupputations of words,l' llables,letters, numbers'impudentlycxtorted, they allay to bring violent and blafphemous proofs for their unbe- lief. Bclides,rhcy being puft up by thefc trifles , do boallz that they Fmdc and (catch out the unfpeakable myficries of God, and fgcretg, which are above the Scriptures, by the which alfo they irnpudently affirm , and without blnlhing , that they can even prophccy,ancl do miracles and wonders ; but it hap- pencth to them,as to =/Ejizpr Dog, who leaving his bread,and gaping after the lhadow, loll his food; fo this pcriidrous and Iliff ncclred people , being always bulicd in thelhadowtof dm Scriptures, and about their own vanities, and doing vio- lence by their attiliciall , but fupcrllitious Cabala, do loofc the bread of eternall life, and being fed with vain words, do PP a dcliroy _' »c
,., 77” er _ ,,,`,_ ._ , deihoy thesvord of truth; from this Judaictll ferment o Cabzhikicall fuperllitlon proceeded (as Ifuppofe) the Ophi- ;;n¢,Gr1o{Ec;n, and Valentinixn Hereticks, who together with then-_dif¢iplea,fained a certain Greek Cabala, perverting all the myfttries of the Chriilian faith, and by their heretical! corruption wrcfring them ro the Greek letters and numbers, by the which they eonilitured a body of truth (as they callit) and taught, that without thefc myftcries of Iertersac numbers the truth could notbe found inthe Goipehbecaufe thdtthe writin s thereof are various, and iomerimes repugnant to rhemfgvemnd full of parables; that they who fee. mighrnot fee, and that they whohear, might not hear, and that they who underlrand, might not underlhnd, :md that they are propounded to the blindiand erroneous, according tothe ci- pacity of their blindnciéearrd error ;e But that the (ineete truth yinghid under thefe thiuggisoommitted ro the ierfeéi oniy, noe, y vqritindggbutbyAv0rd_o£rnouth,and,rhat isistharlil. Q§»¢hCf3Q{-3.I1_ Atithmrltitel Theology which Chrifi in private niixiifclrtdeto hiskpoilleg; and which Parr! fpcnketh to ries, therefore they arenot wrrrten,nor ought fo robe, but to be kept in feeret amongfl: wife men ; but no man is a wifemm axnongilthemrxvho knoweth not to refrain the grcateir mon. gen of Heretic. i e ' ° ~ f Of the perfeéi only ; for feezngthatthefc are the_high¢{}i my(l;-7
' ' i _ , 111-1uil_ l `0f ?r1‘g_gIirx_gaa-Legcrdenzain. A _ Blk let ns return to that Magick; part of which is an are of iugglings (c.i.)delnlions, which are made according gg, appearance only, bg which Magicians Ihew Elianrafmesgmj play many miracles ycircularory frauds, an canfe dreams, which they do not fo much ly Geotick inchanrmenrs,and im- recations , and deceits of evils, as by certain vapors, pg;- £1mcs,lights, love-medieines,collyries, alli ations, and fulpen. (ions, alfo by rings, images, glalfes, and (Erich like drugé, and inllruments of Magical! arc, and a natural! and Celeftiall power. Alfo many things are done daily by flieghe of hand, of which fort we fee fome are done daily by Rage layers,and fportcrs which we call Cbirqhplizrs (e. i.) skilfslinileighx: of hand. There are extant concerning thisart, booksof th; Ieggrdgnain of H¢mzer,and forne others. We read alfo of a certain rriaicalled :PJ¢ran , a malt norable iuglar, that was wont to (hewi a banquec` to~guelis, and when he p1eafed,to rnakcir vaniih away again, all rifrng with hunger, and rhirif, being deluded. We read that Zlgfmr Pompiliu: did ufe thefe kinds of iugglings, and alfo than rnoliz learned ‘Pjriu ma did fomerimes do this toy, that wha: thing; hepleafeé bg would wrire in aglafs, which being fct again! ‘the full Moon, ld 0 w to an one that llood behind it rhofe things hewou me é , 'reprefented in the lobe of the Moon; I-lither belongs f ` ns of men which wharfocver Poets (ing of the tran mntatxo ' , :xlib is delivered by Hiliorians, and by fome Chriliian Di- vines, and alfo is recorded in che Seripzure. So men may ap- pear like Ailes, orhorfes, or other Animals with fafcinated eyes,ora troubled mediurn,and that by a naturall art. Soma.. times thefe are done by good and evil fpirits, or by God himf fclf at the reqnelk of fomc good rncn, asin tl:eScripinre we read ofElm.r the Prophet bcfet by an Army of the King for- tifying Darlmm. Bur to pure eyes, and fuch as be opened by God,thofe cannot decei;¢e;fo rhatwoman which was iudged to be a kind oEcarrle,did (ecm toHil.1ria to be not any fuch thing, P p 3 bur
F ;-,nd dcccizs oFIdoI1try,boa{ling ofdelutiong, andghzntafincs prcfcngiy ccaiing. bra§ that they can do miraclcs,I y all zhcfc {l11!l nh7“”f¢¢r. an fambrer, and Sims# Alagux, be dcfki- narcd to the rorments ofcternall Fire. > ofxbc occult Pbilqfvpby ofHmr7 Cornelius /Igripp, FINIS. Anno M. nxxxin. In ms Mmm ofI#{1§ _ .~ ._, I "T)'A'1, ' !~‘ Liga ` 1 ` "¥`l`4 s , 3 ~ 4 ¢ » 1_1 , _ ».£. ` , a , ,.. y I l Q . K I 1
Ch; , 19, 0 :kg urslt Vntuu o this x. 3 _2 (jug, g ; , Him affair Venue: ai in/§]2d|'r:to the _/P1/trail gf rkinn 5] Iiicfs, throng: the Inlp afrhe Sm! efrbe Wald, and :-493 qffbc Smr: : an n-lu: fixing: aéunnd mf? rrirb flu? Ver. wr. ' 1 .26 Chap. 12. I=Ta=vin?:b.frp.¢rti::1lar Verma mfeinfnpd intappiti- CULV Ir:JiviJm1l.r,wm q"tb¢]2n1e Spttiu. P1g»27 Chip. :;. WIm:cctl:r0cct1ltVcrtur.r efrhixgx pamd. p1g.:9 Chap. 14. Of :be Spiri: ofxbewarld, what if is, and bm 6] my ofmcdium ir swim ormlr Vumu to rI;¢ir/`u5}z£?:. pug. 3 z Chap. t 5 . Haw we ms_f1'find diff, ard :xmipc :be Wnxrc: vfthing: Q7 wg af/Fmilitfldr. pag.;4 Chap. 26. Hawzbt aprwimr Gfftifffdff Vmurx ;.1j}f3-cm me :king into amber, usdare remmxmicarcdeze ra :be cxfxr. pzg.36 Chap. 17. Haw! crmzig mifimdjbiprkevmuu ofxbingr are ra he tqcd, d72d‘£¥J¢d our. p:g.37 ;Cl;;p¢1Q._0frI1gIcclirwiwuofinzsixirx. W ,_,,_ p:$;.4o Chap. xg. How rErF’rr¢f::?bf§1g21g4'.4f?f° 5' 'OY3' #”Jf7=ff ' wr, fxrfyiriy-gifi;1:L11ri~§:E¢;7;?2;H7, or or] me lrrdividmll 6) mggf @"f“f’5‘f3’- _ _ _ P3§~43 Chip. 20. Thx! »mtur»fH I'rrt:m are rn fiwze rkmg: t/Jrafigbsm their 1;-lwl¢fulwj1ar:c‘e, ami inatlstr thing: in trrmin parts, and mrmhrr. pag.44 Chap.-at. Of fb: Va-me: afrbingx wbicbm in :ber/z any in zkfir 1% rimr, and fucb dl remain in than rum afrr xbrir dmxb. P3545 Chap. 22. How ifrfrriaf thing: are/hbjréhd tofufrrior 6vdiu, and [Jaw tb: éodiuf, tb: a£?iar::, aiu! dwoftivm vfmm are ufirilvd io Srqx, ar,-!Si_gn:.~ . p:g.48 Chap. 135- Haw dfkfjbah /Quan n‘L~.1t Stn: :mtz:r,11!rl.~ingnmu:¢» Jzr, and wb.1t§}:i§g! are msdrr tb: Smv, which an r.1L’¢d Jday, ‘ .. :> ' ' Pggsq Chap. 24. t&‘f:.1: réxhgx av Lxrmo7,or ur.:!rr rbefmer aftlv Alcan. " Wg-S4 Qup. 25. tflut thing: are Satmwisr, sr m::.’rr t£‘:;o\'cz~~qf`Sa- mm. _ _ ' ‘ png.” Chap. 26. Wlurf zbwgxarz m:¢!.»r rbe;:$':raj']upi:cr, med .src ca!- ldfozvlfl. ~ "' pig.” §h:p. Q ¢
‘ 33- [W 1313 rlzingr are under tlxep.-Mer qfMars, asdare t.11?rd .sr M . ° ` . ' _ ~ _ ‘ P3868 Chrip 13 JV!!-=! rlzmgx are mrinj r£~:;a:z-rr qf'Venus,andarec.1z?rd fffffai . I P2 .59 Chu; 3?-;q¥;;:-fr fjéng: are nndrrxbc pawgr gf Mgfcury, arjnérp cm: rem . G, _ 9 Chip- 39- Tb" 'III Whale /E:!:lmm] Warid ,md tbaji tbiqg: riirb an w vt, are difiribuxrd to Plaxru. pag.6x Chap. 5 t . How Pro:/beter, and Kingdcm: are dylrihmd ra Tge# nfxfo » 2 Ch:I?._;;. wha rbing ar: nada- :be Signx, xb¢fix:J.S`r4r.r, and 8 ttr magtx. P;g.6; Chap. 33. 0 f sk: .S`r.z!:,.»vvdCIur.sE?:r: o_fN¢:mm!!¢bing:. p:|g.6; Chap. 3 4. Has' 5] 1{_ummH 1:55131 ,and their »vmm°: in my draw fn-xb .md -mnxfi the ir:j1;m::¢:, and mrme: #(`¢1q?i.¢!l5odir:. p:|g.69 Chap. gg . Ofslfe Afixtioxu 0fI!.1|'!l7'.1B thing: one twirl: anatlnr, am! - *tfzrff Iirjxtt -f _ 10.7° Chap' ;6. ofr!»»":1¢f5a*¢fma1»:¢¢ai~ ;, ,¢p;d :bc iir:rod::f1§v:?af.z sw: rxélrfcrm. and:I:r/ir#-f vflé “ ' 'AP-'lg.7§. Chap. 37. Hm Qyjlwms ¢'rrt.xinu.1mraIl, and url#ici4.'l;r:p.1ra:i- om :wr my attxnaf? czrmin C¢l4?ia.'!,a:-.J '::ir.11l_g¢:. ¥1g.73 Clap. ;S» ffar: :re my 43mm nat cn! Cclqfiiziyzzrdvital, nt ab? urlafn lv=:fL'r¢'?u,al, mddidnn-_g%'_frcm abwr. p15 75 Ch;p_ ;9f TIM: fre mx] lj/231728 nrnwx manrn of K'/J! war/ flir up :kt Gd! ofzhf Tarld,.znd rrrir mins;/Frirzg aiu. pag.77 Chap. .;<~. Oflunrfmgx, \~£ux: /an :kg are a , msd in Wbarmge: fly() .ar xxx: to l'f dsnt. p3g~78 Chip. -51 . 0 f_Ycrm-in, and rbzb' pvzrer. P3g:7Q (,h;p_ qz, (af :br :::m!nj?|1l rmnr: of/Bm: lgfnsb of’ Sorrénu, _ pxg.8r C[1;p_ 4;_ of igrfumtv, cr 5|Aj_H!!lig»!ff¢1!J , tbtfr Iluunlr, dlrrf pmlr. ' P3585 Chlp. -14. Tl-e ¢.¢m;:p`:im of#1z2¢fumt.[ ¢:;;rapri.»::edro :be i’#l.1~ nm. _ _ P3893 Chgp, .;;, Of [`¢!.Qric: , 'Un.‘?iax:, La1.'e-zllzdmuu , and rbnr %‘!fXHfI¢ ‘Qc P3£'»'9° Chap. 46, off:.»:m11.¢1/g.1:iw, and/31@1r1fj`vH!~ P€i;?= _ A P' _ .. J ‘,,, ,-, ‘,-'~‘- "" 1
Chxp, 47. 0fRir;q:.andtbrir Cfmfqffffflll. P; _94 5§h;p. 48. of tba' ‘vmue afplnm, anslwbn plnru aroj2¢m[$, ,Q ruff] Smr. I 5 ' P3g;9§ Ch;p,49_ Of Ligbz, Colmrl, Carrdlu, and Lr!m;J,_a1:d rg WL.” 51,9-;‘ I-1¢;;_[2;,@;d Elzrnnztxjivrrall :alarm are afmlzcd. p;g_97 Ch3p_ 5¢, gf Fgfcin-ation, and the Art tbrrexf p:g,x¢; Ch;P,5 ;_ gfmmain Céfffvdlbflf pradxcing xrsr:drrj?:!1 Verma, V I .loz Chap. 5 :. O! tb: Comstzrwzre , and gdlxrre , tb: Hasig gd Pi ure qft c Bo¢§,and what Star: my 0ffL‘d2'ds7 anfxvrr; 'zrlmgcg PZ§p'»_g::mg, and lllrtvydivpj, an Claimvwxq, Arn ofdivg. ` ~::.xtian, bn: r!:rir`_grazm¢£r. p1g.lo5 Chap. 53. 0fDi1/imxxim, mad ix: I.-indx. Wpag.xo8 Chap. 54. Ofdiwrx certain /bsinzalxmzd nbzr thing: wbicbbaw njignifcarim in Auguxifs. 5 pag.uo Chap. 5 5. Haw Aufpicifs are -vrrijed by the light qf N»1tnr.z!liu. _ ]?i1<£?, ¢’?d"ff¢171lf9I¢! qfffsdfv °ff¢ PHS. Aj 5 . p:|g.xx7 xCbap. 56. Ofrée Soarbjbglgg; vff_Ij§1Jlffi4ff=!5§l"””°g1.mJ bm , Mg&' ' zb`£u_g: an xo be inurgrrtrd- Ing.; ; 3 C619 sv. Of Gfmmy. f1D¢ff=#~==v= ffrfmvxz, f’J~w==q, fimr Dizvirzariwu ofElm:¢nt:. p;g,1;5 £hzp. 5 8. Of sb: rn~i-sing grin dead, andafjlerfiag, and waning viffmlf man] ffl!! Mgt! .fr. p:g.! 27 Q!3‘P.'§9. Ofdizmnim 5] drums. p:g.1; x Chap. 60. ‘Of Alain:/3, and Qi-a~iz:.x:ion: which are mad: wlfrzs mm arc mag-,mrdof :br pamr of .1 Afzlmrbeb b:m::r,b] n-bicb Spirit; ankwnimrx induced into mm: lwdin. p:g.x 3 z Chap, 61 . of rbyarming if Uma: afrln cxrrmu' S¢»:j2:, andulfa :bc Im:-ard, an :be mix: : of :kc xbr:¢ld appzrin efxbr Saul, ¢u:Jpaj?ar;{¢fgL~r 15611. >_ _ png 1 36 Chap. 6 z. Oftbe ‘7’.r_¢a:u Offéf /Mind, zbrir Original, diE2rn:rr, mdbjudf. ~ 5 _ pJg.t39 Clup. 63. Haw xbzniajiarix Ufli? mini cbmgr xI;c;ra;rr hay, lf] charging :be Aa' nn. and mrying eb: if-iz. bpagaqx Chap. 64. How :Ee psjian: of :lx mind c Jig: tk: Z'::§ ] mg of imir4tim_fhm/Elm: rc/Zmblqizce ; /13% ofthe tr¢trz.§f0n¢15vg» 4121 trznflaring of mm, and rrlakrt fart: tix im.gir:.sri:'¢°[awtr buh mr any avrr :lx brag, és: tbrkxfl. pig.;-$2 _ Jpo
_.___ _ Cha .65. How tb: Pajvnx of the _/7!ir::{cm: zrorlqcxt afrlwn- Egfr: upon azatkzrr Borg. png. l»}S~ Chap. 66. Thar tb: Pfwqm ofthe wif# are helped ly 4 Cdjiiall _/iaféa, and barn ::rce_(]Axr] r6c`Can_R4,~:q ¢f ;L»¢- ;;;£;;,»1;Q¢ in ¢-:my trcrlg, ' p;g_1.§7 Chap. 67. I'Ia:vm.1:::miudm»g] bejqrxrl srixb :be mind and In. rrixlgmrn qfrbeC`¢lW.1l:, and rvgctbcr wizb kkfmimprnfcrr. rain \’0l1w![[7¢'l'ff¢'!fJ upon iqfrriaur zbixzgr. 4 pJg.149 Chap. 68. aw cur mind nw cb.v:_gr, and bizzdilgfkricr thing: xo :bar which iz dcfru. pag. I So Chgp, 69. 0f.S`pm!:, and :bc zwrme cf'/:'ard;. png.: 5 1 Chap.7O. Oftlxt' wrme gf praprr nawrr. p:g.I§g Chap. 71. Of 173.381 rm-drjayrzcdtagerbrr, ¢:: infinzwrcr, anion- /21; »1/xdoftbrvrrtrfrx, andfsjirifiiom afcL~.1m:J.._ . ‘ p1g,!55 Chap, 71. Ofxbo \'a»:,1':r_;?:H;¢u~rr of Inflmrzrmzizxsi pxgsx S1 Ch1%7§. Uftbs ‘vcrtue of \°n°tiz:g, and ofm»zl;§n¢g~in:prtratiw:, ' ` ° ' P38 |59 an mfcnpmux . Chap774T0fgigepzgp_c;;{;n, ¢0I')‘{¢df1d|.'I28],f(dfiE¥;$3 ofL»-mr: rq :bf fr/£1543 Sigvé 2f=?ffI?(x»1zt:n:¢°:crd:z§_g :o,¢.'.zzjm1.¢zezf_gx/rr, :mba 2'65[fff!t\`ff!§f1)5}. A ' » pagaéq noon
_C§xap.1§. Ofxbr nm: of mmbm, phsczdiu :main gglluringx. " '~ - -- - ~_-v_ ...L-1-» :g U 6 K , _, ~CHAP. I.. Elf): zzr|#`t) afMab:matica1lI¢n§min‘g,and afthk mm] ~mm~ _ . duff/ll Work; which are d4r:c6_y~Af!nxl::matim/I .drfx any. ~ ` " V. 1 ‘ < ~ ` ‘ ` pag.I>67 £hap_;. 0fNuml1m,m=dof their oW¢r,nnd'u¢rtuc, p2g»l19 Chap. 3. HoW‘gr:4t~v¢r!u::Nm11[rr:bm/r, 4: Wd! in Natura! ¢ xhfng, asia Supernmmztl. “ y P3g.I7§ Cl:p.4.,0fZJnir};:r:J;h¢S:al¢rbn‘¢ef2 ” ' y 'pag-174 Cgapgj. Oftbe-Nra:1}éi'vfTWa; ‘urrii :be ;5‘cdI¢-flyer . = p:|g.I77 C pyti. 0ftbfNmn£'zfaf¢h1t¢, p»¢dthc Scalrsbrrev . » p.1g.l79 ¢f¢1,.¢1v.=»»f1¢mf12m;¢»¢afk=s¢¢1¢-¢1,m¢ »p=g.»s; Cham 85 Oftbe Nsimécr Fi‘w, and tb¢.S`t€¥£‘?»?bff¢°f§'°=~‘~ P13593 -CfQ.j2.% '_< *" tb¢’5`E`2Ir tl1rmy‘l Q* - P2g.!9I A p.m, of-T: ¢ :2Qk1w6»=.S’¢zwn.und :ln Sralrxlrgreci ~pag.19; Cbzpfxy. Ofxb: 2Qmz6er ufEigbz,¢wd rh:,.S'calc tbrreqfIp:g:zt6 Cup. I 2. of the 2Qmx6er af Ninegrndrbs Xml: :bn-¢.fpag.:o8 Chap. I 3. Of the 2[ym6zr Ten, and the Scalnhrrrofl pug, 210 Chap. 14. Qf the Nnmhr eleven, mdtbc number tznlve; with A 410115/¢ Scale ofthe Qcmbrr :wel-uc Calmlf/iicall, und Orpbi- mll. - p:|g.2x6 Chap. I 5. Ofrhc 7Q1m6er: which are alvav: twelve, and afrbeir pqwmr, and 1/erturr. pagazz pag.zz6 Chip. I7. Oftfzc vxribuJ fwfr! Nlllflbffl a5fn~vrd amongi? the Korman. png. 2 2 8 Chap. 1 8. Ofrhe nan: ar figure: of fb: Cjrzcianf. pag.z3o Chap. 1 9. 0 the nazu ofxbe Hrhtnr, and Caldrfuu, d!1dC¢T!4fI3 vzbzr nate: Magicianr. P‘1g.23 z Chap- 20. What nnmérn are atrriéutrd to lettcrx ; and gf divine- ffaz 6 fl1fFff»f~ P=g-= s 3 Chap. :L What mrmhrr nr: co»g/? to tb: godr, and xvlncl: are afaiérd, andre nba: Elfman. pug. 23 7 Chap.
Chap. 22. offm mé.fe1o/'the P/zweu, their *I/¢‘r‘2!ltJ, formr, mm' zvkat Divine mmm, fl!!€/[l;g£II¢'!.f, and Spirit: nrept over them. , _ _ Wg- 23 9 Chap* ag, QI Granzcn-xr.:/_figrzrrx and Badxef, lf] W/1.1: 1/erm: they are pr-n~rrj}1! in /Mzgiclg and rr/Jic/1 arc agrecfzéle to car/1 .Ele- menr,=znd the Hc.17,'rn. p3g.2 S 5 Chap, 24. of /Wryimll H.4rman],af tb: fbfff arid p:1\»¢r ¢I,¢r¢-gf; psig.: 5 5 Chap-25 . Of #mud .md Harman), and zrbezzre tbfir 7T’0)ld¢'f'_f}l/73% in oprratiorn Pig. ZS7 Chap, 26. C0)$(Y7!i711Z' the agreemrnr of them with rbc’ fe/diff!! [fo/(i¢~.r,mzd what harmony nnd_,Q°1;/rd 13 carrrjjlwzdcm to ¢"Z/fig' .S` V Pagsz SQ. ClP.37» of the proportion, mc.;/Frre, and Hmnlmj of man: &o¢§. png. 263 Chap. 23. of :bc C amino/Trion and HTVMDFQ of the /:l1mar1e_/5:11. ` P33477 CHEISESTQ Of the Ulgfrrv.-m'f»n of Ce/e,'Fi.1[r, m'cr_|f§zr_y in fe/fry Jlfqgical Ifarlg ij' ‘ "p3g.273 Chap. 30. Wim: Planer: are af mryi pawcrfb/I i»q?fmfce. ' p:1g.:So Chap, 3 1. Of :be 0b_/2~rz/nrim gf fb: fx! Sm:-J, :md qf tbrir IAQ. rurcr. V ‘ png. 2 8 I Chap. 3 z. of :Le Sun, and Moon, and r};ei,~» /1!,1`g»'c.1/lr6ufdrr.1. fiom. pag.z8; Chap. 33. of lb! l7`»’£’ff7‘Y right /!{.zrJG`am of th: .»’!Ic1m, and their 1'4`}"!l!(.f. png/:Sy Champ.;-4. ('_f:.{1r rrur marian of tba he.:z :».Q bodir: to [fe oQGrz:cd in :Le r{gl»r£y§bl1e‘rrg5# qf rfaegrawad af Pl,mrr,f>j¢ /;aurr.p:1g.239 Ch3p.;§.?1'¢»:1-fqnzr .midrimz/Y I/7J7{[7!,»ZJ’ Im.r'gu,.$`e.zlx,<m¢{ Q15/5 `Ijl@, may r'f»:.z!>1 (bmi 'zvrlrfrfrnnz the Cffff/{_:/L 0:1£1*:. " p:|g_290 Qhgp 36. (ff rim Iwi rg rr r{1z=7ad:`,:.r f~_, what zvcrtfltxat/any bciqg r1:_gr.¢'2'm,rerr:':'z'_f/'.~m th _‘ r.rr_'. p3g_29; Chap. 37. U r 1:'-v IDJJXEJ rf the Pla fx.-zvzx' q*"tL.q.Q° fnm_g:.f,n<!1i¢:b are I¥';A!h0I:»‘ ffl# ,?ffIT'3;!£'fQ. h" '_ ‘ ‘ p;|g_;9; Chapzb (ff r:H.» _/».-..~qf v QF Qarurnt 4 pggggg Chg? 39, /f_f tif* 1'/f1.=`;;1. m_=` l‘p1CL:‘. p3g_399 fjhiip 41). ff' if ' f;11.rg¢,f Lf §.lV!S Lh.1p.41. U5 :H .,._ ‘ f fin* Sun. p;,g_g[,;f{_ Chrm.
"'fY"'”"7i"' ` r-»-.,, ~...~~v ;»_»»_.,_.. , ~- ..r» , . C};_ap.43;~0f';l7éIma_grQm_fVchzs. , Pig-3°`k Cha 43. Qfr[:: Imz; r; Mercury. , . . 1 P38-30? Cl1}1§-44. Of the lméexqg th: Mdon. ` ‘ iéial ph3P.4§, 0f'fl;¢ Img!" qfrlrr brad amd Taj! the Dragan of ~ :ke»Moon. _ » _ p;g.;o; _Chap.46. of kb: Image: qf fb: Mm:/fim of I/JC Mo on. png. 304 'Ch`2p.§7, :be Imagr: of:b:jixcdBchv:nian Jmrr. P3g.§07 §hap;48. f Geomanrimll Fignru, which are the middle 6c;’vx1xt , '1ma_qe.r¢znd[`bar{z£1er.¢. V .pag.;09 §h3.49.0f lmagrx, flI¢f£g!lfC Wljcraaf if not afm' tb: likpiqff qfnn] 4`C¢/#1211 ffgftrq. 6x1t~ q?er»th: Iikgnifvff ibn: which th; grzind uf ," rbe¥§4rkg Jgfzjqi. ` 1, » _ _ » . » 1 _ pag.gz r §h`ap.5OL Of b:}*i»zin'GéI¢;Y?i}x! abfrrzmrimx, md ¢l;:p1-a5I% affémc -'Jm@gzf. . _ ~ 1 -1>#s=s_I= §l}ip,¢;,t§ ` Of Clzfrrkékrx which an nude afhr tb: rule andimirkzfi- » Q: g#;5fQ¢(q(1ia1r,qn4l éaw wid: the MH: thrrcaftbgwrc dcducrd our `4<=f 5bvé=fif£f?kl}?g#kféf. ` ` _, <1i=g,3;6 i€I1§s%§,§€b»=f»; H<f.mLf¢L1,&~5_¢{;,=1=v=7W?>' fffffxf »f1»»=»~F1ve<' ' 4' ` x 1 me r "` ` ' A J. .A _ pag.;2o 3 bg! ng D21/ffzugiaff Witbout Afrolay al' p.3 Q3 Chap. 54~A of Lvttqjiwbm,-gud xvbenr; the 'venue gf Divigfug i}?;;'i¢l:}:: rqir. ` `"`4' " ' ‘ _pa .3 ag ®P§ 5 :bf/W ffféff W #14, M4 “ff/fr C<1af?'¢'£f. nvc¢f4€5Z F 5 , Qzlregr "iiamé the ‘7’aéu,4ud Pbilq/éphm. ` i _gggzg 27 €li3p.§6., The gyr{:~;Q coufmzed byvgafva. __; _j 4 _ pag.3;9 C!l:lP.$7; Tha! tbefbxlz' the nfbrld; and :bc C:/Q/ffnl /581: #re M- mnallymd artukc Jf 'zrin¢{m;!a'_/l4v1di . _ < png, 330 8. ,0_f?ibe_nagrgb.f of ,tluif 93/gg; flu? ¥’3f°"7f°}£'f ‘f*‘°Z'/¢f»'ii- 5443? -.i1i~~ 1 1, Q M ;-, _'§P“E- 331 ?g‘?P-SS5l U_fflz¢f{vrnf 91/éri:rr:`g" t/zegztyrld, gig-I{lax:;.r, ang! of ~` tbrir 'z/xzrio1i;§f;§m?y'g~z:in_§ xo Q1l44g;2'a.’l]}3r:cl1:.r¢ pag.4~34. Qapdb; Tb»zr'L:}mi:ié"?ri:}fr{cQ¢:ib¢k}AQifijzqéiui-a£} ipipzw rbéir power: uprm exrermd thin .r Z)lJb03U¥7{4)1!l77fl1d tlzran beach _ ;d»;gf;fq°d¢}mdm¢f¢f»¢p}§%} Bio »/J¢;,,f$/z,;g;1;1m»f1d,¢~I¢g¢¢§mf= j lik; to rbemareprtlinie Qirirxwznd lnrcmgmcex. . gag.; 37 V
~ - ‘-- ~' ‘-~~»- --~-~‘.<. F .Z'7"." _ 7713. ",,""`fI~»»`ffT A -4 _`*____, -_ _ »r‘ ;~~_f. , ' ‘WI . f. ‘ ' < *' ' -* ' 1 '. __ _ ,, , ' ` gl > ~ ' ~ .f - `: ‘ ‘ ~ ' ` , vi - ` J "2 . ` _ ' 1 }'~~-~'~».( ; Y ~i 1, ' > vw _ | . J " ' 7' “"- , 'Y . .44 1 - 3 -~,-» .V . , . > Y Q A ~ _ ` _ , _ ;, 2 é rcfgigebe ix /i>:mf:,»r{{:4ff1f gg-::z~~;{§€:rdria;;é Yffffi' Chgpg-4. tf:e~ nima ical dp-3 _,{. [A ‘ *< _- . §£§}p.3§. Of the /1!crtalard7'¢":rerre/}‘:‘;:4!%¢,;,€?r°)!' ggggéi V G=1P-3G- Of mn , bow be ma ca-m:ed»§‘i_¢j};,¢ IQ; q§g~,i;_ V P38457 " _if v _, W _ 'cf!%P-37. Of mn:/Enb and rbraxrggf; nbgp gymy, ;;,,§, ” 15,- 'fCh:p. 3 8.811113 Divine g$: mm }cc:iz}etbf?'am aérrzfq, I ‘ mm! crdm' of the Intelligcxrex andthe hcnvcnx. Pa Q5 “P-39- Hw ¢’1?f;*Eff-(UF, fr1j%:qn¢°e:, figiseéf-5 flag] mr: qqad,§} ;;4. '- rur? gzcdrprnvrd in tlsrji inferiar`rl1i:.;g:,¢¢¢¢1;¢f¢ ,,, ny; Q 31%, I 6 , cm, , , _ _ _ A Chlp.-QD. Tb.xt an every nw: 4 divide Cb.éraé?:r éimprintglizjggg rfrrzfc of which may mn attain t/1: zvaréing gf' mby.4;l¢;_, pa_l}7x §Ch1P.¢§I.i?L'J! canrmxing mannf}crJc.1tb,<fivrr_[5'0P131fQf{{§ P473 - X ;€h3P-42- [ij what' Mqgichns :mi NaTrnzzd;:;tr:»d0 ¢£fi;.~';_-rl:qnx1.'c:zl!y‘¢@-fl, zgehuls zftée dead; ` ' ' ` »pag.48 8 ~ Qf Jbepazrcf iTfl?J7Jy’a.'1!;;iI2'{!;§£_zg§rfJ, ?:ff1f;?£_é{;:¢£ g 51-h'Mt2l2o ` ,f.h:1p.44. of the degree: of _/51:11, and!/:fir dg/?r:1Hion,orIfp;;;br;` F uliq. p;g.496 Cha 0 Saorb a me ¢md7>ln-er xt p3g.499 » P-~1s- f Q __. I - CI13p.q6. Of the fir lqmd gf pbrenjie _|5'0m tb: MI1[}:. p3.g.$OO Chap.47. Of tbeficoxxd Qnde _#am Dionyfius. pag.go3 1 Ch2p.4 8. 0 the :bird kind of plsrcufic frgm Apollo. p3g»S 04” Ch:1p.49. 0 ¢L£’f;7I!7'll) Und: q" ‘7’l:rm_{iej'am Venus. 07f Ch2p.$o. Of m;~t.'.<r¢',an:iexmfr,mzd_/Zatb,E:_1in J, wlzirbhm , ,iv them which are taken with tlxefnlling _/iclqzji or with 4 /I701III£‘!` ' A or to tL':mir:anqga1:ic_ ` P2g~5Q8g Cf:!p.§I. Of ‘I’rapI1ezicallDrmm:. _ R35-5711* ' Chap.; :. Of Lars and m.zrlgpa_y?_M'n_g tlge /21rrp0wrr 9f`0f-#155 ` ~ . ` ‘ P°fg°5'I5 ‘ 1 Chap. 5 5. How be time will rrcrizrc Omclrx mgfb dyfq/E ~ -P35' A 7' ¢ ~e",:Q CIXIPS4. of¢1¢.w,f¢,¢»dLm f05B05ff1”1l!¢l¢f . <`P3g°5§°;Qff§" 1 gif !ig~.v::! .1 :mrzf tiggzzgivd. '74 P3‘§‘$??` N -= ~ 0¢=_ H, `~ ` `~° ~ ‘ ` - ., ‘~ X, ~"‘ " ~5Y?7»J"~'fi2."I9" ~`»"‘~. "' ‘ A &;i§5Q*E',_f3ff°7 Ch3p.5§. .0 .»:.6_/Iinmse, f`.1j}in_g:,c£;g/fig]J7>fif¢¥ZfUGff»'¢f1”"9¥”‘?1"’!’f f